Roston £

bening Transcript.










15, 1865.

NO. 10.732.


Asustaxt Qoantenwasrmn’s Oerton, 0: 8: A nie vaneoll Ti square, Boston, ass) Feb, i6 Herons haviek tiprses wor sare suitasle for hg Cavalg perce au wnt ef ie over hea dn the Unsertge Sasi hotee'wiil be ingpecied at Gaveramest Sexble, ain rend'nee Bostou, an‘ amuse contora. to tho fllowiug ae Restate tse ie hands Bish Gom > to (b Fenrz eli compaott voll flltesbed, Sle wise, pei- ety eoube ua or ramerest alee for eavaly pasposes Twill pay for buch Horses #170 cach, Yous Wo eK, feos te

a Gaol. and AQ. Be ABTILLERY


Ascrsraxr Quanranwacran's OFFA 4a9¥4 Procoll Haat Squarey Hontam, Mare, st Pereats having werees fa nae sltab10 to

TIN W, MOKIM, Capt and Asst. Qtr. Maiter,


Opnice Dargr Gowmtssanr, U.S. A. y 134 Faneuil Halt Square, Boston, Apel sth, 86S. ¥

Sealed Proposms will bo Fecelved’ oF thls oMllon tL BAIURDAY, Apri 15 at 1 ofrlock, PAL. Aroopa Tu the sczvico of the United Stat Eastern Polat, Glodeeater, Mass, With the’ following Sud- istanee Stores

FRESH REF, of @ good and markotable qualits, Ja-an equal proportion dF. theinro and hind quarters, the Weeks, fbanks aud kiansy tallow to bo excluded,

‘COMNED BEBE, of the best quali, the asual Cora pisces in proper proportion.

Tire nals Stores tobe delivered at the place above stated from tian to time as required, and to continge from Apel

35th to August Ist ihes, aalea the port. shall sooner cease Sorbo cccuptod by oops, ia tbeserytes of the Colted ‘Blivjecs wit state tho prfee pet pound of Heel, and mast aetequired,furaish, patisaciory. tocanly for tbe. oleurul Deprormance or rir aureweRty, - - ropowsls ist be wacked “Proposals for Army Sap- piles, ood addressed to be sad Capt JOHN L. RULLARD, ap1o eS Vols, Bostoit, M ROPOSALS YOR FUB LIGHTHOUSE ESTABLISHMENT SU

Bealod Wi! be recelved at thia oft oa Satarday, April 15, 1855 for farnisblng any ono oF all of ho flloring arictes and janntites to be delivered at this tore when called for:

Wicks, Frankia Lamo

Cateye at cadet 2 iorser Honter curved Spine! Wig’ Spina Wink hil prow ta 8 aa taunts is PA bowed ia Wood, Gro enseg in caoh x giosk uty Via a boxes east Waite Wah iigane Sun : ‘hazy or Serah Hand'Dusting” aber Palaeivwite to

2D) sis.


aire tt cna 1090 Tis, i

Patty—in $M) Bladders.... Hickory Broo Com

oh for Towels)... Sponges Writing Paper, Sted Hens ead Penclis:..) Envelops 1ixid Envelops neh, bull. Envelops Sw-inch, butt Eareops 3¥-tneb, white Tin can, ped articles to bo realy for delivery by the 15th of May,

+ ihe a ckages mast wlan Dace Be Light Hlobse- Mnpector at Basten Ot Heyer Der oF os rot be tncpected by this ofc, and, fonnd pat rete yO Us EP ttc aceoniange wily the ap anally, a8 Abang, tPetoro bey Wall bo accepted,

Fe ere written ustanty a ase Pais Persie te (he eOcet Bea oe be vein “uty

aarantes $2 taake good tho diference tire asi

Suny or parties and (bo next lowest bidder. nal Pay, Gerest menberr of tho same Gan or copartnen: eh ar notbe considered. AU bids. mous! be sealed and Pe Propocaus for Purnlsbing b, HL Establlahment Seppe “Tor bide wi begpene ait Boat ses oe Br Pbe presenee ot ruck of the budders as may choose to bs Preaco

Rl prs gre, nome an MA auoug it may be tie lowest, for ofher coudderations than REY Siac a ‘Commodore U. 8. Navy, LHL Inspector 14 District. rou oF o1Be

Eee Frater nS 0a ae ae TOU RESUS ates meh ae oe Peseta BES Eells gece ie Spacer tisi urea a Ba Paria oe o ‘Should my (or Gur) offer be accepted, I (or wé) requcat 1 civ ee Real, —— gran iaenbene meee


enter in

: Rooms to Det.

NO LET.—Pleasant rooms, without board, at Xa t Bolancn atest. SW8t ans

NO LET—Uxrunntanep—Two lange parlors, wrth so room Spyty at ey Sommer atc

apo Slt NO LET—AtT Cambridge strevt, two lar; Gomugsted parlors on th fem oar—nooins fr wept men o ap

)LET—Roows. Pleasant Lodging Rooms ant ort eras aura manent atreety conic UTRSY ap

NO LET—A lnnge front room furnished suita- tio (or two gentlemen, -Lnquiro at 217 Trewoul st, apt Wan

APO, LET—A furnished lodging rons for gem: ‘Weamen only, at No. 32 acson street, Souta End oH a

NO LET—Rooms, Pleasant and, well-fiu~

‘ished rooms to let withont boant, o gentlemen ob)y, ingulroat is Raveland aureck. "ap VO LET—In Chonncy strect, in a pryate FEO eT un Gnnnatntor uncaralshedy togeto= Groreenmate, Address IL, Post Omee BOX No. Hi

Si p10 y

ie LET—Reoms and Halls to Deerat an} Wasnlogton streak. Apply to WADLIAAL BUEAPE, 21 Washington sreet, room Hi

Suwie (0 _LET—Two very desirable Rooms ino frst Class house near Loutsbarg aqaaro; references Feaoired.. address J. W,, Transorivt Office, cope apt

LET, LN ROXBURY One or to lange

waraat Lalginw Rooms, partially feolsbed, to 8 Rea ienduans wife or single geuucmes. Apply at Bullar tits et ai

TIO LET—Without board, two unfurnished chambery and tivo newhs fomnlahed slde-rooms to gen. Giemen aly, to privete boure in Aslam street. Address With came end reference, “Qcret," Transcript oftce. SMTUTRESAS ‘ap

PO, ERT —Reoms at the Campbel House, No.6 Wilson Lano, by the dav or week, Thess Foomis are well yeotliated, and tho house Je warmed by Hteam. Basiness men and others will fod this a couven: eutlocation.— SP& Tate ols

“Grech stroot.


Ww iy at63 Aibion street. 1 i WANTED SA Toundicas who , thoroa:hly fanderstaods ber work, fad brings the bert recon nts Apply at TEAM. Vernon te opt WASTED A situation as wet or dry nurse, DranJntelizent, eayable woman, Good reference, Annly eh8'Seooul cee at Canmbeiiase 20) ap tt ANTED—At Mt, Auburn Cometory, to Purchase one Tot. Addrees Mr. AULUEY, Traneeript ater po ap WANTED. —A boy about 17 years of age in the Dry Gcods Jebblug baelness. Apply at 37 fakin ateoeee peltirna Sect WANTED. A, situation ns seamstress or ‘amber gin. Good rererence, Apply at her peek: ent place, #7 Bosfaton street a an WANTED—A situation for chamber or par- Tor twork, ine private munily, Good elty reforenct. Apply ats Warrenatreot up owe fights. Stop ia WANTED A Protestant Girl to coolc and tusfat In general housowors. Apply,at No, $ Bouth street, between Y and'3 P Mt Apr Sap Tt WANTED By o reepect plo Trish girl, o toation na acnmstresa oF partor gicl, Call for res aya at No.2 Atossonger street, ee apt ANTED. Porson req the serviecs Of @ Nureo, will. ploaso app place, “Imnale for Mus. Jones. WANTED —By "9 young Amuricany mon) Gtuation as porter ina wheleaals store Ln tho clty Andras AG Kot Boston Post

mendaclons ret

WANTED, A respectable; capable woman with a child, would koa altuation, No cbjcctlons to théeountey, Jim good waehcr and I

#5 Pembroke street

WANTED A situation as coachman in the cliy oF ont ofthe ells; or fo take care of a gentle man’s Place. Can cone swell reeummmentes

Tei. G., tronseript off a


V TANTED.—A steady young man wants a

V siination na pvate fami. Urerstands the, caro of horses dnd harness and gardeu,” WHI come, bighty ro Tonenieds Joon I. Dy PrauweriptomMes. Ht anit

JROOMS WANTED—In o private family, by B mvnileman, ono tango iuace room, HAN & man Fost, unfamnteRed (cxcept.carpste), a

fopone week, with til particulars, nce,

JBOARD. | A, desirable room, suitable, for a M5 “Single gentleman, to be let with board al No.3 AU Mon otreet. Psivt ‘ap lt


D> iy One lance unfurnished room to Yet with board, ‘Tho tocalion Is Gesieablo ag cony cater

Call or address No, 12 Chestnut atree

Bo ARD. To let, a pleasant suit witb boanl, saltable frm Mhmily: also. roo detrangie gehen at No.8 Parker street Boar WANTED. Wanted at the End, an wnfurolsbed room, wath board, for a jaca and rea

BOARD WANTED. © South End, above Dover areet, (or a gentleman, weifo aud daughe iors eM ues preeencd.” Aulsese By Box No 3, Histon Fost Oak 3 pik

POARD. To et D quneo room, furlsbed, sulta ingle geal P harrison aren

d,a good sized a man ond wile z api

BOARD WANTED—By a family of sove Be Daan easenen taal et eer Ave quired. Address Isutncn, Transortpt

SE Map

Boar “WANTED—By o g AB Giont ana mare, aboat we ast oF incaiata Weluity oF Boston.

Boar Ate

Gumties. ‘Trvo su alshed, hay

Boary. 3 ailite of rooms, With board, eltier faricbed or antaralsued. Apply

Se No'THamiltcu place, opposite Park street ebarck te mh?

OARD—At 55 Hancock street. Desirable

oama in sultes of ringly, to permaucnt or translont

Doardere.. Tablo boarders can'also be uecommodated. AWSutt mn

OARD—To let without board, o very desir- able salt of rooms on Orst oor, side room con ected, with hot and cold water suitable for a physicl dentit: also ® room) and sido room up tto Hight Washington strect. Copel apa

BOAR WANTED. ‘A gentleman, wife and ‘one child, desire n plessant summer resort near the Elty and secessible by etearn and horse cars.

IR snail but acat Bouse, In good condition, Located in a populous aod bealths place, would be acceptable. R'orivato family, residing ot the Weat End—house loca. ted fn.n genteel portion of the clty and contaluing moder Improvementa—will hear of an xcellent, opportunity, to Feat two or three rooms on the second oF third doors, far- Bisbed or unfurnished, to 8 gentleman, wife aud boy (latter Aine years of age.) ‘The parties matiog thls apnlcation wil {give and may require references ; aro ofthe highest respoc~ Gabiuty, desire the comforts cf a home and will pay a re- muneretive price for the same,

‘Address Box Tél Boston. AU communications

ental et ap ld

RIVATE BOARD. A lady having very Boy cio ete wrth honrt, wont luke to od two br three rellable (milies wiahing superior eccommoda- tions. She house Is Onely Jocated at the South End aod will afford.a pleasant bome ty parties wishing to remaly Th the clty during the summer. oan. 7.) Temuscript office. TuTns4 ap i

et, swith


reside tn the ely ol coreoant ranty, in casa toe forego Tap bid (or Bids) of beaccepted, that he (or ter Bhvwiliia tee daya afar the seseplance of the sald bi Tor busy execate the contract for Wie aqme with good and Suniclent ‘earetica wo diltver tho ‘prapared ip cote Fada tue tere of the alverilsement anger which it Franmads and Neroto aipendeds and in case the salt TO Til (all to enter [nip the contract albresald we Fanianty wo make good whe diference betwoen the offer of Fioeaia ‘and thie next lowest bidder (Siguatarcs). Witoe ‘bate 1 poretly comity that, (o the best of my Knowledge and pelieh the above named yuarantors are good and sufictent. ‘Bigaalures) cence)


ith tho.

te) mb 2


Boston, Avril stb, 1855, Tho anderylened, by diecetion of the Goveraor and Connell, under authority of chapter M1b of the Resolves ‘of tho present Leglslature, Will roceive loans to the Com: Snonsrealth on notes to run from alx to twelve mouths, at ‘gho option of the Treasurer, and bearing tntereat at tho gate of even and three-tenths (7 3-10) per cont Sum. payable i currency + TESRY K. OLIVER, ‘Treacarer and ecolverGeneral of Masses

ver an-

to Goon WINDOW SHADES, with

‘and Tassels, at 81 ‘apo W ‘2d have tbl


or busie ovis JOHN P. ANDERSON, A State street (No. 6 Uoton Bullding), Ape 4, 185. 10 oe op 5 R*® MOVAL! REMOVAL! THE WATERMAN


Ros. G6 and 7 Exsox stroot,

Tria ‘smo specinity of thls establishment (as herotoforo) Is to

gamist fhe kitchens for beginners, and replenlsh thoso al-

seady established yl ‘mh

JOTICE, Our sttcntion baying been called

assertions and tatementa Jately rade (n to pab-

Bic prints, with the desten of detracting from tho bigtt Fepoto vajoyed by cur Thread, wo bog (o stato that our ndard bas never been change} during tho past Thirty ‘and that, now, oF herotolvre, uo palasand ox~

pense iro, or Will be, spared to maintain for this Spoot Colonists present character. ‘Tuo attention of Buyers an ost of the now Thre


Consumers Is drawn to the

ds offered to tho public

0 upwards, are tonrked up,—and that the alt

rence in tho poareentss of numbers, suppored {0 corre-

Fpond wiih our Dombers, ofton varies from ten (10) to

trronty (20) percent yan ti

io 3. & PB COATS.

DUST, DUST, DUST, post, Down “with the Dust! fast at tia season of tho year Beouree Of reat Ganoyatico— spelling carpets, cartains, drapers ffeyand noueebbld furaitare and This can be easily -prevont and dest thorooylly exclud from doors and windows of all nds, by uslng

“Brown's Patent Metallic Weather Strips and Windew Bands.” W. H. J, PEARSON, 140 Washington Strect, Boston. opponite Old South Cause.

KEEP OUT THE DUST. Thero Is.a'very sitmplo apd casy way to eestually exclude dast trom doors and Windows. Any jorcon taught how todo, It free of charge, with te greatest of pleasure, by calling at


OH ceavee

.Wasminorox Sraner apt


For dato at lowost prices, for tantly, u30 (n tots to salt. WARREN & CO, t. LAvernool Paekat offic,


Beroanno 1X TWO TOUES, te LINED, AT

DEMOREST'S, op it 1 Central place, Winter st.

N\HE NORTH AMERIOAN FIRE IN. SUBANOE COMPANY, having cast capital of¢ 200,000,

aud casb ancets excecdiay


continue o insare against hazants by Eire on Morvbanr Gise, Furuiture, apd otber property; also on buildings, fo- out or ve years, pot exceeding

820,000 on one Eisk, at (hele office, No. 10 Old Biate House, Boston.


cua Scnry Parker, Si tiooper, Job Settles, Jr. Fd. Wigeleswarth, A.A. Wellington Joho Eober, non Piper, ‘Albert Bowker, Ebenezer Atkitis,


Silas Per Hens

E, Nate: y Sleoper, Bonn C. Petter, Paul Adams, bara 0. Dyer, Samuel E. Suiryoe ALBERT BOWKER, Prosdeat


Ben). 3

Capiinl Stock 9150,000.

Insures on Piro Tsks, not Excocding $15,000 on any ono Risks

Janes T. TATWARD, Jawes HL Lonny


Thess. vi G0, Wat, Bonn,

Tyenann 7. Pal Wreurins,

Jostau Bain

Groner & Watttaby

Wa. N, Bacon

Office No, 24 Kilby streot, Boston. JAMLS H, LUNT, President.

Fuwanp Poarsr, Boeretary.

arinsam apt

WANTED, A young woman. from Canada

Sishes a Biuailog ns nue or seduatress In a nlvate

ubjestiom tothe county, “Address K. Ry Wy apt

WANTED. | A situation is wanted by 9 yoUng Wotan to do gencral bousework, Inn good Blain cook, washer and Ironer, Best of clty reference Fl tne Apply rear 37 Albany street. a ape

ANTED. A girl wants o situation to do general housework ur would take A. second git's place fa tits elt). Apply aU A Hareson avenue. EY joner, a single man who tridlcaing tn alt Ks branches, capable ie lu the county. Dest oniat.

7 ANTED. and seamstress Anpy Gays, betwreen 3 and


WWANTED- ‘A young, healthy person, Pro-


Ni, at store ta Broad etréets : ANTED—In a Dry Goods Com

flonetyn apart aetive Soy, Co-loam the busibees

HOWE & CO,, 51 Franklin etrect. anil


n Park, within Tteferouces reqolred api


rican hor

‘ha cap glve the Best of roforcaces: Ape

Tiruas’s, 18 Winter sigect, Office hours d api

wn, near Boston,

Nennd chambermald—rpast waab and

‘Mouday between ¢ and 6

main door from.

maneration Bot vonsidered,

ANTED—By an American oF to toke anlly- are out of ence. APRLY ALL i en NTED—Situntion wanted by aman who ean produce the most undoubted reoomnusoiatlons, eeltuation oa coachman orluside man, ocas porter nd fore. Driving preferred for the summer, Address B. NY, Transcript oflce ay ap ANTED.—A good cook ond o chamber- ald to go to Nowto, {aa small family, A bigh ice will be pald if the references are sallsractory, Ade Afcss this Ome, or apply at 12 State stroet- BY WANTED By o Nova Scotia cin, ‘lou as seams{ress. Is willing to axis’ In cham ber work or Inthe care of ebldren. Alaa a gi (or or parlor work, can furnish the bes Je apply at St hares streal. a

cferencos. ‘ap ia WANTED Coon, A. first-rate cook, who is a good washer and lroner, can beat of nm desirable sitoatiom ira private family, 25 millcs trom Boston, whero vop WAGES are pald, by Spplying at 8 MUK stroct, m= mediately. te apd WANTED, Cast off clothing, such, as Ta dles's, ceots's and cblldroa’s garments, for which wwe very higeat gees will be paid by alll ¢” 00) of de Areong AFB of SiS" a WwAiTRE, ot Cambro stro pS ap

WANTED. A situation is, wanted by. o young Protestant irl to take the caro of a child. Has ng objection to the country. Woald Ipke to go to tho feashore (or tho summer as urverymald. Apply at No, I Hise Dein street, oi 9 (0 12 and 468 a.


WANTED, , Ladies will please, take notice ‘hat die underetgned wil pay tho highest cayh prices ips Lanta’, Gentiemen and Cniien's Wearlog Apparci rolture,’ Carpots, Jewelry, ols., ele. A nove, prob Eddyeecel wil be duly attended 10, MRS, T, LAZALY: Mr Bnnover street. ol ‘api

WANTED —Pupit in the French Language.

Au American gentleman and experteaced teacher of reference, Is desirous of a realdent eventny

pI ny; 10 the French lanyuago, a branch with whle

cis thoronghlg familiar by a realdegce Jn Paris, Address

TrAcven, dranseript Ont ety | ap lt

VOR SALE—A Now York 8 Tugey, butte used. Cao be seen at Gaice Mable, Byron street. 1015 ap iz

SADDLE HORSE FOR SALE. Fe A “threcquarters. thorougb-bred."Rentuc

Warriptcd sound Im cvery respect. Can bo spl

Teeu at Berasnd's Stable, Joy el

peaicen , NOTIOE, Th pis wilh icave F Rarineintermcalate landings BATURDAY APLERSOON, Ape alae

‘will conitence making ber e the tsth fast W. B, HASELTINE, Agent Boston, Apri tt 1855, 1a Boston's whart EMOVAL! MIB, GTKATDEN, agted B years ngo as Midwife tn. Tra is Wieeages Incident to women and childton In or o city, Ladies Wahlog for hoe services during’ thelr condnement, pleas lave thelr card eometlme previous. Grice and resldenge No, 15 Warren streat, § doors from, Weahington strcete TWIhSto soe

FIRST-OLASSS OLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUM, (a Lady) can be foand at No. 10 Trewiout iw, op stalin, Partioulaentiontion pald to Fenale Dir= tases.” Cares warranted Where al Thqalre tor MATEARSS, Bedlam.” Hours trom 10 A. Mt. to 3

steamer KaTast art for Bangor

No. 10 Trewont Mow, || “1865.

WE Ww The Great Inyention of the Age

=n moor ZIRT

J. W. BRADLEY'S New Parexr DUPLEX ELLIE. TIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, (ate J.T. & J. PROPRIOES ond “SOLE MANUFACTURERS, CHAMBERS and 79 & 81 Reado stroota, New York TRIS INVENTION cousiate of DOPLEX (or tivo) Et one fermen Seve Seamsas, logenloasly yr ato~ Huramd vinsity tonether, Evo to RDOK, waklug T, Most FLESIALK, KLASTIO and DURABLE Sihiso ever used. Tbey stldom END OF DABAK, like thé Blogle Spring, and canscquenuly racscnva th) Pecrand DEACTIrc SAKE MONE TUAN THOS as Lo) Nou ariiso Baikt, UAC EVER Has or CAX Do

TLPEESIDICITY and great comport and

oh ty any Lavy wearing tho DOrLex ELLrnio

Rkrir wil. becxpedteuced particalarty: la all crowded AAALSONLIES, OPERAS, CABUIAGI aiLeoaD. OA Ree Pewka Auat CHAU, for PLOMENADE- and TOU Skit can be FORDED, When in use to occ

Acwns easily And convoulenuy Ws a BILE OF

tho Pleasure, Comfort and

ex Evueric

Neands willft Biiseus and THEY are the beat ovarary {0 © tlonahiy tho Licurest, wost by and KewROMtC


rt, and Ungnes- CoMonTanLy

WTBOUTH AMBAGA, aod tho Wase Lx


ew Publications.


N#W Vorums-new TYPE.


para Volume With tho lssme for

Enters vpon Its Tatare- THN years of wuluterrupted

thle week. Nearly 681 prosperity has placod this


roe ont mk of Lirazy Family Nomopapers. Ut ctr uation bas

Doubled Within Four Years,

And la elf steadily focreasing.

Tho vamnber for this week {s printed upoo PINE BOOK PAPER, from NEW TYPE, wiih Nuw Durawraunt Fraps, &e., and ts not only bandsomo, bat flacontents are

UNSURPASSED BY ANY PAPER Pahilsbed in the wortd. Seventeon Original Articles,

Besides several Obales Selections, will bo found in Mo, 1 Vol. XXXIV., of .

THD AMBRICAN UNION, Now for sale by al) Mewadealers. PRICE 7 CENTS.

TEST ARRLY CLASSICAL LINE ENGRAVINGS, Ancient and Modern, Comprislag au extraordinary dng rete eat ARTISe PODS and NANT iruusstose Srthe test plates ongraved by Mastors such as Tapbacl, Staniben, nose, utr, Stnage, Barioloz Rlcbomine

Hunter, i eto injack there ix scarcely any one of the more re- markable artists af tohom we have not several san pies on Rand, and Ht ts our constant aim (0 keep 1 find extend our old repitatvon as regards the Rarity and Beauty. of our genuine artictes, Our personal cepericnee in this particular ling, supported by most Sampetont Apentssn foreign countries, and our week= Ty tnportations enable us to sill almost every order, The tnat steamer brovght ws at the samo thme all the now MBEZZOTINTS, CHROMOS, OIL PRINTS AND LITHOGRAPES, published lately in England, Pravce and Gormany. 4 Poni iuyoles of FINE OIL BAIN TINS recelyo DBE VRIES, IBARRA & OO. Iupoursts or Finn EXOMayiNos AsD Works ov Ant, 8 Beacon strect, Boston

ws “ap


win PrORFIGN BOOKS, 8. B. Uxnrso, Pablish-

or and Importer, 12 School streat—Kkeeps on hand » largo stock of German, French, Itavian, Spanish, ¢ Lath, ote. books. iastrated works, I Visites, Also all of Lerpoldt’s pabli sobp's Letters, Ltezt's Choplo, Polkas, Masioal sketche: Life of Mendelisobn, Jast yablished. The trdo supplied at ablibers prices. Mooks azut tree at receipt of rotall pri Timmet’s Elements of Deslin



‘Ho NEST PUBLIETED, also, of Gens. Grant, Sheridon, Thomas, Buller, Zoster, Hooker Howard, Olllaore, Farragay. 1 Hineota, and a great variety of olucr cholce cards.

Frice only 10 cents esc,

GW, TOML(NSON, Publisher,

TDSSt|__FAL Wasbington atroet, Hoston.


Wsiy mutt


PITTELL'S LIVING AGE, NO. 1038, con: J ising: Vinginla, First and Tas; ‘The Law vt Honors Fon ot (he Solly Napoleon's History 0 Oesar aud Midsammor Ride Jn ChIna: Arinealan Popular

Mii; Marriages Am1094

“price, 68

BOO TERES WEAR LUN Sra ae With practical diseassion of Inigo (eae saa Manes and tet cuts. Ged thor, Dre pio Levit, Box 12, Bost rand the work and. propay the post


A De ILL FOE bt ap

Axp ro


1 Central place, Winter st All the Latest Parisiau Novelte, 4130

Hoop Skirts, French Corsots, Spiral Pads, Dress Blovators, &e-

FRENCH FLUTING, FASHIONABLE, DRESS-MAK- ‘ING and Pinklog done Je (ho bost manner, te mb 13


OTHERS, Grace L. Hatt, Clahwoyant » 268 Wash- ton street, gives twortation and advice, ¢ofating to alt usinets affairs. cop 1m



Hleatox, No. 2, Exeter Place, Boston, continges 19 eure Hema of Rapture in all Jus forms, by Ave sa/e, ee: far, dnd atmost pouens mode of operation and reat: monte nian adtendy tg Uae Cure.of Varioncete, Frag Cele, Stilctares, Piles, Fistula, &c.” TBSTUl NOrICE, TO WATER TAKERS. Wate takers who uso Cochituate water for hand hose are requeated to. call nt this olice and settle for the same, or Thay. Will be Uablo to have the water sbat off for non-play- ment,

Pee onder of thy Cochitnats Water Board, Wak

GOAL or sale b oF MIG GWARD SNELUINY & 00., Da Oomeresn irc

What 59 Coopercial streot.

