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Gvfiit N.w Strict and Fetter I.ane.


I. ^

T3LISSET is the man wlia gangsna in the cunsil c' the un- J~^ godlie; nar stan's in the waye o' sinnirs, nar sits in the settle o' the mokrifFe :

2 But his delicht is in the hiw o' the Lord; an' on his law deth he muuse deeplie baith daye and nicht.

^ 3 He sail be like ane trie sette bie the rinners o' water, that brings foret his frute in his seesen ; his leefe alsua sallna wuther ;. an' whatsaeevir he deth sail do weel.

4 The ungodlie arna sae : but ar like the caff, whilk the wuud draeives awa.

5 Therfor the ungodlie sallna stan' in the juugdemint, nar sin- nirs in the congregatione o' the richteous.

6 For the Lord kens the waye o' the richteous : but the waye o' the ungodlie sail be uutterlie schent.


WHY do the hcasthin frennisinlie forgether, an' the peeple imagin ane vaine thing ?

2 The kings o' the yirth sete thamsel's, an' the ruulers tak' cunsil thegither agayne the Lord, an' agayne his Anainted, sayin',

3 Let us brik thair ban's asinder, an' thraw thair coords awa frae us.

4 He that sits in heaeven sail lauch : the Lord sail hae thame in skoorn.



5 Than sail he speik untill thame in wreeth, an' veks thame in his sair displeesur.

6 But for a' this hae I sete my King apon my haly hill o' Zion.

7 I wull speik furth the decrie : the Lord heth said untill me, Thou art my Son ; this daye hae I gotten thee.

8 Ax o' me, an' I sail gie thee the heaethin for thine heirskep, an' the maist ovvt-bye pairts o' the yirth for thy haudin.

9 Thou sallt brik thame wi' ane rodd o' ern ; thou sallt basch thame intil flendirs like ane patter's vesshel.

10 Be wyse nowe therfor, O ye kings ; be instruket, ye juudges o' the yirth.

11 Ser' the Lord wi' dregedour, an' rejoyce wi' trimmlin'.

12 Kissfe the Son, in kase he be angerie, an' ye dree destruck- shon in the waye whan his wrsetli is kinlet onlie awee.

13 Blisset ar a' thaye wha pit thair trust in him.


If Ane Psalm o' David, whan he flede frae Absalom.

ORD, howe ar thaye inkresset that truble me ? Monie ar thaye that rseise up agayne me.

2 Monie ther be whilk say o' my saul, Ther is nae helpe in God for him. Selah.

3 But thou, O God, art my sheeld aroun me, my glorie, an' the upliftir o' mine heagd.

4 I cryet untill the Lord wi' my voyce, an' he heaerd me owt o' his haly bill. Selah.

5 I layde me doun an' sleepet ; I awaukenet ; for the Lord sus- teenet me.

6 I wullna be rade o' ten thousans o' people that hae sete thamesel's agayne me roun aboot.

7 Raeise up, O Lord; sanfe me, O my God; for thou best hutten a' mine enimies apon the cheikbane : thou best broken the teeth o' the ungodlie.

8 Salvatione belangs untill the Lord ; thy blissin' is apon thy peeple. Selah.



^ Til the chief musicien on Neginoth, Aue Psalm o' David.

HE^R me whan I ca', O God o' my richteousniss : thou hest afore nowe sete me free whan I was in distresse: hae mercie apon me, an' lieser my praeyer.

2 O ye sons o' men, howe lang wuU ye turn my glorie intil shasme ? howe lang wuU ye loe vainitie, an' seik efter lees ? Selah.

3 But waste ye that the Lord heth waelet owt for hansel' him that is godlie : the Lord wull heasr whan I ca' untill him.

4 Stan' in aw, an' sinna : speik wi' your ain hairt apon your bed, an' be quaeit. Selah.

5 AfFer ye the saacrifices o' richteousniss, an pit your trust in the Lord.

6 Thar be monie that say, Wha wull shaw us onie guid ? Lord, lifte thou up the licht o' thy countenence apon us.

7 Thou hest putten gladsumeniss in my hairt, mair nor in the time that thair coorn an' thair wine inkresset.

8 I wull baith laye me doun in peece, an' sleepe ; for thou, O Lord, onlie makist me til dwall in sauftie.


11 Til the chief musicien on Neginoth, Ane Psalm o' David.

GIE eger untill my wurds, O Lord ; considdir my meditatione. 2 Herkan untill the voyce o' my crye, my King an' my God ; for untill thee wull I pracy.

3 My voyce sallt thou heeer in the moornin', O Lord : in the moornin' wull I dereck m}'^ prasyer untill thee, an' luik up.

4 For thou artna ane God that heth pleesur in wicketniss : naether sail it dwall wi' thee.

5 The fulish sallna stan' in thy sicht : thou haetist a' wurkers o' inequitie.

6 Thou sallt destroye thame that speik lees: the Lord wull ug at the bluidie, an' slee ane leein' man.

7 But as for me, I wull cum intil thy hous in the multetud o' thy mercie ; an' in thy feaer wull I wurship gaitwairds thy haly temple.


8 Leede me, O Lord, in thy richteousniss because o' mine eni- mies ; mak' thy waye straught afore my fece.

9 For ther is nae fuithfuniss in thair mooth; thair inwaird pairts ar wicketniss itsel' ; thair hauss is ane opin graffe ; thaye culyie wi' thair tung.

10 Destroye thou thame, O God; let thame fa' bie thair ain cunslls : thraw thame owt in the multetud of thair wrang-gangin's > for thaye hae thrawartlie liftet thamesel's up agayne thee.

11 But let a' thae that pit thair trust in thee rejoyce; let thame evir speik luudly owt for joye, because thou defen'ist thame; let thame alsua that loe thy njEme be joyfu' in thee.

12 For thou, Lord, wult bliss the richteous : wi' faavor thou wult surroun him as wi' ane slieeld.


H Til the chief musicien on Negiuoth apon Sheminith, Aue Psalm o' David.

LORD, rebuikna me in thine angir ; naether chesan me in thy het displeesur.

2 Hae mercie apon me, O Lord ; for I am waff; haele me, O Lord, for my banes ar vekset.

3 My saul is alsua sair vekset ; but thou, O Lord, howe lang <*

4 Cum agayne, O Lord, an' delifer my saul ; och saufe me for thy mercie's sak',

5 For in deaeth ther is nae remembirence o' thee: in the graffe wha wull gie thee thanks ?

6 I am wearie wi' my greanin': the lee-lang nicht mak' I my bed til soom ; I water my cuuch wi' my teaers.

7 Mine ee is consuuniet becaus o' dool ; it growes auld becaus o' a' my faes.

8 Gae awa frae me, a' ye wurkers o' inequitie ; for the Lord lieth heaerd the voyce o' my maenin'.

9 The Lord heth heserd my supplicatione ; the Lord wull re- ceife my j)r8eyer.

10 Let a' mine enimies be shaemit an' sair vekset; let thame turn bak an' be shaemet suddanlie.



^ Shiggaiou o' David, whilk he sang untill the Lord anent the wurds o' Oush

the Benjamite.

OLORD my God, in thee do I pit my trust ; saufe me frae a' thame that persikute me, an' delifer me.

2 In kase he raeive my saul like ane lion, tatterin it in pieces quhile ther is nane til delifer.

3 O Lord my God, gif I hae dune this, gif ther be inequitie in my han's ;

4 Gif I hae rewairdet ill til him that was at peece \vi' me (ay, an' I hae deliferet him that wuthouten caus is mine enimie) ;

5 Let the enimie persikute my saul, an' tak' it ; yis, let him tramp doun my lifFe apon the yirth, an' laye mine honor in the mool. Selah.

6 Rseise up, O Lord, in thine angir ; lifte up thysel' becaus o' the frennisin o' mine enimies ; an' awauken for me til the juudge- mint that thou best oordiret.

7 Sae sail the congregatione o' the peeple be roun aboot thee; for thair sak's therfor turn thou bak on hie.

8 The Lord sail juudge the peeple: juudge me, O Lord, akordin' til my richteousniss, an' akordin' til my intiritie that is in me.

9 Och let the wicketniss o' the wicket cum til ane en' ; but sete firm an' mak' siccer the juste: for the richteous God tryes the hairts an' reens.

10 My saufgaird is in God, which saufes the upricht in hairt.

1 1 God juudges the richteous, an' God is angirie wi' the wicket ilka daye.

12 Gif he turnna, he wull sherpen his sword; he heth bendet his bowe, an' maede it readie.

13 He heth alsua prepairet for him the instriments o' deaeth ; he ordeens his arras agayne the persikuters.

14 Behald the wicket travails wi' inequitie, an' heth conceifet mischief, an' brung furth fausehuud.

15 He maede ane pitt an' howket it deepe, an' heth fa'n intil the seuch whilk he maede.

16 His mischief sail turn bak on his ain heaed, an his vielent deelin's sail cum doun apon his ain powc.


17 1 wuU prayse the Lord akordin' til his richteousniss ; an' Willi sing prayse til the nasnie o' the Maist Hie.



1 Til the chief musicieu apou Gittith, Ane Psalm o' David.

LORD our liord, howe eksellent is thy nseme in a' the yirth ! wha heth sete thy glorie aboone the heajvens.

2 Owt o' the inooth o' btiirns an' sookin' weans hest thou or- deenet strencth, becaus o' thine enimies, that thou michist quseit the enimie an' the avangir.

3 Whan I tak' a thoucht o' thy hesevens, the wark o' thy fin- girs, tlie muun an' the sterns, whilk thou hest ordeenet ;

4 What is man, that thou art min'fu' o' him? an' the son o'raan, that thou shudist veesit him ?

5 For thou hest maede him awee leauher nor the angils, an' hest crownet him wi' glorie an' honor.

6 Thou msedist him til hae owerance ower the warks o' thy ban's : thou hest putten a' things aneaeth his feet :

7 A' sheepe an' owsen, ay, an' the beassts o' the feeld ;

8 The fowle o' the air, an' the fisch o' the se, an' whatsaeevir passes throwe the peths o' the seis.

9 O Lord our Lord, howe eksellent is thy naeme in a' the yirth!


^ Til the chief musicieu apou Muth-labbeu, Ane Psalm o' David.

WULL prayse thee, O Lord, wi' my haill hairt ; I wull shaw furth a' thy mervellous warks.

2 I wull be gladsume an' rejoyce in thee : I wull sing prayse untill thy nseme, O thou Maist Hie.

3 Whan mine enimies ar turnet bak, thaye sail fa' an' perrishe at thy preesence.

4< For thou hest manteenet my richt an' caus ; thou sattist in the throne juudgein' riclit.

5 Thou hest snibbet the hea>thin ; thou hest destroyet the wicket : thair nsme thou hest pulten owt for evir an' evir.

6 Och thou enimie, destruckshons hae cum til ane perpetewal


en' ; an' thou hest destroyet cities ; thair memorall hses perrishet vi' thanie.

7 But the Lord sail induur foraye ; he heth prepairet his throne for juudgemint ;

8 An' he sail juudge the warld in richteousniss ; he sail deel owt juudgemint til the peeple in uprichtniss.

9 The Lord alsua wuU be ane saufe hie-plece for the oppresset ; ane saufe hie-howffin times o' truble.

10 An' thaye that ken thy nasme wull pit thair trust in thee; for thou, O Lord, hestna forhowet thame that seik thee.

1 1 Sing prayses til the Lord whilk dwalls in Zion ; speik furth amang the peeple his doin's.

12 Whan he mak's inquaeirie anent bluid, he min's thame: he forgetsna the crye o' the lawlie.

13 Hae raercie apon me, O Lord; considdir my truble whilk I thole o' thame that hsete me, thou that liftist me up frae the yettes o' deaeth.

14 That in the yettes o' the douchter o' Zion I may shaw furth a' thy prayse: I wull rejoyce in thy salvatione.

15 The hesethin ar sunk doun in the pitt whilk thaye m^ede : in the nette whilk thaye haede is thair ain fit taen.

16 The Lord is kennet bie the juudgemints that he deth ; the \^icket is girnet in the wark o' his ain ban's. Higgaion. Selah.

17 The wicket sail be turnet in til hell, an' a' the nationes that forgete God.

18 For the needle sallna alwaye be forgottan : the expeckta- shon o' the puir sallna perrishe fox^aye.

19 Reeise up, O Lord, letna man get the owerance ; let the heaethin be juudget in thy sicht.

20 Pit thame in dreaedour, O Lord ; that the nationes may ken thamesel's til be but men. Selah.


WHAREFOR stan'ist thou afer aft", O Lord ? Why hydist thou thysel' in times o' truble ?

2 The wicket in his pryde deth persikute the puir : let thame be taen in the contraeivences whilk they hae imaginet.

3 For the wicket brags o' his hairt's desyre, an' blisses the greedie, wham the Lord abhorrs.


4 The wicket throuch the pryde o' his fece wullna seik after God : God isna in a' his thouchts.

5 His wayes ar alwaeies greifious ; thy juudgemints ar fer aboone owt o' his sicht ; as for a' his enimies, he pauchtilie geeks at thame.

6 He heth said in his hairt, I salhia he muvet ; for I sail nevir be in wanluck weii'd.

7 His mooth is fu' o' banin', deceite, an' cheeterie : anunder his tung is mischeef an' vainitie.

8 He sits in the lurkin' pieces o' the clauchans, in the hidden pieces deth he murther the innicent ; his eyne ar seceretlie set agayne the puir.

9 Seceretlie deth he lye in waite as ane lion in his den ; he lyes waitin' til clutch the puir ; he deth clutch the puir whan he wyzes thame intil his nette.

10 He crunches doun an' hummles himsel', that the puir maye fa' bie his Strang anes.

1 1 He heth said in his hairt, God heth forgottan : he hydes his fece ; he wuU nevir see it.

12 Rceise up, O Lord: O God, lifte up thy han' ; forgetna the afflicket.

13 Wharefor deth the wicket condem God ? he heth said in his hairt, Thou wultna requseire it.

14 Thou best seen it; for thou behaldist mischeef an' spyte, til requyte it wi' thy han' : the puir commits himsel' til thee ; thou art the helpir o' the faetherliss.

15 Brik thou the serm o' the wicket an' ill man; seik owt his wicketniss til thou fin' nane.

16 The Lord is King for evir an' evir ; the heasthin ar perrishet owt o' his Ian'.

17 Lord, thou best heaerd the desyre o' the hummle ; thou wult prepair thair hairts ; thou wult caus thine esev til heasr ;

18 Til juudge the faethirliss an'oppresset, that the man o' the yirth maye oppress nae langir.


H Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David.

N the Lord pit I my trust : howe say ye til my saul, Flee as ane burd til your mountan ?


2 For lo, the wicket ben' thair bovve ; tbaye mak' readie tbair arra apon the string, that tbaye maye biddlinslie schuut at the up- richt in bairt.

3 Gif the fuundationes be destroyet, what can the ricbteous do?

4 The Lord is in bis haly temple, the Lord's throne is in hese- ven ; his eyne behald, his eelydes trye the childer o' men.

5 The Lord tryes the ricbteous ; but the wicket, an' him that loes vielence, his saul baetes.

6 Apon the wdcket he sail raine girns, fire an' brumstane, an' ane borrabil tempist : this sail be the portione o' tbair cupp.

7 For the ricbteous Lord loes ricbteousniss ; his countenence deth behald the upricht.


t Til the chief musicien apon Sheminith, Ane Psalm o' David.

HELP, Lord ; for the godlie man ceeses ; for the faithfu' fseil frae amang the childer o' men.

2 They speik vainitie ilka ane wi' his neeber : wi' fleicbin' lipps, an' wi' ane duuble bairt do tbaye speik.

3 The Lord sail sneg afF a' fleicbin' lipps, an' the tung that speiks pruud things ;

4 Wha bae said, Wi' our tung wull we gett the better ; our lipps ar our ain : wha is Lord ower us ?

5 For the oppressione o' the puir, for the sicbin' o' the needie, nowe wull I reeise up, sayth the Lord ; I wull sete him in sauftie frae him that wad wyze him intil skaitb.

6 The wurds o' the Lord ar pure wurds : as siller tryet in ane yirthen krusabil purifiet se'eii times.

7 Thou sallt keepe thame, O Lord, thou sallt preserfe thame frae this ganaeratian forevir.

8 The wicket gang on ilka syde whan the vilist men ar sete hie up.



If Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David.

OWE lang wult thou forget me, O Lord ? forevir ? bowe lang wult thou hyde thy fece frae me ?


2 Howe lang sail I tak' cunsil in my saul, haein' dool in my hairt daylie ? howe lang sail mine enimie be eksaltet ower me ?

3 Considdir, an' heasr me, O Lord my God : lichten mine eyne in kase I sleepe the sleepe o' deeeth.

4 In kase mine enimie say, I hae prevailet agayne him ; an' thae that truble me rejoyce whan I am muvet.

5 But I hae trustet in thy mercie : my hairt sail rejoyce in thy salvatione.

6 I wull sing untill the Lord, becaus he heth deelt buntifullie wi' me.


^ Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David.

THE fule heth said in his hairt, Ther is nae God. Thaye ar corrup ; thaye hae dune abonmabil warks ; ther is nane that deth guid.

2 The Lord luiket doun frae heseven apon the childer o' men, til see gif ther wer onie that did understan', an' seik God.

3 Thaye ar a' gane aglee: thaye ar a'thegethir becum foulsume; ther is nane that deth guid, na, nat ane.

4 Hae a' the wurkers o' ineqviitie nae waetin' ? wha eet up my peeple as thaye eet bresed, an' ea'na apon the Lord.

5 Ther wer thaye in grit dreoedour ; for God is in the congre- gatione o' the richteous.

6 Ye hae shsemet the cunsil of the puir, becaus the Lord is his scug.

7 Och that the salvatione o' Israel wer cum owt o' Zion ! Whan the Lord brings bak the captifitie o' his peeple, Jacob sail rejoyce, an' Israel sail be gladsume.


H Aue Psalm o' David.

LORD, wha sail byde in thy taabernakle ? wha sail dwall in thy haly hill ?

2 He that gangs uprichtlie, an' wurks richteousniss, an' speiks the trouth in his hairt.

3 He that bakbytesna wi' his tung, nar deth ill till his neeber : nar tak's up ane reproch agayne his neeber.


4 In wliase eyne ane vyle persone is condemet : but lie honors thame that feaer the Lord : he that sweers til his ain skaith, an' jangilsna.

5 He that pitsna owt his moneye til uurie, nar tak's rewaird agayne the innicent: he that deth thae things sail nevir be muvet.


If Michtam o' David.

PRESERFE me, O God : for in thee do I pit my trust. 2 O my saul, thou hest said imtill the Lord, Thou art my Lord : my guidniss reechesna til thee ;

3 But til the saunts that ar in the yirth, an' til the eksellent, in wham is my delicht.

4 Thair meseries sail becum monie that hie on til anither god : thair drynk-afterin's o' bluid I wullna affer, njether tak' up thair n semes in till my lipps.

5 The Lord is the portione o' my heirskep, an' my cupp : thou haudist up my lote.

6 The lynes ar fa'n untill me in winsume pieces : trewlie I hae ane guidlie heirskep.

7 I wull bliss the Lord wha hoes glen me cunsil ; my reens alsua instruck me in the nicht seesens.

8 I hae aye sete the Lord afore me : becaus he is at my richt han' I sallna be muvet.

9 Therfor my hairt is gladsume, an' my glorie rejoyces; my flesch alsua sail reste in houpe.

10 For thQU v^'ultna leefe my saul in hell: nsether wult thou thole thine Haly Ane til see corrupshon.

1 1 Thou wult shavv me the peth o' liffe : in thy preesince is fu'niss o' joye ; at thy richt han' ther ar pleesurs for evirmair.


H Aue Praeyer o' David.

HE^R the richt, O Lord ; tent weel my crye ; gie ecer untill my praeyer, that gaesna furth frae unleilfu' lipps. 2 Let my sentince cum furth frae thy preesince ; let thine eyne behald the things that are equall.


3 Thou hest pruvet mine liairt ; thou hest veesitet me in the nicht ; thou hest tryet me, an' sail fin' naething. I am determinet that my mooth sallna speik wrangfullie.

4 Anent the warks o' men, bie the wurd o' thj lipps I hae keepit me frae the petli o' the destroyir.

5 Haud up my gaeings in thy peths, that my fitsteps sklydena. G I hae ca't apon thee, for thou wult hescr me, O God ; leen

thine e^er untill me, an' hecer my speeche.

7 Shaw thy mervellous loein-kindniss, O thou that saufest bie thy richt han' thame that pit their trust in thee frae thae that rasise up agayne thame.

8 Keepe me as the apple o' the ee : hyde me anea?th the skad- daw o' thy wings,

9 Frae the wicket that oppresse me, frae my mortal! laes wha ar roon aboot me.

10 Thaye ar kaset up in thair ane taugh; wi' thair mootli thaye speik pruudlie :

1 1 Thaye hae nowe gane roun aboot us in our steps ; thaye hae sete thair eyne beckin' doun til the yirth.

12 Like as ane lion that is yaup for his prceye, an' as it wer ane yung lion lurkin' in hiddin pieces.

13 Ra?ise up, O Lord ; disappoynt him, ding him doun ; delifer my saul frae the wicket, whilk is thy sword :

14 Frae men whilk ar thy ban', O Lord, frae men o' the warld whilk hae thair portione in this lifFe, an' whose kyte thou fillist wi' th}' hydden thesauer ; thaye ar fu' o' childer, an' leefe the rest o' thair guids an' geer til thair weans.

15 As for me, I wull behald thy fece in richteousniss ; I sail be satisfiet whan I awauken wi' thy likeniss.


1 Til the chief musicien ; Aue Psalm o' David, the servent o' the Lord, wha spak uutill the Lord the wurds o' this sang, in the daye that the Lord deli- feret him fitie the maigs o' his euimies, au' frae the maigs o' SauL

T AVULL loe thee, O Lord, my strencth.

-■- 2 The Lord is my rok, an' my reive, an' my deliferer ; my God, my strencth, in wham I wull trust ; my buklir, an' the hoorn o' my salvatione, an' my hie towir.

rsALM xvin. 13

3 I \\n\] ca' apon the Lord, wha is wurdie til be prayset ; sae sail I be saufet frae a' mine enimies.

4 The brikers o' detBth cam' roun aboot me ; the fludes o' iin- godlie men ma^de me afeseret.

5 The coords o' hell wer roun aboot me ; the girns o' detetb preventet me.

6 In my sair weird I ca't apon the Lord, an' cryet untill my God ; he hererd my voyce owt o' his temple ; my crye cam' afore liim, een intil his easrs.

7 Than the yirth shuuk an' trimmlet : the fuundationes alsua o' the hills muvet an' wer shogglet, becaus he was angirie.

8 Ther gaed up ane reek owt o' his nostii'les, an' lire owt o' his mooth devooret ; kools wer kinlet bie it.

9 He bowet the heaevens alsua, an' cam' doun : an' mirkniss was anunder his feet.

10 An he rrede apon ane cherub, an' did flie ; yis, he did flie apon the wings o' the wund.

11 He masde mirkniss his seceret piece: his pavilione roun' aboot him wer mirk waters, an' thyk cluds o' the skyes.

12 At the sheene that was afore him, his thyk cluds passet ; hailstanes an' kools o' fire.

13 The Lord alsua thunneret in the heavens, an' the Hieist gsefe his voyce ; hailstanes an' kools o' fire.

14 Yis, he sendet owt his arras, an' skatteret thame ; he schot owt lichtenin's, an' dumfuunderet thame.

15 Than the chennels o' the waters wer seen, an' the fuunda- tiones o' the warld wer mrede bare at thy rebuik, O Lord, at the blast o' the breaeth o' thy nostirles.

16 He sendet frae aboone ; he tuik me, he dragget me owt o' monie waters.

IT He deliferet me frae my Strang fae, an' frae thame that hastet me : for thaye wer ower Strang for me.

IS Thaye gaed afore til hamper me in the daye o' my sair wan- luck ; but the Lord was my staye.

19 He brang me furth alsua intil ane free an' roomie piece : he deliferet me becaus he delichtet in me.

20 The Lord rewairdet me akordin' til my richteousniss ; akor- din' til the cleenniss o' my ban's he heth foryeildet me.

21 For I hae keepet the wayes o' the Lord, an' haena wicketlie turnet awa frae thame.



22 For a' his judgemints wer afore me, an' his staatutes frae me I didna pit awa.

23 I was alsua upricht afore him, an' keepet myseF frae mine inequitie.

24 Therfor heth the Lord rewairdet me akordin' til my rich- teousniss ; akordin' til the cleenniss o' my han's in his ee-sicht.

25 Wi' the mercifu' thou wult shaw thysel' mercifu' : wi' the upricht man thou wult shaw thysel' upricht.

26 Wi' the pure thou wult shaw thysel' pure ; an' wi' the thrawart wicht thou wult kythe thrawart.

27 For thou wult saufe tlie afflicket fouk, but wult bring doun heich luiks.

28 For thou wult licht my can el : the Lord my God wuU en- lichten my derkniss.

29 For bie thee hae I brokin throwe ane truup : an' bie my God I hae jumpet ower ane wa'.

30 As for God, his waye is perfite : the wurd o' the Lord is tryet; he is ane buklir untill a' thame that trust in him.

31 For wha is God saufin' the Lord ? or wha is ane rok excepin' our God ?

32 It is the Lord wha graithes me wi' strength, an' mak's my waye perfite.

33 He mak's my feet like hinds' feet, an' setes me up apon my hie pieces.

34 He instrucks my han's howe til mak' weir, sae that bie mine serms ane bowe o' steel is brokin.

35 Thou best alsua gien me the sheeld o' thy salvatione ; an' thy richt ban' hses hauden me up, an' wi' thy leal kindniss thou best msede me grit.

36 Tliou best masde braide my steps anunder me, that my feet didna sklyde.

37 I hae pursuet my faes an' owertaen thame ; iia^ther did I turn agane til thaye wer consuumet.

38 I hae wuundet thame that thaye werna yeable til reeise ; thaye ar fa'n aneseth my feet.

39 For thou best girthet me wi' strencth untill the battel : thou best causet thae til hurkle doun anunder me, that rasse up agayne me.

40 Thou best alsua gien me the necks o' my faes, that I micht destroye thame that hsete me.


41 Thaye cryet, but ther was iiane til saufe thame ; een untill the Lord, but he didna answir thame :

42 Than did I betchell thame sma' as the stour afore the wund : I did thraw thame owt as the glar in the throwegangs.

43 Thou hest deliferet me frae the straeivins o' the peeple ; an' thou hest magde me the hesed o' the heasthin ; ane peeple wham I haena kennet sail ser' me.

44 As sune as thaye heaer o' me, thaye sail obeye me ; the sons o' the fremet sail gie in untill me.

45 The strangirs sail eelie awa, an' be afeseret owt o' thair clos pieces.

46 Tlie Lord leiveth ; an' blisset be my rok ; an' let the God o' my salvatibne be sete hie.

47 It is God that gies avangemints for me, an' brings the peeple doun anunder me.

48 He delifers me frae mine enemies : ay, thou liftist me up aboone thae that rasise up agayne me : thou hest freet me frae the bluid-thristie man.

49 Therfor wull I gie thanks untill thee, O Lord, amang the hesethin ; an' sing prayses untill tliy naeme.

50 Grit delifrance gies he til the King, an' shaws mercie til his anaintet, til David, an' til his affspring forevir.


t Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David,

THE heasvens speik furth the glorie o' God ; an' the lyft shaws his han'iwarks.

2 Daye untill daye uutters speeche, an' nicht untill nicht shaws knaledje.

3 Ther is nae speeche nar langwudje whare thair voyce isna heaerd.

4 Thair lyne hses gane owt throwe a' the yirth, an' thair wurds til the en' o' the warld. In thame he heth set ane taabernakle for the sun ;

5 Whilk is as ane bridegroome cumin' owt o' his chammer, an' rejoyces as ane Strang man til rin his rece.

6 His gaeing furth is frae the en' o' the heaeven, an' roun' til the en' o't agane ; an' there is naething hidden frae his heet.


7 The law o' the Lord is perfite, konvertin' the saul ; the tes- timonie o' the Lord is siccer, raakin' wyse the simpel.

8 The staatutes o' the Lord ar richt, makin' the hairt gladsume : the coramandement o' the Lord is pure, enlichtenin' the eyne.

9 The feaer o' the Lord is cleen, induurin' forevir ; the judge- mints o' the Lord ar true, an' athegither richteous.

10 Mair til be desiret ar thaye nor gowd, yis, nor meikle fyne gowd ; sweeter alsua nor hinnie, an' the hinnie-kaim.

1 1 Mairatour bie thame is thy servent wsernet ; an' in keepin' o' thame ther is grit rewaird.

12 Wha can understan' his errirs : cleense thou me frae seceret fauts.

13 Keepe bak thy servent frae the sins o' wullfu' perversitie ; letna thame hae powir ower me ; than sail I be upricht, an' saik- less o' the grit transgressione.

14 Let the wurds o' my mooth, an' the thoucht o' my hairt be accepabil in thy sicht, O Lord, my streneth an' my redeimir.


II Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David.

THE Lord heser thee in the daye o' truble : the nasme o' the God o' Jacob defen' thee.

2 Sen' thee helpe frae the sanctuarie, an' refreshen thee wi* streneth owt o' Zion.

3 Reca' til min' a' thy afferin's, an' accep a' thy brunt saacrifices. Selah.

4 Gie til thee akordin' til thine ain hairt, an' fufill a' thy cunsil.

5 We wull rejoyce in thy salvatione ; an' in the naeme o' our God we wull sete up our bannirs : the Lord fufill a' thy praeyers.

6 Nowe do I ken that the Lord saufes his anaintet : he wull heser him frae his haly heaven wi' the saufin' streneth o' his richt han'.

7 Sume pit confydince in chariats, an' sume in horses ; but we wull ca' til min' the nseme o' the Lord our God.

8 Thaye ar brung doun, an' fa'n ; we are risen an' stan' up- richt.

9 Saufe, Lord : let the King heser whan we ca'.



' Til the chief musicien, Ane Psahn o' David.

rriHE king sail joye in thy strencth, O Lord ; an' in thy salva- -L tione gritlie sail he rejoyce.

2 Thou hest gien him his liairt's desyre, an' hestna wuthhaud- den the requist o' his lipps. Selah.

3 Thou gaeist afore him wi' the blissin's o' guidniss : apon his hesed thou settist ane crowne o' pure gowd.

4^ He axet liiFe o' thee, an' thou giefist it him, een lencth o' dayes forevir an' evir.

5 His glorie is grit in thy salvatione : honor an' magestie hest thou laide apon him.

6 For thou hest msede him maist blisset forevir; thou hest maede him excessiv gladsume wi' thy countenence.

7 For the king trusts in the Lord ; an' throwe the mercie o' the Maist Hie he sallna be muvet.

^ 8 Thine han' sail fin' owt a' thine enimies : thy richt han' sail fin' owt thae that haete thee.

9 Thou sallt mak' thame as ane firie oon in the time o' thine angir; the Lord sail swallie thame up in his wrseth, an' the fire sail devoor thame.

10 Thairfrute sallt thou destroye frae aff" the yirth : an' thair seid frae amang the childer o' men.

1 1 For thaye ettlet ill agayne thee : thaye imaginet ane mis- cheevous contrjeivence whilk thaye werna yeable til carryie throwe.

12 Therfor sallt thou mak' thame turn thair bak whan thou sallt mak' readie thine arras apon thy strings agayne the fece o' thame.

13 Be thou set hie up, O Lord, in thine ain strencth ; sae sail we sing the prayses o' thy powir.


If Til the chief musicien apon Aijeleth Shahar, Ane Psalm o' David. 1\/rY God, my God, wharefore hest thou forhowet me ? why art XtJL thou sae fer frae helpin' me, an' frae the wurds o' my sair complent ?



2 O my God, 1 crye in the dayetime, but thou heaeristna, an' in the nicht seesen, an' amna seelent.

3 But thou art haly, O thou that inhabitest the prayses o' Israel.

4 Our faethers trustet in thee ; thaye trustet, an' thou didst delifer thame.

5 Thaye cryet untill thee, an' wer deliferet ; thaye trustet in thee, an' werna confuundet.

6 But I am ane wurm, an' nae man ; ane reproch o' men, an' despseiset o' the peeple.

7 A' thaye that see me lauch me til scoorn ; thaye schute owt the lipp ; thaye wagg the hesed, sayin',

8 He trustet in the Lord that he wad delifer him : let him do sae nowe, sithens he delichtet in him.

9 But thou art he that tuik me owt o' the wome : thou didist mak' me houpe whan I was apon my mither's bresests.

10 I was casen apon thee frae the wome; thou best been my God sin' mine ee saw the licht o' daye.

1 1 Bena fer frae me, for truble is neser ; for ther is nane til helpe.

12 Monie bulls ar roun' aboot me ; Strang bulls o' Bashan hae besette me roun'.

13 Thaye gaepet apon me wi' thair mooth, as ane ravenin an' ane rairin' lion.

14 I am teemet owt like water ; an' a' my banes are sinderet : my hairt is like waks ; it is meltet in the middle o' my bowils.

15 My pithe is driet up like ane patsheerd, an' my tung cleefes til my ja's ; an' thou best broucht me doun intil the duste o' deseth.

