Treated for mold SIL Book Conservation Lab 3 Smithsonian Libraries Adopted by Harold and Barbara Walsh Hooker, W. J. & G. A. Walker-Arnott, The botany of Captain Beechey’s voyage, etc. cf. O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1 (1891) cxxx; B. D. Jackson, J. Bot. 31 (1893) 297; H. S. Mar- shall, Kew Bull. (1950) 333; W. T. Stearn in lift. I Part Pages Dates Part Pages Dates 1 1 1-48 1830 8 337-384 1839 2 49-96 1832 (by 17 Sept.) 3 97-144 1832 9 385-432 1840 4 145-192 1833 (by 7 Aug.) 5 193-240 1837 10 433-? 1841 (July-Aug.) (by 28 Aug.) 6 241-288 1838 11 ? 1841 X (July) evidently 7 289-336 1838 12 ? 1841 or 1839 evidently BOTANY ^ OF CAPTAIN BEECHEY’S VOYAGE; COMPRISING AN ACCOUNT OE THE PLANTS COtXECTED BY MESSRS LAY AND COLLIE, AND OTHER OFFICERS OF THE EXPEDITION, DURING THE VOYAGE TO THE PACIFIC AND BERING’S STRAIT, PERFORMED IN HIS MAJESTY’S SHIP BLOSSOM, UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN E. W. BEECHEY, B.N., E.R.. & A.S., IN THE YEARS 1825, 26, 27, AND 28. SIR WILLIAM JACKSON HOOKER, K.H., LL.D., F.R., A., & L.S., MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY NATDRAi CDRIOSORUM, HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, ETC., ETC., AND REGIUS PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. G. A. WALKER ARNOTT, Esq., LL.D., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., v„ MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY NATUR.® CURIOSORUM, ETC., ETC. ■ ' a ^ ^ j ^ Jl /' ^ 301481 ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ELATES. Aue 6 PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR COLONIAL AFFASCaS^T:;: . LONDON : HENRY G. BOHN, No. 4, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. MDCCCXLI. CAPTAIN F. W. BEECHET, E.N., F.E., & A.S., COMMANDER OP HER M. S. BLOSSOM, AND SUBSEQUENTLY OF HER M. S. SULPHUR, UNDER WHOSE AUSPICES, AND BY WHOSE ZEALOUS ENCOURAGEMENT, THE PLANTS DESCRIBED ^ , ' IN THE PRESENT VOLUME WERE CHIEFLY COLLECTED, THIS WORK IS DEDICATED, WITH SENTIMENTS OF VERY HIGH REGARD AND ESTEEM, BY HIS YAITHFUB AND OBEDIENT SERVANTS, THE AUTHORS. Glasgow, Isi January^ 184L ■'■.i • 1 1 LIST OF THE PLACES VISITED BY THE EXPEDITION UNDER THE COMMAND OP CAPTAIN BEECHEY, B. N. 1825. Rio Janeiro, July 4th to August 14th. Conception, (Chili,) October 9th to October 20th. Valparaiso, (Chili,) October 26th to November 2d. Easter Island, November. Ducie’s Island, (a Coral formation,) during the same month. Elizabeth Island, (Coral,) December 3d. Pitcairn Island, December 4th to December 20th. These Coral Islands during February, and parts of January and March. 1826. Gambier Island, (Volcanic, surrounded by Coral,) January 2d to January 12th. Hood Island, Bow Island, Clermont Tonnere, Barrow Tonnere, Byam Martin, Cockburn, Matilda, Whitsunday, Otaheite, or Tahiti, March 26th to April 26th. Oahu, Sandwich Islands, May 19th to May 30th. Onuheow, Sandwich Islands, June 1st and 2d. Petropaulski, in Awtaschka Bay, Kamschatka, June 28th to July 4th. Kotzebue Sound, July, August, and September, (parts of them.) Oahu, again in February. 1827. Macao, in April. Loo-Choo, Bonin, or Archbishop’s Island, June. Petropaulski, again in July. Kotzebue Sound, tlU September. Port-Clarence, September 4th. Monterey, November. San Bias, Mexico, December 8th to February. (Mr. Lay visited and remained for a long time at Tepic, 54 miles from San Bias, inland.) A 1828. Mazatlan, February. Acapulco, April. Valparaiso, May. Coquimbo, May 25th. Rio Janeiro, August ; and return to England, September of the same year. The Botanical Collections were made by Mr. Lay the Naturalist, and by the officers of the ship generally ; but in particular by Mr. Collie, who, during the temporary absence of Mr. Lay, zealously undertook the care of the department with which that gentleman was entrusted, and whose notes, as well as those of Mr. Lay, have been of much service in drawing up the following account. The collections of the different countries wiU be described nearly in the order of the places given in the above list. Those of Rio Janeiro, (the place first and last visited,) will, as being perhaps of less interest than the rest, be described the last. BOTANY OP CAPTAIN BEECHEY’S VOYAGE. CHILL [Visited Valparaiso in October and November, 1825 ; and again Valparaiso and Coquimbo in May, 1828.] After tbe investigations of Feuillee, of Ruiz and Pavon, of the Naturalists of the Russian Expedition under Capt. Kotzebue, partly made known by Chamisso and Schlechtendal in the different volumes of the Linnsea, and of Mi\ Macrae, Dr. GiUies, and Mr. Cruckshanks, some of whose collections have been described in the Botanical Magazine and Register, and in the Botanical Miscellany, it is not to be expected that this portion of Capt. Beechey’s Herbarium should be of a very novel nature, particularly as the Naturalists had but little opportunity of visiting the interior of the country. Cl. I. DICOTYLEDONE^. SuBCL. 1. THALAMIFLOR^. DC. Ord. I. RANUNCULACE^. Juss. DC. 1. ANEMONE. DC. 1. A. decapetala; foliis radicalibus profunde trilobis tripartitisve lobis rotundato- cuneatis subin cisis, involucralibus sessilibus tripartito-multifidis laciniis linearibus acutis, sepalis 10-12 lineari-oblongis, capitulo oblongo densissime lanato. (Tab. I.) — Linn. Mant. p. 79. De Cand. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 200. Prodr. v. 1. p. 19. — A. trilobata. Juss. Ann. du Mus. V. 3. p. 248. t. 21. f. 3. — A. macrorhiza. Domh. Herb, (fide De Cand.) Radix tuberosa ; tubere solitario, oblongo, fibroso, vix unciam longo. Folia omnia radicalia, circumscrip- tione cordato-rotundata, profunde trifida vel tripartita, hirsuta, juniora praecipue ; lobis subrotundo-cuneatis, remote dentatis, incisisve. Petiolus pollicaris, dense pilosus. Scapus spithamseus ad pedalem, hirsutus, superne praecipue, pilis erecto-patentibus, uni-biflorus. Involucra involucellaque triphylla ; foliolis sessilibus, tripartito-multifidis, basi dilatatis, segmentis linearibus, acutis, primum dense pilosis, demum glabriusculis. Pedicellus digitalis ad palmarem, erectus, hirsutus. Sepala patentia, albo-caerulescentia, lineari-elliptica. 4 CHILL [RanunculacecB. extus sericea, intus glabra, lineata. Stamina numerosa. Capitulum ovale vel subglobosum, demum elongato-oblonguDQ, densissime lanatum. Carpella dense disposita, patentia, ovata, stylo rectiusculo ascendente piloso terminata, tota lana immersa. Has. Conception. Not unfrequent upon the hilly grounds. Mr. Collie. — More perfect specimens of this plant, probably, than came under the observations of preceding authors, show that it is incorrectly placed by the excellent De Candolle in his section of Anemonantliea. It ranks in that of Anemonospermos, having, though sometimes a solitary flower on each scape, quite as frequently three or more, of which, as De Can- dolle has well characterized the groupe, one is destitute of involucellum, and the rest have each a two- leaved one. Indeed, its nearest affinity is the A. multijida of North America and the Straits of Magellan, differing, however, essentially in the shape of the leaves and involucre, and in the lengthened head of carpels. We possess specimens from the Horticultural Society, gathered by Mr. Macrae at Conception and at the Baths of Collina, and at Valparaiso by Mr. Bridges. Tab. I. Fig. 1, 1, Sepals; fig. 2, Petal; fig. 3, Carpel with its woolly covering; — magnified. 2. RANUNCULUS. Linn. Sect. Hecatonia. — §. Floribus flavis, foliis integris. DC. 1. R. humilis ; parva, annua, glaberrima, foliis longe petiolatis ovalibus integris tri- dentatisve, floribus pedunculatis solitariis oppositifoliis, carpellis paucis globosis brevissirae acuminatis punctulatis. (Tab. II.) — R. humilis. Collie, MSS. (non Pers.) Planla inter parva hujusce generis : tota glaberrima. Radix fibrosa, annua. Caulis 2-3 uncias longus, erectiusculus, debilis, simplex, vel ad basin divisus. Folia omnia, radicalia prsecipue, longe petiolata ; in- feriora exacte ovalia seu elliptica, Integra, superiora fere obovata vel subcuneiformia, apice tridentata, basi in petiolum decurrentia, subparallelim atque obscure nervosa. Petiohis gracilis, basi in vaginam membran- aceam dilatatus. Pedunculus solitarius, uniflorus, oppositifolius. Flos parvus. Sepala suborbiculata, cito reflexa. Petala ovata, pallide flava, calyce paululum longiora. Stamina pauca. Carpella 8-10, in capitu- lum laxum, ratione floris majuscula, globosa, subnitida, impresso-punctata, glaberrima, stylo perbrevi recti- usculo terminata. Hab. Conception. — This species we do not find any where described. It bears the name of Ranun- culus humilis in Mr. Collie’s notes ; and since the R. humilis of Persoon is referred to R. pusillus, we retain the appellation given by its discoverer. It comes next to R. pusillus in a systematic arrangement. It is also allied to R. fiagelliformis of Smith, and R. bonariensis of Pursh : but besides the great difference in size, the former has orbiculari-cordate leaves, and the latter has the upper ones lanceolate sessile and serrated, and smooth carpels. In habit our plant approaches to R. ophioglossoides ; but that plant has mar- gined and tuberculated carpels. Tab. H. Fig. 1, Flower; fig. 2, Capitulum; fig. 3, A single carpel; fig. 4, Root-leaf; fig. 5, Upper stem- leaf: — magnified. § §. Floribus flavis, foliis indivisis. 2. R. chilensis ; patenti-pilosus, foliis rotundato-cordatis 3-quinquelobatis lobis subro- tundo-cuneatis grosse dentatis, petalis 8-10, sepalis villosissimis, carpellis orbiculari- compressis marginatis, stylo brevi curvato, caulibus pvocumbentibus. (Tab. III.) — De Cand. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 286. Prodr. v. 1. p. 38. Schlecht. Animad. p. 27. Caules 1-2-pedales, procumbentes, teretes, pilis patentibus flavescentibus hispidi, ramosi. Folia petiolata, majuscula, rotundato-cordata, pilosa, profunde trilobata, lobis subrotundo-cuneatis, lateralibus nunc bifidis, omnibus profunde grosse et inscqualiter dentato-serratis, atro-viridia, subtus pallidiora: superiora nunc multo minora, 3-partita, bracteiformia, et tunc caulis superne paniculatus evadit. Petioli foliis longiores. Fumariace. 41. t. 28. Hab. Conception. — The root of this plant is described by Feuillee as resembling- that of Ipecacuanha in shape, and employed in lieu of Senna, and considered as one of the most sovereign purgatives of the country. CavaniUes (Ic. v. 6. p. 21,) has noticed this species as having been found at Montevideo, in Quito, and in Chili ; and he has accurately described it. Ord. VIII. CARYOPHYLLE^. Juss. 1. SILENE. Linn. 1. S. gallica. Linn. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. \. p. 40. Hab. Conception. 2. ARENARIA. Linn. 1. A. rubra. Linn. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 1. p. 53. — A. marina. Sm. (not Linn.) Hab. Conception. 3. CERASTIUM. Linn. 1. C. strictum. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 119. Hab. Conception. Probably introduced from Spain, along with Silene gallica. Ord. IX. LINE^. DC. 1. LINUM. Linn. 1. L. oligophyllum ; caulibus adscendentibus basi lignosis, ramis alternis, folds lineari- lanceolatis basi biglandulosis eglandulosisve, inferioribus plerumque suboppositis, superi- oribus alternis, floribus oppositifoliis terminalibusque, petalis flavis, stylis ad basin usque liberis, stigmatibus capitatis, capsula subrotunda obtusa, valvulis dorso planis. Schiede. Var. a., glandulosum; ramosum, folds patentibus basi utrinque glandula stipulari in- structis. Schiede. — Willd. MSS. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 428. Schiede in Linncea, v. 1. p. 68. Hab. Conception. 2. L. usitatissimum. Linn. Hab. Conception : probably an imported plant. Ord. X. MALVACE^. Br. DC. 1. MALY A. Linn. 1. M. parviflora. Linn, Hab. Conception. Introduced. 2. M. eriocarpa ; fodis palmato-quinquelobis inciso-dentatis, pedicelds geminis petiod 12 CHILI. [ Geraniacea. iongitudine, fructu villoso. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 78. — M. prostrata. Cav. Diss. v. 2. t. 16. f. 3. ? De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 436. — Pentaphylloides. Alce^ minori folio, flore purpureo. Feuill. Cliil. v. 2. p. 763. t. 47. Hab. Near Conception. — This appears to agree nearly as well with the M. prostrata of Cavanilles as with the eriocarpa of De Candolle ; only that the foi’mer is described as having its fruit glabrous, whereas our plant has the frait somewhat hairy. The peduncles are solitary, not geminate as in De Candolle’s plant, so that we cannot but be doubtful as to the correctness of our name and synonyms. 2. SIDA. Cav. L S. vitifolia; folds cordatis 3-5-lobis pilis stellatis supra parce subtus confertim tectis, lobis grosse .crenatis magis minusve acuminatis, petiolo foliis longiore pedunculis solitariis axillaribus apice subtrifloris breviore, pedicellis brevibus calyce multo breviori- bus, stylis plurimis. — Cav. Ic. v. 5. t. 428 ? De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 471 ? Had. Conception. — This does not well accord with Cavanilles’ figure and description above quoted, nor can we satisfy ourselves as to the division in which it ought to be placed, since we have no perfect fruit. The stem, branches, leaves, petals, peduncles, and calyx, are clothed with dense short stellated pubescence. 3. CRISTARIA. Cav. 1. C. ? pinnatijida; caule foliisque glabratis pedicellis calyceque pilis longis hispidis, foliis pinnatifidis lobis linearibus distantibus. Hab. Coquimbo. — Of this plant there is only one, and that a very indifferent, specimen. It has the habit of a Cristaria ; and if it really belong to that genus, it is sufficiently distinct from any of the species hitherto described. Ord. XL SAPINDACEiE. Juss. 1. AMIROLA. Pers. Llagunoa. JR. ^ P. 1. A. glandulosa ; foliis petiolatis trifoliatis, foliolis ellipticis serratis glandulis nigris utrinque punctatis. Frutex ramosus ; ramis rufuscentibus, glabris, nigro-punctatis. Folia densa, petiolata, trifoliata, foliolis sessilibus, ad basin articulatis, eUipticis, subcoriaceis, obtusis, basi paululum attenuatis, acute duplicato-serratis, venosis, utrinque petiolisque punctis glandulosis, nigris notatis. Pedunculi bibracteati, superne incrassati, glandulosi. Flos masculinus: Calyx hinc ad basin fissus, 3-lobus, lobis late ovatis acutis, intus ad basin appendicibus membranaceis 10 auctus. Corolla nulla. Stam. 8, hypogyna: Filamenta calyce longiora, Ilexuosa : Anther m subglobosse, biloculares. Germen (abort! vum) ovatum, trigonum: Stigma oblongum, sessile. Hab. Coquimbo. — Of this we have to regret that the specimens are very indiflferent ; but they are sufficiently perfect for us to ascertain clearly the genus of the plant from the very remarkable structure of its flower ; and that the species is an undescribed one, the leaves being covered with black, and, probably, when recent, viscid glands. The three species described by Humboldt have simple, not ternate, leaves. Ord. XII. GERANIACEAE. DC. 1. GERANIUM. PHerit. 1. G. pyrenaicum. Linn. — Feuill. Cliil. v. 3. t. 16. Hab. Conception. Oxalidem.] CHILI. 13 2. G. Robertianum. Linn. Hab. Conception. 2. ERODIUM. RHerit. 1. E. cicutarium. UHerit. — Geranium cicutarium. Linn. Hab. Conception. — This and the two Gerania above-mentioned were pi-obably introduced with the seeds of Europsean vegetables, and have now become naturalized. We have specimens of them fi'om Mr. Cruck- shanks, Mr. Macrae, and Mr. Bridges. — Nearly allied to this order, and connecting it with the Oxalidece, but which Mr. Don has referred to CaryophyllecB, next to Mollugo, is the genus Viviania of Cavanilles, “ Ann. de Cienc. Nat. v. 7. p. 211. t. 49.” At the time the account of it was published in the Botanical Miscellany, v. 1. p. 174, under the name of Macraa, given to it by Mr. Bindley in Braude’s Journal of Science, v. 5. p. 104, we were not aware of its being identical with that of Cavanilles, whose name must, of course, be preferred. The same has also been described by Cambessedes, (Mem. du Mus. v. 18. p. 369. t. 18,) as a new Brazilian genus, and called Casarea. We regret to say that it does not appear to have been gathered by the Naturalists of the Expedition, but we possess specimens of three species from Mr. Cruck- shanks, Mr. Macrae, and Dr. Gillies, from various parts of Chili. A fourth species from Chili ( V. parvi- jloi'a), we have not received ; it has, however, been found by Mr. Macrae. Ord. XIII. OXALIDE^. DC. 1. OXALIS. Linn. 1. O. ? glomerata ; acaulis, foliis trifoliolatis, foliolis linearibus, scapo petiolis elongatis duplo longiore, umbella multiflora capitata. Hab. Coquimbo. — We have not been able to find more than three calycine segments to each flower, of an oblong shape, somewhat 3-toothed at the top ; but it must be observed that the specimens are in a very imperfect state. There are 5 yellow petals, about the length of the calyx. The pedicels are bracteated at the base. Stamens 10 : Stigmas 5. Pistil as in the genus. 2. 0. carnosa; herbacea glabra, caule perbrevi dentibus cicatricato, foliolis ternis longe petiolatis obcordatis carnosis subtus punctato-chrystallinis, scapo trifloro, calycis foliolis duobus exterioribus majoribus planis, radice tuberosa. “ Molina.” — Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1063. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2866. Hab. Conception. — Mr. Collie notices this as a very succulent, acid, and powerfully antiscorbutic plant. 3. 0. laxa ; caule simplici folioso brevi, foliolis 3 late obcordatis supra pauce inferne densius pilosis ciliatis, petiolis pilosis, pedunculis folio duplo longioribus pilosis apice paniculam laxam gerentibus, sepalis pilosis angustissime lanceolatis. Hab. Conception. — A small species, with numerous leaves and panicles, which latter exceed the foliage in length. 4. O. parvifolia; caulibus ramosis repentibus glabris, ramulis foliosis, pedunculis 1-floris, foliolis subrotundo-obovatis emarginato-bilobis ciliatis utrinque adpresso-pilosis, petiolis calycibusque pubescentibus, stylis longissirais. DC. — Humb. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. V. 5. p. 245. De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 693. Hab. Conception. — This is very nearly allied to O. filiformis of Humboldt, if it be not the same. 5. 0. rosea; caule erecto carnoso folioso, pedunculis axillaribus longissimis apice corymboso-racemosis, foliolis obcordatis. 14 CHILL [ CelastrinecE. a. floribus majoribus, petalis lineatis roseis apice crenatis. {Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2830.) Jacq. Oxal. n. 5.” De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 693. — O. floribunda. Bot. Reg. t. 1123. (not Lehm.) — Oxalis racemosa. Lam. Diet. v. 4. p. 684. — Oxalis roseo flore erectiore, vulgo Culle. Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 23. fi. floribus minoribus, petalis vix lineatis rubris apice integerrimis. Hook. 1. c. — O. rosea. Sims in Bot. Mag. t. 2415. , Has. Conception. Ord. XIV. TROPEOLE^. Juss. 1. TROP^OLUM. Linn. 1. T. tricolorum; caule tenuissimo scandente ramoso, foliis peltatisectis, segmentis 6-7 oblongis obovatisve integris basi attenuatis, petiolis cirrhosis, petalis unguiculatis calyce persistente subclauso parum longioribus obtusis integerrimis. Sweet, Br. FI. Gard. V. 3. t. 270. Hab. Coquimbo. — We have in our collection T. majus, (Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 8. %. super.,) from the Horticultural Society, gathered at Coquimbo and Valpai’iuso by Mr. Macrae ; and from Mr. Bridges we have received a new Chilian species, common in bushy places in the mountains near Valparaiso, and there called Flor de Perdiz, which we propose thus to name and characterize : T. brachyceras ; foliis peltatisectis, segmentis 6-7 oblongo-obovatis integris sessilibus, petalis conformibus, calycis segmentis obtusis calcare bre- vissimo obtusissimo. — The small size of the whole plant, particularly the flowers, and their short, thick, obtuse spur, distinguish it readily from all the others. Mr. Cruckshanks informs us that this is the other Chilian species, alluded to by Sweet, (Br. FI. Gard.) under T. tricolorum, which has been introduced by him to our gardens, but no description of it has yet been published. Ord. XV. RUTACE^. Juss. 1. RUT A. Linn. 1. R. graveolens. Linn. Hab. Conception : cultivated. Ord. XVI. CORIARIE^. Juss. 1. CORIARIA. 1. C. ruscifolia; foliis cordato-ovatis acutis sessilibus multinerviis, racemis nutantibus cylindraceis. DC. — Linn. Sp. PI. p. 1467. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. 739. — Coriaria rusci- folia, vulgo Deu. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. p. 17. t. 12. Hab. Conception. SuBCL. II. CALYCIFLORJE. Ord. XVII. CELASTRINE^. Br. 1. MAYTENUS. Feuill. 1. M. chilensis; foliis oblongis basi attenuatis apice acuminatissimis margine serratis. — TerebinthacecBi] CHILI. 15 De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 9. — Celastrus Maytenus. Willd. Sp. PL v. 1. p. 1127. — Senacia Maytenus. Lam. — Maiten. Feuill. Cliil. v. 3. p. 39. t. 27. Hab. Coquimbo. — We have also specimens of this from Mr. Cruckshanks and Dr. Gillies. Ord. XVIII. RHAMNEiE. Br. 1. COLLETIA. Comm. Hook, in Bot. Misc. v. 1. p. 151. 1. C. spinosa; spinis validis, florum fasciculis sparsis, calycibus urceolatis, filamentis elongatis exsertis. K. glabra. Hook, in Bot. Misc. v. 1. p. 155. t. 44. a. — C. spinosa. Lam. 111. v. 2. p. 90. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 28. — C. horrida. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 1. p. 1113. — C. polyacantha. Willd. in Poem, et Sch. v. 5. p. 113. /3. pubescenti-incana. Hab. /3. Conception. 2. RETANILLA. Brongn. 1. B. Ephedra. Brongn. in Ann. desSc. Nat. v. 10. p. 364. t. 14. 2. — Colletia Ephedra. Vent. Choix des PI. t. 16. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 29. Hook, in Bot. Misc. v. 1. jo. 159. Hab. Conception : probably in the more elevated parts of the country. — We are informed by Mr. Cruck- shanks that the generic name ought to be uritten Retamilla, being a diminutive of the Spanish Retamo, or Furze. Allied to these two is the genus Trevoa, of which, when it was described in the Botanical Miscel- lany, V. 1. p. 158, the flowers of only one of the species was known to us; we have, however, since received both in flower from Mr. Bridges, who adds, that T. trinervis is used for fences, and is very abundant on all the mountains near Valparaiso. Ord. XIX. HOMALINE^. Br. 1. ATIISTOTELIA. HHer. 1. A. Macqui. L'Her. Stirp. jo. 31. #. 16. Lam. III. t. 398. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 56. — “ A. glandulosa. El. Per. Syst. p. 126.” Hab. Conception. Ord. XX. TEREBINTHACE^. Juss. 1. RHUS. Humb. ^ Kuntli. 1. i?. ? caustica; foliis simplicibus coriaceis ellipticis integerrimis cartilagineo-margin- atis, racemis subpaniculatis axillaribus terminalibusque, floribus dioicis decandris, fructu drupaceo sicco. (Tab. VII.) — Laurus caustica. Molina. Willd. et aliorum. — “ Litri.” nom. vernac. [Gillies.) — Llithi. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 23. (fig. ad dextram.) Var. a. ramis subpubescentibus, foliis glabris. Var. /3. ramis foliisque subtus pubescentibus. Frutex valde ramosus ; ramis subangulatis, in «. glabriusculis, in /J. pubescenti-hirsutis. Folia alterna, sparsa, breve-petiolata, 2-3 uncias longa, eUiptica, obtusa nunc cum mucrone obtuso, integerrima, coriacea, nonnumquam purpureo tincta, margine crasso cartilagineo, oblique parallelim nervosa, nervis utrinque pro- 16 CHILI. {Leguminosa. minentibus, glabra, vel in fi, subtus pubescentia, Petiolus vix semiunciam longus, supra planus. Macemi sub- paniculati, axillares et terminales, nunc foliislongiores,nunc iis breviores. Pedunculi pedicellique magis minusve pubescenti-hirsuti, bracteati ; bracteis parvis squamiformibus. Flores dioici. Masc. plerumque in racemis lon- gioribus. Cal. 5-partitus, basi truncatus, laciniis erectis, oblongis, marginibus obscure ciliatis. Petala 5, oblongo- ovata, demum patentia. Siam. 10, 5 petalis opposita, 5 petalis alterna, sub disco inserta. Filamenta brevia. Antherce oblongse, birimosse. Pistillum abortivum. Germen parvum, fere nullum, disco carnoso pateriformi coadunatum. Stylus brevis. Stigma 3-fidum, laciniis linearibus erectis. Faem. Cal. et Cor. ut in mare. Stamina abortiva vix calycis longitudine. Pistillum: Germen subglobosiun, uniovulatum, disco camoso insertum. Stylus germine brevius. Stigma 3-fidam, laciniis capitatis, patentibus. Pericarpium ; Drupa sicca, fulva, nitida, magnitudine seminis Pisi sativi, stylo perbrevi terminata. Epicarpium tenue, fragile. Endocarpium parcum, carnosum. Nux compressa, sphserica. Semen solitarium, inversum. Embryo arcuatus. Podospermum e fundo loculi ortum. Hab. Conception.— There are so many points in common between this plant and the Mauria simplici- folia of Humb. and Kunth, Nov. Gen. v. 7. t. 605, that it is difficult not to believe them to be generically the same : but in Mauria the flowers are hermaphrodite ; the stigma is solitary, thick, and angled, and the seed is pendulous : whereas, except in habit, our plant differs only fr om the simple-leaved species of Rhus in the greater number of its stamens ; whence we have been led to refer it to that genus. This, Dr. Gillies, to whom we are also indebted for specimens, as well as to Mr. Cruckshanks and Mi’. Bridges, considei’s to be the true “ Laurus caustica" of Molina, the Llithi or Litri of the natives, on which our friend observes, “ The state- ment made by Molina, relative to the poisonous nature of this tree, seems to be well founded ; as I am informed, by several intelligent people, that individuals resting or sleeping under it at certain times of the year, are afterwards attacked with eruptions all over the body.” We take this opportunity of stating, that we are enabled to correct, by means of Mr. Cruckshanks’ remarks, a mistake in Feuillee, which has led most succeeding botanists into a serious error. Feuillee, in his description, attributes the same properties to this plant as Molina has since done, and says he has not seen the flower or fruit : yet the figure to which the name “ Llithi" is affixed, represents a fruit larger than a chestnut; and Lamarck and Sprengel have, in consequence, described the Laurus caustica with such a fruit. But the whole has arisen from the names in the plate having been engraved under the wrong figures ; the plant on the right without fruit is the Llithi; Avhile that in fruit on the left is the Lucuma obovata. Tab. VII. Fig. 1, Male flower; fig. 2, Female flower; fig. 3, Flower from which the calyx and corolla are removed ; fig. 4, Fruit ; fig. 5, Section of do. : — magnified. Ord. XXI. LEGUMINOSA. Juss. 1. SPARTIUM. DC. 1. S.junceum. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 145. Hab. Conception. Doubtless introduced from Europe. 2. TRIFOLIUM. Tourn. 1. T. grandijlorum ; caule repente, foliolis obcordatis striatis denticulatis petiolisque pilosis, stipulis ovalibus apice longe aristatis, pedunculis vix pilosis adscendentibus petiolo triplo longioribus, calyce campanulato piloso, laciniis ineequalibus lanceolatis tubum superantibus, corollis calyce 5-6-plo longioribus scariosis persistentibus. Hab. Conception. — To this species the T. obcordatum of Desvaux, from Buenos-Ayres, is, perhaps, closely allied : but our plant belongs to a different section, the “ Lupinaster" as does the next species. The involucrum is small and many-leaved. 2. T. chilense ; caule dilFuso glabro, foliolis anguste oblongo-obovatis argute denticu- Leguminosce.] CHILL 17 latis glaberrimis petiolum {equantibus, stipulis ovalibus membranaceis nervosis pectinato- fimbriatis, capitulo longe pedunculate, involucre floribus breviore multifido aristato, calyce campanulato laciniis tridentato-aristatis dente medio caeteris multo longiore corol- 1am agquantibus. Hab. Conception. — Nearly allied to T. fimbriatum of Mr. Lindley in the Bot. Reg. t. 1070, from Cali- fornia j but the leaflets are narrow and different in figure, the stipules rounded, shorter, and the whole plant is more slender. 3. T. depauperatum; multicaule, caulibus decumbentibus subsimplicibus, foliolis lineari- bus subcuneiformibus apice dentatis glabris, capituli.s pedunculatis terminalibus paucifloris (3-5), involucre monophyllo integro breviter truncate, calyce glabro, vexillo fructifero inflate. — Desv. in Journ. de Bot. 1814. p. 69. t. 32. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 203. Hab. Conception. — It is well observed of this curious little plant, by its original describer, Desvaux, that it should form a distinct section in this genus. Its nearest affinity is with the section “ Vesicastruni” of De Candolle’s Prodromus; but there it is the upper lip of the cal)rx which becomes inflated, here the standard of the corolla. The flowers are sessile within the minute truncated involucre. 3. MELILOTUS. Toum. 1. M. parviflora. Desf. FI. Atl. v. 2. p. 192. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 187. Hab. Conception. Introduced ? 4. MEDICAGO. Linn. 1. M. denticulata, a., et /3. Benth. Cat. PI. Pyr. p. 103. Hab. Conception. 5. LOTUS. Linn. 1. L. suhpinnatus ; annuus pilosus, caulibus erectis, foliis pinnatis exstipulatis, foliolis 5-6, 2 vel 3 terminalibus, 2 unilateralibus ellipticis, pedunculis brevissimis axillaribus solitariis unifloris, leguminibus rectis compressis marginatis hirsutis. (Tab. VIII.) — “ Lagasc. Nov. Gen. p. 23.” — “ Lotus utricularis. Domb. et Lag. HerhF — Anthyllis chil- ensis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 71. Radix parva, annua, gracilis, sublonge descendens, basin versus fibrosa, fibris tuberculiferis. Caules 1-3 ex eadem radice, erecti, flexuosi, patentim hirsuti, subramosi. Folia pilosa, remotiuscula, nisi ad extremitatem ramorum, exstipulata, pinnata ; pinnulis 4-5, quorum tres terminale.s, nunc mica abortiente, 2 unilaterales, remotse. Petiolus compressus, latiusculus, supeme canaliculatus, basi in axilla (foliorum inferiorum,) gemmam solitariam hirsutam, (florem abortivum,) gerens. Pedunculus perbrevis, vix lineam longus, axillaris, soli- tarius, hirsutus, imiflorus. Calyx valde hirsutus, campanulatus, 5-fidus, laciniis subulatis, subiequalibus. Vexillum obovatum, inferne attenuatum. Aim vexillum subsequantes, appressse. Carina in rostrum obtusum attenuata. Stamina diadelphia. Germen oblongum, hirsutissimura, 3-ovulatum. Stylus gracilli- mus, inferne geniculatus, glaber. Stigma obtusum, neque subulatum neque capitatum. Legumen lineari- oblongum, patens, compressum, heve, marginatum, pilosum, styli basi uncinata terminatiun. Hab. Conception. — Whether or not this plant should continue in the genus Lotus is a matter of doubt. Its nearest affinity is with Lotus tetraphyllus of Linn, fib, having, like it, more leaflets than the three ter- minal ones usual in the genus ; in L. tetraphyllus, there is one additional ; in our plant two, and these two are constantly unilateral. The former, however, has a capitate stigma; ours an obtuse one: in these respects also departing from the true Loti, in which, as now circumscribed, the stigma is subulate. From c 18 CHILL [LeguminoseB. Hosackia, Benth., to which it approaches by the tendency to a pinnate leaf, it differs by the appressed alse, the entire absence of stipules, and the solitary flowers. De Candolle seems to have observed monadelphous stamens in his specimens, hence he has been led to refer this plant to the genus Anthyllis ; but we find the stamens to be truly diadelphous. Tab. VIII. Lotus subpinnatus. Fig. 1, Flower; Jig. 2, Vexillum; Jig. 3, 3, Alse; Jig. 4, Carina; Jig. 5, Side view of the carina ; Jig. 6, Stamens and pistil ; Jig. 7, Pistil ; Jig. 8, Legumen ; Jig. 9, Leaf with three terminal leaflets ; Jig. 10, Leaf with only two terminal leaflets. 6. PSORALEA. Linn. 1. P. glandulosa. Linn. — Bot. Mag. t. 900. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 220. — Barba Jovis, &c. vulgo Culen. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. p. 7. t. 3. Hab. Conception. — This plant, according to Feuillee, is employed by the natives as a vulnerary and purgative, and its dried leaves are often used instead of tea. 7. ASTRAGALUS. DC. 1. A. procumhens; ubique hirsuto-tomentosus, caule prostrate ramosissimo, stipulis concretis liberis, foliolis 1 1-14-jugis ellipticis retusis, pedunculis folio longioribus racemosis, alis Carina duplo brevioribus, leguminibus (vix maturis) linearibus hirsutis reflexis. Radix perennis, descendens. Caules plurimi, procumbentes, diffusi, inferne fruticosi, bipedales et ultra, teretes, molliter tomentosi, valde ramosi. Folia digitalia, pinnata cum impari : foliolis tomentoso-hirsutis, breviter petiolulatis, ellipticis, retusis, 1 1-14-jugis. Stipulos a petiolo liberse, ovatse, membranacese, inter se hinc coalifee. Pedunculi axillares, folio duplo longioi’es, hirsuti, apice racemum brevem gerentes. Flores sparsi, pallide purpurei. Calyx tubulosus, 5-dentatus, dentibus setaceis. ‘ Carina obtusa, apice intense pur- purea. AIcb carina duplo breviores. Hab. Conception. — This belongs to De Candolle’s tribe, Hypoglottidei, and is nearly allied to the A. Garvancillo of Cavanilles ; nor is it far removed from A. unijultus of De Candolle. But those plants, besides their differential characters, are natives of Peru. 2. A. prostratus ; diffusus, foliolis subpubescentibus obtusis, stipulis inter se eta petiolo liberis, racemis pedunculatis folio multo longioribus, floribus laxiusculis subsessilibus purpurascentibus, calyce nigro-pubescente. Hab. Conception. — This belongs to the section of Astragalus, “ Dissitijiori,” DC.; but on account of the absence of 'fruit, and the paucity of specimens, we cannot give a satisfactory description. The floAvers are in rather long, spiked racemes, and somewhat drooping. 8. ADESMIA. DC. 1. A. papposa ; caule herbaceo adscendente basi folioso et villoso, foliolis 8-10-jugis obovatis retusis cum mucrone parce pilosis, racemb terminali longissimo composito glabro multifloro, floribus remotis, calyce eglanduloso. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 319. Hab. Conception. — With the fruit of this we are unacquainted, but if, as we believe, the plant is the same as De Candolle’s A. papposa, it is covered with soft feathery setse. The species differs, however, from that author’s character and description, in which the leaves are said to be ovali-lauceolate, and the flowers in a com- pact raceme. The whole plant is free from glands, in which respect it is at variance with what we conceive to be A. longiseta of De Candolle, the only other known herbaceous species of the section, and of which we have received beautiful specimens from Mr. Cruckshanks and Mr. Bridges. In both the alse are wrinkled trans- versely at the back, their claws are united with the base of the claw of the vexillum for nearly their whole CHILI. 19 length, and two of the stamens are equally united, one on each side the vexillum, with these combined claws. The other eight stamens are free. The germen is linear, glabrous ,• the style filiform and much curved. In our A. papposa, the base of the limb of the vexillum has a tuft of hairs, and the upper teeth of the calyx are remarkably short. 2. A. micTophyllai caule fruticoso ramosissimo, ramulis striatis pubescentibus divari- cato-spinescentibus, foliolis minimis 6-jugis orbicularibus brevissime petiolulatis pubes- centibus, racemis subcapitatis terminalibus simplicibus spinescentibus, bracteis orbiculari- bus, leguminibus triarticulatis, setis longissimis plumosis basi rigidiuscuiis nudis. (Tab. IX.) Frutex decumbens, valde dichotomeque ramosus, ramis divaricatis, striatis, spinescentibus, tuberculiferis, tuberculis squamosis (e stipulis vetustis, persistentibus), foliiferis. Folia pari-pinnata, subcarnosa, pubescen- tia, foliolis minutissimis subsexjugis, oppositis, remotis, brevissime petiolulatis, cito deciduis. Stipulm duse, parvoe, ovatee, in unam bifidam concretse, persistentes. Racemi terminates, 6-8-flori, subcapitati, rachi demum spinescente, Bractea parva, subrotunda. Pedicelli semiunciam longi. Calyx campanulatus, breviter 5- dentatus, pubescens. Petala staminaque libera. Aim extus transversim rugosse. Legumen triarticulatura, articulis semiorbiculatis, setis longissimis, flexuosis, plumosis, basi nudis, rigidiuscuiis dense tectis. Hab. Valparaiso. — This and the following species belong to a groupe of Adesmim hitherto undescribed, having fruticose, spinescent stems, and small rigid and somewhat fleshy leaves, a plumoso-setose fruit, and free stamens and petals | of which several have been collected in Chili and Mendoza by Dr. Gillies and Mr. Cruckshanks. The present species was first detected by Mr. Menzies, whose specimens we possess. It has also been gathered by Mr. Macrae. Tab. IX. Adesmia microphylla. Fig. 1, Flower ; fig. 2, Petals separated from the calyx ; fig. 3, Carina ; fig. 4, Single stamen; fig. 5, Pistil; fig. 6, Legumen; fig. 7, Inner view of one of the valves: — magnified. 3. A. glutinosa; caule fruticoso ramoso, ramulis patentibus gland uloso-hirsutis glutinosis spinescentibus, foliolis subtrijugis ellipticis hirsutis, racemis elongatis terminalibus simpli- cibus spinescentibus bracteisque linearibus glanduloso-hirsutis, leguminibus triarticulatis longissime setoso-plumosis. Hab. Coquimbo. — This differs from the preceding in its larger leaflets, longer racemes, narrower bractese, longer pedicels, and in the viscid glands and patent hairs which clothe all the younger parts of the plant except the corolla. — The genus Adesmia has been divided by De Candolle into two sections ; the one Patagonium, characterised by the pods of from 4 to 8 joints, and either scabrous or puberulous : the other, Chmtotricha, having a pod of 2 joints, wrinkled, and bearing plumose setse. He even thinks the latter ought to form a distinct genus. We, however, possess some that cannot be referred to either section, but are intermediate ; nor do we think the arrangement otherwise a natural one : we prefer, therefore, the subjoined division, and will notice some other species not in the collection, but which we have received from Chili.* * Sect. I. Herbse annum. Flores inferiores axillares solitarii pedunculati, versus cauUs apieem, foliis decrescentibus, pani- culam efformantes. Habitus Smithim. — Hue A. muricata, Smithim, et hispidula. DC. 1, A. tenella; pubescenti-hirsuta eglaudulosa, caulibus procumbentibus simplicibus, foliolis 3-4-jugis nunc cum impari obovatis obtusis retusisve pedicellis inferioribus folium sequantibus, calycis laciniis ovato-lanceolatis subfe- qualibus, legumine 2-3-articulato rugoso muricato calycem aequai.ta. Hab, Chili. Mr. Cruckshanks. Hills near Valparaiso, Mr. Bridges. 2. A. angustifolia ; pubescenti-hirsuta eglandulosa, caulibus procumbentibus, foliolis remotis 4-5-jugis linearibus obtusiusculis, pedicellis inferioribus folio multo brevioribus, calycis laciniis lanceolatis subeequalibus, legumine 5-6- articulato rugoso pilis raris rigidis plumosis calyce duplo longiore. C 2 20 CHILI. \Leguminosce. 9. VICIA. Tourn. 1. V. nigricans; pubescens, caule tetragono, foliolis 9-10 oblongo-ellipticis obtusis alternis, cirrhis divisis, stipulis semisagittatis, pedunculis folio duplo longioribus multifloris, floi'ibus confertis, calycis dentibus 2 superioribus subnullis inferioribus subulatis, medio elongate tubum superante, stigmate barbato. Hab. Conception. — This seems to be a long straggling plant, which always turns black in drying, like Orobus niger. The leaflets are rather more than an inch long ; the flowers almost capitate. 2. V. parvijiora ; parce pilosa, foliolis 3-4-jugis anguste linearibus acuminatis, cirrhis subsimplicibus, stipulis semisagittato-linearibus integris, pedunculis folio brevioribus bifloris, calyce brevi-campanulato dentibus lanceolatis tubum aequantibus, corolla glabra, leguminibus 6-spermis lanceolatis compressis, suturis pilosis. Hab. Conception. — This species is closely allied in habit to Ervum tetraspermum, and has an equally small flower : but the shape of the legumen is very different, and the stigma is that of a Vida. 3. V. linear if olia ; tota pilosa, caule angulato, foliolis 5-jugis linearibus retusis, cirrhis subsimplicibus, stipulis latiusculis semisagittatis basi dentatis impunctatis, floribus subses- silibus solitariis, calyce campanulato villoso dentibus subulatis subaequalibus, corolla glabra, legumine hirsuto. Hab. Conception. — In some respects this approaches Vida Michauxii, Spr., but there is no species with which it quite coincides in character. The flowers are not half the size of those of Vida saliva, with some of the narrow-leaved varieties of which it coincides in other respects. 10. LATHYRUS. Linn. 1. L. sessilifolius ; glaber nigricans, caule angulato vix alato, foliis unijugis petiolo perbrevi cirrhifero, foliolis lineari-lanceolatis stipula semisagittato-ovata petiolum qua- Hab. Valparaiso. Mr. Bridges. Sect. II. Perennes herbacea, racemi longissimi aphylli terniinales paniculati. — Habitus Onobrychidis. — Hue forsan B. dentata, bicolor, pendula et punctata. De Cand., at de duratione nihil prostat ; certe tamen A. papposa, atquc longiseta. ' 3. A. conferta; adscendens pubescens, foliolis 6-jugis obovato-oblongis retusis cum mucrone versus petioli apicem approximatis, racemo terminali composite nigro-glanduloso multilloro, pedicellis fructiferis deflexis, calycis laciniis ovatis, legumine 3-4-articulato muricato glanduloso. Hab. Chili. Mr. Cruckshanks. Sect. III. Caules fruticosi spinescentes. — Hue A. microphylla et glutinosa, qusedamque species iueditse, in ascensu orientali Andium a Mendoza ad jugum “ Uspallata ” lectse. Sect. IV. Fruticosce hiermes. — Habitus Zuccagnia. 4. A. balsamica; glandulis resinosis dense obsita, caule ramosissimo, foliis sub 10-jugis cuneato-oblongis saepissime cum impari, legumine 6-articulato (juniore) sericeo. — Bertero in Ann. des Sc. — Mimosa balsamica. Molin. Chil. Hab. Chili. Mr. Cruckshanks. West side of La Cuesta de la Dormida, in Chili. Br. Gillies. — This is called in Chili “ Jarilla." Dr. Gillies informs us that Molina refers to this plant in his History of Chili, vol. i. p. 134, Engl, ed., where he calls it Mimosa balsamica; and Bertero, in a letter published in the Bulletin des Sciences Natu- rales, for 1830, names it Adesmia balsamica. His appellation we therefore adopt. The plant, besides being of great beauty, yields a balsam of a higlily agreeable odour, which is perceptible at a great distance, and is found to be of much efficacy in healing wounds. Leguminos(Bi\ CHILI. 21 druplo superante multoties longioribus, pedunculis folio duplo longioribus subquinque- floris, calyce campanulato nervoso dentibus subaequalibus. Hi\B. Conception. — Closely allied on one hand to L. sylvestris, and on the other to L. pratensis, but distinguishable by the above characters. From L. magellanicus, Lam., it seems to differ principally in the shape of its leaflets. 2. L. pubescens ; superne molliter pubescens, caule alato, foliis cirrhosis unijugis, folioiis oblongo-lanceolatis petiolum duplo superantibus, stipulis semisagittato-ovatis petiolo sub- dimidio brevioribus, pedunculis folio longioribus multifloris, calyce tubuloso pubescente dentibus lanceolatis. Hab. Conception. — This has many points in common with L, sylvestris ; but the latter is never pubes- cent. It is found at Valparaiso by Mr. Bridges knd Mr. Macrae, and in the islands in the Parana River, on the Eastern side of the Andes, by iVIr. Baird. Besides these two in the collection, we have another fine species of Lathyrus from Conception, gathered by Mr. Macrae, and in Valparaiso by Mr. Bridges and Mr. Cruckshanks. It belongs to a groupe with many leaflets and many flowers, but is easily distinguished from them all by the smallness of its stipules. It may be thus named and characterized : L. Macrcei ; pilosius- culus, caule angulato, folioiis sub 6-jugis ellipticis retusis penninerviis reticulatim venosis subtus albido sub- pellucidoque-punctatis, stipulis parvis semisagittatis integerrimis, pedunculis multifloris folio longioribus, calycis lacinia infeidori longissima subulata, superioribus brevissimis, stylo linear! utrinque, sed supra prsecipue, piloso. 11. LUPINUS. Tourn. 1. L, microcarpus; floribus verticillatis sessilibus bracteolatis, calycis labio superiore brevissimo emarginato, iuferiore 3-dentato, bracteis reflexis, folioiis oblongo-linearibus, leguminibus rhombeis dispermis hirsutis. DC. — &ims in Bot. Mag. t. 2413. De Cand. Prodr. V. \. p. 408. Hab. Conception. 12. ACACIA. Neck. Willd. 1. A. Cavenia; spinis stipularibus semiuncialibus geminatis rectis, petiolis inermibus obscure uniglaridulosis, pinnis subquinquejugis, folioiis (rainutis) 9-10-jugis lineari-oblon- gis pubescenti-scabris, pedunculis axillaribus aggregatis simplicibus, capitulis globosis, floribus polyandris. — Mimosa Cavenia. Molin. Chil. Hab. Valparaiso. — Of this we have no fruit, and but one very small and imperfect specimen in flower exists in the collection. It is, however, the same with an Acacia we have received from Valparaiso, gathered by Mr. Bridges, of which he observes that the blossom is called “ Flor de Aroma, and the tree Espino by the inhabitants, that it is used for various purposes, especially for yielding the best charcoal, that the fragrance of the flowers is very great, being perceptible at a considerable distance, and that immense tracts of land near Talca are completely covered with the tree.” Again, Dr. Gillies has the same plant from a garden at Buenos Ayres, and remarks that “ it is identical, to all appearance, with the Espino of Chili, which is upwards of twenty feet in height.” Thus, it would seem to be an important and well-known plant in Chili ; yet we do not find it any where noticed, except by Molina, who calls it Mimosa Cavenia. Its nearest affinity is with the A. revoluta of Kunth, (Mimos. t. 26,) but there the spines are larger and stouter, the pinnse of only 3 pairs, and the flowers decandrous. It is also closely allied to A. eburnea, Linn. Unfortunately we have no fruit on any of our specimens. There is a small sessile gland beneath the lower pair of leaflets, which is, however, very obscure in Mr. Bridges’ specimens. The flowers are yellow. It is now cultivated in the Glasgow Botanic Garden, from seeds sent by Mr. Cruckshanks, but has not yet blossomed. 22 CHILI. 13. ZUCCAGNIA. Cav. 1. Z. ? angulata ; caule glabro ratnisque angulatis, foliis conjugato-pinnatis subbipinna- tisque, foliolis (minutis) ovali-orbicularibus, racemis terminalibus pubescenti-glandulosis. Hab. Coquimbo. — Our specimens of this plant are by no means in a sufficiently perfect state to decide even the genus ; but it appears to us a Zuccagnia, and, if so, a very distinct species from the Z. punctata of Cav. (Ic. V. 5. t. 403.) 14. CASSIA. Linn. 1. C, (Sect. Coluteoidece. DC.) stipulacea; foliolis 8-jugis ovato-lanceolatis glabris, glandula inter inferiora, stipulis ovatis maximis. DC. — Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. p. 52. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. p. 56. t. 42. Hab. Conception. 2. C. frondosa; foliolis 9-jugis ovali-oblongis glabriusculis obtusiusculis, glandula cylin- drica inter par foliorum infimum, racemis axillaribus foliis brevioribus. DC. — Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. p. 36. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 496. Hab, Coquimbo. Ord. XXII. ROSACEA. Juss. 1. PRUNUS. Tourn. 1. P. domestica. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 533. Hab. Conception. Introduced. 2. AC^NA. VaU. 1. A.argentea; spicis globosis, caule repente, foliolis 3-4-jugis ovato-oblongis serratis subtus sexiceis. DC. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 1. p. 67. t. 103. f. b. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 593. — Proquin. Feuill. Chill. 3. 41. Hab. Conception. 2, A. trifida; spicis globosis, caule ei’ecto foliisque tomentoso-canescentibus cunei- formibus 3-5-fidis 7-8-jugis. DC. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 1. p. 67. t. 164. f. c. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 593. Hab. Conception. 3. GEUM. Linn. 1. G.cliiloense; foliis caulinis tripartitis laciniatis, radicalibus interrupte lyratis pilo- sis, lobo terminali i-otundato subtrilobo crenato, floribus paniculatis, cax'pellis villosissi- mis. Lindl. — Balbis in De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 551. — G. chilense. Bot. Reg. t. 1348. — G. Quellyon. Sweet, Br. FI. Gard. t. 292. — G. coccineum. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 551. (non Sm.) Bot. Reg. t. 1088. — Feuill. Chil. v, 2. t. 27. Hab. Conception. — This splendid species, which has been confounded with the G. coccineum of Greece, is now one of the greatest ornaments of our gardens, being perfectly hardy, even in Scotland. It is called Quell-gon by the natives, according to Feuillee. Onagrari(B,'\ CHILI. 23 4. FRAGARIA. Town. 1. F. chilensis. Ehrh. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 571. — DHL Hort. Elth. t. 20. f. 140. Hab. Conception. Ord. XXIII. ONAGRARI^. Juss. 1. FUCHSIA. Plum. i. F. macrostema; ramis glabris, foliis 3-verticillatis ovatis acutis denticulatis breviter petiolatis, pedicellis axillaribus flore longioribus nutantibus, calycis lobis oblongis acutis petala obovata patentia superantibus, stigmate 4-lobo. Ser. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. t. 324. f. 6. Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1062. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 37.— Thilco. Feuill Chil V. 3. t. 47. — F. gracilis /3. maci’ostema. Bot. Reg. p. 1052. Hab. Conception. — Sir James E. Smith in Rees’ Cycl., and even De CandoUe, appear doubtful if this should be distinguished from F. coccinea ; while, on the other hand, the author of the Botanical Register makes it a var. of the F. gracilis from Chili, (not Mexico,) notwithstanding that the name of Ruiz and Pavon is by far the older. The F. lycioides, {lun, Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 24,) though not in the collection, we have received from Valparaiso, transmitted by Mr. Macrae, Mr. Cruckshanks, and Mr. Bridges. 2. (ENOTHERA. Linn. 1. CE.dentata; foliis sublinearibus denticulatis, capsulis cylindraceis angustissimis cur- vatis, stigmate globoso. Ser. — Cav. Ic. v. 4. p. 67. t. 398. Ruiz etPav. FI. Per. v. 3. t. 317. Lindl. Coll. t. 10. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 46. — CE. micrantha. Spr. — CE. hirta et CE. Chamissonis. Link. {DC.) Hab. Conception ; as well as the three following. We have them all, likewise, as well as (E. tenuifolia, of Ruiz and Pavon, fr’om Mr. Cruckshanks, Mr. Macrae, and Mr. Bridges. 2. OE. mollissima ; caule ramoso, foliis lineari-lanceolatis subundulatis molliter villosis repando-dentatis, petalis obovatis genitalibus vix longioribus flavis dein rubris, stigmati- bus filiformibus, capsulis mollibus longissimis. Ser. — Linn. Sp. PI. p. 192. De Cand. Prodr. V. 3. p. 48.— Dill. Elth.f. 286.— Mithon. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 34? 3. CE. tenella ; caule simplici stricto, foliis lineari-spathulatis, petalis obovatis obtusissi- mis violaceis, stylo staminibus erectis longiore et petalis multo breviore, stigmatibus obovatis brevibus, capsulis cylindrico-tetraquetris tomentosis bractea longioribus. Ser. — Cav. Ic. V. 4. p. 68. t. 396. f. 2. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. A 316. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 48. — Onagra Linarise folio, &c. Feuill. Chill, v. 3. t. 34. 4. (E. acaulis ; foliis rosulatis pinnatisectis, lobo terminali maximo denticulato, tubo floreque maximis, laciniis calycinis liberis reflexis, petalis obovatis subretusis integris, an- theris stigmatibusque tenuibus corolla brevioribus, capsula obovata tetragona subulata sessili. Ser. — Cav. Ic. v. 4. p. 68. t. 399. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 49. /3. major I caule pedali, foliis alternis. Ser. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. 318. / 6. 24 CHILL [Crassulacea. Ord. XXIV. LOASE^. Juss. 1. LOASA. Adans. 1. L. acerifolia ; foliis suboppositis basi cordatis 5-7-lobis5 lobis acutis dentatis, pedi- cellis folio florali bi’evioribus, lobis calycinis oblongis acuminatis. DC. — Juss. Ann. Mus. V. 5. p. 24. t. 1. f. 3. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 341. Hab. Conception. — Although De Candolle has described six species of the genus from Chili, particularly from Conception and Valparaiso, and several new ones exist in our collection from the same country, this, as far as we can collect from the notes and specimens, seems to have been the only one observed. Ord. XXV. PORTULACE^. Juss. 1. CALANDRINA. Humb. Sf Kunth. 1. C. pilosiuscula ; caule suberecto angulato foliisque lineari-spathulatis pilosiusculis, pedicellis axillaribus folio florali subadnatis racemum terminalem constituentibus. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 359. — Talinum ciliatum. Hook. Exot. FI. 1. t. 82. (non Ruiz et Pav. sec. De Cand.) — Tutuca. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. f. 41. Hab. Conception. — The Talinum adscendens, Hort. Berol., according to specimens and seeds we have received from Dr. Fischer of St. Petersburgh, which De Candolle has referred as a variety to C. compressa, Schrad., proves to be identical with C. pilosiuscula. Perhaps even C. compressa is a mere variety, with fewer stamens. 2. C. tenella ; caule adscendente basi ramoso, foliis anguste linearibus glabris, racemo tefminali ramoso, sepalis glabris triangularibus cordatis acuminatis. Hab. Valparaiso. — Very closely allied to the last species, from which it principally differs by its small size and its quite glabrous, not ciliated, leaves, which, moreover, have no tendency to become spathulate. Ord. XXVI. PARONYCHIE^. St. HU. 1. CORRIGIOLA. Linn. 1. C. deltoidea ; caule prostrato, foliis deltoideis longe petiolatis, racemis lateralibus basi bractea spathulata instructs. Hab. Conception. — This plant bears a strong resemblance to C. littoralis, having a bractea at the base of the lateral racemes ; but in the latter the leaves are oblong or spathulate, of the same shape with the bracteas ; here they are of a deltoid figure, as in some species of Chenopodium, but much smaller. Ord. XXVII. CRASSULACE^. De Cand. 1. TILLiEA. Mich. 1. T. erecta; caule basi simpliciter ramoso erecto, foliis connatis oblongo -linearibus, floribus brevissime pedicellatis axillaribus solitariis 4-fidis, petalis 4 erectis calycem aequantibus. Hab. Conception.— We have nothing to add to the specific character, farther than that it most resembles T. moschata, which, however, has a very different habit. UmbellifercB.] CHILL 25 Ord. XXVIII. FICOIDE^. Juss. 1. TETRAGONIA. Lmn. 1. T. (Sect. Tetragonoides, DC.) expansa; herbacea, foliis petiolatis ovato-rhombeis, floribus sessilibus, fructibus 4 cornutis 6-8-spermis. DC. — Ait. Hort. Kew. v. 2. p. 178. De Cand. PI. Grass, t. 114. Prodr. v. 3. p. 452. — T. cornuta. Gasrt. Fruct. 2. t. 179./ 3. — T. halimifolia. Forst. Prod. 223. Had. Conception. Probably introduced. Ord. XXIX. GROSSULARIE^. De Cand. 1. IIIBES. Linn. 1. R. {S&ct. Rihesia, DC.) punctatum\ foliis trilobis serratis subtus punctatis, racemis pendulis brevibus, bracteis oblongis ciliatis punctatis, calycibus flavicantibus. DC. — Ruiz et Pav. V. 3. p. 12. t. 233. f. a. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 482. Hab. Conception. Ord. XXX. LORANTHEiE. Juss. 1. LORANTHUS. Linn. 1. L. tetrandrus ; ramis compressis junioribus rufescenti-pubescentibus, foliis ovatis breve petiolatis, floribus aggregato-umbellatis tetrandris, bracteis 3 ovatis ciliatis. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. p. 46. t. 275. Roem. et Sck. Syst. Veget. v. 7. p. 103. — Lonicera corymbosa. Linn. — Frolichia violacea. Spr. — “ Ytiu.” Feuill. Civil, v. 2. t. 45. Hab. Conception. 2. L. Cactorum; aphyllus glaberrimus, caule ramoso, ramis teretibus, bracteis 3 pai’vis ovatis, floribus subpaniculato-corymbosis tetrandris. Caules vix digitales, valde et intricatim ramosi ; ramis teretibus (ut et tota planta) glaberrimis. Bractecu 3, parvae, ovate, quarum 1 paulo major, Gernien oblongum calycis limbo brevi obscure tetralobo corona- tum. Corolla duaspollices longa, tetraquetra, tetrapetala, rubra. Stylus, staminaque 4, longitudine petalonim. Hab. Coquimbo ; and, according to Dr. Gillies, upon the stems of Cactus peruvianus. We must observe, however, that our valued friend just mentioned, considers it to be an aphyllous state of another species found by him abundantly on trees in Chili, and nearly allied to, if not the same as L. glaucus of Ruiz and Pavon. To us, however, it appears an entirely distinct species. 2. VISCUM. Lmn. 1. V.chilense; caule tereti ramoso, ramis ramulisque oppositis compressis articulatis aphyllis, floribus 2 vel 3 ad genicula sessilibus. Hab. Conception. Ord. XXXI. UMBELLIFER^. Juss. 1. BOWLESIA. Ruiz §• Pav. 1. B. geranicefolia ; stellato-pubescens, caule procumbente gracili, foliis longe petiol- 26 CHILI. [ Umbellifera. atis renifqrmibus profunde 5-lobis, lobis ovatis obtusis bi-trifidis sinubus obtusis, pedun- culis brevissimis trifloris, fructibus parvis. Hook, — Schlecht. et Cham, in LinnoEa, v. 1. p. 382. Hook. Bot. Misc. v. 1. p. 324. Hab. Conception. 2. MULINUM. Pers. 1. M. cuneatum; folds cuneatis trifidis segmentis planis cuspidatis, vagina elongata rigida ciliata, umbella breviter pedunculata multiflora. — Fragosa spinosa. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. V. 3. p. 27 ? — Azorella spinosa. Pers. ? Hab. Valparaiso. — The umbel is certainly not sessile, although the peduncles are not so long aS the leaves ; on which account, we have quoted the above synonyms with doubt, the plant having been hitherto described with a sessile umbel. We have also received specimens from Mr. Cruckshanks, but on none of them have we been so fortunate as to find any fruit : w'e have referred it to Mulinum on account of its habit. 3. ASTERISCIUM. Schlecht. et Cham. 1. A. chilense; folds trilobis inciso-serratis, peduncuds elongatis sparsis, petads pro- funde emarginatis apicibus longissimis involutis, fructu basi angustiore, involucri fodods lanceolatis incisis. Hook. — Schlecht. et Cham, in LinncBa, v. 1. p. 254. t. 5. f. 1. (fruct.) Hook. Bot. Misc. v.l.p. 332. t. 68. a. — Anisillo, vulgo Mouchu. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 2. Hab. Conception. 4. SANICULA. Lmn. 1. S. liberta; folds 5-partitis partitionibus cuneatis trilobis inciso-serratis serraturis setoso-cuspidatis, floribus mascuds paucis pedicellatis, pedicelds capillaribus fructus longi- tudine. Schlecht. et Cham, in Linncea, v. \. p. 253. Hab. Conception. — The above authors in the Linnjea have pointed out the following characters to dis- tinguish these, the allied species, from the present : — 1. S. canadensis. Linn.; pedicellis brevibus crassis fructu triple brevioribus. — 2. S. canadensis. Spr. — S. marylandica. WiUd. En. — Jacq. Coll. 2. p. 239. Ic. Rar. t. 348 ; floribus masculis numerosis longius pedicellatis. — 3. S. marylandica. Spr. — Lam. 111. t. 191, f. 2; floribus masculis paucis subsessilibus. — The S. marylandica of Linnaeus is involved in much obscurity. 5. PETROSELINUM. Hoffm. 1. P. sativum. Hoffm. — Apium Petrosednum. Linn. Hab. Conception. 6. HELOSCIADIUM. Koch. 1. H. laterijlorum. Koch in Nov. Act. Acad. v. 12. p. 126. — Sison Amrai. Linn. Hab. Conception. Probably introduced. — Dr. Gillies found this also at Buenos Ayres. 7. OSMORHIZA. Raf. 1. O. chilense ; dirsutum, folds decompositis, fodods pinnatifido-incisis, styds brevissi- mis divergenti-divaricatis. Caulis erectus, piloso-hirsutus. Folia hipinnata, pinnis cuneato-ovatis, pinnatifidis, laciniis subdivisis, acutis. Peduncidns folio duplo longior, hirsutus. Umhella radiis 4, glabris, 3-4-uncias longis, luubellula 6-7- flora, pedicellis glabris fructum sequantibus, 8 lineas longis. Involucra involucellaque nulla. Flores nonnulli masculi, abortientes. Fructus vix maturus linearis, basi hirsutus, attenuatus. ValerianecB.] CHILI. 27 Hab. Conception. — This belongs to the Uraspermum of Nuttall, or Osmorliiza, Raf. We are not aware of any species of the genus having been hitherto observed in Chili. Ord. XXXII. RUBIACE^. Juss. 1. RUBIA. Linn. I. >R. Relhun; tota scabra, caule procumbente tetragono, foliis 4-nis obovato-ellipticis mucronatis nervo marginibusque pilosis, pedunculis axillaribus 1-floris solitariis, floribus bracteis quatuor involucratis. — Schlecht. et. Cham, in Lmncea, v. 3. p. 229. — R. chilensis. Willd. Sp. V. 1. p. 604. (excl. syn. Molin.) — “ Relbun.” Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 45. Hab. Conception. — The berries are globose, of a red colour. Schlechtendal and Chamisso, after an examination of Willdenow’s plant, consider it the same as theirs ; but they pronounce R. chilensis of Molina to be distinct, having rounded stems. After all, however, the difference may exist only in Molina’s incorrect description, as he must surely have been acquainted with the Relhun, which is found in different parts of Chili, as well as Brazil. 2. GALIUM. Linn. 1. G. cotinoides ; caule dilFuso ramoso retrorsum scabro, foliis 4-nis lanceolatis acutis margine nervoque retrorsum scabris, cymis paucifloris terminalibus, fructibus minutim tuberculatis. — Schlecht. et Cham, in Linnoea, v. \. p. 227. Hab. Conception. — A species closely allied to G. palustre, Witheringii, and uliginosum, having the same habit, but differing by the above characters. 2. G. Tarmense ; caule prostrate glabro tereti 4-sulcato ramoso, foliis 4-nis lineari- oblongis mucronatis glabris nitentibus margine revoluto internodio triple breviori- bus, pedunculo communi axillari foliis longioribus, floribus cymosis. — Spr. Syst. Veget. V. 1. p. 387 ? — G. mucronatum. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 1. p. 60? — G. apiculatum. Rcem. et Sch. ? Hab. Conception. — The description given in the Flora Peruviana is too incomplete to permit us to say with certainty that our species is identical; and the other synonyms, again, depend on it. Nor are the specimens in the collection in a perfect state ; their flowers are not even developed, and we are quite ignorant of the appearance of the fruit. * 3. G. Aparine. Linn. Hab. Conception. Probably introduced. Ord. XXXIII. VALERIANEAE. De Cand. 1. VALERIANA. Toum. 1. V. crispa; foliis carnosis superioribus pinnatifido-laciniatis segmentis crispis acutis- sime dentatis, panicula fructifera subcoarctata, acheniis subcordato-ovatis plano-con- vexis late marginatis antice linea media longitudinali elevata dorso tricostatis, pappo plumoso basi membrana unito. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. t?. 1. />. 41 ? Hab. Conception. — We have no means of ascertaining if this be the species of the Flora Peruviana, no figure being there given of it. Schlechtendal and Chamisso, in the Linnsea, say that their specimens were D 2 CHILI. 28 [CompositcB. collected iu fruit, but they have omitted to give a description. If ours prove distinct, it may bear the name of V. pterocarpa. 2. V. hyalinorhiza ; herbacea pubescens, foliis radicalibus subrotundo-spathulatis cre- natis caulinis lyrato-pinnatifidis, panicula fructifera anguste elongata, acheniis oblongo- ovatis bine longitudinaliter sulcatis dorso tricostatis pilis longis patentibns tectis pappo plumoso coronatis. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 1. p. 41. t. 67. f. b. (status junior.) Hab. Conception. — This appears to be only known to previous authors in a young state, its fruit being always described as crowned with minute teeth, which, eventually, as in the other species, change into a feathery pappus. The V. hyalinorhiza, Humb. and Kunth, v. 3. p. 331, “ acheniis glabris, foliis glabrius- culis,” is surely different fl'om the Chilian plant. 2. FEDIA. Gcert. 1. F. laxa; herbacea glabra, foliis radicalibus cordato-ovatis obtuse dentatis caulinis lyrato-pinnatifidis lobo terininali maximo, panicula laxa divaricata, pedicellis ultimis brevibus congestis, acheniis ovatis hinc excavatis dorso tricostatis annulo crenulato co- ronatis. Hab. Conception. — This approaches most in habit to Valeriana paniculata of the Flora Peruviana, but that is pubescent, and has a pappose fruit. The acheniura of our plant has, in addition to the three strong- dorsal ribs, a lateral one on each side, though not so elevated as the others. Ord. XXXIV. COMPOSITE. Juss. SUBORD. I. ClCHORACE^. JuSS. ]. SONCHUS. Linn. 1. S. oleraceus. Linn. Hab. Conception. 2. HYPOCHiERIS. Linii. 1. H. apargioides ; foliis radicalibus lanceolatis basi attenuatis sinuato-dentatis nunc l^innatifidis hirsutulis, scapis elongatis ramosis, bracteis linearibus subintegerrimis, ramis unifloris, involucro densissime ferrugineo-tomentoso, pappo sessili. Hab. Conception. — Plant from one and a half to two feet high. Leaves from four to six inches long. SuBORD. II. LABIATIFLORiE. DC. 3. PROUSTIA. Lag. DC. 1. P. ilicifolia ; foliis ovalibus rigidis coriaceis nitidis reticulatini venosis marginibus dentato-spinosis, panicula terininali, involucri foliolis externis minutis ovatis subcoriaceis interioribus sensim majoribus niembranaceis, pappo scabro apicem versus subplumoso. Hab. Coquimbo. — Undoubtedly a congener of P. pyrifolia, which we have received from Chamisso, gathered at Conception ; and from Dr. Gillies, from the neighbourhood of Concon, who states it to be the “ Voqui,” or “ Boqui,” of Chili. This must not, however, be confounded with the Boigue of Chili, which, Mr. Cruckshanks informs us, is the Drymis chilensis, (Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 6.) 4. LEUC^RIA. Lag. DC. 1. L. ? senecioides ; caule erecto ramoso, foliis pinnatifidis laciniis inciso-angulatis sub- CompositcB.] CHILI. 29 tus incano-tomentosis, floribus laxe paniculatis, involucri squamis scariosis obtusissimis iiiferioribus albo-tomentosis. Caulis subpedalis, ramosus, araclinoideo-tomentosus. Folia, digitalia, basi seraiamplexicaulia, pro- funde pinnatifida, segmentis angulato-laciniatis, laciniis superioribus elongatis, attenuatis. Involucrum hemisphsericum, imbricatum, squamis oblongis, exterioribus obtusis, albo-lanugiuosis ; interioribus acutis, vel etiam acuminatis, scariosis, margine subciliatis. Flosculi puiqiurei, bilabiati, exteriores radiati, labio exteriore oblongo patente, interior^ 5-plo minore, recm'vato, bipartite, laciniis linearibus ; interiores labio exteriore parvo, lineai’i, erectiusculo, interiore duplo minore, recurvato, bipartite. Receptaculum punctatum, nudum. Achenia (vix matura) oblonga, basi attenuata, siccitate rugosa. Pappus subplumosus, sessilis, albus. Had. Conception. — We believe that this belongs to the Leucceria of Lagasca, but we do not find any trace of paleae among the radiate florets. 5. CH^TANTHERA. Ruiz ^ Pav. DC. 1. C. chilensis ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis rariter serratis, inferioribus sericeis. — De Cand. in Ann. du Mus. v. 19. p. 70. t. 3? Had. Valparaiso.~In our plant the root is annual, and from the crown of it issue several short, usually one-flowered stems. The leaves are narrowly spathulate, obtuse, and very sharply toothed. The figure given by De Candolle bears hardly any resemblance to oiw specimens, and we should not have had the least idea of its being the same, did we not possess a specimen from Chamisso, which is consequently the same as that described by Lessing in the Linniea, named as above, and identical with our own. Mr. Cruckshanks, Mr . Macrae, Mr. Bridges, and Dr. Gillies have also gathered it at Valparaiso. 6. BARNADESIA. Linn. 1. B.? ulicina; foliis subulatis rigidissimis pungentibus, spinis nullis, involucri foliolis subulatis rigidis scariosis (flavis), exterioribus recurvis ciliatis interioribus erectis extus sericeis, pappo plumoso. Hab. Coquimbo. — The only specimen we have ever seen is too imperfect for us even to ascertain the genus with any certainty. The habit is very remarkable. The plant shrubby, with glossy, yet slightly tomentose branches ; leaves numerous, about three-fourtbs of an inch long, shining, with an obscure nerve at the back, grooved within, very rigid, and tipped with a yellow pungent point, bearing always in their axils a cluster of young leaves, which are slightly downy. The receptacle is dotted and naked, and the general aspect of the flower not unlike that of Carlina vulgaris. 7. TRIPTILION. Ruiz ^ Pav. DC. 1. T. spinosum; herbaceum, foliis radicalibus pinnatifidis, caulinis sessilibus inciso- dentatis spinosis, caule superne paniculato-corymboso. Spr. — Ruiz et Pav. Hab. Valparaiso. SUBORD. III. CoRYMBIFERiE. JuSS. 8. EUPATORIUM. Linn. 1. E. reticulatum ; fruticosum, raiuis angulatis, foliis oblongo-ovatis subattenuatis petiolatis crenato-dentatis subcoriaceis subtus reticulatis junioribus prsecipue viscosis, panicula corymboso-capitata, involucri sub-13-flori foliolis serie duplici glanduloso-pilosis. Hab. Valparaiso. — This seems to approach very near to E. viscosum, Kunth, but that is described with a diffuse panicle, u^hile in our plant the flowers are in a compact head. 9. CACALIA. Linn. 1. C. ? denticulata; fruticosa pubescenti-lanosa, caule angulato, foliis subcoriaceis CHILL 30 [CompositcB. ovalibus argute denticulatis, basi in petiolum latum attenuatis, paniculis terminalibus foliosis, floribus parvis. Hab. Conception. — The florets in our specimen are unexpanded, but there is so excellent a character in the beautiful close denticulation of the foliage, that we are unwilling to pass it over in silence. The leaves are about three inches long, slightly woolly on both sides, paler beneath, where they are finely reticu- lated, becoming gradually smaller upwards, and passing into linear bracteas among the upper flowers of the panicle. It may possibly be a Baccharis. 10. AGERATUM. Linn. 1. A. conyzoides ; herbaceum annuura, caule piloso, foliis ovato-oblongis obtusiusculis crenatis, floribus corymbosis. Spr. — Linn. Hab. Conception. — Different varieties occur throughout all South America. 11. CEPHALOPHORA. Cav. 1. C. glauca. Cav. Ic. v. 6. p. 610. t. 599. — Grasmia aromatica. Hook. Exot. El. t. 189. — Santolina tinctoria. Molina. — Hymenopappus glaucus. Spr. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 449. — “ Poquill.” Feuill. Chil. v. 3. p. 61. t. 45. Hab. Coquimbo. — In the Exotic Flora it is stated that Feuillee’s plant was a second species of Grcemia ; but we are now disposed to unite the whole of the above synonyms. Mr. Cruckshanks finds it abundantly at Valparaiso ; and at Quintero, about ten leagues farther northward, it was observed by Mrs. Graham, cover- ing whole tracts of country. Mr. Cruckshanks mentions that he never understood that it was applied to dyeing, but that the natives make a decoction of it, which they use instead of chamomile. 12. BIDENS. Linn. 1. B. hipinnata; foliis bipinnatis glabris, foliolis lanceoiatis inciso-pinnatifidis, floribus corymbosis discoideis. Spr. — Linn. — Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 33. Hab. Valparaiso. — We have it also from Dr. Gillies. There is no difference of any importance, that we can perceive, between the North American specimens and those in this collection : it seems to be very generally diffused over South America. 13. BACCHARIS. Unn. 1. B. rosmarinifolia ; caule fruticoso dense folioso, foliis linearibus obtusis margine revolutis resinoso-glandulosis, corymbis terminalibus densis paucifloris, involucre cylin- drico imbricato. Hab. Conception. — We possess the same, gathered at Valparaiso by Mr. Bridges, who says that all the species are called Romero. It may be B. linearis, Pers., but we do not observe any of the leaves to be toothed. Perhaps Persoon’s character may be drawn up from more than one species of this difficult genus. 2. B. mucronata; caule fruticoso, foliis fasciculatis cuneatis basi attenuatis sessilibus dentato-spinosis rigidis, floribus solitariis ramulos versus apicem caulis foliosos breves terminantibus et ita quasi spicato-racemosis. Hab. Coquimbo. — The nearest species is B. uniflora, Pers., which is described as having lanceolate leaves. Perhaps it is the B. banksimfolia of Bertero in the Bulletin des Sciences Nat. 1830, p. 108, but no descrip- tion of that has been published. 3. B. obovata ; suffruticosa glabra foliis obovatis cuneatis superne profunde dentatis Compositm^l CHILI. 31 inferne in petiolum perbrevem attenuatis membranaceis, floribus paucis subumbellatis ramos terminantibus, pappo fulvo. Hab. Conception. — The leaves, though somewhat resembling in shape those of the preceding species, differ widely in their texture : the arrangement of the flowers is also very dissimilar. 4. B. resinosa ; frutescens valde ramosa, foliis lato-cuneatis superne angulatis brevis- sime petiolatis coriaceis glabris, floribus terminalibus glomeratis, involucri foliolis pubes- centibus, pappo fulvo. — Humh. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. v. 4. p. 52. t. 323. Hab. Conception. — This, as far as we can judge from the specimens, appears to be a true Baccliaris. The pappus is tawny : leaves scarcely an inch long, broadly cuneate, truncated at the top, presenting a few angles in the upper half, and remarkably coriaceous. Kunth says that Lamai’ck’s B. cuneifolia is nearly allied ; Sprengel unites them. 5. B. glutinosa; sulFruticosa, foliis lanceolatis 3-nerviis inciso-serratis glabris junioribus glutinosis glanduloso-punctatis, involucri foliolis margine laceratis. — Pers. Syn. v. 2.p. 425 ? — “ Chilca.” Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 37. Hab. Valparaiso. Mr. Bridges has likewise sent it. — Besides these species, we possess from Chili, gathered near the waterfall at the end of Almendral in Valpai-aiso, another species, which we cannot dis- tinguish from the B. articulata, Pers. 14. GNAPHALIUM. Linn. 1. G. coarctatum ; foliis spathulatis adnatis margine undulato-crispis supra viridibus subtus argenteo-tomentosis, caule simplicissimo folioso, floribus glomerato-spicatis, involu- cro lucido glabro. Spr. — Willd. Sp. v. 3. p. 1886. — G. spicatum. Lam. HiVB. Conception. 2. G. chilense; foliis utrinque argenteo-lanatis inferioribus spathulatis superioribus linearibus, floribus glomerato-spicatis, involucri foliolis nitidis acuminatis. — Spr. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 480 ? Hab. Conception. — We feel almost certain that this must be the plant gathered by Chamisso, and described by Sprengel, but the characters do not altogether accord. It is certainly, however, not the G. lanuginosum, Kunth, which has acuminated leaves.’ 3. G. citrinum ; caule herbaceo erecto tomentoso, foliis lineari-lanceolatis acutis longe decurrentibus supra velutinis subtus albo-tomentosis, corymbis terminalibus, floribus glomeratis citrinis, involucri squamis oblongis obtusis nitidis. Hab. Conception. — This appears liable to considerable variation, the upper surface of the leaves being sometimes almost naked, and in other specimens densely velvety. It is about a foot and a half high. It is probably the Elichrysum, &c. of Feuill. Chil. v. 3, t. 13, which figure resembles much our plant in the leafy branches of the corymb. We possess another very curious new species, sent from Valparaiso by Mr. Bridges, which may be thus distinguished : — G. ulophyllum ; annuum, basi decumbente valde ramosum, ubique arachnoideo-lanosum, foliis linearibus acutis decurrentibus undulato-crispatis, corymbis elongatis, floribus glomeratis sordidis, involucri squamis oblongis obtusis nitidis. 32 CHILI. [ CompositcB, 15. ERIGERON. Linn. 1. E. spiculosum ; caule herbaceo anguloso pilis albidis hispidulo, folds lineari-oblongis acutis margine (prcecipue) cartilagineo- spinulosis, panicula multiflora, pedunculis pilis albis appressis, involucro subpiloso. Had. Valparaiso. — Mr. Bridges has likewise transmitted this plant, whose nearest affinity appears to be with E. Unifolium, Willd. 16. SENECIO. Linn. 1. 8. hipinnatijidus ; frutescens glanduloso-pilosus viscidus, ramis angulatis, foliis semi- amplexicaulibus bipinnatifidis, laciniis linearibus obtusis basi subauriculatis, corymbo paucifloro, involucro tomentoso, radio patente. Hab. Coquimbo. 2. 8. glabratus ; frutescens glaber, ramis (ultimis) striatis, foliis semiamplexicaulibus bipinnatifidis, laciniis linearibus obtusis, corymbo paucifloro, involucro glaberrimo, radio patente. Hab. Conception. — This may be perhaps a denuded state of the last, but it is perfectly glabrous in all its parts : we have only seen one, and that an indifferent specimen. 3. 8. arnicoides ; caule herbaceo, foliis radicalibus lanceolatis angulato-dentatis obscure trinerviis subpubescentibus longe petiolatis, scapo foliis linearibus dentatis bracteiformi- bus, triplo longiore, corymbo subtrifloro, radio patente. Hab. Conception. — Nearly allied to S. pane for us, Kunth. 4. 8. nigrescens ; caule herbaceo adscendente ramoso, foliis ovalibus amplexicaulibus inciso-lobatis glabris, panicula subcorymbosa, involucro glabro basi paucibracteato, radio patente, acheniis striatis pubescentibus. — “ Nillgue.” Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 44. Hab. Conception. — Although we cannot find this described in any systematic work, we cannot question for a moment that it is the plant of Feuillee, of which he says that it is much used for intermittent fevers. 17. GALINSOGEA. Euiz 8f Pav. 1. G. parviflo7'ai herbacea ramosa, foliis petiolatis ovatis triplinerviis serratis pubes- centibus, pedunculis axillaribus paucifloris, radio 5-floro abbreviato. 8pr. — Willd. 8p. PL V. 3. p. 2228. Hab. Coquimbo. 2. G. ? resinosa; caule fruticoso angulato ramoso, ramulis foliisque angustissime line- ai'ibus resinoso-glandulosis, floribus paniculato-corymbosis, involucro imbricato inaequali viscoso, receptaculo nudo. Hab. Coquimbo. — We possess it also from the ViSa de la Mar, near Valparaiso, sent by Mi-. Bridges, who says that it is by no means a general plant. We refer it, with some hesitation, to Galinsogea, as the recep- tacle is not paleaceous. From Hymenopappus it differs by the presence of a ray, and by its unequal involucrum. 18. HELIANTHUS. Linn. 1. H. glutinosus ; glutinosus, caule herbaceo erecto ramoso angulato, foliis alternis brevissime petiolatis ovato-lanceolatis penninerviis reticulatis inferioribus repando-dentatis EricecB.] CHILL 33 superioribus integerrimis, corymbis multifloris foliosis, involucri foliolis lanceolatis squar- rosis. — Tithonia glutinosa. Collie, MSS. Flosculi exteriores radiati, neiitri ; interiores tubulosi, fertiles. Gerinen villosum, squamls 2 lanceolatis membranaceis ciliatis corouatum. Receptaculum paleaceum, paleis obtusis, apice ad marginem scrratis. Had. Valparaiso. — This has considerably the habit of a Grindelia, and Mr. Bridges informs us that it is very abundant on the hills near Valparaiso, growing from four to six feet high. It is called by the natives Maravilla, and a resin which it yields is employed by them for incense in their churches. He has furnished us with fine specimens, both of the plant and its resin. SUBORD. IV. CYNAROCEPHALiE. JuSS. 19. CENTAUREA. Linn. 1. C. chilensis ; foliis piniiatificlis, segmentis integerrimis vel pinnatificlo-laciniatis acutis glabris, involucro globoso basi subtripbyllo, squamis superioribus apice scariosis pectina- tis. — Bertero in Bullet, des Sc. Nat. 1830. p. 109? (absque descriptione.) Hab. Conception. — The marginal florets are neuter, infiindibuliform, and radiate; those of the disc her- maphrodite, tubulous, and 5-fid. It undoubtedly belongs to Mr. Don’s groiipe, Plectocephalus, which we consider a mere section of Centaur ea. We have the same plant from Mr. Macrae, gathered on the Cordilleras of Chili, and another variety sent from Valparaiso by Mr. Bridges, having the segments of the leaves always simple and broader, dowmy on the underside as on the stem : this might be thought a species, but we have an intermediate specimen from Mr. Cruckshanks. Ord. XXXV. LOBELIACEiE. Juss. 1. LOBELIA. Linn. 1. L. polyphylla; suffruticosa, caule simplici, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis supei’ioribus multo minoribus bracteiformibus omnibus confertis argute serratis glaberrimis, floribus axillaribus pedicellatis, pedicellis pubescentibus folio brevioribus, calyce hemisphaerico pubescente, dentibus subulatis integerrimis, corolla pubescente pedunculum aequante. Hab. Valparaiso. — The two lower anthers are bearded at their extremity, the others glabrous. Flowers red. The inflorescence may almost be called a terminal, densely leafy raceme, in which the flower with its pedicel is only the length of the floral leaf. From Mr. Collie’s notes we learn that this plant, when cut, yields a millty acrid juice. Ord. XXXVI. ERICE^. Juss. 1. ARBUTUS. Tourn. 1. A.furiens; caule subsimplici pubescente, foliis ovalibus breve petiolatis denticulatis coriaceis margine revolutis supra nitentibus utrinque glandulosis, glandulis pilo terminatis, racemis brevibus axillaribus, rachi pedicellisque pnbescentibus squamulosis, calyce glabro, corolla extus glabra intus pilosa. — Qued-qued. Feuill. v. 3. p. 56. t. 43. Hab. Conception. — A small low-growing shrub, with few and small leaves at its base, which are almost orbicular. The fruit of this is described by Feuillee as being a reddish-brown berry, which is dangerous when eaten, causing delirium ; whence the Indian name, which signifies madness. 2. A. punctata; ramosissima, ramulis pubescentibus, foliis subsessilibus ovato-lanceo- 34 CHILI. [ApocynecB. latis denticulatis coriaceis margine revolutis glandulis piliferis sparsis, racemis axillaribus pubescentibus squamulosis, calyce glabro, corolla extus glabra intus pilosa. Hab. Conception. — Apparently a large shrub, and possibly the A. phyllirecefolia of Persoon, but the characters of that species are very vague, and its flowers appear to be axillary and not racemed. SuBCL. III. COROLLIFLOR^. Ord. XXXVII. OLEINE^dH. Hoffmansegg et Link. 1. OLEA. Tourn. 1. 0. europcea. Linn. Hab. Conception. Probably a cultivated plant. Ord. XXXVIII. GENTIANE^. Juss. 1. EXACUM. Linn. 1. E. Jiliformel Sm. — Gentiana filiformis. Linn. Hab. Conception. — Two small specimens of this, scarcely more than an inch high, each with a single small, terminal and pedunculated flower, will not enable us to satisfy ourselves whether the species be dis- tinct or not from the Europtean E. filiforme. It is probably the E. chilense of Bertero in Bull, des Sc. Nat. 1830, p. Ill, but of which no description is given. — Belonging to the Gentianem is the “ Cachen-La- guen ” of Chili, the Chironia chilensis, Willd. ( Cachen, Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 35), but which is a true Erytliraa. The calyx, corolla, and stamens, in our specimens from Mr. Menzies, and from Gouan’s herbarium, follow the quinary arrangement. The nearest to it, as Kunth remarks, is his E. quitensis, only differing by the parts being in fours; but we do not consider that a distinct species. Though it be much used medicinally in Peru, Humboldt never saw it wild there ; but it was cultivated in the plains of ChiUo, the inhabitants of which may have originally brought it M'ith them from Chili, where it is undoubtedly a native. The circumstance of only four stamens, instead of five, being observed in the Peruvian specimens, is not, we conceive, sufficiently constant for a specific definition : we cannot, therefore, agree with Sprengel, who has, on that account, placed it in Exacum, without attending to other more important characters. The Peruvian name, too, is a cor- ruption of the Chilian one, which ought to be written as above, the word “ Laguen ” meaning merely a plant ; while the particular name of the present one, in the Indian language, is “ Cachen^' Ord. XXXIX. APOCYNE.®. Juss. 1. ECHITES. Jacq. 1. E. pubescens ; caule volubili ferrugineo-pubescente, foliis molliter pubescentibus ovatis acuminulatis breviter petiolatis, pedunculis axillaribus subsolitariis dense bracteatis, staminibus inclusis. Caules longissimi, volubiles, ramosi. Folia bi-ad quadriuncialia, ovata, basi subcordata, apice acuminulata, supra intense viridia subtus pallida. Flores ex axillis foliorum supremorum, subsolitarii. Pedunculi florem iequantes, bracteis parvis imbricatis ovatis pubescentibus tecti. Calyx profunde 5-partitus ; laciniis lanceo- latis, erectis, pubescentibus. Corolla tubo calycis longitudine, limbo quinquefido, lobis ovatis. Stamina inclusa. Antherce lineares, in tubum sessiles, basi biaristate. Germen ovato-globosum, didymum. Stylus filiformis. * Hab. Conception. CHILI. 35 Ord. XL. ASCLEPIADE.®. Juss. 1. CYNANCHUM. Linn. 1. C. birostratum; volubilis, foliis anguste cordato-sagittatis lobis oblongis obtusis sub- coriaceis glabris, umbellis multifloris, pedicellis calycibusque pubescentibus, corollae tubo urceolato laciniis lanceolatis extus pubescentibus, coronae staminese simplicis laciniis 5 bifidis, stigmate longe rostrato profunde bifido. Hab. Conception. (It has been sent us from Valparaiso also, by Mr. Cruckshanks and Mr. Bridges.) — This is a long twining plant, with leaves not very unlike those of C. acutum, but generally much narrower, and with considerably larger flowers. The simple staminal crown has its segments membranous, white, and bifid : Anthers terminated by a membrane. The stigma gradually tapers upward into a long filiform bifid beak, as long as the corolla, resembling a bifid style. Ord. XLI. CONVOLVULACEAE. Juss. 1. CONVOLVULUS. Tourn. 1. C. ? Jilifolius ; fruticosus ramosissimus difFusus, foliis angustissime linearibus tereti- bus, floribus axillaribus solitariis breviter pedunculatis, corolla campanulata. Hab. Coquimbo. — We regret that for want of perfect materials we can give but an unsatisfactory account of this interesting plant. Our best specimens are from Mi-. Cruckshanks, and judging by the flower (for they have no fruit) they appear to belong to the present genus. But the plant is quite shrubby and woody, much branched, and somewhat clammy. The leaves are about half an inch long, and, fi-om their shrivelled appearance, probably fleshy when fresh. Peduncle a little longer than the leaves. Calyx 5-fid (not 5-partite), with linear teeth on the segments : Corolla plicate, widely campanulate, blue, about an inch broad. ’ 2. CALYSTEGIA. Br. 1. C. reniformis ; foliis reniformibus subrepandis crassiusculis, pedunculis teretiusculis, bracteis cordatis longitudine calycis, caule prostrate. — Br. Prodr. v. 1. p. 484. Hab. Conception. — Probably, as Mr. Brown suggests, too nearly allied to C. SoManelld, Br. The Soldanella, &c. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 44, we might have taken for a diminutive representation of this plant, had it not already been referred to the genus Tula, and supposed to belong to the Rubiacete. 3. CUSCUTA. Linn. 1. C.chilensis; pentandra digyna, floribus 5-fidis, calyce ter breviore corolla segmentis oblatis rotundatis, corolla intus infra medium flmbriato-squamata, laciniis ovatis tubo ter brevioribus recurvis, antheris sessilibus, stylo altero breviore, stigmatibus pileato-capi- tatis. — Ker in Bot. Beg. t. 603. Hab. Conception. — First found by Mr. Menzies at Valparaiso ; since, also, by Dr. Gillies, on the Chilian Andes. Ord. XLII. SOLANACE^. Juss. 1. FABIANA. Ruiz §- Rav. 1. P. lanuginosa ; ramulis tomento albo lanuginosis, foliis fasciculatis linearibus obtu- sissimis carnosis patentibus, calyce lanoso. 36 CHILL [Solanacece. Caules erecti, fruticosi, valde ramosi ; ramulis filiformibus, flexuosis, lana alba laxa ubique obsitis, foliosis. Folia fasciculata, patentia, lineam sesquilineam longa, linearia, teretia, obtusissima, carnosa, sublanosa. Flores axillares, solitarii. Pedunculus axillaris, vix folionira longitudine. Calyx tubulosus, quinquefidus, laxe lanosus, lineis 5 elevatis notatus, laciniis linearibus obtusis insequalibus. Corolla infundibuliformis, glaber, limbo 5-fido, segmentis oblougo-ovatis, reflexis. Stylus corolla brevior. Stigma oblongo-capitatum. Had. Coquimbo. — The young shoots of this plant are clothed with a lax but abundant wool, and its fasciculated, terete, and fleshy leaves have much the appearance of some species of Portulaca. The fruit we do not possess. The flowers ai’e truly those of a Fahiana, of which genus only two species had yet been described, F. irnbricata of Ruiz and Pavon, and F. thymifolia, St. Hil. PI. Rem. du Bresil, which latter, indeed, is most nearly allied to the present, difleriug, however, in the absence of the woolly covering to its branches, and in the scattered leaves. A fourth species has, however, been discovered in Chili by Mr. Cruck- shanks, and, we believe, also by Dr. Gillies, which may be thus named and characterised : — F. viscosa ; pubescenti-viscosa, foliis sparsis anguste linearibus patentibus obtusis dorso canaliculatis, pedunculis ter- minalibus fructiferis erectis. — Hab. Near Barasca in Chili, where it is called “ Pichanilla.” Mr. Cruck- shanlis. — This also resembles the F. thymifolia of St. Hilaire, but that has the peduncles mostly axillary, and, when in fruit, reflexed, and the corolla has the tube much broader at the base. F. viscosa has been cultivated at the Edinburgh and Glasgow Botanic Gardens, from seeds introduced by Mr. Cruckshanks. We possess the fruit, which is an oblong capsule, in part surrounded by the persistent calyx, 2-valved, the valves with their margins introflexed, so as to form 2 cells, and bifld at the extremity. Receptacle of the seeds central, becoming free from the dissepiments, and split through the middle, entire at the summit. 2. CE STRUM. Linn. 1. C. Parqui; foliis lanceolatis iitrinque attenuatis subundulatis sparsis, pedunculis terminalibus corymbosis. — L’ Merit. St. v. 1. t. 36. — Parqui. Feuill. Chit. v. 3. t. 32. Hab. Valparaiso. 3. BRUGMANSIA. Pers. 1. B. Candida. Pers. Syn. v. \. p. 206. — Datura arborea. Willd. — Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 46. Hab. Conception ; where it is much cultivated. L NICANDRA. Adans. 1. N. physalodes. Gcertn. — Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 16. Hab. Coquimbo. 5. SOLANUM. Linn. 1. S. chenopodoides ; inernnie, caule subherbaceo, foliis ovato-oblongis repando-sinuatis subbirsutis junioribus toinentosis. — Lam. Illustr. n. 2340. Roetn. et Sch. v. 4. p. 591. Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 14. Hab. Valparaiso and Conception. — Dr. Gillies finds it on the other side of the Andes, near Mendoza. 2. S. pinnatum; inerme, caule herbaceo sulcato, foliis impari-pinnatisectis segmentis decurrentibus, floribus corymbosis terminalibus. — Cav. Ic. v. 5. p. 23. t. 439. f. 1. Hab. Coquimbo. 3. S. crispum; inerme fruticosum, foliis ovatis subcordatisque undulato-crispis sub- acuminatis integerrimis, floribus corymbosis terminalibus, calycibus 5-dentatis, staminibus sequalibus. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. t;. 2. jo. 31. t. 158. f. a. Boraginece.] CHILL 37 Hab. Conception. — In our specimens the coroUa is slightly puberulous, which is not noticed in Ruiz and Pavon. 5. NOLANA. Linn. 1. N. paradoxa; caulibus prostratis hirsutis, calycibus saepius triangularibus, corollis infundibuliformi-campanulatis. Sims. — Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 865. Sims in Bot. Mag. t. 2604. Hab. Conception ; on the sea shore. Ord. XLIII. POLEMONIACE.E. Juss. 1. COLLOMIA. Nutt. 1. C. Cavanillesii ; leviter pubescenti-pilosa, caule erecto subsimplici, foliis erecto- patentibus anguste-lanceolatis integerrimis, floribus capitatis, involucre nullo, calyce glan- duloso. — Phlox linearis, Cav. Ic. v. 6. p. 17, t. 527. (non Collomia linearis. Nutt.) Hab. Conception. — This is certainly nearly allied to the North American C. linearis of Nuttall, yet truly distinct. The plant is less branched, its leaves narrower, the upper ones not forming an involucre around the flowers, and the flowers are as large as those of Collomia grandijlora. Ord. XLIV. BORAGINEAE. Juss. 1. CYNOGLOSSUM. Linn. 1. C. decurrens ; caule angulato-alato, foliis lato-lanceolatis acutis decurrentibus inte- gerrimis, racemis terminalibus foliosis elongatis, fructibus giochidiatis. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. V. 2. p. 6. Lehm. Asper. p. 143. Feuill. Cliil. v. 2. t. 49. Hab. Conception. — This plant grows two or three feet high. It has been found by Mr. Macrae in the same country. 2. C. paniculatum; adpresse pilosum, foliis lanceolatis acutissimis interne in petiolum sensim attenuatis ciliatis nitidulis subtus cano-sericeis, racemis terminalibus paniculatis laxis paucibracteatis, pedicellis fructiferis longissimis gracilibus patenti-deflexis, fructibus giochidiatis, Hab. Conception, — Mi-. Macrae has sent specimens to the Horticultural Society, which he gathered at Murillo Bay in Peru. The base of the plant is suffi’utescent ; the stems are from one and a half to two feet high. The leaves 3-5 inches long, their margins slightly re volute. By the above peculiarites, and the lax terminal panicle, with the exceedingly long slender fruit-stalks, this species is distinguished from every other with which we are acquainted. 2. LITHOSPERMUM. Linn. 1. D. myosotoides ; seminibus rugosis, corollis calycem aequantibus, foliis lineari-lanceo- latis, floribus lateralibus solitariis. Lehm. Asper. p. 319. — L. tinctorium. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. V. 2. t. 1 14. 6. — L. tingens. Roetn. et Sch. Hab. Conception. 3. LYCOPSIS. Linn, (non Lehm.) 1. L. arvensis. Linn. Hab. Valparaiso. Introduced. 38 CHILI. [ CordiacecB. 4. MYOSOTIS. Linn. 1. M. fulva; caule erecto subsimplice foliisque remotis lato-linearibus obtusiusculis hispidis, racemis spiciformibus conjugatis ebracteatis, calyce densissime piloso profunde 5-partito, nucibus 2 (alteris abortientibus.) Had. Conception. — (Near Valparaiso. Mr. Bridges.') — Plant about a foot high. Stem slightly branched upwards, arising from an annual, fusiform, scarcely fibrous root. Racemes terminal, forked, without bracteas. Pedicels very short, and, as well as the calyx, clothed with dense fulvous, erect hairs. Those of the lefives are paler coloured, and arise from a distinct white tubercle. The corolla is white (Bridges) ; the achenia two, (perhaps by abortion,) ovate, erect, wrinkled. 5. HELIOTROPIUM. Linn. 1. H. stenophyllum ; fruticosum densissime foliosum, foliis fasciculatis angustissime linearibus carnosis obtusis margine revolutis pube brevissima scabris, spicis conjugatis ebracteatis folia superiora vix superantibus. Hab. Coquimbo. — This is perhaps most nearly allied to H. curassavicum^ (which we possess from the same country, through the kindness of Mr. Cruckshanks,) but that has plane, and somewhat spathulate, glaucous leaves, and is quite glabrous. Ord. XLV. CORDIACE^. Br. 1. CORDIA. Linn. 1. C. decandra; foliis lineari-lanceolatis attenuatis scabris sessilibus margine revolutis subtus pubescenti-canis, floribus in corymbum foliosum terminalibus, calycibus 10-den- tatis nigro-pubescentibus, corolla 10-lobata, staminibus 10. (Tab. X.) Frutex 8-10-pedalis, ramosus, superne pube brevissima rigida asper. Folia alterna, coriacea, 2-3 uncias longa, erecto-patentia, lanceolata, sensim attenuata, supra, tactu, scaberrima, impresso-nervosa, margine revoluto, subtus pubescenti-cana, nervis prominentibus. Flores magni, pulcherrimi, albi, fragrantes, paniculati, panicula dense corymbosa, foliosa, terminali. Calyx ovatus, subinflatus, extus dense nigro-intus albo- pubescens, decem-striatus, apice subtruncatus, 10-dentatus, dentibus parvis, angustis. Corolla ampla, infundi- buliformi-campanulata, venosa, 10-fida, limbo patente: Stamina paulo ihtra tubum inserta, inclusa. Fila- menta basi pilosa : Anthera oblongse : Germen ovatum. Stylus longitudine floris, bifidus, stigmatibus bifidis. Capsula magnitudine Nucis Avellanm, calyce persistente tecta. Hab. Coquimbo. — It is remarkable, that notwithstanding we have received specimens of it from Chili, gathered by Mr. Cruckshanks and Mr. Macrae, and that so handsome and remarkable a plant could not fail to attract the attention of every Naturalist who has visited that country, yet we do not find it to be described in any systematic work to which we have access. That it is a Cordia, there can be scarcely a question ; since it agrees in every essential particular with the characters of that genus, differing only iu the duplication of the parts of the flower. Mr. Cruckshanks informs us that the wood, which is very com- pact, is extensively employed in the production of charcoal, (whence the vernacular name, Carbon,) and like- wise for fuel in smelting copper (as the dead and withered stems of the Cactus are for refining metal) in the mining districts of Coquimbo : so that in many places the country is almost cleared of these plants. '‘‘Carbon grows in the district of Guasco, Coquimbo, and Cuzcuz. It is short and thick, and used for small articles of turnery ; but it is incomparable for firewood. Two logs, that might not each be more than a yard long and one-third thick, suffice to keep a stew boiling, night and day, besides other kettles, enough for eight or ten people.” — Account of Trees and Shrubs in App. to Mrs. Graham's Chili. Tab. X. Cordia decandra. Fig. 1, Flower; Jig. 2, Section of a corolla; Jig 3, Pistil; Jig.% Stamen; Jig. 5, Capsule (natural size) : all but Jig. 5, more or less magnijied. ScrophularinecB.] CHILL S9 Ord. XLVI. HYDROPHYLLE^. Br. 1. PHACELIA. Michaux. 1. P. circinnata ; foliis pinnatis ternatis hispiclis rugosis lineatis, spicis glomeratis se- cundis hispidissimis. Spr. — Jacq. in Spr. Sqst. Veget. v. 1. p. 584, Cham, in Schlecht. v. 4. p. 493. — Hydrophyllum magellanicum. Lam. — Heliotropium pinnatum. Vahl. Hab. Conception. — Specimens which we have received from Mr. Cruckshanks, Mr. Macrae, and Mr. Bridges, gathered in the more northern parts of Chili, seem to be identical with the P. peruviana, Spr., (^Aldea pinnata, Ruiz and Pavon,) if, indeed, that species be really distinct from P. circinnata. Ord. XLVII. SCROPHULARINEiE. Br. 1. VERONICA. Linn. 1. V. acinifolia. Linn. Hab. Conception. — It differs from the Europsean plant of that name, only in the capsule being scarcely so deeply notched at the apex. 2. SCHIZANTHUS. Ruiz §• Pav. 1. S. pinnatus. Buiz etPav. FI. Per. v. 1. p. 13. t. 17. Exot. FI. t. 73. Bot. Mag. t. 2404. Hab. Valparaiso. — This we have received from Dr. Gillies and Mr. Cruckshanks; and the former gentleman has been so fortunate as to add three other species to this beautiful genus, by his researches in South America. 3. CALCEOLARIA. Linn. 1. C. integrifolia ; foliis ovato-lanceolatis lanceolatisve denticulatis rugosis opacis subtus ferrugineis, caule calycibusque pubescentibus, paniculis terminalibus pedunculalis. Lindl. a,, latifolia; foliis ovato-lanceolatis argute denticulatis. Lindl. — C. integrifolia. Bot. Reg. t. 744. — C. rugosa. Bot. Mag. t. 2523. — C. salvi^folia. Schlecht. et Cham. — Chachoul. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 7. fi. angustifolia ; foliis utrinque attenuatis grosse denticulatis, paniculis longius pedun- culatis. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1083. Hab. a.. Conception. /3. Valparaiso. — We, too, consider the narrow-leaved plant as a state of C. integrifolia, although cultivation for some years in our garden proves it to be a permanent variety. In the Botanical Magazine, the same plant has since been called C. rugosa ; but it is neither C. rugosa, Ruiz and Pav. v. 1. t. 286, nor of Hooker’s Exotic Flora, t. 99. It has been also named C. salvicefolia by Schlechtendal and Chamisso in the Linnsea, v. 2. p. 565, who have been apparently led into this error by following CavaniUes, (Ic. v. 5. p. 31,) and by not having seen the figure of C. rugosa in the Flora Peruviana. In the herbarium, these species are very difficult of determination, the important differences existing in the upper lip of their corolla. In Feuillee’s plant, and, consequently, in Linnaeus’ C. integrifolia, Sp. PI. ed. 13, (not 14, nor of Smith’s Ic. in ed. 1. t. 3, which is C. ovata, Roem. et Sch.) the upper lip, though not half so large as the lower, is similar to it in shape, and closes up its mouth. In C. rugosa, FI. Per. and Hook. Ex. FI. (the C. scabioscefolia of Ne'e in Cav. Ic. 1. c.) the upper lip is so extremely minute as to be at first scarcely discernible, and it is of a totally different shape from the lower. 2. C. corymbosa ; foliis radicalibus ovatis cordatisque petiolatis bicrenatis, caulinis cor- CHILI. 40 [Scrophularinem. datis semiamplexicalibus. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 1. p. 14. t. 20. f. 6. Bot. Mag. t. 2418. Bot. Reg. t. 723. Hab. Conception. 3. C. petioalaris ; herbacea subpubescens, foliis ovatis basi attenuatis connatis grosse dentatis inferioribus subcordatis sessilibus, bracteis cordatis integerrimis, panicula tricho- toma patentissima. Hook. — Cav. Ic. v. 5. t. 451. — C. connata. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2876. — C. floribunda. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1214. (non Humh. et Kunth.) Hab. Conception. 4. C. punctata ; ramulis glandulosis, foliis oblongo-ovatis biserratis glabris pui’pureo- punctatis, pedunculis umbellatis, labio corollae utroque subaequali. Spr. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. V. \. p. 13. t. 18. a. — Gesnera, &c. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 16. Hab. Conception. 5. C. violacea; ramis violaceis, foliis ovatis dentatis subtus glaucescentibus villosis, pedunculis terminalibus filiformibus subcorymbosis. Spr. — Cav. Ic. v. 5. p. 31. t. 452. Hab. Conception. 4. HEMIMERIS. Linn. 1. H. urticcefoUa. Willd. — Celsia urticjefolia. Bot. Mag. t. 417. — Alonsoa incissefolia. Ruiz et Pav. Hab. Conception. 5, MIMULUS. Linn. 1. M. luteus ; caule decumbente glabro, foliis dentatis supra pubescentibus, superiori- bus sessilibus ovatis, inferioribus petiolatis, pedunculis filiformibus foliis longioribus, corolla calyce multoties inajore laciniis transversis, palato barbato. Lindl. — Linn. Sp. PI. p. 884. Bot. Reg. t. 1030. Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 34. Hab. Conception. — This is not the M. luteus of the Botanical Magazine and of most authors, which De Candolle has long ago showed to he a distinct plant, called by him M. guttatus. Linnaeus established the species upon the figure given by Feuille'e, without having seen a specimen, and it is only within these few years, by the exertions of Mr. Macrae and Dr. Gillies, that the plant has become w'ell known. In beauty it far excels the commoner M. guttatus. 6. CASTILLEJA. Mutis. 1. C. laciniata; pilis raris rigidis.obsita, caule erecto herbaceo, foliis linearibus 3-fido- pinnatifidis laciniis elongatis filiformibus, floribus axillaribus subsessilibus, calyce corollam subaequante. Hab. Conception. — Very closely allied to C. nubigena, but that appears fruticose, and has an inflated calyx, and the segments of its leaves are much broader and shorter than in our plant. 7. BUDDLEIA. Linn. 1. B. glohosa ; ramis teretibus, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis utrinque attenuatis crenulatis subtus tomentosis, capitulis globosis pedunculatis. Spr. — Lam. — Bot. Mag. t. 174. — Pal- quin, Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 38. Hab. Conception. Verbenacece,] CHILI. 41 Ord. XLVIIL GESNERIACEiE. Rich 1. SARMIiENTA. Ruiz §• Pav. 1. S. repens. Ruiz etPav, FI. Per. v. 1. p. 8. t. l.f. h.- — Urceolaria chilensis. Mol. Chil. — Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 43. Hab. Conception. — Formerly arranged among the Scroplmlarineas, but its real affinity was always con- sidered doubtful till lately, when Martius, in the Nov. Gen. Bi-as. v. 3. p. 68, referred it to the Gesneriacece. We ourselves have no means of examining into the validity of his reasons, as the only specimen in the col- lection has but one flower, and no fruit. Ord. XLIX. LABIAT.,®]. Juss. 1. SPHACELE. Benth. 1. S. campanulata; foliis basi attenuatis. — Benth. in Bot. Reg.t. 1289. — Algue Laguen. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. L 1. 2. S. Lindleyi ! foliis basi hastato-sagittatis.' — Benth. in Bot. Mag. t. 2993. — Stachys salviffi. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1226. 2. SATUREJA. Linn. 1, S. montana. Linn. Hab. Valparaiso. — Introduced from Europe. 3. TEUCRIUM. Linn. 1. T.orchideumi foliis oblongis obtusis integerrimis trilobisque pubescentibus, denti- bus calycis ovatis, limbo corollse 5-fido seciindo labellaeformi, floribus axillaribus solitariis, caule suffruticoso. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1255. Hab. Conception. 4. STACHYS. Linn. 1. S. grandidentata ; caule adscendente liispido, foliis ovato-oblongis grosse dentatis sublucidis hirsutis summis sessiiibus, verticillis sub-6-floris, galea subintegra. — Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1080. Hab. Conception.— -Ours is certainly the same with Mr. Lindley’s plant, but it appears to us very vari- able, and in some respects approaches too closely to -S', arvensis. Ord. L. ACANTHACEiE. Juss. 1. RUELLIA. 1. R. dulcis; caule simplici humili herbaceo, foliis longe petiolatis oblongis inte- gerrimis, pedunculis bracteatis folio brevioribus. Spr.—Cav. Ic. v. 6. p. 62. t. 585. f. 2. Hab. Island of Quiriguina, near Conception. Ord. LL VERBENACE.®. Juss. 1. VERBENA. Linn. 1. V. erinoides ; caule adscendente ramoso hirto, foliis tripartito-laciniatis hirsutis, F 42 CHILI. laciniis lineari-lanceolatis subdentatis, spicis axillaribus solitariis laxis, bracteis calycem aequantibus patulis. Spr. — Willd. En. — Hook. Bot. Misc. v. 1. p. 68. — Sandia Laguen. Eeuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 25. Hab. Conception, Valparaiso, and Coquimbo.^ — There are several varieties of this polymorphous species in the collection. For a fuller account of them, see the Botanical Miscellany above quoted. 2. V. salvimfolia ; ramis junioribus tomentosis, folds ovato-lanceolatis sessilibus subser- ratis supra scabris rugosis subtus pubescentibus reticulatis, pedunculis lateralibus elon- gatis, floribus verticillato-spicatis, calyce hispidissimo, corolla 4-fida. Caulis erectus, lignosus, tetate glaber, nitidus. Rami juniores dense tomentosi. Folia numerosa, oppo- sita, H unciam longa, subcoriacea, rugosa, supra atro-viridia, subtus pallidioi’a, punctis micantibus fragranti- bus adspersa. Flores in spicam densam verticillatim dispositi. Hab. Coquimbo. — Very nearly allied to V. gratissima of Gillies and Hooker in the Botanical Miscellany, differing, however, in its much stouter mode of growth, its larger, more wrinkled, and more scabrous foliage, and, especially, in the much more crowded spike. Ord. LII. PRIMULACE^. Juss. 1. ANAGALLIS. Linn. I. A. ccerulea. ScJireh. — Engl. Bot. t. 1823. Hab. Conception. SuBCL. IV. MONOCHLAMYDE^. DC. Ord. LIII. PLUMBAGINE^. Juss. 1. PLUMBAGO. Linn. 1. P. ccBTulea; caulibus herbaceis, procumbentibus aut volubilibus, sulcatis, ramulis spicisque viscoso-glandulosis : folds sessilibus, amplexicalibus, ovato-oblongis, integerrimis, glabris ; corollis cteruleis. Hwnb. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. v. 2. p. 220. H. vb. Coquimbo. 2. ARMERIA. Tourn. I. A. curvifolia; foliis filiformibus flexuosis glabris, scapo elato terete glabro, involucri foliolis exterioribus acuminatis interioribus rotundatis. — Bertero, in Bull, des Sc. 1830. p. 108. [absque char.) Hab. Conception. — We think there can be little doubt that this is the A. curvifolia of Bertero in the work above quoted, though, unfortunately, as of the other Chilian plants there mentioned, no specific charac- ters are given. The leaves are five or six inches long, and filiform: the scape one and a half to two feet high. Bertero speaks of it as very common upon stony hills, and as being allied to A. fasciculata. We possess, however, other specimens from Conception, gathered by Mr. Cruckshanks and Mr. Macrae, which have much shorter, broader, and obtuse leaves, and which we can scarcely distinguish from the British A. maritima. Chenopodea.] CHILL Ord. LIV. PLANTAGINEtE. Juss. 1. PLANTAGO. Linn. 1. P. media. Linn. Hab. Conception. — This appears to accord with some of the states of P. tomentosa (Lam.) mentioned by Chamisso and Schlechtendal, which they describe as having three seeds in each capsule ; and of P. truncata, of the same authors, which, however, has a clavate and truncated spike. 2. P. mollis; subcaulescens, foliis lineari-lanceolatis cinereo-sericeis, scapis folio vix longioribus pubescenti-hirsutis, spicis laxiusculis cylindricis, capsula biloculari disperraa. Hab, Conception. — Allied to P. Mrsuta of Ruiz and Pavon, from Peru, (P. limensis, Pers.); but that has broader leaves and much shorter spikes. We have also received this from Mr. Bridges, from the moun- tains about Valparaiso. 3. P. hispidula ; acaulis, foliis linearibus sericeo-hirsiitis, scapo foliis duplo longiore hirsuto-pubescente, spica oblonga hirsuta, capsula polysperma. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. V. \.t. 78. — P. tumida. Link, En. Hort. Ber. v. 1. p. 121 ? Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, V. 1. p. 168? Hab. Valparaiso. — Mr, Bridges has likewise sent us this species. Ord. LV. POLYGONE^. Juss. 1. POLYGONUM. Linn. 1. P. maritimum. Linn. Hab. Conception. 2. P. tamnifolium ; caule fruticoso volubili, foliis ovatis acutis cordatis glabris, pani- culis axillaribus geminis, floribus polygamis octandris, achenio triangulari. — Humh. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. v. 2. p. 180. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 3. p. 40. Hab. Valparaiso. — This also we have received from Mr. Bridges, gathered in the same locality. Spren- gel refers to it the Coccoloba australis of Forster, and certainly that, as v/ell as the present species, is a con- gener with P. adpressum of La Billardiere. We have received likewise from Valparaiso, from Mr. Macrae, a third species of this genus, but which we cannot distinguish from P. Persicaria, found also in Chili by Chamisso, and which is Persicaria, &c. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 40. 2. RUMEX. Linn. 1. B. cuneifolius; foliis infimis obovatis margine crispatis, verticillis superioribus aphyl- lis, sepalis internis demum ovato-lanceolatis acutis integris, omnibus granulatis. Camh. Rum. p. 95. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 3. p. 58. Hab. Cultivated fields near Conception. — The only specimen in the collection is in a very imperfect state, but from it, and the notes of Mr. Collie, who appears to have found it in fruit, we have determined it to be that variety of R. cuneifolius which was previously found near the same place by Chamisso. Ord. LVI. CHENOPODEA. Vent. 1. SALICORNIA. Linn. 1. S. radicans'^. Linn. 44 CHILI. [Eupliorhiacem. Hab. Conception. — The specimen in the collection is so indifferent as to prevent us from determining it with precision. It may possibly be S. peruviana, Humb. and Kunth. Ord. LVII. PROTEACEiE. Juss. 1. LOMATIA. Br. 1. L. obliqua ; foliis ovatis serratis glabris, racemis axillaribus, pedicellis calycibusque pilosis, stigmate deciduo. Br. in Linn. Trans, v. 10. p. 201. — Embothi’ium obliquum. ituiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. \. p. 83. t. 97. Hab. Conception. — Another, and a very interesting plant of this order, the Quadria lieteropliylla, Ruiz and Pav. FI. Per. v. 1. p. 64. t. 99. f. b, or the “ Nebu'” of Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 33, occurs at Conception, but does not appear to have been collected. The nut is much esteemed, and is sold commonly in the market of Conception under the name of “ Avellano,” or chestnut. By the liberality of Mr. Cruckshanks, it has been introduced to the Glasgow Botanic Garden. Ord. LVIII. SANTALACE^. Br. 1. QUINCHAMALIUM. Juss. 1. (F chilense. Lam. III. t. 142. — Q. procunibens. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 1. t. 107. f. h. — Quinchamali, &c. Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 44. a. rohustior ; foliis linearibus. /3. gracilis ; foliis filiformibus. Hab. a. Conception. /3. Valparaiso. — We have given no specific character, the other species mentioned by Sprengel, or the Arjonia tuberosa, Cav. Ic. v. 4. t. 383, from Patagonia, being hitherto involved in great uncertainty, and probably belonging to the Thymelece. Ord. LIX. EUPHORBIACE^. Juss. 1. EUPHORBIA. Linn. 1. E. rotundifolia ; suffruticosa dilFusa, foliis oppositis rotundatis emarginalis basi leviter cordatis integerrimis carnosulis glabris subtus pallidis, stipulis intrapetiolaribus, floribus paucis terminalibus umbellatis. Hab. Conception. — This belongs to the section “ Anisophyllum” of Roeper in the Botanicon Gallicum, but our specimens not being in fruit, prevent our giving a more perfect character. To E. serpyllifolia, Pers., and E. serpens, Humb. and Kunth, (one and the same species,) our plant is very closely allied j the flowers, how'ever, are not axillary and solitary, but collected, five or six together, on rather short, simple peduncles at the extremity of the branches. 2. E. Lathyris. Linn. — Roeper, En. Euph. p. 67. Hab. (/3. minor.) Conception. — We can find no essential difference between the, imperfect, specimen in the collection and the European plant, except the much smaller size, being only about fifteen inches high, and that the leaves, instead of being flaccid, are inclined to be coriaceous. 3. E. falcata ? Linn. — Roeper, En. Euph. p. 67. Hab. Coquimbo. UrticecR?^ CHILI. 45 2. CROTON. Linn. 1. C. lanceolatus; herbaceus, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis remote clentatis glabris eglandu- losis, junioribus ciliatis, racemis axillaribus, floribus masculis 5-andris, petalis 3-cuspida- tis, fructibus tomentosis. Sp7\ — Cav. Ic. v. 6. L 557. J\ 2. — C. tricuspidatum. Lam. Hab. Conception. Ord. lx. EMPETRE^. Nutt. 1. EMPETRUM. Linn. 1. E. rubrum; procumbens, ramulis pubescentlbus, foliis oblongis margine revolutis supra scabriusculis. Spr. — Vahl. Hab. Conception. — Mr. Don has separated from this g-enus the E. album, under the name of Corema, in the Edin. New Phil. Journ. v. 2. p. 63, and, in the same paper, has pointed out, at length, the affinities of the order with the EuphorbiacecB. Ord. LXI. URTICE^. Juss. 1. GUNNERA. Linn. 1. G.scobra; foliis lobatis, petiolis granulosis, tliyrsis magnis. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. V. \. p. 29. t. 44. f. a. — Panke, &c. Feuill. Chil. v. 2. p. 30. Hab. Conception. — We have determined the plant from Mr. Collie’s notes, for it has not been sent us in the Collection. — Allied to this Order, but forming part of the Monimem, is the Boldu of Chili, which, though no specimens were obtained by the Expedition, we ought not to pass over. One of the first plants, Feuille'e says, that he collected on landing, was the “ BolduP but neither in flower nor fruit, and the fio-ure he gives was from another individual, gathered afterwards in the mountains. This has six stamens, and is the Boldus chilensis of Molina, (Saggio Sulla Storia, Nat. del Chil. ed. 2. p. 153,) and of Roemer and Schultes, Syst. V. 7. p. 57 ; but from what we have received from Mr. Cruckshanks, this is certainly not the true Boldu, a name confined to one plant, and not, as Molina says, given to several. The plant of Feuille'e is still involved in considerable doubt, inasmuch as it is very uncertain if Molina ever saw it, he having in many cases contented himself with giving fanciful names to Feuillee’s indifferent descriptions. It is cer- tainly, however, the Peumus Boldus of Molina’s History of Chili ; and if actually an existing plant, may be arranged with his other kinds of Peumo, or Chilian species of Lauras ; but the extreme resemblance of the leaf to that of the real Boldu, leads us to suspect that the plant of Feuille'e, having opposite leaves, may be compounded of the stem and leaves of the true Boldu, while the flowers may belong to something very different. One species of the Peumo is now before us, from Mr. Macrae, agreeing tolerably with the Peu- mus rubra of Molina, and constituting probably the Lauras Peumus of Lamarck: the leaves are oblono- obtuse, alternate on a very short petiole, one-nerved, the margin cartiLaginous, or as if formed of a nerve, very entire, but undulate, at least in the dry state : the flowers (only in bud) are in a terminal raceme. The Boldu was first described in the Flora Peruviana, (Genera, p. 135. t. 29,) by the name of Ruizia Boldu, but there being already the Ruizia of Cavauilles, it was necessary to adopt some other appellation. Richard, in Persoon’s Synopsis, supposing it, as many others have done, to be the Peumus Boldus of Molina, took up that name, but with the character given by Ruiz and Pavon ; and, soon afterwards, Jussieu gave it that of Boldoa. We prefer that of Jussieu, as the appellation “Boldu” is peculiar to our plant. We are aware that there is a Boldea of CavaniUes, but that is the same with Salpianthus of Humb. and Bonpl. We have received specimens from Mr. Cruckshanks, Mr. Macrae, and Mr. Bridges, from the neighbourhood of Val- paraiso. The “ Laurel ” of Chili, {Laurelia aromatica, Juss., or Thiga chilensis, Mol., and Pavonia of the FI. Per.) belongs also to the order of Monimece, but this we have not seen. Mr. Cruckshanks informs us 46 CHILI. [Iridece. that it grows throughout the province of Conception, and that the wood is brought to Valparaiso, and much used, on account of its cheapness, for in-door work, as the following plant, the “ Roble” Fagus obliqua, is for standing the weather. Ord. LXII. AMENTACE^. Juss. 1. FAGUS. Tourn. 1. F. obliqua ; foliis ovato-oblongis obliquis subrhomboideis obtusis duplicato-serratis basi integris in petiolum attenuatis pilosiusculis, perianthiis masculis solitariis hemis- phaericis sinuatis 30-40-andris, cupulis capsuliformibus muricatis quadripartitis, segmen- tis ovatis obtusis, ovariis inclusis triquetris, angulis alatis. Mirbel, in Me7n. du Mus. v. 14. p. 465. t. 23. Had. Conception. Cl. II. MONOCOTYLEDONE^. Ord. LXIII. ORCHIDE^E. Juss. 1. CHLORAIA. Lindl. Pollinia 2 pulverea bipartita, cauliculis glandulisque nullis. Anthera terminalis oper- cularis bilocularis, loculis completis septulo incompleto bipartitis. Stigma transversum ovatum in apice columnae. Columna semiteres membranaceo-marginata. Labellum anti- cum cucullatum basi cordatum, cum columna levissime connatum, cristatum^ lobo medio ssepissime carnoso. subaequalia ringentia membranacea venosa; supremo galeato, interioribus sub galea conniventibus, exterioribus labello suppositis, apice anamorphose repressa, carnosis dilatatis. — Herbae Amer. austi'. temp, terrestres, radicibus fasciculatis. Folia plana, verticalia, venosa. Scapi multijloi'i, termmales, squamosi. Flores subherbacei. Lindl. 1. C. multiflora i foliis oblongis scapo longe brevioribus, sepalis inferioribus lanceolatis patentibus apice carnosis dilatatis bine membranaceis, labello oblongo membranaceo un- guiculato, crista rara gland ulosa, lobis lateralibus abbreviatis intermedio elongate obtuso crispo. Lindl. in Brandds New Journ. of Science, 1827, p. 43. Hab. Conception. — Mr. Lindley has described nine species of this genus, of which we possess several from Mr. Cruckshanks, Mr. Bridges, and Mr. Macrae. The “ Gairlu” Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 18, is C. Gairlu, or Cymbidium luteum, Willd. The Epipactis, &c. Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 19, or Cymb. virescens. Wind., is Chi. virescens. The Epipactis, &c. Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 17, is Spiranthes diuretica. The other orchideous plant of Feuill. t. 20, Mr. Lindley has not referred to. Ord. LXIV. IRIDEiE. Juss. 1. SISYRRHYNCHIUM. Linn. 1. S. graminifolium ; scapo tereti, foliis lineari-ensiformibus scabriusculis scapo sub- aequalibus, spathis exterioribus subfoliaceis interioribus obtusis marginatis, intimis mem- CHILL 47 branaceis^ laciniis perianthii oblongis mucronatis, scapo l-S-stachyo^ ovario glanduloso. Lindl. in Bot. Beg. t. 1067. Hab. ConceptioB. 2. S. pedunculatwn ; caule folioso teretiusculo, foliis ensiformibus, pedunculis elongatis simplicibus, spathis exterioribus ovatis marginibus membranaceisj interioribus scariosis albidis, perianthii laciniis obovatis basi angustatis, staminum columna densissime glandu- loso-pilosa, stigmatibus brevissimisj ovario glabro. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. Gillies, MSS. Hab. Conception. — Dr. Gillies and Mr. Cruckshanks found it likewise at Valparaiso. 3. S. iridifolium ; foliis ensiformibiis margine scabris culmo foliaceo-ancipiti brevioribus, ramis parallellis ex articuli vagina, spathis terminalibus, perianthii laciniis extus inferne germineque pubescentibus, filamento monadelpho intus barbato, capsula rotunda nudius- cula. — Humb. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. v. 1. p. 260. — 'S. laxum. Bot. Mag. t. 2312. — Marica iridifolia, Bot. Beg. t. 646. Hab. Valparaiso and Conception. 4. S. chileme i caule ramoso ancipiti alato, foliis ensiformibus, perianthii laciniis oblon- gis subspathulatis retusis mucronatis, capsula pyriformi pubescente, pedunculis pedicellis- que gracillimis. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2786. Hab. Conception. (Also at Valparaiso. Mr, Cruckshanks.') 5. S. striatum. Sm. Ic. Piet. t. 9. Bedoute. Lit v. 2. t. 66.— -S. spicatum. Cav. Ic. t. 104. — Marica striata. Bot. Mag. t. 701. Hab, Conception ; probably introduced. — A well-known garden plant, originally from Mexico, 6. S. sessiliflorum ; foliis lineari-ensiformibus rigidis glaberrimis striatis costatis margine incrassatis, scapo simplici bracteato foliis longiore, floribus sessilibus glomeratis, glomer- ulis approximatis spicam interruptam elFormantibus, ovariis glabris. Hab. Conception.' — We have not seen the flowers in a state which enables us to describe them. They appear to be pale yellow. The stamina are free for their upper half : the stigmas are long. Ord. LXV. AMARYLLIDE^. Br. 1. AMARYLLIS, Linn. 1. A. chilensis ; foliis linearibus compressis carnosis, scapo purpurascente, spatha colorata sub-biflora, tubo brevi intus squamis 3-4-fidis coronato, laciniis lanceolatis patulis, filamentis declinatis corolla brevioribus. Spr. — HHSrit, Sert. Angl. p. 11. Buiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. p. 56. Hab. Conception. — Very variable in the colour of its blossoms. The A.flammea, Ruiz and Pav, (Feuill. Chil. V. 3. t. 21,) found also at Conception, and allied to this, has never more than one flower. There are several other species, natives of Chili. 2. ALSTRCEMERIA. Linn. 1. A. Salsilla; caule volubili, foliis glabris petiolatis lanceolatis acuminatis resupinatis, 48 CHILI. umbella multiflora, pedunculis involucre longioribus glabris subramosis, perianthii laciniis submqualibus. — Linn. — Bot. Mag. t. 1613. Bot. Reg. t. 649. — Hemerocallis, &c. Feuill. Chil. V. 2. t. 6. Hab. Conception. — From this the A. aaitifolia of Link and Otto is chiefly to be distinguished by the leaves and the peduncles being pubescent. Ord. LXVI. DIOSCORE^. Br. 1. DIOSCOREA. Linn. 1. D. gracilis; caule glabi’o, foliis cordato-ovatis acuminatis 7-9-nerviis glabris, racemis axillaribus rarifloris, floribus masculis subbinis, fructibus subrotundis 3-alatis. Hab. Valparaiso. 2. D. obtusifolia ; caule glabro, foliis alternis cordato-subrotundis mucronulatis 7 -ner- viis utrinque glabris, racemis axillaribus subsimplicibus elongatis rarifloris, floribus (mas- culis) pedicellatis subternis. Hab. Island of Quiriguina, near Conception. Ord. LXVII. ASPHODELEtE. Br. 1. LUZURIAGA. Ruiz §■ Pav. 1. L. radicans ; caule suffi’uticoso geniculate folioso scandente radicante, foliis alternis lanceolatis obliquis, pedunculis axillaribus divisis.^.Sj»r. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. t. 298. Hab. Conception. 2. LEUCOCORYNE. Lindl. Perianthium hypocraterifoi’me, cum pedicello continuum, limbo 6-partito. Stamina 3 fertilia e tube exorta; 3 sterilia carnosa teretia e fauce laciniis corollinis opposita. Squamoe hypogynse nullm. Ovarium sessile triloculare polyspermum ; stylus teres, cum ovario articulatum ; stigma simplex. — Herbm [chilenses,) cormis induviatis. Flores umbel- lati. Lindl. 1. L. odorata ; foliis linearibus glaucis, limbi laciniis lanceolatis sublaciniatis, staminibus sterilibus subulatis obtusis, pedunculis subaequalibus tubo brevioribus. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1293. Hab. Valparaiso. 2. L. alliacea; foliis linearibus, limbi laciniis erectis acuminatis subaequalibus, stamini- bus sterilibus clavatis, pedunculis valde inaequalibus ; longioribus capillaribus. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. sub. t. 1293. Hab. Conception. — One other species, L. ixioides, {BrodicBa ixioides, Bot. Mag. t. 2382,) is known. Allied to this genus is Triteleia, Hook. In it, however, there are six fertile stamens, a pedunculated ovari- um, with which the style is continuous, and three stigmas : of three species mentioned hy Mi*. Lindley, one, T. bivalvis, is from Chili. Cyperacece.] CHILL 3. ORNITHOGALUM. Linn. 1. 0. gramineum; scapo angulato folia lineax'ia superante, floribus umbellatis, pedunculis erectis, perianthii laciniis ovatis acutis striatis. Bot. Mag. t. 2419. — Lilio-nax’cissus polyan- thus albus, Phalangii flore. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. p. 30. L 21. Hab. Conception. 4. ANTHERICUM. Limi. 1. A.? plumosum; radice fasciculata, folds lineari-ensiformibus, scapo nudiusculo striato angulato 2-4-floro foliis triplo longiore, perianthii laciniis exterioribus glabris interioribus barbato-plumosis. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. t. 300. f. 6. Bot. Mag. t. 3084. Hab. Conception. — This probably belongs rather to Thysanotus, Br. 5. STYPANDRA. Br. 1. S. coerulea; radice fibrosa, foliis ensiformibus subdistichis erectis scapo ramoso brevi- oribus, perianthii laciniis exterioribus oblongis interioribus ellipticis latioribus. — Antheri- cum coerideum. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. t. 299. — Bermudiana, &c. Feuill! Chil. v. 2. t. 8. Hab. Conception. — Mr. Brown, in liis Prodi’omus FI. Nov. Holl. p. 279, first suggested that this species, as also the Anthericum coarctatum of the Flora Peruviana, was referable to Stypandra. Ord. LXVIII. JUNCEAi:. Juss. 1. LUZULA. DC. 1. L. interrupta; culmo parce folioso, foliis planis latiusculis nervosis, panicula racemoso- spicata recta, floribus fuscis, capitulis oblongis, bracteis ovatis acuminatis membranaceis fimbriato-ciliatis, perianthii laciniis exterioribus ovatis interioribus brevioribus latioribus aristato-acuminatis capsulam subrotundam obtusam paulo superantibus. — Desv. Journ. Bot. p. 163. t. Q. f. 4.? R(£7n. et Schul. Syst. v. 7. p. 261. Hab. Conception. — La Harpe unites this with L. racemosa, Desv. perhaps correctly, but we are not quite certain that ours is the plant intended by Desvaux: it is, however, that which Roemer and Schultes (1. c.) have described from Chili, as seen in the Herbarium of Martius. The panicle consists of dense racemose spikelets, one of which, at a distance from the others, arises from the axil of the upper leaf. Ord. LXIX. CYBERAGES. Juss. 1. SCIRPUS. Linn. 1. (S', minimus; annuus, spica subglobosa subsolitaria laterali, culmo angulato foliisque capillaribus, achenio acuto triquetro densissime impresso-punctato, setis hypogynis 3. Vahl, Enum. 2. p. 253. Hab. Conception. — This seems to agree exactly with Vahl’s plant. 2. (S. longifolius; radice repente, culmo folioso triquetro, foliis angustis acute carinatis spongiosis culmum superantibus, spiculis 4-5 glomeratis subsessilibus lateralibus, glumis emarginatis mucronatis, setis hypogynis 3, stylo 3-fido. Hab. Conception. — Very similar to S. mucronatus; but the leaves are much longer. The bracteas are oblong and scariose, and furnished with a dorsal nerve that becomes a long triquetrous mucro. The glumes resemble the bracteas, but the mucro is shorter. G 50 CHILL [GraminecB. 2. CAREX. Linn. 1. C. hebecarpa; culmo triquetro scabriusculo, foliis margine scabris, bracteis foliaceis elongatis inferiore vaginato superioribus evaginatis, spicis sterilibus 2 vel 3 sessilibus, squamis oblongo-lanceolatis fertilibiis cylindraceis acutis superioribus subsessilibus infima pedunculata, pedunculo vagina duplo longiore, squamis subulatis fructum lanceolatum striatum hispidum rostro bifido glabro aequantibus, stigmatibus 3. Hab. Conception. — Very closely allied to C. riparia, fl’oni which it differs by its narrower scales and much more attenuated fruit, Avhich is covered with short psipiUse or scabrous points. Of the sterile spikes, the lower scales are oblong and mucronate, hut the membranous portion becomes shorter and the mucro longer towards the extremity of the spike, so that at the top the scales ai’e nearly as in the fertile spikes. 3. UNCINIA. Pers. 1. U.phleoides; spica cylindrica superne mascida, fructibus 3-fariam arete imbricatis lanceolatis triquetris apice ediatis, aristis hamatis elongatis. Spr. — Pers. Syn. PL v. 2. p. 534. Cav. Ic. V. 5. t. 464. f. 1. Hab. Conception. Ord. LXX. GR amines. Juss. 1. TORRE SIA. Beauv. 1. T. magellanica; panicula elFusa subnutante, glumis uninervibus carina Imvibus, flos- culis masculis aristatis pubescentibus dorso margineque ciliatis viUis subcurvatis herma- phrodito mucronulato, foliis planis. Poem, et Schul. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 516, — Melica magellanica. Desv. in Lam. Encycl. — Hierocliloe antarctica. Br. Prodr. FI. Nov. Holl. v. 1. p. 209. — Disarrhenum antarcticiun. Labill. Nov. Holl. v. 2. p. 83. t. 332. — Holcus redolens. Forst. Prodr. n. 563? Hab. Conception. 2. AIRA. Linn. 1. A. caryophyllea. Linn. ? Hab. Conception. 3. POLYPOGON. Besf. 1. P. monspeliense. Desf. — Alopecurus monspeliensis. Linn. — Agrostis panicea. Willd. — Fngl. Bot. t. 1704. Hab. Valparaiso. — Polypogon australe of Brongniart, in Duperrey’s Voy. p. 21, appears to be only a variety of the present. 