MONTANA STATE This "cover" page added by the Internet Archive for formatting purposes MONTANA STATE LIBRARY 3 0864 0010 1020 9 BOREAL OWL (Aegolius funereus) AND FLAMMULATED OWL (Otus flammeolus) SURVEY RESULTS FOR THE LIVINGSTON DISTRICT OF THE GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST by Monica Brelsford mTE °^^m COLLECTION JAW 06 Montana Natural Heritage Program 1515 East Sixth Avenue Helena, Montana 59620 for the U.S.D.A. Forest Service Gallatin National Forest Bozeman, Montana 59715 August 1992 a** ■ ■ /f% &"•* "•-"" >■•.':• E : " DATE DUE i *"; ■" . JMY l ) 20n4 CAYLORD PRINTED IN U 5 A 1992 Montana Natural Heritage Program This document should be cited as follows: Brelsford, M. 1 992. Boreal owl (Aeoolius funereus) and flammulated owl (Otus flammeolus) survey results for the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 22 pp. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 3 SURVEY AREA 4 METHODS 6 RESULTS 7 DISCUSSION 18 RECOMMENDATIONS 2 0 LITERATURE CITED 21 LIST OF TABLES NUMBER PAGE 1 - Route descriptions and owl observations 11 2 - Other owl species observed during boreal and f lammulated owl surveys 13 3 - Boreal and f lammulated owl locations, habitat description and moon phase 17 LIST OF FIGURES NUMBER PAGE 1 - The Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest 5 2 - Routes surveyed in the Crazy Mountains 8 3 - Routes surveyed in the Gallatin and Absaroka 9 Mountain Ranges li ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The financial support for this survey was provided by the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest and the Montana Natural Heritage Program. The U.S. Forest Service provided all the equipment used for the surveys. Marge Wytanis, Stan Beckstrom, and Geoff FitzGerald were the main surveyors. Sandy Kratville, Ron Krager, Dave Genter, John Wytanis, Bev Dixon, Molly Matteson, Karla Kotka, Barb Timms, and Neil Shook all participated in night surveys, many thanks. Thanks to Sandy Kratville and .Dave Genter for reviewing this document. • • • 111 SUMMARY Two owl surveys were conducted on the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest during the spring of 1992. The first survey was for boreal owls and was conducted between 26 February and 4 April. The second survey was for flammulated owls and was conducted between 21 May and 7 June. The call playback method was used to survey for owls on 2 6 survey routes. A total of 104 miles were covered with 194 calling stations. Owls were heard on 19 routes and at 39 calling stations. Elevation ranged from 5560 feet to 7900 feet. A total of 11 boreal owls, 1 unverified flammulated owl, 10 great horned owls, 15 northern saw-whet owls, 4 northern pygmy- owls, 2 great gray owls, 2 western screech-owls, and 1 barred owl was counted. Boreal owls were heard on 7 routes and elevation ranged from 6580 feet to 7900 feet. Boreal owls were detected on all aspects, west was most common. Four locations were on private land and timber stand information was not available. All seven of the observations on National Forest land were in timber stands with at least 40% crown cover. Three locations were associated with subalpine f ir/lodgepole timber, two with douglas f ir/lodgepole, and two with subalpine fir. This survey demonstrates that boreal owls are present on the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest in the Crazy Mountains, and the Gallatin and Absaroka Mountain Ranges. 