16 For dogs hae cum roun' aboot me : the ferkishin o' the wicket hae closet me in; thaye peirsit my ban's an' my feet.

17 I maye count a' my banes ; thaye luik an' glower apon me.

18 Thaye share myclaese amang thame, an' for my stolye thraw lots.

19 But bena thou fer frae me, O Lord; O my strencth, haesten thee til helpe me.

20 Delifer my saul frae the sword ; my de^er onlie ane frae the powir o' the dog.

21 Saufe me frae the lion's mooth : for thou best heaerd me frae the hoorns o' the unicorns.

PSALM xxiir. 19

22 I wull declare thy naeme untill my brithren ; in the middle o' the congregatione wull I prayse thee.

23 Ye that feasr the Lord, prayse him ; a' ye the seid o' Jacob, glorifie him ; an' feeer him, a' ye the afFspring o' Israel.

24 For he haesna despa9iset nar abhorret the afflickshon o' the afflicket : naether haes he hidden his fece frae him ; but whan he cryet untill him, he heaerd.

25 My prayse sail be o' thee in the grit congregatione : I wull pay my vowes afore thame that feasr him.

26 The meik sail eet, an' be satisfiet : thaye sail prayse the Lord that seik him : your hairt sail leive forevir.

21 A' the en's o' the warld sail remembir, an' turn untill the Lord, an' a' the kith an' kin o' the nationes sail worship afore thee.

28 For the kingdoom is the Lord's; an' he is the governer amang the nationes.

29 A' thaye that be fat apon the yirth sail eet an' wurship ; a' thaye that gae doun til the mools o' deaeth sail bowe aforfe him, an' nane can keepe alaeive his ain saul.

30 Ane seid sail ser' him : it sail be rekenet til the Lord for ane ganaeratian.

31 Thaye sail cum, an' sail speik furth his richteousniss untill ane peeple that sail be born, that he heth dune this.


H Ane Psalm o' David.

THE Lord is my shepherd ; I sallna inlak. 2 He mak's me til lye doun in green an^ baittle gangs ; he leeds me aside the quaeet waters.

3 He refrescliens my saul ; he leeds me in the peths o' richteous- niss for his naeme's sak'.

4 Yis, thouch I wauk throwe the vallie o' the skaddaw o' deseth, I wull feajr nae ill : for thou art wi' me ; thy cruik an' thy staiFe thaye comfirt me.

5 Thou prepairist me ane tabel in the preesince o' mine eni- mies : thou anaintist my heeed wi' oolie ; my cupp rins ower.

6 Shurelie guidniss an' mercie sail folio me a' the dayes o' my lifFe ; an' I wull dwall in the hous o' the Lord forevir.



H Ane Psalm o' David.

THE yirth is the Lord's, an\the fu'niss o't: the warld, an' thaye that dwall therin.

2 For he heth fuundet it apon the seis, an' sete it siccer apon the fludes.

3 Wha sail gae up intil the hill o' the Lord ? an' wha sail stan' in his haly piece ?

4 He that heth cleen han's, an' ane pure hairt ; wha hethna liftet up his saul untill vainitie, nar swum wrangouslie.

5 He sail receife the blessin' frae the Lord, an' richteousniss frae the God o' his salvatione.

6 This is the ganeeratian o' thame that seik him ; that seik thy fece, O God o' Jacob. Selah.

7 Lift up your heaeds, O ye yettes ; an' be ye liftet up, ye evir- lestin' dors, an' the King o' glorie sail cum in.

8 Wha is the King o' glorie ? the Lord Strang an' michtie, the Lord michtie in battel.

9 Lift up your heseds, O ye yettes ; een lift thame up, ye evir- lestin' dors, an' the King o' glorie sail cum in.

10 Wha is the King o' glorie ? The Lord o' hosts, he is the King o' glorie. Selah.


If Ane Psalm o' David.

UNTILL thee, O Lord, do I lift up my saul. 2 O my God, I trust in thee : letna me be shaemet : letna mine enimies boust thamsels ower me.

3 Yis, let nane that waite on thee be shaemet : let thame be shsemet that transgresse wuthoutten cans.

4 Shaw me thy wayes, O Lord ; teech me thy peths.

5 Leede me in thy trouth, an' teech me : for thou art the God o' my salvatione ; on thee do I waite a' the daye.

6 Remembir, O Lord, thy tendir mercies an' loein-kindnisses : for thaye hae been evir o' auld.


7 Remembirna the sins o' my youdith, nar my transgressiones ; akordin' til thy mercie remembir thou me for thy guidniss' sak', O Lord.

8 Guid an' upricht is the Lord: therfor wull he teech sinnirs in the waye.

9 The meik wull he geeyde in juudgeraint ; an' the meik wull he teech his waye.

10 A' the peths o' the Lord ar mercie an' trouth untill sic as keepe his covenent an' testimonies.

1 1 For thy nseme's sak', O Lord, forgie mine inequitie ; for it is grit.

12 What man is he that fesers the Lord ? him sail he teech in the waye that he sail chuuse.

13 His saul sail dwall at eese, an' his affspring sail inheerit the yirth.

14 The seceret o' the Lord is wi' thame that feaer him ; an' he wull shaw thame his covenent.

15 Mine eyne ar evir towaird the Lord; for he it is that sail pu' my feet owt o' the nette.

16 Turn thee untill me, an' hae mercie apon me ; for lane I am an' wearifu', an' sair afflicket.

17 The trubles o' my hairt ar growne grit; O bring thou me owt o' my destresses.

18 Luik apon my afflickshon an' my paine, an' forgie a' my sins.

19 Considdir mine enimies, for thaye ar monie ; an' thaye haete me wi' crewil haetret.

20 O keepe my saul, an' delifer me : letna me be shaemet ; for I pit my trust in thee.

21 Let leal honestie an' uprichtness preserfe me ; for I waite on thee.

22 Redeem Israel, O God, owt o' a' his trubles.


H Ane Psalm o' David.

JUUDGE me, O Lord, for I hae gane on in my intiritie : I hae trustet alsua in the Lord, therfor I sallna sklyde. 2 Inquaeire intil me, O Lord, an' pruuve me ; trye my reens an' my hairt.


3 For thy loein-kindniss is afore mine eyne, an' I hae gane in the peths o' thy trouth.

4 I haena sutten wi' vaine persones, njsther vvull I gae in wi' cunnin' pretendirs.

5 I hae haetet the haill ferkishin o' ill-doirs, an' wullna sit wi' the wicket.

6 I wull wasch mine han's in innicencie ; sae wuU I compesse thine altar, O Lord.

7 That I may puhlishe wi' the voyce o' thanksgiein', an' tell o' a' thy wunderfu' warks.

8 Lord, I hae loet the habitatione o' thy hous, an' the piece whare thine honor dvvalls.

9 Getherna my saul wi' sinnirs, nar my liffe wi' bluidie men ;

10 In whase han's is mischeef, an' thair richt han' is fu' o' budes.

11 But as for me, I will gae on in my intiritie: redeim me, an'- be mercifu' untill me.

12 My fit Stan's in ane een piece: in the congregatione wull I bliss the Lord.


"^ Aue Psalm o' David.

THE Lord is my licht an' my salvatione ; wham sail I fear ? the Lord is the strencth o' my liife ; o' wham sail I be in dreaedour ?

2 Whan the wicket, een my enimies an' my faes, cam' apon me till eet up my flesch, thaye stummelt an' fell.

3 Thouch ane host shud encampe agayne me, my hairt sallna feser ; thouch weir shud raeise agayne me, in this wull I be con- fydint.

4 Ae thing hae I desyret o' the Lord, an' wull contina til seik after; that I maye dwall in the hous o^ the Lord a' the dayes o' my lilfe, til behald the beutie o' the Lord, an' til inqueeire in his temple.

5 For in the time o' truble he sail hyde me in his pavilione ; in the seceret o' his taabernakle sail he hyde me ; he sail sete me up apon ane rok.

6 An' nowe sail mine heaed be liftet up aboone mine enimies roun aboot me : therfor I wull afFer in his taabernakle saacrifices o' joye; I wull sing, yis, I wull sing prayses untill the Lord.

PSALM xxviir. 23

7 Heaer, O Lord, whan I crye wi' my voyce ; hae mercie alsua apon me, an' answir me.

8 Whan thou saidist, Seik ye my face ; my hairt said untill thee, Thy fece, Lord, wull I seik.

9 Hydena thy fece fer frae me ; pitna tliy servent awa in angir : thou hest been my helpe ; leefena me ; naether forhowe me, O God o' my salvatione.

10 Whan my faether an' mither forhowe me, than the Lord wull tak' me up.

11 Teech me thy waye, O Lord, an' leede me in ane plaine peth, becaus o' mine enimies.

12 Gie me nat ower untill the wull o' mine enimies; for fause wutnisses hae startet up agayne me, an' sic as braethe owt ere wil tie- is I had swarfFet, gif I hadna beliefet til see the guidniss o'

the Lord in the Ian' o' the leivin'.

14 Waite on the Lord: be o' guid cheer, an' he sail strencthen thine hairt : waite, I saye, on the Lord.


If Ane Psalm o' David.

UNTILL thee wull I crye, O Lord, my rok ; bena seelent til me : in kase gif thou be seelent til me, I becum like tliame that gae doun in til the pitt.

2 Heger the voyce o' my supplicationes whan I crye untill thee, whan I lift up mine ban's gaitwaird thy haly orakil.

3 Draggna me awa wi' the wicket, an' wi' the wurkers o' ine- quitie, whilk speik peece til thair neebers, but mischeef is in thair hairts.

4 Gie thame akordin' til thair deeds, an' akordin' till the wick- etniss o' thair ettelins ; gie thame efter the wark o' thair ban's ; rendir thame thair deserfin'.

5 Becaus thaye goamna the warks o' the Lord, the verra wark o' his ban's, he sail utterlie pu' thame doun, an' sallna bigg thame up agane.

6 Blisset be the Lord, becaus he heth heasrd the voyce o' my supplicationes.

7 The Lord is my streneth an' my sheeld ; my hairt trustet in


him, an' I am helpet ; tberfor my hairt gritlie rejoyces, an' wi' my sang wull I prayse him.

8 The Lord is thair strencth, an' he is the saufin' pith o' his anaintet.

9 Saufe thy peeple, an' bliss thine inheeritence ; feede thame alsua, an' lift thame up forevir.


II Ane Psalm o' David.

a IE untill the Lord, O ye michtie, gie untill the Lord glorie an' strencth.

2 Gie untill the Lord the glorie due untill his naeme ; wurship the Lord in the beutie o' haliniss.

3 The voyce o' the Lord is apon the waters : the God o' glorie thunners ; the Lord is apon monie waters.

4 The voyce o' the Lord is powirfu' : the voyce o' the Lord is fu' o' magistie.

5 The voyce o' the Lord briks the cedars ; ay, the Lord briks the cedars o' Lebanon.

6 He mak's thame alsua til skiff like ane cafe ; Lebanon an' Sirion like ane yung unicoorn.

7 The voyce o' the Lord cleefes the flames o' fire.

8 The voyce o' the Lord mak's the wulderniss til dinnle ; the Lord dinnles the wulderness o' Kadesh.

9 The voyce o' the Lord gars the hinds pairt wi' yung, an' layes bare the forests : an' in his temple deth ilka ane speik o' his glorie.

10 The Lord sits apon the flude ; yis, the Lord sits King foreveir.

1 1 The Lord wull gie strencth untill his peeple : the Lord wull bliss his peeple wi' peece.


t Ane Psalm an' Sang at the dedicatione o' the hous o' David.

WULL ekstoU thee, O Lord, for thou best liftet me up, an' hestna maede mine enimies til rejoyce ower me. 2 O Lord my God, I cryet untill thee, an' thou best haelet me.


3 Thou, O Lord, best brung up my saul frae the grafFe ; thou hest keepet me alaeive, that I shudna gae doun til the pitt.

4 Sing untill the Lord, O ye saunts o' his, an' gie thanks at the rem.embirence o' his haliniss.

5 For his angir induurs but for ane jiffie ; in his faavor is liffe : greetin' maye induur for ane nicht, but joye cums in wi' the moornin'.

6 An' in my prosperitie I said, I sail nevir be muvet.

7 Lord, bie thy faavor thou hest masde my mountan til stan' Strang : thou didist hyde thy fece, an' I was trublet.

8 I cryet til thee, O Lord ; an' untill the Lord I maede suppli- catione.

9 What gaine is ther in my bluid, whan I gae doun intil the pitt ? Sail the mool prayse thee ? sail it speik furth thy trouth ?

10 Heaer, O Lord, an' hae mercie apon me : Lord, be thou my helpir.

1 1 Thou hest turnet for me my murnin' intil dancin' : thou hest putten afF my sackclaeth, an' girthet me wi' gladsumeniss ;

12 Til the en' that my glorie maye sing prayse untill thee, an' bena seelent. O Lord my God, I wull gie thanks untill thee forevir.


t Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David.

IN thee, O Lord, do I pit my trust ; let me nevir be shsemet ; delifer me in thy richteousniss.

2 Bowe doun thine eaer untill me ; delifer me speedielie ; be thou my Strang rok, for ane hous o' defence til saufe me.

3 For thou art my rok an' my stranghald; therfor, for thy nseme's sak', lead me an' gasyde me.

4 Pu' me owt o' the nette whilk thaye hae hiddlinslie laide for me ; for thou art my strencth.

5 Intil thy ban' I committe my speerit : thou hest redeemet me, O Lord God o' trouth.

6 I hae haetet thame that goam leein' vainities ; but I trust in the Lord.

7 I wull be gladsume an' rejoyce in thy mercie; for thou hest considdiret my truble : thou hest knawn my saul in wandrethes.


8 An' hestna scliut me up intil the han' o' the enimie ; thou hest gien my feet routh o' roome.

9 Hae mercie apon me, O God, for I am in truble ; mine ee is vvaistet wi' dool, yis, my saul an' my bellie.

10 For my liffe is spendet wi' sorra, an' my yeers wi' sichin'; my strencth fffiils becaus o' mine inequitie, an' my banes ar consuumet.

Ill was ane reproch amang a' mine enimies, but espeeciallie amanf'- my neebers, an' ane fricht til mine acquantince ; thame that did see me owtbye flede frae me.

12 I am foro-ottan as ane deaed man owt o' min' ; I am like ane

brokin veshell.

13 For I hae heserd the slanner o' monie; fe^r was on ilka syde: quhile thaye tuik cunsil thegither agayne me, thaye de- V£eiset til tak' awa my liffe.

14 But I trustet in thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my God.

15 My times ar in thy han' : delifer me frae the han' o' mine enimies ; an' frae thame that persikute me.

16 Mak' thy fece til shyne apon thy servent; saufe me for thy mercie's sak'.

17 Letna me be shaemet. Lord, for I hae ca't apon thee : let the wicket be shaemet, an' let thame be seelent in the graffe.

18 Let the leein' lipps be putten til seelence, whilk speik sadlie agravaatin' things pruudUe an' geckinlie agayne the richteous.

19 Och howe grit is thy guidniss, whilk thou hest layde up for thame that feser thee, whilk thou hest wroucht for thame that trust in thee afore the sons o' men.

20 Thou sallt hyde thame in the seceret o' thy preesince frae the pryde o' man ; thou sallt keepe thame seceretlie in thy pavi- lione frae the striffe o' tungs.

21 Blisset be the Lord, for he heth shawet me mervellous kind- niss in ane Strang citie :

22 For I said in my hasste, I am cutet aff frae afore thine eyne ; natheless thou heardist the voyce o' my supplicationes whan I cryet untill thee.

23 O loe the Lord, a' ye his saunts : for the Lord preserfes the faithfu', an' routhlie rewairds the pruud doir.

24 Be o' guid cheer, an' he sail refreschen an' mak' Strang your hairt, a' ye that houpe in the Lord.



» Ane Psalm o' David, Maschil.

B LIS SET is he whase transgressione is forgicn, whase sin is kiveret.

2 Blisset is the man untill wham the Lord impuutesna ine- quitie, an' in whase speerit ther is nae gyle.

3 Whan I keepet seelence, confessanna til God, my banes growet auld thro we my rairin' a' the daye lang.

4 For daye an' nicht thy han' was hivie apon me : my moustir is turnet intil the drouth o' simmer. Selah.

5 I ownet my sin untill thee, an' mine inequitie hae I nat hydden. I said, I wull confesse my transgressiones untill the Lord; an' thou forgssfist the inequitie o' my sin. Selah.

6 For this sail ilka ane that is godlie pray untill thee in ane time whan thou mayist be found : shurelie in the fludes o' grit waters thaye sallna cum nie untill him.

7 Thou art my hydin-plece ; thou sallt preserfe me frae truble : thou sallt surroun me wi' sangs o' deliferance. Selah.

8 I wull instruck thee, an' teech thee in the waye whilk thou sallt gae ; wi' mine ee wull I gaeyde thee.

9 Bena ye as the hors, or as the muul, whilk hae nae under- stan'in' ; whase mooth maun be haudden in wi' bitte an' brydle, in kase thay cum neer untill thee.

10 Monie sorras sail be til the wicket ; but he that trusts in the Lord, mercie sail be roun aboot him.

11 Be gladsume in the Lord, an' rejoyce, ye richteous ; an' crye ye owt for joye, ye that ar upricht in hairt.


REJOYCE in the Lord, O ye richteous ; for prayse is cumlie in the upricht.

2 Prayse the Lord wi' herp ; sing untill him wi' the psaltrie, an' ane instriment o' ten strings.

3 Sing untill him ane new sang; playe deftlie wi' ane luud noyse.

4 For the wurd o' the Lord is richt ; an' a' his warks ar dune in trouth.



5 He loes richteousniss an' juudgemint ; the yirth is fu' o' the guidniss o' the Lord.

6 Bie the wurd o' the Lord wer the heeevens msede ; an' a' the host o' thame bie the braeth o' his mooth.

7 He gethers the waters o' the se thegither as ane heep ; he layes up the deip in bing-houses.

8 Let a' the yirth feaer the Lord ; let a' the indwallers o' the warld Stan' in aw o' him.

9 For he spak', an' it was dune ; he oorderet, an' it stude siccer.

10 The Lord brings the cunsil o' the hegethin til noucht; he mak's the contraeivences o' the peeple o' nane effeck.

1 1 The cunsil o' the Lord stan's foraj'e ; the thouchts o' his hairt til a' ganaeratians.

12 Blisset is the natione whase God is the Lord, an' the peeple wham he heth singlet owt for his ain.

13 The Lord luiks doun frae heeeven ; he behalds a' the sons o' men.

14 Frae the piece o' his habitatione he luiks doun apon a' the residenters o' the yirth.

15 He fashens thair hairts alike : he tak's thoucht o' a' thair warks.

16 Ther is nae king saufet bie the ferkishin o' ane aermet throck : ane michtie man isna deliferet bie meikle doucht.

17 Ane hors is ane vaine thing for sauftie : nasther sail he de- lifer onie bie his grit powir.

18 Behald, the ee o' the Lord is apon thame that feaer him, apon thame that houpe in his mercie ;

19 Til free thair saul frae deseth, an' til keep thame alaeive in scanth o' fude.

20 Our saul waites for the Lord : he is our helpe an' our sheeld.

21 For our hairt sail rejoyce in him, becaus we hae trustet in his haly nasme.

22 Let thy mercie, O Lord, be apon us, akordin' as we houpe in thee.



H Ane Psalm o' David, whan he changet his havins afore Abimelech.

IWULL bliss the Lord at a' times : his prayse sail be contin- wallie in my mooth.

2 My saul sail mak' hir brag in the Lord ; the lawlie sail heaer o't, an' be gladsume.

3 O bie prayse mak' grit the Lord alang wi' me, an' let us raeise up his nseme thegither.

4 I soucht the Lord, an' he heasrd me, an' freet me frae a' my feaers.

5 They luiket untill him, an' vver lichtenet ; an' thair feces werna shaemet.

6 This puir man cryet, an' the Lord heaird him, an' saufet him owt o' a' his trubles.

7 The angil o' the Lord camps roun aboot thame that feasv him, an' he delifers thame.

8 O pree an' see that the Lord is guid : blisset is the man that trusts in him.

9 O feser the Lord, ye his saunts ; for ther is nae inlak til thame that feaer him.

10 The yung lions inlack, an' thole hungir: but thaye that seik the Lord sallna inlak onie guid thing.

11 Cum, ye childer, herken untill me; I wull teech yow the feaer o' the Lord.

\2 What man is he that langs efter lifFe, an' loes monie dayes, that he may see guid ?

13 Keep thy tung frae ill, an' thy lipps frae speikin' gyle.

14 Flie awa frae ill, an' do guid ; seek peece, an' perzist in it,

15 The eyne o' the Lord ar apon the richteous, an' his eaers ar opin til thair crye.

16 The fece o' the Lord is agayne thame that do ill, til sneg afF the memrie o' thame frae the yirth.

17 The richteous crye, an' the Lord heaers, an' delifers thame owt o' thair trubles.

18 The Lord is neer untill thame that ar o' ane brokin hairt, an' saufes sic as be o' ane rewfu' speerit.

19 Monie ar the afflickshons o' the richteous; but the Lord delifers him owt o' thame a'.

20 He keeps a' his banes : nat ane o' thame is brokin.


2\ 111 sail sley the wicket: an' thaye that haete the richteous sail be laide waiste.

22 The Lord redeims the saul o' his servents ; an' nane o' thame that trust in him sail be forlaine.


PLEED my caus, O Lord, wi' thame that straive wi' me : ficht agayne thame that ficht agayne me.

2 Tak' baud o' sheeld an' buklir, an' stan' up for mine helpe.

3 Drawe ovvt alsua the speer, an' stap the waye agayne thame that persikute me: say untill my saul, I am thy salvatione.

4 Let thame be confuundet an' putten til shseme that seik efter my saul : let thame be turnet bak' an' brung til confuusion that de- vaeise my skaith.

5 Let thame be as cafF afore the wund, an' let the angil o' the Lord chece thame.

6 Let thair waye be mirk an' sklydderie, an' let the angil o' the Lord persikute thame.

7 For withowtten caus hae thaye hidden for me thair nette in ane pitt, whilk withowtten caus thaye howket for my saul.

8 Let wanreck cum apon him unawaurs ; an' let his nette whilk he heth hidden katch himsel : intil that verra wanreck let him fa'.

9 An' my saul sail be joyfu' in the Lord : it sail rejoyce in his salvatione.

10 A' my banes sail say. Lord, wha is like untill thee, that freest the puir frae him that is ower Strang for him, ay, the puir an' the needie frae him that spulyies him.

11 Fause wutnissis did rseise up: thaye laid til my charge things that I kennetna.

12 Thaye rewairdet me ill for guid, til the spulyeyin' o' my saul.

13 But as for me, whan thaye wer sick my claethin' was sack- claeth ; I humblet my saul wi' fastin' ; an' my prgeyer returnet intil mine ain bozim.

14 I bure mysel as tliouch he had been my frien' or brither: I bowet doun hivielie as ane that murns for his mither.

15 But in my wandrethe thaye rejoycet, an' getheret thamesels thegither, ay, the wandouchts getheret thamesels thegither agayne me, an' I kennet it na ; thaye did tatter me, an' gaefena ower.

PSALM xxxvr. 31

16 Wi' hypicritikil mokirs in tliair gilvavages, tliaye naschet apon me \vi' thair teeth.

17 Lord, howe lang wult thou luik on ? set free my saul frae thair wanrecks, my deasr onlie aiie frae the lions.

18 I wuU gie thee thanks in the grit congregatione ; I wull prayse thee amang meikle peeple.

19 Letna thame that ar mine enimies wrangfullie, rejoyce ower me: naether let thame blink \vi' the ee that haete me withowtten ane cans.

20 For thaye speiknapeece, but thaye devaeise deceitfu' matters agayne thame that ar quaset in the Ian'.

21 Ay, thaye opinet thair mooth wyde agayne me, an' said, Aha, Aha!

22 This thou hest seen, O Lord: keepna seelence : O Lord, bena fer frae me.

23 Sturr up thysel, an' awauken til my juudgemint, een untill my caus, my God an' my Lord.

24 Judge me, O Lord my God, akordin' til thy richteousniss ; an' let thame nat rejoyce ower me.

25 Letna thame say in thair hairts. Aha ! Aha ! sae wad we hae it ; letna thame say. We hae swallet him up.

26 Let thame be shaemet, an' brung til confuusion thegither that rejoyce in my skaith : let them be claethet wi' shasme an' wanhonor that mak' thamesels big agayne me.

27 Let thame crye owt for joye an' be gladsume that faavor my richteous caus ; ay, let thame continwallie say. Let the Lord be magnifiet that heth pleesur in the weelfare o' his servent.

28 An' my tung sail speik o' thy richteousniss, an' o' thy prayse a' the daye lang.


If Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David, the serveut o' the Lord.

THE transgressione o' the wicket sayth wuthin my hairt, that ther is nae feser o^ God afore his eyne.

2 For he whytewasches himsel in his ain eyne untill his in- equitie be fuund til be haetefu'.

3 The wurds o' his mooth ar inequitie an' gyle : he heth left aff til be wyse, an' til do guid.


4 He devseises mischeef apon his bed ; he sets himsel in ane waye whilk isna guid ; he abhorrsna ill.

5 Thy mercie, Lord, is in the heaevens, an' thy faithfu'niss raxes untill the cluds.

6 Thy richteousniss is like the grit mountans : thy juudgemints ar ane grit deepe ; O Lord, thou preserfist man an' besest.

7 Howe verra grit is the virtu o' thy loein-kindniss, O God ! therfor the childer o' men pit thair trust anunder the skaddaw o' thy wings.

8 Thaye sail be routhlie satisfiet wi' the fatniss o^ thy hous : an' thou sallt mak^ thame drynk o' the rivir o^ thy pleesurs.

9 For wi' thee is the fuuntan o' liffe: in thy licht sail we see licht.

10 O contina thy loein-kindniss untill thame that ken thee ; an' thy richtiousniss til the upricht in hairt.

11 Letna the fit o' pryde cum agayne me, an' letna the han' o' the wicket reniuve me.

12 Ther ar the wurkers o' inequitie fa'n : thaye ar thrawn doun, an' sallna be yeable til raeise.


t Ane Psalm o' David.

WURPNA thysel becaus o' the ill-deedie, nsether be thou enviious agayne the wurkers o' inequitie :

2 For thaye sail sune be cutet doun like the gerse, an' wuther as the green yirb.

3 Trust in the Lord, an' do guid; sae sallt thou won in the Ian', an' trewlie thou sallt be fed.

4 Delicht thysel alsua in the Lord ; an' he sail gie thee the wushes o' thine hairt.

5 Rowe thy waye apon the Lord ; trust alsua in him ; an' he sail bring it aboot.

6 An' he sail bring furth thy richteousniss as the licht, an' thy juudgemint as the nuun-day.

7 Rest in the Lord, an' waite pastientlie for him: wurpna thysel becaus o' him wha prospirs in his waye, becaus o' the man wha brings wicket contraeivences til passe.


8 Gae ower frae angir, an' forsak vvraeth ; wurpna thysel' in onie wayes til do ill.

9 For ill-doirs sail be snegget afF: but thaye that waite on the Lord, thaye sail inheerit the yirth.

10 For yet ane wee while, an' the wicket sallna be ; ay, thou sallt eidentlie pondir his piece, an' it sallna be.

11 But the meik sail baud an^ indwall the yirth ; an' sail de- licht thamesels in the routhniss o' peece.

12 The wicket plote agayne the just, an' nashes apon him wi' his teeth.

13 The Lord sail lauch at him, for he sees that his daye is cumin'.

14 The wicket hae pu'et owt the sword, an' hae bendet thair bowe, til thraw doun the puir an' needie, an' til sley sic as be o' ane upricht waye.

15 Thair sword sail gang intil thair ain hairt, an' thair bowes sail be brokin.

16 The wee thing that ane richteous man bass is better nor the gowd an' geer o' monie wicket.

17 For the aerms o' the wicket sail be brokin ; but the Lord uphauds the richteous.

18 The Lord kens the days o' the upricht; an' thair inheerit- ance sail be forevir.

19 Thaye sallna be shsemet in the ill time, an' in the days o' scanth thaye sail be satisfiet.

20 But the wicket sail dee owt, an' the faes o' the Lord sail be as the taugh o' lams : thaye sail consuume ; intil reek sail thaye consuume awa'.

21 The wicket borros, an^ payesna agane ; but the richteous shaws mercie an' gies.

22 For sic as be blisset o' him sail inheerit the yirth, an' thaye that be curset o' him sail be cutet afF.

23 The steppes o' ane guid man ar oorderit bie the Lord ; an' he delichts in his waye.

24 Thouch he fa', he sallna be uutterlie thrawn doun ; for the Lord uphauds him wi' his ban'.

25 I hae been yung, an' nowe am auld ; yet hae I nat seen the richteous forhowet, nar his affspring beggin' thair breaLul.

26 He is evir misrecorde, an' len's : an' his affspring ar blisset.

27 Gang awa frae ill, an' do guid ; an' dwall for evirmair.



28 For the Lord loes juudgemint, an' forhowesna his saunts; thaye ar preserfet for aye ; but the afFspring o' the wicket sail be cutet aff.

29 The richteous sail inheerit the Ian', an' won therin forevir.

30 The mooth o' the richteous speiks wusdoom, an' his tung || tauks o' juudgemint.

31 The law o' the Lord is in his hairt; nane o' his steppes sail sklyde.

32 The wicket keepes clos ee on the richteous, an' seiks til sley him.

33 The Lord wullna leefe him in his han', nar condem him whan he is juudget.

34 Waite on the Lord an' keepe his waye, an' he sail lift thee up til inheerit the Ian' ; whan the wicket ar snegget aff, an' thou salt see it.

35 I hae seen the wicket in grit powir, an' spreedin' himsel abreaed like ane green bay-trie.

36 Yet he passit awa, an' lo ! he wasna : ay, I soucht him, but he couldna be fuund.

37 Merk the perfite man, an' behald the upricht : for the en' o' that man is peece.

38 But the wrangangers sail be destroyet thegither, an' the en' o' the wicket sail be snegget aff.

39 But the salvatione o' the richteous is o' the Lord: he is thair strencth in the time o' truble.

40 An' the Lord sail help thame, an' delifer thame ; he sail de- lifer thame frae the wicket, an' saufe thame becaus thaye trust in him.


If Ane Psalm o' David til bring til remembirence.

OLORD, rebuik na me in thy wraeth, nar chasen me in thine het displeesur.

2 For thine arras stik faste in me ; an' thine han' presses me sair.

3 Ther is nae suundniss in my flesch becaus o' thine angir; nae- ther is ther onie rest in my banes becaus o' my sin.

4 For mine inequities ar gane aboone mine heaed : as ane hivie lade thaye ar ower hivie for me. ^


5 My wuunds smowe, an' ar corrup becaus o' my fulisliniss.

6 I am trublet ; I am bowet doun gritly : I gae murnin' a' the daye lang.

7 For my lains ar fillet wi' foulsume deseese, an' ther is nae suundness in my jElesch.

8 I am fordweblit an' sair brokin ; I hae rairet bie reesen o' the wanrest o' my hairt.

9 Lord, a' my langin' is afore thee ; an' my graenin' isna hidden frae thee.

10 My hairt dunts, my strencth faeils me ; as for the licht o' mine eyne, it alsua is gane frae me.

11 My loers an' my frien's stan' owt bye frae my sair, an' my kinsfowk keepe afer aiF.

1 2 Thaye alsua that seik efter my liflfe laye girns for me ; an' thaye that seik my skaith speik wansonsie things, an' imagin deceits a' the daye lang.

13 But I as ane deef man heasrdna, an' I was as ane dum man that opinetna his mooth.

14 Thus was I as ane man that heaersna, an' in whase mooth ar nae repreifs.

15 For in thee, O Lord, do I lioupe : thou wult heasr, O Lord my God.

16 For I said, Heaer me, in kase itherwaise thaye shud re- joyce ower me: whan my fit sklyds, thaye mak' thamesels big agayne me.

17 For I am readie til haut, an' my sorra is continwallie afore me.

18 For I wuU speik owt mine inequitie : I wuU be rewfu' for my sin.

19 But mine enimies ar Iseivelie, an' thaye ar stalwart ; an' thaye that haste me wrangfullie ar becum mae.

20 Thaye alsua that gie bak ill for guid ar mine advarsaries, becaus I folio the thing that is guid.

21 Forhowena me, O Lord : O my God, bena fer frae me.

22 Mak' hseste til help me, O Lord, my salvationc.



1 Til the chief musicieu, een til Jeduthun, Ane Psalm o' David. SAID, I wull tak tent til my wayes, that I sinna vvi' my tung


I wull keep my mooth wi' ane brydle quhile the wicket is afore me.

2 I was dum wi' seelence ; I lielde my peece een frae guid ; an' my sorra was sturret.

3 My hairt was het wuthin me ; quhile I was muusin' the fire burnet : than spak I wi' my tung,

4 Lord, mak' me til ken mine en', an' the measur o' my dayes what it is, that I may ken howe bauch I am.

5 Behald thou hest mrede my dayes as ane han'sbresethe, an mine age is as naething afore thee : trewlie ilka man at his best staete is a'thegither vainitie. Selah.

6 Shurelie ilka man gangs in ane vaine schaw : shurelie thaye ar wanrestet in vaine : he liotts up guids an' geer, an' kensna wha sail gether thame.

