Coville, Frederick V. Botany of Yakutat Bay, Alaska DBERE AST > Si 2PRINT COLL aa aad): S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ‘ Ps | DIVISION OF BOTANY. CONTRIBUTIONS ‘THE U.S. NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Vol. Ill, No. 6. ISSUED JANUARY 15, 1896. BOTANY OF YAKUTAT BAY, ALASKA. By FREDERICK VERNON COVILLE. owe WITH A FIELD REPORT By FREDERICK FUNSTON. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1895. PaaS = GA feo DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF BOTANY. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE U.S. NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Wola LE INOD-G; ISSUED JANUARY 15, 1896. BOTANY OF YAKUTAT BAY, ALASKA. By FREDERICK VERNON COVILLE. WITH A FIELD REPORT By FREDERICK FUNSTON. le WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1895. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF BOTANY, Washington, D. C., August 21, 1895. Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for publication as Vol- ume ITI, No. 6, of Contributions from the United States National Her- barium, a manuscript entitled “ Botany of Yakutat Bay, Alaska.” This paper constitutes a report on the botany of one of the obscure parts of our country, and is a result of the explorations of a field agent of this Department, Mr. Frederick Funston, during the summer of 1892. Respectfully, FREDERICK V. COVILLE, Botanist. Hon. J. STERLING MoRTON, Secretary of Agriculture. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page ieebipldarepert:, tei redarick PUBSiON. vec .... sc. cece wc se cees cieens cote cane 325 II. Botanical report. By Frederick Vernon Coville..................---.---- 334 VEST ADS TREO PS SS 2 ee a he, 334 SEG ESTE (GLAST ST SHS See A, ce ee 335 SAO LES Pe Cin CNAME aac emo ey! ee OS oe Sk ea cides eae 352 ear eee at ets eins)’. Je noe annie wale ocd.oct cievinced scuccnstwess 3d4 BOTANY OF YAKUTAT BAY, ALASKA. 1.—FIELD REPORT. By FREDERICK FUNSTON. In accordance with my commission and letter of instructions to pro- ceed to Yakutat Bay, Alaska, and make a collection of the plants of that vicinity, | took passage from San Francisco on the Coast Survey steamer Hassler, having purchased a camp outfit and hired a laborer to accompany me on the trip as cook and general camp employee. The Hassler sailed April 16, 1892, and on her way north touched at Port Townsend, Victoria, Departure Bay, Port Simpson, and Sitka, arriving at Yakutat Bay May 19, after a voyage of thirty-three days. On the night following our arrival there arose a heavy southeasterly wind, accompanied by rain, which continued with great violence for five days; so that it was not until May 25 that 1 was able to establish my camp on shore. In order to have some place suitable for storing supplies and caring for specimens, I rented from the natives a house situated in the smaller of their two villages, on Khantaak Island; the larger village being on the mainland, distant about a mile. The Indians, of whom about two hundred live in the vicinity of Yakutat Bay, belong to the Thlinket tribe and are uncivilized, though apparently well disposed toward white people who come among them. They live in rude houses of their own construction, and subsist mostly on fish, both fresh and smoked, shellfish, crabs, and other marine ani- mals, besides the flesh and oil of the hair seal. Seal oil seems to be their staff of life, as it is eaten with nearly ali kinds of food, both ani- mal and vegetable. During the summer season the Indians use large quantities of berries, and also utilize several edible plants, to be men- tioned hereafter. Immediately on establishing my camp I began the work of collecting, though at this season but few plants were in flower. I endeavored to obtain twenty sheets of dried specimens of each species, but in some eases only a partial series could be secured on account of the scarcity of the plant. The drying papers were changed two or three times every day aud dried by hand over a fire before they were returned to the presses, this work being rendered necessary by the great humidity of the atmosphere and the almost daily rains. During the season about 10 cords of wood were used in keeping up these fires. 325 Seyi ly GAR 326 Yakutat Bay and the land in its immediate vicinity may be briefly described as follows: The bay, which lies approximately in latitude 60° N. and longitude 140° W., not only extends through the narrow strip of lowland separating the St. Elias range of mountains from the ocean, but also penetrates the range itself for a considerable distance. Its width at the entrance, between Ocean Cape on the east and Point Manby on the west, is about 20 miles, and its length, from the capes to the entrance of Disenchantment Bay, about 30 miles. The latter bay is merely an extension of Yakutat Bay, and lies wholly within the St. Elias range, being walled in by tremendous mountains rising from the water’s edge. Its length is about 25 miles, and its width from 3 to 5 miles. Great glaciers composed of pure ice several hundred feet in thickness extend down to the water and throw off large numbers of icebergs, which crowd the waters of the bay at all times and are carried by the tides into Yakutat Bay, lining its western shore as far as Point Manby, the prevailing southeasterly winds holding them against this shore. The largest of the glaciers on Disenchantment Bay are the Hubbard and Dalton, the former having a frontage on the water of 6 miles and the latter of 2 miles, and each being about 15 miles long. Beginning again at the entrance of Yakutat Bay, and following its eastern shore line from Ocean Cape to the foothills of the St. Elias range, a distance of about 20 miles, the surface of the country is gener- ally level, though in some places there are hills 50 feet high. About 2 miles from Ocean Cape the Ankow River, a sluggish stream a hundred yards wide, empties into the bay. The Ankow has not been explored, but the Indians give its length as about 20 miles. As the country through which it flows has but little elevation above the sea, the waters of this river are extremely brackish as far as 7 miles from its mouth, being affected by the sea water at high tide. Between the mouth of the Ankow and the foothills of the mountains a number of small tresh- water streams reach the waters of the bay. After the foothills of the range are reached the entire surface of the country undergoes a radi- cal change, becoming extremely broken and mountainous, with numer- ous very rapid streams. In this region there is very little level land, the mountains generally rising from the beach to far above the line of perpetual snow. The most conspicuous peak in this locality is Mount Tebenkof, elevation unknown. Proceeding farther north, up the bay, the mountains become more precipitous and the snow line gradually comes nearer to sea level, until at the entrance to Disenchantment Bay the country has a decidely Arctic character. It is on this latter bay that the great glaciers appear, and in some sheltered canyons snow is found at sea level even in midsummer. Crossing the upper end of Yakutat Bay to the west side, near the mouth of Dalton Creek, the country is generally level, sloping gradually upward toward the moun- tains. In this vicinity a number of wide gravel washes, cut up by numerous small streams, come down from the neighboring mountains. 327 From the mouth of Dalton Creek to Point Manby, a distance of 30 miles, the narrow strip of land, less than a mile wide, lying between the beach and the edge of the Malaspina Glacier, is a succession of sand dunes near the beach and of gravel ridges near the glacier, with here and there small streams formed by the melting of the glacier ice. On the eastern side of Yakutat Bay are about a dozen small islands, ranging in size from Khantaak, 7 miles long, to some less than an acre in extent. During the first three weeks following my arrival, I collected on Khan- taak Island and on the adjacent mainland from the Mission to Ocean Cape, and also took a canoe trip to Mr. McGrath’s' camp, on the oppo- site side of the bay near Point Manby, a distance of 20 miles, but found little here that I had not already collected. Several days of the latter part of June were spent on a trip by sea to the base of Mount Teben- kof, a distance of 18 miles, but the weather was such that little was accomplished. A canoe trip to the mainland near Knight Island about the middle of July was more successful, though I was compelled by a heavy rain storm to return after a stay of one day. Several other journeys were made by canoe during the summer whenever the weather would permit, and nearly every accessible point on the shores of the bay was visited. It had been my original intention to spend the greater part of the summer at Dalton’s cabin, an abandoned house in the forest, 3 miles from the beach on the west side of the bay near its head; but a dense ice pack which lay off this shore nearly all the summer precluded any attempt to effect a landing. On August 2, accompanied by my laborer and another man employed toassist in handling the canoes in the ice, I left Khantaak Island with two canoes containing my camp outfit, collecting apparatus, and provisions for a two weeks’ cruise, visiting nearly every part of Disenchantment Bay and climbing many of the mountains on its shores to the line of perpetual snow. The greater part of my collections in this region were made on the southern shore of the bay, near the large rock known as Haenke Island. Canoeing in Disenchantment Bay was attended with much labor and no little peril, as we were constantly in danger of being crushed in the floating ice which filled the bay at nearly all times. On August 14, while camped on the east side of Disenchantment Bay near its entrance, I noticed that the ice floe off the mouth of Dalton Creek seemed to be less densely packed than usual, and, loading botb canoes, I crossed to the opposite side and succeeded in landing, though one of the canoes was upset in the surf. Two days later I returned to Khantaak Island with my entire outfit. During this two weeks’ trip the weather was exceptionally favorable and the collections were the most satisfactory made during the season. Therain poured in torrents nearly every day during the latter half of August, though some col- lecting was done in the intervals. The rainfall is said to have been 1 Of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. 