2 An unverified flammulated owl was heard in the Crazy Mountains. The owl was heard among second growth lodgepole pine and mature subalpine fir forests. Surveys for the flammulated owl should continue on the Gallatin National Forest to build evidence for their presence or absence in the area. Future surveys for the boreal owl should concentrate on locating nests. Information that could be gathered once nest sites are found include: nesting success, food habits, micro and macro habitat requirements, dispersal of young and interconnection of geographically distinct populations. INTRODUCTION The boreal owl (Aegolius funereus) is a small, nocturnal owl found in northern forests around the world (Hayward 1989) . Boreal owls are gernerally observed in mature-old growth high elevation forests with a major component of subalpine fir (Abies spp.) and spruce (Picea spp.). The breeding season begins in February and continues through March. During this time, male boreal owls can be identified by hearing their distinctive winnowing territorial song (Palmer 1987) . The flammulated owl (Otus f lammeolus) is also a small, nocturnal owl found in northwestern forests of North America during the summer months. This owl is believed to be migratory in the northern part of its range (Balda et al. 1975). The flammulated owl feeds primarily on insects and has been observed in mature-old growth montane yellow-pine forests consisting of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) or Jeffrey pine (Pinus ief freyi) , but has also been found in western larch (Larix occidentalis) , Douglas fir (Pseudotsuqa menziesii) , and aspen (Populus tremuloides) forests among or near yellow pine forests (Reynolds and Linkhart 1984) . The breeding season begins in May and continues into June and during this time males can be identified by hearing their distinctive low toned "boop. . .boop" territorial song (Reynolds and Linkhart 1984) . Both species are secondary cavity nesters and depend on medium-large size woodpeckers for excavating nest cavities 4 (Reynolds et al . 1989). Woodpeckers nest in large-diameter dead and/or disease trees which are commonly removed during commercial tree harvests and for firewood. Reductions in woodpecker populations, resulting from snag removal and changes in the structure or composition of stands used for nesting and foraging, may be occurring in intensively managed forests which will dramatically affect these small forest owl species. Concern for the boreal and flammulated owls has led to the listing of these two species as Sensitive Species in Region 1 of the United States Forest Service and as Species of Special Concern in Montana by the Montana Natural Heritage Program. The Forest Service is reguired to monitor their status and maintain population viability on National Forest lands. Boreal owls are known to occur in Yellowstone National Park (pers. comm. T. McEneaney) , the Beaverhead and Bitterroot national forests (Mullen 1990) , the Lewis and Clark National Forest (Carlson 1991) , and the Lolo National Forest (Holt and Ermatinger 1989) in Montana. Flammulated owls have been observed in western Montana (pers comm. D. Holt) . The presence of these owls on the Gallatin National Forest is unknown. SURVEY AREA Survey routes were conducted on the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest in southwestern Montana (Figure 1) . The district covers the east half of the Gallatin Mountain Range, Figure 1. The Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest, study area for boreal and f lammulated owl surveys conducted in the spring of 1992. Bozeman Gallatin Range Absaroka Range 6 the west half of the Absaroka Mountain Range and most of the west side of the Crazy Mountains. The dominate forests on the district are lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) . Engelmann spruce (Picea enqelmannii) , subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) and aspen (Populus tremuloides) occur on the wetter sites. Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) occurs at high elevations. METHODS -* < '~ Boreal owl and flammulated owl surveys were conducted on the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest during the spring of 1992. Survey routes were selected that represented a variety of habitat types including; low elevation (below 6200 ft.), high elevation (above 6200 ft.), riparian, forests fragmented by past timber harvest, and continuous forests (roaded and roadless) . Routes were surveyed from snowmobiles, vehicles, skis, snowshoes and foot between 26 February and 7 June. Surveys were only conducted on nights with winds predicted at less than 10 mph. Surveys were started one half hour after sunset and lasted 2-7 hours. The call playback method was used to survey for owls (Fuller and Mosher 1981) . Playback stations were one half to one mile apart along the survey route. The spacing varied > widely on some routes due to the topographic and/or habitat variation. At 7 each station surveyors listened for calling owls for 2-3 minutes, played the boreal or flammulated owl territorial call for 2-3 minutes in one direction, listened for 2-3 minutes and then played the boreal or flammulated owl call again for 2-3 minutes in another direction and listened for 2-3 minutes. A second species call was then played for 2-3 minutes and surveyors listened for 2-3 minutes. When an owl was heard, the direction and estimated distance to the owl was recorded on a 7.5 minute U.S.G.S. topographic map. Dominant tree species were recorded for each station. Slope, aspect, moon phase, and timber type were recorded for the estimated location of boreal and flammulated owls. Timber types were derived from stand data found in Form 2 2 at the District Office. They are named for the major volume species in the stand and describe tree size (sapling, pole, mature) and canopy closure (0-39%, 40-69%, 70+%). RESULTS Two owl surveys were completed on the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest in the spring of 1992 (Figures 2 and 3) . The first survey was for boreal owls and was conducted between 2 6 February and 4 April. Survey routes were mostly high elevation and in forests that had at least some subalpine fir and/or spruce. The second survey was for flammulated owls and was conducted between 21 May and 7 June. Survey routes- were high 8 Figure 2. Routes surveyed in the Crazy Mountains for boreal owl and flammulated owl on the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest in 1992. LI Smith Cr. L2 Shields River L3 Ibex-Horse L4 Trespass Cr. L5 Cottonwood Cr. L6 Rock Cr. (N) LFL1 Smith Cr. LFL2 Shields River LFL3 Ibex-Horse LFL4 Cottonwood Cr. L3.LFL3 Figure 3. Routes surveyed in the Gallatin and Absaroka Mountain Ranges for boreal owl and f lammulated owl on the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest in 1992. L7 Mission Cr. L8 Suce Cr. L9 Pine Cr. L10 W. Pine Cr. Lll Mill Cr. L12 Lewis Cr. L13 Rock Cr. (S) LFL5 Suce Cr. LFL6 Deep Cr. LFL7 W. Pine Cr. LFL8 Bulldozer Rd. LFL9 Mill Cr. LFL10 Sixmile Cr. LFL11 Sixmile. Cr. LFL12 Donahue Tr\ LFL13 Rock Cr. (S) (N) (S) 10 and low elevation, and in forests dominated by mature Douglas fir. The primary objective of these surveys was to determine if boreal and flammulated owls were present on the Livingston District (Table 1) . Most routes were surveyed only once, and data should only be used as evidence of owl activity. Population estimates are not possible with these data. The boreal owl survey covered 13 routes. Nine boreal owls, 10 great horned owls (Bubo virginianus) , 14 northern saw-whet owls (Aeqolius