Marine Biological Laboratory Library Woods Hole, Massachusetts Gift of Bostwick H. Ketchum - 1976 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ASSOCIATION FROM ITS FOUNDING IN 1848 TO 1940 ITS PRESENT ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION Saiatoga Springs, X. Y. 256 136 1030 1880 Boston, Mass. 997 276 •555 Epidemic of yellow fever in Southern States was "alarming.' 28 The Period from 1881 to 1890 V. THE PERIOD FROM 1881 TO 1890 The advancements of science during this period were of the same gen- eral nature as those in the preceding decade — the completion by observation and experiment of the implications of earlier general theories, such as those of spectrum analysis, uniformitarianism in geology, evolution in biology, the conservation of energy, etc. There were, however, several scientific achieve- ments of the first order of importance, such as Hertz's experimental verifica- tion of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory, the Michelson-Morley ether drift experiment in 1887, Pasteur's conquering of rabies, Koch's work in Berlin, development of aseptic surgery by Lister, discovery of the structure and mode of division of germ cells by Flemming (1882) and Waldeyer (1888), Weismann's theory of heredity through the continuity of the germ-plasm, and the discovery of the existence of vitamins. Presidential Addresses L. H. Morgan (geology), retiring president at the meeting held in Cin- nati, Ohio, in August, 1881, was unable to deliver an address because of age and infirmities. George J. Brush (mineralogy) delivered his address as retiring president of the Association at the meeting held in Montreal, Canada, in August, 1882, on "A Sketch of the Progress of American Mineralogy." (Vol. 31, pp. 1-20.) J. W. Dawson (geology) delivered his address as retiring president of the Association at the meeting held at Minneapolis, Minn., in August, 1883. The title of the address was "On Some Unsolved Problems in Geology." After sketching the unsolved problems relating to the origin of various series of rocks, he covered similarly the succession of life forms and con- cluded with references to glaciation. (Vol. 32, pp. 1-27.) . . . Geology as a science scarcely dates from a century ago. We have reason for surprise in these circumstances, that it has learned so much, but for equal surprise that so many persons appear to think it a complete and full-grown science and that it is entitled to speak with confidence on all the great mysteries of the earth that have been hidden from the generations before us. Such being the newness of man and of his science of the earth, it is not too much to say that humility, hard work in collecting facts, and abstinence from hasty generalization should characterize geologists, at least for a few generations to come. Charles A. Young (astronomy) delivered his address as retiring presi- dent of the Association at the meeting held at Philadelphia, Pa., in Septem- ber, 1884, on "Pending Problems in Astronomy." (Vol. 33, pp. 1-27.) J. P. Lesley (geology) delivered his address as retiring president at the meeting held at Ann Arbor, Mich., in August, 1885. He gave the address The Period from 1881 to 1890 29 no formal title, but discussed defects in attitudes and methods of scientists. (Vol. 34, pp. 1 -2 1.) H. A. Newton (mathematics) delivered his address as retiring president at the meeting held at Buffalo, New York, in August, 1886. Although there was no formal title to his address, the subject was Meteorites. (Vol. 35, pp. 1-18.) E. S. Morse (zoology), retiring president at the meeting held at New York in August, 1887, delivered an address without formal title, but the general subject was Variation. (Vol. 36, pp. I_43-) S. P. Langley (physics), at the meeting held at Cleveland, Ohio, in August, 1888, delivered his address as retiring president on "The History of a Doctrine" (radiant energy). (Vol. 37, pp. 1-23.) J. W. Powell (geology) chose as the subject for his address as retiring president at the meeting held at Toronto, Ontario, in August, 1889, "Evolu- tion of Music from Dance to Symphony." (Vol. 38, pp. 1-21.) T. C. Mendenhall (physics), retiring president at the meeting held in Indianapolis, Ind., in August, 1890, delivered his retiring presidential ad- dress on "The Relations of Men of Science to the General Public." (Vol. 39, pp. 1-15.) Addresses of Vice Presidents of Sections and of Others1 The Cincinnati Meeting, August, 188 1. ( Vol. 50) 1. Address of chairman of Subsection of Entomology. John G. Morris (historical). 2. Address of chairman of Subsection of Anthropology. Garrick Mallery : "The Gesture Speech of Man." 3. A Lawgiver of the Stone Age. Horatio Hale. At this meeting the Standing Committee voted that beginning with the following meeting only abstracts of papers (other than those of officers) would be printed in the Proceedings, except in special cases in which a sec- tion might request that a paper be printed in full. After this meeting the work of the Association was carried on in nine sections, each with a vice president, one of whose duties was to deliver an address to the section over which he presided. The nine sections were : Mathematics and Astronomy (A), Physics (B), Chemistry (C), Mechan- ical Science (D), Geology and Geography (E), Biology (F), Histology and Microscopy (G), Anthropology (H), and Economic Science and Statistics (I)- The Montreal Meeting, August, 1882. {Vol. 31) Mathematics and Astronomy. William Harkness (distance to the sun). 1 When an address had no formal title its general subject is indicated in parentheses. 30 The Period erom 1881 to 1890 Physics* T. G. Mendenhall (advancement of physics). Chemistry. H. Carrington Bolton : "Chemical Literature." Mechanical Science. W. P. Trowbridge (engineering). Biology. William H. Dall (mollusks). Histology and Microscopy. A. H. Tuttle ( microscopes ) . Anthropology. Daniel Wilson: "Some Physical Characteristics of Na- tive Tribes of Canada." The Minneapolis Meeting, August, 1883. ( I'ol. 32) Mathematics and Astronomy. W. A. Rogers : "The German Survey of the Northern Heavens." Physics. Henry A. Rowland : "A Plea for Pure Science." Geology and Geography- C. H. Hitchcock : "The Earl)- History of the North American Continent." Biology. W. J. Beal : "Agriculture: Its Needs and Opportunities." Anthropology. Otis T. Mason : 'The Scope and Value of Anthropologi- cal Studies." Economic Science and Statistics. Franklin P. Hough: "The Methods of Statistics." The Philadelphia Meeting, September, 1884. ( J'ul. 33) Mathematics and Astronomy. Henry T. Eddy: "College Mathematics." Physics. John Trowbridge: "What Ts Electricity?" Chemistry. John W. Langley: "The Conception of Chemical Affinity." Mechanical Science. Robert H. Thurston: 'The Mission of Science." Geology and Geography. N. PI. Winchell: "The Crystalline Rocks of the Northwest." Biology. Edward D. Cope: "On Catagenesis." Histology and Microscopy. T. G. Wormley: "The Applications of the Microscope." Anthropology. Edward S. Morse: "Man in the Tertiaries." Economic Science and Statistics. John Eaton : "Scientific Method and Scientific Knowledge in Common Affairs." The Ann . trbor Meeting, . lugust, 1885. < / '0/. 34) Chemistry. William Ripley Nichols: "Chemistry in the Service of Pub- lic Health." Mechanical Science and Engineering. J. Burkitt Webb: "The Second Law of Thermodynamics." Geology and Geography. Edward Orton (geological problems). Biology. Burt G. Wilder: "Educational Museums of Vertebrates." Histology and Microscopy. Simon Henry Gage: "The Limitations and The Period from i88i to iN 31 Value of Histological Investigation, illustrated by a Consideration of the Structure of a Respiratory Membrane in the Pharynx of Soft-Shelled Turtles. " Anthropology. William II. Dall : "The Native Tribes of Alaska." Economic Science and Statistics. Edward Atkinson: 'The Application of Science to the Production and Consumption of Food." The Buffalo Meeting, August, 1886. (Vol. 35) Mathematics and Astronomy. J. Willard Gibbs : "Multiple Algebra." Physics. C. F. Brackett : "The Flectromotive Force of the Voltaic Cell." Chemistry. Harvey \Y. Wiley: "The Economic Aspects of Agricultural Chemistry." Mechanical Science and Engineering. O. Chanute : "Scientific Inven- tion." Geology and Geography. T. C. Chamberlin : "An Inventory of our Glacial Drift." Biology. H. P. Powditch: "What Is Xerve-F'orce?" Anthropology. Horatio Hale: "The Origin of Panguages, and the Antiquity of Speaking Man." Fconomic Science and Statistics. Joseph Cummings : "Capitalists and Laborers." The \rew York Meeting, August, 1887. (Vol. 36) Physics. W. A. Anthony (value of applications of science). Chemistry. A. B. Prescott : "The Chemistry of Nitrogen as Disclosed in the Constitution of the Alkaloids." Mechanical Science and Engineering. E. B. Coxe (engineers). Geology and Geography. G. K. Gilbert : "The Work of the International Congress of Geologists" ( at Berlin in 1885). Biology. William G. Farlovv : "Vegetable Parasites and Evolution." Anthropology. Daniel G. Brinton : "A Review of the Data for the Study of the Prehistoric Chronology of America." Economic Science and Statistics. Henry E. Alvord: "Economy in the Management of the Soil." The Cleveland Meeting, August, 1888. {Vol. 37) Mathematics and Astronomy. Orniorid Stone: "Motions of the Solar System." Physics. Albert A. Michelson : "A Plea for Light Waves." Chemistry. Charles E. Munroe : "Some Phases in the Progress of Chemistry." 32 The Period from 1881 to 1890 Geology and Geography. George H. Cook : "On the International Geo- logical Congress, and Our Part in It as American Geologists." Biology. Charles V. Riley: "On the Causes of Variation in Organic Forms." Anthropology. Charles C. Abbott: "Evidences of the Antiquity of Man in Eastern North America." Economic Science and Statistics. Charles W. Smiley: "Altruism Con- sidered Economically." The Toronto Meeting, August, i88p. (Vol. 38) Mathematics and Astronomy. Robert Simpson Woodward : "The Math- ematical Theories of the Earth." Physics. Henry S. Carhart : "Review of Theories of Electrical Action." Chemistry. William L. Dudley : "The Nature of Amalgams." Geology and Geography. Charles A. White: "The North American Mesozoic." Biology. George L. Goodale: "Some Recent Investigations Relative to Cell-Contents." Anthropology. Garrick Mallery: "Israelite and Indian. A Parallel in Planes of Culture." Economic Science and Statistics. Charles S. Hill : "Economic and So- ciologic Relations of the Canadian States and the United States, Prospec- tively Considered." The Indianapolis Meeting, August, 1890. ( Vol. 39) Mathematics and Astronomy. Seth Carlo Chandler: "The Variable Stars." Physics. Cleveland Abbe: "A Plea for Terrestrial Physics." Chemistry. Robert B. Warder : "Recent Theories of Geometrical Isomer- ism." Mechanical Science and Engineering. James E. Denton: "History of Attempts to Determine the Relative Value of Lubricants by Mechanical Tests." Geology and Geography. John C. Branner : "The Relations of the State and National Geological Surveys to Each Other and to the Geologists of the Country." Biology. Charles Sedgwick Minot : "On Certain Phenomena of Grow- ing Old." Anthropology. Frank Baker: "The Ascent of Man." Economic Science and Statistics. J. Richard Dodge: "The Standard of Living in the United States." The Period from 1891 to 1900 33 Statistical Data Year 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 Meeting Place Registration Papers Read Membership Cincinnati 500 182 1699 Montreal 579 255 1922 Minneapolis 328 168 2033 Philadelphia 1 261 305 1981 Ann Arbor 364 184 1956 Buffalo 445 217 1886 New York 729 250 1956 Cleveland 342 215 1964 Toronto 424 211 1952 Indianapolis 364 244 1944 VI. THE PERIOD FROM 1891 TO 1900 There were several scientific discoveries of the first order of importance during the decade from 1891 to 1900, inclusive. Perhaps the first that should be mentioned was Ostwald's discovery, in 1892, of the profound nature of Gibb's paper "On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances," published in 1877. In 1894 Bateson found that a great number of exam- ples of large variations in living organisms seemed to indicate that evolu- tion proceeds by finite jumps rather than gradually, as had generally been believed, and de Vries announced his mutation theory at about the close of the decade. In 1895 Roentgen discovered X-rays. The life history of the malarial parasite was worked out by Ross in 1898, and Reed demonstrated the mode of transmission of yellow fever in 1900. Naturally these impor- tant scientific discoveries had little immediate effect upon the meetings of the Association. Presidential Addresses George Lincoln Goodale (botany), retiring president at the meeting held in Washington, D. C, in August, 1891, delivered an address on "Useful Plants of the Future — Some of the Possibilities of Economic Botany." (Vol. 40, pp. 1-38.) Albert B. Prescott (chemistry) chose as the subject for his address as retiring president at the meeting held in Rochester, N. Y., in August, 1892, "The Immediate Work in Chemical Science." (Vol. 41, pp. 1-14.) Joseph LeConte (geology), retiring president at the meeting held at Madison, Wisconsin, in August, 1893, delivered an address on "Theories of the Origin of Mountain Ranges." (Vol. 42, pp. 1-27.) William Harkness (astronomy) delivered his address as retiring presi- dent of the meeting held at Brooklyn, N. Y., in August, 1894, on "The Mag- nitude of the Solar System. (Vol. 43, pp. 1-23.) Daniel G. Brinton (anthropology), retiring president at the meeting held 34 The Period from 1891 to 1900 at Springfield, Mass., in August-September, 1895, delivered an address on "The Aims of Anthropology." (Vol. 44, pp. 1-17. ) Edward W. Morley (chemistry), retiring president at the meeting held at Buffalo, New York, in August, 1896, delivered an address on "A Com- pleted Chapter in the History of the Atomic Theory." (Vol. 45, pp. 1-22.) Theodore Gill (zoology), successor, as senior vice president, to Edward D. Cope, president, who died on April 12, 1897, by action of the Council "was requested to prepare an address to take the place of the one which would have been delivered by President Cope had his life been spared," chose for the subject of his retiring address at the meeting held at Detroit, Michigan, in August, 1897, "Edward Drinker Cope, Naturalist — A Chapter in the History of Science." ( Vol. 46, pp. 1-30.) Walcott Gibbs (chemistry), retiring president at the meeting held at Poston, Mass., in August, 1898, did not announce a formal title for his ad- dress but spoke on "some theoretical points connected" with his work. (Vol. 47. PP- i -16.) Erederic Ward Putnam (anthropology), retiring president at the meet- ing held at Columbus, Ohio, in August. 1899. in his address spoke on "A Problem in American Anthropology.'" ( Vol. 48. pp. 1-17.) Grove Karl Gilbert (geology), successor to Edward Urton who died Oc- tober 16, 1899, chose for the subject of his address as retiring president at the meeting held in Xew York, X. Y., in June, 1900, ''Rhythms and Geo- logic Time." ( Vol. 49, pp. 1 -[9.) Addressesof Vice Presidents The Washington Meeting, August, 1891. 1 Vol. 40) Mathematics and Astronomy. E. W. Hyde : "The Evolution of Algebra." Physics. Erancis E. Xipher : "The Ether." Chemistry. R. C. Kedzie : "Alchemy." Mechanical Science and Engineering. Thomas Gray: "Problems in Me- chanical Science." Geology and Geography. John J. Stevenson: "The Chemung and Cats- kill (Upper Devonian) on the Eastern Side of the Appalachian Pasin." Biology. John M. Coulter: "The Future of Systematic Botany." Anthropology. Joseph Jastrow : "The Natural History of Analog}." Economic Science and Statistics. Edmund J. James: "The Farmer and Taxation." The Rochester Meeting, August, iSgj. (Vol. ji) Mathematics and Astronomy. J. R. Eastman: "The Neglected Field of Fundamental Astronomy." The Period from 1891 to i. Johnson: "The Applied Scientist." Geology and Geography. Henry S. Williams: "The Scope of Paleontol- ogy and Its Value to Geologists." Biology: Simon Henry Gage.! "The Comparative Physiology of Respira- tion." Anthropology. \V. H. Holmes: "Evolution of the Aesthetic." Economic Science and Statistics. Lester P. Ward : "The Psychologic Pasis of Social Economics." The Madison Meeting, August, 1893. (Y°h 42) Mathematics and Astronomy. C. P. Doolittle : "Variations of Latitude." 1 'hysics. E. L. Nichols : "Phenomena of the Time-Infinitesimal." Chemistry. Edward Hart: "Twenty-five Years' Progress in Analytical Chemistry." Mechanical Science and Engineering. S. \Y. Robinson: "Training in Pmgineering Science." Geology and Geography. Charles D. Walcott : "Geologic Time : as Indi- cated by the Sedimentary Rocks of Xorth America." Zoology. Henry Eairheld Osborn : "The Rise of the Mammalia in Xorth America." Botany. Charles E. Bessey : "Evolution and Classification." Anthropology. James Owen Dorsey : "The Biloxi Indians of Louisiana." Economic Science and Statistics. \Y. H. Brewer: "The Mutual Rela- tions of Science and Stock Breeding." The Brooklyn Meeting, August, 189 7. ( J'ol. yj) Mathematics and Astronomy. George C. Comstock: "Binary Stars." Physics. William A. Rogers : "Obscure Heat as an Agent in Producing Expansion in Metals, under Air Contact." Chemistry. Thomas H. Norton: "The Battle with Firej or the Contribu- tions of Chemistry to the Methods of Preventing and Extinguishing Con- flagration." Mechanical Science and Engineering. Mansfield Merriman : "The Re- sistance of Materials under Impact." Geology and Geography. Samuel Calvin: "The Niobrara Chalk." Botany. Lucien M. Underwood: "The Evolution of the Hepaticae." Anthropology. Franz Boast "'Human Faculty as Determined by Race." Economic Science and Statistics. Henry Farquhar : "A Stable Monetarv Standard." 36 The Period from 1891 to 1900 The Springfield, Mass., Meeting, Aug. -Sept., 1895. (Vol. 44) Mathematics and Astronomy. Edgar Frisby. (No address.) Physics. W. LeConte Stevens : "Recent Progress in Optics." Chemistry. William McMurtrie: "The Relations of the Industries to the Advancement of Chemical Science." Mechanical Science and Engineering. William Kent: "The Relation of Engineering to Economics." Botany. J. C. Arthur : "Development of Vegetable Physiology." Anthropology. Frank Hamilton Cushing: "The Arrow." Social and Economic Science. B. E. Fernow : "The Providential Func- tions of Government with Special Reference to Natural Resources." The Buffalo Meeting, August, 1896. (Vol. 45) Mathematics and Astronomy. Alexander Macfarlane. (No address.) Physics. Carl Leo Mees (electrolysis). Chemistry. William A. Noyes: "The Achievements of Physical Chemis- try." Mechanical Science and Engineering. Frank O. Marvin : "The Artistic Element in Engineering." Geology and Geography. Benjamin K. Emerson: "Geological Myths." Zoology. Theodore Gill : "Some Questions of Nomenclature." Botany. N. L. Britton: "Botanical Gardens." Anthropology. Alice C. Fletcher : "The Emblematic Use of the Tree in the Dakotan Group." Social and Economic Science. W. R. Lazenby : "Horticulture and Health." The Detroit Meeting, August, 1897. ( Vol. 46) Mathematics and Astronomy. W. W. Beman : "A Chapter in the His- tory of Mathematics." Physics. Carl Barus : "Long Range Temperature and Pressure Va- riables in Physics." Chemistry. W. P. Mason : "Expert Testimony." Mechanical Science and Engineering. John Galbraith : "The Ground- work of Dynamics." Geology and Geography. I. C. White : "The Pittsburg Coal Bed." Zoology. L. O. Howard : "The Spread of Land Species by the Agency of Man ; with Especial Reference to Insects." Botany. G. F. Atkinson : "Experimental Morphology." Anthropology. W. J. McGee: "The Science of Humanity." Social and Economic Science. R. T. Colburn : "Improvident Civiliza- tion." The Period from 1891 to 1900 37 The Boston Meeting, August, 1898. {Vol. 47) Mathematics and Astronomy. Edward E. Barnard : "The Development of Photography in Astronomy." Physics. Frank P. Whitman : "Color- Vision." Chemistry. Edgar F. Smith : "The Electric Current in Organic Chem- istry." Geology and Geography. Herman L. Fairchild : "Glacial Geology in America." Zoology. Alpheus S. Packard : "A Half-Century of Evolution with Spe- cial Reference to the Effects of Geological Changes on Animal Life." Botany. William G. Farlow : "The Conception of Species as Affected by Recent Investigations on Fungi." Anthropology. J. McKeen Cattell : "The Advance of Psychology." Social and Economic Science. Archibald Blue : "The Historic Method in Economics." The Columbus Meeting, August, 1899. (Vol. 48) Mathematics and Astronomy. Alexander Macfarlane: "The Funda- mental Principles of Algebra." Physics. Elihu Thomson: "The Field of Experimental Research." Chemistry. F. P. Venable : "The Definition of the Element." Mechanical Science and Engineering. Storm Bull: "Engineering Edu- cation as a Preliminary Training for Scientific Research Work." Geology and Geography. J. F. Whiteaves : "The Devonian System in Canada." Zoology. Simon Henry Gage : "The Importance and the Promise in the Study of the Domestic Animals." Botany. Charles R. Barnes: "The Progress and Problems of Plant Physiology." Anthropology. Thomas Wilson : "The Beginnings of the Science of Prehistoric Anthropology." Social and Economic Science. Marcus Benjamin : "The Early Presi- dents of the American Association." The New York Meeting, June, 1900. (Vol. 49) Mathematics and Astronomy. Asaph Hall, Jr. "On the Teaching of Astronomy in the United States." Physics. Ernest Merritt : "On Kathode Rays and Some Related Phe- nomena." Chemistry. Jas. Lewis Howe : "The Eighth Group of the Periodic Sys- tem and Some of Its Problems." 3$ Thk Period from 1901 to 1910 Geology and Geography. J. F. Kemp: "Pr.e-Cambrian Sediments in the Adirondack's." Botany. William Trelease : '"Some Twentieth Century Problems." Statistical Data Year Meeting Place Registration Papers Read Membership 1891 Washington 653 227 2054 1892 Rochester 45'' 198 -2037 1893 Madison 290 168 ■939 1894 Brooklyn 490 211 1802 1895 Spring-held 368 -'M •913 1896 Buffalo 333 279 1890 1897 Detroit 292 30i 1782 1898 Boston 903 -143 1729 1899 Columbus 353 273 1 721 1900 New York 447 253 1925 Xll. THE PERIOD FROM 190 1 TO igio In 1900 the weekly journal Science became the official organ of the Asso- ciation. Thereafter the principal addresses at the meetings were published in Science, and since 1907 the Proceedings are simply summaries without any details of addresses or papers. Partly as a consequence of this arrange- ment and partly because of a rapid increase in the number of scientists in America, the membership of the Association increased several fold during the first decade of this century. The programs of the Association became correspondingly larger and more important, the growth of the Section on Chemistry having been extraordinary. It is impossible within the space available in this volume to do more than to give the titles of the addresses of the presidents and the vice presidents. Special summer meetings were held at Ithaca, X. Y.. June-July. 1906. at which 66 papers were presented, and at Hanover, X. H.. June-July, 1908, at which 25 papers were presented. Presidential Addresses R. S. Woodward (mathematics), retiring president at the meeting held at Denver, Colorado, in August, 1901, delivered an address on "The Prog- ress of Science." (Vol. 50, pp. 219-235.) Charles Sedgwick Minot (medicine), retiring president at the meeting held at Pittsburg, Pa., in June-July, 1902, delivered an address on "The Problem of Consciousness in Its Biological Aspects." ( Vol. 51, pp. 265- -'83.) Asaph Hall I astronomy ), retiring president at the meeting held at Wash- Tin-; Period from 1901 to 1910 39 ington, 1). C, Dec, 1902 - Jan., 1903, delivered an address on "The Science of Astronomy." (Vol. 52, pp. 313-323.) Ira Remsen (chemistry), retiring president at the meeting held at St. Louis, Mo., Dee., 1903 -Jan., 1904, delivered an address on ''Scientific Investigation and Progress." ( Vol. 53. pp. 329-345. ) Carroll D. Wright (economics), retiring president at the meeting held at Philadelphia, Pa., December, 1904, delivered an address on "Science and Economics." 1 Vol. 54. pp. 335^365,) W. ( T Farlow (botany), retiring president at the meeting held at New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec, [905;- Jan., 1906, delivered an address on "The Popular Conception of the Scientific Man at the Present Day." ( Vol. 55, pp. 213-234.) Calvin M. Woodward (mathematics), retiring president at the meeting held in New York, New York, Dec, 1906 - Jan., 1907, delivered an address on "The Science of Education." ( Vol. 57, pp. 335-355-) William Henry Welch (medicine), retiring president at the meeting held at Chicago, 111., Dec, 1907 - Jan., 1908, delivered an address on "The Inter- dependence of Medicine and Other Sciences of Nature." Science 27:49-64. Edward L. Nichols (physics), retiring president at the meeting held at Baltimore, Md.. Dec, 1908 - Jan.. 1909, delivered an address on "Science and the Practical Problems of the Future." Science 29:1-10. Thomas C. Chamberlin (geology), retiring president at the meeting" held at Boston, Mass., Dec, 1909 - Jan., 1910, delivered an address on "A (ieo- logie Forecast of the Future Opportunities of Our Race." Science 30:937- 949- Addresses of Vice Presidents The Denver Meeting, August, ipoi. Vol. (jo) Chemistry. John 11. Long: "Some Points in the Early History and Present Condition of the Teaching of Chemistry in the Medical Schools of the United States." Mechanical Science and Engineering. John A. Brashear : "The Car- negie Technical School." Zoologv. Charles B. Davenport : "Zoology of the Twentieth Century." Anthropology. Amos W. I hitler: "A Notable Factor of Social Degen- eration." Social and Economic Science. Calvin M. Woodward. "The Change of Front in Education." The Pittsburgh Meeting, June-July, ipo2. ( Vol. 5/) Mathematics and Astronomy. James McMahon : "Some Recent Appli- cations of Function-Theory to Physical Problems." 40 The Period from 1901 to 19 10 Physics. D. B. Brace: "The Group- Velocity and the Wave-Velocity of Light." Mechanical Science and Engineering. Henry S. Jacoby: "Recent Prog- ress in American Bridge Construction." Geology and Geography. Charles R. Van Hise : "The Training and Work of a Geologist." Zoology. David Starr Jordan : "The History of Ichthyology." Botany. B. T. Galloway : "Applied Botany, Retrospective and Prospec- tive." Anthropology. J. Walter Fewkes : "Prehistoric Porto Rico." Social and Economic Science. John Hyde: "Some Statistical and Eco- nomic Aspects of Preventable Disease." The Washington Meeting, Dec, 1902- Jan., 1903. (Vol. 52) Mathematics and Astronomy. G. W. Hough: "On the Physical Con- stitution of the Planet Jupiter." Physics. W. S. Franklin: "Popular Science." Chemistry. H. A. Weber : "Incomplete Observations." Mechanical Science and Engineering. J. J. Flather: "Modern Tend- encies in the Utilization of Power." Zoology. C. C. Nutting : "The Perplexities of a Systematist." Botany. D. H. Campbell : "The Origin of Terrestrial Plants." Anthropology. Stewart Culin: "America the Cradle of Asia." Social and Economic Science. Carroll D. Wright : "The Psychology of the Labor Question." Physiology and Experimental Medicine. William H. Welch : "The Origin and Aims of the New Section of Physiology and Experimental Medicine." The St. Louis Meeting, Dec., 1903- Jan., 1904. (Vol. 53) Mathematics and Astronomy. G. B. Halsted : "The Message of Non- Euclidian Geometry." Chemistry. Charles Baskerville : "The Elements : Verified and Un- verified." Mechanical Science and Engineering. C. A. Waldo: "Mathematics and Engineering." Geology and Geography. W. M. Davis: "Geography in the United States." Zoology. C. W. Hargitt : "Some Unsolved Problems of Organic Adapta- tion." Social and Economic Science. H. T. Newcomb : "Some Recent Phases of the Labor Problem." The Period from 1901 to 1910 41 The Philadelphia Meeting, December, 1904. ( Vol. 54) Mathematics and Astronomy. Otto H. Tittmann: "The Present State of Geodosy." Physics. Edwin H. Hall : "A Tentative Theory of Thermo-Electric Ac- tion." Chemistry. Wilder D. Bancroft : "Future Development in Physical Chemistry." Mechanical Science and Engineering. Calvin Milton Woodward : "Lines of Progress in Engineering." Geology and Geography. Israel C. Russell : "Cooperation among Amer- ican Geographical Societies." Zoology. E. L. Mark: "The Bermuda Islands and the Bermuda Bio- logical Station for Research." Botany. Thomas H. Macbride : "The Alamogordo Desert." Social and Economic Science. Simeon E. Baldwin : "The Modern 'Droit D'Aubaine'." The New Orleans Meeting, Dec., 1905 - Jan., 1906. ( Vol. 55) Mathematics and Astronomy. Alexander Ziwet: "The Relation of Me- chanics to Physics." Physics. William F. Magie : "The Partition of Energy." Chemistry. Leonard P. Kinnicutt : "The Sanitary Value of Water x\nalysis." Mechanical Science and Engineering. D. S. Jacobus: "Investigations and Commercial Tests in Connection with the Work of an Engineering College." Geology and Geography. Eugene A. Smith : "On Some Post-Eocene and Other Formations of the Gulf Region of the United States." Zoology. C. Hart Merriam : "Is Mutation a Factor in the Evolution of the Higher Vertebrates?" Botany. B. L. Robinson : "The Generic Concept in the Classification of the Flowering Plants." Anthropology. Walter Hough : "Pueblo Environment." Social and Economic Science. Martin A. Knapp : "Transportation and Combination." Physiology and Experimental Medicine. William T. Sedgwick : "The Experimental Method in Sanitary Science and Sanitary Administration." The New York City Meeting, Dec, 1906 - Jan., 1907. (Vol. 57) Mathematics and Astronomy. W. S. Eichelberger : "Clocks — Ancient and Modern." Physics. Henry Crew : "Fact and Theory in Spectroscopy." 42 The Period from 1901 to 1910 Chemistry. Charles F. Mabery: "Education of the Professional Chemist." Mechanical Science and Engineering. F. W. McXair: "Some Problems Connected with Deep Mining in the Lake Superior Copper District." Geology and Geography. William Xorth Rice : "The Contributions of America to Geology." Zoology. Henry B. Ward: "The Influence of Parasitism on the Host." Anthropology. George Grant MacCurdy: "Some Phases of Prehistoric Archaeology." Social and Economic Science. Irving Fisher: "Why Has the Doctrine of Laissez Faire Been Abandoned?" Physiology and Experimental Medicine. William T. Sedgwick: "The Expansion of Physiology." The Chicago Meeting, Dec, igO/ - Jan., 1908. (Science 2J. igoS)1 Mathematics and Astronomy. Edward Kasner : "Geometry and Me- chanics." ( Publication not known. ) Physics. Wallace C. Sabine: "Melody and the Origin of the Musical Scale." Chemistry. Clifford Richardson : "A Plea for the Broader Education of the Chemical Engineer." Geology and Geography. A. C. Lane: "The Early Surroundings of Life." Science 26. Zoology. Edwin G. Conklin : "The Mechanism of Heredity." Botany. D. T. MacDougal : "Heredity and Environic Forces." Anthropology and Psychology. A. L. Kroeber : "The Anthropology of California." Social and Economic Science. Charles A. Conant: "The Influence of Friction in Economics." Physiology and Experimental Medicine. Simon Flexner : "Tendencies in Pathology." Education. Elmer Ellsworth Brown : "The Outlook of the Section for Education." The Baltimore Meeting, Dec, igo8 - Jan., igog. (Science 20. ipop) Mathematics and Astronomy. Edgar Odell Lovett : "The Problem of Several Bodies: Recent Progress in Its Solution." Physics. Dayton C. Miller: "The Influence of the Material of Wind In- struments on the Tone Quality." Chemistry. Henry P. Talbot : "Science Teaching as a Career." Mechanical Science and Engineering. Olin H. Landreth : "Government Control of Public Waters." ( No record of publication. ) 1 Unless otherwise stated, the addresses listed are printed in the indicated volumes of Science. The Period from kjol to 19 10 43 Geology and Geography. Joseph I'. hidings: "The Study of Igneous Rocks." Zoology. Edmund I'.. Wilson: "Recent Researches on the Determina- tion and Heredity of Sex." Botany. Charles Edwin Bessey: "The Phyletic Idea in Taxonomy." Anthropology and Psychology. Franz Boas: "Race Problems in Amer- ft ica. Social and Economic Science. John Franklin Crowell : "The Influence of Science upon the Progress of Investment." Physiology and Experimental Medicine. Ludvig Hektoen : "Opsonins and Other Antibodies." Education. Elmer Ellsworth Brown; "American Standards in Educa- tion and the World-Standard." The Boston Meeting, Dee., ipop-'Jaii., iqio. (Seienee 51. ipio) Mathematics and Astronomy. Cassius J. Keyset' : 'The Thesis of Mod- ern Eogistic." Physics. Karl Eugcn Guthe: "Some Reforms Needed in the Teaching of Physics." Chemistry. Louis Kahle.nberg: "The Past and Future of the Study of Solutions." Mechanical Science and Engineering. George E. Swain: "The Profes- sion of Engineering and Its Relation to the American Association for the Advancement of Science." Geology and Geography. Bailey Willis: "Principles of Paleogeography." Zoology. C. Judson Herrick: "The Evolution of Intelligence and Its Organs." Botany. Herbert M. Richards: "The Nature of Response to Chemical Stimulation." Anthropology and Psychology. R. S. Woodworth: "Racial Differences in Mental Traits." Social and Economic Science. Byron \\r. Holt: "The Gold Question." ( Moody's magazine, 1 oj o. ) Physiology and Experimental Medicine. William H. Howell: "Chemi- cal Regulation in the Animal Body by Means of Activators, Kinases and Hormones." Education. John Dewey : "Science as a Method of Thinking and as In- formation in Education," 44 The Period from 191 i to 1920 Statistical Data Year Meeting Place Registration Papers Read Membership 1901 Denver 3ii 220 2703 1902 Pittsburgh 435 360 3474 1902-3 Washington 975 426 3992 1903-4 St. Louis 385 264 4005 1904-S Philadelphia 890 224 4041 1905-6 New Orleans 233 211 4321 1906-7 New York 934 360 4498 1907-8 Chicago 725 458 51 14 1908-9 Baltimore 1088 459 6136 1909-10 Boston 1 140 404 7950 VIII. THE PERIOD FROM 191 1 TO 1920 From the founding of the Association in 1848 until the year 1909 the Proceedings of its meetings were published in annual volumes. For many years the Proceedings contained all papers in full for which manuscripts were supplied to the permanent secretary. As the number of papers in- creased it became necessary to reduce reports of them to abstracts, except the addresses of retiring presidents. Beginning with 1908 the addresses of retiring presidents have been published in Science and have not been in- cluded in the Proceedings. Since 19 10 both preliminary announcements and reports of the meetings have been published in Science, and copies of the issues of Science containing the reports have been sent to every member of the Association. With the publication in Science of the addresses of the retiring presi- dents of the Association and of most of the vice presidents, and also of many other papers presented at the meetings, the importance of the Proceedings as a medium for the publication of addresses and papers declined. There- after the reports of the programs of the meetings were given only in con- densed form. For example, the Proceedings for 1885, containing a report of the only (Philadelphia) meeting held that year, amounted to 736 pages; while the Proceedings for 1908 and 1909, including condensed reports of three meetings, namely, a special summer meeting in Hanover, N. H., in 1908, the annual meeting held in Baltimore, Dec, 1908 - Jan., 1909, and also the meeting held in Boston, in December, 1909, totaled only 686 pages. As a consequence of these various factors, beginning with 1912 the Pro- ceedings have been published only in summarized form, each volume cover- ing a period of several years. The second Summarized Proceedings were published in 1915, the third in 1921, the fourth in 1925, the fifth in 1929, and the sixth in 1934. In 191 5 the Pacific Division of the Association was organized and held its first annual meeting at San Diego, Calif,, in August. 1916. The South- western Division was organized in 1920, The Period from 191 i to 1920 45 Addresses of Retiring Presidents 1910. David Starr Jordan (zoology) : "The Making of a Darwin." Science 32 : 929-942. 191 1. Albert A. Michelson (physics): "Recent Progress in Spectro- scopic Methods." Science 34 : 893-902. 1912. Charles E. Bessey (botany) : "Some of the Next Steps in Botani- cal Science." Science 37: 1-13. 1913. Edward C. Pickering (astronomy) : "The Study of the Stars." Science 39: 1-9. 1914. Edmund B. Wilson (zoology) : "Some Aspects of Progress in Modern Zoology." Science 41 : 1-11. 1915. Charles W. Eliot (education) : "The Fruits, Prospects and Les- sons of Recent Biological Science." Science 42 : 919-930. 1916. Wallace W. Campbell (astronomy): "The Nebulae." Science 45 : 513-548. 1917. Charles R. Van Hise (geology) : "Some Economic Aspects of the World War." Science 47 : 1-10. 19 1 8. Theodore W. Richards (chemistry) : "The Problem of Radio- active Lead." Science 49: 1-1 1. 1919. John M. Coulter (botany) : "The Evolution of Botanical Re- search." Science 51 : 1-8. 1920. Simon Flexner (medicine) : "Twenty-five Years of Bacteriology: A Fragment of Medical Research." Science 52 : 615-632. Addresses of Retiring Presidents — The Pacific Division 1919. D. T. MacDougal (botany) : "Growth in Organisms." Science 49: 599-605. 1920. John C. Merriam (paleontology) : "The Research Spirit in Every- day Life of the Average Man." Science 52 : 473-478. Statistical Data Year Meeting Place Registration Papers Read Membership 1911 Washington 1306 860 8041 1912 Cleveland 720 813 8333 1913 Atlanta 394 443 8350 1914 Philadelphia 774 8325 1915 San Francisco 606 482 1915 Columbus 750 532 1916 New York 2100 1252 1917 Pittsburgh 692 546 1918 Baltimore 467 1919 St. Louis 824 11,442 1920 Chicago 2413 ion n,547 46 The Period from 1921 to 1940 IX. THE PERIOD FROM 1921 TO 1940 The decade following the World War was one of great expansion in science and in the membership of the Association. In 1921 a total of 41 na- tional scientific societies and 12 state and local academies of science had be- come "affiliated" with the Association and had representation on its Council. In addition, there were 40 societies and organizations that had become "asso- ciated." societies, without representation on the Council. At the close of the fiscal year 1921 there were 11,547 members of the Association ; by 1930 the membership had increased to 19,059. Following the industrial depression that began in 1930 there was a moderate recession in the activities of many scientific societies and in the membership of the Association, which had declined to 18,549 at the close of the fiscal year 1933. As of July 1, 1940, the membership of the Association was 21,150. With the progressive subdivision of science into more specialized fields there were corresponding increases in the number of sections of the Asso- ciation. A new constitution of the Association, adopted at the annual meet- ing for 1919-20, provided for 15 sections, all of which have been contin- ously active except the Section on Industrial Science (P). In order to present conveniently, in groups, in one volume the titles of all the addresses of presidents of the Association from its founding in 1848 to 1940, and. references to the places where they were published, they will be given here for the period from 1921 to 1940, although from 1921 to 1934 they are included in the Summarized Proceedings published in 192 1, 1925, 1929, and 1934 ; and for the period 1934 to 1940 they appear in the following detailed reports of the activities of the Association for these years. The titles of the addresses of vice presidents for the period 192 1 to 1934, having been given in earlier Summarized Proceedings, are not repeated here. But com- plete lists of the Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa, Maiben and John Wesley Powell lectures are given. At the April, 1925, meeting of the Executive Committee of the Associa- tion a contract was entered into between Dr. J. McKeen Cattell, owner and editor of Science, and the Association for the transfer, under certain con- ditions, of the absolute ownership of Science to the Association. This con- tract was superseded when, in December, 1938, Dr. J. McKeen Cattell and Josephine Owen Cattell executed an indenture transferring title of both Science and The Scientific Monthly to the Association, the terms of the transfer being defined by a simultaneous contract entered into between J. McKeen Cattell and Josephine Owen Cattell, parties of the first part, and the Association. This acquisition of title to Science and The Scientific Monthly may well prove to be one of the most important steps taken by the Association since its founding. The Period from 1921 to 1940 47 Science was established in 1883 by Alexander Graham Bell and Gardner G. Hubbard, following a short-lived weekly journal with the same title- started by Thomas A. Edison in 1881. Science attained at the most a paid circulation of only about 2000 and continually had a deficit. In 1893 the Association voted it a subsidy of $750. In spite of this assistance it sus- pended publication with the issue of March 2^,, 1894. At this juncture Dr. Cattell purchased Science, resumed its publication on January 4, 1895, and tilled all unexpired subscriptions. This was the beginning of the "New Series," the issue of June 28, 1940, completing the 91st volume. After the first year under the ownership of Dr. Cattell, Science neither received nor sought any subsidies or gifts for its support. In 1900 Science became the official journal of the Association. Immediately thereafter both the member- ship of the Association and the circulation of Science rapidly increased. The Scientific Monthly completed its 50th volume with the June, 1940, issue. During the entire period of the publication of these 50 volumes Dr. Cattell was owner and editor of the journal. Addresses of Retiring Presidents [921. L. O. Howard (entomology) : "On Some Presidential Addresses; The War Against the Insects." Science 54 : 641-65 1 . 1922. E. H. Moore (mathematics): ''What Is a Number System?" (Not published.) 1923. J. Playfair McMurrich (anatomy): "A Retrospect." Science 58: 52I-53I- 1924. Charles D. Walcott (paleontology): "Science and Service." Science 61 : 1-5. 1925. J. McKeen Cattell (psychology) : "Some Psychological Experi- ments." Science 63 : 1-8,29-35. 1926. M. T. Pupin (engineering): "Fifty Years' Progress in Electrical Communications." Science 64: 631-638. 1927. L. H. Bailey ( horticulture). (Retiring president ill and address not delivered. ) 1928. Arthur A. Noyes (chemistry) : "The Story of the Chemical Ele- ments." Science 69: 19-27. 1929. 1929. Henry F. Osborn ( paleontology ) : 'The Discovery of Tertiary ]\Jan." Science 71 : 1-7. 1930. 1930. Robert A. Millikan (physics): "Present Status of Theory and Experiment as to Atomic Disintegration and Atomic Synthesis." Science 7i- i-5- 193'- 193 1. Thomas H. Morgan (zoology). (Retiring president ill and ad- dress not delivered.) 48 The Period from 1921 to 1940 1932. Franz Boas (anthropology) : "The Aims of Anthropological Re- search." Science 76: 605-613. I933- John J. Abel (pharmacology) : "On Poisons and Disease and Some Experiments with the Toxin of the Bacillus Tetani." Science 79: 63- 70, 121-129. 1934. Henry Norris Russell (astronomy) : "The Atmospheres of the Planets." Science 81 : 1-9. 1935. Edward L. Thorndike (psychology) : "Science and Values." Science 83 : 1-8. 1936. Karl T. Compton (physics) : "The Electron: Its Intellectual and Social Significance." Science 85 : 27-37. 1937. Edwin G. Conklin (zoology) : "Science and Ethics." Science 86: 595-603. 1938. George D. Birkhoi! (mathematics) : "Intuition, Reason and Faith in Science." Science 88: 601-609. 1939. Wesley C. Mitchell (economics) : "The Public Relations of Science." Science 90 : 599-607. Addresses of Retiring Presidents — The Pacific Division 1916. Wallace W. Campbell (astronomy) : "What We Know About Comets." ( No record of publication.) 19 18. (Record not available.) 1919. D. T. MacDougal (botany) : "Growth of Organisms." Science 49: 599-605. 1920. John C. Merriam (paleontology) : "The Research Spirit in Every- day Life of the Average Man." Science 52 : 473-478. 1921. William E. Ritter (zoology) : "Scientific Idealism." The Scien- tific Monthly 13: 328-341. 1922. Barton W. Everman (biology) : "The Conservation and Proper Utilization of Our Natural Resources." The Scientific Monthly 15 : 289-312. 1923. E. P. Lewis (astronomy) : "The Contributions of Astronomy to Civilization." Science 58: 405-412. 1924. David Starr Jordan (zoology) : "Science and Sciosophy." Science 59: 563-569- 1925. C. E. Grunsky (engineering) : "The Climate of the Ice Age." Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 4th Ser. 16: 53-85. 1926. Robert G. Aitken (astronomy) : "The Solar System — Some Un- solved Problems." Science 64: 191-198. 1927. Arthur A. Noyes (chemistry) : "The Periodic Relations of the Elements." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 13: 737-743. 1928. C. A. Kofoid (zoology) : "The Luminescence of the Sea." (No record of publication.) The Period from 1921 to 1940 49 1929. Walter S. Adams (astronomy) : "The Astronomer's Measuring Rod." Publications of Astronomical Society of the Pacific 41 : 195-21 1. 1930. Douglas H. Campbell (botany) : "The Origin of Land Plants." Science 72: 177-187. 1931. T. Wayland Vaughan (geology, anthropology). 1932. A. O. Leuschner (astronomy) : "The Astronomical Romance of Pluto." Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 44. 1933. W. F. Durand (engineering) : "The Development of Our Knowl- edge of the Laws of Fluid Mechanics." Science 78: 343-351. 1934. Joel H. Hildebrand (chemistry) : "The Liquid State." Science 80: 125-133. 1935. Bailey Willis (geology) : "The Living Globe." Science 82 : 427- 433- 1936. Richard C. Tolman (physical chemistry) : "The Present Status of Cosmology." The Scientific Monthly 43 : 491-507 ; 44 : 20-40. 1937. Herbert M. Evans (anatomy) : "The Development of Our Knowl- edge of Anterior Pituitary Functions." 1938. J. S. Plaskett (astronomy) : "Modern Conceptions of the Stellar System." Popular Astronomy 48, No. 5. 1939. 1939. S. J. Holmes (zoology) : "Darwinian Ethics and Its Practical Ap- plications." Science 90: 1 17-123. 1939. 1940. Lewis M. Terman (psychology) : "Psychological Approaches to the Biography of Genius." Addresses of Retiring Presidents — The Southwestern Division 1920. Edgar L. Hewett (archaeology) : "The Southwest — Yesterday and Tomorrow." Archaeol. Inst, of Am. New Ser. 2 : 1-8. 1922. A. E. Douglass (astronomy) : "Some Aspects of the Use of the Annual Rings of Trees in Climatic Study." The Scientific Monthly 15: 1-21. 1923. (Record not available.) 1924. Byron Cummings (archaeology) : "The Development of Prehis- toric Pueblo Culture." 1925. Elliott C. Prentiss: "The Specific Immunity of the Tissues and Its Bearing on Treatment." Science 62 : 91-95. 1926. T. D. A. Cockerell (zoology) : "The Duty of Biology." Science 63: 367-37I- 1927. A. L. Flagg (engineering) : "The Search for Metals." (No rec- ord of publication.) 1929. Forrest Shreve (botany) : "The Desert as a Dwelling Place." 1930. Francis Ramaley (botany) : "Specialization in Science." Science 72 : 325-326. 50 The Period from 1921 to 1940 [932. John D. Glark (chemistry): "A Responsibility of the Scientist Toward Society."' 1933. Charles T. Yorhies : "Snakes of the Southwest." (Not published.) 1934. O. C. Lester (physics) : "'Research: The Door to Tomorrow." 1935. D. S. Robbins (physics) : "Science and Religion." 1936. Harold S. Colton (archaeology) : "The Rise and hall of the Pre- historic Population of Northern Arizona." Science 84 : 337-343. 1937. None. 1938. F. E. E. Germann (chemistry) : "The Occurrence of Carbon Di- oxide, with Notes on the Origin and Relative Importance of Subterranean Carbon Dioxide." Science 87: 513-521. 1939. Edwin F. Carpenter (astronomy) : "The Revolt Against Thought.*' 1940. J. R. Ever (biology) : "Responsibility of the Scientist in a Chang- ing World ( )rder." Statistical Data — Annual Meetings Membership Year Meeting Place Registration Papers Read at Sept. 3$ IQ2I Toronto 1832 813 11,547 1022 Boston 2339 iciq 1 1 ,646 19-3 Cincinnati _•_' 1 1 1 140 11,707 1024 Washington 4206 1781 12,887 1 1 )25 Kansas City 1 93 1 985 14,263 1026 Philadelphia 3181 1449 1 4,366 1927 Nashville 166 j 1 141 14,862 1 928 New York 3>H5 2200 16,32s 1929 Pes Moines 1880 1230 18.462 1930 Cleveland 2635 1830 19,059 1931 New Orleans 14-17 1263 10.889 1932 Atlantic City 2066 1500 18,005 1933 Boston 2351 1500 18,549 '934 Pittsburgh 2823 1550 i8.553 ' 935 St. Louis 2292 1200 18,102 1936 Atlantic City ^.]7:-> 1450 [8,242 1937 Indianapolis 3094 1681 18.776 1938 Richmond 2553 1706 19.050 1939 Columbus 2715 2154 20, 1 05 Statistical Data — The 1 'acific Division Year Meeting Place Registration Papers Read Membership 1916 San Diego 120 1917 No meeting 1918 Stanford University 1919 Pasadena hjjo Seattle 1 92 1 Berkeley 1922 Salt Lake City ' 400 Joint meeting of the Pacific Division and the Association. The Period from 1921 to 1940 51 Year Meeting Place Registration Papers Read Membership 1 9-^3 Los Angeles 558 231 i ^3? 1924 Palo Alto 377 185 1342 [925 Portland, Ore. -'54 221 [408 [926 Mills College, Calif. 402 23^ i-\7i 1 1 )2J Reno, Nevada [82 174 1550 1928 Pomona, Calif.1 483 266 1802 1929 Berkeley 521 89 1997 1930 Eugene, Ore. 456 233 [997 1931 Pasadena 1 1 93 580 201 I 193-' Pullman, Wash. 519 222 1922 '933 Salt Lake City 268 162 1 743 1934 Berkeley 1 164 863 1856 1935 Los Angeles 779 38;, J 97 1 1936 Seattle 77') 449 2004 1937 Denver - 76.3 575 2023 1938 San Diego 832 3'-' 2096 "939 Stanford University 2157 J Joint meeting of the Pacific Division and the Southwestern Division. - Joint meeting of the Association, the Pacific Division and the Southwestern Division. Statistical Data — The South western Division ) 'car Meeting Place Registration Papers Read Membership 1 1 >20 El Paso 7i 36 1922 Tucson 1 12 — — 1922 Santa Fe i22 3S 1923 Los Angeles ' 558 -'3i 1924 El Paso 90 ■ 1925 Boulder i?3 39 1926 Phoenix 214 130 1927 Santa Fe 73 55 -'53 1928 Flagstaff 7-' 87 286 1929 Albuquerque 103 104 337 1930 Tucson 121 331 1931 No meeting — 339 1932 Denver ■ — 98 3'6 '933 Las Cruces 136 296 [934 Lubbock ^2 -'58 • 935 Santa Fe 220 142 277 1936 Flagstaff 160 116 323 '937 Denver - 763 ?75 342 1938 Albuquerque "3 ] 10 410 1939 Alpine-Mt. Locke3 1 12 366 1940 Tucson 165 153 366 1 Joint meeting with Pacific Division. - Joint meeting with the Association and the Pacific Division. 3 Joint meeting with American Astronomical Society at dedication of the McDonald Observatory at Mt. Locke, Texas. 52 The Period from 1921 to 1940 Annual Sigma Xi Lectures Each year since 1922 a lecture has been delivered at the annual meeting of the Association under the joint auspices of the Association and the Society of the Sigma Xi. The Association sets aside an evening for these lectures which are designated as General Sessions. The Society of the Sigma Xi selects the lecturer. Each of these lectures has been published in the issue of the Sigma Xi Quarterly next following the date of its delivery. Since the lectures have been delivered late in December, they have been published in the early months of the following year. The following is the complete list of the lec- turers and the titles of their addresses from 1922 to 1939, inclusive : 1922. Livingston Farrand : "The Nation and Its Health." 1923. Willis R. Whitney: "The Vacuum — There's Something in It." 1924. Frederick F. Russell : "War on Disease, Particularly Yellow Fever and Malaria." 1925. F. D. Farrell : "A Desert Becomes a Garden." 1926. Herbert C. Hoover : "The Nation and Science." 1927. Clarence Cook Little : "Opportunities for Research in Mammalian Genetics." 1928. Arthur Compton : "What Is Light ?" 1929. George Howard Parker: "Some Aspects of Human Biology." 1930. C. E. K. Mees: "The Science of Photography." 193 1. C. F. Hirshfeld : "Whose Fault?" 1932. Harlow Shapley : "Fact and Fancy in Cosmogony." 1933. Henry E. Sigerist : "The Foundation of Anatomy in the Renais- sance." 1934. Earnest A. Hooton: "Homo Sapiens, Whence and Whither." 1935. John Bellamy Taylor: "The Human Eye and the Electric Eye." 1936. Henry G. Knight : "Selenium." 1937. Irving Langmuir : "The Biological Applications of Surface Chem- istry." 1938. W. F. Durand: "Modern Trends in Air Transport." 1939. Kirtley F. Mather: "The Future of Man as an Inhabitant of the Earth." Annual Phi Beta Kappa Lectures Each year since 1935, at the annual meeting of the Association, a lecture has been delivered under the auspices of the United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa. The lecturers and the titles of their addresses from 1935 to 1939, inclusive, are as follows : 1935. William Allan Neilson : "The American Scholar Today." The American Scholar 1936, spring. The Period from 1921 to 1940 53 1936. James Rowland Angell : "The Scholar and the Specialist." The American Scholar 1937, summer. 1937. George Lyman Kittredge: "Shakespeare and the Critics." To ap- pear in a book. 1938. Frank Pierrepont Graves: "Is Education a Science." School and Society. 1939. Marjorie Hope Nicolson : "Science and Literature." Annual Maiben Lectures The Maiben Lectures were established in 1932 in memory of Hector E. Maiben, for most of his life a farmer near Lincoln, Nebraska, who was for ten years a sustaining member of the Association and who left his entire estate to the Association upon his death. The Maiben lecturers and their subjects have been as follows : 1932. Henry Norris Russell : "The Constitution of the Stars." Science 77- 65-79- 1933. William Morris Davis : "The Faith of Reverent Science." The Scientific Monthly 38 : 36. 