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Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, By FRANCIS PARKMAN, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. JUL3 1958 STEREOTYPE . PRESS OF GEO. C. RAND & AVERY, 7" TO Epwarp SpracuE Ranp, Jr, A HORTICULTURIST WHOSE ENERGY AND SKILL HAVE MADE “A WILDERNESS TO BLOSSOM AS THE ROSE,” pis’ Book IS CORDIALLY INSCRIBED. od th mi S Cs we We « WS ~ 3 ‘ - , “ c « a: x 7 Z - :. m - + -— we: me. CONTENTS. PAGE MUPRECSEVICEION. 0. 'e ee. er, ty Sy ee ee eee 9 : PART I.—CULTURE OF THE ROSE. CHAP. I.—OPEN-AIR CULTURE. PLANTING . ; : - - ° . . ° ° e ° ° 16 PRUNING —. i - . : - e e e e e ° < 17 CLIMBING AND PILLAR ROSES - ° . e e e ° ° 21 SUBSEQUENT CULTURE . 3 ~ = . tele ; = 24 An ExpERIMENT IN RosE-GROWING « e Fs = . ° x 24 STANDARD ROSES . - : - ° e ° e e e ° 26 A Novetty 1n Rose CULTURE . . oft er tapas ° is 28 ANOTHER NOVELTY . ahs ° sin a : erdaer +6 - 30 f ENEMIES OF THE ROSE . - ° ° ° e e ° e ° 32 CHAP. II.— POT CULTURE. A New METHOD - - ° * e e e ° e e ° 46 FoRcING : - : C = F: . e e e e ° < 48 CHEAP FORCING F ° e e ° e a ° 51 RAISING SPECIMEN ROSES - . e os ° e e e 52 CHAP. III. — PROPAGATION. LAYERS 3 : = 5 e e e e e e e e e 59 CUTTINGS .- - - - ° . ainigt | s6) 1 enh op Sanne : 62 BuDDING .- - P ° ° . e e e e e ° ~ 67 GRAFTING . - ‘ - - e e e e . e S - 74 SuCKERS . : = - : ° ° e e : - . = 76 CHAP. IV.— MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS. | Ratsinc New VARIETIES Sao eo er ee ee ye IMPROVEMENT OF CLIMBING ROSES ° ° ° . ‘ . ° 87 NATURAL STANDARDS . 4 : : : = * ° F : 88 EFFECTS OF FROST ON SOIL . F e = A ° ° : 89 GROUPING OF ROSES . - - “ . = ° E = FS : 93 6 CONTENTS. PART I1.—DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. PAGE CHAP. V.— GROUPS AND FAMILIES ° e e e e e ° 95 CHAP. VI.—SUMMER ROSES. THE PRovENCE RosE : 5 - 5 ° e e e : on Et THE Moss RosE - - é e ° ° e e ° ° ops eee THE DaMASK ROSE . c 4 ° ° ° e ° e . eae MRS AGBA ROSE . 6 se «|: s «© 3 *. ey pit THE FRENCH ROSE . = ° e e ° ° e ° ° af aoe THE Hysrip CHINESE ROSE . ; e ° e . . ° - 129 Tue ScotcH Rose . - “ 5 ° e . ° . . oa 3S THE AUSTRIAN BRIER. : e e e e e e e ° Le THE DouBLE YELLOW RosE . du a ve Uisiie, Hae d ite Eire . a gf THE SWEET-BRIER . 5 ° e e ° . e . ° o.) 340 THE BoursAULT ROSE . e ° e e e e . “ «> Arg: THE AYRSHIRE ROSE - e e e e e e e ‘ $s a THE EVERGREEN RosE . : ° e e e e Shae oa THE MULTIFLORA ROosE . e e e e e . ° * 149 Hysrip CLIMBING RosEs - “ 2 e ° ° ° ° «| 5! THE Banxsia Rose. : 5 e e e e e e ° . 384 THE PRAIRIE RosE .. é ote)” te pata ce etoneanaS 0 1 S55 CHAP. VII.— AUTUMNAL ROSES. nts CHinese Ose. 252 8 yee ene) gg a dain STEA-SCENTED ROSE. 2 ag) 6 ee THe Musk Rose . : 5 : ° e e e e ° . 170, THE NoIsETTE RosE - 4 ° e e ° e . ° zk THE DAMASK PERPETUAL ROSE . - “ ° ° ° ° ee 8/5) THE Bourson Rose. : : “ ‘ e e ° ° . ongelZO THE Hysrip PERPETUAL ROSE . . 4 was ae ° : © 103 THE MACARTNEY ROosE . s ° ° e ° e e . . (105 THE CHEROKEE RosE . : - on be ° ° - 196 THE SMALL-LEAVED RosE , = ° e ° e e . oe aay THE PERPETUAL Moss ROsE . ° 5 e ° e e e «. \198 THE PERPETUAL ScoTcH RoszE . . e . . e . « 199 SUPPLEMENT. ADDITIONAL SELECTED RosgEs < . e ° ° ° - ROE ) Ni IT’ ZS needless to eulogize the Rose. Poets from An- acreon and Sappho, and earlier than they, down to our own times, have sung its praises; and yet the rose of Grecian and of Persian song, the rose of troubadours and minstrels, had no beauties so resplendent as those with which its offspring of the present day embellish our gardens. The | “thirty sorts of rose,” of which John Parkinson speaks in 1629, have multiplied to thousands. New races have been introduced from China, Persia, Hindostan, and our own country; and these, amalgamated with the older families by the art of the hybridist, have produced still other forms of surpassing variety and beauty. This multipli- cation and improvement are still in progress. The last two or three years have been prolific beyond precedent in new roses; and, with all regard for old favorites, it cannot be denied, that, while a few of the roses of our forefathers still hold their ground, the greater part are cast into the shade by the brilliant products of this generation. a ‘ 8 INTRODUCTION. ae ae In the production of new roses, France takes the lead. *g A host of cultivators great and small — Laffay, Vibert, Verdier, Margottin, Trouillard, Portemer, and numberless others —have devoted themselves to the pleasant art of | intermarrying the various families and individual varieties of the rose, and raising from them seedlings whose num- ~ : bers every year may be counted by hundreds of thousands. | Of these, a very few only are held worthy of preservation ; and all the rest are consigned to the rubbish heap. The English, too, have of late done much in raising new varieties; though their climate is less favorable than that of France, and their cultivators less active and zealous in the work. Some excellent roses, too, have been produced in America. Our climate is very favorable to the raising of seedlings, and far more might easily be accomplished here. In France and England, the present rage for roses is intense. It is stimulated by exhibitions, where nursery- men, gardeners, landed gentlemen, and reverend clergy- men of the Established Church, meet in friendly competi- tion for the prize. While the French excel all others in the production of new varieties, the English are unsur- passed in the cultivation of varieties already known; and nothing can exceed the beauty and perfection of some of , the specimens exhibited at their innumerable rose-shows. é If the severity of our climate has its disadvantages, the a clearness of our air and the warmth of our summer sun 3 ~ ne INTRODUCTION. 9 more than counterbalance them; and it is certain that roses can be raised here in as high perfection, to say the very least, as in any part of Europe. The object of this book is to convey information. The earlier portion will describe the various processes of cul- ture, training, and propagation, both in the open ground and in pots; and this will be followed by an account of the various families and groups of the rose, with descriptions of the best varieties belonging to each. A descriptive list will be added of all the varieties, both of old roses and _ those most recently introduced, which are held in esteem by the experienced cultivators of the present day. The chapter relating to the classification of roses, their family relations, and the manner in which new races have arisen by combinations of two or more old ones, was suggested by the difficulties of the writer himself at an early period of his rose studies. The want of such explanations, in previous treatises, has left their readers in a state of lamentable perplexity on a subject which might easily have been made sufficiently clear. Books on the rose, written for the climates of France or England, will, in general, greatly mislead the cultivators here. Extracts will, however, be given from the writings of the best foreign cultivators, in cases where experience has shown that their directions are applicable to the cli- mate of the Northern and Middle States. The writer having been for many years a cultivator of the rose, and 10 INTRODUCTION. having carefully put in practice the methods found suc- cessful abroad, is enabled to judge with some confidence of the extent to which they are applicable here, and to point out exceptions and modifications demanded by the nature of our climate. Among English writers on the rose, the best are Paul, Rivers, and more recently Cranston, together with the vivacious Mr. Radclyffe, a clergyman, a horticulturist, an excellent amateur of the rose, and a very amusing con- tributor to the “Florist.” In France, Deslongchamps and several able contributors to the “Revue Horticole” are the most prominent. From these sources the writer of this book drew the instructions and hints which at first formed the basis of his practice; but he soon found that he must greatly modify it in accordance with American necessities. There was much to be added, much to be discarded, and much to be changed; and the results to which he arrived are given, as compactly as possible, in the following pages. Jan. 1, 1866. ei THE ROSE requires high culture. This belle of the parterre, this “ queen of flowers,” is a lover of rich fare, and refuses to put forth all her beauties on a meagre diet. Roses, indeed, will grow and bloom in any soil; but defi- cient nourishment will reduce the size of the flowers, and impair the perfection of their form. Of all soils, one of a sandy or gravelly nature is the worst ; while, on the other hand, a wet and dense clay is scarcely better. A rich, strong, and somewhat heavy garden loam, abundantly manured, is the soil best adapted to all the strong-growing roses; while those of more delicate growth prefer one pro- yortionably lighter. Yet roses may be grown to perfection in any soil, if the 13 14 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. needful pains are taken. We will suppose an extreme ~ case: The grower wishes to plant a bed of roses on a spot where the soil is very poor and sandy. Let him mark out his bed, dig the soil to the depth of eighteen inches, ~ throw out the worst portion of it, and substitute in its place a quantity of strong, heavy loam: rotted sods, if they can be had, will be an excellent addition; and so, also, will decayed leaves. Then add-a liberal dressing of © old stable manure: that taken from a last year’s hot-bed will do admirably. It is scarcely possible to enrich too highly. One-fourth manure to three-fourths soil is not an excessive proportion. Now incorporate the whole thor- oughly with a spade, level the top, and your bed is ready. Again: we will suppose a case, equally bad, but of the opposite character. Here the soil is very wet, cold, and heavy. The first step is to drain it. This may be done thoroughly with tiles, after the approved methods; or, if this is too troublesome or expensive, simpler means may be used, which will, in most situations, prove as effectual. Dig a hole about five feet deep and four feet wide at the lower side of your intended bed of roses: in this hole place an inverted barrel, with the head knocked out; or, what is better, an old oil cask. In the latter case, a hole should be bored in it, near the top, to permit the air to ~ CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 15 escape. Fill the space around the cask or barrel with stones, and then cover the whole with earth. If your bed is of considerable extent, a drain, laid in stone or tile, should be made under or beside the bed, at the depth of three feet, and so constructed as to lead to the sunken barrel. Throw out, if necessary, a portion of the worst soil of the bed, substituting light loam, rotted leaves, and coarse gritty sand. Then add an abundance of old stable manure, as in the former case. In the great majority of gardens, however, such pains are superfluous. Any good garden soil, deeply dug, and thoroughly enriched, will grow roses in perfection. Neither . manure nor the spade should be spared. Three conditions are indispensable, —sun, air, and exemption from the invasion of the roots of young growing trees. These last. are insidious plunderers and thieves, which invade the soil, and rob its lawful occupants of the stores of nutriment provided for them. A rose planted on the shady side of a grove of elm or maple trees is in one of the worst possible of situations. If, however, the situation is in other respects good, the evil of the invading roots may be cured for a time by digging a trench, three feet deep, between the trees and the bed of roses; thus cutting off the intruders. The 16 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. trench may then be filled up immediately; but, if the trees are vigorous, it must be dug over again the follow- ¢ ing year. It is much better to choose, at the outset, an airy, sunny situation, at a reasonable distance from grow- iug trees; but, at the same time, a spot exposed to violent winds should be avoided, as they are very injurious and exhausting. Roses may be planted either in spring or in autumn, In the Northern States, the severity of the winter de- mands some protection, when planted in autumn, for all except the old, hardy varieties. Plant as early as possi- ble, that the roots may take some hold on the soil before winter closes. October, for this reason, is better than November. The best protection is earth heaped around the stem to the height of from six inches to a foot. Pine, cedar, or spruce boughs are also excellent. When earth alone is used, the top of the rose is often frost-killed; but this is usually of no consequence, the growth and bloom being only more vigorous for this natural pruning. Dry leaves heaped among or around the roses, and kept down by sticks or pieces of board, or by earth thrown on CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 17 them, are also good protectors. In spring, plant as early as the soil is in working order; that is to say, as soon as it is dry enough not to adhere in lumps to the spade.. In planting, prune back the straggling roots with a sharp knife, but save as many of the small fibres as pos- sible. If you plant in spring, prune back the stem at least half way to the ground; but, if you plant in autumn, by all means defer this operation till the winter is over. ._ The ground around autumn-planted roses should be trodden down in the spring, since the plant will have been somewhat loosened in its place by the effect of frost; but this treading must not take place until the soil has become free from excessive moisture. Budded roses require a peculiar treatment in planting, which we szall describe when we come to speak of them. Next to soil and situation, pruning is the most impor- tant point of attention to the rose-grower. Long treatises have been written on it, describing in detail different modes arEveabie to different classes of roses, and confus- ing the amateur by a multitude of perplexing particulars. Cne principle will cover most of the ground: Weakly- 2 18 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. growing roses should be severely pruned: those of vigor- ous growth should be pruned but litile. Or, to speak more. precisely, roses should be pruned in inverse proportion to the vigor of their growth. Much, however, depends on the object at which the grower aims. If he wishes for a profusion of bloom, without regard to the size and perfection of individual flowers, then comparatively little pruning is required. If, on the other hand, he wishes for blooms of the greatest size and perfection, without regard to number, he will prune more closely. The pruning of any tree or shrub at a time when vege- tation is dormant acts as astimulus to its vital powers. Hence, when it is naturally vigorous, it is urged by close pruning to such a degree of growth, that it has no leisure to bear flowers, developing instead a profusion of leaves and branches. The few flowers which it may produce under such circumstances, will, however, be unusually large. | The most vigorous growers among roses are the- climbers, such as the “Boursaults” and the “ Prairies.” These require very little pruning: first, because of their vigor; and, secondly, because quantity rather than quality of bloom is asked of them. The old and dry wood CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 19 should be cut wholly away, leaving the strong young growth to take its place, with no other pruning than a clipping-off of the ends of side-shoots, and a thinning- out of crowded or misshapen branches. In all roses, it is the young, well-ripened wood that bears the finest flowers. Old enfeebled wood, or unripe, soft, and defec- tive young wood, should always be removed. Next in vigor to the climbers are some of the groups of hardy June roses; such, for example, as those called the Hybrid China roses. These are frequently grown on posts or pillars; in which case they require a special treatment, to be indicated hereafter. We are now sup- posing them to be grown as bushes in the garden or on the: lawn. Cut out the old wood, and the weak, unripe, and sickly shoots, as well as those which interfere with others; then shorten the remaining stems one-third, and cut back the side-shoots to three or four buds. This is on the supposition that a full mass of bloom is required, without much regard to the development of individual flowers. If quality rather than quantity of bloom is the ~ - desideratum, the pruning both of the main stems and of the side-shoots must be considerably shorter. Roses of more moderate growth, including the greater part of the June, Moss, Hybrid Perpetual, and Bourbon 20 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. roses, require a proportionably closer pruning. The stems may be cut down to half their length, and the side-shoots shortened to two buds. All the weak-growing | roses, of whatever class, may be pruned with advantage even more closely than this. Some of the weak-growing Hybrid Perpetuals grow and bloom best when shortened to within four or five buds of the earth. The strong- growing kinds, on the contrary, if pruned thus severely, . would grow with great vigor, but give very few flowers. The objects of pruning are threefold: first, to invig- orate the plant; secondly, to improve its flowers; and, thirdly, to give it shape and proportion. This last object should always be kept in view by the operator. No two stems should be allowed to crowd each other. A mass of matted foliage is both injurious and unsightly. Sun and air should have access to every part of the plant. Six or seven stems are the utmost that should be allowed to remain, even on old established bushes ; and these, as before mentioned, should be strong and well ripened, and should also be disposed in such a manner, that, when the buds have grown into shoots and leaves, the bush will have a symmetrical form. In young bushes, three, or even two, good stems are sufficient. Pruning in summer, when the plant is in active — CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 21 growth, has an effect contrary to that of pruning when it is in a dormant state. Far from increasing its vigor, it weakens it, by depriving it of a portion of its leaves, which are at once its stomach and its lungs. Only two kinds of summer pruning can be recommended. The first consists in the removal of small branches which crowd ‘their neighbors, and interfere with them: the second is confined to the various classes of Perpetual roses, and con- sists merely in cutting off the faded flowers, together with the shoots on which they grow, to within three or four buds of the main stem. This greatly favors their ten- dency to bloom again later in the summer. , When old wood is cut away, it should be done cleanly, without leaving a protruding stump. A small saw will sometimes be required for this purpose; though in most cases a knife, or, what is more convenient, a pair of sharp pruning-shears, will be all that the operator requires. When roses are trained to cover walls, trellises, arches, or pillars, the main stems are encouraged to a strong growth. These form the permanent wood ; while the side- shoots, more or less pruned back, furnish the flowers. For PA. Oe CULTURE OF THE ROSE. arbors, walls, or very tall pillars, the strongest growers are ost suitable, such as the Prairie, Boursault, and Ayrshire roses. Enrich the soil strongly, and dig deep and widely. Choose a healthy young rose, and, in planting, cut off all the stems close to the earth. During the season, it will make a number of strong young shoots. In the following spring cut out half of them, leaving the strongest, which are to be secured against the wall, or over the arbor, diver- ging like a fan or otherwise, as fancy may suggest. The subsequent pruning is designed chiefly to regulate the growth of the rose, encouraging the progress of the long leading shoots until they have reached the required height, and removing side-shoots where they are too thick. Where a vacant space occurs, a strong neighboring shoot may be pruned back in spring toasingle eye. This will stimulate it to a vigorous growth, producing a stem which will serve to fill the gap. Of the young shoots, which, more or less, will rise every season from the root, the greater part should ~ be cut away, reserving two or three to take the place of the old original stems when these become weak by age. When these climbing roses are used for pillars, they may either be trained vertically, or wound in a aie form around the supporting column. Roses of more moderate growth are often trained to - CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 23 poles or small pillars from six to twelve feet high. Some of the Hybrid China roses are, as before mentioned, well adapted to this use; and even some of the most vigorous - Moss roses, such as Princess Adelaide, may be so trained. Where a pole is used, two stems are sufficient. These should be examined, and cut back to the first strong and plump bud, removing the weaker buds always found towards the extremity of astem. Then let the stems so — pruned lie fiat on the earth till the buds break into leaf, after which they are to be tied to the pole. If they were tied up immediately, the sap, obeying its natural tendency, would flow upward, expanding the highest bud, and leav- ing many of those below dormant, so that a portion of the stem would be bare. (The same course of proceeding may be followed with equal advantage in the case of wall and trellis roses.) The highest bud now throws up a strong leading shoot, while the stem below becomes furnished with an abundance of small side-shoots. In the following _ spring, the leading shoot is to be pruned back to the first strong bud, and the treatment of the previous year re- peated. By pursuing this process, the pillar may, in the course of two or three years, be enveloped from the ground to the summit with a mass of leaves and blossoms. These and all other rose-pruning operations are, in the 24 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. Northern States, best effected in March, or the end of February; since roses pruned in autumn are apt to be severely injured and sometimes killed by the severity of our winters. LGUBSH EVENT .C ULI REY Nothing is more beneficial to roses than a frequent dig- ging and stirring of the soil around them. The surface should never be allowed to become hard, but should be kept light and porous by hoeing or forking several times in the course of the season. A yearly application of manure will be of great advantage. It may be applied in the autumn or in the spring, and forked in around the plants. Cultivators who wish to obtain the finest possible blooms sometimes apply liquid manure early in the sum- mer, immediately after the flower-buds are formed. This penetrates at once to the roots, and takes immediate effect on the growing bud. The amateur may perhaps draw some useful hints from an experiment made by the writer in cultivating roses, with a view to obtaining the best possible individual flow- \ "ede CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 25 | : ers. A piece of land about sixty feet long by forty wide was “trenched ” throughout to the depth of two feet and a half, and enriched with three layers of manure. The first was placed at eighteen inches from the surface ; the second, at about nine inches; and the third was spread on the sur-" face itself, and afterwards dug in. The virgin soil was : a dense yellow loam of considerable depth; and, by the operation of “trenching,” it was thoroughly mixed and incorporated with the black surface soil. Being too stiff and heavy, a large quantity of sandy road-scrapings was laid on with the surface-dressing of manure. When the | and was prepared, the roses were planted in rows. - They consisted of Hardy June, Moss, Hybrid Perpetual, Bourbon, and a few of the more hardy Noisette roses. They were planted early in spring, and cut back at the same time close to the ground. Many of the Perpetuals and Bourbons flowered the first season, and all grew with -aremarkable vigor. In November, just before the ground froze, a spadesman, working backward midway between the rows, dug a trench of the depth and width of his spade, throwing the earth in a ridge upon the roots of the roses as he proceeded. This answered a double purpose. The ridge of earth