acadicus) , 3 northern pygmy-owls (Glaucidium gnoma) , 2 western screech-owls (Otus kennicottii) , 1 barred owl (Strix varia) and 14 unknown owls were counted. Unknown owls were not identified due to adverse conditions or because territorial calls were not heard. The flammulated owl survey also covered 13 routes. One unverified flammulated owl, 2 boreal owls, 1 great horned owl, 1 northern saw-whet owl, 1 northern pygmy-owl, 2 great gray owls (Strix nebulosa) , and 3 unknowns were counted. The secondary objective of these surveys was to describe the distribution of all owls found on the Livingston District (Table 2). Because only one azimuth reading was obtained per owl, precise locations were subject to observer bias in determining distance and direction accurately. Great horned owls were observed in a variety of habitats, ranging from low elevation aspen riparian zones to high elevation CD A P 4-1 0 -1-1 u -H u *J gg —i Q C 0 -p tn o> c --H > ~H J 1 0) > u 3 en ^ 3 0 u o l|H tn c • 0 CM •-H CTv +J o> rfl rH > M MH (1) 0 tn -Q 01 0 C •H r-l Vj 3 ft 0 tn 73 0) c s: id P c c o ■rH •H ■p p ft to ■A Q) u U u 0 tn tn ID ■0 rH It 0) c +j 0 a ■H o P OS to 2 • C rH -^ P 0) fl ^1 rH SI rH Ifl nl H eg ■a cu > CD tn £t o 3 O *S A m O O CU z o o CQ c o p (0 > rH W 01 d) i-H ■H > t0 U H 0) P (0 Q 11 OOOrHOroO-H"* O O O ■0 c A 0) 4J 3 O OS OOOOOOrHOrHOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOrHOO OOOOOOCMOOOOrHOOOOO CNOOOroCMOCNCNOOrHOOOOO rOOrHrHOrHOOCNOOOOCMOOO roOOOOOrHOCNCMOOOO o o o o o o O o o O O o o o O o O o o o o o o o O o o in o O VO co CM o IN tT> vO oo VO ro tN rH o tN o tN tN vo r» ro co CT> CM VO vo vO VO CO r~ r- vO vO vO vo 1 ■ vo 1 I vO 1 vO vO I 1 vO I o 1 o 1 o 1 o O 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o o o o o o O o o o o tn o o o o o CM o in oo o o in O o CM o> <* CO co m in VO ro VO CO VO VO rH o * ro in ro tn vo vo vO vo VO in in in in in m VO VO vo vO vO in o o in O m O o tn o O O o o O o O in O ro tN rH «* ro 3 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CN CM cn cn 0> tTi CT> ■ 1 CJ> ■ cn i i | Ol | in I a> CT> t-H 1 rH 1 rH I CM 1 VO 1 ro 1 00 1 CN 1 00 01 vO ro ai CN ro ro r» rH CM ro o CN O CN rH o CM i o 1 rH 1 O 1 CM | O | O 1 O j CN | ro ro O CM 1 ro 1 ro «* 1 ro • U 1 CN 1 ro 1 ro 1 ro in 1 ro * CM 1 <* VO CM 1 CM ro ro in VO U CD > vO vO • u o in CD . O ^^ • *-^ C/l •r) CO T3 > U 2 • u CM ■«— * • OS CD 0 ■H 0) u ■a u o -— - • u u O • , tn 01 o o • U • o 01 0 3 u u u 01 0 , ■ • Q) u o V< •o X G O CJ 01 0 ai 3 H C U U C o O JZ rH 1 O ■a S3 « c U 0 U o •H 01 p ai X P CD J3 r-i 1 ft 0 •H CU •-< -r< ^ ■H •H a> ■P (J p CD X 01 p a; a> IV OJ r-\ 3 o £ •?» XI 0 3 -^ •r| ai 01 p o ID o G • -H 0) 0 CO w H u W s .C Xt u 0 0 •H 3 ■H s X J rx w w M H u a s w rn rH CM ro ^ in o rH CM ro J •J J 1-4 i-4 rH CM ro ** in vO r~ co in rH rH rH rH tn J* rx, b b J ►J J J a J J tl ►J J ■4 J J J ■J J i4 ►J D O O 12 o o o o o o CM m o o o o o o ►J fa o o o o o o CD > u 0) CD xi o 3 o T) o 0) ^< rH ro u in o + 3 CN O I VO U o a) a) a ►4 fa 4 rH O o o o o o o o 00 t~ I o o CN vO o o 3 > CN CT> I o u o a> c fa o a> o r- I o vO r- in o en oo vo i o in r~ in O in rH r~ I o o en in o in r~ I o in H vo O rH o o o o o o o o o o o I o o co in m o o m o o CN CJ > (N 01 I 00 CM .C > CN a* i CM CM CM U I r- o w vi "■I e x co fa 0) 3 CM CT> O vi H a) 3 JS ifl C 0 a fa 4 o o CM t~ I o o CM VO o o > CM I O CO Vi o J* u o a fa i-i o to H O EH d) .p JJ fd * + 13 Table 2. Other owl species observed during boreal and f lammulated owl surveys conducted on the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest in 1992. Number Species Observed Route-Station Elevation Timber Type Great Horned 1 L2-04 6600 DF,LPa Great