‘ah 33

* DAVIS, Waicr Registrar, Warn OrFicr, #8 Chi te apa


RS AND PULVERT the Boston at

fis State ‘The machi witboit afetion except that of belt- ioe eeaetNta ame eteams yomce ts consumed eudrety Tee tng mid pulverisng the anaterinle of nampa, ana te ‘tenes or tne sield is fh floating dust 1014 i‘ leas oF azo Tn ptoe portion te the ateaga exapley


wat AT RETATL Cholce Siyies for Ladies and Gentlemen,

With or without Adjusted Chronometer Balances. War-

rants) accurate Umckooper. For enle at a







CAPITAL $750,000 IN 75,000 SHARES.

9000 bares wre reservel, and belong to the Share: holders of the Company, and Will not be Ixsaod at present The balance of the Sburcs aro all subscribed for, and tho ook aro closed.

Tho property of this Company conalsts of Landed {nter- eaton the whole, and of the feo simple of a part of tho Tarr Farm, on Oi) Creek, Venango County, Pennsylyante

‘Applications may be made for Leases or Working lator cats at tke oflica of tho Company

No. 25 Pine strect.





RAMURE O. WALUE JAMES AL BEEBE, B. G. WATNWIIGITT, President, €. 1 DELAMATER, Vios President JONN B. KITOHING, Soorotary. ALANGON A. BUMSEL, Superint Pankers—THE NATIONAL BANE OF OOM the Clty of Nort York, opi

EROE of anit







Washington, With, President Lincola, and wifo visited Vord’s theatro this ovomng, for tho purpose of witocasing tho performance of the American Cousi It was announced in tho pa- pers that Gen, Grant would also be present, but that gentleman took the late tmin of cars for Now Jersey.

The theatre was denscly crowded, and every body seemed delighted wilh tho eceno before them. During tho third act, and while there was a temporary pause for one of the actors to onter, a sharp report of a pistol was heard, which mere~ ly attracted attention, but suggested nothing serious, ontil a man rushed to tho front of the Preaident’s box, waving a long dagger in bis right hand, oxclaining “Sic semper tyra. na" and immediately leapell from the box, which was in the second tier, to the stage beneath and ran across to the opposite side, muaking bia escape amid the bewilderment of the oudioace from tho rear of the theatre, and, mounting o horse, fled.

‘The screams of Mrs. Lincoln first disclosed the fact to the nndience that the President had beea shot, when all present rose to their fost, rushing toward tho stage, many exclaiming: Hang him!

him!” The excitement was of tho wildest P ible description, and of course thor was an Abrupt termination of the theatrical pogformance. There Was a rush toward the President's box, wher cries were heard, Stand back and give hint aft!’ “Fes any one stimulants!” Ona hasty exarolo- ation it was found that the President had besn ot through the head above and back of the tem. poral bone, and that some of the brain was ooz- Ing out. Hewas removed to a private house op posite the theatre, and the Surgeon-General of the Arioy and other Surgeons were sent for to attend pudition, examioation of tho private box blood n tho back of the cushioned rock- ing cb tho President bad boon siti also on the partition and outhe floor. A comn single barrelled pocket pistol was found on the carpet

Anilitary gnarl was placed front of the private residence to which the President had beca fonveyed. An immense crowd as in front of it, all deeply apxious to learn the condition of the President.

Tt had been previously announced that wonnd was mortal, but all hoped other iso.

‘Tho shock to the coromunity ia terrible

At midnight the Cabinet, with Messrs. Sumner, Colfax and Farnswort Curtis, Governor Oglesby, Gen. Boigs, Col. Hay, and a fow person- al friends, with Surgeon-Gen. Baraes aud his im- mediate assistants, Were around his bedaide. InsenaIDIe ANU Tew, HIOWLY

from the wound at the back of hi: surged but all hope was cone

The parting from bis family with the dying President is too ead for description.

Tho President and Mrs. Lincoln did not start for tho theatro ontil 19 minntes after 8 o'clock. Speaker Colfax waa at the While Houso at the time, and the President stated to him that ho was going, although Mrs. Lincoln bad not been well, becauso the papers had announced that he and General Grant were to be pres: ent, and as General Grant bad gone north he did not wish the gudience to be disappointed. He ‘went with apparent reluctance, and urged Mr. Colfax to go With bim, but that gentlemen bad sade other armaogements, and with Mr, Asuruan of Mossachusctta bid him’ good-bye.

When the excitement at the theatre was at it wildest hight reports were circulated. that Secre tary Scward bad algo been assassinated. On reaching that gentleman’s residence a crowd aud a military guard were found at the door, and on entering it was ascertained that tho reports wore based on truth.

Everybody thero was £0 excited that scarcoly an jnteligible wort could bo gathered; but (he tues are substantially as follows:

‘About ten o'clock a man rang the door bell and the call haying been answered by a colored servant, ho said he had come from Dr. Verdi, Bir, Soward!s family physician, with a prescription, at the same time holding in bis band a ral pi of folded paper, and saying, in answer toa refusal, that be mast seo the Secretary, as he was intrast ed with particalas dircetions concerning tho med cines, He still insisted on going ap, although re- pentedly informed that no ono could eater the chambér. The man pushed the servant aside and walked heavily toward tho Sccrotary’s room, and was there mot by Frederick Seward, of whom he demanded to sec the Sceretary, making the same representation which he did to the servant. What farther passed in the way of colloquy 1s not known, but the man struck hint on the hicad with fo billy; severely injuring the skull and felling Lica almost senscless.

Tho assassin then roshed into the chamber and attacked Major Seward, Paymastor 5. army, ond Mr, Hansel, of tho Stato Department avd two male servants, disabling them all. He then rushed npon the Secretary, who was lying in bed/in the same room, and inilicted threo stabs in tho neck, but severing, it Is thought and hoped, no arterie he bled profusely

The agsassin then rushed down stairs nom lested, mounted his horse at the door, and rode ‘off before an alarm could be sounded, and in the same manner a8 the assassin of the Presidont

It is believed that tho injuries of tho Scerctary are not fatal, nor those although both tho Scerctary tary aro very serionaly injured Secretaries Stanton aud Welles and other proms

ut oMlcers of the government called nt So to Inquire into luis conuliclor tho asso of the Tre


in ary Seward’s house and there heard of dent

Then then proceeded to tho Louse where tho President was lying, exhibiting, of cowsso intense anxiety and solicitude,

‘An immense crowd yas gathored in front of the President's house, and a etrong atutioned thero, many persons suppoai

ht (o bis homo.

Tho entiro city to-night presenta a scene of wild excitement, accompanied byjvioleat expressions of tho profoundest sorrow. Many sted Ceara

‘The military. quthorities dispatched mounted patrols ia overy direction, in order, if possible, to Brest tho aseassins. ‘the wholo metropolitan police aro likowiso vigilant for tho satno purpose.

The atiacks at both the theatre sud tho Seere- tary’s houso fook place at_about the aame how (cn o'clock—-(us showing & preconcerted pla to

siunto those ontlemen,

Some evidences of the guilt of tho party who attacked (he President are in possession of the PovicsPresiient Jonson is in tho city head- quacters and guarded by troops.


Wan Deranranenr, 15th—1,59 A. MI, To Major-General Diz:

This ovening at about 0.20 P.M, at Ford's ‘Theatre, tho President, while sitting id BU private box, With Mra. Lineoin, Mrs. Hareis and Major Ratbone, was ebot by an ssassin, who auddsoly catered tho box and approached behind the Peesi dent.

‘Tho osanssin then Teaped a dishing a large dagger or kei capo in the rear of the theatre,

‘Tho pistol ball entered tho bai dent's Lead, and penotted ne Hicad, ‘Tho'wound is mo

Tho President hos beer y sound was inflicte Dg

About the sam rome or not, eniéted Mr. and, ander pretence of having n preserig

shown Secretary's sick chamber,

ag that he

on the atage, bran: and mado lis 03-

i of the Presi arly through the

rsinco the

ard was also |

anasin inmadiately rushod to the bed and inflicted two or threo atabd on the throat sod two on tho face. It is hoped that tho wounds may not prove morial, My approbension is that thoy will prove mortal.

‘Tho nurse alarmed Mr. Frederick Seward, who | was 10 an adjoining room, and he hastened fo tho door of bis father’s room, whero he met the ascaaain, Who inflicted upon ‘lm ono or moro dan- gerous wounds. The recovery of Frederick Sow- ard ia doubtful

It is not probable that the through the night.

Gen, Grant and wifo wero advertlied to bo at tho theatre thia eveuing, but be started for Bur- ington, N. J., this ovening

‘Ak tho Cabinot meoting, at which General Grant was present, tho subject of tho, state of the coua- try and tho’ prospect of a specdy peace was dis- cassed. ‘The President was very cheerful and hopeful, and spoke very kindly of Gon. Leo and others, und of the Confederacy, and of tho cstab- lishment of a government in Virgiuin

‘All the mombers of tho Cabinet oxcept Mr.

ward ure Gow in attendance upou tho Presideut

Thave sen Mir. Seward, but ho and Frederick were both unconscious

Epwin af. Staxrow Secratary of

Washington, 15th—2.00 A. 3f, The President is still alivo, but the caso 13 absolutely hop

‘Tho Washington correspondont of the Daily Advertiscr telegraphs tho following, commenc ing ia deapatchs with tho dato of 12.15 last night

‘A shock from Tleaven, lying half tho city in in- stant ruins, would not have started. ua os did. the: Word that started out from Foru’s Theatro hal an hour ogo, that the President bad been shot. It flow cverywhere in five minutes, and sot Gve thousand fect in swift and excited motion op the instant

It is impossible to got nt the full facts of the case, but it appears that a young man catered the President’s box from the theatre daring the last fact of the play of “Our American Cousin,” with | 1 pistol in hand, and shot the Presideut in the up- | tin per part of his breast, or perhaps in the neck, aud Instantly jumped from the box upon the stags, and immediately disappeared throngh tho sida ¢ 4 scenes and the rear of tho thestrs, brandishing a

-knife and dropping 4 kid glove on the stage.

the audience heard the shot, but, supposing it Gred in the regular conrze of ‘the ‘play, did not heed ft Ul Mra, Lincolu’s screams drew attention The whole affair occupled scarcely half a mo- ment, and oven the assassin was gono, and a3 yet he bas uot heen found. Tho Pres Wound ig reported mortal, Tio waa a onc2 tak into the hose opposite the theatre

‘Asif this horror were not euough, at almost tho camo moment tho story ran through the city tbat Mr. Seward bad been murdered in bis bed Inquiry showed this to be nearly true also, I pears ihat 0 man wearing a light cont, dark pants hnd slouched bat, called and asked to sec Mfc. Seward, and was shown to his room. He deliv ered to Major Seward what purported to bya phy- sician’s prescription, and, then turned, and with fone stroke cut Mr. Seward’s throat as ‘he lay ia bed, Infileting a horrible wouud, bat not severing the jugalar vein, and not producing a mortal wound.

Tn the stragele that followed, Major Seward was also badly, but not seriously, wounded in sov- eral places. ‘Tho assassia rushed down stairs, mounted the Beet horso on hich he eaino, drove his spurs into him and dashed away bofore any one could stop him. Reports hayo prevailed that fan atlompt Was also mado on the lifo of Mfr. Stan ton, but they are untrue,


The President is re Republic, and he ral_asivift and gure jnstice #0 the traito r friends. Cay- airy and infautry are scouring the elty in every

TeoMrsrens pany CoirassAI WerD though everybody supposes them

to haye been rebels. LATER.

Saturday Morning, Lo’clock. ‘Tho person who shot tho President is ropresonted as about thirty years of age, tive fect niue inches in height, sparc ly built, of Ught complexion, dressed in dark clothing and having a centeel appearance. Ho entered the box which is known as the State box, being tho opper box on the right hand. side from the drees circle and shot the President from bo-

d, tho ball entering the skull abont tho middle behind, and going in the direction of the left oye. It did rot pass through, but apparently broke the frontal bone and forced out the brain to some ox- tent. Tho President is not yet dead, bus is wholly insepsiblo, and the Surgeou-General says ho can- not live till daybreak.

Tho assassin was followed across the stage by 3 gentleman who sprung out from an orchestra Chair. He rushed throagh the side door iato an alley, thence to. the ayenuc, and mounted a dark bay horse, which ho apparently received from the hand of an accomplice, dashed up to F treat, thence toward the back part of the city. ‘Tho escape was 60 sudden that ho effectaally eladed pureuit, ‘The assassin oried “sic semper tyran- nis,’ inasbarp clear voice as ho jumped to the stage and dropped his bat and a glove.

‘Tyvo or three oificars were in the box with tho President and Mrs. Lincoln, who made an effort to stop the assassin, but were unsuccassful and re- ceived some bruises, The whole affair, from bis entrance into the box ¢o his escape from the thea- tro, occupied scarcely a minnte, and the strange sess ofthe action found everybonly wholly unpre are Pithe essault upow Mr. Seward appears to have been made almost at tho samo moment as that upon tbe President. Mr. Seward's wound is not dangerous in itself, but may prove so in connec- | # tion with his recent injaries, Tho two assassins have both cndeayored to leave the city to the northward apparently, not expecting to strike tho river yen €o low dow as tho chain bridge Caynlry bave beont sont in overy direction to inter


President Will ive


God gare the





perest the real The


earsicd by boa! rid) tre

paraucn of 5


oer LL B

Wholesale and retail, by NATHANIEL ©.

TEE to 20,60

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Unted States Steamer“ Niphon"’ at Asetsan.

YNDAY, Abril 17th

Tho Taited states Steam Propallor * Uiapd Machiucry (a goed

fox Equi Delors, tw aah, fo Be p

ston. upon delivery of tha vestel. ee

Fer order


AtIL o'clock,at tho Navy Yard, icieatown, Mass »

Nipho>, onditon. machi only tacladed, et Powis, abd Spare Fropaller aid tothe Paymaster of te Mary

TON, Navy Ageat, Boston

baile ta


yams Nos.

The whole of therematnin bouts of the jate Latayette

{9 apd 47 Tromont atrasty

Ie amd Scarce Books

Ou TUESDAY, April 18, and the following days, cacti day

WW and 3 o'clock,

stock of valuable and searon aruham, and sola by cedar

leeon embraces In all nearly 6009 numbers,

ple aro kearce

re Ma volumes.


ides ten day DY DAVID

Acction asp

(storieal works of a vary oarly 0 history—rars tracte—ttastea- epnpers history —poauy the pby-the Greek god’ Lan clas prialad vot

mb 16



» McGILVARY & ¢ Comassiox Meconames,

Salesrooras, Nos. 63 & 85 Tremont Street.

ry particulars. al nally well arranged miatfous on.

hing Halls, comp tise, 1ee House

y aeres of good


Tesortare ia cou The fruit poate, Mann ust what parlles

Je Tonse ts too yell ky

of ebarge

private INS

The subsoriber wil

celve (ouror ve bs

Special attention

wBelemvinstiaes baat Is Excetlc Jap.t6


tabte nding with Whe Bota.

rater's duction Sale Gf Valuable Seashore Hotel Property in Scituate, ay the" Glades Hous ture end Beerything

ritencar Cohasset, tXdely known fogether with the ‘Katirs Parr Ele connected wilh O

OM to the highest bidders (to

slate ortho late James M. Clark,

jee real aud. persoual property ber

the mals. Hotel

nigh, ball tn the

nlendy Calshed ti

D two Ls attached to” the howe,

1 urnishing In all, with some outalds

ie pretaises, couvenlences Toe some

lodgers: also two Sue Hildant sod

Jetelgtirniebed; Math Boose, Gas

Piss oatbaliinss,

Aor ple foods And foe cultle tut eondith

Ue Tea ertate wil be gold 03

(ite Personal Property la_ono Lot

Tgusss, which will be explained,

sold separataly.

toa with this 1um-

Imunol: -

Fy beus, bedding, Mxtures, wines,

i fools, dc, throaghaat the prctalsse,

bald uced I eoolinolng tho botel

banding piste cal

va to nesd any com= scan testy TBO

ealo sboald ‘od Lanillords who desire to contiage De of speculators, aa ther ts land nidialots, whieh could bo readily tho beta Business.) to amongt to &

and tho

ay day tal Terms

Jock A. ML Bartlos


take a tow day fpupils, at bis rost-


dence, on Inman street, Cambrideoport, ant will also

ye Toto bls family Will be given to completing tho pre-

men ARDUT TO kx COLLGR oF the

JOSIUA KENDAL Fumeixcmir, Esa, Bodon Surry, Providenee, WT. Stans SON, Conx mt TEMPLE. PLA)

Mitog PM, De. Khaw had 23 yoars’ experte

a Doctor.


op CORNS (or ¥ cents cach,

ted bon

wing orders aa above. oral

posite Froiiin plo plas ‘At shele residences (a Toston or vi"

Is Orders can be sent through the Post Omige.



PLASTS, stock.

stawop. Barb

‘An unusually largo and’ superior Aoriced Catalogue sont on recelot ot a

pies at No. 2% Water etract. Boston,

‘Where orders inay Le left anu W:

‘OSEPH ALLEN will attend to Building


Gisss, or Marble,

faves arth Obra: st Hous


rot SBOE,

fa supertor 9

fase Purulsh Bu


ano’ Forte Tustomr

a Clean fo Stable, foot of Hiver strect Charles Street Church, Boston. “0:

‘in dewpatch

HAT BROKEN VASE. Broken Obinn,


‘OOMS. BROOMS. 167 doo

ing DRATXS AND CESSPOOLS” jors attended to with Bu 1

Dishea, Vases, Ornaments, antiques, ea repaired th the neatest manny

T, 76 Trcwwat street, up alalrs, opposite ‘tre:

E conn ap 10 ILLUMINATION!

fand Caxpres of & superior quality, and soa snumag. Send your te

brooms 4, for gale STEARNS, pd is Dronidsld treot,

ality, this day. zece!


{ uprestrloted LAND, near Chiok~ Manutnetory jane a bargain WALTER bEYEST, No. 15 Bohol st

cept them. STILL LATER. OSE AND AMAL AM, SATOR President still lies insensible. Messrs. js, McCulloch, Speed. and Usber are With hima, as ‘aco also the Vice-President, the Surgeon-General Bud several other surgeous. There is a yreat throng nbout the housa

‘To o'clock, A. M—Tbe President still lives, Dnt lies, inseusible, a8 he bas sinco the first mo: ment, anid no hopes are entertain ean survivo, Tho most oxtrayagnnt stories provuil among which i ono to the eifust that Gonoral | Grant was shot while on his way to Philadelphia. Of course it is not trac.

‘Another ia that every momber of Mr, Soward fornily wus wounded in the straggle with the os sassin. Thisalso is untmie, fe, Frederick Sow- ani, tho Assistant Seerotary, and Major Claranec Seward, of the army, were wounded, neitherof them dingerously. Ifundreds of pertons declace tonight that the assassin of the President was J Wilkes Booth, the actor; whether they will swear fo the cauio thing tomorrows, remains to bo seen,


Muna. Ssman Corr, widow of tho late James D. Colt, died in Pittafiold on tho 8th inst.,.at the advanced ago of M1 years. Sho was tho ollest percon in tho town, her birth occurring before that of tho nation. Sho romembered distinctly many incidents of the Revolution, and was born, when Pittsfield yas a wilderness, near the spot Wher sho died, Sho was married, May 8, 1701, by the old Revolutionary patriot, Key. Thos. AL Jen. Iu accordance with the custom of those days, the marrioge festivities wero continned through three days, commencing st the Louse of hor father, C zekiel Root, in tho village, and terminating in feasting aud joy at the homestoal of Capt. Colt on the bill betwoen Stearnsvillo and tho Saker Village. Tho guests accompanied tho wedded pair, the whole on horseback, in a happy cavalcade from the village to their now home, and their married life thus auspiclously com- meneed, contiaued for sixty-five years, till term!

ated by the death of het husband at the age of

y-eight, without ubatement to the last, of the love and r other. She was edmitted a member of the first Congregational church, under tho mipiatry of Mr, Allon, moro than sixty yenra ago, and was for many years the only living member admitted during his ininistry, and was of course tho oldest church member in town, For all theze years she has Lonored ber proféesion in every good word and work,

A farmer in Monrose has made 2590 pounds of maple ugar this year, At saventecn osnts p> pound, tho prico of tho articlo In Berkabiro, his sugar ‘orglard will yiold him Yho anug Uttlo auc of $599,0%







the SUFFOLK {ablishid poder and,

fixed an Hundred ‘Tuousand 1



pest eames of te day, x Lar opyrighty, are not to be (0 i Brea ot each, bitsox'« do




Faales of Bostin and vl


tho bi

P WPgent's castatt a having #a

0 at it supertor tot

yock Wil ble scarlet, wh

M4 Kn

Mire, Levengston, 73 el, 78, would r Ny luroria the Sts se furniture. an

pease above apt

Tho subscriber offers for

Nurseries, Columbia street, Dorchester, a

of Shrubs, Oraatnental Treas, Vines, Spirnas, Wlesclens, Pyrus Jepont” walrop trees, splenild new American wa, Sibertan Arbor Vitw, Homlocks, of other (hin;

<4 and weeping th

fae thoru An not subject to borers. Mack

rubbery will be sold {ow to clear tho garden.

THE 1 ca VE

“apd Seventy-four

paid in, aod (hat the Par V Fata digi is Elve Dollare «ab:



and Win Ue


OLES. | Labio


Fepart Ere ic ourecelpto (o'r

tracts, Magan Di



SA irtae of Obapier usetts and 1 tho Clty of Boston, in the lth of Masss~ fal Corporation ls formed

Felugon the business ot product ‘Gfate or Pennsylvania and elsewhere. 1 Cocporatica te

iclatign at Thre:

hich amount Two Lun- re has Dect actually haces in eaid Cor~

e‘baro hercanto tet one bands thls fn tbe year elgbteea bundred aod


FW. PLUME LOS, { Directors. Wal. HECK LE

JOBS B. DARCOCK, astice of the Pease.


Exirsets, Jaque's Extracts, Jales

Dest Amerieaa and Ger- TOLMAN,

§ Washinton stFoot

cents Bent by mall, past) price. Patrlsned by OLIVER Wisnineton stort. eis



‘A case just reoelved per steam’ 1

mb 10



RRBOTOMPIINS, Apotn weintdatony cor of Wamer sree

PIO VIEWS. Received thia

ortment of Dow pictaros Inclading

and, Ireland, AuDS} 1ulaa,

Fanibiton, Saudrioghup, Amenes,

Walns of Chambersburg, Oolocod oreals by

JOSEPH L BATES Le Wasulagtaa aleat






Te was with a strange thrill of mingled surprise, srief, Borror and exasperation that the American peo- ple heard this morning that assassination bad be- come a polilical power, -and had strack at tho

Tnx Murpen oy THB PResipEnt.

moat bonored lifoin the land. ‘The crimo was 80 pew to our politica, and was so abhorrent to all our ideas nnd feelings, that its commission camo upon the public mind like a thuaderbolt from a clear eky. The horror of the deod was all the more decpened by the fact that its victim was the Kindliest apd moat magvanimons of great ma trates, and seemed to fall n maréyr (o bis own goodness of beart

There can bo no donbt that this crimo had its motive in political fanaticism, and that it will temlbly rviict on the faction ia whose servica it wes performed. It was as stupid as it was wicked, for it will deprive treason of tho little romoant of sympathy whlch ft retained abroad, and will asso- clato the government of Davia with tho pistol of Dooth. No assassination of tho head of m govern- ment over benefited the canso it was intended to avenge or aivance; and the assassination of two such men as the President and Secrotary of State, both well known as tho calmest and most modor- ate of stateemen, and least disposod to suffer passion (0 interposo tho least obstacle to peace, seals the death warrant of the Confederacy, and forbids ll compromise with its leaders, Tno cause (hat animates the hand of tho assassia mast abido by tho stern decrees of justice nnd law. Clemency lica muniered in the Capitol.

The immediate plotters of this schome of nssas ination donbiloss bad no direct official connes- tion with the Confederate Government, for the members of that government could not be 80 fooled by fanaticism as not to know that the as- saseination of Afr. Lincoln and Mfr, Serrard would be oven a greater blunder than crime. But what associates the act with thom is tho brutality sud hatred against tho North with which they havo filled tho hearts of the Southera poople. The Sa- tanio sentiments they havo inculcated bave their legitimate outcome in the deed at which tho na- tion now stands aghast. The cool malignity of thoughtful treason appears all the moro diabolical now that it bas touched springs of inflaenco which bave resulted in the mad act of blind and brutal assassiontion.

Tue New Parsipest. It sbould ba remem dered, in this hour of univorsal sorrow, that the man who succeeds to the duties of President of tho United States was tho man whoso energy, in- telligenco and intrepidity in refusing (o evacuate Nasbmile, in Brogg’s campaign egninst Bacll, saved the States of Kentucky and Tennessee, and prevented ihe throwing back of the seat of war to the line of the Obio river

Apparat LrscoLx wai born in Hardin county, Kentucky, Feb. 12, 1809; removed with bis father to Indiana in 1616; recolyed a Umlted education; spat two years at school In Stadyrd county, Virginia;

tmogbt school and studled lay for a timo In Calpeppse ecunty of that State; removed to Ilinols In 1839, aud for awbilo tumed hia attention to agriculture. A&

served aa A captain of volunteers in the Bl war,

He wassubscquently clected a member of thr Dll nols Legislature, and again turned Lis attention to the study of law, coltiing at Springfleld In the prac- tice of his profeesion. In 1847 he was elected a meni~ ber of Congress, and served ono term, In theNa- tional Convention which nominated Gen. Taylor for President in 1848, bo was on activo member. The able manner in which ho stumped tho State of 1Nl- nols In 1265 against S, A. Douglas, his election to the Presidency in 1800, avd his re-election to that office in 1£64, are aUill fresh {n tho winds of tho poople.

k Hark

culty, when tbo very existance of f tion bung almost upon aslondor thread, Prosident Lincoln haa eafely conducted the country to a period ip Its history when the overthrow of tho p=rjurel traitors and axsasaina who struck at {ts life, is noarly assured, He has done enough to wake bis name [m- mortal, ond to cover that of bis murderers, and theeo ever a0 Indirectly connected with tho foul crime—ith eternal mfimy.