protected the roots and several inches _ of the stems, while the trench acted asa drain. In the 26 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. oF spring, the earth of the ridge was drawn back into the trench with a hoe, and the roses pruned with great severity; some of the weak-growing Perpetuals and Mosses being cut to within two inches of the earth, and all the weak and sickly stems removed altogether. The whole ground was then forked over.. The bloom was abundant, and the flowers of uncommon size and symmetry. Had the prun- ing been less severe, the mass. of bloom would have been _ greater, but the individual flowers by no means of so good quality. Of budded roses we shall speak hereafter, in treating of. propagation. There is one kind, however, which it will — be well to notice here. In England and on the Continent, it 18 @ common practice to bud roses on tall stems or standards of the Dog Rose, or other strong stock, some-— times at a height of five feet or more from the ground. | The head of bloom thus produced has a very striking — effect, especially when the budded rose is of a variety with ae slender aoe adapted to form what is called a o weeper.” In France, standard roses are frequently planted near | together in circular or oval beds, the tallest stems being in VA ( il H | i iy) Cit) Prey (Chil (( } \ y) p) Sf YW) fy ls /, : Wf 'Z iM y ill) i i Hh 1) Lilly 1) ee : CULTURE OF THE ROSE. Zi the centre, and the rest diminishing in regular gradation to the edge of the bed, which is surrounded with dwarf roses. Thus a mound or hill of bloom is produced with a very striking and beautiful effect. Unfortunately, the severe cold and sudden changes of the Northern States, and especially of New England, are very unfavorable to standard roses. The hot sun scorches and dries the tall, bare stem; and the sharp cold of winter frequently kills, and in almost every case greatly injures, the budded rose at the top. It is only by using great and very troublesome precaution that standards can here be kept in a thriving condition. This may be done most effectually by cutting or loosening the roots on one side, laying the rose flat on the ground, and covering it during winter under a ridge of earth. Some protection of the stem from the hot sun of July and August can hardly be dispensed with. With regard to the mounds of standard roses first men- tioned, it is scarcely worth while to attempt them here; but a very good substitute is within our reach. By choos- ing roses with a view to their different degrees of vigor, — planting the tall and robust kinds in the middle, and those of more moderate growth in regular gradation around them,— we may imitate the French mounds without the 28 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. necessity of employing standards. Of course it will require time, and also judicious pruning, to perfect such a bed of roses; but, when this is done, it will be both a beau- tiful and permanent ornament of the lawn or garden. OD Moy MRO 2 A new mode of growing roses, so as to form a tall pyra- mid instead of a standard, has been recently introduced in England. Instead of inserting buds at the top of the stem only, they are inserted at intervals throughout its whole length, thus clothing it with verdure and flowers. By this means it is effectually protected from the sun, and one of the dangers which in our climate attend standard roses is averted. The following directions are copied from a late number of the “ Gardener’s Chronicle :” — “Some strong two-years-old stocks of the Manetti Rose should be planted in November, in a piece of ground well exposed to sun and air. The soil should have dressings — of manure, and be stirred to nearly two feet in depth. In the months of July and August of the following year, they will be in a fit state to bud. They should have one bud inserted in each stock close to the ground. The sort to be chosen for this preliminary budding is a very old Hybrid China Rose, called Madame Pisaroni; a rose with a most CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 29 vigorous and robust habit, which, budded on strong Manet- ti stocks, will often make shoots from six to seven feet in length, and stout and robust in proportion. In the month of February following, the stocks in which are live buds should be all cut down to within six inches of the bud. In May, the buds will begin to shoot vigorously: if there are more shoots than one from each bud, they must be removed, leaving only one, which in June should be sup- ported with a slight stake, or the wind may displace it. “ By the end of August, this shoot ought to be from five to six feet in height, and is then in a proper state for budding to form a pyramid. Some of the most free-crow- ing and beautiful of the Hybrid Perpetual roses should be selected, and budded on these stems in the following manner: Commence about nine inches from the ground, inserting one bud; then on the opposite side of the stock, and at the same distance from the lower bud, insert another; and then at the same distance another and another; so that buds are on all sides of the tree up to about five feet in height, which, in the aggregate, may amount to nine buds. You will thus have formed the foundation of a pyramid. I need scarcely add that the shoots from the stock must be carefully removed during the growing season, so as to throw all its strength into the cads. It will also be advisable to pinch in the three top- most buds rather severely the first season, or they will, to ase a common expression, draw up the sap too rapidly, 30 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. and thus weaken the lower buds. In the course of a year or two, magnificent pyramids may thus be formed, their stems completely covered with foliage, and far surpassing any thing yet seen in rose culture.” Another new method of culture is put forward in recent French and English journals, and is said to have proved very successful, increasing both the size of the flowers and the period of bloom. I cannot speak of it from trial; but, as it may be found worth an experiment, I extract from the “Florist and Pomologist” the account there given of the process by a Mr. Perry, who was one of the first to prac- tise it. He says, — “As I have now spoken of the advantages attendant upon this mode of training, I will proceed to explain the method of carrying it out. I will suppose that the plants are well established, and are either on their own roots, or budded low on the Manetti (the former I prefer). The operation of bending and pegging-down should be per- formed in the month of March, or early in April. All the small growth should be cut clean away, and the ends of the strong shoots cut off to the extent only of a few inches. These shoots should then be carefully bent to the ground, CULTURE OF THE ROSE. aL and fastened down by means of strong wooden pegs, sufli- ciently stout to last the season, and to retain the branches in their proper positions. Care must be taken that the branches do not split off at the base ; but the operator will soon perceive which is the best and easiest mode of bend- ing the tree to his wishes. Many shoots will spring up from the base of the plants, too strong to produce summer blooms; but most of them will gratify the cultivator with such noble flowers in the autumn that will delight the heart of any lover of this queen of flowers. These branch- es will be the groundwork for the next year. I have recently been engaged in cutting all the old wood away which last season did such good duty, and am now fur- nished with an ample supply of sNoots from four to eight feet high, which, if devoid of leaves, would strongly remind me of fine raspberry-canes, and which, by their appearance, promise what they will do for the forthcoming season. I would suggest that these long shoots should now be merely ‘bundled together, and a stake put to each plant, so as to prevent their being injured by the wind. In this state let them remain until the latter end of March, and then pro- ceed as I have before mentioned. I feel convinced, that, when this method of pegging-down and dwarfing strong- growing roses becomes generally known, many of the justly esteemed and valuable robust show varieties will occupy the position in our flower-gardens they are justly entitled to.” S$? CULTURE OF THE ROSE. RES BN as) A good soil, a good situation, free air and full sun, jommed with good manuring, good pruning, and good subsequent culture, will prevent more diseases than the most skilful practitioner would ever be able to cure. There are certain diseases, however, to which roses, under the best circumstances, are more or less liable. Of these, the most common, and perhaps the worst, is mildew. It con- sists in the formation on the leaves and stems of 4 sort of minute fungus, sometimes presenting the appearance of a white frost. Though often thought to be the result of dampness, it frequently appears in the dryest weather. Many of the Bourbon roses, and those of the Hybrid Per- petuals nearest akin to the Bourbons, are peculiarly liable to it. In the greenhouse, the best remedy is sulphur, * melted and evaporated at a heat not high enough to cause it to burn. In the open air, the flour of sulphur may be sifted over the diseased plants. English florists use a remedy against mildew and other kinds of fungus, which is highly recommended, but of which I cannot speak from trial. It consists in syringing the plants affected with a solution of two ounces of blue vitriol dissolved in a large stable bucket of water. CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 33 The worst enemies of the rose belong to the insect world. Of these there are four, which, in this part of the country, cause far more mischief than all the rest combined. The first is the aphis, or green fly; the second is the rose- slug, or larva of the saw-fly; the third is the leaf-hopper, sometimes called the thrip; and the fourth is the small beetle, popularly called the rose-bug. The first three are vulnerable, and can be got rid of by using the right means. The slug is a small, green, semi-transparent grub, which ap- pears on the leaves of the rose about the middle of June, ~ eats away their vital part, and leaves nothing but a brown skeleton, till at length the whole bush looks as if burned. The aphis clings to the ends of young shoots, and sucks out their sap. It is prolific beyond belief, and a single one will soon increase to thousands. Both are quickly killed by a solution of whale-oil soap, or a strong decoction of tobacco, which should be applied with a syringe in the morning or evening, as the application of any liquid to the leaves of a plant under the hot sun is always injurious. - The same remedy will kill the leaf-hopper, which, being much more agile than the others, is best assailed on a cold day, when its activity is to some degree chilled out of it. Both sides of the leaves should be syringed, and the plant thoroughly saturated with the soap or tobacco-water. 3 34 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. . Two thorough and well-timed applications will suffice to destroy the year’s crop of slugs. The rose-bug is endowed with a constitution which defies tobacco and soap; and, though innumerable remedies have been proposed, we know no better plan than to pick them off the bushes by hand, or, watching a time when they are chilled with cold, to shake them off upon a cloth laid on the ground beneath. In either case, sure work should be made of them by scalding or crushing them to death. The following account of the rose-bug and the slug is. from Dr. Harris’s work on “Insects Injurious to Vegeta- ons: = ~ “The saw-fly of the rose, which, as it does not seem to have been described before, may be called Selandria Rosce, from its favorite plant, so nearly resembles the slug-worm saw-fly as not to be distinguished therefrom except by a practised observer. It is also very much like Selandria barda, Vitis, and pygmca, but has not the red thorax of these three closely-allied species. It is of a deep and shining black color. The first two pairs of legs are brownish-gray, or dirty white, except the thighs, which are almost entirely black. The hind legs are black, with whitish knees. The wings are smoky and transparent, with dark-brown veins, and a brown spot near the middle of the edge of the first pair. The body of the male is a little more than three-twentieths of an CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 35 inch long ; that of the female, one-fifth of an inch or more; and the wings expand nearly or quite two-fifths of an inch. These saw-flies come out of the ground at various times between the 20th of May and the middle of June, during which period they -pair, and lay their eggs. The females do not fly much, and may be seen, during most of the day, resting on the leaves; and, when touched, they draw up their legs, and fall to the ground. The males are now active, fly from one rose-bush to another, and hover around their sluggish partners. The latter, when about to lay their eggs, turn a little on one side, unsheathe their saws, and thrust them obliquely into the skin of the leaf, depositing in each incision thus made a single egg. The young begin to hatch in ten days or a fortnight after the eggs are laid. They may sometimes be found on the leaves as early as the 1st of June, but do not usually appear in considerable numbers till the 20th of the same month. How long they are in coming to maturity, I have not particularly observed; but the period of their existence in the caterpillar state probably does not exceed three weeks. They somewhat resemble young slug-worms in form, but are not quite so convex. ‘They have a small, round, yellowish head, with a black dot on each side of it; and are provided with twenty-two short legs. The body is green above, paler at the sides, and yel- lowish beneath; and it is soft and almost transparent, like jelly. The skin of the back is transversely wrinkled, and covered with minute elevated points; and there are two small, triple-pointed warts on the edge of the first ring, immediately behind the head. “The gelatinous and sluggish creatures eat the upper surface of the leaf in large, irregular patches, leaving the veins and the skin beneath untouched ; and they are sometimes so thick, that not a leaf on the bushes is spared by them, and the whole feliag. h oks 36 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. as if it had been scorched by fire, and drops off soon afterwards. They cast their skins several times, leaving them extended and fastened on the leaves: after the last moulting, they lose their semi-transparent and greenish color, and acquire an opaque yel- lowish hue. They then leave the rose-bushes; some of them slowly creeping down the stem, and others rolling up and drop- ping off, especially when the bushes are shaken by the wind. Having reached the ground, they burrow to the depth of an inch or more in the earth, where each one makes for itself a small oval cell of grains of earth, cemented with a little gummy silk. Having finished their transformations, and turned to flies within their cells, they come out of the ground early in August, and lay their eggs for a second brovd of young. These, in turn, perform their ap- pointed work of destruction in the autumn: they then go into - the ground, make their earthen cells, remain therein throughout the winter, and appear in the winged form in the following spring and summer. During several years past, these pernicious vermin have infested the rose-bushes in the vicinity of Boston, and have proved so injurious to them as to have elicited the attention of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, by whom a premium of one hundred dollars, for the most successful mode of destroying these insects, was offered in the summer of-1840. In the year 1832, I first observed them in the gardens in Cambridge, and then made myself acquainted with their transformations. At that time they had not reached Milton, my former place of residence; and they did not appear in that place till six or seven years later. They now seem to be gradually extending in all directions; and an effectual method for preserving our roses from their attacks has become very desirable to all persons who set any value on this beautiful ornament of our gardens and shrubberies. Showering CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 37 or syringing the bushes, with a liquor made by mixing with water the juice expressed from tobacco by tobacconists, has been recom- mended: but some caution is necessary in making this mixture of a proper strength; for, if too strong, it is injurious to plants; and the experiment does not seem, as yet, to have been conducted with sufficient care to insure safety and success. Dusting lime over the plants, when wet with dew, has been tried, and found of some use; but this and all other remedies will probably yield in efficacy to Mr. Haggerston’s mixture of whale-oil soap and water, in the proportion of two pounds of the soap to fifteen gallons of water. “ Particular directions, drawn up by Mr. Hageerston himself, for the preparation and use of this simple and cheap application, may be found in the ‘ Boston Courier’ for the 25th of June, 1841, and also in most of our agricultural and horticultural journals of the same time. The utility of this mixture has already been repeatedly mentioned in this treatise, and it may be applied in other cases with advantage. Mr. Haggerston finds that it effectu- ally destroys many kinds of insects; and he particularly mentions plant-lice, red spiders, canker-worms, and a little jumping insect, which has lately been found quite as hurtful to rose-bushes as the slugs or young of the saw-fly. The little insect alluded to has been mistaken for a Thrips, or vine-fretter: it is, however, a leaf- hopper, or species of Teltigonia, and is described im a former part of this treatise. “The rose-chafer, or rose-bug as it is more commonly and incor- rectly called, is also a diurnal insect. It is the Melolontha subspi- nosa of Fabricius, by whom it was first described, and belongs to the modern genus Macrodactylus of Latreille. Common as this insect is in the vicinity of Boston, it is, or was a few years ago, 38 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. unknown in the northern and western parts of Massachusetts, in New Hampshire, and in Maine. It may, therefore, be well to give a brief description of it. This beetle measures seven-twentieths of an inch in length. Its body is slender, tapers before and behind, and is entirely covered with very short and close ashen- yellow down; the thorax is long and narrow, angularly widened in the middle of each side, which suggested the name subspinosa, or somewhat spined ; the legs are slender, and of a pale-red color; the joints of the feet. are tipped with black, and are very long; which caused Latreille to call the genus MJacrodactylus ; that is, long toe, or long foot. “The natural history of the rose-chafer, one of the greatest scourges with which our gardens and nurseries have been afflicted, was for a long time involved in mystery, but is at last fully cleared up. The prevalence of this insect on the rose, and its annual appearance coinciding with the blossoming of that flower, have gained for it the popular name by which it is here known. For some time after they were first noticed, rose-bugs appeared to be confined to their favorite, the blossoms of the rose; but within forty years they have prodigiously increased in number, have attacked at random various kinds of plants in swarms, and have become notorious for their extensive and deplorable ravages. The grape-vine, in particular, the cherry, plum, and apple trees, have annually suffered by their depredations: many other fruit- trees and shrubs, garden vegetables and corn, and even the trees of the forest and the grass of the fields, have been laid under contribution by these indiscriminate feeders, by whom leaves, flowers, and fruits are alike consumed. The unexpected arrival of these insects in swarms at their first coming, and their sudden disappearance at the close of their career, are remarkable facts in CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 39 their history. They come forth from the ground during the second week in June, or about the time of the blossoming of the damask-rose, and remain from thirty to forty days. At the end of this period the males become exhausted, fall to the ground, and perish; while the females enter the earth, lay their eggs, return to the surface, and, after lingering a few days, die also. “The eggs laid by each female are about thirty in number, and are deposited from one to four inches beneath the surface of the soil: they are nearly globular, whitish, and about one-thirticth of an inch in diameter, and are hatched twenty days after they are laid. The young larve begin to feed on such tender roots as are within their reach. Like other grubs of the Scarabeians, when not eating they he upon the side, with the body covered, so that the head and tail are nearly in contact: they move with difficulty on a level surface, and are continually falling over on one side or the other. They attain their full size in the autumn, being then nearly three-quarters of an inch long, and about an eighth of an inch in diameter. ‘They are of a yellowish-white color, with a tinge of blue towards the hinder extremity, which is thick, and obtuse or rounded. A few short hairs are scattered on the surface of the body. ‘There are six short legs ; namely, a pair to each of the first three rings behind the head: and the latter is covered with a horny shell of a pale rust color. In October they descend below the reach of frost, and pass the winter in a torpid state. In the spring they approach towards the surface, and each one forms for itself a little cell of an oval shape by turning round a great many times, so as to compress the earth, and render the inside of the cavity hard and smooth. Within this cell the grub is transformed to a pupa during the month of May by casting off its skin, which is pushed downwards in foids from the head to the tail. The pupa 40 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. has somewhat the form of the perfected beetle, but is of a yellow- ish-white color; its short, stump-like wings, its antenne, and its legs, are folded upon the breast; and its whole body is enclosed in a thin film, that wraps each part separately. During the month of June, this filmy skin is rent: the included beetle withdraws from its body and its limbs, bursts open its earthen cell, and digs its way to the surface of the ground. ‘Thus the various changes, from the . ege to the full development of the perfected beetle, are completed within the space of one year. “ Such being the metamorphoses and habits of these insects, it is evident that we cannct attack them in the ege, the grub, or the pupa state: the enemy in these stages is beyond our reach, and is subject to the control only of the natural but unknown means appointed by the Author of Nature to keep the insect tribes in check. When they have issued from their subterranean retreats, and have congregated upon our vines, trees, and other vegetable productions, in the complete enjoyment of their propensities, we must unite our efforts to seize and crush the invaders. They must indeed be crushed, scalded, or burned, to deprive them of life; for they are not affected by any of the applications usually found destructive to other insects. Experience has proved the utility of gathering them by hand, or of shaking them or brushing them from the plants into tin vessels containing a little water. They should be collected daily during the period of their visita- tion, and should be committed to the flames, or killed by scalding water. The late John Lowell, Esq., states that, in 1823, he dis- covered on a solitary apple-tree the rose-bugs ‘in vast numbers, such as could not be described, and would not be believed if they were described, or at least none but an ocular witness could con- ceive of their numbers. Destruction by hand was out of the CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 41 question,’ in this case. He put sheets under the tree, shook them down, and burned them. “Dr. Green of Mansfield, whose investigations have thrown much light on the history of this insect, proposes protecting plants with millinet, and says that in this way only did he succeed in securing his grape-vines from depredation. His remarks also show the utility of gathering them. ‘ Eighty-six of these spoilers,’ says he, ‘were known to infest a single rose-bud, and were crushed with one grasp of the hand.’ Suppose, as was probably the case, that one-half of them were females: by this destruction, eight hundred eggs, at least, were prevented from becoming matured. During the time of their prevalence, rose-bugs are sometimes found in immense numbers on the flowers of the common white- weed, or ox-eyed daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanithemum) ; a worth- less plant, which has come to us from Europe, and has been suffered to overrun our pastures and encroach on our mowing- lands. In certain cases, it may become expedient rapidly to mow down the infested white-weed in dry pastures, and consume it, with the sluggish rose-bugs, on the spot. “Our insect-eating birds undoubtedly devour many of these insects, and deserve to be cherished and protected for their ser- vices. Rose-bugs are also eaten greedily by domesticated fowls ; and when they become exhausted and fall to the ground, or when they are about to lay their eggs, they are destroyed by moles, insects, and other animals, which lie in wait to seize them. Dr. Green informs us that a species of dragon-fly, or devil’s-needle, _ devours them. He also says that an insect, which he calls the enemy of the cut-worm (probably the larva of a Carabus or pre- daceous ground-beetle), preys on the grubs of the common dor-bug. In France, the golden ground-beetle (Carabus auratus) devours 42 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. the female dor, or chafer, at the moment when she is about to deposit her eggs. I have taken one specimen of this fine ground- beetle in Massachusetts; and we have several other kinds equally predaceous, which probably contribute to check the increase of our native Melolonthians.” => ——SS = J fn if C ‘ 4 MANY OF the ever-blooming roses cannot, in our climate, be cultivated in the open air without extreme precaution to protect them from the cold. To grow them most successfully, the aid of glass is necessary. Many of the Hardy Perpetual roses may also be grown with advantage in pots, by which means their bloom may be prolonged into the early winter months, or they may be forced into premature flowering long before their natural season of bloom. The first essential in the pot culture of roses is the preparation of the soil. Those of delicate growth, like most of the China and Tea roses, require a lighter soil than the more robust varieties, like most of the Hardy Perpetuals. A mixture of loam, manure, leaf-mould, and sand, in the pro- 43 44 CULTURE OF THE ROSRE. portion of two bushels of loam to one bushel of manure, one bushel of leaf-mould, and half a bushel of sand, makes a good soil for the more delicate roses. For the more robust kinds, the proportion of loam and of manure should be greater. In all cases, the materials should be mixed two or three months before they are wanted for use, and turned over several times to incorporate them thoroughly. They are frequently, however, mixed, and used at once. The best loam is that composed of thoroughly rotted turf. A very skilful English rose-grower, Mr. Rivers, recom- mends the compact turf shaved from the surface of an old pasture, and roasted and partially charred on a sheet of iron over a moderate fire. I have found no enriching material so good as the sweepings from the floor of a horse-shoer, in which manure is mixed with the shavings of hoofs. It is light and porous, and furnishes, in decom- posing, a great quantity of ammonia. For the more deli- cate roses it is particularly suited, while the stronger kinds will bear manures of a stronger and denser nature. The light black soil from the woods is an excellent substitute for leaf-mould; or, to speak more correctly, it is a natural leaf-mould in the most thorough state of decomposition. Young and thrifty roses which have been grown during summer may be potted for the house in September. They CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 45 should be taken up with care, the large straggling roots cut back, and all bruised ends removed with a sharp knife. The ends of the branches should also be cut back. They may then be potted in the compost just described, which should first be sifted through a very coarse sieve. The pots must be well drained with broken crocks placed over the hole at the bottom. Care must be taken that the pot be not too large, as this is very injurious. A sharp stick may be used to compact the soil about the roots; and from half an inch to an inch in depth should be left empty at the top, to assist in thorough watering, which is a point of the first importance. When the roses are potted, they should be placed in a light cellar or shed, or under a shady wall. They must be well watered, and it is well to syringe them occasionally. In a week or two they will have become established, and - may then be removed to a greenhouse without fire, and with plenty of air; care, however, being taken to protect them from frost at night. The roses so treated are intended for blooming from mid-winter to the end of spring; and we shall soon speak further of them under the head of Forcing. A great desideratum is the obtaining of roses in the early part of winter. This may be done by growing ever- 46 CULTURE OF THE ROSE. blooming roses in pots in the open air during summer, plunging the pot in the earth, and placing a tile or brick beneath it to prevent the egress of roots and the ingress of worms. Towards the end of August, cut off all the flow- ers and buds, at the same time shortening the flower-stalks to two or three eyes. Then give the roses a supply of manure-water to stimulate their growth. If they are in a thrifty condition, they will form new shoots and flower- buds before the frost sets in; and may then be removed to a cold greenhouse, where they will continue.to flower for several months. BENE MERON The following is the description given by Mr. Rivers of a practice recently introduced in England, and which seems well worth a trial here, with such modifications as the heat of our sun may require :— “To have a fine bloom of these roses, or, indeed, of any ~ of the Hybrid Perpetuals, Bourbons, or China roses, in pots towards the end of summer or autumn, take plants from small pots (those struck from cuttings in March or April will do), and put them into six-inch, or even eight- inch pots, using a compost of light turfy loam and rotten manure, equal parts: to a bushel of the compost add half CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 47 a peck of pounded charcoal, and the same quantity of silver sand; make a hot-bed of sufficient strength, say three to four feet in height, of seasoned dung, so that it is not of a burning heat, in a sunny, exposed situation,’ and on this place the pots; then fill up all interstices with saw- dust, placing it so as to cover the rims, and to lie on the surface of the mould in the pots about two inches deep. The pots should have a good sound watering before they are thus plunged, and have water daily in dry weather. The bottom heat and full exposure to the sun and air will give the plants a vigor almost beyond belief. This very simple mode of culture is as yet almost unknown. I have circulated among a few friends the above directions; and have no doubt, that, in the hands of skilful gardeners, some extraordinary results may be looked for in the production of specimens of soft-wooded plants. I may add, that, when the heat of the bed declines towards the middle of July, the pots must be removed, some fresh dung added, and the bed remade, again plunging the plants immedi- ately. Towards the end of August, the roots of the plants must be ripened: the pots must, therefore, be gradually lifted out of the saw-dust; ice., for five or six days, expose them about two inches below their rims; then, after the same lapse of time, a little lower, till the whole of the pot is exposed to the sun and air: they may be then removed to the greenhouse, so as to be sheltered from heavy rain. They will bloom well in the autumn, and be in fine order 48 ULTURE OF THE ROSE. for early forcing. If plants are required during the summer for exhibition, or any other purpose, care must always be taken to harden or ripen their roots, as above, before they are removed from the hot-bed.” “ Forcing” is the very inappropriate name of the process by which roses and other plants are induced to bloom under glass in advance of their natural season. We say that the name is inappropriate, because one of the chief essentials to the success of the process consists in an abstinence from all that is violent or sudden, and in the gentle and graduated application of the stimulus of arti- ficial heat. Roses may be forced in the greenhouse, but not to ad- vantage, because the conditions of success will be incon- sistent with the requirements of many of the other plants. The process is best carried on in a small glass structure made for such purposes, and called a “ forcing-pit.” A pit ten or twelve feet long and eight or ten wide will commonly be large enough. It may be of the simplest and cheapest construction. In a dry situation, there is advantage in sinking the lower part of it two or three feet CULTURE OF THE ROSE. 49 below the surface of the ground. The roses may be placed on beds of earth, or on wooden platforms, so arranged as to bring the top of the plants near the glass; and a sunken path may pass down the middle. The pit may be heated by a stove enclosed with brick-work, and furnished with a flue of brick or tile passing along the front of the pit, and entering the chimney at the farther end. The lights must be movable, or other means provided’ for ample ventila- tion; and if these are such that the air on entering will pass over the heated flues, and thus become warmed in the passage, great advantage willresult. A pit may be append- ed to a-greenbouse; in which case it. may be heated by hot-water pipes furnished with means of cutting off or letting on the water. The roses potted for forcing, as directed in the last sec- tion, should be kept in a dormant state ‘till the middle of December. 106 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. group has been separated into Hybrid China, Hybrid Bour- bon, and Hybrid Noisette. The two latter are the same as the first: except, in the one case, a slight infusion of the Damask Perpetual; and, in the latter, of the Musk Rose. In many cases, no human discernment could detect the effects of the admixture. Again: convey the pollen of the China or Tea Rose to _the flowers of the Musk, or vice versa ; and for a result we obtain the Noisette, inheriting from the former various striking characteristics of foliage and bloom, and from the latter its vigorous climbing habit and clustering inflores- cence. But, by impregnation through several generations, some of the Noisettes retain so little of their Musk parent, that its traits are almost obliterated: they no longer bloom in clusters, and can scarcely be distinguished from the pure Tea Rose. Again: a union of a Damask Perpetual with a China rose has produced a distinct race, of vigorous habit and peculiar foliage, possessing in a high degree the ever- blooming character of both its parents. It is hardier than the China Rose, though usually unable to bear a New-Eng- land winter unprotected. This is the Bourbon Rose, a brilliant and beautiful group, worth all the care which in this latitude its out-door culture requires. a DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 107 The Moss Rose, impregnated with various ever-blooming varieties, has borne hybrids partially retaining the mossy stem and calyx, with a tendency more or less manifest to bloom in the autumn. Hence the group of the Perpetual Moss, a few only of whose members deserve the name. It is evident, that, by continuing the process of hybrid- izing, hybrids may be mixed with hybrids, till the blood of half a score of the original races is mingled in one plant.. This, in some cases, is, without doubt, actually the case; and this bastard progeny must, of necessity, be classified rather by its visible characteristics than by its parentage. ‘Thus a host of ever-blooming hybrids, which are neither Noisette nor Bourbon nor Perpetual Moss, have been cast into one grand group, under the compre- hensive title of Hybrid Perpetuals. Whence have they sprung? What has been their parentage? The question is easier asked than answered: for as, in a great nation of the West, one may discern the lineaments and hear the accents of diverse commingled races; so here we may trace the features of many and various families of Indian or Siberian, Chinese or European, extraction. The Hybrid Perpetuals, however, inherit their remontant character chiefly from Rosa Indica, — the China or Tea Rose,— and, in a far less degree, from the Damask Perpetual. An inft- 108 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. sion of the former exists, in greater or less degree, in all of them; while the blood of the Damask Perpetual shows its traces in comparatively few. Many of the group are the results of a union between the Hybrid China roses and some variety of the China or Tea. Others owe their origin to the Hybrid China and the Bourbon, both parents being hybrids of Rosa Indica. Others are offspring of the Hybrid China crossed with the Damask Perpetual; while many spring from intermarriages within the group itself, — Hybrid Perpetual with Hybrid Perpetual. : By some over-zealous classifiers, this group has been cut up into various subdivisions, as Bourbon Perpetual, Rose de Rosoméne, and the like; a procedure never sufficiently to be deprecated, as tending to produce no results but per- plexity and confusion. Where there can be no definite basis of division, it is well to divide as little as may be; and it is to be hoped that secession from the heterogeneous commonwealth of the Hybrid Perpetuals will be effect- ually repressed. In regard to roses in general, while a classification founded on evident natural affinities is cer- tainly desirable, yet, in the name of common sense, let us avoid the multiplication of new hybrid groups, founded on - flimsy distinctions, and christened with new names, which begin with meaning little, and end with meaning nothing. a a DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 109 In our enumeration:of the families and varieties of the rose, we shall make two great divisions, — that of the “Summer,” or once-blooming, and that of the “ Autum- ” roses. In each of these divis- nal,” or “ ever-blooming ions, we shall place first the roses of unmixed race, and, after them, the hybrids which have sprung from their com- binations. THESE ARE roses which bloom but once in’ the year; hence they have lost favor of late: for superb families of roses, fully equal in beauty, if not in hardiness, and en- dowed with an enviable power of renewing or perpetuating their charms, — of smiling in October as well as in June, and glowing in full effulgence even on the edge of winter, —have dazzled us into a forgetfulness of our ancient fa- vorites. Yet all the poetry of the rose belongs to these old roses of summer. It is they that bloomed in white and red in the rival shields of York and Lancaster; and it is they that, time out of mind, have been the 110 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 111 silent interpreters of hearts too full to find a ruder utter- ance. For the rest, they are, in the main, very hardy, very easy of culture, and often very beautiful. Rosa Centifolia.— This is the family of the old, wel!- known, and deservedly admired Cabbage Rose. Its ances- tors, as we have seen, grew on Mount Caucasus; thous) some have supposed that it is a native of the south of France: hence the name Provence, by which it is often known in England, though it is never so designated in France. The French, translating its Latin name, Rosa Centifolia, or the Hundred-leaved Rose, commonly call it Rose 4 Cent Feuilles. It is supposed to have been known to the Romans, and to have been one of their favorite roses; and it was introduced into England before the end of the sixteenth century, where at least, until these latter days, it has been greatly admired and _ prized. Recently, however, the introduction of the families of hardy, ever-blooming roses, has thrown the Cabbage and all its compeers into the shade. Nevertheless, it is one of the most desirable of flowers; and even those who are dis- Lt? DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. posed to pass it by with slight regard will never deny that some of the progeny which have arisen from it are unsur- passed in beauty and attractiveness. It is remarkable among roses for the singular changes, in horticultural lan- cuage called “sports,” which it has assumed, and which, among other results, have given rise to the entire family of Moss roses, of which we shall speak in the next section. The prevailing colors in this group are light. The Cabbage Rose is a somewhat weak grower in a heavy soil, though in a light soil it grows vigorously. As a general rule, it needs close pruning. The members of the family are numerous; but, besides the Old Cabbage, the following are the best: The Durcu Provence is remarkable for the size of its flowers, in which respect it even surpasses the Old Cabbage. The Unique Provence is probably a sport from the Old Cabbage ; that is to say, an accidental varia- tion of the flowers on some particular branch; which branch being. propagated, the accidental features become perma- nent. The Unique Provence, which is pure white, has, in its turn, produced another sport, called the Srrrpep Uniqux, the flowers being white, striped with lake; though they - are very capricious in their coloring, sometimes opening pure white, and occasionally light rose. But amore re- markable sport of the Provence is the variety called the —_ —-_ , Se ee DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. Be CrestED Provence, Rosa Cristara, or, very commonly among us, the CresteD Moss. It is not, however, a true ‘Moss, as its stems are smooth. Its peculiarity consists in a curious and very beautiful mossy growth about the calyx. This growth is developed in proportion to the vigor of the plant: therefore it should be strongly manured and closely pruned, as should the whole race of Provence roses. Api- LINE, the Duc pE Cuor1sEvt, the STaDTHOLDER, and, above all, the REINE DE PROVENCE, are beautiful varieties of this group. To it also belong a sub-group of Miniature or Pompone roses, well suited for edging beds. They bloom early, and are exceedingly pretty and graceful. Among the best of them are the Wuitrr Bureunpy, the Dwarr Bureunpy, Dre Mravx, and Spone. The above are all old roses; for it is rarely that a culti- vator of the present day will give himself the trouble to raise new varieties of any of the June roses, excepting always the Mosses, which can never be out of favor. Rosa Centifolia Muscosa.— We have spoken of the tendency of the Provence Rose to “sport.” The most widely known and the most beautiful of the results arising > 114 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. from this tendency is the Moss Rose and its varieties; for that such is the true origin of this unique family, there can be very little doubt. There is, however, no record of the first appearance of the Moss Rose. The original type of the race — the Old Red Moss — was introduced into Eng- land as early as 1596. It came immediately from Holland, but seems not to have originated there: indeed, to this day, we have remained in doubt as to whence it drew its birth. Of the large number of Moss roses now on the lists of nursery-men, some owe their origin to sporting branches, others to seed. Of the plants arising from the seed of a Moss rose, not more than one in three will show the characteristic of the parent; that is, the “moss :” the rest will be mere varieties of the Provence Rose. Sometimes a Moss rose will put forth a branch perfectly _ free from the mossy covering. In cold, heavy soils, Moss roses are somewhat difficult of cultivation; but in a light, rich loam, and a sunny expo- sure, free from roots of growing trees, they thrive luxuri antly. They all require high enrichment. All excepting the strongest growers should be closely pruned ; and, in the Northern States, it is well to give them protection in winter by means of pine-boughs, or by laying them down like raspberries. DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 115 Here, as in other classes of the rose, the hybridist has been at work. By impregnating Moss roses with the pollen of some of the ever-blooming sorts, a group of Per- petual Mosses has been produced. These have, to a greater or less extent, the ever-blooming quality; but this is acquired at some sacrifice of the peculiar beauty of the moss. They will receive a separate notice. Again: these roses have been fertilized with the pollen of the Hybrid China Rose; and the result is a Moss rose, remarkably vigorous in growth, and particularly well suited to form pillars. Any, however, of the more vigorous Mosses may be used for this purpose, provided always that they receive the highest culture in a warm and open exposure. We have it on the authority of the well-known English rose-grower, Mr. Paul, that, in the garden of an amateur near Cheshunt, there is a pillar of the Old Red Moss fifteen feet high! At the present day, when the annual progeny of new Perpetual roses from the nurseries of France, with a hum- ble re-enforcement from those of England, has eclipsed by numbers the old garden favorites, the well-remembered roses of our infancy, the Moss alone stands in tranquil defiance of this gay tide of innovation. Nothing can eclipse and nothing can rival her. She is, and ever will , 116 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. be, the favorite of poetry and art; and the eloquence of her opening buds, half wrapped in their mossy envelope, will remain through all generations a chosen interpreter of the language of youth and beauty. Autce Le Roy is a distinct and beautiful rose, very large, full, and mossy; color, lilac and rose; form, cupped: it grows vigorously. ANG#LIQUE QuziTIER is also of a rosy-lilac hue, large, very double, and very mossy: it grows freely, like the former. The Brusu Moss is of growth somewhat more moderate: the flower is large and full, the foliage fine, and stems and buds well mossed; color, clear pale pink. CzrELiINA« is of a deep, rosy crimson, sometimes verging to purple. The Common, or Otp Moss, is still one of the most beautiful of the whole family. Its flowers are large and full, and of a pale rose-color and globular form. It is more abundantly mossed than most of its progeny; and none of them surpass it, indeed very few equal it, in the beauty of its half-opened bud. Its growth | is tolerably vigorous, and foliage fine. Lanett is a vigor- ous and beautiful rose; flowers large, full, and globular; color, a light rosy-crimson. The buds are large, full, and well mossed; its growth is vigorous; and, under good cul- tivation, the whole plant, with its large and bright-green foliage, bears a striking appearance of thrift and health. DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 117 LuxEemsBovre is of a deep crimson, moderately double, and of growth nearly as vigorous as the last, with which the deep hue of its buds forms a striking contrast. Matvina is a good rose, with clusters of pink flowers. EcLaTANTE is of a deep pink, large, double, and well mossed. Com- TESSE DE Murtinais is one of the best of the White Mosses. Its flowers, though not so double as the Old Moss, are large, and of the purest white; and the growth is very vigorous. The Crmson or TINWELL Moss some- what belies its name; for its flowers are rather of a deep rose than crimson. It is, however, a beautiful variety. Princess ADELAIDE is remarkable for the extreme vigor of its growth, and is evidently a hybrid of some of the Hybrid Bourbon or Hybrid China roses. It is admirably suited for a pillar or a wall, but requires a full sun, and, if | closely pruned, will not bloom at all. It blooms in large clusters: the flowers are of a light glossy rose, very large and full; and, if not too closely pruned, they are very abundant. The Ware Baru is an admirable White Moss, large and full in flower, and exquisite in bud. As it is of moderate growth, it will bear close pruning. Pro- LIFIc is a very beautiful variety, resembling the Old Moss. BaRonNE DE WASSENAER is a very vigorous rose, of a bright red, and flowering in clusters. CaprTain INGRAM —— eee 118 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. is of a dark, velvety purple. GLorrE pEs Movussevusszs is very large and double, and of a blush-color. Rosa Bon- HEUR is of a bright rose-color. Nuirs p’Youne is of a very dwarfed growth, and small deep-purple flowers. VANDAEL is purple, edged with lilac. The above afford excellent examples of the various characteristics of the family of the Mosses. Additions in considerable number are still made to it every year; but it is very rarely that any decisive improvement upon the old varieties is shown in the recent seedlings. “ Moss roses, when grown on their own roots, require a light and rich soil: in such soils, they form fine masses of beauty in beds on lawns. The varieties best adapted to this purpose are the Common Moss, the Prolific, the Lux- embourg, the Crimson, and Lane’s Moss. Plants of these are procurable at a moderate price; and, by pegging down their shoots with hooked sticks, the surface of the bed will be covered with a mass of foliage and flowers. They re- © quire the same severe pruning as the Provence Rose. To have a succession of flowers on the same bed, half of the shoots may be shortened in March, the remainder the be- ginning of May, pruning closely as recommended for the Provence roses. By this method, the blooming season may be prolonged from a fortnight to three weeks. They should have an abundant annual dressing of manure on . eee i te DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 119 the surface in November, and the bed lightly stirred with the fork in February. ... “To raise Moss roses from seed is a most interesting employment for the genuine rose amateur; such a pleasing field is open, and so much may yet be done. The follow- ing directions will, I hope, assist those who have leisure, perseverance, and love for this charming flower. a. Rosa Rubignosa.