Sa pore Je ee PTY > ir 1 * ene eee Ate St | ax* eye eo ee ソン rs ーッ ュ ター = = て“ 4 ニン > ーー モー ーー ペン ニン ンーm ア ーー パン ーー = ae a で ーー ーー ーー ーー ーー デー すず ンー で アー プー ーー デュ こ ーー ニン < て マー ディ ーー ニー ーー ーー ャ ーー ペー ニ デ we died Sage ono ~ c*. ii ジー ( ンー マーーー . Ne aon ーー mae neat と と コー マー ーー till デア の ーー =~ ーー ae ーー ャ シン デー うつ や ーー と ーー ーー ペー ニー ne: oa — ーー と < つの タイ ーー ーーー 一 ーー ーーー の = や "を piers 中 ャ ーー ツァ ー tp ogre a ~~ - » っ . “* te ご ドー の v に 3 re" rs - マ 『 r4 ep ・ー ~ “ wore tee ene ry wm P- て ーー . ** ge * = ーー Pi 4 まま - し «ei Po, っ mh ai ” ; ans 時 sit 3 > ot se eer = 7 se A "こい - Swan Ne Me ーー ye re Tan 8 pee pp On ジャ eT ee teat し し 1 + i a 3 | 4 i i き 1 4 ‘ ; coher ee 1 ae nay Pp Te fe s | Me Tt ' Mat Sy) 2 ELE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Volume X. No. 107-118. THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vou. X, No. 107. PA Beal bb. ,pakeé-no-Kasu“ als Nahrboden fur Pilzkuitur. yon Professor M. Miyoshi. Angesichts der Anwendbarkeit der bei der Zubereitung einheimischer Nahrungs— und Genussmittel gewonnenen Stoffe bez. Beiprodukte ftir die Pilzkultur? stellte ich seit verflossenem Jahre eine Reihe Versuche an, deren Ergebnisse ich bei der spateren @elegenheit zu berichten denke. | Vorlaufig theile ich kurz die Resultate der mit ,, Saké-no-Kasu “ angestellten Kulturversuche mit, welche nur ein Bruchstiick meiner Untersuchungen bilden. 10 gr. (Gewicht) verkaufliche, gewobuliche ,, Saké-no-Kasu “ wurde in einem Erlenmyerschen Kolben eingelegt und 2 mal im Dampf- sterilisierungsapparate sterilisirt. Impfung fand iiblicherweise statt. Alle nachfolgenden Pilzarten wuchsen binnen 1-2 Wochen, im Zimmer- temperatur 18-24° C sehr gut mit reichlicher Sporangienbildung, Phycomyces nitens wuchs am Gppigsten mit zahllosen kraftigen Sporangientragern und grossen Sporangien. Mucor stronifer gerade wie der erstere Pilz. Der ganze Kolbenraum war mit den Hyphen vollstandig gefillt. Aspergillus oryzce sehr tippig gewachsen. A. flavus tppig gewachsen. A, glaucus iippig gewachsen. ~ Penicillum glaucum tippig gewachsen. Versuche mit anderen Pilzarten sind im gange. 1) Da die fortwihrende Schimmelpilzkultur zum Demonstrations— sowie Versuchs— gwecke in einem botanischen Laboratorium unentbehrlich ist, so findet alle gute, bequeme Nihrbdden resp. Nahrfliissigkeiten vielfache Anwendung. Hieriiber vergl. z. D. Wortmann, Bot. Zig. 1893, P. 177, und Miysshi, Dieses ,, Magazine“ Bd, IX. Ne 104. 1895. A New Atriplex from Liukiu Island. By Tomitar6 Makino. Assistant of Botany in the College of Sctence, Imperial University, Tokyo. Atriplex Maximowicziana sp. nov. Atriplex arenartia Maxim. in Mel. biol. XII. p. 530; Forbes et Hemsley in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXVI. p. 320, non Nuttall. ' Jap. name, Miyakoxima-hamaakaza, Sakishima-hamaakaza (Y. Ta- shiro), みや こじ ま は まあ り * ざ , さき し ま は まあ ぶ * ざ ( 共 = 田 代 安定 民 ) | Annual (?) herb, densely white mealy furfuraceous all over. Stem decumbent, 4-6 dec.m. long, rather woody towards the base, many- branched, slender, striate, somewhat 4-angular in young portion of the branch. Leaves alternate, often sub-opposite, ovate-oblong or ovate, cuneate at the base and forming a short petiole, entire or somewhat repand, very rarely more or less hastate, mucronate-obtuse, 2-4 cm. long including the short petiole, trinerved at the base. Moneecious. Male-flowers minute, densely clustered, forming a short terminal spike. Calyx deeply 5-parted, the segments obovate, concave incurved; the outer surface very mealy furfuraceous and the inner surface glabrous. Stamens 5, slightly exserted; filaments flat, subulate, connate at the base; anther broad, with obovate-oblong cells, fixed to the filament with its upper part. Rudimentary ovary minute, clavate. Female- flowers minute, sessile, 2-bracteate ; the lobes triangular, connate at the base, the outer surface very mealy furfuraceous, enclosing the ovary. Styles 2, erect, slender, shortly connected at the base. Ovary minute, rounded, compressed. Fruits sessile, clustered, fruiting bracts com- pressed together, 6-9 mm. long, triangular- or ovate-rhombic, usually acute; the hardened portions flattened convex, mostly muricate, united at the base; the limb nearly half as broad as the hardened portion, and surrounding more than half of it, dentate at lower half of the A NEW ATRIPLEX FROM LIUKIU ISLAND. 3 margin. Seeds small, compressed, vertical, dark-brown, 2 mm. broad, closely concealed in the fruiting bracts. Hab. Liuxiu: Miyako-zima (Y. Tashiro! July 1887, H. Kurowwa! Aug, 28, 1892, No. 40). Nearest species to the Atriplex arenaria Nutt. (=Obione arenaria Moq.), @ North-American plant, which was taken as identical by Maxi- mowicz; but the latter differs from the present species in many respects, its leaves being oblong or obovate-oblong and not trinerved at the base, male-flowers slightly larger, stamens more exserted, and all parts of the plant thinly furfuraceous. Phanerogams of Shonal. (Continued from No. 105.) By T. Kawakami. ot A HE BE GARE? Xs) 川 上 瀧 玉 Vacciniacee. 453. Vaccinium japonicum, Mig. アク シン REE. PSR 454. V. Vitis-Idea, ん. コケ モモ Bie ly 455. V. ovalifolium, Sm. クロ ウス デブ Bye. AW foe. Vo hirtum, 7h. ス ノ キ Ay V V 457. V. Buergeri, Ing. オ ホ マ スク ノミ キ Aly. Bis. 坂本 458。 culiabum The ナッ ハビ.。( ア ミネ キマ そ 方 言 ) Hricacee. 459. Gaultheria adenothrix, Max. アカ モノ Ary. Bee 460. G. pyroloides, Hook. た et Thom. シラ タマ ノ キ 鳥海 山 461, Cassiope lycopodioides, Don. オハ モグ 鳥海 山 A . PHANEROGAMS OF SHONAT。 462. Leucothoe Grayana, Max, ハナ と リノ キ . (FFvar & FS) Ail. a ee 463. L. Tschonoskii, Max. @2\FOlILZU 5 Od GRR) RB 464. Hpigesa asiatica, Max イメ ナシ 月 山 . Bee 465. Andromeda nana, Max. コメ マツ ガザ クラ All 鳥海 山 466. Phyllodoce Pallasiana, の oz.. アラ マナ ノ ツ ガザ クラ 月 山 . 鳥 海山 「 467. P. taxifolia, Salish, ツガ ザ タ ラ 鳥海 山 7 468. Tripetaleia paniculata, S. 7 ホ ツ ュ ジ Rae. Bey 469. T. bracteata, Mar. ミヤ マ ホ ツ ュ ふ \ ジ Ail. Bie 470. Rhododendron brachycarpum, Don. シロ マナ シャ ク ナ ゲ . (シャ ク ナダ グ 方言) Ail. Ris 471. BR. Albrechti, Max. ムラ サキ ヤシ ホ ツ ュ ふ \ ジ BE. AW 472. KB. indicum, Sw. var. Kempferi, Mar, ヤマ ツタ ッ ジ . ( ッ マ キ 凡 言 ) Da Ajo. -B&. Tschonoskit, Mar, vu Fae IVS Ba 474. Menziesia multiflora, Max ウラ ジロ ヤッ ウラ ク Ail. Bae 475. M. ciliicalyx, Mar, vYWeyyy Ay. Sel. BE 476. Pyrola rotundifolia, Z. var. incarnata, DC. ベニ マナ オチ ャ ク テウ BSA. Wa. 市 條 477. Ohimaphila japonica, Mig. ウメ ガサ サク BE. SEW 478. Olethra canescens, Reinw. リヤ ウブ . (サル ダメ シ 方 言 ) 前 onotrope8. A479. Monotropa uniflora, Z. ギン リヤ ウッ サッ ei. w * Diapensiacee. A480. Diapensia lapponica, LZ. A» YR Bieily 481. Shortia uniflora, Max, オハ ムッ ウチ ス ハム .( チ ザ ノ ラ 方 言 ) We. HE 482. Schizocodon soldanelloides, S.Z. オハ ムカ ゞ ミ Aly. Bre Primnuulaeeee. 483. Primula nipponica, Yatabee モナ ザク ラ Al. BW 484. ysimachia clethroides, Duby. 7H +} 77 7 PAR A485. lL. Fortunei, Mar, ヌ マ ト ラノ ラ spa. RS4a 486. lL. lineariloba, Hook, e Arn. ハマ ボッ ス Es BA 加茂 . 三 瀬 487. UL. acroadenia, Max. ギン レオ イサ クウ 松 稚 488. L. davurica, Willd. クサ レダ マ HELE. SeEWE. MAR 489. 490. 491. 498. PHANEROGAMS OF SHONAT。 L. japonica, The コナ スピ Ally. Bei. 観音寺 Trientalis europea, Z. ツマ トリ サリ サウ AW Myrsinee. Ardisia japonica, Blume. ヤブ ュ ツ ジ FOE. RSA Styracee. Symplocos crategoides, Hamalt. サハ フラ タ ギ ks 3a. BI eivtax japonica, oO. 4. = a7 +. (ナシ ヤノ FRB) hea S. Obassia, S. 7 aZ7uvrvr RZ FH Oleaces. Fraxinus mandshurica, Rupr. var. japonicum, Max. ヤ チ ナダ モ . (ショ ッ タジン ミ 考 言 ) Sas Fraxinus longicuspis, 8.7. アラ ダ モ . (アラ タン 方 言 ) Ma. VE Ligustrum, medium, Ff. S. オ ホ マ ノイ ボタ ノ フキ. (4 オ ボ ポタ 方 言 ASR THER Apocynacese. Amsonia elliptica, Roem. et Schult. チャ ウジ サク WER. RSF Asclepiadees. Pycnostelma chinense, Bunge. スマ パサ オイ a Vincetonienm atratum, Morr, et Decne. フナ ラ 高尾 山 V. sublanceolatum, Maz. var. albidum, Ff. S. シロ マナ カモ メ デル BCE SE. EP Hndotropis caudata, Mg. オケ マ ABtE. ee. BBW. Hw Cynoctonum Wilferdi, Mav. = オケ タマ 坂本. 観音 寺 * Metaplexis Stauntoni, Roem. et Schult. カ ヾ で イモ. ( ゴ ガ ラミ 方 言 ) WS BA s se 円 a \e < Ss me rentianeee. Crawfurdia japonica, S. ググ. ツル シリ サン ダク Hay Gentiana frigida, Henk, var. algida, Pall. タウ ャ クリ ンダ ウ 月 山 G. scabra, Bunge. var. Buergeri, Max. リン ダッ タウ 金峰 山 PHANEROGAMS OF SHONAT, G. trifora, Pall. オヤ マリ ンダ アウ 月 山 . 鳥 海山 G. Zollingeri, Fawcett. ハル リン ダク pea. Bes G. nipponica, Max, ミヤ マリ ンダ ラウ Al. BewW Swertia chinensis, Franch, モン ブリ. (トラ マク 方 言 ) he-Seey S. bimaculata, Clarke. .7 7 87 FY. SEW. Bas Menyanthes trifoliata,, 2. ミ ヅ ゲ ガ シス 月 山 . 西 目 Villarsia Crista-gaili, 7ese の 、(Faurasa japonica, Franch.) イス ハイ テ フ . All. Bie Limnanthemum nymphoides, Zink. var. japonicum, Mig. アサ ザ Tis 5. (8 Boraginee. Tournefortia Arguzia, Roem. et Schult. ハマ ムラ サキ BB? GB. Aye} Omphalodes Kramen, F&. S. アリ サウ pea. FHA : Trigonotis brevipes, Maw. ミ ヅ タビ ラコ ュ BE. Fees. FT T. peduncularis, Benth タビ ラコ ュ Mag. BLE Eritrichum Guilielmi, 4. Gray. タチ カメ バナ クウ jE Convolvulacez. Calystegia hederacea, Wall, モル ガ ホ PS3a. FER) C. Sepium, 2. Br .var, japonica Makino. オ ホ ヒ モルガ ホ (FA 》 マナ 方 言 ) ae Onscuta japonica, Chois, +R VAI. (FF VIMAR) Ba Solanacee. Solanum nigrum, Z. オ ヌ ホ ュ ヴ グ キ FEI. S. Duleamara, Z. var. macrocarpum, Max. マグマ ノ ホロ シ RA S.-4yratnm Th モヨ ドリ ジャ タデ =I Chamesaracha japonica, Makino. (C. echinata, Yatabe.) 4 Wa ダキ yal. HR. #848. Lycium chinense, Mell. 7 2 2BEE (To be continued.) ( 未 56). THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vou. X, No. 108. PA ke [1. On the Different Views hitherto Proposed regarding the Morphology of the Flowers of Ginkgo biloba, L. (Preliminary note.) by Kenjiro Fujii. With Pi. I. Conifers form the chief part of the present Gymnosperms, and comprise groups of plants greatly differing in their habits and structures. R. Brown, RicHarp, SCHLEIDEN, A. Brown, Von Mont, OUERSTED, SPERK, PARLATORE, CASPARY, VAN TIEGHEM, STRASBURGER, SACHS, EICHLER, STENZEL, WILLKoMM, CELAKOVSEY, and many other eminent authors have contributed their own observations, and theoretical considerations to elucidate the morphology of Conifers; and the discrepancies and variations of opinions have given rise to a voluminous literature, and the questions on the morphology of Conifers are at present ex- ceedingly complicated. What considered by one as an inflorescence is regarded by another as a single flower; what considered by one as a bract is regarded by another as a carpel; what considered by one as a carpel is regarded by another as united carpels, a shoot, a placenta, or an outgrowth. One and the same formation is considered as an arillus, a pseud-arillus, or a part of a carpellary leaf by different authors. Even the homology of flowers of both sexes is questioned by many authors. This is also the case with Ginkgo itself. There remain yet many points of detail to be decided by renewed observation and careful comparative study; and the generalization in 8 the morphology of Conifers requires a thorough knowledge of all their groups with respect to external structure, anatomy, development history, and teratology which often shows various steps of progressive and retro- gressive metamorphoses, The valuable studies hitherto made by various authors with respect to the morphology of Conifers are mostly on the Araucariace, es- pecially the Abietinee ; and the general views deduced chiefly from the results of investigation on this division of Conifers have been extended to the other division, the Taxacece, with the least possible modification. So it is natural that there are some erroneous inter- pretations. To deduce the general principles governing the morphology of both divisions of Conifers, deviating, as they do, much in their structure, many genera of each division must be first thoroughly studied, and the results of the studies must be tabulated and compared, in a manner similar to that of the meteorologist who determines the direction of the wind by graphically representing and comparing the atmospheric con- ditions of different stations. Only the general principles deduced in such a way, that is, not merely conjectural or arbitrary, but based on ascer- tained facts, are reliable. I hope the present note of the results of my observations may contribute on one hand some of the ascertained facts necessary for the establishment of the general principles in the morphology of Conifers, and on the other a review of the opinions hitherto held on the morphol- ogy of the flowers of Ginkgo. | (To be continued.) Phanerogams of Sh6nai. (Continued. ) —H- a た ee 内 ERE oe + = Jie 内 jz | AE Ai 49) (Hide? #8 *) Jl] 上 - $e Se Scrophulariness. Linaria japonica, Jig. ウン ラン 藤崎 | Scrophularia Oldhami, Oliv, ブ マ ノ ユ ュ グ サナ pps]. =] S. alata, A. Grayw ヒナ ノウ スッ ツボ EWA Pentstemon frutescens, Lamb. イワ ブクロ だ る 辺 の さき う . 鳥海 ji Mimulus nepalensis, Benth, ミゾ ホッ \ ャ グ キ aH M. sessilifolius, Max. Amoriyrryy * Ay Mazus rugosus, Lour, 7X27. (サギ サッ タウ 方 言 ) BH. 7A Limnophila sessiliflora, Blume. キク モ SHAE Dopatorium junceum, Ham. アブ ノ フ メ PE. BH Vandellia erecta, Benth Pe RH. oe YV. angustifolia, Benth ア ゼ タ ウッ ガラ シ TEE Veronica sibirica, ん . ク ガ イサ ツウ . (トラ ノラ 方 言 ) BW. 坂本 V. longifolia, ん . シリ トラ ノラ Wohi. =. 女 鹿 : V. incana, LZ. ? グ ォ 424 テン Fee ANY Nealpma, アー ミヤ マク ソ ツガ グ 多 Ail. 島 海山 Siphonostegia esis Benth モ キ ョ モ ギ BE W. MB Phtheirospermum chinense, Bunge. コシ ホ ガ マ VRE . Pedicularis Chamissonis, Se の . ZEOLoOWLAw? 鳥海 山 P. Chamissonis, Stev. var. japonica, Mar, ヨ ツ マシ ホ ガ マギ ク 月 山 ・ 烏 海山 | P. resupinata, lL. シホ ガマ ギク Aly. P. gloriosa, Bisseb. et Moore. ハン ク ソイ アダ ミ Al P. yezoensis, Max, ショ ッ メ ナ シホ ガ マギ ク Ail. Fo P. apodochila, Max, コマ シネ ガマ A Melampyrum roseum, Max. var. japonicum, Max. + ュ ナ 月 山 M. laxum, Mig. ミヤ ママ \ ュ コナ 金 愛 山 ee 10 D058. 566. 567. 570. 571. 572. 575. 576. 577. Orobanchacee. Aeginetia indica, Roxb. オモ モグ ナ HA. HE. Bw Orobanche ammophila, C. A. Mey, ハマ ウッ ポ 吹 浦 (佐藤 泉 氏 TR) Lentibulariz. Utricularis vulgaris, Z. タヌキ モ 松嶺 . 大 久保 U. affinis, Wight ムラ サキ ミュ ゝ カキ グ す サ 月 山 . 市 野山 . 鳥 海山 Pedalineee. Trapella sinensis, Oliv. モ シ モドキ aa. TRA BGHE= EE ス Verbenaceee. Phryma leptostachya, LZ. ハ ヘ ドク サッ AE. 観音 寺 Callicarpa japonica, Th. ムラ サキ シキ ブ PR. KE. Ki C. purpurea, Juss. コム ラサ ミキ Beye Vitex trifolia, Z, var. unifoliolata, Schauer, ハマ ガウ. (ハマ ュ コ 9 HB) eI Clerodendron trichotomum, 7h. クサ ナギ HGR E> Fil Labiataz. Plectranthus trichocarpus, Max. みや すい ひい を くし (BR) BE. 湯殿 山 P. excisus, Max, カメ マモ キラ ヲ ラコ ュ シ FH. BBW P. ineflexus, Vahl. ヤマ スハ タカ 鳥海 山 Oomanthosphace sublanceolata, Mig. テン ニン サク Ray. pei. 観音 寺 Elsholtzia cristata, Willd. ナギ ナタ カウ ジュ Hee. Bias Mosla punctata, Max, オ ヌ カッ ジュ PRE Mentha arvensis, L. » 7% fA. 小 出 Lycopus europeus, ん. var. parvifolius, Mig. コシ ie L. lucidus, Turcz, 4 2 YO FARE. MSR L. virginicus, ん ん. ろだ て こし る 4 ぬ AU Calamintha multicaulis, Max. ミヤ マタ ウン マナ DR. BH C, chinensis, Benth, クル マーナ =I. Bw Salvia nipponica, Mig. アキ ギリ (ムコ ナカ セ 方 言 ) 松 領 ・ Mes S, plebeia, R. Br. ユキ ミサ クウ Pez 602. 603. 11 Lophanthus rugosus, Fisch, カ ハ ミ ドリ 坂本 . RS Nepeta subsessilis, Mar, ミッ ガ ハ サ ナウ 鳥海 山 N. urticaefolia, Bissct, e Moore ラシャ ヤ ウ モ シカ ヴ ヅラ FE N. sp. @h 5% N. Glechoma, Benth カキ ド ホ ネ ホシ PSR. BIS Scutellaria indica, ZL. タッ ナミ サウ BRE S. indica, Z. var. japonica, Piet S. シン マタ ッ ナ チミ Brel 2 | S. galericulata, Z. var. scordifolia, Rgl. ナミ キサ ォ サッ FR. BIB S. dependens, Max, モメ ヌナ ミキ BE. MR. 小泉 ‘ Prunella vulgaris, ん. ウッ ボク ザ Ay. 局 . 鈴 岡 Chelonopsis moschata, Wig, ジャ ュ ッ サッ 鳥海 出 . 観音 寺 Stachys aspera, Michx, var. chinensis, Max. オ ヌ ゴマ FEE. 小泉 Leonurus macranths, Max. キモ セア タ =i | L. sibiricus, ん . メ ュ ジ キ 三崎 山 Lamium amplexicaule。 ZL. ホトケノザ SHE Teucrium japonicum, Willd, ニ ガ ク サ bil. FFB T. stoloniferum, Hamilt. var. miquelianum, Wax. ウル ニー ガク サ Fotis Wy Ajuga decumbens, The ジフ ニ ェ トム Mis A. yezoensis, Max ニシ キ ゴ で キモ Bye hye Plantaginee. Plantago major, ZL. var, asiatica, Decne. オ ホ マ コ (マリ コー 名 ッ ン 方 言 ) BH. 鳥海 山 . P. kamtschatica, Link, エ プ オ ホー ュ 加茂 . ROA P. Mohnikei, L. >»? FYA Ra A. 鳥海 山 Amarantaces. Amarantus viridis, ig. オ ヌ ゼ ピュ 稚 岡 . 小泉 Achyranthes bidentata, Bl. var. japonica, Mig. #7 29°F 小泉 passe | Chenopodicacee. Chenopodium album, L. アカ ザ Hag Atriplex littoralis, Z. var. augustissima, Mig. ホン ジマ ハマ アカ ザ 田川 /\ 12 604. A. tatarica Lo ハマ アァ ザ Re By 605. Salsola Soda, LZ. ラ カ セ モジ キ Rare Polygonacee. 606. Polygonum aviculare, ん . ニハ ヤナ ギ 稚 岡 607. P. sp. 松嶺 608. P. caespitosum, Bl, 子 ペ リタ デ 田川 . HB | 609. P. Posumbu, Ham. var. Blumei, (Meisn) Herd, a ヌ タ デ (モヤ メ シナ 方 言 ) ea. BES 610. P. Hydropiper, LZ. ボン トク タデ B* 51。 japonicum, Meisn,. サク ラ タ デ 小 中 島 . BES. 扇山 612. P. virgianum, L. ミ ヅ モ キ ( ミ ヅ モミ キ グ 了 方 言 ) WS 613. P. polymorphum, Led. var, japonicum, Max, オン タデ 鳥海 山 614. P. sp. 鈴 岡 . Bis 615. nodosum, Pers. オ ホ オ イス ヌ タデ He alatum, Hamilt. Rayo 湯殿 山 . WM. 鳥海 山 Thumbergii, S. ec Z. ミゾ ゲッ ラン (ハチ ィング す サ 方 言 ) WH senticosum, Meisn, マ w コ フシ リ ヌ グセ Hes BH . perfoliatum, ん . オシ ミカ へ RB . sagittatum, LT. アキ ノウ ナギ ヅル Kiley ・dumetorum, ん. ッ ル イオ イダ タ ド 7 PSR. BIS . cuspidatum, S. ef Z A4R PY (スカ ンコ 方 言 ) WE . sachalinense, Pr. Schm. ARAREY (ドン デ ゴイ 方 言 ) 湯殿 山 624. Rumex aquaticus, Z. var. japonicus, Maz. マダ オイ アタ Ally 625. KR. japonicus, Meisn, ギシギシ (ウマ ノ スカ ナブ 方言 ) WE 7H 626. R. Acetosa, ん . スイ (スカ ナ 方 言 ) WS 〇 づ ゝ トー 〇 ゝ PHD Aristolochiaces. 627. Asarum Sieboldi, Mig. ウス マサ オイ シン (ゴロ ハチ チャ アン 方 言 ) ee ea ee ee 628. A. Blumei, Duch.. av7 76 Bes 629. Aristolochia debilis, S.e¢ 7. ウマ ノ ス デ クサ (シホ モッ ュ ク タウ 方 言 ) i. 酒田 . 編 原 (To be Continued.) ras esi THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vou. X, No. 109. PAE’ Fr. On the Different Views hitherto Proposed regarding the Morphology of the Flowers of Ginkgo biloba, L. (Preliminary note.) By Kenjiro Fujii, Bigakushe. (Continued from No. 108, p. 8.) - Provisional diagnosis of Ginkgo:—a deciduous tree, with “ Lang- triebe” and “ Kurztriebe”; foliage leaves fan-shaped, dichotomously veined, with the upper margin wavy, usually bilobed, sometimes many- lobed in young trees, entire in flowering branches, Flowers‘” dicecious, single, in the axil of the uppermost scaly leaves and the lowermost foliage leaves; male flowers in the form of a loose, elongated, short stalked spike; stamens with two pollensacs and a very small round terminal-scale (“ Endschuppen’”’); female flowers long-stalked, usually with two ovules placed opposite to each other near the apex of the stalk; ovules with a single integument and a 2-lipped micropyle, partially enclosed at the base in a small cup-shaped swelling, usually one ovule only in each flower becoming ripe seed; seeds drupe-like, the stony part 2-angled. (1) whether what I designate here as a flower is really a single flower or an inflorescence, will be fully considered afterwards. 14 Historical account :—Van TreGHEM considers the female flower as a real single flower representing a carpellary leaf which is the first leaf of an undeveloped axillary bud; and the so-called flower-stalk as the leaf-stalk ending with two ovules, each of which corresponds to a half of the lamina of the carpellary leaf. But there are often found flowers with more than two ovules, of which he remarks that though the leaves of Ginkgo are usually 2-lobed, 3 一 6-lobed ones are occasionally met with, and carpels with so many ovules may naturally occur. STRASBURGER denies this view, and considers the female flower as a 2-flowered inflorescence, the ovule as the terminal formation of the secondary axillary shoot of the axis of inflorescence, where the subtend- ing bract is abortive, and the cup-shaped basal swelling as either an arillus or a kind of pseudo-arillus formed by the swelling of the axis around the ovule. And he remarks, on comparing Conzfere with Cycadacee, that in the former ovules are born on the “ Achsenorgan,” while in the latter on the “ Blattorgan.”® According to E1cHuEr’s latest view on the morphology in question the female flower is a real single flower, but the flower-stalk is a.small shoot, and the cup-shaped swelling at the base of the ovule is the rudimentary carpel.3 Sotms-LAUBACH also denies VAN TIEGHEMS view, and describes the the female flower as a female flowering shoot. Sacus,’ Gasset,” and also most other eminent authors regard it-asa shoot; but it is not by every author that the question whether the female flower is to be regarded as an inflorescence or as a single flower is discussed. SACHS states: “ The single flower [of Ginkgo] consists of a stalk- like elongated axis which bears immediately beneath its apex two or more rarely three lateral ovules. Neither in this genus nor in Taxus are there any foliar structures close to the ovules, which either from (1) Strasburger, Die Coniferen u.d. Gnetaceen, p. 16 (1872). (2) His later view—Die Angiospermen u.d. Gymnospermen, p. 73-76. (1879). (3) Die Angiospermen u.d. Gymnospermen, p. 134. (4) Engler u. Plantl, Pflanzenfamilien, Embrgophyta Siphonogama, p. 109 (1889). (5; Fossil Botany (English translation), p. 61 (1891). (6) Text Book of Botany, Second Edition (English translation), p. 516 (1882). (7) Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology of Plants (English edition), p. 326 (1887). 15 their position or from any other circumstance can be regarded as carpels.”“? ~He states, also, in the classification of ovules with respect to their position, that the lateral ovules may be regarded as the equivalent of whole leaves. BRAUN has also observed no carpels in Taxaece. Ga@BEL seems to be of opinion that the ovule of Ginkgo is an axial structure, the direct terminal formation of floral axis itself, and not of its branch as considered by STRASBURGER. Masters regards the cup-shaped swelling at the base of the ovule as an imperfectly developed aril. [ I may state here in passing that AsA Grey’s explanation of his figure of Ginkgo seed in his “Structural Botany” is not true. For he states: ‘A drupaceous seed of the same [G. bzloba] in vertical section, exhibiting the mature disk which forms flesh.» By this explanation we are led to suppose that the cup-shaped swelling at the base of the ovule becomes afterwards the pulpy portion of the seed. As to the seed of Ginkgo, Srraspurcer states that since no fibrovascular bundles are developed, in the integument they cannot be regarded as the cause of the formation of the prominent edges of the stony part, though they may be regarded so in the case of Yaxus ; and since in the prominent edges there have never been detected even specia! cell rows, he considers the edges as a formation derived by inheritance from the seed which had no fibrovascular bundles in the integument.” (To be continued.) () Text Book of Botany, p. 516 (1882). le. p.-5/5. (3) Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology, p. 385 (1887). (4) Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany, Vol. 27, p. 300 (1891). (5) oc. cit. p. 271 (1880). (6) Die Coniferen und die Gnetaceen, p. 15 (1872).- * 16 On Ustilago virens Cooke and a New Species of Tilletia parasitic on Rice-plant. By Y. Takahashi, Nogakushz, With PI. II. It is the object of this paper to show in detail the morphological nature of Ustilago virens Cooke™ and to point out that it is identical with Tvlletia oryzae of Patouillard, which was recently proved by Brefeld “® to belong to the fungi imperfecti and not to the Ustilaginee. He proved this by cultivating the spores in a nutrient solution and by showing that they reproduced the so-called smut-spores from the sclerotioid mass of hyphe produced in the fluid. He founded a new genus, Ustilaginoidea, on this species and the another which is parasitic on Setaria. I will also take advantage of this opportunity to report on an yet undescribed species of Tilletia, which is found parasitic on rice-plant in Japan. | I am induced to do so in this connection, because it is erroneously referred by some to Tilletia oryze Pat. and it is the only species of Ustilaginee found on Oryza sativa L. up to this time. Ustilago virens Cooke, one of the wellknown fungi in Japan, is characterized by the formation in place of the fruit of the peculiar sporiferous body, which is at least twice as large as the normal one. These sporiferous bodies are round or oblong in shape and uneven on their surface, when fresh, resembling, in some ways the convolutions of the brain (Fig. 1). Their outer portion consists of a powdery but somewhat sticky mass of spores, which cover all the surface except the () Cooke, Grevillea, Vol. VII, p. 15. Thtimen, Die Pilze der Reispflanzen, p. 3. Saccardo, Sylloge Fungorum, Vol. VII, p. 467. (2) Patouillard, Champignons extra européens. Bull. Soc. Myc, France, T. III, Fasc. 2. 1887, p. 124. Pl. X, Fig. 2. Saccardo, Sylloge Fungorum Vol. IX, p. 286. (3) Brefeld, Untersuchungen aus dem Gesammtgeb. der Mykologie, Heft XII, 1895.—Rey. in Hedwigia, Bd. XXX IV, 1895, Repert. S. 140, | sali 17 base and a part of both the flattened sides of the sporiferous bodies, which correspond to the two lateral edges of the normal fruit, where the remnants of the glumes remain forming, in a cross section, keel-like projections (Fig. 2. A, g). These spore-masses are of olivaceous green color. The coloring matter dissolves in alcohol and dilute aqueous solution of potash, giving a yellow color to the fluid. ‘These spores are round, irregularly rounded, or sometimes angular, and 4—5 yw in diameter (Fig. 3, A). Their membrane is beset with granular protuberances and is of light olivaceous green color. The membrane becomes nearly smooth and transparent, when treated with potash solution. If any of these sporiferous bodies be cut crosswise at their middle portion, three layers surrounding the central tissue or medulla and dis- tinguished by their respective colors can be clearly recognized. Thus in Fig, 2 the outermost layer (a) is distinguished by its olivaceous green color; the middle (b) by its orange-yellow color; and the inner- most and thinnest by its pale yellowish color. This last layer hes sometimes entirely within the middle layer, and is, in such a case, always situated nearer to the medulla. Between the keelshaped remnants of the glumes are found scattered here and there thick-walled cell remains of the tissue of the fruit embedded in the hyphal tissue of the medulla, imparting to the latter a grayish color (Fig. 2. 7). The tissue of these sporiferous bodies is of waxy consistence and toward the central portion notably harder. ; Let us now inquire into the structure of these different portions. This point was touched upon by Mr. 8. Hori of Tokyo Agricultural Hixperiment Station in a previous number™ of this magazine, where he mentions several earlier writings® on this fungus and explains its pathological and morphological nature as one of the genuine smutfungi. He is fairly right as far as the mere distinction of different layers in the tissue of the sporiferous bodies is concerned, but in regard to their structure, more especially to the mode of spore-formation, his statement is not correct, his figure showing the two layers composed only of spores on the outside and a layer of hyphal threads inside being decidedly erroneous. (1) S. Hori, Diseases of Jap. ag’l plants (Jap.). This magazine Vol. VII, 1893, p. 209. @) N. Tanaka, On some smut-fungi (Jap.) This magazine Vol. III, p. 198. —S. Hori, On some fungi injurious to rice plant (Jap.) This magazine Vol. IV, p. 425. ete. 18 The outermost layer is the stratum of the ripe spores already de- scribed. These are not, however, the only element of which this layer is composed ; for besides them there is another important element which must not be overlooked: namely the spore-hearing hyphe. These hyphez are hyaline, septate, little branched, about 25 u in thickness, and traverse almost vertically to the outer surface. The spores are borne singly on the short projections or sterigmata, as they may be called, which seem to be scattered on the hyphe without any regularity (Figs. 4 and 5). The spores are sometimes so thickly borne on the hyphe that the latter. are almost entirely covered by the former. When the spores are removed, the hyphas show a tubercular surface under a low magnification. The middle or orange-colored layer is the stratum of the young spores and the hyphe similar to those in outer (Figs. 6, 7). Here it is more distinctly seen that the hyphe run almost parallel in a radial manner toward the outer surface. These young spores are pale in color and about 3 y» in diameter, their membrane being nearly smooth or slightly uerrucose (Fig. 3, B.) The third and represents thin- nest layer of pale yellowish color the still younger portion and is of the same structure as the middle just discribed. The medulla consists of thin, hyaline hyphe forming a kind of sclerotia (Fig. 8). These hyphse are septate and seldom branched. Toward the outer portion they become arranged more and more in parallel series, increase also in thickness and then turn to spore-bearing hyphe. Thus we see that what we have designated as medulla is nothing but the stroma of the fungus, from which the spore-bearing hyphae spring out, and that the mode of spore-formation in this case is entirely different from that in the Ustilaginex. We see further that the fungus under consideration is a species of the Hyphomycetes, and not of the Ustelaginec. We shall now try to show that it is identical with Tilletia Oryzce Pat. This latter species is described by Patouillard™ as follows :— “Spores globuleuses on ovoides, mesurant 3 45 yw de diameter, brunes olivatres, verrugueuses, reunies en une masse dure d’un noir verd&tre mélangées des filaments griles, incolores, a bordes irreguliéres. “ Attaque le fruit du riz, qui devient volumineaux, noir et dur comme un sclérot.” (1) Loe. cit. 12 The above description accords well with the general character of Ustilago virens Cooke, which we have studied; and moreover Patouillard’s figures showing the general appearance of the fungus-body and the spores, strongly suggest the idea that he had redescribed U. virens Cooke under a different name. Further, as already stated, the spores of Tilletia Oryzce Pat. mere proved by Brefeld to produce in nutrient solution the sclerotioid mass of hyphe, which is capable of reproducing the. so-called smut-spores. From this highly interesting result two things are obvious: (1) Zdletia Oryze Pat. does not belong properly to the Ustilagineew, because, unlike all other smut-fungi, it reproduces the spores in a nutrient solution; (2) the sclerotioid mass of hyphe it produces in nutrient solution corresponds to the above described medulla or stroma of Ustilago virens Cooke. We can there- fore conclude, with a considerable degree of safety, that Ustilago virens Cooke, is the same as Tilletia Oryze Pat., now Ustilaginoidea Oryze (Pat.) Brefeld. But, in as much as the publication Cookes description antedates that of Patonillard’s the name of the fungus must be changed Ustilaginoidea virens (Cooke). Let us now turn to the consideration of a new species of Tilletia found on Oryza sativa L. My original specimen was found among the ears of rice sent from Kydto for seed-material. It consisted of only a few diseased grains which were of ordinary form and size, but notably lighter in color than sound ones. ‘Their interior was filled up with powdery black spores which easily escaped from the fissures of husks. On examining the spores under a microscope I was struck at once by the highly developed acute spines on their epispore. These spines are hyaline or slightly colored and more or less curved, thus giving a peculiar appearance to the spores. The spores are round or broad- elliptical and deep olive-brown in color. They germinated in three days in the early part of September (1895), when they have been sown in water. The promycelial tubes varied much in their length and formed toward their free end 1-3 cross septa. The filiform or needle- shaped sporidia were formed in a characteristic manner on the end of the promycelial tube. After falling away from the promyeeliim the sporidia produced cross septa (2 or 3 in number) as in the case of ‘1) Compare with the description of U. virens Cooke, which is given in Sauordo (loc. cit.) as follows: —“ Pulverulent。 effusa, olivaceo-Yirens: sporis globosis, olivaceo-fuscis ; episporio granuloso, 5 v. diam,” 20 Tilletia tritict (Bjerk.); but the well-known H-shaped conjugation of the sporidia was not observed in this case. The similar specimen collected in the vicinity of Tokyo was also obtained through the kindness of Mr. 8. Hori. A description of this species may be given as follows :— Tilletia horrida nov. sp.—Spore-masses pulverulent, black, pro- duced within the ovary and remaining covered by the glumes. Spores globose, irregularly rounded, or sometimes brood-elliptical, the round ones 18.5-23.0 w in diameter and the elongated 22.5-26.0 x 18.0-22.0 / in size. Epispore deep olive brown, opaque, thickly covered with con- spicuous spines. The spines hyaline or slightly colored, pointed at the apex, irregularly polygonal at the base, more or less curved 2.5-4.0 pu in height, and 1.5-2 w-apart at their free ends. Sporidia filiform or needle-shaped, curved in various mays, 10-20 in number and 38-53 p in length. Hab. On Oryza sativa L. From Tokyo and Kyoto. Botanical Laboratory, Sapporo Agricultural College, Hokkaid6, Feb. 25, 1896. EXPLANATION OF FIGUKES, Ustilaginoidea virens (Cooke.) (Figs. 1-8 incl.) Fig. 1—A sporiferous body seen from different sides. Afier S. Hori, magn. 2 times. Fig. 2.—A cross-section af the sporiferous body; a the outermost layer, 6 the middle, ¢ the innermost, の medulla, g remnants of the glumes, 7 remains of thick-walled cells of the tissue of the fruit. Magn. 3 times. 3B a port of the same section diagrammatically represented, Magn. about 10 times. Fig. 3.—A ripe spores; B young spores in the middle layer. Magn. 880 times. Fig. 4 一 Spore-bearing hyphe in the outermost layer. Magn. 880 times. Fig. 5. 一 Spore-bearing hyphee in the outermost layer, whose spores are not yet fully mature. Magn. 880 times. Fig. 6.—Spore-bearing hyphe in the middle layer. Magn. 880 times. Fig. 7. 一 Cross-section of a part of the middle layer, showing the- arrangement of spore- bearing hyphe. Magn. 380 times. Fig. 8.—Thin cross-section through the central portion of medulla. Magn. 880 times. Tilletia horrida, nov. sp. (Figs. 9-10 incl.). | Fig. 9—A a spore which had germinated in water; B sporidia. Magn. 380 times. Fig. 10. 一 An immature spore with excessively developed spines. Magn. 380 times. o, Vol.X. Bot. Maq Toky is SS eo. つら で F Mishina. Se. Takahashi deZ. THE BOTANICAL “MAGAZINE. Von. X, No. 110. A RI Contribution to Knowledge of the Marine Alge of Japan. M1. By K. Okamura, fiigakuhakushi. With PI. WTI. In May 1893, I published a short paper? under the heading “Contributions to the Phycology of Japan.’ Since that time I have added some species to the knowledge of our marine flora, which have been published in several papers.©? I am now about to add more species under the title placed above, which I have found to be new to the science. Of those species a few were collected by myself last year, while the rest were obtained by several coliectors in some eight or ten years ago, but remained indetermined. Callophyllis crispata sp. nov. も モロ ハフ トサカ モドキ Be Diagnosis. Frond stipitate, suborbicularly expanded, dichotomo- subpalmate often fiabellato-fastigiate, laciniated or simple and obtuse は ) Bot. Mag. Tokio vol. VII, No. 75, p. 99-102, pl. V. (2) Fy. Schmitz. 一 Neue jap. Florideen von K. Okamura.—Hedwigia Bd. XX XIII, 1894. | a. de Toni u. K. Okamura.—Neue Meeresa!gen aus Japan. 一 Bericht. d. deutsch. bot. Gesellsch. Bd. XII, 1894. p. 73-78, Taf. XVI. de Toni.—Sopra tre nuove Alg. Mar. Giappon del Prof. K. Okamura.—Hstratto dagli Atti d. R. Istituto Veneto di scienze Tom. VI, Ser. VII, 1894-95. p. 337-344. K. Okamura.—New or little known alge from Japan.—Bot. Mag. Tokio, Vol. IX, No. 106. p. 428-472. pl. IX. 22 | : 上 in upper portion, with broadly linear or cuneate patent or somewhat erect segments; margin entire in sterile frond, usually curled and fringed with very minute processes, and with very rarely proliferous laciness. Cystocarjs scattered on both surfaces, in some mostly marginal, in others scattered over the disc, furnished with two low prominences. Tetraspores equally scattered over the surface of frond which is either entire or fimbriated. Hab. On rocks in sublitoral region. Loc. Sagami, Bosht, Kadsusa, Iwaki, and Shima. None is known to grow in the Japan sea | Description. Plants rising from a callous disc, solitary or few tufted, shortly stipitate, 10-20 cm high or more. Stipe compressed, almost cylindrical, afterward either simple or divided, giving rise to many main divisions, and soon expanding into narrower or broader cuneate base of frond. Frond divided in di-polychotomous often palmato- flabellate manner, and again decompounded in a similar way; so that the outline of frond, when placed in expansion, forms, a large segment of a circle. Segments broadly linear or linear cuneate, more or less expand- ing beneath forks, 2-3 cm broad in broader, 0.5-10 mm in narrower portions ; they are erect or more patent with narrower or wider, more or less rounded axils respectively; toward apices they remain either simple and ligulate, or divided into lacineae, all ending in a rounded apex, being narrower than the lower portion. Margins are entire and perfectly naked in younger and sterile forms, minutely curled or crenulated in fructified frond, appearing as if fimbriated with very minute processes, or again, in very rare cases, furnished with a few proliferous lacineae. Cystocarps are hemispherical tubercles, prominent on one surface, being situated on both surfaces of frond, crowned with mostly 2 short bluntish prominences. They are formed in some forms, exclusively in intramarginal portions, some being situated in marginal processes, in others they are scattered over the surface of frond. Tetraspores densely scattered all over the frond which is either entire or curled at margin. Color blood-red or rosy, fading to greenish. Substance membranous, becoming thickish in older specimens. | Remark. Callophyllis laciniata (HTuds) Kg. is no doubt a very close ally to the present plant, and some specimens of the latter have a habit very similar to the former; but I cannot identify the latter with the former. For, in Callophyllis crispata Okam. cystocarps are formed both on the surface of frond and intramarginal portion, while in の . laciniata Kg. they are exclusively immersed in marginal processes ; moreover, they have no prominences in the latter species. etrasDore8, according to J. Agardh’s Sp. Alg. U, p. 299, seem to form subsori near margin in O, laciniata Kg., while in ours they are equally scattered over the frond with no definite order. From Callophyllis rhynchocarpa Rupr. and its near ally C. gaponica Okam., the habit is widely different in the present species, but the characters of cystocarps are common, though prominences are shorter and fewer in it. LM Plocamium ovicornis sp. nov. セ モメ ュ テカ ヵ 》 Be Diagnosis. Frond flat, membranous, narrow-linear, enerved, dicho- tomo-alternate, patent, much branched upward, leaving the lower portion subnaked, beautifully pinnato-pectinated along branches. Pinne 3-5, furnished with somewhat irregular, longer and shorter intermixed, similarly constructed pinne along the side opposite to the normal ones. . Pinne and pinnule tapering to a sharp point rising from broader base; opposite ones mostly spiny. Stichidia transformed from pinnule of both sides, usually two lobed and swollen on a common pelicel, recurved with double rows of tetraspores. Oystocarps………… Loc. and Hab. This plant has been collected at Hnoshima in the province Sagami in Sept. 1878 and has been preserved in the herbarium of Imperial University in Tokio. It bears tetraspores. On July 30, 1893, at Boshi near Enoshima, I also collected two small sterile fronds which were found on a shell of Haliotts gigantia obtained from a depth of 20 fathoms. Description. Frond linear, flat, ecostated, thin membranaceous, 6-10 cm high, 0.5-0.8 mm broad. Ramifications are between alternate and subdichotomous with main branches set widely dichotomous, furnished with short patent alternate branches and beautifully pecti- nato-pinnated along upper branches, leaving the lower portion naked, except for a few decayed pinne. Pinne 3-5, usually 4, lowest one 24 simple or compound, sometimes slightly bent backward, the higher in series pinnulated in the usual manner. Secondary pinne and pinnule arise along the side opposite to that, where the normal ones stand. They are subulate or spinose, and shorter than the normal ones, and are either simple or similarly pinnulated. They do not correspond in number to the normal ones, and are not definite in arrangement, but are mostly alternate with the normal ones. Stichidia transformed from pinnules of both normal and opposite pinne and are thus seriated along both margins. of rachis. They are swollen and usually 2-lobed on a common slender pedicel and are recurved, appearing like the letter ヶ or the horn of a sheep; they are sometimes single, the one branch being suppressed, or one remains simple, while the other is again 2-lobed in a similar manner. Tetraspores are seen to be arranged in a single row, when viewed from the side, but when viewed from above, they are seen to be arranged in a double row. Color rosy-red. Remarks. The presence of pinnze and pinnule opposite to the normal ones, and two-lobed recurved stichidia seriated along both sides of frond seem to be well distinguished characters. The present plant may be, according to J. Agardh’s Epicrisis, refered to the section Plocamiuwm. Among the species belonging to that section there is none which stands nearer to the present plant on the above-stated characters. Plocamium leptophyllum Kg. var. flexwosum alone often has opposite adventitious pinne, which plant is, however, different from the present plant in the character of stichidia. Von Martens mentions Plocamium afinis Kg., in his “Preus. Exped. n. Ost Asien” yp. 119, as having been obtained on Capea Richardiana J. Ag. at Yokosuka. This plant is described in Kiitzing’s Sp. Alg. p. 884 with a very short diagnosis, which J. Agardh quotes in his ‘ Species Alg.” II, p. 405, while that author makes no reference to this plant in his “ Epicrisis.” I do not know whether it is synonymous with some other species or a distinct one. From Kiitzing’s descriptions, nothing is known of stichidia and the number of pinne. With this species the present plant does not seem to be identical, though I have not seen specimen of it; for KGtzing says of terminal pinnz “ summis apices revolutis vel subhamatis,’ which is not the case in the present plant. Delesseria radicosa sp. nov- モメ コノ ハメ ハ ノ 】 Pe Diagnosis. Primary frond leafy, membranous, lanceolate, simple or parted, shortly stipitate, serrate, with an obscure immersed midrib and sub-opposite veins reaching marginal teeth, which grow up to alternately branched, filiform, compressed, vein-less, secondary branches, coalesced to each other and with other bodies by minute ciliary root like processés, emitted from margin. Fruits.............. Hab. and Loc. On the roots of Rytiphlea angusta mihi and perhaps on rocks in sublitoral region. A few specimens are in my possession, which were collected at Hakodate and Iwaki. They are at present unknown more southward and along the coast of the Japan sea. Description. Primary frond leafy, thin membranous, lanceolate, mostly furnished with a very short flattish stem, rising and expanding from. branching underlying portion, traversed by an obscure immersed midrib and subopposite veins which reach marginal teeth, simple or ‘parted, 1.5-2.5 cm long, 2.5-3.0 mm broad. Some of marginal teeth and attenuated apex of frond elongate afterward into secondary com- pressed filiform portion (0.5 mm broad) which ramifies alternately and rather divaricately, and seems to have a tendency to expand here and there into a leafy segment. Midrib is more or less well trace- able in the primary frond, but not in the secondary portion whose segments end in sharpish apices. Along the margin of filiform segments and often at basal margin of the primary frond, minute ciliary processes are set forth. They assist the serrature of margin, together with marginal teeth, from which they are distinguished in construction. Marginal teeth and filiform segments are terminated with a single apical cell, while marginal ciliary processes have no apical cell, being composed of bundles of elongated cylindrical cells. They are linear or almost cylindrical (in surface view), arising from non-constricted base and ending in roundish or expanded scutate apex. By means of those root-like processes segments often coalesce together and the frond comes to contact perhaps with other alge. Frond consists of 2 layers of cells; the inner, of oblongo-angular, larger, colorless, empty celis with thickish walls; the cortical, of angular flattish cellules. in surface view of frond under microscope the midrib is not distinctly marked out, and the cortical cells covering the median portion are not different in shape from the rest. 26 Remarks. Specimens of the present plant before me are younger forms and are few in number. From the want of knowledge of its fully grown frond and from the absence of fruits its true affinity at present is not distinctly known; but taking the mode of growth into consideration we may perhaps refer it to the section Odontophora in which Delessertia Lyalit Hook et Harv. and D. similans J. Ag. are comprised (J. Ag. Epicr. p. 487). With those two plants it presents no affinity. Among hitherto known species of this genus, as far as I know from J. Agardh’s Hpicrisis, we find no one which has a habit more or less similar to the present species. In Zanardini’s Phycearum Indicarum p. 141 a decumbent-rooting species of Delesseria with the name D. adnata Zanrd. is mentioned which differs from the present in many important points. Rytiphlea angusta sp. nov. イツ ムラ サキ FR Syn.? Rytiphlea complanata var. pusilla Harv. Cha. new alg. no. 16. Diagnosis. Frond narrow, linear, ancipito-compressed, distichons, alternate, more or less irregulary 2-3 times pinnate, divaricately branched, taking somewhat flabellate outline. Lower pinne of stem and main branches often stunted and spinose; upper ones longer and very patent, sublinear in outline, tapering to fine points, with rounded axils, regularly pinnulated. Pinnules subulate tapering from broader base, simple or similarly compounded, fibrilliferous at apex when young. Apices of pinne and pinnule erect and not jnrolled. Stichidia trans- formed from pinnule, aggregated on a short pinne, flabellato-dichotom- ous, embracing a double row of tetraspores. Pericentral cells 6-8, thickly corticated. Hab. On rocks between tide marks. Loc. This plant is rather widely distributed both along the Pacific side of Hondo (i.e. the main island) and the coast of the Japan sea. At present it is known from Temiya and Hakodate in Hokkaido, from Iwaki in Hondo, and from Noto and Idzumo along the coast of the Japan sea, 27 Description. Fronds coespitosely rise from matted fibres, and are narrow linear, 1-1.5 mm broad, attaining the height of 5-15 cm They divide near base giving rise to many main divisions, and are many times more or less irregularly pinnated in disticho-alternate manner. Main divisions often appear somewhat dichotomous and pinnately branched assuming pyramidal outline in some specimens; or they branch upward with upper branches often elongating and decompounded, and branches reaching an equal height, with the branches very patent, the entire frond is somewhat flabellate in outline. Pinne are linear in outline, very patent, straight and not in-rolled at apex, and taper to a fine point; they are alternate, regularly pinnulated, and are here and there often very stunted and spinose, either pinnulated or naked, being especially so in lower ones of stem and main branches. Pinnule are short, subulate and alternate, and younger ones carry fibrille at apex ; they are mostly simple, but some are pinnated again with pinnelle. Stichidia are transformed from pinnule being aggregated on a short Stunted upper pinne, and are flabellato-dichotomous ; each is lanceolate, often emarginate at apex, embracing a double row of tetraspores. -Cystocarps are unknown, Pericentral cells are 6-8, thickly corticated; midrib is insignificantly visible in wider portion of branches. Color is dark purplish-brown, and the plant stains the paper purplish, on which it is dried. Substance is between membranous and cortilaginous ; and the plant imperfectly adheres to paper in drying. Remarks. At first I took the present plant for Rytiphlea com- planata Ag. on account of somewhat close resemblance of external habit ; but when I found that Ry. complanata Ag. is really a species of Polysiphonia, as the character of stichidia proves it to be (J. Agardh’s Sp. Alg. IT, p. 933), I came to doubt my identification ; for, though my plant has some resemblance to Polysiphonia (Rytiphiea) complanata J. Ag. in its genera] aspect, yet it has stichidia bearing a double row of tetraspores. On closer examination of those two plants, I found a difference in the mode of ramification and in the structure of the terminal portion of branch. In Polysiphonia complanata J. Aqg.,*’ on the one hand, the 1) This study has been made from a dried specimen of Rytiphlea complanata from Biarritz, which is kept in my herbarium. 28 terminal branches have somewhat flabellate arrangement (see fig. 13), while in my plant the apex of branches elongates beyond the pinnule (fig. 10).. In the former, on the other hand, the apex of the branch of every order ends in a single apical cell, while in the latter the terminal portion has longitudinally radiate or flabellate rows of cells (fig. 11.), each row ending in a single apical cell. From other species of this genus hitherto known, the present plant differs so much, that I hesitated for some length of time to refer it to this genus; but the structure of frond and character of stichidia can not prevent it from being referred to this genus. Harvey mentions a variety of Rytiphlea complanata var. pusilla, collected at Hakodate, in his Character of New Alge no. 16 with the following diagnosis :—“ fonde nana complanata anguste lineari flabelli- formi subfastigiata pinnatum decomposita pinnis ereeto-patentibus crebris plus minus pinnatis, pinnulis subulatis alternis. 一 An. sp. dis- tincta?” I did not have an opportunity to see his authenic specimen, but on comparing my specimens (See Fig. 8.) collected in the same locality, I do not find any objection to identify those plants with his variety, From that account, J am in doubt whether his plant may be not a variety of Rytiphlea complanata, but be my Ry. angusta. - From another species described by him, viz. &. latiuscula Harv., which is peculiar to this country, the present plant differs mainly in narrower statue of frond and alternate and not-inrolled pinnule, while in the former the frond is broader and the branches are opposite. (To be continued.) Some Remarks on Mr. Takahashi’s Paper on the Identity of Ustilago virens Cooke and Ustilaginoidea Oryze Brefeld. By J. Omori. In the last number of this Magazine Mr. TAKAHAsHI of Sapporo described the morphology of Ustliago virens together with a new species of 7%77e@ parasitic on the rice-plant, and expressed his views on the identity of the former with Ustilaginoidea Oryze recently described by Bssgsrp. As regards his new species we have nothing to say, but as to the opinion that Ustilago virens is identical with Ustilaginoidea Oryze 1 think it requires some further proof. First of all, let us examine this question. Although Mr. TaKanasHr describes the resemblance of morphological characters of these two fungi, they are proved to be quite different when we examine the mode of their germination. Thus the germinating spores of Ustilago virens produce in a culture solution sporidia which multiply by budding like yeast without intervension of promyeelhum“) as it is the case with Ustilago olivacea,” while the germinating spores of Ustilaginoidea Oryze produce, according to BREFELD, hyphe which bear conidia. Thus in spite of the close resemblance of the other morphological characters the difference regarding the mode of germination is so great that we need no further discussion about this question. So the fungus hitherto referred to Ustilago virens Cooke by Messrs. Tanaka, Hort, and TAKAHASHI proves not to belong to the Ascomycetes like Usti- laginoidea, but to be a distinct species belonging to the Ustilaginee. As regards the structure of the sporiferous body Mr. TAkAgAsr described at full length the three spore-producing outer layers and the central medulla composed of a sclerotioid mass of hyphal weft; 1) The details of this development will be soon published in the “ Bulletin” of the College, of Agriculture, Imperial University. ®) Brefeld, Bot. Untersgn. Gb. Hefenpilze, Heft V, Taf. X, Fig. 12. (3) Brefeld, Bot. Cent. Bd. LXV, No. 4, 1896. 30 but besides there is another important structure which must not be overlooked. I mean the envelope or the wall of the compound sporophore which covers at first the whole spore-masses and remains attached after its rupture, forming a crisped thin membranaceous pieces near the husks of the deformed grain (Fig. A). This wall is comparatively thick and composed of many layers of branched hyphe running parallel to one another and forming here and there H-shaped connections as shewn in the annexed figures (Figs. B, C). These hyphe are hyaline, distinctly septate, and have a wide lumen; of these, those situated near the surface consist entirely of sterile filaments, and those running near the spore-producing layers still retain their power of producing rudimentary spores (Fig. C). The sporogenous hyphe formed between this wall and the central medulla are of very sticky nature, as it is usually the case with many other Ustilaginew, owing to ag thick gelatinous wall; they have no distinct septum, have a very narrow lumen as shewn in Fig. D, and are gradually used up to form spores so that at maturity only heaps of spores remain. We cannot find any such permanent hyphe as shewn in Mr. TAKAHASHT'S figure among the ripe spores of the outermost layer. In short, as regards the structure of the sporogenous hyphee, more especially as to the mode of spore-formation, his statement is not correct, his figures which shew different stages of spore-formation being decidedly erroneous; we can find in the true sporogenous hyphae neither septa nor sterigmata resembling those of his figure. On the other hand, his figures correspond pretty closely to the spore-bearing hyphe found in the inner layers of the wall covering the spore-masses previously mentioned ; but here the longer projections found on the lateral wall of the filament do not represent sterigmata at all, but only broken pieces of the transverse projections of H-shaped connections (Fig. B). ol Now let us turn to the consideration of the systematic position of | the present species. From the lack of authentic specimens we are by | no means sure that the fungus in question is identical with Ustilago | virens of Cooke, but the main characters of this species agree so closely with the description of his species that we may consider them to be probably identical. On close examination, however, we are led to the conclusion that the present species does not belong to Ustilago. Professor SHIRAr of our College is of opinion that it may be safely placed in the genus Sphacelotheca first founded by DR Bary. Indeed, the presence of the permanent stroma, of the central columella, and of the enveloping wall, are the chief characters which separate this genus from all other genera of this order; and the present species possesses all these characters. The mode of germination differs a little from the typical fungus described by pm Bary, but the generic characters may reasonably be modified so as to comprise this second species. And so this fungus may be called “ Sphacelotheca virens.” Botanical Laboratory of the College of Agriculture, Imperial University, March, 1896, Phanerogams of Shonai. (Continued from No. 108) By T. Kawakami. HE PQ fe Ba 7E Hy ORV Bs) OO] kk OB OB Piperacesr. 630. Saururus Loureirili, の ecze. ハン グ シャ クタ 7H (Geie=-= EA ) 631. Houttuynia cordata, Th ドク ダミ (ドク タ ゼ 方 言 ) DW ( de Bary, Vergl. Morph. u. Biol. d. Pilze, etc, 1884. 32 Chloranthacee. 632. Chloranthus serratus, Rem. et Schult フタ リ シ ヅ ゲカ SHH. HE 633. C. japonicus, Sieh. モト リ シ ヅ ヴ カ 松嶺 . BSH Laurinee. Machilus Thunbergii, S. et Z. タプ ノミ キ 吹 浦 9. H. Veitch 氏 クロ モジ (トリ キー 名 ク モン ジ 方 言 ) 634. TREE) 野澤 Lindera hypoglauca, Max. Fete. e328. 観音 寺 アプ ブラ チャ ン Ba. Bie 536. DyeOR Gr Thymeleacee. 637. Daphne chinensis, Lam. var. flore breviore, Max. (D. Kiusiana, Mix.) コ セ ウ ノ キ . カ ラス シキ ミ BE. BEY 638. D. jesoensis, Max. ナニ ハゲ ヅ BE Eleagnaces. 639. Eleagnus umbellata, Th, アキ グミ (カツ ソラ グミ 方 言 ) Wea Ki 640. HE. longipes, 4. Gray. ナッ グミ (グミ 方 言 ) hea. KB Loranthacee. 641. Viscum album, Z. ヤ ぜ リキ Santalacez. Thesium chinense, Turcz. (T. decurrens, Blume.) AF YX YY Buckleya lanceolata, ig. YF wF (> D4 A wR) Wea (To be continued.) 柳澤 . BH. BR. THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vou X,, Noman: A. Ree. Contribution to Knowledge of the Marine Alge of Japan. If. (Continued from No. 110) By K. Okamura, [igakuhakushi. With: Pl ie: Dasya pulchra sp. nov. シマ ダ ジ マ ア Be Diagnosis. Fronds filiform, 2-3 times disticho-pinnate, alternate, ecorticated, 4-siphonous, compressed. Primary pinne patent and linear in outline, being pinnated with secondary ones. Secondary pinne arising from every 3rd or 4th node, dichotomous or subpinnate in larger ones. Pinnulesubulate monosiphonous, or a few basal cells polysiphonous. Stichidia linear-lanceolate, apiculate with a polysiph- onous pedicel. Articulations subequal to or Httle longer as the diameter. = Hab. On Cladophora Wrightic Harv. and other alge in sublitoral zone. Loc. This plant has been known from Iwaki, Sagami and Oshima (Idzu),. A fully grown plant bearing stichidia was collected: and sent to me by Mr. Shirai who collected it at Oshima in May, 1887. At present this plant is not known to grow in the Japan sea. Description. Frond epiphytic, 3-6 cm high, 200-300 y thick, not much attenuated above, articulated throughout, 4-siphonous, com- pressed, 3-4 times pinnate in a full-grown plant, throughly alternate and distichous, with more or less percurrent stem, branching into some main (を 34 divisions. Basal portion of frond comes in contact with substratum by means of basal pinnulse (which are transformed to root-like fibres). Main branches mostly twice pinnate, very patent and longer below, eradually becoming erecto-patent and shorter above, and thus the outline is pyramidal, Primary pinne patent, usually simple and linear in outline, slightly tortuous, often 2 cm long, elegantly furnished with secondary pinnae. Secondary pinne 1-1.5 mm long, rising at every third or fourth node, patent, dichotomous or sometimes subpinnate, . branching and bearing stichidia along the inside. The number of — articulations intercepted by primary and secondary pinne varies from 2 to 5, rarely more, but 3 or 4 are common in proportion. Pinnule subulate, monosiphonous for the most part, some with a few basal cells polysiphonous, arising from every 2nd node, sometimes forked. Stichidia lanceolate at first, linear-lanceolate or oblong and apiculate when fully grown, compressed, with an one-cell-long polysiphonous pedicel, coated with transversely arranged rectangular cells. Articula- tions half, or subequal as the diameter in basal portion, little longer in the median portion of branch, again becoming subequal in pinnule, and three cells are seen in surface view. Color pinkish-red. Plant soft and flaccid and closely adheres to paper in drying. Remarks. This plant together with Dasya Notoensis mihi belongs to the subgenus Stichocarpus, according to J. Agardh’s Till Alg. Syst. VI., and is related to D. subsecunda Suhr, from which and other related species, however, it differs in the number of pericentral cells, it having the fewest of all. | Dasya notoensis sp. nov. ノ ト ダミ ア 新種 Diagnosis. Frond filiform, compressed, a few cm high, ecorticated, 4-siphonous, 3-4 times alternately pinnate, distichous. Primary pinne or branches patent, subimbricately clothed with secondary pinnae which are simple or compound, corymbose toward apex. Lower pinne of stem and main divisions short, and correspond to secondary pinnee of branch. Secondary pinne arising from every 2nd or 3rd node, dichotomo-pinnate. Pinnule monosiphonous, subulate, arising from every second node, | 還 、 oo simple or once forked. Stichidia lanceolate, equally tesselated with a short polysiphonous pedicel. Articulations subequal as diameter, or little shorter below. Hab. On stem of Sargassum growing between tide marks, Loc. This plant has been collected in April 1895 by myself at Noto, a province along the coast of the Japan sea, and at present it is not known from any other locality. Description. Plants epiphytic on larger alge, many rising from intricated lower portion, attaching to substratum by means of altered pinnule which arise from basal decumbent portion of frond. Frond filiform, compressed, 3-4 cm high, ca. 210 » thick below, attenuating above to ca. 155 /, 3-4 times alternately pinnate, distichous, with a few main divisions. Main divisions alternately branch upward in pinnate manner, with patent axils, assuming a somewhat pyramidal outline and leave the lower portion branchless for longer or shorter distances. The branchless portion of main branches is clothed with short pinne, rising at every 2nd or third node, which little elongate above and pass to branch; these pinne correspond to those on the upper branches. The upper branches or primary pinne are also furnished with secondary pinne, of which the lower ones are shorter and the upper ones are gradually compounded, that is the secondary pinne are converted to branchlets which are pinnated also in their turn. The terminal portion of each branch or primary pinne is some- what level-topped, being corymbose in outline, and pinne and pinnule of one branch overlap one another and also those of the next above. Pinne of every order branch dichotomo-alternately with patent axiis: pinnulz monosiphonous, once or twice forked, issuing at every second node, subulate, those of upper branch is more flaccid than those below. Stichidia linear-lanceolate with attenuated apex in adult ones, furnished with 1-cell-long polysiphonous pedicel, appearing almost sessile. In younger stichidia cells are arranged in regular transverse zones, com- posed of cells of equal size; in the more advanced ones, tetraspores are developed in verticillate manner, two appearing beneath regularly arranged, subequal, cortical cells in surface view. Articulations are almost broad as the diameter throught, being little shorter below, throughly ecorticated with a clear dissepiment. Pericentral cells are 4 5 appearing in surface view. Substance soft and flaccid, firmly adhering to paper in drying. Color purplish-red. | Pio ee es 36 Remarks. This plant asin Dasya pulchra Okam. belongs to the subgenus Stichocarpus, from the hitherto known members of which it differs in having the fewest pericentral cells. It is related with D. pulchra Okam in many points, differing in the mode of ramification and appearence. Throughly ecorticated, 4-siphonous, compressed frond, ramification of secondary pinne, and stichidia are common to both species. In の . pulchra, lower and upper secondary pinnse upon one branch are almost equal in length, while in D. notoensis Okam. the upper pinne are decompounded : moreover in the former, pinne haye o-4 articulations intervened, while in the latter 2-3, though the number differs somewhat in the two species. [ | Ceramium paniculatum sp. nov. DV AEA Se Diagnosis. Fronds tufted, attaching to substratum by root- fibres, capillary, erect, subdichotomo-alternatety decompound, branching in every direction in paniculate manner. Branches short, patent with similarly arranged, widely forcipated, patent ramuli armed at each external node with a subulate 3-4 celled spines. Tetraspores mostly verticillate, in a single transverse row prominent and _ bracteated. Articulations shorter than the diameter below, 14-24 times longer in the median portion, gradually becoming shorter above. Node thickly corticated, subequal or very slightly constricted, hyaline at interstices. Hab. et Loc. A single specimen of this plant growing on a species of Corallina has been~ sent to me by Mr. K. Nemoto who collected it at Kamahara, in the province Iwaki. It seems to grow perhaps in sublitoral region. Description. Fronds capillary, ca. 3 cm high, 132-198 ん thick, ceespitose, snbdlichotomo-alternately branched, erecto-patent, shooting forth in every direction lesser sorts of branches. The basal portion of frond lying on substratum emits from uodes monosiphonous root-fibres which, are mostly simple or distantly branched, ending in a blunt apex or expanding into a small conical disc. Branches short, patent, often almost horizontal, of subequal length for the most part, becoming ヽ に oa | ee 37 shorter above, with short similarly arranged ramuli. The entire ramification is thus a panicle. Ramuli very patent, armed with a subulate, 2-4 celled, colored spines at each node longitudinally seriated along the external side; the lower ones often slightly recurved, some forcipated at apex, others simple and straight; the upper ones often unequally forcipated and a little incurved at extremity, becoming very patent afterwards, Tetraspores typically verticillate around the node of ramuli in a single row, prominent, bulging out from and bracteated by cortical cells, and enclosed in a hyaline membrane, roundish, trian- gularlY or somewhat cruciately divided. They are often seriated in a longitudinal row, here along the external, there along the internal side or along both the sides at the same time. Articulations little shorter as the diameter in the basal portion of frond, 14-21 times long in the median portion, becoming shorter above. Node corticated and subequal, not being prominent, leaving interstices hyaline. Color light pinkish-red ; substance soft and daccid, and the plant adheres closely to paper in drying. Remarks. The present plant may, according to J. Agardh’s Kpicrisis, be referred to the section Ctliata and be placed in the vicinity of Ceramium uncinatum Harv., C. Acanthonotum Carm., C. ctltiatum Hillis and C. jflabelligerum J. Ag., with none of which it shows any relations. The former three have regularly dichotomo-fasti- giate fronds; of those three species, again, the first has spines along both external and internal sides, the third all around the node, the second only along the external side with the inferior articulations 3-4 times longer as the diameter. With ©. flabelligerum J. Ag. the present plant presents no affinity, not being corticated and setaceous. Among the species which have a single pores along the external side are C. echinotum J. Ag. and C. puberulum Sond, The former has regulaly dichotomo-fastigiate frond with scattered hyaline inarticulate spines and the latter has setaceous frond corticated longitudinal row of tetras- below. Among the species of Ceramium of this country, the present plant is the only one species, as far as known to this day, which belongs to the section Ciliata. LS UR eee ae eae aS Ceramium japonicum sp. nov. D>FAVA Fw Diagnosis. Fronds erect, tufted, cylindrical, throughly corticated, alternately decompound, branching in every direction, subcorymbose with branches elongated and subnaked, decompounded a little above the half way length in sterile frond, which is larger than fructified plant, densely clothed with short ramuli in fructified plant. Braches and especially ramuli often arise fasciculately, with shghtly narrowed base, tapering to apex. Cystocarps sessile along the side of ramuli, surrounded by a few involucres, not extending much beyond the neucleus. Tetraspores verticillate around node, .immersed, often scat- tered. Articulations almost equal or shoter as the diameter. Hab. et Loc. I collected many fructified and sterile plants on the frond of several alge growing between tide marks, at Noto in April 1895. This plant seems to have a wide range of its distribution, as many specimens were brought from severai localities, both along the Pacific side and the coast of the Japan sea, viz. Shima, Totomi, Idzumo, Noto, Otaru. Description. Roots fibrous, monosiphonous, branching and expand- ing at extremity, forming a small conical disc. Frond epiphytic on larger alge, tufted, erect, cylindrical, throughly corticated, tapering and rooting at base, 6-11 cm high in sterile frond, 2.5-5 cm in fructi- fied plant. Ramification is more or less irregularly and divaricately pinnato-decompound. Branches arising on all sides, alternate, here and there subsecund, much elongated in sterile plants, usually branching toward apex and the whole ramification is in some measure corymbose, - In plants bearing cystocarps, branches are not so elongated as in sterile fronds and are similarly branched toward apex in subcorymbose manner; and the whole frond is densely clothed with short, subulate ramuli, often arising fasciculately. All the sorts of branches are very patent, more or less constricted at base tapering to apex, which is straight, never being forcipated. Tetraspores immersed beneath cortex, verticillate around the node of unaltered branches, afterward scattered. Cystocarps sessile along the side of ramuli, single or often two seriated longitudinally along the same side of longer ramuli; neucleus, surrounded by 5 or more involucres which are not much longer than neucleus. Articulation subequal as the diameter in the main portion, 3-3 shorter 39 in basal portion of frond and in ramuli; node neither constricted nor prominent. The cortical cells consist of two layers; the inner, of larger roundish cells, while the outer, of a few layers of smaller cells. Substance thick cartilaginous and tough. Color blood-red or purplish red. Remarks. Ceramium japonicum may be referred, according to J. Agardh’s Epicrisis, to the section Pennate, under which a few species are included, namely C. pennatum Crouan, C. pusillum Harv., C. cancellatum Ag. and C. apiculatum J. Ag. C. cancellatum and C. apiculatum show no relationship to the present species, having com- pressed disticho-pinnate frond and dichotomo-subcorymbose pinnules ; C. pennatum also differs from it in having forcipated pinnules. C. pusillum seeins to present some relations with it, as 1 judge from the description given in J. Ag’s. Sp. Alg. II. p. 104. It differs, however, from the present plant being much shorter in statue anpd having subdistichous, corymboso-fastigiate branches. Botanical Laboratory of Dai-shi-Koto-Gakko, Kanazawa, Japan; March 9, 1896. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES IN PLATE Hil, I. Callophyllis crispata. sp. nov. Fig. 1. A small sterile frond; nat. size. » 2 A portion of margin bearing cystocarps; 49. II. Plocamium ovicornis. sp. nov. Fig. 3. A terminal portion of a sterile frond; 37. » 4 phaq Urtica dioica, Z. var. platyphylla, Wedd. お 偽 ば いら 《 さ RAGA | Sceptrocnide macrostachya, Maa. ミヤ ママ イラクサ ( ア 方 言 ) Wie. ae Pilea pumila, A. Gray. = > 稚 岡 . 観 香寺 Elatostema umbellatum, Bl. var. majus, Max, ウ ハ ヘマ ミサ ツア ( ミ グ 方 言 ) SB Boehmeria nivea, (Bl.) Hook. et Arn. マ ヲ (カラ ムシ 方 言 ) IH B. japonica, Inq. ヤ プ マ オ PRUE. YEA var. tricuspis, Hance. FAY Sea Juglandez. Juglans Sieboldiana, Max. オニ グル ミ (クル ミ Rs 38 Pterocarya rhoifolia, Z. サハ グル マ ( カ ュ グル ミ 方 言 ) 小 國 Cupuliferee. Alnus viridis, DC. var. sibirica, Reg. ミヤ マハ ン ノ フキ Bee. 月 山 A. japonica, S. の ググ . ハン ノ キ 南野 A. firma, S. et Z. var. multinervia, Reg. モメ ハン ノ プ キ BE. wi) A. incana., Willd. var. glauca, Ait. ヤマ ハン ノ フキ 松 領 Carpinus cordata, Bl. サ ュ シ デ Rea C. laxiflora, Bl. ソロ ョ シ デ Rey. BBW. =Te Corylus rostrata, Ait. var, Sieboldiana, Max, ツノ ハシ っ マミ ( ハ YN i GS) BH Quercus dentata, J. カシ ュ っ Q. crispula, Bl. 4 の PFA Q. grosseserrata, Bl. ミ ヅ ナラ 4a 鳥海 山 . A Q. glandulifera, Bl. = ナラ 松嶺 . BLT Q. serrata, Th, クヌギ HSB Castanea rulgaris, D. var. japonica, DC. クリ PSA Fagus sylvatica, Z. var. asiatica, DC. プ ナ ノミ キ BE. 松 領 Kotte (To be continued.) THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vou. X, No. 112. PART II. Physiologische Studien uber Ciliaten.” von | M. Miyoshi. In neuerer Zeit sind Ciliaten vom physiologisch-psychologischen . Standpunkte aus seitens verschiedener Forscher studiert worden, da sie neben anderen einzelligen Organismen als Versuchsobjekte fiir allgemi eine physiologische Studien besonders geeignet sind, wie aus den nteressanten Arbeiten von Verworn™” hervorgeht. In folgendem will ich versuchen, einige physiologische Higenschaften liber diese Organismen in allgemeinen Ziigen zu erOortern, und einige Resultate meiner eigenen diesbeziiglichen Versuche mitzutheilen. Was zunichst die Ciliatenfauna der Stadt Tokio und seiner Um- gebungen betrifft so bedarf es hier keiner besonderen Bemerkungen ; man findet gewohnlich in jedem Graben, oder Abwisserkanal nebst dem weissen Beggtatoen-netz oder braunlichen Cladothriz-faden die mehr oder weniger schon makroskopisch erkennbare, grauweisliche Masse von Ciliaten-Colonien. Besonders reichhaltig an diesen Organismen sind die Reisfelder im Spatfrthjahre, wenn die Ueberreste der Reispflanze in dem schmutzigen oft mit Risenoxyd rothbraun gefarbten Wasser faulen・ Am besten aber kultivirt man Ciliaten, indem man eine gréssere Menge von Fadenalgen z. B. Spirogyra aus einem Teiche in eine mit Wasser gefullte Schale bringt und der Faulniss tiberlasst. Statt 1) Vortrag gehalten bei der General-Versammlung der Tokio Botanischen Gesellschaft am 25. April 1896. 