‘Tue QuEsTions for avery man to sak blinself, tn~ dependent of ll party pr personal conalorations are at this critical moment: How far can those who have sought, by inaugurating civil war and by the most barbarous prosecution of that war, to dissolve the Union, overthrow the Federal Government, and do- stroy cur democratic Institutions, bs trusted with the rights and privileges of citizens; how fur is [t xafo to run the risk ofa return of thelr influence in the ad- ministration of the altnirs of States ot the alfairs of tho United States; how far a compelled submission to tho euperior strength and resources of the people, against an insurrection which only abandoned Its fell purposo whon It yas too weak to execute It, can be construed as a trustworthy rota to loyal obedience? ‘These are the questions which are to be answered in justice to the Republic, in behalf of pos- terity, and in the cause of freedom and bumanity, ‘The Kopard docs not change his spota simply because ho is conquered. Any magnanimity towards South- em conspirators which gives them tbe shadow of chance to renew, evon on the sroallost scale, thelr machinations against republican Wberty, would bs cruelty to the human raca under tho guise of mercy to convicted transgressors,

Axspnew Jonson now becomes President of the United States, At thls solomn moment—forgetting tho ono unfortunate incident that has recently mort fed the community and cast a shadow upon bls per- sonal character—tho. people should, and. tho peoplo will trust lim. There are reasons for that trust,— Which wo may believe bis future action will prove to be well founded,

Andrew Jobnson has becn equal to ono great crisis, in which both his hoad and heart wero found true, When armed rebellion attacked tho lif of the Unlon, he, a representative of 9 elave wud 1 seceded State, stood almost alone faithful, Among the falth- Jesa, hot only did he ret bis face against treason, bat against any pollcy that proposed to pallisto It or to treat It with any lenfency.

From tho outact ho wns unconditional in 1s dev tlon to the Integrity of the Union. Nota particle of scctlopaliam weakened or adulterated his fldclity. No man stood higher than he In the estimation o the loyal country. ‘The call was almost incessant that ho ehould be summoned to take somo prominent

Since the hour ho took his stand on the right sido, he has malotained it with onswerrlng consistency and uniilnching patriotism. This Is the momont for remembering bis past career, and (or finding in that career grounds for faith that ho will take hls seat In the Executlye Chalr, profoundly eonsiblo of the tr mendous responsibility resting upon Lim, and mined In nll soberness of life, and with the bigho exerci ol bis clear and cnergetle mind and strong will, to carry on the great work of annihilating the remnants of the Slave Power Conspiracy and bring- Ing peaco, with universal freedom to tho Jani.

Joux Witnes Boorn, tho assassin of President Lincoln, bas been known 98 an open, avowed ant rabid secceslonist daring the war. For a year or two! ho has been engaged In tho oil business In Pennsyl- yania, having temporarily retired from tho etazo He Iso native of Maryland, we belleve, and during thopast fow years has beon Intimate with (ho nective robels of Baltimore, Mr. Booth hs Jong bson known, usa bitter opponent of President Lincoln, but nono of bis friends thought ho could be guilty of 0 great a crimg as !s now attributed to lilm.

Reconsruvction BY DEFEATED TRArrons, ‘The wiekod and dlsobediont youth who told his Tarenta (hat ihe bad done wrong be was willing to be forgiven, seems to be tho type of somo of the Southern rebola now proposing plans of reconstruc- tlon, ‘They can't get over the Idea that ity o grea Virtuo in them to Indicato tho faintost spark of yirtuo after having failed In oll tholr exporimonts in do- prayity.

WASITxOTON AND LINCOLN. Roy. Dr. Putoam of Roxbury, in hia Fast Day eormon, In alluding to Prosident Linooln, expressed tho belief that he would Bereafter bo nasociatod In history with tho first Presl- cont of tho United States. Wastinzton, by unlvor- rol concent, was called tho “Father of hls Country.” Mr. Lincoln, he tought, would popularly bo regarded a8 (ho ‘Savior of his country

A SvrrLEmEst with a large amount of origina) and aclectod matter ls furnlshod our rea lers toni ht. Tho fricnds of the Savitary Commission will tad tn Ita columns an Intoresting lotter from Dr. Marah, concerning the supplies Isived to Goneral Shormvn's nrmy upon Ita arrival at Savannab; also n Iottor from Chaplain Morton of Oblo in rogard to tho work 6f tho ComsnJaaion In Goorglin,






Condition of the Remaining Victims.

Wan Derauramst, Washington, 191.10 A.

To Major-General Diz :

‘The President continues insonsible and is sink- ing.

Sceretary Sowant remains withont change.

Frederick Seward’s sknll is fractured in two places, besides a severe cat upon the head.

‘The attondant is still alive but hopeless.

Major Sowani’s wouads nre not dangorous,

It is now ascottained with reasonable certainty that two assassins were epgaged in the horrible crime. J. Wilkes Booth now boing the one that shot the President. Tho other was a companion of his whoso name ia not known, bat whose de- scription is go clear that he can hardly escape,

Ic oppears from a letter found in Booths trank. tbat tho murder was planned before the 4th March, but fell throuzh then, because the accom- plice backed out until Richmond could be heard from.

Booth and bis accomplice were at the livery stable at 6 o'clock last evening, and left there with their horses abont ton o'clock or shortly before that hour.

Tt would seem that thoy had for severa\ days been seeking ther chance, but for some unkaov Feason it was not carried into effect antil last night.

One of them bas evidently mado his way to Baltiwors.

The other has not yet been traced.

(Signed) E, M. STANTON Sec. of War.

Wan Derantaest, Washington, | April 15—S A. BM. | To Major-General Diz:

Abraham Lincoln died this morn- ing at twenty-two minutes after seven o'clock.

rE. M. STANTON, Sceretary of War.


Re=nrd for the Assassins,

Washingt:n, 15th,—4.40 A.M, President Lin dledtbls morning at about hulf-past sovon o'clock. MaJor-Gen, Augur, commanding tho Dspartment

of Washington, has ctlered a rewacd of $10,000 to tho city of parties. arresting tho murderers of the Pros [ical and the assassin of the Secretary of State and hs eon.

‘There twas no change in the condition of Soeretary soward at six o'clock thls morning,



Capture of Selma, Ala., Confirmed.


New Orleans, 8th. A special despatch. to the New onleons Tinea from the Spanish Fort, dated Apel ‘th, eaya p furious Bre was opened on tho robel (orks last night fromourentire line. During the bombard~ ment sinall magasine In the Spanish fort exploded, The damage is not known. Qulet prevailed on the th, Desarters report from 18,000 th 20,000 troops In ‘and about Mobile, Including all the State reserves nd about 200 In Spanish Fort.

"The loss outalde Spanish Fort up to the Zot Inst., amountad to 600 killed and wounded, The rebo! load exceeded ours.

"Adjt-Goueral Thomas arrived at Now Orleons on the 7th. —a

‘Moblis papers‘of the 4th, announce tho capture of Selma, Alay, with 23 ploces of artiliory .and' large ‘Amount of government property.


His Pursuit of Jobnston’s Army.

Nae York, Wh. The Herald's Goldsborongh correspondence aye Sherman's arty commenced {ts advance on tho 3th, moving In three eolamna under Howanl, Slocum and Sebotold.

Daring the reteings over tho nows from Richmond General Sherman war called oat by bis. troops and ho widressed a few words to thera, saying he was In- formed Teichuiond had beon captured and L=s was fiymg In dlemas., Ho sald Grant wrote him ho was pirsiing Lee, Hod he hoped be (Sherman) would Press Johnston. think wo vill de it," ald Sher han, ‘The soldiers ericd, “We wit Have willl" Sherman told his soldiers that he did mot mean to lot Sobnston have aby rest.

Johnston bas evacuated Ralolgh, moviag West and leaving the town In possession of Hampton's cavalry On'th ng of the oth, a srnall fores of Howards Inounted Infantry were nttacked by wotne Fobal cav~ aly, who were, Howover, soon disporsod with 103g

ilo men and two plects of artilisry,

JEFF. DAVIS'S PROCLAMATION, Neo York, 16th. Jed. Davis, on the 6th Lat. la from Danville, Va, 9 proclamation In whlch aya that Gen. Loo haying found It necessary: to


make such moroments of his tropa ay ty wacoro Richmond It would be unwssa to conceal the moral tind material injury resulting to the robel eausc from its occupation hy te national troops. Still ho on

deavors to convince his deluded. tollowors that ovui this ovent 1s 0 blessing in disgulse, as it would bs ate Leo's army for mord Important operations. “He Inrounces hls purpose to stil inalntain hls bad eauso Sith his whole heart and soul, anil to novor submit To tho ctandcnment of ono Stat of the Contoloracy. Virginia he declares shall ta hold and defended avd no pence over be made with the Infamous. Invadora of Deetorritory

UNION MOVEMENTS IN ALABAMA AND MIeSISSIPPI. 10 York, 1th. A robol despatob, dated Aagas- April 6th, indicates that Alabama ts overrun by Uhion cavalry under Wilean and other commandora, all maoving toward Mobllo. McCook’s forces are ro- ported to have burned the Red Mountain Iron works and tho village of Eaton ond tapped the telegraph teeveral places, sending dospatckes to rebal olli- ‘Two columns of Yankeas are also reportol moving on Columbus, Miss. ‘Tho game despatel anya tho rebel stcamer Gertrude with 9 cargo valucd at 92 (0,000 was Eunk in Spanlsh River near Mob! the Sist ult., by collision with tho Natchez,


New York, 16th. Tho Horald'’s Goldsborough cor- reepondence line A ecpore from Raleigh saying ¢ ernor Vance will eal the North Carolina Logisla- tore (oguthor to repeal the scoesaion orilinnne

‘The Herald's corrspondenco saya an oxpoditis Intely wont up the Chowan rivor and captured Wi ton and Murfrvesborough. ‘bo ram which rebela word building at Halityx, N, C., bas bzon destroy

Tho ria Albermarlo has beow ralasd by our mon and found to be not seriously Injured.

REBEL SYMPATHIZER MOBBED. [To the Independent News Room.)

New York, \6th. A number of persons in this clty who have presnmedl to expross satiafction at tho a4 forsination of President Lincola baye boen roughly handled this morn

In Tronton, N. Jy this morning

THE CEREMONIES Ii LOWELL POsTPONED. Lorrell, 16th, ‘The coromanlos whioh wero to take placa in (ula city on tuo Wth havo beon postpanad Tor tho present. H.W, Wiepen, For the Commi

2 rebel aympathizor was mobbed






(Speciad Despatoh fo tha Boston Tranacriph)

Wasurxatom, 15th,

AN baainesa haa been susponled, and tho city is Graped In mourning. ‘Tho oxcitomant {9 Intonse, Trnyol has been suspended botwoon Washington and Baltimore. Only tho United Satos malls are sl- Towed to como Into tho city. Evory point s guardod by military, and large corps of polico aro on tho alert,

Prosidept Lincoln's body baa just beon rowoved to ‘tho White Hons.

Both Sccrotary Seward and his son Predorick aro AUll nw yory critical condition. Its vezy doubtful whotbce olther recovers. Tho skull of Prodorick Sownrd la nscortalnee to bp broken in two places,

& thas Leon dounitely ascortatnod that tho perpstra- (or of the horrible dood was J, Wilkes Booth, Tt op~ pear that ho had a numbor of accomplices.

From correspondence found in Booth’s room, and otber strong clrownstnntial evidence, tho nssassins- tions wero to havo taktn placa bafora tho ath of March, but from somo canss or other thelr couraga ‘failed them at that time.

From the diroctlon in whlch Booth‘a horma was dls- covored, it ly pretty cortain that ho has mailo his oa- cape Into Virginia, having crossed tho Potomao trom

somo point Io Blaryloud, Karra.



Washington, 18th, ‘Tho oxoltament thronghont Washington iy intense, and the horriblo procaadings

of Inst night are the only theme of convorsatton.

Tho assassin of tho President loft behiad hitn his at andl spur, he bat was pleko up in the Pras. Ident’s box, and haa been Identified aa ono belonging tothe snepectod man, ‘The spur was also droppo Upon the stage, and that alsohas boon {dontitied aa bbe procured atn stablo whoro the samo man birod a horst in the oening.

‘Two gentlemen who wont to the Soorotary of War to apprizo him of the attack on Mtr. Lincoln, mot at tho residence of the former aman mutiled In's cloak, who, when accosted by them hastened away. It had Deon Mr. Sianton's intention to mooompany Mr. Cla cola to the theatre ani occupy tho samo box, bata prces of Dosinoss provonted

Tt, thoreforo, soonie ovident that tho alm of the

otters was to paralyze the country by at once strike

ing down Ite heal, heart, and arm,

‘An soon a3 ho dtwsiiful eront was announced in tho streets Soperintondent Richards ond hls asalstants Were wt work to discover tho assassins. Th 8 fow m>- Tents the telegraph. had aroused tho wholo police forco of the elty.. Mayor Wallack and savoral tasm- bets of the city goragiment waro joon on tho spot anil overy propatatio® was made t prosorve ordcr nd quiet. Every strect was patrolled. At thon ‘auest of Mr. chars, Gon- Augur eont horses to Mount the police.

Every ronil leading ont of Washington [s strongly ploketod, and every possible Avenue of escap2 thor bughly guarded. Steamboats about to start down the Potemne were stopped.

‘The Chronicle savsi/"Aa It js suspected thia ean- aqiracy origloated ib Mtarsland, the Ulograph ilasho themonmful news to Baltimofo, aud all ths cavaley were pul upon motive duty. Every road was plekot- dj noid every precaution Co proven tho e2¢aps of tho

“A preliminary oxamloation las boon mado by Suporintandont Wehard and bis aaatstants. Soveral persons wore called. to testify, and the ovidonco Is Coneluatvo to thls point, viz, that the marderor of te President was Jonn Wilkes Bosth Mis lint was found in the private box and IdentiOed by ssveral Percons wlio Had scon him within the last two. days, End tha epur which he droppud by accilent atior ho Jumped to the 'stuge was Ientlded ay one of thoss

wich be bad obtained from tho 6tablo whoro bo had Dired his horea, & This man, Booth, has played mote than oncs at

Ford’a theatro, and’ Is of course, acquainted. with Its oxita and entrances, and the teelllty” with whol ho cacaped behInd tho scones Is easily undorstood.

‘Tho person who attempted to assassinate Soztotary Sowand, io bobinid hima slouched hat and au old, Tusty wavy fovolvor. The ehambors wera broken Ira trom thin Narra ag if plan ny 2 bata rough ples ot fea aud Whe otucrs amatlor thon th chambers were wrapped In papor as IC (9 Kecop tham fro falling out.



Washington, 1th. The robols Gone. Rwell, Corsa, Hunter, Barton, Kershaw, Dubols Simms ond other officers ‘with abeut 600 robél soldiers arrived hero to- Jay. Ewell and tho other officers want tobs admit ted under tho terms of Leo's surronder.

Tho omplayes of the Washington Arscnal had a parade this evoning In honor of the recent viotories.

‘The government has advices that nt tho latost dstes the pirate Shenaadoah was at Molbourne an- Uorgolng alterations, 60 as to work foar moro elght- inch guns,

Intimat fonds of the President say ho docs not think It necessary to call an oxtra soasion of Congress” nor has become to tho determination to issuo any proclatoation to tho people of the South,


Washington, Mh. Androw Jobnson waa sworn into office a4 President of the United Stater, by Chef Sustloe Chase:today at 1 o'clock.

Secretary MoCalloch, Attorney-General and oth- era wer pirosont. He romarked tho dutios are mine, I will perforin them trusting in Gol,


New Hedjord, Maas, 1th. ‘Tho, bolls In. tho clty bye been tolling from an oarly hour this morning. ‘The Proveat-Matshal’s olfles and. other Government Officos and many private dvvellings are. bolng draped in mourning, wad a general solemnity poryades the holo city op account of the death of President Line Col and tho assassination of Secretary Sowand.

‘Now York, 18th, @-4-4. Intonse sorrow Is depicted onall copntenanéay at the horrible events that oc- Curred in Washington last might, and the gelof of ful good men is apparent everribere at the demise of the President. "No lags wore hosted In this clty this morning, until tho state of tho President was known, when they wore all placed ag haltmast, ‘The People’ appear perfectly horrided, and tho utaiost Tage fe eft towards ull Known secessionists aud rebel syimnpathizors,

Naw York, noon) 18th. All places of business are poplaly closing ‘and the streols are assuming a sombre ne,

Philadelphia, 15th. ‘The most intanso horror is ox- cited by the lathentable hus of tho Presilent. ‘Tho City. was decorated with flaga and every house gave Evidence of preparations. for tho illumination fixed for Monday evening, ‘Tho publlo joy gives placa. to mourning and there ls a.dovp Tellng of Tages

‘Banger, Me., 16th. ‘Tho tarriblo rows of te assas- sination of the President waa received. hera with tho Tuost profound grief. ‘The storcs wora.-goncrally Closed nd drapod I mourning. AN tho lags of tho ally are placed me aleanaat. A public mscting helo held to malro nrrangements for w propor obsor- vance of the mournful cogent. Minute guas wil bo Hired from 12 to 4 o'clock this afternoon.


Fall River, Mass, 10th, On receipt of tho melan- choly naws of the assassination of tho President thls morning, and whilo a larga crowd of eltizons wore gathered around the bulletin boards, reaaing tho de~ Epatches, and giving expression to’ thelx deep. and most heartfelt sorrow, a notorlous, copperhead, ac- cesh eympathizcr and fiquor-dcalor, namo Laonard ‘Wood was heard to deelaro that it was the best nowe ho hnd heard for forty yoars.

Ho hud no sooner atiored this atroctous xontiment than ho was telzed by the indignant bystanders, struck, booted about tho streots and compallod ty go inton stora to procure un Anierten unfurl and salute It with threo ehcers, Ie then rushed to hls store whorw ho locked himsolf In, but the crowd sur- rounded bis placo and wera making preparations to break in, when the Masor and olty Marshal appeare | and escorted bim to tho lock-up, whero be {a now confined, ‘The crowd then roturod to bls store, Stove in the windows and enashed things generally, Thoy then vistod other corperkeads, esmpolling them to show the Amorlcan ting.


‘ampscott, 16th. On recoption of the nows this morning, ono Goorge Stono of Swampscott aald in ubUo IC waa tho best nova we had rocolvod for four ‘araand gave throes cheers. ‘Tho citizens and sol ors of Swampscott took him by forco, tarred and feathered blm, draggod him throngh the town Ina boat, compelling hin t9 Lold the Atuerican Hag over


I yi

his Bead, Upon promising to buy an Amorlcaa flag and keep it up ot half-mast during the mourning for tho Prea(dent, ho waa thon sot at Vibarly.


Philadelphia, Vth, Gon, Grant arrived In city Jato last night on his woy to Jergoy, but was overtaken on his way to Walout streat wharf by 9

despatch from the office of tho Assoolated Prass, and.


SEARCH YOR THE AS3A8BING. Wan DarantMent, Provoar-MAnsnAv Gay's, Boanan, ‘Washington 15th, 9.49 A. M.

It ls belloved that tho assassins of tho President god Secrotary Soward are attomptiag to essays to

You will make a careful and thorough oxsmination: of all persons attempting to cross from tue United States Into Canada, and will arrest all auspicious par- fons. Tho most viglinnt soratiny on your part nou ‘tho foroe at your disposal is demandol,

A de on of the partica auppoasd to bo impll- cated in tho murdor will bo tolograplod you today, butin tho moantimo bo active fm proventing th crossing of any suspicious persons.

ry ordor of tho Socrotary of War, M, L. Javeuns, Acting Provost Marahal Goneral,


New Fork, 1604. A Washington despatch 64} Provident Lsicoin 'yuitenday revoked the passoy to Bunter, Latobor and other loading retials to visit Richmond, ‘Tho Prosidont was willing © bavs.a con- foronco held, but did not want It oontrolled by thom,


fan, Frenne, NA mpramrt tnt to wre eat bgtaneR A tok AASPaNL pial se are, wee

‘Tre Puntre Guiry ar THM AARAASIXATION OF Prearent Lyxcoux Ws unfolgnod nnd dasp, It partakos, {na measure, of tho sorrow of » patsonal bereavement, Everywhoro, In all parta of our city, are the flags at halfmast, nod droped in craps, ‘Tho stores In Franklin and other principal business streets havo boen appropriately arroyod In miourn- Dg.

This foronoon Mayor Lincoln ordered tho balls of tho clty churches to bo tolled for the space of an hour,

‘nd also tho fags on tho public buildings to bs placed at bolt-moaat.

Gov. Andrew has Issued onfers to hnva the Execu- tivo Chamber and rooms connected with tho military Aopartment of tho Stato Houso, drapad In a manner bofltting tho sad ovont whlob the nation mourns,

Shortly after the mournful Intelligence of the de- conse of tho Prosldont was recelved,—tidings which toon filed the Morchants' Exchange with porsons,—a mooting was held at tho Exchango to giro oxproaion to tho wide-spread griof of tho community. Ator proser, addresses wero mado by Hon. A. If, Bice, Roy. Phinoas Stowo and other gentlemen,

The ‘Tromont Tomplo was thrown opon to tho public at.noon todsy, and was soon filled by an im- mense crowd, sssemblod to giro expression to tha ‘univorsal grief that provalls, Afar singing by the cholt under the charge of Bir. Marshall, Roy. Dr. Warton read tho 46th Psalm, and Loy. Dr. S, F. ‘Smith mado a prayer.

Hon, Charles A. Pholps was tho firat spoaker, said that no words could express tho goneral Joy of the nation at great victories, nor Its griof, now that It bod lost tts wisest and best friond, ‘The speakor ton referred to tho peoullnritioa of Mr, Lincoln's character, called by como blemishos, but which had ro blonded with other qualitics as to mako the graat magistrate,

Tho mysterious dispensation of Providence, by which Mfr, Lincoln had been led through the parlls and dangors of the wne, until tho cud waa vialbly ap- prosching, and that then ho shoul be cut dosra, was royerently commented upon as the work of Him who doeth all things well,

Although Mr. Lincoln did not put on the harnoas of battlo, thoae who Imow him wor well aware that

if tho pock Mbation of hla’ blood wore neaded to the salvatlon of his country it would hayo beon willingly rendered.

Mr. Pholps aaid that all which could bo sald In fvor of tho President would not add to his fsma. Wherevor Liberty and religion wore honored, thors Lis name would be always rovered,

Tudge Rursol) waa tho next speaker. To delivers} a glowing eulogy upon the firmness, simplicity and abillty of the departed Proaldont, and atato] that Iho effect of the event would bo to unite the nation ina sternorcrusao agalost tho system which hol produced tho assassin of this great man,

10m, In casa of the rosident from Office, oF of his Daath, Resignation, or Inablilty to discharge tho Power! ard Daties of the sald Office, the samo shall dovolys on the Vice-President, and fhe Congress may by Law Provide for the Casa of Removal, Death, Roalgpatian, or Inability both of tho Prealdont aud Vi

dent, declaring what Officer shall act ac

By the act of 17 of President apd View ar-Lines, the Qzacklantiof tha House of Representatives assumes the dutios of Pres. Ident untit tho election bo had,

‘At sho recent extra session ofthe U.S. Sonate, Hon L. S, Postor of Conncolicut was chosca President pro ten,

Mi. J. H. BonnaND, shoo trader, of Pittsburz, Pa,, wos srroated this morning by tho polica, atl Congress street, for saying that ho know that Booth was going to shoot the President, as Booth had ox- pressed that Intention to him four weoks ago.

Borland was taken to the office of tho Chief of Po- lice, and thero denied that he made the statemants teatified to by the rospectablo Individuals who made tho complaint, Being extremely oxclted, bo was put foto the lock-up, for calmer momonts to intorreno. ‘The knowledge he professed to bave with regard to Booth's Intention before the murder ls amplo justi cation for bis arrest.

Lrz's Desraton to Davis. The Richmond correspondent of tho New York World glves the following. deseription of the scene in the church, when Davis was Informed that Loa could no longer hold out

‘The church was densely packed with rebel officers

and people; Mrs. Lee was there, and tbs Prealdent, In his high aud whitened hairs,’ Midway ofthe dis- course a telegram came up the alslo, borne by a rapid

ondorly. Tho President read it, and strode away; the Preacher read It, and faltered,” and turned palo; It fald: “ty linea aro broken; Richinond must be avscasted by midnight. Rovant E, Ln.” Tm1s 18 Tins HOUR ¥oR STEEN SRLY-ConTHOL, oven as It Is also an hour of profound griefand nnslons eolicitude, The temptation is great to pas- sionato oxcitement, ‘This temptation must not be ylolded to in word or deed. It 0 time for every In- dividual to be on bis guard and for each man. to rule bis own spirit. Thedemands of Justice must bo satisfied; but Justico {+ calm and full of sclf-respect. Let oll good citizens oxert themealves, so that the profound sorrow of tho community shall not be broken by any act of til-consldered or angry rasunoss,

Timex NotionAutn CoXcRsstons wore lo the letters of correspondents In the Now York World of yesterday. The frat was, an out and out condem- hation of Jett, Dayle as tov unprincipled_and dangor- olus a man ty bo allowed to escape and go nt large. Tho second was, tho adunlsyion that the women of the South, and especlally of Rlehmond, had been the most virulent and Lnplacable promoters of tho rebel- Hon, and though conquered remain still defant in thelr hate, Tho thini was, that the nogroes In tho capltal of the overthrown Confederacy, haye slaco Lu ure shown moro enterpriso and Wiiligenos, than

Verily tho World wove

WY ARE REQUESTED TO OIVE NoTIOE that tho concert at No, 69 At. Vernon street having boen giy= on up this morning, those sonding to that hous bs- fore April 20th may recelve tstok the moncy for thelr lickets; otherwise may be assured It will be sent to Mre, Liverinora for tho benollt of the Chicago fate for elck and wounded soldlers, as originally proposed.

tholr formor masters,

Coxcent Postroxep. In consequence of the at national aflliction the choral concert anuonnecd, by the Handel and Haydn Socloty at tho Musto Tiall tomorrow evening will not take plac

Uon of tho soclety will meot the ontire approval of the public.

