Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LIBRARY BOOK NUMBER P69L¢ vell,no.1l-13 Dec.26,1928- Hecerv®’ Viena 22. tees avo Phy 18 RAR YI RE@CEIVED CURRENT LITERATURE | * JAN 18 is29 ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLA COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WA Mit 22, Howl. ; Dec.26,1928-Ja.5,1929. Mddisonia. (NZY.) Addisonia.v.13, no.4. <2 9e8 6 Ivomoea polyanthes. p.49. col.pl.44l. Jussiaea angustifolia. p.51. col.pl.44e2. Tetrazygia elaeagnoides. p.53d. col.pl. 443. Chamaecrista swartzii. p.55. col.pl.444. Columnea tulae. p.57. col.pl.445. Rubus rosaefolius. p.59. col.pl.446. Volkemeria aculeata. p.6b. col.pl.447. Pentarhaphia albiflora. p.63. col.pl.448. Agr. Gag. N.S.W. (Sydney) Anderson, R. H. Farm forestry. V.The native and introduced trees of New South Wales (cont.) Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. 39: 835-842. illus. Nelgeb. noell. Manuel, H. L. Experiments in the control of black spot of he vine. _Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. 393 849-853. Ne Hes, “Nowll, Agr. Journ. Fiji. Kermack, J. Action taken in regard to control of noxious weeds. Jers Foam. Misa, ~ 12) 9-10, 1928. Marechal, H. Observations and preliminary experiments on the Goconut palm with a view to developing improved seed=nuts for Fiji. Aor. Journ. Pijas L02)% g 16245. 1928, fgr. Nouvelle. (Paris) anys Faideau, F. as La récolte sans culture un champignon d'hiver: By ss l'hygrophore blanc de neige. Agr. Nouvelle. 383 yoow Uiluss Dee; L928. n6.l529. Hygrophorus niveus. Amer. Flor. (Chicago) John Merle Coulter. dmer. Flor. ViG2T? a 13. Duca.) Le28, sb Notice of death. a2 5 ba / FE ie “pte 1a, - F if <3 we en Bh 3:9) 25> ies ro 819118 Woe ne.l, Pere Amer. For. & For. Life. (Wash.,D.C.) Borah, A. Trees of the Bible. II.The caks of Palestine. Amer. For. & For. Life. Soe Usa oO). Se dige IIe) MO. Mather, 5.7. The new Bryce Canyon national park. Amer. Hom. & Hon shite. Sot S7-G8. illus. Ja 1929. DO ols Ann, Bot. (London) Allen, W. W. Branched cones of Equisetum maximum. Ann. Bote 42: 1025-1025, illus. €.1928. no.168. Barnes, B. Variations in Evrotium herbariorum (Wigg.) Link. induced by the action of high temperature. cine BOue 428) 78S548le. TiS... Spiller CCOLr.) Ca S28 no.168. Butler, H.J. Morphology ef the chytridasoan fungus, Catenaria anguillulae, in liver-—fluke egzs. Ann. Bot. 42; 813-821. BILLS Owe g22 HOG Dastur, RH. & Buhariwalla, N.A. ' Chionorij] 1] from tropical plants and its quantitative determinatien by means of the spectro- raph. wom Bot. 42%. 949-964. pl. | 0.0928. no.l68. aise, | a. Seeds associated with Linopteris munsteri, Eichwald. Ann. Bot. 42: 1019-1023. Tas. Ga L928. no. lG6S\. Haines, F.M. The significance of the ‘drought resistivity’ and teffect!, with specia pi rea l 2 La ference t lues obtained’ for Certain hesenes ants arigicen ead Common. Ann. Bot. 42; 823-854. O.1926. ° no. !68:. Veal aOled,. Died Ann. Bot. (cont.) Haynes, D. & Archbold, E.K. Chemical studies in the physiology of apples X. A quantitative study of chemical changes in stored apples. mM. Bob. 4e0) Joo-LOL7 « Oe A286 no.l68. Jones, G.H. " ° £ aAlternaria disease of the cotto: plant. Ann. Bot. 42: 935-947, IS :5, DE ratanen Ces 1928. no.168 Alternaria macrospora. Mohendra, K.R. A study of the changes undergone by certain uo pC Odea. Cl Furl. Ann. Bot. 42:863- 889, pl. XVii-xix. OsI2s— no.less Neocosmospora vasinfecta, Phoma A, Phoma B, Alternaria tenuis, Thmapp, , Gs A vlugging substance in the vessels of hops. Ann. Bot. . 42: 1027-1028. illus. 0.1928. no.1l68. Ward, F.K. Burmese species of Meconopsis. Ann, Bot. Wodehouse, R.P. 5 The phylogenetic value of pollen—-grain characters. Ann. Bot. 423; 891-934. illus., pl.xx-xxi. Of 1926. no.ls8s. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. (St. Louis) Larsen, E.L. A new variety of Vernonia lindheimeri. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 15; 333-334. pl.45. N. S26) Moe. Vernonia lindheimeri var. leucophylla. Woodson, R.E. DsSOSMBS a new £eruUs oO Missouri Bot. Gard. 15: 33 no.4. BerDeridaceae. - Ann. LAO, pl.46.> (Neteess : ae eae he aera: ty ae' th Sty iG hy a) A GPT Oye: Discs Ann. Missouri Bot, Gard. (cont.) Woodson, RE. ; ‘Studies in the Apocynaceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 15; 341-378, 379-434. pl. 47-53. N. IO28., nese, II, A revision of the genus Stemmedenia. III. _ A monograph of the zenus Amsonia. No I not yet published. Arch. de Bot. Caen. Bull. Mens. Perrier de la Bathie, H. . Les Ficus de Madagascar. Arch.Bot. Caen Bull. Mons. 2: 137~180. Az./S.1928. no.8/9. Atti RAccad. Lincei VI, Rend, Cl.Sci. Fis. Mate e Nat.(Rome) Barbieri, NwA. La cultura fisiologica. Atti R. Accad, Lincei Vi. Rend.Cl.Sei. Fis. Mat. e Wat. 73 1043-1049. illus. Je. 1928(Rec'd Ja.1929) no.12. Cecco, M.de, Applicazione dei raggi ultravioletti allg ricerca di sostanze fluorescenti nelle piante in rapporto ad alcuni fenomeni di patologzia vegetale. Atti R. Accad.Lincei VI. Rend. Cl.Scki. Fis. Mat. e Nat. 8: 101-104. 1928(Rec'd Ja.1929) no.1/2. eit. Tie Sopra. le radiazioni mitogeneticne del Gurwitsch. Atti R. Accad. lincei VI. Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. e Nat. 7%: 891-896. Je.1928(Rec!d Ja.1929) no.1l. Bol. der. Bahia. Martins Ramos, C.5S. O combate g0 mosaico. Bol. Agr. Bahia. . 1926(4/9): 29-31, 1928. Menezes Sobrinho, A. O mosaico da canna. Bol. Agr. Bahia. 1926 (4/9): 25-28. 1928. Rangel ’ K. O comoate ao mosaico. Bol. Agr. Bahia. 1926(4/9): 20-24, 1928. Bol. R. Soc. Espa. Hist. Nat. (Madrid) AU Vomss gies Note préliminaire sur la flore des algues d'eau douce de la Galice, Bol. R.Soc. Espai. Hist. Nat. 28: 469-476, poe 10s Oe Euchlorophycées, conjuguées et hétérocontes. ial Np a . Weds NO, ‘Pade Bol. R. Soc. Espa. Hist. Nat.(cont.) Miranda, F. lee Sobre una nueva especie de Strepsithalia Sauv. (Streps. Liebmanniae). Bol. R. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 28: 457-462. iiings. | Ne IZE ey Nols. Bol. Soc. Broteriana (Coimbra) Barros, J.J.de. Sociologia botdnica. Bol. Soc. Broteriana. II, 5: &103. iSPsl- Lopes, J.M.M. A flora do concelho de Vimioso. Bolla SOxoc Broteriana. II, 53 234-255. ig28 Machado Guimaraes, A.L. Sinopse das bridfitas de Poa II. Musgos. Bol. Soc. Broteriana. II, 5: 104-226. Dias. Lo2e. Pereira Coutinho, A.x. Notas a algunas plantas Transmontanas. Bol. sec. Broteriana. ii, 22 227—adde~ 1928. Boll. Uff. R. Staz. Sper. Ind. Pelli Napoli-Torino. Schiaparelli, G. & Bussino, G. Di alcuni fenomeni della concia vegetale. Boll. Uff. R. Staz. Sper. Ind. Pelli Torino-—Napoli. 8: 259~267. Nol928. nol. Bot. Arch. (Konigsberg) Bitzek, E, Der centrospermenast der dikotylen. Bote Arch. 22: 257-384. 0.1928. no.3/4. English abstract: p.482-384. Dembowski, & Ziegenspeck, H. - Ueber éas verhalten der nukleolan bei der kernteilung in der aussersten meristemzone von wurzeln von Helianthus. Bot. Arch. 22; 571-574. O. 1928.\) no. 3/4. Draheim, W. & Ziegenspeck, H. Beitrage zur assimilationstheorie. Bot.Arch. 223 385-413, 0.1928. no.3/4. Kostlin, 0. - Ueber den einfluss von standraum und aussaat— menge auf den ertrag (bei getreide). Bot. Arch. 22: 414-456. 0.1928. no.3/4. English abstract; p.455-456. Vill} teil} p.6} Bot. Arch. (cont. ) Rohde, H. Ueber die kontraktilen wurzeln einiger oxalidaceen. Bot. Arch. 22: 463-532. 2 pl. 0.1928. no.3/4, English abstract: p.529-530. Steinecke, F. Glazialrelikte wd glarialformn unter den algen. Bot. Arch. 22: 583-570. 0.1928. no.3/4. English abstract: p.570. Ziegenspeck, H. Alfred Fuchs. Bot. Arch. 22: 457-462. O. 1928. no.3/4. Bot. Not. (Lund, Sweden) Arwidsson, Th. Nya svenska vardvaxter for Cuscuta europaea. Bot. Not. 1928: 389-395. no.5/6. Erman, C. Férberedande undersékningar Over kolsyreassi- milationen hos Laminaria. Bot. Not. 1928: 331 342. no5/6. German résumé: p,.341-342. Gaunitz. Ss Floristiska uppgifter fran Smaland. Bot. Not. 1928: 327-330. no.5/6. Gertz, O. In memoriam. Gunnar Andersson. En minnesteckning. Bot. Not. 1928: 399-404. port. no.5/6. Gertz, O. Ionopsidium acaule (Desf.}) Rchb. Bot. Not. 1928: 411. no.5/6. Gertz, O. Nagra anteckningar rérande vaxter ur Olof Cel~ Sil och Johan Leches herbarier. Bat. Not. 1928: 348-356. no.5/6, . Gertz, 0. . Om anthocyanblomman hos Daucus carota L. Bot. Not. 1928: 297-319. illus. no.5/6. rah Bene wid! ht : ; r, Ss. 7 a . a { ou a : i. - a . Site ae c ; , | : ; x ih Wy bs Y , a p- F Snes £ : 4 whet, ae. 298 ws ee, ie - ‘Xx? ¢ a wpe S , 5 “ee Y f 4 ° a 3 . Sines } . = F, " ' é 1. B % . ¥ ? + ay ae , > yy . ‘ - Siy . 2 : wae, (DRTP A Ci { ' | s men Nk 7 . ’ ) O - My ! fa ap : uy? 5 f 2 ie yi 7 rae u ” ts a ‘ , “aR | is 3 J . ‘ Fi . J 4 | ey er ; b>. 3 | ; : rs aS . 3 we ei ae i529 Ne EO ’ eSB os . J a . ay : Vi i ita tall PWR ehe.. See s alate ait <9 ae OS eC eee eee, I EE ee : ta) Ss Br. ee Sah ine i Oe ‘ , j i 5 s , 3 \ OR ni» maaee ; { a i j P. - i ia pat} wie J ‘ | é > sats nS Fe Seay Ay Vell, Boil: pes Bot. Not. (cont.) Gertz, O. Om Cuscuta europaeas vardvaxter. Bot. Not. 1928; 320-322. no.5/6. Gertz, Oc ‘ ‘Siaicrouye junceruawiiae Reich.@ Cuscuia anropaea Le. Ett for Sverige nytt zoocecidium. Bot. Not. ROZe Ate. ealiise.) noes) Ge Hase, 0. Zur verbreitung der moose in den Sphagnun- mooren des gouvernements Wologda der U.S.S.R. Bot. Not. 1928: 323-326. no.5/6, Hasskow, Od. En givande Epilobium-lokal. Bot. Not. LIZS: 407-408. no.5/6. Koeele: |e. Fynd av Cephalanthera ensifolia Rich. fran syd6stra Sk&ne. Bote Note 1928: 409. no.e5/6. Lindquist, B. Bquisetum maximum Lam. pa skanska fastlandet. Bot. Not. 1928: 343-347. no.5/6. likuiatelatholawen ashe Om Cuscuta halophyta Fr. och dess forekomst i Sm&land. Bot. Not. 1928; 379-381. ui OK no.5/6. Stenar, H. Zur embryologie der Veratrum- und Anthericum gruppen. Bot. Not. 1928: 357-378. illus. no.5/6. Wiger, Je Nya reliktlokaler for hassel i Gastrikland. Bot. Not. 1928: 396-398. no.5/6. Wiger, J. Payllitis Scolopendrium i en brunn i Halland. Bot. Note 1928: 410. no.5/6. * » ‘ é ’ bn, j d WA . 6 i op ba i ; ane a f Pig a D4) 4 + The ; ‘ s ‘ “ ne 2 oH ei iva Pas ¥ iS. ve ea d i ie ert ae) ay » res NSS ot a es a Ay, . "1 Ps 4 4 4 = = yy i Ms : j 1 < or Ue oe : % a 7 ; F ‘ s il { ‘ == . Us x * ¥ A = Fs . f & ia = ane «eh ee a= 5 5 oe _ et : = Seige ie = = os ; : : a “ : . 7 5 a ¢ tl ey: i e 4 x 5 . u gt ae, : Wy eh ote 5! to 7 ¥ : ele aa a : hge te ae j, h ‘ald rr , : bf ay y 5 7 ore hic ees, o see eas ar ay lie } y : fc fe 7 “i oh is Th ¢ 4 : | se 2 Ae ey ies, MOleda,. Wmcle Bryologist. (Pittsburg) Armitage, E. Some Spanish bryophytes. Bryologist. Bilis 123-126. Nel928. no.6. Moxley, E.A. Further notes on mosses of the Bruce Peninsula. Bryologiste bls; 126-127. N.1928. nob. Wilivens, Rese Some apparently undescribed mosses from Peru, also new combinations. Bryologist. 31; 109-122. TTS \. N.1928. no.6. Bull. Indian Central Cotton Comm. Gulati, A.N. A note on the early history of cotton. Bu Indian Central Cotton Com. 17. 10 p. pl. O. gree) Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. (London) Butchinson, J. & Dalziel, J.M. Tropical African plants VI. Bull. Misc. In- form. Kew. 19283 397-404. NO ILO Sprague, T.A. Discovery of the genus Cooperia in Peru. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 1928: 385-256 - Dias. no. 10. Sprague, T.A. Oreocnide versus Villebrunea. Bull. Misc. In~ form. Kew. 1928: 395-597. mno-l0. Author considers that the neme Oreocnide should be adopted. Summerhayes, V.S. New plants from the Seychelles. Bull. Nase. Tnrorm. Kew, L283 S88-595, nopl0. Calif. Cult. (Los Angeles) ialial ers MO Aale Turkey mullein weed »voisonous to stock. Calif. Cult. 71: 644-645, illus. OD.22, 1928. now2d. Eremocarpus setigerus. Citrus Indust. (Tampa, Fla.) Rhoads, A.S, Mottle~leaf,marl chlorosis, nitrogen starvation, three forms of chlorosis on citrus trees. Citrus Industr. 9(12): 3-5, 28-29. Se! V) Walaaee ea Od, eos Citrus Indust. (cont.) Stevens, H.E. Suggestions for reducing losses from stem-end rote Citrus Inductr. 9(12): 10; 27. D126. Compt. Rend. Acad. Aer. France. (Paris Crépin, Ch. | Lignées physiologiques, "races culturales" et "acclimatement", Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France. 14; 1139-1148, N28, 1928. nodd. Of wheat. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. Bertrand, G. & Benzon, B. La teneur en zinc des aliments végétaux. Compt. Rend, Acad. Sci. Paris. 187: 1098-1101. DWO,, 1928. no»ct. Chevalier, A. Sur l'origine du bois d'timbuia du Brésil et sur la biologie de ltarbre producteur, le Phoebe porosa Mez de la famille des lauracées. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Faris. 1873 1154-1155. D.10,1928. no.c4. Phoebe porosa (Oreodaphne porosa). Dangeard, FP. Action favorisante de l'iodure de potassium sur l'iodovolatilisation. Compt. Hend. Acad. Seis Garis. 187; 1156-1158. DelO, 1928e " AGecs. Guérin, P. L'acide cyanhydrique chez les Lotus. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. OVS Ase 1sOe ) DOs 1928. no ec4,. Hamel, G. La répartition géographique des fucacées et des laminaires sur les cétes occidentales de la péninsule ibérique. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1872 1162-1163. DelOe LIZE. NOect. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. Hichhorn, A. Sur la mitose somatique et le satellite du Ginkgo biloba. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. 99: 1787-1788. D.14,1928. no.d65 > ie ty rigs ae “es e me ia 7 iy : is 5 * “Var f Sy GPE AW Petals gy i a Ai. Colne 7 ae te S ey O ¢ | tS aa 7 ; S hetle Maik ee Ne Chee ' aut Hl. ke ee ee et * | One = 10 ah “ q VF 7 5. ei Be Ua vaiey Prue » (ees. 5. peewee bt Fi ; . ey on oe ‘. ; : ahi NEE badge gel ae eet Vigdeg Hosd, pslo. Country Life. (London) Taylor, G.C. Some rose species. Country Life 64(Suppl.): eral.) (Cm vial. Glia. illus. Deo, L928 no.664, Dansk Bot. Ark. (Kébenhavn) Bérgesen, F. On Rosenvingea stellata, a new Indian alga, and on an interesting littoral algal vegetation in which this species is a characteristic constitutent. Paice Bopaere: S06). 1a pe Tlusaplel., Ne 19286 Buchwald, N.F. De danske arter af slaegten Merulius (Hall.) Fre med en saerlig omtale af gruppen Coniophori Fr. 3 Demise ote Arc, 5S(2)), 427 p, dllus. med s2e. English summary: p.45-46. Christensen, C. On the systematic position of Polypodium vulgare. Davis Bou, Aric Bice). 10> Dds tilluss, Wiel 2es Ferdinandsen, C. & Rostrup, 0. Om den rette systematiske stilling af Dis- somycopsis rhytismoides Jul. Muller. Dansk Bot. Mia HKZO). tO ps Tlus., pled. Mel2ee German summary: p.9-10. Buryachora rhytismoides (J.Mull.) comb.nov. Ferdinandsen, C. & Winge, O- Parasitisk optraeden af Epochniwn monilioides Lk. paa nellikerod. Dansk Bot. Ark. 5(17). Dp. ilies. Ne1928-6 English summary: p.5. On Geum urbanum and G. intermediun. Gallfe, 0. Individforskning i planteriget. Dansk Bot. Reig 15012 )ie 16 ps . Nel928. Hagerup, O-« En hygrofil baelgplante (Aeschynomene aspera tis) med bakterieknolde paa staengelen. Dansk Bote Pe Site) Op. illoss N.1928. Iversen, Je Ueber Iso€étes in China und Japan. Dansk Bot. PraaecteGie ome lids, NeL928. i ve ee ¥ ine, ee j . LP t 2 i! a a, | . Aad Aa eee - & ‘vt ih vAty 4 -_ } id) > es a Pees ; 7 ry, a. hye s ( 1 . TAL : ; Ms , @ zi : ; : ) i eae pre” Gee OO renee til aie ui | ; } r sah are a : ‘: r » Thy as ' fs e x + ' E Mia Ds yy eS *4 . : é a E ik ‘ . J 7 A ie j as on , fe - iu ’ 8 & = : bh . - WS m4 ‘ - eis F 4 . 2 ev ; ; : ey 9 - oy = 5 + FS a pet), 5 ee A we 3 = « © i o i 4 ‘ he = 2 ‘* , 1 = z 4 ¢ . ‘ “ ™ S ¢ au ' ee ap ~s ys 52 7 om ohy ay 4 (i; é i . Phe 4, y s > € 7 ai } et ‘ . [ ‘ . : . S - =i } . f it% a in¢ Oe oe &) j *, : ‘ . ‘ F - y 7 ; is ws nba | Vib S a 4 2 ' ’ a a ae . 5 y ; re a : : i> aes oi 2 4 ’ ‘ 3 4 5 Pee . - ¢ ad Sr ne J. halt: wae 5 OR ih 1 * RAL we wtp oy US woo pialaty ha ’ TEs Molle toe Sleds Dansk Bot. Ark. (cont.) Jpreensen, CA. The microsporangia of Pilularia globulifera L. Danske Boy. fees Set). 9 pe illus. N.lo2e. Susi Ee Ox What is Neuroecium degueliae Kunze? Dansk Doieeas) |) Hela) 2 ps \atiuce | MN. lO2o. Not a fungus, to be discarded. Kavala. Hy ' .*:Ueber Wrangelia penicillata und ihre systema— tasche stellunz. Dansk=|(Bobe parks | Sym) 16. es ous NelIZ8.. Lind, ie : Nogle danske mikromycetere Dansk Bot. Ark. Benet Ds | Neboees Lynge, Be The Peltigeraceae in the Copenhagen Arctic herbarium. Mancle Bota uncle. Sia). dese ie ANS AS Ostenfeld, C.H. Note on Halosphaera Schmitz. Dansk Bote alc So) cies Colspite | Melo2sr. Petersen, E.d. Underséeelser over kaerneforholdet og spore- dannelsen hos Bacillus mycoides. Dansk Bot. Ark. BCLS) 12 p. Nel9e8. Eaglish summary: p.ll-l2. Petersen, J.Be Algefloraen i nogle jordpréver fra Island. Dansk Bot. Ark. 5(9). 25 p. N.1926. English summary (The alga~flora of some soil- samples from Iceland): p.2l-23. Pebersen, Hee Nogle iagttagelser over cellekernerne hos Ceramiun (Roth) Lyngbye. Danse Bone Aca vo vO) SP alas. Nol926.. Raunkiaer, C. Myxomycetes from the West Indian Islands St. Croix, St.Thomas and St.Jan. Dansk Bot. Ark. (Moye 9 pe |) Melee. eI moel, spalek Facts about Sugar (N.Y.) Keys, S.W. Creosote treatment of timber. A method of protecting against rot and insect attacks which prolongs life in industrial uses. Facts about Sugar e ao, led6—-1257.~ Waco) LUIS MOe wer. Briode, Cri. Pokkahbong and twisted top diseases of cane. Their causes, symptoms and effects on different varieties of sugar canes as observed in Cuba. Facts about Sugar. e233 1244. De29, 1928. n0.d2. Poxkahbong due probably to Fusarium, the same as was described from Java; twisted top caused by mechanical friction of leaves. Flora. (Jena) Gaumann, HE. Die chemische zusammensetzung des fichten- und tannenholzes in den verschiedenen jahreszeiten. Wiomae I25(iesecse 244-68o. NeL928. moet. Schwartz, We Entwicklungsphysiologische untersuchungen uber die gattungen Aspergillus und Penicillium, I- ilona. | Wea(nesees): See=440, iMlus. NeLo2ee noe4, I. Aspergillus-arten. Atretonh ue VW. ZA : Ueber antherenbau, pollen und pollination von Galanthus Le Flora. 123(n.se23): 321-343. illus. NeteSsem) Noss Floralia (Assen, Netherlands) Schenk, P.J. Bestrijding van plantenziekten in de fruitteelt. Floralia. 49: 803-805. DLL US. D114, 19284 nNOed0. Pr A 7 . ed RU zi ie , na ay At Viet Mos ako. Florida Grow. (Tampa) Diseases and insects of royal palms. Methods of control: studied by specialists. Florida Grow. 387(1): 48-49. Ja.1929. ‘New method to minimize citrus decay. How to treat fruit with sodium bicarbonate. Florida Grow. 37(1): 36-37. Ja.1929. Weber, G.F. Soil sterilization stops damping-—off. Two methods of control are suggested. Florida Grow. Bah): 45. Tarl929. Flor, Exch. (N.Y.) John Merle Coulter. Migr. HExchs 69s725. eee. ees Owe Notice of death. Fortschr. Landw.e (Vienna) Buchinger, A. Selektion nach der saugkraft. Fortschr. Landw. 3: 1065-1067. Del, 1928. Nosed. Hauer, He - Ueberpriifung der keimpflanzenmethode nach Neu bauer. Fortschr. Landw. 5: 1086-1089. Diels 1928. Node Zederbauer, E. Zur prioritatsfrage der sauckraftbestimmungen an landwirtschaftlichen kulturpflanzen. Fortschr. Landw. Oe LOSE. Dek, LIZ. * ROs2as ‘Fruit Grow. Fruiterer, Flor. & Mark. Gard. Denny, Fei. Crops at the right time always. Bliminating "rest period" in plants. Fruit-Grow., Fruiterer, Flore & Market Gard. 66; 913-914, Deo, Leese cmos lv2i. Gard. Chron. (London) Anderson, A.W. Celmisias (concl.) Gard. Chrone III, 843 449, Peluse Dee, L928. N0-.cl896 ‘i a ia n rae wh , sin * ' mee ri hy “3 ‘beds saab ith aos , HOR al rr | ae a Gard. Chron. Viel moet.) pala. (cont.) Brown, N.He Mesenbryanthemm (cont.)Dinteranthus, Schwant. Gard. Chron. III, 843 472. D.15,1928. no.2190. Coutts; dis Primula wilsoni. Garde, Charoms lage: 469. illus. Dot5,1928. noecl90. Darlineton, C.D. The relation of chromosome studies to horti- culture. Gard. Chron. III, 84; 450-451. 0.8, 1928. no.cl89, Darnell, A.W. The genus Primula (cont.) Gard. Chron. III, 84: 455, 472-473. D.8,15, 1928. no.2189-90. Friend, H. Plant history in nomenclature (conte) Poppies and opiates. Gard. Chron. TE, S4s4705). Delo. 1928. MG6suIO. Hall, J.W. merican gooseberry mildew. Gard. Chron. III, 84: 474. Detio, LIZ8e) Nose lI0l. Steam sterilisation of potting soil and the effect of artificial sunlight rays on seedlings. Gard. Chron. III, 84; 472-474. 0D.15,1928. no.2190, On practical demonstration by means of steam given by Mr. Allan Falconer, gardener at Cheadle Royal ilental Hospital, Cheadle, Cheshire. Gartenbauwissensch. (Berlin) BachS is Ueber die kunstliche kreuzung einiger wichtiger apfelsorten. Gartenbauwissensch. 1: 358-374. sie lions N.1928. noe4e Gassner, G. & Rabien, H. Weitere untersuchungen zur frage des fruhtreibens durch garférmige blausaure. 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Soc.) 26: 814- 817. 1928. no.3/4. Kiason, P. On akroleingruppen i vaxternas lignin (Ueber die akroleingruppe in dem lignin der pflanzen) Sven- ska Skogsvarddféren. Tidskr. (Journ. Swedish For. Soe.) 26: 914-921. 1928. no.3/4. lagerberg, T. Rétsxador a barrvirke i vatten (Rot-damages to coniferous timber in water). Svenska Skogsvards— féren. Tidskr. (Journ. Swedish For. Soc.) 26: 617— G5ee0 aldst. 1928. no.3/4. English summary: p.656-58. Stalfelt, M.G. Die physiologisch-dkologischen bedingungen der stomataren diffusionskapazitat. _ Svenska Skogs- vardsfdren. Tidskr. (Journ. Swedish For. Soc.) 26: 818-845. 1928. no.d/4. Picea excelsa, Pinus silvestris. Fruitgrow. & Farm. (Franklin, Taem.) IWiaonagelsy \Jmodale Tree surgery. Tasmanian Fruitgrow. & Farmer. WAGESO A et San kwss)|) GLa 2. Trudy Prikl. Bot. Gen. i Selek. (Bull. Appl.Bot. Gen. & Plant Breed. ) (Leningrad) Sinskaja, H.N. .. The oleiferous plants and root crops of the family Cruciferae. trudy Prikl. Bot.,; Gen.i Sel.(Bull.Appl.Bot., Gen. & Plant Breed.) v.19, Mowe ole Wiel td usa my COL. te. lingB. Russian with English summary. i sede ys Y AP Aimee ye PANG oi eae ft Re Ae ee ial hc ieee 7 a Vedi NOs. Dade. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farm. Bull. Harter, L.L. Sweet-potato diseases. U.S. Dept. Agr. tern Oo |) 26 Pp. ilies.) et o2e. Issued 0.1929, Rev, N.1928. Univ. Calif. Publ, Bot. (Berkeley, Cal.) Babcock, E.B, New species of Crepis from southern Asia. Uneven Cavin ono, Bot. 14s 625-333. | Wylo2ee. no.1dé. Belling, J. Contraction of chromosomes during maturation ,, divisions in Lilium and other plants. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 14: 335-343. SS Ds LO 2er No.14. Vict. Nat. (Melbourne) Nicholls, W.H. A new Victorian greenhood, Pterostylis woollsii, ei iors Vict. Nat. 45: 2235-224. pl.viii. WD) MES! SiG Vag aakelnisho Vidler, H-A. De. Ceorge Bennett. Vict. Nat. 45: 207-208. Dla we oor.) ) DelOZes wo. Bs Williamson, H.B. The lilies of Victoria (cont.) Vict a et, 45; 218-222. a dba 6 D.1928. md. 8. Wisnik Kiivsk. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) Bordzilovski, E. Contributiones ad floram Caucasi novae. Visnik Kiivsk, Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 7/8: 3- 4. illus. L928. Ukrainian with German summary and Latin diagnosis of new species and varieties. Gizhitska, Z. Fungi novi vel rari vro flora mycologica,. Visnik Kiivsk. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 7/8: 78-79. ahaa - WSzS)P Diplodia ligusticola sp.n., Colletotrichum padi var. amygdali nanae. pes ibe, tee iib tN i! z v4 AP. yerinetn ke ery ad oie i oO, oe. ee ‘onl i Va! ries j i 7 Vill, BOpas) Dec. Visnik Kiivsk. Bot. Sadu. (Bull, Jard. Bot. Kieff) (cont.) Kleopov, Iu. -». Ueber die sebstindigkeit als art der Daphne julia K.-Pol. Visnbk “iasarskes Bou. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 7/8: 74-77 1928. Ukrainian with German summary. De jolie only an ecolozical variety of D-. CNeCOTru ite Modilevski, J. Die embryologische entwicklung von Thesium intermedium. Visnik Kiivsk. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jetee, pov Kenn) “ies 65-70. pl. 19280 Modilevski, J. Weitere beitrage zur embryologie und cytologie von Allium~arten. Visnik Kiivsk. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 7/8: 57-64. pl. 1928, -Moissejeva, M. eee Zur frage nach der wuchshormonen des getreides. Visnik Kiivsk, Bot. Sadi (Bull. jardanoue: Klett.) 7/85 26=5l, illus. 1928, Ukranian with German summary. Oksner, A.Me eee Neve ftir die Ukraine flechtenarten. Visnik Kiivsk. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) Vice pie 7Se 1) 1923. Ukranian with German summary. Persidsky, Ds eee Polar structure in the cells of a root's erowthe zones. Visnik Kiivsk. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 7/8:52-56. pl. 1928. Ukranian with English summary. Sokolovsky, Ce eee Interesting cases of abnormality in clovers({Trifolium). Visnik Kiivsk. Bot. Sadao gard. Bote Kiett) 7/82 112-117, LIAS, 1928. Ukranian with English summary. ‘ - i online HN sad " dy, ‘ Ny. i er a va WBE Woon vd « H a ; Wisbish Owes) eos Visnik Kiivsk. Bot. Sadu. (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) (cont.) Sokolovsky, 0. -e. New forms of Trifolium pratense. Visnik. Kiivsk. Bot. Sadu. (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 7/8: 118-119. isa Trifolium pratense turkestanicum subsp. nova., T.epratense cretaceum var. nova. Ukranian with Latin diagnosis. Svirenko, D. ess cur tes algues de 1'Ingoul, Visnik Kiivsk. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 7/8: 80-111. 1928. Ukrainian. Wisconsin Hort. (Madison) Riker, A. Je Simple control for crowngall and root-knot found. Wisconsin Hort. 19: 139. Jael929. NOs Abstract of paper before Amer. Phytopath. Soce,; NeYs, Dd51,1928. Zapiski Gosudarstv. Nikitsk. Bot. Sad. (Journ. Gov. Bot. Gard. Nikita) (Ialta) Kostina, Kel. ese CClf pollination of fruit trees. Zapiski Gosudarstv. Nikitsk. Bot. Sad. (Journ. Gove. Bote Ganda jwenta) | WehO,, moles S6 Pe illus. Uae. Russian with English summary. Zeitschr. Angew. Chem, (Leipzig) Stock, A. & Zimmermann, W. Geht quecksilber aus saatgut—beizmitteln in das geerntete korn und in das mehl uber? Zeitschr. Angewe Chem. 41: 1636-1337. Dacceeese en emote Zhurn. Opytn. Agron. Iugo-Vost.(Journ. Exp.Landw. Sudost. Eure-Russl.) (Saratov) Novikov, V.A. eoe Investigations on the cold-resistance of plants. Zhurn. Opytn. Agron. Iugo-Vost. (Journ. Exp.Landw. Slidost. Eur. Russl.) 6: 71-100. 1928. Ta) 1h Russian with English summary. Sukhorukov, K. T. eee Alkaloid content of Atropa and Datura growing under the conditions of Nijnee Powoljie. ZNUINe Opytn. Agron. Jugo-Vost. (Journ. Exp. Landw. Sudost. Mae -bUssis ) Gs POrv—er. 1928, Russian with English summary, Valls Noses Dads Zhurne Russk. Bot. Obshch. (Journ. Soc. Bote Russie) Busch, NA. ; vee Sur un nouveau genre de cruciféres [Pseudocamelina]. Zrmrn. Russk. Bot. Obshch. (Journ. Soc. Sot. Russie). 13: 113-115. il- duse | U928" no, b/s Segregated from genus Cochlearia. Russian with Latin diagnosis. Gernjavsky, P. eee Anabiosis of the Ramondia nathaliae Panc.~ Petr. Zhurne Russke Bot. Obshch. (Journ. Soc. Bote Busse). Iss 27368. illus. 1928. Russian with English summary, Cholodnyi, N.G. eee Contributions to the hormonal theory of tropisms. Zhurn. Russk. Bot. Obshch. (Journ. SioCeubome RassTe). 13% 191=206, illus, W928. no.1/2. Russian with English summary. Cholodnyi, N. ese On the apparent anomaly in the growth of the roots of Lupinus albus. Zhurne Russke Bote Obshch. (Journ. Soce Bot. Russie) 13: 207-212. Wee NOs l/ 2. Russian with Bnzlish summary. Gurwitsch, A. «ee Hinige probleme der mitogenetischen strah- lunge Zhurn. Russk.e Bot. Obshch. (Journ. Soce Bot. Russie). 13; 179-189. 1928 no.1/2. Russian with German summarye MeWNer. Bai) De eee Probleme der botanischen erforschung der wusten us. salzboden. Zhurne Russk. Hot. Obshche (Journ. Soce Bot. Russie) 13: 187-177. 1928. Russian. hevitsky, Go A. swe Experimentally induced translocation of chromosomones from one well to another. JZhurn. Russk. Bot. Obshch. (Journ. Soce Bot. Russie) 13: Bee oe ly ilies) | 928.) maybe. Russian with English summary. 4) ti , Lin ms a i AN ni Gs ia yiaie pie | res NO, Pode Zorn. Russk. Bot. Obshch. (Journ. Soc. Bot. oe (cont. ) Lilienstern, M. eee Recherches physiologiques sur Cuscuta monogyna Vahl. © Zhurne Russk. Bot. Obshch. (Journ. Sees) Babs Russie) Use 97-108, jallus. 1928) mol) 2. Russian with French résumé, Magitt, Me & Magitt, E. eee Contributions a2 l'tanatomie du cotonnier I. Zhurn. Russk. Bot. Obshch. (Journ. Soc. Bot. Russie) iS Lob=l6d. illus. 1928. Russian with French résumé. Ie Le sort du nucléole au cours de la carioki- nése somatique. Nadson, GeAbe & Philippov, Ge eee De la formation de nouvelles races stables chez les champignons inférieurs sous 1!influence des rayons X. Thurs Russ<., Bot, Opsneh. (oun. SOcpeGtenauoste) 12s 221-259, 1928. Russian with French résumé. 1. Mucos & Zygorhynchus. 2e Sporobolomyces & Nadsonia. Navashin, §.G. ese Serges Gabriel Navachine. Autobiographie. Znurn.e Russk. Rot. Obshch. (Journ. Soc. Bot. Russie) Tere ulluse (DOG) Poni. LIZ8. Russiane . List of publications: p.15-18. Palibin, ToVe «ee Saussurea dorogostaiskii spen. [from notthern Mongolia. Znurne Russke Bote Obshch. (Journ. Soce Bot. Russie) 13: 109-111. illus. 1928-6 moe /i2s Russian with Latin diagnosise Poplavskaja, GJ. ws. Ueber die birke der Krin. Zhurn. Russke Bote Obshch. (Journ. Soce Bot. Russie) 13: 65-95. 1928. no.lf2, Russian with German summry. Rischkov, V., Shapiro, S. & Bulanova, M. eee Ueber die verbreitung des chlorophylls in der epidermis der dikotyledonen. Zhurn. Russke Bote Obshch. (Journ. Soc. Bot. Russie) 13: 241-154. 19286 rae) dl Russian with German summary. . ek > ti. yey nies Posy Ba es A ate ody: o ‘ 7 ae Oke a ee ie ae ie ea! d, Auaaeare chanted bt ; et ihe : We aie Pe ye? a ie OS Ad ny ore ti paie? £ 4 i i ’ 5, ‘ z . , «4 2 ‘ x 4 £ avi 7 ‘ ney ¥ an j . $ i f ; a ; A f a hie Mi " ‘1 oe » 2 e * if a 7. } hss } ‘ ‘ ae : . ~* = id awh ae. | s o 4H aD di 4 j we ti pe ca eal ete » y in 7) alls ru, ne 7 ¥ ‘4 q o's 30 ah we t 7 i] 1 Diet pa ee e 1 1 2 eh phi Wes Ome p.dd~ Zhurne Russk, Bot. Obshch. (Journs Soc. Bote Russie) (cont. ) Saposhnikova, K.V. see ERY SLOLOSt sche untersuchungen an arthy~ briden des weizens. Zhurne Russk. Bote Obshch, (Journ, Soce Bot. Russie} 13: 213-220. 1928, no.1/2. : Russian with German summary. Smirnov, PeP., Poliakova, T.N. & Krotov, P.Vl. mose eee L’influence des électrolytes sur l'exos— ‘du pigment des bulbes d'oignon,. Zhurn. Russk. Bot. Obshch. (Journ. Soc. Bote Russie) 13: 49-64, 1928. no.l/2. Russian with French résumé. Smirnov, P.P. & Krasichkova, M.Pe eee Ueber die zusammenwirkung der shuren und neutralsalzen auf das plasma (v.m.) zhurn. Russk. Bot. Obshch. (Journ. Soc. Bot. Russie) 13: ate Oe POZE, nalts Russian with German summarye Allium cepa. Tausson, W.O. ee. Zur frage Uber die oxydation der ae durch mikroorganismen. Zhurn. Russk. Bot. Obshch. (Journ. Soce Bote Russie) 13: 29-48, 1928, Wold) 2 Vasilltev, IM. ves Ueber die regulierende ta&tigkeit der pflanzen bei der transpiration. Zhurne Russk. Bote Obshch.e (Journ. Soc. Bot. Russie) 13: 117-134. 1928. NOpit) Ge Russian with German summarye With reference to wheat. Exper. Stat. Publ. Kemp, WeBe & Metzger, Jolie ; Environmental factors influencing wheat production in Maryland. Maryland Agr. Exp, Stat. Bull. 297: UZO-N7Ge JielS2b. Night ingale, GT. & Schermerhorn, LeGe Nitrate assimilation by asparagus in the absence of light. New Jersey Apis Expe Stat. Bull. 4766 24 De D.1928, Weadeils MOisia'y p54. Hxper. Stat. Publ. (cont. ) Taubenhaus, JeJ., Hzekiel, W.N. & Killough, D.T. Relation of cotton root rot and Fusarium wilt to the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. Texas Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 389, 19 pe. N.1928. New Books. Blatter, E. Beautiful flowers of Kashmir. v. cd. London John Bale Sons, 1929, Bresadola, Ge Iconographia mycologiaee. Ve’e §Mediolani, US2es Bonnier, G & Douin, R, Flore compléte illustrée... v.l0, fasc. 97. Coles O71-o6e. Peres Oe 4 Clements, E. S. Flowers of coast and Sierra. N.Y., H.W, Wilson.company, 1928. Plates are the same as those which appeared with her "Wild flowers of the west" in the Nat.Geogre Mage of May 1927; the text contains much of the sane material, tho more extensive. Clute ’ WN, The fern alliesof North America north of Mexico. JOLLET We (Walle Cliate 'Cany 9266 See ee. 2 peahou eet ee: Tena. Ge aoa Meee. Schwartz, O. Die Pontederiaceen - Jaccard, Pe & Frey, Ae Tilia cordata Miller und Tilia platy-= phyllos ‘Scop. (unter einschluss von Tilia corin- thiaca Bosc. und Tilia rubra DC.) Ideta, A. Supplement to Handbook of the plant diseases. in Japan. 2d ed. voll. Tokyo, 1925. Keller, G. & Schlechter, R. Monographie und iconographie der orchideen EHuropas und des mittelmeergebietes... vel, lfgs 7/8. Dahlem bei Berlin, 1928.(Repert. Spec. Nove Sonderbeiheft A) mashes c ; y” ee Vee lr, ‘Be hy Ray ne A Bee i palais NO ois DeddDe New Books (cont.) : McKelvey, §.D. eid . Tne lilac. NeYs, Macmillan, 1928. History and distribution by E.H.Wilson; Description of the zenus and its sections with a key to the species, by A. Rehders Diseases and insect pests, by W.T. Councilman. ‘North American florae v.23, pt.3e Mimosaceae (concl.). by NeLeBritton & J.N.Rose. pe 137-194. D.1928. Oltmanns, F5 : Das pflanzenleben des Schwarzwaldes. 3. aufl. erweitet auf Randen, Hegau und Bodenseegebiet Freiburg im Breisgau, Hrsg. vom Badischen Schwarzwaldverein, 1927. Zui Reprints from Journals not yet rec'd or not available. Dufrenoy, G. Etudes cytologiques de haricots sensibles et de haricots résista ts au Colletotrichum linde- muthianum. Reprinted from Rev. Path. Véz. etintoms Asr. 2p. 4pl. Jl./S.1928. Hemmi, T. & Nojima, 7. Studies on Polyporus orientalis parasitic on the roots of pine trees. Reprinted from Ann. Phytopath. Sce-adoorma 202) Orman ) eepil., wee. ; Text in Japanese; English résumés ;. (18)- ILS) Seto, . FF. Studies on the "bakanae" disease of the rice plant I~ A consideration of the occurrence of the "bakanae" disease and the "bakanae" phenomenon. Reprinted from Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan. 2(2). Fe De) wets. 19286 Caused by a species of Fusarium.e. Text in Japanese; English résumé p.19~20. Translations filed in Library of Bur. Plant Industry. Savelli, R. La canapa monofilla ed il suo luogo d'origine (The monophyllous hemp and its original station) Ital. Agric. 65: 659-706. 1928. Omitted from regular place. Amer. Journ. Bot. Botanigal society of America - Physiological Sect. Abstracts of papers presented before [the meeting at] New York, Dec. 27-29, 1928. Amer. Journ. Bot. 15: 615-633. D,1928 (Rec'd Ja.1929) now. + ye BOTAN CURRENT LITERATURE ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INodatarE B 14 1929 1k COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIERARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. WASHINGK OD hparfineat of Agrioulture - LIBRARY] RECEIVED Vora Il. no.8 January 21-Feb.2,1929. Acta Horti Bot. Latv. (Riga) Galenicks, M. New localities with fossil Trapa natans in Latvia. Aeta Hort. Bot, latvia, 3: 95-102. Text in both English and latvian. Skuja, H. Vorarbeiten zu ciner algenflora von Lettland Vs Acta Hort. Bot. latv. 4: 103-218. sep bAlbiS\ + pl. 1928. no.o/3. Latvian summary. Bagh aie. A. Zum bliutenbau von Pirola uniflora L. nebst einigen allgemeinen bemerkungen tiber die knospendeckung ak - tinomorpher blititen. Acta Hort. Bot. Latvia. Sz BlQ= 220, illus. 1928. no.2/3. Latvian summary. Actes 1. Conf. Intern. Blé, Rome. Dreger, W. la lutte contre les maladies et les insectes, Actes 1. Conf. Intern, Blé, Rome. 1927. p-297-299. LO28 : Jablonowski, J. Les ennemis des cerealeg en Hongorie. Actes isCont. Intern. Bird. Rome, 1927. p.d00-306. i928. Kock, G. Parasitare schddlinge des weizens. Actes 1. Conf. Intern. B1lé. Rome, 1927. p.288-290. 1928. Ravaté, . Emploi de l'acide sulfurique contre les mau-— vaises herbes et contre certains parasites des cultures de blé. Actes 1.Conf. Intern.Bilé, Rome, 1927. p.- 311-318, volley eco Against "le piétin de bié" Vavilov, N. les centres mondiaux des genes du blé. Actes 1. Conf. Intern. Blé. Rome. 1927. p.368-376. 1928, diy - | he Ps sy NAILED Tavoyn CMs venee Agr. Journ. Brit. Guiana. Abraham, A.A. Palm features of the botanic gardens. Agr. Journ. Brit. Guiana. 1; 261-235. pl. xv—-xviii. D.1928. no.4. Ashby, S.F. The bacterial wilt of bananas and plantains. Agr. Journ. Brit. Guiana. i ite. pl. xi- ey Ds LO CCR MO was Mniere Betis (GoOliet, Til.) Clute, W.W. Botanical essays XI-XIII (Desert vegetation - Flowers of Autumn - Plant partnerships. Amer. Lobe ieces MOsl, suppl. pe49-64. Ja,l29. nosis [Clute, W.N.j Death of Albert Schneider. Amer. Bot. 35: 2A. Jaleo Tne nl. [Clute, W.N. ] Dehiscence in Campanula. Amici Dot. — Sse 25 24. ale) ISVS Bimsatoy Ike [Clute, W.N. | Globe mallow in Illinois. Amer SObe | S58 120— Bar SIVA AUS) 2IS FR ss alo) a Phrymosa remote. Clute, W.N. The meaning of plant names XXXVII. Asteraceae 3. BME MOO be | COs Coles | Jae LIES. Moe 1. Stevens, O.A. Wildflowers from northeastern Kansas. Amer. Bot. B08. WSs) ab alow ¢ Bie) 4 USS) An ios 15 Moers Lor. & For. Life. (Wash., D.C.) Borah, A. Trees of the Bible III. The date palm and the pomegranate. Amer. For. Life. bo: 89- We BEG illus. Lp aisrzens NOsees Voit, NOS, Ded Amer. For. & For. Life. (cont.) Chesnut, A. A litule friend of the trees. Amer. For. & Moga ed' sy 35: 83-84. sal isnys ip Zs)5 1) aos 2 Pachysandra terminalis (Japanese spurge) a cover for bare spots made by shade of trees. Sackett, F.M. The Abraham Lincoln National park. Amer. For. & For.life. Bot wLOW. illus. He 29a) mon es Ann. Rep. Dent. Agr. Brit.Columbia. Hastham, J.W. Report of orovincial plant pathologist. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Brit.Columbia. 22(1927): Q 34-937. 1928. Arch. Suikerind.’Nederl. Indie (Soerabaja) Posthumus, O. De rietveredeling aan het Proefstation voor de Java-Suikerindustries te Pasoeroean. Overzicht over 1926 tot en met 1928. Arch, Suikerind. Ned. Indié. v.36, pt.3 (Meded. Proefstat.Java-Suikerind. 1928, Hoc ws Gl 10225, 1938), Booberg, Ge De red-stripe disease. Arch. Suikerind. Ned. Meus s Soe) + e26—1 P50.) Di 1928. no.5l. Korte Meded. Proefsta. Java-Suikerind. 1928, Oia ere Mees Betcead., Lincei VI, Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis Mat. e Nat. (Rome) Caro, Ld. Enerzia di cresenza dello "Sterigmatocistis nigra". Atti RR, weccad. Nag. Lincei VI, Rend. CliSci. Fis., Mat. e Nat, 8: 258-265. 1928. no.5/6. Bem, Deut. Bot. Ges. (Berlin) Hedwae) Bis Usber die frage der heterorhizie bei radix valerianae officinalis. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 46: 095-609. pl.xix. Wel zis Balle Sse Huber, B. Zor physik der spaltoffnungstranspiration I-II. Ber.Deut. Bot. Ges. 46; 610-620, 621-625. Dai928's nod. I.Das maximale diffusionsvsrmogen von porenmem- branen. II.Dic abhangigkeit der verdunstungsgrdésse von der porendicite. er oh at dinide ‘4 . a rH / ee into) ‘ oe a aes Bey Mert oo fe 4 ae areal RG ¢ pes oy oe. re } ottg Pag 3 ‘at Ar a Ne MOw oy Ones Ber.Deut.Bot. Ges. (cont.) Lepeschkin, W.W. Der thermische effekt des todes. Bot.Ges. AG: SOILS IS. Dals2ee no.9. Lingelsheim, A.v. Oumarin bei der gattung Rudbeckia. Sehmidt, O.C. Ber.Deut. Ber. Deut. Ueber mondzie und didzie in der chlorophyceen- gattung Codium Stackh. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. AG eee —OOOl TL dL IGGLS 5 Da L928, a9 9). Better Homes & Gard. (Des Moines, Ia.) McReynolds, W.D. Hardy vines we all should know. Better Homes @iGarde 7(5)2 64-65, 95-94. illus. #.aS29% Bienn. Rep. Kansas State Hort. Soc. anv Ol ti, Some discases of the peach. Bienn. Rep.Kan- S28 Smee llores SOC. S99 Vises. 1928. Graves, C.H. The soindle tuber disease in Irish potatoes. Bienn. Rep. Kansas State Hort. Soc. 39: 146-148. Ug iee\ Biochem. Zeitschr. (Berlin) Fischer, F. & Lieske, R. Untersuchungen uber das verhalten des lignins bei der naturlichen zersetzung von pflanzen. Biockem. Zeatuscar. 20S: Gol—do6e2. aL Jes no.1/6. Hess.) D, 1928. Zur frage des aufbaues pflanzlicher membrane. Biochem. Zeitschr. 203: 409-420. at Lalit no.1/6. Stern, K. & Bunning, H. Delg2e— Ueber elektromotorische krafte an pflanzen bei ableitung mit K CL-losungen verschiedener konzen- tration. Biochem. Zeitschr. 203: 400-408. Dy Wloges| ne 1/6. WAM Maa SEE Ton e\u Biol. Zentralbl. (Leipzig) Correns, C. Neue untersuchungen an selbststerilen pflanzen I- Biolwenmrealodie. | VAS: 759 576S. 4 aon: 1928. no.l2. I. Tolmiea menziesii. Moritz, O. Zur kritik der phytoserologie. Biol. Zen- tralbl. 48: 431-443. MZ Sian el One Bol. Patol. Veg. y Entom. Agr. (Madrid) Gonzalez de Andrés, C. Préctica de las pulverizaciones. Bal.Patol. Veg. y Entom. Agr. 3: 31-36. Ja. /Je.1928. (Rec'd Ja.1929) no.10/11. Bot. Arch. (Kénigsberg) Kussner, W. Physiologische untersuciungen uber die ernanrung von Penicillium glaucum durch fette. Bot. Ascdelay. BO oy eoe N.1928. no.1/e. English abstract: p.236. Risse, K. Beitrage zur zytologie der dipsacaceen. Bot. Arch. eo" 266-288. illus. N.1928. no.1/2. English abstract: p.287-288. SEO Rawe Revision der orchideen stidosteuropas und stid- westasiens. Bote eens) 2S.) wIGe ni Nelo eer nowl/2. steinbruck, A. Untersuchungen tiber die beziehung zwischen der bodenlockerung und der wasserverdunstung des bodens. Bote ueeh. 25: 258-265. N.1928. no.1/2. English abstract: 9.264-265. Bull. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. (Honolulu) Brown, F.B.H. Cornaceae and allies in the Marquesas and neighboring islands. Bull. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 52. Soule ylAtiss) LIZ. Lautea stokesiana, L.serrata, n.sp. “wean at ny Sey tira ih iy} 3 Ciara Lagi? SMe za elegy we vt ia ft, ae: ed Bit be hy 3a ‘pm Pooghdeudins seer inReais : \e ' vy ¥/ tet. cae t a, BEN War fgets 7. 4H Ht RS HAT Ay utnd tes + ib ig Wile wens . eit mane Wen Ih! salons 5 he) no Bull. Bernice Pavahi Bishoo Mus. (cont.) Wilder, G.P. The breadfruit of Tahiti. Bull. Bernice Peieal olsiaore Wiss BOS Vision alibibuiss | wo Wages AL SIZ8N5 uli, “Glasto de ayo Sawusier Braun, E.L. The vegetation of the mineral springs region of dams County, Ohio. uk. Clase Race Suc owes. Molo) + S765) 7. i LIhwS 6 icmeeoeel. Brollb ILS dbougia< Me 1umo)s Campbell, D.H. The nhylogeny of the angiosperms. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 55: 479-497. abl ntsyry 1D, MS) ere (Ja.26,1929) no.9. erin Gy. a, Studies on the growth of root hairs in solutions VIII. 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Canada Exp. Farms, 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 64-86. illus. 1928; In Report of Dominion rust research laboratory. Bailey, D.L. Report of Dominion rust research laboratory, Winnipeg, Man. Rep. Canada Exp.Farms. 1927 (Rep.Dom.Bot.): 47-97. illus. 1928. Berkeley, G.H. Ginseng diseases. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 35-36. 1928. Berkeley, G.H. Report of the Dominion laboratory of plant pathology, St.Catharines, Ontario. Rep, Canada uxp. Warms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot..): 121-139. illus. 1928. Conners, I.L. Smut experiments. Rep. Canada Exp, Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 91-97. 1928. In Report Dominion Rust research laboratory. Control. Craizie, JH. .& Popp, W. Rust epidemiology. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927 (Rep.Dom.Bot.): 47-54. 1928. In Report of Dominion rust research laboratory. Craigie, eles Sexual behavior of the stem rust organism (Puc— Cinia graminis tritici). Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927 (Rep. Dom.Bot.): 59-61. illus, 1928. In Report of Dominion rust research laboratory. ae | a we gi Les ee lie tae Y “iM 4 GE en nos Dive ls Rep. Canada Exp. Farms (Rep.Dom.Bot.) (cont.) Drayton, F.L. Studies and notes on diseases of ornamental plants. Rep.Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep. Domsoue) se leeeee asl 1928. Tulip - Narcissus - Hyacinth - Chionodoxa and snowdrop —- Iris - Gladiolus - Crocus - Peony. Gordon, W.L. Ehysiologic forms of oat stem rust ae Canada Bxp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 57-59. 1928. In Report of Dominion rust research laboratory. Greaney, F.J. Studies on the toxicity and fungicidal effi- ciency of sulphur dusts in the control of some cereal rusts. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927 (Rep. Dom.Bot.): 86-90. illus. 1928. In Report of Dominion rust research laboratory. Harrison, K.A, Fleshy fungi of Kentville, N.S., 1927. Rep. Canada Exp, Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 32-35 1928. Beekey, J.l. The control of spread of mosaic of potatoes by the use of nicotine dust. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 205-206. 1928. Hockey, J.F. Report of the Dominion Laboratory of plant pathology, Kentville, N.S. Rep. Canada Exp. piamss, 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 139-156. illus. 1928, Diseases of apples, currant rust, club root of turnips. EGE Siig Ee Ve Control of wheat smut (Ustilago tritici (Pers. ) Jens.) in the Huron variety, at Charlottetown, P.H.I. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 116- ite 1228. Nab Ole ist WOiioe = Rep. Canada Exo. Farms. (Rep.Dom.Bot.) (cont.) ISNDERASH Ge dR yey Hollyhock rust control. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 35. 1928. Hurst, Rite Report of the Dominion laboratory of plant pathology, Charlottetown, P.H.I. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 198-205. illus. 1928. Potato diseases. McCallum, A.W. Forest pathology. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bote): 39-44. 1928. McCulloch, W.K. Seed potato improvement. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 206~209. 1928. McLarty, H.R. Plant disease survey in the Okanagan valley. Rep.Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 192-193. 1928. McLarty, H.R. Report of the Dominion field laboratory of plant pathology, Summerland, B.C. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 27 (Rep.DomeBot.): 157-193, illus. 1928. Fire-blight(pears): apple disease (collar rot, perennial canker, physiological diseases). MacLeod, D. J. Report of the Dominion laboratory of plant pathology, Fredericton, N.B. Rep.eCanada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 209-218. 1928. Potato diseases. MacLeod, D.J. Seasonal development of apple scab. Rep. Oanada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 194. 1928. Mounce, I. Cultural studies of wood-destroying fungi. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 41- 44, 1928. Newton, M.e,Johnson, T. & Brown, A.M. Physiologic forms of wheat stem rust in Canada. Rep. Canada Exp.Farms. 1927(Rep.DomeBot.): 54-57. 1928. In Report of Dominion rust research laboratory. ti, . a 7 € ‘ j i i =< » = e Ree) * ily | esi vhig a! »? ‘A . . ° iz MOS f * Bexils : i ad , a * ie, in i : : ne = : iss Pas SM i ikea SRA LARIAT tal wists Tabs. . 3 F:, Bea Rat dy ies Lm dikade, pie DM Tall or - Fad aie | ia chalet at . Lap “ ' al, SI! a Fala tie cahioas sighiveies Poa ‘an oe (om fa a a? nn Te OE a WT Rae 4 , 1 ae bi ie! ae Li fe = Wels, MOS, Decode Rep. Canada Exp. Farms.(Rep.Dom.Bot.) (cont.) Newton, M. & Bailey, D.L. Uniform rust nurseries in Canada. Repe Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 61-64. 13928. In Report of Dominion rust research laboratory. Racicot, HN. Report of the Dominion laboratory of plant pathology, Ste.Anne de la Pocatiere, P.Q. Repe Oanada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 219-224. 1928, Bean mosaic; Studies on diseases caused by sclerotia~producing fungi in Quebec; Late blight of potatoes. Sanford, G.B. Report of the Dominion laboratory of plant pathology for Alberta. Rep-Canada Exp. Farms. 1227 hep. Dom. Bot. )s li2-115. illus.(map) 19282 Simmonds, P.M. Report of the Dominion laboratory of plant pathology, Saskatoon, Sask. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 97-112. 1928. Fusarium studies; Helminthosporium studies. Woolliams, G.E. An experiment to develop disease-free strains of potatoes at Summerland, B.C. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.); 224-225. 1928. Woolliams, G.E. Fusarium bulb-rot of onions at Summerland, B.C. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 189- iS ei Misa aL IeS. Wolliams, G.E. Tobacco diseases at Summerland, B.C. Rep. Canada Exp. Farms. 1927(Rep.Dom.Bot.): 226-228. O28 Rep. Dept. Agr. Govt. Res.eInst. Formosa, Japan. Sawada, K. Descriptive catalogue of the Formosan fungi. ptelIVv. Rep. Dept. Agre Govt. Res. Inst. Formosa. noedS. 123,25 p». 4 pl. J1.1928. Pate neS, Dsl’: Rep. Food Invest. Bd. Gt.Brit. ty of apr Barker, Je Wastage in fruit commerce. Rep. Food In- vest. Bd. Gt Brit. 1927: 38-42. 1928. South African plums and peaches — South African citrus fruit ~ South African pineapples — Citrus fruit in general - Internal breakdown in imported apples. Kidd, F.-& West, C.° Forecasting the tife of an apple. Rep. Food Invest. Bd. Gt. Brit. 1927: 23-27. 1928. Kidd, F. & West, C. The influence of soil upon the Keeping quali- ty of apples. Repe Food Invest. Bd. Gt. Brit. 19273 27-30. 1928. Kidd, w. & West, C. Iwo types of storage internal breakdown in apples. Rep. Food Invest. Bd. Gt. Brit. 1927: 42-43. 1928. Kidd, M.N. & Tomkins, R.G. An analytical study of the mortality of orange fruits at various constant temperatures. Repe Food Invest. Bd. Gt.Brit. 1927; 35-36. 1928. Kidd, M.N. & Tomkins, RG. Fungal diseases of imported fruits. Rep. Food Invest. Bd.Gt.Brit. 1927; 45-48. 1928. Onslow, M. The biochemical study of senescence in apples —- methods. Repe Food Invest. Bd. Gt. Brit. 1927: 30-32. 1928. Tomkins, R.G. The water relationships of fruit—rotting fungi. Rep. Food Invest.Bd.e Gt. Brit. 1927: 36-38 1928. Humidity and spore germination. Reve Hort. (Paris) Francgis, E. ; Deux orchidées nouvelles de Madagascar. Rev. Horte 100; 304-306. Tiwdse |) Delo, 1928s NOeton Gastrorchis schlechteri, G.francoisii. Vell, NOed, Pecde Rev. Hort. (cont.) Guillaumin, Ae Les cactées, principales espéces (cont.) Rev. Horte 100: 302-303. Delos geen) mOwwes Lemoine, He Un légume peu connu. le Polymnia edulis Wedd. ReveHort. 100: 306-307. Diels) 2S26is)), Ostet Lesourd, F. M.Pernet—Ducher. ReveHort.e 1003 299-301. D16,1928. NOs lee Lesourd, F. Les plus gros arbres de France I. Feuillas. (cont.) Sophora du Japon, Sophora du Japon pleureur, Ailante glanduleux, Catalpa. Rev. Horte 1003 316-317. ilius.s D.16,1928. nose. Meunissier, A. Aik Tecoma tagliabuana Vis. ReveHorte 100: SLO mien Coleplis Delo, 1925e Aodsilic. Rev. Vitic. (Paris) : Marsais, P. Le court—noué. Reve Vitics 702 5-75 ceo. wiles ats 1929, no.180l. Reve Zool. et Bot. Afr. Robyns, W. & Lebrun, J. Labiataceae novae Congolensese Rev.Zool. ENB Oils, Ales 16: 346-372. D.1928. node Rhodora. (Boston) Collins Jiekis Notes on @ertain species of Panicum occurring in or near Rhode Island. Rhodorae 3803 229-2325 D.1928. no.d60. Eaton, RJ. Hydrangea paniculata naturalized in Massachu- setts. Rhedora. Si: IS-19. Jasl929, Noedes Editorial announcement. Rhodora. 31: 1-6. Jael929. Change of editorship gives occasion for some notes on history of the journal. Viel oes Dec Oe Rhodora. (cont.) Fernald, ML. Roripa islandica an invalid name. Rhodorae Cle 16a) dae I29 6 no.J6l. Roripa palustris (L.) Bess. Holm, Ts ; The application of the term "rhizome". Rhodora. Sl: 6ri7. plel77sl78. Ja1929. mno.dol. Knowlton, C.H. Victorin's Les Gymnospermes du Québec. RaogoOraw sts I9=20, Jael929. nowGole Louis-Marie, pére. The genus Trisetum in America (concl.) Rhodora. S02 267-2456 ID USS Mackenzie, K.K. Concerning the proper identification of Lin- naean species, especially those based on material collected by Clayton. Rhodorae 30: 232-237. D.1928. no.360. Prunus virginiana, Aster Novae—Angliae, Aca-~ lypha virginica, Scirpus capitatus. Science. (Lancaster, Pa.) Sci. Rep. Jepson, Welle Samuel Bonsall Parish. Science. 69: 63. Jael8, 1929. $i nol7?77. Wieland, GR. The world's two greatest petrified forests. DemeOnees) | 09s) 50-066 Waele, L929. NOelcr’s The "Cycad National Monument" in the southern Black Hills "Rim"; The fossil Araucarian forest in Patagoniae Tohoku Imp. Univ. 4 Ser. Biol. Okabe, S. Zur cytologie der gattung Prunus. Sci-Rep. Téhoku Imp. Univ. 4 ser.Biol., 3: 733-743. il- Itoi s INA TS ys a aiatorry2) Tahara, M. Contributions to morphology of Coccophora langs— dorfii (Turn.) Grev. Sci»Rep.e Tohoku Imp. Univ. 4 sereBiol. 3: 727-7326 illus.,pl xxviii. Ne TWI28. NOede a i a Rae SUI oops, Ratti! EET el ‘ eb EOE ST rae | ae 8 Pe Bus a le : ny \ eermener eee eet (| MS Cae ig) a OMe te ee GUE, IRR tie: daa ? a : Pali cone Pie Cle) ee eee aah us r, Vell, HOw) Deere Sci.Rep. Tohoku Imm. Univ.4. Ser. Biol. (cont.) Takamatsu, M. On the arrangement of bast elements in coni- fers. Sci.sRep. Tohoku Imp. Univ. 4 ser. Biol. - 3: 821-826. pl.xxxiv. W.1928. NOwke Terasawa, Y. & Shimotomai, N. Bastardierungsversuche bei Brassica und Raphanus. Sci.sRep.Tohoku Imp. Univ. 4. ser.sBiol. 3: 827-841. idus., pl. xxxv—cxomvi.(part col.) WNel928. noes Scient. Amer. (N.Y.) Buchanan, A.E.jr. Chemical alarm clocks arouse sleepy plants. Scient.Amer. 140; 116-117. illus. F.1929. noc. Scott. Journ.Agzr. (Hdinburgh) Robb, We. Some potato-breeding problems. Scott. Journ. Bore elas 46-55. Ja.l929. Nowl. Robertson, D. Oat-sick land in- relation to eelworm disease. Scott. Journ. Agr. 12: 40-45. Jael929. noel. South African Gard. (Johannesburg) Bolus, L. Blue Disa (Disa graminifolia, Ker.) South Meccan Gard. Lo G6. illus, (cols). Ja.1929. noel. Bolus, L. Plants —- new and noteworthy. South African plants cultivated at the National botanic gardens, Kirsten bosch, south African Garde 19: 27. illuse POlpleitecos) JdaelS29e. nol. Watsonia middlemostii, Ixia orientalis, I. metelerxampiae, neSP. Tidsstr. Planteavl. (KAbenhavn) Gram, E., Jfrgensen,C.A. & Rostrup, Se Oversigt over sygdomne hos landbrugets og havebrugets kulturplanter i 1927. Tidsskr. Planteavl. 34: 778-836. 1928. nod6d. Vii.) nows, pees. Tijdschr. Plantenz. (Amsterdam) Goossens, J.A.A.M.H. Onderzoek over de door Phoma apiicola Klebahn veroorzaakte schurftziekte van de knoldselderij en over synergetische vormen en locale rassen van deze zwam (conte) Tijdschr. Plantenz. 34: BI —=—24t66 Dilly KVi-xvVadis| L928. nowle. English summary (Investigations on the "root-rot" of turnip-rooted celery (celeriac) caused by Phoma apiicola Klebahn, and on local strains and syner- getic forms of this fungus): p.343-344. Trans. & Proc. New Zeal. Inst. (Wellington, N.Z.) INU alone i eye Further notes on an artificial Rubus hybrid (x Rubus parvicoloratus Vida). Trans. New Zeal. Inst. 59; 643-644. pl.77. S.1928. nod. Cunningham, G.H. Sixth supplement to the Uredinales and Ustilagi- nales of New Zealand. Trans. New Zealand Inst. Doe 491—5056, 8.1928. noe. Sainsbury, G.O.K. The validity of certain allied species of the moss Campylopus clavatus R.Br. Trans. New Zeal. iDalsgre 59: 506—507. Se1928. NOcd. Tribune Hort. (Bruxelles) Bran, Cs M.Albert Maumené. Tribune Hort. 14: 33-34. Ports Ja.t9,1929. no.635. U.S. Dept. Agr. Circ. Kelly, J.W. Methods of collecting and preserving pollen for use in the treatment of hay fever. U.Se Dept. Agr. Circ.46. 9p. 0.1928. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farm. Bull. Crirta cis. De Prickly pear as stock feed. [revised] U.S. Dept. Agr. Farm. Bull.1072. 19 p. illus. D.1928. Zeitschr. Anal. Chem. Bodnar, J., Tergina, I. & Roth, L.E. Einfache und schnelle analytische methoden zur bestimmung des wirkungsgehalts von pflanzenschutzmit~ teln. IV. Die titrimetrische bestimmung des queck- Silbers in saatgutbeizmitteln. Zeitschr. Anal. Chem. 74: 81-105. 1928. Wedel. NOed, PLM Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererbungsl. (Leipzig) Zeitschr. Zeitschr. Zeitschr. Burgeff, H. Variabilitat, vererbung und mutation bei Phycomyces blakesleeanus Beff. ZeucsChi. Indukt. Abstamm. ueVererbungsl. 493 26-94. aL IN GtS USS) - Hoeppener, BE. & Renner, 0. Genetische und zytologische oenotherenstudien I- Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. ue. Vererbungsl. 49: 1~- Bol sil gsc USPSA Noelle I. Zur kenntnis der Oenothera ammophila Focke. Pilzk. (Leipzig) Huber, H. Standorte seltener pilze in der umgebung Wiener- Neustadt's (Niederosterreich und Burgenland). Zemesewrewewizic, te(nese7)? 178-182. Del928. DOndire Knauth, B. Die héheren pilze der Dresdner heide (cont.) Zoupsehrs Puls. I2(nes.7)3 182-186. D.1928. no.l2. Sukkulentk. (Berlin) Bodeker, F. Zwei neue echinocacteen. Zeitschr.e Sukkulentk. 3: 362-364. Se De lOZes NNOe lO Echinocactus sauerii, HE. roseanus,sSpenovae Werdermann, HE. Mamillaria gulzowiana Werd. n.sp. Zeitschr. Sukkulentk. Bebo sove illus. Del928. “Ne. loc Zuckerind. Cechoslovak. Rep. Kresl, F.X. & Peska, A. Hin beitrag gur bek&fung der Cercospora beticola auf zuckerrube. Zeitschr. Zuckerind. Cechoslov. Rep. 53; 177-180. D.21, 1928. no.l6. Stehlik, V. & Neuwirth, Fr. Soll rabensamen stimuliert und gegen wurzel- brand gebeizt werden? II Zeitschr. Zuckerind. Cachoslovak, Rep. 53: 181-196. illus. Ja.4,1929. No 7/18 Work of 1928 and further results of researches in 1927 prove that seed treatment is not effective with any of the existing preparations. Vial. Ons, Ded0's Exper. Stat. Publ. Younes, V.eHe Plant pathology. Arkansas Agr. Exp. Stat. Ann.Rep. 40(1927/28, Bull. 231): 64-73. D. 1928. Randolph, L.F. Chromosome numbers in Zea mays Le Cornell Acr., Exp. Sta. Mem 117. 44 92 2pl. Je.1928. (Rec'd Ja.1929) Adams, Shelve [Renort of] the Department of plant pathology [for the year ending June 30,1928] Delaware Agr. Exp. Stat. Ann.Rep. 1927/28: 34-43. 1928. Detjen, L.R. & Gray, G. F. Physiological dropping of fruits. II. In re- gard to genetic relationship of plants. Delaware Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull.157. 38 p. N.1928. Doran, Wel. & Guba, HE. F. ‘3. Bliznt aac leaf-snot of carrot im: Massachusetts. Massachusetts Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull.245: 271~278. ib oeoe Macrosporium caratae, Cercospora apii carotae. Whitcomb,W.D. & Guba, E.F. Control of red spider and powdery mildew on greenhouse cucumbers. Massachusetts Agr. Exp. State Bull.246: 280-294, illus. 0.1928. Morris, Hot. & Younes, PA. The Department of botany and bacteriology presents some conclusions. Montana Agr. Exp. Stat. Ann. Repe 4: 84-87. 1928. Sayre, JeDe Formaldehyde dust for the control of oat smut. Ohio Agr. Exp. Stat. Bimonth. Bull. 14: 9-11. Ja./ Hel929s NOels State Publications. : Gladney, H., Colmer, R.P., Kislanko, J.P. & Miles,L.z. Controlling pecan scab and other pests. Quart. Bull. State Plant Bd. Mississippi. 8: 1~7. Se OntI2Ge BOede Velij NOed, Desks New Books. Appel, O- Atlas der krankheiten der landwirtschaftli- chen kulturpflanzen. 2. reihe. Berlin, P.Parey, 1928. Duetsche stidpolar—-expedition 1901~1903. Botanik. Die marinen diatomeen by H»Heiden & R.W. Kolbe. bowel Mery De heeele Drude 9 O« Pflanzengeographische Skologie. In Abder- halden, E. Handbuch der biologischen arbeits-— Metiboden. Abtext. teil 5, hel. (lf2.279) pal Pee, LoeS. shell vars Suger cane and its culture. Nig Vieyiu smebenn & sons. 1928. Sugar cane diseasess p.l09-l6l. Fisk, Hole, and Addoms, RM. A laboratory manual of general botany. New Yoriz, Macmillan, 1928. Frey, A. Anewndung graphischer methoden in der pflan- zensoziologie. In Abderhalden, E. Handbuch der biologischer arbeitsmethoden. AD, scene: Sy eile (a2 79) | pecOs-ese~. 1928 Gellhorn, E. Das permeabilitatsproblem, seine physiologische und allsemeinnpathologische bedeutung. Berlin, J. Springer, 1929 (Monographie aus dem gesamtgebiet der physiologie der pflanzen und der tiere 16.bd.) Handel—Mazzetti, H. i Der Okologie auf reisen. In Abderhalden, H. Handbuch der biologischen arbeitsmethoden. Abt. iPro ned (lies cno leone. | Laaok Jaccard, P. Die statistisch-floristische methode als grund~ lage cer pflanzensoziologie. In Abderhalden, EH. Handbuch der biologischer arbeitsmethoden. Abt.X!I, Peni So nl (iPel279)i p.leb-2Oe., 1ILe. Wedd, NOwd, Dede New Books (cont.) Lectures on pkant pathology and physiology in relation to man. Phila., W.B.Saunders, company, 1928. A series given before the Mayo foundation and various universities. Konkel, 1.0. Wilterable viruses. — Cowles, H.C. Ecology and human affairs. - Coons, G.H. Some as~ pects of the Fusarium problem - Stakman, E.C. Racial sovecialization in plant disease fungi - Whetzel, H.H. The relation of pkant pathology to human af- fairs - Osterhout, W.J.V. Some aspects of cellular physiology. Die pflanzenzreale. 2. reihe, h.3. Jena, 1928. Donat, A. Verbreitung einiger desmidiaceen II- ETE Robbins, W.J. & others. Growth. New Haven, Yale university press, Rosenvinge, L.K. and Warming, E., eds. The botany of Iceland. Way Tohnoma |. Ses) 7. The fresh-water Cyanophyceae of Iceland & 8. The aerial algae of Iceland, by J.B. Petersen. Rubel, E. Lichtklima und lichtgenusse In Abderhalden, H. Handbuch der biologischer arbeitsmethoden. Abt.XI, Gem o| Hel (lie.79)) pe 2oo-e9e~. bab. 1928. scharfetter, R. Die kartographische darstellung der pflanzen— gesellschaften. In Abderhalden, HE. Handbuch der biologischen arbeitsmethoden. iG iesalis) seek Smile eo)) De 7 t-lete | UOZes eehmidt, O.C. Die algenvegetation Helgolands. In Karsten, G. Die vegetationsbilder. 19. reihe, heft. 5. pl.25~-30. 1928. Voliinons. pass. New Books (cont.) Schulz, E.D. (Mrs. Roy.W. Quillin) Texas wild flowers, A popular account of the common wild flowers of Texas. Chicago, Laidlaw brothers, 1928. shirai : M. A list of Japanese fimgi hitherto unknown. Rev. and enl.by Kanesuke Hara, 3d. ed. 1927. Simmonds, J.H. Trees from other lands for shelter and tim- ber in New Zealand. Eucalypts Ane and,) Mens The Brett printing and publishing company, 1927. Williams, R.0O. Flora of Trinidad and Tobago. v.l, pt.el—-c. Trinidad, Dept. of Agriculture, 1928. vel. pt.l, Ranales; pt.2, Rubiales. Translations filed in Library of Bur. of Plant Industry. Schotte, G. Svampar (Fungus injuries) In his Larken och dess beteydelse f6r svenks skoghushallning. Medd. Stat. Skogsférséksanst. 1916/17 (2): 676- SS SAL aan cals also includes transl. of p.749-752 (The diseases and damages of the Siberian larch) & p.770-771 (Diseases and injuries of the Japanese larch) = a ‘7 ; y - i Die A ae x - ae i yi . © . . ‘ = BOTANY CURRENT LITERATURE ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE U3 | U. 8, Department of Acxieult LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTOM, BD. C. | Avateditune Wols ily no.4. February 4-16, 1929. [Addresses] Ann. Placer Co. Fruit Grow. Conv. IDE eins isha New developments in pear blight control. Adcresses] Ann. Placer Co. Fruit Grow. Conv. WA927 + 20265. [1928] Heppner, MJ. Progress in pear black-end investigation. [Addresses] Ann. Placer Co. Fruit. Grow. Conv. 7(1g27): 24-28. [1928] Jones, Bed. The "black-ena" situation in Eldorado County. [Addresses] Ann. Placer Co. Fruit Grow.Conv. il LOZ Te 28= 60, [ 1928] Morrison, A.E. ® Pear blight control, Sacramento River District. [Addresses] Ann. Placer Co. Fruit Grow. Conv. meses e588, | | 1928) Memmer . iC. Pear blight control. [Addresses] Ann. Placer Co. Fruit Grow. Conv. 7(1927): 76-81. [1928] Agric. Colon. (Firenze. iteastro, C. Il mate o te del Paraguay (Ilex paraguariensis Bryer.) Ceomt.. Berde, Colon. - gos, 19-294 ls Ja. 1929. HON Wee. Journ. India. (Calcutta) Mitra, M. Gall formation on the roots of mustard due to a smut (Urocystis coralloides Rostrup). Agr. Journ. India. 25: 104-106. Pl. Rideaxiin,. , = Contribution a l'etude des ferments oxydants. Bulbine Soee, Sous Coneves, Tl, 20: S2426755 ilies. 1928 1@) 6 1b5 Romie.) Nise . ? - . : Hsquisse de geographie botanique et d'ecologie des "Rochers du.Coin". Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve. iby 20: L0=148. tikes. USPSA sale), iba Schopfer, W.H. = ar? z Recnerches sur la sexualite des champignons. S . . : ? Le probleme de la biochimie comparee duwsexe. iS icialailae Sees Bots Geneve. 11, 20: 149-4525, ©) aililmss, Boe te ee Oeee TO ls Strom, K.M. Active reaction of the medium and the growth of Hormidium forms. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve. Es 20: 1-9. TIL Anois UO) - NOs le ZENUET de Bull. Le pavot et son usage ches les Assyriens. Soc. Bot. Geneve. It. 20:1, 679-582. L925 woes Bull. Soc. Centr. For. Belgique (Bruxelles) hedouxe. | Pi. Bull.Soc. Contributions a la adrymologie du Congo. Il. Nou- velles recherches histologiques sur des Entandro-— phragma C.DC. (Meliaceae) du Congo beige. Bull. soc.Centr. For. Belgique. 46; 18-22. Ja.1929. TaN 6 IES Dendrol. France. (Paris) Chassagne, M. ~ 37 . ? z = Considerations generales sur le genre Salix. Liste d'hybrides nouveaux pour la France. Bull. Soc. Denarol. Hrances- 66s) S8i—92. Nolo, 23280 Hacke |. Ri. SOC. ho eounwhe des ngumsra cinde £eua Less. ima, Wendcow, srance,, i685 97-10, if 123 US el Velde umes 4, sO la Cellule. (Lierre, Belgium) Beal, J.M. A study of the heterotypic prophases in the microsporogenesis of cotton. la Cellule. 8: pasaaoos, eo Oke 1928. Nog. Matsuda, H. On the origin of big pollen grains with an abnormal numder of chromosomes. La Cellule. 48:3 213-242. Cpe A Sra) Olea. In Petunia violacea. Sprumont, G. Chromosomes et satellites dans quelques especes d'Ornithogalun. La Cellule. 38: 269- Bue 2 Pl. “1928. NO ede Vuckovic, R. la noyau et la caryocinese dans le Carex. La Celluie. 48; 197-210. pls. 1828, uOsie. Circ. Estac. Exp. Agr. Sec. Nac. Agr. Lima. Lopez Dominguez, F.A. Bl mosaico en la cana de azucar. (ieee Mstec, Map, Aer. Lima. lO. Qo Dar) alsin Ore 1928. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr.France. (Paris) Rerwves, lis Sur les causes du dépérissement de l'abricotier par apoplexie. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France. Wee 78S, ) dael929.) moses. Bacillus amylovorus, disseminated by insects. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. Averseng, Jaloustre, & Maurin, E. Action du thorium X sur la teneur en principes actifs de certaines plantes medicinales. Compt. Rend. Acad. SCis Paris. 288s 645-347. Ja.al, OWA 6 Daniel, L. Accentuation et persistance des adaptations symbiotiques chez le topinambdour greffé sur le soleil annuel,. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 188: 417-419, tiivics, ydawce, 1929. Noa. a D ! i Ne oS ; ¥ 2 « = ¥ : “ 4 , 4 4 Voulit) nota, pi? Compt. Rend, Acad. Sci. Paris (cont.) Mazé, P. Determination de la température des chloroleu- cites dans des plants de mais exposés au soleil. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 188; 337-339. daecl, 1929... no.4. Perrier, A. Sur les transformations de la chlorophylle chez une algae verte. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei. Parisi. lisse So9-S6the Wesel, 1929. no. Ponte: ones C. Sur l'existence de résines chez le Sterigma- tocystis nigra V. Ugh. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Parise isos 415-415, Jaeces, 1929. nod. Truffaut, G & Thurneyssen, G. Influence de la lumiere artificielle sur la croissance des plantes superieures. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 188; 411-413. Ja.28, 1929. no.d. Compt. Rend. Soc. Phys. & Hist. Nat. Geneve. Chodat, F. Role des plantes dans l'équilibre atmometrique de leurs phyllospheres. Compt. Rend. Soc. Phys. & Hist. Nat. Geneve. 45: 133-136. Ag./D.1928. nod. Ernahr. Pflanze. (Berlin) Kappen, H. Vezetationsversuche mit kalisalzen auf sauren btUden (schluss). Erntnr. Prlanze. 25: 25-41. Tiias., tad. GENS IES, ASE) 5 lose Fortschr. Landw. (Vienna) Bredemann, ¢. & Fabian, H. Der einflusz der erndhrung auf den fasergehalt und die faserbeschaffenheit von bastfaserpflanzen (flachs und nessel). Fortschr. Landw. 3: 406-407. (Nie IES Stes A rake) isl Demeter, K.J. .Bakteriophagie und landwirtschaft. Fortschr. Landw. 3:894-399. Mr.1, 1928. no.9, and a 5 ‘ . * My 5 . . Y a 7 . Fi . > . 4 - = . 4 s © 3 e ry 4 5 t : he om - ’ 2 : Sr 4 5 ‘~ ~ “ . : : * “ 2 & - , vie . ey a ” os ~~ ie oo. , = pe : . ve 6 “ ‘ : ORS Mi Say rae a . ae = ade re 25 Oi > = ¥ : , - a er . “ oe mye ah 4 % C % . Ge, ” . - -- at , c an : : : “re he ee i te : : Xf 5 . = ce : 1 5 35 - : : ’ ‘ ss ~ Fortschr, Veil, no.4, p. 8. Naturw. Forsch. Ivanov, S. Die klimatendes erdballs und die chemische tatigkeit der pflenzen. Fortschr. Naturw. Ine scrlelasn Waals ae GAS) Se or 1929. Gard. Chron. (London) Bracken disease in Scotland. Gard. Chron, ii Bas D687. Vanco, 1929. no.cl96. Summary of a pamphlet on the subject by Mrs. N.L. Alcock and publ. by West of Scotland Agricul- tural college, Glasgow. Fungus not determined. Brown, N.H#. Mesembryanthemum and some new genera separated from it. (cont.) Cryophytum. Card. (Chzon. ein, 85: 84. Feb.2, 1929. no. 2197. Conference on polyploidy, John Innes horticultural institute. Gard. Chron. III, 85; 83-84. Baie TEVA ia Pale) cumre tesa Darnell, A.W. The genus Primula (cont.). Gard. | Caicos) tiles Beene Co-SO. Wasco, Bebee.1929. nowcl9o-97. wee bend. Hs Plant history in nomenclature. (cont.) Gand. Caron. I1I,84: 81-82. HOD.) UGZOn | nome e ies Grove, A. A new disease of lilies. Gerd. Caron. Pils 85: 82-3835. Pas Wel eA yaaa SAIS Account of L.Ogilvie's work on virus diseases of lily in Bermuda. Hornibrook, M. Notes on some recantly discovered drarf coni- fers. Gera. Caron. il. Soe 49-50, al apie Jain USI US ISIS Owe cole Galas a ae ae Propagation of xhododendrons by cuttings. Gard. Chron, Elin, S509. illus. yep aS ease no.cl97, Taylor, G. The status of Meconopsis baileyi. Gard,Chron. TPB G6 | Jawce. 1929. ne. 2196. M. baileyi at most a geographic form of M. betonicifolia. Walk} no 4, psd. Gand. Chron, (cont. ) Ward, F.K. Mr. F.K. Ward's tenth expedition in Asia, Xi. Gard. Chron. III, 85: 46-47, 30-81. a ALTO UST JCMS Mae MSs Maloy, iio aU 7 = William Bateson. Gard. Chron. tit eos 62-63. Jaeco, L929. no.cl96. Gard. Chron. Amer. (N.Y. ) Eldredge, A.G. Sea side wildflowers for your garden. Gard. Chron. Amer. 333; 41-42. Didace. He to2ore Gartenfl. (Berlin) Nicolai, G. Die methoden der orchideenvermehrung und ihr praktischer wert fur die erwerbsgartnerei. Gartenfl. 78: 11-16. a legals 1928. Gladiolus Rev. (Rochester, N.Y.) Maple, J.B. Speculation about diseases of glads and their treatment. Gladiolus Rev. 6; 49-50, 74, 76. Hee O20e— HOw 2 « Godishn. Sofiisk. Univ. II, Fiziko-Mat. Fakul. (Ann. Univ. Sofia. II, Facul. Physico-Mat.) Burzakov, B. »-. Beitrag zur erforschung der pilzflora Bulgariens. Godishn. Sofiisk. Univ. II, Facul. Physico-Math.) V.24, suppl. 18 p. ag28), Bulgarian with German summary. Hawaiian Plant. Rec. (Honolulu) uniachel pies (ly Ten years in Hawaiian forestry. Hawaiian Plant. Rec, 453 5o~-97. HUG | ia, LOCO su mm tus Manoa arboretum: p.66—83. Figs in Hawaiian forestry: p.83-96. Horticulture (Boston) Wilson, E.H. Leaves from a plant hunter's notebook. no.1- Horticulture. (oo oat (aL IG a NTIS Vac rave) 2B) no. 1. Mrs. Thayer's lily (L.thayerii) Vila nae e oy 10. Joint Bull. Vermont Bot. & Bird Clubs. Bamford, R. & Gersnoy, A. Germ cell sterility. Joint Bull. Vermont Bot. & Bird Clubs. 13: 92-94. ).1928. (Rec'd F.1929) Chisholm, M. Polystichum acrostichoides forma lanceolatum, Joint Bull.Vermont Bot. & Bird Clubs. 13; 88. D.1928 (Rec'd F.1929) DOs Bedi« The Hepaticae of Vermont. Joint Bull. Ver- mont Bot. & Bird Clubs. 13; 28-62. D.1928 (Rec'd F, 1929 ) Journ. Agr, Prat. (Paris) Rives, L. Sur un cas de fatigue du sol. Ia maladie des céréales semées sur défrichement du sol. Journ. Agr. Prat. n.s.,50:; 491-494, Dei928in moos Journ, Agr. Sci. (London) Goodwin, W., Salmon, E.S. & Ware, W.M. The action of certain chemical substances on the zoospores of Pseudoperonospora humuli (Miy. et Takah.) Wils. JOuEn. Weresci. 198) 185200. Seb dbS AS Journ. Hered. (Washington) Lindstrom, H.W. A haploid mutant in the tomato. Journ. Hered. 20; 23-30. nach. fete AUSIAS A aaa Slee Smith, W.K. & Harrington, J.B. Wheat albinos. Journ. Hered. 20: 19-22. MIG ice OOee) NOs be Tanaka, T. The best oranges of the Far East. An account of the pankan, tankan, kosho—tankan and haili from Formosa and the adjacent Chinese coast. Journ. Hered. 20: 37-45. MS i aelOZ8s NOs. ¥i11j noi4; pill. Journ. Indian Bot. Soc. (Madras) Blatter, E. The flora of the Indus delta (cont.). Journ. iidvan BOG. e0Ca 0s) JEO8=I7a.° 5 pls D,.1928. no.3/4. Blatter, HE. Myrmecosymbiosis in the Indo-Malayan flora, dourn. Indian Bot. Soc. 7%: 176-185. D, 1928. no.3/4. Bose, §.R. Injection-experiments on plants. Journ. Indian Babe Soce (72 ibe-155. illus, ~D. 1928. mosses Experiments with chlorotic plants (Srinum asi- aticum, Mimosa pudica) Sethi, M.L. Contributions to our knowledge of the life- history of Pinus longifolia. Journ. Indian Bot. Soci lGsI5l. ilius., pli-x. D.192e@. mows/4. Singh, T.C.N. & Sinha, B.N. Notes on the teratology of certain angiosperms Journ. Indian Bot, Soc. 7%: 99-103. pi. i-ii. D.1928. no.3/4. Sinha, B.N. The origin and evolution of the archegonium. Pourn. Indian Bot. Sec, 7: 1b60167. D. 1926.) ’no.d/4. Journ. Indian Inst. Sci. (Madras) Constituents of some Indian essential oils pt. 22- 24. Aone Gia MMlalelaleral | Wotsiney sjeehy a MEIN) als) Ie Ieho) TUS Zeke) nao} valleys ee. The essential oil from the flower heads of Cymbopogon coloratus, Stapf. By P.P. Pillay, B. Sanjiva Rao & J.J. Simonsen. 