7 An' nowe, Lord, what waite I for ? my houpe is in thee.

8 Free me frae a' my transgressiones ; makna me the reproch o' the fulish.

9 I was dum ; I openetna my mooth ; becaus thou didist it.

10 Remuve thy straike awa frae me: I am consuumet bie the fluet o' thine han'.

1 1 Whan thou wi' rebuiks dest correck man for inequitie, thou makist his beutie til waiste awa like ane masthe : shurelie ilka man is vainitie.

12 Heaer my prseyer, O Lord, an' gie ear untill my crye : haud- na thy peece at my teaers : for I am fremet wi' thee, an' ane sae- jurner, as a' my faethers wer.

13 O spare me, that I may gaine bak my pithe afore I gae hance an' be nae mair.


II Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David.

WAITET paetientlie for tiie Lord, an' he leenet towairds me, an' heserd my crye.


2 He brang me up alsua owt o' ane liorrabil hole, ovvt o' the glarie claje, an' set my feet apon ane rok, an' msede my gangin' siccer.

3 An' he heth puttcn ane new sang intill my mooth, een prayse untill our God : monie sail see it, an' t'eser, an' trust in the Lord.

4 Blisset is that man that mak's the Lord his trust, an' re- specksna the pruude, nar sic as turn owt o' the waye til folio lees.

5 Monie, O Lord my God, ar thy wunderfu' warks whilk thou hest dune, an' thy thouchts whilk ar gatewairds us ; thaye canna be rekenet up in oordir untill thee ; gif I wad shaw thame furth bie speikin' o' thame, thaye ar mae nar can be nummeret.

6 Saacrifice an' ofFerin' thou didistna lang for : mine ercrs thou hest opinet : brunt- ofFerin' an' sin-offerin' thou hestna requa^iret.

7 Than said I, Lo, I cum ; in the volum' o' the bulk it is writ- tan o' me,

8 I delicht til do thy wull, O my God, ay, thy law is in my hairt.

9 I hae preechet richteousniss in the grit congregatione : lo, 1 haena hainet my lips, O Lord, thou kennist.

10 I haena hidden thy richteousniss wuthin my hairt: I hac spokin' owt thy faithfuniss an' thy salvatione : I haena keepet owt o' sicht thy loein-kindniss, an' thy trowth frae the grit congrega- tione.

11 Wuthhaldna thou thy tendir mercies frae me, O Lord: let thy loein-kindniss an' thy trowth continwallie preserfe me.

12 For innumerall ills hae gethirit roun' aboot me : mine ine- quities hae taen baud o' me, sae that I amna yeable til luik up: thaye ar mae nor the hairs o' mine hesed, therfor my hairt fseils me.

13 Be pleeset, O Lord, til delifer me: O Lord, mak' ha?ste til helpe me.

14 Let thame be sliEemet an' confuundet thegither that seik efter my saul til kill it; let thame be drein bakwairds, an' putten til shaeme that wush me ill.

15 Let thame be forlaine for ane rewaird o' thair sha;mc that say untill me. Aha, Aha !

16 Let a' thae that seik thee rejoyce an' be gladsume in thee ; let sic as loe thy salvatione say continwallie. The Lord be prayset.

17 But I am puir an' needie, nathless the Lord taks thoucht o' me : thou art my helpe an' deliferer ; mak' nae taigglin, O my God.



If Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David.

BLISSET is he that tak's pitie on the puir : the Lord wull delifer him in the time o' truble.

2 The Lord wuU preserfe an' keep him alseive ; an' he sail be blisset apon the yirth, an' thou wultna gie him up intil the wull o* his enimies.

3 The Lord refreshenin, wull mak' him stranger on the bed o' langwishmint : thou wult mak' his bed in his siekniss.

4 I said, Lord, be mercifu' untill me ; haele my saul ; for I hae sinnet agayne thee.

5 Mine enimies speik ill o' me : Whan wull he dee, an' his naeme sinke owtricht ?

6 An' gif he cum til see me, he raves owt empie things ; his hairt gethirs inequitie til itsel' ; than whan he gangs owtbye he tells it.

7 A' that illwull me whuspir thegither agayne me ; agayne me do thaye devaeise my skaith.

8 Ane ill ailment, say thaye, has gotten ane firm grip o' him ; an' now that he lyes flat, he sail reeise up nae mair.

9 Ay, een mine ain intimat frien' wham I trustet in, whilk did eet o' my bresed, heth liftet up his heel agayne me.

10 But thou, O Lord, be mercifu' untill me, an' r seise me up, that I may requit thame.

1 1 Bie this I ken that thou faavorist me ; becaus mine enimie desna crouslie craw ower me.

12 An' as for me, thou uphaudest me in mine intiritie, an' settist me afore thy fece alwaise.

13 Bhsset be the Lord God o' Israel, frae evirlestin til evir- lestin. Saebeid, an' saebeid.



1 Til the chief musicien, Maschil, for the sous o' Korah.

S the hart langin' cryes for the water bruiks, sae langs an' cryes my saul after thee, O God.



2 My saul thrists for God, for the leivin' God : whan sail I cum an' kythe afore God ?

3 My teaers hae been my fude daye an' nicht, quhile thaye con- tinwallie say mitill me, Whare is thy God ?

4 "Whan I mmd thae things, I teem owt my saul in me ; for I had gane wi' the crood ; I gaed wi' thame til the hous o' God wi' the voyce o' joye an' prayse, wi' ane crood that keepet haly-day.

5 Why art thou casen doun, o' my saul ? an' wharefor art thou wanrestet in me ? houpe thou in God ; for I sail yet prayse him for the help o' his countenence.

6 O my God, my saul is casen doun wuthin me, therfor wull I ca' thee til mind frae the Ian' o' Jordan, an' o' the Hermonites, frae the Mizar-hill.

7 Deep ca's untill deep at the noyse o' thy water-spoots : a' thy waves an' thy brikers hae gane ower me.

8 Natheless the Lord wull comman' his loein-kindniss in the daye-time, an' in the nicht his sang sail be wi' me, an' my prseyer untill the God o' my lifFe.

9 I wull say untill God my rok, Why best thou forgottan me ? Wharefor gang I murnin' becaus o' the oppressione o' the enimie ?

10 As wi' ane sword in my banes mine enimies reproch me, quhile thaye say daylie untill me, Whare is thy God ?

1 1 Why art thou casen doun, O my saul ? an' wharefor art thou wanrestet wuthin me ? houpe thou in God ; for I sail yit prayse him, wha is the helth o' my countenence an' my God.


JUUDGE me, O God, an' pleed my cans agayne ane ungodlie rece: O free me frae the deceitfu' an' unjuste man.

2 For thou art the God o' my strencth : why dest thou thraw me aff ? why do I gang murnin' becaus o' the oppressione o' the enimie ?

3 O sen^ owt thy licht an' thy trouth ; let thame leede me, let thame bring me til thy haly hill an' til thy taabernakles.

4 Than wull I gae untill the altar o' God my ekseedin' joye ; ay, apon the herp wull I prayse thee, O God my God.

5 Why art thou casen doun, O my saul ? why art thou wanrestet


wuthin me ? houpe in God ; for I sail yet pvayse liim, wha is the lielth o' my countenence an' my God.


t Til the chief musicien for the sous o' Korah, Maschil,

WE hae lieaerd wi' our esers, O God, our faethers hae tauld us what wark thou didist in thair dayes in the times o' auld.

2 Howe thou didist dreeive owt the heaethin wi' thy han', an' enfeftedist thy chusen anes, howe thou didist afflick the peeple an' cuust thame owt.

3 For thaye gatna the Ian' in haudin' bie thair ain sword, nse- ther did thair ain aerm saufe thame ; but thy richt han', ay, thine aerm, an' the licht o' thy countenence, becaus thou hadist ane faavor for thame.

4 For thou art my King, O God : oordir deliferances for Jacob.

5 Throwe thee wull we thraw doun our enimies : throwe thy ngeme wull we tramp thame anunder that raeise up agayne us.

6 For I wullna trust in my bowe, nasther sail my sword saufe me.

7 But thou best saufet us frae our faes, an' best putten thame til shaeme that hsetet us.

8 In God we brag a' the daye lang, an' prayse thy naeme for- evir. Selah.

9 But thou best casen aff, an' putten us til shaeme ; an' gang- istna furth wi' our bands o' weir.

10 Thou makist us til turn bak frae the enimie ; an' thaye that hffite us spulyie for thamesel's.

1 1 Thou best gien us like sheep appoyntet for fude ; an' best dr!en us abreaed amang the heaethin.

12 Thou sellist thy fowk for naucht, an' destna eke til thy walth bie the pryce.

13 Thou makist us ane reproch til our neebers, ane scoorn an' ane derizone til thame that ar roun' aboot us.

14 Thou makist us ane bye-wurd amang the hegethin, ane shakin' o' the beaed amang the peeple.

15 My confuusion is continwallie afore me, an' the shgeme o' my fece has kiveret me,

16 Becaus o' the voyce o' him that reprochcs an' blasfemes, an' bie reasin o' the enimie an' avang-ir.


17 A' this has cum apon us; nathless we haena forgotten thee, naether hae we deelt fauselie in thy covenent.

18 Our hairt h^esna turnet bak, naether our steppes gane agley frae thy waye.

19 Thouch thou hest brokin us in the piece o' drsegons, an' ki- veret us wi' the skaddaw o' dearth.

20 Gif we hae forgotten the naeme o' our God, or streeket owt our ban's til ane freraet god ;

21 Sail God nat fin' this owt ? for he kens the secerets o' the hairt.

22 Ay, for thy sak' we ar killet a' the daye lang ; we ar cuuntet as sheep til the slauchter.

23 x^wauken, why sleepist thou, O Lord ? rseise up, thraw us nat afF forevir.

24 Wharefor hydist thou thy fece, an' forgettist our afflickson an' thrawldoom ?

25 For our sauls ar bowet doun til the dust 5 our bellie cleefes til the yirth.

26 Raeise up for our helpe, an' redeim us, for thy mercies' sak'.


1 Til the chief musicien apon Shoshannim, for the sons o' Korah ; Ane Sang o' Loves.

MY hairt is indytin' ane guid matter : I speik o' things whilk 1 hae msede anent the King ; my tung is the pen o' ane swuft writer.

2 Thou art fairer nor the childer o' men ; grffice is teemet intil thy lippes ; therfor God heth blisset thee forevir.

3 Girth thy sword apon thy thie, O Maist Michtie ; wi' thy glorie an' thy magistie girth thou it on.

4 An' in thy magistie ride thou an' prospir, becaus o' trouth an' meikniss an' richteoustiiss ; an' thy richt ban' sail teech thee ter- rabil things.

5 Thy arras ar sherp in the hairt o' the King's enimies, whare- bie the peeple fa' an^th thee.

6 Thy throne, O God, is forevir an' aye ; the septer o' thy king- doom is ane richt septer.

7 Thou loeist richteousniss, an' baptist wicketniss ; therfor God,


thy God, heth anaintet thee wi' the oolie o' gladsumniss aboone thy fellos.

8 A' thy claes smelle o' myrrh an' aloes an' cassia, owt o' the ivorie palaces, wharebie thaye hae mffide thee gladsume.

9 Kings' douchters wer amang the honorable weemen : apon the richt han' did stan' the queen in gowd o' Ophir.

10 Herkeii, O douchter, an' considdir, an' inclaeine thine easr; forget alsua thine ain peeple, an' thy faether's hous.

1 1 Sae sail the King gritly desyre thy beutie ; for he is thy Lord, an' wurship thou him.

12 An' the douchter o' Tyre sail be ther wi' ane propyne : een the walthie amang the peeple sail woo thy faavor.

13 The King's douchter is a' glorious wuthin : her claethin^ is o' wroucht gowd.

14 She sail be brung untill the King in rayment o' needle- wark : the virgins, hir comrades that folio hir, sail be brung untill thee.

15 Wi' glee an' rejoycin' sail thaye be brung; thaye sail gae intil the palace o' the King.

16 In piece o' thy faethers sail be thy childer, wham thou mayist mak' athils in a' the yirth.

17 I wull mak' thy nseme til be remembiret in a' ganacratians ; therefor sail the peeple prayse thee forevir an' evir.


H Til the chief musicien, for the sons o' Korah ; Ane Sang apon Alamoth.

GOD is our sang an' strencth, ane verra presint helpe in truble. 2 Therfor we wullna feaer, thouch the yirth be remuvet, an' thouch the mountans be carryet intil the middle o' the se :

3 Thouch the waters o't rair, an' be trublet ; thouch the moun- tans shog wi' the swallin' o' thame. Selah.

4 Ther is ane rivir whase rinners sail mak' gladsume the citie o' God, the haly piece o' the taabernakles o' the Maist Hie.

5 God is in the middle o' hir ; she sallna be muvet : God sail helpe hir, an' that richt sune.

6 The heffithin frennet, the kingdooms wer comuvet : he uuteret his voyce, an' the yirth meltet.


7 The Lord o' hosts is wi' us ; the God o' Jacob is our scug. Selah.

8 Cum, behald the warks o' the Lord, what desolationes he heth meede in the yirth.

9 He mak^s weir til cease untill the en^s o' the yirth ; he snegs the speer asinder; he burns the chariat in the fire.

10 Be quaeit, an' ken that I am God : I wuU be raeiset on hie amang the hesethin, I wull be nisede hie in the yirth.

1 1 The Lord o' hosts is wi' us ; the God o' Jacob is our bcild. Selah.


IT Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm for the sons o' Korah.

OCLAPPE your ban's, a' ye peeple : crye owt luudlie til God wi' the voyce o' triumfF.

2 For the Lord maist hie is terrabil ; he is ane grit King ower a' the yirth.

3 He sail bring doun the peeple anunder us, an' the nationes anffith our feet.

4 He sail chuuse for us our haudin', the eksellencie o' Jacob, wham he loet. Selah.

5 God heth gane up wi' ane shuute, the Lord wi' the toute o' ane trumpet.

6 Sing prayeses til God, sing prayeses : sing prayeses untill our King, sing prayeses.

7 For God is the King o' a' the yirth : sing ye prayeses wi' understan'in'.

8 God rings ower the hesethin : God sits apon the throne o' his haliniss.

9 The cheefes o' the peeple ar' getheret thegither, een the peeple o' the God o' Abraham ; for the sheelds o' the yirth belang untill God : he is gritly liftet up.


II Ane Sang an' Psalm for the sons o' Korah.

GRIT is the Lord, an' gritlie til be prayset, in the citie o' our God, in the mountan o' his haliniss.


2 Bonnie for situatione, an' the joy o' a' the yirth, is Muuut Zion, on the noor-sides, the citie o' the grit King.

3 God is kennet in hir pahices for ane beild.

4 For lo, the kings wer getheret, thaye gaed bye thegither.

5 Thaye sawe it, an' sae mervellet ; thaye wer trublet, an' haes- tenct awa.

6 Dregedour tuik hand o' thame ther, an' paine as o' ane woman in travail.

7 Thou brikist the schips o' Tarshish wi' ane east wund.

8 As we hae hea3rd, sae hae we seen in the citie o' the Lord o' hosts, in the citie o' our God : God wuU mak' it stan' siccer for- evir. Selah.

9 We hae thoucht o' thy loein'-kindniss, O God, in the middle o' thy temple.

10 Akordin' til thy nseme, O God, sae is thy prayse til the en's o' the yirth ; thy richt han' is fu' o' richteousniss.

1 1 Let Muunt Zion rejoyce ; let the douchters o' Judali be gladsume becaus o' thy juudgemints.

12 Gang aboot Zion, an' gae roun aboot hir : count the towirs thero'.

13 Merk ye weel hir bullwarks : tak' tent til hir palaces ; that ye may telle it til the ganseratian til cum.

14 For this God is our God forevir an' evir: he wull be our gaeyde een untill deaeth.


t Til the chief musicien, Ane Psahn for the sons o' Korah.

HEiER this, a' ye peeple : gie eaer, a' ye indwallers o' the war Id :

2 Beith leuch an' heich, riche an' puir thegither.

3 My mooth sail speik o' wusdoom : an' the medetatione o' my hairt sail be o' understan'in'.

4 I wull inclseine mine eaer til ane parabil ; I wull opin my mirk sayin' apon the herp.

5 Wharefor shud I feser in the-dayes o' ill, whan the inequitie o' my heels heth gane roun' aboot me ?

6 Thaye that trust in th lir wakh, an' boost thamesel's in the multctud o' ihair gaines ;


7 Nane o' thame can bie onie meens redeim his brither, nar gie til God ane ransunie for him :

8 (For the redemptione o' thair saul is pracious, an' it is at ane en' forevir.)

9 That he shud still leive foraye, an' seena corruptione.

10 For he sees that wjse men dee ; likewayse the fule an' the bruutish persone perrishe, an' leefe thair walth til ithers.

1 1 Thair inwaird thoucht is, that thair houses sail contina for- evir, an' thair dvvallin'-pleces til a' ganaeratians : thaye ca' thair lan's efter thair ain nsemes.

12 Natheless man being in honor bidesna; he is like the beaests that decaye owtricht.

13 This thair waye is thair follie : natheless tliair posteritie appruve thair sayin's. Selah.

14 Like sheepe thaye ar laide in the grafFe ; deaeth sail feed on thame : an' the upricht sail hae powir ower thame in the moornin' ; an' thair beutie sail waiste in the grafFe frae thair dwallin'.

15 But God sail redeim my saul frae the thrawl o' the graffe ; for he sail receife me. Selah.

16 Bena thou rade whan ane is maede riche, whan the glorie o' his hous is inkresset.

17 For whan he dees, he sail carrie naethin' awa; his glorie sallna descen' efter him :

18 Thouch quhile he leivet he blisset his ain saul; an' men wull prayse thee whan thou dest weel til thysel.

19 He sail gae til the ganseratian o' his faethers : thaye sail nevir see the licht.

20 Man that is in honor, an' understan'sna, is like the beaests that perrishe.


H Ane Psalm o' Asaph.

THE michtie God, een the Lord, heth spokin, an' ca't the yirth frae the rasisin' til the gaein' doun o' the sun.

2 Owt o' Zion, the perfiteniss o' beutie, the Lord heth shynet.

3 Our God sail cum, an' sallna be seelent : ane fire sail devoor afore him, an' roun aboot him it sail be verra tempestiouse.

4 Frae aboone he sail ca' owt til the heacvens an' til the yirth, that he maye juudge the peeple.


5 Gether my saunts thegither untill me ; thaye that liae maede ane covenent wi^ me bie saacrifice.

6 An' the heaevens sail speik furth his richteousniss ; for God himseP is juudge. Selah.

7 Heasr, O my peeple, an' I wull speik ; O Israel, an' I wuU beaer wutniss agayne thee : I am God, een thy God.

8 I vvullna repruve thee for thy saacrifices or thy brunt-afferin's, til hae been continwallie afore me.

9 I wull tak' nae stot owt o' thy hous, nar he-gaits owt o' thy falds.

10 For ilka beast o' the greenwud is mine, an' the kattle apon ane thousan' hills.

Ill ken a' the burds o' the mountans, an' the untamet besests o' the desart ar mine.

12 Gif I wer hungerie, I wadna tell thee : for the warld an' the fu'uiss o't is mine.

13 "Wull I eet the flesch o' bulls, or drynk the bluid o' gaits ?

14 Affer untill God tlianksgiein' ; an' paye thy vowes til the Maist Hie.

15 An' ca' apon me in the daye o' truble, an' I wull answir thee : I wull delifer thee, an' thou salt glorifie me.

16 But untill the wicket God says, What best thou til do til speik owt my staatutes, or that thou shudist tak' my covenent in thy mooth ?

17 Seein' thou hsetist instrucksione, an' flingist my wurds ahint thee.

18 Whan thou sawist ane reyffar, than thou becamist airt an' pairt wi' him, an' eke best been partaker wi' advoutirers.

19 Thou gieist thy mooth til ill, an' thy tung frames deceits.

20 Thou sittist, an' speikist agayne thy brither ; thou slan^erist thine ain mither's son.

21 Thae things best thou dune, an' I keepet seelence ; thou thouchtist that I was a'thegither sic an ane as thysel' : but I wull repruuve thee, an' set thame in oordir afore thine eyne.

22 Nowe tak' thoucht o' this, ye that forget God, in kase I reeive you in pieces, an' ther be nane til delifer.

23 Whasae affers prayse glorifies me : an' til him that oordirs his waye aricht I wull shaw the salvatione o' God.



t Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David.

HAE mercie apon me, O God, akordin^ til thy loein'-kindnlss ; akordin' untill the multetud o^ thy tendir mercies blat owt my wrang-gangin's.

2 Wasch me throwelie frae mine inequitie, an' cleense me frae my sin.

3 For I own my transgressiones, an* my sin is evir afore me.

4 Agayne thee, thee onlie hae I sinnet, an' dune this ill in thy sicht; that thou michtist be justifiet whan thou speikist, an' be cleaer whan thou juudgeist.

5 Behald, I was muuldet in inequitie, an' in sin did my mither conceife me.

6 Behald, thou desyrist trouth in the inwaird pairts, an' in the hydden pairt thou sallt mak' me til ken wusdoom.

7 Scour me wi' hyssop, an' I sail be cleen : wasch me, an' I sail be whiter nor the snaw.

8 Mak' me til heser joye an' gladsumeniss ; that the banes whilk thou hest brokin maye rejoyce.

9 Hyde thy fece frae my sins, an' blat owt a' mine inequities.

10 Creaat in me ane cleen hairt, O God, an' renewe ane richt speerit wuthin me.

1 1 Pitna me awa frae thy presince, an' takna thy Haly Speerit frae me.

12 Bring bak untill me the joye o' thy salvatione, an' uphaud me wi' thy free speerit.

13 Than wull I teech transgressers thy wayes : an' sinners sail be turnet untill thee.

14 Delifer me frae bluid-giltiniss, O God, thou God o' my sal- vatione, an' my tung sail sing luudlie o' thy richteousniss.

15 O Lord, opin thou my lippes, an' my mooth sail shaw furth thy prayse.

16 For thou desyrist na saacrifice, els wad I gie it thee : thou delichtistna in brunt-afferin'.

17 The saacrifices o' God ar ane brokin speerit: ane brokin an' ane rewfu' hairt, O God, thou wultna despaeise.

18 Do guid, in thy guid pleesur until Zion: bigg thou the wa's o' Jerusalem.


19 Than sallt thou be pleeset wi' the saacrifices o' richteousniss wi' brunt-afferin' an' haill brunt-aflerhi' : than sail thaye affer ousen apon thine altar.


H Til the chief musicien Maschil, Aue Psahn o' David whau Doeg the Edomite cam' an' tauld Saul, an' said untill him, David is cum til the hous o' Ahimelech.

WHY boostist thou thysel in mischeef, O michtie man ? the ffuidniss o' God induurs continwallie.

2 Thy tung devseises mischeefs : like ane sherp razor vvurkin' deceitfulie.

3 Thou loeist ill mair nor guid, an' leein' rcethir nor til speik richteousniss. Selah.

4 Thou loeist a' devoorin' wurds, O tliou deceitfu' tung.

5 God sail likewaies destroye thee forevir : he sail tak' thee awa, an' pu' thee owt o' thy dwallin'-plece, an' rute thee owt o' the Ian' o^ the leivin'. Selah.

6 The richteous sail alsua see, an' feaer, an' sail lauch at him.

7 Lo, this is the man that msedena God hisstrencth ; but trustet in the routhniss o' his riches, an' strencthenet himsel in his vvicket- niss.

8 But I am like ane green olive-tree in the hous o' God : I trust in the mercie o' God forevir an' aye.

9 I wull prayse thee forevir, becaus thou hest dune it; an' I wull waite on thy naeme ; for it is guid in the presince o' thy saunts.


II Til the chief musicien apon Mahalath, Maschil, Ane Psalm o' David.

THE fule hes said in his hairt, Ther is nae God. Corrup ar thaye, an' liae dune abominabel inequitie : ther is nane that deth guid.

2 God luiket doun frae heaeven apon the childer o' men, til see gif ther wer onie that did understan', an' did seik God.

3 Ilka ane o' thame is gane bak ; thaye ar a'thegither becum foulsume : ther is nane that deth guid, na, nat ane.


4 Hae the wurkers o' inequitie nae wsetin ? wha eet up my peeple as thaye eet brefed : tliaye haena ca't apon God.

5 Ther vver thaye in grit feser, wher nae feaer was ; for God, athwart an' wyde abreaed, hses thrawn the banes o'him that encamps agayne thee. Thou best putten thame til shseme, becaus God heth despaeisit thame.

6 Och ! that the salvatione o' Israel wer cum owt o' Zion ! Whan God brings bak the taen awa o' his peeple, Jacob sail rejoyce, an' Israel sail be ffladsume.


' Til the chief musicien on Neginoth, Maschil, Ane Psalm o' David, whan the Zephims cam' an' said tU Saul, Desna David hyde himsel wi' us?

SAUFE me, O God, bie thy nseme, an' guide me bie thy strencth.

2 Heser my prseyer, O God; gie eser til the wurds o' my mooth.

3 For fremet faes ar risen up agayne me, an' oppressors seik after my saul ; thaye haena set God afore thame. Selah.

4 Behald God is mine helper : the Lord is wi' thame that up- haud my saul.

5 He sail rewaird ill untill mine enimies : snag thame aff in thy trouth.

6 I wull franklie saacrifice untill thee : I wull prayse thy nseme, O Lord, for it is guid.

7 For he heth freet me owt o' a' truble : an' mine ae has seen his desyre apon mine enimies.


If Til the chief musicien on Neginoth, Maschil, Ane Psalm o' David.

GIE eeer til my prseyar, O God, an' hydena thy sal frae my sup- plicatione.

2 Tak' tent untill me, an' heser ma ; I murn in my compleenin' an' mak' ane no3^se.

3 Becaus o' the voyce o' the enimie, becaus o' the oppressione o' the wicket ; for thaye smairg inequitie apon me, an' in wr^eth thaye haete me.



4 My hairt is sair painet wuthin me : an' the terrers o' deeeth ar fa'n apon me.

5 Fe^rfuniss an' trimmlin' ar cum apon me, an' horrar heth ower-layde me.

6 An' I said, Oh that I had wings like ane dow ! for than wad I flie awa an' be at rest.

7 Lo, than wad I dander fer aff, an' bide in the desart. Selah-

8 I wad haesen my saufe wayegait frae the wundie stourm an' tempist.

9 Destroy e, O Lord, an' pit feid atween thair tungs, for I hae seen vielence an' strifFe in the citie.

10 Daye an' nicht apon the wa's thaye gang aboot it : mischeef alsua, an' dool, ar in the midst o't.

1 1 Wicketniss is in the middle thero' ; deceit an' gyle gaena awa frae hir throwegangs.

12 For it wasna ane enimie that reprochet me ; than I coud hae brooket it : naether was it he that hsetet me that maede himsel' big agayne me ; than I wad hae hydden mysel' frae him.

13 But it was thou, ane man mine ekwal, my gseyde, an' mine ackwantance.

14 We tuik sweit cunsil thegither, an' gaed fit for fit thegither een til the hous o' God.

15 Let deffith grip haud'o' thame, an' let thame gang doun quik intil hell ; for wicketniss is in thair dwallin's, an' amang thame.

16 As for me, I wull ca' apon God ; an' the Lord sail saufe me.

17 E'enin' an' moormn', an' at nuun, I wull crye aluud, an' he sail heser my voyce.

18 He sail free my saul in peece frae the battil that was agayne me ; for ther wer monie wi' me.

19 God sail heaer an' afflick thame, een he that bides o' auld. Selah. Becaus thaye hae nae changes, therfor thaye feaerna God.

20 He heth putten furth his ban's agayne sic as be at peece wi' him ; he heth brokin' his coven ent.

21 The wurds o' his mooth wer mair saft an' slegie nor butter, but weir was in his hairt : his wurds wer safter nor oolie, nathless wer thaye drawn swords.

22 Thraw thy burden apon the Lord, an' he wull susteen thee : he sail nevir thole the richteous til be muvet.

23 But thou, O Lord, sallt bring thame doun intil the pit o' de-


struckshon: bluidie an' deceitfu' men sallna leive owt haufF thair dayes ; but I wull trust in thee.


t Til the chief musicien apon Jonath-elem-rechokim, Michtam o' David, whan the Philistines tuik him in Gath.

BE mercifu' til me, O God ; for man wad swallie me up ; he, fichtin', day lie oppresses me.

2 Mine enimies wad swallie me up daye bie daye, for thaye be monie that ficht agayne me, O thou Maist Hie.

3 What time I am afearet, I wull trust in thee.

4 In God I wull prayse his wurd ; in God I hae put my trust : I wullna feaer what flesch can do til me.

5 Ilka daye thaye distourt my wurds : a,' thair thouchts ar agayne me for ill.

6 Thaye gether thamsel's thegither; thaye hyde thamesel's, thaye merk my stepps whan thaye waite for my saul.

7 Sail thaye get cleaer aff bie inequitie ? in thine angir thraw doun the peeple, O God.

8 Thou cuuntist my wanderin's: pit thou my teaers intil thy bottell : ar thaye nat in thy bulk ?

9 Whan I crye untill thee, than sail my faes turn bak: this I ken ; for God is for me.

10 In God wull I prayse his wurd: in the Lord his wurd wull I prayse.

1 1 In God hae I putten my trust ; I wullna be rade for what man can do til me.

12 Thy vowes ar apon me, O God: I wull gie prayse untill thee.

13 For thou best deliferet my saul frae deaeth : wulltna thou free my feet frae fa^in', that I maye gang afore God in the licht o' the leivin'?


11 Til the chief musicien, Al-tas-chith, Michtam o' David, whan he gaed awa' frae Saul in the caefe.

BE mercifu' til me, Q God, be mercifu' til me, for my saul trusts in thee : ay, in the skaddaw o' thy wings wull I mak' my skug, til a' thae sair wandrethes be gane bye.


2 I wuU crye untill God maist hie ; untill God, that deth a^ things for me.

3 He sail sen' frae heaven, an' saufe me frae the reproch o' him that wad swallie me up. Selah. God sail sen' furth his mercie an' his tiouth.

4 !My saul is araang lions ; an' I lye een araang thame that ar set on fire, een the sons o' men, whase teeth ar speers an' arras, an' thair tung ane sherp sword.

5 Be thou liftet hie up, O God, aboone the heavens ; let thy glorie be aboone a' the yirth.

6 Thaye hae prepairet ane nette for my stepps ; my 'saul is bowet doun : thaye hae howket ane pitt afore me, in the middle o' whillc thaye tbamesel's hae fa'n. Selah.

7 My hairt is firmlie sete, O God, my hairt is firmlie sete ; I wuU sing an' gie prayse.

8 Awauken up, my glorie ; awauken, psalterie an' herp ; I my- sel' wull awauken earlie.

9 I wuU prayse thee, O Lord, amang the peeple ; I wull sing untill thee amang the nationes.

10 For thy mercie is grit untill the heavens, an' thy trouth untill the cluds.

11 Be thou liftet up, O God, aboone the heaevens; let thy oflorie be aboone a' the yirth.


^ Til the cMef musicien, Al-tas-chith, IMichtam o' David.

DO ye trewlie speik richteousniss, O congregatione ? do ye juudge uprichtlie, O ye sons o' men ?

2 Ay, ye in hairt wurk wicketuiss ; ye \yie the vielence o' your ban's in the yirth.

3 The wicket ar efremet frae the wome ; thaye gang astraye as sune as thaye be born, speikin' lees.

4 Thair pusen is like the pusen o' ane serpint ; thaye ar like the deef eddart that stapps hir lug ;

5 Whilk wullna herken til the voyce o' chermers, cherm thaye nevir sae wyselie.

6 Brik thair teeth, O God, in thair mooth; brik owt the grit teeth o' the yuno- lions, O Lord.


7 Let thame melt awa like waters that riil continwallie ; whan he ben's his bowe til scliuut his arras, let thame be as cutet in pieces.

8 As ane snail vvhilk melts, let ilka ane o' thame passe awa; like the wantimelie birth o' ane woman, that thaye may seena the sun.

9 Afoi'e your pats can feel tlie thoorns, he sail tak' thame awa as gif wi' ane whurhvund, baith leivin', an' in his wraeth.

10 The richteous sail rejoyce whan he sees the vangence ; he sail wasch his feet in the bluid o' the wicket.

11 Sae that ane man sail say, Trevvlie ther is ane rewaird for the richteous: trewlie he is ane God that juudges in the yirth.


^ Til the chief musicien, Al-tas-chith, Michtam o' David, whan Saul sendet, an' thaye watchet the hous til kill him.

DELIFER me frae mine enimies, O my God ; skug me frae thame that raeise up agayne me.

2 Delifer me frae the wurkers o' inequitie, an' saufe me frae bluidie men.

3 For lo, thaye lye on the owtluik for my saul : the michtie ar getheret agayne me : nat for my wrang-gangin', nar for my sin, O Lord.

4 Thaye rin an' mak' thamesel's readie wuthouten my faut ; awauken til helpe me, an' behald.

5 Thou, therfor, O Lord God o' hosts, the God o' Israel, awauken til veesit a' the heasthin : bena mercifu' til onie wicket transgresser. Selah.

6 Thaye cum bak at e'enin' : thaye mak' ane noyse like ane dog, an' gang roun' aboot the citie.

7 Behald thaye rift owt wi' thair mooth ; swords ar in thair lipps, for wha (saye thaye) deth heser ?

8 But thou, O Lord, sallt lauch at thame ; thou sallt hae a' the heaethin in derishion.

9 Becaus o' his strencth wuU I waite apon thee : for God is my saufegaird.

10 The God o' my mercie sail gae afore me : God sail let me see my wush apon mine enimies.

11 Dinna sley thame owtricht, in case my fowk forget: drseive


thaiiie abreaed bie thy wicht, an' bring thame doun, O Lord, our slieeld.