‘Tre Deatua my Bosrow tho past wook numbered 72—males 43, femnles 29, By consumption 16, brain Alscases O, stoall pox 6, lung diseaso 4, convalalona 5, ago 3, Infantile disoases 4, unkuown disoasos 6, Deaths ol children under flve years, 28; porsons of American paronlage, 18; foreign parcutayo, 61.

RELIO1008 Suuyroxs (n vlow of tho National Af fliction will bo held tn Hollls Street church this (Sat ucday) atervoon, at 4 o'clock. Soveral clorgymon have becn Invited to participate, The public are in- vited to attend.

‘Tie Bostox Trmaran will bo closed until forthe notice, as Wil be seen by the announcement of man- ager Jarrett In nnother column,

BeAvTIOL Esratu on UNION Pant, Tho at lon of those geoking a beaiti(ul aud valunblo ros fdence fs directod to Nr. S. A, Watkor's ndvordia ment ior sdescription of a hous on Union Park to bo sold by nuctlon on Saturday, tho 22d Inat,, ata o'clock, P.M. =

Rear Hichbor sold by suctlo Louse nnd store Ni

for $2100, to J

Estate AT Sourm Boston. Georgo B , Friday afternoon, dwolllag Hourth alroot, South Bos


Boows'a Mysrio Hare Test and Hyporion Fluid ro tho conquoring anguls of tho hair, Ste 03d

New York, 16h. ‘Tho Danviiio Razlator of the sth cayy Brecklaridge, tho rebel Qaatloran

Folitary Goncrais tail other, offcora wa to reach that city on horoback on tho Oth,

GEN, BANES, St, Fouls, Mo., 14th, Major Gonoral Danks snd pomully (elt this mormng for Now Orioana,

‘Tix ealo of Boots and Shona at tho store of T. Mosoloy & Co, Summor atroot, will opatinus mabort time, Gooda ary solling st vory low pricoas to (19

Lanres BANDALA, first guolity, a709 254, 3 S355 only PO conta por palr at Bragllian Rubbor storo, Sy BchOw oleh, a am

n,n a


Tox “PontsMourn”, Six-cord Boft-finish Spool Cotton still triomphs. Nos. 59, 69, 70, 80 and 90 are Six-cord which Is not the case with other kinds. The enamolied thread marked Amory" for excellence surpasses overy glacé thread.

Tuvemexarions. Marshall's [laminating Lamp or Candlo Stand. Orders should by sent in at onco, Also a full assortment of fire works and fags.

JonvAN & WiuvEL, 191 Washington atroct,

st sp 12

Canpera AT Repuckp Paicna, Tha trade is at- tracted to that place which sella at the lowest prices Our entire stock, which Is completo tn all Its varlo- Uea, ts markod down, and wo aro dally rocolving in- yolces from the Now York rales, all of which will bs soldat the prosont panio prices, New EXOLAND (AnIarT COMPANY, 70 Hanoyorstroot St ap IL

We mAyn tum TAnonar and finest stock of pare Callforpa Wines ln tho market. Our wines arv all carefully selected and Inspectad by our roaldent part- ner In San Franeiaco, and aro tho best grown In the Stato, Ordara for assorted casos for partion goloz Into tho conntry carcfully oxscuted. Pankrs, Stenx & Co., 180 Broadway, Now York, 103 Tro- ‘mont street, Boston.

“LL ASTONISH THE WORLD." "U aatoniah tho world," © Said tho braro Robort Loo; Bat how bo would do It, Not many could 09. How fow aid thon dream ‘So noon ho would yield ; To (Ujulted (8)tatos Gnarr Would sonasxpnn tho dold. It hog caused groat surprise,

Like tha very low price At which FENNO “Ouormms” Bors,

47 Arp 49 Scumen Srneer, DMAnoH 6, 1865. Carpetings! Cloring Out of Stock! Tho undor- signed, In anticipation of a change in business, bog to announce thelr determination to close oat thir en tire stock of Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, otc. tolthin the next mxty days, and in ordor to offoct this end, they will offer such snducemants to purchasers, either In the trado or at rata, ax cannot fail af its accomplishment.

Tho stock comprises an extensive assortment of rich, medium and low-priced Goods in the neieeat and choicest styles, which, combined with the Induce- ments that will bo oifered In prices, they faster themsclyea will agord the utmost aatiafaction fo cus- tomers, and fect a rpcedy sule.

mh8 copto JonN H. Paar. Sona & Co,

Business Wotices.

Dr. Schenck



Shawls and Cloaks.


Exhibit (bo Largest varlety of


SHAWLS, or porn Foreign and Domestic Manufacture,

Togetder with the fnost stock of





a ap






Domestic and Mousckeeping GooDs AT BBETAIL.

Wo bare constantly on band, and (or salc, at the vers Jowcat prices, overy deatrablo make of


In all Widths ond Qanlitics.

Wo pay paiticalar attention to oar Housckosping Do- pariment, and Ladies will always anda completo assort-

On Wednesday and Thars4ny, On Wednosday and Thurs doy, On Wednosday and Tharsiny, On Wednesday ond Thorsiay,! On Wednesday ond Thursday,

Arnit 1b axp 39, Aratt 19 Axo 9, Avart 19 aso 38,

Apnit 1b ase 20, Arnie 19 AND,

To Examino Lungs with tho Rosplromoter. To Examino Lungs with the Rospiromster, To Examino Lungs with tho Bospiromster. To Examine Lungs with tho Respiromoter. To Examino Lungs with tho Rospiromotor. > Kamina Lnnes with tha Resplrometer.





cat (rom the best masufncturers of IRELAND AND SCOTLAND, together with everything {n thls class of goods avonted

In tho American Market,




Dress Goods,









Dr. J, H. SCHENCK, ono of tho most distiagulabed med cal reformers of the age, 1s the Inventor of throe medicines which have acquired ap exteoslyo and well merited repa- talon, These articles are


Each of which ts proved to be a mediclao of surprising eff cay In tho cure of Mseates whicb physiclans ta general acknowledged to be almost or quite beyond tho reach of thelr eclence, Many extraordinary cares of Pulmonary and Bropchial Consamption havo beon made by tho timely uso of


the atility of which was amt tested In tho ease of Dr. Schenck hlmscif, who moro than thirty scars ago was abandoned by his physicians os Incurabie—all of the most Alarming symptoms of Consumption In It most desperate stage belng present, Dy the use of this Syrup Dr. &. was restored to porfect health. ‘fhe



oro preeeribed by him as auxWary remedica In Consump- lve cases, or they may bo used with great advantags It all cascs wherein ¢trengihening and purgative mediclora fare required. Tho testimony of many respectable pereons in given to show that thero threo mediclacs have effected some of the mast extraoniinary cares on rocont.

Call atd aco the Doctor whilo thera Ia yet tle.

Alladyice free; but fora thorough examination of the Wunga with bla


ho charges 63.

Price for Palmonte Syrup and Seaweed ‘Tonto each 8180 per bottle, or 67 00 the half dozens or two bottles of Pal monlo Syrup and one of Seaweed Tonle for 677% Man-

drake Pils GEORG) Agent

26 centa per box. ©, GOODWIN & C0.,

0.33 Hanover atreot, It apts

wD. W. BB. CoN for D. W. B. Titers! At yonr Drugyista, oF Bonn & Oo.'s, 29 fremont atroct. ale : Mystilcos, {ic Malr Tint ersdanily changes batr, bly es rom tho leutest Color tHesey frued-ate shade tv the deapeat blick, Wwe-line ad ‘D0 preparatlon—No washing of "tho Aale—No Mead. Tuo simplest, easiest, and most nied a HEupertoa Plaid. Tollet & Hale Work Fatab teoment, 202 Was reek Wate a

Teke Dr. Warren’s Bilious Bitters For disorders of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and D



Js moch admired for its neat, graceful, and becoming ap pearance, and aleo forits comfort and couvenience It ts Desides (he most gentlemanly thing wo have Introduces for any years, and Will not soou go ont of (ashlon, belng tho happy medium between the Prench and English styles,

cooK & ALDRICH, No. 147 Washington sircet, Boston.

SW ans For, Pars, Oloths, Carpets, &c. CEDAR CAMPHOR.

Tee It at once. dcetr0}

Drngglata ec tt ton. 3

Moths while chrysallds aro ceonomleally

yea. Cedar Camphor Js sing to tuscct-Nfe. Al HAMS & CHAPMAN, maker, Doe abl

2 DM WAURE “p, W.B.D Tor Da. Wa ED)

CLOAK DEPARTMENT or JORDAN, MARSH & CO., epi ot 49 Washington stroct.

Silk Department.



wocerssous To


PALMER, WATERMAN & HATCH, 18 Winter street.

Black Alpacas, In 4, 5, 0,7, and 8-4 Wide, IN SEVERAL [WELL-ENOWN MAKES. 1 SHEPARD, NORWELL & BROWN,

29 and 94 Winter street. te apa


Spring Overooats, Dress Frooks, Business Frooks, Business Sooks, Walking Conts, Pantaloons, Vests, FURNISHING GOODS, =asp— PIECE GOODS, wana Att MARKED DOWN April 7th.

Pricer to plain Ogarvs on overy article, Porcbasers may

bo azsured of finding In our stock, GOOD CLOTHING,

And tho prices now Oxed, wo think cannot fa to bo satlefactory,




FREDK. HHOWN, Proprietor, Cor, State and Wathlurton streets.

Sold by all reapeotable dealers i matticines. ToTASTte




1 OmsTaAL rLAcn, Wretme stunor,

Wl bo sold for one month, a Large lot of HOOP £KIRTS AND FRENCH CORSETS,

‘Tho boat styles in the warket wt a great redaction trom tormer prices te mb 7

April 3.

BOOTS AND SHO eDtng at greatly reduced prices, In anticipation of « cbango In oar tim.

Me NUFS FOSTER, (Is Foster £ Peabody,)ean bo

found tn our gentlemen's department. THOMAS B. MOSBLEY & CO., Bummer treet, coe, of Hawley,


Stull Greater Reduction FROM OUR FORMER PRICES. ALL OUR COTTONS AND FLANNELS GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE. Casos of Bleached Cottons in 7-8 and 6-4 wide.


LS =

RY LOW =n WHOLESSLE AND RETAIL SHEPARD, NORWELL & BROWN, 22 and 24 Winter sirect. te ~~ = ape A Large Lot as SHAWL or ta


styled, Jast recclved at WHOLESALE AND RETATL. SHEPARD, NORWELL & BROWN, to mis apa Spring Garments.


te apa , We Invite Attention


Which we shall scl! at oar nsua! low pitees. SHEPARD, NORWELL & BROWN.


In White & Colored.

AU of which wo offer to the Trade at WHOLESALE AND RBTATL. SHEPARD, NORWELL & BROWN,

£9 & S4 Winter Stroot and



7 22 ond £4 Winter stroot.



-ron— LADIES’ GARMENTS. SHEPARD, NORWELL & BROWN, 22 and 24 Winter street.

aps te Jobbers’ Prices, SY | OE OLIN De


Correspondingly Low,

you sacar

WASHBURN, WELCH & CO. Br Packson on Piror,


“If°twere done, when ‘tis doze, ‘Then "were well !twere done qalskiy." Why eutfer on for rocks ant months, ‘Ine horror of Dyspeple pangs, Or live a martyr anto Headacho dir Or Oght wht Agae, Damess, Vertig>, And all tbo patos the human stomach bears, Whco Prastatios Brrrens will atford relief Speedy and permanent. And m ‘They aro the pleacantest wed!eino ahat saffering man hath over ewallorres. ‘helt cures aro quick, and permanent as quick. Then sulfer not, bat Instantly pro A boll of PLANTATION Berens; and thy ese

Shall bear again tho roay Lint of health, Api life bo merry ag a marriage bell wsTu on _srench





13 Winter streot. tc ee ee Coes oivean ett kincet

Trail. on




Ar riniz Bosoesce, 40,20 DovLATVs #1. ABTLVICIAL EY28 joserted without pata. | Cord ou




By sathority of the Secretary of thé Trousury. the aad fgmed has aszamed the General Sabsortphon Agency for Who sale of United States Treasury Notes, bearing

U. 8, 7-80 Loan.

Yeo and three-tantht per cent interest, per anna




hese Notes are Lsvacd ander dato of June Usth, 185, nd aro payable three rears from that timo, In carroncy,

1 rp converuiblo at the option of th holder'into

U. 86-90 SIX PER CENT.


These bonds aro worth a premiam Walch Incresses the nctual prot oa tho T3? loaa, and Its ezempfion ‘row

Slats and muaretpal taxation adds fromone fa saree per

cent, more, aceontiag to we rate Jovled on ollier proper ty. Tho intercat ls payable In currency so-xnt-aanaally

Dy coupons attached to each nots, whlcd may bo cat off

and sold to any bank or banker.


Interest amounts 10 On0 cont per day on a BGO note,

Twoeents * g10D

Pint Oe DWT Tronty do“ = B1000 | One Dollar * = 85000 *

Notos'of all thedoaomioatloasnamed will bo promotly



ita a

10d non recelet of subscripuows, and thenotes (or tomce, Tho lotereat to 13th Jano naxt will bo advance, This ls


‘ow offered by th Goverament. ang it Ls confiently 6x


that Its superior advantages will makett the

Great Popular Lona of the People.


than 6100,000,00 of the Laan anthortzad by the

Just Congress are now on the market. This amonat, at

‘tho rato at whled It 1s"oolng absorbed, will all be sud~ seribod (or withla foar months, when the notes will an

donbtodly command a premium, as has unllormiy besa mo case on closing the subseriptions to other Loaas,

In onder that cltizens of every towa and scotion of the coantry may be affonled lacilites (or taking the loan. the Notlonal Danks, Stato Banks, and Private Bankers, throughout the country, have eenerally agreed 10 reoclve Subseribers will selest thele own ngsats, in wom thay have confidence aud who only aro to be responelb'a for the delivery of the notes for which,

sabscripllons at pac.

thoy recsiro onders

March £5, 186s

JAY OOOKE, Subscription Agent,



‘The instruments now manafactored by this'well known, Jopg-eatablisbod Grm, are the resales of aearly balla cen tary of ctady, exvortment and Improvements. Powesiing gresier adrantages than all other makers throog this Joog pected of creasing oxoeeten! active, cne:cetle minds have beon assidaously employed In perfeoting therr prostac!

Are nom at the bond of all tholnrtraments manafectared in this country. For rUBITY awo SoxoBITT of tove, BLU

ounce 0!

Chickering & Sons’ PIANO FORTES.





BTALOTORE. Uh.y rank foremort of all

With the merely mechanical excellence which resolts largely from the ingenloas tavenuo:s of Messri CuIOK- acy, and



Taese on «ho ineagedee wan

themselves ney combine a beauty, dells one mbich Is a rare charm, an

emma to do. Oni me Rawdiwork 0

the maker

‘Among (hs Woll-koown Pianlsis of Boston and Now York, who ase tho “CAICKERING PIANO" in profer- ence to th te of other makers In the country, may be

mentioned :



No. 240 Washington street, Boston,



No, 652 Broadway, New York.


feb 18


, bo generations of



Latest by Telegraph.



Undependont News Room.)

New Tork, 150, ‘Tribuno speclal fom Wasbing~ ton saya J. AVitkea Booth waa arrested at 9 ocloo', A. Myon tho Bladensburg road. Ho boldly ay fireaeted ue plekote, od was arroatod, and lint Jast

San thls city,

Sccretary Scward. has’ rallied and ts swondor- fully strong, ho bas given mdetaliod description of hla fusassiny It Ie now ovldont that be was @ didfaront person from the President's murderer.

“Tacto wero four parsons in the room at tho tims,— Maj. Seward, Alls Fanny Soward, a hired nurso, and tho chiet messenger of tho State’ Dopactmont. "Tho Scerotary lay in bed on his back; the nssassin Jumpo upon the bol and endeavored ‘to cut the throat of Lisvictin. “He Infilcted threo dlderent wounds,

While engaged in. It the man-nurse dung timself. upon the villian aod throw bis arma aroond him and strove to poll _blia olf the bed. Tbe marderor in- Hanthy rovorsed tho action of his knlfo, and cut Quickly ovor his shoulder and drove the narsy off his Back,

He then sprang from tho bed and engagod ino Age for escapo with all that opposed him. "Ho stab- bed the chief messenger dangerously In the beoast Ho stabbed Major Seward. in tho arm and bsat him aver the head aud eo with heary pital aad ls abled hla.

Ho then attacked Frederick Seward, who bad on- tered tho room from an nijolnidg chamber, and gaya him a ecalp wound with bis knife, whlob, stranga to say, commenced at tho forehead, ‘passod over tho top of the hesd nnd extonded part way down tho back of the head, and thep atrack him with’s pistol or a alaog shot a heayy blow which knocked lfm dara fusensi- Ve.

The way of eacapo was then clear. Tho asasssin ron down the stairs, mounted bia horse and rod rap= {ly away. ‘Bajor Soward {s about tls moratog with ong arm in asling and bis head and taco bandage.

Tho assassin is sald (9 hava bsan teacad by tho horse ue rode, and which was hired, (cain boro to tao Lang Bridge aud over ints Virgina, Both tho man hd bis crime are tho elave powor.


Washington, \th—11 4, Af, Tho Star Extra says nt 20 minutes past 7 o'clock the President breathed his last, closing bis oyes oa if filling asloap. Ils countenance assumed on expression of porlect 33 ity. ‘There wore no Indications of pain and [twas not known that be was dead until the gralual y do- creasing rospimtion ceased altogether,

Tov, Dr. Gurley, immediately on its boing asccr- tained Ghat Iifo wos extinct, knelt nt tho bedside and oflered an Luprossive praycr, which was respondol to by all present,

Dr, Gurley then procoeded to the front parlor, where Mrs, Lincoln, Capt. Robort Lincoln, Mra. Fouu Hay, the Private Socretars, and othors, woro walting, whety he agaln offered a prayer for tho consolation of

Postmaster: Secretary of the ry, Jaden O3to nt Secretary of the Thtorior, Gon. Hallock aura Sumner, R. F.Aadrows of N dhn Has, Pelyate Sscratary, Gov Farasworth, Mrs, an) Misa

on, N. B.

Xeal Hall apd Mr. Liebman, ary McCulloch remained with ths Prasliton until 6A. M., and Chlof Justices Chaso, after sevora

ait jaring tho night, retarnsd carly this morning.

Trameilstely afer tho Prosident's death, a Cabinot meeting was called by Scoratary Stanton, and was held in-tho room in whion the corpse lay. Thy ro- sults of the conference aro aa yet anknowa,



San Fran 1th. Govornor Lowa will not suo his anticlpsted call for two mors roglmonts of Yolunteors from thls Stata.

‘Tho U.S. District Court hava sentenced tho captatn and mates of the abipGreat Rapublic to various terms of imprisonment lor extreme cruclty to seamen on the Inte voyage of tho ship to this port. The case created a great deal of feellng against them.

. | SA Tottor from Guaymas, Mexico, to the Bulletin

of this city saya that Governor Pequlera had made amplo proparations to defeat any Imparial force that they can sond against Sonora. Ho had orderod tho Dlumivation of Gasymas whenorer Richmond Is taken by the United States troops, and native bands had boen taught to play the Natlonal airs of the United States.


To make room for the Wholesale Spring Trade, we


ebaul offer for # short Ume only, AT PRICES TO CONFORM TO THE TIMES,

‘Tho core stock on hand which we have maputactured expreanly for rst class CIrr Buralt Taps, comprising

over 01



From msdiam to highest priced. Also. about Two Hon-

In Hair Clothe,

Its soficlent for as to say we warrant the qaality of our goxis egaal inevory respect to that of any other



Plush, Torry, Xo. &e.

hoase tm the country. To those con|coplating makiog purchases this Bpriag

this sale asTords a moo!



aminadoa of the goodsal oor SALESHOOMS Sand 4 Hotmes Bloek, AYMABREKET 8QUARBE BEAL & NOOPER,

aw Fonsiroen MayorAcruumas.

Dr. Narrison’s


Pauvaump wr Navtyg Oarawaa Wosu.

Itexter)y rapplies what has Iony boon wanted, viz: A

eorslal Baving

‘Stinalue to patare withoat alcoholic objections, ail the appetislag eects of bitters withoat tivit

FepaLlventss, and, belug preparel withoat ayeay, nevat


advice all suferine Or arreriru SuMmme DBDIL

boy repetition, nor tas tear in the storasen, We

Fer DILUTE. tra, WARIS K Yoo, Paiurntsa. T

Low artete Dl

‘ourive DoWEL3, HoT Fe

iow on FLCrTRub

Mus, asd all forms of I¥D1OBITI0N, to

Suake tal ot tls popalar remedy.

Ath help to

tho body, und

THE TURN OF LIFE IN WOME Lu eritical period ladles find the Toto a nesossare Gatare, tw" cenuoniying (be wastlag Gatrition of

i tandeuey tom yatal deefiae Io healta

host eurely obviated or entirel/ prevented.

x bottles—and will be se

A graduate of Harvard UnivorsIt

at Vevo

An American |

olemnny at presect resldoat y. Berlizeriand, will take 4 tow Boy aloo bls {arn

fie, where Urey Wil Bove favorable aoportaaitles tor re-

calving fnatles 1 thge for oaks,

tborcaeh ralpion’ tn the Glasiies and athe, ora collegiate courso,logetber with every ad¥aa- blavying the Fieucn, Geravo, and toaliaa baa

Fer terms anf fallest roforoaces, anply by lettor to F. ©, Fasten. 2) Court sureet, Hostom Mass,

Tuins ie man Grover & Batters FIRST PREMICM SEWING MACKINES,


Principal Saterroomt 1s Sommer azcot, O8TO. @) Broasway,,..., 2;-.NEW YORE bes {a all tho Painclosi Cities °







Yer fin ‘ato



cRsv0n4 to. Waterman & Hatoh,



Dr, Warren's Biliony Bittors maxon Iu (ho Blood and Impsrfost Cirsalavou. apt

eps, Broeatelle,

rable opportunity, aud we io:


New York, U6th. ‘Tho Tribune's spcolal Washing- ton despatch’ says Gen. Leo confessed to Gen. Grant that Johnston's entire force would not amount to more that 10,000.

Leo surrendered less than £000 Aghting men to Grant, and lesa than 8,000 muskets, Grant had 133,- (00 men under bls comnand.

(Gen. Butler haa written e lottor resigning his po- sition,


Plymouth, Mass., 16th. Tho nows of the assassin atom of the’ President caused great oxcitemont hore, and our citlxons are indulging In demonstrations of sorrow.

Saco, Me., 16th, Our people ore Oiled with the despest gri¢f at the nation’s great and Irroparablo

low. Dover, N. H, 8th. Tho whole community aro sp- palied at the kad inteligence of tho death of toe lent.

Belfast, Mey, 10th. Tho sai newa from Wasbing- ton has created profound and unlyersal galet. PUPLIO DEMONSTRATION IN NEW YORE.

New York, With, Tho various hotels, Now England Looms, Post Ofiice, Custom Houso ond other public places are being draped, ‘The Corn Exchange met, Jaseed sultablo resolutions, ordored the building draped and ojourned,

‘The commission merchants resolved to close thotr places of business. ‘Tho gold room Is closed. The Fogular Board of Brokers adjourned aftor passing appropriate resolutions. All the Banks of tho clt are closed, and no comiuercial business whatover will


An immense meeting of morchants nnd ellizon ts being held In Wall “strost, presided ovor by Mr. Draper, Sposches are boing mado by Mezars, Butler, Dickenson and others. ‘Tho crowd there ls tmmonsa! Appropriate resolutions were eubmiitod to tho maot- ingand adopted. A commlttes of 13 of eminsnt mor- chants and citizens was sppolnted to go to Washing- ton to attend the funeral of tuo President.


A man hero rojolcing over soln was carried on a rail

ore it was asoor-

fle, Ww talned ho wag a deserter. Ho was lodged la Jal


Burlington, N, J 1th, Llowt.-Gon. Grant lett Burllugton for Washington at 6 o'clood thla morn Ing. (Signed) Mus, U.S, GANT,

Tur MEETING IX TuEMoNT Text LE—Continued Srom our Third Edition Judge Russell cited tho de fired. from a kurrenlered murder, throe bundred years ago, ofa king of Hol- Innd. as HMlustrations of the resulta producod by oow= ardly assassinations. Ho closed by the onunclation of the senthinent—One day for rogrots and a Ufetimo for work.

dresses were aubscquent! Rov. Dr. Kirk, and others

Frankiln W. Smith, Esq, presided ot the mating, ‘The Post Oflco and Custom Houso wore closed to- day nt an early hour bocause of tho death of the Pros Jdent.

‘Tho Suporior Court, cirmins| soaston, Judgo Tus- soll providing, adJouraod Immodlately on coming in this morning antil Monday next, on aceount of the death of tho Proaldont of tho UuiCod States. Judzo Tusscll, District ACtornos Sanger and A. O. Drovator, Eaq., made briefold appropriate romarks concorn- ng tho naUlonal calamity.

b of Nelson by a bullot ench vessel, and thy

malo by Roy. Dr.

CASUALTIVG IN THN 47H BIARSAOMUARTTA OAY- Auny. Alotter from Adjutant J, If, Lathrop ways fu (be Oght at Long Bridge, Va., April 6th, tho fol- lowing casuslties occurred: Wounded—Col. Wash- burn, Lloutennpt-Col, Jenkins, Llout. A. P. Bloher, Capt. Caldwoll, 21 Dieutonant Thompson, suvorcly. Killed—Capt, Hodges, Capt, Goddard, 1at Liout, Dax vis, Five othicr offloars ware captured aud aftorwards released on Loo's surrendor.