— This is the Eglantine of the poets, celebrated in song by bards known and unknown to fame, from Milton down to the rustic rhymer offering the trib-. ute of his untutored Muse to the charms of some vil- lage beauty. Nothing is easier than its cultivation; but, to our mind, it loses half its attraction when transplanted from its Nn) 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 141 native road-side or thicket into the garden. From its perfect hardiness and free growth, it is sometimes used as a stock for budding or grafting. The fragrance of its leaves readily distinguishes it from other species. Most of the named varieties under this head in the cata- logues of nursery-men are hybrids; sometimes, as in the case of the DouBLE-mMArRGINED Hip, or MapE ine, retain- ing little trace of the SwrEt-Brier. Among the best are the Monstrous SwereEt-BrikgEr, the Carmine, the CELEs- TIAL, the SpLeNDID, the ScaruEeT, the Rosz ANGLE, the Roya, and the SupErs. Kosa Alpina.— This familiar climbing rose is easily | known by its long shoots, nearly or quite free from thorns, and the reddish tinge, shaded into green, which marks the stems of most of the varieties. Its parent is a native of the Alps, and it is perfectly hardy. The flowers grow in clusters. In the Otp Rep Bovursautt, they are semi- double, and indifferently formed; but some of the other varieties show great improvements both in shape and color. They are excellent climbing or pillar roses, and require less sun to develop their flowers than most other | 142 - DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. species. Like other climbing roses, they should be pruned. but little, though the old stems should be well thinned out. Amapis, or the Crimson Bovursavtt, is of a deep purplish-crimson, with large semi-double flowers. The Buiusu Boursavtt is, in its flowers, larger and more full than most others of the species. They are of a deep flesh- color, passing into a lighter shade towards the edge. It can scarcely owe its qualities to the Boursault race alone, but seems to be a hybrid of some of the Chinese roses. When in perfection, it is much the best of the eroup, but requires a warmer and brighter aspect than the others. It is, however, perfectly hardy. This variety is also called Catypso, DE v’Istx, The Wuite Boursavtt, and FLort- pA. Inermis ELeGans and .Graciiis are the only other varieties of the group that need be mentioned here. Rosa Arvensis Hybrida.—The origin of the Ayrshire Rose has been the subject of some discussion among bota- nists and cultivators. It is generally supposed, however, to have sprung from the seed of a wild trailing rose com- mon in Great Britain and in Western Europe, the flowers bint oh 2s et en See DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 143 of which had been impregnated by accident or design with the pollen of some other species. The Ayrshire roses are known in Europe for their astonishing vigor of growth ; some species, it is said, growing nearly thirty feet in a year, —an achievement which we never knew them to equal in this country. Their growth, however, is very rap- id; and, when once established, their long, slender shoots quickly possess themselves of every object near them. As may be gathered from their name, most of them originated in Scotland. In Europe, these roses are valued as standard weepers, since, when budded on tall stocks, they form huge heads of pendulous foliage and bloom. Doubtless they would succeed as well or better in our Southern and Mid- dle States; but in the North they would probably require, in common with other standard roses, a careful protection against the changes of the seasons. BENNETT’S SEEDLING and the DuNDEE RamBLER have white flowers; those of the last being not fully double. The Countess or LizvEN is creamy-white and semi- double. SPLENDENS is white, edged with red; and the QUEEN OF THE BELGIANS is of a cream-color. The AYRSHIRE QUEEN is of a dark crimson-purple, and less vigorous in growth than the rest. Rua is of a pale flesh- color. Like the last, it is a hybrid, probably between the 144 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. Tea Rose and one of the Ayrshires; for it has much of the fragrance of the former. “T have a steep bank of a hard white clay,” says an English writer, “which, owing to a cutting made in the road, became too steep for cultivation. About sixteen years since, this was planted with Ayrshire and other climbing roses. Holes were made in the hard soil with a pick, two feet over and two feet deep; some manure mixed with the clay, after it had lain exposed to frost to mellow it, and climbing roses planted. This bank is, when the roses are in bloom, a mass of beauty: I have never seen any thing in climbing roses to equal it. On another bank, they are gradually mounting to the tops of the trees: none of them have ever been pruned. Ayrshire roses, as articles of decoration in places unfitted for other ornamen- tal climbers, are worthy of much more attention than they have hitherto received. The following extract from the “Dundee Courier” of July 11, 1837, will give some idea how capable these roses are of making even a wilderness a scene of beauty :— “Some years ago, a sand-pit at Ellangowan was filled up with rubbish found in digging a well. Over this a piece of rock was formed for the growth of plants which prefer such situations, and amongst them were planted some half-dozen plants of the Double Ayrshire Rose, raised in this neighborhood about ten years ago. These DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 145 roses now most completely cover the whole ground, — a space of thirty feet by twenty. At present they are in full bloom, showing probably not less than ten thousand roses in this small space.” Rosa Sempervirens.— This is a climbing rose of very vigorous growth, a native of the middle and south of Europe. The garden varieties originated from it bloom in clusters of small and usually very double flowers, of which the prevailing tints are light, varying from delicate shades of rose and pink to a pure white. They are not absolutely evergreen, but only partially so, retaining their bright, glossy leaves till spring, provided they are planted in shady and sheltered places, as under trees, or in the angles of walls, but dropping them in open situations. In England they have come into great favor as pillar-roses, and for covering walls, banks, or unsightly objects in the garden or on the pleasure-ground. Budded on tall stems of the Dog Rose, they form pendulous standards of magni- ficent proportions; rivalling, in this respect, the Ayrshire. Whether such standards would be equally successful in the Northern States, is, to say the least, doubtful. 10 BONN np a i geared pind Srey aie oe opt pal meen ane renee Speen ==", nha pemeee 2 > p rm, 4 a ee ee Fi 146 _ DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. Most of the varieties of the Evergreen Rose now most in esteem were originated in the gardens of Neuilly, near Paris, by M. Jacques, gardener to King Louis Philippe. One or two are crossed with the Musk Rose; whence they acquire a fragrance in which their own race is deficient. BaNKSLEFLORA is one of these. It has small double white flowers. FEticirs PERPETUEE, in spite of its pre- posterous name, is one of the most beautiful of climbing roses ; and trained as it sometimes is in European gardens, drooping in graceful festoons from pillar to pillar on sup- porting wires, or mantling some unsightly dead trunk with its foliage of shining green and its countless clusters of creamy white flowers, it forms one of the most attrac- tive objects imaginable. -Thin out its shoots; but do not prune them, since, if they are much shortened, they will yield no flowers whatever. Give it a rich soil, with au- tumnal top-dressing of manure; a treatment good for the whole group, and, indeed, for all climbing roses. Donna Marta has pure white flowers. Its growth is less vigor- ous than others, its foliage light green, and it blooms in large clusters. Myrianrures R&noncu te has flowers of a pale peach-color, drooping in large clusters, and in form resembling a double ranunculus. Rosa Pena is of a bright flesh-color, large and double. Princesse Marie is ee ee oe DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 147 . reddish-pink. Fortunn’s YELLOw is a native of China and Japan, and is sometimes included in this class. It is of a bright fawn-color, with a tinge of copper; beautiful under shelter, but will not bear a winter exposure in the North- ern States. It is of comparatively recent introduction. RampanteE blooms profusely in clusters of pure white. Fora is of a bright rose; LEOPOLDINE D’ORLEANS, white, tinged with rose; and SprecTABILIs, rosy-lilac. While some of this race are perfectly hardy, others will require protection against a Northern winter. The ease of their culture, their rapid growth, and their admirable effect where masses of flowers and verdure are desired, will commend them all to favor in the Middle and South- ern States. . “IT know of no rose idea,” says Mr. Rivers, “prettier than that of a wilderness of evergreen roses, the varieties planted promiscuously, and suffered to cover the surface of the ground with their entangled shoots. To effect this, the ground should be dug, manured, and thoroughly cleaned from perennial weeds, such as couch-grass, &c., and the plants planted from three to five feet asunder. If the soil be rich, the latter distance will do. They must be hoed amongst, and kept clean from weeds after planting, till the branches meet: they will then soon form a beautiful mass of foliage and flowers, covering the soil too densely | » t — See wr Ae ee, ince. se= ¥ oS oN pn a - Te sets eye ee 148 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. tor weeds of minor growth to flourish. Those weeds that are more robust should be pulled out occasionally; and this is all the culture they will require. For temples, col- umns, wire-fences, which they soon cover with beauty, and verandas, their. use is now becoming well known. One of the most complete temples of roses is that at the Warner, Esq., Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire; and the prettiest specimens of festooning these roses from one seat of column to another by means of small iron chains (strong iron wire will do) may be seen at Broxbourn Bury, near Hoddesdon, the seat of « .,. About six or eight years ago, I received, among others, some very stout short stocks of the Dog Rose: they were not more than two feet in height, but stouter than a large broom-handle, the bark thick and gray with Bosanquet, Esq. age. They were planted, and grew most luxuriantly. I was for some little time at a loss what varieties to bud them with; for, be it remembered, all stout and old rose- stocks require to be worked with very strong-growing sorts of roses, to take off the abundance of sap, and keep them in a healthy state. At last, in a mere freak of fancy, I had them budded with some varieties of the Evergreen Rose (Rosa Sempervirens). They grew most luxuriantly; and after a year or two, not being trees adapted for sale, they were planted in a sloping bank of strong white clay, and left to grow and bloom as Nature dictated: not a shoot was ever touched with the pruning-knife. — a DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 149 “One of these trees is on a stem a trifle more than two - feet i in height, and it has been these two or three summers past a picture of beauty. When in full bloom, the ends ~ of its shoots rest on the ground, and it then forms a per- fect dome of roses: nothing in rose-culture can really be more beautiful. It will be at once seen with what facility such stout, short, old rose-stocks can be found in any hedge. They may be planted in the kitchen-garden, bud- ded with the above-mentioned sort, and, to give variety in - color, with some of the following kinds, — all varieties of - Rosa Sempervirens, Myrianthes, Jaunatre, Adelaide d’Or- léans, and Spectabilis. Every bud will succeed, as no roses grow more freely; and, after remaining one season - from budding in their ‘nursery,’ some nice places must be - found for them on the lawn, where, unpruned, unchecked, q ~ OS they will, with all the freshness of unassisted Nature, annu- ally delight the eye of the lover of flowers.” * ST he MMlora Rose 00 Rosa Multijiora.— The parent of this family belongs to Japan and China. With few exceptions, we cannot recommend them to Northern cultivators for growth in _ the open air, as they bear our winters but indifferently, bis * This will do for the Southern States. Unhappily, it will not do in New England. r ~F _ dark lake, changing to various shades of red and lilac, 80 150 DESCRIPTION OF THE. ROSE. 2 and, in some cases, are killed outright. RUssELLIANA, Or — ScaRLeT GREVILLIA, blooms in large clusters of a rich, that the cluster presents a curious diversity of hue. As it is extremely vigorous in growth, it would make an sini | rable pillar or climbing rose, were it but a little more hardy. It would, no doubt, succeed if the pillar were protected during winter by fastening around it a covering 4 of pine or spruce boughs. These exclude sun, but not air; so that the rose is not exposed to the dangers from damp- — 9 ness which attend a compact mass of straw soaked by rain and snow. As RussELLIANA bears pruning better than most climbing roses, it may be grown as a bush; in 4 which state it has flourished here for a number of years” without protection. Dr La GrRirrERarg. may also be ~ grown as a bush with perfect success as far North as Bos- 4 ton. It gives a great abundance of blush and rose-colored — flowers, forming a high mound of bloom. Laura Da- | vousT forms an admirable greenhouse stock for rafter — roses. Indeed, it is well worth a place for its own sake. Its small double flowers of bright pink and flesh-color, ; changing to white, are produced in large and gracefal clusters, beautiful from the varieties of shade which they exhibit. Carmin VeLouts, ALBa, and CoccinEA are also” veh x Aas ia DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 151 3 | good varieties of this family, the value of which is greatly diminished by the imperfect hardiness of many of its members. _ ~ The following are roses of doubtful parentage, several of them much esteemed abroad; though, for the most part, __ they have not been sufficiently tried here to establish their -- merit and their hardiness in our Northern climate. All those named below bear an English winter. Mapame p’ARBLAY, or WELLS’s WuiTtt, is of a light 3 flesh-color, and its growth is exceedingly vigorous. The GARLAND is of a light fawn-color, changing to white, and ‘blooms in large clusters of double flowers, which turn’ to pink before fading. Sir Jonn Srsricurt has small semi- | : double crimson flowers, a color valuable in a climbing rose, - because not very common. MeENnovux is also crimson. x Inpica Masor is of a pale blush. Among others under - this head may be mentioned AsrroLase, BENGALE For- | MIDABLE, QUEEN, and Cuatr. The last, however, is but a moderate grower for a climbing rose. “ Among climbing roses, but few can be found that will __ bear seed in England, the Ayrshire roses excepted, from 152 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. some of which it is probable that some fine and original — climbers may be raised. A most desirable object to obtain * is a dark crimson Rosa ruga: this may possibly be accom- plished by planting that favorite rose with the Ayrshire 3 Queen, and fertilizing its flowers very carefully with those Q of that dark rose. It is remarkable, that although these ~ roses are both hybrids, from species apparently very re- % mote in their affinities, yet both of them bear seed, even — without being fertilized. The Blush Ayrshire, a most. ra abundant seed-bearer, may also be planted with the Ayr- — shire Queen, the Gloire de Rosoménes, the Double Yellow _ Brier, Single Crimson Moss, Celina Moss, the China Rose Fabvier, and its flowers fertilized with the pollen of these roses: if any combination can be effected, pleasing results may reasonably be hoped for. To ‘make assurance doubly sure, the anthers of the Ayrshire Rose should be removed — from some of the flowers with which the experiment is — tried.” — Rivers. = oe + : ; ‘i ; Rosa Banksia. — This very beautiful and very singular a family more resembles in bloom a double Spirza pruni- % folia, dwarf almond, or Chinese plum, than a rose. Its — shoots are long, flexible, and graceful, and its foliage of a — DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 153 4 is like a pendulous garland of white, yellow, or rose-colored ; P & ys blossoms, small in size, and countless in number. It is not __ hardy here, or even in England; but it is one of the few 4 once-blooming roses that are worth training on a green- 3 house rafter. We have found it to succeed in a house q without fire, with the protection of straw placed around it - in winter. It will then bloom in the spring. This rose is a native of China, and was named in com- - _pliment to Lady Banks. In Italy and the south of France : it grows to perfection, climbing with an astonishing vigor, : and covering every object within its reach. According to the French writer Deslongchamps, there was in 1842 a ) Banksia Rose at Toulon, of which the stem was, at its base, two feet and four inches in circumference; while the largest of the six branches measured a foot in girth. Its foliage covered a space of wall seventy-five feet wide, and about eighteen feet high; and it sometimes produced : shoots fifteen feet long in a single year. It flowered in _ April and May; from fifty to sixty thousand of its double . white blossoms opening at once, with an effect which the writer describes as magical. This remarkable tree was then about thirty-four years old. Deslongchamps also describes another Banksia Rose at Caserta, in the king- 4 dom of Naples, which climbed to the top of a poplar . - *: , } ——— ae 154 DESCRIPTION. OF THE ROSE. ~ BY pe its lifeless form with its rich green drapery, and its flowery — garlands and festoons of white. — a Banksian roses must not be shortened much; for, if they ; E are, they will not bloom. The branches may be thinned < out, however, to any degree necessary. The strong, thick | ; : shoots of overgrown proportions, and often but half 4 ripened, which they sometimes make towards the end of = summer, should be cut out, as they draw too much life from the blooming part of the plant. The same rule will 3 also apply to many other species. These gross and im- 4 mature shoots occur in many roses, both in the open 4 ground and under glass; and, as they rarely produce good. q flowers, they should not be suffered to rob the rest of the plant of its nourishment. # The Dovste Waitt Banxsta is the best known, and — primrose yellow. JAuNE SERIN is of a bright yellow. a Fortune’s Banxsta has double white flowers, much | larger than usual with the species, and is greatly admired. - The YetLow Banxsta is of a bright yellow, small, and 7 very double. Rosza is of a bright rose, double. a The Banksia is frequently used in greenhouses and con- gs DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 155 _ servatories as a stock for other climbing roses; and, in ~ — many cases, answers well. a : _rXqe PRaemmasa de - Rosa Rubifolia. — This native rose has been much im- "proved by Mr. Feast and others, and now has many vari- variety is in itself very attractive; blooming in clusters, which last a long time, and exhibit a pleasing diversity of Shade, since the flowers grow paler as they grow old. For our own part, we prefer the parent to most of its more pre- tending offspring. _ Allof this family are held in great scorn by transatlantic cultivators. Perhaps the climate of England is unfavor- able to them; perhaps national prejudice may color the judgment; or perhaps the fact that a less rigorous climate permits the successful cultivation of many fine climbing roses which cannot well be grown here may explain the x slight esteem with which these coarse children of the EP prairies’ are regarded. Coarse, without doubt, they are, os except those into which another element has been infused by hybridization, accidental or otherwise: and yet our climate forbids us to dispense with them. - ties, some of which are evidently hybrids. The single igs uae SS ey a SE cen. ics Pyke w a> iv ts 7 s , A x 7 \ 156 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. The QuEEN oF THE PRarrRies is among those best A known and most desirable. Individually, its flowers are 3 as void of beauty as a rose can be. Sometimes they are precisely like a small cabbage, — not the rose so called, but — the vegetable, — and they are as deficient in fragrance as in elegance. Yet we regard this rose as a most valuable possession. It will cover a wall, a pillar, a bank, or a dead trunk, with a profusion of bloom, gorgeous as a feature of the garden landscape, though unworthy to be gathered or critically examined. It is perfectly hardy, and of the easiest culture. Those who can make no other rose grow rarely fail with this. The Bartrwors Brtxe is a notable — exception to every thing we have said in disparagement of the Prairie roses. It is evidently a hybrid of some tender, ever-blooming variety, apparently one of the Noisettes; and derives, from its paternal parent, qualities of delicacy and beauty which are not conspicuous in the maternal ee a , as Gee ee ee ee * 4% a — 3 stock. At the same time, it has lost some of the robust and hardy character of the unmixed Prairie. In a severe New-England winter, its younger shoots are often killed back. It shows a tendency to bloom in the autumn; and ~ 4 a trifle more of the Noisette blood infused into it would, no doubt, make it a true autumnal rose. Some florists — use it for spring forcing in the greenhouse; for which the — é A Le sen - Le ¥ BFR a) See eA Pd wt En cl DOREY 3 > a NE Pe Doe . iB y, Ee. j 2; é Ke if / t DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 157 “delicacy of its clustering white flowers, shaded with a soft, flesh-color, well fits it. When the worthy Rivers, patri- serch of English rose-growers, pronounced sentence, ¢x -cathedré, against the whole race of Prairies, —“I will dis- “cultivating,” — he included in his decree of excommuni- “cation one of the prettiest climbing roses in existence. \ Anna Marta has very double flowers of pink and rose. -Linnazan Hitt Beauty bears white and pale blush flowers. Miss GuUNNELL is pale pink, with a tinge of buff. ‘It is one of the best, though not equal to the BaLttmmorE » Betz. Mrs. Hovey has large white flowers; Prest- : DENT, deep pink ; TrrumpHantT, deep rose ; SuPERBA, light by ink. Among other sorts are the Kine or tHe Prartrig, Eva CoRINNE, JANE, and SeRapuHim, all excellent for general effect, but not to be classed with the roses suitable for the bouquet or the drawing-room. . The Prairie roses might, no doubt, be greatly improved by hybridizing. Thus, by fertilization with the pollen of “the Musk Rose, we should probably obtain an offspring vi ith some of the delicacy and fragrance of that species. “Again: by applying the pollen of some vigorous, hardy ‘rose of deep and vivid color, we should improve the color of the Prairie without impairing its hardiness. Hybrid ‘miss them with the remark, that none of them are worth © 158 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. = pe ee China Paul Ricaut would probably answer well for this 2 i experiment. The Baltimore Belle bears seed occasionally; but is so uncertain and capricious in this respect, that it will require no little perseverance in the hybridist. 