1933. 1934. L. Dudley Stamp : "Planning the Land of the Future." Science 80: 507-512. 1935. Richard P. Strong: "The Importance of Ecology in Tropical Dis- eases." Science 82 : 307-317. 1936. Charles Camsell : "A 4000 Mile Flight over Northwestern Canada in August, 1935." (No record of publication.) 1937. Nevil V. Sidgwick: "Molecules." Science 86: 335-340. 1938. Robert C. Wallace : "The Changing Values of Science." Science 88: 265-271. 1939. Victor G. Heiser : "The Influence of Nutrition on the Diseases of Middle and Old Age." The Scientific Monthly 49 : 304-310. 1940. Edwin P. Hubble: "Problems in Nebular Research." The John Wesley Powell Lectures In 1929 the Southwestern Division inaugurated the John Wesley Powell Memorial Lectures in honor of a distinguished geologist and the leader of the first expedition that descended the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. The lecturers and the titles of their addresses have been as follows : 1929. William Morris Davis, Harvard University. 1930. Rodney H. True, University of Pennsylvania. 1932. Max Pinner, Desert Sanatorium of Southern Arizona : "Fifty Years of the Tubercle Bacillus." 1933. Aldo Leopold, University of Wisconsin : "The Conservation Ethic." 54 Meeting Places 1934. Otto Struve, The University of Chicago : "The Galaxy." T935- Edgar L. Hewett, President of the Schools of American Research and Director of the Museum of New Mexico : ''The Social Sciences in the Program of Education.*' I93(J- John C. Merriam, President of the Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington: "The Wilderness as a Teacher, Preacher, and Companion. A Study of the Contribution made by a Great National Park." 1937. A. E. Douglass, University of Arizona : "Tree-rings and Chronol- ogy." 1938. E. R. Hedrick, Provost of University of California, Los Angeles : "Relations of Science to Economics and to War." 1939. A. H. Compton, The University of Chicago: "Physics Views the Future." MEETINGS, 1848-1940 Meetings of the Association ci- io. I I. 12. 13- 14- 15- 16. 1 "• iS. 19- 20. 21 . 22. 23- 24- 25- 26. 27. 28. 29. Philadelphia Sept., Cambridge Aug., Charleston (S. Car.) Mar., New Haven Aug., Cincinnati May, Albany Aug., (No meeting in 1852) Cleveland July, Washington May, Providence Aug., Albany ^ug., Montreal : Aug., Baltimore May, Springfield (Mass.) Aug., Newport Aug., (No meetings 1861-1865) Buffalo Aug., Burlington ( Vt.) Aug., Chicago Aug., Salem ( Mass.) Aug., Troy Aug., Indianapolis Aug., Dubuque Aug., Portland (Maine) Aug., Hartford Aug., Detroit Aug., Buffalo Aug., Nashville Aug., St. Louis Aug., Saratoga Springs Aug., Boston Aug., 1848 30. 1849 31- 1850 32. 1850 33- 1851 34- 1851 35- 36. 1853 37- 1854 3*. 18SS 39- 1856 40. 1857 41- 1858 42. 1859 43- i860 44- 45- 1866 46. 1867 47- 1868 48. 1869 49- 1870 50. 1871 Si- 1872 5-2. 1873 S3- 1874 54- 187S 55- 1876 56. 1877 57- 1878 58. 1879 59- 1880 60. Cincinnati Aug. Montreal Aug. Minneapolis Aug. Philadelphia Sept. Ann Arbor Aug. Buffalo Aug. New York Aug. Cleveland Aug. Toronto Aug. Indianapolis Aug. Washington Aug. Rochester Aug. Madison Aug. Brooklyn Aug. Springfield (Mass.) Aug.-Sept. Buffalo Aug. Detroit Aug. Boston Aug. Columbus ^ug. New York June Denver ^ug. Pittsburgh June-July Washington . . . .Dec, 1902-Jan. St. Louis Dec, 1903-Jan. Philadelphia Dec. New Orleans . . .Dec, 1905-Jan. Ithaca June-July New York Dec, 1906-Jan. Chicago Dec, 1907-Jan. Hanover (.\T. H.) . . . .June-July Baltimore Dec, 1908-Jan. 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 189S 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1904 1906 1906 1907 1908 1908 1909 Mmtinc, Plac 55 Meetings of the Association, Continued 61. Boston . .Dec. 1909-Jan.. ioio 84. 62. Minneapolis Dec, 1910 85. 63. Washington Dec, 1911 86. 64. Cleveland Dec, 1912-Jan., 1913 87. 65. Atlanta Dec, 1913-Jan., 1914 88. f>6. Philadelphia . . . Dec. 1914-Jan., 1915 89. 67. San Francisco Aug., 1915 00. 68. Columbus Dec, 1015-Jan., 1916 01. 69. New York Dec, 1916 02. 70. Pittsburgh Dec. 1917-Jan., 1918 93. 71. Baltimore Dec, 1918 94- 72. St. Louis Dec, 1919-Jan., 1920 05. 73. Chicago Dec, iQ20-Jan., 1921 qA. 74. Toronto Dec, 192 1 97. 75. Salt Lake City June, 1922 98. 76. Boston Dec, 1922 99. 77. Los Angeles Sept., 1923 100. 78. Cincinnati Dec, 1923-Jan., 1924 101. 79. Washington . . . .Dec, 1924-Jan., 1925 102. So. Boulder (Colo.) June, 1925 103 81. Portland (Oregon) June, 1925 104. 82. Kansas City .... Dec, 1925-Jan., 1926 105. 83. Philadelphia ... Dec, 1926-Jan., 1927 106. Nashville Dec, 1927 New York Dec, 1928-Jan.. 1929 Des Moines .... Dec, 1929-Jan., 1930 Cleveland Dec, 1930-Jan., 193 1 Pasadena June, 1931 New Orleans ... Dec, 1931-Jan., 1932 Syracuse June, 1932 Atlantic City Dec, 1932 Chicago June, 1933 Boston Dec, 1933-Jan., 1934 Berkeley June, 1934 Pittsburgh Dec, 1934-Jan., 1935 Minneapolis June, 1935 St. Louis Dec, 1935-Jan., 1936 Rochester June, 1936 Atlantic City ... Dec, 1036-Jan., 1937 Denver June, 1937 Indianapolis . . .Dec, 1937-Jan., 1938 Ottawa June. 1938 Richmond ( Va.) Dec, 1938 Milwaukee June, 1939 Columbus Dec, 1939-Jan., 1940 Seattle June, 1940 Meetings of the Pacific Division 1. San Diego Aug., 19 16 2. Stanford University June, 1918 3. Pasadena June, 19 19 4. Seattle June, 1920 5. Berkeley Aug., 1921 6. Salt Lake City June, 1922 7. Los Angeles Sept., 1923 8. Palo Alto June, 1924 9. Portland, Oregon June, 1925 10. Mills College, Calif June, 1926 11. Reno, Nevada June, 1927 12. Pomona, Calif June, 1028 13. Berkeley June, 1929 14. Eugene. Ore June, 1930 15. Pasadena June, 193 1 16. Pullman, Wash June, 1932 17. Salt Lake City June, 1933 18. Berkeley June, 1934 19. Los Angeles June, 1935 20. Seattle June, 1936 21. Denver June, 1937 22. San Diego June, 1938 23. Stanford University June, 1939 24. Seattle June. 1940 Meetings of the Socthwestern Division* El Paso Dec, 1920 Tucson Jan., 1922 Santa Fe Sept., 1922 Los Angeles Sept., 1923 5. El Paso May, 1924 6. Boulder June, 1925 7. Phoenix Feb., 1926 8. Santa Fe April, 1927 9. Flagstaff April, 1928 10. Albuquerque April, 1929 11. Tucson April, 1930 12. Denver April, 1932 13. Las Cruces May, 1933 14. Lubbock April, 1934 15. Santa Fe April-May, 1935 16. Flagstaff-Grand Canyon . .April, 1936 17. Denver June, 1937 18. Albuquerque April, 1938 19. Alpine-Mt. Locke May, 1939 20. Tucson April, 1940 56 General Officers GENERAL OFFICERS, 1848-1940 Roll of the Presidents *William B. Rogers (geology) (Acting until the election of President Rcdfield) ♦W. C. Redfield (geology) 1848 *Joseph Henry (physics) 1849 *A. D. Bache (geography) 1850 ♦Louis Agassiz (zoology) 1851 (No meeting in 1852) ♦Benjamin Peirce (physics) 1853 *James D. Dana (anthropology) 1854 *John Torrey (botany) 1855 ♦James Hall (geology) 1856 ♦J. W. Bailey (chemistry) 1857 *Jeffries Wyman (medicine) 1858 * Stephen Alexander (astronomy) 1859 ♦Isaac Lea (geology) i860 (No meetings 1861-1865 and no presidents) *F. A. P. Barnard (astronomy) 1866 ♦J. S. Newberry (geology) 1867 *B. A. Gould (astronomy) 1868 *J. W. Foster (geography) 1869 *Wm. Chauvenet (mathematics) 1870 ♦Asa Gray (botany) 1871 *J. Lawrence Smith (chemistry) 1872 * Joseph Lovering (physics) 1873 *J. L. LeConte (entomology) 1874 ♦J. E. Hilgard (geography) 1875 ♦William B. Rogers (geology) 1876 * Simon Newcomb (astronomy) 1877 *0. C. Marsh (geology) 1878 ♦G. F. Barker (chemistry) 1879 ♦Lewis H. Morgan (anthropology) .... 1880 *G. J. Brush (geology) 1881 ♦J. W. Dawson (geology) 1882 *C. A. Young (astronomy) 1883 *J. P. Lesley (geology) 1884 *H. A. Newton (mathematics) 1885 *Edward S. Morse (zoology) 1886 ♦S. P. Langley (physics) 1887 *J. W. Powell (geology) 1888 *T. C. Mendenhall (physics) 1889 ♦G. Lincoln Goodale (botany) 1890 * Albert B. Prescott (chemistry) 1891 ♦Joseph LeConte (geology) 1892 ♦William Harkness (astronomy) 1893 ♦Daniel G. Brinton (anthropology) .... 1894 ♦E. W. Morley (chemistry) 1895 ♦Edward D. Cope (zoology) 1896 ♦Theodore Gill (zoology) (successor to Edward D. Cope, deceased.) ♦Wolcott Gibbs (chemistry) *F. W. Putnam (anthropology) ♦Edward Orton (geology) *R. S. Woodward (mathematics) *C. S. Minot (medicine) ♦Asaph Hall (astronomy) (first meeting) ♦Ira Remsen (chemistry) (second meeting) ♦Carroll D. Wright (economics) *W. G. Farlow (botany) *C. M. Woodward (mathematics) ♦Wm. H. Welch (medicine) ♦E. L. Nichols (physics) *T. C. Chamberlin (geology) ♦David S. Jordan (biology) ♦A. A. Michelson (physics) ♦Charles E. Bessey (botany) ♦E. C. Pickering (astronomy) ♦Edmund B. Wilson (zoology) ♦Charles W. Eliot (education) ♦W. W. Campbell (astronomy) ♦Charles Richard Van Hise (geology) . . ♦Theodore W. Richards (chemistry) . . . ♦John Merle Coulter (botany) Simon Flexner (medicine) L. O. Howard (entomology) ♦E. H. Moore (mathematics) ♦J. Playfair McMurrich (anatomy) ♦Charles D. Walcott (paleontology)... J. McKeen Cattell (psychology) ♦Michael I. Pupin (engineering) L. H. Bailey (horticulture) ♦Arthur A. Noyes (chemistry) ♦Henry Fairfield Osborn (paleontology) Robert A. Millikan (physics) Thomas H. Morgan (zoology) Franz Boas (anthropology) ♦John J. Abel (pharmacology) Henry N. Russell (astronomy) Edward L. Thorndike (psychology) . . . Karl T. Compton (physics) Edwin G. Conklin (biology) George D. Birkhoff (mathematics) . . . Wesley C. Mitchell (economics) Walter B. Cannon (physiology) Albert F. Blakeslee (genetics) Asterisk denotes person is deceased. ( Jeneral Officers 57 Permanent Secretaries ♦Spencer F. Baird 1851-54 ♦Joseph Lovering 1854-68 *F. W. Putnam i860 ♦Joseph Lovering 1870-73 *F. W. Putnam 1873-98 L. O. Howard 1898-1920 Burton E. Livingston 1920-30 Charles F. Roos 1931-32 Henry B. Ward 1033-37 1". R. Moulton 1937- General Secretaries ♦Edward L. Nichols 1920 D. T. MacDougal 1921-24 W. J. Humphreys 1925-28 Frank R. Lillie 1 929- 30 Burton E. Livingston 1031-34 Otis W. Caldwell 1035- Director of Press Service Austin H. Clark 1926-37 Assistant Secretaries F. S. Hazard 191 -^o Sam Woodley 1 1920- Treasurers *R. S. Woodward 1920-24 John L. Wirt 1925- DlRECTORS OF EXHIBITS H. S. Kimberly 1925-30 F. C. Brown i93i~37 Owen Cattell 1938-39 Auditors Herbert A. Gill 1 920-2 1 R. B. Sosman 1922-28 A. G. McCall 1929-31 W. J. Humphreys 1932- 1 Executive Assistant, 11120-1939. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS AND THE PRESENT ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE Commonwealth of Massachusetts In the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Four An Act To Incorporate the "American Association for the Advancement of Science" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Section i. Joseph Henry of Washington, Benjamin Peirce of Cambridge, James D. Dana of New Haven, James Hall of Albany, Alexis Caswell of Providence, Stephen Alexander of Princeton, Isaac Lea of Philadelphia, F. A. P. Barnard of New York, John S. Newberry of Cleveland, B. A. Gould of Cambridge, T. Sterry Hunt of Boston, Asa Gray of Cambridge, J. Lawrence Smith of Louisville, Joseph Lovering of Cam- bridge, and John LeConte of Philadelphia, their associates, the officers and members of the Association known as the "American Association for the Advancement of Science," and their successors are hereby made a corporation by the name of the "American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science," for the purpose of receiving, purchasing, hold- ing, and conveying real and personal property, which it now is, or hereafter may be possessed of, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to the restrictions, duties and liabilities set forth in the general laws which now or hereafter may be in force and applicable to such corporations. Section 2. Said corporation may have and hold by purchase, grant, gift, or otherwise, real estate not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in value, and personal estate in any amount.* Section 3. Any two of the corporators above named are hereby authorized to call the first meeting of the said corporation in the month of August next ensuing, by notice thereof "by mail," to each member of the said Association. Section 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. In Senate, March 17, 1874. House of Representatives, March 10, 1874. Passed to be enacted, Passed to be enacted, GEO. B. LORING, President, John E. Sanford, Speaker, Secretary's Department, March 19, 1874. Boston, April 3, 1874. Approved, A true copy, Attest: W. B. WASHBURN. David Pulsifer, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. *In accordance with amendment by Special Act of Massachusetts Legislature, Chapter 238, approved March 30, 1915. 60 Constitution of the Association 6i THE CONSTITUTION OF THE ASSOCIATION (Adopted at the Third St. Louis Meeting, December 29, 1919, to January 3, 1920 ') Article i — Objects The objects of the Association are to promote intercourse among those who are cul- tivating science in different parts of America, to cooperate with other scientific societies and institutions, to give a stronger and more general impulse and more systematic direc- tion to scientific research, and to procure for the labors of scientific men increased facilities and a wider usefulness. Article 2 — Membership Persons willing to cooperate in the work of the Association may be elected to be members by the Council. Members who are professionally engaged in scientific work or who have advanced science by research may be elected to be fellows. The Council shall fix the admission fees and dues (Dec. 27, 1934). A member who pays at one time the sum of one hundred dollars to the Association becomes a life member and is exempt from further dues. A person who gives one thousand dollars to the Association may be elected to be a sustaining member and is exempt from further dues. Article 3— Officers The officers of the Association shall be elected by ballot by the Council, and shall consist of a President, a Vice President from each section, a Permanent Secretary, a General Secretary, a Treasurer and a Secretary of each Section. The President and the Vice Presidents shall be elected for one year, the other officers for four years. The officers shall perform the usual duties of these offices, under the direction of the Council. Article 4 — Council The Council shall consist of the President, the Vice Presidents, the Permanent Secre- tary, the General Secretary, the Secretaries of the Sections, and the Treasurer, the members of the Executive Committee, ex officio, if they arc not otherwise members of the Council (Dec. 27, 1923), of one fellow elected by each division, affiliated state acad- emy, and (Dec. 27, 1932) affiliated society, and one additional fellow from each affiliated society having more than 100 members who are fellows of the Association, and of eight fellows, two elected annually by the Council for a term of four years. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Council, consisting of the President, the Permanent Secretary, the General Secretary, and eight members elected by the Council, two an- nually for a term of four years, who shall be ex officio members of the Council. The Council may appoint standing or temporary committees to make reports, to assist in the conduct of the work of the Association and to promote its objects. Article 5 — Sections The Association shall be divided into the following Sections : A, Mathematics ; B, Physics ; C, Chemistry ; D, Astronomy ; E, Geology and Geography ; F, Zoological 1 There have been several minor amendments to the Constitution since iq2o. The parts that have been amended are printed, as amended, in italics followed by the dates of the amendments in paren- theses. 62 Constitution of the Association Sciences; G, Botanical Sciences; H. Anthropology; I, Psychology; K, Social and Eco- nomic Sciences; .L, Historical and Philological Sciences; M, Engineering; N, Medical Sciences: O, Agriculture; P, Industrial Science (Dec. jS, 1936); Q, Education. Mem- bers of the Association shall be members of that Section or of those Sections under which their work or their interests fall. Members of the Section shall nominate to the Council a Chairman, who becomes ex officio a Vice President of the Association and whose term of office shall be one year, and a Secretary, whose term of office shall be four years. These officers, together with four fellows, one elected annually by the Section for a term of four years, and the representatives on the Council of affiliated societies in the same field shall form a Sectional Committee. This Committee shall arrange the scientific programs of the meetings and may form sub-sections or hold joint meetings with other sections or other societies. It may appoint committees and shall in all ways promote the objects of the Association within its own field. Article 6 — Divisions and Branches Regional Divisions and Local Branches of the Association may be formed by vote of the Council. Such Divisions and Branches may elect officers, hold meetings, appoint committees, enter into relations with other societies and promote within their fields the objects of the Association. Article 7 — Associated and Affiliated Societies National and local scientific societies may, by vote of the Council, become associated with the Association. Those Associated Societies which the Council shall designate as Affiliated Societies shall be represented on the Council and on the Sectional Committees as provided in Articles 4 and 5. Article 8 — Meetings The Association shall hold an annual meeting at such time and place as may be deter- mined by the Council. Other meetings of the Association and of the Sections may be authorized by the Council. The Divisions and the Branches may hold annual and other meetings. Article 0 — Proceedings The proceedings of the Association and the list of officers and members shall be pub- lished in such manner as the Council may direct. Article 10 — Funds The Permanent Secretary shall collect the annual dues and make expenditures as directed by the Council. The Treasurer shall deposit or invest the permanent funds of the Association, as provided for trust funds by the laws of the state of Massachusetts or the state of New York. Bequests and gifts will be administered in accordance with the provisions of the donors. The payments from sustaining and life members form part of the permanent fund, and the income (after the death of the member) shall be used for research, unless otherwise directed by unanimous vote of the Council or by a majority vote at two consecutive annual meetings. Article ii — Alteration of the Constitution This Constitution may be amended at a general session by unanimous vote or by a majority vote at two consecutive annual meetings. By-Laws and Rules of Procedure 63 BY-LAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE ASSOCIATION (Adopted at the Third St. Louis Meeting, December 29, 1919, to January 3, 1920, and in force since January 3, 1920 ' ) Article I The Association is American, its field covering North, Central and South America. Inhabitants of any country are eligible to membership. Article II Sectio)i 1. An incorporated scientific society or institution or a public or incorporated library may become a member by vote of the Council. Section 2. Associates, on payment of five dollars, may he admitted to the privileges of a meeting, except voting. Section 3. Foreign associates may be admitted without fee to the privileges of a meeting, except voting. Section 4. Members who have paid annual dues for fifty years may be excused from further payments and still retain all the prizileges of active membership. (April 14, 1935). Section 5. Members may be elected by the Council to be fellows of the Association and members so elected shall remain fclloivs only so long as they retain membership. If a fellow discontinues his membership and subsequently rejoins the Association he shall automatically again become a fclloiv from the time of rejoining, without another election. Members are eligible to nomination for fellowship if they have contributed to the adzanccment of science cither by the publication of original research or in other significant manner. Nominations for election to fellowship may be made by any three fellows, by the Permanent Secretary or by any Section Secretary, but before being sub- mitted to the Council every nomination shall have been first approved by the section committee in whose field the nominees' scientific zvork mainly lies. (Dec. 27, 1929). Section 6. The Council may exclude from the Association any one who has made improper use of his membership or whose membership is regarded as detrimental to the Association. Article III Section 1. The Permanent Secretary, the General Secretary, the Permanent Chair- man of the Finance Committee, the Treasurer of the Association and the Secretaries of the Sections shall be elected at the larger convocation week meetings held once in four years beginning the last week of the year 1916. Vacancies in these offices shall be filled by the Council. Section 2. The President of the Association shall give an address at a general session of the Association at the annual meeting following that over which he presided. Section 3. The Vice-Presidents shall hold seniority in the order of their continuous membership in the Association. Section 4. The Permanent Secretary shall attend to the business of the Association, the arrangements for the meetings and such other matters as the Council may designate. He may employ, with the approval of the Council, an Assistant Secretary. The salary of the Permanent Secretary shall be determined by the Council. 1 There have been several minor amendments to the By-Laws since 1920. The parts that have been amended are printed, as amended, in italics followed by the dates of the amendments in parentheses. 64 By-Laws and Rules of Procedure Section 5. The General Secretary shall attend to matters connected with the organi- zation of the Association, its relations to the affiliated societies and such other matters as the Council maj' designate. He shall receive such compensation as may be determined by the Council. Section 6. The Permanent Secretary, the General Secretary and the Treasurer shall present annually to the Council an account of the funds in their charge. These accounts shall be audited by an Auditor elected by the Council. There shall be a Finance Com- mittee of five, including the Permanent Chairman, the Treasurer and three other mem- bers elected one each year for a period of three years. The Finance Committee shall give advice in regard to the investment of the funds of the Association. The Treasurer shall administer bequests and gifts in accordance with the provisions of the donor; and shall sell such securities and properties of the Association and buy such securities and properties for the Association zvith the permanent funds of the Association and exchange such securities and properties of the Association for such securities and properties as the Finance Committee shall direct by formal rote recorded in its minutes (April 21, 1940). The Treasurer and the Permanent Secretary and General Secretary shall each present a budget to the Council at the annual meeting. Article IV Section 1. The Executive Committee shall haic full po-ivcr to act for the Council when the Council is not in session (Dec, 28, 1923). Section 2. There shall be a Committee on Grants, appointed by the President, with the advice of the Council, consisting of eight members, two appointed annually for a period of four years, which shall award for scientific research such part of the income from the permanent and special funds of the Association as may be appropriated for that purpose by the Council. Section 3. The following standing committees are authorized : Committee of One Hundred on Scientific Research ; Committee on the Jane M. Smith Life Membership Fund. Section 4. A local committee shall be organized by the members resident in the place where a meeting of the Association is held. This committee may appoint an executive committee and other committees and shall make arrangements for the meeting, in co- operation with the Permanent Secretary and the other officers of the Association. Article V Section 1. The Sectional Committees shall arrange for each annual meeting a pro- gram of general scientific interest, occupying usually one or two sessions. The section shall not hold sessions for the reading of special papers when the affiliated society in the same field meets with the Association. Section 2. No member shall take part in the organization or hold office in more than one section at any one meeting. Council representatives of affiliated organizations which are not specially related to any single section of the Association are members of the respective section committees to which their scientific interests are most closely related. Article VI Section 1. Regional divisions authorized by the Council have full control of their meetings, of their affiliations with other scientific organizations, and of all movements to promote the advancement and diffusion of science in their territory. Section 2. The Pacific Division (organized in 1915) includes members resident in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, and Hv-Laws and Rules of Procedure 65 the Hawaiian Islands. The Pacific Division is allowed, for its expenses, the entrance fees of new members resident in its region and an additional annual allowance not to exceed one dollar for each of its members in good standing. Section 3. The Southwestern Division (organized in 1920) includes members resi- dent in Arizona, New Mexico. Colorado (Dec. 26, 1922), Sonora, Chihuahua and Texas west of the 100th meridian (June 21, 193/). The Southwestern Division is allowed, for its expenses, the entrance fees of new members resident in its region and an additional annual allowance not to exceed one dollar for each of its members in good standing. Section 7. Affiliated academies of science receive, for their expenses, an annual allow- ance not to exceed fifty cents for each of their members who is also a member in good standing of the American Association. Article VII Section 1. Affiliated societies having two representatives in the Council and in the Sectional Committees are : ( see pages 66-69) • Section 2. Affiliated societies having one representative in the Council and in the Sectional Committees are: (see pages 66-69). Section }. Associated societies are: (see pages 69-70). Article VIII Section 1. A general session of the Association shall usually be held on the first evening of the meeting, and at this session the address of the retiring president shall be given. Other general sessions may be arranged by the Council. Section 2. The Council shall ordinarily meet on the afternoon of the first day of the meeting. It may also meet at such other times as may be decided. Section 3. The Sectional Committees shall ordinarily hold meetings on the morning of the first day of each annual meeting and may hold such other meetings as they may arrange. Section j. The Executive Committee shall meet on the day preceding the annual meeting and at such other times during the meeting as it may decide. It shall ordinarily hold meetings in the spring and in the autumn. Article IX Section 1. By arrangement with the publishers of Science this journal publishes the official notices and proceedings of the Association and is sent to all members in good standing, the sum of $3 being paid to the publishers of the journal for each member. Members may by request receive The Scientific Monthly in place of Science. This arrangement may be cancelled by the Council of the Association or by the publishers of the journal, after one year's notice has been given by either party. Article X Section 1. The official year of the Association shall begin on October 1, and the dues of the members are payable on that date. Only members who have paid their dues shall enjoy the privileges of the meetings and receive publications of the Association, but those not longer than two years in arrears for dues are retained on the membership list. Members dropped from membership for non-payment of dues may have their names re- instated by payment of arrearages or may be reelected with payment of the entrance fee. Payment of the entrance fee is omitted for members of affiliated organizations who join the Association before the second annual meeting after the ratification of the affiliation, or before the second annual meeting after their admission to the affiliated organization. 66 Officially Associated Societies Section 2. The Secretaries of the Sections receive, for their expenses incurred in attending the annual meetings, a per diem of four dollars for the time spent in tiaiel and at meetings and regular railroad fares, including Pullman, to and from the meetings (April 24, 193S). Hotel rooms for their use at the annual meetings are provided by the Association. Section 3. Members of the Executive Committee receive, for their expenses incurred in attending the annual meetings, a per diem allozvance of four dollars and the regular railroad fares, including Pullman, to and from the meeting (April 24, 1938). Hotel rooms for their use at the annual meetings are provided by the Association. Members of the Executive Committee attending special meetings of the Committee receive, for their expenses, a per diem allowance of six dollars a day and a mileage allowance of five cents a mile for the round trip. Article XI These By-Laws and Rules of Procedure may be amended by vote of the Council. OFFICIALLY ASSOCIATED SOCIETIES Affiliated Societies1 Section on Mathematics Mathematical Association of America (2) ,2 Dec. 29, 1920. American Mathematical Society (2). Dec. 29, W20. Association for Symbolic Logic (1). Oct. So. 1937- American Electrochemical Society (2). April 27. 1924. American Oil Chemists' Society (1). April 25, 1926. Section on Astronomy American Astronomical Society (2). Be- fore 1920. Astronomical Society of the Pacific (1). Dec. 30, 1925. Optical Society of America (2). Before The Society for Research on Meteorites Section on Physics 1920. American Physical Society (2). Before 1920. American Association of Physics Teach- ers (2). Oct. 23, 1931. Acoustical Society of America (1). April 26, 1931. American Meteorological Society ( 1 ) . Before 1920. Society of Rheology (1). April 26, 1931. Section on Chemistry American Chemical Society (2). Before 1920. 1 Dates of affiliation subsequent to 1920 fol- low the names of the respective societies; pre- vious to 1920 dates of affiliation were not re- corded. - Numbers in parentheses are the numbers of representatives the respective societies have on the Council of the Association. (1). Associated April 14, 1935,' affili- ated Dec. 30, 193S. Section on Geology and Geography Association of American Geographers (2). Before 1920. American Geographical Society of New York (2). April 24, 1921. Geological Society of America (2). Be- fore 1920. Paleontological Society (2). April 27, 1924. Seismological Society of America (2). Before 1920. Mineralogical Society of America (1). April 27, 1924. Section on Zoological Sciences American Association of Economic En- tomologists (2). Before 1920. Officially Associated Societies 67 Entomological Society of America (2). Before 1920. Association for Research in Human He- redity, Inc.1 (2). Before 1920. American Society of Mammalogists (2). Noz: 20, 1921. American Society of Parasitologists (2). April 26, 1925. American Society of Zoologists (2). Be- fore 1920. Section on Botanical Sciences Botanical Society of America (2). Be- fore 1920. American Phytopathological Society (2). Before 1920. American Society of Plant Physiologists (2). Oct. 12, 1924. Torrey Botanical Club (2). April 24, 1927. Mycological Society of America (2). June iS, 1934. Societies Related to Both Zoological and Botanical Sciences Ecological Society of America (2). Be- fore 1920. American Genetic Association (2). Be- fore 1920. Genetics Society of America (2). April ?4, 1932. American Microscopical Society (2). Be- fore 1920. American Society of Naturalists (2). Be- fore 1920. Western Society of Naturalists (2). Oct. 21, 192S. Federation of American Societies for Ex- perimental Biology (2). April 19, 1936. Limnological Society of America (1). Oct. 27, 1935. Section on Anthropology American Anthropological Association (2). Before 1920. Section on Psychology American Psychological Association (2). Before 1920. Midwestern Psychological Association ( 1). June 16, 1931. 1 Formerly Eugenics Research Association. Society for Research in Child Develop- ment (0. April 14, 1935. The Psychometric Society (1). April 17, 1937- Section on Social and Economic Sciences Econometric Society (1). Oct. 25, 1931. American Sociological Society (1). As- sociated before 1920; affiliated April 24, 1932. American Statistical Association (1). As- sociated before 1920; affiliated April 25. I93i- Section on Historical and Philological Sciences History of Science Society (2). April 26, I9?5- Linguistic Society of America (1). Oct. 17, 1926. Section on Engineering American Society of Civil Engineers (2). Before 1920. American Institute of Electrical Engi- neers (2). Before 1920. Illuminating Engineering Society (2). Before 1920. American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers (2). Before 1920. American Institute of Mining and Metal- lurgical Engineers (2). Before 1920. Society for the Promotion of Engineer- ing Education (2). June 19, 1933- The American Ceramic Society (1). As- sociated Nov. 20, 1921; affiliated April 27, 1924. The Institute of Radio Engineers (1). Oct. 25, 1925. American Society for Testing Materials (1). April 24, 1921. The Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (1). April 14, 1935- Section on Medical Sciences American Association of Anatomists (2). Before 1920. Society of American Bacteriologists (2). Before 1920. 68 Officially Associated Societies American Medical Association (2). Be- fore 1020. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (2). Oct. 17, 1927. American Public Health Association (2). April 27, 1924. American Pharmaceutical Association (2). Dec. 30, 1925. American Society for Experimental Pa- thology (2). Associated before 1920; affiliated April 19, 1936. American Society of Biological Chemists (2). Associated before 1920; affiliated April 19, 1936. American Physiological Society (2). April 19, 1936. American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (2). April 19, 1936. American Society of Tropical Medicine (2). Dec. 30, 1939- American Roentgen Ray Society (1). Oct. 20, 1929. American Veterinary Medical Associa- tion (1). April 25, 1926. American Academy of Tropical Medicine (1). June 24, 1935. American Division, International Asso- ciation for Dental Research (1). April 14, 1935- American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology (0- April 19, 1936. American Psychiatric Association (1). Oct. 25, 1936. National Malaria Committee (1). Dec. 30, 1939- Section on Agriculture American Society of Agronomy (2). April 24, 192 1. American Society for Horticultural Science (2). Before 1920. Society of American Foresters (2). Be- fore 1920. Canadian Society of Technical Agricul- turists 0). April 23, 1922. American Society of Animal Production (1). April 27, 1924. Section on Education National Society of College Teachers of Education (2). Before 1920. National Education Association (2). April 27, 1924. National Society for the Study of Edu- cation (2). Before 1920. American Philosophical Association (1). Associated before 1020; affiliated Dec. 3i, 1936. General Societies United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa (2). Dec. 27, 1928. Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (2). April 26, 1923. Society of the Sigma Ni (2). Before 1920. American Association of University Pro- fessors (2). Nov. 8, 1922. Sigma Delta Epsilon Graduate Women's Scientific Fraternity (2). Associated January 2, 193ft; affiliated April 23, 1939- American Library Association ( 1 ). April 22, 1928. American Nature Study Society (1). Oct. 27, 1926. Academies of Science Alabama Academy of Science ( \) . April 23, 1926. The American Institute of the City of New York (1). Dec. 27, 1938. British Columbia Academy of Sciences (1). June 30, 1938. Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science (1). Dec. 26, 1927. Florida Academy of Sciences (1). Oct 25, 1936. Georgia Academy of Science (1). April 26, 1925. Illinois State Academy of Science (1). April 26, 1925. Indiana Academy of Science (1). April 26, 1925. Iowa Academy of Science (1 ) . Before 1920. Kansas Academy of Science ( 0 • Before 1920. Officially Associated Societies 69 Kentucky Academy of Science (1). Be- Northwest Scientific Association (1) fore 1920. April 25, 193 1. Louisiana Academy of Science (1). Dec. Ohio Academy of Science (1). Before 29, J933- 1920. Maryland Academy of Sciences (1). Oklahoma Academy of Science (1). Dec. Ipril 24, W21 Michigan Academy of Science (1). Dec. 27. 1920. Minnesota Academy of Science (1 I. Oct. t6, i'933. Mississippi Academy of Science (1). June 19. 1939. 27, 1920. Pennsylvania Academy of Science (1). April 25, 1926. Academy of Science of St. Louis (1). Sept. 17. 1930. South Carolina Academy of Science (t). Oct. 17. 1927. Missouri Academy of Science (1). .ipril Tennessee Academy of Science (1). Dec rj. 1935- Nebraska Academy of Science (t). Bl fore 1920. 30. I925- Texas Academy of Science (0- April 7. 1930. New Hampshire Academy of Science Virginia Academy of Science (1). April ( 1 ) . Dec. 30, 1925. 26, 1923. \ - / - • +}~ } ~ 7 — v/ " J — 7 — *J~ New Orleans Academy of Science (1). West Virginia Academy of Science (1) Before 1920. North Carolina Academy of Science (1). . Ipril 24. 192 1. North Dakota Academy of Science (1). April 26, 1925. Pee. 30, 1925. \\ isconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters (1). Before 1920. Associated Societies Section ox Physics Sigma Pi Sigma. Jan. 2. 1936. Section ox Chemistry American Institute of Chemical Engi- neers. Before 1920. Phi Lambda Upsilon. June 21, 1933. Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity. Oct. 27. '935- Section ox Geology and Geography National Council of Geography Teachers. Before 1920. American Alpine Club. Before 1920. Sk( tion ox Zoological Sciences Wilson Ornithological Club. Before 1920. Section on Botanical Sciences American Fern Society. Before 1920. Sullivant Moss Society. Before 1920. American Society of Plant Taxonomists. Dec. 30, 1939. Societies Related to Both Zoological • and Botanical Sciences Phi Sigma Society. Oct. 25, 1925. National Association of Biology Teach- ers. April 23, 1939. Section on Anthropology Archaeological Institute of America. Be- fore 1920. American Folk-Lore Society. Before 1Q20. Section ox Psychology Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Before 1920. Sectiox ox Social and Economic Sciences American Planning and Civic Associa- tion. Before 1920. American Economic Association. Before 1920. Metric Association. Before 1920. 7o Officially Associated Societies Section on Engineering American Society of Heating and Venti- lating Engineers. Before 1920. American Society of Refrigerating Engi- neers. Before 1920. Western Society of Engineers. Dec. 26, 193?- American Society of Photogrammetry. April 19, 1936. American Society of Agricultural Engi- neers. Dec. 30, 1939. Section on Medical Sciences American Dental Association. Oct. 15, 1932. American College of Dentists. April 26, 193 'i, American Association of Dental Schools. Oct. IS, 1932. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. April 14, 1935. American Dietetic Association. June 24, 1925. Alpha Epsilon Delta Premedical Frater- nity. Oct. 25, 1936. Section on Agriculture Potato Association of America. April 22, 1923. American Dairy Science Association. Be- fore 1920. Association of Official Seed Analysts. Be- fore 1920. American Pomological Society. Before 1920. Gamma Sigma Delta (Honor Society of Agriculture). Before 1920. Xi Sigma Pi. Sept. 17, 1930. Section on Education The Canadian Teachers' Federation. April 23, 1939. Kappa Delta Pi. Dec. 30, 1929. Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity. Nov. 20, 1921. Pi Lamhda Theta. June 21, 1932. General Societies Bibliographical Society of America. Be- fore 1920. American College Personnel Association. April 26, 193 1. Pi Gamma Mu. Dec. 28, 1931. Gamma Alpha Graduate Scientific Fra- ternity. Oct. 23, 1925. Chi Beta Phi Scientific Association. Oct. 27, 1935. American Science Teachers Association. Dec. 28, 1936. The Wildlife Society. Dec. 30, 1937. Research Council on Problems of Alco- hol. Dec. 30, 1937. History of the Constitution 71 ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION OF THE ASSOCIATION History of the Constitution When the Association was organized in 1848 it adopted and began opera- tions under "Objects and Rules of the Association," consisting of a state- ment of "Objects" and 20 "Rules" that had been drawn up and presented by a committee appointed for the purpose the preceding year. The "Objects" were almost identical with Article 1 of the present constitution. The supreme power of the Association was vested in the Standing Committee, consisting of the general officers, the chairmen and secretaries of the sections and six other elected members. The annual dues of one dollar per year entitled each member to a copy of the Proceedings of the Association. One of the duties of the Local Committee in each city in which the Association met was to provide funds for paying for publishing the Proceedings of the meeting. In 1 85 1 the "Objects and Rules" became a "Constitution" with two amendments, one providing for dropping members who were in arrears on their dues for two years and the other raising the annual dues to two dollars. In 1856 a new draft of the Constitution was adopted. There were no By- Laws but certain actions of the Standing Committee were carried under the heading, "Resolutions of a Permanent and Prospective Character." After discussions extending over two years a completely revised constitu- tion of 38 articles was adopted in 1874. The committee reporting on the pro- visions of the new constitution said, "The constitutional troubles, which for many years have often caused the meetings to assume the temporary char- acter of a parliamentary body, have finally been disposed of . . ." The annual dues of members were increased from two to three dollars. In 1874 the Association was incorporated under the laws of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts. The articles of incorporation gave the Association the right of "receiving, purchasing, holding, and conveying real and personal property, which it now is, or hereafter may be possessed of, with all powers and privileges, and subject to the restrictions, duties and liabilities set forth in the general laws which now or hereafter may be in force and applicable to such corporations." The Constitution of the Association was amended in 1881, 1886 and 18S7. In 1887 the Standing Committee was changed to the Council. Occasionally minor amendments to the Constitution were adopted, and several were made in 1899. j 2 Classes of Members Important amendments to the Constitution adopted in 1903 increased the Council by including in its membership the presidents and vice presidents of the two preceding years, the other general officers, 9 fellows elected by the Council, three each year for a term of three years and one fellow elected by each affiliated society having more than 25 members who were members of the Association. The term of office of the Permanent Secretarv, the Treas- urer and secretaries of the sections was 5 years. At this time the Constitution contained 39 articles. There was no thorough revision of the Constitution of the Association from 1874 to 1920, a period of 46 years. In this interval the membership of the Association had increased from 722 to 11,547. Affiliated and associated societies had been provided for in 1899. In 1920 there were 4T affiliated societies, 12 affiliated academies of science and 40 associated societies. Under these greatly changed conditions a revised and simplified constitution became imperative. In 1917 a committee consisting of J. McKeen Cattell, H. L. Fairchild and D. T. MacDougal was appointed to make a radical revision of the Constitution. The report of the committee was presented and adopted in 1920. The Constitution consisted of only 11 articles and of 11 By-Laws defining rules of procedure subject to amendment by vote of the Council. This Constitution, except for minor amendments indicated by italics as it is printed on pages 61 and 62, is in effect at the present time. The constitution adopted in 1920 increased the annual dues of members from three to five dollars. Classics of Members There are six classes of members: sustaining members, life members, emeritus life members, emeritus annual members, fifty-year members, and annual members ; in addition, there are honorary British Association mem- bers and honorary junior members. Sustaining members are members who have given to the Association one thousand dollars ; they are exempt from annual dues. The payments received 1)}' the Association from sustaining members form part of the permanent Kind of the Association, the income of which is used for research. Sustaining members have all the privileges of annual members. For the complete list of sustaining members see page 203. Life members are members who have paid to the Association one hundred dollars at one time ; they also are exempt from annual dues. Payments re- ceived from life members become ( after their respective deaths) part of the permanent fund of the Association, the income from which is used for re- search. Life members have all the privileges of annual members. For the complete list of life members see page 203. Emeritus life members are members whose life membership payment has Classes ot Members 73 been made, by direction of the Council, from income of the Jane M. Smith endowment for this purpose. Usually emeritus life members are chosen by the Council from the members who have had longest continuous membership in the Association. Emeritus life members are exempt from the payment of annual dues and have all the privileges of annual members. For the complete list of emeritus life members see page 210. Emeritus annual members are members, usually chosen from among those of longest continuous membership in the Association, whose dues have been paid by direction of the Council from the income of the Luella A. Owen fund. Emeritus annual members have all the privileges of annual members. Fifty-year members are members who have paid annual dues for 50 years and have been excused from further payments. For the list of 50-year members see page 212. . hiiuial members are members who pay annual dues. For the complete list of all persons who have been members at any time between June 1, 1934. and July 1, 1940, see page 217. Fellozvs are members of any class who have been elected to fellowship by the Council of the Association in recognition of their having contributed to the advancement of science by the publication of original research or in other significant manner. Before a member is eligible for election as a fellow he must have been nominated by three fellows, the Permanent Secretary or a Section Secretary or a Section Committee, and approved by the Section Committee in whose field his work mainly lies. All of the foregoing members receive with their membership a subscrip- tion to either Science or The Scientific Monthly for each calendar year of their membership. Honorary BritisJi Association members are officers and members of the Council of the British Association elected to membership for one year by the Council of the Association under the arrangement between the British Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science for reciprocal British and American Association lectures on alternate years. These members pay no dues. They receive the general programs, preliminary announcements and reports of the meetings of the Association, but they do not receive subscriptions to Science or The Scientific Monthly. For a complete list of Honorary British Association members see page 213. Honorary junior members are boys and girls, nominated by the affiliated academies of science, who have been elected by the Council of the Associa- tion to honorary junior membership for one year. Each affiliated academy is entitled to nominate only one boy and one girl each year from the junior academy or junior science clubs of its territory. Honorary junior members pay no dues. They receive certificates of membership, general programs. 