Jony WiLkes Doorn wasin th olty during tho Jattor part of last Wook, and we bsliove ay tats as Monday of this wask. Flo has froquontly viaitsd Baston, baving fdonds boro, and wo do not hoar that Luis ylelt on ils ogeaalon wasn any way conno2so] with Duntnos,


PLepors oy Surront zo Vicn-PansiDaNr Jommson. At tho mocting at tho Exchange, today, Commilttoa of seven was appointed to call upon the Mayor, and request him to tako action to transmit to tho Vico-Prosident the, assarance and support of tho people. Tho Commlttes wero Messrs, Avory Plum cf, Alphous Hardy, Goorge B. Upton, Edward S. Toboy, Roy, Phincas Stowe, James L. Little, B. R. Madge. Hon. A. I. Blog and Hon, Samuel Hooper wero afterwards sddod.

‘Tho following resolve was unanimously adopted by tho meeting:

‘Tho oltizana of Boston, ovorwholmod with arlot at the awful calamity which hos bofallon our oamtnon country, In the tragic death of Its groat aud good Preaidont, nnd in tho dendly assault upon tho wise rnd sagaclaus Secretary of Stato and mombora of his Dnlly,spontanoously oasermbled at tho Merchants’ Exchange and resolved that an oxprossion of tholr strong and fo-vont aympathy bo Immoiliatoly sent to the surviving tmombers of the aifictod familfox, In vlow. of tho leroparablo loss which they and their Countrymen havo sustained by this aud ovent; ant nso thats message bo sont to Andro Fohnson, tho constitutional successor of Abraham D\ncoln as Pros~ Ident of the United States, of tholr cobluonco tn. tls Intogrity, his patriotism ‘and his manhood, and of their detérmination to give him, thelr undividel and vnfaitering support, imploring tho blessing of God to vue nim with to Wwiadom and irtuo whlch charic-

rized his lamonted prodecossor.

‘Tre following Card from Rov. Geo. H. Hopworth, in rogard to Mr. Edwin Booth, will bs road with great intenst ond satisfoctiction by tho Oloudsof Mr. Booth.

A OARD, Boston; Saturday, Editor of the Tran- script: Ass porsonal fend of Mr. Rdylu Booth, T ‘am glad of tho opportunity to glyo the Boston publlo rome {doa of hls prosont condition, I nosd not aay that be bas wou the respect and oatoom of all who hnyo had the pleaauro of knowing lm; and om gind to Inform the publlo that ater a thorough search of his trunka and correspondonco, nothing has boon fyund which in tho slightest dogreo Implicatos him in tho knowledge that sach an act was contomplatod.

Ho has altrays ben a drm and unfinohing sup- porter of the Adiintatratlon, casting tho only voto of hls lif, last November, for Mr, Lincoln, and ataniting conspicuously in his profession ef @ man loyal to th» doa and tho causo of tho Nori, 4 uayy vou bun (ils morning and find bim overwhelms by tho groatnoss of his aMlletfon, Tho Boston py»plo wil givo him tholr sympathy In this tho hour of his tris and chevefully, as I unoskod offer my testimony {n his behale,

In tho causo of Juatice T romaln, vory traly,

a, 18.11,

CuAntestows NAvy Yaap, A workman at tho Navy Yard, baying stated this morning that Lo was gind President Lincoln was doa4, ollcltod tho Indig~ nation of his felow-workmen, who chastised blm se- verely, kicking and cuffing him until ho was consid- erably brulsod.

Uo ovaded his pursuers foro timo by hiding; bat ‘on coming from his retreat, the same sort of paulsh- montgraa ndmintstered to him too grastor d He was driven from the Yard, and at Iast found safe ty In flight.

It{s but talr to gay that ho oxplains bis remark by staUng that ho said ‘‘ho was glad of It, becaaso the President should baye been accompaniod by o guard.” J

Work was entirely suspsnded at tho yard at noon today, and tho bell was tolled for half an hour,

BORLAND (sho was arrested by Dotoctivo Contor, ‘and ofllcor Traak,) stated that he saw Booth aftor bo came to Boston, and was in company with him at E1- wards’ chooting gallery, whore Booth practissd pistol pring {n various difMicalt waya such os botioon his Joga, over bia shoulder and under blsarm.

Whon Borland stated that he had seen Jobn Wilkes Booth In Boston, some of tho bystanJors disputed Lim, and he offered to wager money that ho spoko tho truth upon that pont, It ts thought that Both aimed for this city.

SALE Postrommp. Tho sale af stocky today advertised by J. L. Henshaw, bas been pastponol oa account of tho sad Intolllganco of the death of Prasl- dont Lincoln,

Hanvaun Cuunom, Owantustows. A pubdite service of mourning will be hold tn this (Rav, Dr. Ellis's) Church tomorrow ovoning at balf-past ssven

o'clock. Citizens generally aro Invited to at


Inthe ship Belvidero, from San Francisco—Mrs Raed and daughur, of San Prancuco; Mr Douzas, of St Loula; Stasjer Ondera, of Stockton,

MINIATURE ALMANAC......8,rouar, Araie 18,


| Box | etfay, riven $ 18 fects 6 42] r11 02 aor




FULL a tet 133

ANTED.—A situation by » young. girl to > nursery work {0 0 ‘Applet No. 1s Onelda street Ry Rare

b ANTED A respectable Nova Scotia girl ‘itaatlon as chamber of parlor gid. Good

‘Apply at No. 1 AL Vernon avenoe.

et apis WANTED.—By on English Protestant girl, Apiues (odo alther parlor or chamber or nursery

work. Address H.W. LEONAMD, 148 Federal stecot.

ot ‘ap Is


by Rov, Baron Btow, D. D, Fuilerto Mary Prabces, daughter of the

Thi, by Rev. George, A. al, afr, 8 to Sits Ema’ MfeNaught, Dut of Hast’ Hos”

Re domerve, 1th ina, by Roy. Mr. B. Jody Me,

Hore daria

PASEO Uma of Boston te buted Graco A. Wood, daagh- Teron air, Attxander Wood ue.

AU eeanan etd ined by Kav. Ceorge 1 Emerson Me Of Yuung'o slits Boley Re Smithy bath of Needham, We thsceMfdh ene oe er, Pela ae Pua Gatta to airy Aophrontn Weary, bok of Stow. Sir. ater GOaper or sterog to Mrv. Martha J. Haske of Lan


Man Prancleco, Cal Feb, 23, al tho Ohareh ofthe Ate eee Ct alter Ghattes Slaley Cor ot Advent yey Haron Acting Madter Canandadeos, SF eto a tsreia Hortense, dasehler of Desiae eNtages Or hariestowa, ase

Aaron Moree, Sym M23 S Taare A. Wiley att

4 ym, Smo in inst, Col

formerly of Shrowsbary. At Salem, 1th inst., Bien. Elizabeth Webber, wifo of Mr. adteew tun, Rec 3 toa Mr Wasthogion Wight Rucars & months ern EE singe, Aaron HL, Howard, 29 ycare. Ai Ste [tninatcoiman Aimy 7 PF Voncrat! Moatay: Tih taal try Pollen Charsby EEN Testnpion, at 34 o'dbok, Peal, ediends aud relat Etta wetted t9 attend without ructher lle plage Aum InSARC J Sane

widow of the lat

New Adbertisements.


Hixap Qvanrnes, Boston, April 16, 1858. GENERAL ONDER, No. &

‘On tho evening of the day on which the Totcgrity of the Union was commemorated by the reautatton of the Na: tional Flag to Fort Sumter, ABRATAM LINOOLN, Pres} dent of the United States, ful by the blow of ao aanin ‘and this morning explred.

Bile death brings bercavement and grief to a whole pro- ple, His Lifo, hls Oharacter, his Services, his Fame aro a part of Metory, and WUL forever command tho Lovo, tha Gratitude, the Veneration of mankind.

Ty order of hia Excellency the Governor, the Public OMces of tho Stato Govornment at tue Capitol wit bo Groped in mourning, sod the Mage on all tbo pable balla Ings of thio Commonwealth wil be placid and kept at hait mast onlil afer the funeral ceremoaics «hall hayo bosa, performed

By onfer of Mis Excellency, Joun A. Asan, Governor aod Commenderin Chet.


Apectal nereices of Prayer for (he Natlon will be hel at two'Shurshor the Unliy fomerrow moruiog aud eveulng, Kev. Mn Hepworth ellictating.

Treg 8. R.Callteop wil) preach tomorow mornin for te Twentysaauth Congregational Society. at” the Mee Matcoun Subject: —The Death. of Preatleat, lnc There wit bo a path weeting umediatuy afer the

ch of the Messiah. Eaator-Day, Divine Service, a sermon avd the Holy Commanton at 10% o'clock. nil? dren's services ond fafant baptisms ata o'clock. Ta th

erating prayer ond sermon at 74 ovciock. A all"m

Seal secvieu morulog and eveting.

Sanilay Addrossos.

Misa Lizzlo Doten will Jecturo 1a Lycoum Wai mont atecel, tomoirow at 23) ant, Wo'clock, Rirenicon,Chareter.” Evening, “Coulagal Retattous ta Splat Lire Closed by an criglual poem from Shakes peare. Admission 10 conte,

A temperance meeting wU}be heldat thoTfanover Chapel Wd Hnnovee street, tomorraw evening cama Bie olclock.” Messre. Samad A, B. Bragg, Uco. A. hd olbers will addreas the moetlug. Seats (ree

et clog

‘The Anpual Mfeoting of ihe Wann Sine

aoe wilted fa”the parlors of the Chapel PENING, larch 2 REG o'clock, Yr

vod ony other busines that may I

ens Vos

ut Check. = Kilborn (ot ive her second course of tadies at the Martbora’ Hotel, W. ington, street, commencing on TUPSDAY, April is, at IL

‘Sock, A. BI. Subjcet,— Causes and CJnaequonces of

‘Course of four Lectures, Bingte tleketa, 23 conta. jekota ean be procared at the door,


apt Notwithstanding the Two Holllays of the Week, thero iv the same vartety aud sta “The Commonvsoalth fas osoal. Tho President's Spo ny The Colored Americai

ibs The tnah Vetzan Syatem: ce, ete all get nom ok Reviews. Correspondence ica Gossip, ‘lsu are given. CHARLES WY. SLAC DLIIUED, oot 28 Bfomacld stcebs.

Mercantile Holl. Moniay Evening, Aprit 17.


Exbiblijon nnd lecture on the dlifereu: forms of Fane ‘drcesed to. tha 8 nonsed Tho Tangaag ) of

3 Mind—by Probe eer

Lert, (ortho Atm. Asylum forthe Dear and Dam, at fart

be preacnt and take ps For sale at J. E- Tiitou's aod at 0. Ditson & Co.'s Eis

JOHN B. GOUGH taro in Termont Templs SUNDAY EVENING, ApHl30, at 74 o'clock. Subject—"Temperance.” Tickets wih reeceved « ceuti-at Ditrou's only, 777 Wasb- ington etecel, “Other tlekets zeenw. Mt 2


In view of the great national calamity whleb bay botal Jen-ay, the concert announced for tomorrow evening Is In: dedoltcly postpoucd. Parchaacra of tickets will bavo thelr money refunded on application to tho Supeilntendent of the Mfuelo Hall. Tho rolesreal for this ovening 1s post. LORING B. BARNES,



Bight Lectures on the\Horso!

zcus of Boslon and lita v1 ihe wilt give

5 cirtoiay hat, te wil sive coat Ot elght Lect TE HURSE," Beglnalng onthe Zth Of April, ot SO. Wheeler's Clreas Teat, corner of Harti fayenue and Newton street ‘Owners of wild a tn thelr eddressea, togo! alte of thelr horses. Hair'ine cxpento. wil be paid by the management to those who bribg thelr horses far from thls elty, ‘All Tottere must bo addressed ta JAMES M. NIXON,

jus animals are requested torend jer wha note menuloning the bad

ap at ‘Tremoat House, Boston. D ROMESTER. A Qonmme of Poor Lestares will bo delivered at the Uat

Wao Ex

ti March 24th —Social Almec April (th a sources. "April 1lth—Table Talk. April l#ib—Character ‘Tickets (oF We cours’, #130 cacby fy b= bad at Sau: bors sprague's, and dim Bisckuan's stores or at the Sie he ney hore cara paste charch évery br wait aah Ty it

New Adbertisements.

ANTED.—A girl to fake caro of an infant 0 asale fo plsin vowing for three

at Nove Uhoster Fark, covuer Haglsoy avenue, Botjroot nd Bima omer ‘apis

ANTED.—A aituation ip wanted by a cap- Je woman as rmald In a private tally, Will assst ip washing and Ironing. Beat of ety reference given. Apply at Nowa Weat eat ity

ANTED A situation by 8 young man ‘who understands tho caro of honiea “and cartages ‘and hamess and ts willing $0 take caro of emall kardea wad make bimeelf usetal, nud ls well recommended: Address TM. Lranscript office. nt ‘ap 15

WANTED—An Amorican, or Nova, Scotia EAR Oc ata hired Heat, above Dover atteet, between two Gud Ove, P.ay

at ‘ap is WANTED.—A situation by 5 young man

intely from England, who thoroughly understands tential besey and’ cafriageny Wet mull to Address Keo, Tmuscept offers I ap ts

WANTED A situation by a compotent Scamatreas, ‘who undertands ail klads of eexrlug, jolsbing and tinmlog jadies" drreseas catUng and dng childrens clottdog. Mest of city references. Cam bs soca Ut Vernon ave uy


jor tho maa Lo Koln awbort distaics (rota {Box 8st Boston Post Oise.


ANTED—A situation as wet nurs ey tial mated worn x wou vo the best orreferece=one mld tues thou several o at 7 ¥e 4 by cally até) Portiaud # Ceona# tute. WANTED—A competeat, person who is ac:

‘casfomed to tho management of a Noupebold, sup-

nis and a tbe ntiie duties

Xt person of eapertence wh fat give by additvsiigy In persona baudwritig, Box 2A) Post OF es hal nn Dost


State where an Interview may




‘Tho stock Jp tho Northwrealem, Minlog Company of Do

trolt, represented as follow, having been fortlted far nan payticnt of asseasmouts, will be sold at Public Auction at the oitice of the Treasurer between tho hours of 10 aad 1d O'clock, A. Ml.,oo Monday, May 18, 145, uneas sooner £0 ‘dvemed by the payment of alt ducs Inclading Jaterest and

hare Thovollowing will be xcld or non payment of sxseas- ments ocone dullar per sharaday Aug 0th, 1k, aod tro dollars per share dao January dth, 186%, viz, wee

Ceyeiheae Noy IS OE LAR ND. TO ie ahs, No, ‘0 Sor iv sor'sehny No. i for ta) ehet Soe 4 (beatles nnd aud U0 tha! In ame‘ of Wane i White 5 avin naine of Samull White. 19 wis ineoias oo A

‘due. ‘N3-B5,

No. No. 1073, cach 100 ws. N

N WO sha cach;

@barcay No. 21 (or 8 ale; Nu. 99 tor 39 chareay No. 10st

tor fi ahs; No. 213 for 12d ‘0. 109 for 34 sho. No. 4H, lesi cach for $0 shat 035. fe 29 shares; No.

es shares No, 2 fr (0 whares;

No. g3 for zTshuareay No OL for 309 obs,

Aharon No. 209 for 83 sha

j-And Inc Gllowihg or which no csrtidcata havo beeu ‘el tharce In the namoof James M. Shute,

of Thomar Te Sewall, in al 4170 ¢-) shares. By onder of the Directors,

Vn the name

ee'y not Treas Vivteburgh, April 1 Eastern atccsholders may redcem thelr stock np to Bei= day, 1A of Slay nextyat too olde of J. (Ws Crark & 0%, Sink street, Neston; by paymsnt ns above of assosrm nt, Interest nnd charges; or tothe Ireasuror In Pittsbarga b= fore the day of wale im aot


Aul eufferers from the above complsiots, either of receut

pslonding, aro advised to aso Dualr's Gout and

Dey can be reiled apon as ths roa! eats

fund effectual reracdy over offered to the pablle, aud hava

bern universally used ta Europe for may ycars with ths Grenteat socecea

Hrepaced by PROUT 4 TATIANT, No, 209 Steand, Lane

ager Vennd and fald- uy uicteagimne P.O. Wet Gi Tie erankdin: street, Now York, aad by ist dea Price bt sp nee yok wae geen atonz hays authoriand the eam

thomins Proat,

} Ateand, Landaa" ts b>

fmprereed upon tho Goverani

tata aiiicad Co ans bok ortho geoulns medicine, an




Atso, several cases of VERY NEW FANCY CLOAKINGS, !At Low Prices.

J. FORTUNE & CO., 7&0 Summer st. SS Si a wee Ss ARIAN MARBLE BUSTS AND FIG-

URES—A ve “Among whiob are (a

ds Hecmioug, Silrantas Opbelta, Dano, Apotlo, Capi ind Tyecbe, War, Hope, Peace, and ‘chaday, Mutu Biana.Shaktpeare’ Tenfcenes, Soltade, Plorn aod Cly te

and. Tany ot 345 Washington at.

TPO, DET. | A private family at the South

joan, with breakiast it desired, excellent reference glyen Bnd Fequired. Address b. It, Post Omlco, Station A. sss = aap MPO LET—Severnl rooms on bath room flight, ‘a lodging rooms or for partial houre-kecplog (nn Yale house. Siteterences:reyulred. Adeay whit Uam>, ONAL AL, Hustou Pest Ofer. Ty" apis

OARD. To let, with board, a fine suite of roouss ai No.4 Curator papee fo bo vacated Hy Get

oratay ‘a3 13

MO LET—One desirable small size Room, Weil calculated for one person, wIt or vlthout board:

Inqulre at 3 Avon place, apis

FOR SALE—A gentool French roof v house op Sharvn atreet, ro modern tinprove~ fi Tari Eatat by ta Apply

3. PRESCH. #5 Weatfogtou street a

moot our best Durlness for Io ment, Apply tod. FRENCH, G ap Is


vuable estates (or foxestment aad provereat Apply wf. ERENCH, ) Waibingion FOR SALB—A gentoo! brick house on fi rudiond vince, 8 rvotls, modees upeximsUt Apply to 3 BAP u so Warmington at ALE—Houses on all t jad alto to al

Dif, 80 Washiogton stroct.


aoe tate ge serthont deny cat dar Dy ap-

- Mb Asin. Pe Sci so Wwanblngion stseet 4

ap 13


+ aitunted on Morcheater atrcet, South Noatoa. Tits Hi Beautal and “stuahie aia‘ vy deatasig fr 8 pentect.residewed, conslating Of 8 tivo-stary has rodent Improvements 0 bars, and That er of exceient [an ga (rut trea, af

tert approved kind It dealred tt ywill b

bald ti [ote to. aut parchasone. Apply to J. PRE SCI, BD Warbington at. ‘SwWaCn) ans FOR SALK—No, 10 Re out Streot,

Tor ta BID foot Tau, two stony hon ranad walor aud gus, price StI d, terms favorable ASioP No. Ls Ro 101 Jox8d, H¥) font Jan, pasa 61a), fot ftore: ney todo, furnace, water nul gus, woll nee Terms tnvstabley. beat: hurse cars.” Alan, No.3

Uyde, Wack, T3023 egaro tect tsed tio

Mo roocis, well arranged, do lrably' Lo

Hoxbury, hoave, fa

fii eee

gent atreot Woxba:

crted, good water. x Yo roomy Wi

i Marrange, good water, duilrably locatod 3. PRENCH, 4 Washlontoa stscat,

nd very ‘plaaeant, Apily to (opB

Wan ss

FOR SAL®. “A woll-icaowa hobo at White Miver Vilagy Marto} Yoranat Logo yatable bar, 24704) boss, a3


Apply to, PRRNOT,

apis 80 Washlngioa etrost,

Treen streak Hyde Park, 12674 rqaue feet lant, |

WM. SCHOULER, apis te Adjatant-Goneral

(CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFIOE, No 1133 Ginanv Sraner, Prrapeuruta Deeor, April 12 125s, ALY will be recelved at thls office AB, an at o'clock AF or ‘Beny) sénad, in merchant to bomade to conform. to specltica-

Itnmedlato delivery able packages, (i tlonaat tote oles) bdo palra acWwed Boots, No. 9, Army standard. fhe0 pala sswed Hoots, No. 10; Any standant Som palm sowed Uoote, No. If, Army siaalant iting pairs sewed Itooteees, No Armuy stan and. ‘Riooo palre aewed Boolers, No. 11, Army standard. Ing palm sewed Hootecs, No. 12) Army standard. B00 pairs aewed Hootocd, No. 13, Army standanl, Step palms ested Bootees, No. M4) Army standard, Miling Bupe, Army slandacd. Hospilal teal-pales, Army standard. Gncineh Cotton Webbing for Canteen Straps, samples


Samples when submitted must be marked and numbered to correspond with the proposals; and the parties thereto iuat guarantee that the goods ahall bo, to ‘ovory respect, fequal toarmy kandard, otherwise the proposals ¥! be considered.

Bids will bo opened on WEDNESDAY, April 19, 1885, at Lio'eloek AL, and bidders ara requested to be proaunt.

Bach bil tdust bo guaranteed by fwo responsibly” pe ns, whose slgnatures must bo appended to tue zaacane nd certidied to aa belng good nnd sudiclent (or

the'amonnt involved, by somo publlc funcUonary of tho United States.

Aupropeaade should bo made ont on the regular (orm, whleb wid be furniahed of application at this omce.

The rigbeis reserved to reject any bid deemed anreason~ able abl bo bid from a de/auiting’ contractor will be re celvie

niorse envelope "Proposala for (hero Insert the name of the article offered) and address

Colonel WILLIAM W. McKIM, Chief Guarteradter, apis taplo Phadeiphia Di


SEVERAL CASES OF RICH ALPACAS, The Cheapest Goods ever offered

to the publio.


7 and 9 Summer street. x apis

} LANOHISSAGE A NEUF. Lsces and > mantis done up ia tho best atye,Frsuss aalling MiBpeclally for drapery curtains and, window shades dens op at ab fo GU SIADAME PERDISASD'S

Nom stios ra Weat: Cedar stécet, toa


LET—Furnished or unfurnished, with- Deaton a smal private family, two inne roots stth ample cicsct rom, upene ight, hot aad cold water Incsch Women eame foot with bati-room: one a lars, front room, Wi bay wlodorg. Howe hay at moder La provementa refercace requlead. Tal Spriva- Morte rat apt JOMS WANTED, Wanted two furnishe Oo Cinmaet acteats, wTed ye eNToe “other; SURAT

ni Mbselelan, Terms and rvterences required, and wilt be given. Address, with name, Hox ted Boston Post

ilomea, to Tet

wety mode bondeciag 1 ig ee eee eS 1S PIRSLOLASS | DRESSMAKING AND

CLOAK HOOSIS, at No.7 Kneeland Pisce. Also Mira D. A. Arwocb's ayatemot dress cating faaght, ‘Patterns

cot tot the form for 25 cents, Plating and ploking done at short notice. ct ‘ap is

OARDING. To let to ono or two gentle- ‘men a destmable room, furnished, ina private Carll atthe Sonth End. res fst and meals Sunday If desire Brat or eeegences yyvtn aud required. Address box 18%, Boato ES 8


em. conyenicace. The only house on tho rig lle Libra

‘Accommodations at the veashoro;t:ynn or Swamnp- feott preferrd, or a geutieman aud his Wi Ove childres and acryants. ‘Address box 241, Boston P. D.

im apts OARD WANTED. A young widow lad:

‘without children, desires boa/d Ju a small qulct fa iy, Tr pomessed of micans and wil pay liberaly (Or al Metory accommodations. Address Box $57, Boston P.

ut apis OARD WANTED. A single gentleman would Uke boant {0 Drookliue. Plesss’ addccas N. E_D,, box 2137, Baton P.O, stating locality, “The viclo- ity aflWatont stréat preferred, Meferencea given.


OARD.—Very desirable rooms to let, with BD oricins pant for a cimanerativangcey at

yeatreokHeltzeace given aaa rolled

Sew apis

MPO, LET—vo front roms newly painted

10d papered, to genilemen aod thelr Wives, ue goollo=

"Alen table boarder accot “toailreat Se 07

parlor, a

men, “Alen Gable Ty Basex street.

PRIVATE BOARD. A front chamber, with bot aud cold water, ian aid wit, at No. 6 AlleD ss

accommodated. pet

Li arnished rooms to sing

men; also an poturabshed roo aultablo tor a ph

sielan or dentist. “Apply at No. feed Wasklnston ate SMLWetr apis

OARD—To let with board, one large square

foom, ap one thght of stars, partly farnlahed. Ap. Py at No: th Rainboro’ ptrest Brurhsart

ap 15 OARD. Families or single gentlemen in purull of board, can oblalo desirable rooms, that

wht soon be varated at So, 6 Auston atrcal Stubs ap 1s

NO LET—A desirable suit unforniah rooma, Without board nt No, 6 Exeter Pace. corey "aps OARD WANTED—by a young man 18 year of age in a pavato family, Address 8. B. Sewatt, Ne. ¢7 Hanover streot et apis

Boar. Agentloman and wife can obtain

TO LET IN CAMBRIDGE—A oo} Hn Snes Siataraticet, bstweea Td ant Now and clogint houses

at tho South Ends also suslames residences. Apply. to OAMDUS XY,240.17 Slate aud 1 Dovonshire ateeot

ten ml y, Ouon. the Tine of a staan oF bore railroad. Nov Bid, Boston Pest OMs=. eth ‘apis

» FOR SALE IN DEDHAM—Houx contatning twel¢e rooms, with wasbl els, 4%, Sole water, ana good mitehen eran gen ent bar, aud 32310 feot of land well Tad oot, With, AAlet, avd awabandanoo fealt aud'orun- Price! 935%. HE

the new

tf sattect,

rooms f Milford

1d roots and bavlog all un enlensze-

foya aba terms apply to J. FREN #) Washe ot SueWinl mit

commodions Monge, containing if. Fepatr, with good water well onset 17.0% feat of laud, wi omamental Uved, ehrubberr, graps vives, &c,; oar bo Trios Bi. nabury alrsots.