328 heavier in the summer of 1892 than in any other since the American occupation of Alaska. From my arrival at Yakutat Bay on May 19 until my departure on September 4, a period of 107 days, there were but 24 days wholly without rain. The plant life of the region about Yakutat Bay is characterized by the dense and vigorous growth of a comparatively small number of species, giving the forests especially an appearance of great sameness. The almost level country lying on the eastern side of the bay, between Ocean Cape and the foothills of the mountains, is covered with a forest growth practically impenetrable. The great amount of fallen timber, together with the tangled and heavy undergrowth, constitute such obstacles to travel that even the Indians, who have lived here many years, have never penetrated the forests of the mainland for a mile from their own village. The great bulk of this forest is composed of the Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), which in this region reaches a height of 70 feet. This tree extends from sea level to an altitude of 2,200 feet on the sides of Mount Tebenkof; but as one follows the .coast line up the bay from this mountain, the upper limit becomes lower and lower, until at the entrance of Disenchantment Bay it reaches sea level, the tree not being found on the shores of this bay. A large forest lies along Dalton Creek, and there are several of considerable extent between this ‘place and Point Manby. The timber of the spruce tree plays a most important part in the economy of the natives, as from it are constructed their houses and canoes, and it is used in the manufacture of oil crates, bows, arrows, and other implements, while the smaller roots, after being boiled and split, are used in basket weaving. The hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) is found scattered through the spruce forests, and seems to have about the same vertical range as that tree, but is much less abundant and is somewhat smaller in size. The only other conifer found in this vicinity was a single individual of Sitka cypress (Chamecyparis nootkatensis), a small tree on Khantaak Island near the Indian village. The red alder (Alnus rubra) is found in great quantities throughout the forest region, especially on the edges of open glades, along the banks of streams, near the beach, and on the mountain sides, above the limitof spruce. On the western slope of Mount Tebenkof it reaches an altitude of 3,000 feet, 800 feet higher than spruce and hemlock, and grows on these higher slopes in such dense jungles as to be almost impenetrable, constituting one of the most serious obstacles to moun- tain climbing in this region. On the shores of Disenchantment Bay, where the spruce is not found, the alder reaches an altitude of 800 feet. This tree is also found in large quantities along the western shore of the bay. A willow (Salix barelayi), growing from 5 to 10 feet high, is found sparingly on Khantaak Island and in the low forest region, and is abundant in the wide canyons and washes of the St. Elias range and 329 along the numerous small streams flowing from the Malaspina glacier, where it forms dense thickets which are the favorite resort of the ptarmigan. The elder (Sambucus racemosa), an erect shrub about 8 feet in height, is common but not abundant in the open, well-drained tracts near the margin of the forest, more especially on Khantaak Island and near the mouth of the Ankow River. The bright, red berry ripens about the 1st of September, but as I left the country about this time I can not say whether the natives use this fruit or not. Menziesia ferruginea, an erect shrub from 4 to 6 feet high, which flowers during the first half of June, is scattered through the denser forests. The highest altitude at which this plant was found was 1,800 feet above the sea on the sides of Mount Tebenkot, where, on June 22, the buds were not yet open. The high-bush cranberry (Viburnum pauciflorum) is common in the forest region, growing more abundantly aloug the margins of the glades than in the dense woods. The blossoms are open in early June. The fruit—a bright scarlet berry about the size of a pea—is ripe after. August 20 and is highly prized by the natives, who use large quantities in season but do not preserve it for winter consumption. The blueberry ( Vaccinium ovalifolium), a shrub 4 feet in height, forms a large part of the forest undergrowth in the low country, but is not found at any considerable altitude. The fruit, a dark purple berry larger than a pea, is collected in great quantities by the natives, who not only use it in season but preserve it for winter, drying the crushed berries by artificial heat. It is considered an important article of food, and in September, immediately after the close of the fishing season, nearly all the women and children of the village begin collecting and drying a supply for the coming winter. Rubus spectabilis, known ail along the northwest coast as the salmon berry, a spreading bush from 4 to 6 feet in height, grows in immense quantities in the less densely shaded forests and along the beach. It reaches an altitude of 2,200 feet on Mount Tebenkof. At this place, how- ever, the growth is much stunted, as it is also on the sides of a moun- tain above the entrance of Disenchantment Bay at an altitude of 1,100 feet. The fruit, which in general shape resembles the red raspberry, is about an inch long by half an inch in diameter, and varies in color from very light to very dark red. It begins to ripen at sea level about August 5, and at higher altitudes two weeks later. During the season it is an important article of food among the natives, who gather large quantities in baskets. The berry is sometimes eaten as taken from the bush, but is usually crushed in a wooden bowl and eaten with seal oil. It is not preserved for winter use. The devil’s club (Hchinopanax horridwm), an erect shrub from 4 to 6 feet in height, with slender woody stem branching near the top, and densely covered with short, sharp prickles, is abundant in all thé forests 332 The other plants found on these sandy stretches are Lathyrus mari- timus, which is very abundant; Arabis hirsuta, sometimes eaten raw by the Indians; Arenaria lateriflora, Castilleja miniata, Ranunculus nelsoni, Lupinus nootkatensis unalaskensis, Epilobium latifolium, Pneuwmaria maritima, Phellopterus littoralis, Rhinanthus erista-galli, Achillea mille- folium, Gentiana amarella, Selinum gmelini, Pedicularis palustris wlas- sowiana, and Juncoides campestre sudeticum. Along the gravel beaches just out of reach of high tide are found Glaux maritima, Arenaria peploides, Puccinellia muritima, and Poa glumaris. The mountains of the St. Elias range in the Disenchantment Bay region, as has already been stated, are clothed to an altitude of about 800 feet with a dense growth of Alnus rubra. There are, how- ever, in some localities extensive breaks in these thickets which are well filled with other vegetation, while there is a considerable variety of growth above the limit of this tree. A few of the plants in the vicinity of Disenchantment Bay have already been mentioned as occurring on Khantaak Island and on the mainland near the Mission, but the great majority of those collected in this region were not found in the low forest country. Beginning at about the upper limit of the red alder, the mountain sides are covered with a heavy growth of grass, Deschampsia cespitosa longiflora, to an altitude of 2,550 feet. ‘These grassy slopes are in many places given a decidedly bluish tinge by the blossoms of the monkshood (Aconitum delphinifolium). Above the grass limit the vegetation is more scattering, and consists mostly of Salix arctica, a willow about 3 inches in height; Saxrifraga bron- chialis, Geranium erianthum, Cassiope stelleriana, Luetkea pectinata, and Bryanthus glanduliflorus. The highest altitude which I reached. on these mountains was 4,250 feet above the sea. At this height, at the time of my visit (the first two weeks of August), one reaches almost continuous snow fields, the mountains being unbroken white except where they are too steep for the snow to lie on, or where it has been swept away in an avalanche. Among the plants collected in this treeless mountain region, besides those already mentioned, were Tellima grandiflora, Arabis lyrata, which is eaten raw by the natives; Cerastium alpinum, Pyrola minor, Valeriana sitchensis, Potentilla procumbens, Parnassia fimbriata, Artemisia nor- vegica, Potentilla villosa, Barbarea barbarea, Ranunculus cooleye (very rare), Antennaria alpina, Campanula rotundifolia alaskana, Tussilago Srigida, Antennaria margaritacea, Hieracium triste, Habenaria bracteata, Lycopodium alpinum, Anemone narcissiflora, Prenanthes alata, Aquilegia formosa, Arnica latifolia, Romanzoffia sitchensis, Huphrasia officinalis, Geum calthifolium, Cryptogramme acrostichoides, Cystopteris fragilis, Agrostis exarata, Phlewm alpinum, and Poa alpina. As has been stated at the beginning of my report, but little collecting was done after my return to Khantaak Island from Disenchantment 333 Bay, on account of the weather, so that my work for the season was now practically closed. The total number of specimens collected during the summer was about 3,000, representing 154 different species. The work of the coast survey parties having been completed, the Hassler called in at Yakutat on September 3, and the next day started on her return to San Francisco. On account of a delay at Sitka and continued unfavorable weather, the vessel did not reach Port Townsend until October 3, 1892. As the time of the ship’s departure for San Francisco from this port was uncertain, I left the vessel here and pro- ceeded east. In closing, I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Captain Harber and other officers of the Hassler, and to Messrs. McGrath and Turner, of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, all of whom took a lively interest in my work and aided me in many ways. II.