74 The Council preliminary announcements and reports of the meetings of the Association and a subscription to Science News Letter during the year of their member- ship. For a complete list of honorary junior members see page 214. Annual Dues of Members The annual dues of annual members and fellows are $5 per year, payable in advance. Of these dues, $3 pays for a subscription to either Science or The Scientific Monthly. The fiscal year of the Association is from October 1 to September 30. The subscription to Science or The Scientific Monthly going with each membership is for the calendar year beginning three months after the membership year beginning on October 1. New volumes of both Science and The Scientific Monthly begin with the calendar year. Of the dues paid by each member of the Pacific Division and the South- western Division, $1 goes to the respective division for office expenses. The Council The control of the Association, including the election of officers, the elec- tion of members and fellows, the determining of places and dates of meet- ings, the establishing of policies and the appropriation of funds, is vested in the Council of the Association. The Council consists of the President, the Vice Presidents, the Permanent Secretary, the General Secretary, the secretaries of the Sections, the Treas- urer, the members of the Executive Committee, a representative from each of the two divisions of the Association, eight fellows, two of whom are elected annually by the Council for a term of four years, two from each affiliated society having more than 100 members who are fellows of the Association, and one from each of the other affiliated societies and from each affiliated academy of science. There are members of the Council representing every major field of science and interest of the Association. The great majority of the members of the Council are elected by the sections and affiliated societies which are entirely independent of the Executive Committee and the general officers of the Association. It would be difficult to lodge the power of an organization having more than 21,000 members in a more representative and democratically elected body than the Council. The scientific interests of the general officers, the Executive Committee, the eight elected members of the Council, the representatives of the divisions of the Association, the representatives of such general organizations as American Association of University Professors, and the representatives of the affiliated academies of science cannot be given any fixed distribution among the sciences because they vary from time to time. There are 66 such members of the Council, and there are 174 others whose interests are dis- tributed among the major scientific fields as follows: mathematics, 7; Election of the President 75 physics, 11 ; chemistry, 7; astronomy, 6; geology and geography, 13; zool- ogy, 14; botany, 12, both zoology and botany, 15 ; anthropology, 4; psychol- ogy, 7; social and economic sciences, 5; historical and philological sciences, 5; engineering, 18; medical sciences, 31 ; agriculture, 10, and education, 9. The total number of members of the Council on January 1, 1940 was 240. All of the 21,150 members of the Association, except 471, have been recorded, at their request, as desiring affiliation with one or more of the 15 sections. It may be interesting to measure the correspondence between the number of members interested in the various scientific fields and their repre- sentation on the Council. The numbers of representatives on the Council for the various sections for each 1000 members affiliated with the respective sections are as follows: Mathematics, 4.3; physics, 3.1; chemistry, 1.3; astronomy, 7 ; geology and geography, 6.3 ; zoology, 5.1 ; botany, 5.4 ; anthro- pology, 4; psychology, 3.6; social and economic sciences, 6.0; historical and philological sciences, 11.5 ; engineering, 6; medical sciences, 5.2 ; agriculture, 5.1 ; education, 4.5. Election of the President Perhaps nothing shows better the democratic organization and operation of the Association than the election of its presidents. In July the office of the Permanent Secretary sends to each member of the Council a preliminary nomination ballot. There are on it the names of the past presidents for the preceding 20 years and the field in which each of them was distinguished. About 15 of the names receiving the greatest number of votes in the pre- liminary ballot by the Council are included on the nomination ballot sent out to the entire membership of the Association on October 1, and also the names of the presidents for the preceding 20 years. The members are advised that they may make nominations other than those made by the Council. At the election of the president by the Council at the annual meeting in December the names of from 10 to 15 persons receiving the greatest number of votes on the ballots returned from the entire membership are placed on the blackboard in alphabetical order. The president calls for nominations from the floor. Then the Council proceeds to the election by ballot of a presi- dent of the Association for the following year. The Executive Committee The Constitution of the Association provides for an Executive Committee of the Council for two reasons : ( 1 ) It is sometimes necessary to transact business of the Association between meetings of the Council (it meets only at meetings of the Association ) , and (2) it is practically necessary to have a smaller group than the entire Council of nearly 250 members for intensive study of the problems of the Association. For the first of these reasons the y6 The Sections Executive Committee holds two interim meetings each year, one in April and one in October. An example of the problems that the Council refers to the Executive Committee with full power of decision is that of determining" which of the symposia presented at meetings of the Association and offered for publication shall be accepted. In nearly all cases the Executive Com- mittee refers to the Council the questions it has studied, with recommenda- tions ; in exceptional cases in which prompt decisions are necessary the Executive Committee acts and reports its actions to the Council. The Sections The scientific programs of the meetings of the Association are largely organized under 15 sections in cooperation with the affiliated and associated societies. Each section has a Chairman, who is a vice president of the Asso- ciation for the section, with a term of office of one year, a Secretary, with a term of office of four years, and a Section Committee, consisting of four fellows, one of whom is elected each year by the section committee for a term of four years, and the representatives on the Council from the affiliated societies whose chief interests are in the field of the section. The vice president for each section delivers a formal vice presidential address, usually at the meeting at which his term of office expires, on some subject of wide interest in the held of the section. The addresses of the vice presidents are generally published in Science and are referred to with titles and places of publication in the Summarized Proceedings. The secretaries as chief administrative officers of the sections have burden- some and important responsibilities, among which are the planning of pro- grams at the meetings of the Association, generally in cooperation with the officers of several affiliated societies. Many of the programs of sections and their cooperating affiliated societies contain more papers than an)- entire program of the Association for the first 50 years of its existence. The section secretaries also arrange for the voting of the section committees, or the mem- bers of the sections, on nominations of vice presidents, nominations of section committeemen, nominations of fellows, election of committees and other special representatives. In order to provide an easy opportunity for interchanges of ideas between secretaries and for conferences respecting the problems arising in the operations of the sections, a Secretaries Conference is held at each annual meeting of the Association. This conference follows a dinner and is attended by the members of the Executive Committee. Divisions oe the Association It is costly for members of the Association living on the Pacific Slope or in the southwestern mountain states to attend meetings of the Association held on the Eastern Seaboard or even in the Mississippi Valley. Yet meet- Divisions of tiik Association j~ ings of the Association must generally be held in the populous regions east of the Rocky Mountains. Moreover, the rapid increase in scientific research and membership of the Association made it advisable to hold more than one meeting each year. These considerations led to the establishment of the Pacific Division in 1915 and of the Southwestern Division in 1920. Members of the Association on the Pacific: Slope, about 1000 in number, had found it advantageous to hold meetings under what was called the "Pacific Coast Committee of the American Association for the Advancement of Science," which was organized in 191 3. At the meeting of the Association held in San Francisco in August, 191 5, the Pacific Division was formally established by the Council and held its first meeting at San Diego in August, 1916. (See By-Laws, Article VI, Section 2, for the territory of the Pacific Division.) On April 26, 1920, the Executive Committee of the Association approved the organization of the Southwestern Division that had been tentatively made at a meeting of delegates held in Tucson, Arizona, on April to. (See By- Laws, Article VI, Section 3, for the territory of the Southwestern Division.) The Southwestern Division held its first meeting at FA Paso, Texas, on April 30, 1920. The divisions of the Association are entirely autonomous, under the pro- visions of the Constitution. They elect their own officers, determine the places and times of their meetings, arrange their programs, and publish pre- liminary announcements and reports of their meetings. Occasionally the two divisions hold joint meetings, and at times the Association holds a joint meeting with one or both of them. The members of the Pacific and South- western Divisions have one member each on the Council of the Association and participate in its elections, but the reverse is not true. This close co- operation under complete freedom is admirably fulfilling the purpose of the Association, the advancement of science. The membership records of members resident in the territories of the Pacific and Southwestern divisions are kept in the office of the Permanent Secretary, the annual dues of these members are collected by the Permanent Secretary, their journals are ordered from the office of the Permanent Secre- tary, and all communications to them concerning the Association as a whole are sent out from the office of the Permanent Secretary. But the offices of the divisions have their own expenses which are provided for by an allowance of $1 for each of their annual members from the funds of the office of the Permanent Secretary. Local Branches At the meeting held in Atlanta, ( ia., December, 1913 — January, 1914, the Council authorized "the establishment of local branches in places where the 78 Affiliated and Associated Societies members are prepared to conduct organizations that will forward the objects of the Association." Branches with varying degrees of success have been organized at seven places. The following organizations have functioned as branches: South Florida Science Association, Lancaster (Pa.) Branch (nearly iooo members), Mobile (Ala.) Academy of Science, Phoenix (Ariz.) Local Branch, Plattsburg (N. Y.) Branch, Southern Rhode Island Branch, and Westchester (N. Y.) Institute of Sciences. Affiliated and Associated Societies In 1899 the Constitution of the Association first referred to "Affiliated Societies," which were defined as scientific societies meeting contemporane- ously with the Association and which were recognized by vote of the Council as Affiliated Societies. The number of affiliated and associated societies has steadily increased to 174 on July 1, 1940. Affiliated and associated societies are societies whose purposes, organiza- tions and activities have been approved by the Council by admitting them into one of these relationships with the Association. Affiliated and associated societies pay no entrance fees or dues and are invited to hold their meetings simultaneously with, and in cooperation with, the meetings of the Associa- tion. When affiliated and associated societies meet with the Association, the office of the Permanent Secretary arranges for their headquarters, meeting rooms and necessary equipment. The outstanding features of their programs are included in the preliminary announcements of the meetings of the Asso- ciation and the Permanent Secretary's reports of the meetings that are pub- lished in Science. The complete programs of their meetings are included in the General Programs of the meetings of the Association. The only practical difference between the relationship of an affiliated society and an associated society with the Association is that the former has representation on the Council and the latter does not. If an affiliated society has more than 100 members who are fellows of the Association, it has two representatives on the Council ; otherwise it has only one. Associated and affiliated societies whose interests are limited to a recog- nized field of science cooperate with the corresponding sections of the Asso- ciation, and their representatives on the Council are ex officio members of their Section Committees. For example, the American Physical Society co- operates with the Section on Physics. It is the policy of the Association for its sections to cooperate, rather than compete, with their related affiliated and associated societies. Some sections hold only one or two sessions of invited papers by eminent specialists in their fields, leaving the major part of the programs to the affiliated and associated societies. There are some affiliated societies, such as the Society of the Sigma Xi, whose interests are not limited to special fields. Their representatives on the Finances 79 Council are assigned to the section committees of the sections in whose fields the representatives' chief interests lie. The steps to be taken by a society to become an affiliated or associated society are : First its secretary files with the Permanent Secretary an appli- cation for the relationship, a copy of its constitution and by-laws, a list of its members and a copy of its publication, if it has any ; then the application and accompanying data are presented by the Permanent Secretary to the Execu- tive Committee, which makes its recommendation to the Council. Finances Article 10 of the Constitution separates the finances of the Association into two parts, one under the control of the Treasurer and the other under the control of the Permanent Secretary. The Treasurer has charge of the permanent funds of the Association, such as endowments for support of research, general funds and bequests for special purposes, such as the Jane M. Smith fund for emeritus life members, fees of sustaining and life mem- bers (after their death) and reserves that may be set up by authority of the Council. The Treasurer disburses the income from the funds in his charge in accordance with previously submitted budgets that have been approved by the Council. The Permanent Secretary collects dues from members, moneys due the Association from the sale of publications, such as summarized proceedings and symposia, interest on bank deposits, registration fees at meetings of the Association, rentals of booths at the annual science exhibitions, and gifts from members for general purposes. The Permanent Secretary also admin- isters funds given as grants for the support of specific researches, such as science in education on the college level. Nearly all of the receipts of the office of the Permanent Secretary are from the dues of annual members. Since three dollars of the annual membership dues of five dollars are used to pay for the subscription to Science or The Scientific Monthly, by far the largest disbursements from the office of the Permanent Secretary are for journal subscriptions for members. The next largest item of expenditure by the office of the Permanent Secretary is for salaries of the office force and operating expenses of the office, including such items as postage, office equipment and supplies, and telephone and telegraph. The final large item of expense borne by the office of the Permanent Secretary is that of the meetings of the Association. The Association assumes all general expenses of its meetings, including both those of its own sections and those of the affiliated and associated societies that meet with it. All collections and dis- bursements of moneys by the Permanent Secretary are in accordance with previously submitted budgets that have been approved by the Council. 8o Finances From THE TrEASU rer's Report Interest x Research - Academies3 Journals1 Price 5 $8,530.98 .$1,870 $i,536 $1,000 8,273-89 2,950 $50 1,506 T,ooo 8,195.04 3,000 2,500 1,506 1,000 7,736.66 4,000 2,765 i,58l 1,000 7,252.60 2,725 2,035 1,686 1,000 7,403-27 2,000 2,615 1,668 1,000 The following table gives the principal items of receipts and disbursements by the Treasurer for the years 1934-1939, inclusive : Fiscal year 1933-4 1934-5 1935-6 1936-7 1937-8 1938-9 1 Interest received only from Endowment for Research and General Funds. 2 Grants in aid of research recommended by the Grants Committee and approved by the Council. 3 Grants to the affiliated academies for use in aid of research, the amount available being approxi- mately 50 cents per year for each member of an affiliated academy who is a member of the Association. 4 Amounts paid for subscriptions to Science or The Scientific Monthly for life members and fifty- year members. 3 Annual Thousand Dollar Prize to the person who has been recommended by the Prize Committee and approved by the Council as the recipient of the prize for a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association. The funds for the Thousand Dollar Prize are provided by an anonymous friend of the Association. The following table gives the principal items of income and the principal items of expense of the office of the Permanent Secretary for the years 1934- 1939, inclusive: From the Permanent Secretary's Reports Circular- Meetings Regis- Fiscal year Dues1 Journals2 Office3 iaation4 Expense5 trationG Divisions1 1933-4 $81,848 $50,116 $19,852 $2923 $9194 $2297 $2133 1934-5 81,766 50,425 20,051 3650 8492 3188 2210 t 935-6 84,288 51,776 21,222 3925 9492 2702 2275 1936-7 84,316 52,083 20,138 3176 9864 3149 2264 1937-8 88,284 54,6i4 23,971 3096 7790 3926 2358 1938-9 93,8o4 57,922 25,349 5485 7752 2786 2256 1 Annual dues of members and entrance fees. - Subscriptions to Science and The Scientific Monthly for members. 3 Salaries, postage, equipment, supplies, telephone, etc. 4 Expense of circular letters inviting persons to become members of the Association. 5 Total expense to the Association of the meetings for the respective years. 6 Money received from registrants, one dollar each, at the meetings; available to apply against ex- pense of meetings. 7 The Pacific Division and the Southwestern Divisions are allowed one dollar per member each year for office expenses. Meetings of the Association With few exceptions the annual meetings of the Association from its founding in 1848 to the year 1902 were held in August. Apparently one of the reasons for the choice was that university and college men were on vaca- tion at that time of the year. But after the opening of The University of Chicago in 1893 summer sessions in universities rapidly became common and the vacation consideration lost its importance. Moreover, the American Society of Naturalists and a related group of scientific societies were holding meetings in the Christmas holidays. On the recommendation of a com- Meetings of the Association 8i mittee, of which Charles S. Minot was chairman, the annual meeting at Pittsburgh in June-July. 1902, was followed by a meeting in Washington in December, 1902- — January, 1903. Since that year all annual meetings of the Association have been held during Convocation Week. In 1922 a committee, of which J. McKeen Cattell was chairman, made a thorough study of the whole problem of meetings and recommended that a twelve-year cycle be adopted. Under this plan major meetings were to be held cyclically in four-year intervals in Washington, New York and Chi- cago ; in mid-periods in large cities in succession in New England, the Central States and the Middle Atlantic States. It was also recommended that a summer meeting be held in 1923. The recommendations were adopted by the Council and a joint meeting with the Pacific Division and the Southwestern Division was held in Los Angeles in September, 1923, just before the total eclipse of the sun of that year, the track of which passed across Southern California. A summer meet- ing was held in 1925, a joint meeting with the Southwestern Division at Boulder, Colorado, but no other summer meeting was scheduled until 193 1, when a joint meeting with the Pacific Division was held at Pasadena, Cali- fornia. Since 1931 the Association has held a summer meeting each year. Two summer meetings are scheduled for 194T, one at Durham, N. H., in June and one at Chicago in September. Various considerations enter into the choosing of places for meetings of the Association. Perhaps the primary one is that they should be distributed widely over the country. Another is that they should be held in or near large centers of scientific interests. They must be held where facilities are adequate and reasonably concentrated. This is not a light requirement, for at the winter meetings there must be available at one time for the sessions of the Association sections and of the affiliated and associated societies at least 60 meeting rooms with seating capacities ranging from 75 to 500 and equipped with projection apparatus. Moreover, there must be suitable headquarters for the Association and for from 20 to 50 affiliated and associated societies. Finally, it must be possible to serve at least six or eight large luncheons or dinners at the same time. One of the most difficult requirements to meet is a suitable, conveniently located space of at least 20.000 square feet for the annual science exhibition and general registration headquarters and lounge. At summer meetings science exhibitions are not held and other requirements are about half those for winter meetings. The first step in choosing a place for a meeting is usually an invitation from local institutions or organizations, supported by members of the Asso- ciation living in the city extending the invitation. If the invitation is looked on with favor by the Executive Committee, the office of the Permanent Secretary makes a survey of the physical and other facilities available in the 82 Meetings of the Association city from which the invitation is received. If the report is favorable, the Executive Committee may recommend to the Council that the invitation be accepted. If the recommendation is adopted by the Council, the inviting insti- tution is notified that the invitation is accepted and arrangements are taken up in due course for holding the meeting. Usually invitations are accepted several years in advance of the dates when the meetings will be held. Article IV, Section 4 of the By-Laws of the Association provides that "A local committee shall be organized by the members resident in the place where a meeting of the Association is held." This committee has heavy re- sponsibilities both in work and in taking care of local expenses. Usually a local committee, of from five to twenty-five members is organized, variously styled "The Local Committee," "The General Committee," "The General Planning Committee," or "The Committee on Arrangements." The chair- man of this committee should always be a man of eminence, wide influence, high executive ability and thoroughness. The executive secretary should have the same qualities. Often an "Advisory Committee" from local educa- tional institutions, academies, museums and other cultural organizations is set up. Such committees rarely do an appreciable amount of work. There are, however, subcommittees of great importance, the chairman of each of which should be especially well qualified by experience and ability to carry efficiently the responsibilities placed upon his committee. The special com- mittees usually are : (1) Finance, (2) Transportation. (3) Excursions, (4) Receptions and Social Functions, (5) Meeting Places, (6) Special Dinners, (7) Equipment, (8) Printing, (9) Exhibits, and (To) Publicity. These committees function in close cooperation with the office of the Permanent Secretary which furnishes the chairman of the General Committee a detailed list of the arrangements that must be made. For example, the finance com- mittee provides the funds necessary to meet the expenses of the various local subcommittees. The amount required at annual meetings is usually about $5,000, and half as much at the summer meetings. The special committee on printing cooperates with the office of the Permanent Secretary in making arrangements for printing and assisting in getting through the press the General Program of the meeting, a book of about 300 pages for the annual meetings and about 120 for the summer meetings. The other special com- mittees assume obvious responsibilities. The work of every committee must be organized thoroughly and carried out with precision so that its responsi- bilities will all be completely fulfilled at predetermined dates and possibly hours. Publications Science and The Scientific Monthly. First on the list of publications in which the Association is interested are Science and The Scientific Monthly, titles to which were transferred to the Association in December, 1938, by Publications 83 J. McKeen Cattell and Josephine Owen Cattell. Dr. and Mrs. Cattell retain full control as editors and publishers of these journals until they voluntarily relinquish control of them or until Dr. Cattell's death. When control of them passes to the Association, the Association, under the terms of an agreement entered into at the time of the transfer of title, will pay J. McKeen Cattell and Josephine Owen Cattell each year for a period of ten years one-half of the average annual net income of each of these journals for the pre- ceding five years. In determining the net income no charge is to be made for the services of Dr. Cattell and Mrs. Cattell to these journals as editors and publishers. Science is a weekly journal now in its ninety-second volume and has been the official journal of the Association since 1900. The Scientific Monthly is a 96-page illustrated journal now in its fifty-first volume. Each member of the Association receives with his membership a subscription to either Science or The Scientific MontJily, at his option. To nonmembers the annual sub- scription to Science is $6.00 and to The Scientific Monthly, $5.00. The Association Symposia. In January, 1934, the Science Press pub- lished as a supplement to Science a report on "The Protection by Patents of Scientific Discoveries" that had been submitted by the Committee on Patents, Copyrights and Trade Marks, consisting of Joseph Rossman, Chairman, K. G. Cottrell, A. W. Hull and A. F. Woods. This report was published under the general title "Occasional Publications of the American Association for the Advancement of Science," No. 1, and appeared as a supplement to Science, vol. 79. In the same year a symposium on "Physical and Chemical Changes in Nerve During Activity" was published as No. 2 of this series. The third on "The Scientific Aspects of Flood Control" was published in 1936. The first two of these publications are out of print. The fourth, a sym- posium on "Some Fundamental Aspects of the Cancer Problem," was pub- lished in June, 1937. Copies of this 248-page volume are still available. Financial responsibility for the publication of the first four of the "Occa- sional Publications of the American Association for the Advancement of Science" was assumed by the Science Press. Since other symposia of high merit were being organized for presentation at meetings of the Association, it appeared likely that their publication might assume considerable propor- tions. After considerable discussion the Council passed the following resolu- tion on December 27, 1937: "That the Association assume responsibility for the publication of such symposia as shall be passed upon and approved by the Executive Committee". At the same meeting, the Council approved the recommendation of the Executive Committee "that the Association assume full responsibility for the publication of the Acid-fast Bacteria [later called Tuberculosis and Leprosy] symposium presented at the Denver meeting, June, 1937." The Association has assumed full responsibility for all its later 84 Grants symposia (except one1) that have been published. The list is as follows: Tuberculosis and Leprosy (24 contributors) 1938 Syphilis (33 contributors) 1938 Recent Advances in Surface Chemistry and Chemical Physics (12 contributors) 1939 The Migration and Conservation of Salmon (9 contributors) 1939 Mental Health (94 contributors) 1939 Problems of Lake Biology (9 contributors) 1939 The Gonococcus and Gonococcal Infection (45 contributors/) 1939 The Genetics of Pathogenic Organisms (11 contributors) 1940 Blood, Heart and Circulation (53 contributors) 1940 The Cell and Protoplasm (17 contributors) 1940 The Association publishes only those symposia presented at its meetings that are systematic, comprehensive and documented discussions by eminent specialists of important limited fields of science. It has been said that only those symposia are published that the Association cannot afford not to pub- lish. However that may be, the ten published in the past three years have received hearty approval by specialists in their fields and a gratifying" number of copies of them have been sold. The policy has been adopted of selling" the symposia and all other publications of the Association at discounts to its members. 77/f Association Science Series. In June, 1939, the Association entered into a contract with Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc., for the publica- tion, at the publisher's expense, of nontechnical books on scientific subjects of wide general interest. Manuscripts submitted for this series are passed on by a committee representing the Association and by the publishers. Only if a manuscript is accepted both by the Association and by the publishers does it appear as one of the Association Science Series of books. The first book in this series is "Multiple Human Births," by H. H. New- man, which is scheduled to appear from the press on October 21, 1940. The second is "Strange Malady" (allergy), by Warren T. Vaughan, which is scheduled to be published in January, 1941. Members of the Association will be allowed discounts of 20 per cent from the list prices of these books. Grants Each year the Council makes an appropriation out of the income from the endowment and permanent funds of the Association for grants in aid of research. The amounts appropriated may vary from year to year, depending upon the income available for the purpose. The amount appropriated in each of the past six years is given in the table on page 80. The individual grants are made by the Council upon the recommendation of the Committee on Grants, which consists of 8 members, two elected each 1 The exception is "The Cell Theory," presented at the Virginia (Richmond) meeting in Decembei 1938; published by the Jaques Cattell Press, Lancaster, Pa. Prizes 85 year for a term of 4 years. The members of the Grants Committee are chosen from among the various sciences so that every principal field is represented. 1 11 October of each year a note is published in Science, stating that the Asso- ciation gives grants and that instructions and blanks for making applications can be obtained from the office of the Permanent Secretary. Early in De- cember the Permanent Secretary sends copies of all applications received to each member of the Grants Committee. The Grants Committee reports its recommendations, through the office of the Permanent Secretary, to the Council at the annual meeting of the Association, and the Council formally votes the grants. The grants are usually for amounts not exceeding $200, and they are often for aid in completing research already well under way or for which funds have been provided in part from other sources. Each re- cipient of a grant is required to report to the Association on the results obtained with its aid. Since 1935 the Association each year has made available to each affiliated academy for grants in aid of research an amount approximately equal to $0.50 for each of its members who is also a member of the Association. The funds for the grants are appropriated by the Council. The academies decide on the grants they desire to make and notify the office of the Permanent Secretary, which transmits to them the amounts made available under the appropriation by the Council. The Association makes these funds available to the academies because experience has shown that they contribute efficiently to the advancement of science. Through the affiliated academies the Association is able to extend its assistance very widely and to aid many persons who would not otherwise be reached. Prizes The Association awards two prizes each year, "The Thousand Dollar Prize" provided by an anonymous friend of the Association for a paper of high importance presented before a scientific session at the annual meeting, and the "Theobald Smith Award," provided by the Eli Lilly Company, of Indianapolis, Ind., for a distinguished contribution to medical science by a person under thirty-five years of age. This award is made at summer meetings. The recipients of the Thousand Dollar Prize, their fields and the subjects of their papers for which the prizes have been awarded are as follows : 1923. Leonard Eugene Dickson (mathematics). "The Theory of Numbers." 1924. (1) Edwin P. Hubble1 (astronomy). "The Spiral Nebulae." (2) L. R. Cleve- land1 (biology). "The Physiology of Termites and their Intestinal Protozoa." 1925. Dayton C. Miller (physics). "The Ether-drift Experiment." 1926. George D. Birkhoff (mathematics). "Mathematical Criticism of some Physical Theories." 1 Shared equally the prize for 1925. 86 The Annual Science Exhibition 1927. H. J. Muller (genetics). "The Influence of X-rays on Genes and Chromosomes."' 1928. Oliver Kamm (chemistry). "The Hormones of the Pituitary Gland." 1929. Arthur J. Dempster (physics). "The Reflection of Protons from a Calcite Crystal." 1930. M. A. Tuve, L. R. Hafstad and O. Dahl (physics). "The Production of Beta Rays and Gamma Rays by Means of High-Yoltage Vacuum Tubes." 1931. C. C. Speidel (medicine). "The Study of Living Nerves." 1932. Henry Eyring (chemistry). "Quantum Mechanics and Chemistry with Particular Reference to Reactions Involving Conjugate Double Bonds." !933- Reuben L. Kahn (medicine). "Tissue Reactions in Immunity; the Specific Re- acting Capacities of Different Tissues of an Immunized Animal." 1934. Vera O. Knudsen (physics). "The Absorption of Sound in Gases." J935- P- W. Zimmerman (plant physiology) and A. E. Hitchcock (botany). "Re- sponses of Plants to Synthetic Growth Substances (Phyto-hormones)." 1936. W. M. Stanley (chemistry). "Some Biochemical Investigations on Crystalline Tobacco Mosaic Virus Proteins." 1937. Philip R. White (botany). "Root Pressure — an Unappreciated Force in Sap Movement." 1938. Norman R. F. Maier (psychology). "Experimentally Produced Neurotic Be- havior in the Rat." 1939. I. I. Rabi (physics). "Radio Frequency Spectra of Atoms and Molecules." The Theobald Smith Awards in Medical Science have been as follows : 1937. Robley D. Evans. "A Study of Radium Poisoning." 1938. Charles F. Code. "Histamine in the Blood." 1939. Albert B. Sabin. "Constitutional Barriers to Involvement of the Nervous System by Certain Viruses." The Annual Science Exhibition At the meeting held in Kansas City in 1925 the Association had its first science exhibition, managed by Major H. S. Kimberly, of Washington, and Professor Albert Saeger, of Kansas City. There were 10 exhibits by leading manufacturers of scientific instruments, apparatus, biological models, mate- rials and supplies, and exhibits by several agencies of the Government, in- cluding the Bureau of Standards, the Chemical Warfare Service (com- bating boll weevil and other pests), the Bureau of Fisheries, the F'ixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory, the Navy and the Smithsonian Institution. In addition, there were about 25 exhibits by individual scientists and labora- tories. At each annual meeting of the Association since 1925 a science exhibition has been held. The mere fact that the exhibits have been held for 16 suc- cessive years proves that they have been of advantage both to the exhibitors and to the Association. Scientists and institutions presenting individual exhibits have shown other scientists in the most efficient way what they are doing and how they are doing it. And those who visit these exhibits may make valuable comments and suggestions to the exhibiting scientists about The Annual Science Exhibition 87 the problems on which they are working. In short, the exhihits by scientists and institutions give unsurpassed opportunities for conferences between experts on important scientific problems and methods in the atmosphere of the laboratory. Publishers of scientific books find at the meetings of the Association large numbers of prospective purchasers of their publications. The members of the Association look over the new books in their fields not only to decide what they will themselves purchase but to make recommendations to libraries and for adoption for classroom use. Once scientists worked in garrets with instruments of their own construc- tion. Now the progress of science is essentially dependent on those who make the enormous variety of instruments and equipment that scientists use. No astronomer could construct a 100-inch telescope ; no biologist could make his own compound microscope ; no chemist could produce the delicate scales he uses in his work; no medical man could design an electrocardiograph that would function. Specialists design and manufacture all such things, often at very great cost in time and money. They and the scientists together promote the advancement of science. For these reasons the Association welcomes the manufacturers of scientific equipment, apparatus and supplies of all kinds in their annual science exhibitions. SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS For the Period Jan. 1934 - Jan. 1940 Volumes LXXXVII - XCIII OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION, 1934-1940 Presidents of the Association. 1034- '940 (For the calendar years) Edward L. Thorndike ( psychology), Columbia University 1934 Karl T. Compton ( physics), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. . . 1935 Edward G. Conklin ( zoology), Princeton University 1936 ( ieorge D. Birkhofr (mathematics). Harvard University 1937 Wesley C. Mitchell (economics), Columbia University 1938 Walter B Cannon (physiology), Harvard University 1939 Albert F. Blakeslee (genetics), Department of Genetics of Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, X. Y T940 Presidents of the Pacific Division, 1934-1940 (To the annual meetings in June ) Joel H. Hildebrand (chemistry), University of California 1934 Bailey Willis (geology), Stanford University 1935 Richard C. Tolman (physics), California Institute of Technology 1936 Herbert M. Evans (anatomy), University of California 1937 J. S. Plaskett (astronomy), Dominion Astrophysieal Observatory, Victoria, B. C i93lS S. J. Holmes (zoology), University of California x939 Lewis M. Terman (psychology), Stanford University T94° Harald U. Sverdrup (oceanography), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif 194 1 Presidents of the Southwestern Division, 1934-T940 ( To the annual meetings in April) Oliver C. Lester (pbysics), Colorado Carnotite Company 1934 D. S. Robbins (physics), State College, Xew Mexico 1935 Harold S. Colton (zoology), Museum of Northern Arizona 193O Frank E. E. Germann (chemistry), University of Colorado 1937 Frank E. E. Germann (chemistry), University of Colorado 1938 E. F. Carpenter (astronomy), University of Arizona 1939 John R. Eyer ( biology), State College, New Mexico 1940 Carrol V. Xewson (mathematics), University of Xew Mexico 1941 91 92 Section Officers SECTION OFFICERS Mathematics (A) Vice Presidents R. D. Carmichael '934 T. H. Hildebrandt 1935 G. C. Evans 10.51. W. D. Cairns 1937 J R. Kline 1938 Marston Morse 1939 A. B. Coble 1940 Secretaries William H. Roever 1920-24 R. C. Archibald 1925-27 Charles N. Moore 1928-32 Earle R. Hedrick 1933- Physics (B) Vice Presidents Henry G. Gale 1934 John T. Tate 1935 George R. Pegrani 1936 Harvey Fletcher 1937 H. E. Ives 1938 E. O. Lawrence 1939 A. L. Hughes 1940 Secretaries G. W. Stewart 1917—20 S. R. Williams 1921-24 A. L. Hughes 1925-32 H. A. Barton 1933- Chemistry (C) Vice Presidents Joel H. Hildebrand 1934 Moses Gomberg 1935 Irving Langmuir 1936 Farrington Daniels 193" H. C. Urey 1938 Henry C. Gilman 1939 George Scatchard 1940 Secretaries Charles E. Caspari 1 920 Gerald L. Wendt 1921 W. D. Harkins 1922-24 Gerhard Dietrichson l 1925-28 *R. R. Renshaw 1929-31 R. C. Fuson 193.2 1 Assistant secretary, 1923-24. J. H. Simons 1932-36 Neil E. Gordon 1937- ASTRONOMY (D) Vice Presidents Frederick Slocum 1934 H. R. Morgan 1 935 Frederick H. Seares 1936 Philip Fox 1937 R. Meldrum Stewart 1938 Everett I. Yowell 1939 Robert R. McMath 1940 Secretaries F. R. Moulton 1920-24 Philip Fox 1925—32 H. T. Stetson 1933— Geology and Geography (E) Vice Presidents James B. Macelvvane 1934 Walter E. McCourt 1035 George R. Mansfield 1 936 Kirtley F. Mather 1937 Walter H. Bucher 1938 Kirk Bryan 1939 Hugh D. Miser 1940 Secretaries Rollin T. Chamberlin 1920 Elwood S. Moore 1921—24 G. R. Mansfield 1925-28 Kirtley F. Mather 1929-36 Howard A. Meyerhoff i937~ Zoological Sciences (F) Vice Presidents George L. Streeter 1934 Oscar Riddle 1935 Ross G. Harrison 1936 Ralph S. Lillie 1937 Francis B. Sumner 1938 W. R. Coe 1939 L. J. Cole 1940 Secretaries *Herbert V. Neal 1920 H. W. Rand 1921-24 George T. Hargitt 1925-32 George R. La Rue 1933—36 George A. Baitsell 1937- Section Officers 93 Botanical Sciences (G) Vice Presidents Bernard O. Dodge 1934 E. W. Sinnott I93S J. M. Greenman 1936 F. E. Denny 1937 Raymond J. Pool 1938 Veil E. Stevens 1939 M . L. Fernald 1940 Secretaries Mel. T. Cook 1920 R. B. Wylie 1921-24 Sam F. Trelease 1925-36 John T. Buchholz I937- Anthropology (H) Vice Presidents Melville J. Herskovits 1934 N. C. Nelson 1935 Ralph Linton 1936 John Swanton 1937 Diamond Jenness 1938 Neil Judd 1939 W. Duncan Strong 1940 Secretaries E. A. Hooton 1920-22 R. J. Terry 1923-26 Fay-Cooper Cole 1927 Charles H. Danforth 1928-31 Carl E. Guthe 1932 W. M. Krogman i933~ PSYCHOLOGY (I) Vice Presidents John E. Anderson 1 934 ♦Joseph Peterson . . . .Jan. 1 to Oct. 8, 1935 R. M. Ogden Oct. 27 to Dec. 30, 1935 * Edward S. Robinson 1936 A. T. Poffenberger 1937 Calvin P. Stone 1938 J. F. Dashiell 1938 C. L. Hull 1939 Karl M. Dallenbach 1940 Secretaries Frank N. Freeman 1920-28 John E. Anderson 1929-33 John A. McGeoch 1934-36 Leonard Carmichael i937_ Social and Economic Sciences (K) Vice Presidents Carl Snyder 1934 Shelby Harrison 1935 Harold G. Moulton 1936 Stuart Rice 1937 Howard R. Tolley 1938 Warren S. Thompson 1939 Holbrook Working 1940 Secretaries ♦Seymour C. Loomis 1920 R. M. Maclver 1921 Frederick L. Hoffman 1922-26 (No secretary elected for 1927) Charles F. Roos 1928-31 Harold Hotelling 1931-32 James Ford 1933-36 E. P. Hutchinson I937- Historical and Philological Sciences (L) Vice Presidents Solon J. Buck 1934 George Sarton 1935 E. H. Wilkins 1936 R. C. Archibald 1937 Nelson Glenn McCrea 1938 L. C. Karpinski 1939 Chauncey D. Leake 1940 Secretaries Frederick E. Brasch 1921-27 Leonard Bloomfield 1928 Joseph Mayer, Secretary of Sub- section on History of Science. 1929-36 Leonard Bloomfield, Secretary of Subsection on Linguistics. . 1929-36 Joseph Mayer 1931- Engineering (M) Vice Presidents C. E. Skinner 1934 H. N. Davis 1935 W. E. Wickenden 1936 J. W. Barker 1937 A. A. Potter 1938 Jerome C. Hunsaker 1931 Robert L. Sackett 1940 94 Section Officers Secretaries Frederic L. Bishop 1920 L. W. Wallace 1921-23 Hugh Miller 1924 N. H. Heck 1925-32 Vannevar Bush 1933-37 F. M. Feiker 1937- Medical Sciences (Nj Vice Presidents Cyrus C. Sturgis 1934 Stanhope Bayne-.Tones 1935 Joseph T. Wearn 1936 Esmond R. Long 1937 T. M. Rivers 1938 C. J. Wiggers 1939 Paul R. Cannon 1940 Secretaries A. J. Goldforb 1 920-27 R. G. Hoskins 1028 Charles W. M. Poynter 1929-31 F. A. Moss 193 1 \Y. W. Cort 1932 W. M. Simpson 1933 ''Earl B. McKinley 1934 Vincent du Vigneaud 193S-36 Malcolm H. Soule 1937- SUBSECTION ON DENTISTRY (Nd) Chairmen Theo B. Beust 193S Thomas J. Hill 1936- Cotmnitteemen Win. J. Gies 1935 J. L. T. Appleton 1936— M. L. Ward 1936-38 Paul C. Kitchin 1939- SUBSECTION ON PHARMACY (Np) Chairmen John C. Krantz. Jr 1936 R. A. Lyman 1937 Wortley F. Rudd 1938 Glenn L. Jenkins 1939 Committeemen R. A. Lyman 1936 Wortley F. Rudd 1936-37, 1939— Glenn L. Jenkins 1937-38 Edward Spease 1938- Agriculture (O) Vice Presidents ♦Jacob G. Lipman 1934 H. K. Hayes 1935 *P. E. Brown 1936 E. C Auchter 1937 Robert M. Salter 1938 Henry Schmitz 1939 W. H. Chandler 1940 Secretaries * Jacob G. Lipman 1920 *P. E. Brown 1921-35 M. Francis Morgan 1936— Education (Q) Vice Presidents Guy Thomas Buswell 1934 F. B. Knight 1935 E. S. Evenden 1936 Ralph W. Tyler 1937 George D. Stoddard 1038 M. R. Trabue 1939 E. J. Ashbaugh 1940 Secretaries *Bird T. Baldwin 1920—21 A. S. Barr 1922-28 Willis L. Uhl 1929-32 William S. Gray 1933—36 P. M. Symonds 1937—38 H. H. Remmers i939~ Asterisk indicates person is deceased. MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL 95 MEM HERS OF THE COUNCIL For the Years 1934-1939, Inclusive K.\ OFFICIO The President (see page 91) The Permanent Secretary (see page 57) The C.eneral Secretary (see page 57) The Treasurer (see page 57) The Vice Presidents for the Sections ( see pages 02-04) The Secretaries of the Sections (see pages 02-04) Elected Mem hf.ks John C. Mcniani 1921—37 Frederick G. Cottrell 1931-34 Austin H. Clark 1 02S-- Arthur II. Coinpton 1928- W. W. Con 1033-.M ( ieorge T. Hargitt 1933-36 Dugald C. Jackson 1933-3'1 E. K. Richtmyer i934~37 William F. Ogburn i93S~3's Louis B. Wilson 1935-3^ Vincent du Vigneaud I937~ Satti F. T release 1937- C. C. Colby 193S- E. R. Weidlein 1938- 1 1 . W. Odum 1939- W. T. Vanghan i03«- APPOINTED liY THE DIVISIONS Pacific Division W. F. Durand 1933 E. (i. Martin 1934 Roy E. Clausen '935_ SOUTHWESTERN I )l\'ISION Oliver C. Lester 1933 Forrest Shreve 1934 Harold S. Colton 1935 Frank E. E. Germann 1936— Elected by Affiliated Organizations (See pages 97-107) COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL Executive Com mittee J. McKeen Cattell Henry B. Ward Burton E. Livingston Edwin B. Wilson David R. Curtiss Karl T. Compton Joel H. Hildebrand Robert A. Millikan Philip Fjox Albert F. Woods Edward L. Thorndike Edwin G. Conklin Otis W. Caldwell *Earl B. McKinley Rollin T. Chamberlin I iilbert X. Lewis (ieorge D. Birkhoff F. R. Moulton Wesley C. Mitchell Esmond R. Long Linus Pauling 1921 — 1921- 1921- 7928-35 1929- 1020-35 1929—36 ■1933-34 1 9 3 3-3 f' ... 11134 1934- 1935- ■ 1935-38 • 1936-37 1936-38 t937- • 1037- 103S .1938- . 1038-30 Walter B. Cannon 1939 A. F. Blakeslee 1940- Roy E. Clausen 1040- Fi n a n ce Com m itt ee John L. Wirt 1923— Arthur Keith '933- Wilson Compton I933- Arthur L. Day 1924-39 p Herbert Gill 1023-36 F. R. Moulton 1937- Charles S. Baker '937- Frederick P. H. Siddons 1040- COMMITTEE ON GRANTS Arthur H. Compton '030-37 Carl E. Guthe i03i~34 Samuel C. Lind 1931-34 William R. Crocker 193-2-35 Philip Fox 1932-35 Edward W. Berry i933~34 Walter R. Miles 1933-36 Asterisk denotes person is deceased. 96 Committees of the Council C. C. Little 1934-37 James B. Macelwane 1935-36 McKeen Cattell 1935-38 Moses Gomberg 1935-38 Joel Stebbins 1936-39 Sam F. Trelease 1936-39 *J. G. Lipman 1937-39 A. T. Poffenberger 1937— G. H. Parker 1938- *F. K. Richtmyer 1938-39 Vincent du Vigneaud 1939— T. R. Hogness 1939- A. F. Woods 1939— Dayton C. Miller 1939- S. A. Mitchell 1940- John T. Buchholz 1940- committee on the place of Science in Education Otis W. Caldwell 1934- Karl T. Compton 1934-38 Jerome Isenbarger 1934- Burton E. Livingston 1934— Morris Meister 1934- W. L. Eikenberry 1938- Ralph W. Tyler 1938- F. R. Moulton 1938- committee on source books in the History of Science Gregory D. Walcott 1927- Edwin G. Conklin 1927— Harlow Shapley 1927- committee on popular science Book Lists Joseph L. Wheeler 1927- Edward W. Berry 1927- Paul R. Heyl 1927- Burton E. Livingston 1927- Trustees of Science Service from the Association J. McKeen Cattell 1922- Raymond Pearl 1929-34 Burton E. Livingston 1930-36 Henry B. Ward 1935- Edwin G. Conklin 1937- Representatives in the Division of Foreign Relations of the National Research Council Burton E. Livingston 1921-31 William A. Xoyes i93i-37 F. R. Moulton 1937- Representatives in the Council of the Union of American Biological Societies For the Association as a Whole Burton E. Livingston 1923- Henry B. Ward 1923- For the Section on Zoological Sciences Henry Osborn 1923- For the Section on Botanical Sciences C. O. Appleman 1923- For the Section on Medical Sciences C. A. Kofoid 1923— For the Section on Agriculture R. W. Thatcher 1923—33 Albert F. Woods 1933- Representatives on the Board of Trustees of Biological Abstracts Herbert Osborn 1928-38 Henry B. Ward 193S- Section Committees 97 SECTION COMMITTEES Consisting of (a) Members elected by the Sections and (b) Fellows elected as Representatives in the Council by the Affiliated Societies Mathematics (A) Elected by the Section E. B. Stouffer 1931-34 H. E. Buchanan 1932-35 Marston Morse i933-36 R. E. Langer 1934-37 E. B. Stouffer i935~38 L. M. Graves 1936-39 M. H. Stone i937~40 Joseph Miller Thomas 1938-41 W. M. Whyburn 1939-42 J. L. Walsh 1940-43 American Mathematical Society Mark H. Ingraham I93i~37 Charles N. Moore 1934-36 Gordon T. Whyburn 1937 R. E. Langer 1938-39 F. D. Murnaghan 1938-39 L. L. Dines 1939 Arnold Dresden 1940- J. R. Kline 1940- Mathematical Association of America W. D. Cairns 1920-36 C. S. Atchison I934~39 H. L. Rietz 1937 W. D. Cairns 1938 F. D. Murnaghan 1939- L. L. Dines 1940- Association for Symbolic Logic Haskell B. Curry 1937 Edward V. Huntington 1938- United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa Dunham Jackson 1935 Sigma Delta Epsilon Graduate Women's Scientific Fraternity Mayme I. Logsdon 1939 Florida Academy J. H. Kusner I937~ Physics (B) Elected by the Section Raymond Thayer Birge 1931-34 Harvey Fletcher 1932-35 Frederick A. Saunders 1933-36 Ernest O. Lawrence i934~37 A. L. Hughes 1935-38 Karl K. Darrow 1936-39 J. W. Beams 1937-40 Lee A. DuBridge 1938-41 E. U. Condon 1939-42 George R. Harrison 1940-43 Elected by Affiliated Societies American Physical Society Leonard B. Loeb i934~35 W'illard L. Severinghaus 1 934~ *F. K. Richtmyer 1936-38 John T. Tate 1939 John Zeleny 1940- Optical Society of America Herbert E. Ives 1934 P. I. Wold 1934-37 W. E. Forsythe 1935-37 R. C. Gibbs 1938- Elmer Hutchison 1938- American Association of Physics Teachers William E. McElfresh 1934 Oswald Blackwood I934- C. F. Hagenow I935~ American Meteorological Society W. J. Humphreys I934- Acoustical Society of America Vern O. Knudsen i934~35 Floyd R. Watson 1936- Society of Rheology Elmer O. Kraemer I934- Asterisk indicates person is deceased. f)8 SkCTIU.N CUMMITTEKS American Association oj University Elected by Afeiliated Societies Professors American Chemical Society Henry Crew 1034- Alexander Silverman 1034 Joel H. Hildebrand 1034 Society of Sigma Xi Moses Gomberg 1035 \V. F. Durand 1936-38 P. A. Shaffer 1035 Irving Langmuir 1936-3" United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa Tohn R Murlin 1936-3; Robert A. Millikan 1934 A. F. Benton 1938-39 George E. M. Jauncey 1935 H. C. Urey 1938-39 Arthur IT. Comptnn 1936- H. S. Lukens 1940- George Scatchard i940- Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi *£ q Franklin R. C. Gibhs 1934- (summer meeting) 1934 S. C. Lind (summer meeting) 1935 American Philosophical Association Ne{] Gordon. ... (summer meeting) 1938 F. S. C. Northrop 1039- H. K. Benson. . .(summer meeting) 1940 George McP. Smith Alabama Academy (summer meeting) 1940 Paul D. Bales 1937 J. H. Coulliette 1938- The Electrochemical Society Kansas Academy "Charles S. Palmer .934 „ . „: 0 Joseph Slepian 1934 Harvey A. Zinszer 1934-38 g c Und ^ Maryland Academy c- A- Mann W» H. Jermain Creighton 1936- S. Karrer 1039- ,„ c- 1 1 u t *Herman Schlundt 1936-37 Missouri Academy Hiram S- ^"kens 193S- T, ... n. „ . 0 Wm. C. Bray (summer meeting) 1934 K. 1. Durtord 1038- ... ... ,T \\ . \\ . Hanscom New Orleans . Icadcmy (summer meeting) 1934 ,, _,. Earl C. Gilbert Isaac M. Chne km; • ( summer meeting) 1940 Ohio Academy Paul c- Haeseler ,v.,,. u ., , (summer meeting) 1940 \\ illiam H. Alexander J935~ Tennessee Academy American Oil Chemists' Society A. W. Dicus 1939- * Charles E. Coates 1934- CHi:.\! ISTKY ( C) American Pharmaceutical I Association Elected by tut. Section john c. Krantz, Jr 1934-37 Frank C. Whitmore 1031-34 William Hlum 1932-35 Sigma Xi Charles A. Browne 1933-36 Edward Ellery i?34~ \rlhur B. Lamb >934~37 .1. H. Hildebrainl 1935-38 Colorado-Wyoming Academy Harrington Daniels 1 1038- , F F Qermann 1934- Moses Gomberg 1036-30 Irving Langmuir 1937-40 Georgia - Icadcmy James F. Norris 1938-41 * , r> c Li ,r t. „ *Leon P. Smith 1034-35 M. T. Bogert 1939-42 Ross V Gortner 1040-43 <-. ., ,■ ,■ , , ^ *' South Carolina .icadcmy . „ . . r J. E. Copenhaver 1934 1 Special member ot Executive Committee uf „ t, t, ,. ilit- section. Roe E. Remington 1936-3" Section Committees 99 Tennessee Acadewx George Rogers Manshdd '"-"^ Waldemar T. Schaller 1933-3" J"'"' T. WcGill '934-3^ kngh ,, mit- ,„,.,_, . LpU».It Bircher Edward L. Troxeil 1935-38 (summ.r meetmg) 1939 Q H Behre. ,r ,036-39 Wisconsin - Icademy Walter H. Bucher > .039 r Preston £. lames i937~4« W- A" Sch"ette I934~36 W, T. Thun, Jr HWM' ,-., William W. Rubey 1939-4-^ ASTRONOMY (D) (ohn , Ricli 1CJ40_43 Elected by the Section , . . ,. ,,,,,-!, EJECTED BY AFFILIATED' SoCIKTIKS \nnie J. Cannon ">3' 34 , . It ,.. W H. Wright 1032-35 Gcdlogtcdl Society of . Imcrtca C. O. Lampland 1933-40 Charles P. Rerkey I934~ Raymond S! Dugan t934~37 [,:H((t Blackwelder '934 Dinsmore Alter i935~3* \e\ in M. Ferineman '935 John C. Duncan 1936-3" w c Mendenhall i93rt Charles P.Olivier 1938-4' Charles Palache 1037 Robert H. Baker 1939-4- j Wavland Vaughan 1038- Dean B. McLaughlin 1940-43 Paleoiitolo'gfial Society Elected by Affiliated Societies siemon W. Mullet- '934 American Astronomical Society Hervey W. Shimer io.u „ . . o toL fohn R. Ball i93S~ keivin Burns {934 -' .. . n„„;<,i Kiu Lourtnev Werner i935-3» Zaccheus Daniel "934 - r. .. j, IO,- I. E. Carman 1939- h. S. Haynes '935 W. J. Luyten '935 Association of . [merman GeVgr.apUers S L. Boothroyd 1936-37 W. S. Eichelherger 1036-37 Charles C: Colby 19^ S. V Mitchell !938 W. Elmer Ekblaw .9 4 Herbert R. Morgan 193S « -> "Harold Smith 935-f ,. .. , , ,K,n. E. N. Transeau i939_ E. S. Manson 1939 . .. T0.0_ Eugene Van Cleef 1930- I . J. N assan 1939 Harold D. Babcock Seismological Society of .hncrica ...(summer meeting) 1034 "r'r" 'ford Nicholas H. Heck i934"37 ' * . .summer meeting) .,34 Harold Edgar McComb i934 C X "Chant (summer meeting) ,038 W* B. Macelwane 1935-37 Stephen Taher f93° Istronomical Society o'f the Pacific Wm. T. Thorn, Jr 1938- Krivin Burns 10.U <"h» P" Dda"e>' V ^ Eli Stuart Haynes 1935-3* LI Don Leet (summer 1934 R. T. Crawford 1939" K™*' F" Mather C. D. Shane (summer meeting) 1934 (summer meeting. «934 Society for Research on Meteorites American Geographical Society of A ew ) ork 'I ,Tm coin La Paz i939~ W. L. G. Joerg 1934-30 Imcricaii Association of I University j„hn K. Wright 1934- Professors O. M. Miller 1040- S- v Mitchell J934- M i„cralo<,icaI Society oj .hncrica ( foOLOGY AND ( iEOORAPHY ( E) Paul F- Kerr ' °34~ Elected by the Section 1 Special member Executive Committee of the Edward W. Berry i93i~34 -ection. IOO Section Committees Maryland Academy ♦Francis C. Nicholas i934~37 Nebraska Academy N. A. Bengston 1934 A. L. Lugn 1938- Northzvest Scientific Association Otis W. Freeman i935~ Zoological Sciences (F) Elected by the Section William B. Herms I93i~34 Dwight E. Minnich 193-2-35 Sewall Wright I933~36 David H. Wenrich i934~37 Paul S. Welch 1935-38 A. M. Banta 1936-39 J. H. Bodine 1937-40 J. William Buchanan 1938-41 J. T. Patterson 1939-42 H. H. Plough 1940-43 Elected by Affiliated Societies American Society of Zoologists J. William Buchanan 1934 ♦William H. Longley 1934 J. H. Bodine 1935 R. A. Budington 1935 J. E. Ackert 1936 H. H. Plough 1936 Dwight E. Minnich 1937 B. H. Willier 1937, 1939 *H. V. Neal 1938 A. A. Schaeffer. 1938 C. R. Moore i939~ R. K. Burns, Jr 1940- Entomological Society of America John J. Davis 1934 P. J. Parrott 1934 T. J. Headlee 1935-36 C. L. Metcalf 1935-36 W. B. Herms 1937 O. A. Johannsen 1937-38 John J. Davis 1938-39 C. T. Brues i939~ S. E. Flanders 1940- Amcrican Association of Economic Entomologists G. M. Bentley 1934-36 C. H. Hadley 1934 Alvah Peterson i935~38 Leonard Haseman 1937-38 J. I. Hambleton i939~ L. A. Stearns i939~ American Society of Parasitologists George R. LaRue 1934-36,1938- Elery R. Becker 1937 William A. Riley 1940- American Society of Mammalogists Glover M. Allen i934~37 George B. Wislocki i934~37 Lee R. Dice 1938- Marcus Ward Lyon, Jr 1938- Association for Research in Human Heredity x Harrison Randall Hunt 1934 H. H. Laughlin 1934- Clarence G. Campbell 1935-38 Laurence H. Snyder i939~ American Society of Naturalists C. G. Rogers ^34-37 W. B. Herms 1936-37 Alfred C. Kinsey 1938 H. R. Hunt 1939- Ecological Society of America ♦Joseph Grinnell 1934 E. B. Powers 1935 Paul S. Welch 1936-37 R. E. Coker 1938 Lee R. Dice i939~ Wcstern Society of Naturalists C. V. Taylor i934~35 W. B. Herms 1936 R. C. Miller i937~39 Harry Beal Torrey i937~39 James E. Lynch 1940 American Genetic Association Hugh C. McPhee 1934 Sewall Wright 1935 C. E. Leighty 1936-37 W. V. Lambert 1938- American Microscopical Society James E. Ackert i934~ John E. Guberlet 1935 A. M. Checkering 1936- Gcnctics Society of America E. B. Babcock 1934 1 Formerly Eugenics Research Association. Section Committees ioi C. W. Metz 1935 F. B. Hutt 1936 Fernandus Payne. 