f<\ ^^, .06>3 y/yj-yy iab TO3B- 'JE**.**?*****- 'yyU^ '%^ ^m » .'P ,» < #-' • "A PUl? U -< i'« ^W '* BOSTON JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY, CONTAINING PAPERS AND COMMUNICATIONS READ TO THE BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY, 1843 — 44. PTJBLISHID BY THEIR DIRECTION. VOL. IV. NEW YORK BOTANICAL QARDEM CHARLES C. LITTLE AND JAMES BROWN. MDCCCXLIV. BOSTON': Plil.NTKD BV K11EK.MAN AND BOLLES, WASHtNGTON STKKET. ^:1^ ... .V iNEV/ '-'ORK BOTAi.ICAIj GARDEN CONTENTS. Page. Art. I. Dissection of two adult Dromedaries^ a Male and a Female. By J. B. S. Jacksox, M. D., 1 II. Descriptions of the Fishes of the Ohio River and its Tributa- ries. By Jared p. KiRTLAND, M. D., (^continued from iii. 4S2), 16 III. Observations on the Genus Scalops, (Shreio Moles,) with Descriptions of the Species found in North America. By J. Bachmax, D- D., - 26 IV. 071 the Occiirreyice of the Phosphate of Uranium in the Tour- maline Locality at Chesterfield. By J. E. Teschemacher, 35 v. Descriptions of tiveyity -four Species of the Shells of Neio England. By J. W. Mighels, M. D., and Prof. C B. Ada.ms, 37 VI. Descriptions and Figures of the Araneides of the United States. By X. M. Hentz, 54 VII. Descriptions of two neiv Species of Fishes. 5?/ D. Humphreys Storer, 31. D., 58 VIII. On a new Species of Raffleria, fro7n Manilla, By J. E. Teschemacher, .----•--63 IX. Remarks upon Coral Formations in the Pacific ; with Sug- gestions as to the Causes of their Absence in the same Parallels of Latitude, on the Coast of South America. By Joseph P. Couthguy, ...... QQ X. Niagara Falls. Their physical Changes, and the Geology and Topography of the surrounding Country. By James Hall, 106 XI. Note to the Editors respecting the fossil Bones from Oregon. By Henry C. Perkins, M. D., 134 XII. Reynarks upon Coral Formations in the Pacific, &fC. By J. P. CoTjTHOUY, (continued from p. 105), . . - - 137 XIII. Descriptions of some of the Species of naked, air-breathing Mollusca, inhabiting the United States. By Amos Bin.ney, 163 XIV. Additional Descriptions of. and Observatioyis on, the Fishes of Massachusetts. By D. Humphreys Storer, M. D., - 175 XV. An Inquiry into the distinctive Characteristics of the aborigi- nal Race of America. By Samuel G. Morton, 3L D-, • 190 XVI. Descriptions and Figures of the Araneides of the United States. By N. M. Hentz, (continued from p. 57), - 223 ^O XVII. Descriptions of the Fishes of Lake Erie, the Ohio River, CT'.i and their Tributaries. By J. P. Kirtland, 31- D., (con- ' tinued from p. 26), - - - - - - -231 •"<::t^ XVIII. Description of a Species of Helix, newly observed in the C