2) Psycho-physiologische Protistenstudien 1890. In seinem neuen, vortrefflichen Werke, » Allgemeine Physiologie “ 1895 sind die friiheren Untersuchungen iiber Ciliaten beriicksichtigt. Man vergl. auch Biitschli, Protozoa. Bronn, Classen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs Bd. III. 1889. a4 der Algen geniigen auch Rhizomenstucke einiger Wasserpflanzen. Nach wenigen Wochen, wenn das Wasser ein triibes Aussehen annimmt und ein tbler Geruch sich zu entwickeln beginnt, zeigt sich eine grosse Vermehrung von Infusionsorganismen, die oft an der Wasseroberflache eine Haut bilden. | In einem zu Schwefelbakterienkultur dienenden Basin, welcher faulende Rhizome von Brasenia peltata und etwas Gips enthielt, trat einmal eine tippige Fauna von Wimperinfusorien auf, nebst zahlreichen Flagellaten. Sie bildeten tiber der Wasseroberfliche mit einer aus kommaformigen Bakterien bestehenden Galertmasse zusammen eine schmutzig weissgelb aussehende Haut. Dazu kamen noch die lokal ausgebildeten Haiutchen von Kalkcarbonat welches winzige an beiden ver- dickten Enden abgerundete, faserig aussehende Prismen bildete. Auch viele vereinzelte Schwefelprismen und Pyramiden konnte ich auffinden. Die Infusorien befanden sich in der Bakterienhaut, besonders aber an den Stellen wo die Niederschlagsbildung von kohlensaurem Kalk stattfand. Bei Untersuchung des Gefisswassers aus verschiedenen Tiefen fand ich die Organismen am meisten auf der Oberfliche und sehr wenige in grésserer Tiefe. Die hier auftretenden Ciliaten waren zum grossen Theile Colpidium colpoda mit einer Beimengung von Paramaecium caudatum, Lacrymaria laevis, nebst einigen Arten von Nassula, Stylo- nychia u.s.w. Es fehlte auch nicht an Flagellaten und Vorticellen. Diese in Gesammtheit stellen namlich diejenigen Formen vor, denen man hier gewohnlich in Graben, Abwisserkanilen und Reisfeldern begegnet und zu den haufigsten gehoren. . Diese Colpidium, Paramaecium u.s.w., die wie die meisten der brigen Ciliaten ausschliessliche Bakterienfresser sind, konnen am bestens im bakterienhaltigen Wasser lingere Zeit kultivirt werden. Nach meinen Versuchen gedeihen sie in verdiinnten Pepton—, Fleischextrakt—, Zucker—und Sojalésungen nicht besonders gut, so lange diese Fliissig- keit noch frisch ist, aber sehr gut in dem mit Faulnissbakterien inficierten Rhizomendekokt einer Wasserpflanze. In dem letzteren leben sie lingere Zeit und zeigen lebhafte Vermehrung, bis sie schliesslich durch den zu weit fortgeschrittenen Verwesungsprocess der organischen- gelésten Substanzen allmahlich zu Grunde gehen und ihre desorgan, isirten Kérpermassen wiederum die Beute der Bakterien werden. Auf einer schwach erstarrten Nahrgelatine (Pepton enthaltend) werden sie stark contrahirt, wahrscheinlich durch Wasserentzichung aus der 45 Zelle und endlich sterben sie total ab. Mir ist es noch nicht gelungen, diese grésseren Wimperinfusorien auf einem festen Nahrboden zu atichten.” Colpidium-Schwiirmer gehen Ofters in einen gcheinbaren Ruhe- 2ustand や ber indem sie sich lokal ansammeln und neben einander in einer Fliche ordnen. Die einzelnen Zellen dringen sich hanfig so dicht an einander, dass zwei an einander liegende Individuen sich in einer geraden Tinie befinden, und wo drei Individuen zusammen treffen sie oft scharfe dreieckige Kanten bilden. Der Schwiirmer in diesem Zustande ahmt ein preudoparenchymatisches Gewebe nach, Untersucht man aber ein solches Bild so erkennt man, dass die Aggregatzellen sich gleitend bewegen, besonders deutlich sieht man an dem Rande des Haufens liegende Individuen, welche lebhafte, metabolische Bewegungen zeigen, Dieser Zustand fiihrt nicht immer zur Desorganisation der Zellen, da die Individuen nach einiger Stunden entweder spontan oder durch einen iusseren Stimulus sich wieder losreissen, um als Schwiirmer frei zu schwimmen. Oft resultirt aber wirklich eine Desorganisation, wie sowohl ans dem Braunwerden des Plasmas als auch aus der abnormen Vacuolenbildung hervorgeht. Manchmal beobachtete ich, dass ein krank erscheinendes Individium in Folge der Bildung einer grossen Vacuole sich kngelich gestaltete, jedoch lebhaft eine Cilienbewegung zeigte, bis die Haut durch den sich immer vergréssernden Vacuolenraum schliesslich zerrissen wurde. Das durch Nahrungsmangel veranlasste, kleinere Hungerstadium kann leicht durch Kultur in mit reinem Wasser verschiedentlich verdiinnter Originalfliissigkeit hervorgerufen werden. Dieses wird schon nach 24 Stunden deutlich. In einer mit verdiinnter Zukerlésung ver- setgten Originallésung constatierte ich an den'2 Tage darin befind- lichen Individuen von Colpidium colpoda auch eine etwas abweichende Erscheinung : 一 Die simmtlichen Individuen wurden kleiner, rundlicher und die Oberhalfte des Korpers bedeutend heller als im normalen Zustande. Ob dies durch Nahrungsmangel oder eine specifische Wirkung des Zuckers bedinyt wurde, muss durch genauere Versuche entschieden werden,” 1) Hieriiber vergleiche man, Ogata, Ueber die Reinkultur gewisser Protozoen, (Central- blatt fiir Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde XIV. No. 6. 1893.) う Die Formiinderung der Ciliaten durch Kochsalzlésungen ist seit geraumer Zeit be- kannt, obgleich dariiber keine kritische Untersuchung vorliegt. Man vergl. Cohn, Nova Acta. Bd. XXIV. 1854. p. 138. Fabre-Domergue, Ann. d. Sci. nat. Zoologie. 1888. a / \ 46 Als ein sehr geeignetes* Objekt zum Studium der Nahrungs- vacuolenbildung erwihnt man gewohnlich Paramaecium caudatwm. Untersucht man ein sich in der Ruhe befindendes Individium—wie man es durch Luftentziehung oder Temperaturerhéhung erzielen kann —so kann man den successiven Process der Entstehung, Anschwellung und eventuellen Trennung der Nahrungsvacuolen in ununterbrochenen Stadien beobachten. Ob es sich bei der Abschnitrung und schnell daranffolgenden Trennung der geniigend gross gewordenen Vacuole nur um eine physikal- ische- Ursache handelt,” oder seitens des lebenden Plasmas beliebig eine Regulirung stattfindet, mag dahingestellt bleiben. Dem sei wie wolle, die Erscheinung errinnert an die Entstehung einer Seifenblase, die nach Erreichung einer gewissen Grosse sich losreisst. Um das Schicksal der hintereinander sich bildenden Vacuolen zu verfolgen, kann man der alten Erfahrung gemiiss etwa Karmin— oder Russpartikel zu- setzen. Ich experimentirte zu diesem Zwecke mit nicht zu starkem Schwefelwasserstoffwasser, in welchem die Ciliaten ohne sichtbaren Schaden leben konnten. Nach einigen Stunden konnte ich beobachten, dass die Vacuolen dicht mit Schwefelkérnern gefiillt waren, und zwar so dicht, dass die Vacuolenriume ganz dunkel aussahen. Die Oxydation des Schwefelwasserstoffes geschah zum grossen Theile schon ausserhalb des Zellkérpers, doch theils auch in den Vacuolen selbst, wie ich es direkt nach Anwendung des H, S-Wassers bei continuirlicher Beobacht- ung sah. Wenn die Wandungen der zahllosen mit Schwefelkérnern gefiillten Vacuolen nicht deutlich hervortreten, so verleiht es den Organismen das merkwiirdige Aussehen, als ob wir ein Schwefel- infusor vor uns hiitten. Die mit solchen fremden, unverdauerlichen Korpern beladenen Vacuolen werden nach dem Umlaufe im bewegenden Plasmak6rper nach einem gewissen Zeitintervall durch den After, welcher bei Paramaect- um etwa an der Mitte zwischen dem Mund und hinteren Ké6rperende liegt,*) ausgeworfen, zusammen mit einer gallertartigen gewiss die Abfallstoffe enthaltenden Masse. Ebenso lehrreich sind auch die Farb- ungsversuche der Nahrungsvacuolen mit verschiedenen Anilinfarbstoffen, 1) Das durch die lebhafte Cilienbewegung in dem Schlund hineinstromende Wasser kann seinen Weg in dem plastischen Plasmakérper selbst finden, so bald als der letztere dem*Druck des Wassers nachgibt. 2) Vergl. Biitseh1li, le. p. 1889. S KIM 47 besonders Diphenylaminblau, «die in sehr concentrirter LOsung ohne eine Giftwirkung aufgenommen werden. リ Die im Plasmakorper einiger Ciliatengattungen z. B. Paramaeciwm oft reichlich vorkommenden Krystillchen oder Kérnchen scheinen nach Angabe mancher Forcher durch Stoffwechsel gebildete Harnsiiure zu sein,’ doch fehlt es an einer genauen Untersuchung. Die direkte Entleerung derselben wurde bis jetzt noch nicht beobachtet. In Bezug auf die Reizbarkeit sind die Ciliaten schon von verschieden- en Seiten gepruft worden. So constatirte Verworn,? dass Para- maecien durch den galvanischen Strom negativ, dagegen Spirostomum ambiguum transversal elektrotaktisch wurden. Mendelsohn * beobachtete kiirzlich bei geeigneter Versuchsanordnung negative Thermotaxis der Paramaecien die bei einseitigen Erwirmung auf tiber ca, 24-28°C alle nach der knhleren Seiten schwommen. Negative Geotaxis der Paramaecien wurde von _ verschiedenen Forschern constatirt. Jensen, der diese Erscheinung studirte, fand ferner dass die Ciliaten durch Drehung auf einer Centrifugalscheibe sich an der Centralstelle, wo die Bewegung am geringsten ist, sammelten, eine Erscheinung die er ,,Centrotropismus “© nannte. Angesichts der rheotaktischen Eigenschaft der Paramaecien habe ich die Versuche in der Weise ausgefithrt, dass ich die Organismen auf einem Objekttriger schwimmen und mittelst Fliesspapierstreifchen einen geniigend starken Wasserstrom durchfliessen liess. Dann bewegten sich die Wimperinfusorien meistens den Strom abwirts ; viele sammelten sich auch an den Stromsseiten, wo sie langsam den Strom aufwirts und dann wieder abwirts steuerten. Hs geht aus diesern Versuche hervor, dass 1) Vergl. Strasburger, Das botanische Praktikum 2te Aufl. 1887. Register IV. p. 641. Vergl. auch Pfeffer, Ueber Aufnahme von Anilinfarben in lebende Zellen (Tiibinger Unter- suchungen, Bd. ITI. 1886. p. 222.) | 2) Biitschli, Le. p. 1485. 3) Die polare Erregung der Protisten durch den galvanischen Strom (P fliiger’s Archiv, Bd. XLV. u. XLVI., 1889.) 4) Citirt in Verworn, Allgemeine Physiologie, p. 442. 5) Ueber den Geotropismus niederer Organismen. (P fliiger’s Archiv, Bd. LIII. 1892.) 6) Ks ist zweckmiissiger wie Pfeffer hervorhebt, dass die Bezeichnungen Chemotaxis, Geotaxis, Phototaxis u.s.w. einerseits und Chemotropismus, Geotropismus, Heliotropismus u.s.w’ anderseits distinct zu gebrauchen, niimlich die erstere fiir die freibeweglichen und die letztere fiir die nicht freibeweglichen Organismen. Vergl. Pfeffer, Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. Siichs. Gesells. d. Wiss. z. Leipzig. Sitzung yom 6. Marz 1893. p. 1. 48 Paramaecien schon bei einem missie starken Strom negativ rheotaktisch — reagiren. Was nun die chemische Reizung anbelangt, so erhielt Pfeffer in seinem bekannten Untersuchungen” negative Resultate. Hr konnte bei seinen Organismen durch Pepton und Fleischextrakt keine Anziehung peobachten. Neuerdings ist es Massart?) gelungen einige Reizstoffe doch fiir gewisse Ciliaten zu finden. Meine diesbeziiglichen Versuche mit verschiedenen Stoffen, wie Zucker, Pepton, Kochsalz, Salpeter, Asparagin, u.s.w. nach der Methode Massart’s ergaben in einigen Fallen ganz deutlich eine negative Chemotaxis, niemals aber eine positive, die tbrigen gaben unentschiedene Resultate. Oiliaten bilden jedenfalls eine Gruppe, von Organismen, die selbst durch die besten Nahrmittel nicht leicht reizbar sind. Die Reizbarkeit der Infusorien durch Kontakt ist schon lingst bekannt. Pfeffer*® beobachtete das Anschmiegen einer Urostyla Weissi mit ihrer Bauchseite an einen Glasfaden. Einen ahnlichen Fall giebt Verworn?) an, nach welchem ein Oxytricha um ein Muschelei hernmkroch. | Dass die lokale Anhiufung der Colpiden, Paramaecien u. A, auch auf dieselbe Ursache zuriickznfiihren ist, geht anch ans den Pfeffer’ schen Versuchen hervor: Er zeigte nimlich, dass irgend ein fester KGrper, wie feine Sandpartikel oder Fragmente gekochten Fliesspapieres, die fr sich keine chemische Reizung ausiiben, im Stande sind ein Anhiufen hervorzurufen. Experimentirte ich mit einer Glascapillare, so trat auch eine Ansammlung der Paramaecien um den Gegenstand in der Weise ein, dass die Organismen mit ihrer langen KOrperachse in dichter Bertthrung mit der Capillare kamen. Hine ahnliche Erscheinung findet auch .im Capillarinneren statt und es machte keinen Unterschied, ob die Capillare mit Nahrflttssigkeit oder mit reinem Wasser gefiillt war. | Hinen interessanten Fall, wo Paramaecien gegen einen Stossreiz empfindlich zu sein schienen, beobachtete ich ebenfalls:—In eine zum 1) Ueber chemotaktische Bewegungen von Bacterien, Flagellaten u. Volvocineen. (Tiibinger Untersuchungen, Bd. II. 1888. p. 597.) 2) Recherches sur les organismes inférieurs, (Bull. d. l’acad, roy. d. Belgique, t. XXIT. 1891.) 3) Ueber chemotaktische Bewegungen u.s.w. Lec. p. 619. 4) Allgem. Physiologie, p. 431. 49 Theile mit Wasser geftllte Capillare ging zufallig eine Copepodenlarve, die sich bei einer Luftblase befand und periodisch Stossbewegungen machte. Rinipe Paramaecten steuerten dann hinein und mit dem kleinen Thierchen in Beruhrung kommend strebten sie noch weiter vorwarts fortzuriicken, als das letztere plotzlich den Zudringlichen einen heftigen Schlag gab. Die Paramaecien zeigten sogleich eine Schreckbewegung und flohen pfeilschnell riickwirtz, mit dem hinteren K6rperende voran. Bald aber kehrten sie wieder zur Copepodenlarve zurtick. Diesmal machte die letztere keine Bewegung doch flohen sie von selbst. Das wieder- holte Anprallen und Fliehen, wobei die Fluchtbewegungen durch die zeitweiligen, erneuerten Stésse seitens des Copepodes vielfach momentan verstarkt wurden, dauerten eine Zeit lang fort, bis es mit dem schliess- lichen Unbeweglichwerden des Crustaceen aufhorte. In diesem Talle war es wenigstens sicher, dass der einmalige Stoss eine gewisse Zeit lang eine Wirkung auf Paramaecien ausiibte. 5 Das lenchte Ansammeln der Oiliaten am Wassertropfenrande unter elnem Deckglaschen zeigt eine massgebende aerotaktische ? Eigenschaft an, die wie bei manchen anderen einzelligen Organismen, so auch bei Wimperinfusorien stark ausgeprigt ist. Man gewinnt die Ueberzeugung beim Untersuchen solcher Praeparate, dass unsere Organismen ihr Vor- derende nach Aussen hin richten. Allein die Thatsache der gleichen Anhaufung selbst im unbedeckten Wassertropfchen konnte nicht die Folge des Sauerstofimangels sein und man muss wie Pfeffer” betont die Ursache in einer physikalischen Hrscheinung suchen. Doch ist es nicht ausgeschlossen, dass ein Kontaktreiz, welcher an den am Wasser- trépfchenrande mit Boden in Berthrung kommenden K6rperflache hervorgerufen werden konnte, mitwirke. Ich verzichte hier auf eine weitere Schilderung der physikalischen Verhaltnisse der in manchen Beziehungen so interessanten Ciliaten- gruppe, und schliesse mit der Bemerkung, dass es sich hier fiir jeden Forscher der Mithe lohnen wird, eine Reihe kritischer Untersuchungen auszufthren, wie z. B. tber die Reizerscheinungen, den Verdauungspro- cess, die Gestaltveriinderungen durch ussere Medien, u.s.w. 1)Im weiteren Sinne gehort dies zu einer chemischen Reizung. 2) Ueber chemotaktische Bewegungen u.s.w. l.c. p. 620. d0 686. 687. 688. 689. 690, 691, 692. 693. 694, 695, 696, _ 697. 698. 699. 700. 701, Phanerogams of Shonai. | (Continued from No. 111) By T. Kawakami. HEA GE BATE Ly (abe? ws) Oi Ba Salicines. — Salix nipponica. Ff. S, タチ ャ ナギ FEB S. japonica, Th. シマ ヤナ ギ Ole . padifolia, Anders. ヤマ ヤナ ギ JL . glabra, Scop, みね や な き WR) 月 山 . 鳥海 山 . vulpina, Anders, キツ 子 ヤ ナギ ( ヘ ツ ビリ ヤナ ギ 方 言 ) MES . duphnoides, Vill, エ デ ゲ ヤ ナギ RGR . gracilistyla, 7 の 9. タニ ガ ハ ヤ ナギ ( カ ハ ヤ ナギ 方 言 ) 飛鳥. 松 領 . 観音 寺 .・ eriocarpa, 7. ぐ . し ろ や な ぎ ( 新 稚 ) Wags aa. DAR . stipularis, Sm. ナガ マヤ ナギ Bese . purpurea, DL. カ ハ ヤ ナギ 北 仁田 . BS var. multinervis, Matsumura. コリ ヤナ ギ FB. HS 北 仁田 var? (fF LET ) FERRE OS. re ョ リ 大 = シテ 栓 上 毛 ア 7 ) 観音 寺 S。 rubra, ZL. ホ ツ マコ リャ ナギ Hay Populus tremula, Z. var. villosa, Wesmel. っ っ コ ヤ ナ ぎ (ドロ 方 言 ) toa P. suaveoleus, Fisch, ドロ ( ソ タ ノミ キ 方 言 ) (湯殿 山 ) の の の の て の の の の = Empetracee. © Empetrum nigrum, ん. ガン ュ ッ ラン Alb. 鳥海 山 Ceratophylleee. Ceratophyllum demersum, ん. キン ギョ モ ( そ モク 方 言 ) RBA (Lo be continued.) THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vol. X, No. 118. PiAPege i. Descriptions of Some New Japanese Species of Exobasidium. By ど M. Shirai. With Pl. TV. Of the four new species and one new variety of Hxobasidium which I am now going to describe, the two species and one variety which are found on Thea (Camellia) japonica Nots., Thea (Camellia) Sasanqua Nois., and Rhododendron indicum Sw. are common in Tokyo and other districts of similar climate; while the remaining two species are com- paratively rare, being found on rhododendrons in the alpine regions of Central japan. I, Exobasidium Camelliee (n. sp.). (Figs. 1—3.) pe Dee aD Hymenium thick and white, forming a continuous layer all over the surface of the deformed organs; at first covered by a thick layer of _ subepidermal tissue, composed of ten or more layers of cells, which it ruptures and breaks to a number of small pieces. Spores 4 to each basidium, oblong-obovate, 14.5—17. , long, 7 »# broad. This species always attacks the flower-buds of Thea (Camellia) japonica Nois, causing the hypertrophy and deformation of their parts, Very often the whole flower is reduced to an irregular mass of some- 52 what spherical form with a hollow interior, measuring 15 cm or more in length. Common in Tokyo in May; in the Seven Isles of Izu where the camellia is planted on an extensive scale for the purpose of getting a kind of oil from its seeds, this fungus often makes a great damage to the tree. II, Exobasidium Camellie var. gracilis (n. var.). (Figs. 4—8.) jap, サン クノ フ モ チビ ヤリ ノ カ ぜ ビ Hymenium as in the typical species, formed usually on the lower ~ surface, sometimes on both sides of the Jeaves, but the spores and. basidia are more slender and the overlying tissue thinner, consisting of three or more layers of cells. Spores 4 to each basidium, oblong, slightly curved, 14.5 long, 2.5—5 yw broad. This species always attacks the leaf or the leaf-shoot of Thea Sasanqua Wozs., but not the flower-bud. The diseased leaves become fleshy and thick, increasing to two or more times their original size. The overlying tissue when ruptured forms one or more membranaceous _ pieces and usually remains attached to the margin of the Jeaf. Common in Tokyo in May. | III, Exobasidium japonicum (n. sp.). jap. Pryretgeyyone Swelling caused by the fungus, at first greenish and glossy, be- coming reddish on the side exposed to the sunshine afterwards powdery- white with hymenium, sometimes globular and formed on the under surface of a leaf, sometimes. irregular, a portion of a leaf, a whole lamina, or all the leaves of a shoot becoming fleshy and deformed. Hymenium subcuticular. Spores 4—5 to each basidium, mostly 4, oblong-reniform, 14,5 / long, 4 / broad. This species resembles Exobasidium Rhododendri Cramer; but the 1 Saccardo, Sylloge Fungorum, Vol. VI, P. 664. KO Jo habit of the fungi and the form and size of their spores separate them from each other. Common in Tokyo in May on Rhododendron indicum. IV. Exobasidium hemisphericum (n. sp.). (Figs. 12—17). jap (YY FFP PQ BFET IZ BE Gall-like swelling fleshy, compact outside and spongy inside, of a snow white color, at first pyriform, globular above and narrowed at the base, afterward expanded in diameter and forming a hemispherical body, 3 cm or more in diameter. Hymenium subcuticular, extended almost to the base of the swelling. Spores 4 to each basidium, cylindrical, straight, 15—19 / long, 4.5 » broad. This is found on the lower surface of the leaf of Mhododendron Metternichit 8. et Z. and was first discovered by me in the summer of 1895, on the summit of Mount Odaihara in Yamato, at the height of many thousand feet above the sea-level. This species resembles very much Fzobasidium discoideum FEliss and FHxobasidium Rhododendit Cramer, but may be distinguished from them by the color and form of the swelling and especially by the form of the spores. V. Exobasidium pentasporium (n. sp.). (Figs. 18 一 19.) | jap. Pr ジノ テン ゲス ゼ ヤ リノ カゼ Hymenium subepidermal, appearing on the lower surface of the leaf, sometimes restricted to a small portion, sometimes extended to the whole lamina. Spores 4 一 6 to each basidium, mostly 5, 14.4 yu long, 4 / broad, oblong-reniform. Mycelium perennial, producing a “ hexenbesen ” of the diseased shoots of the last plant. The diseased portion of the leaf differs from the surrounding healthy portion only in its paler color and in the increase of a few cell-layers ; these characters together with the habit of producing “ hexen- _besen” distinguishes this species from all other species? of the genus. Common in Nikko in May and June on the branch of Rh. indicum Sw,; this was first discovered by me in June, 1895, in Nikko. 1 Saccardo, Sylloge Fungorum, Vol. VI, P. 665. 2 Saccardo, Sylloge Fungorum, Vol. IX, P. 244, XI, P. 130. 54 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE IV, I, Exobasidium Camellic (n. sp.). Deformed flower-bud of Thea japonica Nois. Portion of the hymenium with its overlying layer of tissue: X 30. Portion of the hymenium. X 200. 2 Q Sle Chloe II. Exobasidium Camelliee. var. gracilis (n. var.). Deformed leaves of Thea Sasanqua Nois. Portion of the hymenium. x 200. Portion of the hymenium with its overlying tissue. 4, ' Figs. 5.-6. Transverse sections of the diseased leaves in Fig. 4 through AB and C D. 7 8 IlI. Exobasidium Japonicum (n. sp.). Fig. 9. Branch of Rhododendron indicum Sw. with a deformed shoot. Fig. 10. Portion of a branch with a gall-like swelling on the under surface of a leaf. Fig. 11. Portion of the hymenium. x 200. テ IV. Exobasidium hemisphericum (n. sp.). Figs. 12-15. Different forms of gall-like swelling on the under surface of the leaf of Rhod. Metternichii S. et Z. Fig. 16. Longitudinal section of a gall-like swelling, showing the spongy nature of its internal portion. Eig. 17. Portion of the hymenium. x 200. V. Exobasidium pentasporium (n. SD Fig. 18. Diseased leaves, showing the hymenium-bearing parts. Fig. 19. Section of the hymenium-bearing parts of a diseased leaf. x 200. に 1 も ル i flr ar wie id” io 7 叶い aA‘ 4 om Bot. Mag. Tokyo, Vol.X. SS ェ < ニ ニテ ズバ = I “@ @ g の 0 | a 6 Site Gi ei; i" if im i iM} (| ) Wy) / | WIL Z INK 2 te M. Shirai deZ. NN Dp NNN © 2 Ne A = OR 〇 foe 79 : シン (GZ の = walls と っ SN WS / 前 NN NN NNN AN an (GR NN NN NX es. - NO と WW A NN A 2 . 'Mishina Sc les % gear eR OE ay y aval i ( wi | | i | " MI M、Shirai deé: Gr bo THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vol. X, Nov 114, RA Ere: Mr. Hisashi Kuroiwa’s Collections of Liukiu Plants. (Continued from the last number of this Maguzine.) By Tomitaro Makino, Scrence College, Lmperral University, Tokyo. Davallia repens Desv. Hook. et Baker Synops. Fil. p. 93. (= Dick- sonia repens Bory=Odontoloma repens Presl=Lindsaya repens Kunze=Davallia Macreana Hook. et Arn.=Lindsaya Macreana Metten.=Davallia Boryana Presl=Odontoloma Boryana J. Sm. 三 Saccoloma Boryana Presl.) トラ クチ ボン ゲッ タッ ズ ダ (PRRER)— EF AXBVAN GHETEREAA TMA. SHB RR. B-b SER) . Acrostichum bicuspe Hook. Sp. Fil. V. p. 271 (= Polypodium bicuspe Bl.=Chetropleuria bicuspis Presl=Acrostichum trinerve Hassk.) var. 8. integrifolia Hat. in Herb. Hook. Hook. 1. c. p. 272. スギ ヂ ヒ ト ツ ババ し だ 笠 Aug lp (明治 世 五 年 入 月 、 法 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 一 回 2 Se) 54.=10. Nephrodium decurrens Baker Syn. Fil. p. 299. (= Aspidium decurrens Pres]=Aspidium pteropus Kunze.) ナ \ メ ペケ シズ ダ (ARRER)— LIA 入 表 島 仲間 村 (明治 七 年 入 月 十 四 日 時 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 一 回 2 第 四 十 九 競 ) 56 りり , 56. り 57. り 9. 60. 61. Polypodium Phymatodes Linn. Mant. p. 360. (=Drynaria Phymatodes ee = Pleopeltis Phymatodes Moore = Phymatodes vulgaris Presl.) ERP AY DRY (田代 安定 氏 ) 一 一 し だ 科 有 有 垣 島 観音 堂 (明治 甘 巨 年 入 月 、 RHR, BE BATH) Nephrodium devexum m. (= Aspidium deveaum Kunze ex Metten. in Miquel Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. I. p. 237 = Aspidium imtermedium J. Sm =Aspidium gigantewm var. minor Hook.= folypodium membranaceum Hook, = Aspidiwm membra- naceum Hook.) ッ ス メシ メグ (新橋 ) 一 一 し だ 笠 宮古 島 石灰 洞 (明治 世 五 年 入 月 症 入 日 、 剖 岩 選 氏 採 、 第 一 回 2 tH) Philydrum lanuginosum Banks ex Gertn. De Fruct. I. p. 62, t. 16, f. 10. (=Garciana cochinchinensis Lour.) タヌキ アヤ メ 【 田 代 究 定 氏 ) 一 一 た ね き あ やめ 科 Ane YATRA. Re, BE)? PAT oR) Bryophyllum calycinum Sulisb. Parad. Lond. t. 3. (= Crassula pinnata Linn. fil.=Cotyledon pinnata Lamk.= Kalanchoe pinnata Pers. = Bryophyllum pinnatum Kurz= Cotyledon rlizophylla Roxb, = Bryophyllum germinans Blanco.) PYBVH HO, セオ ロン ペン ケイ ヽ 、 3 み タ ミ リタ ペン ケイ ササ (栗田 萬 次 郎 氏 一 工業 新報 第 三 十 四 華 )、 タ シ チ (沖縄 島 方 言 一 田代 安定 氏 ) 一 一 べ ん け いき 1 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 世 五 年 十 一 月 、 黒 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 一 回 2 無 角 ) Aster striatus Champ. in Hook. Journ. Bot. IV. p. 233. (= Dol- lingerta trichocarpa DC.) シマ ュ ギ ク (Si)— 2s 沖縄 島 國 頭 地方 (明治 十 五 年 十 一 月 廿 入 日 、 墨 岩 恒 氏 採 、 第 一 回 無 競 ) Liparis sp. =? L. cornicaulis Makino Illustr, Fl. Jap. I. no. 8, t,o VET ィ タコ ュ タラ シー 一 ら 64 ん 科 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 世 到 年 十 一 月 ER SB Tel 7 eT) Pogonia flabelliformis Zind/. in Wall. Cat. n. 7400. (= Pogonia Nervilia Blume= Nervilia Aragoana Gaudich.= Pogonia carinata Wight non Lindl.) アフ ヒポ クロ (PH) ヤー ヤ マク マ が イィ サウ (HANREKG)— SA 沖縄 島 首 里 . (明治 世 所 年 十 一 月 、 黒 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 一 回 ノ GRRE) Spinifex squarrosus Zinn. Mant. Il. p. 300. (=Stipa Spinifex Jinn.) ツキ ィ ゲ Fia)—AARB 沖縄 島 國 頭 地方 海岸 沙 上 (明治 革 五 年 十 一 月 甘 入 日 、 黒岩 恒 紅 探 、 第 一 回 ノ 無 衣 ) 57 63, Kandelia Rheedii JVight ct Arn. Prodr. Fl. Penins, Ind. Orient. I. p. 311. (= Rhizophora Candel Linn, = Brugutera Candel Steud.) セル ギ 、 メ ヒル ギ 、 thHoeVYY タカ ツウ ク 、 りみ ウキ サン ノ カ ウ が イーー ひ る ぎ 科 THRE REIS UYRT BE To ACA. Rate, Sh— lel 7 Hee) 64. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Zamk. Illustr. t. 397. (= Rhizophora gymnorrhia Linn.=Bruguiera Rheedit Mid.) ナ ヒ ル ギ や ギ 、 ナチ ナ ト コ ヒル ギ 、 で キ ピ ニシ ヽ 、 RYWI—USZSE PRE BAS (明治 廿 五 年 十 二 月 二 日 、 暑 岩 恒 氏 採 、 第 一 回 2 無難 ) 第 — 回 @ KR Ho om 65. Lotus australis Andi. Bot. Rep. t. 624. (= Lotus levigatus Benth. = Lotus ailbidus Lodd.) ヤン メル エ ポ シ ゲ サ (田代 安定 氏 ) 一 一 まめ 科 SERB ks (明治 甘 太 年 四 月 、 弟 岩 恒 氏 採 、 第 二 回 2 第 一 鐵 ) 66. Triumfetta semitriloba Jucg. Enum PI. Carib. p. 22. ハデ テル マカ ヅラ ( 田 究 代 定 氏 ) 一 一 し な の き 科 Fee (HAAS A, MRR, BOE AIR) 67. Swertia Tashiroi mihi (=Ophelia Tashiroi Maxim. in Mél. Biol, Xil. p. 495.) ~PHVYRY (田代 安定 氏 ) 一 一 りん だ う ) 科 TER AER TR Be ( 明 治 革 六 年 入 月 aT RGR BOP BE Hh) 68. Drymaria cordata Willd. ex Rem. et Schult. Syst. Veg. V. p. 406. (Holosteum cordatwm Linn.) ヤン パル スハ ュ で (田代 安定 氏 ) 一 一 な で し こ 科 THEE a RGR AR? be ( 明 治 芽 太 年 入 月 、 黒 岩 恒 氏 採 、 第 二 回 2 第 現有 ) 59。 Sesuvium Portulacastrum Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2, p. 684. (= Pyzi- poma polyandrum Fenzl=Trianthema polyandra Bl.=Sesuvium repens Willd.=Sesuviwm longifolium Humb, et Bonpl.=Sesu- vium revolutifolium Ortega=Psammanthe marina Hance= Sesu- vium edule Wight.) ハマ ミ ジ ナ (放言 )、 ヘ マス さり 9 ビュ エ 、 ミ ルス ペリ ビュ ( 共 = 田 代 安定 氏 ナ ーー つる な 科 THA ARES 7 凌 海 地 (明治 世 五 年 十 二 月 、 黒 岩 恒 氏 採 、 第 二 回 ノ aR) 70. Smilax stenopetala 4. Gray in Mem. Am. Acad. N. NR. VI. p. 412. サン キラ 1 (ANRER =v )——p TE Be BRIAR ARTA atk, SI BA) ニニ ーー ーー ニー べつ ーー ニニ ーー D8 71. Potamogeton mucronatus Presi Epim. Bot. p. 245, (= Potamo- geton malaianus Migq.=Potamogeton Wrightit Morong= Potamo- geton tretocarpus Maxim.=Potamogeton japonicus Fr. et Sav.) サ ぃ \ ペ モ ーー いばら も 笠 沖縄 島 奥 那 原 ノ 水 田 (明治 世 五 年 十 二 月 、 黒 岩 恒 氏 採 、 第 二 回 > 第 せ 鍼 ) 72. Potamogeton polygonifolius Pouwrr. in Mém. Acad, Toul. IT. p. 325. (= LPotamogeton oblongus Viv.) と ルム シロー 一 いばら 5 も 科 沖縄 島 奥 那 原水 田 (RH REPO. RSI, BO BA) 73.. Potamogeton pusillus Zinn. Sp. Pl. p. 127. That SAR Jk (BYR ae oA RRR, BOD BAG) 74.=24. Thuarea sarmentosa Pers. Syn. I. p. 110. (=Thwarea in- voluta R. Br.=Ornithocephalochloa arenicola Kuyrz.) 74» ¥ PRA FRE ES CREAR . aa. 3 釣 間 CYT AEA ER. 第 二 回 2 SEP) 79, Viburnum Sandankwa AHassk. in Retzia I. p. 37. (= Lxora Sandankwa Buerg.= Viburnum tubulosum Bl.) >? モジ ューー す ひ ぶ づら 6 笠 TE (AARC A, Ra. BOB Ara) 80. Eleagnus multiflora Thunb. Fl. Jap. p. 66. (=EHleaynus longipes A. Gray)? (sterilis) ォ ッ ゲ ミ ー 種 一 で み 笠 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 世 太 年 二 月 、 BARR, Boll BAR EY 4 a: oe 8 mee 59 Si. Siegesbeckia orientalis Zinn. Sp. Pl. IM 900. ナチ モ ミーー さ きく 〈 科 沖縄 島 首 里 CTE Po 、 黒 岩屋 氏 探 、 第 二 回 ノ 第 士 革 銚 / 82, SeneDiera integrifolia DC. in Mem. Soc. IIist. Nat. Par. Ann. VIL. p. 140, t. 8. (=Senebiera linoides DC.) ヤン メル が ラ シ (田代 安 定 氏 ) 一 一 十字 花 科 SERBS ks (明治 廿 太 年 四 月 、 野 岩 憶 氏 探 、 第 二 回 2 第 十 入 競 ) 83. Polypodium Dipteris Blume Fil. Jav. p. 174, t. 81. (= Polypodium conjugatum Kaulfs.=Dipteris conjugata Reinw.=Phymatodes con- jugata Presl=Polypodium Horsfieldi R. Br.=Drynaria Horsfieldi J. Sm.=Polypodium palmatum Wall.=Polypodium Wallichir Hook. non B&B. Br.) ヤ プ レ サッ ラ ポ シ (田代 安定 氏 ナ ーー し だ 科 西表 島 浦 内 川岸 (明治 甘 六 年 七 月 、 三 木原 廣 介 氏 丼 = 敵 岩 二 氏 採 、 第 二 回 BT uit) 84, Zehneria mysorensis 47x. in Hook. Journ. Bot, III. p. 275. (=Bryonia Mysorensis Walp. = Bryonia Maysorensis Wall. = Bryonia mucronata Bl. = Zehneria mucronata Miq. = Melothria mucronata Cogn.=Zehneria Baueriana Clarke non Endl.) クロ ミノ オキ ナハ メス ヾ メ ウ 9 ヽ クロ ミノ フシ マス ヾ メッ ウリ ( 共 = 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 甘 六 年 四 月 、 法 岩 恒 氏 採 、 第 二 回 2 第 二 十 丸 ) 85.=58. Bryophyllum calycinum Sa/ish. Parad. Lond. t. 3. トリ ロッ サッ ター 一 べ ん け いさ き う ) 科 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 廿 六 年 一 月 RR Se) 7 HERE) う 9 科 a = 回 Se i 86. Lespedeza juncea Pers. Syn Pl. II. p. 318, var. kanaoriensis Maxim. in Act. Hort. Petrop. II. p. 371, in nota. (= Lespedeza kanaoriensis Camb, = Lespedeza sericea var. 7. kanaoriensis Maxim.) コ ョ メド ハギ (新橋 ) 一 一 まめ 科 THE EES Lk (明治 世 世 年 十 月 、 黒 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 2 — 5B) 87. Phragmites Karka 7777. ex Steud. Nom. ed. 2, II. p。324. (=Arundo Karka Retz= Phragmites Roxrburghit Kunth= Arundo Roxburghit Kunth=Oxyanthe japonica Steud. =Sericura japonica Stend.=? Phragnutes japonica Steud.) YFP LAY, 437 3 Y—-KRA TE E/N eet A. ARR, BS BOHR) 60 88. Paspalum scrobiculatum Zinn. Mant. I. p. 29. var. orbiculare 89. 90. ot; 92: m. (= Paspalum orbiculare Forst Prodr. no. 7.ー ア 4s7 の 72472 serobicu- latum 8. Kunth=Paspalum Thunbergii var. minor Makino in Bot. Mag., Tokyo, VI. p. 48 et 108.) ASAP A= 未 本 科 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 革 七 年 十 月 、 潜 岩合 氏 採 、 第 三 回 2 aH) Wa > th 2 FP HET Paspalum scrobiculatum Jinn. var. Thunbereii m. (= Paspalum Thinbergit Kunth ex Steud. Glum. p. 28.= Paspalum dissectum Thunb. Fl. Jap. p. 45, non Linn.) Blt ラス ヾ メラ ノ セ モエ =A Rvy CBZ a= yr RAK SHER Desmodium Gardneri Benth. in Pl. Tunghuhn. I. p, 226, (= Des- modium bambusetorum Miq.= Desmodium podocarpum Miq. non DC.) POP TOS (ARBEE) ォ ホ ペ ヌ スピ トム スギ (松村 任 三 氏 ) 一 一 まめ 科 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 廿 七 年 十 月 、 黒 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 ノ SPH) Solanum biflorum Zowr. Fl. Cochinch. p. 129. (=Solanum decem- dentatum Roxb.=Solanum Osbeckii Dunal= Solanum Calleryanum Dunal.) メジ ロボ! ヴ ジ キ な す 科 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 十 七 年 十 月 、 凌 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 2 Hi DH) Nephrodium molle Desv. Mem. Soc. Linn. VI. p. 258; &. Br, Prodr. Nov. Holl. p. 149. (=Aspidium molle Sw.=Polypodium molle Jacq.=Polystichwm molle Gaudich.) ヶ クボ シゲ ーー し だ 科 沖縄 島 音 里 (ite +A. Feat RR. SSI 7 AH) Lippia nodiflora Rich. in Miche. Fl. Bor.-Amer. II. p. 15, 4. sarmentosa Schauer in DC. Prodr. XI. p. 585. (= Lippia sarmentosa Spreng.=Phyla chinensis Wour.= Verbena capitata Blanco.) ArRvty— ior oF 沖縄 島 首 里 (BETA. Rea RR. Bel 7 ow) Agrimocnia Eupatoria Zinn. Sp. Pl. p. 448, var. pilosa m. (=Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. Ind. Sem. Hort. Dorp. Suppl. p. 1. 三 Agrimonia viscidula Bunge var. japonica Miq.=Agrimonia eupa- torta Thunb. non Jinn.) ォ ン ジミ ヅ 〆 ヅ ヒキ ーー いばら 科 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 甘 世 年 十 月 、 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 2 EA) (To be continued.) ミ 8 当 の THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vol. X, No. 115. FP. A. Reid Ee Note préliminaire sur la Formation de la Cellule de Canal chez le Cycas revoluta. Par §, Ikeno, Professeur adjoint 4 l'Université de Tokio. Grace aux belles recherches de Peminent professeur allemand, M. ‘le Dr. E. Straspurcer, il est bien connu depuis longtemps que la formation de la cellule de canal est le phénoméne commun aux Coniferes. Quant anx Cycadées, au contraire, qui sont liées_ tres intimement, il est anjourd’hui généralement admis que ce processus n’a jamais lieu. En effet, en 1877, M. HE. Warmine, célébre professeur danois, a signalé l’existence d’nne, cellule de canal dans l’archégone du Ceratozamia (1), mais deux ans aprés il a nié lui-méme sa _ premiére indication qui «repose en partie sur une confusion avec le noyau cellulaire »(2). En 1884, M. le Dr. M. Trevs, illustre botaniste hol- landais au Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg a Java, a fait une étude fondamentale sur Vembryogénie du Cycas circinalis et n’en a pas trouvé de cellule de canal, « Pour ce point, dit-il, il ne me reste pas les moindres doutes pour ce qui concerue le Cycas circinalis; il n’y a @) KB. Warming: Unders@gelser og Betragninger over Cycadeerne (Oversigter over d. K. D. Vidensk. Forh. 1877). © E. Warming: Bidrag til Cycadeernees Naturhistorie (Ibid 1879), p. 82 et aussi Contribu- tions @ histoire naturelle des Oycadées, p, 10-11. 62 jamais de cellule de canal»(1). La méme année, M. STRASBURGRE, generalisartt les observations de ses devanciers, a émis cette opinion que Ja cellule de canal fera défaut chez les Cycacdées en général (2). Or je me livre pour le moment a Tetnde de la fécondation du Cycas revoluta, et le fait qu’il n’y a de cellule de canal dans les Cycadées m’ayant semblé erronnée, j’ai taché tout d’abord a établir exactement l’existence ou non de la cellule en question dans notre plante. J’ai réussi enfin & trouver non-senlement la cellule deja formée, mais encore la figure karyokinétique pendant sa formation. L’objet de cette note préliminaire est d’en exposer une bréve descrip- tion, les détails étant réservés pour le futur. La cellule centrale de l’archégone de notre plante est trés similaire a celle de Varchégone des Co の 67es et presque toujours son sommet est prolongé plus ou moins long en forme dn bec (planche v, figs. la et 16). Quelques jours avant la fécondation, le noyau se trouve _& la partie supérieure du bec; peu de temps avant la fécondation, il] forme un fuseau nucléaire avec les chromosomes tres fins (figs. 2 a et 26). Aprés la division nucleaire et cellulaire, la cellule de canal se sépare de l’oosphére et celle-l ne tarde pas a se désorganiser comme & Vordinaire, tandis que le noyan de Voosphére enchemine vers le centre de l’oosphére (fig. 3). On verra done quwil y a distinctement de cellule de canal dans le Oycas revoluta. Mais si elle a été reconnue dans une espéce, y aura-t-i] des raisons pour qu’on puisse supposer quelle fait défant dans dautres espéces, comme le Ceratozamia ou le Cycas cireinalis? Je ne le crois pas et je suis de l’avis que si l’on réussit a récolter ses matériaux d’étude a des stades différents du développement sans lacunes, il n’éprouvera aucune difficulté & mettre cette cellule en évidence chez une Cycadée quelconque. Done le fait généralement admis que la cellule de canal manque dans les Cycadées nest pas fondé; au contraire, je n’irai pas trop loin, si jexprime la généralisation que la formation de la cellule de canal est le phénoméne commun aux Cycadées en général. G) M. Treub: Recherches sur les Cycadées 3. Embryogénie du Cycas cireinalis, p. 3. (Annales du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg, Vol. IV, 1884). (2) R. Strasburger: Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Befruchtungsvorgang bei den Phanerogamen, 1884, p. 94. 63 EXPLICATION DE LA PLANCHE V 一 ュー Fig. 1 a.—Archégone mire avec son noyau. Deux cellules de col visibles. (Gross, 47 fois). Fig. 1 6.—Une partie de la méme figure, plus grossie. (Gross. 240 fois). Fig. 2a.—La formation d’une cellule de canal. (Gross. 85 fois). Fig. 26. 一 Une partie de la meme figure, plus grossie. (Gross. 530 fois). Fig. 3. 一 Te noyau de Voosphére en yoie de se diriger vers le centre de Poosphere. On voit aussi une cellule de canal en désorganisation. (Gross. 85 fois). Mr. Hisashi Kuroiwa’s Collections of Liukiu Plants. (Continued from the last number of this Magazine.) By Tomitaro Makino, Science College, Imperial University, Tokyo. 94. Polygonum virginianum Linn Sp. Pl. p. 360. (= Polygonum filiforme Thunb.) ョ セキ ーー た で 科 沖縄 島 音 里 (GBT OETA. RAB RR, B= BAR) 95. Lespedeza striata Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 262. (= | Hedysarum striatum VThunb.=Desmodiwm ? striatum DC.) ia サタ ーー まめ 科 | 沖縄 全音 里 CRY eH. a IRER SI) 7 Sate) 96. Phyllanthus Urinaria Zinn. Sp. Pl. p. 982. (=Phyllanthus lepidocarpus Sieb. et Zucc.= Phyllanthus Niruri Sieb. ex Migq.) Se ye fo At Teen Gye te +A. RAR. Sl) 7 4 HH) 97, Berchemia lineata DC. Prodr. U. p. 23. (= Rhamnus lineatus Linn.) モメ クマ ヤナ ギ シマ クマ ヤナ や 【 共 = 田 代 安 定 兵 ) コク マヤ ナギ (BPR) ~ コタ ギ メ マ アツ カウ ( 共 ミ 土 言 ナ ーー くろ うめ も ざき 科 沖縄 島 那 六 (明治 革 革 年 士 月 、 潜 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 > cyt) ー ーー ーー ーー ニニ ー SSS 64 98. Oldenlandia paniculata Linn Sp: Pl. ed. 2, p. 1667, var. parvi- folia A. Gray ex Maxim in Mél. Biol. XI. p. 786. (= Hedyotis bijlora var? parvifolia Hook. et Arn.) ッ ナ レム ゲラ ーー あず ね 笠 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 甘 せ 年 士 月 、 黒岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 ノ BSR) 99, Desmodium umbellatum DC. Prodr. II. p. 325. (=Hedysarum 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. umbellatum Linn.=Dendrolobium umbellatum Benth. = Hedysarum arboreum Roxb.) ナム キメ ギー 那覇 木 へ ギ (田代 安定 氏 ) 一 ーー まめ 科 沖 礎 島 奥 > 山 (明治 革 七 年 十 月 、 黒岩 恒 氏 探 、 弟 三 回 ee) Lagerstroemia indica Zinn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2, p. 734. f. a. latifolia Kehne in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. IV. p. 20. サル スベ さす 一 一 みそ は ぎ 科 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 廿 七 年 士 月 、 閉 岩 恒 氏 深 、 第 三 回 ノ BH) Chrysopogon aciculatus Zrin. Fundam. Aerost. p. 188. (= Andropogon aciculatus Retz. Obs. 5, p. 22.= Andropogon actcularis Roem. et Schult.) . | ォ キ ナハ ミチ ッ メ (ARRER)—_AKA | HEE AEE (Ya ARTA 、 黒岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 2 PAE) Cryptotenia canadensis DC. Prodr. TV. p. 119, var. Japonica m.(=Cryptotenia japonica Hassk. Retzia I. p. 113. Cryptotenta canadenisis Sieb. et Zucc. non DC,=Sison canadense Thunb. non Linn.) ミツ メ ゼ 9 一 一 級 形 科 沖縄 島 首 里 HRW. TRE, a il > 9-1-4 BR) Davallia chinensis Sw. Syn. Fil. p. 133, var f. tenuifolia — Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, X. p. 152. (=Davallia tenutfolia Sw. 1c. p. 133 et 350.=Odontosoria tenuifolia J. Sm.= Micro- lepia tenuifolia Metten.=Stenoloma tenutfolra Fée = Lindsaya tenuifolia Metten. non BL.) i ANY Mace Cal FL, TS (RAT A hee GER BPS Sea) Sporobolus virginicus Kunth Rev. dram, |. p. 67. (= Agrostis virginica Linn.=Vilfa virginica Beauv. = Podosemum virginicum ) N | いで し 7 や Link=Calotheca sabulosa Steud.) ッ ナ レシ ぷ ( 新 身 ) 一 一 未 本 科 TREES (Wai teh) aR RSI Be PAu) / 65 105. Fimbristylis ferruginea VahZ. Enum. II. p. 291. (=Setrpus ferrugineus Linn.=Scirpus debilis Lam.=Scirpus bonariensis Poir.) | シマ テン ツキ ( 新 稀 ) 一 一 いや つり で ぐ き 科 沖縄 島 那 病 (Hit bE TA. Rai, 第 三 回 2 第 二 十 況 ) 106. Ischemum Sieboldii Mg. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. IL. p. 291. (=Andropogon crassipes Steud.) HErPAY TRA FY 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 甘 七 年 士 月 、 FABRA, SSH Bp) 107. Panicum repens Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2, p. 87. (= Panicum arenarium Brot.= Panicum tschemoides Retz.= Panicum atroides KR. Br.) > HE —— AY 沖縄 島 那 覇 (AYE TA. Rae RR, BSI Sioa) 108.=21. Pyereus polystachyus Beauv. Fl. Owar. IL. p. 48, t. 86. f. 2. (=Cyperus polystachyus BR. Br.) Ate eV — 9 OY KS Ht REBAR (WTS TA, RABRR, BSH 7 BSH) 109. Artemisia vulgaris Zinn. Sp. Pl. p. 848, var. indica Maxim in Mél. Biol. VIII. p. 536. (= Artemisia indica Willd.) ョ ェ ギ ーー きく 科 TES (yee +A. Re RR. BSE Big) 110. Leucas javanica Benth. Lab. p. 611, et in DC. Prodr. XI. p. . 528. ヤン シメ ルウ ル メ ハタ カ (BRRER)—BBR 沖縄 島 音 里 (明治 世 世 年 十 月 、 凌 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 2 第 二 五 競 ) 111. Secleria scrobieulata Nees ef Meyen in Wight Contrib. p. 117. (=Seleria Doederleiniana Boeckel.) ka YY YY (BR)—vPoy ¢ SA HBSS OYE OETA, Re RHR, BSH BAR) _112.=32. Indigofera liukiuensis sp. nov. For the description refer the next number of this Magazine. ナメ ハエ ポ シ ゲ サ (HRREK)— oF 神 縄 島 奥 クノ 山 AYA ETA. RARER. BSED BUH) 113.=95. Berchemia lineata DC. Prodr. II. p. 23. Be STS (マラ コッ ウッ ギ HER WYSE TA, Ree, BSB BUA) 66 114, Arthraxon ciliaris Beauv. Agrost. p. 111, t. 11, f. 6, subsp. Langsdorffiii Hackel in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. VI. p. 354, var. §. eryptatherus Auckel 1. c. p. 355. (= Pleuroplitis Langsdorfiana Trin. 8. submutica Regel.) シロ コ ュ プ ナ ゲ サ (A H)—Krar 沖縄 島 音 里 (明治 世 七 年 十 月 RRR, SU ugh) 115. Chrysopogon violascens Trin. in Mém Acad. Petersb. Sér. 6, II. p. 319. (=Andropogon violascens Nees=Holcus parviflorus R. Br.=Chrysopogon parviflorus Benth.=Sorghum parviflorum Beauv.= Anatherum parviflorum Spreng. = Holcus ccerulescens Gaudich.= Rhaphis cerulescens Desv.= Andropogon micranthus Kunth= Andropogon micranthus var. 7. genuinus Hackel = Andro- pogon captllifiorus Steud.) セタ アア ラウ が ヤーー ボ ポポ 笠 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 甘 七 年 十 月 、 法 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 > Sst) 116. Vernonia cinerea ess. in Linnea IV. p. 291, et VI. p. 673. (=Conyza cinerea Linn.=Serratula cinerea Roxb.= Vernonia conyzoides DC.) ヤン メル モ マ タイ (田代 安定 氏 ) 一 一 きく 科 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 寸 年 十 月 、 黒岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 2 B= PH) 117. Panicum sanguinale Zinn. Sp. Pl. p. 57, var. 2 ciliare Gren. et Godr. Fl. Fr. II. p. 451, (=Panicum ciliare Retz. = Digi- taria ciliaris Pers. = Syntherisma ciliare Schrad. = Panicum sanguinale var, Trin.=Digttaria ciliaris var, hystrix Steud. ex Miq.) メ セ ジ シリ ( ニ メ ケ モジ ア ) ヽ 、 FYRI—RAM | 沖縄 島 首 里 (GATE TH. Ra RR. BS BS PoR) 118. Buddleia curviflora Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 267. ツシマ ャ ヤブ リウ ツウ ギ ーー まち る 科 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 革 革 年 士 月 、 黒岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 第 三 十 三 鐵 119. Setaria glauca Beauv. Agrost. p. 51. (= Panicum glaucum Linn. = Pennisetum giaucum R. Br.= Panicum. penicitlatum Willd.) % YE) a 4 ——ARAFY EBS S (OAT ATH Reale. SS RS Ph) 120. Alternanthera nodiflora &. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 417. (=Alternanthera denticulata Kh. Br.) ウル ノッ ゲ ィ トッ (ARR EKR)—— vA} 沖縄 島 音 里 (明治 甘 世 年 十 月 、 黒岩 昼 氏 探 、 第 三 回 2 BSI) 121. 123. 124, 125. 126. 12/ . 128. 67 Eragrostis pilosa Beauv. Agrost. p. 71. (= Poa pilosa Linn.= Poa verticillata Cav.=Hragrostis parviflora Trin.) = > =} ——RAFY THE Ee (HAYA Tas A RRR SSI 7 SPADE) . Cyperus tegetiformis 7zoz2. Hort. Beng. p. 6. (=Cyperus ben- galensis Spreng.) ッ チ メタ ター 一 いや つり ぐさ 科 沖縄 島 那覇 (GREE TA RST RR, Sl) BSP ih) Leptochloa capillacea Beauv. Agrost. p. 71. (= Poa chinensis Burm.= Leptochioa chinensis Nees= Leptochloa tenerrvma Roem et Schult.= Hleusine tenerrima Hornem.=Cynodon virgatus Willd. =Poa decipiens R. Br.= Eragrostis decipiens Steud.) 7 eh ¥—AAB TEES TET. 黒岩 恒 氏 探 、 BSB 7 a TA) Sueda australis Mog. in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. 1, XXIIT. p. 318. (= Chenopodium australe Rh. Br.=Chenopodina australis Moqg.= Schoberia australis C, A. Mey.=Suceda indica Seem. non Mod.) シマ ハマ マツ ナ (BRREK)—Hv oF} 沖縄 島 那 病 海 濱 (明治 義 七 年 十 月 、 菓 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 ヶ BS TA) Panicum plictaum Zam. Tllustr. I. p. 171; Rneyel. IV. p. 736. (=Panicum nepalense Spreng.) He キビ ー 一 来 本 笠 Wa BSE Hints bh. Rab RR, B= Sora Clerodendron trichotomum Thunb. Fl. Jap. p. 256. Fe ram Sa Sit 沖縄 島 首 里 Gini tee TA. RRR. BS 2 eae) Barringtonia racemosa foxb. Hort. Beng. p. 52. (=Hugenia racemosa Linn.=Dbutonica racemosa Juss.=Barringtonia Stra- vadium Blanco.) サメ ハフ ダ (沖縄 島 方 言 )) サ か リバ ナ (FS)—CAKAL oF 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 廿 七 年 士 月 、 法 岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 > oH) Bidens pilosa Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 832. (=Bidens chinensis Willd. = Glossogyne chinensis Less.= Bidens leucantha Willd.= Bidens sundaica Bl.) シロ ノ セ ンダ ン ゲ サー 一 きく 笠 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 甘 七 年 十 月 、 黒岩 昼 氏 採 、 第 三 回 ノ 第 四 十 三 基 ) 130. 131. 133. 136. . Lobelia radicans Thunb. in Trans. Linn. Soc. II. p. 230. (= Isolobus radicans A, DO.=Rapuntium radicans Presl= Lobelia campanuloides Thunb. =Isolobus campanuloides A, DC, =Rapun- tium campanuloides Presl= Rapuntium ccespitosum Presl.) SIRI Sa Te AS se VO ee 沖縄 島 首 里 (TET A, Ra RR, 第 三 回 2 第 四 十 四 監 Rhynchosia volubilis Zour. Fl. Cochinch. p. 460. タジン キリ 9 マメ ーー まめ 科 Ea (ETH RA RR, 第 三 回 2 Tae) Celastrus diversifolius Hems/. in Journ, Linn. Soc. XXII p. 123. (=Gymnosporia diversijolia Maxim.) AVIVTHs (田代 安定 氏 ナ ーー つる うめ も ざさ 科 ( 王 に し き y 笠 ) TRE ARES (明治 十 七 年 十 月 、 黒岩 恒 氏 探 、 BSB BAR) Urena lobata Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 692. (=Urena palmata Roxb.= Urena diversifolia Walp.) BARRY AY I yy YrRY PY Vy (H=NKRREK)—vedoLUA TRS (Hieber. Rae, So 7 Ae) Sambucus javanica Blume Bijdr. p. 657. (=Sambucus chinensis Lindl.=Sambucus Thunbergiana Blume.) | ッ タ ダー 一 す ひ が づら 笠 沖縄 島 首 里 (明治 革 七 年 士 月 、 黒岩 恒 氏 探 、 第 三 回 2 POA RH) Ophiorrhiza Kuroiwai sp. nov. For the description refer the next number of this Magazine. リタ キタ ィ イナ モリ サリ ( 新 稀 ナ ーー あい ね 笠 沖縄 島 國 頭 地方 (VS oe A. 黒岩 恒 氏 探 、 弟 三 回 2 TAH) . Polygonum Posumbu Ham. in D. Don Prodr. Fl. Nep. p. 71. (= Polygonum cespitosum お 1.) A RET EA (BYR ET A RA RR, SSB BATH) Acalypha australis Zinn. sp. Pl. p. 1004. (=Urtica gemina Lour.= Acalypha gemina spreng.= Acalypha gemina Muell. Arg. a. genuina Muell. Arg.= Acalypha virgata Thunb.= Acalypha paucifiora Hornem.= Acalypha chinensis Roxb.) x) EY Y—TFiv°z 5 だ い 科 MHRA (ARTES TA, Re RR, Sa) BRT) (To be continued.) ( | % k . の 2 pushy , 4 . tae Mo | ——-— = , aie Sema OT aly * eens SEC の 2 ーー シク タン テー | we a aN バ iis Re + if ta |. 48 BFR sot. Mag. Tokyo, Vol.X. THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vol. X, No. 116. PA Bet tr. On Some Species of Salix of Hokkaido. I. By E. Tokubuchi. With Pl, VI. I intend in the following numbers of this Magazine to report on some species of Salix indigenous to the Hokkaido, of which very little have been known. Recently Captain O. von SEMEN described several new species of the Hokkaido Salix from the dried specimens, which Prof. K. Mryasr had sent to the Botanical Museum in Berlin. I shall first take up these species and publish their portraits and descriptions drawn up from the fresh materials. 1. Salix Miyabeana, von Seemen, in Enauer Bot. Jahrb. Band XXI. Heft. 4. Beibl. No. 53, p. 50; Toxusuccni, Tokyo Bot. Mag. Vol. - X, No. 110, p. 125. Jap. name. Yezo-no-kawayanagt. A shrub or small tree usually 22—3 meters high, often attaining to the height of 5 meters and the diameter of about 16 cm at the base, with a short distinct trunk, covered with a grayish coarse bark, and usually divided into two or three main branches; branches ob- liquely erect, somewhat thickly subdivided, covered with a grayish - rather smooth bark ; twigs rather stout, of a slightly brown or of an ashy 70 9 white color or often reddish brown on a young shoot and shiny and glabrous except the pubescent line on the upper portion of a node. Leaves when young lanceolate or oblanceolate remotely serrulate or subentire, and when matured linear-lanceolate, pointed at the apex, slightly tapering at the base, crenately serrulate, smooth, but sometimes very slightly downy when young, bright green on the upper surface and glaucous on the under surface with a whitish prominent midrib at the both surfaces, petiolate ; lamina usually 12—15 cm long and 17— 20 mm broad, often 18 cm or more long, 30 mm or more broad on a vigorous shoot, stipules narrowly and obliquely lanceolate, finely © serrulate with a short stalk, usually about 22 mm long. Catkins hairy, densely flowered, somewhat coetaneous sessile or subsessile ac- companied with a few lanceolate sparingly hairy bractlike leaves at the base. Male catkins cylindrical 40 一 60 mm long, 8 一 10 mm thick, more or less recurved; scales obovate or ovate, tips rounded and discolored with a dark purple to a faintly rosy purple color in fresh specimens, and thinly covered with soft hairs; stamens 2, united into a single body at the whole length of the filaments, hairy at the base, anthers at first of a rosy purplish color, afterward yellowish; gland 1, © superior, flat, ovate with a slightly constricted neck. Female catkins narrowly cylindrical, elongated, recurved or flexuous : scales similar with those of the male in the form, size, and color; capsules ovate-conical, sessile, ashy white tomentose, equal to or shorter than the scales in height at anthesis; style none or very short; stigma dark purple when fresh, divided into two parts, each of which is slightly notched. Seeds club-shaped, 14 mm in length. Habitat: On the gravelly banks and on the moist ground near streams ; in the provinces of Iburi and Ishikari. Flowers in the later part of April, and fruits in May. Remarks. We have at first taken the present species as a form of Salix Purpurea, L. or at least as one very nearly related to that species. Captain von SrEMEN has pointed out their differences and established it as a distinct species. To his opinion we agree after the renewed carefnl studies of the fresh materials. The present species differs from Salix purpurea in the following characters :—The stipules of the present species are narrowly lanceolate and considerably developed, while those of Salix purpurea are semi- ovate, very small or obsolete; the capsules of the former are shorter 71 than or subequal to the scales in length at anthesis, while those of the latter remarkably protruded beyond the scales; the color of the withered anthers turns to grayish yellow and not to a blackish color; and the cases of subopposite leaves are scarcely met with. Sapporo Agricultural College, Sapporo, Japan. July 31st, 1896. EXPLANATIONS OF THE PLATE Vi, Wigs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 17 are of natural size; the rest more or less magnified. Fig. 1.—Matured leaves, stipules, and buds on a part of a branch. Fig. 2and 3.—Male catkins on twigs. Fig. 4.—Female catkins on a twig. Fig. 5. 一 A detached female catkin. Fig. 6.—Part of a female catkin. Fig. 7.—Part of a female catkin with much developed scales. Fig. 8 and 9.—Male flowers. Fig. 10.—Anthers (front view). Fig. 11.—Single anther (lateral view). Fig. 12.—Gland of a male flower. Fig. 13.—-Female flowers (lateral view). Fig. 14.—Capsule (front view). Fig. 15.—Gland of a female flower. Fig. 16.—Scale of a female flower. Fig. 17.—A branch with matured capsules. Fig. 18.—Seeds (inverted). EE = eer Se 72 On the Production of Mannane and the Natural Occurrence of Mannose in Amorphophallus Konjak. By Michito Tsukamoto. The Araceous plant Amorphophallus Konjak has a larger tuber from which a peculiar gelatinous food-article called “ Konnyaku” is made in Japan. For this purpose, this plant is abundantly cultivated throughout the country. In some analytical report it is stated that the Konnyaku contains starch (6.14 94) but this is very doubtful, be- cause the Konnyaku does not give the proper starch reaction with iodine solution. Two years ago my friend, O. Tsusr, Nogakushi, in- vestigated the tuber of the plant in the chemical laboratory of the Agricultural College, Imperial University and proved that the tuber contains no starch but is very rich in a different carbohydrate, one of the anhydride of a sugar mannose, to which ScHULZE gave the name “Mannane.”” During the next year, it was further found by Y. KiNosHrrA, Nogakushi, in the same laboratory, that the tuber contains not one but two kinds of mannane, one of them, forming the larger portion, being insoluble in water while the other is soluble and forms a slimy solution.” It seems to me to be of very great physiological interest to solve the following questions: whether the mannane is produced in the tuber ‘by transformation from glucose or is the soluble mannane formed in the leaves from glucose and carried down to the tuber; and lastly in this plant is mannose formed instead of glucose as a direct product of assimilation of carbon dioxide. Thus far, after mannose was first ob- tained by E. FrscgrR and J. HirscHpercer by the oxidation of man- nitol with nitric acid,?? R. Gans and B. ToLrpNS,? Reiss? and others 1) The Bulletin of the Agricultural College, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan; Vol. II, No. 2. (1894) p. 104—105. 2) The Bulletin: Vol. If, No. 4. (1895) p. 205—206. 3) Berichte d. Deut. Chem. Ges. Bd. 21. (1888) S. 1805. 4) The Berichte Bd. 21. (1888) S. 2180. (5 The Berichte Bd. 22. (1889) S. 609; he gave at first the name “ Seminose” to his sugar, but afterwards KE. Fischer identified that sugar as mannose. 73 have found the mannose in different plants, These investigators, however, obtained it only by boiling different parts of the plants with acids but they never found it in a natural state. Therefore, if it could be proved that mannose is naturally found in this Araceous plant, it would be indeed of very great interest. Firstly, I have examined with iodine solution under a microscope small fragments of the leaf of this plant, collected in the afternoon of a clear sunny day, and found that in the cells of the mesophyll and in the ribs a very few granules coloured very faintly blue. Though the cells of the leaf contained thus only a small amount of starch, the cellular walls of the leaf gave the ordinary reaction of cellulose with concentrated sulpharic acid and iodine. Further, I collected the leaf on a clear sunny afternoon, and separated the petiole and the larger portion of the ribs from the blade to which were however attached a few of the smaller ribs. Extracts were made from both portions of the leat with warm water at 40°-50° C and both extracts yielded a flocculent precipitate by mixing it with several times the amount of strong alcohol. The resulting precipitate was purified by redissolving in water, and was again precipitated with alcohol. The aqueous solution of the precipitate being slimy, exhibited the interesting property of loosing its slimy consistency on very prolonged boiling, insoluble flocculi being separated out. The newly prepared solution of the mucilage yielded a white flocculent precipitate with basic Jead acetate and ammonia, and a thick blue precipitate with either Fehling’s solution or copper sulphate and sodium hydrate. The mucilage was boiled for about two hours with dilute sulphuric acid of 3% and after neutralizing the acid with barium carbonate, filtering and evaporating, it yielded a sugar which gave at once the characteristic precipitate of mannose-phenylhydrazon on the addition of phenyl- hydrazine acetate. Thus, the mucilages from the petiole and blade of the leaf agree in their essential properties with the soluble mannane which Kinosuita found in the tuber.” It seems to me to be very certain that all portions of the leaf of the plant contain the soluble mannane like the tuber. The residue of the aqueous extraction of the leaf was boiled for several hours with dilute sulphuric acid of 49 and the resulting syrup, 1) Compare Kinoshita’s article: Bul. Agr. Col. Imp. Univ., Vol. II., No. 4., p. 205—206. 74 on the removal of the acid by barium carbonate, was tested for pentose with phloroglucin and strong hydrochloric acid and for galactose by evaporation with nitric acid but neither any Pentose reaction nor mucic acid was obtained, while only a little mannose was detected by means of phenylhydrazine acetate. Therefore, neither pentsane nor glactane are present in the leaf with a little amount of the mannane. To see whether mannose is present in the leaf or not, I extracted separately the petiole and blade with 50 % alcohol in which the sugar is dissolved while the mannane would remain insoluble. These extracts were evaporated,” dissolved again in a little water and basic lead acetate was added to remove tannin and other impurities. The filtrate freed from lead by hydrogen sulphide was evaporated into a small volume while neutralized with sodium carbonate. The concentrated filtrate was treated with 85% alcohol and again filtered; and the resulting filtrate was freed from the alcohol by distillation. Upon the addition of phenylhydrazine acetate, only the extract from the petiole yielded a sufficient quantity of the precipitate of mannose-phenylhydrazon while in the case of that of the blade it was very doubtful. The mannose-phenylhydrazon which was purified by recrystallization from alcohol showed the proper melting point of 195° C and the characteristic tabular crystalline forms. Further, It was very slightly soluble in absolute alcohol or warm acetone, almost insoluble in ether or benzene, and reduced very strongly Fehling’s solution upon warming. These essential properties of the mannose-pheny!hydrazon agree very well with that of pure mannose-phenylhydrazon stated by E. Fiscusr,”) There is, therefore, no doubt that mannose is present in the petiole. Upon the further addition of phenylhydrazine acetate and after heating on a water bath, the filtrate of the above mannose phenylhydrazon yielded such a considerable amount of phenylglucosazon, that I must conclude, there was present, besides mannose, also glucose or fructose, or both to some extent in the petiole. And it is not improbable to suppose these three sugars are together contained in the petiole, because very recently C. A. LogRy pn Bruyn has found that those three sugars can be easily transformed into one another.» . To test for fructose, 1) The extract from the petiole only gave an acid reaction. On the evaporation of it, therefore, sodium carbonate was continuously added for the neutralization. 2) Compare E, Fischer’s article: Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. Bd. 21. (1888) S. 1805. 3) Rec. Tray. Chim. 14. (1895) 201—206 and Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges., Bd. 28. (1895) 5. 3078-3082. “ | 75 therefore, another portion of the extract was first omen with a mixture of ether and absolute alcohol in which only fructose is soluble and then divided into two portion, one, the liquid, containing the dissolved matter, and the other the remaining insoluble portion. On testing with resorcin and concentrated hydrochloric acid the dissolved portion gave the proper cherry-red coloration of the sugar while the other did not. Though saccharose also takes the same coloring with the above reagents, yet it seems to me that some fructose not saccharose must be present in the petiole, because, if saccharose be present in it, the un- dissolved portion would also take the same red coloring as saccharose is not soluble in the mixture of ether and alcohol. The fact that the soluble mannane is present in the cells of the leaf, makes it very probable to suppose that it plays to some extent the role of starch in this Araceous plant but the question whether mannose is really the first product of the assimilation process or not, can not yet be solved but I hope to settle the question by further investigations. On the other hand the natural occurance of mannose in the petiole of this Araceous plant is evidently of highly physiological interest so it is the jirst time that mannose has been found in plants. In conclusion, I wish to express my hearty thanks to Prof. Dr. O. Lorw of the Imperial University, who has given me kind suggestions and taken much interest in this investigation. Chemical Laboratory of the Harris Science School, Doshisha, Kyoto, September, 1896. < pia THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vol. X, No. 117. PA Rebs UL) On Laminaria of Japan. By K. Okamura, figakuhakushi. With Pl. VIiI. り The algal flora, especially Laminariacee, of the Upper Northern Pacific has been so often and so carefully investigated by many eminent botanists, among whom I especially mention KjgELLMAN, that hardly any 2 の y 2 Sa new species remains to be detected. Yet when I recently took up the study of our Laminaria group having simple lamina, I found a new species, besides observing several minute points in already known species which had been either overlooked or neglected by predecessors. Amongst others I found the existence of muciferous lacune in some species in which they have been hitherto considered as wanting. As a result of my investigation I propose to classify our Laminaria species as in the following synopsis : | i) The plate will appear in the next number. A. Muctferous lacune present in root, stipe and lamina. L. japonica Aresch. L. longipedalis sp. nov. L. gyrata Kjellm. L. radicosa Kjellm, B. Muciferous lacune present in root and lamina, but not in stem. L. angusta Kjellm. C. Muciferous lacune none at ail. L. peterseniana. Laminaria japonica Aresch. Many authors have frequently described this species and much has been written about this plant in particular. Notwithstanding, I am here to add some remarks on the variation of shape of frond and of the existence of lacunee muciferee. Bre The present plant has a rather wider range of distribution within the compass of our empire. Its southern limit is Iwaki and its northern Etrofu, as far as is known to me. All.the coast around the Hokkaido, that is the ancient Iesso, has more or less altered forms of this species. It attains 1ts maximum size and its luxuriant growth in the locality surrounding Hakodate. The western coast of Hokkaido, that is the coast extending from Cape Soya down to Otaru is fringed with one and the same variety. Its range of distribution being rather wide, it, as_a con- sequence, varies somewhat in its form and structure. Generally we may distinguish two forms in this species, viz. た typica and f. angusta. Between these two forms there are gradual transitions from one to the other. た typica. This is the larger one which has been several. times collected and so fully described by many anthors that no further deserip- tion is needed. It has larger and broader lamina and firmer and longer stipe than f. angusta. Muciferous lacune are present in root, stem and lamina. The substance varies somewhat in consistence. た た angusta. This is shorter and narrower than f. typica.. Stipe is slender and short. Lamina is linear-lanceolate slightly undulated at. margin with cuneate or ovato-cunvate base and with more or less distinct に * 89 median fascia. The base of broader forms is more ovate than that of the narrower ones. Lacunss are always present in root and stem ; but those in lamina are sometimes absent or very difficult to detect. It is more especially so in southern forms such as are found along the coast of Iwaki and Twashiro. f. angusta is more widely distributed than た typica, mainly along the coast of the Hokkaido. Almost all Laminaria japonica found along the western coast of the Hokkaido consists of plants of this form, Great many examples of LZ. japonica has been brought to me from several localities, but none from any point beyond the south-west ex- tremity of the province Iwaki. Notwithstanding, we find mention of collections of this species in other parts, e.g. Drokrm' found it at Oshima harbour, southern coast of Japan. Such a plant may perhaps be a different species. Again Harrot? mentions ん . flexicaulis as has been collected at Yokosuka. It may be said with certainty, that it is a different species. Laminaria longipedalis Okam. mscr. Pl. VII. Fig. 1—3. Root consists of several-times dicrotomously branched clasping fibres, extending from the lower end of stem in a conical form and attenuated toward the extremity. In a cross-section we find a ring of muciferous lacune situated just beneath the cortex. Stem is almost cylindrical below, compressed and becoming flattish upwards where it expands ihto the base of a terminal simple lamina. In drying, stem becomes much dattened, but reassumes its original form on reimmersion in water. In a cross-section of stem the medullary layer is transversely elliptical, becoming more and more linear as the stem increases in diameter. In the cortical layer a more or Jess close ring of small roundish muciferous lacune is detected (Fig. 3). Lacune are situated so near ,the periphery that they are separated by the thick- ness of only 4—5 cells from the periphery. The plant seems to be perennial, as, in a cross-section of stem which has a length of 50 cm, 1) Dickie—Notes on Algae collected by Moseley of Challenger, &c—Journ. Lin. Soc. Vol. XV, No .87. 2) Hariot—List. d. Algues Marines p. 217. 90 I find an annual ring corresponding to the growth of the former year. The stem of the first year has a length of 22—27 cm with a diameter of ca, 10 mm, while the dimensions of that of the second year are 40 一 50 cm by ca. 15 mm. Lamina is lanceolate rising from broadly ovate or slightly cuneate base with undulated margin. Median portion does not much differ in thickness from the remaining. The shape of lamina does not vary accord- ing to its ages, but the size is very different. The lamina of the first year is 40—70 cm long and 15—20 cm broad, while that of the second year is 170 一 220 cm by 30—40 cm. ‘These measurements have been taken from dried specimens the exact length being unknown, on account of the loss of the terminal portion by erosion. In a cross-section of lamina we find the intermediate layer consisting of several layers of roundish- angular cells, whose diameter gradually diminishes towards the periphery. Muciferous lacune are present beneath the cortex a little to the outward of half the thickness of the middie layer. Sori are produced on both surfaces, forming large and irregular cloud-like patches which are equally spread all over the surface, leaving a narrow intra marginal portion naked. They seem to be produced at first in median portion and gradually to extend afterward toward the margin. Sometimes they are formed far above the base of the frond or in others in the basal portion. In several specimens, however, the basal portion is left naked for a more or less wider range. In marginal portion of the frond sori are formed in roundish spot-like patches and those becoming confluent with each cther form larger patches. It seems rather peculiar that such a larger. plant as the present remained undescribed up to this day, in spite of earnest and diligent searches of many eminent European botanists who took home huge mass of collections from the Upper Northern Pacific. It is doubtful whether the present plant has hitherto been not taken for Laminaria japonica or LI. saecharina, instead of being established as a distinct species. The present plant is closely related with Laminaria japonica Aresch, from which however it differs in the length of stem, position of laeanee in stem, and the indistinct median fascia. Moreover, ん . japonica is an annual plant, while the present is perennial,—or at least biennial. It is difficult to distinguish the present species from L. japonica by the structure of lamina, its cross-section being pretty much the same in both. 『 ee ey 91 The middle layer, however, is composed in L. japonica of larger cells than in the present. The position and form of lacunz in the stem distinctly separates the one from the other. In Z. japonica they are larger than in Z, longipedalis aud are situated beneath cortical portion ら の の (Wig. 4.), while in the latter they are within cortical range. From ZL. saccharina which has a longer stem and a frond of similar D shape, the present species differs in the indistinctness of fascia and in the presence of muciferous Jacuns in the stem. Laminaria loneiredalis—Perennial ; Root branched, conical, with a ring of muectferous J / う つ lacunse beneath the cortex; Stipe long, subterete, complanated toward the base of a simple lamina, with a close ring. of small lacune very near the periphery, and with an annual ring; lamina broadly Janceolate, 土 broadly ovate at base, undulated at margin, with Indis- tinct median fascia and provided with muciferous lacune. Sori spread over the frond on both surfaces, forming cloud like patches, Laminaria gyrata Kjellm., Laminaria gyrata? has been described from the materials collected at the Hokkaido by KrgrrLwAN who mentions that the stem has no muciferous lacune. My recent researches however prove that the ab- sence of lacunz in the stem of plants of this species is not a fixed character, In many specimens in my collection I studied the structure of stem and [ found that in some examples lacunee are entirely want- ing, while in the other they are sparingly present. Even in one and the same plant, one cross-section may shew a few lacune, while another shews none. Those, when present, are roundish or longish, being smaller in size and situated just beneath the cortical layer (Fig. 7). They do not form acontinuous ring in 8 cross-section, being separated by more or less wider patches of non-lacunose portion. These researches have been conducted in order to settle doubts which arose in classifying the related plants collected in abundance in Urupp, Etro- fu and in other places. They have all the other characters safely referable to Laminaria gyrata, except the presence of lacune in stem, which form a continuous ring beneath the cortex. At first, according to the diagnosis of L. gyrata given by KrsrrmwAN I took those plants for a new species, which differs from the former species only in the presence of Jacune in 1) De Toni Syllog. Alg. JIL. p. 348. 92 the stem. But some hesitation still lingered in my mind in separating those plants from ん . gyrata. I begun to doubt whether in Z. gyrata lacunz were not present in the stem of some examples and whether my plants in question were not a form or variety of that species. Thereupon I studied several examples of L. gyrata and I was fortunate enough to discover the fact above referred to. Based upon the fact that lacunz are present in the stem of JZ. gyrata and are somewhat variable in their existence, I distinguish three forms of this species, viz. /. linearis, f. latior, and た obovata. Laminaria gyrata Kjellm.— Rhizinis attenuatis, stipite brevi, inferne tereti, crassiuscule, superne crompresso, attenuato, in Jaminam sensim abeunte, levi, lacunis muciferis nullis corticeque deciduo deficiente; lamina lineari-lanceolata, angusta, demum pergamea, fascia angusta, fere cosle-formi percursa, marginibus planis vel subundulatis; soris in utraque superficie lamine inferne evolutis, marginalibus fasciam medianum medam relinquentibus, numerosis, parvulis, elevatis, distincte circumscripti, vel subcircularibus vel secus directionem lamin transversalem elongatis, plus minus ramosis, structura vulgari. 一 ad Hokkaido-Stipes 4-5 em longus, lamina 7-8 cm latitudine metiens; consistentie ut in Laminaria saccharina.’—G. B. DE Toni Syllog. Alg. III. p. 348. 