12 For the sin o' thair mooth, an' the wurds' o' thair lipps, let thame een be taen in thair pryde, an for bannin' an' leein' whilk thaye speik.

13 Consuum thame in furie, consuum thame that thaye mayna be ; an' let thame ken that God rings in Jacob untill the en's o' the yirth. Selah.

14 An' at e'enin' let thame cum bak ; an' let thame mak' noyse like ane dog, an' gang roun' aboot the citie.

15 Let thame dander up an' doun seikin' fude, an' grudje gif thaye bena satisfiet.

16 But I vvull sing o' thy powir; ay, I wull sing aluud o' thy mercie in the moornin' : for thou best been my defense an' beeld in the daye o' my truble.

17 Untill thee, O my strencth, wull I sing.; for God is ray de- fense, an' the God o' my mercie.


H Til the chief musicien apon Shushan-eduth, Michtam o' David, til teech whau he strasfe wi' Aram-naharaim, au' wi' Aram-zobah, whan Joab cam' bak au' smate o' Edom iu the Vallie o' Saut twal thousan'.

OGOD, thou best casen us afF, thou best drien us abreaed, thou best been displeaset : O turn thysel' til us agane.

2 Thou best msede the yirth til trimmel ; thou best brokin it : men' the gaaps thero', for it shogs.

3 Thou best shawet thy peeple sad an' sair things; thou best masde us til drynk the wine o' wunderment.

4 Thou best gien ane banner til thame that feser thee, that it maye be display et becaus o' the trouth. Selah,

5 That thy belofet may be deliferet ; saufe wi' thy richt ban', an' heaer me.

6 God heth spokin' in his haliniss; I wull rejoyce : I wull de- vyde Shechem, an' meseser owt the vallie o' Succoth.

7 Gilead is mine, Manassah is mine ; Ephraim alsua is the strencth o' mine hesed, an' Judah is my lawgieer.

8 Moab is my wasch-pat : ower Edom wull I thraw my shoo : Philistia, wult thou now triumffower me ?


9 Wha wuU bring me intil the Strang citie ? wha "wull leede me intil Edom ?

10 Wult thou, O God, whilk best casen us aiF? an' thou, O God, whilk didistna gang owt wi' our bands o' weir ?

11 Gie us help frae truble ; for the help o' man is vaine.

12 Throwe God we wull do douchtielie : for he it is that sail tramp doun our enimies.


IT Til the chief musicien apon Niginah, Ane Psalm o' David.

HEjER ray crye, O God ; tak' tent untill my prseyer. 2 Frae the en' o' the yirth wull I crye untill thee, whan my hairtis owercum leed me til the rok that is heicher nor I.

3 For thou best been ane scug for me, an' ane Strang towir frae the enimie.

4 I wull bide in thy taabernakle for aye : I wull trust in the kuvert o' thy wings. Selah.

5 For thou, O God, best heaerd my vowes : thou best gien me the heirseep o' thame that feser thy nasme.

6 Thou wult draw lang the lifFe o' the king, an' mak' his yeers as monie ganeeratians.

7 He sail bide afore God for aye : O prepair mercie an' trouth wbilk may preserfe him.

8 Sae wull I sing prayse til thy nseme forevir, that I maye daylie paye my vowes.


H Til the chief musicien, til Jeduthun, Ane Psalm o' David.

TREWLIE my saul waites apon God : frae him cums my sal- vatione.

2 He onlie is my rok an' my beltb : he is my hie piece, I sall- na be gritlie muvet.

3 How lang wull ye imagin mischeef agayne ane man ? ye sail be sleyn a' o' ye : as ane boulgie wa' sail ye be, an' as ane waigglin' fense.


4 Thaye onlie konsult til thraw him doun frae his eksellencie : thaye delicht in lees : thaye bliss wi' thair mooth, an' ban invvairdlie.

5 My saul, waite thou onlie apon God ; for ray expecktashone is frae him.

6 He onlie is my rok an' my salvatione : he is my defense ; I sallna be muvet.

7 In God is my salvatione an' my glorie : the rok o' my strencth an' my sauftie-hovvif is in God.

8 Trust in him at a' times, ye peeple ; teem owt your hairts afore him : God is ane sauftie-howfF for us. Selah.

9 Shurelie men o' leuch degree ar vanitie : an' men o' heich degree ar ane lee. Til be layde in the balinse thaye ar a'thegither lichter nor vainitie.

10 Trustna in oppressione, an' becumna vaine in reyflake : gif riches inkresse, setna your hairt apon thame.

1 1 God heth spokin ance ; twaeis hae I heaerd this, that powir belangs untill God.

12 Alsua untill thee, O Lord, belangs mercie ; for thou ren- dirist til ilka man akordin' til his warks.



H Ane Psalm o' David, whan he was in the Wulderniss o' Judah.

GOD, thou art my God, earlie wull I seik thee : my saul thrists for thee, my flesch langs for thee in ane drie an' wearie Ian' whare nae water is ;

2 Til see thy powir an' thy glorie, sae as I hae seen thee in the sanctuarie.

3 Becaus thy loein-kindniss is better nor lifFe, my lipps sail prayse thee.

4 Thus wull I bliss thee while I leive ; I wull lift up my ban's in thy nasme.

5 My saul sail be satisfiet as wi' marra an' fatniss, an' my mooth sail prayse thee wi' joyfu' lipps ;

6 Whan I remembir thee apon my bed, an' tak' deep thoucht o' thee in the hoors o' the nicht.

7 Becaus thou best been my staye, therfor in the skaddaw o' thy wings wull 1 rejoyce.


8 My saul folios clos efter thee : thy richt han' uphauds me.

9 But thaye that seik my saul til destroye it, sail gang intil the lower pairts o' the yirth.

10 Thaye sail fa' bie the sword; thaye sail be ane melteth for the tods.

1 1 But the king sail rejoyce in God : ilka ane that sweers bie him sail glorie : but the lipps o' thame that speik lees sail be stappet.


t Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David.

HE^R my voyce, O God, in my praeyer; preserfe my liiFe frae feaer o' the enimie.

2 Hyde me frae the seceret cunsil o' the wicket : frae the raeis- ing up o' the wurkers o' inequitie ;

3 Wha sherpen thair tungs like ane sword, an' ben' thair bowes til schuut thair arras, een bitter w^urds.

4 That thaye may schuut wi' hidden ettle at the perfite : in ane wanwuth thaye schuut wuthouten dreasdour.

5 Thaye eg on thamesel's in ane ill thing : thaye commuun anent layin' girns hiddlinslie : thaye saye, Wha sail see thame ?

6 Thaye howk owt inequities : thaye akomplish ane eident en- quaeirie: baith the inwaird thoucht o' ilka ane o' thame an' the hairt is deepe.

7 But God sail schuut at thame wi' ane arra; suddanlie sail thaye be wuundet.

8 Sae sail thaye mak' thair ain tung til fa' apon thamesel's : a' sail flee awa that see thame.

9 An' a' men sail feeer, an' sail speik furth the wark o' God ; for thaye sail wyselie dwall in deepe thoucht on his doin'.

10 The richteous sail be gladsume in the Lord, an' sail trust in him ; an' a' the upricht in hairt sail glorie.


H Til the chief musicieu, Ane Psalm an' Sang o' David.

^RtEYSE waites for thee, O God, in Zion ; an' untill thee sail the vowe be payet.


2 Untill thee, O tbou that heaerist praeyer, sail a' ilesch cum.

3 Inequities mak' inraid agayne me : as for our transgressiones, thou sallt cleense thame awa.

4 Blisset is the man wham thou chuusist, an' causist til cum neser untill thee, that he may dwall in thy cuurts. We sail be satisfiet wi' the guidniss o' thy hous, een o' thy haly temple.

5 Bie terrabil things in richteousniss wult thou answir us, O God o' our salvatione, wha art the konfidense o' a' the en's o' the yirth, an' o' thame that ar afer afF apon the se.

6 Whilk bie his strencth settist siccer the mountans, bein' girth et wi' powir;

7 Whilk stillist the noyse o' the seis, the noyse o' the waves, an' the racket o' the peeple.

8 Thaye alsua that dwall in the maist owt-bye pairts ar afeasret at thy tokins : thou makist the owt-gangin' o' the moornin' an the e'enin' til rejoyce.

9 Thou veesitist the yirth, an' waterist it ; thou gritlie inrichist it wi' the river o' God, whilk is fu' o' water: thou prepairist the coorn whan thou best sae msede it readie.

10 Thou waterist the riggs o't abundentlie ; thou settelist the furs thero' ; thou makist it saft wi' shoors ; thou blissist the brairdin' o't.

1 1 Thou crownist the yeer wi' thy guidniss, an' thy peths drap fatniss.

12 Thaye drap apon the pasters o' the wuldirniss ; an' the wee hills rejoyce on ilka syde.

13 The heff-gangs ar claethet wi' hirsels o' sheepe ; the vallies ar alsua kiveret ower wi' coorn ; thaye crye owt for joy, thaye li!t alsua an' sing.


H Til the chief musicien, Aue Sang or Psalm.

MAK' ane joyfu' noyse untill God, a' ye lan's. 2 Sing furth the honor o' his nseme; mak' his prayse glorious.

3 Say untill God, Howe terrabil art thou in thy warks ! throuch the gritniss o' thy powir sail thine enimies submisse thame- sel's til thee.


4 A' the yirth sail wurship thee, an' sail sing untill thee ; thaye sail sing til thy naeme.

5 Cum an' see the warks o' God: he is terrabil in his doin' towairds the childer o' men.

6 He turnet the se intil dry Ian' ; thaye gaed throwe the flude on fit ; ther did we rejoyce in him.

7 He ruuls hie his powir forevii' ; his eyne behald the nationes: letna the rebelleous lift thamesel's up. Selah.

8 O bliss our God, ye peeple, an' mak' his prayse be heard ;

9 Whilk bauds our saul in liffe, an' tholesna our feet til be muvet.

10 For thou, O God, best pruvet us; thou best tryet us as siller is tryet.

11 Thou brangist us intil the nette ; thou laydist afflicksone on our lains.

12 Thou best causet men til ryde ovver our bejfeds : we gaed throwe fire an' throwe water ; but thou brangist us owt intil ane walthie piece.

13 1 wull gang intil thy hous wi' brunt-afFerin's ; I wull paye thee my vowes,

14 Whilk my lipps hae uutteret an' m}^ mooth heth spokin, whan I was in truble.

15 I wull affer untill thee brunt-saacrifices o' fatlins, wi' the insense o' tips : I wull affer ousen wi' gaits.

16 Cum an' heaer, a' ye that feaer God ; I wull speik owt what he heth dune for my saul.

17 1 cryet untill him wi' my mooth, an' he was ekstoUet wi' my tung.

18 Gif I goam inequitie in my hairt, the Lord wullna heser me.

19 But trewlie God heth heserd me ; he heth ta'en tent til the voyce o' my prseyer.

20 Blisset be God, wha hethna turnet awa my praeyer frae him, nar his mercie frae me.



H Til the chief musicien on Negiuoth, Ane Psalm or Sang.

OD be mercifu' untill us, an' bliss us, an' caus his fece til shyne apon us. Selah.


2 That thy waye may be kennet apon yirth, an' thy saufin' helth amang a' nationes.

3 Let the peeple prayse thee, O God ; let a' the peeple prayse thee.

4 O let the nationes be blythe, an' sing for joye ; for thou sallt juudge the peeple richteouslie, an' govern the nationes apon yirth. Selah.

5 Let the peeple prayse thee, O Lord ; let a' the peeple prayse thee.

6 Than sail the yirth gie furth hir inkresse ; an' God, een our God, sail bliss us.

7 God sail bliss us ; an' a' the en's o' the yirth sail feaer him.


If Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm or Sang o' David.

LET God rgeise up, let his enimies be scatteret : let thame alsua that haete him flie afore him.

2 As reek is drein awa, sae awa let thame be drein : as waks melts afore the fire, sae let the wicket melt awa in the presinse o' God.

3 But let the richteous be gladsume : let thame rejoyce afore God; yis, let thame rejoyce ekseedin'lie.

4 Sing untill God, sing prayses til his naeme : ekstol him that rydes apon the heaevens by his naeme Jah, an' rejoyce afore him.

5 Ane faether o' the faetherliss, an' ane juudge o' the widaws, is God in his haly dwallin'.

6 God setts the rewfu' an' lane in families : he brings owt thae whilk ar bund in cheens ; but the contramashous dwall in ane barren Ian'.

7 O God, whan ye gaed furth afore the peeple, whan thou didist maerch throwe the wulderniss ; Selah :

8 The yirth shuuk, the heaevens drappet at the presince o' God, the God o' Israel.

9 Thou, O God, didist sen' ane routh rain, wharebie thou didist refreshan an' mak' firm thine, heirskep whan it was wurn wearie.

10 Thy congregatione has dwalt therin : o' thy guidniss thou hest, O God, layde up sumething for the puir.

1 1 The Lord gaefe the wurd, an' grit was the companie o' thae that publishet it.


12 Kings o' aevmies did flee at ance : an' she wha stayet at hame devydet the spulsyie.

13 Thouch ye hae Iceyne amang the pats, yit sail ye be as the wings o' ane dow, kiveret wi' siller, an' her feathers wi' yallo gowd.

14 Whan the Almichtie skatteret kings for hir, she was white as snaw in Salmon.

15 The hill o' God is as the hill o' Bashan ; ane heich hill, as the hill o' Bashan.

16 Therfor, why lowp ye an' conten', ye hills o' heich heaeds ? This is the hill whilk God desyres til dwall in ; yis, the Lord wull dwall in it for aye.

17 The chareats o' God ar twontie thousan' ; een monie thou- san's o' angils : the Lord is amang thame in his haly piece, as in Sinai.

18 Thou hest gane up on hie : thou hest led captifitie captife : thou hest receifet giftes for men; ay, for the contramashous alsua, that the Lord God micht dwall amang thame.

19 Blisset be the Lord, wha daye efter daye lades us wi' guid things, een the God o' our salvatione. Selah.

20 He that is our God is the God o' salvatione : an' untill God the Lord the furthgaein's frae deasth belang.

21 But God sail wuund the hesed o' his enimies, an' the hairie scaup o' sic an ane as gaes wullfullie still on in his trespassis.

22 The Lord said, I wull bring agane frae Bashan : I wull bring my peeple agane frae the deeps o' the se.

23 That thy fit may be dippet in the bluid o' thine enimies, an' in the sgeme the tung o' thy dogs.

24 Thaye hae seen thy gaeings, O God ; een the gaeings o' my God, my King, in the sanctuarie.

25 The singirs gaed afore, the playirs on instriments folloet efter : amang thame wer the yung dames playin' on timbrils.

26 Bliss ye God in the congregatione ; een the Lord, frae the fountan o' Israel.

27 Ther is wee Benjamin, wi' thair ruuler, the cheefs o' Judah, an' thair cunsil, the cheefs o' Zebulun, an' the cheefs o' Naphtali.

28 Thy God heth comman'et thy strencth : wi' strencth mak' siccer, O God, that whilk thou hest dune for us.

29 Becaus o' thy temple at Jerusalem, sail kings bring pro- pines untill thee.

30 Rebuik the throck o' speermen, the ferkishen o' the bulls,


wi' the cafes o' the peeple, til ilka anesubmisse himsel' wi'peices o' siller : skatter thou the peeple that delicht in weir.

31 Princes sail cum owto' Egypt; Ethiopia sail sune streeke owt his han's untill God.

32 Sing untill God, ye kingdooms o' the yirth ; O sing prayses untill the liord. Selah.

33 Til him wha rydes apon the heaevens o' hesevens whilk wer o' auld ; lo, he deth sen' owt his voyce, an' that ane voyce michtie.

34 Ascrybe ye strencth untill God : his eksellencie is ower Israel, an' his strencth is in the cluds.

35 O God, thou art terrabil owt o' thy haly pieces : the God o' Israel is he that gies strencth an' powir untill his peeple. Blisset be God.


1i Til the chief musicien apon Shoshannim, Ane Psalm o' David.

SAUFE me, O God, for the waters hae cum in untill my saul. 2 I synk amang deep glar, whare ther is nae stan'in' : I am cum intil deep waters, whare the fludes ower-gang me.

3 I am wearie o' my cryin' ; my bass is dryet, mine eyne faeil while I waite for my God.

4 Thaye that haete me wuthouten ane caus ar mae nor the hairs o' mine heaed : thaye that wad destroye me, bein^ mine eni- mies wrangfulie, ar michtie : than I rendiret that whilk I tuikna awa.

5 O God, thou kennist my fulishniss, an' my sins arna hidden frae thee.

6 Letna thame that waite on thee, O Lord God o' hosts, be shsemet for my sak' : letna thae that seik thee be confuundet for my sak', O God o' Israel.

7 Becaus for thy sak' I hae tholet reproch : shsemeheth kiveret my fece.

8 I am becum ane fremet untill my brithren, an' ane forener until my mither's childer.

9 For the zeel o' thine hous hges eeten me up ; an' the re- proches o' thame that reprochet thee hae fa'n apon me.

10 Whan I grat an' chestenet my saul wi' fastin', that was til my reproch.


111 maede sackclaith alsua my cleedin', an' I becam' ane bie- wurd til thame.

V2 Thaye that sit in the yette speik agayne me, an' I was the sang o' the drunkards.

13 But as for me, my prseyer is untill thee, OLord, in ane akseptabil time : O God, in the multitud o' thy mercie, heaer me in the trouth o' thy salvatione.

14 Owt o' the clart delifer me, an' letna me synk : let me be deliferet frae thame that haete me, an' owt o' the deep waters.

15 Letna the waterflude owerfleete me, naether let the deep svvallie me up, an' letna the pitt apon me shute hir mooth.

16 Heeer me, O Lord, for thy loein-kindniss is guid ; turn untill me akordin' til the multitud o' thy tendir mercies.

17 An' hydena thy fece frae thy servent, for I am in truble ; heser me speedilie.

18 Draw neaer untill my saul, an' redeim it ; delifer me becaus o' mine enimies.

19 Thou hest kennet my reproch, an' my shaeme, an' my wan- honor : mine advarsaries ar a' afore thee.

20 Reproch h^s brokin mine hairt, an' I am fu' o' hiviniss ; an' I luikit for sum til tak' pitie, but ther was nane, an' for comfertirs, but I fand nane.

21 Ga' thaye alsua gsefe me for my meoet, an' in my thrist thaye ggefe me venigar til drynk.

22 Let thair tabel becum ane girn afore thame ; an' that whilk shud hae been for tiiair weelfare, let it becum ane kittlebrode.

23 Let thair eyne be derkenet that thaye seena, an' let thair lains continwallie shak'.

24 Teem owt thine indignatione apon thame, an' let thy frenfu* angir tak' baud o' thame.

25 Let thair nasme be waiste an' lane, an' let nane dwall in thair tents.

26 For thaye persikute him wham thou hest smittin, an' thaye speik til the sad skaith o' thae wham thou hest wuundet.

27 Eek punishmint til thair eniquitie, an' let thame nat cum intil thy richteousniss.

28 Let thame be blattet owt frae the bulk o' the laeivin', an' nat be writ wi' the richteous.

29 But I am puir an' fu' o' sorra : let thy salvatione, O God, sett me up on hie.


30 I wull prayse the nseme o' God wi' ane sang, an' wuU mag- nifie him wi' thanksgiein'.

31 This alsua sail pleese the Lord mair nor ane stot or bullok that heth cluts an' hoorns.

32 The lawlie sail see this, an' be gladsume : an' your hairts sail laeive that seik God.

S3 For the Lord heaers the puir, an' despaeisesna his prisenirs.

34 Let the heaevens an' yirth prayse him, the seis an' ilka thing that muves therin.

35 For God wull saufe Zion, an' wull bigg the cities o' Judah ; that thaye maye dwall ther, an' hae it in haudin.

36 The afFspring alsua o' his servents sail inheerit it, an' thaye that loe his name sail dwall therin.


H Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David til bring til remembirence.

MAK' haeste, O God, to delifer me ; mak' haeste til helpe me, O Lord.

2 Let thame be shasmet an' confuundet that seik efter my saul : let thame be turnet bakwaird, an' putten til confushon, that desyre my skaith.

3 Let thame be turnet bak for ane rewaird o' thair shaeme that say, Aha ! Aha !

4 Let a' thae that seik thee rejoyce an' be gladsume in thee ; an' let sic as loe thy salvatione say continwallie, Let God be mag- nifiet.

5 But I am puir an' needie, mak' haeste untill me, O God : ye ar my help an' deliferer ; mak' nae taiggling, O Lord.


IN thee, O Lord, do I pit my trust ; let me nevir be putten til confushon.

2 Delifer me in thy richteousniss, an' cans me til gete cleer afF; inclaeine thine eaer untill me, an' saufe me.

3 Be thou my Strang hous, whareuntill I may continwallie re-


sourt : thou hest gien commandement til saufe me : for thou art my rok an' cassel.

4 Delifer me, O my God, owt o' the han' o' the wicket; owt o the han' o' the unrichteous an' cruili man.

5 For thou art my houpe, O Lord God ; thou art my trust frae my youdith.

6 Bie thee hae I been hauden up frae the wome : thou art he that tuik me owt o' my mither's bowils ; my prayse sail be contin- wallie o' thee.

7 I am as ane wunder untill monie : but thou art my Strang hauld.

8 A' the daye let my mooth be fillet wi' thy honor an' thy prayse.

9 Thrawna me aff in the time o' my auld age ; forsakna me whan my pith gaes waye.

10 For mine enimies speik agayne me; an' thaye that laye waite for my saul tak' cunsil thegither,

11 Sayin', God heth forhowet him; persikute an' tak' him; for ther is nane til delifer him.

12 O God, bena fer frae me : O my God, mak' hasste for my helpe.

13 Let thame be confuundet an' consuumet that ar advarsaries til my saul : let thame be kiveret wi' reproch an' wanhonor that seik my skaith.

14 But I wull houpe continwallie, an' prayse thee mair an' mair.

15 My mooth sail shaw furth thy richteousniss an' salvatione a' the daye ; for I kenna the nummer o' thy mercies.

16 I wull gae on in the strencth o' the Lord God : I wull mak' mentione o' thy richteousniss, an' thine onlie.

17 O God, thou hest taucht me frae my youdith; an' hiddertil hae I spokin furth thy wunderfu' warks.

18 Nowe alsua whan I am auld an' graey-heaedet, O God, for- howena me til I hae shawet furth thy strencth til this ganseratian, an' thy powir til ilka ane that is til cum.

19 Alsua thy richteousniss, O God, is verra hie, wha hest dune grit things : O God, wha is like until thee ?

20 Thou, whilk hest shawet me grit an' sair trubles, salt quikan me agane, an' agane sallt bring me up frae the deeps o' the yirth.

21 Thou sallt inkresse my gritniss, an' comfirt me on ilka syde.



22 I wull alsua prayse thee, een thy trouth, wi' the psaltrie, O my God : untill thee wull I sing wi' the herp, O thou Haly Ane o'


23 Whan I sing untill thee, my lipps sail gritlie rejoyce, an' my

saul, whilk thou hest redeimet.

24 My tung alsua sail tauk o' thy richteousniss a' the daye lang: for thaye ar confuundet an' broucht untill shaeme that soucht my skaith.


t Ane Psalm for Solomon.

GIE the king thy juudgemints, O God, an' thy richteousniss untill the king's son.

2 He sail juudge thy fowk wi' richteousniss, an' thy puir wi' juudgemint.

3 The mountans sail bring furth peece til the peeple, an' the wee hills bie richteousniss.

4 He sail juudge the puir o' the peeple; he sail saufe the childer o' the needie, an' sail brik in flinders the oppresser.

5 Thaye sail feser thee as lang as the sun an' muun induur, throuchowt a' ganseratians.

6 He sail cum doun like raine apon the mawn gerse, as shoors that water the yirth.

7 In his dayes sail the richteous flurish, an' routh o' peece, sae lang as the muun induurs.

8 He sail hae dominione alsua frae se til se, an' frae the river til the en's o' the yirth.

9 Thaye that dwall in the wuldirniss sail beck afore him, an' his enimies sail lick the mool.

10 The kings o' Tarshish an' o' the isles sail bring propines ; the kings o' Sheba an' Seba sail affer giftes.

1 1 Yis, a' the kings sail fa' doun afore him ; a' nationes sail ser' him.

12 For he sail delifer the needie whan he cryes, the puir alsua an' him that haes nae helpir. .

13 He sail spare the puir an' needie, an' o' the needie sail saufe the sauls.


14 He sail redeim thair sauls frae deceite an' vielence, an' pra- cious sail thair bluid be in his sicht.

15 An' he sail leive, an' til him sail be gien o' the gowd o' Sheba : praeyer sail alsua be maede for him continwallie, an' daylie sail he be prasyset.

16 Ther sail be ane neiffu' o' coorn in the yird apon the tap o' the mountans: the frute o't sail shak' like Lebanon; an' thaye o' the citie sail flurish like gerse o' the yirth.

17 His naeme sail induur forevir: his nasme sail be continaet as lang as the sun ; an' men sail be blisset in him : a' nationes sail ca' him blisset.

18 Blisset be the Lord God, the God o' Israel, wha onlie deth wunderfu' things.

19 An' blisset be his glorious nasme forevir: an' let the haill yirth be fillet wi' his glorie. Saebied, an' Saebied.

20 The praeyers o' David the son o' Jesse ar endet.


If Ane Psalm o' Asaph.

TREWLIE God is guid til Israel, een til sic as ar o' ane cleen hairt.

2 But as for me, my feet wer amaist gane : mystepps had weel nie sklydet.

3 For I was euveeous at the fulish, whan I saw the weelfare o' the wicket.

4 For ther ar nae bands in thair deseth, but thair strencth is stoot.

5 Thaye arna in truble as ither men ; nsether ar plseguet like ither men.

6 Therfor pryde is roun' aboot thame as ane cheen ; vielence kivers thame as ane rocklay.

7 Thair eyne stan' owt wi' taugh; thaye hae mair nor hairt coude wush,

8 Thaye ar corrup, an^ speik wicketlie anent oppressione . thaye speik loftilie.

9 Thaye set thair mooth agayne the heaBvens ; an' thair tung wags throwe the yirth.


10 Therfor his peeple turn bak hidder ; an' waters o' ane fu cup ar wrung owt til thanie :

1 1 An' tliaye say, Howe deth God ken ? an' is ther feille in the Maist Hie ?

12 Behald, thae ar the ungodlie, wha prospir in the warld: thaye inkresse in walth.

13 Trewlie I hae cleenset my hairt in vaine, an' waschet my ban's in innicencie.

14 For a' the daye lang hae I been plasguet, an' chesanet ilka moornin'.

15 Gif I say, I wull speik thus; behald, I shude offen' agayne the ganseratian o' thy childer.

16 Whan I soucht til understan' this, it was ower painfu' for me.

17 Until I gaed in til the sanctuarie o' God, an' than understude I thair en'.

18 Shurelie thou didist set thame in slidderie pieces : thou dingist thame doun intil destruckshon.

19 Howe ar thaye broucht intil desolatione as in ane wanwuth ! thaye ar uutterlie consuumet wi' terrers.

20 As ane dreem whan ane awaukens, sae, O Lord, whan thou awaukenist, thou sallt despaeise thair image.

21 Thus my hairt was greifet, an' I was prodet in my reens.

22 Sae fulish was I an' ignorant: I was as ane beaest afore thee.

23 Natheless I am continwallie wi' thee : thou best haudden me bie my richt ban'.

24 Thou sallt gseyde me wi' thy cunsil, an' efterwairds receife me intil glorie.

25 Wham hae 1 in heseven but thee ? an' ther is nane apon yirth that I desyre forbye thee.

26 My flesch an' my hairt faeil : but God is the strencth o' my hairt, an' my portione forevir.

27 For lo, thame that ar fer frae thee sail perrishe : thou best destroyet a' thame that gang a-lustin' frae thee.

28 But it is guid for me til draw neaer til God : I hae putten my trust in the Lord God, that I may speik furth a' his warks.



If Maschil o' Asaph.

OGOD, wharefor best thou casen us aff forevir ? why deth thine angir reek agayne the sheepe o' thy hefF-gang ?

2 Mind thy congregatione, whilk thou hest coft o' auld ; the rodd o' thine heirskep, whilk thou hest redeimet ; this Muunt Zion, wharein thou hest dwalt.

3 Lift up thy feet untill the en'liss desolationes, een a' that the enemie heth dune wicketlie in the sanctuarie.

4 Thine enimies rair in the middle o' thy congregationes ; thaye sete up thair ensygns for sygns.

5 Ance ane man was renommet akordin' as he had liftet up sexes apon the thick tries.

6 But nowe thaye brik doun the cervet wark thero' at ance wi' aexes an' hammirs.

7 Thaye bae thrawn fire intil thy sanctuarie ; tbaye bae fylet, bie thrawing doun the dwallin'-plece o' thy nseme til the gruun'.

8 Thaye said in thair hairts, Let us destroye tbame thegither ; thaye bae brunt up a' tbe synigogues o' God in the Ian'.

9 We seena our sygns ; ther is nae mair onie propbit, nsetber is ther amang us onie that kens howe lang.

10 O God, howe lang sail the advarsarie speik dispicbtfulie ? sail the enimie blasfeme tby na;me foraye ?

1 1 Why baudist thou bak thy ban', een tby ricbt ban' ? pu' it owt o' thy bozim.

12 For God is my King o' auld, wurkin' salvatione in the middle o' the yirth.

13 Thou didist cleefe tbe se bie tby strenctb ; thou didist brik the bea3ds o' tbe draegons in the waters.

14 Thou didist smatter the heaeds o' leviathan intil flenders, an' gaefist him til be fude til tbe peeple babitatin' the wuldirniss.

15 Thou didist cleefe the fuuntan an' the flude: thou dryetist up michtie rivers.

16 The daye is thine, tbe nicbt alsua is thine ; thou best pre- pairet the licht an^ the sun.

17 Thou best sete a' tbe boordirs o' tbe yirth : thou best maede simmir an' wintir.


18 Ae thing keep in mind, that the enimie hses reprochet, O Lord, an' that the fulish peeple hae blasfemet thy nseme.

19 O deliferna the saul o' thy turtle-dow untill the ferkishin' o' the wicket ; forgetna the congregatione o' thy puir foraye.

20 Hae respeck untill the covenent ; for the mirk pieces o' the yirth ar fu' o' the habitationes o' cruiltie.

21 O letna the oppresset cum bak doun o' mooth ; let the puir an' needie prayse thy nseme.

22 Raeise up, O God, pleed thine ain caus ; beaer in mind howe the fulish man reproches thee daylie.

23 Forgetna the voyce o' thine enimies : the throck an' dirdum o' thae that rise up agayne thee inkresses continwallie.


H Til the chief musicien, Al-tas-chith, Ane Psahn or Sang o' Asaph.

UNTILL thee, O God, do we gie thanks ; untill thee do we gie thanks ; for that thy nagme is neaer thy wunderfu' warks crye owt.

2 Whan 1 sail receife the congregatione, uprichtly wuU I juudge.

3 Dissolfet is the yirth an' a' the indwallers thero' ; I baud up the pillers o't. Selah.

4 I said untill the fules, Deelna fulishlie ; an' til the wicket, Liftna up the hoorn :

5 Liftna up your hoorn on hie, nar speik wi' ane styffe necke.

6 For promovall cums naether frae the east nar frae the wast, nar frae the south.

7 But God is the juudge ; he pits doun ane, an' sets anither up.

8 For in the han' o' the Lord ther is ane cup, an' the wine is reid ; it is fu' o' mikstir, an' he teems owt the same : but the dreggs o't a' the wicket o' the yirth sail wring owt, an' drynk thame.

9 But I wull declair forevir : I wuU sing prayses til the God o' Jacob.

10 A' the hoorns o' the wicket alsua,wull I sneg aflf: but the hoorns o' the richteous sail be liftet up.



^ Til the chief musicien on Niginoth, Ane Psalm or Sang o' David.

IN Judali is God kennet : in Israel his naeme is grit. 2 In Salem alsua is his taabernakle, an' his dwallin'-plece in Zion.

3 Ther brak he the arras o' the bowe, the sheeld, the sword, an' the battel. Selah.

4 Thou art mair glorious an' eksellint nor the mountans o' preye.

5 The stoot-hairtet ar spulysiet : thaye hae sleepit thair sleep owtricht, an' nane o' the men o' micht hae fuund thair ban's.

6 At thy rebuik, O God o' Jacob, baith the chariat an' hors ar casen intil ane deepe sleepe.

7 Thou, een thou, art til be feaeret ; an' wha maye stan' afore thy sicht whan ance thou art angrie ?

8 Thou didist caus juudgeraint til be heserd frae heaeven, the yirth feasret an' was quash,

9 Whan God raeise up til juudgemint, til saufe a' the meik o' the yirth. Selah.

10 Shurelie the wrasth o' man sail prayse thee, an' the remaner o' wrasth thou wult restane.

11 Vowe, an' paye untill the Lord your God; let a' that be roun' aboot him bring propines untill him that oucht to be feaeret.

12 He sail sneg aff the speerit o' princes : he is terrabil til the kings o' the yirth.


t Til the chief musicien, til Jeduthun, Ane Psalm o' Asaph.