Horned 1 L2-09 6720 LP,SAF Great Horned 2 L2-09 6720 LP,SAF Great Horned 1 L4-07 6600 DF,LP Great Horned 1 L5-07 6600 DF,LP Great Horned 1 L7-01 6160 ES,SAF Great Horned 1 L10a-03 6000 DF,ES,QA Great Horned 1 L10a-04 5920 DF, QA, Cottonwood Great Horned 1 LFL2a-02 6860 LP Northern Saw-whet 1 Ll-04 6360 LP,SAF Northern Saw-whet 1 Ll-05 6240 LP,SAF Northern Saw-whet 1 L2-03 6440 DF,LP,SAF Northern Saw- whet 1 L2-09 6580 DF,LP,ES,SAF Northern Saw-whet 1 L6-06 6620 DF , LP , Cottonwood Northern Saw-whet 1 L6-07 6540 DF Northern Saw-whet 1 L6-08 6400 DF Northe rn Saw- whet 1 L7-01 6160 ES,SAF Northern Saw-whet 1 L7-02 5960 ES,SAF Northern Saw-whet 1 L9-03 6000 DF,ES, cottonwood Northe rn Saw-whet 1 L9-07 5560 DF , ES , cottonwood Northern Saw- whet 1 L10a-02 6080 DF,LP,ES Northern Saw-whet 1 L10a-03 6000 DF,ES,QA Northern Saw-whet 1 L13-05 7240 LP,ES,SAF Northern Saw-whet 1 LFL8-01 7090 DF,LP 14 Table 2, Continued. Species Number Observed Route-Station Elevation Timber Type Northern Pygmy 2 L8-01 6480 LP,SAF Northern Pygmy 1 L13-01 7760 LP,SAF Northern Pygmy 1 LFL8-01 7090 DF,LP Barred 1 Ll-01 6480 DF,LP Western Screech 1 L8-03 6080 DF,ES Western Screech 1 L10a-02 6080 DF,LP,ES Great Gr ay 1 LFL3-08 6760 DF,LP,ES Great Gr ay '" 1 LFL13-05 6820 DF,LP Unknown 1 Ll-03 6440 DF,LP,SAF Unknown 1 L2-14 6580 DF,LP,ES,SAF Unknown 1 L6-06 6620 DF , LP , cottonwood Unknown 1 L8-03 6080 DF,ES Unknown 1 L8-04 5720 DF, cottonwood Unknown 1 L8-06 5660 DF,LP,QA Unknown 1 L10a-01 5560 DF , ES , cottonwood Unknown 1 Llla-01 7160 DF,LP Unknown 1 Llla-02 7160 DF,LP Unknown 1 L11A-03 7000 DF,LP Unknown 1 L11A-04 6840 DF,LP,ES Unknown 1 L12-02 6000 DF,ES Unknown 1 L13-01 7760 LP,SAF Unknown 1 L13-05 7240 LP,ES,SAF Unknown 1 LFL1-05 6220 LP,ES 15 Table 2. Continued. Species Number Observed Route-Station Elevation Timber Type Unknown Unknown 1 1 LFL6-05 LFL11-04 6640 6480 DF DF,ES,QA a DF Douglas fir, LP lodgepole pine, ES Engelmann spruce, SAF subalpine fir, QA quaking aspen 16 subalpine f ir/lodgepole forests. Elevation of observations ranged from 5920 feet to 6720 feet. Northern saw-whet owls were generally heard in draws near riparian zones. Elevation ranged from 5560 feet to 7240 feet. Northern pygmy-owls were heard at dusk and generally not during survey hours. However, pygmy-owls were heard during the setting up of the route stations or at the first station. Elevation ranged from 6480 feet to 7760 feet. Two great gray owls were observed. The elevations were 6760 and 6820 feet.- Two western screech-owls were observed at different sites near creek bottoms. The estimated elevations for each owl were the same, 6080 feet. One barred owl was observed in Douglas f ir/lodgepole pine forest at a trailhead. The elevation was 6480 feet. The majority of the unknown owl observations were noted in response to our recorded territorial calls. After playing a call (boreal, saw-whet, western screech) we heard 4 unknowns respond at a very close distance, possibly in the trees above the observers with a "nyett" or "oo-wheat" . Several observations were visuals and no calls were made, and at least 4 vocalizations were so distant that the sounds were not identifiable. Two unknown vocalizations sounded like the 'food beg1 of a juvenile great horned owl . \ A total of 11 boreal owls were heard on 7 routes ("Table 3) . 01 >1 CD > u 3 CO CM cti en 0) x ■P vi o tw 0) 01 m X! ft c o o £ C C -rl rd iJ ^ Q) 3 ^1 T> XI c id o H O VI •9 ffl £ ft a a> c oi O (0 o x 2 ft p o CD 01 < a ft o CO c 0 —I p rd > O .