1937-38 W. P. Spencer 1939 F. B. Hutt 1940 Limnological Society of America Paul S. Welch 1936 Tames G. Needham 1937~ Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Andrew C. Ivy 1936-38 D. R. Hooker 1937-38 Sigma Xi George Howard Parker i934~35 George A. Baitsell i939~ Phi Beta Kappa Dwight E. Minnich 193.S American Nature Study Society Edith Patch 1935-36 Alfred Satterthwait i937~ Sigma Delta Epsilon Nina E. Gray 1939 Alabama Academy P. H. Yancey 1936 British Columbia Academy C. McLean Fraser 1939 Georgia Academy George H. Boyd 1936- Illinois Academy Arthur C. Walton 1934 Lyell J. Thomas 1935-36, i939~ Indiana Academy Howard E. Enders I934- Kansas Academy *George E. Johnson 1934 Roger C. Smith 1936-37.1939- Kentucky Academy Austin R. Middleton I934- Louisiana Academy Ellinor H. Behre 1935. 1938 Harry J. Bennett 1939 William H. Gates 1940 Michigan Academy Peter Okkelberg i934~35 A. H. Stockard 1936 A. Franklin Shull i937~ Minnesota Academy T. B. Magath 1935 New Hampshire Academy Walter C. O'Kane i934~37 W. W. Ballard 1940- Netv Orleans Academy Ernest C. Faust 1934 North Carolina Academy Bert Cunningham 1936- North Dakota Academy George C. Wheeler i934~ Northwest Scientific Association Thomas Large i934~35 Ohio Academy Herbert Osborn i934~35 Oklahoma Academy A. O. Weese i937~39 Pennsylvania Academy T. L. Guyton I934~35 V. Earl Light 1936- St. Louis Academy A. F. Satterthwait i934~35 Albert Kuntz 1936 South Carolina Academy Franklin Sherman 1936 Texas Academy S. W. Bilsing i934~ Botanical Sciences (G) Elected by the Section Henry Reist Kraybill i93i~34 Albert F. Blakeslee 193^-35 B. O. Dodge 1933-36 A. J. Eames I934~37 F. E. Denny 1935-38 E. W. Sinnott 1936-39 Neil E. Stevens 1937-40 J. M. Beal 1938-41 E. N. Transeau 1939-42 W. J. Robbins 1940-43 102 Section Com m itteks Electee by Affiliated Societies Botanical Society of .hnerica G. J. Peirce 1034 II. L. Shantz ' 9'34 \. F. Blakeslee 1935 C. F. Hottes 1035 J. T. Biichholz i «).?6 E. X. Transeau 1936 II. H. Bartlett I937~38 E. J. Kraus 1937-38 Ivty lr. Lewis I939- I'aul B. Sears I939~ . Iiiicrican Phy to pathological Society II. S. Cunningham I934- 37 Xeil E. Stevens 1934-36 \V. U. Valleau 1937-38 S. A. Wingard 1038- L. M. Massey i939~ American Society of Plant Physiologists D. R. Hoagland 1034 C. J. Peirce 1 934 Charles O. Appleman I935~ 39 Charles Albert Shull '935. 1940- VV. H. Horr 1936- Torrey Botanical Club B. O. Dodge i934_35 D. T. MacDougal 1934-35 William Crocker 1936, 1938-30 ( ieorge H. Shull 1036. 1038 Frederick McAllister 1037 R. J. Pool 1937 J. H, Barnhart 1939- C, S. Gager - 1940- .1/ ycolo37 II. B. Collins, Jr 1038 Leslie A. White 1938 Cornelius Osgood T939~ Clyde Kluckhohn 1940- Phi Beta Kappa Robert H. Louie 1934 PSYCHOLOGY (I) Elected by the Section Walter R. Miles I93i~34 Carl C. Brigham 1932-35 Karl M. Dallenbach 1933-36 Clark L. Hull 1934-37 J. F. Uashiell i935~38 John P. Xafe 1936-39 Edward C. Tolman 1937-40 F. L. Wells 1938-41 E. A. Culler 1939-42 Samuel W. Fernberger 1940-43 Elected by Affiliated Societies American Psychological Association Donald G. Paterson 1934 *Joseph Peterson 1934 Walter R. Miles 1035- Christian A. Ruckmick I935-3«S John A. McGeOch i939~ Midwestern Psychological Association John A. McGeoch 1934 Florence Goodenough 1935 A. G. Bills 1936 C. M. Louttit 1937- Society for Research in Child Development Robert J. Terry 1936- Psychometric Society Henry E. Garrett 1938- Western Society of Naturalists Calvin P. Stone 1 936 Social and Economic Sciences (K) Elected by the Section *Henry Schultz i93T~34 Holbrook Working J93^~35. 1936-39 Harold Hotelling 1933-36 Griffith C. Evans 1934-37 Carl Snyder 1935-38, I939~42 H. G. Moulton 1937-40 Stuart A. Rice 1938-41 Stanley Dodge i940~43 Elfxted by Affiliated Societies Econometric Society W. A. Shewhart >934 Charles F. Roos i935~ American Sociological Society F. Stuart Chapin i934~3 7 George A. Lundberg 1938- American Statistical Association William F. Ogburn 1934-38 Stuart A. Rice I939~ American Library Association Joseph L. Wheeler I934~ io4 Section Committees Historical and Philological Sciences (L) Elected by the Section George M. Boiling 1931-34 Kemp Malone 1932-35 W. B. Munro 1933-36 Melville J. Herskovits 1934— 37 John W. Oliver 1935-38 George Sarton 1936-39 Max Farrand 1937-40 Alexander Pogo 1938-41 Henry E. Sigerist 1939-42 Tenney L. Davis 1940-43 Elected by Affiliated Societies History of Science Society F. B. Dains 1934- Joseph Mayer 1934- Eingnistics Society of America *Edward Sapir 1934-38 George Herzog 1940- Engineering (M) Elected by the Section William E. Wickenden 1931-34 Arthur E. Morgan 1932-35 *Calvin W. Rice 1933-36 A. A. Potter i934~37 C. J. Tilden 1935-38 N. H. Heck 1936-39 F. L. Bishop 1937-40 J. W. Barker 1938-41 Elected by Affiliated Societies American Society of Mechanical Engineers Ralph Earle 1934 W. S. Monroe 1934 John R. DuPriest 1935 A. S. Langsdorf 1935 George F. Bateman 1936 Crosby Field 1936 William A. Hanley 1937 G. W. Munro 1937 R. F. Gagg 1938- R. L. Sackett 1938- Amcrican Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers W. B. Plank 1934 ♦Albert Sauveur 1934 Paul D. Foote 1935 F. N. Speller 1935 Harold L. Ailing 1936 Q. D. Singewald 1936 Gustav Egloff 1937 J. R. Van Pelt 1937,1940- W. M. Corse 1938 Frank E. Lathe 1930 Oscar E. Harder 1939- John L. Rich 1939 American Institute of Electrical Engineers C. A. Adams 1934 Charles Edward Skinner 1934 J. M. Bryant 1935 A. S. Langsdorf 1935 V. Karapetoff 1936 J. B. Whitehead 1936 C. C. Knipmeyer 1937 R. E. Nyswander 1937 Vannevar Bush 1938- H. S. Osborne 1938-39 J. W. Barker 1940 American Society of Civil Engineers Charles T. Main 1934 Charles P. Price 1934 F. S. Merrill 1935 Harold A. Thomas 1935 F. W. Green 1936 Hermann Von Schrenk 1936 Ivan E. Houk 1937- Arthur O. Ridgway 1937- Illuminating Engineering Society E. C. Crittenden 1934- *A. E. Kennelly 1934-36 J. W. Barker '937 American Society for Testing Materials R. E. Davis 1934 Hermann Von Schrenk 1935-36 C. L. Warwick 1937- American Ceramic Society Gordon Scott Fulcher 1934-36 W. J. McCaughey 1937 Ross C. Purdy 1938- Institute of Radio Engineers J. C. Jensen 1934 Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education F. L. Bishop 1934-35 H. B. Langille i934~35 A. S. Langsdorf 1936 O. M. Leland 1936 Section Committees 105 Karl T. Compton I937- R. L. Sackctt i937~ Institutc of Aeronautical Sciences Jerome C. Hunsaker 1936- American Institute of the City of New York Robert T. Pollock i939~ Missouri Academy of Science A. S. Langsdorf 1936-37 Medical Sciences (N) Elected by the Section Anton J. Carlson 1931-34 Victor C. Myers 193-^-35 *George H. Bigelow I933~36 Willard C. Rappleye i934~37 Walter B. Cannon 1935-38 Arno B. Luckhardt 1936-39 Paul R. Cannon 1937-40 C. A. Doan 1938-41 E. W. Goodpasture 1939-42 L. R. Dragstedt 1940-43 Elected by Affiliated Societies American Medical Association *William H. Park 1934-38 George M. Piersol i934- Edwin P. Jordan i939~ American Association of Anatomists C. H. Danforth i934~35 Davenport Hooker i934_35 George W. Corner 1936 J. Parsons Schaeffer 1936,1940- Burton D. Myers 1937 Ivan E. Wallin 1937 H. E. Jordan 1938-39 C. C. Macklin 1938 Eben J. Carey 1939 Olof Larsell 1940- Society of American Bacteriologists W. H. Manwaring 1934 Karl F. Meyer 1934 R. L. Kahn 1935-37 S. A. Waksman 1 935~36 M. J. Rosenau 1 938-39 Randle C. Rosenberger 1940- Amcrican Public Health Association Kendall Emerson 1934-36 William H. Park 1934-36 Clair E. Turner i937~ Abel Wolman i937~ Socicty for Experimental Biology and Medicine Karl F. Meyer 1934 T. H. Morgan 1934 E. A. Doisy 1935 Oscar Riddle 1936 McKeen Cattell 1936 G. H. A. Clowes 1937 Ivan E. Wallin 1937 J. B. Collip 193S- H. E. Jordan 1938- Amcrican Veterinary Medical Association Ward Giltner i934~ American Roentgen Ray Society Robert R. Newell 1934 G. W. Grier 1935 Leo G. Rigler 1936 Raymond C. Beeler 1937 Howard Pirie 1938 Robert G. Allison i939~ American Academy of Tropical Medicine Malcolm H. Soule 1036 American Division, International Association for Dental Research Thomas J. Hill 1936-38 Paul C. Kitchin i939~ American Pharmaceutical Association John C. Krantz, Jr i934~37 E. F. Kelly 1938- Wortley F. Rudd 1938 Glenn L. Jenkins i939~ Amcrican Society for Experimental Pathology E. B. Krumbhaar 1936- Shields Warren 1936- Amcrican Society of Biological Chemists Vincent du Vigneaud I937- P. A. Shaffer i937~ Amcrican Physiological Society Philip Bard i937~38 Henry C. Bazett 1937-38 Frank A. Hartman I939- Walter J. Meek i939~ to6 Section Committees American Society of Pharmacology ami Experimental Therapeutics Charles C. Johnson iy.?7 Harvey B. Haag 1938 R. L. Stehle 1938 1). E. Jackson 1930 M. H. Seevers 1939 Charles M. Gruber 1940- A. E. Livingston 1940- .Imerican Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology Harry S. Gradle 1936- American Psychiatric Association Franklin G. Ebaugh 1937-38 John C. Whitehorn 1939- Pederation of American- Societies for Experimental Biology G. Philip Grabfield 1.938- C. Glen King 1938- American Society of Parasitologists Elery R. Becker 1934-36 E. C. Faust 1937-30 National Malaria Committee Mark F. Boyd 1040- . II aba ma Academy Emmett B. Carmichael 1934-35 New Orleans Academy E. C. Faust 1936- l "xrginia Academy Edgar C. L. Miller 1934- Agriculture (O) Elected by the Section Joseph H. Gourley 1931— 34 E. C. Auchter 1932-35 Walter P. Keller 1933—36 F. J. Sievers i934~37 Emil Truog i935~38 R. M. Salter 1936-30 R. J. Garber 1937-40 Richard Bradfield 1938-41 I f . C. Thompson 1939-4J \V. A. Albrecht 1040-43 Elected by Affiliated Societies American Society of Agronomy R. M. Salter 1034. 1040- \Y. A. Albrecht 1035 H. P. Cooper 1936 G. W. Conrey 1937 Emil Truog 1938 F. B. Smith 1030 American Society for Horticultural Science VV. H. Alderman I934~37 J. K. Shaw 1934-37 C. H. Connors 1938 E. H. MacDaniels 1938 V. R. Gardner 1939 A. J. Heinicke I939- Y. R. Boswell 1940- Society of American Foresters Harris Collingwood 1934 Henry I. Baldwin 1935- C. F. Korstian 1037- Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturists H. Barton I934~ . Imerican Society of Animal Production Paul E. Howe 1934-3 7 Klmer Roberts 1938- Society of American Bacteriologists S. A. YVaksman 1034—37, 1940- R. E. Buchanan 1938-30 Minnesota Academy H. K. Wilson 1036- North Carolina Academy C. F. Korstian i934-35 Oklahoma Academy Horace James Harper 1934-36 South Carolina Academy G. H. Collings 1939 Education (O) Elected by the Section Truman Lee Kelley i93I-34 Walter S. Monroe 1932-35 M. R. Trabue 1933-36 Stuart A. Courtis 1934-37 A. I. Gates I935~38 Ernest Horn 1 936-30 E. J. Ashbaugh 1937-40 F. B. Knight 1038-41 Section Com m lttees 107 Edward S. Evenden 1939-4- S. R. Powers 1940-4.? Elected by Affiliated Societies National Education Association Otis \V. Caldwell i934~ J. W. Studebaker 1934-36 Florence E. Bamberger I937~ National Society of College Teachers of Education Stuart A. Courtis 1934- F. C. Ensign 1034- National Society for the Study of Education M. K. Trabue 1934-36, 1938- Guy M. Whipple 1934-35 W. S. Gray 1936 Frank N. Freeman 1937 Ralph W. Tyler 1937- f'hi Beta Kappa William A, Shimer 1936- Appointed by Affiliated Organizations1 Section on Mathematics p. 97 Section on Physics pp. 97-98 Section on Chemistry pp. 98-90 Section on Astronomy p. 99 Section on Geology ami Geography pp. 99-100 Section on Zoological Sciences, .pp. 100-ini Section on Botanical Sciences, .pp. 101-103 Section on Anthropology p. 103 Section on Psychology p. 103 Section on Social and Economic Sciences p. 103 Section on Historical and Philological Sciences p. 104 Section on Engineering pp. 104-105 Section on Medical Sciences. . .pp. 105-106 Section on Agriculture p. 106 Section on Education pp. 106-107 1 Members of the Council elected or appointed by the Affiliated Societies, under the provision of Article 5 of the Constitution (page 61), are ex officio members of the Section Committees of the respective sections in whose fields their prin- cipal scientific interests lie. 108 Resolutions Passed by the Council RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE COUNCIL, 1 934- 1 940 Resolution for Continuance of Scientific Work in the Government Bureaus Adopted by the Council, April 15, 1934 Whereas, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, comprising with affiliated American scientific societies a membership of a quarter of a million, ex- ists because its members are convinced of the importance to America of the advance- ment of science and its useful applications in this country ; Whereas, The Bureau of Standards plays an essential and unique role in supplying American scientists with technical data and methods concerned with materials, measure- ments and standards which are essential to the progress of science and not otherwise available ; Whereas, This and other scientific bureaus of the Federal Government represent a great capital investment of money, work and scientifically trained men, as well as a prolific source of those elements essential to the national prosperity and welfare of the future ; Whereas, The permanent importance to this country of the continued work of the scientific bureaus maintained by the Federal Government is relatively far greater than the half of one per cent of the Federal budget allotted to these scientific bureaus would imply : Whereas, The recent cuts in appropriation to these bureaus have crippled their work and disorganized their staffs so seriously as to impair their service and in large measure destroy that capital investment of money, work and men on which the future technical progress of the country depends ; and Whereas, A large, part of the budgetary savings effected by these curtailments are false economies in that ( 1 ) the investment in some earlier work is lost, (2) some essen- tial work is continued in a less efficient manner, (3) many former members of staffs of these bureaus are now maintained at government expense on emergency Federal projects of far less value and with far lower efficiency than that of the work from which they were dropped in the economy program and (4) the technical effectiveness of the country is receiving a blow from which it will take years at best to recover ; therefore be it Resolved, That the attention of those responsible for the administration of the fed- eral affairs be called to these unfortunate aspects of the present situation in the scien- tific bureaus of the Government, and that they be requested to provide adequately for the continuation of such scientific work as is, in the opinion of qualified scientists and technical experts, essential to the national prosperity and not capable of or appropriate for efficient continuation by non-governmental agencies ; and be it further Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent to the President of the United States, to the members of his Cabinet, to the Director of the Budget and to the Members of Congress, and that it be published in the official organ of this Association. Resolutions Passkd by the Council 109 Resolution Reaffirming the Relation of the American Association for the Advancement of Science to Human Welfare Adopted by the Council, December 29, 1934 Whereas, The objective of science is knowledge of man and of the world in which he lives ; and Whereas, Upon this knowledge is based man's opportunity to live more intelli- gently, to work more effectively and to experience greater comfort and satisfaction ; and Whereas, The justification of the work and purposes of the American Association for the Advancement of Science is found in the contributions of this work to human welfare ; and Whereas, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, founded in i8-<8 and incorporated in 1874, with its 18,000 members and 141 associated societies covering the entire field of pure and applied science including sociology, economics and education, and with its administrative offices in the Smithsonian Institution of Washing- ton has been and is well and permanently organized to administer funds for the ad- vancement of science ; therefore be it Resolved, That the American Association for the Advancement of Science is prepared to accept and administer additional funds for the advancement of science and the pro- motion of national welfare. Resolution for Governmental Support of Scientific Work Adopted by the Council, December 29, 1934 Whereas, Development and application of science have been basic to the economic and social progress of nations, making possible such movements as universal education, abolition of child labor and slavery, emancipation of women, insurance and pensions, moderate hours of labor and great improvement in the standards of health, comfort and satisfaction in living; and Whereas, Scientific developments have not only conferred general social benefits, but in particular have been largely effective in leading to recovery from previous de- pressions,— as the railroad industry following the depression of 1870, the electric in- dustry following that of 1896 and the automobile industry following that of 1907; and Whereas, Scientific research is a productive investment proven by experience to yield a high rate of return, as illustrated by the saving of $2,000,000,000 per year from the Bessemer Steel process and of over $1,000,000 per day from the modern incan- descent lamp, and as illustrated also by the entire chemical, electrical, communication, transportation and metallurgical industries and by the enormous employment in such industries ; and Whereas, Progressive foreign nations have recognized the importance of maintain- ing their scientific strength at a high productive level and have provided for this main- tenance by allocation of funds to support scientific work on a national scale ; and Whereas, There now exists in America a situation demanding as never before an in- telligent use of our national resources ; and Whereas, There are manifold problems in health, safety, agriculture, better use of resources, development of new products and processes whose social value and urgent need are unquestioned but whose solution is being seriously hampered by lack of funds for research, which have been greatly curtailed at this time when properly directed scientific work is more than ever needed; and i io Resolutions Passed j:v the Council Whereas, The great national planning program, which is now under consideration for the use of our physical resources of soil, minerals and crops, will he seriously de- ficient unless it includes provisions for utilizing the scientific resources of the country for creative work ; therefore be it Resolved, That aggressive governmental support of scientific work is essential to any sound program of building for the future national welfare, and is essential if this country is to do its full part in the further advance of civilization and if it is to enjoy its proper share in the benefits of this advance ; and be it further Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent to the President of the United States, to the members of his Cabinet and to the members of the Congress. Resolutjon of Approval of An Adequate United States IjOTanical Garden Adopted by the Council, December 31 , 1934 Resolved, By the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, that the efforts now being made to establish at Washington, D, C, an adequate United States Botanical Garden under effective scientific control be heartily approved. Resolution Recommending the Adoption of Legislation Adequate to Control Pollution of Public Waters Adopted by the Council, December 31, 1934 Whereas, The degree of control of pollution of coastal and inland waters by domestic and industrial wastes which is essential for public health and national welfare has not yet been achieved and cannot be without further development and coordination of fed- eral, state and local authority ; Therefore, Be it resolved that the American Association for the Advancement of Science, meeting at Pittsburgh, urgently recommend the enactment of legislation ade- quate to control pollution of public waters. Resolution for a Careful and Sane Revision of the Pure Food and Drug Act . idopted by the Council, December 31, 1931 Resolved, That the American Association for the Advancement of Science with more than 18,000 members and 141 associated societies and academies representing a total membership of more than 725,000 feels that there is a real need for a careful and sane revision of the Pure Food and Drug Act, which has served so effectively over a long period of time. It seems reasonable and desirable that cosmetics should be included in any new bill which is presented, and that in order to safeguard adequately public health and public welfare, manufacturers, their salesmen or other agents, should be allowed to use in their advertising, printed, broadcasted or otherwise, only such statements as are not misleading and are essentially in accordance with fact. Resolutions Passed by the Council j i i Resolution on the Use of Dogs for Medical Experimentation in the District of Columbia Adopted by the Council, December 31, 1930; Reaffirmed December 3:, 1934 The American Association for the Advancement of Science, which has repeatedly recorded its protest against the enactment of legislation prohihiting animal experimen- tation for scientific and medical purposes, herehy protests against the passage of House Bill 7884 in the present Congress prohibiting the use of dogs for medical experiments in the District of Columbia. The circumstances under which this bill was favorably reported, as set forth in the minority report, make abundantly clear that this bill should be recommitted to the Committee on the District of Columbia for full and proper consideration by the mem- bers and for adequate presentation of objections by opponents of the bill. This Association is in accord with the practically unanimous and often expressed authoritative voice of science and medicine that animal experimentation has conferred inestimable benefits upon mankind, as well as upon animals themselves, and is essential to the progress of the biological and medical sciences. The history of medical discovery affords countless examples of the necessity for the use of dogs in certain kinds of experiments, as may be illustrated by the experiments leading to' the recent discoveries of insulin in the treatment of diabetes and of liver ex- tract in the treatment of pernicious anaemia. The conditions under which animal experimentation is conducted in the government and medical laboratories in the District of Columbia afford every safeguard against the infliction of unnecessary suffering upon the animals. No legislation of the character proposed in this bill has ever been enacted in spite of the efforts of antivivisectionists in this country and abroad for many years. This Association with a membership of over nineteen thousand, and representative of all the sciences of nature and of man, is confident that if the members of Congress be- come fully informed of the injury which would be inflicted upon the progress of cura- tive and preventive medicine by such legislation, H. R. Bill 7884 will not receive their favorable consideration. Resolution for the Continuance in the Department of Agriculture of the Land Utilization Agencies Adopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council, December 31, 193-I Resolved, By the American Association for the Advancement of Science, that any reorganization of the United States Government agencies should provide for the con- tinuance in the Department of Agriculture of the land utilization agencies now there, including the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Forest Service, Biological Survey, and the addition of such other agencies as have to do with the agricultural, forest, or range use of the public domain or the protection thereof from erosion. Resolution on the United States Forest Service as a Part of the United States Department of Agriculture Adopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council, December 31, 193 / ii2 Resolutions Passed by the Council Resolved, By the American Association for the Advancement of Science, that any governmental reorganization planned should provide that the United States Forest Service remain, as at present a part of the United States Department of Agriculture. Resolution on the Science Advisory Board Appointed by the President of the United States Adopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council, December 31, 1934 Resolved, That the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, with more than 18,000 members and 141 associated societies and academies rep- resenting a total membership of more than 725,000, appreciates the judgment of the President of the United States in appointing a Science Advisory Board and hopes that all problems of the Government involving scientific problems be referred to this Board for its recommendation before action is taken. Resolution Approving and Endorsing the Program of the quetico-superior council Adopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council, June 28, 1935 Resolved, That the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, meeting in Minneapolis, June 24 to 29, 1935, reaffirms its previous action in approving and endorsing the program of the Quetico-Superior Council. The project of an international park, sponsored by that organization, if carried through, will preserve for all time the scientihe, recreational, and inspirational values of a unique wilderness area and will, at the same time, constitute a close link between two friendly nations. Resolution on Calendar Reform Adopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council, December 30, 1935 Whereas, This association is already on record as approving a simplification of the calendar ; and Whereas, The League of Nations in 1931 proposed two plans for serious considera- tion: one, the 13-month plan; the other, the 1 2-month equal-quarters plan known as the World Calendar; and Whereas, The 12-month equal-quarter plan has the advantages of a minimum of disturbance of the present system and greater flexibility in subdivision of the year; be it therefore Resolved, That the American Association for the Advancement of Science hereby approves the 1 2-month equal quarters plan for the simplification of the calendar. A Resolution on Simplification of Patent Procedure Adopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council, December 31, 1935 Whereas, The progress of science has greatly elevated the standard of living of the Resolutions Passed by the Council 113 American people, and given useful employment to millions ; and Whereas, For greatest benefit the applications of science in industry should In- facilitated and encouraged ; and Whereas, The founders of this Republic instituted a patent system to encourage progress in science and useful arts, which has been a powerful aid in this respect, and which should be strengthened and maintained ; and Whereas, The increasing complexity of science and its applications places a great burden upon the patent office and the courts in their administration of the patent sys- tem ; and Whereas, The Science Advisory Board has recommended alterations in the patent system to enable it to operate more effectively for the benefit of the American inventor and the American public, which recommendations contemplate simplification of the process of litigation, scientific and technical advice to courts in the consideration of patent matters, and steps to raise the standard of invention, Now, Therefore, Be it resolved, that this Council expresses the readiness of the scientific men of this country to aid in worthy moves to render the Patent System of greatest benefit to the American Public ; and That this Council endorses the recommendation of the Science Advisory Board that the processes of patent litigation be simplified, in order that expense and delay may be reduced, by prompt, enlightened decision of patent cases by a single Court of Patent Appeals ; and That this Council endorses also the recommendation that adequate scientific and technical advice, on a high plane, be made available to this court and to all courts deal- ing with the intricate technical problems involved in modern patent cases ; and That this Council endorses the principle that the standard of invention should be raised, and recommends careful attention to this problem on the part of those charged with the administration of the Patent Office. A Resolution on International Biological Abstracts Adopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council, December 30, 1935 Whereas, The American Association for the Advancement of Science has cooperated with the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council in the or- ganization and development of International Biological Abstracts through the Union of Biological Societies ; and Whereas, Great progress has been made in the development of international coopera- tion among biologists in support of this project; and Whereas, The Rockefeller Foundation has generously aided this project since its beginning ten years ago and has expressed its hearty satisfaction and approval of the work thus far accomplished ; Whereas, The results of a decade of intensive and largely gratuitous work by many biologists represented by the ten volumes of abstracts now nearing completion consti- tute one of the most noteworthy achievements of the Foundation ; Therefore, The Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, with its 152 associated societies representing more than one-half a million men and women of science, both in this country and abroad, urges that every possible effort be made to continue this highly important and significant undertaking and hopes that the Rockefeller Foundation will find it possible to provide for permanent continuation of International Biological Abstracts. ii4 Resolutions Passed by the Council A Resolution Concerning Unauthorized Use of the Name of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Concerning Scientific Ethics and Good Taste . Id,) pied by the lixecutire Committee by . hithority of the Council. December 30, 1935 Resolved, That the American Association for the Advancement of Science does not allow the unauthorized use of its name hy any individual in connection with any type of promotional enterprise or advertising- Furthermore, this Association deplores certain tendencies of some individuals and organizations to exploit science for the purposes of gain through the public press, radio, and other forms of publicity in a manner not con- sistent with fundamental scientific ethics and good taste. A Resolution on Save-Kfntucky's-Primeval-Forest-Ueague Adopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council. January 1. 1936 The Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science approves the formation of unofficial councils of representative citizens, such as "Save-Kentucky's- Primeval-Forest-League" with the objective of securing local, state, or federal action in the preservation of important examples of America's diverse types of vegetation with their accompanying fauna. These areas should be carefully selected with competent scientific advice and preserved either through local, state, or national agencies. A Resolution on the Dutch Elm Disfasf Adopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council, January _', 1936 Resolved, That the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science strongly endorses the efforts of Federal and State agencies to prevent the in- troduction of plant diseases and injurious insects from other countries and to combat most vigorously such diseases and injurious insects as have already entered the United States, especially at this time, the Dutch Elm Disease. A Resolution on the Problems of Plant Quarantines . Idopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council. January 2, 1936 Resolved, That the American Association for the Advancement of Science endorses the resolution of the Sixth International Botanical Conference held at Amsterdam, Hol- land, as follows : That an effective and unceasing campaign against destructive plant diseases and insect pests can be successfully prosecuted only by international action and mutual coopera- tion ; That close and frequent international discussion of the problems of plan quarantines should take place to bring about improvement of the health conditions of plants and plant products offered for export ; That it unanimously recognizes that such action will greatly facilitate international trade in the commodities concerned ; and That, finally, this resolution be brought to the attention of the League of Nations, em- Resolutions Passed i:y the Council 115 phatically endorsing the League's proposal to give this matter urgent and careful con- sideration with a view to facilitating and expediting the purpose and aims of this reso- lution. A Resolution on the Pan-American Institute of ( i EOG RAPH Y A N D H I STORY . Idopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council, June 16, 1936 Inasmuch as the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History has undertaken to study and promote the protection of those natural areas in the Americas which rep- resent unique present and future scientific, economic, intellectual, or spiritual values; and Inasmuch as a committee has heen appointed by the Pan-American Institute to estab- lish and maintain contacts with the various governments in the Americas which through their representatives have approved the resolution ; Be It Rksolvkd. That the American Association for the Advancement of Science hereby records its approval of this plan and pledges its support in all feasible ways to the achievement of its purpose. A Resolution on the Maintenance of the Highest Standards in the System of National Parks of the United States Adopted by the Council. December 28j 1927" reaffirmed June 2$, i<>37 Resolved, That the American Association for the Advancement of Science Approves the creation of those national parks only which meet the highest standards of the System, namely, which are wholly or almost wholly areas of original, unmodified natural conditions, each a unique example of its landscape or geologic type in the coun- try ; and Declares that, as the only reservational system for preservation of the primitive and majestic in nature, the protection inviolate of the system of national parks demands extraordinary watchfulness and care; and Recognizes that, by reason of its peculiar limitations and conditions, the system of national parks possesses facilities for popular education in nature and for inspiration, which have incalculable value to individuals and the nation. Resolution for the Continuance in the Department of Agriculture of the Land Utilization Agencies Adopted by the Council, December 29, 1937 Resolved, That the American Association for the Advancement of Science reaffirm its position on the status of federal land utilization agencies as expressed in the resolu- tion adopted at its Pittsburgh meeting in December, 1934.. namely : That any reorganization of United States Government agencies should provide for the continuance in the Department of Agriculture of the land utilization agencies now there, including the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Soil Conservation Service, Forest Service, Bureau of Biological Survey, and the addi- 1 16 Resolutions Passed by the Council tion of other agencies concerned with renewable resources, such as the agricultural, for- est, or range use of the public domain or the protection thereof from erosion. Be it further resolved that all positions in these Bureaus should be retained under the existing Classified Civil Service without exception, because of their policy-determining nature. A Resolution on the Preservation of Yellowstone National Park Adopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council, December 31, 1937 Whereas, A proposal has been laid before the National Resources Committee of the United States Government that plans be prepared for the commercial utilization of the waters of Yellowstone Lake, situated in Yellowstone National Park ; Whereas, Operations incident to such utilization would inevitably result in destroy- ing or irreparably damaging many of the most unique and significant primeval, scenic and recreational features of the Park ; Whereas, Yellowstone National Park was established by act of Congress "for the benefit and enjoyment of the people"; and Whereas, That act specifically pledged the Nation to protect from injury or spolia- tion all timber, mineral deposits, natural curiosities and wonders within the Park and to provide for their retention in natural condition ; now Therefore, The American Association for the Advancement of Science hereby places on record its unqualified disapproval and unalterable opposition to each and every project that might threaten to injure Yellowstone National Park in any way whatsoever ; The American Association for the Advancement of Science also appeals to the Na- tional Resources Committee, as well as to all other government agencies and officers concerned in the control of Yellowstone National Park, and urges the prompt re- jection of all such projects, to the end that the nation's pledge shall be kept and this magnificent primeval area with its many unique features shall be preserved inviolate for coming generations. Resolution on the Importance of Animal Experimentation in the Study of Diseases Adopted by the Council, December 30, 193/ The American Association for the Advancement of Science, recognizing the impor- tant role of animal experimentation in the study of diseases, especially those of child- hood, and in the perfecting of those procedures and treatments to which no small part nf our community owes its life and continued presence among us, regards with appre- hension the activities of certain groups which are attempting to prevent the use of un- claimed animals for study in qualified institutions of medicine and research and which are endeavoring by direct and indirect means to cut off the supply of animals needed in the production of antitoxins and other biologic products. This Association is in accord with the practically unanimous and often expressed authoritative voice of science and medicine that animal experimentation has conferred inestimable benefits upon mankind, as well as upon animals themselves, and is essential to the progress of the biological and medical sciences. Resolutions Passed i:v the Council 117 This Association, with a membership of over eighteen thousand and representative of all the sciences of nature and of man, is confident that a fully informed public will not support legislation which would seriously interfere with the progress of preventive and curative medicine. Resolution on Science and Society . Idopted by the Council, December so, 1937 Whereas, Science and its applications are not only transforming the physical and mental environment of men but are adding greatly to the complexities of their social, economic and political relations ; and Whereas, Science is wholly independent of national boundaries and races and creeds and can flourish permanently only where there is peace and intellectual freedom; now Therefore, Be it resolved by the Council on this 30th day of December, 1937, that the American Association for the Advancement of Science makes as one of its objec- tives an examination of the profound effects of science upon society ; and that the Asso- ciation extends to its prototype, the British Association for the Advancement of Science, and to all other scientific organizations with similar aims throughout the world, an invitation to cooperate not only in advancing the interests of science but also in promoting peace among nations and intellectual freedom in order that science may continue to advance and to spread more abundantly its benefits to all mankind. Resolution on the Cooperation of Industries and Industrial Laboratories with Other Laboratories and Research Organizations Adopted by the Executive Committee by Authority of the Council, June 27, 103S Resolved, That, in order to bring industries and industrial laboratories into closer relations with other laboratories and research organizations for the purpose of ad- vancing the interests of science, the American Association for the Advancement of Science now formulates and adopts the following plan : The Association, upon recommendation of its Executive Committee and approval by its Council, will accept and administer funds given in support of specific researches in designated laboratories or research organizations, under the condition that, if the in- vestigations supported by the funds shall lead to patentable inventions or discoveries, the investigators shall take out and assign to the Association patents on the inventions or discoveries at the expense of the respective donors of the funds ; and the Association will either assign the patent subject to usual and reasonable royalties, to the donor of the funds (or grant the donor of the funds an exclusive license under the patent or patents), subject to usual and reasonable royalties, (such exclusive license to be in no case for a period of less than three years from date on which the patent is granted or the product is marketed, whichever is the later date.) The Association will use any royalties so received in the support of such research as it may determine, and it reserves the right to waive the royalties whenever it deems such action to be in the public interest in the use of the products or processes covered by the patents which it assigns. i iK Resolutions Passed by the Council Resolution on Honorary Junior Membership Adopted by the Council. June 28, 1938 Resolved, That the officers of the Association be authorized and instructed to offer to each of the affiliated Academies of Science the privilege of nominating for annual Honorary Junior Membership in the Association one hoy and one girl from its junior academy or, if it has no junior academy, from junior science clubs within its territory; and that the Association in thus providing for Honorary Junior Memberships shall ar- range that during the period of honorary membership the honorary junior member shall pay no entrance fee or dues, shall receive a suitable certificate of membership, the four copies of Science containing the preliminary announcements and reports of the meet- ings, the programs of the meetings ; and also Science News Letter provided through the courtesy of Science Service. Resolution Supporting the Holding of International Congresses Adopted by the Council, June 27, 1938 Whereas, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, realizing the fact that the holding of International Congresses or meetings for the purpose of dis- cussing science and human welfare serves fundamentally to advance understanding among the nations, hereby approves in principle lending its influence and support to further the plans of such congresses or meetings when arranged or sponsored by any of its affiliated societies or other organizations of corresponding standing. Resolution in Memorial to Earl Baldwin McKinley Approved by the Council, December 27, 1938 in the death of Earl Baldwin McKinley science in America suffered an irreparable loss. When on July 29 the Hawaiian Clipper disappeared in the China Sea, it brought to a tragic and untimely end the life of this able and devoted worker who had rendered signal services in his own country and in distant lands to the advancement of science and to the conquest of disease. Trained in arts and medicine at the University of Michigan by distinguished teachers and investigators, McKinley was drafted into the faculty of the university even before he had received the medical degree. Rapidly new opportunities offered themselves to him. Research in the tropics of Orient and Occident made him familiar at first hand with the great plagues of man. A keen observer and able interpreter, he promptly won recognition and support for his research projects. With breadth of vision granted only to the few, he sensed intuitively the significant lines of attack on great problems in bacteriology, tropical medicine and public health. While he gave distinguished services to several universities in this country, he spent a large part of a short but eventful life in the tropics ; and only a year ago returned from a sabbatical year devoted to experimental work on leprosy. His last great venture sought to determine the influence of upper air currents in the transportation and dis- persal of disease germs. Suddenly with the epoch making flight westward nearly com- pleted, and in the company with another distinguished scientist and member of the American Association, Fred C. Meier, some unknown disaster closed the record. In Resolutions Passed r.v the uhwcil ng sight of success he went down to glorious defeat in the great struggle of the human race for freedom from the hondage of disease. A loyal friend, a genial and vigorous fighter for high ideals, never turned from his purpose by narrow criticism, animated by the constant desire to make the world he knew a hetter place to live in, McKihley left his mark on many undertakings in science, education and social advancement. The Executive Committee of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, to the work of which he had unselfishly and generously devoted much time and energy} wishes through this tribute to bear testi- mony to his services for the cause of science and for the welfare of man. All his fellow workers wish to join also in expressing to his family heartfelt sympathy and condolence. Resolution on the Cooperation of the Smithsonian Institution Adopted by the Council, December 2g, 1038, The American Association for the Advancement of Science at its annual meeting in Richmond places on record its appreciation of the cooperation of the Smithsonian In- stitution and of its distinguished secretaries, the late Charles D. Walcott and the pres- ent secretary, Dr. C. G. Abbot. The Smithsonian Institution has since 1907 provided rooms in its building for the headquarters of the Association, free of all charge for rent or incidental expenses, and in Decemher, 1928, increased the space to meet the growing needs of the Association. The Association may look forward to a building of its own which might provide headquarters also for the national scientific societies affiliated with it; but this will re- quire large funds. In the meanwhile the Association is most fortunate in its present location and address. The Smithsonian Institution is a national and international foundation, unique in its origin, its control and its history. On its seal its objects are stated in the classic words: "For the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men."' The objects of the American Association for the Advancement of Science are the same; these great organizations can to advantage work together for their attainment. Resolution on the Menace of Stream Pollution Adopted by the Council. December so, 1030 The menace of stream pollution has already heen given careful consideration and the American Association for the Advancement of Science has expressed its views that any legislation should include provision for reasonable control by constituted authority. At present the Mundt bill as amended is the only measure yet proposed which conforms to that consideration. Resolution of Appreciation to the National Association of Science Writers Adopted by the Council, December 30, 193Q The Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science expresses its ohligation and appreciation to The National Association of Science Writers. By the efforts of its members to disseminate through the newspapers accurate news of 120 Resolutions Passed by the Council progress in all fields of science this organization has become a most important agency in changing the picture of science in the public mind, and is performing a distinctive service to science and the public. The services of this specially trained group of men and women are unique in the history of journalism and of popular education. Their efforts in bringing before the attention of the world the proceedings of the annual summer and winter meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as of the proceed- ings of other scientific bodies, have proved not only of great value to the public but also to the scientists themselves individually and collectively. The National Association of Science Writers is keenly aware of the importance of Science as the greatest potential force for the betterment of man, and has worked un- tiringly to make the scientists themselves aware of their social responsibility as the builders of man's future. By keeping the world at large constantly informed of the important developments in pure and applied science they accomplish a three-fold pur- pose— spread knowledge to the millions, materially reduce the lag between discovery and application, and give greater impetus to research. SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS For the Calendar Year 1934 Volume LXXXVII SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS For 1 934 I 23 SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS SQM 1934 The Association held tWo meetings in the calendar year 1934, a joint meeting with the Pacific Division at Berkeley, Calif., June 17-20, and the annual meeting at Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 27, 1934 -Jan. 2, 1935. The Pa- cific Division had previous!}- met in Berkeley twice, in 192 r and in 1929. The Association had held two earlier meetings in Pittsburgh, the first in 1902 and the second in 1918. The Southwestern Division held a joint meet- ing with the Texas Academy of Science at Lubbock, Texas, April 30 - May 3. 1934- At the Berkeley meeting the registration was 1 104 and 863 addresses and papers were on the programs ; at Pittsburgh 2823 persons were registered and 1550 addresses and papers were delivered or read. At the close of the fiscal year 1934 (Sept. 30) the membership of the Association was 18,553; of the Pacific Division, 1856; and of the Southwestern Division, 258. Officers of the Association for 1934 President. Edward L. Thorndike (psychology), Columbia University. Retiring President. Henry Norn's Russell (astronomy), Princeton Uni- versity. Permanent Secretary. Henry B. Ward, University of Illinois. General Secretary. Burton E. Livingston, Johns Hopkins University. Treasurer. John L. Wirt, Washington, D. C. Secretary of the Council. Charles A. Shull, University of Chicago. Executive Assistant. Sam Woodley, Washington, D. C. Auditor. W. J. Humphreys, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Director of Press Service. Austin H. Clark, National Museum, Washing- ton, D. C. Director of the Annual Science Exhibition. F. C. Brown, Washington, D. C. Members of the Executive Committee (page 95 ) Members of the Finance Committee (page 95) Members of the Committee on Grants (page 95) Members of the Council (pages 95 and 92-94) Section Officers (pages 92-94) Officers of the Pacific Division (For the fiscal year June, hj^j - J uiu\ lyjp President. Joel H. Hildebrand (chemistry), University of ( California. Secretary. J. Murray Luck, Stanford University, Calif. 