7. linearis. Characters same as above. Hab. Akkeshi in the Hokkaido. It is to be added to the characters stated above, that lacunm are more or less present in the stem. Of the existence of lacuna in root fibres 1 can say nothing, for in my specimens roots are unfortunately wanting; but from their presence in other two forms it may be said that they are more probably present in root fibres. : た latior. Stipe short, 4-7 cm long, ca. 5 mm in diameter, provided with a ring of muciferous lacunz; lamina linear lanceolate, 50-100 cm long, 10-17 cm broad, oval or cuneate at base, slightly dilated above, with margins flat at base, more or less undulated above. —Fig. 6. Hab. Urupp, Etrofu, Shikotan, Akkeshi. Stipe is subcylindrical below, slightly compressed above, attenuated with a close ring of muciferous lacune, which assume an elongated angular chink-like appearance. Lamina is linear, with generally ovate base which is more roundish in some, more cuneute in others. Lamina has a tendency to dilate slightly above the middle point of the length of the specimen. Margin is flat in basal portion, -- undulated above, and especially so in broader or thinner lamina. The median fascia is 93 10—20 mm broad. Tacune mucifere are present in root fibres forming a continuous ring beneath the cortical layer. た obovata. Stipe shortest, 1-2 cm long, Subcompressed, with a ring of muciferous lacune ; lamina obovate or roundish, broadly oval or somewhat cordate at base, 25-55 cm long, 25-30 em broad, with undulated margin, Hab. Shikotan, Urupp. < Stipe is shortest, subcompressed, lamina is shortest and broadest, being obovate, roundish, or somewhat oblanceolate, more or less dilating upward; the base is broadly ovate or somewhat cordate; margin 1s very much undulated. Remaining characters are same as the other forms above described. In instituting a comparison of these three forms we find a gradual transition of form from one to the other. Rugose surface of lamina, presence of lacunae in stem, the median fascia, gyrato-appearance of sori,—all those characters remaining common, the lamina varies from linear to obovate. The length and breadth of lamina of those three forms taken in order read as follows: 170 by 3 一 6 cm, 50 — 100 by 10—17, and 25 —55 by 25—30. The true length of lamina of た linearis is unfortunately unknown, the upper portion of specimens in my possession being cut off; and that of others is in some measure insufficient, owing to the erosion of the upper portion. Although the true length of lamina is insufficient, yet the increasing breadth of lamina will tell us the corresponding decrease in length. In company with the variation of form of lamina, the stem varies somewhat in length, the stem of た datior being longer than that of the rest. From this reasoning, I think that た latzor should be considered the typical or original form of this species, from which the other two forms were derived. fioot-formation. In the course of my study, I have studied in f, latior the formation of root. Though not quite sure that the study of the same will add some novelty to the branch of science, yet as such a young plant as that may prove profitable to the study of root-formation can rarely be obtained, I should think it better to describe here than to pass it over in silence. Specimens which haye been sought for, have been two in number (Fig. 8—9). The one has 2 mm long stipe which expands gradually into linear Jamina at the upper portion. 94 Lamina has a length of 3 cm measuring 4 mm in the widest portion. The median fascia does not make its appearance in this stage and a longitudinal row of 3 or 4 roundish elevations of the surface occupies the median portions, the remaining part being flat. The lower end of stipe forms a primary holdfast which is a small disc. crenated into about 5 small lobes. Those lobes in the other specimen grow out into finger- like processes, which measure 1—2 mm in length. ) In the next stage the secondary holdfasts make their appearance. They arise just above the primary one as a whorl of small protuberances (Fig, 9 一 10). These protuberances, 5—7 in number, extend at first in a nearly horizontal direction in finger-like processes and then more and more obliquely downwards. When they reach the substratum they flatten their tips against it and become attached to it. The specimen in this stage has a stipe of 3 mm long and has broader lamina whose apex is blunt and truncated from having lost the terminal portion. The lamina is 8 mm in breadth in the broadest portion and has somewhat cuneate base. The median fascia now makes its appearance like a fine costa, along both sides of which roundish angular elevations of surface are arranged alternately, reminding us with protovertebree of chick’s embryo. | About the formation of the next whorl and the persistence or dis- appearance of the two preceding holdfasts I can say nothing, on account of the want of suitable materials for investigation. ~But, we may guess that the next whorl above the second is formed in a manner essentially the same as that in which the second whorl has developed. Root-fibres coming forth more afterwards, at any rate, become longer and several times branch dichotomously and their tips are flattened against the ‘substratum. As the plant grows more and more, roots are formed one after another and those formed previously are replaced by others, Vinally in a fully grown fronds, root-fibres form a conical elevation. (To be continued.) 4 os] p a) He + o に 7 i 4 Boe ” oo Se ee Engi Soe ° KOkamura deé. Bot. Mag. Tokyo, Vol.X. THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vol. X, No. 118. PP Abeer: On Laminaria of Japan, (Concluded), By K. Okamura, igakuhakushi. With Pl. VII. Laminaria radicosa Kjellm. Nom. jap. Antoku-me. This plant has been described by KrgrrmaN') from the materials collected by him at Cape Nomo in the province of Hizen. J referred this species to the genus Hcklonia”, on the ground that the lateral lobes are arranged in a pinnate manner. Since then I have examined many specimens collected in several Jocalities and I have found that some have more regularly arranged pinnate lobes, while others none. Some assume a form not differing at all from that of other species of Laminaria, the margin of lamina either being entirely destitute of lobes or sparingly provided. From investigation of those materials I find that I erroneously took the marginal lobes for pinnz and that in consequence this species should be restored to the original genus Laminaria. In the course of my study I found a number of plants remarkable for the entire absence of marginal lobes. For the specific determination of those plants I entered into a careful study of the structure of parts 1) Kjellman et Petersen—Om Japans Laminariaceer p. 263, Tab. 10, Fig. 1. 2) Okamura—Kcklonia radicosa—Bot. Magaz. of Tokyo, Vol. VI.,. No. 59, p. 1-6, Pl. I. 96 and I found that the character of muciferous lacune in root-fibres is im- portant for the distinction of this species from other related species. In a cross-section of thicker root-fibres of typical plants, we find larger and smaller lacuna mucifere (Fig. 11.) Smaller ones are situated im- mediately beneath the cortex, either being scattered or a few being arranged in a row. Besides those smaller ones, larger muciferous ]acunge together with some smaller ones are scattered further inward. Even in root-fibres of a very young plant whose stem and lamina are provided with no lacunz mucifere, larger lacune are present far beneath the cortical layer and outer smaller ones are not yet formed. From this study it appears that the smaller outer lacune of root-tibres and those of stem and lamina are of later formation than the larger lacune of root-fibres. | Plants which very much puzzled me on account of having an aspect very different from that of the typical plants, being entirely destitute of marginal lobes, were brought from the island of Oshima in the province of Idzu. A younger specimen from the same locality was collected by . Mr, SmrsAr and another very young one was collectedat Cape Omaizaki in the province of Totomi by Mr. Furrr (Fig. 12). Both Furrr's and SHIRATS specimens have a compressed stipe. and a greenish-olive lanceolate lamina rising from very obtuse base. Length of stipes are 5mm and 10 mm, that of laminze 10 cm and perhaps 20 em, (the upper portion being eroded at the distance of 15 cm from the base) with the breadth of 4 and 7.5 cm respectively. In those two young fronds muciferous lacuna are wanting in stipe but are present in root-fibres. The more adult lamine have a length of 40-80 cm with a breadth of 10-15 cm, and their surface is either quite smooth or bullato- rugose. The base of lamina is broadly ovate or somewhat cuneato-ovate and the stipe is compressed and very short, either being almost sessile or 1 一 1.7 cmlong. The color of adult plants is exactly similar to that of the typical plant, being dark brown. ‘The margin of lamina is entirely wanting in lobes, but some small lacinie are present in a few specimens. Though the external aspect of plants differs much from typical ones, yet the presence of very small lacunse beneath the cortex of the stem and the character of root-fibres tell us their nature of the species, J, therefore, placed these plants under a new form with the following diagnosis. f. illobata. Lamina lanceolate, smooth or bullato-rugose, destituted in marginal lobes, a «je Sires. mi pe eae 7 Se 97 Plants of this species are collected in several localities, namely Oshima (Idzu), Cape Omaizaki (Tdtdmi), Tosa, Iyo, Cape Nomo (KjmtrwAN) and Kagoshima, ‘The two largest specimens of typical forms in my possession are those from Kagoshima which measure 50 by 35 and 45 by 40 cm, In the diagnosis of Hcklonia radicosa I described the sori of this plant which is not quoted in DE ToNrs Syllog, Alg. ILI. p. 357. I shall, therefore, once more repeat here by the way the line which runs as follows: ‘Sori on both surfaces of the frond, at first distinct and roundish, at length more or less confluent into irregular patches....... The sori are formed not only in the median portion of the frond but also at the base of the lobes. The Zoosporangia are linear and densely packed among cuneiform paranemata; they are 50-70 long and 104 broad. Laminaria angusta Kjellm. Nom. jap. Naga-kombu. Some remarks about the structure of the root and lamina should be added here to the description” of this species given by KJgELLMAN, The median fascia, which is remarkable in this species in its linear aspect looking like a median costa, is well marked out in wider and especially fructified fronds, in which it is not generally covered by sori. But in sterile fronds and narrower forms it is not so marked. Moreover, lacunse mucifere are not entirely wanting in lamina, as KrmrrMAN asserted in his description of this species. They are some- times apparently wanting in the lamina of some specimens, or if they really exist there, are very difficult to detect ; in others they are clearly seen, in which case they are situated beyond the middle point in the breadth of the middle layer. They, when present, are rather small and are either provided or not provided with small peculiar celis at periphery (Fig. 5). They are always wanting in the stem. But, peculiar to say, lacunes muciferaze are again present in root-fibres even in abundance. In a cross-section of a root-fibre we find beneath the cortical layer a very close ring of roundish middle-sized lacune, Narrower forms of Laminaria japonica f. angusta often mislead us in identification, as they assume an appearance very closely resembling 1) Kjelim. ef Petersen Om Jap. Lam. p. 266. 98 Laminaria angusta. But the absence of lacunee muciferes in the stem of the latter tells us the difference at once. Sorl are formed as a rule only on one surface, but they are some- times found on both surfaces. The plant of this species grows in abundance along the eastern coast of the Hokkaido, especially between Cape Nosafu and Oape Erimo: as we proceed southward, it gradually diminishes in number and size. | Laminaria Peterseniana Kjellm.” Nom, jap. nov. Hira-e-kombu. Nom. jap. Loc. Waniura-kombu or Hiro-me, Awo-wakame or Bishamon-wakame, This species was at first discovered in the Goto group which is situated to the westward and not far distant from Nagasaki. It also grows in the island of Tsushima where it attains its maximum growth. Recently pg Tonr in his Syllog. Alg. Ili. p. 350 added two localities, Tajima and Shimoda. Laminaria Peterseniana also grows abundantly in Boshi, and Kubiri-mura, both not far distant from Yokosuka. From Boshi I got abundant materials which were obtained on rocks or stones at a depth of 10-15 fathoms, They have generally short compressed winged stem and a shorter but equally broad lamina. The length of their stem varies from 2 to 20 cm and that of lamina from 50 to 150 cm with a breadth 20-30 cm. The breadth of lamina does not much differ from the specimens in the southwestern parts, but the length of stem and lamina is much less (according to KJygrtwAN'S description stipe measures 65 cm in length and lamina 3.5 m with a breadth of 25-30 cm). The following measurements show the proportions of parts in the materials from Boshi. Total lenyth of Length Length of the Greatest Length of the Breadth of the alya. of the stupe. lanuna. breadth. median linear sorus. the sorus. 130 cm...) 9 em... 131 cm | 230 em 5.67 PO cia eee eran 128 a cae ey | bias APE 24 9 の の 9 Bae 105 SU pasa Oo on ORL うか 90 MA 1399 帆 Browns 1) 929) 460 a, 80 pai tke Nr7 0 A 14 Use 26 55 iu2200 625k の 5 aot 10 bd ーー 48 Cet LO SNS id a 11 eee ーー ape 30 時 の | SI ATs ward 6 oe ーー cd Riess, 1) Kjellm. et Petersen ibid. p. 266. ae a 4 parse 99 Over both the surfaces of lamina, both younger and older, minute dark dots are thickly scattered, which are easily visible by naked eyes. In a cross-section of lamina we find beneath the cortical layer a roundish- triangular or depressed-conical, deep reddish-brown mass enclosed in a hyaline bag, situated beneath a minute hole left in the epidermal layer (Fig. 14). On the surface-view of lamina, epidermal cells appear to converge towards the hole (Fig. 13), The chemical nature of these masses I did not study. It may perhaps be an excretion. I mention this here especially, for the presence of these dots in this species is so characteristic that it is sufficient in itself to distinguish the species from all others, ) The form of lamina is lanceolate arising from very roundish ovate or somewhat cuneate base. The cross-section of the stem is ancipitous being much flattened, and the central portion is often occupied by a hole. On the Sporophyli of Alaria Crassifolia Kjellm.” Nom, jap. Chigaiso. Since KrgrtLMAN'S discovery of this species fructified sporophylls have remained unknown. I have been fortunate enough to get in my possession a fructified specimen collected at the province Rikucht and various stages of sporophylls have been studied by me. My specimen measures 85 cm in length, the greater part having been eroded. In a fully grown frond, the lamina attains a length of | metre with a breadth of 12 cm. The specimen in question carries some 18 sporophylls on one side of the rachis, while a few older ones have fallen away. Some 4 or 5 sporophylls on each side, counting from below, have lost their greater part by decay and one or two next above are just in fruit, the remaining being still younger and sterile. At the beginning of sporophyll-formation a small elevation is formed along the side of the rachis. The elevation elongates gradually in a linear falcate manner and dilates for the most part, leaving a short basal portion unchanged as a subcylindrical pedicel. As the sporophyll elongates more and more, it becomes straighter and the greater part becomes much thickened, leaving the upper portion thin and mem- 1) Kjelim. et Petersen Ibid. p. 276. Tab. 10. Fig. 9-12, 100 . branous, A full-grown fructified sporophyll attains a length of 15-20 em by 10-15 mm and has a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. In such a one, the basal thicker portion gradually becomes thinner and narrows some- what toward the base of the membranous portion. The membranous portion more or less dilates toward the apex, assuming an oblong or elongated sub-cuneiforin shape, ending in an obtuse apex. Nowa sorus makes its appearance in the basal part of the membranous portion, forming patches ovate, oblong, or semiovate (Fig. 15). It is 10-15 mm long by 7-8 mm leaving narrow marginal portion and the rest greater part naked. When Zoospores are emitted, the membranous portion falls away, leaving behind only the thicker part, which then assumes a thick scalpel-like appearance. The thick sporophyll carries a very narrow wing along both margins, so that it is ancipitous in a cross-section. Even this afterwards decays by and by, and finally falls off. This plant has a narrow range of its distribution, it being known from the Hakodate to Rikucht southward. Botanical Laboratory of the 4th Higher School, Kaga, Japan, November 10th, 1896. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES IN PLATE VII. Laminaria longipedalis Sp. Nov. Fig. 1. 一 Eructifed frond of the second year (1/10), with a cross-section of the stem (nat. size). Fig. 2.—Fructified frond of the first year (1/10), with a cross-section of the stem (nat. size). Fig. 3.—Cortical portion of the stem; 50/1. Laminaria japonica. Fig. 4.—Cortical portion of the stem; 37/1. Laminaria angusta. Fig. 5.—Portion of a cross-section of the lamina; 50/1. Laminaria gyrata Kjellm. Fig. 6.—Portion of frond bearing sori (cross-hatched patches); ~ nat. size. Fig. '7.—Cortical portion of the stem of た linearis ; 240/1. Fig. 8.—A young plant of /. latior with one primary holdfast; nat. size. Fig. 9. 一 The same with two holdfasts; nat. size. Fig. 10.—Holdfasts of the plant drawn in fig. 9; a the primary one. ee} 101 Laminaria radicosa Kjellm. Fig. 11. 一 Cross-section of root of the typical plant; 16/1. Fig. 12.—A young frond of た dllobata, collected at Cape Omaizaki by Mr. Fusi; nat. size. Laminaria Peterseniana Kjellm. Fig. 18. 一 Surface view of Jamina; 890/1. Fig, 14.—Cross-section of the same; 240/I. Alaria crassifolia Kjellm. Fig. 15.—A sporophyll with a sorus; nat. size. APPENDA, In the preceding member the following Japanese names of species were omitted : To Laminaria japonica Aresch. Nom, jap, Kombu, Ma-kombu, Hirome. To Laminaria longipedalis Okam. Nom. jap. nov. e-naga-kombu. To Laminaria gyrata Kyjellm. Nom. jap. Yororo-kombu. Researches on the Origin of Japanese Sake- Yeast.” (Resume.) By J. Omori. Various investigators have repeatedly expressed their opinion that mycelia or conidia of Aspergillus Oryzce change into yeast-cells, which set up alcoholic fermentation in our saké-brewery,?? while others deny it. As the results of my investigations, I am inclined to the latter opinion and think yeast-cells of our sake-brewery not to be derived 1) Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of the College of Agriculture of the Im- perial University of Tokio. 2) Korschelt, Takamine, Juhler, Jorgensen, Sorel. 3) Klécker, Schidnning, Atkinson, Kozai, Yabe. ry ieee (4) Our yeast-cells as well as yeast of “ tanekoji’ 102 from Aspergillus Oryze. What then will be the origin of our yeast- cells? This is the question which I think I may answer in the fol- lowing lines.” Rice-plants in our fields are attacked every year by a fungus which is known under the Japanese name of “ Inekoji” and which has been commonly taken to correspond to Ustilago virens Cooke but which is, according to my opinion, to be placed rightly among the genus Sphacelo- theca.” It forms an abundant quantity of olivaceous green spores in the ears of hosts. On cultivating this fungus from its spores, I was struck by the fact that they, on germinating, do not grow into the mycelium but give rise to a.conidium, which multiplies abundantly by budding like common beer-yeast. These yeast-cells have been proved by my investigations to be identical with those found in ‘“ tanekoji” used in saké-brewery. Their identity is to be seen from the following :— (1) Our yeast-cells are 0,004 一 0.005 yw in diameter and when culti- vated for a long time in a nutrient. medium,®) they grow to the diameter of 0,008 w. Those yeast-cells directly taken from “ tane- koji” and “ saké-no-kasu” behave in an entirely similar manner in this respect: they are 0,004 一 0.005 in diameter and on cultivation grow to the diameter of 0,008 yp. (2) On cultivation, they both form colonies which have no lustre, are round, sharp in outline, and rise themselves above the surface of the nutrient medium, (3) Our yeast-cells have the power of setting up alcoholic fermenta- tion and the percentage of alcohol thus produced may amount to 99%, which is similar to that in the sake made by the fermentation by “moto ”-liquid of saké-brewery. ’ coincide in the fact that both have the power of setting up fermentation on maltose, saccharose, levulose, dextrose, but not on lactose. 1) Details will be soon published in the ‘“ Bulletin ” of our College. 2) The Botanical Magazine, Vol. X, No. 110, Part II, p. 29. 3) I have used the following thirteen kinds of nutrient media, namely: (a) Pasteur's solution ; (b) the mixture consisting of 1% meat extract, 1% peptone and 10% glucose or cane-sugar ; (c) extract of manured soil ; (d) decoctions of oat straw ; (e) decoctions of potato; (f) decoctions of horsedung ; (g) decoctions of compost ; (h) common well-water ; (7) distilled water ; ( decoctions of berries of white Diospyros ; (l) boiled rice; (m) boiled potato ; (n) decoctions of Japanese plums, either acid or neutral. (9) (6) (7) that 103 When cultivated on gypsum or pure agar-agar in a moist chamber under various temperatures varying between 20° and 37°, asco- spores are formed neither in our yeast-cells nor in these of ‘ moto’- liquid. When cultivated on a piece of hoiled potato, they both form grayish white colonies, rising above the surface of the nutrient medium. Both will never produce mycelium and always multiply by budding like common beer-yeast. When cultivated in a test-tube filled with nutrient gelatine, they both form colonies which are broadest at the surface and are nar- rower towards the lower level (so-called “ Nagelkultur ”). To the above seven proofs described by me toward the identity of our yeast-cells and those of “tanekojt "two remarkable facts, which are retained by our saké-brewers as secrets may be added: (1) In our country, many saké-brewers seem to use spores of our fungus for manufacturing “ tanekoji”” used in saké-brewery.” (2) The method called “ mizumoto” by saké-brewers consists in soaking a quantity of rice-grains in water for nearly one week and then using this water for the purpose of fermentation. In this case, spores covering glumes of rice-grains so abundantly will sink to the bottom of water, produce yeast-cells and so set up fermen- tation. | From the above considerations, therefore, we may conclude safely yeast-cells of our saké-brewery originate from the spores of Sphacelotheca virens commonly called Ustilago virens. 1) I am thankful to Prof. M. Shirai who has kindly told me this fact On the Different Views hitherto Proposed regarding the Morphology of the Flowers of Ginkgo biloba L. (Preliminary note.) By Kenjiro Fujii, Aigakushe. (Continued from No. 109, p. 15.) With PT The most noteworthy recent work including the general morphological questions of Ginkgo flower is CELAKovsKY’s “Die Gymnospermen. Eine morphologisch-phylogenetische Studie.” His views in regard to the morphology of Ginkgo flower are as follows:—The so-called seed-stalk of Ginkgo is a shoot that arises, as in Araucariaces, in the axil of a bract and serves as the flower-axis, producing usually two, but some- times four decussate carpels. Each carpel is greatly reduced, its terminal portion being transformed, after the manner of Cycas, into a single ovule, and this terminal portion is alone developed; and very rarely (that is, in flowers with four ovules) the stalk-like basal portions are seen. There occur, however, two-ovuled (then stalked) divided carpels : and this fact proves that the cup-shaped swelling at the base of the Ginkgo ovule is only an annular fold of the carpel, corresponding to that of the Cycas ovule, Thus he considers the female flower as a real single flower, Further he considers the entire brachyblast of Ginkgo as an inflorescence, which is not closed to form a cone but open and diaphitic, and in which the subtending leaf of a flower is a normal foliage leaf (or a scaly leaf). He suggests also that the flowers of both sexes in 7 Proconifere’’ were much more alike (the female nearly like the many- ovuled, decussate, pleocarpellary variation of Ginkgo) and similarly (1) “ Referat,” Bot. Zeitung, Jahrgang 49 (1891), p. 719. まま て coat a 105 2 situated, that is, terminal to “ brachyblasts ” which originally produced flowers only; and that the carpels and stamens of the flowers of “ Archigymnosperme,” from which the present Gymnosperme have been derived had marginal ovules (as Cycas) and pollen-sacs or small groups of pollen-sacs associated in numbers of 2-3, My own observations :—Numerous instances of progressive meta- morphoses of different parts of floral organs are on record, but no instances of staminody and pistillody (carpellody, if I may use the term) of foliage leaves are found in chief literature of vegetable teratology. These unusual cases of anamorphosis, showing various steps of progress- ive metamorphoses are occasionally found in Ginkgo. My observations were made chiefly on two old female Ginkgo trees in Shimoyama village, Minami-koma county in the province of Kai, on the west bank of the river Fuji, and a male Ginkgo tree in Kami-yagisawa village, Nishi-yashiro county in the province of Kai, on the east bank of the river, These two female trees produce ovules, and the male tree'?) pollen-sacs, in the marginal portion of foliage leaves of the “Kurztriebe ” as well as in their normal positions of the flower. Such abnormal formations of floral organs are found abundantly in these trees ; but as a rule neither in every “ Kurztrieb” of a branch, nor in every leaf of a “ Kurztrieb.” But often some of the leaves of a “ Kurztrieb’”’ produce such abnormal formations, and all the rest only _ show indications of such, The number of ovules or pollen-sacs formed upon a single leaf varies — from one to thirteen or more, and the formation of such ovules or pollen-sacs always takes place partly in expense of the tissue of the leaf, the margin of the latter being notched at the point of the formation. So in many cases the lamina of the leaf is almost entirely transformed into a group of ovules or pollen-sacs. The form of ovules or pollen-sacs is then very irregular and deformed, but when they are few in number and not crowded, it is generally the same with that of normal ones. ‘The ovules and fruits formed upon the leaf are always smeller than normal (1) Author’s “ Referat,” Engl. J., XII., 1890, Lit.-Ber., p. 66-76. (2) One of the two trees grows in the yard of the Buddhist temple Jotakuji (Lj#3#), and was found in July, 1891 by Mr. M. Shirai. The other tree grows in the yard of Honkokuji (本 國 考 ), and was found by myself in Oct., 1891, during my journey to Shimoyama, intended for the closer observation of the female tree of Jotakuji, with the permission of the dis- coverer. (3} The male tree was found on my second visit to Kai in April, 1892. 106 ones and the micropyle is rather pointed, and also the pollen-sacs formed upon the leaf are in majority of cases smaller than the normal ones. The ovule has often a longitudinal striation along the plane of the lamina of the leaf. It is more marked in the fruit (fig. 2, g.), and corresponds to the prominent edges of the stony part of the seed, which is sharply pointed and smaller than a normal one. The ovule is partially enclosed at the base in a cup-shaped swelling just as in the normal ones, and this swelling gradually passes into the lamina of the leaf. ~ Often elongated outgrowth of the tissue is formed, instead of ovules or pollen-sacs of any definite form, mostly in the margin of the leaf for some length along the course of the veins of the leaf (fig. 1 and 4, e.). Pollen-sacs developed at the margin of.the leaf is neither arranged in any definite numbers, nor in any definite manner so as to form sori. As a rule no special terminal scale (“ Endschuppe”’) is developed; . but sometimes when an entire leaf is transformed into a stamen, the reduced lamina of the leaf assumes the form and position of the terminal scale. Pollen grains with proper number of cells are developed in the anther. The petioles of leaves bearing ovules are of normal size, but those bearing pollen-sacs are often much reduced in length and thickness Besides the staminody and carpellody of foliage leaves, various instances of multiplications and prolifications of floral organs are found in these same trees. | The flowers with 3-13 or more ovules, each of which is provided with its own stalklet are produced in abundance. The ovules are at first mostly alternate, but their position is usually disturbed wai their subsequent growth. Fig. 3 illustrates an interesting case. The flower-stalk is larger than that of a normal flower both in length and thickness. The ovules, each of which is raised on its own stalklet, are developed alter- nately along the common flower-stalk (the floral axis), but the upper- most (?) one has grown over the others. Moreover the flower-stalk (the floral axis) is terminated with a scaly bud, which decidedly disproves the foliar nature of the flower-stalk, though it was considered as a leaf-stalk by Van Tieghem. Not only the flowers with a number of ovules nigeria with their own long stalklets are met with, but also flowers with a number of sessile ovules and several intermediate forms between such an abnormal flower and a normal two-ovuled flower. 107 In “ Kurztriebe”’ of weaker development, however, flowers with a single ovule with a rather slender stalk are often met with; and the cross sections of such a stalk sometimes show one or two fibrovascular bundles similarly situated as those of the petiole of the foliage leaf, while sections of the stalk of a normal two-ovuled flower show generally four bundles so arranged as to have two planes of symmetry. A flower-stalk with ohe or two fibrovascular bundles is therefore to be considered as equiva- lent to a leaf-stalk, the petiole of the carpellary leaf. In the cross sections of the stalk of a many-ovuled flower we find, as a rule, as many fibrovascular bundles as the ovules; and each bundle divides into two in its course, previous to its entrance to the stalklet of each ovule; so that in a cross section of the stalklet we find a pair of fibrovascular bundles similary situated as those in the petiole of the foliage leaf. Although a great number of specimens have been studied, no foliar structure like.a bract has been found subtending the stalked ovule. These facts together with the formation of ovules upon the foliage leaves, present a strong evidence of the foliar nature of the ovule, in accordance with the view of Van TrecHem, E1cuier, CELaKovskY, &e., and contrary to the view of STRASBURGER and others, who consider it as an organ of axial nature. | In the male flowers, stamens with three anthers are often met with, I have also found a bracbyblast consisting of scaly leaves around the base and a male inflorescence, in which there is a single foliage leaf of weaker development. As to the cause of the carpellody and staminody of the foliage leaves, IT am not yet ready to express any definite opinion; but the multiplication and prolification of the floral organs are mostly associated with hypertrophy. Conclusion :—1. The prominent edges of the stony part of the seed correspond to the margin of the carpellary leaf; and that is why there are neither fibrovascular bundles, nor even any special cell rows found in them. ee | 2. ‘The ovule is an organ of foliar nature, and the cup-shaped swell- ing at its base is the reduced portion of the lamina of the carpellary leaf. 3. The anther is an organ of foliar nature, and its knob-like terminal scale ( Hndschuppe”’) is the reduced portion of the lamina of the staminal leaf. | 3 108 4, The ovules and the anthers of Ginkgo are both marginal for- mations of sporophylls, though the anthers of Conzfere in general have hitherto heen often considered as organs developed on the under surface of staminal leaves. 5. The normal seed-stalk is the floral axis, whose apical bud is usually suppressed, and which bears only two rudimentary carpels. 6. The elongated stalklet of the ovule of Ginkgo occasionally developed is not simple outgrowth, as has been considered by some authors, but is the petiole of the carpellary leaf developed alternately along the floral axis. 7. The normal female flower is not an inflorescence as has been considered by STRASBURGER and others, but a real single flower as con- sidered by EICHLER, CgrLAkovSKY, and others, 8. The disputed point in the homology of male and female flowers of Conifere is thus clearly established as far as Ginkgo is concerned, as 18 seen when we compare a normal male flower and a female flower with a number of stalked ovules. . fiemarks on the phylogeny of Ginkgo:—The view that among Cont- fere Ginkgo comes nearest to Cycadacec has hitherto been often held on account of its lobed dichotomously veined leaf and drupaceous fruit. We may here briefly enumerate the points of resembrance between Ginkgo and Cycadacee, and especially Ginkgo and Cycas. (a) The formation of ovules upon the foliage leaves of Gankgo reminds us of the carpellary leaves of Cycas, and the ovules are on both genera marginal formations of the sporophyll. (6) Drupaceous fruits of Ginkgo and Cycadacee much resemble each other. (c) ‘The neck of archegonia consists in both Ginkgo and Cycadacee of two cells. (d) ‘The formation of the canal cell was formerly believed not to take place in Cycadacee, while it was well known in Ginkgo, and indeed in Coniferc: in general ; but it has been recently proved to take place in Cycas revoluta™. () §. Ikeno, Vorliufige Mittheilung iiber die Canalzellbildung bei QOycas revoluta. Bot. Centralblatt. Bd. LXVII. No. 7, p. 193 (1896). S. Ikeno. Note préliminaire sur le Formation de la Cellule de Canal Chez le Cycas revoluta (With pl. V.). The Bot. Mag. Tokyo, Vol. X, No. 115, Part II .p. 63 (1896). ay ad 109 (e) Long after WitnHeLm HornrsrsTER wrote “in dessen [Pollen- schlauch d. Coniferen] Innerem vielleicht Samenfaden sich bilden,”™ spermatozoids have been found in Ginkgo biloba’ and Cycas revoluta®? for the first time in 1896; and the behavior of their pollen in regard to the process of fertilization has been found to be similar”. (f) The “kurztrieb” of Ginkgo is exactly similar in all essential morpological points to the stem of Cycadacee ; they are both usually unbranched, but sometimes copiously branched. Thus we see that Ginkgo and Cycas is so near to each other that Ginkgo is more closely related to Cycas than to most other genera of Conifercee ; but at the same time they deviate from each other in the following respects:—(a) In Cycas pollen-sacs are borne on the under surface of the stamina! leaf, while in Ginkyo they are borne on the margin of the sporophyl]; (6) Ginkgo has “ Langtriebe” and “ Kurztriebe,”’ while Cycas has “ Kurztriebe” only; and their leaves are greatly different in form, habit, and structure; (c) the embryo of Ginkgo has no suspensor, while that of Cycas has one. The formation of sporangia on the margin of leaves, the lobed dichotomously-veined leaves, and the formation of spermatozoids are the most remarkable points which Ginkgo and some ferns have in common. Such a plant as Ginkgo might have been derived from some kind of Ferns, but not from Lycopodiacee, to which many other genera of Coniferc are closely related. In fact, Conifer may be a heterogeneous group ; and Ginkgo may be properly established as a distinct family among Gymnosperme, that stands between Cycadacee and Conifer as one of the four main branches of Gymnosperme, but not as a connect- ing link between Cycadacee and Conzfere. (Concluded.) Botanical Institute, Science College, Imperial University, Tokyo, Dec. 17th, 1896. @) Vergl. Untersuchungen u. d. Samenbildung d. Coniferen. p. 140 (1851). ©), (, §, Hirase. On the Spermatozoid cf Ginkgo biloba (Japanese). The Bot. Mag. Tokyo,。 Vol. X., No. 116, Part. 1 p. 325. (3), (4). §, Ikeno. On the Sprematozoid of Cycus revoluta (Japanese). The Bot. Mag. _ Tokyo, Vol. X., No. 117, Part I, p. 367. 110 . ee EXPLANATION OF PLATE |. Fig, -1.. A feral “kurztrieb.” @ apical scaly bud; b normal female flower; c leaf bearing irregular outgrowths of eee d leaf bearing ovules; e irregular outgrowth of tissue; f cup-shaped swelling at the base of the ovule; g longitudinal striation of the pulpy portion of the seed. . Fig. 2. A foliage leaf bearing a ripe fruit. の lonaitennem striation of the pulpy portion of the seed. : | Fig. 3. A female flower with an apical bud and a number of MSH paige f cup-shaped swelling at the base of the ovule, | Fig. 4. A branched “ Kurztrieb,” in which the main axis 2 and. the branch ce are dead, and the branch 0b only is alive. d normal male. flower; e elongated irregular outgrowth of tissue; g leaf bearing. anthers ; 2 normal foliage leaf. ーーーーーーー ニ ーーーーーーー BV IS HR HK ニニ Ie = FB 33 1s $8 Bot. Mag. Tokyo, Vol. X. EF Mishina 8c, ー ン と と で ーッ デ ea fs. の アフ アタ イア テン xe し と の ウン グ デ __ DECEMBER, 20rm 1896. [No. 118. CONTENTS. ーーーーーー テ デビ ーーーーー a nd A Omori, 0 Researches on the Origin of J に ここ Saké-Yeast. (Con- fs asude, A, IO ‘Flowers of Hydrangea Hortensia DC., var. : 0 ~Azisai A, Gays hae : 5 oC 。 405 a Miyoshi, M. ‘Remarks on Mr. see s 6: “ Spermatozoids of Ginkgo “AS Gi er ene Ss er ah a ee Ae ee e PART i, Be : ( eS | Ae Te ae _ Okamura, K., On Laminaria of Japan, ~(Concluded.) . es ee Ge . te ig Smori, ee Eeyore on the Origin of Japanese Sake-Yeast. Mer z 38 (Résumé) . : 計 を Bie es Vee eC 2 Fujii, K., On the Different Views dient Prowoséd regarding | > o the Ooms of the Flowers of Ginkgo biloba, L. (Ooz- — ee) ee eee es eye Oe 3 EW LITERATURE :— Ms eee a evince, §. H., The Suction-force of Transpiring Branches,—Mac- ae ae - dougal, D. —., the Mechanism of Curvature of Tendrils.— る Wager, H., On the Structure and Reproduction of Cystopus 。 candidns. 一 Farmer, J. B. and Williams, J. Li, On Fertilisation — ‘a and the Segmentation of the Spore in Fucus. | ce. “The niea1 Magazine is published monthly. | . 2 ‘Subscription price per annum (incl. postage) for Europe 10 frances (=8 shillings) ¥ ee 1 and for America 2 dollars. a it All letters and communications to be addressed to Sakugoro 3 secretary 。 cuca 4 way) ) ee | ; at アバ ツマ ママ ママ アマ eal ~~ の | * i> ‘ A を 6 ト 4 の 4%. も ? “ v's ま の な >、 G i >. ye fi Lo, i の ile fait ee Ae 4 / WO ) ドッ tan" s WT Pa ere ; WM Ne A hee % M oe 449 “4. niet “~~ < seg Ay ml ha? 7 r あ She が i [ 際 、 ( “ie ; ; i rr | Ee te" a 4 a ‘ (arr y Pd 4 y st (par 3 a ty * り 4 ~ inf » 7 Wier _ \ tL Ar pl moa EIEIO a6 pe 4 | or eee me es a | S08 O HE ( ERS at OS ) a Beit = & Hh BNL OVP BORE ORES OS IN EX es eal Rad + @B 思 Vi) | Sees eso ans ae ey ert a Bc see が S < SRO ee Re | BAwsBONOMMEKC HHOREER ERO | REREESO# ( nAHORBOXSHEEELO SRORMHROMBAORKORSORREN OM RERSEER ECD rion he 4 0 1 ? がい 1 LA) ‘ DR が に 7 いり 前 Ki earth we wy : i 人 ) な ean ka Ah / 4 % Hs yc i 0 3 っ か LNY it fy 0 x Need cele Baie y eee tek Rey asd Fly We hot Sree ey oh Ae I J 1 ie i rc りり Ta i 9 が Jee Fa ete Bel) fe Yr Se peW - i OLY Lae sey ee. t Aa SL me! Uhm on 4 \, に 7 ath eT ai 1 ve Ci ーー ーー ee ee ey ) eo WR ee F = ra ites AL > CoP eee fA SN iy WT 5h Re Ada) ィ スナ すさ TTP f et) ee Te i te) ee ca A vet 5 7 - LE 9 Wi Bi 0 ya ea 1 dite, ora sig + LPR Rie yon II Aa も が se a し - れ i 2 まり っ TI ey LWA \ © Rr 7 a A) Pea ae ‘ : ; り 内 4 , J a f tak 1 1 Amt, hse Ba alee he _ ny ai j た 7 i i ) Ab / / wy 中 iat ra 7 A ne r 7 Ji 1 A ie 『 FT | in } 9 し ! < : ・ 。 Nes ue , i toa 3 M1 vA 7) a . Pd li lOO Dea a Se Ut Ak as PROS Ay See NS iS | OrmtmRERRRAR ee Sec ee | TS で キア キト vay ae ee oe | RRA BH a HR 6 GAGE b NEEM ae ORS RS bm hin ee + : SREXR, £4 EMIET ふく 量 上 i; 0 lil i nBeRL A Reeas | \ #2 x ORE BRSREtIREREEE REP RET |e | awe Fr TH OER BRE ft we de Coretta bates SO RIR RR RIS ce 4B ig ME a a Z pay ト に NN ¥) « age > eae x be he P ‘ew CN G DI i _. AU ば We pe: = 7” 4 いあ SA こう を 和 を か で Pa ia ma +S 2. : > SG トン ネン ペン 楽 さと PAS SZ ん < % と SS | 2 we SS Wz 2 と st NN 7 さら IN 0N Lg HE ray RersEce Say aK の) さ ク AV 4 mw i <3 OPDOHFEMY ERAS OSMR TOT ey ay さと ママ いい v/a m0 fi aa ) さら の 1 @ B= ST SEA TEES: ESE See CMH NES Se @ FeO Bh FN タ ) sa weae A N = 8 eS a PAP NE ハマ * Be 48 9 eae ae shat Pe a ee fe e \ @ ESF Ba Os IEEE S LEO |i)@ EBS 2 eH Bt a © EES seas - 千 地 | aes 承 PCBS の a = — Se ice Ae ee = fe 2 oa-e 覧 まま ay) hie 相 一 填 22 la 拾 BE Kh Hite 原 承 九 移 士 Mae : RE BR 一 紀 Bt Ses. a - 害 シ Be 木 小 mg ie ER 敏 謀 ee oe Te le See oe es it 回 ah 前 3B eit _ 外 諸 彫 = 人 、 O ff BO AS = 6% eo et ae 航 生 郵 — 貴人 の 革 区 SVE 6 = ee と | apse: cl - 軒 移 寺 NN 中 昌和 EEEST 敵 NAO perenne: | NT) | SHeBR eee \ | ROtMEBOEE : Seo fe a | RRR dite te ae Sar rene Ce gHeaaEe (52 Redes eae ee SN Ga CREE daca SN a. 回 定 ~ 郵 人 — Sh Se SOS oy Bay xf Rin < +1) 8 / BiRee+ 1 ma mae | Reo) eS e+e J ee ee » Pp fe 0 Ss Bakes ets M2 1 で \ @ ts S mgs IR wit ‘ Sarre : 7 = Se Rega ease 1 ies ath © Ke Staion se Ce RH mRNA SS AR) SRSSIERKORA+ | Bm - RRL Ha ギ 東 Pim se! Ale Jas ™ SRE rss Ma oR SRM SR RE m mA BE HN He A 2m Pere eee RE SR | FS 1】 & See hee he aR RS mM = RBS A A 1 PIR EAE Se HER MRSS m= GRE NRS 1 AA TIRES Pena ea eek BIAS m — S-Di 1) Ha =) KO RSE RO | NBS SRE DER HA KO mL EM OSS | BS m RRS 8S nl A く 唱 mS ERLE m eee NH A < = Koo te ER for Pt] CARS ww Rio +1 18S Wo cS SSR Se ile SR | |< 38 | & YRS RL RR SS ow = RSS HA <8 PRA EASTER IP EGS M = SRP TRS LARK ORR MST ES OR sist as BRAG Cai ot TESS ] 8 KEABRRTR AS CERES a | & In SOFS Ta NS RA HAS Sr Rh AS CBHeizesEM) | 財 He SRR | ee he | 8 Hedwigia, 1896, Bd. XXXV, Heft 2-5. Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier, 1896, Tome IV, No. 3-9. Boletim da Sosiedade Broteriana, 1895, XIT, 1895 XTIT. The Botanical Gazette, 1896, Vol. XXI, No. 5, 6, Vol. XXII, No. 1-4. The Journal of Botany, 1896, Vol. XXXIV, No. 400-403, 5, 6. Bulietin du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, 1896, No. 1-4. い ・ No tw Av SS The Gardeners’ Chronicle, 1896, Vol. XIX, No. 483-514. La Nuova Notarisia, 1896, Serie VIT. Missori botanical Garden annual Report, 1896. Anales del Museo nacional de Montevideo, 1896, IV, V. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Vol. X, 1894-1895. Garden and Forest, 1896, Vol. IX, No. 440, 450. Field Columbian Museum Publications 9, botan. Series, 1896, Vol, I. No. 2. Annario del R. Istituto Botanico di Roma, 1896, Anno VI, No. 2. Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, 1896, Tomo XLII, Entrega JJ, ILL. Swingle, W. T. and Webber, H. J., The principel Diseases of Citrous Fruits in Florida. (Bulletin No. 8, U.S. Derart. of Agriculture.) 1896. Galloway, B. T., Spraying for Fruit Diseases. (Farmer's Bulletin No. 38.) 1896. Science, Vol. IV, No. 84, 1896. Experiment Station of the Kansas States agricultural College, Manhat- tan (Bulletin No. 57.) 1896. Smith, J. G., Fadder and Forage Plants, Exclusive of the Grasses. (Bulletin No. 2, U. 8. Depart. of Agriculture.) 1896. Swingle, W.'I., Bordeonx Mixture (Bulletin No. 9, U. 8. Depart. of Agriculture.) 1896. Yearbook of the United States Depat. of Agriculture, 1895. by OE <4 a 1 {sim Se Rs a a Se... ~ | | Ogee ir Ad dem Be RNIN BARR YD | BA RY YS | EN Re ah HU A SRK A CREA | ARR PER HIRN fo eA REY NAN HD | BRR A IPRA AIK HOR 4 SEIN or NR NER AES 6 BRON ER 4 OAS ES b> A NN IS | | | DH RERHE = > Shute su dt # Dw A MBE He \ fe SW MEERA NK AWN 6 oS AS BLES BE Wak 4 Aw REP eK wat aia dete tea aod | SEV HN RX |e NNSA 9 FARA | Ra Cl anne oe ae IPA AR RI Rete) NRE mM | NKR BR\NNAE | BRmICK APN PAAR | F142 SPRAIN RN 1 WN SI RRaAR EMS mn Ho ae PER m RR & A を NUM 0 RNN INE Are ee AMHR mama ay | 1A Ba Nn BRy APKRARBA Ba X Qk 6 Oa BER A WEES ON'K SRA HERRON IT NK A 3 | me RSE HO ne RAK ARAB BH SERN BNN fe & A RATS Ba 4 ae 本 Si Ba OOK N ONES GRR RASA AK SED y REM = ESE 1 a RO NEL ABR- | — HRs d+ RBK AO AIKN Onnigk ~ BRS | (Asst Bo BR) | WE —\ SRR KNB Awd ASH BE Ae NIP AEN Be RR RE of ARAN HE m BH a ーー th Fe ah De a (423) RM GE.kk EAE (422) foe =. A er se Je i a ee es wet RE Ay a aT RAK hens HL AA Se ER OF:cre ih 2 Me eee Fe Creche roi HR tw Pach KKK RRR IN A AREER A em 9 PAW dot Role eK RIK NIN RRM RE | WA 8TH § KON'K OKO BRR BN] oA Mm A IKNINBER D&O TLR ON BERN Ry IK Rie He Da dee KR Reynolds Green (8 Hatem mv BRA KT KA KON MIN HOR et 4 OR wi ay y AR HE ar HOKE GE YD | EL UER\A RQ | BNR NA 6 NERS EEN REN IRR SRY A ERS adam wR hm oy. QUST y A A Mei SER AT se AK mK | BR AN BURT ER ON ERT RK KN IN OB fier Ae NOR > HB EERE TER WERK KAREN ACARI KI NER AN IR PON A MN OR EE A gO DER 4 BRAT RSA KHOR MO Sue ary \ SEES BR MOK OR 1 EK A BERS BIE OS ME \ Bik ad ur Ge INRA TR CA KINO K JAR NARA | DAR AIN CARR A SENS SAR BHM BRE WHEN AT OK KKK J* S BARE WE YN Gd Sen RE Ro BIR KK A NT tN BK AREER EEA QCA KON KN Bd CN EER | BRN BIN N = on Baro ( Sales ER RO BK Ala, 4 TGR BRRENR A RATS SRE PNA & A | ARTH AR | Bt CN HEN AEX A A AR 4 RI OT WERTH SBR LIN 4 NN RSS > Rm EEN A PH BRD | I -Qm 1H MORITA PKR D IK ーー —— NS -—— ——— — 一 - 一 | + HUM We Am IY 5 I A ar Rs ER GARE RR ROR OR 1K eS | PRR NS HESS MAAN BRE BX «Bs BX) & AE RK NA RE VRANd ee er ee er ne er ee HH] Bu a BESS m GE IE HERS RK AG = NN LL OE EN 5 BI OD GE Roe Ye | bie BONAR HA Co AEH 培い すか INGEN AES 1 RECON BEERS % PHAR ANAK RH WEB EKA AHA UNE ERA Tega n= nnT=P HEH HecA oem EAR ES oogenesis eS i St mu Foi os ee z REN CO ERIERRS ^ Ke PRE NRA RE tS SS ET AK ARM ERRE (B+ ER SS \ SRA SEO BE MARS ON REE I RANMA RRR HR Bey 1D | BSN ER SEAT OR HERDS AN BS 1 SB A" REPRESS { -QURERR EE W S AEN ER RON KA INES HEX SAI A [BDA AERA RETR A PA KA KAAN DN Wan AKA RSAT KS MIKA SRL nH DSGes (KA REM AK YARRA ARK WAIN ES) RE R RAR RAAB PBK BR +h aIED | | DR PBR X Ya 4 ESS RRR AA ARR NEE BER mah Ar oR YAS] RRA CERN I | RE eGR T WRX\ BARBIE BOIS SE NRA PBA By nnen | | PQPE\ MSGR (ROS IRR HERA eK Fucus 4 Beles \ Rm Agen d 4 He SPH \ RSS Sib RY ALS 4 ICRI 1 ROEK HIKN YO ue (421) NR = Pag aR IK EE Fucus RSNA IN ER (420) fe Ju tt ie BW Be = 月 ーー+ ーーー EE BEY Lote Shei: — HR RE mh 4 ef ucustREMEESE 1H a 88 te ae SE EREs yy BAX A Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus, vesiculosus, F. platycarpus | RS & ERee eee s KS 4 dt よさ 一 (Thuret) RvR dA =~ > NM (Oltmanns) \ ERIKS RNA a By Pers eu RS ANS (eRe 4 PREES AQ RN 4 RABIN KR TS DNR (Behrens) “BREE ES A BRR A + "ot RIN REY A MEST ok ND SHAE Sy & rn AS NR A ERB) SD HERR AN HORE BSH K A Ht RIN SSS) & m ERE dy ARETE AH A A SRR | ERE 4 Ieee ee ut ap IB & ~ BRO m ih EIQ 7 SS > SIO RAW BRN A A EKER RR TERE AHR A PA RAN RO SHERRES SBR 1 RENAE) © 6 Ae LSI KSEE | D ALBEE md RENT AR A RSE BE YD ES I RNASRR* RAMA | IED AKER RAC ORES TP BRM HERR TPN SHEN KEAN + BN IT RONK A RO4 Ro Roe SE aN A RED KOS RMS He KA Bl m = SEEREREN KA WN + WRK SR OR ARN @ ONIN A om SRA 4 RR TR AY I BE SY HS 6 SERA NK A A PN AON AER OAR BRR (ROBERN BRE KO SN S{Q4CHPES 年 国 旧記 借り Nm EERE BQ RQ DEER AIREENT ANNA LI RAL A Des IN| “J KEN AN ESE KS A ABBE ! 4 IMIR ba GAS IERIE WR YD REPRESS BANS | KR NARS BSE EY A MENOENE 1 SR 5 REPRISE Edo ARS GUNS $B ER BAR ND DS | BNR EKS HX Shor AR ARR ER AUT SIAL HRT DA A yA RE MRK | BEA Se see) | HERMES Na+ eH AW | BRR On BRIBE Wn APN KR AERA RR A REI » Seay A Re Rens a HK A HA KAM AOC KA BK NSN 1 SO BIR YA irs ie? ( (Gametophyte) ) SSeS SR SR HABE = th aK | | i ee へ ) Hp | i BAKA) ney | : Bestel? (Sporophyte) \ SERS (MW 6 EK A) aM SE も im > bh BS vena = に 3 OnR— FBR HKSAR I NH FUCUS BRERHESE 1 HRSA RR | eh 2 & 8 | & J. B. Farmer and J. Li. Williams, On Fertilisation and the Segmentation of the Spore in Fucus. (Annals of Botany, VoL. X, Nol. XXXIX, p, 479.) ee ? 2 SRA IAI + AT iG reese RAMMOER RDWA— Pe eres ee SNE 4 nies BSE vata maceatiimeKnse | FR) SRD HPN ES 6 PU ON EBS = G2 SRE 4 ERR ON TRADES RO RO NIN A mK Ex od (WEA Rem Ad N ARR MRK ARR ABR RAT WK] BARK YARN seem | | mW A RRR RS < HOCK AERO 49 AUBIN A HAM VR oH WN 6 ERIE ARS EE TNR: | | GA See HS RE 4 RRA AN EMRE OBES RR NERS ER TY KR 4 RHE Hes | 4 KD) VIN A YY RA RA | es PERRO NRA ARES oO) Eni HR, BABKO Su | BN 5h Qa we | BK md A SUPREERE m = > ih BREEN By RRB RR AN A RSNEESE 4 RA TREN % ARB 2 + Moy dol SS 6 dee EQN A Ee i Be Be BARRE! KA BERK AR IRASS \ ES 4 BROS Sm ADAH DEM BNI [Hs CoH Dn Be Ss Wn HB NIB ARE HR ] ak HE RA A in ER YS MERRIER \ RENE 9 NG ZUM NX ARAM DNS BF 1) DES KBR KK YO ENHESO D ERS DS EEK 7 PN LINK © NEE 4 URN SRE + NS RRR RIN RRR “CE BRT BE YEE. SRO AMAR Rt RRO RARE ーー 一 ーー パー ーー: た EE RE a a Re EP oe 打 単 物 槽 「_H ス 十 昌 es 寺 ニー ーー ニーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー や ーーーーー ペ ーーー ーーー ニーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ーーー ニーーー ニ ーー ニー ニーーーー、 ーー 2 ON = URi y SURFERS | ¢ REMY SHO DN SUE BER NK A A RK ENE OE WH 4 OI | es sg | | 5 SERS WER + SE + NRE KA ROE RE (REQ Bn Br Selon Be LRM IR aa | に PP nate SO Laon Nee AHA EN ERS BoP AN RAAT AER HR EE KW Ba A RRARR ANKE OAS Am % ORER'R IDR ERK | WR AROS BARN Ar mn Be RA ROLE RERAN SERN AAS RE IROL | 2 $e Nm ESR KA | Waal See Ee 4 he | BA SM DK AHN AK | RS Bx A NIS 4 cae ee~- dae AR Ba REIKO ANY RRR REL BRUHN SERN ONE MSN A + KI HYD SHERRY 4 DKA NER = 4 YR ss HR NH ince ~ (mei 4 ER | ISHS mo BN 4 ERS RAL” pie idee REE WLS A RKERIC+ : Hoy SAI HA AER HRS AREA HRS (THE aN YY OSS PP MEE ¢ Sa HERE See WRICRQINLE | |B ドド on sas isnavana ee fA BHRSIE SR 4 IBDN CM N 更 NT を WSS = RARER REE SH ARG RI 'e bet my ON °C > HEN RRHREERE \ MD RARE | BRK A ERR BIEN A REA INK D> RRB I | tis Har HER fhe tN at QA ah REN HES my AH OS RBS Mm ty BRE En mm ot BR ER Hn § RNG) RHEE \ (Hoffmann) 人 7 ホー(De Bary) nh ay fe (Cornu) AH et D> (Schmitz) “YK &\ (Biisgen) ヘー か K キ ー (Zalewski) NCAA 4 (Fisch) Kr ADK &— (Chmie | lewsky) % \&#—AX (Dangeard) — \ De (Mangin) Hakama y Aw N (Peglion) — RIN (Macallum) | Rone ff * AER AES) IE HOR RIERA SRR ! DY HRS 4 BREN I A HH ORR BRED SE | RANA ANNE SNH MAL oy pee J NRA Ty READ Rw PCE RAT RAW DL BQ y IN BRE A & F Hae HRS RK 4 Sf RA EE RRR NS + Be PRIA Sn SN 4 AER SN ERE く ーK と = ト AA se Emad KA Rt CBRNE RDA OAR A AN By a = OR A NB KX ; *» D> RK SSHRMPHRN SHN A ok 6 RHR ER AMS IRA oh RRS BRIE = NEARS of) ARES E+ RES eee es MM 人 OD Pie Saar te oi rn は て 、 9 ‘ a 4 3 誌 ME BO 植 ES HE st OR SH) SOUNGO GE ~ RA 4 MHA BIRR SERS SE EK A Ne RS OR W RE A Hu G2 K SER 4% Passiflora ~ SON yoy 4 PRK EE + ARES + \ RE EK * HE in SH 。 RN IRE 1K A RO BRA RSS KR RN RS ED RIN RA ON INK W ヘー 2) \ MUR now) % Bethy QOS am RHE KA A OD | 1s BUSSE ROS SRR AER A me BA -” SOURS SSke he RRR GOIN BK om ACHES AER BH * PY 4 NRA EER ma LINK ~ Passiflora sin 4 | OF NIN 4? Cucurbita won Ss [ORR IN a NR (AONE 6 BS HES EK Vo6chting RA Rite NERY & a") SEMEN SIR YA Senet BR EM TEES om NHK AERA RR Ost AN me SH’ Soe te \ GOH ~ $948 6 ICR IBIO HF RN” SIAR BEEK & on QUIERES BI 4 SONS Rm NL NK * SEPA | EEE HK” cu eR mNIS AT ERS ES RNA ma Pwd’ PAS SRS SS S ES RS IR KR ARBRE RRA A ike ORIN K PAR Ym BD AO TR A” SRS) 4 Mee. 1 ORME ON Bien BD BERS 4 ISA LAS BA BH BRE mit \ SRBR > NEDA ERS ERS = TE] SN Bia” BSS FSH tom QRS SS atm Sime lee ( SET i Te 1) SN SEER § RE RSH mA NES 8 BIC ORR OK A HAN (Miyoshi.) | ーー ニーーーーーーーーーーーーー、 © ime ず rs = BATH ARIE eA ee PRRARARTOMET BH, Tt “INVKVA\—A Mm) HA \—a Mm | SY SRBXSI RA a HSS WM RM RAC ASN RR MARA VERN AR Ri WSR CRW KIN'K A KK IN'K® Askenasy, Dixon RA yy ma WER (Eee. RRS pm a HNO 0 5 AR ar BRR SERIES Ro 4 AEC ERR BARK 7 味 さ SSDVUARAD H RE ded) Sete omen EX ASR AL yf MR Da KR A KT ERR RRA Sachs RA KK OS RR Ba BRN BS yO KOA HN TP ROINR ARR 7 (Miyoshi,) Ora ® ER 2 TINE ~ Ry Meee ae D. T. Macdougal, The Mechanism of Curvature of Tendrils, (Annals of Botany.) Vol. X, No. XXXIX, 1896. (MKaRI1]O) MAN RR | NB ON” BR a Ro RN aS 6 BRN Bo ma | RINK % PONE STERN HRS SRR BR er QUIERES BERR IN Gat NO RHE HRA A NNT A dK \ RO * pi erin SegR A ea ERE” bee (eR HA EER | Do Beh dee 4 SLRESAEB \ SRE nH RAG CREE SN WR eee qXt2 \ BREN m TE A ORR BY A EE OR TRE SERR tH me RK A | . > NAW HA AR AT BAN Es ON IRER 6 SERRE 1 de KOA Ry Hite \ SEER ERS A HHIN'K Be KA % He. 3+ TR mde KK AK KA (Rie ON ERR SRN Se) SRST BESS RE C BERRY A PER < ORY NH A 8 $2 9 Tn BB RN Dy * RHESHR mJ SN SHEA A+ K *)BRN Bm RA & 4 HORN HORE ney RRR STRAITS REAR 公 久 MSRISANRAY A’ BS Bass ASR DK A 47 MBS REN dw ATR BSR RSNA RE BRE URN BR 1 7 MER YAR) BERR 0 Bn HONE HY AHR mA BRIE RS 6 eB ot り ENR RA AES 1 RRM RK ON RTT SSN 4 BRAC SRK Gx HEA D4) BER BER a Ho RK 8 PR ERIER EK AN BREN RP A MONO A | AIRES AMA Ye RA Ky RTHO'R ER | ER EHO KAN AWS 4° EERE RA KOR ASCARI RAN +X ARERR PSE 4 SY A mee ERS A optim PROSE) YA ok (SERRE 'R RRS mA PRR Ok 4) 4 BERR OD in Ota ‘ES AS RONAN A MIRA” RONCHI = Aelianthus \ REA ROMA SHY AHN REAR RRR m Bot YA 4 AOR mA RRARRINA YD | ORS HENS < HOR RRR NEE REN RNA + ROW” |] OCNBRSSM HKD HRY A wy ATM oO BSN or INH EY AN DH BRO NKR RRNA RHE 6 SEERHTA RINK ©] \ B8dn( Taaus) INK,” RMI RSARER( | Row NHI). BNI RRA PAC] CH CA KR) mA REA DZ HAR INN ADIN” TN 八丁 昌 第 誌 = ee itt > FER EER RRA BH A m > BOE SON SRG 's AR RR Py Rr 2 EE GS RRR a ee Js ia 7 DRT DK CAQRR ANE HER K HXRS ABRRS | hes: Zen Gm ARB HE BAN RR ET MD ARLE ED BS A SIRS HERD | WERE (SBA afk LMC LRAT BRS Re Eh RA RBs ARR ERS we | HARSRN RAS” HRCA. GRY AE St Bohm A 7 4 RR mA | AN Bd 4 4CE Poem me 8 CREO | ye 1) RN Bide ty 8 ROT em A CURB DBT ERT or —HANARAAMIIRQ A” BB IN CREAN ARR] Leanne a” Bie 4 1c) TIw AREER LRAT Nis Y ATES \ Reem BAY NRE HE 6 ON BA RNIN RN ER eh CERN Shee iNT 4 phn | NE HAR RR | ER oo oA me KS AT < WMN | HN HERSEY So” HEN ERNEE 4 Bourdon Kat k IER AO a AOR YY AT 44 BORE 6 CRS mia SNR BIS ORR Y RIND < ERA DONIBEMA IRA ON BER TERR SEE 4 HAR] ORBEA AK) Mm | Pe a” MDP MRI AR RIND 7 BRERA m NH RES EEE MER A Ka mo am | its. SEK AERA WA 8 1 SHEN ReER mA A SN See OK 4 Fagus sylvatica, Taxus baccata, (412) 2a) STE 2 こ vies " ーー 一 一 ーーー ーーーー eS eee 0S 0 0 OO So SI. ーー ーー トム UN と CET Helianthus annuns FEM ea” BN Kia ma es y A Fagus won CIKRR RS UN AR ERAS Torus Um 41 Ne MIRA A Brxsm >on) EB EIS ON ] NORA AINA SAAR’ SFR Yar 4 MOSS SREY A ARSE REE M ATRERN EK A RN Beth Seite RES MEER IE Nt HH 5% BE m SRR HRER Sm HD RAR HSA NRA ER AY AIRER ( BERN RSE mA PAH i A aes mH) EY \ SIR uy Ay AO BEES AERO CK RRR Ho A RB PRON * oa K REV RRA BS Beli dha” Pam ds Ao INR A 4 BRO Ss BRR ARRRH A REM on ne | KP AWA RA KS BERS REA RIK EINK NAS A ION RISKED 4 A BRR BED WD THB A KAR drt ESR ¢ RNCURE IHN KR RK on CBRN KE = RR BN REN A RA SAA B89 BN HOURS mR 1 SRR ERR HESS RH RC AK BR REE ERON AON” th | REBORN SSR ea KOA TERN KATO | 8 物 ii I Oe 秀 aR —— 回 ORFS > KIS R RE NE RE A RR Le ee +i S. H. Vines, The Suction-Force of Transpiring Branches (Annals of Botany Vol. X, No. X XXIX, 1896.) : (tes ] 4C) | | SEO WAR NRE A RRBEM BN A HHS oo AR) HOD 6 SRSA SRR Rr BB OS NR Baar Dn | RSRoRRE A? RK S RHE ~ IR 4 SMA Hales RR Ad |IC HE Statical Essays ye BERNA HA maa? IB 22. jRabsa Hohnel, Bohm 8 ‘RERY & ARAN WA CBD A Peon EB Bins a B eS, oa (411) EE PAL Ee ed Pe RO BI DANK SRE REKBENRSR, (410) 5 ye: aa = es SD = oe A | ge 月 Sv OH 1 RE REMOE RE KD ARABS Be (HERR HERA RAE R | ーーーーーーーー EE Ne + 1) W MAKEN ERS > HOO REARS Sor” RBH Sa HBR” BY SN AHERN RE A oma DONOR REPRESS = ASI 6 "EKER I ADS SRDRIRERIN AN EK ENT A INN NR Ba TR NUN NPA — | BRORR) S Bar? Se fORS RR HEH RY ARIES (ERA RR IK BRI REDRAW A R SRE GR NARA WA RAIN) A EDD wR AE | BE mo RIND 2 5 EAGT MORE RNR D7 ARES BORE 3 EEN ty ORE SBE NP RTM ge | sex a 47 STRAY BH (NBS SES’ Rib IER > NIS REA ne ASE OS | fp. AER im | RAK A NABER KA ER INRA TO BES % Sr Nn HEME HORE Rew A NER PAO! DK RN RS A SES NER KL SLR RR IE a WOMBAT HO = 4 Ko REP A SMU ERR RD NIE MO eh BR SR. eekm BADR | Biba yj Gatlele a. Q athsor CN ot ASIN AN RCE Bath EK ANRC 4 RC wh OSS 5 Rt ty a GES BH gm 5 BR 1% ANHE SESS ~ RBM GUSISH RIN A BR CAD BR RES oh EER ADK eG” mA HEE SHIR m HREM Ie KN | SR RA WN HIN OO) HORE AR RSS R NH TK A JO SIRO Sy ET ee A Ria 4 MM ERK AHA KA NW BEd Am EX RO RPS BERR HO Ih K く 中 トー さ ふ ZN くく A ete mab ak 1 $2 ROKR ON KS] BA BO Ro ABR Rn A EKA A | RS RAY t ? >? Bla QREHRHE SE \ SSCH ARERR ¢ SDS SHUR S BON Ry 7 ERR AEA MR OR NRA RK | RRM RKC RINRAL MERAY RINK” , =e HR Hy Hi a LR 1 ーー を (409) >, CEE RR EE SE TEAR EST EE COPS GE Ee se pe ーー SS oe = WT = a nits Ns ej RRS i | MERE J SER Yd me &® AERA N AG 4 CURA Bim d Nin Ae a REO VORA RRA S ’ Ha Be BBR IN Omer RG WEAR HE SE | 11 GER IN | i, ee 半 | sche a 8 OM て 6" RIE BIRD)” | SHS a aa | 7 RAHA A A RO BRU eRe leks aE ON” ESET BHI AERA” BO NI ROH | ares WHS AN | SSA 4 RES SSO 1K ATR AN BRE NN REP HERE KER NS p> ASS AA KE! ImI) vAEY R P\ RA RA NHS (RR ISNT AD | SNS OR | omelet « an KH SR)" SRE PSE IR SN SEPA BSS RP HSM Ks A 1H 4 on PSEE'R PRS > BEY a ERE A DMI yA” MDD BGR A AEN AA RON MER KR VAN ROKR Beh SS | SBIR WSSES ISSR SRR A RN Rade gph eee a Sok 2 > いっ ERIN °C a 4" aI th 1d BIER RS tah 4 SO A | ESE RES SRG SEN GRRE 0 SESE BTR A | at | トム ^ HR 5 EERE BE RY ER OR. mS IS he kta st eee OR kN RS SEE ORT I Ea eee ee | 2 Ph | Saath aarti er ane ein eT SBA INK ORES ER N BRS A MN SN | Bp ST RSH 4 RK REC KEMER ERIN | pS HIRE EN は SEN AR? AYER RD KEES KIO KORA ee IR 4 OE | (408) a > Rs Em NYRR MRS re OER CNT ARR ER 4 Bh SS IR NRE Sw Rs Ra Qs WORN RK KD y AHR (MRA ne BRA KN KAREN ERIE SI) & RAT (ROW BER ABB SONERN Bt ERB Hy D> & Nm BRGEN A 1 BO NEERH OK QrRREIN NY’ ERT) BRINSON A oe SRR BE" SRR Ed SSID OS ERS GE 1) ERS SHE NE il SSN OME HE SN Sar 5 SKORIK PR Rar Rm IER ヽ Sess y BB ow A HER yn ROS BREE RARE BN = On Bm He Rm BR SW AUER OTE a Sg rm ERK AN Ry A RAIN A KAS ER RRR BRD KD OK BT BENG RK | IME RE ES へ 名 MANK 人 SS 作り 窟 AN 4 相関 へ 1 ERS SH BRU 9 SSR ANSEHEN At IR = OR ESS RRB RAR Oy BR RH ON EERIE SM A om ARTES RRR 4 BE RRR A eK A TERB N SUBSE RY BI RS RNA AM AIR BSS YN Yor a A | | Lae eee NES 2m 1 RRA S Dm AH AREER S Cor RNNHS へ Gg ERD DS ES 1 BD ADR KE MA HAIN ARR ) 1 Ro HO RRR NR SEN A SCEKBR NA NEE | gale ton Ge x = ms BOY § EEE AR ORDER RHE ND GSG KN WARY RRS ERR SCR | Lm UY K OONKEIRAH A ATER ER (BONES PRIN AR | HOD A BASE) AIK EREER IND 4 6S S030.2 HOR & APS BREECH in N RN THE CN RR RR hes ON fapde § OER = ER SD WRI Et 4% RS AN SEA A RAR 4 N= SRE A RS 1K we DT= IK | 2 SOMES hte = BN A WN REEL > do IBN Ramey RA Ra Qs We A Ra | | WA 1 4 MHS BROT YH A RSE A inh 6 EN KN S400 G4 th A KA RRA Wen RB > INGEN RR RE PAK AR Rae Am BRR RK A eR Mm ee Ny Bae AREA | Riera, AR AAA BEN A ADA BOHM Bn AKAD RR Y S258 ~\ | Ga IK Oe iS % ie y > oy OR pty Ee AR do HR GE an oe K CMOe-K) NAPNRAS CSS 6 Shem sc Bl BD a Bde 4 eR mE AIM BIK RA RAN BH R= ON er BOIS | ARM SG” Gm PN RANI A \ ERIE HED 9 Be SERRE | @E\OQNBOe d+ QI WAP\ KARA ewes Be | Ry (SSeS NK SD eA IM RD NOMD-~ KABR NRE | NETO NADIA An I SS OB | Ly ARB i | A HK -O 5000.2 ARN ANON (Cok BY 4 DR OE SO AINA Hm SOI) 165097.G \ WAR yy Wf PE. [5 AE ARRAS yy BSS 6 SW HAD m = REARS 4 SCHURRIRE A Bg HOS CS a SR GER AR | fo MSS 4 HR RR DR YONA oR Bo BNO KR A BH en SiS x r_ Sa ipdnxs oo 内 MAM Eh BD § EBSD QB NA BRAY 5 HED y EK By Nm BMS BRN + Bett 和久 ee itt (407 a) ン * = ァ 、 = の 2 a eer ASS 年 Jk AS AHERN SS EM ET YS Hes SUR ee AS IN Ae PN PEE PER RY eS See ee +d Yorn’ きつ & SILI” RaW WI FORM” AVR” IO" HIDE AK" Gore Gib > LD mR S TEAS 4 ORS | ABR SSNS 1) TN ERED BH MK A RAE A. PRR BR PN 6 ERIN'S BH Ea’ へ 4 RE MAN (BU BSR NAR” KHON (EE HI OMY MOO BIEN’ 4 = ~ BRR NBR AN A, GA OR Sg, A Ba) | LYN HE A SRA UND BK ® BHR + Mt BSH K [eo PAE A N+ 4 RXR N RAR AR A HN SRN RN RN I Gs] BN er IN BRN har N BSS KOR SR HRS (HN EE Bh ROAR 6 PINE oe NAINA AN RIN | RK A RESO ER ADE RIES Ba Be BTS HES He § BROS ED A OHTA ee S| se BETS 205 REAR NASIR ERIN RS Bi REIS RA Se20 SS FALUN mn OB > 4d | BIN A HB INN A yA ee Ny AR MR A PK ff E\HERY ATER N TESS EER 4 SO NAVIN Dae NR SINR A WORE RR 6 S030 ON TERS 4 | WT RNN sso 誠 く 敵 SAS (BRE 1 WR al Ba QS Bo oh AN RR = dy A 6 RS (NR A | Ste BB i) ERE yf SY aha A Ee RANE gy wan” AC ob 1 yy eS A Bs WEES KAKA & | AHN HR RINK Don TEPER ES REBEL IND & AHR A AE WMS C6030. 5 | AME EBS | SOA mB 6 SIBIC HINES BRAS KM IEN ALR KHED NAD ERS CHE 9 HR) hin ARSE | SAK A ERR ANAM ROVNS RAIN AI (QR AR ASNEN ANBA PO BNER’ | 観 貴 級 " FAN RHE K AR RO” BR RRS BA ee NRA = ER 4 Min ID NER A ae KANGA S27 AR 5 TIN AUUE A A Em ae ARE GNA psi m mT RR A RAIN RNR KO BMRA m = REARS BE DES LIS mR? tm A GRIT RI A | PA MANE BSS RRO RAD KAM atin Y's HEM A AIK 05) $2 q DEE eS ESN Ro oe AUR REO LON or 9 Rete teem oa RAR A Gee tate 4 SM A ar SRR Bulletin 9 Seisetw Sy A % doa | HEMIIN (HR) Lime ~\ Sa | SH | 田 e Piveormel Wile van co eFivdanceasHorteasin 0) eran earn A; Gras te & ASSES Eo) GARR D4 AQ WEES SIR AON KER ey Ai I Re RAW AN-HRE RAIS | NEER RABS Ry HAHEI AD fe) NOTRE BR PN EEN = EK He gh | [SOB NBR my RS oo 4 UR nm Sa 8) Ee my A og HR SR dg) HN Ee ee SE BR HERE Yo A SH OY HE Ew EA TRS HN | SESH RR A Mm OS 5 EUR RE & HE 1) HES SR RORY 1 RK OA HAA NNR A 4 BREN SR A Rah RUHR A in HE A |) Gee 4 EEN BR RAK AR URES MON SIRE AQ DRAKA MESH ASIED NEED 4 NIRS HERE USI WER QR A He PRA 4 | haa sy 4 Seeds 1) BS oy EE る Ae NORA Ph 4 fae HEN | Skew BK Santee RS RE SS 人 徐 K NE IN SRE SAR 4 BR DS RAE MRE YO A AREA | Se HONK AN ME Re BY HK SS SANDE In LANA MIRE RHEE A AND ERE AIBA ESR ARN Ee Te 1B | mm REN SEM Fr HO EE RD AMIR RA SR dec BREESE RK eK SE Me | K “ : Me SS NEN AILERON A ENTER AT FER AED WIRES | Sere ARRAN MEE NEN HARE A REN RN A om ACHE : TSMR GK oN LA) A ASTRON Bn Cm RB am RD HH REM See Bg SE a | 4", BEER SUES on AD He tN BE RR oy Be Te 1 & (EY) MOERS WSS SRS LAR 1 Neem AN ERK A NER a ERIN A A eR EEA A BPS ear N SJ ERIN PERS )N ER CSM Bay AMEN EMA a NA RN ERIN A + 6 OR EEK AAS | ERAN GEN AP AEE 4 Rs NISRA tN RE CO ERY MARRS BRERA mIEN A | SB RSE KAW ERIN A + 2 4 KIEL) ERS HEBER NRK AN NS WI NR NE AS SER & AER HM KEE RS RE HEL AO te ~ RERE MIT KK Ay Ae NER XK A mei NEB or SQM m EER) ¢ drain m wl me RE MA | RR MIS DERBI IR RR MER RGR EEE ーー == ro = si (403) EE | > SEHR IE NOR BR NEEM AK AWK ASE RE SME » tees. ER SD | SESS EAR y ded x S 4 BERS AN By AR 8 BN ew PER A HD + BAR EW RR A AT SONS SEES ON Rm AER Em BE Xf BS SIRS § ES IK RES SN ed & AWA HRA N Am SBE iS BERR re NE MINA =~ K ARRAN SAR REX Oo ih tena Ra EE eH CAEN AEE Np て 人 EN NR ERX ABR 1 NR BIR 1 RNIN KRBRD DNA ARS KRN ERAT ARK 失い 基本 人 ら 5 rar 'R RR + SOE OBEN fr BEES IN ar EIN ESS BERR RAK HE Ben "SDH SE DW REEEN SEK A MRR RA BRINN | BC Sees 4 RHEE RRR A Sam Be ices fav amiciansqucansemiennn Ane Nats > ty SAR Rm NR IE 4 ATEN Rm OIC RAT OD WBE HEM RIND 4 ARH REN | "ES AR ERS et Sim GK Le NERA GRA ABRAINK NPN A SA > EB eK AEA DA | \ ANN AM BAA KN TRE CERN HRN AR Re RO NE Bs SS a SEN Ee yy] AA SEHK Am OR oN 7 RHR ON MER NY A oy SSE yy BS EO ON a] SER A HEISTES BS my IP i) AES HRS ~ EAR See WORE RA SB ROR RANA HEA DD A RA Cs 1 RRM AS A EON SERN AA A っ こっ ーーー ニー ンー で ーー ーー・ 5 DESH ERK ABE KE (402) aa i IE EE ES Nt Sa") 7 SBE NK AHIR A ROCESS y HIN 4 ESSA A 1 HEN Rim BBE ANDRA SM + BEN AND 4 ERNE yy py BR YD & AMM EE H A RAD, RIR ES NEES ARM BIEN AO ARIN'N & By GR ie SHES & ARM mS oN RES) 4 HETEN SD 4) BI BRAS BEREAN AST NTRS S BASS N RRSP 4 SQ SA SCRE yom A + Sates m BEE iy HE + OK ASE 4 EER) mom BH Ae RE y MAM ROH “o SESS WP FR HEIL m tip XA A BSR & A INGEN SCARS BEES BBR NK An + 0 Bar Re op Kea § KR KD OS BENDS RE BRE A a | W RENE Bk a Sat 4 SEM me) A TR BERENS RG A 4 (HR |) 4 GES HRCA ms Ty SER A = (BRT ER Hf mr Hy EIN ERSESE TT HA mH CERIN) SER YAR (ROU lo | EH NERD CRE) RARER RS * shshdeballiieie is hein initlmatetassien sc YS HES) PKK A emia + x (RAD) BSR NIK NER om A", BREMEN HERE ER fA BRERA OR OR Rt ARH BR A AIM NP NBS S FREE + DON SGN REHR T Hw h_] us UER AERA ERIS NK AHERN Em | RSNA m eed m EEN A 0 REI EAA NE MARA A a RR | KAT SE AK AK ARS BOHR th BRE = NN I RON HK REAR ES EN 1) in ROY A AZIM RANA m HS 1 38 Sho m RAB A % ARNE HES Bt Rey By BEEN BEI A mA fe RSH AE HN cae sting pure iil tiptigiai ude scc tun 4a} § HESS RIN A | A SQSEE | ASH SN RRA BE AR RU (BRN BRK AMARA BNR RRR 5 ra RE AHR RE AR RE KN eae 6 UHR GS SE NRA ngRO'R Ky + EK NB | eS y Sai Brae AR IR ER NE KA RISK A Bh ah A I ER BR Bet SE RIE NA DN RUOR [ARN RR ECR ARR OR 6 1 Bn eee ee Rh eka BO PERI mE An = 4 BASIS RBA AN | AN RRS em AIED NN MBIEN AHS | Beek m HE RUUR ERR. Gok RK + EER QA IRB AK An + 4 RARER AGRE A SRN ENR A w SRE DNS mM RERK ASO R YR & Bh RN RS ARLE BRS IRENE RARMONA diol) IIe elim 4 ETNA AR yy AK BE ERR AD BIRKS ERIN Rar (FERN ERK A ff PR A RMAC ARSRSE HONEA | [Sit ASI) RERRMEUHERES FI He SUR EE BEN A PA Oe | BON RD KEE IRE~ RO ND 9 AIRE(ER OK AT) = 8 A RRS BR HRA KAS | SOI m ERK A oe 4 SDS RR HER NRA IK NIK” fC EE SR) yy BRB) ERE x A AHS iy Gar ce RSE TS SRS i ER QE A HE 1 ON KARR RNASE 9 Cds & RSS (dS $2 on KOK RRS EH) m RED EAN BT [dt NRK OR CRUE ON ERD | K LNG O RIA UE ITE ER EET BT SIO IN A RE | AO BUEN Sy NS EE ( ERIN RAN SS A AERA A mA SER |W URE mn ER Yn Ay RK ERNIE ER NR BRIN Ao RON TO RANA m1 XONAR SR (REN BO BR REN fs BSD BND BRSE TIEN aN NA NN IRE | boi Ln Pe ‘1 [+ | Bm A EIERN BEAK ACR ROD ( FX aT SEN i HES ee = SEN 1 | RR A RPE Re BBP NS SER my BREEN GE EA RY SUA een AO KLAR AT AEE | RK ANE DN ee Dee (Ba eens | PSH A Se AT NN SRIDN A NEE NSA RA Sa) KO RL) SE 4 ADs | AER YN A > & CEH RE SAE ARN EEE NX SUSE HR EES ~ QB SHOWIN A on + SRR eS RAS SEH Te 1K EET 6 QS 1 Kn BR HK A REE $2 oN BRE NIT AA ERIN KIND RR 4 ERAN RRS GRRE BRM RA ININA & ARE“ IN AR AMER ARA RUNGE Y A +N AER § BE Si 6 ne SEEM MEK RR TKN A RES NER yD ey 6 aD Blt HEE \ BRA mn ESE A AQ A KES m AED NK ATS $89 6 BRIA ED + MAW BRA RRS HN Hm BO WAI Seed RR tS BIER 6 SSSRK 4 SN BE er i aS RE EEN SSH NB RN 4 5 RE (RE BAA) | Nm AW BABES AREA SH ER RTS FRI By HE BRA QE | ENN AK 4 IK Ars NO Nae OR BEN AMAT EEN CHORD ARR ORD | | See An ek a Bite SW HRN SEER INE «oi aati mae Weasel SEK RD WME WKS A ARO WERE BN ARIES ANA MLE NR BER QR NS | EY CRYO 48 Sf) 9) RARE D WES BRK A = ESN RRND SEN Km i BEN | ee ee eee HPPA 0 Ron TAB ob RO ER PHB K AN ERA | AES SEER KEIR DAT TE ERS BEEN BERS He REE LIES BS 0 | 昌 WES NRE Sat K Ae KO GR or 9) HEIRS cob ms NY oh Seo EA YO) SS 9 PSR A BR mS A oo RK A eR HORA {HR BSS RSME AT RAR NA MM6lHer RA Hy Rane? d+ OS HX SHE mo BBS IEE yy BAT a KA TRE PRO Ble & A BONN ~ 8s HERP ARM ORK D \ Ekim Dong K A PERERA AT ON GEN AMBRE QA BA ORS HR OAK SER HERE A ERE BIN ANA RP ONIN Ee IBS AND NRA CNA RA RB MRI Y LES BQ Bas WEY AMM Bsa ARH BALE ee Se. Bee y Hy see y {Ra Moller Rx By Ba THD BAX YR Nn BE Rae RAL RIN | ‘UR HH Sm BR KA IRE i) Ro BR A AQ'N BT IN BRIN oe Bem RK PO SN Rr FS oe N15 dk HES EGR KSEE 1K ASR aK = ERIK A BN A ha RARER PREP A HRS NNBK AMIN KAR or en oe en aI oh 4 ESS RK of RYE yy Rem HK AT KES By 4 A BH A ARSE mK AK | A REEEER 4 EDGAR ALITA Be BI Lee ais A Pedi Ee aR RoE ee AEE KS 4 MED aR ES SEEN of a ERE AST KINI AR REIBIS BEER ~ DRI Bea 4 EN BD & AER BBA A + BB 誌 HM 8 物 植 wid (399 ) — i ee Aa ta RH + Se HS ーー へ 性 圧 り 写 K ゃ 訟 二 KEE | CH RY 1 Be ne HEIN FOIE (AEH SIR EEE) \ AS (Ascospore) may A+ Ke MEP Y AN =~ A AY NK \ Ho) $29 ROH FU ERE m BR ar ay (HRN ) KE AD iy PQ BE BE ty HS BERN RN 4 IA EO NI EX ONT ELN HREM HN BR] EL Ems I] ae ERR a RRR PRR BEN A ES BAR | Em Ve Me Bd SRE Ad KS KB) FN RU tO BEN A SERS 6 BRINE ON BERS Buk OD HA ER RIB EN AR REY ho PEE ess ARH KO 4 NHS BARN = RK ASEH ARR A AORE NK A HERS EE RS m BSE ORIN RU BVO SR SNS abla REE 1 MBE MSL BESS Rt Blak NDR |. BRS REIN HNN’) ANAM | lA HN PO © we Suis} 01 HIRT oe RE RIN as (MER eS at PRUE eS) m SEM a Af SARL RN SS Gh aw Ko SMa XRT) Re Be AHEAD 4 SIRO nO RAM Y BD AEE HDD VARS D BOK | BEES S SLM Gh KEL A BME + BK A KD RHE ED LAIN fT sw ERE SER BE ————_SINEES KEES era ャ NOVEMBER, 90m 1896. Ro nt. a CONTENTS. py eo 8。 The Spermatozoid of Uycds wevoluta) 3° 2 oe ムル be : ee s Omori, J. Researches | on. oes Origin of SUS0G0 SakeYeust. (fon ees De ‘a _ 6e continued.) 2 Ore へ Seay oh ; = Kono, F., On the Matation of the Shoot of Wie anidensis ee and Tpomia hederacea. ee he 5 ye Mamita x E,. ‘On Laminaria of Ta: ae, (To be continued.) 。 : oak eae "NEW LITERATURE :— | | aT v. Istvanfii, See iiber die Physiologische Ai ‘der Pilze mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Leitungs-. systems. bei den Hyclnei, —K. Puriewitsch, Ueber die selbst- fs が os 9 Entleerung der ficken eat ehalter: gre ie ae ae. 2 “The Botanical Me is published PT we 2 、 Subscription price per annum (tncl: 9 for Europe 10 francs (3 shillings) 6 ee “and for America. 2 dollars. pe 2 : ie ao 5 sp 2 fon pe? oe a letters. and communications to be ‘addressed to Sakugord Hirase, secretary i, ol TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, 3otanical Institute, Science College, Tmperial — 83 ay ょ 「 ‘ ? Fa は - 1 . 7 と 3 D i oe ec の い a} j ol er っ set i @x dk { 5 es ‘ el oe + ae x i Sere pire に き ン mi ンプ トー we * い の 本 に こく a> tb / acl ' 5 MS で pe 3 =F [peat mates oe. j inde { Ss me 5 を 2 9 1 < ee っ y 7 = _ で t . し - ak a aS - * . の 2 RMA aS, 3 : の た て ニン > a ae i aby < ZEKE arti RE Bet a a : ie as py ae we ae s2s¢ dee S SNE Be i ar ae RNa waa” Ge NOR eae ey AMAA H™ KRY ~ th HAH NR = a NMM ne ee lL CERNE 0 Ben aS 2 | Km HE K Beers e x10 poet SEA RM WHE Ae ip oni es - ORF 10 pret ’S KER Mh OR IRSSEDIR | Bm (HEME) eee SK & O07 CSE WHE A > ke hd HE (RR) a +4 & tn Oxsess SHO US HE EROKES © Har id OC sam CO HK OT KHER eee ay) @KUMRYE 210) SER Kah EE SS OHH | し Eo 88 Q dhs He OSH (Negative phototaxis) @ikx@ Rv * CERO RA AN YOR TOLORT SES HES Be Sh ihe ith @ HR iOe ES Be Bp ee : ee =ーーーー- ne ne ae i Dit i = ーー oe oz" io sha ka $= ce + FE ie 。。 | 生還 SYSEt 寺 あさ aise | RW 1 BW a RS EMSRS MBE MDH HK svg 生生 人 ee INED PE ee HX 4d ORE XOSRI 138 tadhN HRA AS ORNS GRR Nines — KR 4 SN OFS ab | EE XERA EG ES itt) OREO: \.SEres cro et | mE prio yet | my [emai tS oe pe jaeing io bal oe | ee SEM Meeode dk + im yeonencrerex , Ce ee n ies wu 8 fr te CORRES ORRIN . ty RIDE {NEE ha | | ORE , ¢ gz = ef Mt PRS URR pe 民間 "REBESHMES E | aR る のど さ ど コラ ラド np BR aX ny re TEs 屋 -_ * i 1 : See od ele oooosxex Sar at ae +8 が ree | xxxxxxxxXXXX fm fea tte BS KSRLE eH 2 € i 配 Re BA) Bie ー KWH K & [Roe IX HEN IOS 2 g < SF “ 2EORHORKEREOVROLRSRAHS 2WN BXA% natn Ol'y A > JO Ea O HER ORROR | SSOGROSE YO ROSHBRERO KY D4, RSE O REVERE MOM ARSE OEE AR OLE RAakS ee ae pence ARNO Kah Bhat ee gS te _ SRS ee eee Kmー ems §O ‘ewe | N+ BCE EGY a+ Beton | ee = SGU Lhe BHT dK SZ OWMHh aM Heh Sy © O BR IR Se Sa ay Cs fs OX CEH SE ORN (KE Blab oe He SH : RH: 2 8 BRA. AA aT 下 KAA Se POG be he PRT TNUE て age : heat 4p ta bs で SPP 本 secre hl Es 天外 本 人 @ tiaer Ga ths Ke a oobi Ree ee aay git Lf a 3S ax SeH ECR Eo 2 om 4p iH ae RE OS ob Sweep 区 | QRESSRECE RESO MmEON ANS | Bs @MEH stat Rg Bae SS ISS OR eS Rk | OMEOR See Hes Ink 4 8 > @ BH Sikes see | SERC MROSERSRO SARA RE KR OM peketenr ye errr ren | = OAR ee ee se boy KHMESIR Sees oS SK OE i SSKERE SESE EES ド | ppm erate = ki = maid 2 WERES QMS o_o esl pe Ga Ete od _ EER EE aa Fea Tie aise | SSREKGN IER SEMIS seezs face. Skene on RES ARH 6 ERS S08 Nw EER RbiapWNST ~\ RAL HER + A | KO A eae (tere Qos) | Sea 0 当選 qs ee oe 9 -— hou | N @ 2 eRe So Brat ee] | Seabae ve @: S285 = sendin BEER Ae KeEEe TSTMS Hae AHR Bony TRRE GH eet. Bh RE Ot wEAOK = ie : —_ ==, ap = << fl = cei の tS SE oe, 本 Se = ここ < = - a = ーー 8 ーー- \ : (396) ロ 1 ささ る PWR アロ ーー ニーーーーーーーーーー デ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー eof VAs hk SEVERE URI BAL NTA BHR RAR REPRE 1) OK MIPS の m “EEA de IO XK A 4 BERRA RATT OK = Sw 7 ms0"n Sh em a REE KK A REE En RN @ EK) PR KA StmROK ¢ SBM mm BK A; 生々 ERIK O Bam Pe NNR ATI SOHN DCRR SS) 1 RIK A PN toh WR \ Ne PX YQ LA A IN MERE KY & + IN JA RMD) m ese x (lietees AAR BE\ Bhuk m END ERE (TK YIN JN DRR) mm RX ARR. RBM | WYO tA eR NN Bde ( KEEN | Sem AT PCAN KR RK eK LKR SS Elie | der YO ARERR m pple) A iP A m HR VRS Wee Bw AD 4 A OR 9 BR ADAG I) ~T K Cy +N 4 Em ORD “HRSG nd NBER CE RA yy HOD ee (ABODEFGH)\ NAD AQ ae A 4 (GEM 4 BRK HAT KY R+ BK HN IMBA AMMA +N” Pee gs NERC PAY RAN ERS Teeth RA Be A doy RN eel Tae Jee et IN THR RR nN) ERE A ie So i] RS ea mE on NED CARS BEE Be (< SS へ KYN こ AA く 」 1 BRS BRK BREE RK OK YA oO mak Fa RR SN RRR ARE KES won A ete yp ae a tb Aa INS EES RA RA AU Ar) | (PRSEM CACY A GRA GES BRO ARE WRK A PN WN” BH REE m NEN RK A THAN OS mY St ARMM ITK APA HIK (RAL RIN 7 OO 00: OO の と の CO Os Oing. 2 ク KEE ih Sa SARS I Qn SEP ¢ e y EINE HE A (ed a ee en eM gE ele ae — HX | SRR K AR RD OS ot ESRER AS A BRN i BSR” AA RERSEN KS ( RSSEER NS BIR MEX WA HIKN Ya? 円 BS tm HS 11 BS Seat Bel ~ ial k Bh a m= Sh Sia BBX ie > AT CRA Da ee ne aoe ep Ne 1 \ Ba タ mw go CxO) a He a hk Skee Re ペー Jy ln > INBRZE He UK YRS ュ NHK bees Soa Re a 4 SHeReER AGS Ee RN TX YH+aA45 th —_ IK PNW PIR CAME EX pin A = th TR > sy ALOR AGA SEOMADS | | Ome A A REHEN RAR INe AY AO He Bea A I | RS A TEER UAT ARAN 43 | ARR mA NREL A em Ba A ni SSRN ERR om > OS eh 6 ER Sm thy + > MEISE RABY ¢ &\ 5 Bkial | Reg N my A Bein ar Ss WARK IN KO Pee ee ee NN 和 ホ ミ HE SIRE WKS HA Bo AN RESVAE yy Ey SN a 4 SEN LR yy BS A Be a & BESER 2 ARSE Be SX a MH yb kK AKA REKA B SAA % Bee A Ba LESSEE uy Shah nv] BG K PA KR A’ S| _________ ——— BelarR nA A KO” SEBS BSNL me Es 1 CO ee Ae m eke RAB MBNA PNK A Bo DK aN Be Rath PRN まこ SS SHEN BERR PN NER NS EAH 4 eat We PRESSES? | SK Nm | REAR BRT RA pv モ Fr, ル 7 wae eat > iF Beet Aaa a Jb) te BB rer F Ae RA ESR Nj RAYA Ky Mn Aine =H” K NA SAR | RAEN OM” IRRIERS eek ne WE Rae eh \ - KBE HBR A Ellie m OK A < YOM SORM YE m ARO DR AE) DN HE A AAA rm TRAN N ASR HIN + BERENS Ko SW SORIA ON BRE YS GRR A Ooh SSS BSR SS SERIE ISS) aN Sk SCRENC S SEREA A REE DR” RDF に ipl tae + BLES My QIN BR OBR AW ANAS IN KARIN KR} Sie NORE RS WB | Sane Pa YU” MeN Sebel mse 4 A RINK AZ =m \ AVRO. DEH BEY Be ORY AEE - リト > RRA” Sea 6 BET RSE A UM 4 ARO INES Sl. A. Re SRM Coy fe A KIN RK A? 2a SSR HERE A EN KA TY 4 RUSE Sagem ey HR ATR MB RRB A mae Ao . MA RO Sw APH yy Cawey N Ao De KT ARES AW Nae pveara Te aRNe aR sjTkS =r | KR Ka “DS ES 1 ES Dae Se | SE SHINY < SR ER BATS GRR REA ae we te | A SOR 4 Mr OER BR (ROM PR eR gtd EA % OaHN0。 