23. The essential oil from the fruits of Piper cubeba. By B.Sanjiva Rao, V.P. Shintre & J.L. Simonsen. 24. The essential oil from the rhizomes of Curcuma zedoaria, Roscoe. By B.Sanjiva Rao, V.eP. Shintre & J.L. Simonsen. All reprinted from the Journ. Chem. Industr. ve47,1928. Journ.Landw. (Berlin) Hatesaul, HE. Untersuchungen Uber wachstumsverhaltnisse bei der kartoffel. Journ. Landw. 76: 327-362. De1928. no.4. * + : e. 4 © > abuse meee Mae Soa f Wlie meet. ele, Journ. N.Y. Bot. Gard. Stout, A.B. The clon in plant life. Journ. N.Y. Bot. Gard. COn ce ole, “ TelO29. no,S5O0% Journ. Pharm. & Chim. (Paris) Berdel i. @ Gurion, S$. Le glucoside a salicylate de méthyle du Gaul- theria procumbens L. est le monotropitoside. Journ, Pharm. & Chim. VIII, 9: 1-16. Je. i 1295 Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. Kearney sein. Flants of Lower California relationsnip in cen- tral Arizona. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 1's 70-71. Hig Gee ag aSVENS) NOed. Maurandya acerifolica & Colubrina californica. Benne i Weic A new Maurandya from Arizona. Journ. Washing— ton Acad. Sci. 19; 69-70. Hot, L929. nod. M.acerifolia. Kartoffel, Zeitschr. Kartoffelbauges. (Berlin) Broome K. Ueber die bekaémpfung von schorf und Phytoph— thora durch zlchtung. Kartoffel. Zeitschr. Kartoffelbauges. 9; 30-31, Bel 2oint) HOw Kosmos (Lwow, Poland) Goetz, ie Rozmieszczenie brekini (Sorbus terminalis Crantz.) w Polsce Zachodniej. (Lie verbreitung der elsbeere (Sorbus torminalis Crantz.) in West-— polen.) Kosmos. | (ees 71 1Ol. “1s. | 19s. Oy aE In Polish with German summary. Koczwara, M. Arthrospira leopoliensis Racib. i formy pokrewne. (Arthrospira leopoliensis Racib. und ihre verwandte). Kosmos. 53; 102-108. illus. 128s 2061, Raciborskia nov.gen. In Polish with German summary. Vi ay, no 4, pe Ss, Kranke Pflanze. (Dresden) Esmarch, F. Ringkranke kartcffeln, Kranke Pilanze. 6: 7-9. Seb USS) S| alos 1 Landbouw Tijdschr. Vereen. Landb. Nederl.—Indie. (Buitenzorg) Cebus. | ir sie c Abdul Kadir. Re Enkele gegevens cmtrent den Siwalan op Mad- oera (Some data concerning the Palmyra palm on Madura (Netherlands Indies). Landbouw. Tijd- schr. Vereen. Lando. Nederl.—Indie. 4; 304-421, INS USeisie Satara 5) Dutch with English summary. Landw. Jahrb. Bayern. (Munchen) Raum, H. Beispiele uber die beduntung der modernen vererbungslehre fir die praktische pflanzenztich- tung. Landw. Jahrb. Bayern. 18; 497-512. USFS eel Sy ean Malayan Agr. Journ. (Kuala Lumpur) Sharples, A. Palm diseases in Malaya. Malayan Agr. Journ. eeoes oe. pl. i -xvida. | S./0.1928. mere le. Nature (London) PRES tein. vile He The transport sf carbohydrates in the plant. Nature. 123; 133-135. Ja.26, 1929. no.3O91. New Phytol. (London) Cook, W.R. 1. The inter-relationships of the Archimycetes teene lS) New Phytol. 27: 298-420. st Je kbs) HIBS). 0.0). North Amer. Veterin, Hansen, A. A. Mechanical plant injuries. North Amer. Veterin. 10; 29-383. all ace WE WSIS tao) 72. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. Bornmtiller, J. Kritische bemerkungen tiber annuelle Hippocrepis-— arten. Notizbil, Bot. Gart. Berlin, 1OrA2i- Soe. | now. Burret. Ms Hine neue Copernicia4art aus Paraguay. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. 10; 402-404. D.1928 no.95. c.ramulosa. Wily haa lS, Kranke Pflanze. (Dresden) Hsmarch, F. Ringkranke kartcffeln. Kranke Pflanze. 6 =o U5 USS) 5 tale) le Landbouw Tijdschr. Vereen. Landb. Nederl.—Indie. (Buitenzorg) Geualiss > Trainee. eA Kadai. Rs Enkele gegevens cmtrent den Siwalan op Mad- nera (Some data concerning the Palmyra palm on Madura (Netherlands Indies). Landbouw. Tijd- schr. Vereen. Lando. Nederl.—-Indie. 4: 304-21, Nwioee. nos, Dutch with Engiish summary. landw. Jahrb. Bayern. (Mtmchen) Raum, H. Beispiele uber die beduntung der modernen vererbungslehre flr die praktische pflansenztich— tung. Landw. Jahrb. Bayern. 18: 497-512. 1928,> nono /22. Malayan Agr. Journ. (Kuala Lumpur) Sharples, A. Palm diseases in Malaya. Malayan Agr. Journ. eeeeeeG, pl. i-xviti. 6../0.1928., meso 10. Nature (London) Presley. «Ji. H« The transport of carbohydrates in the plant. Nature. 123; 133-135. Janeo, L929. no.d09i. New Phytol. (London) boom, Wok. I. The inter-relationships of the Archimycetes (cone l.) New Phytol. Pi) 2I8-S20.~ aaah BeeIZS. MO..o). North Amer. Veterin. Hansen. A. A. Mechanical plant injuries. North Amer. Veterin. 10: 29-33. al ore, We LOBOS iy me \aeon. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. Bornmtiller, J. Kritische bemerkungen Uber annuelle Hippocrepis— arten. Notazb ls Bote Cart.) Berling VOrkial TORO ger. N05. Burwete) Ni. Hine neve Coperniciaart aus Paraguay. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. 10; 402-404. 0D.1928. no.95. ¢.ramulosa. Yee igh eae Notizbl. Bot, Gart. Berlin (cont.) Burret, M. Die palmengattung Manicaria Gaertn. Notiz-— Die Bot. Garb. (Berlin, 10: 389-394, DL Ug28. no.95. M.martiana, fi.sp. Burret, M. : Die palmengattungen Chelyocarpus Dammer und Tessmanniophoenix Burret nov.gen. Notizbl. Bob. Gart. Berlin. 10; 394-401. D.1928. mo.gS. T. longibracteata, n.sp., T.chuco nov.comb. Dangler, Hi. Griechische rosen, von Dr. Joh. Mattfeld gesam— melt auf seinen, 1924,1926 und 1927 in Bulgarien, Griechenland und der europaischen Turkei ausgefuhrten forschungsreisen. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. 10: 479-488. Doug 235) mos a. Hig, A. Aegilops sharonensis n.sp. Notizbl.Bot. Gart. Berlin. 10: 489-491. D.1928. ne.9d. Harms, H. gar kenntnis der gattung Sciadodendron Griseb. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. 103; 452-456. D. W928, noO.g5.s Mansfeld, R. Zur kenntnis der gattung Catasetum L.C.Rich. I. Notizbl. Bot.Gart. Berlin. 10: 476-478. il- lus. DOLg28., owe. C.rolfeanum, n.sp. Mattfeld, J. Abies duplex Hormuzaki als gipfel von Abies alba Mill. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. LO S05-41, D.l92e. now95. Mildbraed, J. Neue arten von Coussapoa und Pourouma Aubl. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. 10; 413-420. OD. 1928. no.95. Fapp, Ci. Berichtigung zu: Papp, Formen von Melica usw. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. 103412. D.1928. no.10. P f on ; (4 BP 1 u i i ae i. A \ - ; a, oh Aa ey gytp Poel Bit) a Be atta * TU, no.4, p. 15. Mouwzpl., Bot. Gart. Berlin. (cont. ) Pemcins, wis Drei neve arten der gattung Styrax. WNotizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. 10: 457-459. D.1928. no.95. S.ledermannii, S.schultzei, S.tassmannii. Werdermann, E. BeitrSge zur kenntnis der flora von Chile II. O.H. Schulz: Die von 0.Berninger, A.Hollermayer und besonders von H.Werdermann in Chile gesammelten cruciferen. III. E.Werdermann;: Uebersicht uber die in Chile vorkommenden arten der gattung Salpiglossis ruiz et Pav. (Solanaceae). Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Ber lam, 10; 460-475. illus. Dei 28) iene Hollermayera (n.gen.) H.silvatica; Microcarda- mum (n.gen.) M.tenue; Werdermannia (n.gen.) W. macrostachya. Pharm. Journ. (London) Rearins, . &. Insectivorous plants. Pharm. Journ. 122 (I¥,68): 74-76. Jasco, 1929), no.5404. Redgrove, H.S. Some notes on chamomile. Pharm. Journ. ige(IV,68): 50-51. illus. Ja.19, 1929 no.3403. Philipp, Agr. Rev. (Manila) Clara, F.M. Control measures for the anthracnose disease of the mango. Philipp. her. Reve) 2ie ei. 266) NOs J. Planta, Arch.Wiss. Bot. (Berlin) Alexandrov, W.G. Beitrage zur kenntnis der zuckerrtibenwurzel. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 7: 124-132. illus. Jae1929. NOs Ls Delaunay, L.N. Kern und art. Typische chromosomenfcrmen. EMatvas mares: Wisse Ot. (7 3l00—lle. Lius., Ja.1929. THOje lie Gian, WS. Der einfluss der standortsfeuchtigkeit auf den osmotischen wert bei pflanzen. Planta, Arch. Wiss. Bot. 7: 45-58. Ja.1929. no.l. Welnvalys no.4,9.16. Planta, Arch. Wiss. Bot. (cont.) Picailkane maleic Was. Stendortsfeuchtigkeit und der sauckergehalt in den pflanzen. Planta, Arch. Wiss. Bot. ao flv. ale qul 2g)e io) 2k Méller, E. Zer analyse der blattbewegungen von Coleus. Pilamba. AcechasWass. Bote 73 72-99). Ja.1929. nol. Schenderl, H. Sagittaria sagittifolia als kopasspflanze. Planta, Arch. Wiss. Bot. (a MMe LIL i illus. Ja.1929. no.l. Schweizer, G. Kulturmethode ftir coprophile ascomyceten. Pb wien Wiss. Bote 7 16-123. al Juilolss = Sele SIA no.l. mage Wis Roscoea purpurea Sm., eine zingiberacee mit hebelmechanismus in den blUten. Mit bemerkungen uber die entfaltungsbewegungen der fertilen staubblatter von Salvia. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 7: 1-28 iL ILI UES < Jen USVZ25)5 6 dO b ILA Tuschnjakova, M. Habryologische und zytologische beobachtungen uber Listera ovata (Orchidaceae). Pientas ren. iiss. (Bot. 72 29-44. TLIC iy ici AUS ye3S) SoM Tavors lle, Blatt. Pflanzenb. u. Pflanzensch. (Freising) Zattler, F, Ueber eine kropfkrankheit des hopfens in Jugo- slawicn. Prakt. Blatt. Pflanzenb. u. Pflan— ymemeien., 28(n.s. 6) 238-245). Ainge | ein Leo) G4 LO Proc. Potato Assoc.Amer, Gilera, (Craik. Some instances of bud mutation in the potato. Proc. Potato Assoc. Amer. 14: 35-38, [1928] Goss, R.W. & lierner, H.O. seed potato treatments for scab control. Proc. Potato Assoc, Amer. 14; 109-116. [1928] Viel) xoreee) pyell Ce Proc. Potato Assoc, Amer, (cont.) Kotila, J.H. A review of contributions to potato pathology which appeared in American publications during the year 1927, Proc. Potato Assoc. Amer. 14: 226- 253. jiseai Kotila, J.H. Transmission studies of virus diseases of potatoes in Michigan, 1926-27, Proc, Potato Assoc. Amer. 14: 95-101. [1928] Krantz, F.A, Contributions to potato breeding in 1927. Proc. Potato Assoc. Amer. 14: 210-213. [1928] Martin, W.H. 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Untersuchungen tiber die verwachsungsvorgange bei wmgekehrt zwischengepfropften stengelstticken unter besonderer berticksichtigung der polaritat der zellen. stuttgart, 1924. Solanum nigrum, Phaseolus multiflorus, Sinapis alba. Rumsey, HJ. Australian nuts and nut growing in Australia. Sydney, 1927. vill, no Ae, 19) ° 30 s Books. (cont .) Willstatter, R. . nee Getaeen uber enzyme. Ce, weer len, J. Springer, 1928. eprints from Journals not yet rec'd or not available. Gassner, G.& Straib, W, THReeenemoneen tiber die SAREE HTH eOr gen von Puccinia glumarum und Puccinia graminis. Reprinted from Arb.Biol. Reichanst. Land- u. Forstw. v.16, h.4. p.609-629. Cmg2es _ Correction. Si Wet, MOS Zee lO: The citations under Boevuf, F.Fondard, L. & Schribaux, 4 E. under Compt. Rend. Acad.Sci. Paris should read Compt.Rend. Acad.Agr. France. ‘(zol., paging & are correct for the latter) » DOIAN Y CURRENT LITERATURE 161929 + ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRI, , COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE U. 8, Department of Agriculture LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTOM, D.C Wo. Ll, nods February 18-Marcn 2,1929. Agricultura. (Pan Amer. Union) Tucker, ©. Me Enfermedades del café en America. Agri- cultura. (Pan Amer. Union) no.45. 14). il- lus. 0.1928. Reprinted from Bol. Unién Panamer. v.62. Amers Fruit Grows Mag. (Chicago) Dutton, W.C. Sulphate of iron reduces spray injury. Amer. Fruit Grow. Mage 49(2): 3, 32-33. illus. Helgade . DOs Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. & Stock. Queensl. Simmonds, J.H. Extracts from a report of the activities of the pathological branch of the division of entomology and plant vathology. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. & Stock, Queensl. 1927/28: 78-60. 1928. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. W.Austr. Carne 9 WeMe Report of the economic botanist and plant path- ologist, 1927/28. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. West.Austr. 1927/28: 25-26, 1928, Ann. Scie Agron. (Paris) Francois, Le Les semences des plantes adventices dans les céréales, Ann. Scie Agron. 453 543-567. illus. N./D.1928. noe. Arch. Suikerind. Nederl. Indié (Soerbaja) Booberg, Ge Bestrijding van red-stripe disease in bibit-— tuinen. Arch. Suikerind. Nederl. Indié. HOZS(1)=S B78, Jacl929. no.2. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt.IT. (Dresden) Hayek, Ae Hin beitrag zur kenntnis der vegetation und der flora des thessalischen Olymp. Beih. Bot. Cen- tralbi, AbdtsII, 45¢ 220-328 « D.1928, niGiece Ws tal nod; Pace Beih. Bot. Gentralbl: Abt. 11: (cont. ) Beitrage zur kenntnis der nacheiszeit lichen waldentwicklung in der Ostschweiz, Beih. Bote Centralbl. Abt. II. 45: 181-219. D.1928. Noede Schmidt, E. ‘Untersuchungen tber berberidaceen. Beih. Bote WMenbGalbien Abie il, 40s 229-596. Palsy De 1928. NOeKe Ber. Deut. Bot. Gese (Berlin) . Kuhn, Ep zur frage der querteilung der chromosomen in der somatischen prophase von Capparis spinosa. Ber. Deut. Bot. Gese 463; 682~686.6 idk tous) A Jael929~ no.lQ. Mansfeld, Re Beitrag zur morphologie des Euphorbia-cyathiumse Ber. Deut. Rot. GESe 46; 674-677. illus. Je ALSZ ES) no, lO. Mohldorf, A. Ueber den prozesz und die mechanik der blatta~ blosung beim frostlaubfalle. per, Deut. Bote. GESe 463 635-652. Jael929. nolo. FOuGhort, “He Zor phylogenie und entwicklungsgeschichte der conjugaten,. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 46: 667-6736 Jag i929. no.l0. Schubert, kK. Ueber temperaturmessungen an der bliite von Vinca minor. Ber. Deut. Bot. Gese 46: 603-666. Jae To29.. noelQ. Steinecke, F. & Ziegenspeck, He Veranderungen im pyrenoid wa4hrend der starke- produktion. Bere Deut. Bot. Ges. 46: 678-681. IAIN SG JamlI29%, noelO. Biochem. Zeitschr. (Berlin) NEWSU Ole Zur biochemie des Penicillium glaucum. Hin beitrag zum problem der methylketonbildung aus triglyceriden baw. fettsduren im stoffwechsel des schimmelpilzes. If. Die bildung der methylketone. Biochem. Zeitschre 2043 253-274, illuse Ja.1929. no.4/6. Weide teas) aici Biochom. Zeitschr. (cont.) Andreadis, T. Ueber den nitratgehalt des tabaks and uber eine fehlerquelle der bisherigen bestimmungsmetnodeée Biochem, Zeitschr. 204: 484-492, Ja.1929. no.4/6. Bernhauer, K. Ueber die charakterisierung der stamme von Aspergillus niger. II. Die bedeutung saurer sub~ strate fur die charakterisierung und ziichtung der pilzestamme. Biochem, Zeitschr. 205: 240-244. Jas1929. no.1/3. Claus, Ge. ; Ueber die dunkelwirkung fluoreszierender farb- stoffe auf diastase. Biochem. Zeitschr. 2048 456-466. Ja.1929, no.4/6. Grafe, V. Zur chemie und physiologie der pflanzenphosphatide. VIII. Die phosphatide der hefe (1); Biochem. Yemesenr. » b « , , ‘ - . (Niet. THO Oey Sie Oe Gourn. N.Y. Bot. Gard. (cont.) Small, Jake ; F Peninsula Delmarva. sour. Nev. Bobi Gard. 30: 62-71. SMILE sis WERE. ISAS) NO Sols Delmarva name made from Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Journ. Pharm. & Chim. (Paris) Bridel, M. Sur la présence de l'asparagine gauche dans tes feuililies fraiche de l'Ulex europaeus 1. Journ. Pharm. & Chim. TS Oe LN 1S), Fel, ise. S)B NOwd~ Journ. Washington, Acad. Sci. Berryls Be We A walnut in the Pleistocene at Frederick, Oklahoma. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 19s 84—86. TOSS I AGUS)2 ESAS) no.w4e Kolloidchem. Bein. (Dresden) Semec, M. Studien iiber pflanzenkolloide XXIII. Ldsliche st&rken erhalten durch einwirkung von oxydationa— mitteln. Kolloidchem. Bein. 28: 155-165. il- tise = Jae20, 19295 no.3/5. Landtm. Tidskr. Landtm. (Stockholm) MimGrOrs, TT. Ernst Henning. Landtm. Tidskr. Landtm. a2 OD. port. Siu) Sie s Fees | NOeSs Notice of death on 4th of Feb. mandrors, T's Om betydelsen av att beta h¥stutsadet. Landtm. Tidskr. Landtm. iieiGS7-6ooe Azali. 1928. no.33. mindiors, T. Potatiskrafta i landet! Landtm. Tidskr. Landtm,. ll: 676-677. Nes lis. 928 NOwdde Landw. Zeit. Westfalen u. Lippe (Munster i W.) Haken ,’ i e Die moderne priifung never kartoffelsorten auf krebsfestigkeit. Landw. Zeit. Westfalen u. Lippe. 85: 624-625. illus. Je.21, 1928. no2de yh? Veli no's 55 Delve Leafl.for.Comm. “Gt. Brit. Pi Aves he ‘The Dytch elm disease. (Graphium ulmi Schwarz) ikea. Hore Comm. (Gise Brit. no. 19. .6 Pp. illusé MeoZe. ; The watermark disease of the cricket bat willow. Com wetOraConme ucus sbisit. | NO. Ul. Tse «1928. Matieres,Grass. (Paris) Gillot Py ae Recherches sur les graines de 1'Euphorbia esula Le Matiéres Grass. el: 8390-91, i Sein ibe) 295. no.249. Mem. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. (Lausanne) Amann, Je Nouvelles additions et rectifications 4 la flore des mousses de la Suisse. Mem. Soc. Vaude Sci, Nat. 2: 3-64, andi, WessO, 1928." mons Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. (St. Louis) Notable St. Louis gardens, III. Hazelwood: ‘The garden of Mrs. S. W. Fordyce. Missouri Bot. Garde Bid. 17: 27-30. a pl. Hele. NO» cs A winter-flowering shrub native to Missouri (Hamamelis vernalis). Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. ieeeO-sc. plse-9. Fel929. nos. Mitt. Deut. Landw. Ges. (Berlin) Geh. regierungsrat professor Dr. Phil. Dr. agr. h.c. Dr.amed.vet. hac. Wittmack. Mitt. Deut. Landwe Ges. 44: 121. 4.9, 1929s no.6. Notice ef death, Febiec; 1929. Nature, (London) Dillon, Weston, W.A.Re ‘Resistance of wheat varieties to bunt (Tilletia caries). Nature. 125: 343. F.16, 1929. no.3094, Hemdle.. A. Be Bashy ids Man COWL tex. Nature. 1232 171=-1l7%e2e Bee, 1929, . no. 3092, Prof. R. 4. Yapp. Nature. 123: 249-250. ¥.16, ISIS no.d094, Sir W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, K.C.M.G. Nature, 123: elz-215, 4.9, 1929, no.3093, Viewi Noss. pelos Nauchno-Agron. Zhurn. (Journ. Landw. Wiss. Moskva) Aleksandrov,V.G. '... Beitrage zur kenntnis der zuckerrubewurzel. Nauchno-Agron. Zhurn. (Journ. Landw. Wiss. Moskva) 5: 846-852. illus. ISAS nOle. Russian with German summary. Demidenko, T.T. e.. About the nutrition of the flax and the exchange of substances in connection with flax- sickness of the nutrition solutions. Nauchno- Agron. Zhurn. (Journ. Landw. Wiss. Meskva) 5: B7e-802,. 1928. . no.l2. Russian with English summary. Nuovo Giorn. Bot, Ital. (Firenze) Bolzon, P. Contributo alla flora dell! Alto Adige. Ma1ovo Giorm, Bot. Ital. NeiSegueoDe Oro Dle 1928. NOede Chiarugi, A. "Dadoxylon aegyptiacum" Unger primo campione delle foreste pietrificato del Fezzan. No vo Giorn. Bot. Ital. NeSe, JO: 4035-409. qelbaatesye Ze 1610) Bic Moar, Avs Alghne dell! Oasi di Giarabub raccolte nel 1926 dal Pfof. G Kruger. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. NeSe 3D? 415-419, INOS) 1928. NOe de Amphora pampaninii, Navicula deserti n.spp.e Colda, Sis Sul ricambio idrico della crassulente. Nota II- Osservazioni sulle relezioni tra gcequa e sali nei tessuti di alcune alofite. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Mails NeSe, Sos JO7-33l. ges} Mede Minio, M. Le osservazioni fitofenologiche della rete italiana. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. NeSe; Si6)k 344~357, 1928, no Rie Savelli, R. & Costa, 7. Androcarpia in "Cucurbita moschata." jovo Giorn, BOW. cules NeSey 3O% 332-337 6 pl. peal 1928, 1ao} Si ~ eet VAIL, no. se pel9. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. (cont.) Savelli, R. & Costa, T. ’ Arrenoidia in "Cucurbita pepo L." e in CG, moschata Ducn.?f Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. Mes 5) Oe SoL—-402. TEAL ADS} A pl.xiii-xiv. 1928.6 MOH Bc anes Savelli, Re. & Costa, Te Conversione spontanea della criptoparteno- carpia di "Cucurbita moschata" inpartenocarpia obbligata. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. NnOaSe, 30: 358-343, pl. xi. 1928. NOede Vignolo-[utati, F. Contributo alla flora delle langhe. Nota 6% Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. MoS Woot Goosen 1928. NOwde Orchid Rev. (Richmond, England) Carmeths. Ce. O-« Orcnidolégical research and collecting expedi- tion, Brazil, 1928. Orchid Rev. 37: 40-49, Fe1929. no.428. Mousley, H. Further notes on Amesia Hiinsaeass latifolia. in Canada. Orchid Rev. Bi 7 GO0-Sc. illus. e295 no.428. Mousley, H. Farther notes on Malaxis brachypoda (Monophyl- los) and Meunifolia formas bifolia. Orchid Rev. 37: 37-396 illus. #1929. no.428. Philipp, Agr. Rev. (Manila.) Galang, F.Gs Coffee culture. Philipp. Agr. Rev. 2Ae Gao Bae ol, 1928... nos4e Coffee diseases: p.e377-384. Padolina, F. The wampi (wampee) - a valuable fruit. Philipp. Agr. Rev. 21: 439-441, 1928. nNOede Clausena lansiume Philipp. Journ. Sci. (Manila) Copeland, E. B. Leptochilus and genera confused with it. Paalipp.s Journ. Sci. 87s BZSS=416, TMITIS. yg (Oo ipl. D.1928. no.4. Leptochilus platyphyllus n.sd.; new species in Campium, Quercifilix n.gen., Q.zeylanica comb. nov. V.1l, no.5, p.20: Paalipp. Journ. Sci. (cont.) Santos, J.K. A cytological study of Cocos nucifera Linnaeus. Baviipp. Journ. Sci. 27: 417-437. (pl. D.1928,. no.4. Plant. & Sugar Manuf.(New Orleans) Franklin S.Harle. Plant. & Sugar Manuf. 82: LEZ IAE Ree, LeZ9i. Te? « Obituary. Freslia. (Praha) Domin, K. The plant associations of the valley of Radotin. Presizva. - 7: 3-67. illus. (map) 1928. Quart, Journ. Micros, Sci. (London) Patten, R., Scott, M. & Gatenby, J.B. The cytoplasmic inclusions of certain plant cells, quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. 72; 387- Sow Tiluseepl.co. D,1928. nod, Queensl. Agr, Journ. (Brisbane) Baameas. W. 1. Queensland rain-forest trees. [Hemicyclia australasica | Queensl. Agr. Journ. 31: 70. ilas. | Vast to29 Ors se i Rev. Agr, Puerto Rico.(San Juan) Cook, M,7. Tres enfermedades de la cafa de azucar encon- tradas recientemente en Puerto Rico. Rev. Agr. Fierto Rico. x22; 15-16, 39. LSPAS Nato A= "Pokkah boeng"', la enfermedad de las "rayas pardas" y la de "rayas rojas", Rev. Gen, Sci. (Paris) Beauverie, J. Quelques tendances actuelles de la méthode naturelle en botanique. Rev. Gen. Sci. 40; 1-2. tdelo,1929. no l. | Science.(Lancaster, Pa.) : Fuller, G.D. John Merle Coulter. Science, 69: 177- agen WIS, 1929. no. 1781. Science. ! \ ! ‘Tijdschr. UR MOMO sn iar lus iciont). ) Kenlenbers, L. & Closs, J.0. On the presence of aluminum in plant and animal matter. Science. Oe} auelsys Tes dkesye 29. no. 1781. tone, F.L. Stomata which show functional movement for a century. SCuENCOa Oo 2le—si9), Mery se Sie noe L782. In Carnegiea gigantea, Molisch, H. The movement of sap in plants. Se cence. Guemalr—cle. Haee, 1929. no. 1782. Practically the same as in Nature, 122: 168. Peance, GJ. To demonstrate the course of sap ascent in plants. pewence. (eos 1B6-187 . WA, ISIS). AG wer oh ‘Scient. Month. (Lancaster, Pa.) iauter, B. The American plant migration. Scient. Month. 28; 249-251. ie NSP zIS) alle) ce) Plantenz. (Amsterdam) BONGeS. J. 0 Iets over het verband tusschen het "blauw'" van de aardappelknollen en kaligebrek. Tijdschr. Plantenz. 45: O-8. US MO Ue Botjes, J.0, De oorzaak van de beteekenis van onrijp ger- ooide knollen als pootgoed. Tijdschr. Plantenz. $5; 9-12. 1929. ef) NU Bruyn, H.L.G. Is ontbladering als bestrijdingswijze tegen phytophthoraziekte van de seringen gevenscht? Tijdschr. Plantenz. 34; 283-237. pl. viii-ix. S. 1928. Mo gwle Dutch with English summary: p.637-236. (Is picking the leaves as control measure for Phytoph- thora disease of lilacs desirable?) Viet enon.) Pecos Tijdschr. Plantenz. (cont.) Spierenbure, D. Ben geval van beschadiging aan rozen door bliksem. Tijdschr. Plantenz. 54; 259- gaee6 pl, X—Ki. 5. 1928. iN) 4'Shc Verhoeven, W.B.L. Het "blauw" worden bij verschillende aard- applesoorten,. Tijdschr. Plantenz. 35: 3-4, ISIS moe. 2s Wellensiek, S.J. De invloed van luchtvochtigheid op pootaardap- pelen tijdens de verwaring (The influence of at- mospheric humidity on seed potatoes during storage). Tijdschr. Plantenz. Bow oneal We Zor MON ele Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada. Hara son, dt. C. A systematic study of some Torulae. Trans. Hovacoe. Canada. Ill, 22(V, Biol.Sci. ): 187-225. SE ple Wi oo AUSvets} 5 allo) Gra Marie-Victorin, Frere, Deux épibiotes remarquables de la Minganie. Trans.Roy. Soc. Canada. i BAW Usk @ls sexs) 3 163-176. incl. 2 maps. 4 pl. My. 1928, no.d. Cypripedium passerinum var. minganense n.var. Draba luteola var. minganensis n.var. Thompson, W.P. The genetics and cytology of a dwarf wheat. fuems, Boy. Soc. Canada, 11, 22(V,Biol.Scei.): 335-348, at I IGbis\4 My.1928. NO..Le Diieevent. Aer. Circ. Waite, M.B. & Siegler, E.A. A method for the control of crown gall in the apple nursery. Wes. Wepin ier Care. 376i Sp. aleliesis N.1928 (Rec'd F.1929) Rew Hemet. ic Wool. | U.S. Dept. Agr. Techn. Bull. Eaton, F.M. & Belden, G.O. Leaf temperatures of cotton and their rela- tion to transpiration, varietal differences and CWS). Wis. Dept. Aer. Techn, Bull. 91. 39 p. eS 5 Ja.1929. wats) ae ea Gol.) Deco. | Zeitschr. Bot. (Jena) Stark, P. Die pollenanalytische durchforschung der Schweiz, Zeitechr, Bot. 21; 296-323. illus. Vesa, UZ 5) moto oles Zollikofer, C. | Untersuchungen zur floralen bewezung on Tussi- | lago farfara, ZcrutnSenie.) BO tie el: 275-295. a Lao Re Jaca9., 1929, no.6. ) Zeitschr. Forst- u. Jagdw. (Berlin) | Dengler, A. | Professor Dr. Frank Schwarz. Zeitschr. Forst- u. Jagdw. 61: 1+%. port. dacl92oe) Cle ite Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen veroffentli- chungen von Frank Schwarz: p.6-7. |Zeitschr., Indukt. Abstamm. u.Vererbungsl. (Leipzig) Eyster, W.H. Five new genes in chromosome I in maize. Zeitschr. Induxt. Abstamm. u. Vererbungsl. 49: 105-130. milus, | 1929), mole /s. | Hease-Bessel, G. | Chromosonentiberkreuzunzgen bei der rose "Kon- | rad Ferdinand Meyer". Zeitschr. Indukt. Ab- | stamm. u. Vererbungsl. 49: 146-162. mass. | 1929. no.2/3. Munerati, 0. La possibilite d'obtenir plusieurs génera- tions de Beta vulgaris dans l'espace d'une année. Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererbungsl. 49; | Mepees. illus, 1929. no.2/3. Zeitschr., Pilzk. (Leipzig) ' Schmid, G. Hin mykologische herbarium Junghuhns. Meaischr. Pilzk, 8: 6-10. DapmoO. Loeels | TO). Pueschel, EF. Hinige beobachtungen tiber zweisporige hutpilze. Zeatsenr. Pilzk. 8; 1-3, Ja.d0, 1929. Mois Wee ILA sal ps) deveaen \Exper. Stat. Publ. Sea. dvd. ‘ Coconut bud rot in Florida. Florida Agr. Exp. Buca Techn. Bull, 1992) 87 p. Ulwishs | GONG aD. S.1928 (Rec'd F.1929) Wedgworth, H.H, Degeneration diseases of the Irish potato in Mississippi. Mississippi Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 258. Ideas Pius selg2s (Recitid W. 1929) Oregon agricultural experiment station. Dept. of botany and plant pathology. Direct. Bienn. Rep. Oregon Agr. Exp. Stat. 1926-28. p.97-101. S.1928. H.P. Barss, M.B.McKay pathologists. Sherbakoff, C.D. Cotton diseases of special importance in Tenn-— essee and their control. Tenn. Agr. Exp. Stat. CMe el ps Ja.loZ29. | Gilbert, A.H. Net-necrosis of Irish potato tubers. Vermont Paes stat. BUll.289. 66 p. illus., pl.i- > as ies S.1928. | Newton, C.A, | [Report of] Dept. of plant pathology. Ann, Rep. West. Washington Exp.Stat. 1927/28: 21-23. 0.1928 (Rec'd F.1929) New Books. Belar, K.L. Die cytologischen grundlagen der vererbung, Berlin, Borntraeger, 1928 (Handbuch der vererbungs- wissenschaft, hrsg. von E.Baur & M. Hartmann. bd.l. ! (B) Cormack, M. Trees and shrubs of Roger Williams Park. Providence, 1928. Detievoy, G. La question forestiere au Katanga (Congo Belge) Riel. Bruxelles, J.Lebegue & Cie., 1928. _ Vol. 1. Notes sur la végétation forestiere du Katanga. Vill, nbs5) pies. New Books. (cont.) ‘| Hanzlik, E.J. Trees and forests of western United States. Portland, Ore., 1928, Lindau,G. Die hdheren pilze, Basidiomycetes, mit aus-— schluss der tGrand- und rostpilze... In 3. aufl. | vollig neu bearb, von E. Ulbrich. Be rulers velis | Springer, 1928 (Kryptogamenflcra ftiv anfanger -.. begrundet von G. Lindau, fortgesetzt von | ferilcer, 1. ba.) McClung. C.L, Handbook of microscopical technique, for workers in both animal and plant tissues. Nee t P.B. Hoeber, 1929. | Picbauer, R. Fungi Jugoslavici. Publ. Sect. Inst. Agron. Beno. no.56:. (4) p. 1927, Reprinted from "Glasnika zemaljskog muzeja u | a 1 Hercegovini" XXXIX 1927. 1.(str. 163- 166 | Rosendahl, C.0. & Butters, F.K. Trees and shrubs of Minnesota, Minneapolis, | University of Minnesota press, 1928. Not considered a good edition of Clements, Rosendahl and Butters Minnesota trees and shrubs, tho the contents,particularly the illustrations, have been freely drawn upon. singer, C, The herbal in antiquity. Bungay, Suffolk, Printed by R.Clay & Sons, 1927. Reprinted from the Journal of Hellenic studies, v.47. Zaprometov, N.G. «.. Materials for the mycoflora of middle Asia. pt.2, Tashxent. Tashkent, 1928 (Uzbekist. Opytn. Stan. Zashch. Rast. Trudy no.11) Russian with Latin description of new spec. orrection, List v,11, no,l, p.13. under Fruit-Grower, Fruiterer, Fior. & Market Gard, The entry here given should be entered under title only, as it is not an article by F.B.Denny, but an edito- rial summary of his article "Chemical treatments for shortening the rest period of plants" published in Amer. Journ, Bot. v.15. EP OotrAN Y CURRENT LITERATURE LIBRARY] Race ye bp ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY, COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, Ww APR 1) toe)... . 8, Department ef Aerion|t 3 { ‘ wo ti, no. 6. March 5-16, 1929. Agric. Colon. (Firenze) Nicastro, C. Tl mate o te del Paraguay (Ilex paraguariensis Srenak.) cont.) Aerie. Colon, "2d 67-14. Metso. Boz. Amer, For. & For. (Wash.,D.C.) Borah, A. , Trees of the Bible. IV. The olive tree and the fig. Amer. For. & For.Life. Sonn lsh aby. OS ja tags 2 Meo tees.” 10.5. Amer, Fruit Grow. Mag. (Chicago) Hancoun, C. 0. The practical value of "fruit bud sports". Amer, Fruit Grow.iMag. 49(3): 10, 26. cial aise Mir, 19297, WD. o. Trumble, R.E. The practical value of "fruit bud sports". Amer. Fruit Grow. Mag. A9(S)/) NO, 2¢. Mrs i9e9. more. Amer. Journ. Bot. uudson, J.E. The morphology and vascular anatomy of the pistillate flower of the cucumber. Amer. Jour. Bot. 16s 69-86. pl, awevdais. - Weo29.) moe. Saunders, HE. R. On a new view of the nature of the median carpels in the Cruciferae. Amer. Journ. Bot. 16s 122=137 « a lags... ¥.1929. no.2. Sawyer, W.H. jr. Observations on some entomogenous members of the Entomophthoraceae in artificial culture. Amer. Journ. Bot. 16; 87-121. pl. ix-xii. F.1929. no.2. Amer. Midl. Nat. (Notre Dame, Ind.) Farwell, 0O.A. Gontributions to the botany of Michigan, no.16 - Miscellany. Amer. Midi. Nat. ll: 261-269. N./Ja. 1928-29. no.6/7. Vollmer, ple. Amer, Midl. Nat. cont.) Gower Ne MaveuGrner. (CR. A list of plants growing under cultivation in the vicinity of Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Anema Midis) Nab.) (lis 20723872) No /da. 1928=29). 0.5/7. Amer. Nat. Beadle, G.W. Yellow stripe - a factor for chlorophyll de- ficiency in maize located in the Pr pr chromosome. Amer. Nat. 63; 189-192. Mr./Ap.1929. no.685. Imad, Y. The segregation of albescent seedlings and the mutation to defective seeds in a pedigree of’ the Japanese morning glory. Amer. Nat. 63; 151-159. Mr./Ap.1929. no. 685. Mangelsdorf, P.c. The relation between length of styles and Mendelian segregation in a maize cross. Amer. Nat. 63: 139-150. Mr./Ap.1929. no.685. Nebel, B.R. Chromosomes counts in Vitis and Pyrus. Amer. Nat. 63: 188-189. Mr./Ap.1929. no.685. Ann. Epiph. (Paris) Dabrenoy, J. Introduction a l'etude cytologigue des plantes affectees par des maladies a virus. Ann. Epiph. ieee 174. pl.i-vii. Mr./Ap.i928 no. ‘2. France. Station de pathologie végetale. de Paris. Rapport phytopathologique pour les années 1926- 1927 par le directeur de la Station Entomo logique et le directeur de la Station de pathologie végetale de Paris. Ann. Epiph. 13: 383-499. N./D.1927 (Recd Mr.1929) Station centrale de pathologie végétale de Paris. Rapport de M.Foex, Girecteur, p.484-491. Station de pathologie végétale de Grignon. M. Ducomet, directeur, p. 493-497. Station de pathologie végétale de Bordeaux, di- recteur, M.Gard, p.498-499. NEA ROSBy! Disios ‘Ann. Epiph. (cont. ) Gard, M. i Sur les causes de l'infecondite des noyers et de la vigne en 1926. Ann. Epiph. 14: 1ée- 163. illus.) Me /Ap.1928. noc. Ann. Gembloux. (Brussels) Verplancke, G. Inspection sanitaire de la pomme de terre dans l'etat de Minnesota (Etats-Unis d'Amérigue). Ann. Gembloux. do: 1-9. ghey loo Nol We Ann. App!. Biol. (London) Bewley, W.F. The effect of environmental conditions on plant diseases under glass. Ann. Apol. Biol. We SO-192.) #.1929, nol, Cartwright, K.St.G. 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Methoden der kinstlichen infektion der gerste mit Helminthosporium gramineum und studien uber die anfalligkeit verschiedener sommergersten diesem pilz gegenitiber. Kuhn-Arch, Se SOS=sas tables, 928. Hermann, W. Die unterscheidung von weizensorten durch phenolfarbung der samen. Kuhn-Arch. 19: 11- Boe » 1928. Kamlah, H. Untersuchungen tiber die befruchtungsverhalt- nisse bei kirschen-und birnensorten. Kuhn- Arch. 19° 133-195. ItUSs, e Disin LaAvIes LS AIS Roemer, T. Gibt es biologische typen vom/steinbrand (Tilletia tritici) des weizens? Kohn =tseei, Sig Te aoe 1928. Landw. Jahrb. (Berlin) Krzymowski, R. Das werk von A. Maurizio. "Die geschichte unserer pflanzennahrung von den urzeiten bis gur gegewart" io27)) lenaw. Vakrb. 682 525-536.) W929. ino.4. Wie TE OO. Vo eos landw. Jahrb. (cont.) peneel, Rh Die avsdildung des fasergehalts bei flachs (Linum usitatissimum) unter verschiedenen wachstums-— bedingungen. Jandw. Jahrb. 68: 489-523. 1929. no.4. Schwalbe, B. Entwicklungsrhythmus verschiedener zuchtrich- ungen der zuckerrube. landw. Jahrb. 68: 603- 657. Sis pas. 1) nO. 4, Lesnické Prdce. (Pisek, Moravia. Ruzitka, J. Chrsysomyxa abietis (Unger) z r. 1929 a vliv po- éasi na jeji rozSireni (Chrysomyxa abietis i J. 1926 und der einfluss der witterung auf ihre ver- Bucicume) sahesnicha Prace. 8: 38-37. 1929, mol. Occurrence at Milevsko in southern Bohemia indicates that Ch.abietis has an alternate host, like Ch. rhododendri, Ch.ledi and Ch.pirolar; also unfavorable etfect of extremes of climate. | Malayan For. Rec. Watson, 1J.C. Malayan plant names. Malayan For. Rec. 5: 17-277, 1928 . Mazama, (Portland, Ore.) Ingram, D.C. Historical backgrounds of some of our north- western plants. Mazamae 10: 57-63. illus. Wrigeo. nosle. Meded. Deli Proefst. Medan. Sumatra. Akar toeba (Derris elliptica) het bestrijdings- middel van de tabaksluis (Myzus persicae) in Deli. Meded. Deli Proefst. Medan, Sumatra. II, 58. 61p. 2pl. [Rec'd Mr.1929] In Dutch, English summary, p.54-58. "Gebruikte literatuur" p.59-61. i. Inleiding, J.Kuijper; ii. Botanische be- schrijving en cultumr van de akar toeba, S.C.J. Jochems; iii. De bereiding van akar toeba extract, B.Ph.M. de Groot; iv. Controle van de giftige eigenséhappen van akar toeba volgens de biologische methode, J.C. van der Meer Mohr; v. De Werking van akar toebva op de tabaksluis... JeK.de.Jong; vi. De werking van akar toeba op tabaksrup- sen, J.C. van der Meer Mohr: vii. Overzicht der chemische onderzoekingen, P.A. Rowaan. 7 Mem. Bot. Mem. Dep te Wioaedl Nowe, Pec0~ Surve So. Africa. (Pretoria) Galpin, KH. E. Botanical survey of the Springbok flats Transvaal. Mem. Bot. Surv. So. Africa. 12. Ma lOO Ds wilwusn, Wane LIe 7s Agr. India, Bot. Ser. Kulkarni, Gede & Mundicur , “Bole Studies in the wilt disease of cotton in the Bombay Karnatak, series I. Mem. Dept. Agr. india Bote ser. 172 7=—27.6 iy pl. O.19285) Mosc Shaw, FeoJ Fe & Khan, Ke oedielte Studies in Indian chillies. Mem. Dept. Hors India. Bot. Ser. 16: 59-82. illus. v pl. (4 col.) $1928. Now2e. I. The types of Capsicum. Sundararaman, S. & Ramakrishnan, 1.S. Foot-rot and wilt of antirrhinums. Mem. Dept. Agr. India Bot. Ser. 163 83-100. Wal ile 5.1928. NOwds Phytophthora pini var. antirrhini. Trought, T. Non-dehiscence of anthers in Punjab—American cottons. Mem. Dept. Agr. India Bot. Sere 173 1-5. cel, Dl. Oe LI26 6 Hols. » Dendrol. Ges. Andréjeff, W. Ueber die eigentumlichkeiten zweier birken. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40; 52-56. 1928.6 Betula pubescens Ehrh. var. glabra Fiek., and B. Kirghisorum. Brussoff, A. Ueber die ursache des ulmensterbens. Hine erwiderung auf den artikel von Dr. Ce Stappeo. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40: 292-297. pl.47~28. 1928. Funk, Ge : : Gehdlze wilder und waldzerstdrungen am Aetna. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40: 193-197. pl.37~38. 1928. ie ae “ ” WSREdb eS havojth Oy Numte)yrod les Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. (cont.) Funk, G. : | en Notizen zur morphologie und biologie der wald- baume.s Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40; 197-201. pl. 39_@41, 1928, 1. Ueber eine neue panaschierung an stieleiche. 2. Ueber echte gabelung (dichotomie) an Robinia pseudacacia, 3. Ueber "omorica-nadeln" an Picea ex~ celsa. 4. Ueber zwei eigenttmliche panaschierungen an buche. Graebner, P. . Die Parthenocissus—artene Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Howidit is. Thea Juglans nigra, die schwarznusz in ihrer heimat. | Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40: 201-207. pl.42~44. 1928. Kannigiesser, F. Dendvologische toxicologie II. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40: 135-138. 1928. Koch, F', Auf dem Bromo und Renendjan in Ost-—Java. Mitt. Deut.Dendrol. Ges. 40: 71~75. pl.9-10. 1928. Kuster, BE, Beitrage zur kenntnis der panaschierten ge~ | none. XVITI~XXIT. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. | POase=257. dliuc. 1926, Kupffer, K.R. | Adoption von fichtengweigen durch kiefern- stamme,. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40: 126-135. Mie L718. 1928. Liese, J. Die rostpilzerkrankunzen der waldbadume. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40: 158-175. aL Tbs} pl. 31-34, 1928. Maléjeff, WP. Koniferen—naturalisation an der kaukasischen kuste des Schwarzen meeres und der sudktiste der Krim. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40: 62-70. pl.7-8. 1928, nt Bene Vitra Gs Os WDecien. ‘wate. Dent. Dendrol. Ges. (cont.) Maléjeff, W. Schema einer naturlichen klassifikation der cupressus—arten. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40; 57-61. LOEB Marzell, H. Die deutschen baume in der volkskunde. 4. Die eibe, Taxus baccata. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40; 1O5-110. 1928. Munch, HE, Frostgefshrdung wintergruner gehtlze. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges, 40: 175-184, 1928. ‘ Scharfetter, R. Die hopfenbuche, Ostrya carpinifolia Scop., in den ostalpen. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40; 11-19. pl. 1-2 (maps) 1928. Schwerin, F.G.v. Nachrufe. Ludwig Beissner. 1843-1927. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40: xix-xxi. port. 1928. Died D.21, 1927. Sprenger, C, Ueber einige baumarten Griechenlands, I. Mitt. Deut. 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Ges. 40: 226-245, illus., pl 245-46 e 1928. 3 ve Biologische und morphologische beobachtungen liber verschiedene pflanzen—gesellschaften. 1. Die ge- hdlze der xerophytischen gebtische. Voigtlander, B, Herbstfarbende gehdlze. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40; 111-117. 1928. | Wehrhahn, H.R. Fritz von Oheimb. 1948~1928. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 40: xxii. port. 1928. Died 0.11, 1928, aged 80 years. Wein, K. Die geschichte der Syringa persica. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges, 40: 245-257. 1928. _ Monatsh. Chem. (Vienna) | Dischendorfer, 0. & Polak, 0. Untersuchungen auf dem gebiete der phytochemie V. Ueber das allobetulin. Monatsh. Chem. Bills ‘43-58. JaetIe9.. node | Mycologia. ' arthur, J. C. Another fern rust of the genus Desmella. My- Cologia. 21: 77-78. illus. Mr./Ap.1929. no.2. Benedict, D.M. Ustilago echinata Schroet. Mycologia. 21: 84-85. illus. Mr./Ap.1929. no.2. Fraser, W.P. & Ledingham, G. A. Studies of the sedge rust, Puccinia caricis-— shepherdiae. Mycologia. 21: 86-89. pl.10. Mr./ Ap. 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Hort. 101; 350-351. illus. Hetog Ie. (NOt. Vilmorin, R.de. a Ua nouveaa ee Hepeieee "Rev. Bort. Oly 356-357 . col.pl. HlL6, 1929) noel. R. salmconea. ve Hort. Tunisie. (Tunis) Guillochon, L. Les rosiers & parfum. Culture et utilisation industrielle de leurs fleurs. Rev. Hort. Tunisie. prs a6eS2. F.15,1929. no247. We Vitic. (Paris) Vier eo Ps Contribution a l'étude du court—noué. Rev. Vitic. 703 109-110, Hel4, 1929. no.ls0v. odesia Agr. Journ. (Salisbury) . HoOpKANS, JeCoH's Investigations into "collar-rot" disease of cit~ Fuse Rhodesia Agr. Journ. 263 137-146. 4 pl. Heleso. NOs Rhizoctonia bataticola. odora. (Boston) Blake, Sel. Cladonia floridana in New Jersey. Rhodorae ols 565 ATS aS) 6 NOwWdode Ewer, Sed. A teratological flower of Corallorrhiza macu- lata. Rhodorae a eos HEADLESS NO »d63~6 Fassett, N.Ce- Notes from the ise of the University of Wisconsin. IV. Rheéoeras Sly 29-5. Peleg. N0«35636 Aconitum noveboracense var. quasiciliatum, Dodo- Catheon meadia var. amethystinum, Aster sericeus f. albiligulata, Brigeron candense f.coloratus. Wevleley no.6, pe ole Tae (cont ) Fernald, M.L. Four grasses of eastern America. Rhodora. Sl; 44-49, Vilas, H.'929.) mMo.dos. Poa labradorica, P.gaspensis, Glyceria striata var. stricta, Gl.arkansana. Fernald, M.L. A hybrid Rynchospora. Rnodora. 31: 38. H.1929. no.362. R. alba x capitellata. Fernald, M.L. & Weatherby, C.A. Schmidel's publication of ere Rho-~ Geran) Tole ol=26.\ \pl.l7o. £1929. no. 362. Fernald, M.L. A study of Thelypteris eee Rhodora. ols 27-36. pile 180. JH WSIS) 5 NO .d02. Fogg, J.M. jr. : A second station for Panicum Levpsrousen ipa Massachusetts. Rhodora. 31: 39-40. F.1929. noed62. Knowlton, CoH. index to the flora of the Boston district. migdera. Sls 41-43. F.1929. no.86%. Pease, A.S. A day in Gaspé. Rhodora. 31: 54-56. F. 1929. no. 353. Smith, L.B. A new form of ee americanum. Rhodora. Ole (66, F.1929, noe 362. H.americanum f.castaneum. Standley, P.C. Two new plants from Illinois. Rhodora. SLs 36-38. eo ao s Noe 262. Nuphar advena var. brevifolia, ::Liatrts ~*~ ridgwayi. Wis WGI, Delos Rhodora. (cont.) Fernald, M.L. Four grasses of eastern America. Rhodora. 31; 44-49, illus. P.i929. No. So5. Poa labradorica, P.gaspensis, Glyceria striata var. stricta, Gl.arkansana,. Fernald, M.L. A hybrid Rynchospora. Rhodora. 31: 38. F.1929. no.362. R. alba x capitellata. Fernald, M.L. & Weatherby, C.A. Schmidel's publication of rhsiunait oars Rho- dora 7 olerel26., pl.i79. F.1929. no. 262. Fernald, M.L. A study of Thelypteris palustris. Rhodora. HOSS Melle Jr's : A second station for Panicum longifolium in Massachusetts. Rhodorae 31: 39-40. F.1929. no e562. Knowlton, C.H. index to the flora of the Boston district. REOPCorae (Gls Ala45. FL1929. no.seS. Pease, A.S. A day in Gaspé. Rhodora. 31: 54-56. fF. S20 NAO SOS. Smith, LB. A new form of aed timeiaani americanum. Rhodora. Se Soe) Mel9Z9, nos B62. H.americanum f.castaneum. Standley, P.C. Two new plants from Illinois. Rhodora. oe 36-38. F.1929. noe 362, Nuphar advena var. brevifolia, zLiatrrs~ ridgwayi. Ved no6, Dede. Science (Lancaster, Pa.) Plant exploration in Madagascar. Science. 69; 264. Mr.8,1929. Trip of C.F. Swingle to Madagascar. Tiedjens, V. Controlling damping-off with electric lamps. pcience. 69: 226. Ie yen Spee) no.l782. Younes (Poh. ellison, Wal. &. Morris, H. Plasmopara mildew of sunflower. Science. 623) 24. Mrel, 1929. no.178s. Scient. Agr. (Ottawa) Hockey, J.F. Currant rust control. Scient. Agr. 93 455- 457. Miss MN ISTeAS SES elolrs fr Jones, D.H. The fireblight situation in Ontario. Scient. Agr. 93 458-462, Mr.1929. NOn 7 « South African Gard. (Johannesburg) Soil Sci. Bolus, L. Mesembrianthemum and allied genera. Synaptophy- llum & Prenia. South African Gard. 19; 49-50. illus. IA SAIS ave) 25 Bolus, L. 5 Waterfall gladiolus; New Year lily. South African Gard. 19: 40. col.illus. TYPO MS PAS) allo} 47216 G.cardinalis. (Baltimore) Bartholomew, R.P. & Janssen, G. The relation between concentrations of potassium in culture solutions and optimum plant growth. poll Sei. 27: 189=202. pia WNited Gece) WO am So. Afr. Journ. Sci. (Johannesburg) Curson, H.H. A note on Bowiea volubilis Harv. Ow. WA. Pha taps.) Jie lie Wy Plant indicators in the Knysna region. So. Vet NOVO, Dedos So. Afr. Journ. Sci. (cont.) Torreya. Pig Mass iciite Ve The principal forest types in the eit ae, region--an outline. So. Afr. Journ. Sci. 25; 188-201. D.1928. Quin, Matic ; The fonted tp of Cucumis myriccarpus Naud. So. Afr. Journ. Sci. EADY eoe—-e4bs On lvece Van der Byl, P.A. Aantekeninge oor enige Suid-Afrikaanse swamme. So. Afr. Journ. Sci. 25; 181-184. D.1928. Van der Byl, P.A. Descriptions of some previously unnamed South ALPACaN GUN LV. SOs OUR. CaN. ZO 185-187, DevgZsic Verwoerd, L. Aantekenings oor 'n paar minder bekende Suid- Afrikaanse swamme. So. Afr. Journ. SCi. 20% 257-239. D.1928. Lycoperdon rhodesianum, Cyathus minutosporus, C.dasypus, Ustilago welwitschii, U.digitaria. Verwoerd, L. On the validity of the monotypic genus Kupsura Lloyd. So. Afr. Journ. Sci. 203 225-226. D.1928. Based on immature form of Lysurus woodii. Watt, J.M. & Breyer—Brandwijk, M.G. The present position of our knowledge of South African medicinal and poisonous plants. Soe Afr. Journ. Sci. 25: 227-236. D.1928. Adams, J.W. A new station for Nymphaea tuberosa Paine in southern New Jersey. Torreya.e 29; 13-14. Ja./F.1929. no.l. Benedict, R.C. Who was Petri? Torreya. 29; 9-12. on 1296. Moise R.J. (i.e. Richard Julius) Petri, 1856-1922. Wiel NOG, pote Torreya (cont.) Brace, L.eJ.K. Note on the occurrence of Oxypolis fili~ formis in the Bahamas. Torreyae 293 16-17, Ja./F. 1929. nol. Davis, Wale, A hybrid oak at Westerleigh, Staten Island. Torreya. 29: 6—-8. illus. ea 1929. Noswle Quercus heterophylla. Holginger, J.M. Claytonia chamissoi Ledeb. in Minnesota. Homreyas jee: 15-16.) Ja./i. 1929. Bowls) Koch. Moa. A new orchid from Louisiana. Torreya.e. 29% ide Tae /Hol929., nol. Epidendrum conopseum McLean, F.T. The gladiolus and its development from the Walden Torreya. 29: 1-5) illu. ,das/PelGess noel. Trans. Amer.Micros. Soc. (Urbana,Ill.) Brown, Had. The algal family Vaucheriaceae. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc. 48: 86-117. incl. pl.xv—xx. JastIe9. noel. Tropenpfl. (Berlin) Schwalbe, C.G. Die ausbeutung tropischer faserrohstoffe und die einfthr tropischer fasern in die gem&ssigte zone. Tropenpfl. 42% 65-75. Fel929. Nnoede Zimmerman, Ae Die kultur der mandelbaume. Tropenpfl. ae 467-475. D.1928. no.l2. 1. Die massnahmen zur sicherung der befruchtung. Trop Woods, Yale Univ. Sch. For. (New Haven, Conns) Burtt-Davy, J.o- African "“sandaleen" wood. Trop. Woods Yale Unive seh, Hor, 17: U5-17. -Mr.l,, 1929. Spirostachys africana (Bxoecaria africana) ‘Veli, no.6, pedds Trop. Woods, Yale Univ. Sch. For. (cou ) Collardet, J. Okoumé (Aucoumea een Peres). Trop. Woods, Yale Univ. Sch. For. 173 1-5. Mr.1l, 1929. MacBride, J.F. A new Miconia and other large Melastomaceae of Peru, Trope Woods, Yale Univ. Sch. For. 17: 12-14. Mr.1, 1929. M. incarun, Record, S.J, ‘Trees and shrubs collected by F.C. Englesing in northeastern Nicaragua. Trop. Woods, Yale Unive Sch. Noms 17ey1s=38, Mr.l, 1929. : Standley, P.c. A new Brosimum from Panama, with notes on the generic names Brosimum and Ferolia. Trope Woods, Yale Univ. Sch. For. 17: 8-11. Mrel, 1929, B. caloxylon. Trudy Uzbekist. Opytn. Stan. Zashch. Rast. Tashkent. Vedeneeva, Z.S, --- [On a fungus disease, "spottiness", of Stone fruits in Central Asia (Clasterosporium car~ pophilun]. Trudy Uzbekist. Opytn. Stan. Zashch. Rast. Tashkent. no.l0. 20 p. illus. 1928. Russian. Die Umschau. (Frarkfurt) Muller, A. Innere therapie bei pflanzen. Die Umschau. 333 125-128. illus. Pele. Loede NOe Ze U.S. Dept. BET. Farm. Bull. Hunt, G.M. The preservative treatment of farm timbers. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farm, Bull. 744. 34 Pe illus. ‘Rev. D.1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) Uses. Dept. Agr. Ofte. Rec. ‘French and American botanists locate in Mada- gts gascar valuable plant thought to be extinct. . U.S.Dept. Agr. Off. Rec. BS)is 1, Ba. Wee8, 1929, | Cee intisy. Trip of C.F. Swingle to Madagascar. Went, Nose, oweG Verh. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westf. Budds, H. Die algen der bache des Sauerlandes. Verh. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westf. 84; 181~ allan ae) eysie Niessen, Je Die pflanzengallen (phyto~ und zoocecidien) des Rheinlandes. Hin verzgeichnis mit kritischen anmer- kungen und fundortsangaben bei den seltenen und neuentdeckten arten. Verh. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westf. 84: 213-267. aL OSA 6 pl. cli 1928. Versl. Landb. Onderz. Rijkslandbouwproefst. Wieringa, G. & Leendertz, K. Beschouwingen over het onderzoek op zuiverheid en kienkracht van Trifolium spp. Verslag. Landb. Onderz. Rijkslandbouwproefst. 463 1O7~119. iibass - L926). Wieringa, G. Mechanische aftelinrichting voor kiemproeven, in gebruik bij het Rijksproefstation voor zaad— contréle te Wageningen. Verslag. Landb. Onderg. Rijkslandbouwproefst. 35: 91-94, plate. Toe6e Vie Agr. et Rur. (Paris) Wikia ow. Ps Nouvelles recherches sur le charbon du blé et du seigle. Vie Agr. et Rur. 353 116—119. illus. Hectwldeds NOs Se Discusses both loose smut (Ustilago tritici) and flag smut (Urocystis tritici) of wheat, and Urocystis occulta on rye, with treatments. Weekbl. Bloembollencult. (Haarlem) Ziekte-vraagstukken in de gladiolus-cultuur. Weekbl. Bloembollencult. 393 588-590. Banko 1929. ; Abstract of talk by E.vanSlogteren, Feb.ll, 1929, before Nederl. Gladiolus—vereeingins. a —-. =< it a . Vets MOV, Dad? » Yearbk. Carnegie Inst. Washington. Zeitscher. Zeitschr. Spoehr, H.A. Division of plant biology. Yearbk. Carnegie. Institution of Washington. 27(1927/28): 167-202. D.1929 (Rec'd F.1929) Growth and say movement: The liquid and gas sys-— tem in trees, by D.T. MacDougal, J.B. Overton & G.M. Smith ~ Living cells two and half centuries old, by D. T. MacDougal & J.G. Brown — Relation of living cells to upward movement of sap, by D.T. MacDougal, J. B. Overton & @.M. Smith - Long-lived cells of the redwood, by D.T. MacDougal and G.M. Smith —- Further studies on the path of the transpiration stream, by D.T. MacDougal J.B. Overton & GM. Smith - Distribution of gases in the trunks of trees, by D.T. MacDougal, J.B. Overton & G.M. Smith; Photosynthesis and carbohydrate chemistry: Yellow leaf pigments, by H.A. Spoehr, JHC. Smith & HeW. Milner - Interconversion of hexose sugars by means of phosphates, by H.A.Spoehr & H.H. Strain — Photochemical action of ultra-violet radiation on the vapor of acetaldechydo, by J.H.C. Smith. Solarization of leaves, by RM. Holman; Experimental taxonomy: Aims and plans of the investigations, by H.M. Hall; D.D.Kedc, W.M. Heusi; Ecology, investigations under the direction of F.E. Clements; Desert laboratory Studies; Surface changes in a desert valley, Physiolo- Sical behavior of Covillea, Soil conditions in rela- tion to desert investigation, by F.Shreve. — Further investigations into the cause of variations in the transpiration rates of desert perennials, by E.B. Shreve- Analysis of gradient functions, by R.M. Fraps. Angew. Chem. (Leipzig) Kohler, R. Zur kenntnis des jodes in boden und pflanze. Zeitschr. Angew. Chem. 42: 192-197, Weed, 19206 NOs, Sie Bot. (Jena) Sen-Gupta, J. Untersuchungen uber rheotropismus. Zeitschr. Bot. al: 353-698. 1929, no.7. Vigan MO Sly) Die ooe Exper. Stat. Publ. Schneck, H.W. Pollination of greenhouse tomatoes. Cornell ASI. State pull. 470, 60 p. illus. 0.1928. (Rec'd Mr.1929) West, E. Ammoniacal copper carbonate and other stainless fungicides. Florida Agr. Exp. Stat. Press. Bull. 4g, (2p. Mr.1929. West, He The damp-off disease of Boston ferns. Florida Agr. Exp. Stat. Press. Bull. 410. 2p. Mr.1929 Py Rhizoctonia. Weber, G.F. Bordeaux paste treatment for stemend decay of watermelons. Florida Agr. Exp. Stat. Press. Bull. 412. 2p. Mr.1929. Huelson, WA. & Gillis, M.C. Inheritance of kernel arrangement in sweet corn. Illinois Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 320; 301~ 5366 LUIS 5 Ret Oe. Bushnell, J. The normal multiple Leal iin of seed ne Ghia tar.) Exp si Stet.) Bull oe ev pe illus. Jael929, Sampson, H.C. & Transeau, E.N. Original plant associations as indices to bio-~ tic habitats with special reference to the corn borer. In Huber, L.L. & others. The Huropean corn borere and its environment. Ohio Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 4293:152~163. maps. D.1928. State Publications. Jacobsen, W.C. Goat grass ~ a weed pest of the range. Month. Bull. Dept. Agr. Calif. 18: 37-41. illus. Ja. 1929, MO@eilie Aegilops triunciales. er piel see + = ’ , LPG = Q . a we 5 q . . 1 ' . . ” . 7 . 4 : . . ¢ 5 ; . \ ve . : er og ‘ 1 j oe ak: 9 hy SS es Velie imne.io, p.30)s State Publications (cont.) Milbrath, D.G. Treatment of soil for prevention of plant diseases. Month. Bull. Dept. Agr. Calif. 18: 7-15. Jael929. noel. Adams, J.F. Report of the plant pathologist. Quart. Bull. State Bd. Agr. Delaware, v.19, no.l. 20) He aAllus., Mregl, 1929. New EBooks. Bolus, L. Notes on Mesembrianthemum and some allied genera ptel. Cape Town, The Specialty press, 1928. Chabaud, B. Les palmiers de la C6te d'Azur. Distribution geographique, culture, description des genres et especes. Paris, Librairie agricole de la Maison rustique [1915 ] Chalot, C. La culture des plantes a parfum dans les colo nies frangaises. Paris, Le Larose, 1928. Congrés commercial de la pomme de table, ler Bourges, 1926. Mémoires et comptes-rendus, publ. par M. E.Poher et A. Chavard, Paris, Compagnie d! Orléans, 1927 [Recd Feb.1929) Davis, R.A. Fruit growing in South Africa. South Africa, Central news agency, ltd., 1928. Grieve, Mrs. M. & Oswald, EH. Belladonna (deadly nightshade) bittersweet, black nightshade, potato. Bucks, [19287[ Harris, Jets Activities of the Dept. of botany, University of Minnesota 1927. Minneapolis, 1928. News MO.O, DetOn. New Books. (cont.) Jackson, J. Additions to the flora of Worcester County, Massachusetts. A list of plants found growing without cultivation. Worcester, Mass., Natural history society, 1927. Larrafiaga, D.A. | Escritos. Montevideo, 1922~27. Viel ,S, andlatiac mote. Ty, (Botanica) Maiden, J He , 4 critical revision of the genus Eucalyptus. vol.vii, pt.10. Sydney, Govt. printer, 1928. Nattrlichen pflanzenfamilien... 2. stark verm. u. verb. aufl. hrsg. von A. Engler. 6 bd. Humy- cetes —- Basidiomycetes redigiert von P. Claussen. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1928. Hemibasidii hearb. von P. Dietel; Eubasidii, Hymenomyceteae bearb. von S. Killermann. Ryerson, K.A. The horticultural possibilities of Palestine, as especially related to agricultural colonigation. Rep. Experts Joint Palestine Surv. Comm. Boston, 1928, D.e237~397, illus. Seaver, F. J, The North American cup-fungi (Operculates). New York, The author, 1928. Strasburger, E. Lehrbuch der botanik ftir hochschulen... 17. um gearb. aufl. bearb. von Dr. Hans Fittings, Dr.Her- mann Sierp, Dr. Richard Harder, Dr. George Karsten. Jena, G.Fischer, 1928, Thaer, A. Die landwirtschaftlichen unkréuter. 5. aufl. neubearb. von Dr. 0. Appel. Berlin, P. Parey 1927, [Rec'd F.1929] Wocke, E. Die kulturpraxis der alpenpflanzen und ihre verwendung im steingarten umd alpinum. 2. neubearb. und erweiterte aufl. von Die Alpenpflanzen in der : gartenkultur der tieflander. | Berlin, P. Parey, a. 1928. V.1l, no.6, p.4l. New Books (cont.) Zander, Re Handworterbuch der botanischen pflanzennamen... Weihnachten, Gartnerische verlagszesellschaft. We Detles LIL. ----~ Nachtrag... Uebersetzung und erklarung der botanischen artnamen... Weihnachten,1928. Translations filed in Library of Bur. of Plant Industry. Marinucci, M. Il "mal del piede" dei cereali (The foot- rot of cereals). Il Coltivatore. 73: 514-516. 127 = Melin, E. Studier 6ver barrtradsplantans utveckling i rahu- mus II. Mykorrhizans utbildning hos tallplantan i olika r&humusformer (The development of mycorrhiza on pine seedlings in various forms of raw-humus). Medd. Stat. SkogsforséEsanste Sweden. 23: 433-494. Oe ie . Transl. of German summary (p.487~494). Petri, le Osservazioni sul "mal del piede" del frumento (Observations on "foot-rot" in cereals) Bol. RB. Staze Patol. Veg. Rome. neSe,6: 174-178. 1926. Peyronel, B. Osservazioni sul "mal del cereali e sulle varie crittogame che lo producono in Italia (Observations on "foot—-rot" of cereals and various cryptogams which Cause it in Italy). Boll. R. Staz. Patol. Veg. Rome. MeSse, 6 2l3—-216, 1926. Correction. DAS Cielo. 5, De 7 BuliteVorr. Cilaub. Entry under Bowen, volume no. should be 56. ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT IND Pear Y CURRENT LITERATU RE: COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE 2 . a ee Mole 21, no.7. Marchse6U, hard. Amer. Gartn. (K¢ébenhavn) Hansen, L. Skadedyr og svampesygdomme. Aarb. Gartn. 10: 72-96. illus. 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) Svampesygdomme;: p.89-96. Flor. (Chicago) Laurie, A. Gas injury in greenhouses. Amer, Pler 74s for Dilip. Mr. 165.4929, no.2126. dimer. Midl, Nat. (Notre Dame, Ind.) Mus. Geiser, S.W. fy APR 12 LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. © Professor Jacood Boll. and the natural history of the southwest, Amer. Midl. Nat. ll; 489-452. port. Mere 1929. no. 8. Grier, N.M. A list of plants growing under cultivation in the vicinity of Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Amer. Midl. Nat. 11; 389-434. Mr.1929. no.8, Colon, Marseille. Choux, P. Observations anatomiques et microchimiques sur les graines grasses de quelques sapotacees Africaines. Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille. 6: (eS ee We ine... pls aia. 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) NOC ie Jumelle, H. Un nouveau genre malgache d! Aracées. Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille. 6: 21-23. 1928(Rec'd Mr. 1929) no.2. Arophyton tripartitum. Jumelle, H. Une nouveau genre malgache de palmiers. Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille, 6% 17-19. 1928 (Rec'd .. Mr.1929) no.2. Antongilia perrieri. Ann. Ann. . Mus. Mycol BO. Wd alo ia a ee Colon. Marseille. (cont. ) Jumelle, H. Plantes de Mauritanie récoltées par le Lieutenant Botry. Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille. Cho =265) ibe dada. 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) no.1. Plenary S, (Ja coy Wanuer, i. del, Contribution a L'étude des graines de quelques especes de luffa acclimatées au Congo Belge. Leur signification a titre esate Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille. Sc ba Ws. 1628 (Rec'd Mr. LES) neg (Berlin) Petrak, F. & Sydow, H. Kritisch-systematische originaluntersuchungen tber pyrenomyzeten, sphaeropsideen und melanconieen. Ann. Mycol. e/7: 87-115. 1929. monly ee Sydow, H. & Petrak, F. Fungi costaricenses a cl.prof. Alberto M. Brenes CoOrpice pa. Ser . 1, Ann. Mycol. evs 1-86. nt IDTousee ee ent 2). Sydow, H. Mycotheca germanica fasc. XLVI-IL (no.2251-2450) Mime nireot. | 27s 1l6-iee, 1929. no.i/2. Spilosticta aesculi, Diaporthe ladwigiana, Sclerophomella humuli, n.sp. (London) cries. At Studies in the Gramineae, VI. 1. Streptochaeta. 2. Anomochloa. 3. Ichnanthus.: Ann. Bot. 43; SHS . ries, da, wo. Ss, Bandulsxa, H. Secretory cells in a fossil leaf. Ann. Bot. 43: 203-204. mt Ho 5 Ja. 1929. now loo. Brenchley, W.E. The phosphate requirement of barley at different periods of growth. Ann. Bot, 43s 89-110. 7 piliaaar Jameelcoe NO. Oo). 3 Vell mon’ , -qon'S. ana. Bot. (cont.) Carlson, M.C. Gametogenesis and fertilization in Achlya racemosa. Ann. Bot. 43: 111-117. Dieae, Jawiees. DoO.lee. Coo, W.R.1. & Schwartz, E.J. The life-history of Sorosphaera radicale, sp.nov. Ann. Bot. 450 Bl-88. pl. ii. OPE MSP oe jalle), US'S) Fritsch, F.E. The genus Sphaeroplea. Ann. Bot. 435 t=26: a) Ras, Ja. LOZSA moOeles. Gregory, F.G. & Richards, F.J. Physiological studies in plant nutrition.I. Ann. Bot. 43; 119-161. Ja.l929. no~16g. I. The effect of manurial deficiency on the respiration and assimilation rate in barley. Heath, ©.V.S. A method of water control for sand cultures. Atanas Olt. ABU eS) Ja.l929. no.l69. Howland, L.J. The moisture relations of terrestrial algae, IV. Ann. Bot. 43; 173-202, au JU Nhs Tel BSS) 5) Tholn JUSSI IV. Periodic observations of Trentepohlia aurea, Martius. Marx, D. The effect of small electric currents on the assimilation of Elodea canadensis. Ann. Bot. 43: 163-172. dowuge9 s no. 169. Pearsall, W.H. & Ewing, J. Te relation of nitrogen metadolism to plant succulence,. Ann. Bot. 43: 27-34, sfiehe AnSI2)5) salto IS} SIP, Rayner, M.C. The biology of fungus infection in the genus Vaccinium. Ann. Bot. ‘432 55=705 pl. as das 29. nO. 169, Ann. Bulls Ann. Rep. Ann. Rep. se ae NO.?, Dat. Agr. Dept. Nigeria. (Lagos) Golding, F.D. A first survey of insect and fungoid incidence On improved Ishan cotton. Anny Bulli bere Dept. NISL SxSue TCHS) A Iai Ag.1, 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) Bur. Sugar Exp. Stat. Queensl. Bees GAR Work of the division of pathology. Ann. Rep. Bur. Sugar Hxp. Stat. Queensl. 28: 10-13, 1928. (Rec'd Mr.1929) Hast Malling Res. Stat. Frampton, A.M. Preliminary revort on the incidence and control ot apple scab and apple mildew. Ann. Rep. Hast Malling Res. Stat. 14/15(suppl.II): 96-107. 0. 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) Pemrras) nine V The patnology of the raspberry: a summary of results of recent research at Hast Malling. Ann. Rep. East Malling Res. Stat. 14/15(Suppl.II): 128- 124, 0.1928 (Rec'd Mr.1$29) Blue stripe wilt (Verticillium dahliae); cane spot (Plectodiscella ceneta); mosaic; spur blight (Didymella applanata) Kinoht, RaC., Amos, J., Heatthon, RvG. & Witt, A.W. The vegetative propagation of fruit-tree root- stocks. Ann. Rep.EBast Malling Res. Stat 14/15 Csuppil.IT): 11-30. pl. 0.1928 (Ree'd Mr.1929) Tydeman, H.M. The influence of rootstocks on the blossoming of seedling apples. A progress report. Ann. Rep. Hast Mailing Res. Stat. 14/15(Suppl.I1); 41-55. O. ig28. 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Kot due to lack of potash, suggests that stocks may be weakened by over—propagation, by division and cuttings and so liable to diseases of exhaustion. Siaith, A. Some observations of Puccinia menthae. Gard. Chiron Lit, Go¢ 1925 bers SIN BUS 2S) 9 Veale are Oee Abstract of paper given before the Brit. Mycol. 50¢., London, Ja.cG, 1929. Wallace, T. Frost injury to apole trees. Gard.Chron. Ti, Sb .20s-210. ikivs,. Mr,l6, 1929. mno.2203; Ward, Pans Mr.F, Kingdon Ward's tenth expedition in Asia. XVI, Temperate rain forests. Gard.iCavon. Tit: B93 202-205, illus. Mr.i6, 1929. no.2203. Veter Monts, pi. 14. Gard. Illus. (London) Saver, Aon, The evolution of the daffodil over half a Century . Cancer mils, Hille TB6. ales alates MEnio, 1929) no.2ol0. Lawrence, W. My grandmother. Gard. Illus. Ol: 182-183. illus. ports. Mga tanoao. Ne. so 10), Account of novelties at Baling Farx, garden of Mrs. Lawrence to whom v.68 or Curtis! botanical magazine was dedicated. Wallace, R.W. 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Further notes on the connection between Rhizoc- tonia crocorum and Helicobasidium purpureum. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. A S799.) | Mirna ial 929), no.l/e. Butler, EJ. The development of economic mycology in the empire overseas. Trans.« Brite Mycol. Soc. 14: 1-18. Mrwil, 1929. noel/2. Dillon Weston, W.A.R. Observations on the bacterial and fungal flora Of the wpperaars Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 14: 114-117. Mr.11, 1929. no.1/e. Fenton, E.W. Seeds mixtures and the incidence of fungal disease. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc: 14: 88-93 Mr.ll, 1929. no.1/e. Wo ilibs Males tes jor 2i Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc.(cont.) Gadd, C.H. Rhizoctonia bataticola and tea root diseases. ieamem rb. Mycol. soe... J i9o oOo.) Milan 1929. noel/e. Garside, 5. The structure and mode of reproduction of Si- phula tabularis Nyl. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 14; 60-69. TITUS Dee Mi Teo) mo, aliiZ. Matsumoto, T. The investigation of Aspergilli by serological methods. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 14: 69-88, Viera ea) 29) noel/2. Paul, WRC. A comparative morphological end physiological study of a number of strains of Botrytis cinerea Pers. with special reference to their virulence. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 14: 118-135. pl. ii. Mr.ll, 1929. no.1/2. Paulson, R. The gonidium common to many lichens. Transe Brit. Mycol. Soc. 14: 1354139. pl.iii. wr.1l, USSF noel/2. Salmon, E.S. & Ware, W.M. Two downy mildews of the nettle: Pseudoperono- spora.urticae (Lib.) Salm. et Ware and Peronospora debaryi nomen novum. Trans. Guus Mycol. Soc. 14; 48-60. illus. Mr.il,1929. no.1l/e. Ware, W.M. Note on Rhizoctonia crocorum (Pers.) DC. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc, 14; 94-95. Mr.ll, 1929. no.1/2. Watson, H. Field notes on an attack by Rhizoctonia crocorum on Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis). Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 14; 95-96. Mr.1l, 1929. no.l/e. Vili, HOME Kes; Trans. (Tottori Nogaki-Kwaiho) Tottori Soc.Agr. Sci. Furuichi, Ms On the physical and chemical properties of the various proteins in the nuts of Ginkgo biloba, L. Trans. (Tottori Nogaki-Kwaiho) Tottori Soc. her. Bete Mir 105-125, Mral923 (Ree ld W199) move. Japanese with English summary. Matsuura, I. On a new leaf-spot disease of Impatiens balsami- na u.caused by Cerosporina. fukushiana n.sp. -ans. (Tottori Nogaki-Kwaiho) Tottori Soc. ee Sei. ieyes-e9. | illus. ) Mr.J928) (Rec'd F.1929)) nose. Teshima, T. First generation hybrids in sesame, l. Trans. (Tottori Nogaki-Kwaiho) Tottori Soc. Agr. Sci.} (yese-6e. tlius, Melioze(Ree "dW. 1929) no.2. Japanese with English summary. 1.Crosses between black and white varieties. Trudy Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Spets. i Intens. Pol. Kul'ter Kubansk. Sal.-Khoz. Inst. (Arb. Wiss. Forsch-Inst. Spec. wu. Intens. Kult. Kuban. Landw. Inst.) (Krasnodar) Beketovsxii, D.N. ... Beitrage zur kenntnis der heterogenen formen. Trudy Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Spets. i Intens. Po.1, Kul'tur Kebansk. Sel.-Khoz. Inst.(Arb. Wiss. Forgch.- ist, Spec. U. Intens. Kult), Kuban.) Llandw, Inst.) 45: 169-152. illus. 1928 (Rec({d Mr.1929) Russian with German summary. I. Zom studien der heterogenen form der Tilia platyphyllos Scop. v. asplenifolia hort. Beketovskii, D.N. --. Hinfluss einer verschiedener licht- spannung auf die Japanische minze (Mentha arvensis Lev. piperascens Holm). Trudy Nauchno-Issled. Inst. spets. i. Intens. Pol. Kal‘ttur Kubansk. Sel.-Khoz. Inst. (Arb, Wiss. Forsch.eInst. Spec. u.Ingens. Kult. Kuban. Landw.eInst.) 45: 55-62. 1928 (Rec'd Mr. 7 Russian with German summary. Via rGie ta Giateo's Trudy Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Spets.i Intens. Pol. Kul'tur Kubansk. Sel.-Khoz. Inst. (Arb. Wiss. Forsch-Inst. Spec. u. Intens. Kult. Kuban. Iandw. Inst. (cont.) Bolgarev, P.T. --. l'importance des fleurs du raisin dans 1'amoélographie. Trudy Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Spets. i Intens. Pol. Kul'tur Kubansk. Sel.- Khoz. Inst. (Arb. Wiss. Forsch.—Inst. Spec. u. ingens, Kult. Kuban. Landy. Inst.) 45¢ 1192137. illus. 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) Russian with German summary. Dieterichs, I.M. --. Zur anatamie der holztriebe und fruchtz- weige bei appeln und birnen. Trudy Navuchno- Issled. Inst. Spets.i Intens. Pol. Kul'tur Kubansk. Sel.-Khoz. Inst. (Arb. Wiss. Forsch.-Inst. Spec.u. Intens. Kult. Kuban. Iandw. Inst.) 45: 153-162. illus. 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) Russian with German summary. Merzhanian, A.5. ... Ueber die physiologie des Dbltuhens der weinrebe. Trudy Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Spets. Intens. Pol. Kul'tur Kubansk. Sel-Khoz. Inst. (Aro. Wiss. Forsch.-Inst. Spée. u. Intens. Kult. Rabat. tandws Inst.) 452 Soalis. “illus,. pli, tab. 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) | Russian with German summary. Schmuck, A. .. The alkaloids of tobacco. Trudy Nauchno- ‘ Issled. Inst. Spets.i Intens. Pol. Kul'tur Kubansk. ‘ Sel.-Khoz. Inst. (Arb. Wiss. Forsch.-—Inst. Spec. u. Intens. Kult. Kuban. leandw. Inst.) 45: 1-47. 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) Russian with exceedingly brief English summary, Ba Wins)! =r 5 Vit eae a Uglitskikh,A.N. ..- Die verschiedenartigkeit Prunus di- varikata Led. auf den dunkeln kirsch-karmine- farbigen fruchten. Trudy Nauchno-Issled. Inst. spets. i Intens. Pol. Kul'tur Kubansk. Sel.-Khoz. Inst. (Arb. Wiss. Forsch.-Inst. Spec. u. Intens. Kult. Kuban. landw. Inst.) 45: 163-166. illus. 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) Russian with German summary. Mie CHGe a 50, Wis. Dept. Agr. Leafl. Meier, F. ©, Boerner, E.G., Bodnar, G.P., leighty, C.H. & Coke, J.H. The combination cleaning and treating of seed wheat. UeSs Dept. wees leat, 36. 8p. it ILIG ole iG L255 U. 5. Dept. Agr. Plant Dis. Rep. Linford, M.B. Pea diseases in the United States in 1928. Secs eet. Aer. Plant) Dis. Rep. Suppl. 67. 14 p. Wee UD). WS Ag Wee Deni. Dept. Agr. Techn. Bull. Spaulding, P. White-pine blister rust: a comparison of European th North American conditions. Uses Depta ise. Heeomt, «butt. S7. . Se Oe Valdas Ip aus eS) Veroffentl. Staatl. Stelle Natursch. Wirtt. landws. Denkmalpfl. Bertsch, K. 5 Blitenstaubuntersuchungen im Federseegebiet. Veréffentl. Staatl. Stelle Natursch. Wirtt. Landes. Denkmalpfl. Ae =Age) Vaihas. | 1928 (Reed: Mr.1929) Bervseh, X. Ueber das vorkommen von drei seltenen sumf- orchideen in Wirttemberg. Veroffentl. Staatl. Stelle Natursch. Wurtt. landes. Denkmalpfl. 4: 144-150. illus. 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) Berusem, KK. Wald- und florengeschichte der schwabischen Alb. Nach den untersuchungen ihrer wichtigsten moore, besonders der schonflocher torfgrube. Veroffentl. Staatl. Stelle Natursch. Wirtt. landes. Denkmalpfl. D: 5-58. eltiss 929% Vict. Nat. (Melbourne) Williamson, H.B. Plant hunting on the Upper Murray. Vict. Nat. 45: 259-264. eB 2s, 10 othe pli DOR Van we Oil Zeitschr. Angew. Chem. (Leipzig) Zeitschr. Zeitschr. Zeitschr. Jacob, As Die chemische untersuchungen des blattes als diagnostisches mittel zur bestimmung des nahrstoff- bedarfes des weinstocks. 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Ja.1929. 206) ade: M) "eg Vill, no.8, Bibs t. arch. (Leipzig) Hofmann, E. & Morton, F. Interessante standortsformen von Adiantum capillus veneris and Asplenium trichomanes. Bote janchs., 24; I7S-dely wm 192g.) | no. 1/2). Morton, F. Beitrage zur einer pflanzengeographischen monographie der Quarnerionsel Cherso. Bot. Arch. aemizeai7 ilitusc | Se moeo. mond |e. Prewrrero M. Bemerkungen tber system, floristisches vorkommen und gliederung der wuchsformen bei den Cyperaceen- gattungen auf grund des werkes; J. Bews, Studies in the ecological evolution of the Angiosperms. Eoueescenen el24:. 266-c¢2e0 ee t920. ono. 1/2. Sperling. H. Die beurteilung der eigenschaften von bast- fasern mit hilfe physixalischer untersuchungsmethoden. EOewemen.. wes: 217-262.) Feie2o. no. 1/2. Stepputat, W. & Ziegenspeck, H. Morphologische untersuchungen tlber die phy- logenie der laubmoose. Bot. Arch. 24: l-1le?. met 29, no. 1/2. Tokyo. Hayata, B. On the systematic anatomy of the genus Sasa Mk. et Snib. Bot. Mag. 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Buitenzorg. Ifi,ser. 10: 1-24. D.1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.1/2. smith, J.J. Orchidaceae novae malayenses. XIII. Bull. encaneov.Buitenzore. Tit /ser. | 10: 25-84, D.1928. (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.1/2. Sudet el aya ine ee Orchidaceae seranenseés. Bull, arehecl. wow Boitenzers. Tit ser. 0: 85-172. D.1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.1/2. SHeenas. C€.6.G.d0. Van. The Bignoniaceae of the Netherlands Indies. Bull. dard. Bot. Buitenzorg. III ser. 10: 173-290. illus. D.1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) no.1/2. melorr. Club. Gleason, H.A. Studies on the flora of northern South America. >) ES Bale orm. Club. SOS slelers Ne US) NO.c. Cyphosteleae, a new tribe of Melastomataceae (Allomaieta, Cyphostyla, new genera); Hypericum, sub- section Hubrathys, in northwestern South America; the genus Maripa; a rare Utricularia from British Guiana. Podlick, A. New species of fossil plants from the tertiary Shales near De Beque, Colorado. Budltor re) Club. Sex 25-96, pl.ii. F.1929. no.2. Pontederites thecoides, Odostemon reynoldsii, Staphylea viridifluminis, n. sp. Trelease, S.F¥. & Trelease, H.M. Susceptibility of wheat to mildew as influenced by carbohydrate supply. Baila Mog. iC laalon eG Sees Hel929. Nose. Vie no:8, lO). thgai Zasshi (Journ. Plant Prot. Japan) (Transl. of titles furnished by §.Katsura) Higuchi, M. & Ikata, S. Kaki no Ensei-sei Rakuyo-byo Byogenkin ni tsukite [Mycosphaerella nawae, the fungus causing the spot disease of the persimmon ] Byochft-gai Zasshi (Journ. Plant Prot. Japan.) 