124 The Berkeley Meeting Council Representative. E. G. Martin, Stanford University, Calif. Officers of the Southwestern Division (For the fiscal year April, iyjj - April, 1934) President. Oliver C. Lester (physics), Colorado Carnotite Company. Secretary. E. F. Carpenter, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Council Representative. Forrest Shreve, Desert Laboratory, Tucson, Ariz. The Berkeley Meeting, June 18-23, 1934 ( The 9 .jth meeting of the Association and the iSth meeting of the Pacific Division) Officers of the Local Committee R. E. Clausen, chairman; A. R. Davis, secretary; L. A. Nichols, treasurer Participating Societies Affiliated with Section on Mathematics American Mathematical Society ( 14 -)- 4 papers1) Affiliated with Section on Physics American Physical Society (53 + 5 papers) American Meteorological Society (37 papers) Affiliated with Section on Chemistry American Chemical Society, Pacific Intersectional Division (53 papers) Phi Lambda Upsilon Affiliated with Section on Astronomy Astronomical Society of the Pacific (40 -f- 5 papers) Society for Research on Meteorites ( 1 1 papers) Affiliated with Section on Geology and Geography Committee on the Oceanography of the Pacific Affiliated with Section on Zoological Sciences Western Society of Naturalists (39 -\- 14 papers) American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpatologists, Western Di- vision (15 papers) American Association of Economic Entomologists, Pacific Coast Branch (4i -f 13 papers) 1 The first number is the number of papers presented at sessions at which the society met alone; the second is the number presented at one or more joint sessions of the society. The Berkeley Meeting 125 Entomological Society of America (5 papers) American Society of Parasitologists (8 + 6 papers) Pacific Coast Entomological Society (o -(- 5 papers) Lorqnin Entomological Club (o -f- 5 papers) Committee on the Oceanography of the Pacific San Francisco Aquarium Society (5 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Botanical Sciences Botanical Society of America (16 -J- 46 papers) American Phytopathological Society, Pacific Division (40 papers) American Society of Plant Physiologists (o -(- 32 papers) Affiliated zvith Sections on Zoological and Botanical Sciences Genetics Society of America ( 14 -f~ 5 papers) Ecological Society of America (13 papers) Affiliated with Section on Anthropology American Anthropological Association, Pacific Division (36 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Psychology Western Psychological Association (68 + 3 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Social and Economic Sciences Econometric Society (o -f- 18 papers) American Statistical Association (o -f- 8 papers) Western Farm Economic Association (17 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Historical and Philological Sciences History of Science Society (o -j- 10 papers ) Linguistic Society of America ( o -(- 10 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Engineering American Society of Mechanical Engineers (42 papers) American Geophysical Union, Hydrology Section, and American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Pacific Coast Section (13 papers) Western Inter-State Snow Survey Conference (7 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Medical Sciences Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Pacific Coast Branch (23 papers) California State Veterinary Medical Association (11 -(- 8 papers) 126 The Berkeley Meeting Affiliated with Section on Agriculture Western Society of Soil Science (31 papers) American Society of Agronomy, Western Branch (17 + 7 papers) General Sessions Joel H. Hildebrand, University of California. "The Liquid State." (Ad- dress as president of the Pacific Division.) L. Dudley Stamp, London School of Economics. "Planning the Land of the Future." (Third Hector Maiben Memorial lecture.) Science 80: 507- 512- 1934- J. C. Merriam, president of Carnegie Institution of Washington. "Re- sponsibility of Science with Relation to Government Problems." Science 80: 597-601. 1934. Edwin B. Wilson, Harvard School of Public Health. "Are There Pe- riods in American Business Activity ?" Science 80 : 193-199. 1934. Karl T. Compton, president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Science and Prosperity." Science 80: 387-394. 1934. Symposia "Nuclear Structure" (6 papers). American Physical Society. "Fundamental Physical Constants" (6 papers). American Physical So- ciety. "The Protozoan Life Cycle" (4 papers). The Western Society of Nat- uralists. "The Origin and Development of North Pacific Floras" (7 papers). Sec- tion on Botanical Sciences. "A Survey and Evaluation of the Present Status of Endocrine Investi- gations" (3 papers). Section on Medical Sciences. "Can Personality Be Measured?" (9 papers). Western Psychological Association and Section on Education. "Weed Control" (7 papers). Section on Agriculture and American So- ciety of Agronomy. "Phosphate" (7 papers). Western Society of Soil Science. "Investigations Bearing on Reading" (4 papers) ; "Investigations in Subjects Other Than Reading" (4 papers) ; "Investigations Bearing on Maturation" (3 papers) ; "Investigations Bearing on Leadership and Re- sponsibility in Schools" (4 papers) ; "Investigations Bearing on Guidance" (3 papers). Section on Education. Announcement and Report of Meeting Preliminary Announcements and Xotices. Science 79: 396-402, 406, 499- 5CO, 519, 536. 1934- The Pittsburgh Meeting 127 Permanent Secretary's general report, including reports of secretaries of the sections and of the participating societies. Science 80: 43-62. 1934. Willis Ray Gregg. "Progress in Development of the United States Weather Bureau Service in Line with the Recommendations of the Science Advisory Board. " Science 80: 349-351. 1934. The Pittsburgh Meeting, Dec. 27, 1934- Jan. 2, 1935 (The 95th meeting of the Association and its 3d meeting at Pittsburgh) Officers of the Local Committee Thomas S. Baker, chairman; Davenport Hooker, vice chairman E. K. Collins, secretary; C. B. Fergus, treasurer Participating Societies Affiliated with Section on Mathematics American Mathematical Society (75 -\- 10 papers1) Mathematical Association of America (6 + 9 papers) National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (7 -\- 3 papers) Affiliated with Section on Physics American Physical Society (77 -\- 17 papers) American Association of Physics Teachers ( 12 -|- 6 papers) Acoustical Society of America ( 12 -f- 3 papers) American Meteorological Society (28 papers) Affiliated with Section on Chemistry American Chemical Society, Pittsburgh Section (o -f- 21 papers) Phi Lambda Upsilon, Xi Chapter (no papers) Affiliated with Section on Zoological Sciences American Society of Zoologists (90 -\- 11 papers and demonstrations) Entomological Society of America (41 -j- 12 papers) American Association of Economic Entomologists (124 papers) American Society of Parasitologists (47 -}- 7 papers) Wilson Ornithological Club (38 papers) Affiliated with Section on Botanical Sciences Botanical Society of America (75 -f- 11 papers) American Phytopathological Society (105 + 15 papers) 1 The first number is the number of papers presented at sessions at which the society met alone; the second is the number presented at one or more joint sessions of the society. 128 The PittsiBUiRQ.h Meeting Mycological Society of America (22 -\- 15 papers) American Fern Society (4 papers) Sullivant Moss Society (7 papers) Affiliated with Sections on Zoological and Botanical Sciences American Society of Naturalists 15 papers) Ecological Society of America ( 10 -f- 27 papers) Genetics Society of America (45 + 3 papers) American Microscopical Society (no papers) Committee on Hydrobiology and Agriculture, National Research Coun- cil (15 papers) Affiliated wifh Section on Anthropology American Anthropological Association (55 papers) American Folk-Lore Society (Section and societies jointly, 55 papers) Affiliated with Section on Social and Economic Sciences Econometric Society (6 -f- 7 papers) Metric Association (papers not listed in general program) Affiliated with Section on Medical Sciences American College of Dentists (12 papers) Affiliated with Section on Agriculture American Society of Agronomy, Northeastern Section (4 + 6 papers) American Society for Horticultural Science (173 -f- 14 papers) Potato Association of America (22 -|- 17 papers) Society of American Foresters (o -\- 7 papers) Crop Protection Institute (papers not listed in general program) Affiliated with Section on Education Pi Lambda Theta, National Education Fraternity for Women Kappa Delta Pi, Honor Society in Education Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity Science in General Society of the Sigma Xi American Nature Study Society Gamma Alpha Graduate Scientific Fraternity Pi Gamma Mu, National Social Science Honor Society Sigma Delta Epsilon, Women's Graduate Scientific Fraternity The Pittsburgh Meeting 129 ( rEN'ERAL SESSIONS Henry Xorris Russell, Princeton University. 'The Atmospheres 6f the Planets." 1 Address of retiring president.) Science Si : 1-9. 1935- William Alanson White, Superintendent, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Wash- ington, 1). C. "Man. the Great Integrator." Science 81: 237-243. T935. Earnest Albert Hooton, Harvard University. "Homo Sapiens. Whence and Whither." (Thirteenth annual Sigma Xi lecture.) Sigma Xi Quarterly 23, No. 1. [935. Arthur B. Lamb, Harvard University. "Crvstallogenic Adsorbents." ( Address of retiring vice president for the Section on Chemistry.) Charles F. Kettering, president of General Motors Research Corpora- tion. "Some Future Problems of Science and Engineering." (Address of retiring vice president for the Section on Engineering.) Cyrus C. Sturgis, University of Michigan. "Review of Some of the More Recent Advances in the Study of Blood Diseases." (Address of retiring vice president for the Section on Medical Sciences.) Science 81 : 368-371. 1935- Albert Einstein. Institute for Advanced Stud}', Princeton, N. J. "An Elementary Proof of the Theorem Concerning the Equivalence of Mass and Energy." (Eleventh Josiah Willard ( iibbs lecture. ) Addresses of Vice Presidents Section on Mathematics. C. X. Moore, University of Cincinnati. "Math- ematics and Science." Science 81 : 2y-T,2. 1935. Section on Physics. C. J. Davisson. Technical Staff of Bell Telephone Laboratories. "Electron Optics." Section on Chemistry. Arthur B. Lamb, Harvard University. "Crystal- logenic Adsorbents." Section on Astronomy. V. M. Slipher, Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona. "The Atmospheres of the Planets as Inferred from their Spectra." Section on Geology and Geography. Rollin T. Chamberlin, The Univer- sity of Chicago. "Certain Aspects of Geologic Classifications and Correla- tions." Science 81 : 183-191,216-218. 1935. Section on Zoological Sciences. George L. Streeter, Carnegie Institution, Baltimore. "The Education of an Anatomist." Section on Botanical Sciences. K. M. Wiegand, Cornell Lniversity. "A Taxonomist's Experience with Hybrids in the Wild." Science 81 : 161- 166. 1935. Section on Anthropology. T. Wingate Todd, Western Reserve Univer- sity. "Anthropology and Growth." Science 81 : 259-263. 1935. Section on Psychology. Walter R. Miles, Yale University. "Training, Practise and Mental Longevity." Science 81 : 79-87. 1935. 130 The Pittsburgh Meeting Section on Social and Economic Sciences. Wesley C. Mitchell, Columbia University. "The Social Sciences and National Planning." Science 81 : 56- 62. 1935. Section on Engineering. Charles F. Kettering, General Motors Corpora- tion. "Some Future Problems of Science and Engineering." Section on Medical Sciences. Cyrus C. Sturgis, University of Michigan. "Some of the Recent Advances in the Study of Blood Diseases." Science 81: 368-371- 1935- Section on Agriculture. A. R. Mann, Cornell University. "Agricultural Planning as an Aspect of State and National Planning." Science 81 : 32-35. 1935- Section on Education. Walter F. Dearborn, Harvard University. "The Mental and Physical Growth of Public School Children." Symposia "Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics" (4 papers). American Math- ematical Society and American Physical Society. "Heavy Hydrogen and Its Compounds" (4 papers). Sections on Physics and Chemistry. "Noise Measurement" (4 papers). Acoustical Society of America. "The Role of Chemistry in Education" (5 papers). Sections on Chemis- try and Education and Division of Chemical Education of American Chemi- cal Society. "Mitosis" (4 papers). American Society of Zoologists. "Improved Technique in the Study of Insects" (16 papers). Entomolog- ical Society of America. "The Status of Systematic Botany in American Colleges and Univer- sities" (5 papers). Botanical Society of America. "Plant Hormones" (4 papers). Physiological Section of Botanical So- ciety of America and American Society of Plant Physiologists. "Cytogenetic Evolutionary Processes and Their Bearing on Evolution Theory" (3 papers). American Society of Naturalists, American Society of Zoologists, Botanical Society of America and Genetics Society of America. "The Chemistry and Metabolism of Sulfur-Containing Compounds of the Body" (5 papers ). Section on Medical Sciences. "Agricultural Planning" (10 papers). Section on Agriculture and Amer- ican Society of Agronomy. "The Use and Application of Rapid Soil Tests" (4 papers). Section on Agriculture. "Psychological Theories of Learning" (4 papers). Sections on Psychol- ogy and Education. The Pittsburgh Meeting 131 "Newer Knowledge of Interest to Science Teachers." Special Confer- ence of the Committee on the Place of Science in Education. "A National Organization of Science Teachers." Special Conference of the Committee on the Place of Science in Education. Preliminary Announcements and Report of Meeting Preliminary Announcements and Notices. Science 80: 423, 424, 426, 485-494, 581-582, 612. Supplement to Science 80: 4-7, 18-25. 1934. The Scientific Monthly, Jan., 1935. Permanent Secretary's general report, including financial statements, reports of secretaries of sections and of participating societies. Henry B. Ward. Science 81 : 103-136. 1935. Miscellaneous Articles, Notes and Reports Edwin B. Wilson. "What Is a Proof?" Science 81 : 2>7~Z7Z- J935- Frederick P. Gay. "The Unsolved Problems of Leprosy." Science 81 : 283-285. H. H. Bennett. "Facing the Erosion Problem." Science 81 : 321-326. 1935- Council Meetings. June 18 and 21, 1934, at Berkeley. Science 80: 45-47. 1934- Meeting of the Executive Committee, April 15, 1934, at New York. Science 79: 481-484. 1934. Treasurer's financial report for the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, 1934. Science 81 : 108-109. 1935. Permanent Secretary's financial report for the fiscal year 1933-34. Science 81 : 109. Grants in aid of research for 1934. Science 79: 483. 1934. Science 81 : 136. 1935- Membership. A statement concerning membership for the fiscal year. Science 81 : 109. 1935. The Eleventh Prize Award of the Association. Science 79: 89-90. 1934. The Science Exhibition at the Pittsburgh meeting of the Association. Science 80: 284-285. 1934. Symposium : "Physical and Chemical Changes in Nerve During Activity." Science : Science Supplement, Apr. 27, 1934. Occasional Publications of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. No. 2. (Out of print.) 132 The Luhp.ock. Texas, Meeting The Lup.bock, Texas, Meeting of the Southwestern Division, April 30- May 3, 1934 ( The T./th meeting of the Southwestern Section, held in association with the Texas Academy of Science) R. A. Studhalter, Chairman of Local Committee General Sessions Bradford Knapp. president of Texas Technological College, and Ross Edwards, Mayor of Lubbock, addresses of welcome ; B. C. Thorpe, presi- dent of the Texas Academy of Science, and O. C. Lester, president of the Southwestern Division, responses. O. C. Lester, Lniversity of Colorado. "Research, the Door to Tomor- row." (Address of retiring president of Southwestern Division.) Otto Struve, Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin. "The Ga- laxy." (Fifth John Wesley Powell lecture.) SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS For the Calendar Year 1935 Volume LXXXVIU Summarized Proceedings for 1935 135 SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS FOR 1935 Two meetings of the Association were held in the calendar year 1935, the summer meeting at Minneapolis, Minn., June 24 to June 29, and the annual meeting at St. Louis, Mo., December 30, 1935 to January 4, 1936. The Asso- ciation had held two earlier meetings in Minneapolis, the first in August, 1883, and the second in December, 1910. Three earlier meetings had been held in St. Louis, the first in August, 1878, the second in December, 1903, and the third in December, 19 19. The Pacific Division held its annual meeting in Los Angeles in June, a previous meeting of the division having been held in Los Angeles in 1923. The Southwestern Division held its meeting in Santa Fe, N. M., having previously held a meeting in that city in both 1922 and 1927. At the Minneapolis meeting the registration was 417 and 340 papers were on the programs ; at the St. Louis meeting 2,292 persons were registered and 1575 papers were on the programs ; at the Los Angeles meeting of the Pacific Division the registration was 779 and 383 papers were on the pro- grams ; and at the Santa Fe meeting of the Southwestern Division the regis- tration was 220 and 142 papers were on the programs. The total registration at meetings of the Association and its divisions during 1935 was 3708 and the total number of addresses and papers on the programs was 2440. At the close of the fiscal year 1935 (September 30) the membership of the Asso- ciation was 17,937; the membership of the Pacific Division was 1971 ; and the membership of the Southwestern Division was 277. Officers of the Association for 1935 President. Karl T. Compton (physics), Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. Retiring President. Edward L. Thorndike (psychology), Columbia Uni- versity. Permanent Secretary. Henry B. Ward, Smithsonian Institution Bldg., Washington, D. C. General Secretary. Otis W. Caldwell, Columbia University. Treasurer. John L. Wirt, Washington, D. C. Secretary of the Council. Charles A. Shull, The University of Chicago. Executive Assistant. Sam Woodley, Washington, D. C. Auditor. W. J. Humphreys, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Director of the Press Service. Austin H. Clark, Washington, D. C. Director of the Annual Science Exhibition. F. C. Brown, Washington, D. C. 136 The Third Minneapolis Meeting Members oj the Executive Committee (page 95 I Members oj the Finance Committee I page 95 ) Members of the Committee on Grants (page 95 ) Members oj the Council ( pages 95. 92-94) Section Officers (pages 92-94) Officers of the Pacific Division (For the fiscal year June. 1934 - June, 1935) /'resident. I .'ailey Willis, Stanford University, Calif. Secretary. J. Murray Luck, Stanford University, Calif. Council Representative. E. G. Martin, Stanford University, Calif. Officers of the Southwestern Division ( Fpr the fiscal year April. 1934 - . Ifril. 1035 ) President. Harold S. Colton. Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona. Secretary. V. C. Kiech, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. M. Council Representative. Harold S. Colton, Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff. Arizona. The T.h 1 rd M i nneapolis Meetin.g, J.u ne 24 to 29, 1935 (The $6th meeting of the Association ) Officers Of the Local Committee I). F. Minnich, chairman; 1). G. Patersoii, secretary 1 'ART I C I PAT I XG SOCIET I ES Affiliated with Section on Physics American Meteorological Society (35 papers) . / /filiated with Section on . Istronomy Society for Research on Meteorites (11 papers) Affiliated ivilh Section on Zoological Sciences American Society of Parasitologists (5-7-6 papers1 ) Affiliated with Section on Botanical Sciences Botanical Society of America ( 0 -f- 4 papers ) American Phytopathological Society ( 0 -J- 3 papers) American Society of Plant Physiologists ( 19 + 3 papers) 1 The first number is the number of papers presented at sessions at which the society met alone; the second is the number presented at one or more joint sessions of the society. The Third Minneapolis Meeting 137 Affiliated with Sections on Zoological and Botanical Sciences Ecological Society of America ( 0 -f- 4 papers ) < lenetics Society of America 1 6 -1- 3 papers ) Affiliated with Section on Medical Sciences Society of American Bacteriologists Minnesota State Medical Association Affiliated with Section on Agriculture American Society of Agronomy. Corn Kelt Section (o -j- 3 papers) American Society for Horticultural Science. Great Plains Section (o -[- 3 papers) American Dairy Science Association io -j- 99 papers) Association of Official Seed Analysts of North America (o -j- 27 papers) ( iEneral Session's \\\ P. MurpHy, Boston, Mass. "Diseases of the Klood." Richard P. Strong. Harvard University Medical School. "The Importance of Ecology in Tropical Disease." ( Fourth Hector Maihen lecture.) Science 82: 307-317- '935- Isaiah Bowman, president of Johns Hopkins University. "The Land of Your Possession." Science 82 : 285-293. 1935. William F. G. Swanri, Director, Bartol Research Foundation. "The Nature of Cosmic Rays." Philip Fox, Director, Adler Planetarium and Astronomical Museum, Chicago, HI. "The Scale of the Universe." Symposia "Conservation" (4 papers). General session sponsored by the Association and the University of Minnesota. Third paper: "Conservation of Minerals." C. K. Leith. Science 82 : 109-1 17. 1935. ''Hormone Activity" (4 papers). Section on Zoological Sciences. "Dormancy, After-Ripening, and Germination of Seeds" (7 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists. "Improving the Germ Plasm of Domestic Plants and Animals" (3 papers). Section on Agriculture, American Phytopathological Society. American Society of Plant Physiologists, Corn Kelt Section of American Society of Agronomy, Great Plains Section of American Society of Horti- cultural Science and American Dairy Science Association. "Past, Present and Future of Phytopathology in North America." Amer- ican Phytopathological Society. "Attitude Measurement" ( 2 papers ). Section on Psychology. 138 The Fourth St. Louis Meeting "Diseases of the Blood" (3 papers). Section on Medical Sciences and Minnesota State Medical Association. "Higher Education" (5 papers). Section on Education. "Improvement in Learning" (4 papers). Section on Education. "Childhood Studies" (4 papers). Section on Education. Announcements and Reports The Coming Minneapolis Meeting. Henry B. Ward. Science 81 : 266- 267. 1935. Preliminary Announcement of the Minneapolis Meeting. Henry B. Ward. Science 81 : 495"5°4- J935- Grants in Aid of Research for 1936. Henry B. Ward. Science 81 : 610. 1935- The Lancaster Branch of the Association. F. A. Coventry. Science 81 : 286-287. I935- Permanent Secretary's general report of the Minneapolis Meeting, in- cluding reports of the secretaries of the sections and of the participating societies. Henry B. Ward. Science 82 : 71-88. 1935. The Fourth St. Louis Meeting, Dec. 30, 1935 -Jan. 4, 1936 (The Q/th meeting of the Association) Officers of the Local Committee George T. Moore, chairman; James B. Macelwane, vice chairman W. D. Shipton, secretary Participating Societies Affiliated zvith Section on Mathematics American Mathematical Society (68 + 3 papers1) Mathematical Association of America (6 + 2 papers) National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (10 + 2 papers) Affiliated with Section on Physics American Physical Society (67 -j- 7 papers) American Association of Physics Teachers (28 + 6 papers) American Meteorological Society ( 10 -\- 15 papers) Affiliated with the Section on Geology and Geography Association of American Geographers ( 56 -f- n papers) 1 The first number is the number of papers presented at sessions at which the society met alone; the second is the number presented at one or more joint sessions of the society. The Fourth St. Louis Meeting 139 National Council of Geography Teachers (26 papers) Seismological Society of America ( 14 + 6 papers) Affiliated with Section on Zoological Sciences Entomological Society of America (43 papers) American Association of Economic Entomologists ( 12 + 43 papers) American Society of Parasitologists (58 + 5 papers) Wilson Ornithological Club (31 papers) Affiliated with Section on Botanical Sciences Botanical Society of America (62 -j- 24 papers) American Phytopathological Society (99 + 28 papers) American Society of Plant Physiologists (41 + 15 papers) Mycological Society of America (13 -f- 14 papers) American Fern Society (4 -j- 3 papers) Sullivant Moss Society (7 papers) Affiliated with Sections on Zoological and Botanical Sciences American Society of Naturalists (o -f- 10 papers) Ecological Society of America (33 + 21 papers) Genetics Society of America (2,2, + 16 papers) American Microscopical Society Phi Sigma Society (90 papers) Limnological Society of America (18 papers) Beta Beta Beta Honor Biological Fraternity Affiliated with Scctio)i on Social and Economic Sciences Econometric Society (1 + 5 papers) Affiliated with Section on Historical and Philological Sciences History of Science Society Affiliated with Section on Agriculture American Society of Agronomy (0 + 4 papers) American Society for Horticultural Science ( 109 + 19 papers) Potato Association of America (36 + 20 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Education Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity Pi Lambda Theta, National Education Fraternity for Women Kappa Delta Pi, Honor Society in Education 140 The Fourth St. Louis Meeting Science in General Society of the Sigma Xi United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa American Nature Study Society (19 papers) ( iamma Alpha Graduate Scientific Fraternity Pi (iamma Mu, National Social Science Honor Fraternity Sigma Delta Epsilon, Women's Graduate Scientific Fraternity American Science Teachers Association (.8 papers) Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi American Association of University Professors Academy of Science of Saint Louis ( jKnekal Sessions Edward L. Thorndike, Columbia University. ''Science and Values." (Address of retiring president.) Science 83:1-8. 1936. John Bellamy Taylor, General Electric Company. "The Electric Eye and the Human Eye." (Fourteenth annual Sigma Xi lecture.) Sigma Xi Quar- terly 24, XTo. 1. 1936. William Allan Neilson, president of Smith College. "The American Scholar Today." (First annual Phi Beta Kappa lecture.) The American Scholar. 1936. Harold G. Moulton, president of the Brookings Institution, Washington, D. C. "Scientific Method in the Investigation of Economic Problems." The Scientific Monthly 17: 214-221. B. A. Houssay, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. "The Pituitary ( rland and the Metabolism of the Body." Edwin H. Barbour, University of Nebraska. "The Proboscidea of the Plains." • Frederick Slocum, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. "The Changing Picture of the Universe." Vern O. Knudsen, University of California at Los Angeles. "The Ad- sorption of Sound in Gases." Carl Snyder. Federal Reserve Bank, New York. "The Role of Capitalism in Civilization." V. K. Zworykin, Radio Corporation of America. "Electron Optical Systems and their Applications." Vannevar Bush. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Mechanical Analysis." (Twelfth annual Josiah Willard Gibbs lecture.) Addresses of Vice Presidents Section on Mathematics. R. D. Carmichacl, University of Illinois. "Linear Differential Equations of Infinite Order." The Fourth St. Louis Meeting i-|[ Section en Physics. Henry G. Gale, The University of Chicago. The Diffraction Grating." Section on Chemistry. Joel II. Hildebrand, University of California. "Dipole Attraction and Hydrogen Bond Formation in their Relation to Solubility." Science 83: 21-24. [93^. Section on Astronomy. Frederick Slocum, Wesleyan Unive Tsity. Middle- town, Conn. "The Changing Picture of the Universe." Section on Geology and Geography. J. B. Macelwane, St. Louis Uni- versity. "Problems and Progress on the ( ieologico-Seismological Frontier." Science 83: 193-198. 1936. Section on Zoological Sciences. ( )scar Riddle, Station for Experimental Evolution of Carnegie Institution. 'The Confusion of Tongues." Science 83: 41-45. 69-74. 1936. Section on Botanical Sciences. Bernard O. Dodge, New York Botanical Garden. "Reproduction and Inheritance in Asconwcetes." Science 8^: r69-l7S- I936- Section on Anthropology. M. J. Herskovits, Northwestern L'niversity. "Applied Anthropology and the American Anthropologists." Science 83 : 215-222. 1936. Section on Psychology. John E. Anderson, L'niversity of Minnesota. ''Child Development and the Interpretation of Behavior/' Science 83: 245- 252. 1936. Section on Social and Economic Sciences. Carl Snyder, Federal Reserve Bank, New York. "The Role of Capitalism in Civilization." Section on Historical and Philological Sciences. Solon J. Buck. National Archives, Washington, D. C. "The National Archives and the Advance- ment of Science." Science 83 : 379-385. 1936. Section on Medical Sciences. Stanhope Bayne-Jones, Yale University. "Bacterial Poisons and their Antidotes." Section on Agriculture. Jacob G. Lipman, Rutgers University. "The Conservation of our Land Resources." Science 8^ : 65-69. 1936. Section on Education. Guy Thomas Buswell, The University of Chicago. "Some Contributions of the Study of Eye Movements to the Psychology °f Perception." Symposia "The Teaching of Geometry" (3 papers). National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. "Photoelectricity" (3 papers). American Physical Society and American Association of Physics Teachers. "Land Utilization" (5 papers). Association of American Geographers. "Species from a Genetic Standpoint" (3 papers). Section on Zoological 142 The Fourth St. Louis Meeting Sciences, Genetics Society of America, Systematic Section of the Botanical Society of America and the American Society of Naturalists. "Early Man in America with Particular Reference to the Southwestern United States" (6 papers). Section on Zoological Sciences, American Society of Naturalists, Botanical Society of America and Genetics Society of America. "Orchard Sanitation" (3 papers). American Association of Economic Entomologists. ''Contemporary Investigation of Taxonomic Concepts" (4 papers). Botanical Society of America and Genetics Society of America. "Light Relations of Plants" (4 papers). Botanical Society of America and American Society of Plant Physiologists. "The Plant Geography of the Mississippi Valley" (3 papers). Section on Zoological Sciences, General Section of Botanical Society of America, Amer- ican Society of Naturalists and Genetics Society of America. "Antibiosis : the Antagonism toward Plant Pathogens by other Micro- organisms" (3 papers). American Phytopathological Society. "Ecological Aspects of some recent Government Activities" (8 papers). Ecological Society of America. "Study and Teaching of the History of Science" (4 papers). Section on Historical and Philological Sciences and History of Science Society. "Early Science in the St. Louis Area" (8 papers). Section on Historical and Philological Sciences, History of Science Society and Academy of Science of St. Louis. "Sex Hormones" (11 papers). Section on Medical Sciences. "The Conservation of the Land" (4 papers). Section on Agriculture and American Society of Agronomy. First paper : "The Conservation of our Land Resources.-" Jacob G. Lipman. Science 83 : 65-69. 1936. "Maturation and Learning" (4 papers). Section on Education and Sec- tion on Psychology. Announcement and Report of Meeting Preliminary Announcement of the Fourth St. Louis Meeting. Henry B. Ward. Science 82: 499-510. 1935. Permanent Secretary's general report, including reports of secretaries of sections and of participating societies. Henry B. Ward. Science 83: 111- 146. 1936. The Second Los Angeles Meeting 143 The Second Los Angeles Meeting of the Pacific Division, June 25-29, 1935 (The ipth annual meeting of the Pacific Division) Participating Societies American Association of Economic Entomologists, Pacific Slope Branch American Meteorological Society American Physical Society American Phytopathological Society, Pacific Division American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Western Division Astronomical Society of the Pacific Botanical Society of America, Pacific Section Ecological Society of America Pacific Coast Entomological Society Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Pacific Coast Branch Western Psychological Association Western Society of Naturalists Western Society of Soil Science General Sessions Bailey Willis, Stanford University. 'The Living Globe." (Address of retiring president of the Pacific Division.) Science 82 :427-433. Fred E. Wright, Carnegie Institution of Washington. "The Surface of the Moon." Special Research Reviews V. O. Knudsen, University of California at Los Angeles. "Recent De- velopments in Acoustics." Th. Dobzhansky, California Institute of Technology. "The Mechanism of Heredity." B. M. Allen, University of California at Los Angeles. "Recent Develop- ments in the Field of Hormones." Symposia "Seismologic Research" (6 papers): (i) "Earthquakes of Northern California," Perry Byerly ; (2) "Research on Near and Far Earthquakes," B. Gutenberg; (3) "Vibration Research for Earthquake Resistant Build- ings," L. Jacobsen ; (4) "Development of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Seismological Program in California," T. J. Maher; (5) "Mechanics of Earthquake Activity," Bailey Willis; and (6) "Present Status of the Rela- tion of the State of California to Earthquake Resistant Public School Build- ing Design and Construction," Geo. B. McDougall. 144 The Third Santa Fe Meeting "The Virus Diseases of Plants and Animals." American Phytopatho- logical Society, Pacific Division, Botanical Society of America, Pacific Di- vision, Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine and the Western Society of Naturalists. Preliminary Announcement and Report of Meeting "The Los Angeles Meeting of the Pacific Division." J. Murray Luck. Science 81 : 333"334- *935- Secretary's general report of the Los Angeles meeting of the Pacific Di- vision, including reports of the secretaries of participating societies. J. Murray Luck. Science 82 : 357-368. 1935. The Third Santa Fe Meeting oe the Southwestern Division, April 29 - May 2, 1935 (The 15th meeting of the Southwestern Division) Participating Societies Ecological Society of America New Mexico Association for the Advancement of Science New Mexico Game Protective Association New Mexico Public Health Association Society of American Foresters, Southwestern Section Southwestern Conservation League Second Annual Tree-Ring Conference General Sessions D. S. Robbins, State College, N. M. "Science and Religion." (Address of retiring president of the Southwestern Division.) Edgar L. Hewitt, Director of the Museum of New Mexico. "The Social Sciences in the Program of Education." (The sixth John Wesley Powell lecture.) A. E. Douglass, University of Arizona. "Trees: Recorders of History and Climate." Symposia "Atomic Nuclei." Papers by W. B. Pietenpol, University of Colorado, and J. C. Stearns, University of Denver. "Trees: Recorders of History and Climate." Papers by A. E. Douglass, University of Arizona, E. W. Haury, Assistant Director, Gila Pueblo, Globe, Arizona, and G. A. Pearson, Southwest Forest and Range Experi- ment Station, Tucson, Ariz. Report of Santa Fe meeting. E. F. Carpenter. Science 82: 41-42. 1935. SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS For the Calendar Year 1936 Volume LXXXIX Summarized Proceedings for 1936 147 SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS FOR 1936 The Association held two meetings in the calendar year 1936, a meeting at Rochester-Ithaca, N. Y., June 16-20, and the annual meeting at Atlantic City, N. J., Dec. 28, 1936 - Jan. 2, 1937. The Association had previously held one meeting at Rochester, in August, 1892, one meeting at Ithaca, in June-July, 1906, and one meeting in Atlantic City, in December, 1932. A large portion of the Rochester-Ithaca program was presented at Rochester on June 16-18, after which the Association joined with the Society of the Sigma Xi at Ithaca in celebration of the semi-centennial of its founding. The Pacific Division held a meeting at Seattle, Washington, June 15-20, and the Southwestern Division held a meeting at Flagstaff, Arizona, April 27-30. At the Rochester-Ithaca meeting 514 persons were registered and 230 ad- dresses and papers were on the programs ; at the Atlantic City meeting 2375 persons were registered and 1450 addresses and papers were delivered or read ; at the Seattle meeting of the Pacific Division 779 persons were regis- tered and 449 addresses and papers were delivered or read ; and at the Flagstaff meeting of the Southwestern Division 116 addresses and papers wrere delivered or read. At the close of the fiscal year 1936 (Sept. 30) the membership of the Association was 18,242 ; the membership of the Pacific Division was 2004 ; and the membership of the Southwestern Division was 323- Officers of the Association for 1936 President. Edwin G. Conklin (zoology), Princeton University. Retiring President. Karl T. Compton (physics), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Permanent Secretary. Henry B. Ward, Washington, D. C. General Secretary. Otis W. Caldwell. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Treasurer. John L. Wirt, Washington, D. C. Secretary oj the Council. Charles A. Shull, University of Chicago. Executive Assistant. Sam Woodley. Washington, D. C. Auditor. W. J. Humphreys, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Director oj Press Service. Austin H. Clark, National Museum, Washing- ton, D. C. Director oj the Annual Science Exhibition. F. C. Brown, Washington, D. C. Members oj the Executive Committee (page 95) Members oj the Finance Committee (page 95) 148 The Rochester (N. Y.) - Ithaca Meeting Members of the Committee on Grants (page 95) Members of the Council (pages 95, 92-94) Section Officers (pages 92-94) Officers of the Pacific Division (For the fiscal year June, 1935 - June, 1936) President. Richard C. Tolman, California Institute of Technology Secretary. J. Murray Luck, Stanford University. Council Representative. Roy E. Clausen. University of California. Officers of the Southwestern Division (For the fiscal year April, 1935 - April, 1936) President. Frank E. E. Germann, University of Colorado. Secretary. Y. C. Kiech, University of New Mexico. Council Rchrescntati-t-c. Frank E. E. Germann, University of Colorado. The Rochester (N. Y.) - Ithaca Meeting, June 16-20, 1936 ( The 98th meeting of the association, its second meeting in Rochester and its second meeting at Ithaca) Officers of the Local Committee H. L. Fairchild, honorary chairman; f. E. Hoffmeister, chairman \Y R. Line, secretary Participating Societies Affiliated with Section on Physics American Meteorological Society (6 papers) . I ffilialcd with Section on botanical Sciences American Society of Plant Physiologists (o -|- 9" papers'3 ) Physiological Section, Botanical Society of America (o -f- 9 papers ) . Iffiliated with Section on Engineering Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences (7 papers) .American Society of Photogrammetry 1 The first number is the number of papers presented at sessions at which the society met alone; the second is the number presented at one or more joint sessions of the society. The Rochester < X. Y.) -Ithaca Meeting 149 Affiliated with Section on Medical Sciences Society of American Bacteriologists. Central New York State P. ranch (26 -f- 10 papers) Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Western New York Branch (20 papers) Affiliated ivith Section on Agriculture American Society for Horticultural Science (0 + 9 papers) Association of Official Seed Analysts (26 papers) General Sessions C. E. K. Mees, Eastman Kodak Company. '"Color Photograph)-." Charles Camsell, Deputy Minister of Mines of the Dominion of Canada. "A 4000 Mile Flight Over Northwestern Canada in August, 1935." (Fifth Hector Maiben lecture.) Carl Snyder, Federal Reserve Bank of New York. "The Role of Capi- talism in Civilization." Society of the Sigma Xi Semi-Centennial General Session. ( 1 ) Liv- ingston Farrand, president of Cornell University: "Greetings"; (2) Edwin G. Conklin, president of the Association : "The American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Society of the Sigma Xi"; (3) W. F. Durand, president of the Society of the Sigma Xi: "Response"; (4) Ed- ward Ellery, Union College : "A Brief History of the Sigma Xi" ; (5) Frank Van Vleck, Washington, D. C. (one of the founders of the Sigma Xi) : "Reminiscences"; (6) Karl T. Compton, president of Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology: "The Service of Sigma Xi in the Uni- versities of the Future." Sigma Xi Quarterly 24 : No. 2. Symposia "Problems of Current Interest to Physics and Geology" (6 papers). Sec- tion on Physics and Section on Geology and Geography. "Recent Developments in Weather Forecasting" (4 papers and demon- stration of release of two high altitude balloons). Section on Physics and American Meteorological Society. "Biological Effects of Radiation" (3 papers). Section on Physics. "Physiology of Reproduction in Higher Plants" (5 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists, Physiological Section of Botanical Society of America and American Society for Horticultural Science. "Scientific Aspects of Flood Control" (3 papers). Ecological Society of America. Occasional Publications of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, No. 3. Supplement to Science, vol. 84. 150 The Atlantic City Meeting "Social Security" (3 papers). Section on Social and Economic Sciences. "Dental Caries" ( 10 papers). Subsection on Dentistry. Announcements and Reports of Meeting The Summer Meeting of the American Association. Henry B. Ward. Science 83 : 365-366. 1936. Preliminary Announcements of the Rochester-Ithaca meeting. Henry B. Ward. Science 83 : 447-456. 1936. Permanent Secretary's general report, including reports of the secre- taries of the sections and of the participating societies. Science 84: 93-113. 1936. Miscellaneous Articles, Notes and Reports Simon Henry Gage. "Theobald Smith; Investigator and Man." (Ad- dress at Theobald Smith Memorial Session.) Science 84: 1 17-122. 1936. M. H. Eisenhart. Address on presentation of the 250,000th Bausch and Lomb microscope to Professor Frederick G. Novy. Science 84: 122. 1936; response by Edwin G. Conklin, pp. 122, 123. 1936. Max Mason. "Science and the Rational Animal." Science 84: 71-76. 1936. W. R. Whitney. "Accomplishments and Future of the Physical Sciences." Science 84: 21 1-2 17. 1936. The Atlantic City Meeting, Dec. 28, 1936 - Jan. 2, 1937 (The ppth meeting of the Association and its 2d meeting at Atlantic City) There being no university at Atlantic City, arrangements for the meet- ing were made by -the office of the Permanent Secretary and Mr. A. H. Skean, Director of the Convention Bureau. Participating Societies Affiliated with the Section on Physics American Physical Society (68 -j- 2 papers1) American Association of Physics Teachers (39 -f- 2 papers) American Meteorological Society (21 -\- 7 papers) Sigma Pi Sigma Affiliated with the Section on Chemistry Division of Chemical Education, American Chemical Society (o -f- 2 papers) 1 The first number is the number of papers presented at sessions at which the society met alone; the second is the number presented at one or more joint sessions of the society. The Atlantic City Meeting 151 Affiliated with the Section on Zoological Sciences American Society of Zoologists ( 107 -f- 46 papers) Entomological Society of America (48 -(- 5 papers) American Association of Economic Entomologists (108+5 papers) American Society of Parasitologists (63 papers) Affiliated with Section on Botanical Sciences Botanical Society of America (92 + 19 papers) American Phytopathological Society (97 + 26 papers) American Society of Plant Physiologists (45 + 15 papers) Mycological Society of America (35 +12 papers) American Fern Society (5 papers) Snllivant Moss Society (9 + 3 papers) Affiliated with Sections on Zoological and Botanical Sciences American Society of Naturalists ( 1 + 10 papers) Ecological Society of America (17 + 25 papers) Genetics Society of America (33 + 12 papers) Limnological Society of America (20 papers) American Microscopical Society Affiliated with Section on Agriculture American Society of Agronomy (0 + 8 papers) American Society for Horticultural Science (121 + 16 papers) Potato Association of America (32 + 21 papers) Science in General Society of the Sigma Xi United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa American Nature Study Society Gamma Alpha Graduate Scientific Fraternity Sigma Delta Epsilon Graduate Women's Scientific Fraternity American Science Teachers' Association General Sessions Karl T. Compton, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy. "The Electron: Its Intellectual and Social Significance." (Address of retiring president.) Science 85 : 27-37. 1937. Henry G. Knight, Chief of U. S. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. "Sele- nium and Its Relation to Soil, Plants, Animals, and Public Health." (Fif- teenth annual Sigma Xi lecture.) Sigma Xi Quarterly 25, No. 1. 1937. 152 The Atlantic City Meeting James R. Angell, president of Yale University. "The Scholar and the Specialist." (Second Phi Beta Kappa lecture.) The American Scholar. 1937- Special Sessions E. O. Hulburt, Naval Research Laboratory. "The Optics of the Surface of the Sea." David Dietz, Science Editor, Scripps-Howard Newspapers. "Science and the American Press." Science 85 : 107-1 12. 1937. P. W. Zimmerman, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. "Re- sponse of Plants to Hormone-like Growth Substances." C. C. Little, Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory. "The Social Sig- nificance of Cancer." Walter Schiller, University of Vienna. "Changes and Modifications in the Conception of Carcinoma." Addresses of Vice Presidents Section on Mathematics. T. H. Hildebrandt, University of Michigan. "Recent Developments in the Theory of Integration." Section on Physics. John T, Tate, University of Minnesota. "Electron Impacts in Gases." Section on Chemistry. Moses Gomberg, University of Michigan. "Free Radicals." Section on Astronomy. H. R. Morgan, U. S. Naval Observatory. "Some Problems in Fundamental Astronomy." Science 85 : 1-9. 1937. Section on Zoological Sciences. Ross G. Harrison, Yale University. "Em- bryology and Its Relations." Science 85 : 369-374. 1937. Section on Botanical Sciences. E. W. Sinnott, Columbia University. "Morphology as a Dynamic Science." Science 85 : 61-65. 1937. Section on Anthropology. N. C. Nelson, American Museum of Natural History. "Prehistoric Archaeology, Past, Present and Future." Science 85:81-89. 1937. Section on Psychology. Robert M. Ogden, Cornell University. "The Psychology of Art : Naive Geometry." Section on Social and Economic Sciences. Shelby Harrison, Russell Sage Foundation. "Winning Social Advance Through Process of Accretion." Section on Historical and Philological Sciences. George Sarton, Harvard University. "The Study of the History of 20th Century Science." Section on Agriculture. H. K. Hayes, University of Minnesota. "Agri- cultural Research in China." Science 85 : 321-325 ; 347-350. 1937. Section on Education. F. B. Knight, University of Iowa. "Data Related to Classroom Learning." The Atlantic City Meeting 153 Symposia '"Some Problems in Radiological Physics" (5 papers). American Phys- ical Society. "Radio-Meteorographs and Other Apparatus" (8 papers). American Meteorological Society. "Weather Variations and Long Range Forecasting" (/ papers). Amer- ican Meteorological Society and Section on Astronomy. "The Preparation of Teachers of Chemistry" (2 papers). Section on Chemistry, Section on Education and Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society. "Experimental Populations" (4 papers). American Society of Zoolo- gists and Ecological Society of America. "Genetics and Development" (5 papers). American Society of Zoolo- gists, Genetics Society of America and American Society of Naturalists. "Properties of Protoplasmic Surfaces" (5 papers). American Society of Zoologists and Society of Cell Physiologists. "Insects Affecting Man" ( 5 papers). Entomological Society of America and American Association of Economic Entomologists. "Recent Developments in Plant Sciences" (3 papers). Section on Botany, Botanical Society of America, American Phytopathological Society, Ameri- can Society of Plant Physiologists, Mycological Society of America, Ameri- can Fern Society, and Sullivant Moss Society. "Mineral Nutrition of Plants" (4 papers). Botanical Society of America, Physiological Section, American Society of Plant Physiologists and Ameri- can Society of Horticultural Science. "Carbondioxide Assimilation" (6 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists. "New Jersey Ferns" (5 papers). American Fern Society. "Supra-Specific Variation in Nature and in Classification" (4 papers). American Society of Naturalists, American Society' of Zoologists, Botanical Society of America, Genetics Society of America, American Phytopatho- logical Society and Ecological Society of America. "Experimental Populations" (4 papers). Ecological Society of America and American Society of Zoologists. "Technique" (8 papers). Ecological Society of America and American Society of Plant Physiologists. "The Cortex and Behavior" (4 papers). Section on Psychology. "The Cancer Problem" (32 papers). Section on Medicine. Published in volume : The Cancer Problem. The Science Press. 1937. "Pasture and Forage Crops in the Northeastern States" (8 papers). Sec- tion on Agriculture and American Society of Agronomy. 154 The Seattle Meeting Announcements and Reports of Meeting Preliminary announcement of the Atlantic City meeting. Henry B. Ward. Science 84 : 465-475. 1936. Changes in program of last day of Atlantic City meeting. Science 84: 547-548. 1936. Annual science exhibition. Science 84 : 269. 1936. Cancer symposium, Section on Medical Sciences. Science 84: 439-440. Invitation from American Philosophical Society for a one-day meeting in Philadelphia after the Atlantic City meeting. Science 84 : 454. 1936. Program of the Sessions in Atlantic City. Science 84 : 548. 1936. Permanent Secretary's general report. Henry B. Ward. Science 85 : 129- 164. 1936. Miscellaneous Articles, Notes and Reports Meeting of the Executive Committee, Oct. 24-25. Science 84: 460-461. 1936. Broadcasts at the Atlantic City meeting. Science 84 : 570. 1936. Officers elected at Atlantic City meeting. Science 85 : 40-41. 1937. Financial reports for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1936. Science 85 : i34-r36- J937- The Association Prize Award. Science 85 : 132-133. 1937. Report of Committee on Grants. Science 85 : 164. 1937. The Seattle Meeting of the Pacific Division, June 16-20, 1936 (The 20th annual meeting oj the Pacific Division) A. F. Carpenter, Chairman of Local Committee General Sessions Richard C. Tolman. California Institute of Technology. "The Present Status of Cosmology." (Address of retiring president of the Pacific Di- vision.) The Scientific Monthly: 43: 491-507; 44: 20-40. 1936, 1937. F. K. Kirsten, University of Washington. "Lux Sit" (low voltage illu- mination with rare gases and metallic vapors) . C. McLean Fraser, University of British Columhia. "Marine Biology." E. G. Moherg, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. "Chemical Oceanography." The Flagstaff Meeting 155 W. F. Thompson, Internationa] Fisheries Commission, Seattle, Wash. "Fisheries." O. W. Swainson, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Seattle, Wash. "Hy- drographic Survey." Special Research Reviews "Stellar Spectroscopy." W. E. Harper, Dominion Astrophysical Ob- servatory, Victoria, B. C. "Plant Nutrition." D. R. Hoagland, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. "The Chemistry of Growth Promoting" Principles." Roger J. Williams, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oregon. "Paleontology." E. L. Packard, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Ore. Report of Meeting Secretary's general report of the Seattle meeting. J. Murray Luck. Science 84: 143-149, 169-174. 1936. The Flagstaff Meeting of the Southwkstern Division, April 27-30, 1936 (The 16th annual meeting of the Southwestern Division) T. J. Tormey, Chairman of Local Committee General Sessions T. J. Tormey, president of Arizona State Teachers College, Address of Welcome ; Harold S. Colton, Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Re- sponse. Harold S. Colton, president of the Southwestern Division. "The Rise and Fall of the Prehistoric Population of Northern Arizona." (Address of retiring president of the Southwestern Division.) Science 84: 337-343. 1936. John C. Merriam, President of the Carnegie Institution of Washington : "The Wilderness as a Teacher, Preacher, and Companion. A Study of the Contrihution made by a Great National Park." SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS For the Calendar Year 1937 Volume XC Summarized Proceedings for 1937 [59 SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS FOR 1937 The Association held two meetings in the calendar year 1.937. a joint meeting with the Pacific Division and the Southwestern Division at Denver, Colorado, June 21 to June 26, inclusive, and a meeting at Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 27, 10,37 - Jan. 2, 1938, inclusive. The only previous meeting of the Association in Denver was held in [901. At the Denver meeting the registration was from 50 states, territorial possessions and foreign countries, and 575 addresses and papers were on the programs. At the meeting in Indianapolis the registration was 3,094 and 168 1 addresses and papers were on the programs. At the end of the fiscal year 1937 (Sept. 30), the membership of the Association was 18,776, that of the Pacific Division was 2023, and that of the Southwestern Division was 258. Officers of the Association for 1937 President. George D B. Birkhoff (mathematics), Harvard University. Retiring President. Edwin G. Conklin ( zoology), Princeton University. Permanent Secretary. F. R. Moulton, Washington, D. C. General Secretary. Otis W. Caldwell, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Treasurer. John L. Wirt, Washington, D. C. Secretary of the Council. Charles A. Shull, University of Chicago. Executive Assistant. Sam Woodley, Washington, D. C. Auditor. W. J. Humphreys, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Counsel. Charles S. Baker, Munsey Building, Washington, D. C. Director of Press Service. Austin H. Clark, National Museum, Washing- ton, D. C. Director of the Annual Science Exhibition. F. C. Brown, Washington, D. C. Members of Executive Committee (page 95) Members of Finance Committee (page 95) Members of Committee on Grants (page 95) Members of Council (pages 95, 92-94 ) Section Officers (pages 92-94) Officers of Pacific Division (For the fiscal year June, 1936-June, 1937) President. Herbert M. Evans (anatomy), University of California, Berke- ley, Calif. Secretary. J. Murray Luck, Stanford University, Calif. Council Representative. Roy E. Clausen, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. 