SSOREREY OrHO mete | +) E> KSA AINA SS Bede HK (RE | ATO | RE REA ISAT A ERA | POMS EA Name hd 4 eme A | BAN ABIES Be GTR aR | HARTEN a eae nh eM Ce | dE ゃ NS > rH ae" EA Hee HI RN oR Rl” Sr 1 Bnet, RAR ( ROMA, a WAASImAAAN NY UBS BRR EO A nD 2oN PES’ KR) win, BE y ween aK sy | ROB hE C6 RHR ERS SRN Ra Be NDNATAA HAGE KAKA GSIRIOS WA > Ba RES tn | | MBB AD A - RADHA RU iN” HERERO sa US Nae ( (Bie XH ABR) Z| ait] 2 Ora Hak AK VER OMKUBE ta ® 2 者 2S AIS A HR ER R's BR | sm oH” 4 BASE’ GR 4 EL” Rs RAR NN HOS < SRO HG Re ROSA NB OA uBR RNAS” HA Ne Ke A < | OX Wan AER ATER He NE Mio & A | Nd ES qOH BOND” RA RRR A OR | Quien a’ Rieke ait'R ~ ASRS Ries K | BESEMIT NK AHS NTA BIN AMA 4 WE Die y REP RAS. BRM BE | aad) Bean He RSSERUNAn KERR BR WEES CHER KO RRA A KA Hoe m Set | KX AMER A SHE Sr RR WA 4 OSRRS AINA SN INKED IN ow Hd RAY DI NON RE WE BRE MR BO wR BRR HS Rr SReln ARIE MO’ KEK A REA | LER E MMR A TQELA BMRA eC P | Ne 2) MRL URNA ANA wa (RR | M2) NRA DA (MR) NR A ARASH AY >” ROR MENA A WS Rm NERS OE | 2 4 HR ty ERK AH HIK RH NEG" gr kha de 3H m HX m = ih OS HA AP AKA MRI E MICK VE AN Bt Ca 8 | | Ray RAMA WL CLGIIK | 4 ERA AO I | 4m ESR BIG 1 ain AE HEEN Re Bae | SOK A WANK RINK AIK 7 Aly 4 See =| RAMI LSND, LR Rapa wa A KIND” Oty & su | Wau S me HR wn A ay : redox dan saHE x A'S NE ENS Siew te Seas Tr avy QDS 26 Ke SAO NW = Ke2N A Qwer 2 Hine 2 Pe 2 qpl ReNRaAae め 5 や つぶら | MAQWPM~ PAWKY Qube ss AA Have ip HR RO ERA の 2 a4 . a eo ae ae ene RIEHBIN ENN ABER AR’ Rose qua KR | +] Kan” NRE ESN HR Sh RAR 11 MOH JP BE AN dn KM BRC VORA” MERLIN Ow et | al ESS ae ey PEN RRAT NN SES NAKED BQ PD eGR | + Ee SS Per ae a ENR PHAN #’ MnIRB\BERESNE | =| See ee ae o> RRRER ; NSE IRR RAK An = | 4 HK ARR ANN Ean” RRR RMD NO | | fips saa Ae wv aCe RIN NN Oe he 30s WS RRC NNER RRA | AAM NK” ABD BER BER TRRQEER X He Ra RK a RB BB 4 ABER Hy ASD a A pe GL HD BIR SS BREEN BEY INA A eR AR? BREE BK 4 HY iN Re He RV ERE | BS M+ | 犬 SR) 4 Kei y BE 9 bli SS) RO EERE KONA | HES NEU BA yA 4S BEN Y Dy ON WRB ih x SRA IN AES CK HON | RES + 4 OD DARKS Margaret Deland s¥<4.~° WA “The Old Garden” Me SA In Ay TORN QIN HRN VaAmMy kv Snr” “Here, in warm darkness of a night in June, (eae i a While rhythmic pulses of the factory’s flame, Lighted with sudden flare of red the gloom, And deepened long black shadows, children came | To watch the Primrose blow ! Silent they stood, Hand clasped in hand, in breathless hush around And saw her shyly doff her soft green hood BAR oer H +. ERad~ > |] Hl nie A) ON 3 O09) MM SEER RR 9 Bh So ae for 2) SS ae Se em UP ~ BE BR ELIS OL EO rer つき さ さおり 近世 人 Bf > a Hot As A} adil) PORE Kaa SD Ki < J — WW" soto a 中 | PTP rere. A} Stn SRAM NSN Zacharewicez +1 ¢ &<’RACERA Ho) The I my BE Ab IE Wt SQ O-OI S OR OMY Ket | | RS RER ARIMA NK & OGY eR TR] Seek om > | AEE GEIR ameS ae eM く HE 。 | gam NR RES BA nH] BA AK seat ceeded tambien ee Sa BT gy. EL Le NPR DOE 5 SRA SO Sea Ger WBA & 5 RSE RN 4 BN 4 ERY > ROEM 4 HS SREP KA KS HE SR oth AES WRN ARSE RSE ON BERR’ DERM SA A Be SEN EK YIN HK = ヽ a) we” ee RE Se IN Dm hy HK HERE & RE AH WE dy A eT RCN N INK K ORE AH | mK Sa | AN BA oe REE m RT Mapa gh | #60 y AXE A Am OY UTS NEE & | As Simda( Nymphaea gigantea) m Rs WHRA bp AX | RO & ANT OONARR (RS AR RN QO =k HYD oy BHM A nN KAN 1K 9 daa ok do TK 0 dR) HRS HH MN Oe OMS \ 40 BSA Ke Ke Barnouvin 9 % a2 S88’ AS 4 RE bh | SAHIN EEN A em ROO SQ の 1 NAY AR | > TAGS + on RSHER S BRN PRR & Am BS = Nim) ER eR NMOS 2 OS BE 4 ERR D SS RIE BRA oy BRR ME) 4 COE HOR MD IN SSF > | 1 BSS HE ER He ND (BGR BRR BR ARR | fot | SEND ABE os ESD TRASH O NUK ED 8 SW uM § | BSH | ND ty 』 a コー ret fe a; pe の a ee ee O2@SSs Ae HB Ji HhIRSS TN HES BRUM ~ imtdaj x A OER : | SRA AS | Ro MKS neha Rin A PLC Dy, | | BK 4 GEREN DR AT RE P[ NR RAS ARID | BRS BRERA = SRR 5 biel HX ERAT PAR S DIN EU KR ARR BSA} A NARI | ARNNARRNS | REMIND NEE bm ER WEES > PRS RS RARIA | BERATH ORDERS WEnHYY 424 RA P| RASARND | RR URSHEES RAKE UR PONE mila Bay On K AS ieee ee | A SH se pu ee eee ee 店 SI デン FE SSPE OTS pg て ESE ASTI E Der が $$ — — ee eee N we (382) | て NRrNRRAS | Bel in Ba ak « eee | WS) 1) EX い aed \ GEL X A OBR CRA RDS ARIND | MRM KH aR ART SPERMS NUR ANP SEER AO : PRTRAN KARIN | SARC bed dD A ERREEM oh ERAN KAR | SARA ATR NA UK ATI SE RIN OBS : BS 4 EK Be 1 IK A ek ARM RE | BM Eee 1) BED X RS Hay Pen KM BSL 4 EES Bn (maw? vies AR | He) SN Sn a Sa RA mo Bae Ne ER sf NIRS EIR Ly KARA HA 4 ad Ba RS | Sms MiP Use BRR AREA G SEN CRA eR | トー Hs eA HAAR NORA eh se ee ee a ory I ae rp Sa ee" tg に モダ リー ーー = ーーーーーーーーー ーーーーーーーーーーーーー ニ ーーー ニ ーー ーーーーーーーーーーー ーーーーーーーーーー ーー aa ョ g ニ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ず Me | nT ee ere et een "| Bee NER Dy ERS (Ee YER) REO NRE M BRAGA TRE” hdr Rin wn | | りつ ヽ 関 hm SERA Sr md BESS my ITN RCS so Bones HBEND TIN SO HRREE ER (RLS) m EK S ne ee ee SQ ty Hy HPA DT OA RSRERR 4 Griiss HRY Ling t~ HER で | PARA” CERWIN aes WY RINT IR KP INHER DR 7 S| DH. R\ QRS ORE on NMR. Wea de (INGER IBY ARE <2 Ry Be) on EPONA RAE IRE RO BIDS GE AMM DK で の GO つ 届 多く Ni Rise, DSRS Mintle Ry PERK Ar RAY Ba i Lupinus albus, Phaseolus multiflorus へ ee | } i) PES BN HAA HA MIKN)” Ayacinthus orientalis ~ Sear” Curcuma Amada, Iris germanica ~ | BER 4” NX th RRS 1 Rh NU BR Rm PH a ms RC Allium Cepa ~ Sittin iow 4 RS 4 BATRA NH [RA KA (ON Hom Sy Rm DNS ER BS a A) ARON Ce ; =| HATS) An RR Foy 6 REN ORE A RA Bel) A now ma dD “Be ay 2 ae eee ee ee a eer as my ¢ RSEE 4 | ml’ RKP IRRE WaT AN W410 1 BR BO WOR AMA HY Nomex QANEER ae MAP NRA YD’ . (Miyoshi, ) Amada, Iris germanica #p\ Se ye? Dahlia variabilis ~ Bek" Leta vulgaris, lanunculus asiaticus へ 3% Tilia parvifolia ~ ship m EE y E> oy HB RAK 4 | 4) Hansteen BAR” Map ~ eK ( BRK NY AR Rb RRR REE RR OS Kae ER EK NS Griiss #% 4 Hanteen “R Ketirte m 臣 a xAT i BRAM KOA” Effont HK (Compt. rend. t. CXV. 1892.) SES yom kh BB RA QL BATRA NITRA NN OP IN SEM KERR IND CAMA SK Mir wed AQSEREM IE KR AN TAY AH ee NA 4 BARA RAN CQO BNE Bap NOAM 0 ae eX RK SE ly Y RRR EK A AS RR on EER RR | HOSKIN 4 AR HAA Hid Gruss HS BRMER ON ens BI 6 RR URN Rr RINK +” ‘Sha Hansteen & \ MMB Ba Be HM WM WK 6H day A SOA NT” ROK A Lk ( MER KE | SHO NNER RAK AIHA ERE \ BRS | Rye RK ANAL 4 Spee) NSE om = Sm RK A © HAD. ASS nN EOS SRS GRR + IN YK A ry Rin Ry RE (I) Tina Ke BO HRMS) TNR te He NIRS )ERM RY & A RD \PEE mn RY? RES ( | HS) ER RAIS( 1 HS) HAND Se se RD Hom Ae a 8 Neos 4 BRE le MASE Od aN RR | OR | EPO ON NK AP ES KRONE RA a NOR NRAMRBAY DY’ ost Nien | 5 ABR A By” ot AK ON NR RR RBA Bo) 4 RAO A Sia Hat YA es ER 4 Se ee ee ee ee pam - = er eae ee =H = at (Miyoshi. ) OR = 4 ON eT ere (NORA nr) MI tie ai K. Puriewitsch, Ueber die selbstthitige Entleerung der Reservestoffbehilter (Vorlauf. Mittheil.) (Ber. d. deutsch. botan, Gesells. 1896.) | ( (BR 1C ) Masha S BEX K A ERS SRB ES 4 CHES ap AI 3 Bh? AMER GREY IN SO Shes BH ot BBs MON eal Re NA + 4 | BES BR yO A ERS Bake 1 in” AS ICIS oy § EERE EK AERA? doe | MEN 47 RIN RR 4 ORES 4 TN SHRED CRA” BRR AR PAR | ed « HSBEAR \ oS nom = SR WSR URE BD UNRANKED we REE | Hunsteen $2 \ BEERS AER nom > % “HR HG AEA S Beh m RH Cw Em ME Ne ASKS | ft mR AS pla NT Eo yo eR En BI A ED wea | sO | NEAR PN NT SMBS HK A PRR Reh (REA) SAE th PSE m BQH NTI QTR RR BX a STK AY, Hinsteen x oy MMS or RN A we ON § AE ANE yo ar SERS BS Bem ae >^ $i Dee MR am Re ee EL MRE BERR CS AG SIRT RS PSR HERR S EXER IN KY D7 : HR RISES 1) HR & Ad tem (KEE (Zea Mays, Triticum sativum, He) Uo SER (Phonix dactylifera) \2 Sap” Phaslolus multiforus, Piswm sativum tHe ~ page’ Allium Cepa, Hyacinthus 90 Bhiie” Curcuma | {NLD KANADAHHD I\ BBSKo BREA LBA KA An EASA BEM AN HA CRY Cystopus ~ RK Mucor . Btw. Bx ve 生生 拒 赴 外人 NK AN BRINK = 7 GSP HE PPE Ry NG es POS mm” RR Bar HR” Wh ma a ne “A s 昌 党 ae? Adem YARN RE Bees Bel (B'S YAO ES MICK Am ANAS | ーK mA RBS y 5 ap SERRE). Hin dele x Lactarius RA BRA Re WER A + «7 | dp RD Mew blet ym AIC ER | + Rie Bye ( HSIEH A ar ATK yA BA RA KA Cu 2 SI Dy MHD BOR Pe NSCS TT) oN RAT) m Bee Na Bd i 4 ER : ite mn GP YR Se ND epee ta KR Claviceps 1 Shy XR BD’ | で | SRG Bema RARER AY SRR REINER RD HR BOX Aguricineen へ | Hise (4) WR 6 Rw Bey Noa’ Be Sie m= VK A ne Hy Rm He A Yo Lacturien 5) ny WY BGs TR 1 BSN KE A SEERRK A? RK Phallus BRAN eb te Ry | Mycena galopus won Ry Nm OR AT NRE BH KEE CHA SR tm” foe A 3 eX” SERSR. GSk BE \ Si ( MEKR: ISS や へ トト” BH Schizophyllum BB xm ah CSREL)S HAAS GN 4 Ta AE 4 (SER OQ | ERARER 0 Sw AHS ER m Ria # es | a aa = - ere er me RENN 2 ROHS SHED RESP 4) 4 2th \ ESRE ma で ペー い トト) いり aria eS eel se Si [SN Se ba NR SB] UEHARA” ARNE RS va AIMS Soe = egy? 信和 Zz My EE A KSI KY Le Be MRR EN An’ Bo nmes | HAMID? A ROE A RSS GREER m dale x 7 Q THERE 4 PEM on WP TS of ARH Wh ol | A Rm By A” Phycomyceten KE MBE yn 4° B ecmcutec bok eny Goseen unig eaieecesa maaan a BEX EB BER mE A rome” 3 Lactarius deliciosus ~ $0he < set\et yoy OR AER Dalene WEI oR | ER dd BERS MORN AWN )\ Rear RE BK A RRNA Ef BR ot CHT BSS SI (RRS RR BEM ARKIN NOK RRR ANS BN RSA oti) = Kn ROE BE MED) te SE mR A Ke ND ERE BY Dd“) RX Mycena galopus ~ He 1 < SmI NK A HRSERK RN 2 RoW HEPES 1) woe ARR < Saeco on yy: 1 人 か < 人 を MRR DS He Dy 3. RRS Om eR OD oO IRE SN Bob ma PA Re Emde XK wishin Man Ge eiametes ーー ; | sR) ose HO 4 BREE Ky DIN” SHR ~ Se 6 RP GRR A DX 3 , cae aaiass/ anscaetaaetiiendacee de aan Km ID 7 om Aen REN * RL Arlhrolotrys oligospora へ Rar 5 PREM HD SUSS om ER A nh A mite mn BEA rR A KR Ascomyceten Basidiomyceten Won % BRQ~ Hse Oss D EL Ni SI sls 0 Ae 人 « 3 H7 AR 0 ee ee i ee ee \ Re’ BNA # MOPS wee yy ATR AR RK! Sn Bt Nageli, de Bary SR\ Ry ares | 4 Topographische Anatomie m | 8X Af A A REN we oD SEAR 6 SINTER Sw yok 上 | RS Paes edn | AEE KA NR RA GER HONG Istvinfi Rs HS NABER I KA Se Wt Xe ES ror coats eee 4 3 HD oy HR RE SEE KK YR INR AN i BE 8B (System) 4 & BED Bw a an” Ke | re frase > wx 67 H+ Aw Aydnei, Thelephorei, Tomentellet へ |\|#N > + E> RAK A HAW? TSA et | | 物 西 ES e peek Xa Kih*s = _BO (GR 1) sees (ail) see (RIN) OEE ) NHAX-RAD (G3EI) tHe , (SR | Sethe eRe ~ RRHSE on 7 BRAN DPE Den RA Rs HRA hm mA 県 Lhizomorpha \ HER 4 AAR OO ERE s hae DEAK ARN KA Ce: et a ee Se 4 H+ on 4 Bb BN SE NR RI AOI mn oy KR As (RY *% Armillaria mellea ~ Rhizomorpha SE) RS ARB“) RAS \ Aymenomyceten (RY % Lactarius BR) ~ HSE) Hr 4 tag ae as i SM KEN DEES ER SE SE ERE TTR が ool で KN ANA DD oe eS SSE Be 1 teh NS {Wik ーー デーー 昌志 ここ ~ ~ ーー jo ーーーーー ニ ーー ピー テー シン クタ レシ rt 4C Tel Heo | RA VT ARR CHEN SER URS es AR D MRA RA RHA. ERK NER CRA TKI BRK A | ED WHIM OW SAD EERET \ SER (Turgor) Sra v BBRER | AIBC A TA RAR AGO WT SS 多久 弄り DEBRA 9 PAA HEA A BE Rin (ARS0% GEC ER RR mA DEER, S30 SES BENE mS ERE RR NEA) CNR 4 DK Kan Ske yf BK fa BN On x] pO ny nT HES ~ Gy. v. Istvanffi, Untersuchungen tiber aH die physiologische Anatomie der Pilze mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Leitungssystems bei den Hydnei, Thelephorei und Tomentellei. Mit 5 Tafeln, (Jahrb. f, wiss. Botan, Bd. XXIX. Heft 3. 1896.) (tra HO) Ph ORI SCP WHER KS A Rd RAR AR’ has Lio = Ort AEN ESN RRR BEEK AN dn DR | EB NERS BEE YK A NEES OD 28d LYS HE nag oe : aesox Be m 1 IC eae Bed Te oh 6 I Bs KR A Rm Ror PRE NE | Mon hiks SH Ram Ba Ain Mee Hem eh YAR BES % Af. GRIER Ree BP EVE RMD ARRAN sali 糧 画 AN | ELBE m A x SERRE NNR ELE 7 3 Wists 1 pee ER eh SNE em KY DR 1 BEN BE EN ¢ coke me Co 1 2B Bp Sins Aid ER Nar a | EP NRE eS EN A Ro SY | MLVEA\ MR KK IRAP Ka’ BARE coal x KR 3 = ae AMA IRS Ba Wir Le 5 Qsv RU 4S RRA I ey KAP RE\ REV RR | DIN AKIO § PRRIRER HK A SIU ROSS EY A SRS feo) Ble A WR RR ORME MERA aU RAIN BT IDES m BRAM JEL), ASG Bale Sab ms QB > BREIL EPR > Dh RSS KRG SD ng ES | WARN D = BD RIE ABN GIES BME ND a GNI Y RK NREL I | ANE PRA | A | RR AAR MKS AERC] BEE] SN? 1 ae | SHEL ua 2 "A&M 2.5 10'S 1 \ BEEK CNulation) EP aa eR REN REN ATER KR autem SERRA \ BRR Ra KA AK AR A IR NRE EK ABN ABN RN A oR Net or ERK A ERS RED 4 Bhs SIE AK th REE KOA Rt NRA BSN} RAN 90 KA Pea KR eo NA A 6 ERR Boe te 8 Bid eee ERY ASEH i RS ARR Se A A ARR RN RECAP Ae OW f | AWE HIA CISETY A BOD +N Bar BUN Beem EK ARE OK RIS es «| a TS BR HEH ABLE HAS DRE ES BES (ESR S Invertase SSR KB NIB eS NAM | WHE 2K AREA GR 4 RAED ¢ Hd D WIRREER A ARSE AS IN = 16 RE SR 6 Rags 4 So Rs SBR Dy BEE » RR ER EEX BHR) KR BS BEL ARERR ERE Yo Nh $2 BR ~ FETE BP ATE > (eR) Hd gy IK ERR s| =I 。 b Re 5g a i ee ()4id+ sv Qve ~ sei Nutationteie HARKS EF R BK R SRS AN ( MCRER UW C KARE ANE KAS SERRA 0 BH BSE DW De Cand- olle, Dutrochet, Sachs, Hofmeister, Darwin, de Vries, Wortmann, Wiesner, Vines P< BE82 m Main dH « He RK RRR aR YR 2S HE om NBR 2] Ae mS YN = BR ein ) ot | tQnt~ BE RCN ERAT Y APN A NNER | tN PRN Rh A RRA BRAC +1 CYR PnN + WI PARENY APN SN SE Rin SEM Bs be SRR OER YY AYN 人 中! SiN (FR ON ERIE NPB ES ER ¢ SR RA NER KK ASS Hake SRN A SER’ | SME 1 Selin SEES \ SOWIE See Rar BUR ¢ RR” ERR” ep aati mM A aR | m ME ~ S15 UBS 9 Hm BEBE BLN ERE BRL RBM BTN BB Nom mw SRR Ag Ng BE | Em HERDS WIRES ND» EWEEK ABA TARA | He SSS eS ASHES ede uy BR A SHE ¢ eB oo | | fC fo Yo Os HO ET-LESHHIET 2 PO 2 Ju BERR BBS D4 tig BRERMR NAT HAND BBS or Kink HEIAE | Rn Ri MEN ar wae < HEMT (QE YA = A REE BRA oH KG | Se 9) SSL mah BS eee KO EN BBE BD AT CANA 0 SED mes ey | (379) Se ee Ae ポ 疾 | REN XK UA SRK SS BS Re BUY n Ame ASL BEN Bm ONT, BA RRA SR | > wR 4 BEERS BH RR A a oC SIA TER BS 6 ERS NSE ACO RN A RA SHRM | Se (Rx mal [Popa ) Snes > peeM BO Poo SE (BEN Be SPRR AD HY Ss [SES BEM CR? VRHHRY A IOI A SN RAR AK) WIE BIS. ¢ DB | \ BYSEK aiPa Min A'R Ew 1 BE BRR RN RADI A A + KR MK Ar Elbe KDR ARES BERRA KR RE SY RAR AD AIK 1 SoSH yo ERK ARE te ASHEN TY AN Ra Re NN RS BD & AER BRA OR ff Dt HI AP AKA NBN (SEAT YAP N+ $B RE RS A RRO RA RRR | Win 4 Se SBA WH yy aR BRS. BLSRIRS Rn REE SN ASS EER N : Em By ALARIRG AES SS So RN KREBS S hoe X : Rag 9 RRA TEST Y AN Hm aK Am Ma Nrs 9 [var RENE RAd ITY R aN =e | FM K JN So ORAS mre A BRE Pw A CT REY A Ne NRE mae NS HE RRR OR | A Sha KS + SEN tO NR BEEN CHM QBN KR AYRE YA RRC BRN ER KO & A MEINE RS PREY ~ STEEIE » BRE PRA ホ Ss My SAMOS OS ARR A 8 A RE NRE yy AMAA YAR HD っ] NM 香南 NSH. URE RL a NN ER =~ BRN far ae GSTs Se wg SP St 4 BPN SRN SM Nr 1 NK AN4A ゃ MERA ERB BESS Ram EK NK A NAVARA = Kb ABH (Ascospore) wie | #248 (Kahmhaut) | 3 > \ BEERS BERS” 253 DWAR, Mak’ HIE BK ASE Mev ewe | RRS NBT HINA RY Ne DNS ee ee m EN “PKS. BRE EK N A Ram BQ KAN AIEER & AACN NERO SaaS SUR HEE et RR NER Soeh” SIRS Ra eR N= x HOME ) FEN a eS ee a El § SRISS HE CRY AN + RE Bee KA し | MBAS <8 MELEE (ook | BN ie Piel lee i RR | RES evant any BLK | RH YAR EK NERS INE Po Kae BH aka (RED AYy ss REBATE) NER N A RS RIOD Baym (RIES RB KN CRRA BES | NYHA NA WRC NRA KIMBO aA) NA n@nMese RABE RB eee a | PEM NO yA HE RNS om HRD REE S BRR S BRS INIRS RIND ® A Son | BERR & AQ) i BEES An IB” EO RRS ON PRSSY AKASH IN ARERR WICH BRO > SNANTes BI | KREDI SR) SRR Oy ARR INA DN | BEE KOON PRE REBER I SSO DAN RK 昌 ; oe NB eS Oe CE RS Bo al SS NY dy AREA VES A OTTER | に | \ S08 8B Ks SX ee OH < \ nA BARES + .-5OEKER AR ロロ SRN Rem EE SH mKEMS KEV KAER KE = ーーーーーーーーー 一 RE NK REN BIER ne wa ras UNDP の の の ma TBST & ARMS m Bhat BLUR iy Eh BES WANDA ERD NE OSE pee SS RR ES 1 om = fi i) BRE oR om Bw ROH | ded A eee (RO NERS ee + | Ne IY N+ Sod Bi Bows 十 | R4eE. Ste iti BERS Sha dH AER IRR A SEH me SSR AA a OK I NAM BROT MANNA mE oy Ao SEs SERS ERE m > GR] Y > eee + DETERS S ee SERA NK AGES & ff SANS REED ESA RE AR | REEDS He mh IE K A Ree ESE KM YE | \ Ren ex ae | dott m SRR RP a A) A HERD ABIES BEBE Bor ST NSO & 8 BE BE NS Cs REN LOB | SERS mB > HEN \ (SDRE my BAS) AQ SIR m = RRB ESS LEE m SBI PON 4 im HEIN DD Shim & A SE FS} AHO ER RS my I Sy RRA % へ > EEN BRK A BRIE BR | OD REE ON QD d EER ER RE BS HN KK NA PES ES I NMS x A IQS Bee Nt a tm NA i Torula へ | Bik = SN Bee 4 SERN RI HY BK AER OO-NS mERHEEE s BES 0 SR yA EERE EN DD YRS Bh AR 4K i) HED EE EE m SE SEST HR ON A om aK ARES NatcnWet. 5070 =e SiN SEN RENN A TN RREED SEN AN A RU AN BUSSE > iy HK IR AT a) Hm Be mw > RX RE : mi . TH Yon A > HEED BS ES m EQ on ARE BAP A Aw A : \ BSR RE 4 ABR a Re AHR + PHS TREK RO NA m S2mID NS A HE ee + ee + 4S oan 8 | BORE RSA oN RS m > Bhi YO Ere mm OR NA mK oo BEBE KS NEN Bm eK VERA KONA Ee | | oo NRHN A BRR SSSR SIRE SSN RRA NER | BRN ATM BEA Ke mY =~ DE BO om | | NARBONNE BR | BEST NAA ON] ES BRN RE NK a BB go ¢ Are a TE | SSS NR EES ov KAD) MBH MIT MR TIAA nly ND Mm al Se Ar RA sa RRRBES 1 > SLGIESE = Bn GRUB SN a AH AA Be NRE BN) Sm SHEE SRB gg | RRR BSR BR» SIERO - seen A (11) オ 「 く Ss DN RB Ne eR NAN EIT RN RT oe mR IN HR | (DRA 回 | . fe (SI) tes | SP BREE BORA SAE CRRA TK 0 ERI BRC RR A ARI LH RHE A Re ee WON TTS SEM a SK ADR ALE RS Om SE & A RE om RN NESS BEB ee | X Bim BS RST K Am By SRE RHE RES AEE SN | NN fl EER) nm Bh 8 EEA 上 SP HORS +X ABE HERD KA EBD LO I I GH 1 EK Am BA | 半 Re “KEG AKIN OER KE mK ESE \ KRU REN SIRE KEE { ここ ロ いっ で で に や どこ < MEN SEE RON CR rR KON AN TERRA IRICE I me A OR ANERAIBO Ge) DINER | RRO RA RS DRIES CAA RAIA QO KOA RRA PHA AOE | KN TAR + KEEN KAS BREN AB RY KER KE 6 RSD [OAK 0 HERS = Doh RS Sea ANS REE eK AN mA SO NORA | MR RONAN TERR NICE | ARORA STERN IRR (eS EQ OREN AR ING > URED | A ON AN TERRN TIE | me mA’ Il SERS TA ARES A rds SERS ARS m HRD OER KAD Bg) Dn ASME RE UA | ARONA N TERRA REED Lm KORA NTE NAIK MO 5 SIS SCHON A HES JS rN 2 RIE KES BESTA RUT A ARS Ae KO eo Kea | Sis Boot UE SES SD AHORA KAN mh RN ERE RS 9 a | Hy m4 BGR A Se ORR ABE SAK ARV © RED BNA ROR ORTH KRY | NAN EH 5 BUNS aS Sac ofl AE eR A a BN RO A ee | SS eed 4 BRK y No RIS BP RSD MIREIN AMORA BEN ANT KHAN OL | She< KS MOBS. 8 BSBRELER mar 2 on = GRE A pb eihie & H | A HER NO PN RA AR RGR x dy SEB n ex KA eS Hae OD | A A HERS km AK A he RR FORE a ~ SERA Ri ; HERS She m AH os REL iy KA OREM BA A tM EYRE RE YON RR RI Ew SE SN BRR OD ATR N (1)%% A—ARR Pasteur solution. (KJ) {TY AMN+ HRA AKIO A BN Sem Ne NET YR Sy SERA BAERS Rh det (11) BES HER Sets ( BT) BR RH Sisk (ES) eS Hee (40) ea (4) RBIS Seisk (1 RISES $RAS (49) ERE SS (4+) CSS ist (+ 1) EK (+4118 & A we Mg] ) eltyS ED PEM ITA | A (ED ® AH sD ADU 5 IR BA Ys FEL SS OE | SN SRN TRE RS AUR RS MBE & > CRB RE RS ee eal S SON EON. RO NER KK A et RRA RRS Hoy MER OD HTC RRR RER IN BRS in EN Lor RPK 1 KAD & RATAN BER A or AKAD & Sem EBD & ANTS MHD BREA 2 na RRA OE | 5 Bhim AWS URES A HED EN BR Wo DRA AI IE (OARS BE dr BE HE HERR | May “as HRRABE soy of SSH Rh] BK A Giri mW Qader KAA NRK SS ¢ RECHT ES : $11) 1) BER RI | “HO SSO? 11 ER RSSRITH 1 |S ARR | CACAO INT BR 5 BRIE A fe = a" | SAH SSD Wy SECIS A eR EN 4S Uaridee te. tect I LN A ED J RON AN TERRA BE | re ROR AN HERAT BRED S Bt RN CED A KON AN TERRA HORE RR, JCOB | am RAN TERRA IRO GR] [BSA RX Kn 6 EUR AR PD KIRA NH RE ] PAR OIRANTERRAHO sam ey E Tee NES HER ATS | KEE - mS NRE OR Kee | NA SSeS RR EHP ED を そこ 5 Penh SIN YN +z NK ARR EDN THRE RRS » SRE RE Yo RH ie EK RK AER BK RC | AZ 1 BELEN A REHRRR iid 1 SLR) ms ARK ABER VRE AMER A EK A Bg 3S Rm ate SRY AT NRIRA RES + EN EIR AKA th GEES SMT KN Am Ra XA REN GEE OA SBOE BK A eH BRK EN ERY HARB (Ascospore) ~ Bay ieee FE S21 FER 6 RES Dy RARER K AR” RKERHRA EES OA A REREMIT KK At NRESEY ND = (| )RZEQ~ siete : EERE Dv Son SN CHALE 0 IER RBI LD 2m RARE NE | SE BE AHEAD NS BE EREE RAED S BRAY RK SRM BES DOES BK A RA RM GB 9 mycel WETS HR A + BOW D & ARIA RIN A GD ER ot (ERAGE | ORK) CORR 4 ERS tem Bie) | STS D = — PR BRAT of SN SH Ey Gn A Rm | RE Bruchttriger 4 AW Conidia BH SoS. Nm Bind RAP AKAD = RR A A | AIBA Em BANA ma RO REA Nm SK A+ Me mE ND RESEDA NO MAI Dw AS Rs NR HE OR 11 | SPREINIE NK A PEM ERA NA RO Mu ) LHS ct oy BB in RE) HRI tn RRO esa Ustilago olivacea ~ Skthih =f a Pruchttrager ホ 4 UI と ゃ =KR Alfr, Jorgensen t{ ¥ 42 Ueber den Ursprung der Alkoholhefen + ATER ET Hon JERS SS Bs | a Eo nw Alb, Klocker ¥’y A. Schidnning < ER 4 Syn om AN EKAR SN BRR A om Experimentelle Untersuchungen tber die Vermeintliche Umbildung des Aspergillus oryzae in einen Saccharomyceten { & 8 Sot i) dE & ARK C. Wehmer 8 < Aspergillus oryzae, den Pilze der japanischen Saké—Brauerei xX" Sake 一 Brauerei und Pilz verzuckerune + in, YW BG ~ KA wee | RNR A SN SEM BD KARAT KR ON ESN eis A Sar SQA mm Din GOS KOA KO NS Conidia \ go KeeeeVx Ar mB He Conidia \ NR } Dy RAD A 4 RES ROIS Ba HBGE a | STD HU K A NR A RS BN RFD ERK J DY RNS BEER ¢ Conidia RH & AMIR KAMARA RARER Be OER US SR MEEE AP Comidia < ge mB gL TBA ARBRE SD BB ik A a A ARRON 9 IRR LY 5 I Eg Ay Rm OR AK AK NR m Ueber die bei der Sakébereitung betciligten Pilze 4 & 4Be4b yO & = BER (Ba me Be mn EAS | We 1 QR RES oS SD Ras SHE AIBN RR aw ANS HD HERA A = ea | ee = RR 4 eA AT MU , dé 5 FE edt XA HO (BERND in ER + BEN ) 6 BSR § RI NA ERK AKA T MERRY WR Mee CHA BRE NIE Age HA Ge D ERE. Sabah ee Ud Bt S Sym ERR YO NSH Bees \ QBN An tHe RCRA BSS m BD Ty A wm on BN A BU NA mR 8 6 Ee Mere \ Em BOGE ME m KR AR INR A sR BY DS ty PE mm PE mm BB ORKSER RS ーー で DE ARES ‘eA 2 A Se Jus 冶 朋 7 css いい est ( REN + A REA HD ES oN BRR N GR BN A RS PR Ff SK Am RO 4 BE AERA 86AAful 還 8 UN 4 (OUP HI ON SN nN | KA RBM eS AT ROR | iit sy HE ENES et 0) RN A HEY RR | HESS CN KES Ba SHEN Rm KO & a 4 Korschelt Ra DKRs +h § ERS 6 ORES AK aT W]A = (| ) Beeb § BRN EB RS AR Re RIB EAD Nn IEE A BK A (11) ee \KIGE mA GEERIEE 9 ABE ASA m (111) BYES EN RR WRENN a ew [Mucor mncedo, M racemosus | SONAR BD HER (RE NH RO caer ane ^ RIESE BT Sorél w Qe ~ BRR + DR SEGRE 1 HESS RRR EL ERE NAR AN RE RK + Mon HSM Be AHP KON ER Rae Beem Bw Ae KR” fee M. mucedo, M. racemosus dtp \ He SER RX om | IN AGERE 6 AIRES BOY NR MAK RD RA HOLES 4 BREN RE 4 SONI KR th ATHY =X Atkinson WISER RRS Kr GBD 5 ER RIE Ey OL or «BS fe edie A] RR. URE mE Re AN A PERS ONSEN ESR MON SW RB yl b Saige Joh. J. Juhler & 4 Umbildung eines Aspergillus in einen Saccharomyceten px’ Ueber die ( Umbildung der Aspergillus oryzae in einen Saccharomyceten \ & BR I RON BQH ~ Conidia m BASS \ shat 4 | CHEN ABR E 1 BUSS ON URS 8S BS Bn Sd RB mn BEES AH BRAD aR EEC aro Conidia < 4X} REM ARERR (ACRE nh AYA SE + ER BK ER | A NERS SR AR Ko” BH NSE AK + IAB BEBE MIEN 2D 4 BAN RE BAR + NRO OG lS ER HET ¢ HEN RRA A CD Bm RA Ra RN SO AES RS | SORES Ry thiatt | mCi BC A RUE & ANC Ro NRK OD MS OR EK A LES | AMIEI RR \ HO mH RY BERLIN Ry RE Ey ar BRAN 4 RRR RC MEARNS < RH + BRS BEE IN A EE ARR A) 4 Beak RUBIN HORE ye & ARES NIB ICMEEREN (RR SR BR Hee | > RK GES BE Rh URES MR on 2 RS mE WR AR BREEN A | BO 5 A ap RH oS RE En SHE A ee 4 HRN Bo Hm BN ATE PHATE RNA : | ween ena Rm BER AE PHL YD RN En BN TEER BAD 4 ARC INR DH CRG | sie SURE ym ARR BRD BARAT RR BE 2 CHET CIN SE MA ROSEN aK | SLED WER RS BRA NEE SC A RRS SY A i RR ARO RD A | A) RURIEIBRE BK A 人 へ ホル | BEA RUE Km SIRI EE RD AIRS RH A NER CHIEN RN rt | NX URE RSS om BX foe BEd A Em Ae A RNR YH A SHO A INRA KE | POE HS \ GLI ¢ AK ACN BGK AAD WS RN RIE RN a Ma eit EER | \ Heme m ey KHER SS HDS ms SESSA OA BR | | LS) SQEES KEENER Ke i (368) ae eas ee RS IE SER XH KAPKA HO NEES RE BK AN Hae CON ARE BT RES A ER OS A A (BI) SOM) S BEM 1 SOW 4 SRN BERR BRA Ra 6 RR REE ERK APN KARA IVP If Son ¢ REN 'K Ween 4 RR A ES a HAN BA KRESS Re RRA ASHES one > KPH IE FAY R INRA BAR | er ren re KALE EY 6 SOR BO RRA KVP ON a RRS AERA YU RIND ALA | HEN de 4 ERR GEREN BEER He I ') BRR ot HH ES 1 i BREE Ys AR NA « Amd) 3 > 13 | BR m mie Heeh “ Sai Ate oy HR y BK Y Om kei \ Ki Ew 2 BR teat Kee Bee a : HEED 5 RRS ZEMGR yD pK ROERHD IR 4 eG OR] [WTA tp mR a AK OR NRK AN ERO RON | SHO) sd x Bt SHS “oe SAIN a Eo May Ade ph RES 1) HEY Do SO Hg A NS IB Sy SAS TNA LAM EE | | Be sfde cs KS 6 I BERNA TR Bake A A RRO DS RAK | RRR BQH A 4 HERS BANS AER RO NA RRR IEN Re NTN ce D1 AQ DEAS BER a’R = °C RR SEREAESIDIM © & Bho my BRA RCSD. REET AB» ARN ah RD KA WAR KAIED D4 Rm RN ew OB | a bee th YS HOM RN eS RSS SR | tN abe R+ eR tS ECh Ret | mes ©) $F tik 和希 Ow ~ tea St @ 1.8 GRR (SON ET ot HEafm ael > mS mw HERE ERR AR NE A RN Be SEK LER A YES Gee HME HA 7 EGR Sih ERASER HEB AVY ON ae Nm ote | : Bip Rea. ete é De AK 2 de'R RPS. SR RO NEKO NA NR ATA OR 4” NRKwd 一 < BS ONE | sg] RDS RUNS SHED ROR RS 8 JR DRED WR ER AR ER BB CBR ATK KA | に le 当 | PVN ARBSsA BIEMIEN Ve PNR AINRINA | 4 5 AER Hm BER BES ACHR [SB BTN Zao WRK in Nn BER BB A #\ 48BN | ANS Botanisches Centralblatt y Wax rs % UO RRA N Vw m ANAS +4 6 NER oy | 艇 量 詩 秀 [ KIN ST INANMN i VPOs ia. Bn MB YR A OR CINK ERR N Ce PN RAT OED MERA RA ARN RR A に | (|) BRE * BRIRSS =» GO soy PREP SRE SHE eS BRS DAWN HIRE MYER ARN ISSR? C1] ) S88 GHD. | (11) ) RRR + BN RN Ra AKON Bt CERES Bh CRRA mA Bos (BRA RAD le Soe yr Ae). oo の ーー Le ue Seed RPEBECERSSSL LCE HK =4 県 a of Fem | ee ee es a fe 8 me + 利 SSESESEEEES EEE | weds 1 RRS | BESS ITE \ SO eee KEES HA oe / PaO se WR HE GS“ HRMS BE ! 家 (RSserS\ RE Ny | RSH IKE ROLE RHR ASHI RAR RRO RE RAR 庫 WRIA OMKRIPIIERS GEBN\ +) REE NHOVEMMHSA BSR Bn HSRBER KS . Ps Vg. =. 4 [Mee wale i a’ rs !”hUc he ee” am ery be Net ime Ae . Nes ait 2 Not) bad , . が ず - a» BIOSBES Tt uA PrARKR NY] A Btw Dr NA KN fet Bn (EA © S23 Salam HSN ey) Leg tee i sem) ce Gr | LSS aR YEE Ky SER AK (ARR) EBERRON IRATE KK NN B SP A NR IN Seah iin (FRR) I ( )ReAIe R-A AAR PWN ERS EO QIN CER THHO RES dete tt me VERS RIN(IIR)IOD NR SREB. Hea ~88 sa mR Op Kwak O08 (11}eR) SAS BRN PASS FOR XK MRBMO HERE OPK ~ BESE WO Esa SHORE Maw AK MEI Ke LER SGONERE IME ORMHE RERBA REA NE il | ie 4 Oe fa (KAS ) NOt sad aati tiNia ea hn : a, . で る Po あっ * Pond うこ > 4 し Te だ も デ kas us, i ae ( rar 2S at な 7 Se te 4 es - va ree - . “te すい 」 a 3 one res マ be. Pe やう . < Ta Rae 3 , まい に の _ て ペー ンー っ 1 リフ oe gel ; wm AA で ゝ + eee IE 。 a 1 = 744 “a ma es 4 も oH” Ses 7 0 ユ っ ‘ だ う ・ | atte ¥ r あず す af ss > > S / “a * Ya 中 PRE er eS y et I 6 “ +) eye h 3 W に ¥ ‘ a ae SUPK Py は 1 o> f owes, ‘ LSE . OS 「) 8a. ( y . アッ プッ ‘ 3 テ ed. yay re ad . » _ ip の 5 れい ; 『・ 5 て * テ : > と 2 ui + ー ア 者 FT 。 ‘ ek BA ae ses 8 球 を - 7 : = + f ‘ g- J - @ の | a? . + 本 ーー ーーーーーーーーー ーーーーーー-ーーー ニ ーーー ーーーー ーーーーーーー ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ーーー-- ーーー-ー ーーー-ーーーーーーーーーーー- ーーーーーーーーーーー- 一 - 42 ORK Hee, mS "CRP Koi | Pore eee ; 同和 See ae nia vee sO fhe IRE 用 ーー mn で ERR SY SS ie (4RHE) SL SEE に で sad ee (HOt) KO exec ens | es se 0 iy へ ty Ba FRE 財 m=)" SS br HX RR Celie SERS i mado | Bin dhe p 2 TERT St pee | BR RS A See AM Be | OE OKHLOREOLOKRLHORLORK, | ND VEIL in HRI RO TEES MUO EAI | FEWISSK A + 8K ROXANE wR RORIX SR nits i Son Mime ees oa va Cen COR Q SEEN @ SEK IE BSH © aac @ REO HOGERROMES MOMS CY EY 0 ate | a eteay aes SOR. RAK + + AE | sae: tes te ‘RH ahah Be Ags HANS | eee OR. ONES re EE VEER D eee SOHC ESN 。。 ceux Ob OR 11 . IT mt SHEER 9 GEN ARR BRAD) Rime ie SKB < Ph ; TRENT NNR HOURS HES WRENNER NR) ORR ARR 設 栖 REA DRS SH Bn (11) に ms oe 4 a ais ge GS RE ROS. BOR OLN S SHORES SOME NIE Re PRCA KN K IO 4 RA 4) BS KIRN MEK SOOM. IOP KD RARNERDRURS | ORR aN ona ak, 4 rs ; BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. re ーー ー- i BS SSE EEE ニー ニー ニー ニー ニー ニー ニニ ニニ ニニ ニニ ニニ ニニ ニー ニニ ニニ ニニ ニー ニニ ーー デー ロー ニー コキ ーー ニー ニー ニー ニョ ーーー- SVS rae OCTOBER, 20rm 1896. [No. 116. ——— > PART エー Hirase, S., On the Sec ahead of Ginkgo biloba. Bey ss 人 A. On the Cystoliths found im the five Families, に Le Ulmaceae, Moraceae, Urticaceae, | の and Cucur- bitaceae. (Concluded). Seat ge Ses 2 - Tizuka, A. On the Influences of Gravity, Osieen and oe light upon the Movements of some lower Organisms... . . 。 Sawada, K., Plants employed in Medicine | in ~ the Japanese —_ fos - Pharmacopeia. — (Coniniued:) ae oe SS 和 5 Tokbnehi 選 5 On some Species of Salix of BI iL に 生生 お ~ Tsukamoto, M., On the Production of Mannane and the Natural ae ths Occurrence of Mannose in- Amorphophallus Konjak, oe PART エー _ | ee ~ Tokubuchi, E., On some Species « of. Salix of Hokkaido. I. Se Sa Tsukamoto, M., On the Production of Mannane and the Natural NEW LITERATURE: ーー ee : : Carl Heihm, Untersuchungen itber Farnprothallien.—&, Krabbe Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die osmotischen 33 _Processe lebender Zellen. — W. Zopf, Zur biologischen Be tx Bedeutung: der Flechtensaure. “MISCELLANEOUS :— Occurrence of Mannose in Amorphophallus Konjak. eae ae Notes on Plants, —Proceeding of the ‘Tokyo. Botanical ey etc. _ Notice.: The Botanical Nessie is published monthly. Subscription price per annum eet postage) for Europe 10 francs (=8 shillings) 6 * 3 ae | amd for America 2 dollars. > All letters and communications to be addressed to Sakugord Hirase, secretary 3 TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical : “Institute, Science College, Papen ~ aan cb に i im rd aa i a OS 150) she) Es ks CRE + jm me 0 oe 、 | Osea | Eee REeEMOKERET EE! ca 1 HINS = | CHizermaeea Be m= sara ‘a oe | き CERN YY SE AGERENY re KORE BO\8A SSK SeRH reese | ee EN’ PED. ae TCR ee Ce ee ee ee IM oe | eK DSN’ PEt we S Me Wetin kin OmRl 38 SGM ERE DS ih 2B + SRR E82 X O% a ae. ees oe | 2 0 SRSA S eet | 0 | we ~ ey sé TH BMA < Mah > Qn ss SW Sires | : } | “aa co fs eT) ERE KAREN SHR SAN Bib S84 fe ™ ee NA - une ORE 5 A 、。 bombed QM | RNECAARRINN RURPRE+R+ERIAT cae BOK RSE SH Bt ete | He mio se ire es ys sd al ee . es et a ORE \ | NR : i RM PERRRES & Dike a se & eck + S| wae : aioe Sy He 1a site A RESET 5 BA fe Ses AES ROB A シコ ラマ マビ ニコ マッ ジ ペ Ne 12 ioe ME BS RRA] OTR | SHEN REECE ERE A Beet een | Ege RR ucloelaril duper i | x th が BNESEER A CI W fe の 人 AH \ RA ^ 3 iy he ge コ 人 — : lhe yk MER | 6A ERS , | INN (AN CAND AEE RIL A es fo a DERE S| ee t | | te ine Sb | . RRS NN lan ch ooh ey {or SSS — ay = eee | eS feee te SK Te Gist a 。 SSE SS at, = Re atl oes | i a lpm ™ 1 ml ( se a Be ee ae Page RR MACH HEAT REC mre eee ee | SENs ASR sete HOLMEBORE ey) i dats ett 2A AER si et a Pima KBE) Int 「 SE 国電 時 ER ) oe [eae ま Gre OMP Ir UE pope | a BSSIR seca == elm oe も 2 | ; ee N 4 ) / 3 NT boon DESIRES «ses Eameg ¢ ein ari «ne SSS KS Sas § “a. BN BET aac ‘ i — ー = まき . . a ー ーー ーーーーー に ーー デー t ie: us 1 『 Ae 幸 ae aie =i =) Ne - | 人 ※ CBS 地 埋 Bg) ae JU トコ ORES + Ree xen Ni SSE ft Th os Sf ep SST SSS | ae バッ \.. FAR. NZ “ie Lat "ais te か VIZ. ip 理 理 76 "PHL SS og Mh Se ae we 2 Rs He 博 We に Wz + + av TRE) ae wth « py だ ー se We NA wie, SE NE OMPSSER HOSS AY ) —4w Ei Cr eee ) ee OlSS © SSS Si ORS ORLSHO Se Pop LSS DCS BFE O 5 or O Ea = = es ¥A| \E | YOP>RRB Se —\ Y 6 Noss aOr 0 ee > て い a a 」 w a a 内 we et 9 も _- っ Yo 1 ーーーーーーーーーーー ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー- 1 RM hla’ an % kn 4 7 ー n AAs seed PETS - * SMEAR Rte q 1 ry し “6 teh rk 和 2 ~ い * - 3 ルス * ao ee! 4p A iit Fe eee ? B® +>@ ys) OURS | Boh ) Sea @ @ 球 久 便 6 Ce @ @ ie: 3 = ie 綱 十 ek Lee ATOR @ SUR Ma tig: > sOORHORaO nie am@in : Bl: Ze Shp S| 2 ABER ERED Defipp sete? MIZE SR: 幅 : 油 論 。 一 14 ROUT eta ih: Ben A Monde Bb AI : que We i ay Ome ay el の paste i iit Rimi 7 he に 4 の の 地 山 質 iyi : i: 前 ee に Fie iit i: Ae eyes ae ; } RMI iP OB! ai. の og f WRERRO UM: 3 B: os UE : ts @rmcesg fi: Titi pik: i} 、 = oo hg tL Oe ee 前 十 朋 第 第 年 。 gee hk ge moss em AE © th Eee A a OFED> EMA ae ie i WU sige A> 3 EWE = ANIGAAE SB ie: 2 Se 津 表地 天 ヵ 用 君 Ta PRUE: ibe ーー = こ = ー ーーー ーーー- oe と コ . i. _ 2 “4 に k さ P 2 E ど > 7 > (366) Se fe oT = AO ae tr een Oe Se (J) Blasia pusilla Linn. (B) MME ae Se (Xela) (K) Marchantia polymorpha Linn. (S)RREKR BAe (XHami|ms) (L) Cephalozia bicuspidata Dumort. (SE MER eS e( KY oa) (0) Pellia epiphylla Corda. (SBME SS e( 4H im< as) (S) Madotheca parvistipu'a Steph. (ER RG (KEIR KTR) ORKPAH Ag senda dec HW |e m A BR Re a SH RSCG HR RS Ka (SC RON RAS 2 BS CRSSRPR- KNB Ke Bi See mR KHE RA IRN ACR WO 0 RRB & A SE yy om oh RS RIE SIRE NSH 9 貫 族 NIRA ORK Nn PRN RE NBA HAY Im SHE KINA TA NAMPA n emp Ray d& へ ) SE & RSE A BROR m BRae fl CY IN A A ー ーーーーーー ーー- ーーーー | ee ーー 一 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー RRR IRR REE 1 RO & AVE RHO 4 DES seated BON WA KIN NK Dh 8 BREE m tN QQaM m MD HOSE 4 BAM AMA P A RRA MOR. CHIME HE SSK SD WIN RISES HIS A WN RR IN te ~ CHAR S ROS mS HAR S GEER m Bee An ey BS RMON SHEL IR BH KR IRSA Ar Ge HS me \ Bae \ SORA ARE HB ER SN) BB BRE RR EMEA AN W-CR AO HR 4 HIS A RK RS \ FAK 1 By AN eS FER uy Kom gE SN AR moh + 1 MNIRREW A RAY PA mS We hina SA He MAPA HH mH Ky HN SB SS 6 EXSS N RIN BER IRS AEN AAD TS Wr AWA Sa WHOA PRON & HS SERRE RON 4 SRN A LT N BRE WE CIN A QS SURESH ee (OPM HESS BRE NB I FR RIES HELE YON A (to Hd aE RS RR HOE KS a OA Fay My 2 (365) Gea) BEN AGE 4 BRE OE MAS NERS BREEDS Ree HE dem oO CK OR Eh 8 08 ~ Bhan m NOB of ED NOES BRA BOE MER YN AR BE y AER + HA ER SDN > ME Os BEER > th 6 Hy) HEL EN WN 'R REN Bh RAY RINK Vernonia chinensis Less. © S% REIN HE 6 KRISS 41] SSS + BR SSH A Sy SAIS 4 BRA Pamiex mA BRS. Ba Bo deem | 11 RRA RW RR Ky en A ERA HR | BRSe ED ER BIER I RON (Be WR Rr | RDA RD BA NSH A NR CE piece ete) HES NESE KAUN NN BER IN RT ae QO Gu ZY) SKE | SRW HED OLD IRRE § EMH RP AAS | CRE RN A A KIN ARRAN © HE | 2 人 ih PREM | BERN BRE RAS on oN ERS RK BRT \ REN Rina wn d2zRna SKK 人 Ih 4 ERAS RAMA SOS a CASS HE SR | WARE I RKP RACES. Bm Boy 0 See VRS ATR IAS Se EE 4 | grams mame jv つ ゝ ヽ >} PF K ey = oa i に (361) : ORR os A | まな ORES \ EVRA ENBRRH yA nN KPI th SS AR NS KR AAS RRER ct m RK \ QR DO we oie C2 | RRB +B A BRA INE Gait SRC NEES A AMER | VENUE | Wyant Sd eSeote bse | RPE IREAAKASEBMAR AMEE Ae | SEA CHS ARR 6 ROMER = nym m GEIR HR ID | NB, RU Aire WN Rw MR ORD ROVE TH 〇 指導 へ 早紀 syst 4 SE) INGER SSRN RR RP ARIS mR Sod Rm MORI SB tate mn BEC OS NR ER {RO KRANm EES MK A 4 He ES RC SH kN | XX BED EK BE & AMERY BRN 8 i in ERR AAR She Em > BR SED A RR | \RAN 3 (HES MOHSEN ED ADMD NS | MIR AERA CBN KOR RN EK ES A PARAS BEAU IR WEEK NERA SS Hox AIR SUNKEN A ARERR SA aR) CN Hk ar By BR OREN YEE of QP A BRERA & AREER AR 4 DER MAN EK KEED RS AD AND BS BES = eR A A ERIM BS Ha YO ERA IK REA ARES HE (BART Rs ONE BR RR | So mK CO =| DR RERSREKES EK | oe mR AR ARS RAA NER 4 KANE 4 SRN A> #8 #S\RGK Beale Rh Si> RA KIS MDS BEA Om tab ~ ine | wea om ioe ~ Golden Hind expedition m BIt | \AEOE | in $8 wd MEE + IK Nh NER N EN EX Qa Rn A SEE INS HD NTS NEN K BS Wy Batik i Be ao Rv AR RRR i) KIRA Re BSS Mw AON KA RAR RE RBIS fr ny § SEW RR SERE RRS ANn Neo a HEHE 1) BIA aR HUD 9 Ser MEW RRR N x ORE BW 4 AKI RA 2 BEES ~ Je rN EES Bonk 6 MN 4b BER Y INA yy AGAR HE KAD ARE dH | SMES I RSA RA | ku KA EELS af 4 NN BEN SRE IN SSE & A KER yh (MRA Ca PRIN A KOBE | | (358) ia 明 ーー ーー^ BRATIMALeA+ Beate PERN RA MASS Me XK SOB ae tei fr Bw ON 4 NA ATES RSBHH A BRB Re RNA Ry SI MEK AL AMO INN iy 5 EBA TB Sa WAC NSN AS % MBs Rian Sn RX ome Hn nd ¢ REA RAB RRs MWB Re LSM RN NHN SRE RISE SIN RSLS CEE GK REL ーー eb 4K OEE NBR NIRS 1 Re NOR M&A 6 GH ON ERE ERA RRA SRNR Eh A RRRIIN EQE K m BR REY OR SEER © > aS BGP MRA | | NNN RK KE ER BR IN AA des SRE + ESSN Sha SER = BEN HERR GALAN Seldtm Sk ARES (TRO NOH ARE ESN BRIE BER ASD EMR JEN YD 6B NRA DINER 4 QM BB DS IN GREGSER IN HN OD OR 1 REUR ERK A 4 RRR HER SPN ES en ーーーーー NHRD VQRRAMSAR VHT KALE NN | REY ASR WON ER ARR A KARYN RE 」 CARER GRA A ES ISS KERR QE BK Wie PEK ARR 6 RD oe OBA RAR A SED IE a MEE SN KN eS Ae AR) FREE Dg Nm BS HK 6 SHER A SS mm Dn AR SYA tar mAN COHESa BP age (SA SAN PERSE HO CHE REA KH | AO me etn = 4 EE i iy AQ HOR A BR SR 4 HA K | “2 BE INK IN BRSR N SER ERX Ah > BERS Sr. CMM AMERVr YP KAM KV RS BHD NSH & AAS RRR OBE MN "MP SE I SR SEK ASS 4 SRS hy Hm eo te th BREN sh BRR a EP KN No A BRED A BSH mA へ | RAP RIND R NN oe = "1 oe ー『 。 ay a ci aaa ーー = me AAA AR | BAN ER CEE NAR AR SE TRESS m fy tuo § ER | BS a, SEP RRO SSMS A ah ¢ SEES SP] os HASTA KEK oy RH x AN BGK ARR RERR LA RKE RA RARER KN 和 4 SSH BAD SRA RA eM BN Kniphofia aloides, Moench. Mey be | fdO RE HERS on Feu s BR m SH Oy SE ON REN IX) SK ARS ¢ Sk) S SEER Ey BSS | BES K Albuga (Sect.Pallastema) sp. ne hE | Hn S41 SANA RG TS be jo) Boehm le hy SEES EEN wD Ad yj HK ) SSP RR MR ~ tm SEN SEN BEM A SR HIRE A Sar mom A By etn x ‘RAD RRR 9 | HPAL ARK ANKR YL KWOh | ~ SEI AMRR \ RE BE ED 4 BEN BR IR WAIN AN AEE 1 SBR A \ R11 HER Tr 5 P KEY x Che On つ CD ロ Ye<77Y の CTYTT rt と wer RY AKI AON RAR IBS (Miyoshi) 中 生還 へ NF 1 RUNS WARE 4 BRE NK ERT] 1 1] SPI m CR LA NR A EES KS Agapanthus umbellatus, 2, Her, Rew | gran | sel TN PRE RE 1) WHE BE ar SRE IC RN 5 SURE OA BENS 1 BE RAE Ay HER AEE om NICS HD the 5 Rm HE SIND A AN DIN A Staphylea pinnata, Z, Pook NAO | aR ERS | | eRe ROAR ASR RE AHIR BED KES Bo BREET | ENB RA ANI 1B RD eI we | thn Bk ROADS LEAR A Origanum vulgare, ん. cetorum, H. hortensis, H. nemoralis, H. pomatia, Succinea amphibia Saye ~ BE aL my wi iy SBE \ FEEX 1} XK D7 SRE A TS WESTIN hoe | ROME eK A RE MHA KE Can’ ROKER’ BS \ ERRH GE OND RR E Rin RD ER CK AER. RENE” MO Ke aR, Ne AN ETQA ANZA NY TRA RA DIB CORK Oe NR TR INN OAR NAY NR Caen AEE NAB NRE ON RN EN Sr NS RN SPN Ry ERG An + EE) GN SRN RH TIN NT EN AN ERS Bidan ow 6 ab NI Ba eo ha” (BESEN\KRBIK APR Ning) oy a7 HED ERRDUR I PSM SEORY Aw RA HINA’? Kobert Hx Mme ms. BROWN | BAK Bicep 1K Nn? NEES N AN BS Shar in Be’ Be a. | RSE SRS NB AAT QA AND eS 物 - yuu? — . N14 tH aS BR KOK eR RR TAD RAN IE’ TR Arn pA BK HR RES NX LED KR HP 5) VSR y Rs ~S ORR deine A mA) 1 6 ESR, PREG A zat S hela > Uden Sem MESSI ARS? tw RAO BR A 4 MN SEBS | SSR yy mA ERY INA っ a Aha) へ 鍛 7h FR 4 BH GS WK PNBRIR RE KK VT KR RR HRM RR RAD | IEP KN RINK “md fOdet on m SE) HE AD HEE ee Hp BRET ON OO Ip Re RCE 8 HARTI (T NNN AA Deh le ies RA] ec it oe a aN Oe TPT WRIRPR BASE nip my | Ss BS SeeR mK A SIEM. SoH g amas dom Ober § ERR ARG ERK RARER RA Rae EBA AN RANEY SM BER ie lS ae ES — —" fre Hey si oo. et ee 治 明 (354) sg NS ee eel sostain. 9 date «8 tS CHE 4 ER Ran REE AN SERA AAD = 4 <4 BEEK AR AN RH Zukal #~ Rae 4 Ww rey 2-958 E14 (Zugspanung) ¥ \ 4 SEREM SIC. x ea 人 N fede 1) ES a a’ ES PKS \ Suk m mas i (a) = {0} Fy 7 WB mid) Sr RS OTN SY BS oe ibitionsgrésse) 4% AREXEO KH YS EMA DEER UK A Ev AMER AK AE ERR AY OS ET A Het HEX ARON HAR OKRR + HRB WKRIN A を NEESER AS Ain 7 RUBBERS HY PEEK R mA fee KN RINK Hg MSE NRK A ARERR (tmb- ees PRA TL Rem BAS SAI A NIB (Miycshi.) Oa RIS MBE Heist ~ Ret I] ie ait W. Zopf, Zur biologischen Bedeutung der Tlechtens&ure, (Biolog, Centrallblatt, Bd. XVL. Nr. 16, 1896.) aR A DH RS Ni Na (Kt *<) | | | |" | も cd o_o 0 8, | SB へ RIND ー Sy yy REA ey NINA @ RT RE Se NRE BEX NRE Gop Sy TTA の の いい の いい rely —————$—— a で で fe) fe) oS SRNUNGR 3 ake thas ~ BBE ER NR see = PAN AURA KINA ER SEER S SK RMD aN BENS ERO | IN RIB NS RCEEERS mk 9 BB | OU BESSEEK OND ARM RAD A AHA YD “(RR Bw BEBE som AIRS BO HK A #A WKN“) AOS 4 Sle ER NS SE Rh IRS BE AR’R ERIN SN SE BREA A om By OH Pfefer #4 “ERS RBA ESS KON RIB EIR’R SEAS N HE) BEE NK AER Ra mp BUDA RRA RS Rn BR Pim abe A jas ach ace sles stones Sal oe ie oe 8? ASIEN BN PNR AIK CR” RES HORN OB AR om A? BESS Hee. Bake AO RN Be H SEOQRIN RK DONT ADK & LRN GBR | ARR PN YA A HK Ry ONS BSED BK OMAP AK INN? BAS 4 QR REISER IR CR” BARRE AHR RRR § Ko Ka KR eK BSR | ES BBD NRE FRR HA BRE th RIERA A KIN A IRI A を 次 IRQS BERE a se | BBN A INR ニー 、 、 emntmamlipiets | SE” MERSETER MEE SESE EK ELE my tHe K ATR GE | KAS ARE y JOO Rt > Ky | WKN KN” SYK ATR A YA BY eo OA AK te RN Helianthus 8am RE KH bE A meld (ASME aM of ay, 4 AEM AH BH ) oh TE ACAPER OIE ES ED dla A RR HR pa” (SSSR ATE | AN BERMOITK A HAR AS AIKN TT RA RRN KK Bide” EMS 1 L1SPRQO TERE URS 4° RR CE BRI BIS AK Mima” MPRA eed (RRA 4 i. fy ー W. Schmidt 23 % fix ~ GRARINER (ES BAH) SN RURBAR BY A HERA ER Ee NARA BR x MSIE 4 RUBE Poiscuille 2R4T y Ha a MOERa A’ RK Pfeller #4” WHER BS ERS A “amet y Hy APN H BAK OD Rees (HR N BS 4 Schmidt By 22>) watts we 6 Bm ABR KAP RG SW Ba wX SR Bnr cha’ HE IA ABSA RBRORERD 347 FRE SQW IK REN See RR yn’ Mona SX me On PANE IRONY SNK Bex BIEVER my MR YE ) MEL ATG ARR A BEEN | ERA HERE, 0,045 Kae x” HO Pleffer 軸 W 貼 427 & Ba Poiseuille RB \ Rete a AO eo yj SSX | OEE KY RIN A 5 RAB HR Meyer S242 A BEERS RS BNR (RR SEAR | SRR ARE SR (0,045) ‘e Poiseuille WER (0,034) wwK AT 4 | MA 下記 トミ イタ ° 45) sb SERS N RAS REN ER IN AEN Ss EMR Rado SEE BEEK YVR IN A ARORA RE frBke NN GEEEY DR? Beh BERNA REE TPES A Ks BRB aR A 1 LOS HRA 2 188 \BEmNAN YORE wR EY ARRAN fogs \ H2ee NW * Helianthus へ KEBRK 4 Phaseolus multi- florus, Vicia Faba ~RB\ Reon 4° MRR om aeATBAD’ BK BARS Ryn BER (ie [EBSD HT | HER) \ PEI SERS RR 4 Bh LIS RR 18 WHA A a= rd BA Rey aA BE KAW (RRS A ARE yy ED ty TERR REAR Hed 2°] tN RESTA gcd bea ees BiB de SRE. Bar KO NEM ARK YU RINRA § BIN A” HED RIN 1 XO NEES ~~ HE 1 EEX SERIE) Ge th aR SA CRT BE See ~ RC SEEN NORRIE Se Bil \ 88° Hy BERS EN AAD RAHN AK NES. MER(XER) (Beem A we SP AV AINK, Beqa (RB nA ReME Y ARE ee CC SSS Bt Ba seein ie BK AR BEEN BRE (EE RAT MD” Wa Been ar mmr AA” RA wows Bay eal HIXK ABN LK? S| go) BSR 0 Rn HESBER Ty XN 1 4 RUBE SHOR BD AC ARI'R BO NIN ARRAS Klint 中 NRE] て 加 製 "1 CESAR RN | AN NTIS BR PNK BM 7 PIN BADR SAW TRI RAS ABR PND om me 8 SUED PP EIGR AIRS EP gy NO ER SRS BD NRE de CIR BRD 9 EN NAD ORR BK HD A MH TAR (1 +H] 408%) tw HORN See eR | OF eR EY Ro INK RINK = HOST (SSIES (Micia Faba, Phaseolus multifiorus.) へ sheets yD a oy PERE HOSE m SD & S HSER SR tf em a “alee Hea, BIEN 1 OEE SIn Qe Xn R gee ec SEEK Ae NA nN BER AD TAN 中 XK BOA ARN RAO NRE Bae Si RR ee ee EK AN RRR TERM AS BME wey & x ey UN HRA Ban BN PA 2K co > 9,0336793 t moms in 00846 2+ Kn HER SAREER m = | 1B , “Sh Poiseuillet Rw 44% 14+0,0336793 t+ 0,0002209936 t? ( t “dH nai 4s as 1 KN < mm th PIT 4 iy 1+0,034 x 2 of 4 iJ く HA ik SER RUER | 4 AT RA’ » ee ‘ZS | a O=1,68 +d iJ 14+9,034 t oH td” NRK NAT | ERM "EK y 0,0002209936 t? mei a” 回 24 dea ae EB Wy He = mu ee a: es 発 計 (349) NAN Y ORNS AIRE SE Uf (16-8,5=7,5 Atm.) 1 RNY AERA Rs ABSA BH A 1 Bw BA SR (RIB R) KER I RRM ERY A RM BSR SUE RON Kim A MARK BEL WRERES Qe he Rw NR 中 | NAK PER RN KS SRN INK PAIN BAD 4A PEE MSHA HK BHITORMI IE sari ices RA WRK 47 1] | PHBE Ren gea AY RINK 7 N44 SS BR oy BS YA SEER ERR AN SSS) RCHRS (GER AE ns BN RE NYA BB Soin 4° RN IMS IN REBAR N IX BD RN HEN BRK A RA BOK 0 im | K タ ル 4^ MOMS i y SK A PEER ASAN TP A eh HB de BN (SS re A YR RIMES SH TAY m= WP cl’ BERK AN | BR th 7 od A AOROR ER I He AN : HOAG く 式 龍泉 ト 群 衝 > 1 SEM PRR EER S SEER A RE SGC 1 IR ERAQ HATERS BEX RO? RD | KINSER A A ROSS Hee (om | GEERT 1 EEE A EK N Ed ( PESEER SN WN DREAD 4 ORDER A Rin stlte ideas eam ae aera + etme ate | Hx edn. EER KK BBR KAN maw Bel 1 SOR RCRA RR eA HAY ASK ~ HOSS OR en CAR LESSEE A RA A RAN Bo HEME KAN (KER RS RM HANK PW MBKASRERA RA Ae ON 7 | Bek 4 IOSER AN x 1 BSE yy MEOW ARAM R EK’ Bn | PPA WV AARA YA © Sw” ote 2B 4 He) BSN Rk yom A? FEE SE > ° 2% RSS NE (osmotisch wirksame Substanzen.) mina w& ATES KN KON'R? BOD BEIN'K DL? BRR of fe dH IR (348) wa 明 —" — ok Ae 月 ee す ee SMNIN CRT ke $ I RIE FE NN De) ate thy Bi TR CRORE いき の いい 。 ご SMS CHR A AH A | Aa Ke ae ROR RS BS | oa 2 ^ SSRN SS 4 4:33, 5 5 Beda oy HA (1 OBR) 4 BAR (RRBRIO HY | BR) me ED BOs Ey へ BN SEN 'R APEX m 1] OORT FRA SEERA WRN OB SAA Amma’ AOMD'R SEY AERA BB RN BAAN Bune Seer. EK( By Bos des ete ve \ 1) SAN A BRS \ GER CIRK RA eo Sik SAHRA RS So YN Maw yp PEO ABS | NAN” FHT § SREB ag BEBE K AN RD < TERS 8 kX Helianthus \ Bir. RRA AINK PRY MBAR ARR LK + BELA DEM HAD WA © ku ol TOP me RINK ERR SIR Om ee Kak sea Penson) sani La KO NB RS MBE HN ER Ew & ABR NAC N A” ESR A RUBR 4 LICR (Pfeffer SERS 1 mW | Ss ABER § OM UIRBIK Am BD DVRA {QAR A Ro OA MGS. SRE KR BBIn’R 1 OMT A RN RMI Rae or BYR mANAN NEW PAN or oN BAK Eh. ete Re BEM Ren Dd” LS (AES) NER | WEISS ARS BRA COTINGRER NRA A REX rE BEER SS riser 2 DT eA | RE MERS 1 Oot mA 1 AMC eR A) eR RR ROSEN Ba A ee | Ar Bg th RES SSR 6 EIR (16-1=15 Atm.) 9 ROR A SRW ROEDER RS SO RB 4 RR Nee mK RH eA mS (SERA | LOH mA 1 areaecrwwet aimee aan | LLL LL LEE LL EID LI IT AS GPA ROS A? oD) HOO’R KER A Eee a Y RRA 7 OMT HE a sy ABER A ARI 4 7] SSE SSE) m HI Ha om SORA K ATR DR GEN SSR ORE NRK AN HET RA RISE K REISS WERA RBEBVERTED 2 (RRA AR IAN |\ RRR | Bn SRE CBR RED A NaN Hee Re SA ° HSS Seer in” Helianthus annuus, Sambucus nigra, Inula Helenium ox S38 y & 88m Ew Nm po RX MC OEM ER & a * my A RY NRK OBE Wh RRR SES Be HS WX KA PRP ARE ANTI ANG ARMIN A NOK’ SE 2 ON 5 WAR A Bis IS Koha” (OB ? SERRA S SN RES Ne oD SEE tO KEEN BPD aR WA HONG 4 ONE SN BOB (1 ETI OW LAO LIDS) MAKERS HME Ie OBS | RE TR | ーー SETS Re aN ir | Rm BoD AK Pm ye A IN EBERLE RON STEERER | ENA 61 RE at ot 市 中條 “ Ss PRSEER (TOR) IK AHN A EEE Ro 1 加 コ < テト ふ へ) Ed nae «oA RR Vi aA “| BL] oH (RSE nA Bete 'R | PN SR IK SRE RY Ae A 映 V1 RPA) PP ATR S(T KA SN) OW SERRE SY TSK ARAN pa? SER Silt | B\ By Hanes | Swan +k IBAA NINA 4 ABT NESS He tage SSN | G2 IK Hil NMA CROAT MISSENSE 。 央 取 SEEN RAGIN CD (11) SRAM BEBE oS RSS SKE SK ANIA (111) KAR INTERISE 1 ERR ES 4 STUN N\A BUSH IND CAE ERP HERS SK AINE K (BIER | SSN NEN REY AUR KA BRS UR YO ER 6 BB) BR HB) HRSG 4K AR SRE 6 NK > Sn SBN m HK Ar HKA Soo) FURS 4 SSRN TTR 4 Bist lew PN KS RRC Beak ya NIN RIBN oF rm SE SRC th \ SEE SAY AREA AN NG A 7% Ba A MINI FER A 4 BR ms HO NAS ———— OA INP 4 HEIR S ~ eh G. Krabbe, Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die osmotischen | Processe lubender Zellen, (Jahrb. f. wiss. Botan. Bd. XXIX. Heft 3. 1896.) | (MBH) KER (REE Y S Kmbbe Qs meen a? BR. Kolkwitz Ws ied NTR 9 ABS ( SSSR \ EXOT 6 HESS SSR” BEER RSM RA IK A HEA ESS y に 3 ae Pfeffer Lp BE ie aie | NHNYAN AL HERD HERR (1877) ト ゃ > 選 von PHo 28 4 Noo UBER BR A SEERA BRB td 7 de Vries 選 く 徐 CALNANAANHNMADAS 病人 Ku SURES Ae HNN 8 RR” ALR RS Mw ERR ES TEAS TR EST ale RIE CN cana a OSE XC CBRN BBC UBM SAP AR RRS , OHS m OD & ATER I SRR ND BKHOSE 4 MEER BK BAT AAR SAA RISD AN ARR RBS IMD & AR AKER SKA BAT Kin § BSS MAR KEIN HK REBAR KERR PN RW (TR RRO RAEN TN eR ッ ー」 A MRHE RED 5 BREE HS mm GND iy LHR GED RR CBE S EI RS A SYR Hu Din LHR mn BT KERN K LAA | BAe YX A RR RBA MR ONAN THA RAP AAR | Sits AREER HRI BRHTE one Nmadstarnra Waste SR] A BEES (IBS SHS BR by hin YEAH mS KA RABAT, BH OS Doodya eaudata « d& ie Bar it OM SD & AREA BIBRA Bo HRB ES RRM B+ BRK UOC] SHS Ge | Hh SHG A aR eem RA ok 4 EKRE (RH XK A Be (11) RY ABS RO-BaneRoMe J RRBQn dK AAD 人 (HI) BRS BS KBMRESRK HK ARAR KERR) NAKA SEA | in) SEIN AS BEX (SL)SBARS SHURE 0 SRR RRR PRS DC RH on BS DE mA SRA A (HH) | SH SR 4 SHWRS ot ESTES 1 Rip SBT gy tH m SA BEBE A HN or BERR REAM ERS A RR KA By SIM aK A RANE K : asa’ BRI] \ HESS 4 HES \ RSE ead mle gett eS BEBE BE A NX SRD | BBN SR i SR Sahm lH Re | ol 6 RRS MIR et KSI RA Be RRR ee REN or MIB YO 4 BLL り 4 MEISE NA I mn BR oy HIRE) SER SE ERT] 6 BRERA RSE TH KS A IN SN Ra Ih SIRS KEY Dm NIST Y A mK KSI S A ME D&A RR KN B ( | SERENE YO ie ST a GL SE —— a = apa —" _- — —— == iia (344) 治 明 fi ise oh + ドー ミー AS SER NIB ER QO ss 群 | Ora’ 6 ~ 5 UR BRR 2h 8 | 8 (Heihm, Carle, Untersuchungen tber Farnprothallien. Flora, 82 Bd., 1896) cretita, (S$ Q@ Susu) Aspidium Hihx-mas var. cristatum, $6) Aspidium falcatum (e4wpa) <]}] By Fn MORO BAIN A AER A Non Todea africana sf Soin SkoR A IN ©" NER 4 Nom Osmunda regalis (302 Ee ee Neel ee HONS 6 ON ORR oH ER J a eis | AUK KS RENA RAPS TEKIN (SQ OWIION BR RW 6 UREA KAY ERIN [He KD ER LHS S Sem SH ERIN SEE = EA A RR RN CREM 'y KIB 1 BS BR | BN WERE NTN AN 7 HENS § Doodya ~ ay Blm SE BBE A Mm ER INA BRB yA HB ee EB \ GEER TEND CN A REN R ERT A [REECE N BRN DY NER BRI IN SB 6) RA り HERE KARA He dE d < SEE | Gen oa & 2 A HBS へ RS \ TREE INN APN iy mee | § Doodya candata \ [RK % Rr PoE EARAL keh = Radameriaceman ea NX sg Pedal } A ERA GEI RES A HERS eee Doodya caudata ~ [A *% Raw — | m BERRY mE Be 』 問 (343) / : Mom EE Cay TR ND | Rw KER er SS GB BLK DNS RY NAM KTS BS ac HEA 9] LOBE DS ROI m SEER SEE A TE A KS ! SAN Hp REND INE Cy nd Hod FrfS へ KK SN MEK RR Re 4 RRA RRR AT PAN RRNA YS ENA RA INK CA DRS 6 db NN oh JN BEE ON EYEE RK om nie’ SMA RED RIES ISR A ERR YD W NWR こと NE WN 4 ON BR ae PN KAR Oe BREE IT b> YAR K A He | ae 6 HN NEX A Sw ] RS RNA ARR I Rm HEP w METH yy LORE iy [ERENT D&D yf EGE mE ONE oo REAR (heh) Ae oy KD SHE OP NNR RT ON HS ADE INARAIN BN 1) RYAN PAN KR INE AY AER ea "RRP & ONT PON NRK IN RO eHREE Ty (RN BREN EK ARIND 44 A > Ph my AS RK A NERO EK Ae Md NERY NRE \ (RSE \HER YA PAM RANA Mm Cd ZS」 of HERR A BA 1+ Gem By AR tN re JER ARARARA uf PRESS PO WN mM BREEN IMB BB A MN DV IN BRS EP F RK AWN OR が Hels Ba RES. EID SR POP RR AIA SEEK ArmA (RISE SRERST PERKY SBR ra \IERE URS ARBRE | NARS EK AHN HAY 0 ーー may AD] Nam APU SSN 4 RH eh is BER A Noe Ne TS RK | SIR SEHK RAN RINK 2N US 4 RRP RAY RINEARANA HIRO PAR AIR BE KAKA RR DNA & Kf RS EVER SEL ABRENICN SR (RRA EE Ko a KR IRE RAS YAM NINREROTY NNRN AER SKCEN) | K 0 (342) “eee i 3 i ーー =. 5 ee At BHR SRS AT YAS NR OT OD NN NR 11 BE th CBE) Ie TOP ER DN RESON A OR AW A mm BEEK OD WR RY yf BEd ER fe 4 SRD IRD HE HS NON O88 1 SN SEER A BRN BEBE NA SRR ERIE if Serene の IRR ORs BIL yer SS\ SHA Bn Sa tral vy dom sei Gin sa >) SIRE De ED Qi N BESS IN I A AQ BO ERR ER 9 REN NM YO ERR SRSA N IMS Ew Ke ら IN SN Be TP Ad NRE Sa REX S SEE AHN BESS CY A REIN 'K EKER SIAR (OPEN SE m RA WN RO REAR \ fq ™ TE A BBE N ODS CSRS aS REE Kh A ER + Ri = KR ER of BESS my FN i PST RY SE | \ PMSTSS BEN SRESTaLS RSE RC A RESET A KARINA MER KMS RENE Pe ERR NNN SAS NN A EE RN AE YD SBI my aK ws ROR SRE RR BRA N wR HS ON HN NN Ree RBM SEM w Hert tind yy SSBB SH aR SOS in SEAS | DN SHES EN AR NAR KR NY ARR SRR SY (EA | KS N ENE KS sa PSE NOOR PD EER PON A SHRI | RRR KS CRORE b AKON 4 Be SE Noh NN RRS EAN RERR PELE AWN + ROB BERRI SI REE PEED) SSRN AKL HY OS BE IY Na KR RUMOR INA © tM IN AOR NS oR ES ip aI HK NV EN TO NSN RR INGER ANN ARE A RRR TY Ne AK CL 248° ure naa SUS PSs f) eee FT NA ay KIN DEMO GY NR OE SN Shy SEEKS SSR SE RMD SRE 2 te MR A Pts HOSE ot oy SRST BHATT 4 Re Qa Ro Gee SPSS oe SBE SS SEN see aa 中 = ン 2 5 ae # mh 六 十 碧 第 誌 HS Ht (341) = 8118 @ @E NA ES NOR S % SER RS RK A i A RPS BEE m GRRE NR RE RA IN GR oR 1] HER Ae so +1 Bigve ge El 244. Baa Rie 4 (im) Sid HL RS» > Baier El Ye Ge) eC MHRA | BB | ii BHA ae $k +) fal Bini a > ABD & AMRIDN 1B sR4iCH HO She ec XR we RI RAY ame K AX mR + i RR Cal TRE PURE > & aN) OHSHRS 1A ATP AR DD RHR OTP AN RK ASEH BR CBR) | «e ££ 2 8 HENS 4 TEQUS KHEDHAEN | ESA BR MARK KA PAN KARA MEYREHR A RMR AR (SM) 4 HOS RE WN TARR SHR N ae AC | BSN BRS dy AT NEE & ABE ORR IK ER DN WER TN Lm oH PA AERA KP AREAS | Sade R IX RSE ERS RR 4 SE) AREA RC RR 6 AAD HER NRK 1) >) BERBER NK BRR 6 SRE ERR DN BRA IER HSI IS KG RET MRE HC RACER 4 RRS > KEK BRN IRIE my ok NRE CB ef Ka HEN eH LAR Bhe m ME SOREL SEMAN 9) BRU SN BES ¢ BERR ETN PR AEE Ble ¢ EON ¢ ES oe | HSS AE NARS § Gea) my BE ws BB atl Sin os Sa | | RSE Bed oy | BEM KO HA > BR SR a SS AMR HRN N ESS | BRE SO RE BR 6 RR + GREER KO REE RN EH IN Kc S SSUES \ Bede BK AN NM Hh § EARS BR op EX ITS tm Sade > SRS i 4 EE Bhd m BD) HR RD SHH 6B ERR) HERERO) YD RHEE § AD ARIE KD Bith 6 BB A wee | 中 SHRR HS EP SRARkSRR KE Meee ka } LEW Salix purpurea yi RS > REE GS CREE | mK RINE AHR eK AKA | Dondds Bad 4 RY HR RAN EN | IB ER or RS oh > BEA Dy Sx HR (BERANE SEA eH (Rie mB A > EO NER 6 TE HK NA LX oS. purpurea EN 4 SBR § SPER > KS 4 ERY AE RE | TX S88 MR Shs \ 4) Sad ED ek S KE + RK Re IC rts © Ss 8 Pa ae a Same es) e | BEM RK ARATE | ーーーー M4 PP SHOR I+ BS 1 BEBO & A 'R PRR SPN NH 47 BRA McRae 4 DERE RES | NN EEN ” BEAN I os ges aR RAK EER SRB Yo pcre. FAA LER eR MH SBS ED ald QAR Os na ww 2%) MEA MOHD RSO Re | DASBR MOTH | BRA BRR lB sip TT BE BRK Se ty FER N RA 2 MARRS ERED BS RR SAR Ds ny A SRRD SN RY TOR MIMK AC RA RAR? TH SRR i EY aly eH A CORR BN ROE BAD’ RI BRA RBIRAD’ RAR FERN Se A A WEA ESSE iime Re” Stim RAID INS” ERI. BRS’ ERR | we DH nna Re A a A SER OTE SIRI’ OE eR BESE SH” OSH IR Dae? Bee BRAK REG | XIN EEN BEN * QR, RD | fe * BERR AR RS SX SEK’ & 111-3 HC RR ae AK (SERS) (st ee Sat) or HH IN ES HE 1 ES Wes 2 =e OB | ar Ey RSH NT Ne RR eh RN ERIY YIN DS & AEE SE KS RR KAN BR ADRK = WS Rhy SER eK RE K Ae ROS AMBION A 4 RR Salix Miyabeana, von Seemen. 4’\\ RAV eK ® Sse yh SS ES HR 1) SB TH As =~ 4 ie ie ae ib ee: Se CERERESS BS KO” RRR A REE LORE BUA SAIERRA AIRS (“Ns Ben SiR \ BIER 9 SY 4 oo INFRIN RA AA JESSE HS RU EEN RO EEK ATT [Ee RI Y RA EES Bee ie CSIR RR GaaR” GRSTENEE RT” ES) (AN EON RCO XK RIA RAR RAR KES EME a ios whebenevnnihaes chen eee RA Rae BX. We y ASN CRYHOES EA 4 NERO ON ENN GREEN RE BO AREA RIN A RN BB © mR 7 SE AINE ERK Ama CER A” RISB Rw. BER 11 NER AC Sm oR AER AS FES SK Ba RR RRP ANA RRC RE RK EE LASEK So 6 seen m ing REN Sih | BREMEN” BLD EER ERD eh 6 SSN ERK Am HH K = TREC RR + ON SRN TA” CER THRE 1) BR 9 ty SRE A SSESROI BAS | Ron RI Ron SSnMRyd 4 XQ H\ORAD RRO SRB ー^ Semen | ee ada | SSRN Rt RMON Renee ieK mine: Te Mese~ ER RRR HR BIN HR BRN Qa ee | CR 4 HEIR Kn” ARON ORS RA RBA EER EERO n SRA INR RY AA ARAS BRERA RRA? [Ed bok’? Bem Ba BEREAN R SERA ms {BWA OREM HH RRND Ae RNR RBH SH Ses we *“ — ' | eit sm anni - RSS) RMR ae RE RRS © RRR” HORROR & mm NERA 1 | RRR EM SESE MOREE Y AKA RA Ro (HS RN の PMWKOSRT RHINO ORGBA” SERGE” RX UE PN Set > SEEN a EE ¢ ASN IR’ GREGARIA = “SBE m BBS SI. BRE m SRT RR m BED [Meee] AR UP He let BEER NS gee Ee Be te =arm 人 DAL = RS JAR 6 [EL SEN A EL hm DRE REET LEN C1 A BR SRE CHEN Ord ASMA NIE KH WEE RIIR SRR By OS BA Res oe NW \ HBS ROE OAS BS KRIS AIS 6 BPINGRER MN RR FERN BRO BHO BA 0 > ORL RAR WK SEE See ee RP ERE EKO UMS SERS AOR TR eae AeA oh MINE’ SBME AR ( CORNEREASS ISAS KA ( AUS my BR « OCR RE I GORD 4 META HE LN REI [Meee] MR RKI HERE X $+W SE Ble {OMS Sm BZ BEE MED Bn HS R= EEN | Rm 49 EGER RC | ae 1 TRB 4 Kew a CD | AOR Rn EN SE BAB IMD RO YRS BR | BE man ram AS ORG RSH * eae BP RN” RIS Rar § ARSE) RK BS” ae | PeRusb eee “Breed y BEA Scan AUR SEPARA m BR ARR A IKI! KA SOR RRS. SR 1 BRE VERA NRTA LG RES = ARAN AY 3 ERE 肛 功 eee s Ae ae Je ie 肌 ae © ーー (336) SKM REA CINRA Tr Literature : 一 Aderhold, R, 一 Beitrag zur Kenntniss richtender KKrofte bei der Bewegung niederer Organismen, 1888. : Strasburger, K.,— Wirkung des Lichtes und der Wirme auf Schwirmsporen, 1878. Ol RENE RARE CES \ E+ ) Hk SX = [2 Me) MA SM RK A INRA A) RRR Oh RE RO ae a | A = PEASE AM ay “HEUTE “mite SA “RNR Kb KG RRB OX SW “Hm BE DAR «age | Be em BK A RD WS-CAR yn RS BRARE 6X SHS eR BE ER RR “HL a | So) * BOI SIRE * EBON HB a * QOS’ EIR WRK ad > “ODI MET Mane * as Qual ¢ aa | SRSh BU m LIN GaN mS HE RRR << SS SX RR GR SES A OX NABH | ORR 4 MO BB a OR Rec I) 9 へ BERS Cth aR 4 Meet \YEnR AE SRD HN REATARD Sg ge a no URARRESDS NE 4 BRERIRES 4 det BR wr 8 LRU a x Se 5 SLR WBE RKER, vie EISBN RO RPS < “ BEAR (RAN A VEER HI S33” SE SRS RC A AMARA YT OORE ( SSR’ eee | ANT LMR YHOSIN DA Badr RINK” RRB IED nh 5 EL OSS (REHAB AA © くめ らら) Bird o-o-CHP 4 IR EAR RRP RO NER KR A RR DRA Ri en 4H eI HRY REI tn Sx dsengnran SMS | Exes VE CIR An Rs 9 VEO NEA ABH IR NBR, TIT INS N iy SBR. ER DINER HD 9 BED EKA om AE SD RRR my BEN Rm ORY er IAD に = DOW “i Seat SS BERS 11 SS SS GE RR 20 REE SSRI GBs oe = 4 WB See SS Aree GP WA RA Ka RE ENR x RAY A On Ra SBS OM RAN AE RRA ROHR Been 弄 = ih hw SFE RA Pe Ro 4 BRR A RR eA > BRA BS I MA KAIBA SA SRER ( SRI] N YN ATE | RA Wo fon EN , SAN 5s HRERN NY 9 BEAR WRX In § りく 生生 WANES) PN os 1 EN ESS Soh NR eR KR SRS RARE ISK BREE. By (eB Ee RS} MESSRS Sx Bw My VIER RK HY AKA SEN SRS HER INE X GEREN SEK AREER REN Re | MH kw RN ik) HSE mn METS SD “SERN UR + A BS my SBR SEILER RE NAR HNN SI BER EK | SEM BRN her SEM AK SA 1 Sim BEEK KORN OE BRK PO HeODINS WOK § RAPES RRMA REE KS 4 ed RE mR WSN Ra SO Rn HRN dS NER A KN QO SE 6 BIS UR NR aR I + BEANO? “hfe 4 HEE HR SH m AK 人 SANNA AAD NRE KY AHR LOND’ VS GWD 7 介 委 つ や で 谷 HLA = K ee ee a ee ee Ne ee ee ed (a 光 惣 植 55 ay ) tn 和信 we 六 (333) SN BHR A Rr ) SO Hb Hades ¢ Guim y LO LE CA nS mA RK K BEIM BS NRK A REDS OM RMN X {me 2 EN 本 SB m SESS XK ARS KARNE OLIN SM 9 NL Ss 4 SISA mie A rm Ba BES = mr-O0 fon HH 4 ES ACN RARER INS ARR RASH RA em Bx Ar eK ei Ree ( GUSERl1] fALBSEN RS K 1 RRNA MK A PRESS \ BONNE! BX BHR GK ASMA | & XA yy By SE ETE Bly やる つい らら 5 ER HS NN SEN A EEE IK WN 4 RS BREE 1] SEE EERO EK A fy tda kp SA NOY A hn A Sie BA KV YD mae KAD W へ | ERE BRS aug | TTF SEMREA An | WHEN 'K) SNES YN KA IN ED RES WA I PREMIERS ZEMAN ERE | Bn Ain R= $+ \ AEN EKA RED HEME YD y | MT EO RAR ee eee | Lime nw KR RY ASA RR RR : WEY Sy 8 LS, PETE yy AeA MRAM Hm Bx x rR] AW B07 ROM] Rv on | RMX A HERES ANA Ky BEN > = MARY BASEN) A | BMAHK HOD IINS (9855 thes RA OM RAIN A FSI ES NOY A(R BY A) | EHR ASSIS SABREMR OREM IN BS eS RS SRE RE SH RMS PALE ad TR, PT SP FAT a EROS OR | SERN TE ER BK Ro RRB i mA eee FH ae A RRERIEN CAI | NSS WPS BX DER) NWN 4 RESPIR Ry 6 EK SEGE ER A RRS ON EER Bor QE (332) Bake 1 OWN BS HERE RR RD NS SEH Ar dls RH A ESS RK 6 ee, RES HNO HERR | SE 4 ARR SEK A HRA トト 大 > HRT ONE & A RE だ や で さ つ い らら QR es” Dvn? “te” EPR = Nom A Ete eek tl RARE INA AN ROK 倫明 や で ヽ ーーー ーーーー テー in RN Re SOSEER | | ARERD N | EO RY QA MAR es KB GY A SMAAK ADEN 4 | EREEm Et Nm BSH A HH in SBN ld yp BRD | , HO LIND {KBE GEM Ms AW ow BMD BHAT HEIRS 2 ny QOclS 4B = BON KREME Bee YA 1 BEE + Ba HD they EB 4 RI WS SN SB CN A Bee A BSR Rd BEEK RA MEER] KR SIE NR Km NI BBS KO RE rie AS OAD ANNERS | An VSAM yy Bey 4+ BHP PRE. | Seem Res WSK 5 4) wa ODM DAY OL OMG fy 1 MMEERR | + HRS Hae 0 A mW BNE RIES Rebs HES EREOMN REA CAT mM RAN (EERE RHE 1 Re 6 RBM N+ AN a HEM RS KE ee eee AT ーーー ーーー ie A a= es a ノ \ HB Sn ON RAE 6 EUR DS 6 SOR MARR RH By (RK RET AMMO ASCH ARK Se 物 丁 tt ee ian Soni RSS een < mace dee hen KET SEN | ORBAN RI KARE BARI NS SiR A m ee) + Km NERS S ARTE 6 Hy IN GE A BE DSRS BE Din RoR Dee BO! AWA PER A Re ORI EES SE WIR eR BRD REBAR MARB~ Ka Meble wa aN FRE 0s BHD old < SD RK DRIES SBE By AMT DW SKES 4 ER KE IDs AIBA A W bisblal < xi BRIE SLE BES A MASINI BEER A OR ARETE ¢ te BES WHE DD SAN wd § GRAS RES 90+ BEEN WHE ¢ GREORRS SIS m = Bn EAE URN Ba Bm yy RA MARR RDN AK ESSE KEN 6 BSS SNES mm Ap RHR ge) oh Se or RASS oD HAMS my OR BE \ [SUS N Mma AHA 6 Bd SY] [am ER A a eB Bs A Ba ES RES Kiem MG -- Bl mR + \ ARERR Kita ry CORB ESS Rw ew Rl (RE BE > DB? ¢ BAY 0 aKE WD HHT Dy BAY AM | OBEN MAR KAP REARS (AR) —_——_—_-_--——- ーー ニー eee i) AOE 6 Re LS 4th Nh SER HE gh Me 1 SER RY A SEER SN dh MEA EE = NK om RARE Oh oy 2D ES EMR ASIN | SERA A a SED Bay | | RRS SARE REN SEH Be | aay ABHTOALTeEAT (330) ia BY — ーー 牌 "WW WHS CS IE A AIR ON RE | UKE SPY eT = Se eS RS gi iy. fs KEIN SEN A KRENEK A IRS) (A PR ERH | sem ARR AN BR RBH MD \ ABSA TRS ES 41] oN SRE ON A RSS Gee ERR NRE oe Re Re oy ASME. MOA SOMO WS ARN SEP OK AMMA RAR Bs IRR SRN PA KARINE SSA RP RRA HSK NKN MAD SN RR, RE-IKN HBA + |] Bb ins im A Boh’ RA Be Bn GS yD Hoe IN Ace | BUR BE RRR A IRE Ri RARE A Su NH BARBRA HS 10S SON BRAM Borin TTR ADD 4 REI men ORASSEOES SIE Mma Sn ント ム DR LENO 4 BRO A TIN & ARR RRHEER FIN ¢ SHE YD Ba HER IE oD RE Bg A A NR BREE A RSM SD & AB Y ABR EN A RRR (DE RSS E Yo R y O D NEEL BER A HERR I ERIE N A NOR A W RSS SBOE ay 5 82 HON RAISES 1 BE a SEW OE NES. QAR | EER a BRL a dale By NCR A ARE ED WA > BD RHERR ERB S or Km RRMA S Ka 8 OA BRR N AD 1 ER)'S AUR BR UREN HK SH A TN IN A A Bae be ON RIN RA fede り FREES ECS tN EID & ROMS SOM RINNE A Bats OSA dO Be CRU RR AR SROESERE SAK ARN fh Am WER REE ABR ERIN SEK A EBON 'R ON BR ol RSS HOES SE A OA RN a HS nie a A REA th NOIR ENN Ba SOG SAS REE 7 mL NRO Sy AN RR CRN EKA He fs A REWIGRNK AWAD RA AD 4 |\ KIN REN AN & AN SEIN A BEBE RA S14 BBR O10 2 $2) BN BOSE ew RSS BES Stn RRS THEN SDI Lo CBE RB RR ER E NS + UK | hth) os Sea > dala 7 Ee CN)) Cm REQ OH Trem yh RD ee oe NAVA SOMA Rm Ra | HR Seu P Seen Non fle x A". RES RY ROR Rm RA rm BAR aie, Kis ie 1. BS PSH AR m ok CRE 4 KS REE THAR” A Ot MBH WENO X Bas Kn’X = BIB wo BHT Dw Qt Be TBS (oft SEE Ym (ERE ON m ) RSS Re mm te KOA HR SAN DOR DE HBR > CN) SE) RBH SOK of SSD oy A Bm 1K x RS + UE A et. 1, KS Ve masa neat ads on Be dx Amma KA OR SS GSS RE 6 ES RIE ELS NOR ATER Bn NR ARS Rim AOA BR A ua yf iA ORGS IRR GS 4 MERC” MRE I WOR ARS Sh Wm dK A He EAS HBR RN 4 | BR URES EOE ~ ARNE SSRN AAA | WN ARE I A BED = SER av SOME ny 6 SRN AEE OR A I HE Beh RN YE RN 4 RRB th AY’ mm RN Be BS AR BE RC CR Aih ARE RK ARR haere MOHEAS NIN A RER ISIN RIN A + 1 [BRN BERS QOS SERN (1 RNED* RSS SETE S HEM SRR S HRS ROT nN GRE RAE HRA N | SR HREM = OR INTRA AWN HARTER A W Phe ols SRE HN 4 Hm HP aie Sn ESSA Re + HHH BD Ka KA By AR RIN (Eli | +22) Donk. AACHR RET NK Ame KU ORL SON | RO RARE CBlkt ) 4-22) HNL SON SS peer ee ne - oxy SE0E ~ BK Ub tks GTA HEME AE 1S A TR Eigh a penn RH HE UE SE 1 SRS NI nly MS th : 9 | Be a SHEAR Wee. 1 Hm AIRS NSN IBA ARE (RRR ASH LN AND) | SED AR NRA EY SD RR ORK Am mR Nm RE NUR ER REG ERS Rama ile d BAPE RO Nm (Se iy RAMOY A k § NS =) ANG ERS Bein tn | _ | <8 MER ED (Be RN § MER Hay RAR Ro SYK ER Ro HK AR | scl "CN ) BRSSSE 1) RN BRAY RTH “IB oN BEN RE 1 EN SR AIR AAT ERT Nm oi NG 1 R\ ROKR RR > + BEERS » SEES I + A mM ABA A 4 RIES AREA INK | TH eo RKBEEE ¢ Bm ey RY Ne KOR KIRIN AE EQN | Co 2 8 a | : CORRS XK A SEE on HSE MOST KK OM RBA RAS +] ES MS | One 0k pee Gee HIE 1 XC AIRES SORA I RR (R) ARH ox 田 ue fT Bs が に HE MPS m ROK ATS NA a Re a OS O46) \ BR ・ Seok 4) > s GE hA PN ha ym = ON &% 2 iia C1 1h ¢-+- 4 82) . RN le BRA w HTS IQ ae) | HMWroys, PARC K via SOME N 5 RU RORT | FIER Ed RRA HR AR = CRA ire A ARR ESD ae 8 | By AIK s CRBS we X nse el EY AEE RA EA | ERM ENS ARH | ES BIND S WN Hon BES 4 RS Ak SK BSS Em tn ROLES WEN PES 0 Hg HARK KAA DOS REE “(XSRR AT 1 Bo SEK =) HE RN’R IRS RD Reo ERIS BERN Co ERIN (ERA REISE 9 | SEN BN SERRA Bohn RRR RE CBRN Ye Kee SS DEN FIKN NRA | Rie Sy Ku Rn 4M ERAS RS | QA ARARAAN SS GRAMER RIG INR OHS] Sv PEPER y Ln OR RES \ ERs RIE FERRY APN DR RINK BNE SEES iE se AABN IK KS ME A mA A HK Re NT IRER SBR NBER A GRR X™ De N DN IN ARH DR HER A NR HN EER A QAR YIN HOON NK NAR OH Ne RO A ER mR AWN + ROUEN SRN EK EO EW MRE RAE | YN SESE | BR uw Ba A Sede aR” aH (BSAA (SSH AIRE R MEDD WERE BN UR BR | She EK Su dy SEE IM A WHA + 4 NERS LUN ARR RA SVK IRATE STS ROEM BRK A RD HO 0 > BRS RON m AAW” Sm oD MSA 1 BEY AWA ERS A De DORN EM IEA NS NSE BE Ho” RR Wm AY ARERR ma NERA AES RY INAS ATR th CBSE 1 a ’R RA Em Wr NBER RY ARS RRR IA Bh SU MNES RAR ( Seas SPA 1 GREY I BRERA ASE RE He > RHE SR RE AY AR REP A RN ERR 8 FREE iW NERY swe boo oN (RSE N AMERY KH BREK AMARA HARRATHORN Bek oN ee A 全 | | el ag いし i . ra 3 esas (326) = in 明 See Bey S 月 直交 FoF Vana on SS Aes 8 KRER RETR hy Re oe ee MSS 1 RK WOR PERPSR ROE KAR RS SRR AEA RK A ANIA 4H SPM 9 BR PAK !ANK'NAR—-W HE RA Km SPN RRS MN Bln a BRYN Oh] BRINK BNIB SOMES HKA, RHKES SE Wk Ay sen m PLA” Ky Bly AMES BS ? ER |. BOR Cn SIR |B ain a’ Ss | WES 2S. ESA HON 7% +e BS WIE AK ON KRY A a on BRA KK AKA Be KE, MRK SINK NA'R—-HA BEY ARUN KAD NERY NARABERER I RraMi | Bx’ ゝ REEL AEE RYO PERN EAN K NAR ARAN Ramiby br Min Ks SSR i mAMs 11] \ SRO A BHSE KA BKB (BN BS OND ESS ROA SIN. | RIK BS. Soko neh ANSON Buk On BARRE RS nV eB DAN RES BANK A UHA PN KA BROS PKURN CREINK Eh SPN Ra Bike Ree り HSIER XK AEDS BSE EP SED oh BRR BE IR 8 ES BS oy | eR RRS EN A WKAR A Book | BERS NARS BK AANA A IQA RARRERS PH IRNKS \2 scapes seek a ie iin ics pote ie pKa S RAY Ak 4 aR BUR A] BR RRM KNOB ORE BHR nD RRA RB SAI RRR OANA REN RR REY AOR REL (ROR, BER nr DIhe NS) WIRE Et Og SEAMRY ¢ Blt SN A ERERRS AE 9 ABA A MD SEE Ka A SHER eR OTKR See Ret Rs ©) SIK {1h Ss 0 Gece SRSK | t Z SUMAN EE 1 Bn EE Rees bn ee ssa isi otal pM Soe HAE RSy Ks SER 1 GID Hw HEN Wen ASK A EN Ar me A FL SN SRA EK RK REX REN RAMEN WK 4 | Je BQN BBP nA SR eS 4 PEPER RIE 』 A tei i Bao” Me Em aR ABA HERBS * a ue kas HX ° RA RWS SRSD\ PHA RRR ENUK ARMA SSSR LERER I RABERA PISS WPSRER AR 4 RRA SRACN Bee RAND RR K AMER A NED HOD RRM BMY a CO pais NBS Taxus 6accata 4 ney ARMA He (KSI EA RE 本 dEA aR A WN 5 SEU Oh Rem SRA SHAHN (EKO ON BR RRS BERR ce SREY KARR OA] BS (SES Rn BRR +N) WEAN ARBOR Ro 1a MEK 4 RIN RN RO RR Ke IN KR NA ROR E+ BPS SYA ERK AS 7 MQ SK RSM SES HES ft BRIE K AER Ar MRR NA KATES cH 胡 雑 持物 西 Wes) a) eae Bs mu a (325) Bi SNe | SPANNER ISH EE KHL Ee (IRS KA BED RDN R RRS BRK A mar. | BRK Ye TINA PARR や ヤヤ ヤヤ キャ キャ キャ ヤヤ ャ キャ 3 ert ee 5 = で ee, に see = SS Eh = it oe ER - Me a キャ すす も きま えす も キキ te -+ Ha as Zs | SQ+ AGRE | BKSESYLNR Se OM や Q 1S Na OR | Re) SSR | BROS Re & ° RHEE KS A (eas Home < Be i Ui ie th SX See A OUD KRRERERY Ce Oe | | 〇 wpQ ss eo. Par) BE Kea VNUs Mes HE VER (11h) ORS R— | HS. SAR NCS )OK ANAT ARES ee Cae eee | nee | (SH) We AES | RKO MIE MA \ SSN ORR Rm BEE K A BE A Sime. ELSBn 44 Oks ENERUKRA RWORRRKA SENSE が xi cee: he | +itia) Cie linia ies — —s—is*d BR (ER) BES | BRORAREEK He SRE tal BER | (iz On ON A AON Denes | ini we < (REISE yg > 27 Ke =e om @ SRK ROX RORS vw HES eS > RS OBS RINE & PSOE | BHM ABN SEHK ANE SBI AOSLEE | HE eee | 人 K As Qae it ime EKER fee! e~ | ex [isis Niel fa<)& S | ssi 28 に SN が SS Ores ~ goes | rll i 1) ti ES ROULMAVE oP MeMR POKAT MROZRMA SRE MesSKS | ROLLRET TENE HOT SOLES RON: OH CHESS EEE RHO n® \'4 OR ORME RRO @ AROEE MORN | MOH > —n* ease WOR FE RSME alt ase yo — |. f 0 BGG. vegihe: “oe 9 iy ee Datos oh aed Eo wae Se > EWR SEER” Gee “BHR FE IN 中 8 se = in. RSE ERA eR “SRY Ra Va Ba eC ial : Nt, as | EREIER ERG (5 Seis) @ANY FWEHUMHRSSBVER 1 Bn. SEERA PRE ATA 13h Tp SNR KUNE Oe |] ES ( | so HS SOM SS SS RES 1 Sn (AVR) Ha Xe KK 2 SN FT 1 く ee LETT RIN ER + NAR K INSEE Y sn ( ym Or FAD ペー FAR HRB RR (SHOR IN® TR ea. ee Neo NK BSN a YN Raw (11138) ira = 2 “= cw ee % で + だ 4 ed Dd y 本 な か 本 が 3 eee の << ; - ; at ps 5 xy = っ E 5 me SAA OWE + 4s HE 1 kK ELOSS BLO oes ES cpl abe a A KR KS A Bie wae 2g ORM Bu ae EXE! pe OE er XX sa Jn 8 4 Oks Sk A = fe (ts << ) OBR AHI = Oct ii - MM | FIIHKWKeiTee st “ | me a PS hs | ok a se acer : ISS be a ; — et aye * ots ーー 円 > し e's 5 a 2 y Dr ee hea ye hos LEAS oof “Ep green Sri uN PERG a NR ante’, es ev Cigar AS ee Deh, ざこ で と Pe ee a as y . ‘4 ae) : 3 % vi i? 、 - 2 て sar — Pe SEPTEMBER, 20rm 1896, [No. 115. ee CONTENTS. ae e PART エー : 。 8. Ikeno, Poelin inary: Note on the Roruaisen of the Canal-Cell = SO 間 e a TS A “Tamia, On the Cystoliths found in the five Families, es ~ Ulmaceae, Qudcgdio Urticaceae, Acanthaceae, and Cucur- ie bitaceae. . . . eG tS ee lee ee Se x ‘Sawada, Plants | pd in HH に the Japanese ‘ e a = pe ecores. Mi の) Be ee ee こま し | “PART Ir:— S. Ikeno, Note 本 sur la Formation de la Cellule de - Canal chez le Cyeas revoluta . . . . 3 sce OES | ee Makino, Mr. H. Kuroiwa’s Collections of Liukin Plante, 2 Os pee = De ete a Re Ee ee RY に _ NEW LITERATURE :— 2: ‘Schellenberg, Beitraee zur Kenntniss der corkélaten Zell- ae _。 - membran,—F., Linz, Beitraee zur Physiologie der Keimung von Zea Mais L.—Kaiser, Otto, Ueber Kerntheilungen der Si achcn: —A. Zimmermann, Ueber die _ehemlsche Zusam- " inensetzung des 4elikerns I; * デ と MISCELLANEOUS :— ; Short Notes on: Plants 1 Notes on the Plants = も of ー Yojoalookn, ete. — i - Notice. ‘The Botanical Magazine i is . published monthly. sees pres Subseription price per annum (incl. postage) for 中 oe 10 franes (=8 shillings) _ and for America 2 dollars. ne __ All letters and communications to be addressed to Sakugord Hirase, secretary . of TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, ee SN Science College, aoe University, Tokyo, reap = Le 3 re ーーーーーー リー eae | 由 Bees nD = | era. | (sk? EREZ\ HERA’ UPON LER” $2 pr MELA Qastlet sf MRSS’ RE ah eeS Be EK Ain 』 。 。 。 | AR SEEN Ra Km ey BRED & A mR KA RAS | Bn SK Aes. RIM’ SRAINEAD (GK TE MEEC ARIA si atl = aH > ee QL < SREB SER TS RS HE SS A RE RRROE SPS SO aN ae hate ce Nir BNIB ZIM PRA w AR AHRA 4 aPC IS Ca 8 Sate ik 田 i ssa ORE 2 Sn B Of +O —_—_ | Otters の 3 | oOS 地 人 BOERERM+RULE et 1 ] nee NES | ee, Se に に に OfWEm | ik] 3s RSM ALI REEHMA A PRION KOSI ISS deta AH BH SHEREA RKB Ri 1 SWE +h) SWESR hein ewe ne Po ORNS BASH An E+ RR Se KORA FT Me 2) | BRSXRA Es SSH DORR A ye \*, BIB es Bee Rh Rego! | 二 呈 前 だ Ad 畠 培 民 延 田 固 鈴 革 Re eK +B Pa telco Poll +H が pateteg etter 0 a ia izbalgig?| | OD " ~ ik - ib He Nit Se tia Gees "REE ALB BNI SS Ee] ie Sok ee fe iS ( | eas 大 a fog 4B om ME eal IN ! Pees ee REGIE ce 7 are igen ars Wk Be Pe IVT er dS Be A ee iain ae | erm et 1 sosemeony | MRS | BH ee Ko >. es +1 as SURE Ses Sahat eyes EE | NRL te tH | BS Sey a pa aS Te Ba ($e SOs 55 SE) 7 ROH wee NH | Bet 1] sri ony 上 Ga @iagy I E> f” fwsccas Weare ei ME HE っ ET ea edt haga Mis ee Eee” DE | in Beee lore carn ISIS Teka. El を deals ities cane Meateateate | Sa SR AD OB aR AE ah Bh : x a ah aa EK te & a ; SSIES IRIE REARS IESE IEapSEI IRIE, TA TARAS | See | BiQ 8 See tei: @ eran ss @ こ べり 千 | こけ See Hk ORS: | es : HCE yy Nw | OF Loot. | 東伯 十 幸 褒 普 3 | eta), | BM SCR {8 Sa) i RNR Zoec ae <= | ia: a @ #0 \ REE 1 By (BEBE) ee eae eae : = : (Rewer 52 ee tat Bd ) seinem cere Let ogee OwD mes Ot SB a ee Sa 計ら NII ae ae EN oem in smexee | 0 o2kxkem Rabe EM CR ORRPEH SRK oR (MN!) & & BHT easing, RH RY aohg @ EPR HEH We A See | = TRE pra Fae | seg Se EF 0 OMEHEER y Ree iy OR A BROS REC ClIERRT ROBE. MRmRenND\dx.ORO = s+ > 1 ーー pear Pete or PONS areca Seer as \S8e4R1smeamowe ner Teid~ hi my Penh enn dD & 2 ae RLRSEQSeONs aE 1 kNendine Oe stig Li QE ER @ INH yor? no sitar dm be oN darter @ Jah HEIORSOMES ae re Bs oe Se ee ee Ol Be oie Logon! ik BW EM seeing tak se 「 oa esas ここ oe Si ee ek oe Sm et SS の 220 5 me s 上 Ly = | wos a seit HEROES ACN Gj eqxans tRBYcoReRoNl MR RY | BPAyP ERE whe oO’ BP Kae +n | 十 | 区 な っ SEN ROE e SY OpNOR IN KDE | @RKS Penpkd ENT Hee NHS OBI +- BI at SES
" ROX SRNR SN <<” | Ao WORN ROS DOS Si om RM | ERT ERB HEN = ER | RESPEC HG | 烈 人 なぐ ヾ 衝 を 5 店 つぐ? In OK ah Rap & SutHso BH ORY teats ie”