—BOTANICAL REPORT. By FREDERICK VERNON COVILLE. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. The excellent collection of plants brought by Mr. Funston from the vicinity of Yakutat Bay, Alaska, in 1892, gives us our first compre- hensive knowledge of the flora of that locality. The specimens col- lected undoubtedly represent nearly all the species of vascular plants that occur in the area traversed, but circumstances prevented, for the most part, the collection of the cellular cryptogams. Yakutat Bay is an interesting point in the classification of the zonal plant areas of the Pacific Coast, for at this place the dense coastal forest characteristic of the coast mountains of British Columbia and southern Alaska is broken by the occurrence of a series of glaciers which here come down to the very beach, counteracting the influence of the warm ocean currents and driving the timber line backward into the sea. Westward from Yakutat Bay such breaks are frequent as far as Cooks Inlet and the eastern part of Kadiak Island.! West of these points the coniferous timber of the coast region ceases.” On the west side of Yakutat Bay the Malaspina Glacier prevents the growth of trees except at a few sheltered points. The forest on the east side of Yakutat Bay, from Ocean Cape to Mount Tebenkof, a distance of about 30 kilometers, is described by Mr. Funston as dense and impenetrable and extending inland for an unknown distance. Of such a nature is the coastal forest which extends almost uninterrupt- edly to Sitka and still farther south. The transition ground of such a change from forest to perpetual snow and ice is full of interest. One stretch of it lies on the eastern shore of Yakutat Bay, from Mount Tebenkof to the point which marks the entrance of Disenchantment Bay, on the east. Following up the eastern shore of Yakutat Bay over the lowlands, the forest meets Mount Tebenkof, the southernmost peak of this section of the St. Elias range, and ascends it to an altitude, on its western slope, of 2,200 feet. From this point the timber line dips abruptly downward along the coastward 1“‘The eastern part of Kadiak Island and those lying to the northeast of it are abundantly supplied with spruce and other trees.” Contributions to the Natural History of Alaska, 1886, p.16; by L. M. Turner. Arctic Series of Publications, No. II, Signal Service, U. S. Army. 2See map in Alaska Coast Pilot, 1879, Appendix I, Meteorology and Bibliography; by W. H. Dall. 334 335 slope of the mountains until at the mouth of Disenchantment Bay, about 20 kilometers from Mount Tebenkof, it meets the sea. The conditions which favor the northward progress of the forest are: The low elevation of the coast region, the warmth of the ocean currents, and the prevailing southeasterly winds; while the opposing conditions are: The higher elevation of the mountains, the snow and ice which cover them, and the occasional northerly winds. Two zones are clearly represented in the flora of the Yakutat Bay region, one extending from the sea up to timber line, the other from timber line to the lower limit of perpetual snow. The conspicuous floral features of these zones are described by Mr. Funston in his field report. In its general geographic relationship the Yakutat Bay flora shows an almost exclusively cireumpolar origin, while in its differentiation from the circumpolar flora it conforms with that of Western British America and the mountains of Washington and Oregon. The appended catalogue of the collection contains 137 species and varieties of vascular plants and 27 of cellular plants. The determina- tion of the specimens in certain cases has been made by students of special groups, the name of each of whom is inserted in the proper place in the catalogue. CATALOGUE OF SPECIES. RANUNCULACES. Anemone narcissiflora L. Sp. Pl. i, 542 (1753). Type localities, the Alps of Austria, Switzerland, and Siberia. The specific name, apparently by a slip of the pen, was printed first “‘narecissifolia,” but was corrected in a subsequent edition to narcissiflora. Disenchantment Bay, August 13 (No. 114), nearly past flowering. The plant is abundant, ranging from 300 to 900 meters altitude. Ranunculus cooleyze Vasey & Rose, Contr. Nat. Herb. i, 289 (1893). The type specimens are those collected by Miss Cooley near Juneau, Alaska, and those of the present collection. , On the summit of a mountain on the mainland southeast of Haenke Island, Dis- enchantment Bay, August 10 (No. 99), at an altitude of 1,000 meters. Only four ‘plants were seen. JI am wholly unable to agree with Professor E. L. Greene! in con- ‘sidering this plant a close relative of Kumlienia hystricula (Gray) Greene, which is ‘the Ranunculus hystriculus of Gray. Inthat peculiar plant the sepals are petaloid, being large and white like those of an Anemone, while the petals are reduced to minute stalked nectaries. In Ranunculus cooleye the sepals are of an herbaceous green color, while the petals have the large size, expanded form, and bright yellow color of an ordinary buttercup. Ranunculus reptans L. Sp. Pl. i, 549 (1753); R. flammula reptans Meyer, Pl. Labr. 96 (1830). Described from specimens collected in Sweden and Russia. Khantaak Island, July 31 (No. 81), along the margin of a fresh-water marsh. Ranunculus nelsonii (DC.), Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. viii, 374 (1878) ; RB. recur- vatus nelsonii DC. Syst. i, 290 (1818). The type specimens were collected on the island of Unalaska by David Nelson. ! Erythea, ii, 193 (1894) and i, 53 (1895). 336 Knight Island, June 18 (No. 29), on a treeless, sandy bluff. It was common on Khantaak Island, and a few specimens were found on Mount Tebenkof at an altitude of 180 meters. Caltha palustris L. Sp. Pl. i, 558 (1753). Type specimens from Europe. On the east side of Yakutat Bay, near Ocean Cape, May 28 (No. 4); in the mar- gins of fresh-water lagoons, but aot abundant. Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. Trans. Linn. Soc. viii, 305 (1807); Helleborus trifolia L. Sp. Pl. i, 558 (1753). Type localities, Canada and Siberia. Khantaak Island, June 3 (No. 11); found sparingly among mosses and ferns in the lowlands, Aquilegia formosa Fisch.; DC. Prodr. i, 50 (1753). Type locality, Kamchatka. Disenchantment Bay, August 14 (No. 121); abundant up to an altitude of 200 meters. Aconitum delphinifolium DC. Syst. i, 380 (1818). The type specimen was col- lected ‘‘in Hedge Island ad oras occidentales Americ borealis” by David Nelson. Disenchantment Bay, August 13 (No. 116); abundant on the grassy slopes of the mountains from 275 to 750 meters altitude. Actza spicata arguta (Nutt.) Torr. Pac. R. Rep. iv, 63 (1857); 4. arguta Nutt.; Torr. & Gr. Fl. i, 35 (1838). The type locality is ‘‘ woods of the Oregon [i. e., the Columbia] and its tributary streams.” Near the Mission, June 6 (No. 14); growing in treeless, sandy soil covered with grass. NYMPHAACES. Nympheza polysepala (Engelm.) Greene, Bull. Torr. Club, xv, 84 (1888); Nuphar polysepalum Engelm, Trans. St. Louis Acad. ii, 282 (1865). Type locality, the higher Rocky Mountains, from the sources of the Platte to those of the Columbia. The various stations known at that time were also given. Khantaak Island, June 26 (No. 43), in a fresh-water pond about 1 meter deep. BRASSICACEZ. Barbarea barbarea (L.) MacMillan Met. Minn. Val. 259 (1892); Erysimum barbarea L. Sp. ae li, 660 (1755); Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, iv, 109 (1812). Type specimens from Europe. Disenchantment Bay, August 8 (No. 95); growing in damp, shady spots from sea level to an altitude of 125 meters. Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. Fl. Carn. ed. 2, ii, 30 (1772); Turritis hirsuta L. Sp. Pl. ii, 666 (1753). Original specimens, from Sweden, Germany, and England. Khantaak Island, June 7 (No. 15); found abundantly about an old Indian camp. For use, see page 332. Arabis lyrata L. Sp. Pl. ii, 665 (1753). Type specimen collected in Canada by Kalm. Disenchantment Bay, August 3 (No. 84); common on rock slides and all places where other vegetation is scarce, at an altitude of 150 meters or less. Cardamine oligosperma Nutt.; Torr. & Gr. FI. i, 85 (1838). Type locality, “shady woods of the Oregon.” Khantaak Island, May 50 (No. 7); growing along the beach above tide water. Dr. N. L. Britton, to whom specimens have been submitted, refers them to C. oligosperma, yet doubtfully, for they have no mature fruit. He says that they are certainly not C. hirsuta. Draba stenoloba Ledeb. Fl. Ross. i, 154 (1842), The type specimens were col- lected on the island of Unalaska by Chamisso and Eschscholtz. Disenchantment Bay, August 9 (No. 96); on the sides of a rocky cliff, 90 meters above the sea. These specimens are in some cases annuals, in others biennials or 337 short-lived perennials, but they retain in the latter case a characteristic slender- ness of the persistent part of the stem. Such specimens seldom occur in the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada, but, according to Ledebour, a subperennial habit is characteristic of the species. VIOLACEA. Viola glabella Nutt.; Torr. & Gr. Fl. i, 142 (1838). Type locality, ‘‘shady woods of the Oregon,” i. e., the Columbia River. Near the entrance of Disenchantment Bay, July 24 (No. 74), on a mountain slope at the altitude of 125 meters. Viola langsdorfii Fisch.; DC. Prodr. i, 296 (1824). Type locality, the island of Unalaska. Khantaak Island, June 3 (No. 12) and June 27 (No. 48). No. 48 is arobust caulescent plant with flowers, when not shrunken, 18 to 25 mm. long. No. 12 has no well- developed aérial stems, and is a smaller plant than the other, with smaller flowers and more nearly glabrous petals. It blooms, Mr. Funston states, a month earlier than No. 48 and has flowers of a lighter blue. It will be seen that its characters incline toward those of V. palustris. No. 12 is abundant throughout the forest region, while No. 48 is said to occur less frequently. CARYOPHYLLACEA. Cerastium alpinum L. Sp. Pl.i, 488 (1753). Type specimens from Europe. Disenchantment Bay, August 5 (No. 85) occurring but scantily. Arenaria lateriflora L. Sp. Pl. i, 