160 The Denver Meeting Officers of Southwestern Division (For the fiscal year April, 1936 - April, 1937) President. Frank E. E. Germann (physics). University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. Secretary. V. C. Kiech, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. M. Council Representative. Frank E. E. Germann, Boulder, Colo. The Denver Meeting, June 21-26, 1937 {The 100th meeting of the Association, the 21st meeting of the Pacific Division and the i/th meeting of the Southwestern Division) Officers of the Local Committee J. J. Waring, chairman; T. P. Campbell, executive vice chairman A. C. Nelson, treasurer; J. C. Stearns, secretary Participating Societies Affiliated with Section on Physics American Physical Society, Pacific Coast Branch (26 -f- 4 papers1) American Meteorological Society, Pacific Coast Branch ( 10 -f- o papers) Hydrology Section, American Geophysical Union (30 -\- 9 papers) American Association of Physics Teachers ( 18 papers) Affiliated with Section on Astronomy Astronomical Society of the Pacific (22 + 4 papers ) Society for Research on Meteorites ( 15 -\- 8 papers) Affiliated with Section on Geology and Geography Oceanographic Society of the Pacific (20 papers) Association of Pacific Coast Geographers (21 papers) Affiliated with Section on Zoological Sciences American Association of Economic Entomologists, Pacific Slope Branch (2 papers) American Society of Parasitologists ( 18 papers) American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Western Division (10 papers) 1 The first number is the number of papers presented at sessions at which the society met alone: the second is the number presented at one or more joint sessions of the society. The Denver Meeting 161 Affiliated with Section on Botanical Sciences American Phytopathological Society, Pacific Division (o -f- 12 papers) American Society of Plant Physiologists, Western Division (31 -(- 10 papers) American Fern Society Botanical Society of America, Pacific Section (8 + 5 papers) Affiliated with Section on Zoological and Botanical Sciences Ecological Society of America (25 + 3 papers) Western Society of Naturalists (7 + 5 papers) Affiliated with Section on Social and Economic Sciences Econometric Society (3+15 papers) American Statistical Association (3 + 13 papers) Affiliated with Section on Engineering The Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (7 papers) Affiliated with Section on Medical Sciences Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Pacific Coast Branch and Southern California Branch (o -|- 11 papers) Affiliated with Section on Agriculture Western Society of Soil Science (21+4 papers) Society of American Foresters, Denver Section ( o -f- 16 papers) General Sessions Herbert M. Evans, Director of Institute of Experimental Biology, Uni- versity of California. "The Development of Our Knowledge of Anterior Pituitary Function." (Address of president of the Pacific Division.) Nevil V. Sidgwick, Lincoln College, Oxford, England. "Molecules." (Sixth Hector Maiben lecture.) Science 86: 335-340. A. E. Douglass, University of Arizona. "Tree-rings and Chronology." (Eighth John Wesley Powell lecture.) Symposia "Astrophysical Problems of the Ionosphere" (4 papers). American Physical Society, Section on Astronomy and Astronomical Society of the Pacific. "Rocky Mountain Geomorphology" (8 papers). Section on Geology and Geography. 162 The Indianapolis Meeting "Interrelations of the Sciences Which Compose Oceanography" (3 papers). Oceanographic Society of the Pacific. "Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever'' (4 papers). American Society of Parasitologists. "Chlorosis and Some of the Minor Elements" (5 papers). American So- ciety of Plant Physiologists and Western Society of Soil Science. "Plant Hormones" (4 papers). American Society of Plant Physiolo- gists. "Drought Resistance in Plants" (6 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists. "Genetics and the Species Problem" (2 papers). Botanical Society of America. "Conservation Management of Wildlife" (5 papers). Ecological Society of America. "The Scientific Aspects of the Control of Drifting Soils" (3 papers). Ecological Society of America. Published in The Scientific Monthly 47 : 22-33, 193-210, 381-399- 1938- "Tuberculosis and Leprosy — The Mycobacterial Diseases" (21 papers). Publication No. 5 of the Association. 1938. Announcements and Reports of Meeting List of principal addresses to be delivered. Henry B. Ward. Science 85 : 421. 1937. Travel to Denver. Henry B. Ward. Science 85 : 446. 1937. Preliminary announcement of the meeting. Henry B. Ward. Science 85 : 461-469. 1937. Symposia at the Denver meeting. Science 85 : 491-492. 1937. Minutes of the Executive Committee. Science 85 : 499-500. 1937. Symposium on Control of Drifting Soils. Science 85 : 514. 1937. Permanent Secretary's general report, including reports of secretaries of the sections and of the participating societies. Science 86 : 131 -149. 1937. The Indianapolis Meeting, Dec. 27, 1937- Jan. i, 1938 (The 101st meeting of the Association and its 3d meeting at Indianapolis) Officers of the Local Committee Stanley Coulter, chairman; Ray C. Friesner, secretary Henry T. Davis, executive secretary The Indianapolis Meeting 163 Participating Societies Affiliated with Section on Mathematics American Mathematical Society (78 -f- 15 papers1) Mathematical Association of America (5+1 papers ) Institute of Mathematical Statistics (8 -f- 7 papers) National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (9 papers) Association of Symbolic Logic ( o -j- 7 papers) Affiliated with the Section on Physics American Physical Society t 64 + 3 papers) American Association of Physics Teachers (23 + 3 papers) American Meteorological Society (13 + 6 papers) Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honor Society Affiliated with Section on Zoological Sciences American Society of Zoologists (147 -+- 19 papers) American Association of Economic Entomologists ( 108 -+- 7 papers ) Entomological Society of America (48 -f- 7 papers) American Society of Parasitologists (68 papers) Wilson Ornithological Club (37 papers ) Affiliated with Section on Botanical Sciences Botanical Society of America ( 1 1 7 -(- 27 papers) American Phytopathological Society ( 84 -f- 46 papers) American Society of Plant Physiologists (49 -)- ! J papers) Mycological Society of America (19 4- 16 papers) American Fern Society Sullivant Moss Society (10 -|- 4 papers) American Society of Plant Taxonomists Affiliated with Sections on Zoological and Botanical Sciences American Society of Naturalists (3+1 papers) Ecological Society of America (31 -f 28 papers) Genetics Society of America (55 + 5 papers) American Microscopical Society 1 .imnological Society of America (29 + 6 papers ) Phi Sigma Society (34 papers) Beta Beta Beta Honorary Biological Fraternity 1 The first number is the number of papers presented at sessions at which the society met alone; the second is the number presented at one or more joint sessions of the society. 164 The Indianapolis Meeting Affiliated with Section on Social and Economic Sciences Econometric Society (o -f- 1 paper) Metric Association (4 papers) Affiliated with Section on Historical and Philological Sciences History of Science Society (0+12 papers) Affiliated with Section on Engineering Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (8 papers) Institute of Radio Engineers (5 papers) Affiliated with Section on Agriculture Potato Association of America (25 -)- 22 papers) Society of American Foresters (o -f- 10 papers) Science in General Society of the Sigma Xi (o + : paper) United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa (o -j- 1 paper) American Nature Study Society (21 papers) Gamma Alpha Graduate Scientific Fraternity Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Sigma Delta Epsilon Graduate Women's Fraternity American Association of University Professors (2 papers) American Science Teachers' Association (9 papers) Union of American Biological Societies Catholic Round Table of Science General Sessions Edwin G. Conkliii, Princeton University. "Science and Ethics." (Ad- dress of retiring president.) Science 86 : 595-603. 1937. Irving Langmuir, General Electric Company. "Biological Applications of Surface Chemistry." (Sixteenth annual Sigma Xi lecture.) Sigma Xi Quarterly 26, Xo. 1. 1938. George Lyman Kittredge, Harvard University. "Shakespeare and the Critics." (Third annual Phi Beta Kappa lecture.) Thomas Parran, Surgeon-General, U. S. Public Health Service. "Syphilis as a Public Health Problem." Science 87: 147-152. 1938. Also Publication No. 6 (Syphilis) of the Association. 1938. Special Sessions Charles A. Kraus, Brown University. "The Present Status of the Theory of Electrolytes." (Fourteenth Josiah Willard Gibbs lecture.) Esmond R. Long, Henry Phipps Institute. "Tuberculosis, Leprosy and The Indianapolis Meeting 165 Allied Mycobacterial Infections." Science 87: 23-31. 1938. Publication No. 5 (Tuberculosis and Leprosy) of the Association. 1938. Harold G. Moulton, Brookings Institution. "Science and Society." Science 87: 173-179. 1938. Addresses of Vice Presidents Section on Mathematics. G. C. Evans, University of California. "Mathe- matical Progress in Theoretical Economics." Section on Physics. George B. Pegram, Columbia University. Section on Chemistry. Irving Langmuir, General Electric Company. "Overturning and Anchoring of Monolayers." Science 87 : 493-500. 1938. Publication No. 7 (Applications of Surface Chemistry in Biology, pp. 9-18) of the Association. 1939. Section on Astronomy. Frederick H. Seares, Mt. Wilson Observatory. "Magnitudes Again." Science 87: 1-8. 1938. Section on Geology. George R. Mansfield, U. S. Geological Survey. "Ge- ology in National and Everyday Life." Science 87 : 49-57. I93& Section on Zoological Sciences. Ralph S. Lillie, University of Chicago. "The Nature of Organizing Action." Section on Botanical Sciences. J. M. Greenman, Missouri Botanical Gar- dens, St. Louis. "Taxonomy as a Field for Research." Science 87: 265- 266. 1938. Section on Anthropology. Ralph Linton, University of Wisconsin. "The Present Status of Anthropology." Science 87: 241-248. 1938. Section on Psychology. A. T. Poffenberger, Columbia University. "Some Unsolved Problems in Human Adjustment." Science 87: 124-129. 1938. Section on Social and Economic Sciences. Harold G. Moulton, Brook- ings Institution. "Controlled Factors in Economic Development." Science 87: 173-179- 1938. Section on Engineering. William E. Wickenden, Case School of Applied Science. "The Social Sciences and Engineering Education." Science 87: 152-158. 1938. Section on Medical Sciences. Esmond R. Long, Phipps Institute. "Tu- berculosis, Leprosy and Allied Mycobacterial Infections." Science 87: 23- 31. Publication No. 5 (Tuberculosis and Leprosy, pp. 123-133) of the As- sociation. 1938. Section on Education. E. S. Evenden, Columbia University. "Factors Affecting the Salaries of College and University Teachers." Symposia "College Physics in Its Relations to Pre-College Education" (2 papers). American Association of Physics Teachers. i66 The Indianapolis Meeting "The Applications of Surface Chemistry in Biology" (6 papers). Sec- tion on Chemistry. Publication Xo. 7 of the Association. 1939. "Recent Advances in Chemical Physics" (9 papers). Section on Chemis- try. Publication No. 7 of the Association. 1939. "Oil in the Pennsylvanian of the Eastern Interior Basin" (10 papers). Section on ( ieology. "Sex Differentiation" (4 papers). American Society of Zoologists and Genetics Society of America. "Hydrobiology" (6 papers). American Society of Zoologists and Limno- logical Society of America. "The Relation Between Insects and Plant Diseases" (5 papers). Ameri- can Association of Economic Entomologists. Entomological Society of America and American Phytopathological Society. "Agencies for Extending Entomological Information" (7 papers). Amer- ican Association of Economic Entomologists. "The Concept of the ( ienus" ( 5 papers ) . Botanical Society of America. "Growth and Development of Meristems with Special Reference to Re- production" (6 papers). Botanical Society of America, American Society of Plant Physiologists and American Society for Horticultural Science. "The Origin and Distribution of the Flora of the Middle West ( 6 papers). Botanical Society of America. "Methods of Teaching Plant Physiology" (4 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists. "The Nature of Protoplasm" (3 papers). American Society of Zoolo- gists. Botanical Society of America and Genetics Society of America. "Breeding to Meet Economic Needs" (4 papers). Genetics Society of America. "Science and Society" (9 papers). Section on Social and Economic Sciences. "The Endocrines and Behavior" (4 papers). Section on Psychology. "Social Implications of Modern Science (5 papers). Section on His- torical and Philological Sciences and History of Science Society. "Maya Civilization" (3 papers). Section on Historical and Philological Sciences. "Syphilis" ( 2<> papers). Section on Medical Sciences. Publication No. 6 of the Association. 1938. 'The Role of Minor Element Fertilization in Economic Plant Produc- tion" (8 papers). Section on Agriculture, American Society for Horticul- tural Science, Potato Association of America and American Society of Agronomy. "Need for a Twelve Year Science Program for American Public Schools" (5 papers). American Science Teachers Association. The Indianapolis Meeting 167 Announcement and Report of Meeting Preliminary Announcement of the Indianapolis Meeting. F. R. Moulton. Science 86: 503-510. 1937. Permanent Secretary's general report of meeting (including reports of the secretaries of the sections and of the participating societies). Science 87:95-117. 1938. Miscellaneous Articles, Notes and Reports George David Birkhoff, president-elect of the Association for 1937. Science 85 : 131. 1937. Report of Committee on Grants for 1937. Science 85 : 164. 1937. Joint meeting of the Lancaster, Pa., Branch. Science 85 : 283. Principal Addresses at the Denver Meeting. F. R. Moulton. Science 85 : 421. 1937. Minutes of the April meeting of the Executive Committee. Henry B. Ward. Science 85 : 499-500. 1937. "Science." F. R. Moulton. Science 85 : 571-575. 1937. Activities of the Phoenix Branch of the Association. A. L. Flagg. Science 86 : 58. 1937. "Science and Society." F. R. Moulton. Science 86: 387-391. 1937. Symposia Organized by the Section on Medical Sciences of the Associa- tion. Earl B. McKinley. Science 86: 414. 1937. "Science and Democracy." J. McKeen Cattell. Science 86: 443. 1937. October meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association. F. R. Moulton. Science 86 : 495-496. 1937. "New Societies and Shifting Interests." Henry B. Ward. Science 86: 579-580. 1937. "Resolutions on Intellectual Freedom." Science 87 : 10. 1938. "Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Other Diseases Caused by Acid-Fast Bac- teria." Wm Charles White. Science 87: 14-15. 1938. "Science's Magna Charta." The Xevv York Times. Science 8y. 16-17. 1938. "Science for Humanity's Sake." The Washington Post. Science 87: 118. 1938. "Pandemic Botany." C. Stuart Gager. Science 87: 285-292. 1938. "Functions of an Ecological Society." R. E. Coker. Science 87: 310- 3L> 1938. "Progress in Horticultural Science." Arthur J. Heinicke. Science 87: 333S37- ^938- SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS For the Calendar Year 1938 Volume LXI Summarized Proceedings for 1938 171 SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS FOR 1938 The Association hold two meetings in the calendar year 1938, one at Ottawa, Canada, from June 27 to July 2, inclusive, and the other in Rich- mond. Virginia, from December 2j to 31, inclusive. The Ottawa meeting was the fifth meeting of the Association in Canada, but the first in Ottawa; the Richmond meeting was the first meeting of the Association in Virginia. The Pacific Division held a meeting in San Diego, California, from June 20 to 25, inclusive, and the Southwestern Division held a meeting at Albu- querque, New Mexico, from April 25 to 28, inclusive. At the Ottawa meeting the registration was 1104 and 466 addresses and papers were listed on the programs ; at the Richmond meeting the registra- tion was 2553 and 1706 addresses and papers were listed on the programs; at the San Diego meeting of the Pacific Division ^2 persons were regis- tered and the programs contained the titles of 312 addresses and papers; and at the Albuquerque meeting 113 persons were registered and no ad- dresses and papers were delivered or read. At the close of the fiscal year 1938 (Sept. 30) the membership of the Association was 19,059, and the memberships of the Pacific and Southwestern Divisions were 2096 and 410, respectively. Officers of the Association for 1938 President. Wesley C. Mitchell (economics), Columbia University. Retiring President. George D. Birkhoff (mathematics), Harvard Univer- sity. Permanent Secretary. F. R. Moulton, Washington, D. C. General Secretary. Otis W. Caldwell, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Treasurer. John L. Wirt, Washington, D. C. Secretary of the Council. Charles A. Shull, University of Chicago. Executive Assistant. Sam Woodley, Washington, D. C. Auditor. W. J. Humphreys, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C Counsel. Charles S. Baker, Washington, D. C. Members of the Executive Committee (page 95) Members of the Finance Committee (page 95) Members of the Committee on Grants (page 95 ) Members of the Council (pages 95, 92-94) Section Officers (pages 92-94) 172 The Ottawa, Canada, Meeting Officers of the Pacific Division (For the fiscal year June, 1937 - June, 1938) President. J. S. Plaskett, Victoria, B. C, Canada. Secretary. J. Murray Luck, Stanford University, Calif. Council Representative. Roy E. Clausen, University of California. Officers of the Southwestern Division (For the fiscal year April, 193/ - April, 1938) President. Frank E. E. Germann, University of Colorado. Secretary. Veon C. Kiech, University of New Mexico. Council Representative. Frank E. E. Germann, University of Colorado. The Ottawa, Canada, Meeting, June 27 to July 2, 1938 (The I02d meeting of the Association and the $th meeting in Canada) Officers of the Local Committee His Excellency, Lord Tweedsmuir, patron Senator Raoul Dandurand, honorary chairman C. Camsell, chairman Participating Societies Affiliated with Section on Astronomy Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (o -(- 30 papers1) Affiliated with Section on Geology and Geography Geological Society of America ( o -f- 41 papers) Affiliated with Section on Zoological Sciences American Association of Economic Entomologists and Entomological Society of America and Entomological Society of Ontario in joint ses- sions (o -f- 28 papers ) Affiliated with Section on Botanical Sciences Canadian Phytopathological Society (0 + 6 papers) American Phytopathological Society (o -f- 26 papers) American Society of Plant Physiologists (6 + 20 papers) Botanical Society of America (o -f- 5 papers) American Society of Plant Taxonomists (o -f- 5 papers) 1 First number is the number of papers presented at sessions at which the society met alone; the second is the number presented at one or more joint sessions of the society. The Ottawa, Canada, Meeting 173 Affiliated with Sections on Zoological and Botanical Sciences Ecological Society of America (0 + 8 papers ) < ienetics Society of America ( 14 -(- 22 papers) Affiliated with Section on Social and Economic Sciences American Statistical Association (9 +3 papers) Canadian Agricultural Economics Society (20 + 3 papers ) Affiliated with Section on Engineering Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences (9 papers) Affiliated with Section on Agriculture Society of American Foresters and Association of Forest Engineers of Quebec and Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Woodlands Sec- tion, and Canadian Society of Forest Engineers (14 -f- 11 papers) Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturists and Canadian Society of Animal Production and Canadian Agricultural Economics Society in joint sessions (0 + 55 papers) American Society of Agronomy ( 7 papers ) General Sessions Robert C. Wallace, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. "The Chang- ing Values of Science." (Seventh Hector Maiben lecture.) Science 88: 265-272. 1938. Stuart A. Rice. U. S. Central Statistical Bureau, Washington. "World Standards of Living." (First address on Science and Society program.) Science 90: 167-172. 1939. F. E. Lathe, Division of Research Information, National Research Coun- cil of Canada. "World Natural Resources." (Second address on Science and Society program.) Science 88 : 337-344. 1938. William Crocker. Director, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Re- search. "The Botanical Sciences and the Future." (Third address on Science and Society program.) Science 88: 387-394. 1938. Frank R. Lillie, The University of Chicago. "Zoological Sciences in the Future." (Fourth address on Science and Society program.) Science 88: 65-72. Arthur H. Compton, University of Chicago. "Physics and the Future." (Fifth address on Science and Society program.) Science 88: 11 5- 121. Harold C. Urey, Columbia University. "Chemistry and the Future." (Sixth address on Science and Society program.) Science 88: 133-139. M. W. Smith, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. "The 174 The Ottawa, Canada, Meeting Application of Science to the Electrical Industry." (Seventh address on Science and Society program.) John Johnston, Director of Research, U. S. Steel Corporation. "The Application of Science to the Metallurgical Field." (Eighth address on Science and Society program.) The Scientific Monthly 48: 493-503. 1939. Symposia "Medical Biochemistry" (6 papers). Section on Chemistry and Section on Medical Sciences. "The Nutrition Problem in North America" (8 papers). Section on Chemistry. "The Application of Isotopes to Biochemical Properties" (4 papers). Section on Chemistry and Section on Zoological Sciences. "Atmospheric Ozone and Measurement of Ultraviolet Light in Solar Radiation" (4 papers). Section on Astronomy and Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. "The Migration and Conservation of Salmon" (6 papers). Section on Zoological Sciences. Publication No. 8 of the Association. 1939. "The Relation of Insects to Forest Conservation" (5 papers). American Association of Economic Entomologists, Entomological Society of America, Entomological Society of Ontario, Society of American Foresters, Canadian Society of Forest Engineers and Association of Forest Engineers of Quebec. "The Genetics of Pathogenic Organisms" (11 papers). Section on Botanical Sciences, Section on Medical Sciences, Section on Agriculture and Genetics Society of America. Publication No. 12 of the Association. 1940. "Phytogeographical Problems of Northeastern Canada" (5 papers). Sec- tion on Botanical Sciences, Botanical Society of America and American So- ciety of Plant Taxonomists. "Root Rots and Seed Borne Diseases" (6 papers). Canadian Phyto- pathological Society and American Phytopathological Society. "Micro-Elements and Deficiency Diseases" (9 papers). American Phy- topathological Society and American Society of Plant Physiologists. "Drought Relations" (11 papers). American Society of Plant Physiolo- gists and Genetics Society of America. "The Influence of Fire on Forests, Wild Life and Public Welfare" (3 papers). Ecological Society of America, Society of American Foresters and Canadian Society of Forest Engineers. "History of Science in Canada" (9 papers). Section on Historical and Philological Sciences. "Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (B.C.G.)" (5 papers). Section on Medical Sciences. The Virginia (Richmond) Meeting 175 "Progress of Swine Improvement in Canada" (7 papers). Canadian Ag- ricultural Economics Society. Announcements and Reports of Meeting Preliminary Announcement for the Ottawa Meeting. Science 87: 445- 45i- 1938. American and Canadian Scientists Meet in Ottawa. F. R. Moulton. The Scientific Monthly 47: 87-89. 1938. Permanent Secretary's general report of the meeting, including reports of the secretaries of the sections and of the participating societies. F. R. Moulton. Science 88: 87-101. 1938. Report of the Ottawa Meeting. F. R. Moulton. The Scientific Monthly 47: 183-184. 1938. The Virginia (Richmond) Meeting, Dec. 27-31, 1938 ( The 103d meeting of the Association and its 1st meeting in Virginia) Officers of Local Committee Lloyd C. Bird, chairman ; W. Catesby Jones, co-chairman L. W. Himmler, secretary Participating Societies Affiliated with Section on Mathematics American Mathematical Society (o -f2 papers1) Mathematical Association of America (o -f- 2 papers) Affiliated with Section on Physics American Meterological Society (14 papers) Affiliated with Section on Astronomy Society for Research on Meteorites ( 14 -j- 9 papers) Affiliated with Section on Geology and Geography Geological Society of America (o -|- 59 papers) American Geophysical Union (o -(- 9 papers) Carolina Geological Society (o -j- 29 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Zoological Sciences American Society of Zoologists (156 + 7 papers) 1 The first number is the number of papers on the program of the society alone; the second is the number presented before a joint session of the society and another society. 176 The Virginia (Richmond) Meeting American Association of Economic Entomologists (98 -f- 12 papers) Entomological Society of America (33 + 6 papers) American Society of Parasitologists (j$ papers) Affiliated with Section on Botanical Sciences Botanical Society of America (82 + 80 papers) American Phytopathological Society (95 + 49 papers) American Society of Plant Physiologists (42 + 46 papers) Mycological Society of America (30 -|- 16 papers) Sullivant Moss Society 1 12 papers) American Fern Society ( 1 paper) American Society of Plant Taxonomists Affiliated with Sections on Zoological and Botanical Sciences American Society of Naturalists (1+3 papers ) Ecological Society of America (36 + 21 papers) Genetics Society of America (58 + 7 papers) American Microscopical Society Limnological Society of America (29 + 0 papers) National Association of Biology Teachers (9 papers) Affiliated with Section on Medical Sciences American Psychiatric Association, Council Affiliated with' Section on Agriculture American Society of Agronomy (0 + 4 papers) American Society for Horticultural Sciences Potato Association of America (34 + 25 papers) Society of American Foresters (0 + 4 papers) Science in General Society of the Sigma Ni United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa American Nature Study Society (22 papers) American Science Teachers Association (8 papers) Gamma Alpha Graduate Scientific Fraternity Sigma Delta Epsilon Graduate Women's Fraternity Pi Gamma Mu Union of American Biological Societies Catholic Round Table of Science The Virginia (Richmond) Meeting 177 General Sessions George D. Birkhoff, Harvard University. "Intuition, Reason and Faith in Science." (Address of retiring president of the Association.) Science 88: 601-609. 1938. \V. F. Durand, Stanford University. "Modern Trends in Air Trans- port." (Seventeenth annual Sigma Xi address.) Sigma Xi Quarterly 27, Xo. 1. 1939. Frank Pierrepont Graves, president of the University of the State of Xevv York. "Is Education a Science?" I Fourth annual Phi P>eta Kappa lecture.) The American Scholar. 1939. David SarnofT, Radio Corporation of America. "Science and Freedom." Radio Corporation of America. 1938. Sir Richard Gregory, editor of Xature. London, England. "Religion in Science." The Scientific Monthly 48: 99-108. 1939. C. McFie Campbell, Director, Boston Psychopathic Hospital. "Human Xeeds and Social Resources." The Scientific Monthly 48: 293-307. 1939. Publication No. 9 of the Association (Mental Health), pp. 457-470. 1939. Harvey Fletcher, Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York. "Auditory Patterns." (Address of retiring vice president for the Section on Physics.) Special Sessions Cranston Williams, Southern Xevvspaper Publishers Association. "Dr. Charles Herty's Methods for Meeting the Problems of the South." Win. T. Sanger, president of the Medical College of Virginia. "Virginia Homes and Gardens." (Illustrated by colored slides.) Wm. M. Mann, director of the Xational Zoological Park, Washington, D. C. "Motion Pictures of Wild Animals in Sumatra." Addresses oe Vice Presidents Section on Mathematics. W. D. Cairns, Oberlin College. "Seismology from a Mathematical Viewpoint." Science 89: 113-118. 1939. Section on Physics. Harvey B. Fletcher, Bell Telephone Laboratories. "Auditory Patterns." (With demonstrations.) Section on Chemistry. Farrington Daniels, University of Wisconsin. "Reaction Rates." Section on Astronomy. Philip Fox, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. "Astronomers and Their Tools." Section on Geology and Geography. Kirtley F. Mather, Harvard Uni- versity. "Earth Structure and Earth Origin." Science 89 : 65-70. 1939. Section on Zoological Sciences. F. B. Sumner, Scripps Institute of Oceanography. "Human Psychology and Some Things That Fishes Do." The Scientific Monthly 49: 245-255. 1939. 178 The Virginia (Richmond) Meeting Section on Botanical Sciences. F. E. Denny, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. "Production of Ethylene by Plants." Section on Anthropology. John Swanton, U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology. "Some Thoughts on the Problem of Progress and Decline." Science 89: 253-258. 1939. Section on Psychology. Calvin P. Stone, Stanford University. "Indi- vidual Differences as Points of Departure for Research in Animal Psy- chology." Section on Historical and Philological Sciences. R. C. Archibald, Brown University. "Mathematics, and Poetry and Drama." Science 89: 19-26, 46-50. 1939. Section on Social and Economic Sciences. Stuart A. Rice. "Standards of Living as Functions of Science and of Social Organization." Science 90: 167-172. 1939. Section on Engineering. Joseph W. Barker, Columbia University. "En- gineering Planning vs. Planned Economy." Section on Medical Sciences. Thomas M. Rivers, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York. "The Nature of Viruses." Section on Agriculture. E. C. Auchter, U. S. Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. 'The Inter-relations of Soils and Plant, Animal and Human Nutrition." Science 89: 421-427. 1939. Section on Education. Ralph W. Tyler, The University of Chicago. Basic Considerations in the Improvement of Educational Tests." "r> Symposia "Reaction Rates in Organic Chemistry" (5 papers). Section on Chemis- try. "Natural Resins" (4 papers). Section on Chemistry. "Phenanthrene and Related Compounds" (6 papers). Section on Chem- istry. "The Importance of Geophysics to the Study of Continental Borders" (9 papers). Section on Geology and Geography, American Geophysical Union, Geological Society of America and Section on Astronomy. "Geology of the Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf" (12 papers). Sec- tion on Geology and Geography and Geological Society of America. "Chromosome Structure" (4 papers). American Society of Zoologists and Genetics Society of America. "Color Changes in Animals, Their Significance and Activation" (6 pa- pers). American Society of Zoologists. "Mating Types and Their Interactions in Ciliate Infusoria; Determina- tion, Inheritance and Relation to .Sexuality" (6 papers). American Society of Zoologists. The Virginia (Richmond) Meeting 179 "Insect Populations*' (5 papers). American Association of Economic Entomologists, Entomological Society of America and Ecological Society of America. "The Effects of Water-Soluble * Irowth- Promoting Substances on Plants" (3 papers). Botanical Society of America. "Influence of Low Temperature on Plants" (5 papers). Botanical So- ciety of America. "The Structure of Chloroplasts" (3 papers). Botanical Society of America. "The Physiology and Diseases of Cotton'' (9 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists, American Phytopathological Society and Botanical Society of America, Physiological Section. "The Teaching of Plant Physiology" (5 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists. "Contributions of the Higher Animals to an Understanding of Human Biology" (3 papers). American Society of Naturalists, American Society of Zoologists, Botanical Society of America, Genetics Society of America and Section on Anthropology. "Some Leading Problems of Limnology with Special Reference to Lakes" (9 papers). Limnological Society of America. Publication No. 10 of the Association entitled "Problems of Lake Biology." 1939. "Research in Audition: The Next Steps" (5 papers). Section on Psy- chology. "Significance of the Pareto Distribution" (3 papers). Section on Social and Economic Sciences. "Centenary of the Cell Theory" (7 papers). Section on Historical and Philological Sciences, Section on Zoological Sciences and Section on Botan- ical Sciences. Reprinted from the American Naturalist by the Jaques Cattell Press. 1940. "Mental Health" (94 papers). Section on Medical Sciences. Publication Xo. 9 of the Association. 1939. "Dental Caries : Diet and Nutrition ; Bacterial ; Heredity ; Distribution ; Chemical; Tooth Structure; Blood and Saliva" (22 papers). Subsection on Dentistry. "Glycols" (5 papers). Subsection on Pharmacy. "Land Use" (3 papers). Section on Agriculture and Section on Social and Economic Sciences. "Economic Effects on Education" (4 papers). Section on Education. "Problems of Interpretation of Educational Research" (7 papers). Sec- tion on Education. "Problems in Reading" (4 papers). Section on Education. "New Developments in Education" (5 papers). Section on Education. "Ferns of Virginia and Neighboring States." American Fern Society. r8o The San Diego, Calif., Meeting Announcements and Reports of Meeting Preliminary Announcement of the Virginia meeting. F. R. Moulton. Science 88: 509-517. 1938. The Virginia (Richmond) meeting of the Association. F. R. Moulton. The Scientific Monthly 47 : 561-563. 1938. Permanent Secretary's general report, including reports of the secretaries of the sections and of the participating societies. Science 89: 89-112. 1939. Miscellaneous Articles, Notes and Reports A Special Research Conference on Chemistry organized by the Section on Chemistry. F. R. Moulton. Science 88 : 8-9. 1938. Cooperation Between the British and American Associations. F. R. Moulton. Science 88 : 258-259. 1938. The Scientific Monthly and the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. J. McKeen Cattell. Science 88 : 428-429. 1938. Symposium on Mental Health. Malcolm H. Soule. Science 88: 302-305. The Cell and the Problem of Organization. Edmund W. Sinnott. Science 89: 41-46. 1939. Walter B. Cannon, President-Elect of the Association. Esmond R. Long. Science 89: 92-93. 1939. Financial Reports of the Treasurer and the Permanent Secretary. F. R. Moulton. Science 89: 201-202. 1939. Grants in Aid of Research for 1939. Science 89: 405. 1939. The San Diego, Calif., Meeting, June 20-25, 1938 (The 22d annual meeting oj the Pacific Division) Local Organizations Sponsoring the Meeting San Diego Society of Natural History Scripps Institution of Oceanography San Diego Museum Association Zoological Society of San Diego San Diego State College San Diego County Medical College Pa rt 1 C II' at 1 n g So c 1 et 1 ES American Association of Physics Teachers (5 papers) American Meteorological Society (12 papers) American Physical Society (9 papers) American Chemical Society (42 papers) Astronomical Society of the Pacific (31 papers) The Sax Diego, Calif., Meeting t8] Association of Pacific Coast Geographers ( 14 papers ) ( )ceanographic Society of the Pacific (8 papers) American Association of Economic Entomologists, Pacific Slope Branch ( 15 papers) American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Western Division Pacific Coast Entomological Society Western Society of Naturalists (9 papers) American Phytopathological Society, Pacific Division (24 papers) American Society of Plant Physiologists, Western Section (35 papers ) Botanical Society of America, Pacific Section (25 papers) Ecological Society of America ( 14 papers ) American Anthropological Association, Pacific Division ( 17 papers) Society of American P>acteriologists, Southern California Section ( 10 papers) Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Pacific Coast Branch and Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Southern Cali- fornia Branch (8 papers) Western Society of Soil Science (20 papers) General Sessions J. S. Plaskett, Director, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria. B. C. "Modern Conceptions of the Stellar System." (Address of retiring president of the Pacific Division.) B. O. Raulston, University of California, Los Angeles ; A. J. Carlson, University of Chicago ; and Harry Beal Torrey, Stanford" University, were the speakers on a general session symposium on "Animal Experimentation." Science 88 : 245-250. 1938. John B. Leighly, University of California, Berkeley ; Ernst Antevs, Globe, Arizona, Merrill K. Bennett, Stanford University, and C. M. Reynolds, Stanford University, were the participants in a general session symposium on "Climate and Man." C. Skottsberg, Botanical Garden, Gothenburg, Sweden. "The Distribu- tion of Flowering Plants Over the Pacific Ocean and Its Significance." Special Reports on Scientific Progress J. A. Anderson, Mount Wilson Observatory. "Recent Instrumental De- velopments in Astronomy." H. U. Sverdrup, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. "Recent Advances in Our Knowledge of the Oceans." C. H. Danforth, Stanford University. "The Sex Hormones." Richard Goldschmidt, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. "Ge- netics." 182 The Albuquerque, New Mexico, Meeting Symposia "Nuclear Transformations and Their Astrophysical Significance" (3 papers). American Physical Society and Astronomical Society of the Pa- cific. "Physical Problems of the Ocean" (6 papers). American Physical So- ciety. "Salt Tolerance of Plants and Related Problems" (4 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists, Western Section, and Western Society of Soil Science. "Plant Invasion on the Pacific Coast" (4 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists, Western Section, and Botanical Society of America, Pacific Section. "Cell Wall Structure" (5 papers). American Society of Plant Physiolo- gists, Western Section, and Botanical Society of America, Pacific Section. "A Resume of Progress in Plant Science" (4 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists, Western Section, and Botanical Society of America, Pacific Section. "History and Relationships of the Southwestern Flora" (3 papers). Botanical Society of America, Pacific Section. "The Problem of Culture Sequence on the West Coast" (5 papers). American Anthropological Association, Pacific Division. Preliminary Announcement and Report of Meeting Preliminary Announcement of the San Diego meeting of the Pacific Di- vision. Science 87: 317-318. 1938. Secretary's general report of the meeting. J. Murray Luck. Science 88 : 195-204. 1938. The Albuquerque, New Mexico, Meeting, April 25-28, 1938 (The 18th meeting of the Southwestern Division and its 2d meeting in Albuquerque) Participating Societies Mathematical Association of America, Southwestern Section Society of American Foresters, Southwestern Section American Association of University Professors, Rocky Mountain Region American Society of Civil Engineers, New Mexico Section General Sessions Frank E. E. Germann, University of Colorado. "The Occurrence of Carbon Dioxide with Notes on the Origin and Relative Importance of Sub- The Albuquerquk, New Mexico, Meeting 183 terranean Carbon Dioxide." (Address of retiring president.) Science 87: 513-521. 1938. E. R. Hedrick, Provost of University of California, Los Angeles. "Re- lations of Science to Economics and to War." (Ninth John Wesley Powell lecture.) Herbert C. Stewart, Head of Section of Erosion Control Practices, Rio Grande District, Soil Conservation Service, and Thomas Maddock, Section of Watershed and Hydrologic Studies, Soil Conservation Service, were the speakers at a general-session symposium on "The Results of Soil Conserva- tion," at which John D. Clark presided. E. R. Hedrick, Provost of University of California, Los Angeles, and Harold Benjamin, Dean of College of Education, University of Colorado, delivered addresses at a dinner of the American Association of University Professors, the former on "Place and Function of Faculties in University Government" and the latter on "University Administration in the Amer- * 99 icas. Symposia "Social Diseases" (4 papers). Biological Sciences Section. "Meteorology" (4 papers). Physical Sciences Section. "Teaching Problems in Mathematics" (5 papers). Mathematics Section. Preliminary Announcement and Report of Meeting Preliminary Announcement of the Albuquerque Meeting of the South- western Division. Veon C. Kiech. Science 87: 134. 1938. Secretary's general report of the meeting. Veon C. Kiech. Science 87 : 508-510. 1938. SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS For the Calendar Year 1939 Volume LXll Summarized Proceedings for 1939 187 SUMMARIZED PROCEEDINGS FOR 1939 The Association held two meetings in the calendar year 1939, a summer meeting at Milwaukee, Wis., June 19-24, and the annual meeting at Colum- bus, Ohio, Dec. 27, 1939 -Jan. 2, 1940. The only previous meeting held in Wisconsin was at Madison in August, 1893. The Association first met in Columbus in August, 1899, and held a second meeting there in Dec, 191 5- Jan., 1916. The Pacific Division held its annual meeting at Stanford Uni- versity, June 26 - July 1, 1939. The Southwestern Division held its annual meeting in connection with the dedication of the McDonald Observatory at Alpine, Texas, May 2-5, 1939. At the Milwaukee meeting the registration was 331 and there were 264 papers listed on the programs. At the annual meeting in Columbus 2715 persons were registered and 2154 addresses and papers were delivered or read. At the Pacific Division meeting at Stanford University the registra- tion was 882, with 440 papers on the program. The registration was not reported for the meeting of the Southwestern Division at Alpine ; there were 112 papers on the program. Officers of the Association for 1939 President. Walter B. Cannon, Harvard University. Retiring President. Wesley C. Mitchell, Columbia University. Permanent Secretary. F. R. Moulton, Washington, D. C. General Secretary. Otis W. Caldwell, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Treasurer. John L. Wirt, Washington, D. C. Assistant Secretary. Sam Woodley, Washington, D. C. Auditor. W. J. Humphreys, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Counsel. Charles S. Baker, Washington, D. C. Members oj the Executive Committee (page 95 ) Members oj the Finance Committee (page 95) Members oj the Committee on Grants (page 95) Members oj the Council (pages 95, 92-94) Section Officers (pages 92-94) Officers of the Pacific Division (For the fiscal year June, 1938 - June, 1939) President. S. J. Holmes, University of California. Secretary. J. Murray Luck, Stanford University. Council Representative. Roy E. Clausen, University of California. i88 The Milwaukee Meeting Officers of the Southwestern Division (For the fiscal year April, 193S - April, 1939) /'resident. E. F. Carpenter, University of Arizona. Secretary. Emil Haury, University of Arizona. Council Representative. Frank R. E. Germann, University of Colorado. Tin-: Milwaukee Meeting, Jink 19-^4, 1939 ( The 104th meeting of the Association ) Officers of the Local Committee S. A. Barrett, general chairman Governor Julius P. Heil, honorary co-chairman Mayor Daniel W. Hoan, honorary co-chairman Dr. Clarence Dykstra, honorary co-chairman Rev. R. C. McCarthy, S. J., honorary co-chairman Participating Societies Affiliated with Section on Physics American Meteorological Society ( 22 papers ) Affiliated zvith Section on Botanical Sciences American Society of Plant Physiologists ( 3 -f- 3 papers' ) American Phytopathological Society (o -)- 3 papers) Affiliated zvith Sections on Zoological and Botanical Sciences Ecological Society of America (4-4-12 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Social and Economic Sciences Population Association of America (o -\- 20 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Engineering American Society of Agricultural Engineers (o + 14 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Medical Sciences American Neisserian Medical Society (o -)- 33 papers) Affiliated zvith Section on Agriculture Society of American Foresters ( 17 -)- 4 papers) ( General Sessions Victor G, Heiser, Metropolitan Tower, New York. "The Influence of 1 First number is the number of papers presented at sessions at which the society met alone; the second is the number presented at one or more joint sessions of the society. The Milwaukee Meeting 189 Nutrition on the Diseases of Middle and Old Age." The Scientific Monthly 49: 304-3IO. 1939. Heber D. Curtis, University of Michigan. "Solar Storms." (Illustrated with motion pictures taken at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory of the University of Michigan.) Special Sessions The third conference on "Science and Society" consisted of four Special Sessions at each of which two papers were presented. They were as follows : George W. Edwards, College of the City of Xew York. '"The Capitalistic- System and How It Evolved." Rufus S. Tucker, General Motors Corporation. "Free Enterprise and Scientific Development." Charles F. Roos, Institute of Applied Econometrics. "The Application of Natural Science Methodology to Economic Studies." Harold G. Moulton, The Brookings Institution. "Economics and Its Dynamic Aspects." Leverett S. Lyon, The Brookings Institution. "The Role of Government in the Economic System." James W. Bell, Northwestern University. "Government Finance and Economic Stability." Charles H. Judd, National Resources Committee. "Present Relations of Government to Science." William F. Ogburn, University of Chicago. "Should the Government Finance Non-governmental Research Activities ?" Symposia "Kinetics of Homogeneous Gas Reactions" ( 19 papers). The Section on Chemistry and American Chemical Society, Division of Physical and In- organic Chemistry. (Presented at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., June 20-22.) "Soil Conservation and Land Utilization in the Great Lakes Region" ( 14 papers). The Section on Geology and Geography, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, the Section on Engineering, Association of Ameri- can Geographers and Geological Society of America. "The Relation of Genetics to Geographical Distribution and Speciation" ( 5 papers ) . Section on Zoological Sciences. "Regeneration" ( 5 papers). Section on Zoological Sciences. "Socio-Economic Approach to Land Use" (4 papers). Section on Bo- tanical Sciences, Ecological Society of America, Society of American For- esters and Section on Agriculture. "Photoperiodism" (3 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists, 190 The Milwaukee Meeting Section on Botanical Sciences and American Phytopathological Society. "Measuring Attitudes." Section on Psychology. "Psychological Bases of Mental Hygiene." Section on Psychology. "Neuromuscular Tension." Section on Psychology. "Population Problems and Programs in the Northern Lake States" (17 papers). The Section on Social and Economic Sciences, Population Asso- ciation of America, Ecological Society of America and Section on Agricul- ture. "Gonococcus and Gonococcal Infection" (33 papers). The Section on Medical Sciences and the American Neisserian Medical Society. Publica- tion No. 1 1 of the Association. 1939. "Vitamins with Particular Reference to Their Standardization" (6 papers ) . Subsection on Pharmacy. "Forest Rehabilitation in the Lake States" (8 papers). Society of Amer- ican Foresters. "The Education of the Emotions" (17 papers). The Section on Educa- tion. Announcements and Reports of Meeting Preliminary Announcement of the Milwaukee Meeting. F. R. Moulton. Science 89 : 469-474. 1939. "Milwaukee a Mecca for Scientists in June." F. R. Moulton. The Scien- tific Monthly 48: 575-576. 1939. Permanent Secretary's general report of the meeting, including reports of the secretaries of the sections and of the participating societies. F. R. Moulton. Science 90: 45-55. 1939. "Reflections on the Milwaukee Meeting." F. R. Moulton. The Scien- tific Monthly 49: 86-88. 1939. Miscellaneous Articles, Notes and Reports "The American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Na- tional Education Association." Science 89: 147. 1939. Financial reports of the Treasurer and the Permanent Secretary for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1938. Science 89 : 201-202. 1939. 'The Society of the Sigma Xi." Edward Ellery. Science 89: 201. 1939. Joint Symposium of the American Chemical Society, the University of Wisconsin and the A.A.A.S. Harold C. Urey. Science 89 : 463-464. 1939. "Science and Social Pioneering." Isaiah Bowman, president of The Johns Hopkins University. (The first British and American Association exchange lecture. The Dundee, Scotland, meeting of the British Association, Sep- tember, 1939.) Science 90: 309-319. 1939. The Columbus, Ohio, Meeting 191 The Columbus, Ohio, Meeting, Dec. 27, 1939- Jan. 2, 1940 ( The 105th meeting of the Association and its 3d meeting at Columbus) Officers of the Local Committee Alpheus W. Smith, chairman Howard L. Hamilton, executive secretary Participating Societies Affiliated with Section on Mathematics American Mathematical Society (64 -j- 4 papers1) Mathematical Association of America (6 -f- 6 papers) National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ( 16 -f- 5 papers) Affiliated with Section on Physics American Physical Society (75 -(- 2 papers) American Association of Physics Teachers (25 -f- 2 papers) American Meteorological Society (9 papers) Affiliated with Section on Astronomy American Astronomical Society (39 + ll papers) Society for Research on Meteorites (9 -)- 14 papers) Affiliated with Section on Geology and Geography Geological Society of America (o -f- 55 papers) Ohio Academy of Science, Section of Geology (0+31 papers) American Geophysical Union (o-f-6 papers) Affiliated with Section on Zoological Sciences American Society of Zoologists ( 187 + 8 papers) American Association of Economic Entomologists ( 105 -f- 9 papers) Entomological Society of America (49 -f- 15 papers) American Society of Parasitologists (84 papers) Affiliated with Section on Botanical Sciences Section on Botanical Sciences Botanical Society of America ( 1 1 1 + 55 papers) American Phytopathological Society (101 -f- 53 papers) American Society of Plant Physiologists (37 + 16 papers) Mycological Society of America (22 -j- 17 papers) Sullivant Moss Society (14 papers) American Fern Society (2 -f- 4 papers) American Society of Plant Taxonomists 1 First number is the number of papers presented at sessions at which the society met alone; the second is the number presented at one or more joint sessions of the society. ic)2 The Columbus, Ohio, Meeting Affiliated with Sections on Zoological and Botanical Sciences American Society of Naturalists ( i + 3 papers) Ecological Society of America (43 -f- 29 papers) Genetics Society of America ( 58 -f- X papers ) American Microscopical Society Limnological Society of America (32 -f- 8 papers ) Phi Sigma Society (24 papers) National Association of Biology Teachers ( 12 papers) Union of American Biological Societies Affiliated with Section on Social and Economic Sciences Metric Association (7 papers) Affiliated with Section on Historical and Philological Sciences History of Science Society ( 5 + 1 papers) Affiliated with Section on Agriculture Society of American Foresters (15 -f- 14 papers) American Society for Horticultural Sciences ( 178 -f- ,V papers) Potato Association of America (18 -\- 22 papers) Affiliated with Section on Education American Federation of Teachers Science in General Society of the Sigma Xi United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa American Nature Study Society (22 papers) American Science Teachers Association (8 papers) Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi ( 1 paper) Gamma Alpha Graduate Scientific Fraternity Sigma Delta Epsilon Graduate Women's Fraternity ( 1 paper) Pi Gamma Mu, National Social Science Honor Society (2 papers) American Association of Scientific Workers (3 papers) The Catholic Round Tahle of Science General Sessions Wesley C. Mitchell, Columbia University. "'The Public Relations of Science." (Address of retiring president of the Association.) Science 90: 599-607. 1939. Isaiah Bowman, president of the Johns Hopkins University. "Who Is Responsible for Peace?" (Address under auspices of Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.) The Columbus, Ohio, Meeting i<)3 Kirtley F. Mather, Harvard University. "The Future of Man as an In- habitant of the Earth." (Eighteenth annual Sigma Xi lecture.) Sigma Xi Quarterly 28, X<>. 