16: 14-16, Ja.1929. no.l. Japanesé. Ine no Daikinkakubyokin no Hatsubyo-kinni kwan- suru Chosa [Studies concerning the attacking season of Sclerotium in the rice plant ] By ocht-gai Zasshi (Journ. Plant Prot. Japan). 16: 64~65. im ee) NO. 1. Japanese, Kuwahara, K. Inegomayokobyokin no Etsunen Dai Ichiji Hatsubyo no Genin to sono.Yubo ni kwansuru Kenxyu [Studies regarding the hibernation of the causal fungus of leaf-withering disease of the rice plant, the cause of the disease and its prevention ] Byochu-gai Zasshi (Journ, Plant Prot. Japan). 16; 25-58. Ja.1929. Japanese. Naekirui no Konto, Ganshu-byo no Yobo narabini Naeki no Shodoku Yusodni kwansuru Shiken Seiseki revention of the crown gall of nursery trees and the result of a test with regard to the trans- portation of disinfected trees | By ochu-gai Zasshi (Journ. Plant Prot. Japan). 16: 67-73. Ja.1929, Japanese. Nishikado, G. Kibi no 2 Shin Byogai, Yokoby oyobi Hanten- byo ni tsuxite [The symptoms of leaf-withering disease and the spot disease, discovered recently on millets ] Byocht-gai Zasshi (Journ. Plant Prot, Japan) 16: D10s (a tss e920 no. 1. Japanese. Helminthosporium panici-miliacei cause of first named disease, H.yamadai n.sp. of the second. Journ. (Shanghai ) as is - The formation of four-stranded chromosomes in the amphinucleus of Funkia sieboldiana. China Journ. a El ases oy Valle moses! aT. Tept. Agr. Uganda. (Kampala) Hansford, C.G. & McLeod, W.G. Sugar cane in Uganda. Circ. Dept. Agr. Ugan-— Gcewemoetgs | 21 p. [19287] (Reed hp. 1929) Diseases; p.16-20. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. Camargo, T.de., Bolliger, R. & Correa de Mello, P. sur l'influence de la concentration en ions hydrogene du milieu de culture sur le déve loppe- ment du caféier (Coffea arabica L.) Compt. Rend. Meade sci. Faris. 188; 878-880. Nine I Shs VANS IS) gale} 12) Russell, W. & Hedin, ilies : Nouvelles légumineuses césalpinées africaines a appareil sécréteur. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Faris. 188: 880-8381. bends). | MSPeISI A aakoye lyase Pterygopodium oxyphyllum, Gossweierodendron bal- samiferum. rae Oe Sonditions de développement de la culture coton- niere dans l:Quest africaine et particulierement au soudan francais. Coton. & Cult. Coton. 3: 2ll- Eitin * Hl. xi D.1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.3. Costa, F.L.Ah. La culture du cotonnier au Bresil. Cotton & Bee. Coton, 3: 2l8-224. pl.xii. D.1928 (Rec'd Apel929) no.d. Guilliermond, A. Les champignons de la stigmatomycose des graines de cotconnier. Cotton & Cult. Coton.’ 3; 225-234, Dei928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.3. k. Bot. Ark. (Kfbenhavn) Hagerup, 0. Morphological and cytological studies of Bi- cornes. Danse Bou. Aric. | VOR mMOnua eco) pe illus. 1928.(Rec'd Ap.1929) . Azad. Nau SSSR (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. URSS) Kostychev, §.P. & Berg, V.A. Sur les formes des combinaisons de calcium dans les tissus des végétaux, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. URSS) 1929, A; 1-6. no.l. Yili, nois; B.D . Kisérl. (Hungary) (Sopron) Foldvary, M. A Balaton kurnyékének természeit emlekei. (Die naturdenkmale der umgeoung des Balaton). Erdész. Kisérl. (Hungary) 30: 319-352. 0 tis. 1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.4. Hungarian with German summary: p.407-409. Scoexer, O. eeyzeter | a magyar pusztai novenyek levego- nyilasainak ny rarcen vald mozgasairol (Notizen uber den spaltoffnungssustand ungarischer steppen- pflanzen im hochsommer),. Erdész. Kisérl. (Hungary) 20: 370-372. 1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.4. Hungarian with German summary: p.4ll. Varga, L. epee eto 2Z erdei macsonya (Dipsacus silves- ter Huds.) vizgujtoinek biocénosisarol. (Recherches limnologigues sur la biocoenose des réservoirs de la cardere (Dipsacus silvester Huds.) Erdész. Kisérl. (Hungary) 30; 353-369. illus. gas (Ree’d Ap.1929) no.4. Hungarian with German summary: p.410. Paebeienze. (Berlin) Dettweiler, D. Die bekamptung des unkrautes. Ernénr. Pflanze. een t29-133. illus. Mr.15, 1929. no.6. or. & Field-work. Smithson. Inst. ; Becehcock, A. S. Collecting grasses in Newfoundland and Labrador. Explor. & Field-work Smithson. Inst. 1928: l2d-128., murs. (1929, no.dO0ll. Maxon, W. R. Studying ferns in European herbaria. Explor. & Field-work. Smithson. Inst. 1928: 109-114. il- muse) 1925. no.d011. Standley, P.C. Botanical exploration in Honduras. Explor. & Field-work Smithson. Inst. 1928; 115-lee. illus. eo.) nO .O011. torsch. (Leipzig) Boerger, A. Selbstvertraglicher La Plata-flachs. Boobach- tungen zur frage der leinmttdigkeit. Faserforsch. Mupur7-189,. illus. 1929. no.3. ? fit Ak ioe Vill} now) pas, | ‘Florida Grow. (Tampa) ie Hiatt , (ee Re " ‘ rf Watermelon diseases and their control. Florida Grow. 37: 24-25. IDs VEZOR MO e Abe Sewlor. Exch. (N.Y.) Crocker, W. A delicate method of detecting illuminating gas in a greenhouse, HEVOWe es! HE XClds)) 0 (OR) TiS. Noar. ay) <5 Nites Ol SO), Des White, Re P3: What murserymen should know about rhododendron wilt. Flor. Excne TAOS BE, OOH aa RO USt Mr.30, SII noeld. Caused by a species of Pythium often followed by Pestalozzia macrotricha. Flore Rev. (Chicazo) Weiss, ¥. Research revives hope for asters. Flore ReVe Soerertoe. iilus. Mr.ec8,1929. no.l635. - Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. (Singapore) 4 Burkhill, I. He Anisophyllea gaudichaudiana, Baill. is A.grandis Benth. Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. 4: 426. acl 929.) Noell /l2. Christensen, C. On some ferns from the Malay Peninsula. Garde Bull. Straits Settlem. 4: 375-407. Ja.1929. no. 11/12. Furtado, C.X. Further additions to the flora of the Malay Penin- sula. Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. 4: 415-416. geet, no. 11/12. fekurtado, CoX. Ocimum, Linn. in the Malay Peninsula. Garde Bull. Straits Settlem. 4: 416-419. Ja.1929. noell/12. Furtado, C.X. Palaquium stellatum, King & Gamble. Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. 4: 419-421, Ja.1929. no.ll/12. Veli, no.) p14! Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. (cont.) Furtado, C. X. species of Neesia in the Malay Peninsula. Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. 4: 421-425. Ja.1929, no.11/12. Henderson, Mo Re Additions to the flora of the Malay Peninsula. Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. 4: 411-414, illus. eles.) no. tiie) Holttum, R. EH. . New species of ferns from the Malay Peninsula. Garde Bull. Straits Settlem. 4: 408-410. illus. jaeto25. nooll/ies Hymenophyllum johorense, Leptochilus simplici- folius , Vittaria malayensis, n.sp. ; Gard. Chron. (London) ‘tenfl. esemei tis JA. We Mie! sehus Primula, (cont. ) Gard.’ Canon. MMeOON | O06 MMeecos Loose) (MOracOts eo gi Cle Chile and the Andes. VIII. Gard. Chrons) Lule 852-224, au lUehbis}- Meacos oes no.ecc04, Eryngiums. Card. Chrome) iil.) Gas) cece Maaco no29 3 no.cc04. Siened MWe. Friend, H. Plant history in nomenclature. The story of the citron. GardsChron. III, 85: 225-226. Mr.23,1929. no.ce04. Woodward, R. C. & Dillon Weston, WAR. Treatment of sugar beet seeds to prevent seed- ling diseases. Gard, ‘Charon, Dri.) Sbit' 229-230. Meveo., £2929, no.2204. Worsley, A. ue Garden crinumse Gard. Chron. III, 8: 222- Beoe = illus. Mr.e235,1929. no.2204 (Berlin) Wehrhahn, Jala) 18s Zur nomenclature der bastarde. Gartenfl. 78: 73-756 Mr.1929. whet amen < wht Taney i: + % esi i a Fe GAN Sale SAY go) dior ng-Tid. eoteniayn.) Weber, Ay To aZaleasyzdomme,. Azalea-Visnesyge. Gartn— SEIU Sera) Mees wilson ito itss 4) alice TUS) SUP ehIS ES ye avet 12 Gentes. Herbarui. Bailey, Iba Fels The case of Diervilla and Weigela. A discussion of bush~honeysuckles and weigelas in the interest Oneune. Cul uve tons Eis Gentes Herd. 2: 39-54. sli Totss4 ins where's) Bailey, Le He ; The case of Muehlenbeckia. A discussion of the wire—plants and ribbon-bush. His.Gentes Herb. 28 DDoS. illus. Ig WSIS) Homalocladium gen.nov. a? Ibis BahS Dericace/Om Gphaepesen and Liriope. His Gentés Herbs Be aiis illus. Welgegn NOole Mondo (Ophiopogon) "Hadar (Palestine Citrogr.) (Jaffa) Irrigation and fertilization affect citrus chloro- sis. Hadar (Palestine Citrogr.) 2: 10-12. daelI29n nol. A new disease of Jaffa orangese Hadar (Pal- Ssuime Cinmoer.). 2 Loa da. Ugecu) dole lis Exanthema (die-back) Oppenheim, J, D. . On the origin of the "Jaffa orange." Hadar (@pteshine Citroer.) 2: 6-33.) allus, wsls29, NO sco Tolkowsky, S. A bibliography of citrus it raiare. Hadar (Palestine Citrogr.) 2: 35-41. Po Ue I= WOsee Hedwigia (Dresden) Reimers, He Franz Stephani (1842-1927). Hedwigia. 68: 347-350. port. F.1929. i Vell, NosSay pe 16. dwigzia. (cont.) Schmidt, O. C. . Die marine vegetation der Agoren,. . Hedwigia. 68: 327346, #. 1929,..no.6. fereditas. (Lund) a) Andersson-Kott0, Irma. A genetical investigation in Scolopendrium vulgare. Hereditas. 2s LOo= 785) Lidice eee) Noel / Ze Hakansson, A. Chromosomenringe in Pisum und ihre mutmass- liche genetische bedeutung. Hereditas. 12: Oe tllus. 19293.) mewl/2. Hammarlund, C. Dritte mitteilung Uber einen fall von koppelung und freier kombination bei erbsen. Hereditase io —e16, | 1929. ‘node. Nilsson, E. Tue einfaktorielle rezessivabweichung in bezug auf die farbe der samenschale bei Phaseolus. Hereditas. 12: 41-52. illus. 1929, nds) 2s Nilsson, Ee Erblichkeitsversuche mit Pisum I. Unterdrickung der dominanz eines faktors durch die wirkung anderer genetischer faktorene Hereditas. 12: 17-326 pies O29, ‘no. 1/2. Ostenfeld, Cc. H. Genetic studies in Polemonium. II. Experiments with crosses of Pimexicanum Cerv. and P.pauciflorum Tat so Hereditas. 12: 33-40. 1929. no.1/2. Skovsted » Ao Cytological investigations of the genus Aesculus L. with some observations onAesculus carnea Willde, a tetraploid species arisen by hybridization. Hereditas. 12: 64-70. illus. 1929. no.1/2. Winge, O« On the nature of the sex chromosomes in Humulus, Hereditas. 12: 53-63. illus. 1929. no.1/2. Vell, no.8, pil? Hoppe-Seyl. Zeitschr. Phys. Chem. (Berlin) Ambros, O. & Harteneck, A. Ueber natiirliche aktivierung von proteasen pflanzlicher milchsafte. Zwolfte abhandlung uber pflanzenproteasen in der von. R.Willstatter und mitaroeitern bezonnenen untersuchungsreihe,. Hoppe— seyl. Zeitschnr. Piyse Chem. 1813 24-41. Mr.8, MOP S26) nolL Se Fischer, H. & Hummel, G. Zur kenntnis der naturlichen porphyrine. XXIII. Ueber bromphyrin I und seine tiber fuhrung in deutero- prophyrin. Hoppe-Seyl. Zeitscnr. Phys. Chem. LetetO7-129, ) Mr Sad Geos) ma. 1) Se Heiduschka, A. & Lindner, H. Ueber den ergosterinzenalt der nefe. Hoppe- Seyl. Zeitschr. Phys. Chem. 181: 15-23. Mr.8, 1929. noel/3. Indian For. (Dehra Dun) Hafiz Khan, A. A preliminary report on the peridermiums of India and the occurrence of Cronartium ribicola Fisch. on Ribes rubrum Linn. Indian For. 54: 431e pl. xxvi-xxxiii. ‘Ae. 1928 (Rec'd Mr.1929) MOV Sie Industr. & Engin. Chem. (Easton, Pa.) APE ams RoC. & Young's E.Ce fhe toxic property of sullfur. Industr. & Engine Chem. PAL 2 359=—362 « Ap.1929. NO ote . Naucme-Issled. Inst. i Biol. Stan. Permsk. Gosud. Univ. (Bull. Inst. Rech. Biol. & Stat. Biol. Univ. Perm) Bykov, I.H. ~»» On the mineral combinations of nitrogen in the sap of plants. Iz%. Biol. Nauchno~Issled. Inst. i Biol. Stan. Permsk. Gosud. Univ. (Bull. Inst. Rech. Biol. & Stat. Biol. Univ. Perm) 6: 277-2906 1929. noe Russian with English summary. Vena. waved Izv. Biol. Nauchno-Issled, Inst. i Biol. Stan. Permsk. Gosude Univ. (Bull. Inst. Rech. Biol. & Stat. Biol. Univ. Perm.) f{cont.) Pucwe. Oe bs eae A study of the assimilation of phosphoric acid by barley in a water solution. Izv. Biole Nauchno~Issled. Inste i Biol. Stan. Permsk. Gosud. Univ. (Bull. Inst. Rech. Biol. & Stat. Biol. Unive Perm) 6: 262-2766 WSS) NO eGe Russian with English summary. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. (Leipzig) Huber, H. Ueber den zustand und die rolle der gerbstoffe in der pflanze. Jahrb. Wisse Bot. 70: 278-327. 2969. NOede Porsch, Oc Vogelblumenstudien. II. Jahrb. Wiss. Bote 70: 181-277. 1992. NO eo Weisse, Ap Ter morphologiscke aufbau von Corchorus and Corchoropsiss Jahrbe Wiss. Bot. 70: 163-180. illus. 1929. NOede Journ. Aer. Res. (Wash., D. 6.) McMurtrey, J... Effect of mosaic disease on yield and quality of tobaccoe Viewiaing Weg, Ilse, Gish eS 5 il- dich Mite L929) (Aor. mol MGCOLLOEl 5 Ih 6 A bacterial leaf spot of horse—-radish caused by Bacterium campestre var. armoraciae n.var. POUR Am. KOSt. Gos eoI-carve | ults. Mr OZ. Girone.) 6). Journ, Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. (Chapel Hill, N.C.) Couch, JNo A monograph of Septobasidium. I- Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 44; 242-260. pl.10-25. Ap. L929, NO ede I. Jamaican species. Peattie, D.C. ' Flora of the Tryon region. An annotated list of ‘N the plants growing spontameously in Polk County, North q Carolina, and adjacent parts of South Carolina in Greenville, and Spartanburg counties. Part II. @at-tail family to orchid family (Typhaeeee to Orchidaceae), Part III. Willow family to rose family (Salicaceae~ Rosaceae). Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc, 44:141~ 225. Ap,1929. noses pieci hie bee Py 5 Wells) Money palo. Journ. Elisha Mitchell §ci. Soc. (cont.) Wells, B. We A new pixie from North Carolina. Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 44: 258-239, ple ADs L929, Nowe Pyxidanthera brevifolia n.sp. Journ. Indian Inst. Sci. (Madras) Rama Rao, D.A. & Sreenivasaya, Ma Contributions to the study of spike-disease of sahdal (Santalum album, Lim.) IV. Journ. Indian Inst. Sci. 11A: 241-243, diagrm. [1928] no.19. Sreenivasaya, M. & Gopalaswami Naidu, G. Contributions to the study of spike disease of sandal (Sentalum alibam),; lari) We Transmissions) oO spike by budding. Journ. Indian Inst. Sci. SRILA eit pAy, pl.d-8. [1928] (no.19. pours Wet. Bot, Gard. Dodge, BO. ‘Observations on a shot—-hole disease and insect pests of the Japanese cherries. Journ. N.Y. Bote Gard. oO: 81-85. illus. Ap.l1929. no.d352. Cause of shot—hole disease not determined, Horne, M.T. Franklin Sumner Barle. Jsourn, NeY.Bote Garde 40: 86-88, Ap.1929. noedd2. Kosmos. (Stuttgart) Cothan, W,. Bernstein als erhalter vorzeitlicher Lebensfor- men. KOmose) Coe Ws eye a ciaacin (Cy Colleol ely p.128) INDGL SBIR, MastaaZee Lipinsky, A. Hine geheimnisvolle pflanze des altertums. Kosmos. 262 125-131.) itiue.@icolsp.s7) kp. 1929. node Silphium. Ladies Home Journ. Tobe aiaved GeHe Water lilies. Ladies Home Journ. 46(3): 2e-e6, 154-155, cfol anslImoushs | iG SS W.11} noa8, 2220. Malayan Tin & Rubber Journ. (Ipak; Pérak, Fed.Malay St.) Ashplant, Ho . Latex tube bore, Malayan Tin & Rubber Journ. Boe USE-VSS6 Heit, 1929. noads Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. (St.Louis) Early spring flowers of Missouri pasturelands. Mescours Bot. (Cards pute 17s) 451.) ete | New ee Olas Notable St. Louis gardens. IV. The garden of John Herbst, Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 17: 39-41. plex=-xio MroO29' OleOle Mitt. Biol. Reichanst. Forst. u. Landw. Berlin. Werth, £E. Krankheiten und beschddigunzen der kultur- pilanzen im gzhre 1927. Mitt. Biol. Reichanst. Land- ue Forstw. Berlin. 37. 212 pe N.1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) Nate Hort. Mag. (Wash., D.C.) Correvon, Hoe Tne lilies. Nat. Hort. Mag. 8: 65-70. Ape 1929. 062. From "Les plamtbes des montagnes et des rochers," Geneva, 1914; translated by Bernard H. Lanee Harding, Alice (Howard) Types of Peonia albiflora. Nate Horte Mage : Bevleve. ) illus, “pel929e\ mosce | Mulford, Feb. Dre Walter Van Fleete Nat. Hort. Maz. 8: ‘ o2-60 » Ap.1929. MOBien Words. Nat. Horte Mage 8: 76-77. illus. Ape 19295, NOweo Leaf terminologye Nature (London) Seward sie Ce Greenland: as it is and as it was. Nature. 123: 45 5—462 6 illus. Mr.<3,1929. noe 3099. _ Nature Mag. (Wash., D. C.) a Cresby, Mrs. S.VeRe New England's wild flowers. Nature Mag. 12: 408-310. illus. My 1929. NO«sde Protection of wild flowers. (Lea RCE Vell, noe, Peel. _ Kew Zeal. Journ. Agr. (Wellington) Adamson, N. vs The fireblight menace. Severe experience in a Hawke's Bay orchard. New Zeal. Journ. Agr. 38: LO8-11l, illus. FecO, 2929. N10 eH Atkinson, H. Weeds and their identification. Three common docks (Rumex spp.) New Zeal. journ. Agr. 38: ieee Liluse PweOgoeos NO eds Parfume Mod. (Lyon, France) . Rolet, he Les citronnelles. Parfum. Mode 223 lO7— W236 at DIDS she te4S)/4 1 Wako} are) Parfums France. (Grasse) Shiris (Etablissements Antoine Chiris) Le vétyver. Parfums France. 7: 37-42, Betgals 1100 2s Vetiveria zizanioides. Perfum. & Essent. Oil Rec. (London) Gardner, CeA. A taxonomic study of the genus Santalum, with svecial reference to the sandalwoods of Australias Perfume & Essent. Cil Rec. 20: 85-88, illus. Hise HO sce Reprinted from Bull.44, For.-Dept. West. Austr, Decides that it is more reasonable to accept Santalum in the wider sense of Candolle and Mueller and divide it into the sections Husantalum, HEucarya and Mida. Philipp. Agr. (Los Bavios) Calma, V.C., Paderna, IleG. & Palo, MA. A study of certain chemical treatments in rela- tion to seed-borne diseases of Calauan yellow flint. maize. Philipp. Agre 17: 499-506. F.1929. NO. Mercado, T,. Sugar cane breeding in the College of Agricul- ture. Ve. Isolation of live cane arrows and théir use for hybridigation. Philipp. Agr. 17: 527-535, illus. F.1929. NOeTe ek o) peta : ’ . th Oa Ne Ale he ieee MGA F - i A 7 eK Veil, nos, Pele Phytopath. (Lanéaster, Pa.) Adams, JeF. An actinomycete the cause of soil rot or pox in sweet potatoes. Phytopath. 19: 179-190. ve elie y Mreige9. no. ds Species-of Actinomyces: the cause of the disease instead of Cytopsora batata or Acrocystis batatas, designated as Actinomyces pe Chivers, A. Ha A comparative study of Sclerotinia minor Jagger and Sclerotinia intermedia Ramsey in culture. Phytopath.e 19: 301-309. zlluse Ma. 929. nowda Guba awit Monograph of the genus Pest ‘clotia de Notaris. pte 1. Phytopath. 19s Ul 2326 TL Sieg) oer iw Mr.1929, NOode Pestalotia rhododenfiri (P.versicolor var. rhododen— dri) Pavaccinii (P.guepini var.vaccinii), n.sp. McCown, Me Reraeaux spray in the control of fire blight of apple: Phytopatn. U9: 285-293. Mr.1929.) now. Nuckols, S.B. & Tompkins, C.Me An undescribed leaf condition associated watch damping-off diseases of sugar~—best seedlings. Fhytopath, 19: 317-418. illus.e Mr.l19209. nos. Osilvie, Le & Guterman, C.H.F. A mosaic disease of tne Haster Jily. Phyto-= Parte oe SLI Sloe. goles Mrsal929. no. Patel, MsKe Viability of certain plant pathogenes in soilse Phytopath. 19: 295-300. Mr.1929. no... Sigerdc. Ce E's The effect of the H—-ion concentration of the culture solution on the behavior of Fusarium cro- myophthoron and Allium cepa and the development of pink-root disease symptoms. Phytopath. 19: Cba-268 6 stab ons Mrel929. NOede Snell, We He Some observations on the white pine blister rust ; in New York. Phytopath. 19: 269-283. illus. ‘ Mr. 1929. WOwsae ne Ake bait ie WAKE ies Mm ey ee ' ey Hee vg ne a has | sys i ie ms é fe PF Aa 1 re. ite evs ‘a fie * iz, alan, Wise, 8 "ee ae Sadie te) i ' bs oop é Le ts - : a q 7 ak : a : Pers : ,; 7 i 5 “a8 ad ae ‘ip rie ; y “4 4 ‘ i re ) r" . c - wet , a eA Le ’ \s Mie i's: eres ie ‘ ’ i c ’ J or 3 - ate _e % i P ' , { ' “ } é * 4% ; ey yee fies * - 4 ‘ 3 ' * 3 % we ti ‘ % + 5 i &, i ; \ + : ¢ 4 ‘ee. ‘ 3 . ; » ‘ae 1 . Mm hy . fee nde ee ; . Lay ae . “ ¢ bts . > h i. a ‘ 4 wi! en ve ee | OR AR Rel OS ee FPS se Micetaide SOS eS. ee cy ig ap ule Fay a Pa egy. Pop is ¢ oh AR onan tes Ch ekir Vill} no.8, p.a2d, Philipp. Journ. Sci. (Manila) Copeland, E. Be New or interesting ferns. Philipp. Journ. Sete oor toot) | pls) wate oeoe | HOt. enerman, H. E. & Wang, T. Ge Cheinical analyses of thirty—seven oriental BOGtSa) Pha Lipp. Sour. | Gis) (82 OO=rS ¢ fe yonke Vasko. No.l. sherman, HN. Relative content of water-soluble vitamin B iiniriy: oriental toads, Phillipe SOUL. Seis Soe 56.5 diagrams. Ja.l929, noel. Sherman, 3... Relative vitamin A content of four oriental - foods» Philipp. Journ. Sci. 38: 1~7, diagrams. ew ee. NOs 4 Snerman, HB. Relative water-soluble vitamin C content of nine oriental fruits and vegetables. Philipp. Journ. Seige Sos 5/46, ‘diasrancg daeldcd, NOsl. Prakt, Blatt. Pflanzenb. u. Pflanzensch. (Freising) ejrete tS ails Ueber den einflusz von licht und frost sowie wechselnder temperaturen auf die keimong der samen. (schliss) Prakt. Blatt. Pflanzenb. u. Pflanzen- seh. 28: 298-500.. MrealS2o, noslz. Prot. K. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. Woke. His Be Ueber die wirkung der schwerkraft auf koleoptilen von Avena sativa. Proc. K. Akad. Wetensch. Amster- dam. Se: 40-47. Ise) Ore ls Goedewaagen, MAJ. Influence of the nitrate-ion—concentration of nutrient solutions on the growth. of summer-wheat. Proc. Ke Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. 32: 135-150. USPS) tae. 27 Went P) Fee On a substance, causing root formation. Proce Ke. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. bet go-Ga~. Lids 1929, NOel. Experiments with Acalypha. | eae! 5 aaa a RG hel ih: aN a ay aah ay a Dada. i i Vell, no.w8; pect. Proc. K. Akad, Wetensch. Amsterdam. (cont.) Went, FeAer.C. Ein neve intermittirender klinostat nach de Boutere Froce kK Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. 323 52-34, gis USZ8)- MOR ILS Wey JI4 (G5 ayer Clerc Ueber die phototropische reaktion von Piloboluse Proc. K. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. S29 65-77% le, LOO, noel. Proce Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (Sydney) Francis, W. D. Features of the vegetative anatomy of the Australian white beech (@melina leichhardtii) Bee ii nns SOC. NeSe i. 53: 474—484, illus., Pieexin-xxxi, 1928 (Bectd Ap.l929) no.2ie. Rupp, HMR. Terrestrial orchids of Barrington Tops, N.S.We PeOew 1s SOC NeSeNe Bot SSe5426 tidus W267 (Rec'd Ap. 1929) ) no.2ue. Prasophyllum rogersii, P.ehopsonii, H.spec. Walkom, Ae Be Fossil plants from the Esk district, Queensland, Proc, Linn. Soce NSN. bos 458-468. illus., Di einexvidd, 1928 (Recetd Ap.1929) noscliBe Proce Nat. Acad. Sci. mall, GeHe An uneyected association of factors belonging to three linkage groups in Oenothera aiid its ex planation. Proce Nat. Acad. Scie 15: 268-274, Mr.1929, node Proc. Wash. State Hort. AssoCe Ames, Se Spraying for walnut blight. Proce. Washe State Hort. AssoCe 24: 202. De1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) Diehl, H.C., Ezell, BeZ., and Ryall, A.Le ! Relation of other factors in spraying and i cleming practices to efficiency of removal. Proc. Wash. State Hort. Assoc. 243 100-lll. OD. 1928 (Rectd Ap.1929) Niel, no.8,5 Peed. Proc. Wash. State Hort. Assom. (cont.) Fisher, Da.¥» Apple powdery mildew. Proce Wash. State Hort. AssoCa 24: 20-26. D.1929 (Rec!d Ap.1929) Fisher, De¥s & Reeves, Ele Perennial canker. Proc. Wash. State Hort. Assoce 2423 5561, Wins. D.l928 (Rec "ad Ap, 1929) Magness, Js Re Otservavions on color development in apples. Proce Wash. State Hort. Assoc. 24: 128-130. D.1928, Magness, J. Ro Relation of leaf area to size and quality. ProGe Wasi, state Hort. Assoc. e242 138-141. De1l928 (Rectd Ap.1929) Overton Walia NEIMCr Siete SOULCTs Avis co lucCes | Wee Relation of brands of lead arsenate, alome and in combination with lime spreaders, to residue removal. Proce Wash, State Hort. Assoc. 243: 93-99, Ds 1928 (Kect?d Ap, 1929) Reeves, Hcl. & Wisher, Dak. The relation of cleaning treatments to fruit injuries, Proce Wash. State Hort. Assoc. 24: 113-118. D.1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) Protoplasma (Leipzig) Gaicukev, N. Das protoplasma als dynamischer begriff. Pro= toplasmea. 62 162-196. Hel o0s Os lis Sammelreferate Ingold, CeTe Tne hydrion concentration of plant tissues, Xe Protoplasma. 6:51-69, F,1929. no.l. X. Buffers of the potato tuber, Weber, F. Fadenziehen des endoplasmas bei Spirogyra Protoplasma.e «6: 159-161. Hele Ie | NOai. Vill. noses pice. Sei. Univ. Masaryk. (Brno) Podpera, J. - Quod momentum significet Carex pediformis in stepposis silvaticis HBuropae mediae. Publ. Fac. ema ive Masarivies NON.) 22 p. | alive. (mae) L926 RRee'd 1929) Sirjaev, G. Ceneris Trizonella Ws cevisno eritieca 1, Pate AC. 5Cil.) UNI Masarwyics VO.) | S'7 |p. MMe (ancl mas). pls adi, | 1928) (Reel a, 1929) a Hey. Sot. Appl. (Paris) a Be lime) E. a a La, situation actuelle de la culture cotonniere a en A.O.F. Rev. Bot. Appl, (9: 5-15. Ja. 1929. no.c9. i Demaison, A. a Notes sur le palmier Babassu et son mode de a Meitapisestion, Rev.Bot. Appl. 9: 30-54. Micheal I29. NOs oo. PuErenoy , J. Ia canne a sucre en Floride. Rev. Bot. Appl. Pree) vl lus dae LOZI. nen? . Hédin, Ll. Sur quelques essences exploitees au Cameroun. PeveoOut Appl. 9: 9-51. | Jasl929. no. 89). Misserant, H.P.Ch. Les caféiers sauvages de 1'Oubangui francais. Rev. Bot. Appl. Ds) ef OO0e) awed.) MOK.Col. ‘Rev. Gén. Bot. (Paris) a ' Chalaud, G. * Le cycle évolutif de Fossombronia pusilla Dum. BevenGem. Bot. 41: 129-141.) \Mr.i929." no.483. Genovois, L. Sur la fermentation et sur la resparation chez les végétaux chlorophylliens. Rev. Gén. Bot. 41; 154-184. Mr.1929. no.483. Wie Cala Ge Gio asl es Gene Sot. (cont.) Melychev, N. les conditions de la germination des spores du champignon Dasyscypha wilkomii. Rev.Gén. Bot. A eD-190.. Mr.1929. no.483. Michel—Durand, =. Becherenes vhysiologiques sur les composés Ganniques. Rew, Gén. Bot. 41: 142-153. Mr. Done Oe too. Hort. (Paris) Guillaumin, A. New cactées, principales espéces. Rev. Hort. 101: 378-379. aus) Mine rs ALS SVS) Lesourd, F, hes plus sros arbres dé Hramce. Rev. Hort. TOU 575-576. a LIES 4 Vie iror G29). Micocoulier (Celtis australis); Sorbus domes- tica. Rev. Hort. Algérie (Alger) Les Allium de la flore Algérienne interessants Meietnorthaculture. Rev. Hort. Algérie. 33: 2l- ISIS) uh gle heks an Mi aloes 2 oe Metey. Hort. Tunisie (Tunis) Nonsecourt, PF. les causes de l'immunité et de la réceptivité des végétaux aux maladies parasitaires. Rev. Hort. Tunisie. 27: 42-45. Me,15, 1929. no.248. Vibe Rhodora. (Boston) Ashe, W. W. A new oak from Florida. Jelaloelonstssy meeWbs MGS) Ap.1929. no.364. taercus inopina, n.sp. Kernalad, M.i. A note on Poa labradorica. Rhodora. Sino Ap.1929. no.d64. Fernald, M.L. The representatives of Eleocharis palustris in North America. Rhodora. SLY BbV-77s,, | Dlaciex= Clmsacies | ap. 1920. \no.G64. Eleocharis perlonga, H.xyridiformis, n.sp., H. uniglumis halophila, n.var. ' “ ibe * * gas | , ee ae R: ‘Rhodora. Science. Vill, #618; pizei (dont. ) Svensson, H.K. Habenaria dilatata on Cape Cod. Rhodora. See sO.) Mpedg2g. 9 no.d64. Wheeler, L. 4. Aristida basiramea in Maine. Rhodora. 31: 78-79. Ap.1929. no.d64. (Lancaster, Pa.) Abbott, EaV. & Wolcott, G.N. Mosaic of sugar cane in Peru. Seueite\" e)9)- Coley LO eo) MOe lar Oks Babcock, HE. B. & Hollingshead, L. Crepis reuteriana and its chromosomes. Science. Gos) Sp 6%. Mrecd, 1929% HO LSi/« Hansen, H.N. Thrips as carriers of fig-decaying organisms. miemence. O9s 550-497. Mrecd. 1929. no. 1737. ene.) ihe P’. Tne use of solid carbon dioxide in making freezing-point determinations with plant juices. Deemec. ode SOU.) Mire con laces a NO /Sl7. Svenson, H.K. On the biological effects of x-rays. Sciences bos cole Mrsc9. 1929. now l 7a. Experiments with Saprolegnia and Drosophila. Scient. Agr. (Ottawa) Drayton, F.L. Bulb growing in Holland and its relation to disease control. Scient. Agr. 9: 494-509. il- ce ee Leo. NOs Cis Patterson, ©. F. A method of handling pollen of the apple and of the plum for long distance shipment. Scient. Agr. 9: 491-493. Ap. 1929. no.&. Digtusson, S. de Smoothness of awn in wheat. SiGalssaheryey Vesa) |) 4 033-554, Ms.) Apis I25s» Mol. ie. ao ms tt = oe * . - , ae a ee oe Fl ” = dal i ; = et | —_ a eee C a a _ ‘ . ~ - | ; : =! a te at = ~ | : 7 « t i’ dioghs mn & A why be . lad et. x ' . : 4 & rs Tt : f i . - (4 sf ’ £ ; «ge pr Ue od SEE Ea a ane, Nise ioe Se tae 20k Soil Science. (Baltimore) Starkey, R.L. some influences of the development of higher plants upon the microdrganisms in the soil I Soil Sci. 27: 519-424. Ap.1929. no.4. I. Historical and introductory. Thomas, W. Studies of certain phases of the interrela- tionship between soil and plant I. SOudl Ses ev: 249-270. (Woo USS) Salo, 257 I. Availability of mineral plant nutrients in relation to the degree of dispersion. South African Gard. (Johannesburg) Bowhise: I, Dracocephali or dragon-heads. South African Garde)" 19': 88. Xo Mohs | Marg US ee erator in Dracocephnali section of Gladiolus. Boras. Li. Mesembrianthemum and allied genera. Muiria, N.H. Br. and Glottiphyllum, Haw. south African Gard. eto wala.) 9 Mi W929 MO. Drayton, F.L. Common bulb diseases. south Arraean Gard. Use BOsBi4 sili, wie Ie), mo S- K. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Arsbok. Holmgren, I. Nils Gustaf Lagerheim. K. Svenska Vetenskaps- akad. Arsbok. 19283 341-348. port. 1928 (Rec'd’ Ap.1929) 0.18, 1860-Ja.2, 1926. Meeetes “uart. Tea Res. Inst. Ceylon. Gadd, C.H. Pruning in relation to wood rot of tea. Tea Guerin) Kearmes. inst. Ceylon. je 10-16, Woig29. now. Gadd, C.H. The treatment of the Poria root disease. Tea Guantn Vea Kes. » Inst. Ceylon. 2: 16-21. > pl. ii Vie Hien). nO, Ls [ 5 } : he, ei \ ae cee ti n . ‘ Oth aaa Pra < \ i ip ); tas ra eee, ‘ « ‘ j 4 Mannte Lh 4 ae ; A { 4 5 7h han =m" 1 r ' we ek Y ts i t " i “ly 7 Lay y es . wy a, ae . 4 . 2 ¥ Aj vie ‘ . iN Qe 5 . at . P j 5 ee rt i t aw Fi 4 ‘ ' Oi ee / Pa MES an Uae Oo a F r . nn ah rae as, : 7 ee “f és * See | rs A (> j we es - “ys s Ny ce, > yy ‘pe yi ager Mr ies hh Weg dbike IO (Sis MOCO, Prams. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa. Sa sellelay is Miscellaneous contributions to the flora of Hommosa. Lda. eas ala pectin SOC. a hormocar ier ues 179, cOI=2e. S29=-S63. NO.96,97, 96. Henan, O.. 1928 (ec'd fo.1929) Sawada, K. [Studies in regard to the scientific name of _the red rust of onions | Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa. 18: 148-163. Je.1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.96. Puccinia allii (P.porri & P.alliivora syno-— nyms ) Japanese. Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. Hiura, M. Studies on some downy mildews of agricultural plants. I- Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 410: 126-55, (1929, no.cs Japanese with English resumé: p.154-155. I. On Sclerospora graminicola (f@cc.) Schroet., the causal fungus of the downy mildew of Italian millet. (The first preliminary note) Homma, Y. A statistical study on the biological forms of Erysiphe graminis DC. Trans. Sapporo Nat. Piste poOea) LO: U57-l62. TILMS Giyk OAS o: INOn So Japanese with English resumé: p.16l. Kuribayashi, K. The ascigerous stage of Helminthosporium sati- VUmMe rans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 10: 138-145. Pi LOCO. NOace Japanese with English résumé: p.143-144. Ophiobolus sativus. Seeetop.Asriculture. West Indies. (Trinidad) Gadd, C.H. Tea root diseases. Trop. Agriculture West indies, 62 1O7=109. . Ap.1929. nos. Harland, S.C. Early maturity in cotton. Trop. Agriculture West Indies. 6: 114-116. Ap.1929. no.4. 1 i é 4 5 4 ; ‘ iy Bi Se ae Pe ANH Pt, i 5) a i ¥ ie 4 2 ' i te i af Q . . ca: » , >. — oe acne = ae - 4 . “: - Ve are . ’ ' Ry ‘ * 4) ’ i ‘ 1 iW ur iS) vee s ie aA = 4 j U + . ‘ J ee vr MO | t i oe at i ; * iu , < 7 aie 4 ie WEP By Pe Se 2 a x A, v a ay ft dake Ag ° aah Wiel Omi) Wate Troudy Agro-Khim. Lab. Gosudarstv. Politekh. Muz. Moskva. Tutokhin, 8. . Untersuchungen uber den qualitativen und quantitativen gehalt zu zuckerarten in ver- schiedenen wassermelonensorten. Trudy Agro- Khim. Lab. Gosudarstv. Politekh. Muz. Moskva. ees 1928 (Reel 1929)" nos ls Russian with German summary. rudy Leningr. Obshch. Estestv. (Trav. Soc. Nat. Leningr. Sect. Bot.) Sinova, E.S. ... Algae of the White Sea. Trudy Leningr. Obshch. Estestv. (Trav. Soc. Nat. Leningr.) 58(3, Sect.Bot.): 5-50. 1928 (Rec'd 1929) Russ ian. Strelkova, O. -.. Zur kenntnis der arten der Juncus effusus L. and Juncus conglomératus L. Trudy Leningr. Obshch. Estestv. (Trav.Soc. Nat. Leningr. Compt.Rend.) Beeey-198, illus, (inellmapa) 1928 (Rec'd 1929) Russian with German summary. Vinter, N.A, ee. Ueber die vegetation der Sjaberschen seen es bezirkes Luga im gouvernement Leningrad. Trudy Leningr. Obshch. Estestv. (Trav. Soc. Nat. Leningr.) 58(3, Sect.Bot.): 51-95. illus. (maps) 1928 (Rec'd 1929) Russian with German summary. Mrudy Prikl. Bot. Gen. i Selek. (Bull. Appl. Bot. Gen. & Plant- breed.) (Leningrad) Andreev, V.N. : ... On a southern race of a pubescent birch. > Hirudy Prikl. Bot. Gen. i Selek. (Bull. Appl. Bot., ° Gen. & Plant breed.) 21: 185-202. illus. 1929. i WO Os Russian with English summary. Betula pubescens glabra. Gursicie. Ae Ve «.- The root systems of Fraxinus excelsior L., F.pennsylvanica Marsch., and Acer negundo L. on the black soils of Kuban. Trudy Prikl. Bot. Gen. & Selek. (Bull. Apple. Bot., Gen. & Plant-breed.) 21: 146-183. TLIEIRG SHAY Molly WIRSZSIem sello)o Se Russian with English summary. wf +4 - i a es ‘ 2 , f é i : rr Pe Athy Na had ee. dat am thc teas mee ARs aie! veh ; ‘ t . hdr ey i ey oe ny . Nis IRIE Solo! ASH io) Aree Trudy Prikl. Bot. Gen. i Selek, (Bull. Appl.Bot. Gen & Plant- ‘Breed. ) (cont. ) ALM Suigusikeak a UNE --. Problems and methods of the study of the geographical distribution of the trees in U.S.5S.R. Trady Prikl, Bot., Gens i Selek. (Bull. Appl. Bot., Gen. & Plant-breed. ) Bile Seco i dilinas 5 (mets ie fold,map. Media MO sore Russian with English summary. Kern, E.5. «+. On the area of the cork oak. reniCeya weal Bot., Gen. i Selek.(Bull. Appl.Bot., Gen. & Plant- maceday. fl: 47-54, aliluss) (maps) 1929.no0.3. Russian with English summary. Lebedev, A. .. Come fibre plants of the Black Sea coast. Deiter ic. Bot., Gen. iW Selek. (Bull, Appl. Bot., Come Hlanv-breed,) 2I(e)s Di7=147. Vlius. loge: RRec'd Ap.1929) Russian with English summary. Maleev, V.P. .., Aromatic grasses of the Hast. Trudy Prikl. Bot., Gen. i Selek. (Bull. Appl. Bot., Gen. & Plant- breed.) 21(2): 101-116. 1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) Russian with English summary. Moniushko, V.A. e..the olive and the olive growing regions of Uecuoee, (fL eritical literary essay) Trudy Prikl. Bot., Gan. i Selek. (Bull. Appl. Bot., Gen. & Plant- breed.) 21(2): 245-344. illus. 1928 (Rec'd Ap. 1929) Russian with English summary. Iteysiakelaisiial 4 10h, 0) ... Dying out pines of Transcaucasia. Trudy Prikt. Bot., Gen. i Selek. (Bull. ppl. Bot., Gen. & PicmbeOrecds)\. eis 206-2660) (milos. i929. \inolSi. Russian with English summary. Pinus eldarica, P.pithyusa. Vili pno.e. oes Drody Prikl. Bot. Gen.i Selek.(Bull.Appl.Bot. Gen. & Plant— breed.) (cont.) pirogii, A.A. -...the Amur velvet tree (Phellodendron amurense Rupr. ieudy PrtkVa EObwe Gen. | i selets | (bulls Appl. Bot., Gen. & Plant-breed.) 21: 55-144. 1929, NO. d's Russian with English summary. Yoronoy, G. .-. the Black-sea coast of the Caucasus and its subtropical cultures. Deut ici, Bou.) Geral a! Selek. (Bull. Appl.Bot. Gen. & Plant-Breed.) 21(2): 3-52. 1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) Russian with English summary. feo. Dept. Asr, Harm. Bull. MeaGdes. Ne Ks Mushroom culture for amateurs. U.S. Dept. Agr. Some buili, LS 6p. willis.) Mr. 1929. tiie Calat.. Publ. Bot. (Berkeley,Cal.) Belting. Ji. Nodes and internodes of trivalents of Hyacinthus. inave. Calit. Publ. Bot. 1A oyg—ooe. Litas) Mire Homo eoe NO, le. Copeland, HE, B. New pteridophytes of Sumatra. Univ. Calif. Fools Sot. 14: 671-378. plsivelei. Mr.l9. 1929: jaa) Saliva Copeland, E.5. Pteridophyta Novae Caledoniae. Univ. Calif. Pupil. Bot. Ie 306-00 «| Meg G29 6) no. 16. Véstnik Ceskosl. Akad. Zemed. (Praha) Vukodow, Ves. Srovnévaci anatomie tepelii listovych Geshosloven- sk¥ch lipnic (Poa). (The comparative anatomy of the leaf-blades of Czechoslovak species of Poa). Vést- nik beskosl. Akad. Zeméd. 5: 213-216. Mr.1929. no.3. Czechslovakian with English summary: p.cl5-216. Benes, V. Prabéh kr fzeni jetmene dvov¥adého x rozvétveny jetmen Sestifady Mackiv (Ueber die bastardierungsvor- génge bei normalen zweizeiligen sommergerstenlinie x abnormale verzweigte sechszeilige gerstenform Mack) Véstnik Ueskosl. Akad. Zem#d. 5: 209-212. illus. Mr. 20 NOS. Czechoslovakian with German summary: p.2l3. Wie Lal) TG. By Doe Heitschr. Bot. (Jena) Bunning, E. Untersuchungen uber die seismoreaktionen von staubgefassen und narben. Zetitseare Bote ius Seo-ooo. | tiius., 129. lune... Exper. Stat. Publ. Crowley, D.J. Cranberry growing in Washington. Wash. Agr. Meee oeeu. Bild 260n) 47 Oe) elas. Be O29. Diseases: p.29-33, 37-41. Thomas, HH. & Mills, Wo. tives rust Caseases on Vhe apple. Cornell Agr. Peet. Mei. 125. ole yep. Mars 1929. Gymnesporangium juniperi-virginianae, G.globosum G.germinale. State Publications. Jacob, H.#, Powdery mildew of the grape and its control in California. Calis ors Mixbemsaceiy. Circe Oil rman elites. Mr. doZ9i, New Books. Asami, Y. The crab-apples and nectarines of Japan. Moyo, 1927. Barthoiomew, E. Handbook of the North American Uredinales.... including citations and synonomy. Stockton, Kansas, 1928. bateson, W. scientifie papers of William Bateson. Ed. by B.C. EEMCGte 2 Vv. Cambridge, University press, 1223. ‘ Bema, Me. | ‘es (fungus dis literatue and report Russian. eases of grasshoppers. Revision of i Bonnier, G. Fiore comoléte illustrée en couleurs de France... Suisse et Belgique. t. 10 par Robert Douin. fasc. 98. Dieees-588. Paris. [1929] hake avo k Dt yy Vela mo. 25. e138. New Books (cont.) Hlladi, H.B Bee heb he menmcrser den Lee. Russian. Hisicher .) H.. Beitrag zur kenntnis der umwelteinflusse auf die kartoffel unter besonderer berucksichtigung den sorteneigenttmlichkeiten. Berlin-Steglitz, 1928. Gérard, R.C.d. Hiéments de botanique horticole. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere et fils, 1928. Giovine, C.de. ia palma da olio. Catania, P.Battiato, 1928. Griggs, 2.fF. A key to the families of flowering plants growing wild or cultivated, out of doors in the n@theastern United States. Washington, D.C.,1928. Hood, G.W. Eorticulture, elementary and practical 3d ed. thoroughly rev. Phila., lea & Febiger, 1929. Cover title: Farm horticulture. Contains notes on diseases. Keller, G. &Schelchter, R&. Monographie und iconographie der orchideen Europas und des Mittelmeergebietes 1. bd. Monogra- phie der gattungen und arten (mit blutenanalyse) von R. Schlechter. Ilfg. 9/10. Dahiem bei Berlin 1928 (Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetablilis. Sonderbeiheft A) Konrad, P. & Maublanc, A. Icones selectae fungorum. fasc.4. Ja.1929. Lecomte, H. Notulae systematicae. v.4,no.4/5.. Paris,1928. Lecomte, H.Ebénacées nouvelles de 1!Indo-chine. —- Hickel, R.& Camus, A. Castanopsis nouveaux d! Indo- chine - Gagnepain, F. Yuelaues Boehmeria nouveaux d! Asia orientale; Quelaies Villeprunea et Pellionia nouveaux d!Indo-Chine - Kraenzlin, F. Quelques orchidées nouvelles de la Nouvelle-Caledonie-Lecomte, H. Quelques especes a la flore de 1!Indochine. Wy Tle momo Gp ses (cont.). Meurs,A, Wortelrot, veroorzaakt door schimmels uit de geslachten Pythium Pringsheim en Aphanomyces de Babys . Baarn, 1928. English summary. Roberts, H.A. & Rehmann, H, American plants for American gardens. N.Y., Macmillan, 1929. _ Reprints from Journals not yet rec'd or not available. Hiletcher, H.T. Notes on the vegetation of the Green Valley region. liest? Texas Hist. Sci.Soe. Publ. 2: 6-50. 1928. _ Translations filed in Library of Bur. of Plant Industry. Takon, G. Ueber die empfanglichkeit von Phaseolus vulgaris L., und Fh.multiflorus Willd. fir den bohnenrost und andere krankheiten (On the susceptibility of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and P.multiflorus Willd. to bean rust and other diseases). YZeitschr. Pflanzenkr. 26: 83-97. My.1916., Soran Y ee m ” CURRENT LITERATURE RAR Y] - = Elv (et fi) ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUS RYyg- ae ] 0) 1996 COMPILED FROM FPUSLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE 7 LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHING hwrpgs 5 } : Agnioilts, see eid IV mp eee Mile Li. RO» Ie ApEn WoaeA lie. Abhe Sencxenb, Naturf. Ges. Brockmann, Chr. Die diatomean im marinen quartar Hollands. Abhi, Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. 41: 117-187. illus., Pla tiv. 0.29, 1928 (Reetd Ap.929) no. 3. Acta Biol. Exp. (Varsovie) Malinowski, E. Hipoteza powinowactwa chromosoméw (The hype ~ thesis of chromosome affinity). Acta, Biol. Expy Horn hOsve + Le pe | iliwe. © Loge. Polish with English summary. Acta Horti Gothoburgensis. ; Blom, Co f Om floran i Irs skargand. Acta Horti Gotho- burgensis. 4: 285-300. illus. 1928. ; Borgvall, T. En ny hybrid, » Amophila arenaria (L.) Link Calemagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth. Acta Horti Gotnoburgensis. 4: 307-309. 19238. os Borgvall, @. Vaxteeografiska bidras fr8n Goteborgsomradet samt angransande delar av Vasterzgotiand och Halland. Acta Horti Gothoburgensis. 4: 172-178. 1928. ‘ Fries, H. a Ridrag till kennedomen om floran i Goteborzs och a Bokus lane4e Acta Horti Gothoburgensis. 4: 145+ 153. 1928. Kjellberg, Ge Karlwaxternas stQndorter och utbredning i Vister= gotland. Acta Horti Gothoburgensis. 4; 179-263. 1928. Nich ey Ned, TOO j Acta Horti Gothoburgensis. (cont) a, Je & Zachau, AgRe Utpredningen av Viscaria alpina (L.) G.Don, Alichemilla alpina Ls. och Rhodiola rosea L. i Skandinavien. Acta HYorti Gothoburgensis. 4: 69-144, illus. 19238. Resumé de la distribution de la Viscaria alpina (L.) GeDon. 1'Alchemilla alpina L. et la Rhodiola rosea Le en §candinavie. p. 135-136. nkottsberg, C. C.VeBe Marquand's "Additions to the flora of the Falkland Islands". Acta Horti Gothoburgensis. 4: 303-306. Wye ies Skottsberg, CO. BestSmmandet av arternas tackningsgrad i ‘angssamaallen. (Ueber die bestimmung des deckungs~ erades der arten in wiesengesellschaften). Acta Horti Gothoburgensis. 4: 47-62. 1928. German swumary: peS0-S2. Skottsberg, C. Notes on some recent collections made in the Islands of Juan Fernandeg,. Acta Horti Gotho- burgensis. 4; 155-171. 1928. Skottsberg, C. On some arborescent species of Lobelia from tropical Asia. Acta Horti Gothoburgensis. 4: 12265) (illus. 1928.6 Lepuilippinensis neSPe Sterner. Re N&gra sociologiska anteckningar rorande bohus- lansk lundvegetatione Acta Horti Gothoburgensise 43 265-2383. 1928. Svenson, Se Wallandska vaxtlokaler,. Acta Horti Gothe- burgensis., 4:3 27-45. 1923. Wedholm, K. Ny svensk fyndort for Dryopberis oreopteris (Ehrh.) Maxon. Acta Horti Gothoburgensis. 4: 62-67. illus. 1928. WiGdelerMcatoviehy money Agr.e Journ. Brit. Guiana. (Georgetown) Martyn, E.3. , The Sclerotium disease of coffee, and tits occurrence in this Colony. Agr. Journ, Brit. Goraneas |) 22 (lO. pls 2-21.) Mew l929. now, Ann. Rep. Tea Res. Inst. Ceylon. Gadd, C.He Report of the mycologist, 1928. Anne Repe Meaness Inst. Ceylom Toe8) (its Bull .3)28-U7 4) sees, Arch. Bot. Sistem., Fitogeogr. e. Gen. (Forli) Béguinot, A. & Vaccari, A. Le piante vascolari sinora note per l'tisola Tavolara e considerazioni fitogeografiche sulle stesse, (cohcl.) Arch. Bot. Sistem. Fitozeogr. e Gen. 5; 46-78. Mr. 1929. Béguinot, Ae Rilievo floristico e fitogeografico di alcune piccole isole della Sardegna nord-orientale,. Arche Bot. Sistem. Fitogeogr. e Gen. 5: 79-93. Mr.1929. Orel. Bolzon, Pe Sui limita fra le piante delle Alpi e degli Ap- pennini in Liguria. Arch. Bot. Fitogeogr. e Gen. ee eer Ne LOS es TAO Nallee Lanzoni, F. Ancora.su un caso di fasciazione totale di Digi-~ talis purpurea Le Arch. Bot. Sistem. Fitogeogrs é& Gone os Lo—19, Mere 2929s) noes Manzoni. Be Le vicende battesimali di due piante esotiche settecentesche, Arch. Bot. Sistem. Fitogeogre Ge Gen. 5: 13-17. Mr. 1929. NOele Negodi, *%, Studio monografico sulla Silene angustifolia (Mill. ) Guss.e con particolare riguardo alle forme italiane. (cont.) Arch. Bot. Sistem. Fitogeogrs e Gen. D: 24-25. ie cde me co Pe olor ar Savelli, Re Note nicotianograficne. VI. Ulterior osserva~ zione sopra un carattere nuovo di Nicotiana rustica Le Arch. Bot. Sistem. Fitogeogr. € Gen. 95d: 20-23. Mr. 1929. noel. . Vv. we MOle a Dette Arch. Protistenk, (Jena) Ber. Deut Beck-Mannagetta, G. Neue grtn- und blaualgen aus Karnten und den Sudeten. Aree Erohispemies Gals) wo UOe sj allay UZ 3 hats Ereegovi¢é, A. Sur quelques nouveaux types des cyanophycées lithophytes de la cote adriatique. Arch. Protis-— tnek. 66: 164-174. illus. DES 28) 5 sunee\nall Hormathonema, Tryponema, Kyvrtuthrix gen.nov. Skvortzow, 3.W. Hinige neve und wenig bekannte Chlamydomono- daceae aus Manchuria. Arch. Protistenk. 66: 160- Hees. - LOLI. noel. Bot. Ges. (Berlin) Bertsch, K. Die altesten getreidereste Deutschlands. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 47: 121-125. IVIDIE CSN grey | 1S) '9).- Oe cin Hinkorn (Triticum monococcum); emner (T.dicoc- cum). Docters van Leeuwen, W. Kurze mitteilung uber ameisen-epiphyten aus Java. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 47: 90-99. iiss Mr.@1, 1929. 0.2. Hesmer, TH. Pollenanalysen eines glazialen torfes bei Mars- berg i. “éstf. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 47: 110-118. Mies ha OZGis) | Osc. reuter, E. Chromosomenstudien bei den galegeen. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 47: 99-101. Mrsel, 1929. noe. Hustedt, fF. Untersuchungen tiber den bau der diatomeen, VII. Weitere untersuchungen uber die kanal- raphe der Nitzschioideae. VIII. Untersuchungen uber die kanalraphe der gattung Surireila. Ber. Deut. Boe Gessi) 477 TOTO piers) Mri) O29 > nga i cmt fi . ; : ’ + ; ite Rn Ka Shela Wik a ae bh Are AR 7 ; fy P whe ’ ) ae ue NA aBL Si aato SIs Moleele Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. (cont.} Rohweder, H. Ueber kernuntersuchungen an Dianthus-arten. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 47: 81-86. Wise 2b ASI eAST NOede stocker, 0, Hine feldmethode zur bestimmung der momentaten transpirations- und evaporationsgrosse I-II. Ber. Wem Ou. Ges alee TUAUAL SiS bes PM US) 2 5) NOW Monet, a0 ih. Enation an lavbbldttern von Psidium guava und von Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 47: 87-89. illus, Wier 243L TUSV2ISI A (alloyeyrere Wehmer, ©. Notiz tber cumarin-nflanzen. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 47: 119-120. Mag re MSS) A aoa Beretn. Landbr. Dep. [Norway | Jgrstad, I. Beretning om plantesyxdommer i land- og hage- bruget. VY. Hagebrukets nyttevekster. Beretn. Iandbr. Deo. Norway. 1927 Tillegg C.(Beretn. Skadin- sek. og Plantesykd. 1926 og 1927) 68 p. 1928. (Rec'd Ap.1929) Biochem. Zeitschr. (Berlin) Butkewitsch, W. S. & Fedoroff, M.V. Ueber bildung von fumarsaure in den zuckerkul- turen von Mucor stolonifer (Rhizopus nigricans) und s¢éin verhalten zur brenztraubensaure. Bio- chem. Zeitschr. 206: 440-456. SS 6 Mr.9, Sieh no.4/6. Verkade, P.H. & Coops, J.jr. Das vorkommen ven unpaaren fettsauren in naturlichen fetten, dlen und wachsen. Biochem. Zeitschr. 206: 468-481. ie yi) ISI 23) I, Das 61 von Datura stramonium. Meet. tab. Path. Veg. Bahia. aa Bondar, G. Doenga das folhas da seringueira, Bol. Lab. Fouls wees Dania. L228 145-149. illus, aOeo. NOM OP, Guignardia hevea, Sphaerella hevea, Viel eno vos. Mpol, lab. Path. Veg. Bahia. (cont.) ; Bondar, G. Mangas manchadas. Bol. tabs, Pavae Ves, Bahia. 1928; 1635-135. LESS UZ wlO (Sic Gloeosyorium mengiferae. Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro. Sampaio, 4.J.de. Bibliographia botanica (relativa 4 flora brasi- leira, com inclusao dos trabalhos indisyensaveis aos estudos botanicos no Brasil). Bol. Mus. Nac. Rie de Janeiro. 4: 97-119, §.1928. nord: (Recta Ap. 1929. Sampaio, A.J. de. Silvia duckei A.Samp.n.comb. Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro. 4: 39-41. §.1928 (Rec!d Ap.1929) rc NO.d. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. Haciwara, T. Genetic studies of flower-colours in Japanese PMI cavOrITeSs., Lil. Inhabivaneachors of the factor concerning the shade of flower-—colours. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 43; 106-117. HWA 5° eyo S018, In Japanese. Gavaba, De & Satake, Y. Contributions to tne knowledge of the systematic anatomy of some Japanese plants. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. Eoenro Wo) illus. PetG2Zgen nosa06. In Japanese. Okamoto, Y. A new soecies or Ilex in Yamato province. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 435: 71-73. WLS MOIS, moss. Ilex ellipsoidea n.sp. Sakisaka, M. & Suehiro, Y. Notes on the development of the "star-hair" of Mee arise Bote Mace Volkarory caylee ele su Tekst ES ele In Japanese. Skvortzow, B.W. On some marine diatoms from Siberian shore of Japanese sea. BO bie MMS el LOKSVOlp lies 7 Oe alll lat 29 Mo. 5OG. * — hi, + iv es’ . . , . > Pele is vo Paces 4 s| 44 E [ , aa : ’ > SAMs ike Ta fé ay iy ; ; 0) | talk ie gc8 Bi ; ‘i fi wrt} », a nN i Veda mace) oe. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. (cont. ) Tamiya, H. & Morita, 5. Bibliographie von Aspergillus. 1729-bis 1928. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 43: 60-71. ¥F.1929. no.506, Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. Graves, A.H. Forest pathology. Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 18(2,, Its Ann.Rep.1928): 53-59. Mr.1929. Reed, G.M. Plant pathology. Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec, 18(2, Its Ann.Rep.1928): 52-57. Mr. 1929. Bry Logist. (Pittsburg) Bartram, E.B. Mosses from western Texas collected by Mr.C.R. Orcutt. Bryologist. Seah AE Oia im of Bramall Ja. 1929. Moles Grinmmia americana, n.sp. Daxon. H.N. Notes on the mosses of the Oxford University expedition to west Greenland, 1928. Bryologist. S23 1-3, Sagi I2Ie Maostlie Bryum oxoniense, n.Sp. Moxl CY» EHeA. The moss—covered trail. Bryologist. 323 lée- ie este. «NOs. Bull. Econ. Indochine. (Hanoi) Crevost, Ch. & Fetelot, A. Catalogue des produits de 1l'Indochine. Plantes médicinales. Bull. Econ. Indochine. n.s. 323 119-170. ‘plates. 1929. no.200, Menaut, B. ""..i-Matiére médicale cambocgieiine. I~ ::.,Bull. Econ. Indochine. he Se Gann oy rill. L929. NGacoOs Bull. Econ. Madagascar. (Tananarive) Francois, E. De l'emploi des arbres et arbustes dans les pays tropicaux. Bull. Hoon. Madagascar. 25: 145- 168. wees mcignk ot “igs ‘ined Wks Hats sam . het er he aN Ris: fm peel VERO.) Die Ore Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France. (Paris) Sennen, Frere & Teodoro. Les formes du Myrtus communis L. sur le terri- toire de Tarragone (Espagne). Bull. Soc. Dendrol. INGE MESA MSSG WINS) aiililiee\) | ages shel2e)r, Calif. Citfagts. (Los Angeles) Jensen, C.A. & Foote, Fed. Some studies on fertilization of lemon groves, Limoneira Ranch, Santa Paula, Cal. I- Calif. Citrogr, 4: 266, 298-299, My.1929. noe7. Suemrore,) Heh. Cicrus diseases —- psorosis. Calif. Citrogre WeeOSy £75» | POLte || MyslIed. NOs 7. Calif. Cult. (lios Angeles) lee LEO By As Texas root rote Calais Ocilitre 62: 437, 453. TITS eS olen bee mle P23S)-9) | alloys tL) ieee rain Cantaiouse mildew control in Imperial Valley, Cataie)) Onl t. 623 457, 455. Ho) Sy by MESS) sao) s8bo)- Centralbl. Bakt. Abt.II (Jena) Mirewhort. Hs Beitrage zur biologie und physiologie des mutterkornpilzes. Centralbl. Bakt. Abt.II, Gis 300-669, illus, || Mri25) 1929) mo.5/ 24. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. Chabrolin, C. La pourriture de l'inflorescente du palmier- dattier (Khamedj). Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. eB: 954-025, | Mr.25, L929 \mo.ls, Caused by Mauginiella scaettae. Compt. Rend. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci. Bugnon, P. Racine et differenciation vasculaire. Compt. Rend. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sci. 51: 231-233. 1927. (Rec'd Ap.1929) VHS Ors O52 Weis Compt. Rend. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci. (cont.) Burollet, P.A. Recherches phytosociologiques dans Sanel Tunisien. Compt. Rend.Assoc. Fran¢. Avanc. Sci. Sl: 220-222. 1927 (Rec'd Ap. 1929) Chevalier, A. Sur les plantes qui nassent d'un versant a ltautre du Sahara et existent a la fois en Afri- qu du Nord et au Soudan. Compt. Rend. Assoc. Neeme., Avanc. Sei. Silt) 5464-546.) 1927 (Recta Ap. 1929 ) Foley, H. Note sur la repartition géographique de Morican- dia foleyi Battandier (cruciferes). Compt. Rend. NecsceHranG. AVanc,.Sci. (oly 2i/-2i8, 1927 (Rec id fae 1939...) Fremy, P.abbe. Les Rivularia de la Normandie. Comot. Rend. Mssoc. Wranc, Avanc. Sei. bie) 2ee-241., 1927. (Reetd Ap.1925) Guillaume, A. Contribution a l'étude et la migration des alcaloides chez les plantes. Comot. Rend. Assoc. Frang. Sci. 51: 238-240. 1927 (Rec'd Ap.1929) henoir, M. Notes sur les phénoménes caryocinétiques pendant les divisions II (homéotypique), III et sur la fé- condation Gans le sac embryonnaire du Fritillaria imperialis L. Compt. Rend. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Seq. - Si: 241-242. i927 (Reeld Ap. 1929) Maire, R. = s z 5 Contribution a l'etude de la flore des montagnes de Numidie,. Compt. Rend.Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sea, Sly 209-214, 1927 (Recld Ap. 1929) Monoyer, A. Etude de l'accroissement diamétral chez le Livistona chinensis Mart. Compt. Rend. Assoc. Frang¢. AVARG ci S6dy) Ole Gooseooe ) Tklus..) 1927. (Ree'd Ap legen A ATS Uaekol es 2) Sara aILO) A Compt. Hend. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sci. (cont.) Murbeck, S. Apergu des Verbascum du Nord-ouest de l'Afrique. Compt. Rend. Assoe. branc. Avance) Seis) ols 2375 1927 (Rec'd Apr.1929 ) Nicolas, G. Nouvelles observations sur des cultures pures d'népatiques et essais d'acclimatation de quelques especes dans la région Toulousaine Compt .Rend. Assoc. Frang¢. Avanc. Sci. 51; 223-228. 1927 (Rec'd &p.1929 ) PPO big T's L'indigénat du Saccharum biflorum Forsk. S. aegyptiacum Willd. a Bone. Comat. Kend. Assoc. Eran¢.e Avanc. Sci. 51: 214-216. 1927(Rec'd Ap. 1929 ) Praia. 1. Sesleria cirtensis sp.nov. Compt. Rend. Assoc, ; Memes Avance. Sci. ble 2160 iee7(Ree td ip, 1929) Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. “ Hocquette, i. ) Les réactions parasitaires des cellules ad! Al- i‘ nus glutinosa infectées par une hyphoidee. t Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. 100: 881-82. M929. \no.1l. Contr. Labor. Bot. Univ. Montreal. Pe Marie-Victorin, Frere. Le dynamisme dans la flore du Québec. Contr. Labor. Bot. Univ. Montreal. MS ere Gre tifa) el aalcuicyS ie 2S) Deut. iandw. Presse. (Berlin) Sinning, A. Versuche mit trockenbeizen gegen die streifen-— krankheit der gerste. Deut. Landw. Presse. 9563 HOM a SO.) LOLI. ma ela Ernahr. Pflanze. (Berlin) Masters (A Unkrautoek Si sete mit hederich—-kainit. Ern’hr. Prianze Boe sis (Pash alas) Ape toes NOe7. is a; ‘ >. “AP KO. Ny LL aveyS She toy aa eulae Facts about Sugar. (N.Y.) BrEAoOdes, (Oe Ne Target blotch of sugar cane. Facts about Sugar. EEsOtom AeZc0), LIZG 6.) (nd. Lo. Helminthosporium sp. Hae. rod. Res. Bull. Gt. Brit. Pearson, B.S. /Dey—rot, in woods. (Hor. Prod. Res. Bulli. CesT bie | NOska eps POU a LIS. Gard. Chron. (London) Alpine campanulas. Gard. Chron, IIY, 85: 263= 264. Ap.6,1929. no.2206. Signed M.W. Darnell, A.W. The genus Primula. (cont.) Gard. Chron. Tes) 248, 266, 261-282, /Mir.20, Bp.6,13, 192%: Demaaeo=( « Htott, C. Chile and the Andes IX. Leucocoryne or glory of the sun. Gard. Chron. III,85: 262-263. sedLIn Ges Ans6,1929. no.2206. Friend, H. Problems of plant life I. Card. Chron. | lit Bor 279-280. Ap.15, 1929s mone 207. IT. Do plants possess nerves? Grove, A. Asiatic primulas. Gard.Cnron. III, 85: 264- 266. lds. Cpe O, Lean wnnonacob. Hale, C.W.N. 4 ‘ An old garden primrose. Gard. Caron, | Lite 8D: 266-267 « iis. Aplus.) Bo. 2206. Polyanthus. Moore, P. Rhododendron so. (Forrest 21,488). Gard. Chron EE. Cb: ete! | hike, 1929.) Masec0 rs a Ne grid OSA Hilgardia Vira UA SO SPate a fall ipl Gard. Chron. (cont.) Sempson, K. Some observations on Epichloe typhina (Fr.) ay Gard. Chron. III, 85; 280-281. Ap.13, Zale no.«c2O07. On red fescue (Festuca rubra) Abstract of paner before British mycological society, Mar.16,1929. Terccat ) W. Bi Hritillaria karadaghensis. Gard. Chron. iin ieas, 2.. TLS Mee COn O29. “NowccODes Fritillaria karadaghensis n.sp. illustration, fig.107, appeared in the previous issue, p.22l, with A.Edward's note with the same title. Yashiroda, K. Kurume azaleas. Gard. Chron, III, 35: 244- 245, use Ma SO pie o emo 205). Ward, F.K. ir. F. Kingdon Ward's tenth expedition in Asia. XVII-XVIII. Gard. Chron. III,85: 242-243, 278- 279. illus. Mr.30,4p.13,1929. no.2205, 2207. Gard. Illus. (London) Balwert., A. i. The evolution of the daffodil over half a cen- wotay Gt.) (conc. )\. Gard. ibis) |) (Dl's 207-208, peavecere talinee! Mids) SOL ozo MO rie onbel ili lawrence, W. My grandmother. (concl.) Gard) Tl das) baa 208-204, 224-225. Mr.2g, 30,1929. no.2c61l-le. Account of novelties at Ealing Park, garden of Mrs. Lawrence to whom v.68 of Curtis! botanical magazine was dedicated. Stephenson, T.A. Little-known orchids of Europe. Gard. Illus. Bl: 218-219. illus. Mrsg0,1929. no.col2. (Berkeley, Cal.) pewerin, HHP. Additional host plants of curly top. Hilgardia. Bog o-o20e lds ole) Was ORO. | nose. Tedd mos, ms ls. Hilgardia (cont.) . Severin, H.H-P. Yellows disease of celery, lettuce, and other plants, transmitted by Cicadula sexnotata (Fall.) Hilgardia. SU MORO aly MU TIS ae) Ue WV an ie Meow WO. Vo. Yellows of celery (not that caused by Fusari- um) and lettuce yellows identical with aster yellows. Horticulture (Boston). Metie, P.J.van. Sedums which make good ground covers. Horti- colpares,. 73 NEI. waililush “Ap elo, 1929. (ne.ji6. Wilson, E.H. Leaves from a plant hunter's notebook. no.0o. Azalea schlippenbachii. Horticulture. 7: 193-194. MGse Ap. LS, 19291) Mosc. House & Gard. (Greenwich, Conn.) Stout, A.B. The charms of the modern daylilies. House & Gard. 55: 118-119, 202, 204, 206. illus, My. Eee en) Os Di Wilder, L.B. May calls forth the Trilliums. House & Gard. Spy ib, 194, 198,208. illus. My.1929. no.5. Wilson, E.H. Litaes wild and otherwise. House & Gard. 50d: ie. USO. 182) 186. 202. illus. My.1929. Industr. & Engin. Chem. (Easton,Pa.) Pererson, O.d. & Hixon, RM. Chemical examination of the tissue of the corn- stalk. Industr. & Engin. Chem. 1: 65-67. illus. EO O29, | NOdes Schmitz, H. laboratory methods of testing the toxicity of wood preservatives. Industr. & Engin. Chem. Il: Gooey alts.) Ap. SIs USeIL) mo. _ Izv. Tomsk, Gosudarstv. Univ. (Trans. Tomsk. State Univ.) ¥ pavostin, P.V. .-. Nutations-krmimmungen, wachstum und atmung der wurzeln im const. magnetfelde) Izv. Tomsk. Gosudarstv. Univ. (Trans. Tomsk. State Univ.) 79: 261-270. 1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.4, Russian. as. ne fers nna ' oa Vie le) Ome. Deda _ Izv. Tomsk. Gosudarstv. Univ. (cont.) Savostin, P.V. -..Untersuchungen des verhalten des rotierenden pflanzlicnen plasma, im constanten magnet— felde) Iav. Tomsk. Gosudarstv. Univ. (Trans. Tomsk. State Univ.) 79:207-222. 1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.4. Russian. Jahrb. Weidewirtsch. u. Futterb. (Hannover) Degens, H. Der wiesenknoterich Polygonum bistorta L. Hine monographische studie. Jahrb. Weidewirtsch. Cw tusterb., OWiireanzbd.)e 1-57. illus. 1929). Journ. Asr.Res. (Wash.) Demaree, J.B. & Cole, J.R. Behavior of Cladosporium effusum (Wint.) De- maree on some varieties of pecan. Journ. Agr. Res, 38: 363-370. Mr.15, 1929 (Rec'd Ap.10) no.6. Drechsler, C. The beet water mold and several related root parasites. Journ. Agr. Res. 38: 309-361. aiiges Mr.15,1929 (Bee'd Ap.10) no.6. Aphanomyces camptostylus, A.cladogams, Plectospira gemmifera, n.sp. Kearney, T.H. Development of the cotton bodl as affected by removal of the involucre. Journ. Agr. Res. 38: 581-393. illus. A oly UO 2o ma n7s McMurtrey, J.a.jr. The effect of boron deficiency on the growth of tobacco plants in aerated and unaerated solutions. Journ. Agr.Res. 38: 371-380. aeS ) | AL oes no.”. - Journ.Amer, Soc. Agron. (Geneva, N.Y.) Carver, W.A. The inheritance of certain seed, leaf, and flower characters in Gossypiwm hirsutum and some of their genetic interrelations. Journ. Amer. Soc. Agron, el: 467-480. Ap.1929. no.4. PA oo w Va AS ee Y a Viet Ong, pe Los Journ. Amer. Soc. Agron. (cont.) Janssen, G. Effect of date of seeding of winter wheat on plant development and its relationship to winter- hardiness. (cont.) Journ, Amer. Soc. Agron. ei: 444-446, Sw ADI 2ol. NO. Rea, H.E. ; Varietal and seasonal variation of "motes" in upland cotton. Journ. Amer. Soc. Agron. 21: 481- 486. 4p.1929. no.4. 7. ee ee a. a ee (yee Journ. Biol. Chem. (Baltimore) Csonka, FA. & Jones, D.B. Studies on glutelins. V. The glutelins of rye (Secale cereale), and of barley (Hordeum vulgare). Journ. Biol. Chem. 82: 17-21. 4p.1929. no.l. Journ. Dept. Agr. Kyushu Imp. Univ. (Fukuoka, Japan) isi, T. & Morikawa, K. An anatomical study of the leaves of the genus Pinus. Journ. Dept. Agr. Kyushu Imp. Univ. 2: 149-198, SIU Sie ANG Oea au Os Os Journ. Min. Agr. Gt. Brit. (London) Petherbridge, F.R., Dillon Weston, WA.R. & Kent, W.G. Successful control of apple scab in the Wisbech areas Journ, Min. Agr.Gt. 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Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. (Berlin) Hauptfleisch, K. Ueber den einfluss von saatbeizmitteln auf das auftreten von Marssonina graminicola an der gerste. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 9: 27-28. ae hI2o.. No.4. Nature (London) iioelnsict) His Nervous impulse in Mimosa pudica. Nature. 123: 562-563. ILUSh Oe ORL eo. | NO oNOZ Natural hybrids in plants. Nature. 12d: 587- 588. M51, UB. | save) 4 Giles lsehalccabaly Ola Dioecism in Ranunculus acris. Nature. 123: 568. Apel13, 1929. no.dl02. Sansome, F.W. Pollination of species of Primula. Nature. L253, SOS Woo Oe SASi5 aOSGinOieA Ultra-microscopic viruses infecting animals and plants. Nature. J23: 508-509. ine 5 BIO)5 US) no. 5100. Held at the Royal Society, Feb.28,& Mr.14, those who took part on the plant side were, Henderson Smith, P.A. Murphy, Kenneth Smith, R.N. Salaman, W.B. iste wei LeyA Nature Mag. (Wash., D. C.) Herta: Dei. The heritage of the Aztecs, The dahlia, Mexi- co's contribution to the modern garden. Nature Mag. 13: 167-170. Stan te EOS eh Ole ie Nisa avo s S) yey SIL 7p Naturforsch. (Berlin) Spilger, Interessante veredlungen. Naturforsch... 6: OSL y Melba ayn | vehotay IS)ISi 5 Calle) 5 0 JEP, New Flora & Silva. (London) Core fit. Me Bark splitting in rhododendrons. New Flora & Silva. beh eles Aso, ISS) 9) AO Ae Cox, E.H.M. Notes on dwarf rhododendrons. New Flora & Silva. 1: 158-164. AS EO LOZ Oa) Ole Ingram, C. ; The forest vegetation of Tenerife. New Flora & Silva, 1S Bleys) = ILS7/ TL JEI IS SV) Uo) AILSA Siavoys 5 schneider, C. Notes on Berberis. New Flora & Silva. 1: ele-216. Ap.1929. no.d. ' Obst- u. Gentiseb. (Betlin) ‘ig Déring, HE. Bekamofung von Phytophthora infestans an tomaten in geschlossenen kulturraumen durch unterirdische bewasserung. Obst- u. Gemuseb. 75: 49-51. Nite 2057 OPO.) no .d. a Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. (Wien) a Eckhart, W. De blutentrichome der campanulaceen und ihre verwertbarkeit als phylogenetisch-systemat isches merkmal. Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 768: 129-156. Makosi eo LIZO. NO. c. Heimer ii, A. Ueber einige bemerkenswerte artemisien. Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 78: 164-167. Mr.25, “USES. salons Janke, A. Naturliches bakteriensystem und biochemische mikrobenleistungen. Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 78: 97-128. Mir 25, 1929.) mores Klein, G. & Soos, G. Der mikrochemische nachweis der alkaloide in der pflanze. X. Der nachweis von hygrin. Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 78: 157-163. illus. MeveoylI29. NO. * , att | rig | iandianeee) ae tt i, | eee } aia cn E° ‘ ary. ae ‘ ai sna +f ies rire ek ES Ron 7 eS rf aR 7 : t , Qs ae ee é SO FC ‘tH A A a Bee aati Pepe chew ots 1 42 ’ ks eto ys eaiesak al iS : EY UWE 8s (Our Be Oy to S* s a ‘ fh 4 > ae he - : if it . © ; p : A t “8 i ‘ &s. Cit x . he : 5 yar) S ae = . ces oe ae . te . ae re A - r z ey i i ¢ yy rye by * i 4 ; ¥ ie Pn E AS, ie be'4 = ee, ar Ld Pe i ‘ ik , a ; & Py ry. } ste Aor pea ae | Bch it bet aidan ry) rae, 16 Ae > : i : oe: i wt oe } ! j ere ‘ - J t ‘ , te ha f i 7 | Le ; = J | } , t oe | , “sige oF pitti ‘ie ‘ f ; ; Ye Pee ‘\ 7 . ak Mee Be ie on Ree ath iat ‘tga Sia le 7! Le ats a a i ae tae "epee! ik yi | Saaluihi Hissin " “e rt V.11, no.9, p18. Diecterr. Bot.Zeitschr. (cont.) Pisek, A. Wauchsstoff und tropismen. Oesterr. Bot. Ueaicenm. 71 leseteon. | Mree5), 1929. nowe. Orchid Rev. (Richmond, England) Cooper, E. Cirrhopetalum spathulatum (Rolfe). Orchid Rev. 37: 106. &p.1929. no.430, A remarkable subterranean orchid. Orcnid Rev. ee Ov Ap. 1929. no.430. Rhyzanthella gardneri. _ Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. ¥ Anderson, E.G. & Ter Louv, A.L. Description of a mosaic pericarp color in maize. Papers Mich, Acad. Sci. 9 4495 ‘pl. i-ii. 19297 Anderson, #.G. A second case of silklessness in maize. Papers Parulett, HH. Fossils of the carboniferous coal pebbles of the glacial drift at Ann Arbor. Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 9: 11-28. pl. iii-xxv. 1929. Triletes superbus, T.rotatus, T.mamillarius, n.eSp. Sartiet, HH. The genus Triletes, Reinsch. Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 9: 29-38. WZ) Baxter, D.V. Mycorrhiza and Scotch pine in the University of Michigan Forest nursery. Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. Sooo oto. ple Kela=xev., 11927). Baxter, D.V. Some porias from the region of the Lake states, iit Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 9: 39-45. pl.xxvi- Bere LOZ. Benedict, D.M. A greenhouse study of the conidial stroma of Hpichloe typhina. Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 9: 47-54, illus. IS2S)r Vig alg G so pie Los MiPapers Mich. Acad. Sci. (cont.) : Boldyreff, E.B. A study of the digestive secretion of Sarracenia purpurea. Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. , 9: 55-64. Ma Re. 1) O29) Eleock, HA. The anatomy of the overgrowth on sugar beets caused by Bacterium beticola. Papers Mich. Acad. Xe hy STUER EF alos pl. KxXxdii. Lees Emerson, S.H. Maltiple-factor inheritance in crosses between Oenothera grandiflora and Oenothera franciscana. RapeuswMech. Acad. (Sea. 19Y i2l- 138. TGS nye XXXV-xxxvi. 1929. Hibbard, R.P. & Street, 0.3. Biochemical studies on seed viability II. Chem- ical constituents operating in reduction. Papers Meche Acad. sei. se IG9-1620) \19295 Wehmeyer, L.E. Giltural life-histories of Diaporthe IV. Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 9: 477-494. pl. lxxxvii-1xxxix. 5929 . Pharm. Zentralh. (Dresden) Meeeer sid. Ueber die alkaloide der angosturarinde. Pharm, Zentralh. (05 2 S—2ee6) | Aan O29.) Monee - Philipp. Agr. (Los Banos) a Neda oe. Effect on young rice plants of adding aluminum salts to complete culture solutions. Philipp. Agr. iee@r-Ogo., las.) Mr. to29. no. 10). _ Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. (Berlin) BS Alexandrov, W.G. & Alexandrova, 0.G. Ist die verholzung ein reversibler oder irreversibler vorgang? Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 7: 340-346. illus. Mr.23, 1929. no.2/3. Behre, K. Physidlogische und zytologische untersuch- ungen Uber Drosera. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. (2) 2OC-506. illus. Mr.25, 1929. no.2/3. Welly nos), Paco. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. (cont.) Engel, H. AM Beitrage zur kenntnis des stickstoffunsatzes gruner pflanzen. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 7s 133-164, Mr.23, 1929. no.2/3. Gratzy—Wardengs, S.A... Osmotische untersuchungen an farnprothallien. Planta Arch.Wiss. Bot. 7: 307-339. illus. Mr.23, 1929. no.2/3. Guuntuch, R. Untersuchungen Uber den N-stoffwechsel unter-— irdischer reservestoffbenalter (Unter besonderer berticksichtigung der kartoffelknolle). Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 7: 388-421, pilus. | Mrecoe loose no. Bia. Heinricher, E. <: Mllmahliches immmwerden gegen nistelbefall. Planta Arch. Wiss.Bot. 73 165-173. illus. Mr.23, 1929. no.2/3. Klein, G. Zun “engeeblichen" nachweis von formaldehyd bei der assimilation von kohlensaure. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 7: 422-423. Mr.1929. no.2/3. Ruhland, W. & Ullrich, H. Ueber den einfluss von nitraten und von sal- Petersaure auf die atmunz gruner blatter. Planta, Arch. Wiss. Bot. 7: 424-426. Mico biel. no.e/3. Stocker, 0. Des wasserdefizit von gefasspflanzen in ver- schiedenen klimazonen. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. @: 682-387. Mr.1929. nos2/3. Unrath, K. . Ueber die ervagungsleitune. bei: honerén pflanzen. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 7: 174-207. ai elle se Mr.23,1929. no.2/3. Wartenberg, E. Ueber primdére und sekundare kalteresistenz bei bohinensippen. Eine vorstudie zur genetik der kalteempfindlichkeit. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 7: 347-381. illus. Mr.23, 1929. no.2/3. Phaseolus vulgaris. Vist MO e 9's Dee lie Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Biekart, HM. & Connors, C.H. Notes on nutrient treatments, chemical com~ position and growth responses of carnations with particular reference to "sleepiness". Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 252376-377. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Boswell, V.R. Temperature influence upon chemical composition and quality of peas (Pisum sativum, L.) Proc. : Amer, Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 21-26. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Cooper, J.R. The behavior of pollen tubes in self and cross pollination. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 2058 138-140, 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) f Currence, T.M. The transpiration rate of the Pinto bean. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 253 41-44. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Duruz, WP. Further notes regarding peach rust control. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Scis 25:3 333-337. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Dutton, WC. % A method of modifying the lime-sulphur-lead arsenate spray to reduce foliage injury in the apple. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 253 332-337. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Emsweller, S.1l. “" 1 Pollination and fertilization of celery, Pre~ liminary report. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 29-30. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) WUT tlie Hie The relation between vessel diameter and flow of water in the xylem of the apple. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 311-320. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Hansen, N.E. Taming the American wild crabapple. Proce Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 123-124. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Heinicke, A.J. Seasonal variation in the nutrient condition of apple trees as indicated by catalase activity. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 234-2239. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Vel Ged Pecee Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Scie (cont.) Jones, HA. Joseph Tooker Rosa, jre, 1895-1928. Proc. BIGer SOC. HOrt. SCs cos 20s | DOMb. 1928. (Rec'd Ap.1929) Loomis, E.W. & Evans, M.M. Experiments in breaking the rest period of corms and bulbs. Proc. Amer, SOC. Hote) oCl. 25373-79, 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) McClintock, J.A. Importance of leafspot in the selection of pear varieties used as stocks for budding. Proc. Amer. Soce Hort. Sci. 25: 177. 1928.(Rec'd Ap.1929) MacGillivray, J.H. Studies of tomato quality. III. Color of dif- ferent regions of a tomato fruit and a method for color determination. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 17-20, 1928(Rec!d Ap.1929) Magness, J.R. Relation of leaf area to size and quality in apples. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 285-288. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Maney, Ted. & Welter, WA. Chromosome characteristics of Malus ioensis and one of its large fruited forms. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 115-116. illus. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Pearson, O.H. A suggested classification of the genus Brassica Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 105-110. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1923) Plagge, H.H. Effect of storages temperature on soggy break- down of golden delicious apples. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 298-300. 1928.(Rec'd Ap.1929) Robbins, W.W. & Jones, HA. Further studies on sex in asparagus. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 13-16. 1928.(Rec'd Ap.1929) Overley, F.L. & Spuler, A. Effect of dormant and delayed dormant applica~ tion of oil sprays on apple trees. Proc. Amer. , Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 325-328. 1928¢Rec'd. Ap.1929) Wit ais No.9, Dace Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. (cont.) Traub, HP. & Frans, G.S. Ripening and composition of the Texas magnolia. fig. Preliminary report. Proc. Amer. Soc. Horte Sei. 25; 306-310. illus. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Wentworth, S.W. Relative effectiveness of apple pollen from vigorous and weak trees as determined by the spur- unit method. Eroc. Amici. OCs, HOrts SCl-e | cos 149-153. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Whitehouse, W.E. Nutritional studies with the strawberry. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25:201-206. 1928(Rec!d Ap.1929) Wige in r We We ‘ Studies on the reaction of greenhouse soils. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 25: 45-48. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Wilcox, A.N. Ietermining moisture in living plant tissues. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Scie 25: 342-345. 1928(Rectd Ap.1929) Work, FP, Ethylene ripening of tomatoes in relation to stage of maturity. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. e253 61-65. 1928(Rectd Ap.1929) Zimmerley, H.H. The inter-relations between growth of spinach and culture medium reactions. Proce Amer. SoCe Horte Sci. 253 48-52. 1928(Rectd Ap.1929) Proc. N.Y. State Hort. Soc. (Geneva, N.Y.) MacDaniels, L.H. Apple varieties that are satisfactory cross pollinizers. Proce Neve mobate Hort. Soc. 743 45-52. 1929. Mills, W.D. ~~) Cherry leaf spot. Proc. N.Y. State Hort. Sore 1g 74; 22-25. 1929. Veil Meso, pecans Proc. N. Y.State Hort. Soc. (cont.) Shear, E.V. Experiments with apple scab. Proc. N.Y. state Hort. Soc. 74: 168-173. 1929, Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. “ambaze, R.H. Notes on the development of some Australian plants. Proc. Pan=Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo 1926, l: 875-888. 1928(Rec!d Ap.1929) fampbell, D.H. The Australasian element in the Hawaiian flora. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d. Tokyo. 1926. 1: 938-946, 1928(Rec!d Ap.1929) Gaillsumin, A, Les: régions floristiques du Pacifique d!aprés leur endémisme et la repartition de quelques plantes phanérosames, Proc. Pan-Pacific Scie Congr. 3 Tokyo 1926. 1: 920-938. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Abstract. Hayate, B. The relation between the succession and partici- pation theories and their bearings upon the natural System, Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Conger. Jd Tokyo. 1926, 23 1876-1886. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Hayata, B. Succession in the vegetation of Mt.Fuji and the formulation of a new theory, the succession theory, in opposition to the natural selection theory. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyoe 1926. 2: 1867-1868. 1928(Rectd Ap. 1929) Abstract ° Hemmi, T. fn outline of experimental studies on the "inde-— finite" diseases of the rice plant. Proc. Pan- Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo 1926. 23 2108-2111. illus. 1928(Rectd Ap.1929) Vell, no.9, pe25. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. (cont.) Hu, H.H. A preliminary survey of the forest flora of southesstern China. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 4d Tokyo. 1926. 2: 1904-1905, 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) ADStrae ts Ishiyama, S. Bacterial leaf-blight of the rice-plant. Proc. Pan—Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 23 2112. 1928. (Rec'd Ap.1929) Jack, H.W. Genetics in relation to the improvement of im portant crops and rice in particular. Pure line selection in rice. Proc. Pan—-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 1: 1166-1171. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Kawamura, S. On the periodical flowering of the bamboo. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 23 1915. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Abstract. Komarov, VeLe On the Arctic limits of some trees of the Rus- sian Far East. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. dd. Tokyo. 1926. 2: 1912, 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Abstract. Koriba, Ke Observations on a Japanese species of Taeniophyl— lun. Proc. Pan~Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 2: 1900-1901. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Abstract. Koriba,) Ks : On the vegetation of Sakurajima after the erup-~ tion of 1914. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. dd. Tokyo. 1926. 2: 1898-1899. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Abstract. Maekawa, T. Preliminary report on the influence of cotyledons on the root regeneration of young plants. Proce Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 23 1916-1920. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) : Dx ey Z Be pie anit Veli} nos9, ps26. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. (cont.) Merrill, HeDis Some Polynesian botanical problems of funda~ mental importance. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 1: 889-893. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Mendiola, N. B. Natural crossing in rice and its relation to rice improvement. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3a Tokyo. 1926. 13; 1171-1179, 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Miyabe,K. On the occurrence of a certain Behring and Kurile species of Laminariaceae in a small isolated region off the southern extremity of Saghalien. Proc. Fan-Pacific Sci. Congr, 5d Tokyo. 1926. 1: 954-958, 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Miyake, K. On the sexual generation of Japanese Laminaria-— Ceae. Proc. Pan—Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d. Tokyo. 1926, 2: 1922-1923. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Abstract. Nagai, K.& Tanikaws, T. On citris pollination. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 2: 2023-2029, 1928(Rec'd Ap. 1929) Nakai ’ T. ’ The floras of Tsusima and Quelpaert as related to those of Japan and Korea. Proc. Pan-Pacific . Sei. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926, 1: 893-911. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Nakai, T. The vegetation of Dagelet Island: its formation and floral relationship with Korea and Japan. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 13 911-914, 1928(Rec'd Ap. 1929) Nakamo, H. Oa the remarkable powers of water absorption by the leaves of Polypodiwn lineare Th. with special iy reference to the ecology of this plant. Proc. hi Pan-Paciftic Sci. Congr. dd. Tokyo. 1926. 2: 1901. : 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Abstract. . er ey oe ored - Fal ae a ty ee CNS a 2) hkl a iteried Ae 74 Vip inG@ed, ‘Dect « Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. (cont.) Wisikado, Y. Comparative studies on the Helminthosporium diseases of rice in the Pacific regions. Proce Pan-Pacific Sci. Congre 3d. Tokyo. 1926. 2: 211s. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Aodstract. Okamura, K. On the distribution of marine algae in Japan. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 1: 958-963. 1928(Rectd Ap. 1929) Osborn, 1T.G.B. On regeneration problems in arid Australia. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d. Tokyo. 1926. 2:3 1913-1914, 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Porter, R.H. The effect of copper carbonate on covered smut Ustilago hordei of hulless barley. Proc. Pan- Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 2: 2098-2102. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) BOIL eI, ie le Seed disinfectants for the control of kernel smut of foxtail millet. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926, 2: 2103-2107. 1928( Rec'd Ap.1929) Porter, RH. Some aspects of plant pathology in China. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d. Tokyo.1926. 2: 2091-2097. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Setchell, W.A. Migration and endemism with reference to Pacific insular floras. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 1: 869-875. 1928(Rec!d Ap.1929) Shen, T. H. Some suggestions about cotton breeding in China. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. Ll: 1191~- 1196. 1928(Rec'd Ap. 1929) wu }, eb Viel, Mowe. “eeee Proc. Pan-Pacifiec Sci. Congr. (cont.) Skottsberg, C. Remarks on the relative independency of Pacific floras. Proc. Fan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d. Tokyo 1926. 13 914-920. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Swingle, W.T. "Kindzu" or "Golden bean" orange (Fortunella hind- sii) from historic, taxonomic and cytologic stand~ points. Proc. Pan—Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 23 2001. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Abstract. Swingle, W.T. Meta-zenia or the influence of the male parent on the tissues of the mother plant outside of the embryo and endosperm, especially as exemplified in the date palm. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d. Tokyo, 1926. 1; 1164-1165. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Swingle, W. T. The origin of the flora of sastern Asia, a reservoir of useful plants. Proc. Pan—Pacific Sew. Conner, 3d Tokyo. 96. es (L9O2—-1905. |) HIZB. (Rec'd Ap.1929) Swingle, W.T. A study of the phylogenetic relationships of the rutaceous subfamily Citratae, including the citrus fruits and their wild relatives, with experimental studies in the hybridizing and grafting plants of this subfamily. Proc.) kan-faciie jocn. Conan. Sd. Tokyo. 1926. 2: 2013-2014. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Abstract. Takenouchi, M. On the influence of volcanic activity upon the vegetation of Mt. Tarumai. Proc. Pan~Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d. Tokyo. 1926. 2: 1890-1898. illus. (map) 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Tanaka, T. Discussion of the pomology of the most important Pacific races of citrus fruits. Proc. Pan-Pacific | Sci. Congr. 3d. Tokyo 1926. 2: 2002-2011. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Vell, 86.9, pig. Proc. Pan—Pacific Sci. Congr. (cont.) Terao, H. Occurrence of mutation in the rice plant. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyc. 1926. 1; 1186-1187. 1928.(Rec'd Ap.1929) Terao, ie The present status of rice improvement in Japan. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr.3d Tokyo 1926. 1:3 1179-1185. 1928.(Rec'd Ap. 1929) Terazaki, W. Plant successions in self-regenerating forests in various regions of Japan. Proc. Pan-—Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 2: 1887-1889. 1928. (Rec'd Apr. 1929) Abstract. Tilden, J.E. The distribution of marine algae, with special reference to the flora of the Pacific Ocean. (A preliminary paper). Proc. Pan—Pacific Sci. Congr. 33d Tokyo. 1926. 1: 946-953. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Went, F.A.F.C. The Pacific ocean as a boundary of the distribu. tion of the Podostemonaceae. Proc. Pan-Pacific Heian Conger, sd Tomyo. 1926.) 23 1906-1911. L9Zo. (Rec'd Ap.1929) Yemada, Ye. The phyto-geographical relation between the Chlorophyceae of the Mariannes, Carolines and Mar- shall Islands and those of the Malay Archipelago, ° Australia and Japan. Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. 1926. 1: 964-966. 1928.(Rec'd Ap.1929) Yamaguti, Y. Genetics in relation to the improvement of 7, TCG, Proc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr. 3d Tokyo. a 1926, 1:1187-1191. 1928.(Rec'd Ap. 1929) Proc. Virginia State Hort. Soc. (Winchester) Fromme, F.D. Black rootrot disease of apple. Proc. Vir- @inia State Hort. Soc. 32: 87-95. illus. 1928. Schniederhan, Fed. A new method of preparing Bordeaux mixture. Proc. 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ISiaivan AOA Zar kenntnis der griechischen orchideen. Re- pert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 25(Repert. Europ. et Med. em ovia0)).* 225-270.) (pile lc lean, Deol, lees no. 694/702. Waeburs;.0. & Hig, A. Zwei neue leguminosen aus der ebene Esdraelon in Palastina. Recert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 25(Re- Bosra Gunep. et. ved. | Belgie )e) 0-452. pil. | loans ea 1928. no. 694/702. Revista Industr. Bogota. MOH, TR 9 fi. El enrollamiento de las hojas de durazno. Revista Industr. Bogota. Oo: 261-263. illus. ee 4 | Oe / 6 _ Rhodesia Aer. Journ. (Salisbury) Hopkins, J.C.F. Two common diseases of potato tubers in Rhodesia. Rhodesia Agr. Journ. 027: 257-259. 5.1928.(Rec'a Ap.1929) no.3. Rhizoctonia, internal browning. _ Riv. Biol. (Milan) n° Angeli, B. La ricerca microchimica del fosforo nelle cel- lule vegetali. Rivs Biotest 702-707 Sas 1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.5/6. Quadrio, M. Studi biologici sopra alcuni pollini. Riv. Biol. 10: 708~726. S./D.1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.5/6. = - \ Vell mown pasen Roczn. Nauk Rolnicz. i Lesn. (Polish Aer. & For. Ann.) (Poznan) Golinska, J. Wplyw wielkosSci nasion na rozwoj kalarepy i rzodkiewki. (Effect of size of seed on development of kohl-rabi (Brassica oleracea v. caulorapa) and radish (Raphanus sativus). Roczan. Nauk, Rolnicz. i tesn. (Polish Aer. & For. Ann.) 20: 26-46. iltus. 1929. Polish with English summary. Jankowska, K. O nowych dla Polski chorobach roslin uprawnych. (Some new diseases of cultivatedflants in Poland). Roczn, Nauk Rolnicz.i. Lesn. (Polish Agr. & For. Ann.) BOs loo= legis MOA || utoy 208 Polish with English summary. Science. (Lancaster, Pa. ) The ascent of sap. SCLeMec i viOC. lMOsiil cls Supple) Dekiv. Ap. 19), 1929. Theories in opposition to J. C. Bose's of "hearts" propelling the sap upward by rhythmic beats. The southwest arboretum of the Boyce Thompson institute for plant research. Science. 69; 419. L296 | now GO. Carn RE. Structure of plant compounds and solubility. Science. 69; 407-408. ADatanOes) MO Gd. Vickery, H.B. & Mendel, LL.B. The work of Thomas Burr Osborne (1859-1929). Science. 69: 3385-389, INo)4 26) SASS Manglonrlifersish Scient. Month. (Lancaster, Pa.) BLolevin, Hal. Quality in grapes. Scient. Month. 28; 393- 460. My.1929. no.4. ecott. For. Journ, Alcock, N.L. & Braid, K.W. The control of bracken. Stott. Wor, wow. 42; 68-73. illus. pl.v-vi, 0.1928 (Rec'd F, 1929) no.2. ‘ . Ik4 Veg . Nias + ia yi iad af yi 14 PP he i pet | ; JT . aan Ny a, no.9, Dice. Seiscott, Fors, gourn. (cont.) Puligoe ve.) eis Keithia thujina, Durand: A disease of nursery seedlings of Thuja plicata. Scott. For. Journ. 43: 77~79, ala bus} 0.1928. (Rec'd F.1929) no.2. Borthwick, A.W. Frost damage to young coniferous trees. Scott. For. Journ. 42: 63-68. illus. pleiv. 0.1928. (Rec'd F.1929): no.2. Watson, H. Notes on attack by Rhizoctonia crocorum on Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis). Scott. For. Journ. 42; 58-61. O.1928 (Rec'd F.1929) no.2. _ Stain Techn. a Conn, H.J. The history of staining. Logwood dyes. Stain Meenn, 4: 67-48. , Ap.U929. no.c. McClintock, B. A method for making aceto-carmin smears perma- nent. Stain Techn. 4; 53-56. illus. Ap. chee) 1) (aekoleran _ Succulenta. (Leeuwarden) - Maass, C.A. Opuntia crinifera Pfeiffer. Succulenta. ll; 63-67. illus. 4Ap.1929. no.4. Verbeek Wolthuys, J. J. De succulenten V. Gepantserde bladeren. Succutenta. LEC ei izparaleie) al Ideas; Ap.1929. no.4. sartoris, G.B. Deterioration in P.0.J. canes. Sugar » Sls 144-146, Ap. 1929. no.4. ‘Sugar. (N.Y.) _ Sugar News. (Manila) Lee, H.A. The size of seed pieces in relation to germina- tion and the relation of irrigation to germination. Sugar News. VOs 176-185. Mr.1929. Well mows. pi ee, Svensk Bot. Tidskr, Almquist, HE. N@gra odlingar i terrangen. Svensk Bot. Tidsskr. 25: 44-51, 2 Ole ts Arwidsson, Th. Hinige laubwaldassoziationen aus Schonen. svensk Bot. Tidskr. 25: 52-62. USS) 5 2) a6) 5 Jk Kslander, A. Concentration of the nutrient medium versus its hydrogen-ion concentration as manifested by plant growth. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 26; 96-140. aisles iiss! 1929 5. no. ls HUGE Ee His vad &r Basidiobolus myxophilus? Svensk Bot. Tidskr, 23: 149-150, 1929. no.l. Eréderstrém, H. ; The species of Sedum in tropical Africa. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 25; 110. pl. i-ii. Woe MO ls Hesselman, H. Gunnar Andersson. Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 20: MSG Oe ports 1929. now. Johansson, kK. Dubbia a&rssxott hos plataner. Svensk Bot. id. cler, 25: 145-146, aS Ws) aes ibe Flatanus acerifolia. Johansson, K. En dvargform av Anemone hepatica L. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 25: 146-147, zy Sess USleAs)6,) aio ks Lundequist, O.F.H. Om Grenna sockens vegetation. Svensk Bot. TR CISIEG.. a5: 11-43. AES P2e) A nate) 5 skerman,. JA.0. Floristiska anteckningar frén n&gra av Oarna i Sstra Vanern (TorsS, Bromv, Dillo och Onsd). Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 23: 65-95. Dee) WO ee Ala i } Vell} nod, .85i Trans. Illinois State Hort. doc. Anderson, H.W: Expérimental spraying and dusting for fruit disease control 1928, Trans. Jllinois State Hort. Soc. 62: 136-156. 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Anderson, H.W. Fruit diseases in 1928. ipigshalisiysy 9 SIEM atialoyul Suave Hort. Soc. |) 62ele6-145.) |) 1928 (Rec'd) Ap. Wage) Roberts, J.W. Control of peach bacterial spot. Trans. Ili, State Hort. Soc. 62: 465-473, 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Valleau, W.D. Shot-hole control by cultural practices. Trans. Ill. State Hort. Soc. 628; 474-489, 1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Defoliation due rather to nitrogen deficiency than to Bacterium pruni. iAans. Peninsula Hort. Soc. (Dover, Dela.) Detjen, L.R. Frost injury in the apple, plum and peach. Trans. Peninsula Hort. Soc. 18: 23-29. illus. yk) imateyecels Lagasse, F.S. Some pollination results and a study of the erf- feet of source of nitrogen on the rate of fruit bud development in the Elberta peach. Trans. Penin- Sve HOt) SOC. 18; ll-22. illus. 1929). NOs Roberts, J.W.& Pierce, i. Control of peach bacterial spot. Trans. Peninsula Hort. Soc. 18: 102-106. 1929. no.d. mepiropenptl, (Berlin) Langer, A. Erfanrunzen mit trogischen und sudtropischen futterpflanzen. Trovenpfl, 423 55-65, 10d- CU Sis Ble Mite UO a. i Owes Oie Ross, J.H.H. Die 6lpalme in Mexixo. Trovenmpfl. 32: 99- 103. Ubdwss Mr. 192g.) NOs. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farm. Bull. } Nouns), f.Ds Frost and the prevention of frost damage. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farm. Bull. 1588. 62 DP. illus. Ap. 1929. a FORA Vedi moeee posse. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. (Berlekely, Cal.) { Merxiil., oD. Plantae Hlmerianae Borneenses. Univ Geman Publ. Bot. Lo LSE IS) Collections made by A.D.H. Elmer, 1921-1923. Navasnin, M. Studies in polyploidy I. Unive, Calit “Publis Bot. Be OC = OOO) opie ave vad, sek MUS ZS! now ld. I. Cytological investigations on tripioidy in Crepis. Versl. en Meded. Plantenziektenk. Dienst Wageningen. Ziekten van aardappelimollen. 4., herziene druk. Versl. en Meded. Plantenziektenx. Dienst. Wageningen, Omen es LV Ol. Jaloso. _ Weekbl. Bloembollencult. (Haarlem) i Slogteren, E.van. Bestrijding van gladiolenziekten. Weekbl. Bloembollencult. SOs GO ay Ase. 1 a Iiet) | MOMs Ole _ Wisconsin Hort. (Madison) ; Smith, H.H. The early spring flowers. Wisconsin Hort. 19: 227-229, MIU oloeigey | Geely ZiSiyy jello) 13) Vaughan, R.E. Apple scabd control. Wisconsin Hort. 19; 256-237. port. Ap.1929. 20.9. Zeitschr. Angew. Chem. (Leipzig) Schwartz, W. Die stellung der botanik an den technischen hochschulen. Zeitschr. Angew. Chem. 42: 361- 3626 Ap.6, 1929. no.6. Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererbdungsi. (Leipzig) Kohler, K. Ueber reziprok verschiedene bastarde in der gattung Epilobium. zeitschr. Induxt. Abstamm. ue. Vererbungsl. 49: 242-305. illus. 1929. no.4. Viele no.9, Ditit b Zeitschr. Pilzk. (Leipzig) Killerman, S. Bestimmung der abbildungen bei Batsch (Hlencaus fungorun, Kalas 1783-89 ). Zeitscehr. Pilzk. 8: 36-42. Ureeoy AGeo. worio wei Killermann, §. Die breitblatterige glucke (Soarassis laminosa ie) ) Zeiischrs Pallzlo ne So45 5% ale tiesto lp Mga oe Wea s, ) NO.S. Zeitschr. Zuckerind. Cechoslovak. Rep. Stenlix, V. Ueber hagelschdden an gucht- und industrier- : Zeitschr. Zuckerind. Cechoslovak. Rep. é: 400-404. 1S Sa ee oe Sign TO. OO. Zhurn. Opytn. Agron. Iugo-Vost. (Journ. Exp.Landw. Stidost. Hur.—-Russl.) (Saratov) Saltykovsky, li.I. e-- Das frujahrsavdsterben der winterget- reide. Zourn, Opytn. Azron. Iugo-Vost. (Journ. Exp. Landw. Sudost. Hur.-Russl.) 6(2): 151-174. ebice) 1928 (Rec'd Aone l929)) Russian with German summary. maper., Stat. Publ. ere dak. Ty. We Revort of the botanist. Ann. Rep. Colorado Agr. Exp. Stat. 41(1928): 22-26. [192977 Sackett, W.G Report of the bacteriolozgist. Ann. Ren. Colorado Agr. Exp. Stat. 41(4928): I-21. [19297 | Includes alfalfa wilt, black chaff and basal glume rot of wheat. Giimton, GeP. & McCormick, FoA. The willow scab fungus, Husicladium saliciper- cum. Connecticut Apr. Ext. pute Bull.d0O2. [Report of the] Dept. of botany. RED. Director Indiana Agr. a Stat, 1927/28; 37-40. illus. 1929 J H.S. Jackson chief. os ——— Ve oO @) Pisces Exper. Stat. Publ. (cont.) Hughes, H.D. & Robinson, J.L. Relation of certain ear and kernel characters of Reid yellow dent corn to yield. Iowa Agr. Hxpe Stat. Bull.257. pe 170-208. es US eS)s Diseases of plants. Kansas Agr. Exp. Stat. Director's Rep. 1926-28: 60-67. 1928. Le. Melchers pathologist. Marshall, R.#., Johnston, §., Hoctnman, 4-D. & Wells, H.M. Pollination of orchard fruits in Micaisan. ichigan Agr. Exp Stat. Spec.Bull. 1&3. Jo 5. Ware one 20. Botany and plant patholosy. Anns Bens Cho vieee. Exp. Stat. -47(1927/28): 51-68. illus. Mr. v2 Ha@. Young chier. Report on horticulture. Ann. Rep. Tenn. Azr. pe osveu. 41(1928)):) 26-50. 11929. Includes notes on resistant varieties. Jere Mec lintock hortrewmri sit. Siempercor i. (Cel). Cotton diseases of special importance in Tenn- essee and their control. Ann, Rep. Tenn. Agr. Expt. Stat. 41(1928): 32-34, 1929. Anthracnose, angular leafspot, Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt, "rust", Hurt, RH. & Schneiderhan, F.J. Calcium sulphide for the control of apple and peach diseases. Virginia Agr. Expt. Stat. Tech. Bull.36. 19 ps. Llluss Fee2e. Knowlton, H.E. & Dorsey, UJ. A study of the hardiness of tne fruit buds of the peach. West Virginia Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. eli, Br De illus. D.1927(Rec'd Ap.1929 ) Severin, H.H.P. Curly top symptoms on the sugar beet. Califor-— nia Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull.465. 3D Pe a IUIEVIS Aiea tell. Mr.1929. AA fil ae pe Lune fi a Vly nOass Dace iper, stat. Publ. (cont, ) Jones, Jel. A physiological study of dormancy in vetch Secu. Cornell Agr. Exp. Stat. Mem.120. 50 p. mise, Delg26 (Ree'a Ap.1929) New Booxs. Bonnier, G. F ; Flore complete illustree en couleurs de France... svuisses et Beligigque... tome 10me fasc. 99. pl. 589-504, [19297] Delevoy, &. La question forestier au Vatanga. Vee, Les essences forestieres ae Lt a Bruxelles, 1o239.. Time Het « Garcening in the lower south. NeY., Mac-— mitten. 1929. India(Burma) - Mycologist. Report., 1927/28. Rang Kozo—Poljanski, B.i. Glaziele pflanzenrelikte aut dem Orel-Kursk- schen plateau im stlden der Mittelrussiscien hoche- bene I! In Karsten, G Vezetationsdil ieereine,; h.7/8. pl.c?-48. 192°. Schroeter, C. Das piiaizenlesen der Alpen. 2. neudearb. und Wicienipy veya ee Zerien, A.) Rawereiay Wo 26\ Pune ie Bs The plant-life of tne Balkan peninsula. A. phytogeograonical study. Oxford. Clarendon press, 1929, Yoeixov, A.D. tee CLiMaAtic Conditions or horticulture in Manchuria, hartin, 1928, Russian with English swmary (23 p.) Cs EEL AUB ovorn,s puma co tuOl4 New Books (cont.) Weldon, G.P. Economic biology. A text for students of agriculture and general biology. N.Y., ecGraw-— Hill book company, 1929. Weeds: p.415-328,; Plant diseases and their damage to fruit trees: p.329-350; Vegetable, grain and forest diseases and fungicides; p.301-855; Origin and propagation of fruits; »p.d66-387; Fruit growing: p.d38-438, Zahn loruckner, A. Catalogue lichenum universalis bd.5, bog. 41- 51. (scnluss des bandes). Lepziz, Borntraeger, 1928. " Translations fiied in Library of Bur. of Plant Industry. Chernetskaja, Z.S.e Gribok Diplodia pinea (Desm.) Kickx kak op- asnyi parazit sosny (Diplodia winea Kickx as a dangerous parasite on pine). Mater. Mikol. i Fitopat. 5(2): 24-28.- 1926. Lagerberg, 1. ' Barevedons lagringsrttor, (The storaze rot of pine) Gy dbenaclinonds Micavel. isisavehil vo) ito cer Gre 6-76, 1928. Samofal, S.A. Parazitnye griby —- Armillaria mellea Quélet i Polyporus annosus Fries v sosbdovykh borakh i ikh zgnachenie v lesozyl turnom dele (The parasitic fungi Armillaria mellea Quélet and Polyporus annosus Fries in pine forests and their importance in forest culture) Mater. Mikol, i Fitopat. 5(2): 92-116. 1926. Shitikova-Rusakova, A.A. Issledovanie vozdykna na soderzhanie v nem spor razlichnykh gribov (Investigations on the spores of different fungi in the atmosphere) Mater. Mikol. i Fitopat. 5(2): 29-48. 1926. js Oe ae ae KG ee ‘ Ph, i ay i fer ayy : V ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUS Ne CURRENT LITERATURE COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGT Departmen of Acar & Woe 21, no. LO. April 29-May 11, 1929. Administr. Rep. Dir. Agr. Trinidad & Tobago. ies) Bis Plant pathology (Report on vlant diseases during 1927) Administer, Rep. Dir. Agr. Trinidad & Tobago. SA ao OOls 1235 Aer. Puertorriqueno. (San Juan) Lépez, Dominguez, F.A. El mosaico en la cafla de azucare Agr. MiemiromeiGucno~ 72 \G—-le., Apel, 1929, | nee. Agre y Zootecn. (Habana) Crawley, J. T. Franklyn [sic] S. Earle. Agr. y Zootecn. (Garena) 6 211-212. port. MegiS29, nos Gs Amer. Bot, (Indianapolis, Ind.) Bouffioux, M. R. Calypso. Amer. Bot. 0: 65-68. Ape 1229 NOe Ce Notes, as omitted from Miss Armstrong's Field book of western wild flowers: Calypso borealis, Synthyris rotundifolia, Tellima grandiflora, Erytnronium john- sonii. [Clute, WN. Botanical essays. XIV. Decreasing species. XVe The passing trees. XVI. The opening of flowers. mere Bou. (Suppl). G5%.65-60e Ap. £929. noe es Clute, We Ne The meaning of plant names. XXXVIIZ. The ever- lastingse Amere Bote 35: 56-61. Ap. 1929, NOe Ka Phreatopnytes. Amer. Bote 55: 73-74. ‘ADs iS AS) NO ake "Well—plants." White gentian. Amer. Bot. 35: 72-735. Ape te29. NOs ice Vel, no. 10, Pele Dimer, Bot. (cont.) ; Waar veld.) Ts) tHe The least beautitul tril xvam. Amere Bote 50: 68-696 Ap. 1929. Ole ee Trillium sessile. Williams; ¢. R. The pine barren "island" of New Jersey. Amer. Bote ASE 49-55. Ape 1929. NOs Co - AmeCY e For. & For. Life. (Wash, Deen Borah, A. Trees of the Bible. VI. The sycamine and the almond. Amer. Fore & For. Lite. Sb: 296-2956 BMS Nive Geos) | Ogee Collingwood, G. He . How a tree growse Amere For. & For. Lifes Sos Big-2oG. illuse My. 1929. no.oc. ea Li Wey Le The Paulownia tree, Amer. For. & Wor. Life. 25: @70-271. TRI o ses Mae Wihten, IUSTeIS IF) allo Soir; Warner, H. H. Ancient box trees of England. Amer. For. & Fore Life. 30: 262-264, 316-317. illus. Mye 1929. NOeDe Amn. Rep. Dept. Agr. Barbados. Lveliags Sin vals Mycological work. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Bar- Dados, 1926/27: 15. [L928] Wiles, D.R.D. Report of plant diseases inspector for the year ending Zlst May 19238. An. Rep. Dept. Agr. Barbadose 1927/28: 16-19. 1928. Ann. Repi.Dept. Agr. Bengal. Kar, a Gia [Report on] mycology. finn, Rep. Dept. Agr. Bengal. 1927/28: 40-42. 1928. Vc lor Oem Wasi Anne R. Bot. Gard. Peradeniya, Anne SIG tke Wisco, Ae) Hel ee The flora of Maragalakande. Ann. R. Bot. Gard. Peradeniya. ll: 207-211. Maree nn sls os, NOse« Maragala or Monaragala is an isolated mountain in the province of Uva. Alston, A.H.G. Names published in Moon's catalogue. Ann. Re Bot. Gard. Peradeniya. Wo 2OS= 205). Mees Lz) a 106. A. Moon's A catalogue of the exotic and indigen- ous plants growing in Ceylon... 1824. BCT GUS.) Wie) Ole Seleretuum roltcmi Sacc. aniCey lon. Ann. Re Bote Gard. Peradeniya. Ji: 173-187. pl. xxi- Rote Wien e. 1929.) mone Lord, Le Tne germination of rice seeds in Ceylon. Ann. Re Bote Gard. Peradeniya. 11s LLS5-125. diagrse NMewtae ie. Osc. Lord 3g) ic Measurements of.the grains of Ceylon rices. Ann. R. Bot. Gard. Peradeniya. ILC y NSO 25 oll pai 2h Th mee Mele 1929. noses Lord, Le Tne preliminary testing of pure -line selections Omriees I-11. Ann. R. Bot. Gard. Peradeniya. es ie Ne ee0) Ola KV te) Meee L220 Ome. Pt. I repristed from Trop. Agr. 67: 272-280. We l926.6 Small, We. & Bertus, Le Se On the parasitism of Sphaerostilbe repens B. and Br. Ann. R. Bot. Gard. Peradeniya. 11: 189— LOZ) Pla) SX ta xK1Ve || Niedic, Io. NO ede Netirot. (Paris) Dugas, Me. Contributions a l'étude du genre "Plagiochilat Dum. Anne Sete Nate Bote al ae 199. illuse A800 INSZS)A noel. Wisgllin NO tO) 5 pede Arb. Biol. Reichanst. Land- u. Forstw. (Berlin) Gassner, G. & Straib, W. Untersuchungen uber die infektionsbedingungen von Puccinia glumarum und Puccinia graminis. Arb. Biol. Reichanst. Land- u. Forstw. 16: 609— 629. 1929%. no.4. Scheibe, A. Studien zum weizenbraunrost, Puccinia triticina Erikss. Ie Arb, Biol. Reichanst. Land-u. Forstw. 16: 575-608. LUGS sg) COU. p Ls 1929. NO ode I. Methoden und ergebnisse bei der bestimmng seiner physiologischen formen (biotypen) Stapp, Ce Die schwarzbeinigkeit und knollennassfaule der kartoffel. Arb. Biol. Reichanst. Land- u. Forstwe 16: 643-703. tl Pile los o noe4t. Wick, il Bele Untersuchungen uber einige quantitative be- ziehungen bei einigen kartoffelsorten und ausle- sen. Arb. Biol. Reichanst. Land- u. Forstw. 16: 631-642. table. 1929. N04. Arch. de Bote Caene Mém. Litarditse, R.de. Contributions a l'étude phytosociologique de la Corsee Les montagnes de la Corse orientale entre le Golo et le Tavignano. Arch. de Bot. Caen Weme vel, noe4s 184 p. “10 pl. (1928) (Recta Ap.1929) Austral. Journ. Exp. Biol. & Med. Sci. Huelin, F. E. Preliminary study upon the nucleo— cytoplasmic ratio in plant tissues Austral. Journ. Exp. Biol. & Med. Sci. 6: 59-63. Mr. 16, geo) noel. In wheat. Ber. Westpreuss. Bot.-Zool. Ver. Preuss, Ha Das herbarium Klinsmann unter besonderer be— rucksichtigung der Danizger adventivflora. Bers Westpreusse Bot.—Zool. Ver. 50: 201-2380. 1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) Vote: taeston eS. Ber. Westpreuss. Bot.—Zool. Ver. (cont.) Schulz, Pe Suss- und brackwasserdiatomeen aus dem gebiete der freien stadt Danzig und dem benachbarten pommerel-— len. Ber. Westpreuss. Bot.-Zool. Ver. 503 85— Hoe 7 Viil pile, |) 92e(Reend: Ap. 929) Better Grops (N.Y.) Schuster, -GeLe Chlorosis. Better Cropse 12: 20-21, 48-49. Walilinousy My.1929. NO ede La Betterave. 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Gaze 87: 422- AZO hp.1929s uosBe Haas, AeReC. Composition of walnut trees as affected by certain salts. Bote Gaze 87: 364-396. eee ADE Looe) 1 iiGlass. Gander, C.A. Oogenesis and fertilization in Volvox. Bote Gas. 87: 431-436. pl.xv. Ap.1929. nod. Mundie 9 Jee £ Cytology and life history of Vaucheria geminata. Bot. Gaze BS 67 AV Oaae) Ola elite Vie) |) De Oa TaN Slate te, Nes and Durham; 6B. Developmental history of the fruit in lines of facurbita pepo differing in fruit shape. Bot. Gaz 87: 411-421. illus. Ap.i929. no.3. Woodworth, R.H. Cytological studies in Betulaceae. Bote Gaze 87: 351-3626 pl. xi~xii. Ape 1929. INO SB I. Betula. (Iund, Sweden) Arwidsson, Th. Hieraciologische kleinigkeiten. Bot. Note 1929: 130-134. USZGE NO ee Arwidsson, Th. Zur frage der benennung von assoziationen. Bot. Not. 1929; 123-129. V929.s V DOern Lindquist, B. Inventeringen av §k@nes flora. Bot. Not. 1929: 135-144, MapSe Leos NOeds Lindquist, Be Lycopodium chamaecyparissus A. Br. och dess for— h@llande till Lycopodium complanatum L. Bot. Not. 1929: 89-98. illus. L929. 7) NO een Le chamaecyparissus, a subspecies of L.complanatum; describes new variety of L. complanatum, intermedium. Vault. 20. LO, pags Bete Not. (cont.) Magnusson, A; H. New or interesting Swedish lichens. VY. Bote Now. L929: IlO-122. LODZe We allow pec Nilsson, G. Lichenologiska bidrag. I- Bot. Not. 1929s 99-109. 1929. NOwce En lichenologisk exkursion till Halleberg. Bull. Agr. Congo Belge (Bruxelles) Renson, Ce Le zacate :@rdura. - Bull. Agr. Congo Belge. 19: 451-460. TUS). SAIS s)- NOede Melinis minutiflora. Bull. Boston Soce Nats Hist. (Boston) Sanford, S.N.F. Some poisonous New England plants. BILL Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Sl; 3-7. auibilivarss 5 Ape eee 20.4 5L, Bull. Gard. Club Amer. (Sewickley, Pa.) Tears, le Colorado flowers for eastern gardens. Bull. Gard. Club Amer. 4:3 47-52. My1929. NO ede Bull. Trim. Off. Réz. Agr. Midi France. Bordas, & Joessel, P.H. 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" AoecO, 1929.) ““nowe20s. Abstract of paper before British mycological society, Mr. 16. Caused by Phoma lavendulae. Needham, C. We. The garden polyanthus. Gard Chron. III, 85: 294. ApscO, MNIZ9.) wnGsccOGle Mesto. Th. Sodium chlorate as a weed-killer. Gard. Chron. Tinie. DIS 5 Apec0, 1929. no0e2c08. Gartenfl. (Berlin) . Bielsdorf, EK. Drei interessante Feurnia-arten. Gartenfl. 74: 103-105. illus. Ape1929. H. schneideriana, He penrigii, H. barbata. Herre, HE. Eine der eigenartigsten pflanzen Stidafrikas. Gertenfl, 74: 101-103. illus. Ap.1929. Pachypodium namaquanam Welwe _ Genetics. (Menasha, Wisc.) Abess, FF. A. Effects of waxy and sugary genes on reserves with special reference to modification of the waxy ratio in maize. Geneticse 14: 270-285, diagrse Miya 2296 Ode Consens, dielre» Hollingshead, L., & Avery, FP. Interspecific hybrids in Crepis. III. Constant fertile forms containing chromosomes derived from two species. Genetics. 14: 305-320. illus. My.1929. nowde Imai, Ye Linkage groups of the Japanese morning glory. Genetics. 14: 223-255. My.1929. noed. Lammerts, We Interspecific hybridization in Nicotiana. IX. Further studies of thé cytology of the backcross progenies of the paniculata-rustica hybrid. Ge- netics. 14: 286-304. 2 las. Mye1929. Nn0e.d- Ve, no.l, p.l4. “Hoppe-Seyl. Zeitschr. Phys. Chem. (Berlin) Noack, Ke Zur entstehung des chlorophylls und seiner beziehung zum blutfarbstoff. Hoppe-Seyl. geitschr. Phys. Chem. 182: 13-49. 1929. no.1/2. ' Horticulture. (Boston) a Wilson, E.H. Germinating seeds of the dove-tree. Horti- culture. (CO) BRT TIL SES Mijn ign oe oe NO.Te Davidia involucrata. Illus. Lendw. Zeit. (Berlin) Hichinger, A. Beizversuche mit hafer-tillantin. joibakelet. NG eros Hal ite, Me Latvia: plant diseases observed in 1928. Intern. Bull. Plant Prot. 3: 34-35. Mr.1929. NOwde “Intern. Sugar Journ. (London) 4 Deerr, N. The original home of the sugar cane, ihe tern. Sugar Journ. 31: 184-185. Ap.1929. 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Gea.’ Dees) i Angell, H.R. Purple blotch of onion (Macrosporium porri Ell.) Journ. Agr. Res. 38: 467-487. illus., 3 pl. (1 Cole w Mieka) VI2I.! Mo. Ie eae i) Fei prt 4 f pews Vall, Momo, p, l6., Journ. Agri Res. (cont.) Dulrenoy, J. A cytological study of water-soluble anda fat-soluble constituents of citrus. Journ. Agr. Res. 38: 411-429. tidus. fp. 1S, 192g. Vkee!d Ap.27 ))) nog. Janssen, G. & Bartholomew, R.P. The translocation of potassium in tomato plants and its relation to their carbohydrate and nitrogen distribution. Journ. Agr. Res. 58; 447-465, iit ple Aphis, Loe (Recliad Agecr)) no.8. Wentz, J.B. & Goodsell, §S. F. Recessive defects and yield in corn. Journ. Agr.Res. 48: 505-510. iQ dbs GUSHAISIA) alois3)- Journ. Arnold Arb. Bakhuizen van den Brink, R.C. The Verberaceae of British Papua collected for the Arnold Arboretum by L.J. Brass. Jvourn. iemseirb.. 10:)69-75. pl.l6-17. © Ap.1929. mons Byhouwer, J.T.P. An enumeration of the roses of Yunnan. gourn. Arn: Arb. 10: 84-107. Ap. 1929. no.2. Diels, L. & others. Descriptions of new species collected in British Papua by L.J. Brass. Journ. Arn. Arb. 10: 75-84. Ap.1929. no.2. Rehder, A. New species, varieties and combinations from the herbarium and the collections of the Arnold Arboretum. Journ. Aris WArbs) 10: 132-1356.) ape 1929. Nosed. Rehder, A. Notes on the ligneous plants described by H. Léveillé from eastern Asia. Journ. Arn. yarb. 10: 108-132. Ap. 1929. no.2. ~ eu be! ‘ pitas ye aa “s * 1 f ec 7S : ’ . : . “ft -~ 4 a i hat .\¥e F ie P % . ‘ ‘ siee , > mh pin E or la Pe insets! < Y yi = ~ we bord os Me . : 2 P ; af 3 : f ee . y % ich’ —e x , ng aa ee ve Ke poe NAg LIES victs MOL roi lal Journ. Bath & West & South Co. Soc. Agr. Marsh, R.W. & Maynard, J.&. A preliminary note on the control of black currant leaf spot (Pseudopeziza ribis). Journ. Bath & West & South Co. Soc. Agr. VI, 3: 196— 198, 2 pl. seo. Maynard, J.G. & Marsh, R. W. Soraying trials against apple scab at Long Ashton.in 1928. Journ. Bath & West & South Coe nOC. Aer. Vij S20 182-Loa. fold.tab. Weg Staniland, L.N. & Swarbrick, T. Experiments on the relation of strawberry eel- worm (Aphlenchus fragariae) to "red plant" and "cauliflower" disease of strawberries. Journ. Bath & West & South. Co. Soc. Agr. i, de) 19e—2oer 1929. Swarbrick, 1. Factors governing fruit—bud formation. Some observations upon the leaf area of spurs on biennially bearing apple trees. Journ. Bath & West & HOULE CO. SoC. Aer. Vij, Sd: tos-183. 1929. Journ. Bot. (London) [Abstracts of three papers read before the Linne- an society, Feb.28,1929]. Journ. Bot. 67: 125- sw2tee Ap.1929. Hybridization in the New Zealand flora, by A.W. Hill - Hybridization in certain genera of the British flora, by E.M. Marsden-Jones & W.B. Turrill — Some natural hybrids of Clematis, Anemone and Ger- bera from the Transvaal, by C.H. Moss. Coleman, 4H. Pollination of an Australian orchid, Crypto- stylis leptochila F. Muell. Journ. Bot. 67: 97-100. illus. pl.590. Ap.1929. no.796. Exell, A.W. New and noteworthy species of Combretum from western tropical Africa. Journ. Bot. | 67 2 LOe= 104. Ap.1929. no./96. Gepp, A. Viktor Ferdinand Brotherus. (1849-1929). Vourme Bot. Os WilaS Ap.1929. no.796. Mahi 4 4» 6 Vell, no.10, p.18. Journ. Bot. (cont. ) Ihacaita,) Cac Duriaei iter asturicum botanicum. Journ. Bot. ore VO7 IAA. Ap .1929. nowt 96s Mr. John Gossweiler's plants from Angola and Portuguese Congo. Dicotyledones, Gamovetalae, by R.0.'D,, Good, Journ. Bot. 67(Suppl.): 75-80. Ane 1929. Saimon. C. Bs Notes on Melampyrum. VOU Ms) (SOG) «ton 105-107. Apelo2o. no.796. Determinations by Dr. Ralph v. Soo. _ Journ. Dept. Agr. So. Australia (Adelaide) q Sees.) Re) Ce Growth period of wheat. Journ. Dept. Agr. So. Australia. Sat) ines Niro 129) One ens Spatford, W.J. The control of crifting sand. Journ. Dept. Agr. So.Australia. Se COO O94) Mae i>. 1929. no.8. Bourn. Yor, (Wash., D. C.) 4 Boyce.) J. S. The future of forest parasites in the United States. Jourm. FOr.) ere) baa ie. Iga ule 2) NOece Mevourn. Hered. (Wask., D.C.) Blakeslee, A.F. Cryptic types in Datura. Dee to chromosomal interchange, and their geographical distribution. Journ. Hered. PAO? AMIE iijuss Ap.lo29. no.4. Hoover, M.M. Wheat-rye hybrids. Journ. Hered. 207 171. mits ap. LOGI. « not. Love, H.H. & Craig, W.T. A note on yellow fatuoids. Journ, Hered. Berries | Apnl929. no... Fi rere = mean Veo MOOS wpe Sie) journ, Hered. (cont.) Reddick, D. The Drake potato introduction monument. gourn. Hered. 20: 72-176. miss | ApsloZsi. no.4. How the small city of Offenburg, Baden, hasvens to possess the only monument to the introducer of the potato. _ dourn. Washington Acad. Sci. ; Pitbier, H. F. Botanical notes on, and descriptions of, new and old species of Venezuelan plants. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 19: 175-186. My.4, 1929. NOe ce _ dust. Liebigs Ann. Chem. (Berlin) . Wieland, H. & Oertel, G. Ueber ein neues strychnus—alkaloid. I- Just. Liebigs Ann. Chem. 469: 193-216. Ap.19,1929. AO. VYomicin. Leafl. Mycol. Research Div. Min. Agr. Egypt. Fanny , The Fusarium disease of cotton (wilt) and its control. Leafl. Mycol. Research Div. fiew ier. Hoypt. Jl. 16 p. 8 pl. 1929. _ leopoléinia. (Leipzig) i Hayes, H.K. Breeding disease resistant varieties of small grains in Minnesota. Leopoldinia. 4: 250-262. USASS A AD thet Rag Rm Te Stakman, E. G. Physiologic specialization in plant patho- genic fungi. Leopoldinia. 4: 263-289. pl.d- We 1929. Practically the same as His "Racial speciali- zation" &t. publ. in Mayo foundation lectures "Tectures on plant pathology and physiology". Meded. Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen. Likhite, V. Cytological aspects of the virus diseases in plants. Meded. Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen. MeACoeMmOses. Le pe” LIT. WSS LT a OS a ES Cid vohes UB Aw whe me he i He ome Wenlae rave) MUG) p.cod. y lieded, Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen. (cont.) aicnaGen Vi. The nature and relations of the intracellular inclusions present in the mosaic of tobacco. Me- ded. landoouwhoogesch. Wageningen. v.33, no. l. 30 p. 2 iain dks) Causal organism considered to be an animalcule, Vacuolorium iwanowski, n.gen., n.sp. Renkema, H. W. Aylmer Bourke Lambert en zijn "Description of the genus Pinus", Meded. Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen. v.42, no.&. 30 p. pit. porte els Andere pnublicatie's van Lambert: p.29-30. MedVvemstek. §. J. Pisum-crosses IV: The genetics of wax. Meded. Landbouwhoogescn. Wageningen. v.32, no.9. Pa ie 1929. Mem. Dept. Agr. India. Bot.Ser. Burns, W., Kulkarni, L.B. & Godbole, §.R. Further studies of Indian grasses and grasslands. Mem. Dept. Agr. India Bot.Ser. 16; 101-143. AOnsIeZeS.. O Dl. De1928.) m0.e. mnamakrishna ayyar, T.S. Pythium aphanidermatum (Hds.) Fitz. on Opuntia. dillenii, Haw. Mem. Dept. Agr. India Bot.Ser. 16; 191-201. diagrs. Spl. D.1928. no.7/. Shaw, F.J.F. & Das Bose, R. Studies in Indian pulses. Mem. Dept. Agr. India Bot. Ser. UG) 592139 a dlas 4 soils ( Seeoleey) eigee. No.6. 1. Lentil (Ervum lens, Linn.) Venkatraman, T.S. & Thomas, R. Studies of sugarcane roots at different stages of growth. Mem. Dept. Agr. India Bot. Ser. 16: Hees) 9 ple (ieee 10), dae, 1929.) no.b. I. Early (germination) stages--period of Sett roots. a Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. (St.Louis) 4 Species and varieties of phlox for Missouri gardens. Missouri Bot.Gard. Bull. 17: 58-65. illus. Ape 1929. no4. vell, no.10, p.2l. Missouri Bot..Gard. Bull. (cont.) Brodiaea volubilis, the snake lily. Missouri BO Gerd. Bulan iis 55-50%. fone Ae NS) AUS} IS) no.4. Monatsschr. Deutsch. Kakteen-Ges. (Berlin) Bodeker!, i. Coryphantha pseudechinus Bod. sp.n. Monat s- schr. Deutsch. Kakteen—Ges. Ay Oe SIs 2 USS I iyakey Sl Bédeker, F. Echinocactus ritterii Bod. Monatsschr. Deutsch. Kakteen-Ges. 1: 52. F./Mr.1929. no.2/3. Aztekium ritteriil, n.gen., nesp. Béodeker, F. Mamillaria roseoalba Bod., sp.nova. Monat s- schr. Deutsch. Kakteen-Ges. 1: 87-86. il Tn esi Ap.i929. no.4. Cuelsdor:, Ke Hoodia gordonii (Mass.) Sweet. Monatsschr. Deutsch. Kakteen-Ges. 1: 33-34. illus. F./Mr. ig29.° 10.2) 5. Poednyt2,) MeV Standorte von Haworthia~ und Apicra-~arten. Monatsschr. Deutsch. Kakteen-Ges. 1: 38-41. F./Mr. 1929. no.2/3. Schick, C Ww 9 e ‘Lithops optica var. rubra Tisch. und Lithops A.schlechteri n.sp. lericheana Dtr. et Schwantes. Monatsschr. Deutsch. : Memepecu=ces: | (i: 43. | collsplel) | Pe/aim.dG2o) | no.2/3. . Schwantes, G. j Argyroderma N.E.Br. Monatsschr. Deutsch. Kakteen-Ges. 1: 27-32. illus. F./Mr.1929. | no. / 3. Schwantes, G. Corpuscularia Schwantes. Monatsschr. Deutsch. Kakteen-Ges. 1: 35-36. F./Mr. 1929. no.2/3, MAL ators MO) 50527215 Monatsschr. Deutsch. Kakteen-Ges.(cont.) Schwantes, G. Neue Mesembriaceen IV. Monatsschr. Deutsch. Kakteen—Ges. Ll: 14-17. VE USA) A paloya Ik Hereroa nelii, Mitrophyllum marlothianum, Nelia schlechteri, N.robusta, n.sp., Schlechteranthus Maximiliani n.gen. & n.sp. Tischer, A. Faucaria haagei, Tisch. spec.nov. Monatsschr. Deutsch. Kaxteen-Ges. 1: 20-21. illus. Ja. ea NOle lie Werdermann, HE. Bilder Chilenischer kakteen und anderer sukkulen-— ten. Monatsschr. Deutsch. Kakteen-Ges. 1: 44-48. Milkuss, (.s/Mr. 1929. no.2/3. Werdermann, KE. Hine neve greisinhauptuknliche Mamillaria aus Mexico. Monatsschr. Deutsch. Kakteen-Ges. if 77-79. Sa ADR ele Ome M.hahniana n.sp. Mycologia. Banker, H. J. Notes on the Hydnaceae. Mycologia. 21; 145- Hao.) \Mra/se. 1929. | no.d. CGiferri, R. An easy method for the study of simple Hyxshales in cultures. Mycologia. Bille US Meare ellie My./Je.1929. nod. Harshberger, J. W. An ancient Roman toadstool carved in stone. Mycologia, 21: 143-144, illus. My./Je.1929. no.3. Eutchinson, W. Ge An undescribed species of Macrophoma and of Volutella occurring on Pachysandra terminalis. Mycologia. 21: 161-142. illus. My.Je.1929. nod. M. pachysandrae, V.pachysandrae. Weber, G F. The occurrence of tuckahoes and Poria cocos in Florida. Mycologia, 21: 113-130. illus. plete My./Je.1929. nod. me Ve HOO s De cee Mycologia. (cont.) Nature Mag Ny % e Mag ° Nome ews Tabulation of Alternaria and liacrosporium. Mycologia. 2s 155-166. Wor. /Je.1929. . news. - (ash., De Ge) eso Ge Ge An invisible mushroom [Craterellus cornucopi- oides] Natume Maseu| @a: S74e.) aliuse. ygies 1) 25 )4) | SaejAlic The trumpet Mieays anole EO, coead Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. (cont.) Malinowski, E. A case of linkage of a higher order. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1: 833-836. 1929. Muller, H. J. The gene as the basis of life. Proce Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1:897~901. eS 6 eee Nemec, Be The mechanism of mitotic division. Proce Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1: 243-249. Ls 29)- Nichols, G. E. Plant associations and their classification. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1: 629-641, 19295 Palmgren, A. Chance as an element in plant geography. 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Species hybridizations among old and new spe- Cies of shepherd's purse. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1:837-888. illus. iS S)= pEees,, Me Js Multiple allelomorphs versus multiple factors, Proc. Interne Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1:803-814. 1929. Skottesberg, C. Plant communities of the Juan Fernandez Islands. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1:565-574, ego. Svedelius, N. An evaluation of the historical evidences for genetic relationships in plants: algae. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1: 457-471, 1929. Svedelius, N. On the number of chromosomes in the two dif- ferent forms of Ectocarpus virescens Thuret. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. ls; 259-264. 1929. Szafer, W. The climatic character of the last interglacial period in Europe. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1:647-653. maps 1929. Tansley, A. Ge Succession; the concept and its values. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1: 677-686 6 1929. Taylor, W. Re Chromosome structure in mitosis and meiosiSe Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 13 265-270. illuse, Piss See Thompson, R. B. Vascular anatomy and paleobotany. Proc. In- tern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1:481- 485. 1929. Voll, no.10,*pi8i Proc. Intern. Congr. Flant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. (cont.) Tischler, G. Untersuchungen tier die cytologie pflanzlicher species—bastarde mit gleichen chromosomen—zahlen der eltern. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 13821-8320. 1929. Toumey, J. W. Initial root habit in American trees and its bearing on regeneration. Proce Intern. Congr. Fiens Sei. (4th) Ttieca, 1926, 1713-728.) Aldus. S pl. 1929, Toumey, J. W. ; The vegetation of the forest floor; light versus soil moisture. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. (thi Dthaca, 1926, 18575-590. illus., 1 pl. eee Waksman, S. A. Energy utilization and carbon assimilation of autotrophic bacteria. Proce Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1: 203-210. 1929. Went) fs A. He Ce ‘Morphological and histological peculiarities of the Podostemonaceac. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sei. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. Ll: 351-358. 1929. Went, oe Me IA GE Plant movements. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. l: 1-12. 1929. Wieland, G R. Antiquity of the angiosperms. Proc. Interne Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1: 429-456. DAMGUS eg.) Weds L929. See also at end of List. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Goodspeed, T. H., and Avery, P. The occurrence of chromosome variants in Nico- tiana alata Lk. et Otto. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 15:343-345. Ap.1929. NOD. Proc. Roye Soc. Victoria. (Melbourne) Barrett, ING} O)s The diurnal and annual fluctuations of temper- ature in the interior of a large tree. Proce Roy. Soc. Victoria 41; 32~44. Sect, l9e8s | Dtele Ewart, A. Je Contributions to the flora of Australia, no.35. The naturalized aliens of Victorias . Proc. Royse Soc. Victoria 41: 59-62. See tyedece. + rh oe ANY SD eee pated. Ws les OO AO) pst. erogr. Agr. & Vitic. (Montpellicr) Buchet, Gs, and Courtois, G. La destruction des chiendents par la sylvinite. Progr. Agr. & Vitic. 91: 402-406. iNjo) 4 2tsy 5 AUS)2SI 6 PG ey la 7 Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde (Berlin) Aellen, P. Beitrag zu systematik der Chenopodiumarten Amerikas, vorwiegend auf grund der sammlung des United States National Museum in Washington, D.O. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde 263:31-—64. Wea isi. We eis) no.703/708. Becker, W, Hine neue viola-~art aus Peruek Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde 26: 25. Mr.5,1929. no.703/708. Viola weddellii. Becker, W. Zwei neve violaarten aus Stidustasien. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde 26: 25-26. Mr.5,1929. no.703/ 708, Viola uncezsnii, Viole nuda. Hig, A. Zwei neue graminecengattungen von der Ventenata- gattung gesondert. Kevert. Spec. Nov. Fedde 26 (Repert. Europ. & Med. 2,27/28):65-79. Mr.5,1929. no.703/708. Pilgerochloa, Guadinopsis,. Grosset, H. Viola tanaitica spec. nov. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde 26(Repert. Burop. & Med. 2, 27/28): 80-81. Mr.5,1929. no.703/708. Gusuleac, M. Jur nomehklatur det Anchusa officinalis Linné und A. italica Retz. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde 26(Repert, Europ. & Med. 2,27/28):81-84. Mr.5,1929. no.703/708. Krascheninnikov, H(1I). M. Compositae Asiae mediae et orientalis novae. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde 26; 26-1. Mr.5,1929. no.703/708. Vill; n0i10) p.35. Repert. Specs Nov. Fedde (cont. ) Krosche, H. Nochmals Epipactis viridiflora auct.(em.) f. acutiflora Krosche. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde 26(Repert. Europ. & Med. 2,27/28):88-92. Mr.5, 1929. no. 703/708. Poellnitz, K. von Afrikanische sukkulenten. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde 26:20-24, Mr.5,1929, no.703/708. % Species of Auacampseros & Hawor chia Warburg, 0O., and Big, A. Callitriche naftolskyi spec. nov. Repert. Specs Nov. Fedde 26(Repert. Burop..& Med. 2, 27/28): 84-87, Mre5,1929. no.703/'708. Wimmer, F. FE, Studien zu einer monographie der lobelioideen (Lobelioideae IV). Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde a6; 1-20. pl. lxxi-lxxii., Mr.5,1929. Repert Spec. Nov. Beih. (Dahlem) Dinter, K. Sukkulentenforschung in Sudwestafrika 2. teil. Hrlebnisse und ergebnisse meiner reise in den jah-~ ren 1923 bis 1925. Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. v.5é, 145 p. incl. map. 2 pl. 1928 (Rectd Ap.1929) Hig, A. Bendy Monographisch—kritische uebersicht der gattung Aegilops. Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. 55. 228 De ei pls, Maps . TES) AUSSI Gorz, R. Salix silesiaca Willd. und ihre hybriden. Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. v.52. 149 p. 4 pl. J1.1928(Rec'd Ap.1929) Peter, A. Flora von Deutsch-Ostafrika. Zusamnenstellung der in Deutsch-Ostafrika beobachteten farnartigen gewachse und bliitenpflanzen mit literatur-nach- weisen auf der erde und bestimmungstabellen. Ifg. 1 144 p. ¥F.1929. (Repert Spec. Nov. Fedde. Beih. WietOl | Dt- 1.) Plantarum novarun Africae orientalis (generunm, specierum, varietatum) in hoc volumine enumerata- rum descriptiones: 16 p. at end with 10 pl. ise4e 14587 ¢ ateet: Lv eee Aue i COU ae Veil, no.l0); peg6. Repert Spec. Nov. Beih. (cont.) Schindler, A. K. Die desmodiinen in der botanischen literatur nach Linné. 1fg.2. Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. ve49, pt.2. p.l61-371,. WN.1928(Rec!d Ap.1929) Rep. Agr. Dept. Dominica Briton—Jones, HE. R. Report on lime root diseases. Rep. Agr. Dept. Dominica 1927/28; 3-11. 1929. Rep. North. Nut Grow. Assoc. Morris, \Ete) Ts Hdible acorns as food for man, livestock and fowls. Rep. North. Nut Grow. Assoc. 18(1927)s 35-43. [19287] Zimserman, G. A. Further experiments in induces immmity to chestnut blight. Rep. North. Nut Grow. Assoc. 18(1927): 80-91. [19287] Res. Bull. Coll. Exp. For. Coll. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. Sapporo, Janeane Tatewaki, M. A list of plants collected in the Teshio University experimental forest. (I) Res. Bull. Coll. Exp. For. Coll. Aer. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. Sapporo, Japan 53(1)- (25) 20) 4 pl. L928. Tatewaki, M. The vegetation of Mt. Apoi, Prov. Hidaka. ReSe Bull. Coll. Exp. For. Coll. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. Sapporo, Japan 5:(49)-(126). 5 pl. 1928. Rev. Agr. Com. y Trab. Suba (Habana) Gravier, G. El Prof. Mr. F. 5. Harle. Agr. Come y Trabe 10:59-~60. porte Ap. 1929. noeld. Rev. Bot. Apol. (Paris) Belime, E. La situation actuelle de la culture cotonniere en A. 0. F. (cont.). Rev. Bot» Appl. 92107—120. maps oe ae no.90. Chevalier, A. L'origine botanique et l'amélioration des arachi- des cultivées. Rev. Bot. Appl. 9:97-102. F.1929. noe90. yee nse ae Voll MOsL0y peor. i Rev. Bot, Appl. (cont. ) Mstove, li. ; ‘ rates Quelgues er fourragéres au Bresil. (cont.) Rev. Bot. Appl. 9:102-106. Ff, 1929. saley sh O) Paspalum scopariun. Rev. Bretonne Bot. (Rennes) Daniel, L. Htudes sur la greffe. (cont.) Rev. Bretonne , Bote 1928: 561-720. selliboisy yy qobrayaicpes) ALS 9 solo) 72)-5 Structures du bourrelet; variations des capa- cités fonctionnelles, & la suite de la décapitation, du boutourage et du greffage; structure et morphol- ogie externe des symbiotes. Daniel, L. Influence du milieu extérieur sur la floraison de certaines aspéces au bord de la mer. Rev. Bretonne BOteereess 69-71, en sicie Larvaron, ., é Resnerches* ‘padiobelluri ques sur ies. plantes cultivées Rev. Bretonne Bot. 1923: 78-88. 1929. NOede Popesco, C. T. Une loi biologique chez les greffes de solanacées. Rev. Bretonne Bot. 1928: 72-74. 19296 NO ek. Rev. Hort. (Paris) Guillaumin, A. Les cactées, principales espéces{cont.) Rev.Hort. 101; 404-405. LIS. Ap.16,1929. lesourd, FF. Les plus gros arbres de France I. Feuillus(cont.) Rev. Hort. 101; 400-402. illus. dAp.16,1929. saltale Akers Bekev. Path. Vege. & Entom. Agr. (Paris) Savulescu, Th and Rayss, Tf. Une maladie du Pinus pumilo dans les Carpathes. Rev. Path. Veg. & Entom. Agr. 16:65-68. F.1929. Mamie Neopeckia coulteri. x Science (Lancaster, Pa.) “dl Camp, W. H. Glutathione in plants. Science €69:458. Ap. BOn dees no l721. In sunflewer,arum and corn. " . athe ana tae Science. (cont.) Vell) HELO) peses The influence of lead compounds on cell division. BETeOMCeH (Vso, NOeL/ Il. SUD. Deklt Ap.26,1929. Longley, W. H. A note upon the probable mode of evolution. Science 693; 462~465, My.3,1929. no.1l732. Scient. Agr. (Ottawa) Goulden, C. H., and Neatby, K. W. A study of disease resistance and other varietal characters of wheat - application of the analysis of variance, and correlation. Sci. Agr. 93 575-586. My.1929. INOAS)C Baers. Ge. Hs Studies on the tree root activities. Cie ee Deeb o—-O0D.. incl. plates. My.1929. I. An apparatus for studying root respiration and factors which influence it. WAZOr Oe He Chemical weed killers. Scie Hers 9s) oo (oon My. L929. MOSS. Sitzungsb. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. (Berlin) Haberlandt. G. von Die lage des zellkerns in der eizelle der angiospermen und ihre physiologische bedeutung. Sitzungsb. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. 1928: 450-456. illus. 1928. NOt. South African Gard. (Johannesburg) Bods: Th. Oophytum oviforme, N. B. Br. Oophytum (?) nanun, Ll. Bolus. South African Gard. 193; 121. illus. Girecots) Ap.1929. | nos. Memsembryanthemum nanum placec visionally under Oophytum. Bolus, h. Plants, new and noteworthy. A. Hebea unguiculata, L. Bolus. B. Tritoniopsis lesliei, L. Bolus. C. Cyrtanthus leucanthus, Schltr. South African Gard. WS 5 iitus., Apa la2ds Dreavcon, fH. ls Me Common bulb diseases (cont.) South African Gard. 112-1132. Hic... ApelIaos Pans Ve ih wie MA, ATH ip , VL, BESO; pede Torreya. Brown, C. A. Develooment of the vegetation inside the levee following the high water of 1927. Torreya 293 2-37. illus. Mr./Ap.1929. noo. aya. Ne The Botanical garden at Rio de Janeiro. Tor reya 29:25-31. illus. Mr./Ap.1929. no.2. Tehon.: Lia Re The present range of Potamogeton crispus L. in North America. Torreya 29:42-46. map Mr. /Ap. 1929. NO ede Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc. (Urbana, Iil.) Beck, W. A, Determining the osmotic value at incipient plasmolysis. Transe Amer. Micros. Soc. 48:204~208. Aon 939%, NO. Smith, G. M., and Klyver, F. D. Draparnaldiopsis, a new member of the algal family Chaetopnoraceae. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc. 48;196-201. ijjus., plexxv. Ap.1929. noe. D. alpinis, n. SD. Tropenpfl. (Berlin) Langer, A. Erfahrungen mit tropischen und subtropischen futterpflanzen. (concl.) Tropenpfl. 32:147-169. mituse Ap.l92Z9. “noete Prop. Lericulture West Indies. Trinidad) Ashby, S. F. Gumming diseases of sugar cane. Trop. Agri- culture West Indies 63135~-138. Myel929e NO*ed. Edwards, D. C. Sierra Leone ZrasseSe Trop. Agriculture West Indies 63:141-144, My 1929. NOwdDe Die Umschau (Frankfurt) bronsart, H. von Erbliche symbiose. Die Umschau 33:313-d17. tice ApecO, Locos no.l6. Pavetta tomentosa, an Hast Indian bush with bacterial galls in the leaves. Po ( ae * ty tod : ad hit ; | 3 Vell! noil0, p40 Ul Si Dept. Ser. Techn. Bull. Boyce, J. S. Deterioration of wind~thrown timber on the Olympic Peninsula, Wash. U. S. Dept. Agr. Techn. Bull, 104, Zone pl. IM IN SPASY A Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. (Berkeley, Calif.) Setchell, W. A. The genus Microdictyone Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 14:453-588. illus. 4p.19,1929. no.20. Setchell, W.B. Morphological and phenological notes on Zostera marina L. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 14:389-452. aS Ap.19,1929., noel9. Univ. Colorado Stud. (Boulder) Ramaley, F. Botany of the San Luis Valley in Colorado. Unive Colorado Stud. 17;27-44. illus. (maps.) 2 pl. My. iNSiZASIA HO lve Hxper.e Stat. Publ. McMurtrey, J. E. Jr. Effect of the mosaic disease on yield and quality of tobacco, with suggestions for control. Maryland Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 302. p.147-158. ql ais, D.1928. Arny, A. C., Hansen,M.C., Hodgson, R.E., and Nesom,G.H. Reed canary grasse Minnesota Agr. Exp. Stat. Bolles 19 De TS Neos New Jersey agricultural experiment SUELO — Dept. of plant pathology. Diseases of Gladiolus. Nursery Dis. Notes Nd. NERD. Obabs Vels NOs s 4p. Mr.1929. Mimeographed. Reprinted in Flor. Exche with illus. v.70, no.l4, peIe New Jersey agricultural experiment station ~— Dept. of plant pathology. “. Progress with Riuododendron wilt. Nursery Dis. Notes Sed. Ler. Exps State vel, nose. 4p. PetIeo. Mimeographed. Boole, Re. F., and Schmidt, R. The nematode disease of sweet potatoes. North 3 Carolina Azr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 265. 6p. illus. fp.i929. 7 Tltord, Ps. Be i Ohio potato diseases. Ohio Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. " Agee) 68 pe. “Abbuss |) Mrel929, Wie ‘ ; APY hee Wri rae ee et ee Oe | be J a day ean V.11, nosl0; 2p.41; Exper. Stats Putl. (cont.) Br own, G. Ge 5 Pollination study of the Anjou pear in Hood River Valley. Oregon Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 239. De illus. Mr.1929. Cilkey, H. M. The most important noxious weeds of Oregon. Oregon Agr. Coll. Extens. Serv. Extens, Bull. 412. 56 pe pil Be DEI Ap.1929,. Himmel; Ho He Control of common sorghum diseases. Pan- handle Bull. Agr. Exp. Stat. Goodwell, Okla. 5: 10-12. My.1929. Godkin, J. Four major tobacco diseases in Virginia and ~ their control. Virginia Agr. & Mech. Coll. & Polytechnic Inst. Extens. Div. Bull. 110. 14 p. illus. IDL ILS Pais} Wildfire and blackfire, drought spot, mosaic. State Publications. New Books Christensen, B. V. Some drug plants in Florida. Bull. Dept. Boe LOvIds Ness 14.) 28 pe. illus. vJa.l92e. Canabaeus, L. Ueber die heterocysten und gasvakuolen der blaualgen und ihre beziehungen zueinander. Unter besonderer berticksichtigung der gattung Anabaena. Jena, G. Fischer, 1929 (Pflanzenforschung hrsg. von R. Kolkwitz. heft 13) Hamblin) Sis Be American rock gardens. ANGST Guemitelche al eyais) 4 Hara, Se _ Jitsuyo katsuye byochugai haten [A thesaurus of plant diseases] 1928 Japanese. MacDougal, D.T., Overton, JB. & Smith, G. M. The hydrostatic-pneumatic system of certain trees: movement of liquids and gases. Washington, 1929 (Carnegie Inst. Publ. 397) ty te thy An i Se he ri Ran ‘ ie mAbs 5 Vell, né.10, pi4e. New Books. (¢ont.) Michotte, F. Les Hibiscus (ketmie). Culture et exploitation. Paris, 1928. (Bull. Soc. Propagande Colon. no.3/6) Preston, I. Garden lilies. ING A MOE diblcksl | Ise) West Indies. Imperial dept. of agriculture. Sugar-cane experiments in the Leeward Islands. Report:on experiments with varieties of sugar—cane conducted in Antigua and Montserrat in the season ier-28. U8ip. [192s] Translations filed in Library of Bur. of Plant Industry. Averna-Sacca, R. O "brusone" do arroz. (The "brusone disease! of the rice.) Bol. Agr. Sao Paulo 13:291-302. illus. Ap.1912. Voziaimo, P< Ricerche intorno alla malattia del riso con- osciuta col noma di brusone. (Studies of the rice disease called "brusone'.) Ann. R. Accad. Agr. Torino 1897 40:143-146. 1898. Correction List Wiser MOG peld. Industr. & Engin. Chem. entries should read 1(Anal. ed.) Omitted from Proc, Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926 (p.30) Kiesselbach, T. A. Varietal, cultural and seasonal effect upon the water requirement of cropse Proc. Intern. Congr. Pilaawiser, (4th) ithaca, 1926. I+ (87-105. pl. Ug29) Lehmann, E. j '- ‘Ueber regiproke bastarde...Pro¢..Iatern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 13 787~801. illus.1929. Leighty, C.E. Breeding wneat for disease resistances Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant. Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1: 149-153. fold. tab.1929,. For resistance to Puccinia triticina. ath ey Toe uel we bate Vild, mow, inate, Wits. Intorn. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926 (cont. ih Levine, M. Cytological stvdies on irradiated tissues, I. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci, [4th] Ithaca, 1926.. eet iacI?. 7 Dl. 1929. I. The influence of radium emanation on the mi- crosporogsnesis of the lily. Love, H.H,. The place of statistics in the pee ean of experimental results. Proc. intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926. 1: 55-58. 1929. smith, E.F. Fifty years of pathology. Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. [4th] Ithaca, 1926 1; 13-46. xxxii pl. (ports.) 1929. IBRARY! RECEIVED 10 1929 %& U. 8, Department ef Arrioultn: .-c Le SO TAN Y CURRENT LITERATURE ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU CF PLANT INDUSTRY. COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, et ee oe en Vol. 11, no. ll. May 13-25, 1929. Aer. Journ. India. (Calcutta) Krishnamurthi Rao, Ke Factors influencing the growth and sugar can- tents of cane. Agr. Journ. Indiae 24: 91- 10s pi. x-xi.e Mr.1929. NO eve Mitra, SK. and Fimkan, L.Ne Bffects of hydrogen-ion concentrations on rice culturese Acc. Journ. India, 22: 109-116. Mr.1929. NOeke Turner, Ade Cotton seeds: their absorption of water, and specific gravity. Agr. Journ. India. 24 383- COs Mr 192%. NO ele Amer, Fern. Journ. Anderson, WeAs, jre More ferns of the vicinity of Irvine, Kentuckye Amer. Fern. Journ. 19: 58-59. Ap./Je.1929, noe2s Brame, JaWe ; Ferns of New Zealand. Amer. Fern. Journ. 193 51-55. a a , ee a Werdlib- Nowe Lil. Dele Bull. Misc. Inform, Kew. (cont.) Smith, Cate & Hubbard, C.E. Notes on African grasses IX.e Some saline- loving grasses occurring in South Africa. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 1929: 83-87. TAGS: Dis iVie IZ ~ |!) DOs Se Puccinellia acroxantha, n.sp. Sprague, TA. Bergius, Descriptiones plantarum, and Linné, Mantissa prima. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 19298 88-89, Lge ge Olea. In view of definite statements contained in letters of Linné to Burmann and Fllis, it is clear that BerfZius's Descriptiones was published before Linné!s Mantissa. Sprague, T.A. The botanical name of the sugar maple. Bulle Misc. Inform. Kew. 1929: 81-82. 1929, NnOeds Sprague, T.A. Engelmannia and Angelandra. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 1929: 82-83. 1929. NOede Engelmannia antedated by Angelandra. Sprague seis Triana's Flora Neo-Granadina. Bull. Misce Informe Kewe 1929: 94-95. 1929. NOs Wilhelm Becker. Bull. Misce Inform. KeWe 1929: 89. 1929. NO ede Notice of death, Octele, 1928. Wood, BeRe Dicymbe corymbosa Spruce ex Benth. Bulle Misc. Inform. Kewe 1929-945. 19295 NO ede Bull. Soce Bote France. (Paris) Benoist, Re Les Lauracées de la Guyane frangaise. Bull. Soce Bote France. 75: 974-980. Mrel8,1929. no.9/10. : Buchet, Se r. La concrescence congénitale nfest pas une vue de lt'esprite Bull. SOer Bote France. 753 735— 740. D.18,1928. no.7/8. Vall, nowell, p.8. Bull. Soc. Bot. France. (cont.) Buchet , § e La pseudo-tige des Psilotales. Bull. Soce Bot. France. 75: 928-929. Mr.18, 1929. no.9/10. Bugnon, Pe La concrescence congénitale n'est pas encore devenue un fait indiscutable. Bull. Soc. Bots Frances. 75: 740-7502 D128, 1928. no.7/8. Cabanés, JeGe : Naturalisation en grand, dans la région du Bas-RhOne, y compris he delta, d'une curieuse légumineuse-papilionacée originaire des Btats-Unis: Amorpha fruticosa Le Bull. Soce Bote Francee fee 705=706.. D.18, 1928. no.7/8. Camus 9 Ae Castanopsis nouveaux. Bull. Soce Bot. Francés 75: 6984699, IDG MUS, IUSISIé noe7/9s Ce hickelii, C.kinabaluensis. Camus, Ae Graminées nouvelles de Madagascar et de Nossi-Bé. Bull. Soce Bot. France. 75: 911-916. Mr.15, Regie no.9/ 10s, Chalaud, Ge & Nicolas, G. La fausse dichotomie du Metzgeria furcata Dum. Réponse & M. Ch. Douin. Bull. Soc. Bot. Francé@e 75: 768-774. Del8, 1928. noe?7/8. Chassagne, Me Le professeur Henri Lecoq (1802-1871). Bulle Soc. Bote France. 75! 662-670. Del8, 1928. no.7/8« Chouard, Pe @xcursions botaniques dans les Pyrénées cen- trales espagnoles entre la Cinquetta et le rio Ara. Bull. Soce Bot. France. 75: 957-9664 ple xiii- xiv. mape Mrel8, 1929. no.9/10. Dangeard, Pe Sur ltévolution de l'iode chez les laminairese Réponse a Me Freundler. Bull. Soce Bote Frances 75: 980-986~ MrelS, 1929. noo9/10. wees, eT ie ALi we] fe: ~~ —’ — Welds moe, Dee Bull. Soce Bots France. (cont.) Deflandre, G. Contributions a la flore algologique de France. II-V, II. Haute-Savoie, III. Lamnnois, IV. Vosges, V. Pyrénées. Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 75: 999. Hole, ittis., \plexvie Mr.18, 1989, no.9/10. Denis 9 Me Etat des recherches botaniques en Auvergne. Bull. Soc. Bot, France. 753 641-652. Deis, 29285 no.7/8. Dop, P. Les cléthracées asiatiques. Bull. SoCe Bote France, 75: 729-283. D.18, 1928. no.2/8. Douin, Ce La "falsche dichotomie" de Kny n'a jamais esisté. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fratée. 75: 750-767. illus. Date, 1928. no.7/S. Emberger, Le A propos du chondriome: réponse 4 M. Pavillard. Bull. Soce Bot. France. 75: 696~698. DetBa Lo2s6 no.7/8.« Fournier, P.abbé. Aconitum ranunculifolium Rchb. dans la flore frangaise. Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 75: 904-911. Mr.18, 1929, no.9/11. Fournier, P. abbé. La violette de Cry: Viola olympica (Griseb.) Boissier. Bull. Soce Bote France. 75: 1013-1014, Mr.18, 1929. no.9/10. Frey, A. - La structure micellaire des membranes cellulaires. Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 753 950-956. Mr.18, 1929. noe9/10. Gagnepain, Fe. Pellionia nouveaux d!Indo-Chine. Bull. SoCe Bot. France, 75: 917-928. Mr.18, 1929. no.9/10. i t a AOS eeem Veil, nowll, p10, Sali. coc. Bot. France. (cont,) (Ceiwinee' {0i- Deux botanistes clermontois: Le Préfet Ramond (1755-1827) et le Professeur Col (1873-1926). Bull. Soce Bot. France. 752 653-6626 19a 1s} OPS toe 7) Se Guinochet, M. Apergu sur la flore des algues marines de la rade de Toulon (Var), Bull. Soc. Bot. France. Pos Wt 7 954 DrlGy 1926.. no. 7/8» Jovet, P. & Vergnet, J. Notes sur deux adventices. Galinsoga parviflora Cav. et Artemisia annua L. Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 753 930-945, map. Mrel8, #929. no.9/10. Jovet, P. Une nouvelle plante introduite: Galinsoga aris- tulata Bickn. Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 753 967— O74, illus, MrJ18, 1929. no.9/10, Kharbush, §.S. Recherches sur les tubercules radicaux de quelques papilionacées alpines. Bull. Soc. Bote France. 75: 674-696. ple vi-x. 0D.18, 1928, noe °7/8. Lassimonne, §.H. Cléistogamie d'Hibiscus trionum L. Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 75: 1014-1015, Mr.18, 1929, no.9/ 10. Loubiére, A. Sur la structure anatomique d'un jeune stipe de sigillaire camelée. Bull. Soc. Bot. France. We: 699-704, ple xioxties) D.18, 1928. no.’7/Ss Iuizet, D. Note sur le Saxifraga litardierei Luiz, Bulle Soc. Bot. France. 75: 787-788. 0D.18, 1928. noe7/8. Mugnier, Le Rosa afzeliana Fries {(R.glauca Vill.) dans la région parisienne. Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 75: 902-904. Mrel8, 1929. no.9/10. Vell, noell, pell. Bulle Soc. Bot. France. (cont. ) Mugnier pele Roses de Chatelguyon et des environs. Bull. Soce Bot. France. 753 945-950. Mr.18, 1929. no.9/106. Pavillard, Je Le crithmion maritimae autour de Biarritze Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 75¢ 795-799. Delo, Loeb NOe 7/8. Pelllesrin, F. Utsetela Pellegrin, genre nouveau d!urticacées- artocarpées du Gabon. Bull. Soc. Bot. Francé. 75: 672-674. Del8, 1928. no7/8- U. gabonensis, Prat, He & Chouard, Pe Note sur les milieux aquatiques du massif de Néouvielle (Hautes-Pyrénées). Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 75: 986-997, illus. (incl. map). plexve Mrei8, 1929. no.9/10. Reynier, Ae Sur la troubaille qu'aurait faite Garidel en 1715, au Tholonet prés d'aix, du futur: (1783) Andropogon provinciale Imk. Bull. Soce Bot. feces “Yo: 721-728, DelS, 1928. na.7/8. Rodrigues, Le Ophiopogon nouveaux d!Indo-Chine. Bull. Soce Bote France. 75: 997-999. Mr.18, 1929. no.9/10. O. marmoratus Pierre mss., Oesubverticillatus Gagne msse; O. tonkinensis, O.latifélius, O.pierrei NeSPe Tanaka, T. Revisio aurantiacearum.I]. Bull. Soc. Bote France, 75: 708-715. 0D.18, 1928. no.7/8. Trabut 9 Le ; 5 Le sapin du Maroc. Abies maroccana Trab. (Soce Bote Hrs, 1906). Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 75: es7-902. illus. Mreis, 1929. no.9/10. Vuillemin, P. Ltanneau de sporange des fougéres. Bull. Soce Bot. France. 75: 716-721. Del8, 1928. no.7/8. wy iar ec, oO CL au Geet Vellj nosilj tedZ.:. Bull. U.S. Golf Assoce Green Secte (Wash. , DEAD) Dahl, A.S. Zonate eye-spot disease of turf grass. Bull. U.Ss Goff Assoc. Green Sect. 9: 71-75, illuse Aps1929. nose Helminthosporium giganteum. Monteith, Je Browh=patch fungicides. Bull. UeS. Golf Assoce Green Sect. 9: 76. Ap.1929. nods Bull. Ontario Dept. Agr. (Vineland Station, Ont.) Jones, D.He | Fire blight and its eradication. Bull. Onta- rio Depte Agre 342. 