Chetteats and nore carne ‘Apniy corner of Por dault an Ty Cae d., CLAPP G80:


—In South Resiing, on faliroad, a very pleasantly Lo>a- (od IM alory House, 9 roomd, 1 good cepale, good Water, fos about 4 ofan acre uf Tond, ith trult rece of vartites Kinds; 6 nloutes walk of Woyot, acho: ey Price or full partioulas call corner of Poruland ant Saiury J.B. CLARE & SON, stain Aiconte,

ROOK. f Harvanl aod Vernou atroel 1 wild Bot and coll wat np atone wash tabs, range, mummece, Unprovements spastval fate aod oog of te best wells of wator a tho Atatey Shoot of an acre of tand covered with a variely of feall Ata cmameatal Lessa, currants, raspberries and bls Fy bushicay cap be eeco Detwood (Wo Loursuf2 no] 4 oer


fy. For paricwars Inquire of IL Hy WANE Ly 196 Devonshire stroct, Hokem, at wb






Latest by Telegraph.



New York, 16th. Tho Commoroiai's Washington acepintch eay's ho murderer of tho President bas boca Caught. Ho was captnred north of tho city.

hie ienes of a dliborats plot for asaiainatlon


Frederick Soward (9 doad.

Tels expected. that tho Socrotary of State cover, “His wounds are doing woll.

AL re


Removal of President Lincoln's Body to the White Hous



Washington, 5th. ‘Tho figa are all ot halt mast!

‘of business closed and the stresty aro filled with

jo discussing the sad event. The Presidont’s holy waa Femoved to the Excea- sion tlis morning in s hearse wrapped in tho American fing. Tt was escortal by n smail guard of cavalry, Gon. Augar and other military ofllcors fol- Towing on foot. A donse crowd accompanto tho ro mains to tho White Houso, Nono but parsons of tho houschold and the personal frionds of the docoased, howover, worn allowed to enter tho house, ‘The body Inbotng ombalimed with a view tots removal to Lie nols,

Gur citizens aro draping thelr protalsos with mourning. The bells nfo tolling mourptally. All is the deepest gloom and sadness. Strong mon are

sit the streets, ‘The gelof is who sproad iis is indeod a day of gloom. rederiok W. Soward, who was kindly as- isting tho nursing of Secretary Sowanl, rocalved a Stab in the back. ils shoulder blato proranted the Knllo or dagger from penotrating the body. Tho prospects are that be will recover.

"A report is circulated that Booth was esptured Oftecn mules this sida of Baltimore. If It bo tram a3 asserted, that tho. War Dopartuiont bas received Such Infotmation, tt will douvtless bo ollcially pro- mulgated.

‘Tho government departments aro closed by order and wil) be draped with the usual emblems 0 mourulng.

‘Tho roads leading to and from tho city are guarded py tho military, and. the utmost clreumspsction observed as tonll attempting to enter or leave the ity.

Newark, N,J,, 10th. A profound gloom prevails here over the tmugedy at Washington.

ditany, N. ¥., loth. ‘The death of Prosidont Lin- coin bas Cast gloom and sorrow over ths catire city ‘Tho Stato Logisinturo bas, aftor passing 9 résalutlo

Togrot, adjourned to Tuesday next. Baltimore, ioth, Tho fealing hate ot tho horrible crime obiich bas deprived the country of its bal

deep fer uttorancs. "The sorrow ts Fiogs are at balf-mast sud draped In ‘A profound rags parrsiles all loxal hearts. Ono Intenso feeling of abhorrenco and detes~ fauion of all connected with the rebellign baa taken the placo of overs other feoling.


New Yor! 16th, ‘Tho Tribnne's Goldsbarough respondent, under date of tho 11th, says Sherman's

ams wand teva at” nlroady one ‘cuethy"s cavalry, web had hovorod ab nue

BoE lines on. the othor, side of Little, iver, drieing

then “Ratelgh bas ‘been ovacustal. A pat!

Kilpatrick's scouta had gono eix mics boyond tha} place, tinding no wuemy.


Washington, 16th BE. M. Stanton, 8 } communtcation’ to. ft Guencvol thosatden au Chich Magise fas soon a8 placo pertorn Nr. Johnaon immediately roplicd that {t would bo agreeublo to hun to have tho procoodings take placo Be bis rooms, at the ‘Kirkwood Houso, a3 8090 a5 tho

At on early hoar thls moming tary of War, sent an oficial ‘Andrew wolinston, Vico

Valwoxpeatdey Us? oe aks

nto his Inauguration should tate placa possfblo and. requesting him to stata tho 4 hour, at whieh tho e.fomony showld be

arrangemonts could be perfected was Informed of the fact and

ChietJustice Chas

Mina., Gates of Dl., Stawart of Novads, Hale of N. H,, Gen. Farnsworth of TU,

‘At il o'clock tho osth of offlcs was administered by tho Chiet-Justice of tho United States, {n bia us ubland solemn and Impressive manner.

Tn abricfspeech, Mr. Johnson sald, “The duties ofoffice are mine. ‘I wili perform them: Ths conso- quences are with God. Gentlcmen, Taball lean upon you. T foot That shall need yobr support. Tain

eehly impressed wih the solemnity of the osaston and the responsibility of the datles of the oftice f am aspuming”

Mr. Jolinson appeared to bo In remarkably good health’ and hase high and realising senso of tho hopes that aro centred apon him. Mis manner was solemn ond dignified.

1s probable that durin son will issue hls thret pro people,


Washington, 15th. It ts expected that tho funeral of the late Prosidont will take placo on or sbout Thurway next, {t is supposod thot his remains will bo temporarily deposited In the Congressional comotory .

the day Prosident Jobn- mation to the American

‘Tue Dratn oy TH Parswerr, pateb to the Journal says

Washington, 18h, Mra. Liacoln, with forvale friends, remained In’ an adjoining room, occasionally visiting tho dying man, who loved hor 40 dovatedly ‘The last visit ts described as having boon soul-har- rowing to those present. AS ahe enteral tho root ind saw her beloved husband's features were dis tarbed and discolored, abo fell back on tho fi Restoratives wero applicd, aud sho was soon sup ported to the bodslde, when sho drantlcally addressed tho dying mon.

“uutvot" sho exclalmed; “ve but for ons moment, to speak to mo once more!—to speak our child Gobring our “Tad horo, for ho loves ‘Tad! so that I know ho will speak to bim!"" Bat aio was 0 again to hear tho volee that bad cbeored her Wire, nad no slgn of recognition gladdened her grief-atriekon heart

‘A. special despateh to tho Travollor saya

Mra, Lincoln 1s much aflected, and Ly delirious at tn

N bis J

A speclal dea


ecesalonist was killod on the streot for oxprossing 'y at the death of Prosident Lincoln,

OAsconrpaw this forenoon, ad afilicting the na\ Washburn, Judy: Messrs, Bird, Pui

At tho Teachar's Aasoelation, hold jresses appropriate to tho sad cvont on, woro dolivered by Ex-Goveruor Ladd of the Pollea Court, and ick, Morso, Ohase, ond Clailin,

‘The following resolution was adoptod

Resolved, Toot with deopest omotions of heartfelt sorrow in thla, our national bercasoiant, in tho as~ fassination of ‘the Prealdont of the United Statos

and the Secrotury of State, we mcogaizo tho mys= terlous band of an Ail-Wise and Almighty fuler nnd Dispenser of human ms, and though wo

cannot dow comprokend the groat losson provid:

tlally designed, wo would vith wuabakan faith still it our trust In God, that groat blussl

fh 'storo for us, and the nation will sot bs ona!

to acoompllah its great destiny Mererivo oN Peann Ssacrr. An

meeting was bell at noon today In trout

mptu Pearl

street, J. H. Lester, Eeq., presided. After a prayer by Rov. Mr. FoYambo of East Boston, Rov. Dr. Ki

dellvered m most fervent address, In which ho sald that ono of the wisest beads and bearts fn tho conn

try had been removed. Ho asked, how do wo know that Abrabam Lincoln had not complotod ils work God grant that this day nay witness Its culniinatton, and lot every ono,say, down with treason and down with slavery

Moonstso rorTim Pnesmest. To ths Rditor? of the Transcript —In view of the Groat Natlonal Calamity which has bofallon tho paople, would It not bo appropriate and proper that tho ladles of Boston aside gay colors, and for tho space of thirty days wear mourning? Own ov THE LAprrs oF Bosroy.


stated ls glad. Preal- dent Lincoln had been killed,"" was selzod by 8 crowd, fn ropo placed around his neck, nad appearances

rea wero about to bo dual was rescuod by

Indicated that extreme reeas consummated, whon the I tho pollee and somo of hia tr ———————————————————— WATER CURE, MASR

tou Hitless

‘nated tn ae tho best granite thew epian boo


Baroapar Mon¥tko, April Li Liss NOTICE. ‘Oring to the appalling calamity whicbjhas betallsn tha Baton, Dramatic Entertainments av this hose will ba dle conlinged antil further notice.



Actiso Manaceg.,. Ma Ab M Pinte:



MY DRESS BOOTS. ere Wi ee EROS staxaan & Engagement of Mis) Holon Wastora.

Ta PES TOS tne: Great Dexcan gotlte! OnEEN DUSUES? Maru ia Uden Wenters:, To eo: gudewib tho Pet OF Hhe Tuciicodts Peay Sas icine opt BL TM: to commence at TX o'clock

THEATRE FRANCAIS DE NEW Yous Pact Joroner aren Dinweron, Grando Matinee, d’Adloux, at ® 1-9 o'oloy ky SATURDAY, APRIL’ Iris, 1808 DION ETOILE, Comedy to one Act, by Br. E Scare,

LES FEMMES QUI PLEURENT, Comedy tn one Act, by M. M, Sracbia wr Lapua t. LES PETITES MISERIES DE LA va &

HUMAINE, join one Act, by M.Dewaxorm




Sacred Concert, Easter Sunday Evening. (BENEFIT OF J. 1, MURPHY, On which oocasion the fouow-

Of Bnckiey's Sereasders. jent wilt appear Mna M. Bistory Mus soo Aucur, sli Sant A, MoPerurr, las aL sum


I. ‘Tiekets 2 Door

cents, (Reserved Seats $0 coots. Gtio'leck. Concertate It

BUCKLEY'S SERERADERS. Cornor of Summer and Ohouncy stroots.

Every Evening at § o'clock, and Saturday Afternoon al &. Extra performance Fost Day, at o'clock. Fiat, Woman and ch sbouid aes Dshop Duck Jey's Bio Tursa Fnox Guonara, rocelved nlghlly with screams of laughter and applaase. 0 success of Caylor's PermovsoMantn. Baily nd other epecialtios porformsd oaly by Yala ia comparable troupe of arlsts. Tickets 9) cents. Reserved eeats cent 6t_ap


Last week of tbe great Pantomime, ‘Tur Hover ruar Jaox Borer.



M. CARDME, The Extraordinary Billanilat from Parks and Versalss, assieted by Messrs. Mlcbact Phelan & Molvin Foster of Now York; Wm. A. Tobin, Champlon of Massy ‘aud R. A, Willmarth of Boston, Will commence a short eeriea of Seances at Eumstead Mail, Winter Streot, On the Evening of TUESDAY, Ape) 14

Admleston 19 centa

accumpantcd by | The Brat MA LINE


BOSTON MUSIO HALL THE GREAT ORGAN Whitbe played vodnesday onl Satnrlay ai yond Brery Welnesay day evening ata Setordag Ave aD, ME. ian stat POSITIVELY LAST WEEK. ‘The Nattonal Statue,

Front seats reserved for gouUemea,

A) take place on WEDNESDAT. to apis

Pane, © das 6

VIRGINIA DARE, BY LOUISA LANDER, Open from 9 4, 8. to 1 P.M. at Roam No, 1, Ba

Bullling. Tickets is couu. Package ot 5 Uskoti tue



Hat apis


Open datiy roma a. M. 196 P. Mand Wadnesday Saturday Evaars: e ‘i

Auction Sales.

DAVID F. McGILVRAY & co. 4 asp Co Manon ants, Salcsrooms Noa. $3 and 89 Tremont at

BY Avert

Pawner's Hank Sale.

On WEDNESDAY vext, Lith tnst.,at 10 o'clock, A. AL, at (hele bew Bavking Hooms, No.3) Union street, (over Ualou Market) by onler uf tho Directors of sald Bank,

‘Tho ninth semi-anpual sale of unredeemed property, cobtiating of furulvare, carpets, Arc-arms, dry go0us, ald ing. pipe tongs, books, ke

a TUUKSDAY, in fast, a 10 A. M., god at the aaa place, n Taeye aad Gholce staortment of faltvand aver Watches by Adams, Cooper, Jargeoseu, Perry, ‘Taylor, Roakell, Jolson, French nuvf other celebrate @akerk

‘A good variety of easy cluster aud angle stone Lamond te rings, cartings, bracclets, gold quard ans vest chaslnay nckefa Re Alesbldiver ware fk. spoons, de ‘Catalogues Teady aud goods ob exbibitloo oa mori of nal Lb u apis

i. SAMUEL A. WALKER. (OMe? @ Congress street.)


Beaul(/ul Fatale on Union Park.

On SATURDAY, Apail 22, at 4 o'clock, P.M. Will bo sold the beaatiful bause No. 43 on Union

Park. ‘hls bouse ls bullt of ths best materials, a

ished In etucen work, and embellished with warble muntlepleces, &c., Walle the nchly-papered apart

Bunts ren Tho entrance [a by a neat Fea

fit je hall, ths walla ut w.


Bpartnents, wo wat

usta oor is the

paclous deawingeros Mbrary and hall

opens tot The ecllar & exeetleut, ln Which thero Is a superior furnace, Cle diging-oom’ Ws Tight and sleasant, and there Is a wasb-room and kitchea

tah ehten bere te p ke

‘orlookng from the ni tho eatire tenga Sf Union. Park which & omamented with foraat (rosa, Swroet-soepted shrubbery and cay Gowers (a the'r saasoa. This cstare U uo bigoly respectable neluny7tbo%d, aad

Within n few doors of Tremont street, where the bows cars bre constantly parsing. “Ihots sccklbg @ really dealeasto Doue should Avail Uhomeet yes of Ula unity t accure Develdence on Union Fark, which Is

tifing Fpcalfes tn too city” “terms

Teitied on the spat. For further ogalee ot theauetluneer. Tho bouse will be a

20 for inspection ew ery day from a to 6 ovelock B. Mt. ontli aala. i opis

_ Lost and sound.

OST—A breast-pin marked Mary 0. Camp, the Onder willbe suitably rewanled of leavlog It at UW Weat Cedar street. bag

LOST. Selater's, Catalog ‘orth Amaszi. can Dirda, | vol, 8v9., bon ward to whoover Wil rotura” thi

5 WatOn

| ey upd papers

above wl be ilberally WALLED Lost, (A dark Containing a euin of money Ia BOL was dropped cn ono of tho Roxbury Post Brin thestcectavae the Moston statiow, absat Lar past Tour o'clock yesteriay (Laesdae) TA "Toe @odge wil Beuoltably rewarded on Leaving tat the omen of the Chris to ZERcbo9 Sana lt

rowanlad api colored wallet,

Lasmall check Men Doran car




To the Metra at Lam, ni nd all other parsons t=

eeied. WD the JOANNA SPRAGUE tata of

aton,{n exid County, single woman, deceased,


certain Instruments, purporting (obs Uso tay 4

ramen! and OFeald Uaceasad. hi | Seen’ resented to eaid Court, far Probat a Pearce, alerebant, apd Coarlia J. Spragae, Caauler,or gtk at (ctters teatameaiary may bs AM | Executor. therda aamed, OF Spa Fxceutur baving. deetinea th You nee od to Aoneat at arabnt ptr , 08 Sfonday, tha: Twenty-fur , tt, © D> a oNiock before N90, toa gille, day ama thie ean om eas R | mere nea hereby directed | noties theres, by publishing (bla citation oa”, ftve pabite ‘ucerealve qrecke, In Lepamapance eat Ce WORK (ae


sald tioate Didaya befor RAH on

Evening Tramsctipt, | ie

ated eopy wetsa wa baie

P i, oFliqestes, of atl decane eo Oayh Of tha date ¥

yar ons Oy




Aratt, 1800. Sonunnan Eriertas—No. (11, Mr. Editor:


A Inmo kneo bas ita componsations. Among them I inclino to put celebrating by proxy. This

[For the Transcript.) EASTER.

‘Tis Hol ‘tis Hol My risen Lond! His hands have rolled tho stovo away;

Up to the realms of overiasting day,

Death had no power His flesh to keep; Sin o'er His heart holda no domain;

Rising be treads thom both beneath his feet. Suprems io Heaven forover moro to relga.

Lor Jot mo riso this day with Theot Ariso complete {n righteonsness

And following-mockly whoro Thy atops I see, Find in Thy sorvico all my happincas. Denying pelt; my boast Thy cross. May I in Thy commandments run;

Aud dally count this carthly Ilfe as loss, That lito oternal may at last bo woo.



ORTH WHSTERN SANIrANY FAI, It has beon fermined by the Exccatlye Committee of the North stern-Sonltsry Fair, which Is to be opened at cago on tho 20th of May next, to place on exhibl- Ju, as one of tho great attractions of tho fulr, an/ox- sive collection of objects of natural history from p United States. A room suilictently largo ts to bo oted to this purpose, in which the collections will properly arranged; after exhibition the specimens

1 bo sold to swoll the fund in afd of tho soldlors.

J] persona in this vicinity haying specimens of

by valus, whether of geology, mincralogy, zoslogy Pootany aro cordially invited to assist in this great arpriso in our country’s behalf by donotions to tho . Contributions will rosch thelr dostination in

, Ifsont before tho middlo of May to Sarnuol Ht. Ldder, Agent, at tho Museum. of tho Boston Hoty of ‘Natural History, corner of Berkoley and laton streets.

hur New ARMORY oF Tite Bosros Liou Is- TRY (the Pive Strect Church remodelled), was cated last evening with appropriate exerclsas. p galleries and tho body of the bail wero filled with Faber of the regiment /and thelr invited friends. ‘ono sido of the platform wax tho dag carried by Ute Monitor in Its famous engagement in Harp Roads, which was presented to the regiment by

jut N. L. Stoddard; and on the other side was a

ried inthe eugagement on Roanoke Island,

s was tho gift of Capt. 0.G. Atwood. “In the front hory Gilmoro's Band discoursod pleasant and pat-

ic music. Addrusses wero made during the even by Mayor Lincoln, Hon: J. 0. Park, Goorge B

tb, Exq., Maj.-Gon. B. F. Edmanda, Maj, C. 0. for, hnd others. A promenade concert and dauc- |

followed tho speaking.

sTER. Tomorrow belng the Festival of Easter, Holy Communion wil be edilnistered in tho

tant Episcopal Churches, and the aunual Fas pieribge will be collected. "Tho sad and so’omn

ica will bo succeeded by the Joyful To Deums;

fers and garlands Will dock the altars and fonts,

“ore Holy Church throughout all the world! batt with doyout thanksgiving their risen Lord. onfirmation bas taken placo In most of our c

hos during Lent, a large nuraber of parsons will

brrow recetye thelr first Communion, which will

» the services of a peculiarly intorosting and sol- haracter. At the Church of the Messiah a full

eal xervico will be porformed morning and even- In tho.afternoo. a. Sunday School testival wil

Ince and o Jarge number of Infants and cbildros s baptized, Tho music will bo by the children

Lousist of Eastar carols, ote, D.

nev, Dealers In horseflesh wil road with grat

noted haree tamer will appear In th Inst. and give o serlas of cight

fros cn his favorite subject, Mr. Rarey’s success | bduing viefous animals Is too well known to ro | menticn hero, and since his departaro from this | 80d with them too. Towards thelr chi

bes ben assiduously laboring to perfect bim-

nhis art, Several men have already slg- h their intention of placing untamed horses an- is care, and the exbfbltion of bis skill In over- fog them will be very attractive to all who advo- the principle of !Kindnoss to Animate Afr y will appear In Mr. S, 0. Wheolor's elrous tent, Jo South End, Thoso having horses which ro- tutoring can learn all particulars by addressing JJ. Mf. Nixon, ut tho Tromont House.

pres’ Farm. ‘The annual falr to ald the Christ- Church, (Fev. Mr. Edmunds) will bs held nt Ge- ‘Temple, Gt Washington street, om the 18th, and 20th Insts. ‘Thoso friondly and intorested fs sooloty will bear in mind this notice.

‘waz QUOTATION. Our Vermont correspond- is informed that when wo reforred the Mad- (Ja) Courier to “Bartlett's Familiar, Quota- bs,” we meant that it would find there tho fs unmatilated, reading and credited (as our espondent sends them) thus: Ink that day lost whose Jow descending sun, Hows from thy band no noble action done.” Jacob Bobart, Oxford, Eng., 1700. pur main purpose was to recommend s nsefay ence book as s convenicat help to Weatern ers,

eMan Epucatiow 1 ENOLAND. An Eng-

per notices a large and influsntial meeting

Pa enuy beld in the Arta’ School at Cambri ‘the purpose of discussing tho recommenda- bof the Syndicate appointed by tho Sena t the local examination rystem shonld be o: Hed to girls for three years’ trial. ‘The great

jority of tho gentlemen present were warmly favor of tho scheme, and the necessity for some

sure as that proposed was fully acknowledyod. EH. Perowse, tutor of Corpus, objected to

proposal in foto, as ho thought it was incou- nt with the dignity of tho University, and ithad not been clearly proved that such a mo wes needed. Theso objections wero ro- to by Br. Totts of Trinity: Mr. Hadloy

prof St. Jobn’s; Mr. Markby of Trinity, and

rs. Professor Fawcett spoke in favor of tho


ther speakers, while they were not opposed to pought that there were several modifications

ary in onler that the plan might be suceess- ‘The questions whether tho girls should have lsamo papers as the boys, whether it woul be (o examine them jn Winter as tho boys are examined, whether claas-Usts word mot ox- jent, whether It would bo desirable to mix the with the girls and to pit the one against tho r,and Whether any evil would resalt to the

sical or mental constitution of the girls a quence of the excitement to which any

Ioation subjected them, were all discussed, and fic main answered favorably to the scheme,

bt, saya tho Pall Gazette, that when the report comes to be Jed on in congregation, it will, with perhaps o

ro.can be little if any dou!

slight modifications, bo adopted by the pate.

he following resolution was passed by the

hdon Local Committee for conducting the Cam-

igo Local Examinations: " That this Commit- approves tho application made to the Untvers- for tho admissfon of girls to the local examia- fons, and will ist in carryiog It at the London centro any schemo which the piveraity may approve for this oxtension of the

ppe of those

Muszoat Acornr. Ata trialin tho Court of jpg’s Hench, England, between certain publish- x iweediediims ond Tweedledces, as to an al-

ed piracy of an armogement of “Tho Old Bog:

fi Geotleman.” ‘T. Cook was subpaynacd as 4 toes, On crossexamination by Sir James rictt, that learned counsel rather flippantly id: “Now, sir, you aay the two melodies aro tho Ime but diferent. What do you mean, sir?’ pmo promptly answercd—"I sald that the notes the tivo copies werv alike, but with o differont 2 es—“ What is a musical ac- Yooke—“My terms are a guinca a les-

(A lond laagh.J Sir James, [rather

don’t mind your terms here, I ask

ical accent? Cun you sco it?”

fooke—“A musician can.” [Great laughtor.] ir James, {very angrily]—“now pray, sir, don’t at about the bush, but tell his Lordsuip and the bry, who are supposed to know nothing about it, é eaning of what you call accent?” Cooko— Accent in Tusic is stress laid upon a particular te, a3 you would Jay a stress on any given

lord, for the purpose of being better understood.

Lwere to say you are an asa, it rests on ass ; t if L were to cay you ara an ass, it rests on you, r James.” Meiterated shouts of laughter by tho hole court, in which the bonch joined, followed is repartee. Silence being obtained, Lord Dan- ani, tho judge, with much scoming gravity, ac-

sted the chopfallen counsel—'‘Arc you satisfy

TEAMSIIe AsIs. Halifax, Lith. Tho staamablp

Ir Jomes?” Sir James, deep red a3 he natarally js, bad become Scarlett in more than name, ‘a great buf, aald—"Tho witness may go

inclination may bo of the “our grapoa”” typo; but I humbly dinkeit is not in my caso an onvious disposition, Having heretofore soon jubilant sights, and heard jubilant sonnds, I can fancy what a timo you bad in tho city over the recont

Tu pleresd feet have marked tho narrow road | nows, and not violently regret tho inability to bo

ono of tho exultaut crowd thronging the strests. Tho flaga visiblo from my window, and tho bolls of tho (own, reports of cannons and reports of newspapers, Lelped me to got up quite a satisfao- tory panorama. This I could contemplate Ielsure- ly, Without becoming foot-sore or honrso-throated ; without braving tho clements, being smothered in the borse-ears, made deaf by haman harrahs and locomotive whistles and brass bands, and Patriotic specches—without, ia short, gotting used up physically, Jaded out generally—tho col- lapsed victims of exuberant excitement. Diy whole heart was with you, whilst my body, one Joint excepted, was at ease, and my brain ia de- cent order. SoTdida little thinking after my poor fashion, and now venturo to penygraph ope or two of my thoughts,

I went backwards from tho culiuigation of cli- max of the logic of events, as argued out at last to the grand conclusion. I rememberei that tho last feather couldn't break tho camel's back with- out tho laying on of the requisite number of pro- Uminary feathers; that tho last bucket of water does not achieve the whole extinguistment of the conflagration, So itwas natural to wish that, somchow, all tho contributions to the final result, might be kept In mind ainidst tho wildest joy ov- er its accomplishment.