ペン で E- S282 @ Hi sy SRE Om LVN RR OWN) Seer NSA Keo WaoKOHY SKERRY SN RO IBD SRRA Ra HO | Sse Re monk meat se” eS SKI IK NT) ESE * (Arundo bifaria Retz?) ) BAK Re RMA RR | SKA AMS 0 BES of ES RY) ATH | SEMA NK > RSE A RCBRE (Nm ALA So Rm BE HR RR A nN mn 6 Ue HE 4 KS Sa BEAR RARER KA HEY KD | SRN AB 0 RSBCINCRE NSU MARK) CREE | SRRDEEE ND NERD AN KN BN BAY HO GONTIOWINN Daw s+0° Bese eee | MOREA RNB (Ri oe Arundo BB BY Xx SR dH QOH I aR OE 4 Ea Ba RR Soy Phragmites BURAK AM RA HOBIE | LY Bk Rite ee | RAR PE WMV RWS] | NOR SSE ON MIRD BRD OARS 7 BYR D4 EN Re NY Me ou AVES BR HE MRR eso | SEA wr WY MED ADR Arundo RAEN S SERRE 19.6 O20. WIK MESO WE 0 | QS yo KE. SHAR NS DNAS POBOR OM OY Rae TREN Gon | Re 1X ) So] PEE | MNS REE Rey A | ROE HEN RSs NBA ONS (Phragmites | mh HS). EW y NANO RK ZS yy RK A | japonica Steud.) 3) BREXYA AnPed = Bear n +984 Ct SM IS BR HA HEM WE | KB REE DNS iN Har § REO ty NESS Sm Ba SEs BURR REE | BN PN INRA RIN RE eS SS | CK | mel N NORE RRS SNA mys MONER A | 4 SRR ON ERER +h A BRAN A Ee id | PE A BARN MDE SIREN | | PERS AK Cor Sine e IB RK < ” a oa Pe ek mu ーーーーー mu: ーー SS ~ gatas “yews sea ig (a Si cl (320) —" ーー HI や LS le ~ = wv a jee se B - 掲 Ah XK HWA Pw NN へ 5 (= 4 RR) SPY) RR BRR AA 4 Oo SE ES) x A A\ BRERK Am Carex breviculmis A. Br. gu Se XK NS tN EEN) N HDR = GSES INS KIN Bootl Hf 4% S2])]oRm ke A O05 Fi) SN 1 [Em do | = ee th fete fa Ulustr. gen. Carex, IV. p. 181. yom = へ | hea a = K マ ムーK tes im ヽ 20 と — sm AW BAINES Oh pon EIN ANA MRA ine ee foe N BN SY SES A = ae nN DAN HRN Carex breviculmis R. Br. n-GAv4e% ーー --—— yar. leucochlora m. (=C. leucochiora Bunge=C. Langsdofit Boott) -Gds4n% ーー ーー 一 - var. pubebula m. (=C. pubebula PBoott) 46 4S dont DEN | EA 3 -—— ——- var. discoidea Boott C, discoidea Boott) + 2 x R$ HO K Sf 谷 天守 A wR PDE] ) SBR OK BERR AD Y ag ER | RSS RF aE EDEL PSB RPE RET EON GES | (HRRE ) ~ eb 'N OS Drs | B | Carex Wahuensis Meyer o. Meyeri Fr. et Sav. SRC BR eK NA ¢R BEDE » ey *X Sei ROA oe | | NK AA IN Var, &. Bongardi C, Bongardé Boott=C. Boottiana Hook.) = 借 NS 和 や 知っ Be RMR SS Hela yy ES i ie | Francis Boott B\ HK AM RAR RID TKS Fr. et Sav. (= Hin HX NAM Var. 7. robusta Fr. et Sav. (Carex Bongardy var, 8. robusta Fr, et Sav.=:C. Bongardé Fr, et Sav. En. pl. Jap. Il. p. 134, quoad sp. a Dr. Sa- A SS te (BREE) + BEN oh 4 | STN A NORE AESE y GOS y Kew & OB I. Boott Xa Ulustr. of the Gen. Carex, Iil- 4 0. ~ kei) fey NN ( Lads, CCOLUL) Sb iniptag dasuame he . yeint 2 gee a w vanchet P< | W saitth i fA R% 'K vateer lecta.) = IK N 9 ys NN ~, NN Wahuensis Mey. a ET Ne っ 用 ijVe Lv OH つの タン 9 1 Mawes | Mew (E gon) Serratula atriplicifolia Benth. aff Hook. f, (= Rhaponticwm (Boer. Stemmacantha} atriplici- folium DO, =Stemmacantha ficifolia Turez.) | SUS ESR dee 1 BR Y ADB \ ORE Re RX fob a NA NASR RSE BESS Kd nw eld RES HCN IS ~ SEES 4 mE It SX SUR 6 fee NMR NK | Le pee~ 19 (HE) Benth. et Hook. f. var. pungens mihi (=fha- 誌 ee Serratula atriplicifolia an ponticum pungens Vr. et Sav. =Serratula pungens Fr, et Say.) ESR | ian RYN RAS Gide | SESS AES mR OW BRO SREB = KA hdr] | Sak = RIRC-KOHNIRS RCE < SR SER” Beem AE jan KK me RA ae (319)_ ( ーー セー | eo 36 人 と SS( 掴 災 ) Serratula atriplicifolia | Benth. et Hook. f. var. excelsa Makino (nov. var,). Had EK Re WN ROE ROO RR ERS ub Aare NSS NE Cah 4 A aE De Candolle #8 Prodromus VI. p. 663. 4% Rbapon- ticum 84+ SremmacanrHa (=Gen. Stemmacanth | | Cass.) by <1) iv cam a4 R. atriplicifoium DC. te yy R. cynaroides Less. BMA RAL \ BHA SS ma weee Serratula BR y BK Bs St Eee Yl | Na | HANA i nes HE a Centaurea Be | BRK ARS @-SWiadS~ 1B | Carex leucochlora Bunge (=C. Langsdofit Boott) | 谷底 Carex breviculmis Rk. Br. nNoGAkWtee (REE) Carex pubebula Boott. 6 t-GW4o% (ERE) SB) EAE EE NS HEOE 4 SOQ ERS NA MOR ATE ware wy os. =. ta BB ogee ES 月 ae de ey _ SESS OH Ree SSS ok N A BR YN A OR Re wo A OEE} SS Linn. fil. = H. Koenigid Richard.) | Bates Mee VRS RR MR Rr (RAT) OG (HEE) (HS) m fee A ah A > ED on Hoe 4 BEd ey (2) Thalassia Hemprichii Aschers. Rae OPN Xa RO RRR S BBR EC Ro NN (XN) 3 (Se) minty Typica 02+ fe] \BeStK A PN + A 4 iE | ⑬) Halophila ovalis Hook. fil, (=Caulinia ovalis f WASH OBEN ae KA RNs BAe at R. Br, = Hf ovata Gand.) | AN <4 HK BRR K AN SRN A INS A (ZU) OSS 0 e( BRB HRE) (wR) =m tid SEGRE 4 oe tHE SREP RSS \ BAER uf HHO A | Najaducen. ( S X¢-.9- HE) \ Bony WHTK An =] Wa SBnwANd sxx | (4) Zostera marina Linn. MEEK Ameer RR NES AN Bim RN 』 相 (ZAI) Si (S22) IN AE (5) Zostera nana Roth. Sc KSSH ES (Za) Siw (RaRR ) Ley ER yy SN BN | BERS NK eae AO AS 08 Om He po Noi [08 BAK ARH 4 BR 1 ORES NEN eM A SR | BR EEN AIK 4 UREN OH ON EY INK > SKK KEN BAR 6 HM He PN SA a) RIN NS RQ S69 VS 3 EE BR Ny SRK Hydrocharitaceae, (+95 > RAL) BRM HDI SN O48 AI BR AEE EK ARNT (1) Enhalus acoroides Rich.(=Stratiotes acoroides | |\JDEK A iW tem a ne NA mean Hd Ba BF 物 丁 =e ii ca rere ee Dt ees | AND aN eh \ HER LED oy PROM FNAL SS Om aN BKARS SEIS YK AR REBT SEMHES m 4B NK ~ HEBD BKIBER 9 ED KE AT RRR SENN AN REn HY > KeRRs | PIR IN SNA & ANTM IRN RAN BAR AN AS RM SEANSS MN | WEINER ND = KR ROK w SYN AO oy § NSS ASS Wo EY SINR leo x Ana WP. Hiern BN) Yd m SERRA BI On the Forms and Distribution over the World of the eS EME Batrachium section of Ranunculus. NS NBs IB i! Ranunculus hydrochalis Journal of Botany IX (1871). ERLE BOE SBN A Spenner Fl, Friburg. [V. 1007 (1829). 4. & atm: Me oS MeO Ao Ranunculus aquatilis Lenn. var. flaccidus( Pers.) Maxim. forma Drouetii( Hern) Maxim. tow Ranunculus Drowetic F. Schultz; Batrachiwm Drowetii Nym.; Ranunculus afinis F. Schultz non R. “4 Conese Hit» Seemann’s Br.; Batrachium hydrochalis Spenn. forma Drowetat Hiern. \ BXQEm Wx SUK PriMmS RLIRH S uc S ¢ SUH meatER « ese ER Sin | SNE UO NK HAR ERI BWBrAPA KR SHOR 4 fol BES >» SBAE > BesHee ¢ om BON Meu h Bud \ BEN AON AERC BS SKIER ( BRR OA KN BE KS \ Ba IES! \ ERR A っ SNA mn sSens~. Typica 12+ BRAY munda regalis Linn. var. japonica Milde( =O. japonica i Os- Thunb, ) O. lanigera Wail. “1K 0 = ex ak Pypica 唱 り LH 4 SESHR \ ERICH = ON Em EEA Sh 1 we Hy OBES Hes n dele ey AS Hie ND KAREN ARE me\ N pon | BRAS yy | AN ee BREERK Re O O h GSR ARMAS ATUREE I HH et ah 4 Typica DEN Re ; O. speciosa Wall, ; O. rega- ris var. biformis Hook.) (316) a Se Bot = A se ht pe a HEE me Nad G. Bentham Kv Sky manner i sinh MIE AS TA SOS 6 SHR SN SK BE NUR Be By 4 SHUN RR A SPAR TARE 4 Nm = uo BRE m ie Sou SER RAR” SE NRE TIER RR SS FSS 6 ASRS BN aR A IRS 5 Sm N Sele NTT RRRRUR NS NT aes em aR aR HP) ER RON & ABER A Beem SEN RRS MB Pde Hebrews BHD m wi a geeky CRRA De Candolle tKdeaiix Senecio scandens. % BK EEK AER Senecio mikanoides Ott. (= Senecio scandens DC. non Ham. = Cacalia scandens Zey. = Micania se- | mecioides Hort. = Delatrea odorata Lemaire = Breo- nea palmata Hort.) へ PRs a i} ADE in a de FR WN 4 ERIKSEN AN A A > ERR BS ov'0 aR NERA SRN A th OO Riu~ AIK RRR RBS DTA AO HRA’ HO RNDAK RAYA IX Sa Shy 2 SRS BRA oe pRB BY AL | hh > (2)Zornia diphylla Perscon(Synopsis II. p. 318). SCAU HS BS へ (= Hedysarum diphyllum Linn. = Zornia angusti- folia Smith = Zornia glochidiata Reich. =Zornia gracilis DC, PEAT tee SOE (HERD RS HMR] ASR REI Ba: ) EN EK Bon Bh OWN RSD | REN A ESN HS RN 5 REE Ry VSS | SIO mw na & AEBS y GK A mh mY A A MAR SNA ER” RRR HEE 0 eK RRR RB EMS BD may Em eR EE n IRB SRK HAS SME A BRR RATE RR A Kar DN RN ER Orne S~S ex, ye 学 物 bs = 7°. pw fete te 15) a ecto NST | ou ae SEEM NK | ER HN RADY Bn fem KX RSE REE HU OS 1 \ SEW RR ~ APE ne tt I | Beko a a | SK 4 Nin 4 DO San HEME 9 Paspalum brevifolium Flueg. 4 ¢ ~ Bhat m 229 NS an 28 Bo (ROR NAN RRP A SOUNDS KA ERY A + EX He § EE APSA SSD & A BROE 6 ENE mm BBS IN ERI DN kG \ ARSE WIR Wm Ss > RR ENO SBA we SMe tox mi) de SEN A TENE AR 4 Panicum commiuta- tum Nees. Sher #9 1) iQ > HO ph ( REAM 08 BOW SAS -A1KN Paspalam filiculme Nees. 2) +6 + [DE moe es Sine A Omen pony [PES M208 (1)Senecio scandens Ham, (in D. Don Prodr. FI. マン Nep. p. 178, non Juss. nec DC.) 3 3 HE. RE’ IER NI NKR SSN | Sy Ht | REP INA OR ADO HH eK RR Jo's RE yNA REE SNK EA SRR H (= Senecio campylodes DC. = Senecio stipuiatus Wall. = Senecio Wightianus DC, -=Senecio chinensis DC. = Senecio Hindsti Benth, = Senecio intermedius Wight. = Cineraria repanda Lour, = Cineraria chi- nensis Spreng. = Senecio hilernus Makino.) frat S sud su m i BAER S sca (ieee) Hs ih | SEK BK RBRERRE HANEY TR ET EN eo N Seats ay Bae > GER MRA» NER BS 2m Rng TR Bh a BERK A a 5 HO) BN REM BK YS HES) Ha a2 AR th rk yy SS sesh uw ah | BEINGS KS mA HK SEN ENO AEN mi Waa s RA ny ーー 一 一 var. f. japonica Fr. et Sav. 4) laria japonica Morr. et Decne.) WERK RAT DUN OM AION § BR RNA'R | EXD (forma humilis m.) | >» Sw wae. = Ey) RRR IN BE WES GR Scutellaria hederacea Kunth et Bouché. (=8. W Regau(HREE) fh ANA MH 441 RE DHS > TE BRE tH RR 4 I > BES AVES ~S Ee HOSES > TIES SE | BN Sor NESE HL = SQUASH > SAMO OA BSA < Frranchet Br Sha e% & SR. INS HBRER N fa SED) > 0 EERE IN An ER MWR We sO (FREE) Hat KB Anoed yt KO KEY AMR AMA 3 tosaensis Makino.) Tanakee I, et Sav. ピ | es Senecio campestris DC. BRIE IILEAt | 一 一 —— var. &. subdentatus Maxim. る 5 と (= Scutel- KOM OTUN RA TNS HSH OSD, OSHS + Hi Ba KS 24 NSS | BRAIN CR BS 248 § Mine Wao 54 OU I EMBL” S49 Us? SoD eds SON R aa ADEKEPROMm Ebi, Panicum sanguinale Linn. var. ciliare Gren, et Godr. (=Panicum clliare Retz. 三 Digitaria ciliaris Pers.) “qi nah RW Ae ADA ESSA +L A -BeRees 2 iw Kee | KY SBA A % megs 6 Sm! ciliare By o wR WNW 5S Bar ha \EAINIEK SY AAI | hy RES yk | we ope ad A sanguinale mma ned | DMS Aw 4D = ee Bh NA me Tf N へ ahem tte OK ty P. sanguinale Linn. SS 生き *Q で や 6 RES HK BRR Se roe ma Ky A mie =X GAUSS A586 RE DS RKEPROM Panicum glabrum Gaud. (=Digitaria glabra R. 8.) =i » Hoy Hin RS On eee (eK Fo 6) Sn sez) A pe A ee Ho dum 4 BE Scirpus cespitosus Linn. RRA SM ey Ae 28 fs Oto 4 RS * ” | Nom) RRR A A EREDAG N eT 1 紀生 60 ヘッ WK RA NER HK So Gary 0 su I | BRA URN BIB 8 80) 0) 2) n0 RRB AY Bi ae BON 36-46 S 90'S SE 4 Mb ay A $8 PSA BA | BRN RED BR OS 450 8 BR ere aR INKS He 3 きめ つり で & Seo” | BPN A SOR ON ERD eC OOS OSE GAR SK | 2. eke tune 2 day $2 4 RIND 4 ABTS uber | KFT | PE \ BEI m EEK ARE A Sime ROK a HED Hk A HO IR ey A Bm EME NK AK AS RO | SB. Ge Bo 40 HY A IPOS 7 ne と へ SEBS He, ED RN RAN Har SOL BOSD ID \ BERY る KMH や 9 5S JUAN Ngee Bat i ENR 7 BS. SnRA\S HOU ed * ee’ ByQe va’ BAM RE | (de aa) 第 誌 eS ーー 本 = — Se ER ESN AR AHN A NEEM SRR ARER & ASEM A & (EER (MRAP OMAR AND BRN SE RONDO BN ORK ARN SIX MDs RA IMA ZY Doe eeoeS mR RAN) PR RRA RAN OER MAKER | BR) Wim Sin >\ $2 + es ATOM BRINK EN EIRAR EMD AKO Min ik y RoW. -\ RA ARRIVES CES Reo REn Sone IK (AR Re Ere 1) < EE A RBEN RBRS SI HI RY Ee BB CIR BEI K QR AR KS へ WROHIETS wr MEN ae CREE ASS cil Re) | OR Sf | EK ERE Ae S Hida = ho URS oe NOR A Re HE BRIBES Ue 0) SRI BN KAN ERM ON ER KOR OE IIS ty OAK KR ART A % BREA RES NR | NK = ORD & A DEED BR OND EK RS Bly 4% PNA - P SRNL A AAS ARMEMN By a Oe os pian ee K HMA RNIN NBA ASR 1 SINAN REE tt rN RR > EES GER FOES moe ial) oR ARAN PR RE km BA IN ENS BRINN OBA 1 BSHe x 2 RD EH x se OE | 3 VR OR BRK \ Bus [ee Heh BRN RY RRR FN 4 KH KRM AR IN TDA Seg see ee | BRR AK RNA And RR ASN) RAGES | Engen’ > wae AR | BE NER ACR AKAN 'R BES HEIR ASIP AK ATE ~ RY TARBRRES I EAH IED n.d へ % SMO aS LS ae a a mHEK RA HEM | SEN BE RN MOE BR RNS SRO CORR | CE RN RB | > SW he Hepat xe ot KW SHEER eI 下 ざ どき No * tke MESSER i ポト * ay Sh A SKS Sr ya) IMAM Kil | -AReEeSnyA RT SVMS BEEK A AIRE A BROS Do 08) ‘bas RSE IN (ROAD SESE SERS NER AEN NH Sat A ar HE A REA RY} RYDER m BR KA SE] NOR :: | (310) AD (ISM ERAR AIRE NSH PAA LRA NRE h A BSR A BROE + BS wy SKIN SE SEN A % a) QABSEK N A RR IHR i 9 qo. dete =a PRE A He RA Ode ~~ SHH s ESE hy 3 TR OX Sy RR 5 RUE RR mm RE EAS BE ND AHN TR TH SRE mm KA BRS HA GEM ie 2p AS + SERRE NERY AK 4 EP ot oS FE SE WHEE BK | SE 4H NK RMI Bk CK ,RSMGED RAMA EL \ Bes Vn FS ak Cx RARER (Ma neath eA IN DRS NFER 9 Br BBV RM ew & & i BR FT ee oe 守 く KNHNS 世 Fn KS て Shy TREK A ef Ci SEM RS ERB Oh GEER 6 RD RE RY A * BSN ESR NPY Ds of RSS Aer m Sa | KS uhhHake : SNE. LES AEE A AME K QOD | スー 届く だ Se QA Rtn Me KP HB~ Rng y | A EROE | SR AT A 4 NERS nS IKARAR YT YX AK ABS AAD 4 JN Geom Ho Raeee (see | KAMADN SER INO RA rma y > Oli VESER K+ 8 a AHI NK ATE \ ET NINES BE Rs Res ESR 吾 PRE Bx A PRIM RAY Ode DA AY | (309) | SERRETE (1S RO RA RRS BR Be PSNR TRAN RA ROS | BH | Maree RK Aras oe PPh ASS BRE Yn A BR wy SR Ee PNR ba A) ROA CER さき へ RIK SD wads brs A fab ¢ dt SR Raves RS HER eB Rit yy am ( Alar 8 HENS 6 SRN SIR SN ER NBR IH RD | A KS dm OK SE = — 11) MtZe46 (Camphor water) LGU REN A now AN BBE 1 SRN W OSES PRSERS OR S BE RE K A DAES SR SEER NTE AQIR A AER (RD SN RNR DNA D & AFM UBS BiH A 4A em eee Ne CRD Mn? 9 | Bi wn Rr @ y eS 9 HA Bol OD BE IN Re | Ss GRR ft > ERR m BRE A BRL ARS mn B's A 4 IGN RO RMI | STA ROA RING AT REN eRe AN NERO EEN A NOR § RRO 4 ARIK WSR lb AE NY KA A KR IR WITSTN SH be DIM HD BPD くさ a4 So RK RS «AM AKERS SO NANEARRTE A NR ene Ree RS Ae RB a | NBR = i, 7 Re RON A Ta oe 4° KINA INDY YN = K BER ES Ma wa TRON TH PAD MEN Qos RI> BROEK AEE RATIR CES) ST P—A" ANG EMA KERAK VITRO Nth A Nj ACS (ERR REN YO SARS 4 ELH A ERCE KA KIRN TREE A RR ow HO URE Da Rm AKIN 4] 4 OREN KEES Gm SEE A 4 A EERE S RAN Oh A BROE MN ER N Xo $1 SRA a > QI (SMA i | | (308) i 明 ーー ム ーー 一 = eee) 日 十 = A eee oh + Re Ta SUSE Saat ot Ie SESE A AXA EER A HES AML A RH RE SS Se \ ESSER = VR GS 1 BER PIN A 7 AS AONE ( HERES Hoy ( Dm By ana aA em Re KL Weed AINA RE MLAN i Bx es BS Dh ROE Im BED & ARN BRR Im eB CR | APN RR A RRA A RS 5 ee Se PAN | + CERO N TH PRR RE] 4 REA EEG YN A STR Ty SE KL A é SR + > RUE Hy (RAB Re nd IN § ieer «Guiffithsia, Callithamnion, Dasya « Ear w tw BURR Bore ¢ RHE A RR RM thee ee | i | : に ご きい mu Ke i aan a ui ーー amas sae RS op BK Ith WEhces ARR ig > SS SS Io) GA OR A yf Se etait ~ RE YN A IN KAR 3 — N 2 Sargassum KARE SRS Sees dghe u Bee de \ BRA BERM Ra NBA NEES Ss BERR AR Aa SEW AENN RETR A HON IE CREE LWA PS KARE QE RSL HN KARR Sth i] a に 介 思 で の tt oO ETS HK SR) es ーーーーー 1 HBG + 2 BRS * HE 尼 Kirnte ORRA th BRite x 3 連 | HE * Setchell Rw Osterhout HER \ See HE Rem PAY MATH AR ERY HR Botanical Gazette, | Vol, XXI, No.3, 1896. WR ARAN MUKA n= WKN = Ba a BK oy BR eX BRE OO 4A BES OX [om RR A K RRBs BEDENT Wan ? «IBS SES PQ KBE T RA NOR RA NBR ARG ANH eAAD RK OA 4 RRR GRE KA SEEM INN FAN RA em Oe NK AN 。 URIS 4 ADK S NW RRA BOE NBR CARR A AUN 4 Nom eR 11] GEN BRR ms ER a BRN ERS | NGM yd ARAN RE ee OS | Nae SEER IN BRS = cs }Fan—47K in 4 | (Chrome alum) ペー W BREAST AR A = A Im ER & SROKA NOR |S BRON MY Dg Am ANN SREEOE | | Rn OES GER + SAGE AY NK A FRR YR Baisoy ( im ae WIR Nm BER YD 4 A AQ Ae MES KR RSA BRK A BROE 1 4 ER SURGES A AAG BRON 4 H's ROHERR SN SEER NOK A Ine dei « Guignard ’R Laminariacee | BBX A PEA — Saar eet Bere aE RSS SH SRK & HS 4 A BE AERIS oy 4 Rit 4 Gea | ot RRC A SES 4 SEH RB ih BER VAT {RAMA Se He EK Ar oy | RUBE kee | A -Sign So ey m ES am ARIA RRR ATH Bien ee | Ht Mindd- ey Bsa 8 SHS 4 RE Ho 4 Woe fey * Se Reo HC oo RE \ me) i eS ite | HERR SN KS eR MS GRY RE oN 4 Sim IN YBa HR ONE + SS | BE” Be 1S Sin) AB WRN y BKM RA ONIN (306) | aie VRB REHM RR tod BIR KA RAR ~ BEd a p — 4 ER 4 MEA Ke RS | ERK A A EPH SN RROE WON BEL ES > DES ES Ik sk 0S A OL! se | Qe teme m ERM a BA LKR AT YN BAA 4 | へ Origine RR KRY (Em A + tees | MEIN A Ki ede 8 Me ya x TE 8 | NN HEIRS HS BX NN IES on 4 ROE 4 WARES I los TED ead | No | oR AS GERRI C ih sar & NPR IN AUR -ONTRE 4 RES Ss SRR” EQ” SSR” Peep 4 i tho \ HIN MEK AS ELAR | NSS. SHS HE PAR A RR RRS USD? sh ok OD of 4 SES 4 DEIBT S FRIESE IR BRIS WK A IMde NUON Ki nN yp sawn ered (SHS yn Ord | amez1NN) \ HOt AACR eA Ba MSS S| り 4 I RODE A EE ATR Ca 4 HIRE ff SEK AT RR EDIOIE o ERE Bae sR EE WO ay 人 RR OOS x SUR 4 HS ea Ne A DLE CES NAS BES Hla A Hm RE SN QTE 1 RO bian y BRB KA RHR & Sap AP KRU A PED ME AHR Oe” MNO SMW HENS | SHOT Eon FH 3 RAS BS yy AN i Herbarium Botaniker ’R un % Hos ow Ka Ripie Bay... (305) ay Ty BERR XK RAT WK 4 FR A A Rede DA RS | AR ARE AN EES. WSR NA ELK DT HD HA お ざか で B—~sUN Rts Ry ER \SB my ARE. EE RK A KONRAD | MITA Rs LBS SACHA (RAEN Bn & | ABH 4 Mat Oe O DMN RRM i K AM nite a \ Ea Ms Rei. ES Be KOA Ra er sot ty tbs fied a MIDE K AERA A [rar SS P47) Rs HEAD REAR A A ERE ND EN rN fe ar HdES oy Be MRE | Bin KE RATES BAY ER mRNA AT AINA CONSULT Rak ole OE EN oe YO 50 SER | HR A SMI Ve oS & 10 Rae Q 1 BS o ERR OB RNVIBIRCOVS OKO. HEE Nw NR - =] 3 時 所 弟 ee Sm Bom ga ||| nH s HE GRE SER HERS | a 4% 4. SHANA Bir GR ICN SR 4 ARRAN ies m Mee eS ae CK AT USD T ErvuRS2L-iN (ABI NER ESR | deel EPO ES HR ARIS He BR oy 4 | Shag n get ee ||P RHR IR | BS SO) (EAB AR\ EMIEL ARR SAR | SAL A RGN 8 mn WIN RATER | NN Btn MOMS 9 SIC KS Oh BN i Hei Wve ko arte REI RARAMA LO it Ne may } P PLM PA WW。 (304) = BBY SB Ht AA AT |S ES SH ot ぶた < $288 Su Se 1 Gee th SEES y wee od eae A mA A LWA R Sr oh A rer He PER A AT 4 oR VA WSS PBR s Sy sot 4 RNR I SN BN HR RB PIN A NES En BoE IA RSENS RAL ARAKA RET mS eae SEI TRA 4 DIA Dr 3t DOOD Po ’yvavY ぐ 下 郡中 agm BO PRAWN Ry RY By SSS HES "6 Pa Ao” BRR cide i ME oy dor K Ak 4 BRI BRN Be) Wa Rs 1 1 EEE * seen 4 AS ~ REL A EES my oh BUR + Se IRENE D-RAM RA BNR KER MEK MD HOA SEM oop A m geld ashy fear ¢ RH NEON A RA RS Ba HEB i RO AN or KON | SA RRNA SR SeBRA LR HK Bh HO NBL MICK A NERNK | 編 由 RARER SIN ON A TN EMR RAT mM RR | A SARIR AT BD Bey AER 4 iAH fe D-07 | TN > RAN om HERS EES Wf > SERRE oy WER AR EES ny WOKS BS OC SEE NS RN BRN eK BAK AN ie ASE 4 AR YT NER AM ID i] IK fi SS A NN GS Noite A Yom ie に こう と QTRins BR HRMS Sonne -0s8 | S$) hw BERS De Oe 4 ICES SEER NBT | DOW ASU ON (MSE) RN GRRE) NS HS BK 上 AUER. SKN EN RED RA KN KRERA WS | SoNBSs EE 1 BLS nex RI NERA | Sil HE BNA SEN mimemar nna, | HRS D200 WEY (ERE Oona | OS s0N EN \ or Kin ER DOMES | 50s Ret | DP OD RY Bie | A eS Rey MSS LS ! BH oe ER | Hay od 4 HOI R AMMA ORO’ ANY’? © | NAO Bs の か 写生 Hat’ AQDIOA & | Je 2 _it — FD 丁 | PRES REESE IRS ニー テーーーー ーーーー ニ ーー | Oapsieum longum « 8a 4 eK A WAKA KAR h < Capsicum annuum, 2, +¥ ea Y RIN fe HO | * HA 1 & DER INA | \ Ka ee. Res yn KBR Capsicum cerasiforme, \ im eX + a8 WRK BERS GEES & A NTA 2 A 6 REE OT yf EI R&A” ames [a dbarwn| 4 ホ へ Capsicum annuum EMS IN か mA | SRS NR Capsicum longum, DC. + « | sks ees ier shelter |e AR AN | 4 Capsicum annuum, a. var.angul atum, Fingh. WA YM OR? 83a ~ | a 選 fa m — seem STN SKIN | 12> ED we RE Ssh sy aR x A A ob “aa ae~cenien fa nS SEA | BA Mane KEE Bim EAN AG I RRIN AT (I< NRE AGRH DR | ASA NESBA BEALS | ee a cect at eee W ESN BR ye ICRA Re RAs Be MIT K AMAA R MEN A 6 RH BO BAA mo Poh y Bn {mi lifseeet~ | Ueber Reizbe ungen der Pollenschlauche SP Wnty inAxaraks A KAR SOME ERE N ehh Rr ERK AAS 7 RTE REE KPH TRA a’ EE MAST ERA SQM GN A HE RN Bim Nido? AML ARR NAWSRERRO AAA 4 Hh BSR AA 4 DIT AUN Ow 508 SRE NPR AINA CRRNRA GER AANA MD) KAR] OP a] BN Be Sicn Sa Ree RAT Qo) HRY TN AOD N | RMA MAKBK A < ‘id 5 ' V に ・ ‘Thais ws N J _ wet 。 ier 3 SANTANA" ON =) CERSSN BSERS ROE SE EN Lm Ser ERA Bek) (BNIB) Re ARE HA RRSE (GES YARN Don K+) “EE ae ke U4 a ke AmB AREA RHA QA K+ REWRAT KA ( Ealuskr arn aRMU ns +B} Arey 4 Ser RE) BRA WOR A KR ERA \ Ry SRB | KA BRAN EK AE] ARMA RO NMR A EE] \ SRO A KA RS SN BRA § eS A e AAD 4 9 Co HH BSN PRN 1 K+ RRA Boa Rim ABA NRA AIND PRT RT ACS ZOE NT TT NNT TI a 163 fe i xy CC ‘a (302) だ たつ —" a 2 NINSH7 A ARA AD RADHA LER ALA 1 SBA Boi (SRA RHE MK A ee OO eR CO F || EEE AN IA RR YO TAR RGR HERRERA KA ERASER Pm NSS LN VR RM BEN (> + Fae 4 BON SY RR KE eR RNR? ABR CBA OR TN + ND | m adv d ~ ‘x Ram MYA TA PKA NMA BOM NINAN A AHANSSAS 訣 KS 計 人 初め > ト 痢 潤 | 1 1 MIWA ARBRE SAK DONE ER ARTA KID sea ら 4 に ray a cy \ ef Dt BeNOR EN By Capsicum longum, DC, var. O@SER @ 8 i es | brevipes, Fingh. A&A % Rai S GES Hon | ARAA | \ REAR SeeR Ra NK YAR AD'RINA | {eR RAR so | 1 BERK > eee | BN Capsicum longum $\ sham ex + By BAS ij し コ INR ITOK MS CIN ERD BARAT EN WD eR TR KONA ITN & i Oe EIT OA RNA ly PANGS 4 ER RESP SS m GR BRAK Kw DN Ih RSE CR RE IN RS LN GIN AT Roles TY NH BN— A | 4 SRE SN SERCN IN OR A WS (RID SAN Bal Raw 6 OY EEN RRR AON er KON XK RRR ORR Ts RE — HK \ RRS Fragmentation 2S HARRAH PO DARK HAIN K NARA DIN AERA (PRR CMA BERS W fila bien \ G2 ot SN A + EP DS BR DS AS HEED BEIRES | ARN BEE Hiillschlinche BS) » PAR my RSA ON AER RS RN BSCR PAINE NR NH | BAB Wo mk aR BD Bb et «Rn Kame | ESI 4 1 AN SNONEE Y ARSE MEE AHR | ~ Hiillschlauche BBA o Rn Wr on ie \ +X Ot > 1 3 FD REN ~ SORT SSE 11 RN AR | = & 8 | & A. Zimmermann, Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung des Zellkernes J. (Zeits. f. wiss. Mikroskopie, Bd. XII, Heft 4, 1896.) fone < shiny LILA BER? Me (Beitr. z. Morphol, nu. Phys. d. Pflanzenzelle Bd. IL.) SRR Y An AKRAM IWNA RCRA BIS (AR RSME EA) NK ERE OER EB SIR” GSR ho へ NEA mee hate sy HPN gars] \ Bkatn BSEdx sicitaiok al 2 ag y Kin 4 明 i ーー ーー る a RAR ER QR A HRM 4 EEE KIN ATK REE EY (Miyoshi.) 一 II ーー OR SEES NNR 1 RN | 2h @ 1 8 (Kaiser, Otto, Ueber Kerntheilungen der Characeen. Bot. Zeit. 54 Jahrg., Heft IV.) SRS WRK RN 4 RAN BRR I BR AN er AER KERN A RRR NEE ee A. dM SKE KR eNO HERR A PA A | RXYwa de NaC AINK NARA 1 4 BPRS BH RS A 6 URAC RA RY | y RIN REE +2 THR: Heh ERR SN} SA ay dam BM 1 KERR NK © EY HON ¢ eS mt SW ON tp BE WESSAMNERC Dr ETE RK mn SS ER eG Was 4 tH Xin Chara foetida, C, hispida, C. crinita feu Nitella syncarpa, N. flexilis \ dHuwksom SEE A Nm [TN PN NmRHR A NBR CAF ERE Dor SN RR RB AN BQ AT INN AE i A ES RQ HAE ay BOS JS Hd ms So B® SR RRR EN BB RO % ゃ 7 ' foP AW EMR S NUK aL AREA AR RO NI BAND Pe RAR A RA ES BEM K Te ) 2 BN 4 IN SR EEA A WARS Re RaRENRK RA RR BS Oe ‘NN + | BEVIS SSS)” imbiie Ye REE SHER ORSERO RA PN ROW § SUE — HABA RAR how SBN RAK YA 4 TAKIN AIT ORY ITO FR tye’ = “ EZ #2 (Journ, o. chem. Soc. June 1890) y ma § ” KRECN Sep. RSH) #”% Pfeffer. (Ber. d. math.- | phys. KI. d. K. Sachs. Gesells. d. Wiss. Leip. Juli 1893.) p's Hansteen (Flora 1894) uw $eA %* SHeeee LARD’ AUR MBN Re REA MQW ON MN TBS E WD MBK AND A BAW’ Lege SSE ROSES or Re BSS NN EY AGRE 0 he RE 3 BER (RI BR) eH teased te” RERAN Kjeldahl QA y mARKEATA RK KO INER A HERD 8 Hin BER S| [ood eee N EER AmB KARA DAZHAHD Won nip XEKARA RARE” ST TAN Ya 人 で いで りつ く 民 中 へ BRSR BES IRE 4 ERG N Se A INK DK” SSIS REM MERA PAN INN TERK? BeA A Hansteen ~ MMi m aE ASE (SESS EB APRKNR RHP IMSMK AT) =X AKA a) aR a DEH RK ーー や ee Ss ey) BRON RON 4 —'N A ik BEER as Hl 7 KIB & BERN HBA A BS B2 AS BRI 6 Renn A Rs TAK Oe eA BE Ba pb RR LE Zs Bey RBS BREE(TIA KN OK | ON BER + ERR BERETA K OK BRN Skee) BREE SAW へ WAN FIRS (BRON TERE A RES ym ON ROR PO Me 4 EGER | SERB N AN BBR S | 4 BRP BRERA A Em IS BEM YD ” | HA zKX AS ア 。 { っ ル | ku A FRERD SOUH GR EE & A RRS At RN 4 CRRREK ABA ° Brown pX% Morris ff ea fe XS HoNe’R My ABER mA oY oN SRN RSH (NEN HY AR BA SP KD RLDE RN RKO NMBA RD BEM RS Contin Ce SSS ¢ HOR + RE R RAN KR (SRN) KER? aA SR @eretin Xe hoe CREA A IRERA = Mo RANGE (BSA edo war me ee TNERK ARN WN 2 DCRR yf SBE RR SN HERR RR NANA OER AER ARO BC RORY WN, | PORE A Hm Mme Ar KAR TR AN SN 8 ot NIRS ES BBR om Aw ORSEES BH 4 Ew Geo eaAg | BRR ABACM BIA THAD APB HaN+Ed” KA Wee nKMRH~ Be Hw KAMAE : SRT RR OS MED te MR ooh et ws BE eh ode | EAN oR Oo NN be 4 RK AER 4 Ii ae al 1 に 1 sg) RS KRY ABE 8” NEON HR iN eee Me AR KEN A sae By ey eR K An A LAM REN wR CSL RRR A ACR EX A KON 3% ORR RO BHI” PRS BRN GER mo ・ EER EK RR RRR AOR KT REC He AK” (SRST) RUNS. HRS § an 47 BN AD NRA BRN RN RBA Ban” MERESRE | REESE NS BK oe OBR ME REM NR IN RAR HED CEOS 6 md dy ee (ED a BARREN DN) MARE ARM MONEE BID RA KBAR A HA TN? Be ENS HS FREE CARE RK ARN jimi s Ree MA K PC ヽ idx SERN mie YY a alain = この = RE EE SE | SB? MRS IB OK A bh) SEER Nr S IRIS BE A AUT NB ZNA 一 AA NN ER mm BESS Ae” of RNS SEK YN HED CRON 4 ED A SSE Se HUN ITN ANB RAY oe SN ES UN Sé HSH IMS pm AK BA Pie | ae NSH A SE A IN'K 7 SRR RSH SHR AK RR Y % Quercus pedun- | culosa \ Ra 4 | eR Don we—H]R N Be MA 35," Ko \ Bem IA RK Pinus sylvestris \ Rar 4 | 13, Ko mim ARR” Bin SORA BN § Rin A IN KOO Ry EAB | Bu mAP\ ARTA URI we Sr SNM AER om An? BMH Rema = Je | AN BE NBA BS SB ED ney XY AED 9 RRS VD NABER A REE SQ MIBIAN A REN 6 AOI CAEN tes AR MER AA Bw’ MN RR NAHE AK | fey snk ght aS ie td ms (Imbibitionstheorie) \ sk ated m Se a ” | a (R11 RRS S RENE A BA HS OKT Ne KAKO DN IRD Ray (ER RSA Vis | ih aN 2 TERA Ho BORON Bd » A ERAS GRE Xr [i] Bb A KN Ra” | NNH 一 や He kth wR HR yy. HR km RA we Bloom MA Rhee CR Sy ERK? LE ok |] ; DHAMDNNDNZANGEX HD ROU EASE N & 6 IRR BRE IN Rw CSR RN KER eS Ee 4 Xe T A BR OY 本 か 忠直 KN SR be HR KA HHA SG A RRR KA RSS Gm 4 RR Now” | OREN S AN 4 BR ibe ho OK Bebe” Rh” BSS hn oy 6 RR BK ym nAAUB—A4 SRE NRA APR ABA SES he RE ES ae a Ne ee A Sis Ss hss SSS SS ss ss SSS Ss SS SSS SSS SSS SSS sss ss SS sss sl l SSsS SSNSSorr een eee ee | NAHE. SEN QUES BN 7 E ORAMES\RA LESS REA A’ WEMR LER ・ | Seely SoA Dla SRS (BIR RK AK RRR AI IKINS KR (AE SSS) | Spee YS fia 2D; H. Schellenberg, Beitrage zur kenntniss der verholzten Zellmembran, (Jahrb. f, w1ss. | Ore* xx ¢ SA a wixieSBiRyr 4) i the zt | 7a Bot. Bd. XKIX 2 Heft. 1896.) (es) TVR pow | RUSE RR CRO BRS KA + dey ARR OR e ENIN K A HN + RQ BEEN A PS Rw eee A ER mA KR RAR RD’ BONDS AIRE Bay VR 7 WN TE mA SR | PA (KM I SON BR RAH DD RSEN ERY BEERS) NS BESS om NACE SS NS BX RA") (SR | ) SASS S Be 7 | (SRI |) RNENSN \ RE (10: まき (SRE) KAR \ HARE DAK ADR eS | (SR | ) SR SN Rm MK A GER 1 Abies pectinata, Pinus sylvestris, Picea excelsa, Lariw europaea, = ゆ ゆ 第 i te mu (295) Populus canadensis, Oarpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus pedunculosa へ ARN EES aa” BHP SN IRE“ | | 5 PHANVAAR KER ner, ik JDRMERE RE 庄 時 pat Niel SAL Mal e {OR = > BTL ym BCA ET” MA SN HA RDBE SSE | IRC RAT EK) Bs Thy Ke ¢ fins VAI I AUS NREEACs (INE + > BURRESS Rm BC Ro RK NEE) BEN RR 0 ES ee 1 BARRY? Bld mm MT eK QA” RS Ba HERA Ay En ee BY EKER RRS K OD < に Ogi. EMR RES SYS RR 4 RIE RS BRO Ben Ru RAR’ Bee A RN —— et ee ee IM 和 を $n 438i inl | BC An Bem Ao WA Rm Bn in Kk JOS BRR DN STD BEM HA RRS ITI RR RN RRO BN adie WI pageeiie ea Hem 8 ° Mme ne eK AM SEED Ga y ] SIE Bi ODN MERE (EX 1 SNE MIR An BR? tr) MERE SSH Sy 7 ERR R- AEN GN GORRE YEA SKIN BS HRN A a SIS 5 ar PUSHER SFE hy RM (4H 6 SEBO く IA Bem EE AERO SR ERE Sy NR w > [See RB) Sone eit ge ok gee oe ge FEE $0 > BRU aT Eee SEN | RaMBagety Srey Ar ay 1 [| ROMAMWY = K AB EX FRR NK ARR Rs RRA SC AQ ION IR RK SRS fe” Be BGA HE BE a“ = 5 雑音 物 柄 ft ee が て っ y こっ Se RAS PS RPG r 2 f ー 一 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 一 ft 6 [ea] mien Beem Re ett wee aw {ORE > [ea | Bon OWN RARRAR (Reew &] BERGER eager ++< BERR 4K BR «x Bik < > 油 何 QRn Ba Mies > | wen eee (11a | REN OWS REM ‘Ge fe 6] Sot 1% BRE Rene «aK WORE + ORB | B= > or TEER” SS NSIS OUR GRIER ERS Bh 4 Eve Eva meee \ dem BOK ASD) BRA ms | Bb ih | Ber OTN SER O KHTIRAD A ARN EEN TD [st oe 四 © tr] goto tax wee nt pee KM JOE ZO GERM Bin Ri > | Be Ko RARER im UR BED Sm er RHE aK | BA IN GR TR = [Hee HE) Mee UK Be 1 Siwy 124 Bt UR ayes gs as eee 」1 Sag 3 GREE oh 4 ERATE SIRI N 1 RIS RRR ER + RR = a2 ORRE | SHEE a gy ROLHP A RSS 1 En SERGE Ae RS RERES 6 | AIRS AER Ne に こめ ずい CSO toners Cd? HOD AS NERD Bar ae BY | OMAN RSMAS (ERE SS SHER 0 AEX BN” BEN BEM HAR | REREEN YD 1 BAA RIAA [eee Ees Re 1W wi US ne 1% x oe ーー ーー a Seana ee ee iS fester N+ 1 | (4248) OmKEIERIBANYE (eis. + ) oh eK 有 辻 WAAR MRCIRSESS NN Bm REE A Re FS th SUSU SS atte Sid” Hebd A wy Bae \ ? aN NR 4 BRAS Rm BE ws that m mb x YO ERE < ee ERLE? OI og | = ルー!N N% Q HQ i ee corms. Were Eee mise ¢ md 4 ERASE SUeER 4 ACIS SO Ry HI. GE A Ry ee em AU BARES AEEE MANE RRR が > ED Bema RINGS A RR さこ Ques SHE | re NN ya NN YS ae ト An お か 一 = テー 1 oR RoR AS Rens S\N EWRY oe SKSGR’ SER RMR Mele ae Kee GE cede’ ae | Hi” GE AR Sh BES RO 4 BPA Rs RULER Rm BC ERA MORE ( BR BE | N BZN 'X SHER BOER ew BEERS RA NAM AE 4 SERIE RSH ERR “LB NB ON ES! Cae “ | [eee ay と US 帳 EE EM + BR NRE EER YH > HERES TERS BN A OS 4K SRR SEM HK a’ GU AERHE’ Mn A “SRN AS IE (KE ORME HER<\ RIE Bn EM A HS? ATE OR 6 > 4S SEN TS REE) NER KY AR 6 RIDERS BEES \ SSSRER NER # nd Am IN ge OBE XK AE (IES RR EER feeb akt s E RIBR 1) BS ORAS ETE RN DRE LIN SSav ER[Celtis)* & -avBR (Zelkova) Z Bh oy ERA A RE SOR SED SQ aves (Aphananthe)* の RONGeQ at 函 (Trema) < SKaRB-S+ ‘’ SP ROSSREES DNA RARE AE RI SHV EK LER (Uimos) 5 GAME IES SORE MLN 4 RRS SNe EVES WS RE RIS RI A HD kN RS RH 0 a 5 RS SBOE me N ARE. ~~ OR (Morus)” $9 +~ BR (Ficus)” $3088 (Cannabis)” * ン で 隙 (Humulus) | Yrs at Nom fen lie of doe x CHA HU (Fatoua)” 2.58 (Broussonetia) my SEE RS 6 UQSRIS FS EIRSSSEce NORE & KAT BRK AR RSS SEEN RHR KAR SHEN PORE BX ABN EN CIR B+ PNR ARSE (REN OY A PNR | RRERM MK APN RAKES BQ aR RES mY A HEN ON A BRAD BHA A HER (Boohmeria)” OQ Fo NIHR (Pouzolzia)” $462 OR (Villebrunea)’ & isu SO BR (Debregeasia)” D RR S.0~ 50 (Laportea) VR V AK ED PRB Ri A AREA KIA KB HID Am eas KNOG ARRON RIB HOS A RSS 4 SEREE 器 Hat, S-O~30BR (Urtica)” & Hh 0 ER (Achudenia) <1 {BR > WS en | C Bihar |+-82) 2 SOx SUR RN 4 RNR HB RN LB A Ke NS BH Bm IR Ke A ROR mh AON ’R RET EL NBR A A ARS RISE mY A He, QR rc (Nanocnide)” QQ (Pilea) S KAKO BS (HE latostema)’ ぐる 必要 (Pellionia) \ BBB AWN. | BARS BBS a に nN fe NX HVC NBR” KORN AC RK AK ROR A ON] Rr om 7 HK WN KREBS RASHES (aR a 2YSCCETTTPYTTETYTSSozc7ooms Se 8 A CC 閣 世 SER ATR PR BN AER NG 4 OREN BRN 7) ES BEN BERR A RN 'K NNW WRASSE EON ERE A IRIN Meyen RW ff KNY RKSERE? BEBRE’ GAME WHRNDD KA <'RABMRY md Payen, Schacht, Weddell Sy Raine | > jE DN HRB) URES SECE EK ARENA A BI 4 ORE Penzig RR tO +E I ASR : Nin ya | GRASSBOE 4 Nave s SLES y Sy SKS BRIE AR EAR AR «BDC ES OH AR A 4 a SE SINWRA RAH EA WR RI nO ASK AKO LEERINN FRR SEED BREN BRE MAIN BI > BRAN HO 4 ARERR SHEER HN 6 IER NENT BA a aie RM BRK A A RoR RINE DRA LM BY RR O | ES WEE SY K AR Her ye SRN OK RD 4 RE + SEER A Prd PRarA YR INKRALRS Sa ah AC KES UNE RSH GS STR ;MESR AA EEK AHN RA & 4 S282 oR) SPSS YY etd x ( a Botanisches Centralblatt m &{HaK > Rf SBS ES A MRR BERK AN shin ice | i te ies Gel . SS ia Riera s AH” BRR RS HRB ARR \S RAP ROM 4 中 へ | rw wa eA acme SHS | BEBE > stoi BINRE SV ek Bolen ken BRoOA- RABE CNB RR HEHE ERS “PHS FL a (gas tins ~ RAGE 0 BK Bit i 。 純 we | eds tore ase. reels. Bo RN NE | ORY NA RAHA HON “Cystolith” 4 X85 Weddell 選 ~ Gal | MEA ATH A RERE 4 H+ Ng fe SHE ^ eR. RRA A eR ASH a a Sa \ HES ーー ーー ーー OGK YS Sa - ーー Sane (288 ) = 4B ReAt Ae eee ie BAAS RRO hae ART ee il n’y a pas de cellule de canal (van Tieghem, Traité de botanique, 2°™° éd., 1891, p. 1452) NINN QE Jedes Archegonium hat nach Treub bei Cyeas circinalis eine Centralzelle, zwei Halszellen, aber keine Bauchkanalzelle. (Frank, Lehrb. der Bot. HI Bd., 1893, p. 242). eS ORT 4 Sh ERENT A SE NK BEER ar SRA AVP OR WERE © IK NN mB & NE ie A SRAM PARR AR PO BREEES RS SBR ODO 4 PRES SIC RIN SI KAR ar AERO INR GORI AY K RAREST CED A SEEESIA ABER oe 5 RT EES BTR RN eo iN KD BN BES ARRAN SEM ERE no oS ROKNINEBA KR AK NARHA RR + REO RRS AVY ORNS 1 RRRERK < (NHR Ae RAS EIN く EHH A WO I PER AL* A = fie TER Cycas circinalis tr y Ceratozamia 4 SEIN 4 (eS Sie das ce BEAU = A ‘EK RS m Mya KIND + RN ROA DAR AD PA KER 1 Hire A WAS WRG MD ARS CHORE (RUMBA OD & Me MR RON HIE? AN 2 Bae 4 BR NK REN SCR HEX PARR ERE TAMER YD HBG ARR ORR OD CORON PA RE RA RSA Ah 6 BREEN RBA BQ NS m AIR RY REN COA RRRHIS fk SERRE TE Ko Bm SEO H1KN YT RINK 5 SoBe 1 RE HE AB hee” EER R +R” Ec ae (287) aa err ee © && it 知 Ow 1 Oy 2 een 2 & # Imad. ie erYPrLaAR SERB RSS NT RHR NA Es 4 Ceratozamia (VP OR 5 BRK ) NERD Boe y | Rls he BE nd x +o gnr'RY+RE BOB REO REO RE (RANE S MK + ae AERP ERIS ERD ORR NA NA ERE RO ROA EAE (RR 0 +E 4% Cyeas circinalis m BERR REE RO NBER K + RY itl yy G4 Cycas circinalis 4 ae a. Rp Bens wa i Bnd. | NRE Re NK NBS! Bt + BERNA ER KR ER Ae K SINK RARE 4 HANES Em BAA AVP ORNS I BRE TER & AB ERED AQ ARR I ARR SEO A ICN AR ee の ‘\—% XM Die Existenz einer Bauchkanalzelle ist zwetfelhaft (Goebel, Grundztige der Systematik u.s. w., 1882, p. 356) . Kew AoE Die untere Zelle des Archegons, die ,,Centralzelle“, hat einen grossen, dem Hals benachbarten Kern, den man vordem zuweilen fiir eine, in Wirklichkeit hier nicht existierende Kanalzelle gehalten hat (Engler u. Prantl’s Die natirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, IJ. Teil, 1883, p. 16) > * っ < _- = ‘ ee a Foe! Ry eat YT prs コ っ ここ に 1 っ こう ae a = ニャ ae ene =z ここ っ と 3 ce お に っ > ご esate Py こ た ah Qe, ee PIE RGR | MEGRRACLe tite ee cd eR Lhe FRE ADI NNR a ENE oh BP RK ROSE EN th eat ~ SS ao acy ean ーー SE UIKAG NES v1 AR TEA NIN REL HEH mK oN SORES HOeE NER 1 (SH) : ORE OFM Ais ACS) AS Bi its OE 65 1s 1 24 - ‘ ま 2 AUGUST, 20rn 1896. [No. 114. に CONTENTS Ye ce area viridis E. found in the Pond Shinobazu ュー ae ee Sr at the End of June 1896. . . ey fe De ee irai, M., Notes on the Plants Collected- in “Surnga, Totomi, 上 Ac へ _ Yamato, and Kii. (Concluded.) Sih oe oe ge a. K., Plants Employed in Medicine in 3 Japanese ae ES es の ee マツ くだ きっ Ce Se 5 Makino, T., Mr: -H. Kuroiwa’s Collections of Liukiu Plants. see et 2 eee eued 0 we last 00 Be es ee ge ee me キー 2 5 ‘NEW LITERATURE: ee ae ee See j ee ae Ge Poirault und M. Raciborski, DO eee Kerne ae die. oo se DJUKate Kernteilung.—P. A. Dangeard, Considerations snr 。 les Phénoménes de Reproduction chez les Phycomycétes. Re Bae Sok, Hering, Ueber Wachsthumscorrelation in Folge = | pe cher Hemmung des Wachsens. 一 B. Lidforss, Zur 。 {0 Short ‘Notte on Plants 一 Miseellaneous Notes on the Plants athe に or | * Yojosho-oku, “d ete, : : x — e. - The Botanical Magazine is published monthly. ip cs Subscription. price per annum (inel. pe for Ture 10 franes = 8 slings) ee ae aad for America 2 dollars. Ree 2 あき が TOKYO OTANICAL SOCIETY, ‘Botanical ae Science Cale, enn a e ve 1 ersity, kyo, Japan. tow 計れ SUN REE i ers ee - IA a ah are Bert yor eed ite ee aes Rigt A eM a ae 2 か Pret ff : 4 a oa Tid 5 。 3 i し 4, a で 2 は ACS ‘ 0 FL ae \ we > ます Fs ; 1 2 AN も の が Tr Al NM } , - Kel co ae fy UB neh 6 Me ? Zz of An i Dare ot = 5 A 7 ? J Te + mw o 〆 t ‘ 7 “ ae 4 SE > : A a と の ney, Pe ‘ps ee Micky で + ere bia か By 4 PC WW “ a | £ REMI CSE gLane San Rens ーー wr) GOK" GEREN BRI Qa | BRAN Ete’ Ades Bel eK Aim YY EN RA KD HERR SA ER KO RNS | in aK REN SH WEED Qa nd っ Std eae en” BSHHERS 6 AQ NK | ROBE CAAT RINK Seth eRe oh Seth pe GH < ROBERT SITS BE SS A ES ROBES FP RIBE N SPR HE OT 1 BREN A) Bek th + BBD = ~ Hea SRO RNS SIRNA ERIN PKA RRNA, | Nose bho x miner} Sica as ャ テ GS See pe っ か 【 カー と の レー マデ ンー の で > っ さと た プー し に ae E 1 == oo iy = RUaSED geek ph dao 2 RT Ofna Bae eaeumoxemavaes | ms CESKY AE HERENN inet Yup See NiIBA Sms ‘ORMS= KORINE Fe BA. Bn SEKSARKRS RS) BSG ar AR 5 WOE a FINE RMN YK ete ORNS GBRSHrAn VE+ SE) BM K ORT ede x dey | BE SXRA BRS H+ IRSA YT \% Sires RU Ae< M+ ARE PRs 9 ere oe | gt Ba de we ck 5 jDERMAES & ie cae te Meo ik + im ん ママ コジ ご コジ ママ ai ssepe es gy $211} LoD ARES EE 内 。 8 see iOgE fog Me el HAN | VOR iS ih SCR BSH PEAR he Des Pee "RRCEEEMES 2 | eS K2222222222% ton SS ES om ie ne fe ‘~ Ho i 2 ik mREmKE RNa | be panes bo = Sl Gb Se 2 $$ a [a の らら の る の の る の Pe 3 | Beseer mee) Kae dae Pk REL Tsou ole eH) alla Saran EE 9 本 grtinexxaguauie (HS Bitsy, ーー NPA Q SIC NORE iB Om Bae | SO A pee ni © SAR. Bat Sy aioe ae 2s z © TERS 7 8 (i) SOMBRERO HORE ae AB HERKSORROBDRVRY mew |B a eo IE OK 5) ENC na S wees BR SES OnE et PPE -BESM "pa RRL SREEAONMOSEOLRHREOS SS cen p AKOW2 SEO af a4 4 プ を = お d で ws . wef ae ユ ae の 9 。 し を é ~ rE ond oes 6 a ュ を + a ' ~~ し の N 2 4 * n すし wi も ap 4 4 。 ' 3 a 7 tis a — ー ~ A ‘ af; まう 。 ws Fy. _ _- , まま に — ・ t a - a. - . eet << ss ~ を ャ ー ba ィ で ; 4 mid " の 3 2 Sag ie oe ーー — on i s - — a. _ m) Ria Hep dese Wis ark S55 KER a: « ca iN meee = ae | | | Mods @ ES ah Cnet @ AO ES mo See PRORHS es Sha | 「 . Bind | ow Se RE ここ SAN | \ gate" La (HS) Rance | Bea 【 mee if a << CER ON Bi SE si ド ! es Sen" ee ex — QO teHs ere Bono Meee eee Ro Mae tee Ceo een A Rea @ wee に fg ceeeew Le し た JSME Mat ORE SORL Ey @MH4OMR OMY Baitito so Wale CAV KS eee” cp ABS BNC i BAL a Bh Se SP ERS ( ii SBIR ° HR a ba Way is M Ns る ヤー 4 un Lat i MoT St 4 ries 2 pee i v i | bai : oy wt an oe x TATA ir S = : ae eer ie if. <3 Sinn OCG2 が 002 KEI で SS m kK on Sc Ephelota トブ EN oS ine O Spencer 錯 ‘A MaRS ORRE BReEO EH | ) See ine tn Osta oe a My ae (BR) Ae Ss aw 5 いて 人 (WO EE Re ca Sea) i OAL on 。 | 4epeegemsio mei. BHORMeMO oo ae (0 IN & H cc O ] SEC ASR MORS RSigO > +> ORES SWB IAC es De ER SN Rt EL SS eee in aK - aie | Fe aN ae ee ae et (2au8 | Sh “Res 人 / ed BY Se SL Yo 3h ah it de ia 4 i ae @WE SER EO Bee eR 3 @ wiper se Bs 0 @ RODE gua 41 |B | SNS SHeS ORRIN OWS: es ovd 62 = ; @X HSU RARE SMHAM ORME ® ALKA SMEVBVON AD Y EROKUR+ OS pers QHD | SOWMPBReSSORYYKRA #2 ORO RIE OHH ON ZO@NMYVERSO 1: hSRRKEEER HX ED ot | A ; (+R) NSD Rw 4K | SRE DN RIS N He me te A ork = A aE Th 土 (285) Nt 4. SERN A KE Am STK A PNHK= NEE DARRATN : ss Pare Nee ONAN PA ND ewe ORAR LE 1 Aw N BR ヶ SSP GEN ニー ny me | Sj OCP eRe PRA Nee ey STING RS NR ae ae NR へ へ = esti Onn PRKAK 4. RAN SSRin ORAT > RK RPPDHCOIN 1 ry 5 ーー 1/ RANA ARR ADDN eee BE aysn yy ON AD KBr) Ink HC) GmhR RCH) D x s8xeiriin @ N ba \ RE SR 1 OAD KO Vga iin e : 。 dara A\Co-) の TONS Hear ORA* ween OME 4 SRA IDI ATK AN re) oy BEDE om Sho oy A MO ゥ ge XK AN FASE Rar SN aR (0. RE IN fa PS SS Od WIKN TOMA Sena! rete Mma WSN HN HRA WEEN PAN Wo REY kK RAOO WE RRA PN HREM ARK A TNS NY NORV EORNHA ARRAS PAH RSeR NOLAN PNAS SS PORN # NEBR LT | = BAS Ce) bE ow oy KOK POS BATH BT wn ® 1B OT NS wy ow “BOLRNOO avs RE 33 Cee Re KAYA = ORIKN [Oa O50 4 RN 1 トト R= SE ヽ RDS COMA NST AEN BRR EER DL wmNK SPR SN SH HS Be NAN N BY PAX ARISES OR-ABANR, = OSHS GRIT) Si i -K & SI KESNHNM ERE: Chrysosplenium Echinus Maxim.( = Chr. echinula- tum Fr. et Sav.) S640 SV O D300 (RE) HUM MERUS SER \ BERN Bu BA ENQH AWN |] WK’ SNE H30W Chr. Grayanum } SN EER MASA Calanthe veratrifolia R. Br. Q°ou~ (BRRRH SEHR) PEE EM REN A Corymbis veratrifolia Hook. fil. (=Corymborchis Maxim, { | 7 Ome» ~ \ gemes ao eS) ee | | fe | Ga Bx HOE Wa IN AERIS BS 3 ロ it 1K マ i —_——» スベ ず - ON sr Re TT] S Bete +B BADE ~ Sede AS CER D SORES Shae) in HEE - EK A OA A SORA BK | BS0B 6 Sr wO® Poly- podium linearifolium Hook. + = 3X1 |g80B くつ SS a PSST PT ie % Seah Bene m Vittaria japonica Miq.4 = $X/}| S808 podium Buergerianum iq. fee] [08 4 moat tee JO RRM 1 wa nA RIN A & 2 BA EE Ol ecu + Bee eS 4 ERE S| - a yy a Re Tomi KA eX AERA RN NS ARE i ee et dae FP) A ABR 4 O4du IES X Hie HP 4 tea mB A oH es. fe OB) BA A RR 6 HRN SN HR EMCEE NON A PA AONE A RMIDK Ain SS - ro earn Sarr rrr ロ っ \e SEY = R A FOS IS Poly- | ORE ~ Uta | SESS ey Jo peor K ae 1 KER yy) SET BS ES SRN my i RR CRS = 4 | SS REKS NER A Po Pest yy RS RI ES HE fo} [ashe Qe vk VI Seu 1 Sa WAROERES BK APRS AT H aa | dE [RRA SE oy: a saan 1 pee eun SS 4é SH A iH ET Kes Hm ea Fe HAS RAL mR UCASE 1 OY RES ES ot Sar ERASE 1 BE PN 2K LEBEN MAT KOH EO BES IN BRER RX 4 QHER PEEK AM RINAA HN 2 RO | NEE RE ek Hy Kaas se it | SHE eA Ea WARE A BED hab nee PES Re RnR PAPA HINA REBRY ic SSESK BARABOO MAA RA RENE |Z m AAA SSRN A OAT | | NE BRE SES Si aN | CN ee ae SACK MIT K A SNS NN Sb re wim ioe h INS | | NA Ko ~ & is ( SSIES BS yy EE) a ETS SEER SS A RRA KR ADEE 4g Ko REE IE & WUE LEM Bin pA RB SHY ARIE mia me WS Ree so akin 2 AN い NA や 心 Sth i | ae Sah ae 下記 Sie 1) 2 RRS yd on SgSS m ON HG aso eR NSP A GRU SPREE GREE DEM ef Wat ベッ ン ン うつ > ホホ で CSS ここ SAAN Dy LEBRMR ET of SOIR OR APE ARTINE uw | BON SU Rm NRE RN BER | (279) 4 yay Lim we 3 oe ( 4 ln ‘ M id 0 { | KRHA Am MAN m BA ORS Bhp KA sa My PARK Bath yy HARK RL A BTR oy RR K SPO nN i STEER AR AN AK | resowin ele « SEEX S ROR NIRS AR EO HBP | OEY ¢ SRRB ARs at 9 AH 9 2 RRL BIAS Ran way fees > SPAR RO BRE Bm Ry NEM AEE | NAW RY RAMs Sm EC NER (SEA Ee KIN PREY RAY Baio eA yl Bek n EC Md tole RENE (CEA MARA 4 RA RH > BER MAIS BE RIBRS Be ペ | NOVA BA” RES DARIN 4 AEA a Ber | KIRA KER AR RA LA RAO CORR A KA” (S44 NIN HERA EB BR — 7 — RR Biologisches Centralblatt, XVI, Nr 11 (Juni 1886) y #3ay A» | | | ils pi So の ーー ケーー つ 0 a SS +0 ーー eae | C Hse Se EN S22 (BK CBee) HAR? SR 4 BSBA a DK OER SY + 4K) BK S30 RSS | SH NIELS 28k Pe NA ARID AEBS RA 凍り aS ^ ml & KED HK A Wow 7 ENP RS SSSee CHe< NR RE ENR Sir 4 BAM i RIES Ber Ha 6 1 HES bon RRR H A HR KE ATES 6 RORY OY NONE TE | KA TERR AS A HEH AD = IN acy, ORS uA ws > HEBRS mee AR H2s0 moo ~ | RHE mA AED A 5 eae | KARIN’ \ RRA RES Ho | PRAM IDAEM BY RARA | 7 HO 220 aus aeeer 4 EER y SO sO NRE BE OR MAA HEE || AS K RES eR INS A RNR | eine Sk 27 BES ston do | io eee —$—$$ $$ Ree RA, | a] RAR PERRIER | ED inde He SS SHA SRE Eo SRO WHER | hie 4 Rw Sy 8 BERRY oP io Ei BE (SQ | ORS RR 8 RR NA RRO ; BENE ND RA NER NR MD BENS SE en | OREN SS BRST RB IR BRA A B® OK | * ン SS i 4 EN SG SRS ae HIND AR | BR] RPE DY Aaa do 4 OLS BR m4 KER IK AN Ke GO) FE) Ry RY RINE ARS HL Sh REN Es Kn & man \ 8S a PeMtsT. BTM the See x | | KIRN BROS RAS 1 Rh | NBR Nm LAD + | PRA Bas npr Hany | KELSO ANG 1 MWS. SK | NHS RAIL RW MN AN BRAS | PMI KIO LAA wT 6 | eee oes | へ BIE» A WE RE BB RY RX | Wm XN WKS at. Be wo | eet A - NERY” 4 ERE WH NSO fo 1 困り ゃ 7 IN BRIS NRE | Re RN HR A NB -Piesis repae |} だ ヽ =~ LED th , SE 中 - ^ ヽ (276) | BN MER AS ーーーーーーーーー 一 ORM BIR SA 。 田 sue N= Xn Nad DB ON RSH \ ESE yy Hy Mm = GR os SSR HON ER MRR \ SEHD & A EER | fh | HS BERR al Sy = BK R11] Bb PSKEG SN | HERA AN KR KH DBR art WS \ BES D BRAN 4 IN Nm BEST HR nC HK Ee EINK ? | Sm may 4 RE NNN SR I RK RYO NRG | KARE QAR A DOA HE NDR Ra tL, KA ER REeB@kK & mS -Sf’R Bem BC A KERR EMER S RRS AM ANN iS)? BO ROSSA WSN AQEK Hh A (ERR A A | SRE A Wi RSD EN PLR = Ram | akan | KM ASLA QIPLSEIEK AALS DNELERIRISs pha | WR d RAM (Chr, O. Sprengel, Delpino H, Muller, | Ch. Darwin, Lubbock, Dodel— Part, Th. Barrois un. a.) ff \ 86 (A IM ER] Slo aR ADA DAW 2 OSA ao sow ee Rae SEEM eK ea he fh | RR NK A RRR ROBBER NARA KO | hh へ っ | eR PROPICR ES I IE XK SSA He Bed KPrAAN | 村人 Agastache rugosa, O. kze. RR ot tee aN FE Wok A RA Glecoma hederacea, Z. | Re % EA | a sQze Pieces he Soares | | m RSS ss | Erythronium dens Canis, ia, >| Re TS eR と ーー 2 , " pm 4 s| y Anii Rm A hevyxeee | PAH UREB)=za ee ONWRGRE)=HH WINN 中 4B K Cis fat を レコ を と Ps / ia aa af) SHED Ke KN (RRS) = NAAN INT + (URE) SB a Anemone narcissiflora, L, AXLE ACHRDAD ph RNa RY eINeE RE )SHARAN EAT FRIAR 4 Core eee ie : 1 り を レー を la 名 jal =) eee pode (Ghee )=Hs K'RAT KHER ACRE)H RR TNS | Trolins patulos, Sali. | dR AA) PSepiens | サー か TRNAN SS( 科 ニャ ヘス ヤム i Cis Ir HS) BS A ry ED el meAR-okNOM AN OH -Roph el NARS REY K 2 Nm | Gentian Thunbergi, LAN RD | alee Sinapis cernua, Thunb. = Brassica uigra, Koch. at fo Conioselinum univittatum, Turez. = Sehnum Saussurea affinis, Spr. C wD th KR の cece CS | Benthami, 8. Wats. = 8. Gmelini, Bray , BibOl «BNE Diervilla grandiflora, 8. et. z. = coraeénsis, DC, Toona sinensis, Ztoem., betes Ephippianthus sachalinensis, Reichb. = Sehmidtii. a || Paliurus ramosissimus, Poir. | 4 * KA ~ IM Reichb,. so | sl Rhamnella franguloides (Max), Weberd. Empusa paradoxa Lindl. = Liparis odorata, Lind] — (274) ai 明 ーー ババ — i ee Boot Ate Oe + | Kupatorium ageratoides, Z, /. | FARAH ARE a ee Se Malva involucrata Torr. et. Gr, | NN BAK & | Se RN | #8 callirrhoe ~ SEX A NUseR 4 eS yy RD WR om NN A Ed mn FR Lavatera arborea. JZ. PARK! | ESR ORR MSLSDR I WORR KAKO YA Be EE KE SZSR NOK HR x de SBR om OD ER ERK mm Re m BE A SRST A RIN Helis eSE (NR | SA ER AW cre on | aN Rae Pa nee KR AABN I de SOW Nie. KR ARE + Oe, Pn Ba SSE EUC に AI Th SS SEN He Rm FRE ag) my BE WERT] SS iy SER RK | BR om BAH URE A Om BR THER A A | | WHA SE 1 ! Grindelia squarrosa, Dunal. | th ス 2 S > | SZ TKN HBG NR IR W Gum— plant Grindelia rub- REE Se A BIN GR RA ricaulis, \ QO SEN + Soshhn FH A BAA AD Eryngium planum, J, | FARA MYM R&A A | 1 ' Ate TY WP AN ea KA BiG) ¢ Pass yD ny DOSS 4 ame KS Dipsacus Fullonum, ZL. In IRs OO 1K AY Ra A NESE K Mii BARRO RAH Wok AA Hee eM ANSE KR ホイト Sy] RRA RA SNR Sek WY Su A HY Acer Pseudoplatanus, JZ. | Het NRKR 2 Dipsacus sylvestris, ホスホ | \ ASK A ss | HBSS \ | BAR 4 SEK mA Str WA Se Eas ok Em ir x EESK MAGE SB Ptelea trifohata, ん . SS BRAS ROA \ HER HO DN \ & (1/STBR OS HC BRIS Se ar Hn GEN SRR ES | a242X% Rhus Cotinus, ん . Mass ~\ Hy SSR y OOH K “ ——— ee atm Ar 、 5 Hyophila melanotheca Besch. sp, nov. in. litt, PR TS ag Diphyscium fulvifolium Jit. at NOU Vs || Campylopus Blumii Bosch, et Lacost. Nin Th S | Hypopterys gium japonicum Mitt, VRAD EA TA | re gium Fauriei Besch. ADEA DA ea Fauriei esc/. Kp Hd | em Girgensohnii Russ. ENA N WATS 本 Girgensohnii Russ. var. coryphaceum, for- ma squarusula, Sphagnum fimbriatum Wiis. Mom DD Sphagnum cymbifolium Hhrh. RED DD Sphagnum subnitens Serene ERAS IES ~ RES Tupidanthus calyptratus, H. が e¢ 7. me Ne OD Ih ーー sR OM RR A AUER MER A URE mm SN IK ESE A damon AHEM EeRCE eae ARS BR SD 1 LN 4 RIBS HINSS mm OHH Althara officinalis, Z. |X CRAM 2 | BREE m RESIS of RE ARS SASH S MR > EER PRR ER ES + ON ERER 1) 部 CHINA eH KA | トト Nw NES NS AA SHS) AR HN \ Cg) m OX ーー i KI Ny) aul ze ーー 填 三 月 入 年 え 十 キーー ーーーーー ーー ーー - 中 O*O | SN DORN BAO 4 ACHR AR OREN RY OKRA RY RRR EER om iy Su SRN AIMEE] INK BY RRR AA D4 Nicotiana BRS RHI 4 Aw Hm By K A Lobel- ia A) AR RINK BA | PRAM BNS SRK AIRE MON = BIR YA? RQ Glaucium luteum y 。 IE DO fH S\ SES, BR RAR HRA MANIA 4 BUCS WS YAH IR RXR REN Pd aA PENS 民生 きら EA SHS 4 ae aS cS so NG on (Miyoshi. ) は 3 人 の ATH DHA = To} Ex SH る | ZAR 2 ee Bae Baie Hedwigia ciliata Hhrh. var. viridis. Hite SS Bhan feos WEEE bX RRM AMA es REE Re MEK eit Be il wp SS we hw Buggy x APN DESK A Xo RK \ Biss me X44 NRT Ie ij tt ” 〆 か 6 < ° ・ . . ts Ae SA? i Ptychomitrinm Wilsoni Sal, et Lesq. Fabronia gymnostoma Pesch, sp. nov. in litt. & MK ak HS a り A oam Th nae Ptychomitrium sinense Besch. h eA S ァ % ・ ° ・ tk Platygyrium tokyoense Besch. sp. nov. in. litt. Aerobryum Wallichii (Brid) KNW RM TEE = Pleuridium julaceum Besch. sp. nov. im litt. Y へ 4 Glauctum luteum, Lobelia inflata, Aesculus macrostachya, Datisca cannabina へ | MO KSPR? A Wha” 3 ( SRE WINN A HAA 4 BS Ra's PSRs RN EK AN SERA A TAR” BD (RRR | TAKARA SQ Ht yi eax ARR RSSE yma Qi, Sm Rind BA Lain Dani MASSa kB (77- | | 7226) nels) Rr wy’ SAN A BN SORRAREE 4 HEN Ry WEY Ay * RAN G7 HHO W MSR HS ms ESE RD MINK 7 OQ EK NN ORS % SHRI SES BOS ERA MELA RSE WN Rm RK PCR AMRA YA MAO + By RN CERA A mae Cay on? Eu へ HONG 4 BN Km EO” ERR WR TERM IY (Miyoshi. ) Oe + & 2 x EROSR SN TH I BSI J 中 上 ah B, Lidforss, Zur Biologie des Pollens, (Jahrbiicher fiir wissenschaftliche Botanik, XXIX Bd. 1896.) PIER RRR ER NRT IN A oe NERD RE 1 PSE N RE A On RN RB Ar 4 Kerner von Marilaun tA 83 4 4 いこ Bix AER mak (REN Rf SE RRR KN RB COOK | NERS Nn AN SRE N AN AQEXK AHA ARR MARRS SNR RAM Ak SERS AA ON SEE | ERE YIN A PN er RAW NA AA AOR RRO | BIRR Va PN RA ERR NY a WENN” SHON BSR 6 HN ee ED “(ER |) EMER N.Y KIRN A BERK * RK CHR! | )RERERSES HK a RES ROSS IN 4 ASERISRERD iN Rare NEE BERK A NAHE HO BN RHA 4 ERR SEN ASE 4 BANS NR PRN A AON AA AQN & SHIR REE y NS ERE NI | KAHN TKAMRBA YY? | | RAK BES EAE WN et eX SE Shue BER tN 4 RNS 4 KN [1] BS 2 SR] MS SHURE (ARSE m BRT or A R RARS BERR” MHRA 6 aK | REN HRS ma RBH HH wher | BEL ARB eK RN RB eae 7 HON 9 BES HS KU S Bm KOE Se Rae 6 NSS wy shee ieee x tuk m AX mee | | で | Sor NOTES iW v Rae” AR APRN AL a eg RABI CHW SARIN RE NE im | 1 ADRIANA mA” SRS RE He DA AMBIA” + agi Su BSH So MK RT mA A? BRN BSA RK Ae oe NEN YD RK? 2 ERS WISP ARR mA GENE + a) BN BEN RA” Bh AKG AK AMR Meas x <<] USER K APE RAM RAR” “| a ARH RAK A’ RARER HR MR A AEA A eae” IRE HEN US | af, BERR MASS SREEG N URES 6 SIRE SES NSU R OC RTIN |S A SER TRS BSN BN =] Mele aa? HAN SEM RRA CA MBAR’ _ ea | | - SK | EEG. | Hm MBE RST n Hem 4 x Aa.” Se NRK AR) NUR 細く NARA RINK AKRAM Y NA + OAS 7 Ri] AN SO ty 4 SSRN or RN BAHU RN SERS Bi” SN SER DN SRR INN 4 BR EK S mo RA AKIN & A PSUR IRN Ew 1 YA ATHENS ——— | NSE S WERE PRK 4 Su m eH * A RE Xe OK RRB SEK A PSA We eR oy AK 7) 4 RAE HOH a OER RN SHU as He ae 朋 え et | Bee (RY RE) BYRD 7 hy ROR R ERR RN SB dy 7 RS BN tN SR 7 ACRE SRA ¢ HEL a HERS Lu RAR A mee we BH ge ORME HA Qh ASA hE \ ALUM TR A AR 4B 4 ER = oN SDE SSR At HA A Stee Be ee “Sd ,° B94 4 Kny BA KARA BN PA RINK AN ROAR SER A ER aR RD Hae § OHES? Kn 47 TERE SEM DR 1 SON SR? ME EN. BAM Bn ar Ka’ RGA X Ab RN Be | RA HW ES By A mx KA NA RES IRR |B BY 4 Sm ees EU Se a RW my cf oy Bitar ES SBE (eh HH) SEHR SN SRN GR RN A RN ERE om iy“ | d44 ° 15/42 Rothert, Czapek STH 'R N ae 4 fs” fe adhe ~ HS 1 Hey ARR ON” QA MIRE IPERS NRA WIRE A (EM RAR RAR ha” Hone 5 ee Dy * eC Se Hm ERED A dk 4 AQ TK EMRE SHON A GRO HD A NO NT ARS RO RSE Ae HS BRERA IRR RAMA BA KINA +7 SE) 8 AOHO'R ER REE BB NEI K AER MAK KA 下る | RNRAMNBAA, BARS” SR, SE KAN REN BB Kane ES A” RH (265) LAIR HARK KANDI RRR RM NK ON OR ERAS CES ON 4 IRE 6 BR CK RS RRS ie us SMe WRAL AS KAR RAERR ¢ ET] Bb REED Oe SH? — 2 BIRR HOR KEI = & B | & P. A. Dangeard, Considérations sur les Phénoménes de Reproduction chez les Phycomycetes (Siphomycétes). - (Le Botaniste, 4° série, 6° fascicul, 1896, p. 249 一 256.) fons | 5) Senne WK N EE eee yy PE Bea HR yy A KV SHE (Chytridiacees ) sau gare (Saprolegniacées ) | Son BRBERE (Mucoracées) ~ [1]RE 1 SQN 4 SHERRESE 0 BEREBEK uy SBE BREE Coe x HEHE 4 SN (Publicat- ions en Botaniqoue. Le Botaniste, 4° Série, 3° fascicule.) 2H PHR SEXES Bey 4 SSSRER RS ASA KHER ^ SOR BR | BN SENN 7 RRB Bao | BN ACN RK YO = ED A BR NH HIN RR HOA FANS ER = in ER BES FRR + ADS S ER + MH ERY ARS OAR ES RD BURN REL ATER (RRA RSA ON IR EN BRAM NSS | Sh \ ASRS (REE WEL AR + Oo RHR (wad nN BREM BX EN RARE HRN | | LRN MK RRS ARE IW 6 Ra Bon | Bx RMEK Y= PRA AN A HER SS RA PRBS HERE Rs ARN WA A WER BRN A PN SREP BSR SRE R doe K AERA > + RES WHR 4 RPI ERS ERRNK Ae RAK ATED HRAS § NSERC SN FR ERD SS 6 RON Bde 9 1K ERAN BK AW A REN ERIE A A OO woe SEN EN NER (SERA HEED AS ER HUEE NOR mM) SES RR 4 A AN FE HY RN BS 4 HEE SSS KK BGA Ar AN RK IR (RK 2B BR KER (RISER 9 BIN = she RES inde | RTSP | | IP — A KR AGREE HERR (262) — i 明 SRATIWAAS Lt REHEARSE BB BO AN BE A 6 OE RRR MIEN PA KO gE SR Ne 8 — A OAC A 121 TS ED SCORN <1 RRNA PRL A CREE URN AR TH KK 4) EN MRK ava | ee ee RAI ZR USN ARI Et si RE Rome (NIKO SVERI E+ s ARBRE: Bex | XE RAB RRS RK Ae NS REC Py | BN RN MN RHE MEN § EKA Boe | i 4 ESS ES | ON AE 1 BN Shag mR A Re REE FAK NTN A AN SI En WE ERK A SEN SEA MON YK BH A RRS Bde CK SNK AN EI ERHARD 1 SE mero wy gh Head] |B BW mr 1 BS We IRS AR RO | BN Bim HK A BE SRee WY AT TEM OK A HRS SREERE 4 SRA BERN SD WE RE KR A RT IS 4 EER Re RRR RM PE 1 ND RS EB (ARAN) B+ RASERS WN (REEERS- @a | UE ENEMY に BE Y Bay = | SRE AS 1 SRS (RRM RHES NIRS NENTS Re RRM ON HN aR RC SME RN 61RD | AED SER GER CHE RIND RRS HR RANN & Yah EISEN YY TREN HK AN + IED | | | | | mh 一 Nm QI) INERT TESS 4 HRY RRR NR th BRN + GR Nin PRET BESS SO HAN 4 ERB MKT NK RAKE | SrA RRR KT K RRR IR RH ATS 6 itt BAS RN KM K RAK] | eS 物 hii bi 2 iets es . 移 ex” oN 4 MRT EXON EXT LE ms BRD EER mS ORR INA LY OD” ee oS ae a0 SEROP A RD Bh 4 BRR MN RC RR WR BRSRER A Rm RRA YD OBS ESRI BURR dN RR me tA 4S 4 Se HN aad eS tN a ae Se aBSIHK KA KAKA r RAS [ay BE ae] Ge’ AU RRS A «RRR 4 HRN SN RIMES 1 RR a HS Sein Wp MER el 4 I HESS, PREME | EERE) ERE) MR) Beene BR RABRA = Bas | Fe ee ey ORE «HIER EK ARERR Ay RIN ED {RRA RBI Ra RnB SRAM NKR RBS KR EARN MEER 1 ERK AR RD Dae" 4 + RRR < HERR BK YD MR SORE GNOMES \ Lar x (SEH) ミ モ ie? 88H a 7 を ao - O# AR ERAT INH HA FORTRON 1 KOE IRR RH 2 e 8 | = i G. Poirault und M. Raciborski, Ueber konjugate Kerne und die konjugate Kernteilung. (Biolog. Centralblatt, Bd. XVI, Nr. I, 1896.) IR BAK A MEBEAE (Dredineen) \ BE Kn 4 1 BSKAMRKS DC MBSE 1 ROE RV 1 BED mn SBeS 4 BER 4 RRRRK AN RAR AQK I SERIE Y RD OREN AB NAS KOE RR (261) RAR SR NE AK a ERENCE (260) ~ 4 W =) RRS KER? ROR Ee at x ERERHEREN RM A トト IE BG RRR RIN EI BR ee ore KER RUE Br se Rv a he sq ¢ > ZO? Rar AOS (MAR ARTE EES he RS RR RNR CRA A doa NR Se ee eee ERE S FEREGT ON REY oh HTER SEB K S)\ EER Ry MER nH ATR RA AN EER) SR a a 8) SRA > EO RARE BRS 4 BAER HE? SERS SS REE Ey RR OD RG RR EX Sol > BAX HERBY SDK A RRA OK SRS BRED A 4 RRS my SR DRIER a RES HOR He | HA KAN A BUR BR RR NOS HAH 4 HOGER ABAD 1 EE 9 NEEL BE) HER VL HR Sa YD [eS ae] ESSE SOR (RAR BR RAND BRS ER 4 GRAIN Yr ah = RS oy BB G2 SERS > EA 6 KLE” Sein mm} 1 | SER a a CARS SE” HHA A BRAS OT mR BRE HER’ 4h RAE m IRS BR BRA HAE” RIE 6 SER AGS” ER” RN RORY seen anita cain ches nail MEGA yaa? to A) Re + ED m Be BOHR)” BRU AE 4 ER SENSED ~ BR reais Xu HSH EMERY A DA RK RRA SINAN (HERR m Os NS Rie BGA 1 sot 1) SOR 5 ala eg ub eaters Kes = BRS RRR Ss SRA EB EE IMA RIN AA 4 RO RISER EE 9 中 Sm RR Bi ee IRAN NEE By EK RI RS my SESE WN ROO ABD HOBIE Vy EP YO WPXANBDA [ares aS aw am] RE (ROMA SRNR RR KA CEL EN SREB ceED | am 5 “a y fe に ane ; ば 3 a ae ス ‘, a 般 党 物 丁 = 当 | [ea « = SAO HENAN w SERRE) EREEN) > GH CN) ME AE AK SRR BRP RA 管 く | eet y a doa 6 MN HAE CRU BRA AR, MOA HSS My. QIN Mi A 1S + SY ae 凍 wr | FRR OY \ DRS SeRE KN OK Be BGR SUR A PN SEN GRD RI at ーー | [se he eee] RI RO RSH A SRIRMIN * > RAE" RNR SRE HDA Heed ES SRE EI HS RELA RSL GRIN RRR mR A ORR > RH = Wt a RN SERN En Bem See SER pe MEE | REARS) RPM, EKER i | Ba NSE IRC RON RMR YO ‘ [es @) @ SEES Bip Sey HS ~ SSRI SRR A ERO Bek ee Wei SRA nd ¢ SRS SI AS 二 FEL EK Cn RHR ESS RY RR ™ BPP in HR RA SA EERIRIN AOA 4 FUER BE ot HER AT SBR ERR“ ERSR MN BK AAD AR ar AC SRER MN EK CN RK BEN ER UK BEN CT RURGEERS tial y Oo ah GR Be RN eS ROC PMA | MS RUE RAR ERA RATIO RA RO + [SK tk) aR Se eae ei 所 RETR eR eA RR HE | BS RR + > Bn RA ifs] 2 RW DRA EEN EMR Re Y > SHE ¢ NUMMER SEECRR HOS 4 BREED ADSL AH ok x OW gE LIK A or ink 7 my BORER MERE KA CHIR SE BE (258) in BA —s — (EES MR RNR (km | er? 42 Bo 4 BRR A oy OM MMM By RS BSAA AUN IR BEN BRA ae ERS SE REPRVIKRAS A {BRK ALMRRK AMBRAD (MEA A (42 $2) ーー ee ー eee (ERs Br) Ht & K & ン ェ ーーー ES ト a Sa A 上 wi ew 放 = a 8 lr ECE aga 中 11 直 PER wae xg somtiir | Se phan USER Geese tt Ds Bap soph e£ we Se te et RO | RBs eMIRER Tmo elas BE ARETE RR 6 SURNAME THI xi fe me Ae S Ae ARE AP Tie % J x A i i Ht jn 頒 * 正 ! et Se] Reh AMIE AEH SRR EA REA A aR CRE EE. Bat NEERIBRN AR Bar CE PRAIA RRC Rn AQARAR ARE’ Be’ Bislee BBae BUSI N \ PRE BERN BC BBN A で Tig IMIS ZOMES~ HES m AK ANE | ed 5 SY USER NOR Cet YAR 6 SB AR 4 AT ee at =| BONS GHEE 4 SERIES \ EMR SES TREN A A RR oh = 2 SO RS RRR RN | ROE HERR ROK EKIR m R a Y RR hE BRE ISH bP wR Se” RH | sir NY » キ = ーーーーーーー -- トト TS きく や ST トー | KEP vy (SER YN | RO RR | RA RN RRA APN KARA ROKER | PR PU In $B \ #8 NX ER RN REWER RYE\ KE BERBER Heo | | 昌和 | RAB ERS 1 KBRA mH | READE 9 ie RE ARERR KA | wa ce ee igh BY ALOE HE QU m SEY YD GEREN RK KR Re NAR GRP RK ARRAS Uf ンー aes: 回 へ AEN Re NRE RAD A NEB NER RA | WEA & さ SRD eR BR ay ARREARS oo TK RN ADC ROORKEE imdb He en AL MEE m RR HO NR KER REN St RC BRA SAAR A | PRN KON RN dK A 4 RANG HE Ie eat An ms RHE od 6 AORN RIS RE m Bn 'K CHAN Hi NAAR NK YO Se anes BEBE HRS MEO | WOTEIR ¢ MAP ER RUNS Ge Ka KA EREHS SEED NEN HS 4 IDE A RRB» AR | GA “NRE oh HS RAR) 1 HR TRAM my BK PME NEN SEN KARR N RO REE TREO 1 ーー 誌 林 区 か 日 ine ae ーーーー ia — —_¥~ zene ER RRS NV ie oak ess Bar bbs dy Sy Bn 4 EBS AMA AY AT AN a % (で mm oat na Nn | | RA oe Kx AND + GEO HOR NN (iR) OSBNERSEBSNIR ReH © * R K & Se EE ee SNe S IS | SHBIRS KR Oo | S SCENE REIN ISA 1 + SLRHSE ERE A AIR KE MNES Sy KAD BARR y Em ey te | rey CHK A HIN Se ES Be KS BE NED % RR KK RP BRO ANI ee ame | K DON SLES BEA IN BRAT ar A RO BY ar A NV ARE A ER om A SRE ERI 則 Ree lle SON KR (B+ RR RKB RS) VERO +) RE Men ae Sh ERE N MR SAREE NICK Sm EES RY ( dn Ye A eae KO Be A RN Ns ra SS cor ae HINES aR BRI NGCQD EET ARAN RR PRS HEH KORA REA SEE | Sy 4 APA ICR RAST TINE HAR MANN A HS RA eS A Neat | x en 2 BEB Re EE a ER ee | assess 6 IRR BEEK A BRS BR SHR Ae RN 4 ARAB AMA RHR A EEE ye | | SANIT K ARMAS 4 SRR Rin RERRELER BK RRS MBE BAA AN ANB! 4 ICE SR Bin HHO SO PS A RARE A INH KD or ERS BERR Bde oo 4 Shi BRN oN RRA Ht HH Sat 4 IRM Dith 8 SIS RE & A SRR tN SAR Nm Rn ELLE m Mw oa Ee RRR SSN PEAR RAR ORAS A BRS 4 SE RRR ONE BE BSR OR A VEN He BD BK DS BETTS BER ft BRAS SER > in BRB SR RI AD AMIR REND NIS 所 講 玩 NS I RIE A BERS BW EVE er BS OE AIBA SADA eK AKRON | RSLS BRE IBKK (ere BNE YD 4 ae AR BN 4 RSE SO | RY KE Ri CHER Stein {NAGA BRE EK (aK AED ED VSWNIEK AERA Se BR NO \ ASSN RR ORES (ERS 6 BEE SN EN A RIN EN AN Tez NEES on HA NOREEN BS 4K ABER HARA Maupas RMB RS KL KR ICH ASR NK SKIER A She) PERNA SER Microspora, Stigeoclonium «Shy (SR Nome a + Xen > OoSShe ) WAS SK oS OON RRR RNR A KNK Microspora, Oedogonium «38h. Rar ’n FES IVA BRAN | NSRH EK EBS EEN A BER me BA mee = BY BB BSL OS A 洗 SE RN YR EY RS Garcin HW RA SL ON RS SRB ANOS ESN Sh 4 IHR 】 毅 (HOS ASRS OK ARG 4 SERRA ER 1) DRA HD HORNE RA CO AHS ASE A RIDIN AINNIN EEA 0S OS SN FREE" SURI” SSN Sea | EXO A % ae 6 SR Bs ARR YA hee (BR DS AR PR AOIR KRESKMEEIAY DSA RSS SS Eh ME (254) 2: a: i a: A i ーーーーー ee EEE A Se he PAF ED Bod KA CRRA 4 RR m SR A AH A BSR SN Ey CRA Rar oN ERY BK Ae KO ARB KE I on ON BRIN EN AW BR ERER A ARS HR Bn ME BE ¢ BARE A RR INR Dk 6 BER ER OX NAA WN RHR BK NS 2) ELI ah Fe RN SR Sar of RR RR WY SEH A 2 N TORR A RO SSN 4 RRR m Ie Ne SHR 4 A ASRS S RS REN We 4 BR In’ A AEN RN ER A GIN 8 SON FR SRN AOD A Ra RY RR HS 6 RRA SRA re dc An KOINTH A SNARES GEM a = $B OREM An YD | BERS yan G=85 \ mee | te, A PEON A G=03 ~ ROBINS i HARP Ay ARE Sn Ra mime Awe KA (RW SLLSS RARE 6 KR BER AN BARRY RAK ER SLO im dK SE) RRA EER mT Ep SB KS P| DN SX NLL 8 Bg | \ > = ERRD Warmestarre + K2& NHS § RE REE YON A ADR A RK RM NERS DARREN DN ¢ ND SEBO ty Bom St Rg に SSN ER Fh 4K CRS NR HY ARN AV HE BRN SRM EAR DAN yf MEY DA SKESR REED“ BRN ORR ANT my RES 6 MARES SRS SD my Ok oe SARS 4 HU OS 4 SE N REE ~ SRR m BR Ay HIBS ~ IN BERRA & ARH KA Ot URRE MAES A bn ee | BY RE” ES EM BE th 2S ON MBE HE wr SBI BBs ARR nS IN BE NX Ie EARN DIN RR) KOA EER A AEN BR BEEN RES 4 SEK KA ERA RA EBD & ANT RRA ey | TESTER SY Seed? BE ee eee eee a S8GRHRLSROLAR OR tS . OX MEK RSE 1 Sek > B+ 2M npr ($8) : Rear Xx 田 EE | REE H ERED ENA + aR Em BR NESBA fen DK NA 6 RABE 0 BIE Hee > 1 |= K ASOD AKER AD A NRA EE A % SORES GBI NSA KBE 1 CABS ag ey | [A A Nae IN ERS BRON EINER > SRS 4 RSS th NRE ya | | | | | | | came RENO) 4 KHEE'R Soa m BEY A REN Bim OD REN REP NRA XK Ar rN Be Ca ART RN Ree & ANT) SRK YOANN SEN Oey GR A OBS SE RSS 4 E+ EK ON SEMA REBAR Am OR A SSL) BABAR. eee ere ty SEE | ER Nm RG59 y Sxeel eS OL EEEEN MARA eR de Mh A eee 4 a | B's WIRE NT ROH OR eX A Sep MN Bus yw | Ay BK AAR LAB ROM RSLS (BS RRS HEN ANA HO BE , BUR; Gl HOLLEN Cs Shs Ba Bot (253) すす すす すす : * & TR) At * = & iy Es tie a See 本 ES z { | tees EESESEST ESTE OR BAe) | REVI -o mm & Ox we =n Oe SB cio fe (PRINS N BS ) URE RK MSIE WE a ALO—L OS TBA TAM one ou mer & 田 継 oe. RU SS Ey tek ox mC Srle RE NSE (TEES ~ Ear ) At 田 ie ae KSEE SNA ( Se BT aS) ) NN mart <0 ah KE © tm se | 40 RE SRERRENRGRR) ASH Oh RKE | | | OR Ha | KA SHR SSSR ERS RBH (INRIOKR—S | Sey Space Se ee ee Oe Sa PRBS ARNIR)OC NK PRD HR HRA | ER PSR a IMR (RI) OSk Pao nk SURG! + Re Ne RCRD DJ) \ SE0ESE | Rete (SE) Ses Ones SI ORO SN =e NR 前 = aeee fo OR ie Ba mB owME 3 + PKS HRO BK \ SS td A a の eK Bex ARATE ES CO mR BE ie tie 2 | SSI SRE) Ro N OSE SS HOI PES ere (eKRC) |S \ NBM OX SAE SR ] 填 や ) [ AO Bly SAS OED Ho Ce し f 4 an ek f , / * ます X x っ の Tay ! が é 1 ny ; 1 ie 記さ ait Ta i 5 > ヘー et 、 MGM rey に 4 い x " と ” j NL 1 の りり OCS f / 4 > hale Bae LO Te 2 、 PA bs > の リ pire yr (ah アー が に yt he nike 4 らら 90 > te (ow fe t JULY, 20rm 4896. [No. 113. PART に GAN aes) ; > | 3 っ 1 oo Sy On the 1 Japanese Cereals. 0 from | ee eae a No: 110. Ms e ° CP eee = 日 ° ee ° e e ° e o 3 213 ドニ ty are SW Yasuda, A., Englena viridis. E found in the Pond Shinghaad ab a Sa soe “the End ‘oF 生生 CI 1 oa Be ‘Makino, T., Mr. H. Kuroiwa’s Collections _ of Liukiu Plants ~ Se ce i 2 (Continued Grae Ne NOL ey ae eee gt Sawada, SEs: Plants ‘Employ ode in ‘Medicine in the Japanese a eae 3 as Pharmaeopzia. (Continued.). pees Tis Pas Cates oe 22K fe SS ‘shirai, M., Descriptions — of Some eo Japanese Species of Meet ee : ee: ee un be Seyi bene eo! eA Ie ye ik sss ea mie a SOE rai, a ae ions, of Some New Japanese Species oe eae ee se: - As ; kobasidium: Ko Orne Ne las Se ne ae ae Oe : ‘NEW LITERATURE — re ans : Pie : | : Ec 0. Borge, Ueber die Rhizoidenbildung Voi: einigen Ridennuiek- ia ee ( 1 Chlorophyceen.—R.. Thiele, Die Temperaturgrenzen der | ee ear Sale Schimmel pilz in verschiedenen Nahrlodsungen.—J. Dérfler, ee Sis Botaniker-Adressbuch. —H. Molisch, Eine neve niicrachienaunes ee ee か Reaction auf Chlorophyll.—H, Molisch, Die Krystallisation Rae eet 6 oe ger Nachweis des eh é cS 2 "MISCELLANEOUS — Se こま の ee _ Short. Notes on ie — Miscellaneous, Notes on the Plants of; SY ee : 2 層 # Yojosho-oku, さ etc. iar eee 人 - 3 i 7 The ni Magazine is published monthly. 2 i Ee _ Subs¢ription price per annum (incl. pee for Europe 10 ene (=8 shillings) 4 Seok $2 ee and ‘for America 2 dollars. ESS の て All letters. and communications to be ey to Pealiucors Hirase, pease : NMM BOTA NICAL ee Botanical gel ae Science College, epee: - eos hs y ive i 7 rok on ‘| iil oe lL he | eee 2 a | 本 本 保証 | Beer ENA +r [NN ay tS so ーー Ly {1 ee [SR ESBS || < SEN RHEE SRE HS ime So & oo BRIN w eee ie Ft PS AL) 7 tr 44 Aly ~ Ji = Bh ch Na es Eee ts (Ea oe = AT? | (ii OE SWE ~MR 7 OE D Tite ™ ET ae » ay BS —i. ea =) WEA i 7 = MEAS) ま se Ne (MAREE Ska Bor Ell FU Bhi moll Mill. yet 所 者 ASSE sme) e PixE of er at oF Sz] Ost = “= rs AY ーー ae Bi Sep 3S Pasa Sct Od | SRA as HS Bas Ot Sp ops heat Bal Eh = => oom ンジ て て i an f oy 27 eS Lt ; | Sx Sie Fase Nhe ee DosR RePoO ahs =) ee | | | Sot] uae RE has v tik O Fb 2 HE (c O | | SSSR LASHES FURNES LIS SAE 4 RIRREOR SY at Se Bliss = WESERUSAS +O} Ree NHB tHE SLEDS | ! > BS RAN Gwe OM & ORES ETB, 4 BROS YS eS POE | | 。 | BROYRS ae | ORa HASBRO] し SEE | HE | EERO | SABES る * た し ee ed Y 2 に に だ Del | ( 宮 ご ate 2 し ET の ィ ぐ の の @@ る @@@ 5 BM a 8G 11S Neaéaaéer en ao ae 8 3 FRAG $8]1|-+-BSs er re im ss gpina His OKKE RES Ley (NONE) Ale MS ii …“ suing ND "HH OAR -- IMR KR O ASA se set nly Q RAR... Bit dy ot tah Be Be OC mm eS 8 (NB) HERO RARE H ROR 4 Gav + K Bs Ay Nee eB Ge | dri NEO WAR A BRAT m EX K AN Om OSS Ss It NS — ——, (248) et 上 set ASE EB AES RAE ee OBS COs 11 BEN 3 URLS | SA で SS いで” ERS Rar XO m BO RE | =~ TRAAD SIT PDR HAD < |\ FEAT m SEG A oe | SES KN (BBA SE REL AM Re NE 退位 や ゃ ふく < Bokorny KRakK Ry SRI Say HERR N 1 HK Ak 4 RARER OH A OR AOA Bp ARN 7 RS AREER BARRE NBR = oh REMEDY Nett y AGEN A 2 Bike A NEM ARMY XS A aE | Bag yp (246) = 4 明 oe PT a se ot 本 eit rey (4) Bambusa Oldhami Munro, see (5) Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro (= tictllata Benth. non Willd.). Seenk aha” yaw | Ot 剛 TES S BR FOES ORAT A A \ > A EHR AR EERE “SA | BIN BRK +o | RS ANNO Bt A ee & =H eel \ FEA ミ SN Bay S2 th SBE WR S94 9 BA HR IN A WMA = CHEESES Ta SR | SOSRI ES 4C+ AT MER Im om£m) a y te) Gaston Bonnier. WR coe < at, | BE Société de ‘Biologie 1 S0y BRADY > HBT ーーーーー Bambusa ver- AAA mA Tin 4 a. NK m at Ei Bae” RE is CN RK aD AAD AAS CORD KS SAH CO Rat RQ | SERN et PENX AONE 4 Se Somaty’R aR mo NnQMX ANAK HIN OKA GES REN | 2A + ERS MERIT K AS NRK K A KD | | \ SSH THN A SR 6 ES RR A Be my Rea WS HB "6 RSI = Se 1 GER mR IN a Soi 4 NN HS BR of oN EE CR RED i #15 5 AKG 6 he NIE NRE MAA BA | x UA = N feck cis Si) TRAE A RRR) 4 ORD Sea A HON RNIB a SN ROR Rd KN Nt ERR + tin ( Be NR AMIN BLK EIN RA ASK SRS Reg m nm MHD 4A BAKE MA | m EX YK Nm SHS PSEA 8 = mn Medd ARN | BARNS MARS NBR & AKMEW | © EYE NRE A HABA Bae ROA | Wh REA moma YD Redohhs Mae ae 4 1 Bi / SEBS Dy | BRIN Bh Ry NRA NHN Soni ae Climacium japonicum Lindd. RAPA PS RA | Climacium ruthenicum ZLindb. NAN RDN PSMA DA Isothecium diversiforme (2 ) Besch. nar HSN lsothecium cymbifolium HINA TN TA | Hypnum pratense Koch. 4 介 A | Hypnum Haldanianum ye の . KAT S Hypnum circinatulum Sch. ? hAKN Td | Hylocomium brevirostre (Ehrh.) Br. eh NB gg oN Seid NX ie. MEE < Gaon eH ADA 11 | OWMEDGE ~\ SRA 08 i tt KS 1860 Eh RRS | ele A Colonel Munro Wita-A Monograph of the Bambusacese (Sexy Hr) | FPR OPER S SOE RK A HH” NA ROU = AEN BRN 2D NAY A IBD HRN Sa. SS A wr BRINK WE QWa Nm HN A = Tats em A HN | BS RH om Ke Rot PAWN MEEHAN (1) Bambusa tuldoides Munro(=B. Blumeana ? Hook. PAQPaw yy (= et Arn, non Reem, et Sch. = B, tulda Benth. non Roxb.). Bteeo8 HES” RR” BRR (2) Bambusa angulata Munro. doh get (3) Bamdusa brevifiora Munro, eee (244) ia A ーー _— — —_—- Si H+ 月 七 年 刀 十 凡人 Polytrichum commune (ん .) Ka HS Polytrichum formosum Hedw. REKR UH SA Polytrichum piliferum Schrebd. AK HS Dendropogon dentatus Mit, ? NAA TDA Leucodon sapporoensis Besch. < he T A Leucodon luteus Besch, sp. nov. in litt. mem bee KTS Leucodon spurio-secundus C. Muell, il << & th HS Meteorium aureum Mitt. var. japonicum Besch, ヾ マテ 1 へ Pterobryum arbuscula 7 が . yin hs Schwetschkea Matsumurae Besch, sp nov. in, litt. rv.n CS f & calyptra cuculiform, pilose. Anomodon rostratus Sch. ret AS Anomodon tristis Jdhtt. po Kye es Anomodon ovicarpus Lesch. Mom LINAS IN TS Pseudoleskea capillata 7 が . neN ae HS Thuidium cymbifolium Doz. et Molk. 9 へ AN へ Thuidium Molkenboerii Zacost, が AN UI や Entodon abbreviatus Jhtt. ALA HS 8 Mnium vesicatum Sesch. ,MREDARA TS a aS Philonotis fontana (L.) Mnium sapporoense Besch. RATA THREDNAKA TS Atrichum angustatum Schimp. Mnium lycopodioides Lindb. (M. Thomsoni Sch.) or eS VRRKE OKRA TA Mnium punctatum Hedw. DK ERKEDARA TA Mnium minutulum Besch. DAR TREDRARATA Mnium radiatum, Ws. | Yak & Hh | Ke KEDAH ADS Rhizogonium Dozyanum Lacost. HX &e 1S Sova Db Pogonatum sphaerothecium Besch. Rhizogonium venustum Besch. sp nov. in litt, RRHEKe HA HAM \ a Hh} Pogonatum alpinum Brid. Bartramia crispata Sc ん . Pogonatum pellucens Besch. qu K oN ee Pogonatum otaruense Lesch. hd EK or TS Pogonatum akitense Besch. Pogonatum urnigerum ん . の を ャ KK 生 仙人 “oR (2) — ーーー ス Oe eM Barbula tokyoensis Besch. sp. nov, in litt REYVA KATA Barbula unguiculata Hedw. ? ASK A HTS Grimmia apocarpa Hedw. eka rhe Racomitrium canescens brid, var. ericoides. K+’ & Leaves scabrous. 4 DI y 44 facomitrium lanuginosum お 7% の . APNA HA Racomitrium sudeticum Br, et Sch. YUaK RTS Dasymitrium incurvum forma minor. Phew thd Tetraphis geniculta Garg KAN RRS mh Physcomitrium repandum (Graff) Mitt. KN や Sh ふ Funaria hygrometrica Hedw, LARA HSA Webera elongata Schw. var. macrocarpa. nae th hs Tm REE Bryum argenteum JL, oo Td Bryum capillare Z. var.. ca Rae TA Mnium cuspidatum Hedw. he NAH S Mnium affine Bland, HRINR ATS Mnium japonicum Lindb. REREAD KA TD Mnium speciosum Jdité. SARK E DKA TSA Sm MEK [Dm Rar EsR) + Qe a Oallistemon salignus, Sweet, SRQRRAC A. BK BaSs FER mm BEN RN SSHRC ASSESS RE GRER Hes \ HE A latus, Sweet. Deedee NIN AV ar | i$ Son CO. lanceo- RARE Pets | Baa SRTK SUBS 1 ADH KA NENA = ICE aR = Weisia viridula Brid. var. tenuiseta (Sch.) ANA D Sinapis alba, ん . | N % RIND Cx hh & Calyptra cucunliform. Teeth 16. i Leaves involute, entire, lanceolate, acute, #RIRSREX 1 NA Bryoxiphium Savatier Jit. Hh mos? ERE ABER A 4 T'rematodon megapophysatus C, Muell, 4. "® “ene a Apophyis long, linear, $ESk 4 4X \ Bem icr OE a bo KR A RON 4 leh Dicranum crispofalcatum Sch. os Dicranum japonicum JMitt. SR Dicranum platycalyx C. Muell. Var HS DDB TDA Lom INV & HA Readers Leucobryum yamatense Besch. sp. nov. in litt. sites eehua Fissidens adelphinus Besch forma major. AN HA heARA TDS Fissidens japonicus Dozy et Molk. KAD DA Ditrichum divaricatum Jhtt, st'e ts Teeth very long. We ews Pottia truncata (.) var. major wsA 征 Sm Calyptra cuculiform, SiRS8ER i NA =a ~NA | \GETEEEN RS Y Am RE YD BUR Sei {No mx | AUS 4 MP IN SR SERS SRS RPE I VER Ay a BeN Ren S2\ | FONTS $B K AER BSA SRR BNE Cor RN NE IMAI RN Crd He TR pK fj +] S+mSd & A'S AAAT we RCRRI HN I ED «OA AED EN 0 iy = lee, A ee に | 1 % : { ヽ , ga) NPBA OR BRA IRA REM EIN BL ESN RR CORE AHN KR TSO REO 4 NE RES if Tes ar ANS BINS Ae a ee A ats {if nh “ey US) a a | IK Eel R A ot > j-+ Saget x & REM lone +) RUN (27 BREN DEKH A RE TR oD \ BR eA RE EA) at | ei で me NY RINRATEAN ENE A IRAT ER A ||| a RCE MERE RSLS ve Ee 5 ORE ri | HP SEE PIN ConA PER A REEN ERIE mn ff | OBS S eel anee tea py X UHERE § GB 0 ESE SASH Ww NR SHR HEA! | BBS IA PRN HS RE NY Orem AR 昌 [ ] | Orirnum (Codonocrinum ) latifolium, ん. = OU. ornatum, Herb, C. zeylanicum, ん 。 i. dim &) | [oN 2% FAA RRA | | | | NEW me \ HO” Ey RE A AE MR) XK | Baeckea virgata, And, ZSqH Bhat ~ BIS yom wn Bags | Ae AA] RO A tre =~l[N S| qaK DRAE# > Berm Bs A eK) wea) 1 WK Ar BO HBR’ R Bal WN NTR MERA A + te BRK {OX WER BRAK? 4 NY SR BRR SIS (BHR A TERA AH AAT PARQ RADE aR 4 Soin 2 BE? SIE MPEGS BERR Ao AR § Rt IN EME AE BRABLKA % | BH MON a AN 6 RR SN RRR A LR OY RA fe ーー ュー ニー OS SKK Ws AWE aleep ren wkeal(r ae rr Pome 1 Rates | 2 & @ | & Hans Molisch, Die Krystallisation und der Nachweis des Xanthophylls (Carotins) im Blatte). (Ber. d. ee 學 物 cis ees bole Deuts Bot. Ges. Jahrg. XIV, Heft 1, 1896) ROT AWA RR MRNA HEU AQ CRD ENR ARENA EAR SHER AN RE | KA ERAN IRS A HEAGAN | ESN SE SST ERR BREE or wa AR Bn Ca RN EN AL A | mE OX RN > NMBA ys Rngeosy o 4 A A ah (RE ASM I I+ ONE PS = (| 42) \ RIN SeR YY ARTE bP (MATRA DA I SRARSA HESS a EN A RN BLD BRR 4 MERE REMRER m EXRSK AA BEAR CARIREE | Se ARENEEN AWN = RRQ NRA KD AR RB aH ow ERE SD AER RD IEA | ate oR RN HRI GE ae IN A BRAT ar RE NER IN or GRRE YD Re Gn BSE NKR “ 26s HREM BEER ATI PAD I | HESS NER EK IBS Nae TaD | Ce : an KK Pe DARN SDAA eS DAR KAICR BHD) NSemB HN Ke SIS ER I Siw FG BONG \ ROGIER Ry mon KN RINK? AS BI'R HE SB a SR BN Sry gem Ka RN ies 6 Rea FORD BR BBY KON RK NK © HORA REBHN A 2 RERRES Gs Rice PMH Bees s ESI A EBS Nn (Miyoshi. ) (238) terns a | ーーーーーーーーーー 〇 < >K Pd 4 ERTBRSEIE NS | BeiRpeRa SRS 1 2 J Ze 8 ] Hans Molisch, Eine neue mikrochemische Reaction auf Chlorophyll. (Ber. d. Deuts. Bot. Ges. Jahre. ff 5 0 ら ・ 明 » 5 XIV, Heft 1, 1896) SEAR HE MN ROR K A ARENA ND NK Ce ARS GH SEA To ea pa, BORD weed (oe EEN A ae | AK OR A TRRR AN AER RADA 4 |S BLED SOR 4 > Bt csi «SAREE (GHA 8 \ 7 REI RVD RAP NPR KAHAN WNP) MSN KBE Ba fly Bes 2X m Ann aK (BERR FES (HEM AK) REA ce 5 BREED 4 fot) HRT OH ERR ROI eee ER NM OK A WMHS ES HRS DS Sea) EK A 4 Nm RR ER A MAN A Ci Ba CAPRA NA IT RAHA A | | Mi lh—-narA lp mBvnreBravra-_BwnN (ema (Se Wr- vv en | , S21 4 ISS \ RSE on Nn OR A Sage RR 8) SE SRE BK A Sk ym eee | > SERRE YA BEDS KR m BRN A Pe RAR ISR A MORAY OD ( AN) HK Yo or 5 BREEN | RS MAAR NI AIND — RBM NA RRA WS へ (BNO KR | ーーーーーーーーー 5 雑 学 物 村 ae: 第 就 ーーー ーー を ーー ca) ae Linder der botanischen Girten und der die Botanik pflegenden Institute, Gesellschaften und periodischen Publicationen. Wien. 1896. ae. ot dt | SLED SAR ICIRIS En BEA 1 GEREN 1 NBDE N EY Ae Ka RINK 抽 SIN Nh oft W. Engelmann swat ost | aT yA eS 5 Bebe Heiss eae 0 NARS AW tml \ BE a te PLESSIS A RINK REESE HE a A NK OQ “BB! me” $Me Ree Bs NIRA RRS Ree” ERROR RGN HER AINA ND ARK 6 BRM < QOS \ BEER aN” SEAR RKB EA Sy HATS Rae ( GD NR RR 千 包 | Sp BERD” Baa a BA | BES STIR SSE RHE Hye ads dna” ESN SE gee 央 Thi RS UHH A Phas NR RYQI RS A elm RR A RRC BON HS I A KER haf A ESA “rd ttn Be KNBR A HON A & ONE ,, Botanischen Adressbuch ” 4 KL MR SRM AD ya RA SN BOMN EB CK ANE BREN PN RAPA % STN Noe と テー — p み NO と っ ‘ 【 の レコ 4 |} XS O8P |] SR EN AT RA BY RE doo” SRS HERA Rm PES A Rie | eR ES Da を Bip A oN al en” Ay SNR YK TRA KRU A RAT CRS YN REM ERO (HARADA | SRN AID PS A ) RRB SR 4 BER A ON A im REA A RR RHR 4 REM 1 i at | SESS RHE ROAM RY Ar RAS HD SIRS HOS IRR KN PA AR RA RN \ in BS yy mA SRP A ye NOME IA KA Sra. Ba Re IMMER A Behm Be A HE RAN SSSR | | Ti Se AC RS FOG R IRE RE REP AR s 3 1) ROA IRB WINS ES A Bim Bey A A + ri y — i 明 2 ee ea Mg Se E NSR RES on 4 PSR GER On (BER om on OR eo ties PA 4 Tie tn | 1 BED WORATER < EER ER mA NITEM IR 7 | MRR 4 BER | +P tae AN OR Se HD 7 (BXHESR | ooo ot oy RSH pp (233) dears Ru Vaucherta Win 4 ek tHoe YA BSE ( BRR RN Kew, Ree (BD A dom X (BRB Ae RSS BIKA) Wo Bmx A WAS R Drapinaldia, Ulothrix N+ Cladophora 1 4 Barse wh Huw BRSE — Wo ADK PSS BE BK ORK Spirogyra + Mougeotia < % xem \ ss pO AA RE WN mK AN 07 7 | NAS REL N\ RTA NRSERRN [IR RINS AA THe oy QR SS Be KK RN ies Sh Cladophora, Draparnaldia, Ulothrix へ Rx 22 iS NW HR K ARN 4 RAD WER M Ka VY RINK Noy ow Spirogyra BN WIEN Re 4 | RUSS UNA HA HRA (AD BRN QR LA BD Spiro gyra fluviatilis, Vaucheria clavata ~ Bae 4 BRR. SBE ™ Sn PSB HK AA SBR AHH < (Miyoshi, ) ーーーーーーーー 4 〇 ャ ー 3 ISR NSH oy TEX Ney OR R. Thiele, Die Temperaturgrenzen der Schimmelpilze in verschiedenen Nahrlésungen. Diss. Leipzig. 1896. Oma" RC sR SH 2 BEEN = ¢ RESM\ BRM Ag dem dey KE WERORES’ RARER’ SSA OeER’ ~\ HER ? BS SER may | RINK BONG 4 dr RRS HOA BER ONIN RSW NU NRA He tm NS Ae Ee Penicillium glaucum X's Aspergillus niger ~\EHRA +X 7 #OHDSEES SOME 4 JUS IES WERE BREE A ae —— = SFP Pas oe = (222) ~ a acer FE SESE NEE oe SK] LK § ASB HER IN Oy Je Balak BS BARB Cm eX a DAG y 5 BYR yeaa 7 a BS Bm ede RCL IR iy 4 MEERS ey REAR EO NSE MY KAW AN RA SME NE Re? RNS RCP TRINA 6 RR RHR TR“ ae HRN The TH RA RDS! DIR AN NYT A aN eS) SO ia ( eS NS “SR RA ) A my ES RE 2) ER sy ESR し コ く Spirogyra fluviatilis, inflata, orthospira; X's BiB” Mougeotia; Cladophora; Draparnaldia glomerata; Ulo- a thrix zonata, rorida; Oedogonium diptandrum Bet mn — x 7 qrHeSO'R ERAN S HOME om Ry AGERE om A BMS ec ah a mA MARA RR BD’ & | Spirogyra fluviatilis | Bw Been + * Ww Br’ | BRSME Se Home = KER NHK OD A (SR OAR PS Be REM AK PAAR? Be MARE > ASME” SEHE” GREE Sa SoA ROME Heat A GRA AT GOW ABBE eS NEEM RIOR; Ly BN khAW へ JUAN TAS PN § BEBROPH RR HHO? 1 TES A ERD RAE in 4 OP BI HO 71 EN ER OD MRRP HN OPO STR RAINED | I 4 OF HS SENN BAe 5 Bly Be wis ccs ae ARN S| WIRESN SER A RY TR) SCRE SS RIN RA RRA BRS HO 6G \ Bek mee (R AN NNR) RRR RA : : NSS A BERRIES (ES WIS BRR A OS RRR KI) Go of BDA BH om = BRE Dee | EMER HK AR | EE RIB EIR Beh A CREB ae WE 6 Sart = Mia aa . VW = trae | El’ Exobasidium hemisphaericum. ) it’ Exobasidium pentasporium. AES HE RUE RH HD & ASS 2 makes < PARE NER NIG Gis] \ MEA » a © RARE 3 sme nH > THE ~ HSER hm a QO s i CQ) 2 RUT SER ER ~ ERE RR 11 Gah J I] im ly 0. Borge, Ueber die Rhizoidenbildung bei i Fadenformigen Chlorophyceen. Upsala 1894. | e+ 1° BRIS Gp « Sessa (Ge % Ocdogonium, Cladophora, Chetophora 時) NEESER SS Bat 4 Sn) 1 RIN AR ER 1 by DN AEER ASO AERA” REESE SBda NW RNRRARS Sea =D WEERCEED BAHN A 4 De Bary, Brefeld 42R "WISH Bisgen R~ BR KK ABABA’ SIS EDN ER yy 6 ERE MTN A RN LK NS\ EBS % Mougeotia, Zygnema, Spirogyra BP sh wh The 6 PESESE m My me PRED we RCHEER SN Bn 4 RON BER RA RRO BR” BRERA ER Dah g occas nis he wena He Ho f AMEBRA ig > RRP SN me 22 yy 4 ES WOME BERRY AK AR XK” HOSE 4 2 RON RRS AEH SD DN EA BERE Mm ix ery } BM eS a HET 4 SRM Ee A TEER A AR RA BEY INA NEN FOIE 4 oud tetas yy) hen | | EEA ARAM teh y rs — a こ - 月 人 E JL 耶 i A + Ww so ET RTE 4 | sais «ge pean Peta SE IG oem | SNES RN RE ty amy Nm BEES NY is Hxobasidium pentasporium n. sp. mal いつの Q の で と な る を いひ Q ES Spikes < SEAS EIEN | 訟 井 衝 AN 6 ME RR ARE oe a BED ne em en ge | MOR Eu RET HN OFS ¢ MMAR EI IGE Hos (IER AIR 14.4/ BE 4 oe Smeets AAR DE HS ERB CHK BASS BEL AHA AR CR HER IN'N | SRB BSS Woo Ho PSE PSY 1) EN Nm Seto RBH SSE (REIS Ey KA ABD Sr SABES BER OD NIRRSRD BND 6 ERA NK BN BRR EIR + BK ARNG BIR 6 Ht MODI aH ARERR N GSES SiR 4 HD 4 EKER Am ES KA RR en Be Sm eeR x ANwAA RE RE tM a & EA HOE RED SR BTLRS ~ (els “ % = 27 QD NIRER if a x a Hees | ” Exobasidium Camelliae. o RS SRE ER KE B BARE age > Re ho A A ~ Gale a aK 128 ROMO pan 1 REAM HH N 2 BS a to Mey Hm 4] SAY otk pet SY tek Le td LM ank |" Exobasidiuimm Japomicum., rahi の O - YAR RGR HEIN Y AD S 11° Exobasidium Camellia. var gracillis O = UNG NOE BSS ~ HRI th HY] O & AER ーーーーーーー 一 ーーーーーーー--ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 一 - 一 一 ーーーーー--ーーーーーーーーーー 一 誌 夏 単 物 植 ゆか sk 半 _(229) SO HEH SoD) HEIR A GR HER ME mm EO BS Ae HIN A + BAS | SOBWN AS RAAT > NLS SEERA HIST NBN RD BARN BA KB KEKHI My" ow DS —_———__! HERR 4 BILD AR KAGE S 11SEC 4 SEs KA EN Ro BR BY KO W | REN Hy AEN IRE NR SK PERI HO 9 SEC SNE BAK | 店 磐 陳 々 Fr ロート AN A (SEX) NE HN EN DK YA BS Rn Loy BIBI Ho RK 4 RIS MN OBR | Sa MHRA ( HESSEN TRS YD 4 Bx Sa OHREE MTOR HO Oe RN OS RA | X 4 MIR SN Ba NRO YN KA OFS 4 SOP RRE | SRN ANA L4opy EE 4p. | pHORRISRE 0 ENO 7 2)“ Se HS REE 4 Se AR OS 8 4 SIRE NEA EIN BP kX Ak ARO RAN RSA BS ALIN BIR EES RRR IN RPA DNS KUO | wk Be ES SR BE He NA Cor So AK RN BN (EE) A(R) AN EX REN IY ーー FE) OUR m BD GRRE N A 4 Chath m mS Seas Sem HT MO 0D 4 ERNE RRL QA HIN 還 Exobasidium hemisphaericum n.sp. EM IDE~ SMO PAISENHOES Ses RSH yj SA SLES 2 RTP Km RR 4 OSE A OS rit 4 SER EN eH XK OS MED BTN =n SERS EUW 15 一 19, BE 4 5p NGS OS Oe a ee ee ee Mie? 1) BI HES “y tH eS x 14.54 BE 925 一 5 KA ee eH SERN Be TOS AT AT ALU AIS PE Ox ea SILER (Exobasidium) ache ype tH © & R XB eX iie ae NARS ELE ESR BT RE | SURES KEE | SINISE 4 RIS eS SB Se OR oa 8 SSN 1 KRESS ~S MOSER HEH X ARN BAAS BRA | * Exobasidium Camelliae n. sp. BM QMO eS と いく SS Mrs 4 RR GRISEDX A RES RRS HO PB (TREN RE Bee 1 KR 4 RN MO QA > COS BRIN AD FRO S HIE ARN THA EN RRR} A HR Ce Se hn 4 ORS SE mm PE IN RES) GA | ORE 4 PRIME m Sess | EC ORS SR 4 Dae NK OPE 4 EMRE A i SERRE y NU 145-17 BE Te KN RE 4 Ei SK. Wm IDB PRES KO 4 BRET | DEK RR RD SRS Bag MN A A ty GS EONWERA | KRRRAN AK AR AIBA NRE KR A PN HEN CORT Pe RRR eA 9 ASR BRAD RON ST) KOR BB Og Sear SEHR m SE Sam = Em BEN Dy Ei ¢ STN Ey A に 3 NHRD BB wn .Nm OM Swi HY A 1]° Exobasidium Camelliae n. sp. var. gracilis n.. var. geal 9 SPK QO PUISENOES Sie § 4G En REBIRTH. REAR Ae Nm ER RR IS Me mR eK OR 4 = +a 第 と テキ キー (227) "Gena ne al" SEU > SER GSES > BAUR FS KE RD + OSR dE ¢ BRUCE m OR rN Bm Ro Ri | RAB [ae se] SOR ERM MRE HRs \ ERE © om mas ORME RaW A mK > ROHR oS BK (NEE BR SRE m HEI ON BRERA TRIN KA OB A RAB Ky IKIK = Ks X18 4 ROU A ORR my SST ARS RAR CRE ES HS HO ¢ HE m9 ER REN “HE eK RY (RRM EWA > ODRMS Qa ABR’ ERSBSK AM RIBRBMN BMRA % HE RnY's | EBS > saat mn Ga KY a BEI OEY KS mae. PA A RR OGRE ERE A RN BO BSR On Daa ron 4 BEEK AR ASM BEE © OBEN YN mm SEB ER A RR RD ERG WA RA BD かー さか 1 Sa RB Ak 6 [fee ees] RS iw ARE — へ we So Bw {OS eS | His Be ahm 言 CHK ree AS Se GENER OSA RR’ BE, RGR LST mn SS COR ALES RR dn ホー へ 公 'N 記 記 "年 昌 維 n 窟 選 > | HR ee ema R TRABRAR ZA OCggeguereg » way 0 Pan > Pee DAREN 1 無人 ホテ Np 2 4h NR VIRE+ (AR EMOMS\ Rn BCR Yd | HCE “Bre ae. SB enn YAO SARS 4 HEM Bn top oy Sy KHER SD RAR RR IND 4 ORBAN SEM ERB Rg eg * NM SERS HR ER FED HSRC FED Sa [UTEDERN ¢ > OREN NAM’ SER 4 BED SRST lise ANS IS ト Sj MRE NX AHO 4 BRERREY “point” aR < ue apy aN TK SOS RC RRO ea Gea m SRS WN ARN BE 『 AA Am STA of HWM MEN YA 7 (Vi ARS ) mK MIR RE Nee 早田 EELS ES EA LT ANT I LS PT PN LLM NS GL SMM AL I MRR NSK は fan ek GE] TENURES SR? py SORE ¢ ER SRS DE 9 eRe > SHEE AR AR | = et” Say sate ol mtg KI BR AZ PRE RR EApxine aie asin Lee Ae = HEUER RE m= SRE S TRE NBN AS 4 SERRA TR SO RO EH a RS SH RH A N SUSE % SESE ~ ERB = A AH (SRR GIN = ONDE S Bg 1 BR RO A ASR A OR NH HR SAR NSRE HN | SH NAC Ry I ART BY 4 PRE ER 9 h SRSA AAG 4 AIR SM | it mE SSM RA RT [8 fe we SR | Rees «He St RN A BK 1 ERR A ee er K 7 SSR NE oy RE SER AR HUE RIN Ch 6 HS BEE HR HR SSK > ( [x Ss] Se Se Se CMR Smee’ AER SI VSR EME KA Re NEA) 9 @hBten aS aE tees Shae: eee Ry cemiens came | reeny is ew Hi aR ALARA Res NN Ya ON | BES ER Bad 1 BAR SESE ty SES RE MST RC SERRA Kn RN AR 6 BENE NR a BRE | | や 1» im sae a? sim ioR A Se ed mm SSX GET ~ REE Rr SR BRK A om ROR 1) BEN IEA AR ORF BED oA : K の aR Fe SU cemanemnnane ase 3 Hs DISS ECR PR came tl KN 7 チ co ele 1 We | == を ただ Gi | 腹 Ree | ot gine we 02202 We 7 ae A. Ss wy 4B 7 G ie ae 酒 WE a 2 に mo 7 v ut ad 腹 cee he 用 di is Y a Ail “fe pe rm 目 那 ae On ihe Zu ye SE ラ ーー qe 別 ぐ ラ sa Bt rg aK x sa ad | sat es ジン 6 ex 筐 外 mn : geil i Bo ae ae oS pe? z -" Pe i; a Re” Finder ts 『 tye Beli ia WJe= 3 草 aes リ we ag a = Sows. vB Swede Ss Moa NII 日 第 詩 打 = =~ BAe 3 (_. ) at” fe se) | | Ga 弄 Be” =) ee | 加 " 精 | | a i fing ae | HE a Te = Op | a 7 i EK | #8 VB WORN ATS SV ETE Re? Se BD dN] | I Fey DN IA NSB STS $V SS WS \ SEES Ww GAlkt GME SY ES WB SAR CR SE LPB Re LAER OOF iN mee MI SNESY \ Se tv xX と Se = OR Gale See > or —=—- \. \i REE S N S a Tw val st \ ESS Ss Sh w ER W BESEEA Ns Se SER id) BR DS & ES WON SES = ーー ン ZrHU RSS Oey wy At) hae SSRs PH Aw oy WB RS = “a” \ ft SUSE \ BOSSES SL w WOSRSE ft = = - に 4 < て Rashes wO ( 41 \ SEZ ) — ry eee EN T= BETIS BU Se. BES (Ria ae BRIER SS” SR] EN SRET+HES ©) © Osh’ BROE (RK A OTE < SEER で トト ホ NAS A’ HYEE “PR RY — Nag’ PIN on Na” EEE PRAAARANRT WR? RS Kb HIN’ Se HA the oie SEER if Sat O-DBESE | BRRH yy Um Be’N ASE KR AN Sm BR 4 SLL « tink nis woes aims + Mee SEES 0) > SHEED EMS KS SARIN ms a YEE 6 RK 1 SRR BOS 4 ED ESS S RIN IRN RES 4 NES BON ARES) SE HERR Siig BS KIER NHR 2 BORA SOS ERA + BASEN RRS AR Skah 9) SWELL Sy RBS ms DRS SES) Sh) IBY Dm en i THE Fe if ua sit 球 | 本 | 物 | Be 時 | (222) in 明 EER M HER aA っ 3 いる (GREER) つる 8 の mg (EMERGHEMAN) HS RE A= yaoi 3 | いい 2 RE REEVE < oe | ERR RN RR YON AE RB YR ROE SOR AS SHPQER NRA KOE HN BRAIN REIN A TR TKN (47) Freycinetia sp. QOS (RMT) (Ce で SS 終 ) OF 4 HN BRD NERY SRR Bm SY aR SER A 4 HO NR SO ee ee ee Hi (RRA ARNCNMS ENN ON MRSA RA (MEt eet eee | 8] ess) OR 1? AES (RR ANTHERS er eT | OEE RESISE 1 REE NBOR 91 HN RH PERUSE Ski By Re Ny SE eT IER A | Moore ; Polypodium vubidum Kunze; Drynaria rubida J. Sm. ) Raines (RE) (LV) OR a HE GAY ASI me oH Boe § BBB Weeae | > SMILED of HESS Rg do He ¢ Se NBO NBR MBAS | RH] PRE ATE ah EE Ceo RRR SRR Rae 4 SRS u ee ee SPAR ARES oe aa | SiWSRES + - oho exes - RR WER Ya IE HEI dem yy REE (RCMB SIS x eS Me BRUFOA Le ut = | 3 | (48) Polypodium (Phymatodes) longissimum Bl. (=Phymatodes longissima J. Sm. ; Pleopeltis longissima | (221) © pCR OEE AC PES RO” SBN" PIN mr 4h oD HN REI A Dobe abt ak ~ 29] 4 abUR m =e a SORE TEENS nD EME) CATE A LEER A RBIS OG 81 JS JE KREIS mh oh BRA AIBA ASD ABE KEK BLY AID BRITS Ot Ein \ ERB m OER RHA BRED AN Sm NE MA ORAS (436 ORIEN A SPSS BE SEN SS 4 OR ok BOB 4 BS as VB KOR MAB) MOKN ANDAR INES + Sida x Bp 6 BUR A Tix QIN’ * SESS mh BO REE RK RR = HES A SK Sea > a estimate. (Um ok N HSER] >\ CESSES SE BE ER A STD 4. HA RSRR ON 4B OD Re ER HEN nog ae son “Re wee NE aE Gr ^ KRge > Sb 6 BES HE SSE 4 1 SE ACN BE SEHK ee” MUR 4 WEDS | \ ER SAR ARO SERA ERN nSy | Obtn EE 4) Reseed An Ni mi | トー ORE 4 RHA Ss ROMS ee Dy S CER A SWC Bw Statice arbuscula Maxim, +2BiRK & mn + MORK asain wy Bie AJb + | CSAIL SK RR BS GRDESEEDE ( ARERR = — OR MR KR Rs 1 BEDE SR aa | Mr. Hisashi Kuroiwa’s Collections of Liukiu Plants. me | : : ‘ 5 1 | (Continued from No.107.) 