4 Ris 3? . ce ee: i oo xr 4 « 4 3 a 4 % ; a b * ae E rome a _ 4 z _ THE ROSES of which we have hitherto spoken have ; P. ‘ ; a > s . . a A _ but one period of bloom in the year. June is gay with % SS wa _ their flowers; but at midsummer their glory is departed, * - not again to return till a winter of rest has intervened. i _ Various families of roses have, however, the faculty of ‘a 7 : rt ae . continuous or repeated blooming. Some remain in bloom Ss, : _ with little interruption for a lcng time; while others bloom ‘Sales at intervals, after periods of rest. These classes are cee BS known, with little discrimination, as“ Autumnal Roses,” ae _“EKver-blooming Roses,” or “Perpetual Roses.” The + - French have a name for those blooming at intervals, which % ‘is very appropriate. They call them “Remontant Roses,” - — Rosiers Remontants,—in other words, roses which » 159 Be 160 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. ‘ - ig + grow again. This very well describes them. They make ~ ‘ i. wy a growth in spring and early summer, and the young - 7 , % wood thus produced bears a crop of flowers. Then the which, in turn, bears flowers, though less abundantly than q before. The June, or once-blooming roses, it is true, a make also a first and second growth; but, with them, the second growth gives leaves alone. In the true ever- blooming roses, or roses that bloom continuously, the growth of young wood capable of bearing flowers is 4 a going on with little interruption during the whole period 4 ¥ when the vital powers of the plant are awake. It is to q stimulate the production of this blooming wood that we 4 prune back the shoots that have already bloomed, as soon as the flowers have faded. ; . It is the possession of a great variety of roses of repeated eS Aue or continuous bloom that gives to the rose-lovers of our own — 4 day their greatest advantage over those of former times. i , Our forefathers had but very few autumnal roses. The a ‘ ancient Romans, it seems, had roses in abundance -in , ee November and December ; but this must have been with ; q a the aid of a supreme skill in cultivation, as there is no rea- 4 pe son to believe that they were in possession of those Chinese % ay and Indian species, to which the modern florist is indebted, _ DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 161 directly or indirectly, for nearly all his autumnal flowers. As these species are by far the most important of the ever-blooming and remontant families, both in themselves and in the numberless progeny of hybrids to whom they have transmitted their qualities, we place them first on our list. Tie ENvyese Rose. Fiosa Indica.— Rosa Semperfiorens.— We include - under the head of the Chinese Rose two botanical spe- { 3 , a rete : . _* ad : ; ay, th Bite { cies, because they are so much alike, that, for floral pur- poses, it is not worth while to separate them, and because their respective offspring are often wholly un- distinguishable. The most marked distinction between the two is the greater depth and vividness of the color of Rosa Semperflorens; though, by a singular freak of Nature, seedlings perfectly white are said to have been produced from it. China roses will not endure our winters without very careful protection; yet they bloom so constantly and so abundantly, that they are very desirable in a garden. In large English pleasure-grounds, they are sometimes planted in masses, each of a distinct color. They may . lt cover, not the roots only, but the entire plants, with earth. — --the roses are buried, place a covering of dry leaves some 2a ha &... eg ere a ee eA oo Eas Ce, es * fete ] Ber A a> he. ‘ o oe oe : \ 4 , . 162 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. also be so used here by those who will take the trouble to 2 4 remove them from the ground in the autumn, and place = them in a frame for protection. For this purpose, a hot- a bed frame may be used, substantially made of plank. It — ‘ should be placed in a situation where the soil is thoroughly 4 drained either by Nature or Art. The roses are to be 4 placed in it close together, and overlapping each other, to 3 save room; the roots being well covered with soil, and — { the plants laid in a sloping position. By covering them 4 with boards and mats, they will then be safe from every : 4 thing but mice. The most effectual way to defeat the a mischievous designs of these pestiferous vermin is to. — The covering of boards and mats must be so placed as to = | exclude water from rain and melting snow. Tea roses, of which we shall speak under the next head, are, as a a class, more tender than the Chinas; and, in order to pre- ee serve them, the soil in the frame should be dug out to the — a depth of a foot, the roses laid at the bottom, and wholly covered with earth somewhat dry. On this earth, after six inches deep, and then cover the whole with water- — proof boards or sashes. The leaves alone, if in sufficient quantity, would protect the roses from cold, but, at the | e 3 2 = 3 be T RY ea . we £3 — 2 4 os a e-- y- , = . OPO we pe ee same time, afford a tempting harborage for mice, which would destroy tlie plants, unless buried out of their reach. Thus treated, the tenderest Tea roses will bear the win- ter with impunity in the coldest parts of New England. Though China roses are not equal in beauty to some _ of their hybrid offspring to be hereafter described, they surpass all other roses for pot-culture in the window of the parlor or drawing-room. They are more easily managed than Tea roses, and, though less fragrant, are not less abundant in bloom. No roses are of easier culture in the _ greenhouse. The varieties of this group are the Bengal roses of the French, and are those familiarly known among us as Monthly roses. They were introduced into England from the East about the beginning of the last _ century. CarMIN pD’YEBLES, or Carmin Superss, has bright carmine flowers. CRaAMOoISIE SUPERIEURE has double crimson flowers, and, like the former, is excellent for pot- culture. Eucrne BrauHArNals is large, very double, and of a bright amaranth-color, approaching crimson. _ Fasvier is of crimson scarlet, very vivid and striking. PRESIDENT D’OLBEQUE is of a cherry-red. All of the above belong to the Semperflorens species, and are of deep colors. The following are varieties of DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 163. 7 ‘ ~ é 4 A ee ‘ Peo Ea ee a certaces. of “7 > v L r ' ; ey A Es id rd ee a Sew Bort ot 164 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. Rosa Indica. ArcnpvukEe Cuar.szs is of a bright rose- color, gradually deepening as the flower grows older, till it becomes, at times, almost crimson. CrLs MULTIFLORA is white, shaded with pink, and flowers very freely. Mavpame Bréon is of a rich rose-color, very large, double, and compact in form. Ciara SyLvain is pure white. Mapamer Bureav is white, with a faint tinge of straw- color. Mrs. Bosanquet may be placed in this division; for, though it is certainly a hybrid, the blood of the China Rose predominates in it, and characterizes it. It is of a pale, waxy, flesh color, very delicate and beautiful, at the same time large and double. Napoxton is of a bright pink, and the Ducuzss or KEnrT is white. The Dwarf roses, called Lawrenceanas, or Fairy roses, are varieties of the Chinese. They are very small, many of them not exceeding a foot in height, and are used as edging for flower-beds in countries of which the climate is not too severe for them. Like all other China roses, they are very easily grown in pots. “China roses are better adapted than almost any other class for forming groups of separate colors. Thus, for beds of white roses, — which, let it be remembered, will bloom constantly from June till October, — Clara Sylvain. and Madame Bureau are beautiful. The former is the taller “d P47 . : i ae im, i . ‘ - eee om . < in ‘ eee eee or: » se 5 : <=. . : ) _ dae : ers : ‘ en bs od) = ma! m aoe a Ph eet So ee ; a q . o v = , . eng peda, Bow yor tt ah > ie oe = es ee ya2 is ket oa : ma Fons = i“ ee a co te, S4Lf 5 Sy ws a ¢ ~s oe =. = = < — er Se Ae Ee AE eS ee ZF Se ee ee DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 165 _ grower, and should be planted in the centre of the bed. _ For crimson, take Cramoisie Supérieure, — no other variety _ approaches this in its peculiar richness of color; for scarlet, _Fabvier; for red, Prince Charles and Carmin Superbe; & for deep crimson, Eugéne Beauharnais; for blush, Mrs. ~ Bosanquet; for a variegated group, changeable as the chameleon, take Archduke Charles and Virginie; for rose, - Madame Bréon. I picture to myself the above on a well- L- nf __ kept lawn, their branches pegged to the ground so as to _ cover the entire surface; and can scarcely imagine any thing more chaste and beautiful. “To succeed in making these roses bear and ripen their _ seed in England, a warm, dry soil and south wall are -- necessary ; or, if the plants can be trained to a flued wall, _ success will be more certain. Eugene Beauharnais, fer- ~ tilized with Fabvier, would probably produce first-rate brilliant-colored flowers. Archduke Charles, by removing a few of the small central petals, just before their flowers are expanded, and fertilizing it with pollen from Fabvier or Henry the Fifth, would give seed; and as the object - ought to be, in this family, to have large flowers with brilliant colors, and plants of hardy, robust habits, no bet- ter union can be formed. China roses, if blooming in an airy greenhouse, will often produce fine seed : by fertilizing _ their flowers, it may probably be insured. In addition, _ therefore, to those planted against a wall, some strong A a 4 plants of the above varieties should be planted in the ei. 166 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. re: orchard-house,—the place, above all others, adapted for seed-bearing roses.” — Fivers. / ner \ PRS ce ar ia, - we fiosa Indica Odorata.— This is a Chinese species, — 2 closely allied to the last named, but more beautiful, far more fragrant, and usually more tender. The two origi- 4 7 nal varieties of it, the Blush Tea and the Yellow Tea, — were introduced into England early in the ‘present cen- 4 tury; and between them they have produced a numerous 4 family, than which no roses are more beautiful. To grow them in the open air, they require, in the first q place, a very thorough drainage. If the situation is at all damp, the bed should be raised some six inches above the surrounding surface; but this will be rarely necessary in 4 our climate. If it rests on a good natural stratum of gravel, this will be drainage sufficient; but, if not, the 2 whole bed should be excavated, and underlaid to the depth ¥ : of four or five inches with broken stones, broken bricks, 3 or with what is much better than either,— oyster-shells. “4 Over these, sift coarse gravel to prevent the soil from z working into their crevices, and on the gravel make a bed 4 somewhat more than a foot deep of good loam, mixed — #.) L, ‘ rT — =, BY ¢ 4 + DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 167 with a nearly equal quantity of light, well-rotted manure, adding sand if the texture of the loam requires it. The - bed should be in an open, sunny situation, and sheltered, as far as may be, from strong winds. The Tea roses planted in it— unless they have been exhausted by forcing in the greenhouse—will give a liberal supply of bloom until checked by the autumn frosts. Many of these roses can be grown to great advantage in a cold grapery, in a bed suitably prepared. They differ greatly in hardiness, and in respect to ease of culture. ‘Some are so vigorous as to form greenhouse climbers, and so hardy as to bear a Northern winter by being simply - laid down, and covered with earth, like a raspberry. Of these is GLorrE pE Dyov, a rose of most vigorous growth, and closely resembling in the shape of its blossoms that matchless Bourbon Rose, the well-known Souvenir de la Malmaison. Its color, however, is very different, being a mixture of buff and salmon. It has one defect, —a crum- - pled appearance of the central leaves, which gives them a _ somewhat withered look, even when just open. Five or _ six large plants of this variety are growing here with the utmost luxuriance on the rafters of a glass house, without = , sa] oe: ie 4 4 PS aa he ae } ae rk c et z te ; BS . 1 pone 168 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. between them and the glass, and have never been injured by the frost. For preserving a small number of Tea roses through the winter, an ordinary cellar answers perfectly, provided 3 there is no furnace in it. They may either be potted or 3 “heeled” in earth in a box. A few degrees of frost will | 7 not hurt them. Roses and all other plants will bear the same degree of cold much better in a close, still air than” in the open sunlight and wind. i, The prevailing colors of Tea roses are light and delicate: 3 of the rose-colored varieties, ADAM is one of the finest, as is also SoUVENIR D’uN Ami. Morret is of a pale yellow, — shaded with fawn and rose. BovuG&Ere is of a deep rosy bronze, large and double. SiziNz resembles it in color, a and is very much admired. Canary is of the color which | its name indicates, and its buds are extremely beautiful. Yet, in this respect, no variety can exceed the OLD YELLOW TEA, which is, however, one of the most tender and diffi- % cult of culture in the whole group. DxEvontrensis is very — J large, double, and of a pale clear yellow; a very fine rose, 4 but shy of bloom. GutorrE pE Dion, already mentioned, — F: is a superb rose, though somewhat wanting in that grace ~ q and delicacy, which, in general, characterize this class. Mapame Bravy is of a creamy white, and very beautifully DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 169 3 formed. Mapvame Damaizin is salmon, and very free in bloom. Mapamer WittiAm is of a bright yellow, large, E and very double. Nuireueros is of a pale lemon, turning 4 to snow-white. Sarrano is one of the most distinct and remarkable roses in the group. It is of a buff and apricot hue, altogether peculiar. Its buds are beautifully formed ; “as are also its half-opened flowers, though they are not very double. It is a very profuse bloomer, easy of culture, > free of growth, and hardy as compared with most other Tea roses. _ ly may be originated from seed; but the plants must be _ trained against a south wall, in a warm, dry soil, or grown _in pots, under glass. A warm greenhouse or the orchard- house will be most proper for them, so that they bloom in May, as their hips are a long time ripening. “For yellow roses, Vicomtesse Decazes may be planted with and fertilized by Canary, which abounds in pollen: some fine roses, almost to a certainty, must be raised from seed produced by such a union. For the sake of curi- __ osity, a few flowers of the latter might be fertilized with the Double Yellow Brier, or Rosa Harrisonii. The Old ; Yellow Tea Rose bears seed abundantly; but it has been ‘ found from repeated experiments that a good or even a - mediocre rose is seldom or never produced from it: but, -_ With attention, some very beautiful roses of this fami- it requires the shelter of glass. It flowers in large clusters — 170 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. duce seed of fine quality, from which large and bright — rose-colored varieties might be expected; Niphetos would — give pure white Tea roses; and Gloire de Dijon, fertilized — with Safrano, would probably originate first-rate fawn- 4 colored roses: but the central petals of the latter should g be carefully removed with tweezers or pliers, as its flowers ° "he WHs3 Rose. fiosa Moschata.— This rose is a native of Asia, North- — ern Africa, and adjacent islands. In Persia it is said to reach a prodigious size, resembling some gorgeous flower- © ing tree. It is said, too, that it is the favorite rose of the 4 Persian poets, who celebrated its loves with the nightin- a gale in strains echoed by their English imitators. Being — very vigorous, it is best grown as a climber; but, with us, — late in summer, and in a warm, moist air, exhales a faint ~ odor of musk. Tae Dovste Wuitr Musk has yellowish white flow- — DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 171 Mosk, is an improvement on the Double White, which it much resembles. Nivea, or the Snowy Musk, can hardly be said to belong to the group, as it blooms only once in the year. Opuir, Princess or Nassav, and Rivers, are also good examples of this family. ~fosa Moschata Hybrida.— Having treated of the China, Tea, and Musk roses, we now come to the hybrid offspring which they have jointly produced. In 1817, MM. Noisette, a French florist at Charleston, 8.C., raised a seedling from the Musk Rose, impregnated with the pollen of the common China Rose. The seedling was different from either parent, but had the vigorous growth of the Musk Rose, together with its property of blooming in clusters, and a slight trace of its peculiar fragrance. This was the original Noisette Rose, and it has been the parent of a numerous family; but as it has, in turn, been fertilized with the pollen of the Tea, and perhaps of other roses, many of its descendants have lost its peculiar charac- teristics, so that in some cases they cannot be distinguished from Tea roses. It is thus that confusion is constantly arising in all the families of the rose; the groups becoming 172 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. merged in each other by insensible gradations, so that it : . is impossible to fix any clear line of demarcation between a them. = The distinctive characteristic of the true Noisette is a blooming in clusters. Different varieties have different — habits of growth, some being much more vigorous than — others; but the greater part are true climbing roses. ; Those in which the blood of the Musk and China predom- a inate are comparatively hardy. Many of them can be grown as bushes in the open air, with very little winter protection, even in the latitude of Boston. Two varieties — Madame Massot and Caroline Marniesse —are to- — day (Oct. 16) in full bloom here, where they have stood — for several years, with very little precaution to shelter them. Some other varieties, again, strongly impregnated with the Tea Rose, are quite as tender as Tea roses of the __ pure race. 3 As rafter-roses in the greenhouse, the Noisettes are un- | 2 surpassed. 4 AIM&éE VIBERT is one of the prettiest of the group. It — ‘ was raised by the French cultivator Vibert, who named it — after his daughter. The flowers are pure white, and grow in large clusters. Though not among the most vigorous : in growth of the Noisettes, this variety, is ona 1 Y) WU wll wy) — DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. Li hardy, and in all respects very desirable. Miss Giece resembles her French sister, but is scarcely so graceful or elegant. Joan oF Arc is a pure white rose, growing very vigorously. Mapamer Massort, sometimes sold by Ameri- can nursery-men under the name of MapEMoIsELLE HEn- RIETTE, bears large clusters of small flowers of a waxy white, faintly tinged with flesh-color. It is one of the hardiest of the group. Caro~inE MarnressE somewhat resembles it, but is not equal in beauty. ~All of the above have very distinctly the Noisette characteristics, as inherited from their parent, the Musk Rose. Those which follow have been hybridized to such a degree with the Tea Rose, that its traits predominate ; and though, in some of them, the cluster-blooming habit of the Musk is not lost, the flowers bear, in size, shape, color, and fragrance, a marked resemblance to the Tea. CHrRoma- TELLA, or the CLtorH oF Gotp, is, when in perfection, the most beautiful of all the yellow roses; but it is shy of bloom, and difficult of culture. SoLFaTERgBE is also a fine yellow rose, much more easily managed than the last. The same may be said of AuausTa, a seedling raised from it in this country. IsaBEeLLaA Gray was also raised in America, and is a seedling from the Cloth of Gold, which 174 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. it rivals in beauty; though, like its parent, it is somewhat dificult to manage. JauNnE Dersprez, or DrEspreEz’s Yxtiow, is of a sulphur-color tinged with red, very large and fragrant. America is also a large and fine flower of a creamy white; but perhaps the best known of the whole group is Lamarque, in New England the greatest favorite among greenhouse climbers. Its flowers are of a sulphur-yellow, large and double; and its growth is very vigorous. “But few of the Noisette roses will bear seed in this country: the following, however, if planted against a south wall, and carefully fertilized, would probably pro- duce some. The object here should be to obtain dark crimson varieties with large flowers; and for this purpose Fellenberg should be fertilized with Octavie, Solfaterre with the Tea Rose. _Vicomtesse Decazes would probably give yellow varieties; and these would be large and fra- grant, asin Lamarque and Jaune Desprez. In these direc- tions for procuring seed from roses by fertilizing, I have confined myself to such varieties as are almost sure to pro- duce it; but much must be left to the amateur, as many roses may be made fertile by removing their central petals, and consequently some varieties that I have not noticed may be made productive.” — Rivers. DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 175 “Gos Dawagx Pexireruan Rose. Kosa Damascena.— This is a race of Damask roses endowed with the faculty of blooming in the autumn. The old roses known as the Monthly (not the China roses so called) and the Four Seasons are the parents of the group, though not without some infusion of foreign blood. The Damask Perpetuals are hardy, and remarkable for fragrance. They demand rich culture, even more than most other roses; and the best of them with neglect and low diet will bloom but once in the year, and that indif- ferently. On the other hand, they repay generous treat- ment liberally, as some of them are as beautiful as they are fragrant. American nursery-men usually catalogue them among the Hybrid Perpetuals, where they are out of place; since the true Damask Perpetual is not, in any sense, a hybrid, though, as before mentioned, some foreign blood has found its way into the family. The French rose-grower Vibert has formed a new group, which he calls the Rose de Trianon, out of the Damask Perpetuals; but, as the subdivision seems unne- cessary and perplexing, we shall re-annex it to the parent group. 