4. CALOTHECA. Beam. 1 . C. stricta ; culmo scabriusculo, foliis convolutis scabris, panicula subsimplici coarctata, spiculis ovatis erectis 7-floris, glumis calycinis ovatis rotundatis 3-5-nervibus glabris corol- linis glabris nitentibus, exteriore duplo majore subrotundata acutiuscula mutica. Hab. Conception. — This is closely allied to the C. rotundata, Roem. and Schul. {Bromus rotundatus, H. and B.) and also to DesvaiLx’s Cliascolytrum erectum, whose panicle has the branches simple. The species referred to these two genera by Roemer and Schultes, are in great confusion. Thus, their Calotheca rotun- data is a Cliascolytrum. The Cal. brizoides, Beauv., is not the plant of Desvaux, or of Roemer and Schultes, Filices.] CHILI. 51 but is the Chascolytmm erectum of Roem., and Schul. Even the two other synonyms, reduced by these authors to C. brizoides, cannot belong to itj for the Briza mucronata, Lam. (founded on the Uniola mucron- ata, Burm.) is an East Indian, not a South American plant; and Bromiis brizoides, Lam., has an erect panicle and glabrous glumes; it has, however, a lanceolate calyx, and seems to be a true Calotheca. Calotheca elegans, Beauv., not noticed by other authors, is Chascolytmm subaristatum, Desv. 5. ALOPECURUS. Linn. 1. A. pratensis. Linn. Had. Conception. , 6. MELICA. Linn. 1. M. violacea; panicula subspicata secunda, corollis violaceis ciliatis, calycis valvula ex- terioi’e argentea apice denticvdata. Rcem. et Schul. — Cav. Ic. v. 5. p. 47. t. 472. f. 2. Roem. et Schul. V. 2. p. 527. Hab. Valparaiso. 7. POA. Linn. 1. P. annua. Linn. Hab. Conception. 8. HORDEUM. Linn. 1. H. murinum. Linn. Hab. Conception. 9. CHUSQUEA. Kunth. 1. C. scandens. Kunth, Syn. PI. jEq. 1. p. 254. — Arundo Quila. Mol. — Poir. Enc. 6. p. 274. Hab. Valparaiso, (sent also by Mi’. Bridges.) — This we have the authority of Mr. Cruckshanks for stating to be the plant of Molina: there is, however, only one flower in each spikelet, instead of three, as he and Poiret assert it to have; nor can we discover any essential difference between it and the Peruvian plant of Kunth ; but this last we only know from his description. Our plant has the flowers monoecious or poly- gamous. The style is bipartite: the hypogynous scales with two acuminated points. Cl. II. ACOTYLEDONES. Ord. lxxi. equisetacea:. 1. EQUISETUM. Linn. 1. E.pratense; fronde erecta ramosa scaberrima, ramis tetragonis spiciferis, vaginarum dentibus scai’iosis subulhtis, spicis abbreviatis. Spr. — Ehrh. Beitr. 3. p. 77. Willd. Sp. PI. V. 5. p. 6. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 4./). 10. Hab. Conception. — As far as can be judged from the descriptions of E. pratense of Ehrh., our plant is the same species. The specimens are from 4-5 inches to a span long, much branched at the base. We have the same species from Valparaiso, gathered by Mr. Mathews. It seems to differ from the E. palustre only in its rougher stems. Ord. LXXII. FILICES. 1. NOTOCHLiENA. Br. 1. N. rufa; frondibus linearibus pinnatis, pinnis subsessilibus alternis ovatis obtusis 52 CHILL [Filices. inciso-pinnatifidis subtus rufo-tomentosis, supra rhachi stipiteque I’ufo-hirsutis. Presl, Reliq. H(snk. V. 1. p. 19. Hab. Conception. — The specimen is a solitary one, scarcely two inches hig-h, and agreeing with Presl’s var. H. in having the upper side of the frond nearly destitute of hairs. 2. POLYPODIUM. Linn. 1. P. trilobum; frondibus simplicibus tripartitis, laciniis lanceolatis acuminatis marginato- seiTulatis terminali longiori, soris oblongis solitariis. Kaulf. — Cav. Prml. 1801. n. 604.” Willd. Sp. PL V. 5. p. 164. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 48. Hab. Conception. 2. P. rugulosum; frondibus tripinnatifidis, pinnulis profunde pinnatifidis oblongis, laciniis ^ovatis obtusis obtuse serratis, soris solitariis submarginalibus, stipite rachibusque universalibus supra canaliculatis asperis, partialibus liirtis. Kaulf. — Labill. Nov. Holl. v. 2. p. 92. t. 241. Willd. Sp. PL v. 5. p. 206. Br. Prodr. v. 1. p. 147. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 61. Hab. Conception. — Our specimens entirely accord with the New Holland plant figured by LabiUardiere. 3. ASPIDIUM. Br. 1. A. subintegerrimum ; fronde lato-lanceolata bipinnata, pinnis lineari-lanceolatis attenu- atis, pinnulis coriaceis ovatis subfalcatis petiolatis basi superne auriculatis mucronatis ob- scure crenato-serratis summis confluentibus, inferioribus rachi parallelis subpinnatifidis supra glabris subtus stipite rachique paleaceo-hirsutis. Stipes supra canahciilatus, hie iUic piinctis nigris (spinulai-um vestigiis?) aspera. Frons bipedalis et ultra. PinncB subhorizontahter patentes, inferiores reflexse, pahnares: Pinnules vix unciam longae, inferiores remotae, superiores confertiores, superne coadunatae. Soi'i discreti inter costam et marginem uniseriales. Indusia peltata, umhiheata, paiwa. Hab. Conception. — Very nearly allied to A. aculeatum and others of that groupe, but particularly to A. stramineum, Kaulf.; — from all which it differs in the lengthened attenuated pinnae, nearly entire pinnulae, of which the lower ones are remote, the lowest pair more or less lobed, or even pinnatifid, standing parallel with the rachis. 2. A. vestitum; frondibus bipinnatis, pinnis lineari-lanceolatis inferioribus deflexis, pinnulis ovato-oblongis mucronatis serratis dentibus muticis basi superiori auriculatis sub- tus villosis infimis superioribus longioribus oblongo-lanceolatis inciso-dentatis, stipite squamis niarginatis paleaceo, rachibus villoso-squamosis. Kaulf. — Sw. Syn. Fil. p. 33, et 254. Schkuhr, Fil. t. 43. Willd. Sp. PL v. 5. p. 261. Kaulf: Syn. Fil. p. 241. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 105. — Polypodium vestitum. Forst. Prodr. p. 82. Hab. Conception. 4. BLECHNUM. Linn. 1. B. hastatum; frondibus pinnatis, pinnis sterilibus oblongo-lanceolatis cordato-hastatis subtus villosis, fertilibus lineari-lanceolatis auriculato-cordatis, auriculis mucronatis, soris interruptis superiarum pinnarum continuis. Kaulf. Syn. Fil. p. 161. Hab. Conception. Musci.] CHILL 53 5. PTERIS. Linn. 1. P. Chilensis; fronde bi-inferne-tripinnata, pinnis lanceolatis pi’ofunde pinnatifidis, laciniis lineari-oblongis remotis obtusis glabris, stipite rachique glabris, involucris latissimis margine fimbriatis. — Desv. Mag. Nat. Ber. 1811. jo. 325. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 4. />. *79. 6. ADIANTUM. Linn. 1. A. Chilense; fronde tripinnata, pinnulis breviter petiolatis subrigidis reniformi-cune- atis radiatim venosis crenatis demum glabris, involucris transversim oblongis approximatis, stipite rachique nitidis glaberrimis. — Kaulf. Enmn. Fit. p. 207. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 214. Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. p. 273. Had. Conception. 2. A. scabrum; frondibus bi-v.-tripinnatis, pinnulis orbiculari-reniformibus denticulatis subtus hirtis albo-farinosis, stipite paleaceo scabro, rachibus scaberrimis, soris subcontinuis. Kaulf. Enum. Fil. p. 207. Hab. Conception. 3. A. cuneatiim; frondibus triplicato-pinnatis, pinnidis petiolatis cuneatis membranaceis apice rotundatis laciniato-bi-trilobatis, lobis profunde lunulato-emarginatis, sinubus sori- feris, involucris reniformibus. — Langsd. et Fisch. Ic. Fil. p. 23. t. 26. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 5. p. 450. Kaulf. Enum. Fil. p. 206. Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. p. 30. Hab. Conception. 7. HYMENOPHYLLUM. 1. H. Tunbridgense. Sm. Engl. Bot. p. 162. Hook, in FI. Bond. N. S. t. 71. Willd. Sp. PI. V. 5. p. 520. Hab. Conception. Ord. LXXIII. OPHIOGLOSSE^. Br. 1. OPHIOGLOSSUM. 1. O. tuberosum; parva, spica caulina, fronde oblongo-lanceolata reticulata in petiolum attenuata, pedunculo fronde triple longiore, radice tuberosa. Tuber raa^tudine seminis Pisi sativi, subtus fibrosa. Planta vix digitem longa. Fi'ons uncialis. Spica parva, lineari-oblonga. Hab. Conception. Ord. LXXIV. MUSCI. 1. LEPTOSTOMUM? Br. 1. L.f splachnoideum ; caulibus caespitosis brevibus, foliis densissime imbricatis erectis oblongis acutis concavis minute reticulatis nervosis pilifei’is, seta caule subaeque longa, cap- sula cum apophysi rotundata ovata obtusa, operculo brevi-haemispherico subumbonato. Hab. Conception. — The specimens of this are few, and in an indifferent state. The leaves are hke those of Lepfostomum, (Br.) and the capsule resembles that of Splaclinum spharicum, but we are unable to find any peristome. 54 CHILI. [Fungi. 2. POLYTRICHUM. Linn. 1. P. canalicidatum ; caule brevi, foliis linearibus acuminatis rigidis incurvis siccitate tortis marginibus scariosis integerrimis incurvis nervo lato lamellato, capsula suburceolato- cylindracea, operculo longe rostrato. Hab. Conception. Ord. LXXV. HEPATICiE. 1. JUNGERMANNIA. 1. J. platyphylla. Linn. — Hook. Brit. Jiing. t. 40. Hab. Conception. Ord. LXXVI. ALG^. 1. CONFERVA. Linn. 1. C. Linmn. Both. — Ag. Syst. Alg.p. 97. Engl. Bot. t. 2363. 2. MYCINEMA. Ag. 1. M.fjlam; stellatim caespitosa decumbens confluens, filis ramosis flavis, ramis elon- gatis secundis, capsulis secundis subglobosis sessilibus. Hab. Conception; on the dead leaves of Quadria heterophylla. — This curious plant, of a yellow colour, sometimes tinged with green, covers old leaves of the Quadria ( Gevuia avellana, Mol.) with dense csespi- tose but radiated jointless filaments. Fructifications are frequent on the upper sides of the prostrate lateral filaments. — We must confess that we ai-e doubtful respecting the genus. Ord. LXXVII. FUNGI. 1. DOTHIDEA. Fries. 1. D. granulosa; nuda suborbicularis planiuscida atra opaca rugosa intus concolor, celhdis immersis, ostiolis niinutis nunierosissimis prominulis granidiformibus. Hab. Valparaiso ; on the lower side of the leaves of Eugenia Temu. — This httle plant foians uregular black spots on the epidermis, and has a neai’ affinity with the Dothidea of the Betula nana, in Eiwope : but there the surface is shimng, the cells are white, .and the ostiola are larger and more prominent. The following additional species appear to have been detected by the Expedition on its return to Chili, probably at Valparaiso, and were placed in the same packet with the Mexican Collection : on which account they were previously overlooked by us. Page 5. — Ord. I. MAGNOLIACE^E. 1. Drimys. ForsL — 1. D. Chilensis; foliis oblongo-ovatis subtus glaucis, pedicellis confertis unilloris ant e pedunculo communi ortis, petahs 6-9 oblongis subobtusis. De Cand. Prodr. V. \.p. 78. De Less. Ic. Set. v. 1. t. 83. — Hab. Valparaiso. — This, we learn from Mr. Cruckshanks, is called Boigue in Chili. Page 3. — 2. Berheris actinacantha ; spinis palmato-5-fidis margine revolutis, foliis ovatis eUipticisve brevissime petiolatis basi vix attenuatis rigidis spinoso-dentatis mucronatis junioribus integemmis, pedunculis 4-5 subumbeUatis, foliis brevioribus subcernuis, germinibus ovatis apice vix attenuatis. Mart, in Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 7. p. 12. — Hab. Valparaiso. — This plant we have lately received from Messrs. Bridges .and Mathews from the same country; and from Mr. Macrae, gathered at the Baths of CoUina. CHILI. 55 Page 7. — 2. A:zara dentata; foliis ovatis serratis scabris subtus tomentosis, corymbis sessilibus paucifloris. Don. — Ruiz et Pav. Sgst. Veget FI. Per. v.l.p. 138. De Cand. Prodr. v. \.p. 262. Don, in Ed. New Phil. Journ. V. 10. p. 117. — Hab. Valparaiso. — Mi\ Don considers tlie smaller leaf to be a persistent stipule, while the other stipule is very deciduous and minute. The same Botanist gives the following character for A. serrata; foliis oblongis serratis Isevibus, corymbis pedunculatis multifloris. Page 7. — 3. A. integrifolia; foliis obovatis oblongisve integeiTimis glabris, stipulis cordatis subsequalibus, floribus spicatis. Don. — Ruiz et Pav. 1. c. De Cand. 1. c. Don, 1. c. — Hab. Valparaiso. — We refer to Mr. Don’s paper for full characters of this genus and its species: he places it in Homalinece, where it seems to ranlc naturally next to Pineda. The above three species are all named Corcolen in Chili: but there is a fourth with reticulated leaves and a panicled inflorescence, called Lilen, the A.? Lilen, Bert. (^Lilenia, nov. gen. Bert. MS.'), found also at Valparaiso, w’hich we have received from Mr. Bridges, and which appeal's to be the same with A.? celastrina, Don. Page 15. — 3. Trevoa. Miers. — 1. T. trinervia; glabra, foliis ellipticis crenato-serratis ti'inerviis subtus concoloribus. Gill, et Hook, in Bot. Misc. v. 1. p. 159. — Colletia Trebu. Bert, in Bull, des Sc. Nat. v. 20. p. 109. — Hab. Valparaiso. Page 16. — 2. Duvoa. Kunih. — 1. D. dependens; foliis lanceolato-ovatis integris ant subtrifidis, racemis folii longitudine, floribus saepius octandris. De . Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 74. — Amyris polygama. Cav. Ic. v. 3. p. 30. t. 239. — “ Schinus dependens. Orteg. Dec. 3.p. 102.” — S. Huiugan. ilfo/. Chil., (according to Bertero.) — Hab. Valparaiso. Page 19. — Adesmia. — Our Adesmia microphylla we have I'eceived from Mr. Mathev’s as the A. arborea of Bertero’s MSS. But this plant of Bertero M. Guillemin is disposed to refer to Zuccagnia punctata of Cavanilles. — Our A. angustifolia is sent to us by Mi'. Mathews, under the name of A. vesicaria, Bertero. — What we have spoken of as the A. longiseta, (p. 18.) De Cand., Mr. Mathews has given as A. Jiiuricata. Page 22. — 13.* Coulteria. Humb. et Kuntli. — 1. C. tinctoria; foliolis glabris ovali-oblongis interdiun subpuberulis, calycibus glabriusculis, legiiminibus glabris sessilibus obtusis. De Cand. — a. petiolis primariis solnmmodo aculeatis. — C. tinctoria. Humb. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. Am. v. 6. p. 330. t. 569. De Cand. Prodr. V. 2.p. 481. — C. Chilensis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 481. — Ccesalpiuia pectinata. Cav. Prad. — Tara tinctoria. Molina. — p,. petiolis omnibus petiolulisque basi aculeatis. — Poinciana spinosa. Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t. 39. — Coul- teria horrida. Humb. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. Am. v. 6. p. 327. t. 568. — Hab. Valparaiso: but probably from the gardens there, in Avhich, Mr. Bridges informs us, it is cultivated under the name of Tara. — To us it appears that this plant is exclusively a native of Peru, and we can scarcely doubt that the two species described by Humboldt are mere varieties, differing only in the more or less abundant aculei on the leaf- staUcs.* Both ai'e used in dyeing, and from then' beauty, are amply deserving of cultivation. Feuillee was in the habit of maldng a beautiful and very black ink from this plant, by infusing the pods with a little alum in water for a night, and afterwards boiling them. Page 22. — Cassia frondosa. The Coquimbo specimens in the Collection, and others that we have received from the same spot, gathered by Mr. Bridges, have the leaves more or less hairy on the nerves, and remark- ably ciliated at the margin, and of a less firm texture than those from Valparaiso, which w'e have from other travellers, and which appears to us to be the true frondosa. Page 23. — 2. Fuchsia rosea; caule minute tuberculato, foliis ovato-ellipticis integeri'imis petiolatis fasci- culatis, pedunculis axillaribus subaggregatis, calycis infundibuliformis laciniis reflexis corolla duplo longioribus, staminibus subinclusis. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. p. 88. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 39. — F. lycioides. Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 120. Bot. Mag. t. 1024. Lun, Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 24. — Hab. Valparaiso. — It is strange that no * In the specimens of the Collection, the leaflets are all aculeated at the base ; in those we possess from Mr. Bridges, the aculei are confined to the base of the primary petioles. 56 CHILL Botanist should recognize this as the Fuchsia rosea of Ruiz and Pavon, which those authors declare to be found in rocky places about Valparaiso, .and stiU more strange that both Anch’ews and Sir J. E. Smith should give it as an inhabitant of the North-West coast of America. It was long ago introduced to om’ gardens by Mr. Menzies from the coast of Chili. Page 23. — Ord. XXIII. MYRTACEA3. Juss. — 1. Eugenia Chehen; pedunculis axiUaribus sub I- doris sohtariis folio longioribus, sub dore bracteolis 2 minutis hnearibus deciduis, foliis glabris densissimis ovahbus utrinque acutis brevissime petiolatis obsolete parallehm nervosis pelucido-punctatis, segmentis caly- cinis obtusissimis. — E. Cheken. Mol. Chil. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 278. — Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 32. — Hab. Valparaiso. — This we have also received from Mr. Cruckshanks and Mr. Bridges, but without the vernacular name; nevertheless it accords so wed Avitli the Chehen of FeuiUee, that we have little doubt of its being his plant. Wlien the upper leaves faU off, the peduncles appear to be terminal and corymbose, as in that author’s dgure. Page 23. — 2. E. Temu ; paniculis axiUaribus plerumque solitariis subcorymbosis paucidoris longitudiue fere foliorum, foliis eUipticis obovatisve obtusissimis coriaceis subtus paUidis (jnnioribus ramuhsque subvelutinis) brevissime petiolatis. — Hab. Valpai-aiso. — This we have received from Messrs. Cruckshanks and Mathews, both of whom adu-m it to be the Temu of ChiU ; but it cannot be the Temus moschata of Mohna, which he considers the Temu of the country, but n hich, from his description, authors have arranged with the Magnoli- acece, and near to Drimys. — Oiu- plant has qnadridd don ers, and is a time Eugenia, but it may perhaps be the Myrtus Luma of Mohna and Sprengel, which De Candolle with doubt refers to his Myrtus multiflora. Page 25. — Ord. XXIX.* SAXIFRAGE.®. — 1. Escallonia. — 1. E. rubra; ramidis glandidoso-pubes- centibus, fohis obovato-lanceolatis acutis, basi in petiolnm atteuuatis duphcato-seiTatis iuferne glandulosis sub- tiis resinoso-piinctatis, pedimcidis in axillis fohorum terminaliiun simphcibus vel ramosis bracteolatis, doribus cyhndraceis. Pers. — Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2890. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. yi. 3. — Escallonia Poppigiana. De Cand. 1. c. — Stereoxylon rubrum. Buiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. t. 236. b. — Hab. Valparaiso. — This appears to be frequent in Chih, and liable to much variation in the shape of the leaves, in the simple or branched peduncles, in the breadth, &c. of the calycine segments, and in the pubescence and glands : hence Ave have been led to unite with it the E. Poppigianum of De CandoUe, Avhich is indeed the E. rubra of Pqipig himself. Page 25. — 2. E. revoluta ; tota hirsuta, ramis erectis hirsutissimis adidtis glabratis, fohis obovatis denti- culatis revolutis, racemo thyrsoideo, calycis dentibus subulatis, petahs hueaid-spathulatis. D C. — Pers. Syn. PI. V. \. p. 235. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 5. — Stereoxylon revolutnm. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. t. 236. b. — Hab. Valparaiso. Page 25. — 3. E. pidverulenta ; tota hh-suta, ramis subtrigonis erectis, fdlhs eUipticis obtusis breve petio- latis sen-ulatis superne junioribns subviscosis, racemo terminah spicsefonni erecto, calycis dentibus patuhs, petahs obovatis. — Pers. Syn. PI. v. \. p. 235. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 5. — Stereoxylon pidverulentum. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. t. 237. a. — Hab. Valpar.aiso. Page 25. — 2.* Loranthus heterophyllus ; (parasiticus,) ramis teretibus teneris scabris feiTugineis, fohis sparsis breve petiolatis cordatis ovahbusve mucronatis coriaceis glabris, racemis terminalibus et axUlaribus angulatis ramulis brevibus tridoris, dore medio sessih lateralibus pechceUatis, bracteis minimis, petahs 6 lineari-spathulatis, antheris incumbentibus. DC. — Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 3. j)- 48. t. 273. B. De Cand. Prodr. V. i. p. 312. — Hab. Valparaiso. Page 25. — 2. L. Cactorum. We have recently ascertained that the plant Avhich Ave have thus named at p. 25, is the L. aphyllus of Miers, in Bull, des Sc. Nat. v. 19. p. 319, and of De CandoUe, Prodr. v. 4. p. 307. Page 26. — 6.* Ammi. Linn. — 1. A. Visnaga. Lam. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 113. — Daucus Visnaga. Jacq. Hort. Vind. v. 3. t. 26. — Hab. Valparaiso. Page 26. — Osmorhiza chilense. This appears to be the O. Berterii of De Cand. Pi'odr. v. 4. p. 232, which name is of com'se to be prefen-ed. It is also the Scandix chilensis of Molina and De CandoUe. CHILL 57 Page 28. — 2. Proustia pyrifolia; foUis petiolatis cordato-rotundatis ovalibusve subtiis tomentosis, acheniis pilosis. Don. — Lag. et De Cand. in Ann. du Mas. v. 19. p. 70. t. 4. Don in Linn. Trans, v. 16. p. 198. — Hab. Valparaiso. Page 29. — 2. Eupatorium ageratoides? Linn. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 419. — Hab. Valparaiso. — The present plant may perhaps be a distinct species, having the stems shrubby at the base, the leaves smaller and more irregularly toothed. Page 30. — 9.* Spilanthes. — 1. S. oleracea. Linn. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 444. — Hab. Valpa- raiso.— We may here remark that the Eupatorium Chilense is the Flaveria Contrayerva of Persoon, (Feuill. V. 3. t. 14.) Page 30. — 11.* Euxenia. — 1. E. grata. Cham, in Hor. PJiys. Ber. p. 75. t ,16. — Ogiera triphnervia. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 674. (not of Cassini.) — Hab. Conception. — The plant of Cassini appears iden- tical with Eleuther anther a ovalifolia, Poit., from St. Domingo, and is herbaceous. Page 30. — 2. Baccharis linearis ; foUis linearibus dentatis integen-imisque, floribus subcorymbosis. Spr. — Pers. Syn. PI. v. 2. p. 425. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 463. — Hab. Valparaiso. — This has the leaves much larger and longer than in B. rostnarinifolia, and they are, in general, decidedly toothed. Page 31. — 6. Baccharis rigida ; canle fruticoso ramoso, foliis coriaceis rigidis ovali-eUipticis sessilibus venosis spinoso-dentatis, paniculis corymbosis. — Hab. Valparaiso. — This we have received also from Mr. Cruckshanks and IMr. Bridg-es. Page 31. — 7. Baccharis absinthioides ; caule erecto herbaceo ramoso angulato foliisque lanceolatis acutis in petiolum attenuatis integerrimis vel grosse remote dentato-serratis incanis, corymbis multilloris, floribus congestis, pedunculis incano-tomentosis. — «. foliis longioribus subintegerrimis. — 13. foliis omnibus dentato-serratis. — Hab. «. Conception. /3. Valparaiso. (Mi-. Bridges.) — Leaves often fascicled, 3-4 inches long ; under the microscope exhibiting minute yellow dots. Mi-. Bridges states it to be from 6-8 feet high. Page 31. — 14.* Conyza. Linn. — 1. C. ambigua. De Cand. FI. Fr. ed. 4. v. 5. p. 468. — C. Chilensis. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 513. — Erigeron linifolium. Willd. Page 32. — 5. Senecio Bridgesii ; suffruticosus, glaber, foliis sessilibus piniiatifidis laciniis linearibus acutis, corymbo denso multifloro, involucris subcyUndraceis, foliolis uniseriahbus apice vix sphacelatis basi bracteolatis, radio patente. — Hab. Valparaiso ; whence we have also had it from Mr. Bridges. — It is nearly allied to S. artemisiifolius, but that is herbaceous, and has bipinnatifid leaves. Page 32. — 17.* Madia. Mol. — 1. M. viscosa. Cav. Ic. v. 3. p. 50. t. 298. Curt, in Bot. Mag. t. 2574. — M. mellosa. Mol. — Jacq. — M. sativa. Mol. — Spr. — Madi, Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 26. — Hab. Valparaiso. Page 32. — Helianthus glutinosus. — We have since ascertained that the plant so called at p. 32, is the H. thurifer of Mohna, whose name ought therefore to be prefen-ed. Page 32. — 18.* Xanthium. Linn. — 1. X. spinosum. Linn. — Hab. Valparaiso. — May not the X. catharticum of Kunth, from Peru, be the same ? Page 33. — Obd. XXXIV.* CAMPANULACE.a2. Juss. — 1. Wahlenbergia. Schrad. — 1. W. Unari- oides ; caule erecto basi simphci glabfo vel scabriusculo, foliis Hneari-acuminatis angiistis glabris subdenti- culatis, calycis tubo glabro obconico, corolla infundibuliformi profunde 5-fida laciniis calycinis dimidio longiore, capsula obconica. Alph. De Cand. Campan. p. 158. — Campanula Chilensis. Mol. — C. linarioides. Lam. — Hab. Valparaiso. Page 36. — 4. Solanum tuberosum. Linn. — Hab. Valparaiso. Page 37. — 6. Nicotiana. Linn. — 1. N. acuminata; herbacea, pubescens, fohis lato-laiiceolatis acuminatis undulatis sublonge petiolatis, paniculis paucifloris, calyce glanduloso-pubescente laciniis angustis, coroUse tubo elongato, limbi laciniis rotundatis obtusis. — Bot. Mag. t. 2919. — Petunia acuminata. Graham in Edin. Phil. Journ. July, 1828. p. 378. — Nicotiana augustifolia ? Iluiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 2. t. 130. — Hab. Valparaiso. — Upon comparing- oui- plant with the N. angustifolia, Ruiz and Pav., we can scarcely discover any difference . H 58 CHILI. Page 41. — Sphacele campanulata. — We have ali-eady, under this plant, referred, as a synonym, to the Algue Laguen of Feuill. Chil. v. 3. 1. 1, which is also the authoiity for the Phytoxys acidissima of Molina and Sprengel, a name which has the inglit of priority. Page 41. — 1.* Mentha. Linn. — 1. M. Pulegium. Linn. — Polco, Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 28. — Hab. Val- paraiso. Page 41. — 3.* Gardoquia. Fuiz et Pav. — 1. G. Chilensis; fohis lanceolato-oblongis integeiTTmis, ped- unculis multilloris. Benth. MSS. — Hab. Valparaiso. Page ‘^l. — Teucrimn orchideum. — We now believe this to be the Teucrium heterophyllum of Cav. Ic. V. 6. t. 377, not of Lam., and the T. bicolor of Smith in Rees’ Cycl., which latter name ought to be retained. Page ^2. — 1.* Verbena intermedia; aspera, caule acute tetragono, foliis lanceolatis acutis sessUibus sub- connatis viUosis grosse serratis, spicis breviusculis, corolla calycem cyhndraceam plusquam duplo superante. Gill, et Hook, in Bot. Misc. v. 1. p. 166. Page 4^2. — 2. Citharexylon. Linn, — 1. C. cyanocarpum; spinis axillarihus, ramis teretibus pubescenti- bus, foliis ovatis cordatisve mucronulatis coriaceis glabris nitidis subtus pimctis impressis, peduncuhs axiUari- bus 1-3-floris. (Tab. XL) Poppigia cyanocarpa. Bert, in Bull, des Sc. Nat. 1830. Oct. 109. Fmtex ramosus pleriunque spinosus, spinis (ramis abortivis) axillai-ibus nunc parvis nunc validis, unciam ad 2 uncias longis. llami teretes, Junio7'es subangulati pubescentes. Folia opposita, poUicaria, coriacea, lato-ovata vel cordata, sessiha, acuta, pleriunque mucronulata, integerrhna, supra glabra, Isevia, pajraUehm impresso-nervosa, costa solummodo pubescente, subtus paUidiora, glabra, reticidatim venosa, venis prominentibus sub lente punctis impressis iiotata. Pedunculi axillares, breves, bi-trillori. Calyx ovatus, glaber, 3-dentatus. Co- rolla unciam ad sesquiunciam longa, infundibuliformis, limbo quinquefido, lobis ovatis obtusis patentibus, intus pubescentibus. Stamina 4, didynama, tubo corollse inserta, inclusa. Antherm ovatse, obtusse. Pistillum : Germen ovatum. Stylus filifoimis, tubi corollse longitudine. Stigma bilobum. Fructus : Drupa subsicca, magiiituchne seminis Pisi sativi, calyce persistente tecta, et basi styli coronata, demum in 2 nuces hemis- phajricas separabilis. Nuces dispermse. Semina oblongo-ovata. Hab. Valparaiso. — This plant we long ago received from Mr. Cruckshanks, and since from Mr. Mathews and Ml-. Bridges ; as well as from Mrs. Graham and Dr. Bertero, who find it at Juan Fernandez ; fi’om the latter gentleman, under the appellation of Poppigia cyanocarpa, MSS., a name n^e should gladly have adopted, but that the genus seems scarcely to differ from Citharexylon. The corolla and fruit are the same in both genera: the anthers are ovate, as figured in Rauwoljia jlexuosa, (Ruiz and Pav. FI. Per. t. 152, which Mr. Don considers a true Citharexylon,) not hiiear, as described in Citharexylon of Mr. Don : the stigma is 2-lobed, and the inflorescence can scarcely be called racemed. We do not indeed find the petioles to be “ callous at the base, and evidently jointed.” The leaves are dotted on the underside, as in the Myrtacece. It is named in the country Arayan de Espino, and Arayan macho. — Tab. XL Fig. 1, Flower j Jig. 2, Stamens and stigma ; Jig. 3, Fruit, enclosed in the calyx ; Jig. 4, Fruit removed from the calyx ; Jig. 3, The two nuts into which the fruit separates ; Jig. 6, Nut cut open to show the 2 seeds ; Jig. 7, Seed : — all more or less magnijied. Page 43.— Ord. LV.* AMARANTHACEtE. Juss.—l. A. viridis. Zmw.— Hab. Valparaiso. . Page 44. — 2. Chenopodium muHiJidum; fohis pinnatifidis laciniis hnearibus, inferioribus subdentatis, glomerulis florum axiUaribus sessihbus. Willd. Enum. — Itcem. et Sch. v. 6. p. 260. — Dill. Elth. p. 78. t. 66. f. 77. — Hab. Valparaiso. Page 44. — Ord. LVL* LAURINEA2. Juss. — 1. Laurus. Linn. — 1. L.Peumo. — Hab. Valparaiso. — The specimen in the Collection, as well as that from Macrae, noticed at p. 43, is destitute of flower, and in a very imperfect state ; so that we are not able to offer any further remarks upon it. Page 4b. — 3. Colliguaja. Mol. — 1. C.odorifera; fohis eUiptico-lanceolatis obtusis mucronatis pulcher- rime glanduloso-serratis, capsula tidangulari tricocca anguhs obtusis. — Mol. Chil. — Hook, in Bot. Misc. v. 1. Malvacem:^ SOCIETY ISLANDS. 59 p. 142. t. 40. — Croton CoUig'uay. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 873. — Adenopeltis Colliguaja. Bert. Bull, des Sc. Nat. v.2\.p. 128, et in Herb, nostr. — Hab. Valparaiso. Page 43. — Ord. LXL* MONIMIEjE. Juss. — 1. Boldoa. Juss. — 1. B. fragrans. Juss. in Ann. du Mus. 14. p. 134. — Ruizia. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. v. 4. t. 29. — Peumus fragrans. Pers. — Boldu. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 6. — Hab. Valparaiso. — We have abeady offered some remarks on this plant at p. 43 of the present work. SOCIETY ISLANDS. [Including Easter, Ducie’s, Elizabeth, Pitcairn, and Gamhier’s Islands; those denominated “ Coral Islands” at page 1, of this Volume; and Otaheite, or Tahiti. They were visited at the periods there stated.*] Ord. I. CRUCIFERA:. Juss. 1. Cardamine sarmentosa; foliis petiolatis glabris pinnatisectis, segmentis 5 ovatis inferne dentatis infimis petiolulatis, caule subnudo basi flagellifero, siliquis patentibus. DC. — “ Forst. FI. App. p. 92. n. 529.” De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 153. 1. Lepidium piscidium; ‘siliculis oblongo-obovatis (seu obovatis) emarginatis, stigmate exserto, foliis ovali-obloiigis extrorsum dentatis integerrimisve. DC. — “ Forst. Prodr. n. 249.” De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 206. The pouch in our specimens is broader than that described by De Candolle, in tliis respect approaching that of L. 0-Waihiense, but the style is very conspicuous. Ord. II. CAPPARIDEA:. Juss. 1. Gynandropsis De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 238. — Cleome pentapbylla. Bot. Mag. L 1681. 1. Crataeva religiosa; staminibus 20-28 toro annular! insertis petalorum longitudine, bacca ovali, foliis lanceolato-ellipticis acutis. DC. — “ Forst. Prodr. n. 203.” De Cand. Prodr. V. 1. p. 243. Hab. Gambler’s Island. 1. Capparis Sandwichiana ; inermis, foliis ellipticis glabriuscidis, limbo petiolo vix triplo longiore, pedicellis solitariis unifloris foliorum longitudine. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 245. This appears scarcely different from the C. spinosa : nor does the C. Mariana seem to us deserving of the ranlc of a species. Ord. III. MALVACEAE. Juss. 1. UreUa lohata. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 441. Bot. Mag. t. 3043. 1. Hibiscus Manilvot. Linn. — Bot. Mag. t. 1702. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 458. 2. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Linn. — Bot. Mag. t. 158. De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 448. * As many of the plants of these Islands appear common to the whole groupe, we have rarely thought it neces- sary to mention the particular stations of the species. 60 SOCIETY ISLANDS. [Guttifera. 3. Hibiscus tricuspis; foliis incanis tx’ilobis lobis lanceolatis subdentatis, pedunculis axil- laribus subbifloris terminalibus subracemosis, involucello novem-dentato. DC. — Cav. Diss. 3. t. 55. f. 2. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 453. 4. Hibiscus tiliaceus. Linn. — Cav. Diss. 3. t. 55. f. 1. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 454. 1. Thespesia populnea. Corr. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 456. — Hibiscus populneus. Linn. — Rumph. Amb. v. 2. t. 74. 1. Gossj^ium Barbadense. Linn. — Bot. Reg. t. 84. De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 456. This agrees with the figure above quoted in all but the presence of glands on the underside of the primary nerves of the leaf; but Dr. Hamilton in Linn. Trans, v. 13. p. 492, states it as his opinion, that such a character is not to be depended on; and that that derived even from the dm’ation of the stem is of no con- sequence. This belongs to his G. nignart, “ lana alba, semine nigricante,” which includes the G. Barbadense of Liim. 1. Sida rhombifolia. Linn. — Cav. Diss. \. t. 3.f. 12. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 462. 2. Sida periplocifolia. Linn. — Cav. Diss. 1. t. 5. f. 2. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 467. Ord. IV. BYTTNERIACE^.. Br. 1. Melochia hispida ; tota hispida, foliis inaequilateris cordato-ovatis duplicato-serratis utriuque pilis stellatis subtus pallidis, umbellis 6-8-floris axillaribus petiolum subaequantibus. The hairs on the stem, petiole, and peduncles, are long, spreading, and simple, though occasionally mixed with others that are shorter and stellated. Those on the leaves are altogether of the latter kind. Towards the apex of the petiole the haws are short and much crowded, and of a yellow colour; and this portion falls off' with the leaf. The calyx is glabrous, except on the margin of the segments and the line marldng the union of the sepals, where the haws are very long. We have been obliged to di’aw up oiw description from a solitary and indifferent specinaen. 1. Commersonia echinata ; caule arboreo, foliis ovato-lanceolatis superue glabriusculis subtus canescentibus. DC. — Forst. Gen. p. 43. t. 22. De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 487. — Rumph. Amb. v. 3. t. 119. 1. Waltheria Americana. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 492. — W. indica. Jacq. Ic. Rar. V. 1. t. 130. Ord. V. TILIACE^. Juss. 1. Triumfetta procumbens ; prostrata, caule pubescenti-tomentoso, foliis cordato-rotun- datis subintegris trilobisve obtusissimis crenatis supra glabriusculis subtus stellato-pannosis, petalis calyce tomentoso vix longioribus, carpellis arete coalitis in capsulam globosam, setis muricatis plumosis. — “ Forst. Prodr. n. 204.” De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 508. This plant, which n e take to be the T. procumbens of Forster, has petals to the flower as weU as united (aqxels, whence it cannot belong to either of the divisions of the genus in De CandoUe’s Prodi-omus. The united fruit is nearly as large as an hasel nut, covered with rigid and hairy or plumose bristles. ( Sec. descr. — ta1>. a nobis non visa.) T. Fabriana. Gaud, in Freycr Voy.p. 478. t. 102. 1. Gvevfia. Mallococca ; foliis cordatis ovato-oblongis crenatis scabris, pedicellis axillari- bus trifloris. DC. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 509. — G. crenata. Forst. Gen. t. 39. Ord. VI. GUTTIFER^. Juss. 1. Calophylluni Inophyllum. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 562. Rumph. Amb. 2. 71. Rheede, Mai. v. 4. t. 38. Samyde(B!\ SOCIETY ISLANDS. 61 Ord. VIL SAPINDACE^. Juss. 1. Cardiospermum Halicacubum. Linn. — Bot Mag. t. 1049. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 601. 1. Aporetica pinnata; foliis pinnatis, racemo supi’adecomposito terminali. Porst. Gen. t. 66. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 610. 1. Dodoneea viscosa. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. ]. p. 616. — D. spathidata. Sin. in Bees' Cycl. De Cand. Ord. VIIL OXALIDE^. Juss. 1. O. corniculata. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 1726. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 692. Ord. IX. CELASTRINEiE. Br. 1. Celasims, crenatus ; foliis ovatis crenatis, cymis axiUaribus. DC. — Forst. Prodr. n. 113.” De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 7. We regret that the imperfect condition of our specimens mU not allow us to offer any remarks upon this little known plant. Ord. X. RHAMNEj35. Juss. 1. Pomaderris ziziphoides ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis integerrimis coriaceis supra glabris nitidis subtus reticulatis incano-tomentosis, venis rufidulis, ramulis foliisque junioribus dense ferrugineo-pubescentibus, petalis calycem asquantibus. — Rhamnus ziziphoides. Spr. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 27. Folia 3-4 uncias longa, supra (siccitate) intense fusca, nitida, parallelun oblique venosa, subtus inter venas reticulata. Flores mediocres in corymhis axillai-ibus foho breviorihus. Calyx extus tomentosus: tubus ovario truncate adherens. Stylus biiidus, ad basin villosus. Fructus baccatus, ater, mag-nitudine seminis Fisi sativi. Cocci et Sonina omnino ut in Pomaderridece. This was on the same paper with Commersmia echinata, and is probably therefore a native of Tahiti. It seems to be the Rhamnus ziziphoides of Sprengel ; but its character, and its habit too, accord best with Pomaderris. 1. Ceanothus Asiaticus. Linn. — Cav. Ic. v. 5. t. 440. f. 1. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 30. — Celastriis capsularis. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 112.” De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 32. — Colubrina Asiatica. Brong. Brongniart is of the same opinion with ourselves, that the Celastrus capsularis of Forster is identical with the Ceanothus Asiaticus of Linnaeus. 1. Gouania Domingensis. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 39. — G. glabra. Jacq. Am. t. 179. / 40. Ord. XL SAMYDE^E. Gcertn. 1. Caseaxia, impunctata ; foliis oblongo-ellipticis breve petiolatis coriaceis basi apiceque acutis obsolete dentatis glabris nitidis impunctatis, pedunculis brevibus glomeratis axillari- bus, calyce 5-partito, stam. fertdibus 10, stylo elongato, stigmatibus tribus capitatis. Of this only one specimen exists in the Collection, whose flowers agree with those of Casearia, but the pellucid dots in the leaves, alluded to by Mr. Brorni as charactei-istic of the Order Samydece, do not appear. The stigmas are very distinct and capitate. 62 SOCIETY ISLANDS. [Myrtacea. Ord. XII. TEREBINTHACE^. Juss. 1. Suriana maritima. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 91. Ord. XIIL LEGUMINOS^. Juss. 1. Sophora tomentosa. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 95. — Sloane, Jam. v. 2. t. 178. /3. 1. Tephrosia piscatoria ; foliolis 5-6-jugis oblongis obtusis subtus pilosiusciilis, stipulis subulatis, pedunculis ancipitibus, leguminibus strictis ascendentibus subvillosis. DC. — Pers. Syn. PL V. 2. p. 329. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 252. — Galega littoralis. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 277.” — G. piscatoria. Ait. 1. Desmodium purpiireum; caule erecto terete subsimplice appresso-pubescente, foliolis ternis obovatis subellipticisve obtusis veiiosis glabriusculis, stipulis subulato-acuminatis, I’aceinis lanceolatis sublonge pedunculatis axillaribus, bracteis laiiceolato-acuminatissimis ciliatis, articidis 5-6 subquadratis margine bine convexis reticulatis birsuto-scabris. — Hedy- sariun purpureum. Roxb. Cat. Hort. Peng. p. 57. et in Herb, nostr. We ai’e satisfied of this plant being- the Hedysarum purpureum of Roxb., which, however, we do not find any where described. The same plant, too, we have received from the Island of St. Vincent in the West Indies, probably introduced from the Old World. — The figure in Biu-m. Zeyl. t. 53. f. 2, and again that in Birrm. Ind. t. 55. f. 2, {H. siliquosum, Burm.) appear to be the same as this ; but we do not know that they are referred to by any author. 2. Desmodium Scorpiurus. Desv. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 333. — Hedysarum Scorpi- urus. Sw. 1. Abrus precatorius. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v 2. p. 381. 1. Dolicbos luteus? Sw. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 398. 1. Erytbrina indica. Lam. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 412. 1. Cajanus flavus. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 406. — Cytisus Cajan. Linn. 1. Cassia occidentalis. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 497. Ord. XIV. LYTHRARI^. Juss. 1. Cupbea Parsonia. Br. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 86. Brown, Jam. t. 2\. f. 1. Ord. XV. MELASTOMACE^. Juss. 1. Melastoma Taitense ; fruticosum, ramulis tetragonis petiolisque .strigoso-asperis, foliis petiolatis ovali-oblongis acuminatis subdenticulatis prmter nervulos 2 marginales trinerviis supra setoso-scabris subtus in nervis strigillosis, corymbis paucifloris, calyce setis crassis scabro, lobis 5 oblongis deciduis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 144. Our specimens also are from Tahiti, but in a very indifferent state of preservation. Ord. XVI. MYRTACE^. Juss. 1. J ossinia, cotini/olia? De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 238. — Eugenia cotinifolia. Jacq. Obs. 3. t. 53. Ficoidea.] SOCIETY ISLANDS. 63 We have quoted this with a mark of doubt, because all the Jossinice are stated to be natives of the Isles of France and Bourbon ; at the same time, our specimens so entirely accord v\ ith Jacquin’s figure, that we consider it ahnost certain that our plant is the same as his. 1. Metrosideros villosa; folds oppositis ovatis venosis subtus pubescentibus, tliyrsis axil- laribus terminalibusve oppositis villosis, floribus sessilibus confertis. Sm. in Linn. Trans. V. 3. p. 268. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 226. — Melaleuca villosa. Linn. Til. — M. aestuosa. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 215.” — M. spectabilis. Gcei'tn. (fide Menziesii.) — Leptospermum col- linum. Forst. Gen. 36. n. 2. (fide De Cand.) In the older leaves, the pubescence altogether disappears, but the calyces and pedicels always continue white vi'ith down. 2. Metrosideros diffusa ; foliis oppositis ovatis venosis utrinque glabris, paniculis axillari- bus terminalibusve oppositis villosis, pedicellis oppositis. Sm. 1. c. v. 3. p. 268. De Cand. Prodr. V. 3. p. 224. Oiu’ specimens are from Tahiti, as were those gathered by Nelson, and mentioned by Smith in Rees’ Cyclopsedia. 3. Metrosideros obovata ; foliis oppositis obovatis coriaceis obtusissimis venosis glabris in petiolum brevem attenuatis, margine paululum reflexo, corymbis axillaribus terininali- busque, calycibus glabris elevato-nigro-punctatis. (Tab. XII.) Rami obscure tetragoni, cortice paUide fusco tecti. Folia sesquiiuiciam ad duas uncias longa, fere sesqui- unciam lata, obovata, obtusissima, coriacea, integeri-ima, glabra, supra nitida, ufrinque parallelim venosa, infra venas reticulata, margine Iseviter reflexo, basi in petioliun duas vel tres lineas longimi attenuata. Corymbi multiflori, terminates et axillares. Pedunmli breves, pediceUique glabri. Calyx tm’binatus, extus nigro-punctatus punctis elevatis, quinquelobus, lobis obtusis. Petala lobis longiora, dorso puiictato scabro. Capsula calyce persistente ciiicta, 3-valvis, loculicida. Hab. Gambler’s Island. Tab. XII. Fig. 1, Flower ; fig. 2, Flower, laid open ; fig. 3, Capsule, with the calyx ; fig. 4, Capsule, with pai’t of the calyx removed ; fig. 5, Capsifle biust open. Ord. XVII. CUCURBITACE^. Juss. 1. Lagenaria Ser. in De Cand. Prodr. v.^. p. 299. — ^’Cucurbita lagenaria. Linn. 1. Cucumis Citndlus. Ser. in De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 301. Cucurbita Citrullus. Linn. 2. Cucumis sativus. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 300. Mr. Collie takes notice of some other species of Cucurbitacem, found in Tahiti, but they do not appeal- in the Collection ; one is mentioned in that gentleman’s Notes as the Arroro of the natives, (probably Cucurbita Aurantia^ which is employed for holding the perfumed cocoa.-nut oil, or Monoe. Ord. XVIII. PORTULACE.T:. Juss. 1. Portulaca oleracea. Linn. — De Cand. PI. Gr. t. 123, Prodr. v. 3. p. 353. — P. flava. “ Forst. PL Esc. 72.” 1. Talinum patens. Willd. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 357. — T. paniculatum. Gcertn. — Portulaca patens. Jacq. Find. v. 2. t. 151. Ord. XIX. FICOIDEAtl. Juss. 1. Sesuvium portulacastrum. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. jo. 453. — Aizoon canariense. Andr. Bot. Rep. #.201. SOCIETY ISLANDS. [RubiacecB. Found on aU the Coral Islands, according to ]Mr. Collie’s Notes, but the only specimen in the Collection was from Whitsunday Island, gathered by Mi’. Lay. Ord. XX. UMBELLIFER^. Juss. 1. Eryngium aquaticum. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. L p. 95. Ord. XXI. LORANTHEtE. Juss. 1. Viscum opimtioides. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 284. Ord. XXII. RUBIACE^. Juss. 1. Nauclea rotundifolia ; glabra, ramulis tetragonis, foliis petiolatis cordato-subrotundis breviter aciiminatis subtus pallidioribus, pedunculis axillaribus oppositis solitariis compressis medio articulatis, capitulis globosis canescenti-tomentosis, calycis laciniis ovatis obtusis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 346. Our specimens are only in bud, and may prove a distinct species. In one instance the peduncle is tei-minal and not jointed, so that it perhaps ought to be described as tei-minal on a short axillary branch, which is furnished about the middle with two small opposite deciduous leaves. 1. Cephaelis? fragrans; tetrandra, ramulis compressis, foliis late ovalibus obovatisque obtusis coriaceis glabris reticulatim venosis breve petiolatis, stipulis ovatis acuminatissimis, pedunculis bibracteatis, bracteis cordiformibus basi bibracteolatis, floribus tei’nis sessilibus. (Tab. XIII.) Caulis altissimus, gracilis, lignosus, ramique teretes. Ramuli ancipiti-compressi, glabri. Folia fere 3 imcias longa, obovata, vel late ovaUa, coriacea, obtusa, venosa atque reticulata, integerrima, glabra, supra priecipue nitida. Petioli 2 Uneas longi, hinc plani, dorso convex!, crassiusculi. Stipulm parvae, lato-ovatie, mucrouato- acuminatae, deciduae, in axiUis parum pilosae. Peduncidi axiUares et termiiiales subsesquiimciam longi, apice bracteas 2 lato-cordatas 6-8 lineas longas erectas acutas foliaceas ad basin bibracteolatas gerentes. Bracteolce stipulariun forma et magnitudine. Flores 3, sessiles intra bracteas, vel brevissime pediceUati, odorati. Calyx urceolato-cylindraceus, superne liberus, brevissime 4-dentatus. Corolla hypocraterifoi-mis, rubra. Tubus elongatus, gracilis, 6-7 lineas longus, limbo (aestivatione spiral!) patentissimo 4-partito, laciniis lanceolatis tubo subbrevioribus. Stamina 4, fauci inserta. Anthera hneares, acutae. Germen ovali-cyhndraceum. Stylus glaber, filiformis, superne glandulosus, tubo longior. Stigma clavatum, bipartitum. Hab. Elizabeth Island. — “ This,” Mr. Collie observes, “ forms a tree or shrub, the trunlc of which is very slender, about two inches (feet?) in circumference, and twenty feet high. The wood is whitish, very hard, and close-grained, udth a reddish inner bark.” It seems to approach the Cephaelis speciosa of Sprengel, (from Tahiti,) but the leaves are not “ oblongo-lanceolate.” Tab. XIII. Fig. 1, Bracteas, with flower and two germens; fig. 2, Stamen; fig. 3, Pai-t of the style and stigma. 1. Stylocoryna racemosa; foliis elliptico-oblongis basi acutis apice acuminatis glabris, paniculis axillaribus dichotomis laxis folio dimidio brevioribus, corolla hypocrateriformi lobis tubo longioribus. DC. — Cav. Ic. v. 4. t. 368. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 377. 1. Petesia carnosa; foliis oppositis oblongo-obovatis obtusis basi attenuatis glabris car- uosis, pedunculis axillaribus 1-floris. Caulis dichotome ramosiLS. Folia versus apicera ramulorum crebra, oblonga v. obovata, obtusa, in petiolum attenuata, camosa. Stipula interpetiolaris lata brevis mucronulata. Pedimmli axiUares foliis dimidio Rubiaceuperrey Voy. v. \. p. 274. 1. Pteris nemoralis. Willd. 1. Cheilanthes dissecta ; frondibus 3-4-pinnatis, foliolis lineari-oblongis obtusiuscuJis subpinnatifidis superioribus coadunatis subtus pubescentibus, soris solitariis, rachibus stip- iteque glabris. This is a plant of a rather rigid habit, 3 or 4. times pinnated, with narrow, elongated, more or less pinnatifid or lobed pinnules, whose underside is downy, while the rest of the plant is glabrous. The rachis and stipes are quite destitute of scales. It appears to be most nearly allied to the Cheilanthes arborescent, (Lonchitis tenuifolia, Forst.) 1. Adaautnm puhescens. Willd. — Schkuhr, Fil. t. 116. 2. Adiantam. pulverulentum. Linn. We cannot distinguish this from the species in the New World known by that name. 1. Davallia pectinata ; fronde ovato-lanceolata coriacea profunde pinnatifida, segmentis lanceolatis crenatis obtusis inferioribus semipinnatifidis, involucris reniformibus marginali- bus. Hook, et Grev. — Sm. Act. Taur. v. 5. p. 414. Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 139. — Neph- rodium Gaimardianum. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 335. t. \2. f. 1. 2. Davallia solida ; fronde stipiteque glabris, pinna infima bipinnata, foliolis oblongis obtusis inciso-crenatis basi cuneatis, indusiis truncatis. Spr. — Sw. Syn. Fil. p. 132 et 345. Schkuhr, Fil. t. 126. — Trichomanes solidtmi. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 475.” 3. TiavaWia gibberosa ; fronde supradecomposita glabra subtus glaucescente, foliolis pinna- tifidis, laciniis linearibus integerrimis, fertilibus apice bifidis tumidis. Spr. — Sw. Syn. Fil. p. 134 et 351. Schkuhr, Fil. t. 128. — Trichomanes gibberosum. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 470.” Forster says of the ultimate segments of the frond, “ segmentis margine interiore infra apicem fructifican- tibus,” which well expresses the character of this species : indeed, the sori being not terminal on the laciniae, K 2 76 SOCIETY ISLANDS. \Musci. but placed a little to one side, distinguishes this from the other congeners with wliich it is most likely to be confounded. 1. Trichomanes memhranacemn. Linn. — Hook. Lx. FI. t. 76. Hitherto this species has been only known as a native of the West Indies. 2. Trichomanes humile ; fronde lanceolata bipinnatifida glabra marginata, laciniis line- aribus obtusis integerrimis, involucris oblongo-cylindraceis, ore bilabiato, labiis rotundatis. Hook, et Grev. — “ Forst. Prodr. n. 464.” Sw. Syn. Fil. p. 143 c^371. Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 85. — T. minutulum. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 377. t. 12. 2 ? Bory (in Duperrey’s Voyage) states that Gaudichaud’s plant, originally from the Moluccas, had been found in Tahiti by DurviUe ; and his figure, %vith the exception of the magnified extremity of the involucre, which is probably erroneous, answers pretty well to our plant. — This and the following belong to Desvaux’s genus Didymoglossum. 3. Trichomanes Filicula ; fronde lanceolata tripinnatifida glabra, laciniis linearibus ob- tusis integerrimis, involucris oblongo-cylindraceis, ore bilabiato, labiis ovatis acutiusculis. — Boj-y in Dujierrey Voy. v. 1. p. 283. — T. bipunctatum. Poir. — Hymenopbyllum Filicula. Willd. Sp. PL V. 5. p. 528. Notwithstanding some slight difference between Willdenow’s description and the above character, we believe oiu plant to be the same ; the more so as Bory states that Diuwille has likewise met with it in Tahiti. We have long ago received it from Mr. Menzies, under the manuscript name of T. hilingue. 1. Alsopbila ; frondibus triplicato-pinnatis, pinnis acuminatis, pinnulis lineari- oblongis obtusis serrulatis, radii punctato-aspero, caudice arboreo. — Polypodium extensum. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 453.” — Cyathea extensa. Sw. Syn. Fil. p. 139 et 364. Schkuhr, Fil. t. 132. — Alsopbila extensa. Desv. We may here remark that Mr. CoUie gives a list of fifty-two species of Ferns collected in Tahiti ; whereas we can find only forty-one in the Collection ; and, in Mr. Collie’s notes, the Sadleria is not noticed. Ord. LIII. MUSCI. Juss. 1. Octoblepharum albidmn. Hedw. 1. Dicranum bryoides ; /3. osniundioides. Arn. Disp. Muse. p. 28. — D. osmundioides. Fngl. Bot. t. 1662. 1. Orthotricum apieulatum? Hook. Muse. Fxot. t. 45. The specimen in the Collection is in a young state, so that we cannot be positive of its identity with the Mexican species ; the caly^itra, also, is here provided wdth a few hairs, while in the other it is decidedly glabrous. 1. Neckera undulata. Hedw. Muse. Frond, v. 3. t. 21. The Hypnum diiplicatum, (Hedw. Sp. Muse. Supp. 3. t. 279,) gathered by Mr. Menzies in Tahiti, appears to us merely Nechera pennata, found there also by DurviUe. 2. Neckera jilieina. Hedw. Muse. Frond, v. 3. t. 18. 1. Hypnum Chaniissonis. Hornsch. Hor. Pkys. Ber. p. 66. t. 13. Our authentic specimens of H. Chaniissonis differ from those in the CoUection by having rather smaUer thecae ; but we can perceive no other distinction. The theca is perfectly straight, and nodding (not cemu- ous) by the curvature of the top of the seta. 2. Hypnum fuscescens ; caule vage ramoso laxe caespitoso prostrate, foliis distiebis sub- AlgcR^ SOCIETY ISLANDS. 77 secundis ovatis acuminatis apice obscure serratis enerviis laxe reticulatis membranaceis nitidis, seta laevi apice arcuato-curvata, theca (parva) ovata bi'evi, operculo hemisphaerico mucronato. (Tab. XIX.) This plant is loosely tufted, and the mass exhibits a brownish hue, Hite many Jungermannia. Although the leaves be slightly secund, it belongs certainly to the distichous division. Tab. XIX. Hypnum fuscescens. Fig. 1, Plants: — natural size; fig. 2, Single plant: — magnified; fig. 3, Portion of the stem, with leaves; fig, 4-, Single leaf; fig. 5, Capsule; fig. 6, Lid; fig. 7, Calyptra; fig. 8, Portion of the inner peristome ; fig. 9. Portion of the outer do. : — all more or less magnified. Ord. LIV. hepatic^. Juss. 1. Anthoceros IcBvis. Linn. 1. Jungermannia multifida. Linn. Ord. LV. LICHENES. Juss. 1. Lecidea Cocoes. Sw. Lich. Am. p. 2. t. 2. 1. Parmelia pannosa. Ach. — Sw. Lich. Am. p. 6. t. 6. The Parmelia strigosa and Sandwichiana of Gaudichaud in Freycinet’s Voyage, and Pannaria erythro- carpa of Bory in Duperrey’s Voyage, seem identical with this species. 2. Parmelia calicarpa ; diffusa, thalli laciniis imbricatis latis rotundatis sinuatis plumbeis rugulosis gelatinoso-membranaceis, apicibus convexis, subtus intense fuscis subpubescenti- bus, apotbeciis majusculis undulatis rufis margine crenato foliaceo. The nearest affinity of this species is perhaps P. colpodes of Acharius, figured by Swartz in his American Lichens, t. 4. f. 3 ; but the lacinise of the frond in our plant are much broader, and the margin of the apo- thecia more evident, crenate, lobed, and leafy. 1. Collema Turneri ; thallo foliaceo membranaceo gelatinoso pellucido badio, lobis irregularibus plicato-undulatis, apotbeciis sparsis majusculis convexis centro depressis fuscis, margine amplo rosulato foliaceo. This Collema is perfectly distinct from any we have yet seen or can find described. It grows upon the trunks of trees, in large patches of a deep brown colour, and of a thin gelatinous texture, the lacinise round, much waved, and crisped ; the margin of the apothecia is very remarkable, forming a beautiful leafy circle around the fruit, and five or six times broader than the young fructifications. The C. phyllocarpum of Gaudichaud, (Freyc. Voy. p. 204,) from Brazil, differs in the glaucous colour of its foliage, but the margin of the apothecia appears to be the same. 1. Usnea plicata. Ach. Syn. Lich. p. 305. 1. Ramalina /iomafea ; tballo compresso ancipiti Imvigato nudo ramoso albo pallescente transversim subrimoso, ramis dicbotomis attenuatis, apotbeciis sparsis centro affixis concavi- usculis subimmarginatis concoloribus. Ach. a. cartilagineo-cornea subpellucida, apotbeciis valde concavis. (3. cartilaginea opaca, apotbeciis planiusculis. We possess both these varieties from JMr. Menzies : the former, gathered in California, must be viewed as the true plant of Acharius. Both are in the present Collection, from Tahiti. Ord. LVL ALG^. Juss. 1. Macrocystis Humboldtii. Ag. Sysf. Alg. p. 293.— M. pomifera. Bory in Duperrey Voy. V. 1. p. 94. t. 9. 78 SANDWICH ISLANDS. [Capparidea. 1. Sphterococus concinnus. Ag. Syst. Alg. p. 234. — Fucus concinnus. Turn. Hist. Fuc. t. 153. This agTees pretty well mtli the figure above quoted, but is rather more divaricated. Another plant exists in the Collection without fructification, but evidently allied to the present species, more slender in every part, the main branches being beset with numerous short simple ramuli, while the ultimate ones are subsecund. Ord. LVII. fungi. Juss. PHALLUS. Mich. Div. Hymenophallus. Capitulum liberum reticulatum, pervium, inferne indusiatum. Fries. 1. P. Dcemonum. (Tab. XX.) Humph. Amh. v. 6. p. 131. t. 56. f. 7. Fries, Syst. Mycol. V. 2. p. 283. — Hymenophallus Dmmonum. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 498. — Dictyophora phalloidea? Leveille in Mem. Soc. Linn. v. 5. p. 507. t. 13. Of this extraordinary and beautiful Fungus, no specimen exists in the Collection ; but an admirable draw- ing has been kindly communicated to us by Captain Beechey, which he made fi'om the recent plant in the island of Tahiti j and which, with a vertical section from the pencil of the same gentleman, gives a better idea of its structure than can be conveyed by words. The volva was probably omitted to be gathered. There can scarcely be a doubt of its being the same species with that figiu-ed by Rumphius : and it corre- sponds in so many particulars witli the Dictyophora phalloidea of Leveille, (the P. indusiatus of Vent, and Fries,) from South America, that probably the two species may safely be united. Its geographical range is certainly very extensive ; being foimd in the interior of India, whence we have specimens from Dr. Wallich, gathered at SiDiet. Tab. XX. Phallus Dsemomun, Fig. 1, Plant, (exclusive of the volva); fig. 2, Vertical section of the same : — natural size. SANDWICH ISLANDS. [Comprising Oahu, Woahoo, or 0-Wahu, and Oneeheow or Nihow,] Orp. I. PAPAVERACEAl. Juss. 1. Argemone Mexicana. Linn. — De Land. Prodr. v. \. p. 120. Ord. II. CRUCIFERA:. Juss. 1, Lepidium 0-Waihiense ; siliculis suborbiculatis emarginatis, stigmate sessili incluso, foliis obovatis in petiolum attenuatis grosse serratis- Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 1. p 32. The specimen before us agrees admirably with the description given in the above-mentioned work : it is however, extremely doubtful if it be distinct as a species from Z. piscidium. The only specimen in the packet was from Oneeheow or Nihow; but it also occm-red at Oahu, according to Mr. Collie’s notes. Ord. III. capparidea:. Juss. 1. Cleome sjomosa ; herbacea aculeata pubescens, foliis 5-7-foliolatis glabris, floralibus simplicibus petiolulatis ovato-cordatis, siliqua glabra thecaphoro longiore. DC. — Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. l.p. 239. Byttnej-iacecei] SANDWICH ISLANDS. 79 Ord. IV. MALVACE.^. Juss. 1. Malva rotundifolia. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. l.p. 432. 1. Hibiscus Youngianus ; caule fi-uticoso velutino aculeato setifei’o, foliis corclatis subtri- lobis dentato-serratis, involucelli foliolis 10 teretibus apice divaricato-bifidis. — Gaud, in Freyc. Voy.p. 91 ? (absque descriptione.) Caulis fruticosus, dense velutinns, setis conspersus, aculeatus (secundum Collie, at aculei a nobis non visi.) Ramuli velutini setiferi. Petioli relutini duas poUices longi. Folia cordata, 3-5-lobata, angulis obtusis, lobo medio productiore, irreg-ulariter dentato-serrata, petioliun long-itudine aequantia, subtus velutina, supra scabra. Pedunculi solitarii, axillares, velutini, setiferi, petiolum vix superantes. Involucelli foliola 10 teretia bispido- setosa apice biloba, lobis parvis patentibus. Sepala 5 ad medium coalita, dense setifera, dorso margineque nervosa, reticulatim venosa. Petala “ rosea” ( Collie.) Carpella polysperma, truncata, dorso pilis albidis rigidis appressis dense tecta. Semina subreniformia, gi-isea, glabemma. We have no authority for supposing this to he the H. Youngianus of Gaudichaud, farther than that he states it to be a new species of the section Furcaria of De CandoUe, to which ours certainly belongs, and is a species closely allied to H. bifureatus, Cav. It was found in Oahu. 2. H. Boryanusf De Cand. Prodr. v. l.p. 446. From the imperfect state of the specimen before us, we cannot affirm it positively to be the plant of De Candolle. The leaves are ovate, slightly coriaceous, 3-nerved, perfectly smooth, and quite entire. The pe- duncles are short, scarcely an inch long, and very stout. The calyx 5-toothed, and split up on one side by the swelling of the fruit, as in De Candolle’s section Manihot. The carpels are polyspermous, and the seeds covered with fulvous hairs. Perhaps, then, this is a new species, and more closely allied to H. rhombifolius, Cav. ; but we possess a plant in flower from Owhyhee, collected by Mr. Macrae in Byron’s Bay, wbich seems to be the same as ours : this certainly belongs to the section Cremontia by the nature of its corolla, and has toothed leaves, as in H. Boryanus: the flowers are, however, red, not white, and the leaves are 3-nerved, as in the specimen from Oahu. 1. Gossypium indicum. Lam. — De Cand. Prodr. v. l.p. 456. Cav. Diss. 3. 1. 169. Rumph. Amb. V. 4. t. 12. 1. Sida ulmifolia; foliis ovato-cordatis acutis serratis glabriusculis, pedicellis solitariis 1-floris petiolo subsequalibus, carpellis 5 longe birostratis. — Cav. Diss. 1. p.\b.t.2. f. 4 ? De Cand. Prodr. v. l.p. 464 ? Found in Oahu, where it was also met with by Nr. Macrae. It dififers principally from S. ulmifolia of CavaniUes, by the leaves being not acuminated and scarcely at all pubescent ; but we do not consider it a distinct species. 2. S. rotundifolia. Cav. Diss. 1. p. 20. t. 3. f. 6. et t. 194. f. 2. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 464. There are three states of this species in the Collection j one with the pedicels solitary, and this appears to be the type of the species ; another with the pedicels in pairs, and also densely clustered or umbellate at the tops of the short young branches, but differing from the former in no other respect ; the third has the leaves much smaller and rounder than either of the others, and the peduncle solitary. We might have been disposed to have sepai’ated these into as many distinct species, but Mr. CoUie, whose notes are before us, calls them aU by the manuscript name of 8. incequalis, stating- that their vernacular appellation is Irima; while, again Gaudichaud remarks that Rima, Irima, and Ouirima, are all applicable to S. rotundifolia. Ord. V. BYTTNERIACEAS. Br. 1. Waltheria Americana. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 492. — W, indica. Linn. — 80 SANDWICH ISLANDS. [Terebinthacece. Jacq. Ic. liar. 1. t. 130. De Cancl. Prodr. v. 1. p. 493. — W. arborescens. Cav. Diss. 6. t. 170. f. 1. Upon the same specimen there is frequently a transition from the sessile to the long- peduncleci heads of tiowers, and from ovate to oblong leaves. Okd. VI. GUTTIFER^. Juss. 1. Clusia sessilis; floribus axillaribiis solitariis subsessilibus 4-petalis, foliis obovatis ellip- ticisque. DC. — “ Forst. Prodr. n. 391.” De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 559. Our specimens are not in flower, but appear to be the plant of Forster. They were among the Oahu Collection, but Mr. Collie has not noticed them in his notes. Ord. VII. SAPINDACE^. Juss. 1. Cardiospermum Halicacabmn. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. jo. 601. 1. Dodonsea viscosa. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. \.p. 616. — 1). spathulata. Sm. in Bees’ Cycl. De Cand. Prodr. 1. jo. 616. Ord. VIII. OXALIDE^. Juss. 1. Oxalis repens. Thunh. — Jacq. Ox. n. 11. t. 78. f. 1. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 693. Our specimens, found at Oneeheow, are neither in flower nor in fruit, and we should have referred them to O. cornicidata, but Oaudichaud having mentioned O. repens as a native of the Sandwich Islands, and not O. cornicidata, we have retained the above name. Ord. IX. ZYGOPHYLLE^. Br. 1. Tribulus cistoides. Linn. — Jacq. Hort. Schoenbr. t. 103. De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 703. The juice squeezed from the roots of this plant is employed by the natives as an emetic. Eight full grown roots supply enougli for one dose. ( Collie.) Ord. X. RHAMNE^. Juss. 1. Ceanothus Asiaticus. Linn. — Cav. Ic. v. 5. t. 440. 7; 1. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 30. — Colubrina Asiatica- Brong. deko Ord. XL TEREBINTHACE.®. Juss. 1. Brunellia Sandivicensis ; foliis oppositis simplicibus oblongis integerriniis supra glabris subtus minutissime pubescentibus, racemis simplicibus paucifloris axillaribus. — Gaud, in Freyc. Voy.p. 93? (absque descriptione.) • Our specimen, found in Oahu, is in a very imperfect state ; still we have little hesitation in believing it to be the same with the species noticed by Oaudichaud, and also by Adrien de Jussieu, in his Memoir on the liutacem. The young branches, peduncles, and pedicels are pubescent, as also the carpels. In the specimen before us, the peduncle has only three flowers, one of which is terminal, and the other two are lateral and opposite to each other, all of them pedicellate. Although, foUondng De CandoUe’s Prodromus, we have placed this genus in Terebinthacece, Jussieu appears to us to have done right in referring it to the llutacea, near Zanthoxylon. LeguminoscB.] SANDWICH ISLANDS. 81 Ord. XIL LEGUMINOS^. Juss. 1. Tephrosia piscatoria. Pers. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 252. — T. toxicaria. Gaud, in Freye. Voy. p. 93 ? We have ah’eady described this species at page 62. 1. Doliclios luteus. Swartz f — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 398? 1. Vigna villosa. Savi. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 401. Found in Oahu. — The want of authentic materiak, and the imperfect descriptions hitherto given of Dolichos and the allied genera, r^der an accurate determination of the species next to impossible. If we be correct, this plant has only been previously met with in Chili. 1. Canavalia pubescens ; caule volubili, ramulis petiolisque pubescentibus, foliolis ovato- ellipticis breviter acuminulatis basi subobliquis membranaceis supra glabris subtus pubes- centibus, pedunculis axillaribus trifloris. This was found in Oneeheow. — The two upper lobes of the calyx are very large and rounded, the lower ones oblong and obtuse. As a species, it is very closely allied to Dolichos galeatus, (Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 486. t. 115,) which is also a Canavalia, but that has perfectly smooth acuminated leaves, and the lower divisions of its calyx are lanceolate and acute. 1. Mucuna altissma. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 405. — Dolichos altissimus. Jacq. Amer. t. 182. f. 85. The specimen in the Collection, as well as one collected by Mr. Macrae .at Byron’s Bay, in Owhyhee, is not in fruit. 1. Erythrina ; arborea inermis, foliolis late ovato-reniformibus obtusis sub- tus calycibusque molliter fuscescenti-tomentosis, fructibus monospermis. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 486. t. 114. We have seen only the leaves, but we think there can be no doubt as to the plant. 1. Acacia hetei'ophylla', phyllodiis linearibus utrinque attenuatis subfalcatis midtinerviis, saepe etiam in ramis adultis folio bipinnato terminatis, capitulis subracemosis. DC. — Willd. Sp. PI. V. 4. p. 1055. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 452. — A. laurifolia. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 4. p. 1053. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 451. — Mimosa simplicifolia. Linn. Suppl. — M. Mangium. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 395.” Gaudichaud remarks of this species, that in the more elevated parts of the island, its phyllodia always bear bipinnate leaves, but that in the lower districts these disappear; also, that the higher up they grow, the narrower are the phyllodia, while below they are broader, being hnear-lanceolate, lanceolate, and sometimes oval. In the specimens found by Mr. Menzies, the phyllodia are considerably broader than in those in the present Collection, so that we have not hesitated to unite again, as had been formerly done by Lamarck, the A. laurifolia with the present species. The peduncles sometimes bear only one head of flowers ; but more commonly, and on the same plant, they form a raceme. 1. Guilandina Bonduc. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 480. 1. Cassia (Sect. Chamcesenna. DC.) Gaudichaudi ; caule fruticoso, foliolis 4-jugis ellip- tico-oblongis apice subemarginatis glabris subtus pallidis, glandula lineari tenui obtusa inter L 82 SANDWICH ISLANDS. {Myrtacem. infimum foliolorum par, stipulis subulatis, racemis axillaribus erectis folio brevioribus, legu- mine pendulo lineari compresso membranaceo sub-8-spermo. This species seems to have been observed by Gandichaud (Freyc. Voy. p. 94.) to whom we have dedicated it ; but he says that the pods are narrow and short, which does not well apply to ours. The whole plant is perfectly smooth ; the leaves about six inches long', and the leaflets an inch and a half ; these last are on short petioles, about a line in length : the lower pair only are provided with a slender filiform gland, rather more than half a line long, which is incrassated and blunt, not acute at the apex as in C. oxyadena, to which this species seems allied. The pod is about three lines broad, and 3-4 inches long, very compressed and membranaceous, suddenly and shortly attenuated at both extremities. There are complete septa between the seeds, which are flat and almost black. Ord. XIIL rosacea. Juss. 1. Osteomeles anthyllidifalia. Lindl. in Linn. Soc. Tr. v. 13. p. 98. t. 8. De Cand. Prodr, V. 2. p. 633. — Pyrus anthyllidifolia. Sm. in Rees’ Cycl. Ord. XIV. ONAGRARI^. Jnss. 1. Jussisea angustifolia ; herbacea erecta glabra, foliis subsessilibus lineari-Ianceolatis iitrinque acuminatis, floribus brevissime peclicellatis, calycis lobis 4 acutissimis, tubo cylin- draceo elongate. DC. — Lam. Diet. 3. p. 331. III. t. 2%Q.f. 3. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 55. We agi'ee with Gaudichaud in referring the species found in Oahu to J. angustifolia. The leaves, how- ever, are slightly petiolate, and the lobes of the calyx, although acute, are not remarkably so. Mr. Collie, in his notes, remarks that the petals are obovate, rotundate, and emarginate ; their claws, internally, and the bases of the stamens, are somewdiat villous. Ord. XV. LYTHRARIiE. Juss. 1. Lyihvxxm. maritimum ; caule fruticoso, foliis oppositis et sparsis lanceolatis acutis basi obtusis subtus glaiicescentibus, floribus breviter pedicellatis erectis bibracteolatis 6-petalis 6-andris. DC. — Humb. et Kuntk, Nov. Gen. v. 6. p. 193. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 82. This we possess, from the same country, from Mr. Menzies, Mr. Macrae, and Chamisso. Ord. XVI. MYRTACEM. Juss. 1. Metrosideros poly7norpha ; foliis oppositis breve petiolatis coriaceis utrinque glabris vel subtus sericeo-tomentosis, pedunculis tri-multifloris terminalibus et axillaribus corym- bosis, floribus pedicellatis, calycibus ramulisque glabris vel sericeo-tomentosis. — Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 482. t. 108 et 109. De Cand. Pi'odr. v. 3. p. 225. a. Foliis subrotundo-ellipticis cordatis. — /3. Foliis ovatis vel ovato-ellipticis basi rotun- datis. — y. Foliis oblongis basi acutis. — <5. Foliis lanceolatis. These varieties, again, but particularly the fii'st, occur either perfectly smooth or more or less tomentose. Specimens of all of them are in the Collection, and we possess, in addition, several distinct forms of the second variety, collected by Mr. Macrae. Var. ji, was found long ago by Mr. Menzies, but was probably confounded by Smith with his ilf. villosa, to which it is indeed too closely allied, and perhaps only distinguish- able by the pedicellate flowers. This appears, according to Gaudichaud’s valuable observations, to be a most variable plant. Nothing, says he, is more remarkable than the M. polymorpha, which is found with linear leaves towards the summit of the mountain, but successively linear-lanceolate, lanceolate, ovate, obovate. CucurbitacecB.] SANDWICH ISLANDS. 83 elliptical, round, and even heart-shaped foliage, in descending ; and which, from smooth and shining, as in the first instance, become pubescent, downy, and more and more tomentose. Were it not for such authority, we might have been induced to malfe several species out of this. Some forms of var. /3. are very closely allied to M. diffusa, (page 63,) and ai-e chiefly distinguishable from it by the shape of the inflorescence, and the much larger calyx and flower. The petioles, which, in the present plant we have termed short, are not more than one-fom-th of the length of the leaf; this is, however, common to most of the genus, but not to the following species. 2. Metrosideros macropus; foliis oppositis ovatis longe petiolatis coriaceis glabris, corymbis terminalibus, floribus pedicellatis, bracteis bracteolisque oblongo-lanceolatis per inflores- centiam subpersistentibus, calycibus pedicellisque glabris. Rami cortice griseo tecti. Folia opposita, ovata, vel elliptico-ovata, basi obtusa, duas vel tres uncias longa, sesquiunciam ad duas uncias lata, coriacea, integerrima, glabra, supra nitida, utriuque parallelim venosa, inter venas reticulata, margine piano ; petiolus unciam vel sesquiunciam longus, folio dimidio brevior. Corymhi multiflori, basi bracteis oblongo-lanceolatis semiunciam longis involucrati. Pedunculi pedicellique glabri, basi bracteohs inflorescentia peracta vel citius deciduis suffulti. Calyx tui'binatus, Isevis, quinquelobus, lobis obtusis. Petala lobis longiora. Capsula calyce persistente infi-a medium cincta, globosa, 3-valvis, loculicida. Semina aptera, subulata, lineam longa. We have been enabled to draw up this description more fuUy by means of specimens collected by Mr. Macrae. It must be remarked that the character in which we were once inclined to place most confidence, the pecuharly conspicuous bracteas during the first stage of flowering, is sometimes so considerably impaired, that were it not for the uniformly long petioles, double the length, in i)roportion to that of the leafj of those in M. polymorpha, M. diffusa, and their allies, we had almost arranged it as a variety of the former. 1. Jambosa Malaccensis ; cymis lateralibus abbreviatis, foliis ovato-lanceolatis utrinque attenuatis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 286. — Eugenia Malaccensis. Linn. — Corr. Ann. Mus. 9. p. 292. t. 25. f. 2. Ord. XVII. CUCURBITACE^. Juss. 1. Lagenaria vulgaris. Ser. in De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 299. — Cucurbita Lagenaria. Linn. 1. Cucumis Melo. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 300. 1. Sicyos pacliycarpus ; ramis glabris, foliis cordatis 5-7-Iobatis denticulatis supra glabris subtus papilloso-scabris, cirrhis glabris trifidis, floribus masculis paniculatis foemineis capi- tato-congestis, fructibus ovatis rostratis inermibus. The leaves are decidedly but not deeply five or sometimes seven-lobed ; smooth on their upper surface, except towards the margin, where they are fui-nished with small white tubercles, similar to those which cover the whole underside, and make it rough to the touch. The male flowers are in branched panicles . the panicle on a peduncle about two inches long, which is axillary; the perianth is five-cleft; all the filaments are connected together into a tube, at the top of which are five sessile anthers, forming a little head. The female flowers are numerous in each capitulum : they ai-e sessile ; but the capitulum itself is on a peduncle, about three-foiu-ths of an inch long, that springs from the same axil with that which supports the males. The fruit is ovate, about a line and a half long, suddenly attenuated into a beak which is almost half the length of the broad portion; many fall off before maturity, leaving only four or five to each peduncle: there are no spines, but the siu-face appears somewhat uneven. There is one seed in each. — This species appears most nearly allied to S. microphyllus, H. B. K., but differs in many particulars. It was collected by Mr. Collie among the volcanic rocks on Diamond Hill, in Oahu. 84 SANDWICH ISLANDS. {Araliacece. Ord. XVIIL FICOIDE^. Juss. 1. Sesuvium portulacastrum. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 453. — Aizoon Canari- ense. Andr. Bot. Eep. t. 201. Ord. XIX. SAXIFRAGES. Juss. 1. Broussaisia arguta. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 479. t. 69. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 17. This is a small-sized tree, the branches heing soft and spongy, and fiUed with pith. The leaves are opposite ; the petioles are short, and furnished with a remarkable dilatation or appendage at their back, where they spring from the branch. This dilatation is not connected mth the branch by any vessels ; but when the leaf falls off, which it does very readily, it leaves a heart-shaped scar, so large as almost to meet that at the base of the opposite leaf. De Candolle places this in the Saxifragea, close to Hydrangea and Deutzia, to the former of which genera it is allied in habit : but the style, which is very short, has a truncate and simple, although indistinctly lobed stigma; and the ovarium has five cells, and is perfectly free from the calyx. Ord. XX. UMBELLIFER.®. Juss. 1. Hydrocotyle interrupta ; JoYns peltatis duplicato-crenatis 11-nerviis petiolisque glabris, floribiis in verticillos subdistantes plurimos dispositi, idtimis umbellatis, fructu basi subat- tenuato colorato. DC. — Muhl. Cat. p. 10. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 59. — H. vulgaris. Mich. — Rich. Hydr. t. 50. f, \. b. Oie^iracUiAiifY) Ord. XXL ARALIACE.^®. Juss. 1. Panax? Guadichaudi ; caule arboreo glabro inermi, foliis digitatis petiolatis superiori- bus oppositis, foliolis quinque longe petiolulatis ovato-ellipticis obtusis remote et argute serratis coriaceis, pedunculis terminalibus umbellas paniculatim dispositas gerentibus, pedi- cellis brevissimis, stylis 3, fructibus globoso-trigonis 3-spermis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 253. — Aralia trigyma. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 474. t. 98. The panicles are much shorter than the leaves. Two of the leaflets are often abortive, so that the leaves appear ternate. The three styles render it dubious whether to place this species in Aralia or Panax. It was first discovered long ago by Mr. Menzies, from whom we have a specimen in our herbarium. 2. Panax? ovatum ; caule arboreo glabro inermi, foliis petiolatis superioribus oppositis, foliolis tribus longe petiolulatis ovatis integerrimis coriaceis. The whole plant, as far as we can judge from the individual before us, is quite glabrous. The petioles are opposite, about three or four inches long : the partial ones about an inch or an inch and a half. The leaflets are broadly ovate, not acuminated, but slightly obtuse ; the upper sirnface is glossy ; the margin perfectly entire. There is neither flower nor fruit on the only specimen in the Collection, which was found in Oneeheow ; but it is very nearly allied to the last species. 3. Panax? platyphyllum ; caule arboreo glabro inermi, foliis petiolatis superioribus oppo- sitis, foliolis tribus longe petiolulatis transversim oblongis longitudine duplo latioribus apice subiter apiculatis coriaceis integerrimis, pedunculis terminalibus umbellas paniculatim dis- positas gerentibus. Caidis arboreus, iuermis, glaber ut tota planta. Folia, saltern superiora, opposita : petiolus 4 uncias et petioli partiales duas long! ; foliola circumscriptione valde singulari, tres fere uncias longa et tantummodo sesquiunciam lata, vix emarginata at breve apiculata, venis plurimis paraUelis divergentibus. Panicula RubiacetB.] SANDWICH ISLANDS. 85 magna, folium subsequans : pedunculus sesquiimciam longus ; rami 6-8 oppositi, sesquiunciam longi, aplcem versus iterum duos vel tees ramulos oppositos gerentes ; pediceUi umbellati quaterni, duas Hueas longi. Sti/li duo brevissimi. This is a very remarkable species, and we have seen it in no other collection. The flowers are not expanded, so that we cannot describe the fruit. It was among the plants foimd in Oahu, but no notice has been taken of it in Mr. Collie’s notes. Ord. XXII. RUBIACE^. Juss. 1. Petesia? terminalis ; foliis oblongis basi obtusis apice acutiusculis membranaceis glabris, paniculis terminalibus racemosis folio dimidio brevioribus, corollse hypocrateriformi lobis tubo brevioribus, stylo bifido. Caulis dichotome ramosus. Folia oblonga, basi obtusa, apice acuta vel obtusiuscula, membranacea, glabra, tees vel quatuor imcias longa, unciam vel sesquiunciam lata. Petiolus brevis lineam longus. Stipiila interpetiolaris, lata, brevis, mucronulata. Pedunculus terminalis. Calycis tubus ovato-globosus ; limbus brevis, 4-dentatus. Corolla infundibuliformis, 4-loba, ahtheras iucludens. Stylus apice bifidus. Fructus baccatus, bilocularis, loculis polyspermis. This has much the habit of Stylocoryne racemosa, Cav., but cannot be placed in that genus, on account of the quacfridentate calyx and bifid style. 2. Petesia ? coriacea ; foliis oblongis basi subacutis apice obtusis coriaceis glabris, corym- bis terminalibus densis paucifloris folio multo brevioribus. We only possess this in a very imperfect state : there is no coroUa, but the mature fruit is a dry bilocular polyspermous berry, as in P. f terminalis, exhibiting the remains of four teeth at the apex. It is closely allied to the last species, but the leaves are more obtuse and coriaceous. 1. Kadua cor data; ramulis teretiusculis, foliis sessilibus superioribus cordatis acuminatis, cyma di-trichotoma foliosa, capsula turbinato-hemisphserica erosti'ata. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnoia, v. 4. p. 160. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 431. In our specimens, all the leaves are perfectly sessile : those towards the bottom of the branch are oblongo- lanceolate, while a pair of cordate ones subtend each division, both general and partial, of the inflorescence, giving it a remarkable bracteated appearance. Of this we possess the lower leaves only, in a specimen from Mr. Menzies. 2. Kadua glomerata; ramulis inferne teretiusculis superne compressis, foliis oblongo-lan- ceolatis basi subiter in petiolum brevissimum contractis, panicula terminali, ramis elongatis oppositis apice bracteas duas foliaceas floresque glomeratos gerentibus, calyce corollaque pubescentibus. The flowers may be said to be in axillary pedunculate capituli, if the axis of the panicle be viewed as a continuation of the branch. The calyx and coroUa are pubescent : the teeth of the calyx are linear and very rigid. Hedyotis conostyla. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 471. t. 94, is a species of Kadua, bearing considerable affinity to the present. We possess also from Mr. Macrae another allied species, K. centrantlioides ; ramulis inferne teretiusculis superne compressis, foliis cordato-lanceolatis subsessilibus, panicula terminali, ramis brevibus oppositis apice flores subnudos glomeratos gerentibus, calyce corollaque glabris. 3. Kadua acuminata ; ramis teretibus versus apicem compressis, foliis lanceolatis longe acuminatis distincte petiolatis subcoriaceis, stipulis triangulari-acuminatis, floribus axillaribus subbinis pedicellatis, calycis dentibus anguste lanceolatis corollae tubum sequantibus, capsula globosa. — Chatn. et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 4. p. 163. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 431. 86 SANDWICH ISLANDS. {Composite. We have drawn up, for this and K. cordata, characters somewhat different from those given by De Can- dolle, in order that they might suit the specimens before us. With regard to K. Menziesiana, the Hedy- otis coriacea of Smith is by no means the same, although also a species of this genus. This last may be called K. Smithii; ramis teretibus versus apicem compressis, fohis coriaceis ovato-ellipticis glabris petiolatis, stipulis triangularibus obtuse apiculatis, panicula terminali trichotoma densa, calyce corollaque pubescentibus. The tube of the corolla is long, and has the segments of the limb strongly deflexed, with long acuminated recurved points. 1. Wyonima umbellata ; foliis obovatis et obovato-oblongis, pedunculis axillaribus apice multifloris, pedicelbs 7-8 umbellatis, baccis siibrotundis, dentibus calycinis acutiusculis brevissimis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 463. Sir&u.s^is>. 1, CofFea Kaduana ; foliis ciineato-obovatis in axillas venarum scrobiculatis margine reflexis junioribus saepe subtus rufescente-pubescentibus, stipulis ovatis acutis margine cica- tricis interiori ciliato, cyma terminali longe peduncidata 5-radiata radiis 4 verticillatis, co- rollis 5-fidis fauce nuda. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linneea, v. 4. p. 33. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 502. We have not observed that the segments of the calyx are ciliated, as the above-mentioned authors describe them, although the bracteolte ai’e so. 2. Colfea Chamissonis ; foliis elliptico-oblongis in axillis venarum scrobiculatis margine reflexis utrinque glaberrimis, stipulis ovatis caducis margine cicatricis glabro, cyma termin- ali longe pedunculata 5-radiata radiis 4 verticillatis, coroUis 5-fidis fauce nuda. It is unnecessary to give a more detailed description, so similar is this species to the last. It principally differs by the leaves, even the younger ones being quite glabrous, and by the absence of the fi-inge of short red hairs at the upper margin of the cicatrice, upon the fall of the leaves ; the bracteolse, also, are free from any ciliation. In both, the shape of the fruit is precisely the same, being turbinate, Avith often one abortive • cell. — There are fragments of some more Rubiaceous plants in the Collection, but too imperfect to be made out. Ord. XXIII. COMPOSITE. Juss. 1. Bidens luxurians ; foliis lanceolatis petiolatis argute serratis radicalibus subincisis, floribus radiatis erectis, involucre anthodium eequante. Spr. — Willd. — B. arguta. Humh. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. v. 4. p. 231. The specimen before us is so very imperfect, that we have preferred referring it as above, to consti- tuting a new species of it, although it differs slightly in several points from the detailed description given by Kunth. It is allied to our B. paniculata, (page 66.) 2. Bidens micrantha; suffruticosa glaber, foliis ternatis, foliolis argute serratis ovato-oblon- gis acuminatis terminali majore bi-trifido, corymbis terminalibus trichotomis foliatis, floribus radii 4-5, fructibus linearibus compressis falcatis glabris apice biaristulatis. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 464. 1. Gnaphalium Sandwicensium ; caule ramoso foliisque tomentoso-lanatis lineari-lanceo- latis subspathulatis, corymbis terminalibus subcapitatis. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 464. This appears to us to have considerable affinity to Elichrysum gnaphalioides. H. B. K. CompositcB.] SANDWICH ISLANDS. 87 1. Erigeron multiflorus ; glaber, caule herbaceo, foliis lineari-lanceolatis basi in peti- olum longum attenuatis integerrimis, panicula ramosissima compacta, ramis nudis, ramulis squamatis, squamis involucri oblongo-lanceolatis, radio involucrum subaequante. There is only one specimen in the Collection, and in it the stem is simple below the panicle. 2. Erigeron paucijlorus ; caule fruticoso I’amoso glabro, ramulis pubescentibus, foliis confertis glabris cartilagineo-serridatis lineari-lanceolatis basi attenuatis atque ciliatis, juni- oribus subpubescentibus, panicula terminal! corymbosa, ramis 2-4-floris nudis, squamis involucri oblongis acutis, radio involucrum subaequante. In many respects very closely allied to E. linifolius, W., and stiU more to E. Canadensis. We have it also from Mr. Macrae. The stigmas are long, linear, and papillose, almost as in Eupatorium. 1. Aster subulatus. Mich. — Spreng. Syst. Veyet. v. 3. p. 532. 1. Verbesina foftata ; fruticosa, foliis ovatis digitato-tri-quinquelobis argute et grosse ser- ratis utrinque hispido-scabris canescentibus lobo medio elongato lanceolato. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 464. We do not observe in our specimens that the leaves ai’e distinctly digitate, they are merely deeply lobed, but otherwise they agree with the above character given by Gaudichaud. They are opposite and very rugose. The stem is scabrous. The flowers are on long peduncles. The involucrum is double, the exterior of five broadly ovate coriaceous leaves ; the inner smaller, flve-leaved, and membranaceous. The florets of the ray are about nine in number, and yellow. The receptacle paleaceous. The achenia of the ray are trigonal, and crowned with three awns ; those of the disk compressed, and with two aristae. — Of this there are in the Col- lection fragments of a variety, or perhaps a closely allied species, with the leaves not at all lobed, but differing in no other particular. 2. Verbesina hastulata ; suflfruticosa, foliis oppositis breve petiolatis ovato-lanceolatis 3- nervibus versus basin utrinque sursum lobulatis grosse serratis supra scabris subtus hispidis. We almost incline to suppose that F. connata, (Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 464,) may be the same w ith this, being found in the same island, and possessing many points in common : but that author says that in his species the leaves are sessile and connate, whereas, in ours, they are shortly but decideflly petiolate. There is only one specimen in the Collection. 3. Verbesina succulenta ; herbacea glabra nitida succulenta, foliis oppositis oblongo-ovatis apice obtusis mucronulatis basi in petiolum attenuatis supra medium crenulato-serratis. Found among volcanic rocks on the shore of the island of Oneeheow, wdiere it is called Nehe or Nenehe. The lower part of the leaf is quite entire. The peduncles are teiminal and solitary, and the leaves of the involucre orbicular. The receptacle is convex : the achenia are compressed or trigonal, one of the angles l)eing exceedingly sharp, or almost produced into a wing, which is denticulate : they are crowmed by tw'o or three short aristae, according to the number of angles. We feel uncertain as to the* genus : the character iigrees sufficiently with that of Verbesina, but the habit is more that of Spilanthes or Acmella. 1. Dubautia laxa ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis basi attenuatis argute serratis subtus strigoso- liispidis, panicula corymbosa laxa nudiuscida. If Gaudichaud be correct in his description, om- species cannot be the same as his, which may be chai-ac- terised thus : D. plantaginea ; foliis amplexicaulibus lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis crenatis glabris, panicula 88 SANDWICH ISLANDS. [LobeliacecB. foliata, floribus fasciculatls. Gaud iu Freyc. Voy. p. 469. t. 84. — It must be observed, however, that his speci- mens seem to have been even less advanced than ours, and this circumstance may also account for the slight difference in the generic character, which we shall now give as more suited to the specimen before us : — Dubautia. Gaud.; luvolucrum campauulatum suboctophyllum, foliolis liberis margine sibi mutuo incum- bentibus. Flores 8-10, tubulosi, hennaphroditi. Filamenta linearia, apice vix incrassata. Stigmata dila- tatii acuta ciliata. Achenium oblongum. Pappus paleaceus dorso et margine setis patentibus rigidis plum- osus. — Suffrutices, ramis apice foliosis, inferne nudis, cicatriso-annulatis. Folia opposita, sessilia, basi sub- connata, rigida, parallele venosa. PaniculcB terminales ; ramis hispide setosis. — This genus is most allied to Tridax and Craspedia. It has also some affinity to the new genus Failliarda^ of which we possess three new species from Mr. Menzies and Mr. Macrae, aU from the Sandwich Islands. Ord. XXIV. LOBELIACE^. Juss. 1. Lobelia (Delissea) acuminata; ramosa, foliis oblongis duplicato-denticulatis utrinque hirtellis, calycibus 5-dentatis. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 457. t. 76. As the characters of Delissea and the two following genera, whether they be viewed as distinct genera, or only as sections of Lobelia^ are only to be found in the above-cpioted work, we shall transcribe them here. — Delissea. Gaud.; Calyx ovario arete adnatus, hmbus liber 5-dentatus persistens. Corolla tubulosa, arcuata, decidua, tubo cylindraceo indiviso, hmbo 5-partito subbilabiato. Stamina 5 ; filamenta in tubiun liberum conuata; antherse coluereutes, 2 inferiores barbatse. Stigma bilobum, pilis cinctum. Capsula baccata, calyce persistente coronata, bilocularis non dehiscens. Semina creberrima. 2. Lobelia (Cyanea) Grimeseiana. — Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 458. t. 75. The character of this sub-genus is: — Cyanea. Gaud.; Calyx ovario adnatus 10-sulcatus; limbus foliaceus longior 5-partitus, laciniis oblongis margine reflexis et undulato-crispis. Corolla tubuloso-cylindracea, arcu- ata, limbo 5-partito subbilabiato. Stamina 5 : tubus stamineus liber. Antherie connatae, barbatse. Capsula baccata, sulcato-decagoua, iudehiscens, bilocularis, calyce persistente coronata. Semina crebemma. 3. Lobelia ( Rollandia) lanceolata ; ramosa, foliis magnis oblongo-lanceolatis duplicato- dentatis siibtus hirtellis, calycibus 5-partitis glabris, laciniis ovatis obtusis, racemis depauper- atis, staminibiis epipetalis. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 458. t. 74. (R. montana.) The specimen in the Collection has much larger leaves than that figured by Gaudichaud, to which another in our herbarium, from Mr. Macrae, exactly corresponds; but to the latter the term folia magna can scarcely be applied, while those before us well deserve the name, being from a foot to a foot and a half long. Gaudichaud thus characterises Rollandia : — Calyx ovario arete adnatus ; limbus liberus 5-partitus, laciniis abbreviatis obtusis. Corolla tubulosa, lateribus compressa arcuata, tubo indiviso, limbo 5-pai'tito subbilabiato. Stamina 5 ; tubus stamineus inferne parti superiori corollie adnatus. Anther® coluerentes bai’batee. Stigma bilobum pilis cinctiun. Capsula baccata, indehiscens, bilocularis, calyce persistente coronata. Semina creber- i-ima.— The genus Clermontia, Gaud., was not observed during the expedition under Capt. Beechey : we, how- ever, possess C. oblongifolia and grandifiora. Gaud., from Mr. Macrae. This differs from the former genera by the calyx being coloured, tubular, curved, and as long as the tube of the corolla. 4. Lobelia macrostachys ; glaberrima, caule elato stricto, foliis lineai’i-lanceolatis utrinque attenuatis suberenatis, racemo simplici terminali longissimo, pedicellis simplicibus secundis horizontalibus apice sursum vergentibus, bractea lineari pedicello breviore, calycis tubo hemisphserico, limbi laciniis obtusis, corolla pedicello duplo longiore. Calyx ovario arete adnatus ; limbus liber, 5-partitus ; laciniis oblongis, obtusis, tubum mquantibus. Coro//a tubulosa, duas ad tres uncias loiiga, arcuata ; tubus cylindraceus 5-lidus, hinc fissus. Stamina b; EpacridecB.I SANDWICH ISLANDS. 89 menta in tubum liberum connata. Antlierm cohserentes, duse inferioi’es bai’b.ate, caeterse glabrae. Stigma bilobiim ; lobis planis, crassis, cartilagineis, rotundatis, divaricatis, imberbibus. Fmctus immatiirus. From the appearance of this pLant we may presume it to be either shrubby or suffruticose. The flowers are of a whitish coloiu’, but were probably bluish when recent. Okd. XXV. GOODENOVI^. Br. 1. Scaevola Gaudichaudi ; fruticosa erecta glabra, foliis spathulato-lanceolatis acutis integerrimis, axillis barbatis, pedunculis axillaribus folio multoties brevioribus unifloris, corolla glabra, drupis ovalibus urceolo 5-dentato coronatis bilocularibus dispermis, bracteolis linearibus. — S. montana? Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 460. In the specimen before us, the leaves are not falcate ; but there is no other essential difference between it and the plant of Gaudichaud. We regret we cannot retain the name applied to it by that Botanist, as there is a previous S. montana of LabiUardiere. 2. Scssvola Chamissoniana ; fruticosa erecta glabra, foliis oblongis utrinque acuminatis argute denticulatis, axillis barbatis, pedunculis axillaribus dicliotomis folium subaequan- tibus, floribus dichotomiarum sessilibus, calycibus abbreviatis, 5-dentatis, corollis pubescen- tibus, drupis bilocularibus. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 461. t. 82. In oim specimen, the corolla is scai’cely pubescent, and is smaller than as exhibited in Gaudichaud’s figure. 3. Scaevola glabra ; fruticosa erecta glabra, foliis cuneato-obovatis oblique acuminulatis longe petiolatis obscure et remote glanduloso-denticulatis, axillis barbatis, pedunculis axil- laribus unifloris petiolo dimidio brevioribus nudis, corolla glabra, calycis dentibus tubum aequantibus. This species appears, at first sight, very nearly allied to S. Chamissoniana, but the inflorescence is totally different. The leaves are almost entire, only exhibiting a few distant very minute glandular teeth. There are no bracteas, apparently, on the peduncle ; but at the same time, a decided scar is to be seen at the base of the calyx, on both sides, which seems to indicate that they may have been present at a very early period. The corolla is much larger than in the last species. The petiole is about an inch, or an inch and a half long. 4. Sceevola mollis; fruticosa erecta dense pubescens, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis supra glabris subtus sericeo-tomentosis petiolatis glanduloso-denticulatis, axillis barbatis, pedun- culis petiolo brevioribus axillaribus divaricatis, ramis flexuosis paucifloris, bracteolis sub- ulatis recurvis, corolla sericeo-tomentosa, calycis dentibus 5 brevissimis obtusis. Very closely allied to S. sericea, Forst., but, as we thinlt, perfectly distinct. The whole plant is so extremely fragile, that there is not an entire specimen in the Collection. Besides these four species, we also possess S. Konigii from the same islands, gathered by Mi’. Macrae. • ' Ord. XXVI. EPACRIDE^. Br. 1. Cyathodes Tameiameim ; corollee laciniis barbatis, drupa 5-8-loculari, foliis anguste cuneato-obovatis petiolulatis mucronulatis subtus multinervibus. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnesa, v. \. p. 539. That the present, although only in fruit, is truly the plant of Chamisso, we have satisfied ourselves by a comparison of it with specimens sent us by that Botanist; but we are by no means certain whether C. Banksii 90 SANDWICH ISLANDS. [Convolvulacece. (Gaud, iu Freyc. Voy. p. 98,) is the same, since no description has been given. Mr. Brown takes notice of two other species found in the Sandwich Islands, both with the segments of the corolla quite naked ; these, however, we have not seen. The habit of our plant is so similar to Leucopogon obovatus, LabiU., that Sprengel has united them without attending to the position or number of the bracteie at the base of the calyx. Ord. XXVIL APOCYNEiE. Juss. 1. Alyxia sulcata \ foliis oppositis ovatis obtusis submembranaceis utrinque nitidis obsolete parallelim venosis, pedunculis axillaribus solitax’iis 3-floris folio dimidio brevioribus, fructibus olivaeformibus longitudinalitei' multi-sulcatis. This is a very handsome species, and perhaps, as we at first thought, the A. olivaformis of Gaudichaud (Freyc. Voy. p. 451,) found in the same islands; but there are too many points of discrepancy to allow of our joining them. The leaves are never, that we see, in threes; nor are they acute at both extremities, as in Gauchchaud’s plant ; nor do we thiiilv he would have neglected to notice the numerous longitudinal furrows on the fruit. From A. scandens, Forst., this differs in many respects, particularly in the furrowed fruit, which has a perfectly even smface in that species ; a character we omitted to remark at page 66, from not being at that time acquainted with the present plant. 1. Cerhera parvi/lora ; foliis quaternis oblongis obtusiusculis parallelim venosis planis, cymis peduncidatis axillaribus ramosis divaricatis. — Forst. Prodr. n. 121.” Willd. Sp. PI. V. 1. p. 1222. Poem, et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 438. This species is omitted by Sprengel, and placed by Willdenow and subsequent authors among the doubtful species. It is very closely allied to C. maculata, WiUd., nor can we easily point out any character to separate the two, except the shape of the leaves, which in our plant are very much broader, and not at all spotted, as is weU represented in the other species by Jacquin, (Ic. Rar.ii. t. 321.) There ai’e constantly foiu- leaves in each whorl. The bracteas are small, and, towards the base, furnished with several spinous processes, or teeth. Ord. XXVIII. CONVOLVULACECE. Juss. 1. Conxolwvlus tuherculatus ? Desv. in Lam. Fncxjcl. t;. 3. p. 545. — Ipomaea tubercu- lata ? Poem, et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 208. The specimen is not in flower, and is otherwise imperfect. 2. Convolvulus Cairicus. Vahl. — Bot. Mag. t. 699. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 592. — Ipomsea palmata. Forsk. JEgrjpt. p. 43. Poem, et Sclmlt. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 207. 3. Convolvulus Linn. — Bot. Mag. t. 113 et 1005. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 597. — IpoiUcea purpurea. Laxn. — Poem, et Sclmlt. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 232. 4. Convolvulus Pes Caprce. Linn. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. \. p. 609. — Ipomaea maritima. Br. — Poem, et Sclmlt. Syst. Veget. v. L p. 249. Bot. Peg. i. 319. 5. Convolvulus Batatas. Linn. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 607. — Ipomaea Batatas.' Lam. — Poem, et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. L p. 218. 6. Convolvulus ovalifolius. Vahl. — Poem, et Sclmlt. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 288. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. />. 613. In the specimens before us, the branches .are long and slender, from which we might almost conclude the plant to have been prostrate and not erect. We possess, in oiu* herbarium, a plant from Mr. Menzies, also from the Sandwich Islands, which is a rem.arkable variety of the present species, being densely pubescent. CyrtandracecB.] SANDWICH ISLANDS. 91 nearly tomentose. This was found both in the islands of Oahu and Oneeheow, but the preceding five species appear to have been observed in the latter only. Ord. XXIX. BORAGINE^. Juss. 1. Heliotropium curassavicim. Linn. — Roem. et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 32. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. \. p. 540. There is in the Collection a very slender state of this species from Oahu ; the more common appearance is from Oneeheow. 1. Cordia Sebestena. Linn. — Roem. et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 452. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 649. Rot. Mag. t. 794. This appears to be cultivated. Ord. XXX. CYRTANDRACE^. Jack. 1. Cyi’tandra cor difolia; foliis subrotundo-ovatis acutis oblique cordatis dentatis supra hirsutis subtus villoso-tomentosis ferrugineis, pedunculis trifloris, calycibus ferrugineo-villosis. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 446. t. 56. 2. Cyrtandra grandijlora ; foliis oblongis acuminatis basi angustatis obsolete denticu- latis ciliatis supra glabriusculis subtus pallidioribus, nervo venisque pulverulento-pubescen- tibus, pedunculis apice diphyllis bifloris, calycibus glabris. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 447. t. 55. The specimen is very imperfect, though decidedly the plant figured by Gaudichaud. 3. Cyrtandra Lessoniana ; foliis oblongis acuminatis basi angustatis denticulatis supra puberulis subtus tomentoso-sericeis ferrugineis, pedunculis unifloris bibracteatis, calycibus quinquepartitis subvillosis, laciniis margine undulato-reflexis. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 447. t. 54. There are two varieties in the Collection, one of which has the leaves twice as long as those figured by Gaudichaud. 4. Cyrtandra Garnotiana ; foliis elliptico-oblongis acutis in petiolum decurrentibus remote serrulatis supra hirtellis subtus molliter tomentoso-pubescentibus canescentibus, pedunculis paucifloris subdichotomis, calycibus villoso-pubescentibus. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 447. t. 53. 5. Cyrtandra paludosa ; foliis oblongis acuminatis basi angustatis grosse serratis glabris subtus pallidioribus, pedunculis brevissimis flores paucos pedicellatos umbellatim dispositos gerentibus, calycibus glabx'iusculis. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 447. Although Gaudichaud describes his plant as having single-flowered peduncles, still we think it the same as ours; indeed, on some of the specimens before us there is only one flower, or rather fruit, to each peduncle ; but a slight inspection show's that this is caused by all the pedicels but one having fallen off'. In the Collection there are two states or varieties ; one with much smaller and more rigid leaves than the other. Gaudichaud enumerates and figures yet another species, C. triflora ; foliis oblongis subaciuninatis basi cxmeatis subduplicato-seiTatis glabris, nervo venisque subtus adpresso-pubescentibus, pedunculis trifloris, calycibus glabriusculis. Gaud. 1. c. t. 52. — We have also another in our herbariiun, from the same islands, discovered by Mi’. Menzies, which we propose to call C. Menziesii; foliis quaternis oblongis brevissime acuminatis basi cuneatis versus apicem subdenticulato-sen’atis supra scabriuscuhs subtus glabris, nervo 92 SANDWICH ISLANDS. [Labiata. venisque adpresso-pubescentibus, pedunculis apice flores plures umbellatim dispositos gerentibus, calycis hir- suti deutibus subulatis. OiiD. XXXL SOLANE^. Juss. 1. Solanuni Sayidwicense ; caule fruticoso, ramis teretibus, ramulis canescentibus, foliis angulato-sinimtis ovatis supra glabris subtus pubescenti-canis, racemis corymbosis ter- ininalibus vel lateralibus, calyce minuto quinquefido, staminibus equalibus. This appears to have been also observed by Gaudicbaud, but neither named nor described. At first sight it resembles some of the Lasiopetalece. 2. Solanum argentewn. Dun. — Eoem. et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 602. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. p. 684. Ord. XXXII. labiate. Juss. 1. Plectranthus australis; calycis labio inferiore 4-partito laciniis mediis vix longiori- bus, corollse tube calycem bis superante, verticillis distinctis, pedicellis calycem fructiferum subsequantibus, foliis ovatis inciso-crenatis rugosiusculis pubescentulis, caule herbaceo. Br. — Br. Prodr. FI. Nov. Holl. p. 506. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 690. Found on the islands of Oahu and Oneeheow. Gaudichaud notices a species of this genus rvhich he met with, and which is pi-obably the same as ours. The calyx is more or less covered with yeUow resinous glands, which we do not find noticed by authors. Mr. Bentham, in the Liuntea, v. 6. p. 80, states the species detected in Oahu, by Chamisso, to be P. parviflorus, Willd.; and certainly ours accords well with the figure given in the Hort. Berol. t. 65 ; but the calyx is described as without glands. 1. Phyllostegia glabra; glaberi’ima, foliis petiolatis ovatis acuminatis serrato-crenatis basi rotundatis, floralibus minoribus breviter petiolatis, racemis subpaniculatis, pedunculis utrinque elongatis trifidis, calycis ovato-campanulati dentibus brevibus acutis demum paten- tibus, corolla calyce vix duplo longiore, styli lobis clavatis recurvato-divaricatis. Benth. in Linncea., v. 6. p. 79. — Prasium glabrum. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy.p. 252. t. 64. [ex parte.) Mr. Bentham remarks that Gaudichaud’s plate is compounded of the present and the next species : in this, the corolla is much the smallest. The specimen in the Collection is very imperfect, but we have one from Mr. Macrae. As this genus has been only lately separated by Mr. Bentham from Prasium, we shall here quote the character: Phyllostegia. Gaud. Calyx ovatus, 10-nervis, suhaequalis, nunc 5-fidus, lobis ovatis foliaceis, nunc breviter 5-dentatus. Corolla tubo calycem superante, nunc longe exserto, saepius incurvo, fauce non iullata, bilabiata ; labio superiore subpatente integro subpiano ; inferiore longiore patente 3-fido, lobis ovatis, medio m.ajore integTO. Stamina 4, sub labio superiore adscendentia. Antherae biloculares, loculis divergentibus vel demiun divaricatis. Stylus apice clavatus, breviter bifidus, lobis clavato-divaidcatis vel liinatis. Achenia carnosa. Verticillastra racemosa vel paniculata, foliis floralibus bracteiformibus. 2. Phyllostegia Chamissonis ; glaberrima, foliis petiolatis ovatis acuminatis serrato-crena- tis basi rotundatis, floralibus minoribus sessilibus, racemis subpaniculatis, pedunculis utrinque elongatis trifidis, calycis elongato-turbinati dentibus brevibus obtusis erectis, corolla calyce triplo longiore, styli lobis clavatis, superiore sub I’ecto tenuiore. Benth. in Linncea, v. 6. jo. 81. The corolla is about an inch and a quarter long, being almost as large as in P. yrandifiora, but it is glabrous and not pubescent. Plantagineas.] SANDWICH ISLANDS. 93 3. Phyllostegia grandijlora ; pilis brevibus adpressis pubescens, foliis petiolatis ovatis acutis serrato-crenatis basi rotundatis vel subcordatis, verticillastris sexfloris racemosis, pedicellis calyce sublongioribus, dentibus calycinis foliaceis ovatis integerrimis, corolljB tubo calyce duplo longiore, styli lobis lunatis. Benth. in Linncea, v. 6. p. 78. — Prasium grandi- florum. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 253. t. 65./! 2. 4. Phyllostegia parvijlora ; foliis petiolatis ovatis crenatis basi cordatis subtus ramisque pil is mollibus adpi'essis pubescentibus, verticillastris sexfloris racemosis, pedicellis calyce triplo longioi’ibus, calycis viscoso-pubescentis dentibus abbreviatis acutis, corollse tubo calyce duplo longiore, styli lobis clavatis recurvato-divaricatis. Benth. in Linncea, v. 6. p. 79. — Pra- sium pai’viflorum. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 253. t. 65./! 1. Ord. XXXIII. VERBENACE^. Juss. 1. Lantana annua. Linn. ? The only specimen is in very bad condition : it is most probably a cultivated plant. 1. Avicennia tomentosa. Linn. ? Ord. XXXIV. MYOPORINEtE. Br. 1. Myoporum tenuifolium; foliis alternis lanceolatis acuminatissimis integerrimis ramu- lisque laevibus, calycis laciniis lanceolatis acutis, limbo corollse imberbi. Br. — ^‘^Forst. Prodr. n. 44.” Br. Prodr. FI. Nov. Holl. p. 515. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2.p. 767. Of this we possess three very distinct appearances in our herbarium, collected by Mr. Menzies and Mr. Macrae, in the same islands. In one the leaves are oblongo-lanceolate, and not at all acuminated; in another they are very narrow, lanceolate, and much attenuated : the specimens in the Collection are between the two, precisely similar to what we possess from the east coast of New Holland. This species has the smell of the true Sandal-wood, and is exported to China. Ord. XXXV. PLUMBAGINE^. Juss. 1 . Plumbago Zeylanica ; caule erecto terete, foliis petiolatis oblongo-ovatis glabris inte- gerrimis. Linn. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. \. p. 537. Ord. XXXVI. NYCTAGINEiE. Juss. 1. Boerhavia tetrandra ; caule tex’ete glabro procumbente, foliis subrotundis emarginatis crassiusculis basi vix attenuatis subtus (siccitate) rugosis pallidioribus, floribus umbellatis 2-5-andris. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 5.” Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. \. p. 37. — Boerhavia mutabilis. Br. Prodr. FI. Nov. Holt. p. 422. 2. Boerhavia /iiVsMto. Linn. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 36, {cum sy non.) Ord. XXXVII. PLANTAGINE.E. Juss. 1. Plantago Queleana; caule fruticoso erecto simplici terete apice folioso lanuginoso, foliis lanceolatis glaberrimis integerrimis, spica elongata sparsiflora laxa, capsula unilocu- lari disperma. Gaud, in Fre^jc. Voy. p. 445. t. 50. The specimen before us is not more than half a foot high, and perfectly unbrauched, but it seems 94 SANDWICH ISLANDS. [SantalacecB- extremely doubtful whether P.princeps, (Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnsea, v. 1. p. 167,) is not the same; indeed, Are have before us specimens from Mr. Menzies and Mr. Macrae, intermechate in general appearance, but, from their not being entire, it is almost impossible to say whether or not the stem be branched or simple. We possess another allied, but distinct, species, P. Fernandeziana, Bertero, gathered by that Botanist in the island of Juan Fernandez. Ord. XXXVIII. AMARANTHACEiE. Juss. 1. Amaranthus viridis. Linn. 1 . Charpentiera obovata ,• foliis breviter petiolatis oblongis, paniculis simplicibus. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 444. t. 48. This genus being of recent formation, Ave shall here, as Ave have hitherto done, quote its character : Char- pentiera, Gaud.-, — Flores hermaphroditi: Periauthium 5-partitum subregulai’e tribracteatum. Stamina S,basi in urceohmi ovai'io breviorem connata, interjectis lobulis totidem rotundatis. Antherse cordate, biloculares. Ovai’ium pyidforme, tardius ovoideum monospermum, ovulum podospermio spathulato cucullato sufFultum. Stylus nullus. Stigma profunde bipartitum, laciniis subulatis interne viUosis patulis, capsula membranacea, ovoidea, monosperma, evalvis. Semen reniforme. — In this genus, the leaves are alternate and very entire, and the panicles axillary. It ranks next to Chamissoa. 2. Charpentiera ovata ; foliis longe petiolatis ovato-ellipticis, paniculis compositis. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 444. t. 47. We have received this from Mr. Macrae also. Ord. XXXIX. CHENOPODIACE^. Vent. 1. Chenopodium hyhridum. Linn. 1. Phytolacca Abyssinica ; floribus hermaphroditis decandris pentagynis. Hoffm. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 441. — P. dodecandra. L’Her. Stirp. Nov. t. 69. Our specimens having only ten stamens and five styles, we have referred them as above, though the habit is entirely that of P. decandra. Gaudichaud (in Freyc. Voy. p. 94) mentions having met with a species in Oahu with from five to six stamens, and as many styles, which is probably a variety of P. octandra, but the limits of the species in this genus are but ill understood. Ord. XL. THYMELEAi:. Juss. 1. Daphne Indica ; Linn, — vide in hoc op. p. 68. t. 15. Ord. XLI. SANTALACE^E. Br. 1. Santalum Freycinetianum ; foliis lanceolatis obtusiusculis venosis complicato-subfalcatis petiolo quinquies longioribus, racemis terminalibus simplicibus, floribus oppositis roseis, caule arboreo. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 442. t. 45. This is perhaps one of the most interesting plants in the whole Collection, being the celebrated Sandwich Island Sandal-wood. Another species, S. elliptiaim, with axillary racemes and yelloAvish-green flow'ers, has been likewise discovered by Gaudichaud. We possess also, in our herbarium, a third, from the volcano of Owhyhee, collected by Mi% Macrae, Avhich may be thus named and characterised ; — S. paniailatum;, fohis late ellipticis venosis planis petiolo multoties longioribus, paniculis terminalibus multifloris, caule arborescente. It is difficult to decide fi-om the specimens, whether the stem be that of a lai’ge shrub or a tree : the petioles are not more than tivo lines long, but the leaves an inch and a half or two inches. UrticecB.] SANDWICH ISLANDS. 95 1. Exocarpus cupressiformis ; caule arboi’eo, ramulis teretiusculis, spicis pedunculatis, foliis minutis denticuliformibus triangularibus patulis. Br. Prodr. FI. Nov. Holl. p. 356. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. \. p. 826. The specimens in the Collection are imperfect, but they accord so precisely with others from New Holland in our herbarium, that we can scarcely entertain any doubt of their being the same species. Ord. XLII. EUPHORBIACEJ5. Juss. 1. Euphorbia caule erecto herbaceo, ramis villosis, foliis oppositis ovato-oblongis acutis serrulatis hirsutis, floribus aggregatis, glomerulis axillaribus pedunculatis. Linn. — Jacq. Coll. Suppl. t. 11. 1. Sp7-eng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 793. Bunn. %eyl. t. 104. 2. Euphorbia myrtifolia; caule inermi fruticoso ramoso, foliis late ovatis oppositis acutis obsolete serratis membranaceis glabris, pedicellis axillaribus brevibus divisis paucifloris, involucri glandulis rotundatis integerrimis. We cannot refer this to any knorni species. 3. Euphorbia multifonrvis ; caule inermi fruticoso ramoso, foliis oppositis ellipticis obtusis integerrimis membranaceis glabris subtus pallidis purpureo-venosis, floribus axillaribus terminalibusque solitariis sessilibus, involucri glandulis rotundatis integerrimis. Gaud, in Fi'eyc. Voy. p. 100? (absque descriptione. ) If we be right in referring this to the plant alluded to by Gaudichaud, it must be a very variable species ; that Botanist remarking that in elevated situations, it forms a small tree, the trunk of which is three or four inches in diameter; but, in descending, is found smaller; till at last, in low cultivated places, it is only suffruticose or even herbaceous. 4. Euphorbia clusicefolia ; caule inermi fruticoso ramoso, foliis oppositis oblongo-ellipticis obtusis integerrimis coriaceis glabris subtus aveniis, pedunculis axillaribus bifidis. The specimen before us is in an imperfect state : resembling in habit certain Peperomice, particularly P. clusiafolia. The above species of Euphorbia were only observed in Oahu. 1. Phyllanthus distichus; caule fruticoso, ramulis ancipitibus pinnseformibus, foliis oblongis acutiusculis subtus pallidioribus, pedunculis subsolitariis capillaribus cernuis folio quater brevioribus. Allied to P. rliamnoides and P. cernuus, but not agreeing with either. The branches below the leaves are almost cylindrical, but, nearer the extremity, they are more compressed and two-edged. The bark is slightly rugose. The leaves vary from one to two inches in length. 1. Aleurites triloba ; foliis cordato-ovatis subtus subfarinaceis basi biglanduliferis junioribus tricuspidatis adultioribus subangulatis, corymbis (masculis) dichotomis. Spr. — “ Forst. Prodr. n. 360.” Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 147. Ord. XLIII. URTICE^. Juss. 1. XJrticn gt'andis ; caule fruticoso, foliis oppositis cordato-ovatis grosse serratis rugosis supra pubescenti-scabris subtus glabris, petiolis venisque foliorum pubescentibus, stipulis oblongo-lanceolatis magnis caducis, paniculis axillaribus pedunculatis subsimplicibus, ramis filiformibus interrupte floriferis. The panicles are not more than half the length of the leaf, including the petiole. It appears most allied to U. liastata, Forst. 96 SANDWICH ISLANDS. [Piperacea. 1. Pilea peploides; foliis longe petiolatis rhomboideo-orbiculatis integerrimis glabris, floribus axillai-ibus glomeraio-racemosis. — Dubreulia peploides. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 495. This ^emis, by its sessile, multifid stigma, approaches most to Procris, but its habit is that of Parietaria. The character of Dubreulia, as given by Gauctichaud, is nearly as follows : — Flores sessiles ; masculi et foeminei in eadem panicula, bracteati. Masc. perianthium 4-partitum. Stamina 4. Pistilli rudimentum clavatum. Fcem. perianthium 3-lobum, lohis valde insequalibus, exteriore maximo incrassato cucuUato. Stamina 3, sterilia, squamiformia, incurva. Stigma sessile mnltipartitum. — Gaudichaud does not seem to be aware of its identity with Pilea of Mr. Lindley. Urtica serpyllacea, microphylla, callitrichoides, and several others, belong to it. 1. Procris glabra; foliis alternis ovatis vix acuminatis crenato-serratis glabris laevibus, cymis divaricatis pedunculatis. Procris, with which we consider Elatostemma identical, as also Sciopliila, PelUonia, and Langeveldia of Gaudichaud, differ from Boehmeria by the stigma, which, in the latter genus, is simple, elongated, and villous on one side. 1. Boehmeria albida ; dioica arborea, foliis alternis late ovatis acuminatis trinerviis serratis supra minute rugosis et pubescentibus subtus albido-tomentosis, capitulis utriusque sexus globosis axillaribus sessilibus, perianthio membranaceo, aclienio ovato-elliptico. A very handsome species, belonging to the section Pi'ocris of Gaudichaud ; but we have, along udth Sprengel, retained that name for what Gaudichaud calls Elatostemma. 2. Boehmeria melastomopfolia ; foliis alternis oblongis acuminatis basi acutis trinerviis glabriusculis subtus pallidioribus, perianthio demum carnoso, achenio depresso-conico. — Neraudia melastommfolia. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 500. t. 117. Neraudia of Gaudichaud is principally distinguished from Boehmeria by the shape of the achenium, and the consistence of the perianth siu-rounding the ripe fruit. We do not think it necessary to sepai’ate them. Ord. XLIV. PIPERACE^. Rich. 1. Piper methysticum ; fruticosum, foliis cordato-oblongis acuminatis multinerviis glabris, spicis solitariis axillaribus brevissimis patentissimis. Spr. — “ Forst. Prodr. n. 21.” Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. \. p. 113. 1. Peperomia pallida; caule erecto glabro, foliis alternis oblongo-ellipticis glabris 3- nerviis, spicis axillaribus solitariis filiformibus, baccis distinctis. — Piper pallidum. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 24.” Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 116. 2. Peperomia leptostachya ; caide erecto tomentoso, foliis quaternis ovato-ellipticis acuti- usculis trinerviis utrinque pubescentibus, spicis axillaribus terminalibusque pedunculatis gracilibus folio longioribus. 3. Peperomia verticillata ; caule erecto, foliis subquaternis obovatis obtusis subtrinerviis pubescentibus subtus convexis, spicis axillaribus terminalibusque verticillatis. Spr. — Piper verticillatum. Linn. — Spreng. Syst. \eget. v. 1. p. 119. 4. Peperomia ? menibranacea ; caule erecto glabro, foliis subquaternis ovatis acuminatis trinerviis glabris membranaceis subtus pallidioribus, spicis axillaribus terminalibusque gracilibus. Fluviales.l SANDWICH ISLANDS. 97 The leaves are so membranaceous, that this species may perhaps belong' to the genus Piper: the speci- mens in the Collection ai’e not, however, in a state to enable us to determine that point. 5. Peperomia tetraphylla ; caule sulcato ramoso repente, foliis quaternis stellatis rhombeo- rotunclatis subtus convexis brevissime petiolatis glabris, spicis terminalibus solitariis ebrac- teatis. — Piper tetrapbyllum. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 25.” ? — P. reflexum. Vahl. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 121 ? We are very doubtful of the synonyms : it is certainly not P. rhombea, Ruiz et Pav., which Sprengel refers to Piper reflexum. It has much the appearance of some species of Rubia. Ord. XLV. SCITAMINEiE. Br. 1. Canna Indica. Linn. Ord. XL VI. SMILACINEiE. Br. 1. ^xcAayi Pseudo-china. Linn.? Ord. XLVII. ASPHODELE^. Br. 1. Dianella Sandwicensis ; foliis radicalibus lineari-ensiformibus carina marginibusque Isevibus, panicula decomposita, ramis ramulisque divaricatis, pedicellis laxe racemosis arcuatis secundis peidantbium subsequantibus. Gaudichaud appears also to have found this species ; but he has given neither specific name nor character. It is very closely allied to D. divaricata. Brown. 1. Dracaena terminalis; caule fruticoso vel arborescente, foliis petiolatis lanceolatis utrinque attenuatis, paniculae ramis divaricatis simplicibus ramosisve, floribus subsessilibus. Blume. — Lam. — Willd. Sp. PI. v. 2. p. 157. Blume, En. PI. Jav. p. 10. Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 7. p. 343. — D. ferrea. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 93. — Asparagus terminalis. Linn. — Cordyline Escbscbolziana. Mart, in Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 7. p. 347 ? Ord. XLVIII. MELANTHACE^. Br. 1. AsteWa Menziesiana ; foliis strictis subtus sericeis, scapo birsuto, racemo paniculato multifloro, bacca ovata triloculari. — Sm. in Rees^ Cycl. App. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 144. Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 7. t. 1506. Gaudichaud met with a species also in Oahu, which he has described under the name of A. veratroides, having the leaves tomentose on both sides. It may, however, be merely a variety. Ord. XLIX. PANDANE^. Br. 1. Freycinetia scandens; caudice scandente, foliis lineari-lanceolatis membranaceis, spadicibus foemineis ovatis, stigmate trilobo. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 432. Our specimens are without flower and fi-uit. This genus appears to be the same as that alluded to by Mr. Brown, from Norfolk Island, and is distinguished from Pandanus as follows : — Flores dioici. Fcem. ; Pericarpia baccata, mollia, per paria interdum connata, unilocularia ; placentae 4-14, parietales, per paiia approximatse. Semina crebeirima, minuta, fusiformia, striata, altero latere strophiola longitudinaU instructa. Ord. L. FLUVIALES. Vent. 1. Ruppia maritima. Linn. N 98 SANDWICH ISLANDS. {Cyperacea. Ord. LI. CYPERACE^. Juss. 1. Scirpus maritimus. Linn. — Engl. Hot. t. 542. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p, 210. 2. Scirpus lacustris. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 666. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 209. 1. Eleocharis obtusa; radice fibrosa, culmis csespitosis erectis teretibus inferne arete vaginatis glabris striatis, vaginis oblique truncatis mucronulatis, spiculis ovato-oblongis, squamis oblongis apice rotundatis uninerviis glabris, stylo trifido, acbenio obovato lenticu- lari-compressiusculo leevi glabro albido styli basi conica coi’onato. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 414. — Scirpus obtusus. Willd. En. Hort. Ber. ? We agi’ee with Gaudicliaud in thinking the plant from the Sandwich Islands scarcely distinct from that found in North America. 1. Fimbristylis cymosa; umbella decomposita involucrum superante, spiculis globoso- ovatis paucifloris, squamis ovatis, stylis trifidis nudiusculis, nucibus triquetris Imvibus, culmo angulato Isevi foliis strictis carinatis duplo longiore. Brown, Prodr. FI. Nov. Holl. p. 228. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. \. p. 202. Found both in Oahu and Oneeheow. This species belongs to the genus Trichelostylis, Lestib,, but it ought not to be placed in a different one from F. dichotoma, or from our F. affinis. 1. Morelotia gahnioeforinis. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 416. t. 28. This genus being lately established, and peculiar to the Sandwich Islands, we shall here give its character : Morelotia, Gaud.; — Spiada apice uniflora | squama, comphwes undique imbricatse, ovatse, coucavse, apice aristatse. Stamina 3, exserta, persistentia. Ovarium ellipticiim, sessile. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stig- mata 3, plumosa. Fructus elhpticus, osseus, lievis, nitens, sulcis tribus longitudinaliter exaratus. — The stems are caespitose, ei’ect, leafy, and cylindrical ; the leaves very narrow, linear. The panicles are terminal and crowded. The fruit is deciduous, but remains for some time suspended by the filaments, which become entangled udth the convolute apices of the squamae, 1. Nincentisi angustifolia ; foliis angustatis linearibus culmo parum brevioribus. — Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 417. Gaudichaud named this genus in honour of Bory de St. Vincent, but as there is already Borya dedicated to him, a second is, by all Botanical rules, inadmissible : we have, however, allowed it to remain, rather than create confusion by altering it. — We believe there can be no doubt entertained of our plant being identical, as a species, with that described by Gaudichaud, but the character given does not strictly accord with the specimens before us. We therefore propose the following: — Vincentia; — Spiculm subsexflorae. Squama undique imbricatse, carinato-concavae j inferiores concavse summaque vacuse. Periantliium trivalve. Seta hypogynse nullae. Stamina 3. Ovarium sessile, triangulare, anguhs acutissimis. Stylus 1, inferne dilatatus, triangiflaris, pubescens, cum ovario continuus, superne trifidus. Nux triquetra, basi styli persis- tente cuspidata. — To this genus belong Scirpus lavarum, anceps, and mdifolius, nor perhaps are there any good specific characters to be found between them: they have aU been usually refen-ed to Macliaerina restoides, from which, however, this genus differs by the absence of hypogynous setae, and by the scales imbricated on aU sides : from Lepidosperma it is distinguished by the nature of the perianth. 1. Rhynchospora lavarum; glabra, culmis csespitosis erectis trigonis, foliis setaceo- linearibus rigiclis subcanaliculatis, corymbis terminalibus et axillaribus oligostachys, spiculis trifloris, squamis obovato-oblongis obtusis uninerviis glabris mucronato-subaristatis, acbenio subelliptico lenticulari-compresso l^vi glabro fusco rostrato. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 415. Cyperacece,] SANDWICH ISLANDS. 99 The specimens in the Collection agree sufficiently with the above character. To us, this species seems closely allied to R, fusca. 