22 pe illus. Ap.1929,. Bull. Torre Clube Cummins, MP. Deveroument of the integument and seueseieaten of the seci of Hleusine indicae Bull. Torr. Climbs Boer E5162, illuse Mrel929(May). NnoeSe Manz PA. Nev vlants from Nevada. Bull. Torr. Clube 56; 165 -16%. MMrel929.(May). nOeSe Leaiierella hitchcockii, Draba jaegeri, Ivesia jacgeri, HEpilobium nevadense. Wilson, J-D. A double-walled pot for bhhe auto-irrigation of Plants. Bull, Torr. Clube 56: 139-153. illus. Mr.1929 (hay )e NOode Wodehouse, RP. Pollen grains in the identification and classi- fication of plantseIII. The Nassauvinae. Bull,Torre Club, 562 123-138% . ple3. Mr.l929(May). noede Bull. Trop. Plant. Rese Foundation (Washington, D.C.) Stahl, Celtics & Faris, JeAe The behavior of the new POJ canes in relation to sugar cane mosaic in Cubae Bull. Tropes Plant Rese Foundations 9. i12pe . illus. 1929, Welty ol ter pie ar Bull. Yale Univ. Sch. For. (New Haven) Grasovsxy, A. Some aspects of light in the forest. Bull. fale Unive ack.) Bors (2d. odie alitus: | 1929) Calif. Citrogr. (Los Angeles) A discussion of the boron problem in Southern California. Calif. Citrogr. 14: 318. Je. 1929. = NOS. Abstract of addresses by W.P. Kelley &C.5. Scofield, Jensen, C.A. & Foote, F.J. Some studies on fertilization of lemon groves, Lomoneira Ranch, Santa Paula, Cal. pt. II. Calif. Crelose. 14> O09, Go0-s020 Wie. 1929. noes. Street, HA. Valuable rootstock work being done by Edgar W, Stow. Calif. Citrogr. 14: 307, 338-341, 344- 346. plius. wJesl32os mo.8. Canad. Field Nat. (Ottawa) Groh, H. Gaumweed (Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal) in Ontario. Canad. Field Nat. 43: 106-107. My liG29. NOsl. Comot. Rend. Acad. Agr. France. Bertrand, G. La concentration du suc cellulaire et la ré- sistance des plantes a la gelée. Compt. Rend. Acac. Agre France. 15: 569-571. My.l, 1929. no.14. Chabrolin, ©. ; Les dépérissements de l'arbicotier. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France. 153 583-588. My.1, 1929. noel4. "Dépérissement par apoplexie"; cause not yet determined tho Dufrenoy lays it to Verticilliun." Denaiffe, HE. & Colle, J. la résistance des céréales pendant l'hiver 1928- 29 dans les Ardennes. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France. 152 559-566. Mysi, 2929. no.14. Vis mo alt atl Commt. Rend.Acad. Agr. France. (cont.) Dupont, Ch. Observations sur la résistance des blés a la gelée pendant l'hiver 1928-1929 aux champs d! expériences de Tomblaine et da Donon. Compt. Rend. Acad. wer. France. 15: 575-579. # My.1, 1929. no.l14. Rabat é ; De Ila résistance des blés aux gelées d'hiver. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France. 15:555-559. Vive, 1929.) nosis Saillard, E. La cercosporiose de la betterave a sucre voyage atétudes en Italie. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France. 15; 546-554, My.1, 1929. no.l4. Zaleski, E. Les caracteres de résistance & la gelée chez le blé. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France. 15: 566- 569. My.1, 1929. no.l4. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. Bridel, M. Recherches sur les variations de coloration; des plantes au cours de leur dessiccation. Le glucoside du Lathraea clandestina Le est l'aucuboside (aucubine). Compt. Rend.Acad. Sci. Paris. 188: 1182-1184. fp. 1929. no.l8. Bontadaion. (C. Sur la pigmentation du Sterigmatocystis nigra cultivé sur milieux gras. Compt. Rend. Acad. SCie Paris. 188: 1184-1185. Ap.1929. no.18. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. Guilliermond, A. Observations des cellules végétales au fond noir. Compt. Rend. Soce Biol. Paris. 100: 1180-1185. il- luse My.3,1929. no.14. Guinier, P. Notes biologiques sur un genévrier des Alpes francaises (Juniperus thurifera L.) Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol, Paris. 100: 1142-1144. a Sig Ap.26, US ASIS tego Viena TiO velar. p.14, Comt. Rend.Acad. Agr. France. (cont.) Dupont, Ch. Observations sur la résistance des blés a la gelée pendant l'hiver 1928-1929 aux champs d! expériences de Tomblaine et da Donon. Compt. Rend. Acad. igr. France. 15: 575-579. My.1, 1929. no.14. Rabaté, i. la résistance des blés aux gelées d'hiver. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France. 15:555-559. My-1, 1929. no.14. Saillard, E. la cercosporiose de la betterave a sucre voyage atétudes en Italie. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France. 15: 546-554, My.l, 1929. no.l4. Zaleski, E. Les caracteres de résistance & la gelée chez le blé. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France. 15: 566- 569. My.i, 1929. no.l4. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. Bridel, M. Recherches sur les variations de coloration; des plantes au cours de leur dessiccation. Le glucoside du-Lathraea clandestina L. est l'aucuboside (aucubine). Compt. Rend.Acad. Sci. Paris. 188: 1182-1184. etoeo. Nolo. Pontilion, ©. Sur la pigmentation du Sterigmatocystis nigra cultivé sur milieux gras. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei. Paris. 188: 1184-1185. Ap.1929. no.18. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. Gailliermond, A. Observations des cellules végétales au fond noir. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. 100: 1180-1185. il- lus. My.3,1929. no.l4. Guinier, P. Notes biologiques sur un genévrier des Alpes francaises (Juniperus thurifera L.) Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol, Paris. 100: 1142-1144. illus. Ape26, 1929's. NGelos Ve suas noell, De WS) Cormt. Rend. Soc. Phys. & Hist. Nat. Geneve. Chodat, R. la mutation généralisée et les mutations chez le Chlorella rubescens Chod. Compt. Rend. Soc. Phys. & Hist. Nat. Geneve. 46: 31-38. Ja. /Mr. OZ NOs ks Ernahr. Pflanze. (Berlin) Guanjer, Hf. Hinfluss der dungung auf die gesundheit der Kartoffei. I-II Brnadhr. Pflanze. eo: 194-202. ae Mype dan Lore N0O.We J. J. Jansson, author pt. II. Flugbl. Biol. Reichsanst. Land- u. Forstw. (Berlin) Laubert, R. Krankheiten und beschadigungen an azaleen und rhododendren. Flugbl. Biol. Reichsanst. Land- ue Forstw. 99/100. 8p. iilus. Ap.1929. Floralia. (Assen, Netherlands) Schenk, Pod. Ziekten van frambozen. Floralia. D0: 307. My.10, 1929. no.19. Gard. Chron. (London) SES Grant Thorburn. Gard. Chron.) TT, 85: \428— Seve pOlte. Mynts Le. | DOncclO. Darnell, A. W. The genus Primula. (cont.) Gard. Chron. Matn) 85: 326. | My-4. 19292 no.e2io. Tagg, Ee He Rhododendron leucaspis. Gard. Chron. RIESE 85: 308. Bos 275, LIeI6 NO o2<209~ Referred to as Rhododendron K.W. 6273 in Gard. Chron. III, 85: 128. F.16,1929, and figured in the assue of F.2d, figep?. Ward, F.X. Mr. F. Kingdon Ward's tanth expedition in Asia. XIX. Gard. Chron. III, 85; 310-311. illuse Apec7, 1929.6 no.e2209. Gartenw. (Berlin) Herold, H. Versuche mit ultraviolett—durchladssigem glas. Gartenwe 33: 229-2306 illus. Ape26, 1929. noel’. pen Visi notes plies Gentes herbarum. Bailey, LH. . ay The domesticated cucurbitas. His Gentes Herb. e: 63-115. illus. © My.J929. no.de Illus. Ilandw. Zeit. (Berlin) Arland, A. Praktische erfahrungen mit der saatgutbeize. Illus. Landw. Zeit. 49: 190-191, 201-202. Ap.26, WoirBie T Ieee) 5) Sao aly Stobbe, 8, Praktische erfahrungen mit den einfltssen des pustenwindes auf die kulturpflanzen. Tilus. landw. Zeit. 493; 202-203. My.56, 1929, no.l8. Indische Mercuur. (Amsterdam) Janssonius, H.H, Huphorbiaceenhout geschikt voor papierbereid— ing? Indische Mercuur. 52: 351-352, My.1, Hoes Nel. Ital. Agr. (Milan) Munerati, 0. Sul problema della canapa di fonte alla Oro- bDanchee itale Boren CCl lat. illus. Ap.1929. node Journ. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. (Easton,Pa.) Blanco, S. A new dihydroterpene. Journ, Amer. Pharm. Assoc. 18: 474-477. My.1929. no«de From Pittosporum resiniferun. Journ. Amer. Soc. Agron. (Geneva, N.Y.) Dustman, R.B. & Shriver, LC. The chemical composition of Andropogon virgini- cus and Danthonia spicata at successive growth stages. Journ. Amer. Soc. Agron. 21: 561-567. My. 1929. Nn0.de Johnston, C.0. The occurrence of strains resistant to leaf rust in certain varieties of wheat. Journ. Amer. Soc. Agron. 2l: 568-573. Mye1929., Nn0.de Stewart, G. & Price, H. Inheritance studies in Sevier x Odessa wheat Crosse Journ. Amer. Soc. Agron. 21: 493-512. My21929-2 NOedD. a Journ. Biol. Chem. (Baltimore) Vi) moe deel, Goddard, V.R. & Mendel, L.B. : Plant hemagglutinins with special reference to a preparation from the navy bean. Journ. Biol. Chem. S2: 447-463. ai shidtss 4 Mv Loe el) Oe e Jacobs, W.A. & Gustus, EL. The Digitalis glucosides III. Gitoxigenin and isogitoxigenin Journ. Biol. Chem. 82: 403- 409. Wy.1929. no. Lindow, C.W., Elvehjem, C.A. & Peterson, W.H. The copper content of plant and animal foods. Journ. Biol. Chem. 82: 465-471. My.1929. no.2. Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Blatter, E. A new species of Balanophora from Mahableshwar, Bombay Presidency. Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 353: 309-310. IL youll) ai asarsalay Male) zie )4) ly s509)-5 2 Beelikinsi n.sp. Blatter, E. & McCann, C. eee of the flora of the Bombay Presidency. VIII. Gramineae. Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 533 2c9-243. HG Si ISPS) Sava 2) Dixon, HN. Mosses collected in Waziristen by Mr. J. Fernan- dez in 1927. Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. BE oy BOS Piva NS Uy SA) 150) 25 McCann, ©. they study Ot planb Mates lt. Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 33: 262-2786 aS iy) Lupa SOMES) LSA aoa Journ. Dept. Agr. Porto Rico. (Rio Piedras) Chardon, C5. New or interesting tropical American Dothideales IG Hourns Veptic! Aste wore) Rico. 13: i-17. colepl, i-ii. Ja.l929. nocls Cook, M2, Life history of Ligniera vascularum (Matz) Cook. Journ. Weve Aer Porto fico.) ))) ide 9229.) ola Webs Mele IST ZSIee ysaasoln be Organism previously known as Plasmodiophora vas- cularum transferred to genus Ligniera Maire and Tison. UCR Si a ij ¢ Nema Oey Hy Wt ely) ea aro del te! \pumee Journe Ecol. (Cambridge, Engl.) Bracher, 2. The ecology of the Avon banks at Bristol. Journ. Hcol. 173) $S—-OLs illus., pl.vii, diagrs. TALES SIN alo) 004 Dowding, E.S. The vegetation of Alberta ITI, The sandhill areas of central Alberta with particular reference to the ecology of Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. dioumn.) Bicol. ) ees 05.) aliasis:, plewi2 ised ae ars 2maps. F929. (nol. Godwin, E. The "sedge" and "litter" of Wicken Fen. Journ. Ecol. 17: 148-160. ilius. Hees | MMOs tls Godwin, H. The sub-climax and deflected succession. Journ. Bcol. L7: 144-147. FL1929. nosle Rachards, P.W. Notes on the ecology of the bryophytes and li- enens at Blakeney Point, Norfolk. Journe uCcOole 17; 127-143. illus. gg. Ome Tansley, A. & William Gardner Smith, 18€5-1928. Journ. Benes Weer! 70-1 7a5 DOK Nae) Hel92oe Moule Woodhead, T. W. History or the vegetation of the southern Pen- nines. Journ. Ecol. L7: 1-34. ilius. (maps) let =Va., 5 LalIZIs Roll. Journ. Gen. Physiol. (Baltimore, Md.) imerson, R. The relation between maximum rate of photosyn- thesis and concentration of chlorophyll. Journe ; Gen. Physiol. le: 609-622. @iagrse My.20, 29) ROD» 4 2 a r ay i » FE : eh f Fe 2 Weal) Wow del iia, Ol Journ. Gen. Physiol. (cont.) Navez, A. H, Respiration and geotropism in Vicia faba. I- Journ. Gen. Physiol. 12: 641-667. diagrs. My.20, 1929. no.5. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. (London) tye.) le Marine algae of some German warships in Scapa Flow and of the reighboring shores, Journ. Anne ICC sOb. 46s osteeare |) ting. is aaalys 1929. no.d2l. Marquand, C.V.B. The botanical collection made by Captain F. Kingdon Ward in the eastern Himalaya and Tibet in 1924-25. Journe Linn. Soc. Bot. 48: 149-229. PO 19296 | NOwdele Journ. N.Y.Bot. Gard. Dodge, 3.0. Fangous diseases and insects in the rose garden. Journ. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 30: 105-124. illus. iy. 1929. mo.353,- Journ. Optical Soc. Amer. & Rev. Sci. Instr. (Menasha, Wis.) Arthur, J.lf. Some effects of radiant energy on plants. Journ. Optical Soc. Amer. & Rev. Sci. Instr. 418: 205-263. illuse Mr.1929. nod. Reprinted as Prof. Paper Boyce Thompson Inst. no.le. ; Journ. Stat. Agron. Guadeloupe. (Paint e-a-Pitre) Williams, C.H.B. } la gommnose de la canne: son apparition a la Guadeloupe. Journ. Stat. Agron. Guadeloupe. 7: HOG=111. - 1929. noe Rev. Mus. Paulista. (Sao Paulo) Luederwaidt, H. Resultados de vma excursao scientifica 4 ilha de SHo Sebastido no littoral do estado de Sado Paulo Gri ho 25s Rev. Mus. Paulista. 16:1-79. 3pl. 1929. Lista das plantas: p.66-69; Lista das plantas de Villa Bella: p.70-72; Foram observadas pelo autor na ilha alem disto as seguintes plantas: p.73-77; Errata, addicdes e modificagoes: p.1011-1019. SOLIS baal A TUL oy SO Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. Killip, BsP. New plants mainly from western South America. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 19: 191-195. Wee IES) MES) 22) | Maley 4, AO} Maxon, W. R. A diminutive new hollyfern from Ecuador. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 19: 197-199. illus. ‘NB US) 5 US) s) iio) 0) Polystichum pumilo. Swalien, J. R. A new species of Aristida from Florida. Journ. Washington Acad. Scie 19: 195-197. seluilpisis) | WG 1S: io «NO lO. A. rhizomophora. Kagami Kankyu Hokoku (Res. Bull. Gifu Imp. Coll. Agr.) Hivra 3 M. On a new leaf-spot disease of the Japanese persinmon caused by Mycosphaerella nawae. Kagami Kankyu Hokoku (Res. Bull. Gifv. Imp. Coll. Mee) Osds 64,2 ps 2 pil, Mel age. Japanese with English summary. Kosmos. (Stuttgart) Litzelmann, E. Die orchideen Mitteleuropas. Kosmose 26: GC 164. ilius. (inedimap). col. ails. | (o.te7— 168) UG 29/5, NOs Llandbouwk. Tijdschr. Maandbl. Nederl. Genootsch. Landbouwwetensch. (Amsterdam) Rea baie. ke Cver het jodiumgenalte der planten, voorname- lijk beschouwd in verband met het jodiwm in den bodem. Iandbouwk. Tijdschr. Maandbl. Nederl. Genootsch. Landbouwwetensch. 41: 236-242. Ape 1929. no.490. Landw. Jahrb. (Berlin) Schroder, D. Bildliche darstellung von grasern in bltitenlosem zustande und narben photographe. Landw. Jahrb. 65(Erganzungsbd. 1): 106-123. illus. 1927 (Rec'd My. 1929) Vee 0) 5) habe Pe Ole landw. Jahrb. (cont.) dace.) Be Die ergebnisse der versuche in der hochmoor- versuchswirtschaft in Konigsmoor. Landv.e Jahrb. 65(Erganzungsbd.1): 8-65. 1927(Rec'd My. 1929) Madrono.(San Francisco) BorndsV., De Collecting trips of Ezra Brainerd in California. Madrofio. 1:185-186. §&.1928 (Rec'd My.1929) no.12. Saker, M.S. Field notes on certain Brodiaea species in Hum- boldt County. Madrofias i: 199-200. Mr.1929. no. 14. Greene, E. Le Why the Eschscholtzia? Madrorio. iL: 195-197. Mr. 1929. no.14. A note by W.L. Jepson states that this article was written on the occasion of the adoption of the Eschscholtzia as the state flower of California; that as far as it is known this article has never been published in any magazine of botany or horticulture. Greene, H. A. Historical note on the Monterey cypress at Cypress Point. Madrono. ie 197-198. Mr.1929. noel4. Horne, We Ts The improved eastern blueberry in California. Madrona, 1: 179-183. S.1928 (Rec'd My.1929) no.12. Jepson, W. L. Biological peculiarities of Californian flower- ing plants. I- liadrone. 1: 190-192. N.1928. noeld. I. Longitudinal fission in the plant body of Caenothus cuneatus Nutt. (Duckrush) Jepson, W.L. The botanical explorers of California. I-IV. Madrono. 1: 167-170,175-177,183-185, 188-190. ports. 1928. no.l0-13. I. Volney Rattan. II. Joseph Whipple Congdon. III. Geoge Hansen. IV. George Dexter Butler. t A Nt ae Wo Bile TlOe bad ome Madrorio. (cont.) Jepson, W.L. Physiological bilabiation and physioligical irregularity in the flowers of Californian angio- sperms. [- Madrorfio. i: 198-199. gs 22S) NOe 14h Jepson,®. L. Variation in the pappus of Layia pentachaeta Gray. Madromro. is 200-20k. Mrsig2o.. monde Johansen, D. A. The hypotase and seed sterility in the Onagraceae Madrono. Lo Wes 167. Mr.1928 (Rec'd My .1929) IRD) ALO) Mason,H.L. Additions to the flora of California. Madrono. 1: 187-188. N.1928 (Rec'd My.1929) no.13. inpinus peirsoni, n.esp.e, Dodecatheon hendersoni, vare yosemitiana novar. Merrill. We D. The California botanic garden. Madrono. ils 163-164. Mr. 1928 (Rec'd My.1929) no.10. Peirce. (Ge vie Brine and brine organisms. Madroffio. 1: 171- tS. Je.1928 (Rec'd My.1929) no.ll. Malpighia. (Palermo) buscalioni, L. & Catalano, G. I fillomi spinescenti delle asparagacee in rap-— porto alle foglie ipopeltate ed agli organi motori delle palme e delle graminacee. Mealpignias i: 68-137. 2 fold.pl. 1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.1/6. Euscalioni, L. & Bruno,F. Sui cloropasti cromici delle aloinee. Mal- Rees 6 Sl: DO-b%. ple) iii. 1928 (Rec'd Ap. 1929) noel/6. Suscalioni, L. & Bruno, F. Sui rapporti tra amido e lipoidi endoclorofillia- ni nel corso delle stagioni e degli anni. Malpighia. Siz 150-321. iv ple) 1928 (Rec'd Ay 2929) noel /6. Wigdlais naKeye JUL Pedde Molpighia. (coht. ) Buscalioni, Le & Lanza, D. Sulla constituzione morfologica ed anatomica delle inflorescenze di Ambrosina bassii L. e di Pistia stratiotes L. Malpighiae 31; 3-45. limi.) L928) (Recta Ap d929))) mnowly/6. Mattei, GH. Nonnullae plantarum species novae. Malpighiae 31: 147-149, 1928 (Hec'a Ap.1929) no.l/6. Cissus mexicana, Ipomoea assumptae, Parmetratium mirennae. Mattei, GE, Probabili relazioni biologiche fra felci imeno- fillée ed animalcoli. Malpighia. 31: 139-146. 1928 (Rec'd Ap.1929) no.f/6. Mysore Agr. Calendar. (Bangalore) How to distinguish between the stem bleeding disease and anabe roga of cocoamuts? Mysore Agr. Calendar eg Ss l%e 2929. Anabe roga (Ganoderma lucidum) Nachtrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. (Berlin) Stapp. Ce Die fettfleckenkrankheit der bohne, eine fur Deutschland neue, durch bakterien hervorgerufene pflanzenkrankheit. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflan+e zenscnutzd. 9: 45-376 illus. My 1929. NO ade tPhytomonas medicaginis var. phaseolicola. Werth, Ee Frostschaden an den obstbaumen in Dahlem. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 9: 38. ee Os Die Ochrana Rostlin. (Prague) Baudys, Ee nay Skodlivost plisné sédé (Botrytis cinerea). Ochrana Rostlin. 93 9-16. illus. WEBS) Blattny, C. Mosaika konvalinky (Convallaria maialis Le) Ochrana Rostlin. 9: 19-21, illuse 1929. Mosaic disease of lily of the valley. a9 Ved. TO ve il, pect. Ochrana Rostlin. (cont.) Tomsa, Ke Ptedéasné opad4v4ni listu ofechu vlasského. Ochrana Rostlin. SI ele (pe) A 1929.6 Peench résumé: p.18-19, Defoliation of walnuts caused by Gnomonia lep- tostyla (Fr.) Ces. et de Not. Ohio Journ. Sci. (Cblumbus) Sehotiner, dJieHe Additions to the cataloz of Ohio vascular Dlants for 1928, Ohio Journe Scie 29: 81-92, Meso 9ege Noece Schaffner, J.He Orthogenétic series involving a diversity of morphological systems. Studies in determinate evormtion, Ti, Ohio Journ, Scie 29: 45-60. Sips Mr.i329, NOece I. kad title "The general course of evolution in the piant kingdom." Tiffany, LeHe A key to the species, varieties, and forms of the algal scenus Oedogoniun. Ohio Journ. Scie 22: 62-80, ijftes LE SPAS) Ne ce Pflanzenbau (Berlin). Arland, A. Das problem des wasserhaushaltes bei land- wirtschaftiichen kulturpflanzen in kritisch-experimen- teller betrachtung.e Pflanzenbaue 1; 1-160. this. Miceli.) bo2o. NOs Plant Physiology. Crist, JeWe & Stout, Gedo Relation between top and root size in herbaceous plantse Plant Physiology. 4: 63-85. datlecos noel. Exneriments with lettuce, radish and tomato. Crutchfield, Cele X-ray photography of mineral accumulations in plants. Plant Physiology. 4: 145-154, illuse Jael929- NOel. Vell ond, Ll.) p25. Plant Physiology (cont.) Haas, A.R.C. & Halma, F. F. Chemical relationship between scion and stock in Citrus. Plant Physiology. 43 113-121. illus. JaelL929, Noelle 5 Harvey, Re Be Julius von Sachs. 1832-1897. Plant Physiology. 4; 155-157, UMass eple Lia (ports) Jael929. NOs hs Hottes, C. F. Studies in experimental cytology. Plant Physiology. oe deOOe Lllts.) Died weaelJed. Hose Experiments with Vicia faba. Johnston, BE. S. & Dore, WH. The influence of boron on the chemical composition and growth of the tomato plant. Plant Physiology. Meg Sl Oeie. ILLUS, | | Cewmiaeos NOs, We iteya, i. Es The mechanism of the water tight door of the Utricularia trap. Plant Physiology. 4: 87-102. TELUS ¢ pl. slietits Jael929. AOiwiie Loomis, W. E, Schloesing's experiments on the relation of transpiration to the translocation of minerals. Plant Physiology. 4: 158-160. Ja.1929. nol. Meyer, B. Se Some critical comments on the methods employed in the expression of leaf saps. Plant Fhysiology. 43; 103-112. TIDUS.) ide oeee) Noles Schertz, F.M. Seasonal variation of the chloroplast pigments in several plants on the Mall at Washington, D.C. Plant Physiology. 4: 135-139. Jael929. noel. Traub, HeP., Thor, Cod,, Willaman, J.J. & Oliver, R. Storage of truck crops; the girasole, Helianthus tuberosuse Plant Physiology. 4: 12134. illus. JGel929.4 NOole Webster, J. Ee Effects of storage on alcoholic extracts of plant tissues. Amino acid changes. Plant Fhy- siology. 4: 141-144, illus. Ja.1929. nol. Vells ioell, pee. Brace Wydz. Chor. Rogl. Parstw. Inst. Nauk-Roln. y Bydgoszczy. Garbowski, L. horoby roglin uprawnych oraz drzew krzewéw lesgnych i parkowych w Wielkopolsce i na Pomorzu wre 1926 i 1927 (Les maladies des plantes cultivées et des arbres et arbrisseaux des foréts et des pares dans I'ouest de la Polegne en 1926 et 1927) Prace - Wydz. Chor. Rogl. Paristw. Inst. Nauk. Gospod. Wiejsk. Bydeoezezy. nos 7u 70 Ds Ancl maps, 2 pl., fold. tab. (19287] (Rec'd Ap.1929) Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Pennell, F. W. Agalinis and allies in North America, I. Proce es Nat. Sci. Fhila. 80: 339-449, illus. (maps) 296 Proc. Roy. Soc. Ser.B. (London) Discussion on "UlLtra~microscopic viruses infecting animals and plants", Proe, ROYe SOSs Sere be, LOLs 537-560, #My.4, 1929. no.733. Those taking part were: Sir Chas. Martin, P.A. Murphy, A.J, Arkwright, 3.E. Barnard, K.M,. Smith, WH. Gye, J.C.G. Ledingham, R.N. Salaman, F.W. Twort, C,H. Andrews, SR. Douglas, Edward Hindle, WB. Brierley, es Boycott. Progr. Agr. & Vitic. (Montpellier) Bachala, A. La protection du vignoble contre les invasions de mildiou, de black-rot et de l'oidium dans le sud-oueste Progr. Agr. & Vitic. 91: 450-458. Wyeie, 1929. nol9. ~ Protoplasm (Leipzig) Kaczmarek, A. Untersuchungen tiber plasmolyse und deplasmolyse in abhéngigkeit von der wasserstoffionenkonzentration. Protoplasma,. 6: 209-301. Mr.1929, NH eLe Kiesel 9 Ae Die plasmodien der myxomyceten als objekt der chemischen protoplasmauntersuchung. Protoplasma. 63 b4e-569. Mr.1929. NOece Quart. Journ. Pharm, & Pharmacol. (London) Levin, ee Ae The taxonomic value of vein islet areas, Based upon a study of the genera Barosma, Cassia, Erthro- xylon and Digitalis. Quart. Journ. Pharm. & Pharmacol. 2: 17+43. illus. fae) Mee 1929. noel. Veith, noelas peers Quart. Journ. For. (London) Cotton, As De Standardisation of names. Quart. Journ. For. 233 190-194, Ap.1929. noekre. Dallimore, W. The standardisation of well-known specific names for treese Quart. Journ. For. 233 131-137, Ap. 1929. NOeke Davy, Je Be Standardisation of names. Quart. Journe For. 203 194~199, Ap.1929. NO she Queensl. Agr. Journ. (Brisbane) Rev. Agr. Rev. Bot. Francis, W. D. Queensland rain-forest trees. (cont.) Crypto- carye erythroxylone Queensl. Agr. Journ. 31: 292~ 293.6 illus. Ap.1,3929. no4. White, Cet, ; Weeds of Queensland. The correct botanical identity of the Lantanas naturalised in Queensland. Queensl. Agr. Journ. 31: 294-296. pl. 86. My.l, e229. | no.4. Ile Maurice (Maurice) Baissac, L. La canne & sucre est encore indemne de mosaique & Maurice. Rev. Agr. Ile Maurice. 43; 7~10. Ja./F.1929. Apple. (Paris) Belime, EH. La situation actuelle de la culture cotonniére en JORIS Rev. Bot. Appl. 93 180-189, Mr. 1929. noe9l. Chevalier, A. L'origine botanique et l'amélioration des arachides cultivées. Reve Bot. Appl. 9: 190~ oie) Die V-Vil lis Mr.1929. no.91l. Ghimpu, V. Sur les chromosomes de quelques chénes. Reve Bot. Appl. 9: 176-179, illus. Mr.1929. noeIl. Miége, E. Contribution & l'étude du cotonnier au Maroc. Reve Bot. Appl. 9: 169-176. Mr. 1929. no.91 L oaiane a oe —— MOVIL, nowki, p.28. Rev. Gén. Bot. (Paris) Chalaud, G. Le cycle évolutif de Fossombronia pusilla Dum. Rev. Gén. Bot. 41: 213-236. illus. Ap.1929. r_ 484, Genevois, L. Sur la fermentation et sur la respiration chez les végétaux chlorophylliens. Rev. Gén. Bot. 413 202-271. Ap. 1929. no.484. Michel=Durand, E. Recherches physiologiques sur les composés tanniques. Rev. Gén. Bot. 413 237-251. Ap. 1929. no484, Milovidov, P.F. Observations vitales sur l'altération du chondriome chez le Saprolegnia sous l1tinfluence de divers facteurs externes. Rev. Gen. Bot. 41:3 193-208. Ap.1929. no.484,. Richard, J. Sur le contenu cellulaire des Fucus. Rev. Géne Bote 41: 209-212. Ap. 1929, noe484. Rev. Vitic. (Paris) Dire Hous Tra bulte Reve Vatics (7/08 G07. My.9, 1929. noel819. Note of death. Semichon, L. Ulysse Gayon. Rev. Vitic. 70: 281-285. Myc, 1929, Rhodesia Agr. Journ. (Salisbury) Hopkins, J.C.F. Blackfire of tobacco. Rhodesia Agr. Journ. 263 371-373. Ap.1929. no.4. Rhodora. (Boston) Blake, S. F. A new estuarine Bidens from Chesapeake Bay. Rhodora. Jl: 87-90. illus. My .1929.6 no.d65. B. mariana, nNeSpe Vee noe De ee Rhodorae (cont.) Blake, S.F. A new variety of Bidens eatoni. Rhodora, wis LOO; Mane, Leo. Mo. ooo. Beecatvona) Vane atl verte. Fernald, M.L. & Weatherby, C.A. Proposed amendments to the international rules of botanical nomenclature. Rhodorae 313 91-96. My. 1929. no.365. Haynie, N. V. Two new plant records for the Chicago region. Rhodorae Eee S)S) 5 My .1929. NO.56D~ Prunus virginiana var. leucocarpa, Rubus occiden~ talis f. pallidus. Stebbins, G.L. jr. Further additions to the Mt. Desert flora. Rhodora. 31: 81-87. pl. 185~186. My.Ll929. no.sd6D. Svenson, HK. Anthesis in Spartina cynosuroides. Rhodorae oie 99-100, My. 1929. | no. S65. Svenson, H. K. ; Chamaecyparis thyoides in New Hampshire. Rho~ dorae Sl: 96-98. My. 1929. no.d65. Ruésk. Gidrobiol. Zhurn. (Russ. Hydrobiol, Zeitschr. ) Isachenko, B. eos Prof. Dr. NM. Gaidukov. Russk. Gidrobiol. Zhurn.e (Russ. Hydrebiol. Zeitschr.) 8: 143-146. port. Ap./My. 1929. no.4/5. Verzeichnis der arbeiten von Prof. Gaidukov uber algologie p.145-14€. Skabichevsky, A. P. eee Ueber die biologie von Melosira baicalensis (K.Meyer) Wisl. Russk. Gidrobiol. Zhurn. (Russ. Hydrobiole Zeitschre) 8: 93-114. pl.eiii. Ap./ “My. 1929. no.4/5. . Schrift. Konigsb. Gelehr. Ges. Naturw. Kl. Mitscherlich, E.A. & Duhring, F. Ueber die konstanten im wirkungsgesetze der wachstumsfaktoren. Schrift. Konigsb. Gelehr. Ges. Naturw. Kl. 5:15~44,. 3 fold.pl.e fold.tab. II286 Nese Wie Oat at MeeO le Science. (Lancaster, Pa.) Darrow, G.M. & Waldo, G.F. The practical significance of increasing the daily light period of winter for strawberry breeding. Science. 693 496.497, My.10, 1929. no.1'703. Fetes o2 dans Te lic Dispersed stages on the aes in Euglena. Science. 69: 522. My.17, 1929. no.1794. Kellerman, K. F. Ambitious agronomy. Science. 693520—521. My.17, 1929. no.1794, Marloth, R. H, An apparatus for the study of matforming fungi in culture solutions. Science. 693 524~525.~ My.17, 1929. no.l794, Sprague, G. F. Hetero-fertilization in maize. Sciencee 693 D26-527. My.l7, 1929. no.wl794. Scie Bull. Dept. Agr. So. Africa. Moore, BE. S. Wildfire of tobacco. Scie Bull. Dept. Agr. POwmerrica., , 54. 56). illuss L927(Rectd) My. 1929) 1. Studies on overwintering and dissemination of wildfire. 2. Methods of seed treatment for the control of wildfire. P.J. Naude joint author of 2. Soil Sci. (Baltimore) Dachnowski~Stokes, AP. The botanical composition and morphological features of "highmoor" peat profiles in Maine. Soil Sci. 273 379-388. diagr. My.1929. no.d. Martin, T. Le The effect of sweet clover and. alfalfa roots and tops on the funguous flora of the soil. Soil Sci. 273 399-405. My 1929.6 NOedDe Starkey, R. Le Some influences of the higher development of higher plants upon the microdérganisms in the soil: II. Influence of the stage of plant growth upon abundance of organisms. Soil Sci. 27: 355-378. diagrs.e My.1929. node ee by - } Lae Web's V Ape ene Views tO al ips ails Skrift. Norske Vidensk.—Akade Oslo Matem. Naturv. Kl. Moe, A. Dates of flowering for native and garden plants at Stavanger 1897-1926. Skrift. Norske Vidensk.~Akad. Oslo Matem. Naturv. Kl. 1928. no.3. 49 p. 1928, Stain Techn. Dufrenoy, J. Double staining of mitochondria and bacteria in plant tissues. Stain Techn. 43; 13415. illus. Jae. 1929, NOol. Sirocih, Jirouch, E. A. Natural color preserved in sectioned green plant tissue. Stain Techn, 43 17-19, Ur sd Uses) noe l. Maneval, We Ee Some staining methods for bacteria and yeasts. Stain Techn. 43 21-25. Ja1929. noe le Succulenta. (Leeuwarden) Becht. Fotografeeren van planten. I- Succulenta.e 11s 86-88. My 1929. NOsDe Maas, C. A. Opuntia crinifera Pfeiffer. (concl.) Succu- lenta. 11: 82~83.6 My 1929. noe Bic Sugar. (N.Y.) Sartoris, G. B. Deterioration in P.O.J. canes. (concl.) Sugar. SL: 196-197, Myotis alOsims Sver. Utsddesfér. Tidskr. (Svdlof) Nilsson-Ehle, H. Vaéxtforddlingen och véxtfoljdsfragen. Svere Utsddesfor. Tidskr. 393 17-29. 1929, DOwls Walstedt, I. Firsok till belysande av frAgan om resistensen mot angrepp av den parasitiskt i vaxtrétter upptra- dande nematoden Heterodera schachtii samt forekom~ sten av olika biologiska former av densamma. Svere Utshdesfdr. Tidskr. 39: 38-57. 1929, nol. eae Vell, no.ll, pede. Tidsjchr. Plantenz. (Amsterdam) Botjes, J.0. Droge bewaring en onderzeeérvorming bij aardappelen. Tijdschr. Plantenz. 35; 108~ US Ape1929., nod. Zondag, J.L.P. Phyllosticta gemmipara n.sp. oorzaak eener ziekte van amaryllis (Hippeastrum hybridum). Tijdschr. Plantenz. 353 97-107. pl.vii-ix. Ap.1929. nNOe4. Trop. Agr. (Ceylon) (Peradeniya) Bertus, Le Se A sclerotial disease of Pentas carnea Benth. PeOOe Mar. Ves 129-132, Mr.1929. NnOeds Rhizoctonia solani. Haigh, J.C. Geranium stem rot caused by Pythium sp. Trope Agr. Tes 133-134, Mr.1929. NOede Trop. Agriculture. West Indies. (Trinidad) Dowson, H.V.W. The date palm. Trop. Agriculture West Indies. 63 172-173. Je.l929. nob. The date palm's origin. ~ Date culture on the Shatt ul Arab. Trudy Mleevskoi Sadovo-Ogor.e Opyth. Stan. (Arb. Mleewer Gartenb~ Versuchsst.) (lleev) Mozmanov, Se lis »-- Zur kenntniss der aufbewahrung des pollens der stiss- und sauerkirschen (provisorische mitteilung). Trudy Mleevskoi Sadovo~Ogor. Opytn. Stan. (Arb. Mleewer Gartenb.e~Versuchsst.) 14: 77-81. 1929. Russian with German summary. Roh, L.M. -». Ueber die anlage der bltitenknospen und ihre entwickelung bei den obstbaumen in den jahren 1924- 28-6 Trudy Mleevskoi Sandovo~Ogore Opytn. Stane (Arb. Mleewer Gartenb.-Versuchsst.) 13. 99 p. als S SAA Russian with German summary. Veit NOs), Dede Trudy Mleevskoi Sadovo-Ogor. Opytn. Stan. (Arb. Mleewer Gartenb- Versuchsst.) (cont.) U.S. Dept. Roh, L.M. eee Ueber die befruchtungsverhaltnisse bei verschiedenen obstb&umen. Trudy Mleevskoi Sadovo-Ogor. Opytn. Stan. (Arb. Mleewer Gartenb.- Versuchsst.) 15. 97 p. fold.$ab. 1929. Russian with German summary. Roh, L.M. -». Ueber die keimfthigkeit und fertilitat des pollens bei verschiederen obstbdumen,. Trudy Mleevskoi Sadovo~Ogor. Opytn. Stan. (Arb. Mleewer. Gartenb.—-Versuchsst.) 14: 376. 1929. Russian with German summary. Agr. Plant Dis. Rep. Bach, Wed. & Taubenhaus, Jed. Black rot of cabbage in the lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. U.S. Dept. Agr. Plant Dis. Rep. 13: 34, My.15, 1929.2 noel. Wellman, F.L. ; A new disease of stored onions found in Colorado. U.SeDept. Agr. Plant Dis. Repe 13: 2e My.15, 1929. NOele Due to a Fusarium. Welsh Journ. Agr. (Cardiff, Wales) Wisconsin Zeitschr. Whitehead, T. & Jones, WeA.P. "Dry~rot" of swedes. Welsh Journ. Agre 5:3 159-175. illuse, o pl. Jael929. Hort. (Madison) Maney, T. J. Some experiences in the use of tree wound dress~ ingse Wisconsin Hort. 19: 269-~270,. My.1929. NOI. Pelensenernahr. Ding. ue Bodenk. A.Wiss.Teil. (Leipzig) Landgraf, K.E. Bodenreaktion und wachttum der wiesenpflanzen. Zeitschr. Pflanzenerndhr. Ding. u. Bodenk. A.Wiss. Teil. 13: 213-228. 1929. no.4. Zeitschr. Zeitschr. Zeitschr. Zeitschr. Ve ILML Spo) TUT ey orel Pflanzenernghr. Ding. u. Bodenks A.Wiss.Teil. (cont.) Tobler, F. Der einfluss des kaliums auf die bildung der faserzellwand bei faserpflanzen. Zeitschr. Pflanzenernahr. Diing. u. Bodenk. A.Wiss. Teil. 13: 208-213. 1929. no.4. Pilzk. (Leipzig) Knauth, B.: Die héheren pilze der Dresdner heide. (cont.) zeitsehr. Pilzk. 13(n.s.8): 57~64. Ap.24, 1929 no.4. Wiss. Mikros. (Leipzig) Liesegang, R.E. weis Ueber den angeblich lokalisierten kali-—nach- im pflanzengewebe. Zeitschr. Wiss. Mikros. 46; 126-128. Ap.1929. nol. Zuckerind. Cechoslovak. Rep. Stehlik, V. & Neuwirth, F. Oekologie der aufgehenden zuckerrube mit besonderer berucksichtigung ihrer krankheiten. Zeitschre Zuckerind. Cechoslovalk. Rep. 53: 429-453. illus. (1 col.) Dalen Lolo de) HOwmors Obie lst contribution is: Der samen, der keimungsprozess und die infektion bei keimung. Der Zuchter. (Berlin) Bélar, K. Zichtung und cytologie. Der. Zuchter. ils 1-6, illus. Ap.1929. NOele Kohler, Ee Die gtichtung krebsfester kartoffelsorten. Der Zuchtere 1; 16-20. illus. Ap.1929. noel. Kuesuck, Hh. Xenienbildung bei gerste. Der Zuchter. ie 14-16. Ap. 1929. noele Oehler, E. Cytologische untersuchungen an kern= und stein=- obstsorten. Der Zuchter. 1: 25-30e Ap.1929. Gel) Lg cle vee) ied Ee Pe356 Der Zuchter. (cont.) Rumker, K.von. Ludwig Wittmack [1839-1929 ] Der Zuchter. ls: 22-24, hoe wieeoe | nest. . Stubbe, H. Ueber die moglichkeiten der experimentellen erzeugung neuer pflanzenrassen durch dtnstliche auslosung von mutationen. Der Zuchter. 1s: 6—11. Ap.1929. Exper. State Publ. Carrick, D.B. The effect of freezing on the catalase activity of apple fruits. Cornell Agr. Exp. Stat. Mem. iaas 18 p. illus. Mr.1929. | Toatis, HB. C. Studies on the overwintering and modes of infection of the fire blight organism. Michigan Agr. Exp. Sue Tech. Bull, 97. 32 ps illus., plei-iis Veo. ISS) = Lantow, Jel. The poisoning of livestock by Drymaria pachy— phylla. New Mexico Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull.173. eS Die ILI GD IS Heads Clayton, E. E. Potato seed treatment experiments on Long Island with special reference to the organic mercury instant dips. New York Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull.564. 32). illus. MAUS) 5 Pukey, ti. Be Fruit regions and varieties of eastern New York. New York AZre Exp. State: Bull 563. 82 De jatalie rts). New Books, Bonnier, Ge Flore compléte illustrée en couleurs de France... Suisse et Belgique... t-l10 par R. Douin. fasc. 100, col.ple 595-600. [1929] Cockayne, Le & Turner, E.P. The trees of New Zealand. Wellington, 1928. (New Zealand state forest service) Alphabetical, illustrated descriptive list. Wells Rost. Dsoo6 New Books.(cont.) Hustedt, F. Die kieselalgen... lfg. 3. lLeigzig, 192%. (Dr. L. Rabenhorsts Kryptogamen-flora von Deutsc« - land, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VII. bd.) Kallenbach, F. Die réhrlinge (Boletaceae) lfg. 8. Leipzig, W. Klinkhardt, 1928 (Die pilze Mitteleuropas bd.1) Lemée, A. Dictionnaire descriptif synonomique des genres de plantes phanerogames. ve le Brest, 1929. Maiden, J.H. A critical revision of the genus Eucalyptus. Wes Diesel (pt.71) Sydney, 1929. Solereder, He. & Meyer, Fede Systematische anatomie der monokotyledonen. h.4, Farinosae. Berlin, Borntraeger, 1929. POTANY CURRENT LITERATURE LIBRARY! RECEIVED “Hr JUN 94 1929 »& Tif Department of Axrioulture ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTHA COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTO Rei. Ll. nos 12. May &7-June 8, 1929. Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. (Warszawa) Dziubaltowski, Ss. _ Etude phytosociologique du massif de Ste. Croix ite Wetamsdss Ou. Polon. Ved, nO.D.. 4c) D. 7 pl., xii tab., map. 1928 (Recd Je.1929) I. Les foréts de la partie centrale de la chaine principale et des montagnes: "Stawiana" et "Miejska". Skupienski, F. X. Badania bio-cytologiczne nad Didymium difforme. Czes¢ pierwsza. (Htude bio-cytologidue du Didy- mium difforme. Premiere partie). Acta Soc. Bot. Polon, 5: 255-336. PALUGe.3 Pubs Ria KV 1928. (pectaude.1929) no. 3. } Starmach, K. Wystepowanie stalego antocjanu w owocach De- caisnea fargesii i Fuchsia sp. (Das feste anthocyan Decaisnea- und Fuchsia-fruchten). Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 5: 246-254. illus. 1928 (Rec'd Je.1929) no.3. Tolpa, S. Z vadan nad wysokogorskiemi torfowiskami Czar- nohory. (Pollenanalytische untersuchungen tiber einige hochgelegene torfmoore in Czarnohora). Acta soe. Bots Polon. be eei=ae45. | iehas. 1929. (Reed Je.1929) no.3. Trea, J. Torfowisko w Wolbromiu. (Wyniki analizy py/- kowej). (Die pollenanalytische untersuchungen des torf- moores bei Wolbrom in Mittelpolen. Acta Soc. Bove. Polon. 5: S67%-6b1, pl. xix. 1928(Rec'd Je. 1939) no.3. Aer. Puertorriqueno (San Juan) Lopez Dominguez, F. A. " Bl mesaico en la cana de azucar. Agr. Puertor- rigueno. 7(8): 7-12, ($): 13-17. Ap.30, My.15, WEES Vill, nosi@, p.2. Sgric. Colon. (Firenze) © Nicastro} ¢. _ Il mate o te del Paraguay (Ilex paraguariensis poe) (cont. ) Agric. Colon, 25: 221-230. illus. ines IGS PASTA Sato 3) Analyst. (London) Ann. Bote Boda ASS. The natural occurrence of boron compounds in fruits ard vegetable products. Analyst. 54; 15- ee. Ja, 19295 no.6d4. Damm, J.%. & Bloxam, H.C.L. Boric acid in oranges. Analyst. 54: 38-29. Ja.1929. no.634. (London ) Ashby, E. The interaction of factors in the growth of Lemna III. The interrelationsnip of duration and intensity ot light. Ann. Bot. 43: 343-354. illus. pl. vii. Apatooo. no. 170. Bolton, E. On the cuticle of certain species of Neuropteris, Brongn. Ann. Bot. 44: 414-415. Ap.1929. no.170. Bowen, R. H. Notes on the chondriosome-like bodies in the cytoplasm of Equisetum. Ann. Bot. 43: 309-327. pl.v-vi. Ap. 1925. nowl70. Cartwright, K.St.G. A satisfactory method of staining fungal mycelium in wood sections. Ann. Bot. 43; 412-413. Ap. 1929. no.170. Duthie, A.V. The rethod of spore dispersal of three South African species of Isoetes. Ann, Bot. 48; 411 412. Ap. 1929. no.170. Emmett, A.M. An investigation of the changes which take place in the chemical composition of pears stored at different temperatures, with special reference to the pectic changes. Ann. Bot. 43: 269-308. illus. Ap. Goat HO. 1 Ole Vie dl Neste sped. Aon. Bot. (cont. ) Harvey, C.C. On the different degrees of parasitic activity shown dy various strains of Fusarium fructigenum. Ann. Bot. 43: 245-259. Ape t929).) | nos 17 0; Studies in the genus Fusarium VII. lang, W.H. On a variety of Scolopendrium vulgare that bears sporangia on the prothallus. Ann. Bot. 43; 355- o74, Piss plevati. Apelseg. no.170- Maskell, B.J. & Mason, 1.G. Studies on the transport of nitrogenous sub- stances in the cotton plant. I. Preliminary observa- tions on the downward transport of nitrogen in the stem. Ammen Boletos 2cOo-col. alilus. Ap.d92o. Hoe 7 Os Mitter, J.H. Saltation in the section discolor. Ann. Bot. 45; 379-410. PASS Gils Uke Ap.1929. no.170. Studies in the genus Fusarium. VII(i.e.VIII) Norman, A.G. The biological decomposition of pectin. Ann. Bore 425: 266-eeu0,. illus, © Ap.ige9. no.170. saxuon, W. T. Notes on conifers. I. The older fertile ovule of Saxezothaea. Ann. Bot. 46; 375-377. illus. Re.ige9. no. 170. Snow, R. The transmission of inhibition through dead stretches of stem. Ann. Bot. 43; 261-267. illus. Ap. 1o2S. no. 170. Experiments with Vicia faba. Su, M.T. & Ashby, E. Tie interaction of factors in the growth of Lemna. II. Technique for the estimation of dry weight. Ann. Bot. 43: 329-332. illus. Ap.1929. no.170. eee x. Vii; né,22, p.4; Ann. Ecole Nat. Agr. Montpelliér, Kulinwoltz=hordat, ¢. La phytosociologie vue par les praticiens. Ann. Ecole Nat. Agr, Montpellier. 19: 256-271. [1929 ] (Rec'd Je.1929) no.6. Ravaz, L. & Verge, G. L'excoriose. Ann, Ecole Nat. Agr. Montpellier. 19; 235-755. illus., col.pl, [1929] (Rec'd Je. IUSEAS))) irate Ann. Bryol. Allorge, P. Le Plagiochila tridenticulata (Hook. ) Dum. dans les Pyrenees basques. Anni Bryol. 2: 2-4. igege Dixon, H.N. On a small collection of mosses from the Seychelles. Anpma Bryol., 2: 5-9, IS) Fleischer, M. Die sporenkeimung und vegetative fortpflanzung der Ephemoropsis tjibodensis. Ann. Bryol. 2; li- 20. Sere) | Loao. Fleischer, M. Vikt. Ferd, Brotherus, 1849-1929. Ann, Bryol. ei! el 1929. Gar jeanne, A.J.M. Karyostrophe bei Hookerja lucens. Ann. Bryol. aueeo-o4. illus. 1929. Koppe, i. Das montane element in der moosflora von Schles- Wig-Holstein. Ann. Bryol. 2: 35-66. 192 ees ts Zur bryogeographie des Bayerischen waldes. Ann. Bryol. 2: 67-86. 1929. Sebitiner, Vi. Ueber epiphylle lebermoose aus Japan nebst einigen beobachtungen Uber rhizoiden, elateren und brutkorper. Ann. Bryol. 2: 87-106. illus. 206 VU wesley pes Ann. Bryol. (cont. ) Smirnova, Z.N. The distribution of Sphagnum contortum Schultz and Sphagnum quinquefarium (Lindb.) Warnst. in USS sists Ann. Breyow. 2s O76. “tins, (W928 Verdoorn, Fr. Revision der von Java and Sumatra angefthrten Frullaniaceae. Anne Bryols (22 W55-164.5 pigege Merdoorn, fa. V.Schiffner-— Expositio plantarum in itinere suo indoco annis 1893/94 suscepto collectarum speciminibusque exsiccatis distributarum, adjectis descriptionibus novarum. Series tertia (no.1473é- 2460). inne Bryolt 22 1i7-154. 1929). Frullania. Ann. Chim. Appl. (Roma) Padoa, M. & Vita, N. Sull'azione dell'ossido di carbonio sulle piante verdi, Ann. Chim. Appl. 19; 141-148. Ap. 1929. no.4. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math.-—Naturw. Kl. Hor der, K. Ueber sichtbare verdnderungen am lebenden proto- pliasten, hervorgerufen durch salze. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math.-Naturw. Kl. 65: 220-221. 1928. (Rec'd Je.1929) no.1/27. Wagner, R. Ueber die symmetrieverhaltnisse der rispen von Paulownia rehderiana Hand.-Maz. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math.-Naturw. Kl. 65: 226-230. 1928. (Rec'd Je.1929) Arch. de Bot. Caen, Mem. Litardiere, R.de. : Etude sociologiques sur les pelouses xero- philes calcaires du domaine Atlantique frangais. Arch. de Bot. Caen Mém. Yao, Noacs 47 p. [ 1929] Guillaumin, A. 2 Révision des euphorbiacées de la Nouvelle- Calédonie. rch. de Bot, Caen. Mem. v.2, no.d. 47 p. [1929] VLEY AO cle | pees Atti R.Acad, Naz. Lincei VI, Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. e. Nat. (Rome ) Ber Deut. Rivera, V. Cicatrizzazioni sperimentali di fusto di Ricinus communis, determinate da Pseudomonas fluorescens (Fltigze) Migula. Attva Re Aecad., Naz. lancer Vi, PemGnGi« sCie iS, Mat. 6 Nat. 9: 510-512. ‘pila. Miser pea eu | iO) iGr Bot. Ges. (Berlin) Beatus, R. Ueber die selbststerilita&t von Cardemine praten- sis. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 47: 189-199. Ap.25, Wao.) HO. . Czurda, V. Ueber pyrenoidverdnderungen bei der stadrxebildung in Spirogyrazellen. Ber, Deut. Bot. Ges. 474 ele ALetoy Apeco, 1929. no.d, Katz, N. Die zwillingsassoziationen und die homologen reihen in der phytosoziologie. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 47: 154-164, Ap.25, 1929. no.d, Kniep,. Hs Allomyces javanicus n.sp., ein anisogamer phycomycet mit planogameten, Ber, Deut. Bot. Ges. Me Weg-2is. illus; Ap-25,-1929. »o.3. Preiffer, H. Bemerkungen zur klassifikation zentripetaler wandverdickungen der pflanzenzelle. Ber. Deut. Botieicese (47: 141-155, Bp.ed, 1929. nod. Rappew, A. Kritisches zur assimilationsgleichung von J.C. Ghosh. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 47: 186-188. Ap.2od, US Ve SiS) aeleyarens Schiemann, H. Jytologische beitrage zur gattung Aegilops. III. mitt, Ber. Deut. Bot, Ges. 47; 164-181. illus. Divs Ap.25,1929. no.d. ror Vee noel, pen Ze Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. (Berlin) Asahina, Y. & Ihara, S. Ueber die konstitution der thamnolsdure I. Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. 62: 1196-1207. My.1929. ORO Untersuchungen tiber flechtenstoffe V. Meyer, K.H., Hopff, H. & Mark, H. Hin beitrag zur konstitution der st&rke. Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. 62e0 AOS— es) aathaiss Viger. W929. no. 5. Bolezni Rast. (Morbi Plant.) Leningrad. Bryzgalova, V.A. -.. Hinwirkung des rostpilzes P. suaveolens auf die entwicklung von Cirsium arvense. Bo lenzi Rast, (Morbi Plant.) Leningrad. 17; 101-118. 1929. no.3/4. Russian with German summary. ihabak: AL. »e. Materialien zur mykoflora des Terski kreises. Bolezgni Rast. (Morbi Plant.) Leningrad. 17: 157-208. gids. 1929. no.3/4. Russian with German summary and Latin diagnosis of new species. Rodogin, M.N. ».. Gloecsporium lagenarium (Pass.) Sacc. et Roum. Boleazni Rast. (Morbi Plant.) Leningrad. 17: 118-129. 1929. no.3/4. Russian. Biology of Gloeosporium lagenarium. Rodigin, M.N. «ee Ueber Fusarium reticulatum Mont. Bolezni Rast. (Morbi Plant.) Leningrad. 17: 154-156. 1929. no.3/4. Russian, Rodigin, M.N. ... Ueber Gloeosporium und Macrophoma auf cucurbitaceen,. Bolezni Rast. (Morbi Plant) Lenin- grad. 17; 153-154. 1929. no.3/4. Russian with Latin Diagnosis of new sp. (Macro- phoma sheldonii) Merl mole) reais Bolezni Rast. (Morbi Plant.) Leningrad. (Cont) Vein.) 25's Tie --- Methoden der phytopathologischen unter- suchung der pilzkrankheiten des waldes und des HoOlesvotis, Bolezni Rast. (Moxbi Plant.) Lenin- Seon iy tala 152. M29 ay MOS) 4. Russian with German summary. Boll. Teen. R, Ist. Sper. Tabacchi §cafati. Anastéegia, G.E. Origine e varieta di N.tabacum L. Boll. Veen. Rust oper. Tabacehni Scafati. 26: 5-8. pl.i- sini ga par oe he Ja.-F.—-Mr.1929. no.l. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. Emoto, Y. me ak of the literature on the Myxomycetes. Mr. 1929. no.o07. Emoto, Y. Hine liste der literatur tiber die myxobacterien. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 48; 229-232. ago. no.wOS. Emoto, Y. Ueber neue myxomyceten. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 42; 169-173. 1 pl. Mr.1929. no.507. Japanese with German résumé: p.172-173. Clasteroderma debaryianum var. imperatoria, n.vV., Diderma imperialis, n.sp. Ha iwar As 7. Genetic studies on the dominant white flower Ema biy ls nal. Bot. Meg. Tokyo. 438; 133- 145. iL ILOuS Mr.1929. no.507. Honda, M. Nuntia ad floram Japoniae II. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 43; 189-15, 4p.1929. no.508. Rhamnus costata var. nambuama n.v, Calamagros- tis masamunei, Arundinella riparia, n.sp., Paederia chinensis, f. microphylla n.?f. Kamo; (1. Binigs beobachtungen tiber die chromosomen von Asparagus officinalis L. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 48; 127-1838. illus. Mr.1929. no.o07. +: he La Pha j Voll, moles ao. oe Bot. Mag. Tokyo. (cont. ) | Kishinami, Y. Ueber die reizbewegungen der blumenkronen bei der gattung Gentiana. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 4d: 217-227. tS ADelded. NO. SOG, Japanese with German résumé: D.22/. Ohikn, kK, On the systematic importance of the spodograms of the leaves of the Bambuseaceae. VI. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 43; 193-205. Dllus. Ap.d92o, no.508. : Japanese. ‘ Satake, Y. Systematic importance of spodograms of leaves in the Urticales. I- Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 43; 206- “Mivpewtus, Ap.1929. no,o0e. Japanese. Tamiya, H. & Morita, S. Bibliographie von Aspergillus. 1729 bis 1928. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 43; 145-156, 179-189. Mr., Ap., 1929. no.507-508. Watanabe, A. & Tanaka, I. Notiz ueber eine myxobakterie. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 43: 227-228. 1pl. Ap.1929,. no.508. Yasuda, S. Physiological researches on the fertility in Petunia violacea. VI. Growth of the pollen tubes im the style. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 438: 156-169. mise re 1929. NO.O07 Japanese with English résumé; p.168-169. Bull. Agr. Res. Inst. Pusa. Kulkarni, R.K. & Khadilker, T.R. Studies in inheritance in cotton. The improve- ment of Dharwar American cotton by hybridization. Bull. Agr. Res. Inst. Pusa. 189. 83 p. Vid pil. 29279 Bull. Cl. Sci. Acad. Roy. Belge, (Bruxelles) E Martens, F. Etude expérimentale des chromosomes sporocy- taires dans le Tradescantia. Bull, Gil. Sex, Acad. Roy. Belg. V.15; 160-169. illus. 1929. no.d. Void nordic: pelos Bull. Dept. Agr. Canada, (Ottawa) Mounce, I. The biology of Fomes pinicola (Sw.) Cooke. Diseases of mize and notes on a parasitic maize weed in Kenya. Bull. Dept. Agr. Kenya. 20. 7 p. us. —deee(kec'd Je. 1929 ) Witchweed (Striga hermonthica) is the maize Bull. Dept, Agr. Canada. n.s., lll. 74 p. pl.i- ; Xe 1929, : Studies in forest pathology II. Bull. Dept. Agr. Kenya (Nairobi McDonald, J. ' weed. McDonald, J. Fungoid diseases of coffee in Kenya Colony. Bull. Dept. Agr.Kenya. 21. 24 p. illus. 1928(Rec'd Je.1929) Boll. Min, Agr, Ezypt. Techn. & Sci. Serv. Templeton, J. The branching of Egyptian cotton plants. Ball. Min. Agr. Beypt. Techn. & Sci. Serv. 87. Pees Pl. 1929. Bolt. NoY. Bot. Gard. Bedee, B.0. Report of the plant pathologist. Budi. NoY. Bot. Gard. 16: 373-375. 1929. no.50. In the Revort of the director of the garden Pot 923), Bull. Res, Dept. United Fruit Co. Hartman, A.N., Kieffer, A.R., Gorman, G.F. & Harvey, eee Banana root studies. Bull. Res. Dept. United PeMttCG. NO.t<, 9 Ds & pls §.1928 (Rec'd Ap. 1929) Mimeographed. Wolfson, A.M. Morphology of the banana, its structure and composi- tion. Bull. Res. Dept. United Fruit Co. no.6. Wipe vii pl. D.1928( Reed Ap.1929). iMimeographed. - NR US ale 12 iioia nual. Bull. Soc. Centr. For. Belgique. (Bruxelles) Ledoux, P. Documents et études de drymologie et de phytotechnologie. Bull. Soc. Centr. For. Bel- gique. 36;153-16°. Ap. Meee ilo en We Du progres des methodes phy togéographiques | i et de l'évolution de la cdrymologie pure et appliquée. Marchal, E. A propos de la "maladie de 1'orme"., Bull. Soc. Centr. Hor. Belgique. 36; 169-172. Apuloeo moma. Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol. (Paris) Bridel, M. & Grillon, §S. Sur le présence de notables quantités de mono- tropitoside dans le Gaultheria procumbens L. (plante entiere), appres dessiccation. Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol. 11: 466-474, Ap.1929. no.4. ® Compt, Rend. Acad. Agr. France. (Paris) Miege, E. FE Observations sur "l'empreinte" des glumes du : blé. Compt: Rend. Acad. Agr. France. 15: 618-622. . ie.) 10.1). Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. Becquerel, P. La vie latente des grains de pollen dans le vide a 271° C. au-dessous de zéro. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 188: 1808-1310. My.13, 1929. no.20. Bertzand, G. & Voronca-Spirt, Mlle. C. Le titane dans les plantes phanérogames. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 188; 1199-1202. Myjgeo., nol. 19). Genevois, L. Les variations de ltintensité respiratoire et de ltintensité de fermentation dans les tissus du pois. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 188: 1388-1340. My.22, 1929. no.2l. Lutz, L. Sur les ferments solubles sécrétés par les champignons hyménomycetes. Les alcaloides et la fonction anti-oxygene. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 188:1242-1344. My.ee,1929. no.el. le me. — ee lle Ue ye . . | \ t Voll noses pen Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. (cont.) Mangin, L. | Dr.Trabut] Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1838; 1193-1194, My.1929, AG’ JUS) 5 Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSR (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. URSS) Domin, K. Koeleriae gracilis varietas nova caucasica. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. URSS) 1929, A: 141-142. K.gracilis var. buschiana, K.caucasica (Trin. ) Dom. f. (an.var.?) leiophylla. Sochava, V.B. »-- Une nouvelle espece de Bromus —- Bromus vogulicus sp.n. Dokl, Akad. Nauk SSSR (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. USSR. ) 1929, A: 165-167. illus. TON ete Russian with Latin diagnosis. gnamenskii, I. About changes occurring in the cytological structure and some physiologic processes in the cells of Mnium cuspidatum under the influence of dehydration. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR (Compt. mend Acad. Sci. URSS) 1929, A; 143-146. no. 6. Empire Mark. Bd. [ Publ.] (London) Akenhead, D, Biticultural research. Empire Mark. Bd. peuple Ji, 70 p. N.ig28 (Ree'd My. 1929) Powell, C. H. Grapefruit culture in the British West Indies and British Honduras. Empire Mark, Bd. Publ. 13, 53 p. illus. D.192@6 (Rec'd My.1929) Flora. (Jena) Goebel, K. Archegoniatenstudien. XVII (bis) Roraimafarne. Kiora, 24: 1-87. illus. 1929, nos. Hymenophyllopsis dejecta n.g., n.sp., Pleuro- gramme luetzelburgiana, n.sp. Vertes) WOwnlc so Wels Flora. (cont. ) Hayata, B. Ueber die systematische bedeutung des stelaren systemes in den polypodiaceen. Flora. i124: 68= 62. illus., pl.i-ii. 1929. NOol. Kugler, H. Blutendkologische untersuchungen an Bryonia dioica Jacq. Flora. 124; 94-118. illus. 1929. Ole, ls Sommer, Be Ueber entwicklungshemmungen bei samenanlagene Florae 124: 63-93. SES a 1929. moje Floralia. (Assen, Netherlands) Kamerlivs, Z. Bestuiving na wegsnijden van den stempel. Floraliae 50: 330-331. illus. My.24,1929. nosle Schenk, Wade : 9 Ziekten van frambozen. Floralia. 5O: 324. ive 7, 929. nNOel0e a Forestry (Gt.Brit.) (London) Day, WR. ; . Damage by late frost on Douglas fir, Stika spruce,and other conifers. Forestry (Gt.Brit.) 2; 19-30. 1 pl. 1928 (Rec'd My.1929) noel. Forfschr.. Landw. (Vienna) Popavici-Lupa, T. Saugkraftuntersuchungen an weinreben. Fortschre ‘% Landwe 4: 310-313. My.15,1929. no.l0. 4 ' Gard. Chron. (London) a Comber, Jo Some perennial species of Lathyrus. Garde Chron, III, 85: 366. My.18,1929. no..2212. Darnell, A.W The genus Primula. (cont.) Gard. Chron. Hits Coe) S67 « My.18,1929. NOwclee “lara Ba ae no a ae p14. Gard. Chron. (cont. ) Edwards, A. Narcissus rupicola Duff. Gard. Chron. iby Sas Seo.) illus, My.11,1929, mno.2211, PETG. Ce Chile and the Andes. XI. Gard. Chron. Haw, Sic: Da Phe tulip. Gard. Chron. TII, 85: 363-364. Myst, £929. Nowell Abstract of a lecture delivered by Sir Daniel Hall, at the Royal Institution of Gt.Britain, My.3. Ward, Fake Mr. F. Kingdon Ward's tenth expedition in Asia. XX. (Some tree rhododendrons)-XXI. Gard, (Chron. fii, 85: 362-363, 380-381. illus. My.18,25, 1929. no eeole—Loe White, C.7. Jacaranda atrolilacina, n.Spe Gard. Chron. III, 85: 347-348, Tho key My.11,1929. no.cclle Worsley, Ae é Hippeastrum procerum. Gard. Chron. Iii, 85: 337-379. figs. Myecd,c1929, no.ceold. Gartenbeuwissensch., (Berlin) Bach, F. Kreugungsversuche mit weiszem winterkalvill. Eine neue apfelxenie. Gartenbauwissensch. 1; 615-618. My .4,1929. NOG. Lohwag, H. Hinige gewachschauspilze. Gartenbauwissensche 1: 619-623. illus. My.4,1929. no.6. Nebel, B. | fur cytologie von Malus und Vitis. Gartenbau- Wissensch, 1: 549-592. illus. My .4,1929. NOeSe Niethammer, A. Die charakteristik der lebenskaft verschiedenen samenmaterials auf chemischer, physikalischer und rechnerischer grundlage. Gartenbauwissensch. 1: 593-614. My.4,19°9. N06. Views, Ones Pele Gartenw. (Berlin) Algermissen, K. Usnulun als reigmittel. Gartenw. So°ucvo~ sh bobs UGS LUT? SESIZS) 3 Ms avos rei Oe Gassner, G. & Heuer, W. Fruhtreiben mittels cyancalcium. Gartenwe 33s 274-275, Mysk 7 eSe9. Nowe Ole. Gladiolus Rev. (Rochester, N.Y.) Lemoine, E. The hardy gladiolus hybrids. Gladiolus Rev. 6: 223-225. dikes aie niles) 5 Veeco A lecture delivered before the Royal Horticul- tural Society of London, England, September 9, 1890. Translated by H.C. Pety (Ohio). Prot, Alvin Casey Beal. Gladiolus Rev. 6: c27, 246. port. Ue Ie) N06. Hawaiian Plant. Rec. (Honolulu) Bell, A..F. A distribution chart of sugar cane diseases of the world. Hawaiian Plant. Rec. 33: 146-147. fold. babs APslIe9, NOsece Carpenter, C.W. Notes on Pythium root rot. Hawaiian Plant. Gee, 35: 155-169, iilus. | 4p,1929. nodZ. Martin, J.P. The germination of healthy and mosaic-affected cuttings selected from the same stool. Hawaiian Plant. Rece Bid ACA Apelor. | UOecs Helvetica Chim. Acta (Basel) Kuhn, Ro & Wiegand, W. Der farbstoff der judenkirschen (Physalis alkelen- gi und Physalis franchetti). Helvetica Chim. Acta. 12: 499-506. lpl. 199. ‘NOede Ueber konjugierte doppelbindungen IX. Horticulture. (Boston) Wilson, E.H. The f!Siterian" elm. Horticulture. 7: 283. illus. eA lL SSA NOeKe Ulmus pumila. Wield Hoes DeliG. Nir) a House & Gard. (Greenwich, Conn.) Durand 3 He ss Colorado alpines now available, House & Garde ba(B)2 108-109, 154, 156-158, 180, illus, Jee Teo. Nicolas, J.H. More notes on breeding new roses. House & Gard. 55(6): 100, 146. Je.1929, Wil son, Be igi- The noteworthy family of Enkianthus. House & Cord. G56 )2 64, 142, 180. wise VUewlacd. Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Prin. URSS) (Leningrad) Bobrov, E.G. eee Vegetationsskizze des stidwestlichen Ural- Bebietes. Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada SSSR (Bull. Jard. Pieerink URSS). . 262 41-74, 1929, no, 1/2, Russian with Herman summary. Kokina, §.1I. ... Hinwirkung des wassergehaltes im boden auf die intensitat der transpiration und der assimilation der pflanzen. Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada SSSR (Bull. Sard. Bot. Prin. URSS) 28: 184-214, 1929. mnoel/2. Russian with German summary. Komarov, V.eLe «+s. Corylus brevituba sp.novae Izv. Glavne Hot. Sada SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Prin. URSS) 28: pie-ei9, ) illus. 1929, nowi/es Russian with Latin diagnosis. Kukenthal, G. Eine neve Carex aus Buchara. Izv. Glavn. Bote Sada SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Prin URSS) 28: 220. eee al) Sn0w/ 2 C.pseudomacrogyna. Kuznetzov, N.I. eee A la mémoire de G.I. Tanfiliew. IZM. Glavn. Bot. Sada SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Prin.URSS) 26: b-ll. port. 1929. no.1/2. Russian with French résumé. Vell, noses) pall. Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Prin. URSS) (cont.) Pobedimova, 3.G. Hinwirkung der elektrischen beleuchtung auf die entwicklung der Stellaria media (L.) Cyr. Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada. SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Prin. ORISS) 282 75-Gtn0 aitas. 919290) mond 2. Russian with German summary. Schennikov, A.P. & Golubeva, MM. ees BEitrage zur geographie und oekologie der sphagnumarten in gouvernement Archangelks. Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Prin. URSS) BON 163-184. . 1929. Russian with German summary. Voronikhin, N.N. eee Materialien zum studium de algenvegetation in den seen der Kulundin Steppe. Izv. Glavn. Bote Bada Sosk (Bull. Jard., Bote URSS) 285 22-40.) | Gddues 4929, no.1/2. Russian with Germsn summary and Latin diagnosis of new species (Golexkinia parvula, Aphanocapsa Salina, Anabaena pseudovariabilia, Anabaenospis milleri, A. nadsonii). Voronikhin, N.N. & Khakhins, A.G. ses Zur biologie der salzseen in der Kulundin Steppe. Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada SSSR (Bull. gard. Bobs Prin. URSS) 28: 149-162, illus. || 1929. | newi/2s Russian with German summary and Latin diagnosis of new species (Dzensia (n.g.) salina, Oscillatoria dzeman-scr ) Zinserling, G.D. es. Vebexsicht der moorvegetation langs des mittelstroms der Petschora. Izve Gluvn. Bot. Sada SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Prin. URSS) 28: 95~ este ata LOLI. wiimote. Russian with German summary. Jahrb. Fiss. Bot. (Leipzig) Boysen-Jensen, P. & Muller, D. Die maximale ausbeute und der tagliche verlauf der kohlensaureassimilation. Jahrb. Wiss. Bote 70: 493-5026 illus. Ap.1929, NOe4te Boysen—-Jensen, P. & Muller, D. Ueber die kohlensaureassimilation bei Marchan— tia und Peltigera. Jahrb. Wisse Bot. 70: 508-511. Ap.1929. NOe4te =) an . 7 7 a Sm « we, , ‘ Z = . : Pe ‘ “ . Sa 5 a $5 es Se eae = i . pe ‘a . , 5 A ¢ Jha EAP a an : < - = \ ea ee ‘| Fg ee a = ots Eee mee col. hin, ' (a) Tween - > ate P aS hg * . i A ; = ms ca ae 7 . or ws y in — . * = => > ry ~ we ae t $e MiG tnt z af ue 3 5 . P 5 5 ile ¥ 1 . “ ae . a > 3 & FS A : sa . : . . . - 7Mue - ‘ a i ee * hee : : ‘Sa? S one Valin maetelos aloe Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. (cont. ) Meekawa, T. Widerstands- und selbstregulierungsvermogen gegen geschlechtsanderung bei handpflanzen und seine beziehung zur theorie der geschlechtsbe- stimmung. Jahrb. Wisse Bot. 70: 512-564. SLABS STOR ALIS. ater aceer Pohl, FF. Oeluberzuge verscheidener pflanzemorgane, be- sonders der blute. Zugleich ein betrag zur okolo- gischen blutenanatomie. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 70: DGO-G50~4 ) didaise 1Apel929. node Journ. Aer. Res. (Wash., D.C.) Collings, G.aNe, Plant, Lele & MeLane, J.W. Electric stimulation of plant growth. Journe Agr. Rese 38: 585-600. IS pe ths eras noell. Garber, R.J. & Hoover, M.M. Natural crossing between oat plants of hybrid origin. Journ. Agr. Res. 38:647-G48. Jeol, 1929. noell. Harris, JoAe, Harrison, GJ. & Lockwood, E.Ke A criterion of the differentiation of varieties or of experimental areas with respect to their capacity to produce seedling stands of cotton. Journ. Agre Res. 38: 601-621. Jeni, L929, Oreille Zenner, M.G. & Humphrey, H.Be Smuts and rusts produced in cereals by hypodex~ mic injection of inoculum. Journ. Agr. Res. 38: 622-627. illus. Jeet yloer. mell. Journ. Bot. (London) Bennett, A., Salmon, C.B. & Matthews, J.R. Second supplement to Watson's "Topographical botany." Journ. Bot. 67(suppl.): 1-8. My. OB 9e! BM Tots Exell, A.W. New and noteworthy species of Combretum from western tropical Africa (cont.) Journ. Bote 673; 139-145. My1929. no.797. NEG ILIEN Voatoy 4 aera hoya lke) Journ. Bot. (cont.) Lacaita, C.0. Duriaei iter asturicum botanicum. (cont.) Journ.e Bote 67: 151-154. My.1929. no.797. Moore, S. Notes on Jamaica plants. (cont. ) Journ, Bot. 67: 129-132, My 1929. Noe (Ie Novitates africanee (cont.) Journ. Bot. 67: 132-139. My.1929, ROIS PAS ie Wilmott, Aedis Annotationes systematicae I. Journ. Bote Ors LAO SO. 9) Miele Ol. < ore I. New primalas from Spain (P.hispanica, P.le- gionensis). Journe Dept. Agr. Victoria. (Melbourne ) HAUS y Ole Apricot scab or shot hole. A synopsis of three years! work on control conducted in the Goulburn Valley. Journ. Dept. Agr. Victoria, 27: 235-239. OGURA NO ote Journ. Hered. (Wash., D.C.) Landbouw.e Laibach, F. Ectogenesis in plants. Methods and genetic possibilitiesof propagating embryos otherwise dying in the seed. Journ. Hered. 20: 201-208. illuse My .1929, NO 0 de McClintock, B. A 2N-1 chromosomal chimera in maize. JOUImM. Hered. 202 els. LLlus. My 1929. NOede Wigaeos hile aS spec Pear growing with selected buds. Journ. Hered. 20: 213-217. illus. My.1929. no.d5. Tijdschr. Vereen. Landb. Nederl.—Indié. (Buitenzorg) Franssen, C.J.H. De teelt op Java van eenige gewassen behoorende tot het geslacht Allium. Landbouw. Tijdschr. Ve~ reen Lando. Nederl.-—Indie. 4; 567-602. Mrel929~. NOI. Viren Misti. p.cO0. Magyar Bot. Lape (Budapest) Aellen, FP. Chenopodium strictum Roth (1221), ein alterer name fur Chenopodium striatum (Kras.) Murr (1896). Magyar Bot. Lap. 27: 105-107. 1929. no.1/12. Becherer, A. Zar nomenklatur der gattung Aremonia. Magyar Bote ae) 27) loaves oe9)) | ne. / 12. Bihari 5. ole Neue Rumex-arten und bastarde. Magyar Bote laps (202 7Os66u) ypket-ive, L929," no.) ie. Bornmiller, J. zur flechtenflora Macedoniens. Magyar Bote liame le.) Co -1O4 eee) mont) te. Degen, AeVe A Rosa caesia Sn. és a Rosa rubrifolia Vill.~nak Bulgaridban valé eldfordulAsdrél. (Ueber das vorkom- men der Rosa caesia Sm. und der Rosa rubrifolia Vill. in Bulgarien). Magyar Bote Lape 27: 67-69. eZee mod) to. Boros, Ae ; A Pannonicum és Praeillyricum flore vidékek kape- solata. (Les rapports entre les territoires flor- aux Pannonicum et Praeillyricum). Magyar Bot. Lape Bie Olesos Waps | Ue) mow) ce French. Gayer, Ge Dendrologiai jegyzetek. (Dendrologische notizen). 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Rees ie hed n ‘ 7%, | eee ny oe cs at ili ~ : os. ae to 1 ae an ae i kh * te 1 cel : ‘Vie ho N s > 4 ea 5 . a. | Leth ahha Oi OAM J ee * ae wi . gine Saad 5 corte e erica “\y Coat ae ae rss aN 2) Ain gc * et ee eee ac vs i 8 ee 4 } , i ‘ f : Ls NN ia ol eek iy Vill, no.l4, p.30. Ucn Depu. Mer. Misc. Circ, Dewey, Le H. Remie, a fiber-yielding plant. UsS. Dept. Agrs Mise. Circ.110. eos eelosie. ) Miy OO U.S. Dept. Agr. Miscellaneous mimeographed publications. eiss, F. Hollyhock diseases. Washington, My.1929. Mimeogr. publ.Off.Hort. Crops & Dis., Bur. Plant Ind. U.S. Dept.Agr. Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Ztirich. Daniker, A.U. Die grundlagen zur dkologischen untersuchung der pflanzengesellschaften. Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zurich. 73: 392-484. 1928 (Rec'd Je.1929) nowd/4. Schinz, H. & Wolfer, A. Albert Thellung (1881-1928). Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Ztirich. 73: 558-580. 1928 (Rec'd Je.1929) no.3/4. Publikationen: p.566-580. 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Guiana. (Georgetown) HSS, 9» Se Historical cacao in British Guiana. Agr, Journe Britisoa Guiana. 23 76~78, pl.eve je.ce9. RO. Marty. Hilt piste ‘sete disease of cane, Agr. Journ. Brit. ee pe a Le Je.l929. NO. 2. Amer, Fruit Grov. Maz, (Chicago) SGINETESrNa A, | Wad s ‘Tastant vordeaux", a better copper spray. Amer, froit Grow. Mag. 493 5, 16-17. illus. ele Loses N07 ve : i ah 7 ‘ «ei, a ‘ The ho ‘ ; ts Cae ues iv ys _ = er) Mgt: Vell; A6il5) p.2. Amer, Journ. Bot. Amer, Nat. Arnold, Cs A. ; On the radial pitting in Callixylon. Amer. Journ. Bot. 16: 391~393. illus. Je.1929. NOebe Foster, A. S. Investigations on the morphology and comparative history of development of foliar organs. I. Amer. Journ. Bot. 16: 441~474, Jee Leo. NO. Ge I, The foliage leaves and cataphyllary struc- ae in the horsechestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum is Ditedis Gilbert, F. A. Spore germination in the myxomycetes: A compara~ tive study of spore germination by families. Amer, Journ. Bot. 16: 421-432, pl. xxxix. 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Pe pape ? ‘ FT: a a i li ys nein PS re a / bY Las f a = yea eas eae ya nie ate y r 5 i => WN, & r a pied a wtiee —s 7 & ‘ e ' we wh es . a2 . ~ a . . als . TH Seed ha ci . . i © ane . \ oat : ‘ a a ie CT Set ayer sh 2 ¥ - - o on “ . - 4 * ‘ - 5 ts yee 7" Ce a, ‘ Corn, Ber, SC Sees J ‘ " oF at > Bd E Marea sy) ke ey Mae he ay \ " ' C3 ' * oan aye OF, me af . i oe ay 3 is > ~ aa pa oS, ( Tat bali ‘* Viedsles a\ayad eae Dede _ Amer. Nat. (cont.) — Ann. Agr. Ann, Rep. Emerson, R. A. Genetic notes on hybrids of perennial teosinte and maize. Amer, Nat. 633 289-300. J1l./Ag. US ets) NO. 687. Imai, Y. & Tabuchi, K. Dominant mutations of the Japanese morning glory. Amer. Nat. 63: 362-366, illus. J1./Ag.1929. no, 687, Lindstrom, BE. W. Linkage of qualitative and quantitative genes in maize. Amer, Nat. 633 317-327. J1./Ag. 1929. no. 687. Exp. Stat. Chosen. (Suigen, Chosen, Japan) Misu, EH. & Shimohira, K. Chemical studies on Korean wild leguminous Plants, l. Ann, Agr. Exp. Stat. Chosen. 3: 243-259, Ag.1928 (Recd J1.1929) Japanese, with list of species in Latin. Wisconsin State Cranberry Grow. AssoCe Stevens, N. E. The false blossom situation in 1928, Ann. Rep. Wisconsin State Cranberry Grow. Assoc. 423 L721. 1929. Arb. Deut. Landw.-Ges. (Berlin) r Ket S&F Wehsarg, O. Die verbreitung und beka&émpfung der ackerunkrauter in Deutschland, vec, lfg.d. Eerbstzeitlose und weisser germer,. Arb. Deut. Landw.-Ges. no.d65. Poa tlic.) X is \ | 1929, Die bekSmpfung des unkrautes. 17 stiick. Arch. Bot. Sist., Fitogeogr. e Gen. (Forli) Béguinot, A. Tllustrazione delle filliti quaternarie dei travertini palermitani conservate nel Museo di geologia della R. Universit& di Palermo. Arch, Bot. Sistem, Fitogeogr. 6 Gen. 5: 142173. 1 LOLs DLs! t Tee 1929.) NOwee of 1 eae ne TR haa Me Pe tae) oy | Ret es) aeert ooka aac : . . i Day Mi Phd ee Sh Cay Shay Selita cata ae eit Vos Pie Beer aes a is : Z if 3 Pk eda aes : Sarno \ : yo! 1 | aA a Bra ois sXT4 ; iat tes) TEN i ee peo ms ee ky i aed gat a De pet Tass C¢ ba : ! Pay . a 5. tes Py Oa tp Tt) irre | Pe Ra unoey we ccna ere 4 A y ay 5 s! + OAR ine (CONC EY Ga OO eet et a ETM er EA. sagt gal pay se © ADSI 5. Sabah wth? a pe mC avert « 4 ns ‘+a n mee i | HORAK : me ies a Nes | Vee y. “ib cn ‘eile : Fike eet Pees: ee aia itehobe. ines adda mine sa Bid ™ ak eats! th ; NRL has on aa AS), ae io Lae gl’ 1) id © V8\ Vell, nesib: pits _ Arch. Bot. Sist., Fitogeogr. e Gen. (cont.) - Negodi, G. Studio monografico sulla Silene angustifolia {Mill.) Guss. con particolare riguardo alle forme italiane (concl.) Arch. Bot. Sistem. Fitogeogr. e Gen. 53: 111-141, Jee 1929. NOsk. Augu Aizsard. Inst. Darb. Parsk. (Rep. Latv. Inst. Plant Prot.) (Riga) Eglits, M. 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Forsch. 4; 111-126. ple xijij=xx, #71929. no. 1. H. panici-miliacei, H.yamadai, H. brizae, H. colcis, H.miyakei, H.zizaniae, new SDe English résumé of a paper "Nippon-san kwahonkwa shokubutu no Helminthosporiumby6é ni kwansuru ken- kyf" (Studies on the Helminthosporium diseases of Gramineae in Japan) publ. in "Tokubetu-hékoki (Special report of the Ohara institute) no.4, D.1928. afpihgecl Lees bal Pes Mint mee ee re Teer reg Pink % 8 ae wie By ts : PRL ay fy rhe Se atide ss “CO t¢ peo . . tee ye Botan ome ES . a OAR ini ARCANE ah & 7 ¢ ‘££ pf w ¥ : > o sat a f Paes). see y : ‘ . ‘ F : d om bi >. . ae : Ss j Yah ‘ : is Vd at x pww< rae ‘ k ; - t ge sf 2 = > 7 } o J ae . a > tc po ae = * ; e . 5 : 5) 4 ae _™ AS ky _ Pique Fe he ie he voy AAs ‘ cnr ve ry Tie pie o)\4 Wh ee rae j pat fa 7 SB Tiviters J os... oe tz Aby? wie mi =a ’ Pe mi dee taper es a? @ » ue aL cere eee Oh cme ae ree: : w™ i Pa Whale. \ dey Bastnet, eae ae ps a 1 aaa A s)) Wl a. Sy . ba a se 2 ep rt Vill, nosl5, ps5. 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[1928] (Rec'd J1.1929) © tadcasth Mic. tw 1 Ae y ‘ ; : J : Bh “Sl er : ‘4 oh ei ; hi were ‘Se * , hth 4) 4% Gita aa ayers ; Mr: MG a ga Ta rel - La ut OL a ee a hy hi Mae SO ty SU othe ¢1 oi al 2 id)» his pas hee tt: ih Neo i" febid Mie hg Ease IE aS parte Voll; no.15, psl9i Progr. Agr. & Vitic. (Mohtpellicr) Villedieu, Gi la vie intime du mildiou. Progr. Agr. & Vitic. 91: 600-602, Je.c0, 1929. Nosed. Protoplasma. (Leipzig) Hoagland, D.R. & Davis, A.R. The intake and accumulation of electrolytes by plant cells. Protoplasma. 6: 610-626. My. 12396 Ost. Rep. Director Vet. Educ. & Res. Dept.Agr. So. Africa. (Pretoria) Alexander, R. Lasiosiphon anthylloides as a poisonous plant. Rep. Director Vet. Educ. & Res. Dept. Agr. So. Africa, 13/14: 233-240, pl. I. 0.1928. noel. (Rec'd J1.1929) Curson, H.H. Some little known South African poisonous plants and their effects on stock. Rep. Director Vet.Hduc. & Res. Dept. Agr. So. Africa. 13/14: 205-229. plates 0.1928 (Rec'd J1.1929) no.1. Henrici, M. The phosphorus content of the grasses:of Bechuanaland in the course of their development. Rep. Director Vet. Educ. & Res. Dent. Agr. So. Africa. 13/14: 1077-1208. 0.1928 (Rec'd J1.1929) no.2. Henmaes., iM. The relations between the amount of carbohydrates in the leaves of Armoedsvlakte grasses and the meteorological factors. Rep. Director Vet. Hduc. & Res, Dept. Agr. So. Africa. 13/14: 1041-1074. O. 1928(Rec'd J1.1929) no.2. Steyn, D. G. Tulp poisoning. Rep. Director Vet. Educ. & Rese Dept,Agr. So. Africa. 13/14: 197-202. O. 1928 (Rec'd J1.1929) no.l. Species of Homeria and Moraea. ne Vit Ieee a fa f J NO mil an) “2 aari s : io A ab rg af? MATE ( t ial ‘ ° lau” 1 Lay : i] ? * ft ’ iy ‘ f ve OE jv RM ey Sa aie ae aie a i” ; ' eh ee SOC TEA LS Sk aE Hach wher it tang dete M iy et ae SO, =e d ‘ er fj 5 y yen oa jit aR j , | : Se se Lee & ‘ Mi us Ney ft ces BY he t a, A siege ge 8 Reka Zz 1 ad 1 ‘ « y : ae eta tt we UGK pehikay rns bee S pe. a c SNe i : er es ; Wry % ya Z ou ras Fadia | eRe LA ker vere cee : a al upes Ay ahs <) ae! CF] 1" r . , ' ne whi 3 Ap bite ¥ ai ae a ols wy Af. a * ¥ ’ Lal \ ‘ é : ae in ide Bibs $ ae © CR ha j ’ ' ¢ . - - a a . . ‘ , . i] . xy ‘ ' ' f A y 2 ah) hE Lae poe fi le) Seas MGs Saree « < 4 én r Py t , a pi. 4 ah ma : 1 t int Ae yes Ts Wk a ’ 7 “ F7 bd o v . * os 4 : TS cop) Eanes ‘ eal Crees cael , a: nN wat PR es aah ay is Volt nosts, pes Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. (Berlin) Aéllen, P. Beitrag zur systematik der Chenopodium—arten Amerikas, vorwiegend auf grund der sammlung des United States National Museum in Washington, D.C. II. Repert. Spec. Nove Fedde. 