423 (1753). Type specimens from Siberia. Khantaak Island, June 12 (Nos. 18 and 19). These specimens, like others from the northern portions of the range of the species, are of low stature, seldom exceed- ing 10 em. in height, and have leaves about 1 cm. in length. In No. 19 the anthers are nearly black and contain a mass of bodies many times smaller than pollen grains, undoubtedly their atrophied and functionless representatives. The same tendency toward the suppression of the stamens is manifested in other herbarium specimens. The plant grew on a sand spit and along a sandy bluff. Arenaria peploides L. Sp. Pl. i, 425 (1753). The Linnean plants came from the seashores of northern Europe. Khantaak Island, June 20 (No. 37). All the Alaskan specimens in the National Herbarium belong to the form described by Torrey and Gray as Honekenya oblongi- folia. The plant is strictly a littoral species, growing in profusion along gravelly beaches between the line of high tide and the forest. It is very commonly used to produce a smudge to drive away insects. PORTULACACES. _ Claytonia sibirica L. Sp. Pl. i, 204 (1753). Type locality, Siberia. At the base of Mount Tebenkof, Yakutat Bay, June 22, (No. 42). The plant is abnndant along the banks of streams flowing into Disenchantment Bay. For use see page 330. GERANIACEZ. Geranium erianthum DC. Prodr. i, 641 (1824). The species was decribed from specimens collected by David Nelson in Kamchatka and northwestern North America, Disenchantment Bay, August 10 (No. 100); common on the slopes of the moun- tains from 550 to 900 meters. 5076—No. 6 2 338 FABACES. Lupinus nootkatensis unalaskensis Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. viii, 524 (1873). The type specimens of this variety were collected on the Island of Unalaska. Khantaak Island, June 20 (No. 35). It was found in abundance also in Disen- chantment Bay and on the west side of Yakutat Bay. The National Herbarium contains specimens not only from Unalaska but also from the Shumagin Islands and Kadiak Island. Lathyrus maritimus (L.) Bigelow, #1. Bost. ed. 2, 268 (1824); Pisum maritimum L. Sp. Pl. ii, 727 (1753). First described from European specimens. At the mouth of the Ankow River, ¥akonat Bay, June 13 (No. 20); abundant on a bare, sandy point. Lathyrus palustris L. Sp. Pl. ii, 733 (1753). Type locality, Europe. Khantaak Island, July 27 (No. 77), in the margins of forest openings. ROSACEZ. Luetkea pectinata (Pursh) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. i, 217 (1891); Saxifraga pectinata Pursh, Fl. i, 312 (1814). Type specimen, from the ‘northwest coast” of North America, dn dataa by Menzies. Disenchantment Bay, August 5 (No. 90); abundant in the Hennig oceurring between 180 and 1,200 meters altitude. Rubus pedatus Smith, Ic. Pl. Ined. t. 63 (1791). ‘In Americ borealis tractu occidentali legit Archibaldus Menzies.” Khantaak Island, June (No. 151); frequent in the moist spruce forests. Rubus spectabilis Pursh, Fl. i, 348, t. 16 (1814). Pursh described the species from specimens collected by Lewis and Clarke on the banks of the Columbia River, and by Menzies ‘‘on the northwest coast.” At the Mission, May 26 (No.1). For the distribution and uses of this plant, see page 329. Rubus stellatus Smith, Ic. Pl. Ined. t. 64(1791). Type locality the same as that of Rubus pedatus. Near the Mission, June 1 (No. 9); common in the damp woods of the lowlands. Geum calthifolium Smith, in Rees, Cyel. xvi (1819). Type specimen, collected “by Mr. Menzies on the west coast of North America.” Near Dalton Landing, August 16 (No. 130), occurring on a mountain side at an altitude of about 250 meters. Geum macrophyllum Willd. Enum. i, 557 (1809). Type locality, ‘‘in Camt- schatca.” Khantaak Island, June 17 (No. 25); a common weed near adeserted Indian village. FPragaria chiloensis (L.) Lam. Encyel. ii, 537 (1786); J. vesca chiloensis L. Sp. Pl. i, 495 (1753). Type locality not given. Khantaak Island, May 27 (No. 2). This plant has a thick, closely bracteate root- stock and thick, coriaceous leaves, glabrous and impressed-reticulate above, densely villous beneath, as in specimens from the vicinity of San Francisco. For the distri- bution and uses of this plant, see page 331. Potentiila anserina L. Sp. Pl. i, 495 (1753). Type locality European. Near the Mission, June 19 (No. 34). The plant is common but is confined to the beaches, both on the islands and on the mainland. The leaf of Potentilla anserina is one example of a type represented in the present collection by three other species, Fragaria chiloensis, Potentilla villosa, and Phellopterus littoralis. In all these plants the leaf is somewhat thickened, rugose and glabrous above, and beneath very densely tomentose or villous. All the species grow upon the naked, sandy beach of the ocean just above the line of high tide, where they are exposed not only to the ee ey Te 339 moisture-laden air of the region, but to the direct rays of the hot, summer sun, and, ‘probably also, to the influence of the salt water in the soil. The similarity in the leaves of these plants, in the light of their diversity in natural relationship and their subjection to the same environment, is strong evidence of their adaptive modification for a common purpose. Potentilla palustris (L.) Scop. Fl. Carn. ed. 2, i, 359 (1772); Comarum palustre L. Sp. Pl. i, 502 (1753). Type locality, European. Along the Ankow River, about 10 kilometers from the point where it empties into Yakutat Bay, July 16 (No. 63); growing abundantly in fresh-water swamps near the stream. Potentilla procumbens (L.) Clairv. Manuel, 166 (1811); Sibbaldia procumbens L. Sp. Pl. i, 284 (1753). Described from European specimens. At Dalton Landing, August 15 (No. 124). The species was nearly past flowering. Potentilla villosa Pall.; Pursh, Fl. i, 355 (1814). The type specimens, which Pursh saw in the herbarium of Lambert, came from the ‘‘ northwest coast” of North America. In Ledebour’s Flora Rossica the recorded American localities in which specimens were collected by Pallas are the islands of Kadiak and Unalaska. Found only at a few points in Disenchantment Bay, August 8 (No. 94) and August 10 (No. 103), from sea level to an altitude of 650 meters. At this time the plant was nearly past flowering. Sanguisorba latifolia nom. nov.; Sanguisorba canadensis latifolia Hook. F1. Bor. Amer. i, 198 (1834); Sanguwisorba sitchensis C. A. Meyer; Trauty. & Mey. Fl, Ochot. 35 (1856); Poterium sitechense Wats. Bibl. Ind. 303 (1878). The plant was described from specimens collected by Scouler at ‘‘Observatory Inlet, Northwest coast of America” and by Chamisso at Unalaska. Along the Ankow River, about 10 kilometers above its mouth, July 16 (No. 66), on the edges of sandy bluffs along the river bank. Sorbus occidentalis (Wats.) Greene, FI. Fran. 54 (1891); Pyrus occidentalis Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. xxiii, 263 (1888). The type specimens are from the higher moun- tains of Washington, Oregon, and California. Disenchantment Bay, August 5 (No.92). Only two specimens were seen, forming trees 2 to 3 meters high and growing at an altitude of 250 meters. The plant is referred to S. occidentalis with doubt; for while it has leaflets entire for their lower half, like those of that species, its young shoots are densely pubescent with brown hairs and the flowers are unusually large, the petals reaching a length of 5to 6mm., and the calyx-throat a breadth of 5mm.* Theeymes are 3 to 5 em. in diameter, and the leaflets nine to thirteen in number, the larger 5 cm.long. The plant is not referable to typical S. sambucifolia, SAXIFRAGACES. Saxifraga bronchialis L. Sp. Pl. i, 400 (1753). Type locality, Siberia. Disenchantment Bay, August 5 (No. 91); growing on the mountains at the altitude of from 575 to 1,150 meters. The leaves of this plant present the thick body and thin margins that occur also in Bryanthus glanduliflorus. Saxifraga mertensiana Bong. Veg. Sitch. 141 (1831). Type locality Sitka. At the base of Mount Tebenkof, June 22 (No. 41); abundant along the bank of a stream. Saxifraga punctata L. Sp. Pl. i, 401 (1753). Type locality, Siberia. At the base of Mount Tebenkof, June 22 (No. 40); growing with No. 41. Saxifraga stellaris L. Sp. Pl. i, 400 (1753). Type locality European. On the east side of Yakutat Bay, 25 kilometers north of the Mission, July 14 (No. 60); growing along a stream. The name S. stellaris is here used for this plant to emphasize the fact that, while commonly referred to S. leucanthemifolia of Michaux, now S. michauxii Britton, itdoes not really belong to that species. The type locality 340 of Michaux’s plant is ‘“‘in excelsis montibus Carolin,” and it has not been found out- side the Alleghany Mountains, although often collected there. European authori- ties have held that true S. stellaris has never been found in America, and that name is here adopted only for convenience. Tiarella trifoliata L. Sp. Pl. i, 406 (1753). Type locality, northern Asia. Khantaak Island, June 7 (No. 16), in the spruce forest. Tellima grandiflora (Pursh) R. Br.; Richards. App. Frank]. Journ. 