3y Tomitard Makino, +|| (46) Statice Wrightii Hance. TH Sostay Svar (HEE) «(CS VIeORE) «—- OA BH RR BD ESR HY RIE a | | edn 3S BB Se Pm HR A RE Se RS AR AAR | em | ee Re a x ESR 4 SN Br EK BK Lem x yo bole + ib AEN MOR KY Rg KBE ES ~~ Rm ? 軍 WE > BN Sh g SERA om SSK > AER] ATT PERRIS aA OSM ER SRE MIT K 4 MRS KR BO NORV) B44, 62s] SI ENR RWWA INE (B 9 ( BB) NAN RRS RESO RIB or UE A > EE Salm ON ER IK A SSS A KR SAR 学 物 植 雅 mu 百 第 se (219) AM 2 mRE” RS S ak WSO ESN Rear HN oe ey A — KRESKMBEIME SAT RICO EK | RE AABY\+ rr Ber BxrNneo nw rk Sap ads” つく fey wR Hx A ace CAR HMR rex x ar WP SRS 2 RINK DD Th HSS HEP A PANT A Ame ASU oM FA fey. AD! har Cw EHP” CE) 4 Bae a, CSI AERA My A 4 NA SSE AW Schmitz HY. Nm Pyrenoid + SANTOR IR + SRN ADs AR NRE RSEK ARS VE NSE A RR a TAKA nA TEER RA TD nie INN Be ATR A AINE Cw ARETE mM BA CHR B24 SHA SINK OE AAR A A MEK AmMMmAYA RSLS | HASH RS ARR AIN” EO KN A} SEIBS RA SRR + SWS Bes - A Sra IN SCR A ids m REX A RE) BAHU yD REST Ck Paramaecium 4% 4 Chilo- monas HP + TED 4 em BE NA NORA By (SHANKS Sa ING SS eh BN SLO BAN © KR Ae ERNE REDO HK PORN FON ms Bam Sh OW wR KA Rm 4 EN BN MAv~O\ BEM Dy mQORNR BA t Bands er? BHR Br wo Uk MRM Ay ASERN RA ARR Ue BRAIN WR SK IN BES THES 4 By BA St PSHE my RO REE ONIN AGRA NHS MO 38 SLOSS BRAN REM 4 IRA Hs OK BRS} A 2° A OSE RRS PY RAAB RAARR | | | | | (218) ai A — —— Mo hot 2 AES ht er NON BRA or ERA AN AEB mI “BER BN 6 ON ERA BERRA RS Bh RR brantrichter* + QDs NK URES RD AK RA ARE REA ANE | BC KON We RPIB BEN RR BNEHK NW CKRAMARA TOP ee aN MARA | MEER CRE BEM SE NHDR ATR Se Ce NK | XE PERRIS OR AR \ BR BK > RS 4 BSE IN oy Fy BTR SIN 7D 5 tS SR ty AMES EUR Ral A NING 4m REY AAT MEEK TAR NOR NERD A (Sem NINE DAT MER’ OEE Bem ARE (BRS AR SERINE ARR A ARRAN Swe oa | SRo ON EREEIRN GRD” SSR (BREEN NRE | BN ae AMET BR RN NR ER | \ SRM D'R? BH cm adn rd & Ar EES NARA © Na RS RRR A HR CN, Mem- ) THERE = 7 ROBB Holy SRS TL ARDS BER A OD 4 ERBERMSE (Augendeck) > KS AER | Som OH KX 7 He BS Sa RSA % Sse 4 MESS Beet yy Haematochrom 4 a fags OhIs K AME > I 4 “ PRAM OA PRAT HORA LO SRR A TR A ON RBH EBS oN 4 BRS BK OR RS SEN EEN BEE) CHD SEEN iy 4 BEAR ¢ KAR REM] RA HRS 4 aE Bean | SA SSE 4 TE ER RO NR RD & AR RTE 6 ER RI A + KARA Bm REY A RA REY DT BES RES IER oy 4 RO RR RR mR BSA Balm A RHA | REN BRSBSS NM Cay AR BQ DN” BSR HA SIREN OR im = ee 6 ORE yA PN HR RAS m Nh BRS SIR VN IN RE A BRS 4 BEER Hy, 9 BERRIES m BE EKA A BSN RI] E+ RANI X © RRARSEIS 4 HEMP \ BREE OA Ra By OPN ERI RK ESSE Hy Bnew -(217) 内 人 YOWNNWAW こ mi 5 BN BE BE BR IN FOB PER in » BRN ERA RA MOEA RA ERA BRERA Co Ra Soin > BIN RC de fo CRIN EES KAA BIEN Reem Be ed 4 BUR AIREN RAD MAS AN BRA” LRNEE MARE I Rh AT $2 4 BEET | REN BRS KA SAH SR 4 HES om EROS Be A ER RRR MN Re NRX, REORAVRERKABRE rR Aer we Ke | RA A SEAN RRA K BARI RE m BE A PIER = REAR BR og SER |S BESE BY A PINAR BR HB ED ASR OINEIA AO MOREY OH nn? agate ¢ 1] mews) HD & AAT” SR MADOBN By VENR BRN BON 1 BE | SRS RHE S AR RA EO へ キャ tts 5 YN my SON SR BEE A EEE SPS K A RON Go | RS iy INSEE et] i) SRS yf BEE IN GEN Rr Ruglens viridis Ehrbg RR INS + 4 EP RSL OMY AKA NWN KR a ~ RAPER RR Ra? Bn HB AUK 1) SERN SX ar RON BERR A IBN KARMA BBE | nh RSCLMN RNA ® W]e om ON ETINMORQR AT Nm | RY Om eS ea, pms ta gemcannnene TERN GEE AE | | N mn BS LOMS HE NR YD RS wa BES nO AO | or ® EOOIIRIHO'OT| | 7 See RIC RESIS NBR KAT ROY OS Sh i | A SSHD’R RAR NKR em Bw dK EKBR AINA BER {Sn SRaSn mar i BR ARIE : 2S LEM IRS AAS AMIRA RT TE ee ee (216) — —, ae RATA Ate wt REVS 。 & BHU (KSSH RN PEND KY ORE ROW PR Em | ORE Rn ( BWR NIK A LHW | NOS TREN RS HR BEE Ry 4] WMO AN ERA oe BRR OR A NN BERD RH SN SS ARENA RAD ae SHURE (SS | BLN HORE Bear = Rt MER S URE Cor ER 6 BR SS 1 ELS ARRAS tery Red KAR AMON FEM ADIN BS EHD N BS Rm RHE 4 BBS Sky Sy ES RMA REN EE EK AN EAR! LA 4 BYES SR em EE ke 4 SA ER mA A a BA | LAWN PONT | ROR = K RORY A NW 5 EAN SR pe REE | A 4 ED = EBS RI Om AE REA +] RE KM) oR Aa Ret | HS RTH RS SR I FN SX BREE D4 BD GD ar | NUINEKN A 1 RAR BRON HSE aN KONE Nm BIER (REE CRIN NAR Nn Sevacee | NEN C RING AQN & HELEN ESET SEN NBD NR NRE NER PA A IRN OC RINE AK : (ie GR) OKREEK RII Ek ala SY 28 IB Massenhafte Entwickelung der Euglena viridis Ehrbg. im Shinobadsu-Teiche am Ende Juni 1896. aT ok 田 Ru 2 By (pale Rea a ats sch) wert t |} er. eee MA aR se OP HeL sRGB 0 en SEHR S ARO = ER = BME EN HED BD > (ARS BRBB 4 Ba Don | PA A~ Ost m BARD) Ja? an. ih ee ee RL NSS y EEN RM aR YR ao ed Dh TB の | See See idee Cae eel Ee eae ME eee 2 馬 at | 6 a Be de> is GS He eo ae ae ee {yin Bes K ¢ oe dati my ae as om JH A a ee Nh]? (802 ee a Ce > 3 er Oa (214) wi 明 — ーー 8 590 (eh RA = RO Se Aly | i RSS YB EEK SN EN DI KKB SSSR A + RE Les eee | RABSEN MEX PA RAMBRA CRA SPREE RNA K AR SERN RAE a D9 2 EER SEK YK AN TERI HST MR aR ta ee SS RN SR Tf SC RSG NS SX Sf BERS RH RS SEE he Be hmm) RENEE 。 上 i) SES ms tet Re S dH 4 ERK A A REE IN gy Sy Bee PHN PAW MDA Hem A DIBA By A WIE IK ( BCR RE Co CNA RR BERS Be EY LOS RAS em RN Eten dl BRE | RX 4 BK S BERENS RK Ea AAR RA CRING ; SP HI BRIE AGRE 4 SAN HIERN RABE NK IBD th WA OREN BATON a mn Be NRA KO ASE teetreemaenie | \ Bat TA SRG NCES S BH く HES ee A Ey a RE om HH oy ER ee SE a Se ZEN SATE SSE & AAR 4 GHITERE S GER ERE OAS A 4 BRIER + RSS PHSKCRO REM BS HRM | NE es | Rio VERRIER LE | MICK CAUSES Sah. Cem MRD & AM A ICEL EMS | PAK A DR Se yt Fee A) RE RAR SRE ESSE KD ORBEA IE Se SIEM ID 6 HA 1 DHE ¢ Me OE AR nein oh AEA VRRMETS 8S 5 URI amin Roo Ma ORR ELEN E | SNE | SR BES RSD OCRSEE 9 ) BE ER » EK | MA MRA BE Mane | SR ot ie ES OR Ee 4 Ree eee Ree, eee ee ee ee HA ts ness nan | KATE 箇条 NHB KR an 4 | BB BRBES Bi A RA 2 RO | ET Pipa HRT ee ees rae ae oe ee a wt し AA 0 cs ie SO ATE, One aa aa 1 POR Vk Cty een eG it LOE SEES Sloe RR ee Al a a a PPR Oo aaah 2 Pe Sd est nes Ma Nees ea ae 持物 —— zak ey (212) “he eg aiigiiines \ RR HX BREE AN ERIN ER 4 ON BRERA HIME A NER AAR ARR A ZEGRMRL OR ETNA SO (OakeK ~ RERSIEe (RID+A Be) Bh we ol 登 | fare tnscrnaeocaeas aren. com aerctomeeccom i RK Se Se A 4 RRR 4 EKA oy RR KA BESEM IE AN 6 Ra SN RH RDA HE MoKA NH HARBEN CRIN | S. Philippar Wis seiBS < Ske A hx ce AMES REEVE BI NERA RAP NRA SHED Hm st a WRINKRA RN eR Thier 9 KE Dh IR ERATS SHES ON ESR A ok ( SIA TR = Be BN RRR NK PAN KR EE vp 4 Fischer de Waldheim 244% Fribourg < S805) 9 S05 & SURES BREE A a BS SERED | SA TARE AM TR A + Jensen RR REM SIN REA wos Oo | EX BRE a KON BEE ied AN EE | \ fap + RSX SEA Sey SDE MSR 1) SN ERMAN SERBS YD BER 4 BEA (ook A -Ofm SURES Mm Rd Om NBR SRA 4 ROR ORY BE NRA PN KARE BERS Ra \ ROD SP RRS HOBO KAN A Re | MERA | ー K | inks NER GE ET i oti a rv し Carine ML Mite See ae oN Aes) ¥ We eR iis, atte ne aug Cea. mek ai come oy fase agg NM NM «¢2RH Se... RSS a ee a ein |e メキ すす すす みす すす すす すす すす す を Ao] [+R Se Om ih = | RMSPSWER Olen) Ba meeKE I¥MSEME\NE(E) Mee YS : DYE ERE( GREY) REE KE SWAN DRS Bh (RK) | meveH |i] 語 th 2 xo ee Pees ees EKER & pts | ah Bee HEBER ER y) 4 2 & Vas. OES a Das a oe iSeries ae < < JRA E(B) O ーー iA ンー ば 2 ES ee ee eee | ee = NS ae &) O ふ キト ホー BS At Migs oes | Se | KR eee USNR TRA (INRION RES ra pe SS トー 3 PRA TN! SES era C11) Fide EO ee Shee i(meo ARSENE ees ena <5 * Re 1) eeu Pd» & AWN ERA St XKOR = CS eae Hoe Be \ EEX + URS SEEM = SMO S BA 1 at Remotes cae 2 Ha OF 50 3Oaw) cp) Ste HEMO ey > a \ Bea i san RE Feit. Bie omes ae ek eee | nod 殖民 TH Romney? 2 ie Q Ay, A MSN ao A Sa ae N OO ・ sy に に ー ー rab CAB TS a SE Ca ve LR ーーー Te es eR ae RH RT hn TU Re RE a Pee ee es : MMMMMMMMW by Pee i ak ym 「」 oe. e ir AE “3 1 A meee aN - ・ Wee By S m , res ‘ SL リア の pi YWE 人 toy ti だ っ >. a fib aps tee ee eh ae oat ol Mae eee AN Se \ rT アア gh Ve 9 MC ビタ rh ae ee の wd の っ と の と AA jogs ee SP ea se ae aie 2 才 る re 『 te Yn pe, K a mA 生え 4 tty Foe S19 内 age ア L し _ ば ; Phe Pees _ ¢ os 0 を { Yt’ 4 の ま 。 - 4 の も - ~ mend a ‘ y : ce の さい / 4 - >) も : _ 6 i Gea" の y i egies ae 『 EN EL te RM - (2s am & a Sy Sy al を 《 , oe Fr; 『 デ ど « bs. _- * =, = . j S @ fda heehee \ ik が WW 4 0 ; が - 0 か _ 3 き Ths 0 a _- ん ee in NN 。 テッ A “ ‘ x f ; fata ” nbs 9 ls 1 mae し hee aed 4 _ tat 2 ん - OM 2 3 菩 、 Koh Sed Tee ea M » m4 mack = ん テン Pd » m ; ' ) in 7 は | eyo eS a = | R > 9 ae ’ 2 向い me と み ア ee 2 oe al” (KS 。 。 RS D> Pe PKRIRRERER R* ) a ee a 7 ゃ 、 、 電 2 KROSS RE NBR) } 月 も 年 九 十 二 浴 ea た テ She ~ a =—_— > し 3 aay el 5 一 2 ae DL Qe MENS XR) (へ ] RBSRLHEIAS (RH) O11 ON RRA HR OE ee ae SEACH NRE 人 時 Gooey AK | RE ERR MSD SR eee 4 ieh. 2 11N0h 1 8S tl 3 ‘Kh OR 1 替 Bes ARK sa Nit eae これ 6 に 9 の KS sien ee ae SEHR (1k) OTNK PROM RMS PROWR BIRX Te RD eNER, (OR BK |) NSEOESE 9 RTE (EH) TT EN res ia tak ae oe & | ぐ H 和 eRe OM ~ EBIEOSHOS ON = RAR R= MRM ORS O44 1 wR \ By REO RS EK A RS OO R + BRN RRR EN RR OST 1 RE 1 SEN OME HERES (R140) に ae OR eA ESS SERS ES SS まそ っ デーーーーーーー 一 - ーーー* ーーーーーーーーー ニ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ニ ーーーーーーーーーーー a xe JUNE, 207m 1896. [No. 112. ~ is Phanerogams of Shonai. “(Comin i oe oe ae a es ae: Notice sur aA vie et Jes ceuvres. de Je ean Miiller. Short Notes on Plants —Divisivility of Bulbs of HH tigrinum. に 一 Oap made of Usnew Tongissima.—Notes on the Plants: of Yejesho-okn. CSS ee Jo ee : eee | Jey Ht Se Heat S Ge UE ye EN i eae PE ze aa の bx SN KS a 1 2 Sti is a AT ee es ae 、 YA お oS ee コーン Be OR 9 【! sams omen ee OT) ERA eee te ジ ノ TS SESS > ga > \ GEOG RA Ss SE a モ 記 A シ R wv モ ノ > i ジス iss Reo ets RIS BDoet+ mae ois [NX ェ タ ミイ ュ プ ャ = イェ イニ イェ イ ュ イ < ti SE STE Y, | Nee) 4Heees SSeS | 5 某 MA 8 \ き 癌 | 閉幕 き 叶 普 選 な: の hfe て SV で katt Bre Pas en TZ, NaC eee oe a Dn Ca ban oaks SM es ta Ce > Th ee Aa: By Ti el) ho に us ES テー- fe "で + E 5 >i + f れ A n se 。 4 1 ROLF ee sien eg oF ge a ny に の 3 を nN ee 」 t > eos sh kas 4 oo eke NE Ca hee PNY, pice ie co ey 5, < Si i is LT ee y= Sigs SI |. = he mr NG yes by 4 looms ede fi re 1 Seip im EK に > 1 し Dr まこ 本 ae Ts Lie a Pla Mas Lf ea +5 be で ra WF sate thee と nit Sear XP Tee Me で | ek med er ee ee ,) ・ & ie の rs プー の YY っ i" Ses y _ と ェ | a a mone afi ee ar Dt ze gay 1 の oe に RT a た Lc KK に vg a SS HS MAVEu eee RiUBO | L- ete Siattagebeti se CH 直人 SISA AHS ENS > RRS | 5 Sa “4 : 1 > で も a i 3 AM さば な く a Pot} soe, シー = ? Pen な の = Fee ef Hae iM eet ok WS oe Es ここ Ye /> Vv リア rote | Ny, ieee oh 7 * yy = ye 2 で ee OF n - ny: ¥ Mises eke as ee es eb sab et 4 * AA に M B Te) 124 バー に is : ‘ P り Ae 2 6 Wye に Er ツ Ue a. Fk Laas Ate Te DS eae as あッ きい <, 3 : イメ 1 he ae 人 > 2 を さば さか が 【 ・ も e ae ; er も > _ fa ike に [SN SNREE DS) a ESO» キキ あ も せ あ か お eS | © ae PRM Swi ene 堂宇 9ePdPPdP9P9P9P9R 3598 中 ee | | SS dadeae ( satay) 4H Gael dae a | wen | FSeGpeovalmesa | pe | PSR Feekee | m is | #2 pat HHO KN SRSLY (BY RE) B VER ade dn tS @ SK NE oP SE It me © BS HE aI 8 0 | BERG Lae ata aes (GR | ee =e gang? HERA 8 Sastre rR ND | HN er ite baie | Heikie Ke (MOPRERES THES (EESHE)RKERO | See RSH ICR ee BR oe OREO RY Rae TN | —) + KOR EROB1)NERKS | = Ck ESE Si MO ERR ヘー や トー」 | ORFR WEE UM OMKEBOMK S200 Rum na ba roa SS & e A Rocke @- SEs Mech IREEIR < BKe Se \ KK Sees @ HEX RUak' < ~ OSS th Hee XS pay eumonre + — >t 2 Cea i@ ix {DB Hands @ FE ERIE EH Hl @ NR EROWRY Mine SOM mM Siti OSA t th — >) O22 NO ER © HSE OMEN Ee RRO IE ORR O@ dS A "SRE TSS BOs AR * NK QNADARNOK VA—K OHMS Vee | VSBORGNLHOO | KHAO Othe vKryR 科す EYE 4 か 開 ト ーー REE oe | eicxcissecir | seco merc ees Pee デ に Pe ーー に Gt ee 2】 1 ゃ Pr か 7 SW b K \ * 中 N ラン * , ‘4 r 3 ¥ i に id 『 生か に peiae a ン に で っ es or oa A cy 3 て で fs a ー 日 Y : Jie" Sy 4 ae 上 > x 7 ql を 1 way vit Y << 4 7 * a vgs ee iz Wat yet : i は \』 U * ré =) br a i th. ener M me, m se fe ym ee - ss サジ dat al mt in - oe an : ; - 4 に の EN < - 4 ne ra} 7 し 1 _ 3 * _ et ea ば + i> ---———— welts sa SN SR See ei “BRR tie SEY a 祥 a Xie lator | fey] | Hedda hE HC : ee OS | Ovnt (に ドコ = い 軸 Oil 才気 異 四 Eudiocrinus Gaponiens, i Oe 、、 Quadrille of Contes @ v Br aR mi | | cee 1 Sin Gh RIMES este eit JES 1 BPO Calyconetae. Syzyg 7 KS 90 ABN ERP Tete eo ER ST a8 # 2 - “RiRe EE ERE で 9 』 a sede fame = 3 SOP ORCS OS OS Op ORO | Bas arcs date pra | OP ROMA ERI RER (wi) O@ROZHASRELSR Hee est a *" と し っ で @ REM OWS (8) BSE OL SMU NE Xe Hee oo] @EZMPRXANNBY HHH Seeks | | OK eae ae @KHOG LR a ie ie. | ORF : QRwee al HOY) AND SERRSOK S N Oem i G@HOLRVROREDA 9 HINA {GOP Ween 省 OLGA ME Pik eLe ouRe sak 他 ぐ 紀信 | KRHA ERRKREOSKRO<0DOFD HBR OBBe. \ RAO ee Nb Ot MSMR Steere Bt OSs Be 85 fa tir © Fat Re Okwye [= Ome ] 赴 Oss) 2 AC | OME Bae | 窒 eo = StEUN i s] rum forma angustifolia, +S hs ex SDs yw N () eA Q AMEN A ERIN NEP HDS ARRAN TER AIGD | . SSB HK Rc) BNE KPO MARA > | (2) Rhododendron brachycarpum G. Don. 33} 4 Bik Me dot y SAR ERS) He Oy Ha SESE RON ‘KD 3 | Si Mees nae a setenv eee EE すそ go} | \ SSR OHARA SS HORNA nA Var. 7. caryotidea Baker (=A. caryotideum Wall.) 中 、 媒 り 東 KNSN つ で つ イ マン は 和 SR と の で つき (5 舎人 wPG BHHoyy OHH HERE) ] +] sates SSE 1 AN HRs RTS ORR | & Sm rKAVYP ONDE fae 5 まさ » Sh ISS SER > HD BVSRRS SE A A BEA Hy PKHroy Os HE HEM ASO TDR A Rate ien BR > Ries EA 6 HBS 1 RE Eh nie | RRS CARR LES RO OSS S109 +{| Aspidium falcatum Sw. +. genuina. AGS” SRA RR! BSAA EA A Bed | jan (=) SOM YO LRA Q tm Poterium Sanguisorba Linn (=Sanguisorba Poleriwm a | Tse. RRA PRA CR A Rw BAS | Weber=S. minor Scop, non Bertol.) — mi NOLS | “| > 前 前 中 SR A mE RK A Ride 4 MH] Rn BRA RE BB oa SRK So BIA SOK > SERA A A HEN o> |}/oZSe\ Hee A Ao m fee C md A SSS 4 nb WW =~ Pimpinella menor = | Lam. 4 4 Sanguisorba Pimpinella Spenn. へ elms z Var. 2. Fortunei Baker. (=A. Fortune J. Sm.) Yon WHA IN Ks > 。 DRE. noe ea i a Shoe por Qual AYU ase 第 誠 ーー ーーーー | の Darwin ( = A. verticillata Roxb.; A. vesiculosa | Hook. f. et Thoms.) “\{N@GKUK ANA +E DE \ DAMP ALR S 4 MEQ TO KIND SH x mA He | Gel yy AW A. vesiculosa Linn, var. australis C. Darwin ( = A. vesiculosa. F. v. Muell.) = EN SSMS HC 4 REA IS I | W RSE RR 9 BS | NSS 4 RRR ARN SER m OK CRE SS 4 BREBEAHA SN Hm AS | ES SEES eee SAR 1 & A. vesiculosa NHK ( が. || Korshinsky.—Plantas amurenses in itinere anni 1891 | collectas, in Acta Horti Petropolitani XII.) Rw 4a | 1 OBEAB As BRK A EN ERIN BR EG NES +z EL RIND eM SOO GO NM BEY A Bp | H. F. Hance tila, Sanicula chinensis Bunge 4% HE 4 nYyrA Maximowice kX» Albrecht Rv Ber» »® == "RE Me dp ig oe RSS Ci ae Ro) mink dy le] 9 NH BRE A OS. elata Ham. —~fEIA Kin) Bh Aiquel HANA iris HYanlEvt 8, elata Ham. < Dr. Thwartes K Mr. Bentham {8x Re jy By S. europea Linn. 1 BRY oY isa Ax w Ite 4. AS. chinensis Bunge ‘ say 4 S. europea Linn. \ RR NHK AND 4B BK A QI * -SSIIEAR (1) Rhododendron Metternichii Sveb. et Zucc. Sa RIN SS ERE RS Gm BE WW ata) 1 WR ax 4. ORK XK KEK A Am —— a. heptamerum Maaim. “IN mos Be Siebold Wx iR+ eat» in sXH Flora japonica | BRB & AMDERK A QY YOY KOR BE) “RMA RRM 4 TAS 0 iN E> SKI R XO \ NA か ——f, pentamerum Maxim. 1NN つ すき ン とき SH hiRh ERK RSER 1 ARN Sv W パン M64 4 OP 0B ERY A BKOE | ~ EE — — f. pentame- REAM AAS AFRFCOBM SS eee ee ~ SRD BROS S TEC SE mm MS 1) a Ba ae NK Nn chee \ ARS SES yf BOD ADE dss SS NF Th Bean Sir RRA IK RHE m > in CELE HR OS No Re I Wa KS SRA へ aR FEY) RRS A SNE ERNE MADD A KAREN Sie ARS ARR) \ A ON SKEEI AA ea 1 GAR BR OK DAFT ON eh NTT eR Ra 4 > HE ER ~ RON SRD HR § SREISS (SBE OE NEAR RX RC RRR A UR SEIN IRAN ONSEN Foe KA WANBREER A fA RGA SHH Re SHS STROH NS ERK AIS ED ie BNRSE MWS AN RE RRB aR FRA RCHH ERE OH RSRRECR AR NEE SRR SHES AiR AEA | 1 ) RQ & Ame | RW TIN | FRET ON BE or ip Soe m GR SNe eRe NS | SRBC CS ERMAN eS 1 DPOMEB aK Met MRE NET | mm tse OSS MHA IR ーーーーー- (3K 1 [ie HS 4+) Sea Ke @LRKAERRA Yucca me (3) Filiferas, S238 sin nA Yucca filamentosa Linn. var. flaccida Baker. | (=Y. flaccida Haw.) | (3) S sdrd” 23 の の oo 40282002 @ Aldrovanda vesiculosa 4 |1JoZKa Aldrovanda vesiculosa JPA AKe 4) SAAS | | (es FLERE | HK mA SY genutina (=A. vesiculosa ( Linn.) REA GT ER RA ar A HEIR HY — NAN A A ng RDSBSSSS AE ES HH AY th PE SS eh ET |X oo ENR | A HA. vesiculosa Linn. var. verticillata 3 | OMB RRS KK 1 HEGHRWER Wh RK B Rime HH | HE Se KR | BR NIOR a EY O <4 SOE RYN. 1 9) ER AES mM ASP TA ICES HA | RIND 2 BG RHR = RRR A KEN GS | 4 RR RA RE 4 NAR | OM Rayne KMS Bl eA RAH | aie Trang Stephane tk 4 sa th SX BESO mn Me A \He nna sie +B +B we Bem tend = 4 WAAR | A RRA MN DS ih IQ MC A HE EN mM NORA FRM KA SY eae POR’ QoS y Heath mei ged yy | AS BRN RB AK RAY ORE BS RBH ERROOIRK A en BTN REE EH a SRR nt H's Ew ROH HAND GN AIK OA a] 7 Fs | (1) Marchantia planipora Steph. Sry KN +m Py BR] Pm NN BL BBG Ln } J / Rh. if: # (2) Marchantia spn. ? KAT HARD K : in| | (3) Plagiochila tosana Steph. (nov. sp.) {iE Re K A | eee = Fy (OEE Sie Hm. Fb nt ook > a HN de HHS NE i de atin A Us EN eR \ Se RKC A (5) Marchantia tosana Steph, (nov. sp.) fom asetha= wy | ALM RAN Maden SER IBD RR DRA (4) Chiloscyphus argutus Nees, (6) Preissia commutata Nees. HEM \ ME m STEN A ORD BK ARRAS KE | | (7) Madotheca parvistipula Steph, iitrigen sty itm MSR YN AN Cam DAD MARA \ AEM WA | DA AK Dt A NEE TERA ODER S ORDERS N88 HN EKER Ser BO 4 THAT mS BRO N BR 4 he ere Csi OER KK SRK 2 TkMARRESKES | RERKOKERER = ーー* pee 5 「 一 ae He H+ 治 明 et Fe NE AR \ SHEN BX SON IK S HEMP + BSN ER = S° CORR > BERK NEM (ES Bs 9 YA HGIN A BARRA Ao HO 4 BR RIBS N FBS SN a tal hot Rr Re 4H Re BAB + Ey Ve (SRS SR nt BR MS 9 HARB IA ORES \ A RASSN oN Au ames Ey} SSE 4 Glebe + tomy drome a Baer SHO Siw AM A or INH DoW AS AAT IN OD BR REEDS BX) EON SRS YN A es THEIR ~ HES ow RAS OOH K A beet ee st NB My = A HEE Mn ge a VEN LSS ER Rtn SBR END & ARK Emit ARH SESE A HERA AN Ma NERA ARS ORES \ BE 8TH BS Ss em ARRAN RAN ABR A Ra RA Be Bn 4 Dh HR RB BANS +s Bdowtes 6 Beene” | Bea aS aOR SS aK & BREE BE do 1 Mg mT & ASEM Rae A Se SA HE RR REC By BR EK SN TEX tty SR ETE om HRS C6 aS PR RIN SRR NRE A ACO RA URAC RRR HINK A OKA | SAR GNUEN AIST KA cme | Badan | QHAS\ R= RANMA KER » SHE KAN aE YD 2K AER BRI RN PHL m ARAL BR MBA ARE RN | Meat 4 MESS Bede KK A KARO BR ONES NEE AN SOK DY NS REE He Kw | es ele KREA RRR AI % eIK | ! IMD SONS BS 5 BRA BE RE NK CO @~ 31 | oy . ERS AE SRT NUR BSA A OWN Ton % he HOS RES Hal) 4 BRA QD へ ELM tay: Sa mA RHE 4 HSK HED OQ RATA RIN A Na (Ht & B #B) Tm PN ge 0 | Ines < | Be | SORE DS mITK A HA PAR SRR I Be AD | a Ema D6 RN HEL BE I NE SIC 】 SEMMSE HK Aw ae tee iy iy teh) BY nN A Wa RHIC % LAR 4 RRR & AIDA EER | B\ SRA Rx 1 RRO, QC Re Bony ae nnra | BDA QR 4 IRR RIM ADR eee Nn 4 BEE KN | ed 4. ea H ES Ms B | a CR Bs ARR ARNE RIEMRA (E | = Gy ARS BRA AHI A NEES BRA | Sn Deo «ree {LA PMA Bar neR | NNR IRA CaN htt Ber Bhd 4 SHON | RON Rae Sei By KO NB A 6 aR BENG > aK BS | 所 KN Go REET REN” iy Sed BE ! 時 | SK ASRS REN OMA AW NN RE WRN A 4 SH | BRR A WSS Si Sa] | Biren wm st RK Se SE) KOURR W HWW BRERA A > SRR mm TSIEN 4 BREE 1) i a | EEN Sy AND BRERA & ABR IN BERN A SEE | sie A UV SEMI A | AIBA Blo A BRR IN K | GRE ARS Be RAH eRe | N= 89 6 fod a St INNMSON CD Steere BW Hf AO yd 4 RA ae | BRA 9 wD BeOS OR | nH Sitien < OBES dat BBN ERIS ¢ RK | RLY ABBE HE DR RAN R= AO | Sinks HES. WS RSH NA a + RY mR Hf ED KARE EO RRS NMA HBAS DA | AH MANSY CREA ARBRE BR | | QU YK LKR MENS ESK AE RAR CO ANAS | PRE Rar I PA AA KIND Oo > NSE a BI WOR faeces ANLIN AK ® HIN SR Re DBE 4 HED SH REN & ABH or IBID NRE DIN Dh RKER TR ANTE KA ANS | th SK PIR Sp ETN RASS 6 AQ MEERA NS REED mm BRD & ARH IN'K DD {RON NK BD NDR SN ae 4 _ eat OWS ) Cadihe) S TBH oss \ Reon A A | A I S SEC : | Soin b > JER 4D Den Bee | Bey Rt | BAN BNADAL IAB Vee +s Bs BR | SH (Theilbarkeit) 4 Gm) HU + Be A REN BN 4 SUB 1 eC x AAU MANAR AHN ORG O se s0au-R (A) \ Ee i TsaseW API, | MV Rar HRT HAND I= ? SE Bhatm Usnea longissima Ach. と 1RN ARR gl) NSE UN BRA 1d NRIs we > | | ーー | Ain sew Avi tKv# \ SIS 1) BBA EER A IN BR or RR HK AMAR ORA AQ HON mC avn EN EER BN A RR WK SRA MIM BER AS OD 5) SEER Se m ~ fe eR IN A A SES BR ^ WER JPREN& > BEM mn Hil + DK Pe OR A RS 4 edo SHAR BS FRM Eb Ry Rr BE SC ENA, a Ke OO Ea NR NE S pa ] mya Bing REM (ORRIN A Ca BA a) 3 Wa SER RARE EN BRA & PN RS BA A & NNR NN Gr NTH Br RE Oxv=>» » Hue 1s x A ~ [EA ~~ BBR PN tb 4 ERR INN Bh BRO A A BE BES) NA mAs R RASA BS ISSO KT AN REE NARA 4ACK ARS C4 EN Bf 4 EO | WES > SERN SSS 4 RS BR = BO (AREA me ¢ Heo RE UN Nera RINK Ange | Sek HSNO K ABA nn een wre ne Wem nx A Dr. Joseph B. Steere ef 4 Marin- | duque \ 328K 1 Sy | GES IN SSR) I 4 KAR VR RN Biss AnQ RR» a seis ane

ーー 一 ョ モ nw — fetes day 4 NR AIK A | on fds BSS = SN AR IE AER SY | sey) ~ Minnesota BRA BSS Or RAM GN EH A + fede KR E Bikm Ry aka a ™ & 2 ORda KN (EOD ANNA A RE INK Vy Bik Rs KBr A Res | RRM SAB EURHE SN A AREA I MSRM SURE BEY % RE RISOR 6 0 ark BSN A REL AE SOLER mn tH BRN BOAR EX GREK SN 6 HD a B | > Shy RSS Ban HK KA ORS MIR ae S BSE + SUK \ FS BM + ~ Reb WKS X XE EE IPRS WOW MOE LY (Acer WSK | om \4COR AN ’R BGS 1 BRD | ME Negundo) | LN SEER RRA CAR Ym RRA I RGN | Hy Ree aa A i S| em KA ORI HS A BEEN 4 SK OURS TER yy SEN AD 6 SEIN KBE OQ W. Squires \ BERR ~ SS GBM RS A BEAN c URN HERN 2 ASEM ida SRE Sh me ^ URN 4 m Nah A Nmagsan-zaKam( mreiSnRmreaMiaAne No] ONE Rn RRTRSER AE NB HK YY ^ | ONE RS Rd BRS EN . RR ARER SANK AAR FRMSYN mA PMR RRA D AML AR NOK 5 RRSP A BBN LIS SEEN m RA n= ER | of] ] Xs D WHEW 4 AORN ER Ae ne 用 トト OKRA y | me SEER, HB Nm | SR | \ ER RR RIN {RR EER RON RD WK Q § PHS K A my = | Oltdo ~ Beil tt 拓 | Seb 4 gee = my Ben | 402 SSN AMS Bs) | S\ AEM MARR IN | RHE DN DE Bs Ble ENO Bos A 9 | 28 NEM RR ヘッ KONKE WRK | Sin iS ; | Sem AWM HOA AMAA BAR RS | ne A AR )) | AN BEB > oh Aah f | 33 | WHR A ar PN A ore Ba | od RS | Bon Hm ニー ニャ ャ aS TN ee ニョ ーーーーーーーー ニ = ニ ーー 一 arate Te (で すく ここ ees c (204) ーーーーーーーーーーーーー ニ ーー ニーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー i} ai HY) — —" te See oe A Ae dk nm (Rotdorn) ee ea ee ae on Bex AP AOR A A TES ENM ER ~ XK Lathyrus (Orobus) pisiformis, L. RA AWN ARM Rar RN A SRG) SHS NEVER AN Fae 1H REN Coleus Blumei, Benth. a Nar DO ARBE N FERN BRN AIRE GE S HER Silene pendula, L, Wit [Nae HiKA Dn) AIK \ SRES N ACR RATA SRR RRS Cereus flagelliformis, Mill. lg W A% NK 回 REA ER fh QAM RAS) WRB RAINES SoHE tae Euphorbia splendens, KES NER HIN 0 Tirucalh, L. cha NN me eH a) AM IN EE や こっ HED) PR て | で) SE Ah ee 2ebrina pendula, Schnizl. #240 4 BRO AK KD RK AE KA Hee TSS Se) Philadelphus inodorus, L.} nh % A", < He 'R mise Kinane SRAM (NBN BSE Ih NR NK Acer campestre, IL, ID NN て 人 | SN WAS BARA | tet To A jm SdH X Se Ode ERS YD sw%S 選 く 2S\ER | A benaverepin Ee N Bola de 5 ASR 4 IS \ RB RS RRS RY cies, ase “nb KS CNA & ARERR MADR Y NA っ | Su RINK BRL | DN BRR m OD BARA XZ SS eat SRA SE OBA br RBM (GER BIE | YT arn eR SO BT ES ee RP mK BAe A [0 8 om AERA BRS RARE ot BRON ® FoR | we へ AA 守り SS ar ee = a 4 Deherain 0 _—_—=E—EE—— (203) Rh SKE K CN =Nm Anthistiria cilata, L, f. if ft DN ioKatt 4 Themeda ciliata, Hack, 1) gXiR K Jm “R SN を | へ iy ROS KPA RR Ei ‘| QOH > iS Symphytum officinale, L. fo S 4 AAA] SEARS 1 BR KR SOL Hint Sem dH Sf BRK = SR SIARH RS SEGRE NER A SER BN Sick ASSHa 4 HN Mimulus luteus, L. | dar Ne oN | SAVES OBR RATS Oh Hat URI BR gy HG "DR AD を | PROBA KLARA AIRED Doxantha capreolata, Miers. |) \'R the RD N| SCHRAS WTR ATR SE SK \ ATR) S SESSRY IN ES Viscaria viscosa (Gilib) Aschers. I く < ぬ ふ テム NO | NESE ERK AMG SER m BES HH 4 SE | Pate) BR SN DH NERA A > SHEN 1) AON EER Scleranthus perennis, L. IAm * KARA A) MLE I “a Se BX ADMAK\ A] IDSNBABMA SROBQR He \ EASE ERA | Cerastium tomentosum, L. [> pw っ 中 | EA I RN SMES BHM WIR T or eS HJ NBA KARE > Melandryum album, Garke. var. coloratum, Lge. # を DN YN NASR OBES 4 ERS Rr RA OH th BWH> SSR AS Iris Gueldenstaedtiana, Lepech. BARAK rea Pd Gio RX SHS 2m BB a Oe 4 RR PO URICAR WK \ BERBERA Freesia reflacta, Klatt. if a Freesia Leichtlini, Klatt. | ト ee KEYS Kucalyptus leucoxylon, F. Muell |e Re HARA O SEHR IC™ SES 1 SEA SR GEREE NS KEK A Mespilus Oxycantha, (L) Gaertn. SE ON AARNE AN LNA RAN RD (202) Beta jel)! oS Ae Ae 7 Se Andropogon Schoenanthus \ f& |b A (5 |X ROOK aie HER Ho |b TY Al 4 BARON AK A ROTOR 4 SRR HE RNB Lemon-grass 4\ iN \ sen ee inal BRN iN HEE NS Sap 4 FEE gRX 4 BEM We J Am Andropogon BoM GR 4 RA AS 4 citraus “|KNSPRKA D § MOM BHP A UR A AR yj SS my A Lemon-grass | \ Me ae. etna Rian -BN A Re | SS NA A MA HIRE IK ANS | ONSEE SR SHEEN HS XA JE dH yy WAAR AEE MMR A TARA Y OSEAN m AREER Ma A wa of PRB BASH AN Hm IKRER A ON RR SH AHA REN REC RON ERA RIKEN Xo) HAIN KHZ HRA NR FAS A RR Sl 4 < Andropogon Schoenanthus FIA 4 AN-HARKD Andropogon Nardus WRRINRA SCX HN IK ¢ BADD dob ERAS #<\ % Andropogon citratus < Andropogon Schoenanthus, L \ Bxal+ 4 \ AHe> BHC 4 Babee RARER E| eH \N 】 HE) foo BE SSE ! SA PRA HR AR” IRR “HD PERI Km (CR) 4 RAMEE SEN \ VERA RRS [RE PRON CN SEN Hm- perata arundinacea, Cyr. 9 SBN S84 ~ AS < GES TR NR SERRA BRAK = HGR) 4 EES RC MEL HO g NivA +h | KR CX A—NM Heteropogon hirtus, Pers, + % #2afdr 4 -Andropogon contortus, L. + BYQafe SRS RE Uh DE BRR NHR ah PUN BHAT SPI NHR HR + BEN ATE 4 kalii, Hack. yO KBRR'R [a RARE] KAS Kat Aw Themeda Fors- Vik a AMSG INS へ SSN ES | aoe) 1 RBar nS BREEN SIR 0 hrs ae RS See yy Cardo PH A A RID A HORS |R&| KRE Zoysia tenuifolia = pungens, Willd. Phragmites Roxburghii, Ath. = communis, Trin. communis, Trin. Phragmites japonica, Steud. = Panicum frumentaceum, Roxb. = colonum, h. | hispidulum, fetz, = Crus galh, L. ‘ff Panicum commutatum, が ees' = sanguinale, h. Poa fertilis, Host. = Leersia oryzoides, Sol. Andropogon tropicus, Spr, = serratus, Th. Paspalum filiculme, Nees. = brevifolium, Flueg. | に ihren つっ 、 ea | | Alfredia japonica, AZig. = Cnicus japonicus, Maz. 中 | Achillea ptarmicoides, AZax. = sibirica, Ledeb, S| Og poe ine Cinnamomum Sieboldii, Meissn. = Burmanni, が /. KERS Cephalotaxus umbraculifera, Sieb. = Taxus tardiva, (201) Laws, Mie Acanthopanax asperatum, F, et S.= divaricatnm, Seem. ees Acorus spurius, Schott. = mise SRQO< SR KR EAI RARS 4 Nb Be PT AKIN RST RAR AT ND Calamus, L. KAD AT H WAR” BEAKER RD FHS EH B | \dtthAS HEAR 111 ae SHOP REM 1 ROSA | ARHEHR’ | ROBES | QORRE | a RIAD REL SE 6 SR RAGE A = HEHE | GRD HED = fla > RMCBRACI!] Me” RRR ROR eS SHR SST = OR HS 0 RE Rilo EUR He ta ete 2 WK IES \ HOH FM AERA m RE ERE NS BINA Hod 4 Hey BOS OO OARS KOA BM gawe PFHRACH AN ] My AR DD in YH > A t N% | Basella japonica, Burm.=rubra, L. =alba, L. S| NAP AAMECSIOE Em EL Ah)” PRU URE W Aw CORTE (Hh imisg Elita m dC = b ^ ) RRO ETE (tr A Bm AR | a IK) KN? (Miyoshi. ) | Ok 8 DARA H[RARAAR) QE REDS ISNK 和 SN zl ORSER ode i | NAA NAN [ee ET) eh 1} ati. nb 各局 へ ERT St Reese rm | mHpA HAT 回 | Acer palmatum, Thunb. var. albo-variegatum, Paw. BX = S111 BE ny o MHRA sata acl Acer palmatum, Thunb, var. crispum, Andre. Carex Gaudichaudiana, Kth.=vulgaris, | TES. & | RA DH Carex leuchochlora, Bge.=breviculmis, 72. Br. ra Acer palmatum, Thunb, var. bicolor, Pax. . Carex polyrrhiza, Wallr,=praecox, Jacv. 屯 | Brot Ns mr ae : Carex puberula, Boott.=breviculmis, R. Br. | Acer palmatum, Thunb, var, linearilobum, Mg. Carex Royleana, Nees.=breviculmis,. 2. Br. | Mb RAN [RISK ADH Cyperus orthostachys, #. ef S.=truncatus, C. A. Mey. | RZ ~ Bed | Scirpus lineolatus, が et S.=juncoides, Roxb, FOE BAP S| NAHAD® [NAHANAN 8] RA eA (199) SPA | KAS ON, SRI SR BNE Y AP NRA BAM CRRA HERS (Beitrage) HIRI IGE m AR SEP TATA 5 Ploray (SRARSHMEES QD) 9 SBR gEgEM GD“ (Lichenolog- ische Beitrige) —~)* |1]+- HEN wer y AA 44D PSR Te HERE Y A A ER AT RAK RI NEO 1 SIE] [LRN BEM Rm KD” Be SCC Ht SNS SOBRE” GRE GREEN AY NT He OA Hh \PRHEM RAL PME? SOR w+ Wainio +\ By RMA? WABKR RAS I RRS (Etude) may eR RAW TDN CERN (Florey (1991) o Ree Ad RUMENEUENE Gobel RN UE NAREKA | SANT ROARED BED 7 De A Ed ARES (SARE G7 ER AQ A A BE A SR | ew Sy \ BERR 4 っ co NLA bON SEAS HERI BT = 7 [ RRA Boh MEN BR RE” URAR Fb BK NIE KS マー BRM Ae ion | HER NG ーー Ee WHER EYE 0 AS (HW OURS BIEN Hla i | Ha DR eA IN RES © SRE A ARH FDI mS ERR TERN IN] 4 BRR A DN Ih A? PR AUARAT A oS) NANG BR WN” K] ERE NIN D1 4 RS BEEN RG Bi SS BN) ER a =” HX \ BRACE AR EO ER eR 4 sa all a al ah ls RRS BER 9 Ae Hf BERR SE ( Meaty 7 ーー nie HX Bebe | NEAR BE A ATER ET mS] eh)” BREE (OR I SRA ) 1 BE eat : noha の Y At NBR AO) (198) 2 . ーーー ーーー 人 な fo eI 2 ie de SAE NEDA VAR NT NA NBR AR) Martius NIND ANT N BN _|NSEORK A MED oe TIN 6 OSA mn Mh “Hr IC ae |S HOA) BUY > ESR ANAE I By 4 ESR HES “HER A Py SIR RRA AOR | A SIS Re Ny DK? HR TN QTR A ERR ~ BH 4 N. す CO. Miller A 7 Sah yy 4 HL. Miller K7 KS) YEARNS P\QRRINDAMDYW RBEM RY” FAR OD KRG or TNR Argoviensis \ 33m ER 9 へ Ea ae nh AK 'R Argovie BV <& AMANKHKAD® Oma o> nth 4 PRES NEED PISS BRC AQ = ‘x J. Miller, Arg, =r n° ま 。 RS (eK REISS ARS” RH SORRETN BAD 7 SHR. Sy BIER IE RN WRN RRA BEA RR RATE A KR GEL yD KD WHA AR” BRA RR KR eR aay WEN NTRS SER ORE POA 4 ERIE EIN 7 (Indication concernant le Peltigera rufescens Ach) +) ~° Bull. de la Soc. hallér. de Genéve, I, 1853. y 3 Be BREE AE) 6 BRR RR RA BRM SIN, DS ma yO BRERA SIR aya” mA Sw (Principes de classification des lichens et enumeration les lichens des environs de ば eneve. ) + EOK A SER yy DK” Mémoires de la Soc. de phys. et d’ hist. nat. de Genéve, vol. NVI, 1862 ji 編 せ AS WN AA HK 4 REE Sm ESR” RCAER 9 SOREAERG IY SIRLADERTS Sm wget 7 KEE SUP AWA WARRAN BE ARYA RK 4 A y Sy RRS MEE a BNR I Bak K SPN QARINK’ BIRD NRO, BR (SRS ER) IM BN Minks BE A - (Mikrogonidia) \ 3m BU A” Nm Rn BASRA KPA Gama VER Ra DIR AR oe 学 物 横 + 百 第 20 Sed) ee ES 明か タン | で ( Miyoshi. ) OR SARI RN TS 8 NBER » a En John Briguet, Notice sur la vie et les oeuvres de Jean Miller,(Bulletin de I’ Herbier Boissier, Tome IV, No 2, 1896.) (M1 }+11]) Aree HERE UND NRE RK RQ TNR BRK AN RRO SRR HERMES Ht —_————" mt TN BR 4 A EE ee ee ee hE + & Ky 5° BSS yy Baad. Se Raserds ~ Alph. de Candolle, Duby, Boissier He" Bh” Bika” 4 REP S BEACH BRR” RUB RAE ROT SEAR RR REARDON A SRR ERE RN la | YK A SER yD I~ ethane LR Ra "SRS Sees » 人 Wa 25 te CLS BES | Rae BBA KT RN ARR Co ON | BHO WN RERM] KN KAR RRM ABE ASK | | 22 yy Sa NK thar? het tS ih WN | ease apy a” Be ( Monographie de la famille des Resedtcees ) + siesta cs elie MNRAS 1 RR GaP LA RES FAC) [EEN SR RE RaQ NRE BE’ BRAD REDS VERN DS AR NBR HO (196) — 4H BeAr A AK SA + へ RAR BER 1 RBS S BE my BM RE ( tar BB RERUN KSSREM A YARED Dy” BRAT VK Ren Oh NT BE LAT MAK RA AM RAD” HORDE RK \ SRG 4 KOIKE R en dnd oN BY RINK (OD 4 S NB dee BR A Er ROD FERN BEN SAT RD RRR IRKRS ERIN RS mFS HB ER OS IE Sa FON ERY AE NASER IN ] LQ HESS ER & NRE Se HA BAS CERN OR OR RRND om BEE th BE 00900 BED aD HEAD SORE BY 7 OR BNE om PIE AREY AR ERFOUX m BRIE A oma SK Se A SN IN HES KS YY HS NOH A RN OA RSS RI BS PRA KA RN DA WOXBRS KRIUK’ RIK w IRS SEE aN” RHE 4O・| SKE USK A Ee RE on # HS BRM BAK A NRA A RRR ST A 4 A COR RBS) S SEER m SBE A) 4 RAEN QU ND ee NBER K A WARN HOSS 5 ATA om KS SR th BTS Rm Sem RE REBT A AN RR TTB 4 Oe OS MBS 4(1)O・1 So DOS (DOs (B) 1 SN do naire a a RHE PN s NERD BARONE RA (1) ON CRRA BHI RR SON (11) oN SER A AKA PH RSENS (HT) BAN 4 PY QO RSX CET) PER OR BRT A Ko NRHA THEM AN SERN SHREK ARR 7% 2) AD ORR mn RR AAA A mim OD? NN HSB HBR mS DN ABN A ak 5 KUCH ¢ round Ub HRI mM UK A RP HR ATA PEAS | NSRNRHO AR RD” Mu PRM Qi SAK AHS NDS + PICEA BE CR — ia ーーーー 0% ケーー ニ ニー ニー ニン ae SARE IK 47 EBA NN 4 RN RA TY RBM RR ae 1” ERY AIRES 4 RM BN & A Gee ROR SN Har RIERA S44 Raa Od Roa 4 REY ARE MAA NRE IRAN A SER SW BEM OH | KRP\ RIND +R wees Ba BS, Bra 6 Ha KA Re AS me NB Y AERA Eh RRAN Kr RRA’ SYN wa ym NM 6 * RBS aD ees ho BIS RBS Be A REA SER SKK > 9 aay Se ae et ele AR YR 7 MBS Ae RON FORA RR AAA 2 EN A SER Y BD ID NO RINKS NI DW SEEAS HE A 0 HR] A NAIK RA HNN REN CEN or A SER ER ORES RRR | | SEEM BIS | Bh 4 SURE ARN A BASES Bhs AMIN MHRA BD REINA” WD BID 4 | SESSA EER A EK A RIND て” HOD REMARK A RR NS NEY ATER CORR 4 ORS | | Rem = OWI RERE RA AN) NERO NAB MA RR EE | NRE A TIRES | | OR) RES NOH A AER N Yor ER 7 | HOE 4 ends Bie VHS RB り BS NK Ay BRN “EER = \ BEE mM a AS (QQ OED | 3° HEX) mCP A MS BND POESEER ny 4 SOIR KAN SIR A BKEHER CRON | RAIN AN “Fe ney edor ess amie | am miBIS 3S ho ELH REN SKIS NORE SKE | NR XY A AY RRM B oe He NAN Ren ON 1 GR Ih = RRRS 4 KOEN UR en SEER > BRET A RRR A NRE (194) el On S > NK RloOonyPovS HH Bh J i 版 Bit C. Correns, Zur Physiologie der Drosera rotundifolia, (Botanische Zeitung, 1896. Separatabdruck. ) | oO OO で ee 幸人 LN 拓く OO | RE ~ Ih WER A BWR OEE K A INBEw Re HY 4 die > Bot 中 GE Ek の R ENED yf at a Bet \ MRE BE x TAR ! PSNR お PE | ia Wy — —\ Cs BEEN 4 PEWS MEN ORY RA IND 4 A RAED BRXmg m = IR tHE HA BEEN (H+ BEET RRS) 4) £ QE ERM K 6 4 AIA NR NRA RN AMEE AER NEBR Kn VHA CORD EA ENR MY AWS a WHE= NA MVNA Re Bn | Ws HESS’ Seka LEE NB KOREA NBR He in 4 oA SON MES Seam AK RK A RODE NB HME AEN A BN HED HOA Be AMEE ROOF | KV GY AVN FEL ARH I NROA HN C7 HOE] NRO AR? NRO AR I SRNR Ane PABA 6 MMA IMSS HMR AT BAH SHE MAK PNDCUDN HM HA a He | Bh Sb SRY ED In HEE SEI ele (GR Ra OER AOA * RMS I ROAR SKE HR XK Ooh )EBb SEGRE oy atl | LER (RY BEN) bn RE Ak 4 NR GR TH SDS SOR Na RK oN | RAD? RA yf (Ese 1 RAM BSA Wm SARs SHE YR AN A HOA A) BMRA? BA 1/ ie Bat S. 月 穴 王 FL OE | S21] GRRE ade A NEN 4 RSTO 6 PN ESBS | ade nea | CAKE & ASN 1S OBR SRI] LER RAMA IN KW HREBIBN s Bi ND & ARS IRAE {RK AT AD SRT wees HEIN (SRSA RD AR BARRE 1 EN RRY KRSRE I EAI RN Bie | SESE SES) AAD HE. 1A HES (BL RRA BOT AK ARR Bee | 4% EK Sh RSA RR END & AI SEENHR See HK SE | BRK RA RIBAS 1 Bs oe BRN SORE mk (SDS | Sl WaRHaw 0 RRR IB WERE NN ¢ BIEN Xt AER INN REE T E & A QR NIN GSK RAR A Pah RERSE\E] SA ws EE ER Ae REM K LE KAA oR Me | AGRE 6 SKM 5 HAM SEIN 4 Seale 9 ト | RY 1 BENA RSS Na + ERA YA 7 Ott 4 HE EX ERAS ¢ HERE Sear 4 RAIN IB ERRORS RAVE BED tea BD FERN RT MA VBA BR YS) ¢ [1] Ne EA A = m REP EE AIR BER ( NRK | SR SSUES Mec HEIN BoOgy + Bats Bey «ahaa IBN KREN KARR INE quadrille des centres 代物 人 K ES で ECW Re AR | RRS | ST (193) | 第 人 衝 ee ES eae : Sy Wo XR Be AD ow Rese HX i eR Bw RRR | BRON‘ ERR RC + ea PEL | | SRI IRRRR NF KSIRSE FO RRMDEEN SR Hetee TE BIRR | SRT] Rey ATR SN I A) 4 MN WR SEE ot Re (EX ARERR CUR SARA TAN NRK SB RESR BAAR CIRO EK RA RK IR | NEEK YA ; | BIE S SAN Hh RK m = MSIE 4D) CE 1 RHEE ASA HK A ke BIR | By eS | 22 i) BIE? ND BERS SA BERK AREA BRO ABA IBA ACHE SHO AS Nia > A ABUSER N SR 4 RRB ER NEB RA AER RRR DBRS me | WAR Re RY RD Bo = CRP RE m RRR 4 RN AS oN A REESE DN I OAR | REVABN SRN SRY RBI RAY Ode NAH BOR RO BET | 2h e118 John H. Schaffner, The Embryo-sac of Alisma Plantago. (The Botanical Gazette, Vol. XXI. No. 3, 1896) HOH 4 RO NRAE Alisma Plantago ~ WSs ROH” HCAS 1 EEO SE Bsdo” ERHESE y Kee RRA SSS FS RR & = EKER RR HERR A Kain KON KN ATR 1K ir & — A ER HR HIS HER) in ERR DD SAR RANK ANSE ORR HEH A RHE A aR'X = pe Kd RHE SRN Rem YD Bi SRN BIE | RAN RAR HH KARR KO (191) DHX YD + dB » Hh 4 Pegiza Stevensoniana $f) Ascobolus furfuracens へ SNARK mn HH + A WEE RRA 入 m KERR § Kw SRIBHA 4 AP ARA RN oR 6 ROR HEN NED NN を TS FLEES RNIN SED BN ERE AR REINS A BRI |S Noite A HS 4 I A Rd NUR RAPA TA NIE SSR ( AR ADE ARE Ks BR. BS HK AR | Nw KK RHR ROK ER ROA IE Ba A eK AKA CO SOBRE ( RENEE SE EK A eI RINETS | \ 522M BRA ARRAN FA HD RPS AR mS NERS LSE YD BP NS SE 4 HERR Rh Hm BAK AA | ON NARS ¢ 4 SEBI” BREESE SRG ¢ 1 |HTy 4 REN BREE A om) 4 aR eR 4 RRR Emit | り 製 く \ く ヘーK | 深 油 4 B. coerulescens $6) B. Boryannm 4 fey WK ~ Be ie+KRoRLA CR 1 eee | — ia 明 O% — % HR SHR EDEN Rigk 11 HR SEROGRRRR | 密 | = & 党 | = R. A. Harper, Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kerntheilung und Sporenbildung im Ascns. (Ber. d. Deuts. Bot. Ges. XIII. Jahrg, Generalversammlungs-Heft 1 ) oe teens 2 Ae gb や PSK HIN NA R—t% Anaptychia ciliaris KOA \ WW. | BWI BERK Ao Bn'x & BARA TINGED & ARCHING DAE 4 Exoascus 1) RIN MEREN \ RRR 4 BEES A INBRED IND NER § Peziza vesiculosa 1 Si, MEAS ~ KRER Mm BOBS KER EHH DAK Am te PARA wee eS. BD Moo MM ーー Ete “a 2 th rau | OSC BERR SEA BBR SN § BREEN RES dole Om OU HE RR ATR RRO Se m SOK A SRK & 4 SREP Mm HO 1 [4H A Batrachospermum Boryanum 32 | + A B. coerulescens \ 1] Sy | SEES Bam m SS aha BS Bed BRR AS KOTAK RS Y KEKH NA CAKE 2 At | $E-ai'R GRHESE 0 ERK Am KK AA mM BA wean 4 B. moniliforme, B. coerulescens, $¢4 B. Boryanum \ [1] i Rn BWBSSMWn ie (Ar HARK | SH BHR sD 6 HERRE | SUA A RCERME SE AQ | BN 6 RY ARE aR RIESE A \ 4 RSS Ba RRs SRS AN SRR Y RON KM, | SRN BO mK YO Seaf) W | BN A SERIE NN A + BAN BER WRR Oa RERNEREE i KS A A 4 SEEN A MA A HES SR a SSH REG ~ ERS m Sedo AER SE ASS Se Ke NS SIR BETS oh AS ENS S| A hk Rm hin EBRD HA ODN AS 6 RH Be R SRSESE + REED A HHA 4 RSIS a” PRES IRN EH | A A RR Re KY dr 4 SRMRENSE SBE) SESSON~ cHOM OR’ A od a BRASS ERR ED 4 SS + BREESE + 4 OREN BoA K AREA A RA + Se ROS (Kin Bod Ar Ba EW Es ARR PANNA AR RRs 4 SHREEEE N Sh AAR N AO BDA 4 RR 4 SO ERE + (CORN OX + RR ERS. 22a FE doHd oHO’R RS BRE + EK A RAR IN BH RK PARA a8 do in BREE ARE NERA KERB rs + HEE FA 4 N11 SB ak TTBS RN SRST RDG AR RKP HA EMER ANS aR RDN WK MESSETES. ER. Bn RAT SARS. PS PR) nELER’ RSS REM we ANY INS DZ HAD HOEK NODA Bus SB RW (RIS A ORK AP AKA A RI RRS JER AK—AKR YW mA Paramaccium ‘RE BWH MITA” Spirostomum ambiguum "RP EWI m IKAMNBAAN? RHA WA ハー NER EEE SEEK mK Faramaccium 5 BER 1 |i EX m= 1 | ETERS Ro SE ESE NOH PS HVA MER AE Paramaecium 人 | WRA OK NEY A” SERA R INR AK CT RY NRA E | POE hE NRW S\ BERR OY A REN A RN RS RAND A” HSS RA ’R Paramaecium RnWe NW 4 RRS APRS SA BPGINR BANS RAS Nw 回 | | LDS BK RA RED SEERA BWR SNC NN ASA RN Bm BATA A DIN NR ORR ARH A Ky AW Paramaecium, Colpidium \ KB." teh a KY Te Ne oak TSR INAK KE y BRON OR | BH AUIS IN ANN EEN 2 AW ERK A ME StS. eae SWS SR Bae 5 ‘ERAN RS ESN AWN | BK A HARA RB? CWS Rn wv REA BARMAN INN RINK & Se SHH. SSS mA AN 抽 NAS 朱 4 BN SHEN BQ BRA REI AINK AW LB QR KR KARI] NA ARK NRE RR BEE IO KARIN BRIER A § SEWER PRR WTS BRR BEd wdC A Bx BA wp BREN A A ok § RHE CNRS RRR NTS AIK RIN SR HAMAR RU ene). wR ¢ Colpidium Colpoda, Paramaecium caudatum X's Nassula, Stylonychia Ps ena + K^ mbit 4 HOO 1) ME RH KA WA) aK” SKS 4 BS IRS DN EK Re Ry PMH. Eh GEEK A ae § 7 AERIS IND A RES ER AK AMM AL MAD Cox | AHN BE Ka RO CT KK ERS BRR 8” RS SRN SH mo ARI IY A Boe” I He DS Wedich 4 BRR AR AN SKY on age Ro RAD HEY NT 1 A HEBRMB QA BY Colpidium W KREHRAR | a PEREEIN SMR K RA BAAS | RD RB Rm NERA Ren RR | BI [HEHE INK RK RRR SERA HHS 県 | BBL. BB Ba’ ER BOM mien’ SBE AY AS ¢ ANIM SEN Dy ERED YN” TEE ME SE CK HON NOM KS Ragas | HN CPS RE NTS RB AA AN GR 5 Rh ES BER HA ONS | “| 玩 | he: NX eomo®ar ys 4° Paramaecium caudatum yw Bas SRE KA SH HAS By RR ON | fee? HM BRN KLAR RBS MSM EEN Rak 47 EIN) wD of ieee | ROLE \N KATA RAN BROS” BERRA AIRY KS MRP AK Ya SN BRN KT | NINgen ay A KOR mAh ARES +7 SS SRS SR+\ HE | IAN EMSA a WRENN RR(B Tae Le Ae BO WE AY hs と er reo a (184) ii 明 ーー ーーー や ーー & < TA 1] ーー hy KS | | RNR Re at UU TARAS KTPEY ES Dr EX CN EDR Mm SSE DKW WER. eee 1 BR SEIS nN RERE SURE HSH m a RHE BEE > Xe thet | cide vag (RR EN KARA ERE ‘ikke coos W ead [Ses | SS’ ROR RENEE RK RR RN I RI NO 1 SEE’ ent | NAMED AS ANS Dh ae RMN EN wd | Rita) < 1s RNS HERR Reh “S21 SRR m GRA rm Geode ER KO | BES “4 rhs い SES fA SN ET Po pes ey w rai 3 Sit 9 SS i day St \ BEE ww GAGE \ ERS w RT w SEEN >= 【 pel . BRS SHY Se, SBSH + PERV SE SPER <= N SBN SB GES Brae > BS SS 6 BSN WAS WE SI SR N \ % gs PERO + aR GY v VENUS | © VE NSS fa se 7s fd b =a) en SF lt) PrEGse \ デベ wN | Vee LR YS Boe | SW SESE \ Sea, AS «BSH ISS © Bemvst SVvs \ 北 Ss ャ 一 ae > NS] Bot 2 «SS yy HSE TSN ow WN “A SEE SS & W SEM Sea NEES BER SOD EW SSRE VR) RIO OE ES SEE CS ae hE 2 =e N t 2, NWN Sc SRPoSRS | OVEYHES ISS Ry 4c PR er RSS SE Se 4 テル — ーーーー Se OB Mb DAN ae mci ee oe ees » FR 4 BREESE SO SESE” ER SING AA = Bh 4 ee” EIR © eM obi ad eit moh ae Se ot 前 m Ber rep SSe A de ¢ ihe \ Bj SKU Ut St ¢ REESE ~ MST” SES SHS Mem de gS RN | » ey us ふ ^ PRROREM tel ¢ ae? ARE 8 ARES BERR SERS BR Se IR MASE COMMER AGE J i” get” IME GRE” ee EIR ¢ RRRE’ AI AERA Shen ms NE IE I “RA NH | SUS | EME RRND Bh RAE’ gE’ BRE’ ERR AREM Rem BK 7 7 SEES sae! | MEK YB SAR ea ae MR Crore | + SEIU AISI » BR 2 ROE 6 SERN RSS IER RR NSE TERM SENSE AT | BE GSR RR REP RATER WRG A AD 4 OR SES RNR ( EERE D FSD SRS A ok 6 HEI KA Ly Ra“ HES S SDA m SR RO SRER NEY DD Oo HE WO \ NERS SHE KALE 4 BREEN Ein a RA A | ih 6 Dik a MATa 4 GAM K AL oy ED © | RRR ERIE AWK Ar Oe ee en Ky ZO | RSGRESR RE WEE EIR EN A MK AO RY BERS See MRE MR eRe | A MESS RR & > : と an 3 4 ke om Ie eis mm アコ —— lal | [8] ana nme Vee RTE See ees ents 322 1 Ba EWR Se | ee ee ee ee ee 2 RRR Oe Re SP ob} INR RRC BERK R RD IWR RR ARH BEARER eee Ree oO GREE RES Bin a 4 OIE AEH RD MADARA A Olll= | Mr Bed 1 SARE | BRS NINN ARM EX Cy ASO N BE | : 租 ド | 6 Bem | S208 [Re RB «| ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 一 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Re Wy 植 a 二 + 8 ak (181) =: Coniogramme javanica Fee. _ Diplaziwm faleatum D. Don $65) Diplazium fraxineum D, Don falcata Fée "9 Gymnogramme falcata J. Sm. \ ROKR (2) Gymnogramme serrnlata Blume loc. cit. p. 96. 2 NA 'R OeTAn 4 AS i RX Coniogramme oR 4 ES SS (+188 4 NSS)” SEN Wir (ic SEA 54 BE WEKRGEN’ TS’ Re RRIS oO 00 Ba” Rese RE Be -——_ (Blume kK) = Coniogramme serrulata Feée. SH RGM OHS FKDOR URS ALD OE RN A mr FA RE wee C 。 draise~. da] AAW | H+ we Gymnogramme javanica Blume.\ Sam AW NERA + BRN A FES 4 EEN WANA 11] BS BADE a On = moe EDIE CENA mdgN Bate Ain SHAS OWS NAIM I DAK SRABRHS Gymnogramme javanica Blume (=Coniogramme falcata Fée) var. serrulata (Bl.) Makino. =Gymnogramme serrulata Blume = Contogramme serrulata Fee. ODKHIERZRE (28.24) Aas 6 DSR SHEAR WR NGA > BIER oe Ao MR Pome NR” Er SK GER AR’ Bead” BR’ MY REBAR ERIE CT ao xR & K & SN SEK ATE BRN EE HSK ATR GX 4 RMSE NK NS SBME ESR \ HEI IN (180) OR EE NAb SR Franchet et Savatier に コー Mnum. plant. Japon. a Oi = Gymnogramme avenia Baker Syn, Fil. p. 338. (fE4mSSSR1 198 248 ey 4 NAM Gymnogramme Blumei Fr. ef Sav. «KAW Antrophyum avenium 7 が. Sey Polypodium avenium Jett, mS BHAT Mm fe 644 I HANA ay Gymnogramme avenia Baker, +31 HWP ASS* \ Gymnogramme Blumei Fr. et Sav. mr EL SKAO + BEY >) SUN HReREK SRAM HN A emt Y ASTRA Miquel & (Prol. flor. Jap. p. 334.)\ Bar Franchet 届く Sor SUE HE A i OW NA UR KMD DA BRET Gymnogramme avenia Baker, de aS OA Polypodium Buergerianum Jig. She OBO’ m AREY ARR AK Pranchet & 4 BIS oe KOR AERA RRA NAN RTER YAR SON K ER of PPE QT SHOE Ry A 4 ORD SEM Bd AKA Gymno- gramme avenia Baker, 4 Simi a \ WSR > ESSE iy MEN fe LE ar i SO 1 ON BP ROSE Pet uy EP He Ee 1) He : x SHAS HS MS 4 SMRSIN +B, Bh 1B HRS my NREN Dm RD EY OD RES IO SHE A DS SOR SUN Roe KORA SMR SH cae S KASS SBIR RAR NRA Ao CoN ARRAN AQ DS 8 CLIN RAYS HED BH Bn (1) Gymnogramme javanica Blume VI, Jav. Fil. p. 99. wk 4 BERNER (482 6 BERNER) BS Ric 4 IE’ A CBIR RK BHR’ WR’ MSY” REN” Be —— (Blume #2) | 5 26.2 iv DSNNA ms BR BRN BD BSH WMA KD BRK AE EN INE FRAN BOR ANA m nde S RR G ee = BIN A ENA NAD IN AER ER hw AQ OK OB NOE INR Tey Ne NOE HN AERA Gymnogramme involuta Hook. Sp. Fil. V. p. 155. (= Grammitis involuta Don=Antrophyum involutum Blume= = Lowogramme involuta Presl=Selliguea involuta Kunze= Polypodium involutum Mett.) +f2] ne + @AS+ SXIBARATA® BSaR Yh” FaNHIN A Gymnogramme Kunze= Polypodium Blumet Mett.=Antrophyum coriaceum Blume) ¥ RNA y BOs BRKADWA Ser W. J. | Hooker t&'’p SX#0 Species Filicum V, p. 156. sx. Gymnogramme involuta Hook. ++ aNA yBoa Blumei m. non Franch. et Sav. En. pl. Jap. II. p. 248. (=Loxogramme Blumeana Presl|=Selliguea Blumet mie | ERAN A | a Sir W. J. Hooker 3 G. A. W. Arnott ER The Botany of Capitain Beechey’s Voyage, p. 274. #2 > | に Grammitis (Loxogramme) coriacea Kaul/. へ Steak AN HON Ew fren SK A oA Ee Gymno- | 7 gramme involuta Hook, 和紙 私 > % Gymnogramme Blumei (Pres!) (in AWRIN KA Gymnogramme | i lanceolata Hook. | ,#hRA RAED G. Kunze BRB ma *% Kaulfuss R~ coriacea 4 Blume Rx | * coriacea 中 紙 jNKA Gymnogramme lanceolata Hook, +f2 | DEx aK’ Bw Hooker thy Arnott Sky ma IN SEEM EN 4 EY NA & a Kaulfuss K~ Grammitis coriacea Val. td a NA RSMAS a | DB A RUEE m SER YR AT RINK Bae Bly ae \ a0 4 AB 4SN Gymnogramme involuta Hook, R#IAN | に 2 ymnogramme Blumei. dts SS ルル へ の 9 = EEA 。 吾 同 Bik CN 半 志 SP ER Pa GS GT meg SSN CS Ss POE MEER NCE a ere a a a ~ Ed SORA ERR Davallia pedata Sw. WR RA MRA aoOVs H+ Anse By RnR AAAS AH TE a ie Sh Rice yy RRA AW Davalha pedata Sw, へ Ba hi BRR m BK Me BRA A nb 4 kehatm Davallia Cumingii Hook. Spec. Fil. I. p. 155. t. XLV. B. + Humata pedata J. Sim. | En. Fil. Philipp. $44 Davallia longula Kunze. \ BRAK AIBA NTA 7 DBO A PONG Ent Cum- ing BN ERM Seo HAA fH RA WE RH ODER AR de RRB PERN mK Am BA uA WR DOK BEN AN 4 PARISHES AR de eae eh BA RT 1 AONE fre EBD XaARBra~ lO 4 Davallia pedata Sw. \ Baa y ~\ HELE KR ok Davallia Cumingii Hook. 4 BRBZ av MOOK ERR AHA IBN EM SD BUD th 4 RRS UNA m Dtear~ DOK MO ANS Bed ~ SK SRARS RATV~ OK NK BEYER CHAS KE SRR K AER RADA He EDEN RR NE FIND —= 4 Gymnogramme lanceolata Hook. Spec. Fil. V. p. 156. ( = Grammitis lanceolata Sw. = Antrophywm lanceo- | latum Bl.= Loxogramme lanceolata Presl=Selliguea lanceolata Fée=Polypodium lanceolatum Mett.= Poly- | J 2 podium Lowogramme Mett.) < EXSnteee 6 BXSERH NN SED WR RES KA BERN A RIAA | HELIN SAP sve + FEN | BHRRSR SES 9 > GRRE m 4 RSE ee ay AE ev A ak ] NEY | \«- Var. minor | | | Baker. “1\{ N\ S 8300.8 = PP DAE po OB NT = AA A K~ PARP RSE All Banat > Bt Ba AP hRrae BT KARP mo 3k z OD SiS Ee ~ ADRS Review of some Species of Japanese Ferns. (177) Sere tee ae KN Ar DB - ih KR > PARAS 忠久 や へ 1 か SRN LN SS WRAY Kk Oyu ffXnak Tow や XX レレ や me NR ae aN Ar ® | Linn. Supplem. p. 446. 1 s Hooker's Synopsis Filicum, p. 89. | SKNAN EY AR ORRES \ SMa NERNSA you~ OO 4~s Ease Davallia pedata Sw, ~ Bam SE iB Y BEND Son Doe Se eae ae A BNR Davallia pedata Sw. Syn. al tp, 191 et 34). (= Humata pedata J, Sm.) 4 oe A gam Adiantum repens WOR NHN “fa? SIEM RRM 0 RSS | HHH EK BRS IR IK % FRE -K BP SBR mS SS at Se a Se で こう EARKR DA BREXK RRP RAHRANS BARAK By T. Makino. (176) a 明 ーーー ーーー* ーー _— ia: | 2"9 = SESE SS BOE BRAM RED RH FR RANI poe i, See まこ を つる) ぼく | RYXRS BRK AY NEPA KN Hm is NY sh EY NADA Bek MD AH HAP DID AR キル と PEAR Bhepaa ARRZD EE ト テー vVRtaan Kt owe phen SPAN FREE Ex NP ik EER VY PD ik NN の mew KD ik ee Sze BAER th then * BR men een ん. aKAR eee mene By Pua te wh YR Kw Nm % RIN (175) AN ER ARN RE IRD Nm EEN WR R + iy ats nh SUN \ BEEN SED Vitis fle usosa Thun. var. Faponia Mak- ae ee ee RS IN i ae | ANS SOHO HR DY AS LAO = = | (Sy HEKRASKERAI か か 太め KRRRD SyRD BKERS FARRD BRO RD で すむ 』 忌 め ENTRY Re¥\VH EKA K ma ar ° At ANON Bey sy BtyAtae RAMKD!D RAD BUR USD ERR AAR SwRI Po ae ow CH th) mA KK ま > Pm CHR) Ayg% rR BeRvw~ % ih See Lark Benak PPERHAP FPL ER HY RPR mt th + を タタ K Eee bh HAM BN th re Behe DAK ya BRD E Yi か さか で す ち BAD ETHh K \ar ok XK qo 21 BID ホモ ネス トキ キオ で や ホキ ルート トキ ヤ NEL RMARAL& - SME msewmR ee [MRK へ SYR BRATHSD BRE キャ ルド て を Bro E> ar 7// K A» REN RADY キャ ル 公 へ ふ ヤル ト ゥ キモ Sy mad JWaraArd |X Don SHERRIE on HER KR PAIN AA J NR Gnee RAN? Ke TSAR [MOP NA BAS RAD ak» mw KRE oOxkIN | MKRKM BRK ou KON moe KIN ALN BROKANHAPA へ へ 和 ヤ mt Th je i = al BHEAe BNA RAEKRY BHKD キャ 1 人 で BERNARDS REX BASEDNES ee = mR EenkKv4hah (174) GMMR AR 。 加 床 KN の EE xO ; | BRA MS) REA REA RAK CRD SEs RNR Kath BR le ha Ws WEEN RED AIR Ae NSIQ KK ASE RA 2 HES NI & A SR ek De iy BS INS NNER A ARR mA SRS Some. SRE Salix purpurea L. Bikey LEEK Y | ^ -INN PRESS FSS SRS PREP SR WN WER + BEA SR KA RAR HDPE oR SRK ms DN WEEN SAR A BAGS A Rm Gein ROR YD 叶 人 な | rR ot pe om ASN | HBAS RE ST 11 |S ES Ss DH RHC I LSE or RR ) 前 へい 坦 | N PAC BETS ST ih EDI Bey Sd BS SAK PAS Sm BO IR RAIN” SON Adem Bn FAP RSME S BRN ED ERK SRS RNS mm BM RATS ot HH BR of BRS AR OSB 4 RHO SE OO nS RE BY ARE N SR 4 RA Salix eriocarpa Fr, NPN ARLE Je A RL OIVOE VANS I ELK PAD AY RAR Re She AR A ‘ee Ser SAND = ei IN amen KAD HSK RRS ee oe a a Ee x Te - で ーー 直っ TOO AN ak Fe eee Pes WEN © coe yk ig an MR, oS Te are ce W が 2 NERS Ws Tk Ne 術 デー = Pic 3 で we も rf 4. ar" cs CI か 1 た こさ WI の いい aR Te tein 5 ie Oi al IM ras Py ek th 5 vy - ' 本 Di wo Vw, ド ず で RS と yi ; a ae ae ee eae Pe “he ue

ee - し 9 さ コ = NPD ; 1 Y 5 , 1 - と に 3 Eco YYYYYYY マ ym | MM a SNS = aN Sl = 12 * OR in + 1 33 | x , > も も キキ すもも も すす も すす て aN BS eRe emi ita ト を きき が FOR ie = a akan 2REWEENE (KS AKRKK ABER ABER | SERVES ER | ©is sin | | Sell ie ヽ KH esse 4 —%—t8 Sphaerotheca Castagnei rey RMB gece : See (et tee a ig, =) nite と いい ; oy OSES (BE)ON ANAK h AA hae tH BY $3 ar (1188) aes WIND EE 2 か 0 Prain ee ai as fists, AS ore aed eee 0 | See BESS oR i WP cerrerpt Te 4 4 ーー Tae rE PP っ 半 W bas oe : さ x ey Ae te olen 1 $n RRM) Bia iH te whe El itl kb 11 と に | SEHSERGEBSE) = 4 @ 屋上 WP 2 BEIITK CRI ORES に か SG し MM 、 a a bee. We oo 2 NN 貞 che aa oe on. pe eget " ENC) EH 11] EMS | CRR)ONE NER ROR ANRC) ONS NKR の on meus oe Meee ARSE APES) 0 ae 0 me 4 at Ke Dba ehee 3 PO . Ik a one ate < ae ah ae a 6 css. の * 『 _ ー rd 7 ‘ } . j 5 1 し っ 1 し 4 』 し vont 4 Hy , \ ( 。 し , 9 Ae eis a? ' ae MR ee ae OBR MKem ne YA so BARE R)O FRX REARS” Dan GANS Te ‘. 7 で の で へ He SEN (NMRIORS SS BUR Nord SAR BR w #822)([118) OR. a8 : に | Ree OAM YD yw ARAN EX ORME SER QURAN EER N 4 の Bk i Bn OlsveN RP IN Eh On? es SRO NN A] ES I \ BRO Owes ~ HO CN 8 ER OTN SSRIS | RR | Os Ph REO SESS ATH ESS CK THR N ar) ne ae RRS +B, = af ry } Pa wad ロ M っ > Seen 5 っ wae 、 Bel = な Y | Shirai, M., Notes on ‘the Plants co in Suruga, Patani: ~ Yamato, and Kii.. (Continued) a ee Ss te eS ako se Review of some Species of Japanese Ferns. 。 . 。 148 3 Sawada, K,, Plants employed — in Medicine in the Japanese -Pharmacopwia. “(Gontinued) ee ee 152 "Okamura, K., Contribution to Knowledge of the Matin Algae cot ay IL. earn mn apanese). Rees eer erie Ca oa pay ome PART II: Fee "NEW LITERATURE: eae に Sad a マテ 9 ‘ ¥ "Okamura, K | Contribaton to Knowledge. ee Marine Algae of = ( ee (Concluded). hoes YS | Kawakami, n Panera of Shonai, Continued) Stree Es 8 A Harper, Die Entwickelung dies Peritheciums bei Sphaerotheca Se ee ce Soret, Zur Physiolone der Ranken. w < ざ | MISCRLLANEOUS:- — い s and for America 2 dollars. ASSAM he Short Notes on Plants.—Papers on Cytology bel lite Prof. F. — Schmitz. —Late Professor J. Miller Arg.—Proceedings of the - _ Tokyo Botanical Society. —Publications received. —ete. | Notice, The Boianital ‘Magazine is Trablished opie に ‘Subscription price per annum (tncl. postage) for Burope 10 francs (=8 shillings) _ ea ie fever ands RON to be addressed to Sakugors Hirase, secretary” of —— one i 20rg 1896. [No dine ( Coo ROD a tex 2 PRET RR cents wan aac 1 as “BieRae = Eee SERRGeKS Sees || Ge. geen ~ 地 : ao. a5 THR RE oe * faye 1 衣 計 稚 時 ee ‘Riga BH tees So | oes. 0a0ro, Gare tes Sy =) RANT ES | Bn Saw LES\ SR Mien Uy NR っ SB EA OK | ENE CRA AN ‘Shay gear Ee a 1 Te ae ae ae Eo ee. Dia SNSSIRE gan WAKA RAP \ HD 4 MASA CRN ARR RR MUSSER gona | eee | OF) GHB S SEs Age OnRHEr . RIS ORNS BRS Dn: £0 | SHE い TT RABEL BR) (FRM ) aa a HR | surge eeysee sve neguecses Bs \SROSZAR. LSVOR+HE IK SL ER\ EB SKovrisuwe ee PR HESS ~ gy Wr Feo pH Hl Ey See A OS @]1] 42 \ Calyco- | nectae (2 88%) Ol MWS LTS Kae | EMR HORA H. Rete = KB eHe 2b SAS (NE) @ + CS OREN aha 0) 補 | へ Oe @ RR Sa aie iat @ 1 Fs | Se RE RS FR ie Sere eS eee wi Sonam er a a eae u i sab 4 EE ほお を っ - TV すめ mm と て アッー も 0 うか マス ムン ペリー ムー ーー こ ete, Vac 人 eaeeeexaa ae A gat ages @2 & OX HASREwES. KotH tek OSaSS L&E. Lem eOLe wae Medic = C@QEdScvauvey Meta s 6 by AH @ ACHES PRK aN. ee ee OXKSHEOR VEO RMS Re Ne CROKE CHAS OCR EOS LRRD Fire ox Hema sewtRORKOLA ji Om LE OLE OOP NNN AE pee ae IN OK ANN ORRMONS LOROREA tN Ae Seale ko RH) ton @ UP SSN O11 | MO ae SIPS OURO SECTS HE AO | RN Gras thee :OHKO OE GE on HH § KES) | RATE | 2 A RRS 4 SN mm RA RRR Was < ye Ss dy“ Japan ; occasional” + fat vs ae we I< NA mm BSR RK IRR KN 6 SON ES | wR> 上 Ri, 5 No. 11, p. 570-587. 4 33° i] «=ORMBRa og SRY MoRBH aS | EE RE KEES eH I ON Se 回 | SE BE SERRA EHO m OR A | RE SH | eee eee | VINARA Gi mide whine ah HSE eit KSSH Se HMA AER GN SE om SN RAI ON RGR BN A へ | SeB laa KNEES BHRKER HN] SR BPR ORR KER | SK HERS hom Sy HPS ER | SERRE m JN eS | HELE K Are RAR (171) | das <242 < Bulletin de L’ Herbier Boissier III (1899) JR HEB Pv Rr SSnmMn cA n+. RAM SOR] CM % CR = am SEER A > ET BEX (oD Rirkmn SEs ny | HE te SKxKavypRra MI. dito ma wien ar’ Baniiegr "x aku (Oey K Sy Sees TSN RES NEHER Y in Saath (RA SPM Hibs OR 4 AIL ATER BME XK AINK RAR RERMR+E EIA IAKar HE 1 ERO NEB RBIRA A RK, BOM RANA KYO HIVE RRANRE Ree ee 1 de XX | Bt Rink RK ARB m a eK NADIR R BE SSS of Sn BEd Yd RAEN ot HH A XR Nea CRS SRL | Bm MEY m) BEEK SRIGRRD 1S nS a aS’ RYO? nsow HO SHMS IRS A Rar SS m PBN Eh PPE i SONAR YN & RHE BS BP A AS RSX in Nab SNe SE A 4 SE NEAR Rom WHE SL + EK ABA PAN RAR BER CAIRN J HY A BRO RR m EA & A wee PUR YAN ne’ Sh RHE ST RKO IN PEP IER | RA YN +i LnEX Ce MK. RAP NN “Be RI SRLS ti] ¥ — ia 明 Seat A nee t+ WISER KAR ORE A CHELIDONIUM Tournef. WA So mgea Kh Yar NHN 6 (| & Bb) 〇 David Prainy Chelidonium BR ia i i xs (~31O QR ) S 1 Huchelidonium. 1. Chelidonium majus Linn. ) Var. typica Prain. (aes red) (=Chelidonium majus Fuchs.) (=Chelidonium majus var. a. Linn. ) Cl eae) (=Chelidonium majus var. B. Linn. ) Var. laciniata Prain. (=Chelidoniwm laciniatum Mill.) @) Var. grandiflora De, CR sem) (=Chelidonium grandiflorum DC.) § II. Stylophorum Fradch. CiRRD CRD 2. Chelidonium sutchuense Franch. 3. Chelidonium lasiocarpum Oliv. 4, Chelidonium diphyllum Michx. ea) (=Stylophorum diphyllum Nutt. ) fr8 i} NA > & > EE QUES UB RNY eA ANA SHR OR A NOB A SII. Hylomecon Prain. 5. Chelidonium japonicum Thundg. () Var. typica Prain, (OR TER AR) (=Chelidonium japonicum Thunbg.) (=Chelhidonium uniflorum Sieb. et Zuce. ) (=Stylophorum japonicum Miq.) (=Hylomecon vernale Maxim.) ( Hylomecon japonicum Prantl.) Var. dissecta Franch. et Savat. (78) (=Stylophorum japonicum var. dissectum Franch. et Sav.) SIV. Dicranostigma Prain, 6. Chelidonium Dicranostigma Prain. (は) (=Dicranostigma lactucoides Hook. /. et Thoms.) 7. Chelidonium Franchetianum Prain. CA) 8, Chelidonium leptopodum Prain., (mr (=Glaucium leptopodum Maxim.) BK A RS A N BHAT 4 NA m SUR OAH Bhth 6 ENR | seedings (Sas Rey” TR A PNA BBA B mH ER CMD \ SS m gE ES NEBR RNS | RK OAK PA INI) mB Nm Bin ko A wou * Nm ty < Reiad 4 Se ai. Set (Spermagonium) “ rn PRA ABR a NEI in SK ARR A RN Kee MH AY mS (BER ‘Rob SOS A HOE BEA) A w Hee = Wy RES He A NaN AN Be WRN Si LK A Re INR Bar 7 他 RAAT IRE EEN ER? Rm HO NBS OR SME Ww NR RISA BRBE AP or a AR IR me” BNE Wem We 4K RO PS ay 87 ht AK JRA Bes Rae ap See A rE eS NER a %* Sle Sa Nm ORK mae HIKARI RA BA 2A A FOB IN 4b 'R Gon O78 Y\ INR Ae iS PY me (Laan p on | rim O BT asl) ] 42 | ing if Sie や aN BY Darbishire ty ~ 4B ed ーー | PAN FIN JING YD ) ER 6 AR BRAS SER DEM A * ROHR a SER A SRR 4 Nn GEE fad crm BM BA ee a eX IN FRA KK “RV AE 4 He AK DD HAAR KBE RK AR? RA ae SRA MIA AN (nS RSRERIR = IN NERA ob EA EAA )° HAPKORLE RY R+ | SN RR IKESY LRH KERR om NHR CREA ON SCN mk ni Heeem ,, Nuovo Gionale Bota- nico Italiano”’ 1891, 1892. ,, Flora” (ichenologische Beitriige XXXIV. ) 1891. Byer’ Mee Coe garam ane ee 1 TBS ob Fe HORAK JER WIEBE RR \ BSRR m $08 4 IN BASE ed ms fh Ym 7 SHH SN Rr (ROR IRR Ya” WA Rin loe SBE 1 ee eee ~\ uk neh ‘h & Barbula. BPN = SES 4 ee 押 K we eX HS Pogonatum, BR NHK om X & % fh & Ditrichum. Che sex h ト と の 第 へ Dasymitrium. BANX swK ホ 作 入 Grimmia. Sm =IN\ mH & Anomodon ovicarpus Besch, Oe f RIK HA Plagiothecium. ぐー へ Dendropogon. nc h woh S Pseudoserkea. DoD‘ & Aerobryum. BARA WR Kr Xx 'h & Dicranum. A HH x ANN & NS Polytrichum piliferum Schreb. we “ae whe b Pee RK HS Polytrichum gracile Menz. MH HER A oe i} 導 ‘Ee Neos ed ASESSEAE x 内 if <& #h S Lencodon. 22 #4 x ONR— 2A” DT Ww H (Friedrich Schmitz) | | BSA Te HaB il = SS | MPAUTA+H AB > nRRY ricaly A es BNE NAR NP NT DEK 4 HIN ABR BERR Ol 2hh > EK RRS Bae 6 RRR RIA | Be ATA AHN HANK RER RSPR 0 RSP ERS 1 BX ABRY ARR INK NSRP RH EN A TER = NX MK REPS REDS TERM RON SNH SN LER ESN (HEN RRS REP CORR a |S へ ) i Beobachtungen tiber die vielkernigen Zellen der Siphonocladiaceen, 1879. (make ~ WES y KS ABR) o Ueber den Bau der Zellen bei den Siphonocl- adiaceen, 1879. (Sntdpeees). sos y Bin) (166) te » j Ma ーー ペ ーーー ペ や J ーー i. % = aoe - sn| 4 Rosa Wichuraiana Crep. ホム VIA Ay dw NES 4 | Franch. et Rochehr. + Rosa Wichuraiana Crep, + BRK m SEO Wh OAR N OER ME ON RA RI SAC SER, RE NRA BS KR INK HSE 4 He SOs N RIN XK ys ON Rosa Luciae RA SUS IN | & R nm wD % IN | Rosa moschata へ 、 PAE RA +a A DDN BIRR Ne oN | @ RR AS IN| Rosa multiflora Thunb. var. platyphylla Red. 4.x pep IN eae IK Na NIN 4 Rosa indica へ SX 08 1 Dw BRK A SSEISETS NAGE 2 stirs aR A ROAR RENAN SS Mnium. th SS] K SRS 1] SW Rm yea A K SYM 91 HERMES ATE AME KER ES DRG HEDADS HA Mnium. ME ERM = SRR 1) SO) x ose punctatum tx {2 +R SKA HR SE a ISS D> th axe Ne Sh & Mnium By) | ASRS = SE IKSSAT KR K WRENN C rR SA i] rostratum AIR MOA CREAN DPhiys BSP. He ee nw» thea Mnium us hes K A undulatum © WMAvaer | SS ! | Se Be A = ra 1 ~ KES ® ah & Mnium. eat 1 Ban eae Pe SY 4 MEMS 1) >) KERR | h > Sieh 6 9 1 HH > “ah DR IN DAR ARE AKA TSA Mnium. & RED CM 1] SRT RA = tos SS Bt 1 YK MSN208S ONI ua =o ROR 3) He x KEDAKA HA Maium. & 22 om SS Wom he yea Mnium, Ke OD & NHS Funaria. “IN tw fh 4 Homalia, ssf Heap ix er HX & HS Pogonatum. SS 1x N th へ Campylopus. a4 NS Philonotis, TRISH 1K NO fh} Bryum. LR wx Ox ae Tea Rose = £6 x & Said ha RARE ア | Bae te ut: i | » Rosa indica Lind? m ~GWiA RA A DOB ANE K a BES NREN Y RINK [BH ーー ^ $UES A 1 > ROE & HAR BE wh Seite Socal a2 4 Edam gy WI I RBER mae 7 eS = mu Pee ee SSS IS HX INKED | Hm Fy NKA & 第 - HERS TM GQ WKAIN'K [BIOS Oo RES kn ( oan | ィ ae eer ey RE ae) ae \ Kim Bs BING) 4 ARR AN KS et . > ime) « Sime als en eK HE |. Roem a ak By A MRA ADA RAED | 2ker BPA fe 9 By BR AR no | =| | | Be < «Rosa indica Lindl + Rosa gallica LZ. + O2Ses Boose eh HEHE. PAK| < Rosa rugosa Thund. ~ BIA A Sine 上 | n < ャ ト KI Rosa TRS Roxb, + Rosa rugosa Thunb. +\ SER AbARN| (ON ERIK AHA) 4 Rosa carolina た. ee | X42 x Swamp Rose —IRKE~ HSM ER 4 KHAIA & we NNN 2 Rosa Wat- | nN] 1 VlAMAN KAN 4. > SOY RS TS SUR SERS ~ BPE | aA’ NRA Bee K AER ( Compterendu de la soniana Crep. seance, Bulletin, tome XXVIJ, deuxiéme partie, p. 98, 1888.) RES wey ¢ RSS ~ BH SRERRL AGRE | Kn Se mada let iin Gx Rosa SrmBnk m4 RHA IN IN で ^ EE se 4 aS A IS multiflora Thunb. var. Watsoniana (Orep.) Matsumura | 2X X\ Ei A INRA YO XR oh RON Rosa nipponensis Crep. > ia AB —" — っ ~ omen oA eee br | Bet +O 1 RITA NITK B (OK HENR E eN| BRA KSI By A RS Ba Bes ES 4 SE OD? PA RBA PA KA BRS H A 4 | DREN % 4 Ampelideen an” ES RES | PE BE KAN SRMIM IRS AT ARADO HO ERT ha INEM AIK RN mA WS MIN” SEL NEN ATH AER SIVA AY OT ROR HERS RCE OK AO (RSIS SRR SKA PAL TRA AU Tae 8 TA pm Bw oy ls “ AWA Rin DAD CA MMAn’” KE yy 8a BRK A WAN CERI Cucurditaceen J A WR く Passifloraceen, Leguminoceen, Polemoniaceen' TOTANDD SRS TEM Rit 9 REMAN is OREN Thm | SSN Ta I Ma | EA Yd WN ORR ~ BEER R&S” SONS 4 BS RR KK RS BIE BS NS RAT AA mar | EX KERR NK A BY A RES BRR fh SEHR Om Heh a Bw ty A SON NN ER mm BEN STD 73S 1 i BEAD ASR iN PRT 4 Sle BEER AD NETRA ER SED Bd ID RK A m Me MEER — Hote 4 Ge MES CORRLLEP y SWE YD RRR A RO le A Oe NT : Hl > ROME ~\ Sad m BI of BBA xa SBA A Eee a th OR | REN” SRI SRR SE BRI Seb Roe N ES READY. KARE ER | BR Bho in 4 ORB R RRS | 顔 PWN BR HAY RINK OT BER GRSSHI A 6 SCNT \ do fn REN 'K ON KHER | ER PRB IN QA A oA RN RH KR Rn RR AN RK” - (Miyoshi. ) HL np に ココ JS Fs (163) =r poy ie CPR Sg = KAI IR” LEMME REER A RRR IIA MRIS. BE REN” 提 QA RMMRT CS i tl & Thladianthe dubia へ SOX m WIENERN RE RY A FARRER NTR mga AS MRE ERNE ABR m TERN AR BRED EIR RIA RAD OR | ms fed LAC HN RE ER SNR A | EEA BR (WIS | RARE SAAD” TS SEES 2428 6 SERIES NSO 4 TESBR FONE RA ERY A” HE ERR RA Ra 1 XE CER if mE Rak 4 7 SOM 4 AOR oj SSIES ~ EB SRN OH 89 RH REE KA HAS DADHAN DSDHA SVN ee NOR 7 aaa ERS MNP AUR RB NRT KE ee see eee DEEN RN Po" ER ER 4 IER HO AR RDS Moxa ER sy A SRE 4e” BEEN mS Ga RK AWN 4 Cucurbitaceen WN AIWM 4 Lassifloraceen & 4 Leguminoceen, Polemoniaceen Sapindaceen \ > Ampelideen 4 RISA Smilaceen り Yin . BBR PARKA コ PUUUERRUR I AK 4B SRR VEE NRO RNR YD Ra” DBS eh mK Se A x $< i) CHB yy RRA I! KAS BY Sicyos ~ Km PAE wlio mA BER EK ak A EX 1 EM BD oN GHEE A IN FRIER NED BOS AR Gee SIRI RAN} wy RK A BRIN 4 HERG 4 <4 fends ( H. Mohl; E.G. O. JIGeler ) mBBSi y BRAIN > dan dea m ge ee ALON SSRN A GOLAN HERE BESS m mE ESE BT BE ok 4 RMR HE NO ih SORRENTO N EER EDD RK A Nd Dd KX MON SB Rar oh a On Sd ATSC \ HEY i fhe ab th J i] 請 衣 eft Correns, Carl, Zur Physiologie der Ranken, (Botanische Zeitung. 1896, I. Abtheilung. Heft I. ). ~ IN ふふふ Raine BAN | MK A 4 IN ON SF ERA Het 3 fds (TObinger Untersuchungen Bad. I. p. 483 — 535, 1885.) PNR INA RA” FORE MPRESER EIN” HERS HERS QOh'e © BEERS RS” ELS Re i J MAIN W RTA OS & RBH Bd” FIR K AN Em RY meu dS | BE 4 HONE Ce NTN RRA BE I] NER AN * FREER ¢ RI y dt Rw 7 fol) ES RQ GEE Sy HONE BRAN MER om N47 | A BEER mK RR REDE MESS | BOING A a 4” BONS § BREEN RR KIB BD Be we RARER m a SO SE 7 ERKIGGR (a MK IBN SOIR K ALE) SKA BSR mA OREK ARE | KA? SEO RRA BB En 6° BAB [SERRA L 7 QPREILS BEURE del RT AUR 4 EN EASE GON A ok qo BEN RBH) ? SOUS te EE SEV SAR NNER’ Sn BOD GONE SMR SPS SER eae or nh NE SIE RATE NTE KK AN ARN NRE | ER RS ER TEER RIN {RN RR AY RE SS mn *ROUE § RRR PARES oe RK AS Ben OD” WHE SEM KR NE ND 47 He NANG) mK IRA RIE eRe ¢ EN A KORA Ka SS Olsens TREN BER Sn Rat AN mw Vitis vinifera ~ Rar § PSUR Woy 4 UA GREER A A we” HRS 6 MS 1 RSD BRINK =~ «7% ARN RR NRK IE § AR ° BHA =F 4 BR BRR SARA SYK AN BREE REA NRE A (SX | DIK HAR WP Re eae yy BNHE KR & om SE SIA xs Le Botaniste mmm) Aa8@ ~¢ Spherotheca へ Mrdh # ATR ANN BRM A sw RSMNAKRRA ANAT A LI RAL ay Ree 9 BN IN Heder Shea NIN NTR NRK Pe IND [NW BRD Din BEEN BR RSD ARAN CEM ES BAD mm NHERAE (ESE NR = Rm HD BER | Nim a RR 4 A RIE NR + Ra SH) ok FS GE A ON HERKEN BS a RIE | BAA oN ERA BIR NA EGE < DEE RANT | Ro RNS | (PERSE S ~ SE RSE A ERIN UK HEN RS Ye SIN SKIERS A ARHERS 4 REARS D HERE uf BEE m NST A I RPK = He. Se | Posh > EMEA RK ON MNRARE I BRO SSIES (RU co RARE IY ERM HN A i) GH A BREEN 4 Ee | BES KO SHER EBS aN RSE OAC N HRA mH (N D8 ARPRES LAR TE HR TR RCRA BREE BS APN 4 ERIN TRR OD STEREE 4 | SBI HH INT IRR CSB RIL ASN | NOK NERS A 4 RSI 1 4 EY SN RS 4 i IRR EE Hm dD Ra ONES B@ mags SREY BER HK PEER BS (| Anon a +e BANE MA | AK NEE (EVI BwANKRA SRS BEXHAMBAARES NMA BEN DREN SS S S22 6 SRS9 ot ERSRUSD RR KOA BR RN TTR 4 oR | A KARA BED (RRR XE ARES IN SERS HK A AS 6 St RN ERY ATR XN OR | SER & KON SSA RRS \ Nv ar y eke an peers —K-WKR AER RKXAPENSIPE AR (160) = 冶 明 = 月 nite OT Ee %& H + 田 ” Dasya pulchra ° Ceramium paniculatum RAHM ARS itn as | 川 十 や 赴 SRA ltt Hl RY ~ | fe 川邊 REA ARS han ak MTHS | RUE RRS Ie K AS if -ds gt 4-46 ain} SX Sh m- hy te <° Ceramiun japonicum 4° Dsya notoensis Si |+-Eliel =- RR IK REN SHA PAN Im Xe 4 +R IXA\e B+ Mak Rie N 2 Be mx RKB BNR 田邊 | RK RK IEK ASR や 走 Rt+RB Ake SoR~ | te KP ee S|-PE ER HO RAS HIER AIAN | Ge bRE Kite KN oR I MARRE hen ag ids Silt+- QD a AEA SN AN ARR | RN BRR ER A 6 BE IN し EN at ey ー ee な 2 BF 0 1° Callophyllis crispata & や Bl sth ~\ee inptifs: ee | ff SS ~ 84 Mk El’ Rytiphioca angusta “ Se 1] Bl PARR NIK ASEAN | GE ez & << 8B BAIR ix+« 1]° Plocamium ovicornis RR Bo BA Aa sw akin go ~ awn | a | ee MN] BO gaNs4ke = RNR 4 s \G RR = em eK PR DB RRS hex aBnexak |S tvs |R + B 庁 | | Newey | & 還 Be RRB enn aw Ktd@ | +1 BSR Aee apts: | i]° Delesseria radicosa Sei) BRS ryx anal Wiis. e Wm ite max? 44 st + 11] fH Rytiphlocacomplanata Ken sh 44 ASE NE ee 4S SH PSH SERS ma Ki Wns yar en rand | BRA i TeSonw? & AMA NHS UREA AT NRA AR INANE Na RAM BK Ceramium japonicum sp. nov. | 4 hoc dr x (SBRE) B24 SRE] RES yn CBS AA Rn MEH RRO eo: SREB ANmOAN APN may DN EBS SERRE m A RQ DK SRA Rm HK ( Mm RIM HERES I SHR 4 SESS AR OO RD 4 HQ DNA RA Be) SRA BH HO BRA faa TR N SN iy EGR YN A BRR SSM 4 ESN EB HO RY RRS MA Se ROA (ED Daa hy, SENOS fy | Was S2sel See SK OH Hoe SR | SaaS | (ee KK aK aR fan a Bs aK ン / 3a ス 生 (158) ii 明 ーー ーー S Bast 2 月 ae 十 #259 118" BRA wR. Ke SELIG NS Rh ssi ae (Sein) Ra Ben8 4 tn RR KERR OE BN EK oe SRA AH A TER SHINS R 4 fe A SEER HEN NAN BOY BRS & 58 EOE | BIRR SSA OR A MN Ree een NEE ON RE AS ARE] RAP M RAT MAMAN GARE RAT MRE A (ARN BP DO NEN RE AES RRA FE SE 1B x ERAS AA | | Dasya notoensis sp. nov. へ と DK ERE) So 4 SSS IE BS DI] Ys GR “Em ARRAN aN BSH 4 Ne m ARS of oth 4 ERR A Am DN A SHR 4 BCS 4 RRS oy SR laa TR SN REN RSET SEIRSS NK OX RHR THER S eR ASBURA OBA SB BA OB 4 SB Nm Ah MRR IRA KER ] RA BS maak Sch NO] [Ram HBSS § | ERR RK RRSP oO SK AR RER IAM NKR ARK SEAMS Qs (BEN ERI RO Ra We See 7 Ceramium paniculatum A aoe a XM (BREE) S25 SH SR WT OOK SUE o Seen HORS NK NABI RET RES of IRE HAN AK (Bl DK SARIN IST TK SHS 4 SRERER HO REN ST AE MA BA A SRN YK ARS I RR KOR BZ m DON i Rinse 1 ASE 6 BN EI Rin ( Bim NB EEE | S11 ty RR £4 BA SRM NN eA ERE ARS (B+ ED A SEWER LA | | He OS 物 植 = mo ー 十 理 第 aia _ (15?) So ee eee HRN RIGEEY) = 必 生 Um We Be AR — (20m) Bien BRUCE +R RRO CNA ARE] 9 キ Rytiphloea angusta sp. nov. be DK (BREE) M24 SRE NT NEARS mm RSS RY KOON | ED Bs ABS m RAN EN EH AES H a 2h 6 ASK 1 TNE A Sam AN SR (ASR SRR 4 NBS mS Bin MERA 6 ERR RA RE 4 SA Rs | RA BSBA 1 1EBS w PERO ARSPN HK AR ERs RGR I> | See ee | SRN 22 RIN NN (156) Callophyllis crispata sp. nov. Hern heh ar (BERS ) 3 Be 6 Gere WE BER BRE ) CSR — SS WG A ES RIES Nh OK 1 Om HE RDB SH SRR HT 4 EO 旧 URE BRR | 1] Yo By YER 4 SEK = SREY 4 HER HO (BE SER do BRA BR RRR 4 BES HEI EE th SREY RDS ATA 4 SSRN RL AEN RCE RAE BSS GEES 9 SAD Qh] | SRK m By BTR Bh 4 BN RMS 1) SENS 2 EE Se wR ce Plocamium ovicornis sp. nvo, oxi RA (RE) Be A ON SESS OD NFER EER HN AER I RRB SERRE HR § RN Bay SRO RK る SS CNT ONDA BR ONIN ABI RRR AE] \ SRNR Bb RM AK REPOS AIR RN ES IRS ARS AER ET ROW 1 RE I DK I dx ph sow tte | HEAK— | O8 “™BO' HO’ KR “x OK | We ee Haak Delesseria radicosa sp. stony’ am nA\ {\ = (BREE) SE GRESHAM NRE ABT AD (RO CRN ERY NMR Cy ER EY | \ SHB ADK A BERR EERE A AWN 9 RR Bs RAR 9 Sef EUR OR RRR A RRA SE SAR HS EE HES mS GREE ARDS HS (RRR Ohm SB oh Sea OREN GPE T1178 Saree TY A hh A jer i a Waa ¢ WR ie ea HORS AM RE RK REE RRR 3 I+ 上 QI. SER BRR KA IRA Ae Dn KOREN AC TT BEAR 0 > BHD OR INT TNT N BREEN RO) ERE REN Em RRO ANNA RTE BR KARR RBS Ard Mm Ny SRN ER A NK (2) SERN A RRRDA oe MANA AR AAR ZIM BARNA D RARE MA ERMMBK AN BS A mR Ly A NED ( QI BAD HN med AOMVA KS] MSN RH SAT 4 ER SOMME ee D KIER | BA QI BEY IN a aM RH By A ATH ER RIN PPeNIRAPA A EIKRAEN ENN Be BEY RH (SAVE sv Mi D NRANSRHIA 4 ED Qo FE aA RR NINE ARN Rl PRA BRO RAH TIN ANARINAR SEIN PNR H am eK ee RHA AN RAN PN HOE] KARTE FE PRA mM Din de 4 BERN PERI BAIN Ae RAD RH NER RN ee NA RN EET NPN RIN ERA A OND RRR AN EERE IGEN) 医業 EMER ee af DnB CE ne Ka? Eke (154) be = Mir ieiae ND PROSE "田貫 ee | > 」 ON EN EE ARNO HARE 4 BUREN EE” KORA a ORK RIRE 9 VEN ERA HH AL | 5 ERE qsieHe WP か EE Mid RATA ORO QA S Ra RK Qe LRM wt] AE LR ト Y Da A RS SS BS BIS SES DN Bin th = ESE HA IRN BA Se) we KK ERM INK ee eee ee pelea BR | JOR SDR 7 eee RES cH RON Gee | RE Mee u AWE) tS eee KENT | | RA (SOK eR A 3 GM MWIR 4 Ran “AMES Beak | R= # AMEROCK ASN | sei RR | Wa Bf ARES AE 4 I RH 4 RAR 3 9 A A «AR por GE i D4 EIR = |) GE HRS + BR A ak HERRERA RST 2 BREE RAR I |] ~ fw 明 > 95 | SOE = de HEN BRARS 年 忠 こ > RIBES YE” Git | SHR AWE K ORBAN ra” SEN AZ SR" BR om RA oe 4 SR Ro RAK AR Sh 0 [ RS ENR A mae toes EEX Y DORN BR 6 BS m BSE WY ーー | EEN YO BY 6 RA RN ERIN | (2 s 2) Se Iv Be ORR Be ( | RRR Mm 1a RR Ro Serie RRR ER AA PARNER ORR em Wa BK RBA RAR [1M nw UE SCG 5 Re ROM SERS Ra ED Bar RRA ~ RM BAT AR Bi sees nae AE Mm Rate! KK | (eeheewm| 82 gy aeaes ne me" ‘S5E= kktbeie 6 REN GU | eee ER «" [|e | Bw ve ORBREAR “HERES ERD 'R Gt BI SRER m BR 9 4 NBR in A EKA NN BRS S Brae 4 OR RN ER'N CNR RN OE” RAK AR SISOS m SERUBIAA 9 BRP) BD BE 9 RNIB my ED BA BRB AS 6 LES GRIER ( [# & 8 =|] KR BER SHIe Be Be pam “PROM * SINC MBE SER 7 mR RG RD? RE (RRM ER RA 並 識 本 DO Dh we ( = 2)ds Sa ¢ NERS m ee Bh En BPS m BAD “OM DN in SHEE SKS Y A (152) oe | 開 BRAT OA He A+ SR ~ RR 1 BK A 88s HR Ae Oi RSS alas Sak 4 RAD RN RC RER mKHRRERE SH | FANN DnB REN SD ND Be 4. Re NC NAM HY A Mettenius Be y Soin Lindsaya By XX > | EERE | G\ENAK Aww Lindsaya tenuifolia Blume. \ amnjoy aM MMe EA m gad HK tenui- folia 2 ROOM Sian Nm eka Amitbhs Bu NA + BRS, A Davallia chinensis Sw. \ Mamata BnN SN Lindsaya chinensis Metten, =~ 32 yj 32] | BXOEM | AONE り ORE WA Blume A Lindsaya tenuifolia -~Eer Ren Linneus kh theese « chinensis (= Trichomanes chinensis Linn.) NERY OK & A Hooker $% 4 Synopsis Filicum., y S{wKNAm Davallia tenuifolia Sw. S65 Davallia tennifolia B. chinensis Hook, (=D. chinensis Smith.) —~, Pa Rwy. dNAa mda Ba SUEY = x Lindsaya chinensis Metten. =Trichomanes chinense Linn. = Davallia chinensis Swartz = Odonto- | 3 soria chinensis Kuhn = MMicrolepia chinensis Metten. ( Bal) Maser IQK - | Var. 8. tenuifolia m. = Davallia tenwifolia Sw. = Odontosoria tenuifolia Rin Microlepia tenurfolia Metten. = Stenoloma tenuifolia ee = Lindsaya tenuifolia Metten, non BI. (EMMI, (#@ IR) OMmKRIERB@NIE (eS NR) | HEB K & RAIS Tr Alf ee ri ae === wid (151) m {I Pteris biaurita Linn. var. quadriaurita Luerss. in Engler’ s Botanische Jahrbiicher IV. p. 355. ( = Pteris * quadriaurita Retz. Obs. VI. p. 38.) 4 os * NIV KARR RES 0 RK MH +O WK Pteris biaurita EN BE Vp A WHS Sat | | BROEA > Pteris biaurita Linn. var. quadriaurita Luerss. forma asperula Luerss, loc. cit. HIN oA Beh Pteris asperula J. Sm. in Hook. Journ. Bot. III. p. 405. 4 A NR S mK. Pteris quadriaurita var, setigera, Hook. Sp. Fil. I. p. 181. t. OXXXV.A. #1 N RE WK 46 .0%0 * NOW (HEE) HEN Bae UR” -ORAr ERAN > HSN RRS ES Hm A KAS Se NR BR NS ERD ™* ET Davallia chinensis Sw. Syn. Fil. p. 133. ( = Trichomanes chinense Linn, = Lindsaya chinensis Metten. = Odontosoria chinensis Kuhn = Microlepia chinensis Metten.) 4 Zrm Hw woIO~K +i» Davallia tenui- folia Sw, Syn. Fil. p. 133 et 350. (=Lindsaya tenutfolia Metten. non Bl. = Odontosoria tenuifolia J. Sm. = Microlepia tenuifolia Metten. =Stenoloma tenuifolia Tee. ) ( GMM BOO QO KAI NEARS ee 2 UNA NRRER NM A RRA RRO Bh KR Ran BRINK NAN PEE 6 NRE REM i へ 直々 RSE M IEE RRR RENTS SAS m RW NR SS 4 EERE) > JE RN OH RS | RE mie” Ne り 想 N 4 BREEDER GES mB NH SPR RAR BESS RAIN m OF \ ERIE Sh ER m SS | ERS 4 eer ee 。 