263; 119-160. My.31, 1929, no.709/717. Becherer, A. Zur nomenklatur zweier gramineen, Reperts Spec. Nov. Fedde. (Repert. Burop. &Med. 2, 29/32) eeri2si-eo2, My.di, 1929, no, 709/717. Oplismenus undulatifolius, Hierochloe odorata (Holeus odoratus) Borumiiller, J. Hin beitrag zur kenntnis der gattung Cousinia. XI. Cousinia falcinella Bornm. (spec.nov.) aus dem nordéstlichen Persien, typ einer neuen sektion Falcinel- lae. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. (Repert. Europ. & Med. 2%, 29 /32) 26; 178-179. My.31,1929. no.709/717. Brand, A. Decas specierum novarum. (cont.) Repert,. SpeCe Nov, Fedde. 26: 168-172. My 31, 1929. no.709/717. Henryettana, negene, with one sp., H mirabilis, new species in Amsinckia, Allocarya, Anoplocaryum, Hackelia, Lappula, Trigonotis, and Symplocos, Fedde, F, . Neve arten von Corydalis aus China, XV. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26:174-176. My.31, 1929. no.709/ 717. C.chelidonium, n.esp., C.delavayi stenophylla, C.delavayi euryphylla, n.var. Kranzlin, F. _ 4wei neve arten von Bulbonhyllun, Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde, 25: 172-174, My.d1, 1929. No.709/71%. B. superfluum, B.supervacaneum, nesp. Novak, F. Ae Dianthi fimbrdaati europaei. III. Repert. SpecCe Nov. Fedde. (Repert. Europ. & Med. 2, 29/32) 26: 219-228. My.31, 1929. no.709/717. ane oe ree ae by | V.1l, no.15, p. 2l. ‘Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. (cont.) ‘ Pieper, W. . Neue und noch nicht beschriebene arten der gat- tung Vitex aus Afrika. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26: 161-166, My.31, 1929. no.709/717. Padicer. Re Bemerkungen zur systematik der gattung Paspalum na Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. (Repert. Burop. & Med. 2, 29/32) 26: 228-231. My.31, 1929. no.709/ Rechinger, K.H.jr. Beitrage zur kenntnis von Rumex sekt. Lapathum. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. (Repert. Europ. & Med. 2, 29/32) 26: 177. My.3l, 1929. no.709/717. R.eaquitanicus,n.sp. Rechinger, K.H.jr. Hine neue hybride Saxifraga aus den Westkarpa-~ then. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. (Repert. Europ. & Med. 2, 29/32) 26: 233, My.31, 1929. no.709/717. Seandrosacea x perdurans (S.thrinax Rech.fil.) i Smirnow, P. A. 4 Euphorbia rossica P.Smirnow. Repert. SpeCe Nov. Fedde. (Repert. Europ. & Med. 2,29/32) 26: 233-234. My.3l, 1929. no.709/717. omith, Jed. Hine neue Trichoglottis. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26: 166-167. My.31, 1929. no.709/717. T.joiceyana, nesp. Sod, Revone Die mittel~ und stidosteuropaischen arten und for- men der gattung Rhinanthus und ihre verbreitung in Siidosteuropa. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. (Repert. Europe & Med. 2, 29/32) 26: 179-219. My.31, 1929. no. 709/717. a Urban, I. Sertum antillanum XXIX. Repert. Spec. Nove i Fedde. 26: 97-118. My.3l, 1929. no.709/717. a : 4 F bess yp Sars * ft A) Het @ eee a 9 . A yn py ei : 4 5 * Eyre UM ar uy. Op Sati gon ioe wee ou 4 Pas oy; eee? Reh yor ue. oan Solceibe! iad nea) a : VW te3 =) « % 4 s . Pe, et x - af es ’ yee. em 4 . > avd 4 At F £ Ais 3 ' “ « fs Te ee WOE ¢ 4 7. re) eat os «Oy CLG AS RECHE a RARE CES MRA Me eae ey RMN. a a ay ee V.1l, no.l5, pe 28. Exper. Stat. Publ. (cont.) Blake, M. A. Report of the Division of horticulture. Ann. Rep. New Jersey Agr. Exp. Stat. 1927/28, 49: 191- 239. plates, tables. 1928(Recd J1,1929) Resistance of peach varieties to bud killing, p-191-196; Twig growth relationships in peach and apple, p.196-197: Peach breeding, technical phase, by C.H. Connors, p.211-213; Strawberries apparently affected by a root disease, by J.H. Clark, p.22l; Germination of cyclamen seed, by C.H. Connors, pe2d0- Loee Martin, W. H. Report of the Department of plant pathology. Ann. Rep. New Jersey Agr, Exp. Stat. 1927/28, 49: 241-278, pl.,tables, diagrs. 1928 (Recd J1,1929) New Jersey plant diseases, p.241-253; Potato stud- ies in 1927, p.253-257; Sweet potato disease control studies, p.2o7-262; Apple scab studies in 1927, by W.H. Martin and B.S. Clark, p.262-267; Effect of soil reaction on Verticillium wilt of eggplant, by C.M. Haenseler, p.267-273; Reduction in yield of field peas due to root rot caused by Aphanomyces euteiches, by 0.M. Haenseler, p.273-275; Diseases of ornamental plants, by R.P. White, p.275-278. Van Eseltine, G, P. A preliminary study of the unicorn plants (Martyniaceae), New York Agr. Exp. Stat. Techn. Boll, 149, 41 p. illus.” Mr.1929(Rec'd Jl.) Probiscidea confusa, P.peruviana, P.sinaloen- sis N.spp.e; Ibicella gen.nov. Wells, B. W. , Research in botany. Ann. Rep. North Carolina Agr. Exp. Stat, 51(1927/28): 89-69. [1929] Division of plant pathology, §.G. Lehman in charge; Swect potato diseases, R.F. Poole in charge. Childs, L. The relation of wooly apnole aphis to perennial canker infection with other notes on the disease. Oregon Agr. Exp. Stat, Bull. 243. 31p. illus. My.1929 (Recd Jl.) 2h le Re F, o) w & Vell, noslS, p.2d. Exper. Stat. Publ. (cont.) Hartman, H., Childs, L. & Robinson, R.H. The occurrence and prevention of calyx injury in aoples from the Hood River Valley. Oregon Hen. Hg. stat, Bull, 242,26, [lips illus. My. 1929, Hansen, N. &. Experiments in plant heredity. South Dakota Aer, Exp.Stat. Bull.237. 24 p. Ap.1929(Rec'a Ji.) New Books. filian, HH. New Zealand trees and shrubs and how to identify them. Auckland, [etc.]| Whitcombe & Tombs ltd., (Ree'd J1.1929) Diguet, L. Les cactées utiles du Mexique. Paris.) 1928. (Archives d'histoire naturelle publ. par la Société nationale d'acclimatation de France, IV.) Hartmann, M. Verteilung, bestimmng und vererbung des ge- schlechts bei den protisten und thallophyten. Berlin, Borntraeger, 1929 (Handbuch der vererbungs— wissenschaft hrsg. von EH, Baur & M. Hartmann. bao (ite. 9) Lr. E) Internationale circumpacifische onderzoek-commis-— sie. Science in the Netherlands East Indies ... Hd. by L.M.R. Rutten. Amsterdam, Printed by De Bussy [19297 } ‘Lilienfeld, F. A. Vererbungsversuche mit schlitzblattrigen Ssippen von Malva parviflora I. Leipzig, Born- traeger, 1929 (Bibliotheca genetica hrsg. von Dr. B. Baur bd.13) I. Die lacinata-sippe. sah yD Sain { a « : * ‘; ! co. ea Eo Sie a Ty Bera ay 4 |< * hy ey ay. ; Sek: era plone: ; Pe ee | rt bia ae ee a 4S it a ij bie f Wiais Bos id, 0.30; New Books. (cont.) Nata; P. Memoria sull'agrume bizzarria ristampa integrale det testo ‘Latino con traduz, e note del dott. Attilio Ragionieri. Catania, F.Battiato, 1929. Die Pflanzenareale... 2. reihe, heft 4, karte 31-40. Jena, G. Fischer, 1929. Limpricht, W. Taccaceae; Huber, A. Veronica I.Die gruppe Leptandra und die sektionen Pseudolysi- machia und Veronicastrum. Robbins, W.J. & Rickett, HW. Botany, a textbook for college and university students. New York, D. Van Nostrand co., 1929. Seymour, A. B. Host index of the fungi of North America. Cam- bridge, Mass.,Harvard university press, 1929. Weaver, J.H. & Clements, F.H. Plant ccology. Ist ed. N.Y., McGraw-Hill poek co., 1929. Wilson, HE. H. China, mother of gardens. Boston, Stratford company, [1929] Reprints from Journals not yet rec'd Keller, P. Pollenanalytische untersuchungen an schweizer mooren and ihre florengeschichtliche deutung. Reprinted from Verdffentl. Geobotan. Inst. Rtbel, Zurich, heft 5. Bern, 1928 (Rec'd J1.1929) Pays Rees RECEIVED te AUG 2.0 1929 mol ANY CURRENT LITERATURE ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY, B, Department ef Agriculture COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT CF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGT Tea ae, Th, pe. aia) July 22 - Aug.3, 1929 Acta Univ. Iund. Blidning, C. Studien tber die florideenordnung Rhodymeniales. Neva Univ. lynd. n.t., ava. 2, bd.24, nr.d. 74 De illus. 1928(Rec'd J1.1929) Gertz, 0.D. Linné s&fsom cedidolog, en studie till cecidolo-— giens daldre historia. Meta, Unine unde (ime, avd, dct, mrss. lib p. (1928 (Rec'd J1. 1999) Heribdert Nilsson, N. Salix laurina. Die entwicklung und die lésung einer mehr als hundert jahrigen phylogenetischen streitfrage. Acta Univ. Iund. n.f., avd.2, bd.24, eee IO pe) itlnsi., plei-vidd, 1928 (Rec'd Jl. 1929) Kylin, He Entwicklungsgeschichtliche florideenstudien. Acta, Univ. Iund. n.f., avd.2, bd.24, nr.4. Led ipa illus. 1928 (Rec'd J1.1929) Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences, V, (1928) Rome » Anderson, T. Committee on hard seeds and broken seedlings. Actes Congr. Internat, Essais Semences. V.(1928) p.e2d9-258. wiltase, | woo. ‘Buchholz, Y. Bericht des vorsitzenden des ausschusses fur wassergehalts—bestimmung uber die arbeciten des ausschusses von 1924 bis ende 1927. Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences. V.(1928) p.291-333. illus. 129% Committee: Yngve Buchholz, Ed.Zaleski, E. Brown, S. Hammar, prof, Issatchenko. Buchinger, A. Der keimapparat mit glasstaben ("Glasrost") Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences V. (1828) p. 198-208. illus. 1929s eT A | aria is nh { Cm Pe Oy ore : » rs De Rg a “ek : fester st : ar ey A Ao " ay ae " ¥ " 4 i 7 ‘ ] » i a Ds | : Vey MOwwG, wD. Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences, ¥.(1928) {cont.) Chmelaf, F. Bestimmung der sortencchtheit durch den vege- fat ionsversuch. Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences. V.(1928) p.276-287, 1909. Dover, Ty Cs Sanitary condition of the seed and international analysis reports. Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences. V.(1928) p.137-151. 19099. Draghetti, A. Il contenuto in azoto delle cariossidi, quale mezzo di valutazione del loro grado di maturazione € di adattamento dei frumenti. Actes Congr. Inter- nat. Essais Semences. V. (1928) p+372-379. 1929. Hranek, Wad Observations with regard to the bibliography of germination of seed, Actes Congr. Internat. Essais. Semences. V.(1928) p.334-337, 1929, Gentner, G. Beitrage zu einer monographie der provenienzen der klee— und grassaaten. Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences. V.(1928) p.el03-125. 1929, rischy A, Soll die bezeichung "Agrostis stolonifera" fur im handel kursier ienden fioringrassamen benutzt werden? Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences. Mel22)) p.leoig6, | 1990. Isachenko, B, L, Berichte ... ueber die arbeiten der Abteilung fur samenprtifung (gegr.1877) des Botanischen havptgartens in Leningrad. Actes Congr. Internat, Essais Semences, V. (1928) 9. 384-404,. 1929, Meige, E. A propos de la maturité physiologique des se~ mences. Actes Congr. Internat, Essais Semences. V.(1928) ».288-299, i929. nae tan aaa x Be cL ae Nie toby WO Cho. Deo. Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences. V(1928) (cont.) Munerati, 0. Nuovi metodi per controllare il potere germi- nativo dei semi prima della germinazione reale. Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences. V.(1928) p-220-L222.4 Wey) Munerati, 0. | Possibilit& di wna verifica preventiva della tendenza della barbabietala a salire in seme il primo anno attravérso saggi inverneali. Acta Congr. Internat. Hssais. Semences. V. (1928) p.cl6— 219. TESTIS Pepe we) i, Concentration des ions d'hydrogéne et action de l'eau chaude sur les caryopses du blé. Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences V.(1928) p.128. IBS eT Pepris Le Sur la faculté germinative des semences pota- geres. Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semenccs. Ne 198 et py 26—-127. 1922's Stahévitch, B. Y. & Koulechoff, N. N. Observations biologiques sur le développement de la cuscute dans les champs. Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences. V.(1928) n.350-366. 1929. Todaro, F. Semi duri e semi rotti. Actes Congr. In- ternat. Essais Semences ¥.(1928) .338-340. aS PAIE Witte, H. On broken growths of leguminous plants, their causes, judgement and value. Actes Congr. In- ternat. Essais Semences. V.(1928) p.267-275. COM. Die’ 1929.6 Zaleski, H. Statistische bewertung vergleichender keimungs-— versuche der Internationalen vereinigung fur samen- kontrolle. Actes Congr. Internat. Essais Semences. Wett928). p.152-197. fold. tables. 1929. bal Ga wavelaa gerne aN lagi OL Re te F Fi Phan a a ‘aT fy eR WS BS mass Conk panty, ae ( Say ; ney» Veo. a id rt ya ab th: ve Via “ oe ' «i 4 PR eset Mie te tf Mi Nast Oi4 2 2 ton the - 5 iT at ¢ se 7 8 f , ie iV J i 7 ’ ’ t t 4 s " \ 4 i vie t ; ‘ rey aoe ] . h i 7 L as ‘% Vy . " * vi 7 Mae : “ C eh yee f i if ’ 4d “ * re : oe 7 ' re de ow \ y nay M ‘ f ak ri, eS ea her , aif “ah ul aes a Wel | mePle, pet. Agr. Gaz.N.S.W. (Sydney) Broadfoot, H. 600l storage of fruit. Aer. Gaz. N.S.W. 40; 409-417. Je.l, 1929. no.6. Diseases, &c., of fruit in storage: p.417. Darnell-Smith, G. P. Infection experiments with spores of blue mould disease of tobacco. Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. 40: 407- 408. Sele) LSTES) Pe pelol aise McCleery, F.C. Ixanthema of citrus in New South Wales. Aer. Gaz. N.S.W. 40: 397-406. illus. JG A Sis) no.6. Amer. Midl. Nat. (Notre Dame, Ind.) Black, M. Equisetites in position of growth in the Sundance limestone. Amer. Midl. Nat. ll: 584-541. illus. 2) Pile Hie 20. me. 0. Ann. Jard.Bot.Buitenzoreg. Danser, B. H. Ueber die Niederlandisch-Indischen Stachytarpheta- arten and ihre bastarde, nebst betrachtungen tber die begrenzung der arten im allgemeinen. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. 40: 1-44. Testes) ple steer iC col.) 1929. Funke 9 Ge ting Hinige bemerkangen Uber das wachstum und die wurzelbildung bei Syngonium podophylluna. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. 40: 75-86. Die XLS) LD: Funke, G. L. On the biology and anatomy of some tropical leaf joints. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. 40: 45-74. Die xia. |(2 col.). 1929. Janse, J.M, A natural system of classification of monstrosi- ties. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. 40: 87-138. ee Verdoorn, F. Hinige morphologische notizen uber Frullania. He frullaniaceis VI. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. 40: 139-145. illus. 1929.6 ' ie pies i! ” Pars AR " 1 » i ‘ or , mi + l ps i teh ' ; ea " an a thie . r Mt . Vv f af f i ; i i / y : - j a ar Mee, ie ae ae t i" ‘ y te ? i mn 6 be 1 7} ; 1 ~ af i , J ’ Filed ey : £ ie ee Lt ye t fe i ‘ Pat ; ‘ J ( ii j va . a ’ WW t Ln at , 4 i ( 7 + st ¥ ‘ i a { ‘ hs | nt des J rn - ' rhe it a hay a ‘ oo Pe 1 he Be eas si ; : ca f , i ‘ » tyme 4 wits rl rs) Vell, nosl6, p.0. Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille. Baudon, A. Contribution a l'étude des plantes oléagineuses de l'Afrique equatoriale. Ann. Mus. Colon. Mar- SCHEME Men LVeivay) fase. ls) Do p. 1929 (Rec'd Jl.) Ann. Mycol. (Berlin) Blochwitz, A. Die aspergillaceen. Ann. Mycol. e273; 185— 204. job) aeseave UST) no.e3/4. Blochwitz, A. Die gattung Aspergillus. Ann. Mycol. 27: 205-240. illus. pl. iii. 1929. no.3/4. Ciferri, R. & Redaella, PF. Studies on the Torulopsidaceae, A trial general systematic classification of the asporigenous ferments. Ann. Mycol. 27: 243-295, pl. iv-vi. 1929, no.3/4. Dodge, C. W. The higher Plectascales. Ann. Mycol. 27: 145- fe. illus. pl. i-ii. 1929. no.d/4- Including families Trichocomaceae, with one genus, Trichocoma, and Hlaphomycetaceae. Poeverlein, H. Urooyxis, eine fur Hurona neue Uredineen-gattung. Ann. Mycol. ev; 241-242. 1929. no.d/4. Ann. Tecn. Agr. (Rome) Conti, Ge Sulla funzione delle reste nei grani duri. Ann. Tecn. Agr. 1: 419-422. O..1928 (Rec'd Jl. 1929) no.4. La Rotonda,C. Germinibilita e concentrazione idrogenionica. Ann. Tecn. Agr, 1: 63-87. tables, diagrams. J1.1928 (Rec'd Jl. 1929) no.l. Legeieri, L. la incompatibilita colturale del trifoglio in- earnato in successione col sorgo sottile (Holcus exiguus Forsk.) Annee ween. Aer. 91: 1462152. 0.1928 (Rec'd J1.1929) no.2. yb ig i nh ; ‘oe 4 ay APH: Ted) i Ali ohoeg Pi _ ; " . Whe bliyy MOttlis),: pie’. Ann. Teen. Agr. (cont.) Manaresi, A. Alcune osservazioni intorno ai "“soggetti" pit usati in Italia per l'innesto dei susini. Ann. Tecn. Agr. 1; 88-110. Jl. 1928 (Rec'd J1.1929) no. l. Manaresi, A. Ancora intorno ad un nuovo processo per otte-— nere piantine di pesco innestate. Ann. Tech. Aer, 1: 432-448. fold.table. 0.1928 (Rec'd J1.1929) no.4. Petri; Le L'ionizzazione dell! aria e l'accrescimento delle piante. Aiain Peete met. | di Leo). Ui, 1 92e)(Reetd 31.1929) no.1, Savastano, L. Nuove direttive arboree. Anvig WECM e Acie li BlG-e265, “0. 1928 (Rec'd J1.1929) no.2, Vivarelli, L. Studio biometrico su l'olivo d'Andria o di S.,Agostino. Ann. Teen. Agr. 1: 461-468. pl. oe 0.1928 (Rec'd J1.1929) no.4,. Vivoli, G. Gli anticrittogamici contro la carie ed il car- bone dei cereali dal punto di vista deila loro in- fluenza sul potere germinativo delle cariossidi. Ann. Tecn. Agr. 1: 469-493. 0.1928 (Rec'd Jl. 1929) no.4. Ann. Rep. State Hort. Soc. Michigan, (Lansing) Cardinell, H. A. Is spray service advice worth while? Ann. Rep. State Hort. Soc. Michigan. 58(1928): 52-55. 1SI2R 15 wardanell. Hs A. Using dust to aid application timing. Ann. Rep. State Hort. Soc. 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Victoria. 27; 221-320. dissns< We,l929, Mo.56 tf 7 ry | ce . | he ‘ ag SAL UR ok wall , J . y aw) a Or soe aprires i u wheat Age iNd bee 4 45 i ME amiss 9 ‘ oe r Sh) Gee core h gt ai ee ‘ F; ‘efit 4 ‘; : Paste Se b& Weddin ne.b6, 7126. For. (Wash., D.C.) "Rees; lL. W. Growth studies in forest trees. Picea rubra Link. » dourn. For, 27: 684-405. pi. Ap. 1929 (Rec'd Jl.) no.4. ; Linn. Soc. Bot. (London) Good, R. d'o. The taxonomy and geography of the Sino~Himalayan genus Cremanthodium Benth. Journ. Lan. OCs Otc 48; 259-316. pl1.9-13. Je,l4, 1929. no.de2. Prankerd, T.L. Studies in the geotropism of Pteridophyta IV. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 48: 317-336. pl.14-15. Hiegta, L9e9. no. Ger. iv. On specificity in graviperception. - Nat. Inst. Agr. Bot. (Cambridge) Hawkes, F. C. Varieties of cereals for spring sowing. JOUrN« Nat. Inst. Agr. Bot. 2: 132-141. 1929. NOs. Hawices, Fs C. 7 Varieties of cereals for autumn sowing. Journe Ver, inst. Agr. Bot. Aes Lee 0e NOs. - N.Y. Bot.Gard. Gleason, H. A. 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Acad, Sci, PS Gl Lik Nau USES alo ler Visi nowl6,! pedi. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot.Ser. Howe, M.A. Two new species of Chara from tropical America. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot.Ser. 4: 159-161. Piso mvs Jle.5, 1929. Kenoyer, L. A. & Standley, P.C. Supplement to the flora of Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Publ. Field ifus. Nat. Hist. Bot.Ser. 4; 143-158. pl. xi-xv. ibe Si INSTA alone Macbride, J. F. Spermatophytes, mostly Peruvian, from the Captain Marshall Field expeditions to Peru. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot.Ser. Ae UG5=U9S. dle, 1929. no... 1. The status of Rynchospora. Some Peruvian sedges; 2. New capers from Peru; 3. Some Peruvian Annonaceae with a new Guatteria; 4. New and renamed Peruvian melastomes; 5. Variants of Ostrya and Texas Tephrosia. 1.] Leeds Univ. & the Yorkshire Council. Agr. Educ. DUET, Sis Sprain or internal rust spot of potatoes. [Publ.] Leeds Univ. & the Yorkshire Council Agr. Educ. no.160. 24 p. illus. 1929). Bacterium rubefaciens. 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Einige eigentumlichkeiten der blattform bei : Dipteris und bei andern noch lebenden oder fossilen a pflanzen. Rec. Trav. Bot. Néerl. 25: 241-292. ince. Spl. 1929. no.3/4. a Uittien, H. 9 Ueber den zusammenhang zwischen blattnervatur und sprossverzveigung. Rec. Trav. Bot. Néerl. Pomveoe-Aes.) iliug., Spl. (@ fold.) 1929. no.3/4. . Agriculteurs France. Cuvillier, La cercosporiose de la betterave. Rev. Agriculteurs France. 61(6bis): 72-77. Je. 1929. Bot. Appl. (Paris) Beauverie, J. Un nouvel aspect de la question de 1'inmunité Chez les plantes. La production d'anticorps de la nature des précipitines. (concl.) Rev. Bot. Appl. ge S70 1—377 « Je.1929. no.94. \ Chevalier, A, Les caesalpinia's & gousses tanniféres. (concl.) Dufrénoy, J. & Hédin, L. La mosaique des feuilles du manioc au Cameroun. | Rey. Bot. Appl. 9: 361-365. pl xii. Je.1l929. node Frangois, M.T. Etudes chimiques sur deux aspéces peu connues d'Arachides et sur une variété microsperme de 1! Arachis hypogaea. Rev. Bot. Appl. 9: 357-361. Je.1929. no.94. A.Rasteiro, A.Nambiquarae, and A. prostrata. Kopp, A. La multiplication des hévéas sélectionés (concl.) Rev. Bot. Appl. 9: 382-391. Je.1929. no.94. ; ve aad Aco avg mnie ¢ : rf 3 nS et 5 Z : ( Moga - ARs ee ts i ‘ ; 4 y , ‘ , ay ; i : ‘ Ek Au +} rhe / ' ‘ 7 . \ hy . ‘ e . ae ; i i = . 3 > a a - 7 ’ feng, oe = mf ; rs SAL) ete om te I a ihe? 1 ; f a4 i ad 3s a eS : Spee ae 63 ee wa cas A he 1 on cy pin he aud ay ) ah ai Leia oh BQt } i ne oa AP We wey f Pa bars a ae ee ~ Vi neslG), pigs. Bryol. (Caen) Bauer, HE, Musci alegrénses récoltés par Hd.-M. Reineck et M.-J. Czermack en 1897-1899, Rev. Bryol. Mes. 2: 44-46, Je.l5, 1929, nol. Brotherus, V.F. ; Muse¢a novi asiatici. Rev. Bryol. NeSs 23 dG ple is Mew ony oae a) hmOrwl ie Hasson. Hel. Critical mosses. Rev. Bryol. nes. e: 21-29. Pee ee 29S NOe de Nicolas, G. Observations sur un endophyte de Lunularia cru- ciata (L.) Dwnortier. Ses relations avec une pézize, Humaria Nicolai R.Maire. Reve BryOl. “NeSs, vce Cote mo tios,y, Je.15,1929. nosl. Thériot, Ie Une poignée de mousses cambodgiennes. Rev. Bryol. Ne Se os I= ZO}, TSA Hee slIeo. NOwle Varde, R.P.de.la. Additions a la flore. Se pstlostque de Normandie, bomeepryol. Hess 23 BO-64.. Je.l5,1929. nol. Verdoorn, ¥. Les lejeunéacées de la Belgique et du Luxembourg. Hew.e Bryol, eS, 2: 41-43, fete, AUS ATR AAS IP Savors a Eaux et For. (Paris) Flaugére, A. Plantes exotiques et arboretums dans les Cévennes méridionales, Historique et résultats des Premiers essais. Rev. Haux et For. 673 379-388. atlus. Je.l929. noeG. jort. Organ Soc. Hort. Roumania. (Bucurest) Georgescu, M.M. Plantele ornamentale salbatice. Rev. Hort. Organ Soc. Hort. Roumania. 73 293-296. illus. eis 1929, . no. 776 SEER AAS anh a gin - or . 36 age mp EV i is | oy Sh et. eee: z Ja Lt fxd i a pis : Mb: ‘a “3, + ny F ; - pe" ens * : ‘ = vero My : 7 s S ee ae b RS Eh - <, ~~ f J , d n . a : Pm: ‘id . + a r ar ae . Pe oy. me ct 3 ' eA A j (eg ‘ia a nt, a Nee Da ia . ~ sag if ET Ves Wold: no.l6, p.34. , (Boston) Benke, H. C. Notes on fall-flowering plants of the central Mississippi River valley. Rhodora. Sl: 145-151, BtelGaos NO. d0ds Fernald, M.L. Coptis trifolia and its eastern American re- presentative. Rhodorae Sl: 166-142. dJl.1929. no.d67. C.groenlandica n.comb. (Anemone groenlandica Oeder) Stebbins, G.L.jr. Lomatogonium rotatum Gis) Fries in Maine. HOdoOra. Gilt. 143. ale, LO2Z9. NOsGO 7s Stebbins, Gl. jr. Some interesting plants from Mt.Katandin. Rhodora. 31: 142-143. J1.1929. no.367. Svenson, H.K. Monographic studies in the genus Eleocharis, Rhodora. $l: 121-135, 152-163. pl.188. Jl., Ag. iyede RO, 607, G68. Weatherby, C. A. Two variants of Ranunculus recurvatus. Rhodora. nik Geskoslov. Akad. Zem¥d. (Praha) gence a Lesni typy v rdmci nageho lesniho geobotanického prozkumu a jejich vztah k lesnictvi. Waldtypen im rah- men unserer forstwirtschaftlichen geobotanischen durchforschung und deren bezgiehungen zur forstwirt-— schaft. Sbornik Ueskoslov. Akad. Zem¥d. 4:229-284. aos). OES) NO ses Polish with German summary: p.275-284. Vukolov, V.A. O volyembryonii u lipnic (Poa)... Polyembryony in blue grasses (Poa sp.) Sbornik Geskoslov. Akad. Memed, 4; 192-218, illus. 1 pl. 1929. no.2. Polish with English summary: p.217-218. ope git Neselayy Moe Gs D.5Ds se. (Lancaster, Pa.) MiseeyiGel. G& borutr, Cs S. The effect of X-rays on bacteria. Science. Me Os (40D. elas) Sa AUS BSS) ei aalloys duShORyr Deuber, C.G. & Bowen, P.R. Chemical treatment to shorten the rest period of sugar maple trees. Science. Os OZ. Uiezey 1929. no.1804. Scient. Month. (Lancaster, Pa.) es Harshberger, J. W. Facilities in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru 4 for botanical investigation and travel. Sscient. a Mombits 22: 144-153. illus. Ag.1929. nod. Me Frican Gard. (Johannesburg) a Belus,,. Ls a Gladiolus veginatus, Bolus. f. var. fergusoniae, L.Bolus. Montbretiopsis florentiae, L.Bolus (= Gladiolus florentiae, Marl.) So.African Gard. USM alsys nis. JLILI290. mo. 7s Bolus, Ji. Two stone-dwellers, Didwvmaotus lapidiformis, N. H.Br., Argeta petrensis, N.E.Br. So.African Peon pole idins, (i e@ol.) Jl. 1929. now. Marloth, R. A handsome Aloe from the Little Karoo. So. African Gard. Poe elon ei.) aL LuS. eb eo wh) lO A.tmuirii. fal Crops. (Skaneateles, N.Y.) Sievers, A.F. Peppermint and spearmint as farm crops. Special Crops. 28: 173-176. J1.1929. no.de3. enta. (Leeuwarden) Diuursma], G.D. Hen vergeten cactus? (Opuntia pusilla S.D.) Succulenta. Aa. alos. Ils L923. “Nos 1. ie Lidslkr Afzelius, K. Sur deux convolvuilecées nouvelles de Madogascar. Ewensk Bot. Tidekr. 24: 179-186. illus. 1929, oe é MOecs Pentacrostigma n.gen., P.enyctanthum; Porana Parvifolia, n.sp. a Vote mosh.) as Bb. sk Bot. Tidskr. (cont.) Birger, Se In memoriam. Johan August Holm. Svensk. Bot. Tidiskr. 245: 286-288. port. 1929. now. Hiiasson, A. G. Svampar fran Halland. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. Boe coo-e40~. 1929. Now. Hylander, N. Diasporenabtrennung und diasporentransport. Be-— merkungen zur verbreitungsokologischen terminologie. Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 23: 184-218. 1929. NO eke Johansson, NV. Rhytmische schwankungen in der aktivitat der mikroorganismen des bodens. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 25: 241-260. aS 6 WI29! NOwsc. Ljungqvist, JH. Vegetationsbilder fran Mastermyr III. Svensk, Bot. Tidskr. 23: 219-222. ae abescy MES PASI O WN okey Soderberg, BE. Bemerkungen zur nomenklatur der parthenogene- tischen Erigeron-arten. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 25% feci—eoe, 1929, now. Westfeldt, G.A. Bidrag till Boras-traktens flora. Svensk Bot. US) COs LOG-2O9. L929, Now. s. & Proc. New Zeal. Inst. (Wellington, N.Z.) Laing, R.M. & Gourlay, H.W. The New Zealand species of Gigartina. Trans. & Proc. New Zeal. Inst. 60: 102-135. i Aacions Dleo-kS. Mr.1929. no. 1. Tropenpfl. (Berlin) a Tobler, F. Zikaden als schadlinge des henequen. Tropenpfl. $2: 203-259. illus. Je.1929. no.6. Agr. (Ceylon) (Peradeniya) ; moylor, R. As A note on brown bast. Trop. Agr. 72: 323-336. Je.1929. no.6. i 2 VF, Se hare yi J ne Vell, no.16, p.37. Véstnik eskosl. Akad. Zem&d. (Praha) Mact. Nat. Baulowexy,” F. Ochrana zemedélstvi proti skodam koufovym a jinym imisim v prdvu éeskoslovenském. Schutz der landwirtschaft gegen rauchschaden und andere im— mMissionen nach dem Cs. rechte. Véstnik Ceskosl.- Neade Zemed., 5s 54l-545. de,/J1,1929. no.6/7. Czechoslovakian with German summary: p.044-545. Macku, J. 0 vlivu n&kterych iontt na vzrust nmoty rost— linné a tvorbu tcinnych ldtek u lécivych rostlin. Ltinfluence de plusieurs ions sur la formation des substances actiyes chez les plantes médicinales. II. Véstnik Géskosl. Akad. Zeméd. 5: 557-558. Je./J1.1929, no.6/7. Lobelia inflata. Czechoslovakian with French summary: p.558. Vincent, G. Rozbory SiSek jehlitnanu. Analysen der konifer- enzapfen. Véstnik Ceskosl. Akad. Zemed. 5: 590- 595. Je./J1.1929. no.6/7. Czechoslovakian with German summary: p.594~595. Vincent, G. Vlastnosti tukfi rigné star¥ch semen jehliénant. Veranderung der fette der reservestotfe wahrend der samenaufbewahrung. Vestnik Ceskosl. Akad. Zeméd. 5; 595-597. Je./J1.1929. no.6/7. Czechoslovakian with German summary: ~.597. Vodrazka, 0. Vyzkumy dreva v ultrafialovém svetle. Cast II (Holzuntersuchungen iichirarigleplichit. Ll. veil. Das holg der Robinie, des Gotterbaumes und des Sumach). Vestnik Ceskogsl. Akad. Zeméd. 5; 586—- mes) Je./J1,1929, no.6/?. Czechoslovakian with German summary: p.588-590. (Melbourne) Coleman, EH. Pollination of Cryptostylis subulata (Labill.) Reichb. Viet. Wat. AGG Ge- » x m i . ee % i 3 = cee ie oe a fo 4k i v ‘ale i a ~ < 2 } . ia, 3 = 3 7 ‘ mi a x . %, I ava by r x _ - ie | reg yA: ; ‘) Xe - H _* | ~ a ° eo iH ; Lag rate He Ey: i ‘iets wiaein a 2 Vs1l, no.16, p.38; A Vinha Portug., (Lisbon) Jeitschr. Zeitschr. Zeitschr. Bensaude, M, QO mildio das laranjeiras e dos limoeiros. A Yinhea Portug. 38(448): 3-5. illus. F.1929. (Rec'd Jl.) no.448. Carvalho e Vasconcelos,J. de. Plantas*fanerogamicas venenosas da flora por- tuguesa. A Vinha Portug. 38(449/450); 20-23. illus. Mr./Ap.1929 (Rec'd Jl.) no.449/450. PflanzenernShr. Ding. u. Bodenk. A. Wiss. Teil. (Leipzig) Bobko, E.W. & Popowa, R.A. Beitrage zur frage tiber die durre— und kalte~ resistenz der pflanzen. Zeitschr. Pflanzenernahr. Dung. u. Bodenk. A.Wiss.Teil. 14: 24-37, 1929. now/2. Niethammer, A. Die grundlagen flilr chemische reizwirkungen an hoheren’ pflanzen. Zeitschr. Pflanzenernahr. Ding. u. Bodenk. A.Wiss.Teil. 14: 162-169. Boia ieee Pflanzenkr. (Stuttgart) Minch, E. Ueber einige grundbegriffe der phytopathologie. Zeitschr., Pflanzenkr. Oot areseco, Jl. L92I. “Moser. Reinmuath, HE. Der kartoffelnematode (Heterodera schachtii Schm.) Beitrage zur biologie und bek&mpfung. Zeit— schr. Pflanzenkr. Sonnets 7 On) lis, ai leloets NOs ve. Pflanzenzucht. (Berlin) Gieseke, A. Untersuchungen uber das verhalten von winter- weizen bei ktinstlicher infektion mit steinbrand (Tilletia tritici) Zeitschr. Pflanzenzucht. 14; 311-363. illus, Heme els| NOs. mnocr.: Ce Untersuchungen uber das verhalten von sommer- weizen-sorten und bastardierungen bei kunstlicher infektion mit steinbrand (Tilletia tritici) Zeitschr. Pflanzenzucht. 14; 261-310. Je.1929. nod. i MOL UGS Dido. Zeitschr. Pflanzenzucht. (cont.) Mreice, Se Versuch einer verfolgung der vegetativen ver- erbung einiger beim hopfen wirtschaftlich wichtiger eigenschaften. Zeitschr. Pflanzenzucht. 143 401-410. See IIs NOs Zeitschr. Pilzk. (Leipzig) Kallenbach, F. Vom erlen-griibling [Gyrodon lividus Sacc. ex Bull, | Zeitschr. Pilzk. 13(n.s.8): 90-96. Bem (a suse oe.) MOGs Killermann, S. Theodor Holmsixiold. Zerpscun.s Pilg, Uatnede)is C2264, Jerse’, 1929. now. Pieschel, E. Bemerkungen zu einigen pilzfunden aus Sachsen, Brandenburg, und Nordbdhmen,. Zeitsehr. Pilzk. Tanes.6)s 84-90, Je.27, 1929. no.6. Svoll;: FE. Hin never tintenpilz. Zeitschr, Pilzk. eis) Slee. pl.7-9. (li cel.) Je.27, 1929. NOs 0% Coprinus dunarum n.sp. Der Zuchter. (Berlin) Kappert, H. Die erblichkeitsverhéltnisse der ztfchterisch wichtigen eigenschaften der gartenerbse. Der Zuchter. 1; 79-86. dJde.l929. no.3. Lochow, F.von. _ twas tier forstpflanzenstchtung. Der Zuchter., ls 73-79, MUG Adie Ope. | Oe. Pileaut, M. Altes und neves zu beizfragen, speziell der rubensaat. Der Zuchter. il: 92-100. illus. ee Lee || DOeSie Phe NWR ets J + Seba ete! Mr Ws Wed. no.l6, 1.40, ‘Exper. Stat. Publ. Morgan, M.F., Anderson, P.J. & Dorsey, H. Soil reaction and liming as factors in tobacco production in Connecticut. Connecticut Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull, 306, p.773-806. iss Ap.1929 (Rec'd Jl.) Thompson, H. C. Premature seeding of celery. Cornell Agr. Hm. steve, Bull, 480, BOMB pals. My.1929. Brooks, A.N., Watson, J.R. & Mowry, H. Strawberries in Florida; culture, diseases and insects. Florida Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull.d04. p.481-523. illus. My.1929 (Rec'd Jl.) Strawberry diseases, p.499-512. Anthracnose, crimps, root rot, fertilizer burn, root knot, leaf spot, leaf scorch, leaf blight, mildew, leaks or whiskers, brown rot or gray mold, light tan rot, hard brown rot. : Campbell, R. C. | Cotton fiber studies. Georgia Agr. Exp. Stat. Boi vos. LOD. allus, Je.1929, | Woodroof, J. G. The Young dewberry. Georgia Agr. Exp. Stat. Ome 65, 6 ps illus. Je.l929. Hawaii, Agricultural experiment station. REDOED ve ae Wedess Bo De ides, Sep loed's Summary of investigations, J.M. Westgate; Horti- cultural division (mangoes, avocados, Macadamia nut. dates, breadfruit, coffee), W.T. Pope; Agronomy division (ginger, cassava, taro, etc.) H.L. Uhung; Chemical division (edible canna investigations), J. GC. Ripperton & C. Richter. Boswell, V. R. Factors influencing yield and quality of peas. Biophysical and biochemical studies. Maryland gor. Exp, Stat. Bull. 206, p. 341-382, Mr. 1929 (Rec'd J1.) mranklin, Hed. The cranberry station (in Bienn. Rep.1926/27- 1927/28). Mass. Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull,a47: 312 ol6. ¥,1929 (Rec'd Jl.) Cranberry disease work, Weather observations with reference to frost protection, The relationship of weather to cranberry production. eats Si SY ee , nA Metre. U6.,, Di. 4s, er, Stat. Publ. (cont.) Osmun, A.V. Department of botany (in Bienn. Rep 1926/27- 1927/28). Mass. Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 247: 306- mee aliins. “ W.1989 (Ree!d Jl.) Doran, W.l. Tobacco diseases, Downy mildew of cucumber and lettuce; Guba, E.F. Control of diseases of greenhouse vegetables, Carnation blight, Eggplant wilt; Jones, L.H. Hradication of nematodes and para- sitic fungi in greenhouse soils, The rest period of gladiolus; Davis, W.H. Fungous parasites of grasses, A leaf-spot of Chinese cabbage, caused by an Alter- naria. Swartwout, H. G. Blackberries, raspberries, and dewberries. Missouri Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 265. 31 p. illus. Jas 1929 e Diseases: p.28-31. Crown gall and anthracnose of raspberries; orange rust more common on blackberries. Wiggin, W. W. Gladiolus varieties. Ohio Agr. Exp. Stat. Bimo. Bull. 1929(139): 130-136. illus. J1l.-Ag.1929. Mangelsdorf, P. C. Corn varieties in Texas; their regional and seasonal adaptation. Texas Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. Beye. -74 p. illus. Je.1929. Schafer, E.G., Lee, 0.C. & Neller, J.R. Hradicating the bindweed with sodium chlorate. Washinston Azr.‘Exp. Stat. Bull.235. 16 p. illus. Je.1929,- : ate Publications. he sClerge, E.L. Neck rot of onions. Coloredo Agr. Coll. Extens. Serv. Bul.1.301-A,. UG Pe asus. Jl. Heo. Le Clerg, E.L. Pink-root of onions. Colorado Agr. Coll. Extens. Serv. Circ. 57. [3] p. Ja.1929 (Rec'd Jl.) ty ag New Books. a V.1l1, no.l6, p.42. Woodard, J.S. . Pecan growing in Texas. Bull. Texas Dept. Vere 16,95. dea p. ilius. Mr.1929 (Rec'd J1.) "Diseases of the pecan" by J.M. Del Curto: p.154-166. Chambers, E.L. Division of insect and plant disease control (Bien. Rep. Wisc. Dept.Agr. 1927-28). Bull. Wisc. Dept. Agr. 98: 81-126. dime. Deol loco. (Rec'd J1.1929) Nursery inspection; Plant quarantine and special regulations; The raspberry mosaic situation; Gladiolus diseases, N.F. Thompson; Narcissus bulb inspection; Cranberry insect and disease control, H.F. Bain; White pine blister rust control, H.J. Ninman; Tobacco wildfire, J. Johnson; Progress in barberry eradication, R.M. Caldwell. Fultz, FM. Lily, iris, and orchid of Southern California. Gardena, Calif., Spanish American institute press, 1978 6 Geiser, S.%7. Naturalists of the frontier, I. Jacob Boll. 1929. Gilkey, H.M. A spring flora of northwestern Oregon. ([n.p., 1929 | Hees, fF. & Hill, T.o-G. An introduction to the chemistry of plant products Vol. II. Metabolic processes. 2d ed. London, New York, Toronto, Longmans, Green and co., 1929. Herrington, A. The chrysanthemum... Rev.ed. NeY., Orange Judd pubs, CO., LO2I. Insect pests and diseases; p.1lé2-154. i i, a Ceol ‘ f * YW penn hy: Ns ; i ae asthma v ; ht mee ; ~ a 4 $3 ' > ise ae 4 sh Ae : * ‘e a 121 i “ « t \ t 7 it ) A / ; , 4 a ‘ @ = a iat . j is i date IP) \ ) i eg ot J ae | 5 COA ar Re ‘ 4 a?) ae bers > y Tage ha Viragh: ’ no.l6, p43. iekrvNOVv,, Ls Flora zapadnoi Sibiri ... pt.l-2. [Tomsk] 1927-28 (Rec'd J1.1929) i. Pteridophyta-Hydrocharitaceae; ii. Gra- mineaée hoperts, HB. fF. Plant hybridization before Mendel. Prince- ton, Princeton university press. La Roumanie agricole. [Bucuresti, Tipografia Ueueovina! J.H, Toroutiil 1929, finculesco, P.Lle sol et la végétation sponta- née de Roumanie, p.25-50; Petrini, E.Les paturages et les prairies de Roumanie, p.119-158; Saulesco, N. Liamélioration des plantes agricoles en Roumanie, p.305-387, Royal horticultural society, London. Classified list of caffodil names. With parti- culars of the Society's classification of daffodils and arrangements for the registration of daffodil names. London,1929,. ~ ' Y y Pha ! P i . j n al t t \ = = oS . 5 ] 1 i yh he eres) ting : 3 se ; ) A! ‘ ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU CF PLANT INDUST LIBRARY] aD RECEIVE S CURRENT LITERATURE: COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTO. ESE eae rele ee ee ee Moa Jl, noe 17. August3-17,1929. Agric, Colon. (Firenze) Agre GAZ. Nicastro, C. Il mate o té del Paraquay. (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil) (cont.) Agric. Colon. 23: 324-3234. illus. wie 1929. NOs Ve N. S. We (Sydney) McCleery 9 F. OC. Control of exanthema of citrus in New South Wales. Ager. Gaz. N. S. We 40: 523-534, ARIS, Joie se NOa7e Pridhanm, Je De, Dwyer, Re Ee ielets and Hurst, Re Control of flag smut of wheat by resistant varieties. Aste Gaze Ne Se We 402 520-522. Jl.1,1929. noe7. Wet, Journ, India. (Calcutta) Bose, R. D. The Indian oat and the error in its identification. Agr, Journ, India 24: 169-174, pl.xiv-xv. My.1929. WdOletoie Avena sterilis. 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(Berlin) Bremer, He , Die abhangigkeit der zuckerrtibenkeimung von der temperatur. Angew. Bot. lilsll2-115, diagr. Mei /ip. 1929. noe2. Fichte, BE. Struckturveranderungen am toten holze durch technische einflusse und ihre sichtbarmachung durch farbungen, Angew. Bot. 11:77112, pl.l+2(col.) Mr./Ap.1929, no.2e Klinkowski, Me Fichtelgebirgshafer und v. Lochows gelbhafer, Hin physiologischer vergleich, Angew. Bot. ll: 127-190, illus. Mr./Ap. 1929, no.2. Winkelman, A. Infektionsversuche mit Helminthosporium gramineum. Angew. Bot. 11: 120-125, Mr./Ap.1929. now. On barley. Wollenweber, H. W. Chinosol gegan schadliche pilze. Angew. Bot. Ill: 116-120. Mre/dp.1929. nod. 4nn. Rep. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. (Wash.) Densmore, F. Uses of plants by the Chippewa Indians. Amn. Rep. Bur. Amer. Ethnol, (1926/27) 44:275-397. pl. e8~63. 1928(Rectd J1.1929) Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Jamaica mitbo, WN, Ee Ve Plant diseases in Jamaica in 1928. Report of the government microbiologist. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Jamaica, 1928: 17-20, USS ay Ge setae sabi | beh fd kre yest LN) terse BS i: nary pest heecycticot: SHAT Sais. vg nae : oe Rio May Pets yale ee $ = ny ) eas a Kh tt Rak oe - a : ae es : 3 ; ' - 4 nine obs tales ; Pa 16 Os Ae 4 ot ie pokdoeenige i a 7 oat ranean 2 pint wom. So is Mertmiaanst Sri’ Ais spores Wee ACR eA Ee as ; oy ? ‘ 45h 5 heehee d, Tenet ' ism CS MRIS) A oe Oe ea Ad ; ee Se ‘ ¥ * a! nae ies a _ ® , ~ ¢ ‘ ; ‘ e ef ; tae 5 Ofiiaeae Gea Rh eet hae. i ae aid tbat Tm RNP ArorRTe Wied, CV 05 TT)” came sho aerate on nr | Pa er tt | ih , Vol. ll, noel7, pede Ann. Rep. Oregon State Hort. Soce Ames, Se Spraying for walnut blight. Ann. Rep. Oregon State Hort. Soc. 19(1927): 181-184, [19287] (Rec'd In 13th annual meeting of the Western nut growers association. Brierley, P. Lily diseases. Ann. Rep. Oregon State Hort. S0Ce 19(1927): 217-220. [19287] (Rectd Ag,1929) i In lst anmal meeting of Oregon lily growers asso- ciation. Childs, Le Perennial canker of applese Ann. Rep. Oregon State Hort. Soc. 19(1927): 108-115. [19287] (Rec'd Ag.1929) Fisher, D. Fe Storage rots and their control. Ann. Rep. Oregon State Hort. Soce 19(1927):87%95. [19287] (Rectd Ag.1929) Arch. de Bot. Caen Mém. Liou, Te Htudes sur la géographie botanique des Caussese Arch. de Bote Caen, Méme Ved, NOele 2o0Pe aalaleaiesas 15 pl., tables, diagrs. 1929, Arch, Rubbercult. Nederl.-Ind. (Batavia, Java) Frey, A. Microscopisch onderzoek naar het voorkomen van harsen in de latex van Hevea, (Microscopic investi- gations on the occurrence of resins in Hevea-latex),. Arch. Rubbercult. Nederl.-Ind. 13: 371-391. illus. dewiecoe.) NOs. English abstract: p. 392-412, Austral. For, Journ. rentrold, A. Re Bucalyptus. The essence of Australia. Austral. For, Journ, le: 40-45, Jeel929. NOsde Welch, Me Be Some destructive agencies in building timberse Austral. For. Journ. 12: 47-53. Jeel929. MNOere Decay, pe51-53. Volell, now1l7, pet. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt. I (Dresden) Gordiagin, A. Ueber die winterliche transpiration einiger holzgewachse Ostrusslandse Beih. Bote Centralbl. Abt. T. 46: 93-318. Jewgl929. noel. Sigmond, H. Ueber das aufbluhen von Hedera helix L, und die beeinflussung dieses vorganges durch das licht. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt. I, 46:368+-92. diagr. JEo1929, NOele Sigmond, He Vergleichende untersuchungen uber die anatomie und morphologie von bliitenknospenverschltissen. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt. I, 46: 1-67, illuse Jeel929. NOele Beih. Bot. Centrakbl. Abt. IIe (Dresden) Anders, Je Erklarungen zu den Icones von Fe Arnold. Beih. Bote Centralbl. Abt. II, 45:541~562, Je.l929. NO ede Klika, J. Hin beitrag zur geobotanischen durchforschung des steppengebiétes im Dohmischen mittelgebirge. Beih. Bote Centralble Abte ii, 45 495-5396 plev, diagrs. Je.1929,. noede Kretschmer, G. Vegetationsstudien in katalanischen vorpyrenden am Monsech und an der Sierra de Beaumort. Beihe Bote Centralbl. Abt. II, 45: 397-494, illus. Je W929. NOede Beitr. Geobot. Landesaufnahme, Pflanzengeogr. Komm, Schweiz Naturf. Ges. (Bern) Brockmann-Jerosch, He Die vegetation der Schweiz. 3. Die winderverhalt- nisse, Beitr. Geobot,. Landesaufnahme, Pflanzengeogr, Komm, Schweiz, Naturf. Ges. 12, lfge 4. pe385-499§ Mr.1,1929, Better Flow. (North Portland, Ore.) Ingram, D. C. Oregon's own primula. Better Flow. Augel929. Deve Ls. Primila cusickiana. rey, Vests NOL, Dae Better Homes & Gard. (Des Moines, fa. ) Windsor, R. HE. Making cutflowers last longer. Better Homes Prcasdsr(lO)je w4.45, allus, Jesl929, nol. La Betterave. (Paris) Decoux, Le Les causes de variation de la reaction du sol en relation avec la betterave a sucree La Bet= terave 39(20): 713. J1.15,1929. no.20. Biol. Gen. (Vienna) Bol. Agr. Bol. Agr. Himmelbaur, W., and Walter, A. Die biochemische wertigkeit von bastardauf-— spaktungen des Rheum palmatum. Biol. Gen. 5: 317 Home selus. “(plelG—25 (3 col.) ‘1929. noe S#o Paulo Amaral , Ae ies doe Crotelaria juncea — seu aproveitamento como planta productora de fibra e adubo verde. Bol. Aer, SHo Paulo 30:106-110. Ja./F.e1929 (Recta hen) ino. 1) ae Hoehne, F. Ce Os vegetaes na therapeutica. Bol. Agre Sao Paulo 30: 92-105, illus. Ja./F.1929. (Rectd Ag.) Os L/2e y Cam. Guatemala Bardales, Me Ae Notas sobre el cultivo. del aguacate. (concl.) Bol. Apr. y Came Guatemala 8: 207-210. Myel92o. NO De Bryologist (Pittsburg) Brinkman, Ae He Hepatics and sites: A.short study in the ecology of hepatics, Bryologist 32: 29-30. Mre1929. (Rec'd Are) nose Cheney, Le Se Notes on interesting Wisconsin mosses, II. Bryologist 32:3 25-28. Mr.1929 (Rec'd Age) Nnodwsee Frye, me Ce . The genus Pleurozium. Bryologist d2:3le Mr.1929 (Rectd Ag.) noel. hooky, i any yo My ©) Ne) ee eee q a Wa nae Oe? s Pebe Bryologist. (cont.) . Parlin, J.C. Some bryological notes from Maine. Bryologist 323 Se~54 6 Mr,1929 (Rectd Age) NO eKe Trotter, Le Be C, Encalypta streptocarpa Hedw.e, with gemmae. Bryologist 32: 35-37. ilpl.e Mr.1929 (Rec'd Ag.) NOece Bull. Dept. Agr. Canada (Ottawa) Preston, I. Herbaceous perennials with lists of varieties for special purposes and districts. Bulle Dept. Agr. Canada nes., 11d. 70 pe Liliws. ISS) Bull. Dept. Agr. Gold Coast (Accra) Bunting, HeH. Cocaa diseases prescribed by the Plants (injur- ious pests) ordinance. Bull. Devt. Agr. Gold Coast Perso pe alis.., LS Colle pl» Apsl9c7 (Reatd Ag.1929) Bull. Illinois Nat. Hist. Surv. Miller, Re Be & Tehon, Le Re The native and naturalized trees of Illinois. Bul. Illinois Nat. Hist. Surv. 18: 1329, illus. 1929, NOele "Keys to the trees for the four seasons", by William Trelease, p.15~22, Bull. Misc. Inform, Kewe (London) Becker, We Violae asiaticae novae.e Full. Misc. Inform; Kew 19293200203, ISS), NOa Ge Chipp, Te F. The Imatong mountains, Sudan. Bull. Misc. In» form, Kew 1929: 177-197, plevili-xie map. 1929. NOs Ge musener, Cs Be iG. Contributions to the flora of Burma, VII.e Bull. Misce Inform. Kew 1929: 204-207. 1929. no.6e Sprague, T. A., and Sandwith, N. Y. Sphaeralcea creeana,. Bull. Misc, Inform Kew 1929: 202=204. 9295 NO Gs Whyte, R. 0. } Researches on Silene maritima and S. vulgaris. IV. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1929: 197-200g. 1929. noebs Me sea noel’, Deve Bulle Misce Inform. Kew. (cont. ) Wright, C. He Pees LOoULs Braputes.s Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1929: 208, 1929. N10 0 be Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. Techn. Sere Allen, W. HE. Surface catches of marine diatoms and dinofla~ gellates made by U. S. S. "Pioneer" in Alaskan waters in 1924. Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. Techn. Sere 2: 139-153, diagre, map 1929, N0Oede Pull. forr. Club Brown, Cre AY : Notes on -dgundinaria. Bull. Torre Club 4563 615-318, Je@.el929. N0o6e Johansen, D. ih Studies on the morphology of Onagraceae. I- Bull, Torr. Club 56: 285-098, illus. pl.il. JOelG2G. NOebe I. The megagametophyte of Hartmannia tetraptera, Levine, Me A comparison of the behavior of crown gall and cancer pransplants. Bull. Torr, Club 563 292314. pl.12-13, Je0,1 9296 NO abe Mowery, May Development of the pollen grain and the embryo sac of Agropyron repens. Bull, Torr. Club 0563 519~32A46 pl.14—15, Jee.l929. NOe Ge Calif, Grow. (San Francisco) Bonnet, Le. The color in grapes, Calif. Grow. 1(2): le, Age1929, NOs Candollea (Genéve) Briquet, Je Auguste Guinet, 1846-1928, Notice biographique. Candollea 3:481489. port. 1929(je.) Publications botaniques de A. Guinet: p.486-489, Briquet, ve Rapport sur Lactivité au Conservatoire et au Jardin botaniques de Genéve pendant les années 1926, 1927 et 1928, Candollea 3:491-530. 1929. ~ ‘ “Wey rade ie reo sah, Bh ro Ea PV NOSL?.) Pee, Gandollea (cont.) | Hayek, A. von Petite contribution & la flore de France. Candollea 3: 477-480. 1929 (N.1928) Hochreutiner, Be Pe Ge Humbertiella, un genre nouveau de malvacées de Madagascar. Candollea @: 1-4. plies 1929(Je. 1926). H. Quararibeoides. Hochreutiner, Be. Pe Ge Monographie des Dombeya de Madagascar. Candollea 3: 5=120, 1929(J1.1923). Hochreutiner, Be. Pe. Ge Noté sur les Centaurium d! Australie. Candollea 3: 467-471, 1929) (S. 1928) Ce pulchellum var. Muekleri, mn. comb., C. spicatum var.pseudocaspicum and var, racemosum, new varieties. Hochreutiner, Be Pe Ge Sterculiacées nouvelles de l'therbier Perrier de la Bathie. Candollea 3: 141-150. 1929 (0.1926). Saint-Yves, Ae Contribution a l'étude des Festuca (subgen.Zu- Festuca) de 1'amerique du Bud. Candollea 3: 151- 315, illus. 1929 (Mr.1927). Saint-Yves, A. Contribution a l'étude des Festuca (subgen, Bue Festuca) de l'Crient, Asie et région méditerranéenne voisine, Candollea 3:321—466. illus, 1929. (N. 1928). Schischkin, B. Diagnoses specierum novarum generis Gypsophila Le Candollea 3: 473-476. 1929 (0. 1928) . Schonland, S. Note sur le genre Dasystemon. Candollea 3: 319 D. calycimum A. Pe. DCe appears to be merely a form of Orassula scabrella with abnormal inflorescences Schroeder, Le Je Data of certain American Piperaceae. Candollea 33: 121-140. 1929 (§.1926). fb 1 + a ‘ Se ; i ne =o eye Fy ok Cea, cu “DAR ' ae i, ANE bg ateot 5 i ¥ ] ; / ft \ 4 f 1 . mw} mae if ‘ é Y ai ; ; Ki bi d TE chs uted tae aT ee ‘ 2 , eee Pres i J a + " a) REPT tis sae Ry ua any Th hep ork nat Ae fet a6 x M Pf RE OA ha! ae Wig alc WO” 5 Pee Gandollea (cont.) Wilczek, E. Un nouveau Knautia helvétique. Candollea 3: 490. 1929 (N. 1928). Ke silvatica var. briquetiana. Maneker, je Ge Cuscutarum novarum descriptiones. Candollea 3s: ©. stuckertiil, C. cucullata. China Journ. (Shanghai) Skvortzkow, Be We Freshwater diatoms from Amoy, South China. China Topas cota | lL pl, § JSilelS29, NOele Compt. Rend. Acad, Agr. France (Paris) Ghimpu, V. Orges diploides et tétraploides,. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France 15: 818-821. Jl.1929. noe. Miége 5 Be Morphologie du rachis des Triticum cultivés. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France 15: 804-808 J1.1929. NO ecee Compt. Rend. Acads Sci. Paris Carpentier, f. dur les frucitifications du Rhodea geutbieri Ettingshausen spe Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 189; 260-261. J1.29,1929. nod. owe tot. A. Sur ltorigine infectieuse des microorganismes des aphides, Compt. Rende Acad.e Scie Paris 189: 210-213. didas.e dlecc,1929, noste Symbiosis of a bacillus and an unidentified aphid of the strawberry, also with Aphis mali, ap- pears to be infectious. Contr. Dudley Herb. Stanford Univ. Abrams, Le, and Bacigalupi, R. A new genus of the saxifrage family. Contre Dudley Herb. Stanford Univ. 1: 95-96. pl.5 (figel) Mye20, 1929, NOede Bensonia ne gene with 1 spe B. oreganae Applegate, E. I. Iwo new Downingias from Oregon. Contr. Dudley Herb, Stanford Univ. 1:.97-98. ple5-Ge Myec0d, 1929. NOede D. yina and D. sikota n.espp. 4! rage} Vall, TAG gli is peld; Contr. Dudley Herb. Stanford Univ. (cont. ) Wiggins, I. L. Four new plamts from San Diego county, Califor- Niade Contr. Dudley Herb. Stanford Univ. 1: 99-102. pl.7-9. My .20,1929, NOade Delphinium subglobosum, Heuchera brevistaminea, Ribes canthariformis, new species; Arabis pulchra glabrescens, new var. Contr. Gray Herb. (Boston) Johnston, I. Me Papers on the flora of northern Chile, Contr. Gray Herb. 85: 1-172, plel—2. Agel929. 1. The coastal flora of the departments of Chanaral and Taltal. 2. ‘The flora of the nitrate coast.e 3. Undescribed species from the Dordilleras of Atacama. Johnston, Ie Me Some undescribed species from Peru. Contre Gray Herbe 85: 172-180. Agel929.~ New species and combinations in Linas. Eremccharis Nolana, Bargemontia, Cacabus, Salpiglossis, and Poly- achruse Deut. Landw.e Presse, (Berlin) 2 Borenmann, . Lowenzahn vertilgung, Deut. Landw. Presse 56: 418. J1.20,1929, NO wos Klapp, Ee. Le, and Schubart, E. Ueber die lkmollénlage einiger kartoffelsorten. Deut, Landw.e Presse 56: 414-415, illus. J1.<0, BeeOe «NOeeGe Farming South Africa (Pretoria) St ent, S. Me Wooly finger grasse Farming South Africa 4: 169-170. illus. Gueteoe noe 40. ‘Digitaria eriantha var. stolonifera. Horstw. Centralbl. (Berlin) Fabricius, Le Neue versuche zur feststellung des einflusses von wurzelwettbewerb und lichtentzug des schirmstandes auf den jungwuchs. Forstw.e Centralbl., 51: 477-506. dlluse; pleimiii (cole). Jl.1,1929. noeld. Forstliche versuche VII. i sd peeks ‘ing JP a sat t ch | “4 Vuncies Aue ee Mere Naud, NOowl7, 1) deal Fortschr. Landw. (Vienna) Greisenegger, I. K., and Neudecker, Form— und gewichtsanderungen von kartoffelknollen Wahrend der lagerung. Fortschr, Landw.e 4: 47:d~ 476, diagre Agel,1929. nol5. Wozak, Hans Stickstoffgehalt und stickstoffverteilung in einigen leguminosen wahrend des wachstums auf grund vergleichender untersuchungen,. Fortschr, Landwe Ge toleaose Gdlagrss Ag.l, 1929. noeld. Garden Flowers (Rochester, NeY.) Griffiths, De Basily propagated lilies. Garden Flow, 41: eviet6. SkslS2Be | nos. Scott, ie Ae Be» and Scett, Je We Notes on the so-called black-rote Garden Flow. eG eiealos. ) SaglOe8, no. le Black-rot of gladiolus not due to wireworms but may be propagated thru injuries caused by them, Dis- infection of bulbs prevents disease and using ground seeds of squash, pumpkin, etc. in soil with bulbs keeps off the wireworms. Gard. Chron, (London) i Auton, We Some gardening fallacies, ancient and moderne (concl, ) Gard. Chron, III, 86: 73. Jlee7, 19296 NOeceoee Darnell, A.W, The genus Priumla. (cont.) engole (labia LCi 66:3 73-74. Meets LoCo. NO eCocce Everett, eile Lilium philadelphicum, Gard. Chron. III, 86: Geel idilea’, L929, noeecee. Friend, H. Problems of plant life, V. The significance of wilting. Gard. Chron. III, 86: 71-72, Jl.27, 1929. N0eceece Wall, Ae Alpine and shingle plants of New Zealand. Garde Chron. III, 463 72-73, Jl.27, 1929. noexce2e. Viet, no 427’; Pe ie. “Chron, (cont. ) Ward, ite We Mr. F. Kingdon Ward's tenth en in Asiae XXVI. The Alvs at last. Gard. Chron. III, 86: 70- 71s illus. Sits teers NOwesec. Williams, Ae He Pomaderrise Gard. Chron. Iii; B6: 69. i See ts 1929, Noe Lecce Gard. Illus. (London) Buton, We d Clethras. Gard. Illus. 5ls 5206 illus. (p.520- 521) daiwers Looe N0e LOLI ! 4 rartenbauwiss. (Berlin) a Branscheidt, P. if Die befruchtungsverhaltnisse beim obst und bei 4 der rebe. Gartenbauwiss 2: 158-270, SD asis 9 dae e295 NO eke Lindenbein, We Cytologische untersuchungen iiber die sterilitats- ursachen einiger stein undkernobstecrten. I Gartenbauwiss, 2: 135-157. illus. Jl. 1929, nosed. Die pollenentwickiung einiger stisskirschen, Zecha, Bye Ueber die aufastung der cbstbaume. Gartenbau- W1iSSe 23 271-2806 illus. Jie S29. NOeKe etenfl. (Berlin) ; Fischer, H. Die pflanze und das licht. Gartenfl,. 78: 191~ Poe, * Jlel 929, (Berlin) Hahn, E. Begonien fur kreuzungswecke,. Gartenw. 33: 401. illus, diel 9s 1929. NOecde Allan, He Ov Mt. Dendenong arboretum. Gum Tree 11(50): PG.) Oke Mas. JPeelIogs / NoshO. Adams Agr. Coll. Sugar Beet Problems. MeEtoscon.| Ne! Ce Diseases of sugar beets. Harper Adams Agr. Coll, Sugar Beet Problems, Rep. 2d Conf. Ja.23,192% pe32-36. [1929] iP a, Vn NA wigia Maus NOW p13, (Dresden) Bokorny, T. Binige inhaltschemische und ernahrungsphysio- logische daten uber kryptogamen. Hedwigia 69: Soo, ilius. Je.i929. no.1/2, Fleischer, M, Neue formen in den "Musci frondosi Archipelagi Indici et Polynesiaci". XI. serie (1928) Hedwizia 69: 94. Je.1929. noel/2. Killermann, S. Die Bulgaria-~Fr.-gruppe. Hedwigia 69: 84-93. Plete, Senl92%, | Noal/ 2. Coryne, Burkardia, Bulgariopsis, Bulgariella, Neobulgaria (N. margaritcidea nsspe) hange, He Zor flechtenflora des Erzgebirgese Das obere Zschopaugebiet. Hedwigia 69: 56-83. Je.1929; Noe.) 2s ; Magdefrau, Ke ‘ Die pteridophyten Ost~Thuringens, Hedwigia 693 148-164, Jeel929. no.1/2. Pildt, Ae Ueber eine neue interessante art aus der gattung Crepidotus Fries. Hedwigia 69: 157~147, illus. Jée1929. nol/2 C. carpaticus Also notes on Caludopus Reimers, He Beitrage zur bryophytenflora Neuguinease Hedwigia 69: 114-136. Je.1929. no.l/2. Schmidt, O. C. Beitrage zur kenntnis der meeresalgen der Azoren Is Hedwigia 69: 95-113. illus. Je.1929. no.l/2. servit, Me Flechten aus Jugoslavien. Hedwigia 69: 1-38, illus. Jeel929,. no ghee (Lund) Federley, H. Ueber subletale und disharmonische chromosomen- kombinationen. Hereditas 12: 271-293. . J1.31,1929. NOe Se Wicsualss noel’, pelt. } + f - Hereditas. (cont.) ; Muntzing, A. Cases of partial sterility in crosses within a Linnean species. Hereditas 12: 297~319, Jd&Gl, 1929. NOewde Preliminary reporte ° Nilsson, BE. Erblichskeitsversuche mit Pisume II. Die verer~ bung der rezessiv gelben kotyledonenfarbe sowie einige nebenresultate. Hereditas 12: 223-268. Deolis L9C9 6 NO ede Nilsson, BE. Eine monohybride spaltung bei Tetragonolobus. Hereditas 12: 320-32c, adh Gases) MOreios Tedin, O. Contributions to the genetics of barley. III. Development of the lateral florets. Hereditas las 352-357. Jiedl,1929. node Turesson, Ge Ecotypical selection in Siberian Dactylis glom erata Le Hereditas 12: 335+351. illus. Jledl, 1929. NOede Turesson, Ge Zur natur und begrenzung der arteinheiten, Hereditas 12: 323-334. J1.31, 1929. now. English summary: p.ed32~333e Uddling, A. Die chromosomenzahlen von drei Circaea-artene Hereditas le: 294-296, illus. JleGk, 1929, Noede Circaea lutetiana, Ce alpina, Ce intermedia. Winge, O. Critical remarks to Ye Sinote!'s paper on a tetrapartite sex chromosome complex in Humulus. Hereditas 123 269270. Die ela oe o se 2) HOw. _ Indische Cult. (Soerbaja} ae Kamerling, Ze Tropische orchideen (concl.) Indische Cult. 14; 547-551, illus. Jiel,1929. HOaos Au ae uaa Vell: no.l7, peld. @ Cult. (cont. ) Oudschans Denz, I. De geschiedenis van de koffie in Syriname. Indische Cult. 143 551-556. Tiel ~toco. nN0e13. Agr. Prat. (Paris) Brétigniére, Le Notes sur les blés dans le Tarn et la Haute~Ga- ronne,. Journ. Agrs Prat. nNeSe, 52 29-31, 70-72. Deloss Lecce NOsed, SOs Lesourd, F. Histoire des plantes. Navette (Brassica Napus sylvestris) Journ. Agr. Prate nese, 52: 73-75. illus. Weil oe. NOs S06 Ponsard. Js Les taches brunes de la pomme de terre. JOurne Aor, Prate NeSe,; De 75 (clo o} OF jleets L926 n0e50. Alternaria solai. Rare in France, four Agre Res. (Washington) King, Ce Je, and Loomis, H. F. Cotton root-rot investigations in Arizona. JOUIN. Agr. Rese 39: 199-221, illus. Agel, ISIS a Savastano, Ge & Fawcett, H. S. A study of decay in citrus fruits produced by inoculations with known mixtures of fungi at dif~ ferent constant temperaturese Journe Agra RES. Oye 165-198. illusse Agel, 1929. ‘now m. Agr. Sci. (London) : Goodwin, We, Martin, H. and Salmon, BE. S. The fungicidal properties of certain spray-fluids. Ve Journ, Agre Sci. 19s 4054412. eee NOede Owen, O. The analysis of tomato plants. Pt.f. Joorn, Agre pele 19: 413-432, diagrs, J1.1929. nose Tattersfield, F. and Hobson, R. P. Pyrethrin I and II, Their estimation in Pyre- _ thrum (Chrysanthemum cinersrisefolinm) II. Journ. Agr, Sci. 193 432-4537 « J1219296 Ovals Vell, now?) pel. _ Amere Chem. Soc. Link, Ka ie ® The chemical composition of corm (Zea mays). I~II. Journ. Amer. Chem. Soce 51: 25062516, 2516-2522. A&e Ho29% NOe8e Ie The isolation of xylan and cellulose from the cell walls. II. The isolation of a dextrin similar to - the trihexosan obtained by thermal depolymerization of potato starche Loesecke, He von Quantitative changes in the chloroplast pigments in the peel of bananas during ripening. Journe Amer. Cheme Soc. 51: 2439-2443. diagrse Agel9°9, N0s8e U OUrN. Arnold Arde The chromosomes of some species of the genus Philadelphus. Journ. Arnold Arbe 10: 167+169. J1le1929. Nowe Copeland, E. Be Papuan pteridophytes collected for the Arnold Arboretum by L. J. Brass. Journ. Arnold Arb. 10: 174-182, J1sl929. NOeds Darker, G. D. Cultures of Pucciniastrum americanum (Farlow) Arthur and P. arcticum (Lagerheim) Tranzschel. Journ, Arnold Arb. 10: 156-167, agua sra.Sin NOede Eu, He H. Two new species of Carpinus from Szechuane Journ, Arnold Arb. 10: 154-156. 1.1929. NO ede C. fangiana, C. wilsoniana. Martelli, U. The Pandansaceae collected for the Arnold Arbore~ tum by Le J. Brass in New (@uinea, Journ. Arnold Arb, 10: 137-142. pl.l8.- J1.1929. NO ode me Rehder, A. ae Two new rhododendrons of the Tsutsutsi section. mourn, Amold Arb, LO: 182-184, J1,1929, . Rh. annamense nesd. & Rh. simsii var. mesembsinmm,. DeVarte t Peay 4 , 1 it. i : 4, oy ‘ ha i A hana aaa a ahaa ae ena re Ns! Pa ae 7 r J hy Ni eth y ; _ ¥ iy oS a Sant : ea Pale : hae] i Sah tty Vaio nok Tes wk? . Arnold Arb. (cont.) me Render, A. Notes on the ligneous plants described by H. Léveillé from eastern Asia. Journ. Arnold Arb. 10; 184-196. J1.1929. NO.da Schweinfurth, C. Orchids collected by J. F. Rock of the Arnold Arboretum Expedition to northwestern China and northeastern Tibet. Journ, Arnold Arb. 10: 169- 174, ule 1929's no.d. Summerhayes, V.S. Ficus species collected for the Arnold Arboretum in New Guinea b; L. J. Brass. Journ, Arnold Arb. 10: 142-154, Stereo) Gens. a4. Bot. (London) ‘a Baker, EH. G. New species of Leguminosae from tropical Africa. moor Bot. 67: 194-199, Jl.1929. no.799. Bennett, A., Salmon, C. ©. & Matthews, J. R. Second supplement to Watson's "Topographical botany". (cont. ) Journ. Bot. 67, (suppl.): 9-16. Jal ESEe no./99. “Drabble, E., and Salmon, C. BE. Veronica serpyllifolia L. var. nov. obscura. Grove, W. B. Fusidomus (pseudogenus novum, e nectrioideis). Journ. Bot. 67:201-203. JL.1929. no./99. F.arcus n.sp. Iasaita, C. C. Duriaei iter asturicum botanicum. (cont. ) meen Bot. 6/:207-211. Jl.1989. no.799. Linaria perezii, Scrophularia scorodonia, 5S. alpestris. Rieeaita, C. C. Three Genistas of the Linnaean herbariun, Meura. Bot. 67: 199-201. Jl.1929. no.799. G anglica, G. lusitanica and G tridentata are of no value as type~specimens. Wapwainy dp hh) 4 ithe . Soa Agger ni ‘sit Aiea gal LN Was ij ih A ak ta) as pee ba i 1 Ue % = he \ iy i Sint “ti al rani - VeRO e Let De Le Bot. (cont. ) Rendle, B. J. Economic mycology in the Empire overseas. Journ. Bote Gr ic06—-cOt, Jls1929. no.799. Salmon, C. EH. A new variety of Polygala serpyllifolia J. A. C. Hose (Serpyllacea Weihe). Journ. Bot. 67: 193-194, oe Oo Le JEL) a MO (Ios P. serpyliifolia var. decora. ourn. Hered. (Washington) q prance Re A. A red—to-white mutation in maize. A probable somatic mutation of the gene for red pericarp in maize. Journ. Hered. 30; 333-334, aCe ee edie Hoi |. Ole! « Cayeux, H. Rosa gigantea and its hybrids. Journ. Hered. 20: 305-307. MUGS. dietgade WO. « Translation by Mrs. Franklin Harris. Cook, QO. F'. Saint Luther. A Burbank cult, with an account of [him] and his wonder—working methods of plant breeding. Journ. Hered. 20: 309-518. illus. Biases NOs? fayaes, P. A., and Bennett, HE. Abnormal branching in Ailanthus. Journ. Hered. 20: 348-349, i Jetset PUA RES ehSIS NO. Regarded as a bud sport. Morrison, B. Y. Other gigantea hybrids. Journ. Hered. 20: 308. TUS AS NOs? & Supplementing Cayeux, H. Rosa gigantea and its hybrids. & mecmles, R. H. y Hairy bolls and nectaries in a hybrid cotton. Journ. Hered. 20:340-347. aba aioice eo NOs ie Robinson, T. R., and Darrow, G. M. A pink poinsettia chimera. Journ, Hered. 20: 35-339, TAMERS ili OeIe! WO. te Oy) bak ne ie Wi ae . if oy M : , ae We eRe ae HEN Ade t Rt7, Oa} ra ACE let | i ie ot ae 4 : = es © hee pt - “ Ee tA% a Pe! hy ar } Vert. doa ys a et ee FORA Rs biel bere Ji.12,1929. no.1/2. Dostal, R. Ueber holokarpie bei den caulerpaceen. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 8: 84-139, sige | Se USA) no.1/2. . Eisler, M. and Fortheim, L. Weitere untersuchungen ter die nikotinvergiftung von fruchten und samen. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 8: Heo. J1.12,1929. no.1/2. Kohler, E. ay, Beitrige zur kenntnis der vegetativen anastomo— sender pilze. I. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 8: 140- feo illus, g1.12,1929. no.1/2. Kostychev, S.P., and Berg, V. A. Die form der calciumverbindungen in lebenden anzengeweben, Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot, 8: 55- Me taateeo, no.1/2. a. ye ey rey ! Ba ey we ttae irr. ee) “ae pee. - * ta & ie an: Vel aMO~wls,) Deol Arch. Wiss. Bot. (cont.) Meyer, K. I. Die entwicklung des sporogons bei Fegatella conica. (Untersuchungen uber den sporophyt der lebermoose IV.) Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 8: 36- eoitins., Ji.l2,1929. no.i/2. Mirskaja, L. Ueber regenerationsvorguinge an vegetationspunk- ten von Tradescantia guianensis. Planta Arch. (Mere oth Ss e765. illus. Jl.l2,1929. no.1/2, Richter, S. Ueber den offnungsmechanismus der antheren bei einigen vertretern der angiospermen. Planta Arch. Hasse Bot. Orl54-184, illus, J1s12,1929. no.1/2. Schwarz, W. Zur physiologischen anatomie der fruchtstiele schwerer fruchte. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 8: 185- Peer idius, J1.12,1929. no.1/2. gtalfelt, M. G. Die abhdngigkeit der spaltoffnungsreaktionen von der wasserbilanz. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 8: 287-240. illus. J1.12,1929. no.1/2. Zacharowa, T. M. Ueber den gasstoffwechsel der nadelholzpflanzen im winter. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 8: 68-83. ieee 1929. noi/2. io & Sugar Manuf. (New Orleans) a Cook, M. T. The eye spot disease of sugar cane. fFlant. & Sugar Manuf. 83; 101-102. Ag.10,1929. no.6. Davis, Re Ls Java-Barbados hybrids in Porto Rico. Plant. & Sugar Manuf. 83; 103-104. Tiss he AOR Ie aos Beno. 6. Mt. Chron. (Madras, India) _ «The control of root diseases of the tea plant. Si Plant. Chron. 24: 574-578, 601-608. PDA spall CS Fak) RRO. 2! United Planters! Assoc. South. India tea spec- list's reports. ix tr Voy Bas if shi a: aa ak aa deihy sities aa B ' ) ne Cit Des URe Wee te erred? 5. Dees Amer. Phil. Soc. (Philadelphia) Harshberger, J. W. The vegetation of Campos de Jordao, Brazil. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 68: 83-92, illus. US )2S)- NO eke tease) Re He A sketch of the life of John Bradbury, includ- ing his unpublished correspondence with Thomas Jef- r Berson. Froc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 68; 133-150. 1929. “ a O\sis Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. (Dahlem) : Kranzlin, F. | Beitrage zur kenntnis der familie der Myoporinae R. Br. mit besonderer berticksichtigung der Myopori- nus plants of Australia, Tome II ~ Lithograms, von Baron Ferd. von Muller. Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. Seats ip. «My. 20, 1929. schlechter, R. Figuren-atlas zu den orchideenfloren der stid- amerikanischen kordillerenstaaten... nrsg. von R. Mansfeld. Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. 57. 48 pl. iS) 242) ‘Dept. Agr. Bermuda. Cunningham, H. S. Report of plant pathologist. Rep. Dept. Agr. Bermuda 1928; 26-28. 1929. Black-tip of banana (Cercospora musarum), Septo- ria blight of celery, fig rust (Cerotelium fici), twig blight of periwinkle (Gloeosporium sp.) Agric. Ile. Réunion (Saint-Denis) é piren. J. Ma J. Transformations chimiques se produisant durant la maturation de la canne & sucre. Rev. Agric. ile Réunion 17: 151-155. My.1929. (Rec'd Ag.) no.5. fr Pars's)) Guillaumin, A. ei Nouveaux phalaenopsis cultives. Rev. Hort. 101: Meeos-485. J1.16,1929, no.19. sourd, F. Les plus gros arbres de France. Rev. Hort. LOL: (oo Er? y aS, Ji. 16,1929. Nie Ls _ Pterocarya caucasica, Cladrostis tinctoria, Pavia tea, Pavia californica. Vis Hoa Lay Pecos Gute (cont. ) Mottet, §. Le pin de la corée, (Pinus koraiensis) Rev. Hort. 101: 479-480. illus. on ec. TOanles Roux, J. Quelques observations sur les cactées et les plantes grasses & propos de l'hiver 1928-1929. Rev. Hort. 101; 471-473, ah UIabes\e OMS Muley SUS) aS) 8 sa\oyn des) Miucie. (Paris) Astruc, H. Traitements d'été contre le mildiou. Rev. Vitic. alton Oe) ) AZ. 1 LORS. no.18dé1. Marsais, P. Contre les traitements tardifs des eragpes a Meoveser dumildiou et des vers. Rev. Vitic. 71: Sores he. 11929. no.l8si. €sia Agr, Journ. (Salisbury) Hiopeins|, J. C. The few brown kernels in your maize seed. Rhodesia Agr. Journ, 26: 694-696. J1l.1929. no.”. Discoloration due to Diplodia. mimson, S. D. Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) Rhodesia Agr. Popmie eo: 668-682. 5 pls. J1.1929. no.7. Z. Zeitschr. Obst- u. Weinb. (Wadenswil) Osterwalder, A. Winterfrostschaden an reben und obstbadumen in der mittleren Zurichseegegend. Schweiz. Zeitschr. Obst- u. Weinbd. 38; 231-289. lies leer sided Ben's LD. (Lancaster, Pa, ) Conant, J. B., and Hyde, J. F. The relationship of chlorophyll to the porphy-— meone, Science nes, 70: 149. diagr. Ag.9,1929. Giddings, N.J., and Leonian, L. H. Apple rust on host tissue in culture dishes. lence 70: 126. Ag.2,1929. no.1805. Ae ‘i ies oe: he Fry is mie 4 sae iC ak | in ie ete Py en “daaks ei Voie mole ks) Rebs perence, (cont. ) Harding, P. Le, Maney, T.J., and Plagee, H.H. Apparatus for the determination of carbon dioxide in the respiration of anples, Science 70: 125-16. SLAs WN Aya ALS eis no.1l805. Lambert, H. 3. Normal mushrooms from artificial manure. Science 70: 126-128. Ag.2,1969.6 no.ld05. Scient. Agr. (Ottawa) Humphrey, H. 35. The relation of cereal pests to changes in crop practice. Scient. Agr. 9:785-791. IANS) Valois 22, Sver. Utsadesfor, Tidskr, (SvAlof) Nilsson-Leissner, G, and Sylvén, N. Studier over kldverrdtan (Sclerotinia trifoliorum). DMCOe wusckoesihe.), Didskr. S9e 140-Joe. tituss Weg. DO tole Torreya ; ; Benedict, z.C. eee Hunting at Branchville. Torreya 29: 108- | Woe Slaie, 12S, no.4. Cockerell, T. D. The evolution and PERSE NSD Bo of roses. Torreya 29: 97-103. J1i,/Ag.1929. no.4. 7 Emmons, C. W. The cytology of Cicinnobolus cesatii DeBary. | Hommeye so ia ile) Aaa loeo. | not. ; : ‘ Gibos, R. D. The trap of Utricularia. Torreya 29: 35-96. pielaae | Jl, (Aa bolo.) no ws Rome vie | ie lhe Vagnera stellata zrowing in dune sand. Torreya 29: 114-115, J1./Ag.1929. nod. In Sunken Meadow state park on Long Isl. Wier. ie) hs Three shale~slope plants in Maryland. Torreya po wO2 On illus.) isl. / Ae. 1929. | no 4. Trifolium virginicum, Convolvulus stans, Sene- cio antennariirolius. Zimmerman, P. W. Special phases of vegetative plant propogation. Tormeya 29: 118-120. Jl./Ag.1929. no4. Ved noe d?s| peer: Tropenpfl. (Berlin) oy Schwede, Re, and Tobler, F. Die sogenannte "kunstliche baumwolle" von Dr. Hedley Thornton. fTropenpfl. 32: 292-298. Jl. 1929. Os ( s q “trop. Agriculture West Indies (Trinidad) Dowson, V. H. W. Agriculture in North Africa. Trop. Agriculture West Indies 6: 220-223. ap. Ag.1929. no.8. Meu. Ss. Dept. Agr. Circ. 4 Cowgill, H. B. Varietal standardization of sorgo and the se- lection of seed. U. & Dept. Agr. Cire. 52. 2 jp. illus. Je.1929(Rec'd Ag.) Gilbert, W. W. Chemical injury to watermelons in transit. Vempebemite iste. Care, 74. 3) ips siabalousy aja AS/28) + Dept. Agr. Techn. Bull. Spaulding, FP. Decay of slash of northern white pine in south- ern New England. U. S. Dept. Agr. Techn. Bull. Danese pe) illus.’ JV.1929(hec'd Ae.) Univ. Iowa Studies Nat. Hist. (Iowa City) Martin, G. W. Dinoflagellates from marine and brackish waters of New Jersey. Univ. Iowa Studies Nat. Hist. See gu O's Oe 52 De Vin pe. Je. 15,1929. Vie Agr. et Rur. (Paris) Dittloth, P. la culture des champignons &2 la ferme. Vie or. Go hur, 16: 56-59. no sbauntcn al sh ISAS) no.d0. Bot. (Jena) Liebisch, W. Experimentelle und kritische untersuchungen uber die pektinmembran der diatomeen unter besonderer bertcksichtigung der auxosporenbildung und der kratikularzustande. Zeitschr. Bot. 22: 1-65. mms. Die L,p( Cok. ) 19298. no. 1/2. Wold. ‘no. 17, wae? fropenpfl. (Berlin) fi: Schwede, R., and Tobler, F. Die sogenannte "kunstliche baumwolle" von Dr. Hedley Thornton. fTropenpfl. 32: 292-298, Jl. aoa) AG = ' Trop. Agriculture West Indies (Trinidad) q Dowson, V. H. W. Agriculture in North Africa. Trop. Agriculture West Indies 6: 220-203. Map. Ag.1929. no.8. Mie Ss. Dept. Agr. Circ. ; Cowgill, H. B. Varietal standardization of sorgo and the se- lection of seed. U. S. Dept. Agr. Circ. 52. 2 yp. illus. Je.1929(Rec'd Ag.) Gilbert, W. W. Chemical injury to watermelons in transit. Ue wlepbe Ker. Cire, 7% 4. SI io5 cto Malls Jee oe /U. S. Dept. Agr. Techn. Bull. Spaulding, P. Decay of slash of northern white pine in south- ern New England. U. S. Dept. Agr. Techn. Bull. iA 0 pe illus. dlsI9e9(Rec'd Ae.) a ‘Univ. Iowa Studies Nat. Hist. (Iowa City) Martin, G. W. Dinoflagellates from marine and brackish waters of New Jersey. Univ. Iowa Studies Nat. Hist. Villa) oiatoleneye 32 Pe Nenaials GoRlee Je, 1S, L929). ‘Vie Agr. et Rur. (Patis) Bit loth, Ps La culture des champignons & la ferme. yie Agr. et Rur. 18; 56-59. ais. J1.28,1929. no.d0. Zeitschr. Bot. (Jena) qi Liebisch, W. Experimentelle und kritische untersuchungen uber die pektinmembran der diatomeen unter besonderer bertcksichtigung der auxosporenbildung und der kratikularzustande. Zeitschr. Bot. 22: 1-65. TMS DP Lely (eG 1...) 1SPG nol. u/2' VS alee atoll Sens opyers | Pilzk. (Leipzig) John, A. Vergiftung mit Amanita pantherina, dem echten pantherpilz. Zeitschr. Pilzk. 13(n.s.8): 99-102. J1.25,1929. NOs? « Killermann, Ss. Abate Dr. CG. Bresadola. ADEM BSTol Ong pean Aen 13(n. s.8): 98-99. de. Leo. MOST 5 Killermann, §S. Bulliard und Sowerby. Zeitschr. Pilzk 13(n.s.8): HOPETORL | lL 25.1929, non’? . | Der Zuchter (Berlin) 7 Appel, 0. Kurt vom Rumker zum 70 geburtstage. Der guchter 1: 126-128. Jils 1929), no.4. Brieger,) i. Die selbststerilitat der blUtenpflanzen und ihre zlichterische bedeutung. Der. Zuchter 1: 101-111. MS le LO Bie 0 One Wettstein-Westersheim, W. von Zur technik der kunstlichen kreuzung bei weiden Geis). ' Der Zichter ds eb-l125. illus. oieiS29 . no.4. Exper. Stat. Publ. LeClerg, BE. L. Some common diseases of ornamental plants. Colorado Agr. Exp. Gat. Bull. 251. 310. # illus. My.1929 (Rec'd Ag.) mezers, Co M., and Hatiield, T. Carbon disulfide for the eradication of peren- nial weeds. Colorado Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 347. ceo pe) alius. | My.1929 (Rec'd As. ) A progress report Wiant, J. 1S. The Rhizoctonia damping-off of conifers, and its control by. chemical treatment of the soil. Cornell Azr. Exp. Stat. Mem. 124. 64 p. AGS os Was Ap.1929 (Rec'd Jl.) -, i | 5 py P| (iets " , io i . ; y | % Se ae \ ES ees oa i ae i oF rit hal Cheat ee oe Wal abe ly, pe BOs Exper. Stat. Publ. (cont. ) Krantz.) i. A), & Hutchins, A. i. Potato breeding methods. II. Selection in in- bred lines. Minnesota Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 58. Aone Spe Ap.1929 (Rec'd Ag.) Hite, A.) B., and Carcia, Fe Plum variety test. New Mexico Agr. Exp. Stat. Bogie) 30 pe illus. Mr.1929 (Rec'd Ag.) Muieys Hs. Be Seedling fruit stocks. New York Agr. Exp. Stamae owl, (S69). 