176 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. The following are good examples of these Perpetuals: JoAsINE Haner has deep purplish-red flowers, very showy. Syponte bears large flowers of a rose or bright salmon, and blooms profusely. YouanpE or Aragon has deep- pink flowers, and is an abundant autumn bloomer. The above belong to Vibert’s new division. The following are unquestioned Damask: Crimson, or Rosz pu Rot, is of a bright crimson, very large, very fragrant, and an ex- cellent autumn bloomer. There is a history attached to it. Count Lelieur was superintendent of the royal gardens of St. Cloud, where this rose was raised from seed, a little before the restoration of the Bourbons. He named it Rose Lelieur, after himself. When Louis the Eighteenth came to the throne, an officer of his household insisted that the new rose should be named after him. Count Lelieur resisted. A debate ensued. The party of the cour- tiers prevailed: the new rose was called the King’s Rose, fiose du Roi; and the count resigned his post in disgust. Moeapor is a seedling from this rose, and is, perhaps, an improvement on it. Porttanp BLancueE is pure white, and blooms well in autumn. An English writer sets it down as worthless: whence I infer that there must be two of the same name; for here it has proved itself one of the most beautiful of white roses. BERNARD is a small but DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. i very beautiful rose, of a clear salmon-color, and is said to be a sport from the Crimson. » “ As the culture of this class of roses,” says Rivers, “is at present but imperfectly understood, I shall give the result of my experience as to their cultivation, with sug- gestions to be acted upon according to circumstances. One peculiar feature they nearly all possess, —a reluctance to root when layered: consequently, Perpetual Damask roses, on their own roots, will always be scarce. When it is possible to procure them, they will be found to flourish much better on dry, poor soils than when budded, as at present. ‘These roses require a superabundant quantity of food: it is therefore perfectly ridiculous to plant them on dry lawns, to suffer the grass to grow close up to their stems, and not to give them a particle of manure for years. Under these circumstances, the best varieties, even the Rose du Roi, will scarcely ever give a second series of flowers. To remedy the inimical nature of dry soils to this class of roses, an annual application of manure on the sur- face of the soil is quite necessary. The ground must not be dug, but lightly pricked over with a fork in November; after which some manure must be laid on, about two or three inches in depth, which ought not to be disturbed, except to clean with the hoe and rake, till the following autumn. ‘This, in some situations, in the spring months, will be unsightly: in such cases, cover with some nice green moss, as directed in the culture of Hybrid China 12 178 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. roses. I have said that this treatment is applicable to dry, poor soils: but, even in good rose soils, it is almost necessary ; for it will give such increased vigor, and such a prolongation of the flowering season, as amply to repay the labor bestowed. If the soil be prepared as directed, they will twice in the year require pruning: in November [in March, for this country], when the beds are dressed ; and again in the beginning of June. In the Novem- ber pruning, cut off from every shoot of the preceding summer’s growth about two-thirds its length: if they are crowded, remove some of them entirely. If this autumnal pruning is attended to, there will be, early in June the following summer, a vast number of luxu- riant shoots, each crowned with a cluster of buds. Now, as June roses are always abundant, a little sacrifice must be made to insure a fine autumnal bloom: therefore leave only half the number of shoots to bring forth their summer flowers; the remainder shorten to about half their length. Each shortened branch will soon put forth buds; and in August and September the plants will again be covered with flowers. In cultivating Perpetual roses of all classes, the faded flowers ought immediately to be re- moved; for in autumn the petals do not fall off readily, but lose their color, and remain on the plant, to the injury of the forthcoming buds. Though I have recommended them to be grown on their own roots, in dry soils, yet, on account of the autumnal rains dashing the dirt upon their DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 179 flowers when close to the ground, wherever it is possible to make budded roses grow, they ought to be preferred ; for, on stems from one to two feet in height, the flowers will not be soiled: they are also brought near to the eye, and the plant forms a neat and pretty object.” fosa Hybrida Bourboniensis. — The. China Rose and one of the old Damask Perpetuals, known as the Red Four Seasons, have produced between them a distinct family of hybrids known as the Bourbon roses. They are so called because they were originated on the Isle of Bourbon. One M. Perichon, an inhabitant of that island, in planting a quantity of seedling roses raised for a hedge, found one very different from the rest, and planted it apart. On flowering, it proved to be distinct from any rose before known. Soon after, in the year 1817, a French botanist, M. Bréon, arriving at the Isle of Bourbon as cura- tor of the government botanical garden established there, o, and investigated the case of this remarkable seedling, became convinced that it was produced between the two species named above; since these were then the only roses on the island, and both were freely used as. hedges. M. 180 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. Bréon sent plants and seeds of the new rose to Paris; and from these have sprung the whole race of the Bourbons, —a race of sweeter savor in horticulture than in history. They are remarkable as a family for clearness and bright- ness of color, perfection of form, and freedom of autumnal blooming. Some of them are quite hardy; others are not soin New England. Their growth is various; some climb- ing vigorously if trained to do so, and others forming compact bushes. Abundance of manure, a deep and well- dug soil, and mulching with newly-cut grass or some simi- lar substance to keep them moist in dry weather, joined to judicious pruning, are needed to bring forth their beau- ties in perfection. The stronger growers cannot be pruned severely without greatly diminishing the quantity of their bloom; but the ends of tall, strong shoots of the same season’s growth may be cut off with great advantage, thus checking their growth, and causing them to throw out small blooming side-shoots. No roses are better than these where the object is to produce a late autumnal bloom. They may be made to bloom into the winter by pinching off their summer flower- buds, in order that they may not exhaust themselves in that season, and by sheltering them from the frost. For forcing, they are unsurpassed. | ‘ ! DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 18] Some of the most vigorous varieties would make gor- geous pillar-roses, provided pains were taken to lay them flat, and cover them with earth every winter. Without protection, they would suffer severely in the Northern States. AcIDALIE was, till recently, the only white Bourbon; yet it is not pure white, but has a tinge of blush. Of late, another white Bourbon has been added, — BLancuE LaFitTE, —which is also faintly tinged with flesh-color. _ ADELAIDE BouGk&re is of a rich velvety purple. Dvu- -petir Tuovars is of a vivid crimson, large and double. Grorce Praxopy is of a purplish-crimson. Lovisz OpIER is a rose of very vigorous growth, and one of the hardier members of the family: its flowers are of a bright rose-color, of a beautiful cupped form ; and it has a ten- dency to bloom in clusters. Prince ALBERT is still hardier. Its color is a brilliant crimson-scarlet, and its autumn bloom is abundant. Sim JoserpnH Paxton is of a bright rose-color, tinged with crimson: its growth is exceedingly vigorous; and, with moderate protection, it will bear our winters. SOUVENIR DE LA MALMAISON Is _ unsurpassed among roses. It is very large, and beautifully formed. It is of a light, transparent flesh-color; and no rose is more admired in a greenhouse. It will also thrive 182 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. in the open air, and, when the soil is well drained, may safely be trusted to bear a New-England winter, provided it is covered with earth. In a wet soil, it is usually killed. Vorace is of a dark purplish-crimson, and, like the last named, only partially hardy. Hermosa, or Armosa, re- sembles a China rose in the character and abundance of its bloom. None surpasses it for forcing. The above will serve as favorable examples of the best types of this group. “T hope in a few years to see Bourbon roses in every garden; for ‘the Queen of Flowers’ boasts no member of her court more beautiful. Their fragrance also is delicate and pleasing, more particularly in the autumn. They ought to occupy a distinguished place in the autumnal rose-gar- den, in clumps or beds, as standards and as pillars. In any and in all situations, they must and will please. To insure a very late autumnal bloom, a collection of dwarf standards, 7.e. stems one to two feet in height, should be potted in large pots, and, during summer, watered with manure-water, and some manure kept onthe surface. Towards the end of September or the middle of October, if the weather be wet, they may be placed under glass. They will bloom in fine perfection even as late as Novem- ber. | “Tt is difficult to point out roses of this family that bear seed freely, except the Common Bourbon; but Acidalie, E DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 183 planted against a south wall, would probably give some seed.* If any pollen can be found, it might be fertilized with the flowers of Julie de Loynes. A pure white and true Bourbon Rose ought to be the object: therefore it should not be hybridized with any other species. Bouquet de Flore may be planted against a south wall with Me- noux, with which it should be carefully fertilized: some interesting varieties may be expected from seed thus pro- duced. Queen of the Bourbons, planted with the yellow China Rose, might possibly give some seeds; but those would not produce true Bourbon roses, as the former is a hybrid, partaking of the qualities of the Tea-scented roses. Anne Beluze, planted with Madame Nérard, would give seed from which some very delicate Blush roses might be raised; and Le Florifére, fertilized with the Common Bourbon, would also probably produce seed worthy of attention.” — Rivers. XK Thos Hiaeew Perreruan Rose We reach, at length, the vast family of the Hybrid Per- petuals, —a race of brilliant parvenus, which, within the last twenty-five years, have risen to throw other roses into * In America, several varieties bear seed well. Sir Joseph Paxton rarely fails, and is a very good subject for experiment. The varieties named above by Mr. Rivers are not, for the most part, of the first merit. 184 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. the shade. As we look upon them, we survey a gor- geous chaos. Here are innumerable varieties of foliage and flower, perplexing us in our search for genealogies and relationships. All of them, however, have, as a basis, some hardy, once-blooming rose, with which has been min- gled the blood of one, and often of many, of the ever- blooming roses, in sufficient proportion to impart some of their qualities of autumnal flowering. Many of the Hy- brid Perpetuals have, as their basis, the Hybrid China Rose, already described under the head of the summer roses. This, as we have seen, blooms but once; but when crossed with the China, Tea, Bourbon, Damask Perpetual, or several of these combined, it becomes capable of blooming in the autumn, without losing its hardiness. Such, then, is the origin of this group; and the diversity of its characteristics answers to the diversity of its parentage. Thus two roses can scarcely be more un- like than Baronne Prévost and the Giant of Battles, or La Reine and Arthur de Sansal. In Baronne Prévost and La Reine, the hardier and more vigorous elements prevail ; and they probably owe their ever-blooming qualities to an infusion of the Damask Perpetual, rather than of the more tender China roses. In the Giant.of Battles and Arthur de Sansal, on the contrary, the China and Bourbon ele- DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 185 ments are very apparent; and, while these roses are excel- lent autumn bloomers, they are much less hardy and vigorous than the other two. M. Laffay, in his garden at Bellevue, a few miles from Paris, may be said to have laid the foundations of the Hy- brid Perpetual family. Indeed, to a great extent, he created it; having originated a great number of beautiful roses, some of which none of the more recent productions have been able in the least degree to eclipse. Laffay’s roses were chiefly of the hardier and stronger type, with La Reine, which was produced about the year 1840, at their head. From the motley character of the group, the lines that separate it from the Bourbon and from some other families cannot be definitely drawn; and there are certain varieties which always hold an equivocal position, being sometimes placed with one group, and sometimes with another. These Perpetuals differ greatly in the freedom of their autumn blooming; some giving a second and third crop of flowers in abundance; while others will not bloom at all after midsummer, except under careful and skilful treat- ment. All require rich culture and good pruning. When an abundant autumn bloom is required, a portion of the June bloom must be sacrificed by cutting back about half 186 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. the flower-stems to three or four eyes as soon as the flower bude form. When the flowers fade, these also should be cut off with the stems that bear them, in a similar manner. The formation of the seed-vessels, by employing the vitality of the plant, tends greatly to dimin- ish its autumn bloom. Give additional manure every year, and keep the ground open, and free of weeds. If rank, strong shoots, full of redundant sap, form in summer, check their disproportioned growth by cutting off their tops. In the North, these roses are better for a little winter protection, such as earthing them up at the base, or thrust- ing pine-boughs into.the soil among them. They may with great advantage be taken up as often as once in three years, and replanted after two or three shovelfuls of old manure have been dug into the soil, which, at the same time, should be forked to the greatest possible depth. In- deed, it does them no harm to replant them yearly: on the contrary, they. generally bloom the better for it. An excellent way to preserve them during winter, when they have been taken out of the ground, is to bury them, root and branch, in earth. The earth for this purpose should not be very moist. The place selected should be sheltered and dry; the latter point being of the last DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 187 importance. The roses may be tied in bundles, and the earth thrown over them to the depth of six inches or more, in such a manner as to shed the rain and snow; and if a few boards are placed over it, in a sloping position, it will be so much the better. In this way, all the half- hardy roses, and many of those regarded as the most ten- der, can be safely wintered in the coldest parts of New England. It is to the family of Hybrid Perpetuals that the French rose-growers have given their chief attention. Hence an enormous multiplication of varieties, every year bringing forth a new brood, perplexing us with their numbers, and. by the clamor with which the merits of each and all are proclaimed by their respective originators. Some of these new roses are unsurpassed in beauty, and deserve all that can be said of them. Yet thoroughly to establish the character of a rose requires several years, — not less than six, according to the eminent French rose-grower, M. Jules Margottin: therefore it is impossible to speak with entire confidence of these novelties. I shall begin with roses of well-established merit, which have been for years in cultivation here. Of the rest, which have had not more than a season’s trial, mention will be made afterwards. La Retvz is perhaps entitled to the first mention, as it 188 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. was one of the first in its origin, and has never since lost ground. It varies very much in quality with circumstances of soil and cultivation, and in its color is surpassed by many other roses. Its very large size when well grown, its fine form and perfect hardiness, are its points of merit. It is the mother of a numerous progeny, among which AveustE Mir is one of the best, growing very vigorously, and bearing flowers equal to those of its parent in beauty of form, and superior in delicacy of color. They are of a fine rose-color, several shades lighter than that of La Reine. Lovuts—e PEyRonNEY also, in many respects, sur- passes her parent; and is a rose of great beauty, though scarcely so vigorous as La Reine. Baronne Prévosrt is another hardy and vigorous rose, of a type wholly differ- ent: it grows with great vigor, bears the rudest winter, and, both in June and in the autumnal months, yields an abundance of large, very double flowers of a light rose- color. Prus IX. has the same vigor of constitution, and the same abundant bloom: its flowers are of a deep rose, tinged with crimson. Dr. Arnoxp is of a deeper color, approaching to crimson, and is one of the best autumn bloomers. Mapamer Botz is a superb rose, very vigorous, very hardy, and very double. L’Enrant pu Mr. Carmen somewhat resembles it, but grows and blooms more freely : DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 189 its color is a rosy crimson. JuLEsS Marcortin has no superior in its way: it is of a clear, rosy-crimson color, and its half-opened buds are especially beautiful. Trr- OMPHE DE L’ExposirIon is of a deep crimson; and Souvz- NIR DE LA REINE D’ANGLETERRE, Of a bright rose: both are very vigorous and very effective. GENERAL JACQUE- MINOT is of a fine crimson, and, though not perfectly double, is, nevertheless, one of the most splendid of roses. Its size, under good culture, is immense. It is a strong grower and abundant bloomer, and glows like a firebrand among the paler hues around it. It is one of the hardier kinds, and is easily managed. Its offspring are innumer- able. The greater part of the new roses of the last year or two own it as a parent, and inherit some of its qualities. Of its older progeny, TrIompHE DES Breaux Arts and the ORIFLAMME DE St. Louis may be mentioned with honor. The last, especially, is a very brilliant rose. Among other dleep-colored roses are TRIOMPHE DE Paris, GLOIRE DE SANTENAY, and GENERAL WASHINGTON; the last a seed- ling from Triomphe de Exposition. It is a new rose; but there can be little doubt of its merit. Perhaps no rose among the Hybrid Perpetuals has been so famous, and so much praised, as the Grant or BATTLES; but we cannot fully echo the commendations bestowed 190 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. upon it. All the roses just named are hardy, vigorous, and of easy culture, available to the half-practised amateur as well as to the experienced cultivator. But the class of Hybrid Perpetuals of which the Giant of Battles is the type, and, to a great extent, the parent, requires more skill and precaution for successful culture. They are all more or less liable to mildew. “I can do nothing with the Giant, because the mildew destroys it,” a well-known — nursery-man writes me. Besides this tendency, it is by no means of the vigorous growth which the catalogues of nursery-men commonly ascribe to it. Its flowers, how- ever, are very brilliant, and, in a favorable season, are pro- duced in abundance. Im color, they resemble those of General Jacqueminot. Some of the seedlings raised from them are much darker; and among these may be men- tioned ARTHUR DE SANSAL, CARDINAL PatTrizzi, and the Emperor OF Morocco. Lorp Raetan is one of the very finest flowers of this section; and the plant is more vigor- ous, and less liable to mildew, than the rest of the group. The following are of the lighter and more delicate shades: CAROLINE DE SANSAL is of a clear flesh-color, large, full, and of a vigorous, hardy constitution. Mapame VipotT is, when in perfection, an exquisite rose, of a trans- parent, waxy, flesh color, and formed like a camellia: it DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 191 has not proved hardy here, and has suffered severely every winter. QvuEEN VicrorRi4 is of a better constitution: it. is white, shaded with pink. Wutuiam GrirFiTus is an old and excellent rose, of a peculiar light satin rose-color: it rarely suffers from the winter. VirGrNat is pure white. La Mire pve Sr. Louis is of a waxy flesh-color, and, though not very full, is distinct and beautiful. Mapame Rivers is of a very light rose. ComTESSE DE CHABRIL- LANT is of a clear pink, and very fine. Mapame Knorr is of a somewhat deeper shade, and singularly beautiful in bud. Louise Macnan and Dr. Henon may, with Vir- ginal, in the absence of better, represent the white Hybrid Perpetuals, — a color in which this class is very defi- cient; while a yellow or buff rose is as yet unknown in it, although it is said that such an one has been produced, and will soon be “ brought out.” The following are a selection from the new roses; and, though their merits have not as yet been tried by the test of time, there can be very little doubt that all of them will prove of the highest merit : — Mavrice Brernarpin is of a bright vermilion, very large and full. Cuaries Lerepyez is of a bright crimson, purplish at the centre, and seems an admirable rose. Mrs. Wituiam Paut is of a violet-red, shaded with crimson. 192 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. Mapame CLimence JoIGNEAvx is of a red and lilac color, and grows with great vigor. Lorp Macautay is of a rich scarlet-crimson: a bloom of it is now before me, cut here, in the open air, on the 22d of October. SG@uR DES ANGES owes its singular name to the delicacy of its tint, — a soft flesh-color; yet the habit of the plant is vigorous, and it seems of a hardy nature. Duc pz Rowan is red, shaded with vermilion. Braury or WatLrTHam, an English seedling like Lord Macaulay, is of a bright carmine, and blooms profusely. Mapamse Furrapo is very large, fragrant, and double: its color is a light rosy-crimson. Lr Raonz is of a brilliant and deep ver- milion. Duc pr Cazes is of a purplish crimson, so deep as almost to appear black. PResipenT LINCOLN is cherry- red. Princess or WALES is a recent seedling of Mr. William Paul, the English rose-grower; and, though I have not yet seen it in flower, it is so highly extolled by an English amateur, that I mention it here. It is of a bright crimson, with thick and firm petals, and said to be very hardy. SrnatTEvuR VatssE is of a brilliant red, and has found numerous admirers. Victor VERDIER is car- mine, shaded with purple, large and showy. Louise Mar- GOTTIN is of a delicate, glossy rose-color, beautifully formed; and, though marked of moderate growth on DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 193 foreign catalogues, it has grown with uncommon vigor here. Prince Camitie pg Rowan is of a deep maroon approaching crimson. It is very large and full. The above comprise the flowers of most brilliant prom- ise among the recent novelties. Many others willbe mentioned in the supplementary list. The Hybrid Perpetuals combine merits so numerous and so brilliant, that they are rapidly driving out of culti- vation many roses once in the highest esteem. Indeed, with the exception of Moss roses, and some of the Teas, Noisettes, and Bourbons, none seem likely to maintain their ground before these gorgeous upstarts, some of which are as robust as they are beautiful. Their beauties, however, depend greatly on their culture; and this is true of all roses. A rose which, under indifferent treatment, will be passed unnoticed, puts on, in the hands of a good cultivator, its robes of royalty, and challenges from all beholders the homage due to the Queen of Flowers. In conclusion, the amateur will do well to make this his golden rule: Cultivate none but the best, and cultivate them thoroughly. Thoroughness is at the bottom of all horticultural success. “ Raising new varieties of this family from seed presents io} an extensive field of interest to the amateur; for we have 13 194 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. yet to add to our catalogues pure white and yellow and fawn-colored Hybrid Perpetuals: and these, I anticipate, will be the reward of those who persevere. Monsieur Laffay, by persevering through two or three generations, obtained a mossy Hybrid Bourbon rose, and. many of the finest varieties described in the foregoing pages. This in- formation will, I trust, be an incentive to amateurs in this - country. To illustrate this, I may here remark, that a yellow Ayrshire Rose, now a desideratum, must not be expected from the first trial; but probably a climbing rose, tinged with yellow or buff, may be the fruit of the first. crossing. This variety must again be crossed with a yellow rose: the second generation will, perhaps, be nearer the end wished for. Again: the amateur must bring perseverance and skill into action; and then, if in the third generation a bright yellow climbing rose be obtained, its possession will amply repay the labor be- stowed. But these light gardening operations are not labor: they are a delightful amusement to a refined mind, and lead it to reflect on the wonderful infinities of Nature. “Madame Laffay is an excellent seed-bearing rose: this may be fertilized with the Bourbon Gloire de Rosoménes and with Comte Bobrinsky. Dr. Marx may be crossed with the Bourbon Paul Joseph and with the Bourbon Le Grenadier. These should all be planted against a south wall, so that their flowers expand at the same time; and they will probably give some fine autumnal roses, brilliant DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 195 in color, and very double. For fawn-colored, or yellowish and white roses, Duchess of Sutherland may be fertilized with the Tea-scented roses Victoria and Safrano. These must all have a south wall. These hints may possibly be considered meagre and incomplete; but I trust it will be seen how much depends upon the enterprise and taste of the cultivator.” — Rivers. Rosa Bracteata.