2. Rhynchospora paniculis densis erectis rigidis axillaribus, squamis ad- pressis, foliis rigidis margine dorsoque scabris culmum triquetrum aequantibus. Culmus erectus, foliosus, triqueter, glaber. Folia rigida, linearia, dorso margineque scabra, culmum aequantia. Spicas dense fasciculato-paniculatse : paniculm axiUares ; spiculm triflores. Squama adpressse, oblongo-lanceolatse, mucronato-aristatse, glabrae. Achenium rotundum, lenticulari-compressum, longitudin- aliter punctato-lineatum, glabrum ; rostellum ensiforme, achenii latitudinem aequans, longitudine duplo super- ans. Stylus elong-atus bifidus. Seta hypogynse 4-6 capiUares, retrorsum scabrae. 1. Cyperus mucronatus. Valil. — Roem. et Schult Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 167. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. p. 217. Found in the Island of Oneeheow. 2. Cyperus brunneus; spicis lanceolatis glomerato-corymbosis, squamis striatis, invoiucro 3-phyUo elongate, foliis linearibus culmum triquetrum sequantibus. Spr. — Sw. — Roem. et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p, 176. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 219. 3. Cyperus ccespitosus; spicis lineari-oblongis compressis umbellato-glomeratis, umbellis umbellatis pedunculatis, squamis obtusis margine scariosis, invoiucro triphyllo elongate, culmo filiform! triquetro, foliis linearibus planis. Spr. — Roem. et. Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 194. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. p. 221. 4. Cyperus paniculatus ; spiculis lanceolatis compressis horizontalibus remotiusculis, squamis duabus inferioribus subulatis vacuis ceeteris obtusis striatis, umbellse umbellulseque radiis alternis, invoiucro partial! nullo universal! poly-(8)-phyllo, foliolis tribus elongatis, culmo acute triquetro. — Rottb. in Gram. p. 40 ? Roem. et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 189 ? Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. \. p. 223? We feel extremely doubtful about any of the S5Tionyms. Our plant, judging by a solitary imperfect speci- men, is nearly allied to C. strigosus. 5. Cyperus strigosus^ spicis lineari-subulatis confertis horizontalibus remotiusculis, um- bellulae radiis alternis, invoiucro pentaphyllo elongate foliis culmum sequantibus. Spr. — Linn. — Roem. et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 214. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 226. 6. Cyperus trachysanthos ; spiculis oblongis compressis plurimis glomerato-umbellatis, umbellulis ultimis confertim umbellatis subternis, squamis ovatis mucronatis apice recurvis dorso denticulis asperatis, invoiucro triphyllo elongate, culmo trigono. Sometimes the rays of the umbel are not again divided, but bear the ultimate sessile spikelets in a head at their extremity. There are two varieties in the Collection, one with spikelets, containing about thirty flowers, and the culm free from all asperities j the other with shorter, more ovate spikelets, of from eight to ten flowers, and the angles of the cuhn scabrous near the umbel. In this last, the ultimate umbels are not half the size of those in the first variety. 7. Cyperus caricifolius ; spiculis patulis spicatis racemosis ovato-oblongis turgidis con- gestis, squamis subrotundis concavis obtusis nervosis albidis, invoiucro partial! nullo univer- sal! 5-6-phyllo elongato, culmo obtuse trigono, foliis carinatis margine carinaque scabris. 100 SANDWICH ISLANDS. [Graminea. This has many points in common with C. Monti; but the stem is acutely angular. Each ray of the umbel has on its upper half several horizontal alternate branches, of which the lower are the longest, and the upper gradually shorter. These again, particularly the lower ones, have also alternate branches, along which are placed the turgid spikelets. The stem is from fifteen inches to two feet high. The leaves resemble those of some of the larger species of Carex. 8. Cyperus Prescottianus ; spiculis linearibus elongatis compressis horizon talibus alternis spicatis, spicis coryanboso-racemosis, squamis hiantibiis obtusiusculis nervosis, involucri uni- versalis polypliylli foliolis tribiis iimbella duplo longioribus, partialibus umbelliila brevioribus, culmo acute triquetro. There is only one specimen in the Collection. We have named this species in honour of J. D. Prescott, Esq. of St. Petersburgh, who has made the Cyperace. 192? Engl. Bot. t. 939? Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. \. p. 394. Of this plant, we only judge from some fragments of a leaf in the Herbarium: Chamisso Avas, for a similar reason, uncertain about his specimen. 1. Anthriscus nemorosa ; caule sulcato ramoso glabro, foliis trisecto-deconipositis segmentis pinnatifidis, laciniis lato-lanceolatis acutis, petiolis pilosis, umbellis terminalibus et oppositifoliis, involucelli foliolis ciliatis, fructibus ovatis brevibus mucronatis et serie pilorum basi cinctis. DC. — Spreng. Umhell. Prodr. p. 27. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 223. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. \. p. 390. Orb. XII. CORNER. De Cand. 1. Cornus Suecica. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 274. Engl. Bot. t. 310. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 3. p. 139. Orb. XIII. CAPRIFOLIACEAS. Juss. 1. Sambucus racemosa. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 323. — Gmel. FI. Sib. v. 3. p. 147. 1. Lonicera nigra. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 335. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, V. S.p. 137. 2. Lonicera coerulea. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 337. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, V. 3. p. 138. Orb. XIV. RUBIACE^. Juss. 1. Galium rubioides. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 599. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, V. 3. p. 220. Orb. XV. COMPOSITiE. Juss. 1. Leontodon Taraxacum. Linn. 1. Artemisia Tilesii ? Ledeb. — Lessing, in Linncea, v. 6. p. 214. Our specimens in this part of the Collection have no flowers. 2. Artemisia borealis. Pall. — Lessing, in Linncea, v. 6. p. 211. Rich, in Frankl. 1st Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 30. 1. Gnaphalium dioicum. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 267. 1. Cacaiia hastata. Linn. — Willd. Sp. PI. v. 3. p. 1733. Gmel. FI. Sib. v. 2. p. 136. t. 66. 116 KAMTSCHATKA. \_Amentace(B. 1. Chrysanthemum arcticum. Linn. — Willd. Sp. PL v. 3. p. 2146. Lessing, in Linncea, V. 6. p. 169. Gmel. FI. Sib. v. 2. p. 203. t. 84. 1. Saussurea alpina. De Land. — Serratula alpina. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 599. There is in the Collection, a leaf of Avhat appears to be a species of Cnicus, which is large, deeply pinnatifid, with the segments lanceolate and laciniated, the lacinise terminated by a long and soft spinule. Ord. XVI. EEICINEiE. Juss. 1. Rhododendi-on Kamtschaticum. Pall. FI. Ross. p. 44. t. 33. Cham, et Schlecht. in Lmnoea, v. \. p. 573. 1. Pyrola minor. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 158. 1. Vaccinium Vitis Idaea. Linn. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnma, v. 1. p. 526. 2. Vaccinium uliginosum. Linn. — Cham, et Schlecht. v. 1. p. 526. Ord. XVII. POLEMONIDEiE. Juss. 1. Polemonium humile. Willd. MSS. in Roem. et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 792. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1304. — P. lanatum. Fischer, MSS. — P. pulcherrimum ? Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2979. Ord. XVIIL BORAGINE^. Juss. 1. Lithospermum denticulatum ; caulibus erectis, foliis nervosis subglabris acutis margine denticidato-scabris, radicalibus ovatis caulinis oblongis, laciniis calycis margine denticulatis. Lehm. Asperif. p. 294. — Pulmonaria denticulata. Cham, in Linncea, v. 4. p. 448. — Pul- monaria Sibirica. Pursh, (ex Lehm.) 2. Lithospermum maritimum. Lehm. — Pulmonaria. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 368. Cham, in Linncea, v. 4. p. 447. Ord. XIX. PRIMULACE.®. Juss. 1. Trientalis Europcea. Linn. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. \. p. 224. Engl. Bot. t. 15. Ord. XX. POLYGONE^. Juss. 1. Polygonum viviparum. Linn. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 3. p. 38. Engl. Bot. t. 669. The specimens of this are a foot and more high, with leaves far larger than in the Europsean state of the plant. Ord. XXL EMPETRE.®. Nutt. 1. Empetrum nigrum. Linn. Ord. XXIL 1. Myrica Gale. Linn. AMENTACEiE. Juss. SmilacinecB.] KAMTSCHATKA. 17 1 . Salix rhamnifolia ; ramis glaberrimis, foliis obovatis subintegerrimis rigidis in petiolum perbrevem gracillimum attenuatis glabris supra nitidis quasi vernicosis subtiis glaucis, ameritis laxis, squamis brevibus vix pedicello longioribus lanatis, germinibus lanceolato- subulatis glabris obtusis, stylo brevi tenui, stigmatibus brevibus patentibus bipartitis. (Tab. XXNl.)~PalL FI. Boss. P. II. p. 84 ? Gmel. FI. Sib. v. 1. p. 159. t. 35. f. 1. A. ? The figiu’e of Gmelin, above quoted, sufficiently accords in foliage with our plant ; but his description scarcely suffices to enable us to say that the two are identical, and no other author appears acquainted with it: the stems and branches are erect, glabrous, dark brown. The leaves are about an inch long, truly obovate and remarkably attenuated at the base into a short petiole, scarcely at all toothed at the margin, mostly quite entire, and very glossy above, reticulated with prominent veins, opaque and glaucous beneath. Catkins longer than the leaves, peduncled, with lax, patent germens, whose scales are woolly, not longer than the pedicels. Style short, and, as it were, set upon the obtuse germen, which does not gradually taper into it. In many respects, the Salix pumila, ^c. of Gmel, FI. Sib. p. 160. t. 33. f. 2, agrees with this, especially in what he says of the catkins, and the glossiness and reticulation of the leaves. Tab. XXVI. Fig. 1, A scale; fig. 2, Germen: — magnified. 2. Salix Forsferiana ? Sm. — Enffl. Bot. t. 2344. The scales and germens are more silky than in our British S. Forsteriana, otherwise the two plants seem to correspond. 3. Salix cinerea. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 1897, 1. Populus balsamifera. Linn. — Pall. El. Boss. P. I. p. 67. t. 41. 1. Alnus incana. Willd. — Betula incana. Linn. — Pall. El. Boss. P. I. p. 64. Gmel. FI. Sib. V. 1. p. 171. In our specimens, the foliage is quite glabrous ; but they are assuredly the true plant of Pallas. Oed. XXIII. CONIFER.^. Juss. 1. Pinus Cembra. Linn. — Pall. El. Boss. P. I. p. 3. Gmel. El. Sib. v. 1, p. 179. t. 39. Ord. XXIV. ORCHIDEiE. Juss. 1. Orchis latifolia. Linn? var. Beeringiana. Cham, in Linncea, v. 3. p. 26. This is probably, as Chamisso suspects, (who also found it in Kamtschatka,) a species distinct from the O. latifolia of Linnaeus. The petals are remarkably acuminated, and the habit is considerably different. Ord. XXV. IRIDEiE. Juss. 1. Iris Sibirica. Linn. — Bot. Mag. t. 50, et t. 1604. (7.) Ord. XXVI. SMILACINE^. Br. 1. Trillium oftomto*; pedunculo erecto, petalis obovatis obtusiusculis planis patentibus calyce vix longioribus et latioribus, foliis ovato-rhombeis acuminatis arete sessilibus. Pursh, El. Am. V. 1. p. 245. Beichenb. Hort. Bot. p. 21. t. 29. 1. Smilacina bifolia. Schultes. — Convallaria bifolia. Linn. — Maianthemum bifolium. DC. Spr. — Gmel. El. Sib. v. \. p. 36. S, Canadensis appears in no respect distinct. 118 KAMTSCHATKA. [ CyperacetB. 1. Streptopus amplexifolius. De Cand. — Redout. Lil. t. 259.— Uvularia amplexifolia. Linn. — Streptopus distortiis. Bess. Ord. XXVII. ASPHODELE^. Juss. 1. Allium Sibiricum. Linn. Mant. — Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 7. p. 1027. Gmel. FI. Sib. V. 1. p. 59. t. 15. f. 1. — A. Sclisenoprasum, /3. Linii. Sp. PI. 2. Allium Victorialis. Linn. — Bot. Mag. t. 1222. Gmel. FI. Sib. v. 1. p. 49. Ord. XXVIII. LILIACE^. Juss. 1. Lilium Kamtschatcense ; foliis verticillatis 3-4 supremis oppositis alternisque ovato- lanceolatis obtusiusculis nervosis, floribus subsolitariis erectiusculis campanulatis, petalis obovato-lanceolatis sessilibus. Linn. Amcen. Acad. v. 2. p. 348. Lamb, in Linn. Trans, v. 10. p. 265. t. 12. Ord. XXIX. MELANTHACE^. Br. 1. Veratrum nigrum. Linn. — Bot. Mag. t. 963. Gmel. FI. Sib. v. \. p. 76. Ord. XXX. JUNCEiE. Juss. 1. Luzula campestris. Desv. — Juncus campestris. Linn. Ord. XXXI. CYPERACE^. Juss. 1. Carex curta. Linn. 2. Carex Gmelini; spicis (4) peclunculatis approximatis oblongis terminali androgyna, squamis ovatis longe cuspidatis, capsulis ellipticis compi-essis striatis glaberrimis stipitatis, rostro perbrevi integro, bracteis foliaceis non vaginantibus culmoque triquetro superne ad angulos foliis ad apices marginibus scabris, stigmatibus 3. (Tab. XXVII.) — Carex. n. 77. Gmel. FI. Sib. v. 1. p. 139. t. 30. / 1. Cidm a foot high, triquetrous, rough at the angles above, leafy below. Leaves acuminate, linear, as long as the culm, or nearly so, rough at the margin above. Bractece leafy, amplectaut at the base, not at all sheathing, the margin rough. Spikes generally 4, oblong or subclavate, all more or less stalked, especially the lower one, erect, approximate. Scales closely imbricated, large, dark brown, rather glossy, nerve scarcely paler, rough at the back, and running out into a long scabrous, rigid point, about as long as the capsule. Capsule oval, or broadly elliptical, compressed, with longitudinal striae, upon a conspicuous stall?, the mouth forming a short entire beak. Stigmas 3. The male flowers occupy the lower part of the terminal spike, and some few of them are mixed with the upper. — The species is allied to C. atrata and C. Buxbaumii, but is truly distinct from both. We conceive the figiu’e of Gmelin, above referred to, to be decidedly intended for this plant ; though no author appears to have noticed it. Tab. XXVII. Carex Gmelini. Fig. 1, Male flower; fig. 2, Female do.; fig. 3, Scale, from a female flower ; fig. 4, Fruit : — magnified. 3. Carex bispicata; spica foem. solitaria pedunculata erecta ovata pauciflora laxa, squamis amplis ovatis longe acuminatis capsula ovata longe rostrata bifida sublongioribus, masc. solitaria longe pedunculata cylindracea, squamis arete imbricatis ovalibus cuspidatis, caule apbyllo, bractea foliacea vaginata spicam foemineam excedente, stigmatibus 3. (Tab. XXVIII.) MuscL] KAMTSCHATKA. 119 Of this, the leaves are slender, entirely radical, almost smooth, even at the margins, as is the slender, rounded, or obtusely angular stem. The male spike is terminal, on a long peduncle, which arises fi-om the same sheath as the female spike. Each is constantly solitary. Bractese of the female spike reddish-brown, with a broad pale-green nerve ,• those of the male all red-brown. Tab. XXVIII. Carex bispicata. Fig. 1, Extremity of the stem; fig.'Z, Male flower; Jig. 3, Scale of a female flower ; Jig, Fruit ; Jig. 5, Section of a leaf : — magnijied. 4. Carex frigida. All. — Willd. Sp. PL v. p. 275. Two other Carices exist in the Collection, but their fnictificatiou is not sufficiently advanced to enable us to detennine them. Ord. XXXII. GRAMINE^. Juss. 1. Trisetum subspicatum. Beauv. — T. airioides. Roem. et Schultes. — Aira subspicata. Linn. 1. Hierochloe borealis. Roem. et Schultes. — Holcus borealis. Schrad. 1. Poa pratensis. Linn. 2. Poa nemoralis. Linn. 3. Poa annua. Linn. 1. Bromus purgans. Rich, in Frankl. \st Jour n. ed. 2. App. p. 3. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 1. p. 431 ? This exactly agrees with the S. purgans of Dr. Richardson, which, however, has the leaves hairy, as well as the florets and sheaths. In regard to the degree of hairiness, this species is probably liable to mucli valuation ; and the B. puhescens of Muhl., the B. Canadensis of Mich., and the B. ciliatus of Linn., may perhaps be only different states of one and the same species. 1. Elymus arenarius. Linn. Ord. XXXIII. EQUISETACE^. Willd. 1. Equisetum arvense. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 2020. Ord. XXXIV. POLYPODIACE^. 1. Cistopteris fragilis. Bernh. — Aspidium fragile. Sw. — Cyathea. Engl. Bot. t. 1587. Ord. XXXV. MUSCL Linn. 1. Sphagnum squarrosum. Web. et Mohr. — E7igl. Bot. t. 1498. 1. Poly trichum commune. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 1197. 2. Polytrichum alpinum. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 1905. 3. Poly trichum contoi'tum ? Menz. This is without fruit ; but is remarkable for the narrow spinuloso-dentate contorted leaves, with a very broad sheathing base. 1. Dicranum scoparium. Linn. — et (3. fuscescens. Hook, et Taylor, Muse. Brit. ed. 2. p. 101. — Encjl. Bot. t. 354. — D. fuscescens. Tur^i. 1. Funaria Mjgrometrica. Hedw. — Engl. Bot. t. 342. 120 KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. [Ranunculacece. 1. Bartramia gracilis. Florke. — Engl. Bot. t. 1826. 1. Brynm palustre. Sw. — Engl. Bot. t. 391. 2. Bryum cccspilitium. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 1904. 3. Bryum nutans. Schreb, — Engl. Bot. t. 1240. 4. Bryum punctatwn. Sch?'eb. — Engl. Bot. t. 1183. 5. Bryum rostratum. Schrad. — Etigl. Bot. t. 1475. 1. Hypnum denticulatum. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 1260. 2. Hypnum dendroides. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 1565. 3. Hypnum cuspidatum. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 1425. 4. Hypnum laricinum ; caulibus suberectis simpliciter pinnatis, ramis longis gracilibus decurvis, foliis remote imbricatis erectis (siccitate laxis) cordato-ovatis basi valde contractis acuminatis serrulatis dorso papillosis profunde carinatis, nervo medium versus evanescente, margine revoluto. Wils. MSS. — H. abietinum. Sw. in Herb, nostr. (non Hedw.) This Moss, which has perhaps been confounded by Botanists with H. abietinum, is truly distinct from it, and has lately been found bearing fruit, in Cheshire, by Mr. Wilson, whose character we here adopt. 5. populeutn. Hedw. 6. Hypnum uncinatum. Hedw. — Engl. Bot. t. 1600. Ord. XXXVI. HEPATICiE. Linn. 1. polyniorjjha. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 210. Ord. XXXVII. LICHENES. Ach. 1. Peltidea aphthosa. Ach. — Engl. Bot. t. 1119. 1. Sticta scrobiculata. Ach. — Engl. Bot. t. 497. 1 . Stereocaulon paschale. Ach. — Engl. Bot. t. 282. 1. Cenomyce rangiferina. Ach. — Engl. Bot. t. 173. 2. Cenomyce deformis. Ach. — Engl. Bot. t. 1394. 3. Cenomyce pyxidata. Ach. — Etigl. Bot. t. 1393. KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. [Including the Plants gathered on the American Coast of Behring’s Strait, from lat. G7° to 71°.] The same Plants wiU be found more fuUy noticed in the “ Flora Boreali-Americana” of Dr. Hooker. Ord. I. RANUNCULACE^. Juss. 1. Thalictrum alpinum. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 12. Engl. Bot. t. 262. 1. Anemone alpina. Linn. — Bot. Mag. t. 2007. Hook, El. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 5 Crucifei-cB.] KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. 121 2. Anemone parviflora. Mich. — De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 19. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 5. — A. cuneifolia. Juss. in Ann. du Mm. v. 3. t. 21. f. 3. 3. Anemone narcissijlora. Linn. — Bot. Mag. t. 1120. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 23. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 8. — /3. uniflora. The single-flowered variety alone, as mentioned in the El. Bor. Am., exists in the Collection. It is smaller than the American state of the plant, and clothed with dense silky hairs. 1. Ranunculus Purshii.—Rich. in Frankl. Journ. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v.l. p. 15. t. 7. — R. multifidus. Pursh. 2. Ranunculus affinis. Br. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 12. t. 6. A. 3. Ranunculus Lapponicus. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 16. 4. Ranunculus pygmcem. Wahl. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. l.p. 16. 5. Ranunculus nivalis. Linn. Br. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 17. 1. Delphinium Menziesii. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 54. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 25. 1. Aconitum Napellus; var. delphinifolium. Hook. FI. Bor. Ayn. v. 1. p. 25. — A. delph- inifolium, a. Americanum. De Cand. Prodr,, v. l.p. 62. Ord. II. PAPAVERACE.®. Juss. 1. Papaver nudicaule. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 117. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 34. Ord. III. FUMARIACE^. De Cand. 1. CoxyAsXis paucijlora. Pers. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 127. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 37. Ord. IV. CRUCIFERS. Juss. 1. Cardamine purpurea; glabriuscula, foliis radicalibus caulinoque trifoliolatis quinatisve, foliolis lateralibus ovali-rotundatis acutis terminal i cordato-rotundato rotundato, bractea ad basin pedicelli inferioris cuneato-tridentato sessili, petalis (Isete purpureis) reticulatim venosis. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnma., v. 1. p. 20. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 44. 2. Cai’damine pratensis. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 45. 1. Parrya macrocarpa. Br. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 1. p. 18. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. V. 1. p. 47. t. 15. 1. Draba alpina. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 50. 2. Draba hirta. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 52. 3. Draba stellata. Jacq. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. l.p. 53. 1. Cochlearia oblongifolia. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 363. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea.) V. l.p. 26. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. j). 56. 2. Cochlearia anglica. Linn. — Fngl. Bot. t. 552. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 57. 9 122 KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. [Leguminos(B. 1. Hutcliinsia calycina. Desv. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 58. t. IT. f. B. — /3. foliis inferioribus omnino integris. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 58. 1. Hesperis pygmma. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 60. t. 19. — Cheiranthus pygmseus. Adams in De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 137. 1. Sisymbi’ium sophioides. Fischer. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 61. t. 20. Ord. V. DROSERACE^. De Cand. 1. Parnassia palustris. Linn. 2. Parnassia Kotzebuei. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea., v.\. p. 549. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. V. \.p. 83. t. 28. Ord. VI. VIOLARIE^. De Cand. 1. Viola hlanda ? Willd. Hort. Berol. t. 24. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 76. Ord. VII. CARYOPHYLLE^. De Cand. 1. Dianthus repens. Willd. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 87. 1. Silene acaulis. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \.p. 87. 1. Lychnis apetala. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. Q\. 1. Stellaria longifolia. Muhl. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 94. 2. Stellaria Fdwardsii. Br. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 96. 31. 3. Stellaria ovalifolia. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 97. 1. Arenaria hirta. De Cand. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 99. Wormsk. in FI. Dan. t. 1646. 2. Arenaria arctica. Stev. in De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 404. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 100. f. 34. A. 3. Arenaria peploides. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. jo. 102. 1. Cerastium alpinum. Linn. Ord. VIII. LEGUMINOSAS. Juss. 1. Pliaca frigida. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 140. 2. Phaca astragalina. De Cand. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 2. p. 145. — AsU’agalus alpinus. Linn. 1. Oxytropis borealis. De Cand. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 145. — 13. bracteis foliosis, foliolis angustioribus. Both states of the plant are in this Collection. The var. fi. may probably prove to be a distinct species. 2. Oxytropis arctica. Br. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 146. 1. Heclysarum boreale. Nutt. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \.p. 155. Saxifragea.] KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. 123 1. Lathyrus pisiformis. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 158. — Pisum maritimum. Linn, et alior. 1. Lupinus perennis. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 163. Ord. IX. ROSACEjE. Juss. 1. Spiraea chammdrifolia. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 171. — var. /3. foliis ellip- ticis glabris v. subpubescentibus. 1. Dryas octopetala. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 174. 2. Dryas integrifolia. Pursh — Vahl. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 174. 1. Sieversia glacialis. Br. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 177. 1. Rubus acaulis. Mich. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v.\.p. 182. — R. pistillatus. Stm. Ex. Bot. t. 86. — R. px’opinquus. Rich. 2. Rubus ChamoBinorus. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 183. 1. Potentilla fruticosa. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 186. 2. Potentilla Pennsglvanica. Linn. — Hook. FL Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 187. 3. Potentilla anserina. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 189. 4. Potentilla nana. Lehm. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 194. 5. Potentilla villosa. Pallas. — Lehm. Pot. t. 16. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 194. 6. Potentilla hiflora. Lehm. Pot. p. 192. t. 20. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 195. Ord. X. ONAGRARIiE. Juss. 1. Epilobium angustifolium. Linn. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 2. p. 552. 2. Epilobium latifolium. Linn Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 205. Ord. XI. HALORAGE^. Br. 1. Hippuris maritima. “ Hellen. Diss. cum Ic.” — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 218. Ord. XII. PORTULACE.®. Juss. 1. Claytonia Virginica. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 224. Of this, one of the specimens in the Collection has the leaves remai-kably broad and sheathing at the base ; but it has the appearance rather of a monstrosity than of a variety, or distinct species. 2. Claytonia lanceolata. Pursh, FI. Am. v. 1. p. 175. t. 3. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 224. Ord. XIII. CRASSULACE^. De Cand. 1. Sedum Bhodiola. De Cand. — Rhodiola rosea. Lin7i. Ord. XIV. SAXIFRAGES. Juss. 1. Saxifraga coespitosa. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 27. — var. uniflora. — S. uniflora. Br. in PI. of Melv. Isl. — S. sileniflora. Cham, in Herb, nostr. Q 2 124 KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. [ Umbelliferm. 2. Saxifraga cernua. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 664. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 89. — /3. mul- tiflora. There are, in the Herbarium, some remarkable states of this plant, 6-8 inches high, branched upwards, and each branch bearing a lai'ge flower, no bulbs. This is perhaps the most perfect form : and the very oppo- site to that which grows in Scotland, where almost all the flowers are turned into sessile bulbs. Perhaps the S. Steplianiana Sternb. Saxifr. Suppl. p. 8. t. 6. f. 2, may be corz’ectly referred to our variety /3. •S'. Sibirica also seems too nearly aUied to it. 3. Saxifraga rivularis. Linn. 4. Saxifraga Dahurica. Sternh. Saxifr. p. 13. et var. — -var. /3. foliis angustioribus glan- duloso-pubescentibus, panicula decomposita. This species seems to vary considerably in the breadth and pubescence of its leaves. Our var. has the pubescence and panicle of the /3. latifolia of Sternberg (Saxifr. Suppl. t. 5,) but the leaves are narrower. 5. Saxifraga hieracifolia. Waldst. et Kit. v. \. p. IT. t. 18. 6. Saxifraga Nelsoniana ; caule glanduloso superne pubescente, foliis longe petiolatis orbiculari-cordatis crenato-lobatis venosis margine venisque subtus glandulosis, giandulis pedicellatis, racemis compositis subspiciformibus, bracteis lanceolatis pedicellisque glandu- losis, calycis segmentis triangulari-ovatis acutis. (Tab. XXIX.) — Don in Linn. Trans. V. 13. p. 354. Caulis spithamseus ad pedalem, erectus, robustus, simplex, giandulis pedicellatis asper, inferne glaber superne pubescens. Folia ampla, longe petiolata, orbiculari-cordata, coriaceo-membranacea, glabra, reticulatim venosa, crenato-lobata, dentibus acutis, margine nervisque subtus petiolisque giandulis pedicellatis instructis. Petioli ad basin membranaceo-vaginantes. Racemus digitalis ad spithamseum, compositus, densus, sub- spiciformis : rachis pedicellique pubescentes et glandulosi. Rractea lanceolatas, acuminatae, floris longitudine, margine glanduloso. Flores inter maximos hujusce generis. Calyx glandulosus, laciniis ovatis, acutis seu acuminatis, erecto-patentibus. Petala patentia, obovata, subunguiculata, hii’suta. Stamina petahs breviora. Ovarium seminiferum. Styli 2, erecto-patentes. It is very strange if this fine Saxifrage should have escaped the notice of Chamisso : yet we do not find it described by Sternberg in the Supplement to his Monographia Saxifrag., where the other species of Chamisso are detailed. We possess the same plant from the Rocky Moimtains, gathered by Mr. Drummond. Tab. XXIX. Saxifi’aga Nelsoniana. Fig. 1, 1, Flowers. T. Saxifraga Linn. — supra, p. W^. 8. Saxifraga Hirculus. Linn. — Engl. Bot t. 1009. 9. Saxifraga flagellaris. Willd. in Sternh. Saxifr. p. 25. t. 6.- — S. setigera. Pursh, El. Am. V. 1. p. 312. 10. Saxifraga bronchialis. Linn. — supra, p. 114. 11. Saxifraga tricuspidata. Betz. — El. Dan. t. 9T6. 1. Chrysosplenium alternifolium. Linn. Ord. XV. UMBELLIFER.®. Juss. 1. Bupleurum angulosum. Linn. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnma, v. \. p. 283. 1. Conioselinum Fischeri. “ Wimm. et G?'ab.” — De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 164. — Ligus- ticum Gmelini. Cham, et Schlecht. in LinncBa, v. \.p. 394. Gmel. EL Sib. v. 1. t. 44. Compositm.] KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. 125 1. Ligusticum Scoticum. Linn. — supra, p. 115. 1 . Laserpitium hirsutum. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 205. Ord. XVI. CORNER. De Cand. 1. Coxmis, Suecica. Linn. — supra, p. 115. Ord. XVII. CAPRIFOLIACE^. Juss. 1 . Linnsea borealis. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 433. Ord. XVIII. RUBIACE^. Juss. 1. GsJmm. rubioides. Linn. — supra, p.\\5. Ord. XIX. VALERIANE^. Juss. 1. Valeriana capitata. “ Pall, in Willd. Herb.” Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 3. p. 130. Ord. XX. COMPOSITE. Juss. 1. Leontodon Taraxacum. Linn. 2. Leontodon paluslre. 1. Artemisia borealis. Pall. — supra, p. 115. — Lessing, in Linncea, v. 6. p. 211.' — /3. lanuginosa; racemis dense lanuginosis, floribus duplo majoribus, foliis superioribus lat- ioribus. Besides the true A. borealis, we have the variety just noticed, which has a stouter habit, much broader cauline leaves, and a dense woolly raceme (peduncle, pedicels, and involucres); the tomentum of a yellowish hue, and flowers more than twice as large — as large indeed as those of A. arctica, from which it differs remark- ably in its foliage and tomentum. It will probably, on a future examination and comparison with other species, prove to be distinct. 2. Artemisia arctica; erecta glabra vel hirsuta, foliis bipinnatifidis laciniis (racbique) linearibus acutis idtimis brevibus, superioribus pinnatifidis, racemo elongato, pedicellis elongatis bractea lineari integra longioribus, floribus majusculis nutantibus secundis, recep- taculo nudo. — Lessing, in Linncea, v. 6. p. 213. This is assuredly subject to much variation, and is nearly allied to A. Norvegica, which has the flowers of the present species, with the leaves of A. borealis. Of this, our tallest specimens (one foot high) are glabrous, with the segments of the leaves very sharply acuminated ; the pedicels an inch long. A second state of the plant is very downy, almost woolly ; it has stouter stems, less divided leaves, and pedicels two inches long. A third is only four or five inches taU, with the pedicels so long, especially the lower ones, (.3-4 inches), that they form a corymbus. 3. Artemisia glomerata ; densissime csespitosa ubique sericeo-villosissima, ramis brevibus arete foliatis, foliis brevibus 3-5-fido-palmatis laciniis lanceolatis brevi-acuminatis inferiori- bus sessilibus caulinis late petiolatis, floribus capitatis, receptaculo nudo. — Lessing, in Linncea, v. 6. p. 212. We can hardly thinli but that this is the of Lessing, although the leaves of his plant are 126 KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. {Compositi described as being- more compound. It forms dense tufts of many inches in diameter, the barren tufts looking more hke some silky Androsace than anything of this Natural Order. 4. Artemisia Tilesii. Ledeh. — supra, p. 115. 1. Gnaphalium alpinwn. Linn. \. Chrysanthemum Linn. — supra, p. \\Q. 2. Chrysanthemum integrifoVmm; pilosum, foliis linearibus integerrimis, caule subaphyllo unifloro, Liich. in Frankl. \st Journ. ed. 1. App. p. 749. Hook, in Parry's 2d Voy. App. p. 398. 1. Pyrethrum inodorum. Sm. — var. nana — P. Caucasicum. Willd. Sp. PL v. 3. p. 2156. {fide Lessing in Linnma, v. 6. p. 167.) — Chrysanthemum grandiflorum. Hook, in Parry's 2d Voy. App. p. 398. 1. Arnica angustifolia. Vakl, in PI. Dan. t. 1524. — A. montana. 13. Linn. — A. alpina. Wahl. FI. Dan. v. 2. p. 530. Lessing, in Linncea, v. 6. p. 235. This, in a more luxuriant state, bears 2-4 flowers, and it appears then to become the A. Chamissonis of Lessing 1. c., who describes two other alhed species fi'om Unalaschka, differing from these by the corolla being quite glabrous. 2. Arnica maritinia. Linn. — Pursh, FI. Am. v. 2. p. 527. — A. Doronicum? Pursh, (non alior.) — Senecio Pseudo- Arnica. Lessing, in Linncea, v. 6. p. 240. This has entirely the habit of Arnica, yet agrees with the character of Senecio as defined by Lessing in the Linnsea, v. 6. p. 239. 1. Cinei’aria frigida; deciduo-tomentosa, foliis ovatis’ obsolete dentatis, radicalibus petiolatis, caule ascendente unifloro. Rich, in Frankl. ls^ Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 30. — Se- necio frigidus. Lessing, in Linncea, v. 6. p. 239. 2. Cineraria lyrata; uniflora, foliis lyratis lobo terminali subrotundo acute 5-7-angulato. Reichenb. — Ledeh. in Mem. de V Acad. Petersh. v. 5. p. 576. Reichenb. Iconogr. Rot. Cent. II. p. 1. t. 101. 3. Cineraria integrifolia. Willd. 4. Cineraria congesta ; capitulo lanato, foliis lineari-lingulatis undulatis, caule simplicis- simo. Br. in Parry's Is^ Voy. App. p. cclxxix. 1 Senecio Kalmii. Nutt. — Cineraria Canadensis. Linn. 1. Tussilago corymbosa; corymbo foemineo laxo paucifloro, corollulis ligularibus nervosis, masculo congesto, foliis cordatis sinuatis inaequaliter dentatis subtus tomentosis. Br. in Parry's Is^ Voy. App. p. cclxxix. — T. frigida. Rich, in Frankl. Is^ Journ. ed. 2. App. 30? — Nardosma angulosa. Cassini. — Lessing, in Linncea, v. 6. p. 107. Lessing unites the T. corymbosa with the T. frigida, and perhaps with justice. 1. Erigeron alpinum. Linn. 1. Solidago Virga-aurea. Linn. 1. Aster salsuginosus ; caule uni-paucifloro, fohis lanceolatis acutis subin tegerrimis PolemonidecB.} KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. 127 venosis inferioribus in petiolum longe atteniiatis reliquis sessilibus, involucri squamis lineari- bus acutis pubescentibus subsqiiarrosis disco vix duplo (radio plus triplo) longioribus. Rich, in Frankl. Isi Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 32. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2942. Lessing, in Linncea, V. 6. p. 124. 1. Saussurea De Cand. — supra, p. 116. Ord. XXL CAMPANULACEiE. Juss. 1. Campanula unijiora. Linn. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 4. p. 37. 2. Campanula lasiocarpa ; humilis, caule unifloro nudiusculo, foliis radicalibus confertis lanceolato-obovatis setaceo-denticulatis, petiolis ciliatis, calyce tubo villoso lobis acuminatis denticulatis, corolla infundibuliformi-campanulata lobis calycinis duplo longiore, capsula subcylindracea. Alph. De Cand. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 6. p. 39. — C. algida. Alph. De Cand. Camp. p. 338. Ord. XXIL ERICINE^. Juss. 1. Aza[ea procmnbens. Linn. 1. Arbutus alpina. Linn. 1. Andromeda Linn. 2. Andromeda tetragona. Linn. 1. Ledmn palustre. Linn. 1. Pyrola rotundifolia. Linn. 1. Vaccinium Vitis Idcea. Linn. — supra, p. 116. 2. Vaccinium uliginosum. Linn. — supra, p. 1 16. 3. Vaccinium Oxycoccos. Linn. Ord. XXIII. GENTIANE^E. Juss. 1. Gentiana glauca. Pall. — Cham, et Schlecht. v. 1. p. 175. — G. csespitosa. Graham in James. Phil. Journ. 2. Gentiana Rurickiana; corollis 4-fidis hypocrateriformibus, fauce nudis calyce plus duplo longioribus, laciniis lanceolatis setaceo-acuminatis, calycis fere usque ad basin divisi laciniis inaequalibus duabus maximis, floribus longe pedunculatis. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. \. p. 176. 3. Gentiana glacialis. Vill. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 1. p. 182. 4. Gentiana roteto. Willd. Herb. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 1. p. 187. Rich, in Frankl. Isi Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 9. Ord. XXIV. POLEMONIDEiE. Juss. 1. Polemonium cceruleum. Linn. 128 KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. [Primulacem. 2. Polemonium Bichardsoni ; caule piloso angulato erecto, foliis pinnatis multijugis, pinnis ovato-rotundatis mucronulatis subtus pubescentibus, floribus corymbosis nutantibus, corollse segmentis obtusis crenulatis, radice subfusiformi longissima. Graham.^ in Bot. Mag. t. 2800. — P. speciosum. Fischer, MSS. in Herb, nostr. — P. cseruleum, var. nana. Hook. Arct. PI. in Linn. Trans, v. 14. p. 377. 1. Phlox Sibirica. Linn. Ord. XXV. BORAGINE^. Juss. 1. Myosotis alpesti'is. Schmidt. — Engl. Bot. t. 2559. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 4. p. 442. 1. Liihospei'xmxm dentmdatmn. Lehm. — supra, p. 116. Oiie of the specimens in this Collection appears rather to agree with the Lithospei-mum (Pulmonaria) pilosum of Cham, et Schlecht, than with L. denticulatum: but although we have specimens of both from these excellent Botanists, we cannot satisfy ourselves of the essential diflference between the two plants. 2. maritimiim. Lehm. — supra, p. 116. Ord. XXVL SCROPHULARINE^. Juss. 1. Gymnandra (Sfe/Zen ; foliis radicalibus oblongis utrinque infz-a vero magis attenuatis acutis insequaliter obtuse serratis, staminibus fere longitudine labii superior stylo illo lon- giore. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 2. p. 563. 1. Castilleja pallida. Kunth. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 2. p. 580. — C. septen- tionalis et Sibirica. Lindl. — Bartsia pallida. Linn. 1. Pediculai’is Nelsoni. Brown, in Herb. Banks. — Rich, in Frankl. Is^. Journ. (1823.) Apj). p. 743. Hook, in Parry's 2d Voy. App. p. 402. t. 1 — P. capitata. Adams ex Stev. in Mem. de la Soc. Imp. Mosc. v. 6. p. 19. t. 3. /. 2. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 2. p. 582. — P. verticillata. Pursh, (non Linn.) 2. Pedicularis verticillata. Linn. C ham. et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 2. p. 582. 3. Pedicularis euphrasioides. Steph. ex Stev. in Mem. de la Soc. de Mosc. v. 6. p. 42. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 2. p. 583. Rich, in Frankl. Is^ Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 24. Gmel. FI Sib. v. 3. p. 203. t. 43. 4. Pedicularis Langsdorffii. Fisch. ex Stev. 1. c. p. 49. t. 9.f. 2. (excl. var. /3.) 5. Pedicularis lanata. Willd. Herb. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 2. p. 583. — P. Langsdorffii. Stev. 1. c. p. 49, Nearly aUied to P. arctica. Br., and P. hirsuta. Willd. 6. Pedicularis sudetica. Willd. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 2. p. 583. Stev. 1. c. p. 44. t. 15. f. 2. Rich, in Frankl. Is^ Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 25, Ord. XXVII. PRIMULACEiE. Juss. 1. Primula saxifragifolia. Lehm. Prim. p. 89. t. 9. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 1, p. 212. Amentacecs?\ KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. 129 2. Primula Mistassinica? Lehm. Prim. p. 63. t. 7. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2973. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 1. />. 213. 3. Pi'imula nivalis. Pall. It. t. 9. f. 2. Lehm. Prim. p. 67. Cham, et Schlecht. v. 1. p. 215. 1, Androsace septentrionalis. Linn. 2. Androsace Chammjasme. Wulf. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 1. p. 217. 1. Dodecatheon frigidum; folds subspathulatis repando-dentatis, umbellis paucifloris, pedunculis divaricatis glandulosis, bracteis subuiatis, antheris subsessilibus. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. p. 222. Ord. XXVIII. PLUMBAGINEiE. Juss. 1. Statice Armeria. Linn. Ord. XXIX. POLYGONEiE. Juss. 1. VoljgoxiMm viviparum. Linn. — supra, p. 116. 2. Polygonum alpinum. All. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 3. p. 38. 1. Oxyria reniformis. Hook. FI. Scot. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 3. p. 58. — Rumex digynus. Linn. 1. Rumex Acetosa. Linn. 2. Rumex domesticus. Hartm. — Reichenb. Icon. Bot. t. 345. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, V. 3. p. 59. — R. aquaticus, /3. crispatus. Wahl. Lapp. p. 91. This exactly agrees with Reichenhach’s figure, except that the leaves are longer and narrower. Ord. XXX. CHENOPODE^. Vent. 1. At\'\p\e^ littoralis. Linn. Ord. XXXI. EMPETRE.E. Nutt. 1. Empetrum Linn. — supra, p. 116. Ord. XXXII. AMENTACE^. Juss. 1. Almxs incana. Willd. — supra, p.Wl. This precisely resembles the Kamtschatkan specimens above-mentioned. 1. Betula nana. Linn. 1. arcticaf Br. [non Pallas?) Of this plant, which we refer to Mr. Brown’s S. arctica, there are two states in the Collection, both much larger in the foliage and catkins | the one having the leaves very downy and silky beneath, the other glaucous and slightly silky beneath. 2. Salix Lapponum. Linn. — Sm. in Rees'' Cycl. — S. glauca, var. Wahl. Lapp. p. 264. 3. Salix arenaria. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 1809. R 130 KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. [Melanthacece. 4. Salix reticulata, Linn, — Engl, Bot, t, 1908. 5. Salix retusa, Linn, 6. Salix speciosa ; ramis robustis densissime flavo-sericeis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis vel subacuminatis integerrimis supra glabriusculis subtus petiolisque niveo-tomentosis, stipulis persistentibus lineari-subulatis membraiiaceis fuscis petiole longioribus. Although there is no fructification on the specimen of this plant, yet it is altogether so remai-kable in appearance, and so unlike any other Salix with which we are acquainted, or can find described, that we venture on giving it a name aud character. The branch is about a foot long, strait, and very stout in pro- portion to its length ; covered throughout, but especially towards the extremity, with remarkably dense upright yellow silljy hairs. Leaves four inches or more long, an inch or an inch and half broad, moderately firm, quite entire, acute, oblongo-lanceolate, tapering into a densely woolly footstalk, about half an inch long, dilated considerably at the base, where it embraces a densely silky leaf-bud: the upper side of the leaf has only a few scattered lax woolly hairs, beneath it is white and cottony. Stipules linear-subulate, longer than the petiole, membranaceous, bronm, woolly. Ord. XXXIII. ORCHIDE^. Juss, 1. Habenaria obtusata. Rich, in Frankl, 1st Journ, ed, 2, App. p, 33. — Orchis obtusata. Pursh, 1. Corallorhiza innata, Br, — Ophyrs Corallorhiza. Linn, — Engl, Bot, t. 1547. Ord. XXXIV. IRIDEJ5. Juss. 1. Iris Sibirica. Linn. — supra, p, 117. Ord. XXXV. ASPHODELE^. Juss. 1. Anthericum serotinum. Linn. 1. Allium Sibiricum. Linn. Ord. XXXVI. MELANTHACE^E. Br, 1 . Zigadenus chloranthus ; scapo subnudo, bracteis lanceolatis, sepalis obovatis obtusis. Rich, in Frankl. Is^ Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 12. 1. Tofieldia coccinea ; spica capitata, floribus fere sessilibus, involucre triphyllo, scapo 1-2 folio. (Tab. XXIX.) Rich, in Frankl. 1«^ Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 11. ScJmlt. Syst. Veget. v. 7. p. 1580. Radix fibrosa, fibris flexuosis pallide fuscis pubescentibus. Folia fere omnia radicalia, equitantia, disticha, numerosa, unciam vel sesquiunciam longa, lineari-acuminata, plana, striata, glabra. Scapus 3-4 uncias longus, erectus, flexuosus, siccitate angulatus, j)lerumque diphyllus; foliis brevibus erectis submembranaceis duplicato- carinatis : uno basin versus, altero prope medium sito. Flores spicato-capitati, densi, fere omnino sessiles, involucrati; involucro triphyllo, foliolis ovatis membranaceis acutis. Perianthii sepala oblongo-bvata, concava, obtusa, erecto-patentia. Stamina sepalis opposita paulo longiora. Anther m rotundatse. Pistillum late ovatuin. Styli tres erecti. Capsules ovatae, basi in unum connatae, intus longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Semina numerosa, cylindracea, curvata, utrinque subacuta ad marginem suturae iuserta. This was first discovered by Dr. Richardson, and described by him in the Appendix to Captain Franklin’s first Expedition, fi’om recent specimens, in Arctic America, and which were lost in crossing the barren Graminece.] KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. 131 grounds. Mr. Menzies found it on the North-West coast of America; Chamisso detected it in Unalaschka; and Messrs. Lay and Colhe in Kotzebue’s Sound. Dr. Richardson describes the scape and bracteas as reddish, and the sepals as marked with a red line down the back, or ndiolly dull red ; whence the specific name. That Author, too, well obseiwes, “ Herba elegantia T. borealis tota carens.” The leaves are more flaccid, and of a duller coloim, and the flowers are almost entirely sessile ; thus bringing the involucrum close to the flower, which, in T. borealis, is separated by the length of the pedicel. Tab. XXIX. Tofieldia coccinea. Fig. 1, Flower and bracteae; Jig. 2, Sepal and stamen; Jig. 3, Stamen; ^g. 4, Pistil ; yig. 5, Capsule, with the persistent withered stamens and perianth ; Jig. 6, Capsules combined ; ^g. 7, One of the capsules cut open to show the seed ; j^g. 8, Seed : — magnijied. Ord. XXXVII. JUNCEiE. Juss. 1. Juncus castaneus. Engl. Bot. t. 900. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 3. p. 374. The specimens in this Collection are twice or thrice as tall as those of Scotland ; two feet or more high. 1. Luzula arcuata. Meyer. — Hook, in FI. Fond, cum Ic. Cham, et Schlecht. in LinncBa, V. 3. p. 375. — Juncus arcuatus. Wahl. Fapp. 2. Luzula spicata. De Cand. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Finncea, v. 3. p. 376. — Juncus spicatus. Finn. 3. Luzula melanocarpa. Desv. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Finncea, v. 3. p. 374. Ord. XXXVIII. TYPHACE^. Juss. 1. Sparganium natans. Finn. Ord. XXXIX. CYPERACE^. Juss. 1. Ei’iophorum capitatum. Schrad. 2. Eriophorum angustifolium. Both. 1. Carex Gmelini. — supra, p. 118. t. 27. 2. Carex atrata. Finn. 3. Carex saxatilis. Finn. 4. Carex membranacea ; spica mascula subsolitaria, foemineis magis minusve pedicellatis oblongo-cylindraceis erectis obtusis (atro-fuscis nitidis), fructu laevi rotundato inflate breviter acuminate bifide pedicellate, vaginis perbrevibus. Hook, in Parry’’ s 2d Voy. App. p. 406. 5. Carex coespitosa. Finn. — Fngl. Bot. t. 1507. 6. Carex stricta. Finn. — Engl. Bot. t. 914. Ord. XL. GRAMINEAE. Juss. 1. Alepecurus alpinus. Engl. Bot. t. 1126. Brown, in Parry’s Is^ Voy. App. p. clxxxiv. 1. Deschampsia brevifolia. Brown, in Parry’s \st Voy. App. p. cxci. 1. Vilfa arundinacea; feliis planis lanceelate-linearibus, panicula patula, gluma inferiere R 2 KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. 132 [PolypodiacecB. valvulis undique hirtis tertiam partem breviori, superiore easdem subaequante. Trin. Diss. V. 1. p. 157, Ejusd. Spec. Gram.fasc. 5. t. 55. 2. Vilfa monandra; panicula contracta, gluma inferiore brevissima, superiore valvulis fei-e triple breviori, foliis linearibus. Trin. Diss. p. 159. Ejusd. Sp. Gram. fasc. 7. t. 84. — Phippsia monandra. Trin. in N. Eiddek, 2. p. 37. This we had taken for the Vi/fa algida, (^Phippsia, Br.) but it is larger, and certainly the V. monandra of Trillins, who observes that it is the var. of P. algida, mentioned by Mr. Brown, as found by IMr. Nelson, at Tschutsld. Chamisso also discovered it in the Bay of St. Lawrence. 1. Calamagrostis stricta. Schrad. — Engl. Bot. t. 2160. 1. Hierochloe Schrad. — supra, p.Wd. 2. Iliei'ochloe alpina. lioem. et ScJmlt. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 513. — Holcus alpinus. Sw. — Wahl. Lapp. p. 31. t. 2. 1. Dupontia Fischeri. Brown, in Parry’s Is^ Voy. App. p. cxci. — (3. flavescens. There are two states of this plant, as it appears to us, in the Collection ; a purple-flowered one, with usually a single flower only in each calyx, and a yellow-flowered var., with two flowers in each calyx, one upon a rather long stallv. In other respects, the characters are the same. The lower branches of the panicle are often horizontally patent, sometimes completely deflexed. 1. Poa angustata. Brown, in Parry’s Isf Voy. App. p. clxxxvii. 2. Poa nenioralis. Linn. 3. Poa arctica. Brown, in Parry’s Is^ Voy. App. p. clxxxviii. In the Collection are specimens, vaiyiug in height from 4-6 inches to two feet. 1. Pestuca otJmc!. Linn. 2. Festuca duriuscula. Linn. 1. Eromus Willd. — supra, p. 119. 1. Trisetum suhspicatum. Beauv. — supra, p. 119. 1. Elymus arenarius. Linn. — supra, p. 119. Ord. XLI. EQUISETACE^. De Cand. 1. Equisetum artJewse. Linn. — supra, p. 119. Ord. XLII. LYCOPODIACEiE. Sw. 1. Lycopodium annotinuni. Linn. 2. Lycopodium Selago. Linn. Ord. XLIII. POLYPODIACE^. Br. 1. Cistopteris fragilis. Bernhardi.- — supra, p. 119. 1. Nepbrodium fragrans. Rich, in Frankl. ^st Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 39. Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 70. — Aspidium fragrans. Willd. — Polypodium. Linn. Lichenes.'] KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. 133 Ord. XLIV. MUSCI. Linn. 1. Sphagnum acutifolium. Llirh. 1. Poly trichum Linn. — supra, p. 119. 2. Vo\ytv\c\mxnjuniperinum. Willd. 3. Poly trichum nanum. Hedw. St. Cr. if. 13. 4. Polytrichum Icevigatum. Wahl. Lapp. p. 349. t. 22. Hook. Muse. Exot. 81, Brown, in Parry’s \st Voy. App. p. cxcv. 1. Conostomum horeale. Sw. 1. Splachnum mnioides. Linn. Fil. 1, Dicranum Schraderi. Schwaegr. Suppl. v. 1. P. I. p. 166. t. 61. 1. Didymodon capillacemn. Schrad. 2. Didymodon purpuremn. Hook, et Taylor, Muse. Brit. 1. Trichostomum lanuginosim. Hedw. 1. Bryum palustre. Sw. — supra, p. 120. 2. Bryum nutans. Sehreb. — supra, p. 120. 1. Hypnum salehrosuni ? Hoffm. (sine fruct.) 2. Hypnum luteseens. Huds. 3. Hypnum aduneum. Linn. Ord. XLV. HEPATIC^. 1. Marchantia Linn. — supra, p.\2t). Ord. XL VI. LICHENES. Aeh. 1. Lecanora ventosa. Aeh. — Engl. Bot. p. 90. t. 906. 2. Lecanora Tartarea. Aeh. var. upsaliensis. — Lichen upsaliensis. Engl. Bot. t. 169. 1. Parmelia diatrypa. Aeh. — Lichen diatrypus. Engl. Bot. t. 1248. 1. Peltidea aphthosa. Aeh. — supra, p. 120. 1. Stereocaulon pasehale. Aeh. — supra, p. 120. 1. Cetraria eueullata. Aeh. — Lichen cucullatus. Linn. 2. Cetraria Islandiea. Aeh. — Lichen Islandicus. Engl. Bot. t. 1330. 1. Cornicularia oehroleuea. Aeh. — Lichen ochroleucus. Engl. Bot. t. 2374. 2. Cornicularia divergens. Aeh. — Wahl. Lapp. p. 439. FI. Dan. t. 262. Hook, in Parry’s 2d Voy. App. p. 486. 1. Dufourea aretica. Br. — Pieh. in Frankl. \st Journ. ed. 2. App. jo. 47. 31. 134 CALIFORNIA. [PapaveracecB. 1. Cenomyce rangiferina. Ach. — Lichen rangiferinus. Engl. Bot. t. 2'7T'. 2. Cenomyce pyxidata. Ach. — Lichen pyxidatus. Engl. Bot. t. 1393. 3. Cenomyce uncialis. Ach. — Lichen uncialis. Engl. Bot. t. 174. 4. Cenomyce ecmocyna. Ach. — Lichen gracilis. Engl. Bot. t. 1464. 5. Cenomyce pungens. Ach. — Lichen pimgens. Engl. Bot. t. 2444. 6. Cenomyce radiata. Ach. — Lichen radiatus. Engl. Bot. t. 1835. Ord. XLVII. fungi. Linn. 1. Dothidea betulina. var. /3. Betulce nance. Fries, Syst. Myc. v. 2. p. 555. Grev. Scot. Cr. El. t. 200./. 2. 1. Erineum roseum. ScJmlt. El. St?dg. p. 506. Grev. Cr. Scot. FI. Suppl. — E. Betula. De Cand. — Grev. Scot. Cr. El. p. 21. Ord. XLVIII. ALG^. 1. Fucus vesiculosus. Linn. — Engl. Bot. t. 1066. — var. minor; vesiculis destitutis. CALIFORNIA. [Collected at San Francisco, and a few at Monterey Bay.] Ord. I. RANUNCULACE.®. 1. Ranunculus aquatilis. Linn. 2. Ranunculus Chilensis. DC. — vide supra, p. 4. t. 3. Although this plant is in the Herharium, from California, it may have been unintentionally introduced from the Chilian Collection. Ord. II. BERBERIDE^. Vent. 1. Berberis acuifolium; foliis bi-tri-jugis, jugo inferiore a petioli basi distante, foliolis ovatis approximatis spinuloso-dentatis basi cordatis uninerviis, racemis erectis confertis, filamentis bidentatis. Hook. — Pursh, FI. Am. v. \. p. 219. if. 4. Hook. El. Bor. Am. v. \. p, 29, (excl. syn. B. repentis. Lindl.) Lindl. in Bot. Beg. t. 1425. — Mahonia acuifolium. De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 108. The single specimen is not in a good state, being destitute of flower or fruit. Ord. hi. PAP AVERAGES. Juss. 1. Eschscholtzia Californica. Cham, in Hor. Phys. Berol. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 344. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1168. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2887. Caryophyllece.] CALIFORNIA. 135 Ord. IV. CRUCIFERS. Juss. 1. Cheiranthus ; subasper, foliis lineai’i-lanceolatis magis minusve dentatis vel integris basi longe attenuatis cauleque pube bipartita arctissime appressa strigosis, floribus majusculis dense corymbosis, siliquis pedicello triple longioribus. — Douglas, M88. — Hook, in FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 38. — Cheiranthus asper. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 1. p. 14. (non Nutt.) 1. Nasturtium palustre. DC. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 39. — Sisymbrium terrestre. Engl. Bot. t. 1*747. 1. Cardamine angulata; foliis omnibus petiolatis ternatis rarius pinnatis radicalium foliolis subrotundis, caulinorum ovatis lanceolatisve angulato-vel inciso-lobatis glabris. Hook, in FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 44, in Bot. Misc. P. III. p. 344. t. 69. 1. Ei’ysimum asperum; pube bipartita adpressa ubique incanum asperum, caule simplici, foliis lineari-lanceolatis integris radicalibus runcinato-dentatis, unguibus calyce longioribus, siliquis longis patentibus, stigmate bilobo. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 64. t. 22. — Cheir- anthus asper. Nutt. Gen. Am. v. 2. p. 69. (non Cham.) Ord. V. VIOLARIE^. De Cand. 1. Viola adunca ; stigmate subreflexo glabro, caule adscendente simplici usculo, foliis ovatis cordato-ovatisque coiiaceis crenatis insigniter fusco-punctatis, stipulis lanceolato- acuminatis profunde dentato-ciliatis, sepalis lineaii-lanceolatis, petalis duobus barbatis calcare nunc adunco vix longioribus, pedunculis elongatis folia multo superantibus. Sm. in Rees’’ Cycl. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 79. Ord. VI. CISTINE^. Juss. 1. Helianthemum ? Specimens of a shrubby Helianthemum exist in the Collection, but in so bad a state, that it is impossible to describe it. It probably comes near H. tripetalum, Moc. et Sess. in De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 284; but the petals appear to be five. Ord. VII. FRANKENIACEJi:. St. HU. 1. Fi’ankenia grandifolia; foliis obovato-cuneatis mucronulatis margine revolutis sub- coriaceis hirtellis basi ciliatis, caulibus prostratis, ramis calycibusque birtis. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnoea, v. 1. p. 35. Presl, in Reliq. Hcenk. v. 2. p. 3. — Velezia latifolia. Eschscholtz, in Linncea, v. 3. p. 149. Ord.. VIII. CARYOPHYLLE^. Juss. 1. Stellaria media. Linn. 1. Drummondii ; tota pubescenti-glandulosa viscida, caulibus erectis simplicibus strictis, foliis remote lineari-lanceolatis, racemo laxo paucifloro, pedicellis elongatis pler- umque alternis, calycibus oblongo-cylindraceis erectis. Hook, in FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 89. — S. Nicseensis? Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 1. p. 41. 136 CALIFORNIA. [Rhamnem. Ord. IX. MALVACE.^. Br' 1. SlAsx, 7nalvceJlora ; foliis radicalibus subrotundatis 9-lobatis basi tmncatis, lobis apice tridentatis caulinis 5-partitis, laciniis linearibus subdentatis, racemo terminali, carpellis muticis. Lindl. — De Cand. Prodr. v. p. 474. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1036. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. V. \. p. 108. Ord. X. HYPERICINE^. Juss. 1. YLyTgQYicmw anagalloides ; caule berbaceo humifuso repen te, foliis 5-7-nerviis obtusis tenuissime pellucido-punctatis, cynia terminali foliosa pauciflora eglandulosa, laciniis calycinis obovatis corolla brevioribus, staminibus 15-20 subliberis, stylis discretis tribus. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnaa, v. p. 127. In general appearance and size, this approaches the H. quinquenervium of Walter and of Hook. FI. Bor. Am. V. 1. p. 110, hut that is an erect plant. Ord. XI. GERANIACEiE. Juss. 1. Geranium Carolinianum. DC. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 116. 1. Erodium cicutarium. HHerit. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 116. Ord. XII. OXALIDEJ5. De Cand. 1. Oxalis cornicidata. Linn. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 117. Ord. XIII. RHAMNEiE. Br. 1. Rhamnus o/eZ/o/iMs; inermis, erectus, foliis perennantibus coriaceis oblongis integer- rimis acutis, jimioribus siibtus pubescentibus, nervis lateralibus obliquis remotiusculis, pani- culis axillaribus foliosis, floribus glomeratis pentandris, petalis minutissimis, bacca disperma. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 123. t. 44. 2. Rbamnus? cimeatus; ramis subferrugineo-pubescentibus, foliis oppositis in axillis fasciculatis coriaceis brevissime petiolatis cuneatis obtusis retusisve supra glabris subtus pubescentibus albidis I’eticulatis. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 124. The only specimen of this in the Collection, is in exactly the same state as that which was received from Mr. Douglas, and described in the Flora Boreali- Americana, that is, destitute of flower and fruit: we are therefore unable to add anything to the very unsatisfactory account there given of this highly curious shrub. 1. Ceanothus thxjrsifiora; caule erecto stricto ramisque angulatis, foliis breviter petiolatis oblongis triplinerviis glanduloso-serratis glabris subtus nervis venisque appresso-pilosis, paniculis longe pedunculatis axillaribus thyrsoideis inferne foliosis, pedicellis brevibus. Hook. — “ Eschscholtz, in Desv. PL Nov. Calif, in Mem. de V Acad. Imp. de Petersh. v. 10. 1826,” et in Lixincea, v. p. 149. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 125. The specimens of this exhibit, what Eschscholtz has correctly noticed, that the calyx is blue, and the petals white. Leguminosa.] CALIFORNIA. 137 Ord. XIV. TEREBINTHACE^. Juss. 1. Rhus radicans; caule radicante, foliis 3-foliolatis, foliolis ovato-rotundatis rhomboi- deisve acutis seu acuminatis glabris integris. Linn. Sp. PL p. 381. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 127. This agrees with specimens from Eastern America, and the M. Toxicodendron is scarcely different from it. 2. Rhus lobata; caule stricto, ramulis brevibus foliosis, foliis trifoliolatis, foliolis ovatis obtusissimis varie lobatis lobis obtusis sinubus acutis, paniculis laxis petiolo longioribus. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 127. t. 46. The specimens in the Herbarium differ in no respect from the more northern ones discovered by Mr. Douglas at Fort Vancouver on the Columbia, and figured in the Flora Boreali-Americana. Ord. XV. LEGUMINOS^. Juss. 1. Melilotus /jarw^ora. Desv. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 187. Introduced ? 1. Trifolium fimbriatum; prostratum, glabrum, foliolis oblongis subcuneatisve spinuloso- denticulatis, stipulis ovato-acuminatis laciniato-spinulosis, involucro moiiophyllo laciniato- multifido capitulis subglobosis breviore, dentibus calycinis lato-subulatis rectis corolla subdimidio brevioribus. Hook. — Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1070. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 133. 1. Medicago denticidata. Willd. — He Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 176. Probably introduced from Europe. 1. Hosackia bicolor; glabra, decumbens, foliolis suboppositis 7-9 oblongis obovatisve, stipulis cordato-ovatis ’membranaceis obtusissimis, floribus umbellatis, bractea monophylla vel nulla. — Douglas, MSS. — Benth. in Bot. Reg. t. 1257. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 134. — Lotus pinnatus. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2913. 2. Hosackia decumbens; pubescens, foliolis alternis 3-5 ovali-subcuneatis acutis, stipulis minutissimis acutis deciduis, floribus umbellatis, bractea 1-3-foliolata. — Benth. in Bot. Reg. sub t. 1257. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 134. — Lotus incanus. Douglas, MSS. — glabri- uscula; foliolis minoribus siccitate subseruginoso-viridibus. The plant in this Collection differs firom the more northern H. decumbens of Mr. Douglas, in the smaller size of the leaflets and flowers, in the less degree of pubescence, and, when dry, in its becoming of an almost aeruginose green colour. In other respects, the two species accord. 3. Hosackia tomentosa; tota incano-tomentosa, foliolis 5 obovatis acutis, floribus umbel- latis sessilibus, bractea folium simulante. This will assuredly rank next to H. decumbens, from which it differs almost solely in the very dense covering of white hairs. Only one specimen exists in the Collection, and that has young fruit, and no flowers. The legumes are short, in proportion to the length of the style. The stigma is not capitate, but simply obtuse, as in Lotus subbipinnatus of Lagasca, and of this work, p. 1 7. t. 8 ; which, Mr. Bentham is decid- edly of opinion, should be referred to Hosackia. 4. Hosackia Purshiana ; pubescenti-villosa, foliolis 3 raro-4-5 lato-oblongis, stipulis s 138 CALIFORNIA. [LeguminoscB. rainutissimis decicluis, pedunculis 1-floris, bractea sub flore 1-foliolata. — Benth. in Bot. Reg. sub t. 1257. — Trigonella Americana. Nutt. Gen. Am. v. 2. p. 120. — De Cand. Prodr, v. 1. p. 185. — Lotus sericeus. Pursh, FI. Am. v. 2. p. 489. This exactly agrees with our original specimen of Trigonella Americana,vecQ\\eA from Mr. Nuttall, except that the leaflets are rather shorter in proportion to their breadth. There is, however, nothing silky about the plant in its dried state, as Puj’sh’s name would seem to imply : it is clothed with soft and short patent hairs, which give no glossiness to the stems or foliage, and which are best seen when the plant is held up between the eye and the light. In the greater number of its leaflets, this species differs from H. unifoliolata, «., and in the larger flowers and seed-vessels. 1. Phaca densifoUa; caule decumbente ramoso glabro, stipulis ovatis acuminatis, foliis 14-16-jugis subtus rachique villoso-tomentosis, foliolis oblongo-ovalibus emarginatis, ped- unculis calycibusque villosis, racemo multifloro compacto, legumine membranaceo ovato maximo inflate glabriusculo reticulato. — 5m. in Rees' Cycl. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 274. The legumes of this very fine species of Phaca, which was first found by Mr. Menzies in California, are remarkably large, infliited and membranaceous; in these respects, exactly resembling those of Phaca infiata, of Dr. Gillies (in Bot. Misc. ined.), from Uspallata in South America. The habit of the two species is like- wise very similar ; but, in Dr. Gillies’, the whole plant is glabrous, and the flowers are much smaller. 2. Lathyrus decaphyllus; glaber vel pubescens, foliolis 4-6-jugis ellipticis rarius ovatis vel suboblongis, stipulis parvis semisagittatis lanceolatis lobo deflexo stipulam subsequante, pedunculis folii longitudine multifloris, calyce pubescente dentibus duobus superioribus valde abbreviatis, (corollis purpureis,) leguminibus lineari-oblongis compressis. Hook. — Pursh, FI. Am. v. 2. p. 471. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 160, et in Bot. Mag. t. 3123. — /3. minor ; foliolis minoribus angustioribus. This appears to be a very variable plant, and the specimens in the Collection have the leaflets smaller and naiTower than is the case with the plant figured in the Bot. Mag. ; but not more so than in some speci- mens from the Columbia, gathered by Mr. Douglas. 1. Lupinus polyphyllus. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1097. — L. Chamissonis. Eschscholtz, in Finnma, v. 3. p. 151 ? We cannot be mistaken in this plant, although only a single leaf exists in the Collection. 2. Lupinus macrocarpus; suffi’uticosus, foliosus, foliis subbrevi-petiolatis septenis, foliolis lanceolatis obtusissimis inferne attenuatis supra glabris subtus appresso-pubescenti-sericeis, racemo multifloro, floribus (inter maximos) raro verticillatis, calycibus pedicellis rachique appresso-sericeis, leguminibus lineari-oblongis tumidis hirsutis 8-10-spermis. Found by Mr. Menzies during the voyage with Captain Vancouver, and probably common about San Francisco ; yet it does not correspond with any described species, nor with any found by Mr. Douglas. The lower part of the stem is decidedly shrubby, the leaves and legumes large in proportion to the size of the plant, apparently yeUow when recent. Perhaps, in habit, its nearest affinity is with L. littoralis. Dough, but the leaves are, in that plant, sillty on both sides, the flowers are differently coloured, and the legumes are not half the size. 3. Lupinus sericeus; fruticosus, ubique pulcherrime appresso-sericeus aureo nitens, caule valde folioso, foliis breviter petiolatis septenis, foliolis lanceolatis acutis inferne attenuatis. Rosacea.^ CALIFORNIA. 139 floi’ibus subverticillatis majusculis. — Pursh, FI. Am. v. 2. p. 468. De Cand. Pwdr. v. 2. p. 408. Eschscholtz, in Linncza, v. 3. jo. 151. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 164. This, along with the preceding, has long lain in our Herbarium undescribed, the gift of the generous Menzies, who gathered it in California, and probably at San Francisco. It is, without doubt, the L. sericms of Eschscholtz, and probably too of Pursh; though we have no authentic specimen to confirm this opinion. It is among the most beautiful of the genus, small, suffi-uticose, densely leafy, often throwing out numerous short branches, and every where, except the corolla, clothed with densely appressed aureo-nitent silky hairs. The flowers are described by Eschscholtz as yellow, though in the dried state, as that author observes, they become tinged with purple. Ord. XVI. ROSACEA. (Sect. SpiracEjE. De Cand.) ADENOSTOMA. Nov. Gen. Calyx infundibuliformis, inferus, coriaceus, 5-angulatus, 5-fidus, lobis rotundatis brevibus mucronulato-acutis : tubi ore glandulis quinque transversim oblongis carnosis munito. Petala 5, subrotunda, vix unguiculata, paten tia. Stamina 15 erecto-patentia. Anther m subglobosse. Pistillum 1. Ovarium obovato-cylindraceum, uniovulatum ? apice oblique truncatum piibescenti. Stylus lateralis, vix calycem longior, flexuosus. Stigma obtusum, subincrassatum. 1. Adenostoma fasciculata. (Tab. XXX.) Frutex rigidus glaberrimus ramosus; rami strict! subvirgati. Folia fasciculata lineari-filiformia rigida brevissime petiolata basi stipula minutissima suflfulta. Fasciculi foliorum etiam stipulati, stipula bifida. Flores fasciculati in spicam interruptam terminalem aphyllam congesti, parvi, albi ; bracteis plurimis parvis subimbricatis, ovatis, acutis, rigidis, exterioribus ssepe divisis. It is to be regretted that we do not possess perfect fruit of this plant, which we consider as unquestionably belonging to the Natural Order Rosacea, and very different from any genus yet described. In habit, it perhaps comes nearest to some species of Spiraea, yet the flowers are abundantly different : the calyx being furnished with five conspicuous fleshy glands or scales at the mouth, and the germen remarkably and obliquely truncated at the extremity, and there and there only very pubescent. It constitutes apparently a small rigid sliruh, glabrous in every part, with upright twiggy branches clothed with greyish-brown hark. The leaves are small and always fasciculated, the fascicle, as well as each individual leaf, being subtended by a stipule ; that of the latter is bifid. Flowers in an interrupted terminal leafless spike, clustered, with many small imbricated bractece at their base. It grows in sandy plains in the Bay of Monteri’ey. Tab. XXX. Adenostoma fasciculata. Fig. 1, Fascicle of leaves ; fig. 2, Single leaf; fig. 3, Flower-bud ; fig. 4, Expanded flower ; fig. 5, Flower, from which the petals have fallen away ; fig. 6, Inner view of a portion of the flower, to show the glands ; fig. 7, Petal ; fig. 8, Stamen ; fig. 9, Pistil : — aU more or less magnified. 1. Horkelia Californica; foliis radicalibus pinnatis 5-7-jugis, foliolis late cuneato-obovatis profunde serratis, calycis laciniis exterioribus 3-dentatis, petalis calyce brevioribus. — Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 2. p. 26. This is a veiy distinct species from the H. congesta of Douglas and Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2880, and has been weU described by Chamisso and Schlechtendal in the Linncea. 1. Photinia arhutifolia; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis distanter dentatis, pedicellis calyce brevioribus. Lindl. Pomac. in Linn. Trans, v. 12. jo. 103; et in Bot. Reg. t. 491. De Cand. Prodr. V. 2. p. 631. — Crataegus arbutifolia. Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 3. p. 202. S 2 140 CALIFOENIA. [ Onagrariae. 1. Rubus rnacropetalus ; hirsutus, caule elato fruticoso, ramis angulatis gracilibus elong- atis, petiolis costis subtus pedunculis calycibusque aculeato-setaceis, foliis trifoliolatis, foliolis ovatis inciso-lobatis serratis membranaceis, terminali majore longe (lateralibus brevi-) petiolulatis, stipulis lanceolatis, pedunculis subbifloris, calycis segmentis longe acuminatis petala (alba) subaequantibus. — Douglas, in Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 178. t. 59. 2. Rubus Menziesii; caule procumbente terete aculeate glabro, ramis brevibus pubes- centi-tomentosis aculeatis, foliis 3-foliolatis, foliolis lato-ovatis sublobatis inaequaliter serratis brevi-petiolulatis supra hirsutis subtus pallidioribus birsutissimis, paniculis terminalibus paucifloris, pedicellis calycibusque aculeatis, segmentis calycinis ovatis acutis mucronatis tomentosis corolla (rubra) brevioribus. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 179. — R. ursinus. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnesa, v. 2. p. 11? This is a more luxuriant plant than Mr. Menzies’ specimens, but in every other respect the same. In many points, it agrees with the Jl. ursinus of Chamisso and Schlechtendal ; but in that, the leaves appear to be frequently simple, and those authors compare it with R. Idaus. 3. Rubus velutinus; inermis, caule fruticoso erecto flexuoso pubescente basi nudo, foliis amplis simplicibus profunde cordatis acute 5-lobis serratis reticulatis molliter densissime pubescenti-tomentosis subtus pallidis velutinis, stipulis ovatis acuminatis sericeis, coi'ymbis paucifloris, calycibus velutinis laciniis obtusis corolla (alba) brevioribus longe cuspidatis. This is abundantly distinct, both from R. odoratus and R. Nutkanus, and, as far as can be judged from the description, equally so from the A. vitifolius of Cham, et Schlecht., which, however, like the present, is a native of San Francisco : all belong to the simple and lobed fruticose species of the Genus. The underside of the leaves is pale and velvety, and beautifully relieved by the’ reticulations. 1. Fragaria Chilensis; floribus (magnis) patentibus, foliolis late obovatis obtusissimis apice grosse serratis coriaceis rugosis subtus sericeo-villosissimis, pedunculis calycibusque sericeis. — Ehrh. Beitr. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 571. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 185. 2. Fragaria Californica. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 2. p. 20. Specimens, quite according with the description in the Linnsea, are in the Collection ; but in a very imperfect state. Perhaps the var. /3. of the F. Chilensis, noticed in Hook. FI. Bor. Am., should be referred to it : but here, the peduncle is single-flowered, and very short. Rosa ; — Of this genus, three species are in the Collection : one with double flowers, and probably the inhabitant of a garden. The others are too imperfect to be satisfactorily detennined, having no perfect flower nor fruit. Neither of them, however, accords with the R. Californica of Schlechtendal, and must be different from it, unless we make great allowance for the sportive natm’e of the species of this most difficult genus. Ord. XVII. ONAGRARI.®. Juss. 1. Zauschneria Californica; foliis linearibus den ticulatis integrisve, bracteis ovario brevi- oribus, capsulis subsessilibus. Prcsl, in Reliq. Hcenk. v. 2. p. 28. t. 52. This very remarkable genus, with flowers in shape and colour resembling, a Fuchsia, but with the fruit of an Epilohium, was first discovered in California by Mr Menzies, and noticed in the “ Annals of Botany,” by Mr. Konig (v. 1. p. 543.) It was not, however, described .and named, till it appeared very UmbellifercB.} CALIFORNIA. 141 recently in the valuable Reliquim HcBnkeance of Presl. That author thus defines the generic character : Cal. superus deciduus, tubo infundibuliforxni cum ovario articulate, colorato, basi supra ovarium globoso-ven- tricoso, limbo quadripartite. Petala quatuor, summo tubo inserta. Anthera lineares, dorso afiixse. Ovarium lineare, tetragonum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma capitatum, 4-lobum. Capsula linearis, tetragona, quadri- valvis, unilocularis, polysperma. Semina oblonga, papposa. — Suffrutices decumbentes, ramosissimi, tomento tenui canescentes. Rami oppositi. Folia opposita, angusta. Racemi terminates, simplices. Flores sessiles, coccinei.” — It appears to be only found at Monterrey. 1. Epilobium tetragonum. Linn. — Lehm. in Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. />. 206. 1. Oenothera biennis. Linn. — Lehm. in Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. \. j). 209. 2. QCnothera Lindleyii ; caule adscendente diffuse ramose, foliis lineari-lanceolatis inte- gerrimis glabris, calycis tubo laciniis triple breviore, petalis integris denticulatis genitalia duple superantibus, stigmatibus luteis, capsulis cylindricis elongatis utrinque attenuatis puberulis. Lehm. — Douglas, in Bot. Mag. t. 2832. Lehm. in FI. Bor. Am. v. l./>. 213. 3. CEnothera spiralis ; caule subsimplice decumbente incano, foliis anguste ovatis oblon- gisve obtusis integerrimis vel obscure dentatis strigoso-pilosis incanis inferne in petiolum attenuatis, floribus solitariis, petalis (siccitate seepissime viridibus) stamina duple superan- tibus, capsulis acute tetragonis acuminatis incanis demum glabriusculis subspiraliter tortis. Hook, in FI. Bor. Am. v. \. p. 213. Ord. XVIII. CUCURBITACE^. Juss. There are two Cucurbitaceous plants in the Collection, but without flower, and probably cultivated, as is assuredly the case with a Mesembryanthemum in the Herbarium. Ord. XIX. GROSSULARIE^. De Cand. 1. Ribes Menziesii; aculeatissimum, spinis triparti tis, foliis coi’datis 5-lobis serratis basi truncatis venoso-rugosis subtus pubescenti-tomentosis, pedunculo subunifloro, calyce cylin- draceo-campanulato pi’ofunde 5-fido glanduloso, staminibns 5 inclusis, stylo subexserto germine pedunculoque aculeatis. Hook. — Pursh, FI. Am. v. 2. App. p. 732. De Cand. Prodr. V. 3. p. 4*78. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. ined. — R. ferox. Sm. in Rees, et De Cand. 2. Ribes sanguineum; inerme, foliis cordatis subquinquelobis serratis venosis supra glabriusculis subtus villoso-tomentosis, racemis laxis pubescentibus foliis duplo longioribus, calycibus tubuloso-campanulatis laciniis oblqngis obtusis patentibus petala (rubra) integer- rima superantibus, bracteis obovato-spathulatis, baccis turbinatis liirsutis. Douglas. — Pursh, FI. Am. V. 1. p. 164. Dougl. in Hort. Trans, v. 7. p. 509. t. 13. Bot. Reg. t. 1349. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. ined. — R. malvaceum. Sm. in Rees’ Cycl. There is still a third species of Ribes (Sect. Grossularia,) in the Herbarium, with a solitary stipulary spine and no aculei, and with leaves resembling those of R. Cynosbati, only thrice as large : but being destitute of flowers and fruit, it cannot be determined. Ord. XX. UMBELLIFER^. Juss. 1. Sanicula arctopoides; subacaulis, foliis longe petiolatis profunde 3-partitis laciniis elongato-cuneatis lateralibus bifidis intermedio trifido omnibus subciliato-pinnatifidis, ped- 142 CALIFORNIA. [ Cornea. unculo foliis bi’eviore, involucri foliolis foliaceis lanceolatis integerrimis umbella compacta simplice longioribus. First discovered, along with the following species, by Mr. Menzies. The general similarity of the plant to Arctopus capensis has suggested the specific name. There are scarcely any stems, and the umbels are nearly concealed among the leaves, which are almost fringed with long naiTow and much acuminated teeth, the larger ones of which are likewise so fimbriated. 2. Sanicula Menziesii ; caulescens, superne subpaniculata, foliis longe petiolatis profunde trifidis, lobis lato-obovatis cimeatis inciso-serratis serraturis acuminatissime mucronatis, umbellis compositis, involucelli foliolis lanceolatis acutis umbellam sequantibus. Evidently allied to the S. arctopoides ; but having a stem nearly a span high, with compound umbels, the umbellules globose, flowers small, yellow. 1. Eryngium Linn. There are no leaves, and only the extremity of a stem of a solitary specimen, so that we are unable satisfactorily to determine the species. 1. Cicvita maculata? Linn. 1. Apium graveolens. Linn. 1. Discopleura capillacea. De Cand. Mem Umh. v. 5. p. 38. t. 8. A., Prodr. v. 4. p. 106. 1. l^ei-SLcXeum Sphondylium? Linn. A wretched specimen of this obliges us to put a mark of doubt to the name. 1. Helosciadium ? Calif ornicum ; procumbens? foliis pinnatis pinnis 8-11 ovatis acutis inciso-serratis inferioribus pinnatifidis vel pinnatis, pinnulis paucis, umbellis lateralibus ter- minalibusque, involucris involucellisque plurifoliolatis, stylis elongatis. This has a good deal the habit of the Helosciadium, repens of Europe, but is vastly larger, with more numerous and more divided pinnae. It appears likewise to depart from the generic character, in having several leaves to the involucre, and a long style. The fruit is essentially the same in both. The Herbarium contains two other Umbelliferous plants, from California, but with fruit so young, that we cannot refer them to any known genus. Both have their leaves many times divided into very narrow, linear, almost filiform segments, and the vagina of the leaf is singularly large and inflated. The one is nearly stemless, very pubescent, almost woolly about the umbels and involucres. The involucella are about as long as the umbellules, broadly lanceolate, and apparently entire : the very short stems (many arising from the crown of the root) bear each a peduncle about as long as the leaves. The other has a flaccid, apparently procumbent stem, with remote leaves, and is nearly glabrous. There are no involucres, and the involucella are lobed in a somewhat palmated manner, with the lobes acute, and about as long as the small compact umbellula. Ord. XXL CORNER. De Cand. 1. Cornus alba. Linn. — C. circinata. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnoea, v. 3. p. 339. (vix L 'Her it.) This exactly agrees with our specimens of C. alba, from the United States ; and, indeed, scarcely differs from C. circinata of L’Heritier, with which Chamisso unites it, except in the shape of the leaves. It extends as far north as the Columbia on the western side of America. Ericece^ CALIFORNIA. 143 Ord. XXIL CAPRIFOLIACE^. Jmss. 1. Lonicera c^7^os« ; volubilis, ramis superioribus hinc hu’sutis, foliis coriaceis reticulatis ovatis breviter petiolatis subtus glaucis summis connato-perfoliatis, pedunculis glanduloso- hispidis, floribus verticillato-spicatis. — Poir. Encycl. 5. p. 612. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 333. — Caprifolium ciliosum. Pursh, FI. Am. v. \. p. 160. We presume this is the Caprifolium ciliosum of Pursh, which Lewis found on the Kooskoosky river^ but the character given by Pursh is too imperfect to enable us to speak with certainty. It seems to be a large climbing plant, with perennial coriaceous leaves. The younger, or upper branches, are remai’kable for the hairs which clothe only one side, the other being glabrous, or nearly so. These hairs are coarse and rigid, and stOl more so upon the peduncle and among the flowers, which are truly hispid; they are generally terminated by a minute gland. The coroUa we have not seen ; it is described as yellow by Pursh. The Caprifolium occidentale of Lindley, in Bot. Reg. t. 1457, differs from this in the glabrous branches and peduncles, in the capitate flowers, and red corollas. 2. Lonicera Ledehourii; erecta, ramis elongatis acute tetragonis, foliis ovatis oblongisve subacuminatis rigidis subtus prsecipue in nervos pubescenti-tomentosis, pedunculis axillari- bus bi-trifloris, bracteis 4, 2 ext. ovatis, int. late obcordatis demum ampliatis pubescentibus, corollis extus basi gibbis, baccis distinctis. — “ Eschsch. in Mem. Act. Soc. Petersh. 10. p. 284.” Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 3. p. 138. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 336. We have kept this distinct from the L. involucrata of the Banksian Herbarium, Xylosteum involucraturn of Dr. Richardson, with considerable hesitation. That our plant is the same with L. Ledehourii of Eschscholtz and Chamisso, there can be no question, for it exactly agrees with authentic specimens now before us. These differ from Dr. Scouler’s and Mr. Douglas’ L. involucrata, from the mouth of the Columbia and Puget’s Sound, (which is assiwedly the same as that of Sir J. Banks, gathered on the same coast, between lat. 56° and 64° North,) solely in their more elongated and straighter branches, their greater degree of pubescence, and the more rigid and wrinkled leaves, usually oblong rather than ovate. Dr. Rich- ardson’s plant, and specimens gathered by Mr. Drummond in the Rocky Mountains, between lat. 42° and 46°, are in eveiy respect similar to those, of Dr. Scouler and Mr. Douglas, only that the leaves are still less pubescent, and more membranaceous and flaccid: and the L. involucrata of Bot. Reg. t. 1179, is equally characteristic of both these. In our plant, and probably in the L. involucrata also, the two inner bractese are hardly visible till the fruit advances to maturity, when they become remarkably large and enclose the fruit. 1. Symphoricai-pus racemosus. Mich. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 107. De Cand. Pr.odr. v. 4. p. 339. — Symphoria racemosa. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. \. p. 162. Sims, in Bot. Mag. t. 2211. This is likewise gathered, by Mr. Douglas and Dr. Scouler, at the mouth of the Columbia, and likewise at Nootka. Ord. XXIII. RUBIACE^. Juss. 1. Galium ? Of this genus, or of Rubia, there are two species, much branched, and with rather small oval leaves, but with only imperfect flowers, and no fruit: we dare not endeavour to discriminate them. Ord. XXIV. ElilCEiE. Juss. 1. Arbutus Menziesii; arborescens, foliis lato-ovalibus integerrimis glabris, petiolis longis, racemis axillaribus et terminalibus paniculatis densifloris. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. \.p. 282. 144 CALIFORNIA. [ VacciniecB. We refer a very indifferent and solitary specimen of a supposed Arbutus to the A. Menziesii of Pursh, although we only know his plant from the short character above quoted. Ours is a branch, 7-8 inches long, waved, and as thick as a swan’s quill, with excessively hard wood, and having a glabrous, slightly wrinkled, ferruginous surface, from which, however, it appears that a coarse bark has peeled or scaled off. The petioles are an inch or more long ; the leaves 3-4 inches long, oval or elliptic, obtuse at the base and the extremity, coriaceous, almost black (in the dry state,) quite entire, glabrous, pale, and apparently glaucous beneath, with innumerable reticulated, and slightly prominent, rather dark-coloured veins. The racemes are in fruit, and in that state the bark has in a great measure peeled off. Berries about the size of peas, black, the integument areolated, or cracked into a number of small scales. Seeds many. — Mr. Collie had named the specimen “ Arbor ferrugineaf from which it may he inferred that the stems and branches, and probably the leaves below, are of a rusty colour. We regret much that we can give no better account of this fine arbor- escent Arbutus. 2. Arbutus tomentosa; fruticosa, ramis angulatis foliisque cordatis pungenti-acutis cori- aceis pubescentibus vel glabris, petiolis brevibus, racemis subcapitatis terminalibus bracteatis, bracteis inferioribus longitudine fere florum, corollis urceolatis, calycibus glabris ciliatis obtusis. Pursh, FL Am. v. 1. p. 282. Of this we have several varieties, differing, however, almost solely in the pubescence. — Var. se., the original plant from Mr. Menzies, and from which Mr. Pimsh drew up his character, has the whole specimen, except the flowers, very downy, especially on the underside of the upper leaves and young branches ; and these latter, and the petioles, and lower part of the costa beneath, have numerous long rigid hairs mixed with the pubescence, so as to give the plant a remarkably hispid appearance. This is from the Columbia. — Var./3. is destitute of long rigid hairs ; but has the pubescence on the young stems and young leaves still copious, as is the case with some of Mr. Menzies’ specimens, which have no more particular locality than North-West Coast of America, and with some in Captain Beechey’s Herbarium. — Var. /3., with the branches slightly pubes- cent, and the leaves almost entirely so, except the petioles and the base of the costa beneath j and var. 4, with the stems and leaves perfectly glabrous : both these we have from San Francisco, in California ; the former is in the present Collection, and the latter we received from Dr. Fischer, marked “ Arbutus Menziesii?'' — In all, the foliage, in a dry state, is of a singularly pale green colour, remarkably coriaceous, and marked with copious but minute reticulations. 3. Arbutus pungens ; fruticosa, ramis prostratis subpubescentibus, foliis petiolatis per- ennantibus ovalibus obovatisve coriaceis nitidis minute reticulatis pungenti-mucronatis gla- briusculis tenui-marginatis subintegerrimis, racemis terminalibus brevibus, floribus bracteatis. Habit of Arbutus Uva Ursi, and with leaves of the same size, but sufficiently distinct, being broader, upon longer petioles, often quite obtuse, or even retuse at the base, downy with a whitish pubescence except the oldest, more or less sei-rated, and always terminated by a very sharp pungent point. Flowers small, ur- ceolate. Ord. XXV. VACCINIErE. Be Cand. 1. Vaccinium ovatum; erectum, valde ramosum, i-amis pubescenti-hirsutis, foliis peren- nantibus oblongo-ovatis coriaceis nitidis breve petiolatis marginibus revolutis serratis, petiolis birsutis, racemis axillaribus terminalibusque brevibus, floribus cylindraceo-campanulatis bracteatis, calycibus acutis. This, in its foliage, almost exactly resembles the Arbutus mucronata of the Straits of Magellan, but the flowers are racemose, and truly those of a Vaccinium. It was fu’st detected by Mr. Menzies, and after- M’ards, according to Mr. Pursh, found by M. Lewis on the Columbia. CompositcE.] CALIFORNIA. 145 Ord. XXVI. composite. Juss. 1. Borkhausia Lessingii; raclice pereniii multicipi, caule scapiformi glabro simplici uiii- floro, foliis glabris anguste -linearibus pinnatificlis laciniis brevibus remotis, involucri foliolis planis obtiisiusculis margine scariosis extus hirsutiusculis. — Troximon apargioides. Lessing in Linneea, v. Q.p. 501. This is certainly the plant of Lessing-, agreeing- both -with specimens received from him, and now in Dr, Hooker’s Herbarium, and with his description ; but since in the true species of Troximon, the pappus is harsh and persistent; while in our plant, it is soft and very caducous as in Sonchus, we have referred it to Borlihausia, notwithstanding the different involucrura which most species of that geifiis possess. The achenia are atten- uated into a long beak, which is dilated at the apex, forming- a disc for the reception of the pappus and florets. In Troximon, although usually described with a sessile pappus, or, in other words, without a beak to the achenium, there is really a short beak, by which, and by the different kind of involucre, that genus seems principally distinguished from Leontodon. 1. Lygodesmia minor. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 295. t. 103. f. A. (fruct.) 1. Sonchus oleraceus. Linn. 1. Eupatorium We have seen but one specimen, and that in a very bad state, presenting- only a branch of the inflor- escence. The upper part of the stem is herbaceous and quadrangular. The flowers are in panicled corymbs. Involucre of 4 or 5 oblong, obtuse, striated and whitish leaflets, furnished at the base with about as many short scales, similar to the involucre. Flowers very few in each capitulum. Achenia linear, glabrous, with about five angles, formed by as many prominent nerves. Pappus capillary, scabrous at the base, at the apex incrassated and slightly plumose. A detached leaf, probably not belonging to the specimen, accom- panied it in the Collection. 1. Madia viscosa. Cav. Ic. v. 3. t. 298. Of this there are two varieties in the Collection ; x. resembling the figure above quoted ; and /3. with the leaves not above half-an-inch long and half-a-line wide, disposed copiously along the branches, and some- what erect. The whole plant is slender and small, scarcely exceeding eight or nine inches, so that probably this variety is caused by growing in a dry and poor soil. In habit it is very different from the common variety. 1. Erigeron Canadensis. Linn. 1. Solidago Canadensis ; caule herbaceo liispido erecto, foliis lanceolatis utrinque attenu- atis serratis scabris, racemis paniculatis secundis recurvis, radio abbreviato. Spr. — Linn. — Spreng. Syst. v. 3. p. 539. The specimens in the Collection vary, with the leaves oblongo-lanceolate and slightly acuminated, with the stem and leaves nearly glabrous, and with the racemes so contracted as to lose the secund and recurved appearance described above. We, however, possess intermediate forms. The leaves are always more or less conspicuously three-nerved, with a few distant narrow deep serratures, or teeth, which point upwards. 2. Solidago petiolaris ; caule herbaceo adscendente, foliis obovatis in petioliun decurren- tibus serratis, racemis erectis densis, involucri foliolis oblongis appressis, radio discuin sub- superante. — Ait. — Spreng. Syst. v. 3. p. 541. Lessing in Linncea, v. 6. p. 502. Leaves and stem, in one specimen, scabrous, with a short greyish pubescence : in the others, they are almost entirely glabrous. T 146 CALIFORNIA. [CompositcB. 1. Aster Californicus; caule brevi-adscendente piloso vix ramoso, ramis ante apicem aphyllis unifloris, folds carnosulis spathulatis apice mucronulatis petiolatis glabris hispido- ciliatis, involucri foliolis imbricatis anguste linearibus acuminati^ hirsuto-villosis. — Lessing in Linncea, v. 6. p. \2\. The ray, judging from the dried specimen, appears to be of a reddish colour. Mr. Menzies detected this plant in California, during the voyage of Captain Vancouver. 2. Aster spectahilis ; radice bienni? caule ramoso inferne glabro ad medium linea duplici piloso sursum birsutiusculo, folds oblongo-lanceolatis glabris basi auriculato-amplexicaudbus margine scabris inferioribus prmcipue medio serratis, involucri foliolis oblongis acutiuscidis. — Ait. ? — Spreng. Syst. v. 3. p. 538 ? The leaflets of the involucre are probably squarrose, although they do not present that appearance in the dried plant, whence arise our doubts ; but as in this very difflcult genus, it is almost impossible to describe in words the slight differences between the species, and as neither fignres nor authentic specimens are accessible for the purposes of elucidation, it is not unlikely that the present may either prove to be a new species, or something very distinct from Aiton’s plant. 3. Aster? Jilaginifolius ; caule ramoso, ramis divaricato-patentibus gracidbus fragidbus lanuginosis ramuds ultimis unifloris elongatis, fodis distantibus oblongo-spatdulatis mucronu- latis basi attenuatis' venosis dense subtus prmcipue breviter albido-lanatis, involucri foliolis glabris oblongo-lanceolatis margine membranaceis, stigmatibus apice aspergildformibus, floscuds radii neutris. The only species to which this approaches is Aster sericetcs, Vent.; but whether, like it, the stems are shrubby, the specimen before us can scarcely permit us to say : we think they are. The floccose tomentum on the stem and branches is easily rubbed off. Upper leaves entire; lower ones probably furnished with a few sharp serratures near their apex, at least one or two of the lower ones on the specimen in the Collection are so. Florets of the ray emarginate, and neuter. Stigmas of the disc exserted, furnished about their extremity with a conspicuous tuft of hairs ; -which double character seems to remove this plant from Aster. Pappus brown, scabrous. A fragment of another allied, but certainly different species, exists in the Collection, which may be characterised as follows: — 4. Aster ? tomentellus; caule fruticoso ramoso, ramuds divergentibus lanuginosis elongatis versus apicem paucifloris, fodis subappressis- approximatis dneari-oblongis rigide mucronatis utrinque albido-lanatis, pedunciflis breviuscuds bracteatis, involucri foliolis oblongo-spathu- latis laxis apice tomentosis, stigmatibus apice aspergildformibus, floscuds radii neutris. 1. Aplopappus ericoides; fruticulosus, ramosus, ramis apice peduncidos paucos bracteatos unifloros gerentibus, fodis acerosis teretibus divaricatis pubescentibus in axilds ramulos abortivos fodatos foventibus, involucri foliolis glabriuscuds cidatis, pappi sei’ie exteriore dimidio breviore. — Diplopappus ericoides. Less, in Linn. v. Q. p. 117. We retain the genus Aplopappus of Cassini, for those species of Lessing’s extended Diplopappus which have the exterior row of the pappus similar to, and frequently as long as, the inner series. To this, probably, Chrysopsis divaricata of Nuttall belongs. 2. Aplopappus squarrosns ; fruticosus, ramosus, ramis pubescenti-dirsutis, fodis semiam- plexicaudbus patentibus obovadbus glabris rigidis resinosis serratis, serraturis apice mucro- natis recurvis, capituds florum versus apicem ramorum axillaribus subsessidbus, involucri campanulati foliolis fodaceis squarrosis, pappi serie exteriore dimidio breviore. Composites.] CALIFORNIA. 147 Nearly allied to Baccharis mucronata of this work, (p. 30,) which, from an examination of better materials, we have now ascertained to belong' to the present genus, along with many other Chilian supposed species of Baccharis. 1. Diplopappus villosus; subdecumbens, hirsute villosus, caule ramoso, ramis subcorym- bosis, foliis sessilibus integerrimis lineari-oblongis subspathulatis acutis margine scabris inferne ciliatis, floribus fastigiatis. Nutt. — Chrysopsis villosa. Nutt. Gen. v. 2. p. 151. — Amelins villosa. Pursh. The only specimen in the Collection agrees with Nuttall’s specific character. Diplostephium of Kunth, and Chrysopsis of Nuttall, are synonymous with Diplopappus of Cassini. 1. Grindelia squarrosa; glaberrima, caule berbaceo, ramis breviusculis corymbosis, foliis anguste oblongis amplexicaulibus serratis, involucri glabri squamis apice angustis squarrosis. — Dun. — Donia squarrosa. Pursh, FI. Bor. Am. v. 2. p. 559. Bot. Mag. t. 1706. a. Folia punctis glutinosis micantibus conspersa. jS. Folia subintegerrima carnosula opaca. Although we do not consider these two varieties as distinct species, yet it must be confessed their aspect is very different. Our second variety has quite that peculiar appearance which many plants assume which grow on the sea-shore ; but we are ignorant if this be its true locality. Most authors unite this species with G. inuloides, Willd.; and if they be correct, then the following species stands in a similar situation, for it is in many points intermediate between the two others. 2. Grindelia hirsutula; pilis albidis birsutula, caule coespitoso berbaceo parce ramoso, ramis elongatis unifloris, foliis angusto-oblongis subamplexicaulibus serratis, involucri pubescentis squamis lineari-lanceolatis basi appressis apice subsquarrosis. Very closely allied to G. angustifolia, Kunth, (not Dunal,) but that species appears to have always a simple stem. This differs from the preceding, by the hairs that are found on its stem, leaves, and involucre, and by the long one-flowered branches. 3. Grindelia humilis; glabra, caule berbaceo simplici unifloro, foliis radicalibus linearibus obtusis basi attenuatis caulinis sessilibus inferioribus angustissime linearibus superioribus subulatis bracteiformibus, involucri foliolis lineari-lanceolatis apice squarrosis. The only specimen in the Collection is about eight inches high, and is very unlike any of the other species. The cauline leaves decrease gradually upwards, resembling subulate bracteae. On this plant Messrs. Lay and Collie remark: — “ folia recentia lineari-spathulata, antiquiora objonga basi dilatata spinuloso-dentata;” the latter kind of leaves we have not seen. 1. Baccharis glutinosa; fruticosa, foliis anguste lanceolatis basi in petiolum attenuatis argute remote serratis 3-plinerviis subtus excavato-punctatis, corymbis terminalibus, involu- cri foliolis margine laceris, aclienio scabro. — Pers. — Molina salicifolia. Ruiz et Pav. Syst. p. 210 ? Perhaps B. salicifolia, Pers., is not distinct, but then Sprengel unites to it B. gnidiifolia, Kunth, of which plant the leaves are described as sessile, and not attenuated into a kind of petiole at their base, as in ours. Chamisso does not appear to have met with this species ; but Lessing (Linnsea, v. 6. p. 505,) mentions having found B. linearis, which is surely distinct, otherwise we might have supposed that Lessing and we had the same plant in view. We can perceive only one series of hairs of the pappus. 2. Baccharis glomeruliflora ; fruticosa, foliis approximatis obsolete trinervibus obovatis T 2 148 CALIFORNIA. [ Composite. basi cuneatis apice grosse dentatis, capitulis terminalibus solitariis vel subtribus in spicas glomeruliformes axillares digestis, involucri foliolis glabris apice liinbriatis, acheuio oblongo glaberrimo pluri-costato. — Mich.-^Pursh, FI. Bor. Am. v. 2. p. 523. There are two very distinct states of this plant, which we had almost supposed to be different species; but Lessing-, whose authority is doubtless high, as he appears to have seen numerous specimens, describes both without distinguishing them even as varieties. In one, the heads of flowers are collected usually by threes, into short compact spikes or racemes, which are almost invariably axillary. In the other, the inflorescence is more lax, and the heads of flowers are constantly solitary and terminal. Neither in the involucre, achenium, pappus, nor leaves, is there any difference. It was found also by Mr. Menzies, on the coast of California. 1. Xantbium Canadense. Mill. — X. maculatum. Bqf. in Sill. Journ. — X. orientale. Limi.jil. The fruit of this species is larger than that of X. strumarium, and the two beaks to it are slightly incurved at the apex, while in X. strumarium they are nearly straight. Whether these be sufficiently good characters, we are inclined to doubt, but have not been able to discover any others. We presume it is the X. stru- mariuni of Pursh, Nuttall, Elliott, and other North-American Botanists, and indeed we have seen no other from North America. 1. Kmkixo^Wiartemisicefoliai caule hirsuto, foliis bipinnatifidis subtus canescentibus laciniis sinuato-dentatis obtusiusculis, racemis termiualibus ternis aggregatis. Linn. — Pursh, FI. Bor. Am. v. 2. p. 581. — A. absintliiifolia. Mich. Am. v. 2. p. 283. The spines of the fruit are short and strong. 1. Franseria Chamissonis ; liirsuto-incana, caule decumbente herbaceo, foliis coiifertis rotundato-ellipticis ihtegris bipinnatisectisve segmentis divergentibus obtusis, petiolis plani.s, capitulis masculis cernuis foemineis erectis. — Lessing in Linncca, v. 6. p. 507. The solitary and most imperfect specimen of this plant in the Collection, we have compared with one re- ceived from Chamisso. The leaves seem very variable. 1. Bidens chrysanthemoides ; foliis lanceolatis elongatis acuminatis connatis remote serratis glabris, floribus louge radiatis cernuis, involucri foliolis exterioribus foliaceis interioribus longioribus. — Mich. Am. v. 2. p. 136. 1. Tridax ? galardioides; hispido-pilosus, foliis alternis sessilibus lineari-lanceolatis inferioribus pinnatifidis. Caulis herbaceus, decumbens, patentim hispido-pilosus, ramosus ; rami subelongati, usque ad apicem parce foliosi, capitulum unicum terminalem gerentes. Folia lineari-lanceolata, alterna ; inferiora pinnatifida, seg- mentis brevibus, obtusis, patentibus, superiora integra omnia hispide pilosa. Involucrum hemisphajricum, simplex, polyphyllum : foliola oblonga, acuta, basin florum radii eorumque achenia involventia. Corolla radii lutea?, basi attenuatie, apice explanatm, planie, trifidue, stylum absque staminibus gerentes; disci tubulosse, lutese. Paha lineari-oblongse, submembranacea?, pluriseriales, inter radii discique flores inteijectae, receptaculo piano alioquin nudo. Antliera purpurascentes, ecaudatse. Styli rami recurvati, appendiculis linearibus puberulis superati. Achenia (juniora) oblonga, erostrata, basi attenuata; radii glabra, apice calva; disci pilosa ; pappo persistente rigido basi plumoso apice simplici. If this were to form a new genus, we would propose the name of Layia, after one of the discoverers; and this would principally differ from Tridax or Balbisia, by the shape of the involucre, its consisting of numerous leaves, which are opposite to, and are respectively wrapt round, the achenia and tube of the corolla Composita.} CALIFORNIA. 149 of the radical florets; by the marginal achenia without pappus, and by the imperfect manner in which the receptacle is provided with scales; Indeed it is difficult to say if these in the present case ought not to be viewed as an inner series of involucral leaves, to which some of them bear a close resemblance in colour and texture. In Tridax procumbens, the leaves of the involucre do not surround the achenia, and the marginal achenia have a pappus precisely the same as those of the disc, and similar to what we have above described in our plant. Only one specimen, and that far from a good one, exists in the Collection: the inflorescence so resembles a Galardia, that had we not examined it minutely, we should have placed it in that genus. 1. Helianthus longifolius; herbaceus, foliis alternis oblongo-lanceolatis basi in petioluni planum longe attenuatis integerrimis flaccidis penninerviis ntrinque glabris margine ciliato- scabris, involucri foliolis subaequalibus discuin superantibus spathulato-oblongis appressis margine hispido-ciliatis, pappi aristis solitariis vel binis inaequalibus validis. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. V. 1. p. 313. This appears to be a true species of the genus, but the leaves are more like those of a RudbecMa: these, particularly the lower ones, are about five inches long, and much attenuated at the base into a flat petiole, which is about three inches in length. In the upper ones the limb is longer, while the petiole is shorter. In Mr. Douglas’s specimen from the Columbia, the leaves are decidedly glutinous, as if varnished. 1. Bahia artemisioefolia ; foliis alternis sessilibns profimde pinnatifidis subtus niveo-tomen- tosis margine revolutis, capitidis fasciculatis, involucris 9-pbyllis 1-serialibus cylindraceis, floribus radii lingulatis. — Lessing in Linnma, v. 5. p. 160, et v. 6. p. 253, The above character applies to the usual state of the plant; but sometimes the leaves are either quite entire, or they present one, or at most two, short lobes or segments at the side, about the middle. We much suspect that in this state it may become the Eriophyllum stachadi folium of Lagasca. All the florets are fertile: those of the ray are without stamens, and usually about six in number. Leaves of the involucre at first tomentose, but afterwards becoming often quite glabrous. Achenia with four 'or five angles, or pro- jecting ridges, somewhat hispid. Scales of the pappus eight or ten, unequal, linear, obtuse and striated, about one-fourth of the length of the achenium. Between Eriophyllum of Lagasca, to n hich Mr. Liudley has united Trichophyllum of Nuttall, and Bahia, there appears to be almost no difference: indeed, the only character pointed out by Lessing consists in the palese of the pappus being unequal, linear, and truncated in Bahia, and equal, obtuse, and narrowest at the base in the other genus. In the present individual, the palese are not, as Lessing says, truncate, but rounded at the apex ; while, on the other hand, those of Tricho- phyllum appear sometimes truncated and lacerated. Nor does their attenuation below, or their equality, prove a good character, since in our specimens of what we consider Bahia ambrosioides, from Chili, (the only species we have received from that country, and which consequently is the type of Lagasca’s genus Bahia,) the palese are short, equal, obtuse, not truncate, and narrower at their base than at the apex. Bahia artern- isiafolia was first discovered by Mr. Menzies, in California. 1. Helenium pubescens; berbaceum, puberulum, caule ramoso alato, foliis alternis oblongis inferioribus obtiisis superioribus acuminatis decurrentibus pellucido-punctatis integerrimis, capitulis solitariis in ramis longe ante apicem aphyllis, involucro polyphyllo reflexo discnm superante, receptaculo subgloboso, radii floscnlis lingulatis trilobis pellucido-punctatis. — Helenium pubescens’. Ait? — Ceplialophora decurrens. Lessing in Linncea, v. 6. p. 517. Lessing appears entirely to have overlooked the marginal series of scales on the receptacle, which con- stitutes this a Helenium, as its habit indicates, and not a Ceplialophora or Actinella. From H. quadriden- tatum it differs by the shape of the receptacle, and from H. autumnale by the leaves, which we have always found entire, and by the much sm^. — M. Coromandeliana. Linn. Sp. PI. p.9&'^. Hort. JJpsal.p. 201. (excl. syn. Plukn.) — M. Americana. Cav. Diss. 2. t. 22. f. 2. — M. carpinifolia. Desr. in Encycl. Meth. 3. p. 754. — Sida carpinoides. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. /?. 461. Of this species, common to both the Old and New World, our synonyms are taken from notes made by Mr. Arnott, in De Candolle’s Herbarium, in 1825. To them ought probably to be added S. muc7-onulata, De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 461, which is also a Malva, having a three-leaved involucre, and tricuspidate fruit; but De Candolle’s specimen difiers slightly in the more glabrous leaves. It may be added, that Sprengel has most erroneously united Sida carpinoides with S. ulmifolia, Willd., to S. spirceafolia, Link. The axillary flowers are always, we believe, solitary, but they are sometimes, though rarely, accompanied by a short branch, on which there are other flowers forming a kind of spike : this has given rise to the character sometimes given, of the axillary flowers being niunerous and densely clustered, “ floribus axillaribus glomeratis.” DC. 1. Hibiscus tiliaceus. Linn. — H. elatus. Swartz. — Paritium tiliaceum. St. HU. There appears to be no difference whatever between the Eastern plant, and that from the West Indies. Both have the leaves more or less distinctly crenated, with from one to three linear pores beneath on the nerves. The same is sent us also by Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell, from the Island of Lintin. Byttneriacece.] CHINA. 169 2. Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis. Linn. The specimens in Capt. Beechey’s Collection, and those from Mr. Millett, have double flowers. 1. Sida rhombifolia; Linn. The specimen in the Collection is in no way different from those from the New World, nor does it appear that S. rhomhoidea, Roxb., is at all distinct. The species however, described in De Candolle, which our friend Dr. Wight has met Ayith in the neighbourhood of Madras, has no beaks to the carpels. — Sida humilis, Willd., S. cord folia, L. (according to Wallich), and S. popul folia, Lam., are communicated by Mr. Vachell and Mr. MiUett ; and Gossypium arhoreum, from the gardens of Macao. Ord. X. BOMBACE^. Kunth. 1. Helicteres angustifolia ; foliis anguste oblongis obtusis mucronatis integerrimis subtus stellatim pubescentibus pannosis supra viridibus glabriusculis vel pilis stellatis subscabris, pedunculis terminalibus axillaribusque binis ternisve paucifloris, carpellis ellipsoideis hispido- villosissimis. — Wall. Cat. n. 1187. a. foliis supra glaberrimis. — H. angustifolia. Linn. — Z)e Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 476. — Lour, (non Wall.) — H. virgata. Wall. List of East India Plants, h. 1181. /3. foliis supra scabriusculis. Of this we have been obliged to resort to more perfect specimens than those in the Collection, the first variety only being gathered, and that destitute of fruit. This is assuredly the true H. angustifolia of Linnaeus, of which Willdenow says “ folia obtusiuscula.” It appears also to be that intended by Loureiro, and is the only narrow-leaved species we have received from Macao. But then it can scarcely be the plant of Lamarck, Encycl. Meth. 3. p. 89, of which he says “ feuilles lanceolees ou etroites-lanceolees, saliciformes and of which the description seems to be made up partly from Linnaeus’s character, and partly from the branchlets the Author says he obtained from Sonnerat. Again Sonnerat’s and Lamarck’s plant seems to be H. lan- ceolata, De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 47C; “species distinctissima : ” and with it H. angustifolia, Wallich’s List, n. 1180, is identical, as also what Colebrooke named H. spicata to Sir James Smith, according to a specimen communicated by Sir James to Dr. Hooker. But this last must not be confounded with what stands as H. spicata of Colebrooke, in Wallich’s List, n. 1182, and is described by Mr. G. Don in his ed. of Miller’s Dictionary, p. 507, which precisely accords with specimens we have received from Canton, and which agree so well with the description given by Loureiro of his H. hirsuta, that we cannot consider them as any way distinct. This latter we possess from Mr. Vachell and Mr. IVRllett, gathered about Macao : whilst the true H. angustifolia, these gentlemen find on Lappas Island. Ord. XL BYTTNERIACE.®:. Brown. 1. Sterculia lanceolata ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis obtuse subacuminatis integerrimis glabris, paniculis axillaribus, laciniis calycinis oblongis extus paniculaeque rainulis pubescenti- bus, carpellis oblongis oligospermis.^ — Cav. Diss. 5. p. 287. t. 144. f. 1. — Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1296. In our plants, as well those from Messrs. Lay and Collie as others from Mr. Vachell and Mr. Millett, the flowers are in small lax panicles, and not in simple racemes. 2. Sterculia nobilis ; foliis ovato-oblongis integris glabris, calycis laciniis linearibus apice coberentibus, carpellis ovatis mucronatis 1-2-spermis. De Cand. — Smith in Rees'' Cycl. — S. monosperma. Vent. Malm. t. 91. — S. Balanghas. Ait. — Southwellia nobilis. Salisb. Of this we have only seen the panicles of flowers. Y 170 CHINA. [ Tiliacem. 1. Reevesia thyrsoidea. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1236. This seems to be an abundant plant, if we may judge from the specimens we have received from various friends. 1. Byttneria aspera ; foliis cordato-subi’otundis bx’eviter ac subiter acuminulatis integer- rimis nervo medio vei’sus basin subtus glandula lineari oblonga instructo, floribus coi-ymbosis, carpellis aculeis brevibus validis echinatis. — Colehr, in Roxh. et. Willd. FL Ind. 2. p. 383. — B. grandifolia. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 486. The capsule consists of five cocci, which split in an elastic manner, and separate from the central axis, very much as in Hura crepitans, to which also in the appearance of the foliage this plant bears considerable resemblance. The leaves are described by Dr. Wallich as pubescent beneath, and they are so likewise in the specimen from China before us j but those from the Calcutta Garden, distributed by Dr. Wallich, (n, 114'4' of his List of Indian Plants,) are, as De Candolle says, perfectly glabrous. We scarcely know what is meant in the Flora Indica (1. c.) by “ Anthers twin:” probably anthers two-celled, as there is really but one anther, although the two cells be slightly distinct. Mr. G. Don, in Miller’s Dictionary, places this species in Commersonia, with which it agrees pretty weU in habit, but not in the structure of the fruit, nor in the trifid filaments. — With regard to Commersonia, we have at page 60 of this Work inadvertently been led into the same mistake as other authors, by referring to Rumph. Amb. .3. 1 19, as a figure of Forster’s C. echinata. At first sight the figure agrees well, and is therefore quoted by Forster himself | but on turning to the text, Rumphius thus describes the leaves " adulta inferius sunt subrotunda, in medio antem latissirae, sex nempe digitos transversales lata sunt iUa, quse palmam longa sunt.” Besides the great size described, they are represented strongly serrated. Now the plant we had in view, and which, after a second careful comparison with Forster’s plate and description, we still consider to be his species, has rigid coriaceous leaves, glabrous above, and covered with a compact white pubescence beneath ; their shape is oblongo-lanceolate, slightly and unequally cordate at their base, while their margin is slightly and distantly toothed. There cannot, we think, be the smallest doubt but the Commersonia echinata of Blume, now called C. Javensis, by Mr. G. Don, in Miller’s Dictionary, (with which again we consider as identical C. platyphylla, (3. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 486, and C. echinata of Roxburgh, figxwed and described by him as n. 1392, at the India House, but omitted in his own Indian Flora, although the name is inserted in the Hortus Benghalensis at p. 22,) is the plant figured by Rumphius ; and further, we do not see any satisfactory character to distinguish it from C. platyphylla, Andi*., figured in the Bot. Magazine, t. 1813. 1. VenXapQtes phoenicea. Linn. 1. Pterospermum acerifolium ; foliis cordatis subrotundis dentatis, involucro nullo. — Willd. Sp. PL V. 3, p. 729. — Pentapetes acerifolia. Linn. Walteria indica of this order is found by Mr. Vachell near Macao. Ord. XIL tiliacem. Juss. 1. Grewia Microcos ; foliis ovato-vel obovato-lanceolatis acuminatis junioribus subtus breviter stellato-pilosis adultis glabris basi subcordatis rugidosis seiTulatis, panicula terminali pubescenti, floribus binis ternisve involucratis, petalis calyce midto brevioribus apice emar- ginatis, ad unguem cavitate annulo pubescenti cincta intusque glandulam adpressam prope basin ferente instructis, drupa putamine unico pilosa triloculari, foliis serratis. Linn. Syst. ed. 12. V. 2.p. 602. De Cand, Prodr. v. 1. p. 510. Spr. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 679. — G. ubni- folia. Roxh. Hort. Bengh, p. 42. FI. Ind. 2. p, 591. F. I. C. Mtis. tab. pict. 1983. — Tiliacece.] CHINA. 171 G. affinis. Lindl. in Hort. Soc. Trans. 6. p. 265. — Microcos paniculata. Linn. Sp. PL ed. 1. p. 514. Sm. in Rees' Cycl. — G. Don, in Mill. Diet. 1. p. 551. — M. Mala. Ham. in Linn. Soc. Trans. 13. p. 549. — M. Stauntoniana. G. Don, in Mill. Diet. 1. c. — Arsis rugosa. Lour. FI. Cochin, p. 409.— Swrm. FL ZeyL t. 74. — Plukn. Phyt. t. 2Q2.f. 3.- — Rheede, Hort. Mai. 1. t. 56. We have been particular about the synonyms of this plant, of which we have numerous specimens from Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell, because there appears to have been much confusion; the state with leaves broader upwards having been described by three diiferent Botanists, under as many different names, aU con- sidering it as distinct from the plant of Linnseus. Hamilton, however, appears to have had in view as the Linnsean plant, another species called Microcos tomentosa by Smith, and which is the Grewia paniculata of Roxburgh; and it is not improbable that, from the specific name, Roxburgh himself fell into the same mistake. As to the specific identity of the two forms, we for some time entertained considerable doubts : the figures in Roxb. Corom. Rheede, and Plukenet, aU representing the Ceylon and Malabar plants and agree- ing with a specimen of M. paniculata, Sm., preserved in the Linneean Herbarium, exhibit a leaf that is ovato- lanceolate, and scarcely cordate at the base; while in the others from China, Ava, and Bengal, the leaves are usually broader upwards above the middle, and then shortly acuminate. To the first belongs, of Wallich’s List, n. 1098, C. E. F. G. : and to the second, the other specimens of the same number, excepting perhaps D, the G. begoniifolia, Roxb. FI, Ind. p. 592, about which we have not had it in our power to satisfy ourselves. Our friends Dr. Wight and Hamilton’s specimens appear to determine the point that the one is not distinct as a species or even as a variety, from the other, the former Botanist having found the ovato- lanceolate leaf mixed with so strong an approach to the obovato-lanceolate kind, as to be scarcely distinguish- able on the same bush, in hilly situations in the Peninsula of India : and although Dr. Hamilton says “ folia apicem versus latiora,” his own specimen, preserved in the Museum of the University of Edinburgh, is quite intermediate between that and the Ceylon plant figured in Burman. Of the Order Tiliacem, we have Corchorus acutangulus, Lam., and Triumfeita Lappula, gathered near Macao, by Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell. Of the Order TernstrmmiacetB, Mr. Millett’s Collection contains a very fine plant, which we refer to Cleyera, though the antherse be not “ retrorsum Setoso-hispidse,” nor the stigma divided. We think the species well deserving of bearing the name of its discoverer, who has rendered so much service to Botany during his long residence in China. Its characters we give below.* Of the Order Camelliem, Polyspora axillaris, ( Camellia axillaris, Ker,) is sent from Macao by Mr. MiUett. * Cleyera Millettii; foliis oblongis obtuse acuminatis integerrimis (siccitate) venosis supra nitidis, pedunculis solitai’iis unifloris supraaxillaribus cernuis, sepalis petalisque snbsequalibus omnibus acutis, stam- inibus pilis erectis appressis setosis, stigmate simplici. (Tab. XXXIII.) Frutex (seu arbor) valde ramosus. Rami glabri, subrugosi, atro-fusci, nitidiusculi. Folia alterna, 2-3-uncias longa, brevissime petiolata, coriacea, oblonga, basi attenuata, apice breviter et obtuse acuminata, integerrima, nervosa, superne prcecipue, ubi nitida, subtus opaca, pallidiora, nervis magis obscuris, juniora subtus puberula. Fedunculi paulo supra axillam inserti, subunciam longi, cernui, solitarii, uniflori, apice ad basin calycis bibracteati, bracteis cito deciduis. Calyx e sepalis 5, ovatis, acutis, concayis, coriaceis, lateribus imbricatis, dorso subhirsutis, marginibus ciliatis. Fetala 5, ovato-oblonga, acuta concaviuscula, calyce vix longiora. Stamina 25, hypogyna, cum basi petalorum subaccreta : Filamenta iu mucrouem producta, pilosa, inferne praecipue, pilis erectis, appressis. Anthera: loculi oppositi, adnati, lineares, longitudinaliter dehiscantes. Ovarium subrotundum, piloso-hispidum, in stylum longum, simplicem, glabrum attenuatum. Stigma obtusum, simples. From C. Japonica, the original Cleyera of Thunberg, this is known by its veiny always entire leaves, by the sepals and calyx nearly eq^ual in size, and remarkably acute, and by the entire stigma. In C. ochnacea, of which we possess fine specimens from Dr. Wallich, the peduncles are clustered, the sepals and petals are quite rounded at the extremity, the anthers are retrorsely hispid, and the stigma is bifid : and the same characters are found iu the C. grandiflora of Dr. Wallich. Tab. XXXIII. Cleyera Millettii. Fig. 1, Flower; fg. 2, Stamen ; Jig. 3, Petal; jfg. 4, Pistil -.—magnified. Y 2 172 CHINA, [Hypericinea. Ord. XIII. AURANTIACE^. Corr. 1. trifoliata. De Cand. Prodr. v. \.p. 536. — T. aurantiola. Zowr. Cochin. \. p. 189. — Limonia trifoliata. Linn. 1, Cookia punctata ; foliolis ovato-lanceolatis basi vix iiiEequalibus, floi'ibus paniculatis. — Retz. Obs. 6. p. 29. Lam. III. t. 354. — Qiiinaria Lansiiim. Lour. Cochin, p. 272. — Rumph. Amb. 1. t. 55. “ The fresh leaves, when rubbed, smell like anise-seed.” — Collie, MSS. 1. Mui’i’aya exotica ; foliolis cuneato-oblongis obtusis coriaceis, pedunculis multifloris corymbosis, baccis submonosperinis. — Linn. Mant. p. 393. Lam. III. t. 352. — Cbalcas Japonensis. Lour. Cochin, p. 332. Rumph. Amb. 5. t. 18. 2. This must not be confounded with the M. exotica of some Botanists, particularly of Roxburgh, Flora Indica, v. 2. p. 374., and n. 48 of his drawings, in the East India Company’s Museum, and apparently of Dr. Wallich’s List, n. 6368, which appears to be the Chalcas paniculata of Loureiro, the Murraya pani- culata of Smith’s Herbarium, and Rumphius’ Herb. Amb. 5. t. 17, a species which is too closely allied to M. Sumatrana. Roxb. Hort. Bengh. p. 32, and FI. Ind. v. 2. p. 375. With this last, is identical BI. pani- culata, Jack, and Hook. Exot. FI. t. 79; it has the flowers terminal, and not nearly so panicled, if indeed they can be said to be so at all, as in the other species, hence, as Jack observed, the name given by him ought to be changed to M. Sumatrana, even although he had not given it upon the supposition that his and Loureiro’s plants were the same. The true JM. paniculata may be characterised, “ foliis ovatis, floribus paniculatis;” while M. Sumatrana is distinguished shortly by “ foliis ovatis acuminatis, floribus terminali- bus subsolitariis.” 1. Glycosmis citri folia ; foliolis 4-5-alternis oblongo-lanceolatis basi insequalibus utrinqiie acuminatis integerrimis, panicula contracta racemosa, corolla campanulata, fructibus ovato- sphseroideis obliquis. Lindl. in Hort. Soc. Trans, v. 6. p. 72. — Limonia citrifolia. Willd. Enum. p. 448. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 536. L. parviflora. Sims, in Rot. Mag. t. 2416. De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 536. The genus Glycosmis is perhaps only distinguishable from Limonia by the structure of the fruit. In Limonia, the pericarp is tough, and resembling the rind of an orange, and the seeds are covered with pulp. In Glycosmis, the pericarp is fleshy, like the eatable parts of a cherry, and the seeds are destitute of pulp. — We possess Clansena excavata, Burm., and AtaZawtm DC., of this Order, from near Macao, gathered by Mr. Millett. Ord. XIV. HYPERICINE^E. Juss. 1. HjqDcricum Chinense ; /3. caule tereti, foliis ellipticis obtusis paullo nigro-punctatis, pedunculis bibracteatis, calyce oblongo obtuso nigro-punctato, stylis coadunatis. Chois. — Linn. Amce7i. v. 8. p. 323. Chois, in De Ca7id. Prodr. v. 1. p. 545. — H. monogynum. Linn. Spec. p. 1101. Rot. Mag. t. 334. — H. aureum. Lour. Cochin. 2. p. 578. Sent also by Mr. Millett. 2. Hjq)ericum (Tridesmos) biflonmi; caule glabro subtereti griseo, foliis ovato-ellipticis glabris acutis vix acuminatis, sepalis aequalibus integris ovatis obtusis, glandulis tribus carnosis majusculis cum staminum phalangibus tribus alternantibus, stylis tribits stamina aequantibus. Lam. Encijcl. Meth. v. 4. p. 170. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 546. — H. Chinense. Retz. Obs. Guttiferm.] CHINA. 173 Bot. 5. p. 27. (non Linn.) — H. petiolatum. Lour. FI. Cochin. 2. p. 577. (non Linn.)—!!. Cochinchense. lAndl. in Hort. Soc. Trans, v. 6. p. 6'7 ? {non Lour.) — H.? carneinn. IVall. List of East India Plants, n. 4820. Ou account of the three large glandular bodies that alternate with the bundles of stamens, and which are described both by Lamarck and Loureiro, although passed over in silence by Choisy, this plant, which we have likewise received from Mr. Vachell and Mr. Millett, ought perhaps to form the type of a genus, in which might be included, H. Cochinchense of Loureiro, a plant with obtuse leaves, and H.? coccineum. Wall. List, n. 4823, if indeed this last be not the same with the species from Cochin China. Perhaps also M.f pulchellum and H.? horridum of Wallich’s List, nos. 4821 and 4822, are congeners. The genus Tridesmos would be also distinguished from Hypericum, by the dowers being more or less of a red colour. Ord. XV. GUTTIFERiE. Juss. 1. Garcinia Cockinchensis ; folii.s oblongo-lanceolatis, ramulis tetragonis, floribiis axill- aribus vel terminalibus brevi-peduiiculatis subracemosis. — Chois, in De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 561. ? — Oxycarpus Cochincbeiisis. Lour. Cochin. 2. p. 796. Such is all the character the solitary specimen before us will permit us to give. It does not well accord with the figure quoted by Choisy, in Rumph. Amb. 3. t. 32 ; but it agrees better with Loureiro’s description. The genera Garcinia, Xanthochymus, and Stalagmitis are in great confusion, and require to be studied anew from living specimens. Thus, as Garcinia is at present characterised by both Choisy and Cambessedes, not one species would belong to it : in all the species, the structure of the male dower is precisely as in Stalagmitis'. and even, if we suppose the character of “stamina libera” to allude to the hermaphrodite dower alone, we shall scarcely find any but G. Mangostana to which it is applicable; the other species being almost without exception dioecious, and not polygamous. In some, no doubt, as in G. panicidata, Roxb. FI. Ind. (with which it may be remarked, that G. Boobicowa, Roxb. H. Bengh. and G. Tuntook, Roxh. MSS. n. 1064, at the India House, are identical), there are rudiments of stamens in the female dowers : in others, there are stamina with glands instead of anthers, but such dowers cannot be termed hermaphrodite. Perhaps Garcinia may he restricted to the polygamous species, while Stalagmitis (or Brendonia, for we can see no difference between them) includes the truly dioecious ones. As to Xanthochymus, we believe all are polygamous, and have the male organs alike both in the male and hermaphrodite dowers ; besides, there is in the hermaphrodite, a gland, and in the male, a lobe of the discoid torus, between each bundle of stamens, which is not to be seen in either Garcinia or Staglumitis. Cambes- sedes has pi'operly removed both Staglamitis and Xanthochymus from the section, having unilocular fruit. 1. Calophyllum spectabile ; foliis elliptico-lanceolatis aut rarius ellipticis utrinque saepius acutis, racemis axillaribus brevissimis paucifloris, sepalis et petalis qiiatuor — Willd. Mag. Berl. 1811. p. 80? — C. Soulattri. Burnt. Ind. p. 121. — C. Suriga. Ham. in Boxb. FI. Ind. 2. p. 608. Choisy, in De Candolle’s Prodromus, says that the dowers are loosely racemose, which is far from the case in our plant : but then he quotes,' without doubt, Burman’s C. Soulattri, to which, again, Roxburgh refers with equal certainty, as his C. Suriga : Roxburgh’s short character, “ leaves linear, oblong, {polished, dowers verticilled below the leaves,” belongs evidently to our species, although the dowers are really axillary, and not infra-axillary. With regard to the other species in the Flora Indica, they seem to be scarcely known, and even Dr. Wallich does not refer to Roxburgh in his List of East Indian Plants. Yet we believe there can be little doubt, when we compare the descriptions with the specimens, that C. Bintagor, for which Roxburgh quotes Rumph. Amb. 2. t. 71, is C. inophyllum, G., of Wallich’s List, n. 4841 ; that C. angustifolium is Wallich’s C. pulcherrimum, n. 4848; and that C.lanceolarium, is C. Tacamahaca, Willd As to C. acuminatum, Lam., or Rumph. Amb. 2. t. 72, usually quoted under C. spectabile, it appears to be a distinct species, with narrow leaves, six inches or more in length. 174 CHINA. [AmpelideoB. Ord. XVI. ERYTHROXYLE^. Kunth. 1. Sethia /wfiicct ; foliis-obovato-oblongis obtusis. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 5. p. 175. (in adnot.) — Erythroxylon monogynum. Roxb. Cor. 1. t. 88. Plukn. AmaltJi. p. 87. t. 442. f. 3. (non t. 442./ 1, 2.) Mant. 26 et 127. Ord. XVII. MALPIGHIACE^. Juss. 1. Hiptage Madahlota ; foliis acmninatis, racemis terminalibus. a. foliis ovato lanceolatis acuminatis. — ’H. Madablota. Gcertn. Roxb. Cor. 1. t. 18. De Cand. Prodr. V. 1. p. 583. (cum syn.) /3. foliis ovatis svibiter acuminatis. — H. Madablota, C. Wall. List of. E. Ind. Plants, n. 1063. The variety /3., from Prome and Martaban, is precisely the same as in the Collection from China. There are no glands at the top of the petiole. Ord. XVIII. ACERINEiE. De Cand. 1. Acer trifidum; foliis circumscriptione rotundatis basi subcordatis ad medium fere trilobis subtus glaucis junioribus pubescentibus, lobis ovatis crenulato-serratis. — Thunb. FI. Jap. p. 163 ? Ord. XIX. SAPINDACEiE. Juss. 1. Cardiospermum Halicacabum. Linn. 1. Nephelium ; foliis pinnatis, foliolis sub 4-jugis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusi- usculis subtus valide pinnatim nervosis glaucis supra nitidis, panicula laxa, petalis 6, bacca globosa scabriuscula. — Camb. in Mein. Mus. v. 18. p. 30. — Euphoria Longana. Lam. — De Cand. Prodr. v. \. p. 611. — Scytalia Longan. Roxb. FI. Ind. 2. p. 270. — Dimocarpus Longan. Lour. Cochin. 2. p. 288. Ord. XX. MELIACE.E. Juss. 1. Aglaia odorata; foliolis 2-3-jugis cum impari cuneato-oblongis obtusiusculis supra nitidis utrinque glabris. (Tab. XXXIV.) — Lour. Cochin. \.p. 216. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 537. — ^Camunium sinense. Rumph. Amb. 7. if. 18./ 1. Roxb. FI. Ind. 1. p. 636. ed. Wall. 2. p. 425. — Vitex pinnata. Linn. Burnt. FI. Ind. t. 43. /. 2. — Opilia odorata. Spr. Syst. 1. p. 766. As no satisfactory representation has yet been given of this plant, we have thought a figure made from one of Mr. Millett’s specimens might not be unacceptable. Tab. XXXIV. Aglaia odorata. Fig. 1, Flower; fig. 2, Cup of the stamens; fig. 3, The same laid open, showing the anthers and pistil. 1. Melia Azedarach. Linn. Lour. Cochin. 1. p. 329. Ord. XXL AMPELIDEiE. H.B.K. 1. Cissus Japonicus; foliis pedato 5-foliolatis glabris, foliolis ovalibus aristato-serratis Rutacea.] CHINA. 175 lateralibus obtusis, pedunculis folio longioribus. De Cmd. — Willd. Sp. PL v. 1. p. 659. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p, 632. The specimen in the Collection is very imperfect, and bears rather narrower leaves than in others which we have received also from Mr. Millett : the lateral leaflets, although shorter than the others, are sometimes scarcely obtuse. 1. Cissus? Cantoniemis ; foliis bipinnatis, foliolis glabris obovato-oblongis basi acutis apice breviter acuminatis supra medium serratis, petalis staminibusque 5. Very closely allied to C. orientalis, Lam.: indeed, so much that we should not have separated them as species, were it not for the quinary arrangement of the parts of the flower in the present individual. The stamina are opposite to the petals, and inserted with them at the base of the large cup-shaped torus, which closely surrounds the germen: filaments straight, short, scarcely longer than the torus: anthers two-celled. Style short and thick. Stigma simple. Mr. Millett has sent a species of Vitis, from Macao, which we can compare with no species of Vine of the Old Word, but which so closely resembles the V. serotina of N. America, according to specimens we possess from Mr. Nuttall, that we dare hardly venture to consider it distinct. Almost the only difference is, that our plant has the leaves rather less deeply serrated, and somewhat glaucous beneath. Ord. XXII. OXALIDE^. De Cand. 1. Averrhoa Carambola ; calycibus glabris, petalorum limbo subrotundo, staminibus 5, fructibus acutangulis, seminibus arillatis. De Cand. — Linn. Sp. PL p. 613. Humph. Amb. 1 . t. 35. Rheede, Mai. 3.* t. 43 et 44. This appears to be abundant at Macao, whence we have also specimens from Mr. Millett. — Oxalis repens of this Order, is also sent by Mr. Vachell from Lappas Island. Ord. XXIIL RUTACEiE. Juss. 1. ^VLta.a7hgustifolia. Pers. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 710 .R, Cbalepensis. Lour. Cochin. 1. p. 330. The petals are certainly ciliated, and not entire, or merely toothed, as in R. graveolens, which one would rather have expected to find in China, than the present species. Loureiro, however, mentions that it is only found in a state of cultivation. 1. Zanthoxylon nitidum ; vamis petiolis costisque aculeatis, foliis impari-pinnatis2-3-jugis, foliolis oblongis lucidis remote glanduloso-crenatis apice elongatis emarginatis, racemis axillaribus fasciculatis. De Cand. Prodr. v. p. 727.— Fagara nitida. Roxb. FL Ind. 1. p. 419.— F. piperita. Lour. Cochin. 1. p. 101. Plukn. Amalth. t. 393./ 2. 2. Zanthoxylon Avicennes ; aculeatum, foliis impari-pinnatis, foliolis 9-13 lanceolatis sub- integerrimis glabris petiolulatis, racemis paniculatis folio brevioribus. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 726. — Z. Clava-Herculis. Lour. Cochin. 2. p. 810.— Fagara Avicennm. Lam. EncycL Meth. 2. p. 445. Macao. Mr. Millet.- — In addition to these two species, there are fragments of two others in the Collec- tion, too imperfect for description. 1. 'Qxwcea. Sumatrana ; foliolis serratis subtus villosis racemis smpius compositis. — Roxb. FL Ind. 1. p. 439. ed. Wall. 1. p. 469. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 88. B. gracilis. De Cand. 176 CHINA. [Ilicinea. L c. — Gonus amavissimiis. Lom\ Cochin. 2. p. 809. — Ailanthus gracilis. Salisb — Humph. Amh. V. 7. t. 15. We believe there can exist no doubt of Salisbury’s plant being identical with that of Roxburgh; the younger leaves are quite villous on both sides, and the racemes sometimes simple, in which state only Salis- bury and De Candolle apjiear to have seen it. We possess the plant from Mr. Vachell and Mr. Millett. Cymenosma pedunculata of this Order, has been communicated by Mr. Vachell from Hong Hong Island. Ord. XXIV. CELASTRINE^. Broim. 1. Ela?otlendron glaucum; foliis oblongis, paniculis axillaribus dicbotomis folio brevioribus, doribus pentandris, germine 2-loculari5 drupa globosa stepius uniloculari siibmonospermo. — Pel's. Syn. 1. /j. 241. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 10. — Scbrebera albens. Retz. Ohs. 6. p. 25. t. 3. — Celastriis glaucus. Vahl. Symb. 2. p. 42. — Mangifera glauca. Piottb. — Senacia glauca. Lam. — Pluhn. Amalth. t. 407. /i 1 ? Dr. Wallich, in his edition of Roxburgh’s Indian Flora, observes how liable the leaves of E. orientate are to vary in shape. The same remark seems applicable to the present species : they are sometimes ovate and obtuse, sometimes oblongo-lanceolate, sometimes perfectly entire, sometimes obtusely serrated, and even some leaves are rather acutely serrated. We have always, however, seen them much longer than the petiole, and not as De Candolle says, “ petiolo vix triple longiora.” Thus there does not appear to have been one character given to separate the E. glaucum from E. orientate, until the shape of the fruit was pointed out ; in E. orientate, the drupe is oblong. Surely De Candolle must have made some mistake when he says, in the generic character, that the drupe is 5-celled, although sometimes, by abortion, with fewer cells ; implying that the ovary is alv^'ays 5-celled. Roxburgh and Dr. Wallich attribute only two cells to the ovary in their character of the genus; Gsertner, however, appears to have seen (Fruct. 1. t. 57.) three cells in the drupe in E. orientate, but Roxburgh, in his figure, at the India House, n. 73, represents only two, and occasionally one cell. . Ord. XXV. ILICINE^. Brongn. 1. Ilex pubescens; ramis dense pubescentibus, foliis ovato-oblongis acutis integerrimis supra sparse subtus dense velutino-pubescentibus, nmbellis axillaribus subsessilibus glomer- atis, calyce 5-6-fido, corolla 5-6-partita, germine 5-6-loculari. (Tab. XXXV.) lignosus, teres. juniores prsesertim, dense ac molliter pubescentes. Folia subcoriacea, alterna, breviter petiolata petiolo pubescent!, ovato-oblonga vel elliptico-oblonga vel etiam eUiptico-lauceo- lata, vix acuminata, acuta, basi acutiuscula, supra glabriuscula vel potius pilis raris mollibus brevibus velutina, subtus dense ac molliter pubescentia. Flores hermaphroditi, numero quinario vel senario gandentes, um- bellati; umbellis binis ternisve aggregatis, subsessilibus, axillaribus; pedicelli petiolum duplo triplove superantes, pubescentes. Calyx pubescens : segmentis rotundatis. Corolla petalis vix distinctis, unguibus per filamenta alternantia adglutinatis, laciniis rotundatis calyce triple longioribus, planis patentibus. Stamina petalis breviora: antherce adnatse, cordato-ovatie. Discus nullus. Germen superum, ovatum, 5-6-loculare : stylus nullus : stigma capitatum, 5-6-lobatum. Tab. XXXV. Ilex pubescens.. Figs. 1 and 2, Flowers ; fig. 3, Front view of a stamen ; fig. 4, Back view of do. : — magnified. 1. Prinos asprellus ; foliis deciduis elliptico-lanceolatis attenuatis obtusiusculis, supra tuberculis raris ininutis breviter piliferis subasperis subtus glaberrimis denticulato-serratis Bliammea^ CHINA. 177 denticiilis incurvatis, floribiis 5-6-fidis, pedicellis axillaribus, masculis aggregatis petioluni vix superantibus, foemineis solitariis petiole plus duplo longioribus. Rami lif^nosi, teretes, glabri, cortice fusco. Folia petiolata, alterna, membranacea, decidua, ovato-vel elliptico-lanceolata, basi subacuta, apice in acumen plus minusve elongatum sublineare obtusiusculura, attenuata, denticulato-serrata, deiiticulis uncinatis parvis subspiniformibus incurvis, subtus glaberriraa, supra punctis minutis brevissime piliferis hinc illinc adspersis asperata. Flores polygami. Calyx 5-6-fidus, adpresse sub-pilosus, segmentis rotundatis margine minute ciliatis. Petala 5-6, calycem plus duplo super- antia: ungues ope staminum alternantium coaliti: limbi rotundati. Masc. Discus nullus. Pistilli rudi- mentum. Fosm. Flores breviter pedicellati; aggregati. Discus hypogynus nullus. Pistilli rudimentum. Herm. Flores solitarii, longe peduuculati. Stamina fertilia. Pistillum oblongum : germen 5-6-loculare, ima basi toro tenui cupuliformi arete cinctum, at discus expansus nullus. Stylus nullus. Stigma capitatum, lobatum. This is very closely allied to P. deciduus of North America. The male and hermaphrodite flowers appear to be always on different plants. Tab. XXXVI. Prinos asprellus. Fig. 1, Male flower; Jig. 2, Hermaphrodite -magnified. Ord. XXVI. RHAMNE^. Juss. 1. Paliurus Aubletia ; aculeis duobus stipularibus rectis, foliis ovatis crenato-serratis trinerviis, corymbis axillaribus, fructu turbinato apice piano marginato, ala crassa triloba. — Schult. Syst. V. 5. p. 343. De Cand. Prodvo v. 2. p. 22. — Aubletia rainosissima. Lour. Cochin. 1 . p. 348. Only one specimen, and that in a very imperfect state, is in the Collection, but we have received others from Mr. Millett, gathered near Macao. There seem to be two forms of the plant, the one with glabrous leaves and branches, the other with both very pubescent. The last only we possess in fruit, which is also very pubescent. The ala is by no means membranaceous, nor so broad as in P. aculeatus, but of the same texture as the pericarp; it is three-lobed, the lobes rounded, and very slightly crenulated. In P. aculeatus the rim of the fruit is broad, membranaceous, crenulated, but not lobed. Loureiro unfortu- tunately mistook the convolute petals for a series of stamens; “ fllamenta 10 basi fissnrarum calycis jocr paria insidentia: horum 5 brevissima (the petals), 5 alia (the true stamens) triple longiora: antherae brevi- orum oblongse, magnse (the limb of the petals), lorigiorum parvae, ovate.” This error, indeed, De Candolle has hinted at, when he states that he had examined a specimen from Loureiro himself, and found only 5 stamens, and these concealed by the hollow limb of the unguiculate petals. We trust that the above descrip- tion of the fruit will not only suffice to distinguish the species, but show the propriety of its being left in the genus Paliurus, where it has been hitherto placed, though doubtfully, on account of the obscurity in which the plant has been involved. 1. Berchemia lineata ; inermis, foliis ellipticis integerrimis retiisis cum mucronulo, pedunculis terminalibus vel versus ramorum apices axillaribus paucifloris, calycis limbo 5- partito, segmentis linearibus tubo multo longioribus petala stamina stylumque filiforme aequantibus. (Tab. XXXVII.) — De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 23. — B.? Lom’eiriana. DeCand. 1. c. — B. Poiretiana. De Cand. 1. c. — Rliamnus lineatus. Linn. — Poir. Encycl. Meth. 4. p. 473. Lour. Cochin. \. p. 196. Pluckn. Aim. t. 408.^ 3. Rami diffusi, nonnunquam subvolubiles, glabri, nitidi : ramuli ultimi pubescentes. Folia alterna, brevi- petiolata, elliptica, retnsa, mucronnlata, integerrima, bistipulata, stipulis minutis, subulatis, planis, submem- branaceis vix indurescentibus, juniora subplicata, glabra, penninervia, supra viridia subtus pallida, nervis plurimis obliquis parallelis purpureo-fuscis prominulis, venis tenuibus transversalibus reticulatis instructa. Flores breviter pedicellati, hermaphroditi vel diclines. Calyx tubo bi’evi hemispluerico : limbi laciniis z 178 CHINA. [HomalinecB. linearibus, erectis. Petala cuneato-oblonga, convoluta, apice emai'ginata. Stamina 5, longitudine corollse, petalis inclusa: filamenta siibulata: anthercB ovate biloculares. Discus carnosus planus, fundum calycis tegens. Germen ovatum disco semi-immersum, at tamen ei non adherens, biloculare : stylus filiforrais petala tequans, teres : stigma capitatum. “ Drupa parva, oblongo-ovata, scabra, rubra ; nucula oblonga, bisulca, bilocularis.” Lour. The above description, together with the accompanying figure, will, we trust, reclaim this beautiful species from obscurity. There cannot be the smallest doubt of its being the plant intended by Linnaeus, and we think there is as little of its being that of Loureiro, notwithstanding the many little discrepancies between his account of it and ours. Loureiro states that his plant is furnished “ aculeis multis, sparsis, solitariis, rectis, brevibus;” this distinction is, however, omitted byDe Candolle, who says of Loureiro’s plant, “ramis inermibus,” and rightly, too, for it appears that Loureiro drew up this part of his character to suit Pluck- net’s Phyt. t. 122. f. 4, which he quotes as a synonym, but which is an East Indian, not a Chinese plant, and more allied to Zizyphus, if indeed it has any thing to do with this natural order. Again, Loureiro says, “ folia subcrenata,” which is not correct, although the leaves, from the strong nerves beneath, do exhibit a somewhat undulated margin. His “ calyx 5-dentatus, minimus,” is obviously a mistake for the small hemisphaerical tube ; while his “petala 10 lanceolata sequalia erecta,” comprehend both the calycine segments and the petals, the latter being bis “ interiora quiuque amplectentia stamina.” The remainder of his description coincides with our plant. We ourselves have not seen the fruit. — We now come to Poiret’s Rhamnus lineatus, which De Candolle makes distinct: on consulting his description, all he says of the thorns is, “ les stipules forment, a la base des petioles, de petites epines tres-courtes et aigues and these, although we agree Avith Linnseus in not calling them thorns, are precisely Avhat we have seen. He describes the flowers as solitary — “ solitaires et laterales dans I’aisselle des feuilles,” and Ave have occasionally observed the racemes reduced to one flower; but Ave rather suspect that part of his character to be made merely to accord Avith Burm. Zeyl. t. 88, which he cites ; and in this we are confirmed by what follows the above extract — “ cependant vers I’extremite des branches elles forment souvent une petite grappe presque terminate,” as in our specimens. It is obvious to any one Avho is in the habit of consulting the Encyclopedie Methodique, that Poiret and Lamarck, Avhen they had not sufficient materials of their oAvn, borrowed from other authors Avithout acknoAvledgment : and, in the present instance, not only is this true Avith regard to the solitary flowers, but also as to the fruit, the description of Avhich, “ une petite baie arrondie,” is evidently taken from Burman’s figure just quoted. Poiret’s analysis of the flower, and description of the leaves, even to the little terminal bristle or mucro, exactly agree Avith what is noAv before us. Thus, Ave trust, Ave have made out satisfactorily, that the Rhamnus lineatus of Linnaeus, of Loureiro, and of Poiret, are all one and the same plant. Of the older synonyms quoted by these authors, thei’e can be no doubt of Plukn. t. 408. f. .3, Avhich comes from China; but, as Ave have already stated, Ave cannot refer here to Plukn. t. 122. f. 4. As to Burm. Zeyl. t. 88, the Berchemia Burmanniana of De Candolle, and Rhamnus Vitis-idaa of Burm. El. Ind., it has nothing to do Avith this tribe of plants. Brongniart, in his Memoir on the Rhamnece, has proposed to make it a new genus, near to Andrachne. Moon, in his Catalogue of Ceylon Plants, refers it to Phyllanthus rhamnoides. Dr. Wight and Mr. Arnott (Flora Penins. Indire Orient.) consider it identical Avith Plukn. Phyt. 09. f. 3, and both as referable to Phyllanthus multijlorus of Klein’s Herbarium, and consequently of WilldenoAv. Perhaps Plukn. t. 122. f. 4, is a bad representation of the same plant. — Messrs. Vachell and Millett find this plant about Macao and the adjacent islands. Tab. XXXVH. Berchemia lineata. Fig. 1, FloAA'er; Jig. 2, Section of do.; Jig. 3, Petal and stamen. The Rhamnus theezans, Linn. (Sageretia, Brongn.) we have received from Mr. Millett; and also the Ceanothus Asiuticus. Ord. XXVII. HOMALINE.E. Brown, 1. Blackwellia fagifolia; foliis elliptico-lanceolatis serrulatis supra glaberrimis subtus puberulis brevissime petiolatis, racemis simplicibus spiciformibus axillaribus nutantibus folium subsequantibus, floribus 6-8-antlris 2-4-gynis, perianthii laciniis 12-16 subbiseri- ComaracecB.] CHINA. 179 alibus longe ciliatis subasqualibus, interioribus (?) latioribus spathulatis — Lwdl. in Hort. Trans, v. 6. p. 270. — B. pacliflora. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1388 — Pythagorea Cochinchensis. Lour. Cochin. 1 . p. 300. It is extremely difficult to ascertain whether the narrow or broad segments of the perianth are exterior, so nearly do they all form one series : but the smaller ones will be found to form a small ridge on the tube, by their union to it, while there is a slight depression or channel from the base of the other series : on this account we have viewed the former as the exterior; but, whether they actually be so or not, it is at the base of the smaller segments that the glands are situated, the stamens being placed opposite to the broader series. De Candolle says of the genus, that the smaller ones are the interior, and opposite the stamens : perhaps diffei'ent species vary in the relative size of the two series : but if not, and if it is the smaller series that is constantly exterior, a supposition confirmed by the structure of Homalium, then the stamens must be viewed as opposite to the exterior row, as in that genus. This plant seems very closely allied to B. axillaris', l-wai. 111. t. 412, f. 1, from Madagascar, where, however, the spikes of flowers are much longer than the leaves, the flowers smaller, and the leaves almost orbicular. The B. padiflora of Mr. Lind- ley, we consider to be identical with B. fagifolia. The Rhus semialata, Murray, {R. Javanica, L.) is communicated by Mr, Millett from Macao. Ord. XXVIIL CONNARACE^. Brown. 1. Connarus Roxhurghii ; foliolis 2-3-jugis ovato-oblongis breviter obtuse acuminatis subcoriaceis glaberrimis, paniculis axillaribus aggregatis folium subaequantibus, stylis 5, capsula solitaria. — Cnestis monadelplia. Roxb. Hort. Bengh. p. 34. FI. Ind. 2. p. 454. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 87. Macao. Mr. Millett. — Since Roxburgh says of this plant, “ seed solitary, attached to the bottom of the capsule, as in the germ, ovate, invested in a complete orange-coloured aril : perisperm none,” with which our observations accord, we trust there can be no doubt about the propriety of removing this species from Cnestis to Connarus. The same plant has been collected by Dr. Wight in the peninsula of India, so that its geographical distribution is tolerably extensive. On account of the firm and almost coriaceous nature of the leaves, the nerves and venation are not prominent, by which character it may be readily distino'uished from C. santaloides, where the veins are prominent and reticulated beneath. 2. Connarus microphyllus ; foliolis 5-6-jugis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis glabris vix coriaceis supra nitidis junioribus subtus glaucis venis prominulis, petiolis raimdisque glaber- rimis, racemis axillaribus laxis paucifloris folio plus dimidio brevioribus. — Aegiceras minus. Goertn. Fruct. 1. t. 46. This species is very closely allied to C. mimosoides of Vahl, from the Nicobar Islands, which has also small leaflets, scarcely an inch long : but C. mimosoides is described with from 9 to 1 1 pairs, and they are said to be deeply emarginate. In Vahl’s plant, too, the younger branches appear to be pubescent. Although, therefore, we acknowledge the close affinity of the two, we cannot unite them. The figure given by Gaertner, of his Aegiceras minus, so entirely accords with the fruit of our plant, both as to size and shape, that we have quoted it without hesitation : we ought to remark, however, that Roxburgh has pointed out its affinity to his Cnestis monadelphus, the fruit of which is considerably larger ; and Sprengel has quoted it without doubt, under C. santaloides. In structure, it accords perfectly with the last species, and with the genus. 3. Connarus ? juglandifolius ; foliolis 4-5-jugis ovato-oblongis subiter acuminatis acutis- simis obliquis subfalcatis supra nitidis glaberrimis, petiolis ramulisque glaberrimis, paniculis apices versus ramorum axillaribus, fructu (juniore) compresso oblique ova to. We have neither seen the flowers nor the germens, the only specimen in the Collection having the latter z 2 180 CHINA. \LeguminoscB, considerably swelled, in which we have only been able to trace one ovulum suspended from a funiculus that rises from the very base of the cell. If there be really only one ovulum in the germen, this plant must not only be removed from Connarus, but from the tribe, and be placed near to Pistacia ; in which case it may, with the P. oleosa of Loureiro and De Candolle, be referred to Dr. Hamilton’s genus, Cussambium. (Wern. Trans, v. 5. p. 256.) Against this, however, the structure of the advanced germen seems considerably to militate, being compressed, and evincing a tendency to split readily, nor does the epicarp separate, as in the case of Pistacia, and other young drupes. We are therefore inclined to suppose, that there may actually be two ovula present in the unimpregnated germen, and we place it in Connarus. Ord. XXIX. LEGUMINOSiE. 1. Crotalaria retusa. Linn. Sp. PL p. 1004. — Lupinus Cochinchensis. Loitr. Cochin. 2. p. 520? 2. Crotalaria Vachellii ; stipulis subiilatis aciileiformibus minutis recurvis, foliis trifolio- latis, foliolis oblongis subretusis cum mucronulo subtus adpresse pubescentibus subpellucido- pimctatis petiolum duplo longioribus, racemis pateutibus siibelongatis oppositifoliis, legu- minibus globosis breviter pedicellatis hirsutis styli basi indurate uncinatis. This species is exceedingly common at Canton, but we have not been able to discover that it is noticed by Loureiro. It approaches very close to C, virgata, Keen, and Roxb. (n. 373 of his drawings at the India House,) or C. divaricata, Graham, in Wallich’s Catalogue of East India Plants. The stems are herbaceous, but what the duration of the plant may be we are ignorant. It belongs to a smalj groupe, proposed by Mr. Brown to constitute a genus, Cyrtolobus ; but as no character of it is yet published, we have no means of judging of its validity, and therefore leave it in Crotalaria. Clavidium of Desvaux, (Ann. Sc. Nat. v. 9. p. 407,) another genus, consisting of species removed from Crotalaria, is not distinct from it, or it must com- prehend many more species than the two pointed out by the Author. 1. Melilotus leucantha. Koch. Dr. Graham (Wallich’s List of E. 1. Plants, n. 5942,) appears perfectly correct in uniting this with M. altissima, Thuill. Perhaps, therefore, the latter name ought to be retained as the oldest; but M. leucantha is not only more expressive, but more generally adopted by Botanists. In like manner M. Indica is also superseded ; it being no way distinct from M. parviflora, and is generally diffused throughout the world. 1. Indigofera hirsuta ; caule suffruticoso erecto, ramis teretibus, petiolis pedunculisque hirsutis, foliis pinnatim 3-5-jugis, foliolis obovato-oblongis obtusis utrinque villosis, racemis folio longioribus, leguminibus tetragonis 6-spermis pendulis hirsutis. De Cand. — Linn. Sp.^ PI. p. 1062. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 288. Burnt. Zeyl. t. 14. Lam. III. t. 626. 1. Lourea vespertilionis ; foliolis lateralibus nullis aut minimis, terminali transversim et falcatim oblongo subemarginato longitudine decies latiore. De Cand. — Desv. Journ. Bot. 3. p. 122. — Hedysarum vespertilionis. Linn. 1. Dcismoilmm polycarpum. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 334. (non Wall.) — D. angulatum. De Cand. 1. c. p. 335. {sec. specimen e Wallich, et in List of E. hid. Plants,” n, 5729.) D. purpureum. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 62. — D. Hippocrepis. De Cand. 1. c. p. 338. — Hedysarum purpureum. Roxb. Hort. Bengh. p. 57. — H. polycarpum. Poir. in Encycl. Meth. 6. p. 41. — Hippocrepis barbata. Lour. Cochin. 2. p. 553. Burnt. Zeyl. t. 53. f. 2, Lam. III. t. 628. f. 4. It is unnecessary to repeat here the character we have already given of this species ; but we may remark Leguminosce^ CHINA. 181 that the racemes of flowers are terminal as well as axillary. We ])lace little dependence on the slightly angled stems: indeed, if Dr. Wallich he correct in uniting the Hedysarum piirpureum and Desm. angulatum, we must almost suspect some error in the description given by De Candolle, as we have never observed the stems more angled than is usual in most species of the genus, where it is owing to the petioles being slightly decurrent. It is more than probable that several other species ought to be joined with it. 1. Lespedeza Chinensis ; erecta, petiolis brevibus, foliolis oblongo-obovatis retusis mucro- natis subtus strigoso-pubescentibus, racemis brevissimis breviter pedunciilatis, legurainibus laevibus calyce aequalibiis. G. Don, in Mill. Diet. v. 2. p. 307. We cannot but consider this plant as distinct from Linneeus’ Hedysarumjunceum, {Lespedeza juncea,Vevs. and De Cand.) which has the leaves linear and cuneate; as it assuredly is from the L. jimcea of Dr. Wallich, Cat. n. 5743, of which we possess specimens from that munificent Naturalist. Another and Siberian species has been named L. Pallasii by Mr. G. Don, in his edition of Miller’s Dictionary, although he does not appear to be aware that it has been described and figured by Pallas, (Itin. App. 8. p. 394. t. 81. f. 4,) under the name of Trifolium? liedysaroides, and has actually been introduced into the genus Trifolium, in De Candolle’s Pro- dromus, v. 2. p. 204. n. 114. 1. Abrus precatorius. Linn. 1. Rhyiichosia ; caule lierbaceo volubili villoso tereti, foliolis subrotundo-ovatis supra molliter pubescentibus subtus velutino-tomentosis, racemis axillaribus folio brevioribus, leguminibus ovatis velutinis dispermis. — Low'. Cochin. 2. p. 562. De Cand. Prod.r. v. 2. p. 385 ? We think there is no doubt of our plant being that of Loureiro; although De Candolle, who examined an original specimen, says that the racemes are longer than the leaves ; it is probable, however, that he only saw specimens in fruit, in which state the racemes might be elongated, although in the specimens we possess, with fully formed legumes, the racemes are still shorter than the leaf. 1. Soja hispida. Mcench. 1. Cajanus bicolor. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 406. Bheede, Hort. Mai. 6. t. 13. The specimen before us agrees exactly with what we possess from Dr. Wallich under the same name; but we cannot perceive any constant mark to allow of its separation from C.flavus, the number of seeds being very apt to vary. 1. Pongamia Chinensis; foliolis 2-3-jugis ovato-oblongis acutis glabris, racemis axillaribus folio duplo triplove brevioribus, pedicellis verticillatis calycem subaequantibus ante anthesin recurvis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 416. — Robinia mitis. Lour. Cochin. 2. p. 556. We believe this to be Loureiro’s Robinia mitis; and as he mentions that it is a shrub only three feet high, while the P. glabra is a lofty tree, we have been induced to give a character that may more effectually separate the two. 1. Inga dulcis ; spinis stipularibus brevissimis rectis, foliis bigeminis, foliolis subdimiato- oblongis obtusis subretusis cum mucronulo, glandula in petioli dicliotomia et inter foliola, petiolo birto foliolis breviore, florum capitulis globosis racemosis, leguminibus tortis. — Willd. Sp. PI. V. 4. p. 1005. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 436. — Mimosa dulcis. Roxb. Cor. 1. t. 99. 2. Inga dimidiata; ramis angulatis, foliis bipinnatis pinnis 4-jugis, pinnulis inferioribus 4- 5-superioribus sub 9-jugis, glandula ad basin petioli tetragoni communis et inter omnes pinnas 182 CHINA. {LeguminoscB, atque foliola, foliolis trapezoideo-ovatis supra nitidis inferioribus parvis superioribus sensim triple majoribus, floriun capitulis paniculatis. No Inga, hitherto described, appears to agree with this, which has also been sent us by Mr. Millett. The petiole is quadrangular, the pinnte being inserted on each side of the upper angle, on the sharp edge of which, therefore, are seated the glands. The leaflets resemble those of what we possess under the name of 1. fagifolia. 3. Inga bigemina ? ihermis, foliis conjugato-pinnatis, pinnarum foliolis 3-4-jugis oblongo- lanceolatis supra nitidis, glandula sessili ad medium petioli commimis et inter omnia foliola, miica pedicellata in dichotomia, florum capitulis paniculatis, legumine torto. — Willd. Sp. PL V. 4. p. 1007 ? If the figure of Rheede,Hort. Mai. 6. 1. 12, which is usually referred to, be considered a correct representa- tion, then our plant must be a different species : our character is therefore drawn up from the specimens in the Collection. Willdenow does not notice the gland about the middle of the common peduncle, otherwise his description accords pretty well. Vahl, however, (Symb. 2. p. 103.) says, “ glandula in petiolo communi ad basin partialium et inter singulum par pinnularum,” which seems to imply that he had observed it. 1. Acacia frondosa. Willd. Sp. PL v. 4<. p. 1076? We have so named this on the authority of our friend Dr. Wight, the specimen in the Collection being exceedingly imperfect. We have, however, quoted Willdenow with doubt, as the leaflets are smooth beneath, and only pubescent on the margin, and as we have not been able to discover a gland between the lower pinnae ; but we observe glands between the lower leaflets. 1. Caesalpinia Millettii ; pinnis 7-jugis, foliolis 15-18-jugis oblongis obtusis basi obliquis subtus puberulis, aculeis parvis subtus inter pinnas, caule superne petiolisque dense pubes- centibus, panicula elongata, calyce glabro. Although we do not possess the fruit, we believe this species will be found to belong to the section “ Sappania.” The specimen in the Collection is destitute of leaves, and is only in bud, so that we have had recourse to specimens sent long ago by Mr. Millett, after whom we have named it. 2. Ctesalpinia Chinensis ?; pinnis bijugis, foliolis bijugis elliptico-oblongis utrinque obtusis coriaceis glabris supra lucidis, racemis axillaribus pedunculatis recurvis, petiolo communi ultra pinnarum par inferius sparse minute aculeato. — Roxh. FL Ind. 2. p. 361 ? Roxburgh’s plant had not flowered, but he describes the stem as scandent, (a point we cannot determine in the specimen in the Collection) and the “ pinnee and leaflets of from two to three pairs.” In the two or three leaves in our specimen, they are constantly two pairs. It probably belongs to the section “ NugariaP The leaflets are precisely as in C. Sumatrana, Roxb. LAYIA. Hook, et Arn. Calyx cyathiformis, profunde 5-fidus, segmentis duobus superioribus brevioribus vix bilabiatus, intus pubes- cens. Petala (staminaque) toro inserta, longitudine subsequalia, unguiculata, flava. Vexillum subrotundum : alee carinaque (quorum petala libera distincta) oblonga, concava. Stamina 10. Filamenta libera, quorum 3 inferiora longiora; omnia sursum curvata. Antlierm subrotundse. Ovarium oblongo-lanceolatum, compres- sum, glabrum, breviter stipitatum, 3-4-ovulatum in stylo sursum curvatum, subulatum, attenuatum. Stigma simplex. Legumen oblongo-ellipticum, utrinque acutum, brevissime stipitatum, 3-4-spermum, isthmis spon- gioso-fibrosis, spuide 3-4-loculare, loculis subpulposis : valvis crassis, atris, planis, coriaceo-lignosis. Semina rotundato-tetragona, subcompressa, ruberrima. Funiculus umbilicalis luteus. — Frutices seu arbores. Folia CHINA. 183 pinnata, bijuga cum itnpari: foliola majuscula, petiolulata, oblongo-obovata, coriacea, nitida, glaberrima, minute reticulata, obtusa, emarginata, Stipulae obsoletce vel deciduce. Paniculae axillares, terminalesque. 1. Layia emarginata. (Tab. XXXVIII.) Captain Beechey’s Collection contains only the foliage and ripe frnit of this plant ; but we have the good fortune to possess from Mr. Millett, specimens in flower, and are thus enabled to describe the plant as a genus hitherto unknown to authors. It is indeed probable that the Macrotropis of De Candolle, {Anagyris faetida, and A. inodora of Loureiro), may have affinity mth this plant ; but the rounded many-seeded fruit, and the “ folia multijugata” of the former, forbid the two to be united. Tab. XXXVIII. Layia emarginata. Fig. 1, Flower; Jig. 2, Calyx and Pistil Fig. 3, Legume; ^g. 4, Seed; ^g. 5, Embryo : — natural size. 1. Bauhinia variegata. Linn. In the specimen before us, the leaves are puberulous beneath, and not glabrous, as described by De Candolle; at the same time we think it must behisvar B. Chinensis. Roxburgh, in his Indian Flora, vol. 2. p. 319, says, that the leaves are “ somewhat villous underneath,” so that they appear to vary considerably in that respect.* B. Candida seems a very closely allied species, if, indeed, it be really specifically distinct. De Candolle places the two in very different sections, but perhaps the only discrepancies are in the colour of the flowers, and the presence or absence of sterile filaments between the five fertile stemens. 2. Bauhinia retusa. Roxh. Hort. Bengh. p. 31. (non Poir.) Flor. Ind. 2. p. 322. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 515. — B. emarginata. Roxb. MSS. et Icon, in Mus. E. I. C. n. 1237. Wall. Cat. of E. Ind. Plants, n. 5792. Only two leaves have been collected, but we trust there is no doubt as to the identity of the plant. From Roxburgh’s description, it seems to belong to De Candolle’s section, Phanera. 3. Bauhinia corymbosa ; scandens, ramis teretibus cirrhiferis, foliis basi cordatis subtus in nervis petiolis ramulis. calycibusque rufo-pilosis, foliolis semiovalibus obtusis parallelis ad medium concretis 2-3-nervibus, corymbis terminalibus sessilibus, staminibus tribus fertilibus petala ovata stipitata margme crispa submquantibus, genuine stipitato, stipite tubo calycis adnato, leguminibus linearibus 6-12-spermis. — Roxb. Hort. Bengh. p. 31. FI. Ind. 2. p. 329. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 515. Leg. Mem. p. 487. t. 70. — B. scandens. Burnt. FI. Ind. p. 94. (non Linn.) One of the most elegant and delicate of the genus. Roxburgh says of it, “ Stem scarcely any thing that deserves the name, but many long slender branches and branchlets climb and spread in every direction, to an extent of many fathoms, running over high trees,” &c. De Candolle’s figure and description represents the fertile stamens shorter than the petals : in our specimens, they are sometimes longer, but usually about the same length. 4. Bauhinia scandens. Linn. {excl. syn. Rheede.) — B, Lingua. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 516. Rumph. Herb. Anib. h.t. 1. Of this, only a fragment exists in the Collection, and we have referred it to the B. scandens, chiefly on account of the rusty coloured pubescence on the under side of the leaves, notwithstanding that each seg- ment has only three nerves. Much confusion prevails about this species, and we shall therefore make no apology for transcribing the following description from Rumphius: “ Tenera folia complicata sunt instar libri, interne penitus viridia et glabra externe quodvis segmentum per sex virides costas longitudinales distinguitur, atque ruffum, et ad tactum instar serici molle est, sine notabili tamen lanugine, et quodammodo splendens : seniora folia sese aperiunt seu explicant, suntque superne viridia, inferne gilva: eadem ruffa lanugo in petiolis et ramulis supremis observatur, quoque folia sint vetustiora, eo magis inferne glauca sunt.” De 184 CHINA. [RosacecB. Candolle attributes only three nerves to each segment of the leaf. Roxburgh’s B. scandens (FI. Ind. 2. p. 326,) has glabrous leaves and orbicular petals, and is now called B. macrostachya by Dr. WaUich, in his List of East Indian Plants, n. 5774. In addition to the above species of this Order, Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell have detected Crotalaria calycina, Schrank, C. variegata. Wall., a very fine Teplirosia near T. Heyneana, Wall., Uvaria crinita, DC., Dicerma elegans, De Cand., Rhyncliosia virgata, Wall. Cat., Desmodium triquetrum, DC., Alysicarpus monilifer, DC., Lablab vidgaris, Savi, Pachyrhizus angulatus, Rich., P. trilobus, DC., Balbergia scandens, Roxb., and D. latifolia, Roxb., Arachis hypogea, L., Poinciana pulcherrima, L., Cassia Thora, L., C. bicapsularis, L., (according to Wall. Cat.,) and a new species ? and C. Fistula. Ord. XXX. ROSACEiE. Jiiss. 1. Kerria Japonica. De Cand. Linn. Soc. Trans, v. 12. p. 156. We regret to say that the flower is double, as in all the specimens we have yet seen. 2. Spiraea lanceolata; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis glaberrimis subtus giavicis obtusiuscule •serratis, corymbis umbelliformibus paucifloris glabris ad apices ramnlorum brevium lateralium, pedicellis gracilibus, staminibus iiniserialibiis, disco 10-partito.-^Poi>. Encycl. Meth. v. 7. p. 354. Cambess. in Ann. Sc. Nat. v. 1. 25. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 542. — S. Canton- iensis. Lour. Cochin, v. \. p. 394. — S. corymbosa. Roxb. FI. Ind. v. 2. p. 512 ? S. corymbosa of Roxburgh, we believe to be the cultivated state of this plant, more especially as he says, in his Flora Indica, that it is a native of China ; he adds, however, that it is also a native of the Moun- tains north of India, from which he seems to confound it with S. callosa, Thunb. (the S. Bella of Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 2426.) The figure among his drawings, n. 949, at the India House, is not like either, having neither the lateral few-flowered slender umbels of the one, nor the corymbose panicle of the other. Mr. Lindley has accordingly, in Wallich’s List of E. I. Plants, n. 701. p. 21 and 248, considered it as pi’obably a variety of S. chamcedrifolia. 1. Rub US parvifolius ; caule prostrate tereti, ramis tomentosis, aculeis iiumerosis recurvis, foliis pinnato-trifoliolatis foliolis subrotundis basi cuneatis inciso-serratis impari S8epe inciso- lobato supra glabris viridibus subtus tomentosis, stipulis subulatis, floribus paucis laxe race- mosis terminalibus, laciniis calycinis ovato-lanceolatis. — Linn. Sp. PI. p. 707. Lour. Cochin. V. 2. p. 398. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 563. — R. tripbyllus. Thunb. FI. Jap. p. 215. It is singular that Seringe, in De Candolle’s Prodromus, and Mr. G. Don, in Miller’s Dictionary, both refer to B. parvifolius of Thunberg, when no such plant is described by him. We have, however, brought hither as a synonym R. tripliyllus of that Author, on the authority of a specimen from Nagasaki in Japan, in Mr. Arnott’s Herbarium, from Dr. Fischer of St. Petersburg, and agreeing minutely with Thunberg’s description. Linnieus’s plant was given him by Osbeck, and is most probably therefore from China ; but he and succeeding Botanists have surely erroneously referred to Rumphius, Herb. Amb. v. 5. t. 47. f. 1. This last species has ovato-lanceolate leaves, and seems to be what Chamisso and Schlechtendal have described as R. Tagallus, (Linnaea, v. 2. p. 9) : if, however, it has tomentose leaves, but Rumphius does not say so, it may rather form a species with what Thunberg calls R. Idceus, but which can scarcely be the same with the Europsean plant. 2. Rubus reflexus; ramis teretibus rufo-tomentosis, aculeis parvis sparsis foliisque oblongo- cordatis 3-5-lobis infra dense tomentosis lobo terminali elongato venis reticulatis numero- sissirnis, stipulis bracteisque lanatis fimbriatis, racemis spiciformibus interruptis folio plus Rosacea.] CHINA. 18,5 dimidio brevioribus, laciniis calycinis ovatis obtusiusculis corollam sequantibus. — Bot. Reg. t. 461. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 566. — R. Mollucanus. Lour. Cochin, v. 1. p. 396, (non Linn.) — R. alceffifolius. Poir. Encycl. Meth. v. 6. p. 247. Dr. Wallicli proposes to unite this species to R. riigosus, as a variety : the shape of the leaves and of their lobes, is, however, considerably different. In cultivation the racemes are almost abortive, and very short ; but in the wild specimens they are two or three inches long-. It is probable that R. Lambertianus may be a nearly glabrous variety, but we are not acquainted with it. Seringe, in addition to the character he has given of it in De Candolle’s Prodromus, ivrites : “ cette espece n’a rien qui frappe I’oeil, mais elle me parait se distinguer aux lobes de ses feuilles cordiformes assez serablables par leur grandeur et leur circonference aux feuilles d’ Altliaa officinalis: Les rameaux sont cylindriques, comme granuleux par une poussiere flocconeuse qui leur couvre Its native country also is China. 1. Bosct microphylla ; acnleis ad petioli basin rectis, stipulis angustissimis infra adnatis superne divaricato-liberis, foliolis 5-9 ellipticis nitidis glabris argnte serratis, floribus soli- tariis, ca]3'ce acnleis densissimis mnricato, sepalis brevibus late ovatis apiciilatis inargine pubescentibus. — Roxb. FI. Ind. 2. p. 515. Lindl. Ros.p. 146. Ser. in De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 602. This has much the appearance of R. bracteata, but we have not been able to perceive the involucral bracteas which characterise the section to which that species belongs. 1. Raphiolepis Indiea; foliis cnneato-ovatis plus minusve acuminatis, petalis ovatis acntis staminibus calj'ce brevioribus. Lindl. Linn. Soc. Trans, v. 13. p. 105. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 630. — Cratasgus rubra. Lour, Cochin, v. \. p. 391, Although we have retained the'above specific name for this species, yet we entertain very great doubts as to its being the plant intended by Linnaeus. Since, however, Mr. Liudley has paid much attention to the subject, we prefer following him and De Candolle to changing the names they have given. Loureiro’s Crataegus Indiea, and we think also of Linnaeus, has lanceolate leaves, and belongs to R. phaostemon of Lindley : while C. rubra, Lour, we have referred here, our specimens having generally the leaves “ cuneiformi-ovata,” as that Author describes. The R. rubra, Lindl., is very distinct. 1. Vhoiima, serrulata ; foliis oblongis acutis serrulatis subtus glaiiduloso-puiictatis, pedi- cellis cal^'ce lougioribus. De Cand, — Lindl. in Linn. Soc. Trans, v. 13. p. 103. De Cand. Prodr. V. 2. p. 631. — Crategus glabra. Thunh. FI, Jap. p. 205. Bot. Mag. t. 2105. /3. prunifolia ; foliis ellipticis basi acutis apice vix acuminatis serrulatis, paniculfe termi- nalis corymbosae rainis ramulisque strigoso pubescentibus, pedicellis calyce lougioribus. The shape of the leaf in our /3. is so very different from that of a., as almost to justify our considering the two distinct species. We were inclined to refer it to P. Icevis of De Candolle, the Cratagus lavis of Thunberg, which appears to have the leaves of the same shape ; but that species is described “ florum umbella subsiraplici,” which cannot at all apply to our plant. In addition to these two states, we possess also from China, a third, from the late Dr. Livingstone, (very closely allied to Ph. Sieboldi, of (f. Don in Miller’s 'Dict.,ov Masliilea »S'te&oW«, Blume,) which may be thus characterised; — S. obovata; foliis cuneato-obovatis obtusis e basi ad apicem serrulatis, panicula terminali corymbosa laxa, pedicellis pubescentibus calyce longiori- bus. — The leaves are all strongly emarginate in our specimen, but this may perhaps be accidental : they are also furnished beneath with very dark brown glands ; an appearance which may have been produced by the specimens having been sent to this country in water saturated with salt, since neither of the other varieties has the glands so deeply coloured. — We possess Eriobotrya Japonica from Mr. Millett. 2 A 186 CHINA. [MelastomacecE. Ord. XXXI. MEMECYLE^. De Cand. 1. Memecylon scutellatum ; ramulis teretiiisculis, foliis brevissime petiolatis ellipticis basi acutis apice subiter brevi-attenuatis coriaceis iminerviis, pedunculis axillaribus et e nodis infra folia brevibus paucifloris, raceinis folio multo brevioribus, toro 8-10-costato, germine uniloculari, ovulis 8-10 circa receptaculum breve e fundo ortum orbiculatim dispositis. — Scutula scutellata. Lour. Cochin, v. \. p. 290. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 7. Tbe interior of the g-ermen is marked with eight or ten ridges, corresponding with the numher of ovules ; these probably become more apparent as the fruit swells, giving the appearance which Louriero describes in rather anomalous language, “ bacca 8-locularis, monosperma.” It is, however, only one-celled, and one- seeded, as in the rest of the genus. The flower-buds are about the size of the seed of Vida lathyroides. 2. Memecylon nigrescens ; rainis teretibus, foliis ovato-ellipticis basi acutis apice obtuse breviter acuminatis pergamaceis iminerviis nigrescentibus breve petiolatis, floribus minutis numerosis in capitula globosa densa ad nodos infra folia sessilia digestis, germine uniloculari 8-10-ovulato. The whole head of flowers is scarcely so large as a small pea, and consists of at least forty or fifty flowers, so minute as to render their structiwe difficult of determination. The torus appears to be grooved, as in the last species, and the germen one-celled : but it is probable that these characters are common to most of the genus, at least we have not been able to detect any true dissepiments in such species as we have examined. The interior of the germen is, however, marked with ridges, which at first sight might induce one to suppose that it contained more than one cell. Of the Order GranatecB, Mr. Millett sends Punica Granatum,flore plena. Ord. XXXII. COMBRETACE^. Brown. 1. Quisqualis indica; pubescens, bracteis ovato-rhombeis aristato-acuminatis sub quoque flore, petalis ovali-oblongis adpresse pubescentibus. De Cand. — Linn. Sp. PL p. 556. — Rumph. Anib. 5. t. 38. Bot. Mag. t. 2033. Lam. Rl. t. 357. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 23. Of the Order Onagrarice, we possess from Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell, Jussieua fruticosa, DC., and J. repens, L., both from Lappas Island. Of the Order Lytlirariece, we have beautiful specimens of Lager sir cemia Indica, L., and L. Regince, Roxb. Ord. XXXIII. TAMARISCINE^. Desv. 1. Tamarix Chinensis ; ramis nutantibus, foliis minutissimis imbricatis acutis, spicis pani- culatis tenuibus longis, petalis linearibus erectis. De Cand. — Lour. Cochin, v. \. p. 228. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 96 — T. Gallica h. Chinensis. Ehrenb. in Linn. v. 2. p. 267. The specimens before us are destitute of flowers, and will not permit us to decide whether or not Ehrenberg is right in reducing it to T. Gallica. Ord. XXXIV. MELASTOMAGE^. Juss. 1. Melastoma Malabathricum ; fruti cosum, ramulis tetragonis strigoso-asperis, foliis eUip- tico-oblongis basi obtusis apice acutis integerrimis utrinque viridibus strigoso-scabris, corymbis 1-5-floris, calycis adpresse squamuloso-strigosi lobis ovatis acutis, staminibus alternis, con- Myrtacem^ CHINA. 187 nectivo brevissimo et longissimo. De Cand. — Linyi. Sp. PI. p. 559. De Cand. Prod?', v. 3. p. 145. — M. septemnervium. Lour. Cochin. 1. p. 335. De Cand. 1. c. p. 147. — Bheede, Mai. 4. t. 42. — Rumph. Amb. 4. (. 72. The nerves of the leaves are generally five in number ; sometimes they are reduced to three, and we have seen, in a specimen Ave have from Canton, as many as seven, in Avhich state the species forms Loureiro’s Jf. septemnervium. — Mr. Vachell and Mr. Millett find the Melastoma macrocarpum, Don, and a variety of Osbeckia Chinensis, with narrow leaves, (the O. angustifolia, Wall.) and with a glabrous calyx. Ord. XXXV. ALANGIE^. De Cand. 1. Marlea begoniifolia ; Roxb. Cor. 3. t. 283. FI. Ind. 2. p. 261. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 267. — Stylidium Chinense. Lour. Cochin. 1. p. 272. — Stylis Chinensis. Poir. Encycl. Meth. Supp. 5. p. 266. — Pautsanvia, Juss. in Diet. Sc. Nat. v. 51. p. \.f. 182. We have retained, along with De Candolle, the generic name given by Roxburgh, but AA'e scarcely know why the older one of Stylis is not retained. Ord. XXXVI. MYRTACE^. Juss. 1. Baeckea frutescens ; foliis linearibus mnticis, pedicellis axillaribus imifloris, dentibus calycinis membranaceis coloratis. De Cand. — Linn. Sp. PI. p. 514. Hook, in Rot. Mag. t. 2802. 1. Syzygium? buxifolium ; arbuscula? ramis teretibus, ramidis alato-tetragonis, foliis ovatis obtusis coriaceis pellucido-punctatis margine pellncido, coryinbis axillaribus termi- nalibusque folio demidio brevioribus 3-5-floris, calyce 4-lobo, tubo obovato. The petals appear to be distinct, hence our doubts as to the genus ; toAvhich many species are now referred, of which the petals do not fall off like a calyptra. The tube of the calyx is obovate, with four angles : the limb is four-lobed, the undivided part being lined with the torus ; lobes ovate, slightly carinate. Stigma simple. The leaves are from half-an-inch to an inch long ; although Ave have described them as ovate, yet they vary occasionally to oblong, to cuneato-oblong, and even to cuneato-obovate : we have always found them obtuse. 2. Syzygium odoratum; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis basi acutis apice longe attenuatis subim- punctatis coriaceis supra nitidis, pedunculis terminalibus cymoso-paniculatis, calycis tubo obovato, bacca globosa monosperma — De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 260? — S. lucidum, Gcertn. ? — Opa odorata. Lour. Cochiti. l.p. 377. Our plant agrees much better with the description given by Loureiro, than with the character of De Can- dolle. It ranks, as a species, very near to S. Zeylanicum, and S.politum, Wall., from which tAVO it principally differs by the short, not elongated, tube of the calyx. The berry appears to be Avhite. The specimen in the Collection is destitute of floAver and fruit, our character of these being taken from specimens sent by Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell. We possess, by the liberality of the same gentlemen, some other species, among which, are S. nervosum, De Cand., S', fmticosum, De Cand., and one or tAvo apparently undescribed. 1. Myrtus tomentosa; pedunculis 1-3-floris folio brevioribus sub flore bracteolas duas ovatas gerentibus, ramis calycibusque velutinis, foliis ovato-ellipticis superne adultis glabris subtus cano-tomentosis 3-nerviis nervis lateralibus submarginalibus, calyce 5-fido, seminibus compressis in loculo quoque biserialibus. — Ait. Hort. Kew. 2. p. 159. De Cand. Prodr. 2 A 2 188 CHINA. [ CrassulacecB. V. 3. p. 240. Bot. Mag. t. 250. Boxb. FI. hid. 2. p. 498. — M. canescens. Lour. Coch. 1. p. 381. Boxb. FI. Ind. 2. p. 498. — Pluhn. Phyt. t. 372. f. 1. Roxburgh iu his Flora Indica, introduces this species, both under Aiton’s and Loureiro’s names; but this, we think, is obviously a mistake of the printer, as the one is introduced without synonyms, and the other without a specific character. 1. Psidium pyriferum. Linn. Sp. PL p. 672 Bumph. Amb. 1. 1. 47. Bheede, Mai. t. 34. 2. Psidium pomiferum. Linn. 1. c Bumph. Amb. 1. t. 48. Bheede, Mai. 3. t. 35. The number of flowers varies from one to three on the peduncle, and the shape of the fruit is scarcely more constant than in a common pear, so that no character is left to separate this and P. pyriferum, except the larger size of the whole plant in the latter. — We have also, from Mr. Millett, P. pumilum, Vahl, which leads us to suspect, that P. caninum of Loureiro, is referable to that plant; the leaves, however, are decidedly opposite and entire, not alternate and serrated, as he describes them. 1. Jambosa vulgaris. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 286. — Eugenia Jambos. Linn. — Boxb. FI. Ind. 2. p. 494. 2. Jambosa Malaccensis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. /». 286. — Eugenia Malaccensis. Linn. From Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell, we possess of the Order CucurbitacecB, the Cucumis sativus, L., Momordica Charanta, L., and M. monadelpha, Roxb. MSS. Ord. XXXVII. PORTULACE^. Juss. One mutilated specimen of a plant of this Order is in the Collection, of the genus of which we are uncertain. — It may be thus described : — Caulis fruticosus, ramosus, teres, carnosulus, ad foliorum insertiones nodulosus. Folia opposita, exstipu- lata, lineari-lanceolata, acuta, carnosa, basi in petiolum angustata; petiolo basi dilatato semiamplexicauli. Panicula terminalis, subcorymbosa. Calyx 5-partitus ; segmentis oblongis, obtusis, membranaceis. Corolla Squammulce 5, oblongm, parvse, ad basin sepalorum, iisque oppositse. Filamenta 15? (an potius 10?) quinque ante squamraulas, csetera ad latera earuin afifixa. Capsula uuilocularis, trivalvis, ab apice at basin dehiscens. Semina pluriraa placentae ceutrali funiculis capillaribus brevibus adnexa, plani- uscula, subreniformi-orbicularia, tuberculata. The seeds not being perfectly mature, we’canuot ascertain their internal structure : the albumen appears farinaceous. On removing some of the scales from the bottom of the calyx, one filament is seen to be constantly attached to them in front, and another at each side, hence we presume the number of filaments to be fifteen : but in other of the scales, we could not observe the lateral filaments ; and in some, we only saw a filament at one of the sides; hence we doubt whether the complete number might not be ten, five oppo- site to the scales and sepals, and five alternating with them. But whether all of them, or which of them bear anthers, we could not ascertain, they having all dropped off. In some points, this plant approaches to Talinum. Of the Order Paronychiem, Mr. Millett and Mi’. Vachell find the Polycarpcea corymhosa, Lam. Ord. XXXVIII. CRASSULACE^. De Cand. i . Kalanclioe spathulata : foliis obovato-spathulatis crenatis glabris, infimis obtusis, superi- oribus acutis, cyma paniculata laxa. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 395. PI. Grass, t. 65. — Cotyledon spathulata. Pair, in Encycl. Meth. Suppl. 2. p. 373. This species seems only to differ from K. Aigyptiaca by the yellow not orange coloured flowers, which is surely an insufficient character. AraliacecB.] CHINA. 189 Ord. XXXIX. FICOIDE^. Juss. 1. Mesembryanthemum cordifolium. Linn. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 449. PI. Grass, t. 102. Most probably cultivated. 1. Tetragonia expansa. Ait. Hort. Kew. 2. p. 178. De Cand. PI. Grass, t. 114. Prodr. V. 3. p. 452. Ord, XL. SAXIFRAGES. Jnss. Trib. Escallonie,®. De Cand. 1. Itea Chinensis ; foliis elliptico-oblongis acutiusculis denticulatis, I’acemis spiciformibiis axillaribus solitariis binisve folium subcequantibus. (Tab. XXXIX.) Frutex ? glaber. Rami lignosi, teretes. Folia alterna, exstipulata, breviter petiolata, elliptico-oblonga, vix subiter obtuse attenuata, margine supra medium deuticulato-serrata, dentieulis versus apicem frequenti- oribus, infra medium integerrima, coriacea, glabra, penninervia, nervis obliquis distantibus sm’sum ])rope marginem curvatis, venosa, venis transversalibus plurimis, 3 uncias longa vix 1 J lata. Petioli semiunciam longi, rugulosi. Racemi axillares, solitarii binive, versus apice ramorum conferti, multiflori, ad basin fere usque floriferi folio subsequantes : rachi angulata. Flores albi, vix approxiraati; pedicelli solitarii, bini, ternive, flores subaequantes, fere lineas longi, filiformes, basi bracteola parva subulata instructi. Calyx o-partitus; segmentis subulatis; sinubus obtusis. Petala 5, summo calycis tubo inserta, ej usque lobis alterna iisque duplo fere longiora, lineari-lanceolata, medio nervo fusco longitudinali notata. Stamina 5 petalis alterna, et iis longiora ; aiitherm cordato-ovatte, biloculares, longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Pistillum oblongum, attenuatum, bipartibile, ad basin giandula annulari crassa cinctum. Qermen pubescens, liberum, 2-loculare, e carpellis duobus margine introllexis et placentiferis conflatum ; ovula pluriina suspensa. Stylus simplex ; stigma capitatum, sulco medio bilobum. Fructus .... We trust there can be uo doubt of this being a true species of Itea. In some points it.Approaches to I. maa'opliylld, Wall, in Roxb. and Wall. FI. Ind. 2. p. 419; but that is described with a half inferior germen, surrounded by an obscurely lobed concave fleshy disc, and has lately been referred, with doubt, to Wallich’s new and undescribed genus, Kurrimia, among the Celastrinece. The present does not appear to be rare at Canton, but we do not find it in Lom-eiro’s Flora Cochinchensis. Mr. Lindley, some years ago, according to a specimen in Dr. Hooker’s Herbarium, considered it as perhaps a species of Astranthus, but this opinion was probably given more from the general habit of the plant, than from an examination of the flowers. Itea Rosmarinus, Roem. and Schult., or Cedrela Rosmai'mus, Lour., has surely nothing to do with this genus. Tab. XXXIX. Itea Chinensis. Fig. 1, Flower ; Jig. 2, Stamen ; Jig. 3, Petal ; Jig. 4, Pistil, with its annular gland : — magnijied. Ord. XLI. UMBELLIFERAE. Juss. 1. Torilis Japonica ; caiile glabriusculo tereti ramoso, foliis pubescentibus bipinnatisectis, segmentis oblongis pinnatifidis, umbel! is pedunculatis axillaribus et terminalibus 5-7-radiatis, involucre utroque oligophyllo brevi-subulato, mericarpiis oblongis, setis rigidis apice un- cinatis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 219 — T. scabra. De Cand. 1. c. — Caucalis Japonica. Houtt. — C. orientalis. Lour.? [non Linn.) — Chaeropbyllum scabrum. Thunh.Fl.Jap.p. 119. Ord. XLII. ARALIACEAE. Juss. 1. Paratropia Cantoniensis ; cavde arborescente, foliis longe petiolatis digitalis, foliolis 5-9 ellipticis basi acutiusculis apice subiter brevi-acuminatis subcoriaceis glabris, racemo terminal i 190 CHINA. [CaprifoliacecB. furfuraceo, floribus subfasciculatis decandris, stigmate sessili 10-fido. — Ai’alia octophylla. var. Cantoniensis. Lour. Cochin, v. 1. p. 233. We believe there can be no doubt of this being the plant of which Louriero says : “ Nascitnr prope Can- tonem in Sinis hujus plantae (Aralice octophyllm) varietas, ni velis species, caule, foliis et habitu florum omnino similis; differt autem staminibus decern et stigmate 10-fido;” on which account we have introduced that latter character. The specimens which we possess from Mr. Millett, however, have the flowers unex- panded; that in Capt. Beechey’s Collection consists only of a leaf. The “ calyx truncatus” and “ stigmata sessilia” obviously point out the genus Paratropia, rather than Aralia. As a species, it comes very near to P. pergamacea, De Cand. Pranax aculeatam. Ait., we possess from Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell. Ord. XLIII. LORANTHACE^. Don. 1. Viscum ovalifolium. Wall. — De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 278. Ord. XLIV. CAPRIFOLIACEiE. Juss. 1. Viburnum adoratissimum ; sempervireus, glabrum, foliis coriaceis elliptico-oblongis subintegerrimis, tliyrso opposite bracbiato, ramulorum pedunculis trichotomo-pedicellatis, stylo simplici brevi, bacca oblonga. Ker, in Bot. Reg. t. 456 ? De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 326 ? — V. Chinense. Zeyh. ? Folia petiolata, glabra, 3-8-uncias longa, duas lata, basi acuta, quandoquidem acuminata, apice obtusa vel subiter ac brevi-acuminata, subcoriacea, integerrima vel remote subdentata, costa media nervisque lateralibus subtus prominulis, venis transversalibus conspicuis. Stipulm nullae. Calycis tubus oblongus : limbus brevis, obtuse 5-dentatus. Corolla infundibuliformis: tubus brevis ; limbus patens, 5-partitus, lobis rotundato-ovatis : faux intus nuda. Stamina 5, e summo corollae tubo orta : Jilamenta ejus lobos sequantia, sub apice arete inflexa: antlierce oblongse. Stylus crassus, brevissimus, calycis limbum paullo superans. Stigma capitatum, 3-lobum. Bacca (immatura) oblonga, apice paullum angustata, dentibus calycinis coronata, (abortu forsitan) unilocularis, monopyrena. Pyrena pergamacea, alba, dorso convexa Isevissima, intus sulco longitudinali (in- star species Cypreem generis Testacearum) notata, secusque sulcum baccoe lateri affixa. This has scarcely at all the appearance of a Viburnum, from which genus the presence of a style seems essentially to distinguish it. Indeed, were it not that we have been unable to discover any trace of stipules, it would seem to rank nearer the Rubiacecc: and it had been previously marked in our Herbaria, under the MSS. name of Coffea monosperma. Hook, et Arn. 2. ^^iburnum nervosum; sempervireus, foliis elliptico-lanceolatis basi apice acutis glabris subtus impunctatis serraturis utrinque versus apicem paucis, nervis supra impressis subtus prominulis ad axillas glabris, venis transversalibus numerosis conspicuis, petiolis pedunculisque brevibus glabris, corymbo terminali. This is closely allied to V. premnaceum. Wall.: the leaves have the same kind of nervation ; but in the Indian plant we observe, besides the characters given by De Candolle, (Prodr. v. 4. p. 325,) that the axillae of the nerves are furnished with a tuft of short hairs, which are totally absent in the Chinese plant. We possess a third species of Viburnum, as far as we can judge from the very young flowers, from Mr. Millett, which may be thus distinguished; — FP Chinense; foliis membranaceis lato-ellipticis acutis grosse inaequaliter dentatis, supra glabris subtus praecipue junioribus puberulis impunctatis, corymbis terminalibus pubescentibus. 1. Lonicera Telfairii ; ramis volubilibus glabris junioribus pubescentibus, foliis petiolatis RubiacecB^ CHINA. 191 oblongis acutis basi obtusis cordatisve adultis supra glabris subtus dense velutino-pubescenti- bus, pedunculis apice bibracteatis bifloris axillaribus solitariis petiolo demidio brevioribus, terminalibus subcapitatis, calycis villosi dentibus minutis ovatis acutis, corollse tubo elongate aequali villoso. — L. Periclyinenum. Lour. Cochin, v. \. p. 185. We first became acquainted with this species by specimens sent from the Mauritius by Mr. Telfair to Dr. Hooker; but it is only there probably in a state of cultivation. It is closely allied on the one hand to L. confusa, De Cand, from which it dilfers by the leaves being- smooth above, and the short peduncles; and on the other to L. Leschenaultii, W.alL, which, however, is said to have ovate suheordate ciliated leaves, and villous branches. This, with many others in the section “ Nintooa” of De Candolle, might with justice be referred to the old L. Japonica, a species which has been perhaps too much dismembered. Ord. XLV. RUBIACE^. Juss. 1. Adina glohiflora ; folds ovato-lanceolatis, pedunculis folio brevioribus. — Sal. Par, Lond. t. 115. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 349. — Nauclea Adina. Sm. Bot. Mag. t. 2613. The specimen before us has the leaves considerably broader than is figured in the Bot. Magazine, which makes us suspect that A. peduncularis, De Cand., or Nauclea adinoides, Liudl, is a mere variety. 1. Mussaenda pubescens ; foliis ovato-oblongis acuminatis in nervis pubescentibus, stipulis utrinque geminis subulatis, corymbo terminali, lobis calycinis subulatis, uno petiolato ovato acuto, coroUse tubo gracili calycem plus duplo superante, lobis acutis. Ait. Hort. Kew. ed 2. V. 1. p. 372. Bot. Mag. t. 2099. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 371. — M. frondosa. Lour. Cochin. V. \. p. 188. Rumph. Amb. v. 4. t. 51. Notwithstanding such high authorities, we can scarcely consider this as distinct from M. frondosa: indeed the principal point of difference appears to be that, in the latter, the leaves and panicle are described as -villous. Some Authors add that in M. frondosa the tube of the corolla is scarcely longer than the calycine segments, while in M. pubescens it is more than twice as long ; and this may be true if the figure in Burman, Zeyl. t. 76, whei-e it is so represented, be considered the type of the species and where the flowers are described as red; but then if the BeUlla of Rheede, Hort. Mai. v. 2. t. 18, (not 17, as quoted by Roxburgh, Wallich, and De Candolle,) be the same, the calycine segments are remarkably short in comparison with the tube of the corolla. The Belilla of Rheede is, however, probably distinct, and the same may be said of M. Suma- trana, Roth., although we suspect there is a mistake regarding the red coloured corolla in both the plant of Rheede and of Burman. After a careful comparison of Rumphius’ figure, in the Herb. Amb. v. 4. t. 51, and of his description of his Folium Principissce angustifolium, we feel inclined to refer it here rather than to M. glabra, under which it is quoted hy Vahl and De Candolle. Perhaps also M. frondosa, Roxb. Hort. Bengh. and FI. Ind. v. 2. p. 557, as well as of Roxb. et Wall. FI. Ind. v. 2. p. 227, Wall. List of E. I. Plants, n, 6250, a-e, and M. Dovinia, Ham. in Linn. Trans, v. 14. p. 203, who refers to the figure in Rumphius, as identical with M. pubescens, which, in cultivation in this country, has frequently the whole underside of the leaves pubescent. 1. Gardenia florida; inermis fruticosa erecta, foliis ellipticis utrinque acutis, floribus solitariis subterminalibus sessilibus subhypocraterimorphis, calycis laciniis verticalibus lanceolato-subulatis tubum corollas aequantibus, baccis elongato-turbinatis costatis. De Cand. — Linn. Sp. PI. p. 305. Ker, in Bot. Reg. t. 449. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 379. — Pluku. Amalth. t. 448. f. 4. 1. Randia Sinensis ; spinis brevibus oppositis subrecurvis, foliis (lanceolatis Lour.) super- ioribus ovatis Isevibus glabris, corymbis terminalibus parvis paucifloris, calycis limbo tubuloso 192 CHINA. Rubiaeem. 5-lobo, lobis subulatis, corollae tubo longo glabro fauce baud inflate, antheris linearibus exsei'tis corollaeque laciniis subaequelongis patentibus. Moem. et Schult. Syst. v. 6. p. 248. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 388. — Randia longiflora. Lam. III. t. \b6. f. 3? De Cand. 1. c. p. 386. (cum synon.) ? — Oxyceros Sinensis. Lour. Cochin, v. 1. p. 187. The specimen befoi’e us is no doubt very imperfect, only exhibiting the upper part of a branch ; but not- withstanding that the leaves are ovate and somewhat obtuse, we believe it to be the same species that Louriero had in view. We have not seen more than two flowers in the corymb; but it is probable that better specimens may exhibit more. As to R. longiflora, figured by Lamarck, and described by Roxburgh, under Posoqueriq longiflora, we can discover no difference, except that the leaves and flowers are slightly larger, and the latter more numerous. De Candolle says of this genus, “ Antherse intra faucem sessiles inclusae;” but in several species the anthers are exserted, as in R, longispina, nutans, floribunda, and liorrida, in addition to the present species ; and in R. fasciculata and rigida they are exserted for one-half and two- thirds of their length. From Gardenia, however, to which it is most nearly allied, (not Posoqueria, as is stated by mistake in Do Candolle’s Prodr. v. 4. p. 385,) it differs by the bilocular germen and fruit. 1. Cwflo, corymhosa ; fniticosa, foliis lanceolato-oblongis nitidis, corymbis terminalibus, calycis lobis quinque tubimi corollm fere seqiiantibiis, stigmate indiviso, capsulis maturis 4-spermis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. yj. 394. — Webera corymbosa. Willd. Sp. PL v. 1 p. 1224. Bot. Reg. t. 126. — Canthium corymbosum. Pers. — Cupi. Rheede, Mai. v. 2. t. 23. The specimens in the Collection have the leaves narrower and more acuminate than in the figure in the Hort. Malabaricus, which exactly agrees with specimens we have received from Dr. Wight, from the Pen- insula of India ; but we do not consider them as a distinct species. — Another Cupia, as it appears to be, from the habit and appearance of the fruit, (which, however, contains several seeds,) we have received from Professor Lindley, and the late Dr. Livingstone. It may be called C. mollissima ; fruticosa, foliis lanceolatis utrinque sed subtus prajcipue pilis brevibus numerosissimis mollissimis, calycis lobis brevibus obtusissimis, friictibus pubescentibus polyspermis.— The hairs which clothe every part of the plant are of a rusty hue. 1. Hedy Otis macrostemon ; suffiruticosa? ramosa, ramis pubescentibus, foliis breviter petiolatis ovato-lanceolatis subtus inolliter pubescentibus supra nitidulis scabriusculis venis longitudinalibus simplicibus parallelis, pedunculis axillaribus solitariis folio multo breviori- bus multifloris, floribus capitatis, staminibus longe exsertis, capsula hirsuta apice libera. This approaches very closely to H. ulmifolia. Walk, also to H. lineata of Roxburgh; but as far as we can judge from the character given in the Flora Indica, it is quite distinct. The specimen in the Collection is only in fruit. We are so fortunate as to possess beautiful flowering specimens from Mr. Millett,and also like- . wise, another species with a habit not very dissimilar, which may be characterised thus : — H. uncinella ; suffru- ticosa glabra, ramis subsimplicibus, foliis petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis venis longitudinalibus subsimplicibus parallelis, floribus axillaribus terminalibusque numerosis glomerato-verticillatis subsessilibus, capsula turbinata glabra tubo calycis contracto ej usque dentibus subulatis recurvato-uncinatis longe ciliatis coronata septicida! bipartibili ; but this may perhaps form the type of a new genus, to which, judging from the habit, for our specimens are not sufficiently advanced, it is probable that H. ceplialopliora. Brown in Wall. List of E. Ind. Plants, n. 842, may belong. In addition to these, we have also from China, the H. angustifolia, Cham, and Schlecbt. 1. Canthium Chinense ; fruticosum spinosum, foliis obovatis, floribus sessilibus hirsutis peutandris, fructu biloculari. De Cand. — Pers. Syn. 1. p. 200. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 475. — Gardenia spinosa. Thunb. There is only one specimen in the Collection, and that so imperfect, as to prevent our solving the doubts about its being properly referred to this genus. Rubiacea.] CHINA. 193 1. Ixora stricta; foliis subsessilibus oblongo-lanceolatis, corymbo dense composite hemis- phaerico, lobis calycinis subacutis corollm (flamraeae) obovatis obtusissimis, stylo glaberrimo, stigmate paullulum exserto, antheris apiculatis. — Roxh. et Wall. FI. Ind. v. 1. p. 384. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 486.^ — 1. coccinea. Bot. Mag. t. 169. Lour. Cochin, v. 1. p. 95. — I. speciosa. Willd. Enum. 1. Pavetta Indica. Linn. Sp. PI. p. 160. Bot. Reg. t. 198. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 490. — P. alba. Vahl. — Ixora Pavetta. Roxb. — I. alba. Burm. FI. Ind. — Lour. Cochin, v. 1. p. 96. 1. Coffea Arabica. Linn. Sp. PI. p. 245. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 499. Lour. Cochin. V. 1. p. 179. 1. Grumilea Reevesii ; glabra, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis basi apieeque acutis glancis laevi- bus coriaceis, stipulis late ovatis obtusis adpressis semivaginantibus deciduis, corymbo termi- nal! trichotomo foliis multo breviori, calycis limbo obscure quinquedentato, corollge brevis fauce dense barbata, stylo basi tore subgloboso cincto, fructus pyrenis dorso 5-costatis. — Psychotria Reevesii. Wall, in Roxb. et Wall. FI. Ind. v. 2. p. 164. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 519. Calycis limbus Iseviter 5-dentatus, dentibus obtusis. Corolla tubus subcampanulatus, fauce intus uiveo- villosa; limbus 5-partitus; laciniis lanceolatis acutis. Stamina brevia, inter villos faucis latitantia. Germen toro elevato, hemisphaerico, carnoso, styli basin cingente coronatum. Stylus capillaris. Stigma crassius- culum, bilobum. Bacca drupacea, globosa, dipyrena, calycis limbo coronata. Pyrence chartaceo-coriaceae, plano-convexae, dorso S-costatas. Semen plano-convexum. Albumen cartilagineum, ruminatum, rimis ac fissuris lobulatum. Embryo parvus, Iseviter curvatus, prope seminis basin situ^. The above character and description will, we trust, distinguish this from the species of Gi'umilea already described, and others which we have reason to believe are still retained under Psychotria. Perhaps even the generic character, depending principally on the structure of the albumen, is not sufficient ; and it is considerably invalidated by the following species of Psychotria. 1. Psychotria scandens ; caule lignoso scandente radicante ramoso, foliis breviter petiolatis oblongis obtusiusculis basi attenuatis coriaceis glabris, stipulis ovatis obtusis in- terfoliaceis deciduis, corymbo terminal! subsessili (vel foliis supremis deciduis pedunculato) divaricate subsimplici paucifloro, corollae tubo subcampanulato fauce alba villosa, toro subgloboso elevato styli basin cingente, stigmate capitate subbilobo, fructu ellipsoideo, albumine subruminato ! Calycis limbus 5-dentatus ; dentibus brevibus obtusis. Corolla campanulato-infundibuliformis : tubus brevis ; faux intus villo albo copioso instructa. Bacca oblonga, exsiccatione costata, dentibus calycinis coronata, dipyrena. Pyrence plano-convexae, extus S-sulcatae. Albumen 5-sulcatum, laeviter ruminatum, at nec rimis nee fissuris lobulatum. This species foVms a small groupe with P. laxifiora, leucocarpa, and sarmentosa of Blume, and P. serpens, Linn. The three first of these we have not seen, the last we only possess in flower. If the seeds of all prove to have a ruminated albumen, they might be judiciously removed to Grumilea. We shall here add, from specimens from Canton, the following description of P. serpens, Linn, to what De Candolle (Prodr. v. 4. p. 519,) has given: — Calyx breviter obtuse 5-dentatus. Corolla campanulato-infundibuliformis : faux villo albo copioso instructa. Stylus apice clavatus, basi toro elevato globoso carnoso cinctus. Stigma indivisum. 2b 194 CHINA. [ CompositoB. 1. Serissa foetida. Commerson in Juss. Gen. p. 209. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 575. — Lycium Japonicum. Tkunb. FI. Jap. t. 17. Bot. Mag. t. 361. — Dysoda fasciculata. Four. Cochin. V. \. p. 181. The specimens in the Collection are destitute of flowers and fruit. In addition to the above, we possess, from Mr. Vachell, Bigelowia lasiocarpa, Wight and h.m.{Vachell, n. 297,) and a new species of Hedyotis, {Vachell, n. 105,) closely allied to H. Lawsonia, Wight and Arn. Prod. FI. Pen. Ind. Or. 1. p. 407, and to H, stylosa. Brown, belonging with them to the first section Diplo- phragma; it may be thus named and characterised : H. Vachellii; glaberrima, caule suffruticoso ? erecto, ramis terctibus, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis utrinque attenuatis coriaceis inferioribus brevi-petiolatis superiori- bus sessilibus, nervis paucis distantibus curvatis, stipulis persistentibus triangularibus acuminatis coriaceis margine denticulatis, panicula thyrsoidea strictiuscula, calycis limbo cupuliformi 4-dentato, corollae glabr® tubo dentes calycinos plus duplo superante, fauce pilosa. — This, like its allies, has either the stamens short and the style much protruded, or the stamens exserted and the style short ; in both cases the latter is fili- form, and the stigma thick and bifid. We have also received from Mr. Millett, Hedyotis intermedia, Wight and Arn. (Prod. FI. Penins. Ind. Or. 1. p. 415), two species of Spermacoce, (one of whieh is S. articularis, L.) Pcederia foetida, L., Ixora blanda, Ker, and Morinda umbellata, Linn. The specimens of the latter present both oblong, lanceolate, and obovate apieulate leaves on the same branch, tending to prove more strongly the necessity of conjoining with it M. parvifolia, Barth, and M. tetrandra. Jack, as has been proposed by Wight and Arn. (1. c. p. 420.) M. Royoc, Lour., not Linn., is undoubtedly the same species. Ord. XLVI. composite. Juss. 1. Borkhausia repens. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 652. — Picris repens. Lour. Cochin, v, 2. p. 583. Under this Order we shall merely here enumerate the species. Some of them we have reeeived from Dr. Wallich, but as Prof. De Candolle is at present engaged with the fifth volume of his “ Prodromus,” in which all the East Indian Composites are to be described, we have thought it better to omit a speeific character of these, than to attempt to frame one which would be quite insufficient to distinguish the plant from its allies, unless we had possessed them likewise. We have been indueed to do this the more readily, because the specimens in the Collection of Chinese CompositcB are little else than fragments. 1. Spilanthes oleracea. Linn. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 444. 1. Vernonia cinerea. Less, in Linticea, 1829./?. 291. D. C. in Wight Contrib. Bot. Ind. p. 6. cum synon. Of this we have, either in the. Collection, or from Mr. Millett, three forms ; one, the a of De Candolle, agreeing with Burm. Th. Ze3d. t. 90. f. I., and Rumph. herb. Amb, 6. t. 14. f. 1. : another has the leaves much narrower, agreeing in that respect with De Candolle’s var. y (1. c.) but differing by being as pubescent as in the common form; a third has the leaves still narrower and more entire, approaching to V. leptophylla, DC. (1. c.) but differing by their being obtuse. 1. Erigeron multicaule. Wall. List of E. I. Plants, No. 3286. De Cand. 1. c. p. 10. 1. FxmWsL sonchifolia. De Cand. in Wight. Contrib. p. 24. — Cacalia sonchifolia. Linn. — Lour. Cochin, v. 3. p. 593. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 429. 1. Gynura bulbosa. — Cacalia bulbosa. Lour. Cochin, v. 2. p. 592. Spreng. Syst. Veget. V. 3. p. 430. Composit(B.'\ CHINA. 195 We have likewise received this from Mr. Vachell; it is No. 210. b. of his plants, as distributed by Professor Henslow. The leaves are somew'hat fleshy and very pubescent: sometimes, however, the pubescence wears off, and exhibits the under side elegantly marked with numerous slender waved purplish veins. 1. Wedelia calendulacea. Less. Syn. Comp. p. 222. De Cand. in Wight Contrib. p. 17. 1. Y evhesina prostrata ; caule prostrate ramoso hinc inde radicante villosulo, foliis oppo- sitis oblongis utrinque pauci-(sub 3-)-dentatis basi cuneatis hirsutis, pedunculis monoce- phalis terminalibus vel ex ramulorum bifurcationibus folio longioribus, anthodii squamis biserialibiis oblongis, rachidis bracteolis squamis paullo angustioribus cseteroquin consimilibus. This species we haVe also received from Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell, (No. 208.) The achenia, although compressed, have a rib or angle along the back, so that they may be almost considered as 3-angled: but the plant does not differ in any other respect from Verhesina, as defined by Lessing. We have received from Canton the following other species of Compositm from Mr. Millett and Mr.Vachell: 1. Vernonia Chinensis. Less.? in Linneea, 1831./). 105. Vachell, n. 212. 1 . Siegesbeckia orientalis. L. 1. Elephantopus scaber. Linn. 1. Adenostemma Forst. — Vachell, n. 217. 1. Wedelia biflora. De Cand. in Wight Contrib. p. 18. Vachell, n. 220. 1. Bidens Chinensis. Willd. 1. Glossogyne Chinensis. Less. Syn. Comp. p. 212. Vachell, n. 22 L 1. Eclipta erecta. L. 2. E. prostrata. L. 1. Artemisia Indica. Willd. 1. Eupatorium Chinense. L.? — Vachell, n. 205. 2. E n. sp. 1. Myxiacixs Javanica. De Cand.? in Wight contrib. p. 10. This plant certainly belongs to the genus Myriactis, and approaches M. Wightii, De Cand., but we have not yet seen the character of M. Javanica, and hence our doubts. 1. Chrysanthemum Indicum. Linn. — Va.chell, n. 125. 1. Solidago .... Vachell, n, 206. «. This is probably among Dr. Wallich’s species. 1. Aster . ... n. sp. This comes nearest A. Chilensis, N. ab E. Syn. Ast.p. 123, but the leaves are quite smooth and glabrous, and the scales of the anthodium are acute. 1. Doellingeria . ... n. sp. Allied to D.scabra, N. ab E. Syn. Ast.p. 183; it seems, however, to be quite distinct, by the inflorescence being a somewhat simple corymb, the pappus white, and leaves not serrated. 1 . Blumea Chinensis ; fruticosa ?, ramis cano-pubescentibus, foliis elliptico-oblongis brevi- petiolatis supra viridibus asperis reticulatis subtus sericeo-toraentosis dentato-serratis, serra- CHINA. 196 [Sapotece. turis minutis glandula aculeiformi decidua apiculatis, ramis florigeris foliosis apice corymbiim oligocephalum gerentibus in paniculam coryinbifoi’mem terminalem digestis. This, which certainly belongs to De Candolle’s genus Blumea, (see Wight’s Contrib. p. 13, and Guille- min’s Arch, de Bot. 2. p. 514,) is perhaps Baccharis Chinensis, Lour., but Loureiro’s description does not quite accord. It is Vachell’s n. 202. ANISOPAPPUS. {Hook, et Arn.) Capitulum radiatum, heterogamiim ; floribus femineis uniserialibiis in ambitu corollas ligulatas gerentibus. Achenium conforme, lineare, tetragonum, exalatum, erostre, paleis compluribus brevibus insequalibus setisque quatuor multo longioribus inter se insequalibus coronatum. RacMs dense bracteolatum. Stylus disci ramis apice obtusis inappendicu- latis. Antherce basi bisetosae. — Herba erecta^ dense puherula, foliis alternis oblongo-line- arihus obtuse dentato-serratis, ramis florigeris monocephalis sublerminalibus corymbosis, involucri foliolis linearibus numerosis imbricatis puhescenti-tomentosis. 1. A. Chinensis. Hook, et Arn. — Verbesina Chinensis. Linn. ? This approaches in character to Buphthalmum, but has the habit of Verbesina. Adenophora Sineyisis, as we consider it to be, of the Order Campanulacece, is in the collection from Mr. Vachell; and Lobelia Chinensis, Lour., (but with the leaves slightly toothed) in that from Mr. Millett. Ord. XLVII. ERICINE^. Juss. 1. Azalea Indica. Linn. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. \. p. 628. We have received from Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell (n. 143) Vaccinium orientate, Sw. {Acosta spicata. Lour.) from the neighbourhood of Canton and Macao. Ord. XLVIII. SYMPLOCE^. Juss. 1. Styrax suberifolius ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis coriaceis acuminatis supra impresso- punctatis subtus dense pubescentibus rufescenti-albidis nervis supra impressis subtus promi- nulis, racemis simplicibus paucifloris, floribus quadrifidis 8-andris. (Tab. XL.) Tab. XL. Styrax suberifolius. Fig. 1. Flower; Jig. 2. Corolla laid open; Jig. 3. Pistil: — magnified. Ord. XLIX. EBENACE^. Vent. 1. Diospyros vaccinioides ; foliis ovatis obtusis nitidis margine subtusque villosis, floribus solitariis 4<-fidis, germine triloculari. — Lindl. in Hook. Lx. FI. t. 139. Spreng. Syst. Veget. Suppl. p. 147. Wall. List of E. I. Plants, No. 4130. 0,RD. L. SAPOTE^. Juss. 1. Achras Sapota. Linn. Ihe specimen is too little advanced to permit us to ascertain even its genus. The above name was attached to it by Mr. Collie. We possess also Mimusops Elengi, Willd., from Mr. Millett. 1. Sideroxxjlon Wigktidnum; inerme, foliis obovato-lanceolatis glaberrimis in petiolum Apocynemi] CHINA. 197 brevem attenuatis, supra nitidis subtus pallidioribus opacis, pedunculis axillaribus aggre- gatis unifloris petiolo brevioribus, floribus (calycibus precipue) extus sericeis. (Tab. XLL) Wall Cat. of E. L PL n. 4147. Hab. Macao; Mr. Millett. Tab. XLI. Sideroxylon Wightianum. Fip'. 1. Flower ; 7?^. 2. Corolla laid open ; 3. Pistil: — magn. Ord. LI. MYRSINE^. Brown. 1. Aegiceras fragrans. Kobh. — Wight in Hook. Bot. Misc. v. 3. p. 84. Suppl. t. 21. — A. majus. Gcertn. — Rhizophora corniculata. Linn. — Vachell, n. 249. 1. Myrsine? ardisioides ; foliis longe petiolatis obovato-ellipticis acutiusculis integer- rimis subtus glaucescentibus, racemis axillaribus petiolum subsequantibus, pedicellis elongatis versus racemi apicem corymboso-aggregatis, germine semibiloculari, stigmatibus duobus subdiscretis crenulatis, ovulis paucis pendulis. There is only one specimen, destitute of both corolla Kod. stamens. The general appearance, particularly of the inflorescence, is that of dcaArdisia, but there is almost nothing that can be termed a style. We have not been able to see a central free placenta, but on the contrary the ovules hang from the top of the cavity, which is almost divided into two cells by the introflexed margins of the two carpels of which the germen is composed. Indeed, it is probable not only that the plant does not belong to Myrsine, but not even to the same Natural Order. In some points it approaches Ilicinea. From Mr. Vachell (n. 146) we have Ardisia lentiginosa, and from Mr. Millett another species allied apparently to A. neriifolia. Wall. OuD. LII. JASMINES. Juss. 1. Jasminum officinale. Linn. — Lour. Cochin, v. \. p. 32. 2. J. hirsutum. Linn. ? The specimen in the Collection has the segments of the calyx not much longer than its tube, and many times shorter than the tube of the corolla. In the figure given by Burmann, (FI. Ind. t. 3. f. 1.) the calycine segments are about as long as the tube of the corolla; but in Rheede’s figure (Hort. Mai. 6. t. 54.) they are much shorter in proportion than in the plant before us. J. hirsmtum, L. and J. arborescens, Rich, are so closely allied as to render it difficult to say to which of them Nyctanthes grandijlora of Loureiro belongs. 1. Nyctanthes Arbor-tristis. Linn. — Scabrita triflora. Linn. Mant. We have from Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell several other Jasminece from Canton, among which are Olea acuminata, Wall., O. fragrans, Thunb., Jasminum Sambac, L., J. bracteatum, Roxb. (Vachell, n. 273,) ,T. grandiflorum, L., and J. paniculatum, Roxb. Ord. LIII. APOCYNE^. Juss. 1. Parsonsia? Helicandra; volubilis glabra, foliis lato-ellipticis apice brevi-subiter attenuatis, corymbis axillaribus folio subbrevioribus, starainibus contortis. — Apocynum reticulatum. Lour. Cochin, v. 1. p. 208 ? Calyx 5-partitus, laciniis ovatis. Corolla infundibuliformis, fauce tuboque brevi absque squamis denticu- lisque: limbus 5-partitus, recurvus, laciniis Eequilateris. Stamina 5 cssexidi.: filamenta juxta basin tubi 198 CHINA. [Apocynea. inserta, filiformia, inter se spiraliter contorta: antherce sagittatas acuminatae medio stigmati coherentes. Glandula hypogynae 5, majusculaB, carnosee, glabrae. Germen ovatum, compressum, biloculare. Stylus unicus, filiformis. Stigma e basi dilatata conicum. This, if it be a Parsonsia, belongs to the second section, which hitherto consists of Australasian species: but we think there are sulScient characters, although we are ignorant of the fruit, to constitute it a distinct genus: in which case the plant may be named Helicandra Sinensis. 1 . Holarrhtena affinis ; antheris oblongis medio tubi insertis, stylo subelongato. Corolla hypocrateriformis, fauce tuboque intus pubescent! absque squamis denticulisve. Stamina inclusa: filamenta nulla: antherce medio tubi insertae, a stigmate liberee, oblongse, integrm, longitudinaliter pollini- ferae. Annulus subcarnosus, tenuis, brevis, pistilli basin arete cingens, alioquin squamae nullae hypogynae. Germina duo. Stylus subelongatus, tubo subdimidio brevior. Stigma cylindraceo-capitatum. This accords so well with the figure in Vahl, Symb. 3. t. 59, of H. mitis, Br., that we should have con- sidered it identical, did not Brown and Vahl describe the stamina as situated at the bottom of the tube of the corolla, as having almost no style, and omit all mention of the little annulus that surrounds the base of the germen. ECDYSANTHERA. {Hook, et Arn.) Calyx 5-partitus, laciniis lanceolatis. Corolla subcampanulata ; limbo b-fido, patente, laciniis aequilateris, per aestivationem contortis ; fauce tuboque intus ab.sque squamis denti- culisve. Stamina medio tubo inserta: filamenta brevissima: antherce semiexsertae, sagittatae, medio stigmati cohaerentes, lobis posticis polline vacuis. Annulus hypogynus, brevis, tenuis, pistilli basin cingens. Germina duo. Stylus unicus, brevis. Stigma conico-capitatum, acutum. — Frutex erectus ? Folia sublonge petiolata, elliptica^ basi acuta apice subiter breve attenuata, glabra. Panicula axillaris., elongata, laxe cymosa. Flores parvi, rosei. Corollae tubus vix calyce longior. Germina villosa. 1. E. rosea. (Tab. XLII.) Hab. Canton, Macao, and the adjacent islands. Messrs. Lay and Collie, Mr. Millett, and Rev. G. H. Vachell. (No. 144.) There can be no doubt, we believe, of this being a genus distinct from any previously described. It is extremely allied to the next in habit; and it is probable that Echites f lucida. Wall. List, n. 1670, belongs one or the other, but we have not seen flowers sufficiently advanced for examination. Tab. XLII. Eedysanthera rosea. Fig. 1. Flower; fig. *2. Corolla laid open : — magnified. POTTSIA. {Hook, et Arn.) Corolla hypocrateriformis, fauce tuboque esquamatis, limbo 5-partito, patente, laciniis sequilateris, per aestivationem baud contortis. Stamina exserta: filamenta fauce inserta, usque ad medium tubi decurrentia ibique intus dense pubescentia, apice glabra, simplicia : antherce sinu lato sagittate, medio stigmati cohaerentes cupulamque obtusam supra illud formantes: lobis posticis subulatis incurvis polline vacuis. Germina duo, villosa: Stylus unicus, e basi oblonga attenuatus, glaber : Stigma incrassatum, subglobosum, 5-angulatum, acutum. Squamce hijpogynce 5 lineari-lanceolate, liber*, omnino glabrse, germen superantes. — Frutex erectus'? Rami puberuli. Folia glabra.) petiolata^ ovalia, basi subcordata, repente CHINA. 199 ac obtuse acuminata. Cymse glabrce, trichotomce, laxce, pauciflorce, longe pedunculatcc, axillares et terminates. Flos 4 tineas tongus. Habitu vatde refertce Ecdysantheram roseam, at Jtoris structura omnino atiena. 1. P. Cantonensis. (Tab. XLIII.) Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. We have named this genus in honour of Mr. Potts, who sent to Europe many interesting plants from Canton and its vicinity. Both it and the preceding belong to the same subdivision with Isonema, Vallaris, Parsonsia, and Lyonsia; from the two last both differ by the very short filaments, from Isonema by the presence of hypogynous scales or an annular disk, and from Vallaris by the filaments being simple at the apex. The insertion of the stamens and many other characters readily distinguish them from each other. Tab. XLIII. Pottsia Cantonensis. Fig. 1. Flower; fig. 2. Corolla laid open: — magnified. 1. Nerium odorum ; foliis ternis lineari-lanceolatis coriaceis subtus venosis, foliolis paucis multifidis apice filamentosis. Spreng. — Ait. — Wittd. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 637. Roxb. Ft. Ind. v. 2. p. 2. — N. Oleander. Lour. Cochin, v. 1. p. 141. Rheede^ Mat. 9. t. 1. et2. 1. Strophanthus divaricatus ; frutex, erectus, ramis oppositis patentissimis, foliis oppositis lanceolato-oblongis nitidis, pedunculis terminalibus dichotomis, segmentis calycinis brac- teisque erectis subulatis, antheris aristatis. — S. divergens. Graham in Ed. New Phit. Journ. No. 5. p. 177. — S. dichotomus, (3. Chinensis. Bot. Reg. t. 469. — Pergularia divaricata. Lour. Cochin, v. i. p. 210. — Nerium Chinensis. Hunter, in Roxb. Ft. Ind. t. 2. p. 9. We have restored the old specific name of divaricatus, Loureiro’s description leaving no doubt about this being the plant he had in view. We agree M’ith Dr. Graham in thinking it a very distinct species from S. dichotomus, a plant with which Nerium scandens. Lour. Cochin, v. 1. p. 143, and N. caudatum, Roxb. FI. Ind. V. 2. p. 9. appear identical. In the native specimens the peduncles. rarely bear more than two or three fiowers. (S', divaricatus of Wallich is probably a different species. 1. Tabernsemontana Lour. Cochin, v. 1. p. 145.^ The leaves are of a thinner texture than in T. persicariafolia, Jacq., to w’hich the only specimen in the Collection seems allied: the peduncles have only about three flowers. 2. T. mottis; ramulis glabris apice tantum foliiferis, foliis oblongo-ovatis basi apice vix acutis (junioribus) utrinque molliter pubescentibus, corymbis sessilibus terminalibus pauci- floris calycibusque pubescentibus, bracteis minutis oblongis. This is a true Tabernamontana, but certainly not among those described by Loureiro, nor, indeed, have we been able to find it under any other genus in his work. We possess T. coronaria, Willd. from Mr. Millett. ]. Carissa Carandas. Linn. Mant. p. 52. Wittd. Sp. 1. p. 1229. Lam. Itt. t. 118, f. 1. Roxb. Cor. 1. t. 77. Lour. Cochin, v. 1. jo. 153.? Loureiro’s plant was observed only on the eastern coast of Africa, and he states that he had never seen it in India or China; his description, however, seems to accord. 1. Strychnos Nux vomica. Linn. — Lour. Cochin, v. 1. p. 154. Lam. Itt. t. 119. Roxb. Cor. 1. A 4. Rheede, Mat. 1. t. 37. 200 CHINA. [Asclepiadei 1. Melodinus monogynus; caule fruticoso scandentCj folds ovato-lanceolatis nitidis, corymbis versus apices ramorum axillaribus terminalibusque confertis, squamis tubi corollas indivisis, stylo unico, stigmate ovato apice tenui bifido. — Roxb. FL Ind. v. 2. p. 56. Wall. List of E. I. Plants. No. 1603. Vachelli n. 142. We can perceive no difference between Roxburgh’s plant and that from China. We have asserted it to be a climber on Roxburgh’s authority, as our specimens are not of sufficient length to enable us to determine that point ourselves. It is remarkable that it should not have been observed by Loureiro, par- ticularly as from Roxburgh’s description it appears to be a very large plant “ climbing over trees,” &c. We have also received, from Mr. Millett, Wrightia tinctoria, Br. Ord. LIV. ASCLEPIADE^. Brown. TOXOC ARPUS. ( Wight and Arn.) Corolla rotata ; limbo 5-partito ; laciniis contortis. Corona staminea 5-phylla ; foliolis apice truncatis, dorso planiusculis, intus lacinula membranacea auctis. Masses pollinis 20, erectae, lajves, apice corpusculi singuli exsulci quaternatim affixse. Stigma ssepius rostratum, acutum, indivisum, Folliculi laeves, divaricati. — Frutices volubiles ; caules glabri vel rvfo- pubescentes. Folia opposita, glabra, nervis lateralibus ante marginem coalescentibus. Pani- cula divaricata, dichotome corymhosa. 1. T. Wightianus; foliis anguste ellipticis apice breve acuminatis, floribus breviter pedi- cellatis, corollae tubo brevi gynostegium aequante, fauce glabra segmentis lingulatis tortili- bus glabris, lacinulis foliolorum coronee elongatis ipsa foliola superantibus, stigmate rostrato ancipiti tubum corollae duplo superante. — Asclepias Curassavica. Lour. Cochin, v. p. 211 ? {non Linn.) We have named this species in honour of our friend Dr. Wight, who has studied the Indian genera of this difficult Natural Order with peculiar zeal, and from whom we have derived much assistance in ascertain- ing the Chinese species. The genus was instituted for the Asclepias longistigma of Roxburgh, (FI. Ind. t. •2. p. 46,) which differs from the Chinese plant by having the leaves much broader, and the lacinula of the coronal leaflets shorter than the leaflets. Our description is entirely derived from specimens received direct from China from Mr. Vachell and Mr. Millett; the only individual in the Collection being destitute of flowers, and having but two or three leaves, may perhaps be something different. 1. Gymnema sylvestre. Brown in Wern. Soc. Mem. 1. p. 33. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 844. Wight et Arn. in Wight’s Contrib. Bot. Ind. p. 44. (cum synon. omn.) — G. parvi- florum. Wall. Tent. FI. Nep.p. 50. — Periploca sylvestris. Willd. — Apocynum alterniflorum. Lour. Cochin, v. \. p. 208 f We possess specimens from Dr. Wight from the peninsula of India, agreeing so well with the Chinese plant, that we consider them the same. In the Chinese individual the leaves are slightly narrower and less pubescent beneath, but even in Indian specimens that character is exceedingly variable. We have only two other Aselepiadece from Canton, but they are not among Captain Beechey’s Collection : the one is Asclepias Curassavica, L., the other is what Dr. Bindley has described (Hort. Soc. Trans, v. Boraginea.'] CHINA. 201 2, p. 268,) Diplolepis ovata : it cannot, however, belong to that genus, being, as Dr. Wight has remarked to us, a species of Tylopliora. We propose to call it T. ovata; and it is extremely probable that Apocynum Juventus, (Lour. Cochin, v. 1. p. 208,) is the same plant. It is n. 229 of Mr. Vachell’s Collection. Ord.* LV. PEDALINE^. B. Br. 1. Sesamum orientale. Linn. Ord. LVI. CONVOLVULACE.®. Juss. 1. Evolvulus alsinoides. L. 1. Convolvulus Pes-Caprce. Linn. — C. bilobatus. Roxb. FI. Ind. 1. p. 485; {ed. Car. et Wall.) 2. p. 73 ; in Cmt. Merc. Ind. or. mus. tab. 1353. — Vachell, n. 88. b. 2. Convolvulus hederaceus. Linn. — Ipomeea cserulea. Roxb. FI. Ind. 1. p. 501 ; {ed Car. et Wall.) 2. p. 91 ; in Cmt. Merc. Ind. or. mus. tab. 571. 3. Convolvulus parvijiorus. Valil. — Vachell, n, 332. 4. Convolvulus Medium. Linn. — Lour. FI. Coch. 1. p. 130. — Vachell, n. 333. 5. Convolvulus Quamoclit. Spr. — Iponitea Quamoclit. Linn. — Vachell, n. 122. 1. Cuscuta Millettii ; floribus subcapitatis subsessilibus 5-ficlis laevibus, corolla intus nuda lobis obtusis, staminibus inter lobos summo tubo insertis exsertis, stylis duobus, stigmatibus capitatis, fructu membranaceo. — Grammica aphylla. Lour. FI. Coch. p. 212. Hab. Canton; Mr.Millett. Loureiro does not make any mention of seales on the inside of the tube of the corolla, so that we are inclined to refer his plant here, rather than, as is usually done, to C. carinata. He describes the fruit as a membranaeeous berry. Ord. evil CORDIACE^. R. Br. 1. Erycibe glaucescens. Wall. List of E. 1. Plants, n. 1334. — Choisy in Ann. des Sc Nat. n. s. 1. p. 223. This is scarcely to be distinguished from E. paniculata, Roxb., nor do we know of any eertain character except the eolour of the pubescence on its inflorescence. We may remark that Erycibe is the same genus as Catonia, Vahl in Skrivt. Naturf. Selsk. Kiovenh. 6 (1810) p. 98; but, from the scareity of that volume, never perhaps offered for sale, and, therefore, only to be viewed in the light of an unpublished manuscript, the name given it by Roxburgh, although posterior, is always retained. Catonia glauca, Vahl, 1. c. p. 99, is identical with E. paniculata, Roxb. Ord. LVIII. BORAGINE^. Juss. 1. Tiaridium JwrftcMm. Lehm. — Heliotropium Indicum. Linn. * From this Order to the end of our account of the Chinese Collection, we have had principally in view our own herbaria. After finishing the Aselepiadew, the whole of the species which we have already described in this work were returned to the Admiralty. Unfortunately the remainder of those from China were packed up with them ; and before we had perceived the mistake, they had all been presented to private individuals. 2 C 202 CHINA. [Scrophularineee. We have received it both from Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell, (n. 270.) 1. Cynoglossum diffusum. Roxb. FI. Ind. p. 457; [ed Car. et Wall.) 2. p. 7. Wall. List of E. I. Plants, n. 925. Hae. Canton; 'Mr. Millett. 1. Lithospermum Chinense ; herbaceum strigoso-pilosum, caule erecto simplici vel e basi ratnoso, ramis simplicibus, foliis anguste linearibus acutis, floralibus bracteiformibus, floribus brevissime pedicellatis, corollae (luteas) tubo calycem vix eequante, nucibus laevibus glabriusculis (atris.) Hab. Macao; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 286. Okd. LIX. SOLANEj®]. Juss. 1. Solanum fistulosum. Rich. — Nees ah Esenh. in Linn. Soc. Trans. 17. p. 37. 2. Solanum rubrum. Roxb. — Nees ah Esenb. in Linn. Soc. Trans. 17. p. 39. We possess, from Canton, two forms of var. ct; Vachcirs No. 127 belongs to the first. To this variety also may be referred the plants which at p. 67, and 162 of this work, the one from the islands of the Pacific, the other from California, we noticed as S', nigrum. It must be confessed, that the difference between these, and also S. fistulosum and insertum, is very slight. 3. Solanum verbascifoliuni. Linn. — Nees ah Esenh. in Linn. Soc. Trans. 17. p. 46. 4. Solanum Melongena. Linn. — Nees ah Esenb. 1. c. p. 48. . 5. Solanum torvum. Swartz. — Nees ah Esenb. 1. c. p. 53. 6. Solanum Indicum. Linn. — Nees ah Esenb. 1. c. p. 55. — Vachell, n. 250. 1. Lycopersicum esculentum. Mill. — Nees ah Esetib. 1. c. p. 61. 1. Capsicum fastigiatum. Blume. — Nees ab Esenb. 1. c. p. 64. 1. Datura alba. Rwmph. — Nees ab Esenb. 1. c. p. 73. Ord. lx. SCROPHULARINE^. R. Br. 1. Ilerpestis Monneria. Kunth. — Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 30. — Gratiola Monneria. Linn. 1. Vandellia crastocea. Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 'Ho. — Torenia Crustacea. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, 2. p. 570. — Capraria Crustacea. Linn. — Gratiola lucida. Vahl. — Morgania lucida. Spr. Syst. Veget. 2. p. 802. — Tittmannia ovata. Reichenb. in Spr. 1. c. p. 800. Hab. Lappas island; Rev. G. H. Vachell, (n. 155.) Canton; Mr. Millett. 2. Vandellia oblonga ; glabra, caulibus caespitosis erectiusculis oligopbyllis, foliis (oppo- sitis) oblongo-linearibus lanceolatisve basi attenuatis integerrimis margine scabris, floribus longe pedunculatis axillaribus in racemum nudiusculum laxum pauciflorum digestis, corolla calycem tubulosum duplo superante, capsula globosa inclusa. — Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 35. — Torenia lobelioides. Hook, et Arn. olim, in Herb. Henslow. Hab. Islands near Macao; Rev. G. II. Vachell, n. 248. Scrophularineai.] CHINA. 203 1. Buchnera hirsuta. Wall. — Benth. Scroph. hid. p, 41. — B. Asiatica. Boxh. FI. Ind. 3. p. 32. ? 2. Buchnera ? densijlorai annua simplex scabra, foliis integerrimis raclicalibus ovalibus caulinis inferioribus lineari-oblongis obtusis superioribus linearibus acuminatis sursum de- crescentibus, spica oblonga pedunculata (a foliis remota) tetragona densa bracteata imbricata, bracteis ternis duabus latei’alibus subulatis tertia late ovata acuminata concava ciliata calycem 5-dentatum estriatum ! eequante, corollae (parvae) tubo subrecto, limbo submqualiter 5-lobo lobis oblongis undulatis, capsulis inclusis. Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. This agrees in many respects with B.cruciata, Ham. {Benth. Scroph. Ind.p. 41,) but it appears from Mr. Bentham’s specific character of the latter, to be quite distinct. The whole plant, as is usual in the genus, becomes black by drying. SIPHONOSTEGIA. [Benth.) — Peismatanthus, Hook, et Arn. MS. Ca/t/rr tubulosus, subcoloratus, decemstriatus, versus faucem paullum angustatus; limbo subsequaliter quinquepartito, laciniis oblongo-linearibus, duabus superioribus rectis, tribus inferioribus deflexis. Corolla ringens, tubo angusto calycem tequante : labium superius rectum, indivisum, concavum; inferius trilobum, subdeflexum. Stamina quatuor, didy- nama, ascendentia, sub labio superiore posita. Antlierce incumbentes, loculis discretis parallelis basi acutis muticis. Stylus rectiusculus simplex. Stigma capitatum, subbilobum. “ Capsula oblonga recta, valvulis integris.” Benth. — Herba erecta, ramosa, cano-pubescens. Folia subopposita, circumscriptione triangularia, basi in petiolum attenuata^ ^i-partita, seg- ' mentis lateralibus divaricatis, omnibus inciso-pinnatifidis. Rami fiorigeri simplices. Folia floralia minus dissecta quam caulina, inferiora alterna, superior a opposita. Flores axillares, solitarii, breve pedicellati, bracteolis duabus sub calyce parvulis, linearibus. Calyx fere Lythri seu Cuphese at elongato-ampullaceus. Corolla purpurea. 1. S. Chinensis. [Benth.) (Tab. XLIV.) — Prismatanthus bartsioides. Hook, et Arn. olim, in Herb. Henslow. Hab. Macao and the adjacent islands; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 184, This approaches very much in character to Bartsia, from which it is distinguished by the calyx, and to Pedicularis, from which it is separated by the corolla and calyx. In habit it is not allied to any genus with which we are acquainted. Tab. XLIV. Siphonostegia Chinensis. Fig. 1. Flower; fig. 2. Stamens; fig. 3. Anther; 4. Pistil: — magn. PTEROSTIGMA. (.BentA.)— Spathestigma. Hook ', et Arn. MS. Calyx viscide pilosus, 5-partitus, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis, supremo longiori, basi bibracteolatus, bracteolis anguste linearibus. Corolla casrulescens, pollicaris, intus glabra, bilabiata; labium supei'ius majus, subin tegr um ; inferius trilobum, lobis subasqualibus, obtusis; faux aperta. Stamina quatuor, basi barbata; duo longiora fertilia, antheris didy- mis, ecalcaratis, lobis subglobosis ; duo inferiora gracilia, sterilia, antheris glanduliformibus 204 CHINA. [LabiatcE. terminata. Stylus filiformis. Stigma indivisum, spathulatum, lateribus tenuioribus incurvis. Capsula bilociilaris, loculicide bivalvis, polysperraa, ovata, apice acuminata, compressius- cula, bisulcata. Placenta magna, scrobiculata. Semina minuta, ovalia, ruguloso-scabra. Albumen oleosum. Pterostigma grandiflorum. Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 21. (Tab. XLV.) — Spathestigma glutinosum. Hook. et.Arn. olim, in Herb. Henslow. (cum syn. sequ.) — Gerardia glutinosa. Linn. — Digitalis Ghinensis. Lour. FI. Cock, (ed Willd.) 2. p. 459.^ Hab. Canton and Islands near Macao; Mr. Millett; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 244. Herba perennis ? erecta, parce rainosa. Caules ramique obtusiuscule quadrangnli, viscide pubescentes vel villosi. Folia opposita, petiolata, ovata, acuminata, obtuse serrata, supra pubescentia viridia subtus magis pubescentia atque viscida pallider glanduloso-punctata. Pedunculi inferiores axillares, superiores in race- mum tcrminalem foliis floralibus caulinis paullo minoribus instructum dispositi, petiolo duplo longiores. Loureiro says that the stems are terete and glabrous, but the remainder of his character appears to agree very well with the plant before us. The whole is about a foot or a foot and a half high; the stem, although herbaceous, is in some specimens of so hard a nature at the base, that we suspect the plant to be perennial. Tab. XLV. Pterostigma grandiflorum. Fig. 1. Flower; Jig. 2. Imperfect stamens; Jig. 3, 4. Back and front view of the anthers of the perfect stamens; Jig. 3. Pistil; Jig. 6. Calyx, including the capsule; 7. Capsule : — magnified. Ord. LXI. labiate. Juss. 1. Ocymum Basilicum. y. glabratum. Benth. Labiat. p. 4. — O. caryophyllatum. Roxb. FI. Fad. 3./;. 16. 1. Majorana hortensis. Mcench. — Benth. Lab. p. 338. — Origanum Majorana. Linn. 1. Scutellaria Indica. Linn. — Benth. Labiat. p. 428. 1. Leucas linifolia. Spr. Syst. Veget. 2. p. 743. — Benth. Labiat. p. 617. 2. Leucas Benthamiana ; perennis? berbacea dilFusa adpresse canescenti-pubescens, ramis tetragonis, foliis late ovatis supra medium grosse dentatis laevibus molliter ac densius pubescentibus, verticillastris subsex-(4-8)-floris omnibus petiolum 2-3-plo superantibus, bracteis minutis, calycibus tubulosis pubescentibus striatis, ore sequali dentibus brevibus setaceo-acuminatis recurvo-patulis. — Ballota pilosa. Lour. FI. Coch. 2. p. 442 ? Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. Lappas island; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 172. Allied to L. biflora, but with more flowers in the verticillastrum: also to L. mollissima, but the leaves are much thinner, not rugose, and not tomentose underneath. From L. dicemdentata, it is known by the shortly petioled floral leaves. It may possibly prove to be L. Javanica, Benth., or Phlornis Ghinensis, Blume; but of that no character is given by Mr. Bentham, nor any, we believe, bj' Blume himself. 1 . Leon ur us Sibiricus. Linn. — Benth. Lab. p. 520. Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. Lappas Island; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 162. 1. Anisomeles ovata. R. Br. — Ajuga disticba. Roxb. FI. hid. 3. p. 2. 1. Teucrium stoloniferum. Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 3. Benth. in Wall. PI. As. Rar. i. p. 58. Verhenacea.^ CHINA. 205 Ord. LXIL verbena CE^. Juss. 1. Barbula Sinensis. Lour. FL Coch. 2. p. 445. Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. Macao, in sandy soil; Itev. G. H. Vachell, n. 176. 1. Lippia nodiflora. Rich. — Vachell.^ n. 93. 1. Y evhma. officinalis. L.— Vachell, n. 1. Cleroclendron inerme. Gcertn. de Fruct. et Sem. 1. p. 75. Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 58. — Volkameria inermis. Linn. — Rheede, Hort. Mai. 5. t. 49. Rumph. Herb. Amb. 5. t. 46. Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. Macao; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 267. 2. Clerodendron Siphonanthus. R. Br. — Siphonanthus Indica. L. — Vachell, n. 150. 3. Clerodendron fortunatum. L. The only specimen before us, from Mr. Millett, is imperfect. 4. Clerodendron castaneifolium ; ramis minute strigilloso-pubescentibus, foliis petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis basi cuneatis integerrimis superne irregulariter dentalis supra minute et sparsim puberulis subtus glabris venosis, corymbis axillaribus folio triplo brevioribus, bracteis bracteolisque subulatis deciduis, calyce 5-partito segmentis ovatis acuminatis demum auctis. Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. The leaves bear a considerable resemblance to those of the Chestnut, but are membranaceous, as in the other species of Clerodendron. 5. Clerodendron squamatum. Vahl. — Volkameria Ksempferi. Jacq. — Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 60. — V. angulata. Lour. FI. Coch. 2. p. 473.? 6. Clerodendron fragrans. Vent. — Volkameria Japonica. Jacq. 7. Clerodendron viscosum. Vent. — C. canescens. Wall. List of E. I. Plants, n. 1804. — C. infortunatum. Lour. Coch. 2. p. 471. — Vachell, n. 134. «. 1 . Lantana aculeata. Linn. Sent from the gardens of Macao by Mr. Millett and the Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 147. In all the specimens there are no prickles to be seen, agreeing in that respect with the remarks in the Botanical Magazine, t. 96. 1. Callicarpa tomentosa {Willd.?) ; ramis petiolis pedunculisque fulvo-villosis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis basi ovatis margine glanduloso-dentato-serratis supra laevibus demum glabratis nervis dense pubescentibus subtus floccoso-tomentosis junioribus utrinque canis, pedunculis petiolum subaequantibus, corymbis trichotomis densifloris calycibusque villosis, staminibus longe exsertis. — Willd. En. Hort. Ber. \.p. 158 ? — C. Americana. Lour. FI. Coch. 1. p. 88. Hab. Canton ; Mr. Millett. Islands of Pootoy (or Grand Ladrone), Chicow, and the Lama; Rev. G. H. Vachell, m. 91. Willdenow’s description is scarcely sufficient, nor did he seem to know from whence his specimens came : if our species prove distinct, it may be called C. Loureiri, for it is undoubtedly the plant of Lou- 206 CHINA. [AcanthaceoB. reiro. In C. cana of Linnasus, Vahl, Roxburgh, and Wallich, the leaves are cuneate at the base, becoming, as it were, half decurrent along the petiole. Either the present or the following one is probably C. Reevesii of Wallich’s List, which we have not seen. , 2. Callicarpa nudiflora; ramis petiolis foliis subtiis corymbisque cano-velutinis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis basi ovatis margine crenato-dentatis supra nervis venisque incanis caeteroquin glabratis Isevibus junioribus pulverulentis, pedunculis folio subdimidio breviori- bus, coryrabis dichotomis laxis, calyce glabro, staminibus exsertis. (Tab. XLVI.) Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. Lappas island ; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 2QQ. Tab. XLVI. Callicarpa nudiflora. Fig. 1. Flower: — magnified. 1. Vitexoyate; foliis simplicibus obovatis breve-petiolatis subtus albo-incanis, racemis axillaribus terminalibusque compositis. (Tab. XLVII.) — Thunh. Jap. p. 257. Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett; Rev. G. H. Vachell,n. 174. Tab. XLVII. Vitex ovata. 1. Flower: — magnified. 2. Vitex Negundo. Linn. — Lour. FI. Cocli. 2. p. 474. Hab. Islands near Macao ; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 279. 3. Vitex Loureiri ; ramis foliisque ternato-quinatis utrinque glabris, foliolis oblongo vel obovato-lanceolatis obtuse acuminatis basi cuneatis venosis nitidis integerrimis, paniculis terminalibus vel ex axillis superioribus pubescentibus erectis decompositis strictiusculis. (Tab. XLVIII.) — Cornutia quinata. Lour. FI. Cock. 2. p. 470. Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. We have not seen the fruit; Loureiro states it to be one-seeded, probably from abortion. Tab. XLVIII. Vitex Loureiri. 1. Flower: — magnified. Ord. LXIII. ACANTHACE^. Juss. 1. Barleria cristata. Linn. — Nees ah Esenh. in Wall. PI. As. Rar. 3. jo. 92. n. 10. Hab. Lappas Island or the Peninsula; Mr. Vachell, n. 170. Canton; Mr. Millett. 1. Dilivaria ilicifolia. Juss. — Nees ah Esenh. 1. c. p. 98. n. 1. Hab. Whancum Island, near Macao; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 121. Loureiro, FI. Coch. 2. p. 456, states that the Canton plant differs a little from that which he describes from Cochin-China : the former is the same as our’s ; the latter is D. ehracteata, Juss. 1. Crossandra infundihuliformis, /3.; Nees ah Esenh. 1. c. p. 98. n. 1. — C. undulsefolia. Ait. — Justicia infundibuliformis. Linn. We fear that C. oppositifolia, Wight, (N. ab Esenb. 1. c. n. 3.) is a mere form of this species. 1. Rostellaria jorocwm&ews. Nees ah Esenh. 1. c. p. 101. 71.4. — Justicia procumbens. Linn. 1. Graptopbyllum hortense. Nees ah Esenh. 1. c. p. 102. n. 1. — Justicia picta. Linn. — Lour. FI. Coch. 1 . p. 29. 1. Adhadota Vasica. Nees ah Esenh. 1. c. p. 103. n. 7. — Justicia Adbadota. Linn. Chenopodiacea.'] CHINA. 207 1. Dicliptera Burmanni. 'Nees ab Esenh. 1. c. p. 112. n. 6. — Justicia Chinensis. Burm. FI. Ind. p. 8. t. 4./! 1. Lour. FI. Cock. 1. p. 30. {nec alior.) Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. Lappas Island; Rev. G. H. Vachell,n. 177. 1. Peristrophe tinctoria. Nees ab Esenb. 1. c. p. 113. n. 8. — Justicia tinctoria. Roxb. (non Lour.) El. Ind. 1. p. 123; [ed Car. et Wall.) 1. p. 124. — Rumph. Herb. Am. 6. t. 22. / 1. 1. Hypoestis purpurea. R. Br. — Nees ab Esenb. 1. c. p. 114. n. 2. — Justicia purpurea. Vahl. — Lour. El. Cock. \. p. 31 (non Linn.) Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. Lappas Island; Rev. G. H. Vachell,n. 171. Ord. LXIV. PLUMBAGINEiE. Juss. 1. Plumbago rosea. Linn. — Roxb. El. Ind. 1. p. 463 ; in Ccet. Merc. Ind. or. Mus. tab. 555. — Rheede, Mai. 1. t. 9. — Vachell, n. 115. Ord. LXV. NYCTAGINE^. Juss. 1. Mirabilis Jafejoa. Linn. — Lour. El. Cock. \.p. 123. .Ord. LXVI. AMARANTHACE^. Juss. 1. Achyranthes aspera. Linn. — Roxb. El. Ind. p. 672. Burm. Th. Zeyl. t. 50./ 3. 1. Celosia argentea. Linn. — Roxb. FI. Ind. 1. p. 678. Lour. El. Cock. 1. p. 203. — Vachell, n. 92. 2. Celosia cristata. Linn. — Roxb. El. Ind. 1. p. 679. We feel much disposed to agree with Sprengel, when he unites to this species C. coccinea and C. castrensis, Linn., as also C. comosa, Retz. C. castrensis, Lour. FI. Coch. 1. p. 202, appears to be certainly our plant. We have likewise from Mr. Millett, a variety, perhaps, of this, but with very dissimilar spikes. If dis- tinct, it may be thus described : — Glabriuscula; foliis petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis basi apice attenuatis; spicis pedunculatis, elongatis, cylindraceis ; flores inferiores discreti, superiores approximati, summi abortivi bracteolffiformes ; stylus gracilis, stigma bifidum ovarium pluri-ovulatum; utriculus l-sperrnus; semen com- pressum, nitidum, atrum, cum aliisque abortivis. But as we have already remarked, we prefer considering this as a mere form of C. cristata. 1. Gomphrsena globosa. Linn. — Lour. FI. Coch. 1. p. 218; Roxb. El. Ind. 2. p. 63. 1. Alternanthera sessilifiora. R. Br. — lllecebrum sessile. Linn. Lour. FI. Coch. 1. p. 202. — Achyranthes triandra. Roxb. El. Ind. 1. p. 678. Hab. Lappas Island; Mr. Millett. Macao; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. “ v.” 1. Amaranthus oleraceus. Linn. — Roxb. El. Ind. 3. p. 605. Ord. LXVII. CHENOPODIACE^. Ventn. 1. Chenopodium Kit.? — Vachell, n. 112. 208 CHINA. [LaurinecB. We refer the Chinese plant here although there are some small points of difference, principally on account of its entire leaves, and panicled inflorescence of long and almost leafless spikes. The leaves (we have only seen the upper ones,) are elliptical, obtuse, and mucronate ; the achenium is even on the sur- face, shining, and horizontal, as in the true species of Chenopodium. 2. Chenopodium Willd.f — C. hybrid um. Lour. FI. Coch. 217.^ Ord. LXVIII. POLYGONE^. Juss. 1. Rumex Chinensis. Campd. Rum. p. 75. — R. denticulatus. Dmi. in Campd. 1. c. p. 143. — R. Loureiri. Campd. 1. c. p. 142. — R. crispus. Lour. FI. Coch. 1. p. 269. We have received this from Mr. Millett. Probably, as Sprengel suggests, it is too closely allied to R. persicarioides and R. maritimus. 1. Polygonum orientale /3. pilosum. Meisn. in Wall. PI. As. Rar. 3. p. 54. — P. pilosum. Roxb. FI. Ind. 2. p. 286. — Lagunsea Cochinchensis. Lour. Coch. 1. p. 272. 2. Polygonum Persicaria. Linn. — Meisn. Polyg. p. 68. Lour. FI. Coch. \. p. 296. This we have only received from Lappas Island, both from Mr. Millett and Mr. Vachell, n. 113. b. Meisner, in his account of the East Indian Polygonece, in Wallich’s PI. As! Rar., does not enumerate this species, although in his original work on the genus, he mentions it as a native of the East and of China. P. glabruni appears to occupy its place in India; but, at the same time, the plant before us is certainly not P. glabrum, nor is it distinguishable from the European form of the species. 3. Polygonum barhatum. Linn. — Lour. FI. Coch. 1. p. 296. Roxb.- FI. Ind. 2. p. 289. Meisn. Polyg. p. 80. in Wall. PI. As. Rar. 3. p. 56. 4. Polygonum perfoliatum. Linn. — Lour. FI. Coch. \. p. 298. Roxb. FI. Ind. 2. p. 288, Meisn. Polyg. p. 65 ; in Wall. PI. As. Rar. 3. p. 59. 5. Polygonum Chinense. Linn. — Lour. FI. Coch. 1. p. 297. Roxb. FI. Ind. 2. p. 289. Meisn. in Wall. PI. As. Rar. 3. p. 60. Our specimen from Mr. Vachell, n. 110, is var. a. of Meisner, or P. polycephalum, Wall. 1. n. 1707. a; but one from Mr. Millett belongs to another variety; it is therefore probable that they are not constant. Ord. LXIX. LAURINEiE. Juss. 1. Tetranthera Roxburghii. Nees ab Ese7ib. in Wall. FI. As. Rar. 2. p. 65. — T. apetala, Roxb. Cor. 2. t. 147; FI. Lid. 3. p. 819. — Sebifera viscosa. Lour. FI. Coch. 2. p. 783. — Tomex sebifera. Willd. — Berrya Chinensis. Klein. Professor Nees VonEsenbeck, in the restricted generic character which he proposes, says that the three inner stamina alone bear stipitate glands ; we, however, have sometimes found both the inner series furnished with them, exhibiting, altogether, twelve glands. Roxburgh, in his FI. Ind. at p. 820, confirms this : “ Nectarial glands from six to sixteen, shortly pedicelled, oval, peltate, alternate with the filaments, but three times shorter.” 2. Tetranthera monopetala. Roxb. Cor. 2. t. 148; FI. Ind. 3. p. 821. Nees ab Esenb. in Wall. El. As. Rar. 2. p. 66. — Tomex Japonica. Thunb. We agree with Roxburgh, that Tomex Japonica is not distinct from this species; and though Nees Von Esenbeck keeps them so, he doubts if they ought not to be regarded as mere varieties. NepenthecB.'] CHINA. 209 1. lozoste i'otundifoUa, var. oblongifolia. Nees ab Esenb. in JVall. FI. As. liar. 2. p. 63. — Litssea Chinensis. Blume. Dioica. — Fl. Masc. Perianthium G-partituin. Stamina 9 : filamenta pilosa, tria interiora ad basin glan- dulis duabus magnis rotundis sessilibus instructa. — We have not yet received the female plant. 1. Cassytha filiformis. Linn. — Eoxb. FL lad. 2. p. 314. Nees ab Fsenb. in Wall. Fl. As. Far. 2. p. 69. — Calodium Cochinchense. Lour. Fl. Coch. \. p. 302. — Vachell, “ Ord. LXX. THYMELEiE. Juss. 1. Daphne Indica. Linn. — Vide in hoc Op. p. 68. t. 15. Vachell, n. 138. Ord. LXXI. NEPENTHEtE. Link. 1. Nepenthes Phyllamphora. Willd. Sp. PI. 4. p. 874. Sims Bot. Mag. f. 2629. Brong. in Ann. Scienc. Natur. 1. p. 48. Spr. Sysf. Veget. 3. p. 84. — N. distillatoria. Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1017. Graham in Ld. Neiv Phil. Journ. n. 6. p. 371. et n. 16. p. 379. t. 6. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2798. Wall.? List of E. 1. Plants, n. 2244. (non Linn.) — Phyllamphora mirabilis. Lour. Fl. Coch. 2. p. 744. Ftimph. Herb. Am. 5. t. 59. f.2? Vachell, n. 74. Such are the only synonyms we are disposed to adduce here; almost all the others cpioted in the Botanical Magazine belong to the Ceylon plant, which is that described in Fl. Zeylanica,^. 151. n. 321, consequently, we presume, of Hermann’s Herbarium, and therefore, the original N. distillatoria of Linnaeus. Lamarck, and, following him, Brongniart, have given to this latter the name of N. Indica, a name as objectionable as that bestowed by Linnaeus. The true N. distillatoria has been only met with in the island of Ceylon, and in the Courtallum district, towards the south extremity of the Peninsula of India. The present species is a native of China, and the mountains of Silhet, to the north-east of Bengal; but certainly not, as has been inadvertently said in the Bot. Mag. under t. 2798, of the Circar mountains, which lie to the north of the Peninsula. The differences between these two species are well pointed out by Brongniart, in the first volume of the Annales des Sc. Naturelles, pp. 43 and 48. N. distillatoria has a compound raceme, or rather a panicle, each partial peduncle being branched, and bearing several spreading pedicels and flowers. The Chinese one, on the contrary, has a long perfectly simple raceme. Dr. Graham has ob- served, that in a state of cultivation, some of the partial peduncles are occasionally bifid, or trifid, and our specimens from the Edinburgh Botanic Garden exhibit the same appearance; but this seems merely to arise from luxuriance ; not one of the very numerous specimens, both of the male and female, we have from time to time received from Mr. Millett, principally collected in Lappas Island, presenting any such tendency. We place little reliance on the leaves being petioled, nor, perhaps, ought the apparent petiole of N. Phyl- larnphora to be regarded as more than an attenuation of the base of the leaf. Rumphius’ figure is very bad; Loureiro’s description is on the whole accurate, although the line-like parallel longitudinal veins are scarcely conspicuous, and only so on the under-side of the leaf: the “ spica longa, simplicissima ” is very character- istic : his “ caulis simplicissimus ” less so, unless we suppose either that he had only seen young plants, or, what is more probable, taken that part of his description from Rumphius’ figure : in the wild state, however, the stem appears to be much more simple than when cultivated. M. Brongniart, in his memoir, above quoted, places too much dependance on the ascidia being furnished with, or nearly destitute of winged longi- tudinal ribs : such marks afford no character whatever, those on young plants being very large and crest-like, while the ascidia on older ones of the same species present mere ribs. Our specimen of N. distillatoria from Dr. Wallich (n. 2244) has no flowers; the leaves are mere sessile, and much narrower than in the Chinese plant, and the crests or ridges of the ascidia are ciliated with longish hairs. We observe that Dr. Wallich’s 2 D 210 CHINA. \Euphorbiace(je. collection was obtained from Singapore, Silhet, the Calcutta Botanic Garden, and Courtallum ; the first is probably identical with Rumphius’ plant, the last with the Ceylon one, and the two others with that culti- vated in this country, the seeds of which were forwarded by the late Dr. Carey. Ord. LXXII. EUPHORBIACE^. Juss. 1. Glochidion Siniciim. — Bradleia Sinica. GcBrtn, — Roxh. FI. Ind.'S. p. 700. — Phyllanthus villosa. Poir. in Lam. Enc. Meth. 5. p. 297 ? We have only received it from Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 153, collected in Lappas Island. 2. Glochidion mode ; ramulis compressis, petiolis pedunculisque pubescentibus, foliis petiolatis ovalibus basi retusis apice vix acuminatis subtus molliter pubescentibus, adultis supra glabris nervis pubescentibus, pedunculis petiolo subdimidio brevioribus multifloris, pedicellis masculis pedunculos subsequantibus, foemineis filiformibus 2-3-plo longioribus. — Phyllanthus obscurus. Willd. ? From Roxburgh’s character, this appears to be closely allied to his Bradleia hirsuta (FI. Ind. 3. p. 699). In the few specimens we have seen, and which we owe to Mr. Millett, the ovary and young fruit are con- stantly injured by insects ; we refer it, however, without hesitation, to Glochidion, as defined by M. Adrien de Jussieu, from the structure of the male flower and of the stigma. W e may remark, that the character given by him must be altered, if Bradleia pinnata, Roxb., in which the fruit is said to have 8-10 cells, and B. multilocularis, Roxb., or Agyneia multilocularis, Willd., belong to it ; this last has 8-12 anthers. ]. Phyllanthus Niruri. Linn. (excl. syn. Rheed.) — Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 659 certe (excl. syn. Rheed.) Pluk. Phyt. t. \SS. f. 5. Burm. Thes. Zeyl. t. QS. f. 2. Rheed. Hort. Mai. 10. t. 16 ? (certe non t. 15.) Rumph. Herb. Am. 6. t. Yl.f. 1. We can scarcely clear up the synonyms between this and P. urinaria, Linn., nor are we quite certain that we are not reversing the appellations given by Linnaeus. What we here call P. Niruri, has smaller leaves than P. urinaria, and the capsule is perfectly smooth and even, which, in the other, is covered with numerous flattened small scale-like tubercles. To our P. urinaria belong Rumph. Amb. 6. t. 17. f. 2, and Rheed. Mai. 10. t. 15, which last represents faithfully our specimens from the Peninsula of India, from Dr. Wight: indeed, although this figure has been always quoted for P. Niruri, Rheede says decidedly, that the gemma or capsules “ sunt in superficia velut granulata ac in sex cancellos suturis distinctae.” Plukenet’s t. 183. f. 6, seems distinct from either, unless it be a narrow-leaved form of Ph. Nirtiri. Linnaeus describes P. urinaria as the smaller plant of the two, and as having procumbent stems : we find it as large, and both to be erect. If, then, Linnaeus be correct in his reference to Rheede, our P. Niruri must be his P. uri- naria, and vice versa. Both P. Niruri and urinaria of Poiret, in Lam. Encycl., appear to belong to our P. Niruri. 2. Phyllanthus lucens. Poir. (1804.) in Lam. Enc. h.p. 296. — P. turbinatus. Sims (1816.) in Bot. Mag. t. 1862. (non Koen.) — Nympbanthus rubra. Lour. FI. Coch. 2. p. 665 ? Our difficulty about Loureiro arises from his saying, that the male and female flowers spring from the same axils, which is not the case in our plant. As the name turbinatus was applied by Sims to this, while Koenig and Roxburgh intended by it another species, (that figured by Rheede in his Hort. Mai. 5. t. 43, which differs by the shape of the leaves, and several other characters,) we have availed ourselves of the older appellation given by Poiret. The Chinese plant, with P. turbinatus. Keen., P. patens, Roxb., P. vitis-Idea, Koen., and Roxb. (Rheed. Hort. Mai. 5. t. 44.) form a small groupe, with turbinate male perianths. puphorbiacecB.] CHINA. 211 as are represented by M. Adr. de Jussieu, in his P. tristis, Euph. p. 22. t. 5. f. 16. B. To these M. de Jussieu adds P. cernuus and P. rhamnoides. We suspect that he, as well as Poiret, mean by this latter Koenig’s and Roxburgh’s P. vitis-Idea; indeed, we are almost sure of it, for at p. 108 he looks on P. rhamnoides as, perhaps, the same with his P. tristis. What Retz’s and Willdenow’s P. rhamnoides is, we scarcely know, the synonyms adduced by the latter belonging to several very different plants. Roxburgh’s species of that name has the male flowers racemed, and six scales on the middle of the leaflets of the perianth, “ pointing inwards, before the flower expands, so as to cover the anthers like so many hoods:” he compares it with P.pendida, Roxb., and this last is, “ when young, not unlike Niruri.” We have received P. lucens from Mr. Miliett and Mr. Vachell, n. 95. 3. Phyllanthus citierascens ; frutex glaber, ramis striatis cortice cinereo, foliis parvis obovatis vel ovalibus obtusissimis vel retusis coriaceis glabris approximatis fasciculatis vel 2-4 ad ramulos breves juniores, floribus 3-5-nis breve pedicellatis 6-fidis. The only specimen we have seen, sent by Mr. Miliett, is very imperfect. The leaves scarcely exceed a third of an inch : the flowers (we have only observed the male ones,) arise from a small scaly tubercle, or abortive branchlet; their structure is precisely that of P. lanceolata, Adr. de Juss. Euph. t. 5. n. 16. A. f. 2. 