I wanted to havo tho universal consclonsneas, Ti- tally and comprehensively grateful for tho hero- ism shown in tho carly disasters—tho great sacri- ficea at Bull Run, Ball's Bluff, Frederieksburg, Chancellorsville and clsewhere—that served to cement, depen and inflame public sentiment so as to bring out the gigantic strength of the coun try, ag tho magnitude of tho work givon patriot- ism to do gradually revealéd itself. I wanted it vividly felt how persovering toll and persovering proyer at home—how liberal-giving and bravo- speaking—how loyal-yoting at the ballot-boxos and loyal exhortations fn the churches—how the | pationce, endurance, and couno of the rank aud file—how the victories in tho West, the gruat inarches, tho sealing up or captnro of rebel ports, above all, how the battle of Gettysburg, patting nn-end to attempts to invade tho North, becom- ing ths {wming point of the conflict, and assuring the ultimato triumph of the Stars and Stripos—I wanted these and a thousand other, things felt vividly as. part and parcel of the foree which bas compelled the anbmission we welcome for tho peace it promises to bring,

History, know, will attend to this putting to. gether of the long chain of eausos and effects;— still my desiro to have it done now, in overy heart every bmaip, Was not unnataral; since a ro | tirca invalid is posterity to a smell extont, even a3

foreign nations are said to be posterity. With timo tion, the busy participators in symbolic ations of the} general joy had not, £ readily fell into a philosophising and genoralizing mood, comecting the beginning and the ond, by all the intermediate links. To make Grant thocen- tral figure ond “the surrender” tho contral fact, is the first impulso; but around thes: should and will bo gathored ull the othor figures and facts of the war, all the living and tho dead at home and ‘on the field, all the gutherings where the great and the lowly deeds baye ben done to defend ond save the Union.

The conquered shall I confess it camo into my musings with the conquerors, aud I felt for oven, I | bad no sentiment of moro vindictiveness. Thoy

sowed to the wind and have reaped the whirl-wind | Thoy havo fallon into thopit tboy dug with theirown | suicidal hands. Hanging them, however, would | not repair our Jossce; torturing them would uot | them to themselves will be the worst penalty that could be inflicted upon such transgressors; for the bitterést memories aad tho gonwings of ro. morse aro sure {o be theirportion—if they have a fibre of sensibility left—any nerve to quiver with pain, Yet justice bas its rights, aud tho country must still be protected:

Tho thing to be done is for tho nation to say to thes bold, bad mon,—to the cruel military. | Jeader, who only ceased shedding innocent blood | when ho was utterly discomfted —to the civil leader; heartless and anprineipled—the thing to be done, is for the nation to say to these mon, | and their equally bad coadjators,—who | have been fo madly drunk with selfish om- bition and arroganco—“ Never more be ofiicers or citizens of mine, Go into obscurity at home; go into oxilo abroad; enduro the penance of poy- | erty and disgrace; thank 8 generous people | that you are allowed to be outcasts. Strive to re- pent, Seek, with downcast eyes, dishonorable | greves; and may tho Lord havo morey on. your souls.”

To talk, as ia I hear the manner of some, of the magnanimity of any ons of these arch-traitors, to whisper a word in justification of those who ordered or were tolerant of Libbys aud-Ander- ronvilles, is insulting all the best instincts of trae humanity and ¢rue manhood. How can we honor or teach children to honor loyalty, if we attompt to whitewash the blackest aud bloodiest disloy- alty the world has ever known. Ag individuals wo may bo pitiful and forgiving, but the State ond posterity demand that in some way fonlest trea- son shail be branded according to its deserts,

Thes6 leaders aro, thank God, butafew score, more or Jess, What should bo tho measaro metod out to their thousands of willing or unwilling, delud- ed, reckless aud rash followers? Tho mieasuro of forgivencss surely, with enough of firm restraint and vigilant guardianship to provent thom from being ever ogain cheated by their own passions or cupning demagogues,—ever agaia becoming dis” turbers of tho body politic, Let thom be educated so of to understand and valuo their priviloges as republican, that it may bo their pride, quitting a condition of ignorancoand barbarism, to joinin the march of progress, to live under democratic in- stitutions, where all men aro equal in che oye of thelow, whero all labor is free, aud whero all hon- cst toil is beld in respect. ‘Thus, in a generation or two, the North and South may rjoico and grow rich in a common political paradizo.

Those are my sontimenta, and I havo others equally sound and sepaible, the infliction of whic Tsparo you ond your readers. But so far am L nota Daniel come to judgmont, and do I not re joico with dao discrimination? I fear me you will not flatter my vanity by an afirmative nod, You'll say my tople Js pot “suburban,” but tho universal theme of conversation, specches and ar- ticles. You haven't heard talk of anything elao the Jast fortnight. Thot fs true; and thoroia flud my apology. In my enforced retiromont I admit that Tam a “nobody,” and so I claim the right to apply to mysclf the flattering unction of my read- Ing of the old adage, “what is overybody’s busi- ness 4 ‘nobody's’ business.” BSy horticultural friend deserted his garden to bo jubilant—or be- cause it raised, My neighbor's boys canon-izod Grant and Sherman and Sheridan all day. Your columns have overflowed with accounts of cole- brutions—and advertisements, Why ten should not I baye my little say—not a homeopathic doso of all I would liko to bay «aid—and be yours, in this ceason of jubileo, up to the “Lub.” e. x.

A Penssyzyants Sonprmn's Iona. A sol- dier of a Pennsylvania rogimont, who was woun- ded at the battle of Chancolloraville and left on tho field, afterwards related his adventures to his colonel.’ When the tide of battle had swept past thospot where he lay, a rcbel coldicr came to him and took away his cantecn, his haversack, his muy: Ket and accontremonta, and finally demanded bis coat and shoes. At this the Pennsylvanian at first demurred, but sas forced to subrait. Thero- upon ensued a conversation: "Where do you be. long?” asked tho rebel. “To Poonsylyania,” was the reply. “And what nro you doing down hero in Virginia?” “Vel, Tcomes down hero to fight,” anid tho unluckly Bucks county man. ‘To febt, ch!” sald tho Virginian; “Why don’t yon Aight in your own stato, if you want to fight; what business havo you horo in Virginia?” ‘The ' quea- tlon migbt have been a poser for some, but cho bravo Dutchman replied, “Vel, LOzhts mit Uaclo



‘Tho mightlost of tho Hobrow seora, Gloar-oyed and bale atolghty yoary, From Pisgah saw the billa and plains Of Canaan, greon with brooks and ratns,

Oar poot, atrong In framo and min Leaves clabty woll-spont yoara behind; And forward looks to flalds more bright Than Moses any om Plagah’s holgh

Yot, bo our Plorpont's voles and pon:

Lonig potent with the wons of mon;

‘Anil lato Lia summons t9 the shoro

‘Wor bo aball most hs youth ongo moro, C

liam Cullon Bryant.

Waar Snact ox Dows witn Inve. Davis? Weare going to baug tho murderer of Hatr Lazarus Weck from next Vuday. Why? A young varlet boro, baply, of a rag-picker in a back attic of Cow Bay, his swaddling clothes a. ragged dish-clout, suckled in nduloratod gin, weaned over an upple-stall, bis first lessons tho cholcest phmscoloxy of blasphemy and obsceai ty, knowing nothing that ho had a soul, and. wits ces of all distinction between himself and the street curs, save that dogs bit him.aud ho kicked tho dogs, well grounded for his early years in-the rudiments af picking and stealing, a pupil of Jack Sheppard at tho Bowery Theatro, and in dao course removed to the Bonioia Boy's Finishing School—for anght wo know Bernard Friory was guilty of all that,and now haying brought his villainy to climax by getting “druok as» lord,” ud idiotically killing the first man he ran against, the law has decided that is high time ho should bo put out of the way, and this it is going to do

But, go tonow; don’t touch a halt of Jomfar- son Davis. Truo, he spent long years in hatch- ing treason against his country. Trao, ho has spilled the heart’s blood of four hundred thous- and good and trug mon, who now lio stark ani stiff under the sod. True, he haa starved to doath sixty thousand.of our sons and brothors, with an secumulation of torment that beggars’ all that Dan(o ever imagined of hell. But Bfr. Davis is a gentleman. Ho fed on pap whon a child. He went to West Point when a youth. Ho wai sent to Congress when aman. Ho snt oa volvot in Washington when rovolving parricide, Ho walkod on yelyct in Richmond when mardormg his my- riads. As for hemp, thoreforc—vulgac homp: don’t speak of {tin connection With Mr. Jefferson


Wo beg pardon of the Tribano—we shall speak of it, All this talk abont “magnanimity in tri- umph” is excellent in its place; but when it coned to includo the pardon of ovary rebel lear, of Jeff. Davis: himself, wo domur, wo protest. Justice has borne enongh from the hamanitacian: ism of tho day, withont being subjected to this climux of mockery.’ It is doabtful whether Jeff. Dayis will ever bo ‘captured. Ho is, probably, nl- ready in direct flight for Moxico, and it may bo that he will reach that refuge, whatever the of forts of the Goverament to intercept him. Bat i he Js caught he should be hung. wo lot him go unbnng, we must, 1m decency, abolish hanging altogether. If we give him the frea pardon the ‘Tribune asks for, we ought to open every prison door ja the land, and reinaugurate tho Govern- ment by a universal folons’ jublleo.

‘The constitution of our fathers made treason a crime. The laws have nillxed to that crime the punishment of death. With reason, becauss, as there can be no greater guilt than that of seeking to overthrow tbo State upon which tho security and happiness of millions depend, so it can only Feexpiated by the greatest of punishments. It fs trac that there may be extennating circam- stances in this as in other crimes. Such clreum- stances might casily bo pleaded by the great body of the Southern people Who bave engaged in this rebellion, Not only sound policy but common Justice enjoins lenity toward thom. But the erime of Jeff. Davis admits of no extenuation. Ho was the prime mover of the rebellion. Without hin, probably it never would havo taken an organized form atoll

He was the head and front of tho conspiracy that “precipitated the South into rovolation,” avd ho bas ever sioco been the head and front of the Confederacy that hns battled against tho Goy- croment. Tha responsibility for this colossal treason primarily attaches to him as principal. Whatever may bo dona to his accomplices, or 10 the necesgories after the fact, ho at least shonld suffur the extreme penalty of th law. Dat thera is n reason even beyond tho fact that ho is the acch- traitor. Jeff Davis is dircetly responsible for tho starving of our prisoners. This infernal work wus carried out io pursuance of a plan deliberato- ly eettled upon by him as Commander-in-Chiof of the Confederato armies.

It.wvas not ovly a violation of tho rales of war, GL ot wilt tie palo of human clvilization No edacated man who had not the spirit of a fiend, could have been capable of it. Naua Sabib, tho icader of the East India insurrection, is called ‘a monster of the buman species for sufriog the Cawnpore massacre, But what was this butchery in hot blood of three or four bundred, in compar. ison with tho cold-blooded mander, by elow stary- ation, of sixty thousand, perpetrated under tho Ieader of the American robeluon? [N, Y. Times.


Panss Lirenary INtentioENor. NM. Sainto Henye.has undertaken to write tor the new ency- clopredia published by tho Measra. Pereiro (the founders of the Credit Mobilier), and of which ML. Duyoyrier, the dramatic author, is the editor. Tsay Bf, Sainte Beuyo bas undertaken to. write on article on the influence of letters on tho nineteonth century. He receives 66000 for it, and is allowed two years for the proparation of if, Ife will con tribute to “Lo Constitutionnel”’ only once a fortnight (instead of weekly, as herctofore) until the ardelo bo written,

‘The poor profits of literature on the Continont oblige most writers to fill some post under Goy- ernment, unless they may, like Bf. Sainte Beare (and be was for-years a librarian in- the Biblio- thequo Mazarine, where Messrs. Philarcte, Chus- Jes, de Sacy, and Daremberg—all of whom, by the way, are writers on tho “Journal dea Débats”— are librarians), and M. Thcophile Gautier, be om- ployed by ome newspaper. M er,’ the traveller, ia a Ubrarian at the Bibliotheque’ Ste. Géneviovo; M, Amptro was a librarian at tho Biyliotheque BMfazarino; Mf. Henri Conscience, the Flemish novelist (I am surprised his tales bave so litle vorue with you), ign commissioner at Court ray; M. Emile Leclereq is comptroller of the “hell at Spa; M.fSirvt, the-author of the “Tis torical Dictlovary" of Paintors,” is: commissary of the St Nicolas; and I might All this lottor with ‘8 similar litany.

We were all really astonlahed to hear of tho death of the Baron do Bazancourt a few daya ago. ‘Ho was the picture of robust health, ahd almost as fond as an Eglistman of the mauly sports, Ile wrote manly novels, and a work on fencing. His extonsive reputation is duc to the histories of the last Crimean aod Italian wars, which he wrote at command of the French govcramont, Ho was confessedly the best swordsman in France, aud Lis decisions in cyerything appertaining to the code of honor were necopted without question, He was tho second of M. Amcdéo Achard, the well-known novelist, in his duel with the late DM, Fiorentino, Like most mastera of deadly Mele ‘ns, he was nover cugaged in duels as principa); his’ power enabled him to Jough down insults which inferior swordsmen must haye reaented.

A memorable instance of this forbearnnes ns Witnessed ata meeting of the Literary Mon’s So- cluty, in 1849. Somebody aceused the noblemen who belonged tu the society of retaining thelr ti- tles and oristocratic particles, although both had been abolished by Jaw. This remark created o violent tamult, which completely drowned the orator’s volco. M. de Bazancourt exclaimed, “Let him go on; he ia very amusing laughter showed he enjoycd the drollery. This spcech and ils illustration inereased the tumult. A fricnd and political brother of the first orator bavled, "The aristocrat who hins just spoken isa yillain in breeding.” The audience instantly be- came silent. ‘The speaker was lookel upon as a dead man. M. de Bazancourt, however, shrugged bis shonlders, and, Jaughing, sald, “I should not bo worthy tho title of a literary man if I took of- fence at a mere antithesis.” [Paris cor. Pablish- orm’ Circular.

Cacen Henogs. Thero aro two mon whose names will, in time to come, be celebrated by hronicler and poct—who are like caged eagles, or lions in adeu. In Asia Minor there lives a re: clase, patiently meditating upon the Koran, and ing in his small, delicate Arabic caligraphy, a book of prayers. Who fs this man with the thin moustacho and the gray beard—with the turban and tho silken voil—with the loug robe of brown ergo through which bis brown bar arms aro visible? He is ono whom Victor Hugo called “pale spectro In a white burnoua;"” ho fought against Clause) and Bageaud and Velissicr, all nove dead; be foiled tho French for years, aud led cloud of horsemen across tho desert; he is Abd-el- Kader. In tho heart of Russia lives another pa- triot, Who rows fit, they say, and cold, aud tired. When be was young ho excited a wholo people to a frenzy of martial ardor; he goat Mascoyite af- ter Muscovite back from the Caucasus, Deaten aud bafiled; he fonght fifty fights, cach as stubborn as Thermopyla—be is Schamyl Boy..

A New Corrrton, At tho last ball given by the French Minister of War, a novy cotillion was introduced which is described a3 clogantly origi- nal, and it has already become tho rage in garci- fon towns in France, After the closing gulop the dancera assemble In a close columa, and promenade tho ball-room many times with milita- ry step, whilst an obligato charivari Is played on drums, tambourines, ond mirlitono. At tho head

of the column atridesa drum-major, who is choson

alcated In

Again advanced tho quo

TWO DAYS LATER. YROM EUROPE, Halifax, N.S. 14h. ‘Tho steamship Baropa,

Capt. Hockley, from, Liyarpool on the morning ot

tho Taty and Quoonstown 2d, for Boston via, Hall threo Halifix and thirty Boston passengers.

‘The Bure rioacsd strong weatorly wi on the 12th ‘and Tou “annss % tho Sa


ii ywaa ® dongs. fog. On tho 3d pa inst, at7 P.A, slgnalted an Inman steamer bound | gebele were trying to mako the nuclous ‘of unother unt (a att ong. 14. Sho aailod for Hoxton at ‘ne

Raronrmp Ratanar op Joumsrox. New York,

14h. Tho Express has information from ‘one of its

‘editors in Richmond that Joff. Davison the 5th tn: Lssned a proclamation at Danville, saying that Vit

, a ari herived Roroat bro sclock, thls moratng with forey? | Aitla,use beon re-cccuplod by tho Kodera forces, and

nt thy war will bo continued. 4, | was bellovod, was retreating for Augusta, where ths

Gen. Stoneman, with 6000 cavalry mnt 8000 infantry,

Tho steamship Cabo, from Now York, arrivod at | had reached Yadkin lilvor valloy, in Yadkin conunty,

Lixerpool on the Iat inst.

North Carolina, and was moving to cut the rallros

Lisbon telegram of Match 30 aaya tho command- ° emmant- | totween Greensborough and Danyiliey and as John eraof the Niagara and Saeramouto stato that thoy | Mumia north of that Points hls roeroat by this se ts

had no intontion of sailing when first fired upon. by

cut off.

tho forts, but woro only shifting thoi anchorage. It | “Ths Chmmercial's spoctal Washington dospsteb

4s rumored that dipfomatlo notes have bean’ ox-

changod tn reference to this ineldont.

It wna thought the Stonewall would make trom | Ge rain and truns-Miastslpp!y moro with

Lisbon for Gibraltar,

A lottor from Lisbon asaorta that on loaving Kerrol the topmnata of tho Stonewall were struck aud the | ‘Mir. thip cleared for action, ‘The captain sent his papers

and monoy on shoro for aafoty.

Tho Sacramento and Niagara, howovor, ayolod tho conilict. Tho Stonowall has twin scrows, which In tho ovont of a fight, aro oxpeoted to bo of im-

menre ailvantage to hor.

A-Lishon despatch of tho Stat alt, saya tho Amor {ean AMinistor has demanded satisfaction for tho fit=

jays ICls reported thyt Johnston husretreated South, Ittsqupposod the rebel intend to mako a stand In


ing. botter torma thon from any hopo of estab- lishing 8 separate gorernmont, jard's condition still excites somo appre~



Ing upon tho Niagara nnd the Sacramento by the forts. Ho also requesta tho dismisal of tho Govorn- | Address to the Confederate States.

or of Fort Bolan ond a ealuto of 21 guna to tho American fag. Nothing haa yet beon docided tn tho


Tho Times's corrospondont at Rlchnio nnder date of March. 4, aa ys: am dally moro cone Vinced that if Richmond falls and Loo and Johnston nro driven from tho feld, It 1s but tho, frat #lago ot



this colossal rovolution, which will then by 'com- | L2#0ne Drenms of Southern In-

ploted. ‘Thoro will onstie a time when ovary impor fant town of tho Sonth wlll roquire. to: bo held bya Yankoo garrison, when tho exultaton In Now York wil bo ‘Oxchonged for sobarneas and right Toxson, nd when it will bo realized Uhnt tho cloalng acenes 0 tha mightloat of Tovelutionary dramas wil not bo ayed out aavo in tho thes of our children's ch

Potllamontary procoslings on tho $9th wera unim-


Inthe, Moose of Commons, on the 31st, Lond 0. Pagot sad tho” Aduniralty hal tvoslved 6 propel foetanetlontng or supporting ang freak atlonntC reach tho North Pole. Ho may thorafvre, unable &

what courso tho Govornment mould fako It suv

© proposal was mado;

F, Novrdogate put some questions as to tho iden ot

ho Bop taking up bis realdenco im: Iengland, as Ine pone forelyn Journal,

‘Lord Palmerston replied that the Governmont ro-

pected tho Popo personally vory much, bat for him

to como to England would bo both an anachronism


Sree eae ep ete ase res tne iar Suen ee Hon, the rovenao oxceeds by nearly a million sterling

Eocene pean a

ea aaalh oreramant Wal DODO ood

sont by tho English Government with the Groat

Eastorn across {ho Atlantic at the timo of laying tha Atlantic cablo, and it (s hoped tho United Statoa

Government willdo the same.

Baring’s Clroular says a iorge business has been

dono in United States tive-twonty bonds. Prices ad-

yarioed early in tho weok to 57% a 63, but havo s! relapsed to 661-257. Tho demand was chia f tho continent. On Friday the advices by tho Cubs

tions ty OF St a 68 1-1. alto attracted attsution

Erlo and Ulinols shares ti and advanced. Ths Dank of England on the sath reduced {ts rate of discount to four percent, at which there js a fale demand for money. This movement strengthened tho English funds, oni consols woro bnoyant and advancin Kolaop, Triton & Ci chonta, havo suspen £900,000 sterling.

East India and goneral mor- ; lisbllitios estimated


(Special Despat:

to the Transerspt,)

Wasminoron, April 1th, 0.39 P.M, Despatches Just recotved ere stato that upon the arrival of Jott, Davis at Danville ho Issued m procla- mation to tho poople of tho Confederate Statos

‘Tho robel Prosidont had notheard of tho surron- der of Gen, Lee, Ho thoreforo assured bis Southorn oubjocta that Leo Would yot redoom the discomfture of sbandoning the rybel capital. He speaks of Loo {n torms of High eulgy ahd boasts of the devotion of tho army t) that Gonoral,

Davis naserts that tho Confederate armies aro now relleved of the ucceastty of gnarding the capltal or ny other fixod point, and that thoy can now more from place to place, and moot tho miversary at tho most favorable positions. The robols, says Davis, cap wow bafllo thelr adversaries by thelr mobllity and persistent fighting,

Tio appeals to tho Southern people to stand by him in tho malutonance of the war, and as the reward, givos them the assuranco of thelr indopondenco. Ho praises the patrfotism and self-sacrifice of the Stato of Virginia, and assuroa tho “Old Dominion’ that not

0 Inch of its soll aball bo abandoned to tho hated Northern racy. Rarra,


Baltimore, 11h, Tho Richmond: Whig of yestor- day sine Teo arrvod ther tho alt protfous ‘publishes tho oath of allegiance, which, Ie x79, tu eltizas wil ho roqulret ta arest ani subse ‘The Provost- Marshal's office is crowiled jrith poo- ploanxious to take I and tho only questiin sirong fio citizens scetns to be who shall be the frat to ros

ne | few tholr citizenship,

Another ngoviclal ban ling uspendei—tho Ports. FEOM WASHINGTON.

mouth and South Hants Banking Company; Uablll= | yer York, 14th, ‘The Commerclal's Washlngto

ties stout £170,000 aterling. 2 4 itee bolloved thatthe attcs te teters Tie Birolnghaae See Stock Banking Company | {eePalel Aoys tis beloved that the offre to restore

R bos agreed. to tke up. tho business of Atwood's & Spe oREnE Panis which latoly suspondel at Birming- ham, and to three penco on the poand Tho Wost India Mail steamer has arrlyed with over two and aquartor millions In spocis, ‘Sho trought eoveral eaptatns of blocklo-rur occupation was gone. FRAN ‘Tho weekly rotums of tho Bank of France shows

fan inereaso fn cash on hand of over ton aud abatl | Nee York, 1th, During the paasago of tho Core inion of franes aica trom Havana’a tarrel of spirits whilo. belng

In tho Fronch Chamber on tho 20th, the drat | lowered Into the hold slipped trom the Castonings amendment of tho opposition wai debated. “Jules | nu (oll, The store keoper taking @ lighted lamp Ineo Fayro spoko tron tho nocessity for politieal iorty, | tho Lol tt took tro causing an oxplosion. by which n but war Interrupted by tho President ond doclined £4 | manmamed Hughes was instantly. killed,” Anothor finish. his spec ho amendment vas rejected, | was also Kills, ‘Thro othors wero gorlously Ine

'y the croditors cloven shillings aad

Virginia to the Union covers a plan by which the Stalo rights politicians uro to obtain posscaston of tho Stato Government,

Gen. Grant kegps hfmsolf scclnded since his aretyal hero. “He has had soveral interviews witb the Presi dent ond War Department. Most comprehonsiva measures for tho pacification of the South aro known to bo In contenplation,


Tho nmendment in frvor of Ubarty for tho pross wai | jured,

debated, bnt refeotedl by a largo majority.

not returning until Noyembor, his physicians

having recotamended seven monthe

aunty aie tune its tho intention ot the gorernmnt to recornize The Pars Bourse was firm at 671, ac tho Mexican Eupire, bat a rocept act ofthe Prosilant corey thes uot aagport Watastoriog, for ho ne recogalaed The Epora states thatthe Rilulstor of War Las ton- | soe0 A. Godos as Consul of of the Moxican Republic dered bis resignation, nad that Lozundle ro- | st San Pranclsco, sed to FeDIRGE NID = Cay si oe | uae uaa RED ETREOORU Don —erecvea from Mtuealt, aud that Gon, Wivera

the offfee, DEMMARE. ‘The King has relloyed M. Haltz tien of is functions, alll

of the lato cabinet will return to their post


In tho allocution delivered at the Inst consistory, the Pope expressed surprise and sorrow at the sai eyents which have recently takon place in Mexico.

His Holiness hopod Maxiniilau wovld abandon tbo course upon whieh, be bad ontered, and satiety tho ian

Just desires of the Holy Soo. Tho Popa further

abacnce In the

pif sfated that Napoloon will leave Farts catly in | MEXICAN EMPIRE NOT RECOGNIZED, A b

in Lowell In honor of

pounced among the festivities.

thoso of Tialy—tor, thelr zeal In defouiling Follgion. | Jorge, comprising not less ton alx handred teachors

and the libertics of the Chureb, despite the desires of

the Fecular authorities. PRUASIA.

Jn tho Military Cominittoe of the Chamber ot Dep

ntles, an aincndment was introdacod with the ol

Ject of effecting reconellintion botwoon the govero~

mentand the


bya voto of i to, ‘The ‘Committcn also. rajected eatl~ mates and the aniendmenta, thus rofusing tho wholo

the goncral military estimates aud tho n

allitary aud naval proposals of the government, ‘AUSTRIA.

Count Mensdorf made sowo ministorial explana

tlous in the Lower Houso of the Relchrasth. Ho sald

thatthe views of tho government would. be com= rounicated In tho Federal Diot on the Gth of April. ‘Aa regards tho relations with Italy, bo said the gov= Grumont desired to promote the material Interasts of

the two countries, but maintained a hestilo attituds.

Tho government desired to economize, but malataln

the position of Austria nan great power. INDIA

Private Calcutta telegrams of March 27 report com-

merclal agalrs tn much tho same stato as ou tho 25th, when a slight Improvement had taken place, Latest by Tolograph to Queenstown.

Paris, March 31, The Bourse is steady. Rente: ‘closed a€ 670700,

The Braztllan mail bad reached Lisbos

Kio Janeiro, March 11. Exchawge Stock of coffes in port 10,000 ba ga. niiihlay March Ul. Kachango 261-4, Cotton nom nal.

Pernambuco, March Ut. Fxchango 20 1-297.

155-8026 1-4


Now England Newspaper.