ICRYET untill God wi' my voyce, een untill God wi' my voyce, an' he gaefe eaer untill me.

2 In the daye o' my truble I soucht the Lord ; my sair ran in the nicht, an' gaefe na ower ; my saul wadna be comfirtet.

3 I remembiret God, an' was trublet : I compleenet, an' my speerit was owercum. Selah.

4 Ye baud mine eyne waukin' ; I am sae trublet that I downa speik.


5 I hae taen serious thoucht o' the dayes o' auld, the veers o' aulden times.

6 I bring til mind my sang in the nicht : I commuun wi' my ain hairt, an' my speerit masde eident serch.

7 Wull the Lord thraw aff forevir ? wuU he be faaverable nae mair ?

8 Is his mercie foraye cleen gane ? deth his promish fseil for- evirinair ?

9 Haes God forgotten til be gracious ? hses he in angir schut up his tendir mercies ? Selah.

10 An' I said, This is my fseilin'; but I wull ca' til mind the yeers o' the richt han' o' the Maist Hie.

Ill wull ca' til mind the warks o' the Lord ; shurelie I wull remembir thy wunders o' auld.

12 In thoucht I wull dwall on a' thy wark, an' tauk o' thy doin's.

1 3 Thy waye, O God, is in the sanctuarie ; wha is sae grit ane God as our God ?

14 Ye ar the God that deth ferlies : ye hae declairit thy strencth amang the peeple.

15 Wi' thine aerm ye hae redeimit thy chosin anes; the sons o' Jacob an' Joseph. Selah.

16 The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee: thaye were afeserit ; the deeps alsua wer trublet.

17 The cluds teemet owt water: the skyes sendet owt ane suund : thine arras alsua gaed abreaed.

18 The voyce o' thy thunners was in the heasven; the lichtenins lichtenet the warld ; the yirth trimmlet an' shuuk.

19 Thy waye is in the se, an' thy peth in the grit waters; an' thy fitstepps arna kennet.

20 Like ane hirsel o' sheepe ye led thy peeple bie the han o' Moses an' Aaron.


If Maschil o' Asaph.

IE eaer, O my peeple, til my law : inclseine your eaers til the wurds o' my mooth. 2 I wull opin my mooth in ane parabil : I wull uutter mirk sayins' o' auld ;



3 Whilk we hae heaerd, an' kennet, an' our faethers hae tauld us.

4 We wullna hyde thame frae thair childer, sliawin' til the ga- nseratians til cum the prayses o' the Lord, an' his strencth, an' his wunderfu' warks that he haes dune.

5 For he sete siccerlie up ane testimonie in Jacob, an' appoyntet ane law in Israel, bie whilk he oordiret our faethers that thaye shud mak' thame kennet til thair childer.

6 That the ganseratian til cum micht ken thame, een the childer whilk shude be born, wha shude rseise up an' declair thame til thair childer ;

7 That thaye micht sete thair houpe in God, an' nat forgete the warks o' God, but keepe his commandements :

8 An' michtna be as thair faethers, ane stubburn an' rebellous ganseratian ; ane ganeeratian that setena thair hairt aricht, an' whase speerit wasna steedfaste wi' God.

9 The childer o' Ephraim, being aermet an' beaerin' bowes, turnet bak in the daye o' battel.

10 Thaye keepetnathe covenent wi' God, an' refuuset til gaeyde thair stepps bie his law ;

11 An' forgat his warks, an' his wundirs that he had shawet thame.

12 Mervellous things did he in the sicht o' thair faethers in the Ian' o' Egypt, in the feeld o' Zoan.

13 He devydet the se, an' causet thame til gae throwe, an' he maede the waters til stan' as ane bing.

14 In the dayetime alsua he lede thame wi' ane clud, an' a' the nicht wi' ane licht o' fire.

15 He cleefet the rok in the wuldirniss, an' gaefe thame drynk as owt o' the grit deeps.

16 He brang streems alsua owt o' the rok, an' causet waters til rin doun like rivers.

17 An' thaye sinnet yet mair agayne him bie provookin' the Maist Hie in the wuldirniss.

18 An' thaye tempet God in thair hairt, bie axin' meaet for thair lust.

19 Yis, thaye spak agayne God : thaye said. Can God oordir ane tabel in the wuldirniss ?

20 Behald he smat the rok, that the waters rashet owt, an' the streems owerflet ; can he gie usbreaed alsua ? can heprovyde flesch for his peeple ?


21 Therfor the Lord lieaerd this, an' was angirie; sae ane fire was kindlet agayne Jacob, an' angir alsua cam up agayne Israel ;

22 Becaus thaye beleifetna God, an' trustetna in his salvatione.

23 Thouch he had commandet the cluds frae aboone, an' opinet the dors o' heaeven.

24 An' had rainet doun manna apon thame til eet, an' had gien thame o' the coorn o' heaeven.

25 Man did eet angils' fude : he sendet thame meset til the fu'.

26 He causet ane east wund til blaw in the heasven ; an' bie his powir he brang in the south wund.

27 He rainet flesch alsua apon thame as dust, an' featheret fowlis like as the san' o' the se ;

28 An' he lut it fa' in the middle o' thair camp roun' aboot thair bydin'-pleces.

29 Sae thaye did eet an' were weel fillet : for he gaefe thame thair ain desyre. »

30 Thaye werna msede misken thair greede ; but while thair meaet was yit in thair mooths,

31 The angir o' God cam' apon thame and sleyet the stootist o' thame, an' smat doun the chosin men o' Israel.

32 For a' this thaye didna quat sinnin', an' beleifetna for his wunderfu' warks.

33 Therfor thair dayes did he consuum in vainitie, an' thair yeers in truble.

34 Whan he sleyet thame, than thaye soucht him ; an' thaye turnet an' enquaeiret earlie efter God.

35 An' thaye remembiret that God was thair rok, an' the hie God thair Redeemer.

36 Natheless thaye flattiret him wi' thair mooth, an' thaye spak fauslie untill him wi' thair tungs.

37 For thair hairtwasnarichtwi' him, nsether wer thaye steedie in his covenent.

38 But he, being fu' o' tendir pitie, forgaefe thair inequitie, an' destroyet thame nat : yis, monie ane time turnet he his angir awa, an' didna stur up a' his wraeth.

39 For he remembiret that thaye wer but flesch, ane wund that passes bye, an' cumsna agayne.

40 Howe aft did thaye provook him in the wuldirniss, an' greife him in the desart !


41 Yis, thaye turnet bak, an' tempet God, an' sete buunds til the Haly Ane o' Israel.

42 Thaye remenibiretna his han', nar the daye whan he de- liferet thanie frae the enimie.

43 Howe he had wroucht his sygns in Egypt, an' his wanders in the feeld o' Zoan.

44 An' had turnet thair rivers intil bluid, an' thair fludes that thaye cudna drynk.

45 He sendet sindrie sort o' flees amang thame, whilk devooret thame, an' paddas that destroy et thame.

46 He gsefe alsua thair inkresse untill the katerpillar, an' thair laabor untill the locust.

47 He destroyet thair vines wi' hail, an' thair sykamor-tries wi' frost.

48 He gaefe up thair kattle alsua til the hail, an' thair floks til het thunner-bolts.

49 He castet apon thame the frennishin o' his angir, wraeth, an' indignatione, an' truble, bie sen'in' ill angils amang thame.

50 He maede ane waye til his angir ; he sparetna thair sauls frae degeth ; but gaefe thair lifFe ower til the pestilence.

51 An' smat a' the first-born in Egypt; the chief o' thair streneth in the taabernakles o' Ham ;

52 But masde his ain peeple til gae furth like sheepe, an' gaeydet thame in the wuldirniss like ane hirsel.

53 An' he lede thame sauflie, sae that thaye feasret nat ; but the se owerflet thair enimies.

54 An' he broucht thame til the boordir o' his sanctuarie, een til this mountan whilk his richt han' had coft.

55 He cust owt the hesethin alsua afore thame, an' devydet thame ane heirskep bie lyne, an' maede the clans o' Israel til dwall in tentes.

56 Yet thaye tempet an' provooket the maist hie God, an' keepetna his testimonies.

57 But turnet bak, an' deelt unfaithfullie like thair faethers ; thaye gaed agey like ane shauchlet bowe.

58 For thaye provooket him til angir wi' thair hie-pleces, an' muvet him til jeelesie wi' thair gravin imagies.

59 Whan God heaerd this, he was amuvet wi' displeesur, an' gritlie abhorret Israel:

60 Sae that he forhowet the taabernakles o' Shiloh, the tente whilk he plecet amang men ;


61 An' deliferet his strencth intil captifitie, an' his glorie intil the enimie's han'.

62 He gsefe his peeple ower alsua untill the sword, an' was wroth wi' his inheeritence.

63 The fire consuumet thair yung men, an' thair maidens werna gien til wadlock.

64 Thair priests fell bie the sword, an' thair widaws maede nae meane.

65 Than the Lord awaukenet like ane owt o' sleepe, an' like ane wicht man that cryes luud owt bie resen o' wine.

66 An' he smat his enimies in the hint pairts : he pat thame til ane perpetuall reproch.

67 Forbye this he refuuset the taabernakle o' Joseph, an' chusena the cep o' Ephraim ;

68 But chuse the cep o' Judah, the Muunt Zion whilk he loet.

69 An' he bigget his sanctuarie like hie paleces, like the yirth whilk he heth sete siccer foraye.

70 He chuse David alsua his servent, an' tuik him frae the sheepe-falds.

71 Frae folloin' the yowes grit wi 'yung, he brang him til feed Jacob his peeple, an' Israel his heirskep.

72 Sae he fed thame akordin' til the intiritie o' his hairt, an' gaeydet thame bie the skeelfu'niss o' his ban's.


t Ane Psalm o' Asaph.

OGOD, the heaethin ar cum intil thine heirskep : thy haly temple hae thaye fylet; thaye hae layde Jerusalem on heeps.

2 The deaed bouks o' thy servents hae thaye gien til be fude untill the fowles o' heaeven, the flesch o' thy saunts untill the beaests o' the yirth.

3 Thair bluid thaye shede like water roun' aboot Jerusalem, an' ther was nane til burie thame.

4 We ar grown ane reproch til our neebers, ane scoorn an' de- rishion til thame that ar roun aboot us.

5 Howe lang, Lord, wilt thou be angrie forevir ? sail thy jeelesie burn like ane fire ?


6 Teem owt thy wraeth apon the heaethin that haena kennet thee, an' apon the kingdooms that haena ca't apon thy naeme.

7 For thaye hae devooret Jacob, an' layde waiste his dwallin'- plece.

8 O remembirna agayne us byegane inequities : let thy tendir- mercies swuftlie be afore an' roun' us ; for we ar brung verra leich.

9 Helpe us, O God o' our salvatione, for the glorie o' thy naeme; an' delifer us, an" screenge awa our sins for thy naeme's sak'.

10 Wharefor shud the heaethin say, Whare is thair God? Let him be kennet amang the heaethin in our sicht bie the revangin' o' the bluid o' thy servents whilk is shede.

11 Let the sichin' o' the prisiner cum afore thee, in ekwal measur til the gritniss o' thy powir preserfe thou thae that ar ap- poyntet til dee ;

12 An' gie bak til our neebers se'en-fald intil thair bozim thair reproch, vvharewi' thaye hae reprochet thee, O Lord.

13 Sae we thy peeple, an' sheepe o' thy heff, wull gie thee thanks forevir ; we wull shaw furth thy prayse til a' ganeeratians.


If Til the chief musicien apon Shoshannim-eduth, Ane Psalm for Asaph.

GIE easr, O Sheepherd o' Israel, ye that leed Joseph as ane hirsel; ye that dwall atween the chirabims, shyne furth.

2 Afore Ephraim, an' Benjamin, an' Manassah, stur up thy strencth, an' cum an' saufe us.

3 Turn us agayne, O God, an' caus thy fece til shyne, an' we sail be saufet.

4 O Lord God o' hosts, howe lang wull ye be angrie agayne the prseyer o' thy peeple ?

5 Ye feed thame wi' the breaed o' teaers, an' gie thame tesers til drynk in grit measur.

6 Ye mak' us ane striffe untill our neebers, an' our enimies lauch amang thamesel's.

7 Turn us agayne, O God o' hosts, an' caus thy fece til shyne, an' we sail be saufet.

8 Ye hae brung ane vine owt o' Egypt ; ye hae casen owt the heaethin, an' sette it.


9 Ye msede readie room afore it, an' did caus it til tak' deepe rute, an' it fillet the Ian'.

10 The hills wer kiveret \vi' the skaddaw o't, an' the bouchs o't wer like the guidlie cedars.

11 She sendet owt hir bouchs untill the se, an' hir brenches untill the river.

12 Why best thou than brokin doun hir hedjes, sae that a' thaye that gang bie the waye do herrie her ?

13 The boar owt o' the wud deth waiste hir, an' hir the wild beaest o' the desart deth devoor.

14 Turn agayne, we beseik thee, O God o' hosts ; luik doun frae heseven, an' behald, an' veesit this vine ;

15 An^ the vinyard whilk thy richt han' heth sette, an' the brench whilk thou maedist Strang for thysel'.

16 It is brunt wi' fire ; it is whanget doun : thaye schent at the rebuik o' thy countenence.

17 Let thy ban' be apon the man o' thy richt han', apon the Son o' man wham thou masdist Strang for thysel'.

18 Sae wull we nat gae bak frae thee; quikan us, an' we wull ca' apon thy nseme.

19 Turn us agayne, O Lord God o' hosts ; caus thy fece til shyne, an' we sail be saufet.


It Til the chief musicien apon Gittith, Ane Psalm for Asaph.

SING luudlie untill God our strencth : mak^ ane joyfu' noyse untill the God o' Jacob.

2 Tak^ ane psalm, an' fetche bidder the timbrel, the pleesent herp wi' the psaltrie.

3 Blaw up the trumpit in the new-muun, in the time ap- poyntet, on the solim feest-daye.

4 For this was ane staatute for Israel, an' ane law o' the God o' Jacob.

5 This he ordeenet in Joseph for ane testimonie, whan he gaed owt agayne the Ian' o' Egypt ; whare I heaerd ane langwedje that I understudena.

6 I tuik air the burdin frae his shouders : his ban's wer deli- feret frae the pats.


7 Ye ca't in truble, an' I deliferet thee ; I answerit thee in the seceret piece o' thunner: I pruvet thee at the waters o' Meribah. Selah.

8 Heaer, O my peeple, an' I wull testifie untill thee : O Israel, gif ye wull herken untill me ;

9 Ther sail be nae fremet god in thee ; naether sail ye wurship onie unco god.

10 I am the Lord thy God, wha brang thee owt o' the Ian' o' Egypt : opin ye thy mooth wyde, an' I wull fill it.

1 1 But my peeple wadna herken til my voyce ; an' Israel wad hae naething ado wi' me.

12 Sae I gaeife thame up untill thair ain hairts' lust, an' thaye gaed on in thair ain cunsils.

13 O that my peeple had herkenet untill me, an' Israel had gane in my wayes !

14 I shud sune hae brung doun thair enimies, an' turnet my han' agayne thair advarsaries.

15 The hseters o' the Lord shud hae submisset thamesel's untill him : but thair time shud hae induuret forevir.

16 He shud hae fed thame alsua wi' the finist o' the wheet : an' wi' hinny owt o' the rok shud I hae ssetisfiet thee.


II Ane Psalm o' Asaph.

GOD Stan's in the congregatione o' the michtie ; he juudges amang the gods.

2 Howe lang wull ye juudge unjustlie, an' accep' the persens o' the wicket ? Selah.

3 Defen' the puir an' faetherliss : do justice til the needie an' til the afflicket.

4 Delifer the puir an' needie : rede thame owt o' the maig o' the wicket.

5 Thaye kenna, nsether wull thaye understan' ; thaye gang on in mirk ; a' the fuundationes o' the yirth ar owt o' oorder.

6 I hae said. Ye ar gods, an' a' o' yow ar childer o' the Maist Hie.

7 But ye sail dee like men, an' fa' like ane o' the chiefs.


8 Raeise up, O God, juudge the yirth: for thou sallt be the eiriter o' a' nationes.


t Ane Sang or Psalm o' Asaph.

KEEPENA thou seelent, O God : haudna thy peece, an' bena stil, O God.

2 For, lo, thine enimies mak' ane racket ; an' thaye that haete thee liae liftet up the heaed.

3 Thaye hae taen craftie cunsil agayne thy peeple, an' consultet agayne thy hydden anes.

4 Thaye hae said, Cum an^ let us sneg thame aflf frae bein' ane natione ; that the naeme o' Israel may be nae mair remembiret.

5 For thaye hae taen cunsil thegither wi' ae consent; thaye ar bandet thegither agayne thee.

6 The taabernakles o' Edom, an' the Ishmaelites ; o' Moab, an' the Hagarenes ;

7 Gabal, an' Amon, an' Amalek; the Philistines, wi' the in- dwallers o' Tyre ;

8 Assur alsua is jainet wi' thame : thaye hae holpen the childer o' Lot. Selah.

9 Do untill thame as untill the Midianites ; as til Sisera, as til Jabin at the burn o' Kison ;

10 Whilk perrishet at En-dor : thaye becam' as muck for the yirth.

11 Mak' thair riolyse like Oreb, an' like Zeeb : yis, a' thair chiefs as Zebah an' as Zalmunna.

\2 Wha said, Let us tak' til oursel's a' the houses o' God in haudin'.

13 O my God, mak' thame as ane whurle, as the stibble afore the wund.

14 As the fire burns ane wud, an' as the flame setes the moun- tans on fire,

15 Sae persikute thame wi' thy tempist, an' mak' thame afeseret wi' thy stourm.

16 Fill thair feces wi' shasme, that thaye maye seik thy name, OLord. ^ ^


17 Trublet an' confuundet let thame be forevir: yis, let thame be putten til shseme, an' schent owtricht.

18 That men may ken that thou, whase neeme is Jehovah, art the Maist Hie ower a' the yirth.


II Til the chief rausicien apon Gittith, Aue Psalm for the sons o' Korah.

HOWE lofelie ar thy taabernakles, O Lord o' hosts ! 2 My saul langs, yis, een swarfFs, for the cum-ts o' the Lord : my hairt an' my flesch cryes owt for the leivin' God.

3 Yis, the sparra haes fuund ane hous, an' the swalla ane est for hirsel', whare she may laye hir yung, een thine altars, O Lord o' hosts, my King an' my God.

4 Blisset ar thaye wha dwall in thy hous ; thaye wull aye be praysin' thee.

5 Blisset is the man whase strencth is in thee; in whase hairt ar the wayes o' thame,

6 Wha gangin' throwe the vallie o 'Baca, mak' in it ane wal : the raine alsua fills the puuls.

7 Thaye gae on frae strencth til strencth ; ilka ane o' thame kythin' afore God in Zion.

8 Gie eaer, O God o' Jacob ; O Lord God o' hosts, heser my praeyer. Selah.

9 Behald, O God, our sheeld, an' luik apon the fece o' thine anaintet.

10 For ane daye in thy cuurts is better nor ane thousan': I had astil be ane dor-keeper in the hous o' my God, nor dwall in the tentes o' wicketniss.

11 For the Lord God is ane sun an' sheeld: the Lord wull gie graece an' glorie ; nae guid thing wull he wuthhaud frae thame that gang uprichtlie.

12 O Lord o' hosts, blisset is the man that trusts in thee.



H Til the chief musician, Ane Psalm for the sons o' Korah.

LORD, thou best been faavorable untill thy Ian'; tbou best brung bak the captifitie o' Jacob.

2 Thou best forgien the inequitie o' thy people ; thou best kiveret thair sin. Selah.

3 Thou best taen awa a' thy wraeth : thou best turnet tbysel' frae the frennisin' o' thine angir.

4 Turn us, O God o' our salvatione, an' caus thine angir to- wairds us til seelisse.

5 Wult thou be angrie wi' us forevir ? wult thou twyne owt thine angir til a' ganaeratians ?

6 Wult thou nat revyfe us agayne, that thy peeple may rejoyce in thee ?

7 Shaw us thy mercie, O Lord, an' wutbhaudna frae us thy salvatione.

8 I vvull heaer what God the Lord wuU speik : for he wull speik peace untill his peeple, an' til his saunts ; but let thame turnna agayne til follie.

9 Shurelie his salvatione is nie til thame that feaer him, that glorie may dvvall in our Ian*.

10 Mercie an' trouth ar forge theret ; richteousniss an' peece hae kisset ilk ither.

11 Trouth sail spring owt o' the yirth; an' richteousniss sail luik doun frae beeeven.

12 Yis, the Lord sail gie that whilk is guid ; an' our Ian' sail gie up hir inkresse.

13 Richteousniss sail gang afore him, an' sail set us in the waye o' his stepps.


t Ane Praeyer o' David.

BOWE doun tliine eser, O Lord, heaer me ; for I am puir an' needie. 2 Preserfe my saul, for I am baly ; O thou my God, saufe thy servant that trusts in thee.


3 Be mercifu' untill me, O Lord ; for I crie untill thee daylie.

4 Rejoyce the saul o' thy servent ; for my saul untill thee, O Lord, do I lift up.

5 For thou, Lord, art guid, an' readie till forgie ; an' routh in mercie untill a' thanie that ca^ apon thee.

6 Gie eger, O Lord, untill my praeyer; an' tak' tent til the voyee o' my supplicationes.

7 In the daye o' my truble I wull ca' apon thee : for thou wult answir me.

8 Amang the gods ther is nane like untill thee, O Lord ; naether ar ther onie warks like untill thy warks.

9 A^ nationes wham thou hest maede sail cum an' bowe doun afore thee, O Lord, an' sail glorifie thy nasme.

10 For thou art grit, an' deth wunderfu' things ; thou art God alane.

1 1 Teech me thy waye, O Lord ; I wull gae in thy trouth : aneite my hairt til feaer thy naeme.

12 I wull prayse thee, O Lord my God, wi' a,' my hairt ; an' I wull glorifie thy nasme forevirmair.

13 For grit is thy mercie gaitwairds me ; an' thou hest freet my saul frae the leichist hell.

14 O God, the pruud hae risin agayne me, an' the assemblies o' vielent men hae soucht efter my saul, an' haena sete thee afore thame.

15 But thou, O Lord, art ane God fu' o' tendir pitie, an' gra- cious, lang-tholance, an' waynesum in mercie an' trouth.

16 O turn untill me, an' hae mercie apon me ; gie thy strencth untill thy servent, an' saufe the son o' thy maigmayden.

17 Shaw me an aerie for guid, that thaye whilk haste me may see it an' be shaemet ; becaus thou. Lord, hest holpen me an' comfirtet me.


^ Ane Sang or Psalm for the sons o' Korah.

HIS fuundatione is in the haly mountans. 2 The Lord loes the yettes o' Zion mair nor a' the dwallin's o' Jacob. '

3 Glorious things ar spokin o' thee, O citie o' God. Selah.


4 I wuU mak' menshone o' Rahab an' Babylon til thame that ken me : behald Philistia, an' Tyre, wi' Ethiopia ; this man was born ther.

5 An' o' Zion it sail be said, This an' that man was born in hir ; an' the Hieist hinisel' sail sete an' mak' hir siccer.

6 The Lord sail cuunt, whan he writes up the peeple, that this man was born ther. Selah.

7 As weel the singirs as the players on instriments sail be ther : a' my springs ar in thee.


1^ Ane Sang or Psalm for the sons o' Korah, til the chief musician apon Mahalath Leannoth, Maschil o' Heman the Ezrahite.

OLORD God o' my salvatione, I hae cryet daye an' nicht afore thee.

2 Afore thee let my prseyer cum ; inclaeine thine eaer untill my crye.

3 For my saul is fu' o' trubles, an' my lifFe draws nie til the grafFe.

4 I am cuuntet wi' thame that gae doun til the pitt : I am as ane man that heth nae strencth.

5 Free amang the deaed, like the slaen that lye in the graffe, wham thou mindist nae mair : an' thaye ar cutet aff frae thy han'.

6 Thou best layde me in the lawist pitt, in mirk, in the deeps.

7 Thy wraeth lyse sair, sair apon me, an' thou best afflicket me wi' a' thy waves. Selah.

8 Thou best putten awa mine akquantence fer frae me : thou best made me ane scunner untill thame : I am shutten up, an' canna cum furth.

9 Mine ee murns becaus o' afflickshon : Lord, I hae ca't daylie apon thee : I hae strieket owt my ban's untill thee.

10 Wult thou shaw ferlies til the deaed? sail the desed raeise up an' prayse thee ? Selah.

1 1 Sail thy loeinkindniss be declairet in the grafFe, or thy faith- fu'niss in the mools o^ deaeth ?

12 Sail thy wunders be kennet in the mirk ? an' thy richteous- niss in the Ian' o' forgetfu'niss ?

13 But untill thee hae I cryet, O Lord, an' in the moornin' sail my praayer be afore thee.



14 Lord, why thrawist thou afFmy saul? why hydist thou thy fece frae me ?

15 I am afflicket an' readie til dee frae my youdith up: while I thole thy terrers I am distraucht.

16 Thy feerse wrseth gangs ower me ; thy terrers hae snegget me aff.

17 Thaye cam' daylie roun' aboot me like water ; thaye cam' roun' an' roun' me thegither.

18 Loefer an' frien' hest thou putten fer frae me, an' mine ak- quantence intil derkniss.


If Ane Psahn for Maschil o' Ethan the Ezrahite til gie instruckshon.

IWULL sing o' the mercies o' the Lord forevir : wi' my mooth wull I mak' kennet thy faithfu'niss til a' ganaeratians.

2 I hae said, Mercie sail be buggen up forevir : thy faithfu'niss sallt thou sete up, an' mak' siccer in the verra hesevens.

3 I hae maede ane covenent wi' my chosin ane ; I hae swurn untill David my servent.

4 Thy seid wull I siccerlie sete up forevir, an' bigg up thy throne til a' ganaeratians. Selah.

5 An' the hesevens sail prayse thy wunders, O Lord ; thy faith- fu'niss alsua in the congregatione o' the saunts.

6 For wha in the heaeven can be compairet wi' the Lord ? wha amang the sons o' the michtie can be likenet til the Lord ?

7 God is gritlie til be feeeret in the forgetherin' o' the saunts, an' til be had in reverince o' a' thame that ar roun' aboot him.

8 O Lord God o' hosts, wha is ane Strang Lord like untill thee ? or til thy faithfu'niss roun' aboot thee ?

9 Ye ruul the frennisin' o' the se ; whan the waves o't raeise up, thou quashist thame.

10 Ye hae brokin Rahab intil flenders as ane that is sleeen : ye hae skatteret thine enimies wi' thy Strang germ.

11 The hesevens ar thine, the yirth alsua is thine; as for the warld, an' the fu'niss o't, ye hae fuundet thame.

12 The north an' the south, ye hae creaatet thame: Tabor an' Hermon sail rejoyce in thy nseme.

13 Ye hae ane michtie aerm : Strang is thine han', an' hie is thy richt han'.


14 Juustice an' juudgemint ar the habitatione o' thy throne : mercie an' trouth sail gang afore thy face.

15 Blisset ar the peeple wha ken the joyfu' suund; thaye sail gae on in the licht o' thy countinence.

16 In thy nseme sail thaye rejoyce a' the daye: an' in thy richteousniss sail thaye be liftet up.

17 For ye ar the glorie o' thair streneth, an' in thy faavor our hoorn sail be sete heich.

18 For the Lord is our defense, an' the Haly x\.ne o' Israel our King.

19 Than thou spakist in veesion til thy Haly Ane, an' saidist, I hae layde helpe apon ane that is m'.chtie : I hae eksaltet ane wselet owt frae mang the peeple.

20 I hae fuund David my servent ; wi' my haly oolie hae I anaintet him.

21 Wi' wham my han' sail be establishet ; mine germ alsua sail strencthen him.

22 The enimie sallna exak apon him, nar the son o' wicketniss afflick him.

23 An' I wull beft doun his faes afore his fece, an' plegue thame that hsete him.

24 But my faithfu'niss an' mercie sail be wi' him ; an' in my naeme sail his hoorn be liftet up,

25 I wull set his han' alsua in the se, an' his richt ban' in the rivers.

26 He sail crye untill me. Thou art my faether, my God, an' the rok o' my salvatione.

27 Alsua I wull mak' him my first-born heicher nor the kings o' the yirth.

28 My mercie wull I keepe for him forevirmair ; an' my cove- nent sail stan' siccer wi' him.

29 His seid alsua wull I mak' til enduur forevir, an' his throne as the dayes o' heaeven.

30 Gifhis childer forhowe my law, an' gangna in myjuudge- mints ;

31 Gif thaye brik my staatutes, an' keepna my commandements ;

32 Than wull I veesit thair wranggangin' wi' the rodd, an' thair inequitie wi' strypes.

3S Natheless my loeinkindniss I wullna uutterlie tak' frae him, nar thole my faithfu'niss til f<eil.


34 My covenent I wullna brik, nar altir the thing that is gane owt o' my lipps.

S5 Ance hae I maede aith bie my haliniss, that I wullna lee untill David.

36 His seid sail induur forevir, an' his throne as the sun afore me.

37 It sail be msede til stan' siccer forevir as the muun, an' as ane faithfu' wutniss in heasven. Selah.

38 But thou best casten afF an' abhorret, thou best been verra angrie wi' thine anaintet.

39 Thou best maede vaid the covenent o' thy servent ; thou hest profaanet his crowne bie thrawin' it til the gruund.

40 Thou hest brokin doun a' his hedjes : thou hest broucht his strang-halds til uutter wrecke.

41 A^ that gang bie the waye spulsyie him ; he is ane reproch til his neebers.

42 Thou hest sete up the richt ban' o' his advarsaries : thou hest maede a' his enimies til rejoyce.

43 Thou hest alsua turnet the edge o' his sword, an' hestna maede him til stan' in the daye o' battel.

44 Thou hest masde his glorie nat til be, an' thrawn his throne doun til the gruvind.

45 The dayes o' his j'oudith hest thou shortenet : thou hest kiveret him wi' shaeme. Selah.

46 Howe lang , Lord, wult thou hyde thysel', forevir ? sail thy wraeth burn like ane fire ?

47 Remembir howe short my time is : wharefor hest thou maede a' men in vaine ?

48 Wliat man is he that leives an' sallna see deaeth ? sail he de- lifer his saul frae the ban' o' the graffe ? Selah.

49 Lord, whare ar thy aforetime loeinkindnisses, whilk thou swurist untill David in thy trouth ?

50 Remembir, Lord, the reproch o' thy servents ; howe I do beaer in my bozim the reproch o' a.' the miclitie peeple ;

51 Wharewi' thine enimies hae reprochet, O Lord; wharewi' thaye hae reprochet the fitstepps o' thine anaintet.

52 Blisset be the Lord forevirmair. Saebeid, an' saebeid.



H Ane Praeyer o' Moses, the man o' God. ORDj thou hest been our dwallin'-plece in a' ganaeratians.


2 Afore the mountans wer brung furth, or evir thou hadist formet the yirth an' the warld, een frae evirlestin' til evirlestin', thou art God.

3 Thou turnist man til the dust o' deaeth, an' sayist, Return, ye childer o' men.

4 For ane thousan' yeers in thy sicht ar but as yisterdaye whan it gane bye, an' as ane watche in the nicht.

5 Thou carryist thame awa as wi' ane flude ; thaye ar as ane sleepe ; in the moornin' thaye ar like gerse whilk growes up.

6 In the moornin' it growes up an' flurishes ; in the e'enin' it is shurn doun an' wuthirs.

7 For we ar consuumet wi' thine angir, an' bie thy wrseth ar we trublet.

8 Ye hae sete our inequities afore thee, our seceret sins in the licht o' thy countenence.

9 For in thy wrseth a' our dayes ar passet awa ; we spen' our yeers as ane taele that is tauld.

10 The dayes o' our yeers ar thriescore an' ten ; an' gif bie reesen o' strencth thaye be fourscore yeers, yit is thair strencth laabor an' sorra, for it is sune cutet aff, an' we flee awa.

1 1 Wha kens the powir o' thine angir ? een akordin' til thy feser, sae is thy wrasth.

12 Sae teech us til nummer our dayes, that we may apply e our hairts untill wusdoom.

13 Turn agayne, O Lord, howe lang ? an' let it rew thee anent thy servents.

14 O satisfie us earlie wi' thy mercie, that we maye rejoyce an' be gladsume a' our dayes.

15 Mak' us gladsume akordin' til the dayes wharein ye hae afflicket us, an' the yeers wharein we hae seen ill.

16 Let thy wark kythe untill thy servents, an' thy glorie untill thair childer.

17 An' let the beutie o' the Lord our God be apon us : an' sete thou siccer the wark o' our ban's apon us ; yis, the wark o' our ban's, sete thou siccer it.



HE that dwalls in the seceret piece o' the Maist Hie, sail bide anunder the skaddaw o' the Almichtie. 2 I wuU saye o' the Lord, He is my bield an' my fortriss ; my God, in him vvull I trust.

S Shurelie he sail delifer thee frae the girn o' the fowlir, an' frae the noysume pestelince.