1. Bridelia Loureiri ; ramulis pubescentibus virgatis, foliis obloiigis acutiusculis utrinque glabris, stipulis minutis deciduis, floribus plurimis axillaribus glomeratis sessilibus, proces- subus petaloideis late cuneatis apice grosse dentatis periantbio vix dimidio brevioribus, stylo trifido. — Cluytia monoica. Lour. Coch. 2. p. 784. This was received, about ten years ago, in Sir Wm. J. Hooker’s first packet from Mr. Miliett. The flowers are sometimes 6-cleft, and with 6 anthers. It approaches very closely to B. patula, but seems to differ in several particulars, M. Adrien de Jussieu has remarked, (Euphorb. Tent. p. 25.) that although four or five of the East Indian species of Cluytia agree with C. pulchella and the other Cape ones, in having a trifid style, and three-celled fruit, he is rather disposed to unite them with Bridelia, and make the principal difference between that genus and Cluytia to depend on the disk that lines the bottom of the perianth, (as in some genera of the Rhamnece) unaccompanied with the bifid or trifid appendages that alternate with the petaloid bodies, and characterise the Cape species. We have, therefore, inserted Loureiro’s plant in Bridelia, and this, with C. stipularis, Linn., C. diversifolia, Roxb., C. collina, C. patula, and C. oblongifolia, will constitute a section distinguished by the trifid style and trilocular capsule. It is probable that C. semperjlorens, Roxb. El. Ind. 3. p. 730, from Silhet, must form a genus (Silvia, Hook, et Arn.) distinct from either ; in it there appear to be in the male, five glands that alternate with the insertion of the petaloid processes, instead of a disk, and the petaloid processes are of a deep purple colour; there are six anthers. In the female, the petaloid pro- cesses are wanting, but the ovary is surrounded at the base by a pentagonal ring, similar to what almost always usurps the place of a disk in the female flowers of Bridelia. The species belonging to the groupe with a three-celled fruit, may be thus distinguished : — § 1. Stipulm majusculm. 1. B. stipularis ; foliis ovalibus subtus tomentosis, stipulis ovatis acutis. — Cluytia stipularis. Linn. 2. B. diversifolia; foliis utrinque glabris ex obovatis obtusis in late lanceolata acuta, stipulis eusiformibus, floribus sessilibus, processubus petaloideis rotundato-obovatis. — Cluytia diversifolia. Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p.l3\. § 2. Stipules parvcB vel minutce. 3. B. collina ; foliis ovalibus glabris, floribus paucis glomeratis breviter pedicellatis, processubus petal- oideis minutis lanceolatis integerrirais. — Cluytia collina. Roxb. Cor. 2. t. 169; FI. Ind. Z.p. 732. 212 CHINA. \Euphorhiacece. 4. B. patula ; f'oliis ovali-oblongis apice attenuatis glabris, floribus subsessilibus glomeratis vel glomerato- spicatis, processubiis petaloideis rotundatis unguiculatis creniilatis perianthio pluries brevioribus. — Cluytia patula. Roxb. Cor. 2. t. 170; FL Ind. p. 733. 5. B. Loureiri. — vide supra. 6. B. oblongifolia ; foliis oblongis acutis glabris subtus glaucis, floribus numerosis glomeratis vel glomerato- spieatis, processubus petaloideis obcordatis 3-dentatis perianthio brevioribus. — Cl. oblongifolia. Roxb. FI. Ind. 3.p. 730. In this last, Roxburgh does not describe the disk of the male flowers, nor the stipules ; had, however, the latter been large or conspicuous, he could not have overlooked them : the former, we presume, to be present, from its appearing in the female, as in most of the species, in the shape of a cup, round the base of the ovary. In offering these characters, we have relied for some on Roxburgh’s accuracy, in the absence of authentic specimens : were we inclined to disi)ute it, it wmuld be in the instance of his Cl. semperjlorens, above mentioned, where it is possible that the five glands in the male flower, may prove to be merely thick- ened angles to an otherwise thin disk, as in some species of Gouania. 1. Rottlera Chinensis ; fruticosa, foliis longe petiolatis late ovatis acuminatis, basisubcor- clatis biglandulosis obscure clentatis supra glabris subtus albitlis subtomentosis, spicis foemi- neis simplicibus longe pedunculatis, capsulis demum confertis setis longis mollibus echinatis. — R. Chinensis. Adr. de Juss. — Spr. Syst. 3. p. 878. — Croton Chinensis. Weig. — Vachell, ri. 292. Perianthium feem. cupuliforme 3-4-5-fidum (trifidum lobis 1 vel 2 postea flssis :) Stigmata 3, subsessilia, rocurva, lineari-oblonga, crassa, intus dense papilloso-hirsuta. — Perhaps, notwithstanding some discrepancies, this may be also Ricinus apelta. Lour., and consequently likewise Sprengel’s Rottl. Cantoniensis. We have not seen the male plant. 2. 'Roit\e\'a. paniculata ; fruticosa, foliis rhombeo-ovatis tricuspidatis acuminatis integer- rimis vel subdentatis longe petiolatis basi biglandulosis supra glabris subtus brevissime ac molliter tomentosis rufescenti-albidis, floribus masc. paniculatis axillaribus terminalibusque, Ibem — R. paniculata. Adr. de Juss. ? Spr. Syst. Veg. 3. p. 877 ? — Croton paiii- culatum. Lam. ? Lamarck’s plant is from Java, and his description agrees tolerably well with the Chinese one : whether either be the Mallotus Cochinchensis of Loureiro (2. p. 780,) w'e have no means of determining, the descrip- tion given being at variance in several respects ; but, at the same time, it is highlj'^ probable that the male plant he saw at Canton is the same as ours : he adds, “ Feemineus flos ibi non occurrit nor have any of our correspondents, as yet, sent it. This is n. 258 of Mr. Vachell’s eollection. 1. Ricinus communis. Linn. — Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. j). 689. 1 . Jatropha multifida. Linn. 1. Claoxylon parviflorum; foliis ad ramulorum apices approximatis longe petiolatis ellip- tico-ve! rhombeo-oblongis dentato-serratis (dentibus incurvis) supra glabris subtus molliter pubescentibus, nervis venisque subtomentosis, racemis (masculis) longissimis folia duplo excedentibus interruptis, floribus fasciculatis breve pedicellatis, perianthio 3-4-partito. C. parviflorum. Adr. de Juss. Euph. p. 43. t. 14. n. 43. Spr. Syst. 3./). 906. — Acalypha spiciflora. Burm. FI. Ind. p. 303. t. 61./.' 2. (exch syn. omnibus.) EtiphorbiacecB.] CHINA. 213 We have here added a specific character, M. de Jussieu having mentioned three other species from the Mauritius. The present one was long involved in the greatest obscurity, on account of the synonyms asso- ciated with it by Burmann. There does not appear to be any plant described by Roxburgh or Willdenow to which it is referable : in habit it approaches to Groton oblongifolium, Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 85. 1. Acalypha Indica. Linn. — Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 675. 2. Acalypha Chinensis ; caulibu? piibescentibus herbaceis, foliis sublonge petiolatis rhom- beo-ovatis crenatisj spicis androgynis axillaribus petiolum asquantibus vel superantibus, florum foemineorum fasciculis solitariis binisve bracteatis, masculis terminalibus in spicam pedicellatam capitatam vel longiusculam dispositis, bracteis foemineis cordatis acuminatis crenatis, fructu hispido. A. Chinensis. Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 677 ? Roxburgh ascribes to his plant, so far as we can collect from the description, a single cluster of female flowers and a small capitulum of male ones from a solitary bractea : some of the spikes on the specimens before us agree with that character, but others show two bracteas, and in one, where the inflorescence is almost ter- minal, the male flowers form a slender spike of about half an inch in length. 3. Acalypha Awjott/a. Willd. — Urtica pilosa. Lour. FI. Coch. 2. p. 682. Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 676 (non Cav. nec Willd.) — pubescens. A. flexuosa. Herb. Wight, olim. We have only received var. /3 from Canton. It is merely distinguished from the type of the species by its stems not being hispid with spreading hairs, but simply pubescent. We possess both from the Peninsula of India. 1. Stillingia seSj/era. Mich. — Croton sebiferum. Linn. — Sapium sebiferum. Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 693. — Triodica Sinensis. Lour. FI. Coch. 2. p. 749. 1. Euphorbia thymifolia. Linn. — Roxb. FI. Ind. 2. p. 473. Involucri glandules 4, pallidse, orbiculares, disciformes, processubus concoloribus suffulcientibus minutis inter se subsequalibus duplo minores : fructus parce strigosi, parvi : semina ecarunculata, brunnea, obtuse tetra- gona, transverse subundulata. — The flowers occur several together in the axils, but they are very shortly peduncled, often almost sessile. This, with the following, belongs to Dr. Roeper’s first section, characterised by the seeds destitute of a carunculus, and the glands of the involucre resting on one side of a more or less membranaceous scale or process, which he properly suggests ought to be regarded as analogous to stipules, they only occurring in the species provided with stipules. 2. Euphorbia pilulifera. Linn. — E. hirta. Linn. ? Hook, et Arn. supr. p. 95. Involucri glandule minutse, sanguinem, orbiculares, processubus ejusdem fere colons ac substantiae et vix glandula majoribus suffultae : fructus trigoni, strigoso-pilosi : semina brunnea, tetragona, leviter rugulosa, caruncula arillari destituta. — It is n. 100, a, b, c, of Mr. Vachell’s collection. 3. Euphorbia Vachellii ; annua, erecta, glabra, glauca, foliis oppositis brevissime petiolatis linearibus acutis argute serrulatis, inflorescentia axillari fasciculata laxiuscula, involucri glandulis 4 minutis orbicularibus concaviusculis processubus petaloideis albis majusculis orbicularibus paullo inter se inmqualibus sulFultis, fructibus Imvibus glabris, seminibus globoso- tetragonis atro-griseis subrugulosis caruncula destitutis angulo unico sulco levissirao exarato. Hab. Macao ; Mev. G. H. Vachel^n.^Al. 4. Euphorbia bifida; glaberrima, glauca, caule decumbente, foliis oppositis breve petiola- tis lineari-oblongis basi oblique subcordatis obtusis serrulatis, inflorescentia bifida dichotoma. 214 CHINA. [ UrticecB. foliis floralibus ad ejus ramificationum bases duobus oppositis parvis sarsum decrescentibus deciduis, involucri glandulis orbicularibus disciformibus concaviusculis processu luteo orbi- culari carnosulo duplo majore sulFultis, processubus inter se aequalibus, capsulis glabris Isevi- bus, seminibus subgloboso-tetragonis leviter rugulosis caruncula arillata destitutis angulo unico sulciformi. Hab. Peninsula of China ; Rev. G. H. VacJiell, n. 240. Ord. LXXIII. URTICE^. Juss. 1. \J xiica. Millettii ; herbacea, dioica? foliis al tern is longe petiolatis subcordato-ovatis acu- minatis dentato-serratis supra piloso-scabriusculis subtus pubescenti-scabris, capitulis florum masc. axillaribus pedunculatis, pedunculis petiolo duplo brevioribus. We have seen but one specimen, and that very imperfect ; it was sent by Mr. Millett. 1. Boehmeria? nivea. — Urticanivea. Linn. — Spreng. Syst. Veg. 3. p. 843. Lour. FI. Cock. 2. p. 683. — U. tenacissima. Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 590. The female perianth is urceolate as in Boehmeria, not 2-valved as in Urtica. Roxburgh hesitates about his plant being the same as U. nivea, from Loureiro’s erroneous description of the female flower, “ germen filamentis multis sterilibus circumdatum but Loureiro must have taken either the hairs on the ovary, or the styles of the other flowers, for “ sterile filaments.” The style is simple, with one, not two stigmas, as Loureiro says. 2. Boehmeria Willd.Sp. ^.p.^^\ ? — B. Cocliinchinensis. Spr. — Urtica alienata. Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 582. (an Linn. ?) — Parietaria Cochinchinensis. Lour. FI. Cock. 2. p. 804. — P. Zeylanica. L. — Herba inemoria. Runiph. Herb. Amb. 6. t. \2.f. 2? Willdenow describes this as an herbaceous perennial, and Sprengel, we know not for what reason, inserts the Ceylon plant among the shrubby species. Linnaeus mentions it as herbaceous, but does not speak of its duration : Roxburgh finds it annual. We have not seen the root, but the stems are certainly herbaceous. The specimens before us, from Mr. Millett, have the leaves opposite on the primitive stem only, and alter- nate on the branches, thus differing from both Loureiro’s and Roxburgh’s description, but agreeing in that respect with Roxburgh’s U. tuherosa; this last, however, seems to have a differently shaped female perianth. The habit is quite that of a Parietaria, and although it and several of Roxburgh’s species of Urtica present almost no difference in character from Boehmeria, they possibly ought to form a distinct genus, or at least a sub-genus. One specimen before us is simiple with larger leaves, and all of them opposite, ex- hibiting more the habit of a small Urtica : this form agrees with Loureiro’s character, but it seems to be merely a younger state of the other. 1. Trophis scandens; caule scandenti inerme, foliis breve petiolatis lineari-oblongis subiter obtuse acuminatis integerrimis utrinque glabris venosis Isevibus, floribus axillaribus, masc. dense spicatis, foem. paucis intra receptacula suberosa pedunculata 1-5-na aggregatis, fructibus oblongis. — Caturus scandens. Lour. 2. p. 751. Hab. Canton; Mr. Millett. Dioica. Caulis scandens, glaber, brunneus, punctis albidis adspersus. Spince nullas. Folia alterna, rigida, breviter petiolata, anguste oblonga, basi subcordata, apice subiter acuminata, acumine longiusculo obtuso, utrinque glabra, tactu Imvia, subundulata, supra Isevissima, subtus nervis venisque protuberantibus notata. Urtice(iR.\ CHINA. 215 margine integerrima et ob venas ad margines attingentes subrepanda et ad speciem hie illic minute denticu- lata. Petiolus lineam longus. SpiccB Masc. solitarise vel bin®, pedunculat®, fere sesquiunciam long®, cylin- drace®, lineam crass®. Pedunculus petiolo paullo longior. Flores arete approximati. Perianthium tri- partitum, segmentis late ovalibus. Stamina tria; filamenta per ®stivationem erecta; (antheris pendnlis,) postea plana linearia perianthio duplo longiora, transverse striata, elastica. Pistillum abortivum, cylindricum, gracile, breve. Receptacula FffiM. parva, semine piperis nigri minora nee postea succrescentia, suberosa, tomentosa, pedunculata, pedunculis solitariis axillaribus vel 1-5 umbellatis in ramulo axillari brevissimo brevibus petiolum sub®quantibus, flores paucos (3-5) includentia; stylo brevi ; stigmatibusque duobus longis filiformibus exsertis. Perianthium utriculatura, glabrum, ovarium omnino tegens, apice perforatum et per ostiolum stylum protrudens, postea cum fructu auctum, crustaceum et pro pericarpio facile habitum. Ovarium uniloculare, uni-ovulatum. Ovulum suspensum. Fructus oblongus, crustaceus, unilocularis, monospermus. Semen suspensum. Albumen parcum, gelatinosum, forsitan in semine revere mature nullum. Embryo curvatus : cotyledones conduplicati, in®quales, subchrysaloidei : radicula supera. This species approaches most to T. spinosa, Willd. (not Koxburgh,) or Batis spinosa, Roxb., but in that there are four stamens, thorns on the branches, roundish capituli of male flowers, and, from the receptacle of the female flowers enlarging and becoming fleshy, the fruit appears to remain enclosed, and never to be ex- serted. There can be no doubt but all the species of Tropins have a true monophyllous perianth enclosing the ovary, similar to what we have recognized. — We shall here add the following abridged synopsis of all the species which have been hitherto described : — $ 1. Flores faminei spicati, nudi, 1. T. Americana. Linn. § 2. Flores feeminei glomerati, intra receptaculum globosum inclusi. 2. T. scandens; triandra inermis, fl. masc. spicatis. 3. T. fruticosa ; spinosa, foliis oblongis acuminatis. — Wall. List of E. I. Plants, n. 4643 ? — Batis fruti- cosa. Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3. p. 763. 4. T. spinosa; tetrandra spinosa, foliis oblongis, fl. masc. capitatis. — T. spinosa. Willd. — T. aculeata. Roth? — Batis spinosa. Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3.p. 762. § 3. Flores feem, solitarii, receptaculo 4-6-phyllo impositi. 5. T. taxiformis; spinosa, foliis l®vibus, receptaculi foliolis fructu duplo longioribus. Spr. Syst. 3. p. 902. — T. taxioides. Heyne in Roth, Nov. Sp. p. 868. — T. spinosa. Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3. p. 762. Hab. in jugis montium Circarensium. 6. T. aspera; inermis, foliis scabris, receptaculi foliolis fructum subffiquantibus.^ — Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3.p. 761. Wight in Hook. Bot. Journ. \.p. 63. t. 121. — Streblus asper. Lour. Fl. Coch. ‘i.p. 754. T. laurifolia of Willdenow constitutes two species of Styloceras, S. Kunihianum, Adr. de Juss., and S. laurifolium, Kunth, and forms a genus among the Euphorbiacem. Perhaps T. aculeata, Roth, may be- long to the Flacourtianece. We do not know T.? Heyneana, Wall. List of E. I. Plants, n. 4642. T. cor- data, Poir., or Streblus cordatus. Lour,, from Canton, is certainly not of this genus, but rather a Brous- sonetia. 1. Celtis orientalis. Linn. — Roxb. FL Ind. 2. p. 65. — C. Amboinensis. Wall. List of E. I. Plants, n. 3690. (an Vent. ?) The equality or inequality of the base of the leaf, affords, we believe, no character, both kinds sometimes appearing on the same branch. We have three forms before us from China; one in which the leaves are whitish on the underside, at least when young, and their length about thrice the breadth; a second has the 216 CHINA. [ Conifer (B. leaves narrower, (almost eordato-lanceolate) much acuminated, and fulvous on the under side ; a third pre- sents the leaves broader, cordato-ovate, and less acuminated than in the other two, (their length being about twice the breadth,) and also fulvous; but we do not consider these forms sufficiently constant to mark them out as distinct varieties. We had almost referred here Trema Cochinchensis of Loureiro; but now feel disposed, from his aceount of the seed, to consider it a species of Antidesma. 1. Ficus pyriformis ; erecta ? fruticulosa, foliis breviter petiolatis lineari-lanceolatis versus basin angustatis apice subiter et sublonge acuminatis utrinque glabris lagvibus supra nitidis subtus pallidis, stipulis subulatis deciduis, receptaculis axillaribus solitariis clavato-pyriformi- bus (globosis basi valde angustatis) Isevibus glabris folio subdimidio brevioribus. — F. cla- vata. Wall. List of E. I. Plants, n. 4495 ? Dr. Wallich’s plant differs in several particulars from this: the fruit in our specimen from him (n. 4495 a.) is considerably smaller, while the leaves are larger and rough to the touch on the under side. 2. Ficus setosa; arborea? ramis petiolis pedunculis receptaculis foliorumque nervis subtus hirsute flavido-pilosis, foliis breve petiolatis alternis oblongo-obovatis basi subcordatis et fere aequalibus apice acuminatis margine serratis, subtus ad venas piloso-pubescentibus supra hispido-strigosis, receptaculis globosis axillaribus solitariis binisve hispidissimis brevissime pedunculatis. (Tab. XLIX.) This is altogether a very remarkable species: the setm on the young receptacles (which, in the antheriferous state, are about the size of a very large pea) are peculiarly close, stout, and spreading. The shape of the leaves is precisely that of the Chinese form of Grewia Microcos, both sides being almost equal, and very similar to those of F. scabra, Jacq., but there they are opposite, and have much longer petioles; nor is the fruit by any means so setose as in our plant. Tab. XLIX. Ficus setosa: — nat. size. Ord. LXXIV. CHLORANTHE^. R. Br. 1. Chloranthus Sw. — Roxb. FI. Ind.\. — Nigrina spicata. Thunb. — Creodus odorifer. Lour. FI. Coch. \. p. 112. Ord. LXXV. SAURUREiE. Rich. 1. Saururus cernuus. Linn. We can perceive no difterence between the Chinese 'specimens from Mr. Millett, and those we possess from North America. The description of Spathium Chinense, Lour. FI. Coch. 1. p. 270, although usually referred to Aponogeton distachyum, agrees in every point with this plant, exeept that we do not find what he ealls a pedicelled one-flowered monophyllous spatha. Ord. LXXVI. CONIFERS. Juss. 1. Juniper us communis. Linn.? — var. Chinensis. Roxb. FI. Ind. 3. p. 839. “ Some few of the little twigs bear opposite imbricated small obtuse leaves” (Roxb.), which is the case in our speeimens. Roxburgh likewise describes J. Chinensis, Willd., and three new species from China, whicn we have not seen : these are — 1. i. aquatica; foliis solitariis (alternis?) distichis linearibus baud mucronatis. SmilacecB.'] CHINA. 21*7 2. J. Chinensis ; ramosa, valde patens, foliis ternis dense subimbricatis, mucronatis. .3. J. cernua ; ramis tenuibus apicibus pulchre nutantibus, foliis ternis patulis mucronatis. 4. J. dimorpha ; foliis ternis patulis mucronatis ad ramulos paucos subcomplanatos oppositis imbricatis minutis obtusis. Ord. LXXVII. EMMENANTHUS. Hook et Am. Calyx o-partitus, segmentis rotundatis obtusis persistentibus : aestivatio imbricativa. Corolla 3-petala; aestivatio imbricativa : petala (an potius sepala interiora ?) sepalis alterna et subsequalia, tandem indurata persistentia. Stamina 10, subperigyna, 3 longiora : biloculares, cordato-subrotundm. Germm^lo- bosum, liberum, 3-loculare, loculis biovulatis? ; ovula collateralia, pendula. Stylus brevis. Stigma 5-angu- latum, subsimplex. Capsula prismatico-oblonga, ad basin calyce corollaque persistentibus cincta, 3-locularis, septicide 3-valvis : carpellis dorso medio extus ad basin canaliculato infeus introflexo, pseudo-bilocularibus, dispermis. Semina pendula, deorsum longe membranaceo-alata. — Caulis lignosus, ramosus. Folia alterna, glabra, 2A-4 uncias longa, ovato-oblonga, obtusiuscula, integerrima, subtus minutissime punctulata, vix pellucido-punctata, penninervia, petiolata. Petiolus submar ginatus, crenulatus, vix unciam longus. Stipulae du(B subulatoe ad basin foliorum juniorum, valde caducce. Panicula axillaris, dichotoma, pedunculata, pedunculo duas uncias longo. Flores juniores glutinosi. 1. E. Chinensis. Hook, et Arn. Hab. Canton ; Messrs. Lay and Collie. The specimens exhibit old fruit, from which most of the seeds have escaped, and such of the latter as remain are empty : there are also flower-buds, but so very young as to render the determination of the number of ovules very uncertain ; we could not, however, satisfy ourselves as to there being more than a single pair. We are very doubtful w'here this genus ought to be placed in the natural arrangement. In some points it approaches the Tiliacea atid Byttneriaceae, with which the habit perhaps best accords ; in other respects there is a slight affinity with the group of Butacece. We leave it at the end of the Dicotyledones. Ord. LXXVIII. ORCHIDE^. Juss. 1. Arundina Chinensis. Blum. — Lindl. gen. et Sp. Orch. p. 125. — Vachell., n. 82. 1. Apaturia Chinensis. Lindl. gen. et Sp. Orch. p. 131. — Vachell, w. 81. 1. Spiranthes Indica. Lindl. Coll. Bot. p. 30. t. 30. — Aristotelia spiralis. Lour.? Ft. Coch. 2. p. 638. — Vachell, n. 80. Ord. LXXIX. IRIDEiE. Juss. 1. Pardanthus Chinensis. Ker in Ann. Bot. 1. p. 247. — Belamcanda Chinensis. D. C. in Redout. Lit. 3. t. 121. — Morsea Chinensis. Thunh. Roxb. FI. Ind. 1. p. 170. — Ixia Chinen- sis. Linn. — Curt. Bot. Mag. t. 171. — Belamcanda Schularmani. Rheed. Hort. Mai. 11. 37. — Vachell, “g-.” Probably this, although it bears the name of Chinensis, is only known as a cultivated plant in China. Ord. LXXX. SMILACE^. R. Br. 1. Smilax China. Linn. — Lour. FI. Coch. 2. p. 763. 2 E 218 CHINA. {PontederiecB. S. ovalifolia of Roxburgh, appears to be very closely allied to this species, but is said to have a compound umbel ; if, however, as we think highly probable, his plant be a mere form of Rheede’s Kari Vilandi, Hort. Mai. 7. t. 31., it would only be distinguishable by its larger size. We have seen a specimen in Dr. Wight’s Herbarium exactly agreeing with Rheede’s figure. 2. ^xnWax pseudo-China. Linn,? — S. Indica. Burm. FI. Ind. p.2\S. Linnaeus and most systematic authors mention this as a native of North America only : Loureiro and Roxburgh, however, introduce it into their respective Floras, and it seems to agree well with Burmann’s S. Indica. We cannot perceive any difference between our Chinese and North American specimens. 3. Smilax glabra ; caule teretiusculo inermi, foliis inermibus anguste lanceolatis acumina- tis basi obtusiusculis utrinque glabris supra lucidis niargine integerrimis, umbellis (fl. fern.) axillaribus sessilibus, pedicellis gracilibus petiolum sequantibus. — S. glabra. Roxh. Fl. Ind. 3. p. 702. ? — S. lanceolata. Burnt. Fl. Ind. p. 213. — Lour. Fl. Cock. 2. p. 764. Roxburgh describes his plant vrith leaves glaucous on the under side, and with the “ calycine leaflets broad, obcordate, sessile.” We have not seen the perianth ; the leaves in our specimens are not at all glaucous underneath. Roxburgh mentions that the root of his plant is large and tuberous ; Loureiro says it is filiform and not tuberous. Notwithstanding these differences in description, we are disposed to consider Loureiro’s plant to be the same as that of Roxburgh. The true S. lanceolata is a North American species ; Sprengel places it among those with a prickly and angled stem ; all other authors describe it as unarmed, nor have we found any prickles. 1. Ophiopogon Ker. Bot. Reg. t. 593. — Sims, Bot. Mag.t. 1063.— Convallaria spicata. Thunh. Jap. p. 141. — Liriope spicata. Lour. Fl. Cock. 1./?. 200. — Fluggea spicata. Schult. Syst. 7. p. 309. Ord. LXXXL ASPHODELE^. R. Br. 1. Dianella odorata. Blume. — Schult. Syst. 7. p. 350. — Dracaena ensifolia. Lour. Fl. Cock. 1. p. 243. Some of our specimens present a nearly simple panicle as described by Blume and figured by Rumphius (5. t. 73.); but others have it as much branched as in D. ensifolia: this last form exactly coincides with what we have described as D. Sandwichensis, supr. p. 97, which may therefore be considered as not different from Blume’s plant. Blume seems to consider it only as a cultivated plant in India, so that it is not impro- bable but it may have been originally introduced from the Sandwich Islands. The leaves are perfectly smooth to the touch along the margins, even when the latter are carefully unrolled, but in the true B. ensi- folia, the serratures are often distant and extremely minute ; so that, as the habit is preeisely the same, there may be a question as to the propriety of keeping them up as distinct species. — We have it from Can- ton (Mr. Millett), and from Lappas Island (Mr. Vachell, n. 126.) 1. Barnardia 5c^7/o^^\zm., et Rhynchospora pterocarpa, Presl. (ex parte.) Trie. V. CLADiEiE. N. ab E. 11. CLADIUM. Schrad. 1. C. Chinense (N. ab E.) ; culmo inferne tereti inter panicul® ramos profunde canalicu- lato scabi'o, foliis linearibus longissimis caudato-acuminatis margine et carina serrulato- aculeatis, paniculm ramis axillaribus supradecompositis corymbosis, spiculis capitatis primum oblongis demum subglobosis, capitulis oligostachyis squamis infimis ovato-subrotundis mucronatis mediis subrotundis, superioribusque ovatis obtusis, stylo trifido. Hab. In China, circa Macao et in insulis adjacentibus ; G. H. Vachell, n. 59. Millett. Media quasi species est inter C. Germanicum et leptostachyum, Nees et Meyen ; differt ab utroque rachi inter corymbos partiales profunde canaliculata marginibusque scaberrima, quse in C. Germanico oblique com- planata, in C. leptostacliyo autem leniter depresso-excavata, fere semiteres ; turn -vero gracilitati culmi et foliorum maxime attenuatorum longitudine et forma. A C. Germanico insuper recedit spiculis plerumque paucioribus in capitulo (3-10) obscurioribus, stigmatibusque constanter tribus, scil. altero styli ramo bifido, altero integro : a C. leptostacliyo spiculis pluribus in capitulo, corymbis laxioribus nec supradecomposite multifloris, et stigmatum etiam numero. — Nux ovata, grisea, acuia, basi orbiculo depresso instructse, sulcis aliquot verticalibus (2-3) insculpta. Endocarpium (an testa ?) crassum, fuscum, intus nitidulum, mucronu- latum. 12. GAHNIA. Forst. 1. G. tristis {N. ab E.) panicula spicata supradecomposita, spiculis glomeratis, squamis exterioribus elongatis acuminatis, tribus interioribus brevioribus obtusis, nucula trigona nitida alba, papilla sphacelata. — Didymonema filifolium. Presl. Diss. de Didymonemate? Hab. In vicinia Macao urbis et in insulis adjacentibus ; Millett. G. H. Vachell, n. 59. Summitas sola adest, paniculam sistens foliis linearibus acuminatis margine scaberrimis culmum super- antibus bracteatam, contractara, lanceolatam, 4-6 pollices longam, e spicis partialibus lobato-compositis fuscis exstructam. Bracteez proprise spiculis breviores, inembranacese, apice tridentatre. Spiculce trifariam im- bricatae, squamis sex exterioribus lanceolatis acuminatis, quinta et sexta majoribus subulatis, septima octava nonaque brevioribus ovatis, quarum prior acutiuscula, reliquse obtusae caryopsin amplectentes asquantesque. Stamina sex, per paria approximata caryopsi triplo Ipngiora, crispata. Hypogynium nullum. Stylus fili- formis, bifidus, altero ramo simplici, altero bifido, bine trifidus. Caryopsis nucamentacea, ovalis, obtuse trigona, minutim punctulata, alba, papilla nigra coronata, filamentisque persistentibus basi cincta. Putamcn crassum. . Testa seminis (in nostris inanis) transversim striata, e fibra crassa, in spiram convoluta, constans. 1,3. LEPIDOSPERMA. La Bill', 1. L. Chinense; spica composita et decomposita oblonga disticha, spiculis imbricatis, culmo teretiusculo sursum uniangulato striato basi folioso, foliis subtrigonis apice sphace- latis corneis, bracteis ovalibus lineari-mucronatis pruinosis. — L. Chinense. Nees et Meyen, in Mey. It. Part. Bot. hied. Hab. China, ad Promontorium Syng-moon, (Julio, floribus nondum explicatis); Meyen. In vicinia Macao urbis insulisque adjacentibus, (Aprili), et in insula Lappas, (Octob. spiculis juvenilibus); G. H. Vachell, n. CyperaceoB,] CHINA. 229 39. a, b. Culmi rigidi, r|-2 pedes alti, pennse gallinaceae vel scriptoriag tenuloris crassitie, subtorti, inferne tereti-compressi, superiora versus vel semiteretes vel insequaliter ex subtereti-uniangulati, striati, Iseves, glauci. Folia fasciculorum (sell, folia radicalia in fasciculos solito more collecta) gemina, vagina aphylla amplexa, culmo breviora, stricta, e semitereti compressa, apicem versus potius trigona, apice rigido fusco, margine Isevia. VagincB striatse, spice obtuse carinatse margine fusco-membranaceo in ligulam folio adnatam concurrente. Culmea duo, fasciculorum foliis similia, paullo crassiora, basi compresso- semiteretia, apice tereti-trigona; vagina ut in illis. Spica 2-G-pollicaris, decomposita, e spicis partialibus 6-10 approxiraatis, alternis, tri-unipollicaribus, summis semipollicaribus. RacJiis depresso-semi-teres, losvis, altero latere canaliculate. Bractea sub singula spica partiali ovalis, scariosa, fusca, basi vaginans, apice contracto in mucronem rectum linearem planum obtusum procurrens, spica partiali brevior, nervoso- -striata pruinosa. Spica partiales 6-5, alternae, approximate, ovate, I-I5 poll, longe, bracteate. Spi- cula in ramulo suo subimbricate, gemiue vel solitarie, bracteola commuui simili aristulata longitudine spicularum stipate, lanceolate, H-2 lin. longe, compresse, squamis 5-6 equalibus trifariam imbricatis char- taceo-cartilagineis, oblongis, aentis, infra apicem mucronulatis, carinatis, snbenerviis, basi tenuioribus pallide rufis, apice crassioribus fuscis scabriusculis rigidioribns, omnibus prefer penultimam, que mascula, et termi- nalem que minor teneriorque et pallidior, sterilibus exstructe. Stamina tria, antheris linearibus mucronu- latis. Urceoli denticulati vestigia ovarium fulcientia. Stylus ad medium usque trifidus; ovarium oblongum, trigonum, in styli basin crassiusculam connivens. Spica fructifera major, subnutans. Cai-yopsis nucamen- tacea, ovalis, subtrigona, mucronulata, fusca, albo-irrorata, levis, basi perigynio brevi obconico cartilagineo acute sexdentato albo suffulta. [Our specimen, also collected by the Rev. Mr. Vachell, and under the same number from Professor Hens- low, does not quite agree with the above description ; we, therefore, insert also the specific character we had drawn up previously to receiving that by Prof. Nees von Esenbeck : — Culmo (apicem versus saltern) aphyllo glaberrimo Isevi tereti-compresso apice uniangulato, rachi leniter flexuosa, spiculis oblongis in spicis densis dispositis, spicis erectis inferioribus compositis ovato-oblongis breviter pedunculatis mediis subsessilibus, ovatis superioribus simplicibus confertim glomeratis, bracteis pruniosis omnibus spica propria multo breviori- bus, squamis oblongo-lanceolatis, exterioribus obtusiusculis sterilibus, interioribus carinatis acuminatis. — Thus the principal dilference consists in the low’er partial spikelets of our plant being peduncled, and forming a kind of panicle.] Trie. VI. ScLEraEA:, N. ab E. 14. SCLERIA. Berg.; N. ah E. 1. c. 1. S. ciliaris. N. ab E. 1. c. p. 117. (cum char.) Hab. In vicina Macao nrbis ; Millett; Vachell, n. 40. Culmus 1-2-pedalis altus, basi bulbosus, et purpureus. Folia inferiora culmum sequantia, 2 lineas lata, floralia 4-3 pollices longa, 2| lineas lata, omnia apice attenuata, apice ipso obtuso. Panicula axillares, 1-3, saturate purpurese, l|-2 poll, longse, basi ramosae, apice ramisque simpliciter spicatis. Bractea subulatm, basi dilatata purpurea, pilis rigidis ciliata. Spicula geminae, confertae. [To the description and character given by Prof. Nees Von Esenbeck, we may add that the caryopsis is at first only slightly rugulose, the elevated parts being covered with numerous short bristles : afterwards it is almost or quite glabrous ; the lobes of the hypogynium are obtuse and not more than one-fourth the length of the caryopsis. The margins of the leaves and sheaths are often only slightly scabrous.] [2. S. Neesiana; culmo argute triquetro stricto angulis scabris, foliis strictis linearibus acuminatis apice obtusiusculo supra versus apicem margineque scabris, vaginis trialatis mar- gine scabris, lobulo oppositifolio brevi subrotundo villoso-ciliato, paniculis axillaribus ter- minalique spicato-decompositis breviter pedunculatis ovatis, bracteis e basi dilatata brevi- 230 CHINA. [ CyperacecB. membranacea nuda subulatis asperis, nuce (livide fusca) globoso-ovata obtuse subtrigona leviter undulato-rugosa pubescenti-hirtula mucronata, mucrone concolore, hypogynio tri- partite lobis lanceolatis nuce dimidio brevioribus. Hab. Circa urbera Macao ; Millett ; G. H. VacJiell, n, 66. (ex parte.) This species obviously approaches extremely close to S. ciliaris, but is not onl}’- very different in habit, but in the structure of the hypogynium, colour of the fruit, shape of the lobe that is opposite to the leaf, and in the want of the cilice on the bracteae and bracteolae. We have only seen one specimen sent by Mr. Millett, and another, but imperfect one, in Prof. Henslow’s collection. The spikelets are in pairs, one male, the other female.] 3. S. margaritifera. Willd. — iV. ah E. 1. c. p. 118. (cum char, et syn.) Trie. VII. CARicEiE. N. ah E. 1. c. 15. CAREX. Linn. N. ab E. 1. c. 1. C. valida. N. ah E. 1. c. p. 123. (cum. char.) — C. rarnosa. N. ah E. in Herh. Lindt. Hab. Ad Macao et in insulis vicinis ; Millett. Vachell, n. 66. (ex parte.) Perigynium immaturum lanceolatum, acuminatum, ore aeute bilobo, pubescens, maturum ovato-trigonum, nervosum, parum pubeseens vel glabrum, rostro breyi spatio bifido, ore primum membranaceo obliquo. Squamae acutiusculae vel acutae, nec mucronatse. Spiculce paniculatae potius sive thyrsoidese, quam corym- bosm. Folia lata, Irnvia, margine scabra, supra trinervia. Culmus inferne crassitie pennse scriptorim. I The above observations seem to have been made by our friend to show' that this speeies was distinct from C. rarnosa, Schk. In that species, how'ever, Willdenow, on Schkuhr’s authority, asserts that there are only two stigmas, notwithstanding that the fruit is triquetrous ; it comes from the Mauritius. Sprengel combines with it a different plant, C. cruciata, Wahl, and Willd., and draws up a character, probably without seeing either, which partakes of both : C. cruciata, how'ever, is from Canton, nor is there anything in Wahlenberg’s description to induce us to suppose it distinct from the above C. valida, N. ab E., except where Wahlenberg says that the fruit has a short beak, while in our plant it is rather long; we consider them the same : the C. cruciata, N. ab E. 1. c. p. 123, from Nepal and the Peninsula of India, is quite dis- tinct, and is C. Hookeriana, Herb. Arn.] 2. C. Retzii. N. ah E. 1. c. p. 128. (cum syn.) [This we have not seen, nor does our friend Nees von Esenbeck appear to have met with any plant agree- ing precisely wffth Retz’s and Wahlenberg’s description: w'e have, however, a solitary specimen before us from Canton, which we suspect must be the same, an account of which w'e subjoin, as it differs in one or two points from the character usually given. Summitas sola adest, glabra, triquetra, pedem longa. Bracteae anguste lineari-acuminatm, apice trique- trm, margine scaberrimae, inferiores spicas proprias sequantes, superiores spicis breviores. Vaginae laxae, in- tlato-tubulosse, membranaceae, lobulo oppositifolio brevi-rotundato. Spicae baud approximatae nec tamen distantes, in nostra 6, exsertse at hand longe pedunculatae, pedunculis inferioribus vagina duplo longioribus 1^ nnciam longis, erectaa, cylindricae, laxiusculae, floribus in nostra multis caducis, inferiores quatuor femineae, quinta fere oinnino feminea flosculo unico vel gem.ino masculo versus spicas basin, sexta seu summa raascula attamon florsculis paucis ad spicas medium instructa, hine forsan hermaphrodita. Squamae patentes subu- latae fructu paullo longiores, stramineas nervo carinali viridi. Stigmata tria. Fructus ventricoso-trigoni basi attenuati apice rostrati, valde nervoso-striati, setulis brevissimis hispiduli, patentes, rostro rectiusculo vel subrecurvo. Rachilla ad tlorum insertiones excavata. Grdminem.l CHINA. 231 Retz and Wahlenberg attribute to this a single purely male spike, remote female ones, and mention that the whole plant is a span long : our species is obviously considerably larger, the female spikes are not re- markably remote, and the mixture of female flowers on the terminal spikes may be the effect of accident. On the other hand, the description of the fruit, of the scales, of the sheaths to the bractem, of the bractem themselves, and especially their being about equal in length to the spikes, the number of stigmas, and the smoothness of the culm, are the same in both. We searcely entertain a doubt respecting their identity.] Ord. XC. GRAMINEiE.* Juss. Trie. I. Panice^. N. ab E. 1. PASPALUS. Lwn. a. GENuiNf. N.abE. 1. P. scrohiculatus ; spicis paucis alternis rhachi contiguis, rhachilla plana repanda spicu- las singulas (biseriales) aequante glabra margine scabra, spiculis suborbiculatis glabris, gluma 3-7 nervi, valvula neutra utrinque plicato-scrobulata, foliis linearibus acuminatis vaginisque glabris vel lamina basi pilosa. — P. scrobiculatus. Linn. Mant. 1. p. 29. Flugg. Mon. p. 86. JSw. 1./7.4.3.— P. Coromandelianus. Zam.— P. Kora. Willd.—Rheed. Hort.Mali2. t. 44. [This varies with the glume 3-7-nerved and the spikes either in pairs or several, or 3-nerved, and then the spikes are usually in pairs : in the Chinese specimens ( Vachell, “ Z.”) referred here by us, the glumes are 3-nerved; there are several (3-5) spikes, and the spikes are more spreading than usual; the plaits on the glumes, which are rather small for this species, are not very conspicuous. It is the only species, we believe, from the East, with orbicular spikelets placed in two rows on the rachis.] h. Panicoidei. N. ab. E. 2. P. Chinensis; racemis 4-5 alternatim approximatis fastigiatis, spiculis geminis ternisve ovali-lanceolatis imbricatis, rhachi plana spiculis paullo latiori, gluma valvulaque neutra * The terms used by Professor Nees v. Esenbeck being not quite the same as those employed by Trinius, the follow- ing extract from his Memoir on the Graminea, in Wight and Arnott’s Prodromns FI. Penins. Ind. Or. vol. 2, {ined.) may be acceptable: — “1. As to the distribution of the spikelets. The words homogamous (viz. spikelets) and heterogamous signify the dis- tribution of the sexes in different spikelets on the same individual. They are called homogamous if there be no differ- ence in this respect between any of the spikelets of the same individual, as in JBromus: — heterogamous, if the arrangement of the sexes be different in different spikelets from the same root, as in Andropogon. Dioecious signifies that there are some spikelets conformably male (whether provided with an accessory neuter floret or not) on one individual, and conformably female on another, as in Gynetium : and monoecious, that male and female spikelets (whether or not they be accompanied by a neuter floret) are distributed apart from each other, but on the same individual, as in Zea. “ As to composition. The terms hemiologamous, hemigamous, and polygamous, serve to indicate the distribution of the sexes among the different florets of the same spikelet. A spikelet is called polygamous, if one, of the two florets which it contains be unisexual, and the other bisexual, as in Spodiopogon, and several Panica. A hemiologamous spikelet is that in which one of the two florets is neuter, and the other bisexual, as in several species of Panieum. Hemigamous signifies that a spikelet is composed of one neuter floret and another unisexual, whether male or female, as in Ischce- mum. Spikelets are also called Monoecious in composition, where one of the two florets is male and the other female.” — N. von E. 232 CHINA. [ GraminecB. a?quilongis pubescentibus 3-5-nervibus, flosculo neutro fusco subtilissime punctate, culmo erecto vagiiiisque glabris, foliis angustis supra velutino-scabris. — P. filiforme, Chinense. Kimth. En. \.p. 46. Hab. Ad Macao urbem ; G. H. Vachell, “ X.” (ex parte.) Differt a P.Jiliformi rhachi latiori recta, spiculis paullo majoribus imbricatis aut densius saltern confertis ; a P. nematode culmo erecto gracili, vaginis foliisque protractis. [Kunth’s Chinese locality is taken from Roxburgh ; but Roxburgh’s Panicum filiforme is obviously a true Panicum, allied to his P. lineare {P. pseudodurva, N. ab E.) and P. commutatum, N. ab E., but differing by the upper glume being only half the length of the neuter floret, and both three-nerved and slightly villous on the margin.] 2. HELOPUS. Trin. EriocMocB genus Humb. et Kunth, secundum novissimum Kunthii librum idem ac Helopus, Trin. At vero characteres in Nov. PI. Gen. et Sp. exhibiti, veram generis naturam non exprimunt. Itaque Trinianum nomeii retinendum, quippo quo primum genus vero innotuerit. 1. anniilatus; racemo decomposito laxo, rhachi triquetra glabra gracili, pedunculis bifloris, spiculis ovato-lanceolatis sericeo-pilosis, culmo ramoso glabro. — N. ab E. Agrost. Bras.pAQ. — Eriochloa annul ata. Kunth. En. \.p.T3. — Paspalus annulatus. Flugge. — Trin. Ic. Gr. 12. t. 133. — Milium ramosum. lloxb. El. Ind. \. p. 15; {ed. Wall.) \.p. 317. Hab. Circa urbem Macao ; G. H. Vachell, n. 57. (ex parte.) Differt a reliquis sui generis gracilitate racemi, pedunculis longioribus bifloris, defectu vel minimi vestigii glum® inferioris. 3. PANICUM. Linn. a. Digitaeia. 1. P. commutatum; racemis 3-5 subdigitatis erectis, rhachi scabra, spiculis subimbricatis geminatis, gluma inferiori minutissima subrotunda truncatave enervi, superiori lanceolata flosculo paullo breviori et duplo fere angustiori trinervi, quadrifariam dense lanata, valvula neutra 5-nervi interstitiis nervorum lateralium dense villosis, culmo basi repente foliisque glabris, vaginis ore barbatis. — K.ab E. in Linnesa, 7. p. 274. — P. ciliare. Roxb. El. Ind. I. p. 200; {ed. Wall.) \. p. 293. — P. filiforme. Thunb. — Digitaria commutata. Schult. Maiif. p. 262. j Hab. Circa Macao urbem ; Millett. Vachell, n. 34. Species singular! integumento spicularum et foliis vaginisque extra oras glabris, ut et proportione glunim superioris, turn a P. ciliari, turn etiam a P. marginato. Link, bene distincta. b. Paspalidea. 2. V.colonum; spica composita, partialibus pluribus (5-9-nis) alternis discretis approxi- matis erectis, rhachi communi glabris, partialibus scabris, spiculis quadrifariis imbricatis ovatis turgidulis, glumis mucronulatis hispido-scabris, inferiori triplo breviori, flosculo neutro bivalvi valvula inferiori mucronata, hermaphrodito laevi mucronato, culmo basi ra- moso nodis foliisque glabris, his margine scabris. — «. Culmo plerumque humiliori, foliis CHINA. 233 lineari-lanceolatis brevioribus patulis, spicis partialibus sessilibus basi imberbibus, spiculis paullo majoribus. Linn, — N. ah E. Agrost. Bras. 2. p. 119. Trin. Ic. Gram. 14. t. 160. — /3. Culmo plerumque altiori, foliis linearibus longioribus magis erectis strictiusculis, spicis partialibus (pluribus) ssepe breve pedunculatis (infimis saltern) basique setosis, spiculis paullo minoribus. — P. pseuclocolonum. Both, Nov. FI. Sp. p. 47. N. ah E. Agrost. Bras. 2, p. 120. — P. colonum. Boxh. El. Ind. 1. p. 296; {ed. Wall.) 1. p. 299. — Oplismenus pseudo- col onus. Kunth, En. 1. p. 142. Hab. ji. Circa Macao urbem; Millett. Vachell, n. 44. Formse a, et ji in numeris lusibus, (quod olim jam suspicatus cram, nuncautem clarissimis documentis com- probatum video) adeo miscentur, ut vix varietates habendas esse censeam, tantum abest, ut specie distinguen- das. — Variant rachidibus propriis spiculisque valde hispidis. [Some of our Chinese specimens are only 3-4 inches high and very slender, others about two feet.] c. Paniculigera. 3. P. ischoemoides ; panicula racemosa angusta, ramis alternis contractis, spiculis ovato- oblongis acutis glabris polygamis, gluma inferiori rotundata amplectente, superior! flos- culique masculi inferiori valvula tequalibus 7-9-nerviis hermaphrodito oblongo obtuso laevi masculo breviori, culmo inferne dense vaginato, vaginis ore margineque molliter ciliatis, foliis distichis paten tibus supra pubentibus. Betz, Ohs. 4. p. 17. Willd. Sp. PI, 1. p. 348. Boem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 2. p. 433. Kunth, En. p. 125. — P. convolutum. P. de Beauv. — N. ah E. Agrost. Bras. 2. p. 173. Presl, Bel. Hcenk. 2. p. 304. Kunth, En. 1. p. 130. Hab. Circa Macao urbem ; Millett. Vachell, n. 57. (ex parte.) Spiculis in racemum decompositum coarctatum dispositis pallidis acutis, culmoque magis minusve rigido inferne vaginato, foliis, saltern ubi breviora sunt, rigidis distiche patentibus et siccando convolutis, supra semper basin versus pilosis, subtus modo glabris modo circa basin etiam pubescentibus, vaginarumque fim- bria densa mollique a reliquis facile distinguitur. 4. P. miliaceum; panicula subnutante pedunculisque laxis, spiculis ovatis acutatis hemi- ologamis, gluma utraque mucronata, inferiore subduplo breviori 7-nervi, superior! flos- culique neutrius inferiori valvula 1 1-nerviis nervis validis, hermophrodito ovali Imvi, culmo ramoso, vaginis foliisque lato-linearibus tuberculatis et villosis, radice annua. Linn. Hort. Cliff, p. 27. N. ah E. Agrost. Bras. 2. p. 200. (cum syn.) Boxh. El. Ind. 1. /?. 310; {ed. Wall.) 1. p. 312. Kunth, En. l.p. 104. Valvula flosculi neutrius superior brevissima. [The few Chinese specimens we have seen, sent by Mr. Millett from Canton, are smaller and more slender than those we possess from the Peninsula of India, and the leaves are shorter and narrower ; but we have no reason to suppose them specifically distinct.] 5. P. psilopodium; panicula capillari, ramis inferioribus basi prsesertim strictis, ramulis subfasciculatis pedicellisque tenuissimis flexuosis scabris, axillis nudis, spiculis oblongis acutis glabris purpurascentibus lutescentibusve, gluma inferiori duplo breviori obtusa trinervi, supe- rior! 7-nervi, flosculi neutrius bivalvis valvula inferiori 7-9-nervi, hermaphrodito oblongo laevi 2 G 234 CHINA. [ GraminecB. culmo adscendente ramosissimo, vaginis foliisque lanceolato-linearibus glabris. Trin. MSS. N. abE. Agrosf. Bras. 2. p. 199. Kunth, En. \ . p. 100. — P. ramosum. Koen. in Herb. Banks, (fide herb. Trin.) — P. virgatum. Boxb. (fide ejusd.) Hab. Circa Macao urbem ; Millett. Est species distincti'ssima, habitu e capillnrium et virgatorum indole mixto. Culmus 1-2 pedes altus. Nodi glabri. Vagince glabrae, etiam margine, ore solo barbato, cingulo luteo infra laminam, ut in P. miliari, notatae. Folia 4 pollices longa, glabra, margine scabriuscula. Panicula rami graciles, spatio quodam supra basin ramificati, compressi. Famuli adpressi, demum patuli. Pedicelli uniflori, spicula lineam longa duplo saepe longiores, uti ramuli flexuosi, primum pallidi, aetate purpurascentes. Quod ad spiculas, si derais mag- nitudinem, accedit P, miliari et coloraio, sed inflorescentia longe dilfert, P. capillare magis referens. [Roxburgh has no where described a P. virgatum, nor attached that name to any of his drawings ; we presume, therefore, that he must have merely given it incidentally to some of Koenig’s specimens in the Banksian Herbarium.] 6. V.glaucum; l acemo spicato cylindrico, involucellis subbifloris multisetis spiculis duplo longioribus rigidis flavis antrorsum scabris, flosculo masculo bivalvi hermaphrodito undula- to-rugoso, culmo adscendente sub inflorescentia anguloso, foliis culmo brevioribus lineari- lanceolatis basi barbatis. Linn. — Willd. En. Hort. Ber. 2. p. 1030. 2V. abE. Agrost. Bras. 2. p. 240. (cum syn.) Trin. Ic. Gram. t. 195. Roxb. El. Ind. 1. p. 284. {ed. Wall.) 1. p. 287. — Setaria glauca. Roem. et Sch. Syst. 2. p. 490. — /?. spiculis demum purpurascentibus et purpureo-fuscis. — P. purpurascens. Humb. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1. jo. 110. Kunth, En. 1. p. 151. Hab. (5. circa Macao urbem ; G. H. Vachell, n. 45. b. Involucellis brevioribus rigidioribus spiculisque majoribus facile distinguitur a P. penicillato. 7. P. penicillatum ; racemo spicato cylindrico elongato, ramulis bifloris, involucellis uni- floris multi (6-)-setis spicula triplo quadruplove longioribus gracilibus antrorsum scabris, flosculo hermaphrodito mucrone incurvo transversim undulato-rugoso, neutro masculove bivalvi, culmo erecto glabro sub racemo angulato-sulcato, foliis lineari-elongatis supra glaucis scabris basi plerumque barbatis. Herb. Willd. — N. ah E. Agrost. Bras. 2. p. 242. — P. glaucum. Kunth, En. 1. p. 149. {nec Auct. Europ.) Humb. et Kutith, Nov. Gen. et Sp. l.p. 109. I Hab. Circa Macao urbem ; Millett. Vachell, n. 37. b. 8. P. Italicum; racemo terminali erecto vel nutante decomposito lobato-spiciformi elonga- to, radii hirsuta, racemis partialibus confertissimis ovatis oblongisve densifloris, involucellis sub singula spicula unisetis spicula triplo et ultra longioribus flexuosis antrorsum (i. e. re- trorsum tangenti) scabris, flosculo inferior! neutro valvula superior! minuta, hermaphrodito subtiliter punctulato, culmo erecto ramoso vaginisque Isevibus, foliis late linearibus supra scaberrimis ligulae loco stricte barbatis. Linn. Sp. PI. p. 83. Roxb. El. Ind. 1. p. 302. {ed. Wall.) 1. p. 305. Trin. Ic. Gram. t. 198. — Setaria Italica. Kunth, En. l.p. 153. — Penni- setum Italicum. Br. Prod. 1. p. 195. Hab. Circa Macao urbem et in insulis vicinis ; Millett. G. H. Vachell. CHINA. 235 9. P. viride. Linn. — Smith in Engl. Bot. t. 875. Trin. Ic. Gram. t. 203. — Pennisetum viride. Brown. Prod. \.p. 195.— Setaria viridis. P. de Beauv. Hab. Ad Macao et in insulis vicinis ; G. H. Vachell, n. 37. a. In forma Chinensi, folia pilosa, vagina autem glabrae, flosculus hand Iseviusculus sed granulatim unda- timque exasperatus. [Of this the specific character is unfortunately w'anting in Nees von Esenbeck’s manuscript, and we have not seen Mr. Vachell’s specimen : if, however, a species which we have received from Millett, also from Canton, be the same, it constitutes a form intermediate between the English P. viride and small states of P. Itali- cum ; the raceme is slightly lobed, and all the ramuli as well as the involucral bristles are very patent. If we be correct in referring these specimens, P. viride can only be distinguished from P. Italicum thus : — Racemo arcto simpliciter vel sublobato-spiciformi breviusculo, racemis partialibus subsessilibus paucifloris, involucellis rectiusculis, foliis pilosis vel glabris. — All the remainder of the character of P. Italicum applies to P. viride; in both, the fertile floret is more or less conspicuously but minutely and transversely rugulose.] d. Echinochloa. 10. P. hispidulum; [spica composita erecta, partialibus subverticillatis subadpressis basi et ad insertiones spicularum barbatis omnibus simplicibus, rachi 3-4-angulata striata, spi- culis quadrifariis ovatis turgidis hispidis pallidis, gluma inferiori orbiculari-ovata mucronata trinervi spicula triple breviori basi amplectente cucullata, superiori ovata mucronato-acu- minata 5-nervi, flosculi neutrius valvula inferiori longe setigera, caryopsi Isevi ovata gibba subrostellata, culmo suberecto vaginis foliisque glabris, his supra margineque scabris, ligula nulla. Lam. Enc. Meth. 4. p. 744. Betz, Obs. 5. p. 18. N. ah E. Agrost. Bras. p. 256. — Digitaria hispidula. Willd. En. Hort. Ber. 91. — Echinochloa hispidula. Schult. — Orthopogon Retzii. Spr. Syst. 1. p. 307. Hab. Circa Macao et in insulis vicinis ; Millett. Vachell, n. 43. We have drawn up the above character from Chinese specimens, among which we have two extreme forms with every gradation between them ; one has the partial spikes short, close pressed to the rachis, and the bristle of the neuter floret is seldom longer than the spikelet ; the other is much more luxuriant, having more numerous and slightly spreading partial spikes, and the bristle, although short in some spikelets, is usually 3-8 times longer than the florets ; this last state approaches so closely to P. crus-Pavonis, N. ab E. (Agrost. Bras. p. 259.) that we cannot detect any difference, except in the latter having the lower partial spikes compound, and perhaps the lower glume not cucullate. Between P. hispidulum and P. ccesium, not- withstanding the differences pointed out by Nees von Esenbeck below, M'e find still greater difficulty of draw- ing a line : in Prof. Henslow’s specimens of the latter, determined by Nees von Esenbeck himself, the rachis is certainly striated, the lower glume is cucullate, and the upper as distinctly 3-nerved as that of P. his- pidulum, while the glaucous hue, as well as the colour and size of the spikelets, is too dependant on soil and situation to afford any but secondary characters ; we have thus left only the convex back of the rachis and the decidedly alternate partial spikes to characterise it, and that these are constant and not the effect of fortuitous circumstances we have reason to doubt.] 11. P. ccesium; spica composita erecta, partialibus alternis subadpressis basi et ad inser- tiones spicularum barbatis, raebi inferne semitereti compressa superne triquetra dorso convexo, spiculis quadrifariis ellipticis hispidulis coloratis, glumis ovatis trinervibus, inferiori spicula triplo breviore acuta, superiori acuminata, flosculi neutrius bivalvis valvula inferiori 236 CHINA. [ Graminea. longe setigei’a, caryopsi ovali laevi subrostellata, cultno procumbente ramoso, vaginis foliisque linearibus glaucis bis margine scabris, ligula nulla. Hab. Ad Macao urbem ; G. H. Vachell, n. 45. P. hispidulo affine, a quo differt : glaucedine, culmo gracili procumbente adscendente, spiculis minoribus purpureis, rachi dorso convexa laeviuscula nec striata, subtus carinata, nervis glumarum paucioribus, «&c. 2. ISACHNE. R. Brown. 1. I. muricata; panicula ovali rigidula flexuosa, ramis prope a basi divisis, spiculis sub- globosis quoad compositionem monoicis, inferiori flosculo masculo laevi, superiori femineo hirto, glumis obovatis tuberculato-asperis, culmo repente, foliis subcordato-oblongis supra asperis dense striatis, ligula setosa. N. ah E. in Wight, Cat. n. 1658. — I. dispar. Trin. Ic. Gram.t. Kunth, En. \. — I. pulchella. Roth? — Panicum muricatum. Retz, Ohs. 4. p. 18. Willd. Sp. PI. \. p. 348. Kunth, En. 1. /?. 131. N. ah E. Agrost. Bras. p. 207. — P. violaceum. Rottl. — P. fuscum. Herb. S7nith, (non Swartz.) Hab. Apud Cantonem ; Millett. Inter reliquas Isachnes statura, foliis asperrimis, panicula parva 1-1|- pollicem longa, plerumque fusco-pur- purea, glumis muricatis, flosculis diclinibus facile distinguitur. [Our Chinese specimens have the glumes much less conspicuouslj’- muricated than in those from Dr. Wight, collected in the Peninsula of India; but there is no other difference. Some of our plants from Dr. Wight have the panicle 3 inches long. It is probable that both I. pulchella and I. miliacea of Roth are referrable here, there descriptions being bad. P. patens, Roxb., seems likewise to be the same, judging from his draw- ing in the East India Company’s Museum, t. 803, notwithstanding that both in the description and figure he has represented the upper floret as bisexual, an error he might have readily fallen into on the supposition of its being a species of Panicum.'] 3. GYMNOTHRIX. P. de Beauv. 1. G. Japonica; racemo cylindraceo, pedicellis spiculam subaequantibus, rachi culmoque superne hirsutis, involucri uniflori setis omnibus simplicibus scabris interioribus spicula multo longioribus. Kunth, En. 1. p. 158. — Pennisetum Japonicum. Trin. in Spr. Neue Entd. 2.p. 76; Ic. Gram. t. 19. — Penicillaria Chinensis. N. ab E. in Herb. Lindl. (cum char, supra data descriptioneque sequenle.) — Cenchrus purpurascens. Thunb. in Linn. Soc. Trans. 2. p. 329. Hab. Ad Macao et in insulis vicinis ; Millett. G. H. 'Vachell, n. 48. Habitus Penicillarice cylindricce, sed spicularum et involucrorum constructio diversissima. Culmus in- ferne glaber, ad apicem vaginatus. 'Vagince glabrae, ad basin laminae cingulo villoso cinctse. Ligula trun- cata. Folium (supremum | ped. longum 1^-2 lin. latum) lineare, margine baseos subciliatum. Spica 8-9 pollices longa, utrinque acuta. Culmus infra, spicam et rachis hirsutissima. Pedicelli iineam longi. Spi- cula pallida, 3 lin., involucelli setae interiores 8 lineas long® ; hae pallidae, apice roseae. Gluma inferior ininutissima rotundata ; superior ovato-lanceolata acuta valvula flosculi neutrius unica, plana, 7-nervis, acuta, fertilis flosculi inferior apice 3-5-nervis, utraque lanceolata. Anther w et stigmata violaceo-fulva. [It is probable that the above description had been taken from a single imperfect specimen. We have, how- ever, a more complete series before us; some, and indeed almost all the specimens, (except those in a young state,) bear a closer resemblance to G. alopecurus, N. ab E. in Herb. Wight, (or G. cenchroides, Kunth, excluding Graminem.] CHINA. 237 all syn.) and even to G. hordeiformis, N. ab E. (or G. caudata, Kunth,) than to any species of Penicillaria: nd this appearance is supported by the structure of the spikelets, which is truly that of Gymnothrix. In Penicillaria, however, the inflorescence is a raceme with the pedicels and involucres persistent ; in Gymno- thrix it is usually a spike, the sessile involucres being deciduous : in the present plant, it is a raceme, but the short pedicels, as well as the involucres, are deciduous, thus agreeing in every point with the genus to which we have removed it. The leaves are glabrous, but, at the same time, scabrous on their margin. The spike, or rather raceme, is usually about three or four inches long ; we have rarely seen it so long as des- cribed above : at first it is acute at both ends, but afterwards the pedicels often spread out horizontally, pre- senting a lax appearance. Pedicels frequently a line and a half long, articulated with the rachis. The bristles of the involucre are at first pale, but afterwards of a beautiful purple from almost their base to the apex. From G. alopecurus, the only other species with distinct pedicels, it is readily distinguished by their being almost as long as the spikelets. Trinius’ figure is excellent, if taken from a young specimen ; he, and Nees von Esenbeck, and we also, have found only one spikelet in each involucre : Kunth says that there are one or two.] Trib. II. Tristegine^. Link. 4. ARUNDINELLA. Raddi. SuBGEN. 1. Acratherum. Arista apici valvulse integro inserta. — Acratherum, Link. 1. \_k. glabra; culmo foliisque linearibus valde acuminatis glabris, vaginis ore barbatis, paniculse coarctatae elongatae, ramis fasciculatis a basi florigeris, glumis (fuscis) minutissime pubescentibus subelevato-nervosis, inferiori ^ breviori, flosculi fertilis valvula inferiori (sen setigera) acuminata. Hab. Prope Macao ; G. H. Vachell, “ T.”] SuBGEN. 2. Miliosaccharum. Valvula inferior flosculi fertiles apice bifida, laciniis setiformibus, inter lacinias aristata. Spiculce geminse aut solitarise, homogamre, hemiologamse, conformes, pedicel- late. Glumce due, herbaceo-membranacee, iiiequinerves, caudato-acuminate, flosculis plerumque longiores; superior major. Flosculi membranaceo-cbartacei, inferior major neuter, cum rudimentis genitalium, bivalvis, valvula inferiori plurinervi integra, superiori plana margine inflexa; superior bi- valvis, valvula superiori binervi apice bidentata inter dentes emitteute setam basi tortam. Lodiculce magne, oblonge, emarginate, angulis obtusis, plicate, crassiuscule. Stamina tria, antberis violaceis. Styli basi concreti, filiformes. Stigmata penicillata, violacea. Caryopsis libera, compressa, mucro- nata, valvulis durescentibus inclusa. Racemus compositus, nudus, glaber, imberbis. Racemuli fili- formes. Spiculm lanceolate, distantes, aut panicula capillaris. — Gramina erecta. Vagine inter- nodiis hreviores una cum foliis linearibus plants attenuatis hirsutce. Nodi glabri. Spicule 21 lineas longce subulato-acuminatce, sordide virides. Flosculusye/’^i'Zzs callo insertus, secedens. 2. A. (M.) nervosa; racemo composite, spiculis geminis, gluma superiori subduplo lon- giori, flosculo fertili apicem versus muricato-aspero, foliis vaginisque hispidis, his basi laevi- bus. A. ah E. in Herb. Wight. Wight., Cat. n. 1669. — Holcus nervosus. Roxb. FI. Ind. 1. p. 318. {ed. Wall.) 1. p. 320. — /3. laxa teneriorque, paniculae ramis distantibus, spiculis omnino glabris. N. ab E. in Wight, Cat. n. 1669. b. Hab. j3. CirCa Macao urbem : G. H. Vachell, “ V.” Culmus pedalis et altior, erectus, e radice fibrosa torta, crassitie fill emporetici, teres, levis, cum nodis glaber, inferne purpurascens, 4-nodus, ramosus. Vaginae arete, internodiis breviores, striate, tuberculis 238 CHINA. [ Graminecs. setisque rigidis patentibus conspersse. Ligula brevissima, truneata, denticulata, fusca. Folia 2-2J poll, longa, vix lineam lata, plana, acuminata, ad modum vaginarum hispida. Racemus compositus, 4-6-[in forma Chinensi 8-10-]-pollicaris subnutans, ramis 1-^2 [in Chinensi 3-4'] poll, longis alternis, erectis [in Chinensi patentibus], ad basin usque fasciculatim divisis. Rachis undata, striata, glabra. SpiculcB inferiores geminse, superiores alternse, erect®, lanceolatae, glabr® aut apicem versus in costis setis raris conspers®, omnes pedi- cellat®. Pedicelli graciles, scabri, geminatorum alter ^f, alter 1 ^ lineas longus. Gton® glabr®, e basi oblongo-lanceolata caudato-acurainat®, apice convolute, lutescentes ; inferior I5 lin. longa, 5-nervis ; supe- rior lin. longa, 7-nervis. Flosculus inferior magnitudine glum® inferioris, abortu neuter, mem- branaceo-chartaceus, bivalvis ; valvul® ®quales, lanceolat®, mutic®, l®ves, alb®; inferior dorso plana, obtusa, apice autem convoluta proptereaque ad speciem attenuata 5-nervis, nervis obsoletis; superior plana, mar- ginibus inflexis. Genitalia, pr®sertim ovarium, incompleta cernuntur. Flosculus superior hermaphroditus, I lin. longus, bivalvis, chartaceus; valvula inferior lanceolata, attenuata, apicem versus muriculata, apice biseta et inter setas proferens aristam geniculatam valde tortilero, 4 lin. longam, basi purpuream apice pal- lidam; set® alb®; valvula superior minor, lanceolata, obtusa. Lodiculce magn® generis. Stamina tria,. antheris violaceis. Caryopsis lutea. Tempore maturescentis fructus durescunt valvul® et colore saturate fusco tinguntur. Trie. III. SACCHARINES. SuBTRiB. I. SORGHES. 5. Chrysopogon. Host. Trin, — Raphis, Lour, (non Linn.fil.) 1 . C. aciculatus ; culmo stricto simplici, foliis vaginis brevioribus lanceolatis obtusiusculis margine scaberrimis, seta spicula sua subtriplo longiore, gluma superior! breviseta, spiculis coloratis, paniculse ramis strictis tristachyis. — Trin. in Act. Petrop, 7. p. 316. — Raphis tri- vialis. Lour. FI. Coch. 2. p. 676. Trin. ic. Gram. t. 8, 9. — Andropogon acicularis. Willd. Sp. 4. p. 906. Kunth, En. 1. p. 505. Hook, et Arn. supr. p. 72, et 102. — A. aculeatns. JRoxb. FI. Fid. 1. p. 262; {ed Wall.) 1. p. 266. — Rumph. Herb. Amb. 6. t. 5. — Rheed. Hort. Mai. 12. t. 43. Hab. Circa Macao et in insulis adjacentibus; Millett. G. H. Vachell, n. 49. Spiculoi 2 lin. long®. Glumes pectinato-hispid®, lanceolat®, ®quales. Valvula flosculi fertilis inferior oblongo-lanceolata, villoso-ciliata. Barba ad basin spicularum brevis. SuBTRiB. II. ANDROPOGONES. 6. PoGONATHERUM. P. de Bcauv. — Homoplitis. Trin. 1. V. polystachyum. R. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 2. p. 497. N. ab E. in Herb. Wight. Wight Cat. n. 1679. — P. saccharoideum. P. de Beawo. Agr. t. 10. /I 7. — P. crinitum. Trin. Fund, p. 166. Kunth, En. p. 478. — Saccharum paniceum. Lam. Enc. Meth. 1. p. 549 ; III. t. 40. f. 3 ? — Perotis polystachya. Willd. Sp. 1. p. 324. — Andropogon monandrus. Roxb. FI. Ind. p. 260; {ed. Wall) \.p. 264. (fide Wight et Arn.) Hab. Circa Macao; Millett. Vachell, n. 36. Quod ad figuram in universum nostra exempla descriptioni Willdenowian® et iconi Palisotian® respon- dent. Sed flosculus inferior in speciminibus Wightianis [atque Chinensibus] yel deest omnino vel adest neuter univalvis, valvula exigua linear!, gluma inferior! raulto minore. Reliqua ut apud Belvisium; hie autem flosculum neutrum distincte bivalvem majusculum exhibet, qualem et in speciminibus Royleanis coram, firamine(S.'\ CHINA. 239 habeo. Cl, R. Brown, Saccharum paniceum, Lam. citans, valvulam flosculi hermaphroditi superiorem de- ficientem notat. An itaque plures hie species, nescio an plura fors genera, latent ? [In Prof. Nees V. Esenbeck’s MS. to Dr. Lindley, and more lately in a letter to ourselves, we find that he now inclines to consider the species from Dr. Wight, also from Ceylon and China, as a distinct one, and he thus characterises it : — “ P. refractum; gluma inferiori breviori truncata, superior! apicem versus hirta, seta flosculi fertilis basi refracta. — Differt e P. polystachyo (scil. plantse, cui nomen hoc reliquimus) spiculis duplo fere minoribus, vix lineam longis, cum isti 1 J lineam sint long®, opacis; gluma inferiori breviori et ratione longi- tudinis latiori, fere recta truncata ; superior! apicem versus hirsuta, seta flosculi ab origine fere arcu parvo refracta qu® isti leniter retrovergens subtortuosaque. Reliqua utrisque conveniunt. Flosculus inferior uni- valvis, superior bivalvis, valvis ciliatis. Folia angusta valde scabra, magis tamen in P. refracto, ad os vagin® longe barbata. — P. polystachi diagnosis h®c est : P. glumis mqualibus Imvibus apice barbatis, seta recurva flexuosa.” — The direction of the seta, however, is perhaps inconstant : it is erect in Roxburgh’s figure (in E. I. C. mus. tab. 875.) of his Andropogon monandrus, and in some of Dr. Wight’s younger specimens; but Rox- burgh’s plant is certainly P. refractum, for although in his description he states the glumes to be equal, he represents them unequal, and the lower one of the sessile spikelet truncated in his drawing, and besides, the lower floret appears to have been so minute as to have escaped his notice. In the specimen of P. poly- stachyum, N. ab E., which we possess, we are uncertain from what part of India, the lower floret of the sessile spikelet is conspicuously 2-valved, as in Beauvois’ figure, and contains a single apparently imperfect stamen, which falls out as soon as the florets expand, and is therefore only to be observed in an early stage : the bisexual floret contains two fertile stamens. The pedicelled spikelet has the lower floret, so far as we have observed, always neuter, and with one conspicuous valvelet, and the upper one with or without one unfertile stamen. When Mr. Brown speaks of Saccharum paniceum, Lam., not having an upper valve- let to the upper floret, he probably merely alluded to Lamarck’s figure, where it is erroneously represented so.] 7. Homoeatherhm. N. ab E, SpiculcB in axi articulata gemin® heterogam®; altera sessilis hemigama, altera pedicellata neutra. Hemi- GAM.E: glumcB du®, membranaceo-chartace®; inferior angustior minorque canaliculata, 2-4-nervis; nervis lateralibus in dentes setasque excurrentibus; superior cymbiformis compressa ad apicem bifidum e nervo medio longe setigera. Flosculi duo membranacei tenues : inferior univalvis, valvula lanceolata ciliata m Utica aut in setulam subtilem extenuata: superior bivalvis; valvula inferior lanceolato-cymbiformis inter lacinias apicis latiusculas eiliatas setam emittens validam, inferius tortam in medio reflexam; valvula superior minor, linearis, binervis, bidentata, dorso concava lateribus inflexis. Lodiculce subcarnos®, colorat® (flav®), truncato-bidentat®. Stamen (in unica specie) unum. {Anther ce fulv®.) Styli discreti; stigmata aspergil- liformia. Neutm: gluma du®; inferior subherbacea, plana, multinervis, ex apice bidentato bisetove longhis setigera; superior angustior, submembranacea, margine inflexa, ex apice ciliato brevi-dentato setam parvam emittens. Flosculi inferioris neutriusque valvula plus minus evoluta. Flosc. superior omnino deest. — In- florescentia : spic® geminata, in pedunculis vagina microphylla involutis subfasciculatce. Racheos articuli cuneiformes, apice oblique truncati et excavati, oblique trigoni, latere exteriore latiori convexo. Pedicelli spicul® imperfect® articulis racheos similes, hinc convexi, inde concavi. Habitus omnino Andropogonis e sections Cymbopogonum. Est genus intermedium inter Pogonatheram P. de B. et Andropogones, illis tamen revera magis propin- quum. Differt a Pogonathero genere spiculis singuli paris non modo heterogamis, sed etiam forma diversis, gluma utraque spicul® pedicellat® setigera, inferiori quoque spicul® sessilis s®pe biseta; turn vero lodiculis distinctis carnosisve. 1. H. Chinense. N. ah E. in Herb. Lindl. Hab. In China circum Macao et in insulis adjacentibus a Julio in Septembrem 1829, legit G. H. Vachell, n. 52. 240 CHINA. [ GraminecB. Folia et pars inferior culmi desunt. Suramitas plusquam pedalis. Culmus crassitie pennee columbinie, alternatim canaliculatus, Isevis. Genicula glabra. Vagina longse, lanceolatse, compressae, folio terminantur angusto acuminatissimo complicato glabro glaucescente. Pedunculi axillares gemini; quorum alter brevier et simplex; alter longior iterumque divisus. Vagina proprise communi similes, lamina autem multo minori, quandoque omnino deficiente, margine membranacem, pallide rufescentes, glabrse. Pachis lutescens; arti- culi ejus extrorsum, pedicelli utrinque basin versus longe ciliati. Spicula sessilis 2 lineas longa, lanceolata, flavescens, glabra, setis glumse inferioris (ubi adsunt) gluma sua paullo brevioribus superioris seta eadem longiori recurva: seta flosculi fertilis fere pollicaris, scabra, infra genu fuscescens. Spicula pedicellata, gluma inferior oblongo-lanceolata, purpurascens, decemnervis, superius ciliata; superior alba, subfimbriata; seta glumse inferioris 3-4 lineas longa, superioris seta 1 ^2 linearum est. 8. Imperata. Cyrill. I . I. Koenigii ; foliis fasciculorum angustis elongatis, culmeis brevioribus in vaginis sum- mis denique obsoletis basi ciliatis, panicula spiciformi laxiuscula? nodis plerumque barbatis. — P. de Beauv. Agrost. p. 165. Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 2. p. 289. Link, Hort. Ber. 1. p. 236. — I. arundinacea. Kunth, En. \. p. 477. — Saccharum Koenigii. Retz, Ohs. 5. p. 16. Pers. Syn. 1. p. 103. — S. cylindricum. Roxb. FI. Ind. 1. p. 234; {ed Wall.) 1. p. 239. — «; foliis caulinis superioribus brevissimis, nodis omnibus longe barbatis, pilis arrectis. Saccharum Koenigii. Retz, et Auct. citatorurn. — /? ; foliis caulinis magis conspicuis longi- usculis saepe convolutis, foliis radical ibus pluribus, vaginis distichis, nodis vel inferioribus saltern vel omnibus glabris et imberbibus, barba etiam ubi adest breviori. Sacch. Thun- bergii. Retz, Ohs. 5. p. 17 ? Har. ct. Circa Macao atque in insulis adjacentibus; G. H. Vachell, n. 47. a. Folia culmi infima conferta, subcsespitosa, fasciculorum foliis latiora, duplo breviora. — Gramen caricosum A. Rumph. Herb. Amb. 6. t. 7. f. 2. a. vix hujus loci, quippe cui folia 4-5-pedes alta, pollicem fere lata tri- buantur, cum in nostro culmi ^2 pedes alti, nec folia altiora, et 1-1 § lin. lata, basi angustiora. Spica cylin- drica 4-3 poll, longa et paullo longior. [Roxburgh in his Flora Indica states, concerning the leaves, “ those of the root or lower'partof the culm are much longer than the culm, tapering equally towards each end;” and as his observations were made on the living plant, we suspect that Nees has taken his description from herbarium specimens only: at the same time, Rumphius’ figure can scarcely be our plant; perhaps it is a true species of Saccharum,] 9. Saccharum. Linn. 1. [S. Sara ; panicula subcontracta elongata, ramis semiverticillatis decompositis, ramulis superioribus triquetris pilis albis adspersis, spiculis hemigamis conformibus, glumis subulato- acutatis dorso longe pilosis, floscula neutrius valvula glumas fere sequante, flosc. herma- phrodito bivalvi, valvula inferior! flosculo neutra paulo breviori oblonga apice setulifera, superior! plus dimidio breviori ovata, omnibus ciliatis. — S. Sara. Roxb.? FI. Ind. 1. p. 244; [ed Wall.) 1. p. 249. in Ccet. Merc. Angl. Ind. Or. Mus. tab. 1113. Hab. Circa Macao, et in insulis vicinis ; G. H. Vachell, n. S\. Of this, which seems to be very common about Macao, we have not received the leaves. It appears to be a remarkably tall plant, and the panicle is very similar to that of S. officinarum, from which, however, it differs by the large and conspicuous valvelets of the fertile floret. S. procerum differs by the upper valvelet of the bisexual floret. Graminece.'] CHINA. 241 S. exaltatum, according to Roxburgh’s observations and drawing, has the upper v^lvolet of the bisexual floret wanting in the pedicelled spikelet, but about equal to the other and acute in the sesile one ; according, however, to N. v. Esenbeck’s examination of what he considers the same plant, in Dr. Wight’s herbarium, it is the upper valvelet of the pedicelled (not the sessile) spikelet which is equal and similar to the other, while in the sessile one it is much shorter and obtuse. As we have not seen the leaves of the Chinese plant, we are uncertain about its being the same as Roxburgh’s; and, besides, that author, in his drawing, repre- sents the upper valvelet much narrower and more acuminated than in our specimens, but probably his figure may be inaccurate in that respect. The neuter valvelet and both those of the fertile florets are ciliated. 2. S. chinense ; paniculis ovatis contractis, ramis verticillatis subcompositis, gluma infera chartacea, flosculi fertilis valvula inferiori nulla, foliis planis margine hispidis. Roxb. FI. Ind. p. 239; fed. Wall.) \. p. 244. Corom. 3. t. 232. Kunth, En. \. p. 474. In nostro specimine (in Benghala superiori a Royleo lecto) panicula magis contracta ; sed distinctissimum valvula inferiori flosculi fertilis omnino deficiente ; superiori autem satis conspicua, lineari-lanceolata, ciliata. Valvula neutra ista major, lanceolata, magis ciliata. Lodicula cuneiformes, truncatse, pro magnitudine spiculse satis magnm. Glumov glabrae. Vagina suprema ventricosa, in folium angustum attenuatum con- tracta. 10. HETEROPOGON. Pers. 1. H. contortus. P. de Beauv. — N. ah E. Agrost. Bras. p. 363 (cum syn.) ; in Lmnoea, 7. p. 284. — Stipa spicata. Thunh. FI. Cap. p. 19. Hab. Ad Macao et in insulis adjacentibus ; Millett ; G. H. Vachell, n. 46 (ex parte). [After having carefully examined the Chinese plant, and H. polysfachgus R. et Sch., of which last N. ab Esenbeck considers the Andropogon contortus of Roxburgh, and perhaps also of Linnaeus, fbut not of Brown’s Prodr, 1. p. 201,) to be a variety with solitary spikelets, we can see no good grounds for separating them. Both have the peduncles elongated and often fascicled, each with one short-leaved sheath, the male spikelets ciliated, and the leaves linear scabrous and more or less ciliated at the base : in the Chinese speci- mens the hairs on the glumes and leaves are softer, and spring out of inconspicuous tubercles ; in Dr. Wight’s specimens of H. polystacJiyus the hairs are rigid, and arise from pretty large tubercles, but w'e can see no other difference between the two ; if then our friend be correct in referring our Chinese plant to H. con~ tortus, we should be inclined to reunite to it H. polystachyus. 11. ERIANTHUS. Rich. 1. E. tristachyus ; spicis terminalibus 2-5 simplicibus griseo-hirtis, glumis ferrugineis basi margineque griseo-hirtis, inferiori plana rigidaque, flosculi hermaphroditi seta spicula triplo longiore, culmo simplici nodis glabris basi bulboso ferrugineo-tomentoso, foliis linearibus basi vaginisque apice hirsutis. — a ; spicis 2-3, vaginis apice tantum hirsutis. N. ah E. in Wight Cat. n. 1691. — Andropogon tristachyus. Roxb. FI. Ind. \.p. 256 ; {ed. Wall.) \.p. 261 — A. trispicatus. Sch. Mant. 2. p. 452. Kunth, En. \. p. 498 — -fS ; spicis 2-5, spiculis paullo majoribus, glumarum villis longioribus, vaginis basi et apice birds, Hab. /3 ; In vicinia, urbis Macao, inque insulis adjacentibus ; G. H. Vachell, n. 35. Ab E. aureo, N. ab E. in Wight, Cat. n. 1690, cui proximus, notis memoratis bene distinguitur. Me- morabilis est hulbus culmi ceeteroquin gracilis erecti et simplicis, piso major, densissime tomento ferrugineo tectus. Culmi apex tomentoso-hirtus. Lodiculse carneae, crassiusculae, bidentatse. 2 H 242 CHINA. [GmmmecB. [The one spikelet is sessile, the other pedicellate ; of both, the upper valvelet of the fertile floret is from two to three times shorter than the lower or awned one : the awn is twisted and flexuose.] 2. E. Japonicus ; panicula (racetno composito) apice fastigiata, spiculis pilos involucri strictos grisescentes subasquantibus, glumis glabris, seta flexuosa, foliis lineari-ensifor- iTiibus serrulato-scabris strictis. P. de B. — Roem. etSch. Syst. Veg. 2.p. 324. Kunth, En. p. 479. — Sacchariim Japonicum. Thunh. in Act. Soc. Linn. 2. p. 328. Willd. Sp. PI. 1. p. 321 — S. polydactylon. Thunh. FI. Jap. p. 42. — Obanna. Koempf. Am. Exot. 5. p. 899. Hab. In insula Lappas ; G. H. Vachell, w. 31. &. Gramen altum, rigidum, orgyale. Involucrum spicularum patulum, e pilis rectis baud ita mollibus griseo- albidis spicula paullo longioribus. GlumcB exquisite acutatse, leeves, stramineae, glabrae ; inferior 2^ lin. longa, superior paullo brevior. Seta 4-5 lineas longa, tenuis, pallida, superiora versus flexuosa. Quibus observatisj quomodo differat ab E. versicolore, patet. [To the above may be added : — Gluma inferior planiuscula, binervis ; superior dorso convexa vel potius subcymbiformis, trinervis, nervis extus fere obsoletis intus satis conspicuis, margine ciliata. Flosculi superioris valvula inferior bifida cum arista, flexuosa torta, superior in exemplis nostris plane deficiens. Spiculce geminse : una breviter lin.), altera recurvo-patula longiuscula (l|-2 lin.) pedicellata, pedicello utriusque glaber. — Thunberg found this in Japan ; we have it also from Otaheiti.] 12. SPODIOPOGON. Trin. 1. S. villosus ; repens, foliis lineari-lanceolatis pilosis basi longe ciliatis, nodis vaginisque villosissimis, spica bifida, spiculis rhombeo-ovalibus, gluma inferior! basi convexa leevis- sima a medio depressa (in spicula pedicellata compressa) stricta anguste marginata biden- tata, superior! subulato-acuminata, seta flosculi (dorsali) spicula duplo longiori, rhachi triquetra alternatim semifurcata geminiflora angulis poriformibus, articulis pedicellisque breviter ciliatis. Hab. Prope Macao. Perquam similis est /S. ohliquivahi, N. ab E. (qui Ischcmum aristatum, Roxb., non Lin., et I. ciliare, Retz, at non Arthraxon ciliare, P. B.) sed bene distinctus inter confines vaginis nodisque pilis longis mollibus patentibus dense villosis, gluma superior! subulato-acuminata, nec bidente cum brevi apiculo interjecto, seta longiori fortiori, spiculisque majoribus et rhachi triquetra. Folia 3-4 pollices longa, duas lineas lata, acumi- natissima, supra pilosula, et circa margines inferius longe ciliata. SpicomcG! ; subberbacea? foliis late ovatis subcordatis subdentatis adultis utrinque glabris longe petiolatis eglandulosis. — R. japonica. Spr. 9 — Croton japonicum. Thunh. FI. Jap. p. 270. tab. 29? — Hab. Loo Cboo. Thunberg’s figure and description do not represent the leaves as cordate, but rounded at the base ; in our plant they are either emarginate or slightly cordate. 2. R. aurantiaca; arborescens, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis subtus pubescentibus, glandulis ad basin obsoletis, floribus racemosis, capsula aurantiaca farinosa. — Hab. Loo Cboo. This approaches very closely to some narrow-leaved forms of It. tinctoria, Roxb. 1. Croton polystachyum. Willd. ? — Hab. Loo Cboo. Our specimens agree well with Sprengel’s character of the plant, except that the leaves are rather ob- ovate than oblong, being broader towards the apex than the base. The two glands at the base are flat and concave, and almost immersed in the substance of the leaf. If this be really Willdenow’s plant, there is probably either some error in the locality given by that author, or Messrs. Lay and Collie have accidentally mixed a part of the Brazilian collections with the present packet. We might have considered it C. elaagni- folium of Vahl, but here there are two glands at the base of the leaf, and the petiole is two or three lines in length. The leaf is from one to four inches long. 1. Pbyllantbus rhamnoides. Betz ? — Hab. Loo Cboo. Leaves larger than in Burman’s figure, usually referred to this species. We have not observed any male flowers, so that we cannot determine whether it belongs to the restricted genus Phyllanthus, or to Melan- thesa, of Blume. We may here remark, that Ph. lucens (supra, p. 210, cum synon.) is Melanthesa chinensis, Blume Bijdr. p. 392. Ord. LIH. CHLORANTHE^. R. Br. 1. Cblorantbus inconspicuus. (Sw.— Nigrina spicata. Thunh. FI. Jap. p. 65. — Hab. Loo Cboo SciiayninecB,'] LOO CHOO AND BONIN. 271 Ord. LIV. URTICACE^. Juss. 1. Ficus septica. Rumph. — Has. Loo Choo. 2. Y.pumila. Linn.? — Hab. Loo Choo. 3. F. Beecheyana ; foliis integerrimis oblongo-lanceolatis apice attenuatis basi sub- cordatis trinerviis alioquin penninervibus subtus pallidis junioribus supra sparsim subtus dense pubescentibus adultis glabratis, fructibus solitariis pedunculatis globosis apice mammillatis basi attenuatis et bractea triloba instructis junioribus pubescentibus matures- centibus glabris. — Hab. Loo Choo. This we cannot refer to any described species. 1. Urtica mvea. Linn. — Thunh. Fl. Jap.p.lX? — Hab. Loo Choo. 1 . Boehmeria densijlora ; fruticosa, ramis pubescentibus, foliis oppositis breviter petio- latis anguste oblongo-lanceolatis attenuatis argute serratis trinerviis supra et ad nervos subtus strigosis, spicis femineis axillaribus folia subaequantibus cylindricis dense multifloris. — Hab. Loo Choo. Ord. LV. CONIFERiE. Juss. 1. Podocarpus neriifolius. Lamb. — Taxus verticillatus. Thunh. FI. Jap. p. — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Juniperus taxifolia ; arborescens, foliis obtusiusculis ternis verticillatis adultis patulis superne concavis glaucis subtus bisulcatis, fructibus subsessilibus. — J. virginica. Thunh. FI. Jap. p. 264.— Hab. Bonin. 2. J. Thunhergii ; arborescens, foliis quadrifariam imbricatis oblongo-linearibus mucronatis supra concavis glaucescentibus subtus convexis carinatis. — J. Barbadensis. Thunh. FI. Jap. p. 264. — Hab. Loo Choo. We have not seen the fruit. 1. Pinus Ma^soniana. Lamb. — P. sylvestris. Thunh. FI. Jap. p. 274. — Hab. Loo Choo. Ord. LVI. ORCHIDE.®:. Juss. 1. Spiranthes indica. Lindl. ? — Hab. Loo Choo. The only specimen is very imperfect. There is another species of this genus in the collection, from Loo Choo, but only in fruit. 1. Cymbidium triste. Lindl. — Epidendrum teres. Thunh. FI. Jap. p. SO.—Hab. Bonin. Ord. LVII. SCITAMINE^. R. Brown. 1. Globba Hura. Roxh. ? — Hab. Bonin. The peduncles are solitary, and two or three-flowered. 272 LOO CHOO AND BONIN. [ CyperacecB. 1. Alpinia Allugkas. Boscoe? — Hab, Loo Choo. This, as well as all the Monocotyledones, except some of the Graminem and Cyperacese, are so mutilated as to prevent our determination of the species with any degree of certainty. Ord. LVIII. LILIACE^. Juss. 1. hiVmm pomponium. Tkunb. FI. Jap. p. 134.--Hab. Loo Choo. Ord. LIX. ASPHODELEiE. Br. 1. Allium angmtum. G. Don ? — Hab. Loo Choo. This is the only species to which we can refer the Loo Choo plant, but it differs by the umbel being bulbiferous and not crowded : it may, however, be A. odorwm, of Thunberg and Loureiro, which Mr. G. Don calls A. Thunbergii. The stamens are exserted, simple, and arise from a broad triangular membranous base. 1. Dianella gmminifolia. Linn. — Hab. Loo Choo. Ord. lx. DIOSCORE.3E. R. Brown. 1. Dioscorea^ajoom’ca. Thunh. FI. Jap. p. 151 ?— D. oppositifolia. Lour, {an Linn.?) — Hab. Loo Choo. Rumphius’ Amb. 5. tab. 123, gives a good representation of our plant. Perhaps it is only a form of D. alata, but the branches are slender and nearly terete. ^ Ord. lx I. COMMELINEiE. B. Brown. 1. Commelma. polygama. Roth. — Hab. Loo Choo. Ord. LXII. PALMAE. Juss. 1. Caryota urens. Linn.? — Hab. Loo Choo. A branch of the male spadix only is present, without leaves. ^ Ord. LXIH. CYPERACEAE. Jms. 1. Abildgaardia Rottboelliana. a, spica solitaria demum subnutante. Nees ab Esenb. Mst. — A. monostachya. var. indica. Vahli.Kunth^ En. 2. jo. 247.— Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Cyperus hexastachyus. Bottb. — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Mariscus cyperinus. VahL — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Chaetocyperus Limnocharis. Nees ah Esenb. ?■ — Hab. Loo Choo. The specimens are not sufficiently advanced to enable us to determine the structure of the fruit accurately : the stems are more slender than in the Indian specimens. GraminecB.'] LOO CHOO AND BONIN. 273 1. Fimbristylis podocarpa. N. ah E. — F. communis. Kunth, En. 2. p. 235. supra, p. 225. — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Carex Boottiana ; culmo brevissimo, foliis subradicalibus linearibus longissime subidato-attenuatis margine revolutis et ad nervum subtus scabris inflorescentiam 2-3-plo superantibus, spica mascula solitaria terminali, fcemineis subquaternis remotiusculis longiuscule pedunculatis erectis cylindraceis apice masculis, fructibus squama lanceolata setaceo-acuminata brevioribus oblongo-lanceolatis rostratis rostro longe bicuspidato ner- vosis glabris patulis trigonis, angulis duobus acutissimis dorsali obtuso, stigmatibus tribus. — Hab. Bonin. < Allied to C. Hankeana of Presl, but that is described as having pendulous female spikes, ovate squamae, and broad leaves. Ord. LXIV. GRAMINE^. Juss. 1. Paspalus Presl? — Hab. Bonin. 1. Panicum Rottleri. Kunth. — Hab. Bonin. We can perceive no difference between this and the specimens from the Peninsula of British India. The sheaths of the leaves are hirsute, the hairs springing from tubercles. 2. P. commutatum. Nees ah Esenb. — Vide supra, p. 232. — Hab. Loo Choo. 3. P. ischeemoides. Betz. — Vide supra, p. 233. — Hab. Loo Choo. 4. V.miliaceum. Lam. — Vide supra, p. 233.— E.kb. Loo Choo. 5. P. Italimm. Linn. — P. hordeiforme. Thunh. FI. Jap. p. 46. tab. 9. — Hab. Loo Choo. 6. P. penieillatum. Willd. — Hab. Loo Choo. 7. P. hispidulum. Lam. — Vide supra, p. 235. — Hab. Loo Choo. ]. Isachne muricata. Nees ab Esenb — Vide supra, p. 236. — Hab. Loo Choo. The only specimen in the collection has leaves longer, in proportion to the breadth, than usual. 1. Thouarea involuta. Brown, Prod. 1. p. 137, in adnot. — Isachne involuta. Forst. Prod. n. 385 — Hab. Bonin. 1. Chrysopogon aciculatus. Trin. — Vide supra, p. 238. — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Imperata Kanigii. P. de B — (3, Nees ab Esenb. — Vide supra, p. 240. — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Pogonatherum refractum. Nees ah Esenb. supra, p. 239. — Andropogon crinitum. Thunb. FI. Jap. p. 40. tab. 7. — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Spodiopogon aureus ; caulibus caespitosis adscendentibus nodisque glabris, foliis lan- 2 M 27i LOO CHOO AND BONIN. {_Filices. ceolatis acuminatis subconvolutis glabris vel basi ad margines parce pilosis, spicis binis dichotomis, spiculis subconformibus lanceolatis, rhacheos ramis triquetris flavo-ciliatis angulis poriformibus, gluma inferiore ad medium usque connexa Isevi supra medium plana nervosa versus margines pubescente spicae sessilis acute bicuspidata pedicellata subulata vel longe ante apicem hinc unicuspidata, superiore bicuspidata inter dentes setigera, arista flosculi superioris hermaphroditi spiculam subquadruplo superante. — Hab. Loo Choo. 2. S. isch(Bmoides ; culmo nodis vaginisque glabris, foliis lineari-acuminatis glabris planiusculis, vagina summa subinflata microphylla, spica dichotoma oblonga densiflora, spiculis ovatis, gluma inferiore spiculm sessilis basi connexa leevi supra medium nervosa marginata minute bidentata, superiore acuminata seta spiculam fere duplo superante spicae pedicellate mutica, rhachi triquetro parce albido-ciliata ceteroquin ad spiculam basin glabra. — Ischemum minus. Presl^ in Kunth, En> p, 514? — Hab. Bonin. ]. Vilfa elongata. Nees ab Esenb.~—Var. spiculis eneis. — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Avena fatua. Linn. — Hab. Loo Choo, 1. Oryza saliva. Linn. — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Bambusa — Hab. Loo Choo. — (There are no flowers.) Ord. LXV. FILICES. 1. Lygodium Japonicum. Sw — supra, p. 255. — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Grammitis (Loxogramme, Presl,) coriacea, Kaulf.; fronde lanceolata utrinque attenuata acutiuscula coriacea evenia integerrima margine plana, soris obliquis crassis subelongatis. — Hab. Bonin. Allied to Gr. lanceolata, Sw. (Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 43.) but that has larger, broader, and much less coriaceous fronds, with the lines of fructification parallel with the costa. 1. Selliguea decurrens. Pres/.— Grammitis decurrens. Wall. — Hook, et Grev. Ic. FU. t. 6. — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Aspidium (Cyrtomium, Presl,) falcatum, Sw. — Polypodium falcatum. Th. El. Jap. p. 336. t. 36. — Hab. Bonin. Nearly allied to Aspid. {^Cyrtomium, Pr.) caryotideum, Wall, in Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 69, but very different in the form and serratures of the pinnae, and in the nature of the indusium, which is here furnished with a distinct umbo. 2. A. (Nephrodium) exaltatum. Sw. — supra, p. 256. — Hab. Loo Choo. 1. Asplenium />a/ews. Kaulf. Enum.Fil.t. 175. — Hab. Bonin. 1. Pteris longifoUa. Linn. — Hab. Loo Choo. 2. P. serraria. Sw. — P. Cretica. Th. El. Jap. p, 332. (wo» Z-t’ww.)— Hab. Loo Choo. Ranunculacece.'] MEXICO. 275 1. Woodwardia joro/j/em, n. sp. ; fronde triangulari-ovata pinnata, pinnis lato-lanceo- latis acuminatis profunde pinnatifidis basi valde insequalibus cuneatis brevi-petiolatis supra proliferis subtus prsecipue ad costam paleaceo-squamosis, laciniis lanceolatis acutis reticulatim venosis superne serrulatis. (Tab. LVII.) — W. orientalist Sw, Syn, Fil. p. 117 e?315 Hab. Loo Choo. This is very distinct from any Woodwardia we have had the opportunity of seeing. It can scarcely be the W. orientalis of Swartz (a native of Japan) of which the pinnae are described as sinuato-pinnatifid. The reticulation on the laciniae is certainly more copious in our plant than in any other of the genus ; but its most remarkable feature arises from the copious scaly buds, each bearing a young frond, which appear on the upper side of the laciniae, and always from a certain point of the nervation, in the upper angle of the costal nerves, occasioning a corresponding depression on the under side. Our specimens are almost entirely desti- tute of sori. Tab. LVII. Woodwardia prolifera. Fig. I. Upper side of a proliferous lacinia ; fig. 2. Under side of do. 1. Davallia ferruginea. Cav — supra, p. 257. Ord. LXVI. ALG.®. 1. Dictyota spinulosa, n. sp. s fronde lato-lineari dichotoma spiraliter torta mem- branacea olivaceo-fusca minute reticulata disco utrinque margineque spinulosis. — Hab. Loo Choo. Frond about a span long, flat, membranaceous, many times dichotomous, J an inch broad near the base, 2 or 3 lines broad in the ultimate shoots, the margins and the whole disc on both sides beset with spinous pro- cesses of the texture of the frond. The reticulation is very minute and peculiar, consisting of broadish transverse bands and more crowded, and far slenderer longitudinal lines, both equally visible in the dry and in the moist slate. MEXICO. When no habitat is mentioned, the specimens are understood to have been collected at Tepic. We must remark, how'ever, that there seems to have been a considerable mixture of the specimens collected at Loo Choo and Bonin with those of Mexico, the same species occasionally occurring in both packets. Thus nearly all the specimens of what we have called Euonymus Japonicus and Elaocarpus photiniafolius, are in the Mexican collection ; and on the other hand, we found a bad specimen of Gordonia Lasiantlms among the Loo Choo collection, although we thought it unnecessary to notice it. Ord. I. RANUNCULACE^. Juss. 1. Clematis sericea. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. 5. p. 37 ; De Cand. Prod. \. p. 5; Schlecht. in Linn. 5. p. 209, et 6. p. 416. 276 MEXICO. \_Capparidecc. 2. C. Caraccasana, De Cand. Syst. 1. p. 142 ; Schlecht. in Linn. 5. p. 209. — C. Cari- pensis. H. B. K. Nov. Gen, 5. p. 29 ; De Cand. Prod. 1. p. 4. The only specimen in the collection appears to be the extremity of a branch, and has all the leaves tri- foliolate, Ord. II. DILLENIACE.^. DC. 1. Curatella Americana. Linn. ; De Cand. Prod. 1. p. 70. This is not noticed by Schlechtendal as a Mexican plant. I. Tetracera voluhilis. Linn.; II. B. K. Nov. Gen. 5. p, 50; De Cand. Prod. l.p.Ql. Ord. III. MENISPERMACE^. Juss. 1. Cissampelos Pareira. Linn. — Schlecht. in Linn. 5. jo. 211, 6. jo. 418. Both the male and female plants are in the collection; the upper as well as under side of the leaves are densely clothed with a harsh tawny tomentum. Ord. IV. FUMARIACEiE. DC. 1. Corydalis (Bulbocapnos) amhigua. Cham, et Schl.f — Had. Talisco. There is only the fragment of a raceme, without stem or leaves. Another specimen is in the Mexican collection, but as it belongs to what we have noticed among the Loo Choo plants as Corydalis racemosa, we presume it was only placed here by mistake. Ord. V. CRUCIFERS. Juss. 1. Senebiera Mexicana ; foliis linearibus acutis integris vel apice tridentatis, racemo laxifloro, siliculis subcompressis didymis sublaevibus. This we do not find noticed by authors, although we already possess it in our herbarium, also from Mexico, where, particularly on the west side, it is probably not uncommon. It has quite a different appearance from the S. didyma of Europe. We may here remark, that S. serrata, Poir., from Montevideo, and a new species, (foliis angustissime linearibus integerrimis) from Tweedie, found in North Patagonia, form a new section of the genus, which may be characterized thus : Silicula nec apice emarginata nec dorso cristafa : Jlores subum- bellati. 1. Lepidium virginicum. L De Cand. Prod. 1. p. 205 ; Schlecht. in Linn. b.p. 213. Ord. VI. CAPPARIDE^. Juss. 1. Cxataswa. Tapia. Linn. Herb. (nonSp.Pl.); Velloz. FI. Flum.b.t.^. — C. acuminata. De Cand. Prod. sup. 243. — Cleome arborea. Schrad. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 242. — Had. Acapulco. The stamens of our plant are considerably shorter than in Vellozo’s figure referred to. Malvacece.'] MEXICO. 277 Ord. VII. FLACOURTIANE^. Rich. 1. Flacourtia celastrina. H. B. K. ? Schlecht. in Linn. 6. p. 425. Kunth describes the leaves of his plant as membranaceous ; in ours they are hard and firm, and almost coriaeeous. There are two forms in the collection : one, the male, obtained at Tepic, where most of the collection was made, has the leaves cuneate and narrow-oblong : the other, the female, collected at Talisco, has oval leaves ; in both they are acute at the base. Ord. VIIL BIXINEiE. Kunth. 1. Bixa Orellana. Linn. Ord. IX. POLYGALEJE. Juss. 1. Polygala paniculata. Linn. — Schlecht. in Linn. 5. p. 230, et p. 426. 2. Polygala (Timutua) aparinoides; herbacea perennis (vel sufFruticosa ?), caulibus ramium simplicibus quadrangulatis, foliis verticillatis 2-6-nis obovato-oblongis mucronatis subepunctatis flaccidis margine scabris, spica longe pedunculata gracili subdensiflora, alls obovatis carina cristata paullo brevioribus, corolla eglandulosa, seminibus clavato-oblongis retrorsum pubescentibus appendiculis 2 semiDis longitudine. ]. Monnina Xalapensis. H. B. K. — Had. Acapulco. Ord. X. CARYOPHYLLEiE. Juss. 1. Drymaria cordata. Willd. — Had. Talisco. This genus has stipules, and rather belongs to the Paronychiacece. 1. Mollugo arenaria. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. 6. p. 20. This principally difiers from M. cerviana by having the umbels either sessile or on short peduncles. Ord. XI. MALVACEAE. Juss. 1. Malva spicata. Linn. — De Cand. Prod. 1. p. 430 ; Schlecht. in Linn. \ \. p. 350. The carpels of the specimen in the collection are covered towards the apex with several white erect bristles, but are otherwise glabrous. De Candolle says they are quite glabrous. ]. Malachra ftracfeato. Cav,? 2. M. Mexicana. Schrad.? — Schlecht. in Linn. W. p. 354? We refer to this with doubt, having seen no description : we scarcely know how it differs from ilf. capitata, which Schlechtendal also formerly (see Linnsea, 5. p. 227, and 6. p. 422) considered his plant to be. 1. Pavonia (Cancellaria) racem^m,* herbacea? ramis petiolis pedunculisque stellato- pilosis, foliis cordatis 5-angulatis lobo medio acuminato serratis supra pubescentibus subtus tomentosis, floribus pedunculatis, pedunculis ‘inferioribus axillaribus petiolo 2-3-plo longioribus, superioribus racemosis brevioribus primum approximatis demum 278 MEXICO. [_MalvacecB. remotis, bractea ad pedicelli basin filiformi elongata, involucello sub-8-phyllo calycem subduplo superante, foliolis lineari-subulatis calyci fere ad medium usque adhaeren- tibus, carpellis inermibus dorso pubescentibus bisulcatis. — An Malvacea, No. 1309, Schlechf. in Linn. 6. p. 423, et \\. p, 370 ? Carpella quinque capsularia bivalvia monosperma dorso inter margines elevatos et carinam sulcata. Co- lumna staminea inclusa, antheris stigmatibusque exsertis. 1 . Mai vaviscus Acapulcensis. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. 5. p. 224 ; Sohlecht. in Linn. 1 1 . /?. 360. 1. Hibiscus Tampicensis. Moric. PI. Am. p. 7. i. 5 ; ScMecht. in Linn. 11. />. 362. 1. Paritium Azanza. G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. 1. p. 485. The upper leaves are broadly ovate, quite entire or obscurely crenated, and perfectl}' glabrous on both sides. Involucel 8-9-cleft. ' Perhaps Paritium Pernambiicense, G. Don, 1. c., does not differ specifically. To this belongs the gla- brous specimen, which we noticed under Paritium tiliaceum, from Bonin, (supra, p. 259) but which we are now inclined to suspeet was misplaced. 1. Anoda cmtoto. Schlecht. in Linn, 210. — Anoda triloba et A. Dilleniana. Cav. — Hab. Talisco. The specimens belong to the form with the carpels very shortly mucronate. 1 . Sida rhomhifolia. Linn. ? 2. S. carpinifolia. Linn. ? — Hab. Acapulco. The specimens are very imperfect : there are rather large linear-oblong acuminated glabrous stipules at the base of the petioles. 3. S.Jiliformis. Moric.? This specimen also is very imperfect. 4. S. paniculata. Linn. — Schlecht. in Linn. 11. p. 364. {vix Cav. Diss. 1. t. 12. f. 5.) — S. capillaris. Hort. Ber. — Schlecht. in Linn. 6. p. 422. Cav. 1. c.t. \.f. 7. ? 5. S. urens. Linn. The leaves are more acuminated than usual. 1. Abutilon albidum ; folds longe petiolatis cordato-ovatis acuminatis utrinque tomen- tosis rugosis grosse crenatis, pedunculis axillaribus unifloris petiolo longioribus sub calyce articulatis, laciniis calycinis ovatis paullum acuminatis, carpellis sub-lO-truncatis mucro- natis calycem aequantibus hirsutis. — Sida albida. Willd. ? Folia acuminata, minimetamen caudato-acurainata, ut in planta Mexicana a Schlechtendalio in Linneea 11. p. 369 memorata. In many respects this agrees better with Sida ceratocarpa, H. Ss A., (which is also an Abutilon,) than with any other species we know, but the carpels are very different. TernstrcemiacecB.I MEXICO. 279 Ord. XII. BOMBACE^. Kunth. 1. Helicteres gxiazummfolia. H. B. K. ? — H. guazumaefoliae proxima. Schlecht. in Linn. 6. p. 424, etn.p. 370. 1. Bombax ellipticum. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. 5. p. 299; Schlecht. in Linn. 6. p. 299, etW. p. 371. — Hab. Acapulco. Ord. XIII. BYTTNERIACE^. Br. 1. Guazuma ulmifolia. Lam. — Schlecht. in Linn. 11. p. 374. 2. G. polyhotrya. Cav. Ic. 3. t. 299.- — Hab. Acapulco and Tepic. 1. Byttneria lanceolata. FI. Mexic. — Var. ? pedunculis 1-3-nis subunifloris. Fructus cocci tuberculati, tuberculis confertis acutis 2-3 subulato-attenuatis caetera longe superantibus. ' 1. NleXochxa parvifolia. H. B. K. 1. Riedleia Vent.? Our specimen is so imperfect that we cannot determine whether it belongs to Riedleia or Melochia : it does not agree well with De Candolle’s description of R. serrata, but that is the only Mexican species of either genus hitherto noticed by Schlechtendal that at all approaches to it. Ord. XIV. TILIACE^. Juss. 1. Corchorus siliquosus. Linn. — Schlecht. in Linn. W.p. 376. 1. Triumfetta dumetorum. Schlecht. in Linn. 11. p. 377 ? Our specimens agree well with the description there given, except “ floribus versus apices in cymas axillares dispositis,” whereas they form an almost leafless thyrse or compound contracted raceme. 2. T. paniculata. H. et A — Triumfetta sp. Schlecht. in Linn. 6. p. 424, et W.p. 376. ' Capsulm setae glabrae tenues fructus longitudine. Ord. XV. ELiEOCARPE^. Juss. 1. 'EAeeocav^xxi photinicefolius. H. et A. supra, p. 259. tab. LIII. As the majority of the specimens collected in the expedition were placed along with the Mexican plants, we insert the species here, not doubting, however, but this took place through inadvertency. It may, how- ever, have been cultivated in some garden in Mexico. Ord. XVI. TERNSTROEMIACEiE. Mi/rb. 1. Cochlospermum serratifolium. De Cand. — Schlecht. in Linn. W.p. 251. No leaves accompany this specimen. We have the same from the island of Antigua. 280 MEXICO. \_MalpighiacecB. 1. Gordonia Lasianthus. Linn. — var. ? foliis integerrimis. Of this we find no trace among Schlechtendal’s papers. We have not seen the fruit, but in every respect, save that the leaves are here perfectly entire, it agrees well with the figure in the Botanical Magazine, t. 668. Ord. XVII. AURANTIACE^. Corr. 1. Triphasia trifoliolata. DeCand. Prod. \.p. 536. — Hab. Acapulco (probably culti- vated). 1. Citrus medica. Risso. 2. C. Limonmn. Risso. var.? foliis obtusis. — Citrus, tz. 321 . Schlecht. in Linn. 11./). 426. Ord. XVIII. HIPPOCRATEACE.®. Juss. 1. Hippocratea Acapulcensis. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. 5. p. 136; De Cand. Prod. 1. p. 568, — Hab. Acapulco. Ord. XIX. MALPIGHIACE^. Juss. 1. Byrsonima cotinifolia. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. 5. t. 152. t. 447. — Hab. Acapulco and Tepic. 1. Galphimia Cav. Ic. b. p. 61. t. 489. 2. G. glandulosa. Cav. and De Cand. Prod. \.p. 582. — Hab. Talisco. De Candolle conjectures that there are perhaps several species confused under this name, and certainly the shape of the leaves in our specimens, which appear to be var. « of De Candolle, is very different from what is represented by Cavanilles, Ic. 6. t. 563. In ours they are oval and obtuse, and in Cavanilles, which forms De Candolle’s var. y, they are lanceolate and much attenuated at both ends. The petals of this genus be- come hard, dry, and persist, and have a strong middle nerve, which is canaliculate on the upper side and slightly carinate on the under. 1. Hirtea cyeloptera; scandens, foliis brevi-petiolatis ovali-oblongis vel oblongo-lanceo- latis acuminatis acutis vel mucronatis utrinque birsuto-villosis, petiolis eglandulosis, pedun- culi.<5 hirsutis e summis axillis subcorymbosis, calycis laciniis biglandulosis, ovario hirsuto, carpellis glabratis. (Tab. LVIH.) — H. cyeloptera. FL Mex. ? fide De Cand. Prod. 1. p. 586. — Hab. Talisco and Tepic. Calycis lacinise certe biglandulosa3. Petala cordato-subrotunda longe unguiculata, dorso exalata, margine argute subciliato-denticulata, aurantiaca. Styli 3. Ovarium villoso-hirsutum. Carpella ala membranacea orbicular! subglabra cincta, dorso cristata. Embryo curvatus. Tab. LVIII. Hiraea cyeloptera. Fig. 1, Flower ; fig. 2. Stamens and pistil ; Jig.2.Q. Carpels, front and back view: — magnified. 1. Triopteris sericea. Schlecht. in Linn. 11. p. 243. The largest leaves in the specimen before us are upwards of two inehes long : those seen by Schleehtendal never exceeded one and three-quarters ; whieh is the only point of difference we can perceive between our plant and his description. SapindacecR.'l MEXICO. 281 1. Tetrapteris Mexicana ; foliis longiuscule petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis adultis utrinque glaberrimis, umbellis pedunculatis subquadrifloris axillaribus subbinis, petalis cordato-suborbiculatis basi cuneatis — Hab. Talisco. Folia juniora utrinque parce subsericea, adulta glaberrinia, nervis subtus prominulis etiam glabris. 1. Heteropteris fomewtosa ; foliis subcoriaceis breve petiolatis ovatis obtusis cum mu- crone margine recurvis supra velutinis subtus tomentosis rugosis versus basin glandulis paucis instructis, petiolo eglanduloso, floribus cymoso-paniculatis, paniculae ramis eglan- dulosis calycibusque ferrugineo-tomentosis. — Bannisteria tomentosa. Schlecht. in Linn. 11. p. 244? — B. paniculata. FI. Mex. et De Cand. Prod. 1. p. 591? — Heteropteris brachiata. H. B. K. et De Cand. Prod. 1. 591 ? The fruit is that of Heteropteris. Ord. XX. SAPINDACE^. Juss. 1. Sapindus glabrescens ; i-achi foliorum aptera pubescenti-tomentosa, foliolis 2-4-jugis oblongo-lanceolatis basi subinsequalibus integerrimis supra glabris subtus junioribus per totam paginam adultis versus nervum medium subvillosis, racemis terminalibus paniculatis, fructu globoso-subtrigono vix lobato. 2. S. Drummondi ; petiolo aptero, rachi inter juga superiora submarginata pubescente, foliolis 3-4-jugis basi injequalibus oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis subfalcatis supra elevato- reticulatis subtus molliter pubescentibus, panicula terminali divaricata. — a ; foliolis acute acuminatis. Drummond FI. Tex. III. n. 54. — 13; foliolis obtuse acuminatis. — Sapindus inaequalis. Schlecht. in Linn. 6./?, 419? [vix Lam.) The specimens in the present collection belong to our second variety. We have not seen the fruit of either. 1. Thouinia decandra. H. B. K. PI. Mquin. 1. t. 56.— Hab. Acapulco. The stamens seem to vary from 8 to 10. 1. Cupania scrohiculata. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. 5. p. 127. Schlecht. in Linn. 6. p. 419. 1. Serjania Mexicana; foliis biternatis, petiolo nudo, petiolulis partialibus anguste alatis, foliolis oblongis ovatisve saepius acuminatis inciso-dentatis cuneatim attenuatis utrinque glabris vel subtus puberulis nervo primario subtus saepe molliter pubescente, axillis venarum pilosis, racemis compositis, carpellis apice pubescentibus alis deorsum dilatatis glabris. — S. mexicana. Willd. ? — Hab. Acapulco and Tepic. Our doubt as to this being Willdenow’s plant arises from the stem being described as aculeated, even by De Candolle, who gives a reformed character from the figure in the Flora Mexicana. In our specimen there is certainly no appearance of prickles on the branches that bear the leaves and flowers ; on the older branches or stem, however, from which the former arise, the (last year’s ?) peduncles are either wholly converted into stout tendrils, or are so completely abortive as to resemble sharp tubercles. Probably, therefore, as the 2 N 282 MEXICO. \_ZanthoxylecB. botanical character hitherto given seems to be derived almost entirely from figures, these tubercles are the prickles mentioned by authors ; though we have no doubt but similar ones may be observed on most species of the genus. 1. Paullinia fuscescens ; foliis biternatis, petiolo tereti, petiolulis anguste alatis, foliolis oblongis omnibus acutis vel obtusiusculis grosse crenato-serratis basi cuneato-attenuatis supra in nervo venisque hirtis alioquin puberulis subtus molliter tomentoso-hirtis aureo- fuscescentibus, capsulis globoso-pyriformibus tomentosis adultis glabrescentibus, valvis sursum carinato-alatis. — P. fuscescens. H.B. K. Nov. Gen. 5. p. 120? — P. pubescens. De Cand. \. p. 606? — Hab. Acapulco. Our specimens appear only to differ from Humboldt’s by the shape of their leaflets. They seem also very closely allied to P. velutina, De Cand. (which probably does not differ from P. mollis, H. B. K.), but that has the petioles not margined. ^ 1. Dodonaea viscosa. Linn. The specimen in the collection appears to belong to the var. a of Kunth Syn. 3. p. 168. Ord. XXL AMPELIDE^. De Cand. 1. Cissus The specimen is extremely mutilated : the leaves or leaflets (for they are lying loose on the sheet without any petiole by which we might conjecture whether they were simple or compound) are oblong-lanceolate, acuminated, glabrous, fleshy, and sharply toothed. Ord. XXII. ZYGOPHYLLE^. Br. 1. Kallstroemia maajMwa. — Tribulus maximus. Linn. — Hab. Acapulco. Ehrenbergia tribuloides of Martins is another species, and seems to differ from the more common one by having the carpels crested at the back, and the colour of the flowers. Here the carpels are slightly muricated and wrinkled. Tribuhis trijugatus of Nuttall is probably the same species ; he, no doubt, attributes to it five one- seeded carpels, but as there is little doubt that his plant and the T7ib. maximus of Elliott are identical, we learn from Elliott that there are ten seeds ; and although Elliott hesitates about his being the true T. maximus, his description accords in every particular both with the West Indian and Mexican species. Ord. XXIII. ZANTHOXYLE^. Adr. de Juss. 1. Zanthoxylon Pterota. H. B. K. ? at forsan Schlecht. in lAnn. 6. p. 426. In our plant the leaflets are from four to eight pairs, about 12 or 14 lines long and 4-6 broad : the petiole and rachis have no prickles. In a plant allied to, or a variety of this, from Texas (Drummond, Tex. III. n. 68), the petiole is likewise unarmed, but the leaflets are much smaller, scarcely more than 4 or 3 lines long, and are obovate. The only prickles in both are in pairs at the base of the petioles, and are more or less curved. A specimen of Zanth. piperitum is also in the Mexican collection, but we presume that it had been' acci- dentally transferred from that made at Loo Choo and Bonin. 1. Brunellia ? quadrilocularis ; glabra inermis, foliis oppositis sublonge petiolatis late Rhamneai.] MEXICO. 283 ovalibus rotunclatis integerrimis, pedunculis axillaribus petiolo dimidio brevioribus, carpellis 4 in fructum 4-loculareni 4-lobatum loculicido-dehiscentem coalitis obtusis. The internal structure of the carpels is not very dissimilar to that observed in Brunellia and Zanthoxylon. The fruit is dotted with reddish glands ; the seed has a black shining testa. The leaves are so very obscurely dotted as almost to be impunctate : they are about 2|- to 3 inches long, and from 2 to 2| broad. In some respects it approaches Zanthoxylon Aubletia, De Cand., judging by De Candolle’s short description ; but that has the carpels quite distinct, according to M. Adrien de Jussieu. Ord. XXIV. CONNARACE^. Br. 1. Rourea glabra. H. B. K. ? — Hab. Acapulco. 2. R. ? ohlongifolia I foliolis 3-5 sub-alternis coriaceis oblongo-lanceolatis acumi- natis glabris basi obtusis vel acutiusculis, floribus axillaribus paniculatis, carpellis sub- cylindricis. The carpels are like those of R. santaloides, W. and A. The leaflets resemble in shape those of Omphalo- hium Lamberti, De Cand., but are smaller, and the carpels of that species are almost obovate. We have neither seen perfect flowers nor fruit. Ord. XXV. CELASTRINE^. 1. Mygindus Scoparia ; ramis virgatis elongatis quadrangulatis, foliis oppositis (parvis) remotis lanceolatis acuminatis glabris petiolatis argute serratis, pedunculis dichotomis cymoso-umbellatis paucifloris filiformibus folio l|-4-plo longioribus. — Myginda Uragoga, var. foliis angustioribus. Schlecht. in Linn. 5. p. 603. — Hab, Acapulco. This appears to be only suffruticose ; but is evidently allied to M. Rhacoma, Sw. ; it differs from Af. Uragoga, by the glabrous leaves, besides other characters. The calyx is 4-lobed. Petals 4, with a broad base. Stamens 4, almost as in Euonymus. Style 1, In the Mexican collection are specimens, probably misplaced, of what we have already described and figured as Euonymus Japonicus. Ord. XXVI. RHAMNE^. 1. Rhamnus (Antirhamnus) hiniflorus; Mac. et Less. inDe Cand. Prod. 2. p. 26. — var. ? pedunculis trifloris,' foliis oblongis ovatis vel ovalibus acutis vel obtusis cum mucrone basi acutiusculis. — Hab. Talisco. De Candolle compares his plant with R. umbellatus, Cav. Ic. 6. t. 504, but that species has the leaves almost sessile, while in our plant they are on rather long petioles. The segments of the calyx persist even while the fruit is ripe, as in R. umbellatus, and are not deciduous, as in R. ternijlorus, De Cand., or Colu- brina trijlora, Brongn. We have not seen the petals, but Cavanilles represents them cucullate in the ana- logous R, umbellatus. The fruit is drupaceous : the nut is scarcely separable into nucules, but contains four cells, of which two appear always to be abortive, as well as sometimes one of the remaining two : the embryo is flat, as in the section Frangula of Brongniart. R. Humboldtiana is said to have the cells 2-seeded ; but we are inclined to suppose that the dissepiment dividing the two seeds had been overlooked, and that it forms part of the group Antirhamnus. 284 I MEXICO. \_Leguminos. 572. 1. Galium Aparine. Linn. — G. Mexicanum. H. B. K. There are three other Rubiacece in this collection, but they are already noticed among those from Loo Choo and Bonin, whence they were, in all probability, brought. 296 MEXICO. [ Compositm. Ord. XLVII. VALERIANE^. Juss. I. Valeriana ceratophylla. H. B. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. Am. v. 3. p. 333. t. 276. — Hab. Talisco. Ord. XLVIII. COMPOSITE. Juss. ]. Stevia glandulosa; fruticosa tota pubescenti-glandulosa, foliis oppositis sublonge petiolatis ovatis serratis, corymbis densis polycephalis, involucre trifloro, pappo paleaceo brevi exaristato. Hab. Talisco. — A shrubby and apparently rather tall growing plant, every where clothed with glandular viscid down. Leaves, including the petioles, near two inches long. Capitula very compact. Achenia black, linear, crowned with about 5 short paleaceous, nearly equal, jagged scales. 1. Elephantopus Carolinianus. Willd. — De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 86. The E. nudicaulis of the United States is not specifically distinct from this. 1. Distrephus spicatus.' • Cass. — De Cand. Prod. v. 5. p. 87. — Elephantopus spicatus. B. Juss. 1. Lagascea latifolia. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 92. — Nocca latifolia. Lallav. et Lex. Nov. Veg. Descr. l.p. 31. Sweet. Br. FI. Gard, t. 215. 1 . Pectis Taliscana ; caule erectiusculo glabro tetragono opposite ramoso, foliis lineari- bus acuminatis mucronatis grosse glandulosis versus basin utrinque 2-3-ciliatis supra pubescenti-scabridis, pedicellis bracteatis monocepbalis capitulos 2-4-plo superantibus, involucri squamis 5 linearibus convolutis acutiusculis, pappo radii et disci setis 3-6 aristatis basi dilatatis paleisque paucis brevissimis. Hab. Talisco. — A small and incomplete specimen is all that we have had the opportunity of examining, but the pappus does not correspond with that of any described species. 2. P. diffusa; glabra, caule ramisque diffusis, foliis linearibus submucronatis, pedicellis elongatis pauci-bracteatis, involucri squamis 5 oblongis acutiusculis, pappi paleis seti- formibus scabris inmqualibus in disco 10-20, in radio paullo paucioribus, ligulis oblongo- linearibus involucrum duplo superantibus. Hab. Talisco. — Allied to P. elongata, but smaller, and with a very diffuse habit. 1. Piqueria trinervia. Cav. Ic. 3. p. 19. t. 235. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 104. 1. Gymnocoronis latifolia; foliis ovatis serratis utrinque acuminatis secus petiolum decurrentibus, involucri foliolis oblongis acutis. Hab. Talisco. — The flowers very much resemble those of G.^attenuata, {Aloniia spilanthoides, Don ; et Hook, et Arn. Bot. of S. Am. in Comp, to Bot. Mag. v. 1. p. 238); but the capitula are much larger, the scales of the involucre broader, and the leaves are vastly longer, and two inches and more in diameter. 1. Ceelestina ageratoides. H. B. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. Am. 4. p. 151. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 108.— Ageratum caelestinum. Bot. Mag. t. 1730. Compositce.'] MEXICO. 29T ]. Phania? urenifolia ; herbacea glabra, foliis alternis grosse serratis petiolatis trifidis V. pinnatim trisectis lobo terininali petiolato trifido segmentis obtusis, capitulis paucis axillaribus longe pedunculatis subcorymbosis permultifloris (fere 100), involucri squamis striatis externis paucis ovatis acutis, internis 40-50 lineari-acuminatis, corolla pappi longitudine aequali perangusta lobis brevissimis obtusis, pappo brevissime coroniformi in setas tenues rigidas 4-5 producto, styli ramis elongatis longe exsertis tenuibus. We are extremely doubtful of this genus ; but the plant has so many points in common with Phania multi- caulis, DC., that we, for the present, refer it to the same genus, from which it differs in many of its characters. The scales of the involucre are very numerous ; the achenia and corolla exceedingly slender ; the setae of the pappus slender, rigid, rough, and of a dark purple colour. 1. Bolbostylis rigida^ fruticosa, ramis elongatis, foliis rigido-coriaceis ovatis acutis sessilibus reticulatis supra nitidis scabris subtus albo-tomentosis superioribus minoribus bracteiformibus, capitulis pedunculatis terminalibus axillaribusque subsolitariis, involucri turbinato-hemisphaerici foliolis imbricatis, ext. late ovatis acutis, int. oblongis. •i Leaves 1|- to 2 inches long. Flowers large. Scales of the involucre blackish at the tips. Achenium narrow, furrowed. Pappus of many slender setse slightly thickened below the point. 2. B. hehecarpa. De Cand. Prod. b.p. 138. Hab. Talisco. — This seems to agree with the plant thus named, except that there are about 13 (not 10) flowers in each capitulum. 1. Eupatorium glaherrimum. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 144. Specimens very imperfect. 2. E. conyzoides. Vakl, Symb. 3. p. 96. De Cand. Prod. b.p. 143. — /3. glahrius. 3. E. ovaliflorum ; fruticosum pubescens subvelutinum, foliis oppositis brevi-petiolatis anguste ovatis acuminatis subcoriaceis 3-5-nerviis serratis, panicula trichotome composita, involucri ovalis sub 23-flori squamis arete imbricatis ovatis obtusis striatis nitidis. The leaves are singularly harsh and rigid, but clothed, especially above, with a short and almost velvety down. The involucres are almost exactly oval, contracted at the apex, and embracing tightly the florets. It seems most nearly allied to P. divergens. Less. 4. E. nigrescens ; fruticosum fere ubique glabrum, foliis oppositis ovato-deltoideis acuminatis serratis tenuibus siccitate nigricantibus sublonge petiolatis, petiolisgracilibus, corymbis polycephalis, involucri brevi-cylindracei squamis oblongis obtusis arete imbri- catis pubescentibus striatis sub 15-floris. The old leaves are glabrous, as are the stems and older branches ; the young leaves and pedicels and invo- lucres are slightly downy. 5. Ya. lasioneuron ; fruticosum, foliis patentibus sublonge petiolatis ovatis acuminatis submembranaceis serratis supra glabriusculis subtus ad costam prmcipue lanuginosis, corymbis polycephalis, involucri patenti-campanulati foliolis glabriusculis laxis 1-2 externis 2p 298 MEXICO. IComposita, brevibus reliquis (14-15) subaequalibus lineari-lanceolatis membranaceis striatis sub 15- floris, acheniis striatis puberulis. Hab. Talisco. — Leaves 3-4 inches long ; petiole 1 inch. Capitula f of an inch in diameter. Pappus white, as the corollas also appear to be. 1. Heterotheca Cass — DC. Proc?. 5. /». 317. — Diplocoma villosa. Sweet, FI. Gard. t. 246. — Doronicum Mexicanum. Cerv. in Link et Otto, Hort, Berol. t. 22. The H, leptoglossa, DC., is probably not distinct from this. 1 . Baccharis longifolia ? De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 402. In our plant, the exterior scales of the involucre are ovate, the interior oblong, slightly but distinctly ciliated, and the lower part of the branches appears woody. 2. B. hirtella? De Cand. Prod. b.p. 418. If this be the plant of De Candolle, the leaves are 5-6 inches long, an inch or an inch and a half broad, the capitula densely clustered, of a pale straw'-colour, almost white. 1. Eclipta erecta. L De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 490. 2. E. hrachypoda. Mich.—De Cand. Prod. b. p. 491. CHiETYMENIA. Nov. Gen. Capitulum multiflorum, heterogamum, fl. radii ligulatis foemineis obovatis, disci plurimis tubulosis herma- phroditis. Involucri patenti-campanulati squamae paucse subbiseriales, inaequales, laxe imbricatm, ovatas, subacuminatcE, vix foliacese. Receptaculum nudum. Styli rami attenuati pilosi. Achenia oblonga, basi attenuate, angulata, angulis pilosis. Pappi setae rigidae, sub-20, corollae tubulosae loiigitudine, piloso-hispidae, basi utrinque ala membranacea incisa auctas. — Herba? subsimplex, Mexicana, glabra. Caulis teres. Folia elongata, lineari-laneeolata, subpunctata, trinervia, opposita, basique connata. Pedunculi terminates axillaresque, longissimi, nudi. Flos majusculus {diametro bipollicaris'), aureo-fiavus. 1. peduncularis. (Tab. LXII.) Hab. Talisco. — This genus appears to belong to the Subtrib. Tagetineae of the SENECiONiDEiE {DC.) : but the character of the genus comes near to Burrielia in the Heleniea:. It, however, seems quite distinct from anything hitherto published. Tab. LXII. Fig. 1. Floret of the ray ; Jig. 2. Do. of the disk ; Jig. 3. Seta of the pappus : — magnified. 1. Porophyllum Linaria? De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 649. — Cacalia Linaria. Cav. Ic. 3. p. 19. t. 257 — Hab. Talisco. TULOCARPUS. Nov. Gen. Capitulum pauciflorum, monoicum ; radii flosculo solitario foemineo ligulato, apice tridentato, tubo gracili basi dilatato ; disei flosculis 3-4, tubulosis masculinis, tubo longo gracili, limbo campanulato, alte 5-fido. Involucrum cylindraceum, 6-phyllum, biseriale, foliolis 3 ext. majoribus sequalibus striatis acutis, 3 int. scariosis, unico florifero. Receptaculum paleaceum, paleis involucri seriei int. similibus. Anthera exsertae (viridescentes) ; filamentis dense barbatis. Stylus (fl. masc.) paululum exsertus, indivisus, puberulus, Achenium solitarium in singulo capitulo, magnum, obovato-oblongum, compressum, basi dorso callo magno rugoso tetragono. — Herba? Mexicana, glabra. Caulis teres. 'SoXva. opposita, petiolata,ovato-lanceolata, serrata. Corymbi laterales terminalesque compositi. Flores Jiavi. Composit. 190. t. 227. — Hab. Talisco. Ord. LIV. APOCINE^. Br. 1. Tabernaemontana littoralis. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 228. — Hab. Acapulco. 1. Nerium orformw. i.— flore pleno. — Acapulco: cuUiv. Ord. LV. GENTIANE.L:. Juss. 1. Erythraea ilfm'cam ? Griseb. ined. With our imperfect specimens, we dare not venture upon offering a character of this plant, of which there are two varieties, if not two distinct though closely allied species : both having the habit and paniculated stem with divaricated branches of E. Mexicana, Griseb. in Herb, nostr. ; but the calyx is more deeply cleft. In the one from Tepic, the flow'ers are twice the size of the other kind (from Talisco), but we do not find any structural difference. 2. E. Chilensis. Pers Chironia Chilensis. Willd. I. Schultesia stenophylla. Mart. Brasil, t. 182. Convolvulacea:.'] MEXICO. 303 Ord. LVI. BIGNONIACE^. Juss. 1 . Tecoma stans. Juss. — Hab. Acapulco. Ord. LVII. POLEMONIACE^. Juss. 1. Hoitzia coccinea. Cav. 2. H. glandulosa. Cav. Ic. 4. p. 44. t. 367. — An etiam H. Cervantesii. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 164. — Hab. Talisco. I. Bonplandia geminijlora. Cav. Ic. 6. p. 2\.t. 532 — Caldasia heterophylla. Willd. Hort. Berol. \.p. 71. t. 71. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 166. — Hab. Talisco. Ord. LVHI. HYDROLEACEAE. Br. 1. Hydrolea spinosa. L. — H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. S. p. 125. — Hab. Acapulco. 1. Wigandia urens. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 127. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1966. — Hydrolea urens. R. et P. FI. Peruv. 3. p. 21. t. 243. Ord. LIX. CONVOLVULACE^. Juss. 1. Convolvulus (Ipomjea, Chois.) densiflorus ; volubilis, ramis teretibus junioribus pubescentibus, foliis longe petiolatis cordatis (sinu lato profundo) brevi-acuminatis inte- gerrimis supra pubescentibus subtus (junioribus prsecipue) pannosis, pedunculis umbel- latis, umbellis compositis multifloris, calycis laciniis lato-ovatis obtusis convolutis, corolla subinfundibuliformij limbo patente. Leaves extremely and densely downy on the underside. Flowers numerous, 20 or more, in a compound umbel. 1. Quamoclit vitifolia. — Calboa vitifolia. Cav. Ic. b. p. b\. t. 476. — Macrostema viti- folia. Pers. Syn. PI. 1. p. 185. — Ipomaea funis? Schlecht. in Linnoea, 5. p. 119. et 6. p. 381 Fructus quadrilocularis. 1. Exogonium spicatum. Chois. Conv. Diss. Sec. p. 128, — Ipomtea bracteata. Cav. Ic. b. p.b\. t. 477. {non Vahl). — Ipomasa cincta. Roem. etSch. 4. p. 254. — Ipomaea spicata ? H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. S. p. 112. — Convolvulus obvallatus. Spr. 1. Evolvulus argyreus. Chois. Conv. Diss. Sec. p. 153. — E. incanus, H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 116. {non Pers.). — Cressa sericea. Willd. in Roem. et Sch. — In nostr. exempl. folia pleraque fere obovata sunt acutissima. 2. E. alsinoides. L. — Chois. 1. c. p. 154 — Burm. %eyl. 9. t. 6. — E. hirsutus? H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. b. p. 117. — Hab. Talisco. 3. E. linifolius. L Lam. 111. 3. t. 216. f. 1. — E. debilis. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 8. p. 115. — E. decumbens. Br. Prodr. p. 489. 304 MEXICO. \_Solane(B. 1. Cressa Truxillensis. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 119 C. arenai’ia. Willd. in Roem. et Sch. 6. p. 207. Too near C. indica ; and that again Choisy is disposed to consider as a mere variety of C. Cretica. 1. Cuscuta fvctida. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. />. 122. Ord. lx. BORAGINE.®. Juss. 1. Cordia Gerascanthus. Jacq. Am.p. 43. t. 173./. 16. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 69. ' 1. Tournefortia hirsutissima. Sw — H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 80. Schlecht. in Linncea, 6. p. 379. 2. T. synmjstachia. Roem. et Sch. 4. p. 539. — Heliotropium, Ruiz et Pav. FI. Peruv. 2. p. 3. t. 109. 3. T. Caraccasana ? H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 80. 1. Tiaridium Indicum. Lehm Heliotropium Indicum. h. 1. Heliotropium Patdbilcense? H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 87. Ord. LXI. SOLANE^. Juss. 1. Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Viv. in Roem. et Sch. 4. p. 321. Schlecht. in Linncea, 5. p. 111. — N. crispa. Desf. — Jacq, Fragm. n. 187. t. 84. 1. Physalis puhescens. L. — Nees ah Esenb. in Linncea, 6. p. 467, cum synon. 1. Brugmansia Candida. Pers. — Datura arborea. Willd. 1. Solanum rubrum. Mill — Dun. Sol. p. 155. — S. nigrum, n- rubrum. Willd. 2. S. refractumi fruticosum, ramis pubescenti-ferrugineis scabris aculeatis, foliis gla- briusculis profunde pinnatifidis costa subtus aculeatis, laciniis remotis patentibus lato- lanceolatis integerrimis terminali longiore, racemis folio longioribus lateralibus com- positis, ramis elongatis refractis apice praecipue floriferis, floribus secundis, pedicellis florem mquantibus, calyce hemisphjErico-campanulato 5-dentato glabro, corolla profunde quinquefida. Leaves a span long, tapering gradually into a short footstalk ; the midrib beneath, and the branches, clothed with numerous short recurved prickles. Flowers apparently white, and about the size of those of S. Dulcamara. 3. S. torvum. Sw. 4. S. verbascifolium. Linn. — Jacq. Hort. Find. \.p. 13. 5. S. Carolinense. Linn. — Jacq. Ic. Rar. 2. t. 331. Verbenacea;.~\ MEXICO. 305 Ord. LXII. ACANTHACEiE. Juss. 1. Justicia (Leptostachya. N. ab E.) pectomlis. Linn. I. Elytraria ramosa. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 235. There are seven other species of AcantJiacem, but in too imperfect a state to allow us to determine one of them. Ord. LXIII. VERBENACE^. Juss. 1. Callicarpa Americana. Willd. — Lam. Ill, t. 69. f. \. 2. C. suhpuhescens ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis utrinque attenuatis petiolatis serratis glabris adultis subtus sparse stellato-pubescentibus, pedunculis axillaribus petiolum aequantibus, floribus copiosis cymosis. Leaves, including the petiole, nearly a span long, two inches broad in the widest part, closely serrated. 3. C. parvifolia ; foliis coriaceis obovatis obtusissimis breve petiolatis laeviter crenatis supra adultis glabris subtus dense cano-tomentosis reticulatim venosis, pedunculis petiolum aequantibus, floribus capitato-cymosis. Leaves an inch and a half long ; the younger ones inclining to rust-colour beneath. The peduncles and petioles are densely stellato-tomentose, like the under side of the foliage. 