765 (1823) ; Mi- tella grandiflora Pursh, FI. i, 314 (1814). Described from specimens collected on the northwest coast of North America by Menzies. Disenchantment Bay, August 3 (No. 83); from sea level to an altitude of 150 meters. Heuchera glabra Willd.; Roem. & Schult. Syst. vi, 21@(1820). Type ae collected by Pallas in the oninie part of North America. On the east shore of Yakutat Bay, 25 kilometers north of the Mission, July 14 (No. 59), along a forest stream. Parnassia fimbriata Banks; Koenig and Sims, Ann. Bot. i, 391 (1805). Disenchantment Bay, August 5 (No. 88); abundant on the mountain slopes from 180 to 675 meters of altitude, : Ribes laxiflorum Pursh, Fl. ii, 731 (1814). The original specimens were collected by Menzies ‘‘on the northwest coast.” On the east side of Yakutat Bay, near Ocean Cape, May 28 (No. 5). The species occurs throughout the forest area in the vicinity of Yakutat Bay and is abundant on the foothills of the mountains. On Mount Tebenkof it extends to an altitude of 575 meters. The specimens are nearly past flowering. The use of the name Libes americanum by Miller! for the plant commonly known as &. floridum pre- ‘vents the use of Pallas’s name 2. americanum? for the present species. ONAGRACEZ. Epilobium latifolium L. Sp. Pl. i, 347 (1753). Type specimen from Siberia. On the west side of Yakutat Bay, about 7 miles north of Point Manby, June 28 (No. 49), andat Dalton Landing, August 15 (No. 128). The petals in these speci- mens sometimes attain the length of 2.8 cm. The petals, which are very beautiful and delicate, may be described as of a purplish, but pale, rose color. No. 128 is an albino. The species occurred abundantly on the west side of Yakutat Bay, between the beach and the moraine of the Malaspina Glacier; and along the base of Mount Tebenkof, occasionally rising to an altitude of nearly 500 meters. Epilobium luteum Pursh, Fl. i, 259 (1814). Type specimen from the ‘‘northwest coast” of North America, collected by Pallas. On the eastern side of Yakutat Bay, about 25 kilometers north of the Mission, July 14 (No. 58); growing along the beach just above the line of high tide. A few specimens were seen aiterwards in the same situation in Disenchantment Bay. Epilobium palustre L. Sp. Pl. i, 348 (1753). Type specimen from Europe. Near the Mission, July 30 (No. 80); found in but one place. The filiform, subter- ranean offshoots characteristic of this species are excellently shown in some of the specimens. Like the similar slender organs of Circwa alpina, they are well adapted, in this exceedingly moist climate and in the moist, loose stratum of moss, leaves, or light soil through which they push their way, to propagate the plant without the loss of strength incident to a greater outlay of vegetative tissue. In a drier climate or a harder soil, much stouter and better protected structures, and consequently a greater expenditure of vital energy, would be required to accomplish the same result. Circza alpina L. Sp. Pl.i,9 (1753). Type specimen from Europe. At the mouth of Disenchantment Bay, July 24 (No. 76), among the rocks along the beach. 1Gard. Dict. ed. 8 (1768). 2 Pallas, Fl. Ross. 1i, 34 (1784). a 341 AMMIACEZ.' Cicuta virosa L. Sp. Pl.i, 255 (1753). Type specimen from Europe. Khantaak Island, July 22 \No.71); common in the edges of treeless openings. Phellopterus littoralis Schmidt, Fl. Sachal. 138 (1868). Along the Ankow near Ocean Cape, July 1 (No.51). It occurred only among the saud dunes along the river and on the beach. [Not before reported from Alaska. J.N. Rose.] Ligusticum scothicum L. Sp. Pl.i, 250 (1753). Type localities, the seashores of England and Sweden. Ocean Cape, July 18 (No. 70), on bluffs near the beach. Selinum gmelini (Cham. & Schlecht.) Kurtz in Engler, Bot. Jarb. xix, 382 (1894) ; Ligusticum gmelini Cham. & Schlecht. Linnea, i, 391 (1826); Selinum benthami Wats. Bibl. Ind. 432 (1878). Type specimens from Alaska, Cape Phipps, July 23 (No. 73), on a sandy beach near the edge of the forest. Ccelopleurum gmelini (DC.) Ledeb. I'l. Ross. ii, 361 (1844); Archangelica gmelini DC. Prodr. iv, 170 (1830). Type specimens from Kamchatka. Khantaak Island, June 26 (No.44); abundant in sunny spots about a deserted Indian village. Heracleum lanatum Michx. F1.i, 166 (1803). Type locality, Canada. Khantaak Island, June 26 (No. 45); abundant on both the island and the mainland, growing along the margins of the forests and in their openings, and extending far up into Disenchantment Bay. For use as food, see page 331, ARALIACEZ. Echinopanax horridum (Smith) Decaisne & Planch. Rev. Hort. 1854, 105 (1854) ; Panax horridum Smith, in Rees, Cyel. xxvi (1819). Type specimen collected by Menzies at Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island. Khantaak Island, August 30 (No. 143), with mature fruit. The plant, which is popu- larly known as ‘‘devil’s club,” in May and June bears clusters of white, sweet-scented flowers. It is very common in the woods from sea level to an altitude of 550 meters, anc its thick stems, from 0.5 to 2 meters high, covered with stout, spine-like prickles, often render one’s progress difficult and painful. It occurs throughout the lowland forests in the vicinity of Yakutat Bay, following them to the altitude of 550 meters on Mount Tebenkof. CORNACES. Cornus canadensis L. Sp. Pl. i, 118 (1753). Type locality, Canada. Khantaak Island, June 15 (No. 23); abundant in the dense lowland woods at the base of Mount Tebenkof, ascending to an altitude of 100 meters. Mature fruit was collected August 27. CAPRIFOLIACES. Sambucus racemosa L. Sp. Pl.i, 270 (1753). Type locality, Europe. Khantaak Island, June 15 (No. 24). See page 329. Viburnum pauciflorum Pylaie; Torr. and Gr. FI. ii, 17 (1841). The type specimens were collected in Newfoundland by Pylaie. Khantaak Island, June 15 (No. 22). Fruiting specimens were collected August 27. For notes on distribution and use, see page 329. VALERIANACES. Valeriana sitchensis Bong. Veg. Sitch. 145 (1831). Type specimens from Sitka. Disenchantment Bay, August 4 (No. 87); abundant on sandy slopes near the beach, and rising to an altitude of 180 meters. 1The Ammiacez have been determined by Dr. J. N. Rose. 342 CARDUACEZ. Aster foliaceus Lindl.; DC. Prodr. v, 228 (1836). The type specimens were from Unalaska. Khantaak Island, July 27 (No. 78), on a bluff along the western side of the island. Erigeron salsuginosus (Richards.) Gray, Proc. Amer, Acad. xvi, 93 (1881); Aster salsuginosus Richards. App. Frankl. Journ. 748 (1823). Type locality, the Salt Plains in Athabasca. Khantaak Island, June 27 (No. 46); common in openings in the forest. Antennaria alpina (L.) Gaertn. Fruct. ii, 410 (1791); Gnaphalium alpinum L. . Sp. Pl. ii, 856 (1753). Type specimens from the Alps of Lapland and Switzerland. Disenchantment Bay, August 10 (No. 101); ranging from sea level to an altitude of 250 meters. Antennaria margaritacea (L.) Hook. FJ. Bor. Amer. i, 329 (1834); Gnaphalium margaritaceum L. Sp. Pl. ii, 850 (1753); Anaphalis margaritacea Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. ii, 303 (1873). No more specific localities were assigned for the Linnean speci- mens than North America and Kamchatka. Along the banks of a river flowing into Disenchantment Bay, at a point southeast of Haenke Island, August 11 (No. 106), in sandy soil. Achillea millefolium L. Sp. Pl. ii, 899 (1753). Type specimens from Europe. At Ocean Cape, July 18 (No. 69), abundant on the sandy beach; at Point Manby and in Disenchantment Bay, both along the beach and on the hillsides to an altitude of 135 meters. The specimens belong to the boreal type of the plant, which has a darker-colored involucre than the weed of more southern range. Artemisia norvegica pacifica Gray, Syn. Fl. i, pt. 11, 371 (1884). Range given as from the Arctic coast to the Aleutian Islands, ete. The name of this plant unquestionably must be changed. Disenchantment Bay, August 8 (No. 93); abundant, occurring from sea level to an altitude of 200 meters. Some of’ the specimens are very large and robust, reaching 60 cm. in height, the petioles of the basai leaves sometimes 25 cm. Jong and their blades 13 em. Its place of growth, on a grassy bank near the beach, undoubtedly accounts for this unusual development. Arnica latifolia Bong. Veg. Sitch. 147 (1833). Type specimen collected at Sitka by Mertens. : Yakutat Bay, near the Mission, July 30 (No. 79), and at Dalton Landing (No. 122); in the former locality common in open swampy places in the forest, in the latter growing in abundance among the sand dunes along the beach. Tussilago frigida L. Sp. Pl. ii, 865 (1753). Type locality European. Disenchantment Bay, August (No. 105); growing in wet, sheltered spots from sea level to an altitude of 75 meters. Our specimens, as well as others from Alaska, do not conform with the typical plant of Europe. The flowering stems reach 40 em, in height, and the petioles 25 cm. ; while the leaf blades, which are usually more nearly reniform than deltoid, with sinuses reaching one-third or one-half the way to the base, attaina breadth of 15cm. The ligules of the ray flowers are minute and incon- spicuous in both kinds of anthodia. Hieracium triste Willd.; Spreng. Syst. iii, 640 (1826). Type specimen from the Aleutian Islands. Disenchantment Bay, August 12 (No. 107); at an altitude of 1,000 meters. It occurred sparingly on grassy slopes from this altitude down to sea level, at the lower points bearing mature fruit. Prenanthes alata (Hook.) Gray, Syn. FI. i, pt. ii, 435 (1884); Nabalus alatus Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. i, 294, t. 102 (1834). Type locality, Fort Vancouver, Washington. Disenchantment Bay, August 13 (No. 115); extending abundantly from an altitude of 650 meters down to 450 meters, and sparingly down to 150 meters. . 343 CAMPANULACES. Campanula rotundifolia alaskana Gray, Syn. FI. ii, pt. i, 365 (1886). The range given with the description is from the northern Aleutian Islands to Kadiak and Sitka. Disenchantment Bay, July 10 (No. 56) and August 10 (No. 102); the latter nearly past flowering. The name here used can not properly be applied to this plant under the present principles of nomenclature, but an examination of type specimens is necessary to ascertain its proper designation. No. 56 was found on the side of a steep, rocky bluff, about 25 kilometers north of the Mission. Where No. 102 was col- lected the species occurred abundantly on the grassy mountain slopes at an altitude of 350 to 675 meters. ERICACESA. Vaccinium ovalifolium Smith in Rees, Cycl. xxxvi (1819). Type specimen, “brought by Mr. Menzies from the west coast of North America.” At the Mission, May 31 (No. &). The plant at this date had nearly ceased bloom- ing. Mature fruit was collected August 27. For notes on the distribution and uses of this plant, sce page 329. Cassiope stelleriana (Pall.) DC. Prodr. vii, 611 (1839); Andromeda stelleriana Pall. F1. Ross. ii, 58 t. 74 f. 2 (1790). Disenchantment Bay, August 12 (No. 110); occurring at an altitude of 300 to 1,000 meters. On the summits of the mountains it 1s often the only plant to be found. ‘The thick leaves of this plant have thin edges, which character, as is suggested by their position in unfolding, may be due to the pressure of the parts in the bud. Bryanthus glanduliflorus (Hook.) Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. vii, 368 (1868); Men- ziesia glanduliflorus Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. ii, 40, t. 132 (1834). Type specimens collected by Drummond in the alpine woods and mountains north of the Smoking River. Disenchantment Bay, August 12 (No. 109); on the mountains at the altitude of from 350 to 1,000 meters. The leaves of these Alaskan specimens, which seem to be from the highest latitude in which the species has ever been found, are thinner and more serrate than in specimens from the southern portion of the range of the species. The densely glandular, hirsute corolla and calyx, the short-pilose but not glandular filaments, and the lemon-yellow color of the corolla, distinguish it from the related species. The serrations of the leaves are tipped when young with glands which, like those of the calyx and corolla, afford a resinous-glandular protective covering for the exposed nascent parts of the plant. Menziesia ferruginea Smith, Ic. Ined. t. 56 (1791). Khantaak Island, June 10 (No. 26); common in the lowland forests on the main- land and extending to 550 meters on Mount Tebenkof. The filaments in these specimens are conspicuously short-pilose near the base. Pyrola minor L. Sp. Pl. i, 896 (1753). Type locality European. Disenchantment Bay, August 14 (No. 86); found at only asingle point, in the shade of a clump of alders near the beach. Pyrola secunda L. Sp. Pl. i, 396 (1753). Type locality European. On the eastern shore of Yakutat Bay about 30 kilometers north of the Mission, July 14 (No. 57). It was found, but not frequently, at several points in the forest area growing in the moist moss. Moneses uniflora (L.) Gray, Man. 273 (1848); Pyrola uniflora lL. Sp. Pl. i, 397. Type locality European. Ocean Cape, July 9 (No. 54), growing in the moss of a dense forest, and in the mainland forest near Mount Tebenkof, 344 PRIMULACES. Trientalis europza arctica (lisch.) Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iii, 25 (1847); 7. aretica Fisch. ; Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. i, 121 (1830). The range given with the original deserip- tion is from Sandy Bay, in Clarence Straits, to Unalaska, and in Kamchatka. Between the Mission and Cape Phipps, June 1 (No. 10); of frequent occurrence in — the spruce forest. Glaux maritima L. Sp. Pl. i, 207 (1753). Type locality Europe. On the mainland near the Mission, June 19 (No. 32); growing in patches on the beach just above the line of high tide. It occurred also on Khantaak Island at the head of Port Mulgrave. GENTIANACE. Gentiana amarella L. Sp. PI. i, 230 (1753). Type specimens from Europe. Cape Phipps, July 25 (No. 72), and Disenchantment Bay, August 11 (No. 104); at both points growing on the beach. Two forms are represented in these two num- bers, the best disposal of which, in the present state of our knowledge concerning the varieties of G. amarella, is to refer them to that species without a varietal desig- nation. No. 72 has purplish foliage and stem, blue flowers, and a deeply cleft calyx, the narrow lobes of which are not more than one-half as long as the corolla. No. 104, while very similar in form and size, has green herbage, yellow flowers, and a calyx with more foliaceous divisions, the larger commonly two-thirds to three-fourths as long as the corolla. Gentiana platypetala Griseb. Gent. 191 (1839). The type specimens were col- lected on the island of Sitka during the second expedition of Kotzebue in the early part of the present century, and none have been reported since. Disenchantment Bay, August 12 (No. 108). It has been impossible to compare ours with the original specimens, yet from Grisebach’s description we appear to haye the same plant. It closely resembles small specimens of G. calycosa, the stems being 15 to 22 cm. high and bearing 6 to 10 pairs of ovate-oblong, obtuse or bluntly acute leaves. Each stem is terminated by a single sessile flower involucrately sur- rounded by 2 or 3 pairs of leaves, the inner reduced. The calyx, which is about one-half as Jong as the tube of the campanulate blue corolla, has a spathaceous membranaceous tube 10 to 14 mm. long, which usually spreads open along two oppo- site lines nearly to the base, the free margins being thin, scarious, and apparently not torn. The calyx lobes proper are minute, lanceolate, acute, herbaceous organs about 3mm. long. The corolla lobes are conspicuously narrower at their insertion, broader than long, and abruptly acuminate, while the plaits in the sinuses are tri- angular, broader than high, and acute or emarginate. Menyanthes trifoliata L. Sp. Pl. i, 145 (1753). Type locality European. Khantaak Island, June 20 (No. 39): common in fresh-water ponds, growing both in the water and on the adjacent wet soil. HYDROPHYLLACES. Romanzoffia sitchensis Bong. Veg. Sitch. 158 (1831). Type locality, Sitka. Near Dalton Landing, August 15 (No. 123), growing among shaded rocks in a canyon leading from the St. Elias range. This plant so closely resembles a small saxifrage, Saxifraga nudicaulis for example, that a critical look at the corolla is necessary to distinguish it. Even the thickened bases of the petioles and the two divergent carpels of the mature fruit precisely simulate those of certain saxifrages, yet they have the most widely different genetic relation. : 345 BORAGINACES. Pneumaria maritima (L.) Hill, Veg. Syst. vii, 40 (1764); Pulmonaria maritima L. Sp. Pl. i, 136 (1753). Type locality, the sandy beaches of England. On the west side of Yakutat Bay, about 10 kilometers north of Point Manby, June 28 (No. 50). Around Disenchantment Bay, also, the plant is common, and, as at the other locality, confined to the sandy beach. SCROPHULARIACES. Mimulus langsdorfii Donn; Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 1501 (1812). Description drawn from specimens grown in the Botanic Garden at Cambridge, England, the seed com- ing ‘‘ from Unashka [Unalaska], one of the Fox Islands.” This is the Mimulus luteus of most American authors. On the east side of Yakutat Bay, 26 kilometers north of the Mission, July 14 (No. 55), along a stream in dense woods; and again on a small stream emptying into Disenchantment Bay. Veronica alpina L. Sp. Pl. i, 11 (1753). Type locality European. Disenchantment Bay, August 9 (No. 97), near a water course; found but sparingly. Castilleja miniata Dougl.; Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. ii, 106 (1838). Type specimens from the Blue Mountains of Oregon. On a sandy point at the mouth of the Ankow River, June 13 (No. 21), and in Dis_ enchantment Bay, August 3 (No. 82); the former with yellowish, the latter with red bracts. The plant is abundant in the valleys and lowlands about Yukutat Bay, and occurs occasionally up to an altitude of 550 meters. Castilleja parviflora Bong. Veg. Sitch. 158 (1831). Type specimens collected near Sitka. Disenchantment Bay, August 5 (No. 89); found in but one place, on the southern slope of a mountain, abont 600 meters above the sea. These specimens were thus identified by the late Mr. H. I. Seaton. Euphrasia officinalis L. Sp. Pl. ii, 604 (1753). Type specimens from Europe. Dalton Landing, August 15 (No. 125); common in sandy soil of the beach. The specimens have less spinescent leaves and smaller flowers than the typical European plant. Pedicularis palustris wlassowiana (Steven) Bunge, in Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iii, 283 (1847); P. wlassowiana Steven, Mon. Pedic. 27, t. 9, fig. 1 (1822). At the entrance of. Disenchantment Bay, July 24 (No. 75); growing along a sandy beach just above the line of high tide. The lower lip in these specimens is unusually short, not more than one-half as long as the galea. Pedicularis sudetica Willd. Sp. Pl. iii, 209 (1800). Described from plants col- lected in the Sudetic Mountains and in Siberia. Disenchantment Bay, August 9 (No. 98); from sea level to an altitude of 120 meters. Rhinanthus crista-galli L. Sp. Pl. 11, 603 (1753). Type locality European. Ocean Cape, July 18 (No. 68), and at Dalton Landing; growing in both stations on the sandy beach. t : POLYGONACES. Polygonum viviparum L. Sp. Pl. i, 360 (1753). Type locality, European. On a bluff along the Ankow River, about 10 kilometers above its mouth, July 16 (No. 65), and on the shores of Disenchantment Bay, 200 meters above the sea. FPAGACE. Alnus rubra Bong. Veg. Sitch., 162 (1831). The type specimen was collected at Sitka by Mertens. Khantaak Island, May 27 (No.3). For the distribution of this plant, the red alder, see page 328. 346 SALICACEZ. Salix arctica Pall. Fl. Ross. i, pt. ii, 86 (1788). Type locality “in plaga arctica muscosa nuda secundum Sinum Obensem et versus glacialem Oceanum.”’ Disenchantment Bay, August13 (No. 117). This willow, according to Mr. Funston’s notes, is common on the rocky mountain slopes about Disenchantment Bay, extending from sea level to the limit of vegetation. These specimens have obovate to orbicu- lar, glabrous, reticulated leaves, glaucous beneath, rounded at the base, the blades of the larger ones 2 to 2.5 cm. long. They bear mature fruit, the capsules glabrous. This form of Salix arctica is not known in the United States proper. Our specimens have a short, thick, woody trunk, often 1 cm. in diameter and two to three times as long, scarcely rising above the surface of the ground. From this trunk arise lateral branches 10 to 30 cm. in length, which retain their vitality only a few years, spread- ing onthe ground and ascending to the height of a few centimeters. The trunk is — firmly fixed in the ground by means of stout roots. Salix barclayi Anders. Proc. Amer. Acad. iv, 66 (1858). The type specimens were collected on Kadiak Island by Barclay. Khantaak Island, May 30 (No. 6). For notes on this species, see page 328. ORCHIDACEZ. Habenaria bracteata ( Willd.) R. Br.; Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, v, 192 (1818); Orchis bracteata Willd. Sp. Pl. iv, 34 (1805). Type specimen from Pennsylvania. Disenchantment Bay, August 12 (No. 112). Scattered specimens were found from sea level to au altitude of more than 1,000 meters. Habenaria dilatata (Pursh) Hook. Exot. Fl. ii, 95 (1825); Orchis dilatata Pursh, Fl. ii, 588 (1814). Type specimen from Labrador. Along the Ankow River, near Ocean Cape, July 1 (No. 52). The plant grows in moist, shaded parts of the forest region; and itssnow-white flowers, according to Mr. Funston’s observations, are very fragrant. Determined by Thomas Morong. Habenaria hyperborea (L.) R. Br.; Ait. Hort. Kew. vy, 193 (1813); Orchis hyper- borea L. Mant. i, 121 (1767). ; Along the Ankow River, about 10 kilometers above its mouth, July 16 (No. 64); abundant in fresh-water swamps. Determined by Thomas Morong. IRIDACEA. Iris setosa Pall.; Link, Jabresb. i, pt. iii, 71 (1841). ; At the mouth of the Ankow River, July 3 (No. 53), in sandy soil near a fresh-water pond. The Indians are said to use the rootstock as a medicinal charm. LILIACEZ. Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) Lam. & DC. Fl. France. iii, 174 (1805); Uvularia amplexifolia L. Sp. Pl. i, 804 (1758). Type locality, European. About 25 kilometers north of the Mission, July 14 (No. 61); common in the dense woods, and on Mount Tebenkof found at the altitude of 180 meters. Fruiting spe- cimens were collected on Khantaak Island, August 27. Fritillaria camschatcensis (L.) Ker, Bot. Mag. under t. 1216 (1809); Lilium camschatcensis L. Sp. Pl. i, 303 (1753). Type locality, Kamchatka. Khantaak Island, June 20 (No. 38). It occurs in openings throughout the lowland forest area in the vicinity of Yakutat Bay, ascending on Mount Tebenkof to an alti- tude of 900 meters. The use of this plant for food is recorded in Hooker's Flora Boreali-Americana, p. 181, as follows: ‘‘ Voyagers to Kamtschatka (where this species seems more abundant than on the American coast) bring home small, white, granu- lated esculent roots, dried on strings. These are the bitter tubers of this Fritillary, 347 which are also copiously eaten by the Indians of Stikine, and known by the names of Koch or N. W. Rice; but Mr. Toline says they are bitter and nauseous.” For the use of the plant among the Thlinkets, see page 330. Tofieldia glutinosa (Michx.) Pers. Syn. i, 399 (1805); Narthecium glutinosum Michx. FI. i, 210 (1803). Type specimen collected between Quebec and Lake Mistassinie. Khantaak Island, June 27 (No. 47), along the margin of a fresh-water marsh. JUNCACEZ. Juncus falcatus alaskensis var. nov.; probably J. falcatus sitchensis Buch. Monog, June. 428 (1890), not J. arcticus sitchensis Engelm. (1866). Type specimen in the United States National Herbarium, collected July 18, 1892, at Ocean Cape, Yakutat Bay, Alaska, by Frederick Funston (No. 67), growing in openings in the forest. _ In the typical form of the species, which was originally collected at Monterey, California, and which seems to range as far northward as Puget Sound, the styles are long, the stigmas conspicuously exserted, and the anthers much longer than their filaments, as in J. orthophyllus, but specimens collected at various points from Yakutat Bay, Alaska, to the Aleutian Islands have a very short, thick style, and anthers little longer than their filaments. No fruiting specimens have been seen, but the plant is doubtless the same as Dr. Buchenau’s variety sitchensis, which was described, presumably from Alaskan specimens, as having aretuse obcordate capsule instead of the obtuse ovate one of the type form. The plant occurs on the Aleutian islands, Atka and Unalaska, on the Shumagin Islands, at Yakutat Bay, and perhaps farther southward along the Alaskan coast. Juncoides campestre sudeticum (Willd.) Coville, Contr. Wat. Herb. iv, 208 (1893); Juncus sudeticus Willd. Sp. Pl. ii, 221 (1799); Luzula campestris sudctica Cela- kovsky, Prodr. Fl. Boehm. 749 (1881). Type locality, the summit of the Sudetic Moun- tains, of Silesia. Knight Island, June 18 (No. 28), growing on bare, well-drained sandy points. CYPERACES. Eleocharis watsoni Babb. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, x, 20 (1852). Type specimen collected on the seacoast of Scotland, near Tayanloan, Argyleshire. Along the Ankow River, August 28 (No. 135); abundant along the margins of lagoons and fresh-water swamps. Mr. C. 3. Clarke! has disposed of this species as a variety, watsoni, of EF. palustris; but if our specimens are fairly representative of the plant, it appears much more satisfactory to treat it as a distinct species. They have culms 20 to 40 cm. high, spikes at maturity 4 to 6 mm. in diameter and 7 to 15 mm. long, bracts of the spike black, with hyaline margins, and setie equaling the nutlet. The plant was identified by Dr. N. L. Britton. Carex decidua? Boott, Proc. Linn. Soc. i, 255 (1845). Type specimens from the Falkland Islands and from Port Famine, Straits of Magellan. On the Ankow River, August 28 (No. 134); common in fresh-water swamps and along the edges of lagoons. Carex festiva pachystachya Bailey, Mem. Torr. Club, i, 51 (1889). Mainland, near Mission, Yakutat Bay, June 19 (No. 30); found wherever there is no shade. Common on the Ankow. Carex limosa stygia (Fries) Bailey, Proc. Amer. Acad. xxii, 95 (1887); C. stygia Fries, Mant. iii, 141 (1842). Knight Island, June 18 (No. 27); common along the edges of fresh-water ponds on the mainland and islands of the bay. ! Journal of Botany, xxv, 268 (1887). 2 The specimens of Carex were determined by Professor L. H. Bailey. 348 POACEG:.’ Savastana odorata (L.) Scribn. Mem. Torr. Club, vy, 34 (1894); Holcus odoratus L. Sp. Pl. ii, 108 (1753); Hierochloa borealis Roem. & Schult. Syst. ii, 513 (1817). Type specimens from Europe. Khantaak Island, June 20 (No. 36); found along the edges of bluffs about 6 meters above sea level. Phleum alpinum L. Sp. Pl. i, 59 (1753). Type specimens from Europe. On dry sand bars along streams, from sea level to 60 meters elevation. Abundant at Dalton Landing, August 16 (No. 119); a few scattering specimens on Khantaak Island. Agrostis exarata Trin. Diss. i, 207 (1824). Type locality, Unalaska. Growing in scattered clumps on dry sand bars along small rivers which empty into the sea. Disenchantment Bay, August 17 (No. 118); from sea level to 60 meters elevation. Calamagrostis langsdorffii (Link.) Trin. Gr. Unifl. 225 (1824); Arundo langsdorffii Link, Enum. i, 74 (1821). Type locality, Siberia. Ankow River, August 28 (No. 136); found generally along the beach near the edge of the forest, and on bluffs near the rivers. Deschampsia czespitosa (L.) Beauv. Agrost. 91 (1812); -tira ewspitosa L., Sp. PI. i, 64 (1753). Type specimen from Europe. Yakutat Bay, August 27 (No. 133); found everywhere in the vicinity of Yakutat Bay, often in great abundance. It occupies all the open, but not swampy, spaces in the forests, and is found in abundance on the bluffs near the seashore and on the southern slope of Mount Tebenkof, to an altitude of 525 meters. Deschampsia cespitosa longiflora (Trin.) Vasey, Descr. Cat. Gr. 29 (1883); Aira cespitosa longiflora Trin; Thurb. Bot. Wilkes Exped. xvii, 487 (1873-74). Type local- ity; ‘‘Nisqually and the north branch of the Columbia.” Disenchantment Bay, August 12 (No. 111); found in large quantities on the slopes of mountains, at from 250 to 775 meters altitude, between the upper limit of red alder and the lower limit of summer snow, where it gives the mountains their light- green color, Some tracts of hundreds of acres of mountain slope are covered with it, to the exclusion of all other vegetation. It is not found in the forest country. Poa alpina L. Sp. Pl. i, 67 (1753). Type specimen from Europe. Dalton Landing, August 15 (No. 127); growing abundantly in small clusters on dry sand bars near Dalton Creek; also found near Cape Manby. Poa glumaris Trin. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. ser. 6, i, 379 (1831). Type locality, Arctic Siberia. Khantaak Island, August 29 (No. 137); common on gravelly beaches out of reach of high tides. Puccinellia maritima (Huds.) Parl. Fl. Ital. i, 370 (1848); Poa maritima Huds. F1. Angl, 42 (1762). On the mainland near the Mission, at sea level; also on the beach at the base of Mount Tebenkof, June 21 (No, 31); found only near the beach, where it grows in dense clumps; not common. 7-Q Elymus arenarius L. Sp. Pl. i, 83 (1753). Type specimen from Europe. Near the Mission, August 29 (No. 140); abundant along sandy beaches, but found only near the sea. The thick culms play an important part in the basket making of the Thlinket Indians. When green they are cut, stripped of leaves, and dried near a fire. ‘They are then used to form the uprights or framework around which are woven split spruce roots. ! Determined by the late Dr. George Vasey. 349 PINACEZ.. Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. Trait. Con. 260 (1855); Pinus sitchensis Bong. Veg. Sitch. 164 (1831). Type specimen from Sitka. Khantaak Island, August 27 (No. 131). The specimens bear well-developed cones with nearly mature seeds. For the distribution and uses of the tree, see pages 328 and 334. Tsuga mertensiana (Bong.) Carr. Trait. Con. ed. 2, 250 (1867); Pinus mertensiana Bong. Veg. Sitch. 163 (1831). Type specimens collected at Sitka by Mertens. Yakutat Bay, August 27 (No. 132). For notes on this tree, see page 328. Chamecyparis nootkatensis (Lamb.) Spach, Hist. Veg. xi, 333 (1842); Cupressus nootkatensis Lamb. Pin. ii, 18 (1824). Khantaak Island, September (No. 147). The specimens bear mature cones with fully grown seeds, in many cases capable of germination. Only a single individual of this, the Sitka cypress, was seen by Mr. Funston in the territory that he tray- ersed. The tree does not follow in its range the same course as Picea sitchensis, but in the southern portion of its range, in Oregon, is found remote from the coast in the region of the Cascade Mountains, LYCOPODIACEZ. Lycopodium alpinum L. Sp. Pl. ii, 1104 (1753). Type locality European. Growing in abundance, but at only one place, on the bleak summit of a mountain 1,175 meters high, on the mainland southeast of Haenke Island. Collected August 13 (No. 113). At the base of some of the branches the complanate character of the stem and leaves is very marked, but in most parts of the plant this character is not seen. Lycopodium annotinum L. Sp. Pl. ii, 1103 (1753). Type locality European. Near the Mission, August 29 (No. 139); abundant throughout the lowland forest, growing on decayed logs and in other similar soil. EQUISETACES. Equisetum variegatum Schleich. Cat. Pl. Helv. ed. 2, 27 (1807). Khantaak Island, August 50 (No. 142); common near the fresh-water swamps. Determined by L. M. Underwood. POLY PODIACESA. Polypodium vulgare L. Sp. Pl. ii, 1085 (1753). Type locality European. Near the Mission, June 6 (No.13). The species is common throughout the forested area. Cryptogramme acrostichoides R. Br.; Richards. App. Frankl. Journ. 