補 嘱 eee = ap Se a Re 填 x ZRH ES ES ~ NO AER wy 1 nS) HON Bene m BH A INERTIA & APA RR REA yf nk 7. SONYA Pteris longipinnula Wall. Cat. n. 108, +f] SB KA =~ tha RIS EEN AIRS RE O.C He + BOLO Hinge ® NOY IRR | BERND ABN ne 21K NISRA EG EN NARS FRAR SN BREN SSS ABR (RKC OS > SRd RK ARS RRND UIA HES | RE Mm AO IN YIN SSRN SSO OH A NORMS BHD YP AT RN 4 ER des PRERRTA 4 SSde RRO oA SRN Bt BNR +m AD RR PR NN NO A By RR SB SD RB es A MNO Af = 28980) BANA NER aon < 組 く 年 全員 DEL A Na NK er Baker tks Pteris inasqualis < eo ee ee rs ee ee BONS 4 ETY M TE AS HED thy FER I9 BS ch © 15.00 F HO WM Ain HARA Pteris longipinnula Wall, < tC sexys 上 NER EDA & AWM RY ONY INA AN KER | A SIRNA AN] KSA RAIS + ff NA MEN Ba Mein S NHEMNEES REN ARN A Ro Baler 22 # sSRRREOES KARMA & 0 ee EX 4 1883 計 Synopsis Filicum gi ]B\ ST 1 KN NE | HI | EX RR AA | Pteris longipinnula Wallich Cat. n. 108. ( FET) 49 ws MOQ iOkD き いつ 乱 Forma inequalis=Péeris inequalis Baker in Journ’ Bot. 1875, p. 199. (ERT) 0 WK OG 1 a 単 物 西 ee A に Rete | Ley Wer -CSM~ st 4 Be N \'R | EE ~ NAM Pteris semipinnata Linn. var. £. all sh ahh seins + Wh 0 ao ASRS elaine buen aed hae var Ao Baker Syn. Fil. p. 157. (=Péeris dispar Kunze in Bot. Zeit. 1848, p. 539. =Pteris semipinnata var. f. Hook. Sh Ril) Tp, 169, Ties semipinnata var. 太 subequilatera Took. Garden Ferns sub Pl. 59.) NARMS EK typica DEM AS wy \ dn Kunze A BR -O\ Nag + BY OR N RA Pteris semipinnata var, B. equata Mig. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Batav. III. p. 172 et IV. p. 95. 家計 mE で へ Miquel Bx 2Xke% 2X | 028) ~ ER Pteris dispar Kunze xX’ Pteris semipinnata var. §. Hook, mz Min Na “E] くき く て や it AS od] ESA NY EN \%H 4 Nn Pteris longipinnula Wall. By QWs Ow 29 つう SS と 必 ] KA +S yD ~S8K HEX Pteris dispar Kunze Sk Pteris semipinnata var. 8. Hook. NX NKNA +E) NWR YA Miquel RNR oh 4 REN NRK AR RA SEE IP SEN EN | NUM YD BEN AKAMA Gy REN ERA RA RARER Mavimowies om ageyh rs X im tin | SRN" RR 4 Miquel tR~ Var. f. wequata, MV in BWM OCM~ IIL +BYARA I QUO PAIN Pn 4 Rac | BN 7 & > SRR BN MA > HRA BRN BR IBS Miquel BA HER S| Hin seas yar RUN KA DN ERA 2 EHO CH IOK UR AM RA RO Bp { Maaimowres K AER YP RNA A 4X Pteris inaequalis Baker, A J. G. Baker BR~ Bla Dns y aR Mea 1875 BaS~\ The Journal of On79 New Series, IV. p. 199. s STN KIER (Dr. Shearer BES) Xu wet (Oldham, Maximowica へ fe8 (148) iri 明 ーー つ ーー を a | Tee te 。 守 郎 LEME HARA £4 RRB, PES nd REE RE so AR IRA CRABS SRR TC HRORRA YAR hatiicieliies xia ae PiZw,r FSS i nsynlar get RNB ONAN SEY od | BN > Nin Sew BRA oe 4 GIN RRA (> SAP STN QD A (AOR ISM MAL OBER ARE KEEN OY NR RA YOR | 4 | RAR | RIPEN RR EIREIN RD R= KN BN A UW 4 EN IR ACR K Am = x IKIK | Om Ka ER! ~~ ADO x to he KS Review Of some Species of Japanese Ferns. By T. Makino. om | Pteris Semipinnata Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1534. < W. J. Hooker's Garden Ferns. 4-1) BR3K A Plate 59. < ME AML ARERR SN BIE Win (BRS Bes BUPERr RRS RSMAS i RneleRyy \ Sah y A BEDE nN GN Te ASSEOE 4 Gh RRC ARN BROESE EE KARR > KERR ROO RAY OR ESM SS 8 SRERIESE RSE 4 SRE A OBES BRSS A) o> RARE So NR N HEN A mR EELS EF SEGA IL BYORI IE LE EIEIO IRI PIT Sp = See See REPRESS Sin NS mn SK - FBRR KA + RN Re INK Sie VE EBS | SEN rr RRA AN SNe BK HBR | we Fat Ss a ak og N Sain 4 Sac KAA XA A ie i tak KO (Hei ER | 6Sdenicn 2 WARK へ d 2" HD 1 Xe Nan Rah Re habs MRA) marge CARRE) “HB Bi (147) Xm YO ERIN A A Sf RIN A Ae AIRINGS HE WS REEL AD WRB RN RIE TE aN Hie BRM? AERA BRC AN AED A PRL SIN EDs D NIMS IR XN ANE RAE | NAS) Ew D9 ES HNN RSH ASR RAY DSRS EU IREEA AN ASK ARN ENS | TK Ad 4 SO kad ~ > SK EEIS IRS SEES WREAK A IR KA ERIE SH REIKI X44 NHN BSE AER MK ear RR | AG iS ( SN er & AST KENT EEF ae & N = | RA AEA CEL RN Oe MEA me | | atm eB KAMER CHIN | MRAM ma Haye ma Rs Rax rawr )mca Be mn BN 1 HO-B{ m XA NS Oe a | Beit. 424 a WEE = RANA EC ABA AN VY NORE BREE A A HESS RK & SIN MS 6 SE BIRR NSS ( HER BRE Re OE YP A I AN | REA + NRA SIRE 1 tn Hoa may LAURIE ¢ HA SRST IS SE IRE AS =m REA RN REDE: 1 NIA ms AR | は BENS HE EAS SR CRIS SI et TrDrr で Tc ca cM OR ca I mr] RS RIT m eK A ak 4 RN 4 a BPRS A CER A em Ae A RINK REA TRE So mI Ee | SHRM ARR BORED | BGS NETIRUIR RK AERA ARIES EHR | SEA STG ERED K A AR A 4 1 SRG Nn BER YH A WARE KS IRS m BD NR | Do BBR INK SQN & Ane er thet aah ek Sa mR pS Bo EE SIR CES ND i INV GE & ATER FEMS 4 SERRE Re IXSR \ GEEK MN OST YS REIN NE | | BEN Em nd REBEL FR AER ON BRERA mh ¢ ey SIRT KEES 1 NE MRE REO Ra A+ NER BY Xd EN Bon BORER RED Bt TRS 上 fd Sh rg men gS oo SSR Sele oo Ee fla Ror GES m RD nm PAB See HS HE | | HARTA ART m BE in siti ek MRR ee SS) tf CIR ek MES eet ARR SSS DARE ape hm Sher Nod FEES | Bey NAGE EE SAE ¢ | RN GST 'R SEI Sm KR mS NO RB ARUBA HAO | doy | Qn SLR ot BORED BRT 4 HES oy OE Nims BR SEK A AN BOE HED ty SRT mm NR JA Hit 4 Picea bicolor BC G1\ SUNS AIK | TSR se SPN HES) ON FEN Su S Ee Picea hondoensis y 4 HR AY OB She Q~ AEN Ste Picea hon- jf doensis \ ASA Rr eR AX BEN WINS RIG Oh +h Y Sow, Ql srs ar RQrs | REMAN SRSSRRKNS DER OPN UDO \ 9 nA MBL OSHA AI | aR A BIC OAN Bem aD mY wh NK ASN SG Ht ST LK A BRINK NL 4 。 SSK y PEK NHS) BS Oh HIN SE REN BRIS PAIN’ A Ses aye SARS) \ TAIN 4 RS UR NN SPR » SRS SR A RHR NR EN RO RRS 1 Sf FY AERO {SASS REE HR A ON ER SRR SRR NBS SN ES OR A a | BR SS > feds ISSEY or Ha RAR HS Nm OR YS ARES ERIE AR RI 4 RUE Nm Se | a Pe ea en ee トト トド] | OR ts «eg ; SQa Us = OBR RKeeIN AT (si) AH MO RR K B sor | ERR MMO GOK Sd |e 3 | ( | es SEE S)R vm NBS ARS KR AREA | VEEN AOS Cw NI BRE | “| AK SSS RES \ RE A RS 4 G50 + RY A Som A BA BIDS Rao ae fe SEMEN YVN SHG m 'n PR A BR Ba oR A RR Ye RA NIA KR Ke HO さる | a ee i ee sf SO Gs HA Gea 4 Rnbus Rubw pseudo-Aeer , & Bhan + 3h y SEER ~ HEU K ARR UME A MEA ay 2d AtD EEE っ ; : SA a i a | EROB WW ? PAK RD ORR. HK YO | BI DsOQanty KE | EAH HOG ND |] ATS 46 281 [RTE SC aire © MAE ROME | SENSI 4 ERTS RS Salo y dh Be eee yD IN SS oh Sk > ARRVOE SG 0 Be AIR A AEN NO RY AE DEM REE. See ee m | AK MAR ERE RSL ORE BN (KIER +ES KER. RAO | SNS. 208 | PRR aS RUN RN REISE LEN SIEL YA ol BEN RANEE 0 SHED Ha HSIN ER 5 ee co : OU os ——Eeaavea.2 oR s See Lee aL Fe a Ree ee 1 ye eco 4 x pach > Se kg だ 1 — — ーー ニー ピー eM gh ES a Cals Ce ee Be eWEEK 生ま | = > ー テー 4 Pe! A OK | ERR de “a PC: BY 6a] ee: すこ たすく 2 くにこ べき に ーー OS で N の EE ~ ーー > ae Re San a hg Sane RC EAE ae ne PRL OER Say ee ad” fe te brig Si + NT ベッ © ee” も Foe el Saree Seay IAs Cp aa Ds = い . < へ Re と 6 eT. < 人 人 信人 すす すす が * i= = 1 e+e 0 = in = ie 吾 om Rint gs yes PESESSIGBRSR 40] J+-R# Em) [+m m | & 4 まつ 集 Kfi ty 6 ab gy 7K ウ “s ES — ch ate 本 iE UE Bij ey ue B eBags 7 th = Sap Tew Sik sage ae ae gt toe 人 "= pact = FF— 金 駒 永 正 36 大 KKK BB 郎 郎 郎 BB in 5 Brefeld =m fe] + 9 2 HH S fe MeN CR) 3 RE RLER (Rass ie ) Oe a PADAeEAHRA Ba(Iie)O AN ND = BA RLS i N(R) Os XK =n ANT—HK “ERNE ! Ke SEN 川 大 上 森 alee fs Be VED ン = RaQ (Anas JN Gees HOSS 1 Fe CRE )O.- IN DHL RSRBR SN SRR) Ox a DANN K foe SERRE YS AS ae RO. oo ETE on +H ) Seite = bu ez | ei a no ae arene ーー Se とこ ee で : ory f Xs 3 ヽ = BS 人 | ye Rim Dep ss SoS ie TMStwE meet : 28 ia {= = = ‘tee | 3 i 賠 AS 作 Tu N “ale ao) Ee 本 編 0 Ls eT pe ET RX @ A 1} is PS ea a ee = ty R Lin ts © WU ミ Jil he + BRAG 4 す 京 AE AS® EOD | OKEE HILO ORI 不 | Eth @ KOO Ee ¢ fig O D fR3t@ VERA XS. = £48 le (7 QAR ts 7 FE ス 毛 の 獲 演 及 入る Oeste Ica て 楽 亜 良 雨 の 地 活 “ese A > O Bee Rg ZOE HOOD Seo ALE e Bae 貸さ 全日 Au =, pa a is i 5 TR の Hd i eke ae) 上 ARE HE の 5 研 グロ 人 ズ の Gonkubec dmaes を BwMeRKwEEND (KE) coe ae Be aH a * g K 1 に eae ms 2 Mik MK 1EKP の (| SHRI SEER SE) BP eS RERK SE tite ERRORS IE EEN) 8 RH BE de Ke ee ae Oe ee | om mI RS Be) RREH BEEK MM OM PER CER NE ) | ACRE EAE 3 ut は 5 年 っ 5 \ か Sih | ot の ae hea. [ に Ga) oe | | ,— 4K Sphaerotheca Castagnei #8 ~<\ SRA ee (BOWS hans RY goss 44 で ee: Bi ha (1118) Cie _ ~ oO 電 AS gpegonacea oe’ Fao SEA BER BRORRERES = Roe IN—KEK O David Prain #&\ Chelidonium Behe 3 の 了 ORM GUA CHES MIT BE ~ が oat —— ーー 6 * BRECK + oimeneeae | CEN EN sO i Ue a Ce . し を eh were ng に へ ky hen Soo bP oes | の reste - Gane, ‘ THE Vol. X.] APRIL, 20rn 1896. [No. 110. _ PART エー Shirai, M., Notes on the Plants collected in Suruga, Totomi, et Yamato, and Kii. (Continued.) . SR oe Ha een a oe, Hori, §., On the Smut of Japanese Cots. ee POPE Mea Tokubuchi, Y,, Salix of Hokkaido . . . 120 Sawada, K., Plants employed in Medicine in “the Japanese Posrmuacopser: “¢Continucd:) 2. a os be a ee PS PART II :— ese Okamura, K., Contribution to Knowledge of the Marine Alese of Japan, II. (To be continued.) . も Gmori, J.. Some Remarks on the Mr. Takahashi’s ‘Paper on the Identity of Ustilago virens Cooke and Ustilaginoidea Oryze Brefeld. . . SNCs eek ek ge eee ee Kawakami, T., Phanerogams of Shinai, | (Contined from No. 107.) 31 NEW LITERATURE :— Marshall Ward, On the Biology of Bacillus ramosus (Fraenkd), — a Schizomyceté of the River Thames.—J, EB. Humphrey, On some Consitituents of the Cell.—Gy. von. Istvanffi, Uber die Rolle der Zellkerne bei der Entwickelung der Pilze.— Trow, The Karyology of Saprolegnia. MISCELLANEOUS = | Scientific Works of late Prof. Pringsheim. (The Lnd.)—Short Notes an Plants.—Fresh-water Algae parasitic on the mem- brane of Hynobius peropus ROBINAOSODR Notes on the Plants of “ Yojosho-oku 「 XXV. Notice. The Botanical 022 し な is published monthly. Subscription price per annum, (incl. postage) for Europe 10 francs yes 8 shillings) and for America 2 dollars. All letters and communications to be addressed to Sagkugoro Hirase, secretary of TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical Institute, Science College, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. TORY ©. ee Ro 3 oo に me SS RS ees Fats gate fig a RSS に mmo | pS ie Gl pdt 2 Sn, 2 ea 人 [1 EDS 4 = LEC aha) | secu | | omnantiaee Sao Rigger | EAN | Es eo ez = ie em Wath fees Cato tor) ee 2 LE に hy cae ak i oe SESE DKA | Bee so |e CESK SAT RERUN 2 ae ie @r \ —Seoep ete OS) ・ Ser | NORRIS BN HA BS Ao で "回 提 KC ‘eo enue aa ES ne | BwWde dos Byte cect lon ay se EM ko Sn = ae ness IN Ree ine ™ AS 5 eas 3 に SE ベ LWeWD… 妊 の se hh SNEB- 5 pees 4 ee ie Ys Ons a 2 | ヽ SIE SERS EHS HTT ESS ae ee ee (GR | BR wet S : | seating nHgn aakome spot 2 tt = = 。 。 上 EMI 3 人 層雲 ore ロゴ ペ デ ゴ ピロ ベー ドー sine eae sa ne SS エミ -1S 呈 さぶ @ ヽ ー せ 9 Wien GR : 2 pete N@nms RoR eKeEReeen s ee | 7D ee tn ce | Qgare ne ROR Ome HS oe fh es Bo A @ eae: reese Os メ ご ざさ ご ざさ ざさ ざっ ご eet mei + Bees | Sais cme. SEGRE QHEERCE CHT Him gut ae gene (| baw | Se OBRERRERRIRESS | § FoR SARS Sere co | @EXSHS = Etna aR | eR | 2S coe 時 pr res 6 m is ASCE REIS ie ees ssnsaas ww om gS = sete HS a RR He 、 su . a Sui ee Ne Bee ai | 1 に i - 7 ; cn a Baa ak ary Sep eee et am eso i 1 * LM oe aes sii a rte eet 区 ーー < SRS - ERERRERAERERR ager see 1 ec (BE) (BIL SEE) Sees SAG SiG さや の へ BE NE Secu S Hey a ty SEER UE ON Se HT OR NEE tO aes | SEAR RANGER AOR ESR > HL | CSR RK ) Sah BA at QRS @ HES S228 0 Parenchym@ # Nex | | gues == 8X =e | mgyeneceeem Qs ae ROHS @x= Que @ Pitnecantiopuserectus | (28-828 で SES) Omak iki Behe 人 a= - Le ‘ 0 KN Tat 1 NAV a et ae = ate e ws Sr eum nee ey he ee os / ーー ーー Crs ars CV sadh ae Le ed ea LE ete am ae ap aia ete) Mint Die ie Be FN ee OE ROR! TEN Mh DORMIAT FARNESE Y Aion dass SCIP 8, SRY ne atm i AE 2 - 1 1 ’ eta Be we womtieta var. Kwanso es (=H. Kwansoo Hort.) (1) Serrulates. geaeSbg a x (ペン に ey IN? QU FIN? Qin Oe Yucca aloifolia Linn. xy et (SJ ae Wine Beatie | Var. longituba Maxim. (=. longituba Mig. = Ss ETB Hd oy Sm FR EM IN HK Ee | h A HEIRE WED ROSES EH OOS Yo ae aa Se ee a ee ~ Saosin (forma)” Rw , oo = ie Bir HH A BR Sm EEK SE. AEBS OLE IE RK | A, fulva 8. angustifolia Baker. =H. disticha. Don) ie )Q ン * se URS eS eS RSH NRE N EK CRIN BMY NA & | nA PRE HO< WRN A & A HOES MEL = IB A HK A RON 'K OS IN RRA | H. fulva Linn. へ typica 0B 4 IMR HEM = BRR t fl & BM m ER I | NA m RRS Sy ete’ See ES ¢ RN SD oy ay Forma tricolor Baker, (= Y. tricolor hort.=Y. 7A Wat Var. longituba Maxim. へ 証人 ンド < で 906G60.4260 Gort) 6 dont ~ dean AE yw VU N~ Frc Hn, Bae 2) Integrifolie ani a Or QO tn S Rar FAN RTNIBATS 1 RA fee BNE m OE Ce) Sa ae Beats Yucca gloriosa Linn, var. recurvifolia Ba- | aN ム へ N URE ker, (= Y. recurvifolia Salish.= Y. recurva Haw. GEAKH ERE ~ Yucca fe) ‘Denys pendula Sieb. = Y. japonica hort: ) | PE KEEN Ee RSP A Yucca Bh S dase (Byer O'R oncre (BT) * ser Seo くめ BR. dd\ GnkmAwy : ee ee ie | os oe ee KHA RAT AS | HONK Xf Ba gin dR BBKA Streptococcus nw" Sy > x 0° | | 3-45 RRS ER NBN RNR RD SK ARH KIN A. BR oe NBR YK Breda A IN" ttl 4. => © ony > X SMR) Ra eo 4 SEK 4 am OY A mbes ¢ * Bea tHe KK A BR & Hee) | WK A UHARA DBD SSS BH 昌 NERS NINA RT BIS FEATS SAR Nae AO DSR a Vin. PRRN NK ME (SRR NHK APN KA mA ENR RT 1 Bah Ar kEA° a — _— OSS Ss HI Skele (Kt 1+ HR) SoG hE K OukKiWOpPlo 7 mK yx A Stee VR (Hemerocallis) \ S218 mn & 0 i waemesea N\A KE WA RO (B ) PENH) vm Re 1. Hemerocallis flava Linn. (G)QreenBe vt noge MeN SS gee 2, Hemerocallis minor Mill. (=H. graminea Andr. = H. graminifolia Schlecht. = H. pumila Salisb. ) | (BS) Sninin’” sips” こつ jm 生き と | 3. Hemerocallis Dumortieri Morren. (=JZ. gra- minea /7. humilior Maxim. = H. graminea Schle- cht. ) (sav iene 4. Hemerocaliis Middendorfii Trautv. et Mey. (S)Pe VS v8" By SVS? NOW Sinavant CNY) ERS oN Seta 5, Hemerocallis fulva Linn. (=Z. crocea Lam.) ERA ISR I | | Hypnum pratense Koch REA MHS (140) Bryum argenteum Z. AHS Bryoxiphium Savatieri Jhit. "Shs | Mnium radiatum Wils. K&R RENKA TSA | Pterobryum arbuscula Mitt, SN 4a hs | | | | 1 ai 有明 Hylocomium brevirostre Br. ANY TS Tetraphis pellucida Hedw. へ へ を へ (SRE at W ーー ヘム ーー | RIMES. ean | Argyreia speciosa Sweet. RE KAKA RE (eet) eee Gilia tricolor Benthh Ow. KAA’ (Se) RES KREVARD (RB : A wed 十 Symphytum asperrimum J Bieb. ait at) _Plumbago capensis Thunb. X= ¥ >> (Sete ES —_— OXN vw? x NE 1 OSE A Re tH (Ba ae x SHRINE \ RE 1 SRA ARKH Bee mR Kil | SeRU'R YY *® K (Hynobius Peropus?) Sa y oR HT | BBN 4 ENA A SSIRA | QA RIS 1 SRS EHR har ER ASESN Nop = AQ K (Proto- f coccus viridis?) {hid wn” RK A So yy 4 AQ’ HH SEA AER RAH AA KA maa’) N Nar | EXNRSK JAW Embryo (RR) \ RS | TRIE OPA GEER Se NN BRE 1 BR C% t+ AW A HIN (Palmella mucosa KAY >A)\ ee He 1 HK Am Bay BINS | - IEE 1 SN GERM RA ER as SS teoy oe 1) SEIS m BR x 7 weit @ 6 © « & Jory pt x RR 8 ORR A mK DK PA INK 4K (Scenodesmus qua- [ パル メラ (XX500) HK? RSX 6 ery nore a FSU RRP a nH eS や さい NEE RAR BSR eM S dricanda?) © SR By Ss * ests | ay と 8 = Ki \ SERRE NSE POA S Ss 4 PP .. NEN OX is rm aN) K AIN る | SW NHS SR NR A Sa HD | wwatge sewite yO ea pA DIM HEK AMA By Cae Sin feed ~ BR] HHS GENK 4 HURRY PYN RAR KERN] NA I) a ERS NEN REC Qu sO A A BRR BRA A SKEESR 6 Ra 1 See YN A + RR AMIE WEB. Ba KNEAD +S RIER PR RE mA AD Gea. Jae” Pa Sexes. a A TOs HE Na 4 ie Y AER Ge) Bm Ain eee #R'R ERR SC AGE 'K AR RS RRA RAEN RH i Ss oS Nin BRK K A REE A 8 HOSE ND or Ath 4 ORRIN Re DR SEER’ AK (EK RR m Rm th STIR KOA handiungen von N. Pringsheim EASY Sf Gm iy 4A) HH A EE \ RSE 6K KYRLARN HEIR Mm NAY ERR A PAN KOR} EDK Nm BBA % REN RPE & A Po ER BN BRM > NAR TE BEARS ERR EN IN BRIERE Mm BK SP KAKA Sin + % SEEM A HER NXTA WRAL ras 0 HO WERE AA REINS RB RRR m RS eh SR EE IRR N RIB NN Am OR AR 4 RE om I BRSBRIAK 4 BEM KES SHR RN INS RM KOA BEY AY ON SEER TS FEAR ABR INS IN % TESS ERE. AER XK © SBE oy = ERASE i : TES \ Ear SERN AED ESS REE HEH D aRARAD Ca | SA RELARENS CBE d KRERSE IH | WE IRS dom ERS K A mE Ag | | RI] \ SRE BEA WHR 4 BE Cina Co Sake Paki | (RENE RS) RSE UR” RK 6 BEER A ih wo — ith 4 SoM HX RARER 1 HH RK CRN |
Ge Y RENE 4 PREEEE \ ETERS KE RAEN IE | WROTE NERD? Re KE eee Aw | N+ MRSS rk ATR BA 14 RE KO ER ff WERK Muse AD CEE ae AON 1) OTR YR | ERK AERA RERRAAE BH | AED KWNRERA ROA VK BRAD & S | A gow | See ; i ___— eee (137) >» EH ein § RR BRK OR ENN BRS RNR I NIRA Ae RO NEN Re RAE へ |] BS 4 BREE Mm AA RPA KA ERB RA ibe a She y Le 21 [AM 4 i BOAO N A 7m Bhs BRRIAR A 4 RORRRRN REE A LARA (RW ORTHO AR m HES KA at HIN XK | | Saprolegnia Thureti | THERE + SRE +S REE NK A HA HERE | KR | mi} AT SN A AOR oy Lae BR | RES ARERR mK SE Ree I ATI RAKES | CR gee 4m Sth BCS IST IIE WK A AERA \ Ba MER K A REN HER. | SRK ARR Er OWA DR A BARR X mA BENE ER FE Reduktionstheilung }AdKA mAR | SERRE LOSS) my dito) Say Bay BR ae MOSS pls mk Np "HERR ESSER SD | \ SEI m SOR x BREE 6 ok BNE | BR aK Sf ERD D > KABA SK ibs BS ee te | do 82 > in SRE SK AR BD EAM 6 BEERS m Bo Sm XR K AN Rm Re RRS eK Ae WW SEEM SDA AR Hs BRE HS RS 6 Sq BS BRUTE CARER HK ADS mak A HAE aa | WDE 4 HEREIN S HRT SAK NIN RA RA | EERE SE in WHERE ES AR Ba SE — BEBE Am HK AI YD BREEDS NA a A 4 THEA SRS A = | BRR RRR BND & ARS | BERN 7 > IB AREER R ERB SEX 1 \ SSS | AE 4 BOE ANA 1 SE ARBRE 1 ARR SERED PUNE 1 A RA HN (RN | MURS 4 EXE Mm BERR K A 4 H+ AWK Saprolegnia dioica mER4 & A EKER 1 BOD % ERE NC RSE yx AUR RDB 6 Hoe AR 6 AK TEN ASA oR BREE OK A AOR A | EWS RSA | WR MRS BM RAT RANA, Be Me (REO Re BORA | HONG 4 UES EEN dnHR” SHER” BERR” GR KET QAR RE BR A MOR HS” A HR RS A BEN CRE QAR SAR HS Re RID \ LOGE 6 FEN MER RINE BRA AY > FR RES ERIS NRE ARERR RD BES (RS BN USE 9 HRN BE AK HN OSS 4 RIBS Bh KEE RAR HES AK ABE RONEN © ARN HK A AQ ANS RH EN KA KS ORR (Mucorini) \ HRS | AMER \ BE SED ASS doHEM ORK RUE SEN ORR CAR EK © IN VERN BRIN AYO KD) ORREREN 4 FR) BER XA XN SN HR Shs] EERE N Am oN A A OREN AK A DEIN RK By OR] BS Rn wR BRD ARR RK MI ROR ORNS 11S) NER AIBN 4B 4 (IES 1 RRR “AR AR SR th 8 J RIS RRR “HS ASS | NBR SRK A AN ONRN SRK | ST HHH AERA GEER AARN YA | O-~m aK HRE \ ARS = & 8. 1 & A. H. Trow, The Karyology of Saprolegnia (Annals of Botany, Vol. IX, No. XXXVI, 1895.) | AER 4 TH+ ON Saprolegnia BRENSEs eek IS ARN CR MERK A IRA | RHR. BS. | BAAR a Rin (Ry | S\N Nw Rae NB Ca INN P| A SESERKE mee x HE SSS BN BS 4 ASR HE SKK 4 EK A RN HDD | eM A PREPS ANC KR TRAX ARN RSet) 4 aK | AN RE Re) SE SDD Woh KRHA tHE bot 百 第 _(135) ch ~~ CC PEE AAR リ = i BA Se ー ド バー トト ) ト ホー SAHRA HE 1 SES A SEIS Stine MN Sag th Wes LN 4B'K AER oN eR | MEET ARDY FE NGISE HE 1 KE &\ AIR ER (Nucleolen und Centro- | somen. Ber. d. Bents. bot. Ges., Bd. XTL.) mM Ca may RHYnNB (xR ue KERN A POR REE | < 44 Omnis nucleolus e nucleolo 4% Hen A is S NESUNSKPKAr IRKYRENU (Se 説く th : AES ONO N INN AT TA TRS AREA AD YS YD ph ARTA EIQ 4 A Ble NIB BINED (RAE | HAP SAA LIN TKS RUHRNE 4 BERR RP RR AEH ASS BAER(K SINK DAR ORS BEM A | Sekretkérperchen & Paranucleolus +3} 4 )m Ain tk 9 Xd SRT + SW dw A de HAKAN SK AR CL DON SRAM HN A PRA TK APBD RCN Ab NER 4 SERS Rm A of HOR | ANNAN ER RS A HERA AY RON'K + SBE A < PHONE (EO (Centrospheres) 4 BIH’ TWAS Dd Salm BEEK aw RAR A LR Ns | へ MBS. Bit + cee x} SF i Seek Sphacelaria 0 0) Pellia (SIR) po hasnd® Bredg 57 た に の ミュ クニ oe AP と の aan de JOP 2 : eal REN By Bee. eS Melon リー に: の の の と KEES ARS AIND 2D へ (RRS POR RRB Be BI KDHE | ORS BERET NEYO) ューー ーー 一 Ov he 2 ne) pe — ey He extor yy Rey A EESSIAN ~ fo 88 1) BK = i S | & : Gy. von Istvanffi, Ueber die Rolle der Zellkerne bei der Entwickelung der Pilze (Ber. d. Deuts. Bot. : - Ges. XIII. Jahrg, p. 452.) | JON BR Se HRA KAP RAK A CRRA AMEN EK A AN HERD) +1 HONS 1 .SON HET. BOP A, RAK IARA TO? BO neh RS am eel wv — | BBQ K A & 5 MHSERE § oN a REET Km RNR A A RRS BER RN | AER KAR | $81 % ARSE REE S LOH 6 RCI Rr RA RN RO MER 1 |G mS NERS BE ia mo ) wt (133) _ nef 1 HY te wT RRR EN RE RIN SERA Be RS RIES tr AN | SR Nm RRR EER or RS RADE IIR Re RASA AW TI AK) SHEER A+EEMEE A HORA SK Ke RA BEEN” SOR BR MER A HST "6 QS A pt a AEX 1 GR 4 REGEN IR ADS ルイ さ \ RS RR + IR BS Ro PBB 4° OREN & IN 4 RNIN RGSS RR RD ORS ERAS HS Dh HSK A mae YD” Pq ARH § ORR He” ents Yo RE BRAS BRAN aS Seep’ Sw BST Qn AK tH uty | ) PRIM OER PAN RAM ( Mryosat. ) OS AR AS “HHRS NRX BRIR 2h 2 | J. E. Humphrey, On some Constituents of the Cell sbi nas of Botany, Vol. IX, No. XXXVI, 1895.) GER < EREXHE LK A SEAR IKON Fo S's Behr. Gummo 'K SN LA ee BNO 4 RN KARA RA (182) = 冶 明 トー ルー ADA AER KR MERRIER 2 § Dor of JT BRIN RD ND DAK EER mT TER THD % 7 INTREST ES BK EET So LNT TARR ACER CIDER HER CAPES ER TEER WK SACRE” HT LER CASES PE RTRM TAGE 6 NER 1 BRST OK STE INERR | ルル か ささ EM BKK AUR RD BN Ry DONTE ACER CIE APER BA PONS Bey HR KY IE meee ¢ 11] | SERS HHT BR NT mm NAN HAS 89 URN SS mm OK © STS. LE RIN \ BURR CTBT yo BE AN TONS (Elfving) 8 #2 1 4 AR | | SBN RRR RE FED NILA” RESN SUM RSD NAN BR AN ARR 4” HO BOS y Mey Vos | RMR KE | TEMAS NK ABE ERD SERRE PY INA e MARINA, Beas We Re Rey | oO | | NAS mr Kea RY (BRRR) \ SR AK A SNR IRS ARAN ER ICME eK A HAR | \ Re PR Bon Sm Re” Wage BAK AR ARAN RAT AM Hee 5 gL AST CK A IN SERRA SHER RR ME OR \ SBOE ASN | RAK IES RRR By 7 OD Hane | SBA OES | ER SRY R(T ER BRE RRS ee Suh” FBR «INH R)” | TERS |ASRE A SESS m > | SR 1 He ER (+ Hke) て RE Ee ha” GR UR ER I -EH RR) SRB RA 9811 | HUBER CIE RR) NBER eR Shs BL Ee CER) NR Ree 7 RAS HW aR 11] Hee) w RC Be Ra BRAC HU ER (1-H RR) i | ERA RA” | | = 40 SN N SEER A KS RO te Bh 4 RHR 9 RY BRN IN A AN or NK “RSM BN A N47 SRS 5 A RS Bibs Mm BR Ng PE ISEB ARSE a BD ARM HHIN A KK (BS SN GREE” Gh BERS SER MRK A HB 8 RRB RINRRAD) RAR a EME SE a YD mse’ ARH ERIK A te ST AK AK UR INO 4K BIS HK Ae 8 | WREBRER AMES NRE Y ARK IER 4 BEN Ra RUS ESE Br * He BEAK mA | HESSEN A A FRETS Mim {RY RO NORE RM ERK AALS RARER A NIKO KRY ROH AY” Mi | RA A er HA RHA” HIS BS NNER YAR MRK YAN HE’ ASR Rs DEE bh Ha OR (BAERS | RRS RAIN RK SB SS RBS mB BSR RN Ay RMS HI YA AA, RBLR A SEE mA SN BREE RN HEHE 4° EHR ROY A EEA BSN (TSR R Ets PE Ron BRK Aw ma R” Rf REE. Ee NAH INA SA WRA RS BA RRNA SE ma NHR SE yy Beek BETH m ea HE | ROA NERS RRMA K RN AIN DR ACSA RR oR RY NORE RS RD s | AW RINE A % RASS OK Y RIN'K 7 pea seus Hoy ome Nin 4 7 HONG 4 Ele “Doubling periods” y maw, sya” BR] ヽ SENK se WOW 1 HEA aa | NAIK RP IN\ GERRI MIN RAT ok YK ESESEN IK 5 ROE REO 7 HERE A dw SEK * J mate | [2X (SE ORR YA Ry BRT PIER rf BEEN | KLIN ASHI RR \ SER aNd“ ‘TN RD” rKofH UN. Rie IEEE y yp BENE ¢ rg HE ay SHU > “TOC ERR Reh HW ER m dH (ASSES | Sei VADPARALBBE Cah=K INHER aH Ae RT CS RRR S| ses BA Re Qa & 4 we SAIN BS wu A RN Ry mA LINK ORE | BSURRRS SEN Rar RAY Re RA RBS EE mK KA HOORAY RE eR | 6 WUD PR ENT or de 7 RS Ba HY ASEM IR RBS Oscil- | | Zaforio OR A" Ra SMBS Kno a7 wld Beste yn ~ HORS MMB AR SN eon GRY |) SHES Souk? (BRI) Se SS tok? (BRI) ARE PEER RRP HER Bie m St AY RA YARD | 0s : | FOS 4 RSG SR Oe (eS AT Nh EE SR AWS EER NR ON | SRE ae” AY UBS Bm dB = ACRE RE KS dS BD” | ERENT N 4 SURE ARI GREER SSS SBD AN REE ON RS Shor BR Su HS BK SB 4K IR | SRE 5 EER RN RD < PRN Bg 7 nA ERE GR BR BK ARN ERR aan a Hee) 4 HEAD a RN 4 Se YEN GE. mse (ie A RK AN EEN JQ) HERES SEE Rls A RROE Bn Hus RRA) 1S NIKN 7 , ge ag ro EMRE RIP RRR LI Heexae ie Hoy | RRR RT SSH RE | TT oe | Hee ¢ RMB A BRR Be XS" NBR AE RED iy a = 浴 明 Bs [RST A IN BRGY” SHU BON SLB HS SR AOR HE ABB] NR LHR | 上 BEa | ROK HE SN Ry 4 BBY MIN ASKS Sie Om oR ey NR Egor | (129) | — Ha na” 246m yy Came eA So AE Ay Re A SHAR A? A KAKA ff PR IR WINN [WPS Ei” fees EAIRO’ Shei \ HOME yp Sy HOM i A HHS RR A ERE NK KOA AAC — AS R RMA ER BN AK” | SOS Rw ABI Yk MER MBN ICR ET LER 6 EERIE BX b NSE A ome | th 5 RE WOE REN Re RK BED 1 Tem SERRE RSENS SHEER KN “TER AO 8 Rh Par ne RON 1 BR 4 HBS (ERS SER) SHS ADRS SUMS 1 OK RRR SEI Cn” Bash mm BRS SR tu ER” SDN BRK A RIN | wn’ 。 ne て AN ニ お ヘー 人 ローK 2 SEM S thu ( ANTE RE A er KON'N AON” NYSE SER OES BE SH WR BAK RA RAO ni HEY A SER Qt HERS” SIMS \ BERH m SIRO Wh HK A NERS GEA OPES RRS NER SEO NERS RBS A OA fad) Re (RET ON ON |) SEER RN S A RRR yA HN KON REE A SE RE R Sees uf | Rom ARB HE BEM EK HA | RES Sin 08 SERS 6 RR mek NT PE «CURE EE) oh NS RRERERE 1) EA BE ee ee ee ee | Fez YrPPADAAHWRBA COmhe KINDER Bes i VAAPRAD ARAM YQ KReEK IA WSS OPFAAPADRARMIBKR can an, \ HMMS HR Ml OR ip H. Marshall Ward, On the Biology of BACILLUS RAMOSUS (Fraenkel,) a Schizomycete of the River | (128) Thames, (Fourth Report to the Royal Society Water Research Committee. Proceeding of the Royal Society, | Vol. 58. 1895.) ii 明 SSR 61 CRL-EAS HER ON? HOR HE Rhy A RRR Ne dem MRK ARO OK ERENT INDK LEN DINNERS | UREA BN KAT EK Bacillus ramosus( Fraenkel) —82X &SEBK 4 & SASST yh AK) \ URES ESHA HST ON A] 4 ERE FRE NENT WON A ROHR A | Bm HESS EH A SOR | EE NASER A dHUm RON 7 Rm 譲り SEHR AE KO 7 RSS mS | A SASS HH ae? oR eRe SSSHE N HO DORK SER PERS BRN SR OW OR ESE, Wurzel-bacillus“ \ $2 x = “PYSERE ? SEH | SE) OH Be REEMA RE CRORE TIN th pm RESON RT QIN Ko 8 haa aha’ 2° Baci- | lus anthracis \\ AK \ w MER yy dee K A % A ot HR A IN BY ON 2 [ BAT QIK IN SERE 6 SKMERA S BBEE WED AP A BES] OMT or RE A ES oes | 全国 RIE Tr yA RE UR ae ERK SN 7 BARN BSD Am A OD BD RRA ERE < RCH S BE SRE) WE BERL AO TE SR IMSS BRERA AIH AR RUE | BEN BE RBK AT WR RS 6 RN MAN YK” SER AD ERIN A KS | —"s _— BRAT FO eh +E +8 第 庄 = si 2) ee 物 西 | SoH se > eo > ET | RRR «NIK A Re KRW RK A = K wr -- [exe Re] BR MRK BREW Ny | SORE GS EEE A HAE RR NET RRR Rn BK A RSE AERA ERE DW 1 EM Wd BRD BN fe & & 2] #88 Bx Be Mew JONG BREN AT dee N RRA HRT | A | a8 | SRR 4 SKS NAR NIN RA Se RE | re EK SOS PK AR RN SK OFSIN” SERN TK TAD RNR AON RR CB EO B+ RY | aa "0 RKIRAE” ee | BBA A + OSRIR 4 SRR BETH NY OO? SEAN A RA % RIN er RA KR Z mA ト の KH ¢ シン pe 1 ーー 一 っ ーー か ーー フン pee BEA) Sem Bin dem do Ha relies, BOW NX BR RR RRR eGR ES (BEBEE) sm SHREK) Hoe, 4 DURRETSR YS” ice y SB w Bio BRA RD OF 5 SERS BHD (SHE OS ^ PARR Se Km ER ( ete > HBOS SSR NAIR KA ot? aR IN RN RN YD “eae ek | asx ce Ree * 11a ADL テー Swim ssapweee 計器 Mime BRN 8 @taee Be Or mer RERe BE (126) Se a+toA M4 +t 248 B SRRERER se SEm SBD HEEB m BX > Rm hy SRD BRERA ORK BEES 4 ? へ $ mre (HIB SIER BRIER) 、 を AS \ | Sen Eni AEE DN YO BRET IA RD [ef Rm eg | a2 11W SOAS | CRN BEN ES RRBR-L [NDT LACNP NS BEAGLE | SBM BEN | RE MOE 111K S {BED Ra Of s BREEAM RAR ROX RA Ret” BOYS BD | Ae’ Ems | HR Lee SOR RR iB Er Edie 1 BEN MANN BD RMR Ea | JESSEN KM Ry BSD GEN AN OTE | NOSES 1 NOM BS a Os Mats BGS | SBM BRN OWS SRR N SRK em | RSs BRR ARS BREN 1 STN IK RRR SR 4 IN Ra EN A EIN KEES SSN Ob RE ERO RR KARA AN REN RR IR CIN Ra SRO” ea 125) d+— El +) EE (18.) Salix Miyabeana, von Seemen! 4 nA R 4 tir (SRE) Le DS. Sa. SEK eK 尿 HS oh de (++ ] +) te (5211) Ce ) (19:) Salix purpurea, L. var, multinervis, Matsumura. へ キャ ホヤ KE sts HIME HE yy BA Ha HH Risin. HK AA Bea Bit eja te (+e) bse ( 1 b— RI) eS HES OuxSierP@SE (28. Br) ) H&K € ROOFER BR ER 4 PLEASED NAR AE NK A OS \ SRSLSS SN HEN ERK ARE eo ntRAaa@ire fel me TT SAR Bee eC An GER > SE UES tm DBRS ON RK my BR ih BREE DR) a NTS Satin Lg HEB PETIR K * ED w | SIE SS RR BSH NESRER AIR EA 4 RRB Sm we Bb Ky AS Han ("BEB yy EA TRU m BRN BBR Mo % HEU Skee ms BOA «A ASS 1 -KAIRK = OBR Bon Gein HR MEI HEN A Re TERR HELE mB YK * Bre METAR nS» Bw ex Ye HERA AMR RM Bn rgh, K+ RY OoiKiK | me meee | BRK SERRA > IQBAL AG OD oe Be a 4 OR OR 4 || RE (ER RR” URNA: ¢ ORR Bh OURYE 4 Hm By 'h BR mE WIR A RNR MEH QW’ AP RN ER \ 48 4 CRN (GEER Eee Se came nga canon ey) NEAT RAK CHURN ERD % > mK GPINEK 4 XK ERA % IB oe ee a 4 SOO OO KB SS RA SI RAR (124) = i 骨 ‘BeAr A se ht BAK DINE HSH AON A AK RRR y EEN Rn HR RR ett WA SEBS mK OARS CER RR Shar Bhd Bde ¢ BRM < ee ee Vip ix (S1/G—RBY) BS +See) ee | (12.) Salix opaca, Anders! (fide von Seemen) (S. stipularis.Sm.?) {'R < eK fe eka 6 ha ese yy ok Wan LK ORE(t | GREG RHR BES Ke po} wh a a sam to (Eg) | ao ike = efi Ha * je SS * NOS REE (13.) Salix sachalinensis, Fr. Schm. RINN + & KF (SEER) Wee fe -& GR EL | HN RES XK fate (REYES | (14.) Salix aequitriens, von Scemen! nHA'R % & KH (HEEE) Wa MARNE Meu Ret x kode (II] Se —sp BT) B35 (15.) Salix viminalis, b. & qe NV RRS RE 4 SRN Sy fee em pees L(+ |) se ($2 BG — fC) ERK oS eo RSE (16.) Salix gracilistyla, Miq. ne AtroR WR Ge A © BUS SRE eK Jade A(PKS 2H +SA(FPAY)E Tribus C. Salices Synandree, (17.) Salix lepidostachys, von Seemen! 5 n & 4% (ESSE) NO ge re se ER ee eee nw SH’K (=RH] CT REE EE LOT 0 PS ン Tribus B. Salices Diandre. | AN 4 BE AD NEES RE a 6 aR 6 EES AR 4 RRR A O NEB RA DR RRR IMB 1 NER | BESS mR > HRSG) ¢ RR BRL AR A in SK ot ROR ey LE RA UH KAS RD RES ARNO YX 4h SERS | Rm SAK A RENIN sR GT ¢ BEM AD WS ¢ BERBRIR ¢ Bae) OH Dh HELE SHR | BSE HH x SW AM n NEEL = SR KEE] BSA eSin BK “ | , | (5.) Salix Caprea, Lb Hiro, Ae hor BB SIs ER PERK ARR NHK SRR | a HO eNOS HK ee phe + Shots See trae EN « (C| &) oe ($21 | 4b—PAVY) BK ble S| ise va[/ (6.) Salix repens, L.'var, a Ke A (ORRIN A NGS AIK (REY) RH 的 (60le Andere, oe Re SES ARIN RR ADAM HOMES Lah) 25 (Reb) on | | 則 * 電 | | (8) Salix vulpina, Anders. a A the NG HORNE OR RRR ICE SR aS ENS! RN (311) 4+) hoe a5 (9.) Salix glabra, Scop. ow he Vor (HSE) HESN uk BRA HN PRH)ay B | HES (2 < GE ) AO sii tnt Se (10.) Salix arctica, Pall. Habe Ki tO RAY) Pe -ER (PH) RHA RYE RS (11.) Salix daphnoides, Vill. dn Ko DBAs MMs SS SD aad NRC | |) de age re ee a) A SS RS Gt tr Us _(122) ai 明 — ーー RHBAFrM ADB e At a SB ER I 11 Sh Ar xs Sy AU + ak yy BORER (WEE YN A ER RUSE Dr. Urban om | Atm DOERR | \ fe J MEY IN A AE S50 1 RBar von Seemen fs iQ y ME, ABR A NA ot BA ot REIN Sn IR | are | BRYA PA A KBE SN RS KAD YN ERR A a | 中 4 ESOS ery ~ HEN Rar BEALE mm OSE RSENS WEES Jy ND ORE RR RY En ERR | \ Bet) ¢ Sot ARS dr 4 REEMA HEN RE BPN INS EE WI NA REN I BBP veK ff Tribus A. Salices Pleiandre. | BERK MEK ® OSAP EE 1 ON SRO BR 4 BRERA” ETH ON A RHR (BR EE Kor RM OK |] ( AUB ER AY = Bhd 4 te yn Kee) | BRA BO oN RRO 1 BSD RY |) es By A RT ES. Bk Bx | (1.) Salix cardiophylla, Tranty. et Mey. 2 RR AH BUK\ RAE HK ORR (RST) SEE +S (SAY)E | (2.) Salix Urbaniana, von Beemenl ee %e Ki REAR SH Heenan e en em | (+ 1G) RE (SI) BE RBA PIE) EK OREN) BE +HR(SHH)E (3.) Salix nipponica, Fr. et Sav. awe hi Riso. Ks WOR Bee aK NOSED) ISG + 285E (Sahsj )BSHE SOU (i 4C ge) BREE | | (4.) Salix eviocarpa, Fr. et Sav. > p & 4\% (HREE) EEK SHO (BR AIR HN Ode (+ | &-) BSE (S21 ] 4+ —+ BT Hp) BEE (121) [ mi Xl BES Y AN RE ORRIN ERR OER YN HR ARN 4 HS BS | ht ER PRISM 6 SA MERE BW 6 ROAD BRAK A NAAN AR BERR NS RSE EEK Ie RAR A BRN SS Pak y BR NA A NERY BK YR A RIN A | | ot ¢ BRAD ARO NN DR RMR She IE NRG BEA Bag AE By BS” SIRS RRR > & RAEN [ER AQ PER mS RR A IED NHR 6 BEA RNS NR BB I RN BROS Sine sy wy EMTS eho om my EHP | SE aml peut m BR He Oy QHER ~ cela heh m Hh a AREY KER RS ER DSA SEMS I A 6 Re RMR aH RR BR Ey | RY NID NS Be OT ae | Grint. yy a oN MW MST aR YS a BRAN ER NIDNK Are RRO RI RNR Om ay MTN ke AE KS fede | ks ESM RAD 1 S34 BRO KNAINRE I A CVSsBeroak | OR OREN RIND ED NARA Bo Hh oy PRK SURSESS mE & ERO NAA TRIMER AHA | Soba jeu s ERE AS ae BRE Ne eS oR OE OnE aR KA SED | } BED ASSO IRM A ON ERBREE A HE XK Ae RES NK + Be ORIN S 4 ERE RE NEHA WN ERR | my SR SSD ob GRE HB an RR ER Om Cd KS KY ANAN WHRIIPEBL EINK KE SRS HEM BD | 2s) HL BES PES Ck ¢ RRS STS ot dH oh toe OR A RIN A AEE Wat NS OCR TE Ah 4 YO STR Nh wah ey Sedan aN NN AE yf DK SIRES s Ca SK re. Meany KR iN A ER INHER | | SR aie RA RN K : ee ges heh lade aad aah tien = SSSR) OTS IR ER GUHA 9) Ge (120) — ia 明 % BA + oA ea tT soo SS Fm) OT LH SN ENR A 11 Sb ERS SSRR Ds A ER (ON ESC RK A'S RES BRAS UKE A KORA HERA REGO KRIBHA DS NEMA BRAD ®A RINE ARANDA HERS BER BE 1 SEIS RK 4 ARR IS im SK Ae AGERE NBR ARS) fon |-FHS EGRE |OB RE & A KR NBN is cn m SSE D gy ABE Nn BHBISE RG 6 ae Rm ERS BH = Sh ETS 0 | EL \ BSN A & ABE RRR A ak 4 EN STR mM RS A KO DN SEBS BM 4 EE NICE I RE PA UKINPFAMBA YO | AE | Ky BERRKHH S BOER EE IK & EEA AMIN WS ARAKI MR Bem Kags Ke Be 4 | BS EUS 4 AER TR WD or Rn AN 7 RO HERS RSE YN Ror 6 UR ER A WS WAN NEN YT RINE LAR | | (RR) fn i ノビ Chat ee Sm ESR STR 1) fa te CS) ERE IN £2 HR 短 氏 | ARH Cau s RE vy awa. 134) 9 K ERA DH AAA RINK = WOR SEA oy tae | NESS TBR 3 SN RR RR ERE S EE 1 ar monographs i) FER 8% & AHN AA INE RK dee | WEIS wy ¢ | Det RIN HR DBE NA ARAYA 2 BEDE SPAS RB AKA YS REISER 1 Bin SAB IO HEN ARS 44 RN Rar RSF BRS Rik BRO Oa COS 1 ERE BDA EA IN A MANNS REE BD mh 5 FREES ea ga Sia A Fer mk RS (119) Jensen $8 4 Sr ReRNaREE S SRHIEL ROS) 4K REE NSS YO REID NER RN TR INS ERED NN BRGY > LS AEA SII HRY A om BE RAR NAR | bl I RI Te ¢ IES Bm | RTS A A mM RIE ERINER 4 RRERSN Bm BGK ND BRN HY AA NRE YP OIE NEE | * ゃ > BihaMth > Heda § AB HS WS SHOR RI TS WN 8 ETERS <1 MELT 2 FERRIES RD 82 | BEEING Wak CHS きき に 結 11 還 時 中 ヽ 都 孝 包 本 MBA BIE oI) RESINS Beh LTTE BCR RHE EM SRN ERRIBN EM RD KAN RS KO RECUR IO | TICES 1) ORS N SEEK“ Ea eke Rt

BR Nm SARE N TR) Be NON A REA SSR” Re)” HERI Rs ARR Qa k 3 RRM aK ARN RRB ERR ARK AR RO GR ARIES BRA RRR Smo AR NN I A S24 EKER RAEN A | A A RN RE | ANBAR = | BL) | MIN 6 MRS RBA | BD ei im hk + Fa ERR IK 4K ONE BAIN KRA RN HS BSP BANNAN HE YO EN aK AN RP RI ARRAN ARK DAR HORE SSS MRS RS SAREE | NE HOB A (RD BR Bow BARE RIN He) m HK Saw RA EA 0 KH WS KM SS SS | SE BERN LN AR AREA HS RUPEES a | 6 Sr SHE ST A BD bldg % BURIRHE mod nw Am ERE HI RKO LRA REM MA EHR ie pe aan a el | | | Shia eka a ee ost 記 〇 ビ 物 〇 と aise 人 IN 第 アロ FR 人 = 細 生 町 田 = 分 肥 活 類 BA? fh By クノ 組 破 物 形 。 織 昌 細 - me seni 言 7 Aes Be me 2: ene Be Oo: EO We & ai | te 。 織 1 則 Atle aul y, pit ve 東大 BRD BHF pg 29 pe SE aN SS WO) ah Sees \ RE | = Fl wage! | iE eo) | | Oke re So Nek ae) SH SUN BS LS \ SHae © GE I Pig 上 ( \ 趣 ves @ es Ga Eee EL NWWayo 当 H 本 ag Jay 方 中 = = enw 5 re Mia at * S$Sh) BS 田野 井 正 Bye KRKK 郎 郎 郎 朗 No や Ss Se SS Pde Soa St OF 3 Wt Resa St eae | 簿 ee SOOO SY Sah ONSS>* Ne ae Bok | || See SS u ARES \ SNE @ HE VERE Sor S ORS \ > SMS S&S i} いう | ow WP « NR くそ J P eee: ee Ref S$ ee LEEESSSESSS ETS S ES | は ae Og に te se (> aie ae So | 848 AN Syl UL | eae tS alec ty USMS SNS TOUS ie (SUS Te lSTS! e eh Si る f ed Ih OSS S Sp 4 a b に =) Hane es i= aha 9 : pr こい 【 SE25 @ => CE at ch aad ig iD ba Bet ke NN 1 「「 還 還 ob ee a JX. ー どの i, tt リ steady, By eT a 4 eet WN ta ER ee La ey Aj KN s ., と “hi 1 $ # NTRP ea. 生 * ‘| iz ・ っ (で きこ 人 3 4. A” i. Ay, (上 oar Oral) aol 5 Ete ty oA 7 aged で 3 y た ゃ ? ーー :4 — ua J +aR 。 Be it に BR 0 PCa al |-Raniahes cy er nets Cr Te te 衝 中 m ee x Ke ieee a? gy WK OTR gH ※※ KE 111OP BR K & 111mh Bf UR BUEN) 0 2388 solo tHe SS RE) Sy (RERE) ©O8 11 & mH BREEN SRN CR) Hate Be Ke 1b Ustilago virens Cooke + Ustilaginoidea Oryzae Brefeld Nf | + 2 A HEBEL S Em fe X CARR) HE HY IES (SRM gS \ EE ) Or oh AA と くい AS を BEY Qn antr |\ RSPEI R)OC ANA“ RelA Wee ee | En (BE)OCK AN SNE HRM KS A SINS 8 9 By (SBR)OAnnK KiB ASR 2H) OR a8 | RAND K 4 ~~ SH REE S BRL Nr )ORSRROYN YARN ER SS SRI KEY O RS Ss HUI See CK! THR) EE % me 11 Rb 2 Bil hb MR ラ に -.- MARCH, 20mg 1896. . [NO 109: ane CONTENTS. iis PARTI: rs 本 oa = Shirai, M,, Notes on the Plants collected in Suruga, Tétdmi, Pe eS 5 = Yamato, and Kii. (Continued.) 。 Pe CRE eS eke) Se se Makino, T,, On Three Japanese Plants — ae 1 EE ae ‘Sawada, K., Plants Employed in ‘Medicine in “the ‘Japanese — Re Rn | -Pharmacopeeia. (Continued) Sie oe le ee ie “Hori, 8. On the Smut. uf Japanese Morelp. ree eer NG ea | yee <2 Fuji, oe On the Different Views fares Proposed regarding the zi Morphology of the Flowers of Ginkgo biloba, L. (Continued.) eS. = Tekahash Y., On Ustilago virens Oooke and a New Species of a Sari Tee 0 on Rice-plant ele eee eee ee eee NEI LITERATURE — Ore: : ビン な ae mop Ueber ‘die ui der EE er dis? ees » Protoplasma der lebenden Pflanzenzelle.—P, Klemm, Des- hae Ais の 、 organisationserscheinungen der Zelle.—F, Rosen, Beitrage zur - 。 Bae _ 民 enntniss der Pflanzenzellen IIE. -Kerne und Kernkérper- ペー の chen: in _meristematischen und sporogenen Geweben. pee ae pees Ss MISCEL, anus oe = Sie Bre. ag Short Notes on Plants. — Miscellaneous Notes on the Plants. of Sees ts: ae 「 Yojosho-oku ” XXIV, etc aa ee oe otice、 The Botanical ‘Magazine is 5 publishaa 1 が _ 。 Subscription price per annum (inel. (0 for Europe 10 PE (28 shilings) ad for America 2 dollars. i ae A letters and communications to be ies to Sakugord Hirase, secretary Stak ee ete, OKYO. BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical “Institute, Science College, ee Pog So ersity,, Tokyo, — ; : oi ee mee get) . 4 JiN 、 We を | agar | @ is 1 | a | eye ey oe i m r f か es IP os eT =n. WS Ea Ee’ Yee fepsenhaggectat Hear” Uap ~ Bee Eps x A Rio eas SRE aa ERE & 3 A RON S Bin RK AEN SHR | WE Em 計画 や INS < Rm” BHAT CK |e EE RA rR INK Base LIne he Witte i eR に SPA QOHE™ EIREERD 1 SARE « A ERE BERN \ HEIR mm Shs RNIZRRE NF RERTIN W Garg aOR HS oh IE A Me A | 性 SigSS を Ws| |e Heche AeA SQ HO ¢ tow Rae 1 SER NY A Am ‘NIN | AK OE HEL A RHEIN MARNE Are | 田 oe SE Be a i 選 6 Be OX MERRY 1 ea SER) | Ee | otsen ses meeeoxmeaveue | —_—-- NBS4emes | O+! | RBG se i bar acl a ae OR Sm | ak | 選 VES LL REREKK LMS | KOSRI | NA Hs BH SERS ARKRS Rid) 1 BW Rt BW SR tb hi BW XK rs ORNS BRSHnaAn Ce SR) BRK ORA ee dey | SHREK ES (aS t+ | REWRA ; AS く oe i ne 3 REhReNIE RAR SE ati eae 0 aCe 6 ee aEx Bf £R + & “sors EA 1 HOT こさ ビタ YR CX gel Ga = ERR et ge hE Se に Peek ご こ こ マコ ニョ メ py mis = es Me | Cr | = eH ay 4 」 EAI あ | 玉 %K%X%XXXWM § @< 全く E : Nake te : ane E Bie sf ge conan as he een IHHEHEHHEGERE! Ta tae to] @2+EROme HERS | be OREK~HXe p Osis Oty OHSERY RE 開 O2SEuRRe a OR ail y Be | OrukKoONRE | @ ish [ : : ORSE(SmS) mau |) OSSeeeekueeee . (eke F OF POR " | mat" Heete W ie (QE © ) (GR Se) Be a | Wo ul cers eo MOLRHHER( AN) RERERS eae peer RS A HEL Ry ORR We Vas Re Io | (Cephea) @S:ENH KM REE SR CXR (Stearn) R(Pilsbry ) HE dolieen Rubee gS a2 @ (Formol) Q REIS (Calyconecta) OZ SFO | AHO. MRORS LOCKS ORGKLG CHES Shee mst soul a : | ating 提議 ke | | RAGES ia ‘Sa ne aL Fi : 7 wit eS | 時 ina At は に am @ の Seth) ae Gt Ee ee Ep ey BSP epee pad ae ues 画 四 py =i FER SES oS ae Gh K 他 Ce 候 附 二 方 御 責 地 MARIE A Ws 下 御 郵 用 す 書 BHO Ape nite re r ere BOS 7 dr 7\ EE ES BR mas (SAAS) SBR ey: "Te ee Big A ABASAS us we gel == Beet mo xe. | = EE(Iy =] atl 48 ah 1, zai at) Shear dal ks a SS DORMS OR | ER Sa SEH | $8OD sid SH HS ofa a BP HH SER BAS | 188 | sy ( = > =f ymit SW の て NM AMR HS ERAS Tal + HSS PS BB a Be PS ce a =i Se Se ms DY 5s BH >+ > SERB bee si DEERE RELA & mw > HH BS (EWS) BER ase ws “Sib SEES BRS \ 4 ral NNN | 香寺 pee 9 る weg esa $e Misa It 2 B 28 Bis ae BRE MCRAE «1 ae°s ee a | Se san: 1252 ANIM ME) | | HERTS RISD HAS [RAISER Ae See | | SERB RETR qi | LR SR 4 a sue Tegel ame ses ei Bex oer is te ee HA IP Se ; S OR an A in it . fing Al a HS NMR MA . ce ie ; ites a Wem SS SR a E = = '§ ial Me oe ea: ou cs ie EE 細 ee ges 人 sa まき 節 #1 wi 中 時 lee 1 Bl \ が By 二 税 RE 、 ZS RARE we Seeee ee iL Sarr ie xi oe |) (1 [BS) UES aR Ca SIR RS He, eee ー 1198 (+ 1B) hee eee ; eS 人 | = hm oe HESS REM oe Sra He っ ectin a: = nee ; ee Scenc | He IE ish” a suse NM rn nee 1a = #8 See ee oe }- BY M 7 ary we [ve 「 る Mh」 ka) ere)! ‘ - ~*~ 4° ms oun . a = 1 ow i ‘ hie" i hy 革 i EAN > 2 4。 ‘ - “ys A, Secu ae ささ ue を ーッ < * 1 hens Ys Ames in § ‘ “Dy うお | a T. De Seen Hb DA _ コ _ る TPE wl _- Li me” Be ell 6 で (は 4 iy 4 Bb one A eh ey け A 34 le PS OP ee ye ni ™ bi alae Ae ie VS fe is 2 ay 2 ひも vn ata Meet WOGOGARSER HS DH BK Bobssh ki | eds 寺 | 八 ra Tees a | oars Aa i ES +e Si : ノ ri | 8) a Bi gees 相 Ep i 2 OS | We 九 紙 償 a a a = ム it itt AHWS 下 上 版 訂 池 A. a] a S fee 本 年 A j Ne ッ Ps = M if HE gene | ape 奈 tS fi) 生生 J - a BBB A] i ド 理 : だ 7 ee ノ 7 Be | 4 rt BL ; z wm 長 a ee = aS eae | ; 者 el BG : A Sees a a aaa Kk til ; BH | =a3 ント ey ラ aE a a 3 3 Tb i | ン gerepeer Be | mene Se. nee ae ae (110) it 明 sett, ド = ーーー* ーー テー ーーー FEEL に Hook.) RNS SONS (Hee) Gy EBS AR SEE aT) BEE BK § ENGR INR IN er) WAR SEQONS Davallia contigua Sv. S#HrvAEe~ORRE) KR SGN ION Sw LAR lf MES Ny SN BESO IS 4 aM AERA A @-S 1950 CERN ENS 4 ER RINK 805 GER (Hydrangea) 年 合い で 7 QS O fu" RVNM CNEW~* Bi Q’ ee LACSLOTY QR 0.00.46 $050 QE BEEBE fi RE HS9 (Neutral flower) a Be 3 (Sterile Baal heme CP AP flower) IN % 8h NEL NN ES Gx 4 REA $Y RR 1 SHN KA へ m SEISR- 34.6 S03 Qe We Sv * BRAD TW RE ER STR nS 4S FD 4 KS HHS EE AT AR A + Ny RAN BK YA eR AME SOBER > hy Be SE HR” NN b OES APAAD AE PRE RA US HE ャ ーーーーーーーーーー~- 一 ーーーーーーー テーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー… eile soi heh Aas aU hema | HEY NA) HRD PH mI KARA Aspidium japonicum (=Nephrodium japonicum Bak- — ON nN IN ER Ve A av [ Gave Osu § HE = Ren Fimbristylis mono- | nr ret, stachya Hassk. (PI. dav. rar. p. 61.) <1NN Cyperus 1 monostachyus Linn ; Abildgaardia ‘Rottboelliana Nees ab Hsenb,; Abildgaardia monostachya Vahl. « BYQMK | Ai) EE AER BRR RR MORN | (|S SURES Su mA RAINIER NA ARES | Od ne cs oa < SASH WH aR IN K Xt if Vhs BSRRawB~Ant AEN UR A i ¢ BUH 4 SBS S td a te Hesham | Aa HIE ROR MIN SEN A RS NE | hel 1 TR AR m ay Bae RAI He 5 a A a | ca SSNS 4 RHA RI TT | saraeromvsrsusmwe nm | MEL Hn ie (109) Cymbidium lancifolium Hook. (=C. gavanicum BI.) M6 AUADAS WIS Phaius maculatus Lindd. Phaius maculatus Lindl. var. 8. minor Hooker( = Ph. RPA oe minor Bl.) Herminium angustifolium Benth. var. longicruris (=Aceras longicruris Wright; Aceras angustifolia Lindl. wR UITN var. longicruris’ Miq. ) Rhapis flabelliformis Att. (=. Kwanwortsik Hort. ; Chamerops Kiwanwortsik Sieb,) ~~ * ag~0+9~ Rhapis humilis Blume (=Chamerops humilis Thunb. non Linn.;C. Sirotisk Sieb,) OF OwW~ Ptychosperma elegans Blume (=Seaforthia elegans Q と つ R. Br.: P, Seaforthta Miq.) ? Carex japonica Thunb. (=C. japonica 8. minor Boott, C. Doniana Spr.; C. Motosket Miq.; C. trichostyles Fr. et Sav.) SM ン 30 = a ECCEE Carex japonica Thunb. var, 8. alopeculoides Clarke (=C. alopeculoides Don; C. japonica Boott excl. var. oo が ^ 2 ) つぶ や Carex japonica Thunb. m NIKO Oe IBA NA meen の. B. Clarke 4 ne N RANA hee A Thnnberg ~ Bek WM AWN A moma Wy Clarke Ry Ba A MRA SMaydrN A Wn Athyrium crenatum Fives. ( = Asplenium crenatum R11] Rupr.; A. crenulatum Fries.) Ba Qs Em BN Athyrium nigripes Moore (= Asplenium nigripes Mett.) QUES HONS BAERS BK IRR 1 WK Athyrium macrocarpum Fée (=Asplentum macrocar— LMSPQNS RRR BM pum Bl) Xe SSOOS DREAM poo y as | Quisqualis indica Linn. 4 ky Ed Wm O's IER | | HERE A Rhy By BERRA fe fh HARA KE ND mv SEHR BMA S xe OS Rumex aquaticus Linn. § RAEN mi BRS | (GE) /NBAD~-e (BUH) くさ 人 | EE Shy SIE BE ND RABEL A RUE HN | NRE TEED AMA NA m Quisqualis indica 6 Ser AN om dH SE § WH > HEIR 1 BRST pK Str | Linn, var, villosa Clarke (=Q. villosa Roxb. ; Q. sine— AE x $5 tte ¢ Se) OR) MME de < HBB | esis Lindl. ; の longiflora Presl.) +14 | Ih BATES KN I NN OSS Qn (HERE) © ED ES ee @ OK Na eS tN wie § Qin + PRK BBY Rumex domestica | Stellaria diversiflora Maxim. var, diandra Maaim. (108) =m 代り ーーー テ = ーー っ Hartm. \ DY A (=. diandra Maxim,) in htt. Qty % CO, F. Meisner ia Polygonaceae (Ann, Mus. Bot. | Euphrasia officinalis Linn. nw +830 (tbKHER) Lugd.- Bat. IL.) 4 2% ABR\ Rumex aquaticus DL. 28. | Euphrasia officinalis Linn. var. vulgaris Benth. 49 | japonicus Mezsn. FHRORS ON Wee e AR EY 4 4 2 5t (ERE) 0 HIS HY S QNAA'R ROH RAK APHNA mr Plectranthus trichocarpus Maxim. ~- OMS 428 Rumex aquaticus ん . へ | iiie Ke & Meisner Bhs つ C&HS Avg (f@Q0K a) . 】 SE mm <4 Hd Cum Hay A BEN fe KE we EK SH | Polygonum sagittatum Liu. var. Sieboldi Maxim. PSHE ) te doi rR my MRE KA Hy JNES =P. Siecboldi Meisn. ) 人 SNS SQ 公 愉 ’ 。 9 . M い D NO D いい n ヽ TP Le (107) ANA TA HIBKRA AS RB R AY OK Cereus latifrons x iKm BAAN Ke my HEH yf Billar & SI C1 elm ok CINE SR AH ARN MAO A BR (RRS OO ME I ON EEK ARE HS | SSRN Ry A REY Ble へ Fins Ate (BR Brena Px e hAS | Opuntia leucotricha W EGR AMIN A SS He ACR BPRR TN RRA A Sth 6 SOB a KN WN | aes AR mR or Oe He ¢ ORR KD NICK ASN HR RABI KAMA OR Meo 4 ARINEK KAN UA A Ne AS Rm BEA 1 dar BE NR & A RRA RS OO fae AORN BR OX AmB Y dD Opuntia arbore- | scens § REV SMH AK Ni om KORA GN | MARINS AR BER ONES RENKANS “fe ORS ERR REN BKK ANB RAN BR | RAH 4 RSENS BEDS ISSR NRK An + 28 ees く Bet oN ele St ae sf mains x SEER oy A SRL il Nm ププ mS Mi Armee YD + Bo NR ES neem Xi | S Ram Bey A Phalaenopsis 区 Taeniophyllum + AN VEERER\ RM (OR Bae NA UES | KR QKBLERM EA a avo~ | BR ed % | | トー IN (K a) a ae een 1 | | i OSG S HMB SS RUTH) SG ik K & @Rumex Madaio Makino sp. nov. | aD GSS QU(-HKE) RAR S OOS ABN BE | Hs HO RRA Rn (NIT RR KING IR | me NEES AE RN HES KS EM ah | Se) Ram ORRIN EIS Ba | 5 OSE nN ES SS EN RA KE | RDM 6 RENN ED SRN ae KE | | 2 RNS eR ERR SH ANR eI] NN] MR NAR] MATH] AREAL DR | RARER. ER SRn op NA K AN TER ISK ーー NAD RAP MANE AKHTAR RAI XQ ERAW | PARR BA SOS, BRB BAkee Nh AB hae |p aN] vB RH LT RDN] e PRIN | SPURS Br BOs BB do 4 RS Ben ie 2 RP RP ARI CAA] SIND ONES BEBRRESE MN | NON 6 RR NR BK ORS PEER my SSH) po tu K Be RS NEN RR CA TON FEED & > + UT a HONG 5 kd TINGE Y A RRS ORE One HRD SES 1h RN SRT EES Bm BE PN 2 ghee K sell DRS 1 He 5 GREER m AID AIRS GEM ED AS ut ORS RR " EW aH @ ew I | Senecio (Sect. Pericallis) cruentus (Mass.) DO. ef [Nr RAR] NAIM EEK YD 1 [oR MARA ha HEN ARS Datura (Sect. Stramonium) inermis, Jacq. = =f] TRE ~ HEM eR RG UY Em SD ME yy LO BR hy i 48) 4 bed emt 6 a my BS SR SS ~ ERR A SED Atte in RES RON RIEE XK [INA | RE [RRA | Sls BRAD BR 4 AE BU ARR Am Rae RA EIBKE A = 9S Em Ba RS TB 4 1 EINER SHAR BK Ne RRR LR a 人 fe NIRA AA KS HR SH Be or DEES # D. Ber, tohonil, Parl. ~BEK 2 PA KA 2 82 GUE R A NAIK PMCS TS KAD AINA SN HE | Sethi i a jm ee ea Sat Hinks ot BERS BERS RARER AE IK SN eRe RE Ko] DAK] REPRO KAY AH fis ASI ae EES Ea SIGS SSS MTS Wiad EAMES EIS Ne eh HRSA & | BRR ARs KER ak 4 A DK ROR ERA LL BN 6 tO KR AA ROAKIN NT FAR SHEPHERD WA KARAT RA AP ARIK (A Bo RRS BLS Re AMOR QA (A AN A — 4 ANRRRRS BED A IHL ORK = HERO = IBN ROR AW A RRERLIM A 2 - PN 4 | ARN RA URETHRA NN A AY (104) eS Re Oe eae ee ee 1S. BER | ~ SSS A SN RRS IRSA + | BRA BL RK GDM Ne NR OE KA Re EK (Nm RR K ANGER AN 7 Roe ERIN i) Sn 6 BREE ¢ RR + SH A Hl ROI 5 SKM DAK Aten e | HAA KANT RR IRSA REA MEK A HEAR) SRR L BE A EE BH nen SRK AMAA REAR BRINK ~ Be OR oy 4A By NE min 1 EERE yA OKA sem HH DNR m HEN ED DD NAEP A SK 乾い SKE On BH SS FREI 9 iy HEISE) K SR EAE RAS SR 4 RO A Knanel + @2 > & X WA A we BRATS BB NERDS % RENN BONN BS BAS % SSN RRR KOA EN BES 9 6 dot RA RSE BEAK WD DHS SKC | RPS POON 4 NEE | HER APN KARR BN GS 1 Bs BRAM < sy HERE 9 oo Veer | fe Iu + — ta Wi —s ーー ーー の eRATIA SST A ON Re MRNA TK WHA 4 Sem eee mS Bis Knanel 9 > WAS A KS SRE | KX the 4 MEEK AAS | ABRs CAT ABI ee KR \ Seah Kuanel gah WN RAIRS | REE KZA SR SER, et SY RA Ram NORA De OD + _ ERR SEER ERS BE 4 BK WN IN A TR SE SKA) RHA HDB IND gy ASR IN EK REN LRH Re BK A ae OK ON 1's ad PTX WN IK A SBA (x RSIDR Ae RARA (MQ RANK NA! Re HTK! Ra 4d HOYAAD A-RAASNHA—A QROPA-—* 1 ABAYO +4. NERA RAEN) RO BW BIB CARD REE ITB fl Din Btn POAT ROD ARAN 'R Lilium Martagon \ SUR | RAR YS AR EO RA wee | Bees yy En 4 E/E BD SK AR RO BR RABIN EB RREBBEA BRP AE KAS SEI KEAT KAD Ne SoS BF ND a Bt PRO RE B ELE IN SREB A DBRS Dn REGEN Ry 4 RARER KR ERGEE KK AHA RIE REP A KA A <>) Beas — 4] HAP OR ENON be EEX BEN RI NRA A PAR + NIRA 2 oe Tw OH RN A BRE A RON REIN BEE Rh GR OO ERM OD KA Sno BCE UA SRR AR 2b RO RRB ERS BRON OE RH f WEA ABER LR | Ih ARK INA + NBR 114 ASS BERR HB mA BO 4 SEE Dy EN ih BM ESR IN Re IN A RK SRL EON ASR A AP RES Y AR BAL KS NER NER AMA We RON dem PSTN? a ーー 一 ーー 一 ーー 一 ーー 一 ーー 一 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー K ーー ERE SE ee Aa ee RES Oe OR ET Oe POE FAA MO NRE FAL ION TRE TF UMD by TRE a ee テッ ンー a | Se° Sha’ AR NR NK AA BSS Roo | SRBSBNS. BOW y Ce RA HARK AD HAS] (EKA ARS, Sem a ABET HED) SKN ASK AN +e MRA RRRES A FB S | ? SSE AERIS A iN HESSIAN AD Nm OD NEE RE NO SR BRR tno SEA DIB RUPEE ¢ ADH 0 BEN A RMSE 1 ERR BR RS RRA AN AIT KA | NGy APS SAPEANS MESSRS, RET SNEAK AUR AE BS, BA Bs GREE | BEN. Ham BR okn 8 Se SS Sy BA RN RN < RN BRK Rm RD? HDS «D7 | BWW | Bs Un okey KONE 1 BN YR BBA ALI a ON (RIBS | Bey (1A KAR Lim mk x) Bist SS) - SS ow dO RAO A YN RIES oy SE A eA RK 6 OSE 2S ED SSE AMIN Tm VASA NORTH HAHN AT AH AR) (HED RAS to DRS 6 MHS ERD BK RT QA OK ET NH RAT KARAS [Kae Be Bw MRE | QHHADEE EK Ym ANN RS 4 RRRRSRERS RABIN (AN OA LNA RA PHAR ABNOR RAR ABER 2INK NARS BBY SABRINA Bane en ngea A liana angiciceeseckmarunatatnvaese ted ; STH A RNR EN RS BR WRI oe BREDA OA NK AY RINK RNS RACK ARES (RR | RmRN KAP) \ MeN Bo ABR A ANY A MEMS WK Yr BARR K A) = nr YRK | AWE SCHR ABNOR ARN AT EEN NOR [Rm ERAN AK KR EINK NA RON RR oy) MEK YR INRA KAS SR yy AS BST HOR | (QEMERERY y] HOG ee) RARE LL — —— =: ; ーー ie Hee PMR SSE ROSES | PARES SR Ho ETA SRN] BA me A CASI Ih EZ oR) A ARIA © RBS m HS JE SS 4 AD KA Se DN RAD SASS BE RR AAT RA Ae DIK AUR ODN SERS S Hea RR POINT A A OTK KITA] He REAR % SSS. CHIEN AIA a ee BP. RANK NA RAN BS DRS BD % BSN HS BR A Gea SR OA 4 Bh Ss RE BO ANA SOR = DW AA BHA RSP aKa くさ KReNK NA R— ASS EK Y ROINE APN RED RON KBR (SRW Br RR A AN BRINK SKE \ SREBBR AN A SOIREE 1 BRE LH ILS 9) FB iy AEA LEMUR mm BERR DY ENS BREEN BREE YON + TS NXT PHADHRAADNEA—K BNK EIR 440s SRSA OY’ FERRARA RE BR’ IS- BR. RS’ SRM EAS’ TOR EP NN WEY > | HONE § SLRs 9 EAT RIE? LRA’ SRRTMR A Hm BEY RE IER SORA 7 > SRD BH | KZ * A HONE CO Ne BN 4 AE Eee MOAR RW RSS i Rn Rin OHN ARN PARA OS NIRA RARER BAT RAP AT RIND AZ * 【 aN NN LERNER ONE PET RHA Ha ATA ff ON HO BPS AHR ON 1P SER a Be A A SRR HE Om IE PEN BE WORN IS) OES ee eee iN Hic Sa NK 1S の RiP OO. Ae OAS ALAe と SATE RE Mdm A A SHOR EBS PRBS SOR BEES NN AON A” DH AA] (Geriist— | の (aN Pee | Lae Lg i Pe Pe e 3 & A BES ER DH (ate et ets P e werk BS 117 SNe AU m doa g ARR) 4 SEEN THD GRAN S KS 6. ¢ Bian Pek SS」 kB BO Ye Rr mmAS SH BOA teen A RRS BN (BAER ID ih SS HE A ANDI W Yk ad ODNG27 NN ‘Sse it ーーーー BAA NRG UARRS DEN BS RHE OB ATMA ROL GR RNs BRS MOR A .° RRR - St HnPAMLB\SEnRAKrMKRAMMAYG A’ HONS \ GNGS ms MRA & 4 BN BRAND 1 BY ~ OR A RR AER N SRSR” Red SR” SREP SHE (| IRKER NPA AIN'K Bon? SF] AN By Be RAMBA ymMay vr” O42 S SEDER 1 ( BERER AT AONIND KNIT LSE EG & NS (Miyoshi) 〇 ェ ー* \WPSSSERaNRRSSK 9 HERS 1 KARR I’. Rosen, Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Pflanzenzellen III. Kerne und Kernkorperchen in meristematisc— jf hen und sporogenen Geweben. (Beitr. z. Biol. 8. Pflanzen VII. Bd. 2. Heft, 1895) HRT. SR KOA RADHA KO 4 (PRBS IRN I ROH MaMa. Bide KA ROR 4 Ghat SRN A ERS BANE I Sea RK AEB NT TER Ar nm Mm PHA DP BN SY NUAKON ee NN OA IN UAB YAM E £ SW (ROK BOR MN NHRD I Re ENS BS) AMUSE > A ON BRORD & SRA Yn ER | NIE PAR ERS A ar eT GRY Y= RED STEED 1 RNERARN MRA SORES BEI (TA Ae NS RT NN INU AT RRSSaa S SRN 4 Ae) Ske BBS | ED RP Am SOR TSHR S EBA YA GR NH SS BS ER | edn} AER AAR IB ACR RN 4 RAEI RR RRR RY NR NK HRA BB DSIRE RARE 1 RRS EE VKH ARE LL -4; | (98) A SA TREE ™® FX iy EIR NHK AK ENS or RR NERS § RN SRN A OR A トス Hg RNa | Iain 7 mrss J. Demoor(Archives de bivlogie, XIII, Liege 1894) \ BERR WK? REESE or BLOT NS or mE BD 4 RAR BMD gS RREHT m NOR? {ORE ST SESE m HEME WHER KD REA HW HHIN A” | | QU | WR RRS Cy IN CBA Qe IS oy § ERMA meBR YD BRN Tradescantia | \ Be aye Kn 6 Nm RRR ANAK AR RRS SE MAES RRO MAD REY Hadhzon—Nn ff Iu Kithne \ (Uy 2a ° BAA 4 Hes) BNR CREAN Rim Ra A NMRA’ GA RIES | ~ SEEK | Seana ~ BERR dr AOD oh HEME CS BRE SEHK ARR CS ON EE] NER RE Ne | ENSERIN PAAIREES ERIK RK” RI < BIR NPR ENE TR athe | NERS (7 RES (AE | \BINIED RRs CERN Bein a ARR? | 加 R | BEN BRERA 6 ERI NN EKEEERS HERA A & 4B SS BN ds ARR” “a PRA AREER 2 8 | Noy NKR RES RA oe A BE SN RAN RR BRM OWN A | MAAS Nm ma CHEE IGREIES SRS WK AMIN ER A 7 Kol MEX RERS SESE RN MOK + 4 SERRA RRR KAD AS HO SIAR ARE | ~ f MEBSIT of HOEY A fake RT ¢ SORE Y Nn RUE ERAZ ARN Bm GRA Utiom ERK A mae? BA ad | SEX FE RaN RN Ak. RRS SE ym oN BRE REE Rm BREA” (GREE A Bim ae a | SARA YN KA RBI Hofmeister Kv Be (RMI WO PUY A Bl (Qn see LEELA REE Jf, PK DNR Y AER AND He BRS S SRR 4 AK OD ERR RRNA CO RATA INK PRY | : NM RAY dX” | | SP SS Mm a BK LT ERSERK SS * OK] 6 BSE. RRR RAY RNR? BI] SESS eS ( BRN SS RINK NE RINK BO RT ERSEN | NRA A A RD NRE BK BB K BRA | | SSRN HBL RA BEKO’ Bex (4 Se RS BAS eK Rk CR NEE KA WHAT Bu RS Ro Ron 4 Sin My A ANE RR eK’ NE も て Sak. mE SR’ Pia S | 2] CBS HE SI A 4 Em EK BAG KD Gat RE EIR K A RK” | |, esses BR GH ABR 4° REREAD EY RUNES 8 > PRE AR Jl RENAN No RN? RE SSS TASIN OAK AT RO AIKN ZT RON'K ABD i SOR ET [eco BRS RS RN ERA me a EIR’ Quem ee es AR Be BRR 4 BIRKS ire” 2 お NNE | A WE mais RSS eA a BES RRS SRR EQ KRING HREM | as ae MARIE RN NING AY REINS Gk th SN BRS 1) EK AER Sh PD 4 SRN RR KA : [DUR DS HERE SORE EW SOIR AY RINK” | | | BR (SRA SRER KARR a” | SAREUNIB SRI * RUN IRREN R” h detS ee | «AS SRNR (96) — i 明 年 九 + ーーー — ーーー つ eH + — #A ORS. Btn QM TERN RA RA EEN IC Ba et. RRR SRK A SEEM BAK Ol mh AER I es SE SBR th BK OY 7 7 ‘ So SER Yo 4 BESO ER RE XD BRE RN? Eh ESAT R AAD BEER m Be SOR (ERAT LA NRE 1 RR Y AMES) BEE RE Ar KOA Be SEHTA A ae ae APSR ~ Em RY KT RK MEYMRYA TA HAR | IN'N K AREA BEN A milf 2) | 28 4 afd ot GNSS BES mL ~ BEERS S HEN OO RNIN Bh ME BRK RN RR OR ERR | cr BS ae EEN ARAN AA” | | peQWrSR XR (HEAR EX’ JESTER’ SEUREN BORN EI) Sie SR | KA ke) eR 4 BR ee \ 8 SERAWRIN ES ANHRK AN Gk REND NK oar 4 RSS RRR KA Be | Et RES Bm BRK OW ER REPRE ET AK 昌 co dy NED CRRA HINA HRRTS ROR om KBD AER md SR TROOP MAA Kf | Ose yn | ues oa HAW 4 Leto Aw Ble RES AM MRA mR ARR?” NH AA mn | SHR SR ‘REMI Ry 6 AN BRA SR<\RAMRAA 8) OES. BRE (RAR | DARAR—\D all aR KIN KT BRAS IA BK CRRA A SIRE 5 Gaba = Oy 1 UNIS 9 BE RIE m aH > ^ Reo ) HEE mie XK MOR A? dr Mormordica, Trianea Hw With RE 4» ih 4 Sle \ HS Bm LEK A qa Ot oN RE ARE ERS NER CO SN KOR ON KHAN MASS yf SNM A MA AEDAK AINDA—A HA AMAA PRR KA BS CN OD SBE A RE RS BC OK” RN Re R ~ eye BMPS ARSE vm AN EESEM” ※^ REBERE BA | ARR ie A BARREN BAD 4 AEE RC < SS 4 BRGERRSZEER” RR PRD HRS) KR RRS” BRN SMR} RES RI GBR PRA DOR ST NON AR TR SD RE (BRR) A” SION i RRP S SEER fe XY NS (SE | )aRACHESEEL i GES ARMS GRONETD > WEE MRE ON SN を る A’ BES Sa A a” | AR RIN RES NARA KEN PHD EX BEER ORIN A NN SSS HEREER BEN A NE HE #2 Mormordica sym 4-4 mK ETE REX A FNRE (QEAERE) oN Dm D'R 7 SKINNY 5 LS NEVA” BA RAR rea A Co BB RR RNA KOR CORA WEA AT RS (SS VK 4 Mormordica Xs Tradescantia へ yon iam ad KS +E REE rere JP KEN A K& | A aw RIA SSB HK A RR ARDY KER へ Doh fod A PBEEER me IN A ae x HMI 9) HRD (91) Orvis HIRE. Bama] も > A a Paul Klemm, Desorganisationserscheinungen der Zelle. (Pringsh. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot. Bd. XXVIII 1895.) (孤立 や 見 ) SAG), HHO CX AR WA OK ERROR m RA Rt A BB m RR (Desorganisation) +1 N~ SNENN MEIN WHA 4 BEES SRB HD HE QE A EIR (28 RS Rr RC 4 HERES Ro RK HE (A RUM yy KT WN ADIN DC ia RS EA RN CA LR SESE a | Sinn ESE Ran 7 eee eR RN Ba nih RR RRR BIRD MN NRE \ ARM NESS ER Bf HIN SN BR BR HOR) Bae IN Ay A RRR DO KT 人 ^ W 48's 92s RE BRR AN Ra” RCRA ORRER m > ON TRIRERER th RRB I HHA PN NER BQ | HES WHO AWARD HED HS SSS A NERS PAN NS KONE RR om AN RR ORY rrW へ NKK * SERS SG. dH Bi RRR BES UK A HAT 114 | BRN Ege RRS 1 Re Ne AARP \ KA (Berthold R\ Re) KR] RI Ww 4 BI VHS HRB MBNA = KA W へ トム へ て (Loew-Bokorny Wipes a) oes RSA M AH RRA +e RAR BO REY RBH? |S 5 Maree YR S OR A Ry Bh] NBER KON “RERRASET A AS ¢ SRA RA Ry BA VG 4A | INR AAAS HO HOSS BH AREA REL ARR ARE ISRO” MRR AR Ras ALGER IRK A | |W iy BE ES OME KR INRA RA BS MiB Re BRA PN RAK RR BD BOP Rr HANKS ne RAB iran’ By oy) IKESA KER Sea nhRKS +. > Sin 89 | SBM RK A ~ SINE N BAN AT mA ERATE S BEES * VRAD RK 7 SN ACHE om A, BAERS Bon HA ERR ISX ARRON Hy SBR BK CR RO ND RY ae RN BR PN Sk \ BNEA \ Bx 'R BRAM BN PEAR I RRR KO eh HO ete’s Rm REL | Ak 40) BRM BK HHA? - 1 ERA 祝 距 ^ 4 y Ss (ha | SAAR | WHS SR 4 SiN Hn Ra AR BR PRS A | Aa HE NSS (IRB S SEE SK A RK | 1g MONE. HOME | on gR ENE y BE REE aol A Sey CER DRIN EY Amman’? RB wmre | Hex Si mA RR ERB INK < | (Miyoshi. ) | 4 = SECURES Ee SUSE 2 SX ASE 1 GS th WHA FONT 4 ON RARER RAS 1B \ 21 Se WwW Be = ADS sone | NAPIR OS ODN RESSEMED I 4A EIN BK GER + ih FER ER KO SE AR ST RR RN Rf em Dah hw a 揚 。。 AG 第 誌 _ see 2) グ hs 0 a | Re ONS R- AR BRS REMES ES RK ALE BH EZ が RSET — i BA 年 九 + ーー ーー* ーー & Bel + — A MS RR OR | LEE Ki Vieta Faba ey \ BOS HeRR IA O° | SRE 4 KORE 1 NY AR REN +ANNTEH RAE 1 RR YD < OK RB + Bet ey A RENE HADEE 1 RRO 467 RGR +S BHR E84 -RHE NR t RR OK RR’ | TR RPAR A AR 4 BSBA oO oN OOD RHE NB OAR RES PRT RAHA SR Be a RR ANBER AR BR IBRRN SN HAAN BENS § emt eR Re AK A 7 BSTC A eh xX | | | | RAR TE SS eS I eX 7 ! SERS 1 EIN RAN AT ORS AR RGR AR RS BEA INN “ORK URE oN HRY A ge 4 1 EHH [dee BA RAP RRR KA ROT WON ( SRA RR AIENN WM EK YA” BR Ononis rotundifolia, Colutea arborescens, Coronilla varia, Lotus corniculatus, Lupinus luteus, Pisum sativum, Tradescantia virginica, Lobelia syphilitica, Reseda | alba, Nicotiana Tabacum, Veronica paniculata, Digitalis lutea, Clivia nobilis 7 GR Ra SN BS STEERER AWN NET YN | | Digitalis lutea へ 22geein rn GRwX Y BRI) ny SR BRHRER \ SER MN HX) A A oe 6 SO 5 SRB. EO OH ES | NBA FERN AT HIN CRC RERS “RIGS m OH YA MSHS am FARR 1 SLES my OY “Hane Ss 5 4 HHA AMEE AA | RXR SHON Yoo 5 RRR SEBR A GRR ey” sodeita s SQUARE HO NK RS | Bh (9 SABRES A a I WOR AER NA” SREB ET FN 4 Be ERR RRR HES 7) Ht PSB oR NOR HK 6 AER RAK GD WHS HED NBS 5 SAS ERS REEN \ BRET m DA WN = TEAR HO OH “ER dp Digitalis lutea s wsRHnt re 本 Bed BN = 8 — \ HERBIISER RUSSIANS SX ARSE I Gh th | WELK Hy my A HA RA $8 HONG S aS 4 ASS aal ~ RAIA seas BA “RIES SER + SBE NIRA A 7 aR’N Lathyrus | AUR E ) we» A Haan WARE RK RRR A 7 KREIS BROKE SNP BEER BAIN TA REN RA KRINK” SOREIND SS BK ASE WR 6 KURT RS BOER INK CRP SN RS A BEN RR)” ORK URE NR YP A RSE く SENG 1) OH PR RES on BRR KS KBE BARC WN 4 BABIN YN AN BRA RRS BD KORE NSE YY A Re A | —-1 12S WAAR X * | os $288) BBP A RB’? BRASS BEE WN CREE KA mn wR RN RK | ーー ーー $5 RBM” PRRBEPRR HOA 4 OER RR = PK EO BR REN » a iaeeas | oi | Tae SN Bt BRR NS KURBK Ye’ STE RY REVE S’ BAIS 5 MR BME ESD 1 RB BE | KRANARNS HD LA-HES A % 89 BRK A NN EEE AMERSS PSEE OH “4D 6 RN ARN RRS BE HAY | | adit \ SRR 4 UR ERT By om ORK BE A yf RMI A ke UR BSI A SER nN eK A RAR A $ KD’RY AERA OES IK ARE ATINING PRO He IN BND AHS CREE ay PRY KY No LOA INES SN BBR IN 4 RT RR SAAR 11 4 編 導 KS RRR ROG dH Em SR HA 7 > meee Rita CES Rea Lc SMA cla al マ SOA ER | | | (86) ari 明 — — ュー っ ーーー ここ PA RE HA NOR AR SRR RR BRR RHR N Fed YA HET Jo NR YS ROR KARR S Ken Bt * 9) BRS BARE SER A 0 BBD A SM RR 4 HOC RRN 1 OR NK ITN ot HAR Oh FRR YY 7 2s Baths Quis 4 Mla 7 RSE DR REE | A BAN HSIN Sn “ENR n OW > dE RS KA WHA PND, Ky RE RN 6 RN RS ONAN RE Na BY RA Heh ER 6 SRE DN RN RS BIN IRS 4 HRS N RB SN RY AS SR ERS BE \ HEM OH A RPDS RS NRK AN SERRA ” {QIN S 8 HSE KEEN HY A BN HDD TN A OD (Eschenhagen) ts BERS Id A ERR AYO \° SVS Bs Rm ARARS Ba RAY a" BAS TRBSSER 1 RN 4 FES 4 IN Seam BEX = BEARS NS SN TA AARHRER oom BRS KARE So BO A BK uw REN BERS EEK AN EEE RK 7 FAS 4 SR SEL GEAR ty FEES S GRA TN RN PRINTER RE RR YA RN ENE yD * BSL YR RID) ~ BAM ES OD m7 BED SEI Rm OS RS HR RY RO BE SE NEE aK HONG S HE oy A BxEE «SEM om BL —-4C ESBS 0g SB RH AH Rn do a (RES RM NET EES Rt RE OD oA WR ER SE ARK | BE, Mycoderma core Sisine « = REx % (H+ | SEBNED~ SRE) BE « REIRERE y NW RRP RAS ok KURT VD RR =i Bu nel Bi Pee oS I BRE S RBRE SS Ey 4111 NB RE RT RRIF RN ! ie] SN | HRN Bx ya” RA ROKR RNR BSD s AERO CORRE RA yA PERNA Ar KA | M| tN > 9) (Bunsen) \ Qa yon ae * N (Kipp’ sche) ma yd #7 RAEI RRRKA RA AMA RI col RBS RL mn RSD SOHN} (Sehlesing) R's HAE D (Laurent) RVR h HSS 1 BE 2 M r ma KKK eR SRA Bt ERR RS RED HREM RK AR PAN) NEEA7 nA mem ae” Yt BB A ERT Ba MATS INN 7 Nm BE NRE SEY 7 FAS § RN + EARS MH in BERR” RARIREREP MRO SSH NER AN BERN RAR SS ial MA NED SAWN BRS BERD KLEE RRA IHN MRK BARA CRAMER | SEEK APA CAN BED WARES BECO By NARA NAN SRS Rn ED | | SSN IRR + RSD NEHA | area tu! 183) _ SS 誠 抑 me ネー ふ 思 表 問 軍 款 呈 骸 短 埋 球 謀 選 り 閣 K aSeEn sn (82) =. Yep ーーー と — se — & RA +t — FH ーーーーーーーー ェ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーー こ = ご ュー テー 1 に ネー- ーー . OO SPAR A LOY Ky 4 SR ERR EK N AS REBAR ok ORME SI EN ERS RRR OS NAY AW SSR 9 BBN AN SESE “IN BA we Sit. Ba XS | _feHe Ch — SIRS EES AK AEE AM] RI RNS EAE WIR) RRB RR RN ARE HE. BER he BERT RR | \ BRR KR RRA BIRR 7 SINAN Bnd & ARIK A AN 7” EK A ER + BRIER = 4 | VBMVEE yy BAK ASS SU D NTE | RON'K DK? BANGS SENT mw BE A yf BS Qari RR RC RIB INRA Nar 4 RED RBS tt BBY ~ Sete eee ga WN ANY AES MOSES | om A | OR | = : BENT QIN KIN er 4 BRN Rr RA RBS BIN ASR KOK ARR KAHAN PARA sab aE as | AN 4 Hew HERS HE KOA Bo RAS SK RR BMRERR ER BRIN A RREIN Rr psdee | BA dn? Aah akBX( |] 一 一 1 OS) 4 PARSE RK AR IE SN REE 直 章 下 遇 & AY Rm By AS RINE R BRN RIAA BEATS OR AAO KRM RSD BARR ANSERR AD | ASK” PEPER "4 Q\ NS AK JERE SRR Ne ane NNR aX GRE LER § A K | INK KT QIK KIA MAK ERR SS OR a SA Ba (BURR eK WEIR SR 4D HD BEN Be (DD my MH BE INA TAN RIK RAAN RDA (d’ Arsonval) #2 urd x AHR ES 6% BTR RES GRENIER BB EK RANA HR PRBS SH y BIS DRA WN KO Ho RD KERRIER RRA Ror HEU BE RN 4 REE Hy KA ALK! Mm SE WSR Nim 4S vB SCE of SN HR RE et] RE SR NER YD RQ Bm FER Ym REIN SS ) SON MRE HH NEMO mS SREY Ot BR i NES See fer oh Ane ESN Nm oe 4 drs BRIE 4 Hy MJ ERIN ARORA + | ancien OSL TU NORE” REN AR NCR SN Ser SRM SH KA +e BRD Rin 4 | dw Sak PARR 4 BERK Ar RK AIR RaW 6 BE BMA REE Ara DA MERA RENE | iy “HBR RS AS RW Rs 2) ES BR Kk SE REN EME A BS He SCS | Woe Ar tw Ramer AKA RA Oks OP RA RS TRE R ECS nde AEN BY 中條 le Giuseppe Lopriore, Ueber Die Hinwirkung der Kohlensaure auf das Protoplasma der lebenden Pflanzenzelle. jf (Pringsh. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot. Bd. XXVIII. 1895.) (jmasR+-47) re | ae Eg Ne ji gg Ua Aa ei = (Kony) wee a BHR AN IN KRESS WERE <= RK De PSR TRY m7 4 eb eS BRR KE ER ~ {OS oto 1 Sa KA OE BK NEES NIK DY =m? CER DN ea RR BED? PYAR SRR PN Aw AH ERH INRA N AK AR 店 SSUES REE ARN RES AO RR EER ID ATA 1K HBS KR RR HA wn SIN Y DP RIA HIKN Se N= eo BRA DN RR KW 4 Rh ae MOA 6 See RA CRIN AR m MED BEAR 1 ITN EERE RIN AES SSL m RN m BEG AT] HED \ Riga ns BE Ke OY AN dr tS HERES RAK A = to BB ーー ーー+ ーーー ーー っ ロ こ ーーーーー ェ ーー ニーーーーーーーーーーー ニ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ニ ーー le ーーーー 2 ——$_=————— ——— ———————————— レーー。。。。。 eee -- eee eee eee eee eee 人 BSH HS APEX S BES ut THO eee JK A ae 6 BO a RK m BEER A BE C ANN BR A ESS SREB AAR A BEES ot SER Yn BIMS 4 RRR EEK A | eR 4 BUS EPR + NYSE BS MH HEIR Rie. SM 4 RRA RA 1 ¢ Brefeld wo Jensen ER ~ Rim SAY dri oh NR ORR RIE | FER YN HER AA | | frst eta. TN MEK A RA INDRA PAA CR INRA WN 4 BARES Bb + \ UHR ERA » aR | \ BPR BSA KAS SKA Re | Sn SOW 6 A Em RR NRE A Kar RR ROS BRR RD HERMIM RIN AA HANK MO RA | BRIS Be CIN CARATS BR! 4G AKERS ARES TINS 4 BREEN EEK AMAL ANSEHEN A | mo A WA KA MD OHS IT OC RHR SN DM 4 AIBN UV OREN BPs Ba Ra OA BKAne AMS | nh Saas REHASH Me Sed AN RGIK A + Be SS BSA HEREIN Ar RAD ED NKR | SDE) SM RSS DN EEN I SN A > NRE AA AIK HRI RON NERA OS SS NOSTRERN ff RRY NSE | RRM | oN | BHA SEB Kan CATO IRA Brefeld \SRRQ RRS BP SEIKRAP\ NN 判 還 ヘー や ポ 6 BRN Sy RENE HA EWE NNER RA CRNK PO REENR REN KK HN He CSE | ae 4 RN HERE 28 OW ERE BIN AA CORON NIN A WP BBE EE SER 4 BS PAA CAIN KE wERSAS ATER 4 REINA ATR NE Brefeld ts Sih IKE Eb A RRR IN ARK SLA OT PKGCEFYYRFcTSriuFtD SETS TTP ee cada see RR tae (78) SESH WIRD A RRA AA り SESE AEB >> ty UNSERE FESR 11 HH SN BREE SHRM ms SRI 4 SY 9 K ABN Sut 6 fol BEA A A DR NK AN RA RRMA NN Br (Ha yd | HA ES KE N IRR NM i NTN SiN R BHM MRP HS y 6 SBE. | RIE REAS CARR S BILS or m BERR A NHR ARR K AER RMR RS OREN Me DC | HRN BISCO 4 BRAC SV CRTN By RBH KX oo BRK AT Ke BIB KA Ae | iri 明 —_ _—_- 年 Ju + —" — —— BH > HHROSER CR RNIB NRE A RES EST EN RIRHIM BH YD TA HN KAS RRINIREH ff #92. K Nm aE 6 BEBO ( HE HK AA KA Se HK APA KA RRM RN A S > BRIE sy MeSH BRUM BUT WN KA HERS SEREBIE 4 NR AH RA ERE IE K A Rae RARE | NBEO EBIN 4K ARERR Coo PN RR ARD FID HK A RE ES BA AON 4 ERR WER BQ OTR LON SACHA RA REE BR REPS UD NREY AN HBR APN KA | QE MNGS BEY > ATTRA | § Prefeldf Rs O84 n> WRK EIERS RD KAR 5 eA BR Ls QUEM NNR RE AWD DES IRS ROME Be RE NAD = | SM ay Aw Hehe AO Bm BR 4 BE SKE RK -OtHMh 6 foe BE. Ry Rohe y > RCSB BY Hem BEN NUN HER | BEIGE A oO ROHR TSAI ESN AY 6 SOME SD HER ER A Sm SoH | SYD Hla & A Re DU NOMS STDIN th NUT EER S BEIM mE) = SRR ER RR OK 4 BIRR HH bedide \ BHEIRE aR 9 SEA) HBR HRA 8 Wem BRS AN ut Sg Stith m UR BRS itm EY a ae ff 0 Ber 6 SER BIC BERS BOY ER 4 RRR BEN SHSM RAD + NK A ER RO Daw | NOCH S06 NC RS BMP NERA I Nm SEH Wf BRD ARS mm HN BED KRABI Af ES w USET OOM yf Him MRS ZEEE A LO -Satth 4 BEET y REO BEEN Ay & An SHG Ny | WERE MERA Nm BRERA SEAR AMEE A ae ¢ BR BEE BET RL RS Ba Gh Bea mB Ar ] OSE SHUM 4 INES BIS BH NKR A WA HBR A RA | S45 GSR om NA 5 BEE yO A REBE N § BRSS BD 6 RR WER 4 思案 BR SEX Se 物 植 九 a 第 ot (77) ieee \ BRHEIE TE FE NRE 。 東 | 本位 A eR RN MERE RRO HR a | PA eC nM EERE 8 ES EPH EL Mmm BED KERR ARE ROE th SRER EEN | | ATER 2S NY aS RY AA TIA ORRIN | B(ABUTR) wie K WR My eka ea a 4 | XN SEER N te BN RES ARR S GR A AA HOT ROR IN OKA INERK AE Y AN IN | OR COR NM SRR a 4 RY my Ce KA ENN Eh Nm BREEN ms Qa KAS ER eB Mee A | | J AXES N AN A N\A IE ER KS 4 BME RRA SR Ad ew) MMOH AA AN GS acini) TSI Kf > Bel) ESC HU RRAS A m BRST A MRR RR 6 LH A ES Wf Hi TM SORE SOM. Aan ade x S A KAS RN {SE Ao BERBER KR EIN AD 4 LIRR S ASEM Bee ll ¢ne ¢ SAR ENHR BOER KA we SEERA ROE BRK | OBS Gosia Mee A WN 5 SMR Beda «A RL Nm SHR KA BED AER Ha BURR I-EY | PERN BEM SSD QA #1 | EER A SERA KOR KO BS RY ABE RR WEEN Pa AAA | へ I) Pe (SN 失 ) ORE > BRESIR GE | Ria oR K 大 LR Rs A BRE S OLE RES a | HOES BU 0 HK ARE ER HR ES AA A RRR NR wR RS OR | に ーーー ーー | | SE A EAN SERS REBAR Cn RBI TI 2 KR KOH AIA ME Bee | » Ss EIR Y A SEP HRI m WEEE Dh HSE DE RREE Ny AER I RN RARER AR RRA に PREECE IDR NOT1 RT RING JN Mee RAR INK RRA RO IN TR RRR BIB os XBR ED mm EIR IR TSE IO ORM ER A | BR ARERR 4 SEHK SS RN SEHK 4 SEH NER KC OTE A NIN ERK A NBS QGIBRER SRE BR rf fer RRS m BR 8 oN BRS Y AON ER ESR 4 FIT A Je KN $208 4 HRB am Wd RHR 6 HN 20 RR BEN Bh 4 BI HME EN MBR RARE GNA RRE | (Foe) RRR RRR BON OR ROIRA An Ro ny a OE TON BLT AN HRD Amt x 08 4 RE Ry AWS RB RRB ITY RD + mg | ieK RY \ Wad ¢ BRRE I MK A eB | $40 mn RSE Stem ATT Nt om SE EO IE Em BC py He Re ARK EINE POR KOR mFS CHEE 1 SY BE NK CN > KE ESSE A RIK RED RA (SRN NRE K AK a lize を ERS lS 0 UR RE MHGEENG- BIRT # SN — = A Jo RRR © BN RN ES | Dy HRN RD CAST Ye MER ONRE MATLAB? RH AINE (B2EF | Tes Oe ND BR MER EACH | IRN RMB RAT RAR Bw HIN BERD BQ A WARN | =~ |) RMR Col) MEM ESIR TY Dkk NHRD RRS y uK DZ | Z tm \ HS a dk SHY (MEM na Be NA Ca RM RR EK Ane gts Ey & SEE | (74) CK RES 。 野 還 Gentiana rigescens Franch. §. japonica Kusn. Kusnezow SKN AR SSA H14 “glabra, froma typica major; foliis ovatis v. oblongis apice subacutis ; calycis lobis majoribus, tubo calycis brevioribus, margine scabriusculis ; corolla azurea; filamentis late alatis, seminibus....... YB oo ae Sm ER 4 “ Japonia. Jezo; Hakodate (Maximowicz.) Nippon, Yokohama ( (Maximowicz).” + |B He 4 $e) SQ OE st PSE ar PN mek HERA ed 5 SY Bo Bm Hy ふ Maximowicz \ Ssnbint y Yan i RC aA [ Gentiana rigescens Franch. 4 #ERAWEMD~ Sade X 1B AHRARLA | RAEN ER CURA | PH ENT Re Ah ame A ESS HI RIE KA IR I A RAEN AN > Ou KRIRRBSYE (ERs er) oH RK B S40 RRBs = Extractum Ohinae、 mAERIRIR WED 4 KERNS Ba Rae RARE LKR NR RHE HR me Ce BR RRR ele PARR oN tar [1] ESE TIN HS By do ERR th PRE @ ERK COO OE 4 FRACS) yD in HESTAE y OER EDEN 'N Nt _] SERN NS NB = KO & AR KREINER 8 Rm RINE COE COD oR BORE RN RNR ONE PO ROA Hh Be BRIER YO ROA mR | i 908 a ali ta ints hil i Sn EK A DES 6 RR NED KD > a MAK TE HUIRS ) < KEES BBN or es WRN BN BOA RR < 選 くさ ERK A eA IE £0 と 作ら で 人 か へ ASDIAR ET Os FQ XK RE wm A BR > SGBEUR A ODOC MAL A & MP SE Ro AN TERN KK OR he) ay Franchet et Savatier tetK doa Enumeratio plantarum Japonicarum I. pag. 325. 4 Gentiana brevidens | Franch. et Sav. ~ 0m sis 2ib yj ORK Am IC ATED SMA RNA MA BEM OVN IW RPAR | # | A NA Na Yo ROK A Be Gat Vol. Il. pag. 449. y an ROMER Franchet kK NA m Gent- ( AA WHA iana triblora Pall. ~~ Gentiana brevidens Fr. et Sav. m Rin eke Ma Kear y P. S. Pallas RH | Flora Rossica, Tomi I. pars 2, p. 105, t. 938, f 1. 4 fS8¥ & Gentiana triflora Pall. Ri Franchet KRY | 9 OBR YA HYNES KEES Fa SERA NRE Ny BERS APR Eh ROE I SEE A TENE h R08 + TERK ADEN Gy Bey Oy EK OR YN A RR om BRO K fy RAR AER OOO PSOE RR A em Ri NA RA WHR INE ARORA 6B, eK ORR, 44 Gentiana triflora Pall. へ adn BEY & Franchet | RAR. My 4 Wo AR A +1 aK Gentiana brevidens Franch. et Sav. W r#9R 1 NA m FRR NK URINARY md | PAMBEES DI RBES A RR SMBIN NA RRO OC OAIKN (EEN HS | ReNK YA か HN A 4d ee \ OBS BRIE yy NA Beek NAIA rh 6 dee Pranchet W~ Se BE oem MRA WH BRO | へ SEN Sie eX (N) yy ーーー ——— sinning Stedm Sak> Senecio Iinume Makino. Ko ERAT SHS (1892) 1 [OR SLE ~ PER HERR C+ SS NA BFS ME HE RETRRR 4 TERE af RAT > 1 HATE ORS AMER) HR > SAAR SURES IN SRS NA ERS Ob I) ARE SHOE, SRK ms OA A ER RST HS Hiden | FE NIN SSS 4 A RROE ot Er RR BS ot ERR AO GEOR y ~ NA m Senecio Makineanus Yatabe. ~1K | ORAS WBE REREM EK ( 1h 5050 @ OO SOIU IN EE EN ty RHR AC |B NA mm BST Ri NA mn EES | | S40 mee mR EERR 1 $O8R 1183 y BEBE Y m OZER WHER mM ITA KERR By ay RRS SR AE tN OA % dees fb K oy) BtaoR als SStk m SEHK SHER | Ge RK A eR Re BN ] BEN A HEHE | AEH ERE SRA oy HE AK An eK RRS BRD A MRA A & RH STIRS \ ERA HH RAR SN oN RD BD A RA Bal ED RIN AR 4 Ses BE’ KD IN FERN LED NKR 上 IBD BRAS oy AR SEGRE EG Sh BER AES SSR) Rn tH MES aR KARE | SKE RISE \ ih Sy AAG 4 HERR = Ko BRA RM RR Ew AN CARH aa | HER KK WN 4 EIEN RRA 2 | See i NOR A EESRRE RS Sik 4 URS N PRR AN A ON ERI TR A XC ERS SS SUMNER BERR m REN AEH Ha RH WIRE MIR BDA Ae | り RBS Rebar IK A (| BEB A, (| SRN SEH SE & ASR ERR IN HERI I RS Ki NEI HARA | | TES \ HSE 4 RHR Ae ABE DER SS mm Bar oy SEAS HR ms SOME of FEST eS in HoH BEAL IR 5 SE | A | AVM Ta Sia be (69) $0 my DRESS SSP) HK ASOD KARA eS RK I SNR SK CER KORE AS i EE ee ee Ah FR eb Dy ERS ES UP te TRAM ON IN PAT N A NCES RATER Sf ue | [1 Bx DAINAA | OQ BES A Ne BE PQA TA Rr Syn Hr PE. KEK | BAC D SIN REIN RE KR RINNE EDN へ AIRS KA Ete te RENT Nm nD A (a SN BR) AA AIK a TE ATT KG RORU AERIS EK SS SKERERS | RRM ABE ER & AFR DO NERA ERY RED HD 4 FRASER TC eS RN OB | 5 や て へ 2 aN 6 Os OTR | AGO A WE BES yn Kah yy EEN HAD m RK AN eB me A BERN RK BEN S 8 | (RE ; SEE ARR EMER S SHARE RMSE ARs 1 NR Ym SIR RS | nk soa Var | NE ORR BABS A MAK AME RBS IN CNN BREMORE-+ Ros | a) yoy 4 NN BE + Pw DER IK AND 6 ORs REM REEE’ RRSRWS AE | HE SEIN NN S 20 0OHE + BEN oS OOK BORE 5 SRE ERE DED S 207 DEW S20 sl Spa MM INOS PH SS SQ G0” SIS 5 CMPD RA REED IN S50 BEN KEES | SII 4 EE AIK NN Eo AIR AEAIA Ra KA w SO ESMSIe= SEO Le Ih S sO RK ret § P40 + 20 ーー § o awn, (68) SRE eee ES NE 本 SSH NK SK AHS 4 BES 1 ON ISINK Br RA RK AN BPS I Re BRAK SO on | CSR 4 SSR ERE RO RARMATA A OA TRO SS (EA K A RN ale 4 Y Exobacidium \ span HIS 4 AO 2D Oa sue Oi S SHE 6 AOR ORES Sw ROHR ae | mad A NSBR 6 NSH OR CR AER AA 6 SR SOO + ORS RS AND) BBN REGED AKER I I dak SB KAS | BEN ONEEATK An AIR ROO ORRN ERE ISN ARRAN RN SY » #0; 4 1 1X A Exobacidium Rhododendri \ BiQ@sesQBEky | BREEN AR EW SEHK SE ERO YA SRD 4 MHA HEIR A 6 SNIRARER A DIR SU BER INI 6 SRE A ROE RR | AN BRINE A 4 RN SRK OP 6 RN EER XK ARR A DBA いっ ez i wn 6 Ve xst.9h050 6 (Hydrangea sikokiana Maxim.) NAR MUIN-AQsa+ IN BEK | MSE RIALS SESS HAO EK 1 WRK H LANCE! PIKES NREL | APEaRInm +O RES NK SR a KR REN Ea FY | Hin AS INAS BY NWesY (Ilex Sugeroki Sieb.) Kad RETIN 1 | ARG | AUS べ soav | QTL A ALSI STAD HT y ND BAAR AN ELS 1 1 TARRS AE BURKS Ry thy 1 RL AR 4 Riek yO BR SEN NRA A RA BO RRR | a FEES > SE 1 ES ly BEIM sh PARSE CS A TASH DET eC EH RR SIS SEAR HE [GH N ーーーーーーー、 OR t & | ORMEREMBE\ DD (88) SH © k RXR =| Fiero m Bp haw; KNW SRO \ coat NR hs cea 4 Ie 5 8 Ag HY BEI a A BL > ah KiPT 和信 当 で 軍人 さす や 二村 志す NRE Td wel] TAKS +8 「 | SBARRWSLE 0 Hl Ae BERR) CAMPRU SHR, LAS) = HERR | AW IRR STE ROCCADS HR DNB K SRE | RE RSS HO ER | ERR > BR 0) SAE Roe ia) GAMpi HX wks \ SRERER ESN EN RUN SKA JAG + Bw HIN mn SEN YD IRA BEAT ? Berberis sikokiana Yatabe + #En UKE i \ BROS NRE ERT YIN A & AERA ARR RETR (Nm Sr) Sous E+ eo PB. Thunbergi var. sikokiana 2 Sd 2 hy phe < SERBIA EOE or mE LURE BSN Nn EOE = EM KC A a CRIES SSR Mma Am BE YIN | HIKaHES sete mia HE Sa SEAR RX ERO R ER KM RE eR 45 em Jt a _ itt i $$ 8 Ae ge ce ee Ry や すす すす すす すす すす すす すす are ee oe LESEEEEEESEEESTERS Rio) |jt+RH1 [ml |+o im’ Se Ok | &e Si) SWE (AB) Bah mk ke WARD +Os(Roie) Fab KK @ ford OQ inn eewee. tek i ek mg IRIN SHE (GR OIC Bea ) oy REE KS Ose 1] an SARS Sos EES BHR Hee (AYN) | Aad 2k #1 B EMR 2hE8\G4) 2 Ae Be ーー eget AR RE (SE) OX ROA II 信人 上 UE JORMNEGEY・ 』 。 “ | RRA SRR) OF RP ROK KIS | ABER) ORRIN. 7 A (1118) pO cer meeee KERR | 右田 前 所 { pO INRA Ta Marah 1 + a ey 2 AA a Ru OM N PROWL KS O ご ト petty. x で の > 『 ee KN 介 ot ese ee P mrcmash i 明 3 + = ノヽ Be DS 日 ca & トコ shirai, x, Notes. on fis Plants site tod in Samigay Totomi, 0 eee : “Yamato, and Kii. (Continued.) pe 3 <2 Yasuda, A, Luffa acutangula Roxb. (Continued) に See 2 ce = a a, _ Makino, T., On the Presence of the Disk in Genus Daphne. = oe Sa ‘Sawada, K., Plants Employed in Medicine in the- SA os を eee ee tlie No. oe Bee Al ART a と ‘Fu ji。 ae On whe ret ーー hitherto es regarding the: . ~ 。 Merphology Of the Flowers of Ginkgo biloba, ie See. ae = 3 2 “Kawakami, as JNN of Shonat. Continued.) eet S S "NEW ee | Se &E pwkap Karyokinetische Piste =e ciaing 1 The Tr aiima~ 2 2 ee ~ tropic Curvature of Roots.—M, Finfstiick, Die Fettabsehei- Ce ee _ dungen der Kalkflechten.—0. Kirchner, Die Wurzelknéllchen eee _ der ae —s. gee See ee 5 を Eo eee : ee on Plants. eee Ni of oa eal Diseases caused a まま a っ ae the Ustilagineae.—Miscellaneous Notes on the Plants of ae Se es と “Yai iOsho-oku ” 9 XXIII.— Proceeding of the 0 Botani- eee et NS eA x (| ORME BREHPmAn LM-SR. ewKORT te ee KN NSR SR 1 Bets RAN FE eS ATER BROS RRA ain SHER eT Sv eS » I EDS PR vv ng 86 | EH AY SEMA RARN Ef ant 26 nil = “x22 i 市 iy rN MM ty q 63 ry ty OSX Saabs SN REI Re a | seks ara. nis し a IN = : sh, | Leute Siok Petes > AS PAS NS ANS AN AAS AN seat N 2 ~~ he il pe ae yi aa ‘ E 地主 人 RS aeG | Pop on a | ie 1 AS (HR) (HR | BSE) See AD eee Lea ee | NOB) くべ 2 oe Ak ee が Ia ミト と oe SN ER a | HOKU \ REI @ PRA AY Pose See ho > @ RENE SRE KMS RS |』 。。。。 | RR ONISRMORPRMARtEKeROsT AH +i | gesinagossen 『 Gs ooh SRNR SX A & @ BMS KO RES as Q ROSES HR @® MK AS wk SS HR a Bs it ( Nemertiea) BARONY CHOROAMEOi AK + by ie IK Sale Re BK RSMAS bth @ROHS HA Uk DMR WEEN A ee 9 At] 058 sf ORO ARK | HOMES vO MKS is @ ARR Ra gen @ ey sar I St ek R 1 4 Oe “ine tERtiS PORE ーー WINB A pwn RY OH@. Ske wm = Si VERRY Pn bree ade oO, VEE nas a a aT Sa ODNS 請 mets RWK casas | = i$ Sogo | ORE RR RHEL Sh HIRI ORS SS” N AT RWCKRSIR rr Ss eal | irae Sima en ee ae KASEI ORM ERA ARIES | NR RED OR TEEHORE OKO | sk OW Na OLVERA RRORROH DA —GE | CREO SER OnISRO HMR ORIEN | PaO wa RIO HS ERE El RG bony aes re a see a sath Lhe oe 円 seeds PAE | te 7 echt SF を Ha ON Ni peu ee Be Pw te t — . a MO ea Baea:® (UP) まり た お nd te: elt sei a ay CM ee eo ria Sethe AN 人 ee ニュ ュ ニー ニー ニー ニ 一 5 yee é マキ K $38 | mover ーー fs ran ie (HEGHRBHHSAR RNAI Of & © 4 @RMASSENEXO( RISES) OSMAY HARE K i HE “i a @<2 ay ORR PHBE 人 | ae | @ RAKE) Heke RIC Ox 紀 ee |] [OSB R REC AE FG HERE KE | ORIKSHMGS CRORE HAS OR saci chan abhi aginkag HS TIARAS [SONNET HOP MOMMOR MONE | | OP | @ Ser Re OM BH [RTE BONS T ORO ROSES OSHOL Ee KES | : 2 Ox ats AMO PUWORUEOAHSN ERE MR | | | Olgas) 本 ER) ee Ore RORKLOR KEM ( | pk “4 essere | HK) | | @aniz Geo AO 0 ae @XROH- rey patty ol ah Hite dd aie | @ ESR SEI MB HB ++ SRO K : + PS ht om 7 Sim SHE Rime | SIR RRS esa Hr SiR SHE RES | と うう BXE\A(MRSSWER eS 。 。 朋 Ho G2 mm sf | EEE & WH Rae Hake TH < eS RE Bh HESS Nt Tete Ly Thee SPN 1S HAMER RE REL | oe ue eg eee REIS SSC RROE 1 So AS > MH < HKD IN BEBE » o> Oks BIG = Sah EP EEA SS (m+ N =o \ Set~ dea+ »y AR bs Wie HR ~ SU “Rely ORAL K = IRAE HIEN S ABE _ Site EER @ GPE mee $ 6 — bs 4 Ss ます Wits =e + aL (Fai gore, ke か ta 3 tm ーー LS eit Calbia oN Se pT Shy xl in Rie MOH BS he SME XC ER 1 Say \ 4 Qh x Bs Se 4) Sm | i = RE zit Wig " (Bae) RAGE RLGE Ne REC RSSa+in Bea Se | +E Sot SD A Eg ORR ES Ny SEE \ ME RDEES SFE RBI A HSE BRM oo A tH RRR 6D RR MERA IRI CN BR Bm RE