Gon. Shorman was {n Ralolgh, and. Jobnaton, it


‘The Express also faye it Kuowd of a cortainty that



How of + Nos. 00 & 08 Washington st.


Waa establlshed in 180, aot over since that period (thUrgy-foar years,) has enjoyed mI Boston nad violnily Uta. any oWier Joaradl

r clroalation Is

Foreign, Domostio and Local Nowa rocelved by Ocean Bteamers Bisourle Tolographs, and Special Reporters, ao to 2 o%olock P.M.


are also saed at (otoryals during the aNteraoon, coatalaia Wo very latest intelligence concorminy the


now in progres, ocoasioned by lhe av(arioas Southern mont of the United States,

An addition to the News of the Day and Genoral Mis

cellany, the columns of the Taaxacurrt are enriched by

Rebellion against tho Go


of ghost of talented Writers at home and tntelUigont Correspondents abroad, comprising the mora yaricd and

‘neral disowsafon pon National Badject, Literary Matters, Comm erolal Affairs, the Arts

interesting toples of

No patna nor expenso are spared to maka {ts "Editorial and Roportorlal departments,and |ts homo and forsign correspondence, equal io all respects to tho demands ef

The alm of all thoso connestad with the paper lr (o make It a rst class high:toncd newspaper, that shall over bo a welcome, gonial and trastad rlsitor to the homes of men of all ctoeds and parties,

Whilo the newrs of the day has its dae prominence, tho columns of tho paper contain a great varioty of articles fn current topics of geaoral Interest, aad all public ages- tlons are disccased in an independent and candid manner. Tho Trantctipt has many literary friends who make {( thele ebosen Febicle of communication with: the pablic, and Whose contributions add mach tojts other attractions In a Word, this paper Wl labor heartily to “‘chorish tho ntarests of Uterataro and the scfences: coantenancs and {acalcate the principles of hamanlty aud geaeral benoro- lence, pablio and private charity, good humor and all so~ cial affectious and gonerous sentiments araong

PER ANNUM (ln advance), delivered in the clty proper, by carrtors, or sont by mail

Single cooles, Five Cans.

Wholesale, 93 per bundred


ood alxod, handsomely printed paper, completely ‘Alled with twenty-eight colamns of Re baving no adrertssements fare yarted, Intecestlog and asefol, and the sheet alt {1s prepared with a vlow to [ts belog a most

1 miscctiancoas


iu the Family Clicle. With the carront News of the Day are given the latest reports of tho Cattle and otler Markots, Prices current, and other matters speclally adaoled to the wants of realdents throughout the

Fashington, Wth. Some forolgn Journals assirt : Lie CORO ue Ta ee t') ‘eugland States, and New England mea at tho Wost aod

Ear~ Pobiished ever


f the two martyrs slain at Bultl- more on the 19th of April, 1861—will. bo dediested on n, Minister of Jus- | Weslnesday next. Goy, Audrow will doliver the ora~

M, Haltzen’ ropresented tbe | tion, and Gor, Bradford of Marslan ebetwoen the reactionary and cxtreme Dome | ‘lou ond Sov. Bradiord of Maris Goratle parties, It supposed that all the memhors NM

0377 Onders for elthor of the above papers—accompa nied with the csah—shonid bo addrosged to the Publishers,


iy to make on An Imposing military and clvio procasslon, with p general illumination In tho evening, is an-

Mippesix County TEAOUEMS AssociaTiox, The twelfth annual meoting of the Middlesex County ‘Teachers’ Association was commenced in the Clty Hall in Cambridgo this forenoon, and will bo con~ ed the Bishops of the Catholic world—osposlally | tinued today and tomorrow. Tho attendanco fa very

Nos, 00 & 08 Washington stroot


‘Two Hoxpnen Reonvrrs for Maine regiments ia tho Potomac army arrived here this morning in the Portland steamer, in charge of Livut, Goo, W. fall, ofthe 12th New Hampshire. They proceeded to tual proposing the macimium | Gallop’s Island to ayralt transportation, strongth of the army at 189,000 men. It was rafoctod

Tm Boston Eyasixo Tuaxsontrr i aedightiel shect Whenever mo open tt, wo feel au Lf we were taking the cork oat of a bottio of sparkllay hock. eat local and forelgn nows Io the plthisat oaragraphs pos- Iblo—Iniormation In nutshelis! Its editorials are always

A NEGLECTED OOUG! COLD, ORSORE THROAT, whlch miedl Bo checked by @ slaple P Brown's Broachial Troche


n mediate -reilet.

‘wouderfully easy.

overtax the voice sudden changes, should have then. Sold everywhere, ataicentsavox. eopta 07

conspicuous for their ability, Among Its coutributors ‘numbers come very ebolce names, and every departmont of the paper gives anmistakaplo evidence of being cou. acted by gentlemen. (Morris & Willi's Home Journal New York cliy.

Bostow Taasécncer. The prospectus of th newspaper will Ue found {a our advertising departmant Tho Transcript ls sui gereris, occupying ground not Aled by other journals In Boston or New England.

giving the current nows of the A ‘apace to cholco literature, tho make ft a most dealrable family journal. oughly loyal to the country, which tsa featare not to be overlooked In these days.

Su have almays looked upon the Daily ¥

edy, ike

> progreas, may, $29 For Bronchitis. Asthuna, Catarrh, and Comsuinpuire Coughs, "The frochei"\ ara sed with advantage, giving oftentimes Wingers and public jeakers will find them also excelfeat to clear the voles ani render’ articulation IU devotes @ large ts, musle, ole, which Tt ls also thor-

Milltarr Ofcers and Solalers who dare exposed to

CONSUMPTION 4, Panvunrcre Comm. Just received from Paris. a supply of “Ds + | Obarchllls Syraps of Hypophosphites ot Lime and Soda Dealers wishfag fo gelt the

wholesale and retall. of JOHN L BEOWN & 8 - | Wasniurtou, opposite Rasex streat osobte aL

ceript asm model newspaper in all respects. entness, and the beaaty of {ts typography, hare cortualy: peter been excelled by any publication of ita kind in tho country. Its correspondence from all parts of the country In watque and particalarty fresh in thodepartment of Utar~ ary and cclentide information. condensed, and bs alws}


aril a gal i seared pean fat fesing tom vag AmesUone can oSialy the grein, fi Urs

ows Ia carefully (Boston American

DELION. This isa valaable compound, comblu in neoucentrnted ald extract

Montevideo has surrondored to Blores and the Bra~ | ever sustained a desorvedly high repatation among phy#l.

alllans occupy the clt has an editerial on the amended taridf Inw In Awer-

‘Drie by the Nght of reason or by tho results of ex

blood. “Fer

perience it is alfke condemned. It ironically credits | tountroet. cope mrs

he framers of the schemo with peculiar wiedom io pune

ccleoting the Oret of April for its inauguration.

Tho Army and Navy Gazetto saya: “Tho work of

A sore care for Corns. Price 25 conts.

tio United States navy hus now becn accomplsbod, | jaye ever wied.” [Seleuudo Americal

and it mu

gut and Porter tho high reputation wilol the officers J semen of thnt powor established soon aftor ty stenco t4aly, has beon greatly enhan

COMMERCIAL, Panrrve tes ar rum Doow, or The Dring Soldiers Liverpool, 1nf, Cotton—Salcs today 620) balos, t= | Last Thoneat. Wane’ You asp Kwang Sou cling’ S060. 'to speculators and exporters, ‘Tho | BiMn Hors, | Clark writ Tum FLAG OF THR MUFKeE closes lest’ firm, but qniot aud unchanged, | STU ak Toe Binines. | Howo, 3. WAAr Shunt, z : a god. | kiapows Ouxr. Cradie Song of the Soldier's Wile, Hreadstuils qaict and steady. Provisious dull, Pro | Harken: Cxap.siicuy Exacrux.. (A flundred 11

duco quiet, BLondon, at. Conso)s closed at 89 7-3 8 99 fo monoy.

imerican Stocks, Tlinols Ci a@ 1-1 dis.; Erle Railroad 36.1 States Five-twontlos O7 1-2 9 68 1-1

From SAN Fraxoisoo, April R plorations haye demonstrated that the Colorado rly

navigable for. stall steamers and failing vossols

000 anlles ubore Its mouth to a point within 400 nalle: of Salt Lake, and It Is quite certain to by the high.

Way of a great trade between Utob, Arizgnn and


‘Who recent heavy falls of rata has groatly bonoflttod

tuo countey. S, ; TheellyotSan Pronclsco finally, after a long and pistares of White Mfoauiatn Scone par sale by vexttions Hugation, has, Issued bonds to the amount Sen E BATES, 400,000 iu tho. aid of the Puelile Central rallrond.

Elgiteen Lnndred laborers are now at work on this MANTEL © OOKS AND BRONZES


‘The exports of treasuro for tho quarter Just ended

show a filing off of about six and a half million: compared with tho kame period Inst year.

bo confessed that {n the hands of Farrae

3 | Diugeist. 77 Harrison wvenue, Boston.

2 oeopte aa Tas

EW §


rand Welcomes) Brown, OVER By. the a 0

AVS REORLY Wusle. Por silo at "POLAT AN'S mh 16 255 Wasluagion st


JOSEPILL. Bi. writ 19 Wasnin

in itreet.

Tho wesdervisnod ure inportiag, the proscat sex

Aprit id. Tho Paciilo wall steamship Sacramento | ‘or eate la this country

sallod today with a large number of passengers for

w York, and $1,109,000 in treasure, of whlch near} 00,000 zoe to Now York.

‘Tho. ate

Del Sur with numerous paascngo:

The market continues variable aud unsottlod, aud

traders pursue n cantious polloy. ‘The prices of tern goods aro slowly filing. Sailed, slup Flying Eagle, for Boston,

CANADIAN PoLttrca. Toronto, ith. -& despatel from Hallfax rived! Uiero Jast night on tho Steamship Aain, on the! way to

tion echomo. Th mile {n length, tested.

wero escorted by a procssalon Q much enthusiasm way mu

SALES ov Seven-Tirmrins. Philadelphia, Wh,

ay Cooke reports subscriptions to the 7~5

subscription of nearly half million from Now York, fono fron Pittsburg for $160,000, and one trom Chlca~ 0 for 810,000. ‘Tho numbér of Individaal sabscrip~

ons for 809 and 8100 was 2600,

Resosorsas AT BANGOR, Tho-rostoration of tho

old log to Fort Sumter wna oslobrated hora on Fri ny by 9 salute at noon, 6 geuoral display of bur ing and tho raising of tho stars aud stripes 1009 f

mship Moses Taylor sailod for San Juan.

tes that tho CanaJian delogates ar-

England, ‘They hal a public rocoption, at Which speeches wore made in favor of the Confodéra~


Ipg apows Envelopes to correspond. b THOMAS GROOM & CO., ‘Btauloners, 2 Stato treet,


THOMAS GLO! Staviouers. 82

: Year, forsale by

- | JBROWNS SAWSAPARILLA AND DAN Tux Dostox Taaxsonser, as a ilcrary Journal, bas not Its equal, wo bellove, in the United States, This is saya but we have weighed our words ‘well and our estimation of {ts value will be known in the fact (hat there is ao journal amongst all oor exchanges (and wo bavo many excellent ones) from whoss colamns Woare able to borrow #0 much cholco and spley reading matter as we do from tls priuco of jouuals Atlanuc Messenge: ‘Tom TnAxscurer, dally ary Well known \9 jastly regan It as on In its pecallar sphore—that of a hterary and local nows paper—tt is without a rival; and It of Its merit, that while attempts hay. papers, in this and other oltics, to copy Its characteris live succeeded In establishing a reputation aud popalarity tko that which from {ta establishment to Uh

ing Ingredients which hay.

a great deal, perhaps

Shana a good Sirkika BIEDIoUNE, and porider of the Liverpool, April ul Bening, ‘Tho Times today | Yymepnia, eee ea oe ee acnctal Desittiny oF ta = | any b-mor, a course of this mediclne will be benedotal

Sea, It says It fa Impossible to dnd an excuss for it, | Porena of sedentary habits will dnd It of great valae 2 | sold by JOHN 1, BROWN & SOM, 425 and 10s Washing

T. ARBOR VIT&. Tho pecullar excellences of thie

d especially w Bos

1 thelr InstUtatlons,

“This {5 the best cure for these troublesome things wo

2. Yrepared and for sale by L. BARTLETT PATTES,

@ striklox orldence boen made by other

i Tue Wan Witt Hoos DE | Tre Bostox Taaxsoarer, for Jamallics of superior qat

tare In literature, sclouco, fashion sod to thorg contented with Iho superler in NowEusland. It ts alwvayy a racde ta typography, an Immense favor

and among Intelligent Ladie honsehold {tls a sue quo no? there every evening, We bear much talk about tt years we have admired the Transcript per 4¢, lug {t editor, proprietors, or on cept the late Kev. T

FUALE HOUR Grasses WITH BRONZE STANDS, Actual lot of (NU very scarce article Guetil toe Young ‘mttses: praovelng

everywhere. To our (Ftdoes not Mad {ts wos

3OMBS, of the best ~ designs and wiost elaborate workmanship, for sale by

We rejoice {a the pro perity of the Tranecript, and In the success of nowapaper enterprise eyory Where,

MOUNTAINS. __ Stereoscople

Bostox Tussi curr, This paper is one

Real Lstate, &e,

FOR SALB—In Brookline, N. H, 60 miles from Boston. a tan consisting «fx Square ‘howse, 19 rooms, thorough pallt, aad fn

food repair; a new bara. ehoo, cabballdings and

sbout {sy acres af iaad 98 acrevin wood Wit to sold at fiye opty to BAMUBL HICB, No.9 Stato atre oi

FOR SALE.—In Molrose, 3 two- Qi ser eaters orrce rete at

p00, “Terms liberal. Apply to SAMUBL WOR rer Renee VALUABLE ESTATES AT THE fi

Btroot; six conveblont brick awelung hoasca on Princo street; and a valuable lot of land on Prince street, with tho balldiacy, available for proseat aap fa ee ee Blats Hous, ‘osopBt aps

es FARM KOR SALE—Comprising 90 ores, pleasantly located tn Burlinglon, aboot It iniles fiom Moston. ‘The farm Is wall fenced and Watercd; witha good 24 story, house, bara with eeuiar, good orchant, Seven chambers, 4 pod ‘wells of wae ter in tho house, 10 rooms; the land ls of excellent quailty, nearly Level, Pico B50. Foe full parileulaes call Corver of Portland and Sudbury otreeta B OLAPP & 30: Spit ott Heal Estate Ageata A good brick Dwelling imbers street, containing 15 roome Frlce 6 pply cornee of Porvandaud Sudbacy op 4. oft “J.B. CLAPP & SON, Real Estate Agent FOR SALE—At Island Pond, V } valuable Steam Sill, with a gang of20 baara, ij, lar eave, clapboard, Board, ablagae, Dox,and Neadlog Bachino—togewher with £9 acres of Umberel with fine growth eprace, hemo fargo qaanuty of wood, lso.a Boating bier and 6 village lols. ‘Good taduceuncats to parties Wl fng'to fort a stock company, or laake a prottable Inyaat: Beat are bers offers For further particulars call comce of Poruand and Sad- bary surcots. 3B. CLATP & 30S, ay ost Real Fstato Agente

Stock Brokers,


COMMISSION STOOK RROKER, No, 10 State street, Boston, Author of “Twenty-one Tears la tha Boston Stock Market,"*


OF STOCKS AND BONDS Current in This or Other Markets, OLEUM OLL STOCKS will be farntahed at tho


Sunsouirriox Paton, wallo being placed on thowarnee rdets per Mull, Express, of Telegraph, prompily axe outed atthe correat market value Ty Stook Floctuations and Dolly Prices. of Gold far 1064, ins convenlent form (or rororenee, ve sale as aDowe: dt 5

Gants... Board and Rooms,

WANTED-A situation by two oxporionoed rls, cue asa cook aud onc as @ chart

pisatat Maiden atrect. Dat ofelty reeronan g

pe eee for one Weck

WANTED By on Englishman, o sit ‘as porter fn a store, care of a pabUle bull himself aul v0

ever. Can pve Tremont street

fo weould 49 (0 a summer house. ed telimoniate,” Apply at Baker’

WANTED —By a competent young woman, situation as chamber au

vwasher (and (rover, au brings good reference, -Apafy at Baicea's, 76 Tremont efroet. oot Ant

WANTED Any person wishing fora relia: ble man and wife, te man to take caro of horses and dive, and werk about a geaUleinan's pluses, Ue wile Se cook. “Give city releronen.. Apply of Bama'a, 6 Trimont streal. a8.

DIPLOYMENT NOTIOE, oe in a Ba on re sietieenbe'AGnfor Oca fs" Wueles toot

Youre menont o employment, wishing te nt an drespootablo sltwxdous, vill Maal It iclr a santaeo to coll at hie acelant ad

eatabilauirent te

© ATED s ng the Teeth and! Removing tho Tartar, Moats sod Vartiying the Breath, and glying te

ie in habitual ‘roothache. ef «Powter ls prepared With «reat cary by a, paoulla 1 and for end effoaclous Deawlirce

T SAWTLETT EATTEN, Apotnceay, rumnsie TT Hsrrioa.ava._cor! Muah at. {hetan << Or one Dent quality, Oak

Wane sow rato br d0s

Ageie ora large umber of pictures BALA MAT ES, (eoWwarlacton suevet

OY OF BOSTON Loans. Roormi Temporary Loans—For advances made (or redraltiog purposes to be taxed for the ‘ext year. Natay will BS Fesuied payable in clebCto twelve momins. at riz par cent

Currency Loan—For general patpasos, daly aathoriend by the City Council, Words willbe Graed. payable [a tea yeu, with Interest paymenteattaobed, payable som


Anbually: bearing slx per cent. In eurreot funds Tao siiseriber ts duly authorived to recelya Candy on elusor ot the abdye loans. #0. THAOY,

apt ote ley Treasirer,

WOR OLEANSING AND WHITENING tio TENTH and atrengthonlcg the gums, “DROWN'S CAMPHORATED SAE ONACEOUS DENTIPGICE™ It the best’ Tooth Powder In. use. Made by JOUN L BROWN & SON, Bund (07 Washington streat ote En

Will, CURE, CHAPPED HANDS. CHAPPED Y AOE 07 CHAPPED LIPS. Brow Glycerine Ebrocation will bo (found superior to all ota Preparations forthe. cure and. prevention of & roagh of Ehapped akin, rendering the ska snooth aad sort.


Jan 1 JWANCY PAPER BOXES, fcr Handker-

‘oblefs, Gloves, Jewelry, Brushes’ and Combs. Very FoseeM L. BATES,

1) Wasbiaeton suivet, 3 LAVENDER WATRR and LU- BIN'S VIOLET POWDER. A caso Just imported br ORLASNO TOMPRINS, Apothecary,

mh 18 ‘Si Washington, cor-'of Winter atreat.

GAME OF CROQUET, Complete sets ot A Balls, Maots. Othe wost approved. pattans, “Porat by 8 Sotelo bares, iv 1 Washinton att N 'S. By the author of “Gol- Tarp of Jadah;" contatning Ta- ilructiony, Eaerelscs oud Several Hubdred Popular Sok New and Sparkling, Adapted to aut Oceastons, amd Allvs ‘vith the Spirit of fhe Ties iictadlng Stany Compositions

yretty. Fox sale 0} pretty 7

hed. Specimen pages seat free Price BS cron recelpt of whlch it ll Be.

Bent, party isned by OLIVER DITSON &

CO..97 Washington street, ‘api

DRAM AND COLOGNE FLASKS, Lun: con Haskots Dressing Cases, Cigar Catea, Wri Cases, Lage, Mateh, Handkerchie’ and Glove Borsa, kar Liehters, Fans, Pocket Combs, Cards. Dominoes, ant Sutmberless ther Indispensables and coayenscaces fOr tho it. AlLthere articles are ot the choicest sonable {m price. alid shapely 'u form. Wslore Marttag ob a foureey (ue traveller abocld nov ral? to rep ‘at TOLMAN'3, ira ~ 959 Waablacton street

ITY OF BOSTON. Puntio Souoors There will bean exurtaton of applicants (or the fAmaistant and Pilmary Teachese tn the Oram pols In East Bostow. at tho Adama

nee. Lelmobt square, ca, WEDNESDAY, April mmencing at 124 o'clock, The salary ts ¢199°09 per D_ Ith 8H AnOUAl focteaes OF 959 0) for Utes yaara

ihe placeor Head Assistant iho salary ts 990) 0 Dar Tulle presenting themselves for tho cxamiaaton msy testloonlals of scholarship 0d

B.S thoy please tv ostec.


Secretary of the School Commuitoa. aps Op

[POR PRESENTATION TO TEACHERS. Tbony and Kosewood Tollot Cases, Leather Dressing

nyllsh, Prevch acl AmevJean Weiung vases (very Atneticateinado Writing Desks, much sapsrior. ® Hreneh, warranted not to war

Grist; Gol end Sliver Head Canes: also, a very choles Yor ot gentlemen's Travelling Bags ~All theabove articles wil va aqowa with pleasure lo azy ono wishing to examine at


fem Te Wasbinston street,

MTY OF BOSTON. Arnau. 3, 1865,

‘Ovmers of DOGS In tbls elty are rosulnded'thas sad Dogan mast og umbered and reakstered at the off\ze of tne unveralgned beyore (hy expiration of the. present man

Docs which wera reaatered In sala once fa Ist cam ce the same numbers this year, IC their owners cake asly appliealon therefor 8. F. MOCLEARY, City Clore, mice, Miechanies’ Holidmg; Conaney strect

tutes of 128

agreeable Journal In the lapd, and always’ be printed. The Transcript,

come ope of th most thrifty newspapers Ln B. Its snccesa Is tho result of the oa: terprise, Meermuluation and good taste of Ita ropriotors throngh all the years of Ils existence, dense and wealthy p

Concord (N.IL) Statesman.

trom small begtnatn;

deed anywhors cle.

large vancyy of these goods, from the most decimblo

3 | Parhlan manulacturers, including patterns of the wicst artictio ebarctoe and rare quality—never before oftercd

daly appreciated bs

Boston and {ts subu Tun Bostox Batt

land moet valuablo newspapers In the Un

though printed with tho speed of Hoe's Ligbtning Presses

Wwone of the neatest to Its appearance.

Is edited seith remarkably, good taste and Jadament, and Paper fa the country has bel(er contributors

=a _19 Wasnincton stent) EW LINEN WRITING PAPERS. We

‘are now (atrodacing soros New Letter and Noto Fa- made of pare Linen stock, to which we Tavita the 4 | particular attention of our customers. ‘Tbe esseotlal po- Euliarities of these papers aro thele xreat femaness and Surnvliity.. They acv very tough and ‘will not break or Clack, abd aro otadelicate thickucss, ‘Thoy are preparcd without glazing. bat present a very ne surface Jor writ

‘Tie Bosroy Tzanscurrt—Tho gem or among the newspapers of New E ite Journal—atd bas been many a year than pleased just (or the oppartanity to allude to tts mer {ts, coming to asst doos, srook afior week anil year alter year, all aglow with the latest Intelligence and the best thoughts of the day

oi DIARIES FOR 1805, Nearly ono nundred

different styles and yarioties of Diaries, for tho New

(Chiistlan Register.

WOOD PRAM these choice little Palatings. Jast received dircet trom loan. tos | Switzerland, among them many noted places, which will ny to the Amount of 83,¢12,000, (ncluding a einglo | be recognizes oy the traveller who bas visited that go

‘aja invited (0 call Aud examine tho samo at TOLMAN'S, 245 Wasblacton street.



NGS, WITH CARVED | “A Darcy Visrron Auwara Watoous.""

ever lively, entertalning and Instructive “Boston Eve

Tt s not too mach to «sy, ave reason to bo proud of thelr Uterary Were woto glve oar bouest impressions of the yalos ot a Joprnal like the Transcript, as a moans ol r= finement and caltare to the family cirele, wo (ear that those who are not acqualntod with our talented aad La {clligent contemporary would accuse us of exaggeration. Under the charge of 113 prosoot accomelished and gontal editor, Mr. DanloLN. Haskell, our old favoulio has great

Indecd, Were are

tollootual pab:slan,

nog Transoript Nentulcountry, “They are litte gems in ther way All

FAANDBOOE OF MUSICAL, GEMS! ‘THe, HOE MELODIST contalas nearly One 2 | Hundred Favorite Sones. It 1s excaedinely conyonleat

Iprizn wnd neat apd altracilye lo-style. This gnigae rol fame, bound in cloth, nad comprising cbolce plecas, which, Wo edother form costs twica ax many dollars. wil Ba anni above thocity by means of a monster kite, boaring | Dnstara free, on receipt of thuty Ave cats, Uy OLIV

wale, (lore Soar-

contain such ahoice

Keeper Of a dog shail annvat- \ day of Apri, causa Kt ty 6 ribed, and Joonsed for ona yoar casting May, (0 tbe ofioa of the ao city S wherein he realdess and shall D wear arvand Iv neck a collar distinguy mar) regucered number, and aba jar Jor avaale and fies dottars

H (Whcover Keeps @ dog contrary to tha. pro. f this chapter rhall furtelt (een dollars, tobe Sy cowpialat: aod, tho mousy shall be puld to carer cl the county, to which the dog la kept, ox.

Lepr thatin the County of Sadelx, tC sball bo paid to tao treasurer of We elty oF town, wherela said dug ls kept. | *“otnyn 126 PARLOR CROQUET —A new and excollont | E tudor game: Por sale by JOSE RH 1, BATES bly 1a) ashineton atroal ADIES' WIDE BELT BUOKLES—A Livancy Arucle of exquisite workmanclp. com>iniog ty and utility. They are cow all the rage la Par


don. A full assortinen TOLMAN'S. 23 Washington at


OPENED, the book aulversally catted (oc “Ti

Harp of Jodah, by 1.0. Emerson. Price 13% 0. VEE DITSON '& GO. Pabliaher, 217 Wasntnztoa strat | Piano STUDIES BY LOUIS


LER 0, vie Fiest Staales, $1.2. 0: Rchool ‘Iu Velocity, BK T Ni | Vetec vier


aren woegualed fe