754 (1823). The plant is more fully described in Brown’s Addenda to the same work (p.767), where it is stated that the specimens were found by Menzies at Nootka Sound, Van- couver Island. Dalton Landing, August 16 (No. 129); abundant among rocks. Dryopteris spinulosa (Retz.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. ii, 810 (1891); Polypodiwm spin- ulosum Retz. Fl. Scand. ed. 2, 250 (1795); Aspidium spinulosum Swartz; Schrad. Journ. Bot. ii, 38 (1800). Near the Mission, June 19 (No.33). The sporangia are immature at this season. This fern grows in the greatest profusion in the damp mossy woods about the Mis- sion. On Mount Tebenkof, up to an altitude of 600 meters, certain areas were densely covered with the plant. Phegopteris dryopteris (L.) Fee, Gen. Fil. 243 (1850-1852); Polypodium dryopteris L. Sp. Pl. ii, 1093 (1753). Type specimen from Europe. 350 Near the Mission, August 29 (No. 138). This fern grows in the greatest profusion in the spruce forest of the lowlands about Yakutat Bay. On Mount Tebenkof it was found at an altitude of 380 meters. Dryopteris lonchitis (L.) Kuntze, Rey. Gen. Pl. ii, 813 (1891); Polypodiwm lon- chitis L. Sp. Pl. ii, 1088 (1753); Aspidium lonchitis Swartz; Schrad. Journ. Bot. ii, 38 (1800). Type locality, the mountains of Europe. Near the cabin, about 3 kilometers from Dalton Landing, August 15 (No. 126). Only one specimen was seen. Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Neues Journ. Bot. i, pt. ii, 26 (1806); Polypod- ium fragile L. Sp. Pl. ii, 1091 (1753). Type specimens from Europe. Disenchantment Bay, August 14 (No. 120); found sparingly on the cliffs near the beach. Determined by L. M. Underwood. BRYACEZ:.' Polytrichum attenuatum Menz.; P. formosum Hedw. Khantaak Island and main- land near the Mission (No. 17); common around the bases of trees and on decaying logs. Polytrichum urnigerum L.; Pogonatum urnigerum Drum. Collected with the preceding (No. 152). Astrophyllum punctatum (L.) Lindb.; Wnium punctatum Hedw. Khantaak Island (Nos. 62 and 145); on decaying tree trunks, in shaded places. Dicranum fragilifolium Lindb. Khantaak Island (No. 154); growing on decaying tree trunks. Dicranum fuscescens Turn. Khantaak Island (No. 149); common on the bark of Alnus rubra. Dicranum majus Turn. In woods on Khantaak Island (No 157). Ceratodon purpureus (L.) Brid. Khantaak Island (No. 159). Ulota barclayi Mitt. Khantaak island (No. 158); on the bark of Alnus rubra. Climacium ruthenicum Lindb. Khantaak Island (No. 153). Brachythecium letum (Brid.) Bruch & Schimp.; Hypnum letum Brid. Khantaak Island (No. 156). Hylocomium loreum (L.) Brunch & Schimp.; Hypnum loreum L. Khantaak Island (No. 146). Growing with Hylocomium squarrosum. Hylocomium proliferum (L.) Lindb.; Hypnum splendens Hedw. Comimon in the woods on Khantaak Island (No. 148). Hylocomium squarrosum (L.) Bruch & Schimp.; Hypnum squarrosum L. Khan- taak Island (No. 155). This moss is abundant in the forests around Yakutat Bay, growing ou tree trunks and stumps. The highest point at which it was noted was 150 meters above sea level on the side of Mount Tebenkof. Hypnumarcuatum Lindb. Khantaak Island (No. 160); growing with Hyloco- mium proliferum. Hypnum circinale Hook. Khantaak Island (No. 150); growing on decaying logs. Hypnum uncinatum Hedw. Khantaak Island (No. 144); growing on decaying tree trunks. SPHAGNACEZ.” Sphagnum squarrosum semisquarrosum Russ. Khantaak Island (No. 141). This moss grows in abundance along the borders of bogs and swamps, both on the island and on the mainland. 1 Determined by J. M. Holzinger. 2 Determined by Dr. Christian Warnstorf. eS... 351 JUNGERMANNIACEZ:! Blepharostoma trichophyllum (L.) Dum. Near Yakutat Bay (No. 161). Cephalozia divaricata (Sm.) Dum. Near Yakutat Bay (No. 162). Cephalozia multiflora Spruce. Near Yakutat Bay (No. 163). Frullania nisquallensis Sulliv. Near Yakutat Bay (No. 164). Kantia trichomanis (L.) §.F.Gray. Near Yakutat Bay (No. 165). Lepidozia reptans (L.) Dum. Near Yakutat Bay (No. 166). Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dum. Near Yakutat Bay (No. 167). Radula krausei Steph. Near Yakutat Bay (No. 168). ‘Among the mosses collected by Mr. Funston were detected several fragments of Hepatice, which have been determined by Mr. A. W. Evans. SMW WA Ok wD eH t ae a a ee oman aoourkwndr & no bo i) _ bp bo OU He LIST. OF SPECIMENS: . Rubus spectabilis Pursh. . Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Lam. . Alnus rubra Bong. . Caltha palustris L. . Ribes laxiflorum Pursh. . Salix barclay1 Anders. . Cardamine oligosperma Nutt. . Vaccinium ovalifolinm Smith. . Rubus stellatus Smith. . Trientalis europza arctica (Hook.) Fisch. . Coptis trifolia (L ) Salisb. . Viola langsdorfii Fisch. . Polypodium vulgare L. . Acta spicata arguta (Nutt.) Torr. . Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. . Tiarella trifoliata L. . Polytrichnm attenuatum Menz. . Arenaria lateriflora L. . Arenaria laterifiora L. 20, . Castilleja miniata Benth. 22. . Cornus canadensis L. . Sambucus racemosa L. . Geum macrophyllum Willd. 26. . Carex limosa stygia (Fries) Bailey. . Juncoides campestre sudeticum (Willd.) Co- Lathyrus maritimus (L.) Bigel. Viburnum paucitiorum Pylaie. Menziesia ferruginea Smith. ville. . Ranunculus nelsonii (DC.) Gray. . Carex festiva pachystachya Bailey. . Puccinellia maritima (Huds.) Parl. . Glaux maritima L. . Dryopteris spinulosa (Retz.) Kuntze. . Potentilla anserina L. . Lupinus nootkatensis unalaskensis Wats. . Savastana odorata (L.) Seribn. . Arenaria peploides L. . Fritiliaria camschatcensis (L.) Ker. . Menyanthes trifoliata L. . Saxifraga punctata L. . Saxifraga mertensiana Bong. . Claytonia sibirica L. . Nymphza polysepala (Engelm.) Greene. . Celopleurum gmelini (DC.) Ledeb. . Heracleum lanatuim Michx. . Erigeron salsuginosus (Richards.) Gray. . Tofieldia glutinosa (Michx.) Pers. . Viola langsdorfii Fisch. . Epilobium latifolium L. . Pneumaria maritima (L.) Hill. . Phellopterus littoralis Schmidt. . Habenaria dilatata (Pursh) Hook. . Iris setosa Pall. 302 62. Moneses uniflora (L.) Gray. . Mimulus Inteus L. . Campanula rotundifolia alaskana Gray. . Pyrola secunda L, . Epilobium luteum Pursh. . Heuchera glabra Willd. } Saxifraga stellaris L. 61.' Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC. ‘Astrophyllum punctatum (L.) Lindb. 63.’Potentilla palustris (L.) Scop. ~ 64. Habenaria hyperborea (L.) R. Br. *y 65. Polygonum viviparum L. 66. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. Sanguisorba latifolia (Hook.) Coville. . Juncus faleatus alaskensis Coville. . Rhinanthus crista-galli L. . Achillea millefolium L. . Ligusticum scothicum L. . Cieuta virosa L. . Gentiana amarella L. . Selinum gmelini (Cham. & Schlecht.) Kurtz. . Viola glabella Nutt. . Pedicularis palustris wlassoviana (Steven) ’ Bunge. . Circa alpina L. . Lathyrus palustris L. . Aster foliaceus Lindl. . Arnica latifolia Bong. . Epilobium palustre L. . Ranunculus reptans L. . Castilleia miniata (Benth.) Doug]. 3. Lellima grandiflora (Pursh) R. Br. rabis lyrata L. . Cerastiam alpinum L. . Pyrola minor L. . Parnassia fimbriata Koenig. Valeriana sitchensis Bong. . Castilleja parviflora Bong. . Luetkea pectinata (Pursh) Kuntze. . Saxifraga bronchialis L. . Sorbus occidentalis (Wats.) Greene. . Artemisia norvegica pacifica Gray. . Potentilla villosa Pall. . Barbarea barbarea (L.) McMillan. . Draba stenoloba Ledeb. . Veronica alpina L. . Pedicularis sudetica Willd. . Ranunculus cooleyz Vasey & Rose. Geranium erianthuin DC. Antennaria alpina (L.) Gaertn. Campanula rotundifolia alaskana Gray. Potentilla villosa Pall. Gentiana amarella L. Tussilago frigida L Antennaria margaritacea (L.) Hook. “107. ~ 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 180. 131. 182. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. Hieracium triste Willd. Gentiana platypetala Griseb. Bryanthus glanduliflorus (Hook.) Gray. Cassiope stelleriana (Pall.) DC. Deschampsia ceespitosa longiflora Trin. Habenaria bracteata (Willd.) R. Br. Lycopodium alpinum L. Anemone narcissiflora L. Prenanthes alata (Hook.) Gray. Aconitum delphinifolium DC. Salix arctica Pall. Agrostis exarata Trin. Phleum alpinum L. Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Aquilegia formosa Fisch. Arnica latifolia Bong. Romanzoftia sitchensis Bong. Potentilla procumbens (L.) Clairv. Euphrasia officinalis L. Dryopteris lonchitis (L.) Kuntze. Poa alpina L. Epilobium latifolium L. Cryptogramme acrostichoides R. Br. Geum calthifolium Smith. Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. Tsuga mertensiana (Bong.) Carr. Deschampsia ceespitosa (L.) Beauy. Carex decidua Boott. Eleocharis watsoni Babb. Calamagrostis langsdorfii (Link) Trin. Poa glumaris Trin. Phegopteris dryopteris (L.) Fee. Lycopodium annotinum L. 5076—No. 6 3 . Elymus arenarius L. . Sphagnum squarrosum semisquarrosum Russ . Equisetum variegatum Schleich. . Echinopanax horridum Smith. . Hypnum uncinatum Hedw. . Astrophyllum punctatum (L.) Lindb. . Hylocomium loreum (L.) Bruch & Schimp. . Chamzecyparis nootkatensis (Lamb.) Spach. . Hylocomium proliferum (L.) Lindb. . Dicranum fuscescens Turn. . Hypnum circinale Hook. Rubus pedatus Smith. . Polytrichum urnigerum L. . Climacium ruthenicum Lindb. . Dicranum fragilifolium Lindb. . Hylocomium squarrosum (L.) Bruch & Schimp. . Brachythecium letum (Brid.) Bruch & Schimp. . Dicranum majus Turn. . Ulota barclayi Mitt. . Ceratodon purpureus (L.) Brid. . Hypnum areuatum Lindb. . Blepharostoma trichophyllum (L.) Dum. . Cephalozia divaricata (Sm.) Dum. . Cephalozia multiflora Spruce. . Frullania nisquallensis Sulliv. . Kantia trichomanis (L.) 8S. F. Gray. . Lepidozia reptans (L.) Dum. . Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dum. . Radula krausei Steph. Page. 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