4 He sail kiver thee wi' his feathirs, an' anaeth his wings sail ye trust : his trouth sail be thy sheeld an' buklir.

5 Ye sallna be afeaeretfor the terrer bie nicht, nar for the arra that flees bie daye.

6 Nar for the pestelince that gangs in mirkniss, nar for the dis- truckshon that waistes at nuun-daye.

7 Ane thousan' sail fa' at thy syde, an' ten thousan' at thy richt han' : but it sallna cum neser til thee.

8 Onlie wi' thine eyne sail ye behald an' see the rewaird o' the wicket.

9 Becaus ye hae maedc the Lord, whilk is my bield, een the Maist Hie, thy habitatione ;

10 Ther sail nae ill befa' thee : naether sail onie plegue cum nie thy dwallin'.

11 For he sail gie his angils chaerge anent thee, til keep thee in a' thy wayes.

12 Thaye sail beaer thee up in thair ban's, in kase ye devel thy fit agayne ane stane.

13 Ye sail stepp apon the lion an' eddart ; the yung lion an' draegan sail ye tramp anunder feet.

14 Becaus he haes sete his loefe apon me, tharfor wull I delifer him : I wull sete him on hie, becaus he haes kennet my nseme.

15 He sail ca' apon me, an' I wull answir him : I wull be wi' him in truble, I wull delifer an' honer him.

16 Wi' lang liffe wull I satisfie him, an' shaw him my salva- tioue.


H Ane Psalm or Sang for the Sabbeth-daye. "T is ane guid thing til gie thanks untill the Lord, an' til sing - prayscs untill thy naeme, O Maist Hie.


2 Til shaw furth thy loeinkindniss in the moornin', an' thy faithfu'niss ilka nicht.

3 Apon ane instriment o' ten strings, an' apon the psaltrie, apon the herp wi' ane solim suund.

4 For thou, Lord, hest raaede me gladsume throwe thy wark : I wull be heich o' the warks o' thy han's.

5 O Lord, howe grit ar thy warks ! an' thy thouchts ar verra deep.

6 The bruutish man kensna, naether deth ane fule tak' this intil his heaed.

7 Whan the wicket growe as the gerse, an' whan a' the wurkers o' inequitie do flurishe, it is that thaye sail be destroyet forevir.

8 But thou, Lord, art Maist Hie forevirmair.

9 For lo, thine enimies, O Lord, for lo, thine enimies sail per- rishe; a' the wurkers o' inequitie sail be skatteret.

10 But my hoorn sallt thou set hie as the hoorn o' ane unicoorn : I sail be anaintet wi' fresch oolie.

11 Mine ee sail alsua see my wush apon mine enimies, an' mine esers sail heser my wush o' the wicket that rseise up agayne me.

12 The richteous sail flurishe as the pawm-trie ; he sail growe like ane cedar o' Lebanon.

13 Thaye that be sette in the hous o' the Lord sail flurishe in the cuurts o' our God.

14 Thaye sail stil bring furth frute in auld sege, thaye sail be fat an' fair ;

15 Til shaw that the Lord is upricht ; he is my rok, an' ther is iiae wanrichteousniss in him.


THE Lord rings ; he is claethet wi' magistie ; the Lord is claethet wi' strencth wharewi' he hses girthet himsel'; the warld is alsua sete siccer that it canna be muvet.

2 Sete siccer o' auld is thy throne ; thou art frae evirlestin*.

3 The fludes hae lyftet up, O Lord, the fludes hae lyftet up thair voyce ; the fludes lift up thair waves.

4 The Lord on hie is michtier nor the noyse o' monie waters, ay, nor the michtie waves o' the se.

5 Thy testimonies ar verra shure : haliniss becums thine hous, O Lord, for aye.



OLORD God, til wham vangence belangs ; O God, til wham vangence belangs, shaw thysel'.

2 Lift up thyseF, thou juudge o' the yirth ; gie owt ane rewaird til the pruud.

3 Lord, howe lang sail the wicket, howe lang sail the wicket glorie in the owerance ?

4 Howe lang sail thaye uutter an' speik seveer things ; an' a' the wurkers o' inequitie buost thamesel's ?

5 Thaye brik in flenders thy peeple, O Lord, an' afflick thine heirskep.

6 Thaye sley the widaw an' the fremet ane, an' murther the faetherliss.

7 Yet do thaye saye, The Lord sallna se, nsether sail the God o' Jacob tent it.

8 Understan', ye bruutishe amang the peeple, an' ye fules, whan wuU ye be wyse ?

9 He wha sett the eser, sail he heagrna ? he that framet the ee, sail he nat se ?

10 He that chesteezes tlie heaethin, sail he nat correck? he that teeches men waetin, sail he nat ken ?

11 The Lord kens the thouchts o' man, that thaye ar vainitie.

12 Blisset is the man wham thou chesenist, O Lord, an' in- struckist him owt o' thy law ;

13 That thou maye gie him rest frae the dayes o' wanluck, un- till the pitt be howket for the wicket.

14 For the Lord wullna thraw awa his peeple, nasther wull he forhovve his inheeritence.

15 But ju.udgemint sail turn bak untill richteousniss, an' a' the upricht in hairt sail folio 't.

16 Wha wull rseise up for me agayne the ill-deedie ? or wha wull Stan' up for me agayne the wurkers o' inequitie ?

17 Unles the Lord had been my help, my saul had amaist dwalt in seelince.

18 Whan I said, My fit sklydes, thy mercie haudet me up.

19 In the multetud o' my thouchts wuthin me, thy comfirts de- licht my saul.


20 Sail the throne o' inequitie hae fallaschip wi' thee, whilk frames mischeef hie ane law ?

21 Thaye gether thamesel's thegither agayne the saul o' the richteous, an' condem the innicent bluid.

22 But the Lord is my saufegaird, an' my God is the rok o' my reive.

23 An' he sail bring apon thame thair ain inequitie ; an' sail sneg thame aff in thair ain wicketniss ; yis, the Lord our God sail sneg thame alF.


OCUM, let us sing untill the Lord; let us mak' ane joyfu noyse til the rok o' our salvatione.

2 Let us cum afore his presince wi' thanksgiein', an' mak' ane joyfu' noyse til him wi' psalms.

3 For the Lord is ane grit God, an' ane grit King aboone a' gods.

4 In his han' ar the deep pieces o' the yirth ; the strencth o' the hills is his alsua.

5 The se is his, an' he msede it ; an' his han' formet the drye Ian'.

6 O cum, let us wurschip an' bowe doun, let us neel afore the Lord our Makir.

7 For he is our God ; an' we ar the peeple o' his heff, an' the slieepe o' his han'. On this verra daye, gif ye wull heser his voyce,

8 Hardanna your hairts, as in the provokshon, an' as in the daye o' temptatione in the wuldirniss :

9 Whan your faethers tempet me, pruvet me, an' saw my wark.

10 Fortie yeers lang was I greifet wi' this ganaeratian, an' said, It is ane peeple that do er in thair hairt, an' thaye haena kennet my wayes ;

11 Untill wham I swuur in my frenn that thaye shudna entir intil my rest.



SING untill the Lord ane new sang; sing untill the Lord, a' the yirth.


2 Sing untill the Lord, bliss his ngeme ; shaw furth his salva- tione frae daye til daye.

3 Speik furth his glorie amang the heaethin, his wunders amang a^ kin-kyne.

4 For the Lord is grit, an' gritlie til be prayset ; he is til be feaeret aboone a' gods.

5 For a the gods o' the nationes ar iidals ; but the Lord maede the heaevens.

6 Honor an' niagistie ar afore him ; strencth an' beutie ar in his sanctuarie.

7 Gie untill the Lord, O ye kith an' kin o' the peeple, gie untill the Lord strencth an' glorie.

8 Gie ye untill the Lord the glorie due untill his ngeme ; bring ane afFerin', an' cum in til his cuurts.

9 O wurschip the Lord in the beutie o' haliniss ; feaer afore him a' the yirth.

10 Say amang the heaethin that the Lord rings ; the warld sail alsua be sete siccer that it canna be muvet ; he sail juudge the peeple richteouslie.

1 1 Let the heaevens rejoyce, an' let the yirth be gladsume ; let the se rair, an' the fu'niss thero'.

12 Let the feeld be joyfu', an' a' that is in't ; than sail the tries o' the wud rejoyce

13 Afore the Lord ; for he cums, for he cums til juudge the yirth: he sail juudge the warld wi' richteousniss, an' his peeple wi' trouth.


THE Lord rings ; let the yirth rejoyce; let the multetud o' the isles o't be gladsume.

2 Cluds an' mirkniss ar roun' aboot him ; richteousniss an' juudgemint ar the habitatione o' his throne.

3 Ane fire gaes afore him, an' burns up his enimies roun' aboot.

4 His lichtenin's enlichtenet the warld; the yirth saw, an' trimmlet.

5 The hills meltet like wauks at the presince o' the Lord o' the haill yirth.


6 The heaevens speik his richteousniss, an' a' the peeple se his gloria.

7 Confuundet be a' thaye that ser' gravin imiges, that boust thamesel's o' iidals ; wurship him, a' ye gods.

8 Zion heaerd, an' was gladsume ; an' the douchters o' Judah rejoycet becaus o' thy juudgemints, O Lord.

9 For thou, Lord, art hie aboone a' the yirth : thou art liftet up aboone a' gods.

10 Ye that loe the Lord, haete ill ; he preserfes the sauls o' his saunts ; he delifers thame owt o' the ban' o' the wicket.

1 1 Licht is sawn for the richteous, an^ gladniss for the upricht in hairt.

12 Rejoyce in the Lord, ye richteous, an' gie thanks at the memirie o' his haliniss.


OSING untill the Lord ane new sang; for he heth dune mer- vellous things : his richt ban' an' bis haly aerm heth gainet him the victerie.

2 The Lord heth masde kennet his salvatione ; his richteousniss he heth opinlie shawn in the sicht o' the beaethin.

3 He heth remembiret bis mercie an' bis trouth gaitwairds the hous o' Israel; a' the en's o' the yirth bae seen the salvatione o' our God.

4 Mak' ane joyfu' noyse untill the Lord, a' the yirth ;' mak' ane luud noyse, an' rejoyce, an' sing prayse.

5 Sing untill the Lord wi' the herp ; wi' the berp an' the voyce o' ane psalm.

6 Wi' trumpits, an' suund o' cornit, mak' ane joyfu' noyse afore the Lord, the King.

7 Let the se rair, an' the fu'niss o't ; the warld, an' thaye that dwall in't.

8 Let the fludes clapp their ban's ; let the hills be joyfu' the- gitber

9 Afore the Lord ; for be curas til juudge the yirth : wi' richt- eousniss sail be juudge the warld, an' the peeple wi' equitie.



THE Lord rings ; let the people trimmel : lie sits atween the cherabiras ; let the yirth be muvet.

2 The Lord is grit in Zion ; an' he is hie aboone a' peeple.

3 Let thame prayse thy grit an' terrabil noeme ; for it is haly.

4 The King's strencth alsua loes juudgemint: thou dest sete siccer equitie ; thou exikutist juudgemint an' richteousniss in Jacob.

5 Eksalt ye the Lord our God, an' wurschip at his fitstule ; for he is haly.

6 Moses an' Aaron amang the priests, an' Samuel amang thame that ca' apon his name ; thaye cat apon the Lord, an' he answiret thame.

7 He spak' untill thame owt o' the cludie piller; thaye keepet his testimonies, an' the ordenences that he gasfe thame.

8 Thou answiretist thame, O Lord our God: thou wast ane God wha forg^fist thame, thouch thou tuikist vangence o' thair contraeivances.

9 Eksalt the Lord our God, an' wurschip at his haly hill ; for the Lord our God is haly.


1i Ane Psalm o' prayse.

MAK' ane joyfu' noyse untill the Lord, a' ye lan's. 2 Ser' the Lord wi' gladsumeniss ; cum afore his presince wi' singin'.

3 Ken ye that the Lord he is God; it is he that heth niasde us, an' nat we oursel's ; we ar his peeple, an' the scheep o' his heff- gang.

4 Entir intil his yettes wi' thanksgiein', an' intil his cuurts wi' prayse ; be thankfu' untill him, an' bliss his naeme.

5 For the Lord is guid ; his mercie is evirlestin', an' his trouth enduurs til a' ganaeratians.



H Ane Psalm o' David.

IWULL sing o' mercie an' juudgemint : untill thee, O Lord, wull I sing.

2 My havins sail be oordiret wyselie in ane perfite waye. O whan wult thou cum untill me ? I wull gang on in my hous wi^ ane perfite hairt.

3 I wull sete nae wicket thing afore mine eyne ; I hsete the wark o' thame that turn agley, it sallna cleefe til me.

4 Ane thrawart hairt sail gae awa frae me ; I wullna ken ane ill-doir.

5 Whasae slanners his neebers unnerhan', him wull I sneg afF; him that haes ane hie luik an' ane pruud hairt, thole 1 wullna.

6 Mine eyne sail be apon the faithfu' o' the Ian', that thaye may wone wi' me : he that gaes on in ane perfite waye, he sail ser' me.

7 He that wurks deceete sallna bide wuthin my hous ; he that tells lees sallna staye in my sicht.

8 I wull earlie destroye the wicket o' the Ian', that I may sneg afF a' wicket-doirs frae the citie o' the Lord.


IF Ane Prseyer o' the afflicket whan he is sair owercum, an' teems owt his meane afore the Lord.

HE^R my praeyer, O Lord, an' let my crye cum untill thee. 2 Hydena thy fece frae me in the daye whan I am in truble ; inclseine thine eaer untill me ; in the da^^e whan I ca', swuftlie answir me.

3 For my dayes ar consuumet like reek, an' my banes ar brunt as ane herthstane.

4 My hairt is snibbet an' wuthiret like gerse, sae that I forget til eet my breaed.

5 Bie reesen o' the voyce o' my greanin' my banes cleefe til my skin.

6 I am like ane pelican o' the wuldirniss ; I am like ane houlat o' the desart.



7 I watche, an' am as ane sparra alane apon the hous-tap.

8 Mine enimies reprocli me a' the daye ; an' thaye that ar wud agayne me ar ray swum faes.

9 For I hae eeten assis like bresed, an' ming my drynk wi' greetin',

10 Becaus o' thy indignashon an' thy wrseth; for thou hest liftet me up an' thrawn me doun.

1 1 My dayes ar as ane skaddaw that eelys awa ; an' I am wu- thiret like gerse.

\2 But thou, O Lord, sallt induur forevir, an' thy memorall til a' ganzeratians.

13 Thou sallt raeise up, an' hae mercie apon Zion; for the time til faavor hir, yis, the sete time, is cum.

14 For thy servents tak' pleesur in hir stanes, an' faavor the verra dust o' hir.

15 Sae the heaethin sail feaer the naeme o' the Lord, an' the kings o' the yirth thy glorie,

16 Whan the Lord sail bigg up Zion, he sail kythe in his glorie.

17 He wull tak' tent til the prseyer o' the destetuut, an' de- spaeysena thair praeyer.

18 This sail be writtan for the ganaeratian til cum, an' the peeple whilk sail be creaatet sail prayse the Lord.

19 For he heth looket doun frae the heicht o' his sanctuarie, frae heaeven did the Lord behald the yirth ;

20 Til heaer the greanin' o' the prisener, til unfestyn thae that ar appoyntet til deaeth ;

21 Til declair the naeme o' the Lord in Zion, an' his prayse in Jerusalem ;

22 Whan the peeple ar getheret thegither, an' the kingdooms, til ser' the Lord.

23 My strencth he maede waff bie the waye ; he shortenet my dayes.

24 I said, O my God, tak'na me awa in the middle o' my dayes; thy yeaers ar throweowt a' ganasratians.

25 O' auld hest thou layde the fuundatione o' the yirth ; an' the heaevens ar the wark o' thy ban's.

26 Thaye sail decaye owtricht, but thou sallt induur ; yis, a' o' thame sail growe auld as ane garmint ; as ane vester sallt thou change thame, an' thaye sail be changet.



27 But thou art the same, an' thy yeaors sail hae nae en'.

28 The childer o' thy servents sail contina, an' thair seid sail be sete siccer afore thee.


t Ane Psalm o' David.

BLISS the Lord, O my saul ; an' a' that is wuthin me, bliss his haly naeme.

2 Bliss the Lord, O my saul, an' forge tna a' his kin' an' guid gifties.

3 Wha forgies a' thine inequities, an' haeles a' thy ailments;

4 Wha redeims thy liffe frae destruckshon ; wha crownes thee wi' loeinkindniss an' tendir-mercies :

5 Wha satisfies thy mooth wi' guid things, sae that thy youdith is renewet like the eegle's.

6 The Lord exikutes richteousniss an^ juudgemint for a' that ar sair haudden in thrawll.

7 He maede kennet his wayes untill Moses, his deeds untill the childer o' Israel.

8 The Lord is mercifu' an' grsecious, slaw til angir an' routh in mercie.

9 He wullna aye flyte, naether wull he keepe his angir forevir.

10 He hethna deelt wi' us efter our sins, nar rewairdet us akordin' til our inequities.

11 For as the heaeven is hie aboone the yirth, sae grit is his mercie gaitwairds thame that feasr him.

12 As fer as the east is frae the wast, sae fer heth he remuvet our trangressiones frae us.

13 Like as ane faether feels tendir wae for his childer, sae deth the Lord feel for thame that feser him.

14 For he kens our mak' : he remembirs that we ar dust.

15 As for man, his dayes are as gerse ; as ane flouer o' the field, sae he bluums.

16 For the wund gaes ower it, an' it is gane ; an' the piece whare it was sail ken it nae mair.

17 But the mercie o' the Lord is frae evirlestin' til evirlestin' apon thame that feaer him, an' his richteousniss untill childer's childer.


18 Til sic as keepe his taylye, an' til thae that beaer in mind his commandemcnts til do thame.

19 The Lord heth alreadie sete up his throne in the heaevens, an' his kingdoom ruuls ower a'.

20 Bliss the Lord, ye his angils that eksell in strencth, that do his commandements, herkenin' til the voyce o' his wurd.

21 Bliss the Lord, a' ye his hosts, ye ministers o' his that do his pleasur.

22 Bliss the Lord, a' his warks, in a' pieces o' his darnain ; bliss the Lord, O my saul.


BLISS the Lord, O my saul. O Lord my God, thou art verra grit ; thou art claethet wi' honor an' magistie :

2 Whakiverist thysel' wi' licht as wi' ane garmint, wha streekist owt the heaevens like ane coutain.

3 Wha layes the kipples o' his chammers in the waters, wha mak's the cluds his chariat, wha waaks apon the wings o' the wund ;

4 Wha mak's his angils speerits, his messingirs ane bleezin' fire.

5 Wha layde the fuundationes o' the yirth, that it sliudna be remuvet forevir.

6 Thou didst kiver it wi' the deepe as wi' ane garmint ; the waters stude aboone the mountans.

7 At thy rebuik thaye gaed bak ; at the voyce o' thy thunner thaye hsestenet awa.

8 Thaye gae up bie the heichts ; thaye gae doun bie the howes untill the piece whilk thou best fuundet for thame.

9 Thou best sete ane buund that thaye mayena gae ower ; that thaye turnna agayne til kiver the yirth.

10 He sen's the springs intil the glens, whilk rin amang the hills.

1 1 Thaye gie drynk til ilka besest o' the feeld ; the untaemet cuddies slocken thair drouth.

12 Bie thame sail the fowlis o' the heaeven hae thair habitatione, whilk sing amang the bouchs.

13 He waters the hills frae his chammers ; the yirth is satisfiet wi' the frute o' thy warks.


14 He causis the gerse til growe for the kattle, an' yirb for the service o' man ; that he may bring furth fude owt o' the yirth,

15 An' wine that mak's gladsume the hairt o' man, an' oolie that mak's his fece shyne, an' breaed whilk strencthens man's hairt.

16 The tries o' the Lord ar fu' o' sapp, the cedars o' Lebanon whilk he heth sette,

17 Whare the burds mak' thair ests : as for the stork, the fir- tries ar hir heeme.

18 The heich hills ar ane howfF for the wild-geeets, an' the roks for the rabbits.

19 He appoyntet the muun for seesens, the sun kens hisgangin' doun.

20 Thou makist mirk, an' it is nicht, wharein a' the beaests o' the greenwud do krawll furth.

21 The yung lions rair efter thair preye, an' seik thair fude frae God.

22 The sun upraeises, thaye gether thamesel's thegither an* laye thame doun in thair dens.

23 Man gaes furth til his wark, an' til his laabor untill the gloamin'.

24 0 Lord, howe moniefald ar thy warks ! in wusdoora hest thou maede thame a' : the yirth is fu' o' thy riches.

25 Sae is this grit an' wyde se, wharein ar things krawlin' in- numerall, baith sma' an' grit begests.

26 Ther gae the schips ; ther is that leviathan wham thou hest msede til playe in't.

27 Thae waite a' apon thee, that thou mayist gie thame thair meaet in due seesen.

28 That thou gieist thame thaye gether ; thou opinist thine han', thaye ar fillet wi' guid.

29 Thouhydest thy fece, thaye ar trublet ; thou takist awa thair breaeth, thaye dee, an' return til thair dust.

30 Thou sen'ist furth thy speerit ; thaye ar creaatet, an' thou makist new agayne the fece o' tiie yirth.

31 The glorie o' the Lord sail induur forevir; the Lord sail re- joyce in his warks.

32 He luiks on the yirth, an' it trimmels ; he tuches the hills, an' thaye reek.

33 I wuU sing untill the Lord as lang as I leive ; I wull sing prayse untill my God while I hae my bein'.


34 My meditatione o' him sail be sweet ; I wull be gladsume in the Lord.

35 Let the sinnirs be consuumet owt o' the yirth, an' let the wicket be nae mair. Bliss thou the Lord, O my saul. Prayse ye the Lord.


OGIE thanks untill the Lord ; ca' on his naeme, his dooin's mak' kennet amang the peeple. 2 Sing untill him, sing psalms untill him ; speik ye o' a' his wunderfu' warks.

S Glorie ye in his haly naeme ; let the hairt o' thame rejoyce that seik the Lord.

4 Seik the Lord, an' his strencth ; seik his fece evirmair.

5 Ca' til mind his mervellous warks that he haes dune ; his wun- ders, an' the juudgemints o' his mooth ;

6 O ye afFspring o' Abraham his servent, ye childer o' Jacob his chosin.

7 He is the Lord our God ; his juudgemints ar in a' the yirth.

8 He hses remembiret his covenent for aye, the wurd whilk he commandet til ane thousan' ganasratians.

9 Whilk covenent he maede wi' Abraham, an' his aith untill Isaac ;

10 An' settelet an' maede siccer the saeme til Jacob for ane law, an' til Israel for ane evirlestin' covenent ;

11 Sayin', Untill thee wull I gie the Ian' o' Canaan, the fiefe o' your inheeritince :

12 Whan thaye wer but fewe men in nummer; yis, varra fewe, an' fremet in it.

13 Whan thaye gaed frae ae natione til anither, frae ae king- doom til anither peeple ;

14 He tholet nae man til do thame wrang: ay, he een repruvet kings for thair sak's ;

15 Sayin', Tuchna mine anaintet, an' do my prophets nae skaith.

16 Mairattour he ca't for ane fsemyne apon the Ian' : he brak' the haill stafFe o' breaed.

17 He sendet ane man afore thame, een Joseph wha was sauld for ane slaefe :


18 Whase feet thaye hurtet wi' fettirs ; he was layde in em :

19 Untill the time that his wurd cam': the wurd o' the Lord tiyet him.

20 The king sendet an' loweset him ; een the ruulir o' the peeple, an lut him gae free.

21 He msede him lord o' his hous ; the ruulir o' a' his haudin :

22 Til bin' his cheefs at his pleesur, an' teech his state-ad- vseisers vvusdoom.

23 Israel alsua cam intil Egypt; an' bsede in the Ian' o' Ham.

24 An' he inkresset his peeple gritly, an' msede thame stranger nor thair enimies.

25 He turnet thair hairt til hgete his peeple, til deel slee an' slidlie vvi' his servents.

26 He sendet Moses his servent, an' Aaron wham he had chosin.

27 Thaye shawet his sygns amang thame, an' wunders in the Ian' o' Ham.

28 He sendet mirkniss, an' msede it mirk ; an' thaye didna rseise up til gaynesaye his wurd.

29 He turnet thair waters intil bluid, an' sleyet thair iisch.

30 Thair Ian' brang furth paddas in plentie, een in the cham- niers o' thair kings.

31 He spak', an' ther cam sindrie sortes o' flees an' lice in a' thair boordirs.

32 He gsefe thame hail for raine, an' bleezin' fire in thair Ian'.

33 He smat tliair vines alsua an' thair fig-tries, an' brak the tries o' thair hosts.

34 He spak', an' the locasts cam, an' katterpillers, an' that wuthoutten nummer.

35 An' did eet up the yirbs o' thair Ian', an' devooret the frute o' thair gruund.

36 He smat alsua the first-born o' thair Ian', the cheef o' a' thair strencth.

37 He brang thame owt alsua wi' siller an' gowd, an' ther wasna ane feckliss person in a' thair clans.

38 Egypt was richt gladsume whan thaye gaed aff ; for the feaer o' thame fell on thame.

39 He spresed ane clud for ane kiverin', an' fire til gie licht in the nicht.

40 The peeple axet, an' he bvoucht quails, an' satisfiet thame wi' the breaed o' heasven.


41 He opinet the rok, an' the waters bocket ovvt ; thaye ran in the drye pieces like ane river.

42 For he remembiret his haly promish, an' Abraham his ser- vent.

43 An' he brang furth his peeple wi' joye, an' his chosin wi' gladsumeniss :

44 An' gasfe thame the lan's o' the heaethin : an' thaye inheeritet the laabor o' the peeple ;

45 That thaye micht tak' tent til his staatutes, an' keepe his laws. Prayse ye the Lord.


PRAYSE ye the Lord. O gie thanks untill the Lord, for he is guid ; his mercie induurs forevir.

2 Wha can uutter the michtie dooin's o' the Lord? wha can shaw furth a' his prayse ?

3 Blisset ar thaye that keep juudgemint, an' he that deth richt- eousniss at a' times.

4 Remembir me, O Lord, wi' the faavor that thou beeerist un- till thy peeple : O veesit me wi' thy salvatione ;

5 That I may see the guid o' thy chosin, that I may joye in the gladsumeniss o' thy natione, that I may glorie wi' thy inheeri- tince.

6 We hae sinnet wi' our faethers, we hae committet inequitie, we hae dune wicketlie.

7 Our faethers understudena thy wunders in Egypt; thaye remembiretna the multetud o' thy mercies ; but provooket him at the se, een at the Ried Se.

8 Natheless he saufet thame for his nseme's sak', that he micht mak' his michtie powir til be knawn.

9 He rebuiket the Ried Se alsua, an' it was dryet up ; sae he lede thame throwe the deeps as throwe the wuldirniss.

10 An' he saufet thame frae the han' o' him that haetet thame; an' redeimit thame frae the han' o' the enimie.

11 An' the waters kiveret thair cnimies; ther wasna ane o' thame Icfte;

12 Than beliefet thaye his wurds, an' sang his prayse.

13 Thaye sune forgat his wurks; thaye waitetna for his cunsil.


14 But greinet exsessivlie in the wuldirniss, an' tempet God in the desart.

15 An' he gaefe thame galore for thair greed; but sendet ane traikieniss intil thair saul.

16 Thaye ill-wullet Moses alsua in the camp, an' Aaron the saunt o' the Lord.

17 The yirth opinet an' swalloet up Dathan, an' kiveret the comrades o' Abiram.

1 8 An' ane fire was kinlet in thair clan ; the flame brunt up the wicket.

19 Thaye maede ane caufFe in Horeb, an' wurschippet the moltin msenimit.

20 Thus thaye changet thair glorie intil the lykeniss o' ane oux that eets gerse.

21 Thaye forgat God thair Saavior, whilk had dune grit things in Egypt ;

22 Wunderfu' warks in the Ian' o' Ham, an' terrabil things bie the Ried Se.

23 Therfor he said that he wad destroye thame, hadna Moses, his chosin, stude afore him in the gaupe, til turn awa his wrasth, in kase he shude sley thame.

/i4 Yis, thaye despasiset the pleesint Ian'; thaye beleifetnahis wurd ;

25 But yammeret on in thair tents, an' herkenetna untill the voyce o' the Lord.

26 Therfor he liftet up his han' agayne thame, til owerthraw tliame in the wuldirniss :

27 Til owerthraw thair aifspring alsua amang the nationes, an' til skattir thame in the lan's.

28 Thaye aneitet thamesel's alsua untill Baal-peor, an' eetet the saacrifices o' the desed.

29 Thus thaye provooket him til angir wi' thair contrasivences ; an' the plegue brak' in apon thame.

30 Than stude up Phinehas, an' exikutet juudgemint ; an' sae the plegue was stayet.

31 An' that was cuuntet untill him for richteousniss untill a' ganseratians forevirmair.

32 Thaye angiret him alsua at the waters o' strifFe, sae that it gaed ill wi' Moses for thair sak's :

33 Becaus thaye provooket his speerit, sae that he spak' rashhe wi' his lipps.

PSALM cvri. 105

34 Thaye didna destroye the nationes, anent wham the Lord commandet thame ;

S5 But wer minget amang the heaethin, an' lesernet thair warks.

36 An' thaye ser't thair iidals, whilk wer ane girn untill thame»

37 Yis, thaye saacrificet thair sons an' thair douchters untill deevils,

38 An* shede innicent bluid, een the bluid o' thair sons an' o* thair douchters, wham thaye saacrificet til the iidals o' Canaan : an' the Ian' was pollutet wi' bluid.

39 Thus wer thaye fylet wi' thair ain warks, an' gaed a-lustin' wi' thair ain contraeivences.

40 Therfor was the frenn o' the Lord kinlet agayne his peeple, insaemeikle that he abhorret his ain inheeritince.

41 An' he gaefe thame intil the han' o' the heaethin ; an' thaye that hastet thame runlet ower thame.

42 Thair enimies alsua oppresset thame, an' thaye wer broucht intil thrawldoom anunder thair ban's.

43 Monie times did he delifer thame ; but thaye provooket him wi' thair cunsil, an' wer broucht leuch for thair inequitie.

44 Natheless he tuik thoucht o' thair afflickshon, whan he heeerd thair crye.

45 An' he remembiret for thame his covenent, an' re wet akordin' til the multetud o' his mercies.

46 He maede thame alsua til be pytiet o' a' thae that carryet thame captife.

47 Saufe us, O Lord our God, an' gether us frae mang the heaethin, til gie thanks untill thy haly nasme, an' til triumff in thy prayse.

48 Blisset be the Lord God o' Israel, frae evirlestin' til evir- lestin' : an' let a' the peeple say, Saebeid. Prayse ye the Lord.


OGIE thanks untill the Lord, for he is guid ; for his mercie induurs foraye.

2 Let the redeimet o' the Lord say sae, wham he hass redeimet frae the ban' o' the enimie ;

3 An' getheret thame owt o' the lan's, frae the east an' frae the wast, frae the north an' frae the south.


4 Thaye danderet aboot in the wuldirniss in ane wearifu' an' lanlie waye : thaye fand nae citie til dwall in.

5 Hungirie an' thristie, thair sauls sank doun vvuthin thame.

6 Than thaye cryet untill the Lord in thair truble, an' he deli- feret thame owt o' thair destressis.

7 An' he lede thame furth bie the richt waye, that thaye micht gang til ane citie o' habitatione.

8 Och that men wad prayse the Lord for his guidniss, an' for his wunderfu' warks til the childer o' men !

9 For he satisfies the langin' saul, an' fills the hungirie saul wi' guidniss.

10 Sic as sit in mirkniss, an' in the skaddaw o' deseth, being bund in afflickshon an' ern ;

11 Becaus thaye raese up agayne the wurds o' God, an' con- demet the cunsil o' the Maist Hie :

12 Therfor he brang doun thair hairt wi' laabor: thaye fell doun, an' ther was nane til helpe.

13 Than thaye cryet untill the Lord in thair truble, an' he saufet thame owt o' thair destressis.

14 He broucht thame owt o' mirkniss an' the skaddaw o' deseth, an' brak thair bands asinder.

15 Och that men wad prayse the Lord for his guidniss, an' for his wunderfu' warks til the childer o' men !

16 For he haes brokin the yettes o' brass, an' cutet the bars o' ern asinder.

17 Fules, becaus o' thair transgressione, an' becaus o' thair ine- quitie, ar afflicket ;

18 Thair saul abhorrs a' kind o' meaet, an' thaye draw neasr til the yettes o' deseth.

19 Than thaye crye untill the Lord in thair truble, an' he saufes thame owt o' thair destressis.

20 He sendet his wurd an' hajlet thame, an' deliferet thame frae thair destruckshons.

21 Och that men wad prayse the Lord for his guidniss, an' for his wunderfu' warks til the childer o' men !

22 An' let thame saacrifice the saacrifices o' thanksgiein', an' speik furth his warks wi' rejoycin'.

23 Thaye that gae doun til the se in schips, that trafaike in the grit waters ;


24 Thae see the warks o' the Lord, an' his vvunders in the deepe.

25 For he commands, an' rieises up the stormie wund, whilk thero' lifts on hie the waves.

26 Thaye muunt up til the heseven, thaye gae doun agayne til the deepes ; thair saul is meltet becaus o' truble.

27 Thaye reel bak-an-forwart, an' stotter like ane drunken man, an' ar at the en' o' thair wuts.

28 Than thaye crye til the Lord in thair truble, an' he brings thanie owt o' thair destressis.

29 He mak's the storm ane cawm, sae that the waves thero' ar seeliset.

30 Than ar thaye gladsume becaus thaye be quaeet; sae he brings thame untill the haven that thaye lang for.

31 Och that men wad prayse the Lord for his guidniss, an' for his wunderfu' warks til the childer o' men !

82 Let thame eksalt him alsua in the congregatione o' the peeple, an' prayse him in the assemblie o' the eldirs.

'S3 Rivers he turns intil ane wuldirniss, an' the wallees intil drye gruund ;

34 Ane frutefu' Ian' intil barrenniss, for the wicketniss o' thame that byde in't.

35 He turns the wuldirniss intil ane stannin' water, an' drye gruund intil wals o' water.

36 An' ther he mak's the hungirie til dwall, that thaye may bigg ane citie til wone in.

37 An' saw the feelds, an' sette vinyairds, whilk may gie furth frutes o' inkresse.

38 He blisses thame alsua, sae that thair nunmier growes gritlie, an' tholesna thair kattel til dekresse.

39 Agayne thaye ar niinishet, an' brung leuch throwe thrawl- doom, afflickshon, an' sorra.

40 He teems contemp apon princes, an' causes thame til dander in the wuldirniss whare ther is nae waye.

41 Natheless setes he the puir on hie frae afflickshon, an' mak's him families like ane flok.

43 The richteous sail see it, an' rejoycc, an' a' inequitie sail stapp hir mooth.

43 Whasae is wyse, an' wull tak' tent o' Lhae things, een thaye sail understan' the loeinkinduiss o' the Lcjrd.



t Ane Sang or Psalm o' David,

OGOD, my hairt is fiksit; I wull sing an' gie prayse een wl my glorie.