1. mollis. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 245. Hab. Acapulco. — Corolla short, tubular, 5-lobed ; four lobes uniform, the fifth dilated, flabelliform, and cucullate. Ovary 4-lobed. 2. V. flavens 9 H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 246, Our specimens have no flowers ; but the foliage seems to agree with that of V. flavens. 1. Lippia callicarpcefolia. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 268. — Hab. Talisco. 2. L. myriocephala. Schlecht. in Linnesa, 5. p. 98. and 6. p. 372. The foliage and the stems of this are extremely scabrous. 1. Verbena veroniccefolia. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. 2. p. 275. Very near some of the varieties of V. officinalis. 2. V. AuUetia. Jacq. — V. elegans? H. B. K.Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 273, 1. Stachytarpheta dichotoma. VaJd. — H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 279. — Verbena dichotoma. Ruiz et Pav. 1. t. 34. 1. 'Lsvatano. lippioides ; fruticosa, ramis angulatis scabris, foliis breve petiolatis ellip- ticis rigidis serratis strigoso-scabris reticulatim venosis rugosis, pedunculis axillaribus solitariis petiolum ^quantibus, capitulo subgloboso pedunculi longitudine, bracteis cordatis acutissimis appressis pilosis. 2Q 306 MEXICO. \Primulace<2. ■ Hab. Talisco and Acapulco. — Whole plant hoary with short, rigid, whitish hairs. Leaves an inch long. The veins much sunk on the upper surface, prominent beneath. Fragments of two other Lantanm are in the collection. 1. Citharexylon reticulaium. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 257. Schlecht. in Linncea, 5. p. 97. — Ehretia articulata. Willd. in Roem. et Sch. 4. p. 805. 1. Av\cennia tomentosa. L. Ord. LXIV. LABIATiE. Juss. 1. Salvia (§ MembranacetE, Benth.) lasiocephala ; herbacea pubescenti-hirta, foliis petiolatis ovato-cordatis acutis grosse serratis basi obtusis, pedimculis longissimis filifor- mibus, verticillastris globoso-glomeratis remotissimis paucis, bracteis cordatis acutis membranaceis reticulatis verticillastro subbrevioribus, calycibus dense albo-tomentosis. The white, woolly, globose, remote verticillastra upon the long slender peduncles, readily distinguish this species. 2. S. elongata. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 287. t. 139. — var. foliis supra pilosis. 3. S. n. sp. ? near S. Keerlii, Benth. Lab. p. 263, and S. Scorodonia, Poir., but pro- bably different from both ; the inflorescence is much paniculated. 4. S. Scorodonia ? Poir. — Benth. Lab. p. 264. 5. S. occidentalis. Sw S. procumbens. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Peruv. 1. t. 39. /. a. Hab. Talisco. — The specimens very imperfect. 1. Stachys coccinea. Jacq. Hort. Schoenb. 3. t. 284. Bot. Mag. t. 666. 2. S. agraria. Schiede et Deppe in Linncea, 5. p. 1 00. Benth. Lab. p. 550. — Hab. Talisco. 1. Perilomia scutellarioides. H. B. K. Nov. Gen, Am. 2. p. 327. t. 157. Benth. Lab. n. 445. 1. Hyptis albida. FI. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 319. Benth, Lab. p. 128. 2. H. spicata. Poit. Ann. Mus. 7. p. 474. t. 28. f. 2. 3. H. polystachya? H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 321. Benth. Lab. p. 119. 4. H. stellidata. Benth. Lab. p. 129 Hab. Talisco. 5. H. n. sp., in some respects corresponding with Mr Bentham’s 3d Sect. Apodotes ; but we dare not venture to characterize it. Ord. LXV. PRIMULACE^. Juss. 1. Lysimachia glaucophylla ; fruticosa glabra, caule terete subangulato, foliis lanceo- latis sparsis obtusis punctatis inferne attenuatis sessilibus, subtus glaucis, pedunculis PlumbaginecB.'] MEXICO. 307 axillaribus solitariis unifloris folio brevioribus, calyce 4-partito laciniis lanceolatis in- asqualibus foliaceis costatis corollam 5-partitam rotatam superantibus, filamentis glan- dulosis, stylo incrassato. (Tab. LXVIII.) A fruticose plant, with leaves a good deal resembling those of L. Ephemerum, but with a totally different inflorescence. Tab. LXVIII. Lysimachia glaucophylla. Fig. 1. Flower; fig. Corolla laid open ; fig. Pistil: — magnified. Orb. LXVI. SCROPHULARINEm Jnss. 1. Buddlea decurrens. Schlecht. in Linncea, b.p. 105. — An B. acuminata? //. B. K. 1. Stemodia Ait. — Schlecht. in Linn. 6. p. 376. 1. Mimulus glabratus. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. 2. p. 297. Schlecht. in Linn. 5. p. 107. — Hab. Talisco. 1. Scoparia annua. Schlecht. in Linncea.) 6. p. 375. 2. S. dulcis. Linn. 1. Capraria hirsuta. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 355 — minus villosa. 2. C. saxifragcefolia. Schlecht. in Linncea, 5. p. 105. 1. Herpestes chamcedryoides. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 296. Schlecht. in Linncea, 5. p. 107. 2. H. Monnieria. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 366. — Gratiola. L. 1. Buchnera elongata ? Sw. — Schlecht. in Linncea, 8. p. 245. — Hab. Talisco. 1. Castilleja integrifolia. L. — Smith Ic. PI. p. 39. t. 39. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 330. ]. Lamourouxia multijida? H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 339. 2. L. cordata. Schlecht. in Linncea, 5. p. 103. Hab. Talisco. — This must be, in a living state, a very fine plant, 2-3 or more feet high, with long spikes of large scarlet secund flowers. 1. Russelia floribunda. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 359. Schlecht. in Linncea, 5. p. 106, 2. R. rotundifolia. Cav. Ic. 5. p. 9. t. 514. — Hab. Acapulco. Ord. LXVIL PLUMBAGINE.®. Juss. 1 . Plumbago Mexicana ? H. B. K, Nov. Gen, Am. 3. p. 224. It seems scarcely to differ from P. Zeylanica, and may perhaps be cultivated. 303 MEXICO. '\_Polijgone glaberrirnum, ramis teretibus, foliis oblongo-ovatis mernbranaceis nervosis acutiusculis basi valde ineequalibus utrinque rotundatis, spicis elongatis cylin- draceis brevi-pedunculatis folium aequantibus. Ord. LXXVII. AMENTACE^. Juss. 1. SiaYiyi microphylla ; valde ramosa, foliis parvis patentibus sparsis sessilibus lineari- lanceolatis acutis obscure serratis costatis enervibus glabriusculis junioribus sericeis, stipulis minutis caducis, amentis coaetaneis in ramulis terminalibus ovalibus parvis, AlismacecB-l MEXICO. 311 squamis (foetnineis) obovatis venosis pubescenti-hirtis, staminibus 2, (Tab. LXX.) — S. microphylla. Schlecht. in Linncea, 6. p. 354'. A very remarkable species of Salix, with leaves like those of some small Lythrum, and flowers small in proportion. Our specimens possess only the male catkins. Tab. LXX. Salix microphylla. Fig. 1. Outer view of a scale from the male amentum ; %. 2. Inner view, with flower ; fig. 3. Leaf : — magnified. MONOCOTYLEDONES. Ord. LXXVIII. ORCHIDEiE. Juss. 1. Oncidium sp. — Hab. Talisco. 1. Cy mhidanm tenuifolium. Willd.f — Hab. Talisco. Ord. LXXIX. IRIDE^. Juss. 1. Sisyrinchium sp.? — Hab. Talisco. Ord. LXXX. BROMELIACE.E. Juss. 1. Tillandsia usneoidesS L. — Hab. Talisco. 2. T. vestita ? Schlecht. in Linncea, 6. p. 53. Ord. LXXXI. SMILACEAE. Br. 1 . Smilax rotundifolia. Willd. Two other species, in a very imperfect state, are in the collection. Ord. LXXXII. RESTIACE^. Br. 1. Eriocaulon microcephalum? H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. p. 201. Ord. LXXXHI. ANEILEMA. Br. 1. Aneilema dorihunda. — Commelina floribunda. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 1. p. 269. Ord. LXXXIV. ALISMACE^. Rich. 1. Alisma virgata ; foliis latissime ovatis obtusis basi cordatis, paniculae ramis elongatis strictis, floribus densis verticillatis, verticillis remotis, pedicellis flore vix duplo longioribus, bracteis ovatis verticillo brevioribus. 2. A. Andrieuxii ; foliis elliptico-lanceolatis acutis basi attenuatis, paniculas ramis elongatis strictis, floribus densis verticillatis, verticillis subremotis, pedicellis florem sub- aequantibus, bracteis subulatis verticillo longioribus. — Alisma. Andrieux PI. Mexic. Exsicc. n. 91. The same species was found by M. Andrieux about Tehuantepec of Oaxaca. 312 MEXICO. [ Filices. Ord. LXXXV. AROIDE^. Juss. 1. Pistia Stratiotes. h. Ord. LXXXVI. CYPERACE.^l. Juss. i. Isolepis exigua — Scirpus exiguus. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 1. p. 154. 1. Fimbristylis ferruginea. — Isolepis ferruginea? Schlecht. in Linncea, 6. p. 27. 1. Cyperus exaltatus. Betz. C. exaltatus is indeed an East Indian species, but we scarcely see how this differs from it. It agrees too in many points with C. Toluccensis, H. B. K., but the glumes are not reflexo-mucronate. Ord. LXXXVII. GRAMINEiE. Juss. 1. Panicum maximum. Jacq. 2. P. sp. — elatum, foliis lanceolatis acuminatis basi cordato-amplexantibus glaberrimis, panicula ramosissima, spiculis compressis, glumis inaequalibus obtusis striatis glabris. 3. P. (Digitaria) adsce7idens ? H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 1. p. 97. Very nearly allied to P. commutatum from the East Indies. 4. P. (Hymenachne) Myurus. Lam. — H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. \.p. 98. 1. Pennisetum purpurascetis. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 1. p. 113. 1 . Ctenium Atnericanum. Spr. i. Arundo nitida. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 1. p. 149. t. 688. 1. Cenchrus echinatus. L. 1. Eragrostis ciliaris. P. Beam. — Poa ciliaris. H. B. K. 2. E. plumosa. Trin. — Poa. Betz. ACOTYLEDONES. Ord. LXXXVIII. FILICES. 1. Lycopodium pallescens. Hook, et Grev. in Bot. Misc. v. 2. p. 381. — An Presl, Beliq. H(enk.p.l9? ]. Marsilea vestita. Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. p. 159. — Hab. Talisco. 1. Neplirolepis Schott. — Aspidium exaltatum. Sw. 1. Asplenium Nidus. L. 2. A.suhalatum; caespitosum pinnatum, pinuis oblongis rigidis subacutis subtus basi superiore truncata margine inferiore dimidiato integro, reliquo inciso-pinnatifido laciniis Heputicm.'] MEXICO. 313 plerumque bifidis, soris longitadinalibus 1-2 prope marginem inferiorem, racbide (ater- rima nitida) facie inferiore concaviuscula alato-marginata, dorso semicylindrico. (Tab. LXXL) A very nearly allied species to this, if not the same, differing only in the more acuminated pinnae, is No. 1287 of Mr Cuming’s collection from Columbia. In our Mexican specimens, probably from not being sub- mitted to pressure when freshly gathered, the rachis is incurved, and all the pinnae refracted, so that they all point to one side. The fructifications are so sunk into the frond, as to give a tuberculated appearance to the anterior surface. Tab. LXXI. Fig. 1. Anterior, and Jig. 2. posterior view of a fertile pinna: — magnified. 1. Woodwardia radicans. Sw. -1. Blechnum occidentale. L. Ord. lxxxviii. hepatic.^. 1. Fimbriaria tenella. Nees ah Esenb. Hoi’. Phys. Berol. p. 45. Bischoff, Lehermoose^ in Act. Acad. Nat. Our. v. 17. P. II. p. 1022. t. 69. /. 2. — IIab. Tali.sco. '!:. SUPPLEMENT. By a reference to the first page of this work, it will now be seen' that we have described, as far as lay in our power, the species of the various collections made during the voyage of H.M.S. B/ossiom, with the exception of those of Rio Janeiro. This was the first and it was the last place visited by the Naturalists, But the collection is so small, the speci- mens in such very wretched condition, and those few plants which can be determined so well known, that we think it unnecessary to enumerate them. We believe we shall further the cause of science much more by occupying the remaining pages of our work with a Supplement to the Californian Collection, which we are enabled to do from that made, chiefly at Monterry and San Francisco, (at no great distance from the coast,) by the unfortunate Douglas, as narrated in the Companion to the Botanical Magazine, vol. 2. p. n79, &c. ; and from another, very recently sent to us by Mr Tolmie, from the Snake Country^' in the interior of California. This is a name given to the vast extent of Prairie through which Lewis’ branch, or the Snake River, holds its course. Fort Hall is situated at the confluence of Blackfoot with Snake River, near Blackfoot Flill, in N. lat. 42° 30', W. long. 114°. Snake Fort is built at the junction of Reed’s River with the Snake, the position of which is in N. lat. 44° 20', long. 116° W. The specimens, in beautiful preservation, were gathered, in the summer of 1837, by a friend of Mr Tolmie, who conducted a party from Fort Vancouver, on the Columbia, to the rendezvous of the American Trappers, in the interior of California. Some few of the specimens are from the “ Green River C for the meeting of the Beaver Trappers, who, to the number of 500 or 600, are scattered through the Rocky Mountains and adjacent country, was lield in that year in the valley of the “ Green River,” a stream which is considered to be probablj^ the main branch of the Rio Colorado, and which empties itself into the Gulf of California. There is not, perhaps, in the whole of North America, a district more interesting to the Botanist than that from which these plants are derived; situated near the western foot of the Rocky Mountains, at an immense distance from the coast, and at a great elevation, as may be inferred from the fact of its being near the sources of two great rivers, the one having its course to the north (into the Columbia), the other to the south (into the Gulf of California) ; and whose respective windings seem to circumscribe the whole of New California, except that portion of it which is washed by the Pacific Ocean. If other gentlemen attached to the hunting expeditions of the Hudson’s Bay and American Com- panies would thus occupy a portion of their leisure time, we should soon be as well acquainted with the vegetation of the interior of this vast continent as we now are with that of its coasts. 316 CALIFORNIA— SUPPLEMENT. \_Ranunculacece, CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. Where not otherwise mentioned, it is to be understood that the following species are from the collection of Mr Douglas. They were presented by the Horticultural Society of London, in whose service Mr Douglas was at the time that he gathered them. Ord. I. RANUNCULACEA:. Juss. 1. Ranunculus aquatUis. L — Hook, et Arn. in Bot of Beech. Voy. v. 2. p. 134. Torr. et Gray, FI. of N. Am. \.p. 15 — var. brachypus ; pedunculis folio brevioribus. This var, has all the leaves capillaceo-multifid : the segments divaricated. Peduncles less than an inch long, invariably shorter than the leaves. 2. R. glaberrimus. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 1. p. 12. t. 5. A. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 19. Hab. Snake Country: Blue Mountains. (Tolmie.') 3. R. hebecarpus ; gracilis ramosus patenti-hirsutus foliosus, foliis longe petiolatis inferioribus tripartitis superioribus triternatim partitis segmeutis cuneatis 3-5-fidis, pedun- culis oppositifoliis folii longiludine, petalis 5 calycem subaequantibus, carpellis suborbicu- laribus cornpressis stylo recurvo acuminatis tuberculatis hirsutis. — R. pai'vifiorus. y. Torr. et Gr. FI. \.p. 25. This will rank near i?. Chilensis ; from which, how'ever, it is readily discriminated by its smaller size, fewer flowers and petals, more deeply divided leaves, and especially by the tuberculated and hispid carpels. Tlie much more hairy leaves and carpels, and the deeply divided leaves, distinguish it from R. parvifiorus, Sm., to which, in other respects, it bears a considerable resemblance. 4. B. dissectus ; caule erecto glabriusculo ramoso, foliis radicalibus inferioribusque longe petiolatis bi-tripinnatim sectis hirsutis supremis minus divisis sessilibus, laciniis lineari-lanceolatis acutissimis basi decurrentibus, vaginis elongatis sulcatis hispidissimis, floribus subpaniculatis, calycibus reflexis hispidissimis, petalis 11-14 obovato-oblongis, ovariis stylo brevi recurvato. A species remarkable for the much divided leaves in a pinnated manner, and for the segments being broad and decurrent at the base. The flowers are large, many-petaled. It may be placed near R. orthorhynchus. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 21. t. 9 ; like which, it has a root formed of many thickish descending fibres. 1. Isopyrum occidentale ; apetalum, radice — ? petiolis basi vix dilatatis, capsulis 6-7 oblongis cornpressis transversim venosis patentibus stylo filiformi apice recurvo mucrona- lis 8-9 spermis. This appears to belong to the Enemion of Rafinesque and De Candolle, which I can only consider as an apetalous Isopyrum. From Enemion biternatum, which I still think may prove a var. of I. tJialic- troides, the present one differs in the smaller sepals, scarcely dilated base of the petioles, and especially in the more numerous capsules, and their different figure and direction, and the number of seeds ; in the Ramtnciilacem.'] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 317 Enemion trilernatum, the capsules are only two or three in number, reflexed, broadly ovate, with two or three oblique veins, two- or at most three-seeded, tapering gradually into a long recurved style. This also seems to be the structure of the fruit of Isop thalictr aides, judging from Jacquin’s figure (F’Z. Austr. t. 105), for my own specimens of that species do not possess the fructification. 1. Aquilegia cceruha ; calcare stficto subulato limbiim dupio superante apice clavato. (Tab. LXXII.) — Torr. el Gr. FI. \.p. 30. — A. leptocera. Nutt. Hab. Snake country, between Henry’s and Fish Rivers. {Tolmie.) — The flowers will at once distinguish this from all the other Aquilegice, for they are nearly three inches in diameter, and the long subulate slender straight spur is also nearly three inches long. The colour is probably blue in the recent state, nearly white when dry. Tab. LXXII. Aquilegia macrantha : — nat. size. 1. Delphinium (Delphinastrum, pet, inf. limbo integro) grandiflorum. L.^ — Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 1686. De Cand. Prod. v. 1. p. 53. — jS. variegatum. D. variegatum. Torr. et Gr. FI. \. p. 32. In the Californian plant, which is, I think, identical as to species with the D. grandiflorum of Siberia and China, the upper petals are yellow, the lower ones with the yellow spot less distinct than in the variety of the Old World, and the leaves have shorter and thicker segments. In one of our specimens, the W'hole of the petals are variegated, dingy yellow and blue. 2. D. (Delphinastrum, pet. inf. limbo bifido) azureum. — Mx. FI. Am. v. 1. p. 314. Delessert, le. Select, v. \. p. 60. De Cand. Prod. v. 1. p. 54. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 32. 3. D. (Delphinastrum, FI. N. Am. 1. p. 32. pet. inf. limbo bifido) Menziesii De Cand. Prod. v. 1. p. 54. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 25. Bot. Reg. t. 1 192. Torr. et Gr. FI. l.p. 31. Very similar in the structure of the flowers to the preceding, but these flowers are larger and more hairy. — From the coast, Douglas, to the Snake Country. {Tolmie.') 4. D. (Delphinastrum) simplex. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. l.p. 25. — calcare calycem suhaequante. Of this variety, which differs from Mr Douglas’ in no essential particular, except in the shorter spur, there are two states in the collection ; one with the stem and leaves downy, the other quite glabrous. In all, the form and relative size of the petals are the same ; and I cannot agree with those botanists who have multiplied the species of the Genera Delphinium and Aconitum upon the slightest possible grounds. Perhaps indeed Messrs Torrey and Gray are right in referring this to D. Menziesii. 5. D, (Delphinastrum) exaltatum. Ait. — De Cand. Prod. v. 1. p. 54. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. V. 1. p. 25. — D. Californicum. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 31. These are very fine specimens, with their densely flowered racemes sometimes a foot in length. In other respects, this plant entirely agrees with my specimens from the eastern side of North America, Messrs Torrey and Gray consider it a distinct species. 6. D. (Delphinastrum) sarcophyllum ; petiolis basi dilatatis, foliis carnosis sub-peltatis tripartitis inferiorum segmentis obcordatis crenato-lobatis superiorum oblongis integerri- 318 CALIFORNIA.~SUPPLEMENT. [_Papaveracece, mis, petalis inferioribus spathiilatis limbo bifido ciliato disco parce piloso, superioribiis elongatis exsertis apicibus piiosis, calcare calyce glabro subduplo longiore. — D. midi- caule. Torr. et Gray, FI. \.p. 33. A very singular and most distinct species, two feet and more high, branched. Leaves principally from the base, but by no means all radical, thick and fleshy, of three deep obcordate and lobed segments. Flowers in large lax panicles, of a red-purple colour, with a very long spur, nearly glabrous. Petals all spathulate ; the upper ones longer than the calyx, much exserted. The Z>. nudicaule of Torrey and Gray, though found by Mr Douglas, does not quite accord with this plant, and these authors do not notice the singularly fleshy leaves. OiiD. 11. BERBERIDE^. Vent. 1. Berberis Aquifolium. Pursh, — Hook". FI. Bor. Am., v. \. p. 29 {excl. syn. B. repentis). Lindl. Bat. Reg. t. 4 25. Hook, et Arn. Bot. of Beech. Voy. p. 134. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 50. — Mahonia Aquifolium. Nutt. — De Cand. Prod. v. 1. jp. 108.* 1. Epimedium hexandrum. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 30. t. 13. — Vancouveria hex- andra. Morr. et Decaisne, An7i. des Sc. Nat. 2d Ser. v. 2. p. 351. Torr. et Gr. FI. \. p. 52. My specimen of this plant shows that the flowers are sometimes in rather large lax panicles. Some of the leaflets are more than two inches in diameter. Ord. III. PAPAVERACE^. Juss. The plants of this family in Mr Douglas’ collection are possessed of peculiar interest ; affording, as they do, eight new species, and three new genera ; of which latter, one is remarkable for the beauty of its blossoms, as another is for its frulescent habit and rigid coriaceous leaves and fruit, an anomaly in the Order. Some of these having been cultivated in the garden of the Horticultural Society, our valued friend Mr Bentham has directed his attention to them, and has admirably characterized the new genera and species above alluded to, in the Transactions of the Horticultural. Society of London. His characters we cannot do better than adopt. PLATYSTEMON. Benth. Gen. Char. Sepala S, ovata, caduca, pilosa. Pet. 6. Stamina numerosa. Filamenta dilatata, mem- branacea, obcordata. Antherce VmeAves, biloculares, lateraliter dehiscentes. Ovaria plurima, (10 et ultra}, linearia, stigmate sessili lineari terminata. Capsulce totidem, distinctae, torulosse, articulatae, indehiscentes, transversim multiloculares, extus piloso-hispidae. Semina in quoque loeulo solitaria, pendula. Benth. 1. Platj’stemon CaVfor^iicum. Benth. Hort. Trans, v. 1. 2c?. Series, p. 405. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1679. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3579. T'orr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 65. “ This little annual,” Mr Bentham observes, '* flowered ” (the first season) “ very sparingly ; but the fine specimens transmitted by Mr Douglas in a dry state, promise that it may become as interesting to the horti- * There is a very distinct species of Berberis (Section Mahonia), in Mr Andrieux’s collection of “ Plantce Mexi- cans exsicc. n. 469,” without any name, and with only the remark, “ Locus proprius incertus.” It may be thus characterized : — B. Andrieuxii; foliis pinnatis, pinnis 4-5-jugis cum impari oblongis obtusis submembranaceis reticulatim venosis Iseviter serratis, racemis laxis sparsis folio subbrevioribus. ' PapaveracecE.'] CALIFORNIA.-SUPPLEMENT. 319 culturist from its beauty, as it is to the botanist, from forming the conneeting link between the Itanuncu- lacecB and PapaveracecB. The trisepalous calyx, and numerous distinct ovaria, would have placed it in the former Order, were it not for the structure of the anthers, the very deciduous sepals, and the general habit, which do not admit of its being removed from Papaveracea, especially considering its close affinity with EscJiscJioltzia, {CJiryseis, Lindl.) through Platystigrna and Dendromecon.” The original discoverer of this curious plant, it is but right to state, is Mr Menzies, who gathered specimens in California, during the celebrated voyage of Captain Vancouver, and distributed them to his botanical friends in this country; but which, I regret to say, have, along with many other of his treasures thus gener- oiisljf dispersed, remained to the present day unpublished. — The P. leiocarpum, Fisch., is considered by Messrs Torrey and Gray a variety of this, PLATYSTIGMA. Benth. Sepala 3, ovata, caduca, pilosa. Petala 4-5. Stamina numerosa. Filamenta filiformia. Antherm lineares, bilocnlares, lateraliler dehiscentes. Stigmata 3, ovata, acuta, erecto-divergentia. Cupsida oblonga, basi attenuata, l-locularis, 3-angularis, 3-sulcata, 3-valvis, ab apice ad basin dehiscens : valvulis conduplieatis margine in placentis filiformibus productis. Semina numerosa, minuta, ovoidea, nigra, Isevissima, nitida. Benth. 1. Platystigma limare. Benth. 1. c. p. 407, Hook. Ic. PI. 1. t. 38. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1954. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3575. Torr. et Gr. FI. \.p. 65. Herba pusilla, caespitosa. Caules brevissimi, dense foliosi. Folia linearia, integerrima, amplexicaulia, I-nervia. Scapi semipedales, erecti, uniflori, patentim pilosi. — A smaller plant than Platystemon, and grow- ing in closer tufts, but otherwise resembling it very much in habit, though so different in botanical character. The flowers are yellow, rather smaller than in Platystemon. DENDROMECON. Benth. Sepala 2, ovata, caduca. Pet. 4. Stamina plurima. Filamenta filiformia. Antherce lineares. Stigmata 2, sessilia, brevia, crassiuscula. Capsula elongata, siliquaeformis, l-locularis, bivalvis, valvulis coriaceis duris a basi ad apiccm dehiscentibus. PlacentcB marginales, filifonnes. Semina ])!urima, tnajuscula, pyriformia, laevia. — Fruiiculus dense foliosus. rigidus, glaber. Folia lanceolata, acuta, denticulata, penninervia, reti- culata, rugosa, rigida. Pedunculi axillares, uiiifiori. 1. Dendromecon rigidum. Benth. 1. c. p. 407. Hook. Ic. Plant. 1. t. 37. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1 . p. 64. A very singular plant, as Mr Bentham justly remarks, in this Order ; with completely woody stems, and rigid pungent leaves, scabrous rather than toothed at the margin, the principal nerves few, and running nearly parallel with the midrib, united by transverse ones, which give a reticulated appearance, particularly on the underside, where the nerves are prominent. 1. Chryseis Californica ; caiile ramoso folioso, foliorum seginentis linearibiis, pedun- culi cyatlio-infundibuliformi, limbo maximo dilatato, calyce longe acumiiiato. — Esch- scholtzia Californica. Cham, {non Lindl. Hook, etc.) — E. crocea. Benth. 1. c. p. ^01. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1677. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3495. — Cliry.seis crocea. Torr. et Gr. \.p. 63. — /3. minor. Cliry.seis compacta, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1948. 1 w'as much struck with the eircumstanee of there being no specimens of the C. Californica of our gardens in this Californian collection, and was thence led to refer to our first authority for this sjiecics, the figure and description of Chamisso, in the Horec Physicce Berolinenses, (p. 73. t. 15.) as well as to original speci- 320 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. \_Fumariacecs. mens in my herbarium ; and it results from this examination, that Chamisso’s original plant, gathered at San Francisco, as well as Mr Menzies’ original specimens from Monterry (lat. 86°), are assuredly what we have hitherto called C. crocea. If, then, the species be really distinct, which perhaps may admit of some doubt, it is imperative that we transfer the name of "Californica ” to the plant of Chamisso, who 1ms so well figured and described it. The more northern plant, the principal station for which seems to be from lat. 40° to the sources of the Multnomak, in lat. 43°, may then bear the name of its discoverer, C. JDouglasii. The localities they inhabit seem to be also different : the Californian Species is found in dry sandy (sea?) shores, at the port of San Francisco {Chamisso) ; the northern plant, in open prairies, on the banks of streams. 2. C. co'spitosa ; caulibus abbreviatis basi foliosis, foliis subradicalibus segmentis lineari-dilatatis cuneatis, pedunculis elongatis erectis, cyatho tubuloso limbo subnullo, calyce apice attenuate longe acuminate. Benth. 1. c. p. 408. (Eschscboltzia.) Torr. et Gr. FL \.p. 63. “ Flowers yellow, considerably smaller than those of C. Douglasii and Californica.” 3. Q. tenuifolia ; caulibus abbreviatis basi foliosis, foliis radicalibus segmentis lineari- subulatis, pedunculis elongatis erectis, cyatho tubuloso lirnbo brevissimo, calyce obtusius- culo acuminate. Benth. 1. c. p. 408. (Eschscboltzia). Torr. et Gr. FI. \. p. 64. 4. C. hypecoides ; caulibus elongatis ramosis foliosis, foliorum segmentis breviter lineari-cuneatis, pedunculi appendice tubuloso limbo subnullo, calyce apice breviter acuminate. Benth. 1. c. p. 408. — (Eschscboltzia.) Torr. et Gr. FI. \. p. 64. “ Habit nearly that of C. Douglasii ; but the leaves are much smaller, and the flowers not one-third the size. It bears much resemblance to Hypecoum grandiflorum.” 1. ^lecono^&xs, heterophylla ; foliis paucis remotis pinnatisectis, segmentis inferiorum ovatis subincisis subpetiolulatis, superiorum linearibus integerrimis subconfluentibus, capsulis laevibus 5-6-valvibus. Benth. 1. c. p. 408. Totr. et Gr. FI. \.p. 61. 2. M. crassifolia ; cattle basi folioso, foliis crassiusculis glaucis pinnatisectis, segmentis inciso-lobatis margine revoluto foliorum inferiorum ovato-cuneatis superiorum lineari- cuneatis, capsulis ItEvibus. Benth. 1. c. p. 408. Torr. et Gr. FI. \. p. 61. “ These two species of Meconopsis belong to the first section of De Candolle. The flowers of both are of an orange-red, about the size of those of Papaver Argemone.” Ord. IV. rUMARIACE^. De Cand. 1. Dielytra chrysantha ; cattle elato folioso ramoso, foliis bi-tripinnatim sectis segmentis linearibus acutis glaucis, panicula elongata, bracteis calycibitsque late ovatis obtusis, petalis spathulatis exterioribus basi vix gibbosis, ittterioribus dorso fere per totam suam longitudinem lato-alati.s, stigmate latissimo truncato. (Tab. LXXIII.) Planla ab omnibus hujusce generis insigniter distincta. Caulis herbaceus bi-tripedalis, erectis, teres, foliosus. Folia inferiora 6-8-uncialia, reliqua sensim minora, bi-tripinnatim secta, divisionibus vel pinnis primariis remotis, segmentis ultimis linearibus, acutis, glaucis. Rachis teres. Panicula elongata, multiflora. Flores majusculi, speciosi, aurei. Bractecs calycesque ovati, membranacci, obtusi. Corolla fere unciam CrucifercB.'] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 321 longa. Petala clausa, omnia spathulata versus apicem dorso insigniter concavo-carinata : 2 exterioribus basi vix gibbosis : 2 interioribus apice unitis, dorso per totam fere longitudinem lato-alatis, ala undulata protrusa. Stamina diadelpha, singula phalanx e filamentis tribus, leniter coadunatis, apicibus liberis. Anthera lineares. Germen lineare in stylo longo attenuatum. Stigma magnum, marginibus deflexis undulatis apice truncate. Tab. LXXIII. Dielytra chrysantha. Fig, 1. Flower ; Jig. 2. Inner petals ; Jig, 3. Stamens and pistil. Ord. V. CRUCIFERS. Juss. 1. Turritis? lasiophylla; simplex elongata stricta inferne pilis simplicibus rigidis hispida superne glabriuscula, folifs oblongo-lanceolatis pinnatifidis petiolatis supremis linearibus integerrimis basi attenuatis, calycibus subpilosis petalis, linearibus (flavis) unguiculatis, siliquis (immatuvis) longis angusto-linearibus strictis arete deflexis. A very distioct species, 1 ^ foot to 2 feet high, very straight, unbranched ; lower leaves on long petioles, pinnatifid with sharp unequally sized teeth. Petals yellow, linear, about half as long again as the calyx. Young pods very narrow, not in the least curved, deflexed. 1. Arabis hlepharophylla ; foliis utrinque nudis marginibus pilis albis rigidissimis sim- plicibus vel furcatis ciliatis, radicalibus obovato-spathulatis caulinis oblongis sessilibus, calyci foliolis ellipticis obtusis superne stellato-pubescentibus, petalis obovatis in unguam attenuatis (purpureis). ’ A small plant, three or four inches high, with a perennial root. Stem simple. Radical leaves several, spreading, an inch or more long, naked on both sides, those of the stem hispid on the costa beneath ; all of them margined with white, singularly rigid, simple or forked hairs. Calyx membranaceous, slightly coloured, and scariose at the margin, half of the length of the petals, which appear to be purplish. 1. V achy integrifolium ; glaberrimum, foliis lineari-lanceolatis integerrimis sub- glaucis, floribus fructibusque dense corymbosis, siliquis angusto-linearibus teretibus toru- losis, stylo brevi, stigmate parvo capitato. (Tab. LXXIV.) — Nutt, in Torr. et Gr. 1. p. 96. Hab. Snake Country. Blackfoot River. (^Tolmie.) — Of the genus of this we are very doubtful, the fruit not being ripe, though the siliquse seem fully formed. But these siliquse are quite terete (the valves being con- cave), singularly torulose or moniliform, and there is a great disposition (when saturated with moisture) in their valves, not in the rest of the seed-vessel, to break at the joints. The root is perennial ; from the summit of which arise one or more stems 12-14 inches high, branched at the base, and above also bearing many short leafy branches, each terminated by a dense corymb of pale purple flowers. Calyx glabrous, membranous. P,etals obovato-lanceolate, with long claws. The fruit likewise forms corymbs, about an inch long, slightly curved upwards. Seeds in a single row, oblongo-ovate, minutely dotted. Embryo unformed in our specimen.* Tab. LXXIV. Fig. 1. Flower ; f. 2. Siliqua with the valves separated ; f. 3. Unripe seed : — magnijied. * After the above had been printed under the name of Cardamine ? torulosa. Hook, et Arn., authentic specimens in Dr Boott’s Herbarium have proved to us that this is the Pachypodium integrifolium, 1. c. The genus is founded upon Macropodium, laciniatum. Hook. Bot. Misc. 1. p. 341. t. 68. (which has much compressed pods) ; and is separated by Mr Nuttall from Macropodium (Br.) on account of the incumbent cotyledons and narrower siliquae, with shorter stipes. The present plant has the siliquae perfectly terete and torulose, and scarcely differs from Cardamine or Arabis, except in the direction of the radicle, which indeed, though dorsal in its origin, is applied obliquely to the cotyledons. 2 s 322 CALIFORNIA—SUPPLEMENT. [ CrucifercB. 1. Streptanthus glandulosus ; inferne piloso-hlspidus, foliis lineari-oblongis dentato-sub- pinnatifidis dentibus glandulosis, radicalibus petiolatis caulinis profunde sagittatis am- plexicaulibus, floribus erecto-patentibus (purpureis) secundis, siliquis longe linearibus paten tibus curvatis valvis reticulatis uninervibus. Hook. Ic. PL 1. t. 40. Torr. et Gr. FL \.p. 11. Quite different from theS. maculatus, Nutt., from the obtusifolius. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3317j as well as from the .S', hyacinthoides. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3516. The lower part of the plant is always more or less hispid, the leaves pinnatifid (the uppermost ones sometimes excepted), with the teeth or segments terminated by a gland ; the flowers (of the same colour as the last-mentioned handsome species) never drooping, but secund ; the siliqua always curved, glabrous. 2. S. sagittatus ; subglaber, foliis radicalibus spatbulatis caulinis sessilibus sagittatis integerrimis acutis inferioribus oblongis superioribus linearibus, floribus siliquisque erectis, petalis obovatis longe tenuiterque unguiculatis — Nutt, in Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 76. Hab. Snake Country, about Thomas’ Fort. {Tolmie.)—Na. erect, rather stout plant, a foot to 18 inches high, glabrous, except in the petioles of the lower leaves, which are distantly ciliated. Stem-leaves strongly sagittate, in our specimens 4-5 inches long ; but in general 2-3 inches. 3. S. flavescens ; pilosus, foliis lineari-oblongis inferioribus petiolatis dentato-pinnati- fidis dentibus glandulosis caulinis sessilibus integerrimis, floribus erectis (flavescentibus,) petalis linearibus acutis, siliquis (immaturis) erectis hirsutis. Hook. Ic. PI. t. 44. Torr. et Gr.Fl.l.p.ll. The few specimens of this plant in our collection appear to have the habit and character of Streptanthus. They are small, 6-8 inches high, simple, nnbranched ; the cauline leaves sessile, but not amplexicaul, nor in any way auricled at the base. The flowers are yellow, but the anthers have a purplish tinge. Germen and young fruit (which is erect) hairy ; style evident ; stigma capitate. 1. Hesperis Menziesii. (Tab. LXXV.) — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. \.p. 60. — Phoenocaulis cheiranthoides. Nutt. Torr. et Gr. FI. \. p. 9\. Hab. Pine Creek, in the Snake Country. ( Tolmie.) — Very fine specimens of this plant are in the beauti- ful collection of Mr Tolmie, from the Snake Country, which enable us to give a figure of it. Radical leaves large, oblongo-spathulate, hoary, with minute, dense, stellated down, tapering into petioles, which are dilated at the base, quite destitute of pubescence, glossy, and of a bright straw-colour. Scapes, as they may be called, (rather than stems,) scarcely twice the length of the root-leaves, nearly glabrous, as are the small oblong leaves which they bear themselves. Corymbs of many large bright purple flowers. Young siliquse spreading.* Tab. LXXV. Fig. 1. Pod ; Jig: 2. Another pod, with one valve removed : — natural size.— Jig. 3. Seed and podosperm ; Jig. 4. Embryo ; Fd- 5- Embryo in an unusual state : — magnified. • Since the above was in type, we have had the pleasure of seeing the fruit of this beautiful plant, sent to Dr Boott by Mr Nuttall, as his Phcenocaulis cheiranthoides. This fruit indeed differs (as may be seen from that which we have now added to our figure) from Hesperis (we more particularly allude to H. aprica'), in the pods being broader, fewer, about (3)-seeded, the seeds without margin ; and in having the cotyledons accumbent ; though in our seed, which had a third imperfect cotyledon, the cotyledons were incumbent. In every other respect the flowers and the fruit quite agree with Hesperis, on which account we are led, for the present, to continue it in that genus. Crucifera.l CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 323 1. Sisymbrium brachycarpum. Richards. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 1. p. 62. — S. canescens. h. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 92. Hab. Snake Country. Confluence of Reed’s River with the Snake River. (Tolmie.) 2. S. curvisiliqua. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 1. p. 61. — Nasturtium. Nutt, in Torr. et Gr. FI. \.p. 73. Hab. Snake Country. {Tolmie.) 1. Erysimum asperum. DC. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 1. p. 64. t. 22. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 95 E. datum. Nutt, in Torr. et Gr. Fl. ]. p. 95. Hab. Snake Country ; about the American falls on the Snake River, and at Green River. ( Tolmie.) 2. E. ? globerrimum ; foliis radicalibus spathulatis caulinis pinnatifidis supremis lineari- bus integerrimis. '' Hab. Snake Country. Confluence of Reed’s River with the Snake River. (To/witc.) — Root perennial, bearing at the summit several erect stems, scarcely a foot high, and their stems are simple. Lower leaves spathulate, entire, soon withering ; the principal ones of the stem pinnatifid ; the uppermost ones linear,’ entire : all glabrous, as is every part of the plant. Corymbs of several rather small flowers. Calyx glabrous, of four membranaceous ovato-lanceolate leaves. Petals yellow, but not very bright. Petals obovate, clawed, nearly twice as long as the calyx. Young siliquas narrow, linear. 1. Lepidium corymbosum ; glabrum, ramis corymbosis, foliis pinnatifidis inferioribus bipinnatifidis, floribus dense corymbosis, petalis 4, siliculis apteris (parvis) orbiculari- ovatis obsolete emarginatis, stylo exserto. Hab. Shake Country^ American falls of Snake River. {Tolmie.) — A very distinct species. Root annual. Whole plant glabrous. Stem erect, rigid, a span to a foot high, bearing, especially in the upper half, several erecto-patent branches, the lower ones the largest, so that all the specimens have a very corym- bose appearance, and each branch bears several corymbs of largish white flowers. Leaves 1-2 inches long, pinnatifid ; the segments oblong, those of the lower leaves again jtinnatifid. Corymbs very dense, and the fructified racemes are very short. Siliculae small, quite glabrous, broadly ovate, approaching to orbicular, wingless, scarcely notched, and with a rather considerably exserted style. 2. L. latipes; humifusum cmspitosum, foliis bipinnatifidis, floribus densissimis, pedicellis latissimis planis, siliculis ellipticis reticulatis hirsutis antice bialatis alis rectis longitudine siliculorum, stigmate sessili. Hook. Ic. PI. t. 41. Torr. et Gr. Fl. \.p. 116. This is a remarkable plant, of a singularly compact mode of growth ; the branches stout, downy, humifuse ; the leaves many of them 3-4 inches long, glabrous, or only here and there ciliated, bipinnatifid ; the segments linear. Corymbs of exceedingly numerous, very closely placed, small flowers, succeeded by broad crowded racemes of fruit. Petals small, ciliated. Pedicels broad and quite flat, downy. Siliculee large for the size of the plant, elliptical, compressed, reticulated, more or less clothed with white hairs : the margin of the dis- sepiment broad ; the apex on each side the minute sessile stigma extends into two acuminated wings, nearly equal in length with the pouch. 3. L. oxycarpum; subpubescens, caulibus procumbentibus gracilibus, foliis linearibus integris vel pinnatifidis, fructus racemis laxis, pedicellis latis compressis paten ti-reflexis, 324 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. HCruciferm. siliculis glaberrimis orbicularibus compressis reticulatis emarginato-bilobis lobis sub- divaricatis acutis, stigmate sessili. — Torr. et Gr. FI. l.p. 116. A much branched and spreading annual, with long slender racemes of fruit, and recurved compressed ])edicels. The pouch is very similar in form to that of Lepidium bipinnatifidum, but broader at the base, and with the lobes longer and slightly diverging. The leaves and general aspect of the plant are very differ- ent in the two. 4. L. leiocarpum ; glabriusculum, caulibus procumbentibus, foliis pinnatifidis, fructus racemis laxis, pedicellis latis planis paten ti-reflexis, siliculis glaberrimis nitidis orbicu- laribus compresso-planis marginibus subincurvis apice emarginatis, stigmate sessili. Habit of the preceding, but less slender. The leaves are more pinnatifid ; the pedieels broader and flatter ; the siliculse rather larger, very glossy, destitute of reticulation ; the margin a little curved upwards ; the apex with only a minute notch. 1. Thysanocarpus elegans {Fisch. et Meg.) ; calyce petalis vix duplo breviori, siliculis orbiculari-ovalibus membranaceo-alatis alis foraminibus plurimis pertusis apice emar- ginatis, stylo exserto sinus duplo superante. — a. siliculis glabris. — T. elegans. Fisch. et Meg. in Ind. Sent.? Hort. Petr op. p. 51. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 118. — /3. siliculm disco tomentoso. A most beautiful speeies, very different from the original T. curvipes. Our specimens have all a woolly disk to the siliculm, in which particular alone it differs from T. elegans, Fischer et Meyer, and is probably the same as the same authors notice from California, as discovered by M. Deppe, differing only in the longer style. The present variety is li to 2 feet high, lower leaves slightly pinnatifid and hairy, upper ones glabrous, entire, sagittate at the base, racemes of fruit 8-10 inches long. Siliculse of a most elegant structure, margined with a broad somewhat crenated wing, in w’hich is a range of rather large oblong perforations all round the woolly disk. 2. T. curvipes. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 69. t. 18. /. A. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 118. — /3. siliculas disco pubescente. The var. alone is in this collection, differing in no respect from the original T. curvipes, except in the downy fruit. 3. T. pidchellus. Fisch. et Meg. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 1835. p. 50. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 118. — a. silicula nuda. — /3. siliculee disco tomentoso. These two states of the plant are mixed together, as if gathered in the same locality, and I see no reason to consider them other than varieties of the same species. The species is chiefly distinguished from T. cur- vipes by the much longer style, and the scarcely notched apex of the silicula. 4. T.pusillus; pubescenti-hirtus ramosus, siliculis orbicularibus vix alatis pilis patentibus uncinatis utrinque tectis, floribus apetalis. Hook. Ic. PI. 1. t. 43. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 119. A very minute plant. The flowering speeimens probably do not equal an inch in height, but the inflorescence runs out into slender racemes, 3 or 4 inches long, bearing silieulae to the very base. Tliese are scarcely so large as flax-seed, orbicular, compressed, and not distinctly winged, but clothed all over with spreading uncinate white hairs. Caryophyllacea.'] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 325 Ord. VI. CAPPARIDEiE. Juss. 1. Cleome lutea. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. \.p. 70. t. 25. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 122. Hab. Snake Country. Between Burnt River and Malheur River. ( Tolmie.) Ord. VII. VIOLARIEiE. DC. 1. V. Muhlenberyiana. Ging. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 1. p. 78. Torr. et Gr. FI. p. HO. Hab. Snake Country ; at Hans Forks. 2. Y . prcEinorsa. Douglas in Bot. Reg. t. 1254. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 1. p. 80. Torr. et Gr.Fl. l.p.U. 3. V. pedunculata; caule brevi, stigmate capitato utrinque piloso, foliis cordato-rhorn- beis basi subabrupte in petiolum longuin attenuatis subpuberulis'obtuse crenatis, stipulis parvis lanceolatis integris, pedunculis elongatis, sepalis lanceolatis acurainatis, petalis ovato-lanceolatis calcare brevissimo. Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 141. With the exception of the different shape of the leaves, this seems scarcely different from V. Nuttallii, Ph. and Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 1. p. 79. t. 26 ; and we had marked it as a broad leaved var. of that species, till we saw our friends Messrs Torrey and Gray had described it as a new species ; whose opinion, in this case, we are willing to adopt. The flowers are large, handsome, golden colour. 4. V. chrysaniha ; subacaulis, stigmate capitato utrinque subpiloso, foliis bipinnatifidis junioribus hirsutis laciniis linearibus integris v. subpinnatifidis, stipulis ovato-lanceolatis membranaceis integris, pedunculo elongate, sepalis lanceolatis ciliatis, petalis obovatis subuniformibus, calcare brevissimo. Hook. Ic. PI. t. 49. Torr. et Gr. FI. \.p. 143. One of the most distinct of all the species of this extensive genus. The root, if it may be so called, seems to be a congeries of subterranean filiform stems, agglutinated together ; the portion of the stem above ground being very short. Leaves bi- sometimes even tripinnatifid, very unlike those of any other Viola. Flowers large, golden yellow, the tw'o upper petals with a brown cloud on the outside, the lower with a very short spur, and a few dark lines above the base. Anthers slightly combined. 5. V. ocellata ; glabra, stigmate globoso-clavato, caulibus erectis elongatis gracilibus, foliis longe petiolatis cordato-subacuminatis crenatis, stipulis lanceolatis ciliatis, pedun- culis folio brevioribus, sepalis linearibus, petalis obovatis basi attenuatis lateralibus supra basin barbatis, calcare brevissimo Torr. et Gr. Fl. l.p. 142. Too near, I am afraid, to V. Canadensis. It is, however, a glabrous plant, very slender. The leaves are narrower, the flowers smaller, the upper petals deep purple, the two lateral ones with a purplish spot above the beard, the rest of the flower nearly white. Ord. VIII. CARYOPHYLLACEiE. Juss. 1. Arenaria rubra. L. — Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1. p. 98. — Spergula rubra. Torr. et Gr. Fl. \.p. 175. 2. A. verna. L. — Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1. p. 99. Torr. et Gr, 1. p. 161. — /3. parce pilosa glandulosa, capsula majore. 326 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. IMalvacea. 3. A. Franklinii. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. \. p. 101. t. 35. Torr. et Gr.Fl. 178. — /3. minor ; magis ceespitosa. — A. Hookeri. Hutt. in Torr. et Gr. FI. 1. p. 178? Hab. /3. Snake Country ; at Snake Fort. ( Tolmie.) — This var. is probably the A. Hookeri of Nutt. 1. c., which he found in the Rocky Mountains, lat. 40°, and of which he remarks that it is “ allied to A. Frank- linii, but with shorter leaves, bracteas, and sepals.” 1. Stellai-ia stricta. Rich. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 1. p. 96. — S. longipes. /3. Torr. et Gr. 1. JO. 185. Hab. Snake Country. Thomas’ Fork. (Tolmie.) 1. Silene Gallica. L — S. quinquevulnera. Torr. et Gr. Fl. 1. p. 191 ? (at least as to the Californian specimens from Mr Douglas, there alluded to.) 1. Lychnis pulchra. Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 5. p. 234. — |S. foliis linearibus. These specimens quite agree with the Mexican Z. pulchra, above quoted, except in the narrower leaves. The petals are deep red. Ord. IX. MALVACEAE. Juss. 1. Malva rotiindifolia. L. — M, obtusa. Torr. et Gr. Fl. \. p. 225. We do not see how this in any w'ay differs from the M. rotundifolia of Europe, and it is in all probability an introduced plant. 2. M. malachroides ; herbacea erecta ubique piloso-hispida, foliis longe petiolatis mem- branaceis profunde cordatis subprofunde 5-7-lobis acutis grosse subinciso-dentatis, stipulis subulatis, pedunculo terminali foliis breviore, floribus spicatis, involucri bracteis 3 subu- latis calyceque hispidissimis, petalis bifidis. We possess no fruit of this plant, which seems very different from anything hitherto described. 1. Sida malvcejlora. DC. — Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1036. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1. p. 108. Torr. et Gr. Fl. 1. p. 234. 2. S. diploscypha ; annua herbacea, caule petiolis bracteisque patenti-pilosis, foliis digitatim 7-partitis, laciniis bi-trifidis oblongis obtusis, stipulis bracteisque lineari-setaceis, floribus aggregatis, calycis 5-partiti laciniis acuminatissimis. (Tab. LXXVI.) — Gr. Fl. 1. p. 234. Column of stamens, as Messrs Torrey and Gray have described it, double ; outer one hispid externally lobed below the middle, the anthers in a single row, about five at the summit of each of the lobes ; inner one irregularly lobed, rather shorter than the outer, and connate with it above the base. Ovaries 9, one inserted into a shallow 9-toothed cap. Tab. LXXVI. Fig. 1. Column of stamens ; Jig. 2. The same, the outer column laid open ; Jig. 3. Pistil. 3. S. grossidarmfolia s incana stellatim pubescens, foliis cordatis 3-5-partitis, laciniis cuneatis 3-5-fidis, pedunculis axillaribus 3-5-floris, calyce 5-fido ad basin foliolis 2-3 subulatis deciduis. Geraniacem.'] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 327 Hab. Bamcoch River. Snake Country. ( Tolmie.) — Flowers large, red, resembling those of S. coccinea, and of the following species, to which it is nearly allied, though quite different in the foliage. 4. S. dissecta; incana stellatim pubescens, foliis profiinde 5-partitis, laciniis linearibus 3-multifidis, pedunculis axillaribus 1-3-floris, calyce 5-fido — Torr. et Gr. Fl. \, p, 235. Bear River, Snake Country. {Tolmie.) — Messrs Torreyand Gray observe that this comes very near to S. coccinea, but it is smaller, the leaves much more divided, and the segments narrower, and I believe really distinct. ■ ^ Ord. X. ACERINE^. Jus.^. 1. Negundo foliis 3-foliolatis molliter pubescenti-hirsutis subtus praeci- pue, foliolis ovato-acuminatis trilobis lobis ovatis acutis inciso-serratis petiolis velutinis, fructu oblongo pubescente ala oblique obovata. (Tab. LXXVII.) — Torr. et Gr. Fl. 1, p. 250. This is a totally different species both from N. fraxinifolium, Nutt. {N. aceroides, Moench, and Torr. et Gray,) and from N. Mexicanum,* of which there are fine specimens in Andrieux’s PI. Mexic. JExsicc. p. 489. Tab. LXXVII. Negundo Californicum. 1. Acer macrophyllum. Ph. — Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. \.p. 112. t. 38. Orb. XI. HIPPOCASTANEiE. DC. 1. .Esculus Californica. Nutt, in Torr. et Gr. Fl. \. p. 251. — Calothyrsus Californica. Spach, in Ann. des Sc. Nat. 2d Ser. v. 2. p. 62. Ord. XII. AMPELIDE^. Mich. 1. Vitis Caribcea? ramis foliisque junioribus pedunculisque tomentosis, foliis subro- tundo-cordatis 3-vel obscure 5-lobis acutis grosse serratis subcoriaceis sinu valde pro- fundo supra glabris subtus cinereo-tomentosis. — De Cand. Prod. 1. p. 634? — V. Indica. Sw. ? — H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 5. p. 227. Fruit the size of a currant. Ord. XIII. GERANIACE^. Juss. 1. Erodium macrophyllum; pubescenti-pilosum, foliis longissime petiolatis cordatis breviter 5-7-lobis crenato-serratis, pedunculis longitudine foliorum umbellatis calycibus- que glanduloso-pilosis, utnbellis 3-5-floris, sepalis ellipticis mucronato-acuminatis margine membranaceis, coccis oblongis basi attenuatis apice truncatis sericeo-villosis. This is a true Erodium, having the five sterile stamens in the flower, and the awns of the fruit spirally twisted, and bearded internally with red hairs. Leaves 2-2^ inches broad. * And which may he thus characterized : — N. Mexicanum ; glaberrimum, foliis trifoliolatis foliolis cordato-ovatis anguste acuminatis nitidis sequaliter serratis lateralibus ad marginem inferiorem bilobis intermedio trilobis, fructibus ovato-ohlongis ala oblique oblonga. — Hab. In montibus circa Toluccam. Andrieux. 328 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. \_Rhamne4f9. Linncea, XIL Litter, p. 102. Schauer, Del. Sem. H. Vrat. 1837. p. 3. Linncea, XII. Litt. p. 89. This genus differs from Oxyura by the achenia of the disk having a pappus and being pubescent ; from Callichroa, by the form of the achenia, the entirely paleaceous receptacle, and the pappus being unequal in length and rather more paleaceous ; from Hartmannia, by the paleee of the pappus not being membranous, and the form of the achenia of the ray ; and from Madaraglossa, by the paleae of the pappus not plumosely ciliated or villous at the base. It is unnecessary to propose a new generic character, as that given by Fischer and Meyer, combined with Schauer’s observations, 1. c., under Oxyura and Callichroa, is sufficient. 1. Callichroa platyglosm. Fisch. et Mey. Ind. 2. Sem. Petrop. p. 31. et Ind. 3. n. 34)7. Schauer Del. Sem. H. Vrat. 1837. p. 3. Don in Sweet, Br. FI. Gard. p. 1. 1. 373. De Cand. Prod. 7. p. 294. Very similar in habit to the two preceding ; our wild specimens were collected by Mr Douglas, although unnoticed as such by De Candolle. 1. HsLYimanma fasciculata. De Cand. Prod. b. p. 693. The paleae to the florets of the disk are about eight in number (not five as in De Candolle’s generic cha- racter), equal in length, but unequal in breadth, and are irregularly inciso-serrated towards the apex ; the terminal tooth or segment being very acute, so that the paleae can scarcely be called obtuse as they are de- scribed in De Candolle’s Prodromus. 2. H. corymhosa. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 694. With this we are unacquainted. 3. H. ciliata. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 694. This also w'e have not seen ; the want of a pappus seems to remove it from the genus ; perhaps it ought to be united to Oxyura. 4. H.? pungens ; herbacea basi sublignosa confertim foliosa, caule parce ramoso pilis albidis setoso, foliis inferioribus pinnatifidis, lobis oblongis vel oblongo-lanceolatis spinoso- mucronatis, superioribus ac fasciculorum axillarium linearibus integris rigidis spinescenti- bus margine recurvis papilloso-pilosis, capitulis subsolitariis bracteatis, involucri squamis spinescentibus glandulosis ligulas radii bifidas subasquantibus, acheniis epapposis radii gibbis areola terminali valde obliqua, receptaculo toto paleaceo, paleis lanceolato-subu- latis spinescentibus. Hook. Ic. PI. v. 4. t. 334. This is a very remarkable plant, more like a species of Navarretia among the PolemoniacecB than one of the present Order. We can find no trace of it in De Candolle’s Prodromus. 1. Layia gaillardioides ; decumbens setis patentibus rigidulis undique hispida, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis inferioribus inciso-serratis superioribus integris, ramulis floribus monocephalis subelongatis, ligulis 12-15 obovatis apice trifidis discum duplo superanti- bus, pappo disci fulvo. — Layia galardioides. De Cand. Prod. 7. p. 294. — Tridax? Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 148. The genus Layia, which we had suggested for this plant, is the same as Madaraglossa, the only difference being that in the latter the paleae of the receptacle are all placed between the ray and the disk, not spread over it. The above species we have not received from Douglas. Larjia we retain to a leguminose plant described supra, p. 182. 358 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. \_C(mpositcB. 2. L. hieracioides ; caule erecto, ligulis integris. — Madaraglossa hieracioides. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 694. There are certainly no paleEE among the florets of the disk. The flowers of this and the preceding are yellow ; in the following white. (L. Doiiglasii; subdecumbens pilis albidis eglandulosis setosa, foliis inferioribus pinnatifido-dentatis, superioribus integris, pappo disci fulvo, ligulis (albis) trifidis dis- cum subduplo superantibus. Hab. On the gravelly islands of the river Columbia, between the “ Narrows” and “ Great Falls.” Douglas. — We have introduced this here in order to complete the account of the genus, it having been, by an oversight, omitted in the Flor. Bor. Am.) 3. L. glandulosa Blepharipappus glandulosus. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 1. p. 316. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 679. — Eriopappus glandulosus. Arn, in Lindl. Nat. Syst. p. 443. — Madaraglossa angustifolia. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 694. Hab. California. Douglas. — Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. The flowers are white. The upper leaves, peduncles below the capitulum, and involucre, are furnished with a few stipitate black glands among the coarse short bristles, which have been overlooked by De Candolle. There are no palese on the receptacle, except those which separate the disk from the ray. De Candolle has inadvertently said, that the achenia of the ray are villous ; those of the disk are so, but of the ray glabrous. The name Blepharipappus may be retained to B. scaber, Hook. The present has quite a differ- ent habit, a paleaceous receptacle apparently abortive, florets to the disk, achenia of the ray as well as of the disk villous and crowned with a pappus composed of about fifteen so densely plumose palese, that they might almost be termed oblong membranaceous, with a strong midrib, and pectinately divided. The style has two short branches. In the genus Layia {Eriopappus or Madaraglossa,) however, the pappus of the disk consists of 8 or 10 aristaeform paleae, nearly naked at the apex, but plumosely ciliated with long soft hairs at the base, and the branches of the style are long and slender ; these last are not included, as De Candolle states, but exserted and recurved. 4. L. heterotricha. — Madaraglossa heterotricha. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 694. Hook. Ic. PL V. 4. t. 326. The flowers in the dried plant appear pale yellow, but may have been w’hite, as in the two preceding. The receptacle of the disk is free from paleae, and the pappus pure white, as in L. glandulosa. The achenia of the ray are glabrous ; not so, however, those of the disk, as mentioned by De Candolle. These are covered, in the matured fruit sparingly with adpressed greyish hairs. 1. Calycadenia trimcata. De Cand. Prod. b. p. 695. 2. C. villosa {De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 695),- caule stricto pilis albis hirsutulo, foliis in- ferioribus prope caulis basin approximatis caulinisque linearibus obtuse mucronatis mar- gine revolutis sparsim setoso-ciliatis floralibus hirto-ciliatis apice glandulam calyciformem pedicellatam gerentibus, ramulis floriferis axillaribus brevissimis monocepbalis, involucro pilis albis longis hirto squamis acutis. De Candolle’s specimens do not seem to have been so perfect as those before us, which has induced us to give a new specific character. 3. C. multiglandulosa. De Cand. Prod. b. p. 695. CmposUtB-l CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 359 4. C. cephalotes. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 695. L Achyrachaena mollis. Schauer, del. sem. H. Vrat. 1837, p. 3. Linncea XII. Litt. p. 87. De Cand. Prod. 7. p. 292. Hook. Ic. PI. — Lepidostephanus madioides. Bartl. ind. sem. Gott. 1837. Linncea XII. Litt. p. 82. I. Venegasia carpesioides. De Cand. Prod. 6. p. 43. 1. Monolopia major. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 74. Hook. Ic. PI. v. 4. t. 344. The tube of the ray has a small toothed appendage on the opposite side from the ligule, so that the florets msy almost be called bilabiate. The involucre is of one piece, and divided scarcely down to the middle. 2. M. minor. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 74. Hook. Ic. PI. v. 4. t. 343. The florets of the ray are destitute of the appendage found in the first species, and the involucre is divided to near the base. 1. Tanacetum ? suaveolens. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 1. p. 327. t. 110 T. matricari- oides. Less. Syn. Gen. Compos, p. 265. — T. pauciflorum. De Cand. 6.p. 131 (vix Bich.). Saiitolina suaveolens. Pursh, FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 520. Nutt. Gen. 2. p. 141. De Cand. Prod. 6. p. 37. — Artemisia matricarioides. Less, in Linncea, 6. p. 210. — Cotula nratri- carioides. Bong. Veg. Sitck. p. 29. — Matricaria discoidea. De Cand. Prod. 6. p. 50. This was originally found by Lewis on the banks of the Kooskooske River, one of the tributaries of the Columbia ; but it extends to North California on the south, and to Unalaschka on the north. T. pauci- florum, Rich., has villous leaves, and appears, from the character given, more allied to Pyretlirum discoi- deum. We are still in doubt about the proper genus to which our plant ought to be referred ; the florets are four-angled, slightly bialate, and usually 4-toothed ; the last character approaches it to Tanacetum, in which the same structure is frequently found ; in many particulars it agrees with the Cotulece, from all which it differs by the conical receptacle. It thus forms a link between several genera. The receptacle, on a more recent examination, is not paleaceous, unless the inner scales of the involucre can be so called. 1. Artemisia vulgaris. Linn. 2. A. pachystachya. De Cand. Prod. 6. p. 114. 3. k.frigida. Willd. De Cand. Prod. 6. p. 125. Hab. Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. 1 . Gnaphalium decurrens. Ives in Sill. Journ. De Cand. Prod. 6. p. 226. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 151. — G. Californicura. De Cand. 1. c. p. 224. We do not see how Mr Douglas’ plant, which is quite the same as that we have already noticed in this work, can be satisfactorily distinguished from G. decurrens. 2. G. ? filaginoides ; totum albido-lanatum, caule erecto apice subramoso, foliis line- aribus basi attenuatis apice nigro-mucronatis, capitulis ovato-conicis in glomerulos ad dichotomias aut apices ramorum sites aggregatis, involucri squamis obtusiusculis exteri- oribus ovatis lanuginosis interioribus ovato-lanceolatis scariosis dorso linea villosa notatis, receptaculo conico papillis cylindricis retusis onusto, acheniis teretiusculis glanduloso- puberulis. 360 CALIFORNIA.-SUPPLEMENT. [ Composiix. This has quite the appearance of a Filago, but the structure of the capitulum is that of Gnaphalium in every particular, except as regards the receptacle, which is here conical and densely covered with large cylin- drical papillae that are concave at the apex. The filiform female florets form about two rows, within which are the bisexual ones. ' 1 . Senecio arnicoides. De Cand. Prod. 6. p. 426. This we have not seen. 2. S. Californicus. De Cand. Prod. 6. p. 426. 3. S. ? flocciferus. De Cand. Prod. 6. p. 426. The flowers are reddish, the ligulate florets appear to be in several rows and gradually to pass into the tubular ones. 4. S. Douglasii. Be Cand. Prod. 6. p. 429. With this we are unacquainted. TETRADYMIA. De Cand. Lagothamnds. Nutt. ms. Capitulum homogamum pauciflorum. Involucri squamae subbiseriales, ovali-oblongae, coriaceo-paleacese. Ite- ceptacidum angustum nudum epaleaceum. Corollce tubulosse S-fidae, lobis linearibus recurvis. Antherce exsertae ecaudatae. Styli rami teretiusculi apice incrassati cono brevi superati. Achenia erostria villosa. Pappus corollae tubum aequans pluriserialis, pilis mollibus basi fragilibus candidissimis spinuloso-denticu- latis. — Herbas vel frutices. Caules folia primaria pedunculi et involucra tomentoso-cana. Folia ulterna rigide mucronata. Capitula 5-8 ad apices caulis vel ramulorum in raeemum conferta. Flosculi “ lutei multo majores quam in Senecionum genere ad quod genus nostrum accedit.” 1. T. canescens {De Cand.); herbacea, foliis omnibus linearibus planis erectis mucro- nulo brevi apiculatis cano-toinentosis in axilla nullis, involucro 4-phyllo 4-floro — De Cand. in De Less. Ic. Sel. 4. t. 60 (ined.). Prod. 6. p. 440. — Lagothamnus. Nutt. Mst. fide herb. Doitgl. We do not know where Douglas and Nuttall collected their specimens ; De Candolle says they are from the Columbia River, but they came to us with plants from California. 2. T. spinosa; fruticosa, foliis primariis (seu rameis) tomentosis subteretibus recurvis rigidis spinoso-mucronatis senioribus glabrescentibus omnino spiniformibus, axillaribus fasciculatis carnosulis glabris obtusiusculis, involucro 5-(nunc 4-)phyllo 8-floro. Hab. Snake Country. Mr Tolrnie. 1. Centaurea Melitensis. Linn. — DeCand. Prod. 6.p. 593 C. apula. Lam.'? De Cand. I. c. — C. Patibilcensis. De Cand. 1. c. Between the above three supposed species, as defined by De Candolle, we can perceive no difference. C. Melitensis is said to have capitula solitary and tomentose, and the cauline leaves toothed ; in C. apula the capitula are usually aggregated and glabrous, and the cauline leaves quite entire ; while C. Patibilcensis has the leaves of the latter and involucres of the former. But from a comparison of specimens, from Europe, the Cape of Good Hope, the Canary Isles, Monte Video, Chili, and California, these characters vary on the same specimen ; and we have no doubt whatever that the species has migrated with grain from the south of Europe. De Candolle refers Douglas’ plant to his C. Melitensis, although the cauline leaves (in our specimen) are quite entire. CompositcB.'] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 361 1. Acourtia microcephala. De Cand. Prod. 7. p. 66. 1. Calais Douglasii (Z)e Cand.); scaposa glabriuscula, foliis lineari-lanceolatis remote pinnatifidis, segmentibus linearibus brevibus, pappi paleis 5 basi dilatatis adpresse vil- losis sensim in aristam longam acuminatis, acheniis disci adpresse villosis radii ad costas scabris. — De Cand. Prod. 7. p. 85. De Candolle refers to this genus the Hymenomena of Hooker Flor. Bor. Am. The two species, however, which are there described, differ from De Candolle’s character, by having the paleae of the pappus at least twice as numerous, the dilated part at the base not scariose, much smaller and nearly inconspicuous, while the bristle into which it passes is more slender, much longer, and pure white ; the involucre, moreover, is decidedly imbricated, like that of Scorzonera or Troximon, and the achenia short, glabrous, and not attenu- ated at the apex. 2. C. linearifolia [De Cand.); subscaposa vel caulescens basi^foliosa puberula, foliis linearibus integerrimis vel pinnatifidis laciniis lineari-acuminatis, pappi paleis albis glabris longe scariosis apice bifidis e sinu setam brevera proferentibus, acheniis striatis omnibus glaberrimis muriculatis. — De Cand. Prod. 7. p. 85 (excl. syn.). — C. Lindleyi. De Cand. ? 1. c. (excl. syn.). C. Lindleyi seems merely a cultivated form of this species. In the native specimens the leaves are either quite entire or almost pinnati-partite. The pappus is so different from that of G. Douglasii, that we should scarcely have referred the two plants to the same genus ; or if they be considered congeners, the character might be so modified as to admit also the two species of the Flor. Bor. Am. 1. Macrorhynchus Lessingii [Hook, et Arn.) — Borkhausia Lessingii. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 145. — Troximon apargioides. Less. — De Cand. Prod. l.p. 252. In addition to the description we have already given in this work, we may state that the achenia are fusi- form, deeply striated with ten furrows, the ribs obtuse and not winged ; the filiform stipes of the pappus is nearly thrice the length of the achenium, and dilated at the apex into a small disk. The achenia and pappus of the outer and inner florets are precisely alike. Having published our former notice before we were acquainted with Lessing’s Synopsis of the genera of this order, we placed this in Borkhausia ; but now that that genus has been separated into others, the Californian plant must unquestionably be removed to the same as the Chilian species. We may here state, that under the name of M. Chilensis, we, in the Comp, to the Bot. Mag., l.p. 31, and II. p, 42, intended to include all the Chilian species of DC., nor are we yet certain that they are really distinct ; but, with reference to Fischer and Meyer, as well as De Candolle, our speci- mens from Valparaiso (Mathews, No. 306, and Cuming, No. 745), as also from Falkland Island, belong to M. pterocarpus, and that from Viiia de la Mar, near Valparaiso, marked “ Bridges, No. 500,” is M. Icevigatus. As to Bridges’ No. 501, the achenia are too young to show whether the costae ought to be considered als or not. In several achenia in Mathews, No. 306, we have observed some of the costae quite obtuse and corky, while others were alate. 1. Melacothrix Californica. De Cand. Prod. 7. p. 192. 1. Sonchus? Californicus; herbaceus glaber, caule elato fistuloso simpliciter ramoso striato, ratnis longiusculis monocephalis, foliis lanceolato-linearibus attenuatis denticulatis, rameis integerrimis, involucre hemispherico, squamis interioribus sub^qualibus erectis subbiserialibus, exterioribus minoribus squarroso-patulis, pedunculo apice squamato. 2 z 362 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. [JasminecB. This belongs to the Lactucem, but the true genus is very uncertain, as we have only seen the immature achenia ; these are oblong-cylindrical, striated, and truncated at the apex, without any beak ; pappus soft and pure white ; hairs linear, apparently in a single series, closely denticulated or almost plumose at the base ; flowers purple ; capitula, when young, campanulate, afterwards expanding and somewhat hemispherical, never dilated at the base. Ord. XXXI. LOBELIACEiE. Juss. 1. Clintonia pulchella [Lindl.) ; foliis sepalisque obtusis, corollag laciniis superioribus ovatis acutis divaricatis labelli lacinia intermedia productiore. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1909. 1. Lobelia carnosula; nana glaberrima ramosissima diffusa basi subrepens, caulibus exsiccatione alato-marginatis, foliis linearibus integerrimis acutis, pedunculis axillaribus fructiferis patenti-recurvis, pedicello folium superantibus, laciniis calycinis linearibus ovarium corollaeque turn sequantibus, capsula oblongo-obovata. Hab. Blackfoot River, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. A small tufted plant, with pale blue flowers, evidently growing in very wet muddy places, bearing flowers numerous in proportion to its size, of which the peduncles become more elongated, patent, and at length recurved, as the fruit advances towards maturity. It is somewhat allied to L. alata, Labill., but is much smaller. Ord, XXXII. ERICE,®. Juss. 1. Rhododendron calendidaceum. Torr. FI. Un. St. 1. p. 425. — Azalea calendulacea. Mich. The tube of the corolla is scarcely so long as the segments, pubescent, but apparently not at all viscid ; stamens much exserted ; calyx small, segments oblong, and, together with the pedicels, covered with glan- dular hairs ; ovary and lower part of the style villous. Leaves oblong-obovate, nearly glabrous, deciduous. — The forms of the pentandrous species have been so much multiplied of late years in our gardens, that we scarcely know to what to refer our native specimens, and among others the present is attended with consider- able difficulty ; w'e have, however, in the mean time, referred it to R. calendulaceum. 1. Arbutus tomentosa. 0. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 144. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2.p. 37. t. 130./ 4. Ord. XXXIII. VACCINES. De Cand. 1. Vaccinium ovatim. Pursh. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 144. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 34. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1354. — 0. angustifolium ; foliis lanceolatis basi acutis. Both varieties are in this collection. Ord. XXXIV. JASMINES. Juss. 1. Fraxinus (Ornus) dipetala ; foliis 3-jugis, foliolis ovalibus obtusis acute serratis glabris basi cuneatis, inferioribus in petiolulum longiusculum attenuatis superioribus duobus sessilibus, supremo longe petiolulato, paniculis multifloris longitudine fere foliorum ac infra folio ortis, petalis 2 obovato-oblongis obtusis unguiculatis. (Tab. LXXXVII.) Convolvulacem.'] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. This appears to be allied to F. Schiediams, Sclilect. in Linn. 6. p. 391, a Mexican plant, but the petals of that species have not yet been observed. In our plant, the anthers are remarkably large, rather longer than the petals, and the filaments are so very short as to be enclosed within the calyx. Tab. LXXXVII. Fig. 1. 2. Flowers ; Jig. 2. Stamen; ^g. 3. Pistil : — magnified. Ord. XXXV. ASCLEPIADE^. 22. Brown. 1. Asclepias Mexicana. Cav. ? Ic. 1. p. 42. t. 58. Our plant agrees well with Cavanilles’ figure, but the flowers have a faint tinge of purple, and are by no means white. The structure of the inflorescence is precisely that of A. incarnala ; and Douglas found both growing together on the banks of the Walla-wallah. But in this the leaves are always narrow and in fours, while in A. incarnata they are opposite and much broader. 2. A. vestita ; tota arachnoideo-tomentosa, folds oppositis oblongo-lanceolatis inferiori- bus acutis superioribus longe acuminatis, umbellis in axillis superioribus breviuscule pedunculatis, corolla calyce pedunculisque albo-lanatis, columna perbrevi, coronas foliolis erectis late ovatis obtusissimis supra medium biauriculatis cornu subulatum incurvum longe adnatum superantibus. Ord. XXXVI. GENTIANE^. Juss. 1. Gentiana detonsa. Fries. — Griseb. in Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 64. Id. Gentian, p. 256 (cum synon.). 1. Erythraea tricantha (Griseb.) ; caule adscendenti ramosissimo fastigiato, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acutiusculis, cymis aggregatis semel-ter-dichotomis, florlbus foliis floralibus sulFultis, alari subsessili corollas tubo sub-anthesi calycem fere duplo superante, posthac subasquante, lobis linearibus acuminatissimis. Griseb. Gen. et Sp. Gent. p. 146. 2. E. Muhlenbergii (Griseb.); caule inferne simplici, foliis ovato-oblongis obtusius- culis, cymis laxis semel-ter-dichotomis, floribus lateralibus a foliis summis remotiusculis, alari pedicellate, corollas tubo sub-anthesi calycem paullo excedente, lobis oblongo- lanceolatis acutiusculis. E. Centaurium, Beck, from Oswego, is perfectly distinct from this species, and appears to be the true E. Centaurium. Ord. XXXVII. CONVOLVULACEM. Juss. 1 . Calystegia Soldanella. Br. — Convolvulus. L. 2. C. subacaulis; annua humillima pubescenti-sericea, caule perbrevi, foliis longe petiolatis ovato-hastatis obtusis cum mucronulo, pedunculis unifloris axillaribus petiolo duplo brevioribus, sepalis late ovalibus mucronatis bracteas ovales superantibus, corolla campanulato-infundibuliformi. Flowers in the dry state pale sulphur-coloured, large, and, together with the peduncle, about the height of the foliage. 364 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. [_Polemonidece. 1. Cuscuta Californica; pedunculis unifloris solitariis, sub flore dilatato-infundibuli- formi, calycis lobis acutis corolla multo brevioribus, corollas tenui-membranaceas tubo brevi, laciniis lanceolato-subulatis elongatis, squamis nullis, staminibus quinque fauci corollas insertis laciniis dimidio brevioribus, stylis duobus, stigmatibus capitatis. Ord. XXXVIII. HYDROLEACE^. 1. Wigandia? Californica; fruticosa gummifera, foliis elliptico-lanceolatis in petiolum brevem attenuatis coriaceis integerrimis supra glabris subtus reticulatis in areolis albo- canescentibus, staminibus inclusis. (Tab. LXXXVIII.) Different as the present plant appears, at first sight, from the Wigandia Caracasana figured in the Bot. Register, tab. 1966, yet the inflorescence and the structure of the flowers are so similar, that without mature fruit we dare not venture to separate it. It is quite shrubby, the glabrous stem exuding a gum-resin. Leaves 3-4 inches or more long, alternate, coriaceous, elliptical-lanceolate, tapering gradually into a short petiole, quite entire, above glabrous, rather indistinctly reticulated with depressed veins ; below strongly reticulated with prominent veins, which are rendered more conspicuous by the areolae being filled with very short whitish down. In two or three of the upper leaves, and at the apex of the branch, the small flowers, (scarcely more than half an inch long) are collected into dense capitate circinnate racemes. Corolla infundibuliform, thrice as long as the deeply divided linear-oblong calyx-segments. Stamens included. Filaments unequal, inserted below the middle of the tube, and then decurrent to the base of the tube ; the decurrent portion alone slightly hairy. Anthers of two oval cells, not mucronate. Ovary ovate, slightly hairy, with no evi- dent hypogynous disk, 1 -celled, with two opposite parietal placentae (^y), resembling two T’s, to the free edges of which several ovules are attached, exactly as in W. Caracasana (see Dr Lindley’s excellent figure above quoted.) Styles 2, nearly as long as the filaments. Stigmas capitate, depressed at the top. Tab. LXXXVIII. Wigandia? Californica. Fig. 1,2. Flowers; fig.S. Corolla laid open; ^^.4. Pistil; Jig. 5. Section of the ovary : — magnified, Ord. XXXIX. POLEMONIDE^. Jms. 1. Polemonium cceruleum. Linn. — «. vulgare. Hook. FI. Bor. Am, 2. p. 71. I^AB. Pine Creek, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. 1. Phlox speciosa. Pursh. — a. glabriuscula, foliis basi ciliatis. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 72. — /3. caule foliisque dense pubescentibus. Hook. 1. c. Hab. a. Near the Blue Mountains ; /3. Grand Rond — both in the Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. HUGELIA. Benth. Calyx tubuloso-campanulatus, semi-5-fidus, sinubus vix membranaceis, laciniis subinsequalibus linearibus rigidis subspinosis. Corolla infundibuliformis, tubo breviter exserto, limbo 5-parLito, laciniis oblongis integerrimis. Stamina ad faucem inserta. Antherce lineares, sagittatae. Capsulce loculi polyspermi. — Herbae annuee vel perennes plus minusve albo-lanatce. Folia alterni-linearia, Integra vel pinnatifida. Flores dense corymboso-capitati ; calycibus bracteisque imbricatis lana densa basi immersis. Benth. I. H. densifolia {Benth.) ; humilis, caule glabriusculo, foliis crebris fere omnibus pin- natifidis glabratis, segmentis utrinque 2-3 acerosis, corollm (caeruleae) tubo exserto, staminibus corollam subaequantibus. Benth. in Bot. Reg. sub folio 1622; in Ann. Sc. Nat. N. Ser. 2. p. 84. Polemonidem.'] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 365 2. elongata {Benth.) ; ramis elongatis divaricatis vel procumbentibus tomentosis, foliis brevibus simplicibus vel utrinque segmentis 1-2 auctis omnibus albo-tomentosis vel demum vix glabratis, corollae (intense caeruleae) tubo exserto, staminibus corollam super- antibus. Benth. 1. c. 3. H. virgata {Benth.) ; erecta stricta, foliis elongatis simplicibus vel pinnatifidis laxe albo-lanatis, corollae (intense caeruleae) tubo exserto, staminibus corolla brevioribus. Benth. 1. c. Hook. Ic. Pi. 2. t. 200. 4. H. lutea {Benth.) ; erecta, foliis inferioribus elongatis simplicibus glabratis, superiori- bus abbreviatis pinnatifidis albo-lanatis, corymbis parvis, corollae (luteae) tubo incluso, staminibus corollam aequantibus. Benth. 1. c. LINANTHUS. Benth. Calyx tubulosus membranaceus, nervis 5 viridibus validis apice in dentes subulatos recurves productis. Corolla infundibuliformis, tubo brevi, limbo 5-fido, laciniis obovatis apice erenulatis. Stamina tubo inclusa. Antherce filiformes, basi vix sagittate. Capsules loculi polyspermi. — Herba annua, glaberrima. Folia opposita, sessilia, palmatisecta, segmentis 3-5, linear i-suhulatis. Flores in dichotomiis solitarii, sub- sessiles, ebracteati, versus apieem ramorum plurimi approximati. Corollae magnitudine et forma et fere colore Lini suffruticosi. 1. L. dichotomus. Benth. 1. c. LEPTOSIPHON. Benth. Calyx tubuloso-campanulatus, aequalis, semi-5-fidus, lobis lineari-subulatis acutis, sinubus membranaceis. Corolla infundibuliformis, tubo longe exserto tenuissimo, limbo campanulato 5-fido, lobis ovalibus obtusis integerrimis. Stamina ad faucem inserta. Antherce oblongae basi sagittatae. — Herbae annuce basi glabra, apice pubescentes. Folia opposita, sessilia, palmatisecta, segmentis linearibus vel subulatis. Flores dense corymboso-capitati, axi sublanato. Bracteae imbricates foliis conformes, segmentis ciliato- hirsutis. Benth. 1. L. grandijlorus {Benth.); subsimplex, foliis 7-11-fidis, laciniis subulatis strictis margine revolutis, corollae tubo limbo vix duplo longiore, filamentis brevissimis. Benth. 1. c. Corolla blue ; the orifice of the tube yellow or purple. 2. L. androsaceus {Benth.) ; foliis 5-7-fidis, laciniis oblongo-linearibus, corollae tubo limbo 2-3-plo longiore, staminibus corollae limbo triplo brevioribus. Benth. 1. c. Bot, Reg. t. 1710. Hort. Soc. Trans. N. Ser. \. p. 477. t. 18. /. 1. Corolla smaller and more intensely coloured than the preceding. 3. L. luteus {Benth.); foliis 5-7-fidis, laciniis oblongo-linearibus, corollae tubo limbo sub-4-plo longiore, staminibus limbo corollae sub-3-plo brevioribus, stylo corollam vix aequante. Benth. 1. c. Corolla yellow, deeper coloured in the throat. 4. L. parviflorus {Benth.) ; foliis 5-7-fidis, laciniis oblongo-linearibus, corollae tubo CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 366 [^PolemonidecB. limbo 4-plo longiore, stamlnibus limbo corollas vix dimidio brevioribus, stylo subexserto. Benth. 1. c. Corolla pale yellow, the throat deep yellow. 5. L. ? densijlorus {Benth.) ; foliis 9-1 l-fidis, laciniis subulatis striatis margine revo- lutis, corollas tubo limbo breviore. Benth. 1. c. Bot. Reg. t, 1725. Hort. Soc. Trans. N. Ser. 1. p. 477. t. 18. f. 2. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3587. FENZLIA. Benth. {non Endl.) Calyx tubuloso-campanulatus, profunde 5-fidus, sinubus membranaceis, laciniis linearibus acutiusculis erectis. Corolla subinfundibuliformis, tubo brevi, limbo 5-partito, laciniis obovatis dentatis. , Antherm ovatae, sagittatae, e tubo breviter exsertae. Capsulce loculi polyspermi. — Herba pusilla, subsimplex, 2-Z-pollicaris, glabra vel leviter pubescens. Folia opposita, linearia, integerrima. Flores 1-3, pedunculati. Corolla fere pollicaris, purpurascens, fundo luteo. 1. F. dianthiflora. Benth. 1. c. — Hook. Ic. PI. 2. t. 199. Fenzlia of Mr Benthara was published in 1833 ; that of Endlicher (^Atakta, p. 19. t. 17 et 18) in 1834; so that our plant has the priority of name. It is but fair, however, to observe, that Endlicher considers it only a species of Cilia {Atakta, t. 29), and has bestowed the name of Fenzlia on a genus of New Hol- land plants, which, with Olinia and Myrrhinium (Schott), form a small group intermediate between Meme- cylecB and Myrtacece. GILIA. Cav. Benth. 1. c. Calyx campanulatus, 5-fidus, margine et sinubus membranaceis. Corolla infundibuliformis vel subcampanu- lata, limbo 5-partito, laciniis obovatis integris. Stamina ad faucem vel vix intra tubum inserta. Antherm ovato-subrotundse. Capsulce loculi polyspermi Herbas. Folia vel alterna pinnatisecta, segmentis integris dissectisve, vel opposita palmatisecta, segmentis integris subulatis. Benth. Sect. 1. Dactylophvllum. Folia inferiora opposita, omnia sessilia palmatisecta. Flores solitarii, long e pedunculati. Corollae tubus brevissimus, limbus patens. 1. G. liniflora {Benth.) ; foliis inferioribus oppositis omnibus sessilibus palmatisectis, corollis calyce triple longioribus, Benth. 1. c. 2. G. pharnaceoides {Benth.) ; foliis inferioribus oppositis omnibus sessilibus palmati- sectis, corollis calyce duplo longioribus. Benth. 1. c — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 74. t. 152. ' Flowers only half the size of the preceding. Sect. 2. Ipomopsis. Folia alterna, pinnatisecta, vel pinnatifida. Flores solitarii vel subglomerati. Corollce tubus elongatus longe exsertus. ^ 3. G.pulchella {Dough); caulibus strictis superne paniculatis, foliis carnosis arach- noideis pinnatifidis laciniis remotis linearibus planis acutis, corollae elongatae tubulosae limbo patenti-reflexo laciniis ovato-lanceolatis. Benth. 1. c. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 74. — Ipomopsis elegans. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1281 {non Sm.). Hab. Bannock Defile betw'een Snake and Bear Rivers. Mr Tolmie. 4. G. ienuiflora {Benth.) ; caule erecto elato superne viscoso subnudo paniculate, foliis PolemonidecB.] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 367 bipinnatisectis glabris, floribus subsolitarils, corymbis laxis longe pediinculatis, corollis (caeruleis) calyce 4-plo longioribus. Bentk. 1. c. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1 888. 5. G. arenaria (Benth.) ; caule humili viscoso subnudo, folds pinnatifidis, lobis ovatis, floribus subglomeratis, corollis (caeruleis) calyce triplo longioribus. Benth. 1. c. This we have not reeeived. Sect. 3. Eugilia. Folia alterna pinnatijida vel pinnatisecta. Flores subsolitarii vel scepius glomerati. CorollcB tubus calyce subbrevior. 6. G. tricolor {Benth.) ; caule erecto glabro folioso, folds bipinnatisectis, segmentis lineari-subulatis, corymbis 3-6-floris virgato-paniculatis, corollis calyce subtriplo longiori- bus. Benth. 1. c. Bot. Reg. t. 1704. Hort. Soc. Trans. N. Ser. p. 478. t. 18./. 3. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3463. Tube of the corolla yellow, throat deep purple, limb pale bluish-purple. 7. G. laciniata {Ruiz et Pav.) ; caule erecto glanduloso-pubescenti, folds bipinnati- sectis glabriusculis, segmentis linearibus, corymbis paucifloris longissime pedunculatis subpaniculatis, corollis calycem vix duplo superantibus, staminibus corolla brevioribus. Ruiz et Pav. FI. Per. et Chil. 2. p. 17. t. 123. Benth. 1. c. — Mathews^ No. 246. Cuming., No. 729. Bridges^ No. 213. 8. G. midticaulis {Benth.) ; caule erecto parce glanduloso-pubescenti, foliis bipinnati- sectis glabriusculis, segmentis linearibus, corymbis subcapitatis 3-18-floris longissime pedunculatis vix paniculatis, corollis calycem vix duplo superantibus, staminibus corollam aequantibus. Benth. 1. c. 9. G. achillecefolia {Benth.) ; caule erecto puberulo, foliis bi-tripinnatisectis glabrius- culis, segmentis radicalium linearibus caulinium linearibus vel lineari-subulatis, corymbis capitatis fasciculatisve solitariis vel subpaniculatis, corollis calyce subtriplo longioribus, staminibus corolla brevioribus. Benth. 1. c. Bot. Reg. t. 1682. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 3440. In the wild plant the flowers are densely capitate, nearly sessile, and the calyx almost woolly ; but* when cultivated, the former are fascicled and on long pedicels, while the latter are merely pubescent. It therefore becomes a matter of great difliculty to distinguish the present from the two preceding species ; and if the relative length of the calyx and corolla, and of the corolla and stamens, prove not constant, we fear that all must be reduced as varieties to G. laciniata of Ruiz and Pavon. NAVARRETIA. Fuiz et Pav. — .iEcocHLOA. Benth. l.c. Calyx tubuloso-campanulatus, basi membranaceus, apice 5-fidus, laciniis inmqualibus rigidis integris multifi- ' disve spinosis. Corolla subhypocrateriformis, tubo calycem subaequante, limbo 5-partito, laciniis oblongis integris. Stamina intra partem superiorem tubi inserta. Antherce ovato-subrotundae. Capsules loculi polyspermi. — Herbae plerumque glutinosce fatidee. Folia pinnatisecta, segmentis incisis acutissimis. Flores dense capitati, bracteis inciso-muliifidis spinosis svffulti. Benth. » 1. N. intertexta {Hook.) ; erecta ramosa, foliis glabris pinnatisectis, segmentis lineari- subulatis acutissimis incisis divaricatis subspinosis, calycis sublanati dentibus plerumque 368 CALIFORNIA— SUPPLEMENT. iPolemonideai. multifidis, corollis calyce subbrevioribus, staminibus exsertis. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 75. — .dEgochloa intertexta. Benlh. 1. c. 2. FI. cotulaefolia ; erecta stricta, foliis glabris bipinnatisectis, segmentis lineari-subu- latis acutissimis foliorum superiorum floraliumque spinosis, bracteis villosulis, dentibus calycinis subintegris, corollis calycem aequantibus, staminibus e.xsertis. — ^dUgochloa cotu- Isefolia. Benth. 1. c. 3. N. pubescens ; molliter pubescens, caule ramoso, foliis pinnatisectis, laciniis inciso- pinnatifidis, lobulis divaricatis subspinosis, calycibus bracteisque basi membranaceis glabris apice inciso-pinnatifidis villosis, corollis calyce subduplo longioribus, staminibus e tubo exsertis. — ^dUgochloa pubescens. Benth. 1. c. 4. N. squarrosa ; viscosa-pubescens, foliis pinnatisectis segmentis integris incisisve, laciniis lanceolato-linearibus acutissimis spinosis, bracteis ciliato-hirtis basi dilatatis, denti- bus calycinis lanceolatis subintegris, corollis exsertis, staminibus tubo inclusis. — N. pun- gens. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 75. — Gilia pungens. Dougl. in Bot. Mag. t. 2977. — G. squarrosa. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 151. — JEgochloa pungens. Benth. 1. c. — Hoitzia squar- rosa. Eschscholtz (1826). 5. N. atractyloides ; viscosissima, foliis pinnatifidis rachi dilatata, lobis subulatis divari- catis spinosis, floralibus ovatis imbricatis spinoso-dentatis flores amplectentibus, dentibus calycinis subulatis integris. — iEgochloa atractyloides. Benth. 1. c. COLLOMIA. Nutt. Benth. 1. c. Calyx carapanulatus 5-fidus vel sub 5-partitus, lobis lanceolatis linearibusve asqualibus integris. Corolla hypocrateriformis, tubo tenui exserto, limbo patente 5-partito, laciniis oblongis integris. Stamina versus medium tubi inserta. Antherce ovato-subrotundse. Capsulce loculi 1-2-spermi. — Herbae. Folia alterna rarius inferiora opposita Integra inciso-dentata vel rarius pinnatijida. Flores dense capitati bracteis lato-ovatis integerrimis suffulti. Benth. 1. C. gilioides [Benth.) ; foliis pinnatisectis, segmentis linearibus integris, calycibus profifnde 5-fidis, staminibus tubo corollm inclusis, capsulae loculis monospermis. Benth. 1. c. 2. C. glutinosa {Benth.) ; procumbens, foliis subpinnatisectis, segmentis oblongo-lineari- bus integris vel subincisis, calycibus sub-5-partitis, staminibus corolla longioribus, capsulae loculis monospermis. Benth. 1. c. 3. C. linearis {Hutt.) ; simplex vel ramosa, foliis lineari-lanceolatis lato-lanceolatisve opacis plerumque glabris, ramis superioribus patentissimis pubescentibus, corollae limbo patente tubo gracillimo triplo breviore. Benth. 1. c. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 76. Bot. Reg. t. 1166. Bot. Mag. t. 2924. Hab. Green River (one of the head waters of the Rio Colorado), Snake Country. Mr Tohnie. 4. C.nudicaulis ; simplex gracilis glaberrima, caule basi bifoliato, foliis minutis squamae- formibus (cotyledonum vestigiis?) citissime marcescentibus, floribus subcapitatis, foliis Boraginece.] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 369 floralibus e basi lata anguste linearibus obtusis involucratis, corolla limbi laciniis patenti- bus obovatis apiculatis tubo gracili duplo brevioribus. Hab. Green River, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie, 5. C. gracilis (Benth.) ; glanduloso-pubescens, caule valde ramoso, foliis lineari- oblongis obtusis, calycis segmentis longis subulatis. Benth. 1. c. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 76. — Gilia gracilis. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2924. LEPTODACTYLON. Hook, et Arn. Calyx tubuloso-campanulatus, subaequalis, semiquinquefidus, lobis subulatis spinescentibus, sinubus membrana- ceis. Corolla infundibuliformis, limbo patente, lobis obovatis obtusis. Stamina intra partem superiorem tubi inserta, aequalia. Antherm oblongae. Stylus cum stigmatibus tubo corollse duplo brevior. Capsula sublignosa apice dehiscens, loculis polyspermis, columna central! crassiuscula. — Frutices humiles, ramotsis- simi. Folia alterna profunde palmatisecta, laciniis subulatis rigidis spinescentibus; alia axillaria, integra, fasciculata. Flores terminales, speciosi, Phlocem simulantes. 1. L. Californicum ; foliis patentibus, floribus subcapitatis, corollse tubo calycem sub- aequante, stigmatibus stylo duplo longioribus. (Tab. LXXXIX.) The corolla is large. Another species of this genus is Phlox Hookeri, Dough in Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 73. t. 159, which maybe distinguished as follows: foliis erectis, floribus subsolitariis, corollas tubo calycem superante, stigmatibus stylum aequantibus. Tab. LXXXIX. Leptodactylon Californicum. Fig. 1. Flower-bud and flower ; Jig. 2. Corolla ; Jig. 3. Stamens ; Jig. 4. 4. Pistil ; Jig. 5. Capsule enclosed in the calyx ; Jig. 6. Capsule bursting open, and show- ing the central receptacle with attached sides ; Jig. 7. Seed ; Jig. 8. Portion of the receptacle from which the seeds have been removed ; Jig. 9. Leaf : — magnijied. Ord. XL. BORAGINE^. Juss. 1. Heliotropium Curassavicum. Linn. — Hook, et Arn. supra, p, 152. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 81. 1. Myosotis jlaccida. Dough in Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 82. Our specimens are more leafy and not so much advanced as those from Columbia ; but they appear to be the same species. M. versicolor, of the Flor. Bor. Am., with small flowers, seems to be M. verna of Nutt., and has its calyx oblique ; the larger-flowered specimens are perhaps referrible to M. Jlaccida. 2. M. muricata; caule erecto stricto foliisque linearibus obtusis ubique piloso-hispidis, racemis densis bi-trifidis terminalibus ebracteatis, calycibus hispidis, nucibus ovatis ob- tusiusculis dense muriculatis. From six inches to a foot high, erect, straight, rather stout, throwing out numerous lateral leafy branches, which, in our specimens, are short, from not being sufficiently developed. Flowers white ; limb flat ; seg- ments as long as the tube. The hairs on the calyx and raceme are yellowish-white. 3. M. fulva. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. ^9i.—Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 83. — Cuming (Chil.) No. 707. Bridges (Chil.) No. 309. The flowers are white ; the limb flat and broad ; the segments about the length of the tube. The achenia are wrinkled, but not always black, and not in the slightest degree hispid or muricated. 3 A 370 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. {JBoraginem. 4. M. Chorisiana. Cham. etLehm. in Linn. 4. p. 444. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 152. {non Lehm. in Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 83.) The flowers here are on pretty long pedicels, while the Columbia plant has them shortly pedicellate ; the latter presents, besides, a different aspect, and may be called M. Scouleri ; it appears very closely allied to M. Californica, Fisch. et Meyer, but the corolla is longer than the calyx. 5. M. glomerata. Nutt. — Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 82. t. 162. — Cynoglossum glo- me ratum. Fraser. Pursh. Hab. Green River, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. 1. Echinospermum Lappula. Lehm. in Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 84. Hab. Pine Creek, near Green River, one of the tributaries of the Colorado, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. 1. Lithospermum? circumscissum ; annuum nanum dilFusum ramosum, totum pills albis rigidis hispidum ad apicem usque foliosum, foliis anguste linearibus, floribus axillari- bus, calyce 5-fido basi membranaceo fructifero transversim circumscisso deciduo, corollae tubo calycem asquante ad faucem nudo, nucibus ovatis acutis nitidissimis Imvibus dorso convexis intus subcarinatis. Hab. Snake Fort, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. The flowers are very minute, and white with a yellow eye ; the calyx is 5-angled ; the segments are about as long as the tube, and in fruit are patulous or somewhat recurved ; the base of the tube is membranaceous between the ribs or angles, and separates transversely with five teeth. The nuts do not appear to be at all perforated at the base, and are inserted into the bottom of the calyx. 1. Amsinckia vernicosa ; corolla fauce nuda glabra, limbo tubo triplo breviore, stamini- bus ad faucem insertis, antheris exsertis, nucibus ovato-oblongis acutis acute triquetris dorso planis laevibus nitidissimis. This approaches closely to A. angustifolia, Lehm. (Fisch. et Mey. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. Secundus, p. 26), but that we believe to be a Chilian species, transmitted by Bertero, and therefore probably the same with Cuming’s No. 512, and Bridges’ No. 311. In the Chilian plant, the flowers are almost entirely the same as in A. vernicosa, but the nuts are ovate, keeled and transversely wrinkled on the back, and all over minutely muricated, the points on the keel and wrinkles being much larger than the others ; of this Mathews’ No. 193 is perhaps a mere variety, but the leaves are much broader, and, when dry, of a blackish colour. Lithospermum lycopsoides, Lehm. in Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 89, is the same with Amsinckia lycop- soides, Lehm. Del. Sem. H. Hamb. 1831. 2. A. spectahilis; corolla fauce glabra plicis intrusts semiclausa, limbo longitudine tubi, staminibus ad faucem insertis. — Species pulchritudineflorum insignis atque distinctissima. Corolla aurea, limbo 6 lin. in diametro, ad faucem plicis 5, squamulas simulantibus. Fisch. et Mey. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. Secund. p. 26. We do not possess the fruit of this species, but in habit it accords with Amsinchia, and in specific charac- ter with A. spectahilis, F. and M. It certainly is an extremely handsome plant, with large yellow flowers ; the corollas much exserted, and the calyx thickly clothed with white and golden-coloured hairs. Leaves 2-3' inches long. The genus Amsinchia is not, so far as we know, as yet further characterized, than by having four cotyle- Hydrophylle(B.\ CALIFORNIA—SUPPLEMENT. 371 dons. It was noticed by Lindley in his first edition of the Introduction to the Natural System, and called there Benthamia ; as however no reasons w'ere assigned for reducing the genus of Richard of that name, Lehman supposed it to be an oversight, and altered it to Amsinckia. Since then. Dr Lindley has bestowed the name Benthamia on an East Indian plant. This confusion is to be regretted ; and now that Richard’s genus has been ascertained to be Peristylus of Blume, it were better that Amsinckia should bear the appel- lation originally given to it. 1. Cynoglossum grande {Dough); caule erecto glabro superne nudo, foliis petiolatis subtus pilosis, inferioribus maximis cordato-ovatis undulatis, superioribus oblongo-lan- ceolatis, racemis ebracteatis glabris pedunculatis paucifioris, calyce villoso. — Lehm. Pugill. 2. p. 25. in Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 85. — C. oflficinale. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 152. 2. C. penicillatum ; annuum dilFusum multicaule bast raniosum ubique pilis adpressis canescens, foliis remotis anguste linearibus, floribus solitariis in omnibus axillis brevissime pedicellatis, fructus nucibus lineari-oblongis patentissimis per paria subparallelo-approxi- matis disco planis marginibus membranaceis inflexis nudis apice ciliatis. This ought, perhaps, to be removed from the genus : it is so extremely allied to C. lateriflorun, Lam., or C. lineare, Ruiz et Pav. (Mathews, No. 332, Bridges, No. 253, and Cuming, No. 721), that it can only be distinguished by a close examination of the nuts, which, in the Chilian plant, are pectinately toothed all round the margin. Lehman places this last in Bindera, an arrangement to which we can. scarcely assent. Another plant of the same group is C. pilosum, Ruiz et Pav. (Mathews, No. 989, and Cuming, No. 1070). Ord. XLI. HYDROPHYLLE.3E. R. Brown. Benth. in Linn. Soc. Trans. 17. p. 272. HYDROPHYLLUM. Zinn. Benth. 1. c. Squama corollince 5, lineares, dorso adnatm, apice marginibusque liberse. Stamina longe exserta. Placenta maximse, dorso liberas, ovarium implentes, 2-ovulat8e. — Folia radicalia numerosa ; caulina pauca alterna lata pinnatim vel palmatim dissecta. Racemi scorpioideo-dichotomi vel capitati, ebracteati. 1. H. capitatum {Dough) ; foliis pinnatisectis, segmentis inciso-dentatis subtus canes- centibus, floribus dense capitatis, laciniis calycinis lanceolato-linearibus ciliato-hispidis. — Benth. in Linn. Soc. Trans. 17. p. 273. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 78. The Californian specimens have quite a different appearance from those gathered at Fort Vancouver ; both are canescent on the under side of the leaves, from the presence of adpressed white rather soft hairs ; but these are much more numerous in the Californian form than in the other. The hairs on the branches and petioles are whitish and somewhat soft to the touch. In H. macrophyllum (Nutt. Indig. PI. Un. St. p. Ill), which Mr Bentham seems to think may be tbe same, tbe hairs on the stem, branches, and petioles, are longer and much more harsh ; the under side of the leaves is only sprinkled with a few bristly hairs, and these exist chiefly on the nerves and veins ; the flowers are either capitate (as in a specimen from Drummond found in the Alleghanies) or they form a corymbose compact cyme (as in the specimens from Dr Short), with the pedicels thick and stout, and shorter than the calyx ; divisions of the calyx attenuated from a broad ovate base. Nuttall’s species approaches, in some respects, to H. Virginicum, but that has a loose dichotomous inflores- cence, with slender pedicels that are often longer than the calyx ; the calyx-segments narrow-linear ; and the stem is much more free from hairs, often nearly quite glabrous. ELLISIA. Linn. — Benth. 1. c. Calyces exappendiculati. Squama corollina 10, breves, vel nullae. /Stawirntz, corolla subbreviora. Placenta 372 CALIFORNIA.-SUPPLEMENT. IHydropUyllea. maximse, dorso liberae, ovarium implentes, 2-ovulatse. — Folia pinnatim dissecta, inferiora opposita. Pe- dunculi inferiores oppositifoKi, superiores in racemo laxo unilaterali simplici dispositi. 1. E. memhranacea [Benth.) ; glaberrima, petiolis exappendiculatis, foliis pinnatifidis segmentis integerrimis, calycibus vix auctis. Bentk. 1. c. p. 274. Mr Bentham describes the lobes of the leaves as broadly lanceolate, but in all our specimens they are broadly linear and obtuse. 2. E. chrysanthemifolia {Benth.) ; hispido-scabra, petiolis basi auriculato-dilatatis, foliis subbipinnatifidis, lobis inciso-dentatis obtusis, calycibus fructiferis parum auctis. Benth. 1. c. p. 274. NEMOPHILA. Barton. Benth. 1. c. Cahycis sinus dentibus reflexis appendiculati. Squamce corollince 10, breves, vel nullse. Stamina corolla subbreviora. Placenta; maxim®, dorso liber®, ovarium implentes, 2-12-ovulat®. — Herb® annua; diffusce fragiles. Folia inferiora opposita, omnia pinnatifida. Pedunculi nunc axillares, unifiori, nunc pauces ad apices ramorum in racemis hrevibus dispositi. Benth. 1. N. parviflora {^Dougl.'); foliis pinnatifidis, lobis paucis latis subdentatis, calycis sinubus brevissime appendiculatis, corollis calycem vix superantibus, placentis 2-ovulatis. Benth. 1. c. p. 275. Hab. California. Mr Menzies. 2. N. pedunculata {Dougl.) ; foliis pinnatifidis, lobis paucis latis subintegerrimis, calycis sinubus brevissime appendiculatis, corollis calycem vix superantibus, placentis 6-ovulatis. Benth. 1. c. In the Columbia plant, the leaves are almost as broad as in N. parviflora ; in that from California they are narrower, the lobes shorter, more distant from each other, and quite entire. The calycine appendages are so very minute as not to be detected without careful examination. 3. N. aurita {Lindl.) ; petiolis basi auriculato-dilatatis, calycis sinuum appendiculis elongatis, corollis calyce duplo longioribus, placentis 2-ovulatis. Benth. 1. c. 4. N. Menziesii {Hook, et Arn.) ; petiolis exappendiculatis, foliis pinnatifidis, segmentis approximatis ovatis integerrimis vel bi-tridentato-lobatis, pedunculis oppositifoliis elonga- tis, corolltE (cmruleae parce nigro-punctatte) rotatae fundo pilosae laciniis obovatis calyce subduplo longioribus, placentis sub-lO-ovulatis. — a. corollae calycem vix duplo superante. — N. Menziesii. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 152. Benth. 1. c. p. 276.— /3. corolla calycem plus duplo superante. — N. insignis. Dougl. ms. Benth. 1. c. p. 276 (excl. syn.). Hort. Soc. Trans. N. Ser. 1. p. 643. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1713. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 3485. Our first variety has the flowers considerably smaller than /3., as small indeed as in N. atomaria, Fisch. et Meyer, Ind. Sem. Hort. Petr. 2. p. 43 (Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1940), but the flowers of the latter are white, and strongly marked with numerous dull lead-blue specks, and therein seems to lie the principal difference between the two species. Dr Bindley states that in N. atomaria the peduncles are hair}"-, and in N. insignis glabrous ; but in our specimens of the latter, the peduncles vary from almost glabrous to perfectly hairy. We fear that the two species ought to be united. N. phacelioides, of the Bot. Reg. t. 740, appears to us a large cultivated form of the true N. phacelioides of Barton. HydrophyllecB.'] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 373 EUTOCA. R. Br. Corolla decidua. Ovarium ovoideo-globosum, piloso-hispidum. Placenta lineares, dorse parietibus ovarii adnatae, 4-multi-ovulat8e. Capsula dissepimentis incompletis, semi-bilocularis.— Herbae annua ? sapius erectcB, liahitu Phacelise, rarius diffusa vel divaricates. . Flores racemosi densi sessiles, vel laxi pedun- culati, cymis unilaieralibus simplicibus vel dichotomis. Benih. 1. E. Douglasii {Bentk); diffusa, foliis omnibus pinnatifidis, lobis ovatis subintegerri- mis, placentis 12-20-ovulatis. Benth, L c. p. 276. 2. E. hrachyloba {Benth.); erecta scabro-pubescens, foliis elongatis pinnatifidis, lobis ovatis obtusis subincisis, placentis 6-8-ovulatis. Benth. 1. c. 3. E. hasmfolia {Benth.); erecta hispidissima, foliis ovatis pinnatifidis, lobis latis acutis inciso-dentatis, corollis calycem vix excedentibus, staminibus exsertis, placentis 6-8-ovulatis. Benth. 1. c. p. 277. 4. E. Franklinii {Brown) ; foliis pinnatifidis bipinnatifidisve pilosis, laciniis lanceolatis integerrimis dentatisve ciliatis, spicis racemosis in summo caulis confertis, staminibus corolla sublongioribus, placentis multiovulatis. — Brown App. to Frank. Jour. ed. 2. p.b\. t. 27. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 2985. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 79. Benth. 1. c. Hab. Pine Creek, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. 5. E. Menziesii {Benth.) ; erecta, foliis linearibus lanceolatisve integerrimis quandoque trifidis pinnatifidisve, placentis 20-multi-ovulatis. Benth. 1. c. 6. E. grandijlora {Benth.) ; adscendens, foliis lato-ovatis dentatis basi subcordatis, placentis ultra 60-ovulatis. Benth. 1. c. p. 278. 7. E. viscida {Benth.); glanduloso-pilosa viscosa, caule erecto ramoso, foliis cordato- ovatis subangulatis serratis, racemis elongatis furcatis siraplicibusque, placentis multi- ovulatis. Benth. in Bot. Reg. t. 1808. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 3572. Don in Sweet Br. FI. Gard. N. S. t. 368. 8. E. divaricata {Benth.); diffusa ramosissima, caule dichotomo-divaricato, foliis ovatis indivisis radicalibus nunc trifidis, placentis 8-20-ovulatis. Benth. 1. c. p. 278. — Bot. Reg. t. 1784. Bot. Mag. t. 3706. — E. Wrangeliana. Fisch. et Mey. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petr. 2, p. 37. Sweet Br. FI. Gard. N. S. t. 362. 9. 'Ei. phacelioides {Benth.); erecta ramosa, foliis omnibus ovatis indivisis integerrimis, placentis 4-ovulatis. Benth. 1. c. p. 279. 10. E. ? lutea; nana diffusa scabro-pubescens ramosa, radice multicipiti annua, foliis petiolatis subrotundo-obovatis basi cuneatis crenato-lobatis superioribus subintegerrimis, ovariis 8-ovulatis, corolla campanulata marcescente persistente (lutea) calycem paullo superante. Hab. Snake Fort, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. 374 CALIFORNIA.~SUPPLEMENT. [Hydrophyllea. This is a verj’ remarkable species, having bright yellow flowers. The seeds are deeply wrinkled on the back. It differs from Eutoca by the persistent but marcescent corolla ; and from Emmenanthe by its habit and absence of scales to the corolla. 11. E. ? aretioides; nana diffusa hispido-pilosa trichotome ramosa, radice multicipiti annua, foliis petiolatis spathulato-lanceolatis basi longe attenuatis integerrimis, ramulis ultimis brevibus congestis, floribus sessilibus terminalibus et in dichotomiis, calycis pro- funde 5-partiti laciniis anguste linearibus hispidis tubo corollte infundibuliformis (pur- pureae) duplo brevioribus, ovario multiovulato — var. /3. perpusilla; caule subnullo pauci- floro. Hab. a. Between Burnt and Malheur Rivers.. — /3. Burnt River, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. This beautiful species will probably yet be separated from Eutoca, to which it bears no external resem- blance ; but we have placed it here as agreeing almost entirely with Bentham’s character of the genus. PHACELIA. Juss. Benth. 1. c. Corolla decidua. » Ovarium ovoideo-globosum, piloso-hispidum. Placentce lineares, seepius dorso parietibus ovarii adnatae, 2-ovulatse. Gapsula dissepimentis subcompletis pseudo-bilocularis. — Herbse annum vel perennes, erectm vel diffuses. Flores racemosi, densi, sessiles vel laxi pedunculati, cymis unilateralibus simplicibus vel dichotomis. Benth, 1. P. circinnata (Jacq.) ; foliis pinnatisectis quandoque indivisis, lobis oblongis ovatisve integerrimis ineequalibus, corollis calyce plus dimidio longioribus, staminibus exsertis. Benth. 1. c. p. 279. Mr Bentham adduces the following synonyms to this species : — Heliotropium pinnatum, Vahl. — Hydro- phyllum Magellanicum, Lam. ; H. Aldea, Rcem. et Schult. — Aldea pinnata, Ruiz et Pav. ; A. circinnata, Willd. — Phacelia Peruviana, Spreng. ; P. Californica, Cham. ; P. heterophylla, Pursh ; P„rudis, Dougl. 2. P. ciliata [Benth.); scabro-pubescens, foliis pinnatisectis, segmentis oblongis obtusis subpinnatifidis, calycis laciniis ovatis submembranaceis reticulatis margine ciliatis, staraini- bus corollam subsequantibus. Benth. 1. c. p. 280. 3. P. ramosissima [Dougl.) ; scabro-pubescens vel hispida, foliis pinnatisectis, segmentis ovatis obtusis subpinnatifidis, calycis laciniis oblongis viridibus hispidis fructiferis spa- thulatis, staminibus exsertis. Benth. 1. c, p. 280. We have an allied species, or perhaps a mere variety, from Dr Gillies, under the name of P. Brunoniana, collected on El Cerro del Diamante and Andes of Mendoza, and it only differs by being more covered with glutinous hairs, and having a nearly simple stem. 4. P. tanacetifolia [Benth.); scabro-pubescens vel hispida, foliis bipinnatifidis, segmentis oblongis dentato-pinnatifidis, calycis laciniis oblongo-linearibus hispidis, staminibus exsertis. Benth. 1. e. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1696. A closely allied species has been sent us by Mr Darwin, who found it at Bahia Blanca, on the coast, of Patagonia (No. 202), but the hairs on its stem are all glutinous. EMMENANTHE. Benth. 1. c. Corolla persistens. Ovarium oblongo-compressum, gland uloso-pubescens : placentis linearibus, dorso adnatis ScrophularinecB. ] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 375 (8-3 ovulatis, Capsula dissepimentis semi-completis ad axin incrassatis pseudo-bilocularis. — Herba erecta ramosa. Folia alterna pinnatifida, semiamplexicaulia, exauriculata. Racemi numerosi erecti graciles. Flores penduli, tenuiter pedicellati. Corolla campanulata, squamis 10 minutis ad basin. 1. 'Ea. penduliflora. Benth. 1. c,p. 281. The genus Emmenanthus, supra, p. 217. was named and described long before the present one of Mr Bentham, but as it was not published till after his was, it must receive a new appellation. Ord. XLII. SOLANE^. Juss. 1. Nicotiana rustica. Linn. 1. Solanum nigrum, Linn. — var. pubescens. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 152. 2. S. urnbelliferum. Escholtz in Linncsa, 3. Litter, p. 148. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 152. Of this plant we have two forms, the one three times the size of the other in all its parts, more succulent and tomentose. The lesser one has wiry branehes, with the angles on them more conspicuous from the tomentum being nearly absent. Ord. xliii. SCROPHULARINE^. 1. Linaria Canadensis. Spr — Antirrhinum Canadense. Linn. 1. Antirrhinum glanduloswn [Benth.); undique pilis capitatis subviscidis conspersum, foliis alternis petiolatis anguste ovato-lanceolatis, racemo denso folioso, calycis lobis lineari-lanceolatis inaequalibus. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1893. 1. Maurandia (?) stricta; erecta ramosa annua glabra basi solummodo pubescens, foliis infimis parvis ovatis petiolatis, reliquis lanceolatis linearibusque sessilibus omnibus integerrimis, pedunculis solitariis axillaribus unifloris elongatis recurvis apice sursim curvatis. A foot to a foot and a half high, slender, branched, annual ; the lower leaves small (J an inch long), ovate, petiolate, gradually becoming more and more remote, upwards on the stem lanceolate or the superior ones linear, all entire. Peduncle from the axils of the narrow upper leaves, 2-4 inches long, at first reflexed, then towards the apex bent upwards. Flower scarcely an inch long. Calyx gibbous below, of 5 deep lanceo- late segments, curved up a little, nearly equal. Cor. ovate-oblong, also curved upwards, the limb 2-lipped. Capsule globose, terminated by a moderately long tapering style, and that by a capitate stigma. Cells 2. Seeds attached to each side of a central dissepiment. A singular looking plant, which, from the withered state of the flowers, we are unable satisfactorily to refer to any known genus. The general form of the blossoms, however, the long curiously curved peduncle, desti- tute of braeteas, the shape of the calyx, of the capsule, and style, are quite those of Maurandia, but the stems are not scandent, and the leaves (except those near the root) are very narrow, lanceolate or linear. 1. Collinsia fttcofor [Benth.); foliis ovato-lanceolatis serratis basi subcordatis, nervis subparallelis, verticillis (infimis exceptis) aphyllis, calycis laciniis ovatis acuininatis.^ — Benth. in Hort. Soc. Trans. N. Ser. 1. p. 480, Lindl, in Bot. Reg. t. 1734. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 3488. 376 CALIFORNIA,— SUPPLEMENT. \_ScrophularinecB. 2. C. parvijlora [Lindl.) ; caule glabriusculo prostrate adscendente vel erecto, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis intjggris vel paucidentatis infimis ovatis petiolatis, pedunculis axillari- biis solitariis flore multo longioribus, corollae calycem pubescentera subaequantes vel paullo siiperantes laciniis integris subacutis, — Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1082. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 94. Hab. Between Bruneau and Onyhee Rivers, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. — California. Mr Douglas. 1. Salpiglossis prostrata. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 153. The plant before us may prove a distinct species ; it is not prostrate, has apparently an annual root, and a few short ascending simple stems ; we incline, however, to think that the specimens being in a younger state may cause these differences. Bentham has remarked, in the Bot. Reg., under t. 1882, that this and some others from the West Coast of America, will probably form a new genus. 1. Pentstemon cordifolius {Benth.) ; caule pruinoso, foliis breviter petiolatis lato- ovatis obtusis integerrimis basi cordatis bullatis subtus nervosis, panicula laxa, corollis tubulosis profunde bilabiatis, labio superiore emarginato inferiore trifido, filamento sterili barbato, antheris glabris. Benth. Scroph, Ind. p. 7. 2. P. staticifolius {Lindl.); caule adscendente pubescente, foliis radicalibus oblongo- lanceolatis in petiolum longum angustatis integerrimis glabris, caulinis sessilibus cordato- ovatis dentatis pubescentibus, cyrnis subsessilibus calycibusque tomentosis, corollae ventri- cosae pubescentis labiorum laciniis ovatis obtusis subaequalibus. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1770. With this we are wholly unacquainted, except from Mr Lindley’s figure and description ; we fear that it was sent from Columbia, and that it is a mere variety of P. glandulosus. Dougl. 3. P. breviflorus {Lindl.) ; annuus, foliis lanceolatis serratis glabris summis sessilibus, panicula laxa brachiata, calyce pubescent!, corollae labio superiore linear! arcuato emargi- nato villoso inferiore deflexo 3-partito tubo calyce breviore, staminibus fertilibus basi villosis, sterili glabro. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1946. 4. P. heterophyllus {Lindl.) ; suffruticosus, foliis glaucescentibus integerrimis inferiori- bus lineari-lanceolatis superioribus linearibus, racemo virgato, pedicellis subflore bibrac- teolatis, sepalis ovatis, corolla glaberrima superne ventricosa imberbi, stamine sterili glabro, antheris sagittatis apice fimbriatis. — a. sepalis ovatis acuminatis. — Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1899. — 1(3. sepalis orbiculari-ovatis cuspidatis. The leaves, as in almost all the species, are broader below ; but since these pass, by insensible gradations, into the linear ones at the top of the stem, we scarcely think the specific name appropriate. 5. P. laricifolius ; perennis casspitosus humilis glaucescens glaberrimus, foliis angus- tissime linearibus obtusiusculis integerrimis nitidis ad caulium basin dense congestis superioribus remotiusculis, racemis foliosis, pedicellis folio floral! brevioribus supra basin bibracteolatis, sepalis ovatis acuminatis margine membranaceis, corolla glaberrima superne ventricosa labio inferiore ad faucem piloso, stamine sterili piloso, antherse loculis divari- catis glaberrimis. Hab. Snake Fort, Snake Country, Mr Tolmie. ScrophtdarinecB.] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 37^ 6. P. procerus. Dougl. in Bot. Mag, t. 2954. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 97. Hab. Common throughout the Blue Mountains, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. 1. CheXouQ centranthifolia {Benth.) ; glaberrima glauca, foliis ovato-lanceolatis inte- gerrimis basi cordato-amplexicaulibus, panicula elongata, corollis tubulosis pendulis glabris fauce nudis, filamento quinto imberbi. Benth. in Hort. Soc. Trans. N. S. 1. p. 481. Bot. Reg. t. 1737. 1. Herpestes (Matourea) pilosa {^Benth.) ; erecta viscosa mollissime piloso-lanata, foliis sessilibus oblongis subintegerrimis, pedunculis folio brevioribus solitariis ebracteatis, sepalo externo late ovato, (corollte labio superiore subintegro, capsulse acuminatae valvulis integris). — Benth. in Comp. Bot. Mag. 2. p. 57. The capsule is oblong and acuminated, splitting at the apex into two quite entire valves, the margins of which do not appear to be at all indexed. 1. Mimulus linearis {Benth.); suffruticosus viscosissimus, caule erecto ramoso, foliis linearibus integerrimis margine revolutis, pedunculis subracemosis, calycibus elongatis plicatis, dentibus lanceolato-linearibus obtusis inaequalibus. Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 27. — M. glutinosus. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 152 (excl. syn.). — Diplacus leptantbus. Nutt, in Tayl. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. p. 138. 2. M. glutinosus {Wendl. ?) ; suffruticosus viscosus, caule erecto pubescente, foliis supra glabris oblongis lanceolatisve basi angustatis eroso-dentatis integerrimisve, pedunculis folio brevioribus, calycibus elongatis plicatis dentibus lanceolato-linearibus intequalibus. Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 28. Mr Douglas’ specimen has the peduncle slender and rather longer than the calyx, in which respect it differs from Diplacus latifolius, Nutt. 1. c. ; but as the M. glutinosus of our gardens {M. aurantiacus of the Bot. Mag. t. 354), varies much in this respect, it is probable that Nuttall’s plant is a mere form of our present one. 3. M. hrevipes {Benth.) ; pubescens, caule erecto viscoso, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis linearibusve subdentatis basi angustatis subsessilibus vel superioribus amplexicaulibus, floribus brevi-pedunculatis, calycibus ovatis plicatis bine fissis, dentibus lanceolatis inae- qualibus. Benth. 1. c. 4. M. cardinalis {Dougl.) ; villosus, foliis amplexicaulibus ovatis margine eroso-den- tatis, pedunculis folio longioribus, calycibus amplis inflato-tubulosis vix plicatis, dentibus ovatis acutis, antheris villosis. Benth. 1. c. — Sweet Br. FI. Gard. N. S. 4. t. 358. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 3560. Lindl. in Hort. Soc. Trans. N. S. 2. p. 70. t. 3. 5. M. lyratus {Benth.) ; basi glaber apice pubescens, viscosus, foliis eroso-dentatis inferioribus sublyratis petiolatis superioribus cordato-amplexicaulibus, calycibus ovatis fructiferis inflato-campanulatis ore patulo, dentibus ovatis acutis supremo maximo, corolla calycem duplo superante. Benth. 1. c — M. guttatus. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 152 {ex parte). 378 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. \_Scrophularinea. Mr Bentham says that (all ?) the leaves are cordato-amplexicaul, but our specimens we can only distinguish from M. guttatus by their being pubescent towards the extremity, and somewhat viscous, with the calyx less inflated and not contracted at the mouth. 6. M. guttatus {De Cand.) ; glaber, foliis eroso-dentatis inferioribus petiolatis sub- Jyratis superioribus rotundatis cordato~amplexicaulibus, calycibus ovatis fructiferis inflatis ore contracto, dentibus ovatis supremo latissimo, corolla calycem duplo superante. Benth. 1. c. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 152 {ex parte) — M. luteus. Pursh — Bot. Mag. t. 1501. 7. yi. Jlo7'ibundus {Dougl.) ; difFusus laxe pilosus viscosus, foliis petiolatis lato-ovatis subdentatis basi truncatis rotundatisve, calyce (parvo) ovato tubuloso subsequaliter trun- cato brevissime et acute dentato. Benth. 1. c. p. 29. Lindl. Bot. Beg. t. 1125. We have not received this from Douglas, but Mr Bentham mentions it as having been found by him in California. 8. M. nanus ; annuus puberulus, caule perbrevi paucifloro, foliis spathulato-ovatis subintegerrimis nervosis, calyce fere sessili oblongo 5-costato ore obliquo breviter 5- dentato, corolla (purpurea) calycem 2-4 plo superante basi longe attenuata, capsula cliartacea oblongo-lineari calycem superante. Hook. Ic. PI. ined. — a. pluriflorus; corollas tubo calycem duplo superante. — suhunijlorus ; corollas tubo calycem 3-4 plo superante. A beautiful dwarf species, the length of the flower in /3 (1^ to 2 inches), in almost every instance, exceed- ing that of the stem. The corolla is attenuated below into a long and slender almost colourless tube, the upper part deep purple. Upper lip much larger and longer than the lower one. Style almost the length of the corolla. Stigma bilamellate. Stamens didynamous, each part cruciately approximated and cohering. The capsule agrees in the form with Diplacus, Nutt., but is not woody as in that subgenus ; although the dehiscence and placenta resemble it more than a true Mimulus. 1. Veronica serpyllifolia. Linn. — Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2.p. 101. Hab. Between Henry’s and Smith’s Rivers, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. 1. Orthocarpus ; humilis ramosissimus glabriusculus, foliis apice mul- tifidis laciniis divaricatis setaceis, dentibus calycinis linearibus viridibus corollam subm- quantibus. Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 12. 2. O. gracilis {Benth.) ; caulibus numerosis ramosissimis apice pubescentibus, foliis apice multifidis laciniis divaricatis iineari-subulatis, dentibus calycinis lanceolato-subulatis acutissimis vix coloratis, corollae (purpurascentis?) tubo exserto pubescente, starainibus galea brevioribus. Benth. 1. c. In this the lower lip is 3-dentate at the apex ; it is also 3-lobed, each lobe being saccate or forming a little inflated bag. On account of this structure, it ought perhaps to be placed in the genus Tripkysa of Fischer and Meyer, but the lower lip is only lobed, not tripartite as described, perhaps inadvertently, by these botanists. 3. O . Jlorihundus {Benth.) ; glabriusculus ramosissimus, foliis apice pinnatifidis laciniis linearibus divaricatis, dentibus calycinis linearibus viridibus, corollae (luteae) tubo sub- exserto glabro, antheris exsertis. Benth. 1. c. This we have not seen. Scrophularinea. ] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 379 4. O. erianthus {^Benth.) ; basi pubescens apice tomentosus ramosissimus, foliis apice multifidis laciniis lineari-setaceis divaricatis, calycibus tomentosis dentibus lanceolatis acutissitnis viridibus, corollas (luteae) tubo longe exserto totnentoso, antheris galea brevi- oribus. Benth. 1. c. The upper lip of the corolla is purple and subulate; the lower exhibits the same structure we have ob- served in O. gracilis, but it is wider, the lateral lobes being more divaricated. 5. O. densiflorus {Benth.); glabriusculus ramosissimus, foliis apice trifidis laciniis linearibus, spicis densis imbricatis (flavescentibus), laciniis calycinis lineari-subulatis subcoloratis corollas pubescentis tubum aequantibus, staminibus galea brevioribus. Benth. 1. c. p. 13. — Castilleja ambigua. Hook, et Arn, supra, p. 154. The lower lip of the corolla has three subulate processes or teeth at the apex ; it is 3-lobed, the lobes concave and slightly saccate, thus intermediate between the structure of Triphysa and the true Orthocarpi. 6. O. purpurascens {Benth.); ramosissimus piloso-hirtus, foliis pinnato-multifidis laciniis linearibus divaricatis, spicis densis imbricatis (purpurascentibus), laciniis calycinis brac- tearumque lineari-spathulatis apice coloratis corollse pubescentis tubum tequantibus. Benth. 1. c. Lower lip sharply 3-toothed at the apex, the lateral lobes slightly concave, the middle one saccate near the apex. 7. O. Tolmiei; puberulus, caule stricto (saepius e basi) ramoso, foliis lineari-acuminatis integris, floribus breviter spicatis, bracteis divaricato-trifidis corollam superantibus laciniis / linearibus, dentibus calycinis lanceolatis acuminatis tubo membranaceo subduplo breviori- bus viridibus, corolla (lutea) glabra, tubo longe exserto, labio superiore apice uncinato inferiorem trilobum erectum adpressum paullo superante. Hab. Eetween Henry’s and Smith’s Rivers, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. This is so closely allied to O. strictus that we at first proposed to unite it as a variety. The leaves, how- ever, are always entire and narrower, the spikes shorter, the whole plant smaller and rather puberulous than hispid, the calyx-lobes longer, and the upper lip of the corolla narrower and hooked at the apex, and slightly longer than the lower. Like it, the flow'ers are yellow, the tube of the calyx membranaceous, and the lower lip erect and close pressed to the upper, as in Melampyrum. 8. O. lithospermoides {Benth.); erectus durus ramosus basi pubescens apice hispidus, foliis trinerviis apice inferioribus integris superioribus 3-5-fidis laciniis lanceolatis, spicis densis flavescentibus hispidis, dentibus calycinis lanceolato-linearibus flavescentibus his- pidis tubo corollae glabriusculo brevioribus. Benth. 1. c. The lower lip of the corolla has precisely the structure of that of O. erianthus. 