18 p. chia bites ADeloeI POG Nes iy Sweet potato diseases, Ann. Rep. North Caro- lina Agr. Exp. Stat. 1927/28. 51: 63-65, 1929. Diseases in storage and transit with reference to chemical treatment; causal organisms (Fusarium spp. ); limiting factors of fungus growth; prevention of field infection of Fusarium batatis; disinfection studies. State Publications. 7 Parreniid, Ds The proposed national park in southern Ever- glades of Florida, Bue pLonida Dept. Agr. Somos Bul.) nas. onowl7, 2Op. 1929. Address at annual meeting Amer. For. Assoc. WS yl oO. Seott, J. M. Florida mangoes. Bull. Florida Dept. Agr. MeSs. nocd. BEE ioe, illus. Mr.1929. Scott, J. M. Tung oil. A new industry in Florida. Bula. Herida Dept. Agr. n.s., nowll. 53 pe. illus. Glcod. ) Ja.1929. Toy, li Iie Avocados in Florida. Bull. Florida Dept. Agr. Ms. no.ct. 59 p. Sieh WA ako « Becking, J. H. De djaticultuur op Java. Hen vegelijkend on- derzoek naar de uitkomsten von verschillende ver- jongingsmethoden van den djati op Java ... Wage- ningen, 1928, Vavenichia deo) Pols New Books. (cont. ) Low, I. Die flora der Juden. l.bdd., 2.halfte. Convolvu- laceae-Graminaceae. Wien und Leipzig, R. Ldwit, 1928 (Rec'd J1.1929) Nakai, T. Flora sylvatica koreana pt. XVII. Hlaeag- naceae, Alangiaceae, Daphnaceae, Flacourtiaceae et Ternstroemiaceae. Keijyo, D. 1928 (Rec'd Ag.1929) North American flora. Fabaceae, Galegae (pars) Peeve RYGELS. . Vect, pt.7. Jlweo, 1929". Nova Guinea. Résultats des expéditions scien- tifiques & la Nouvelle Guinée, publiées sous la darection de... La. de Beautort, «2. A.A. Pulle et L. Rutten. v.14. Botanique, livr.3 (Orchidaceae, by dwde Omith)- Leide, H. J. Brill, 1929. Schneider, W. Zur bioc).cmie des Penicillium glaucum, Hin bei- trag gar frage nach der bedeutung der H-ionenkon- zentration, der nahrstoffkonzentration und nach der wirkung von eisen als Katalysator ... Weida i. Thiir., Druck von Thomas & Hubert, 1925 (Rec'd Jl. 1929 ) eacirord, V. HE. Laboratory and field ecology. The responses of animals as indicators of correct working methods. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins co., 1929. Simeon, U. Samenbildung und samenverbreitung bei den in der Schweiz unterhalb der waldgrenze wachsenden pfilanzen... Iuzern, HE. Brunner-Schmid, 1928(Rec'd J1.1929) Sennett, He We Botany; principles and problems. 2d ed. New York, McGraw-Hill book co., 1929. Ve wmOce 0 5 ile Orr. jew Books, (cont. ) oo Stevenson, N.I. A pocket guide to twenty tropical trees culti- vated in southern Florida. [Fayette, Ia., 1928] Wadi Ol Ae Handbook of pharmacognosy rev. by Leo Suppan Sth ed. Ste Hours, C. Vo Mosby company, 1928. “Reprints from Journals not yet rec'd. Beitrage zur kenntnis der afrikanischen flora XXXIV. Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zurich 74: 99-138. illus. USE) a Musci, I.Thériot, p.99-100; Orchidaceae, Fr. a 5; Kranzlin, p.l00-110; Caryophyllaceae, H. Schinz, p. a 110-111; Cruciferae, A. Thellung, p.111-113; Scroph- a ulariaceae, H. Schinz, p.113-123; Compositae, A. Thel- lung, p.124-130; Plectrachne, a new genus of grasses, J. Th. Henrard, p.130-1384; Orchidaceae quaedam novae, > Fr. Krénzlin, p.13¢-138. Reprinted as. Mitv. Bot. Mus.) Univ. Zurich, 150) Pleali. Ap.6, 1929. Danviker, A. U. Neu-Caledonien, land und vegetation. Viertel- 4 Jehrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zurich 74: 170-197. illus. ce Ug29'. Ss Reprinted as Mitt. Bot. Mus. Univ. Zurich, 131. Je.50, 1929. Ergebnisse der reise von Dr. A. U. Daniker nach Neu-Caledonien und den Loyalitdtsinseln (1924/25) Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Ztirich 74: 50-98. Palins. 1929. Neu-Caledonische flechten, E. A. Wainio, p.50-52; Neu-Caledonische laubmoose, I, Thériot, p.52-55; On some ferns from New Caledonia, C. Christensen, p.o5- 62; Neu-Caledonische orchidaceen, F. Kranzlin, p.62- en Repr. as Mitt. Bot. Mus. Univ. Zurich, 130, pt.l Ap.6,1929. benward, J. This Plectrachne, a new genus of grasses. Viertel-— Jahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zurich 74: 130-134. LAS Pleetrachne! Schinzii, n. sp. Reprinted in Mitt. Bot. Mus.Univ. Zurich, no. WSOn | Ap. 6, 1929). * ae igh Cas Pee i Boy, a het: mt yt a “ aida so My sie as si a te Cre RAR Y| RECEIVED | * SEP 16 1929 & | BOTANY CURRENT LITERATURE ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY¥- COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE renee “i LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D.C Tol, it, now 18. August 19-31,1929, mer, Journ, Pharm. (Philadelphia) 4 Chen, SeYe Tllicium relgiosum, Siebold, A phytochemical study. Amer. J arn. Pharm, 101: 550-574, illus. AZe 1o29) Oe Cis Anale Soc. Cient. Arg. (Buenos Aires) Dassen, (C.(C.e Spegazzini. Homenaje de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina y de sus Anales a la memoria del eminente botAnico y digno socio honorario,. Anal. Soc. Cient. Arg. 58: 5ué, Jiebeeo.. ) noki, Molfino, J.F. Carlos Spegazzini: su vida y su obra. _— Anal. S0Ce Cient. Arg. 58: 777, 1UTUSely POTS, as USe9. .’ mos]. ; lista de las publicaciones...aparecidas entre los afios 1919 y 1926, y complemento de la lista an- terior, dada en el tomo lxxxviii de estos "Anales"; p.66~74, Trabajos postumos: p74. Biobibliograffa: p, 74-77, Molfino, JF. Monocotiledéneas nuevas para la Argentina. IVe Anal. Soc. Cient. Aer, 108: 90-131. illus. MeelI29, nos), Molfino, J.F. _ Novedades micologicas Argentinas, Anale Soce Cient. Arg. 108: 132-138. illus, J1.1929, nol. Molfino, J.F. _ Una mueva especie de Agonandra, Anale Soce Client. Arg. 108: 139-1492, Pass: gl BO2SR aces Ae Spe zazz ah etl ory Senet, R. La personalidad del Doctor Carlos Spegazzini. Amal. Soce Cient. Arg. 108: 18~-Oiy Gel S296") Gs dis ee herr > z , . ei > at Pe Ase Ret esi Ne: or | . Bae t x ; i) rn | ER | A 5 J te il a a th “+ ’ Vill, no.18, Deca Anal, Soce Cient. Arg. (cont.) Spegazzini, Ce Nuevas orientaciones de la nosologia vegetal, Anal. Soc. Cient,. Arge 1083 82-83. Jiigedece NOailie Angew. Bot. 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Ges. 47: 357~370. aiiue. 4 dleeo, 1928, nos Ge f Gist, Re j Die quellung von equisetumsporen in kulturflis~ sigkeiten verschiedenen osmotischen druckes,y Ber, 4 Deut. Bote GeSe 473 401-408. Jlecd, 1929. noel. ; Hamorak, Ne Das offene potometer. Bere Dette Bote GESe 473 371-385. illus. iwc Delos NO eSe . Huttigz, Ce ; Untersuchungen an fluoresierenden bakterien aus wasser, erde und pflanzen,. Bere Dette Bote. GESe S78 G0e4000, Iles L929 nosGe Kolbe, ReWe & Tiegs, Ee Zur mesohaloben diatomeenflora des Werragebie~ teSe Ber. Detit. Bot. Ges. 47: 408-420. illus., ple vii, Oecog locos NO e6e Vorlaufige mitteilung. Kuhn, Ee Die beziehung der chromocentren zur chromosomen~ bildung, Ber. Deut. Bote Gese 47: 420-430. il~ luse Jiecd, 1929. NOebe Rybin, (W) Vladimir. Ueber einen allotetraploiden bastard von Nicot— lana tabacum x N.esylvestris. Bere Devte Bote GeSe 473 G85-394, illuse, ple Vie J1.25, 1929, noeb. Vorlaufige mittellung. Biol. Zentralbl. (Leipzig) Gurwitschs A. 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Defensa Agre Mexico. noell, De Pe illus. 1929.6 Lista de los nombres vulgares y cientificos de das principales enfermedades fungosas de las plantas cultivadas en México: ped4~35~ Agr, Industre e Comm. Brazil, (Rio de Janeiro) Brazil, Servigo de inspec¢ao e fomento agricolas. A explorac&o do mate (monographie elaborada,. ) (concl, ) Bole Min. Agre Industr.e e Comm, Brazil. 18(1): 603-665. TLass Myel929~5 NOeDe Boll. Re Staze Patol. Vege Romae (Firenze) Fridiano Cavara, Boll. Re Staze Patole Vege Roma. Ne Se)! Commo. Ap. /Jee1929. NO ee Voll, #618, $c8, ive Sherghad Datol. Vege ome. (cont. ) Giacomo Bresadola. Boll. R. Staz. Patol. Vege Roma. eS, 92 251+252. Ape/Jes 1929. noele Micheli, GeDi. Sulla durata della facoltS germinativa in an "Conisoporium" lungamente conservato in erbario.s BOs le, Staze Patol. Veg. Romae NeBe 5 93 222-2256 Ape/Jee1929.. noe. Ce punctiforme. Perugiae R. Istituto superiore agraria — Laboratorio ed osservatorio di patologia vegetale. Rassegna dei casi fitopatologici osservate nel 1928, Bolle Re Stave Patol. Vege Romie NeSes Qe 131-163. illus, Ape/Jee 1929, noes Notes by VeRivera & others. Petri, Le Alterazione del fusto dei papiri prodotta da protozoie Bolle Re Staz. Patol. Vege Romae. MNeSe, 93 237241. ities Mos/iest9e9. nde. Petrie Tie Sulle cause dell! arricciamento della vite. Boll. Re Staze Patol. Vege RoMae NeSey 9? 101-130. illus. Ap. /Je.1929. NO ee Petar Te Ulteriori risultati delle experienze per la produ-~ zione in Italia di patate da seme di origine tedesca Zi ed olandese, Boll. Re Staze Patol. Vege Romie NeSes 4 93 214-221, illus. Ap./Jes 1929. nose Rivera, Vs Influenza del trattamento di tubi di emanazione A sopra lo sviltppo di alcuni microrganismi vegetalie Bolle Re StaZe Patol, Vege Romas MeSe, 9: 241~2476 aijuss | Ape/Jesl929. node Bacterium tumefaciens, B.fluorescense Sansone, F, Il Fusarium solani (Mont.) 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Ueber den effekt der anwendung der "pulvermetho- de! fur die bestimmung des stoffgehnaltes im pflan~ zenkorper. Ve. Vergleichende bestimmungen des kohlen~ hydrat~ und eiweissgehaltes, Bult. Sci, Fak, Terkult, Kjusu Imp. Univ. 3: 332-243. Je.1929, NOode c Japanese with German summary. Nakata, Ke Studies on Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. pt.7. The results of successive cultures and selections within pure line of the fungus. Bult. Scie Fake Terkult. KjuSu Imps Unive 3: 2924299. Je.l929. node Japanese with English summary. Takenouchi, M. Investigations on the relation between plants and their surrounding conditions by the quantitive method III. A comparative study on the various kinds of plants and the potometer condition; on their transpiration, water-absorption and the interrelation between the preceding two functions. Bult. Scie Fake Terkulte Kjusu. Impe Univ. 33 2OS—=286 6 Je.1929. NOede Japanese with English summarye Calif. Citrogr. (Los Angeles) Jensen, CeAe Comparative effect of irrigation water and of rain to lemon yield, Calif. Citrogre 143: 450, 490-491, Seldele . NOwlle Injury from boron in irrigation water, Increase of yield with greater amount of rain. Journ.e Rese (Ottawa) Herrington, JeBe & Smith, WeKe The inheritance of reaction to black stem rust of wheat in a dicoccum x vulgare crosse Canade Journ, Rese ls: 163-188, ple ii~iii. Jielccs. NOwde Pus ba oa a% Pad fe " i yy f 3 od A te ote. r “ ! é & r ae Se: Cat a Cae wee 9a aparey . é = ie te sy 5 x : 3 =< x ‘ 3 mse | ~ - 7 2 es ' Bid ‘ . Ww y > ° ‘ A ae 4 eA at ? iia! 4 abs es age 2 us ‘ROAR Xie, GEES, : rebbaa Goes crete bus as, Bau x hae Laotian. alae : oe ee 9 nes eee ‘ Lt, te eer tetra? «- 3 a og? oie epee + . Lo a ‘ ah Gres Bien ACh pe. er ye = ~ te ah a Fal “2 % Weil, no.l8, Dalice Citrus Indust, (Tampa, Fla.) Rhoads, AeSe . Gummosis and psorosis of citrus trees, with special reference to their control and causes Citrus Indust. 10: &®7. illus, Neus NOs Compt. Rend. Acade Scie Parise Chouchak, D. La lutte entre les plantes cultivées et les micro- organismes du sol pour leur nutrition minérale; action du sang dessécthé sur ltengrais phosphaté, Compt. Rende Acade Scie Paris. 189: 262=2646 Jleees eee N00de Daniel, Le Nouvelles observations sur les Pirocydonia et leurs générateurse Compt. Rendse Acade Scie Parise 189: 3013046 AZeds 1929, NOebs Compte Rend. Sco, Biol. Parise Oantacuzéne, A. Reproduction expérimentale des tumeurs bactéri- ennes de Chondrus crispus Lungh. Compte Rende S0Ce Biole Parise 101: 1042-1044. Agel929. NOelde Chorine, V. & Baranoff, N. Sur deux champignons parasites d' Anopheles maculipennis Mge Compte Rende Soce Biol. Parise LOls 1025-1026. Age1l929. Mele Fungi not named, Dhéré, c. 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Deeded. $6n a ail sae i 3 si vaty: catogn Ev JS ‘i ell wa¥h 50> Ls tga alt Seni, ee tain 43h? fiber ead te santnlqesss ~~ sine oh ao Ole ESR as’ €% +i Pes | 5 Vell; no. 18) p.l3. Meend. Sdc. Biol. Paris. (tont.) Homes, M. . Contribution a la cytologie des plantes carni- vores, Le vacuome, au cours de la digestion, dans les tentacules de Drosera rotundifolia. Conmt. Rend. soe. Siol. Parise Ole 1170-1172. Ag. 1929. NOwd. Lebén, E. Sur la formation de 1l'albumen chez Impatiens sultani. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. 101: 1168- UAL AO} WIL IGS Ae L929 6 NOe ele Lesné, E., & Clénent, R. Activité antirachitique svontanée de certaines algues. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. 101: 1021- 1022. Nea oe. DOs co. ‘Deut. Landw. Presse. (Berlin) Molz, 3. Ergebnisse neuer versuche zur bekampfung des rtiben- nematoden (Heterodera schachtii). Deut. Landw. Presse, 00s 455. AcslO, 1929, now 32. ‘Fortschr. Landw. (Vienna) 4 Rathsack, K. & Meyer, H. Zur methodik der saugkraftmessung mit hilfe von rohrzuckerlosungen. Fortschritte der Landwirtschaft. 4: 505-511. abdasie) i Ae Lo, LAZO. Gard. Chron. (London) : Be Auton, W. The duration of cut flowers. Gard. Chron. III, Peewtoo-lSl. Agsl7, 1929. NOw2ecde Cheal, W. F. Experiments on the cause of "potato sickness." Ema Chavous) Md. Sor 12-155. illus, (p.1d2-145). eel, Les NO«.22cd. Pot exneriments with inoculations of eelworms and Corticium solani, and with "potato sick" soil, to de- termine relative responsibility of the eelworm and fungus in causing this disease. uy x ae a wa : . B, a ig Verl} Noe 18), pe. a dion. (cont.) parnell, A.W. The genus Primula (cont.). Gard. Chron. III, 6: 64, 168, 128. Ae.3,10,17, 1929. ho. 2223- Peeve Friend, H. Prpblems of plant life. VI. Transpiration. Gard.Chvon. III, 86: 130. Ag.17, 1929. no.2225. 0., W. ? j Monserrate. Gard. Chron. I1I, 86: 90-92. a dL tks) Ag.3d, 1929. NOsLcecde Illus. p.90-91, 93. Pam, A. Hymenocallis amancaes. Gard. Chron. III, 86: Os quasi Ag.10, 1929. no.eccct. Wall, As The cultivation of New Zealand plants in Britain. Gard. Chron. III, 86: 92-93, 108, 128 Hes le, 3.10. 17.1929; no. 2223-2025. Ward, F. K. Mr. F. Kingdon Ward's tenth expedition in Asia. Cond. Chron, Tit, 86: 110-111. iltus. Ag.10, 1929. no,2224, Yashiroda, K. Tree paeonies in Japan. Gard. Chron. ItI, ep eens iliussa(pelee, 125,127, 129,131). fee 27,1929. no.2225. Gard. aus: ( London) Jekyll, G. Colour names and descriptions. Gard. iitus, 5i: 525-526. illus. Ag.3, 1929. no.26d0. (Berlin) Pape, H. Fleckenkrankheit des rittersporns. Gartenw. 65; 430-431. illus, Ag.e2, 1929. no.dl. Bacterium delphinii. Weddle now 8. pS. ie i e dar (Palestine Citrogr.) (Jaffa) _ Leshem, A. ; Our young citrus plantations and the new diseases noticed therein. Hadar (Palestine Citrogr.) 2: 141-142. Oe WoeO smi. irendel, Oi Aaron Aaronson —- The pioneer investigator in the field of Palestinian agriculture. Hadar (Palestine Gigroers) (2: 155-136. l.1929. . now. 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Siegler, HA. & Piper, R. B. Aerial crown gall of the apple. Journ. Agr.Res. 39: 249-262. illus. Ag.15, 1929 (Rec'd Ag.27) no.4. Weimer, J. L. Some factors involved in the winterkilling of alfalfa. Journ. Agr.Res. 389: 263-283. sig IG bes Weslo. 1929. Journ. Amer « Pharm Assoc. (Easton, Pa.) 4 Christensen, B. V. Some observations on medicinal plants of Florida. Journ. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. 18: 790-793. Ag.1929. no.&. Journ. Amer. Soc. Agron. (Geneva, N.Y.) = Diliman, A. C. Dehiscence of the flax boll. Journ. Amer. Soc. Meats cl) (Goe-c5o- iltus. Ae.l929. no.8. Wilson, J.K. Acidity changes in stored legume seeds. Journ. Amer. SOC. Dorone wicks riolo- oly, Ae. lI29, Nos. SOM), ie ie The presence of Rhizobium on agricultural seed. Journ. Amer. Soc.Agron. 21: 810-814. Ag.1929. no.8. Non-legume seed such as oats, timothy, etc. may carry legume bacteria representative of several species. Rema vento yt oeaoy 7. Journ. Bacteriol. Burke, V. & Barnes, M. W. The cell wall and the gram reaction. Journ. Bacteriol. 18: 71-92. MY SOUSA) Osos Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Blatter, EH. & McCann, ¢. Revision of the flora of the Bombay presidency Pt.IX, Gramineae. Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 55: 480-496. My.31, 1929. nod. Millard, W.S. & Blatter, 4H. Conspicuous flowering trees of India. I- Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 353: 624-635. illus. 4 pl. (2 col.) My.1929. no.3. Robinson, M. Flowerless plants. I- Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. SoewmeerenyOho75, 0) tidus. ple a-T10 (1 col.) My. O29 6) WO som Tiwary, N.K. A note on the occurence cf buds in the axils of the cotyledons. Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 33: 731-732. ii pl. My. 1929. Now. Journ. Bot. (London) Bennett, A., Salmon, C.E. & Matthews, J. R. Second supplement to Watson's "Topographical botany." {(cont.) Journ. Bot. 67(suppl.): 17-24. Bois. No. G00. Dandy, J.H. Three new michelias from Indo-China. Journe Babe) 67s 2ep-224. Ag.1929. no.800. M.masticata, M.chapensis, M.constricta. Druce, G. C. Arthur Bennett, 1843-1929. FOUENs BOt. | 67: Aegon POrbt.s) As. 1929 . no.800. Additional note on Bennett by C.H. Salmon: Pecel. Mr. John Gossweiler's plants from Angola and Portu- guese Congo. (Dicotyledones: Gamopetalae by R.O'D. Good) (cont.) Journ. Bot.(supple.): 89-96. Ag.1929. no.s00. TEMG aloye ici Wrote earns, SCi. Agr. Soc. Japan. (Tokyo) Hiura, M. Studies on some downy mildews of agricultural plants. I. Journ. Sci. Agr. Soc. Japan. 319: 245-253. Je.5, 1929. Japanese with English summary. I. On Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Schroet. the causal fungus of the downy mildew of Italian millet (the second preliminary note). Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. Poncneoek,, We S's Three new grasses from French Sudan. Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 19: 303-304. ros IS) Aaa ey a) Tavoy L/ze)* Brachiaria hagerupii, Eragrostis pallescens and H.albida, new species. Macbride, J. F. A plea for the conservation of Muhlenbeckia. Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 19: 302-303. Aye US) SUS) BIS) no. 14. Kranke Pflanze. (Dresden) Hsmarch, fF. Der gurtelschorf der ruben. Kranke Pflanze. 6; 145-147. IMCs USP BLSPAIS IAS ahol Bnet sie Rathlef, H.v. Versuchsergebnisse aus Danemark betreffend die pflanzenkrankheiten. Kranke Pflanze. 6: 147- Wo Ne.1929. no.8. landbouwk. Tijdschr. Maandbl. Nederl. Genootsch. Landbouwsetensch. (Amsterdam) BOS), He Rassenbeschrijving toegelicht aan de 'Amster- damsch bakwortel". Landbouwk. Tijdschr. Maandbl. Nederl.Genootsch. Landbouwwetensch. 41; 337-350, 410-419. HU cn Oly eed ., MOeIe, 2956 Committee: A.M. Sprenger, K. leendertz, and in) BOS, Tidskr. Landtm. (Stockholm) Simmons , He Ge Vaxternas koldddd och ede sisters. Landtm,. Tidskr. Landtm. le: 716-718. SM eS, in at Le ly IUSIAIS) = NOwdd. Review of: A,Akerman. Studien ueber den kalte- tod und die kalteresistenz der pflanzen. Iund, 1927. o Pd vee? fh F adie 4 : es ir me, i Sage re tr a 4 Sea Mote, 16,’ pele. BoGurn. Bot, (cont.) Moore, 'S.L. Alabastra diversa. XXXVI JOurn, Bote 67: Ceo-eole Ag. 1929. no.800. Some new or rare African Acanthaceae, Pugsley, H. W. New British species of Huphrasia. Journ. Rotwers ectoeeos Ae wlo eo. Hoss00. Ramsbottom, J. Giacomo Bresadola. ‘Journ. Bot. 67: 235-066, Ag.1929. no.800. Ramsbottom, J. Range of effective spore- _dispersal. Journ. Bot. Sia Bal. Agz.1929. no.800. Rees ; Dek Marine algae of the coast of Wales. Journ.Bot. 67: 251-235. Ag.1929. no.800. Journ. Dept. Agr. West, Austral. (Perth) f Elliott, H. G. Subterranean clover seed and its impurities, with a comparison between machine cleaned seed and seéd in the burr. Journ. Dept. Agr. West. Austral. 6: erte-2ro. illus, Je.l929, noses Gardner, C. A. . Nut grass (Cyperus rotundus, Linn.). Journe Dept. Agr. West, Austral. 6: 288-290. illus, Sew eIs Oe ce Gardner, C. A. Rough clover. (Trifolium scabrum, Linn.) Journ. Dept. Agr. West. Austral, 6: 290-291. illus. J@e 1929, Nowe. Pittman, H. A. Potato diseases in Western Australia. Journe Dept. Agr. West. Austral. 6: 246-256. illuse dé. Ue) Ose. Wickens, G. W. Pear scab. Journ. Dept. Agr.West. Austral. Gt ige0-eecw, |) situs. Jes. 1929. nore. oii i wea) bra ee a. : ; . f < ‘ t . ’ S i . J ‘ \ 2 - ; ‘ . . 7 re * i RES ‘ i a9 en | fer \ it tees | e eZ ‘ah Ye Shia ie its Seth ons pee coals Nol lee)e Journ. Sci. Agr. Soc. Japan. (Tokyo) Hiura, M. Studies on some downy mildews of agricultural plants. Li. Journ. Sci. Agr. Soc. Japan. 619: 245-2055. dJe.5, 1929. Japanese with English summary. I. On Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Schroet. the causal fungus of the downy mildew of Italian millet (the second preliminary note). Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. Hatencock, Ke Se Three new grasses from French Sudan. Journ. Wash. Acad, Sci. 19: 303-304. Neel, 1929. nowl4. Brachiaria hagerupii, Eragrostis pallescens and H.albida, new species. Macbride, J. F. A plea for the conservation of Muhlenbeckia. Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 19: 302-303. Heel Ie GPO no. 14. _ Kranke Pflanze. (Dresden) Hsmarch, F. Der gurtelschorf der ruben. Kranke Pflanze. ig Gy asto—147. ilius., Ag.1929. no. 8. Rathlef, H.v. Versuchsergebnisse aus Danemark betreffend die pflanzenkrankheiten. Kranke Pflanze. 6: 147- 149. Iyer US BIA waifale (sie -lTandbouwk. Tijdschr. Maandbl. Nederl. Genootsch. Landbouwsetensch. (Amsterdam) Bos, H. Rassenbeschrijving toegelicht aan de "Amster- damsch bakwortel". Landbouwk. Tijdschr. Maandbl. Nederl.Genootsch. Landbouwwetensch,. 41° 357-850, 410-419. mits a (wen MealeeIe, MOI, 495. { Committee: A.M. Sprenger, K. leendertz, and t Er DOS, Tidskr. Landtm. (Stockholm) Simmons, H. G Vaxternas kolddéd och koldresistens. Landtm. Tidskr. Landtm. OMAN SEA gue illus. pena de 1929. NOsdd. Review of: A,Akerman. Studien ueber den kalte- tod und die kalteresistenz der pflanzen. Iund, 1927. NSS 0) PTE rant he * y ; re { nut ohn al te an 1 Wig e NO, Wem at 20). Landwe Versuchsst. (Berlin) Stephan, J. Untersuchunge uber den quellprozess der samen von Trifolium pratense. landw. Versuchsst. 108: 371-576. J1.1929. no.5/6. 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Durregestandige futter-— pflanzen unter besonderem hinweis auf feigenkaktus (cont.) S.W.A. Farmer 6(14): 5-10, illus. Jl, 19295 nosia.. Nee oe Ape ; ae ge ; Diet emmy, Be y orm wags Ah ¥ Sees Coat | Woe sp! ty Weld os 18,2 10.0. Science. (Lancaster, Pa.) Webster, J. BE, & Jansma, F. A comparison of the copper content of Oklahoma wheat with those of other states. Science. nes. 703 174, Ag.16, 1929. no. 1807. Woodworth, R. H, Ferg engecne ss and polyembtryony in Alnus rugosa (Duroi) Spreng. Science. 708 292-193. Age.2s, 1929. no.1808. Sci. Bull. Div. Bot. Dept. Agr.So. Africa. Doidge, E. M. A study of some he eee ee citrus in South Africa, Sei, Sulls Div.) Bot. Dept. Agr. So. Africa. no. 69. 29 p. incl. plates. 1929. So. Afr. Journ. Nat, Histe (Pretoria) Marloth, . Stone-shaped plants. § So. Afr. Journ. Nat. Histe, 6S 27a-G80.. 4 pl, ‘2 col.) de. 1929. no. 4. Titanopsis calcarea, Lithops lesliei, Agryroderma testiculare, Didymactus lapidiformis. Tijdschr. Plantenz. (Amsterdam) Bruyn, H,L.G.de. Het blauw worden van aardappelen (with a sumnary: The blue discoloration of potatoes). Tijdschr. Plan- tenz. 35: 185-222. pl. xiv—xv. Sd LI2o es Gen hs English summary: p.216~-220. Bie Umschau. (Frankfurt) Nestler, A. Hautreizende pflanzen. Die Umschau. 333 611-613, Ag.3, 1929, no.31. Superficial poisoning by ivy (Hedera), box, van- illa fruits, leaves of rhubarb (Rheum undulatum) 5 U. ". Dept. Agr. Circ. Morrison, B.Y. Azaleas and rhododendrons from seed. U. S. Dept. Her eince bes woe) Lilus., Je. 1929. Vee ROR Le. Peer. U. S. Dept. Agr., Food, Drug & Insect. Admin. F. D. Digest. Read, M, q, -ruits and fruit products. Investigations con- ducted by Bureau of chemistry and food, drug and insecticide administration workers from 1862 to 1926. U. S. Dept. Agr. Food, Drug & Insect. Admin. F. D. Di- Best. Noo ee ive Dp. Ap. L929. Accounts of projects and abstracts of publica- tions. Mimeographed. U. S, Dept. Acr. Leari. Talbot, M. W. Wild garlic and its control. Ue. Depus Aen. Leaflet. 43. 5p. illus. J1.1929. Veroffentl. Preuss. Hauptlandw. Kammer. (Berlin) Die rebenztichtung in Preussen in den jahren 1927 undwo28. Bericht Ii, Veroffentl. Preuss. Haupt- landw. Kammer. no.3e. Wop.) nel.) tables.) | lacs, Zeitschr. Gesamte Getreidew. (Berlin) Lindner, Naturwissenschaftliche plauderi uber die anatomic und physiologie des getreidekornes. Zeitschr. Gesamte Ne Let |) GA7s1 55.) aidngs). J1.1929. TOO otis ; s Zeitschr, Pflanzenernahr. Dung. u. Bodenk, A. Wiss. Teil. (Leipzig) Domontowitsch, M. K. & Groschenkow, INES Versuche Uber die wirkung der dunklen und hellen perioden avf die wurzelernahrung der pflanzen. Zeitschr. Pflanzenernghr. Dung. u. Bodenk. &. Wiss. mieii. 14: (194.205. 1929. ne, 4/5. Zeitschr. Zellforsch. & Mikrosk. Anat. (Berlin) Beitler, L. Zur cytologie von Crepis. Zeitschr. Zellforsch. & Mikrosk. Anat. 9: 287-296. illus. J1.23, 1929. NOeke Exper. Stat. Publ. Cooper, J. R. & Wiggans, C. B. A study of the effect of commercial fertilizers on the performance of peach trees. Arkansas Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 239. 62 p. Je. 1929 (Rec'd Ag. 1929) Mola) mo. 2B, p. 28. Exper. Stat. Publ. (cont.) Ware, J. 0. Cotton breeding studies. Arkensas Agr. Exp. stat. Sal, 243. 28. p. illus. Je.1929 (Rec'd Ag. 1929. ’ I,. Idhoritence:of fibor longth., Ti, Heritable relationship of red plant color and leaf shape. Camp, A.F. & Mowry, H. The Japanese persimmon in Florida. Florida AST ea. scabs Bull. 2Oov Se7-oor. illus, des 22. Pammel , ii Hy ; Some weedy grasses injurious to livestock, especial- ly sheep. lowa Aer... Exp. Stat. \Cire. i116. °° d2p. illus. Je. 1929, McWhorter, F, P. & Parker, M. M. Fusarium wilt of tomato in Virginia. Virginia Truck Exp. Stat. Bull. 64: 661-674. illus. oa 1928 (Rec'd Ac. 1929) State Publications. Hernald, o..T, & Osmun; A. Ve Potato insects and diseases and their control. Massachusetts Agr. Coll. Ext. Serv. Ext. Leafl., 21. i2eB.s tidus.) My< 1929). Revised. 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Springer, 1929 (Monographien)) aus ce gesamtgebiet der wissenschaftlichen botanik ... eebdd. Zschokke, Th. Schweizerisches obstbilderwerk (Pomologie Suisse illustrée) hrsg. Wom Schweiz. obst- und weinbauverein, verband Schweiz. obsthandels- und obstverwertungs~ firmen in zug, verband Schweiz handelsgartner. Wadens swil, 1923. Reprints from Journals not yet rec'd or not availatle. lek, H. A. A. van der. De cyclische symbiose der Ericaceae. Separate from Vakvl. Biol. v.10, p.145-156. USESIS ‘ Correction. | List vell, no. 16, p40 under Exper. Stat. Publ. Brooks, 4, N. the entry should read Bull. 204. f pL ARe i vat i patina yo voas | aidan Maiaka thesdy 2. Fa ° singe: oO i i) meee wos Te Pa FA sy , | ie i : 7 +e ear tte : vipiyssbir’ Te ee eG Pou bitrul tea Gee apes i geben he viet 5 pea - pte; , tit ‘4 Beg wma Leary a ar Gite «inte ieee stkeakor. ae ptatit Tiekea ce fiw! stort? Rey ae - aie wee Heine “t aro? eG toh’ ere ae f . med) or eG a ee eset RAAMASISE, 2a! oteia Pie iia a a 3 P| 5 See eR a ¥ hee hf eh 3 - . 7 2 “ 4 a ", - " is "ts FS # : 2 ie o nok i a ix J “ee Ld a ne y +) cee Wy * rh eco d ia ‘ ’ . ’ 4 by { = « re 7 Y BOTANY COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, Mol. 11, no. 19. 7 September 3-14, 1929, Acta, Soc. Bot, Polon. (Warsqawa) Gorski, Ne | Recherches sur les méthodes de mesure de photosynthése chez les plantes aquatiques sub mergées, Acta Soc. Bot. Polone 6: 1-29, illus. 1929, NOsle Korezewski, Me } Wachstum und ertrag, Acta Soc. Bote Polon. 6: 46-68, nie OR 1929, TO ALLA Paszewski, A. Pollenanalytische untersuchunge einiger moore t in Nordwest~Polen, Acta, Soce Bote Polon. 5: 354+ degs, alias, 1928, no, Starmach, Kee Pe_trag zur kenntnis der siisswasserflorideen von Polen, Acta Soc. Bote Polon. 5: 367-389. illus, 1928. (Rectd Se 1929) NO ete Starmach, K. Ueber polnische Chamaesiphon~arten, Acta Soc. Bot. Polon.s 6: 30-45, 1929, noele Ce Carpeticus, ¢. Sideripnilus, nesppe Szymkiewicz, D. Sur la portée de la loi de Ludwis. Actae S0Ce Bote Polon. 5: 390-395, 1928 (Rectd §.1929) NO ete (Firenze) Nicastro, Co ii mate o te del Paraguay (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.) (concl.) Agric. Colon. 23: 369-381. dlluse Ag.19293 no.8, ; \ 4 é ‘ y BAe iy ary e " 4 one Pred fos ipne yh dysteacmauipeti’ ' a ty a} Pp . ‘4 ' y ; us| eka 5 . » 4 in ‘ : 4 — = : . y . SE , — A . ¥ - a , 4 7 ES iz oo a cs iP i = . in7 ath Sue ces M co hy apie ge aR Wedel noel, Dee Amer. Journ, Bote 4 Bradbury, D. A comparative study of the developing and abort-— ing fruits of Prunus cerasus, Amer. Journ, Bote Deeposoo4e. | tilus. | pledialiv. Jl.l929 (Sep. ) NO» vs Foster, AeSe Investigations on the morphology and comparative history of development of foliar organs. I. The foliage leaVes and cataphyllary structures in the horsechestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) (cont, ) iiieGe Bicutis BOt. 16s 474-501. plexi-l. Jl.1929(Sep.) NOe lo Gleason, HeAe The genus Monochaetum in South America. Amere Journ. Bot. 16: 502-522, Jl.1929(Sep.) noe7s A number of new species are describede Showalter, A Me The evolution of "plasmolysis". Amer, Journs Bote 16s 52%.524. J1.1929(Sep. ) Ola Ce "The word plasmolysis, adaptec from the German 'plasmolys." and occurring frequentiy in current botanicss. literature, is used now in two fundamen- tally dificrent senses." Snell, WH. The relation of moisture contents of wood to its decay III. Amer, Journ. Bot. 16: 548-545. Gimteco(Sep.) 100 ve Weatherwax, Pe The morphology of the spikelets of six genera of Oryzeae. Amer. Journ. Bot. 16: 547-555. ridiiapyst dis! 929(Sep. ) NOove Oryza, Leersia, Zizania, Zizaniopsis, Hydrochloa, Luziolas Zimmermar., PeWe Vegetative propagation of holly. Amer. Journ. Bote Les So6—570, 7 plel-dai. Jt.1929(Sep.). now 7s Vell, no.l9, ped. Cockerell, T.D.A. Hybrid sunflowers, Amer. Nat. 63: 470-475, S,/O. 1929, no.688, Seifriz, We The contractility of protoplasm. Amer, Nat, 66: 410-434, illus, §./0. 1929, no.686, (Cheshunt ) Owen, Os ; The effect of copper on tomato plants at various Stages of growth. Ann. Repe Expe & Res. Stat, Nursery & Mark. Gard. Industre Devele Soc. 14(1928): Llll-114, 1929, Small » De Tomato "mildew" or leaf~mould. Ann. Red. Exp. & Rese Stat. Nursery & Mark. Card. Industr. Devele Soc. 14(1928): 45-62. 1929, White, Hele Wilt disease of the carnation. Ann. Repe Exp. & Res, Stat. Nursery & Mark. Gard, Industr. Devel. Soc, 14(1928): 62-75, illus, SEAS Williams, PeHe A bacterial disease of the chrysanthemum, Ann. Rep. Exp. & Res. Stat, Nursery & Mark Gard. Industr. Devel. Soc. 14(1928): 40-45, 1929, Organism not named, not the same as Bact. vesicatorum. Williams, P.H, The effect of some lithiun compounds on tomato ptonts, Ann. Repe Hsp. & Rese Stat. Nursery & Marke Gard. Incustr. Devel. Soc. 14(1928): 38-40, 1929, Lithium chloride and lithium carbonate used for control of Verticilliu wilt, found injurious to plant ry Williams, PH. MNgi occurring in tomato rootse Ann, Repe Exp. & Res. Stat. Nursery & Mark, Gard. Industr. Devel. Soc. 14(1928): 42-45, 1929. Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium sppe Phytophthora Spe, Colletotrichum atramentarium, Trichoderma ko- ningi, a sterile fungus represented by several ‘Strains & bacteria, Nisa kai ah) Vell, no.l9, pede 1. Repe Expe & Res. Stat. Mursery & Mark. Gadd. Industr. Devel. Soc. (cont. ) Williams, P.H. Investigations on the control of Verticillium wilt of the tomatoe Ann. Rep. Exp. & Res. Stat. Nursery & Mark. Gard. Industr. Devel. Soc. 14(1928): 36—382 19296 Inn. Uniw. Stellenhosch. (Cape Town) Van der Byl, Pede Die Suid-Afrikaanse Thelephoraceae,. Ann, Uniw. Stellenbosch, Via ee ee) Oe D4 Pe shots eyes Oc Je.1929. Stereum transvaalium n. sp. gan. Repe Dept. Agr. Kenya. Bufton, JeGele Annual report of the plant breeder. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Kenya £1928: 198254, 4pl. 1929 With particular reference to wheat and maize and notes on rust resistant varieties of the former. McDonald, Je Annual report of the mycologist for 1928. Anne Repe Depte Agr. Kenya fisee: 187197. ple 1929.6 ir. Biol. Reichanst. Land- ue Forstw. (Berlin) Merkenschlager, Fe Zur biologie der kartoffel. Arb. Biol. Reichanst. Land= ue Forstwe 17: e25=240. illus. (incl, maps) Je.1929. NOede Voelkel, He Methoden zur priifung von pflanzenschutzmitteln. II. Die bestimmmg der haftfahigkeit von stdubemitteln. Arb. Biol. Reichanst. Lande wu. Forstw. 17: 253-2726 Datuse deslI29, NoOede Wollenweber, H.W. Die wirtelpilz weklekrankheit (verticilliose) von ulme, ahorn und linde usw. Arbe Biol. Reichanst. Land= u. Forstw. 17: 273-299. DATS Jeel 929. NOede Verticillium cinerescens ne Spe Zillig, He, and Niemeyer, Le Beitrage zur biologie und bekaémpfung des roten brenners (Pseudopeziza tracheiphila Muller~Thurgau) des weinstocks,. Arde Biole Reicnanst. Land- ue Pocus 27s) I-66, iltus., ple imive (1 col.) Ap. 1929 (Rec'd Sept.) nosle Viens, noeld, Peds Protistenk. (Jena) ~ Mainx, F. Ueber die geschlechterverteilung bei Volvox aureus. Arch, Protistenk, 67: 205-214, Ag»2d3, 1929. noel. Poljansky, Ge, and Petruschewsky, G. Zur frage uber die struktur der cyanophyceen= a zZelle. Arch, Protistenk. 57: 11-45, opl.i-ii. ‘ Giveote), he.2s. 1995, no, 1. hustral. For. JOUrN, (Sydney ) y Osborn, TeGeBe Forestry ecology (Australia), Austral. For. Journ. 11; 120-124. D.1928(Rectd $1929) node Bol. Min, Agr. Nace Argent ine a Marchionatto, JeBe a La lucha contra el "carbén volador" del trigo.e Bol. Min. Agr. Nace Argentine 28: 22%231. p./ Je.el929, (Rectd $.1929) noed, DOUs Arche (Leipzig) q Beyer, AF. Ueber tropfenbildung in den schliesszellen der spaltoffnungen von Tradescantia zebrina. Bot. Arch, 26: 224-256. illus. J1.1929. no.l/2. English abstract, pe255. Fleischer, E. Zar biologie feilspanforminger samen. Bote Arch, 26: 86-132. J1.1929. no.1/2. English summary, p.13l. Thieme, HeWe Das bongosiholz und seine abstammng. Bote Arche 263 164-223, illus. etoree ly et aldnosl oye aie 1929. noel/2. Lophira alata and L. procera. TMiteit., Ts. Beitrag zur kenntnis der in Bulgarien angebau- ten varietaten der Oryza sativa Le Bote Archs 263 133-162, fold. tabs Jl. 1929. no.1/2. English abstract, pe 163. Wilke, H. _ Die phylogenie der Rhodophyceae. Bote Arche 263 1-85. diagrs. J1.1929. no.1/2. English abstract, p.84. ong t rh} + a Pp ; i a Pp o> ; F ; el LA “i 5 t 2 ' . ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ae x ” ety ae s - a ih ‘s 2 - “ } ‘ ae “f . ” < » tt Dy 4 ets {4 : * ” Pate "> uththe ‘ ia vig ‘ } , i] hes! ‘ a4 Opt -* | Li q a \e sp aie : , wa . ; A / pe i) ne i AY YTS 1e a) Vy : y: } pMienes iu : eee Mieka wire Veen Vell, no.19; 065. Grad. Bote Unive Cluj. (Raumania) Bujorean, Gn Cazuri de teratologie inca necunoscute ..- (Binige noch unbekannte teratologiscne formen bei: Scilla bifolia, Tulipa hungarica, Tulipa suaveolens, Crinum curense ve. maximum, . Asphodeline lutea, §yringa josikaea, Allium odorum, Leucojum vernum, Asparagus tenuifolius si Fraxinus excelsior. Bulet. Grade Bot. { Unive Cluj 9: 221-222, 1929, noed/4. 4 In Rumanian with Germa summary. Nyarady. HT. Adno.atiuni la flora Romaniei IV. Bulet. Grad. Bore UNive Cluy 92 224.225, 1929, nowd/4e German résumé, . Pop, E i Analize de polen in turba Carpatilor orentali ... (Pollenanalyse einiger mmore der Ostkarpathen). Bulet. Grad. Bot. Univ. Cluj 9: 81-180. plei~v. 19295. noe) 4e Rumanian with German summarye Pop, E. Bibl: grafia botanica a Dobrogei (1878-1928). Bulet. Grad. Bot. Unive Cluj 9: P1L0—2200. 1929, N0eS/4e » Agr. Res. Inst. Pusa, a Mitra, Me Some diseases of crops in the Andaman Islands. Bull, Aer. Res. Inst. Pusa no.l95. 4p. 1929. Coconut palms-Hevea rubber-Jack fruit- Mango- Mangosteen- Lime and orange- Tea~ Coffee- Plantains-— Sugarcane—- Tomato- Rice. Dept. Agr. Bombay (Poona) Gammie, Gee Field, garden and orchard crops of the Bombay Presidency. Reve and enle by GeBRe Patwardhan 1928, elas Depte Agve Bombay 30(of 1908). TEVe Metg Les xiv ple L920. Sahasrabuddhe, Dele, and Bapat, GeMe A study of the soils associated with the deteri~ oration of the cardamom crop in North Kanarae Bull. Dept. Agr. Bombay 157 of 19295° 45 p. pl. 1929. Disease ("katte") not due to fungus, insect or bacteria, but to Protozoa. Was MOeoe isteitan fll. Dept. Aer. So. Africa. é Doidge, E.eMe Further citrus canker studies. Bull.Dept. Agr. SOs Sereda I NOGOLs) ol pe ‘LIC. fBull.] Gosud, Inst. Tabak, Krasnodar (Bull. State Inst. Tobacco Invest. Krasnodar ) Piatnit ical 3 Mere -.-The chemical characteristics of "American" type of tobacco from the irrigated districts in Crimea. [Bull.] Gosud. Inst. Tabak (Bull. State Inst. Tobacco Invest.) 492 8%98, 192. Russian with English summary. Schmuk, A-, and Balabukha, V. eosTne chemical composition of tobacco grown in 1926. [Bull.] Gosud. Inst. Tabak. Krasnodar (Bull. State Inst. Tobacco Invest. Krasnodar) 49: 5-81, 1929, Russian with Unglish summary. J11. Mense Soc. Nat. Hort. France (Paris) Guillaumin, Ae Le pays d'origine du Stauropsis fasciata. Bull. Mens. Soc. Nat. Hort. France $00, es 402. die tveo. Bull. Misc. Inform. K2w (London) Ashby, SeFs : Diseases of limes and sugar—cane in the West Indies. Bull. Misc. Inform, Kew 1929: 209-214, M1O\e Ve Dandy, J.E. A new Michelia from the borders of Tibet and Assam. Bull. Misce Informe Kew 1929: 222-223, NOs ve Me wardii, n..SDe Domin, Ke New ferns from tropical America and the West Indiese Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1929: 215-222, Os (se From northern South America, Costa Rica & the island of Dominica. Sprague, TB. The botanical name of shrub yellow-root. Bull, Misc. Inform. Yew 1929: 235-236. Noeve Xanthorhiza simplicissima,. “yaa Sterculia from Fijii. Bull. Misce Inform. Kew a 1929: 240. nos? * Name suggested by Mr. Wm. Greenwood for a well known Fijian plant which requires a new name, is Se suppyl. o vo } ar bay 7a) : o< a pase se yitatar: we hy Velie nowt, py Ss gull. Misc. Inform. Kew (cont. ) Tarrill. W.B. On the flora of the Nearer Hast. Bull. Misc. Wakefiel- eM. Giacimo Brosadola. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1929: CoO=257 0 INOH i Neate Sole Parise Bonnet, R, Ltéveluticon de Lltazote au cours de la germina~ tion. Somet. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 189: 373-375, he 55,1929... noe Gui. chard 7 Ae Gur ltontogénie de la feuille végétative du Carex glauca Le Comat. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 189: 368— S70y. shez26, 1929. nos. Hée, Ae Influence des vagues de froid sur la respiration des végsétoux. Compt. Rend. Acade Sci. Paris 189: Dil siar. 9 ASeob, L929. nos Lemarchanids, Je Recus: ‘hes sur les transformtions et plus spécialenent sur la saponification des réserves erasses vans les graines au cours de la germination. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci, Paris 189: 375-377. Agecbs 1929. Mogi Soc. Phys, & Hist. Nat. Geneve. Chodat GB's Génétique des fraisiers, l'hétérosis. Compt. Rend. Soc, Physe & Hist. Nat. Geneve 46; 108-110. Apa/Tle 2 NOece Iuyet » Be La rediosensibilité 2 l%ultraviolet chez les mucorinéez, en fonction de leur Ze. Compt. Rend. Soc. Phys. & Hist. Nat. Gen@éve. 46: 107-108. Rpey dlelSeo,. 1 move Naville, A. Action des rayons mitogénétiques 4 travers un écran de quartz, (note préliminaire). Compt. Rend. Socs Phys. & Hist. Nat. Geneve 46: 128-130. oe) Ils 1929, HOsce te ad es SEER \e Wee ely MOmuLS Dai Fe Sompt. Rend. Soc. Phys. & Hist. Nat. Geneve. (cont.) 4 Naville, he ~ Sexualisation des gametes et gonomérie chez les myxosporidies, (note préliminaire). Compt. Rend. Soc; Phys. & Histe Nate Genevee 46: 130~ PS Aes Ti el929s Rose. Q ier Bote Mage a Curt. Bote Mag. vel53, ptel. cole ple 9162-9172, Ag.24,1929, Nos le xX Crinodonna corsii- Picea omorika- Eustephia pamiane, ne sm.- Rhododendron haematodes— Primula vulcaris heterochroma— Carduncellus maltifidus- Corukia macrocarpa- x Salvia superba- Ephidendrum punilum- Cotoneaster glaucophylla f. serotina- Acacia extensa, Deut. landw. Presse (Zerlin) ; Maller, KeR. Hine neue rubenkrankheit,. Deut. Landwe Presse Pectmnorvsa(Os Lilus. Aesl7,1929, noedds i Leaf disease somewhat resembling curly top. The B, probability that it is a virus disease is strengthened P by the presence of numerous green hoppers (Chlorida flavescens) of the diseased plants. . Akad. Nauk SSSR (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. URSS) Prianishnikov, D., and Ivanova, V. »eeSur l'absorption et sur lfexcrétion de l*ammoniaque par les racines des plantes. Dokl» Akad. Nauk SSSR (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. URSS) wo29 As 627-361. no»al4. Russian, Rassadina, Ke eseLes lichens du gouvernement de Vologdae Dokl. Akade Nauk SSSR (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. URSS) 1929 As Deol ce5 6 raleyey Russiane Rassadina, Ke «+.Une nouvelle espéce d'Umbilicaria de Sibérie -- Umbilicaria pertusa spen. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR (Compt. Rend. Acads Scie USSR) 1929 As 343- $099, illus. no 14. Russian with Latin diagnosis. Vilidy Adie Lo, Dele « Akad. Nauk SSSR (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. URSS) (cont.) Vavilov, XN. .eel2 localisation géographigque des genes du b1lé dans le monde. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Compt. Rend. Acad. Scie URSS) 1929 A: 265-270. illus. Gmap)) “nol. RUSS] ane imishr. Pflanze (Berlin) q Blattny, Ce Der einfluss der geteilten kalidtbngung auf den gesundheitszustand und den ertrag des hopfens. Henao ribanze. eos ole-Ooes | Agel5,1929. nob. Fortschr, Landw, (Viera) a Bode, G. : Die bedeutung des rohrzuckers in der gerstée a Fortschr, Landw.e 4: 545-547, Tilus, Sa tGn NSS) NOel7. Gard. Chron. (London) ft Anderson, A.W. A few New Zealand Ourisiase Gard, Chron, “ini. 85: 166+167, ANS Werle OOo NOsecales Dearne iL. A. We The genus Primula (cont, ) Cardy Chrony Tite. Bes) 15i-152, 169. Ae.24,51, 1929. no.2226-2227. Grove, Ae Rypwrdi it Lies. Gard. Chron,III, 86: 1481495, Agect, ise) NOeccc5. Redgrove, HeSe Curious old beliefs about medicinal herbse Garde Chrone Tit), 663 166. 2.5L, 1929.6 NO. ocele Stearn, WT. Some Gecorative Alliums. Gard.) Chrons, (iii Coe 162—1556 Nel 5) IZ. NOeeeL7e Wadd 5. Ae The cultivation of New Zealand plants in Britain (concl. ) Gard ChroneIII, 86: 152, Agec4, 1929. NOecccbe Ward... Bake i Mr. Fe Kingdon Ward's tenth expedition in Asia (conic). Gard. Chrone III, 863 149-150, illus. Age24, 1929. noe2e26. | : 4 ” Valls DOnlo, pell. Illus. (London) . Cowley, He Ten days in Leventina, The diary of a visit to the Alps of Val Ticino and around Piora (cont.) A field day among the lilies. Gard. Tlius., Sk: 58i— Dees es, Agects 2929. Nosc6Sde Gartenbauwiss. (Berlin) f Blatiny, OC. Ueber einige lrankhafte erscheinungen bei verholz- ten partien und jungen trieben des hopfens. Garten-— bauwiss. 23: 317-339. TL huse: | Ast, LISI) nNoede Dix, We Vegetationsversuche mit ultraviolette strahlen durchlassigem glas. Gartenbauwisse 2: 365-368. Saris Wee line ve. Molace tartenfl. (Berlin) a Dageforde, Ke jr Die kern— und zeliteilung, Gartenfl, 78: 222- Bolger LMS.) ) Aes L929. (Berlin) Bonstedt, C6. Neue tropische nymphaeen I~ Gartenwe Gyselinck, A. Bunte bromelien fur erwerbskultur I- Cartenw. 63: 4554456, Ss) ) Wes le,Lo29, nos5de Herre, He Kalla in ihrer heimat. Gartenw.e 34: 466-467. illus. JNEEN NS SUS) 20S) NO we dde (Menasha, Wisc.) Hast, E.M., and Yarnell, S.H. Studies on self~sterility, VIII. Self—sterility ajlelomorphs,. Genetics 143 455-487. Seldegs NO»Do Emerson, Rete The frequency of somatic mutation in variegated pericarp of maize. Genetics 14: 488-511. §.1929. NOeDe Woodworth, C.eM.e, and Veatch, Ce Inheritance of pubescence in soy beans and its relation to pod color. Genetics 143 512-518. Sel92954 NOsede 33: 461-4¢2, 457+458. aids » Nene. 16, 1929. °° nosSksoos » rayne i an te ane oo gf +) ; ee ee iA - ry 5 = : = 7. oa : + ¢ - = = ' ei & bcear ee oa be S a 5 es ‘ y 4 ; eae, z ae? Eo) Suu en ARR SEY, of By SHE ‘eae ’ eee 3 , winter & : ‘Or Ried | Toa. eal sf sep) alee Tan) Vell; woll9; piles bk. Inform, Indian Tea Assoc. Notes on fungus diseases. Handbk. Inform, Indian Tea Assoce 1929: 45-53. col. plates. foppe-Seyl. Zeitschr. Phys. Chem, (Berlin) . Euler, H, von, Steffenburg, S. & Hellstrdém, H. Experimentelle chemische beitrage zur erblich~ keitsforschung. II. Hoppe=Seyler's Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem. 183; 113-1l2c,. Ag 12,1929. NOeds Fuler, He von, and Hellstrom, He Ueber dice bildung von xanthophyll, carotin und : chirorpivyil in belichteten und unbelichteten gerst- enixceimlinzene Hoppe-Seyl. Zeitschr. Phys. Chem. Less L77-183. Agee6, 1929. no.e4/6. Nord, FoF, and Weichherz, J. Ueber dan zsammenhang Zwischen enzymwirkung und absorption. 3. mitteilung mm mechanismus der enzyme wirkunge Hoppe-Seyl. Zeitschr. Phys, Chem. 1833 191-217, Age26, 1929, noed/6. Nord, FoFe,; and Weichherz, J. Zur kenntnis der enzymatischen vorgange in der keimende gerste. 4, mitteilung zum mechanismus der a enzymwirinige Hoppe—Seyl. Zeitschr.e Phys. Chem. a PSS: 218-225, illuss Age26, 1929. no.4/6. orticulture (Boston) 4 Jone ity Be An evergreen that endures wind. Horticulture tebe OOe: |) PALI.) \\SedgbIe8e NOwl Ze Native plants for American gardens. Horticulture 73 419-420. Sebeocee | Melt State Coll, Journ. Sci. (Ames, Iae) Cratty, Rele The immigrant flora of Iowae Iowa State Coll, Journ. SCie 3s 247-269. Apel929. NOede Patel, Me Ke Biological studies of Pseudomonas tumefaciens Sm. & Town, and fifteen related non-pathogenic or- ganisms. Iowa State Coll. Journe Scie 33 271-298. Ape1929.6 ; ro a a ie he rr) Vil *osd9, pel. Izv. Biol. NauchnbuIssled. Inst. i Biol. Stan. Permsk. Gosud. Univ. a (Bull. Inst. Rech. Biol. & Stat. Biol. Univ. Perm.) Bykov, I-H. »e»On the mineral combinations of nitrogen in the sap of plants. Izve Biol. Nauchno-Issled, Inst. i Biol, Star. Permsk, Gosud, Unive (Bull. Inst. Rech. Biola State BlOl. Univ. Perms) 6: 277-290. 1929. NOeGe Russian with English summary. — Teva, Owls eee A study on the assimilation of phosphoric acid by barley in a water solution, Izve Biol. Nauchno— issted. ‘ust. 2 Biol. Stan, Permsk. Gosud. Unive (Bull. Inste Rech. Biol. & State Biol. Univ. Perm) 6: 261-276. £929. NO «Ge . Russian with English summary. Journe Agr. Prat. (Paris) : Lesourd, F. Histoire des plantes. Le colza (Brassica campes~ tris Diet) soreaerel. Agr. ails NeSes 52(2): 149~152.6 illus, Aee24,1929. noeBt. fourn, New Zeal. Inst. Hort. Daviess Wo Cs Photography as an aid to the study of plants and plant protlems. Journ, New Zeal. Inst. Hort. 1: ote tise. Plel-=xids Weel929, noel. Rice, WeHe Chinese gooseberry (Actinidea chinensis). JOUID. New Zeale ia Sitis Horte ls ona g TIL IRGUSS Je.1929~ NOol. + Pharm & Chim. (Paris) Bridel, Me Recherches sur les variations de coloration des plantes au cours de leur dessiccation. Le glueoside du Lathraea clandestina Le est l'aucuboside (aucu~ bine). Journ. Phram. & Chim. VIII, 10: 97-110. Age1929. Osis Ogamische Forsch. ; Ade, Ae Bemerkenswerte pilze. Krypbtogamische Forsche 23 23-27. Jael929(Rec!d Sept.) noel. Ombrophila blasiae, Pirottaea dubia, Lepto- sphaeria pilulariae, Hendersonia pilulariae, NeSppe; Pezizella aphanes Rehm (in litt.) = as o~ Sy He = ve Sige ris o=) y re id . Feo. gue > SS WY ened ae zat 2g i Pergaryy tz ; / dct + Nee . . Ay = =) paegi-*Wrerialen ule Dore “ f . oc de TN Stee Sasaee See: it Vell, nowl9, pel4. [ryptogemische Forsch. (cont.) Hsenbeck, E, Schizomeris leibleinii Kitz. (Vorlaufige mitteilung). Kryptogemische Forsche 2: 2-5. illus. Ja.s1929 (Rec!d Sept.) nosle Bayerische becherpilze. 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Se/0sl929. node Hagelstein, R. New Mycetozoa from Long Island. Mycologias 21S 297-299. ple 26. Se/0.1929. noete Comatricha rispaudii and Cribraria laxa, yew species. Hunt, Wek. d Collections of rusts made in New York State. Mycologia. 21! 288-291. Se/0sl929. noete Magnusson, A.He The yellow species of Acarospora in North Americas Mycologiae 21: 249-2600 S./0.1929. noote A texana, Ae extenuata, A.ssocialis, Aevoluta, A.amabilis, A.contigua, Aesubalbida, A.samoensis, new SPeciese Overholts, Lec Mycological notes for 192627. Mycologiae 21: 274-287. ple22-25. $e/001929. nowte Shope, Pei. History of mycological collectors in Colorado. Mycologia 21: 292-296. §./0.1929. nod. mane ey Aud rent Vell; nNowl9y Dili(e Porta. (cont. ) Snell 9 WeHe 4 . Dasyscypha agassizii on Pinus strobus. My co~ F : logias 212 235_242, DlecOs S./0.1929. NOote Nat. Geogr. Mage ; Brandes, WE. Into primeval Papua by seaplane. 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Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa nacional, 1926. Docters van Leeuwen, . 4. ; Krakatou's new floza. In Krekatau (4th Pa- a cific science congress) [Bandoeng, 1929] p. 57~79. 3 Spl. F Edwards, A, f. Rock gardens, how to plan and plant them. 4 London, Ward, Lock & Co., 1929. Hale sar AyD, The book of the tubip. London, M. Hopkinson, 1929, Uawin, Cs, Wed. Sweet peas, their history, development and culture. ea ed. Cambridge, Eng., W. Heffer & sons, 1929, q Reprints from Journals not yet rec'd or not available. Kellerman, K. F. "Hullea" and "dehulled". lp. Reprinted from Amer. Speechs;: Winks DOs Ge Hele. Orton, Ci. tie Dominio de la enfermedades de las plantas que — se ‘trasmiten con las semillas. Serie sobre agri- culture Union Panamer. MOe Hore 2S Oe oi ase Are 1929. Reprinted from Bol. Union Panamer.ve63, pe 839~860. ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDBSFRY- Dei ccs. yp A, £ ) COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE “Tiewlti te a, no. 20. Sept.16-28, 1929. deta Bot. Fenn. (Helsingfors) q Barlund, H. oo Permeabilitautsstudien an epidermiszellen von Rhoeéo discolor. Acta Bot. Henn. vis 4/5, aK VA = oe . 1929. Fomjarmis, OAPs 3 Ueber die Pe pee tine prlanzlicher zellen. ewaeec. Henne Yo4/5. nol. 202 p. 2929. Experiments with Rhoeo (Tradescantia) discolor, Tradescantia virginica & Lemna minor. Amer. Bot. (Indianapolis, Ind. ) i Clute, W.N. 4 Botanical essays. XVII-XIX. Amer. Bot. 35: 81-87. JLLI92Z9. Now. Flowers that are not flowers — Color in plants - Insects and plants. Glute, W. N. The meaning of plant names XXXIX. The sunflowers. Miers Bot. S05: 103-109. Jl. 1929. now 3. Clute, W.N. Rare form of walking poe Amer. Bot. 353 99-102. Aelia J1.1929. nod. Camptosorus rhizopnyllus auriculatus. Color of Trillium declinatum. Amer. FObe Gs 11S, J1l1929. TAO) 81/5 Also of T.erectum,. Cornels and viburnums. Amer. Bot. 452 LO9= Ei Jl. 1929. Oar Lombard, L. H. . Ciematis. Amer. Bot. 35: 97-99. Jl. 1929. no.d. : in car's Lareteit } ‘ i 1 ST eT, aa ; a 7% a 4, aah ’ ¥ Newel WGRIOOs Palais Amer. Bot. (cont.) i Sonn, Mrs Mem. Some western parsnips. Amer. Bot. 35: 93~ Biter ide lee NOs. Amer. Midl. Nat. (Notre Dame, Ind.) Bush, B. F. The Mexican species of Tilia. Amer, Midl. Nat. ll: 543-560. Si) USES TO} Vile Ann, Ecole Nat. Agr. Grignon. fuurousseau, Notice sur Jean Dumont. Ann. Ecole Nat. Agr. Grignon. 12: 47-49. port. [19297] Couvreur, M. Notice sur L.-F. Henneguy, 1850-1928. Ann. Heoke Nat. Asr. Griemon, 12: 5-16. port. [19297] Arch. Koffiecult. (Batavia) Bally, W. Spinnewebziekten en djamoer oepas bij koffie. ArGheKoriiecult, Ved, nol. 24 De illuse; Boats ge, 1920, English summary (Thread bdDlights and pink disease on coffee): p.2e. Arch. Rubbercult, Nederl.-Ind. (Batavia, Java) Bally, W. Twee zwarte wortelschimmels van Hevea. (Two black root-fungi in Hevea). Arch. Rubbercult. Nederl,—Ind. 13; 431-444, pl, i-iii. Ag.1929. NOs Oe Rosellinia bunodes, Xylaria thwaitesii. English summary: p.442-443, Biochem, Zeitschr. (Berlin) Stoklasa, J. Ueber den einfluss des jodions auf das wachstum und die zellvermehrung der halophyten. Biochem. Zeitscnr. ell: 213-228, ciel bases Ag.i14,, 1929. no.1/3. Ce a8.%,: ya ll t g Le | ee. ~” ‘é fan ; ‘ eye hea biaeatae j ‘aN iL WY Vinee MOO. Dede « Pflanzeno. u. Pflanzenztcht. Jakowatz, A. & Zimmermann, F. Versuche zur bexampfung von ackerunkrdutern mit "raphanit" und "hedolit". Blatt. Pflanzenb. u. Pflenzenzticht. ie Ol OO Hewes nO. \ .. Acad. Nac. Cienc. Cordoba. Seckt, H. Estudios hidrobioldgicos en la Argentina IV. Conjugatae. Bol. Acad.Nac. Cienc. Cordoba. eee te. ole devas 1 1929., (5 no. 1/2. siens. Olivicult. (Tortosa) Procedimiento para combatir la carie del olivo. Bol. Mens. Olivicult. Teer) Soi. Ae. 1929. Fomes fulvus. . Min. Agr. Industr. e Comm. Brazil. (Rio de Janeiro) Teixeira da Fonseca, HE. Plantas brasileiras (Jacaré-uba ou guanandy). Bol, Min. Agr. Industr. e Comm. Brazil. 1: 817- Cee tides 1929. 20,6. Calopnyllum brasiliense. - Patol. Veg. y Entom. Agr. (Madrid) Benlloch, M. La royal del peral. Bol. Patol. Veg. y Hntom. Peer ot fo6-160. | illus, dJ1./D.1929.(Rec'd S., 1929) no.12/14. D.Leandro Navarro. Bol. Patol. Veg. y Entom. Agr. 3: 242-245. port. J1./D.1929. Principales publicaciones le D.Leandro Navarro; p. c44- 245, (Chicago ) Campbell, R. Ss. A case of phyllody in Yucca elata. Bot. Gaze 88; 109-110. ahGls. S,1929. NOs ye eiomen. Ge. Meiotic phenomena in certain Gramineae. II. Pani- - ceae and Andropogoneae. Bot. Gaz. 88; 63-84, pl.iv-vi. SAIS ecko ae ead i eM cme Lo : RRO": aad Ota . Ve fa rh cr tite th, bt: Shae iene Ayal?) aie Fie)! Ag Vi Oley. Dies Gaz. (cont.) HOS, GAs fe Cs Erfect of nitrate salts upon growth and com- position of tobacco leaves. Bot. Gaz. 8: 96— 102. illus, Sel sreiS)a ue weloyryl les Haupt, A. W. Studies in Californian Hepaticae. II. Fossom bronia longiseta. Bote Gaze 88: 103-108. (ole Wyaaaers Sega) NO al Johnson, D. S. Development of antheridium and spermatozoid in Plagiochila adiantoides Lindb. (Swartz). Bot. Gaz. 88; 38-62. CIN ORS) Golde ai ihiliae Secs Ome. Link, G. KK. Reproduction in thallophytes, with special re- HEGeNce. to Lung i. Bot. Gaz. 86; 1-387. §.1929. nol. Bue baie lace adlnea( s Effect of mineral nutrients upon seed plants. II- Bot. Gaz. 635 85-95. §.1929. nol. II. Phosphates. — Bulet. Grad. Bot. Univ. Cluj. (Roumania) % Wyarady, E. I. Studiu preliminary ‘asupra unor specii de Alyssum din sectia Odontarrhena (Vorstudium uber einige arten der section Odontarrhena der gattung Alyssum) (Conte) Boleve Grad. Bot. Univ. Cluj. SiS ese Si RIL GSS 1o2o ee. no. 1/2, Bull, Agence Gen. Colon. France. (Paris) Heim de Balsac, F., Dagand, G.S., Heim de Balsac, H., Lefevre, L. & Maheu, Je La graine oil cea et l'huile de the. (Thea sinensis L.) Bull. Agence Gen. Colon. France. Popa oe=o7o. 3 ol. (il told.) Ag.1929. no.247. Heim de Balsac, F., Maheu, J., Cercelet, M.,Heim de Balsac, H. & Lefevre, ins Valeur papetiére du bois de "Simaroubal de la Guyane frangaise. Bull. Agence Gén. Colon. France. Ee: 600-668, S pl, (1 fold.) Je.1929. no.245. Vines CO aia) g, Peds n. P. Bishop Mus. (Honolulu) Maller, C. D. Food values of breadfruit, taro leaves, coconut and sugar cane. Bull. Bern. P.Bishop Mus. 64. Bom. 1929. il. Dept. Agr. Canada. (Ottawa) Berkeley, G. H. Raspberry diseases. Bull. Dept. Agr. Canada. ie oo 2e., | 1909. Davis, M. B. The raspberry and its cultivation in Canada. Bull. Dept. Azr. Canada. 114: 1-17. LASS ieig On COles ley) jal IBS. Me N.Y. Bot. Gard, ibm, oh. Hs A guide to the Pinetum. Boll. Mee Bot. Cand. v.14, Nowe 1G) De glans Ae SO. Io). tt, Biol. Soc. Sci. Fenn. (Helsingfors) mersuch, i. Die scapanien Nordeuropas und §ibiriens. Com— Meme tol. Soc. Sci. Fenn. v.d, nol. L/S eer ius., map. 1928 (Rec'd S.1929). 3. Comm. Rep. Philipp. Sugar Assoc. Bee mee, H. A. & Medalla, M. G. The structure of the sugar-cane plant in relation to cultivation practices. Comp. Comm. Rep. Philipp. Sugar Assoc, 6(1928): 4446. pl. [1929] Bend. Soc. Biol. Paris. _ Fontaine, M. De l'action des fortes pressions: sur les cellules végétales. Compienend.) Soc, Bigl., Paris. LO: 452-454, 1929, no.20. . Experiments with Hlodea. tleman (Philadelphia) mues, J. Se. Orchard miracles. Country Gentleman. 94(10): 5, 114. SalI DSI E Say Oa be acim A plum-peach union. Laying the ghost of phony. A henomenal new strawberry. The matter of fertilization. New and sensational small fruits. A new plan with roses. aming the blueberry. The promising bush cherry. ie 5 ate rt he af Ve Lise sO Ds 6 ei) (Hungary) (Sopron) Magyar, P. . : Gydkérvizsgalatok csemetekerti és szike talaj- ban. (Warzelstudien in pflanzengarten und auf szik- bdoden). Erdész. Kiserl. (Hungary) 31: 117-165. gale Us), IES EAST NO» German translation: p.229-243. Pflanz. (Berlin) Merkenschlager, F, _ Zur geographie der kartoffel. Ernahr. Pflanze. 2b: 393-398. Sy S)5 dese ealis} 23S) 5 Senator Rerline, Hs Formen und ursachen des abbaus der kartoffel. Ernahr. Pflanze. go: 405-409. aM epics sale IU) ploy IL Schmitt, L. Was ist unter der bezeichnung "pH" zu verstehen? Hgoehr,. Pilange. 25: 410-412. 8.1, 1929. no.1’. bout Sugar. (N.Y. ) Nopin. Deo S. The bacterial—-vascular diseases of sugar cane. Facts about sugar. 24: 830-881. S14, 1929. mno.37. Gumming, leaf scald. Wess, i. The use of fungicides in connection with the hot water treatment of narcissus bulbs. Flor. Exch. 62: 13, 43. Ce aga) On Os In order to prevent contamination of healthy bulbs during the hot water treatment, it is advan- _ _ tageous to employ a fungicide in the water; mercurit - compounds and formaldehyde have oroved best among those tested. ron. (London) Siearnell, A, W. The genus Primula. (cont.) Cencelymelaaerals, yi 86:184, Say LOZ. no.2ecs. Friend, H. Problems of plant life. VII. Leaves and their function. Gard. Chron. Gi Soe wer = 1B). yes brS| 4 » 1929. no.gecs. 3 Qala eats 1a ea i - ae a , ; i . ay OR uklaloely a Oe Gis aaa i PRO ia 5! eal lhe Maa me eh pera aS ok rs ; nih ays 4 \ ey ote bie zai is Vege, salon r= Ob Pe re en) (cont, ) Robinson, G. W. An English gardener in Chili. Gard.Chron. iemiense: b>, Mm oui oes. mo. cece. Ward, 7.K. Mr. F. Kingdon Ward's tenth expedition in Asia. XXIX. Ups and downs. Cand. Camom., 9 TLL. 86% 186-187 ° 7 JL JGbys} Sof 9 1929 e no e Conk. Illus. (London) Cowley, H. Ten days in Leventina. The diary of a visit to the Alps of Val Ticino and around Piora. (cont.) Gard. Tas, 51: 612-613. pUALIN OLS Si (ee Hes ete) no. 265d. w. (Berlin) Reinhold, J. Unkrautbekampfung durch chemikalien. Gartenw. $5; 484-485, ER IWS DE Ae.d0,1929. no.dd. & Gard. (Greenwich, Conn. ) Mead, F. B. Among the newer daffodils. House & Gard. Boe) 10-111, 154,156, 158, 164. dels SHORES) Morgan, W. P.. The freesia comes into its own as a tlower for hybridizing. House & Gard. 56(4): 94, 170, l%2. wis, Oe US 2S) Rowntree, L. California wildflowers for the east. House & Gard. Dee Loe Oo, les.i76. Vailas. 50. LSE Wilder, L. W. . Flowers that have run away. House & Gard. Moev))s 102-103, 174, 176. illus. 0.1929. Escapes from gardens. ilson, E. H. Consider the root — how it grows. House & ard. 56(4): 83-87, 162, 164. illus. 0.192%. Ms ‘< Bere) vie air ee tS ’ e ' rte } 4 i byp y wa Plahibs e = Nee MO6204) Ds Bs 1e Cult. (Soerbaja) Sands, W. N. Proeven met katoen in Malakka. Indische Cult. 14: 688-692. sl Waaies ¢ Napa 929.) nos LG. Agr. (Milan) Happacher, KE. Deformazione patologica dei ‘frutti del susino. fiat, Aer, 66: 553-556. illus. JIA USAT AO Modare, H., Crescini, F. & Tettamanzi, A. Sulla resistenza del grano alle basse temperature. Preie Aer. 653 546-552. Jil.1929. no.7. Agrém. (Bruxelles) Broeck, H.van den. Glanures dans le domaine fleuri des orchidees rustiques. II. Les organes souterrains des orchidees terrestris. B. Le role aerien et souterrain joue par les Bssociations vegetales des orchidéees. Jard. Aereém. 8: 130-140. Seer HOS « er. Prat. (Paris) Lesourd, F. Histiore des plantes, houlque laineuse (Holcus fee lanatus LL.) Journ. Wer, Prat. mss, 5e(2): 198- Meer oes illus, §.7,-1929. no.36. r. Res. (Washington) Hurd—Karrer, A.M. Relation of leaf acidity to vigor in wheat grown at different temperatures. Journ. Agr.Res. 39: 341-350. a ALORS Sia ly USSR CSRS) mnveyrele Stewart, G. & Heywood, D.E. Correlated inheritance in a wheat cross between Federation and a hybrid of Sevier x Dicklow, Journ. Agr.Res. 39: 367-392. illus. S.1,1929 (S.13) HOC O's apke, i ae f loose smut in wheat. Journ. Agr. Res. 39: 313- Peas. |) S.25 0929 (5.13) nod. Saenger! bars 3 . “ ° is a * ie os + ee TS 5 oe : A taeies yar we ee CaS Ty Mee 23 ag a al = oe va = sat a ide Bia. ; LT ‘ i j > welt in NELLA close Oy Gola) Res. (cont.) Weimer, J. L. Additional hosts of Fusarium oxysporum var. medicaginis. Journ. Agr. Res. 59: 351-353. omy 1929 (8.15) novos mer. Soc. Agron. (Geneva, N.Y.) Brunson, AM. & Willier, J.G. Correlations between seed car and kernel charac- ters and yield of corn. Journ, Amer. Soc. Agron. pee dte—-I20. $.1929. -no.9. Bryan, O.« C. The stimulating effect of external applications of copper and manganese on certain chlorotic plants of the Florida Everglades soils. Journ. Amer. Soc. Azron. BL: 926-9335, DIGS. Vl Se too « no. Janssen, & Tne rolationship of organic root reserves and other rictcrs to the permanency of alfalfa stands. Peewn,ciser:. Soc. Asron. 13895-9111. illus. Boo. NO. 5 goness dc. We Listribution of anthocyan pigments in rice varie- ties, vourn. Amer. Soc. Agron. él: 867-875. pela. no.d. Stringfield, ¢c. H. Incculating wheat with loose smut. Journ. Amer. Soc. Agron, Peillee tS) biriee.c are So USA Mcavoysy ae) % Ware, als Ors Inheritance of lint percentage in cotton. Journ. m@ienes Soc, Aeron. el: 876-394, Ge) Soa bee MO aere Maceenbridse, Engl. ) Beet, B. L. A record of fruits and seeds dispersed by mammals md birds from the Singida district of Tanganyika mewerritory. Journ. Heol. Ie CIS EEGs Bye Aewlo2gs O's 2 5 doh foal Leek AG ee iw ats Yor 1% nf MieteheTgeeO), De IOs, Clements, F. 3. Experimental methods in adaptation and morpho- genye — Journ. Ecol., 17: 356-379, NG USS) NO ede Livingston, B. E. & Haasis, F.W.. The measurement of evaporation in freezing weather. Journ. Ecol. 17:3; 315-828. pl. xxiv. ales, NOs Petrie, AH.K. The vegetation of the Blacks! Spur region. A study in the ecology of some Australian mountain Eucalyptus forests. Journ. Zcol, 17: 223-248, 249-281, illus., plexvii-xxiii. Ag.1929. no.2. Prue werrett, joant author I-11, R.T. Patton,1. I, The mature plant communities. II. Pyric succession, Salisbury, E. J. The biological equipment of species in relatign to competition. Journ, Ecol. 17: 197-226. illus, pl. Xiv-xvi, Ag.1929. no.2. Soo, Rede. Die vegetation und die entstehung der ungarischen Puszta, Journ, Ecol. 17: 329-350. pl.xxv-xxvi. Az.1929. no.2. Wierss, F, EB. Richard Henry Yapp, 1871-1929. Journ. Ecol. MaeeeOo-408, port. Ag.1929. no.2. ed. (Wash., C5.) ; A Solanum hybrid, resulting from a cross between S.fendleri and S.chacoense. Journ. Hered. 20: 391- fem tilus, As.1929, no, 8. Hartman, 4H. Hybrids between Pyrus malus and Pyrus fusca. Journ. Hered. 20: 379-380. illus. Ag.1929. no.8. Nem wino 200) pes ll. Hered. (cont.) iemean, W. Ps A new variety of freesia. Journ. Hered. 20: 357-358. illus. _ 7 eat ina ‘G4 of 6 2 #5 bee rT i é ig i. miiiie ep lita! ae Ag lee PCS CRMAL “a aa gall Ba j hy OP ee Fahad 4 iis aascpalieie : en kath Sea a No naggt eee ala sah Oy AS fess wr (aid) nee We tee ial VW. x Oy Bete oy mt ve Hitmen 2O\) sae) 17. (Lancaster, Pa.) Chlorophyll and plant growth. BeLENCES’ NiSs Mao. nO. aba Sup iln 0. kil. 8.20,1929. Work of Dr. H.B. Sprague and Dr. J.W. Shive. Jacobson, H.G.M. & Swanback, T.R. Manganese toxicity in tobacco. Science. neS. 70: 283-284, Seid eeeew. | Mos LOZ. lent. Month. (Lancaster, Pa.) Biotertai., FT. Reminiscences of an amateur eEonice Scient. Month. 29: 353-3359. Ons 2or no.4. Sadtler, R. E. The’ chemistry of the formation of poisons in plants. Scient. Month. 29: 369-371. 0.1929. no.4, ; se, Rep. Ser. Med. Res. Counc. Gt.BPrit. Surg. b. & leitch, I. Iodine in nutrition. A review of existing informa- tion. Spec. Rep. Ser. Med. Res. Counc. Gt.Brit. HOge5.°: LOS De WS Iodine content of plants: p.18-21 - The effect of iodine on plant metabolism: p.29-35. skr, Planteavl. (Kgbenhavn) Plantesygdomme i Danmark 1928. Oversigt, samlet ved statens plantepatologiske forsdg. (Plant diseases and pests in Denmark 1928.) Tidsskr. Planteavl. 30: 420-471. illus. ee Ola Ole English summary: p.470-471. schr. Plantenz. (Amsterdam) Goossens, J.A.A.M.H. fect eee en bij erwten. Tijdschr. Plan- tenz. 35! 247-2359 » 120s) NO~ Os Schoevers, T.A.C. Hen proef met zwavelzure kali tegen "randjesziekte" bij roode bessen. Tijdschr, Plantenz. 35: 251-2353. eycow. Pl, 1929, sts igh i’ Vite, , % . a | dient | ee ad ols Yl sea nee ie *y & Dl ad =f posers tel & haa ial pes = oi) ee ny Ve A ie ; ecan A iene OT SY a 20 SRasceo tir can, Ayko bale Wri Aan ri * ia Her ia ay wenn 7 hd. 1 mantis 20 pte O 2 See agen EMAAR STA oe (eS SSR ee 7. a pee Prat) Paaiax: ; eee aS 1 Seibeese Swag ; ine donioihi oa bia by Bi A taper sins Pe, no a RABAT Es ‘ ne ‘i ay Viele Om eOs ie Sis or. Plantenz. (cont.) Wellensiek, 5S. J. Hen antwoord aan J. Oortwijn Botjes en een ad- vies aan de oraktijk inzake droge of vochtige be~ waring van aardapoels. Tijdschr. Plantenz. 35% 254-256. IPS) nod. English summary: p.2d6. no. Agr. (Ceylon) (Peradeniya) Haigh, J. C. Macrophomina phaseoli (Maubl.) Ashby and Rhizoc- mom bavenueolan( laude) Bubl, ~ Troo, Aer, “632 3 4. Ae ee alos) des Mamehekl sw. Note on brown bast treatment. Trop Aer. |) ees 10. UOMO lyeeoeele |) MO. Me Sylva, K.J.A. Renanthera (Aracanthe) maingayi (Scorpion or Spider orchid. Teop. wer. (652 5-6. 1 pl. ATAU AE) 219 ae oy ali Dew lo, Gy A. An indirect method of measuring the amount of foliage on different blocks of trees. Trop. Agr. Horetlete., 6 ple dis. 1929. no. i. Sredne-Agiat. Gosud. Univ. (Acta Univ. Asiae Med.) (Tashkent) Blagoveschensky, A.V. ee. Investigations on the cotton-plant mornhology ue Trudy Sredne-Aziat. Gosud. Univ. (Acta Univ. weve Med.) ser.VIII-b, fasc. 4. 28 p.; fasc.5. l2p 1929. A.G. Toshchevikova joint author I-, I.M. Kurbatov, I, Vi. Bogoliubova, II. Russian with English summary. Drohov, V. P. ee. Sandwiste "Kara-kum' neben der station Repetek und ihre vegetation. Trudy Sredne-Aziat. Gosud. Univ. (Acta Univ. Asiae Med.) 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New Jersey agricultural experiment station - Dept. of plant pathology. Shade leaf troubles. Nursery Dis.Notes. New Jersey ter, Exp. Stat. vse, nowt. 4p. Ag. eyes) Scorch, anthracnose, mildew, leaf spots. Mimeographed. Reprinted. an Wlor.mxeh. 7i( 17): 30, 35. Az.24, 1929. ate Publications. Milbrath, D. G. Plant pathology. Month. Bull. Calif. Dept. Agr. 17: 683-690. 1929. no.le. Abderhalden, E. Handbuch der biologischen arbeitsmethoden abt. Xi, teil 4, heft 1 (lfg. 300). 1929. Hustedt, #. Vom sammeln und praéparierea der Kieselalgen... - Gaffron, H. Methoden zur untersuchung der kohlens&ureassimilation —- Kotte, W. Methoden zum nachweis pflanzliche wundhormone. - Stalfelt, M. G. Neuere methoden zur ermittlung des éffnungszustandes der stomata. Domin, Ke & Podpera, Je Kiic k upline kvétene republiky Geskoslovenské. Jako eruhé vyddni Folfvkova Klice ... [Key to the flora of the Czechoslovak republic] Olomouci, _ &. Promberger, 1928. eet. 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Tropische und subtropische weltwirtschaftspflan— _ gen, ihre geschichte, kultur und volkswirtschaftliche Sbeceutung. vel. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1929. 1. Starke und zuckerpflanzen. Vandendries, R, Touvelles recherches expérimentales sur le com- portement sexuel der Coprinus micaceus. Mém. Acad. Pee Bele, Bele. Cie Sci. Coll. 4°, sér. 2, 0.9, fase.1. Meei2s p. 1928. ‘ 3 i yy) be caw ACR OR SK ODORS i a ae ny sib # Wn) ees) Weel, no.c0, peed. (cont .) Zahlbruckner, A. Catalogus lichenum universalis. bd.6, bog. 1- 10, Leipzig, [1929] As Wie 1.) mo.) Ll Agr. Journ. India Mitre, Sek.) Vol. no. showld be 24, mou 22. COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE RARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON. DexSammr eae September 30-Oct.12, 1929. mnckenb. Naturf. Ges. Kréusel, R. & Weyland, H. Beitrage zur kenntnis der Devonflora. III. Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. 41: 317-359. illus., 15 pl. BOZO) BO. le istr. Rep. Dept. Agr.Mysore. (Bangalore) Venkata, M.K. 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Bot. 35: 157- Az.1929. no. 4, Meme AN Yoirece | CURRENT LITERATURE | % 0071281929 * | DITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INGUSTRY Department of Agrioultviir | : iy 1A, a Vite Mme e eke Dwic.. (cont. ) Krebs, C. Again, the highbush cranberry, Amer. Bot. Be 5-15.) Die Op 2g2s. no.4, Fruits eaten by cedar-waxwings. Metro Ded. Stamens in the blackberry lily. Amer. Bot. Boe E4175, 9.1929. no.4. With comment by the editor. (W.N. Clute) Belamcanda chinensis. esern Journ. ' Benedict, R. Oo. field for ferns in Sussex county, New Jersey. Picewisern eourn, LO: LO5>r10é, uiigutsvale maine JS me29,. nO. 5. Clarkson, E. H. Ferns of Newburyport, Massachusetts. mer. Hem vipumn, 198 109-110, Ji./S. 1929. no.3. Graves, EK. W. Collecting in the mountains of Colorado. Amer. aepoyicarn., 19? 95.99, J1./S. 1929, no.3. How have your hart's tonsue plants succeeded? Pmer. Fern Journ, 19: 108-109. J1./S.1929. no.3. Knowlton, C.H. Ferns and their allies in Washington county, m Maine. Amer. 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Cohn, 17: 259-271. 1929. no.2. , A. Prahistorische helzkonlen aus der umgebung Brunns. Be veil, Beitr. Biol. Pflanz. Cohn. 17: 146- Mie ci-tti, 1929. nosce Regeneration am laubblatt unter den einfluss der hwerkraft. Beuureentol. Pilanz, Cohn. Lf; Lo0- mies, 1929, no.2. mc. & Trothandl, L. Nachweis, verteilung und verbreitung des primel- ‘tes in der pflanze. (Hin beitrag zu Nestlers ar- Been), # Beitr. Biol. Pflanz. Cohn. 17: 211-230. Bive L929, noe. Vissi ng, 210 ap. 6. feerlenz, Cohn. (cont. ) pewolasch, H. fe Proressor Dr. Anton Nestler. Beir bale. Meilanz, Cohn, 17: 138-145, POGig Lolo. nO. Verzeichnis der publiktionen von reg.-rat. pro- fessor Dr.A. Nestler: p.143-145. Rachter, O. Ein kleiner beitrag zur edelobst-stecklings—gewin- nung. Beupepiol, tla. Conn. Lf: 23l—26, ple. ee) ROL, Steiner, M. i Weitere untersuchungen wber fluchtige stick- stoffbasen bei hoheren pflanzen. Beitr. Biol. Pflanz. Cohn. pe iaebee Nailius., 1929, noe. Be svaklasa, J. i" Die biochemische vorzange bei der humusbildung _ durch die mikroorganismen im boden. Beltre, (BLO. Metlenz. Conn, Lf: 272-296, 1929, no.2. Zeitschr, (Berlin) Axentjeff, B. N. ¥ Ueber den cinfluss einiger salze auf die keimung _ der samen von Amarantus retroflexus.L. Biochem. ) Zeitschr, 211: 454-467, 9 ag.24, 1929. no. 4/6. Biccscnius, i. Be Ueber stoffwechselwirkungen mitogenetischer strah- len. Biochem, Zeitschr,. 212: 240. Ag.31,1929. Bea. / 3. Whrlich, F. & Kosmahly, A. a Ueber die chemie des pektins der obstfruchte. @echem, Yeitschr. 212: 162-239. Ag.31, 1929. no.1/3. ntelle @nderungen der l&nge der vegeta- ei den pflanzen. Biol. Zentralbl. pie5 45) illus, (1929. no.9. ie ‘7 P as Peet ent We eels LD. f. Sao Paulo, Hoehne, F. C. As orchidaceas como elementos para a arte de- corativa indigene. Bob. Ase. Sao Paulo. 40% Poet. illus, Mr./Ap.1929 (Rec'd 0.) Meyer, A.C. & Azzi, R. 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Bull. ii Ona), epi, L416, Seceos NOs 7. Notable St.Louis gardens. Missouri Bot. Gard. TeigULIes 17s 1li--114. pl.17-18. Seer NOwve The garden of Mr. and Mrs. Hermann von Schrenk. Moller's Deut. Gartn.—Zeit. (Erfurt) Ungeklarte fragen zur kohlenstoff-assimilation und blattgrunbildung der pflanzen. Moller's Deut. Gartn.—Zeit. 44: 305-308. Sele moe ale Answers given by W.Tscheuke, Hans Molisch, Dr. Elssmann and Dr. Storck. Monatsschr. Deut. Kakteen-Ges. (Berlin) Bodeker, ?'; Mamillaria ritteriana Bod., sap.n. Monatsschr. Deut. Kakteen-Ges. 1: 173-174. TS S 1929. Oia: le Huber, J. A. Bluten-und samenentwicklung der kakteen und ihre bedeutung fur deren systematische stellung. Monatsschr. Deut. Kakteen. Ges. e790. Livus. Seece. NOs. Weingart, W. Opuntia pailana spec. nov. Monatsschr. Deut. Kakteen—Ges. de 167-169. illus. SISA Ae isle SS) Nat. Hortl Maz. (Wash., D.C.) Words. (cont.) Nat. Hort. Mag. &; 158. illus. @.1929. NOe4te Leaf terminology. 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Sonderheft der wissenschaftlichen verdffentli- chungen aus dem Siemens—konzern,. Ved. meet) p66, Eee ont.) (St.John, H. Plants of the headwaters of the St.John river, Maine. Reprinted from Res. Stud. State Coll. Vacheron il (2ee58, allus, (map), pl.2-d. 1929. Simons, W. Albrecht. Thaer. Beritmuobr., rarey, 1929. Smith, J. J. | Guide to the Botanic gardens, Buitenzorg. [Buitenzorg, 19297 ] Cover title: Illustrated guide &c. Vandendries, R. Les mutations sexuelles, 1'hétérohomothallisme et la stérilité entre races géographiques de Coori- nus micaceus. Bruxelles, 1927 (Mém. Cl. Sci. Niead. Hoy. Bele, Coll. in 8°. v.9, £.3) 7) CURRENT LITERATURE ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT mice wi) IBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. © eis NO, ce. Oct.14-26, 1929, a Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb, AES 4 Ereegrovie, aA. Dalmatella, nouveau genre des cyanophycées lithophytes de la céte adriatique. Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb, 4: 35-41, Pils. 929. Horvat, IT. Rasprostranjenje i proslost mediteranskih, ilirskih i pontskih elemenata u flori sjeverne Hrvatsxe i Slovenije. (Die verbreitung und geschichte der mediterranen, illyrischen und pontischen florem. Clemente in Nordkroatien und Slovenien). Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb, 4: 1-24, Lluis (map). 1929, 2 Croatian with German SUMMALTyY Horvatic, 8, Oolici sekcije leucanthemum iz roda Chrysanthe mum uflori Jugoslavije. (Die formen der sectio leucane themum aus der gattung Chrysanthemum in der flora Jugoslawiers), Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb, 5; 61-140, illus. 1928 (Rec'd Ag, 1929) Croatian with German summary & Latin diagnosis of oe and forms (C,liburnicum, C. croaticum Ne SPD. | Kusan, F, Predradnje za floru ligajeva hrvatske. I. Tzvjestaj (Vorarbeiten zu einer flechtenflora Kroatiens, I Mitteilung), Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb. S$: 1-40, illus, (map), 1928 Recld Az.1929) Croatian with German Summary. Pevalek, I. 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Carim.-Zeat. 4: 330-531. 0.1, 1929. no. 28. Nature. (London) Haldane, J.B.5S. The species problem in the light of genetics, Macure, e+: 514-516. 6.5,1929. no.312/. Peper read t9 the Society of experimental biol- ogy on June 15. Hill, A.W. The original home and mode of dispersal of the coconut. Nature. 124: 507-509. 0.5,1929. BOs 2127. With notes cn native names used in the article by 13 AR Paget. Richardson, E. A chromosoie ring in Pisua. Nature. 124; 5(8-579. illus. 0.12,1929. no. 3128. r : ee. i aa vee TED cise mas > L i Pe a i [4 be ’ ‘ hie “ie % - i ’ ht , ‘ i ‘Ps . ; } bs, ar j bay". a Et de se ad kA a : ¥ ie é 7 + ; Sawn « * ; P Vernier nOgce. Decl. ture Mag.(Wash., D.C.) Rooinson, M. F. Tree barks, their story. Nature Mag. 14: Paseeeg. Situs. 61929 no. 5. eGeMse Is | He te Holly for all time. Nature Mag. 14: 296, Kode mickuicn Ne LG29. 0 no.'). Northwestern holly ranches may save native species. 4 Geurtor sch. (Berlin) im Goez, W. Die herbstliche veranderung des Laubes. (concl.) Keoummonschen on 260-266, 0.1929, no. 7. “en Flora & Silva. (London) Cooper, R. EH. Plant collecting in Bhutan. New Flora & Silva. Seo 5) ply! on 2. 0.1929. no. 1. Elliott, c. Leucocoryne ixioides odorata (Glory of the sun). New Flora & Silva. 2: 40-42, illus. 0.1929. no.1. Grove, A. Uncommon bulbs. Same arguments on their value and peculiarities. New Flora & Silva. 2: 50-56. pil. Ol ALS ZS BW alos Johnson, A.T. Hardy geraniums. New Flora & Silva. 2: 25- 29. L pl, Ost929s" no.l. Johnson, L. Some flowering eee of Kilimanjaro. New Flora & Silva. Crees Gye sOnTS920. no. 1, Schneider, C. Some good varieties of cacti and their cultivation. New Flora & Silva. Projet pl. on 2.. O,leea, NO. 1. ¥. a ri Bie, ot mia a e ie x 5 Aw v » , snes Vee IOe ee. Daecs id Rev. (Richmond, England) Cooper, E. Brassovola cucullata. Orcnid Rev. 3f: 307- 308. situs) ) 0.1929.) uo.436. Mapp, Journ. Sci. (Manila) : Benett, A, Notes on Potamogetons. Pailinp. i Ourn, SGi. MOmeileags OLu929. na.e. Correction of his article: The potamogetons of the Philiprine Islands. On p.3+4, last specimens given under P.perversus should be referred to P. tepperi. Copeland, Hy EF; Philippine Fricaceae I. Puiipp. Journ, oer. HO: 133-179. Loepl.. 0.1929. ne. 2. I. The species of Rhododendron. Merrill, E.D. A new Philippine species of Chloris. Philipp. Moroes sek, Os 1El-162, 0.1929.. no.2. C. clementis. Areh, Wiss. Bot. (Berlin) Bunning, E. Veber die thermonastischen und thigmonastischen blutenbewegungen, Pianta, Areh, Wiss. Bot. 5: p22-(20. illus. $.21,.1929. -no.5. Mader, A. Untersuchungen tiber die gattung Moerckia Gott. Pinus Arch, Wiss. Bot. 8: 7#2-/90.. illus. S.el, w29. no. Strugzer, 8. Untersuchungen an isolierten kernen der inter-— nodialzellen von Chara fragilis Desv. Planta Pete vies, Bob. Ss fif-741. illus. S.21, 1929. no.5. pfischeler, G. ; Kevisionen fruherer chromesomenzdhlungen und _ 4nschliessende untersuchungen. Planta Arch, Murese., BO. 6: 685-697. illus. §.21, 1929. no, 5. T ‘a } y; ey ti A as ea a GN Oe... Die dis e. California Aced. Sci. Eastwood, A. The Escallonias in Golden Gate Park, San Fran- cisco, California, with descriptions of new species. Proje. California Nead. Sei, WS: 385-391. S.6, mg295) > no. 5; Eastwood, A. Studies in the flora of Lower California and adjacent islands, PeOe. (tL norris a AGad. SCi. eos to ll sgn) Je S.6, 1929. no. 14. ‘Publ. Bou coc, Amer. Mise. Ser, F Anna Morse Starr. Pupl. Bou. soc. Amer. Mise. Ser. 99: 29. My.1,1929 (Rec'd 0.) Charles Sumner Boyer, | Ene veo. TOC. Amer. Mise.Ser. 99: 11-12, My.1, 1929. (Rec'd 0.) Clifford Harrison Farr. Publ. Bot. soc. Amer. Mise. Ser. 99: 17-19. My.1,1929 (Rec'd 0.) Edward Sanford Burgess. Publ. Bot. Soc. Amer. Mase, ser. 99: 16-17. My.1, 1929. (Rec'd 0.) Harris killer Benedict. Publ. Bot. Soc. Amer. Misc.Ser. 99: 11. My.1,1929. (Rec'd 0.) Herbert Maule Richards. Publ. Bot. Soc. Amer. Misc.Ser, 99: 28-29. My.1, 1929 (Rec'd 0.) Joseph Edward Kirkwood. Publ. Eot. Soc. Amer. Misc.Ser. 99: 23-26. My.1, 1929.(Rec'd 0.) Louis Frederick Heimlich. Publ. Bot. Soc. Amer. Misc.Ser. 99: 19-21. My.1, 1929 (Rec'd 0.) Owen Francis Burger. Publ, Bot. Soc. Amer. Mise, Ser. 99: 12-16. My.1, 1929 (Rec'd 0.) List of publications: p.15-L6. Samuel Bonsall Parish. Publ. Bot. Soc. Amer. Misc.Ser. 99: 26-28 My.1, 1929 (Rec'd 0.) Wilhelm Ludvig Johannsen. Publ. Bot. Soc. Amer. Misc, Ser. 99; 21-23, My.1, 1929 (Rec'd 0.) Pe nionee. psec. t. Circ. Hubber Res. Scheme Ceylon. ; Peliurray, RK.S. On the occurrence and significance of Oidium leaf disease in Ceylon. Quart. Circ. Rubber Res. Scheme Ceylon, 1929(2): 7-22. l1pl. J1.1929. ert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. (Berlin) Fedde, F. . Weue arten von Uordylis aus China XVI. Repert. Bocca Movmedde.| 24) 2/2. S.20, 1929. no.16/23, i Gusuleac, M. i Hormuzekia und Phyllocara, zwei neve anchuseen— gattungens Repert. Svec. Nov. Fedde. 25(Renert. Europ. et Med. 2, ROMS BIE Bile sao. Ss 20, 1929: no.16/ 23. Aus Bulet. Fac. Stiinte Cern, I, p.1118 1927 H. aggrgata, F.aucheri. Gusuleac, M. Species Anchusae generis Linn. hucusque cognitae. Repert.Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26(Repert. Europ. et Med. Epo. 55) 57 )< 260-322. pl. Ixxix-xcii. 5.20, 1929. no 16/23. Kraénzlin, F. Bemerkungen zu Bulbophyllum capitatum Lindl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26: 271. §.20, 1929. no. 16/23. Kranzlin, Re Kine neues Catasetum ; C.stenochiium. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26: 255-256. 8.20, 1929. no.16/23. Kranzlin, F. ih, Ein neves Oncidium aus Bolivia. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26: 344. §.20, 1929. no.16/23. 0. reductum. Meanvlin, FF, ys Hine vergessene orchidee. Repert.Spec. Nov. Mevedde, 26: 255. pl. ixxviii. $.20, 1929. no.16/23. 3 Sobralia eublepharis. i Mie i ie it . ae t r . Soo + T Ve ) eet wy Ress. et oad ea 7 e. t ’ Wit ie nie t. eo 0) oe ‘ . a ‘ ‘i =) ry - i | i ba Pam! Vite Owes. spe. ypert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. (cont.) Krause, K. Beitrage zur flora Kleinasiens IV. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26(Repert.Burop. et Med. 2, BONE od) G222sa%, S20.) £929, no. 16/23. Ktkenthal, G. Oyperaceae novae vel criticae VIII. Repert. Spec, Nov. Fedde. 26: 249-254. §.20, 1929 no.16/23. Cyperus longistylus. Pleurostachys buchtenii, Ne SPD. hapschitz.- S. : Galium syreitschikowii, eine neve art aus dem Stud-Ural-gebirge. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26(Repert. Europ. et Med. 2, no. 33/37): 286. PiMRGva tes S20, L929. mo. 16/25, Trelease, W. Loranthaceae hispaniolenses II. Repert. Spec. Move Hedde, 26:543. 8.20, 1929. no.16/23. Phoradendron moringicola, P.cauliflorum, N. spp. Trelease, W. Piperaceae hispanienses IV. Repert. Spec. Nove Wedde, 26: 341-342. §.20,1929. no.16/23. Peperomia dondonensis caimitensis, n.var., Peperomia pullispica, Piper quillandanum, P.melano- premnum, P.sinuatispicum, n.spp. Niedenzu, F. } Malpighiaceae novae. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 4 26: 345-347. §.20, 1929. no,16/23. . Banisteria polygama, Stigmatophyllum primaevun, , Bunchosia columbica, n.spp. Novak, F.A. Dianthi fimbriati europaci IV. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26(Repert. Europ. et Med. 2, no. 33/37): Be@-255, 8.20, 1929, no.16/23, Pfeiffer, H. Decas cyperacearum criticarum vel emendatarum I. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde, 26: 256-263. §.1929. no.16/23. Velie iman2e. mies. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. (cont. ) i Poellnitz, K.von. Zur kenntnis der gattung Anacampseros L. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26; e229. S.20, 1929. no.16/23. A.meyeri, A.albidiflora, n.Spp. Smirnov, P. Neue stipen. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26: Boreas 20,0929, no. 16/25. S.margelanica, densiflora, glareosa, grandis, pontica, atlantica, n.spp. Sm Ge dls is Bulbophyllum basisetum J.J, Sm. n.sp. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26: 347-348. §.20, 1929. no.16/2%. Sod, R.V. Orchideologische mitteilungen I-III. Repert. Spec. Nov. Fedde. 26(Repert. Europ. et Med. 2, no. 33/ Bi ese." 5.20, 1929, no. 16/23. I. Nachtrag zur: Revision der orchideen sudost- europas und Stidwestasiens, II. Das system der gattung Ophrys. III. Formae et combinationes novae generis Ophrys. Opera. Dept. Agr. Punjab. Luthra, J. C. Annual report of the associate professor of botany, Punjab... for the year ending 30th June 1928. Rep. Oper. Dept. Agr. Punjab. 1927/28(2): 1-7. 1929. Includes diseases of plants. Agr. Com. y Trab. Cuba. (Habana) | Estevez y Perez, GA. -- El marabu (Dichrostachys nutans! Benth) avanza @ pasos agigantados, amenazndo tragarse la isla. Heveker., Com. y Imab. Cuba, Lk: 27-28. S.1929. Os 5 30t. Appl. (Paris) Chevalier, A. Nouveaux documents sur les arachides. Rev. Bot. oe 9: 485-496, illus. pl.xiii-xiv. Ag.1929. m0. JO. A ot eae ‘ ; sasha, De eae : ae ogee Sune a a cae raha wd r Ye bs ae Sr ag we yf re Bae ewes Se ee” Bs Lis ae Realy A ee } ; P ni A 3 ‘ é om Ae , ot 3 ; : id) vr ipa: t : # Ves Ack, Bie et Bot. Appl. (cont. ) La forét du Brésil. Rev. Bot. Appl.9(Actes & Compt. Rend. Assoc. Colon.-Sei. 5)3177-134. Ag, /$.1929. Hédin, L. Les rotins au Cameroun. Rev. Bot. Appl. Oe 02-50/., | hes) S.1929, . 20.96, "Rotins" belong to the genus Calamus, Oncocalamus Eremospatha & Aacistrophyllun. ‘Rhodesia Agr. Journ (Salisbury) ee Adis ep glchc Leaf spotting of tobacco caused by mosaic. Rngdiecicat ter Journ, los 9l2-916, 2 pl. Ss. 206.9 « Sansom, T.K. "Pinking" of maize. RhodesiaAgr. Journ, 26: 4 Cinj-ceo. 2vpk, S.,1929. no. 9. Hhodora. (Boston) Fernald, M.4. Achillea sibirica in eastern America. nnodora, Mie 209220, 0.1929, na. 370. Fernald, M.L. Menyanthes trifoliata, var. minor. Rhodora. 31: 195-196. 0.1929. RO. oC. Lownes, A.E. Andropogon glomeratus in Rhode Island. Rhodora. 5Ly 198. OLL9295 m05. 5/0. Mackenzie, K.K. Aira spicata L. Rhodora. 31: 194-195. 0. eo. no. 5/0. Svenson, H.K, Monographic studies in the genus Eleocharis. (cont. ) Rhodora. Biehoo 209. °. ph. 90: OR ESSE Ba emralle rao WAOK Standley, P.C. & Macbride, J.F. A new form of red cedar from Indiana. Rhodora, 31: 193-194. 0.1929. no.370. Juniperus virginiana f. bremerae f.nov. Ve Oe) De eS 6 rience. (Lancaster, Pa.) Benedict, R. C. Preach une 2ospel vor Science. Science. n.es., 70: 368-371. Onc r agin me. Lev. Miller, E.R. The chemical nature of enzymes. Nevenece. mS. 70: 3SD6—307. Os Ms dus) 29) 5 savor dhe abey " The Parc National Albert in the Belgian Congo. a SOUSA wal oO Mss O)e (Os MLL iy SHS SAM Miavol A IHS MES) y Science News. Letter a Red ciover evolves. science News Letter. 16: 240. (G] ANS) ALS VzAe no.445, Reports that H.F. Dietz,says that definite strains of short headed red clover blossoms are ly agricultural, as a result of the disanpearance of bumble bees and taking over of their task by the shorter—tongued honey bees. “Scient. Month. (lancaster, Pa.) a Gager, Charles S. Dr. Sritton and the New York botanical garden. i peieny. Month. or 475-4772) illus. (inel.2 ports.) ¥ Nete29". IOs Ble : Bee ranest. Tatars. Ges. Univ. Tartu (Tartus) iy Vilberge, G. D. cam detee der floristischen erforschung Estlands. Hine ubersicht bis zum ende der russischen herr- schaft,. Sitzungsb. Naturf. Ges. Univ. Tartu. 45: 307-338. Ue). no.3/4. Stain Techn. iF Sass, JH. A modification of Mayer's hemalum. Stain Techn. 4: le?-129. MULOSs /) \OalO2gs | noe. Simoson, J.L.S. A short method of clearing plant tissues for anatomical studies. Stain Techn. 4; 131-132. Tea Oreo. N04 being established in sections which have become intense- MP SNS alle) mee eee ia 2iS es Citrol. Tanaka Citrus Exp. Stat. Japan. ory Make Di ce Danae, I. Some studies on the fdoral organ of Citrus, 3. Studia Citrol. Tanaka Citrus Exp. Stat. Japan. Sees On rales iivete29 (Rec'd S$.) no.l. Japanese, Nakamura, M. Cytological studies in the genus Citrus. I. Studia Citrol. Tanaka Citrus Exp. Stat. Japan. 3: CA oe AS ie Myt929) Gee'd S.) mov My. Japanese with English summary. Tanaka, T. On the distribution of Citrus and Citrus rela-— tives. Studia Citrol. Tanaka Citrus Exp. Stat. Sapam. Go cose. My. 1929) (Ree'd 8.) no.1. q Japanese with Inglish summary. Succulenta. (Leeuwarden) a Voorwinde, F. Echinocereus II. Shelexonoull Shalwiyan on MBO MZ@lS/72) Il 2 illus. OS IES BS) sell = AO ans. Indiana Hort. Soc. Gardner. i1,W., Baker, C.B. & Burkholder, C.L. Spraying and dusting tests for the control of apple blotch. Trans. Indiana Hort. Soc. 68: 162-167. 1929. Mains, E.B. . Control of the rusts of ornamentals by sulphur. Transe Lodiane, Hort. soc. 68: 167-172. TADS ao Snapdragon rust (Puccinia antirrhini), hollyhock rust (Buccinia malvacearum), aster rust (Coleosporium ain carnation rust (Uromyces caryophylli- nus ch % Be Ly m er ee ey Nag ae 1 REA Nea ot i < Were py) 0 ie 7 J f Wy" rf y eC F z ti a 2 ~ oP his : i nas ie . de aes wt ti MO he ke cen y , Pi eee coke i Nifong Si Hee 2.” % ‘ \ as ra 4 s Tile ia . y 4 J i) ‘ c , ‘ah a ul oe dena a ' exon ee LAD ARS Gs 4 5 CAA hhh Py i \ kee ESD hv a 4 ‘ é ih : hin che aera 0 Ps payee.) te s ‘i we oh \ : j ‘4 3 : . yi f ‘at , Ne s To, ge ‘ « (ia eo ey’ A (3 b ie 1 ; ’ Neha Monee, B40. Ag. (Ceylon) (Peradeniya) » Bertus, L. S. A sclerotial disease of Mucuna pruriens D.C. Drop iece WiCcylom)s)\7oe 74-77. 1 pl. Ag.i9e9. NOeke | rudy Mleevsk. Sadovo-ogorod. Osytn. Stan. (Arb. Mleewer _ Gartenb.-versuchsst.) Sekt. Obstb. oe) Kozmanov, S.I. 4 ... Anatomische eigenttmligkeiten im bau der ; hate werschiedencr sorten von kirschen. Trudy Mleevsk. Sadovo-ogorod. Opytn. Stan. (Arb. Mleewer. Gartenb.—versuchsst.) ‘Sekt.Obstb. no.22. 17 p. Baris 0 ie39), Russian with German summary. | t Mies. Dept. Aer. Cire. Bates, H,i., Bodnar, G.P. & Baldwin, RL. Removing smut from Pacific northwest wheat by washing. Wom mWcobe mana Cicen mo. Ble 7 24. 79.5 aici ted oie Darrow, G.M. & Waldo, G.F. The Blakemoore strawberry. Uae Dept. wer. 4 eae edOmne sei ioe. vldas. 5) opis Palo2g. py Sime. Dept. Aer. Farm Bull. Dickson, J.G. & Mains, E.3. scab of wheat and barley and its control. eee Went. Aer. Farm. Bull. no.1599), dle yn aulellabis',, S.1929. Pemieou. Aer. Off,Rec. Tomatoes gas-treated lower in vitamins than if vine ripened. Uece@ente wer. Of. Ree. Gc 4): Os Cia NG) AVA eS Se Hept. Agr. Plant Dis. Rep. Collins, J.F. & Spaulding, P Willow disease in the eastern Canadian yrovinces. Woo. Dept. Aer, Plant Dis. Rep, 14: 143-144. 0. Jy RESIS) Saatoyrgte 0 Taubenhaus, J.J., Bach, W.J., & Ezekiel, W.N. Anise drop. U.S. Dept. Agr. Plant Dis. Ren. TSE WALA SPAN iy yal 2k MES) to Fa axoyey 8 Ol Probable organism Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. UIA oto 222 tio sabe vy. Calif. Publ. Bot. (Berkeley, Cal.) Avery, P. Chromosome number and mornhology in Nicotiana. IV. The nature and effects of chromosomal irregulari- ties in N.alata var. grandiflora. Unawis Cameicee Publemecotuulls weopeee4e -alinss .§.30, 1929. nob, Copeland, EH. B. The oriental genera of Polyoodiaceae,. Univ. Caen rnoloobe ln lor 45-128.) 5.4, 1929. now. Vie Agr. et Rur. (Paris) J Maylin, M. ‘ Ia destruction et la chute des fruits dues fruits dues aus maladies cryptogemiques. Vie Agr. et Rur. bee ele 26. OM CLS Zealots Ole Western Flor. . Andress, W, ; A short history of the gladiolus. Western Flor. Mee (Ae rehe ealil, O07. (1929; Asher, J.M. Arboretums and botanical gardens. Western Flor. A Gat One O29), California botanic garden. isconsin Hort. (Madison) Woolsittle, Sel. Greenhouse mosaic control. Wisconsin Hort. 20: 61-62. 0.1929. WM Ohess)2ye “iss. Arch. Iandw. Abt. 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Philipp. Sugar Assoc. 6(1928): 58-64. iis. pigeg? | Komas Meade. Unite, JeO., Advincula, R., Grecia, N.D. & Gamo, E. The selection of seedling canes followed by the breeding stations at Del Carmen and Canlubang. Rep. Comm. Cane Var., Dis. & Fert. Philipp. Sugar Meme moss): gee, 3 col, pl., fold tab. [192974 Unite, J. O. Methods of breeding followed by the Philippine sugar association. Rep. Comm. Cane Var., Dis. & Fert. Philipp. Sugar Assoc. 6(1928): 28-40. [19297] Rep, Hood Invest. Bd. Gt. Brit. Haynes, D. & Archbold, H.K. Chemical work on fruit. Rep. Food Invest Bd. bps EL G 1928; 78-96. 1929. Work with apples. Horne. De Ss Changes in the resistance of the apple fruit to fungal invasion. Rep. Food Invest Bd. Gt. Brit. 1928: 96-107. 1929. Smith, A.J.M. The generation of heat by respiring fruit. Rep. Hood Invest. Bd. Gt. Brit. 1928: 53-56. 1929. In his report on "The control of temperature and humidity". Science. (lancaster, Pa,) Clark, E.P. ; The occurrence of rotenone in the Peruvian fish poison "cube". Science. 70: 478-479. N.15, Tees. Noa Le20- Spoehr, H.A. The instruments of plant biology. Science. 70: 459-463. Nets 7829, no.l820. Wei. no. Wi Palate eee ae « f Ukrains. Bot. Zhurn. (Ukrainian Bot. Rev.) (Kiiv) Tllichevs'ky, 5.C. ... The list of the wild-groving plants of the ancient Konstantinograd district of the government of Poltava. Ukrains. Bot. Zhurn. (Uerainien Bot. Rev.) 5: 87-98. 1929. Ukrainian with brief Snglish summary. Lepchenko, Ia. ... Uebersicht uber die forschungsergebnisse auf dem gebiete der untertertiarflora der Ukraine. Ukrainse “Bots Zhurn. a Bot. Rev.) bit one O- 129. Ukrainian with German summary. Modilevs'ky, Ia. ~.e Die weibliche gametonnyt der angiosvermen. Ukrains. Bot. Zhura. (Ukrainian Bot. Rev.) br 5-40, eo ee a Coenen summary. Moiseeva, M. ... Ueber die mitogenetische strahiumg von Gur- witsch. Ukrains. Bot. Zhurn. (Ukrainian Bot. Rev.) Beno Bil, 1989. Ukrainian with German summary. Pago | venice.) i. ... Matériaux concernant la flora du département de Lougansk. Ukrains. Bot. Zhurn. (Ukrainian Bot. Rev.) Bri eoeo |. 1929. Ukrainian with French summary. Viktorovs'ky, V.G. ... Die Indische scheinerdbeere (Duchesnea indica Focke) in der umgegend von Shitemir. Ukrains. Bot. Zourn. (Ukrainian Bot. Rev.) Be Ome.) leeOE Ukrainian with German summaty. Weos Sept. Asr. Parm Bull. Corbett, L.c, & Mulford, F.1. coor oe annual flowering plants. U.S. Dept. Aov, Harm, Boll, lvl. rev. . 62 p. illus. 0. 1929 (Rec'd MN.) . Plants for special soils or conditions: p.57-08. Weel) mon 24) )iaie) (Stes f | Vict. Nat. (Melbourne) fl More ts Pa) Es Ecology of Marysville and Lake Mguntains. Niet NeGs 46; 54-42. oe, Weskeed.|) MOwen Nichols, W. H. Notes on certain species of Thelymitra. Vict. Nat. 46: 28-33. I Wer ele, Looe) ion Rayment, T. & Dower, R. A blood-red pond. Vict. Nat. 46; 43. Je. 1929. no.2. Due to Euglena sanguinea. _ Western Flor. 4 Andress, We California water gardens. II~III. Western Flor. ba(45)is 627, (46): 6-7. N.7,14, 1929. Ornamental grasses for margins and borders of ornamental waters — Members of the water lily family round growing wild in the United States — Tropical water lilies - Aquatic and semi-aquatic plants. Marsh, W.L. Consider the carob. Western Flor. 12(45): Ae oles) ) @apiski Belarusk. Dziarzh. Akad. Sel'sk. Gaspad. (Ann. Weissruth. Staatl. Akad. Landw. Gorky) . Renard, K.G. Beitrage zur kenntnis des stengels verschie- dener reingezuchteter linien des leines und seines vernaltens bei einem wechsel des feuchtigkxeitsgehaltes des bodens. III. mitteilung. Zapiski Belarusk. Dziarzh. Akad. Sel'sk. Gaspad. (Ann. Weissruth. Staatl. Acad. landw. Gorky) 7: 285-311. illus. 1928. (Rec'd 1.1929) ) Zapiski Leningr. Sel'sko-Khoz. Inst. (Mém. Inst. Agron. Iéningr.) Chizhevskaja, Z.A. ... Physiological studies on flax IV. Influence of H-ion concentration and of different amounts of MgSO, on the anatomical structure of flax. Zapiski Leningr. Sel'sko-Khoz. Inst. (Mém. Inst. Agron. Léningr.). 5(6, Bull. Plant Phys. Exo. Stat. Detsk. Sselo): 63- 70. Sass ULC Russian with English summary. Bees V.11l, no.24, 0.34. f Zapiski Léeningr. Sel'sko~Khoz. Inst. (Mém. Inst. Agron. Léningr.) a (cont.) y Griaev, HD. ees influence of different periods of Cuscuta evilinum infestation on the morphological and anatemical characters of flax with reference to cer- tain biological traits of the weed. Zapiski Leningr. Sel'sko-Khoz. Inst. Mém. Inst. Agron. Léningr.) 5, (7, Bull. Fibre Plants Exp. Stat. Detesl. Sselo): 109-119. pl. 1929. Russian with English summary. Krassovsky, I. ... A study of the interrelations in the de- velopment of shoots of mahdshurian barley. Zapiski Leningr. Sel'sko—Khoz. Inst. (Mém. Inst. Agron. Léningr.). 5(6, Bull. Plant Phys. Exp. Stat. Detsk. Ssela): 118-156. L929. Russian with English summary. Ostrovskaja, M.K. --» Influence of pH on the development of root Cropse Zapiski Leningr. Sel'sko-Khoz, Inst. (Mém. Inst. Agron. Léningr. 5(6, Bull. Plant Phys. Exp. SBtate Detsk. Sselo): 27-56. illus. 1929. Russian with English summary. Uspenskaja, L. -e. On the development of plants as influenced by the intensity of plant competition. Yaniski Leningr.) (4, Bull. Meadow Exp. Stat. Detsk. Sselo): 37-54. Leo. Russian with English every. Volkova, M.G. ... Conifribution bo the physiological characteristics of the seminal and nodal roots of oats. Zapiski Leningr. Sel'sko-Khoz, Inst. (Mém. Inst. Agron. Léningr.) 5(6, Bull. Plant Phys. Exp. Stat. Detsk. Sselo): 80- tee illus. 1929. Russian with English summary. Viet Mow ea, pip. f _ Zeitschr. Bot. (Jena) pang By . - Heldmaier, C. ma Ueber die beeinflussbarkeit der sexualitat von Schizophyllum commune (Fr.) und Collybia velutipes., (Curt..:) Zeitechnr., Bob. 22% 161-220. iltus. 0.24, 1929. no.4. _ Zeitschr. Zellforsch. & Mikrosk. Anat. (Berlin) Kostoff, D. An androgenic Nicotiana haploid. JZeitschr. Zellforsch. &Mikrosk. Anat. 9: 640-642. illus. Olgas nO. +. N.tabacum macrophylla x N.langsdorffii. Der Zichter (Berlin) Haier th. oG. Die anwendung elektrischer beleuchtung fur vererbungsversuche mit pflanzen. Der Zuchter. l: 204-209. ell sie OniGeo Nols 7. Kobel, F. Die cytologischen und genetischen voraussetz-— ungen fur die immunitatszuchtung der rebe. Der Juchter e An tO720p illus. OvT929.) nod: Nebel, B. Ueber einige obstkreuzungen aus dem jahre 1929 und zur cytologie von Malus II. Der Zuchter. ‘1: 209-217. CMS Oeioers | NOs 7. Snell, Ke Die entwicklung der deutschen kartoffelztchtung in den letzten funf jeahren. Der Zuchter. 1: poke Op TOES eo Hoe. traib, We Die bewertung und bedeutung kinstlicher rostin- fektionsversuche fiir die oflanzenzichtimg, mit _ besonderer bertcksichtigung des gelbrostes. Der Zuchter. 1: 217-2236 0.1929. SOA Exper. Stat. Publ. a: Pope, W, 1. Mango culture in Hawaii. Bull. Hawaii Agr. Gps OSs 27 ds 28 pl. 0.1929% Par See Vell, no.24, p.d6. if Exper. Stat. Publ. (cont.) Welton, FA. Sodium chétoratée as a lawn weed killer, Ohio Aer. Exp. Stat. Bimonth. Bull. 141:168-190. illus. N. /D.1929. Young, H.C. Cheery leaf spot control. Ohio Agr. Exp. Stat. Bimonth. Bull. 1414: 179-182. N./D. 1929. Buie, ere Fruit habit of the cotton plant. South Caro- lina Agr. Ixp. Stat. Bull. 261. 54 de 0.1929. State Publications. New books. Metcalf, W. Cork oak, a forest tree with possibilities for California. Month. Bull. Dept. Agr. Calif. 18: BeoeSale illuc. 0.1929, no.l0. Appel 9 0. Taschenatlas der krankheiten des beeren—und schalenobstes. Berlin, P. Parey, 1929. On cover: Pareys tasch natlanten 6. Bonnier, G. Flore complete illustrée en couleurs de France.... Suisse et Belgique... t.11 par R. Douin. fasc.10l. pl. 601-606. [1929] Boone, R. C.P. Le cotonnier. vel. Paris,1929. vel. Variétés, héredité, hybridation sélec- tion et biotaxie du cotonnier. Camus, E.G. Iconographie des orchidées d'Hurope et du bassin méditerranéen... Avec collaboration, pour l'anatomie et la biologie de A. Camus. Paris, 1921-29. 2v. &atlas of 133 pl. Cockayne, Le : The vegetation of New Zealand. 2d ed. almost entirely rewritten, thorovghly rev. and enl. Leipzig, “. Engelmann, 1928 (Die vegetation der erde Se alg) eS ee ee ee, = 1 ( : i N > X ’ 4 ne Mild MO ee, WalO ls New books (cont. ) Ghosh, H.u. The realm of rubber. Calcutta, J.B. Day- mond, 1928. Diseases and pests of Hevea: p.177~-222. Grout, A.J. Moss flora of North America north of Mexico. View, iba Le New Brighton, Staten Island, The eurnor, o.l9eo.. Gurwitsch, A. Methodik cer mitogenetischen strahlenforschung In Abdernalden, E. Wandbuch der biologischen arbeitsmethoden. AO aVe heey Meta (lees. Goa.) p. 1401-1470. neues. |) 19), Index kewensis plantarum phanerogamarum supplementua septimum... ab initio anni 1921 usque ad finem Lee rem aieua et COMsilio A.W.e Hill... Oxonna, e prelo Clarendoniano, 1929. Jones, J.W. Review of the literature on pollination, hour of blooming and natural crossing in rice. Wash- ington, 1929. Mimeographed publ. Off. Cereal Crops & Diseases, Bur. Plant Industry, U.S.D.A. Kappen, H. Die dodenaziditat. Berlin, J. Sprenger, 1929. Mayuranathan, P.V. _ The flowering plants of Madras City and its immediate neighbourhood. Madras, 1929 (Bull. Madras Gov. Mus. n.s. Nat. Hist. Sect. v.II) Pflanzenareale... hrsg. von B. Henning & H. Winkler a. reihe, h.5. Jena, G.Fischer, 1929. Dandy, JE. & Good, R.D'O. Magnoliaceae, - Han- del-Magzetti, H. Lysimachima. - Herzog, T. Pilotri- chaceae,. pliverra, A.A.da, Floralia montiun, Bello Horizonte, Imprensa Qriietal, 1oge. Hriocaulaceae. ; jy i swaps et dat x tf } oe Hed a rig yi bh vite ae ; ponent f a Phi | ae ] 1% Pa Hig ‘oopticrigenle ia aN ei Sp. DE eee » PRA DE PA hacer’ th pique: re otha te aa@ aati a nanny it Rik | ‘al mee 2a rare * Mie Hele no.24, 7.38. ; Books.(cont. ) ; ‘ Westerdijk, J. & Buisman, C. De iepenziekte... Arnhem, Nederlandsche heidemaatschappij, (1929) Includes a description of Pseudomonas lignicola j n.Sp. Sorrection. hasty wee le CMO gee, 0. O's Blumen u Pflanzenb. - The volume should be 44. i eg CURRENT LITERATURE f ADDITIONS 7O THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDU eo 4 ri 8, Departme: F Asriqn! COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE partment of Asroultire LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. ¢ HOON TELUS Rar als yaannre 5 lov. go-Dec.7,1929. Acta For. Fenn. (Helsingfors) Cockayne, lL. Hybridism in the forests of New Zealand. hea Moma Henn. V.64, art.S - 26 pe 6 pls OM.) Loe? 6 Hayata, B. BYetessvonm im the vezetauion of Nt. Fuji. ieta Hor. Wem. Weot, artet., 28 0. 24 pls On Tis | Map. Les » Hertay oN. Fuomioita mannyn je kussen pituuskehityksen “yuotuisesta" ja vuorokaitisesta jaksosta (Beo- bacntungen tber die "Jjahnrlichen" und taglichen perioden im lungenwachstum der kiefer und fichte)}. Acta For. Fénn. v.54, art. 18. BO ips Lees Finnish with German summary. Heske, F. Beitrag zur kenntnis der wald zonen des Westhima- laya. Kets for, Fenn. v.34, art.30. d0p-. Ss sori. \\ L929). Livessala, Y. Notes on some forest (site) types in North America, Nete Wor. Penn. v.d4; axrtecg.) | Ebb. ipl lone Se) 1920, Kokxonen, P. Ueber das verh#ltnis der winterfestigkeit des roggens zur dehnbarzeit und dhenungsfestigkeit seiner wurzeln. Vorlaufige mitteilung. Acta For. Peni. Peiierho ees 25m. Vv pl. Lec (ieee) English summary (On the relation between the hibernation of rye and the extensivility and the tensile strength of its roots) Kujala, V. Die bestande und die vkologischen Peer ae schichten der vegetation. eta, Pow. Fenn. 9 Vee, apes 7c) 26ep, LO2o. oD, C) or AX NI a POR Ka em A | aD l REC eIVe iowa” niee2oy) lB, Acta For. Fenn. (cont.) Laitakara, 2. M&nnyn juuristo, morfologinen tutkimus (The root system of pine (Pinus silvestris), a morpho- logical investigation. Acta Fort. Henn. Oe MmeaueNel 450), Tr Dl. on ed. We" (gee Linkola, K. Zar kenntnis der waldtypen “estis. Act Som. Ment. | v.d4, art.40, 74 p. 1929, cS Sukatschew, W. Betula cajanderii sp.n. Acta For. Fenn, v.34, art.13. TANaaye OU YN SUS y ae Administr. Rep. Dir. Agr. Trinidad & Toboga. Stell, &. Plant pathology. Adminstr, Rep. Dir. Agr. Trinidad & Todago. 1926+ 49 be. | W929). her, wioorm. India. (Calcutta) Alam, M. Toe problem of sterility in Indian crops and fruit trees. Aer, Journ. India, 24: 296-di4. Dl.) SKA LL. Seton « TAG ay Banerji. lL. Studies in cotton pollen. Agr. Journ. Indie. Bose He Ds Some freaks in oat snikeiets. Agr. Journ. India. 24: 341-342. pl. xxx. S. 1929) moses Msica.e Hor. & For. Life. (Wash., D.C.) Murrill, W. A. Evergreen oaks. Acer, Bor. & Wow. lacmmeo. 766-757. alll ahabikcy Deigeee | Mowe Amer. Journ. Bot. Guthrie, J. D. “Effect of envirommental conditions on the cnloro- plant pigments. Amer, Journ. Bot, 16: 716-746. illus. Nee eral lt Ole ale Mumma) Pion. 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(New Haven, Conn, ) Holm as Anatomy of certain species of Ilex of the sections Aquifolium and FPrinos. Aner. Jouzsn. ‘Sea peasy 497—504, TIALS. D.1969. no.108. Bon, Tl, Medullary cork in Balsamocitrus: an anatomical study. Amer. gourn, Sci. V, 18s BOB=508. (ame lus. De 1929, no. 103. Kryshtofovich, A. the oldest angiosperms in the cretaceous of Agia and the other contributions to the mesozoic flora of the maritime province, Siberia. Amer. Journ. Sci. Werle: 519-525. illus. 1.1929. no.108. | eee Ogee, ek. Amer. Photogr. (Boston) Heian. Ao. Bi. Nature and wild life. Amer. Photo. 23a: 670-672. st tues 10). USre"2) 5 Monet Nature photography in December. Amer. Potato Journ. Eee with) Diet Ore a standardized potato sprajys and dusts. Amer. YG Potato Jourm. 6: 163-168. Je.1929 (Reed D.) NO). ©. a Moms Me ran We a Some bud mutations of the potato, Amer. a Ease vourn. 6slSl-165. My.l929 (Reeld Ds )imorae Keamitwy ai. he Progress in breeding new varieties of white cotatoes. DMEte OLato Job. . Of ears wer l8e9(Recd D.) no.8: Nese, C.F. Chlorate for weed control. Aner. Potato Journ. 5: 242-244, De 2 8.) | Tei G's Werner. HH. O. Hftect of variable conditions within a field containing spindle-tuber plants upon the seed value of the potatoes preduced. fmer. Fotate Journ. bey OS=ii7O. Je.1929 (Rec'd D.) no.6, Mpeeler, Tedd . Potato seed disinfectants compared. Amer, Potate Journ, 6: 139-141. My.1929 (Ree'd D.) nolo. Ann, Crypt. Exot. (Paris) Choisy, M. Quelques Roccella nouveaux. Ann. Crypt, Exot. EA VOO—O95. Bike. 1s Mir 19296), Poms R.applanata, R. endocrocea, R. intermedia, n.spp. DOtaen Coie A synopsis of Stereccaulon with notes on some eXotic species. Ann. Crypt. Gxot. a: 96-158, Deny Lees. WG) ence <5 , ¥ fm : wh ged SO E - mer Pa eETS rte oy a8 “tt Ci Sa as nae aye . Fas : i pists % : ‘ o , . Hiv ac . . é, » - we 7) ts pA : u r ia he ae te ‘ i Rk i ‘ '] 4 P u ui “i ran a i hee (a i ie ALE povee P| oo iin eo) hee ! Welle Neeao,, Ped: Min, Orypb. Exot. (cont. ) Dufrénoy, J. Les hadromycoses des etats de i'est des Btats- Unis. Ann. Crypt. Exot. 2: 158-167. ages a eels MO we. Dufrénoy, J. 4 Les Phomopsis des coniferes. Ann. Crypt. Dufrénoy, Je Recents travaux relatifs au Glomerella Cingulata (Stonem) Spaulding et von Schr. et a sa forme conidienne;: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Ann. Crypt. Exot. 2:80-84., aL le Meroe eo. (nen. Dufrénoy, ie ‘ Trois maladiés des citrus de Floride. Ann. 4 Cayo iwxorei 9 2s 7O-8l, dillws, Mr.1929. “mol: 4 Psorosis, leprosis (nail head rust or scaly bark) and scab. Hamel, G. M Contributions a la flore algologique des Antilles. pine Crypt. Dxot. § 2: 54-08. illus. Mrolg2o. no. i. Kufferath, E. Algues et protistes miscicoles, corticoles et terrestres récoltes sur la montagne de Barba (Costa- weal). Anne Crypt, Exot, 2: eé-o2, a ilus. Mes 1929. now. Cyanocloster, Echeverriopsis, Heterocyanococ-— cus new genera and many new species. Moreau, F. Contribution a l'étude de la flore mycologique du Cambodge. Ann, Crypt. Exot. 2: 59-65. Mr. aes Ovens Pouer Ge ila Varde, R. Revision des travaux parus jusqulen 1928 sur la 1928 sur la flore cryptozgamique Africaine. IV. Mousses. oie Wien U is BRO, buat dat le Naar ace), Owe i Meubles noid, Dida Ann. Crypt. Heeoce | (eont.|) Potier de la Varde, R. Observations de propagules phyllogenes chez un Fissidens d'Afrique. Ann. Crypt. Exot. 2: 154— BOY ie miliuss ad's) NO ee Re aya. Thériot, I. Le genre Pseudolesseopsis. Ann. Crypt. Exot. eeeo-eue tlius; Mr,l929. nol. Verdoom, Fr. Ueber einen wichtigen beitrag zur kenntniss exotischer levermoose. Ann. Crypt. Ext. 2: 69- 88. Mrs l929., no.l. Ann. Sci. Agron. (Paris) Bertrand, G. & Voronca-Spirt, Mme. Recherches sur la présence et la répartition du titane dans les plantes phanérogames. Ann. Sci. Aeron. } 46; 551-560, §./0. 1929 (Rec'd D.) no.5. Ann. Appl. Biol. (London) Berridge, EH. M; Toe agglutinating and plasmolytic action of the sap of the potato on various parasitic and sapropay-— tic species of bacteria. ann. Anol. Biola elas os ae eLesey | Nato. Studies in bacteriosis XVI. Million Weston, W.A.R. Observations during 1927-28.0n the incidence of "rusts" on various selected wheat varieties, with special reference to tne intensity of yellow rust, Puccinia glumarum, Hriks. and Henn. Ann. Appl. Biol, 16; 533-541. Ny. 3929. no.4. Samuel, G. & Piper, C. 5. Manganese as an essential element for plant growth. Ann. Appl. Biol. 167 493-524. illus. pl. xxii-xxiv. Neuse. | No.4. DEORE.) Hie His A mosaic virus of grasses, not virulent to sugar cane. Ann. Appl. Biol. 16: 525-562. WN.1929. NOs. xAl j i ue « \ : he 1 } * < . et . , . « x ‘ s f . F . . A e 7 % ~- ‘ j j J 4 v ' is a = Ne i ; > pe ell GO ges D's oe Bon. Aopl., Buol. (cont. ) Weise, Ge i. Pollination of hardy fruits: insect visitors to fruit blossoms. Pea.) BLO.) Lo oe eee IS New de29 7 ¢ no... Voodward, R.C. & Dillon Weston, W.A.R. Treatment of sugar beet "seed" to prevent seedling diseases. fon, Appl. Biol, 6: S42[566. Die, SEE Nog 26 NG. 4. Annuaire Agr. Suisse. a Faes, H. q les parasites, insectes et champignons, des arbres fruitiers, Résultats des traitments d'hiver de a printemps et d'éte effectues au cours de l'année 1928. Annuaire Agr. Suisse. 20, 125s 12e 5 alee 1929, NO wee Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Malta. Pe. Borg, P. Report on work done in connection with plant pathology during the year 1928/29. Ann. Rep. epi ter. Malta. 1928/29: xii-xv. 1929. Aro. Biol. Reichsanst. Land- u. Forstw. (Berlin) Merkenscnlager, F. & Klinkowski, M. Zar biologie der kartoffel. II. Zur pathologie der blattrollkrankneit. Arb. Biol. Heichsanst. Land- u. Sorstw. 17; 345-376. S.6 Ji. 1929s “Mo.ee a Wartenberg, H. “ Zur biologie der kartoffel. III. Ueber die wirkung der kalidumgung auf die frostempfindlichkeit der Kartofrelpf lanze. Arb, Biol. Reichsanst. Lanc- WenOrcuv wirsnerroe4, ilius. J1.1920 9 done. Arch. de Bot. Caen. Bull. Mens. Benoist, FR. Une acanthacée de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. freind ae Bot. Caen Bull. Mens. 3; 63-64. Mr./Ap.1929 (Recd Ds) no.3/4, Pseuderanthemum incisum,. y Viel MGeea.! DO. Ewen. Ge S01, /Cacn. Bull. Mens. (cont.) Braun-Blanguet, J. Poa granitica, nouvelle graminée de l'Europe centrale. Juche CerBots Caen Bull. Mens, (2 a . 46-48. Mr./Ap.1929 (Rec'd D.) no.3/4. Kelter. Ps Analyse pollinioue de la tourbiere de Pinet. Meeweeie BOG. Cacn.s Bulle Mens. d: 57-634, doles Gia le Mie. | Ap. 1929 (Ree'd D.) no.d/4. Litardiere, R.de. Notes sur la vegetation mascinale des pozzines du Coscione (Corse). Arch. de Bot. Caen Bull 4 Mens. 3; 40-45. Mr./ap. 1929 (Rec'd D.) no.3/4. fn q ‘ Viguier, R. a Marcel Denis (1897-1929). Arch. de Bot. Caen. Be Gitin ene, 6754-40. port. Mr./Ap, 1929 (Reeld q De mows) 2. ; a Travaux scientifiques de M. Denis: p.d8-40. Om Arch. Inst. Biol. Difesa Aer. Sa0 Paulo. Hoehme, Ff. C. Contribuigoes para o conhecimento da flora orchidololgica brasilica I. Aero” iiieeabeO titeess Aer. Sao Paulo. <@::5-52. pl. I-10. 1g29. E Pleurothallis & Octomeria. a Gnzlish abstract: p.52. m Arch. Rubbercult. Nederl.-Ind. (Batavia, Java) a Schweizer, J. 4 Over selectie van Hevea brasiliensis in verdana met erfelijkneid van Ge groeikracnt. (The selection of Eevea brasiliensis in connection with heredity of growth velocity) Arch, Rubbercult. Nederl. ite os e80-5e9. 2 pl. O.IS25% non Eas Hnelisa summary: p.o63. S Mota R. Accad. Naz. Lincei VI, Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. € | Nat. (Rome) Curzi, M. Su una "pseudocarie" deile cariossidi di Trumen- tO. AGti R. Accad, Naz. Lincei VI, Rend. G1. Sei. Fis. Mat. e Nat. 10: 224-225. 1929. no.d/4. Acremoniella sp. Wiel, Wom col, Dias 1 Mottebe heeaa, Naz. Lancer Vi, Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. e. Wat. (cont.) sani, Ge i Intorno all'tattivita riduttrice delle radici delle graminacee; la riduzione del nitrato di Galieio per Je radici delle sraminacee. Nota Ii. Acer HeAccad. Nag. Lincei VI, Rend. Cl. Sci. Kiss, Maus eMece Or 187-201. 1929. no.3/4. Savelli, R. & Soster, N. Variazioni brusche nella forma fogliare di Cannabis sativa L. Atti R. Accad. Naz. Lincei VI, Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis., Mat.e Nat 10; 205-c11. ic.) 920. no. 3/4. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. (Berlin) Alexandrov, V. G. Beitrage zur kenntnis des gefussbundels der dikotylen krautpflanze. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 48: 451-460. ilius. 0.24, 1929. Mons Ariland, Ae Zar methodik der transpirationsbestimmung am standort. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 48; 474-479. Wee eo. no. 7. * Dostal, R. Zar proritat der entdeckung der Caulerpa-fort- pflangungsorgane. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 48: 5O07- 514. Telos’. Ques, 1989. now? « Foyn, B. Untersuchungen wber die sexualitut und entwicklung von algen IV. Vorltufige mitteilung ther die sexulitat und den generationswechsel von Cladophora und Ulva. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 48: 495-506. Tass O. 24, 1929. NO. Magen ida NP Theorie des blutens. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 48: 434-450. 0.24,1929. no.7. Hartmann, M. ‘Untersuchungen uber die sexualitat und entwicklung von algen.III. Ueber die sexualitdt und den generations- wechsel von Chaetomorpia und Enterormorpha,. Ber. Deut. Bot.Ges. 48: 465-494, illus. 0.24,1929. no.7. Biochem. Blumen u. View. Olas <0. eer. Deut. Bot. Ges. (cont. ) Heinricher, HE. Blutenvergrungung bei Primula. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 48: 4380-484, ni delle. Os2e oes Ome ts HOSG, Ls Ueber die bltte von Mormodes. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. Seepole-wee. Lllus, Os64., 19295 mower. Lilienstern, HM. Physiologische untersuchung tier die ursachen des vorkommens von Marchantia polymorpha L. auf feuer- statten. Ber. Deut.Bot. Ges. 48: 460-468. illus. OMe leeds “NO. 7% Wangerin, W. Ueber gine auffaellige traumatonastische reaktion bei Erysimum hieraciifolium L. Ber. Deut. Bot, Ges. 48; 4694474. illus. 0.24,1929. HOw Cs Zeitsear. (Berlin) Magistris, H. & Schafer, P. gar biochemie und physiologie organischer pnos— phorverbindungen in pflanze und tier. I-II mitt. Biochem. Zeitschr. 214: 401-439, 440-461. 0.1929. no.4/6. é I. Ueber die phospmtide und lecithide aus der ackerbohne (Vicia faba II. Studien ther austritt von wasserunluslicnen phosphatiden und zellfarostoff bei der roten rtlbe (Beta vulgaris rapa f. rubra) Zaleski, W. & Schatalowa~Zaleski, HE. Beitrége zur frage des hexosenabbaues in der pflanze. V. mitteilung: Ueber den gehalt und die wirk- samkeit der oxydorecuktase in der pflanze. Beitrazge zur frage nach dem zugammnenhang von anoxybiose und oxybiose. Biochem. Zeitschr. 214; 343-356. 0.1929. no.4/6. Pflanzenb. (Berlin) Beassier, K. Pilzkrankneiten des alpenveilchens. Blumen vu. Prlanzenb. 44: 207-208. illus. N.6,1929. arora al a cat Botrytis cinerea, Septoria cyclaminis. +i, FALERS ‘1 Viste! sigs 3B eal e M in ° Veit mows, oe ily ‘Bol. Estac. Exp. Agron. Cuba. (Habana) Boneay Mesa.) id. Tl. Diccionario Dotanico de nomores vulgares cubanos Vie oe BO miscac. EX. Aeron, Cuba. noe, Dees (peeto=o97)’ pl, ix=xiviidi. 1928. Agr. Nac. Argentine. ‘ Marchionatto, J. B. La lucha contmel "carbon volador" del trizo (Ensayos de orientacion). Bol. Min. Agr. Nac. Ar- gentine. 28; 229-230. Ap./Je.1929 (Rec'd N.) NO... Teena, 0 Estudio sobre las caracteristicas de 12 veriedades de trigos de pedigree y la posibilidad ce identificar- los por el grano. Bol. Min. Agr. Nac. Argentine. Pau totetnonallus, Ap./Je.1929 (Rec'd WN.) momee Bryologist. (Pittsburg) Brown, M. §. Bryophytes oi Nova Scotia. Bryologist. 328 Deoret, H. Three brachythecia hard to separate from one another. Bryologist. de: 76-74. Tiluise | Vee. 1929 (Rec'd WN.) no.4. Vine ecivalare, BL rutabulum, B. starker. Flowers, S$. A preliminary list of Utan mosses. Bryologist. Bas 74-55. J1.1929 (Rec'd N.) no.4. Gyirffy, I. Novitas bryologica V. Bryologist. be: 8e- Soe tive. pl. titty. My.1929 (Ree'd Ne) mous Mnglish adstract p.65. Henry, L.K. Tre effect of the environment upon mosses. Bryologist. 32: 84-87. J1.1929 (Rec'd N.) no.4. Summary of a series or articles in the Rev. Gén. Bot. "L'action du milieu sur les mousses" y M. Adrien Davy ce Virville. We ies WO woo, De 123 Bryologist. (cont. ) Re MacFadden, F. A. Britisn Columbia the bryologist's paradise. Bryologist. 2: 56-61. ‘My.1929 (Rec'd N.) NOwds Merrill, “Go Ky A new list of Alaskan lichens in the genus a Cladonia. Bryologist. Se: 41-50. biy 1929. PF (eeed i.) mons. Moxley, H. A. Mosses of the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario. Bry- ologist. 32: 84. ole. (Reca: i.) nose. Adéitional to the list published in "The moss flora of North Gray County and part of the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario! Professor John M. Holginger. Bryologist. ae: oo. § My. l929 (Rec'd N.) ° Van Wert, M. C. A sylvan dell near Minnehaha Falls. Bryolugeisin. Seri (5. gl. i929 (Recd N.) no.4. Wetliemes RS. Macromitrium portoricense sp.nov. Bryo lofist. Amer. Peony Soc. Glassock, L.D. Hyoridizing peony species. Bull. Amer. Peony BOGe pect. co-o5. Ss. 1629, 0.59. Weinerd,: Bs i. Problems oz peony growers. Bull, Amer. Peony DeCeneas fois, 5.19295 noede. Dept. Agr. So. Austr. Quinn, G. Giese aimond:in South Australis. Budly Bepi. Peay son Moser.) no.ec0. -19 p.. tllvs. sae. Nisgebls Osco, Oa Ld. ; Bull. For. Exp. Stat. Chosen, Tozawa, M. & Nakai, T. Atlas illustrating geographical distribution of Korean woody plants and bamboos. pt. I. Bulle Hore Hx. Stat. Chosen. no.l0. 25 maps. (94x58.5cem,) An. 1929. I. Climatically favourable regions. Bull. Mens. Soc. Nat. Hort. France. (Paris) Cayeuxvats & Cayeux, Ie FF. Note sur les sports chez le dahlia et leur Tixa- tion. Bull. Mens. Soc. Nat.*Hort. France. Viger 546-549, qadluse. «0.19298 Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol. (Paris) pach. We Llévolution de l'asnaraginase dans les cultures de l'Aspergillus niger. Bulls Soe.) Caame sorome ate 0995—LO06:. Sele. | NOS. Bach, ‘Ds. Evolution de l'urease dans les cultures de ltAspergillus niger. Bull. Soc. Coims icles Tem OOK AOU > Segre) Nene.» Back, De L'urease et l'asparaginase de l'Aspergillus . niger sont-elles des endo-diastases? Bulli, soc. Chim. Biol. 11: 1016-1024. SUES NR | SAVors Shc Bonnet, R. L'evolution de l'azote au cours de la germina- tion. Belle Soc, Chim. Biol. Jl: -W2b-106L. Be tacle | HO. G:, Butl. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. (Barcelona) Cuatrecasa, d. En Romualdo Gonzalez Fragoso. Butl. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. 9: 49-51. Ja./F.1929 (Recd W. ) mpc L/e. Poyrnla, Js fend hidrotropi Butl. Inst Un fenomeno de nidrovropismo. uti. St. Catalana Hist. Nat. 9; 82-84. illus. 4o./ily. 1929 (Rec'd N.) no.4/5. Pujiula, J. Observaciones en la germinacién del haba (Vicia faba L.) Butl, Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. 9: 25-26. Ja./F.1929 (Rec'd N.) no.1/2. Me Dlty no Brera) Pp. 14, Slat, (Citroer, (Clos Anseles) Basinger, A. J. Some factors causing the dropping of Valencia oranges. Cla wm rons) iss O20 LOOe\ | kde Deteo.) MO wes me comot. Rend, Acad. Agr. France. (Paris. ) Miege, He i Particularités des barbes de céréales. Compt. ‘a Rend. Acad. Aer. Prance. LON OMS oe. MASE MSZ) 4 NOmac' | Pt Gompt., Rend. Acad.Sci. Paris. ne Dangeard, P. a Sur quelques algues iodiferes nouvelles. Compt. x Rema, Acac: Sci. Paris. 189: 862-864. WN.18, a GUSTS OPoenaio nes Aus Labrousse, F. & Sarejanni, Je Changements de réaction et phénomenes d'oxydo- réduction observés au cours du deve loppement de quelques champignons. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Roeesewivlege cOo-808., Nie, 1929. .no.c0. Sabetay, S. i) sur la x srésence ce la -ilonone dans un produit gS: naturel. Compt. Rend: Acad. Sci. Paris, 189% a 808-809, Melon lgeds) NOs cls Essence of Boronia. Boronione identical with lonone. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. Maze, i Liinfection du mattis par le charbon (Ustilago maidis) sous l'influence du milieu. Compt. Rend. Soe. Biol. Paris. 102: 498-499. Weiss) Veo no.30. Country Gentleman. (Philadelvhia) Cutting, M. C. Breeding new fruits for the Northwest. Country Gentleman. 94(12): 20-21, 56, 58. illus. D. Hee.) ono. Lea Weill mod 25:/. 15. Deut. Landw. Presse. (Berlin) Gorbing, J. & Hessberg, O.von. Die verspatete kalkung auf wiesen und ihre wirk- ung auf die wiesenpflanzen. Deut. Landw. Presse. 56: 645, Mose i Mayle. no. 25. Ernahnr. Pflanze. (Berlin) Khoss-Steinegg, R.von. Die ersten kartoffeln in Oesterreich. Ernahr. Prlanze. 29) Buss heh DOS ihe 5 See ilar les Melor. Exch. (N.Y.) Be NS ug aiare, | MGA es A trio of rare hollies, so attractive and useful that they should be more abundant. Flor, Exch. Cerise calls ELS « We50,1929. mo.13. ies gern. i. Ccomuta, DL. Tarsesi.s ? Henry Nehrling. WUOiee Excise) Wo Oui a NESO 1922 nO. LS. Melor. Rev. (Chicago) a Chadwick, L. C. Use of chemicals in »ropagation. Flor. Rev. 65: 29-30. Dees toed. Nos lo7O. Experiments at Cornell; with chemical compounds as stimulating agents (potassium permangahte & su- crose); as to influence of different media on root development; the position of the cut as related to the oosition and formation of roots. For. Leaves. Clepper, H. E. White pine blister rust in Pennsylvania. Hor. Leaves. Ze: 86-87. Dee os) MO ae ard. Chron. (London) Anderson, A. W. Some choice New Zealand shrubs. Gard. Chron. Tite S63, 408, Nses,1929. no.2259. Entelea arborescens, Ixerba brexioides, Clian- thus puniceus. Darnell, A. W. The genus Primula (cont.) Gard. Otpon. ITI, 86: 388, 404-405. N.16,23, 1929. no.2238-2239. ae ay Vell, no.23) pals. - Chron. (cont.) Friend, H. Problems of plant life. XIII. The enigma of dew. Gard. Chron. III, 86: 406. N.23, 1929. N0»2259 6 Grove, A. Lilium candidum var. peregrinum. Gard. Chron. temo: Gee-s07. (N.16,1929.- no.2258. a Hosking, A. : Plant variations. Sports, chimaeras, variegation 4 and mutations. (cont.) Gard...Chnon. Tlie. 66. 4 385, 405. muss | Nieto, 1929. n10.e258-2259. Hybrid barberries at Wisley. Gard. Giron. iia. Ses Sar-o505~. illus. N.16,1929. no.c238. Signed F. Redgrove, H. S. . Colour in the plant world. Gard. Chron. III, Ward. Be Ke Mr. F.Kingdon Ward's tenth exoedition in Asia. XXXV. The conquest of Polon. Gard. Chron. III, 86: 406-407. illus. WN.23,1929. N0.2cdG6 rtn.-Tid. (Kgbenhayn) Weber, A. Planteskolernes pligh. Gartn.-Tid. 45: 631- 634. illus. Neto elgees NO. . Diseases of nursery plants. netics. (Menasha, Wisc.) Brink, R. A. An enzyme difference associated with the waxy gene in maize. Genetics. 14: 569-590. N. Ho no.6. Buchholz, J. T. & Blakeslee, A. F. Pollen-tube growth in crosses between balanced chromosomal types of Datura stramoniun. Genetics. ie DS8-poo. Pleis N.1929. no... ¥ (a) (Aye k a ie at 0 Pit Veli) yneaes; ay 17. Genetics. (cont.) Hutchinson, J. B. The splication of the "method of maximum like a lihood" to the estimation of linkage. Genetics. q deen oe 7s | Wei929. no.6. CVU eles ee Ls A cytological study of meiosis in the pollen mother cells of some Oenotheras. Genet ics. 14: SII 6556 pl. 1—O. IN GMS 2S) | iste (65 House & Gard. (Greenwich, Conn.) Wilder, L. B. The garden books of John Evelyn. House and Gard. arr iat ts6. | ills. D199, nog, Watson.) He) Ei. Holliss of the world and their olace in gardens. Pomse ame Gard. SoG): 96-97, 148, 150,152, illus. USS Mratealee Indian For. (Dehra Dun) Biatver, We The Indian bamboos brought wo-te-date. (cont.) iniduemwore. aos ao0-015. N.l929. navoje dls "Additional notes" by R.N. Parker: p.612-613. Gorrie, R. M. A destructive parasite on the Himalayan pitie pine. UmttianhOr. oo? 6lS—-617. pilsdl. N. 1929. nowt. Arceuthobdium minut issimum. q Journ. For. (Wash. , Dee.) 4 Roeser, J.jre The occurrence of "nitch girdle" in sapling Doug- las fir stands on the Pike National Forest. Journ. Hore | ert, Sla—-820. IN AUS 2S) NOe 7 Cause undetermined, thought to be a fungus. Slzv. Bulg. Bot. Druzh. (Bull. Soc. Bot. Bulgarie) (Sofia) i Arnaudow, N. Ueber die knollchenbildung bei heimischen papili- onaceen-—arten. ize. Bulle. Bot. Oruza. Sullie Soc. Bot. Bulearie) 3: 10-26. 1929. Ngee as NO,2d; pls. Izv.Bulg. Bot. Druzh. (Bull. Soci Bot. Bulgarie) (cont.) Atanasov, D. & Kovachevski, Khr. ... New parasitic fungi of Bulgaria. ZV. Bulg. Bot. Druzh. (Bulli Socs Bot. Bulgarie) 4: 45-52. 19293 Bulgarian with English summary. Barsakoff, B. -.. Hinige flr Bulgarien neve pilzarten. ite cule. Sous Orig, (Bull. Soc. Bot. Bulgarie) 3: 87-91. 1929. Bulgarian with very brief German summary. Bukoreshchliev, B. «.. Versuch einer bodenklassification naeh(!) der unkrautvegetation. Izv. Bulg. Bot. Druzh. (Ene Poca Gote Buligerie). 2: 93-11%. 1989. Bulgerian with German summary. Degen, A. Rosae bulgaricae a cis Iv. Ke Urumov lectae. Izv. Bulg. Bot. Druzh. (Bull. Soc. Bot. Bulgaric) 6: 95-94. 1929. Dimetrow,) I. +e. Revue des publications sur le Pinus peuce Grisb. depuis 1841 jusqu'a 1928. Izve Bulg. Pots Drueh. (Bull. Soe. Bot. Bulgarie) 3: 295— 502. 1929. Bulgerian with French summary. Hermann, F. Nachtrag zur flora des Piringebirges in Bulgar-— ien. ‘Izv. Bule. Bot. Druzh. (Bull. Soc. Bot. Bul— q Serie). 3: 54-55, 1929. 4 Hermann, F., Stojanoff. N., Stefanoff, B. & Georgieff, T. i : Neuer beitrag zur flora Bulgariens. Izv. Bulg. : Bove Oruzh. (Bull. Soc, Bot. Bulgarie) 3: 277-278. 1929. Ivanov, I. e-.» Die ursachen der entartung des hartweizens, Triticum durum Desf. in Bulgarien. Izv. Bulg. Bot. Druzh. (Bull. Soc. Bot. Bulgarie) 3&3: 125-157. cS Seon Bulgarian with German summary (9.150-156). Wigs! Ws coy” Pie ls Izv. Bulg. Bot. Druzh. (Bull. Soci Bot. Bulgarie) (cont.) Jordanov, Dy «.. Bemerkungen uber die flora Bulgariens. Tgv. Bule.s Bot. Drizh. (Bull. Soc. Bot. Bulgarie) Sr Go-7o. (ined.map) 1929. Bulgarian with German summary. Jordanov, D. -». Neuer kleiner beitrag zur flora Bulgariens, iP cule Boney Ocuzit. (Pull. Soc. Bot. Bulsearie) Sreeo—2ol. io2o. Bulgarian with German summary. Khristov, N. -»- Cytological studies on some species of Vitaceae. tan Sales Bote Drug. (Bold. Moc. Egon Salearicyis ) S: 279-85. illus. 1929. Bulgarian with English summary. Petkov, 5. -.» Zuelques especes nouvelles et cardcteris-— tigues pour la flora algologique du mont Pirin. Tv. Sole. Bot. Druzh. (Bull. Soc. Bot. Bulgarie) Be co-404 pl. 19e8. Bulgarian with French summary. Stefanov, B. --. Ueber die. systematische verwandtschaft der Picea omorica (Panc.) Willk. in verbindung mit der klassifikation der gattung Picea. Izv. Bulg. Bot. 3 Druzh. (Bull. Soc. Bot. Bulgarie) Be SISA 7/0) q Tyas) Bulgarian with German summary. Stojanov, N. Ergebnisse eines fruhlingsausfluges in Bulga- is oo Macedonien. figy. Bulg. Bot. Drugh. Wee ote sulearve) 3S: 57-64. 1920. abt ee purensra. Te Te -se Ueber den spelzweizen in Bulgarien, igs) Bulg. Bot. Druzh. (Bull. Soc. Bot. Sulgarien). 3: 171-276. duiboe) Sy bps Bulgarian with German summary (p.251-273) an VERS tee Se FPF . ‘4, a Me Vell, no.25, p.20. Izv. Bulg. Bot. Druzh. (Bull. Soc. Bot. Bulgarie) (cont.) Diner LAM Gye 8s Modern methods in taxonomic botany. IZ¥e Bula. Bot. Druzh.(Bull., Soc. Bot. Bulgarie) 3: 119-124. USES Urumov, Iv.x. Rubi bulgaricae. Izv. Bulg. Bot. Druzh. GullvscesBou. Gulecarie) $2 27-28. 1929. Journ. Agr. Prat. (Paris) Lesourd, F. Histoire des plantes. (cont.) Cichorium inty- bus. Joumanwenoaernah. NeGa, Dele): SPIESTO. WIIG Se Tes) 22) 8 pakoy tay Journ. Agr. Res. (Washington, D.C.) Brown, N. A. The tendency of the crown-gall organism to pro- duce roots in conjunction with tumors. Journ. Agr. Hes, S39: 747-766. illus. W.15,1929.(Rec'd N.27) noeld. Hever. Meoas Changes in the pectic constituents of apples in relation to softening. Journ. Agr. Res. 39: 739- 746. WN.15, 1929 (Rec'd N.27) no.l0. Lehman, S. G. & Woodside, J. W. Teel resistance of soybean to the bacterial pustule disease. Journ. Agr. Res. 39: 795-805. Medd, 4929. (Rec'd N.27) no.10. Journ. Arnold Arb. Merve, CO. De Ligneous olants collected in the territory of Papua (British New Guinea) in 1925-26 by L.J. Brass. Journ. Arnold Arb. 10: 197-274. 0.1929. no4. Journ. Biol. Chem. (Baltimore) iii Kaew Ouckson, A.D. & Walker, J.C. Parther eee none on the occurrence of pro- tocatechuic acid in pignented onion scales and its relation to disease resistance in the onion. Journe Biol. yonem. 64. 719-725,° N.1929. wUdags Nee i. i He ie bes eh) ae Gah hae : ‘ihe . x * + ‘ i ea 1 Jil Th cton Zone unre Journ. Bot. (London) Ardagh, J. "Benardgreyn", Journ.Bot. 67: 307-308. Nel929. no.8Cd. Bibliographical notes:XCIV. Name of locality given by Lobel for Pulicaria wulgaris, said to be "Baynard's Watering", nart of Westbourne river now merged in the Serpentine. Bennett, A., Salmon, C.H. & Matthews, J. R. Second sugjlement to Watson's "Topographical botany". (cont.) Journ. Bot. 67(Suppl.): 41- 48. Nelge2. no,o0d. Lacaita, C. CO. Duriaei iter asturicum botanicum. (cont.) Journ. Bot. Ove OlO—-G18. WS AUS ASM paVolyisl Oke 75 Godfery, M. J. Recent observations on the pollination of Ovhrys. Journ. Bot. 67: 298-302. N.1929. no..303. Sibi John, igs Calluna vulgaris, recent adventive on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Journe Bot. 67: 306-307. N.1929. no.80d. Seward, A. C. Botanical records of the rocks: with special reference to the early Glossopteris flora. Journ. Bot. 67: 289-298. WN.1929. no.&03. White, C. 7. William Vincent Fitzgerald. Journ. Bot. Bi SOs ts Nw1929. no.80d. Journ. Indian Inst. Sci. (Madras) Patwardnan, V. I. Amylase from Zea mais. JourneIndian Inst. Sci. 124; 185-190. [1929] no.13. oO eee Sita VERA ae, os ne eeaes SP Weyldig| moweOs Pw 22. Journ. Indian Inst.-Sci. (cont.) Patwardhan, V. N. Enzymes from the seeds of Caesalpinia bonducel- la. Journ. Indian Inst. Sci. TAS LOU=NG2e [1929] no.13. Journ. Landw. (Berlin) Denny, F. H. Der einfluss des thioharnstoffs auf die gipfel- augenentwicklung und auf die vieltriebigkeit der kartoffelaugen. Journ.s Gand. 77) 219=2226 | oleae tie QedSeF. nO. ds Kisérl, Kozlem. (Bull. Stat. Agron. Hongr.) (Budapest) Krenner, A. Megfigyelések a Magyarorszagon 1926-1928, években jelentkezett novénybetegsécekrol. (Observa- tions on plant diseases occurred in Hungary during the period 1926-1928. Kisérl. Kozlem (Bull. Stat. Agron. Hongr.) 3e: 396-404, Ag.1929 NO ode English summary: p.403-404. Kranke Pflanze. (Dresden) Moya oaky Der hausschwamm. Kranke Pflanze. 6: 183-186. 0. /N. 1929. no.10/il. Maataloustiet. Aikak. [Agsric. Mag.] (Helsingfors) Hintikka, T. J. . Perunasyopatutkimuksen ja -torjunnan suuntavii- voista (Ueber die kartoffelirebsforschung und —be— kampfung). Maataloustiet. Aikak. JAgric. Mag. | Meee iss.) 1929. no. 1/2. Malayan Ti. & Rubber Journ. (Ipak, Perak, Fed. Malay St.) REE ase tel Ke. ols Oidium leaf disease, its occurrence and sig- nificance in Ceylon. Malayan Tin & Rubber Journ. 18: 1227-1236. Owslelg29, 2Oeces Malaya not affected, great increase reported in Java. Matitres Grass. (Saris) Wildeman, H.de. Autranella ou Mimusops. Matitres Grass. el: 8671. Neld, 1929. WO.edo9. * % i$ J a Al i 4 4 AAAaEIED HOw 2D), De 256 Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. (St.Louis) ‘The history of the cultivated chrysanthemum. Missouri Bot. Card. Bull. 17:138-145. 1.32. ARS) 22 AN ee clove) Monatsschr. Deut. Kakteen-Ges. (Berlin) Giinther, W. Das ratsel der cristata-bildung. Ein beitrag gur erforschung und losung des krebsproblems. Monatsschr. Deut. Kakteen—Ges. Ls219—229% illus. Re 9 6) eel Tischer, A. Aus WN. E. Browns Mesembrianthemom-studien. (cont.) Monatsschr. Deut. Kakteen-Ges. 1: 235-234. Ne 1920's MO ell. Werdermann, H. Hchinocactus gielsdorfianus Werd. n.sp. Monatsschr. Deut. Kakteen-Ges. 1: 215-216, illus. Wao! MO. Li. Nat. Geogr. Mag. Douglass, A. E. The secret of the southwest solved by talkative tree rings. Nat. Geogr. Mage. 56: 737-770. illus. DeI29. 7 00.6. Mae tiste: . / (N.Y) Howes, P. G. The mountains of Dominica. The two highest mountains in the Lesser Antilles, Diablotin and Trois Pitons, on which plant life is still in the process of ascent and increasé. Nat. Hist. 9: 595-610. illus. MN. /D. 1929. nob. Naturforsch. (Berlin) Morton, F. Allerlei von der banane. Naturforsche goes NetI29s NOS. 209- (ep) ee Ma didhs DO sie 5 Bisicts New Zealand Journ. Sci. & Techn. (Wellington, N.Z.) Fraser, W. M. Notes on. a visit to Three Kings Islands. New Zeal. Journ. S¢i. & Techn. 11:148-156. illus. Ole INS AISI Os aKe) reir Vegetation: p.152. Obst— u. Gemtiseb. (Berlin) Heine, C, Die einwirkung des frostes winter 1928-29 suf unterlage und sorten der slsskirschenbaume im mit- teldeutschen kirschenanbaugebiet. Obst- u. Gemuseb. hoe) Les— Lol. moSOmlos LO29. S woe LO. Kotte, W. Der bakterienkrebs, eine flr Deutschland neue tomatenkrankheit. Obst— u. Gemuseb. 75: 186-188. illus. (Ol Milena USS S) Sa avo Ors &planobacter michigenensis. Plant Physiology. [Omitted from earlier List] Andrews, F.M. The effect of temperature on flowers. Plant Piyouotory. 9 4: 261-284. illus. Ap.1929 (Rec'd Jie) Bowe. Andrews 3 F.M. Wilhelm Pfeffer. Plant Physiology 4 Seow atiue. port. (ol. iv) Ap.1929 (Rec! Ho.de Ques Halma, le & Haas, IN SIR Gi Identification of certain species of citrus by colorimetric tests. Plant Plirsiology. 43; 265- Boar vig. 1029) (Ree!d J1.) now. Holtz, He Fs & larson, C. & simple method for nitrate nitrogen determina— tion in wheat plants. Plant Physiology. 4: 238- Pei yee ozo. (heeld Jil.) noses Lee, Ae The toxic substance »roduced by the eye-spot fungus of sugar cane, Helninthosyorium sacchari Butler. Plant Physiology. 4:195-2le. illus. Ap.1929 (Rec'd Ji.) nod. ‘ Vie Oss. ieee « Plant Physiology (cont.) .Lincoln, F.B. & Mulay, A.5S. The extraction of nitrogenous materials from pear tissues. Plenty Physiology. 4: 264-250. Ap.1929 (Rec'd Jl.) no.d. Murneek, A. HE, Hemicellulose as a storage carbohydrate in woody plants, with special reference to the apole. Plant Bhysiology. 4: 251-264. illus. 4.1929. nose. (Recd Jl.) Sprague, H. B. & Shive, J. W. A study of the relations between chloroplast pig- ments and dry weights of tops in dent corn. Plant Physiology. 4: 165-192. Ap.1929 (Rec'd JL.) nowes Pemeiie. Tedisls The absorption of ynosohate from soil and solution Cwiures, | Plant’ Physiology. 4: 213-232. illus. Ap.1929 (Recd J1.) nod. Proc. K. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. Coelingh, W. Ageregation—substance in the terminal glands of Drosera. Proc. K. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. Ses O09 tC ZO a WO f6 Honert, T. He van den Studies on eed Eaton in carbon dioxide assimilation. Proce K. Akad.Vetensch. Amsterdam. Bee) LOOS—1021. sted Mealy 1929. Oe Vs _ Progr. Agr. & Vitic. (Montpellier) Benes, G. Observations sur le court-—noues. Progr. Agr. et Vitic. 92: 494-495. N.a4, 1929. no.47. Rives, L. Nouvelles recherches sur le mal-nero et le court— nou2 (cont.) Progr. Agr. et Vitic. 46: 448-454. N.10,1929. no.45. if > 7. ; 2H f. % Ef +) ; oh” ey oa BE P “ . we anne foiti no.S5.p. 26. Publ. Puget Sound Biol. Stas.(Seattle, Wash.) Anest, Le Observations on the developinent cf zoospores and gaimetes in Pleurophycus gardneri. erode) Puget Sound Biol. Stat. 7: 39-48. UUs) Nee oe) iibvatsley Tale i Bicetuie, polarity in the Douglas fir. Publ. Fucet sound Eiol. Sta. 73: 1-28. ° illus. Ni, tess Gonds Be Jie The relative electrical dominance of growing points in the Douglas fir. Publ. Puget Sound Biol. Stae 7$ 29-87. AS Minho e s Phamer. iy. Di. Littoral diatoms of Argyle Lagoon. Publ. Puget SODMG BIOL, Sta. 7tls7-149.. illus. N.1i,1929. Publ. Staz. Sper. Bari. Verdesca,S. Andamento climatico e attacco delle ruggini Sui cereali, Publ. Staz. Sper. Bari. no.l4. 33 De dimers, 1920, Verdesca, S. Recettivita delle varieta di frumento per le rugeini. Publ. Staz. Sper. Bari. Cre) ble 49 p. JES)BISTS Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. (Dahlein) Schlechter, Ro & Mansfeld, R. Die orchideenfloren der sudamerikanischen Kor- dillerenstaaten... Figuren-atlas. Report. Specs Nov. Beih. 57, Dtec, pl.49-95, 1929. Revista Industr. Bogota. Toro, Rafael A. Una nueva enfermedad de la alfalfa. Revista Industr. Bogota. 6s 12l-1e2. illus. selzed. nol64. Pseudopeziza medicaginis. OS TE SO Oy OO ES, Re NNR ees . > Vols nee25, p.27. BReviste Industr. Bogota. (cont.) Tord, Rel. El polvillo del trigo. Revista Industr. (eerorae 6: we0-12), filus, $.1929, no.64. Rev. Bot. Appl. (Paris) Docks, A. Notes sur le genre Hevea Aubl. Rev. Bote Apps GyG25-620. pl.xvi-xviii. 0.1929. no.98. H. marginata, H. huberiana, H. humilior, n.sp. Maire, R. Louis Trabut. Reve Bot. Appl. 9:613-620. iy eer port. ) 0.1929. no.98. ys Rev. Gen, Bot. (Paris) Chalaud, G. y Le cycle evolutif de Fossombronia pusilla Dun. (suite). Rev. Gen. Bot. 41: 539-554, 606-621. illus, 1929. no.489, 490. Chalaud, G. Qulest-ce que le perigyne des népar queen Rev. Gén. Bot. 41: 536-540. 1929. 10.489. 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SOC. Edinb. oOs 175-178. ise) NOeks Peat Ae Notes on strand plants. IV. Arenaria peploides die Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 20" 157—l6eS. abies. 1929. NOeke Watt, Hs B. Notes on the introduction and distribution of the ivy-leafed toad-flax (Linaria cymbalaria Mill.) in Scotland. Trans. Bote Soce Edinb. 303 leg 126. 529%. NOwee Trop. Agriculture West Indies. (Trinidad) Briton-Jones, EH. R. ‘ Wilt diseases of coconut palms in Trinidad. pt.II. Waa Trinidad, 1925. (Suppl. Trop. Agriculture. D.1929) Wardlaw, C. W. Witch-broom in Suriname. Trop. Agriculture. West bhovelsie ty Bs 348-349 « iOS ANS 2S) No»Les Viet Mocs ee, pl Sly Usoe Dept. Azr. Circe. Arceneaux, G. & Stevens, F. D. Variety tests of sugarcanes in Louisiana during the crop year 1927—28. U.S. Dept. Hee Ores) She) 16 p. N.1929. SACOG Sy iG. | fe Rate of deterioration of sugar content of some P.O.dJ. sugarcane v>rieties in Louisiana. U.S. Hewtamncw. Cire. 97, 26 Dd. N.1929. Ueos Dept. Aer. Farm. Bull. Leukel, R. W. 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Some observations on the relationship of soil conditions to the development of disease in plants. Reprinted from Rep. Australasian Assoc. Adv. Scit. 2a Se-5e0s, | 1929. Stevens, N.E. The probable keeping quality of early blacxs in Wareham and Carver this season. Vareham Courier, Sept.s20, 1929. p.5- Cranberriese VAS eae er | Tee x er. Repeat u aes Pra ae: ee < ote 4 t 3 Cp - = A ’ { CRANE at se i“ ii CURRENT LITERATURE mere Ue: Pe pt of Ser ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT IN gray: COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHI Vol its: no. 26. Dec. 9-21, 1929, AgreGaz. N.S.W. (Sydney) Anderson, R. H, Farm forestry V. The native and introduced trees of New South Valea,. (cont.) Agr. Gaze N.S. We 40: 777-786, rib dabesy NedytoZes HOw Ladi. Ramsay, A.A. & Henry, M. Rosewood (Heterodendron oleaefolium) and native fuchsia (Eremephila maculata), two poisonous plants. Agr. Gaze N.S.W 403 834-837, diagrs. Nel, Te29), MO. li. Agr. Res. Work Sudan Repe Archibald, R. G. Further investigations on black arm disease of cotton. Agr. Res. Work Sudan Rep. 1927/28: 7a 55s 1929, Massey, R. E. Work of the section of ptant physiology and pathology. Agr.eRes. Work Sudan Rep. 1927/28: 1644140, 1929, Angewe Bot. (Berlin) Hlaksberger, C. Wechselweizen. Angew. Bote 11:553-562, illus. S./0. 1929. no.5. bs, Schropp, W. Beitrage zur frage der regelung der standorts- und wasserverhaltnisse bei vegetationsversuchen in gefassene Angewe Bot. ll: 461-552. illus. S/ O% 1929. floeDe Arb. Bayer. Landesanst. Pflanzenb. u. Pflanzensch. (Munchen) Boning, K. Weitere beitrage zur kenntnis der krankheiten des tabaks, Arbe Bayer. Landesanst.e. Pflanzenb. Ue Phlanzensch. now8. 32 p. illus, l col.pl. 1929, Wath, now26, pees Bol. R. Soc. Hspai. Hist. Nat. (Madrid) Bustinza Lachiondo, F. Catalasa y poder germinativo de las semillas. Bol. R. Soc. Zspah. Hist. Nat. 293 227=2506 Wye ly BSS) nods, Caballero y Villadea, S. 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N.1929. noed. Siertr, HCH. ; New or otherwise noteworthy Compositas. III. Bot. Gaze 883 285-309. pl. xvii~-Zzxie N.1929.6 NOede ¥ bye! ti, oe ¥ Vell, noe26, Pd. Bot. Jahrb. Engl. (Leipzig) Burret, M. Die gattung Euterpe Gaertn. Bot. Jahrb. Engl. ‘633 49-76, N.15,1929. NOele Busch, N. i Die botanische erforschung Sud—Ossetiens in Ne 25, 1929. Noele Lauterbach, C. Beitrage zur flora von Papusaien. XVIII. Die pflanzenformationen einiger gebiete Nordost-New Guineas und des Bismarck-Archipels III. (cont. ) Bot. Jahrb. Engl. 63s 1-28. W.15, 1929. no.l. Sambuk, F. Ueber die natur der alluvialwiesea des Petschora~ tales. Bote Jahrb. Engl. 63: 86~113. N. 15, 1929. noel. Weberbauer, A. —Die pflanzendecke Nordperus in departamento Tumbez.:und angrenzenden teilen des departamento Piura (3930! ~ 5%s,Br,) Bot. Jah=b. Engl. 63: 1-48, pl.ivve N.15, 1929. No. 1 Bryologist. (Pittsburg) Binstead, C. H. A further account of the mosses of the French Rivera. Bry6logist. 323 89-02. Seltvco. TGs Die Burnham, S. H. Supplementary list of the bryophytes of the Lake George regione Bryologist. Se: 94-98. Ses ee ie NOedDes MacFadden, F. A. Easter week at Halcyon Hot Springs, British Columbia. Bryologist. 32: 100-104. $.1929. No.5. wt Welle move, .4s Bryologist. (conti) Pitman, H’. M. Moss notes from the Pine tree state. Bryolo~ Se tie Bet 92-93, SiglS2SIa HOwee Theriot, Ie Again the genus Pleurozium. Bryologist. oes 98-99, Seles NO ede "The name of the genus Pleurozium is different from Pleurozia and must be maintained." Bull. Exp. Stat. Assoc. Hawaiian Pineapple Canners. Bowers, &. A. I. The root system of pineapple plants. Bull. Exp. Stat. Assoc. Hawaiian Pineapple Canners. no.l2. Bou We illus. OSI SASIS Bull. Rubber Res. Inst. Malaya. Corbet, A. S. The natural coagulation of Hevea latex. Bull. Rubber Res. Inst. Malaya. nNOole LP ors. 11S) LO20) Bull. Soc. Centr. For. Belgique. (Bruxelles) Delevoy, G. La destruction des mauvaises herbes par le Chlorate de soudes Bull. Soc. Centr. For. Belgique. 36: 475-489. 2 ple, diagrs. 0./N.1929, mno.slO-It, Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. (Lausanne) Meylan, C. Recherches sur les Myxomycetes en 1927-1928. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 57(223): 39-47. illus. J1.31, 1929. Didymium nivicolum, Lamproderma, splendens, NeSpDe Wilczek, B. Ramanculus glacialis L.q gelidus Hffgg. ou ¥ PB minimus Gaudin? Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 573 (223): 29-30. . J1.31,1929. Bull. Torr. Blub. Bradley, W. H. Fresh water algae from the Green River formation of Colorado. Bull. Torr. Club. 56: 421-428. pl. 22-23. W,.1929. NOe8e Vielen WOGeOs , Dis le Bool. Torr. Club. (cont.) Gleason, H. A. Studies on the flora of northern South America XIIf, The Tate collection from Mount Boraina and vicinity. Bie Torr. Club. 56: 391-408. N.1929. NOeSe ; Riecken, W. E. ‘A morphological study of some Phalarideae, with special reference to classification. Bide Morte Club. 56; 409-420. illus., pl.2c0-2l. N.1929. NOeSe Bull. Trim, Off. Reg. Agr. Midi France. oe di Les maladies de l'amandier. Bull, TeraieOs ay Ree. Agr. Midi France. S13 122-128. illus. J1.1929 (Rec'd D.) Bull. U.S. Golf Assoc. Green Sect. (Wash., D. C.) Goetz, A. J. Brown—pntch and its control ot 5t. Louise Bull. U. S. Golf Assoc. Green Sect. 9: 179~183. illus. CARS 2305 noelO. Canad. Hort. (Peterboro, Ont.) Wells, H. M. Collar rot and its treatment. Canad. Hort. BeeeeOGee Delllele NOslce Centralbl. Bakt. Abt.II. (Jena) Israilsky, W. “4 _ YVergleichende untersuchungen uber die rassen= eigentimlichkeiten des B. tumefaciens und ver- wandter mikroorganismen. Centralbl. Baxt. Abt. II. 793 354-370. illus, Nei. 1929. no.15/22- Kober, EB. Ueber die physiologie und storphologie von Actino= myces oligocarbophilus und dessen bedeutung fur den ackerboden. Gontralbl. Bakt. Abt.II. 79: 370-393. illus. .19, 1929. no15/22. McCoy, E. F. A cytological and histological study of the root nodules of the bean, Phascolus vulgaris Le Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. II. 79: 394-412. iii pl. 19,1929. no.15/22. Vea, noec6, pebe Centralbl. Bakt. Abt.II (cont.) . Rahn, 0., Laubengeyer, E. & Mansfield, H. L. Contributions to the classification of bacteria. V-X. Centralbl. Bakt. Abt.II. 793 321-3537, 358-343. N.19,1929. noel5/22. Cereal Chem. Hayes, H. K. The breeding of improved varieties of spring wheat. Cereal Chem. 6: 483-495. illus. N. eee) hos Oe Coblegium. (Ober-Ramstadt) Munz PY) W. Ueber den gerbstoff der edelkastanie und des sizilianischen sumachs. Collegium. 1929; 499-512. 1g29. noe/14. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. Bertrand, G. & Silberstein, L. Sur le dosage du soufre et du phosphore dans les plantes. Comptz2 Rend. Sci. Paris. 189: 886=890, N.25, 1929. noekie Nicolas, G. & Aggery, Mlle. - Un nouvel exemple dtinfection bacterienne généralisee chez les végétaux. Compt. Rend. Acad. Seite! Goel 0d: Sig 189: 946-947. Neco, Loos NOeeLe On Stranvaesia davidiana. (Bact. undeterm.) Orékhoff, A. & Behal, A. Sur les alcaloides de l'Anabasis aphyllae Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1893 945, | Nesous Boo « NOecie Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. iwott, A. & Dusi, H. Le pouvoir de synthese d!Buglena gracilis cultivee a l'obscurite. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Boric, 0a: 567-569. .22,1929. uo.dls Iwoff, M. % Lwoff, A. Le pouvoir de synthese de Chhamydomonas aghae- formis et d'Haematococcus pluvialis en culture pure, a l'obscurites Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. 102: 569-571. N.22, 1929. noedle Vell, now26, pe7e Farming South Afria (Pretoria) HUTS |g silts Sine (Report of the Div. of Botany, horticulture and entomology, 1929) Farming South Africa. 43 398~ Ole) et aeo = noe44. Fruit Grow. Fruiterer, Flor. & Mark. Gard. (London) Fungus disease of fruits. Phytophthora rot out~ break. Fruit Grow. Fruiterer, Flor. & Mark. Gard. 68:3 874. MCS Neeiny) Leo. NOel77le Garde Chron. (London) Darnell, A. W. The genus Primula (cont.) Gard. Chron. III, 863 428-429, Drs Lee N00c2406 Hosking, A. Plant variations. 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Delu Severn. Kavkaza (Journ. Agr. Res. North Cav casus) (Rostov~i~Don) Montrenko, T. G. «eA speedy method for the determination of the germinative Dower of seeds by means of staining, applied to gramineous plants and other field cultures. Izve Opytn. Delu Severn. Kavkaza (Journ. Agr. Res. North Caucasus) 15/16: S-o6e, shh ebce 19296 Russian with English summary (p.343-344). Rusakov, Le & Shitikova, A. A. eeeCereal rust on the gramineous plants of the North—Caucasian regione Izve Opytn. Delu Severn. Kavkaza (Journ. Agre Res. North Caucasus) ‘133 17-48. 1929; 5/16: BUB-2666 Loe Russian. s Boor Losi. Trepova, A. T. vee The active acidity of the cell sap of some plants and their susceptibility to fungous and bacterial infection. Izv. Opytn. Delu Severn Kavkaza (Journ. Agr. Rese North Caucasus). 13: & 16. 1929. Russian with English summary (p.344). Journ. Agr. Res. (Washington, D. 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