1. 1940; The Scientific Monthly 50: 193-203. 1940. Julian Huxley, London, England. "'Science. War and Reconstruction." ( Second British and American Association exchange lecture.) Science 91 : 151-158. 1940. Marjorie Hope Nicolson, Smith College. "Science and Literature." (Fifth annua! Phi Beta Kappa lecture. ) Addresses of Vice Presidents Section on Mathematics. J. R. Kline, University of Pennsylvania. "The Jordan Curve Theorem." Section on Physics. Herbert E. Ives, Bell Telephone Laboratories. "The Measurement of Velocity with Atomic Clocks." Science 91 : 79-84. 1940. Section on Chemistry. Harold C. Urey, Columbia University. "The De- pendence of Physical and Chemical Properties on Mass, and the Separation of Isotopes." Section on Astronomy. R. Meldrum Stewart. Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, Canada. "Some Remarks on Gravity Clock Escapements." Section on Geology and Geography. Walter H. Bucher. University of Cincinnati. "Problems of the Atlantic Ocean." Section on Zoological Sciences. Wesley R. Coe, Yale University. ''Di- vergent Pathways in Sexual Development." Science 91 : 175-182. 1940. Section on Botanical Sciences. Raymond J. Pool, University of Ne- braska. "White Man Versus the Prairie." Science 91 : 53-58. 1940. Section on Anthropology. Diamond Jenness, National Museum of Can- ada, Ottawa, Canada. "Canada's Indian Problems." Section on Psychology. J. F. Dashiell, University of North Carolina. "A Xeglected Fourth Dimension to Psychological Research." Section on Historical and Philological Sciences. Nelson Glenn McCrea, Columbia University. "Literature as an Ally of the Social Sciences." Section on Engineering. A. A. Potter, Purdue University. "Research and Invention in Engineering Colleges." Science 91 : 1-7. 1940. Section on Medical Sciences. C. J. Wiggers, Western Reserve University School of Medicine. "Pathways of Medical Progress." Science 91: 25-31. 1940. Publication No. [3 ( Blood, Heart and Circulation) of the Associa- tion, pp. 1-9. 1940. Section on Agriculture. Robert M. Salter, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio. "Some Soil Factors Affecting Tree Growth." Science 91 : 391-398. 1940. Section on Education. George D. Stoddard. University of Iowa. "Re- flections upon the I. Q." 194 The Columbus, Ohio, Meeting Symposia "Relational Thinking in Secondary Mathematics" (12 papers). National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. "Isotopes" (13 papers). Section on Chemistry. "Photosynthesis" (14 papers at regular sessions and a round-table discus- sion after dinner). Section on Chemistry. "Glacial and Geomorphic Development of the Ohio Basin" (12 papers). Section on Geology and Geography, Geological Society of America and Ohio Academy of Science (Section on Geology). "Industrial Minerals" (9 papers). Section on Geology and Geography and Geological Society of America. "Paleozoic Stratigraphy of the Ohio Basin" (13 papers). Section on Geology and Geography, Geological Society of America and Ohio Academy of Science (Section on Geology). "Meteorite Falls and Meteorite Accretion" (5 papers). Section on Ge- ology and Society for Research on Meteorites. "Applications of Mathematics to the Earth Sciences" (5 papers). Sec- tion on Geology and Geography, Section on Mathematics, American Mathe- matical Society, Mathematical Association of America and Geological Society of America. "Hydrologic Problems in the Ohio and Michigan Basins" (6 papers). Section on Geology and Geography, Geological Society of America (Sec- tion on Hydrology), American Geophysical Union and Ohio Academy of Sciences (Section on Geology). "Speciation" (5 papers). American Society of Zoologists and Genetics Society of America. "Experimental Study of Cellular Organization" (5 papers). American Society of Zoologists. "Fifty Years of Entomological Progress" (5 papers). American Asso- ciation of Economic Entomologists and Entomological Society of America. "Viruses and Plant Quarantines" (4 papers). American Association of Economic Entomologists and American Phytopathological Society. "Training for the Various Fields of Entomology" (5 papers). American Association of Economic Entomologists. "Physiological Processes of Plants in Relation to Temperature" (5 papers). Botanical Society of America (Physiological Section), American Society for Horticultural Science and American Society of Plant Physiolo- gists. "Defense Mechanisms in Plants and Animals" (3 papers). Botanical Society of America, American Society of Naturalists, American Society of Zoologists, Genetics Society of America and Section on Medical Sciences. The Columbus, Ohio, Meeting 195 "The Teaching of Plant Physiology" (3 papers). American Society for Plant Physiology. "Relation of Ecology to Human Welfare — The Human Situation" (5 papers). Ecological Society of America. "The Internal Environment and Behavior." Section on Psychology. "Effects of Science upon Human Beings" (4 papers). Fourth Science and Society Conferences of Section on Social and Economic Sciences. "Blood, Heart and Circulation" (39 papers). Section on Medical Sciences. Publication No. 13 of the Association. 1940. "Definite Oral Manifestations of Systemic Disease" (9 papers). Sub- section on Dentistry. Preliminary Announcements and Reports Preliminary Announcement of the Columbus Meeting. F. R. Moulton. Science 90: 499-507. 1939. "Scientists Assemble at Richmond." F. R. Moulton. The Scientific Monthly 49: 573S7^ J939- Permanent Secretary's general report, including reports of secretaries of sections and participating societies. F. R. Moulton. Science 91 : 101-124. 1940. "American Association in Action." F. R. Moulton. The Scientific Monthly 50: 85-91. 1940. Miscellaneous Articles, Notes and Reports "Constitutional Barriers to Involvement of the Nervous System by Cer- tain Viruses." Albert B. Sabin. (Address upon receipt of the Theobald Smith Award of the Association.) Science 91 : 84-87. 1940. "The Nation and Petroleum Geology Today." Hugh D. Miser. Science 91: 251-255. 1940. Report of Committee on Grants for 1940. Science 91 : 124. 1940. Financial Reports of Treasurer and Permanent Secretary for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1939. F. R. Moulton. Science 91 : 195-196. 1940. Membership of the Association. F. R. Moulton. Science 91 : 219-220. 1940. Newly Elected President of the American Association ( Albert F. Blakes- lee). Burton E. Livingston. The Scientific Monthly L: 182-185. 1940. Award of the American Association Prize. (I. I. Rabi, recipient.) Karl K. Darrow. The Scientific Monthly L: 185-187. 1940. The Scientific Exhibition in Columbus. Owen Cattell. The Scientific Monthly L: 189-191. 1940. The Washington Dinner in Honor of Julian S. Huxley. (Dinner spon- 196 The Stanford University Meeting sored by the Association, the Smithsonian Institution and The Scientific Monthly.) The Scientific Monthly 50 : 191-192. 1940. "Symposium on Blood, Heart and Circulation." Malcolm H. Soule. The Scientific Monthly 50: 187-189. 1940. The Stanford University Meeting, June 26 - July i, 1939 ( The 23d annual meeting of the Pacific Division) Pa rt 1 c r pat j x g Soci et i es American Association of Physics Teachers ( 4 invited papers) American Meteorological Society (30 papers) American Physical Society (13 papers) American Chemical Society, Pacific Intersectional Division ( 32 papers) Astronomical Society of the Pacific (25 papers) Association of Pacific Coast Geographers ( 15 papers) American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Western Division ( 1 5 papers ) The Western Society of Naturalists ( 10 papers) American Association of Economic Entomologists, Pacific Slope Branch (59 papers) Ecological Society of America, Western Section ( 12 papers) Pacific Coast Entomological Society (all joint sessions) American Phytopathological Society, Pacific Division (28 papers) American Society of Plant Physiologists, Western Section (28 papers) Botanical Society of America, Pacific Section (45 papers) Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Pacific Coast Branch and Southern California Branch ( 17 papers) American Society for Horticultural Science, Western Section (24 papers) Western Society of Soil Science (33 papers) General Sessions S. J. Holmes, University of California, Berkeley. "Darwinian Ethics and Its Practical Applications." ( Address of retiring president of the Division. ) Science 90: 117-123. 1940. V. Gordon Childe, University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Scotland. "The Neolithic Economy in Northwestern Europe." 1.1). Bernal, University of London, London, England. "The Structure of Protein Molecules." Thk Stanford University Meeting 197 Special Reports on Scientific Progress J. \Y. McBain, Stanford University. "Recent Advances in Colloid Chem- istry." A. R. Davis, University of California, Berkeley. "Mineral Metabolism in Plants." Henry Borsook, California Institute of Technology. "Biological Oxida- tions and Reductions." J. W. Macfarlane, University of California, Berkeley. "Research on Per- sonality Development." Symposium on "Radiation and Life" W. V. Houston, California Institute of Technology. "Radiation." John H. Lawrence, University of California, Berkeley. "Radioactive Elements as Tracers in Metabolic Studies." M. Delbruck, California Institute of Technology. "Radiation and the Hereditary Mechanism." Robert R. Newell, Stanford University Hospitals, San Francisco, Calif. "Medical Applications." Symposia "Some Xew Ultra-High-Frequency Radio Apparatus ( 4 papers with demonstrations). American Physical Society. "Methods and Results of X-ray Structure Determination" (5 papers). American Physical Society. "Dams and the Problem of Migratory Fishes" (5 papers). American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Western Division, and The Western Society of Naturalists. "Recent Contributions of Botany and Ecology to Society" (4 papers). Ecological Society of America, Western Section, and Botanical Society of America, Pacific Section. "Availability of Nutrients in Soils to Plants" (6 papers). American So- ciety of Plant Physiologists, Western Section, and Western Society of Soil Science. "Translocation of Solutes in Plants" ((> papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists. Western Section, and Botanical Society of America, Pacific Section. "Growth" (8 papers). American Society of Plant Physiologists, Western Division. "Native Plants of Western North America Offering Exceptional Mate- rial for Botanical Research" ( 5 papers). Botanical Society of America, Pa- cific Section. 198 The Alpine, Texas, Meeting "The Cell and Protoplasm" (17 papers). This symposium in commem- oration of the centenary of the Cell Theory, held at Stanford University, July 1-5, was participated in by J. D. Bernal, of England, Szent-Gyorgyi, of Hungary, and Hugo Theorell, of Sweden. Publication No. 14 of the Asso- ciation. 1940. "National Colloid Symposium." The Colloid Symposium Committee of the Division of Colloid Chemistry, American Chemical Society and the Committee on Colloid Science, National Research Council. This symposium, the sixteenth national colloid symposium, was held at Stanford University, July 6-8. Preliminary Announcement and Report Preliminary Announcement of the Stanford meeting, J. Murray Luck. Science 89 1504. 1939. Secretary's general report of the Stanford meeting, including reports of the secretaries of the participating societies. J. Murray Luck. Science 90: 123-131. 1939. The Alpine, Texas, Meeting of the Southwestern Division, May 2-5, 1939 ( The igth meeting of the Southwestern Division) Victor J. Smith, Chairman of General Committee Participating Societies Mathematical Association of America, Southwestern Section Society of American Foresters, Southwestern Section Texas Archaeological and Paleontological Society West Texas Museum Association Panhandle Plains Historical Society Southwest Texas Archaeological Society Clearing House for Southwestern Museums Texas Folk Lore Society Texas Academy of Science West Texas Historical and Scientific Society Central Texas Archaeological Society Texas Nature Federation West Texas Chamber of Commerce Resource and Museum Institute Sociedad Chihuahuense de Estudios Historicos The Alpine, Texas, Meeting i99 General Sessions E. F. Carpenter, University of Arizona. "The Revolt Against Thought." (Address of retiring president of Southwestern Division.) A. H. Compton, University of Chicago. "Physics Views the Future." (Tenth John Wesley Powell lecture.) Dedication of the McDonald Observatory, Mt. Locke: "Tender of Com- pleted Observatory," P. E. Bliss, Warner & Swasey Company; "Accept- ance of Completed Observatory," Otto Struve, the Yerkes Observatory; "The Cooperative Enterprise," Robert Maynard Hutchins, president of The University of Chicago; "Acceptance for the University of Texas," member of Board of Regents; "Some Features of the New Mirror," J. S. Plaskett, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Ottawa, Canada; 'The First of the Sciences," Arthur H. Compton, The University of Chicago; and "Dedication of the Observatory," J. W. Calhoun, president of the Uni- versity of Texas. Section Programs Biological Sciences Section (15 papers). W. H. Bell, chairman. Mathematics Section (13 papers). R. S. Underwood, chairman. Pro- gram of the Section included a symposium on "Topology" (2 papers). Physical Science Section (23 papers). E. J. Workman, chairman. Social Science Section (27 papers). Victor J. Smith, chairman. Pro- gram of the Section included a symposium on "Methods of Cultural Classi- fication and Description: Conference on Texas Archaeological Methods" (10 papers). Program in Connection with the Dedication of the McDonald Observa- tory (27 addresses and papers). The program included a symposium on "Galactic Structure" (2 papers) and a symposium on "Galactic and Ex- tragalactic Structure" (2 papers). Texas Junior Academy of Sciences presented a program of 9 reports of projects and activities. Preliminary Announcement and Report of Meeting Preliminary Report of the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Division. Veon C. Kiech. Science 89:73. 1939. Secretary's general report of the Alpine, Texas, meeting of the South- western Division. Veon C. Kiech. Science 90 : 38. 1939. 200 Special Research Conferences SPECIAL RESEARCH CONFERENCES UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SECTION ON CHEMISTRY Each of these special conferences consisted of two sessions each day for a period of five days. Usually only one paper was presented at each session, the remainder of the time being reserved for discussions. The conferences during each five-day period were devoted to an important limited field of chemistry and were participated in only by specialists in the field. First Research Conferences ox Chemistry (Gibson Island, Maryland, August 15-16, WjS) These two conferences were organized by Neil E. Cordon, Secretary of the Section on Chemistry. The subject of the first one was, "Relation of Structure to Physiological Action," Harold C. Urey, chairman. Five formal papers were presented at this conference. The second one was on "Cellular Metabolism and Tissue Respiration," by Kurt G. Stern, chairman. Nine formal papers were presented at this conference. Science 88: 8-9. 1938. Second Research, Conferences ox Chemistry (Gibson Island, Maryland, July 10-28, WjQ) The .subjects of the three conferences held in 1939 were, "Resinous Polymers," "Vitamins" and "Relation of Structure to Physiological Action." The respective chairmen were Howard L. Bender, C G. King, and Walter H. Hartung. Ten papers were presented at the first conference, eight at the second and eight at the third. Science 89 : 559-561 . 1939. A third series of five five-day research conferences was held in July- August, 1940. SUSTAINING MEMBERS LIFE MEMBERS EMERITUS LIFE MEMBERS EMERITUS ANNUAL MEMBERS FIFTY-YEAR MEMBERS HONORARY MEMBERS AND ANNUAL MEMBERS Complete Lists of the First Six Classses from the Establishment of these Classes of Members to July i, 1940 Sustaining Members 203 SUSTAINING MEMBERS Article 2 of the Constitution of the Association contains the provision : "A person who gives one thousand dollars to the Association may be elected to be a sustaining member and is exempt from further dues." Article 10 of the Constitution contains the provision: "The payments from sustaining and life members form part of the permanent fund, and the income (after the death of the member) shall be used for research, unless otherwise directed by unanimous vote of the Council or by a majority vote at two consecutive annual meetings." An asterisk preceding the name of a member indicates that he is deceased. The symbols following the name give the complete membership record of the member. For example, the symbols following the first name below indicate that Edward Dean Adams became a member (M) in 1890, a fellow (F) in 191 3, a sustaining member (S) in 1916 and died (D) in 1931. A dash following the letter D means that the year of the death of the person is not known by the Association. *Adams, Edward Dean. M90F13S16D31. *Maiben, Hector. S21D31. ^Hermann, Mrs. Esther. S70D11. *Thompson, Mrs. Elizabeth. S73D99. *Lilly, William. S79D93. -'Walters, Henry. S29D31. *McMillin, Emerson. S88F09D22. LIFE MEMBERS Article 2 of the Constitution of the Association contains the provision : "A member who pays at one time the sum of one hundred dollars [fifty dollars until Jan. 1, 1920] to the Association becomes a life member and is exempt from further dues." The provision of Article 10 of the Constitution, quoted under Sustaining Members above, applies also to Life Members. The names of Life Members who were living on June 1, 1934, are included, with additional information, in the complete directory of members for the period June 1, 1 934- July 1, 1940, which begins on page 217. The names of Life Members who were deceased on June 1, 1934, are contained in some earlier volume of the Summarized Pro- ceedings. Therefore the complete membership record of every person who has been a member of the Association since the present system of records was established in 1920 is contained in some volume of the Summarized Proceedings. The symbols following the name give the complete membership record of the member. For example, the symbols following the second name below indicate that E. Stanley Abbot became a member (M) in 1904, a life member (L) in 1909, and a fellow (F) in 1928. In case a member is deceased the letter D precedes the digits that indicate the year of his death ; a dash following the letter D means that the year of the death of the person is not known by the Association. New York State Library. Lio. *Argollo, Miguel T. M08L14D16. Abbot, E. Stanley. M04L09F28. Armstrong, Clairette P. L29F33. Achilles, Edith Mulhall. M22L25F28. Armstrong, Donald. M10L11. Ackerman, Mrs. Ethel Serviss. L25. Armstrong, Francis T. Ln. Adams, Edwin L. M18L26. Armstrong, S. Howard. L39. Allen, A. H. M24L25. Armstrong, Samuel T. M06L07F33. Allis, Edward Phelps. M02F05L14. Armstrong, Warren Putnam. L34. Allis, William Phelps. M24L31F33. *Arnett, Eugene. L24D38. Alvord, John W. M07F11L31. Arnold, John W. M24L29F31. 204 Life Members Arnold, Weld. L22F31. Arutunoff, Armais. M37L39. Austin, James Harold. M12L13F15. :|: Avery, Samuel P. L87D04. Bacon, Clara L. M24L33F33. Baekeland, L. H. M06F08L24. Baggaley, Ralph. Loi. Bailey. John Wendell. M17F33L38. ;::Balch, Edwin Swift. Moi F03L03D27. •'Baldwin, S. Prentiss. L98F00D38. "Baldwin, Simeon E. L01F01D27. Ballard, Mrs. Foster K. L38. (Formerly Ruth G. Mason) *Baltzell, William Hewson. M08L09D28. ::Baltzell, Mrs. Wm. Hewson. L29D38. *Bangs, Lemuel Bolton. L87D14. Banker, Howard J. M02F05L23. Bannister, Ruth D. M24L2Q. Barber, M. A. L34F34. Barbour, Thomas. M02F07L2S. *Barge, B. F. M84L88D02. -Barker, George F. MsoF7sL8oDio. -Barnard, Edward E. M77F83L08D23. *Barnes, Cora F. M06L07D11. Barnes, Howard T. M06F09L25. Barnhart, John H. M60F03L11. *Barth, Carl G. M08L25F28D39. *Barton, Donald Clinton. M11F21L37D39. Bascom, Florence. M02F97L10. Bates, B. L. M. L17. :i:Bates, Oric. L16D18. Bausch, Carl L. M31F32L37. Beckwith, Mrs. Daniel. L29. Beckwith, Edward P. M11L13. Beinecke, Frederick W. M28L31. Belknap, Mrs. William. *Bell, Alexander Graham. -Bell, C. M. LS7D— . Bell, Dennistoun M. .\L_ :i;Bell, John Everett. M03F06L25D31. Belmont, Perry. M06L07. ^Benjamin, Marcus. M78F87L9 1 D32. Berry, Samuel Stillman. M09F15L18. :|:Biddle, Thomas. M13L15D15. Bierbaum, Christopher H. M03F25L25. Bird, Charles Sumner, Jr. M08L09. -Bird, John B. L17D25." ■|:Birnie, Rogers. M.10L1 1F1 1D39. :Bishop, Heber R. L87D02. Bitting, Arvill W. M16L17F33. -Bitting, Katherine Golden. M93F97L17- D36. ;|:Bixby, Wm. H. L85F92D28. *Blackmore, Henry Spencer. M00L09D21. Blair, Mary C. L22. -Blanchard, George W. M24L31D — . Blanchard, Roland. M25L31. )!, W. G. L84D— . Bliss, Cornelius N. L29F40. Bliss, Gilbert Ames. M05L06F07. Bliss, Robert Woods. L29F40. -Bliss. Mrs. William H. L07D35. Blossom, Mrs. D. S. L32. *Blount, Henry F. M83L98D13. Blumenthal, Hugo. L16. Blunt, Katharine. M07F10L37. Boettger, Robert. L16. Bogen, Emil. M29L32F33. Bole, Mrs. B. P. M24L30. *Bolton, H. Carrington. M68F7SL79D03. -Bond, Benjamin D. M17L25D — . L29. M77F79^ '-•!>- 1 2 L< Boswell. Foster P. M10L2SF28. Bower, E. C. L27F27. Boyd, James E. M97F99L37. Boyden, James R. L18. -Brackenridge, George W. L92D20. -Bradley, Arthur C. L94D11. -Bradley, M. J. L94D11. -Bradley, Milton. Los D 10. -Bradley, Stephen R. M01L02D10. Branch, Hazel Elisabeth. M24L31F33. -Brashear, John A. M84F85L02D18. Bray, Charles W. M3oF33L37- -Breitenbach, M. J. L17D20. *Brice, Albert G. M83L07D12. -Bridge, Norman. M02F06L23D25. :: Britton, Wiley. MQ1L05D — . Brodie. R. K. M17F33L37. -Brooks, Peter C. M08L09D2S. -Brown, Joseph Stanford. L01F06D23. -Brown, William Henry. M08F15L20D39. -Browning, J. Hull. M06L07D14. -Brunton, David William. L01F11D27. -Brush, George J. M50F74L81D12. -Bryant, Henry Grier. M02F05L10D32. Bryant, Owen. M04F06L10. -Buck. Fred. M20L37D— . -Buckley, Ernest R. M02L03D13. Buehler, Henry Andrew. L11F13. -Bullard, William N. M17L18D31. -Burbank, Luther. M01F01L08D26. -Burgess, Horace T. M11F15L20D39. Burnett, J. Clawson. L29. Burr, Charles W. L22F33. Burr, I. Tucker. M08L09. Burwash, E. M. L22F25. Busch, Henry Paul. L21. Caldwell, Otis W. M00F02L23. Callender, Walter R. L28. -Campbell, William W. Moi Foi L03 D38. Cantley, Thomas. M08L23. Caplan, Herman. M22L24. Capp, Seth Bunker. M14L15. Carpenter, Arthur. M28L31F33. Carpenter, Leonard. M06L31. -Carter, James C. L87D08. Case, Theodore W. L17F25. Cattell, J. McKeen. MqsF96L98. Cattell, Mrs. J. McKeen. M22L30. -Cattell, Owen. L16D40. Chamberlin, Rollin T. M00F0QL20. Chapman, Conrad. M22L23. -Chisholm, George E. MoiLi8D38. Churchill, Anna Quincy. M23L24F33. -Cilley, Frank H. M00F01L01D05. Clapp, Grace L. M18F21L37. -Clarke, Hopewell. M10L11D — . Cleveland, Newcomb. L23. Clyde. William Hill. L3.i. -Coe, Henrv Waldo. M83L8SD27. -Colburn, Richard T. M82L87F9AD13. Cole, Howard Irving. M29L31F33. -Colman, L. C. L22D25. Coltcn, Harold Sellers. AI04L09F13. :!iComstock, Theo. B. M75F87L00D15. -Converse, John H. M04F06L06D10. Cook, Howard H. M10L11. Cook, Jonathan. L37. Cooke, C. Montague, Jr. M07L23F33. -Coolidge, Mrs. J. Randolph. MoSLooDji. Cornelius, David W. M24L25F25. *Corning, E. L. L18D24. Life Members 20: Corning, H. K. L27. Cortes, Jose Maria. L35. *Costantini, Count D. A. M2QL30D — . *Coster, Edward L. Mi 1 1,131)34. Council, Francis E. M22L23. -Coxe, Eckley B., Jr. M 02 I— . Crain, Jason. M23L24. *Cram, Roys Jones. L02F06D28. Crampton, G. C. M 10F] 1 L26. Crane, Alfred J. M17L27. "Crocker, Sarah H. M08L10D17. Crocker, Mrs. Wm. H. L29. ♦Crowell, A. F. L82D20. Crunden, Allan B., Jr. M3SL40. -Cullinan, J. S. L22D38. -Curie, Charles. L06D10. Currie, Thomas R. M08L31. Dalai, Rustom D. L32F38. d'Autremont, Louis Paul. L27. "Davis, Andrew McFarland. M86L0N Fo6- Oj 1 . Davis, Bradley Moore. M96F97L25. Davis, Charles Henry. M07F15L24. Davis, Helen I. M23F33L37. Davis, William T. M06L07F11. Davy, J. Burtt. M02F03L03. Dawson, Bernhard H. M21F22L24. Day, Katharine Seymour. M25L26. Day, William Scofield. LooF"ot. -Deagan, John C. M22L26D37. "Deering, Charles. L17D27. de Forest, Alfred Victor. L17F31. 'Deghuee, Joseph A. Moi F00L31D31. *Delafield, Maturin L. M94F-13L15D29. de Landero, Carlos F. M87L91. :DeLoubat, LeDuc. M97F97L98D27. DeSilver, Mrs. Margaret. L29. Desloge, Joseph. M24L31. "Dey, Anthony. M06L07D12. Deyoe, H. L. M32L37. Dickerman, William C. L17F32. Dickinson, C. G. M29L31. Dobbin, Frank. M12L13. Dodd, Gertrude. L2Q. -Dodge, Cleveland H. L17D26. Drake, Noah Fields. M06L07F0Q. *Draper, Daniel. M80F81L87D31. ''Droppers, Garrett. M01F01L08D27. *Du Bois, Aug. J. L81F82D1S. *Dudley, Wm. L. M79F81L88D14. Dufrenoy, Jean. M28F31L36. Duncan, John Charles. M10F11L31. Duncanson, Henry B. M01L08. "Dunham, Carroll. M06L07D22. Dunn, Gano. M01F16L19. Dunn, Henry E. M18L31. Dunscombe, George E. M06L07. Durand, William F. M88F90L31. *Dutton, Charles E. L15D26. "Eddy, N. A. L17D18. Edison, Theodore M. M24L31F32. "Edwards, J. Warner. M07L10D21. Elder, Clayburn C. M28L37'. Elliott, A. W. L38. Elliott, William Swan. L33. Ellis, Ralph. L28. "Ellsworth, James William. L17D25. Embury, Emma C. L29. :l!Emerson, Charles F. M73F74L98D23. Emerson, Mrs. Raymond. M12L13. Emmons, Mrs. Arthur B. L29. W. M08L09D— . Edwin. M17L26. Li 7D19. H. L35F35. Frederick. M80L82- -Emmons, S. F. M74F79L87D11. *Eno, A. F. L10D— . Eshner, Augustus A. M05F09L28. :|:Estes, Dana. M80L84D09. Ettinger, Amos A. L37. Evans, Alice C. M24L31F31. Evans, Florence L. M37F38L38. ::Fabbri, Alessandro. Li 7D22. Farwell, Francis C. L21. Field, Wm. B. Osgood. M06L07. "Fielde, Adele M. M06L09D16. Fish, Stuyvesant. L17. Fiske, Thomas Scott. M01F01L06. FitzPatrick, Florence K. L38. -Fletcher, Andrew. L01D08. Floyd, Willis W. L35F35. Follin, Maynard D. L22. Forbes, Alexander. M08L09F21. Forbes, Henry S. M23F25L31. Forbes, William T. M. M09L11F14. Fortmann, Henry Frederick. M04L06. Foxworthy, Fred W. Mo2FiiL23. Frazer, John. M07F09L09. "Frazer, Persifor. M75F79L84D09. Freedman, William H. M01F01L26. :|:French, Caroline L Freudenthal, Louis *Frick, Henry Clay. Friedman, Maurice ::Frothingham, Mrs. D13. Fuhr, Clara. M24L30. "'Fuller, Frank. M06L07D20. Fuller, Myron L. L01F05. Fuller, Richard E. M29F31L31. Fulton, John F. M27L31F31. Gafafer, Wm. M24F33L36. ::Gaff, Thomas T. M02L19D23. Gaines, Walter Lee. M13L14F31. "Gallatin, Albert R. L17F38D39. Gamble, Clarence James. L28. "Garrett, Mrs. T. H. M08L0QD20. -Gates. M. F. L23D25. Gates, Reginald Ruggles. M07F09L19. *Genth, Fred A. M83L85F00D10. Gerdau, Mrs. Otto. L29. "Gilbert, G. K. M69F74L00D18. "Glenny, William H. M76L83D29. Goddard, Verz R. M28L31F33. Goebel, Gordon W. L17. Goldman, Marcus I. M07F15L28. Goldsborough, John Byron. M06L0;. "Goldschmidt, S. A. M75F80L15D33. Goldsmith, Alfred N. M22F25L30. Goldsmith, Edward. M80F92L12. "Goodwin, Harold. M13L31D35. *Gorman, M. W. L21D26. -Gotshall, William C. M28L31F31D35. *Gouldy, Jennie A. M01L31D — . "Greene, Wm. H. M04L06D18. Greenway, James C. M03L27. -Gregg, Donald. M23F25L31D39. -Gregory, Henry E. L29D — . Gregory, Herbert E. M01F02L12. !,:Gribbel, Mrs. John. M04L18D34. *Guggenheim, Daniel. L29D30. Guggenheim, William. M06L07. Gunder, Jeane D. M28L31. *Guthrie, William Alvis. L24D34. Haack, Karl F. O. L29. Hague, Eleanor. M18L37. 206 Life Members *Hague, William. M06L07D18. *Haldeman, Cyrus B. M17L20D37. *Hale, George Ellery. M88F91L17D38. *Hall, Harvey Monroe. M12F15L24D32. *Hamerschlag, Arthur A. M06L07F12D27. *Hammer, Alfred E. M17L20D35. *Hammond, Mrs. John Hays. M01L05D31. *Hanaman, C. E. M70F83L83D— . *Harkness, Wm. M77F78L78D03. *Harper, D. Roberts, 3d. M18L20F21D35. *Harris, J. Campbell. L01D — . Harris, James Edward. L23. Haskins, C. P. M33L37F30. •!:Hastings, Charles S. M76F78L87D32. Hazeltine, L. Alan. M22L25F33. *Hazen, George H. L17D34. Hebard, Morgan. M11L13F32. Hektoen, Ludvig. M02F06L24. Henderson, Judson Pulford. M18L20F31. Henstock, Herbert. M23L29F30. Herbert, Albert. L18. Herbert, Jennie. M16L18. *Herrick, Henry A. L17D17. Herrick, Joseph C. L30F33. *Hexamer, C. J. M82L84D21. Heye, George G. L17F31. Hicks, Lawrence E. M31L37. Higginson, Mrs. James J. L29. Hille, Hermann. L11F33. Hills, Thomas McD. M00L10F16. *Hitchcock, Charles H. M57F74L87D19. Hitchcock, Fanny R. M. M86F06L16. Hodge, Edwin T. M25F25L26. Hoe, Mrs. R., Jr. L87. Hoffman, Samuel V. M02F06L11. Hoffmann, Bernhard. M18L27. ^Hoffmann, Friedrich. M78F81L99D04. Holden, Mrs. L. E. L86. Holmes, Harriet F. M10L25F25. Hooker, Davenport. M25F11L37. Hooton, E. A. M21F21L31. Hopkins, Louis J. M07F13L18. Horn, Clarence A. M27F33L36. Houghton, Clement S. M08L31. Houghton, John D. L39. *Hovey, Edmund Otis. M87F95L20D24. Howard, L. O. M88FS9L07. *Howe, Elmer Parker. M08L09D18. Howells, John N. M. M29L31. Hoyt, Olive Sawyer. M02L23. Hrdlicka, Ales. M97F97L16. Hubbard, Bela. M23L24F31. Hudson, Alfred. L35. Hughes, Rupert. M30L32. Hunt, Samuel P. M25L30. Hunter, Roland Jackson. L27. Huntington, Archer M. M06L07. Hurwitz, W. A. M11F13L26. Hutchinson, Frank J. L29. Hutchison, Charles F. L39. Iddings, Arthur. M19L23F31. lies, George. M82L93F98. Jackson, Mary L. M19L25. Jacobs, Merkel H. M10F13L25. *Jenkins, George C. M08L09D — . Jillson, Willard Rouse. M18F21L25. Johnson, H. Herbert. L29F30. Johnson, Josef J. M23L25F38. Johnson, Myrtle E. M11F21L25. Johnston, E. M. L20. Johnston, Frederick Atkins. M08L18. *Johnston, J. Herbert. L18D31. Jones, L. Goodrich. M29F31L33. Jones, Walter C. M08F26L27. Judd, George E. L35. Judd, Horace. M06F25L37. Karapetoff, Vladimir. M08F11L26. Karpman, Benjamin. M30L31. Kaufmann, Herbert M. M18L31F33. Kendeigh, S. Charles. M28L29F33. Kennan, Mrs. George. L29. Kennedy, Harris. M91L92. *Kennelly, Arthur E. M01F01L23D39. Ketcham, Henry H. M17L30F32. Keyes, Edward L. M24L33F33. *Kidder, Nathaniel T. M08L09D38. *Kinney, Francis S. L07D08. *Kinsey, Oliver P. M07L08D31. Kirkham, Stanton Davis. M09L10. Kissam, William Adams. L17. *Kohlsaat, John E. C. M07L31D34. Kovarik, Alois F. M07F11L18. *Kraemer, Henry. M98F01L02D24. Kress, Samuel H. L17. Krumbhaar, Edward Bell. M12L19F21. Kuschke, Carl G. P. M34F34L35. Kwang, Kwong Yung. M12L13. Lackenbach, Fred I. L25. Ladd, William Sargent. L17F33. Laine, Carl David. L29. Lamson, Genieve. M24F31L37. Lane, Alfred Church. M01F02L02. *Lang, James Sherburne. M12L13D29. Lang, W. B. M21L28F31. *Langdon, Palmer H. M19L26D — . Langner, Helen P. M33L34F38. *Larkin, Edgar L. L02F03D24. * Lawrence, G. Alfred. M06L21D28. Leach, Henry Goddard. L33. LeClercq, Robert R. M25L31. *Lehman, Meyer H. M06L07D — . Lemon, Courtenay. M20L21. *Leverett, George Vasmer. M08L09D17. Levy, Howard S. M20L25. Lewis, C. McKenzie, Jr. L37. Lewis, Charles H. L28. Lewis, Clarence. L98. *Lewis, John Frederick. M13L14D32. Lewis, Joseph. M31L33. Lichtenstein, Alfred F. L16. *Linhart, Samuel Black. M06L09D36. Litten, Arthur S. M33L37. Livingston, Burton E. M03F06L20. :|:Loeb, Morris. M87F89L1 1D12. *Logan, Walter S. M87L00D06. Logan, William N. M13L14F16. *Lomb, Adolph. M92L23F31D32. *Loomis, Henry B. L22D39. Louderback, Geo. D. M01F06L08. Lovejoy, Frank Woods. L15. Loveland, Horace Hall. L02. *Low, A. A. L94D12. Lowie, Robert H. M08F10L33. Lundberg, A. J. M26L37. Lundberg, George A. M32F33L37. *Lyman, Benj. S. M66L74F05D20. Lyman, Theodore. M05L06F07. *Macbride, Thomas H. M89F90L28D34. *McCormick, Cyrus H. L22D36. ■McCormick, Samuel Black. M04L06D28. McCracken, Elizabeth. M35L40. McCrea, Nelson G. M13L24F31. Life Members 207 MacDonald, W. E. M24L26. McDowell, Louise S. M11F15L20. Macllvaine, Francis S. L18. Mackay, A. D. L18. McKee, Mrs. Arabella Ogden. M27L31. McKenney, Randolph E. B. M02F03L09. ♦Mackenzie, Kenneth K. M06F1 1L23D34. ♦McMillan, Smith B. M88L99D11. Mac Neal, Ward J. M08F13L20. Mallinckrodt, Edward, Jr. M03L04F09. *Mann, B. Pickman. M73F74L82D26. Manry, James C. M19L22F24. ♦Marble, Manton. L87D17. ♦Markoe, Francis H. M06L07D08. -Marling, Alfred E. M06L07D— . Marmor, J. D. M02L04. ♦Marsh, Millard C. M04F15L31D36. •""Marshall, Louis. M06L07D — . ♦Marshall, Robert. M27L31F33D39. ♦Marshall, Waldo H. L17D23. Marston, George W. M18L31. Martin, Earl A. M17L25F33. Martin, Mrs. Walton. L17. Mason, Ruth G. L38. (See Mrs. Foster K. Ballard) Matthews, Albert. M02F13L25. ♦Mears, J. Ewing. L06F11D25. ♦Mecham, John B. M10L11D30. Medlar, E. M. M35F35L37. Melcher, Arthur Clarke. M07F11L11. ♦Merrill, Fred J. H. M86F87L98D16. Merrill, Mrs. Winifred Edgerton. M86- L98. Merritt, Arthur H. M32F39L40. Merritt, George E. L27F31. Mershon, Ralph D. M01F06L31. ♦Mertzanoff, A. L29D — . ♦Metcalf, Frank Hamilton. L16D — . ♦Metcalf, Orlando. M86L87D09. Meyer, Charles F. M17L31F31. Meyerding, Henry W. L19F33. ♦Miller, Edgar G. M80L88D10. ♦Miller, Emerson R. M02L11D29. Miller, George J. M11F16L28. ♦Miller, George Norton. M04L13D35. Miller, W. Lash. M08F10L24. *Milne, David. M02L0SD29. Miloslavich, Edward L. L25F31. ♦Minns, Susan. M83L14F32D38. ♦Minot, Charles S. M79F80L01D14. Mitchell, Allan C. G. L25F31. ♦Mitchell, Arthur M. M06L08D29. ♦Mitchell, John, Jr. M13L14D — . Mitchell, Samuel Alfred. M02F06L23. ♦Mitchell, Walter S. M24L25D30. Mixter, George. M08L12. Moffatt, William Sayer. M07L08. *Molera, E. J. L01F15D32. Monroe, William S. M17F33L37. Moore, Mrs. A. O. L15. Moore, Elinor. M31F38L40. Moore, Elwood S. M08F11L25. Moore, J. Percy. M04F06L20. Moore, Stanley B. L17. Morgan, Caroline L. L29. Morgenstern, Edward M. M36L37. ♦Moriondi, Carlo. L29D31. *Morris, Effingham B. L22D37. Morris, Frederick K. L26F27. ♦Morris, Newbold. M00L10D28. Morss, Noel. M29F32L33. Muncy, Victor Emanuel. M17F24L24. *Munn, John Pixley. M06L07D31. ♦Munroe, Charles Edward. M 73 F74L99- D38. Murnaghan, Francis D. M24F25L26. Myers, William Shields. M94F98L17. Nelson, Nels C. L16F25. Newcomb, William W. M07L13. *Newerf, N. C. L17D— . Newkirk, Mrs. Alice M. Field. M18L24. Newman, Clarence W. L24. Newton, Mrs. Douglass E. M29L30. Nichols, John Treadwell. M10L11F15. ♦Nickerson, William E. M25L26D30. Nollen, Henry S. M29L31F32. Norton, Thomas Herbert. M86F87L87. ♦Noyes, Winthrop Gilman. M26L31D31. Obenchain, Jeannette B. M21L26F33. ♦O'Gara, P. J. M09F13L17D27. Olivenbaum, J. E. M29L30. Olyphant, Robert M. M06L07. Osborn, Chase S. M08L09F32. ♦Osborn, Henry Fairfield. M81F83L17D35. ♦Osterhout, George E. M08F11L30D37. Owen, Juliette A. M01F06L06. ♦Owen, Luella Agnes. M98F1 1L1 1D32. ♦Owen, Mary Alicia. M01L11D35. ♦Page, Clarence V. L02D — . Page, Dudley L. M84L95. ♦Page, Mrs. Nellie K. M84L95D33. Palache, Charles. M95F96L10. Palmer, Mrs. Elizabeth P. M14L15. Palmer, Frederic, Jr. M13F16L37. Palmer, L. J. L25F31. ♦Palmer, T. Chalkley. L17F33D34. Panganiban, Elias H. M25L33F33. ♦Parish, Henry. M00L01D — . ♦Parker, Gordon. M14L18F31D37. Parker, Herschel C. M94F00L09. ♦Parkhurst, Henry M. M73F74L85D08. ♦Parsons, Francis H. M02L11F11D25. ♦Parsons, John E. L87D14. Patten, John. MQ4L02. Paxson, Owen Shoemaker. M17L25. Pemberton, Cyril Eugene. M22F26L31. Penfield, Mrs. Paul L. L22. Penniman, Josiah H. M13L14F31. ♦Penrose, R. A. F., Jr. M89F90L94D31. Pentecost, E. H. M08L10. ♦Pentecost, Mrs. E. H. M08L10D22. ♦Perkins, Arthur. L82D — . Perkins, William H. M06L07. Perrine, Charles Dillon. L02F03. Pfeiffer, Curt G. L29. Phelps, John J. L29. ♦Phillips, Francis Clifford. M87F89L03- D20. ♦Phillips, John C. M02L09F13D38. Phipps, Lawrence Cowle. L02F32. ♦Pierce, Newton Barris. L00F01D16. ♦Pierrepont, Henry E. L94D11. Pitman, Earle C. M17L28F38. Pomeroy, Katherine. L29R40. Pope, George A. M13L14. Pope, Willard. L30F32. Porter, Mrs. Albert Brown. M12L32. ♦Porter, James F. M07F14L23D39. Potter, Alden A. L11F15. ♦Potter, Blanch. M06L07D— . Potts, Charles E. L17. Preisler, Paul W. M3SF35L37. 208 Life Members Pruitt, Clarence M. M29L30F31. *Pruyn, John V. L. M80L87D04. :::Pupin, Michael I. M95F96L05D35. Putnam, Helen C. M08L17. Putnam, William Lowell. M08L09. *Quinan, William Russell. L06D10. Rabinowitz, L. M. L29. *Raht, Charles. M06L07D18. *Ray, Benjamin H. M11L13D25. Read, Bernard E. L35F35. Rehn, Henry J. L37. Rejall, Alfred E. M11L27F33. Renouard, Charles Auguste. L32. *Rhodes, James Ford. L01F04D26. Rice, A. Hamilton. L2QF31. *Rice, Edwin Wilbur, Jr. M01F16L16D35. Rich, Gilbert J. M19F28L30. *Richards, Edgar. M82F86L99D24. Rightor, Fred Elmer. M08L31. Riley, Wm. G. M29L37. Roads, Katie M. M17L23. *Robert, Samuel. M06L07D3S. Roberts, Dorothea K. M19F25L26. Roberts, Helen H. M25F31L35. *Robertson, Thomas D. M56L74D02. *Robinson, Lucien M. M14L15F32D — Robison, Sanford H. M30L33. Rockie, W. A. M36F36L37. Roebling, John A. L17. Roeser, Frederick. M17L37. Rohlffs, Walter V. L25. * Roosevelt, Marion T. M82L84D— . *Rosengarten, George D. M07F1 1L17D36. ::;Rosenwald, Julius. L21D32. Rowell, Dorothy C. L29. Roy, Arthur J. M01F08L09. Ruediger, E. Henry. L18F33. *Ryerson, Martin A. M07L08D32. Sanders, Joseph. M27L31. *Sargent, Mrs. Helen W. L23D25. Sargent, Homer Earle. M07F13L20. Saunders, T. Skewes. L16. Sawyer, C. B. L29F33. *Sayer, William S. M07L09D09. *Schaeberle, John Martin. M85F86L90D21. *Schaffer, Charles. M80L82D03. Scharnberg, Herman J. B. L27. *Schermerhorn, F. Aug. L87D19. *Schermerhorn, Wm. C. L87D — . *Schott, Charles M., Jr. L17D19. Schubring, Selma L. MioLii. *Schulte, H. von W. M08F1 1 L28D32. Schwarz, Herman. M17L37. Scott, A. H. M20L21F22. *Scovell, M. A. M86L02D12. *Scudder, Samuel H. M59F74L80D11. Seneker, Seehorn. L28. Sevin, Gertrude K. M11L23. Sharp, Charles Cutler. M01L18. Sharp, George C. M29L32. *Shattuck, Frederick C. L01F01D29. Shaw, Henry S. M25L31F32. Shaw, Robert S. M29L35. Sheafer, Arthur Whitcomb. L79. Sheldon, Mrs. Frank M. L30. *Sheldon, Mrs. J. M. Arms. M95F33L34- D38. Shepard, Finley J. L29. "Shepherd, Elizabeth. M90L00D20. Shrigley, Edward White. M31L33. -Shryock, Wm. K. M04L06D10. Shull, Charles Albert. M07F15L24. Silsbee, Francis B. M17F21L37. Simes, Mrs. William. M08L31. Singewald, Quentin D. M27L31F31. Slemons, J. Morris. M08F14L31. Slocum, H. Jermain, Jr. L29. Smith, A. D. Buchanan. M28L29F31. Smith, Burnett. M04F11L1S. Smith, Clara E. M08F11L14. "Smith, Elizabeth H. L29F31D33. Smith, Harrison Willard. L25F25. :;Smith, Jane M. L01D11. Smith, L. W. M27F31L36. :;:Smith, Matilda H. L01D09. '"Smith, Quintius Cincinnatus. M77L79- F81D11. -Smith, Uselma C. M84L86D02. Smith, W. S. Tangier. M01F06L11. *Smith, Wm. A. M06L07D11. *Spenzer, John George. M88L90F95D32. Speranza, Mrs. Gino. L29. :::Spragg, Frank A. M13F18L24D24. -Sprague, C. H. M80L82D0Q. "Springer, Frank. M06L07F14D27. "Stanfield, Theodore. L16D38. -Stanton, Frank McMillan. M01L02D16. Stauffer, Clinton R. M06F11L20. Stearn, Noel Hudson. M24L29F31. -Steers, James R. M06L07D — . Stefansson, Vilhialmur. M19L21F25. Stenstrom, K. Wilhelm. M24F27L37. -Stephens, W. Hudson. M69F74L75D17. -Stetson, Francis L. M06L17D20. Stevens. Neil Everett. M11F13L19. -Sticht, Robert C. M08L10D22. Stifler, William W. M11F15L27. Stockton, Robert S. M17F31L33. -Stoeckel, Carl. M02L04D2S. -Stoekle, Erwin R. M28F31L37D38. Stokey, Alma Gracey. M11F15L20. Stoll, Norman R. M20F25L30. Strang, Ruth. M30F32L37. Straub, Geo. F. L24. Straus, Mrs. Michael W. L26. Sturgeon, Myron T. M38L40. -Swan, Mrs. J. Andrews. L29D38. Swift, Harold H. L21. Taber, Edmund Rhett. Lif». -Taft, Elihu Barber. M87L91D31. Taliaferro, W. T. L. M14F32L33. *Talmage, James Edward. L01F06D33. *Tanner, John Henry. L98F99D40. -Tarr, Ralph Stockman. M00F01L08D12. -Thaw, Benjamin. M01 L09F13D33. -Thaw, Stephen D. L09F13D23. -Thayer, John Eliot. M10L11D33. Thomas, Llewellvn Hilleth. L31F33. "Thompson, Caroline B. M<)9Fi3Li8D25. -Thompson, Frederick F. L87D99. -Thompson, H. D. M06L07F09D27. -Thorne, Mrs. Phoebe A. L01D11. -Thorne, Mrs. W. V. S. L20D37. Tolman, Richard C. M11F15L32. Tomlinson, C. W. M17F21L31. Trelease, Sam F. M10F21L25. Trelease, William. M90F91L08. *Troescher, A. F. L17D — . True, Mrs. Edward C. L33. -True, Rodney Howard. M97F99I-33D40. :|;Tubbs, Frank Dean. M08F15L17D39. -Tuckerman, Alfred. M80L90F91D2S. Life Memp.ers 2. CM. Albrech, Maximilian Claud. A.B., Cornell, 06. Chief chemist, R. T. French Co.. Rochester, N. Y. (34 Iroquois St.) M39. C. Albrecht, George M(oritz). E.E.. Minne- sota. 06; LL.B., George Washington, r;. Member firm. Freeman, Sweet and Al- brecht. Cleveland. Ohio. M12. BM. Albrecht, Dr. Sebastian. Ph.D., California. 26. 208 Delaware Ave., Delmar. N. Y. M02F06. D. Albrecht, Dr. William A(lbert). M.S., Illi- nois, 15; Ph.D., 19. Prof, soils, Univ. Mis- souri Col. Agric; chairman Dept. Soils. Missouri Agric. Exp. Sta., Columbia. Mo. M18F24. OCG. Albright, Charles E. M23R33D— . BCD. Albright, Dr. C(harles) L(eonard). Univ. Richmond. Richmond, Va. (M34F34R35) M39F34R39. BCI. Albright, Dr. John G(rover). M.S.. Ohio State, 16; Ph.D., Chicago, 33. Asst. prof, physics, Case School Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. (M29R32)M39F40. B. Albright, Dr. Penrose S(trong). M.S., Wisconsin, 29; Ph.D., 36. Chairman Div. Natural Science; prof, physical chemistry and dir. civilian pilot training, South- western Col., Winfield, Kans. (Q02 E. oth St.) (M26F33R3S)M39F33- CB. Individual Members 223 Albright, Raymond W. A.R., Wisconsin, 17., Amor. Anode, Inc. Akron, ( )hio. M39. C. Albright, W(illiam) D(onald). Beaver- lodge, Alta.. Canada. M30R39. OEK. Albritton, Dr. Claude C(arrol), Jr. M.A., Harvard, 34: Ph.D.. 36. Asst. prof, geol- ogy. Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, Tex. (3436 University Blvd.) M37F39. EF. Albritton, Dr. Errett C(yril). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 21. Prof, physiology, George Washington Univ. School Med., Washing- ton. D. C. (518 Cumberland Ave., Somer- set, Chevy Chase, Md.) M34F34. N. Albro, Miss Helen T(ucker). A.M., Brown, 23; Ph.D., 27. Head Biology Dept., Spel- man Col., Atlanta, Ga. M25F33. F. Alcock. Dr. Nathaniel G(raham). M.A., Northwestern, 08; M.D., 12. Box 508, Iowa City, Iowa. M24. X. Aldecoa, Dr. Eladio R. D.D.S., D.M.D., Philippines. Pres. and dean, Col. Oral and Dental Surgery, Manila, P. I. M40. Xdl. Alden, Dr. B(ertram) F(rancis). M21D— . NF. Alden, Dr. Harold L(ee). M.S., Chicago, 13; Ph.D., Virginia, 17. Asst. prof, as- tronomy, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn.; astronomer charge Yale Univ. Observa- tory Southern Sta., Johannesburg, S. Af- rica. M21F23. DBA. Alderman, Dr. W(illiam) H(orace). 1380 Raymond Ave., St. Paul, Minn. (M10F1S- R32)M3sFi8. OG. Alderson, Wroe. A.B., George Washing- ton. Market analyst, Curtis Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (18 Buck Lane, Haverford, Pa.) M40. K. Aldinger, Miss Lenore. 207 N. Murray St., Madison, Wis. (?) M35R37. G. Aldous, Dr. A(lfred) E(van). M38D38, OG. Aldred, Dr. J(acob) W(illiam) H(uber). M.A., Indiana, 20; Ph.D., 29. Senior chem- ist, Dept. Chem. Engng., Tennessee Valley Authority, Wilson Dam, Ala. M34F34. C. Aldrich, Dr. C(harles) Anderson. 1189 Oaklev Ave.. Winnetka, 111. M36R36. XQI. Aldrich, James Madison. Ph.B., Brown, 10. Teacher. Park School, Brookline, Mass. (270 Boylston St.) M39. CA. Aldrich, Dr. John A(bram). M.S., Mich- igan, 15; Ph.D., 23. Prof, physics and as- tronomy, Oglethorpe University, Ga. (M24F26R32)M39F26. DBA. Aldrich, Dr. John Warren. Ph.D., West- ern Reserve, 37. Curator ornithology, Cleveland Mus. Natural Historv, Cleve- land, Ohio. M40. FG. Aldrich, Loyal Blaine. M.A.. Wisconsin. 09. Asst. dir. Astrophysical Observatory, Smithsonian Inst.. Washington, I). C. M09F15. Bl). Aldrich, Paul P(ackard). B.S., North- western, 27. Chemist. Krey Packing Co.. St. Louis, Mo. (.4318 Rosalie St.) M31. C. Aldrich, Mrs. Richard. 117 W. 74th St., New York. X. Y. M13. Aldrich, Dr. Willard W(alker). Ph.D.. Maryland, 30. Senior horticulturist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Tndio, Calif. (M35F35R37)- M39F35. OG. Aleck, Dr. Adolph William. M.A., Clark, 26; Ph.D., Xew York, 31. Evansville Col., Evansville, Ind. M29. Ql. Alexander, Brother (See Brother Major Alexander). Alexander, Dr. A(lexander) E(mil). Mel- lon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M34F34R38. E. Alexander, Miss Alida. A.M., Michigan, 13. Prof, biology, MacMurray Col. Women, Jacksonville, 111. M28. G. Alexander, Prof. Carter. A.M., Missouri. 08; Ph.D., Columbia, 10. Library prof., Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., XTew York, X. Y. M11F15. Q. Alexander, Charles A(nderson). M.E., Cornell, 97. 1260 Clover Road, Rochester, N. Y. M29. MOK. Alexander, Charles Ivan. M.S., Texas Christian, 26; Ph.D., Princeton, 28. Dis- trict geologist, Magnolia Petroleum Co., Tyler, Tex. M25F33. EF. Alexander, Dr. Charles K(irkwood). Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 37. Asst. prof, and acting chairman Mathematics Dept., Oc- cidental Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (588 Perm St., Pasadena, Calif.) M40. AB. Alexander, Dr. Charles P(aul). Ph.D., Cornell, 18. Prof, entomology and head Dept. Entomology and Zoology-, Massa- chusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M18- F26. F. Alexander, Chester S. M.A., Chicago. Seminole Hotel, Fulton, Mo. M37. HIK. Alexander, D(aniel) Basil W(illiam). M06F15D38. CM. Alexander, Dr. Duncan L. M29D38. NIL. Alexander, Prof. (Edward) Gordon. M.A.. Princeton, 25; Ph.D., 31. Prof, biology and head Dept., Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (765 14th St.) M22F33. FG. Alexander, Eleanor G. (See Eleanor Alex- ander Jackson). Alexander, Dr. Franz (Gabriel). M.D., Budapest, 12. Dir. Inst. Psychoanalysis; assoc. prof, psychiatry, Univ. Illinois Col. Med.; member attending staff, Cook County Psvchopathic Hosp., Chicago, 111. M36F38. XI. 224 Directory of Members Alexander, Dr. Frederick (Archibald Duncan). M.D.,C.M., Queen's, 33. Dir. anestnesia, Albany Hosp. ; assoc. prof, anesthesia and assoc. physiology and pharmacology, Albany Med. School, Al- bany, N. Y. M40. NpDL. Alexander, Dr. Harry L. 310 Skinker Road, St. Louis, Mo. M31R32. N. Alexander, Dr. Hugh S(tuart). A.M., Min- nesota, 05; Ph.D., 31. Prof, geology, Mac- alester Col., St. Paul, Minn. (1710 Port- land Ave.) M08. EB. Alexander, Dr. Ida M(ary). M32D35. NIF. Alexander, Dr. J. W. 29 Cleveland Lane, Princeton, N. J. M24F25. A. Alexander, Jerome. M.Sc, College City New York, 99. Consulting chemist and chem. engineer, 50 E. 41st St., New York, N. Y. (320 Riverside Drive) M17F22. CMB. Alexander, Dr. Kliem. M.A., George Pea- body, 28; Ph.D., Iowa, 38. Assoc, prof, chemistry, West Texas State Col., Canyon, Tex. M40. C. Alexander, Dr. Leonard J(ay). M.S., Wis- consin, 28; Ph.D., 34. Assoc, plant pa- thologist, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M33F38. GO. Alexander, Dr. Lloyd E(phraim). Ph.D., Rochester, 36. Asst. prof, biology, Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn. M39. FGN. Alexander, Prof. L(owell) M(elville). M.A., Cincinnati, 17; Ph.D., 25. Prof, physics, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M39F40. BAM. Alexander, Miss Lucy M(aclay). B.S., Illi- nois, 24. Assoc, home economics special- ist, U. S. Bur. Home Economics, Wash- ington, D. C. (2801 Adams Mill Road) M35F35- C. Alexander, Dr. Lyle T(homas). Ph.D., Maryland, 35. Chemist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (14 Quincey St., Hyattsville, Md.) M39. OC. Alexander, Brother Major. L.Sc, Mon- treal, 29. Prof, biology, Mt. St. Louis Col., and St. George Pedagogical Inst., Univ. Montreal, Montreal, Que., Canada. M31F32. GFN. Alexander, Mrs. Marion Isely. 765 14th St., Boulder, Colo. M28R38. FG. Alexander, Dr. Max. M.D., Univ. and Bellevue, 17. Asst. surgeon, Community Hosp.; asst. gynecologist, St. Luke's Hosp., New York, N. Y. (32 W. 82nd St.) M29. NB. Alexander, Thomas R. Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35F35R37. Alexander, Prof. William Henry. M.A., Virginia. Senior meteorologist (retired), U. S. Weather Bur., Columbus, Ohio. (Hotel Normandie) M23F25. B. Alexanderson, Dr. Ernst F(redrik) W(erner). Sc.D., Union, 26; Ph.D., Up- sala (Sweden). Consulting engineer, Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. (8 Adams Road) M29F29. MKI. Aley, Dr. Robert J(udson). 425 E. 86th St., New York, N. Y. M00F06R34. Q- Alfaro, Heraclio. 138 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. M36R37. Alfend, Samuel. B.S., Washington Univ., 23. Chemist, U. S. Food and Drug Admin- istration, St. Louis, Mo. (5915 Cates Ave.) M34F34. CNF. Alfred, Brother Bernard (See Brother Bernard Alfred Welch). Alger, Dr. Harry B(utter). Ph.D., Cornell. Chemist, Detroit Creamery Nat. Dairy Products. Detroit, Mich. (13505 Griggs Ave.) M40. CNO. Alger, Dr. John L(incoln). 235 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. M39R39. QAB. Alger, Philip L(angdon). M.A., St. Johns (Maryland), 15; M.S., Union, 20. Staff asst. to vice pres. charge engng., Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. (1758 Wendell Ave.) M29F31. MQK. Alicata, Dr. Joseph E(verett). Zoology Div., U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Wash- ington, D. C. M34F34R34. F. Alinsky, Saul (David). 5553 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. M36R36. KHI. Allaman, Mrs. Haidee H. 1453 Woodward Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. M29R34. BDA. Allan, Dr. D(enison) Maurice. A.M., Ph.D., Harvard. Prof, psychology and ph.losophy, Hampden-Sydney Col., Hamp- den-Sydney, Va. M39. I. Allan, Dr. Frank N(athaniel). M.D., To- ronto, 28. Physician, Dept. Internal Med., Lakey Clinic, Boston, Mass. (33 St. Paul St., Brookline, Mass.) M29F33. NC. Allan, Dr. Warde B(aunton). M.D..C.M., McGill. Assoc, medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ. and Hosp., Baltimore, Md. (24 E. Eager St.) M39. N. Allan, Prof. William. M.C.E., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 32. Chairman Dept. Civil Engng., The City Col., New York, N. Y. (30-91 42nd St., Long Island City, N. Y.) M36. MBQ. Allard, Miss Lucile (Edna). State Normal School, Oswego, N. Y. (?) M36R36. KI. Allard, Romeo P(aul). M.S., Ph.D., Notre Dame. 4189 Jackson Ave., Culver City, Calif. M38. C. Allardyce, Dr. William John. M.A., Brit- ish Columbia, 21; Ph.D., McGill, 31- Asst. prof, biology, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C, Canada. M39. NCG. Alldredge, Dr. Rufus Henry. Hosp. Rup- tured and Crippled, New York, N. Y. (?) M37R37. N. Individual Members 225 Allee, Prof. W(alter) G(oldsberry). Isi- dore Newman School, New Orleans, La. M19R35. CB. Allee, W(arder) C(lyde). S.M., Chicago, 10; Ph.D., 12. Prof, zoology, Univ Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. (5537 University Ave.) M11F20. F. Secretary of Section on Zoology (F), 1918. Alleman, Dr. Gellert. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 97; Sc.D., Gettysburg, 25. Prof, emeritus chemistry, Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, Pa. (Wallingford, Pa.) Moi- F09. C. Allen, Miss Agnes (Morgan). M.A., Gree- ley State Teachers, 25; M.A., Clark, 34; Ph.D., 37. Assoc, prof, science and edu- cation, State Teachers Col., Flagstaff, Ariz. M3S. EHK. Allen, Dr. Alexander J(ohn). Ph.D., New York, 28. Assoc, prof., Dept. Physics, Univ. Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pa. (3955 Bigelow Blvd.) (M29R32)M37F38. BCN. Allen, A(lfred) H(orace). 646 Fearl St., Boulder, Colo. M24L25. C. Allen, Prof. Bennet M(ills). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 03; D.Sc, DePauw. Prof, zoology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los An- geles, Calif. (909 Micheltorena St.) M04- F06. F. Allen, Prof. Charles E(lmer). Ph.D., Wis- consin, 04. Prof, botany, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (2014 Chamberlin Ave.) M05F08. G. Vice president for Section on Botanical Sciences (G), 1928. Allen, Prof. Charles Metcalf. M.S., Wor- cester Polytechnic Inst., 99; D.Eng., 29. Prof, hydraulic engineering and dir. Alaen Hydraulic Lab., Worcester Poly- technic Inst., Worcester, Mass. M02F33. DMO. Allen, Dr. Doris Twitchell. M.A., Maine, 26; Ph.D., Michigan, 30. Attending psy- chologist, Children's Hosp. and Children's Convalescent Home, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Magnolia Ave., Glendale, Ohio) M31F33. IFQ. Allen, Dr. Durward L(eon). 115 Delano St., Allegan, Mich. M38R38. FG. Allen, E. Floyd. Ph.G., Philadelphia Col. Phar.. 83. 230 Oak Grove St., Minneapo- lis, Minn. M35. CHNp. Allen, Prof. Edgar. A.M., Brown, 16; Ph.D., 21 ; Sc.D., 36. Prof, anatomy, Yale Univ. Med. School, New Haven, Conn. (19 Ridgewood Ave., Hamden, Conn.) M21F25. FX. Allen, Dr. Ena A(lida). Zoology Div., U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. M32F33R34- FN. Allen, Miss Esther C(ampbell). M.S., Cal- ifornia. 32. Clinical laboratory technician, Camarillo State Hosp., Camarillo, Calif. M30F33. NFC. Allen, Dr. Ezra. A.M., Bucknell, 96; Sc.D., 22; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 14. Zoological Lab., Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Route 2, Box 9iA, DeLand, Fla.) M12F20. FGN. Allen, Francis H(enry). Editor (retired), Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Mass. (215 La Grange St., West Roxbury, Mass.) M23F33. F. Allen, Frank W(illiam). 5030 Grand Cen- tral Terminal, New York, N. Y. M28R32. Allen, Frederick I. M29D38. E. Allen, Dr. F(rederick) J(ohn). M.S., Pur- due, 21 ; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, general chemistry, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Ind. M29F33. CBQ. Allen, Dr. Frederick Madison. 1031 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M36F36R39. N. Allen, George S(amuel). M.A.Sc, British Columbia, 35. Asst. forester, British Co- lumbia Forest Service, Victoria, B. C, Canada. (3010 Balfour Ave.) M40F40. GOC. Allen, Dr. Glover Morrill. M.A., Harvard, 03; Ph.D., 04. Curator mammals, Mus. Comparative Zoology, and prof, zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M07- F13. F. Allen, Dr. Henry Butler. D.Sc, Temple. 