9. O.castillejoides {Benth.) ; humilis pilosiusculus, foliis oblongis superioribus cuneatis breviter trifidis, floribus laxe spicatis, calycibus tubulosis dentibus brevibus viridibus, corollas (purpurascentis) tubo breviter exserto. Benth, 1. c. This we have not seen. 380 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. \_ScrophularinecB. 1. Castilleja purpurea. Nutt, in Trans, Am. Phil. Soc. 5. p. 180. Our specimen, for we have seen but one from Mr Douglas, has smaller and brighter red flowers than in that we have obtained from Nuttall himself, but in almost all other respects they seem to agree. 2. C. hispida. Benth. in Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 105? Hab. Bruneau, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie. The height of our plant is, according to Mr Tolmie, one to three feet. The leaves are divided as in C. coccinea, but the calycine segments are ovate-oblong, almost like those of C. septentrionalis. It is hispid, as the original C. hispida, but the calycine lobes are shorter, not oblong-linear, as in C. pallida. The flowers and bracteas appear to have been red. 3. C. septentrionalis, Kunth. — Benth. in Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 105. This Californian plant may perhaps be very different. The lobes of the calyx are broader and shorter than in North American specimens ; the bracteas and calyx, although pale, have a tinge of red, and may have been deep red when fresh ; the leaves on the young branches are linear and obtuse ; those on the stem, at the origin of the branches, trifid to about the middle, their segments linear and obtuse ; bracteas (at least the lower ones) cuneate and trifid ; flowers subsessile. The habit is somewhat that of C. lithospermoides. 4. C. affinis. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 154. 5. C. latifolia. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 154. — C. macrocarpa. Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 13. The upper lip of the corolla is shortly exserted beyond the calyx. 6. C. foliolosa. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 154. Our original form of this plant has the leaves approximated, the axils bearing tufts of similar leaves, so that the whole merited well the name we gave. But in Douglas’ collection are specimens of two other varieties or forms, which assume a considerably different appearance. The first of these has the leaves twice the length of Beechey’s specimens, and their secondary leaves in the axils are very small and few. The second has the primary leaves still larger, less tomentose, and sometimes trifid to beyond the middle ; the secondary leaves are copious, as in Beechey’s plant ; the spike is partly in fruit, and much more elongated and lax than in the other specimens. In Beechey’s and the last mentioned form, the stems seem decidedly woody, in the other one somewhat herbaceous ; so that we have no doubt but the above different appear- ances arise from the plants having been in different stages of growth, and from the specimens having been taken, in the one case, from the old branches, in the other from the young shoots. ADENOSTEGIA. Benth. in Lindl. Nat. Sijst. p. 445. Calyx bifidus. Corolla labia subaequalia, superius oblongura galeatum erectum breviter bifidum. Stamina didynama. Antherarum loculi disjuncti altero medifixo terminali, altero filamento infra affixo. — Herba tenuiter glanduloso-pubescens. Folia anguste linearia, scepius trifida. Flores ad apices ramorum paucis capitatis, bracteis adpressis trifldis obtusis glandulosis eiliatis, calycinis lobis integris acutis corollam subsuperantibus, filamentis antheris^’we villosis. Capsula Castilleja et Orthocarpi, quibus generi- bus Adenostegia affinis est. Benth. 1. c. 1. A. rigida. Benth. 1. c. — A. filifolia. Benth. ms. in Herb. Hook. 1. Pedicularis (Edentula) densijlora [Benth.); erecta data glabra, foliis amplis pro- funde pinnatifidis pinnatisectisve segmentis ovato-oblongis pinnatifidis, laciniis oblongis Labiatm.'] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 381 inciso-dentatis, spica dense multiflora, calyce inaequaliter 5-dentato, corollse galea recta obtusa antice hiante, labio minimo. Benth. in Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. l.p> 110. There is also a variety of this, if not a distinct species, in the collection, which differs by the whole plant not being more than six inches high, while P. densijlora is at least a foot and a half ; the leaves are pro- portionately smaller ; the stem is hirsutely pubescent, not glabrous. 2. P. (Rostrata) surrecta {Benth.); erecta glabra, foliis pinnatisectis segmentis lan- ceolato-linearibus subcartilagineo-serratis, spicis elongatis multifloris, calycibus tubulosis 5-dentatis, dente supremo minore lateralibus altius crenatis, corollee galea fornicata calycem subduplo superante in rostrum subulatum surrectum calycem plus triplo super- antem desinente. Benth. in Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p. 107. Hab. Swamp at Green River, one of the head-waters of the Rio Colorado. Mr_ Tolmie. Ord. XLIV. labiate. Juss. 1. Salvia (Ecbinosphace) carduacea {l^enth.) : caule herbaceo erecto subsimplici albo- lanato, foliis petiolatis oblongis pinnatifidis subtus laxe lanatis, lobis ovatis sinuato-den- tatis, dentibus spinoso-acuminatis, floralibus bracteisque imbricatis spinosissimis, verticil- lastris remotis dense multifloris, calycibus inflatis lanatis, labio superiore elongato tri- dentato inferiore bifido dentibus^mnibus spinosis, corollse tubo subincluso labii inferioris lobo medio fimbriato, connectivis postice liberis antherae loculum subcassum ferentibus. Benth. Lab. p. 202. 2. S. (Pycnosphace) columbarice {Benth.); herbacea erecta parum ramosa, foliis pi'o- funde pinnatifidis rugosis glabriusculis, lobis oblongo-linearibus obtusis eroso-dentatis incisisve, extremo vix latiore, floralibus bracteseformibus, verticillastris solitariis binisve dense multifloris hemisphsericis, bracteis lato-ovatis membranaceis acuminatis imbricatis, calycis ovati pubescentis labio superiore elongato concavo breviter tridentato, inferiore breviter bifido, corollse tubo incluso, labii inferioris lobo medio crenulato, connectivis postice liberis subporrectis antherae loculum cassum ferentibus. Benth. Lab. p. 202. AUDIBERTIA. Benth. Calyx ovatus, bilabiatus, labio superiore concavo integro vel breviter tridentato, inferiore bifido, intus fauce nuda. Corolla tubo calycem mquante vel exserto, limbo bilabiato, labio superiore bifido lobis patentibus, inferiore trifido lobis lateralibus ovatis oblongisve patentibus, medio latissimo emarginato. Stamina fertilia duo (inferiora) adscendentia, ssepius exserta, superiorum rudimenta parva claviformia vel nulla. Antherce dimidiatae, connective lineari in filamentum articulate adscendente, apice antheram linearem unilocularem ferente postice non producto vel brevissime acuminate. Stylus breviter subulato-bifidus. Benth. 1. A. grandiflora {Benth.) ; caule elato villoso, foliis oblongo-ellipticis sinuato-crenatis basi cordatis rugosis, verticillastris densis multifloris, bracteis lato-ovatis calycibusque amplis membranaceis coloratis villosis, staminibus longe exsertis. Benth. Lab. p. 313. 2. A. humilis; suffruticosa, foliis ad basin caulis approximatis petiolatis oblongo-lan- 382 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. {Lahiatm. ceolatis obtusis crenulatis basi longe angustatis rugosis canescentibus, floralibus bracteis- que lanceolatis acutis villosis, genitalibus exsertis. Benth. Lab. p. 313. 3. A. stachyoides; suffi’uticosa, ramis rigidis foliosis, foliis breviter petiolatis oblongo- lanceolatis obtusis crenulatis basi angustatis rugosis subtus canescentibus, floralibus bracteisque ovatis acuminatis, genitalibus corolla subbrevioribus. Benth. Lab. p. 313. 4. A. nivea; suffruticosa, ramis rigidis superne niveo-tomentosis, foliis subsessilibus lanceolatis obtusis basi rotundatis rugosis utrinque niveo-tomentosis, floralibus bracteisque ovato-lanceolatis, racemo simplici, genitalibus exsertis. Benth. Lab. p. 313. 5. A. polystachya ; suffruticosa cano-tomentosa, foliis petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis crenulatis, basi angustatis rugosis utrinque incanis, floralibus bracteisque laxis lanceolatis, racemulis numerosis in paniculam elongatam densam approximatis, genitali- bus longe exsertis. Benth. Lab, p. 314-. - MONARDELLA. Benth. Calyx ovato-tubulosus, saepe elongatus, 10-13-nervius, 5-dentatus, dentibus brevibus subeequalibus rectis, fauce intus nuda. Corolla tubo calycem sequante vel breviter exserto, fauce intus glabra, limbo subbi- labiato, labio superiore bifido, inferiore trifido, lobis omnibus oblongis linearibusve planis subaequalibus. Stamina 4, subaequalia, vel inferiora longiora, recta, divergentia, exserta. Antherce biloculares, loculis parallelis, demum divergentibus vel divaricatis. Stylus apice brevissime bifidus, stigmatibus minutis. Achenia sicca. — Herbae perennes. Verticillastri magni subglobosi, bracteis latis suffulti,~solitarii, ter- minales. Benth. 1 . M. undulata ; caule basi procumbente, ramis adscendentibus, foliis oblongo-lineari- bus obtusis margine undulato-crispis basi in petiolum brevem angustatis utrinque viridi- bus glabris, verticillastris dense globosis magnis solitariis, bracteis exterioribus lato-ovatis acutis membranaceis muticis, calycibus tubulosis elongatis subaequaliter dentatis muticis. Benth. Lab. p. 332. 2. M. Douglasii; caule basi procumbente, foliis petiolatis lanceolatis linearibusve utrinque angustatis viridibus pubescentibus, verticillastris dense globosis magnis solitariis, bracteis exterioribus ovato-lanceolatis calyces superantibus aristato-acuminatis, calycibus ovato-tubulosis inflatis villosis dentibus submqualibus aristatis. Benth. Lab. p. 333. 1. Micromeria Douglasii. Benth. Lab. p. 372. — Thymus Douglasii. Benth. in Linn. V. 6. p. 80. — T. Chamissonis. Id. 1. c. Hook, et Arn. supra^ p. 155. POGOGYNE. Calyx sub l5-nervius, campanulatus, striatus, dentibus rectis lanceolatis, 2 inferioribus 3 superiores duplo superantibus, fauce intus nuda. Corolla tubo exserto recto intus nudo, bilabiata, labio superiore erecto subpiano integro, inferiore patente trifido, lobis planis integris. Stamina 4, didynama, inferioribus longi- oribus, adscendentia, apice approximata. Antherce biloculares, loculis parallelis distinctis muticis. Stylus villosus, apice bifidus, lobis subulatis sequalibus apice stigmatiferis. — Herbae. Verticillastri ad apices ramorum dense spicati, foliis floralibus, bracteis, calycibusque pilis longis albidis ciliatis. Benth. PrimulaceoB.'] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 383 1. P. Douglasii; foliis floralibus bracteisque flores superantibus, staminibus corolla brevioribus, dentibus calycinis inferioribus tubo plus duplo longioribus. Benth. Lab. /?. 414. 2. P. multijlora; foliis floralibus bracteisque corolla brevioribus, staminibus exsertis. Benth. Lab. p. 414. 3. V . pai'viflora ; foliis floralibus flores superantibus, staminibus corolla brevioribus, dentibus calycinis inferioribus vix tubo longioribus. Benth. Lab. p. 414. 1. Scutellaria (Sect. Galericularia) tuberosa; caule humili simplici erecto villoso, foliis petiolatis lato-ovatis obtusis grosse crenatis basi rotundato-truncatis, floralibus oblongis omnibus utrinque villosis, floribus axillaribus oppositis secundis, corollis villosis calyce plus quadruplo longioribus. Benth. Lab. p. 442. 1. Stachys ajugoides. Benth. in Linn. v. <5. p. 80. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 155. 1. Sphacele calycina ; suffruticosa? ramis molliter villosis, foliis petiolatis ovato- oblongis basi rotundatis subrugosis villosis, racemis subsimplicibus secundis, verticillastris bifloris remotis, calycibus amplis villosissimis, corollis amplis calyces breviter superantibus. Benth. Lab. p. 568. 1. Marrubium vulgare. Linn. Sp. PL p. 816. — M. hamatum. Humb. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. et Sp. v. 2. p. 810 — M. Germanicum. Steud. Nom. Bot. p. 510. 1. Trichostemraa (Sect. Orthopodium) lanatum ; foliis linearibus margine revolutis, floribus racemosis lanatis, calycibus subaequaliter 5-fidis, corollas tubo longe exserto. Benth. Lab. p. 659. 2. T. (Orthopodium) lanceolatum ; villosum, foliis lanceolatis, cymis axillaribus, calyci- bus subaequaliter 5-fidis, corollas tubo exserto. Benth. Lab. p. 659. Ord. XLV. VERBENACE^. Juss. 1. Verbena lasiostachys. Link? — Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 156. Although a less diffuse specimen than that which we characterized in Captain Beechey’s collection, the two are precisely the same species. Ord. XLVI. PRIMULACE^. Vent. 1. Anagallis arvensis. L. This is the common red-flowered variety. 1. Dodecatheon integrifolium. Mich. — Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 2. p. 119. Bot. Mag. t. 3622. — a. tubo stamineo flavo. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. 1. c. — y. tubo sta'mineo atro-purpureo. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 1. c. a. Grand Rond in the Snake Country. Tolmie. — y. Douglas. — In the Flor. Bor. Am. the character of var. y, was made to depend on the much greater breadth of the leaves, as well as upon the different colour 384. CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. iPolygonecB. of the staminal tube ; in our present individual the leaves do not materially differ, nor do we find any other difference from <*., except that the bracteas of the involucre are larger and almost foliaceous. 1 . Glaux maritima ? L. A singular state of this plant, as it appears to us, without flowers, with small imperfect leaves, and with the stem singularly inflated at the joints, is in Mr Douglas’ collection. Ord. XLVII. PLANTAGINE^. Juss. 1. Plantago gnaphalioides. Nutt. Gen. Am. 1. p. 100. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 2. p. 124. — P. lagopus. Ph. (non Linn.). Ord. XLVIII. NYCTAGINE^. Juss. 1. Abronia mellifera. Dougl. in Bot. Mag. t. 2879. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 2. p. 125. 2. A. arenaria. Menz. — Hook. Ex. FI. t. 193. FI. Bor. Am. 2. p. 125. Found in California first by Mr Menzies. 1. Chenopodium ? spinosum. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 2. p. 127. North California. Douglas. 1826. Ord. XLIX. POLYGONE^. Juss. ERIOGONUM. Mich. Involucrum tubulosum, campanulatum v. cyathiforme, vix angulatum, subBequaliter 6-dentatum, multiflorum. Receptaculum bracteolis intra pedicellos instrlictum. Perianthia exserta, profunde 6-fida. Benth. in Linn. Trans, v. 17. p. 407. § Fasciculata. Benth. 1. E. parvifolium (Sm. in Reed Cycl.) ; fruticulosuni, foliis brevissime petiolatis ovatis margine revolutis undulatis subtus lanatis, involucris sublanatis. Benth. 1. c. p. 411. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 158. Upper California. Menzies. Douglas. Folia pollicaria, basi truncata vel subcordata. Pedunculi omnes simplices vel terminalis ramosus. Capitula pauca lateralia et terminalia, fructifera rubescentia. Bractece sub capitulo paucm, parvse, ovatrn vel oblongae. Involucra in capitulo plurima, sessilia, tubuloso-campanulata. Bracteolce intra involucrum plu- mosffi. Perianthii lacinice inter se subsequales. Benth. 2. Fi. fasciculatum (Benth.); fruticulosum, foliis oblongo-ellipticis linearibusve basi angustatis margine revolutis glabris vel subtus tenuiter albo-tomentosis, involucris gla- briusculis. Benth. 1. c. p. 4t\\. Upper California. Menzies. Douglas. Folia ^-f-pollicaria, demum glabra. Pedunculi longiores quam in E. parvifolio, tdrminalis saepissime umbellifer, radiis 2-3 insequaliter elongatis, 1-2 brevissimis vel uno alterove intra radios sessilibus. Bractece sub capitulis numerosae, oblongo-lineares. Bracteolce intra involucra minutissimae. Involucra et flores E. parvifolii. Benth. PolygonecB.'] CALIFORNIA.~SUPPLEMENT. 385 § § Latifolia. Benth. 3. E. ohlongifolium [Benth.') ; foliis oblongo-ovatis basi angustato-rotundatis supra villosulis subtus albo-lanatis, petiolis basi dilatatis nudis, capitulis lateralibus terminali- busque, involucris in capitulo 3-6 sessilibus campanulatis glabris vel apice vix lanatis multifloris. Benth. 1. a p. 412. Ab E. latifolio diversum videtur foliorum forma, involucris minoribus fere glabris et bracteolis brevioribus vix plumosis. Pedunculi rarissime simplices seepius apice umbellati. 4. E. latifolium [Sm. in Rees’ Cycl.) ; foliis ovatis basi rotundatis vel subcordatis supra arachnoideo-subtus dense lanatis, petiolis basi dilatatis nudis, capitulis in pedunculo solitariis vel paucis, involucris in capitulo 2-6 sessilibus campanulatis lanatis multifloris, bracteolis demum exsertis dense plumosis. Benth. 1. c. p. 412. — E. arachnoideum, Esch. in Mem. Bead. Sc. Petrop. v. 10. Habitus ut in speciebus affinibus valde variabilis, sed (prceter foliorum forma) involucris albo-lanatis et brac- teolis longis rufo-plumosis facile recognoscendum, pedunculi etiam smpius breviores simplices et capitula majora. Exemplaria Eschbltziana non diversa videntur a Menziesianis. ^ 5. E. auriculatum [Benth.) ; foliis ovatis margine undulatis basi rotundatis vel subcor- datis crassiusculis supra arachnoideo-lanatis demum glabris subtus albo-lanatis, petiolis basi SEepius auriculato-dilatatis, ramis pedunculi glaucescentis pluribus rigidis, capitulis lateralibus terminalibusque, involucris in capitulo 3-4 sessilibus campanulatis glabris. Benth. 1. c.p. 412. Ab E. latifolio differt imprimis pedunculo elatiore ramosiore glaucescente- nec ad ramificationes lanato, ramis crassioribus rigidioribus, capitulis minoribus lana fere omnino destitutis. Bracteolae breviter plumosae. 6. E. nudum [Dougl. mss.); foliis ovatis margine undulatis basi rotundatis vel subcoi*- datis supra arachnoideo-lanatis demum glabris subtus albo-lanatis, pedunculo 2-3-chotome paniculato, capitulis lateralibus terminalibusque, involucris in capitulo 1-3 sessilibus tubuloso-campanulatis glabris, bracteolis vix plumosis. Benth. 1. c. p. 413. — E. arach- noideum, Hook, et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy.p. 158. [non. Eschs.) Ab E. latifolio dHFert glabritie et inflorescen^ia. Bractecs sub involucris et ramificationibus breves, ovatse. Involucri dentes breves obtusi. Bracteolcs setacese, vix exsertse. Perianthii lacinicB subeequales. 7. E. vimineum [Dougl. mss.) ; annuum, foliis subradicalibus petiolatis ovatis subtus tomentosis, pedunculis scapiformibus divaricato-ramosissimis apice involucrisque glaberri- mis. Benth. 1. c. p. 416. Pedunculi scapiformes, complures, basi sublanati, erecti, 6-8 pollicares. Bami tenues virgati. Involucra tenuia, cylindrica, sessilia, dentibus brevibus obtusis subaequalibus. Perianthia breviter exserta, laciniae exteriores per anthesin patulse, obovatae, interiores erectae dimidio angustiores. § § § Stipulata. Folia caulina nuda ramorum fioralium stipulata. Benth. 8. E. angulosum [Benth.) ; ramis floriferis erectis dichotomis vel verticillatim ramosis 3 c 386 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. \_Polygonem. foliosis, foliis inferioribus alternis petiolatis exstipulatis, ramorum floralium oppositis verticillatisve basi stipulatis, omnibus oblongo-linearibus subtus vel utrinque lanuginosis demum ramisque glabratis, involucris niimerosis parvis pedicellatis hemisphaericis glabri- usculis. Benth. 1. c. p. 406. tab. lS,f. 1. CHORIZANTHE. R. Br. Involucrum tubulosum, triangulare^ uniflorum, sexdentatum, dentibus nunc inajqualibus, 3 (angulorum) lon- gioribus extimo longissimo, nunc subffiqualibus. Perianthium involucro inelusum vel vix exsertum. Benth. 1. C. staticoides [Benth.) annua, foliis radicalibus petiolatis spathulatis hirsutis, cauli- bus subnudis erectis 2-3-chotome ramosis, cymis laxe corymboso-paniculatis, involucris glabriusculis, dentibus in^qualibus subulato^cristatis. Benth. 1. c. p. 418. Habitu ad Staticem olewfoliam vel fere S. aristatam refert. Folia radicalia rosulata. Caules semipe- dales, ad dichotomias articulati, bracteas 2-3 breves verticillatasgerentes. Imolua-a fruetifera aucta, dentibus valde insequalibus. Perianthium brevissime pedicellatum, laciniffi exteriores lanceolatse, interiores majores obovatse. 2. C. Douglasii [Benth.) s annua, caule erecto 2-3-chotome ramoso, foliis radicalibus petiolatis spathulatis, caulinis oblongo-linearibus ramisque subsericeo-pilosis, cymis multi- floris in capitulo terminali paniculato condensatis, involucris pilosis, dentibus patentibus, basi membranaceo-dilatatis apice inaequaliter subulato-aristatis. Benth. 1. c.p. 419. Herba semipedalis. Capitida florum magnitudine pisi majoris. Braciea subulatee dentesque involucri purpurascentes, Perianthium subsessile ; lacinise otnnes ^quales, oblongo-cuneatse, apice truncatffi; mucronulatee. 3. C. memhranacea [Benth.) ; annua, caule erecto subdichotome ramoso, foliis linearibus ramisque laxe lanatis, cymis multifloris in capitulis terminalibus subpaniculatis conden- satis, involucris tomentosis infundibuliformibus, limbo membranaceo-dilatato, dentibus aequalibus breviter subulato-aristatis. Benth. 1. c.p. 419. tab. 17,/. 11. Herba subpedalis. Lana caulis tifoliorum nivea, tenuis, subdecidua. Capitula florum globosa, fructi- fera iis Scabiosarum nonnullarum similia. PedicelU perianthio sequilongi. 4. C. pimgens [Benth.); subherbacea, ramis eiongatis dilFusis subdichotomis, foliis petiolatis spathulatis ramisque pilosis, cymis multifloris laxe capitatis, capitulis irregu- lariter paniculatis, involucris pubescentibus, dentibus insequalibus bracteisque longe subu- lato-aristatis. Benth. 1. c.p. 419. tab. 19,/. 2. Herba perennis videtur. Rami sesquipedales, pilis mollibus patentibus villosi. Capitula secus ramos numerosa, multiflora, breviter pedunculata. Involucri dentes exteriores uti bracte© pungentes. Perian- thium subsessile laciniis ^qualibus. MUCRONEA. Benth. Involucrum tubulosum, compressum, uniflorum, bidentatum. Perianthium involucre inelusum. Benth. 1. M. Californica. Benth. 1. c.p. 419. tab. 20. Chenopodiea.l CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. SST Herba annua, spithamasa, pilosiuscula, ramis dichotomis divaricatis. Folia inferiora petiolata, oblongo- linearia. Bractea ad dichotomias, et sub floribus amplexicaules, stellato-trilobse, lobis lato-ovatis apice aris- tulatis. Involucra inferiora in dichotomiis solitaria et sessilia, superiora ad apices ramorum approximata. Dentes involucri subulato-aristati, subpungentes, exteriore longiore. Periantliium pedicello suo ffiquilongum, laciniis subsequalibus. PTEROSTEGIA. F. et M, Flores hermaphroditi vel polygami solitarii involucre bilobo fructifero ampliato dorsoque cristate obtecti. Peri- anthum 6-(interdum 5-) partitum, herbaceum, persistens. §tamina 6 (vel 5). Styli 3, brevissimi. Stigmata capitata. Ovarium trigonum, uniloculare. Ovulum unicusn, basilare. Caryopsis triquetra, involucro inclusa. Semen erectum. Embryo in axi albuminis farinacei ; radicula supera." Herba annua, ramo- sissima, prostrata, facie Drymariffi. Folia opposita, obovata, vel suhreniformia, integra vel apice emarginata ; ochreffi nulla. Fiores axiilares, subSessiles, minuti. P. drymarioides. F, et M. ind. sem. hort. Petrop. 1835; Am, Sc. nat. N. S. 5. p. 304. (Tab. XC.) In our specimens the involucre is only 2-lobed, not 2-leaved, and we have not observed more than three stamens in a flower ; many of the female flowers want stamens entirely. Tab, XC. Fig. 1. Portion of the flowering stem ; Jig, 2. Floral bractea ; Jig. 3. The same laid open ‘,Jig. 4. Flower fig. 5. Stamen ; fig. 6. Pistil; fig. 7. Fructiferous bractea ; fig. 8. Achenium within the persistent perianth -.—magnified. Ord. L. CHENOPODIEjiE. De Cand. 1. Suffida fruticosa. Forsk. — Moq. Tend, in Ann. Sc. nat. N. S. A. p. 217. Salsola fruticosaj Auct. 1. Roubieva anthelmintica ? Var. foliis bastatis. This differs considerably from the more usual state of the plant ( CJienopod. anthelminticum L., and Ambrina anthelmintica, Spach, hist. nat. des veg. 5. p. 298) on account of the decidedly hastate and almost triangular leaves : the flowers, too, are in a simple terminal elongated interrupted spike. The genus Roubieva of Moquin Tendon, distinguished from Chempodium by its vertical seed, and from Agathophytum by the keeled segments of its perianth, which form a pentagonal covering to the nut, was constituted for one or two South American species, but ought to include the present plant and a few others indicated by Spach under his Ambrina, which does not differ. GRATIA. Nov. Gen. Flores dioici, ebracteolati, spicato-subracemosi. Masc. Periantliium 5-partitum, lacinis sequalibus in- appendiculatis. Stamina 5, receptaculo inserta, perianthii laciniis opposita. -Squamulee hypogynm nullse. : Fcem. Perianthium monophyllum, marginato-alatum, compressissimum, apice emarginatum, muticum, intus supra medium utriculatum. Ovarium in fundo utriculi sessile, anguste oblongum apice attenuatum, uni- loculare, uniovulatum. Stylus subulatus, basi articulatus ; stigmata duo, filiformia, exserta, hirsuta. PVwctos compressus, orbiculatus, periantbio aucto membranaceo venoso persistente inclusus, styli basi apicu- , latus. Semen verticale, compressum, orbiculatum, pericarpio tenui arete adhmrens testa, membranacea. Embryo hippocrepiformis, peripherieus, albumen farinaceum cingens. Radicula infera. — Fruticulus erectus, ■ ramosus, apice spinescentes, cortice albido tecti, junior es pubescentes. 'EoYid^ solitaria velfasci- culata, oMongo-lanceolata, basi cuneaia, juniora puberula et carnosula integerrima. 388 CALIFORNIA—SUPPLEMENT. iSantalacem. 1. G. polygaloides. Hook, et Arn, in Hook. Ic. Plant, t. 28]._Chenopodium ? spino- sum. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. II. jo. 127, (mas.); supra p. 384.* Hab. Interior of California, Nov. 1826 ; Mr Douglas. Snake country ; Mr Tolmie. Our first knowledge of this very singular and interesting plant, was derived from extremely young and im- perfect specimens collected by Mr Douglas during his first journey in North West America, and noticed in the Flora Boreali- Americana as a doubtful species of Chenopodium. Our specimens with female flowers and fruit, from the Snake country, have an aspect so extremely different from those, just alluded to, partly from the more fully developed foliage, and partly from the very different structure of the perianth, that it was not till after a most careful comparison of the two plants, that we could satisfy ourselves of their belonging to one and the same species. The habit and foliage resemble considerably some Cape Polygalce, a resemblance still further strengthened by the shape and colour, frequently tinged with red, of the fructiferous perianth. The leaves when young are thick and fleshy, obovato-cuneate, and covered with minute mealy scales as in several species of Atriplex ; and it is from this circumstance very probable that the plant grows in salt marshes. When the leaves are older they elongate, and the mealiness disappears. We have dedicated this genus to Dr Asa Gray, Professor of Botany in the newly established university of the State of Michigan, U.S., the distinguished author of the revision of North American Rhynchosporece and MelanthacecB, and coadjutor with Dr Torrey in the Flora of North America. It is true that already two other genera have been named after our excellent friend, the one Grayia of Arnott, in Wight’s Catalogue of plants of the Peninsula of India, No. 2033 ; but as Dr Arnott has reason to think that Dr Gray would prefer his name to be connected with the American plant, the Eastern one will be described under another designa- tion I the other is the Asagraa officinalis of Dr Bindley, in the Bot. Reg. (1839) t. 33 : but no sooner had Dr Gray seen this figure than he felt almost certain that the plant belonged to his genus Schoenocaulon, an opinion, he informs us, he has since verified by an examination of Schelde’s specimen, the authority for the species.f Ord. LI. SANTALACE^. Brown. 1. Comandra umhellata. Nuit. — Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 11. p. 139. Hab. Snake country below the American falls. Mr Tolmie. * Inserted there by mistake under Plumbaginece. t “ Of Schcenocaulon I now' know four species. The genus is extremely well marked and distinct, though the character requires some emendation, since it was draw'n from a single species, and that without the fruit. There is first the original species, S. gracile .—then this of Lindley—thirdly, a plant in Drummond’s Texan collection ; in the herbarium of Vienna I had named this S. aletroides, but as that name is not very appropriate, it may be rather called S. Dmmmondii ; I have not seen the base of the stem, but it probably is bulbous like the others. — The fourth species {S. caricifolium) is Veratrum caricifolium Schlecht. in Ind. Sem. Halens. of which he has given me a specimen in fine fruit 5 he possesses young plants raised from the seed also : the foliage, &c., is exactly the same as in the original species, but the spike is shorter and thicker.” Gray in litt. We have received from G. U. Skinner, Esq., of Guatemala specimens precisely according with Scheide and Lindley’s plant, from Guatemala, as the Sabadilla of commerce of that country : but this must not be confounded with the Veratrum Sabadilla of Descourtilz Flor. des Antilles, III. t. 195, and of Turpin in the plates to the Diet, des Sc. Nat., which it is to be feared has nothing to do with the true Sabadilla. Euphorhiacem.'] CALIFORNIA.—SUPPLEMENT. 389 Orb. LII. LAURINEZE. Juss. 1. Oreodaphne(Unbellularia) Californica. Nees.db. Esenb. Laur. p. 463. — Tetranthera? Californica. Hook, et Am. supra, p. 159. — Laurus regia.? Dougl. Journal, in Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag. v. 2. Orb. LIII. EUPHORBIACE^. Juss. 1. 'Euphoxhm polygonifolia L. — Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. II. p. 140. Hab. Snake country. Mr Tolrnie. HENDECANDRA. i’scA.— Astrogyne. Benth. Flores dioici. Masc. Calyx 5-fidus, laciniis Eestivatione subvalvatis. Petala nulla. Glandules 5, ad basin calycis sitse, laciniis oppositse. Stamina 6-10, eestivatione inflexa, libera : filamenta villosa : antherce adnatae, biloculares, ovales, loculis parallelis. Ovarii rudimentum nullum. Fem. Calyx 5-fidus. Petala nulla. Discus hypogynus carnosus obscure 5-lobus. Ovarium globosum, S-loculare, loculis uni-ovulatis, ovulis appensis. Styli 3, breves, radiantes, sub-4-partiti, laciniis smpe bifidis. Capsula subcoriacea, tricocca, seminibus solitariis. — Suffrutices procumbentes vel adscendentes, pilis stellatis lepidoto-incana. Folia oblonga, integerrima, obtusa vel acuta, nervo medio subtus valido. Flores masculi in racemis spiciformibus terminalibus oppositifoliisve dispositi, breviter pedicellati, bracteis parvis ifeminei subsolitarii. 1. H. procumhens {Esch.) ; foliis longe petiolatis, racemis masculis abbreviatis petiolum vix superantibus (Tab. XCI.) Esch. in Mem. Acad. Sc. St. Petersh. : Linncea III. Litter, p. 150. Hab. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. (H. M. S. Sulphur.) Douglas. Chamisso. That this is the genus and species described by Eschschotlz vre entertain no doubt, especially as we have received specimens so named from Chamisso. In the 3th volume of the Linnaea, p. 86, Chamisso and Schlechtendahl reduce it to Croton, and consider it no way different from C. gracilis of Kunth, from Mexico. Again, Mr Bentham, in his account of Hartweg’s Mexican plants. No. 83, makes of Croton gracilis his Astrogyne crotonoides, and expresses his doubts if Mr Douglas’ Californian specimens belong to the same, or form an allied species. An attentive comparison of Hartweg’s specimens, and of Douglas’ with Chamisso’s, leave however no doubt on our minds that they all belong to the same genus, but that the Mexi- can species is different from the Californian. The name Hendecandra is certainly not appropriate, but we are unwilling to change it for one so much more recent, and founded on another species. Eschscholtz does not seem correct as to the number or situation of the stamens, and Mr Bentham has omitted to notice the hypogynous disc : the styles are often more divided than is stated by either. Croton gracilis of Kunth or Astrogyne crotonoides, Benth. may be thus distinguished : — H. crotonoides ; foliis breviter petiolatis, racemis masculis elongatis folia fere duplo superantibus. Tab. XCI. A. Male Plant. — Fig. 1. Flower ; 2. Stamens and glands ; 3. Stamen. B. Female Plant, fig. 4. Advanced flower ; fig. 5. Capsule, with 1 lobe removed ; fig. 6. Lobe separated from the capsule ; fig. 7. The same cut open to show the position of the seed ; fig. 8. seed •.—magnified. 390 CALIFORNIA.-SUPPLEMENT. \.Myrice(s, Ord. LIV. GARRYACE^. Lindl. GARRY A. Lindl. Dioica. Masc. Calyx tetraphyllus. Stamina 4. Fem. Calyx ovario cohserens, bidentatus. Ovarium l-loculare, ovula duo ab apice funiculorum totidem pendula. Styli duo setacei. Pericarpium baccatum, indehiscens, dispermum. Semina oblonga pendula. Albumen carnosum, prope hilum embryonem minimum fovens. Radicula supera. — Frutex ramosus. Folia opposita, exstipulata, undulata, breve petiolata, acuta, coriacea, sempervirentia. Flores intra bracteas connatas, in spicis amentacies pedunculis dispositi. Lindl. 1. G. elliptica. Lindl. in Bot. Beg. t. 1G86. First found by Mr Menzies in California. SAURURE^. ANEMOPSIS. (Anemia.:iYM<#.) Involucrum 5-8-phyllum,' coloiatum. Spadix simplex ; floribus hermaphroditis bracteatis. Perianthium nullum. Stamina epigyna, 6 nunc 8 ; filamenta crassa, antherce ovales biloculares, loculis lateralibus con- nective crasso disjunctis. Styli 3 nunc 4, subulati, ovaria coadunata, apice hiantia, 1-locularia. Placentae 3-4 inter stylos laterales, pauciovulatae. Fructus cum spadice coalescens. Capsulce uniloculares, 3-4 valves, apice solo dehiscentes, sub 6-spermse. Semina subrotunda, punctulata. — Herba perennis, sub- aquatica, stolonifera. Caulis monophyllus, proliferus, monocepJialus. Folia radicalia stipulata cordato- obovalia, obtusa, petiolata ; caulinum amplexicaule. 1. A. Californica. Nutt, in Tayl. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. p. 136. — (Tab. XCII.) This has likewise been found at Zacatecas in Mexico, by Hartweg, and is No. 4 of his collection. We regret that our specimens will not, W'ithout the destruction of them,_ enable us to exhibit a representation of the base of the germen or young fruit, which is incorporated with the spadix. In their structure the fructi- fication and inflorescence have a very close affinity with Houttuynia, (see Hook, in Bot. Mag. p. 2731) : — the chief diff'erence being that our plant has 6 (not 3) stamens. Tab. XCII. Fig. 1. A floral bractea ; ^fig. 2. A flower, the bractea being removed ; jdg. 3. Portion of the pistil which is free, not united with the spadix ; the epigynous stamens being removed : — magnified. While this part of the work w'as in the press, we were gratified by the arrival of an interesting collection of plants made on the Pacific coasts of America, by Dr Sinclair, surgeon of H.M. surveying ship, the Sulphur, dispatched to those seas under the command of Captain F. W. Beechey, and upon that officer’s return, on account of ill health, of Captain Belcher. Some of the Californian plants, as in the present instance, will be here introduced, and a portion from a more interesting field will form another Supplement, and conclude this work. We gladly acknowledge Dr Sinclair’s invaluable exertions in the cause of Botany by dedicating a new species of Pine (see p. 392) to him. Ord. LVI. PLATANE^. Lest. 1. Platanus occidentalis. L. — supra, p. 160. Ord. LVII. MYRICE^. Bich. 1. Myrica Californica {Ch. et Schl.) ratnis aDgulatis, foliis aDguste lanceolatis acutis CupulifercB.-]' CALIFORNIA.—SUPPLEMENT. 391 basi in petiolum brevem attenuatis aclultis praesertim serratis glaucescentibus coriaceis punctis niinutis I'esinosis adspersis margine reflexo obsolete nervosis, amentis axillaribus solitariis, fructibus tuberculatis nudis. — Ch. et Schl. in Linncea, VI. p. 535 ; Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 1\. p. 260. — M. Xalapensis, supra p. 160; (an H.B.K. ?) Ord. LVIII. CUPULIFER^. Rich. 1. Quercus agrifolia {Nee) foliis subcoi’dato-ovatis remote spinoso-dentatis utrinque glabris perennantibiis, fructibus solitariis geminisque axillaribus, cupulae hemisphsericae basi attenuatae squamis adpressis oblongis obtusiusculis glabriusculis, glande ovato-oblonga acuta juniore subconica. — Nee in Ann. Sc. Natur. III. p. 271 ; Willd. Sp. PI. IV. p. 431 ; Spr. Sgsf. III. p. 859. — Hook. Ic. PI ined. 2. Q. Garryana {Dough) foliis membranaceis latissime obovatis utrinque obtusis sin- uato-pinnatifidis siccitate nigrescentibus supra glabris subtus petiolis ramisque dense fusco- pubescentibus lobis latis obtusissimis, fructibus sessilibus, cupula perbrevi-hemisphaerica dense squamosa squamis ovato-acuminatis pubescentibus, glande ovata obtusa cum umbone conico. Hook. flor. Bor. Am. 11. p. 159. California. Menzies. Douglas. 3. Q. Douglasii ; foliis membranaceis oblongo-ovalibus basi acutis petiolatis sinuato- pinnatifidis siccitate baud nigrescentibus, supra glabris subtus puberulis, lobis brevibus acutiusculis, petiolis ramulisque junioribus dense fulvo-pubescentibus, fructibus sessilibus solitariis binisve, cupula hemisplimrica dense squamosa squamis ovatis convexis in appen- dicem submembranaceam fulvam appressam linearem obtusam productis pubescentibus, glande ovata cupulam triplo superante obtusa cum umbone conico. — Hook. Ic. PI. ined. The leaves and whole appearance of this plant closely resemble Q. sessiliflora, but the scales of the cu- pule are different. In this respect also, as well as in the shape and colour of the leaves when dry, it differs from Q. Garryana, We have branches with nascent foliage which we suspect to be the young state of this plant ; in these the leaves are covered with down on both sides, the lobes are tipped with a short soft mucro. 4. Q. densiflora; foliis perennantibus coriaceis petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis basi obtusis breviter acuminatis parallele nervosis integerrimis margine revolutis junioribus fulvo-furfuraceo-tomentosis subtus pallidioribus demum glabris, amentis masculis elongatis folia subsuperantibus densifloris valde tomentosis nunc ad basin flores paucos femineos gerentibus, fructibus sessilibus, cupula brevi hemispherica dense squamosa, squamibus elongato-linearibus laxis sericeis, glande ovato-globosa sericea Hook. Ic. PI. ined. This remarkable plant has very much the appearance of a Castanea, the fruit in the only specimen we possess being situated at the base of a male somewhat fascicled catkin of the former year, while the numerous male catkins of the present year present no appearance whatever of female flowers. The leaves are from two and a half to three inches long, and nearly three-quarters of an inch in breadth. 392 : CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. [ ConifercB. Ord. LIX. CONIFERiE. Juss. 1. Taxodium sempervirens. Lamb. Pin. t. 643? Hook. Ic. PI. Abies religiosa. supr.p. 184 {an Cham, et Schlectf) Of this we have seen no flowers nor fruit, and the leaves are nearly twice the length of those figured in Mr Lambert’s work, shining on the upper side as in Podocarpus, and glaucous underneath. The tips of the branches exhibit buds formed of imbricated membranaceous concave shining scales, which resemble the scales at the base of the galbule in Lambert’s description and figure quoted. Our plant is obviously what Douglas alludes to in his Journal (Comp. Bot. Mag. vol. II. p. 150.) in the following words : — “ But the great beauty of the Californian vegetation is a species of Taxodium, which gives the mountains a most peculiar, I was almost going to say awful, appearance, — something which plainly tells that we are not in Europe. I have never seen the Taxodium Nootkatense of Nee, except some specimens in the Lambertian herbarium, and have no work to refer to ; but from recollection, I should say that the present species is distinct from it. I have repeatedly measured specimens of this tree 270 feet long, and 32 feet round at three feet above the ground. Some few I saw upwards of 300 feet high, but none in which the thickness was greater than those I have instanced.” 1. Pinus Sinclairii ; foliis ternis acicularibus elongatis gracilibus supra canaliculatis dorso convexis margine asperis, strobilis basi obliquis pedalibus oblongis, squamis elongatis cuneatis, apicibus crassis elevato-tetragonis centre tuberculo spinuloso uncinato instructis. (Tab. XCIII.) This covers the hills from Monterrey to Carmelo and to Punta Pinos. {Dr Sinclair of H. M. S. Sulphur.) It is probably the same as was observed by Mr Collie, and supposed by him to be Pinus rigida, Mill, {vide supra, p. 160.) The ternate or occasionally binate leaves are from three to four inches long, rigid and sharp. The solitary cone we possess is in an old state, the seeds having fallen out, and the scales spreading ; it is twelve inches long, and five at its greatest breadth near the base. The scales are from two to three inches long, three-quarters of an inch broad, cuneate, hard and coriaceous, the apex much thickened, and forming a short four-sided pyramid with a short reflexed sharp rigid point. As a species it approaches, in the form of cone and scales, to P. Montezum^2.Jig. 2249, 2250. Hab. Mountains of northern California. Douglas. 16. P. bracteata ; foliis solitariis bifariam patentibus linearibus mucronatis planis sub- lus argenteis, strobilis ovatis, bracteolis trilobis lacinia intermedia longissima foliacea recnrvata. Don, m Linn. Trans, v. 17. p. 442. “ Lamb. Pin. t. 90.” Loud. 1. c. p. 2348. fg. 2256. Hab. California. Douglas. Mountains of San Lucia, at an elevation of 3000 feet. Dr Coulter. CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 395 Ord. LX. ORCHIDEiE. Juss. 1. Corallorhiza multiflora {'Nutt.'); scapo multifloro, labello cuneato-ovali tripai’tito recurvo maculato, calcare tuberculiformi, ovario adnato — Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. II. p. 194; Exot. Flor. t. 174. — C. innata. Nutt. Gen. II. p. 197. Ord. LXl. IRIDEJ3. Juss. 1 . Sisyrinchium mucronatum. Mich. — Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. II. p. 207. Hab. Walamet River j Tolmie. 2. grand florum {Douglas) ; caule stricto compresso folds erectis vaginantibus lon- giore, spatha biflora pedunculos subaeqiiante, perianthio late campanulato, filamentis lon- gissimis subulatis basi contracta solummodo connatis erectis demum patentibus. — Bot. Reg. t. 1364. Bot. Mag. t. 3509 ; Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. II. p. 207. Hab. Between Burnt and Malheur Rivers, Snake Country ; Tolmie. 1. Iris Douglasiana ; imberbis, rhizomate diamet. circiter f unc., folds angustis unc. latis acutis caulesolido dodrantali trifloro parum longioribus, spatbae valvis ultrabiunciali- bus acutis pedunculos longe superantibus, germine attenuato oblongo angulato, tubo sub- unciali (circiter | unc. libero) limbo circiter sesquiunciali, sepalis angustis subacutis, petalis apice denticulatis. Herb. msL — var. 1. hacteata; caule superne bracteato (ut in 1. tenace) spatha 3-valvi, pedunculis brevioribus, limbo breviore (saturatiore?) — var. 2. nuda; caule superne nudo, spatha 4-valvi, pedunculis longioribus, limbo longiore (pallidiore ?) Herb. Mst. 2. I. longipetala ; imberbis, foliis angustis (sub | unc. latis) erectis acutis caulem solidum bracteatum aliquantulum superantibus, spatha 2-3-flora valvis acutis (circiter unciali- bus) germen oblongum superantibus, pedunculis sesquiuncialibus tubo brevi (^ unc. libero vix -j-V solido), petalis sepalisque angustis longitudine subaequalibus (circiter 2^ unc.) cristas styli duplo fere superantibus, perianthd colore dubio (fulvo? vel flavescente ? vel albicante?) venis cmruleis. Herb. Mst. 3. I. Beecheyana ; rhizomate crasso (diamet. semunc. vel ultra), foliis angustis (| unc. latis) erectis acutis subpedalibus (8-12-unc.), spatha foliacea, caule unifloro pedunculum brevem includente, germine attenuato oblongo angulato sulcato tubo tenui subunciali (I unc. solido) limbo circiter (vix) biunciali (pallide casruleo ?) Herb. mst. — I. sibirica. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 160. Hab. California. Messrs Lay and Collie. 396 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. {JridecB. For the following observations on N. American Irides we are indebted to the Honourable and Rev. Wm. Herbert of Spofforth “ I believ^ that no bearded Iris has yet been discovered in America, the only ex- ception being the alleged pubescence of the base of the petals (not sepals) in 1. liexagona; Walt. FI. Car. a plant erroneously confounded by Michaux with I. Virginica. L. — (germine sub-trigono apiculato, caule 1-2 furcato, furca superiore semper submquali. mst.) — whereas liexagona, of which there are several varieties from Texas, New Orleans, and other parts of the southern states (germine hexagono, caule indiviso, floribus inferioribus axillaribus. mst.') has not the forked stalk which distinguishes all the numerous varieties of the former. I. lacustris is reported to have bearded sepals, but I suspect it will be found to have rather crests, like 1. cristata, of which it has precisely the aspect, a fact which I shall not have an opportunity of verifying before the spring. I also doubt the truth of any American Iris having a fistulous stalk, that remarkable feature being confined to the numerous varieties of I. Sibirica. I believe that Pursh’s statement, that the Missourian Iris of Lewis has fistulous stalks, simply implies that, w’hereas that plant has been erroneously named Sibirica, Sibirica is fistulous, but I place no confidence in the fact as to Lewis’s specimen. It is possi- ble that I. Tolmieana, (mihi)* which in a dry state has much the aspect of I. Sibirica v. sanguinea, may be Lewis’s plant. t I- Sibirica v. sanguinea, has been separated by Continental botanists under the name haematopliylla, with an allegation that its scape is solid, a statement which is quite incorrect. It is cer- tainly a variety of Sibirica, having not only the fistulous stalk, but every other important feature of that plant, especially the two gibbous teeth near the base of each sepal, which, though not recorded, are, I believe, peculiar to that species, and rarely, if ever, obsolete. I. Beecheyana has been confounded by the collector with J. liumilis, a plant of the Ukraine, found especially near Elizabethgrod ; as I. Ruthenica has, on the other hand, been confounded with it in Russia, from whence Ruthenica has been sent with the wrong name to the British nurserymen. J. Tolmieana may be at once distinguished from humilis by its strong thick rootstalk. The plant most nearly allied to humilis is I. Cretica, mihi, found in Crete, and also near Napoli di Romania, foliis subseptemuncialibus vix lineam latis acutis basi ampliatis marginibus coriaceo-crispis, uncias solido \ unc. ampliato libero, limbo biunciali. I apprehend it has never been observed that the true character of the genus Iris is a short ventricose or somewhat funnel-shaped tube free from the style, and a solid subcylindrical base w hich in some species is little more than a point of union, and in others is prolonged many inches. This solid part of the tube is in some species of the same texture as the thick parts of the limb, in others of the coriaceous texture of the germen from which it has in that case no decided point of separation outwardly discernible. These important circumstances in the structure appear to have been neglected by botanists. The true stigma of Iris is transverse below the crests of the style, and its form is very different in different species : another most important feature which has been neglected, but it cannot be ascertained in dry specimens. In the numerous native specimens I had seen of 1. tenax, whether from Newfoundland or the N. W. of America, the spathe is one-valved, the second valve being placed like a bracte an inch below, on the stalk. A similar disturbance of the spathe takes place in I. Douglasiana v. bracteata.” W. Herbert. * Iris Tolmieana ; imberbis, foliis anguste (sub ^ unc. latis) erectis acutis basi purpureis caule (bifloro) solido nudo brevioribus, spatha bivalvi acuta subtriunciali germen alternate oblongum (vix) subaequanti, tubo brevi (A unc. libero vix lineam solido) sepalis (ultra 2i uncialibus) petala circiter biuncialia superantibus, styli lobis ultra sesquiuncialibus (cristis bidentatis ?), perianthio caerulescente ? — I. hamatophylla var. Valametiana. Herb, in Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 11, p. 206. Hab. Prope fluvium Walamet in FI, Columbiam ex parte meridionali tendentem legit Tolmie. f I rather refer his to a race of Iris extending from the hills of Kentucky to Canada, I. Caurina (mihi) folio i-f unc. latis vel ultra, caule bracteato simplici vel ramulo axillari, germine oblongo, tubo brevi ample parte solida brevissima. TulipacecE,'] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 397 Ord. LXII. TULIPACE^. DC. 1. Fritillaria mwiica (LiW/.); cauli basi longe nudo apice racemoso multifloro, foliis inferioribus verticillatis a lata basi longe angustatis ecirrhosis, floribus secundis tessellatis nutantibus basi obtusis bracteis tidplo brevioribus, pedunculis brevissimis recurvis. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. sub t. 1663. This “ has very much the aspect of F. verticillata, but the leaves are not cirrhose, and the flowers are greenish-purple, spotted like F. Meleagris, growing in long racemes.” Lindl. — In our specimens the pedicels can scarcely be called “ ver}" short,” being often three quarters of an inch long, and the leaves are lanceolate linear and acuminated, but not with a broad base. The style is, in this and in both the following, trifid, as in the genuine species of Fritillaria. 2. F. liliacea [Lindl.); caule stricto apice racemoso basi folioso foliis oblongo-lanceo- latis inferioribus verticillatis superioribus alternis, floribus secundis concoloribus cernuis basi angustatis, pedunculis erectis bracteis longioribus, capsula oblonga apice rotundata basi mutica. Lindl. 1. c. “ Closely allied to F. alba of Nutt., from w'hich it differs in its broader leaves, and differently shaped cap- sule. It is a most remarkable plant, with the habit of a lily : its flowers are apparently pale yellow, narrow at the base, and not unlike those of Lilium pudicum.” Lindl. — Of this we possess two forms : one with the flowers scarcely narrowed at the base, and about as obtuse there as in F. mutica, while the pedicels are con- siderably longer than the bracteas: the other, as Lindley says, has flowers very similar to Lilium pudicum, being remarkably narrowed at the base, but the pedicels are in every instance much shorter than the bracteas, while the accompanying specimens in fruit resemble the first variety. All have the pedicels erect, except im- mediately under the flower, where they are recurved. 3. F. biflora [Lindl.) ; caule basi nudo apice bifloro, foliis verticillatis alternisve oblongo- lanceolatis versus apicem caulis deficientibus, floribus pendulis subcylindraceis concolori- bus, pedunculis bracteis brevioribus. Lindl. 1. c. This “ resembles F. tulipifolia in habit, but differs in its two-flowered stem, and numerous leaves which are either alternate or verticillate.” Lindl. — Our specimens, in habit as well as in the colour of the flowers, approach so closely to F. Kamtschatcensis, that they are scarcely to be distinguished but by the leaves of the perianth being quite destitute of the curious crested veins, almost peculiar to that species, and which are represented at Tab. 193. A. of the Flor. Bor. Am." 1. Erythronium grandflorum [Pursh.); foliis oblongoseu elliptico-lanceolatis vixpunc- tatis, pedunculo 1-paucifloro, sepalis lanceolatis valde acuminatis fere abima basi reflexis, stigraate tripartito. — giganteum; cauli 2-5 floro, floribus flavis. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 11. p. 1820. — E. giganteum. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. sub. t. 1786. Hab. /3. Blue Mountains, Snake Country ; Tolmie. Dr Lindley distinguishes the var. p>., his if. giganteum, from the type of the species, by the irregularly branch- ed scape, the leaves of the perianth reflexed only from the middle, and the stigma 3-lobed, not 3-partite : but there is no difference whatever in the two last points, and as to the first, these are insensible gradations from a single to a several flowered scape. 398 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. [ Tulipacea. CALOCHORTUS. Ph. Flores erecti, explanati, patentes ; sepala glabra convoluto-acuminata. Petala majora, rotundata, plana, medio barbata, basi maculata glabra. Stylus nullus. Stigmata 3. Capsula triangularis coriacea. Semina eerie simplici affixa, plana, testa suberosa. — Bulbi tunicati, foliis convoluti-acuminatis rigidis. Lindl. 1. C. venustiis {Benth.); caule paucifolio subtrifloro, sepalis erectis, petalis prseter fasci- culum pilorum glabris basi rubris et versus apicem macula rubra notatis. Benth. in Hort. Soc. Trans. N. S. 1. p. 412. t. 15. f. 3. Sepals straight. Petals cuneate-subrotund, crispid at the margin, white, yellowish at the base, and then furnished with a cuneate blood-red canal whieh is yellow at the apex ; above this, and on the expanded por- tion of the petal is a large round blood-red stain. It is a very beautiful species. 2. C. splendens {Benth.); caule 3-5-floro, sepalis revolutis, petalis intus sparse pilosis in parte superiore glabris basi maculatis extus ecostatis. Benth. in Hort. Soc. Trans. I. N. S. p. 411. t. 15. f. 1 ; Lindl. Bot. Beg. t. 1676. Petals of an uniform lilac colour. It is closely allied to C. venustus, from which, however, it differs not only in the colour of its petals, but in its flowers being somewhat smaller, and its sepals rolled back from the point ; the arrangement of the hairs upon its petals is also very different. In C. venustus there is, just above the base of the petals, an oblong tuft of rather loose hairs, which gradually scatter themselves over the petal for a short distance round the tuft ; but in C. splendens the tuft is smaller, and composed of very short firm hairs, colleeted into a compact oblong mass, almost resembling a wart, and separated by a smooth interval from the scattered hairs of the petal, which are long and numerous. 3. C. luteus {Dough) caule subtrifloro, foliis convolutis acuminatis pedunculis gracili- bus brevioribus, sepalis apice recurvis, petalis cuneatis apice rotundatis medio transverse barbatis. Lindl. in Bot. Beg. t. 1567. The flowers are rather smaller than in the two preceding species, and of a deep yellow, greenish about the middle and at the base, and covered near the middle with red dots. 4. C. uniflorus; caule humili versus basin 1-3-phyllo subunifloro, pedunculo elongate gracili folia superante, sepalis apice patulis, petalis cuneatis apice rotundatis denticulatis basi dense barbatis e basi ad medium sparse pilosis superne glabris. (Tab. XCIV.) This is most allied to C. elegans, but has very differently shaped sepals and petals, and the stem has scarcely any tendency to produce more than a single flower. We omit here C. elegans, macrocarpus, and nitidus, said to be from California, for, according to the stations given by Douglas, none of them were found in that country : descriptions of them are given in the Flor. Bor. Am. II. p. 1 83. With regard to the variety of C. elegans noticed in the Flor. Bor. Am. I. p. 183, as found by Mr Tolmie on the banks of the Walamet river, we are now satisfied it is perfectly distinct from either a. or of Douglas, and that it forms a new species, vvhich may be called C. Tolmiei ; it is closely allied to C. nitidus, (Dough in Hort. Soc. Trans. VII. t. 9,) but the flowers are rather smaller, not in an umbel, but in a racemose panicle, and the cuneate-obovate petals are densely bearded to the very apex, much more so than in any other known species of the genus. Fig. 1. Petal : — magnified. Asphodelea.] CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 399 CYCLOBOTHRA. Succet. Flores nutantes ventricosi vel campanulati. Sepala glabra, acuta. Petala majora et dissimilia, barbata, infra medium fovea glabra nectarifera alte impressa extus gibbosa. Stigmata 3. Capsula triptera, coriaceo - membranacea. Semina serie simplici affixa, angulata. — Bulbi tunicati, foliis planis acuminatis. 1. C. pulchella {Benth.) ; umbellis 2-3-floris, pedunculis bracteis brevioribus, floribus globosis, petalis ovatis obtusis serrulato-fimbriatis fovea valde excavata extus callosa, sepalis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis quam petala vix brevioribus. Benth. Hort. Soc. Trans. N. S. I. p. 415. t. 14./. 1 ; Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1662. Flovrers yellow, the sepals greenish and striated with green. 2. C. alba [Benth.); umbella 2-3-flora, pedunculis bracteis brevioribus, floribus oblongis inflatis, petalis ovatis obtusissimis margine nudiusculis fovea leviter impressa sepalis ovato- lanceolatis duplo longioribus. Benth. in Hort. Soc. Trans. N. S. 1. p. 413. t. 14./. 3 ; Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1661. — Calochortus albus. Dough Flowers white. Sepals of a yellowish-green. The flowers do not appear to us to be oblong, but when expanded to be broadly ovate, nearly as in C. pulchella. 3. C. paniculata [Lindl.); floribus solitariis, pedunculis bracteis subaaqualibus floribus oblongis ; petalis angustis obtusis subciliatis dimidia superiore cal vis fovea leviter exca- vata sepalis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis duplo longioribus. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. sub t. 1662. Prsecedenti affinis ; caule, panicula, floribus solitariis, pedunculis bracteis longioribus, alabastris angustis cseterisque satis distincta. Flores albi. Lindl. 1. c. — Of this w'e know nothing, unless it prove to be a mere form of C. alba, with which it appears to us to agree in almost every important character, as w'ell as in the white flowers. Ord. LXIII. ASPHODELE^. Juss. 1. Allium stellatum. Fras. — Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. II. jo. 184. Kerin Bot. Mag. t. 1576. 2. A. acuminatum [Hooh^; foliis linearibus brevibus paucis radicalibus, scapo humili terete, umbella pluriflora patente, sepalis roseis subovalibus acuminatissimis basi gibbosis interioribus minute serrulatis apicibus recurvis, staminibus conformibus perianthio duplo fere brevioribus, ovario 3-lobo, stigmate brevi trifido. — Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. II. p. 184. t. 196. Hab. Blue Mountains, Snake Country, abundant ; Mr Tolmie. I 3. A. Douglasii [Hook.); bulbo late ovato, foliis binis lanceolato-falcatis striatis basi longe angusteque attenuatis radicalibus, umbella multiflora patente, sepalis (roseis) ovati 400 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. VAsphodelece. longe anguste acuminatis carinatis rectis stamina conformia subaequantibus, ovario trilobo, stylo integro. Hook. Flo?'. Bo?'. A??fi. II. /?. 184. t. 197. — foliis scapo longioribus. Hook. 1. c. Hab. /3. Between Burnt and Malheur Rivers, Snake Country. Tolmie. 4. A. falcifoliu?n ; humili, foliis binis lanceolatis recurvo-falcatis striatis basi attenuatis radicalibus, umbella densa multiflora patente, sepalis (roseis) lanceolatis acuminatis undu- latis carinatis apice recurvis omnibus margine undique minute glanduloso-serrulatis stamina conformia longe superantibus, ovario trilobo, stylo integro. This was collected by Douglas in California, probably at no great distance from the coast. It is closely allied to A. Douglasii, but differs from that species by its more humble stature, shorter and much more fal- cate leaves, more compact umbel, much larger flowers, narrower and thinner sepals, which are, moreover, undulated and serrulate with minute glands and almost twice as long as the stamens. HESPEROSCORDON. Lindl. Perianthium subcampanulato-rotatum, bifidum, cum pedicello articulatum. Stamina 6, fertilia ; filamentis dilatatis membranaceis mqualibus, e fauce exortis, basi subconnatis. Squama Jiypogyna nullse. Ovarium sessile, 3-loculare, polyspermum, apice 3-glandulosum. Stylus teres, cum ovario articulatus. Stigma simplex. Capsula trilocularis, 3-valvis, polysperma, valvis medio septiferis. Semina nigra angulata, sub- crustacea. — Herbae cormis induviatis. Flores umbellati. Lindl. 1. H. lacteum [Li?tdl.) umbella multiflora laxa, floribus exterioribus pedicello 2-4-plo brevioribus, perianthii laciniis stellatis, ovario subgloboso. Lmdl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1639. This differs from H. Lcivisii. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. II. p. 185. t. 198, by the umbel being much fewer flowered and lax, the pedicels conspicuously longer than the flowers, and slender, and the perianth not cam- panulate. In H. Lewisii the ovary is so attenuated at the base as to be almost stipitate. In the centre of the umbel the flowers expand at a later period, and are on shorter pedicels than the outer ones. CALIPRORA. Lindl. Perianthium subcampanulatum, cum pedicello continuum, 6-partitum. Stamina 6, omnia fertilia, fauce exorta, verticillata, tria breviora : Jilamenta petaloidea, biloba, antheris inter lobos sessilibus. Squama hypogyna null®. Ovarium stipitatum, 3-loculare, polyspermum. Stylus simplex. Stigma trilobum, Capsula membranacea, triptera. Semina obovata, nec atra nee Crustacea. — Folia radicalia lineari-ensi- formia, acuminata, canaliculata, debilia, scapo longiora. Scapus erectus teres. Flores umbellati, lutei, laciniis medio extus fusco-purpureis. Bractese spathacea, ovata, scariosa, pedicellis multo breviores. Loh\ filamentorum acuti. 1. C. lutea. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1590. The seed-coat is very unlike that of Allium or indeed any of the Asphodelea as limited by Brown, and rather resembles in that respect the Tulipacea : but we have not seen it perfectly mature. Lindley, from whom the remainder of the above character is taken, takes no notice of it. AsparagecB.'l CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 401 TRITELEIA. Hook. Perianthium tubulosum, subinfundibuliforrae, marcescens. Stamina 6, duplici serie inserta: superiora petalis opposita. Squamce hi/pogyticB nullae. Ovarium ssepius stipitatum, raro sessile, polysperraum ; stigmate trilobo. — Herbse cormis induviatis. Flores umbellati. 1. T.laxa {Benth.) ; foliis linearibus glaucis scapo longioribus, involucro pedicellis duplo breviore, pedicellis laxiusculis periantbio basi angustato iequalibus, ovario longe stipitato, filamentis 6 decurrentibus basi cristatis, umbella multiflora. — Benth. in Hort. Soc. Trans. N. S. 1. p. 413. t. 15./ 2. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1685. This is readily distinguished from T. grandijiora by the attenuated base of its perianth, and the curved stalk to its ovarium, two or three times longer than the ovarium itself, and half the length of the perianth ; in T. grandijiora the perianth is wide at the base, almost indeed campanulate, and the stalk of the ovarium is not half so long as the ovarium, and many times shorter than the perianth. Although there be little ditference in the width of the flowers, the length of the perianth of T. laxa is twice that of T. grandijiora. 2. T. peduncularis [Lindl.) ; foliis linearibus scapo erecto bipedali brevioribus, involucro pedicellis quater breviore, pedicellis strictis periantbio obconico quater longioribus, ovario breviter stipitato, limbo periantbii tubo longiore, umbella multiflora. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. sub. t. 1685. The flowers of this species are of a pale blue, not purple colour as in the two others : each sepal is marked along the back with a purple line. BRODIiEA. Sm. Perianthium tubuloso-campanulatum, sexfidum, persistens. Stamina 3 ad faucem et laciniis tribus internis opposita, cum squamis tribus (stamin. abortivis) alternantia. Ovarium trigonum, basi attenuatum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma trifidum. Capsula obovata, stipitata, 3-locularis, loculicido-trivalvis. Semina cuique loculo 4-5, peltata. — Flores umbellati. 1. B. grandijiora [Sm.) ; pedicellis umbellatis bracteas longe superantibus, squamis periantbii oblongis obtusissimis integris — Sm.inLin. Soc. Tratis.lL. p. 2. Bot.Reg. t. 1 183 Bot. Mag. t. 2877. (non Pursh, nec Nutt.) — B. coronaria. Salisb. Hab. California; Douglas. Dry plains of the Wallamet river; Tolmie. 2. B. congesta [Sm.) ; floribus subcapitatis, bracteis pedicellos superantibus, squamis periantbii lanceolatis acutis bifidis. — Sm. in Lin. Soc. Irans. X. p. 3. t. 1. Ord. LXIV. ASPARAGE^. Juss. 1. Smilacina stellata, Desf. — Convallaria stellata. L. — Bot. Mag. t. 1043. 2. S. racemosa^ Desf. — Convallaria stellata. L. — Bot. Mag. t. 899. 3 E 402 CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. [ Graminece. Ord. LXV. MELANTHACEiE. Br. 1. Zigadenus chloranthus. Richards. App. \2. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. II. p. 177.-^a; minor. — Z. commutatus, Schult. Syst. Veget. VII. p. 1560. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 161. — Z. glaberrimus, Ker in Bot. Mag. t. 1680 (non Mich.) — |S. major;, foliis longioribus, scapo paniculato. — Z. glaberrimus, Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 160 (non Mich.) Both varieties are in Mr Douglas’ collection from California. 1. Trillium sessile, L. — Mich. Flor. Bor. Am. I. p. 215. Bot. Mag. t. 40 (3. giganteum ; foliis floribu.sque fere quadruplo majoribus. The var. p>. only is in Mr Douglas’ collection, and what is remarkable, no form of this species appears to have been elsewhere observed on the west side of the Rocky Mountains. The stem is from eight to fifteen inehes high, the leaves three or four inches long, and 2^ or 8^ broad, spotted like those of the [)lant from the United States. The flowers are from 2^ to 3 inches long, and purple, as figured in the Botanical Magazine. Ord. LXVI. JUNCI. Juss. 1. Luzflla campestris, var. congesta. — Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. II. /». 188. 1. Juncus Menziesii {Browii); caule erecto tereti folioso, foliis lineari-acuminatis supra canaliculatis, capitulis terminalibus globosis 1-3 bractea exteriori plerumque foliacea et capitula superantibus, sepalis ovatis vel oblongis capsulam obovatam nitidam muticam tequantibus dorso viridibus enerviis margine castaneomembranaceo versus apiceminvoluto. — a. Menziesii; sepalis lato-ovalis obtusis. Brown, — Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. \\. p. 192. — /3; Californicus; sepalis oblongis acuminatis, foliis angustioribus. We have only the second variety from California. In the Flor. Bor. Am. this w'as principally distinguish- ed from J. castaneus by the broad sepals of a, and the capsule as long as the perianth. In J. castaneus, however, the sepals are only about half the length of the capsule, and are entirely brown, membranous and 3-ncrved. Ord. LXVII. FLUVIALES. Rich. 1. Zannichellia palustris, Linn. Ord. LXVIII. GRAMINEiE. Juss. 1. Beckmannia erucceformis, Host. 1. Phalaris minor Retz. The specimens are very young. Graminea.l CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT- 403 LOPHOCHL^NA. Nees. Gen. Char. SpiculcB multiflorae, rhacliilla articulata. Glumes 2, membranaceae, obscure 1-3-nerves, flosculis breviores. Flosculi eallo truncate inserti, omnes perfect! : valvula inferior chartaceo-rigida, plurinervis, apice membranacea, bifida, lobis praemorso-dentatis, inter lobos setigera seta recta ; superior plano-com- plicata lateribus in medio dentato-laceris apicem versus serratis ; apice emarginato. Lodiculce truncatae, connatae. Stamina 3, (antheris violaceis.) Ovarium oblongo-lineare, glabrum ; styli breves, discreti ; stigmata parva, plumulosa. — Inflorescentia : racemus simplex, secundus. Gramina mollia. Folia hrevia. Spiculae bromoidece, oblong o-lineares, speciosm. Locus inter Poas Glyceriaeas Glyceriam, cui medi- ante Glyceria (fWindsorid) pallida consiliatur. Forsan Ticec W. pallida, amplificato generis nostri charactere, isti potest connecti. — Nees. 1. L. Californica, Nees v. Esenb. in Tayl. Ann. of Nat. Hist. v. 1. p. 283. (Tab. XCV.) Tab. XCV. Fig. 1. Flower; fg. 2. two different views of the inner or superior valve ; — magnified. 1. Bromus earinatus; annuus, caule erecto, foliis linearibus pilosis vaginis deflexo-pilosis, racemo composito ramis 1-3-nis oligostacliyis, spiculis sessilibus lanceolatis valde com- pressis, glumis lanceolatis acutissimis muticis 3-5-nerviis carinatis, flosculis patulis, glu- mella exteriore pubescente lanceolata ex apice bifido longe setigera carinata obscure 7- striata, interiore bicarinata ad carinas ciliata, caryopsi hinc canaliculata. Perhaps this ought to be referred to the Genus Ceratochloe, but the straight seta, or awn, is almost as long as the floret, and, with the exception of the compressed spikelet, the character is entirely that of Bromus. 1. Melica imperforata; panicula composita et decomposita (ante anthesin contracta), pedicellis nudis scabro-puberulis, spiculis oblongis bi-trifloris, glumis ineequalibus obtusius- culis, superior! flosculos subaequante, valvula inferior! flosculorum perfectorum apice brevi spatio membranaceo-appendiculata 7-nervi, flosculo supremo sterili sublineari antheriformi, foliis anguste linearibus vaginisque scabris. Nees. — Trin. Gram. Ic. t. 355. — Melica colpodioides. Nees v. Esenb. in Tayl. Ann. of Nat. Hist. v. 1. p. 283. — Poa viridi-purpurea. Hook, et Arn. mss. This has certainly not exactly the habit of a Poa, to which w’e had been disposed to refer it ; and the flowers are fewer in number than usually occur in that Genus. In appearance it approaches slightly to Eragrostis Koenigii, and E. interrupta, but it unquestionably is not a species of Eragrostis. The glumes are membranaceous, but the florets are of a firm texture, greenish and tinged with purple, their margins white and membranaceous. We have only seen the upper portion of the plant, although the specimens are about two feet in length; the panicle is from 9 inches to a foot long. We adopt the Genus to which we find that Trinius, and since, Nees von Esenbeck, have referred it. 1. Poa serotina, Gaud — Poa fertilis, Host, Gram. 3. t. 14. Our plant resembles that of Gaudin in the spikelet, but it is more rigid, and the inflorescence is an inter- rupted, contracted, narrow, linear, erect panicle, the lower branches of which are shorter than the internodes. 1 . Stipa avenacea, L. 1. Brizopyrum spicatum. — Uniola spicata, Lin, — U. stricta, Torr. in Ann. Eye. 1. p. 55. — U. multiflora, Nutt. — Festuca distichophylla, Mich. — Poa Michauxii, Kunth. 404. CALIFORNIA— SUPPLEMENT. iLycopodiacece. We can see no difference between the Uniola spicata of Linn, and Torrey’s Flora, and the U. stricta of the latter author. As in Brizopyrum the panicle is unisexual. 2. B. Douglasii; glabrum, culniis fasciculatis radicantibus rigldis simplicibus, foliis erectis rigidis linearibus apice convoluto-subulatis culmum superantibus, paniculis (mas- culis) confertis ovatis, spiculis ovatis compressis subtrifloris glabris leevibus, flosculis im- berbibus, glumella exteriore l-Snervi, carina margineque scabris. — Poa Douglasii. Nees V. Esenb. in Tayl. Ann. of Nat. Hist. v. 1. p. 284. This is remarkable for its erect foliage, longer than the culms, and the short compact panicles somewhat resembling those of PJialaris Canariensis. Nees v. Esenbeck considers it a Poa, and allied to P. tricolor, conformis, curvula, abbreviata. Br. ^c. 1 . Hordeum pratense, Huds. 2. "H. piisillum, Nutt. POLYANTHERIX. Nees. (Teib. Triticese. Locus inter Elymim et AEgilopem.) Gen. Char. Bhachis spicse articulata. Spiculce disticho-alternse, geminse, rhachi oblique parallelse, pluri- florm, subsessiles. Glumes binse, collaterales, hinc ad speciem quaternse, profunde bifidse, laciniis bifidis trifidisve omnibus longe setaceis, tertia (ubi adest) minima. Flosculi 3-4, inferiorum uno alterove sterili glumis simili, tabescente. Fertilium valvula inferior chartacea, ex apice bidentato bisetove longe setigera ; superior minor, integra, marginibus inflexis, flexuras augulis ciliatis. Lodiculce lanceolatse, integrae, ciliatae. Stamina 3, antheris brevibus. Ovarium apice hirsutum ; styli distantes ; stigmata plumosa. — Gramina specie Elymi et Hordei. Nees. 1. P. Hystrix, Nees v. Esenb. in Tayl. Ann. of Nat. Hist. v. 1. p. 284. — iEgilops Hystrix. Nutt. Gen. I. p. 86. Ord. LXIX. EQUISETACE^. DC. J. Equisetum hyemale, L. — E. Bot. t. 915. Hab. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. 2. 'Ej. fluviatile, L. — E. Bot. t. 2022. Hab. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. Ord. LXX. LYCOPODIACE^. Juss. 1. Tmesipteris truncata, Desv. — Hook, et Grev. Lycop. in Bot. Misc. v. 2. p. 363. — T. Tannensis. Labill. EL Nov. Holl. 2. p. 105. t, 252. {excl. syn.). — Psilotum truncatum,, Br. Prodr. p. 104. Filites-I CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 405 Nothing has surprised us more than finding that a species of a Genus, hitherto considered as exclusively inhabiting the Polynesian islands, should be detected in the northern continent of the New World. The collection contains several specimens; and though it is barely possible that these may have been accidentally mixed up with the herbarium ; yet seeing that every other plant is unquestionably Californian, or from the immediately adjacent territories, and that Mr Douglas had no intercourse with New Holland, where alone the species has hitherto been found, we are bound to believe it a Californian plant, and to introduce it as such. The specimens are very perfect, and some of them in fructification. Ord. LXXI. FILICES. Juss. 1. Polypodium (Marginaria) Californicum, Kaulf. — Hook, et Arn. supra^ p . 161. — Mar- ginaria, Presl. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. — Presl refers this to his genus Marginaria, whose essential character is to have the upper veinlets uniting with the nearest opposite ones, so as to form hexagonal areolae, in which is situated the sorus at the extremity of a lower veinlet. But in this plant the veinlets are sometimes entirely free, and when the union does take place, it is only near the margin. 2. P. (Eupolypodium) intermedium; fronde lato-lanceolata mernbranacea pellucida fere ad rachin pinnatifida, laciniis oblongis obtusis aequilatis serratis glabris, venulis distinctis liberis rarissime sub margine anastomosantibus, soris ovalibus solitariis. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. — Allied to the preceding P. Californicum, and to P. vulgar c; from the former it differs in the almost entirely free veinlets, from the latter in its oblong or oval sori, and from both in the pellucid, not opaque frond, and in the laciniag becoming smaller at the base. Although this must be referred to the true Polypodium of Presl, yet the veinlets do occasionally unite so as to form an elongated and somewhat hexagonal areola in which a veinlet, terminated by a sorus, is included. 1. Gymnogramrna triangulare, Kaulf. — Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. ^\b. Hook, et Am. supra, p. 161. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. 1. Aspidium (Polystichum) munitum, Kaulf. — Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 162. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. Douglas. 2. A. (Lastrsea) patens, L — Sw — Willd. — Polypodium ny m pb al e. Fil. t. 34. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. 3. A. (Lastraea) argutum, Kaulf. — Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 162. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. Douglas. 1. Woodwardia Willd. — Hook, et Arn. supra, p. \Q2. Hab. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. Douglas. 1. Pteris lanuginosa; frondis tripartitae ramis bipinnatis, pinnulis subtus piloso-lanu» 406 CALIFORNIA.-SUPPLEMENT. \_Alg(£. ginosis lineari-lanceolatis inferioribus pinnatifidis, laciniis obtusis, stipite muricato, rachi- bus partialibus lanuginosis. Kaulf. — Willd. Sp. PI. v. 4. p. 403. Kaulf. Enum. Fil. p. 189. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. — Very nearly allied to Pt. aquilina and Pt. caudaia. 2. P. (Allosorus, Presl.) andromedcefolia ; frondibus bipinnatis, pinnis patentibus, pin- nulis subtrifoliatis, foliolis oblongo-ovatis nervosis margine revolutis. Kaulf. Enum. Fil. p. 188. California. CJiamisso. Douglas. — “ Caudex repens, ramosus, crassitie penna columbines, paleis ferru- gineis dense tectus, radieulis filiformibus tomentosis fibrillosis instructus. Frondes 4-6 pollieares (fere ad pedalem). Pinnee remotse, patentes, inferiores bipinnatse, superiores pinnatse, pinnulis inferioribus trifolio- latis ; foliola bilinearia, ovata, obtusa, petiolata, supra nervosa, margine revoluta, caduca. Stipes 2-4-polli- caris, teres, crassitie chordae mediocris, paleis sparsis obsitus. Raches partiales tenuissimae, fragiles. Indu- sium breve.” Kaulfuss. — A very distinct and well-marked species. Ord. LXXII. MUSCI. Juss. 1 . Neckera Californica, Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 1 62. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. 1. Vievogonmmjulaceum, Hedw. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. Ord. LXXIII. LICHENS S. Ach. 1. Borrera leucomela, Ach. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. 1. Ramalina homalea, Ach. — Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 163, 1. Usnea barhata, Ach. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. Ord. LXXIV. ALG^.* Juss. Teibe 1. FUCOIDEAl. 1. Fucus vesiculosus, L Harv. supra, p. 163. — fS. spiralis. Turn — Ag. Syst. p. 276. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. By the Honourable W. H. Harvey. Alg(B.-\ CALIFORNIA.— SUPPLEMENT. 4.07 2. Y.fiircatus, Ag. Syst. p. 279. Harv. supra, p. 163. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. 1. Cystoseira Douglasii [Harv.'); caule tenui laevi alternatim ramoso, ramis decom- positis pinnato-dichotomis, axillis rotundatis, vesiculis ellipticis concatenatis in ramulis immersis. Stem slender, a a line to a line in diameter, compressed, smooth, 12 inches long or more, furnished with alternate, much divided branches, at distances of an inch or upwards ; the branches pinnated, the lower pinnae simple or forked, the upper raultifid in a sub-dichotomous manner ; all the axils rounded and the ramuli erect, apices attenuated. Vesicles as large as vetch-seed, 4-12 or more together, forming a moniliform chain, im- bedded in the most of the ramuli. Receptacles and root unknown. Hab. Monterrey. Douglas. 1. Halydrys osmundacea {Harv.) — Fucusosmundaceus, Turn. Hist. t. 105 Cystoseira osmundacea, Ag. Syst. p. 287. Monterrey. Douglas. Tbiee 2. LAMINARIEiE. 1. Laminaria saccharina, Lamour. — Fucus saccharinus. Linn.~Turn. Hist. t. 163. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. — The lamina of the frond is remarkably narrow. 1 . Macrocystis pyrifera, Ag. Syst. p. 292. — Fucus pyriferus. Linn, — Turn. Hist. 1. 110. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. 2. M. Menziesii, Ag. Syst. p. 293. — Fucus Menziesii. Turn. Hist. t. 27. Harv. supra, p. 163. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. 1. Alaria esculenta, Grev. — Fucus esculentus. Turn. Hist. t. 117. '' San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. — The specimen very imperfect. Tribe 3. FLORIDEA). 1. ’Delessexisi platycarpa, Ag. Syst. p. 252. — Fucus platycarpus. Turn. Hist. t. 144 Harv. supra, p. 163. Monterrey. Douglas. 1. Hymenema fissa, Grev. — Fucus venosus. Turn. Hist. t. 138. — /3. marginata, Harv. capsulis marginalibus. A very remarkable variety, perhaps a distinct species. The veins are stronger and more prominent than in Cape specimens, and the capsules confined to the margin or borne on small, roundish, marginal processes or leaflets. The granuliferous specimens present no remarkable characters. Hab. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. “iOS CALIFORNIA.-SUPPLEMENT. lAlga. 1. Plocamium coccineum, Lyngb. — Fucus coccineus, Turn. Hist. t. 59. Harv. supra, p. 163. San Francisco. Dr Sinclair. 1. Rhodomenia Grev. Crypt. FI. t. 352. Harv. supra, p. 164. STENOGRAMMA. Harv.— {Gen. Nov.) Frons membranacea, rubra, plana, enervis. Fructificatio : 1. — ? 2. receptacula linearia, nerviformia, in frondem sessilia, granulis minutissimis repleta. 1. S. Californicum, Harv. Foot unknown. Stem minute, cylindrical, gradually expanding into a broadly cuneate, diehotomously cleft, ilat, membranaceous frond about six inches long ; the segments cuneate, about half an inch broad,'’obtuse at the apices ; the axils rounded. Margin entire, bearing here and there linear-oblong or slightly lanceolate leaflets (which perhaps in older specimens become diehotomously cleft?) Fruit, so far as known, consists in linear, dark-red, elevated receptacles, not half a line in breadth, and from half an inch to upwards of an inch in length, extending longitudinally through the centre of the terminal segments, or of the marginal leaf- lets, and resembling a very strong prominent rib. These receptacles are completely filled with a dense mass of minute granules, their coat or periphery is opaque and resembles that of the frond. Colour a full red ; sub- stance membranaceous ; reticulation minute. Hab. San Francisco, Dr Sinclair. — A single specimen only of this very remarkable plant exists in the herbarium, and on it I have ventured to establish a new genus. In habit it so closely resembles Phyllo- phora rubens, that it might easily be passed over as that plant. But the fructification is not only totally different from that of Phyllophora, but resembles nothing with which I am acquainted among the Algas, while it bears a striking resemblance to the lirellce of the genus Opegrapha, among Lichenes. From the minute size of the sporules contained in the mass with which the receptacles are full, I am induced to con- sider these curious bodies as secondary fructification, the primary being probably spheerical capsules. The affinities of the genus are with Phyllophora. 1. Laurencia Lamour. — Fucus pinnatifidus. Turn. Hist. t. 21. Monterrey, Douglas. 1. Chondrus verrnicularis ? Grev. — Fucus vermicularis. Turn. Hist. t. 22\. Harv. supra, p. 164. Monterrey, Douglas. 2. C. offinis {Harv.); fronde plana dichotoma, segmentis cuneatis, margine subinflexo, capsulis sphsericis sparsis. 1-2 inches high, dark purple, densely tufted. It is allied to C. crispus, but differs in the sphserical capsules abundantly scattered over the frond and prominent on both surfaces, and in having the margin somewhat indexed ; by which latter character it approaches C. canaliculatus, but in that species the capsules are marginal. 1. Gelidium comewOT, Lamcrur. — Fucus corneus. Turn. Hist. t. 257. Harv. supra, p. 164. San Francisco, Dr Sinclair. Monterrey, Douglas. Two varieties exist in the herbarium. Aig 1. Rhynchosia grandijlora, Schlecht. in Linncea, 5. p. 588. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 287. Tab. LIX. Hab. San Bias to Tepic. 1. Lupinus Mexicanus, Lag. — Bot. Beg. t. 457. Hab. San Bias. — Bracteas setaceous, much longer than the flowers, by which it is readily distinguished from L. polypliyllus. 1. Phaseolus saccharatus.- — M^Fad. FI. Jam. v. l.p. 282. Hab. Acapulco. — Probably a cultivated plant. We cannot find that it accords with any of the species described by De Candolle ; but precisely agrees with the specimens we have received from Dr M'Fadyen as the Sugar-Bean of the West Indies, and described by him in the work just quoted under the name of P. saccharatus. The stem is twining, more or less hairy, the hairs deflexed. Leaflets nearly glabrous or hairy on the nerves, especially beneath, the intermediate one deltoideo-ovate, acuminate, on a rather long petiolule ; the lateral ones half-deltoid. Peduncles a good deal longer than the leaves, bearing several flowers, 2 or 3 together, pedicelled or sessile. Flowers small, greenish-w'hite : the carina spirally twisted. Pod about 2 inches long, acinaciform, tipped with the rather long, straight, rigid, persistent style. There are 2 small, ovate, striated bracteolse at the base of the calyx. An imperfect specimen of the same plant was in Captain Beechey’s collection from Talisco. 1. Mimosa floribunda, Willd. — De Cand. — Schlecht. in Linncea, b.p. 692. LeguminoscB,'] MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT, 419 Hab. Tepic. — The same plant exists in Andrieux’s collection of the Mexican Plants, from San Felipe, (n. 402.) 2. M. sensitiva, Linn. — De Cand. Prod. 2. p. 416. Hab. Acapulco. 1. Inga anomala, Kunth, Mim. p. 70. t. 22. De Cand. Prod. 2. p. 442. — Acacia grand!- flora, Willd. Hab. Tepic. — We have the same species from the neighbourhood of Mexico, gathered by our late consul there, Mr Mackenzie. It is a splendid plant, and De Candolle suggests that, together with Inga Houstoni which .has the same copious long bright red stamens, it might form a distinct Genus. 2. 1. ? patens ; caule petiolisque aculeis brevibus uncinatis sparsis, foliis bipinnatis, pinnis sex trijugis, foliolis ovatis ovalibusve oppositis brevissime petiolatis glabris terminalibus plerumque majoribus, spiels elongatis densifloris pedunculatis axillaribus terminalibusque subpaniculatis, staminibus sub 20 corollam 4-petalani vix duplo superantibiis. Hab. Realejo. — This seems to be a tall growing plant, with woody branches, glabrous everywhere except the young shoots. Leaves copious, pa tent, and, as well as the branches (especially the younger ones), furnished with numerous, scattered, small, curved prickles. The main rachis bears 3 pairs of distantly placed pinnae, each pinna bare of leaflets below, having on its upper half, 3 pair of rather closely set leaflets, the largest of them less than an inch long; these vary somewhat in shape, being ovate, oval, or obovate, upon ver}'^ short petiolules, of a texture between membranaceous and coriaceous, paler-coloured beneath. In the axils of the upper leaves and upon the extremity of the branches where the leaves gradually disappear (thus forming a sort of panicle) the spikes are situated, 3-4 inches long, shortly pedunculated, and growing singly or 2 or 3 together. The flowers and stamens seem to be yellow. 3. I.? Guaiemalensis ;Tpi\[oso~sevicea, caule petiolisque aculeis validis rectis fulvis, foliis bipinnatis, pinnis 6-8 tri-sexjugis, foliolis oblongo-ellipticis subsessilibus mucronatis, rachi spinula terminata, spici§ densifloris terminalibus subpaniculatis, staminibus sub-20 flori- bus 4-plo longioribus. Hab. Realejo. — Apparently a low shrub, with woody branches which are angular, especially the younger ones, and these clothed with short silky, rather tawny hairs and beset as well as the petioles and rachis which bears the spikes, with stout, straight, fulvous, scattered prickles, the largest of them almost a quarter of an inch long. Leaves numerous. Pinnae and pinnulae rather distantly set, the latter one-half to three-fourths of an inch long, more or less silky especially beneath, as are the younger ones. Spikes 2-4 inches long, with longer stamens than the preceding species. Calyx and corolla (of 5 small erect petals) silky. We have seen no fruit of this or the foregoing species. 1. Poinciana pidcherrima, L. — DC. Hab. Realejo. 2. P. insignis, Kunth, Mim. t. 44. — De Cand. Prod. 2. p. 484. Hab. Acapulco. — These specimens entirely agree with the figure above quoted of Professor Kunth. The 420 MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT. ILeguminosm. general aspect of the plant is different from that of the preceding species ; the colour of the flowers is deeper and redder, the claws of the petals are shorter and the stamens also. 1. Htematoxylon Campecheanum ? L. — De Cand. Prod. 2.p. 485. Hab. Realejo. — A barren specimen of this, “ the Nicaragua wood," is in the Herbarium. It has quite the structure of foliage of Hamatoxylon, and in the Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, the “ Bois de Nicaragua” is referred to the Haematoxylon Campechiamm. But our specimen has many points of difference from the true H. Campecheanum. The branches are much stouter, the ultimate ones indeed cylindrical ; but, lower down, where the thickness is equal to that of the little finger, the branches become compressed and as it were deformed and more or less bluntly' angular. The outer bark is much darker coloured, covered with little raised points, so as to render the surface everywhere quite rough not only to the touch but to the eye. The leaves are larger, always even in the young branches growing in clusters. With these differences before us, we dare not venture to consider the tree as identical with the ” Logwood,” nor do we know whether in commerce the two woods be considered the same. 1. Cassia (§ ChamtEfistuia) bacillaris, L. Jil. — De Cand. Prod. 2. p. 490. Vogel, Cass, p, 14. n. 15.— Cathartocarpus Bacillus, Pers. — Bot. Reg. t. 881. Hab. Acapulco. 2. C. (§ Chamaefistula) bicapsularis, L. — Vogel, Cass. p. 18. n. 28. De Cand. Prod. 2. p. 494. Hab. Tepic. 3. C. (§ Chamaesenna) biflora, L. — Vogel, Cass. p. 29. n. 67. Sims, Bot, Mag. t. 810. Bot. Reg. t. 1310. — C. Acapulcensis, H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 6. p. S53? Hab. Realejo and Acapulco. 4. C. (§?) punctulata; pubescenti-glandulosa, ramis herbaceis elongatis, foliis remotis foliolis bijugis ovato-lanceolatis breviter petiolulatis mucronatis subtus fusco-punctatis, gland ula petiolari nulla, stipulis subulatis reflexis, corymbis paucifloris, calycibus hispidis. Hab. Tepic. — There is only one specimen of this plant, with imperfect flowers ; but its foliage is very peculiar. The petiole is about 2 inches long, bearing at the upper extremity two pairs of ovato-lanceolate acute and mucronated leaflets, each about three quarters of an inch long, marked with brown (resinous ?) dots on the underside : these leaves are very remote. The whole plant is clothed with a glandular pubescence. The flowers are moderately large, deep orange colour. 1. Bauhinia inermis, Pers. — De Cand. Prodr. 2. p. 514. — Pauletia inermis, Cav. Ic. t. 419. Hab. Acapulco. 2. B. Lunaria, Cav. Ic. 5. t. 407. De Cand. Prodr. 2.p. 512. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 288. Hab. Acapulco. OnagrarietB,'] MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT. 42 3. B. latifolia, Cav. Ic. t. 405. De Cand. Prodr. 2. p. 513. — foliorum lobis obtu- sioribus, Hab. /3. San Bias and Tepic. Ord. XV. COMBRETACE.®. Br. 1. Combretum farinosum; scandens, foliis oppositis obovato-oblongis obtusis utrinque prassertim subtus farinoso-lepidotis, spicis terminalibus (lateralibusque) geminis, floribus subsecundis octandris aurantiacis, fructibus oblongo-pyriformibus tetrapteris. H.B.K. Nov. Gen. 6. p. 110. De Cand. Prodr. Q.p. 19. Schlecht. in Linncea, b.p. 558. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 290. Hab. Realejo. This seems to have a wide range along the coast of the Pacific, from Acapulco to Realejo. — We think we are right in referring this plant to C. farinosum, but there are some points of difference which we observe in our specimens, which are in much finer condition in the present Mexican collection than in the previous one. It is a very splendid species ; the stems and branches long and very woody. Petiole three quarters of an inch long. Leaves opposite, broadly elliptical rather than obovate, moderately acute at each extremity, between membranaceous and coriaceous, quite entire, indistinctly squamuloso-farinose above, decidedly so beneath, though not very evident to the naked eye : seen under the magnifier the little scales or farina appear white and round. Racemes as frequently lateral as terminal, 4-6 inches and more long, the rachis firm and woody. Peduncle short. Flowers very numerous, crow'ded, deflexed and pointing to one side. Pedicel (or rather pedicelliform ovary) the third of an inch long, tetragonal, mealy ; free portion of the calyx cup-shaped, tapering at the base, mealy, 4-lobed, lobes acute. Petals 4, alternating with the lobes of the calyx, and situated at. the hairy mouth of the calyx, very minute, squamiform. Stamens 8, much protruded, four times as long as the calyx. Filaments deep crimson, arising from the mouth of the calyx. Anthers orange-colour, oval-oblong. Capsules about three quarters of an inch long, roundish-rhomboidal, with 4 broad, membranaceous wings : the surface is almost destitute of the mealiness which clothed the ovary. Schiede says the Combretum farinosum is called “ Peyna,” signifying a comb, by the Spaniards of Acto- pan, probably because of the closely placed one-sided flowers of the raceme. Ord. XVI. ONAGRARIE^. Juss. 1. Jussieua peploides; fruticulosa glabra, foliis spathulato-oblongis obtusis crassiusculis, floribus decandris, pedunculo nudo, laciniis calycinis lanceolatis acuminatis, capsulis linearibus. H.B.K. Nov. Gen. Am. 6. p. 97. De Cand. Prodr. 3. p. 53. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 291. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — Although we believe this to be'the J. peploides, H.B.K., we are yet of opinion that it is also the J. Swartziana, DC. and the J. repens, Linn. ; which latter, though considered by De Candolle to be exclusively a native of the East Indies and adjacent islands, yet w'e possess specimens from Chile which can in no way be distinguished from it. 2. J. hirta {Vahl.); frutescens erecta hirsuta, foliis brevissime petiolatis lanceolatis 422 MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT, \_Lijthrarieee. attenuatis subtus birds, pedicellis ovario brevioribus ebracteolatis, calycibus lobis4 ovatis acuds basi 5-7-nerviis, tubo obconico subcylindraceo-ovato 4-nervio, petalis obovads calyce longioribus. De Cand. Prodr. 3. p. 57. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 291. Hab. San Bias to Topic. — We possess the same plant from various parts of S, America, but are by no means certain of our correctness in referring it to the J. liirta of Vahl. The leaves vary much in different specimens, from ovato-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, the hairiness is chiefly confined to the upper part of the plant. The pods are about an inch and a half long, when ripe, destitute of the calyx-segments. 1. Semeiandra Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 291. Tab. LIX /3. subhirsuta. Hab. /3. Between San Bias and Topic. — Dr Sinclair’s specimens differ in no respect from those gathered during Captain Beechey’s former voyage, except in being more pubescent, especially in the younger parts of the plant, and upon the flowers, and in there being rather longish spreading hairs mixed with the down upon the calyx and pedicels. 1, Diplandra lopezioides. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 292. Tab. LX. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. 1. Lopezia hirsuta; caule elato sufFrutescente reflexo-piloso, ramis elongatis stricds gracilibus, folds opposids ovads seu ovato-lanceolatis petiolatis obscure serratis hirsuds, racemis terminalibus siiperne paniculads. Jacq. Coll. Bot. p. 5. t. 15. /, 4. De Cand. Prodr. 3. p. 62. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 291. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — A very graceful plant. The leaves gradually pass upwards among the branches into small bracteas. The hairs with which almost every part of the plant is clothed, except the pedicels and flowers, are rather long and seated upon a small bulb ; those of the stem and petioles and midrib beneath are more harsh and rigid than the rest, reflexed and very close pressed. Pedicels extremely slender, subtended by a minute bractea. — The figure of Jaequin above quoted is an excellent representation of a flowering, branch. Ord. XVII. LYTHRARIE^. Juss. 1. Heimea salicifolia. Link, et Otto, Abhil. Ber. 63. t. 28^ De Cand. Prodr. 3. /j. 89. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 288. — Nestea salicifolia, H.B.K. Nov. Gen. Am. 6. p. 192. Hab. San Bias and Tepic. 1. Cuphea Llavea, La Llave et Lexarc. Veg. Mex. 1. p. 20. De Cand. Prodr. 3. p. 85. Bent. PI. Hartweg. p. 7. n. 25. {et Herb. Hartw. n. 25). — C. barbigera, Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 289. — (3. foliis plurimis superioribus minoribus densis bracteiformibus. Hab. San Bias and Tepic. — We had considered this to be a new species: but Mr Bentham has referred specimens of the same plant in Hartweg’s Mexican collections (n, 25) to the C. Llavea, of La Llave and De Candolle, which latter author has thus characterized it: “ caulibus pluribus hispidulis, ramis ascendentibus, foliis subsessilibus ovato-lanceolatis strigosis, pedicellis interfoliaceis erectis, petalis 2 obovatis magnis, cseteris abortivis, stam. 1 1 .” — Our character will be seen (supra, p. 289.) — Our specimens in the present collection are a foot and a half to two feet long, extremely rough with the copious rigid hairs or bristles, with which every MelastomacecB.'] MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT. 423 part of the plant is clothed. The specimens gathered by Dr Sinclair are rather more glaucous than our former ones, and the large'calyx does not in general exhibit so deep a tinge of purple, though that circumstance is very variable. — Our var. /S. has some of the leaves of the stem three inches long, but the upper ones are much reduced in size, and so imbricated as to give the appearance of a dense bracteated spike to the flowers. 2. C.floj-ibunda^ Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 289. Hab. San Bias to Tepic. — Copious specimens of this fine species are in the present collection, exhibiting all the peculiarities we have mentioned in our specific character. It is a tall growing species. Leaves 2-3 inches long, exceedingly rough to the touch. The flowering branches often run out to a great length, (10 inches or a foot) and bear small, distant, but opposite, narrow-lanceolate, bracteiform leaves. 3. C. bracteata, Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 289. — an C. bracteata ? Lag. et De Cand. 2. p. 88. Hab. San Bias and Tepic, — The C. bracteata of Lagasca is a Mexican species, of which the brief descrip- tion given by De Candolle tolerably accords with our plant. The stems and branches are woody and the bark readily peels off in large flakes. The leaves are little more than half an inch long. Ord. XVIII. MELASTOMACE^. Juss. 1. Heterocentron Mexicanum, Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 290. Hab. San Bias to Tepic. — Better specimens than we formerly possessed of this plant, enable us to give, in the following words, its more obvious characters: — fruticosa, ramis tetragonis glabriusculis, foliis ovatis oblique penninerviis brevi-petiolatis integerrimis pubescenti-setosis, floribus in ramis pluribus brevibus corymbosis paniculam formantibus, calyce 4-fido tube ovato Isevi setis copiosis apice glandulosis tecto lobis lanceolato-acuminatis glabris, staminibus 8, 4 majoribus basi longissime bicornis, 4 basi paululum con- strictis appendiculis nullis, capsula glaberrima basi calyci adhserente, — This plant has a woody stem, in our present specimens a foot and more long, with opposite square branches. Leaves, the largest of them, scarcely an inch long, on very short petioles, ovate, acute, or rather obtuse, entire, obliquely and constantly penninerved, the nerves all springing from the midrib and directed upwards, above and at the margin spar- ingly setose with short hairs, beneath paler coloured and the hairs chiefly confined to the costa and nerves. The upper branches are short, and bear leafy corymbs of few, rather small-sized ^flowers ; the collected flower- ing branches thus forming a leafy corymbose panicle. Calyx 4-cleft, the tube ovate, slightly contracted at the mouth, even (not ribbed), clothed with spreading setae, which are terminated with a viscid gland ; lobes of the calyx lanceolate, acuminate, spreading, destitute of setae. Petals 4, obovato-rotund, ciliated. Stamens 8, 4 larger of which the anthers are linear-oblong, furnished at the base with 2 long horns or fleshy setae ; the 4 smaller ones are destitute of those horns, and are only slightly constricted at the base so as there to form a sort of tubercle. Ovary broadly ovate, quite glabrous, the lower half incorporated with the base of the tube of the calyx, the rest free; style filiform or slightly clavate. The whole plant has a blackish hue when dry. 1. Chsetogastra ? ferruginea; tota setis nitidis ferrugineis appressis tecta, ramis obtuse tetragonis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis petiolatis integerrimis 3-5-nerviis, panicula terminali foliosa subcorymbosa, calyce 5-fido, tubo ovato 5-costato, lobis subulato-lanceolatis deci- duis, staminibus 10, 4 majoribus omnibus antheris uniporosis basi tuberculo horizontali subelongato, ovario setoso basi calyci adhserente. 424. MEXICO.-SUPPLEMENT. [ Cucurbitacem. Hab. Realejo. — Stems stout and woody, almost terete, the branches obtusely 4-sided, clothed, as are the leaves, calyx and ovary, with erect, close-pressed, pale, rusty coloured shining setm, giving a silky appearance to the eye. Leaves 2 inches or 2| inches long, on rather short petioles, oblong-lanceolate, entire, acute, marked with from 3-5 strong, parallel nerves. Flowers corymbose on small terminal branches, which collec- tively form a corymbose panicle. Flowers crowded, and rather small. Calyx 5-cleft ; the tube ovate, marked with ten slightly elevated lines, and, as well as the lanceolato-subulate erect lobes, clothed with appressed, rigid hairs; the lobes are eventually deciduous. Petals 5, oblongo-obovate, ciliated. Stamens 10, 4 large and 4 small ; but the anthers all uniform, linear, opening by a single conspicuous pore at the extremity, and furnished at the base with a projecting horizontal tubercle. Ovary ovate, the lower half adherent with the base of the calyx, the upper half free, and covered wilh erect, close-pressed bristles ; style clavate, glabrous. The fruit is a capsule included within the truncated calyx. Ord. XIX. CUCURBITACE.®:. Juss. 1. Bryonia attenuata.; monoica, caule profunde striato* glabro, foliis late ovatis oblon- gisve integris vel profunde trilobis basi cuneatis utrinque scabris subtus pubescentibus sinubus obtnsis lobis cuneato-oblongis obtuse serratis serraturis mucronatis, floribus racemosis, pedicellis inferioribus subfasciculatis. — Anguria ? dubia, Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 292. Hab. Acapulco. — From the former Mexican collection we attempted to draw up a character of this plant with the aid of only very imperfect specimens. Those from Dr Sinclair have both flower and fruit. The male flowers are green and about as large as those of our Bryonia diocia. Filaments 3. Anthers combined and flexuose. The berries are rather larger than those of the common Bryony, filled with white mealy pulp, and flat seeds. 1. Moraordica ? quinquejida, Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 292. Hab. Acapulco. — The fruit here is more perfect than in our former specimens, and is ovoid. RYTIDOSTYLIS.f Nov. Gen. Gen. Char. Monoicus. Calyx longe tubulosus, coloratus (albus), constrictus, limbo 5-dentato, dentibus minutis demum recurvis. Petala 5, lanceolata, summo tubi calycis inserta et quasi cum eo coadunita. — Masc. Petala basi nuda. Columna staminea longitudine fere calycis tubi, rugosa, superne Isevis. Antherm (3?) lineari-elongatee, tortuosee, in massam brevi-cylindraceam coalitte. Ovarium nullum. — F(em. Petala basi tuberculis incrassata. Ovarium calycis basi adheerens, oblique ovale, hispido-echinatum ; Stylus elon- gato-cylindraceus, longitudine calycis tubi, capitatus, rugosus, superne Isevis. Stigma capitatum, Iteve. Fructus — ? — Herba Guatemalensis. Caulis gracilis, cirrhosus. Folia alterna, tenui-membranacea, cordata, angulato-dentata, brevi-petiolata, utrinque sub lente scabra. Flores masculi corymbosi ; corymbi paucijlori sublonge pedunculati. flaxes fceminei soUtarii, brevi-pedunculati, ad basin pedunculi masculini inserti. * This word is by mistake printed stricto in the specific character of the same plant, supra, p. 292, t From gur/5, iSt>s, wrinkle, and o$. Between San Bias and Tepic. — We possess specimens of what we consider the type of this species from Xalapa (the original station of Schiede) gathered by M. Galeotti. The present has less acuminated frequently 5-(as w'ell as 3-) nerved leaves, and shorter flowers. In other respects the two plants appear to be the same. The same species is in Andrieux PL Mexic. Exsicc, n. 342, from between Chaleo and Gonmacatapec. Ord. XXIV. RUBIACEiE. Juss. 1. Bouvardia linearis, H.B.K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 383. Hartweg, Plant. Mex. n. 106. Benth. PI. Hartweg. n. 106. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — This is probably a very^ general plant throughout Mexico, and we suspect a very sportive one. Kunth remarks that his B. angustifolia and B. hirtella are probably not different from it; and we are almost of opinion that through the medium of B. splendens, Graham in Bot. Mag. t. 3781, it may be traced even into B. Jacquinii, H.B.K. (the Ixora Americana, Jacq., Houstonia coccinea, Andr.) 2. B. scahra • fruticosa, ramis teretibus pubescenti-pilosis, foliis ternis brevissime petiolatis lato-ovatis acuminatis pubescenti-scabris penninerviis, stipulis e lata basi sub- ulato-setaceis, corymbis terminalibus trichotomis, dentibus calycinis longe subulatis scabris, corolla glaberrima. — B. obovata, Benth. Plant. Hartw. n. 99. an H. B. K. ? Hartw. Plant. Mex. n. 99. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic.— This is the same plant with n. 99. of Mr Hartweg’s Mexican collections, and. has been considered by Mr Bentham to be the B. obovata of H.B.K. — but that plant is described as having a glabrous, 4-sided, square stem, and “folia quaterna obovato-oblonga, acurainato-mucro- nata, basi angustata, reticulato-venosa, utrinque glabriuscula characters which do not tally with our plant. Our B, scahra, is remarkable for the harsh rigid pubescence which more or less abundantly clothes every part of the plant, and which is particularly copious on the young branches and foliage and on the calyces. Leaves 2-3 inches long. The stipules are formed by a broad membrane, uniting the bases of the petioles and bearing a strong subulate or rather setaceous tooth, and one or two lesser and filamentous ones, which are soon deciduous. Corymb many-flow'ered, terminal, trichotomously divided, at the setting on of the branches bearing 3 small linear-lanceolate leaves and similar stipules to those of the stem, but having less rigid teeth or setae. The calycine teeth are particularly long, subulate and flexuous ; the corolla an inch and a half long, scarlet (?), the tube slender, w’idening upwards, the limb of 4 broadly ovate spreading segments.* * In Mr Andrieux’s Mexican collections are three plants which seem to be referrible to this genus Bou- vardia, and which may be thus characterized. 1. Bouvardia Tolucana ; suffruticosa, ramis erectis trichotomis foliisque ternis lineari-lanceolatis sessilibus pubescenti-scabris, stipulis latis membranaceis subbisetigeris, corymbis terminalibus trichotomis, dentibus calycinis brevibus subulatis, corollse pubescentis limbi laciniis late ovatis brevibus suberectis. Hab. Toluca. Andrieux, PI. Mexic. exsicc. n. 832. Nom. vernac. Trompetillo. — The lower part of the stem is shrubby, the rest herbaceous. The leaves are scarcely an inch long, quite sessile. Flowers an inch in length. Corolla clothed with a rather harsh white down, the limb very short. 428 MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT. IRuhiacecB, 1. Hamelia patens^ Jacq. — Hook, et Arm. supra, p. 295, {var. glabra.) — j6 foliis subtus molliter pubescentibus. Hab. /3. Realejo. — Our former specimens were quite glabrous, the present are downy and even velvety on the underside of the leaves. 1. Spermacoce tenuior, Linn. — De Cand. Prod. 4. p. 552. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 295. (Tab. Nostr. XCIX. B.) Hab, San Bias and Tepic. — In this widely dispersed species of Spermacoce we think we have observed characters which will almost invalidate those of the Genus Bigelovia {Borreria. Meyer, not Acharius.) — The essential distinguishing mark of the Genus Bigelovia, is to have the “ Capsula matura ah apice septicide dehiscens dissepimento libero nullo.” (De Cand.) Such is really the case, generally speaking, with the fruit of the plant now before us, as showm by A. Richard, Rub. t. 14. fig. 2, S. and in our Tab. XCIX. B. fig. 3 and 4. Hence, as it appears to us, our plant would be a Bigelovia. Schlechtendal’s character of Bigelovia in the Linncea (3. p. 310.) is also quite characteristic of this kind of fruit : — “ Capsula cal^e coronata, bilocularis, bivalvis, septicide dehiscens, dissepimento, prseter inflexos valvularum margines, nullo ; loculis monospermis intus demum hiantibus.”— But in otlier fruits on the same specimen we find a different mode of dehiscence. Not unfrequently one* or both valves separate from the fiat inner superficies of the valves or 2. Bouvardia xylosteoides ; fruticosa, humilis ? foliis ternis late ovatis obtusis breviter petiolatis molliter pubescentibus subtus pubescenti-sericeis, stipulis late ovatis membranaceis pubescentibus bi-trisetigeris, floribus subcapitatis, capitulis 3-6-floris sessilibus, calycis tubo tomentoso, limbi laciniis elongatis spathulatis foliaceis, corolla tomentoso-sericea, limbi laciniis brevibus ovatis. Hab. On slightly elevated mountains about Mitlam( Province of Oaxaca. Andrieux, PI. Mexic. exsicc. n. 333. — A small, apparently humble shrub, with a good deal the general aspect of some of the North American species of Xylosteum. Leaves, including the petioles, three-fourths of an inch long, soft and downy, silky beneath. The teeth of the calyx are long, spathulate and leafy, i,The corolla clothed with dense, white, silky tomentum • the limb of 4 short broadly ovate, spreading segments. The heads of few flowers seem to be quite sessile. 3. Bouvardia? discolor; fruticosa, foliis oppositis ovatis acuminatis [breviter petiolatis supra hirsutis subtus albido-tomentosis in junioribus candidissimis, stipulis ovato-lanceolatis liberis (?) deciduis, corymbis densifloris capitatis pedunculatis terminalibus bracteatis, calycis lobis lanceolatis elongatis, corolla albido- tomentosa. Hab. Between Tehuantepec and Voca del Monte, Province of Oaxaca. Andrieux, PI. Mexic. exsicc. n. 334. — A doubtful species of Bouvardia. The stems are w’oody, tortuous; the older parts of the branches marked with the scars of fallen leaves and stipules ; younger branches very downy, almost w'oolly. Leaves opposite 2-3 inches long, penninerved, moderately hairy above, woolly and much paler coloured beneath, where in the young leaves it is pure white, Flow'ers densely crow'ded, so that the corymbs appear rather to be capitula ; the segments of the calyx elongated, almost leafy. The corollas about an inch long, canescent with white woolly down. * And then the character is that of Spermacoce, if w'e understand it rightly, “ Capsula calycis limbo ssepe obliterato coronata, bilocularis, coccis monospermis ab apice bipartibilibus, altero septo adnato clauso, altero septo rupto aperto.” Be Cand. — Or, according to Schlechtendal, “ Capsula calyce coronata, bilocularis, bivalvis, dissepimento parallelo ; loculi monospermi, alter septifrage dehiscens, alter dissepimento adnato clausus.” — Schkcht. in Linncea, 3. p. 355. RubiacecB.'] MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT. 429 carpels, shown at figs. 3 and 4, and then the dissepiment is clearly seen to be double (fig. 7.) and of quite a distinct substance (not herbaceous, but between membranous and coriaceous) from the valve : and these, singly or two together, may often be seen among the clusters of fruit, resembling white, oval chaffy scales. In other words, the dissepiments sometimes fall away with the respective cells or carpels and sometimes remain attached to the receptacle after these latter have separated. This receptacle is a small spongy conical body (fig. 4.) whose apex reaches to the point of attachment of the seed. The valves are almost hemispherical; one frequently bears three teeth of the calyx, and the other two. The cavity is entirely filled by the seed, which is nearly hemispherical, transversely wrinkled, anteriorly marked with a deep longitudinal furrow, and, near the base of that furrow, with a scar where the seed was attached to the dissepiment. Among the cap- sules are numerous setae. The habit of Bigelovia, it must be confessed, is completely that of Spermacoce, as is that of Diodia like- wise ; and we cannot but agree with Achille Richard in his observations on the Genus Spermacoce, Mem. sur la Famille des Rubiacees, p. 150. “ Un examen attentif d’un tres grand nombre d’ especes nous a convaincu de la nec'.ssite de reunir en un seul les trois genres, Spermacoce, Diodia et Borreria {Bigelovia) ; c’est toujours un raeme type d’ organisation, non seulement dans toutes les parties de la fleur, mais encore pour le fruit d’apres lequel on a fonde la distinction de ces trois genres. En effet que les deux coques restent par- faitement closes comme dans les Diodia, ou bien qu’elle^ offrent une fente longitudinale comme dans les Borreria, ou enfin que la cloison reste completernent adherente a Tune des coques, tandis qu’elle manque dans I’autre'coque comme dans les veritables especes de Spermacoce; nous ne voyous la, nous le repetons, qu’un meme type d’organisation, d’autant plus que tres-souvent ces caracteres ne sent pas si nettement dessines qu’il soit facile de rappOrter une espece a telle ou telle de ces trois modifications. Nous pensons done qu’au lieu d’en former des types de genres, dies peuvent simplement etre employees pour etablir des subdivisions ou sections dans le genre Spermacoce, qui est fort nombreux en especes.” Tab. XCIX. B. — Fig. 1, 2. Capsules ; fig. 3, 3. Valves or carpels separated from the receptacle {fig. 4.) ; fig. 5, 5. Valves separated from the dissepiments, which latter remain attached to the receptacle {fig. 6.) ; fig. 7. Back view of a seed ; (at fig. 5. The inner face of the seed is seen) : — magnified. 1. Mitvacax'^nm Schizangium ; diffusum suffruticosum, ramis subtetragonis pubescentt- bus, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis utrinque et margine scabris, stipulis pubescenti- bus membranaceis setis rigidis, floribus axillaribus verticillatis et terminalibus capitatis 4- pbyllis, filamentis inclusis, seminibus cruciatim 4-lobis, lobis emarginatis. (Tab. XCIX. Ac) De Cand. Prodr. 4. 572. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 295. — Schizangium durum. Bartl. in Herb. Hcenhe. [DC.) Hab. San Bias to Tepic. Caulis pedalis ad sesquidepalem, tereti-obscure tetragonus, glaber vel subpuberulus, basi suffruticosus, dif- fusus, ramosus, ramis brevibus. Folia opposita, (internodiis elongatis, praesertim in caule ubi 4-6 uncias longis) lanceolata, rigidiuscula, 2-3 uncias longa, 3-4.1ineaslata, utrinque acuminata, vix petiolata,subtrinervia, vel potius nervis paucis costa parallelis scabriuscula, ad marginem et ad nervos subtus scabra, pagina inferiore subpubes- centia. Stipules latse, membranacese, pubescentes, margine denticulatae et spinulis vel setis rigidis tribus appressis ferentes ; seta intermedia longiore validiore. Flores parvi numerosi, glomerato-verticillati, in axillis et in stipulis foliorum supremorum siti, vel terminales capitati, capitulo subtetrapbyllo, inter flores setoso ; setae numerosae. Flores brevissime pedicellati. Calycis tubus globosus, subdidymus, obscure costatus glaber, superne setoso-scaber, limbus 4-dentatus, dentibus subulatis, quorum duabus oppositis duplo longioribus latiori- busque, tubum4-plo superantibus, minoribus albidis, omnibus rigidis erectis,marginibus setoso-scabris,diaphanis. Corolla infundibuliformis, dentibus calycinis longior, extus pubescens, tubo gracili, limbo 4-lobo, lobis ovatis 430 MEXICO— SUPPLEMENT. {Tiuhiacea. patentibus. Stamina 4. AntliercB oblongss, vix exsertse. Stylus longe exsertus. Stigma bifidum, laciniis patentibus vel recurvis. Capsula membranacea, calycis dentibus erectis rigidis coronata, bilocularis, loculis raonospermis, matiira paullo infra medium circumseisse dehiscens “ scissurm planum utrinque a dissepiraento declive, sic ut pars decidua angulo fere recto appareat excisa.” (Schlecht.) Semen ovali-subquadratum, fere hemisphsericum, brunneum, cruciatim quadrilobum, lobis linea transversali emarginatis. This plant, as well as the other individuals of the genus, have so much the habit of Spermacoce, that, with- out a careful examination of the fruit, the distinction is not evident. But there a remarkable difference is observable, which has given rise to the generic name. The capsule is a pyxidium, separating into two por- tions, not indeed exactly transversely, but with an angle somewhat resembling that of a V inverted, and the upper half, shaped like a mitre, falls away, frequently carrying the seeds along with it, which are detached from the dissepiment that remains in the lower half {fig. 4, 5.) The seeds are extremely curious, and judg- ing from the figure in the Linneea, very different from those of M. Humboldtianum, one of the species on which the Genus was founded. — Stems and branches dark-coloured. Tab. XCIX. A. Mitracarpum Schizangium — Fig. 1. Flower; fig. 2. Fruit; fig. 3, 4. Capsule with the two portions separated ; fig. 5. Front (or inner) view of a seed ; fig. 6. Back view of ditto ; fig. 7. Side view of ditto : — magnified. 2. M.. pallidum ; herbaceum erectum, ramis elongatis flexuosis, foliis ovato-lanceolatis acutiusculis basi in petiolum attenuatis utrinque scabro-puberulis, stipulis birsutis spinoso- setigeris, floribus axillaribus verticillatis et terminalibus capitatis 4-pbyllis, fllamentis exsertis, seminibus — ? Hab. Realejo. — This, although very nearly allied to the preceding, is certainly a distinct species ; it is herbaceous, with an annual root. The stem is erect, and, as well as the elongated branehes, of a singularly pale colour, and glossy ; they are rounded, with 4 but little elevated lines, thus indistinctly quadrangular, very slightly downy. The leaves are broader, softer, and more decidedly petiolated, equally long in general, but the uppermost ones, those forming a sort of involuere beneath the terminal head of flowers, are shorter. The stems are one foot and a half to two feet long. The specimens have no fruit. 1. Crusea parviflora; elata berbacea, ramis elongatis gracilibus divaricatis, foliis ovato- lanceolatis tenuibus in petiolum attenuatis birsutulis, umbellis capitatis terminalibus tetrapbyllis, pedicellis calycis lobis basi sericeo-villosissimis, ovario didymo lobis disjunctis, calycis tubo supra ovarium maxime constricto. (Tab. XCIX. C.) Hab. Acapulco. Caulis herbaceus, erectus, tetragonus, gracilis, glaber, nitidus, bi-tripedalis et ultra, ramosus. Rami oppositi non raro subverticillati, divaricato-patentes, filiformes, internodiis elongatis. Folia opposita, brevis petiolata, 1-2 uncias longa, ovato-lanceolata, tenui-membranacea, acuta vel acuminata, basi cuneato-attenuata, glabra vel villosula, subtus pallidiora, penninervia, nervis oblique subparallelis. Stipidce latae, mem- branaceae, glabriusculse, setis inaequalibus appressis rigidis marginatae. Flores parvi, umbellato-capitati, capitulis hemisphaericis semiunciam latis, involucratis, involucre tetraphyllo, foliolis sessilibus ovato-lanceo- latis, 3-5-nerviis, duobus oppositis triple minoribus, majoribus unciam longis : intra flores setis vel paleis plurimis angustis villosis. Pedicelli pilis longis sericeis hirsutissimi. Calycis tubus glaber, ob formam ovarii inferne didymus, superne insigniter constrietus, dein in limbum 4-lobum profunde 4-partitum dilatatus. Lim- bus basi membranaceus, hirsutissimus, albus; laciniis elongatis, lineari-spathulatis, herbaceis, acutis, ciliatis. Valerianece.] MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT. 431 erecto-patulis. Corolla infundibuliformis, lacinias calycinas superans, extus pubescens ; tubus inferne gracilli- nius superne dilatatus : limbus 4-lobus, lobis ovatis erecto-patentibus. Stamina 4 : filamenta lobis corollas alterna, longe exserta: antheros subglobosse. Stylus gracilis, corolla fere duplo longior: Stigma parvum, biloburn. Fructus dicoccus, calycis limbo basi contracto (et pedicellum aemulante) coronatus : coccis globosis monospermis, punctatis, indehiscentibus, demum ab axi persistente piano fenestrato calycem persistentem retinente solutis. Semen subglobosum, nigrum, rugosum, intus sulco profundo longitudinali notatum. This is a tall growing plant, with slender glossy stems, spreading filiform branches, and thin membrana- ceous leaves. Flowers so small, and in so perfect an involucre as to look, at first sight, like those of some Composita ; this involucre, at the base, by the union of the base of the leaves through the medium of the stipules, is cup-shaped. The flowers themselves are extremely curious, white or yellowish. Each one is pedicellate : the pedicels very hairy, or rather silky, and mixed with very narrow silky paleee or membranous setae. The ovary, though of course adherent with the tube of the calyx, has its two rounded lobes so separated by the axis, or continuation of the pedicel, that these lobes have the appearance of two globose glands, placed one on each side of the pedicel below its apex ; for above the ovary the calyx-tube becomes suddenly contracted, so as to resemble a pedicel to the free portion or limb of the calyx ; this latter is large (in proportion to the size of the flower), deeply cut into five, erecto-patent, spathulate, but acute, herbaceous segments, slightly fringed at the margin, whilst the white and membranous base is clothed with long, spread- ing, silky hairs, like the pedicel. Coccules but little altered from the lobes of the ovary, rather larger, and darker coloured, punctate ; they are indehiscent, fall off and leave the axis or flattened upper portion of the pedicel, which is fenestrated (Jig. 3.), or perforated with an oblong fissure, within which, at the base, is the placenta or receptacle of the seeds. The pericarp is rather thin, but succulent, and adheres pretty closely to the seed which is black and wrinkled, its inner face marked with a deep oblong furrow. Tab. XCIX. C. Crusea parviflora. — Fig. 1,. Flower ; Jig. 2, Fruit, crowned with the persistent calyx ; ^g. 3, Calyx, after the coccules have fallen away, to show the perforated axis and the placenta or receptacle of the seeds ; Jig. 4. Back view, and Jig. 5. front view of a coccule ; ^g. 6. Seed : — magmjied. 2. Crusea siibalata^ robusta, caulibus elongatis diffusis ramisque acute tetragonis angulis inferne alatis, foliis ovatis 'ovato-lanceolatisve petiolatis rigidiusculis pubescenti-tomen- tosis, ovario bilobo, corollas laciniis concavis, stigmate clavato integro. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — Stems two feet and more long, spreading, acutely 4-angled, the angles winged below. Branches elongated, downy, stipules a broad short downy membrane with 2-4 rigid setse. Leaves an inch or an inch and a half long, of a harsh and firm texture compared with the preceding species, penninerved, the nerves few and nearly parallel with the midrib. Flowers pedicellate, but so dense as to form a very compact globose capitulum within the four-leaved involucre. Pedicels short, hairy. Ovary glabrous, globose, but scarcely 2-lobed. The contraction of the tube of the calyx above the ovary is verv slight. Calyx-limb much resembling that of the last species, but silky on the whole outer surface. Corolla with much longer and very concave, almost boat-shaped segments, velvety on the outside. Filaments very long and much inserted. Style shorter than the stamens. Stigma clavate or capitate, quite entire We find no description of this, or of the foregoing species, both of which undoubtedly belong to the Genus Crusea. Ord. XXV. VALERIANS^. Juss. 1. Astrephia Mexicana; glabra, foliis bi-tripinnatifidis laciniis lineari-subacuminatis, paniculae terminalis ramulis gracilibus dichotome corymbosis, ramis ultimis spicatis 432 MEXICO.-SUPPLEMENT. [ Cornpositcz. ^ ■f- floriferis, bracteis distichis, floribus fructibusque secundis, corolla basi subgibba, calycis limbo obseleto integro. — Valeriana ceratophylla, Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 296. not H.B.K. Hab. San Bias and Tepic. — Notwithstanding the great similarity between this plant and the Valeriana ceratophylla of H.B.K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. t. 276. (so great indeed, that we had in a former part of this work hastily considered it the same), it is in reality a totally dilferent thing, not even referrible to the Genus Valeriana at all. It is a true Astrephia, having no pappose calycine limb, but a very indistinct entire border, a mere slightly elevated rim. The flowers at first appear to be capitate at the extremity of the little ramuli of the corymbs : but as the fructification advances, these ramuli are elongated into slender spikes, with closely placed, almost imbricated, distichous, fringed, ovato-lanceolate bracteas, within which the ovary is situated. Corolla very narrow at the base, and there a little oblique, but scarcely gibbous. Stamens 2, almost entirely included. Style much inserted. Stigmas 3. Limb of the calyx obsolete, unaltered in fruit. Fruit glabrous, ovato-triquetrous, with tw'o elevated lines in front, indicating two abortive cells. The more advanced fruit is, however, only l-celled, very deciduous, leaving the rachis pectinated, as it were, with the closely-placed distichous scales or bracteas. Ord. XXVI. COMPOSITE. Trib. I. VERNONIACEiE. 1. Vernonia (§ Lepidaploa) lanceolaris; caule tereti striato pube feruginea parce velu- tino, foliis petiolatis lanceolatis basi subobtusis apice acuminatis serrulatis supra glabris, subtus petiolisque parce velutinis, paniculte ramis axillaribus ebracteatis ramosis velutinis, capitulis sessilibus ovatis 20-floris lateral ibus et terminalibus, involucri squamis omnibus mucronatis dorso subpuberis, corolla glabra, receptaculo alveolate, achenio puberulo, pappi serie exteriore brevi vix paleacea. De Cand. Prodr. 5. p. 37. Hab. Realejo. — De Candolle’s character of this plant is drawn up from a Mexican specimen in Haenke’s Herb., and consequently we believe that it is from the Pacific side of Mexico, and the character quite accords with our Realejo specimens. The stem and branches are decidedly woody and striated, upwards clothed with rusty down. Leaves 4-6 inches long, broadly lanceolate, penninerved and reticulated, of a harsh texture, wrinkled when dry. Petiole half an inch long. Panicle large, many-flowered, terminal, the branches leafy at the base ; the ultimate ones slightly recurved, bearing the capitula sessile on the upper side. Scales of the involucre green with a white border. I. Distreptus spicatus, Cass. — De Cand. Prodr. b.p. 87. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 296. — Elephantopus spicatus, Juss. Hab. Realejo. — Our specimens have larger capitula than usual, and from 4 to 6-8 collected in each bractea ; but it is a species liable to much variation, according to De Candolle. 1. Lagascea latifolia; fruticosa, foliis sessilibus amplexicaulibus oblongis acuminatis serratis integerrimisve supra scabris subtus molliter pilosis reticulatis, capitulis corymboso- paniculatis. De Cand. Prodr. 5. p. 92. Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 296 — Nocca latifolia, Lallave et Lex. Nov. Veg. Descr. 1. p. 31. Sweet, Br. FI. Gard. t. 215. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic.— Our specimens, only portions of the plant, are a foot to a foot and a half long, leaves 4-6 inches long, opposite, and, by means of the short semi-amplexicaul petioles, even Composita.'] MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT. 433 united, so that the stem may almost be said to be perfoliate. — Cultivated in our gardens, this fine plant, aeeording to Mr Sweet, attains a height of 10 or 12 feet. 2. L. angustifolia ; foliis brevi-petiolatis oblongo-Iinearibus integerrimis utrinque attenuatis villoso-scabris, capitulis villosissimis subfasciculatis. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 92. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — A very distinct and well marked species with lanceolate leaves, much attenuated at the base, and densely villous small capitula. SINCLAIRIA. nov. Gen. Capitulum multiflorum radiatum ; fl. radii ligulatis fcemineis, disci hermaphr. 5-fidis, lobis linearibus sequa- libus demum revolutis, apicibus hirsutulis. RecejJtacidum nudum. Involucrum campanulatum, squamis imbricatis appressis, interioribus brevibus ovatis. Antherce disci ecaudatm, filamentis Isevibus. Styli rami elongati fere subulati ; disci breviores lobos corollae vix superantes, subhispiduli obtusiusculi. Achenium . breve glabrum angulatum. Pappus fulvus biserialis, serie externa paleacea brevi ; intern, elongata setiformi scabra rigida fragili. — Frutex glaber (vel arbor) Mcxicanus. Rami fere ad apices lignosi. Folia opposita longe petiolata integerrima rliomboidea brevi-acuminata trinervia, supra viridia subtus albissima, nervis atrofuscis. Petioli graciles basi dilatati amplexantes. Panicula terrninalis thjrsoidea speciosa. Flores lutei. 1. Sinclairia discolor. Hab. Realejo. — We think this fine plant, which is very different from any thing we are acquainted with, may be placed among the Vernoniacece, near Hectoria and Andromachia. — The flowers are about an inch in diameter. Leaves 4 or 5 inches long, and almost as much broad ; beneath, quite white (but neither tomentose nor farinose), beautifully marked with the dark brown nerves. 1. Piqueria trinervis. Cav Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 296.* Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. 1. CaA&stmsi petiolata (n. sp. Sect. Ageratoides) ; foliis glaberrimis late ovatis obtusius- culis grosse obtuse serratis basi in petiolum longum attenuatis, corolla glaberrima, pappo cupulaeformi dentato dente unico corollte tubum fere sequante. Hab. Realejo — Caulis ascendens, basi lignosus. Folia 3-4 uncias longa : petioli bipollicares, Pedun- culus terrninalis, elongatus, gracilis. Capitula corymbosa, parva. 