2 Awauken psaltrie an' herp, I mysel' wull awauken earlie.

3 I wull prayse thee, O Lord, amang the peeple ; an' wull sing prayses untill thee amang the nationes.

4 For thy mercie is grit aboone the heaevens, an' thy trouth raxes untill the cluds.

5 Be thou liftet up, O God, aboone the hesevens, an' thy glorie aboone a' the yirth ;

6 That thy belofet may be deliferet : saufe vvi' thy richt han', an' answir me.

7 God heth spokin in his haliniss: I wull rejoyce; I wull devyde Shechem, an' measur owt the vallie o' Succoth.

8 Gilead is mine ; Manasseh is mine ; Ephraim alsua is the strencth o' mine heaed ; Judah is my law-giefer ;

9 Moab is my wasch-pat ; ower Edom wull I thraw my shooe ; ower Philistia wull I triumff.

10 Wha wull bring me intil the Strang citie? wha wull leede me intil Edom ?

11 Wultna thou, O God, wha best casen us aff? an' wultna thou, O God, gang furth wi' our hosts ?

12 Gie us help frae truble ; for vaine is the help o' man.

13 Throwe God we sail do vielentlie ; for he it is that sail tramp doun our enimies.



It Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David. AUDNA thy peece, O God o' my prayse ;

2 For the mooth o' the wicket, an' the mooth o' the gylefu' ar opinet agayne me : thaye hae spokin' agayne me wi' ane leein'


3 Thaye cam roun' aboot me alsua wi' wurds o' hsetret ; an foucht agayne me wuthoutten ane cans.

4 For my loefe thaye ar my advarsaries ; but I gie mysel' untill praeyer.



5 An' thaye hae rewairdet me ill for guid, an' has tret for loefe.

6 Sete thou ane wicket man ower him ; an' let Sattan stan' at his richt han'.

7 Whan he sail be juudget, let him be condemet, an' let his praeyer becum sin.

8 Let his dayes be fewe, an' let ane ither tak' his charje.

9 Let his childer be faetherliss, an' his wyfFe ane widaw.

10 Let his childer be continwallie stravaigers an' beg ; let thame seik thair breaed alsua owt o' thair waiste pieces.

1 1 Let the ekstourtir clutche a' that he haes, an' let the fremet spulyie his laabor.

12 Let ther be nane til eksten' mercie untill him; naether let ther be onie til faavor his faetherliss childer.

13 Let his aflfspring be snegget afF; an in the ganaeratian fol- loin' thair naeme be blotchet owt.

14 Let the inequitie o' his faethers be boorne in mind wi' the Lord, an' letna the sin o' his mither be dune awa.

15 Let thame be afore the Lord continwallie, that he may sneg aff the memerie o' thame frae the yirth :

16 Becaus that he remembiretna til shaw mercie, but persi- kutet the puir an' needie man, that he micht een sley the brokin in


17 As he loefet bannin', sae let it cum untill him ; as he de- lichtetna in blissin', sae let it be fer frae him.

18 As he claethet himsel' wi' cursin' like as wi' his garmint, sae let it cum intil his interils like water, an' like oolie intil his banes.

19 Let it be untill him as the garmint whilk kivers him, an' for ane girdin wharewi' he is girthet continwallie.

20 Let this be the rewaird o' mine advarsaries frae the Lord, an' o' thame that speik ill agayne my saul.

21 But do thou for me, O God the Lord, for thy naeme's sak' ; becaus thy mercie is guid, delifer thou me.

22 For I am puir an' needie, an' my hairt is wuundet wuthin me.

23 I am o-ane like the skaddaw whan it eelyes awa ; I am tor- fellet up an' doun as the locast.

24 My nees ar wafF throwe fastin', an' my flesch faeils o'


25 I becam' alsua ane reproch untill thame ; whan thaye luiket on me thaye shuuk thair heaeds.


26 Helpe me, O Lord my God ; O saufe me akordin' til thy mercie :

27 That thaye may ken that this is thy han', that thou, Lord, hest dune it.

28 Let thame ban, but bliss thou : whan thaye raeise up, let thame be shaemet ; but let thy servent rejoyce.

29 Wi' shscme let mine advarsaries be claethet; an' let thame kiver thamesel's wi' thair ain confuushon as wi' ane rocklay.

30 I wull gritlie prayse the Lord wi' my mooth ; yis, I wull prayse him amang the multetud.

31 For he sail stan' at the richt han' o' the puir, til saufe him frae thae that condem his saul.


H Ane Psalm o' David.

THE Lord said untill my Lord, Sit at my richt han', untill I mak' tliine enimies thy fit-stule.

2 The Lord sail sen' the rodd o' thy streneth owt o' Zion : ruul thou in the middle o' thine enimies.

3 Thy peeple sail be wullin' in the daye o' thy powir; in the beutie o' haliniss, frae the wome o' the moornin' ; thou hest the dewe o' thy youdith.

4 The Lord heth swurn, an' wullna rew, Thou art ane priest forevir efter the oordir o' Melchizedek.

5 The Lord at thy richt han' sail strike throwe kings in the daye o' wrseth.

6 He sail juudge amang the hesethin ; he sail fill the pieces wi' the desed boukes ; he sail wuund the chiefs ower monie cuun- tries.

7 He sail drynk o' the bruik in the waye, therfor sail he lift up the heaed.


PRAYSE ye the Lord. I wull prayse the Lord wi' my haill hairt, in the assemblie o' the upricht an' in the congregatione. 2 The warks o' the Lord ar grit, soucht owt o' a' thame that hae pleasur therin.


S His wark is honorabel an' glorious, an* his richteousniss in- duurs forevir.

4 He lises maede his wunderfu' warks til be remembiret ; the Lord is gracious an' fu' o' tendir pitie.

5 He haBs gien meaet untill thame that feaer him : he wull evir be mindfu' o' his covenent.

6 He haes shawet his peeple the powir o' his warks, that he may gie tliame the heirskep o' the hesethin.

7 The warks o' liis ban' ar veritie an' juudgemint, a' his com- mandements ar shure.

8 Thaye stan' siccer forevir an' evir, an' ar dune in trouth an' uprichtniss.

9 He sendet redempshon til his peeple : he heth commandet his covenent forevir ; haly an' reverant is his naeme.

10 The feaer o' the Lord is the begynnin' o' wusdoom : ane guid understannin' hae a' thaye that do his commandements : his prayse induurs forevir.


PRAYSE ye the Lord. Blisset is the man that feaers the Lord, that delichts gritlie in his commandements. 2 His aiFspring sail be michtie apon the yirth ; the ganaeratian o' the upricht sail be blisset.

S Walth an' riches sail be in his hous, an' his richteousniss induurs forevir.

4 Untill the upricht ther rseises up licht in the mirk ; he is gracious, an' fu' o' tendir pitie, an' richteous.

5 Ane guid man shaws faavor an' len's ; he wull gaeide his affaires wi' discrsetione.

6 Shurelie he sallna be muvet forevir ; the richteous sail be in evirlestin' remembirence.

7 He sallna be afearet o' ill tydin's ; his hairt is fikset, trustin' in the Lord.

8 His hairt is maede sekuur ; he sallna be afearet untill he see his vvush apon his enimies.

9 He hses layde owt ; he ha3s gien til the puir ; his richteous- niss induurs forevir: his hoorn sail be liftet up wi' honor.

10 The wicket sail see it, an' be greifet ; he sail grunch wi' his teeth, an' melt awa ; the desyre o' the wicket sail decaye owtricht.




RAYSE ye the Lord. Prayse, O ye servents o' the Lord, prayse the naeme o' the Lord.

2 Blisset be the naeme o' the Lord frae this time furth an' for- evirmair.

3 Frae the raeisin* o' the sun untill the gaein' doun o' the same the naeme o' the Lord is til be prayset.

4 The Lord is hie aboone a' nationes, an' his glorie aboone the heaevens.

5 Wha is like the Lord our God ? wha dwalls on hie ;

6 Wha hummels himsel' til behald the things that at in heaeven an' in the yirth.

7 He raeises up the puir owt o' the dust, an' lyfts up the needie owt o' the midden.

8 That he maye sete him wi' chiefs, een vvi' the princes o' his peeple.

9 He mak's the barrin woman til keepe hous, an' til be ane joyfu' mither o' childer. Prayse ye the Lord.


WHAN Israel gaed owt o' Egypt, the hous o' Jacob frae ane peeple o' fremet tung,

2 Judah was his sanctuarie, an' Israel his damain.

3 The se saw it, an' flede ; Jordan was dresen bak.

4 The mountans skifFet like tips, an' the wee hills like lams.

5 What ailet thee, O thou se, that thou fledist ; thou Jordan, that thou wast dreaen bak ?

6 Ye mountans, that ye skiffet like tips; an' ye wee hills like lams ?

7 Trimmel, thou yirth, at the presince o' the Lord, at the pre- since o' the God o' Jacob ;

8 Whilk turnet the rok until ane stannin^ water, an' maede ane fountan o' waters o' the flint.



NAT untill us, O Lord, nat untill us, but untill thy naeme g\e glorie ; for thy mercie, an' for thy troutli's sak'.

2 Wharefor shud the heasthin say, Whare is now thair God ?

3 But our God is in the hesevens : he heth dune whatsaeevir he heth pleeset.

4 Thair iidals ar siller an' gowd, the wark o' men's han's.

5 Thaye hae mooths, but thaye speikna ; eyne hae thaye, but thaye seena ;

6 Thaye hae lugs, but thaye dinna heser ; noses, but thaye hae nae smelle.

7 Thaye hae han's, but thaye hanlena ; feet hae thaye, but thaye canna gang ; neether speik thaye throwe thair hass.

8 Thaye that mak' thame ar like til thame ; sae is ilka ane that trusts in thame.

9 O Israel, trust ye in the Lord ; he is thair helpe an' thair sheeld.

10 O hous o' Aaron, trust in the Lord ; he is thair helpe an' thair sheeld.

1 1 Ye that feaer the Lord, trust in the Lord ; he is thair helpe an' thair sheeld.

12 The Lord haes been mindfu' o' us ; he wull bliss us : he wull bliss the hous o' Israel ; he wull bliss the hous o' Aaron.

13 He wull bliss thame that feaer the Lord, baith sma' an' grit.

14 The Lord sail inkresse you mair an' mair, you an' your childer.

15 Ye ar blisset o' the Lord, whilk maede heaeven an' yirth.

16 The heseven, een the heaevens ar the Lord's ; but the yirth heth he gien til the childer o' men.

17 The deaed praysena the Lord, nasther onie that gae doun intil seelence.

18 But we wull bliss the Lord frae this time furth an' forevir- mair. Prayse the Lord.



jOE the Lord, becaus he haes heaerd my voycc an' my suppli- cationes.


2 Becaus he hses inclasinet his eagr untill me, therfor wuU I ca' apon him sae lang as I leive.

3 The sorras o' deaeth cam' roun' aboot me, an' the paines o' hell gat haud on me : I fand truble an' dool.

4 Than ca't I apon the nsenie o' the Lord ; O Lord, I beseik thee, delifer my saul.

5 Gracious is the Lord an' richteous ; yis, our God is mercifu'.

6 The Lord preserfes the simpel ; I was broucht leuch, an' he helpet me.

7 Return untill thy rest, O my saul ; for the Lord heth deelt buntifuUie wi' thee.

8 For thou best deliferet my saul frae deaeth, mine eyne frae teffirs, an' my feet frae fa'in'.

9 1 wull gae on afore the Lord in the Ian' o' the leivin'.

10 I beleifet, therfor hae I spokin ; I was gritlie afflicket.

11 I said in my hasste, A' men ar leeirs.

\2 What sail I gie untill the Lord for a' his guid gyftes gait- wairds me ?

13 I wull tak' the cup o' salvatione, an' ca' apon the n£eme o' the Lord.

14 I wull paye my vowes untill the Lord nowe in the presince o' a' his peeple.

15 Pracious in the sicht o' the Lord is the deeeth o' his saunts.

16 0 Lord, trewlie I am thy servent : I am thy servent, an' the son o' thine han'maidcn ; thou best loweset my bands.

17 I wull affer til thee the saacrifice o' thanksgiein', an' wull ca' apon the naeme o' the Lord.

18 I wull paye my vowes untill the Lord nowe in the presince o' a' his peeple,

19 In the cuurts o' the Lord's hous, in the middle o' thee, O Jerusalem. Prayse ye the Lord.


O PRAYSE the Lord, a' ye nationes ; prayse him, a' ye peeple. ; 2 For his mercifu' kindniss is grit gaitwaird us ; an' the 1 trouth o' the Lord induurs forevir. Prayse ye the Lord.



OGIE thanks untill the Lord, for he is guid ; becaus his mercie induurs forevir.

2 Let Israel nowe saye, that his mercie induurs forevir.

3 Let the hous o' Aaron nowe saye, that his mercie induurs forevir.

4 Let thame nowe that feser the Lord saye, that his mercie in- duurs forevir.

5 I ca't apon the Lord in destresse : the Lord answiret me, an' sete me in ane wyde an' free piece.

6 The Lord is on my syde ; I wullna feaer ; what can man do untill me ?

7 The Lord tak's my pairt wi' thame that helpe me : therfor sail I see my desyre apon thame that haete me.

8 It is better til trust in the Lord nor til pit confydedence in man.

9 It is better til trust in the Lord nor til pit confydedence in princes.

10 A' nationes cam' roun' aboot me; but in the naeme o' the Lord wull I destroye thame.

1 1 Thaye cam' roun' aboot me ; yis, thaye cam' roun' aboot me ; but in the naeme o' the Lord wull I destroye thame.

12 Thaye cam' roun' aboot me like bies: thaye ar slockenet as the fire o' thoorns ; for in the nseme o' the Lord I wull destroye thame.

13 Thou hest stogget sair at me, that I micht fa'; but the Lord helpet me.

14 The Lord is my doucht an' sang, an' is becum my salvatione.

15 The voyce o' rejoycin' an' salvatione is in the taabernakles o' the richteous : the richt han' o' the Lord deth vielentlie.

16 The richt han' o' the Lord is liftet up ; the richt han' o' the Lord deth vielentlie.

17 1 sallna dee, but leive, an' speik furth the warks o' the Lord.

18 The Lord heth chesenet me sair: but he hethna gien me ower untill deseth.

19 Opin til me the yettes o' richteousniss ; I wull gae intil thame, an' I wull prayse the Lord.

20 This yette o' the Lord, whilk the richteous sail gae in at.


211 wull prayse thee ; for thou hest heaerd me, an' hest becum my salvatione.

22 The stane whilk the buuldirs despaeiset haes becum the hesed stane o' the kornh*.

23 This is the Lord's doin' ; it is mervellous in our eyne.

24 This is the daye whilk the Lord heth maede ; we wull re- joyce an' be gladsume in it.

25 Saufe nowe, I beseik thee, O Lord : O Lord, I beseik thee, sen' nowe prospiritie.

26 Blisset be he that cums in the naeme o' the Lord ; we hae blisset yow owt o' the hous o' the Lord.

27 God is the Lord, wha heth shawet us licht : bin' the saacri- fice wi* coords, een untill the hoorns o' the altar.

28 Thou art my God, an' I wull prayse thee ; thou art my God, I wull eksalt thee.

29 O gie thanks untill the Lord, for he is guid ; for his mercie induurs forevir.



BLISSET ar the unfylet an' perfite in the waye, wha wauk in the lawe o' the Lord.

2 Blisset ar thaye that keepe his testimonies, an' that seik him wi' thair haill hairt.

3 Thaye alsua do nae inequitie ; thaye wauk in his wayes.

4 Thou hest commandet us til keepe thy preceeps eidentlie.

5 Och that my wayes wer msede gatelins til keepe thy staatutes !

6 Than shude I nat be shsemet, whan I hae respeck til a' thy commandements.

7 T wull prayse thee wi' uprichtniss o' hairt whan I hae leaernet thy richteous juudgemints.

8 I wull keepe thy staatutes ; O dinna forhowe me owtricht.


9 Wharewutha' sail ane yung man cleense his waye ? Bie takin' tent thertil akordin' til thy wurd. I

10 Wi' my haill hairt hae I soucht thee : O letna me dander awa frae thy commandements.


11 Thy wiird hae I hyddan in my hairt, that I michtna sin agayne thee.

12 Blisset art thou, O Lord ; teech thou me thy staatutes.

13 Wi' my lipps hae I spokin owt a' the juudgemints o' thy mooth,

14 I hae rejoycet in the waye o' thy testimonies as mickle as in a thesaures,

15 I wull dwall in thoucht on thy preceeps, an' hae respeck untill thy wayes.

16 I wull delicht mysel' in thy staatutes ; I wullna forgett thy wurd.


17 Deel buntifuUie wi' thy servent, that I may leive, an' keepe thy wurd.

18 Opin thou mine eyne, that I may behald wunderfu' things owt o' thy law.

19 I am ane fremet in the yirth; hydena thy commandements frae me.

20 My saul briks for the langin' that it haes untill thy juudge- mints at & times.

21 Thou best snibbet the pruud that ar curset, whilk gae asyde frae thy commandements.

22 Remuve frae me reproch an' contemp ; for I hae keepet thy testimonies.

23 Princis did alsua sit an' speik agayne me ; but thy servent sete deepe thoucht on thy staatutes.

24 Thy testimonies alsua ar my delicht an^ my cunsillers.


25 My saul cleefes doun untill the dust; quikan thou me akordin' til thy wurd.

26 I hae spokin owt anent my wayes, an' thou best heserd me : teech me thy staatutes.

27 Mak' me understan' the waye o' thy preceeps ; sae sail I tauk o' thy wunderfu' warks.

28 My saul melts for hiviniss : strencthen me akordin' til thy wurd.

29 Remuve frae me the waye o' leein' ; an' graciouslie vooch- saufe me thy law.


30 I hae cliosin the waye o' trouth : thy juudgemints hae I layde afore me.

31 I hae stuken untill thy testimonies; O Lord, pitna me til shjeme.

32 I wuU rin the waye o' thy commandements, whan thou sallt releich my hairt.


33 Teech me, O Lord, the waye o' thy staatutes, an' I sail keepe it untill the en'.

34 Gie me understan'in', an' I sail keepe thy law ; yis, I sail tak' tent til't wi' my haill hairt.

35 Mak' me til gang in the peth o' thy commandements ; for therin do I delicht.

36 Inclseine my hairt untill thy testimonies, an' nat til greediniss.

37 Turn awa mine eyne frae behaldin' vainitie, an^ quikan thou me in thy waye.

38 Mak' siccer thy wurd untill thy servent, wha is hairt-bund til thy feeer.

39 Turn awa my reproch, whilk I dreaed ; for thy juudgemints ar guid.

40 Behald, I hae langet efter thy preceeps ; quikan me in thy richteousniss.


41 Let thy mercies cum alsua untill me, O Lord ; een thy sal- vatione akordin' til thy wurd.

42 Sae sail I hae wharewi' til answir him that reproches me ; for in thy wurd do I trust.

43 An' tak'na the wurd o' trouth a'thegither owt o' my mooth ; for I hae houpet in thy juudgemints.

44 Sae sail 1 keepe thy law forevir an' evir.

45 An' I sail gang on in freedom ; for I seik thy preceeps.

46 I wuU speik o' thy testimonies alsua afore kings, an' wullna be blate.

47 An' I wull delicht mysel' in thy commandements, whilk I hae loet.

48 My ban's wull I alsua lift up untill thy commandements, whilk I hae loet ; an' I wull dwall in deepe thoucht on thy staatutes.



49 Remenibir the wurd untill thy servent, apon whilk thou hest causet me til houpe.

50 This is my comfirt in my afflickshon; for thy wurd haes quikanet me.

51 The pruud hae had me gritlie in derishon ; natheless hae I nat fa'n afF frae thy law.

52 I ca't til mind thy juudgemints o' auldj O Lord, an' hae com- firtet mysel'.

5S Horrir haes ta'en haud apon me, becaus o' the wicket that forhowe thy law.

54 Thy staatutes hae been my sang in the hous o' my pil- grimadje.

55 I hae remembiret thy nseme, O Lord, in the nicht ; an' hae keepet thy law.

56 This I had becaus I keepet thy preceeps.


57 Thou art my portione, O Lord ; I hae said that I wad keepe thy wurds.

58 I wooet thy faavor wi' my haill hairt; be mercifu' til me akordin' til thy wurd.

59 I thoucht on my wayes, an' turnet my feet til thy testimonies.

60 I taiggletna, but maede haeste til keepe thy commandements.

61 The gangs o' the wicket hae reifet me ; but I haenaforgottan thy law.

62 At howenicht I wull raise til gie thanks untill thee, becaus o' thy richteous juudgemints.

63 I am ane comerade o' a' thame that feasr thee, an' o' thame that keepe thy preceeps.

64 The yirth, O Lord, is fu^ o' thy mercie ; teech me thy staa- tutes.


65 Thou hest deelt weel wi' thy servent, O Lord, akordin' un- till thy wurd.

66 Teech me guid juudgemint an' waethi'; for I hae beleifet thy commandements.

67 Afore I was afilicket I gaed agley ; but nowe hae I keepet thy wurd.


68 Thou art guid, an' doist guid ; teech me thy staatutes.

69 The pruud hae forgdjet ane lee agayne me ; but I wull keepe thy preceeps wi' my haill hairt.

70 Thair hairt is as fat as taugh ; but 1 delicht in thy law.

71 It is guid for me that I hae been affiicket ; that I micht leaern thy staatutes.

72 The law o' thy mooth is better untill me nor thousands o' gowd an' siller.


73 Thy ban's hae msede me an' fashanet me ; gie me under- stan'in', that I may leaern thy commandements.

74 Thaye that feasr thee wull be gladsume whan thaye see me ; becaus I hae houpet in thy wurd.

75 I ken, O Lord, that thy juudgemints ar richt, an' that thou in faithfu'niss best afflicket me.

76 Let, I praey thee, thy mercifu' kindniss be for my comfirt, akordin' til thy wurd untill thy servent.

77 Let thy tendir mercies cum untill me, that I may leive ; for thy law is my delicht.

78 Let the pruud be shaemet, for thaye hae deelt contrairi- sumlie wi' me wuthoutten ane cans ; but I wull muuse on thy pre- ceeps.

79 Let thae that feaer thee turn untill me, an' thae that hae knavvn thy testimonies.

80 Let my hairt be suund in thy staatutes, that I bena shaemet.


81 My saul swarfFs for thy salvatione ; but I houpe in thy wurd.

82 Mine eyne faeil for thy wurd, sayin'. Whan wult thou com- firt me ?

83 For I am becum like ane bottell in the reek ; natheless do I nat forget thy staatutes.

84 Howe monie ar the dayes o' thy servent ? Whan wult thou cxikute juudgemint on thame that persikute me ?

85 The pruud hae howket pitts for me whilk arna efter thy law.

86 A' thy commandements ar faithfu' : thaye persikute me wrangfullie ; helpe thou me.

87 Thaye had amaist consuumet me apon yirth ; but I for- howetna thy preceeps.


88 Quikan me efter thy loeinkindniss ; sae sail I keepe the tes- timonies o' thy mooth.


89 Forevir, O Lord, thy wurd is settelet in heajven.

90 Thy faithfu'niss is untill a' ganteratians ; thou hest sete siccer the yirth, an' it bydes sae.

91 Thaye contina this daye akordin' til thine oordinences, for a' ar thy servents.

92 Hadna thy law been my delicht, I wad hae deet owtricht in mine afflickshon.

93 I wuU nevir forget thy preceeps ; for wi' thame ye hae quikanet me.

94 I am thine ; saufe me, for I hae soucht thy preceeps.

95 The wicket hae waitet for me, til destroye me ; but I wull weie weel thy testimonies.

96 I hae seen ane en' o' a' perfekshon ; but thy commandement is excessivlie braid.


97 O hovve loe I thy law ! my thoucht dwalls deeplie on it a' the daye lang.

98 Thou throwe thy commandements hest maede me wysir nor mine enimies ; for thaye ar evir wi' me.

99 I hae mair understan'in' nor a' my teechirs, for thy testi- monies ar my serious thoucht.

100 I understand mair nor did thaye o' auld lang syne, becaus I keepe thy preceeps.

101 I hae hauden bak my feet frae ilka ill waye, that I micht keepe thy wurd.

102 I haena gane agley frae thy juudgemints ; for thou hest in- struket me.

103 Howe sweet ar thy wurds til my tseste ! ay, sweetir nor hinnie til my mooth.

104 Throwe thy preceeps I gete understan'in' ; therfor ilka fause waye do I haete.


105 Thy wurd is ane lampc til my feet, an' ane licht til my peth.

106 I hae swurn, an' wull stan' til't, that I wull kccpc thy richteous juudgemints.


107 Afflicket I am verra mickle ; quikan me, O Lord, akordin' til thy wurd.

108 Accep, I do beseik thee, the free-wuU afferin's o' my mooth, O Lord ; an' teech me thy juudgemints.

109 My saul is in my han' continwallie ; natheless do I nat for- gete thy law.

110 The wicket hae layde ane girn for me ; natheless I stra- vaigetna frae thy preceeps.

111 Thy testimonies hae I ta'en as ane heirskep forevir ; for thaye ar the rejoycin' o' my hairt.

112 I hae inclaginet mine hairt til performe thy staatutes al- waeyse, een untill the en'.


113 I hsete vaine thouchts ; but thy law do I loe.

114 Thou art my hydein'-plece an' my scug; I houpe in thy wurd.

115 Be aff frae me, ye ill-doirs ; for I wull keepe the commande- ments o' my God.

116 Uphaud me akordin' untill thy wurd, that I may leive ; an' letna me be ashaemet o' my houpe.

117 Hand me up, an' I sail be saufe ; an' I wull hae respeck untill thy staatutes continwallie.

118 Thou best strampet doun a' thame that stravaig frae thy staatutes ; for thair deceite is fausehuud.

119 Thou pittist awa a' the wicket o' the yirth like dros ; ther- for I loe thy testimonies.

120 My flesch trimmels for feaer o' thee, an' I am rade o' thy juudgemints.


121 I hae dune juudgemint an' justice, leefena me til mine oppressirs.

122 Be shuurtie for thy servent for guid ; letna the pruud op- presse me.

123 Mine eyne fseil for thy salvatione, an' for the wurd o' thy richteousniss.

124 Deel wi' thy servent akordin' til thy mercie, an' teech me thy staatutes.

125 I am thy servent ; gie me understan'in', that I may ken thy testimonies.

126 It is fu' time for thee. Lord, tilwurk; for thaye hae maede vseide thy law.


127 Tlierfor I loe thy commandements aboone gowd, ay, aboone fyne gowd.

128 Tlierfor I baud a' thy preceeps anent a' things til be richt ; an' I haste ilka fause waye.


129 Thy testimonies ar wunderfu'; therfor deth my saul keepe thame.

130 The ingangin' o' thy wurds gies licht ; it gies understan'in' untill the simpill.

131 I opinet my mooth an' pantet ; for I langet for thy com- mandements.

132 Luik thou apon me, an' be mercifu' untill me, akordin' til thine use an' wunt til thae that loe thy nseme.

133 Oordir my stepps in thy ward ; an' letnaonie inequitie hae powir ower me.

134 Delifer me frae the crewiltie o' man ; sae wuU I keepe thy preceeps.

135 Mak' thy fece til shyne apon thy servent ; an' teech me thy staatutes.

136 Grit rinnals o' water rin doun mine eyne, becaus thaye keepena thy law.


137 Richteous art thou, O Lord, an' upricht ar thy juudgemints.

138 Thy testimonies that thou best commandet ar richteous an' verra faithfu'.

139 My zele bass consuumet me becaus mine enimies hae for- gottan thy wurds.

140 Thy wurd is verra pure ; therfor thy servent loes it.

141 I am sma^ an' despseiset ; natheless I dinna forgete thy preceeps.

142 Thy richteousniss is ane evirlestin' richteousniss, an' thy law is the trouth.

143 Truble an' verra sair paine hae ta'en baud on me ; natheless thy commandements ar my delichts.

144 The richteousniss o' thy testimonies is evirlestin' : gie me understan'in', an' I sail leive.


145 I cryet wi' my haill hairt : heaer me, O Lord; I wull keepe thy staatutes.


146 I cryet untill tliee ; saufe me, an' I wull keepe thy testi- monies.

147 I was afore the davvin' o' the moornin', an' cryet ; I houpet in thy wurd.

148 Mine eyne prevente the nicht-watchis, that I may dwall in deepe thoucht apon thy wurd.

149 Heser my voyce, akordin' til thy loeinkindniss, O Lord ; quikan me akordin' til thy juudgemint.

150 Thaye edge nie wha folio efter mischeef ; thaye ar fer frae thy law.

151 Thou art neer, O Lord, an' a' thy commandements are trouth.

152 Anent thy testimonies I hae kennet o' auld that thou hest fuundet thame forevir.


153 Tak' thoucht on my afflickshon, an' delifer me ; for I dinna forgete thy law.

154 Plede my caus, an' delifer me; quikan me akordin' til thy wurd.

155 Salvatione is fer frae the wicket; for thaye seikna thy staa- tutes.

156 Grit ar thy tendir mercies, O Lord : quikan me akordin' til thy juudgemints.

157 Monie ar my persikutirs an' mine enimies ; natheless I dinna fa' aff frae thy testimonies.

158 I saw the transgressers, an' was greifet ; becaus thaye keepetna thy wurd.

159 Tak' thoucht howe I loe thy preceeps ; quikan me, O Lord, akordin' til thy loeinkindniss.

160 Thy wurd is trew frae the begynnyn', an' ilka ane o' thy richteous juudgemints induurs forevir.


161 Athils hae persikutit me wuthoutten ane caus; but my hairt Stan's in aw o' thy wurd.

162 I rejoyce in thy wurd, as ane that fin's grit spulsye.

163 I hsete an' abhorr leein' ; but thy lawe do I loe.

164 Se'en times a-daye do I prayse thee, becaus o' thy richteous juudgemints.


165 Grit peece hae tliaye that loe thy law, an' nae thing sail ofFen' thame.

166 Lord, I hae houpet for thy salvatione, an' dune thy com- mandements.

167 My saul haes keepet thy testimonies, an' I loe thame exces- sivelie.

168 I hae keepet thy preceeps an' testimonies ; for a' my wayes ar afore thee.


169 Let my crye cum neaer afore thee, O Lord ; gie me under- stan'in' akordin' til thy wurd.

170 Let my supplicatione cum afore thee: delifer me akordin' til thy wurd.

171 My lipps sail uutter prayse, whan thou hest taucht me thy staatutes.

172 My tung sail speik o' thy wurd; for a' thy commande- ments ar richteousniss.

173 Let thy han' helpe me ; for I hae chosin thy preceeps.

174 I hae langet for thy salvatione, O Lord ; an' thy law is my delicht.

175 Let my saul leive, an' it sail prayse thee ; an' let thy juudgemints help me.

176 I hae gane astraye like ane tint sheep: seik thy servent; for I dinna forgete thy commandements.


If Ane Sang o' degries.

IN my destresse I cryet untill the Lord, an' he hegerd me. 2 Delifer my saul, O Lord, frae leein^ lipps, an' frae ane gylefu' tung.

3 What sail be gien untill thee ? or what sail be dune untill thee, thou fause tung ?

4 Sherp arras o' the michtie, an' cools o' junlpir.

5 Wae's me that I saejurn in Mesech ; that I dwall in the tents o' Kedar !

6 My saul hass lang dwalt wi' him that hsetes peece.

7 I am for peece ; but whan I speik, thaye ar for weir.



H Ane Sang o' degries.

IWULL lift up mine eyne til the hills, frae whance cums my helpe.