-H w c o p & ^ Vl id u en oi O CI J a o tj c c id c 0 cd -^ p p 3 id O P OS co 01 p id a 01 Q) •rl O 0) co fa dp in w o z Lfl E-i "3" o i CM ►J IN IN I ro id a) Vl o m ro ro n fa rH H CM o CM Oi rH W fa 2 rH CO ►J H < ft, fa fa CM >AM co rSi < a. CM ij ^ % W CO a CM ^ CM m ^ ^ * fa CM H i-i n ro CO Q rH W fa rH rH rH a, fa < < 04 Oj fa J Q CO w J J a en (-3 dP co o o co "* in vo vO vO W fa CO CO in CM U ai 01 O ai 01 w o OS « 2 ro H o I ro ►J CM CTi I rH CO id Vl O m oi s CO dP vO U CI 01 w z ro H o i <* CM CTi I CM o id Vl o CO Oi ►J O O CM VO CO CM £ fa z z CO o 0) m u z ro H O I in CM cn i VO CM id 0) Vl o m o 3 co o o CM CO o o en fa rH z ro H CM O I in CM CTi I VO CM I CO id o Vl o CO CH r3 dP O VO vo s s z w o 0) CO fa z ro H O I in ►J CM cn I CM a) o Vl 0 CO Ol o 0) m fa o w vo CM Ov lO CM I CM id 0) Vl 0 CO ro CM O o 01 fa in « w r~ H CM cn I ro O I ro id o Vl 0 co fa < o o s z dr <*P tjP o in cm VO rH o o o VO O 10 rH a* co r~ r- r- fa www 'T w Z CM O O o vO s z CO rH U cu 01 w o z vO H rH O ►J fa CM (Ti I (Ti CM I in (d o Vl o CO 0 ►J CM O O o VO z co u Cl 01 w o z VO H O I rH fa CM CTl I cn CM I in id cu Vl o m fa < co ro CM (U 2 Z dP O O t~ vO z o CM u 0 CO fa z in vo o CM fa CM (Ti I CM O o p id 17 Vl 0) ■p VI rd 3 D1 4J CD id .-i Q) M Of •r| O 01 O rH Ol I C O •ri r- ft II id 01 ro II ~ u ro CTi ^ .? 0) o •H CD II Qj rH J O rd U ^j o 0) CD o 0> Cn >. C TJ HI ft o „, 2 o) ^ ?. S ft 0) id >, Vl u X> 18 Tree species, size and crown cover were identified for boreal owl locations on National Forest land. The information on timber stands was on file at the Livingston District office. Timber stands are categorized according to major species; however several other tree species may also occur within the stand. Most categorization is interpreted with the use of aerial photographs, and also by using averages from surrounding timber stands. Boreal owl habitat, as described in this report, may be subject to surveyor bias and incomplete data. Boreal owl locations ranged in elevation from 6580 to 7900 feet. Boreal owls were detected on all aspects except east; west aspect was most common. Four boreal owl locations were on private land and therefore timber stand information was not available. Boreal owls were generally associated with stands of at least 40% crown cover. Three boreal owls were found in association with subalpine f ir/lodgepole pine stands, two with Douglas f ir/lodgepole pine, and two in subalpine fir. One unverified flammulated owl was observed in the Crazy Mountains. The observer noted that the vocalization was slightly higher pitched. The elevation was at 6700 feet on a north aspect. The timber stands were classified as second growth lodgepole pine and mature dense subalpine fir. DISCUSSION These surveys demonstrate that boreal owls are present on 19 the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest in the Crazy Mountains, and the Gallatin and Absaroka Mountain Ranges. One unverified flammulated owl was observed in the Crazy Mountains. Boreal owls were heard at high elevations, 6580-7900 feet and on all aspects except east. The most common aspect was west. On the Lewis and Clark National Forest the elevation for locations were 6400-8080 feet (Carlson 1991) , similar to surveys in southwestern Montana where elevations were 6000-7800 feet (Mullen 1989) .. The Lewis and Clark survey also found west to be the most common aspect, while in southwest Montana east was the most common aspect. Boreal owls were most frequently found in association with subalpine fir forests as identified by stand information available at the Livingston District office. This is consistent with findings on the Beaverhead and Bitterroot National Forests, where 5 out of 7 of the boreal owl locations were associated with subalpine fir stands (P. Mullen 1990) . Stands are identified by the most abundant tree species, and several