1. Phania? dissecta (n. sp.) ; caule gracili elongato repetitim dichotomo pubescente, foliis bi-tripinnatim-sectis, pinnis primariis remotis laciniis parvis ovato4anceolatis incisis, pedunculis monocephalis elongatis gracilibus terminalibus et ex dichotomiis ramorum, » In order to save room, as the present is the last fasciculus to which the work can extend, w'e are obliged to omit the notice of several interesting and some entirely new plants in this collection, but especially of such as were found in Mexico during the previous voyage of Captain Beechey. 3 I 434 MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT. [ Composite. capitulis raultifloris, involucri squaqiis striatis nitidis imbricatis exterioribus lanceolato- interioribus longioribus angustissimo-linearibus, corollae perangustoe lobis brevissimis obtusis, pappo aequali e setis tenuibus fuscis 12-14 corollae longitudinem aequante. Hab. Acapulco. — Whether of the genus Phania of De Candolle or not, it is doubtless a congener with our Phania ? urenifolia, supra, p. 297. The habit is quite the same, and the involucre and corolla : the leaves however and the pappus are extremely different. 1. Stevia (n. sp.) ; pubescenti-glandulosa superne praecipue, folds oppositis ellipticis seu ovato-ellipticis serratis trinerviis basi brevi-attenuatis sessilibus, capitulis glomeratis corymboso-paniculatis, pappi setis 3-4 asperis longitudine corollae. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — A tall growing shrubby plant with a good deal the appearance of Stevia trachelioides, DC. and Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3856: — but the pappus is extremely, different, having no paleae and only from 3 to 4 long scabrous setae. It has not enough of setae to range with De Candolle’s Div. Multiaristatce. 2. Hebeclinium Tepicanum (u. sp.) ; fructicosum, glabrum, folds raembranaceis ovato- lanceolatis acuminatis petiolatis pellucido-punctatis serratis, panicula terminad thyrsoidea, capitulis parvis subquinquefloris, involucri imbricati squamis ellipticis obtusis striatis, acheniis obovatis angulatis, pappi setis sub-20 corollae longitudine apicibus clavellatis plumosis. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — The general aspect of this plant is very similar to that of the well known H. macrophyllum, but the branches are woody to, .the very apices, as in Mr Bentham’s H. macro- cephalum. The leaves are nearly a span long, copiousl;|-;p^llucido-p,unctate, the involucres apd the size of the capitula are as in the former mentioned species.^^, ^ . ■■ ■ 1. Erigeron velutipes (n. sp.) ; annuunO^rvum pubescens, caule erecto superne pani- culato basi pids albis patentibus dense vestito, fodis acutis inferioribus spathulatis grosse inciso-serratis superioribus linearibus integerriniis, peduncuds elongatis- parce pilosis monocepbads, involucri hemisphaerici squamis linearibus scarioso-marginatis, dguds copiosis disco duplo longioribus. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic.' — This may be placed near E. scaposum, DC. n. 27, but the stem is always branched or panicled even in the smallest specimens, and the base of the stem and attenuated bases of the lower leaves are densely clothed with long white hairs. 1. Clirysopsis? scaftm (n. sp.) ; annua gracilis erecta superne paniculata, fodis inte- gerrimis acutissimis radicadbus spathulatis caudnisque oppositis lanceolatis summis linearibus subulatisve bracteiformibus, involucri squamis linearibus pubescenti-hirsutis, dguds sub-12 disco duplo longioribus, pappi simpdcis seriei setis 3-5 scabridis longitudine fere tubi basi dilatato-paleaceis. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — An annual, herbaceous plant, 1 foot to IJ foot high ; the leaves, except those of the panicle, are opposite (!) and the pappus certainly is not double ; so that though it has the Compositce.'] MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT. 435 habit of a Chrysopsis it will no doubt be found to belong to some other genus when more perfect specimens can be examined. 1. Wedelia (n.sp.); caule erecto suffruticoso, ramis elongatis striatis pubescenti- hirsutis, foliis brevissime petiolatis ovatis serratis longe angusteque acuminatis trinerviis supra undique subtus ad nervos strigoso-hispidis setis tuberculo albo impositis, pedunculis terminal ibus vel e dichotomiis ramorum folio longioribus monocephalis, involucri squamis ovato-ligulatis exterioribus subfoliaceis hirsutis interioribus subscariosis ciliatis, achenio glabro calyculo fimbriato dentibus 2 longioribus. Hab. Acapulco. — This does not accord with W. Acapulcencis of H.B.K., nor with any other described species. 2. W. cordata (n. sp.); piloso-scabra herbacea, foliis longe petiolatis cordatis (supe- rioribus ovato-cordatis) acuminatis membranaceis serratis trinerviis, pedunculis terminali- bus gracilibus tricephalis diphyllis, involucri squamis lanceolatis acutis pubescenti-hirtis, acheniis ? Hab. Realejo. — Apparently a tall growing herbaceous plant, scabrous to the touch, and, when the leaves are magnified, the hairs are seen to be short but situated on a small white tubercle as in the preceding species, from which in other respects it is totally different. The acbenia are too young to allow us to describe their form accurately. 3. W. populifolia (n. sp.) ; herbacea elata erecta pubescenti-scabra, foliis lato-cordatis longe petiolatjs serratis tenui-acuminatis trinerviis, paniculis foliosis, capitulis saepe subver- ticillatis, pedunculis pedicellisque pilosis, involucri squamis ovatis acutis striatis versus apicem praecipue hirsutis, acheniis . . . ? Hab. Realejo. — Here, also, the flowers are too young, to exhibit the exact structure of the achenium and pappus : but the species is very different from the preceding ones. The capitula are numerous and frequently subverticillate. 4. W. suhjlexuosa (n. sp.) ; herbacea, glabra, vel sub lente minute piloso-hispida, ramis elongatis subflexuosis, foliis ovatis acuminatis membranaceis serratis trinerviis basi in petiolum perbrevem attenuatis, paniculis terminalibus et e dichotomiis ramorum poly- cephalis subaphyllis, involucri squamis ovatis acutis striatis pubescenti-hirsutis, acheniis obovatis, pappo calyculato fimbriato dentibus subsequalibus. Hab. Realejo. — Readily known from the preceding ones by the different leaves, the long flexuose branches, and the closely imbricated rather small scales of the involucre. 1. Tithonia angustifolia (n. sp^) ; caule fruticoso incano, foliis plerisque oppositis lineari-oblongis obtusis coriaceis asperis obscure serratis trinerviis brevissime petiolatis subtus reticulatis albo-canescentibus, pedunculo terminali brevissimo monocephalo cylin- draceo, involucri squamis pluriserialibus lato-oblongis striatis obtusis incanis margine albo-ciliatis, acheniis interioribus biaristatis. — T. pachycephala. Hook, et Arn. svpra, p. 299. {non De Cand.) 436 MEXICO.-SUPPLEMENT." iCompositas. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — Better specimens in Dr Sinclair’s collection, than we before pos- sessed, have satisfied us that we were wrong in referring this to De Candolle’s Tithonia pachycephala. It is quite a different and a frutescent species. 2. T. tagetiflora. Desf. in Ann. Mus. 1. p. 46. t. 4. De Cand. Prodr. 5. p. 584. Hab. Acapulco and Realejo. 1. Bidens hipinnata. L. — De Cand. Prodr. 5. p. 603. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. 1. Lipochaeta umhellata. De Cand. Prodr. b. p. 610. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. 2. L. macrocephala (n. sp.) ; foliis rigidis subsessilibus ellipticis acutissimis serratis asperis trinerviis supra pilis brevibus basi bulbosis subtus elevatim reticulatis, pedunculis axillaribus terminalibusque solitariis monocephalis, involucri squamis magnis laxis exl. ovato-subrotundis interioribus ellipticis apice scariosis infra apicem constrictis, acheniis centralibus aristis 2 elongatis. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — A solitary specimen of this is in the collection. Leaves 3-4 inches long, harsh and rigid, with very short inconspicuous hairs. Capitula 5 or 6 times as large as in L. umhellata. Our Verbesina ? ceanothifolia, supra, p. 299, is undoubtedly a congener with this. \ 1. 'YageXes multiseta ; caule erecto alterne ramoso, foliis alternis bipinnatisectis lobis lineari-subulatis fere omnibus in setam elongatam productis, pedunculis solitariis longis nudis monocephalis, invol. oblongo 5-dentato, flosculis 15-20, ligulis 5 parvis retusis obcordatisve. De Cand. Prodr. 5. p. 645. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. 1. Porophyllum viridijlorwn. De Cand. Prodr. 5. p. 648. Kleinia viridiflora. H.B.K. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic, 1. Cacalia sessilifolia (n. sp. Sect. Eucacalia) ; glabra, caule herbaceo subsimplici ? foliis pi'ofunde cordatis angulato-dentatis marginatis reticulatis omnino sessilibus, corymbo laxo oligocephalo, pedicellis nudiusculis, capitulis multifloris, involucri campanulati squamis 10-12 ext. herbaceis int. marginibus scariosis. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — A fine handsome species, allied to C. cordifolia, but quite distinct in its entirely sessile leaves. 2. C. cirsiifolia (n. sp. Sect. Eucacalia); erecta, glabra, caule herbaceo superne suba- phyllo, foliis inferioribus lanceolatis pinnatifidis laciniis patentibus lineari-oblongis acutis l-dentatis in petiolum longum basi insigniter dilatatum attenuatis superioribus fere ad Apocine(B.\ MEXICO.-SUPPLEMENT. 437 petiolum dilatatum reductis, corytnbis amplis paniculatis, pedicellis bracteatis bracteis subulatis, capitulis multifloris, involucri campanulati squaniis sub 10 oblongis acutis striatis interioribus latioribus late scariosis. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — A tall handsome plant with copious rather large flowers, but smaller than in the preceding species. 1. Cirsium cernumn. Lag, — De Cand. Prodr. 6. p. 639. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — The heads of flowers in our dried specimens are erect : but in other respects the species quite agrees with the description of the plant to which we have referred it. ]. Trixis frutescens. Browne^ Jam. p. 33./. 1. De Cand. Prodr. t. 7. p. 68. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — Our Trixis latifolia (supra, p. 300) is the Acourtia formosa, Don, and De Cand. Prod. 7. p. 66. and is also in the present collection. The genus Adourtia, however, scarcely seems to differ from Trixis. Ord. XXVII. LOBELIACEiE. Juss. 1. Lobelia (H.B.K.) ; caule erecto ramoso, folii,s subsessilibus ovato-acumi- natis serrato-dentatis, pedicellis axillaribus nudis vel medio bibracteolatis folio subaequa- libus, tubo calycis hemisphaerico, lobis lanceolatis acutis tubum longitudine sequantibus, corolla intus pubescente 6° 8°ve brevioribus, antberis apice hirsutis, capsula semisupera. De Cand. Prodr. 7. p. 383. L. persicsefolia. Cav. Ic. 6. t. 518, non Lam. L. Cavanil- lesii. Roem. et Sch. 5. p. 43. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3600 {var. fob angustis). L. rigidula. H.B.K. (Jide De Cand.) Siphocampylus bicolor. Don. Brit. FI. Gard. t. 389. Hab. Realejo A very variable species, with the habit of Tupa or Siphocampylus, to which latter genus Don refers it without hesitation. In our present specimens the leaves are crowded, broadly lanceolate, acuminate, wrinkled, more or less downy, especially the upper ones. The flowers do not extend much be- yond the length of the leaves. Our L. lanceolata and angulato-dentata (supra, p. 301.) and L. ovalifolia (supra, p. 299), belong to the same group with the present, and may possibly be forms of the same species : but if so it is the most variable with which we are acquainted. Ord. XXVIII. ERICEAE. Juss. 1. Gaultheria odorata. H.B.K. — |S. Mexicana. De Cand. Prodr. I.p. 595. Hab. /3. Realejo. — The pedicels are scarcely so long as De Candolle describes them to be in this variety j but the plant is quite the same as Andrieux’s PI. Mex. n. 264, to which De Candolle refers. Ord. XXIX. APOCINE^. Br. i. Vinca rosea. L. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. No doubt an introduced plant. 438 MEXICO.—SUPPLEMENT. [ Gendanece. 1. Cerbera Thevetia. Jacq. Am. 48. t. 34. Bot. Mag. t. 2309. Hab. Acapulco. Ord. XXX. ASCLEPIADE^. Br. 1. Asclepias Curassavica. L. — var. foliis angustioribus. Hab. Realejo. 2. A. incarnata. L Bot. Beg. t. 250. Hab. Realejo. — The structure of the flowers in the solitary specimen agrees with A. incarnata, espeeially in the narrow exserted horns of the nectary, but the staminal crown is, in the dried specimen, deep yellow, and the leaves are larger (5 inches long by 2 broad) and upon longer petioles than in authentic specimens of A. incarnata. 3. A. longicornu (Benth. PI. Hartweg. p. 24) ; sufFruticosa, ramis adscendentibus pubescentibus, foliis petiolatis ovatis v. ovali-oblongis obtusis undulatis basi cuneatis crassiusculis utrinque pubescentibus, umbellis breviter pedunculatis interpetiolaribus Flores majusculi. Corolla reflexa, laciniis acutiusculis. Coronee foliola cornuformia, angusta, gynostemio plus duplo longiora, supra medium divergentia, apice latiora, aperta, processu acuto foliolum parum superante. Benth. Hab. Realejo. — A very fine and distinct species. The root is woody and tuberous. Drummond’s .45- clepias from Texas (2c? Coll. n. 219), is, if not the same, a nearly allied species. 1. Sarcostemma bilobum (n. sp.) ; glabrum, caule herbaceo scandente, foliis longe petiolatis cordato-ovatis tenuissime acuminatis basi profunde bilobis sinu angusto lobis rotundatis, umbellae multiflorae pedunculo foliis longiore, pedicellis elongatis. Hab. Acapulco. — An undoubted Sarcostemma, with leaves to 2 inches long, having so deep a fissure or narrow sinus at the base as to extend one-third the length of the leaf. Segments of the corolla at length reflexed. Outer corona, a fleshy, elevated, entire ring ; inner of 5 fleshy, ovato-triangular, very conspicuous leaflets. Ord. XXXI. GENTIANE^. Juss. 1. Erythrsea macrantha (n. sp.) ; caule dilFuso acute tetragono ramoso angulis suba- latis, ramis alternis, foliis linearibus acutis trinerviis floribus terminalibus solitariis, calyce pentagono ultra | fisso, laciniis subulatis tubum corollse eequantibus, corollae tenui-mem- branacese subpellucid^ laciniis ovato-lanceolatis patentibus, capitulo tubum duplo tri- plove superante, antheris spiraliter tortis, stigmate ? — (3. major; foliis anguste linearibus uninerviis. — Erythrsea Mexicana (?) Hooh. et Arn. snpray p. 302. (the var. from Tepic.) Hydroleacem,'] MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT. 439 Hab. /3. Between San Bias and Tepic.— Well preserved specimens of this plant have satisfied us that we have confounded two very distinct species of ErytJirma at our p. 302 above quoted. The Talisco plant is, we believe, E. Texensis, Grisebach, Gent. p. 139. {E. Mexicana— Griseh. mst. in Herb. Hook.) in an old state. The other is a broad leaved state of our E. macrantha. Dr Sinclair’s perfect specimens have the fiowers so large that we did not hesitate, at first, in considering them as belonging to a large flowered species of Ghironia, particularly near some of the slender varieties of C. linoides : and the generic differ- ences between the two, it must be acknowledged, are very slight. In our plant there is no perceptible connec- tivum between the cells of the anthers, which is the main character of Grisebach’s Erythraacecs : — and the tube of the corolla is as short in our present species as in any Ghironia. 1. Halenia multifiora (Benth. PI. Hartweg. p. 24.); caule erecto folioso angulis suba- latis, foliis trinerviis ellipticis lanceolatisve obtusissimis obovatis in petiolum angustatis, cymis umbellteformibus, sepalis lanceolatis acutis, calcaribus crassis corolla quadrifida quadruple brevioribus. Benth. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — This has the shortest spurs to the corolla of any species we are acquainted with. Ord. XXXII. BIGNONIACE^. Jim. 1. Bignonia? obovata (n. sp.)| fruticosa v. arborea, foliis oppositis simplicibus obo- vatis brevissime petiolatis membranaceis integerrimis basi acutis apice brevi-acuminatis parallelim nervosis supra glabris subtus pallidioribus reticulatis ad nervos pubescenti- hirsutis, racemo terminali paucifloro, pedicellis brevibus, calyce oblongo-tubuloso e foliolis quinque exterioribus sensim minoribus 2 int. unitis apice bilobo, corolla tubo calyce ter longiore sursum dilatato limbo 5-lobo lobis amplis rotundatis patentibus. Hab, Realejo. — I can find no description of this fine species, which may perhaps be referred to Spa- thodea. The leaves are 4-6 inches long, membranaceous, penninerved, the nerves obliquely transverse, numerous, parallel. The flowers 2-3 inches long : corolla apparently yellow. There is no specimen of fruit : but Dr Sinclair has put up with the specimens the dissepiment of a capsule which is 5 J inches long, oblongo-elliptical, chartaceous, much thickened at the margins on both sides : seeds numerous, obcordate, with an exceedingly broad, delicate, membranaceous wdng, marked with radiating nerves. 1. Amphilophium Mutisii. H.B.K. Nov. Gen. Arn. 3, t, 219. Spreng,' Syst. Veget. 2. p. 836. Hab, Realejo. — The specimens entirely agree with Humboldt and Kunth’s figure. Ord. XXXIII. HYDROLEACE^. Br. 1. Wigandia scorpioides (Choisy in Mem. Soc. Phys. Gen. 6. p. 117) ; elata, herbacea, pubescens, foliis ovatis (inferioribus cordatis ?) ellipticisve acutis dentatis subtus albo- 440 MEXICO.-SUPPLEMENT. \^Polemoniace(B. tomentosis, spicis paniculatis longissirais revolutis, pedunculis calycibusque dense tomen- toso-hirsutis.— Gen. Syst. Bot. and Gard. v. 4. 251. Wigandia scorpioides seems to have been only described by Choisy from an unpublished drawing of Sesse and Mocino, but there can be no question of this being the same plant. Our specimens are 2 feet long, and yet do not exhibit the lower leaves. The stem is thicker than a goose quill, obtusely angular, downy, not in the least hairy. Leaves on our specimens alternate, 3-5 inches long, nearly elliptical, on a rather short petiole, acute, irregularly toothed, of a thickish texture, above minutely reticulated with veins, wrinkled and slightly downy, beneath thickly clothed with white tomentum. The upper branches form a large paniele of secund large spikes, 4-6 inches long, revolute at their apices. * Calyx large, cut to the middle in 5 rather long, subulate (in the dry state curved) segments, covered with dense hairy tomentum. Corolla half an inch or more across ; in its structure, and that of the stamens and pistil, exhibiting the same appearances as W. urens. Branches of the styles, after the falling away of the corolla, much protruded beyond the segments of the calyx. We may here observe that Choisy has described the Mexican Wigandia urens of Kunth and us (supra, p. 303), as a distinct species, with the following name and character : W. Kunthii; hispidissima, foliis ovato-cordatis duplicato-crenatis utrinque pilosis obtusis, paniculis ter- minalibus ramosis, sepalis lineari-lanceolatis acutiusculis canescenti-tomentosis, capsulis pilis longis vestitis. Choisy, in Mem. Phys. Gen. Q. p. 116. The original Wigandia urens is a native of Peru, whence we possess fine specimens from Mr Cuming, Mr Mathews, and Mr M‘Lean. Ord. XXXIV. CONVOLVULACE^. Jass. 1. Quamoclit Choisy. — Ipomaea Quamoclit. L. — Bot. Mag. p. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. 1. Convolvulus (Pharbitis, Chois.) Nil. — Convolvulus Nil. L. — Ipomaea cserulea. Ker, Bot. Reg. t. 276. Hab. Realejo. — This plant varies much in the foliage, the leaves being sometimes entire, sometimes 5-, and in our specimens, more generally 3-lobed. There are several other Convolvulaceae in this collection, but they are too diflScult to be determined with our present materials, nor have we space for the descriptions. Ord. XXXV. POLEMONIACEiE. Juss. 1. Hoitzia ccerulea. Cav. Ic. A. p. 44. t. 366. Cantua caerulea. Lam. Hab. Mexico. Bates et Grisebach, in Herb, nostr. — This species is well distinguished by the narrow, harsh, rigid, nearly solitary flowers at the apices of the short branches, the obovate, diaphanous, white brae- teas, with deep purple, reticulated veins. I am not aware that this is found on the Pacific side of S. America. Our specimens from Mr Bates and Dr Grisebach are we believe from near the city of Mexico. PolemoniacecB.I MEXICO— SUPPLEMENT. 441 2. H. glandulosa. Cav. — Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 303. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — Here the bracteas are linear-lanceolate, mucronate, close pressed, 1- iierved, opaque, glanduloso-pubescent on the back ; and the usually solitary (rarely didymous) flowers are arranged alternately, but pretty close on the short branches so as to form a spike. It is an erect growing species. 3. H. data (n. sp.) ; caule ramisque glanduloso-pilosis, foliis lato-lanceolatis acutis ffiqualiter mucronato-serratis glabris utrinque scabris, floribus glomeratis in ramulis brevibus, bracteis lineari-lanceolatis mucronatis subintegerriniis opacis uninerviis glandu- loso-pilosis. Hab. Near the city of Mexico. Bates, in Herb, nostr. — Allied to the preceding, but apparently a much taller plant (our specimen, only the portion of a plant, is foot long), and the flowers are constantly glomerated at the apices of short branches which are about i an inch long. 4. H. Cervanfesii. H.B.K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 164. Hab. Realejo. — At p. 303 of this work w'e had expressed a doubt if H Cervantesii was really distinct from H. glandulosa. If the present plant be the real H. Cervantesii, it is undoubtedly distinct. It is a pro- cumbent, small, straggling, somewhat dichotomous species ; the younger branches only clothed with short, glandular down ; flowers glomerated, terminal, but more generally sessile in the axil of the cauline leaves. Bracteas opaque, slightly down}', scarcely glandular, lanceolate, but rather broader upward, mucronate and mucronato-serrate, 1-nerved, obscurely reticulated. The leaves are ovate, broader than Humboldt describes them to be. 5. H. lupulina (n. sp.); data glaberrima, foliis (nunc oppositis) ovatis breve petiolatis duplicato-cartilagineo-serratis aristatis scabriusculis, ramulis gracilibus simplicibus v. divisis, bracteatis bracteis profunde cordatis nitidis viridibus reticulatis longe ciliato-den- tatis inferioribus reraotis suprerais dense imbricatis involucriformibus floriferis. Hab. Realejo and Acapulco. — A most distinct and well marked species to 2 feet high, glabrous in every part. The bracteas, f of an inch long and as much broad, are extremely beautiful, and extend for the whole length of the smaller branches, the upper imbricated ones only being floriferous, 6. H. amplectens (n. sp.) ; glaberrima, ramis elongatis superne scabriusculis, foliis oppo- sitis sessilibus ovato-acuminatis membranaceis reticulatis duplicato-mucronato-serratis scabriusculis superne, in bracteas alternas rigidas nitidas ciliato-dentatas virides reti- culatas profundissime cordatas amplexantes supremas imbricatas floriferas transeuntibus, calycibus longe aristatis. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — Of this very remarkable plant our specimens are from 6 inches to a foot in length. Leaves 2 inches long, in remote, constantly opposite pairs ; within from 4 to 6 inches of the apex of the branch they suddenly become bright green, cordiform, alternate bractem, an inch long, the upper crowded and broader, all of them with so deep and narrow a sinus at the base, that the two lobes embrace the stem which thus appears perfoliate. 3 K 442 MEXICO.— SUPPLEMENT. [^Labiatm. Ord. XXXVI. BORAGINE^. Juss. 1. Cordia (Gerascanthus) tomentom. Cham, in Linnoea, v. 4. p. 472. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — This exactly agrees with authentic specimens of C. tomentosa from tropical Brazil in our Herbarium. The species is at once distinguished from G. Gerascanthus, nobis (supra, p. 304,) which vre believe to be the true plant of Jacquin, by the larger, more acute leaves, less tapering^ at the base, clothed beneath with stellated pubescence, by the smaller' flowers and shorter calyx, in proportion to its size. 2. C. (Varronia) multispicata. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, 4. p. 490. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — This differs in no respect from our authentic specimen from the Berlin Herbarium, except in the leaves being of a thinner and more membranaceous character. Ord. XXXVII. ACANTHACEiE. Juss. 1. Aphelandra cmtote. Br. in Bot. Mag. p. 1578 Justicia cristata. Jacq. Hab. Acapulco. Ord. XXXVIII. VERBENACEtE. Juss. 1. Lippia asperifolia. Rich. — Hook. Bot. Miscell. v. 2. p. 236. Hab. Realejo. 2. L. geminata. H.B.K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 266. Hab. Realejo. — This seems to agree with the L. geminata, H.B.K. except that the leaves are more generally obtuse than acute. — It is also nearly allied to L. microphylla, Cham, et Schlecht.: -but there the leaves are smaller, more harsh and wrinkled, and the scales of the capitula are acuminated. Ord. XXXIX. LABIATE. Juss. 1. Hyptis (Polydesmia) rhytidea (Benth. PI. Hartweg. p. 21.); fruticosa, ramis glan- duloso-pubescentibus, foliis breviter petiolatis oblongo-Ianceolatis serratis rigidis supra scaberrimis subtus puberulis, floralibus parvis subovatis acutissimis, capitulis paucifloris densis subsessilibus, in racemum terminalem interruptum subramosutn dispositis, bracteis paucis oblongo-linearibus subulatisve calyce plerumque brevioribus, calycibus pubescen- tibus subviscosis, fructiferis acutis obliquis rigidis, dentibus lanceolato-subulatis sub- spinescentibus, corolla calyce parum longiore leviter pubescente. Benth. Coniferm.l MEXICO— SUPPLEMENT. 443 Hab, Between San Bias and Tepic.— This is the same plant with Hartweg’s n. 170 from Bolanos, and of which Mr Bentham says, “ Species distinctissima, habitu quodammodo H. rubicundam refert, inter Poly^ desmia et Minthidio media.” Ord. XL. LENTIBULARIE^. Rich. 1. Pinguicula lilacina (Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnsea, v. 5. p. 94.) ; foliis rotundato- ovatis obtusis siccitate hyalino-membranaceis utrinque nigro-punctulatis supra pilosius- culis, pedunculis puberulis, calcare cylindrico obtuso, corollse totius quartam partem Eequante. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. — Flowers lilac-colour. Leaves very large, broad, and peculiarly thin and semi-transparent. Ord. XLL NYCTAGINE.®. Juss. 1. Mirabilis Jalapa. L. Hab. Realejo. Ord. XLII. EUPHORBIACE^E. Juss. 1. Jatropha urens. L. Hab. Realejo. 1. Dalechampia hibiscoides ; foliis tripartitis argute denticulatis utrinque hirto-pubes- centibus, stipulis basilaribus bipartitis, bracteis involucrantibus trifidis hirto-puberulis glanduloso-ciliatis. H.B.K. Gen. Am. 2. p. 102. Hab. Realejo. Ord. XLIII. PIPERACEiE. Kth. 1. Piper ellipticum (n. sp.) ; caule fruticoso tereti tuberculato maculato, foliis glabei-- ' rimis submembranaceis oblongo-ellipticis integerrimis nervosis obtusissimis basi valde inaequali utrinque rotundatis subtus reticulatis, petiolo brevi canaliculate tuberculato basi amplexante, spadice longitudine foliorum. Hab. Realejo Leaves 4-5 inches long. Stem almost black, with small light brown spots. Ord. XLIV. CONIFER^E. Juss. 1. Pinus radiata. Don. — Hook, et Arn. supra, p. 392. Hab. San Juan mountain, near Tepic. — The cone of this was noticed by us at p. 392 ; and if we are eor- 444 MEXICO— SUPPLEMENT. [PistiacecE. rect in referring the species to Mr Don’s P. radiata, the leaves are constantly quinate, a foot long, slender, slightly scabrous at the margin : the sheaths 2 inches long, brown. The leaves were unknown to Mr Don. P. patula of Cham, and Schlecht. has the leaves only ternate or sometimes quaternate. Good specimens, foliage and fruit of Mexican Pines are much to be desired. Ord. XLV. CUPULIFER^. Rich. 1. Quercus aristata (n. sp.) foliis coriaceis brevissime petiolatis oblongis obtusis inte- gerrimis apice aristato-cuspidatis basi cordatis glabris subtus juxta nervum pubescentibus, junioribus ramulisque pubescenti-tomentosis. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic We regret there are no glands of this oak, of which we can find no description, nor any fertile flowers. The leaves are 4-5 inches long, terminated by a very evident but brittle awn, 2 or 3 lines in length, generally broken on the older leaves. Ord. XLVI. PISTIACEiE. Rich. 1. P. Stratiotes. L. Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic. INDEX. Abies religiosa, Sch. et Ch. Abies religiosa, Ch. et Sch. Abildgaardia Eragrostis, N. ab E. monostachya, var. Indica, Vahl, Rottbcelliana a. N. ab E. Abronia arenaria, Menz. mellifera, Dougl. umbellata, Lam. Abrus precatorius, L. Abutilon albidum, H. et A. Abutilon crispum, G. Don, . \ Acacia Acapulcensis, Kuntli. Cdi'iemA, H. et A. filicina ? Willd. frondosa, Willd. • v • grandiflora, Willd. heterophylla, EC. laurifolia, Willd. revoluta, Kunth. Acalypha Chinensis, Roxb. Chinensis, Roxb. Jlexuosa, Herb, hispida, Willd. . '. Indica, L. . rhombifolia ? Schlecht. in Linncea. spicijlora, Burm. Acer macropbyllum, Ph. trifidum, Thunb. . . . 174 Achillea millefolium, L. . . . 150 PAGE Achras Sapota, L. 196 Achyrachaena mollis, Schauer. 359 Achyranthes aspera, L. . 207 aspera ? Z. 68 prostrata, Lam. 68 triandra, H. et A. 207 velutina, H. et A. 68 Acaena argentea, E C. 22 pinnatifida, Ruiz et Pav. 339 trifida, EC. . 22 Kcominxa delphinifolium,a, Americanum, DC. 121 Napellus, var. delphinifolium. Hook. . 121 Acourtia microcephala, E C. 366 Acrostichum aureum, Sw. 73 Calomelanos, L. 73 splendens, Willd. 103 Actaea aspera. Lour. 166 cimicifuga, Z. . 112 li. simplex, DC. 112 Actinolepis multicaulis, EC. 353 Adenopeltis Colliguaja, Bert. 59 Adenophorus bipinnatus, Gaud. 105 hymenophylloides. Hook, et Grev. 105 minutus. Gaud. 105 pinnatifidus. Gaud. 104 Tamarisci? Hook, et Grev. 105 Adenostegia Jilifolia, Benth. 380 rigida, Benth. 380 Adenostemma viscosum, Forst. 195 PAGE 160 392 224 272 272 384 384 157 181 278 412 288 21 288 182 419 81 81 288 213 213 213 213 213 310 212 327 446 INDEX. Adenostoma fasciculata, Hook, et Arn, (Tab. PAGE Douglasii, Hook. PAGE 399 XXX.) 338 falcifolium, H. et A. . 400 Adesraia glutinosa, H. et A. 19 Sclicenoprasum, /3. L. . 118 arhorea, Bert. 55 Sibiricum, Z. . 118, 130 microphylla, H. et A. (Tab. IX.) . 19, 55 stellatum, Fras. 399 papposa, DC. . 18 victorialis, L. . 118 Adhadota vasica, N. ab E. 206 AHocarpus scabrifolius, H. et A. . 300 Adiantum amoenum, Wall. 257 Alnus incana, Willd. 129, 117 caudatum, L. . 257 serrulata, Z. . 160 Chilense, Kaulf. 53 Alomia ageratoides, H.B.K. 66 cuneatura, Langsd. et Fisch. . 53 Alonsoa inciscefolia, R. et P. 40 pubescens, Willd. 75 Alopecurus alpinus, Engl. Bot. . 131 scabrum, Kaulf. 53 monspeliensis, L. 150 pulverulentum, L. 75 pratensis, Z. . 51 Adina globiflora, Sal. 191 Alpinia Allughes, Roscoe 272 Aegiceras fragrans, Keen. 197 Alsophila extensa, Desv. . 76 majus, Gsertn. 197 Alstroemeria Salsilla, Z. 48 minus, Gaertii. 179 Alternanthera sessiliflora, R. Br. 207 JEgochloa cotulosfolia, Benth. 368 Alyxia scandens, R. et S. 66 pubescens, Benth. 368 sulcata, H. et A. 90 pungens, Benth. 368 Amaranthus hybridus, Z. 157 iEschynomene hirsuta, DC. 287, 418 oleraceus, Z. . 207 jEscuIus Californica, Nutt. 327 viridis, Z. . . 58, 68, 94 Agarista calliopsidea, DC. 352 Amaryllis Chilensis, Spr. 47 Ageratum ccelestinum, Bot. Mag. 296 Ambrosia artemisisefolia, Z. 148 conyzoides, Spr. 30 absinthiifolia, Mich. 148 Aglaia odorata. Lour. (Tab. XXXIV.) 174 Amellus villosa, Pursh. . 147 Agrostis panicea, Willd. 50 Amirola glandulosa, H. et A. 12 stolonifera, Sm. ? 161 Ammannia catholica, var. Schlecht. 289 virginica, L. . 101 sanguinolenta, Sw. 289 Ailaiithus gracilis, Salisb. 176 Ammi visnaga, Lam. 56 Aira caryophyllea, Z.? . 50 Amorpha Californica, Nutt. 333 subspicata, L. . 119 Amphilophium Mutisii, H.B.K. . 439 Aizoon Canariense, Andr. 83 Amsinckia vernicosa, H. et A. 370 Canariense, Andr. 84 spectabilis, Fisch. et Mey. 370 Ajuga disticha, Roxb. 204 Amyris polygama, Cav. . 55 Alarconia? angustifolia, iJC. 352 Anagallis arvensis, Z. 156, 383 helenoides, DC. 352 caerulea, L. . 42, 268 Alaria esculenta, Grev. . 407 Andromeda polifolia, Z. . 127 Alcina perfoliata, Cav. . 299 tetragona, L. . 127 Aleurites triloba, L. 69 Andropogon acicularis, Willd. . 238 triloba, Spr. 95 acicularis, Retz. . 72, 102 Algue Laguen, Feuill. 41 aculeatus, Roxb. 238 Alisma virgata, H. et A. . 311 Allionii, Willd. . 73, 102 Andrieuxii, H. et A. . 311 barbatus, L. . 250 Allium acuminatum. Hook. 399 Bladhii, Retz. . 243 angustum, G. Don? 272 caesius, N. ab E. 244 INDEX. 447 PAGE page crinitum, Thunb. 273 Antrophyum plantagineum, Kaulf. 74 hamatulus, N. ab E. . 244 plantagineum, Blume. 74 hirtus, L. . 73 Lessoni, Bory, 74 monandrus, Roxb. 238 Apaturia Chinensis, Lindl. 217 montanus, Roxb. ? . 243 Aphelandra cristata, Br. . 442 punctatus, Roxb. 242 Apium graveolens, Z. 142 scandens, Roxb. 243 Petroselinurn, L. 26 Tahitensis, H. et A. . 72 Aplopappus ericoides, H. et A. . 146 tristachyus, Roxb. 241 linearifolius, DC. 351 trispicatus, Sch. ' . 241 florifer, ZT. et A. 351 Vachellii, N. ab E. . 243 squarrosus, H. et A. . 146, , 350 P>. perfectior. .... 243 Apluda geniculata, Roxb. 246 Androsace chamEejasme, Wulf. . 129 humilis, Kunth. 246 septentrionalis, L. . 129 Apocynurh alternijiorum. Lour. . 200 Aneilema floribunda, H. et A., 311 reticulatum, Lour. 197 Anemone alpina, L. , . . 120 Aporetica pinnata, Forst. 61 ccerulea, DC. . 111 Aquilegiacasrulea, Torr. e. lanuginosa, . 125 horridum, Kaulf. 106 matricarioides, Less. . 359 lucidum? Forst. 106 pachystachya, DC. . 359 Nidus, L. . . . 74, 256, 312 Tilesii, Ledeb. . 126 ohliquum, Labill. 74 vulgaris, Thunb. 265 obliquum, Sw. . 106 vulgaris, . 359 , obtusatum, Forst. 74 Arum Coloeasia, i. ? . 220 patens, Kaulf. 106 ,274 Arundina Chinensis, Blum. 217 > Poiretianum, Gaud. 107 Arundinella glabra, H. et A. 237 resectum. Smith. 106 nervosa, N. ah E. 237 subalatum, H. et A. (Tab. LXXI.) 312 Arundo Henslowiana, H. et A. . 248 tenerum, Forst. 74 nitida, H.B.K. 312 Astelia Menziesiana, Srn. 97 Quila, Mol. 51 Aster n. sp. 195 Asclepias curassavica, L. 66, 200, 438 Californicus, Lessing. . 140 glaucescens, H.B.K. . 302 . ? filaginifolius, H. et A. 146 incarnata, L. . 438 salsuginosus. Kick. 127, 350 longicoriiu, Benth. 438 spectabilis, Ait ? ^ . 146 Mexicana, Cav. ? 363 subulatus, Mich. 87 vestita, H. et A. 363 tomentellus, H. et A. . . 146 Asparagus terminalis, L. 97 Asterisciura Chilense, Hook. 26 Aspidium apiifolium ? Schkubr. . 105 Astragalus alpinus, L. 122 argutum, Kaulf. 406 argophyllus, Nutt. 334 biserratum, Sw. — P>. subhirsutum. 236 didymocarpus, H. et A. (Tab. LXXXI.) 334 cyatJieoides? Kaulf. 103 ervoides, H. et A. 417 exaltatum, Sw. 74, 274, 312 glareosus. Dough 334 falcatum, Sw. . 274 goniatus, Nutt, 334 fragile, Sw. 119 Hypoglottis, L. 334 fragrans, Willd. 132 leucophyllus, Torr. et Gr. 333 molle, Sw. ? . 74 procumbens, H. et A. . 18 molle, Sw. — P>. 256 prostratus, H. et A. . 18 munitum, Kaulf. 1 62, 403 Astrephia Mexicana, H. et A. 431 patens, L. . . • 403 Astrogyne, Benth. 389 patens, Sw. . 74 Atenia Gairdneri, H. et A. 349 INDEX. 449 PAGE PAGE Atriplex arenaria, Nutt. . 157 nana, Roxb. 254 angustifolia, Srn. 157 Bannisteria paniculata, FI. Mex. 281 littoralis, L. . 129 splendens, DC. 412 Aubletia ramosissima, Lour, 177 tomentosa, Schlecht. 281 Audibertia grandiflora, Benth. 381 Barba Jovis, Feuill. 18 humilis, Benth. 381 Barbarsea vulgaris, Br. 112 nivea, Benth. . 382 Barbula Sinensis, Lour. . 205 poly stacha, . jBcniA. 382 Barleria cristata, L. 206 stachyoides, Benth. 382 Barnadesia ? ulicina, H. et A. 29 Avena fatua, L. . 274 Barnardia scilloides, Lindl. 218 Averrhoa Carambola, DC. 175 Bartonia aurea, Lindl. 343 Avicennia tomentosa, L. . . 93, 306 lasvicaulis. Dough 343 Azalea procumbens, L. . 127 micrantha, H. et A. (Tab. LXXXV.) 343 calendulacea, Mich. 362 Bartramia gracilis, Florhe, 120 Indica, L. . . . 196, 266 Bartsia pallida, L. 128 Azara dentata, Don, 55 Bastardia crispa, St HU. . 412 integrifolia, Don, 55 viscosa, Kth. . 412 serrata, R. et P. (Tab. IV.) . 7 Batis fruticosa, Roxb. 215 Azolla microphylla, Kaulf. 162 spinosa, Roxb. 215 pinnata, Br. 257 Bauhinia corymbosa, Roxb. 183 Azorella spinosa, Pers. ? 26 emarginata, Roxb. MSS. 183 Baccharis absinthioides, H. et A. 57 inermis, Pers. 420 consanguinea, DC. . ■ . 352 latifolia, Cav. j3. 421 Douglasii, DC. 352 Lingua, DC. 183 glomeruliflora, H. et A, Mich. ? 147, 352 Lunaria, Cav. 288 glutinosa, Pers, . 31, 147 retusa, Roxb. 183 hirtella.DC.? . 298 scandens, Burm. 183 linearis, Spr. 57 scandens, L. 183 longifolia, DC.? 298 variegata, L. . 183 mucronata, H. et A. . . 30 Beckmannia erucaeforrais. Host. . 402 obovata, H. et A. . 30 Belamcanda Chinensis, DC, 217 pilularis, DC. . 35 Schularmani, Rheed. 217 resinosa, Humb. et Kunth. 31 Berberis actinacantha. Mart. 54 rosmarinifolia, H. et A. 30 acutifolium. Hook. 134 viminea, DC. . 352 Aquifolium, Pursh. 318 viscosa, H. et A. 352 glomerata, H, et A. . 5 Basckea frutescens, D C. 187 Bercheraia lineata, D C. (Tab. XXXVII. 177, 261 Baeria chrysostoma, F. et M. 354 Loureiriana, DC. 177 Bahia achillaeoides, D C. 353 Poiretiana, DC. 177 artemisiaefolia, Less. 149, 353 Bermudiana, Feuill. 49 confertiflora, DC. 353 Bernhardia complanata, Willd. . 73 gracilis, H. et A. 353 dichotoma, Willd. 73, 102 stffichadifolia, Califomzca, DC. 353 dichotoma, Willd. /3. gracile, . 102 tenuifolia, DC. 353 Berrya Chinensis, Klein, 208 Ballota pilosa, Lour. . , 204 Betula incana, L.* 117, 129 Balsamina hortensis, Desp. 260 Bambusa verticillata, N. ab E. 254 * Our plant is more correctly B. viridis of authors. 3 L 450 INDEX. nana, L. 1 PAGE 129 Blechnum hastatura, Kaulf. PAGE 52 Bidens arguta, H. et K. 86 oceidentale, L. . 75,313 bipinnata, Spr. 30 orientale, Sw. . . 75,257 bipinnata, L. . 436 procerum, Willd. 75 Californica, DC. 353 Blepharipappus glandulosus, Hook. 358 Chinensis, Willd. 195 Blumea Chinensis, H. et A. . 195 Chrysanthemoides, Mich. 148 lacera, DC. . 265 leucantha, Willd. 299 Bigelovia distans, H. et A. 295 luxurians, Spr. 86 Brachyris Californica, DC. 351 macrantha, Gaud, 86 Bradleia Glochidion ? Gcertn. 69 odorata ? Cav. 66 Sinica, Gsertn. 210 paniculata, H. et A. 66 Brandesia, n. sp. ? 308 Biforis Bengalensis, Wall. 264 Bridelia collina, H. et A. 211 Bignonia? obovata, H. et A. 439 diversifolia, H. et A. . 211 Bixa Orellana, L. 277 Loureiri, H. et A. 211,212 Boehmeria albida, H. et A. 96 . oblongifolia, H. et A. . 212 alienata, Willd. 214 patula, H. et A. 212 Cochinchinensis, Spr. . 214 stipularis, H. et A. . 211 densiflora, H. et A. 271 Brizopyrum Douglasii, H. et A. . 404 elongata, Fisch. 310 spicatum, Kth. 403 melastomaefolia. Gaud. 96 Brodiaea congesta, Sm. 160, 401 ? nivea, H. et A. 214 coronata, Salisb. 401 Boerhaavia diffusa, W, 269 grandiflora, Sm. 401 hirsuta, L. . 68, 93 Bromus carinatus, H. et A. 403 mutabilis, Br. . ' . , ' 93 purgans, Willd.? Rich. 119, 132 polymorpha, Rich. 308 Brongniartia glabrata, H. et A. . 288 tetrandra, Forst. . 68, 93 Broussaisia arguta. Gaud. ' 84 Boldoa fragrans, Juss. 59 Brucea Sumatrana, Roxb. 175 lanceolata, Lagasca, 308 Brugtnansia Candida, Pers, . 36,304 purpurascens, Cav. 308 Brunellia ? quadrilocularis, H. et A. 283 Boldu, Feuill. 59 Sandwicensis, Gaud. . 80 Bombax ellipticum, H.B.K. 279 Bryonia . ... 1 H. et A. 263 Bonplandia geminiflora, Cav. 303 attenuata, H. et A. . 424 Borkhausia Lessingii, H. et A. 145, 361 Bryum caespititiura, L. . 120 repens, Spr. 194 nutans, Schreb. 120, 133 Borrera leucomela, Ach. . 406 palustre, Sw. . 120, 133 Borreria distans, Ch. et Schl. 295 punctatura, Schreb. 120 Bouvardia ? discolor, H. et A. 428 rostratum, Schrad. 120 linearis, H.B.K. 427 Buchnera Asiatica, Roxb. 203 obovata, Benth. 427 ? densiflora, H. et A. . 203 scabra, H. et A. 427 elongata? Sw. . 307 Tolucana, H. et A. 427 hirsuta, Wall. . 203 xylosteoides, H. et A. . 428 BoMlcdL acuminata? H.B.K. 307 Bowlesia geranisefolia, Ch. et Schl. 25 curviflora, H. et A. . 267 lobata, R. et P. 347 decurrens, Schlecht. in L. 307 Blackwellia fagifolia, Lindl. 178 globosa, Spr. . 40 padijlora, Lindl. 179 Bulbostylis Cavanillesii, DC. 350 INDEX. 451 PAGE PAGE hebecarpa, DC. 297 Americana, Lour. 205 rigida, H. et A. 297 nudiflora, H. et A. (Tab. XLVI.) 206 Bumeya Forsteri, Ch. et Sch. 65 parvifolia, H. et A. 305 Bupleurum angulosum, L. 124 purpurea, Juss. ? 268 Burrielia gracilis, DC. 354 subpubescens, H. et A. 305 raicroglossa, DC. 354 tomentosa, Willd. ? 205 tenerrima, DC. 354 Callichroa platyglossa, Fisch. et Mey. 357 Byrsonima cotinifolia, H.B.K. 280 Calliglossa Douglasii, H. et A. 356 Byttneria aspera, Colehr. 170 Calochortus luteus, Dougl. 398 grandifoUa, DC. 170 splendens, Benth. 398 lanceolata, FI. Mex. 279 uniflorus, H. et A. (Tab. XCIV.) 398 Cacalia hulbosa. Lour. 194 venustus, Benth. 398 cirsiifolia, H. et A. 437 Calodium Cochinchinense, Lour. 209 ? denticulata, H. et A. 29 Calophyllum Inophyllura, L. 60, , 260 hastata, L. . 115 Soulattri, Burm. 173 Linaria, Cav. . 298 spectabile, Willd. 173 sessilifolia, H. et A. . 436 Suriga, Ham, . 173 sonchifolia, L. 194 Calotheca stricta, H. et A. 50 Csesalpinia Chinensis ? Roxb. 182 Calothyrsus Californica, Spach. 327 exostemma, FI. Mex. . 288 Caltha palustris, L. 112 Millettii, H. et A. 182 Calycadenia cephalotes, D C. 359 pectinata, Cav. 55 multiglandulosa, DC. . 358 Cajanus bicolor, DC. 181 truncata, D C. 358 flavus, DC. . . 62,418 villosa, DC. . 358 Calais Douglasii, DC. . 361 Calycanthus occidentalis, H. et A. (Tab. LindleyifDC.I 361 LXXXIV.) 340 linearifolia, D C. 361 Calystegia reniformis, Br. 35 Calamagrostis stricta, Schrad. 132 sepium, Br. 151 Calamina humilis, Presl. 246 Soldanella, Br. 363 Calandrina Menziesii, Hooh. 344 subacaulis, H. et A. 363 pilosiuscula, DC. . . 24 Camellia axillaris, Ker, . 171 speciosa, Lindl. • . . 344 Campanula algida, Alph. DC. 127 tenella, H. et A. 24 Chilensis, Mol. 57 Calanthe veratrifolia, Ker, 71 lasiocarpa, Alph. DC. 127 Calboa vitifolia, Cav. 303 linarioides, Lam. 57 Calceolaria connata. Hook. 40 marginata, Thunb. 266 corymbosa, R. et P. . 39 uniflora, L. 127 floribunda, Lindl. 40 Camunium sinense, Runph. 174 integrifolia, Lindl. 39 Canavalia multiflora, H. et A. 416 petiolaris, Cav. 40 pubescens, H. et A. 81 punctata, Spr. 40 Canthium Chinense, D C. 192 rugosa, Bot. Mag. 39 corymbosum, Pers. 192 salvicefolia, .Sch. et Cham. 39 lucidum, H. et A. 65 violacea, Cav. . 40 Cantua casrulea, Lam. 440 Caldasia lieterophylla, Willd. 313 Capparis pyrifolia, Lam. ? 167 Caliprora lutea, Lindl. . 400 Sandwichiana, D C. 59 Callicarpa Americana, Willd. 305 Capraria Crustacea, L. 202 452 INDEX. PAGE hirsuta, H.B.K. . . . 307 saxifragaefolia, Schlecht. in L. . . 307 Caprifolium ciliosum, Pursh. . . 143 Capsella Bursa Pastoris, Mcench, . 1 Capsicum fastigiatum, Blume. . . 202 Capura purpurata, L. . , .69 Cardamine angulata, Hooh. . . flaccida, Cham. . . , 6 hirsuta, L. . . . . 6, 112 pratensis, L. . . . .121 purpurea, Cham, et Schlecht. . . 121 sarmentosa, DC. . . , 59 sylvatica. Link. ... 6 tenuirostris, .... 6 Cardiospermum Halicacubum, L. 61, 80, 174 microcarpum, H.B.K. . . 412 Carex atrata, L. . . . . 131 bispicata, H. et A. (Tab. XXVIII.) . 118 Boottiana, H. et A. . . . 273 cmspitosa, L. . . . . 131 curta, L. . . . .118 frigid a, .4//. . . . . 119 Gmelini, H. et A. (Tab. XXVII.) 118, 131 hebecarpa, H. et A. . . . 50 membranacea, Hook. . . . 131 ramosa, N. ab E. . . . 230 Retzii, N. ab E. . . . 230 saxatilis, L. . . . . 131 stricta, L. . . . .131 valida, N. ab E. . . . 230 Carica Papaya, L. . . . 425 peltata, H. et A. (Tab. XCVIII.) . 425 Carissa Carandas, L. . . .199 Carmona heterophylla, Cav. . . 267 Cartliamus tinctorius, L. . . 265 Caryota urens, L.? . . . 272 Casearia corymbosa, H.B.K. . . 284 impunctata, H. et A. . . . 67 Cassia Acapulcensis, H.B.K. . . 420 bacillaris, L. . . . . 420 bicapsularis, Z. . . 184, 420 biflora, L. ... . 420 Fistula, L. . . . . 184 fabaginifolia, H.B.K . . .288 frondosa, BQ. . . .22 Gaudichaudi, ZT. .4. . . 81 occidentalis, L. ... 62 PAGE pauciflora? H.B.K. 288 puberula? H.B.K. 288 ? punctulata, . 420 stipulacea, DC. 22 Thora, L. . . 184 Cassytha filiformis, L 209 Castilleja aflBnis, H. et A. 154, 380 ambigua, H. et A. 154, 379 foliolosa, H. et A. 154, 380 hispida, Benth. 380 int'egrifolia, Z. 307 laciniata, H. et A. 40 latifolia, H. et A. 154, 380 macrocarpa, Benth. 380 pallida, Kunth. 128 purpurea, Nutt. 380 septentrionalis, Lindl. 128, 380 Siberica, Lindl. 128 Casuarina equisetifolia, Forst. 70 Cathartocarpus Bacillus, Pers. . 420 Caturus scandens. Lour. 214 Caucalis Japonica, Houtt. . 189 microcarpa, H, et A. . 348 orientalis. Lour. ? 189 Canna Indica, Z. 97 Ceanothus Asiaticus, Z. . 61, 80, 178 cuneatus, Nutt. 329 dentatus. Tor. et Gr. . . 329 divaricatus, Nutt, in Tor. 328 incanus, Torr. et Gr. . 328 integerrimus, H. et A. . 329 macrocarpus, Nutt. 329 papillosus, Torr. et Gr. 329 rigidus, Nutt, in Torr. 329 sorediatus, H. et A. . 328 thyrsiflorus, Esch. 136, 328 Celastrus capsularis, Forst. 61 crenatus, DC. 61 glaucus, Vahl. 176 Maytenus, Willd. 15 Celosia argentea, Z. 207, 269 cristata, L. . 207, 308 Celsia urticcefolia, Bot. Mag. 40 Celtis Amboinensis, Wall. 215 orientalis, Z. . 215 Cenchrus calyculatus, Cav. 72 echinatus, Z. . 312 INDEX. PAGE lappaceus, L. , . . .72 purpurascens, Thunb. . . . 236 Cenomyce deformis, Ach. . . 120 ecmocyne, Ach. . . .134 fimbriata, u4cA. . . . 110 firabriata, b. radiata, Ach. . . 163 pungens, Ach. . . .134 pyxidata, Ach. . .120, 134, 163 radiata, Ach. . . . .134 rangiferina, Ach. . . 120, 134 uncialis, Ach. . . . .134 Centaurea apula, Lam. ? . . 360 Chilensis, Bert. ... 33 Melitensis, L. . . . . 360 Patibilcensis, DC. . . . 360 Centroseraa Plumieri, Benth. . ' . 416 Virginiana, . . . 416 Centrotheca lappacea, Desv. . . 73 Cephaelis ? fragrans, H. et A. (Tab. XIII.) 64 Cepbalanthus occidentalis, L. . . 295 Cephalophora decurrens, Less. . 1 49, 355 glauca, Cav. .... 30 Ceramium obsoletum, Ag. . . 165 Cerastium alpinum, X. . . 113,122 strictum, L. . . . . 11 Fischerianum? Ser. . . . 113 Cerasus ilicifolius, Nutt. (Tab. LXXXIII.) 340 Cerbera parviflora, Forst. . , 90 Thevetia, Jacq. . . . 438 Cercocarpus parvifolia, Nutt. . . 337 Oestrum Parqui, L'Herit. . . 36 Cetraria cucullata, Ach. . . .133 Islandica, Ach. ' . . .133 juniperina, Ach. . . . 163 Chffinactis achillesefolia, H. et A. . 354 glabriuscula, DC. . . . 354 lanosa, DC. . ... 354 stevioides, H. et A. . . . 353 Chaerophyllum scabrum, Thunb. . 189 Chaetanthera Chilensis, DC. . . 29 Chsetocyperus Limnocharis, N. ab E. ? . 272 Chsetogastra ? ferruginea, H. et A. . 423 Chaetymenia peduncularis, H. et A. (Tab. LXII.) . . . .298 Chalcas Japonensis, Lour. . . 172 Chamissoa altissima, Sw. . . . 308 Charpentiera obovata. Gaud. . . 94 453 PAGE ovata, Gaud. . 94 Cheilanthes dissecta, H. et A. • , 75 tenuifolia, Sw. . 257 Cheiranthus asper, Nutt. 135 asper, Cham, et Schlecht. 138 capitatus. Dough 135 erysimoides, L. 112 pygmcBus, Adams, 122 Chelone centranthifolia, Benth. . 377 Chenopodium acutifolium. Kit. ? . 207 acutifolium ? H. et A. 269 ambrosioides, X.? 157 australe, R. Br. ? 269 ficifolium, Sm.f 157 hybridum. Lour. . 94,208 multifidura, Willd. 158 morale, X. ? . 157 ? spinosum. Hook. 384, 388 Vachellii, H. et A. 269 viride, Willd. ? 208 Chiococca barbata, Forst. (Tab. XIV.) 65 odorata, H. et A. 65 racemosa, Jacq. 295 Chironia centaurioides, Roxb. . 266 Chilensis, Willd. 302 Chlamysperma arenarioides, H. et A. (Tab. LXIV.) . 300 Chlorgea multiflora, Lindl. 46 Chloranthus inconspicuus, Sw. 216,270 Chloris barbata, Swtz. 250 Chondrus aflinis, Harv. . 408 constrictus, Grev. 164 mammillosus, Grev. 164 vermicularis, Grev. f 164, 408 Chorizanthe Douglasii, Benth. 386 merabranacea, Benth. . 386 pungens, Benth. 386 staticoides, Benth. 386 Chrysanthemum arcticum, X. 116, 126 grandijiorum. Hook. . 126 Indicum, X. . 195 integrifolium. Rich. 126 Chryseis Californica, H. et A. 319 caespitosa, Benth. 320 compacta, Lindl. 319 crocea, Torr. et Gr. 319 hypecoides, Benth. 320 454 INDEX. tenuifolia, Benth. PAGE 320 lutea. Hook. PAGE 325 Chrysopogon aciculatus, Trin. 23£ !, 273 pentaphylla, Bot. Mag. 59 Chrysopsis ? scabra, H. et A. 434 spinosa, DC. . 78 villosa, Nutt. . 147 Clerodendron canescens. Wall. 205 Chrysosplenium alternifolium, L. 124 castaneifolium, H. et A. 205 Kamtschaticura, Fisch. 114 fortunatum, Z. 205 Chusquea scandens, Kunth. 51 fragrans. Vent. 205, 268 Cibotium Chamissoi, Kaulf. 108 inerme, Gcertn. 268, 205 g'laucum, H. et A. 108 infortunatum, Lour. 205 Cicuta maculata ? Z. . 142 paniculatum, Z. 268 Cimicifuga simplex, Hormsk. 112 Siphonanthus, R. Br. . 205 Cineraria Canadensis, L. 126 squamatum, Vahl. 205 congesta, Br. . 126 viscosum, Vent. 205, 268 frigida, Rich, . 126 Clethra obovata, R'et P. 302 integrifolia, Willd, 126 tinifolia, Schlecht. 302 lyrata, Reicherb. 126 Cleyera Milletti, H. et A. (Tab. XXXIII.) 171 Cinnamomum zeylanicum, var. N. ab E. 269 Clinopodium vulgare, Thunb. 268 Cirrhopetalum Thouarsii, Lindl. 71 Clintonia pulchella, Lindl. 362 umbellatum, Reinw. 71 Clitoria Plumieri, Benth. 416 Cirsium cernuum. Lag. . 437 Virginiana, L. 416 Japonicura, DC. 266 Clomenocoma aurantia, Cass. 299 Cissampelos Pareira, Z. . 276 Clusia sessilis, DC. 80 Cissus ? Cantoniensis, H. et A. . 175 Cluytia collina, Roxb. 211 Japonicus, DC. 174 diversifolia, Roxb. 211 Cistopteris fragilis, Bernh. 119, , 132 monoica, Lour. 2U Citharexylon reticulatum, H.B.K. 306 oblongifolia, Roxb. 212 Citrus Limonum, Risso. . 280 patula, Roxb. . . . > 212 medica, Risso. 280 stipularis, L. . 211 Cladium Chinense, N. ab E. 228 Cnestis monadelpha, Roxb. 179 Claoxylon parviflorum, Adr. de Juss. 212 Cocculus? diantherus, H. et A. . 167 Clarkia elegans, Lindl. . 340 ^ longifolius, DC. 410 gaurioides, Hortul. 340 Cochlearia anglica, L. 121 pulchella, Pursh. 340 oblongifolia, DC. 121 rhomboidea, Dougl. 840 Cochlospermum serratifolium, DC. 279 Claytonia exigua, Torr. et Gr. . 344 Codium tomentosum, -;S'facM. 165 lanceolata, Pursh. 123, 344 Coelestina ageratoides, H.B.K. . 296 epathulata, Dougl. 344 petiolata, H. et A. 433 tenuifolia, Torr. et Gr. 344 Coffea Arabica, Z. 193 Virginica, Z. 123 Chamissonis, H. et A. 86 Clematis Acapulcensis, H. et A. . 410 Kaduana, Ch. et Sch. . 86 apiifolia, DC. . 258 odorata, Forst. ? 65 Caraccasana, DC. 276 Collema Turner!, H. et A. 77 Caripensis, H.B.K. 276 Colletia Ephedra, Vent._; 15 sericea, H.B.K. 275 horrida, Willd. 15 Siberica, Mill. . 111 polyacantha, Willd. 15 viticella, L. . 166 spinosa, Lam. . 15 Cleome arborea, Schrad. . 276 Trebu, Bert. . 55 INDEX. 455 PAGE Colliguaja odorifera, Mol. 58 Collinsia bicolor, Benth. . , 375 parviflora, Lindl. 376 Collomia Cavanillesii, H. et A. . 37 gilioides, Benth, 368 glutinosa, Benth. 368 gracilis, Benth. 369 linearis, Benth. 368 nudicaulis, H. et A. 369 Colubrina Asiatica, Brong. . 61, 80 Comandra umbellata, Nutt. 388 Combretum farinosum, H.B.K. . 290, 421 Mexicanum, H. et Bonpl. 290 Commelina attenuata, Vahl. 219 Benghalensis, L. 219 communis, Roxb. 219 cucullata, L. . 219 floribunda, H.B.K. 311 nervosa, Burm. 219 paludosa, Burm. 219 polygama, Roth. 219,272 salicifolia, Roxb. 219 tuberosa, Burm. 219 Commersonia echinata, D C. 60 Conferva Linum, Roth. . 54 obliquata, Ag. 409 Coniogyne carnosa, Less. 150 Conioselinum Fischeri, Wimm, et Grab. 124 Coniothcle Californica, D C. 352 Connarus? juglandifolius, H. et A. 179 microphyllus, H. et A. 179 Roxburghii, II. et A. . 179 Conocarpa erecta, H.B.K. 290 Conostegia Xalapensis, Don, 290 Convallaria bifolia, L. . 117 spicata, Thunb. 218 Convolvulus Batatas, L. . . 60, 90 bilobatus, Roxb. 201 Cairicus, Vahl. 90 densiflorus, H. et A. . 303 ? filifolius, H. et A. . 35 hederaceus, L. 201 medium, L. . 201 Nil, h. . . . 440 obvallatus, Spr. 303 ovalifolius, Vahl. 90 parviflorus, Vahl. 201 PAGE Pes-Caprae, L. 66, 90, 201 purpureus, L. 90 Quamoclit, Spr. 201 repens, L. . 151 sagittifolius, Mich. 151 sepium, L. . 151 speciosus. Wall. 151 tuberculatus ? Desv. 90 Cbnyza ambigua, DC. . 57 Chilensis, Spr. 57 Cookia punctata, Retz. . 172 Corallorhiza connata, Br. 130 innata, Nutt. . 395 multiflora, Nutt. 395 Corchorus acutangulus, Lam. 171 siliquosus, L. . 279 Cordia decandra, H. et A. (Tab. X.) 38 discolor? Cham. 67 Gerascanthus, Jacq. 304 multispicata, Cham, et Schlecht. 442 Sebestena, L. . 91 tomentosa, Cham, et Schlecht. 442 Cordyline Eschscholziana, Mart. 97 Corethrogyne Californica, DC. . 350 Coriaria ruscifolia, DC. . 14 Cornicularia divergens, Ach. 133 ochroleuca, Ach. 133 Cornus alba, L. . 142 circinata, Ch. et Sch. . 142 Suecica, L. . 1 15, 125 Cornutia quinata. Lour. . 206 Corrigiola deltoidea, H. et A. 24 Corydalis ambigua, Cham. 112, 276 pauciflora, Pers. 121 racemosa, Pers. 258 Corylus Americana, Pursh. 160 Cosmos bipinnatus, Cav. 299 Cotula matricarioides. Bong. 359 Cotyledon spathulata, Poir. 188 Coulteria Chilensis, DC. 55 horrida, Humb. et Kunth. 55 tinctoria, H.B.K. 55 Crataegus arbutifolia. Ait. 139 glabra, Thunb. 185 /5. prinifolia, . 185 rubra. Lour. . 185 Crataeva acuminata, DC. 276 456 INDEX. religiosa, DC. . 59 Parsonia, Br. . 62 Tapia, L. . . . 276 tenella. 289 Creodus odorifer. Lour. . 216 Cupi, Rheede, 192 Cressa arenaria, Willd. . 304 Cupia coryrabosa, DC. . 192, 264 sericea, Willd. 303 Curatalla Americana, Z. . 276 Truxillensis, H.B.K. . 304 Cuscuta California, H. et A. 364 Cristaria? pinnatifida, Cav. 12 Chilensis, Ker, 35 Crossandra infundibuliforrais, jS. N. ab E. 206 fcetida, H.B.K. 304 undulmfolia. Ait. 206 Millettii, H. et A, 201 Crotalaria Acapulcensis, H. et A. 414 Cyanostremma' cseruleum, Benth,. 415 bupleurifolia, Sc/i. in L. /2. y. . 414 Cyatliea extensa, Sw. 76 calycina, Schr. 184 Cyathodes Tameiameiee, Ch. et Schl. 89 dichotoina, Grah. 284 Cyclobothra alba, Benth. 399 ineana, Z. jS. . 285, 415 paniculata, Lindl. . . 399 longirostrata, H. et A. 285, 414 pulchella, Benth. 399 ovalis, Pursh. . 284, 413 Cymbidium equitans, Sw. 71 retusa, L. . . . 180 tenuifolium, Willd. ? . 311 sagitallis, Z. . 284 triste, Lindl. 271 sagittalis, y. ovalifolia, Micb. 284, 413 Cynanchum birostratum, H. et A. 35 sagittalis, var. Schlecht. in L. 413 Cynoglossum decurrens, R. et P. 37 Tepicana, H. et A, . 414 glomeratum, Fraser," . 370 Vachellii, H. et A. . 180 grande, Lehm. ' 371 variegata, Wall. 184 officinale, H. et A. 152,371 Croton Chinensis, Weig. 212 paniculatum, H. et A. . 37 Colliguay, Spr. 59 penicillatura, H, et A. . 371 Japonicum, Thunb. 270 Cynosurus Indicus, L. . ' . . 72 ,101 lanceolatus, Spr. 45 Cyperus brunneus, Spr. . 99 paniculatum,\uWi.1 212 CEespitosus, Spr. 99 polystachyum, Willd. ? 270 canescens, Vahl. 222 setiferum, L. . 213 capillaris, Keen. 220 syringaefolium, H.B.K. 310 castaneus, Willd. 221 tricuspidatum, Lam. . 45 caricifolius, H. et A. . 99 Crusea parviflora, H. et A. (Tab. XCIX. C.) 430 compressus, Z. 221 subalata, H. et A. 431 difformis, Z. . 223 Cteniuin Americanura, Spr. 312 digitatus, N. ab E._ 223 Cucumis Citrullus, Ser. . 63 distans, L. . 223 Melo, L. . . . 83 exaltatus, Retz. 312 sativus, Z. . . 63,263 Haspan, Rottb. 221 Cucurbita Citrullus, L. . 63 hexastachyus, Rottb. . 222, ,272 Lagenaria, L. . 63, 83 Iria, Z. . . . 223 Cupania scrobiculata, H.B.K. 281 littoreus, Rumph. 247 Cuphea barbigera, P>. H. et A. 289 marginellus, N. ab E. . 222 bracteata. Lay ? 289, 422 mucronatus, Vahl. 99 bracteata, H. et A. . 423 multiceps, H. et A. . 100 equipetala, Cav. 290 paniculatus, Rottb. 99 floribunda, H, et A. . 289, 423 parviflorus, Vahl. 223 Llavea, La Llave et Lexarc. . 422 pectiniformis, R. et Sch. ? 221 INDEX. 457 PAGE page polystachyus, Rottl. . 220 Californicum, Torr. et Gr. 317 Prescottianus, H. et A. 100 exaltatum. Ait. . ' . 317 strigosus, Spr. 99 grandiflornm, L. 317 trachysanthos, H, et A. 99 Menziesii, DC. 121, 317 verticillatus, Roxb. 222 nudicaule, Torr. et Gr. 818 Cyrtandra biflora, Forst. 67 sarcophyllum, H. et A. . , 318 cordifolia. Gaud. 91 simplex, Dougl. 317 Garnotiana, Gaud. 91 variegatum, Torr. et Gr. 317 grandiflora. Gaud. 91 Dendrobium biflorum, Sw. 71 Lessoniana, Gaud. 91 myosurus, Sw. 71 paludosa, Gaud. 91 Dendromecon rigidum, Benth. 319 Cystoseira Douglasii, Haru. 407 Deparia Macrcei, Hook, et Grev. 108 osmundacea, Ag. 407 prolifera, H. et A. 108 Thunbergii, Ag. 257 Deschampsia brevifolia, Br. 131 Cytharexylon cyanocarpum, H. et A. (Tab. Desmochaeta micrantha? DC. 68 XL) . 58 Desmodium angulatum, D C. 180 Cytisus Cajan, L. . 62,418 cinereum, DC. 287 Dactyloctenium JEgyptiacum, Kunth. 250 heterophyllum, H. et A. 417 mucronatum, Willd. 250 Hippocrepis, DC. 180 prostratum, Willd. 250 incanum, Sw. (Hedys.) 417 Dalbergia scandens, Roxb. 184 plicatum, Schlecht. /3. compactum. 287; ,417 Dalea argyrostachya, H. et A. 285 podocarpum, H. et A. (Tab. XCVI.) 417 crenulata, H. et A. 285 polycarpum, DC. 180 data, H. et A. 416 purpureum, H. et A. . . 62 , 180 elegans "i A. 417 Scorpiurus, Desv. 62 gradlis, H. et A. ' 286, 416 ? striatum, DC. 262 verbenacea, Schlecht. — j3. sericea. 285 supinum, Sw. . 417 Dalechampia hibiscoides, H.B.K. 443 triflorum, DC. 287, ,418 Daphne L. 69 Desmos Chinensis, Lour. 166 Indica, L. (Tab. XV.) 68, 94, 209 Dianella graminifolia, L. . 272 Darea flaccida, Willd. 107 ochrata, Blume. 218 Dasyloma glaucum, DC. , 264 Sandwicensis, H. et A. 97 Datura alba, Rumph. 202 Dianthus Chinensis, L. . 259 arhorea, Willd. . 36,304 repens, Willd. 122 Daucus Carota, L. 264 Diatoma obliquatum, Ag. 409 Visnaga, Jacq. 56 Dicksonia flaccida, Sw. . 108, 257 Davallia elegans, Sw. 257 glauca, Sm. 108 ferruginea, Cav. 257, 275 Kaulfussiana, Gaud. . 118 gibberosa, Spr. 75 polypodioides, Sw. 257 hirta, Kaulf. . 108 prolifera, Kaulf. 108 Macrseana, H. et A. . 108 Dicliptera Burmanni, N. ab E. . 207 pectinata, Rooli. et Grev. 75 Dicranum bryoides, yS. Arn. 76 remota, Kaulf. 108 fuscescens. Turn. 119 solida, Spr. 75 megalophyllum, Brid. . 109 Delesseria platycarpa, Lam. 163, 407 osmundioides, Engl. Bot. 76 Delima sarmentosa, Lin. 166 Schraderi, Schwwgr. 133 Delphinum azureum, Mich. 317 scoparium, L. et fuscescens, H. et Tayl. 119 3 M 458 INDEX. ' PAGE P.iGE Dichrocephala latifolia, D C. 265 Doodia Kunthiana, Gaud. . 74; , 107 Dictyophora pJialloidea ? Leveille. 78 Doronicum Mexicanum, Cerv. . 298 Dictyota spinulosa, H. et A. 275 Dorstenia pubescens, Forst. 70 Didymodon capillaceum, Schrad. 133 Dothidea betulina, var. /3. Fries. . 134 purpureum, H. et TayL 133 granulosa, H. et A. . 54 Didymonema filifolium, Presl. . 228 Draba alpina, Z. . 12 Dielytra chrysantha, H. et A. (Tab. LXXII.) 320 contorta, DC. . 112 Digitalis Chinensis, Lour. 204 hirta, Z. . . . 121 Digitaria ciliaris, Willd. . . 72, 100 incana, Z. . 112 commutata, Schult. , 232 stellata, Jacq. . . . 112; , 121 consanguinea. Gaud. . 100 Dracaena ensifolia. Lour. 218 liispidula, Willd. 235 ferrea, Spr. 97 Digrammaria ambigua, Presl. 256 terminalis. Plume. 97 Dilivaria ilicifolia, Juss. . 206 Drimys Chilensis, DC. . 54 Dimocarpus Longan, Lour. 174 Drosera Burmanni, DC. 167 Diodia barbigera, H. et A. 295 Loureirii, H. et A. (Tab. XXXI.) 167 rigida, Ch. et Schl. 66 rotundifolia. Lour. 167 Dioscorea bulbifera, Z. . 71 Dryas integrifolia, Pursh. 123 gracilis, H. et A. 48 octopetala, Z. . 123 japonica, Thunb. 272 Drymaria cordata, Willd. 277 obtusifolia, H. et A. . 48 Dubautia laxa, H. et A. . 87 oppositifolia. Lour. 272 Dubreulia peploides. Gaud. 96 Diospyrus vaccinioides, Lindl. 196 Dufourea arctica, Br. 133 Diplacus leptanthus, Nutt. 377 Dupontia Fischeri, Br. — (i. Jlavescens, 132 Diplandra lopezioides, H. et A. (Tab. Duvoa dependens, DC. . 55 LX.) 292, 422 Dysoda fasciculata. Lour. 194 Diplazium arborescens, Sw. 74 Echinochloa hispidula, Schult. . 235 Malabaricum, Spr. 256 Echinospermutn Javanicum, LeJim. 267 Diplocoma villosa, Sweet. 298 Lappula, Lehm. 370 Diplopappus ericoides, H. et A. Less. 146 Echites pubescens, H. et A. 34 incanus, Lindl. 350 Eclipta erecta, Z. . 195, ,298 leucophyllus, Lindl. 350 brachypoda, Mich. 298 ? occidentalis, H. et A. 350 prostrata, Z. . 195 villosus, JVutt. • . 147 Ehretia articulata, Willd. in Rcem. . 306 DisarrJienum antarcticum, Labill. 50 heterophylla, Spr. 267 Discopleura capillacea, DC. 142 Elseocarpus bifidus, H. et A. (Tab. XXIV.) 110 Distasis ? concinna, H. et A. 350 photiniaefolius, H. et A. (Tab. LIII.) 259, 279 Distreptus spicatus, Cass. 296, 432 Elseodendron glaucum, Pers. 176 Dodecatheon frigidum, Ch. et Sch. 129 Elaphrium Jacquinianum, H. et K. 284 integrifolium. Hook. 383 tomentosum, Jacq. 284 Dodontea Burmanniana, DC. 260 Elaterium ? quinquefidum, H. et A. 292 spathulata, Sra. . 61,80 Elatostema sessile, Forst. 70 viscosa, L. . . . 61, 80, 282 Eleocharis obtusa, Gaud. 98 Doellingeria, . . . . n. sp. ? 195 Elephantopus Carolinianus, Willd. 296 Dolichos altissimus, Jacq. 81 scaber, L. , . 195 luteus? Sw. . 62, 81 spicatus, /3. Juss. 296, 432 Donia squarrosa, Pursh. 147 Eleusine Mgyptiaca, Gaertn. 250 INDEX. 459 PAGE PAGE Coracana, Gcertn. 249 Canadense, L. 145 /3. stricta. 250 jlorifer. Hook. 351 y. putnila, N. ah E. 250 glabellum, Nutt. 350 filiformis, Jacq. 249 linifolium, Willd. 57 Indica, Gartn. 72, 101, 249 multicaule. Wall. 194 /3. depauperata, Kunth. 249 multiflorum, H. et A. . 87 y. macrostachya, H. et A. 249 pauciflorum, H. et A. . 87 prostrata, Spr. 250 purpureum. Ait. 350 stricta, Roxb. . 250 speciosum, DC. 350 Ellisia chrysanthemifolia, Benth. 372 spiculosum, H. et A. . 32 membranacea, Benth. . 372 velutipes, H. et A. . 434 Elymus arenarius, L. 119 132 Erineum Betulce, DC. . 134 Elytraria ramosa, H.B.K. 305 roseum, Schult. 134 Embothrium obliquum, R. et P. 144 Eriocaulon Cantoniense, H, et A. 219 Emenanthe penduliflora, Benth. 375 microcephalum ? H.B.K. 311 Emilia sonchifolia, DC. . 194, 265 Eriochloa annulata, Kunth. 232 Emmenanthus Chinensis, H. et ^ 1. 217 Eriogonnm angulosum, Benth. 385 Empetrum nigrum, L. 116, 129 arachnoideum, H. et A. , 58, 385 rubrum, Spr. : . 45 auriculatum, Benth. 385 Epidendrum biflorum, Forst. 71 fasciculatum, Benth. 384 equitans, Forst. 71 latifolium, Sin. . 385 Myosurus, Forst, 71 nudum, Dougl. 885 teres, Thunb. . 271 oblongifolium, Benth. . 385 umbellatum, Forst. 171 parvifolium, Sm. 158, 384 Epilobium angustifolium, L. 123 vimineum, Dougl. 385 latifolium, L. . 123 Eriopappus glandulosus, Arn. in Lindl. 358 tetragonum, L. 141 Eriophorum angustifolium, Both. . 131 Epimedium hexandrum, Hook. 318 capitatum, Schrad. 131 Equisetum arvense, L, 119, 132 Erithalis polygama, Forst. 65 fluviatile, L. . 404 Erodium cicutarium, L'Herit. . 13, 136 hyemale, L. . . 404 macrophyllum, H. et A. 327 pratense, Spr. , 51 Erycibe glauceseens. Wall. 201 Eragrostis amabilis, Wight et Arn. 251 Eryngiura aquaticura, L, . . 64, 142 Brownii, N. ub E. 253 Beecheyanum, H. et A. 294 ciliaris, P. Beam. 312 Cervantesii, De Laroche ? 293 cylindrica, N. ab E. 251 peetinatum, Presl. 293 major. Host. . 252 tenue, H. et A. 293 • megastachya, Link. 254 Erysimum asperiim. Hook. 138, 323 Milleftii, H. et A. 252 Barbarea, Engl. Bot. . 112 plumosa, Link. 254. ,312 elatum, Nutt, in Torn 383 variabilis, Gaud. 101 ? glaberrimum, H. et A. 323 verticillata, P. de Beam. 253 lanceolatum, Br. 112 Willdenowiana, N. ah E. 252 officinale, L. . 6 Erianthus Japonicus, P. de B, 242 Erythrsea centaurioides, H. et A, 266 tristachyus, N. ab E. . 241 Centaurium, Beck. 363 Erigeron alpinum, L. 126 Chilensis, Pers. 302 Californicum, Dougl. . 350 macrantha, H et A. . 438 460 INDEX. Muhlenbergii, Griseh. . 363 thymifolia, L. . OIU 213 tricantha, Griseb. 363 Vachellii, H. et A. . 213 Erythrina ludica, Lam. . 62 Euphoria Longana, Lara, 174 monosperma, Gaud. 81 Eurya Japonica, Thunb. . 260 Erythronium giyanteum, Lindl. . 397 Eutoca? aretioides, 374 grandiflorum, Lindl. 397 brachyloba, Benth. 373 Erythroxylon monogynum, Roxb. 174 divaricata, Benth. 373 Escallonia Poppigiana, DC. 56 Douglasii, Benth. 373 pulverulenta, Pers. 56 Franklinii, Brown, 273 revoluta, DC. . 56 grandiflora, Benth. 373 rubra, Pers. 56 loassefolia, Benth. 373 Eschscholtzia Californica, Cham. 134,319 ? lutea, H. et A. 373 crocea, Benth. . 319 Menziesii, Benth.'^ 373 Ethulia ageratoides, H. et A. non Spr. . 66,265 phacelioides, Benth. 373 Eucharidium concinnum, Fisch. et Mey. . 340 viscida, Benth. 373 Eugenia? Capuli, 291 Wrangeliana, Fisch. et Mey. . 373 Cheken, Mol. . 56 Euxenia grata, Cham. 57 colinifolia, Jacq. 62 Evolvulus alsinoides, L. . 201 ,303 Jambos, L. . 188 argyreus, Chois. 303 Malaccensis, L. . 83, 188 decumbens, Br. Prodr. 303 Temu, U. et A. 56 debilis, H.B.K. 303 Eupatoriuui ? 145 hirsutus? H.B.K. 267 , 303 ageratoides? Linn. 57 incanus, H.B.K. 303 Chinense, L.? 195, 265 linifolius, L. . 303 conyzoides, Vahl. 297 Evonymus Japonicus, Thunb. 261 glaberrimum, DC. 297 Exacum filiforme ? Sm. . 34 lasioneuron, H. et A. . 297 Exocarpus cupressiformis, Br. 95 nigrescens, H. et A. . 297 Exogonium spicatura, Chois. 303 ovalifolium, H. et A. . 297 Fabiana lanuginosa, H. et A. 35 Reevesii, Wall. ? 265 Fagara Avicennce, Lam. 175 reticulatum, H. et A. . 29 nitida, Roxb. . 175 squarrosum, Cav. 350 octandra, L. ? . 284 Euphorbia bifida, H. et A. 213 piperita. Lour. 175; ,261 clusieefolia, H. et A. . 95 Fagus obliqua, Mirbel. . 46 falcata ? A. . 44 Fararaeum? 295 globulifera, H.B.K. 310 Fedia laxa, H. et A. 28 hirta, L. ? . . 95,213 Ferula carnifolia, H. et A, 348 Lathyris, L. . 44 foeniculacea, Nutt. 348 multiformis, Gaud. 95 macrocarpa, H. et A. . 348 myrtifolia, H. et A. . 95 parvifolia, H. et A. . 348 ocymoides, i. ? 310 Festuca duriuscula, L. 132 Pepliis, L. . 159 distichophylla, Mich. . 403 pilulifera, L. , 213,310 ovina, L. . . . 132 polygonifolia, L. 389 Fenzlia dianthiflora, Benth. 366 ramosissima, H. et A. . 69 Ficus Beecheyana, H. et A. 271 rotundifolia, H. et A. . 44 clavata. Wall. 216 INDEX. 461 PAGE PAGE lancifolia, H. et A. 310 mammilosus, Turn. . 164 pumila, L.? . 271 Menziesii, Ag. 163, 407 pyriforrais, Wall. 216 natans, L. . 110 setosa, H. et A. (Tab. XLIX.) 216 obtusus, Turn. . 164 septica. Humph. 271 osrnundaceus. Turn. 407 Firabraria tenella, N. ah E. 313 pinnatifidus, Turn. 164, 408 Fimbristylis affinis, H. et A. 72 platy carpus. Turn. 163, 407 bispicata, Nees. 224 pyriferus, L. . 407 communis, Kunih. 273 saccharinus, L. 407 cymosa, Br. 98 sisymbrioides. Turn. . 258 decora, Nees. et Mey. . 225 stiriatus, Turn. 409 diphylla, Vahl. 225 tomentosus, Turn. 165 ferruginea, H. et A. . 312 venosus. Turn. 407 podocarpa, N. ab E. . 225, 273 vermicularis. Turn. 164, 408 tomentosa, Vahl. 225 vesiculosus, L. ?. Sherardi. 134, 163,406 Flacourtia celastrina, H.B.K. 9 . 277 var. minor. 134 Flagellaria repens. Lour. 220 Fuirena Rottboellii, N. ah E. 224 Flos triplicatus, Rumph. 71 Fumaria capreolata, L. . 5 Fluggea spicata, Schult. 218 racemosa, Thunb. 258 Fouquiera formosa, Kunth. 293 Funaria hygrometrica, Hedw. 119 Fragaria Californica, Cham, et Schlecht. 140 Gahnia tristis, N. ab E. . . 228 Chiloensis, Ehrh. . 23, , 140 Galactia tuberosa, DC. 415 Fragosa spinosa, Ruiz et Pav. . 26 Galega littoralis, Forst. . 62 Frankenia grandifolia, Cham, et Schlecht. 135 piscatoria. Ait. 62 Franseria Chamissonis, Less. 148, ,352 Galinsogea parviflora, Spr. 32 Fraxinus dipetala, H. et A. (Tab. C ? resinosa, H. et A. . 32 LXXXVII.) 362 Galium ? 143 Freycinetia scandens, Gaud. 97 Aparine, L. . . 27, 295 Fritillaria biflora, Lindl. . 397 apiculatum, Rcem. ? 27 liliacea, Lindl. 397 boreale, L. . 349 mutica, Lindl. . 397 Californicum, H. et A. 349 Frdlichia violacea, Spr. . 25 cotinoides, Schlecht. 27 Fuchsia gracilis, li. macrostema, Bot. 23 Mexicanum, H.B.K. . 295 lycioides, Andr. 55 mucronatum, Ruiz et Pav. 27 macrostema, Ser. 23 rotundifolium, L. 265 rosea, Ruiz et Pav. 55 rotundum, Thunb. 265 Fucus bracteatus, Turn. . 409 rubioides, L. . 115, 125 cartilagineus. Turn. 164 Tarmense, Spr. 27 coccineus, Turn. 164,408 Galphimia glandulosa, Cav. et DC. 280 concinnus. Turn. 78 glauca, Cav. 280 constrictus. Turn. 164 Garcinia Cochinchinensis, Chois. . 4 corneus, Turn. 408 Gardenia florida, DC. . 191 corniculatus. Turn. 164 radicans, Thunb. 264 esculentus. Turn. 407 spinosa, Thunb. 192 furcatus, Ag. . 163, 407 Gardoquia Chilensis, Benth. 58 ilicifolius. Turn. 258 Garrya elliptica, Lindl. . 390 laciniatus. Turn. 164 Gaultheria odorata, H.B.K. 437 462 INDEX. li. Mexicana, DC. Gaura decorticans, H. et A. Gelidium cartilagineura, Gaill. corneum, Lamour. corniculatum, Grev. lanceolatum, Harv. Gentiana caspitosa, Graham, detonsa, Fries. Jiliformis, L. . glacialis, Vill. . glauca, Pall. . rotata, Willd. . Rurickiana, Cham, et Schlecht, Geophila reniformis, Cham, et Schlecht. Geranium Carolinianum, D C. cieutarium, L. . erianthum, DC. pyrenaicum, L. Robertianum, L. Gerardia glutinosa, L Gesneria Deppeana, Seh. in L. Geum Chiloense, Lindl. Coccineum, DC. raacrophyllum, Willd. Quellyon, Sweet, strictum, Ait. ? Gigartina canaliculata, Harv muricata, Harv. Gilia achillegefolia, Benth arenaria, Benth. gracilis, Hook, laciniata, Ruiz et P. multicaulis, Benth. liniflora, Benth. pharnaceoides, Benth. pulchella, Benth. pungens, Dough squarrosa, H. et A. tenuiflora, Benth. tricolor, Benth. Glaux maritima? Z. Gleichenia Hermann!, Br. . 73, Glinus dictamnoides, Z. Globba Hura, Roxb. ? Glochidion mode, H. et ramiflorum, Forst. Sinicum, H. et A. PAGE 437 343 164 408 164,409 164, 409 127 363 34 127 127 127 127 66 136 13 113 12 13 204 302 22 22 113 22 113 409 409 367 367 369 367 267 866 366 366 151,368 151, 368 366 367 384 102, 255 293 271 210 69 210 PAGE Glossogyne Chinensis, Less. 195 Glycosmis citrifolia, Lindl. 172 Gnaphalium alpinum, Z. . 126 Californicum, DC. 359 Chilense, Spr. . . 31, , 150 citrinum, H. et A. 31 coarctatum, Spr. 31 decurrens, Ives. 151, , 359 dioicum, Z. . 115 ? filaginoides, H. et A. . 359 luteo-album, Z. 151, ,300 margaritaceurn, L. 150 purpureum, Z. . ’ % 300 Sandwicensium, Gaud. ^ 86 spieatum, Lam. 31 Sprengelii, H. et A. . 150 Godetia Willdenowiana, Spach. . 341 Gomphraena globosa, L. , . 68, ,207 Gonus amarissimus, Lour. 176 Gordonia Lasianthus, Z. 280 Gossypium Barbadense, Z. . 60, ,411 indicum, Lam. 79 Gouania Domingensis, Z, 61 glabra, Jacq. . 61 Grcemia aromatica. Hook. 30 Grammica aphylla ? Lour. 201 Grammitis coriacea, Kaulf. 274 deeurrens. Wall. 274 tenella, Kaulf. . 103 Graptophyllum hortense, Nees. 206 Gratiola lucida, Vahl. 202 monneria, L. . 202 Grayia polygaloides, H. et A. . - 387 Grewia affinis, Lindl. 171 crenata, Forst. 60 mallococca, DC. 60 microcos, Z. . 170 ulmifolia, Roxb. 170 Grindelia hirsutula, H. et A. 147, ,351 humilis, H. et A. 147 rubricaulis, DC- 351 squarrosa, Du7i. 147 Gronovia scandens, L. (Tab. XCVII. /3-) 426 Grumilea Reevesii, H. et A. 193, 265 Guatteria rufa, Dunal. 167 Guazuma polybotyra, Cav. 279 ulmifolia, Lam. 279 INDEX. 463 PAGE Guettarda speciosa, L. 65 Guilandina Bonduc, Ait. . . 81, 262 Gunnera scabra, Ruiz et Pav. 45 Gymnandra Stelleri, Cham, et Schlecht. 128 Gjmn&mz, parviflorum, Wall. 200 sylvestre, Br, . 200 Gymnocoronis latifolia, H. et A. . 296 Gymnogramma Calomelanos, Kaulf. 73 triaiigulare, Kaulf. 161, 405 Gymnothrix Japonica, Kunth. 236 Gynandropsis pentaphylla, D C. . 59 Gynura bulbosa, H. et A. 194 Habenaria obtusata. Rich. 130 Halenia multiflora, Benth. 439 Halydrys osmundacea, Harv. 407 Hamelia patens, Jacq. 295, ,428 Haplostylis Meyenii, N. ab E. . 226 Hartmannia ciliata, DC. . 357 corymbosa, DC. 357 fasciculata, DC. 357 ? pungens, Hooli. 357 Hsematoxylon Campecheanum ? L. 420 Hebeclinium Tepicanum, H. et A. 434 Hedera arborea, Sw. 294 Hedyotis biflora, Brotvn, 264 macrosteraa, H. et A. 192 multiflora, Cav. 264 ramosissima, Blume, . 264 Hedysarum boreale, Mitt. 122 cinereum, DC. et H.B.K. 287 polycarpum, Poir. 180 pu7pureum, Roxb. . 62 ,180 • Scorpiurus, Sw. 62 striatum, Thunb. 262 vespertilionis, L. 180 Heimia salicifolia, Linh. et Otto. . 288 ,422 lAelenwim puberulum, DC. 355 pubescens, H. et A. . 149 , 355 Helianthemum 133 polifolium, Torr. et Gr. 410 Helianthus Californicus, D C. 352 glutinosus, H. et A. . 32 longifolius. Hook. 149 Helicteres angustifolia. Wall. 169 guazumcefolice proxima, Schlecht. 279 virgata. Wall. 169 Heliotropium ? anomalum, H. et A. 66 curassavicum, L. . . 91, PAGE 152, 369 gnaphalioides, L. 67 Indicum, L. . 201,306 Patabilcense ? H.B.K. 304 pinnatum, Vahl. 39 stenophyllum, H. et A. 38 synsystachia, R. et P. . 304 Helonias glaberrima, Ker, 161 Helopus annulatus, N. ab E. 232 Helosciadium ? Californicum, H. et A. 142 lateriflorum, Koch. . 26 leptophyllum, DC. . 347 Hemerocallis, §’c. Feuill. 48 Hemimeris urticaefolia, Willd. 40 Heuchera hispid a, H, et A. 337 Hendecandra procumbens, Esch. (Tab. XCI.) 389 Hemizonia angustifolia, D C. 356 congesta, DC. 355 filipes, H. et A. 356 luzulaefolia, DC. 356 macradenia, DC. 356 multicaulis, H, et A. . 355 sericea, H. et A. 356 Heracleum Sphondylium ? L. 115, 142 Herba memoria, Rumph. 214 Hermesia ? Mexicana, H. et A. . 309 Hernandia Sonora, L. . 69 Herpestes chammdryoides, H.B.K. 307 Gratiola, L. . 307 Mounieria, H.B.K. 202, 817 pilosa, Benth. . 377 Hesperis Menziesii, Hook. (Tab. LXXV.) 322 pygmaea. Hook. 122 Hesperoscordon lacteum, Lindl. . 400 Heterocentron Mexicanum, H. et A. 290, 423 Heteromeris polifolia, Spach. 410 Heteropogon H.B.K. . 102 contortus, P. de Beauv. 341 glaber, Pers. . . 73, 102 Heteropteris brachiata, H.B.K. . 281 tomentosa, H et A. . 281,412 Heterotheca inuloides, Cass. 298 Hibiscus Boryanus? DC. 79 elatus, Swartz, 168 manihot, L. . 59 populneus, L. . 60 Rosa-sinensis, L. . . 59 , 169, 259 464 INDEX. Tampicensis, Moric. . PAGE 278 parviflora, Benth. PAGE 332 tiliaceus, L. 60, 168, 269 Purshiana, Benth. 137 tricuspis, DC. . 60 sericea, Benth. 332 Youngianus, Gaud. 79 stipularis, Benth. 332 Hierochloe alpina, R. et Sch. 132 tomentosa, H, et A. . 137, 332 antarctica, Br. 50 Hugelia densifolia, Benth, 364 borealis, R. et Sell. 119,132 elongata, Benth. 365 Hippocratea Acapulcensis, H.B.K. . 280 lutea, Benth. . . . 365 Hippocrepis barbata, Lour. 180 virgata, Benth. 365 Hippuris maritima, Hellen. 123 Hutchinsia calycina, Desv. 122 Hiptage Madablota, H. et A. 174 Hydrocotyle Asiatica, L. 263; ,293 Hiraea cycloptera, FI. Mex. ? (Tab. LVIII.) 280 interrupta, DC. 84 Hisutsua ? serrata, H. et A. 265 natans, Cyrill. 347 Hoitzia ceerulea, Cav. 440 vulgaris, Mich. 84 Cervantesii, H.B.K. . 303, 441 Hydroglossum scandens, Willd. . 73 coccinea, Cav. . 303 Hydrolea spinosa, L. 303 elata, H. et A. 441 mens, R. et P. 303 glandulosa, Cav. 303, 441 Hydrophyllum capitatum, Dougl. 37' squarrosa, Eschcholtz. 151, 368 magellanicum, Lam. . 30 Holarrhaena affinis, H. et A. 198 Hymeneraa fissa, Grev. . 407 Holcus alpinus, Sw. 132 Hymenopappus glaucus, Spr. 30 borealis, Schrad. 119 Hymenophallus Deemonum, Spr. . 78 nervosus, Roxb. 237 Hyraenophyllum Filicula, Willd. 76 redolens, Forst. 50 lanceolatum, H. et A. . 109 Hologymne glabrata, Bartl. 354 obtusum, H. et A. 109 Holosteum hirsutum, L. ? 293 recurvum, Gaud. 109 Holostigma hirta. Link. . 341 Tunbridgense, Sm. 53 HomcEatherum Chinense, N. ab E. . 239 Hyperieum anagalloides, Cham, et Schlecht, 136 Hordeum murinum, L. 51 aureum, Lour. 172 pratense, Hud. 404 biflorum, Lam. 172 pusillum, Nutt. 404 ? carneum. Wall. 173 Horkelia Californica, Cham, et Schlecht. . 139 Chinense, Chois. 172 capitata, Lindl. 3.38 Cochinchinense, Lindl. 173 congesta, Hook. 339 monogynum, L. 172 cuneata, Lindl. 338 petiolatum. Lour. 173 ' Douglasiana, Nutt. 338 Hypnum abietinurn, Sw. . 120 fusca, Lindl. . 838 aduncum, L. . 133 grandis, H. et A. 339 Chamissonis, Hornsch. . 76 hirsuta, Lindl. . 339 cuspidatum, L.. 120 pilosa, Nutt. . 339 dendroides, L. 120 Hosackia bicolor, Dougl. 137 denticulatum, L. 120 crassifolia, Benth. 332 fuscescens, H. et A. (Tab. XIX.) 76 cytisoides, Benth. 332 laricinum. Wills. 120 decumbens, Benth. 137 lutescens, Huds. 133 gracilis, Benth. 332 populeum, Hedw. 120 grandiflora, Benth. 332 proliferum, Z. . 1G9 juncea, Benth. . 332 salebrosum? Hoffm. . 133 INDEX. 465 PAGE PAGE Sandvicense, H. et A. 109 elongata, Willd. 308 spiniforme, Hedw. 109 Iridsea papillata, Grev. . 165, 409 uncinatum, Hedw. 120 ' Radula, Grev. 409 Hypochaeris apargioides, H. et A. 28 stiriata, Grev. 409 Hypoestis purpurea, H. Br. 207 Iris Beecheyana, Herb. . 395 Hyptis, n. sp. . 306 Douglasiana, Herb. 395 albida, H.B.K. 306 humilis. Marsh. 160 polystacha, H.B.K. 156 306 longipetala, Herb. 395 rhytidea, Benth. 442 Sibirica, Spr. . 117, 130, 160 spicata, Poit. . 306 Tolmieana, Herb. 396 stellulaia, Benth. 306 Isachne dispar, Trin. 236 Ilex? anomala, H. et A. (Tab. XXV.) 111 involuta, Forst. 273 Asiatica, L. . 261 muricata, N. ab E. 236, 273 Integra, Thunb. 261 pulchella, Roth. ? 236 pubescens, H. et A. (Tab. XXXV.) 176 Ischcemum minus, Presl, in Kunth. 274 Illecebrum sessile, L. . 207 Isjetti-pullu, Rheed. 250 Ily mullu, Rheed. 247 Isolepis barbata, R. Br. . 226 Impatiens balsamina, L. . 260 exigua, H. et A. 312 Imperata arundinacea, Kunth. . 240 ferruginea ? Schlecht. in L. . 312 Koenigii, P. de B. /3. Nees ab Esenb. 240, 273 squarrosa, Vahl. 226 Indigofera Anil, L. 286 Isopyrum occidentale, H. et A. . 316 lespedezoides, H.B.K. 415 Itea Chinensis, H. et A. (Tab. XXXIX.) 189 torulosa, H. et A. 286 Ixia Chinensis, L. 217 Inga anomala, Kunth. 419 Ixora alba, Biirm. 193 bigemina? Willd. 182 coccinea, Bot. Mag. . 193 . dimidiata, H. et A. . 181 Pavetta, Roxb. 193 dulcis, Willd. . 181 speciosa, Willd. 193 ? Guatemalensis, IT. et A. 419 stricta, B,oxb. et Wall. 193 ? patens, H. et A. 419 Jaegeria hirta ? Less. . 299 pungens, Humb. et Willd. 287 pedunculata, H. et A. . 299 lonidium parviflorum, DC. 10 Jambosa Malaccensis, DC. . 83, 188 lozoste rotundifolia, var. oblongifolia, Nees, 209 vulgaris, DC. . 1S8 Ipomaea Batatas, Lam. . 90 Jasminium azoricum 1 L. . 66 bracteata, Cav. 303 hirsutum, L.? . 197 caerulea, Ker. . 201. ,448 officinale, L. . 197 cincta, Roem. et Sch. . 303 Jatropha Curcas ? X. . 309 funis? Schlecht. 303 multifida, L. . 212 maritima, Br. . 90 urens, i. . . 443 palmata, Forsk. 90 Jossinia cotinifolia DC. 62 purpurea, Lam. 90 Juncus arcuatus, Vahl. . 131 Quamoclit, L. 201, 440 campestris, L. 118 reptans, Chois. 267 castaneus, Engl. Bot. . ' . 131 sagittifolia, Pursh. 151 Menziesii, Br. , 402 spicata? H.B.K. 303 spadiceus. All. 161 tuberculata ? Rcem. et Schult. 90 spicatus, L. . 131 Ipomopsis elegans, Lindl. 366 Xiphioides, Mey. 161 Iresine celosioides, L. 308 Jungermannia bicuspidata, var. L. 110 3 N 466 INDEX. PAGE PAGE conchifoHa, H. et A. (Tab. XXIII.) 110 Lamourouxia cordata, Schlecht. in Linncea, 307 multifida, L. . • 77, 110 multifida? H.B.K. . 307 Phyllanthus, Hook. no Lantana aculeata, L. 205 platyphylla, L. . 54, 163 annua, L. . . . 93 trilobata, L. . 100 lippioides, H. et A. . 305 Juniperus aquatica, Willd. 216 Laserpitium hirsutum, L. . 125 Barbadensis, Thunb. . 271 Lasthenia glaberriraa, DC. 354 cernua, Willd. . 217 glabrata, Lindl. 354 Chinensis, Willd. 217 Lathyrus decaphyllus. Hook. — P>. minor, 138 communis, L. ? var. Chinensis, Roxb. 216 palustris. Tor. et Gr. . 113, 335 dimorpha, Willd. 217 pisiformis, L. . 113, 123 taxifolia. 271 pubescens, H. et A. . . ^ 21 Thunbergii, H. et A. . 271 sessifolius, H. et A. . 20 virginica, Thunb. 271 Laurencia obtusa, Lamour. 164 Jussisea angustifolia, DC. 82 pinnatifida, Lamour. . 164, 408 hirta, DC. . 291, ,421 Laurus caustica, Molina. 15 peploides, H.B K. 291, ,421 Peumo, H. et A. 58 H.B.K.? . 291 :Regia ? Dougl. . 389;^ Justicia Adhadota, L. . 206 Lavenia erecta, Sw. OO* Chinensis, Burm. 207 Layia emarginata, H. et A. (Tab. ■ cristata, Jacq. . 442 XXXVIII.) 183 infundibuliformis, L. . 206 gaillardioides, H. et A. 357 Japonica, Thunb. 268 Lecanora Tartarea, Ach. var. Upsaliensis, 133 pectoralis, L. . . ■ . . 305 ventosa, Ach. . 133 picta, L. . . ■ - 206 , Lecidea Cocoes, Sw. 77 procumbens, L. 206 ' 'Ledum palustre, L. 127 purpurea, Vahl. 207'': Leontodon palustre, L. . 125 tinctoria, Roxb. 207^ Taraxacum, L. 115, 125 Kadua acuminata, Cham, et Schlecht. 85 Leonurus Sibiricus, L. 204 cordata, Cham, et Schlecht. 85 Lepidium bipinnatifidum, DC. 6 glomerata, H. et A. . 85 corymbosum, H. et A. . 323 Kalanchoe spathulata, DC. 188 latipes. Hook. . 323 Kallstromsemia maxima, H. et A. 282 leiocarpum, H. et A. . 324 Kerria Japonica, DC. . 184 0-Waihiense, Cham, et Schlecht. 78 Kleinia viridijiora, H.B.K. 436 oxycarpuin, Torr. et Gr. 323 Konda pulla, Rheed. 250 piscidiutn, DC. 59 Krameria cistoidea, H. et A. (Tab. V.) 8 virginicum, L. . 276 Kyllingia monocephala, L. . 224 Lepidosperma Chinense, Nees et Meyer 228 nana, N. ab E. 224 Lepidostephanus madioides, Bartl. 359 Lablab vulgaris, Savi. 184 Leptocaulis ine^mis, Nutt. 347 Lactuca sativa, L. 266 Leptochloa Chinensis, N. ab E. . 249 Lagascea angustifolia, DC. 433 filiformis, Roern. et Schult. 249 latifolia, DC. . 296, 432 Leptodactylon Californicum, H. et A. (Tab. Lagenaria vulgaris, Ser. . . 63, 83 LXXXIX.) 369 Lagothamnus, Nutt. 360 Leptopetalum Mexicanum, H. et A. (Tab. Laguncea Cochinchinensis, Lour. 208 LXL) . 295 Laminaria saccharina, Lamour. . 407 Leptosiphon androsaceus, Benth. . 365 INDEX. 467 PAGE ? densiflorus, Benth. . . . 366 grandiflorus, Benth. . . . 365 luteus, Benth, .... 365 parviflorus, Benth. . . . 365 Leptospermum collinum, Forst. . . 63 Leptostomum ? splachnoideum, H. et A. 53 Leptosyne Douglasii, DC. . . 352 Lespedeza Chinensis, G. Don. . . 181 cuneata, G. . . . . 262 striata, H. et A. . . . 262 Lessingia germanorum, Cham, in L. . 351 Leucseria ?■ senecioides, H. et A. . 28 Leucas Benthamiana, H. et A. . . 204 decemdentata, Sm. ... 67 Javanica? Benth. . . . 268 linifolia, Spr. .... 204 stachyoides, Spr. ... 67 fLeucocoryne alliacea, Lindl. . . 48 odorata, Lindl. ... 48 Lewisia rediviva, Pursh. (Tab. LXXXVI.) 344 Lichen cucullatus, L. . . . 133 diatrypus, Engl. Bot. . . .133 gracilis, Engl. Bot. . . 134 Islandicus, Engl. Bot. . . .- .133 ochroleucus, Engl. Bot.' " „ . pungens, Engl. Bot. pyxidahis, Engl. Bot. . . ' 134 rarfzafMs, Engl. Bot. . ’ i . 134 rangiferinus, Engl. Bot. ^ . ' . 134 uncialis, Engl. Bot. . . ' . 134 Upsaliensis, ^ngl. Bot. . . 133 Ligusticum Gmelini, Cham, et Schlecht. . 124 Scoticum, L. . . . 115, 125 Lilium Kamtschatcense, Z. . . 118 pomponium, Thunh. .. . . 272 Limnanthus Douglasii, Br. . Limodorum veratrifolium, ''NiWA. . . 7l Limonia citrifolia, Willd. . 172 parviflora, Sims. . . . 172 trifoliata, L. . . . • . 172 Linaria Canadensis, Spr. , 153, 375 Linautlius dichotomus, Benth. 1 . 365 • Lindstea polymorpha. Wall. . . 257 variabilis, H. et A. (Tab. LI I.) . 257 Linnsea borealis, L. . . .125 Linum oligophyllum, /ScAfec?/. . . -' ll Schiedeauum, Schl. et Ch. . . 411 PAGE usitatissimum, L. . . . 11 Liparis revoluta, H. et A. (Tab. XVI.) . 70 Lipochmta macrocephala, H. et A. . 436 umbellata, DC. . . . 436 Lippia asperifolia. Rich. . . . 442 callicarpsefolia, H.B.K. . . 305 geminata, H.B.K. . . . 442 myriocephala, Schlecht. in L. . . 305 nodiflora. Rich. . . 205, 268 Liriope spicata. Lour. . . . 218 Lithospernum Chinense, H. et A. . 202 ? circumscissum, H. et A. . . 870 denticulatum, . . 116,128 maritimum, Lehm. . . 116, 128 myosotoides, Lehm. . . ••. 37 tinctorium, Ruiz et Pav. . . 37 tingens, Roem. et Sch. ... 37 Litscea Chinensis, Blume. . . 209 Loasa acerifolia, DC. . . . 24 Lobelia acuminata. Gaud. . . 88 angulo-dentata, H. et A. . . 301 arabidoides, H. et A. (Tab. LXVI.) . 301 carnosula, H. et A. . . . 362 Cavanillesii, Rcem. et Sch. . . 437 coxMoWdi, H. et A. . . . 381 divaricata, H. et A. (Tab. LXVII.) . 301 ;• Grimeseiana, Gaud. laneeolata. Gaud. laxiflora, DC. . *■' macrostachys, H. et A. persiccefolia, Cav. polyphylla, H. et A. ovalifolia, H. et A. rigidula, H.B.K. Lomaria longifolia, H. et A. procera ? Desv. Lomatia obliqua, Br. Lonicera afiinis, H. et A. caerulea, L. . ciliosa. Pair. . corymhosa, L. . Ledebourii, Koch. nigra, L. Periclymenum, Lour. . ? subspicata, A . Telfairii, H. et A. Lopezia hirsuta, Jacq. 88 88, 301 437 88 437 33 300 301, 437 257 75 44 214 115 143, 349 25 143, 349 115 191 349 196 291,422 468 INDEX. PAGE LophochlBeiia Californica, Nees. (Tab. XCV.) 403 Loranthus Cactorum, H. et A. . 25 calyculatus, DC.? 294 heterophyllus, DC. 50 Schiedeanus, Schlecht. fi. 426 tetrandus, Ruiz et Pav. .. 25 Lotus incanus, Dougl. /3. glabriuscula. 137 micranthus, Benth. 332 pinnatus, Hook. 137 sericeus, Pursh. 138 subpinnatus, H. et A. (Tab. VIII.) . 17,332 utricularis, Domb. 17 Lourea vespertilionis, DC. 180 Lucuma ? ferruginea, H. et A. 302 Lupinus affinis, Ag. 335 albifrons, Benth. 336 bi color, Lindl. . 335 C/iamissonis, Esch. 138, 336 Cochinchinensis, Lour. 180 concinnus, Ag. 355 cytisoides, Ag. 335 densiflorus, Benth. 335 Douglasii, Ag. 336 gracilis, Ag. 335 grandifolius, Lindl. 335 i hirsutissimus, Benth. . 335 latifolius, Ag. . 335 leptophyllus, Benth. 335 macrocarpus, H. et A. 138 Menziesii, Ag. Syn. 335 Mexicanus, Lag. 418 micranthus, Dougl. 335 microcarpus, DC. . 21,335 nanus, Dougl. . 335 Nootkatensis, Donn. . 335 Nootkensis, /3. Hook. . 335 parviflorus, Nutt. 336 perennis, L. . 123 polyphyllus,' Amc//. 138 plumosus, Dougl. 335 pusillus, Ph. . 336 rivularis, Lindl. 335 sericeus, Pursh. 138, 336 truncatus, Nutt. 336 versicolor, Lindl. 335 Luzula arcuata, Meyer. . 131 campestris, DC. 118, 402 PAGE interrupta, Desv. ... 49 melanocarpa, Desv. . . . 131 spadicea, Desv. . . . 161 spicata, DC. . . . . 131 Luzuriaga radicans, Spr. ... 48 Lychnis apetala, L. . . .122 pulchra, Schlecht. in L. . . 326 Lycium Barharum, var. Chinense, Auct. 267 Chinense, Mill. . . . 267 Japonicum, Thunb. . . .194 Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill. . . 67j 202 Lycopodium annotinum, L. . . 132 Arhuscula, Grev. et Hook. . . 102 canaliculatum, L. — p>, pallidius, . 255 caulescens, Wall. . . . 255 cernuum, L. . . . .73, 255 Menziesii, Grev. et Hook. . . 102 nudum, L. . . . .73 pallescens, Hook, et Grev. . . 312 Phlegmaria, L. ... 73 phyllanthum, H. et A. . . 102 Selago, L. . . . . 132 curvatum, L. /3. robustius, Grev. et Hook. 102 Lycopsis arvensis, L. . . .37 Lygodesmia minor. Hook. . . 145 Lygodiiim Japonicum, Sw. . 255, 274 scandens, Gaud. . . . 73 Lysimachia glaucophylla, H. et A. (Tab. LXVIII.) . . .307 lineariloba, H. et A. (Tab. LVI.) . 268 Lythrum lineare, L. . . . 343 maritimum, DC. . . .84 Macrocystis Humboldtii, Ag. . ■ 77 Menziesii, Ag. . . . 163, 407 obtusa, Harv. . ' . . . 163 pomifera, Bory. ... 77 pyrifera, Ag. .... 407 Macromitrion piliferum, Schwcegr. . 109 Macrorhynchus Lessingii, H. et A. . 361 Macrostema vitifolia, Pers. . . 303 Madaraglossa angustifolia, DC. . . 358 Douglasii, H. et A. . . . 358 gaillardioides, H. et A. ■ • 357 glandulosa, H. et A. . . • 358 heterotricha, DC. . . • 358 hieracioides, DC. . • . 358 Madaria elegans, DC. . • . 355 INDEX. 469 Madi, Feuill. PAGE 57 Madia corymbosa, DC. — /3. hispida, DC. 355 elegans, Don, . 355 mellosa, Mol. . 57 saliva. Mol. . 57,355 viscosa, a. H. et A. . 57, 145, 355 Magnolia Yulan, Desf. ? . 166 Mahonia aquifolium, DC. Nutt. 134,318 Maianthemum bifolium, DC. 117 Majorana hortensis, Mcench. 204 Malachra bracteata, Cav. f 277 Mexicana, Schrad. ? . 277 Malva Americana, Cav. . 168 carpinifolia, Desv. 168 Coromandeliana, L. , 168 eriocarpa, DC. 11 malachroides, H. et A. 326 obtusa, Torr. et Gr. 326 parviflora, L. . 11 prostrata, Cav. 12 rotundifolia, L. . 79,326 spicata, L. . 277 tricuspidata. Ait. 168 Malvaviscus Acapulcensis, H.B.K. 278 Mangifera glauca, Rottl. 176 Marattia alata, Sw. 102 Marchantia polymorpha, L. 120, 133, 162 Marica iridifolia, Bot. Reg. 47 striata, Bot. Mag. 47 Mariscus cyperinus, Vahl. 223, 272 laevigatus, Rcem. et Schult. 72 IcBvis, H.B.K. . 72 paniceus, Vahl. 72 Marlea begoniifolia, Roxb. 187 Marrubium Germanicum, Steud. 383 hamatum, Humb. et Kunth. 383 vulgare, L. . 383 Marsilea vestita. Hook, et Grev. 812 Maruta Cotula, DC. 265 fcetida, Cass. . 265 Matricaria discoidea, DC. 359 Maurandia ? stricta, H. et A. 375 Mays Zea, Gsertn, 247 Maytenus Chilensis, DC. 14 Meconopsis crassifolia, Benth. 320 heterophylla, Benth. 320 Medicago apiculata, Willd. 262 PAGE denticulata, a. brevissima, Benth. 17? 137, 262 maoulata, Sibth. . . . 330 Megastachya amabilis, P. de Beauv. . 251 cylindrica, Schult. . . . 251 Melacothrix Californica, UC. . . 361 Melaleuca eestuosa, Forst. . . 63 spectabilis, Gasrtn. ... 63 villosa, L. . . . .63 Melampodium perfoliatum, H.B. et Kunth. 299 sericeum? Lagasca. . . . 299 tenellum, H. et A. . . . 299 Melastoma Malabathricura, Z) C. . . 186 septemnervium, Lour. . . .187 Taitense, DC. . . .62 Melia Azedarach, L. . . . 174 Melica colpoides, Nees. . . . 403 im perforata, Nees. . . . \ 403 Magellanica, Desv. ... 50 violacea, Rcem. et Schult. . . 51 Melilotus leucantha, Koch. . . 180 parviflora, Desf. . .IT, 137, 262 Melissa repens, Benth. . . " . 268 Melochia hispida, H. et A. . . 60 parvifolia, H.B.K. . . . 279 Melodious monogynus, Roxb. . . 299 Memecylon nigreseens, H. et A. . 186 scutellatum, H. et A. . . . 186 Menonvillea linearis, DC. . . 7 Mentha piperita, L. . . .155 Pulegium, L. . . . .58 Meosehium lodiculare, N. ab E. . . 246 Mertensia dichotoma, Willd. . . 73, 255 glaucescens, Willd. . . . 255 Hermanni, H. et A. . . 255 Mesembryanthemum cordifolium, L. . 189 Metrosideros diffusa, Sm. . . 63 macropus, H. et A. . . . 82 obovata, H. et A. (Tab. XII.) . 63 polymorpha. Gaud. ... 82 villosa, Sm. . . . .63 Michelia Champaca, L. . . . 166 Micromeria Douglasii, Benth. . . 382 Microcos Mala, Ham. . . . 171 paniculata, L. . . .171 Stauntoniana, G.T)ot\. . . 171 Milium ramosum, Roxb. . . 232 Mimosa asperata, Willd. . . 287 470 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Cavenia, Molin. 21 Myonima umbellata, D C. 86 dulcis, Roxb. . 181 Myoporum ? euphrasioides, H. et A. 67 filicoides, Cav. ? 288 tenuifolium, Br. 93 floribunda, Willd. 287,418 Myosotis alpestris, Schmidt. 128 mangium, Forst. 81 Chorisiana, Cham, et Lehm. . 15S !, 370 sensitiva, L. 419 flaccida. Dough 369 simplicifolia, L. 81 fulva, H. et A. . 38, 369 Mimulus aurantiacus, Bot. Mag. . 154 gloraerata, Nutt. 370 brevipes, Benth. 377 muricata, H. et A. 369 cardinalis, Bough 377 Myriactis Javanica 1 DC. 195 floribundus, Lindl. 154, 378 Myrica Californica, Ch, et Schh . 390 glabratus, H.B.K. 307 Gale, Z. . . . 116 glutinosus, Willd. 154, 378 Xalapensis ? Humb. et Kunth. 160 guttatus, DC. . . 153,378 Myrsine ? ardisioides, H. et A. . 197 linearis, Benth. 377 Myrtus canescens, Lour. . 188 luteus, Lindl. . . 40, 153, 378 communis, L. ? 291 lyratus, Benth. 377 toraentosa. Ait. 187 nanus, Hooh. — a. pluriflorus.- -iS. subuni- Nardosma angulosa, Cassim. 126 florus. 378 Nasturtium palustre, DC. 135 Mirabilis Jalapa, Z. 207, 443 Nauclea Adina, Sm. 191 Mitracarpum hirtuin, DC. 66 rotundifolia, DC. 64 pallidum, H. et A. 430 Navarretia atractyloides, H. et A. 368 Schizangium, DC. (Tab. XCIX. A.) 295, 429 cotulsefolia, H. et A. . 368 Molina salicifolia, Ruiz et Pav. 147 intertexta, Hooh. 367 Mollugo arenaria, H.B.K. 277 pubescens, H. et A. . 368 Momordica Balsamina, L. 292 pungens. Hook. 368 ? quinquefida, H, et A. 424 squarrosa, H. et A. . . 368 Monardella Douglasii, Benth. 382 Neckera Californica, H. et Ai' . 162 ,406 undulata, Benth. 382 dendroides, Hook. 109 Monnina linearifolia, B,. et P. (Tab. VI.) 10 filicina, Hedw. . . . 76 Xalapensis, H.B.K. . 277 undulata, Hedw. 76 Monolopia major, D C. . 359 Nectandra salicifolia, Nees. 309 minor, DC. . 359 Negundo Californicum, Torr. et Gr. (Tab. Morcea Chinensis, Thunb. 217 LXXVII.) 327 Morclotia gahniasformis, Gaud. 98 Nemophila aurita, Lindl. . 372 Morgania lucida, Spr. . 202 insignis, Dougl. 372 Morinda citrifolia, Z. 65 Menziesii, H. et A. . .152, 372 Mueronea Californica, Benth. 386 parviflora, Dougl. 372 Mucuna altissima, D C. . 81 pedunculata, Dougl. . 372 Mulinum cuneatura, H. et A. 26 Nepenthes distillatoria, Lodd. . 209 Murraya exotica, Z. 172, 260 Phyllamphora, Willd. . • . 209 Mussaanda ^foncfosa. Lour. 191 Nephelium Longanum, Camb. 174 glabra, Vahl. . 264 Nephrodium apiifolium, H. et A. 105 pubescens. Ait. 191 Dubrueilianura, H. et A. 105 Mycinema ? flava, H. et A. 54 exaltatura, Sw. . 74, 105 Mygindus Scoparia, H. et A. 283 fragrans, Rich. 132 Myginda Vragoga, Schlecht. 283 Gaimardianum, Gaud. 75 INDEX. PAGE nymphale, H. et A. . . . 74 propinquum, Br. . . . 74 resiniferum, Kaulf, , . .105 squamigerum, iy. .4. . . 106 Nephrolepis exaltata, Schott. . . 312 Ncraudia melastomcefolia, Gaud. . 96 Nerium Chinense, Hunter, . . 199 odorum, L. . . . 199, 266, 302 Oleander, Lour. . . .199 Nescea saUcifolia,lA..'^.Y^. . 288,422 Neurocarpura multiflorum, H. et A. 286, 416 Nicandra physaloides, Gcertn. . . 36 Nicotiana acuminata, Bot. Mag. . 57 angustifolia ? Ruiz et Pav. . . 57 crispa, Desv. .... 304 plumbaginifolia, Vir. in Roem. . . 304 rustica, L. . . . 153, 375 Nigrina spicata, Thunb. . 216, 270 Niphobolus macrocarpus, H. et A. (Tab. XVIII.) .... 74 pertusus, Spr. .... 255 Nitophyllum laceratum, y. palmatum, Harv. 163 Nocca latifolia, Lallave et Lex. . 296, 432 Nolana paradoxa, Sims. ... 37 Notochlaena pilosa, B. et A. . . 74 rufa, Brest. , . . . . 51 Nptolaena pilosa, H. et A. . . 255 Nuttallia cerasiformis, Torr. et Gr. (Tab. LXXXII.) . . .337 Nyctanthus Arbor-tristis, L. . . 197 Nymphanthus rubra. Lour. . . 210 Oberonia brevifolia, Lindl. . . 71 Myosurus, Lindl. . . . 71 Ocotea salicifolia, H.B.K. . . 309 Octoblepharum albidum, L/ecfe;. . . 76,119 Ocymum Basilicum, y. glabratum, Benth. 204 caryopliyllatum, Roxb. . . 204 gratissimum, L. ... 67 (Egilops Hystrix, Nutt. . . . 404 (Egochloa atractyloides,^ex\‘Ca. . . 318 intertexta, Benth. . . . 368 (Enothera acaulis, Cav. ... 23 alyssoides. Hook. . . . 340 biennis, L. . . . . 141 Chamissonis, Link. ... 23 dentata, Ser. .... 23 graciliflora. Hook. . . .341 PAGE hirta. Link. .... 23 lepida, Lindl. .... 342 Lindleyii, Lehm. . . . 141 macrantha, Nutt. MS. . . 342 micrantha, Spr. . . . 23, 342 marginata, Nutt. MS. . . . , 342 mollissima, Cav. . . .23 odorata, Jacq. 9 .. . 343 purpurea, Willd. . . . 341 rubicunda, Lindl. . . . 342 spiralis. Hook. . . . 141, 341 tenella, Cav. .... 23 viminea, Bougl. var. parvifiora ? . 342 Ogiera triplinervia, Spreng. . . 57 Olea Europasa, A. ... 34 Onagra Linaricefolia, Feuill. . . 23 Oncidium sp. . . . .311 Opa odorata. Lour. . . . 187 Ophioglossum pendulum, Willd. . . 73, 102 tuberosum, H. et A. . . . 53 Ophiopogon spicatus, Ker. . . 218 Ophrys Corallorhiza, L. . , 138 Opilia odorata, Spr. . . . 174 Oplismenus pseudocolonus, Kunth. . 233 Orchis latifolia, X. .9 . . . 117 var. Beeringiana, Cham. . . 117 obtusata, Pursh. . . .130 Oreodaphne Californica, Nees. . . 389 Origanum Majorana, L. . . 204 Ornithogalum gramineum, Bot. Mag. . 49 Sinense, Lour. . . . 218 Orthocarpus castiilejoides, Benth. . 379 densidorus, Benth. . . .379 erianthus, Benth. . . . 379 floribundus, Benth. . . . 378 gracilis, Benth. . . . 378 lithospermoides, Benth. . . 379 purpurascens, Benth. . . . 379 pusillus, Benth. . . . 378 'Yo\m\e\,‘ H. et A. . . . 879 Orthopogon compositus, Br. . 101, 109 Retzii, Spr. .... 235 Orthotricum apiculatum ? IZbo/s. . . 76 Oryza sativa, L. . . . . 274 Osmorhiza Chilense, H. et A. . . 26 Osmunda Vachellii, Hook. . . 255 Ostcomeles anthyllidifolia, DC. . . 88 472 INDEX. Oxalis carnosa, Lindl. corniculata, L. . ' floribunda, Bot. Reg. , ? glomerata, H. et A. . laxa, H. et A. . ■ Nesei, . Oregana, Nutt, in Torr. ' parvifolia, DC. racemosa, Lam. repens, Thunh. rosea, Sims. Oxycarpus Cochinchinensis, Lour, Oxyceros Sinensis, Lour. Oxyria reniformis, Hook. Oxytropis arctica, Br. borealis, DC. . Oxyura chrysanthemoides, DC. Pachypodium integrifolium, Nutt. LXXIV.) Pachyrhizus angulatus, Rich. trilobus, DC. . Palquin, Feuill. . Paliurus Aubletia, Schult. Panax? Gaudichaudi, DC. ? ovatum, H. et A. ? platyphyllum, H. et A. Pandanus odoratissimus, L. Panicum adscendens ? H.B.K. affine, 3. et A. Beecheyi, H. et A. csesium, H. et A. _ capillare, Retz. colonum, L. ciliare, Roxb. . commutatum, N. ah E cornpositum, L. ' convolutum, P. de Beauv. filiforme, Thunb. fuscum, Smith, glaucum, L. gossypinum, H. et A hispidulum, Lam. hordeiforme, Thunb. ischasmoides, Retz. Italicum, L. maximum, Jacq. railiaceum, L. . (Tab. . 13 muricatum, Retz. 236 61 136, 261 myurus, Lam. . 312 14 nephelophilum, Gaud. 100 . 13 penicillatum, Willd. 234:, ,273 13 pseudocolonum, Roth. . 233 413 psilopodium, Trin. 233 328 purpurascens, Humb. et Kunth. 234 13 ramosum. Keen. 234 14 Rottleri, Kunth. 273 . 80,266 tenuifolium, H. et A. . 101 13 violaceum, Rottl. 236 173 virgatum, Roxb. 234 192 viride, L. . . . 235 129 Panke, S^c. Feuill. 45 122 Pautsauvia, Juss. 187 132 Papaver nudicaule, L. 121 356 Paratropia Cantoniensis, Lour. . 189 B. Pardanthus Chinensis, Ker. 217 321 Parietaria Cochinchinensis, Lour. 214 184 Zeylanica, L. . 214 184 Paritium Azanza, G. Don. 278 40 tiliaceum, St HU. 168, 259 177 Parmelia ealicarpa, H. et A. 77 84 caperata, Ach. 163 84 diatrypa, Ach. 133 84 enter omorpha, Ach. . . 163 220 pannosa, Ach. . . . 77 312 Parnassia Kotzebuei, Cham, et Schlecht. 122 150 palustris, L, 122 100 Parrya macrocarpa, Br. . 121 236 Parsonsia? Helicandra, Dowf. 197 100 Parthenium Hysterophorus, L. 299 232, 233 Paspalum orbiculare, Br. 72 232 Paspalus annulatus, Flugge. 232 232, 273 Boryanus, P7'esl9 273 101 Chinensis, H. et A. . 231 233 Coromandelianus, Lam. 231 232 filiforme, var. Chinense, Kunth. 232 236 Kora, Willd. . 231 234 scrobiculatus, L. 231 100 Passiflora joawKOsa, Smith? 293 235, 273 tubiflora, H.B.K. 292 273 viridiflora, Cav. 292 233, 273 Pastinaca sativa, L. 294 234, 273 Pauletia inermis, Cav. . 420 312 Paullinia Curassavica, L. 413 233, 273 fuscescens, H.B.K. 282 INDEX. pubescens, DC. PAGE 282 Pavetta alba, Valh. 193 Indica, L. 193 Pavonia Mexicana, H.B.K. ? 411 racemifera, H. et A. . 277 Pectis diffusa, H. et A. . 296 Taliscana, H. et A. . 296 Pedicularis capitata, Adams. 128 euphrasioides, Steph. . 128 densiflora, Benth. 380 lanata, Willd. . 128 Langsdorffii, Fisch. 128 Nelsoni, Br. 128 ’ sudetica, Willd. 128 surrecta, Benth, 381 verticillata, L, . 128 Pedilanthus tithymaloides, H.B.K. 310 Peltidea aphthosa, .4cA. . . 110,120,133 venosa, Ach. . 110 Penicillaria Chinensis, N. ab E. 236 Pennisetum calyculatum, Spr. . 72, 101 Italicum, Br. . 234 Japonicum, Trin. 236 purpurascens, H.B.K. 812 viride, Br. 235 Penstemon breviflorus, Lindh 376 cordifolius, Benth. 376 heterophyllus, Lindh a. ji. 376 laricifolius, H. cf .4. 376 procerus. Dough . . 377 staticifolius, Lindh 376 Pentapetes acerifolia, L. 170 Phaenicea, L. . 170 Peperomia leptostachya, H. et A. 96 ? membranacea, H. et A. 96 pallida, H. et A. 96 rhomboidea, H. et A. . 70 tetraphylla, H. et A. . 97 verticillata, Spr. 96 Pergularia divaricata, Lour. 199 Periloma scutellarioides, H.B.K, 306 Periploca sylvestris, Willd. 200 Peristrophe tinctoria, Nees. 207 Perotis longiflora, N. ab E. 247 polystachya, Willd. 238 Petalostemon macrostachyum, Torr. 333 ornatum. Dough 833 Pelesia carnosa, H. et A. ? coriacea, H. et A. . ? terminalis, H. et A. . Petiveria alliacea, L. . Petroselinum sativum, Hoffm. Petunia acuminata, Grab. Peumusfragrans, Pers. . Phaca astragalina, DC. . . 122; canescens, Nutt. densifolia, Sm. . . . 138 Douglasii, Torr. et Gr. frigida, L, ... . leucophylla, H. et A. . macrodon, H. et A. . Phacelia Californica, Cham, ciliata, Dough .... circinnata, Jacq. . . 39, 152, Peruviana, Cham, ramosissima, Dough tanacetifolia, Benth. PJicBostoma Douglasii, Spach. Phalaris Californica, H. et A. . minor? Metz. .... Phallus Dsemonum, Rumph. (Tab. XX.) Phania? dissecta, H. et A. ? urenifolia, H. et A. . Pharnaceum pentagynum, Roxb. Phaseolus micranthus, H, et A. . saccharatus, M'Fad. . , Pkippsia monandra, Trin. Phoenix dactylifera, L. . Phmnocaulis cheiranthoides, Nutt. Photinia arbutifolia, Lindh . 139, serrulata, DC. . Phlox linearis, Cav. Sibirica, L, . speciosa, Pursh. Phyllamphora mirabilis, Lour. . Phyllanthus cinerascens, H. et A. distichus, H. et A. lucens, Poir. .... Niruri, L. . obscurus, Willd. ? . ihamnoides, Retz. ? . turbinatus, Sims. villosa, Poir. .... virgatus, Spr. .... 473 PAGE 64 85 85 308 26 57 59 ,834 334 ,334 334 122 333 333 152 374 374 152 374 374 340 161 402 78 433 297 293 287 418 13 219 322 860 185 37 128 364 209 211 95 210 210 210 270 210 210 69 474 INDEX, PAGE Phyllostegia Chamissonis, Benth. 92 glabra, Benth. . 92 grandiflora, Benth. 93 parviflora, Benth. 93 Phj'salis angulata, L. 67, 267 pubescens, L. . 304 Phytolacca Abyssinica, Hoffm. 94 dodecandra, L’ Her, 94 octandra 1 L. . 308 Picris repens. Lour. 194 Pilea peploides, H. et A. 96 Pinguicula lilacina, Cham, et Schlecht. . 443 Pinonia splendens, Gaud. 108 Pinus bracteata, Don. 394 Californica, Lois. 393 Cembra, L. 117 Coulter!, Don. . 393 Douglas!!, Sab. 394 grand!s, Dougl. 394 !ns!gn!s, Dougl. 393 Lamberfiana, Dougl. . 394 Masson!ana, Lamb. 271 Menz!es!!, Lamb. 394 mont!cola, Dougl. 394 niimcata, Don. . 393 nob!l!s, Dougl. . 394 patula. Sell, et Dep. ? . 393 radlata, Don. . . 392, 393, 443 religiosa, H.B.K. 160 r!g!da? Mill. . 160 Sablniana, Dougl. 393 Sinclair!!, H. et A. (Tab. XCIII.) 392 sylvestrls, Thunb. 271 tuberculata, Don. 394 Piper begonlgefollum, H. et A. 310 elllptlcum, H. et A. 443 latlfollum, Forst. 70 raethystlcum, Spr. 96 pallidum, Forst. 96 patens, H. et A. 310 rejlexum, Vahl. 97 scabrlfollum, H. et A. . 310 tetraphyllum, Forst. 97 verticillatum, L. 96 Plquerla trinervia, Cav. . 296, 433 Pisonia Pacurero? H.B.K. 308 Plstla Stratlotes, L. 312, 443 PAGE Pisum maritimum, L. 113, 123 Pittosporum glabrum, H. et A. 110 pauclflorum, H. et A. (Tab. XXXII.) 168,259 Tobira, Ait. 169 Plantago Aslatlca, L. 269 Camtschatlca, Link. 156 gnaplialloides, Nutt. 384 hlspldula, Ruiz et Pav. 43 lagopus, Ph. . 384 major, L. 157 media, L. 43 mollis, H. et A. 43 Quellana, Gaud. 93 tumida, Link. . 43 Platanus occldentalls, L. 160, 390 Platystemon Callfornlcura, Benth. 318 Platystlgma llneare, Benth. 319 Plectranthus australis, Br. 92 Plectrltls congesta, D C. . 349 Pleopeltis elongata, Kaulf. 103 Pleurothallis disticha, Ach. et Rich. 71 Plocamlum cocclneum, Lyngb. 164,408 Plumbago cserulea, Humb. et Kunth. 42 Mexlcana? AT.C.AT. 307 rosea, L. 207 Zeylanlca, L. . 93 Poa, Retz. 312 . amabilis, L. 251 " angustata, Br. . 132 annua, Z. . 51, 119 arctlca, Br. 132 Brownii, Kunth. 253 capillaris, Roxb. 254 Chinensis, Roxb. 249 ciliaris, H.B.K. 312 cuspidata, Roth. 252 cylindrica, Roxb. 251 Douglasii, Nees. 404 Jlexuosa, Roxb. 252 Gangetica, Roxb. ? 252 Indica, Wllld. . 253 Malabarica, L. 249 megastachya, Koch. 252 Michauxii, Kth. 404 nemoralls, Z. . 119, 132 plumosa, Retz. ■254 polymorpha, Wllld. 252, 253 INDEX. 475 PAGE PAGE pratensis, L. . 119 alternifolium, Willd. 74 pseudoamabilis, Roxb. 252 Californicum, Kaulf. . 161, 405 Roxburghiana, Schult. 252 crinale, H. et A. 105 rubens, Lam. . 251 dichotomum, Thunb. . . 73,255 serotina, Gaud. . 403 erectum, Forst. 73 unioloides, Roxb. 251 extensum, Forst. . ^ 76 virgata, Roth. — p>. liumilior, Kunth. 249 falcatum, Th. FI. Jap. 274 Podocarpus neriifolius, Lamb. 271 hymenophylloides, Kaulf. 105 Pogogyne Douglasii, Benth. 383 intermedium, II. et A. . 405 multiflora, Benth. 383 latifolium, Forst. 74 parviflora, Benth. 383 Leuzeanum, Gaud. 256 Pogonatherum crinitum, Trin. 238 nympliale, Forst. . 74,405 polystachyum, R. et Sch. 238 pellucidum, Kaulf. 103 refractum, JV. ab E. . 273 pendulum. Gaud. 104 saccharoideum, P. de Beauv. . 238 pertusum, Roxb. 255 Poincettia pulcherriraa, Grah. in Bot. Mag. 810 phymatodes, L. 74 Poinciana insignis, Kunth. 419 polycarpon, H. et A. . 104 pulcherrima, L. 184,419 Pseudo-gramraitis, Gaud. (Tab. XXL B.) 103 spinosa, Feuill. 55 quercifolium, L. 256 Polco, Feuill. 58 rugulosum, Kaulf. 52 Polemonium cmruleum, var. nana, Hk. 127, 128,364 Sandwicense, H. et A. 104 huraile, Willd. 116 setigerum, H. et A. (Tab. XXI. A.) . 103 lanatum, Fisch. . . . 116 spectrum, Kaulf. 103 pulcherrimum ? Hook. 116 subtriphyllum, (Tab. L.) 256 Richardsoni, Grah. 128 Tamarascinum, Kaulf. 105 speciosum, Fisch. 128 Thouinianum, Gaud. . 103 Polyantherix Hystrix, Nees. 404 trilobum, Kaulf. 52 Polygala aparinoides, H. et A. . 277 unidentatum, H. et A. 105 paniculata, L. . 277 vestitum, Forst. 52 rivinaefolia, H.B.K. 410 Polypogon monopeliense, Desf. 50 Polygonum . ... ? 308 Polysiphonia verticillata, Harv. 165 acre, Meisn. 158 Polyspora axillaris, H. et A. 171 Alpinum, All. . 129 Polystichum Dubreilianum, Gaud. 105 barbatum, L. . 208, 269 Polytrichum Alpinum, L. 119, 133 Chinense, L. . 208 canaliculatum, H. et A. 54 maritimum, L. . 43 commune, L. . 119 orientale, /2. pilosum, Meisn. 208 contortum ? Menz. 119 Paronychia, Cham, et Schlecht. 158 juniperinum, Willd. 135 perfoliatum, L. 208 Isevigatum, Vahl. 133 Persicaria, L. . . . 68, , 158, 208 nanum, Hedw. 133 pilosum, Roxb. 208 Pomaderris ziziphoides, H. et A. 61 sinense, L. . 269 Pongamia Chinensis, DC. 181 tamnifolium, Humb. et Kunth. . 43 Pontederia ovata, H. et A. 218 viviparum, L. . 116, 129 Poppigia cyanocarpa, Bert. 58 Poly podium Adenophorus, H. et A, (Tab. Populus balsamifera, L. . 117, 159 XXII.) . 104 Porphyra vulgaris, Ag. 409 atro-punctatum, Gaud. 103 Porophyllum Linaria? DC. 298 476 INDEX. PAGE PAGE viridiflorum, DC. . . 436 Reevesii, Wall. 193 Portulaca flava, Forst. 63 scandens, H. et A. 193 oleracea, L. . 63 Pteris alata. Gaud. 107 patens, Jacq. . 63 andromedsefolia, Kaulf. 406 pilosa, Sm, var, ? 293 Chilensis, Desv. 53 Potentilla anserina, . 113, 123 ,338 costata, Bory. (Tab. LI.) 266 biflora, Lehm. . 123 Cretica, Th. FI. Jap. . 274 fragarioides, DC. 113 esculenta, Sw. . 257 fruticosa, L. . 123 irregularis, Kaulf. 107 glandulosa, Lindl. /3. . 338 lanuginosa, Kaulf. 405 nana, Lehm. 123 longifolia, Z. . 274 Pennsylvanica, L. 123 nemoralis, Willd. 75 villosa, Pall. — jS. gracilis. 113 , 123 pedata, Willd. 107 Pothos Loureiri, H. et A. 220 serraria, Sw. 274 Pottsia Cantonensis, H. et A. (Tab. XLIII.) 199 serrulata, Z. . 256 Prasium glabrum. Gaud. 92 Pterochilus plantaginea, H. et A. (Tab. grandiflorum, Gaud. . 93 XVII.) . 71 parviflortcm. Gaud. 93 Pterogonium julaceum, flecfw. 406 Premna integrifolia, L. 67 Pterospermum acerifolium, Willd. 170 Prenanthes Integra, Thunb. 266 Pterostegia drymarioides, F. et M. (Tab. Japonica, Thunb. 266 XC.) 387 Primula mistassinica ? Lehm. 129 Pterostigma grandiflorum, Benth. (Tab. nivalis, Pall. . 129 XLV.) . 204 saxifragifolia, Lehm. 128 Ptilota hypnoides, Harv. 164 Prinos asprellus, H. et A. (Tab, XXXVI.) 177 pectinata, Harv. 165 integra, II. et A. 261 Pulmonaria denticulata, Cham, . 116 Prismatanthus bartsioides, H. et A. 203 maritima, L. . 116 Procris australis, Spr. . 70 Sibirica, Pursh. 116 glabra, H. et A. 96 Punica Granatum, Z. 263 integrifolia, Don. 70 Pyrethrum Caucasicum, Willd. . 126 sessilis, H. et A. 70 inodorum, Sm. — var. nana. 126 Prosopis horrida, Kunth. 288 Pyrola minor, Z. . 116 Proustia ilicifolia, H. et A. 28 rotundifolia, Z. 127 pyrifolia, Don. 57 Pyrrocoma grindelioides, Z) (7. 146; , 351 Prunus domestica, L. 22 Menziesii, H. et A. . 351 Psidium pomiferum, L. 188 Pyrus anthyllidifolia, Sm. 83 pyriferum, L. . . . . ' 188 sambucifolia, Cham, et Schlecht. 114 Psilotum .complanatum, 5'w.- . 73, 102 Pythagorea Cochinchinensis, Lour. 179 triquetrum, Sw. . .. . . 73, 102 Quamoclit vitifolia, H. et A. 303 truncatum, Br. 404 vulgaris, Chois. 440 Psoralea glandulosa, Z, . . ’ 18 Quercus agrifolia. Nee. . 391 macrostachya, Z) C. 332 ' aristata, H. et A. 443 orbictilaris, Lindl. . ■ 333 densiflora. Hook. 391 . physodes. Dough 333 Douglasii, Hook. 391 ■ strobilina, H. et A. (Tab. LX XX.) 332 Garryana, Dough 391 Psychotria herbacea, L. . • 66 Quinaria Lansium, Lour. 172 Mariana, Bartl. 265 Quinchamali, ^c. Feuill. 44 INDEX. 477 PAGE PAGE Quinchamalium Chilense, Lam. 44 ? caustica, H. et A. (Tab. VII.) 15 procumbens, Ruiz et Pav. 44 lobata. Hook. . 137 Quisqualis Indica, DC. . 186 macrophylla, H. et A. . 413 Ramalina fastigiata, Ach. 258 radicans, L. . 137 liomalea, Ach, . 77, 163, 406 semialata, Murray, 179 scopulosum, Ach. var. tenuissima. 163 terebinthifolia, Schlecht. • 284,413 Randia longijlora, Lam. . 192 Rhynchosia grandiflora, Schlecht. (Tab. Sinensis, Rcem. et Schult. 191 LIX.) 287,418 Ranunculus affinis, Br. 121 Mexicana, H. et A. . 287 aquatilis, L. 134, 316 voliibilis. Lour. 181 auricomus, L. . 111 Rhynchospora Chinensis, Hees. et Meyer 226 Chilensis, DC. (Tab. III.) . 4, 134 lavarum, Gaud. 98 dissectus, H. et A. . 316 scelerioides, H. et A. . 99 glaberrimus. Hook. 316 Ribes Californicum, H. et A. . 346 hebecarpus, H. et A. . 316 ferox, Sm. 141,345 humilis, L. (Tab. II.) . 4 glutinosum, Benth. 345 Lapponicus, L. 121 rnalvaceum, Sm. 141, 345 multijidus, Pursh. 121 Menziesii, Pursh. 141,345 muricatus, DC. 5 occidentale, H. et A. . 346 • nivalis, L. . 121 punctatum, DC. 25 palustris echinata, Feuill. 5 sanguineum. Dough 141, 345 parvijlorus, y. Torr. et Gr. 316 speciosum, Pursh. 345 Purshii, Rich. . 121 stamineum, Sm. 345 pygmseus, Vahl. 121 subveslitum, H. et A. . 346 repens, L. 111 tenuiflorum, Lindl. 345 Raphiolepis Indica, Lindl. 185 triflorum, Willd. 346 ? integerrima, H, et A. 263 Ricinus communis, L. 212 Raphis trivialis, Lour. . 238 Riedleia nodiflora, Don. . . 412 Reevesia thyrsoidea, Lindl. 170 serrata. Vent. ? 279, 412 Retanilla Ephedra, Brongn. 15 Rivinia humilis, L. 808 Rhamnus biniflorus, Moc. et Less. 283 Robinia mitis. Lour. 181 ? cuneatus. Hook, 136, 329 Rosa blanda ? Ait. 339 lineatus, L. 177 Californica, var. Cham, et Schlecht. 339 oleifolius. Hook. 136, 328 Kamtschatica, Lindl. . 114 theezans, L. 178 microphylla, Roxb. 185 ziziphoides, Spr. 61 Rostellaria procumbens, /3. Nees. . 206, 268 Rhaphis trivialis, Lour. . 102 Rottboellia dimidiata, L. 101 Rhizophora corniculata, L. 197 Rottlera aurantiaca, H. et A. 270 mangle, L. , 290 Chinensis, ^dr. de Juss. 212 Rhodiola rosea, L. 114, 123 Japopica, Spr. 270 Rhododendron calendulaceum. Torr. 362 paniculata,- de Juss. . 212 Indicum, Don. 266 Roubie'va anthelraintica, Mog. .' 387 Kamtschatieum, Pall. . 116 Rourea glabra, H.B.K. ? / 283 Rhodomenia ciliata, /3. microphylla. 164 Rubia Chilensis, Willd. . 27 laciniata, Hrev. 164 Chamaemorus, Ij. 123 polycarpa, Grev. 164, 408 pistillatus, Sm. . . . '. ‘ 123 Rhusaromatica, Ait. . 284 propinquus. Rich. 123 478 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Relbun, Schlecht. 27 cinerea, Z. 117 Rubus alcecBfolius, Poir. . 185 Forsteriana ? Sm. 117 arcticusj L. . 113 glauca, var. Vahl. 129 macropetalus, Dougl. . 140, 338 Hoffmanniana, Sm. 159 Menziesii, Hook. 140 Lapponum, Z. 129 Mollucanus, Lour.* . 185 microphylla, Schlecht. (Tab. LXX.) 810 parvifolius, L. . 184, 262 reticulata, Z. . 130 reflexus, Bot. Mag. 184 retusa, Z. 130 tripliyllus, Thunb. 184 rhamnifolia, Pall. (Tab. XXVI.) 117 ursinus, Cham, et Schlecht. 140 speciosa, H. et A. 130 velutinus, H. et A. 140 Salpianthus arenarius, Humb. 308 Ruellia dulcis, Spr. 41 purpurascens, H. et A. 308 Ruizia, Ruiz et Pav. 59 Salpiglossis prostrata, H. et A. 153,376 Rumex Acetosa, Z. 129 Salsola fruticosa, L. 387 aquaticus, A Vahl. . 129 Salvia carduacea, Benth. . 381 Chinensis, Campd. 208 columbarise, Benth. 381 crispus, Lour. . 208, 308 elongata, H.B.K. 306 cuneifolius, Canab. 43 Keerlii, Benth. 306 denticulatus, Dun. 208 lasiocephala, Benth. 306 digynus, L. 129 occidentalis, Sw. 306 domesticus, Hartm. 129 procumbens, Ruiz et Pav. 306 Loureiri, Campd. 208 Scorodonia? Poir. 306 persicarioides, Campd. 159 Sambucus racemosa, L. . 115 salicifolius, Weinmann. 157 Sanicula arctopoides, H. et A. 141,347 Ruppia maritima, Z. 97 bipinnata, H. et A. 347 Russelia floribunda, H.B.K. 307 laciniata, H. et A. 347 rotundifolia, Cav. 307 liberta, Schlecht. 26 Ruta angustifolia, Pers. . 175 Menziesii, H. et A. 142, ,347 Chalepensis, Lour. 175 nudicaulis, H. et A. 347 graveolens, Z. . 14 Santalum Freycinetianum, Gaud. 94 R3'tidostylis gracilis, H. et A. (Tab. Santolina suaveolens, Pursh. 359 XCVII. A.) 425 tinctoria. Mol. 30 Saccharum Chinense, Roxb. 241 Sapindus Drummondi, H. et A. 281 cylindricum, Roxb. 240 glabrescens, H. et A. . 281' Kcenigii, Retz et Auct. 240 incequalis, Schlecht. 281 Japonicurn, Thunb. 242 Sapiurn sebiferum, Roxb. 213 officinarum, Z. . . 72, 102 Sarcostemma bilobum, H. et A. 438 paniceum, Lam. 238 Cumanense? HB.K. . 302 polydactylon, Thunb. . 242 Sargassum ilicifolium, Ag. 258 Sara, Roxb. ? . 240 sisymbrioides, Ag. 258 Thunbergii, Retz. 240 vulgare, Ag. 110, 258 Sadleria cyatheoides, Kaulf. 107 Sarmiaenta repens, Ruiz et Pav. 41 pallida, H. et A. . 75, 107 Satureja montana, L. 41 Sagittaria sagittifolia, Z, ? 220 Saussurea alpina, D C. 116, 127 Salicornia radicans ? Z. . 43 Saururus cernuus, Z. 216 Salix arctica ? Br. 129 Saxifraga cestivalis, Fisch. 114 arenaria, Z. . 129 bronchialis, Z. — /3. minor. 114, 124 INDEX. 479 PAGE PAGE cEespitosa, L. var. uniflora, 123 Scutida scutellata. Lour. 186 cernua, L. — )3. multiflora, 124 Scytalia Longan, Roxb. . 174 cherleroides, Don. 114 Sebifera viscosa. Lour. . 208 Dahurica, Sternb. var. 124 Sedum Rhodiola, D C. 114, 123 flagellaris, Willd. 124 uniflorum, H. et A. 263 gracilis, Sternb. 114 Selliguea decurrens, Presl. 274 hieracifolia, Waldst. 124 Semeiandra grandiflora, H. et A. (Tab. Hircalus, L. . 124 LIX.) 291 hirsuta, f>. punctata, DC. 114 Senacia glauca, Lam. 176 Nelsoniana, Don. (Tab. XXIX.) 124 Maytenus, Lam. 15 punctata, L. . 114, 124 Senebiera Mexicana, H. et A. 276 rivularis, L. , 124 Senecio arnicoides, D C. . , 32, 360 setigera, Pursh. 124 bipinnatifidus, H. et A. 32 silenijiora, Cham. 123 Bridgesii, H. et A. 57 tricuspidata, Metz. 124 Californicus, DC. 360 unijlora, Br. . 123 Douglasii, DC. « 360 Scaevola Chamissoniana, Gaud. . 89 ? flocciferus, DC. 360 Gaudichaudi, H. et A. 89 frigidus, Lessing. 126 glabra, H. et A. 89 glabratus, H. et A. 32 Konigh, L. . 66 Kalmii, Nutt. . 126 mollis, H. et A. 89 nigrescens, H. et A. 32 montana? Gaud. 89 ' Pseudo-arnica, Lessing. 126 sericea, Forst. 266 ? rhombifolia, H. et A. 437 Schinus dependens, Orteg. 55 Serissa fcetida, Commerson, 194 Huingan, Mol. 55 Serjania Mexicana, Willd. 281 Schizma dichotoma, Willd. 73 racemosa, Schum. 413 Schizangiurn durum, Bartl. 429 Serratula alpina, L. 116 Schizanthus pinnatus, Ruiz et Pav. 39 Sesamum orientale, L. 201 Schkuhria virgata, DC. . 299 Sesbania tomeiitosa, A. 286 Schrankia aculeata, Willd. 288 Seseli? tritornatum, Pursh. 348 Schrebera albens, Retz. . 176 Sesuvium portulacastrum, L. . 63, 84 Schultesia stenophylla, Mart. 302 Setaria glauca, Roem. et Seh. 234 Scirpus exiguus, H.B.K. . 312 Italica, Kunth. 234 lacustris, L. . 98 viridis, P. de Beauv. . 235 longifolius, H. et A. . 49 Sethia Indica, H.B.K. . 174 maritimus, L. . 98 Sicyos pachycarpus, H. et A. 83 minimus, Vabl. 49 vitifolius, Willd. ? 292 obtusus, Willd. 98 Sida alba, L. 259 Scleria ciliaris, N. ab E. 229 albida, Willd. ? 278 margaritifera, Willd. . 230 capillaris, Hort. Ber. . 278 Neesiana, H. et A. . 230 carpinifolia, L. ? 278,411 Sclerocarpus gracilis, Sm. 355 carpinoides, DC. 168 Scoparia annua, ScJilecht. 307 centrota, Spr. . 411 dulcis L. . . . 67, 153, 307 crispa, L. 412 Scrophularia Californica, Cham, et Schlecht. 153 diploscypha, Torr. et Gr. (Tai LXXVII.) 326 Scutellaria Indica, L. . 204, 268 dissecta, Torr. et Gr. . 327 tuberosa, Benth. 383 dumosa, Sw. 412 480 INDEX. filiformis, Moric. ? page 278 stellata, Desf. . PAGE . 401 grossularisefolia, H. et A. 326 Smilax China, Z. 217 malvaeflora, DC. 136, , 326 glabra, Roxb. . 218 paniculata, L. . , 278 Indica, Burm. . 218 periplocifolia, L. 60 lanceolata, Burm, 218 rhotnbifolia, Z. ? . .60 169, 278 pseudo-China, Z. -. . 97,218 rhomboidea, Roxb. 411 rotundifolia, Willd. 311 rotundifolia, Cav. 79 Soja hispida, Mcench, 181, 262 ulmifolia, Cav. 79 Solanum argenteum, Don. 92 urens, L. . . . 278 biflorum. Lour. 267 vitifolia, Cav, . 12 Carolinense, Z. 304 Sideroxylon ferrugineum, H. et A. (Tab. LV.) 266 chenopodioides, Lam. . 36 Wightianum, Wall. (Tab. XLI.) 196 crispum, Ruiz et Pav. 36 Siegesbeckia orientalis, L. . 66, 1 195 fistulosum Rich. 202 triangularis, Cav. 66 Indicum, Z. . 202 Sieversia glacialis, Br. 123 Lycopersicum, L. 67 Silene acaulis, Z. 122 Melongena, L. 202, 267 Drummondii, Hook. 135 nigrum, var. Virginicum, L. 67, 152, 304, 375 Gallica, Z. . . • 11, , 326 pinnatum, Cav. 36 Nicceensis ? Cham, et Schlecht. 135 pterocaule, Dun. 152 quinquevulnera, Torr. et Gr. . 326 Quitense, H. et A. 67 Sinclairia discolor, H. et A. 433 refractum, H. et A. . 304 Siphocampijlus bicolor, Dow. 437 rubrura, Roxb. 202, 304 Siphonanthus Indica, L. Siphonostegia Chinensis, Benth. (Tab. 205 Sandwicense, H. et A. torvum, Sw. 92 202, 304 XLIV.) . 203 tuberosum, L. . 57 Sison Ammi, L. . 26 umbelliferum, Escholtz. 152, 375 Sisymbrium brachycarpum, Richards, 323 verbascifolium, L. 202, 304 canescens, ?. Torr. et Gr. 323 Solidago .... 195 curvisiliqua. Hook. 323 Canadensis, Spr. 145 officinale, Br. . 6 petiolaris. Ait. 145 sophioides, Fisch. 122 Virga-aurea, Z. 126 terrestre, Engl. Bot. 135 Sonchus ? Californicus, H. et A. . 361 Sisyrinchium sp. ? 311 oleraceus, Z. . . 28, 145 anceps, Z. . 160 Sophora tomentosa, Z. . 62,284 grandiflorum, Dougl. . 395 Southwellia nobilis, Salisb. 169 mucronatum, Mich, 395 Sparganium natans, Z. 131 Sisyrrhynchium Chilense, Hook. . 47 Spathestigma glutinosum, H. et A. 204 grarainifolium, Lindl. . 46 Spartium junceum, Z. 16 iridifolium, Humb. et Kunth, . 47 Spargula rubra, Torr. et Gr. 325 laxum, Bot. Mag. 47 Spermacoce distans, H.B.K. 295 pedunculatum, Hook. . 47 hirta, Sw. . 66 sessiliflorum, H. et A. . 47 rigida, Humb. et Kunth. . 66 spicatum, Cav. 47 tenuior, L. (Tab. XCIX. B.) . 295, 428 striatum, Sm. . 47 Sphacele calycina, Benth. 383 Smilacina bifolia, Schultes. 117 campanulata, Benth. 41 racemosa, Desf. 401 Lindleyi, Benth. 41 INDEX. Sphaerococcus concinnus, Ag. PAGE . ' 78 papillatus, Ag. 165, 409 Sphagnum acutifolium, Ehrh. 133 Javense, Brid. . 109 squarrosum, Web. et Mohr. 119 Spilanthes alba, Willd. 299 oleracea, L. . . 57, 194 pseudo-acmella, X. ? . 150 Spinifex squarrosus, L. 247 Spiraea ariaefolia, Sm. 338 Aruneus, L. . A . 113 Cantoniensis, Lour. 184 capitata, Pursh. 338 chamaedrifolia, L. 113, 123 corymbosa, Roxb. 184 lanceolata, Poir. 184 opulifolia, L. p,. 338 ribifolia, Nutt. 338 Spiranthes Indica, Lindl. 217, 271 Splachnum mnioides, L. . 133 Spodiopogon aureus, H. et A. 273 ischaemoides, H. et A. . 273 villosus, Trin. . 242 Stachys agraria, Schiede et Deppe in Linneea, . 306 ajugoides, Benth. 155, 383 Chamissonis, Benth. . ■ . 155 coceinea, Jacq. 156, 306 decemdentata, Forst. . 67 grandidentata, Lindl. . 41 salvicB, Lindl. . 41 Stachytarpheta dichotoma, Vahl. 305 Statice Armeria, L. 129 Caroliniana, Walt. 156 Stellaria Edwardsii, Br. . 122 longifolia, Muhl. 122 longipes, P. Torr. et Gr. 326 media, L. . . . 135 ovalifolia. Hook. 122 stricta. Rich. . 326 Stemodia parviflora. Ait. 307 Stenactis speciosa, Lindl." 350 Stenogramma Californicum, Harv. 408 Stenolobium cceruleum, Benth. 415 Stenotaphrtira glabrum, Nees. 101 Sterculia Balanghas, Ait. 169 lanceolata, Cav. 169 3 p 481 PAGE monosperma, Vent. . . .169 nobilis, BC. . . . . 169 Stereocaulon paschale, Ach. . 120, 138 raraulosum, Ach. . . .110 Stereoxylon pulvendentum, Ruiz et Pav. 56 revolutum, Ruiz et Pav. . . .56 rubrum, Ruiz et Pav. ... 56 Stevia elliptica, H. et A. . . . 434 glandulosa, H. et A. . . . 296 Sticta dissecta, aSw. . . . 110 scrobiculata, Ach. . . .120 Stillingia setifera, Mich. . . . 213 Stipa avenaeea, L. . . . 403 spicata, Thunb. . . .241 spinifex, L. . . . . 247 Streblus asper, Lour. . . .215 Streptanthus flavescens, Hook. . . 322 glandulosus, Hook. . . . 322 sagittatus, JVutt. in Torr. . . 322 Streptopus araplexifolius, DC. . . 118 distortus, Bess. . . .118 Strophanthus dichotomus, li. Chinensis, Bot. Reg. . . . .199 divaricatus, H. et A. . . . 199 diver gens, Graham, . . .199 Strychnos Nux vomica, L. . .199 Stilidium Chinense, Lour. . . 187 Stylis Chinensis, Poir. . . . 187 Stylocoryne racemosa, DC. . . 64,264 Webera, A. Rich. . . . 264 Stylosanthus glutinosa, H.B.K. . . 287 Guianensis, Sw. . . . 417 viseosa, Sw. .... 287 Stypandra caerulea, Ruiz et Pav. . 49 Styrax suberifolius, H. et A. (Tab. XL.) 196 Suaeda australis, Moq. . . . 269 fruticosa, Forsk. . , . 387 Suriana maritima, L. . . .62 Swietenia Mahogoni, L. . . . 413 Symphoriearpus racemosus, Mich. . 143 Syzygium? buxifolium, H. et A. . 187 lucidum, Gaertn.? . . . 187 odoratum, DC. . . . 187 Tabernaemontana bovina. Lour. . . 199 littoralis, H.B.K. . . . 302 mollis, H. et A. . . . 199 Tacca pinnatifida, L. . . . 71 482 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Tacsonia ? viridifiora, Juss, 292 elegans, Fisch. et Mey. 324 Tagetes congesta, H. et A. 299 pulchellus, Fisch. et Mey. 324 multiseta, DC. 436 pusillus. Hook. 324 Talinum ciliatum. Hook. 24 Thysanomitrion umbellatum ? Arn. 109 Menziesii, Hook. 344 Tiaridium Indicum, Lehm. 201, 304 paniculatum, Gaertn. . 63 Tillaea erecta, H. et A. . 24 patens, Willd. 63 Tillandsia usneoides, L. . 311 Tamarix Chinensis, DC. 186 vestita ? Schlecht. in L. 311 Gallica, li. Chinensis, Ehrenb. 186 Tirnonius Forsteri, DC. . 65 Tanacetum matricarioides. Less. 359 Tithonia angustifolia, H. et A. 435 pauciflorum, DC. 359 glutinosa, Collie, 33 ? suaveolens, Hook. 359 pachycephala, DC. . 299, ,435 Tara tinctora, Molina. . 55 tagetiflora, Desf. 436 Taxodium sempervirens, Lamb. . 392 Tittmannia ovata, Reichenb. 202 Taxus verticillatus, Thunb. 271 Tmesipteris Tannensis, Lab. 404 Tecoma stans, Juss. 303 truncata, Desv. 404 Tellima baeteropbylla, Hook. 346 Toddalia aculeata, Pers. . 261 parvifolia, Hook. 346 Tofieldia coccinea, Rich. (Tab. XXIX.) 130 Terminalia Catappa, L. . 263, 290 Tomex Japonica, Thunb. 208 Tepbrosia piscatoria, DC. . 62,81 sebifera, Willd. 208 Schiedeana, Scblecbt. in L. 416 Torenia Crustacea, Cham, et Schlecht. 202 toxicaria, Pers. 81,286, 416 lobelioides, H. et A. . 202 Tetracera volubilis, L. 276 Torilis Japonica, DC. . 189, , 264 Tetradymia canescens, DC. 360 scabra, DC. . 189 spinosa, H. et A. 360 Torresia Magellanica, Ram. et Schul. 50 Tetragonia cornuta, Gasrtn. 25 Tournefortia argentea, L. 67 expansa, DC. . . 25, 189, 263, 293 Caraccasana ? H.B.K. 304 halimifolia, Forst. 25 gnaphalioides, Br. 67 Tetrantbera apetala, Roxb. 208 hirsutissima, Sw. 304 ? Californica, H. et A. 159, 389 synsystachia. Ram. et Sch. 304 monopetala, Roxb. 208 Toxocarpus Wightianus, H. et A. 200 Roxburgbii, Nees. 208 Trachytella Actaa, DC. 166 Tetrapteris Acapulcensis, H.B.K. 412 Tradescantia paniculata, Roxb. ? . 219 Mexicana, H. et A. . 281 Trevirana parviflora, H. et A. 302 Teucrium orcbideutn, Lindl. 41 Trevoa trinervia. Gill, et Hook. . 55 stoloniferum, Roxb. 204 Tribulus cistoides, i. 80 Tbalictrum alpinum, L. . 120 raaximus, L. . 282 majus? L. . 111 Tricatus admirabilis, L’ Herit. . 157 Tbermopsis macropbylla, H. et A. 329 Trichomanes bipunctatum, Poir. . 76 Tbesium australe, R. Br. 270 Filicula, Bory. 76 Tbespesia p'opulnea, Corr. 60 gibberosum, Forst. 75 Thlapsi Bursa Pastoris, L. 7 humile. Hook, et Grev. 75 Tbouarea involuta, Brown. 273 membranaceum, L. 76 Tbouinia decandra, H.B.K. 281 minutulum. Gaud. 76 Tbymus Cbamissonis, Benth. 155, 382 solidum, Forst. 75 Douglasii, Benth. 382 Trichostemma lanatum, Benth. . 383 Thysanocarpus curvipes. Hook. . 324 lanceolatum, Benth. 383 INDEX. 483 PAGE Trichostomum lanuginosum, Hedw. . 133 Trichelostylis complanata, N. ah E. . 226 miliacea, N. ah E. . . . 226 Tridax? galardioides, i/. A . . 148 Trientalis Europaea, L. , . . 116 Trifolium aciculare, Nutt. . • 331 albo-purpureum. Torn et Gr. . . 330 amplectens, Torr. et Gr. (Tab. LXXVIII.) 330 Chilense, H. et A. . . . 16 depauperatum, Desv. . . . 17 dichotomum, H. et A. . . 330 fimbriatum. Hook. . . 137, 331 furcatum, Lindl. . . . 332 gracilentum, Torr. et Gr. . . 330 grandiflorum, H. et A. . . 16 heterodon, Torr. et Gr. . . 331 involucratum, Willd. . . .331 Macrsei, H. et A. . . . 330 melananthum, H. et A. . . 331 microcephalum, Pli. . . . 330 microdon, /Z. .4. (Tab. LXXIX.) . 330 . ! obtusiflorum, Hook. . . .331 physopetalum, Fisch. et Mey.;;. . 332 repens, L.9 . . . . 285 tridentatum, Lindl. . . .331 variegalum, ;8. Torr. et Gr. . . 331 Trigonella Americana, Nutt. . . 138 Trillium obovatum, Pursh. , . . 117 sessile, L. ... . 402 Triodica Sinensis, Lour. . . 213 Triopteris sericea, Schlecht. . 280, 412 Triphasia aurantiola, Lour. . . 172 trifoliata, Z)C. . . 172,280 Triptilion spinosum, Spr. . . 29 Trisetum airioides, Rcem. et Schultes. . 119 subspicatum. Beam. . . 119, 132 Triteleja laxa, Benth. . . .401 peduncularis, Lindl. . . .401 Triumfetta dumetorum, Schlecht. . 279 paniculata, H. et A. . . . 279 sp. Schlecht. . . . .279 Triumfetta Lappula, Z. . . . 71 procumbens, Forst. . . .160 Trixis frutescens, Browne, . . 437 obvallata, H. et A. (Tab. LXV.) . 300 latifolia, H. et A. . . . 300 Tropseolum tricolorum. Sweet. . . 14 PAGE Trophis aculeata, Roth. ? 215 Americana, L. 215 aspera, Roxb. . 215 fruticosa. Wall. 215 scandens, H. et A. 214, 215 spinosa, Willd. 215 taxiformis, Spr. 215 taxioides, Heyne. 215 Trophus laurifolia, WiUd. 215 Troximon apargioides, Less. 145,361 Tulocarpus Mexicanus, H. et A. (Tab. LXIII.) . 299 Turnera cuneiformis, Juss. 426 obtusifolia, Sm. 426 tomentosa, /7.Z.Z'. ? . 293 Turritis? lasiophylla, H. et A. 326 Tussilago corymbosa, Br. 126 frigida, Mich. . 126 Ugena microphylla, Cav. 73 Uncinia phleoides, Spr. . 50 Uniola multiflora, Nutt. . 403 spicata, L. 403 stricta, Torr. . 403 Unona Chinensis, DC. 166 discolor, Alph. DC. 166 Lessertiana, Dun. 166 Uraria crinita, DC. 184 Urceolaria Chilensis, Mol. 41 Urena lobata, L. . 59 Urtica ? 159 afflnis, H. et A. 69 alienata, Roxb. 214 grandis, H. et A. 95 Millettii, H. et A. 14 nivea, Z. 214,271 pilosa. Lour. . 213 j3. pubescens, . 213 ruderalis, Forst. 69 tenacissima, Roxb. 214 virgata, Forst. 69 Urvillea Berteriana, DC. 413 Usnea barbata, Ach. 163, 406 florida, Ach. 110 hirta, Ach. no plicata, Ach. 77 Uvularia amplexifolia, L. 118 Vaccinium bracteatum, Thunb. 266 484 INDEX. ovatum, H. et A. PAGE 144,362 Vigna villosa, Savi. PAGE 81 fi. angustifolium. 362 Vilfa arundinacea, Trin. . 132 Oxycoccos, L. 127 elongata, iV. ab E. var. spiculis ceneis, , 248,274 uliginosum, L. 116, 127 monandra, Trin. 133 Vitis Idsea, L. . 116, 127 stolonifera, P. B. 9 161 Valeriana capitata, Pall. . 12,5 Virginica, Nees. 101 ceratophylla, H.B.K. . 296, 432 Vinca rosea, L. . 437 crispa, Ruiz et Pav. . 27 Vincentia angustifolia. Gaud. 98 hyalinorhiza, Ruiz et Pav. ^ 28 Viola adunca, Sm. 135 Vancouveria hexandra, Morr. et Decaisne. 318 blanda? Willd. 122 Vandellia Crustacea, Benth. 202, 207 canina, L. . . 112 oblonga, Benth. 202 chamcedrifolia, DC. . 10 Velezia latifolia, Eschscholtz. 135 chrysantha. Hook. 325 Venegasia carpesioides, DC. 359 maculata, Cav. 10 Veratrum nigrum, L. 118 Muhlenbergiana, Ging. 325 Verbena Aubletia, Jacq. 305 ocellata, Torr. et Gr. . 325 biserrata, H.B.K. ? 156 parviflora, L. . 11 bonariensis, L. 67 pedunculata, Torr. et Gr. 325 Caroliniana, L. 156 praemorsa, Dougl. in Bot. Reg. 325 dichotoma, Ruiz et Pav. 305 rubella, Cav. . 10 elegansf H.B.K. 305 Viscum Chilense, H. et A. 25 erinoides, Spr. 41 opuntioides, L. 64 intermedia. Gill, et Hook. 58 ovalifolium. Wall. 190 lasiostachys, Link. 9 156, 383 Vitex Havens ? H.B.K. . 305 officinalis, L. . 205, 268 Loureiri, H. et A. (Tab. XLVIII.) 206 salviaefolia, H. et A. . 42 mollis, H.B.K. 305 veronicsefolia, H.B.K. 305 negundo, L. . 206 Verbesina ceanothifolia? Willd. . 299 ovata, Tliunb. (Tab. XLVII.) 206, 268 Chinensis, L. ? 196 pinnata, L. . 174 hastulata, H. et A. . 87 Vitis Caribaea? DC. 327 lobata. Gaud. . 87 carnosa. Wall. 260 pinnatifida, Cav. 299 ' Indica, L. . . . 260, 327 prostrata, H. et A. 195, 265 Labrusca, Thunb. 260 succulenta, H. et A. . 87 Vittaria elongata, Sw. 107 Vernonia Chinensis, Less. ? 195 rigida, Kaulf. . 75 cinerea. Less. . 194, 265 Volkameria angulata. Lour. 205 lanceolaris, DC. 432 inermis, L. . 205 Veronica acinifolia, L. 39 Japonica, Jacq. 205 Anagallis, L. . 267 Kasmpferi, Jacq. 205 undulata. Wall. 267 Wahlenbergia linarioides, Alph. DC. 57 Veronica serpyllifolia, L. 378 marginata, Alph. DC, . 266 Viburnum adoratissimum, Ker. . 190 Waltheria Americana, L. . 60, 79, 412 Chinense, Zeyh. ? 190 arborescens, Cav. 80 nervosum, H. et A. . 190 Indica, L. . . 60, 79 Vicia linearifolia, H. et A. 20 Webera corymbosa, Willd. 192 nigricans, H. et A. 20 Wedelia, Willd. — Polymnia, Poir. 299 parviflora, H. et A. . 20 biflora, DC. . 195 INDEX. 485 PAGE PAGE calendulacea, Less. ;:195, 265 orientals, L. . 148 cordata, H. et A. 435 spinosum, L. . 57 populifolia, H. et A. . 435 Zannichellia palustris, L. 402 strigosa, H. et A. 435 Zanthoxylon Avicennas, DC. 175 subflexuosa, H. et A. . . * 435 Clavce-Herculis, Lour. 175 Wigandia? Californica, H. et A. (Tab. nitidura, DC. . 175 LXXXVIII.) . 364 piperitum, DC. 261 Kunthii, Choisy. 440 Pterota, H.B.K. ? 282 scorpioides, Don. 439 Zauschneria Californica, Presl. 140, 340 urens, H.B.K. 303 Zea Mays, L. . 247 Wollastonia prostrata, H. et A. . 265 Zigadenus chloranthus, Richards, 130, 402 Woodvillea calendulacea, DC. 351 commutatus, Schult. 161, 402 Woodwardia prolifera, n. sp. (Tab. LVII.) 275 glaberrimus, Schult. 160, 402 orientalis? Sw. 275 Zinnia inaritima ? H.B.K. 299 radicans, Willd. . . 162, 313, , 405 Zizia cordata, Koch. 347 Xanthium Canadense, Mill. 148 Zuccagnia? angulata, H. et A. . 22 maculatum, Raf. in Sill. 148 Zygoglossum urnbellatum, Reinw. 71 GLASGOW : — EDWARD KHULL, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY, DUNLOP STREET. TAli.l. ■if ■c ■ i TAB.Il. ■ / naaM! Swioi Sc mis. IF. T/fh 9^ n^xadelt *v mi. m. W.JBdd' #•. .. '< T/tB: ME. ZW.J.V. TAIi.S. wjnw Swo’/y Sc'. mRjai. TJfJ yjTX. WJJL d&l^ SmnSr T/iJi m/J. K17. ^’A‘an>Sr/ c< ■ ■ .••r\ , -.-I;,, ■';.•■ '. J - m. TAB. XIZ. TAB.JK. P Bep-.cJhey de^L ^ iiiL Swi^n- Sc Tjn.xxi. 1 -’I 'V-;- .. . > , *' sv. v'S' '-:' •!.VV„'V: :?.’.■ =r- 4-;^ ■.A Tin. n:m. m. II'. j. /I m: r./ n dd^ Siraii So. TJB. XKJII. /5r J.jS de/P Sii'> T/iB y:/:/.n W’.J.JL/,/ .S7rit>i Sr TJB X^V Swan, Sc i t' : ' -' ■■■ ,/ '' TAli XXXJX WJI/Jd^ S/t/Ml Sc 1 f I ii li, I I! I' I'. r/ 'I' Mi ; ■'V.-yiMw;: TJ^B. XLl. TJr,. XLli T^lB.XrLLll TJ.B. XLLV Sw-an Sc TAB.JCLV TAB XTA'/U it- xv^-^— yVi \- \/A 1 / CXh / / 1 / / |S V \ 1/ / > I i Swan Sc. 1 S^VCUL. Sc- nil IV m 7}m LX . Sn/n-n^Sc Svtan, Sc. Swan, TAJ3. LXIV. Swarb So. Sii/cin>Sc. IhhZXVL SwfVrvSo TAB. LXIX. m Lxxi :'-r. TAB.LXXm. TAB IXXIV TAB. LXXV S)van-Si>. TJB. IXJM. TAB. LXXVll. Swan/ So i TUB LXXIX. 'TWIXXK . . "2 TAB LJ.1X1 i 7/inLxm/ I’JBIIXXIV TJBLXXXy 721/iZXXXVJ 4 jmixxxwji T^n LXXX7X ■■■ TAB. XC. V TAB XCl. TAB.XCR m 'LIB. XCJIJ TAB xrn TAB XCT JmaU/mu TAB. XlTllL.