— The original species was brought to England from China by Lord Macartney in 1795. The varieties are few, and very distinct in appearance from other roses. The leaves are small, and of a deep shining green. This rose is not hardy, even in England; at least, the old varieties of it are not so: but one has lately been sent me, under the formidable appellation of Rosa Brac- TEATA ALBA VENUSTA, which is reported to have proved hardy in New Jersey. The Macartney roses are of a climbing habit, and ever- ereen. Apa Oporata is white, with a yellow centre. The flowers are double. Apa Simpiex is a single white. Marta Leonia is white, with a blush centre, and is the 196 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. best of the group. There is a hybrid rose raised by M. Hardy, of the Luxembourg Garden, and known by the name of BerseriroLtiA Harpo. From its resemblance to this division, it is commonly placed with it, though not properly belonging here. It is a pretty rose, with bright yellow flowers, marked with a chocolate spot in the centre; but it is not hardy, nor is it easy of culture. Rosa Levigata.— No foreign work on the Rose in- cludes this species among fhose held worthy of culture ; yet in our Southern States, where it is naturalized, it is singularly beautiful. In the North it is not hardy, though the root commonly survives the winter, while the stem and branches are destroyed. It comes originally from China. Its shoots and leaves resemble those of the Bank- sia Rose; the former being long, pendulous, and graceful, and the latter of the most vivid green. Its flowers are single, very large, and of the purest waxy white, in the midst of which appears the bright yellow of the clustering stamens. Its long, slender, tapering buds are unsurpassed DESCRIPTION OF TRE ROSE. 197 in beauty. It thrives admirably in a cvol greenhouse, climbing with a rampant growth over the rafters, and giv- ing furth a profusion of flowers through the greater part of the winter. Unlike all the other roses described in this book, it is a species in its originai, undeveloped state, and, as such, offers a tempting subject for the art of the hybridist. Rosa Microphylla.—This is an introduction within the present century from the Himalaya Mountains, and is rather a curiosity than an ornament. The leaves are very small and very numerous; and, by a curious freak of Nature, all the spines seem gathered together on the calyx, or outer covering of the flower-buds. The original vari- ety, Micropnytta Rusra, is perhaps the best. Among others may be named CaRNEA, COoccINEA, RosgEa, and PURPUREA. There is a rose, commonly sold under the name of Micropuyiia Ruaosa, which is very desirable from the abundance of its autumnal bloom, and from its hardy nature; a point in which it differs from the true Micra 198 DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. phyllas. It grows vigorously, and in autumn blooms profusely ia large clusters of purplish-red flowers. EKke Kecpeak Nor oser. Rosa Centifolia.—This is a group of Moss roses to which, by hybridization, has been communicated some of the character of the autumn-blooming roses. The power of repeated blooming has, however, in some cases, been acquired at the expense of the distinctive characteristic of the Moss Rose; and few of this group are so well mossed as the parent to which they owe their name. One of the best is SaLetT, which is of a bright rose-color, tolerably well mossed, a vigorous grower, and an excellent autumn bloomer. Mapame Enouarp Ory is of a somewhat brighter hue, but by no means equal in vigor. The Pzr- PETUAL WuitrE Moss is better deserving of the name of Moss than either of the others. It is double, blooms in clusters, and grows vigorously. Besides these, there are many other varieties, most of them indifferent. These roses require the same culture with the Hybrid Perpetuals. Their power of autumnal blooming is in- creased by high enrichment and frequent transplanting. DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSE. 199 Rosa Spinosissima.—The Perpetual Scotch is a group ' of the well-known Scotch roses, endowed, probably by hybridization, with a power of blooming twice or more in the year. None of them are of much value except STAN- WELL, which is of a blush color, double, prettily cupped, and very fragrant. Here closes our list of Autumnal roses, and with it our book. In conclusion, we would remind the cultivator, that although, even under neglect and scorn, the Rose has smiles for all, it:is only to a loving and constant suitor that she clothes herself in all her beauty. Among all the flowers of our gardens, none is more grateful for a careful attention, and none more abundantly rewards it. ROSES MOST APPROVED BY THE BEST CULTIVATORS TES PRESENT DAY, IN ADDITION TO * Those already mentioned under their respective Classes. PROVENCE ROSES. MADAME HENRIETTE, ROSY-PINK, VERY LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL, MADAME L’ABBEY, BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, ROYAL, PALE PINK, GLOBULAR AND LARGE, VERY FINE. WHITE PROVENCE, PURE WHITE, LARGE AND FULL, MOSS ROSES. e . ADYLE PAVIE, BLUSH, ARISTIDES, BRIGHT CRIMSON, ARTHUR YONG, AQTNA, BRILLIANT CRIMSON, TINTED WITH PURPLE. q FL“LICITE BOHAIN, BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE AND FULL. OF ; GRACILIS, OR PROLIFIC, DEEP PINK, FREE BLOOMER, LARGE AND FULL, HENRI MARTIN, SHADED VELVETY CARMINE, GOOD, q JAMES MITCHELL, ROSE-SHADED, FULL, 3 JcHN CRANSTON, CRIMSON-SHADED, FULL, JULIE DE’ MERSENT, ROSE, SHADED WITH BLUSH. LATONE, BLUSH, LARGE AND FULL. MARIE DE BLOIS, ROSY-LILAC, LARGE AND FULL. 201 202 LIST OF ROSES. MADAME DE LA ROCHELAMBERT, AMARANTH, LARGE AND FULL. POMPON (MOSS DE MEAUX), BLUSH, PEACH CENTRE, PRETTY, SMALL AND FULL. PRINCESS ALICE, BLUSH, PINK CENTRE, PRINCESSE ROYALE, SALMON-FLESH, FULL, FINE FORM, PRINCESSE DE VAUDEMONT, PINK, GOOD. PURPUREA RUBRA, PURPLE, LARGE AND FULL. REINE BLANCHE, PURE WHITE, LARGE AND FULL. UNIQUE, PURE WHITE, LARGE AND FULL. WILLIAM LOBB, VELVETY-LAKE, VERY DISTINCT, DAMASK ROSES. CALYPSO, SHADED PINK, LARGE AND GOOD. COLUMELLA, BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE, FULL. HELVETIUS, SHADED ROSY-CRIMSON, VERY LARGE AND GOOD. MARIQUITA, WHITE, LIGHTLY SHADED, BEAUTIFUL. ALBA ROSES. BLANCHEFLEUR, WHITE. BLUSH HIP, DELICATE BLUSH, EXQUISITE IN BUD, FULL. PRINCESSE LAMBALLE, WHITE. GALLICA ROSES ASPASIE, BEAUTIFUL FLESH, CHANGING TO BLUSH, FINE FORM. BARON CUVIER, ROSY-CRIMSON, GOOD SHAPE. BIZARRE MARBREE, MOTTLED CRIMSON, LARGE AND VERY FINE. COLONEL COOMBES, LIGHT CRIMSON, SHADED WITH PURPLE, VERY LAKGE AND FULL. COMTE PLATER, CREAMY-BLUSH, SPLENDID. COMTESSE DE SEGUR, PALE FLESH, CLEAR AND BEAUTIFUL, FULL, FINE. DOCTEUR DEILTHEIM, ROSE, OFTEN SHADED WITH PURPLE, VERY LARGE AND FULL. , LA CALAISIENNE, DELICATE PINK, LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL. LA VILLE DE LONDRES, SHADED ROSE, VERY LARGE AND GOOD, VV —s- = LIST OF ROSES. 203 LA VoLUPTE, OR LETITIA, BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, LOUIS PHILIPPE, PINKISH-BLUSH, LIGHT MARGIN, MADAME DUBERRY, MOTTLED CRIMSON-LAKE, PRINCE REGENT, DEEP ROSE, SUPERB, LARGE AND FULL. WILLIAM TELL, BRIGHT ROSE, EDGES BLUSH, VERY LARGE AND FULL. HYBRID CHINA ROSES. CoMTE BOUBERT, LIGHT ROSE, LARGE AND VERY DOUBLE. COMTESSE LACEPEDE, SILVERY-BLUSH, FLESH CENTRE, LARGE AND FULL COMTESSE MOLE, DELICATE ROSY-PINK, BEAUTIFUL. ELISE MERCUR, PALE-SHADED ROSE, BEAUTIFUL. FIMBRIATA, ROSY-CRIMSON, PETALS FRINGED AT EDGES, FREDERICK THE SECOND, RICH CRIMSON-PURPLE, LARGE AND DOUBLE. GENERAL ALLARD, FINE DEEP ROSE, VERY DOUBLE. GENERAL LAMORICIERE, ROSE, FINE FORM, LARGE AND FULL, FINE, GREAT \VESTERN, BRIGHT REDDISH-CRIMSON, BEAUTIFUL. JENNY, MOTILED ROSY-PINK. JUNO, PALE ROSE, BLUSH EDGES, VERY LARGE AND FULL, LADY STUART, SILVERY-BLUSH, FINE FORM, MEDIUM.AND FULL. MADELINE (EMMELINE), PALE FLESH, EDGED WITH CRIMSON, BEAUTIFUL, LARGE, AND VERY DOUBLE. NATHALIE DANIEL, PINK, FINE. _ PERFECTION, DELICATE PINK, FINE FORM. STADTHOLDER, SHADED PINK, VERY GOOD. TRIOMPHE EN BEAUTE, DEEP-SHADED ROSE, GLOBULAR AND BEAUTIFUL. TRIOMPHE DE LAQUEUE, PURPLISH-ROSE, LARGE AND SPLENDID. WILLIAM JESSE, PURPLISH-CRIMSON, TINGED WITH LILAC, SUPERB, VERY LARGE AND VERY DOUBLE, AUTUMNAL ROSES. CHINA ROSES. AbBt MICLAND, FINE CRIMSON-RED, GOOD, ANTHEROS, CREAMY-WHITE, LARGE AND FULL. 204 LIST OF ROSES. BELLE DE FLORENCE, LIGHT CARMINE, BLOOMS IN LARGE CLUSTERS. ELIsE FLEURY, FINE ROSE, LARGE AND FULL. HENRY THE FIFTH, VIVID SCARLET, VERY GOOD. ILA FRAICHEUR, ROSY-WHITE, CENTRE YELLOWISH. MADAME DESPREZ, WHITE, CENTRE LEMON. MARJOLIN DE LUXEMBOURG, DARK CRIMSON, SUPERB, VERY LARGE AND FULL. MIELLEZ, LEMON-WHITE, GOOD. PRINCE CHARLES, BRIGHT CHERRY, VERY DOUBLE.- TANCREDE, FINE ROSY-PURPLE, DISTINCT, LARGE AND FULL, VIRIDIFLORA, GREEN, CURIOUS. TEA-SCENTED ROSES. ABRICOTEE, FAWN, APRICOT CENTRE, LARGE AND DOUBLE. ADAM, BLUSH-ROSE, VERY SWEET, VERY LARGE AND FULL. ALBA ROSA, WHITE, CENTRE ROSE, LARGE, FULL, AND VERY SWEET. AMABILIS, FLESH-COLOR, LARGE AND FULL. ARCHIMEDE, ROSY-FAWN, DARKER CENTRE, LARGE AND FULL. AUGUSTE OGER, ROSE, CENTRE COPPER. AUGUSTE VACHER, YELLOW, SHADED WITH COPPER-COLOR, LARGE ANwv FULL. BELLE CHARTRONNAISE, RED, CHANGING TO CRIMSON, LARGE AND FULL. BELLE DE BORDEAUX, PINK, LARGE AND FULL, HABIT AND GROWTH OF GLOIRE DE DIJON. BRIDE OF ABYDOS, WHITE, SHADED WITH PINK, LARGE. BURET, BRIGHT ROSY-PURPLE, DISTINCT, LARGE AND FULL. CAROLINE, BLUSH-PINK, CENTRE DELICATE ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, CLARA SYLVAIN, PURE WHITE, CENTRE CREAM, LARGE AND FULL, CLIMBING DEVONIENSIS, IDENTICAL WITH THE OLD DEVONIENSIS LW FLOWER, BUT OF A RAPID RUNNING GROWTH, AND HENCE VALUABLE AS A CLIMBER. COMTE DE PARIS, FLESH COLORED ROSE, SUPERB, VERY LARGE AND FULL. COMTESSE DE BROSSARD, BRIGHT YELLOW, LARGE AND FULL. COMTESSE DE LABARTHE, SALMON-PINK. COMTESSE OUVAROFB, ROSE-SHADED, LARGE AND FULL. LIST OF ROSES. 205 DAVID PKADEL, ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, DeLPHINE GAUDOT, WHITE, LARGE AND DOUBLE. Duc DE MAGENTA, SALMON, VERY LARGE AND FULL, ELISE SAUVAGE, YELLOW, CENTRE ORANGE, BEAUTIFUL, LARGE AND FULL. . ENFANT DE LYON, PALE YELLOW, LARGE AND FULL. EUGENF DESGACHES, CLEAR ROSE, BEAUTIFUL, LARGE AND FULL, VERY SWEET. GENERAL TARTAS, DARK ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, GERARD 3 ESBOIS, BRIGHT RED, LARGE AND FULL, VERY SHOWY. GLOIRE DE BORDEAUX, SILVERY-ROSE, THE BACK OF THE PETALS ROSY, VERY LARGE AND FULL. GOUBAULT, BRIGHT ROSE, CENTRE BUFF, VERY LARGE AND DOUBLE. GRANDIFLORA, SHADED ROSE, VERY LARGE AND DOUBLE. HOMER, ROSE, CENTRE SALMON, VARIABLE, LARGE, FULL, AND GOOD. JAUNE D’OR, FINE GOLDEN-YELLOW, OF MEDIUM SIZE, FULL, FORM GLOB ULAR. JAUNE OF SMITH (YELLOW NOISETTE), STRAW-COLOR, LARGE AND FULL. JULIE MANSAIS, PURE WHITE, LARGE AND FULL. LA BouLE D’OR, DEEP GOLDEN-YELLOW, LARGE AND FULL. LAIS, PALE YELLOW, FULL, OF FINE FORM, BLOOMS FREELY. L’ENFANT TROUVE, FINE, LARGE, PALE YELLOW. LE PACTOLE, PALE YELLOW. LOUISE DE SAVOIE, FINE YELLOW, LARGE AND FULL. MADAME BLACHET, PALE ROSE, MEDIUM AND DOUBLE. MADAME BRAVY, CREAMY-WHITE, LARGE AND FULL, PERFECT SHAPE, MADAME CHARLES, SULPHUR-YELLOW, SALMON CENTRE, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD FORM, FREE BLOOMER. MADAME DE SERTOT, CREAM, GOOD. MADAME DE ST. JOSEPH, SALMON-PINK, BEAUTIFUL, VERY LARGE AND DOUBLE, VERY SWEET, MADAME DE TARTAS, BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, FREE BLOOMER. MADAME DE VATRY, DEEP ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, MADAME FALOCOT, YELLOW, IN THE WAY OF SAFRANO, BUT OF A DEEPER SHADE, AND MORE DOUBLE. MADAME HALPHIN, SALMON-PINK, CENTRE YELLOWISH, LARGE AND FULL. 206 LIST OF ROSES. MADAME LARTAY, YELLOW, SHADED WITH SALMON, LARGE AND FTL", MADAME VILLERMOZ, WHITE, CENTRE SALMON, LARGE, FULL, AND GOOD, MADEMOISELIE ADELE JOUGANT, CLEAR YELLOW, MEDIUM SIZE. MADAME MAURIN, WHITE, SHADED WITH SALMON, LARGE AND FULL. MADAME PAULINE LABONTE, SALMON, LARGE AND FULL. MARECHAL BUGEAUD, BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE AND FULL. MARECHAL NIEL, BEAUTIFUL DEEP YELLOW, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GLO- ULAR FORM, VERY SWEET, THE SHOOTS WELL CLOTHED WITH LARGE SHINING LEAVES. MARQUISE DE FOUCAULT, WHITE, FAWN, AND YELLOW, VARIABLE, LARGE AND DOUBLE, ONE OF THE BEST. MIRABILE, PALE YELLOW, EDGES DARK ROSE, PRETTY, DISTINCT. NARCISSE, FINE PALE YELLOW, LARGE AND FULL, NINA, BLUSH ROSE, FINE, LARGE AND DOUBLE. NISIDA, ROSE AND YELLOW SHADED, LARGE AND DOUBLE, ODORATA, BLUSH, CENTRE ROSE, LARGE AND FULL. PRESIDENT, ROSE, SHADED WITH SALMON, VERY LARGE, AND OF GOOD FORM. PRINCESS ADELAIDE, YELLOW, LARGE AND FULL, PRINCESSE MARIE, ROSY-PINK, LARGE AND FULL, FORM GLOBULAR, REGULUS, BRIGHT ROSE, SHADED WITH COPPER, LARGE AND FULL. REINE DES PAYS BAS, PALE SULPHUR, FREE BLOOMER. RUBENS, WHITE, SHADED WITH ROSE, YELLOWISH CENTRE, LARGE, FULL, AND FINE FORM. SOCRATES, DEEP ROSE, CENTRE APRICOT, LARGE, FULL. SOMBREUIL, WHITE, TINGED WITH ROSE, VERY LARGE AND FULL. SCUVENIR DE DAVID, BRIGHT CHERRY-COLOR, DISTINCT AND GOOD. SOUVENIR D’ELISE VARDON, CREAMY-WHITE, CENTRE YELLOWISH, VERY LARGE AND FULL; A SPLENDID ROSE. SOUVENIR DE MADEMOISELLE EUGENIE PERNET, WHITE, TINGED WITH FLESH-COLOR, AND SHADED WITH ROSE-SALMON, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD, HARDY HABIT, TRIOMPHE DE GUILLOT FILS, WHITE, SHADED WITH ROSE AND SALMON, VERY LARGE, FULL, AND SWEET; ONE OF THE BEST. TRIOMPHE DU LUXEMBOURG, COPPERY-ROSE, SUPERB, VERY LARGE ANT FULL, > a. - ee LIST OF ROSES. 207 VICOMTESSE DE CAZES, YELLOW, CENTRE DEEPER YELLOW, TINTED WITH COPPER-COLOR, LARGE AND VERY DOUBLE. VICTORIA, YELLOW, CHANGING TO WHITE, LARGE AND FULL. NOISETTE ROSES. ADELE PAVIE, WHITE, ROSE CENTRE. AIMEE VIBERT SCANDENS, PURE WHITE, LARGE CLUSTERS. BAKONNE DE MAYNARD, FRENCH WHITE, BEAUTIFULLY CUPPED. BLANCHE DE SOLVILLE, CREAMY-WHITE, TINGED PINK, STRONG GROWER CELINE FORESTIER, PALE YELLOW, FREE BLOOMER, LARGE AND FULL, CERISE, ROSY-PURPLE, VERY GOOD. CLAUDIE AUGUSTIN, WHITE, WITH YELLOWISH CENTRE, CORNELIA KOCH, PALE YELLOW, VERY FULL AND FINE FORM. DESPREZ A FLEUR JAUNE, RED, BUFF, AND SULPHUR, VARIABLE, VERY SWEET, LARGE AND FULL. Du LUXEMBOURG, LILAC-ROSE, CENTRE DEEP RED, LARGE. ECLAIR DE JUPITER, BRIGHT CRIMSON-SCARLET, LARGE AND DOUBLE. EUPHROSINE, CREAMY-BUFF, VERY SWEET AND GOOD. FELLENBERG, ROSY-CRIMSON, VERY FREE BLOOMER. JANE HARDY, GOLDEN-YELLOW, LARGE AND FULL. JACQUES ORMYOTT, DEEP ROSE, FINE, LA BICHE, FLESH-WHITE, LARGE AND FULL. LADY EMILY PEEL, SHADED FRENCH WHITE. LAIS, FRENCH WHITE, LARGE AND GOOD. MADAME DESLONGCHAMPS, CREAMY-WHITE, DEEPER CENTRE, BEAUTIFUL. MADAME GUSTAVE BONNET, WHITE, TINGED WITH SALMON, FIRST CLASS. MADAME SCHULTZ, PRIMROSE, SHADED WITH CARMINE, VERY SWEET. MADEMOISELLE ARISTIDE, PALE YELLOW, CENTRE SALMON, LARGE AND FULL. | NARCISSE, FINE PALE YELLOW. OCTAVIE, CRIMSON, LARGE, STRONG GROWER. OPHIRIE, NANKEEN AND COPPER, DISTINCT, FULL. PHALOE, ROSY-BUFF, VERY GOOD. PUMILA ALBA, WHITE, SMALL AND DOUBLE, TRIOMPHE DE LA DUCHERE, ROSY-BLUSH, LARGE AND FULL TRIOMPHE DE RENNES, CANARY, LARGE, FULL, AND FINE. VICOMTESSE D’AVESNE, LIGHT SALMON-ROSE, LARGE, FULL, AND DISTINCT, 208 LIST OF ROSES. BOURBON ROSES. APPOLINE, LIGHT PINK, LARGE AND FULL. AURORE DU GUIDE, PURPLISH-VIOLET, SOMETIMES CRIMSON-SCARLET LARGE AND FULL. BARONNE DE NOIRMONT, PALE, SHADED ROSE, COMPACT AND GOOD, BOUQUET DE FLORE, BRIGHT ROSY-CARMINE. CATHERINE GUILLOT, BRIGHT ROSY-PINK, COMPACT, AND FIRST-RATE. CELINE GONOD. CHARLES ROBIN, FLESH-COLOR, SMALL, FULL, AND PRODUCED ABUN- DANTLY. COMICE DE TARNE ET GARONNE, CHERRY-COLOR. COMTE DE MONTIJO, RICH REDDISH-PURPLE, VELVETY, FINE SHAPE. COMTESSE DE BARBANTANNES, FLESH-COLOR, LARGE, FULL, AND OF FINE FORM. DOCTEUR BERTHET, BRILLIANT CHERRY RED, LARGE, FULL, AND GOOD. DOCTEUR LEPRESTE, BRIGHT PURPLISH-RED, SHADED, Duc DE CRILLON, BRILLIANT RED, CHANGING TO BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE AND FULL. EDITH DE MURAT, FLESH-COLOR, CHANGING TO WHITE, OF FINE FORM. EMOTION, DELICATE SHADED BLUSH, COMPACT AND GOOD. EMPRESS EUGENIE, PALE ROSE, PURPLE EDGES, LARGE AND FULL, GOOD. FERDINAND DIEPPE, REDDISH-VIOLET, BRIGHT AND GOOD. GEORGE CUVIER, BRIGHT ROSE, FINE FORM, LARGE AND FULL, GLOIRE DE ROSOMENES, BRIGHT CRIMSON, SEMI-DOUBLE, BUT EFFECTIVE, GLORIETTA, DEEP RED, OR CRIMSON, GOURDAULT, RICH PURPLE, FINE FORM, FULL. JOSEPHINE CLERMONT, PINK, FULL. JULIE DE FONTENELLE, CRIMSON-PURPLE, FINE FORM, FULL, JUSTINE, ROSY-CARMINE, GOOD, VERY DOUBLE. L’AVENIR, BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD FORM. LA QUINTINIE, BRIGHT CRIMSON, SHADED, OR CHANGING TO BLACKISH- VIOLET, FULL. LE FLORIFERE, ROSE, WITH A LILAC AND CRIMSON TINT, LARGE AND FULL. LEON OURSEL, LIGHT RED, LARGE, FULL, AND GOOD. LovuIsE MARGOTTIN, BEAUTIFUL BRIGHT ROSY-PINK, CUPPED AND GOOD, LIST OF ROSES. 209 MADAME ANGELINA, RICH CREAM, FAWN CENTRE, MEDIUM SIZE, DISs- TINCT. MADAME COUSIN, FLESH-COLORED ROSE, LARGE AND FULL. MADAME Dk STELLA, DELICATE PINK, VERY DOUBLE, FINE SHAPE, FIRST CLASS. ; = MADAME DESPREZ, LILAC-ROSE, LARGE AND FULL. MADAME ELISE DE CHENIER, 2PIGHT ROSE, BLOOMS FREELY, MADAME HELFENBEIN, PALE ROSH, VERY GOOD, MADAME JOSEPHINE GUYET, DEEP RED. MADAME LA COMTESSE, BRIGHT PINK, FINE SHAPE, MADAME MANOEL, LIGHT-SHADED PINK, VERY LARGE, MADAME MARECHAL, FLESH, WHITE EDGES, DISTINCT AND GOOD, MADAME NERARD, SILVERY-BLUSH, CENTRE PINK. MADEMOISELLE C. RIGUET, PURE WHITE, VERY ABUNDANT BLOOMER. MADEMOISELLE FELICITE TRUILLOT, BRIGHT ROSE, ABUNDANT BLOOMER, MARGUERITE BONNET, FLESHY-WHITE, LARGE AND GOOD, MARQUIS BALBIANO, ROSE, TINGED WITH SILVER, FULL, FINE FORM, DIS- TINCT. MARQUIS D’IVRY, LILAC-ROSE, FORMS A LARGE AND SHOWY HEAD. MARQUIS DE MOYRA, ROSE, SHADED WITH'VERMILION, FINE FORM, LARGE, MARQUIS DE MURAT, PINK, PALE EDGES. : MENOUX, BRIGHT RED, APPROACHING TO SCARLET, FULL. MICHEL BONNET, BRIGHT ROSY-PINK, FINE, MODELE DE PERFECTION, DELICATE PINK, COMPACT, AND MOST BEAU- TIFUL. MONSIEUR JARD, CHERRY-RED, LARGE AND FULL. OcTAVIE FONTAINE, WHITE, TINTED WITH FLESH-COLOR, GOOD SHAPE, OMAR PACHA, BRILLIANT RED, LARGE, FULL, AND GOOD FORM, PHENIX, PURPLISH-RED, LARGE AND FINE. PIERRE DF ST, CYR, PINK, LARGE AND FULL. PRINCE DE CHIMAY, PURPLISH-CRIMSON, LARGE AND FINE, FLOWERS ' FREELY, QUEEN, BUFF-ROSE, FREE BLOOMER, LARGE AND DOUBLE, REINE DE CASTILLE, LIGHT ROSE, GOOD, Rev. H. DOMBRAIN, BRILLIANT CARMINE, FINE SHAPE. REVEIL, CHERRY, RICHLY SHADED WITH VIOLET. SOUCHET, DEEP CRIMSON-PURPLE, VIVID, SUPERB. 14. 210 LIST OF ROSES. SOUVENIR DE LOUIS GAUDIN, REDDISH-PURPLE, SHADED WITH BLACK, FINE FORM, FULL, ABUNDANT BLOOMER. VICOMTE DE CUSSY, LIVELY RED, LARGE, AND VERY DOU}LE, VICTOR EMANUEL, PURPLE AND PURPLISH-MALCON, LARGE AND DOUBLE, GOOD AND DISTINCT, HYBRID PERPETUAL ROSKS. ABBE REYNAUD, CLEAR DARK VIOLET, LARGE, FULL, DISTINCT, AND FINE; GOOD HABIT, ABD-EL-KADER, DEEP VELVETY-CRIMSON, GOOD. ADMIRAL NELSON, CRIMSON, COLOR BEAUTIFUL. ADOLPHE NOBLET, ROSY-CARMINE, VERY BEAUTIFUL. AGATOIDE, LIVELY ROSE, SHADED WITH DEEP ROSE, FULL. ALCIDE VIGNERON, BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE AND FULL. ALEXANDRE DUMAS, VELVETY-MAROON, HIGHLY SCENTED. ALEXANDRE FONTAINE, REDDISH-CERISE, FINE FORM. ALEXANDRINE BACHMETEFF, BRIGHT RED, LARGE, FULL, AND SHOWY. ALEXANDRINE BELFROY, PEACH-COLOR, LARGE AND FULL. ALFRED DE ROUGEMONT, CRIMSON-PURPLE, SHADED WITH FIERY RED, VERY BRIGHT, LARGE AND FULL. ALPAIDE DE ROTALIER, FINE TRANSPARENT ROSE-COLOR, GLOSSY, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD FORM. ALPHONSE BELIN, CLEAR BRILLIANT RED, THE REVERSE OF THE PETALS WHITISH, LARGE, FULL, AND OF FINE FORM. ALPHONSE DAMAIZIN, BRILLIANT-SHADED CRIMSON, GOOD FORM AND HABIT, ALPHONSE DE LAMARTINE, LIGHT ROSY-PINK. ALPHONSE KARR, BRIGHT ROSE, FULL. AMIRAL GRAVINA, BLACKISH-PURPLE, CHANGING TO AMARANTH, LARGE AND FULL. AMIRAL LA PEYROUSE, BRILLIANT CRIMSON, SOMETIMES DARK CRIMSON, SHADED WITH VIOLET, LARGE, FULL, AND VERY FINE. ANDRE LEROY, PURPLISH-CRIMSON, FINE COLOR, LARGE AND FULL. ANNA ALEXIEFF, PRETTY ROSE-COLOR, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD HABIT; FLOWERS FREELY. ANNA DE DIESBACH, CLEAR ROSE, FINE COLOR, VERY LARGE AND SHOWY. LIST OF ROSES. ~ 1 ARCHEVEQUE DE PARIS, SHADED VELVETY-MAROON, ARLES DUFOUR, DEEP PURPLE, WITH VIOLET CENTRE, LARGE, AND DEEP IMBRICATED FORM, BEAUTIFUL NEW ROSE. ARMIDE, ROSY-SALMON, DISTINCT, IMBRICATED, AND FULL FORM, AUGUSTE GUINOISSEAU, SHADED DARK CRIMSON, VERY LARGE. AURORE, SALMON-ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, DISTINCT. BARLOW, BRIGHT ROSY-CRIMSON, BARON ADOLPHE DE ROTHSCHILD, FIERY RED, PETALS OFTEN EDGED WITH WHITE, LARGE, FULL, AND VERY EFFECTIVE. BARON GONELLA, PINK AND LILAC SHADED, LARGE, FULL, AND FINE. BARONNE DAUMESNIL, BEAUTIFUL BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD FORM. BARONNE DE HECKEREN, ROSY-PINK, VERY LARGE AND DOUBLE. BARONNE HALLEZ, DARK RED, FULL, AND OF FINE FORM. BARONNE NOIRMONT, DEEP ROSE, LARGE, AND OF GOOD FORM. BARONNE PELLETAN DE KINKELIN, CRIMSON AND PURPLE SHADED, COL- ORS BRILLIANT, LARGE, FULL, AND OF FINE FORM. BEAUTE FRANGAISE, VELVETY VIOLET-RED, REVERSE OF PETALS FIERY RED, LARGE, FULL, AND WELL FORMED, BELLE ANGLAISE, BEAUTIFUL BRIGHT PINK, FINE SHAPE. BELLE DE BOURG LA REINE, SATIN-ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, FINE FORM. BELLE DES MASSIFS, BEAUTIFUL ROSY-PINK. BELLE DU PRINTEMPS, BEAUTIFUL PALE, MOTTLED ROSE. BERCEAU IMPERIAL, FLESH-COLOR, LARGE AND FULL. BERNARD PALISSY, BRIGHT CARMINE, LARGE, FULL, AND VERY FINE; GOOD HABIT. BUFFON, LIGHT ROSY-CRIMSON, BURKE, ROSY-LILAC, OR VIOLET, FULL. CATHERINE GUILLOT, DEEP PINK, PERFECT FORM; ONE OF THE BEST. CENTIFOLIA ROSEA, BRIGHT PINK, LARGE, OF BEAUTIFUL CUPPED FORM. CHRISTIAN PUTTNER, PURPLE, SHADED WITH CRIMSON, LARGE AND FULL, CLAUDE MILLION, SCARLET-CRIMSON, DASHED WITH ROSE AND VIOLET, VELVETY, LARGE, FULL, AND OF EXCELLENT FORM, HABIT GOOD. CLEMENT MAROT, CLEAR ROSY-LILAC, LARGE AND VERY DOUBLE. CL&OSTINE, LARGE ROSE, LARGE, FINE GLOBULAR FORM. COLONEL DE ROUGEMONT, PALE ROSE, SHADED WITH CARMINE, VERY LARGE AND FULL. 913 LIST OF ROSES. COLONEL SOUFFLOT, BEAUTIFUL ROSY-PINK. ‘ COMTE CAVOUR, PALE-SHADED ROSE, FINE, COMTE DE NANTEUIL, BRIGHT ROSE, DARKER EDGES, LARGE AND FULL. COMTESSE BARBANTANNE, FLESH-COLOR, LARGE, FULL, AND OF FINE FORM, FREE AND GOOD, COMTESSE DE COURCY, ROSE, SHADED WITH BRILLIANT RED, FLOWERS VERY FREELY, COMTESSE DE KERGORLAY, BRIGHT GLOSSY PURPLE, LARGE AND FULL. COMTESSE DE SEGUIER, VELVETY-RED, SHADED WITH VIOLET, LARGE AND FULL. DARZENS, SALMON-ROSE, LARGE AND DOUBLE, VERY SWEET. DEUIL DE PRINCE ALBERT, BLACKISH-CRIMSON, SHADED, CENTRE FIERY RED, LARGE, FULL, AND GOOD. DOMINIQUE DARAN, DARK CRIMSON-PURPLE, LARGE AND VERY DOUBLE.” DR. JUILLARD, ROSY-PURPLE, SHADED WITH CARMINE, LARGE AND DOUBLE, Dk. SPITZER, BRIGHT RED, LARGE, FINE GLOBULAR FORM. Duc D’ANJOU, CRIMSON, SHADED WITH DARK RED, VERY LARGE, FULL, AND WELL FORMED. Duc DE BASSANO, DARK VELVETY-CRIMSON, CUPPED, LARGE AND FULL; ONE OF THE BEST. Duc D’HARCOURT, BRIGHT REDDISH-CARMINE, BLOOMING FREELY AND IN CLUSTERS, LARGE AND FULL. Duc DE RUSCHPLER, DEEP ROSE, FULL, Duc D’OSSUNA, RICH CRIMSON. DUCHESSE DE MAGENTA, FLESH, CHANGING TO WHITE, DISTINCT AND BEAUTIFUL, DUCHESSE D’ORLEANS, FINE LAVENDER-BLUSH, LARGE, FULL, AND GOOD. DUCHESS OF NORFOLK, RICH PURPLE-CRIMSON, MEDIUM, DOUBLE. DUCHESS OF SUTHERLAND, PALE ROSE, LARGE, AND VERY DOUBLE. DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE, OHERRY-RED, FINE FORM. ECLAIR DE JUPITER, ROSY-CRIMSON, LARGE AND SHOWY, EMILE DULAC, BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE, FULL, AND DEEPLY CUPPED}; THE » BEST OF THE COLOR. EMOTION, WHITE, TINTED WITH ROSE, OF MEDIUM SIZE, FULL, FORM PER- FECT, FLOWERS ABUNDANTLY, EUGENE APPERT, SCARLET AND CRIMSON SHADED, SPLENDID COLORS, FINE FOLIAGE, FREE BLOOMER, LIST OF ROSES. 