al. RSS SOE HER EO Qs NE a DRO Bike 1 NARS yd | MRSC ~S RS RSD HERR BA HINA 4 | | Eh ae i th oR OS RS RO HR else < fie AC OG HMMA E | YABB Bema S “ee | Wim RES see Siete: Bee ke OAK i Pk み | ーー トム ーーーー BRAT 8 ーー り i Rxcoecaria crenulata Wight. 4 RKOAmicn LNAI SS NDA om GB =~ BS A ms e’K + (Flora of British India V. p. 474.) @ a Kin Ot tN 108 | Bentham KR AER BA % Brunella vulgaris A.DC. Sidhe m aby ACCES LOEE m 82 4 SUES A He Ha AND 4 H+ ~ Arink Var.y7. elongata Benth. (=P. elongata onal .) NBR K Am RA ING BL 37 Bh OW (BRUB SERRA RN OR | EKER ES m 43 X Mens leo) yy HK OWA Ee Var. 2. vulgaris Benth. (=B. vulgaris «a. L.; B.oficinalis Crantz; P.latifolia Donn; が. ovata Pers.) HANA madivind &2-30 (HB fe) + EN (BRUNELLA / Eeluse, rar. stirp. hist. II, 42, 43 (1576), from Brunfels (1536). (Prunella. ) )—F. の Mueller tk On BAe onset Sm SA TE SR [BE m EE RCN RGN BR we | SeImeete «wv 6 RM oO 1 FER SEHR tan dss mm Hg) > (ER 6 Bn KS Ro 8 HA) BRT Be ET RR RI 6 SONS PINAR REY ENED (OWE NaS Ns) BRNTES 1 EBS ERAS ABER ~ BR SK 1 ESSE SE A BRR NASER ON HES BTN Ko — + | NEAR in BRED | HEN A ORI Teagan im OS Sh He fe ax +E i IS ah} Qa Bombe te RIK mK 郵 ao sunnah 4 SR Qo Se ] a ‘ERs tik i it Rh qa ct ace ne ik Sele ak BS mot SRS He ROOMS He ERC gS m tS ah Qo Kase mis aS Ko ae moth GR AR He || BRAD“ ACBS 9 OS Ae aie ret ‘Koo #¢ ak aE RA“ 158 Kom ak a fit 5 Bl Sth <0 Se ihe S-D+ | 38 iH fet A Sth da Sree Ree te =| BRAVE NITES wR S O Bh ta He Te | BRANES Dh He Re the Te MR RRA > — % A ze HES ok ORR MN) Re Hedwigia, Bd. XXXIV, Heft 5, 6. 1895. The Gardeners’ Chronicle, Vol. XVIII, No. 465-9. 1895. Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier, Tome III, No. 9, 11. 1895: The Journal of Botany, Vol. XXXIII, No. 396. 1895. The Botanical Outlook. 1895. Garden and Forest Vol. VIII, No. 361, 383, 403, 406. 1895. SN . 20 1 == => mu = Be _(65) Ht) S DOS 6 ER He mm tsa * FAME A AINE | Baim Br» BWA a ese > ele HE | (in Hedwigia XXXIV, 2(1895)), dy ~ EEG m wes FE O | BIA > 2) de RR YS Ht. | hs SRD & A PARA Kantia Tosana Stephani n. sp. eRoOE 0 へ @Dn ( | Hab. Japan. Tosa. leg. Makino. No. 25. Brachiolejeunea innovata Steph. n. sp. | Hab. Japonia. Insula. Tosa. 1eg. Makino No.20 p. parte. Hea > els SIN ERAT BE & BRS RH ON EIR EAgRe” sRebe Be HD St \ SNS mT 1! MSN 1 NR Rm mK 1 へ Ee RARRA Re IRR IB mA ay A NES HK MS § XE CRIES) SE IER (Hemsley &\ m (St ua xk) wa feSu wn ¢% 1 NA mail a | @YSIM~A RB md SRR N TRS SRE ms 4h KER NAR A INES IN A SED RUS Hn AE Na ROE A SE DD de BS BEBE Kn XK ~ BTIR 1 BRAK A Ain ER OK 0B 4 WA WOW Se MRD KH ov ER a(gphanm Exceecaria cochinchinensis Lour. (Flora . 752.) 1 N Lourerro ws fe fn NSO IR See Hare wWAgiinm Cay Lieo do. + Nites my = = cochinchinensis II. | J. Mueller % 5 DeCandolle Prodromus systematis | 1 On | Rxeoecaria crenulata Wight (Icones naturalis regni vegetabilis XV. 2, p. 1215. REE ENH KX plantarum Indiz orientalis t, 1865.) m Yn Loureiro + TOE A + Em SV th Nr RK BRA + GE ABKEw J.D. Hooker tk 4 J. Mueller BA RM 1 TOE ea RR ED IR “ fl Excoecaria cochinchinensis Zour. « weeEnE dre Oe Lr Mueller & Excoecaria crenulata Wight. NAVMAN A ‘REN + od BBE nda] Pa + Be ww ^ へ 、 xcoecaria cochinchinensis. 9) ーー ム ーーー ム ‘cn, ae i, Se i i ee a Reine UE oa Polygonum Hydropiper Linn. var. leetevirens Makino. & 9 VU (=P. Hydropiper Linn.) 4s 0 2 | GRRE RS HPS 9 & UL YRS HRIER IN SS SiN GY UNA NRK AN HS ein A Sx P, flaccidum Meisn. 4 86 Sun UY BF ih NSHE HOR A AS や ヽ @ | tes HY 1 Son K ER SOS < SHA PR RRR ] HN HS MY Jesh Sa 1 Am OM a Am RH Sh NOIRE KA Nam Rages roe a eee) \ Sin BE EE RH nN Bm BA IBD | PNA m BRE OR A NER RE NES mm OY AAR SDR ISS SSR A BR Me Se if Sass wey | HH tm HH R ag 。 4 KOS SN Hem BRK WAR | RE a A NER A ND 4 IE FOE IN EDEN > BER 4 fx 1 Aspidium [BR | EN OR OER + A) Bl ESE EE ee A re | fimbrialum Wall; TEM” Re HERE BROT FNS Sw) RS Tata EB 4a NA 2 Kj agT Rs RHbEs nabedm Aspidium odratum Willd. (=Cystopteris odorata Presl; Lastrea odorata Wawra; Nephrodium odoratum Baker; Aspidium eriocarpum Wall.; Nephrodiwm eriocarpum Decne.; Lastrea ertocarpa Pres]; Nephrodiwm hirsutum Don; Lastrea hirsuta Moore, Aspidium pilosulum Wall.; Aspidium Aspidum subdiaphanum Wall.; Aspidium chrysolepis Fée; Lastrea chrysolepis Moore; Hypodematium onustum Kunze; Hypodematium Riip- Kunze; Polypodium . elianum crenatum Forsk.; Pp 2 Nephrodium crenatum Baker.) +1 9 BRAGS eam av nQ PAD QMS HIN GeO 6 BREE of BTR A AT. A Re Sh A KA @ HN NY UO RCH | 08 F, Stephani t8#a Hepaticarum species nove VII ‘2 || 4a ¢ SRaKWeWR (Ustilago) RX 4 aE RIMR (Tilletia) \ gat EAD + | th AN Be SHE UR AD KIBO NAB \ RE BOY K AIA RO met 直 Hp =n HADA BH ror 11 Sf th eth AD th A HD Bes ARES Tilletia Oryzae, N. Patouillard. Ho 10 2 Reiliana, Kuhn. Ris « e138 Ustilago virens, Cooke. Km gy p と NOE Be HadA Bh m* O&A HK Ustilago Maydis, (D. C.) Corda. HA BS a Ustilago Crameri, KOrnicke. BRN AR eS Ustilago nuda, (Gensen) Kellerman et KRXER BERK SN BRB Ustilago Hordei, (Persoon) Kellerman yl Swingle. RRA HY et Swingle. TURE a Ter nda p % Ustilago Tritici, (Persoon) Jensen. “RN RRS $f ye Ago pt Tilletia Tritici,(Bijerkauder) Winter. SWS ARE RINK 4 4 4 8 4% Ustilago Avenae (Persoon) Jensen. FEN ARES (Wallroth) Raben- SHS RR FEAR Die HN 2 re CK TET) By he -K & K WKAR Urocystis occulta harst. OSes — > ERBR +1 He He € ii izmas 0 デー し ERS WI A fo he Gh ad Wm \ FRA @-< errr MRSS FER RTS GE ap eR C+ ds SK ERR PREC ( ERAGE | 8) ENB dH ROL is \ Bhan Polygonum flaccidum var. letevirens Makino. m ie N A hi oe MHA ER (62) = ia 朋 Pr QR EKA DRA eet RK ASRS SRNR SEA Nana eUSEE 1 RX SE Nal 11 HX SBE 11 BR ーー Qo mw NR SERENA SRB 0 BH SA ャ NAS 人 SALAM HEN SLED 1H Si AN fh BRT HY x SBD 11 BR X SKAP'R A BRAS NG esi deiex Shame p SRE 0 He x SADE 11 BR SRR Py MAAK eee 1S RN BORED nil Senter ea ~~ — 70 DANN A BEM SP ules x ーー ティ ESS oe SESE 1) HY x BRT 91 HR に で へ の と ロ ORR 1 AHN A BRESH S Oat mR 6 UK FM) FN SOPRA K AHN RRR 6 HIE NS BRS tm WA AS EPR RNS S BEAK NA PN oh mS oR ARON AMRIE 4 BAN RSA AOR D WAKER m wR RED Ne EA OKC A A | TOR SN Ka TRING +B We BEES BEBE a AU | HOQA WA KAMER -ORete NHK A BEBE | BBL HR EK Eb WAR § nC oi 4 NC RK + BE A | By Baw ro vit ご KGQ ¢ SHEE Voy MIR < Hoga NA NOniie eT (Ymca fips ARIK OK SOE | {eS や No BK RS aS in f= | 4 EX EN iby Oo fr te Ban Borg {MOP ew Ne KAWPANKRA W Ba BEER MN 4 HT Da EEG HD BE BRERA HOM AK PARRA | EEN BE WERNER I RR MR I y He PAK | HX 4 HEU RK HS HE NTE E+ | BRE HS 5) RELL Yd ‘RPE ERR 4 AQ I \ Se Sat Soy SAS A ER + nl BDI BRADY | Gis 7 RD KB THD 8 ters |] a < a Ri S im Jahrbiicher MR” RE-A\ Wig i ayane HY 4 ABR ON ERHE NN @ + Mam ( SRR A BRINK DIT RK = JR DN BR TREES \ ENE BB) Mn i) XX A m ER) RREREE (BKK NAA HAW. AINA 私 キー ツリ HH (Be HEE mn HK s\ APRA DIB Set rm mak Ao HA Bryopsis PA TAKA J SKE K ABSA oe NED & A : SIRES IE A NW SAT AA ENE gah CRs HELMS SKA n+ ies A Tn ROME IR ane Ted JBiRn+- B+ ARBRWAKA (AEKS) a 生か ORDER & 2 8 OM \ Seehad 4 dik m = whet Ae RA yy Re nar Poe ee rem a : a INA Roy SM = NAN (oo Eh REY NR KA SR I BRK AKER AAD NIT DH 7 \ Dag + 1K NR 4 ER ER RN KER RR Smee . PNY ae” Ek"p BREE 4 RENO ES aH ESR | dre) af と コ と | aD oh | Hm BST A RRARS DEER + RE in Am RC KEN AT NEU ARD 3 A eA C Hab ys oY S Jahrbiicher \ $R)1 | 的 り 蛋 < EPR N BO + Be ERM e ARE SBR 4 愉 RR Bu RnHn CrReawh | oY AeA RE eR Hoe yy ar oN EY A PAR ter OCR RNR 4 BRN IERIE RS OST y A SSA RK IN AER EEO Kao SPR EAR PER (NE PA BDA KIS BRAPN KAT ASN BIR Sy AHERN 4 RR EE STR NIRS AP NR aK. TANS Ah, MBO RE IR INS RES +E RR BLK Sm ak) vA EU EW | BNR BRE m AAs KA om MR A & > EES I > BR | TE A NERS BR NRHA A om & Sw ~ Sirtin yy RR SB RN BS me KY OER 4 RIE | HS ~ SS4asb'e Badan S 9 MES EKA ABR MAS K PCSA 本 oe te FEN NV AN TEN ERM A ERNIE A BME [ Hoa, 4 EMBED BR SMAAK SH wd WEE +E ARK A BS doe eS 2B Em nS! (SAE ES AH | ern ~ ORME SRE A eK an REV < MKT REI IN aver stias KS a eR | SIH Ba A | ERMA AD Ke aH | RAE (AMER ON A K&R RRR IIR | SEND m AHR A A GR WS BH DLS ~ Huh 4 ESD om AA TEER WOR | BLAH ED KARR AR 4 488 ms ES oy SR HESS ARC) BR BBX KIEA PB A AN ee KOR 9) | | BEER Ra S eth 1 OST Y He PRR yin 4 ( (59) Ma- krogonidien -\ & #\ K > SK Ske ~ Be BiB AD & AME RE AEM SINIEN RD HARD RO IND DN AIA Zee) Mikrogonidien LA PA KAW RNS Wi RSEKAN pena a X ERA BRS BRK Aron MR QAR 4 ERA KH RRS Bae) BY A Wa NER ABA A EEN BS mR HR mh ORE BEAU m dH SR RR Wh 4 Wha KREA ARS SED LAr mgm Sat (REIN RR | FEM aR | KK Drapalnaldia BR y 85a 4 fe] NHR AYA HSED HN | 8 4 SRS RNR K AERA O'R IP RID T| | Ss XR 5 SARS a Be AER AR Reb OHA RARER IR (ESN Tn A kd HN HTN HARK ROAR RE Bar Rh | RRR | SOR RAOR A & So aS ERAS SER EE & ER SES wae RMN NA K Aw Ih REE A aha PRES BAM BS SR oO RTI RE | Sf EREEY NA + PNR RP AT MRI ARS | ok | SEK ARI ERS Sphacelaria Ry Ks AWB | Shee. IH BN +B YARD Reb BRK ThA AE AON ARK HOA IN RRS BMRA BS 22M DNR RW (ORE ATH Qt RANK IM OR WY NSS A oN NSS s ICR EEN QE KN A Clado- WAN | fee SSeS KA NO 4 aE Ras BL BANK RERAYRSS DSS} WEERER AT BA SEEN REPS NES | NEOK 4 A SRA RIK nh aeERG oR A Ih BO a Ny A OY A REL 1 Em A TRB K 8 NS LKR Hee Cab ERR ED a A AEN 6 ab | stephus TEGIN Ay RR YP OD eR HED RR BRIS I in BN A AQ'K FAD IRA AY oe 6 Bb AD'R Bm AER KARA wR Resa IY A. ER RK ON DEEP AS 8 RE SR — 4 明 —_ ーー トー テー ORRIN ER 4 ENERO A Ne ARNE K Se RN ae A i ONE DAK KV IHHRES ~ aha (NOE) S21 中 See He HN ECA nA kK HOY Ss Ron NOR RHEE Am GRY a REN | \ SSSHRE( GREE Zwergmannchen) { A FIN RE % Rae Hp HNN Ra) | BA Sea SERENA INE EK A SRAM BRO & a fer IDE EER CRA AN ERT CNIND Am Mi BRA PRET | SIUNER A A ERM RAY ~ \ BIRO Bb ! DHS AER 4 SCHREE BE ASR yD NRK SH RBS CE BD NARREY A \X$e Pythium (Kx | BRmskars monoica SE Pythium monospermum « | | fy Rn 4 on ceed aN t= Et th SPAR EERE 4 SBE 4K AR CoRR BD m HH Sy Saprolegnia, Achlya Sapnlegnia BO 4 SHES aR A pK MEN ER BERK AN hoo SN RC SPAR ERR BRS HK = 4 ER RR EE ER A AE RA A RK RIND AT CRA R AR SUK 1 RR ER 6 KBE ERIN BIR NZ oe | KESTER SHOR AME ERIS Ea HR KER | Bm OEE A i} fHa m Jahrbiicher fiir wissenschaftliche Botanik Oh Ree ® PIE NSE | SW Pein doxaiN り ISX AN RER+ (

RABRT TSSER | SS (tS MOE) FN AT A SK IRE TERR RRS TTBS Cte MOS FRY) WRN 4 RRS BHM Rm go & A 4 SREP HE 0 FQN HBT WE HER ot NA HBR Sedan Mm SMR FER PAN er NK ROS RP SH RSS ~ Hpi mn RQ oH) BOER > EN ih SS OPI NS BHR BD the i< ADC 4 GEE 4% BESS SE RRSS HUMP ut BEN A SHI 90。 Py ORR TN KON DH AER RW 4 RRS HER REN Ar Ke eK ie BO HMA rMeRa ry ih DKS BE SOE yy SE 1 ID (2 。 息 ) Moh ook 内 OTT] He ame A te — PRS I+ RE [ea 1 EN RS 1 BRD RR RYO RM Di ES + BR = KN J ((t |i? Wet REM EX ) | | fein Hg A ADE eae A Hn RS EERE RR WN ERS HES EY A BD “ER 1 ER NAR BL RN HEM Hs a A ARR “EX 4 SEAT [TELS REISE SRR NS EO SIR RN RR NEP I ESR ( 「 lieing S47 RA He A RN BRE mA RS RAR KA RRR REA RS K SR NER A HHA RN ts 4 OR EEE ESSE WKN RIN'K MA OK ERR RAR HN PURER CR IN RRL G2 HRD GH [me RS | GN RR BED” STH XR ARG GH | 7 Kn RACH (RRS RAID QO NEEM BY A’ RX RBA RAB” BEAR’ B RRs ke SUT at «PRS GE IN BA a ~ Sve MeN eee "OR §& ie” [RES el “ ty < iS he yy ay? Kin ts Bhar’ PRI EL <* UREN AEE AA RHEIN” LER’ | NOREEN i N= iar) ( Hau Ae DO ean ea oR -e KAT Heft, 1895) (# S OR— ims BOER) BNR R- ON 6 eS HK A ER RH DERE 9 ARK Im Rat XO y SRA Bea A I tek (HERRICK SN ¢ KID BBR A RBA ) BONS KERR SH 'p 2 PS RaQ 5 RENISTABERS HR 4K | ISR ANALY Do RES IRE AT A BE EEA > it adem aaa ate ete | Pte RR BRA MD RE Kinin UH oy AHR Ay BR SN BER A Dg AB | RIG SETA 4 BEN HERS 1 SSE SRST IN RHR A A EES HK At PRR SRI ER om Ry Af HAE BHSD RS ABR WA NM RHE STA ORS mm BN REL MBS mm AEE | AHIR NHS LS CATR RUBIO NINE 8 AS | wae ot'y km Saat BE | PON HEN SFE SN SOAR 6 SE DESH Be A BRP IN REA KO HANA (Beyerinck) ~~ (Nobbe) 第 RESEEINEE SARIN WRB Hy RR ERENT XQ KARIN RR Ke te) | SHER ES SSSR RB HPA TANT RR AIA A KINDO RN NAPA TASTE Ae | KB NK A A ( HONG TNH IRE SOS 9 BERT Mam BE HORS ER RD IRE 4 ERE A MBN es SACRE OAR ST KAR BRK | | HORS 4 ROR HRT IK KIN SHAS i MB MAY ] BN SRR yp HI NN ms HES NY) Rhizobacterium japo- | nioum 4 \ SENSE Y = RK OS RUE HK A aH RA + TRIER KER A ERD RN | PAWN FABRA HSN HARD VARS Bly MRA rm MRA KA - ーー - ーーーー Id と CM GTS NL NAS OK TL NIA ND I SL PY STA PA ESTA LT NL DNS PE FESS ES RELY SPY GA ELPA Ra SL WET WERT PASE owas el こ 日 第 読 id | Sem ma yi HA A OR C+ SS Ben OW BRM YA Ne he REC 5 AR Bm | RES ON AINOR A \ CMR SRR ORE SN Se (HY SERRE OSE | REE Ko MIRO NEAR AY > INV AMES DY ASAP AN 8 : | AW ODA BEM So's He A ay RRS th HOH Y A TIKI mm GER yj WSO BRR Rais ARE HY AIRE 'R AG) BRYN RSE RK PNA HOE SN RS Ot BBR LARS ¢ fal a KO NBA | SEDENR? 1) SAM QO) SV REI A RN NN PERN RESEND NY AM ma RAR eK 7 (Wied. Ann. 1883. 20. 8. 558)"¢r-S)M8o'p POSEN 1 BH K RICHER SR NR yy “BRR “ NSEEM BN WAS A OR A EINE C Bea RINK “QIN Ei CAR ARA HN A RR RELA in | me ee | Ky BPN ES SS a + BE RIE A IN A “ SONG 4 SETS WS 1) On B’R RN BREN SR 1 AU NINA MRE ® & A ROR RR Nm RH ERY NR 1] SUMO a CR AKA? RA AIRES RK A | BRN T% poe hd y dd & Verrucaria calciseda || {m2 ~ SS A ar” | RABE FR HM TW SR sehen “Sn "ys QB AY ER Nee ES RDBROE ED | YRC. RRS RR AT A RIND & ERA OD tN] ES S HERR om A | MBS 1 TAO |S BS BRO C+- Bl 4 RR) RRS x SER RO RS OT CS 4 Ae RN HOHE) DN ERSZER NEE A WH KR A en 4 COE SAR ON RR HBS 4 Rw A (M. Miyoshi.) 0. Kirchner, Die Wurzelknéllehen Der Sojabohne. (Cohn’s Beitrige z. Biologie d. Pflanzen, VII.Bd. 2 ——————————— fie Het = Bo Aen tT = ae Se pn See ee a) EK Kae ? Swe HK Ae At CHAN KO m7 (BPhyscia mintata Moftm. へ Nay aHK AWN OR Callopisma 6 SN ローー ム と ハート Wa の 1 A が : 3) x diy 人 へ flavovirescens Wulf , 38 2 aay tH’K AO 4 a WN G0 EE BIE tm RS ALR RD ae is oer : fe By A \ZSRXRY % Rinodina ocellata Ach 3§ Seon, § NSA AE 4 AA Aw IN OA ORY Sy ON IA N Diplotomma epipoliuma[% pmo to thx X BROE WON 4 SEER MEOS tek MEH A oe COEDS SARI tal A ARS BR CEN ROR ARS SRS AIK RIS OS (HR ESE ND ARE REL ヘー へ IMSS PH XK OA RRO ROR INN Rar WN A ae sh) NG (EAA) 1 HN SDM KOA NRE Y RIN AS MARS Bn Ke lk & He ROK / 6 ESS RNY MEY =“ Rinodina Dubyancides Hepp \ Rar 4 RHR \ BRR RS [Km eA 時 ae Hea vp ARS SE < HOTSIR oO tr EE miata & BAD Ny IO WK Verrucaria BR ~ #3 Hii » K アア. marmorea Scop. "su V. calciseda D.C. \ Rar { Ark w Ry He ' SSN OK 因 角 環 居 nm へ キ S「 ッ トペ ーー テ S RR b NOR PA MRS om OREN bh immbntmia SE a ¢ Fak RAI INK ON oR HEHE +X HRA + WY GREE i AR a BE i) PUNT RN § GR AR Mat So A SIS RE OR yes SEE tS IR A on CB SEM ORR AT aN or on HR fonda af KN SHEE we PEt BN HR oh NOR A Hl SHEL 4 QR MTOR PAR WN AREA NSE D> HORI S PRESSE) ON A OBER’ ERE PIN A NOIR SWS SAUL SHR = HOT ¢ SEO S Bey ms HIS SUR Stat \ ai = NS BRE AN WA RA ERY A” | | SN SHAR 1) BIN IN ERD A RR “COS REAM 4 tH MR IH SN or BES RIK RW AOA z= muy ee __ eS A NA NN KAA SHRRERASERS Ns # A (Porssell)* nN A + (Hulth)’% 4 > S (Bachmann) 38K ~@'K ARK A HED DOR AA BR A RIS ORS MARS PRBS A PS 4 BRENNER KAHN ON” | 1 SERRE (Gonidien) . fz SIE PAK ARN Kae SERN RD RAK + KE CR OK EERK AN EKKO’ SHON 4 ES ARTES SHES AO Ral OHS a HAS CHAK BR OA NUR SR Em Ay “GE Ry SS Bee Bs" 対 周 り Bar WERT A A BRAS GRA BERR S| Ba RNR EEN SAR Gah “SRN GO BOQ ERE we’ mm SN] He wot N SSG ER oS ORR) KR | BERRA RE RN ARR MID OA Sf ERD BY SQ AN SRR m 89 BANK A PR pS BERR KS BES AMAL? | SAH IXAG S ABR my BRE sf SBR mH SRC SN GR ADS RRR ae RA BN BRE HK NN ER th SK ae BRS | Reo Hest in Ee ROO RAR SRA Ew nOkain Coa Htnry ® SN SS8k > HRSA Re RN RQ ON ER EES HOR ES RR ela” SE SER RAR SR SBE A Hb NORE A A RN WERE BRR ” | Hote 4 RRA ASR Re NAN RA om NR YN PN ES 4 PA RRR I AHN A K = (epilithische) “4% 4 SARK 4 ACK Bi KM A YK a (endolithische)y “Hm ] BRAN INK “RRS Bde Wh WP rN BER TERS SERRA JB EK'D A ERROR 6 MRS A AIRS RK ANS Doh 4 HE RRA IRAE A SSI R HON 4 HONDA ER 9 QU YX dre (Oclhyphen)M A= RASARRE hang ON AP AtK NS 4 me Schiefer) | Sn 4 HY do RS Hem AS ay RE | PN PR ONE aK AN of QR mm CoOP Y | | Se Moco AE ASSES | AR AR HOSE mS RE CER YK Ron HIE 4 NN IER A) RR) BEB ms IR No “hat tN) my Ri | SR “SAAC Em RE in RAT” in) RR N SEY RA RN moe pio Ay? | WEN Wa ae | MHS = To 3 ad SHAS RAS RAE = ANS ME CME HES WHA) S Ee Se BMRRe MAA HBAS” mOWN A NN WM “mm SF NIRA MOSH A SCHEIN ~ BY REAR PY N(Ozapet) | H~ ,,Ueber Geotropismus der Wurzel“ Pringsh. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot. 1894 m Qyx~y m ) sy > gee pom aK BIRS Howse CEP YA WHA ICE A AKA 4 TEN K&N Dh ER Bet R Rat 中 人 REN EN だ 5 ay se s1(Traumatropismus) may’x A ot HHA Ae “SSSR NN A RES A SHUR REIN DK] BMRA AR A Ur m AR RIN AD 4 ee eke cd ae Sy KAA PhS ERR ORS MA EAB | BIE Ede tlw me A «itn ¢ “dy BHR Ha A Hie 2A ERR ERK AERA PA RA 7 (M. Miyoshi) mol BEM A he SK QR mR BERR M. Finfstuck, Die Fettabscheidungen der Kalkflechten. (Separatabdruck aus Fiinfstiick’s ,,Beitrige zur wissenschaftlichen ,,Botanik“ Band I, 1. Stuttgart. 1895.) 3a CCaC eo Oy he 8 KRNK RIA S (Zukal) BR $s \ Hageae m > SEER m RAK Ar ot fi 4 CHE m rr) ARS HOS ee ee ee ee A ESR fen BE (51) mK BRIM BC LIBRE 4% | RRA SR ED a RBHEAS RE ( ISN “RES BIKA RARE th EMR 6 REN 'K DN IKEA IRE RS Bt MA ORCS ER
FED ih ERRATD HD 9 Sam AR BR RN” REND DS ESSN Ln K RR IRN ER NET RE NA ae GR I BRR A aR I Am KAAS ER 6 ROSEN AKIN Da RES ACHES | RD ME Ae (GD 4 |) NRE NRE OA Hots BR yc AGN SRORSH SPOS m BI mo A RCE ot SUMMER 1X SR 1 BR CEE th HER RN POA AR | Met N $Y Sl ae Nae mm tH YK SI Ea THUS We YR EMR 4 I RINK ARK (Bh ae HH KOA ER) NEE BK AAA 4 Be ORO ROAR AER (50) CU aE seas ESSE Spalding, V. M., The Traumatropic Curvature of Roots (Annals of Botany, vol. VIII. No. XXXII. December, 1894. Separatabdruck. ) | frituk Ss PERAK RBS SEAR BI mane Qn dA BRIN | Rv Rane K Nm ahs SRSH (‘Traumatropismus) +1 n “PME 6 ERIE NPN OR (Pfeffer) ot ma ny ey N ASKS WA y XW (,,Druck-und Arbeitsleistung Qurch wachsende Pflanzen“) in PLES HE | BIH ABBR A A AZ | We) ASK RN TEIRS HEME KOA 4 トーSK ペーSATS 選 MAN HR 6 HORE | SY BEES | Som PMN FRAME SBE AR 4 RCaBE on MERRRE my Sin SMS BED D “ERD NEE SREB’ PSIG mm IX ag. AQ ie) Sw «A mo & (“Power of Movement in Plants.” 1880) 4 HSER gem Bet it FARE ~ BREN ee Sy HED EN Ry RRR YK RCE» ARR on yj NEARY A SS RRP) \ BR RN AE PARR D “MESES HORE BBA Kg RR (Sachs)*in—+ AN YD (Detlefsen)*\*— K + —(Wiesner) | AEE de AER ER KO ON ERA Ber 6 RRM Be IRS nm DAR RS ES ED | Oy RAE sk K トト PS トト キーK ROR Be Y ROAE | \IRMICD’ BARRE SHIN No” PONE 4 DEEN HAE m 1 DQ > “UKE BRE m BRE I” BRAN HS om KAR KGS FRB BR” BN ih PSR KN RASS, WA ON HS BOD FR DRACO BARR RN ESE om NTSB Se KK AEA PY RAC MBRY aoe NBR. BMA Be RBS BN CRBS Ba OW EE HBA NEB tT need ae Re KHINDNAR— HRM Bue. deen ere Brae PX OD INA RSS BES EWN IRSE RK A Rar NNN SRCOSE(N TROD AR KON KK) HK BRA | BOR nm An BIST AN NH AIT HARA DRA A HT RIND NTI SOHN RR & A BEDE of SEK « SRUPN SBda Se AUN wD hy AES + RAR) hv I BS BE 4 a RA RRS Be | RO” SBda SE = AONE + SI dy BEGUN S ayy Am HD Rae BB PA A BD SRC’ AON ty ED A A NIK A RRR COE ES ARE SUT KN KAYA wsS | me YD [KASSON A A RRP RSE BORE NRK RARE Aw Na OMS Ht |] KA +t Wallets Lis Se MW Ris ~~ By RESER AY 4 AOR HBL AR IN REE LS A | tate X AiR BTA 4 SRS R 2 RK A BRO RRR BRK AIR (MOWORA RRER SA RR ) BEG KY NINA | SEMA AT ANS (ERRBESATN ON A BS) OW RHO RR CATON | MN EDA RMN A or NN BE iy Bak OI
FAT 4 SRT EN SRR A A RAR SHPO BAY \ Go RS. eee | iW KE RAR RRS 4 a HON’'R dE & Ret Ny BRR ES BR IIE RN KANE] BRAD MEX KEN RTS WAN R Larix \ SRR ONS RR EK Ae SERENA oo NA NER | | EN Snag Xr wHGERD AP MWe | RES IAN uy Seon ARTS 1 LN SABA ANN Ae RRR BN RR RAR RGN ARK KAS NWR ESE RK Ae RNG RON RA RRR KEN RII NDS ADR BSNS KAT AA Di ERD SR RIBS Rm HK IB ee YN A a RE 4 RR | SR A BEA ot BN Nm BS 6 a ER FE SRE S SRI [RRR OOS Say Xe RANE [RRA Be \ ROI A | IE INK + lw Qngt CORSE ae RN ER REA UP ORS WR BB. My WRI Sm dan a | RR \HKAMMRA (Rw REPRE ER WARE 4 Re BN TS NR RRE SES ARSE BS. BIER IR ak RAR KINA RRR | > ER AUN Bee BE SI LN ANRARA BE (REN HE HK A RARER HK A EEN Ba Bae SEAR RINK MPD BEAD | wD 'RIREE Mikrocentram «$81 RNMRN YD + HBS =N 2 を 1 私 N Sin HONE < Oh SEO” OOD ax + ARAN Sa SRO ER EORSHAT NON SS mIPwe Hos ede RHA OR NIN | SRR A HN 4 BS | RA AB MRS BRR oa ee | a KR BAS \ EA HO RRA BBR Bh RBS EN NK CORSE A PN AIRS | RRR NT TORO NRC N WIRD CR NIRA) SS | Am AS ESR YK ERS 4 | Be AP KM NINA IN ERE ARE Ha Ms aes SAM R BA ENB (RRM BAA KY 人 | SURES ENIEEN XR 2h BEN EME DD < 回 へ Anaphase 1 NaH NR HEOSE | (FNWRSNRNSKO NRNS I) RABS APRS MRA EBS ERB ERIN KIBA TD? CRED | WHS “ede R A NG TK NIRA | BS {Ry AW Anaphase に | vey BEB RES A | BEA SSEMBRm BT BRANT BERR DD RRS OK NIK A | m BREESE | mV KAN Ao MER KA NSA SY 1 A SU RO MA ERR RO AER | INN RED RRS EEE y MK A a, | RN BARK DN BRN Rh ASE OH EAH NS & RN ERIE SHER ABS 4 | Amn SS eK Ae Nee | am RA ROB HNRAP SANT IRA SB Meee s EI By 4 RRR DA ESN SE A Em EN 4 RRR | fel 6 33 | Sl m SUS OBR KR SON A BAN = KEN RR | Bm NS HD ASSEN or MBN | (46) = 冶 明 . 年 押 5 A Sh He A + gles eG 4 Rn eM RSL NA KE A ER ERE IRE AR CI BT NA フサ ヘーK (HENS AGN S SERS ER HSE ORS BB ae PAN dN +R Beobachtungen wber Kern-und Zelltheilung | EB URU RAR RON RE) HDC ER AR YR AY NN RRS REM y OH NSN RS + QP | BUND AC AN % Rese m BOK A REM (9 ( ERA BS maa Yo +O BS SHS aes KRAANRT RANA A Sm ape QA 、 Bowe < REKS | BEE Ro YN ER RRSU EN Ke ANS EEE yp BU NAT A RK ARO RR | NSIK HHA SR A CRN Y INR HAN RB SEA Larix WR ROBB ae RAHN = XO I RIN 4 SS ARERIESE SSL on LI RRM oy RUE» ミ BH KR SBSES Sh HE BSE BHA oe 4 回 時 7 psi eth ede ee A pe ered < wn so)esR x JE SHE A LSE RN BME dy SE A a 6 By SRE A Em RK IBA RRA OK KA IS mM RDO NTR TA RK BNE SE A&R RES BRONX Oo ENN BA LEG NINA SR | Sw REQ Ae BRR (HORE RRA BR) Re] ONE ( EER s SN OR RK A | ARGS TK NINA 14 LL TERN I IR KK A NEY SA (MO EN PRE RE mM 0 BR MA NEES Larix IRSA RRA BAIN +R VRE | KAN Re BAMA NK YAIR A He TK YSN HA ANB BY Kj HONG (AER aR A TM Ne NRK Sy RINSE YAR of tee Sphacelaria scoparia BO\ Ty h=5 Need NABO RIN KR fF OA BERR EAR SR Pellia do XR MOA TP Ne BAS INE ーー pe KS Ke BEE we He A IR my ER ar SRR NK A RINSE IN AOR ES HS SAR SERNA KK A BR LS hEeNIDNK F ee ere NKR PSR LANA" Fe tT RHA RAR Ra PAN Ke PRR ARR NH SNW Larix \PREBS i KSA WR SR BSUS BEX Ar MBs > HTP RK KOO \ RRA BSNS? d RBI. NK wD ih A SO Beh | EEK ArmA Raat Lilium bulbifernm 4 Fritillaria persica ~ S298? 『. imperialis < MOMRR 0 REN A MRREN ERD & A ABA WARREN A (KDR ROK APN tp ERB Omnis nucleolus |{X~ HE <4 |] hos) H+ Se vv +X hARNA LA ( BES, | fi Na EIR my BEAK mR KM SE RE RR ~ Joep PE DOK SHAR BD LRA RRA B EEA REE AEDST aR * ENN — 0 EK IB) PRM Nm els AWN ARN UAB RINK (RNRAPO OO 4 SURED BON A BIA AFRHER Fn RUE RS OO ES 4 RSE DN NARADA HA QS MD WEA SA 1 RAK 6 MBB wD BA Ree A TBA PN SAC BAR | RNKRRN S BELLS ERX A Ree OL MRK RHA NK AA KA (R ODA HOR) | AU HS SS IX BR SR og) BS § RR AR m MK AP AA Bm mK A RD ON EEN = THER MS | N82 RAK UN mba RAB y Rake’ Beem MICK Are nh AR A+R Galanthus nivalis | SKM EW 4 LR RRR Stn Bd ROK Le BRED NRE HR AR Rel BK AT KARL | Ear —— RSpSES — =e ーーーーーーーーー xe OEY BE Je ES Cares EET NG HED ss DEER tek \ FR BER C7 (BRIN) RBS 4&1 50) BR EK ES PN BD 4 し WDA RR INK | HESS BER A WN 5 BBE RK m 8H BREE YO ROY いい aha sien ie aaj ats Ct mali | や と デー 1/11 (44) と Ee RE Ee Tae Gps ak GY CRUSE) DOP OR AC LN GH KN REE NED KBR BN A PRON DK UAE RN SEGEER UP BEER yy Cg SRmESH S Sem dH Re \ 5 BRMOROM RN ¢ Atle mn our x * SE BMEN RE aH A A WS 5 Rm eRe KS wR eK BREE y BK SBE” (REN) | elas aS MA WB Ring | ee HR 1 IVER INK) GRAYS mia aT | KI. ae Ne mn die x BRN BKM YAN Ha A PA 5 RN iB ATF O IWIN] A> (SE as) =~“ i+ -— & B | Oss fd oe Hot E. Strasburger, Karyokinetische Probleme.(Jahrb. fir niss. Bot. XXVIII, 1859,) (x =NK NA ROW RRREES) | SATE 6 CT IES Wk ER OD WR ON BRK AER IR Rae eK | RL NBKA SAN | SHR AWA FAS HEY A BS. eR, BRR YS A + \ SE Omnis nucleobuse |f nucteolo A #Bm BRK AKA RAR ADD \ AB BSA BOW. RR K AS KL |] OBO HARA | Bex CORR ED NEN AP BROOK BR IN K | QoS Sees! (1=50) 4 RR NBS NA MAN KARA PRR rR INK ERR | SERRRR EP REI mR A WB HY NK RMD ZO nWERNRBRN Bd & WEE BN 1A AN _ 塊 情 av | ti s Rae ERR 9 Sra 2g) MORK Ae A | 2S mK RRS (aR | ) LEN RH BRK Os ーー S06 OR CN AE Rw Hea ER PA A A ot RK ik I ee eR QR INK AKA ‘eR | PDH ey Stim BASED SER BER eK s+ IY AMON NI HY Bo Reet =f | AERN A mae (a Xe NX | Rss ie mr AGSRIR HO BER TT eee y eS Sees 5 ORY | AK Sms = yc 19 OEY ~ sO | ORR Sar K RASA cot HR td BS OT RS SO ¢ SS RI ~ SER GEE SIRS RR SR SN RX KH HR > oh BOSE) 2 a ROR mm RE Ny WOE YO 4 fe | Ee 4 RS ON SI ee YD Nia chleetl AF A. Ve (BHAMNOTH) mY 2 KOR 4 GE BBR NOH es BEET MTG Nh RERKIRMOMY Sees 4 yeh ORS EDN $4 SRI SIE SN BSR RMSE Ro SCR) MAK AN XM toy Re OS NE m QE Carmien ties @iet i BAe Gee ies Ons cankeneenceee ReMMNCS Nt = BK Sa SN RE BN AN Be 4 TOO AS 1 SIN RN A Ww RES)S BM ROE mn QM K EP HA MSEER NA PY RA® (BRL }) Roane “2 RSI | 里田 (42) ia 明 ——<—<—<—<—<—_—<— ーーーーーーーーーーー ーーーーーーーーーー ーーーーーーーーーーーー ーーーーーー 一 ーー で ーーーー RATIO Ae Lt IME 時 田 K AFR Sok > 1 1) SS ORE yh BD Eh RMR ME Cn REY d m By BEM HD Bee | > IN TERR > REQR SSE m SS INARI OT ¢ ARMS RY AAS | 縮 人 系 錯 中 4 窯 着 営 4 SRE RY SS a DES SBS ty ERE 4 OKGS ER m OD REIN BEN RAS HO RE A 4 Af 1) BRAN IE 1) FIN GSE K BEE” BERR REREIR | 6 IRREK A R 4 HR ER oO ee eo Be Rat. Sn oH K EERE S 4 Ms BRAN, ON 9 SGRKRAS OHS Bn ゝ (RsaI | (SRROOHH” ARON Iw) EA oI RU RENE R= OCR. REE Ow | て 9 (Hesse) yh d 4 BRE MOH BoA NY Dd | (Diconchinin) RoTHRA NAY > | (Dicin- | chonin) mA ANB N | yh S |(Chinicin) oR S > ™ yp WN _j(Cinchonicin) & ARM? Rao MOH? Endngs | MH” pat HOMO ER tp mS NN BRST AN BRR & A RN GK A HA = K mA VIER SRS NID 4 ERR HERES SEN A REE BE AW Doe HP CREME » BERR 4 NH EERO RN BES ARR REC AH LOY AY De Re AR AN IMI Bie were dnnsmH Cinchoninum hydrochloricum. CORO TR OO EE aH OOH 4 SERS S HEME NRE NTS YON Se os Hy HEH aR 4 GRE ER aH s 1X EAM BO TPH RNR” | ol SN BEE” KS 11 RN BEB RRR ION RRA RE ERE DES ASSES 4 SE UIE AUR AY SR り SEE Br OT RK oh EE 0 EE | PAR MBIN YR | ! OEM MMS 4 HEA KAS HRS RRR YK NEL (の 加持 員 4 RES 6 tH A Be Re4 Am AES | 万 Bailion Rx Re RK C.F. Meisner i ~\ Rk Bia N SER MRS A SES Wee an +B ewe G.Bentham ポー ンプ パー ) MNO の YR m ND PORES 1 BEL “Discus 0 + ot MAGA XL Hooker B % tele Seaka The Flora of British India SOR tel aR ote | SN YR A BB “Disk O7 © \ wr fit CN” Bah Na m BED Ge NA R tt Him nt x ie 4 SR HEA NT By Daphne BWA RO SAAN A NKR HORK HIKE ーーーー fi Tmo KER eR HE | CRRAD ICES NG ) a He K & Ret MeN wH Chinoidinum. om 4S Oo RE NAOH 4 SRK A Sa 4 SERRE BO NBEO OR RMA RS ~ Km BO So) 4a 1 OER BER ER I 6 Ama RE XK | HAnd | BAMA KD AAS RRER A ES MIO Rae 1 PRX Bo KH Mm IER XK ゝ 4 See) OX ee uu ead | | HRN BEN A NARA PRS) ROMA RR NK] HARA RT RRR HET REN Hs BBaaN | 上 wrtmr い Stasar= い Y く いこい Mm B OnE Y od x Nees A ROBES RT AIBN RN Oe (IRENE a aie. mu Fe it A ーー potas ORRERES se (40) Ben Hh = ee Yr — ee togine soteMnaae Ht MURS SSE | WE Mie Y ay Daphne kiusiana Mig. BRN BN au AW 4 Ee th RE yo MER HR SS i) PIS] > SESOSE TR NA | 1 1A Bb8e im He OSS IN'K % SERS SRA RE aed Daphne cannabina Wall. (=D. papyracea Wall.) \ NES BRK ~ NSE S Daphne kiusiana Mig. + SBM Yn BR Kale Sein ode William Grifith x WX d ‘eR Rdd + eM ed Eh EK NA m att Notule ad Plantas Asiaticas $8] $8( 1854) #h}) | faa i y 3) Y wn “Ovar. basi annulo glanduloso cinctum oblongum,,..../” = iil ¢ ~% t{ Daphne Genkwa が ee の . et Zuce. Bh KS Wav | O49 Fn 2d Fy~no 9 in % FRO ERE eS \ ERS ry aR MUD \ BXSE 1 AR HR BIR Pr, Stebold Sou / G. Zuccarint FERS fa Eo Dds QO AER I RES bh | Flora japonica. (1835-1870) yA BERS Y ARE BKRLBB |W SREO BR LIC SRR BK andy fra Be | & AEE SR NS BE 4 Pr Re BR Ef rt" OC ER BE NN) BE BIN “RA fed Daphne BR ABER | PAREN a PARR A nm Bentham, Hooker #2 do#8s Genera plantarum $R) SON RRR PARA nh HAL PACA DeCandolle \ 塁 IX Prodromus Systematis Naturalis regni vegetabilis HR+-BIQ@\ RIK a CL 7 Meisner ¥§ Daphne SR ~ BR ame ON $5) °C ak HO {Rata “Discus hypogynus obsoletus vel minutus annularis interdum brevissime urceolaris vel dimidiatus” ~ fEE « 4)’N A ERAE A BE y EKER m ha Daphne BR Discus ~ af" War Me LD ー fia Nf *> H. Ballon HEE SIIB mI NS matHa Natural History of Plants $4090 (REID) 42% Wa “Germen sessile or substipitate, girt at base with small or very small, often annular, disk.” + FR W FQN A ‘Rte m ーー ua ( H) SOM < BRA ~ BRS ETT SEIS 0 OH (ND) S808 4 BRA ~ BES ee (B)aein 5 RECN MYL wT Kage agen (NEMS SERS RUC) SS ES) EX Be 4 ER A A | KSEE A 5 KSEE) OR Nb eB Sh A SERRE A \ AR SHIRE (B-) IN> 4 SRG ME RES m oD SEER oe | CN) BMS 4 SRS PRIS I SSE NCH REN SO8N 1 KA AR SEN SESE OR A 1) ER (SR HAOKEKR ACA Na bp BS maa | Bal ER \ ESSE do 4 (4) BO x0 40% on ASR RE dtd SS & tt K & On the Presence of the Disk in Genus Daphne. By T. Makino. Genus Daphne By 2939 © ER | Wee Disk(Discus) NA Bir ~ FEM ACHR Stephano Endlicher 思 | KA WK aT Genera plantarum.(1836-1840) 4 “Squamule hypogyne nulle” ~RA RW) G. Bentham wR (NA Rie Bigs x AER 4 FW RKB KO NE *) J. D. Hooker BK = WK aK SOM Genera plantarum $&])]$8(1883) + “Discus hyhpogynus O” +S a Bey phe 4 HID NSS KB RNA BEA = fm (QD | WHTREMEER AA RH A KA fry Daphne gy ERY A HO y ¢ am HEY AR KIN AHTER AIKEN A oe yy oddone y HRW ANA mia 4 Daphne odora Thdg. (fo.0+0 * =) “Daphne kiusiana Mig.( VPA Qav)* Daphne pseudo-mezereum 4. Gray (<9@NO*4-s) XY Daphne Genkwa Sieb. et Zuce. (4sO7 Sav) \ HELE 4 At TRS SRNR Boo Cx ME | nen Ya (EDA IGM RBA BRD KN | (JARI game MN a BRET Km (BE ) Ho 4 RRS ON RE (See 4. SRN td NIRS 4 ERR (B+) Sak 4 TEER = af (EE) SHES < RRHELEH SKS BRR HE Rl (Sa A NH ERA * (HE) IMS < ER く tha mda SRK m|| Poot a lee. ey A We KA KS 1 SS AB), Eu NEB ERD EMA S a 1 ¢SES sel Ko SERBS BEE m hSDN EN RT RI (BR CT ee a 8g wy tks FERRI if Fn Sf th | Loe” mina SBnt x NN —_ |S 4 HEA MER eI ee eS de 1 BRD (EE) A THR RNB ARA AMEN RAK A (N)) AH 4 SLRS SN SREBAE SN RA AID RIN K (X)) SRE wy Soe wy Bert A Rn 'K (N)) HH 4 BSS OS m On x GBP ot BREE (A))AVEt 6 ORES oo wR A BK Am (NI) S38 «EER A (KJ) Mine Eb AO OS i os HER OSE I BRR NR SRI BP NAR ALAN PMA titel nln < BSNS STA Ne RK RE yf Ay Hear 1 [OREN BEER Nm BRAS lees BR = KID RRR JEL IN PRER A ade if BREE ws BEM a 4 ® @ @ @ @ る の @ @ @ @ @ ® ® @e @ @ @ , | SURG {OHNE ¢ OG MY ABE OR AORN (5 + BAY Ae NNT EE RQ AEN AME 上 2X NLM m ASIEN RRR UA COGN EAT SUBIR NIAAA SOP AEE AN | (37) の の ¢ 4096 | KH (36) MN ーーーーー eR Boe as om ea WARN A RO BK AHO AI om On Bar x Rm OR A", EN HR wc aeatin logan oe 3 | IES BE 4 Dds BABS m BEN RCE ¢ REBAR A HU BR WEES HAND KR Swe <1 SN Gm i RHR S SEG) BRS KR SE yy RE BSE RIAA UR QA Na Pf SER DON DD SK CE AIR Rie BA AE Re KR EK ARB ROKK! | Pon S Nae by 4 SRS op Bay BRI KTR SUR OSHS BOM § TCR ARR CRE OK AR QA Nae TR FAS "JAE op SEK Na SRY OS LT A HERD SD 4 SHR CORINA ASIEN ER (ED NES e Ry RRRAANMKK A | ) BR HE AH 4 edo) AR GOS mM OK AMORA KA Moe 4 SERS YANO RK urn ON NN TS me | ESI CT RQHATI [ME SW ES BRA Bo TDD e NEE 13 fo DCN {X (ge vier a dav anise wee ls eae nies BEE ERR AO DO ARS SR AR | SS SER OS He a oS eh a se Ninf BE ek ARO SET US tH (TT GRR Se i NN dn a SR GT | a 2 25 1C So SSIS OR SLC A NR aS WR I RG Te She Xe Or AYE HME ASN -RTHORR EE QR HO A Of Sor Ya a tN ne 8 Ut | KS He on HE HOES Ky SEN SRE A eg i a tN ha || QR se | ER N95 BO a so A Nd SE A ed CR HL ae ee ee | ER RAR SR RR a CHL Sd EG oo RN ioe ws SO aT a HASSE EN REN Sh Se ee Re Ni SIME IRE HS ee ee | (34) fe JU + — it Fi. e— oa RRS ESHA | Ro} | Rm fe hl te én WS tu Jane (Hitz) Ciao & ae | BAR BRIDE KO" or oy Rm LY a Hg RO YR I a) A I | HRAMmMA PMR A KRAT a Pe | BS | A wR A Uy AIO? | eK? 1 D> 2 > xh ts SE oc. blo ompebeeaate ecineRast Be A+ OA で 9 NER ARR 6 HO 8 1 舞い や kok) EH ROD no | aS RAIS as | ALA 410-9 HERON CO RY AHA AR EK MRS HR dernier Sy RN A BRRE \ RM A ERAT YI fe FRC = ROR SR SHR OH EO NR FR A AIK MERA A > RMI AON AIA S 4 SOHETES s BRAN EA MISE WRITE NBR ay A ES HIN SIN SOG eo Be Ve nth POR DOK KAN CR Cin SEANAD . KA fet hh as VM ARAAD tN ® に に を he (< へ |B) ‘NA Agent JPN の" 物 履 DND 2 W ut he bd ako ae CN ar dx iN EN RD DN ae mADHRAR CIR PARA RAR be Har BD WIN RN IN N QRH SD 6 KHER SES EK LK AEE IO In RAR EEN He 9 PIS BSE IN DD ee A ROSRAIOTN HIBS ES) on ¢ SHEER aE LOE mR | RR AR > NEIL mo og Ce ee a a a 緊 昧 路 SES | (32) ~ wv BA meas = AT ean + SHERMER A Ok OoO0O00000000 0 O OOoooooo HHS K KRHA DOORS SRARAR RA BEAR EOS TRS | SAR USA (AP SRN AW SN 6 ROM RE RS RO NaH HE | RNRKM RAD & A hoe RISE (Sate AO Rh Seem RST NIRS A ADS BE) I G&D KR IRE ERY tH EWA NNSSOR+P RAD SAT ERA HEE HEA RRR THN A RO Rey 4 十 装 NR HED FREER A CN RRA AN ERA ENTRAR DA OUR! Kak BBS XK ERR RRS ERIE NIKKY ! | Greasy ARN 4 SERRE ~ KEHOE RH NBR REY SRS Sra eae ie oe Rin Bx A UR SN BRI PWR | MA ra | Morn | AIGLW sR | Mawavws | lw Rss 48 w | Mysto & BPE By SUC Fy ISOS RN 1 IRD BIN AEN A oh BRT 90 HUIS ON AE COED & AAT A I RUMAH D 1 SWRI DD AE ef A a EI RE § Bm RN | BK A ト DKT YW SI'S m4 + D SUAS PSE -— oD & ANTM EE fA mm = KX REA SUR OREO m4 Heh SUE | WR § BAI AMND WER BORAT A \BRD QUARK EARN ee ee tes mies Idioblast \ Se Am MOK Yd dow BOS A RR ee Ds A RRS A MERI IN A TATRA RO 4 BBBRES BC SN IRE | tase So GS mn aE YA BB KK NVR IT SOR _ Ki 9 人 40 4 COREE s ERAE su 8 30 46-9 (Tsuga japonica) $ > , PHB + ICS ERK BRR AW 等 田中 翌 ETRE RHO A RUN TR ar Sy RIV IEON 4 hav | Aas A RR A Kar RN HRS RS SPA BIE KN EBS | 4 RhINPAMNRAB RA BR RA KRMR AER KZN bn (NM AAAUROS KR WR + WE I sd RN RIM EH AMA AR UES WN § SMGUR & aU SIR © Bh RH 90 28-0908 S QIN RN KI BSE RS IS ES HN GER | WARK AR ER (ME SHEN EE (Abies firma) + Medys BeBim EN Dd SRA ARS yn ¢ SES MNIEHY m AST BR ERI BH KIRK ERED DUK AEG aE RAE md BEI ™ > KIA m BLS RA Sa By A am BH NK ANS | BEER ARR IN TH AK RAW SB | RCE 1) Shem oe RE SK A NRA A RRA RR IBY AR Bema BeNnRs DRS BERT © 1K N SERENE AIKEN | \ QR mb NNN RSRER EC 8 AN ER HR IRN SHE CN sat. 8 + th WIR NS BO See 1 RE KK IN SEEN SS oo) SIRE sO BPR) wom A dey Rm SA Nm oe DN OR TRU ERR 2 HK 5075 my BEE OR WR BK AO RNR BUDA RR Kia | URE AR ABS ACKER SBE RA Bo oe sO KERR + ROMA BIS ke NESS AS CHR NERO § SM ARID NRHA BR ONE KR DN RK OB He SHERMER 。 如 未 (30) ii 有明 SME CER ok [ NXP Sy KR BPS OS By Ko No Mo RS Ke > © QM AQ AVN BRIM Fe Y aa ee 。 EW \ PREHE WSR ED § ROOM +B YARD BRO MOO MAHAN RMON | fet ] QI BAG aA6~c Osu + FE XK » SHERMER mS {EB "tN | Ret HA A RA dr INHER 1) fH ay QQ 46 te 26^Q QS IN W OQae AQ AVA K Rak A AZ yj Mm REN A RAR AINA K BEA Q AVN cen. Alnus glutinosa 1 \ «Bk a Rar Sl ey < Nm AMID NK | Be. ek SW RINK BER AT KADIR YN RA | BRE NS 6 TERN 'R BRT Sn A MRR A ~ Slat yy KS RKARES BER MAAN Dd % Alnus emerginata + fe XK AP ERIN A PO Tv, SEE SE I MRK KBD A 4 人 ir Swe WARE A 4 CIO DS Bh NER AMES Y ABER RAGE TEEN 1 GODS Bh | 人 FRESE IMB AK RS MAK NAB N RIN Aon ABR RAR ERAS NEG soi | EEE \ EY AED Bn REN A BAD CNR O08 BIA Bh RE 12S (Hn, EA nde na Ne ROM BN Ke (MAO Imm ASHE MAST N An + aE | BEA A NAN AA + HER NN GEA sf Wy So NR DL'ODN BAP LEO HARK DGD A (29) [eR SR++ Seo Ks SLE RE mem Ome tt = SSINGE RSS ENIZA Nie (AR) dH © # 2 SOK OAL SO ASCH Ustilago \ | BKM MPS Em A K A AH, RE REM bay ei see S sea yh FR NASH > SERED DR | SEN WR, ER NNN Re SME Bs y RAR Ha NEBREN AK RE SEY AREER CBR PRA RAN RA YO BIER (PRES na ARMIN SRA RM BHOR MK Ak § KUT BSS BEGR GOSe py a deo KERR A ANN Bam ( RIBS HEM NRA WN HS | PURGE KA RK ] BX RB SN HT A PN mA IRS yh eR OB 当時 SEN HEIR > ER 4 ROY A ANGE AE BREN KR 4 TAN SHE tO ARAN RR RX AERA 1D NIRIBEER & & BE ae) A aH RR SB RA TY RN Ne — REARS NBR Ab aN FH REN or A IHD Kin Rm ATK KAKA DMR A Ne RON EER | REY HN BR AUK SS HERE A SOR 4 Dh wea YA | X48 16-2 Qa TO WR Ro ha KEIN eS me Recwrmena na ed EN AN IRRLY NHRC 1 MoUs CO MVEA) | KA aed ES BOHRA Be Cady | SMe ae ご > a et Am | | SHR SER 2k 44444 ば Sa ee * に | ; stan —) 14 eR Ao IRS | mi [+o im & と soe One wiles aes | WERE) Bat H & S we RHSVKMESNE Rae th Ok R Ke CER RAR SSR RROHES)S HX SS - 、 Osx HI ese ata IRS (MR) Rabe 1] te ah RIERA | SE KEN OHS 6 (RY) | ep ie HEBER (RIS B+) = 4 2 s OES Fl | >? SN FSSNNS BIS aE #2 (iT DRR) ORF noe AR KET YD fp ー5 ュ トー< 29 18+ By (BH) OrX =r aR) Eu. ネー の "を BASIS SN BMI fe \ CRIES) OR2S oe cease © cy “See y ote tas met OREH 7 agen 4 LHe AKOMKO | OF (+Reim 1] +HtS TEKIN EM | Eady de ay BE QHEDR Soe eo | eae Ree 2 >>" : : | : | Bk whe @ * く へ Ih, ee . DEX (EX) OLX | 1 SN ‘OMS OH SAK HO SRE Ou 4 ESA WK Koes Ps spite st ohseo 用 | Nao We RW る と e ani i OF SR ROMSHEES | XO SMLOAIRS | HO exmexkemiitle | oe OSM OL KW を 6 | (hen 2 pee ey? Gag | oa ike | SHER SSeS x mre SRE ee ha Kacy, AR PN EON ree ela Ge oh eee ee OP oe 細 | Utadb 0 ame) ee kk Pe NN Mo wh} ESE GRR) Rae H Bk: : m ar ee oe 0 MC ee 、 KENRK NAR ROR SSR (DEVO K ANN BN eR (11 RR) mah % ON SARA RAR Na Xx Ks 28 lg) OF SRK KRiXn BR 。 3 GRR ORR HS (10188) : : | a as Ole aR ei § ie ae. 1 8 BN Sa K A 4 HR'R BE] S Ba (HOHE ) OSES ORR NAHM A BERRIES 0 e AGRO seme gE CI 1H111 eS a ORKPRG UMP MMIS 生ま | : ers HY | E of Beka kentomeeRe =-。 こ R bi Notice. “The Botanical Magazine is published monthly. THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. “Vok X.J JANUARY, 20TH 1896. [No. 107. CONTENTS. <——___—. PART I:— | Yasuda, A., Luffa acutangula out tees 」 SO Shirai, M., Notes on the Plants collected ‘In Suruga, Totomi, St ny WAT 3% 4 Makino, T., Mr. H. tes ‘Colleetidus, bf Linkin Plants. (Continued from DVO, LOD OR |. Gee hee wal ig wt cee a ee PART ae; 。W. Miyoshi, ,,Saké-no-Kasu “ als Nahrboden fir PRE Bee Makino, T., A New Atriplex from Liukiu Island . . ak sy Kawakami, T., Phanerogams of Shonai. (Continued from No. ee ae NEW LITERATURE: ーー P. Schneider, Die Bedeutung. der Bakterienfarbstoffe _ fiir die Unterscheidung der Ve ee —Farmer, Ueber Kerntheilung in Lilium-Antheren, besonders in Bezug auf die Centrosomen- — Frage. 一 Oltmanns, Ueber die Ritwickelung der Sexual- organe bei Vaucheria. 一 Hirase, Etudes sur la Fecondation et l’Embryogénie du Ginkgo biloba. MISCELLANEOUS: — Scientific Works. of late Prof. Ph、 ー Short Notes on Plants. — Miscellaneous Notes on the Plants of ,, Yojosho- oku“ XX1II.—Publications received.—etce. irs Subscription price per annum (ig postage) fur Europe 10 franes (= 8 shillings) and for Aiserica 2 dollars. All letters and communications to be addressed to Sakugeord Hirase, secretary of TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical Institute, Science College, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. y > 2 a ¢ cigs Occ See ¢ Chiseteeezeacemia (meee Tae oes | 1 = =. * Poe AS a 4 lac. See ES at Soe ee ( CN Sol Hans ek Bees IN ere i に SS no 6 上 +) ek て の a i} ae Se eS RW ee TECHS) | oe goon | Eee] eed ら こ PF ウト |” ds OR WSR | ale PESery LE. BERERE § omeas | | Sr} |} eG #8 e.My BteX HARKS RT zl ears Baba EWE ely heen ay eX oP ORNS BEEN AN SS+ SE i RRKORA = IE \,{BErESs 。 [ BN ん Bees | m+Roae Bre RORY | mPa | SR : NSE sy eaee ee pC Se RIPE BREE lh | ee En Ee de de oie と さこ ご ざる さ メ ラボ 3 | Ema VIX gun GER GRR S RR 1 6 ーー FRE MERE HP 1 | hoes fe ye と ミ ooh! Po yf BOR BSR ReeS ty wo ne fe 4B nine & be ae aK ES | Ke 吾 Kg こぐ ざ ざる 2 gos < ご く vf ーー Tels 2S SS ne aii Te. 5 iE Reon Ys ae ew toe iL Cg ny の th. し 1 Riek Rah ze oo ae a 0 nr rene oe ma Pee a arena 4. A UR ERS N SOQ m RD) A ERR RIN Alc ih § SER R \ SER ms BA ERS So a Rin HES K° 統語 oS HH Nts SHAQ a2, Bods ig aK ER Sem HR a GO 6 ER et aot RK 34 SNe mA bie A HELE Rah ERS N fin | BR SSS HES Rah KA seine! | ate BN oe XT eles! AA AS SNR tT Hs SS) プア Para ee Sache (SM a oat ah) 1 oe し Sioa OS my sek で あい ER a i a e A a Ce ew he ow sees neeaemtane Bea edn 32 i Xe Ewe た EE CR ak eH E TKHMSS EG) EOID a HH te ta lac peti oie ct Kn ria | ime 所 kh pe Wes Io HEKGRRME & SB ; & 1 p Bay vey \@amOtein \-— x NRE DARA NEO FF | Sate ae Q\BRMOR KG \ yh RANOBNER GE A OW KEN \ KMOM MIR UO Bie EAE to i 半 i ss? O BR Otol) nee Ss \ RL MOMME NA Kd A CE REORE KE IK AREER | ES er ae Gea Euro " Eom RGN i lt = aT ene = RS ga pees bed (SERS mH) NN bh EEKENEEEEYSE | my koe) | > Pee meee | た Ree ee eee) ee ee eee ee ee | 5 SI 5a Kee HE CD RE BERR EA Bn BARR ERO BS 1 oe 8 “WR 2 SB BEM BE PRE ERM RN EN MS Ee NS BO BG | a Ce Nites ROSSMAN EE Sls NE ar n RRO ARSE ( ANE ye | mH AM ES R's ES FEE TRA EIN a 4 Sie | BH aime i oR OT RSAC Re RSCRRCE 1 So RS BEEN BN ONE > MERGER | な NSA « iat SR ITER ND) ROPE OR ND KREBS REA K AR Sy Most EE : 7 NBS ES > SHEE SS A A BEER KO ia RES eS SER KC EP ee Sti! \ SE y eughmR 1 #ERn Pd SEA AINE D IEA RN at | a ee a os Pau) Wiss ~ SLR She KRM RN UR | DRO RES + KIRA TEHIEN 3 QR | i 業 ni: Ve gee 2 rE Perey eer WR: ベン ニュ Pe Ke SHOU ay phi STRESS SHS LRRD FRA 6 RAH EEA DEKE | BREE An 0 4 NA SE A gH A Bhan RON A BREE A ON SN % oe BR BY "6 Me 4 ORNS BR I Bum sts BHA YR d & & Ee seer sdk \ Gx 7 Typha Tanake- | 30 aS sue ER | SHES} me | ama 4 A YReAM Mahl d's ) = SSK IE KOE BAG | Seay” Gea OE A KREIS m BE RA 拘 螺 案 " BPR BR | Be Suen >A Typha Shuttleworthi Koch et | (28) ag | EXETER if ARES GE RE 1 He Nim Centranthera oe Sonder. | REN K AERO 1 R. Br. 3200 ENN | acter ae a] NEN CR RIK ARK BE "回 Owes PeESteee 4 Ay] ONE BS BR ANA NAN REREN MY 70 th SEGRE RK SR & oi DYaaNAm Centrantbera Brunoniana Wall. = {KN BS mas te Riis = my eh el | 80 ee st ig Un eh rd | @KRAN & HORII HS ee eer mie 1) KRHA NS A AER BIAS GRE dr | RRR = > 2 fe RPERKTEAS FH BS a . TH) 8 BEDE of OB SS a Sy ee 22K x へ UN ae a ‘a a Ne " : fil ‘ < ia 3 の SE Minit pas ny ; VERON | DARA ASS ee. eee a a ab al oe fg] SMGRE) KATES SA IRY SNS S es UKE MR IGERESS BR GK ah に AA ws RR RK RRR etm) ah op i MR s eS RAS ei Oe SS seipememsSange de eR So gt at | [8 seine = ath 8 Ga * | a if i 和 0 い 208 a 4 Nw Lt Sm SDM, & su The Gardenes’ Chronicle, Vol. XVIII, No. 457-464. 1895. a | cu の \, The Journal of Botany, Vol. XXXIII, No. 394, 395. 1895. | (ee x & へ 2 ) ) rie ト si KR fio 0 HEN! a Rivista di Patologia Vegetale, Vol. IV. 1895. iJ ab VBRRANTERA +BRUS DAHA 20 ti 4 42 Anales del Museo Nacional de Montanides, III. 1895. lO Noe wel a a | >) BRN SOR A RSE HK Rt ee OK | ara | seeks Sa Mn LENS metre | nd SREEWNHER Variety \ pn ey AAO «<< 84 Franchet RE x A ERA Cuicus japonica var, in- I) volucrata Py. et So の . へ aR く Bigx VE WhARY ne Xe @Le avs S 1) Ba WA A | Oe ERE NL~e ovo Ss SE J Ha Coes EBB KD NSO D A SY BK ED) =o a WRN TS OS 5 AE NAR RRR Ra Vx su-s TERK AN RIN AH RIS ERA ERIE RIND ADR W ROMEGR~ BIN ABORT NA 1 IKEA Woon “N36 WEG 'S OQ A SLT SUROE 4 > BRE S Hee \ Lr ayo ss Sm BR AKIN CBE NA oy el aS AN | RON Bin Bea ! 神 人 SS ゝ SS 人 へ | BE : Wav-ets S (Rhynchosia volubihs Zour, acuminata | Mamim.) K SRE 4 NY mAVOES Hy SER gd = いる EC こい を 28) @ Afr QO aere Nn Arde Ooo UO (BRUTE AER IN) | Sa WA THN NSS CR +S ES PORE | N\GERH ATER Om EERE | PRrid 4. AE A HY EHS 1 WATE A SS fem HIN SSI BRT VAC regad Gyn (Vicia sativa Linn, ) Sh i SVS O VA reerd Ww (Vicia angustifolia Roth. ) ヽ 1 GRRE) RA TAK Rime On ef NJ SEY HOE |W RREROOM By ARO IERION | \ NG NSE RE RES RK AEN m Bt Ho ge | NEeW\ BD : | QA Kee WO (MER 1 Ba) Vicia sepium Linn. var. ’. montana Ledeb. = Vicia montana v. Frohlich, = Vicia sepium var. B. angustifolia Koch. QE in SURES | RK ABO KERR | MESES BK ANRAKR IW (BSS | RoNngk Ami BLS HD MHRA | 製 選 揚物 ¢ baie RTS Hm eb (NSE my HAD ia WA —— ーー 5 BR OH -F 物品 2S Esme Rie iT11) na(agi ETT) ET he -K OR @ mH DO Wie KO ~ BO WHEY AMER OMK 1 Rit NA HAN Seda RAE SY NAS HOM CRIN eR dS 1 SN ae SOHN fear A= PIW Aja hl. Xs mu PRE Dh TRE Nae HSER た し つつ YS ee eee (1)Pinguicula vulgaris Linn, WS SB mtd & RS POR Kee. PRE eee Lab pap i pepe ps Gabe URS KER > nei gn neh Sieh Rem の アー クー クー デー テー と と と NR (RRA ‘ b 6 ァ ーー テー クーク と と と と (2)Pingnicula macroceras Wald. 18) ¢ st) 82 BARS mr 4 PE Pa PA Pe PP と の の / と > POR L dy WK Dd RAS IE IK ee ISH a クー と ーッ わ Ge a RS omni e aie \ Bi Bh AR (ie 5 BRO 1 NS alee ね と と oe へ ‘Stk ae | Im ea ( Ledebourg¥ ) SF DO SU Ste h. Sm BEINN Sm tN ESB "6 sale sa tiie eects NEX Am RA HerderRRe 1 CRS wWwNA’R SIP 時 We F Veiner iid en eh a AR 9 A BRO god BE TN mt 2» ES a | mMyfhe . Radda Bod つめ で Pinguicula vulgaris Linn. var. «. Herd. Macroceras. =Pinguicula macraceras Willd, =Piuguicula wralaccensis Fisch. @ W066 504s RSS 5 BEN BERS 0 LPS TUS (BS OG SY BRA BW SKE DN AE Na Sze Be ~ BRIS BRSS \ SHY BO NITES = Ka WS ELAR REDD NSEEESES BEN RA Ra Het m oH NAB CR UNA NH :0teS yh ~ BY oh Ae m BR 1 HHA AE ROA RKC ER S PRES RINK NEE QS GREK or BE RIE g BIKE 1 Ew sn y BN | MIR cB | oR SEINE WE Am OA ISHS He グロ FSR aA SR / th YP SERA Nal 1 x SARE 1) BR x | Sb NN h ER Me HX ROS A \ oh 1 x Se 1 RK . SNH th SMR a RLS” mB a? 1 AN の へ ey IDE Rae ey x SPR 11 te x Qs KAN b & SNE I x SRE 1 eX 8 で NPS & ER Na el BE TRET 1 H SN RD NER Non HN Seed EE 1 BK Mo 9 4 BS ey eM TE 11 ALK SRE 11 ae X oe ee SR NN KE ND ERA San aS BLOBS? 1 BE の o ote" Sh Ne TP RRADE SE 1 HN ERE 11 pg x a eR N\ AERA Nae YK SRR 11 HBR Sy bN A Se A SBR 01 OX Gr \ Seale A x SRT 1 BR K af へ h + EIS 1 x SRT 1 RX Fe RAD Nal 01 4 x Se BRE 11 ER VLE PIPL LE OS DT PO =H, Bi の SD) fh PA SPHERE 1A x LORE 1H 】 くち へ en BAM AK Sha 1 BRECK SXEDAENRAA RE =H Nak 1 x Se 1 BRK に (で て 5 SEH vai ils Belge BRK Bs AN ar N We LS RED PAE 11 BBX te Wa EH No de x BERET 11 BR ga K KA A ne DD EINES HY ee BERT 1 RK ar aa K KS bh BEA Nan a x ORE 1 RK SND く へ th hom SE RGR 1 YX REBAR BeRA § W dy TEAS AS BE 1 HAN REGRET 11 HR DR Ne URS IK - oO) pW & SPERI-O BE Ae x RESEND 01 RK SNAP \ REAVER er ya) see OY 9) GH x Soy 1 or ew ERA a vd INET a QBs NT oe th SRSUIANERE 11 HEN RETIREE 11 BR 1 へ や ty SpE SEM 11 HY x RST 1 HR Zak ix sia)" 1 HE re > AN ar % へ の a 恨 ミ a CHORD (24) 治 明 — _—- 1 NEN AMER HED ーー ニー ニー | EN Bm EEK MOR RR EEL ME EE 2 rag [wes 0 eT dw SNM A Ber CBR (A SRN a IR ar RA. MMR A iP SER HTD RON'K RA RRA nas へ fe HEERS CHK AERA 4 ERS Ree, ant ee seis SG Rw QSMR SEEK A ROE BNR NRE M ORS KP INEEY RARE CRERSES UK A A FROWN REA Yar KIN ON AR 4 RRR QS BR \ SEE “RSL mh へ 人 A'R BE NR GH iJ a > nHAC ee 4 HAE > QSTER \ SERA SSK A RN BH N Hem AR BER EEN A SE RON KOA OnE. 1) SEK A R\APBAPNSKNASR ARC NA- RAMSAR tema 6) Nad aN A ERT TRVER EE SER ! 拓 h A BABEA'R NAR Nm BEAR N Rr mee x (AKER) ーーーーーーーー・ OnE ies A kw 11] Ao SUH 1) Gah WE CORT ” 2 . oo Sa Hi RAs | UN Eas 2 hae If AN 2 \\j RE de Wk Fe QUES =—Pandi\ ARS UK BOAT BRN GU AR NN BA my BEY LONG 1) HX REPRE 11 EK me ie eee he toa ee ee BANE VN ALE mae RA S S283 118 SLEDERED HB SY Ha neawa 2S) ~" 1) WY K SRST 1) IS x iD we BN AS IK \ AR SH ND ae er te gp A Noe dN RAR 11 RX LR ae A eS HX SRE 1 HX 5 4 DD fh RR SIM 11 AN Se BRET 1 BR N& BN \ ABSA NaI m SEES 1) EBX 9) CY yD me NBS Nal x Belt 7 1) fia x の NAS HES IE EX GT as iy oD om) SRA Nal 01 x Shee 1 BR ンー へ SRT RIND A ざ (A IN へ a BES A a8 aN SES SEEN] FN Se 1B 中 i K RRR 4 Ss SERURRRE 1 HRN SLRS ホネ Ng 和合 AA DS RATT HL RRO 11 BR cam Fy = a _(23) [RETR on RRO T Rey Sh BIR | PSPS = —— mw | の 7 AA RAR RB HA Se RRR AE | Behe BREEN ER AWE AA Re | RAW NN 1TH RR A TN NO AER BHR OR Ror 4」 TN SS A RB CKO KR NR Rh Wnn oe SARA VR mh RR | SERRE + KR HE She RAN IR INR A tr ow へ | MONET wo NS BEmAN ARIERZE + 1] Ko SN EER A SRHIRSE ~ \ eo ER BS” RS “RE K Tas Oe S| Kt RAT ye 2% dN R NEES BE 9 BT) AX ROSIE NBL RE ER 4 東和 a ee tee tee ne ae | FE RY AEN ES OK EAGER NOR A "6 tne SH Bh 9) EEL oy a HER Bh = RRR 4 SS RRR 9) BP BTC BR 4 HAN BER Edd of SR BN EK 0 Nn ; nidien EXYESSEST y Aw Makrogonidien re | HSA rn ED EAH 4 ss BY | me. Sl eS iN RETR te ut 4 | CR UR A GO Om Le py LS こも wr SOK om BAK RM a na N RRR BAIER” BRR inlA et HE Yi Ges YS ot ROR ¢ BRS AHI A A RIERBE m SH BE BP 4, Ry BR 4 RR mar Rt BK y SES HRA Dy BAM NA SE HK RD SQ) SES Bae 4 RESON KO FRESH n 5 BRE HS Be BSdo + EO 感 り KN < RISE «Ky ON EERE L1AG m= WER A SS 4 SUSAR ORR NES | {EN Ny RM & AEN See BRR RAE SEM He RAD WSS Wer (Re Beem Ho Vw FARR 6 NHS RHE A BRR YOO 44 BR DD & RAEMEEN DS THY RMI IE AHOTE NRO SL (PRES TK wen? |X NEPA NBR ROER SE 2 strstr em Hy eo BURR OK we eT TBE m HX a2 \ w SCM 8 Le BH el So A KT R&A A Ho ton < RUERSE 4 AD ne? 17 Po Ko NEN Cd KS BE NW SKI ^/ < BEM ied PRRs | = re ( 握り AA —— Here tA ab — ieee aint Hae HEE my SK MH >) WKS HIB E A oN RSs BOND in RE ERA Be EERIE ok KA RE Mola NERA RRR eA HH (mR ma aR D+ GER & ete MORE eh A oer OBB e nN Kt (Decaisuc) ~ SBR i Nin PRR? A SSO YP AR (NAN) REN Antheéro- SEP) A WN, BESS RR HMS RK > oh BI 4 M1 RSH IN EN oh BH SSR Mm BE ER NSS SEIR IEE ate mr NEES TE SAR K A a Ia RK A AHH A = 4 —t (Soller. )” Skin 4 HRA \ Hy 2K A Die. em A RE RAAT RK ARASH HE ENO CA TON N & 1 ae ORAS zoides (3 SH ye) トミ ター 4 Gee HAM AMI SIR AS = 回 困 十 1 SFR i Has a ees SRP Oig+A bs By ae SRS S\ wv PWM Rpm VAN AT IB RB AoE eS amt 4 FADED) Sets {nis i deny BERR BKmar @Nit ~ sz INK 4 ERE AER pA ME IK A WA (BR EEK Ye B IMSS TRON & A Pm SBR YY Hor AOE GS 4 BRS PRES 0) RR HEE \ Bib A SER NSO Nm RRR SD OHS HE | | RN Rr PEP SS CRS ¢ hf AE A ENO sa ea mese Ran SOE 4 HPSS HEB N RES AREA Bo RK Mt RS Bhin KRISTA I ER+H ER WS SSREK Vaucheria terrestris NMRA | if Ste Bike BEER 4 ER ERS LUA wR ES I ONE SPR EEL EEK XK AN Bin BO REE 4 BIEN BIEBER | FEN RSNK ATS Bl 4 | BSBBKA BER A BREE APAR ATS Bh BESS BRA RAN mK A , 4c mo SBR Hey ies ea dn THR & Ar” Mikrogo— 「N 一 SKI if の & DE へ と \ Ok y Seay A} 13} aN I, in ie Aum] CERBERUS SR ELT ES TE HE ND NN OPED NA a * E いつ ™ — = va 明 ーー nz ーー (お | HP AN HO yy BA % GS の いい 回 抽 説く 画 加 Po SSN LE A RR FIER RN HD aN RB IRN GEN A JMo Rm IAMS i} ow BRK AK Saprolegnia ferax ヽ sextir-Be mr 144 ) ADEE Ai m om AHL YH Bi dN) my EX thy EK & K K Al 困 Se it A 年 7 ye 2 Bsa HS ヽ SE EMSS PR DISSES RMI ED ah el ine AROSE EERE = HESS HE) HE > SEES ¢ HER RS Be ARTEL SHSHN'R SE I KD SEER er 2 & = Je HPs BREE 91 - Sein 4 Herein] JRA) 'R—'R Vaucheria へ Shaysh Ss HEE m ARNE SS my BAK A Sh > + SE RACER 4 RNIN STE & AE ter< im ST A ya dh SE ~ BR MRR Kf tN SK AK HS —(Thuret)sp th AY — (Der- | bés) \ EEK RK IES IOS + | SHERRIE I SSE AS | Woh 1 DNS K AN RRA NID EERE MES eR SRN ym ORN IND DER (Alexander— Brau) 4 S3Qse 1 eSA 1 BIR A Yo om RoR HR "p ERAE Makrogonidien 3 ) Mikrogonidien m4, = BA ee) m ME A ay Se SES A RR A SL AHINK NAD DK Aw ( BSN AGRE A 8 ERE RA I th PN = Be SRCEe RA % RAD a RRM | ins Baw ery ASR A RN RRMA RR mths ARN mA RR Mae RN AIRE’ Un eas | | Bee MSN Lima Ra R BA RESRAAN BREMNER SEISXMK ARRAS” MRR BUNT | AUN Ne IIA PAIS RRR ABE RK ORS | \ See Xd KAM eA ON ARK BS AON, PR - U- (ET RRRe R eA (a BP) OQ 宮 OSSNREXNAK 4 v5 HR REA ~ HPS 2igi@ | B | EE RSNBSE ) RNR ASS KARL $ ーー” NADRK 4 ~ 4th (Nathanael Pringsheim) ヽ & | SE < TNTSRRERN SRR RE HRI ts y GP aD RIN = DAK Aw I REE A ab Ss ae yo SRY RR ES BRR Nr BD | NHKAPA KE Bop, SHEDR~ Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot. Bd. XXVIII, Heft 3 BYN AR RRAZ* N—D | t (Ferdinand Cohn) ‘R Nachruf aA #\+K NA ADK Aw SR ROSS EM EE ee SSBC ED (CORSE APN PANE ARROW IEN R m 5 Sa SARK ARB ESS RS ~\ MISSA ANS | (18) ご 4 明 Gee 胃 二 年 刀 十 Mh eS | BRE iN S 0S BREESE 0 ESRI BERR RK ASHORE yf RSE BRA RK AR A KE | | RRARSHARIN XK RESSR ( AKIN ATR INE NN AA ONES SEER | Hh RK RBSRAKA LAME | (HIBS SPO ERSESE 1) EMITS BR) g AEM AER RUEK ARB RY BORES ER UK REARS En MARE Reo | SS) 4 \ SRR mS BRI PAO SEN OND ( SEB S(Cellule dn canal) ~ 94% m Bo aden KANN NAR & Juniperus Ws SEEN ERD HER SES MK AMR Nm RAK SY O\ Re Seen mK ya ee | NSE Se SSS Sh Dr“ oy SEA SSN KA NY) m BE XK INK NA ROA Se 1 UE SE Cg ERT Hah RK HON 6 RHE VR | MD AREA WOE CRN KIRK > RET SRR OR aK aD & AIA ED( RI Se RK AWN RARER KEN RD ARO R SPOS RNR | K A > EXTEN GES & A ERS 4 ORR RRR ERR A + a” SUES m Dh BRO EES ER NK A Se Sepele WES AUR RA HIND SERED & OHS 1 me Se Dr OK AT {NN BRR ESSE N DEA NF SN En BORA BSP yy RA BBS NRA, Re mA INA RR EE] WR RA (BOD KK WA SKE REPO KDA SOR KAY RA SOO R KOKA y) OO ims % BA BERS 4 QUE HE RRB 1 BRR RS AS 6 RRM GK ETA RRA ERR BO AR INRA YARN KS RE SS AMR Ge MR A RRS (RRS MO ERR AEM RA YOO FTHD (RSA OR RR DENK A ERS Sm RO eh | Sb RE Ss ERS IR MAREK Ue PN RAT IR Y NIB RRS ti A % SPOS 6 RR ARR] ARR RRP RR EN ARR AR RK ANH a ASRS | ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー… ee yO eo 第 誠 IO ネー 和 flH ロ 一 ス | 4. HERR | BN ANE + REO a RN NK A + ARN Rete ty | BN SK +E ie PEGS | BAY KO) Hye NSE S BERATS KIRMIK AER BN 2 I RD IRS RHR 4 SN tm 』 No as fb > BSR 1 Sh 4, BIS SRM RAEN Pb eR EE BRINK WER | 4 RYARERER 1) DW REE IN REY Oy KAO) SSSINGA CRM RATE RAD (MMAR 4 RINK I | WRN IRB NER BD ARNIS NN EN yt ARR D IRE BS ESD She 1 RI MB TSN BRR) eh ah ot Mati ¢ oa mR ool RT SSK A SRR Ny oy I ROAR ¢ QUAN BE HAN WA TN WSEERR ih HE + SBR ym PRR REP N GSR) EE RE AE BR ER REN REE IO NRA RAR Re + SRN ty REESE YH ADE CE RRNA AK A BQ CEN Si) | HB HRA EE \ BEE i ipl+ HERE 1 (S|) BANA vw REO RARE BS. RHARN +A ERM HO | WN RQ 1) BRAN Ee SPAS ~ GBA A IB RAOAD 4 REESE ~ SAHIN BNA Lae mn ih Ey GRRE OER RE SSS Cot WO & = oO RCH ERG 'R EXSE ~S BREKER + GENK A RE NSE m ASI A 4 RN Bs BAR IANS INNA | \ EINER SN I we APN A i ROADS Bah RDA RN REIN Ko AS HB Ry BANDA LE REE NIN A 5 TRY KA RE EN GE? mo RNIN SR A a ERA RO of ANI de A HORNA rhe S. Hirase, Etudes sur la Fécondation et ’Embryogénie du Ginkgo biloba (Journ. of College of peience,; Vol. VELL: Pi, bl, 1895.) NS Corto re RAY NRE OH PRR HERE ~ ROH 1 See th ee SY aes CL MBLs wR LMM NAW PO LMU ONT AMY IL Sia) Us Bis ar Cot Mey ORIG MONT Uda BUPA Saal im, BUN So REN (MHC ET ARK RORR WD < ip. BS mn eS 4 a NH 4 HEA & Ae EKA 。 (16) >) ROM {SIAN FD REARS Mikrocentrum GE HY tly RUT ER Ne aR HONG ¢ ARRINT PN BNR 4 RO No | SERRA Dy SRE RK A a Me Ray A RoR TP Ne OD — 5) ( BMSEM fos AR HREM Ke RSS | BREN ee AX AN RK & ON GREE RD & NEW MSTA AO RA OD DN 4 N46 RR BRD h SE DS SMIM A BEI AIK IN mB Ro 6 RM, ried | Seer Wy nee ee HU Se BD REE ot ae +] < BRASS SRS S Rela NR 4 IN SRR YD ERR 1 Th | NERA RAD —'R aK RO YATE CO NINK 24 ] EN KADY Ne NR 4 KR fy) SE BOR RINT IN GS AC RIN NERO RUN INS Sih Be if REESE One | tH NK A W へ で WAN Ry DRA RRRERN RRA | NARA AR NR BCR eH OS (RE AERA ROP SN 4 BAN eR 1 AYA bib Bee: PS 4 Sod | ey P\ KORE Rte xh A Bein) KNX + EB BO 4 RR TNR) (= &) + See : “ eee S Friedrich Oltmannas, Ueber die Entwickelung der Sexualorgane bei Vaucheria (Flora, Bd. 80, Heft 2.) A NERTE DS AHN 4 TH+ ONES + aS ~ 5 dee HKAT 5 SN SIN BRIER AED Bn SRNR a tn 4. Bich SO PE REO PP Ny “ERESSOOR A | RA 4 aE ] BA Bem a BAe KS AR / PUPIL PP OP 4 SmakN AHA = BN EREER A * \ 4 SPRSES N Cone AN A ERI NRA A INE RES AHA REN KA ROS RYN | KIRIN Ree (EDMAN KR QIN RH RATHI A&E | N SURR BRS KK A RS ROMS Be RW ERA Baa | AWN Re” PMH R SB Ra By’ CR A R oP) RX AIRS my ok yy Bo ph ee (0 | Mi] &R) J. Bretland Farmer, Ueber Kerntheilung in Lilium-Antheren besonders in Bezug auf die Centrosomen- Frage. Flora, Bd. 80, Heft 1. m4 Lilium’ Martagon PRE BEW~ RRO Eo RERISQH ARR REN OY Ne D4 BI 4B°K HR A RURSKR RRS MER SEE \ RRR | MUR EINK NR RO’ POP ORS RARE LR AEA S wo 4 HEHE S A REE Beer BRAK Be CK Ne BDRM 4 BIN ARAN 7 INE 1 > BONERS BEY) SE RSS ae 1 BUD DQ Ey BSE HE Um Hdd CKO KAS MBB AMAL vn#ea wy Ne pee AIL A PARA Kote NM OY Ne BN 4 RE BE AE = XK Ha 4 aX Pellia ~ h#Sees Bu wR Ancura \ BP SSyewnw CK win ry sess OY N= pa i 柄 ey me 革 自 Bike & DRA HS (Lilium oy) ROK 4 EBC ROR Y A RI ° SRB BR ih By RRA A m NRA ERR YD A” Di BN BOS + ERE K ARE AT RY CISERE © 0H REPT SEER LSS OO TTP a ce TP ET La pAhwhae ,awhe Arn et BH UE (EX) CK AKAK IN Se? BAA WE] A SBMITR APN IRA 4 ee ee ee * le SKB A A A EER A Sm FRR NK AIA KA i YWP | トミ / 還 * 6 SHR SES Bam 2 BT BIRT 1] SRN eK A ‘eB’ BA Ba VARA Oe AN | AWE NAT MRE 7 oD RRS BABEAT | こら SISO BHT tom NK ~ aM S BH er 因 i) EE iN RS く Yn | it ーーー _ HONE 4 E NN yf SAS SRS BD Ay SRS RR Nm INT | SER yA Koy 4 dN BER = 7% Bacillus prodigiosus. 人 N Fs トト < AIK > Kieler Bacillus Micrococcus erythromixa Rote kokken Evm., Microeoceus carneus. mi hy Bacterium rubrum. 2 Micrococcus tetragenus vubre. Micrococcus 6765. Sarcina rosea. Bacillus aureus. Microcoecus aurantiacus. Bacillus fuscus. Bacillus ochraceus. Bacillus aquatilis Bacillus arborescens. * SiN Rita SH Oy ERT \ SECS ER a * KARAM | Ro RN te Tee ee AINE KI > thy KN PN RAT IN RA” BBN TS Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. を fe w~ a) HE th OHH K SN Oo NO 2A AQ yD Bacillus mycoides roseus, Microceccus rhodochrous. Micrococcus aus kot. Micrococcus cinnabarinus. Bacillus aurescens. Saricina aurantiaca. Bacillus chrysogecia. Goldgelb chagrinierter Bacillus. QIK ARK NHR mS TR INAS) RAY] NH AIR NIRA Yr A AIK EPS HAS M [BLES KA” SSS aes | pam RAIN AK YR キー KUNE A] 4 BE iN ott UB AK MO KS W et aS | Ny pu i RR 4 Matai yy BOE in AS fo etd S EIERAR A SN Cordyline terminalis Kunth. var. ferrea Baker (=Dra- cena ferred Linn. ; Draceena terminalis Jacq. ; Cordyline Jacquinit Kunth.) +i{N RRs PRENA MR RIA EGE) SARS Sine 5 28 AE Ra oh Res Dene es AON HEE MIKN AR Ole RAN BK | (45) Vittaria elongata Sw. (Huvittaria) (=Vittaria rigida Kaulf.; Vittaria rigida var. 8. elongata Hook. ; Vittarva ensiformis Sw.; Viltaria rigida var. 7. ensiformis Hook.; Vittaria intermedia Bl.; Vittaria rigida var. 0. intermedia Hook.; Vittaria pusilla Bl.; Vittaria plantaginea Bory ; Vittaria se NET Bory ; Vit- tavia amboinensis Fée; Vittaria flecuosa 6e: Vittaria owariensis Fée; Vittaria loricea; Fée; Vittaria 1 anodontolepis Fée; Vittaria samoensis Luerss.; Vittaria isoetifolia Willd.; Vittaria bisulcata Kunze; Vit- taria planipes Kunze; Vittaria angustifolia Bl.; Haplopteris scolopendrina De Vriese.) 3 Boe) ance (DIRE) RMR) eo YR BERR NET > EMT 4 BD PERE ms ECE Ka Sa | BQ MATTEL SER WN RRR aR 4 BM ERE 4 uh BERR HE + RA EE a TREK Ef \ ESAS HH BRERA INK PER 4 RN EES BEN NE 9 A ER Ee YK SS 4 RS HES Lt NHN ERBK OX (RGR Y

  • NA m SIKH A Atriplex arenaria Nutt. (=Obione arenaria Moq.) + fEIBIAA +> AWN A か fel} QCD Y AL we A OR ATR Mm Ain 6 ER A Az: Aine. aN ee ae a ー。 5 な oi BUCA ARISEN ER A MRAM eV ROERREE NERY RIED NAHE NERA EES Atriplex 6 en ee ee ae Fics acer seek es Sail Fan tr Se eae の に の っ みみ か RE に arenaria Nutt. WE 4 RRS ES BS RRM SERRE 2 > | SIRE GR Eg KS fa it a aed gl te Sa Oe (ee es (ae Se ae ST) HES MME As dracon terminalis Planch.; Ferminalis alba Rumph.; Cordyline cannefolia F. v. Muell.; Cordyline java- | nica INlotzsch) Aletris chinensis Lam.) Pees (Typica Bh ane PARR RE) (SOFC) MEE] BR 4 SEER 0 ERR UR SRR RES BoA | TK NR SHIS 1 SUSE SIS SESS HO HEISE HA RI AK LEN ERY | A Seba 4 EESE N= ERI 4 SARIN OT TINT SN RES 4 NB Em BESS ERR \ EER = BONN & yh BEDE 4 SINHA KOKA HR or KN On ARMS (Roca i oe oe | BRAC SS Sx | EN SREI+ 1 38) OFRREEER” IRR BRR St RSE HR RN aK KS See | SR RRS YON A REAR A ER 4 ARISE R eS cet lage seen a ORRSE) | = Bo Pes fi RIB 6 MERRIER HHA Si Ray mA | PNY LN | BR AIK EMEA SS ERP REN PND I NRE Gah A + RR ROR Am Bho +h BRAD Drosera Burmanni Vahl. Ja Wh 4 OKO (SEER < Se IR RS Be Et SD) ERK NSEC 9 -e\(Geaster hygrometricus Pero) | SHRALLAS SEARS KAI TSHR SW E-RRERA RR > RIBAS S Chis hm SRM TW REBE REN = BERRY A RES Ras SSCS | Phe Oo ROS a ERA Re RE SPR OSRNE RANE RARE OR AS KTM +e ARK AMOR I = RQ Re BIR 1H RRA 3 3 (4R4R) siiceicicase uipiaeaim: (SHITE) Ri K & Mr. Hisashi Kuroiwa’s Colletctions of Liukiu Plants. ( Continued from No. 104. ) By Tomitard Makino. | (43) Atriplex Maximowicziana Makino Sp. nov. (= Atriplex arenaria Maxim. non Nutt.) ORME vo OE NOME UO VOM HOS SH CH SUKI) GS RAL) |] BK (>. ) HEB oN SE HS RR mt BS BK Mo led ap Raul pre giee BRS Na | Ko A BR SS ht MO pom SS eK ¢ ERS oN RHE BRIBES SE EN RES SM TAR RS” se (3) ia 明 ーー ー ーー タテ 邪 店 日 十 二 月 一 年 九 十 A Pan Ie KD 。 SHERMAN 吉林 PEK SORE HO VHT 4 ACSI ON BRS 1 By BIEN 4 eS cS | BN REE KO Ey | ROA REPS AT 4 AHA GRY BR 4 SR 4 = SABES Ce ¢ + See hea RC AREGEX BREACH os Ein SAR Yn Dy A AU RSE ER A BH QT RA OU RETR RS SR YA REHR ES ® ORES ERY AAD REA RS BRR aN A RSME MRR RD EN | ADR A oe QAR REBATE ad yn eK Ne | TK A TN AK SPG2 KEN ! MOR | in A a PARTIE one | QR ne eK AACR EN A AHO A EIN A HK DIR m BRS BR BR MEN ED NENA IED GEA 2 fel BIBS Hine (RRR BRET HN. | Seca KkoB Ey AN OR > oy いい そ Hoes y Dee A oR A RE ey HE NY A HE INH RN — A RBH BA AN A yf OB ~\ | (Betula alba a subsp. papyrifera, var. cordi folia Regel) + SEX & MONEY A NINN AB Rie PORE Rae PPR ee ABA AI Pare BN RK ANE Be RA OTERAR | GK HOS (BE EM BES 1 RASS RE (RRS = RA Rath Re Nd gd hem RHE MROTANEY SR SOS EIA = SERRE Ra OEE AOE SOE AK | BK atte Q vba, (Me RN BRR BRD = BNR RC AER MDH | OR) Nm EER DE YD Si (RABE LEPAR See einer eine eee 2) sath (mre (mM Rad 0 \ Bu HABER RES SKUSE Pde He) Nm A Sin aimee Sw \ - ee om Oe A ek | PRRAER RAK KEY A ORS I A SHER KERN OR \ RESIN RHEN SKN oN] PRN AH K AAR ARDC RE IK AO Hi} | Sea | QR HEE Y ARR AO) Bl Ht RES Bn RAN ae RRERRRs Rie yy SE OR AL [edi > NETRA SSE 4 REN RR mR 4 AQ TTT MR TE ER ES ee ee EEE SHERkMEaNE TR | FEED tHe ALKA § RIB HD BLS ROM SAN+ KEY ERAT INENNS | BA 4 ARN ARR > A088 HN 4 BRR SS hOB SRE RY RA RR SHERKMERNE Me (6) 1 28 KSsHe UR. SAVER (Hexenbesen) 4 KISS ME | AMA S WAKITIR LEWES phil wD AHEM EA PES NAD AKAA CKRRBAARAA (RYU EMRE CIEE IK bg A DANS V A HEL SEs WEEE S HOE Sh} dm EE SS SN) HENS Bs 家 BADE HEAL RI | \ REDE aE RMR {ARIE SRNR 1 TR KD SE HL IDE KB 1 HN SSK yy Met x A (Accidium elatinum Alb. et Schw.) WfEDa & A % fe | BAan ALKA RE SHOE \ 2 ee AME REO REG AEA HE Eee KRKREE é Dla § Bs ON ERS Ed KIRN 1 WR IRN KERN AK he AR PERN IRE I SKRAPED i RNY PASI RE TERN BRN KKB XEN BIDAR A+ mie o> 'e Mor iy oo BSS BIR RR em EO HL A SH LS BR CK Rw BEN IER mn ASO NOR P A KERN RI A A Re Woay (Viscum album) ma] や = Beek ETS i Rls Ths Bie N RI FB ARO AUN IR RK IRSRRERA A NA NoMa RP ows a AR A = 4B 7 XW.” RES 9 KKK END 4 RK A Am SN BK REN AR ERS Reem PAO AN ARRAY Me Sen tA fe SOO 4 Sore 0 oS ot Se Re tn BRK SR HEE om te a ーーーーーーーーーーー 一 一 > イィ x ERS) ms ris BEN He ee We \ HEM MN RU ORES PO PRORSKA AN NSE KS Be PROBE " 開 > EHP Ke IS AIR BR eI | DR | DRX REA ORBKA ES |. wee ie RIRE Hee mA AR ER BRK A Re RM | RBA Bor 6 Nm HHS Sy dae am Sin | WRRIDN A OQ AY a SSOB A + BK 人 | Sh AG KORA REGO ANSE MAERSK INA = THe. KSseR Fie Ss aie 揚物 1 ヽ ERNE 11 ぶ を か て KRRKRIER Hn aE OMe einw s IK 2.0% so Gro 1) Gin RR BV OW) IRs. KS O BYE But nese BK 1 HK で ン G 旨 1 tet) Gc: inde weve li PUES 5 ONE eee ts くる 2 OR DE (OLE 1H) £2 5 sha Sis | HE it eRER\ KR ADRK OO Wh NOCHE HER 1 HE) HRA DH 950 | Bea SEM OM LOY (HERMES KROSS MERCER Rin S さ で 人 RAL PERPSIRMBER RI ER May (ODS 1) AS と to の 29 SO 52E XDI Mees IS PTUCHE A 9 Bee っ BERNABEK 。 MS PINS Oh MEHR. Kit F 7) Stas SHEEN 地球 (4) = 4 BB Se PAS see | Dh in ARRISK mY RA BIS 'R ¢ AOE BORED Ras ELD & AR m a \ | WmrBEn + im Rew HO mA WR ML A COMODO M RANDLE ER AR Rae PRA RA thi. KR AR Es BARN Bm Rs AA ROR CNS A RR 8 Sem AHERN | me g wah RA ¢ Set A eT [ee m ESS BE BS HORM SO SI A KARAT | Soba Se SBS 4 1 | BQH oon SRR BERS RS Re AK Na bm KN RH Em BB nl CARN YD 4 PQs Sr a Tw wy CORK ARERR AA SRK A 1 $2 wy Selenide § Ke ER A KEE MIR KAT KA No of 5 BRE RR Rw HR YK AOE A HR tk Be. Bo na yearn AA tm y'Ko CSIR) © SIG BSABANTE es RRR EVR+EA oma Rm | ONTO RW NR Sa AY me A+ Coe Sars | OWS RS AMO E SSR. Bo HA PROBE RES 1 Em Bl+aesi | Ho Wactm | mea KS PAR DRS BRS AOR SEM MNS Hor BSamad | 志貴 9 HS oe Reo ] IES A on BHA S OLEH m Seth | [ODE ms BO Eo ee rl = been REISE Bh LC om ERS BEA BS RY A ED SB ERE ea Saar no STARS BM ALOE y So AR” RM Benoni” Ee ———————| DH AK ba SKU 4 ERR KH Lo Ko BE AIR ow NRA RD 7 RHR BRED DO Add SBSS S BRAD 'R SIS 8 tm BY A Rae ER NIT ARR A a 4 BH) RN KS RE AN N29 SE BES = ERD IN ABEBD S GES HRN RESINS SES 6 SERRE S RH EASES BRM: At «KSEE ORD KE KAO ee RRB MEN ER | WA A sf Ho SET HN R BR GH y Bhar 4 ESR = AU RRS SESE 6 a SRD in TE DHS AD a HR = dy IX BRS AAR HN RES BREN BERR (aE SRS AMR ROHN RR eS BER 9 EE GEN + ELS RR eM & A Bae Bm ok AA RRA RAH KAR MS BAR ERE) ¢ Sher Oa Hoa He 4 HRI LD NDR Rw I eK RE CITA WK 1 4 1 RAE BonBrd rh one eM rad 1.4 BW > onmy swim of CRA RRS A BARS Ue | MN WEAN SSB RBA KAA HR a Eo S SEIS OOO REE CNL ORR | fest 4 EE Sm EET rt KK AN APB NRA ee NN RI [nf hee SEEN | [ELA NAIK An = KA RRR do A Nae PR RR Ho ah RR | | SPA CK RA Na by Reames WA KA + Reed Beh 6 IRN RES ER, AHA TR Sr キャ | Bs Rey (RRNA PR ARN Ba RBar nad N& PIN 4M in (RR K DN wR NS AM B SS RA a WONT Ka Aa PN SR PO CRIBB Ba BQO HRA S oh ON RI PON A SRNR § EEA OW RN SEND SI KAM SHAN RE ROLE I KAW, K i} > oh BRC RRB 1} ELK Veins 4 ERMA A RES | AKT INK IN A J PSB EK RE A INR EEA x Bw tt =a mw a ee De (3) 1 Wd € Ooh oh HA (2) ーー ーーーー 治 3 RH +O A + : : りゃ の て 6 宮下 prm — —_ PE 5 ーーーーーー WA A SSM OR A BRR SEN SOR HE 4 RRS OD NESS + FEC ON mm 4 he RRS Hala Y i KA RRB AEA A KRIS BR BS CREE BR OH IN RRA A mee Nhe 6 BRARGEAn BK WE YER SN BRST > SERS fy RIE th SN ARE MAR (Er HQ AR \ KE) HES (SRY a REI ER ROR SRW AR 4A KE HH) | BA SERA WBA Wb AINA DLE (SN BE RAT Po BET OK KR SBR Et ON ARS BBM N SE ON EK Se PRO VRS A RS Bios NO NR ARB SIENA emo N A RSS |B < 1 AN Rm oN AN me SS CIR IH ET or 7 oy 7 NR I KR BS | BAK ot BREE KADIR EES HHP NR BR BREE to NEE HE uy SS) GRD PER 4 A to EH ¢ Ry Mp BS MOND SKADD a = 6 ARI $2 AEBS BSR A RA TIA HHED I SO iN ADD NR ee 4 OS ela Ni SES 6 dew BEM ON | BRAM 4 SOK AHR YS ON ORATOR OS 7 BD RSS yf RIE 4 BN BB 'R HD ; | | リッ 。 BD NRREM > Cm 1 RES HR | ーー ミニ vont HSE § SR war fy LS om A RRR A SK Se OR ABR A 4S Ber ¢ dm su 8 Tee oad ¢aSeets QO EE SD my NY BEM 4 RRS (+S mM GEN Oe PELER KA) BR TN a OREO AH SHIM ん tea m 2 "Bm 2h of (1) 誌 雑 学 物 植 % 七 自 @Na SH RRSROVS Si + Re) milton Qe tft & S) 公 めで < や (BREE) aH 4k 田 OD > INSEE | Bn A AR COs BS] BN DNR (Oe HO RN RAR PARR mi) 4 SADA NIH) Be KK ER RK ae AN KONRAD RA 9 | SG. RRR RRS Se BEES m ME A > KD Beers eo dn as he SUK A lth td} ES EEE ERERARGY MA SIR ( 2096 (REE) ATA RARE CDSN | IS HEME m BERL YIN Ae ees RRNA SEN ERY > 0) Blom BE RAR HOH 6 M5 BE RNR RB IN 'K Am BR ar tm SE ES HA EM NE ab 6 ERIE K AN Bm ae XH EERUR BEIM EK CNR ANBAR KN RINE AKA wiNmawesy ¢ 09s (Luffa acutangula Roxb.) ヽ Seseiomss y ty laeinn \ SS Bight wo BE Re ei HI RAR K AS mo BRYN HX SAU YN Be BH «By HRY EIS my OH HS § NRA AMD KAM | NRA NR KD ade 4 ORES m OW BRA WAR AK A RE ESET 8 ROR RAK oe po EYER HR 7 NRE mI BRIS 6 AIRE 0 IRE ok CREE ¢ Hg IE RET BREE ISTHE | 8 へ |X BRD BK BREE NEA HOA m OME UR NIRA ED § REM IK $2 6 ata >) ty SESS RSC Hm SES 4 KER BSR KE AVRQI PPR oh CREE 9 > ONIRERL GS MRL ED NER RE 1 BURR AS wR KARR 1 BOHN IE NK ROR {| HTT PO 7 NR WW eons Ik |] Bi HHESL SUES Her MUIR tie EG AMET oO ee unc SPORES SRR ee es Mae Sle ES ac aa ar ie ka Pea ny iar get ar RC ar ae Rr wees mater eae Wey AGRA? SOF) th AEE Re 1] OH ye AOS TR. ee NRO KC fe FBR NANA Re KSEE fe ew ww ee ee ・・・・・・ IE3 Pm oir に たつ ee ete NT 6 tay a eigen a 8 Pe ので 78 i= PRS ARAB NIRA RISE Jpiiit. we ee eee eee Wt] RE dy a eT RTA KR Ky SRM. ee ee ee ee eee B11 ESR NEE SLRS © etal a0 0) ug tw etaiie’ aiie.e ‘ee teite PPE: IE Be ae Se [eee are Raia Uw. 6 6 Corea awed ci 6 feneramatar ere vcomorelte BNI} Pa fi aS Re A Ea ale Reece [iE - ee IT fs, Sheer ee te ar 5 We ae も が 5 wea ele a aioe if OMIKPNH arg ..... RKO im17 NKK (O) Me So HHS... eee Te KK eT | | | 時 | OBSa ees ems aot Nm DARA SSA REY NER SER eA HMS Tle WANT? Won? WR’ HRS : EIR” Qi’? 11 | Se ea x ABER moka BEER oe Ki | putas EME NEAR HBB. ee ーー・1oK oN DAK ~ BM 1] 562 PRES Whe fice ieee eta aetere pete {Ho Rem A DR PAU ANAR ESN AER ERR | mes + TKO aU GA WO ee Sar | IN — BRAK 11] teat 2 で ちこ Yo 1 KK ご A] David Prain #% Chelidonium #@fatj Sebi: +--+: 120 | e\reratady > eA WARNER KB ee om Mo \K- RENE VS fe Evin atl en atlas anieomebonematie 110K fora. Eke 11 GBS th iste one sipaitenay RA KURE NRABINEE Tees E oi NR RURRERRE c ttes Wo (4) PR で SO) YS Se ae RS SRN MURS (fio o Gas aes aoa Be R ROA 8 MOR ES Shae MA CS PR 2 AR A Sonam. BY (fm). Git Somes ‘ > KX MONA SHE Bae (FE) ・・・・ iS . POD OVE SR WH (CE) - bhoo- wy K TRAN TK YAM » BRS BYE (Gin) aor ee eee ee erty or SRI Ne Ee Se ite OR ee me ke ee es a eae eR Ie RN Gn Se AS oer ew antes en a an ees ath AR TR AWK AE IN HE BH MO ie ace er ae Cah ar eae ERD es) (RENE eet 7 Comite Uy Se NNN gti ig, ラマ RON, RS PR a a eS pein ee (NIKON Kt A BROENGE SE w SerE ER (CBE) ee P= ゅ ぁ 』 BRAEE | PEERS) ・・・・・ 2 aac i RUA AN ANE A LPR EASA nk (W) ・・ KA RE SSM EN EN (felch ai cee ge ce ame ae TF Ry Bef TR cee ma TE AC ol es ert Serta ace. alae, cy ° RI 1) BIS Bll El ・ 14 BIR > Hi 1 S や II に SR cen 1 Fel PX 11IlK ・ HY *・ 引 1 PRU RA ・ I 11 iiir< nls Jan eees RR HERR 0 RK AEE Bn (tee. es eee! oi ) SRLS R REA Sa (ip - rosa 人 く 、 てこ OEE A BEB? ( 居 )・・・・・ er a kre Se EE a ! や ジ GE Ree en YR en EE) ーー ニン eo ーー や ドド ドー 人 く = x = Sphaerotheca Oastagnei #@. SXo-Res Shr ({E) の MRAM ARE RS | ( 恒 )/・・・・・・・・・・・・・ TRO | % S 和 へ SESS Si RS BE SNA 1) iy 人 a BEARER sy diesel y Md MRRN A (BR) ・・ リ ッッ ーー バーーーーーー HK1 ん - = > AR Dik. BRP RS mA Mar aks Ses gee CHR + つつ SN 00 = 栄 舞 陳 ヽ 癖 話 包 (SR) - + eee etary eee Pere aa ee ee よぶ 。 - A MAN RB RR Ate (IE) se tt te ee tit RO» SYS BOW. eee wR] CBR) eee et pie. a 8 WIO4 a> < £€ A K Ween Henn (iB) © 2 6 ee ee eee eee ew we HK 斉 = 5 Qa VNner ns Mika HE Bn ( 居 が ドー テー シマー woe ee Se RG ゃ ーー ル poK FHA HRS RTS ene (SH) ee we ee ゥ に ゥ に レレ トド TK ミー ネー REE AR IN RHBUREER (H 誠 ))・・・・・・・・・・・・・ TR 7 = - & & Cystopus candidus ~ SERS NHR NN (RE) ee te ee ee ee BK | Ro ふ - PEP RBH (IE) に に に に ト に ドニ に トゥー ゥ レレ ドレ ーー ンー し "ーー ンー OO いさ 人 a KN DF — & PRO (FE). 2 ee te ee ee ee ee ew NARI Ae So SUS Re CR) te tee ate 2 か Row ぅ > K SSR RMR BER IRA ERR (GE) 8 tee ee ee ee ee ee 由 11 | ak mm A fe (f=) ゅ ° の @ e e e e e one e e ° ゅ ee ゃ ° ° ° の e wo pant 5 田 w ie = SRM K 租 iE Ez Ez @kSK & Rt Hoi K & 1] i a iE E E De RK & Iz = te BSW ke THENKRANRK— IE4 _ WAU CAN 2 + 6 ee ies Wt om aie arose see sti et aT ee a a. ° a2" wR THER” Gade” ig cea aks Me A et ere > : SN St SS ie eae Da Ay cclren oe Ae Omar mages SOD OQ Un ABBAS he od ‘4 Kin Se Cra ST WR SS aes A pes iter p Se a SI 4 eee we ee I or Ga a HH Me™. ke GS en ge 5 SAS RS GRIER |S) toe m REE REN - - Bl? PE Tie Tt 117 TA’ UX’ こく eT T= © 11K/ U1 に で てこ 1 に < > 8 < © © BOW RK’ 110% 55, 63 ye 2 © © © © figs ec 0 6 YH] - TEX’ 1743 = otae9PeUO4 11R11・ it SAR ST Oe tt (BEY) gs we ke te ee ke wn eee el ip Bl ee Se ae りら キン ck IKE fe (BEI) - - ee SRS Es ee we she Pads ・ ・ 43 PRE A [GREYS S HEE HEsee UNGe Bidets c eel Resch eices hey ge Ne Re we 16 Nee AS as ° FLO BMZRSRERNB ・・・ By aly Ke 111° Tene 1 Pile WK RDG * ‘Pease bose + ・1111S (PEP )es, em Geis が が 06026 : eee eee Swan HEB 1 Bin ass Prat hem ane eu の NIR “uel NSR や 0 < っ ee ・ Hi © He Ha (88 維 う HRM ne A PON (BA): 8 ee ・・ TNE EUR SHBIRRRE RN NEAR (IR) ・・・・・・・・・ る 人 e Hired すす Ss | iy 同 同 同 周 同和 人徳 細 2 &R -- erce OD BS Oe Re less mR HEA RHR ER’ BAT RCRA ARRIN EN ・・・・ に VUPO KA ema (ae) gees ce < も も ID f= (BR) - - ー @ し > @ e @ し] ロ e e o> e-> e@ @ e @ w @ 61 VP OTE - 0 6 ee ee ew te ww ww ww Hg MWK pitied ・・・・・・ gia Shas iR ae -du (bo Beek ed HK319H6391 ate So) 12S So) TT tH US SS te ‘NRE i ee ee eee es ee TE (de) (HRICIS)- ・・・・・ Serene ti eee ere (ea Os SAH MEPECAR)(QRINE) © nS fe (#EBK)- 2 wh toh ots ee ‘es 5 (a8 oh o> Gh cen ee 9h oe 04 et a BER 1 RN) PHD AUDEN a ings 2 € pioyeminmR 2. 0 wy il (1) MSO+ GSURSN\ BI ee es © 6x LE. NIKO G2) Ke KA いい の Gt や 1 BREE 4 AS SRR) (01 #8) oS ae SN NARAINAKN Roem a yea eae BE) es eae TE(WR)- 2 ew ee = ee oie So MiG ae ee Ustilago virens Cooke + Oryzae Brefeld +mfe t+ 2 REE Srp MRRP cc ny are BR te a ーー 29 m isc ES BEK A Sb Cr a 1 TE (HERK) CARRY) eee ee cee eee 。 og MP * arn par rs RA TAA BHA RA 1s BE Ot A Bh ab OME By BL oe | oe) JL) tee a Ae " \ ee . ays Aa A い : i, ata * に 1 Ronee the as PO Sr Fs 5 か どす に PAY tins W Sk ae Sete) |e Oe a ide SN a た 科す っ atin, OF ites sy . プン tie. いい i > “| 1 f me 4 Pe3 A) is *} ' * - っ に a OWN YY マ i aa VARARIREEARIR, [ [ ee o @ 3 Re ite § & ¥ spin sais PRARARARSE Peta : eae tage | OR) no m x O8 1 # woo, Pa ORS. HSS EN ARS ARO 650 QS ERR ©Os 11 & TRY SSSR ny (RR BRAS) Pee Bedi

    OR OREO (UESOM) SHEN SHOE) ORNETERELERS (Be OR) OREO 。。 if a RES = Ls 、 _eEE msp 。 上 WS へ くま N MC ae Ho 男 @ HOR 7 seh Ny RNG Na BORE ee Sew SE で 。 | ・ RRS Fem Bn (RR RG) EH Be KR Rmh Cr RE DS UES BK AE RR (SEEK ER) a aH K R SB PM 1oih SIAN DS BS BSN ed (GRY “ERIS Sr) 8 | 3 ml Bt HR OK 1ORh Or ARS VN RGM KAM KER (IR)OTA NAR AR QUIRES BCI] 9 家 ) 〇 4 ロー と トー AK Cystopus condidus \ et HE EK (SR)ONE "Saat Bees fe es Fucus Be > EASES | hs aR 1 Bn (SE) : 3 aes a WE dot A eT RAN KOS JOSRES BRORBEORE\ KECK. Bh fee Hogs ae eke 1/。 <6 | Katee きき きき OM ou feRsaeea3 ft ae = oe ERIC A | CN いい SHR lane rad Sr it REEME\ EH REOEES j SVESA Ce CHW SRI ES ヾ EQ X REO eS ms aced っ es NON hile clonal mMOld wm & に No 2 SG F Ounuw % ES 1 22 き 懲 狂 明 思 條 ヤー ホー 人 篤 AHRGSR り —§ CRYLBYPCBRORS = NESE ET Cy iy ae GS の oo SN Set ees Oee ame! ge を < so Reke se hee SN ae の estan SG ee ee oe Catia SRS 2056(RRE) ay ーー BH Oe Be eT we NE PE で や as Nee ge me RENE ROR) ~- kee Kee b SOR RU ae > te oe OR 1 | | | bes oe | : . ン の hs | Beaty ii} Me RCL RD | OL RES | Re ow s908 6 RX) Mh ol PD ore eC ae ae Bo Rot hy ee | OR a oS ae ae ュ DURA OK ASKS QB 4 BEN (IRB) OR Fo Kn CBee A a WAR NN REY Na bd Not ES ie na (BHOrrceragre— 傘 Oe ARES SRE REN CREO RY BORGE See) aC) Veer ee a MM ヾ さぼ 人 へ ES BR CRN BRN SA eK SB SMO SM MINE RR (I 1+11) . Ow etm =. = ーー ーー マー | | te ST A NH NE HKWKahit sa [ て < | 3 : 上 ae ala ee fh 2 ay ¢ Yas ao a Ea SA は < : | ; : rye So me AS = Ps 4 th な の こる Rares OAT RES Oe RN AE a Ps No で as Ki 「 で ‘ey Ws he te ‘ 9 i KA <, ーー < デー テス ューーーー ne ae ピーー ALU 3 9088 01109 9926 | il