other species may be present. Hayward (1989) observed boreal owl singing locations and nest sites were found frequently (39.4% of the time) in mixed conifer. The unverified flammulated owl was heard in a nontypical habitat type, second growth lodgepole pine and mature subalpine fir timber stands. The vocalization was heard at two consecutive stations under good weather conditions. The surveyor noted the 20 owl vocalization to be slightly higher in pitch than the recorded flammulated owl calls used for surveying. Near Helena, Montana in 1990, a flammulated owl nest was found in an aspen snag in a lodgepole pine/spruce forest (Pers comm. D. Genter) . In British Columbia these owls are found in dry, mature Douglas fir forests with canopy closure of 35-65% (Howie and Ritcey 1987) . In Colorado, Reynolds and Linkhart (1987) found flammulated owls more associated with mature-old growth ponderosa pine. ' • s RECOMMENDATIONS Surveys for the flammulated owl should continue on the Livingston District and elsewhere in Montana. So little is known about this species in Montana that distribution data is vital to the U. S. Forest Service when making decisions in forest management. Boreal owls have been found throughout western Montana and it is now more important to focus on boreal owl habitat and population dynamics in relation to timber management. Surveys should focus on locating nests. Information that could be gathered once nest sites are found includes: nesting success, food habits, and micro and macro habitat requirements. By conducting more comprehensive studies with telemetry, information could be gathered on critical foraging habitat, roosting habitat, dispersal of fledglings and the interconnection of geographically distinct populations. 21 LITERATURE CITED Carlson, J. 1991. Results of boreal owl (Aegolius funereus) surveys on the Jefferson Division of the Lewis and Clark National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 3 3pp. Fuller, M.R. and J. A. Mosher. 1981. Methods for detecting and counting .raptors: a review. Pages 235-246 in C.J. Ralph and J. Scott (eds) ; Estimating the numbers of terrestrial birds. Stud. Avian Biol. 6. Hayward, G. 1989. Boreal owl habitat relationships: A report to Region 1, U.S. Forest Service. 30pp. Holt, D. and D. Ermatinger. 1989. First confirmed nest site of boreal owls in Montana. Northwestern Naturalist 70:27-31. Howie, R. and R. Ritcey. 1987. distribution, habitat selection, and densities of flammulated owls in British Columbia. Pages 249-254 in Biology and conservation of northern forest owls: symposium proceedings. U.S. Dept. Agric.,For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-14 2. 22 Mullen, P. 1989. Status report on boreal owl surveys in southwestern Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 2 3pp. Palmer, D.A. 1987. Annual, seasonal and nightly variation in calling activity of boreal and northern saw-whet owls. Pages 162-169 in Biology and conservation of northern forest owls: symposium proceedings. U.S. Dept. Agric.,For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-142. Reynolds, R. and B. Linkhart. 1984. Methods and materials for capturing and monitoring flammulated owls. Great Basin Naturalist 44(1):49-51. Reynolds, R.T. and Linkhart. 1987. Nesting biology of flammulated owls. Pages 234-238 in Biology and conservation of northern forest owls: symposium proceedings. U.S. Dept. Agric.,For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-142. Reynolds, R. , R. Ryder and B. Linkhart. 1989. Small forest owls. Western Raptor Management Symposiun and workshop. Pages 134-143. MONTANA STATE This "cover" page added by the Internet Archive for formatting purposes