213 EvGiENE BOURCIER, PURPLE-REDDISH, VELVETY, LARGE AND FULL, KEuGkNE VERDIER, RICH DARK VIOLET, LARGE, FULL, AND OF PERFECT FORM; ONE OF THE BEST, EuGENIE LEBRUN, DARK CRIMSON, LARGE AND FULL, kvfique DE NISMES, SCARLET AND CRIMSON, FULL, FLAT FORM. FERNANDO, FIERY RED, TINTED WITH WHITE, LARGE, FULL, AND VERY SWEET. “ FRANCOIS LACHARME, BRIGHT CARMINE, CHANGING TO RED, FULL AND GLOBULAR; A SUPERB ROSE, FRANCOIs LOUVAT, LILAC-RED, LARGE, FULL, GLOBULAR, GOOD, AND DIS- TINCT, FRANCOIS PREMIER, CHERRY-RED, SHADED, FINE FORM. GABRIEL DE PEYRONNEY, FIERY RED, SHADED WITH VIOLET TOWARDS THE CENTRE, LARGE, FULL, AND OF FINE FORM. GGNERAL CASTELLANE, BRIGHT CRIMSON, LARGE AND FULL, (GENERAL SIMPSON, BRIGHT CARMINE, FULL AND FREE. GEORGE PAUL, BRIGHT RED, VELVETY, BLOOMING IN CLUSTERS, LARGE AND FULL. 7 GEORGE PRINCE, FINE BRILLIANT RED, SHADED WITH DARK ROSE, RE- VERSE OF PETALS WHITISH, LARGE, FULL, FORM GLOBULAR. GLOIRE DE CHATILLON, BRILLIANT RED, SHADED WITH VIOLET, LARGE AND FULL, GLOIRE DE VITRY, BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, GLOIRE DU SACR& C@UR, FLESH-COLORED ROSE, TIPPED WITH BRIGHT RED, AND SHADED WITH PURPLE; GOOD HABIT. GUSTAVE CORAUX, BRIGHT PURPLE, FREE IN AUTUMN, GUSTAVE ROUSSEAU, PURPLE, SHADED WITH VIOLET-RED, LARGE, AND FULL. ° Henri IV., SHADED VERMILION, VERY GOOD, H&ROINE VAUCLUSE, CLEAR ROSE, BEAUTIFUL FORM, FREE BLOOMER. H. LAURENTIUS, FINE REDDISH-CRIMSON, SHADED WITH BLACK, VELVETY, LARGE, AND FULL; FORM CUPPED. HORTENSE BLACHETTE, WHITE, WITH ROSY CENTRE, MEDIUM SIZE, FULL, IMPERATRICE EUGENIE, WHITE, TINTED WITH ROSE, FULL AND GOOD. IMPERATRICE MARIA ALEXANDRINA, WHITE, TINGED WITH BLUSH, GOOD FORM, MEDIUM SIZE, FULL. JAMES DICKSON, VELVETY-LAKE, SEMI-DOUBLE, 214 LIST OF ROSES. JEAN-BAPTISTE GUILLOT, VELVETY-CARMINE. JEAN BART, RED AND VIOLET SHADED, BRILLIANT, VERY EFFECTIVE. JEAN GOUJON, BEAUTIFUL CLEAR RED, VERY LARGE, FULL, AND GOOD, J“AX TOUVAIS, BEAUTIFUL REDDISH-PURPLE, SHADED WITH CRIMSON, VERY LARGE, FULL, AND OF EXCELLENT FORM; BLOOMS FREELY, JOHN HOPPER, ROSE, CRIMSON CENTRE, REVERSE OF THE PETALS PUR: PLISH-LILAC, LARGE AND FULL. JtHN STANDISH, VERY DARK CRIMSON, FINE GLOBULAR FORM. »OSEPH FIALA, BRIGHT DARK-RED, WITH WHITISH EDGING, LARGE AND FULL, FORM CUPPED. KATE HAUSBURG, FINE BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE, FULL, AND OF EXCELLENT SHAPE AND SUBSTANCE. L’/ABBE LAURY, BRIGHT RED. L’AVENIR, GLOSSY PINK, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD FORM, LA BRILLANTE, TRANSPARENT CARMINE, VERY BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL, LARGE, AND OF FINE FORM, LA DUCHESSE DE MORNY, BRIGHT BUT DELICATE ROSE-COLOR, THE RE- VERSE OF THE PETALS SILVERY, LARGE AND FULL, FORM GLOBULAR. VEBLOUISSANTE, BRILLIANT RED, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD HABIT. L2ECLATANTE, BRIGHT RED, CHANGING TO VIOLET-RED, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD FORM. L’ELEGANTE, BLUSH-WHITE, FULL, FREE, FLAT FORM. L2&LIA, SHADED ROSE, VERY LARGE, FULL, AND VERY FINE. LA ESMERALDA, BRIGHT CHERRY-COLOR, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD FORM. LAFONTAINE, PURPLISH-ROSE, VERY LARGE AND FULL. LA PHOCEENNE, BLACKISH-CRIMSON, FINE SHELL-SHAPED, CUPPED FORM. LA PIVOINE, SHADED ROSY-CARMINE, PECULIAR FOLIAGE, LA REINE DE LA PAPE, FINE ROSY-PINK, LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL. LA TOUR DE COURCY, ROSY-PINK, VERY GOOD. LAURENT DESCOURT, DEEP PURPLISH-CRIMSON, RICH AND VELVETY, LARGE AND FULL. LA VILLE DE ST. DENIS, ROSY-CARMINE, FINE FORM, LARGE AND FULL. LE BARON DE ROTHSCHILD, DARK REDDISH-CARMINE, SOMETIMES SHADED WITH VIOLET, VERY LARGE AND FULL. LE GEANT, CLEAR BRIGHT ROSE, TINTED WITH VIOLET, VERY LARGE AND FULL, BLOOMS FREELY; THE LARGEST ROSE YET INTRODUCED. LIST OF ROSES. 215 LE MONT D’OR, PALE ROSE, CUPPED AND DOUBLE, LEOPOLD HAUSBURG, BRIGHT CARMINE, SHADED WITH PURPLE, LARGE AND DOUBLE, OF FINE FORM. LEOPOLD PREMIER, BRIGHT DARK-RED, VERY LARGE AND FULL, FINE FORM. LEON DES COMBATS, REDDISH-VIOLET, OFTEN SHADED WITH SCAiKLET, LARGE AND FULL, LORD CLYDE, CRIMSON AND PURPLE, DEEPLY SHADED, LARGE AND FULL, LORD HERBERT, ROSY-CARMINE, THE PETALS REFLEXING AT THE SUM- MITS; LARGE, FULL, FINELY FORMED. LORD PALMERSTON, CHERRY-RED, FULL, FINE FORM; FLOWERS FREELY, LovuiIs VAN HOUTTE, BRIGHT ROSY-CARMINE, VERY LARGE, FULL, AND OF FINE, GLOBULAR FORM, Louis XIV., RICH BLOOD-COLOR, LARGE AND FULL, FORM GLOBULAR; A DISTINCT AND BEAUTIFUL VARIETY, LOUISE DAMAIZIN, WHITE, WITH PEACH CENTRE, GOOD SIZE AND FORM. LOUISE DARZENS, PURE WHITE, NOT LARGE, BUT FULL, AND OF FINE FORM; ONE OF THE BEST FOR MASSING. LOUISE D’AUTRICHE, ROSE, LARGE AND FULL. LOUISE GULINO, VELVETY-MAROON, FINE, LOUISE ODIER, FINE BRIGHT ROSE, FULL, VERY FREE BLOOMER. MADAME ALFRED DE ROUGEMONT, PURE WHITE, LIGHTLY AND DELI- CATELY SHADED WITH ROSE AND CARMINE, LARGE AND FULL, SHAPE OF THE CABBAGE ROSE; ONE OF THE BEST. MADAME VAN GEERT, ROSY-PINK, STRIPED WHITE, VERY BEAUTIFUL. MADAME BOUTIN, CHERRY-CRIMSON, LARGE AND FULL. MADAME BRIANSON, REDDISH-CARMINE, SHADED WITH LIGHT RED, VERY LARGE AND FULL. MADAME BRUNI, DELICATE PEACH, LARGE AND FULL, MADAME CAILLAT, BRIGHT CERISE, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD HABIT, MADAME C. CRAPELET, ROSY-RED, LARGE, FULL, AND VERY FINE. MADAME CELINE TOUVAIS, SHADED CARMINE, MADAME CHARLES ROY, SHADED ROSY-CRIMSON, GOOD SHAPE, MADAME CHARLES WOOD, VINOUS-CRIMSON, VERY LARGE, FULL, AND EF- FECTIVE. MADAME CRESPIN, ROSE, SHADED WITH DARK VIOLET, MEDIUM SIZk, FULL, FORM GOOD. 216 LIST OF ROSES. MADAME DE CAMBACERES, ROSY-CARMINE, LARGE AND FULL, FINE FORM. MADAME DE CANROBERT, WHITE, SLIGHTLY TINGED WITH PEACH, LARGE AND FULL, NICELY CUPPED. MADAME DERREUX DOUVILLE, DELICATE GLOSSY ROSE, BORDERED WITH WHITE, LARGE, FULL, AND OF FINE FORM; GOOD HABIT. MADAME DE STELLA, BRIGHT ROSE, LARGE, FULL, AND OF FINE FORM. MADAME DOMAGE, BRIGHT ROSE, VERY LARGE AND DOUBLE. MADAME DUCHERE, ROSY-WHITE, DELICATE TINT, FULL. MADAME EMAIN, FINE PURPLISH-RED, GLOBULAR, LARGE AND FULL. MADAME ERNEST DREOL, DARK ROSE, SHADED WITH LILAC, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD FORM, FOLIAGE FINE. MADAME EUGENE VERDIER, DEEP PINK, LARGE, FULL, AND FINELY CUPPED. ’ MADAME FREEMAN, CREAMY-WHITE, MEDIUM SIZE, GLOBULAR AND FULL, THOROUGHLY PERPETUAL. MADAME HECTOR JACQUIN, CLEAR ROSE, SHADED WITH LILAC, LARGE AND FULL. MADAME HELYE, CARMINE, SHADED-LILAC, MEDIUM, DISTINCT. MADAME JULIE DARAN, PURPLISH-VERMILION, GLOSSY, VERY LARGE AND FULL; ONE OF THE BEST. MADAME LAFFAY, ROSY-CRIMSON, LARGE AND DOUBLE. MADAME LOUISE CARIQUE, FINE ROSE AND CARMINE, FULL. MADAME MASSON, REDDISH-CRIMSON, CHANGING TO VIOLET, VELVETY, LARGE AND FULL. MADAME MELAINE, SHADED VERMILION. MADAME PAULINE VILLOT, CRIMSON-PURPLE, FINE FORM; BLOOMS FREELY. MADAME PHELIP, SILVERY-ROSE, BEAUTIFULLY SHADED WITH CRIMSON, SMALL AND PRETTY. MADAME PIERSON, BRIGHT RED, SILVERY EDGES, LARGE AND GLOBU- LAR, MADAME PLACE, BEAUTIFUL LIGHT ROSE, SMALL, BUT PRETTY FORM. MADAME SCHMIDT, SHADED ROSY-PINK, LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL. MADAME SOUPPERT, BEAUTIFUL PALE FLESH-COLOR, FINE FORM. MADAME STANDISH, CLEAR PALE PINK, DELICATE COLOR, LARGE AND FULL. ee Se LIST OF ROSES. 217 MADAME SYLVAIN CAUBERT, BRIGHT ROSE, DELICATELY EDGED WITH WHITE; VERY DISTINCT, MADAME THERESE LEVET, PALE PINK, GLOBULAR AND GOOD. MADAME VALEMBOURG, BRIGHT PURPLISH-RED, SHADED, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD FORM. MADAME VICTOR VERDIER, RICH BRIGHT ROSY-CHERRY COLOR, LARGE, FULL, AND FINE FORMED, CUPPED; BLOOMS IN CLUSTERS, MADAME VIGNERON, PALE ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, VERY SWEET ANT GOOD. MADEMOISELLE ALICE LEROY, DELICATE ROSE, SHADED, FINE FORM FULL. MADEMOISELLE BETSY HAINMAN, BRILLIANT CERISE; A MOST EFFE?- TIVE CLIMBER, MADEMOISELLE BONNAIRE, WHITE, ROSY-CENTRE, LARGE, FULL, AND OF EXQUISITE FORM; ONE OF THE BEST, MADEMOISELLE EMAIN, WHITE, ROSY CENTRE, FULL, AND OF GOOD FORM. MADEMOISELLE GABRIELLE DE PEYRONNEY, BRIGHT RED, WITH SHADED CENTRE, LARGE, FULL. MADEMOISELLE GODDARD, ROSY-PINK, LIGHT MARGIN, GOOD. THERESE APPERT, PEACH-COLOR, LARGE AND FULL, CUPPED, GOOD SHAPE, FREE BLOOMER. MARECHAL CANROBERT, FINE BRIGHT ROSE, SOMETIMES SHADED WITH PURPLE, VERY LARGE, HABIT GOOD, MARECHAL FOREY, VELVETY-CRIMSON, REVERSE OF PETALS VIOLET, LARGE AND FULL. MARECHAL SOUCHET, BEAUTIFUL REDDISH-CRIMSON, SHADED WITH DARK MAROON, VERY LARGE AND FULL, PETALS ALSO LARGE, HABIT GOOD; ONE OF THE BEST. MARECHAL SOUCHET (DAMAIZIN), FINE ROSY-CARMINE, LARGE, FULL, AND OF EXQUISITE FORM. MARECHAL VAILLANT, PURPLISH-RED, VERY LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD FORM. MARGUERITE APPERT, LAVENDER-BLUSH, LARGE AND FULL, FORM CUPPED, PRETTY AND DISTINCT. MARIE PORTEMER, PURPLISH-RED, FULL, AND FINE FORM. MATHURIN REGNIER, BEAUTIFUL PALE ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, MAXIME, VIOLET-ROSE, LARGE AND FULL. 218 LIST OF ROSES. MEXICO, VELVETY REDDISH-PURPLE, SHADED WITH BLACKISH-VIOLET, LARGE AND FULL, BLOOMS FREELY, HABIT GOOD. MODELE DE PERFECTION, LIVELY PINK, VERY PRETTY, BLOOMS FREELY; ONE OF THE BEST. MONSIEUR DE MONTIGNY, ROSY-CARMINE, LARGE AND FULL, MONSIEUR JOIGNEAUX, SHADED MAROON, STRONG GROWER. MONSIEUR MOREAU, SHADED CRIMSON. MONTE CHRISTO, BLACKISH-PURPLE, OFTEN DASHED WITH SCARLET, VERY RICH COLOR, LARGE AND GOOD IN FORM. Mrs. CHARLES WOOD, BRIGHT RED, LARGE, FULL, AND SUPERB FORM. Mrs. ELLIOT, PURPLE, LARGE AND DOUBLE. MURILLO, RICH PURPLISH-RED, SHADED WITH CARMINE AND VIOLET, LARGE, DOUBLE, AND OF GOOD FORM. NOEMI, BLUSH, PINK CENTRE, FULL. NOTRE DAME DE FOURVIERES, PALE SATIN-ROSE, LARGE AND FULL. ODERIC VITAL, SILVERY-ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, GOOD FORM. OLIVIER DELHOMME, BRILLIANT PURPLISH-RED, LARGE, AND PERFECT SHAPE, FOLIAGE HANDSOME. PANACHEE D’ORLEANS, FLESH, STRIPED WITH ROSE AND PURPLE, DIS- TINCT. PARMENTIER, ROSY-PINK, BLOOMS FREELY, VERY BRILLIANT. PAUL DE LA MEILLERAY, FINE PURPLISH-CERISE, VERY LARGE, FULL, AND OF EXCELLENT FORM. PAUL DESGRAND, FINE BRIGHT-RED, LARGE AND FULL, FORM GLOBULAR. PAUL DUPUY, VELVETY-CRIMSON, SHADED, LARGE AND FULL. PAUL FEVAL, CHERRY-COLOR, LARGE AND FULL, FORM CUPPED, PAULINE LANSEZEUR, BRIGHT CRIMSON, CHANGING TO VIOLET, FULL. PAULINE VILLOT, SHADED ROSY-CARMINE, COMPACT AND GOOD, PAVILLON DE PREGNY, WHITE AND RED, MEDIUM SIZE, FULL, MOST ABUNDANT BLOOMER. PETER LAWSON, BRILLIANT RED, SHADED WITH CARMINE, LARGE AND DOUBLE. PIERRE NOTTING, BLACKISH-RED, SHADED WITH VIOLET, VERY LARGE AND FULL, FORM GLOBULAR, HABIT GOOD; ONE OF THE BEST. PRAIRIE DE TERRE NOIRE, VELVETY-PURPLE, LARGE AND FULL. PRINCE HENRI DES PAYS BAS, BRIGHT CRIMSON, SHADED WITH VEL VETY-PURPLE, OF MEDIUM SIZE, FULL, FINE. LIST OF ROSES. 219 PRINCE IMPERIAL, ROSY-CARMINE, LARGE AND FULL. PRINCE LEON, FINE BRIGHT CRIMSON, LARGE, AND VERY DOUBLE. PRINCE NOIR, VERY DARK MAROON, GOOD CLIMBER. PRINCESS ALICE, BRIGHT ROSE, THE REVERSE OF THE PETALS WHITISH, LARGE, FULL, AND SWEET; A DISTINCT AND DESIRABLE VARIETY. PRINCESSE IMPERIALE CLOTILDE, GLOSSY-WHITE, PINK CENTRE, PRINCESSE MATHILDE, CRIMSON, MAROON, AND PURPLE SHADED, COLORS EXQUISITE, MEDIUM SIZE, DOUBLE, FORM EXPANDED; A GOOD HARDY VARIETY. PROFESSOR KOCH, BRIGHT ROSY-CERISE, SHADED WITH CARMINE, BEAU- TIFULLY CUPPED; ONE OF THE BEST. QUEEN, ROSE, VERY LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL. RED ROVER, FIERY “RED, GROWTH MORE THAN USUALLY VIGOROUS, FLOWERING UP TO CHRISTMAS. NOT DOUBLE, ENOUGH FOR A SHOW ROSE, BUT THE FINEST AND MOST EFFECTIVE OF PILLAR ROSES, REINE DE CASTILLE, WHITISH-ROSE, LARGE AND FULL, OF GOOD HABIT, AND BLOOMS FREELY, REINE DE LA CITE, BLUSH, PINK CENTRE, LARGE, FULL, AND OF GOOD HABIT, REYNOLDS HOLE, LIVELY PINK, INCREASING IN BRILLIANCY AS THE FLOWERS ADVANCE IN AGE, LARGE, NOT VERY FULL. RICHARD SMITH, VELVETY-MAROON, VERY DARK. ROBERT FORTUNE, BRIGHT RED, LARGE, FULL, AND GOOD. SENATEUR REVEIL, BRILLIANT REDDISH-CRIMSON, SHADED WITH DARK PURPLE, LARGE AND FULL, FORM FINE, BLOOMS FREELY, HABIT GOOD. SIMON OPPENHEIM, MAROON, SHADED VERMILION, VERY FINE. SOUVENIR DE BERANGER, LIGHT ROSE, VERY LARGE AND DOUBLE, SOUVENIR DE CHARLES MONTAULT, BRILLIANT RED, CUPPED, LARGE AND FULL, FREE BLOOMER. SOUVENIR DE COMTE CAVOUR, CRIMSON AND BLACK SHADED, OF GOOD SIZE AND FORM. SOUVENIR DE LADY EARDLEY, REDDISH-SCARLET, RICHLY SHADED, LARGE, VERY LIGHT, AND EFFECTIVE. SOUVENIR DE LEVESON GOWER, FINE DARK RED, CHANGING TO RUBY, VERY LARGE AND FULL. 220 LIST OF ROSES. SOUVENIR DE M. ROUSSEAU, SCARLET, CHANGING TO CRIMSON, SHADED WITH MAROON, VERY RICH AND VELVETY, LARGE AND VERY DOUBLE, TouJOURS FLEURI, VIOLET-PURPLE, FULL AND GOOD. TRIOMPHE D’ALENCON, BRIGHT RED, VERY LARGE, FULL, AND FINE. TRIOMPHE D’AMIENS, VIVID CRIMSON, SOMETIMES STRIPED WITH LAKE, LARGE AND DOUBLE, TRIOMPHE:D’ ANGERS, CRIMSON-SCARLET, LARGE, FULL, FREE. ‘TTRIOMPHE DE BAGATELLE, BRIGHT CHERRY-CARMINE, LARGE, FULL, AND FREE. TRIOMPHE DE CAEN, DEEP VELVETY-PURPLE, SHADED WITH SCARLET- CRIMSON, LARGE AND FULL. TRIOMPHE DE LYON, SHADED MAROON, BEAUTIFUL. TRIOMPHE DE VILLECRESNES, CLEAR RED, MORE BRILLIANT AT THE CENTRE, LARGE AND FULL, BLOOMS FREELY, TURENNE, BRILLIANT RED, LARGE, HANDSOME PETALS, VERY EFFECTIVE. VAINQUEUR DE GOLIATH, BRILLIANT CRIMSON-SCARLET, VERY LARGE AND DOUBLE. VAINQUEUR DE SOLFERINO, DARK RED, BRIGHTER CENTRE, LARGE, FULL, _ BLOOMS ABUNDANTLY, VASE D’ELECTION, BRIGHT ROSE. VELOUTEE D’ORLEANS, BRILLIANT VELVETY-RED, ALMOST SCARLET, LARGE AND FULL. VICOMTE VIGIER, BRIGHT VIOLET-RED, LARGE, FULL, AND GOOD. VICOMTESSE BELLEVAL, BEAUTIFUL BLUSH, LARGE AND FULL, FINE FORM, BLOOMS FREELY, HABIT GOOD. y VICOMTESSE DE MONTESQUIEU, DOUBLE WHITE, USEFUL AS A BEDDER. VICOMTESSE DOUGLAS, BEAUTIFUL ROSE, THE REVERSE OF THE PETALS WHITISH, VERY LARGE AND FULL, FORM CUPPED, VICTOR TROUILLARD, BRILLIANT CRIMSON AND PURPLE SHADED, LARGE AND FULL. VULCAN, BRIGHT PURPLISH-VIOLET, SHADED WITH BLACK, GOOD AND DISTINCT. WILHELM PFITZER, BRILLIANT RED, COLOR OFTEN SUPERB, LARGE AND FULL. WILLIAM JESSE, CRIMSON, TINGED WITH LILAC, SUPERB, VERY LARGE AND DOUBLE. PA , . ya ‘s f 55 4 te, , > : i x LIST OF ROSES. 221 WILLIAM PAUL, BRILLIANT REDDISH-CRIMSON, LARGE AND FULL; A FREE, HARDY, LATE-BLOOMING ROSE, EXCELLENT FOR BEDDING, . PERPETUAL MOSS ROSES. ALFRED DE DALMAS, ROSE, EDGES ROSY-WHITE, BLOOMING IN CLUSTERS, FULL, EUGENE DE SAVOIE, BRIGHT RED, LARGE AND FULL, EUGENIE GUINOISEAU, BRIGHT CHERRY, CHANGING TO VIOLET, LARGE, FULL, AND WELL MOSSED. HORTENSE VERNET, WHITE, TINGED WITH LIGHT ROSE, FINE, LARGE, AND FULL, JAMES VEITCH, DEEP VIOLET, SHADED WITH CRIMSON, LARGE AND DOUBLE. MADAME LA RIVIERE, ROSY-PINK, DISTINCT AND GOOD. POMPONE, MOTTLED ROSE, ABUNDANT BLOOMER, . RAPHAEL, FLESH-COLOR, FLOWERING IN CORYMBS, LARGE, FULL, ‘ NEW ROSES OF 1866. The following are the most promising of the latest new roses. The de- scriptions are those of the raisers; and as the varieties have not yet bloomed in this country, and very few of them in England, it is impossible to speak of them definitely. Most of them are results of the skill and perseverance of ~ French cultivators. The letters immediately succeeding the name refer to the class, — H. P., Hybrid Perpetual; B., Bourbon; T., Tea-scented. ABBE BERLEZE, H. P.; flowers varying from bright-reddish cerise to rosy- carmine, large, full, andl of fine form; growth vigorous. ACHILLE GONOD, H. P.; flowers bright-reddish carmine; a seedling ‘from Jules Margottin; very large and full; extra fine foliage, dark green; growth vigorous. ADRIENNE DE CARDOVILLE, B.; flowers delicate rose, of medium size; full, perfect form. AUGUSTE RIVIERE, H. P.; flowers beautiful bright-reddish carmine, the reverse of the petals of a paler hue, distinctly edged with white; large, and of regular globular form; growth vigorous, RAPTISTE DESPORTES, H. P.; flowers bright scarlet, very abundant, of medium size, full; growth vigorous. BARONNE DE MAYNARD, B.; flowers beautiful pure white, of medium size, fine form; growth vigorous. fs BEAUTY OF WESTERHAM, H. P. (Cattell); flowers brilliant scarlet; fo- liage bright green; habit free and vigorous; fragrance powerful. BELLE NORMANDE, H. P.; flowers pale rose, shaded with silvery white ; very large and full; form globular ; growth vigorous; of the race of La Reine. BELLE ROSE, H. P.; flowers bright rose, very large, full, and of fine globu- lar form; very sweet; habit good; growth vigorous. CAPITAINE ROGNAT, H. P.; flowers brilliant red ; cupped, large and full ; growth vigorous. CHARLES MARGOTTIN, H. P.; flowers brilliant carmine, their centre fiery ~ red, very large, full, and sweet; form fine; outer petals large and round ; growth vigorous ; of the race of Jules Margottin. CHARLES WOOD, H. P.; flowers deep red, shaded with blackish-crimson , very large, full, and of fine form; growth vigorous. 222 aie : 2 vs Seg Nee Sith - o% Par et 4 NEW ROSES OF 1866. 23 CLIMBING DEVONIENSIS, T. ; identical with the old Devoniensis in flower, but of a rapid running growth, and hence valuable as a climber. COMTESSE DE PARIS, H. P.; beautiful, distinct lively rose, with lighter edges ; flowers very large and double; habit vigorous ; a very beautiful variety. DENIS HELYE, H. P.; flowers brilliant rosy-carmine; lovely color; very large and full; very effective ; growth vigorous. DR. ANDRY, H. P.; flowers dark bright-red ; very large, full, and perfectly imbricated ; growth vigorous, DUCHESSE DE CAYLUS, H. P.; flowers brilliant carmine ; large, full, and of perfect form ; growth vigorous; foliage very rich and fine. DUCHESSE DE MEDINA CQiLI, H. P.; flowers dark blood-purple ; large, full, good, and distinct ; growth vigorous. DUKE OF WELLINGTON, H. P.; flowers bright velvety-red, shaded with blackish-maroon ; their centre fiery red ; large and full; growth vigorous. ELIZABETH VIGNERON, H. P.; flowers fine rosy-pink, very large and full ; in the style of Lelia, but fuller, fresher, and brighter in color; constitution hardy ; growth vigorous. GENERAL D’HAUTPOULT, H. P.; flowers brilliant reddish-scarlet; the centre petals sometimes striped with white; large, full, and of globular form. GLORY OF WALTHAM, H. P. (Paul); flowers rich crimson, very large and full; a seedling from Leveson Gower ; larger, brighter, darker, and of better form, than the parent; a superb rose, of hardy, vigorous growth. JEAN ROSENKRANTZ, H. P.; flowers brilliant coral-red ; large, full, and of perfect form ; growth vigorous. JOHN KEYNES, H. P.; flowers bright reddish-scarlet, shaded with maroon ; large and full ; crawth vigorous. KING’S ACRE, H. P. (Cranston) ; flowers bright veridliGn-tbke: reverse of petals satiny ; large, and of fine cupped form; foliage, rich dark-green ; growth vigorous. : MADAME VERSCHAFFELT, H. P.; flowers beautiful delicate rose; large, full, and of fine form; growth vigorous ; shoots almost thornless. MADAME ANDRE LEROY, H. P.; flowers salmon-rose; large, very dou- ble, form fine; growth vigorous. - MADAME CHARLES, T.; flowers sulphur or yellow, their centre salmon; large, full, of good form, and very abundant; growth vigorous; of the race of Madame Damaizin. MADAME CHARLES VERDIER, H. P.; flowers fine vermeil-rose; very large, full, and of fine form; growth vigorous. MADAME ELISE VILMORIN, H. P.; flowers dark vermilion, shaded with blackish-crimson; large, full, of good form, and very abundant; growth vigorous. - MADAME EMILE BOYAU, H. P.; flowers soft, rosy flesh-color, changing to blush; sufficiently large, perfect in form, moderate in growth, hardy in constitution; good and distinct. 224 NEW ROSES OF 1866. MADAME GUSTAVE BONNET, B.; flowers white, shaded with rose and carmine; of medium size, full, very abundant, form globular; growth vig- orous. MADAME HERMAN STENGER, H. P.; flowers rose, suffused with lilac; their centre shaded with sulphur; large and full; the outer petals large, form cupped; growth vigorous. MADAME MOREAU, H.P.; flowers brilliant red, shaded with violet; very large, full; outer petals large; very sweet; growth vigorous. MADAME ROUSSET, H. P.; flowers beautiful pale rose; the reverse of the petals silvery, large, full, finely cupped, and good habit; growth vigorous. MADEMOISELLE AMELIE HALPHEN, H. P.; flowers fine rosy-carmine ; large, full, of fine form, bright and beautiful; habit good; growth vig- orous. MADEMOISELLE LOIDE DE FALLOUX, H.P.; white, suffused or veined with rose; flowers large, double, and of good form; habit vigorous. MARECHAL NIEL, T.; flowers beautiful deep-yellow; large, full, and of globular form, very sweet; growth vigorous; the shoots well clothed with large shining leaves. MARGUERITE BONNET, B.; flowers white, shaded with flesh-color; large, full, and of fine form; growth vigorous; of the race of Louise Odier. MARGUERITE DE ST. AMAND, H. P.; flowers rosy flesh-color; large, full, of fine form, and abundant; habit fine; growth vigorous; of the race of Jules Margottin. MARIE BOISSEE, H. P.; blush-white in opening, passing to pure white when expanded; flowers double and cup-shaped; habit vigorous; very free- flowering. MICHEL BONNET, B.; flowers beautiful bright rose; large and full; growth vigorous. MONSIEUR DE PONTBRIANT, H. P.; flowers. dark blackish-crimson, shaded with carmine ; very large, full, of good form ; growth vigorous. MONSIEUR EDOUARD ORY, H. P.; flowers beautiful vermilion ; large, full, and of globular form ; fine habit ; growth vigorous. PRINCE DE JOINVILLE, H. P.; flowers light crimson; a fine, large, showy rose, of vigorous and hardy habit. PRINCE EUGENE BEAUHARNAIS, H. P.; flowers brilliant reddish-scar- let, shaded with purple; large and full; form cupped ; growth vigorous. PRINCE NAPOLEON, H. P.; flowers bright rose; very large and very double; growth vigorous; very effective. PRINCESS LICHTENSTEIN, H. P.; flowers white, globular, large and full; a good hardy, white rose, of compact growth, flowering abundantly. ROSA MUNDI, H. P.; pure rose, flowers large, double, globular, and well- shaped; habit vigorous. RUSHTON RADCLYFFE, H. P.; flowers beautiful clear bright red ; large, full, and of perfect form ; growth vigorous. SEMIRAMIS, H. P.; flowers clear pink ; large, full, and of fine globular form ; growth vigorous. NEW ROSES OF 1866. 225 SOUVENIR DE BERNARDIN DE ST. PIERRE, H. P.; flowers varying from crimson to violet; their centre fiery red; large, full, and of fine form; habit good; growth vigorous. SOUVENIR DE LOUIS GAUDIN, B.; flowers fine reddish-purple, shaded with black; of medium size, full ; very abundant ; form fine. SOUVENIR DE WILLIAM WOOD, H. P.; flowers dark blackish-purple, shaded with scarlet; darker than Prince Camille de Rohan; large, full, and very effective ; growth vigorous. TRIOMPHE DE LA TERRE DES ROSES, H. P.; flowers fine violet-rose ; very large and full; very sweet; blooms freely. TRIOMPHE DES FRANCAIS, H. P.; flowers brilliant crimson; large ; very double; growth vigorous; fine habit; very free and effective. WILLIAM BULL, H. P.; flowers brilliant cherry-red; large, full, and of fine globular form; growth vigorous. XAVIER OLIBO, H. P.; flowers velvety-black, shaded with fiery amaranth ; a. colors exceedingly rich; large; well formed; growth vigorous. THE END. ——— Printed by Geo. 0. 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