2 My helpe cums frae the Lord, wha maede heaeven an' yirth.

3 He wullna thole my feet til be muvet : he that keepes thee wullna dover.

4 Behald, he that keepes Israel sail naether sloom nar sleepe.

5 The Lord is thy keepir ; the Lord is thy scug apon thy richt han'.

6 The sun sallna smyte thee bie daye, nar the muun bie nicht.

7 The Lord sail preserfe thee frae a' ill ; he shall preserfe thy saul.

8 The Lord sail preserfe thy gaein's owt, an' thy cumin's in, frae this time furth an' een forevirmair.


IT Ane Sang o' degries o' David.

I WAS gladsume whan thaye said untill me, Let us gae intil the hous o' the Lord.

2 Our feet sail stan' wuthin thy yettes, O Jerusalem.

3 Jerusalem is buggin as ane citie that is compak thegither.

4 Whidder the clans gae up, the clans o' the Lord, untill the testimonie o' Israel, til gie thanks untill the naeme o' the Lord.

5 For ther ar sete thrones o' juudgemint, the thrones o' the hous o' David.

6 Preey for the peece o' Jerusalem ; thaye sail do vv^eel that loe thee.

7 Peece be wuthin thy wa's, an' prospiritie wuthin thy paleces.

8 For my brithrin an' comerades' sak's, I wull nowe saye, Peece be wuthin thee.

9 Becaus o' the hous o' the Lord our God, I wull seik thy guid.



If Ane Sang o' degries.

UNTILL thee do I lift up mine eyne, O thou tliat dwallist in the heasvens.

2 Behald, as the eyne o' servents luik untill the han' o' thair maisters, an' as the eyne o' ane maidin untill the han' o' hir guid- daeme, sae our eyne wait apon the Lord our God, untill that he hae mercie apon us.

3 Hae mercie apon us, O Lord, hae mercie apon us ; for we ar excessivlie fillet wi' contemp.

4 Our saul is excessivlie fillet wi' the scoornin' o' thae that ar at eese, an' wi' the contemp o' the pruud.


If Ane Sang o' degries o' David.

a IF it hadna been the Lord wha was on our syde, nowe may Israel say ;

2 Gif it hadna been the Lord wha was on our syde, whan men raese up agayne us ;

3 Than had thaye swalliet us up quik, whan thair wreeth was kinlet agayne us.

4 Than had the waters fairlie owerwhalmet us ; the streem had gane ower our saul :

5 Than the pruud waters had gane ower our saul.

6 Blisset be the Lord, wha hethna gien us ower as ane preye til thair teeth.

7 Our saul haes maede afF as ane burd frae the girn o' the fowlirs ; the girn is brokin, an' we ar fairlie free.

8 Our helpe is in the nseme o' the Lord, wha msede heseven an' yirth.


t Ane Sang o' degiies.

THAYE that trust in the Lord sail be as Muunt Zion, whilk canna be remuvet, but bydes forevir.


2 As the mountans ar roun' aboot Jerusalem, sae the Lord is roun' aboot his peeple frae hansefurth an' forevir.

3 For the rodd o' the wicket salhia lye" on the lote o' the richt- eous, in kase the richteous pit foret thair ban's untill inequitie.

4 Do guid, O Lord, untill thae that be guid, an' til thame that ar upricht in thair hairts.

5 As for sic as turn agley til thair camshauchelet wayes, the Lord sail leede thame furth wi' the wurkers o' inequitie ; but peece sail be apon Israel.


H Ane Sang o' degries.

WHAN the Lord brang agayne the captifitie o' Zion, we wer like thame that dresem.

2 Than was our mooth fillet wi' lauchtir, an' our tung wi' singin' : than said thaye amang the heasthin, Grit things heth the Lord dune for thame.

3 The Lord trewlie haes dune grit things for us, an' for whilk we ar gladsurae.

4 As the streems in the south, turn agayne, O Lord, our cap- tifitie.

5 Thaye that saw in tegers, sail sheer in joy.

6 He that gangs owt greetin' carryin' pracious seede, sail doutliss cum bak agayne rejoycin', bringin' his sheefes wi' him.


IT Ane Sang o' degries for Solomon,

GIF the Lord dinna bigg the hous, thaye laabor in vaine that bigg it : gif the Lord keepena the citie, the watcheman is waukrife in vaine.

2 It is vaine for you til rseise up sune, til sit up late, til eet the breaed o' sorras ; for sae he gies his belofet sleepe.

3 Lo, childer ar the heirskep o' the Lord ; an' the frute o' the wome is his rewaird.

4 As arras ar in the han' o' ane michtie man, sae ar childer o' the youdith.

PSALMS CXXVIII., cxxix. 129

5 Happie is the man wha haes his quivir fu' o' thame ; thaye salhia be blate, but thaye sail speik wi' thair enimies in the yette.


t Ane Sang o' degries.

BLISSET is ilka ane that feaers the Lord, that wauks in his vvayes.

2 For ye sail eet the laabor o' thine ban's ; couthie an' blythe- sume sail ye be, an' weel sail it be wi' ye.

3 Thy wifFe sail be as ane frutefu' vine bie the syde o' thine hous ; thy childer like olive-settin's roun' aboot thy tabil,

4 Behald, een thus sail the man be blisset that feaers the Lord.

5 The Lord sail bliss thee owt o' Zion ; an' ye sail see the guid o' Jerusalem a' the dayes o' thy lifFe.

6 Yis, ye sail see thy childer's childer, an' peece apon Israel.


H Ane Sang o' degries.

WEEL may Israel nowe say, monie ane time hae thaye af- flicket me frae my youdith.

2 For frae my youdith monie ane time hae thaye afflicket me, yet hae thaye nat gotten the upper han' o' me.

3 The plewers plewet apon my bak ; thaye maede lang thair furrs.

4 The Lord is richteous ; the coords o' the wicket he heth cutet asinder.

5 Let thame a.' be confuundet an' turnet bak that haete Zion.

6 Let thame be as the gcrse apon the hous-taps, whilk wuthirs afore it growes up ;

7 Wharewi' the mawer fillsna his ban', nar the bandstir his bozim.

8 Nsether do thaye that gae bye saye, The blissin' o' the Lord be apon ye : we bliss ye in the nseme o' the Lord.



t Ane Saug o' degries.

OWT o' the deepes hae I cryet til thee, O Lord. 2 Lord, heser my voyce ; let thine eaer be tentfu' til the voyce o' my supplicationes.

3 If ye, O Lord, shude merk inequitie, wha sail stan'?

4 But ther is forgieniss wi' thee, that ye may be feasret.

5 I waite for the Lord ; my saul deth waite, an' in his wurd do I houpe.

6 My saul waites for the Lord mair nor thaye that watche for the moornin' ; I say, mair nor thaye that watche for the dawin' o' the daye.

7 Let Israel houpe in the Lord ; for wi' the Lord ther is mercie, an' routhe o' redempshon.

8 An' Israel he sail redeim frae his inequities.


If Ane Sang o' degries o' David,

ORD, my hairt isna puffet up an' pruud, nar do mine eyne, gentin', luik hie : naether do I leazle mysel', makin' a-wark in meikle mattirs, or in things ower heich for me.

2 Shurelie I hae dune douselie, an' quasietet mysel' as ane wean spainet o' its mither : my saul is een as ane spainet bairn.

3 Let Israel houpe in the Lord, frae this time furth an' foraye.




If Ane Sang o' degries. ORD, remembir David an' a' his afflickshons ;

2 Howe he swuur mitill the Lord, an' vowet til the michtie God o' Jacob.

3 Shurelie he wullna cum intil the taabernakle o' my hous, nar gae up intil my bed.

4 I wullna gie sleepe til mine eyne, or sloom til mine eelyds,


5 Till ance I fin' owt ane piece for the Lord, ane habitatione for the michtie God o' Jacob.

6 Lo, we heaerd o't at Ephratah ; we fand it in the links o' the wud.

7 We wull gang intil his taabernakles ; we wull wurschip at his fit-stule.

8 Raeise up, O Lord, intil thy rest, thou, an' the airk o' thy doucht.

9 Let thy priests be claethet wi' richteousniss, an' thy saunts crye owt luudlie for joye.

10 For thy servent David's sak' turnna awa the fece o' thine anaintet.

1 1 The Lord haes swuurn in trouth untill David ; he wullna gae bak frae't :

12 0' the frute o' thy bodie wull I sete apon thy throne.

13 Gif thy childer wull keepe my covenent an' my testimonie that I sail teech thame, thair childer sail alsua sit apon thy throne forevirmair.

14 For the Lord hses chusin Zion ; he hses desyret it for his habitatione.

15 This is my rest forevir; here wull I dwall, for I hae de- syret it.

16 1 wull routhlie bliss hir provydin' ; I wull satisfie hir i)uir wi' breaed.

17 I wull alsua claethe hir preests wi^ salvatione, an' hir saunts sail crye owt aluud for joye.

18 Ther wull I mak' the hoorn o' David til budde : I hae oor- deenet ane lampe for mine anaintet.

19 His enimies wull I claethe wi' shaeme ; but apon himsel' sail his crowne flurish.


If Ane Sang o' degi-ies o' David,

BEHALD howe guid an' howe pleesint it is for brithren til dwall thegither aneitet in kindniss. 2 It is like the pracious aintment apon the heacd, that ran doun apon the beird, een Aaron's beird ; that gaed doun til the bords o' his garmints :


3 As the dewe o' Hermon, an' as the dewe that fa's on the mountans o' Zion : for ther the Lord comman's his blissin', een liffe forevirmair.


^ Ane Sang o' degries.

BEHALD, bliss ye the Lord, a' ye servants o' the Lord whilk bie nicht stan' in the hous o' the Lord.

2 Lift up your ban's in the sanctuarie, an' bliss the Lord.

3 The Lord, that maede heaeven an' yirth, bliss thee owt o' Zion.


PRAYSE ye the Lord. Prayse ye the naeme o' the Lord ; prayse him, O ye servents o' the Lord.

2 Ye that stan' in the hous o' the Lord, in the cuurts o' the hous o' our God.

3 Prayse the Lord, for the Lord is guid ; sing prayses untill his naeme, for it is pleesint.

4 For the Lord bass chusin Jacob untill himsel', an' Israel for his ae ain deser thesaure.

5^ For I ken that the Lord is grit, an' that our Lord is aboone a^ gods.

6 Whatsaeevir the Lord pleeset, that did he in heaeven an' in yirth, in the ses an' a' deepe pieces.

7 He gars the rouks ascen' frae the en's o' the yirth : he mak's lichtenin's for the raine : he brings the wund owt o' his thesaur- aries.

8 Wha smat the first-born o' Egypt, baith man an' besest.

9 Wha sendet tokins an' ferlies intil the middle o' thee, O Egypt, apon Pharaoh an' a' his gillies.

10 Wha smat grit nationes, an' sleyet michtie kings ;

11 Sihon king o' the Amorites, an' Og king o' Bashan, an' a' the kingdooms o' Canaan :

12 An' gaefe thair Ian for ane heirskep, ane heirskep untill Is- rael his peeple.

13 Thy naeme, O Lord, induurs forevir ; an' thy memorall, O Lord, throweowt a' ganaeratians,


14 For the Lord vvull juudge his peeple, an' he wuU rew him- sel' anent his servents.

15 The iidals o' the hea^thin ar siller an' gowd, the wark o' men's han's.

16 Thaye hae mooths, but thaye speikna ; eyne hae thaye, but thaye seena :

17 Thaye hae lugs, but thaye dinna heaer ; nsether is tlier onie breaeth in thair mooths.

18 Thaye that mak' thame ar like til thame ; sae is ilka ane that trusts in thame.

19 Bliss the Lord, O hous o' Israel : bliss the Lord, O hous o' Aaron :

20 Bliss the Lord, O hous o' Levi : ye that feaer the Lord, bliss the Lord.

21 Blisset be the Lord owt o' Zion, whilk dwalls in Jerusalem. Prayse ye the Lord.



GIE thanks untill the Lord, for he is guidj for his mercie in- duurs forevir.

2 O gie thanks untill the God o' gods: for his mercie induurs forevir.

3 O gie thanks untill the Lord o' lords : for his mercie induurs forevir.

4 Til him wha alane deth grit wunders : for his mercie induurs forevir.

5 Til him that bie wusdoom maede the hecevens : for his mercie induurs forevir.

6 Til him that streeket owt the heavens aboone the waters : for his mercie induurs forevir.

7 Til him that maede gritlichts : for his mercie induurs forevir.

8 The sun til ruul bie daye: for his mercie induurs forevir.

9 The muun an' sterns til ruul bie nicht : for his mercie induurs forevir.

10 Til him that smat Egypt in thair first-born : for his mercie induurs forevir.

1 1 An' broucht owt Israel frae amang thame : for his mercie induurs forevir.


12 Wi' ane Strang han', an' wi' ane streeket owt asrm : for his mercle induurs forevir.

13 Til him that devydet the Reid Se intil pairts : for his mercie induurs forevir.

14 An' niaede Israel til gae throwe the middle o't : for his mer- cie induurs forevir.

15 But owerthrewe Pharaoh an' his host in the Reid Se : for his mercie induurs forevir.

16 Til him that lede his peeple throwe the wuldirniss : for his mercie induurs forevir.

17 Til him vvhilk smat grit kings: for his mercie induurs for- evir.

18 An' sleyet renommet kings : for his mercie induurs forevir.

19 Sihon king o' the Amorites : for his mercie induurs for- evir.

20 An' Og the king o' Bashan : for his mercie induurs forevir.

21 An' ggefe thair Ian' for ane heirskep : for his mercie induurs forevir.

22 Een ane heirskep untill Israel his servent : for his mercie induurs forevir.

23 Wha mindet us in our leuch condishon : for his mercie in- duurs forevir.

24 An' heth redeimet us frae our enimies : for his mercie in- duurs forevir.

25 Wha gies fude til a' flesch : for his mercie induurs forevir.

26 O gie thanks untill the God o' heseven : for his mercie in- duurs forevir.


BIE the rivirs o' Babylon, ther we sate doun : yis, we grat whan we remembiret Zion.

2 We hang our herps apon the wullos in the middle thero'.

3 For ther thaye that carryet us awa captife exaket o' us ane sang ; an' thaye that layde us in waiste heeps exaket o' us mirthfu' glee, sayin', Sing us ane o' the sangs o' Zion.

4 Howe sail we sing the Lord's sang in ane fremet Ian' ?

5 Gif I forgete thee, O Jerusalem, let my richt han' forgete hir ingyne.

6 Gif I dinna remembir thee, let my tuug cleefe til the ruff o'

PSALMS cxxxviir., CXXXIX. 135

my mooth ; gif I dinna gie the gree til Jerusalem aboone my cheef

7 Remembir, O Lord, the childer o* Edom in the daye o' Jeru- salem ; wha said, Rute up an' destroye it een til the verra fuunda- tione.

8 O douchter o' Babylon, wha ar til be destroyet, happie wuU he be that rewairds ye as ye liae serfet us.

9 Happie sail he be that tak's an' devals thy wee anes agayne the stanes.


t Ane Psalm o' David.

IWULL prayse thee wi' my haill hairt ; afore the gods wull I sing prayse untill thee.

2 I wull wurschip gaitwairds thy haly temple, an' prayse thy naeme for thy loeinkindniss an^ for thy trouth ; for thou hest maede grit thy wurd aboone a' th}^ nseme.

3 In the daye whan I cryet thou didist answir me, an' didist strencthen me wi' pithe in my saul.

4 A' the kings o' the yirth sail prayse thee, O Lord, whan thaye heaer the wurds o' thy mooth.

5 Yis, thaye sail sing in the wayes o^ the Lord ; for grit is the glorie o' the Lord.

6 Thouch the Lord be hie, natheless hetli he respeck untill the lawlie ; but the pruud he kens afer aff.

7 Thouch I wauk in the middle o' truble, thou wult reveeve me: thou- sallt streek owt thine han' agayne the wraith o' mine enimies, an' thy richt han' sail saufe me.

8 The Lord wull mak' perfite that whilk belangs me ; thy mer- cie, O Lord, induurs forevir; forhowena the warks o' thine ain ban's.



t Til the chief musicieu, Ane Psahn o' David. LORD, thou hest pryet clooslie intil me, an' kennet me*.

2 Thou kennist my sittin' doun an' my rosisin' up ; thou understan'ist my thouch ts afer alT.


3 Thou art roun* me, an' syftist my peth an' my lyin' cloun, an' art acquant wi' a' my wayes.

4 For tlier isna ane wurd in my tung, but lo, O Lord, thou kennist it a'thegither.

5 Thou hest besett me ahint an' afore, an^ layde thine han' on me.

6 Sic wsetin' is ower wunderfu' for me ; it is hie, I canna at- teen til't,

7 Whuther sail I gae frae thy Speerit ? or whuther sail I flie frae thy presince ?

8 Gif I ascen' up intil heaeven, thou art ther ; gif I mak' my bed in hell, behald, thou art ther.

9 Shude I tak' the wings o' the moornin', an' dwall in the maist owtbye pairts o' the se ;

10 Een ther sail thy han' leede me, an' thy richt han' sail haud me.

11 Gif I say, Shurelie the mirk sail kiver me; een the nicht sail be licht aboot me.

12 Trewelie the mirkieniss hydesna frae thee : but the nicht shynes as the daye ; the derkniss an^ the licht ar baith alike til thee.

13 For thou hest hauden my reens: thou hest kiveret me in my mither's wome.

14 I vvull prayse thee ; for I am feserfullie an' wunderfullie msede : mervellous ar thy vvarks, an' that my saul kens richt week

15 My substince wasna hidden frae thee whan 1 was maede in seceret, an' queerlie wroucht in the leachist pairts o' the yirth.

16 Thine e3'ne did see my substince, bein' yit imperfite ; an' in thy buik a' my membirs wer writ, whilk on an' on wer fashanet, whan as yit ther was nane o' thame.

17 Howe pracious alsua ar thy thouchts untill me, O God ! howe grit is the amunt o' thame ! ,

18 Gif I shude count thame, thaye ar mair in nummer nor the san' : whan I awauken, I am still wi' thee.

19 Shurelie thou wult sleye the wicket, O God : be aff frae me, therfor, ye bluidie men.

20 For thaye speik agayne thee wicketlie, an' thine enimies tak^ thy nseme in vaine.

21 Dinna I hsete thame, O Lord, that haste thee? an' amna I greifet wi' thame that raeise up agayne thee ?


22 I hsete thame wi' ane perfite haeteret ; I count tliame mine enimies.

2S Seerch me, O God^ an' ken my hairt ; trie me, an' ken my thouchts ;

24 An' see gif ther be onie wicket waye in me, an' leede me in the waye evirlestin'.


H Til the chief musicien, Ane Psalm o' David.

DELIFER me, O Lord, frae the ill man : preserfe me frae the man o' vielence ;

2 Whilk imagin mischeefs in thair hairt : for weir continwallie ar thaye getheret thegither.

3 Thaye hae sherpenet thair tungs like ane serpint ; eddarts' venim is anunder thair lipps. Selah.

4 Keepe me, O Lord, frae the han's o' the wicket ; preserfe me frae the vielent man, wha hae determinet til owerthraw my gaein's.

5 The pruud hae sete hiddlinslie ane girn for me, an' coords : thaye hae spresde ane nett bie the wayesyde ; girns hae thaye sete for me. Selah.

6 I said untill the Lord, Thou art my God; O Lord, heeer the voyce o' my supplicationes.

7 O God the Lord, the strencth o' my salvatione, thou hest kiveret my hesed in the daye o' battel.

8 Dinna gie, O Lord, the wicket his wushes ; furderna his wicket contrgeivence, in kase thaye eksalt thamesel's. Selah.

9 As for the heaed o' thae that sete thamesel's roun' aboot me, let the mischeef o' thair ain lipps kiver thame.

10 Letkinlie cools fa' apon thame: let thame be thrawn intil the fire ; intil deepe pitts, that thaye raeisena up agayne.

11 Letna ane ill speiker be mcede siccer in the yirth ; ill sail hunt the vielent man til owerthraw him.

12 I ken that the Lord wull man teen the cans o' the afflicket, an' the richt o' the puir.

13 Shurelie the richteous sail gie thanks untill thy nasme ; the upricht sail dwall in thy presince.



H Aue Psalm o' David.

IORD, I crye untill thee ; mak' hseste untill me ; gie eaer -i untill my voyce whan I crye untill thee.

2 Let my prseyer be gatelins afore thee as insense ; an' the liftin' up o' my han's as the eenin' saacrifice.

3 Sete ane watche, O Lord, afore my mooth ; keepe the dor o' my lipps.

4 Inclaeinena my hairt til onie ill thing, til carrie foret wicket warks wi' men that wurk inequitie ; an' letna me eet o' thair dainteths.

5 Let the richteous smite me, it sail be ta'en as kin' ; an' let him repruve me, it sail be as ane eksellent oolie, whilk sallna brik my hesed ; for yit my prseyer alsua sail be in thair wandrethes.

6 Whan thair juudges ar owerthrawn in stanie pieces, thaye sail heaer my wurds ; for thaye ar sweet.

7 Our banes ar skatteret at the mooth o' the grafFe, as whan ane hags an' cleefes wud apon the yirth.

8 But mine eyne ar gaitwairds thee, O God the Lord ; in thee is my trust ; leefena my saul destituut.

9 Keepe me frae the wyles whilk thaye hae layde for me, an the girns o' the wurkers o' inequitie.

10 Let the wicket fa' in thair ain nette, quhile I wutha' gang free.


If Maschil o' David ; Ane prgeyer whan he was in the cave.

ICRYET untill the Lord wi' my voyce ; wi' my voyce untill the Lord did I mak' my supplicatione.

2 I teemet out my meane afore him ; I shawet him my truble.

3 Whan my speerit was owerwhalmet wuthin me, than thou didist ken my peth ; in the waye wharein I gaed hae thaye previlie layde ane trapp for me.

4 I luiket on my richt han', an' coud see ; but ther was nae man that wad ken me : remeid faeilet me : nae man caret for my saul.

5 I cryet untill thee, O Lord : I said, Thou art my refege, an' my portione in the Ian' o' the leivin'.


6 Tak' tent imtill my crye, for I am brung verra leuch ; de- lifer me frae my persikuters, for thaye ar stranger nor me.

7 Bring my saul owt o' prisen, that I may prayse thy nseme : the richteous sail be roun' aboot me ; for thou sallt deel buntifullie wi' me.


If Ane Psalm o' David.

HE^R my praeyer, O Lord ; gie eoer untill my supplicationes : in thy faithfu'niss answir me, an' in thy richteousniss,

2 An' entirna intil juudgemint wi' thy servent ; for in thy sicht sail nae man leivin' be justifiet.

3 For the enimie hass persikutet my saul ; he hses smitet my lifFe doun til the gruund ; he hoes mgede me til dwall in mirkniss, as thae that hae lang been deaed.

4 Therfor is my speerit owerwhalmet wuthin me ; my hairt wuthin me is waefu' an' lane.

5 I remembir the dayes o' auld : I dwall in series thoucht on a' thy warks : I muuse on the wark o' thy ban's.

6 I streek furth my ban's untill thee : my saul thrists efter thee as ane thristie Ian'. Selah.

7 Heaer me swuftlie, O Lord ; my speerit fasils : hydena thy fece frae me, in kase I be like untill tliame that gae doun intil the pitt.

8 Caus me til heaer thy loeinkindniss in the moornin' ; for in thee do I trust : caus me til ken the waye in whilk I shude wauk ; for I lift up my saul untill thee.

9 Delifer me, O Lord, frae mine enimies : I flie untill thee til hyde me.

10 Teech me til do thy wull, for thou art my God : thy speerit is guid ; leede me intil the Ian' o' uprichtniss.

11 Quikan me, O Lord, for thy naeme's sak'; for sak' o' thy richteousniss bring my saul owt o' truble.

12 An' o' thy mercie sneg aff mine enimies, an' destroy e a' thame that afflick my saul ; for I am thy servent.



^ Ane Psalm o' David.

BLISSET be the Lord my strencth, wliilk teeches my han's til mak' weir, an' my fingirs til ficht.

2 My guidniss, an' my reive ; my liie towir, an' my deliferer ; my sheeld, an' he in wham I trust : wha brings doun my peeple anunder me.

3 Lord, what is man, that thou takist waetin o' him ! or the son o' man, that thou o' him takist accuunt !

, 4 Man is like til vainitie ; his dayes ar as ane skaddaw that eelies awa.

5 Ben' thy heaevens, O Lord, an' cum doun ; tuch the moun- tans, that thaye may reek.

6 Thraw owt lichtenin', an' skAtter thame ; schuut owt thine arras, an' destroye thame.

7 Sen' thine han' frae aboone ; rede me, an' delifer me owt o' grit waters, frae the han' o' fremet childer.

8 Whase mooth speiks vainitie ; an' thair richt han' is ane richt han' o' fausehuud.

9 I wull sing ane newe sang untill thee, O God ; apon ane psalterie, an' ane instriment o' ten strings, wull I sing prayse untill thee.

10 It is he that gies salvatione untill kings ; wha delifers David his servent frae the skaithfu' sword.

11 Rede me, an' delifer me frae the han' o' fremet childer ; whase mooth speiks vainitie, an' thair richt han' is ane richt han' o' fause- huud.

12 That our sons may be as plants growne up in thair youdith ; that our douchters may be as nuik-stanes, polishet efter the likeniss o' ane peelice.

13 That our girnalls may be fu', afFurdin' a' kinkind o' provendir ; that our sheepe may bring furth thousan's an' ten thousan's in our throwegangs ;

14 That our owsen may be Strang til laabor ; that ther be nae brikin' in nar gaein' owt; that in our throwegangs ther be nae compleenin'.

15 Happie is that peeple that is in sic ane kase ; yis, happie is that peeple whase God is the Lord.



H David's Psalm o' prayse.

IWULL ekstol thee, my God, O King; an' I wull bliss thy naeme forevir an' evir.

2 Ilka daye wull I bliss thee ; an' forevir an' evir wull I prayse thy naeme.

3 Grit is the Lord, an' gritlie til be prayset; an' his gritniss nane can seik an' fin' owt.

4 Ae ganasratian sail prayse thy warks til anither, an' speik furth thy michtie deeds.

5 I wull speik o' the glorious honor o' thy magistie, an' o' thy wunderfu' warks. *

6 An' men sail speik o' the micht o' thy terrabil aks ; an' thy gritniss wull I declaire.

7 Thaye sail abundintlie uutter the memirie o' thy grit guidniss, an' sail sing o' thy richteousniss.

8 The Lord is gracious an' fu' o' tendir pitie ; slaw til angir, an' o' grit mercie.

9 The Lord is guid til a' ; an' his tendir-mercie is ower a' his warks.

10 A' thy warks sail prayse thee, O Lord ; an' thy saunts sail bliss thee.

11 Thaye sail speik o' the glorie o' thy kingdoom, an' tauk o' thy powir.

12 Til mak' kennet til the childer o' men his michtie aks, an' the glorious magistie o' his kingdoom.

13 Thy kingdoom is ane evirlestin' kingdoom, an' thy dominione induurs throweowt a' ganseratians.

14 The Lord uphauds a' that fa', an' rseises up a' thae that be bowet doun.

15 The eyne o' a' waite apon thee, an' thou gieist thame thair meset in due seesen.

16 Thou opinist thy han', an' satisfieist the langin' o' ilka leivin' thing.

17 The Lord is richteous in a' his wayes, an' haly in a' his warks.

18 The Lord is nie til a' thame that ca' apon him, til a' that ca' apon him in trouth.

19 He wull fu'fill the desyre o' thame that fcicr him : he wull heaer thair crye, an' saufe thame.


20 The Lord preserfes a' thame that loe him ; but a' the wicket wull he desti'oye.

21 My mooth sail speik the prayse o' the Lord ; an' let a' flesch bliss his haly nseme forevir an' evir.


PRAYSE ye the Lord. Prayse the Lord, O my saul. 2 While I leive wull I prayse the Lord : I wull sing prayses untill my God while I hae onie bein'.

3 Pitna your trust in athils, nar in the son o' man, in wham ther is nae helpe.

4 His breaeth gaes owt, he turns til his ain mool ; in that verra daye his thouchts perrishe.

5 Happie is he wha haes the God o' Jacob for his helpe, whase houpe is in the Lord his God.

6 Whilk maede heasven an' yirth, the se an' a' that therin is ; whilk keepes trouth forevir.

7 Whilk exikutes juudgemint for the oppresset; whilk gies fude til the hungirie. The Lord lowses the prisenirs :

8 The Lord opins the eyne o' the blin' : the Lord rseises thame that ar bowet doun : the Lord loes the richteous :

9 The Lord preserfes the fremet ; he releifes the faetherliss an' wedaw ; but the waye o' the wicket he turns upsyde doun.

10 The Lord sail ring forevir, een thy God, O Zion, untill a' ganaeratians. Prayse ye the Lord.


PRAYSE ye the Lord : for it is guid til sing prayses untill our God ; for it is pleesint, an' prayse is bonnie.

2 The Lord deth bigg up Jerusalem, he gethers thegither the owt-casen o' Israel.

3 He haeles the brokin o' hairt, an' bin's up thair wuunds.

4 He tells the nummer o' the sterns ; he ca's thame a' bie thair naemes.

5 Grit is our Lord, an' o' grit powir ; his understan'in' is in- finite.



6 The Lord lifts up the meik : he dings the wicket doun til the gruund.

7 Sing untill the Lord wi' thanksgiein' ; sing prayse apon the herp untill our God ;

8 Wha kivers the heaeven wi' cluds, wha prepairs raine for the yirth, wha mak's gerse til growe apon the mountans.

9 He gies til the beaest his fude, an' til the yung corbies whilk crye.

10 He delichtsna in the strencth o' the hors; he taksna pleesur in the shanks o' ane man.

11 The Lord tak's pleesur in thame that feajr him, in thae that houpe in his mercie.

12 Prayse the Lord, O Jerusalem ; prayse thy God, O Zion :

13 For he heth strencthenet the bars o' thy yettes ; he hetli blisset thy childer wuthin thee.

14 He mak's peece in thy boordirs, an' fills thee wi' the fyneist o' the wheet.

15 He sen's furth his commandement apon yirth; his wurdrins verra swuftlie.

16 He gies snaw like woo', he skatters the haar-frost like assis.

17 He thraws furth his ice like morsils ; afore his cauld wha can Stan' ?

18 He sen's owt his wurd an' melts thame : he gars his wund blaw, an' the waters fleet.

19 He shaws his wurd untillJacob, his staatutes an' his juudge- mints til Israel.

20 He haesna deelt sae wi' onie ither natione ; an' as for his juudgemints, thaye haena kennet thame. Prayse ye the Lord.


PRAYSE ye the Lord. Prayse the Lord frae the heasvens ; prayse him in the heichts.

2 Prayse him, a' his angils ; prayse him, a' his hosts.

3 Prayse him, sun an' muun ; prayse him, a' ye sterns o' licht.

4 Prayse him, ye heasvens o' hefcvens, an' ye waters that be aboone the heaevens.

5 Let thame prayse the naeme o' the Lord ; for he commandet, an' thaye wer creaatet.


6 He haes alsua set thame siccer forevir an' evir ; he haes maede ane decrie whilk sallna passe awa.

7 Prayse the Lord frae the yirth, ye draegans, an' a' deepes :

8 Fire an' hail ; snaw an' rouk ; stormie wund fu'fillin' his wurd.

9 Mountans, an' a' hills ; frutefu' tries, an' a' cedars :

10 Beassts, an' a' kattel ; creepin' things, an' fleein' fowlis :

11 Kings o' the yirth, an' a' peeple ; prinses, an' juudges o' the yirth :

12 Baith yung men an' maidins, auld men an' childer :

13 Let thame prayse the naeme o' the Lord : for his naeme alane is eksellent ; his glorie is aboone the yirth an'' heaeven.

14 He alsua raeises up the hoorn o' his peeple, the prayse o' a' his saunts ; e'en o' the childer o' Israel, ane peeple neaer untill him. Prayse ye the Lord.


PRAYSE ye the Lord. Sing untill the Lord ane newc sang, an' his prayse in the congregatione o' saunts.

2 Let Israel rejoyce in him that maede him ; let the childer o' Zion be joyfu' in thair King.

3 Let thame prayse his naeme in the danse ; let thame sing prayses untill him wi' the timbril an' herp.

4 For the Lord tak's pleesur in his peeple : he wull mak' the meik bonnie wi' salvatione.

5 Let the saunts be joyfu' in glorie ; let thame sing aluud apon thair beds.

6 Let the hie prayses o' God be in thair mooth, an' ane twa- edget sword in thair han' ;

7 Til exikute vangence apon the hesethin, an' punishmint apon the peeple ;

8 Til bin' thair kings wi' cheens, an' thair riolyse wi' fettirs o' em ;

9 Til exikute apon thame the juudgemint writ: this honor hae a' his saunts. Prayse ye the Lord.



PRAYSE ye the Lord. Prayse God in the sanctuarie ; prayse him in the firmement o' his powir.

2 Prayse him for his michtie aks ; prayse him akordin' til his eksellent gritniss.

3 Prayse him vvi' the suund o' the trumpit ; prayse him wi' the psalterie an' herp.

4 Prayse him wi' the timberel an' danse. Prayse him vvi' the stringet instriments an' organs.

5 Prayse him apon the luud symbels ; prayse him apon the heich-suundin' symbels.

6 Let ilka thing that heth breaeth prayse the Lord. Prayse ye the Lord.

Of this volume we certify that only Two Hundred and Fifty Copies were printed, including one on thick paper.


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The book of Psalms in lowland Scotch

Princeton Theological Semmary-Speer Library

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