38. Sec. and dir., Franklin Inst., Phila- delphia, Pa. M39. M. Allen, Prof. Herman Camp. A.M., Kansas, 05; Ph.D., Cornell, 12. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M18. C. Allen, Howard. Treas.-sec. and tech. dir., D. D. Williamson and Co., Inc., Long Island City, N. Y. M39- CMN. Allen, Dr. James H(arrill). M.D., Michi- gan, 30; M.S., Iowa, 38. Asst. prof, oph- thalmology, Univ. Iowa Col. Med., Iowa City, Iowa. (715 River St.) M40. N. Allen, Prof. John S(tuart). M.A., Minne- sota, 29; Ph.D., New York, 36. Asst. prof, astronomy and chairman physical science survey, Colgate Univ., Hamilton, N. Y. (29 Madison St.) (M3iF33R34)M37F33. DAB. Allen, Prof. Joseph. A.M., Harvard, 92. Assoc, prof., The City Col., New York, N. Y. M07F09. AKL. Allen, Dr. Kenneth D. A. 452 Metropoli- tan Bldg., Denver, Colo. M37R37. N. Allen, Miss Leah B(rown). A.M., Welles- lev, 12. Prof, astronomy, Hood Col., Fred- erick, Md. M18F23. DEQ. Allen, Dr. Leroy. M.A., Chicago, 20; Soc. Sc.D., Oklahoma City, 30. Prof, religion, Southwestern Col., Winfield. Kans. (1414 E. 4th Ave.) M31F36. K. Allen, Mrs. Madell Gille (Mrs. Frederick H. Allen). M.S., Washington, 17. 3915 Henry St., Philadelphia, Pa. M39. FN. _'_'<> Directory of Members Allen, Miss Mary. M24U37. QEI. Allen, Miss Mary L. 64s Hickory St.. Kankakee, 111. M32R35. KCQ. Allen, Maxwell W. Box 268, Porterville, Calif. (?) M24F33R35. BDE. Allen, Miss Mildred. A.M., Clark. 17; Ph.D., 22. Assoc, prof, physics, Mt. Hol- yoke Col., South Hadley. Mass. (88 Mont- view St., W. Roxbury, Mass.) M23F30. B. Allen, Dr. O(scar) N(elson). M.A., Texas. 27; Ph.D.. Wisconsin, 30. Assoc, prof, bacteriology. Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. M31F33. G. Allen, Prof. Ray (Leroi). M.A.. Mt. Alli- son, 19. Prof, physics, Univ. Western On- tario, London, Out., Canada. M40F40. BAC. Allen. Dr. Reginald B(ryant). M07F01)- D38. ADM. Allen, Robert McDowell. M.A., Kentucky, 10. Pres., Vigex, Inc., and Vitamin Food Co.. Inc., New York, N. Y. M33. C. Allen, R(olland) C(raten). M.A., Wiscon- sin, oS ; D.Eng., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 39. Geologist; exec, vice pres., Ogle- bav Norton and Co., Cleveland. Ohio. (Aurora St., Hudson, Ohio.) M18F21. E. Allen, Dr. Ruth F(lorence). M.A., Wis- consin, 07; Ph.D., 00. 2709 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Calif. M24lr25. G. Allen, Dr. Samuel (James Mcintosh). M.A.S., McGill. 01 ; Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins, 06. Prof, experimental physics, Univ. Cin- cinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M31F32. B. Allen, Mr. Shirley W(alter). M.F., Iowa State, 29. Prof, forestry. Univ. Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich. (1302 Washtenaw Ter- race) M29F31. O. Allen, Dr. S(imeon) ■ C(arlyle). M.D., Tufts, 2~ . Dir. res.. Health Res. Founda- tion; dermatologist. Liberty Mutual [ns. Co., Boston, Mass. (615 Commonwealth Ave., Newton Center, Mass.) M30. N. Allen, Prof. Victor T(homas). M.S.. Min- nesota, 22; Ph.D., California, 28. Prof, and dir. geology, St. Louis Univ.. St. Louis. Mo. M34F34. E. Allen, Willard H. Du Pont Bldg., Wil- mington, Del. M29R33. ('<>. Allen, Dr. Willard M(yron). M.S.. R, .Ches- ter, 21) ; M.D.. 32. Prof, obstetrics and gynecology, Washington Univ. School Med., St. "Louis. Mo. M3f>F38. \C. Allen, Dr. William. Canada House, Tra- falgar Square, London, England. M34- F34R3Q. OK. Allen, Prof. William F(itch). A.M., Stan- ford, 03; Ph.D., Minnesota, 15. Head Dept. Anatomy. Univ. Oregon Med. School, Portland, Oreg. (3047 S. East- Salmon St.) M05F21. N. Allen, Dr. W(illiam) R(ay). M.A., Indi- ana. 14; Ph.D., 20. Prof, zoology, Unix. Kentuckv, Lexington. Kv. (417 Clifton Ave.) M17F23. F. Allen, Prof. W(infred) E(mory). A.M.. Lawrence, 04. Asst. prof, biology, Scripps Inst. Oceanographv, Univ. California, La Jolla, Calif. M13F16. FG. Allenburger, Dr. C(hristian) A(lexander). M.D.. Rush. 05. Columbus. Nebr. M20. N. Allender, Miss Christia Hysel. M.S.. Okla- homa, 34 Teacher biologv. Public Schools, Tulsa. Okla. (435 S. Gary St.) M36. FG. Aller, Frank D(urwood). M.E., Colorado School Mines, 02. 1218 ifith St.. Golden. Colo. M19F25. CEM. Alles. Dr. Gordon A(lbert). Ph.D., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 26. Lecturer pharma- cology. Univ. California School Med., San Francisco; res. assoc. biology, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (1316 W. Haven Road. San Marino, Calif.) M29F33. CNp. Alley, John Dinsmore. 1 107 Richmond Ave.. Swissvale, Pittsburgh, Pa. M21R32. CMB. Ailing, Dr. Eric L. M.D., Columbia, 19. Keene, X. Y. M26. ABC. Ailing, Prof. Harold Lattimore. M.A., Co- lumbia, 17; Ph.D.. 20. Prof, and chairman Dept. Geology, Univ. Rochester. Roches- ter. X. Y. (31 Barrington St.) M11F22. BCE. Allis, Dr. Edward Phelps, Jr. LL.D.. Wis- consin, 03; M.D., Groniugen, 14. Palais de Carnoles, Menton, S. France. M02F05- L14. XF. Allis, Prof. William Phelps. M.S.. Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech.. 24; D.Sc, Nancy. 24. Asst. prof, mathematical physics, Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge. Mass. M24L31F33. BA. Allison, Dr. C(harles) Edward. 2017 W. 4th St.. Williamsport, Pa. M02F06R38. X. Allison, Dr. Franklin E(lmer). M.S., Iowa State, 15; Ph.D., Rutgers, 17. Senior chemist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Wash- ington. D. C. M28F30. CGX. Allison, Prof. Fred. M.A., Virginia. 21 ; Ph.D.. 22. Head Dept. Physics. Alabama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala. M17F26. bd! Allison, Dr. Ira S(himmin). Ph.D., Min- nesota. 24. Prof, geology, Oregon State Col., Corvallis. Oreg. (2^10 Harrison St.) M 281-3 1. E. Allison, Dr. James B(oyd). Ph.D., Iowa State, 27. Asst. prof, biochemistry, Rut- gers Univ., New Brunswick, N. T. M2QF30. CFN. Allison, Dr. L(oy) W. M.A., George Pea- body, 29; Ph.D., 30. Head Dept. Psychol- ogy, State Teachers Col.. Jacksonville, \la. (500 S. Pelham Road) M34F34. I, Individual Mem hers 227 Allison, Dr. Robert G(lenn). M.D., Mary- land, 12. Asst. prof, roentgenology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (2T08 Humboldt Ave. S.) M34. N. Allison, Dr. Robert V(errill). M.Sc, Rut- gers, 22; Ph.D., 23. Head Dept. Chemistry and Soils, Univ. Florida Agric. Exp. Sta., Gainesville, Fla. M23F27. CG. Allison, Prof. Samuel K(ing). Ph.D., Chi- cago, jj. Assoc, prof, physics, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago. 111. M24F27. BC. Allison, Vernon C(harles). A.M., Clark, 16. Picatinnv Arsenal, Dover, N. 1. M28. EFH. Allison, Dr. Wilfred John. M.D., Johns Hopkins. 53. Med. dir., Southwestern Life Ins. Co., Dallas, Tex. (6Q48 Lakeshore Drive) M40. \IF. Allmond, D(avid) R(obinson), Jr. B.S., Delaware, 22. Asphalt and contractor salesman, Standard Oil Co. California, Salt Lake City, Utah. (University Club) M28. MQ. Allner, Fred A. Lexington Bldg., Balti- more. Md. M17. MP. Allouse, Bashir Elias. Dipl., Higher Teachers Training Col., Baghdad. Zool- ogv teacher. Central Secondary School, Baghdad, Iraq. M.39. FBK. Allport, Dr. Floyd H(enry). Ph.D., Har- vard, in. Prof, political and social psy- chology, Maxwell School, Syracuse Univ., Svracuse, X. Y. (485 Buckingham Ave.) M25F25. IK. Allred, Berten W. M.S., Utah Agricul- tural. Chief Range Conservation Div., Northern Great Plains Region, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Lincoln. Nebr. (801 Elmwood Ave.) M40. GEH. Allyn, Prof. Harriett M(ay). M.Sc, Chi- cago, 10; Ph.D., u. Academic dean and prof, anthropology, Mt. Holvoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. M28F37. HF. Alma, Sister M. (See Sister M. Alma Le Due). Alma, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Alma McNicholas ). Almaden, Dr. Phillip (Joseph). Unix-. Ar- kansas School Med., Little Rock. Ark. M38R38. NX. Almajose, Prof. Crisostomo. B.S., Philip pines. Hydraulic engineer. Mapua Inst. Tech., Box 14 15, Manila, P. I. M30F30. MAB. Almand, Dr. Joseph M (orris). M.S., Em- ory, 25 ; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 35. Prof. chemistry, YVeslevan Col., Macon, Ga. M38. C. Almon, Dr. Lois. M.A., Ph.D.. Wiscon- sin, 32. State Board Health Lab., Rhine- lander. Wis. M40. GNF. Almstedt, Prof. Hermann (Benjamin). Ph.D., Chicago, on. Prof, and chairman Dept. Germanic Languages, Univ. Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. M20F32. LIK. Almy, Dr. John E(dwin). M.A., Nebraska, ii7 : Ph.D., Berlin, 00. Prof, experimental physics, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (2300 A St.) M01F01. BC. Almy, Dr. L(loyd) H(uber). M.S., George Washington; Ph.D., Columbia. Res. chem- ist, H. J. Heinz Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (46 Dinsmore Ave., Crafton) M39. C. Alofsin, Dr. Louis M. M18D39. N. Alonza, Sister M. (See Sister M. Alonza Smith). Aloyse, Sister Mary ( See Sister Mary Aloyse Ellingson). Alpers, Prof. Bernard Jacob. M.D., Har- vard, 23 ; Sc.D., Pennsylvania, 30. Prof, neurology, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadel- phia, Pa. (in N. 49th St.) M39 N. Alpher, Dr. Isadore M. M.D., George Washington. 2091 18th St. NW., Washing- ton, D. C. M40. N. Alsberg, Dr. Carl Lucas. M.A., Columbia, 00; M.D., 00. Dir., Giannini Foundation, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M05F08. KCO. Vice president for Section on Chem- istry (C), 19 13. Alschuler, Mrs. Rose H. Staff dir., Win- netka Public School Nurseries, Winnetka; staff dir. Chicago Teachers Col. Nursery and dir. W.P.A. Nursery Schools, Chi- cago. 111. (705 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka, 111.) M38. [Q. Alsentzer, Dr. Harry A., Jr. Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 26. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M30F33. C. Alt, Dr. Howard L(ang). 73 E. Elm St.. Chicago, 111. (?) M33R35. N. Altaker, Dr. Robert R. D.V.M., Alabama Polytechnic Inst. Veterinarian, 461 1 N. Hutchinson St., Philadelphia, Pa. M39. N. Altamura, Mario. Sc.M., New York, 34. Res. chemist, Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc., Paulsboro, N. J. (1048 65th St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.) M33. C. Altenburg, Prof. Edgar. M.A., Columbia, 12; Ph.D., 16. Asst. prof, biology, Rice rnst., Houston, Tex. M31F32. F. Alteneder, Miss Louise E(mma). M.A., New York, 30; Ph.D., 38. Instr., State Teachers Col., Paterson, N. J. (185 E. 33rd St.) M37. IQ. Alter, Bruno E(ric) K(urt), Jr. Student. Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn. N. Y. (21 Davies Ave., Diimont, N. J.) M39F40. BAC. Alter, Dr. Dinsmore. M.S., Pittsburgh, 10; Ph.D., California, 16. Dir. Griffith Ob- servatory, Los Angeles; res. assoc. statis- tics. California Inst. Tech.. Pasadena, Calif. M19F23. ABD. 228 Directory of Members Alter, Prof. Nicholas M. M.D., Hungary, 14. Dir. labs., Margaret Hague Hosp., Jersey City, N. J. (410 Fairmount Ave.) M23F33. N. Alter, Dr. S(amuel) M(itchell). 676 S. Westlake Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M36- R39. N. Althausen, Dr. Darrell. Ph.D., Illinois, 32. Res. supervisor, Hiram Walker and Sons, Inc., Peoria, 111. (Jefferson Hotel) M38- F39. c. Altiere, Edward S. A. 486 Friendship St., Providence, R. I. M37R38. IQ. Altmaier, Dr. Carl L(ewis), Jr. M.A., Pennsylvania, 26; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, psychology and sec. admissions, Trinity Col., Hartford, Conn. (102 Vernon St.) M32F33 IQK. Altmann, Dr. Margaret. Dr.Agr., Bonn, 28; th.D., Cornell, 38. Res. assoc, Dept. Psychobiology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, \T. Y. (508 University Ave.) M39. F. Altshuler, Dr. Samuel Simon. M.D., Mich- igan, 25. Attending physician, Wm. J. Seymour Hosp., Eloise: instr. clinical medicine, Wayne Univ. Col. Med.; physi- cian out-patients, Harper Hosp.; office, 313 David Whitnev Bldg., Detroit, Mich. M39. N. Alvarez, Dr. Walter C(lement~>. M.D., Stanford, 05. Prof, medicine, Univ. Min- nesota; senior consultant, Div. Med., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. M24F27. N. Alves, Mrs. Eileen E. M21D35. HFG. Alves, Henry L(ewis). Chief chemist, U. S. Customs Lab., San Francisco, Calif. M13. C. Alvey, Dr. C(lifford) H(arry). M32D35. FN. Alving, Dr. Alf S. M.D., Michigan, 27. Asst. prof, medicine, Univ. Chicago, Bil- lings Hosp., Chicago, 111. (5701 Black- stone Ave.) M37. NC. Alvir, Dr. A(ntonio) D(elgado). Box 489, Manila, P. I. M34F34R34. EM. Alvord, John W(atson). C.E., Wisconsin, 13. Senior member. Alvord. Burdick and Hawson, Chicago, 111. (210 Sterling Ave., Winter Park, Fla.) M07F11L31. MKI. Alwart, Harold J(ohn). M.S., California Inst. Tech., 37. Chief engineer, Mc- Cracken Contracting Co., Chicago, 111. (3436 N. Leavitt St.) M39. MPB. Alway, Frederick J(ames). Ph.D.. Heidel- berg, 97; D.Sc, Toronto, 27. Prof, soil chemistry and chief Div. Soils. Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul. Minn. (1386 Gran- tham St.) M08F11. CO. Amacker, J(ames) C(leveland). 1017 Col- lege St., Columbus, Miss. (?) M32R33. H. Amado, Juan J., Jr. E.E., Cornell. Chief engineer, Panama Electrica SA, Panama City, Panama. M39. MAB. Amata, Sister. St. Mary-of-the- Woods Col., St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind. M34- R34- ABC. Amberg, Prof. C(harles) R(hodimer). M.S., Illinois, 29. Prof, ceramic engineer- ing, New York State Col. Ceramics, Al- fred, N. Y. M31F32. MCE. Amberg, Dr. Emil. M.D., Heidelberg, 94. Consulting otologist, Grace Hosp.; ad- junct staff, Harper Hosp.; aurist, Detroit School Deaf; consulting otolaryngologist, North End Clinic, Detroit, Mich. (1244 Boston Blvd. W.) M07F09. N. Amberg, Dr. Samuel. M.D., Heidelberg, 98. 720 2nd St. SW., Rochester, Minn. M24F27. N. Amberson, Dr. J(ames) Burns, Jr. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Prof, medicine, Co- lumbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Sur- geons; visiting physician charge tubercu- losis service. Bellevue Hosp., New York, X. Y. (6S 1 W. 238th St.) M34F34. N. Ambrose, Dr. A(nthony) M(ichael). M.S., Fordham, 27; Ph.D., 29. Asst. prof, phar- macology, Univ. Louisville School Med., Louisville, Ky. (2123 Tvler Lane) M31- F33. NpCQ. Ambrose, Arthur Warren. Empire Oil and Refining Co., Bartlesville. Okla. M28F28- R37. EM. Ambrosia, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Ambrosia Fitzgerald). Ameel, Dr. Donald J(ules). M.A., Michi- gan, 30; Sc.D., 33. Instr. zoology. Kan- sas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M39. F. Amen, Dr. Elisabeth W(heeler). A.M., Vassar, 23; Ph.D., Radcliffe, 25. Prof, and head Dept. Psychology and Education, Wheaton Col., Norton, Mass. M40. I. Amend, William John C(onrad). Ch.E., Columbia, 29. Chem. engineer, E. I. du Pont de Nemours Co., Buffalo, N. Y. (169 Euclid Ave., Kenmore, N. Y.) M31. MCN. Amer, Harry S. Westinghouse Lamp Co., Bloomfield, N. J. M31R37. MBC. Amerine, Dr. Maynard A. Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 36. Junior enologist, Univ. Cali- fornia, Davis, Calif. M38F39. GO. Ames, Prof. A(delbert), Jr. A.M., Dart- mouth, 21. Prof, research physiological optics. Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. M34F34. BIN. Ames, Dr. Adeline. A.M., Nebraska. 04; Ph.D., Cornell, 13. Prof, biology, Sweet Briar Col., Sweet Briar, Va. M24F32. G. Ames, Charles Lesley. A.B., Harvard, 06; LL.B., St. Paul College Law, 12. Treas., West Publishing Co.; managing dir. Amer. Law Inst., St. Paul, Minn. M34. EH. Ames, Dr. Edward S(cribner). M.A., Drake, 91 ; Ph.D., Chicago, 95. Dean Dis- ciples Divinity House, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M07F10. IK. Individual Members 229 Ames, Edward W(esley). A.M., Columbia. Geologist, Box 921, Denver, Colo. M35. EM. Ames, Prof. Marion A. Elmira Col., EI- mira, X. V. M34F34R34. CN. Ames, Prof. Oakes. A.M., Harvard, 99 ; D.Sc. Washington Univ., 38. Res. prof. botany and dir. Botanical Mus., Harvard Univ.,' Cambridge, Mass. (North Easton, Mass.) M01F05. G. Amick, Chester A(lbert). A.M., Indiana, 21. 121 E. Maple St., Bound Brook, N. J. M34F34. c. Amick, Prof. H(arold) C(lyde). M.A., North Carolina, 23. Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville. Tenn. M31F33. EHM. Amill, Juan Angel. Plantation owner, La Ballena. Guanica, P. R. (Box 367, Yauco, P. R.) M40. Amirikian, Arsham. 2305 Tunlaw Road \'\V.. Washington. D. C. M32R32. MLA. Ammann, Othmar H(erman). 272 Rock- away Ave.. Boonton, N. J. M20F32R39. M. Ammerman, Clinton P. B.S., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst. Chemist. Chas. Pfizer and Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. M3S. CGM. Ammons, Miss Nellie (Perrel). M.A., West Virginia, 23; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 37. Asst. prof, botany, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. (229 Glendon Ave.) M29F38. G. Amneus, Thomas (Axel). 526 59th St., Oakland, Calif. M38R38. MAB. Amon, Fred H(ughes). M.S., Alleghany, 17. Technical dir., Godfrey L. Cabot. Inc., Boston, Mass. (13 Maple Road, Weston, Mass.) M39. CPM. Amoss, Dr. Harold L(indsay). M.S., Ken- tucky, 07; M.D., Harvard, 11; Dr.P.H., 12; Sc.D., George Washington, 22. Con- sultant medicine, Grasslands Hosp.. East View; White Plains Hosp., White Plains; United Hosp., Port Chester, N. Y.; Green- wich Hosp.. Greenwich, Conn. (21 Field Point Road, Greenwich, Conn.) M24F27. N. Amoss, Harry E. D.Paed., Toronto, 16. Dir. professional training, Dept. Educa- tion, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M38. Q. Amsden, Dr. George S(amuel). M.D., Harvard, 06. Acworth, N. H. M28F33. IHQ. Amstutz, N(oah) S. Res. engineer and patent attorney, Chicago Road, Val- paraiso, Ind. M08. BM. Amundsen, Prof. Lawrence H(ardin). Ph.D., Florida, 35. Asst. prof, chemistry, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. M38. C. Anacletus, Sister M. Registrar, St. Mary of the Springs Col., Columbus, Ohio. M39. FG. Anastasi, Prof. Anne (Mrs. J. P. Foley, Jr.). Ph.D., Columbia, 30. Asst. prof, psy- chology, Queens Col., Flushing, N. Y. M32F33. I. Anastasia, Sister (See Sister Anastasia Maria). Anderegg, Dr. Frederick O(sband). A.M., Harvard, 12; Ph.D.. 15. Consulting spe- cialist building materials, Corning Fiber- glas Corp., Newark, Ohio. M20F25. CB. Anderegg, Gustavus A(dolphus). M.A., Harvard, 02. Lockbourne, Ohio. M18F32. MBH. Andersen, Miss Alice M. M.A., Nebraska, 21. Seed Lab., U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M23F31. G. Andersen, Dr. Axel G(unerius) H(oijord). M.S., Columbia, 32; Ph.D., 36. Res. metal- lurgist. Phelps Dodge Corp., Long Island City, N. Y. (-»' Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M40. MBC. Andersen, C(hristian) T(heodore). M.A., Michigan, 26. Asst. dir. instructional re- search, Detroit Public Schools; asst. prof, education, Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. (1354 Broadway) M40. QI. Andersen, Prof. Emma N(athalia). Ph.D.. Chicago. 27. Dept. Botany, Univ. Ne- braska, Lincoln, Nebr. M20F21. G. Andersen, Dr. Hans P. M.S., Oklahoma A. and M., 29; Ph.D., Iowa, 31. Chemist, Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. M39. C. Anderson, A(aron) J. Dir. sales, Werner G. Smith Co., New Orleans, La. (101 Beverly Drive) M39. CKP. Anderson, Alexander. Box 267, Fullerton, Calif. M36R37. MEB. Anderson, Dr. Alexander P(ierce). M.S., Minnesota, 95; Ph.D., Munich, 97. Private laboratory, Red Wing, Minn. M96F99. G. Anderson, Alfred C(onrad). B.S., North Dakota State, 12. Assoc, soil science, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M27F33. O. Anderson, Dr. Alfred L(eonard). M.S., Idaho, 23; Ph.D., Chicago, 31. Asst. prof, geology, Cornell Univ.; asst. geologist, U. S. Geological Survev, Ithaca, N. Y. M38. E. Anderson, Prof. Andrew W(ork). Macal- ester Col., St. Paul, Minn. M10R34. IQ. Anderson, Prof. Arthur. M.Sc, Nebraska, 23; Ph.D., Ohio State, 32. State repre- sentative, U. S. Bur. Agric. Economics; assoc. agronomist, Univ. Nebraska Agric. Exp. Sta.. Lincoln, Nebr. (1140 S. 52nd St.) M22F24. OK. Anderson, Dr. Arthur Forrest. M.D., Tufts, 16. 122 E. 76th St., New York, N. Y. M39. N. Anderson, Dr. Arthur (von) K(rogh). M.S., Minnesota, 15; Ph.D., 23. Prof, phvsiological chemistry, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (123 S. Sparks St.) M22F32. CNO. 230 Directory of Members Anderson, Dr. Bertil G(ottfrid). M.S.. Iowa. 29 ; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, biology, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland; mem- ber instructional staff, Franz Theodore Stone Lab.. Ohio State Univ., Put-in-Bav, ( Ihio. M32F33. FX. Anderson, C. Vivian, ijii Union Trust BIdg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. M24R39. Anderson, Carl B(ernard). S.B., Washing- ton, 12. District geologist. Gulf Refining Co., Mattoon. III. ( 1 1 20 Wabash Ave.) M34F.U. EMC Anderson. Carl D(avid). Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 30. Prof, physics. California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M39F40. BDC. Anderson, C(arl) George. M.S., Minne- sota, 28. Plant quarantine inspector, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Brownsville, Tex. M25. G. Anderson, Prof. C(arl) L(eonard). M.S.. Dr.P.H., Michigan. Assoc, prof, physiol- ogy and public health. Utah State Agric. Col., Logan. Utah. M40. NQ. Anderson, Miss Carrolle E. M.S.. Massa- chusetts State. 35. Instr. biologv, Adelphi Col., Garden City, X. V. M39. GF. Anderson, Clifford N. 463 West St., New York, X. Y. M39R39. DM. Anderson, Dr. C(lyde) Max(well). 160 Manhattan Ave., Hermdsa Beach, Calif. M.38R38. X. Anderson, Dr. David Allen. 2801 Park Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. M12F21R33. 1Q. Anderson, Dean C. Dept. Agronomy and Plant Genetics, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M36R37. OG. Anderson, Don S. Dept. Agric. Eco- nomics. Unix. Wisconsin Col. Agric, Madison, Wis. M33R34-.KO. Anderson, Donald B(enton). M.A.. Ohio State, 22; Ph.D., 25. Prof, botany. North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, X. Car. M23- F31. G. Anderson, Miss Dorothy M(inerva). M.Sc, Michigan State, 33. Instr. biologi- cal sciences, Hood Col., Frederick, Md. M40. F. Anderson, Dr. Douglas (Smith). M.A., Tulane, 92; LL.D., 37; D.Sc, Washing- ton and Lee, 33. Dean emeritus, Tulane Univ. Col. Engng., New Orleans, La. (Mandeville. La.) M00F10. MBA. Anderson, Edgar (Shannon). M.S., Har- vard, 20: D.Sc. 22. Prof, botany, Wash- ington Univ.; geneticist, Missouri Botani- cal Garden, St. Louis, Mo. M22F31. G. Anderson, Edmund G(ustave) E(ric). A.M., Clark, 22. Chemist, C. V. Chapin Hosp., Providence, R. I. M39. CN. Anderson, Edward. Univ. Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. M30F33R33. M. Anderson, Edwin J(oseph Arthur). M.S., Cornell, 25. Asst. prof, entomology, Penn- sylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M29F39. F. Anderson, Miss Elda E. M.A., Wisconsin. 24. Asst. prof, physics, Milwaukee-Downer Col., Milwaukee, "Wis. M34F40. BCD. Anderson, Prof. Ernest. M.S.. Texas. 04: Ph.D.. Chicago, 09. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Univ. Arizona, Tucson. Ariz. M21F25. C. Anderson, Dr. Ernest Gustaf. Ph.D., Cor- nell, 20. Div. Biology, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M10F21. FG. Anderson, Miss Esther S(anfreida). Box 1 182, Station A, Lincoln, Nebr. M23R32. E. Anderson, Evald. B.S., California. 13. Technical dir.. Western Precipitation Corp., Los Angeles, Calif. (1841 AVarw'ick Road. San Marino, Calif. I M23F25. CBM. Anderson, F. Arthur. Burdick Corp., Mil- ton, Wis. M22R32. BMP. Anderson, Dr. Frank L. M24D35. Anderson, Frank M(arion). 58 Hillcrest Road, Berkeley, Calif. M13F15R33. E. Anderson, Fred T. A. Box mi, Lancaster, Calif. M33R34. CAB. Anderson, Dr. Frederick. Inverness, Calif. M38R39. EH I. Anderson, Dr. Gaylord W(est). M.D., Harvard, 28. Prof, and head Dept. Pre- ventive Med. and Public Health. Univ. Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minn. ( 1621 E. River Road) M40. X. Anderson, Dr. George H(arold). A.M.. Stanford, 20: Ph.D.. California Inst. Tech.. 53. Dir. industrial research, Texas Power and Light Co.. Dallas. Tex. M40. EKC. Andersen, Dr. George M(cCullough). 831 Park Ave.. Baltimore. Md. M32R38. X. Anderson, Dr. Gustavus Edwin. 645 La- homa Ave., Norman, Okla. M30R32. EFG. Anderson, H. Milton. 205 Second St. S.. Virginia. Minn. M31R32. CB. Anderson, Prof. Harold H(omer). Ph.D., Geneva, 20. Asst. prof, psvchologv, Uniw Illinois, Urbana, 111. (^03 W. Illinois St.) M30F33. IQ. Anderson, Prof. Harold V(ictor). Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem. Pa. M34F34R36. C. Anderson, Dr. H(arry) B(ertram). M.D..- C.M., London. Consulting physician and med. referee. Imperial Life Assur. Co., Toronto. Ont., Canada. M38. GX. Anderson, Dr. H(arry) W(arren). Ph.D.. Illinois, 17. Prof, horticultural pathology, Univ. Illinois Agric. Col.; chief horticul- tural pathologv, Illinois Agric. Exp. Sta., Urbana, 111. M11F13. GO. Anderson, Howard T. M.A., California, 35. Instr. earth sciences, Los Angeles City Col.. Los Angeles, Calif. M35. EF. Individual Members 231 Anderson, J. Carver. Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. M32R33. IFB. Anderson, Prof. J(acob) P(eter). M.S., Ii>ua State. 16. Box 5 ;o. Juneau, Alaska. M [4F25. GO. Anderson, Dr. John Arlington. M.Sc, Wisconsin. 22; Ph.D., 20. Assoc, prof. bacteriology, Rutgers Univ., New Bruns- wick, X. J. M29F33. ex. Anderson, Prof. John A(ugust). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 07. Physicist, Mt. Wilson Observatory, Carnegie Inst. Washington Pasadena, Calif. M18F18. DB. Anderson, Prof. John E(dward). A.M., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., 17. Prof, psychology and dir. Inst. Child Welfare, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M24F25. IQ. Secretary of Section on Psychology (I), rQjg-jj ; vice president, 1934. Anderson, Dr. John F. M.D., Virginia, 95. Dir. Biol. Lab., New Brunswick, X. J.; vice pres. and member board directors, E. R. Squibb and Sons, XTe\v York, X. Y. ( 195 College Ave., Xew Brunswick, X. J.) M07F08. X. Anderson, Dr. Judson L(owell). Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins, 28. International Petro- leum Co.. Via Talara, Xegritos, Peru, S. A. (2104 Rosedale St., Baltimore, Md.) (M.3oR32)M37. EBC. Anderson, Miss Laura J(ustine). M.S., Tulane, 35. Teacher biology, Sophie B. Wright High School, New Orleans, La. I8221 Spruce St.) M38. FGQ. Anderson, Dr. Leroy. 294 Saratoga Ave., San Jose, Calif. M35F35R38. O. Anderson, Dr. Lewis E(dward). A.M., Duke; Ph.D., Pennsylvania. Instr. botany, Duke Univ.. Durham, X. Car. (2016 Mvr- tle Drive) M38F39. G. Anderson, Prof. Marlowe George. M.A.. Northwestern, 30. Asst. prof, biology, New Mexico State Col., State College, X. Mex. M31. F. Anderson, Merton B. M.S.. Minnesota. 35. Instr., Howard Univ. Col. Med., Wash- ington, D. C. M38. XF. Anderson, Meta L. (See Meta Anderson Post). Anderson, Dr. M(yron) S(allee). M.S.. Iowa State, 16; Ph.D., George Washing- ton. 22. Senior chemist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry. Washington, D. C. (1433 Man- chester Pane XW.) M25F33. CO. Anderson, Prof. Paul Russell. Ph.D., Co- lumbia. 33. Prof, philosophy, Lake Erie Col.. Painesville, Ohio. M38. QLK. Anderson, Dr. R(oss) P(eter). Ph.D., Cornell, 12. Sec. Div. Refining, Amer. Pe- troleum lust., Xew York, N. Y. M18F33. CM. Anderson, Prof. Rudolph J(ohn). Ph.D.. Cornell, hi. Prof, chemistry, Yale Univ., Xew Haven, Conn. M18F21. CGO. Anderson, Dr. R(udolph) M(artin). Ph.D., Iowa, 06. Chief Div. Biology, Nat. Mus. Canada; consulting zoologist, Lands. Parks and Forests Branch, Dept. Mines and Resources. Ottawa, Out.. Canada. (58 Government Driveway) M22F27. F. Anderson, Dr. Russell H(oward). M.A.. Illinois. 25; Ph.D.. 29. Curator agric. tex- tiles and forestry, Mus. Science and In- dustry. Chicago. 111. M40P40. LOQ. Anderson, Prof. Russell L(loyd). M.S.. Pittsburgh, 30; Ph.D., 33. Prof, biology and chairman Div. Mathematics and Sciences, Tohnson C. Smith Univ., Char- lotte, N. Car. M31. FNG. Anderson, Dr. Ruth. Univ. California Los \ngeles, Los Angeles. Calif. M34F34R35. FX. Anderson, Dr. Thomas F(oxen). Ph.D., California Inst. Tech. Instr., Dept. Chem- istrv. Univ. Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. M39. CBF. Anderson, Prof. W(alter) S(ewell). Univ. Kentucky Agric. Exp. Sta.. Lexington, Ky. M18F23R34. F. Anderson. William. M20D37. CGM. Anderson, Prof. William. A.M., Harvard, 14; Ph.D., 17. Prof, and chairman Politi- cal Science, Univ. Minnesota. Minneapo- lis. Minn. (111 Melbourne Ave. SE.) M31F36. K. Anderson, William Arthur, Jr. Dept. Bot- anv, Unix. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M27- F33R.U. G. Anderson, Prof. W(illiam) B(allantyne). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 06. Prof, physics, Ore- gon State Col.. Corvallis, Oreg. (310 N. 26th St.) M17F25. BDE. Anderson, W(illiam) E(lijah). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 13. Prof. mathematics, Miami Univ., Oxford. Ohio. (112 E. Wal- nut St.) M35F35. A. Anderson, Dr. Winslow S(amuel). M.S.. Minnesota. 23; LL.D., Florida Southern, 33. Dean and prof, chemistrv, Rollins Col., Winter Park, Fla. M34F3V CQ. Andervont, Dr. Howard B(ancroft). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. Senior biologist, Nat. Cancer Inst., U. S. Public Health Service, Bethesda, Mtl. (11 W. Woodbine St.. Chevy Chase, Md.) M25F33. X. Andes, Dr. Ralph V. Ph.D., Iowa State, 35. Chemist. Res. Dept.. Westvaco Chlo- rine Products Co.. South Charleston, W. Va. (334 Montrose Drive) M36. CA. Andrade, Dr. Manuel J(ose). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 20. Dept. Anthropology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M34. HL. Andreau, Roland L. 4227 Van Nuvs Blvd., Sherman Oaks, Calif. M33. CBX.' Andrew, Barbara Louise. 4906 N. Ganten- bein Ave.. Portland. Oreg. M32R34. G. 232 Directory of Members Andrew, Dr. Dorothy M. Pennsylvania Col. Women, Pittsburgh, Pa. M39R39. INF. Andrew, Seymour L(ansing). A.B., Har- vard, to. Chief statistician, Amer. Tele- phone and Telegraph Co., New York, N. Y. M32F40. K. Andrews, Champe S. M29D36. QK. Andrews, David A(rthur). M.A., Missouri, 28. Assoc, geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (5412 Allan Road) M31F33. E. Andrews, Prof. Donald H. Tohns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M27F32R35. CB. Andrews, E. T. Box 601, Mt. Union, Pa. M34R35. MAB. Andrews, Prof. Ethan Allen. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 87. Prof, emeritus zoology, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (107 E. Lake Ave.) M0SF09. F. Andrews, (Everett) Philip. M.A., Cali- fornia, 33. Chief field geologist, Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Caracas. Venezuela, S. A. M40. EMC. Andrews, Prof. Frank M(arion). A.M., Indiana, 95 ; Ph.D., Leipzig, 02. Prof, plant physiology. Indiana Univ.. Bloom- ington, Ind. (901 E. 10th St.) M02F03. E. Andrews, George Reid. A.B., Columbia, 14; B.D., Union Theological, 17. Mt. Gilead, N. Car. M38F40. KIF. Andrews, Mrs. George Reid (Mrs. Ruth Hopper). Pinefields, Mt. Gilead, N. Car. M3bR39. KIQ. Andrews, Gerald Smedley. B.Sc.F., To- ronto, 30. Air survey engineer charge Air Survey Section, British Columbia Forest Service, Victoria, B.C., Canada. M38. MEO. Andrews, Dr. Harry -L. Ph.D., Illinois. Chairman Div. Biology and Health, City College (West Side), Chicago, 111. (25 E. Delaware Place) (M37R38)M4o. FG. Andrews, Horace. C.E., Yale, 72. 3634 Bay View Road, Coconut Grove, Fla. M28F31. MDE. Andrews, Dr. Howard L. 44 Turner Ave., Riverside, R. I. M34F34R36. B. Andrews, John S. 1729 Q St. NW., Wash- ington, D. C. M35F35R35. F. Andrews, John Watkins. 42 W. 93rd St., New York, N. Y. M31R34. BOC. Andrews, Dr. J(ohn) W(endell). M34F34- D36. C. Andrews, Dr. Justin (Meredith). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. Dir. Div. Malaria and Hookworm Service, Georgia Dept. Public Health, Atlanta, Ga. M25F32. FN. Andrews, Dr. Launcelot W. 32 Glen St., YVilliamstown, Mass. M07F91R32. BC. Andrews, Dr. Lemar M. Warsaw, N. Y. M33R34. ND Andrews, Loring B. 6 Weldon Road, Newton, Mass. M27F33R37. DA. Andrews, Dr. Mallory Sinclair. M.D., Vir- ginia, 25. Physician, 203 Medical Arts BIdg., Norfolk, Va. (825 Westover Ave.) M39. NIP. Andrews, Mary R(uggles). M25F31D34. BC. Andrews, Dr. Roy Chapman. M.A., Co- lumbia, 13; Sc.D., Brown, 26, Beloit, 29. Dir., Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M10F32. F. Andrews, Roy C(hester). Box 57, Route 2, Eugene. Oreg. M39R39. CG. Andrews, Dr. T(homas) G(ayleon). M.A., Vanderbilt, 27; Ph.D., Minnesota, 32. Assoc, prof, geology, Univ. Alabama; asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Survev, University, Ala. M38. EMH. Andronescu, Dr. Demetrius Ion. Str. Washington 16-A, Parcul Boneparte, Buc- arest, Roumania. M18F27R32. G. Andrus, Lucius B. Indianapolis Athletic Club, Indianapolis, Ind. M17F28R37. M. Andrus, Dr. William DeWitt. New York Hosp., New York, N. Y. M28F33R35- N. Anduze, Paul. Division de Malariologia, Apartado Postal 1509, Caracas, Venezuela, S. A. M38R3S. N. Angela, Sister Helen (See Sister Helen Angela Dorety). Angelo, Dr. Ernest. M.S., Cornell, 24; Ph.D., Minnesota, 34. Agent, U. S. Bur. Plant Industrv, Bogalusa, La. M40F40. OG. Angerer, Dr. C(lifford) A(ckermann). Ph.D., Pennsylvania. 37. Instr. physiol- ogy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (M38R38)M4o. F. Angier, James F(ranklin). B.S., George Washington, 33. Asst. physicist, Civil Aeronautics Authority, Washington, D. C. (239 Maple Ave., Takoma Park, Md.) M36F40. BFG. Angier, Prof. Roswell P(arker). A.M., Harvard, 01; Ph.D., 03; A.M., Yale, 17. Prof, psychology and chairman Dept.; dir. lab. and assoc. dean Graduate School, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (140 Edgehill Road) M06F11. I. Angle, Dr. Edward John. M13F15D40. FN. Angle, William Parker. 3j|o8 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. M37R37- MAB. Angrist, Dr. Alfred. M.D., Long Island Med. Col., 26. Assoc, prof., New York Med. Col., New York; pathologist and dir. labs., Queens Gen. Hosp., Jamaica. Jew- ish Memorial Hosp., New York, and Phy- sicians Hosp., Jackson Heights. N. Y. (164-25 Grand Central Parkwav, Tamaica. N. Y.) M35. N„ Individual Members 233 Angulo y Gonzalez, Dr. A(rmando) W(andegercito). A.M., Kansas, 24; Ph.D., 26. Wistar Inst., Philadelphia, Pa. M29- F31. FN. Annand, Dr. P(ercy) N(icol). M.A., Stanford, 22; Ph.D., 28. Asst. chief, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. (2343 N. Vermont St., Arlington, Va.) M2SF33. OFG. Anneberg, Dr. (Adrian) Reas. M.D., Iowa, 32. Surgeon, Carroll, Iowa. (13 10 Simon Ave.) M40. NI. Annina, Sister. St. Peter High School, Keokuk, Iowa. M37R37. A. Annis, Dr. Albert D(avid). M.A., Iowa, 31; Ph.D., 39. Res. asst., Dept. Psychol- ogy, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M40. IK. Ann:s, Leonard. 32 Hanover St., Lynn, Mass. (?) M29R32. CEB. Ansbacher, Dr. H(einz) L. Ph.D., Colum- bia, 37. Editor, Abstract References Psy- chological Index, 25 Claremont Ave., New York, N. Y. M38. IHQ. Ansbacher, Mrs. H(e'nz) L. (Dr. Rowena Ripin). 25 Claremont Ave., New York, N. Y. M33F33R39. I. Ansbacher, Dr. S(tefan). M.S., Geneva, 29; D.Sc, 33. Assoc. Div. Exp. Med., Squibb Inst. Med. Res.. New Brunswick, X. J. M39. NC. Anslow, Prof. Gladys A(melia). A.M., Smith, 17; Ph.D., Yale, 24. Prof, physics, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (72 Dry- ads Green) M21F31. B. Anson, Dr. Mortimer L. Ph.D., Cam- bridge, 26. Assoc, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., Princeton, N. J. M39. NCF. Anspach, Dr. Charles L(eroy). M.A.. Ash- land, 20; M.A., Michigan, 23; Ph.D., 30. Pres., Central State Teachers Col., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. (409 S. College St.) M25. Q. Ant, Dr. Morris. 277 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. M36R37. N. Antevs, Dr. Ernst (Valdemar). Ph.D., Stockholm, 17. Res. assoc, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Globe, Ariz. (The Corral) M27F27. E. Anthes, Dr. John A(llen). Ph.D.. Minne- sota. 39. Res. chemist. Union Oil Co. California. Wilmington, Calif. (312-B Car- roll Park East, Long B ach, Calif.) M40. C. Anthony, Miss Elizabeth S(tevens). Box 23, Touisset, Mass. M34R34. FG. Anthonv, James A. 120 W. 228th St., New York, N. Y. M37R37- MAB. Anthonv, Sister M. (See Sister M. An- thony Payne). Anthon-', Dr. M("ron) V(ern~n>. M.S., Ohio State. 32: Ph.D.. 35. Plant mgr., Stauffer Chem. Co., Chauncev. N. Y. (12 Glenwolde Park, Tarrvtown, N. Y.) M31- F40. FO. Anthony, Dr. Roy D(avid). M.S. A., Cor- nell, 13; Ph.D., 20. Res. prof, horticulture, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (125 Hillcrest Ave.) M17F24. OG. Antopol, Dr. William. M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 27. Pathologist and dir. labs., Newark Beth Israel Hosp., Newark, N. J. (2 Custer Ave.) M39. NC. Antrobus, Miss Edna M. M.S., Cornell, 39- Educational dir. and science instr., West Jersey Homeopathic Hosp. School Nurs- ing, Camden, N. J. M35- N. Apfel, Dr. Earl T(aylor). M.S., Iowa, 25; Ph.D., 26. Prof, geology, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. (943 Westmoreland Ave.) M29F31. E. Apfelbaum, P(ercy) Max. M.A., Colum- bia, 27; Ph.D., 33- Asst. prof., Dept. Chemistry, The City Col., New York, X. Y. M34F34. CBN. Apgar, Dr. Charles S(chierer), Jr. M.S.. Pittsburgh. 27: Ph.D., 30. Instr. anatomy, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York; mgr. Cornell Anatomy Farm, Mohegan Lake, N. Y. (Mohegan Lake, N. Y.) M34F34. FNK. Aplington, Dr. H(enrv) W(ebster), Jr. A.M., Columbia; Ph.D., Cornell. Instr. biology, Colby Col., Waterville, Maine. M40. F. Aponte, Jose I(srael). B.S., Ferris Inst., 37. Box 828, Santa Isabel, P. R. M39. CNp. App, Dr. Frank. Ph.D., Cornell, 19. Dir. res., Deerfield Packing Corp.. Bridgeton. N. J.; consultant and technical adviser, Gen. Foods. New York, N. Y. (Bridge- ton, N. J.) M34F34. O. Appel, Dr. Fred(erick) W(hipple). St. Tohn's Col., Annapolis, Md. M28F33R36. FNO. Apperly, Prof. Frank L(ongstaff). M.A., Oxford, 12; M.D., 20; M.D., Melbourne, .23; D.Sc, 24. Prof, pathology, Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond, Va. M37F38. N. Apperman, Dr. Isaac. 25 W. 81st St., New York, N. Y. M33R34- NKC. Apperson, Miss Sarah V(irginia). M.A., Nebraska, 23; Ph.D., 40. 2420 Sheridan Blvd., Lincoln, Nebr. M40. IQ. Apple, Joseph H(enry). Hood Col., Fred- erick, Md. M02R34. IQ. Applebaum, Dr. Edmund. D.D.S., New York Col. Dentistry. 22. Asst. prof, his- tology. Columbia Univ. School Dental and Oral 'Surgery, New York, N. Y. M36F38. Nd. Applebaum. S(amnel) B(ernard). 285 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. M39- R39. CMX. Applebaum, Mrs. Stella B. 54 Riverside Drive, New York, N Y. M39R39. N. 234 Directory of Members Applebaum, William. B.A., Minnesota. Dir. market res., Economy Grocery Stores Corp., Boston, Mass. (8 Choate Road, Belmont, Mass.) M40. EK. Appleby, Dr. John I. M.A., Missouri, iS; M.D., Minnesota, 20. 105^ E. Main St., Bellevue, Ohio. M40. N. Applegate, Miss Amy (Ruth Reverra). M.S.. Chicago, 28. Teacher physiology, Bloom Township High School, Chicago Heights, 111. (14.28 Schilling Ave.) M29. G. Appleman, Dr. Charles O(rville). Ph.D., Chicago, 10. Dean graduate school and prof, botany and plant physiology, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M10F16. GCO. Appleton, Prof. John B(argate). Dept. Geography, Scripps Col., Ciaremont Col- leges, Claremont, Calif. M27F31R34. EK. Appleton, Dr. J(oseph) L(uke) T(eas- dale). D.D.S., Pennsylvania, 14; Sc.D., Hamilton, 35. Prof, bacteriopathology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Dentistry, Philadelphia, Pa. M22F33. Nd. Appleton, Dr. L(illa) Estelle. M13F15D — . HIQ. Appleton, Marc. 708 W. 102nd St., New York, X. Y. M36R37- QG. Appuhn, William E(rnest) F(red). M.A.. Columbia, ?o. 84 hi 86th St., Wood Haven. \. V. M2iF33- M. Aquinas, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Aquinas Flood). Aravosis, John Sperds. B.S., Armour Inst. Ssi X. Parkside Ave.. Chicago, 111. M38. M. Araya, Samuel Pavez. Casilla 3624, Santi- ago, Chile, S. A. M35R35. Arburua, Dr. Joseph M. 26 Fell St., San Francisco, Calif. M31R34. X. Arcaya, Dr. Pedro M. 2150 Wyoming Ave. WW, Washington, D. C. M28R36. BEH. Arceneaux, Dr. George. Ph.D., Cornell, 39. Agronomist, U. S. Dept. Agric. Houma, La. M35F35. 0. Archbald, Sister Mary Aquinas (Sara T. Archbald). Rosemont Col.. Rosemont, Pa. M22R38. CQ. Archer, Dr. Allan F(rost). M.A., Michi- gan, 33 ; Ph.D., 36. Ecologist and dir. res.. State Dept. Conservation, Montgomery. Ala.; honorary curator mollusca, Alabama Mus. Xatural Historv, University, Ala. M34. F. Archer, L(uther) B(unyan). M.S., E.E.. Illinois. 1206 W. Charles St., Champaign, 111. M36. MKQ. Archer, Dr. Vincent W(illiam). M.D.. Virginia, 23. Prof, roentgenology, Univ. Virginia; roentgenologist, Univ. Virginia llusp. and Martha Jefferson Hosp.. Char- lottesville, Va. M34F34. X. Archer, Dr. W. Harry. 4601 Bayard St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35R39. X. Archer, Dr. W(illiam) Andrew. London Hall, 13th and M Sts. NW„ Washington, I). C. (M2SR32)M38R3S. G. Archibald, Dr. Edgar Spinney. LL.D., Manitoba, 28; D.Sc, Acadia, 30. Dir. Exp. Farms, Central Exp. Farm, Dominion Dept. Agric, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M39- F40. OGM. Archibald, Prof. John G(eddie). M.Sc, Massachusetts State, 24. Res. prof, animal husbandry, Massachusetts State Col., Am- herst, Mass. (164 Montague Road, Xorth Amherst, Mass.) M40F40. OC. Archibald, Prof. R(aymond) C(lare). A.M., Harvard, 97; Ph.D., Strassburg, 00; Hon. D., Padua, 22; LL.D., Mt. Allison, 23. Prof, mathematics, Brown Univ.. Providence, R. I. M04F06. AL. Secretary of Section on Mathematics (A), 1925-27 ; vice president, 1938; vice president for Section on Historical and Philological Sciences (L), T937- Arenberg, David L(ewis). M.A., Clark, 36. Res. asst.. Blue Hill Observatorv, Milton, Mass. M38F40. BAC. Arendall, Hy Hudson. Elks Club, Omaha, Xebr. M39. CFN. Arenson, Prof. Saul B(ryan). M.A., Ne- braska, 18; Ph.D., 24. Prof, inorganic chemistry, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M23F33. C. Argabright, Miss LaVerne. Western State Teachers Col.. Kalamazoo, Mich. M29R33. GF. Arguelles, Dr. Angel Severe D.Sc, Illi- nois. Dir., Bur. Science, Manila, P. I. (479 Burgos, Pasay, Rizal) M34F34. C. Argy, Dr. William P. 1150 Connecticut Ave.. Washington, D. C. M35R37. N. Ariano, Dr. Raffaele. D.Eng., Torino, 20: D.Math., 23. 14 Via Luigi Mangiagalli, Milano, Italy. M38. M. Arkin, Prof. Aaron. M.A., Wisconsin, 10; M.D., Rush, 12; Ph.D., Chicago, 13. Assoc, prof, medicine, Rush Med. Col.; prof, and chairman Dept. Med., Cook County Grad- uate School; dir. Chicago Lab., Chicago, 111. (190 E. Pearson St.) M13F21. X. Arkley, Prof. L(orne) M(cKenzie). M.Sc. McGill. Head Mechanical Engng., Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., Canada. M36. MAB. Arlitt, Dr. Ada Hart. Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Head Dept. Child Care and Training, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M12- F23. Hiy. Armacost, Robert. Box 875, West Los Angeles, Calif. M32R32. GF. Armer, Miss Annie A. Incarnate Word Col., San Antonio, Tex. M32R33. GF. Individual Mkmhkks 235 Armfield, L(uverne) E(ugene). Facilities engineer, Wisconsin Telephone Co.. Mil- waukee, Wis. M38. DBM. Armitage, John W. ri8 S. 53rd St., Phila- delphia, Pa. (?) M30R33. Armsby. Prof. H(enry) H(orton). Mis- souri School Mines, Rolla, Mo. M36R37. MQK. Armstrong, Bryon. I'h.G.. Northwestern, 93. 708 W. College Ave., lacksonville, 111. M35. CNp. Armstrong, Dr. Charles. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 15; Sc.D., Mt. Union, 33. Senior surgeon, U. S. Public Health Service. Nat. Inst. Health. Washington, D. C. M34F34. X". Armstrong, Dr. Clairette P. M.A., Colum- bia, 00; Ph.D., New York, 31. Chief psy- chologist. Psychiatric Clinic. Domestic- Relations Court, New York, N. Y. (140 E. 46th St.) L29F33. I. Armstrong. Col. Donald. (U.S.A.) A.M., Columbia, 10. U. S. Army. Chicago Ord- nance District, Chicago, 111. (5807 Dor- chester Ave.) M10L11. BM. Armstrong. Dr. Donald B(udd). M.A.. Columbia, 12; M.D., 12; M.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 13; D.Sc, Lafayette, 23. Third vice pres.. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., New York, N. Y. M25F31. NKI. Armstrong, Lt. Col. Francis T(uttle). B.A., Columbia. 12. Prof, military science and tactics. Yale Univ., New Haven, ( dun. Li 1 . E. Armstrong, Dr. George M(iller). M.A.. Wisconsin, 17; Ph.D.. Washington Univ., 21. Head Dept. Botany and Bacteriology, Clemson Agric. Col., Clemson, S. Car. M21F25. GO Armstrong, George Simpson. =52 Wall St., New York. X. Y. M36R38. KCO. Armstrong, Rev. H(ousen) Parr. 3240 Lockridge St.. Kansas City, Mo. M36- R36. IQK. Armstrong, Dr. John Wilbur. M.D.. Ver- mont, 24. Assoc, college physician, Berea Col., Berea. Ky. M32. NIF. Armstiong, L(yndon) K. Consulting min- ing engineer. 704 Peyton Bldg., Spokane, Wash. (E-.2515 17th Ave.) M07F18. BF.K. Armstrong. Dr. Mervyn V. 85 Pierrepont Si., Brooklyn. N. Y. M36R36. N. Armstrong, Dr. S. Howard, Jr. M.D., Har- vard. 39. Fellow medicine and physica chemistry, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (1 Primus Ave.) L39. Armstrong, Dr. S(amuel) T(reat). M.D., Washington Univ., 79; Ph.D., 86. Med. dir., Hillbourne Farms, Katonah, N. Y. Mo(,Lo7F33. IN. Armstrong, Dr. Wallace D. Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M35F35R36, C. 67th St., New- Armstrong, Warren Putnam, s Prospect Place, New York, X. Y. L34. MBA. Arnason, Dr. T(homas) J(ohann). M.Sc. Saskatchewan, .^ ; Ph.D.. Wisconsin. 34. Asst. prof, biology, Univ. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask.. Canada. M37F39. GFH. Arnaud, Miss Elaine (Pauline). M.A., George Washington, 33. Teacher, Public- Schools, Washington, D. C. (1500 21st St. NW.) M30. CEI. Arnaud, Joseph J(ohn). B.S., Col. City New York, 89. Consulting physicist and mathematician. 1500 21st St. NW., Wash ington, D. C. M20F33. BDC. Arndt, Dr. C(harles) H(omer). M.S.. Pur- due. 16; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 21. Assoc, botanist. South Carolina Agric. Exp. Sta., Clemson. S. Car. M18F23. G. Arnett, Eugene. L24D38. Arnett, Jerome C. Aurora, W. Va. M37- R37. x. Arnheim, Dr. Ernest E. 49 E. 96th St., New York, N. Y. M36R36. N. Arnim, Dr. S(umter) S(mith). D.D.S.. Northwestern : Ph.D.. Yale. Asst. prof, operative dentistry. Med. Col. Virginia Dental School, Richmond, Va. M40. Nd. Arnold, Dr. Alma C. 9 W York. X. Y. M07R36. IN. Arnold. Dr. Bion J(oseph). M.S.. Hills- dale, 87; M.Ph.. 89: D.Eng.. Nebraska. 11; D.Sc. Armour, 07. Chairman, Board Supervising Engineers, Chicago Traction Co.; pres., Arnold Engng. Co., and Elgin, Belvidere and Rockford Railway Co.. Chicago, 111. MoiF*o3. M. Vice president for Section on Engineering (D), 1915. Arnold, Dr. Charles Harrison. M.D., Chi- cago Col. Med. and Surgery, 13. Surgeon, Lincoln, Nebr. (2480 Lake St.) M40. N. Arnold, Dr. Chester Arthur. Ph.D., Cor- nell, 20. Asst. prof, botany and curator fossil plants, LTniv. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M26F31. G. Arnold, Miss Clio. M.A., Columbia, 22. Instr., Defiance Col., Defiance, Ohio. M38. KIL. Arnold. Dr. Eric A(nderson). M.A., Illi- nois. 24; Ph.D.. Western Reserve. 31. 19075 Meredith Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. M38. CBM. Arnold, Dr. Francis J. M.D.. Vermont, 01. 182 Pearl St., Burlington, Vt. M37. N. Arnold, Dr. Harry L(oren). M.D., Michi- gan, 11. 881 Young St., Honolulu, Hawaii. M24. N. Arnold, Henry C. F. Ph.Ch., Columbia. Asst. supt. charge production, E. R. Squibb and Sons, Brooklvn, N. Y. (43 Willow St., Floral Park, N. Y.) M39. NpCM. 236 Directory of Members Arnold, Prof. Herbert E. Box 128, Wes- leyan Station, Middletown, Conn. M35- F35R37. A. Arnold, Prof. Herbert J(ulius). M.A., Co- 'umbia, 27; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, natural sciences, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (88 Morningside Drive) M29F38. QED. Arnold, Howard C(linton). M.A., Ohio State, 16. 76 Standish Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa. M22. ABC. Arnold, Dr. Hubert Andrew. Ph.D., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 39. 2480 Lake St., Lin- coln, Nebr. M39. AB. Arnold, Dr. John G(eorge), Jr. M.A., Wesleyan, 32; Ph.D., New York, 34. Prof, biology and chairman Dept. Biology and Dept. Med. Tech., Loyola Univ., New Or- leans, La. (2328 Lowerline St.) M35. FGN. Arnold, John W(illiam). A.M., Illinois, 23. Engineer, Western Union Telegraph Co.; instr., R.C.A. Insts., New York, N. Y. (37 Washington Square) M24L29- F31. MA. Arnolds Dr. Lloyd. A.M., Texas Christian, 18; M.D., Vanderbilt, 19. 5S44 Stony Island Ave., Chicago, 111. M24F27. N. Arnold, Dr. Norman K(iefer). Ph.D., Yale, 32. Asst. prof, zoology, Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. (6 Rope Ferrv Road) M34- F. Arnold, Dr. Orlan M. Ph.D., Wisconsin. Walker Lab., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N. Y. M38. CBN. Arnold, Prof. Paul J(ames). M.A., George Peabody, 29. Prof, biology, State Teachers Col., Jacksonville, Ala. M38. FGQ. Arnold, Philip M(ills). B.S., Washington Univ., 32. Chem. engineer, Phillips Petro- leum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. (6516 Linden Road, Kansas City, Mo.) M37. MC. Arnold, Dr. Ralph. 812 Subway Terminal Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. M02F06R32. E. Arnold, Robert B(acon). M.S., Rose Poly- technic Inst.. 10. Chief Res. Dept., To- bacco By-Products and Chem. Corp., Richmond, Va. M27. CFO. Arnold, Samuel, III. Wilson Drive, Ben Avon Heights, Pittsburgh, Pa. M28. MBC. Arnold, Weld. 374 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. L22F31. BCE. Arnold, Dr. William Shannon. M.S., Amer. International Acad., 22; Sc.D., 30. Chief chemist, C. M. Pitt and Sons Co., Balti- more, Md. (511 Nottingham Road, Ten Hills) M25F33. CM. Arnon, Dr. D(aniel) I(srael). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 36. Instr. truck crops, Univ. Cali- fornia; junior plant physiologist, Cali- fornia Agric. Exp. Sta., Berkeley. Calif. M38F40. GCO. Arnott, E(dward) H(ugh). Pres., Arnott Exterminating Co.; owner, Arnott Fumi- gating Co. and Arnott Termite Control Co., Indianapolis, Ind. (.5530 Kenwood Ave.) M38. F. Arnow, Dr. L(eslie) Earle. Ph.D., Minne- sota, 34. Instr. physiological chemistry, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (529 Oak St. SE.) M38F39. CN. Arnstein, Dr. Henry. M25F31D34. MC. Amy, Prof. H(enry) V(inecome). Ph.D., Gottingen, 96; Ph.M., Philadelphia Col. Phar., 19. Col. Phar., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M08F11. CNp. Aronberg, Dr. Lester. Ph.D., Chicago. 1306 E. 54th St., Chicago, 111. M28F32. B. Aronson, Dr. Joseph D(avid). M.D., Phil- adelphia Medico-Chirurgical Col., 08. Assoc, prof, bacteriology, Henry Phipps Inst., Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M17F27. GN. Aronson, Dr. Moses J. Ph.D., Sorbonne, 27. Asst. prof, philosophy. Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M37. KHL. Aronson, Dr. Roland S(igurd). M.D., Vermont, 31. Asst. pathologist, Lankenau Hosp.; pathologist, Div. Cancer Control, Pennsylvania Dept. Health; assoc, Univ. Pennsylvania Graduate School Med., Phil- adelphia, Pa. (2029 Delancey St.) M39. N. Arps, Dr. George F. M10F11D39. IQ. Arrhenius, Dr. Olof Wilhelm. Ph.D., Stockholm, 20. Gamla Haga, Stockholm, Sweden. M26F27. GOC. Arriagada, Carlos Guillermo. Casilla 9. Vallenar, Chile, S. A. M30R32. M. Arringdale, Roger L(andrith). Pres., Eastern Engng. Co.; dir., Seismograph Sta., Portland, Maine. (211 Ocean Ave.) M40. E. Arrington, Dr. Ruth E. Ph.D., Columbia, 32. 2526 N. Jefferson St., Arlington, Va. M31F36. KIQ. Arsenian, Dr. Seth. Ph.D., Columbia, 37- \sst. prof, psychology and dir. Bur. Psy- chological Testing and Guidance, Spring- Held Col., Springfield, Mass. M38. IQL. Arthur, Charles W(alter). Ph.B., Brown. 18. Citv bacteriologist and assoc. health officer, Pasadena, Calif. M33. N. Arthur, Dr. J(oseph) C(harles). M.S., Iowa State, 77. Prof, emeritus botany, Purdue Univ.. La Fayette, Ind. (915 Co- lumbia St.) M72F85E24. G. Secretary of section on Biology (F), 1S86. Vice president for Section on Botany (G), 1895. Arthur, Dr. John M(orris). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 26. Biochemist, Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers, N. Y. M21F25. G. Arthur, Walter. A. O. Smith Corp., Mil- waukee, Wis. (?) Mi7R32- C. Individual Members 237 Artran, A(rrion) Pierce. Owner, Artran Industries, Los Angeles, Calif. M38. FGN. Artschwager, Dr. Ernst. Ph.D., Cornell, 18. Pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Mesilla Park, N. Mex. M22F25. FG. Artus, Miss Marjorie. B.S., Milwaukee State Teachers, 38. Student, Marquette Univ. Graduate School, Milwaukee, Wis. (1810 E. Cumberland Blvd.) M39. GF. Artz, Miss Lena C(lemens). A.M., George Washington, 35. Teacher, Washington- Lee High School, Arlington, Va. (644 N. Jackson St.) M32. G. Arutunoff, Armais (Sergeevich). B.S., Petrograd Polytechnic Inst., 17. Pres., Reda Pump Co., Bartlesville, Okla. M37- L39. M. Arvin, Sister M. Agnes. M.A.. Creighton, 22. Pres.. Catholic Col., Guthrie, Okla. M22. Asana, Dr. J(ehangir) J(amasji). M.A., Bombav 15, Cambridge. 24. Gujarat Col., Ahmadabad, Bombay Presidency, India M31. hKQ. Asch, Abraham B(ernard). 350 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M33R34. BM. Asdell, Prof. Sydney A(rthur). M.A., Cambridge, 26; Ph.D., 25. Prof, animal physiology. New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. M34F34. NOH. Asenjo, Dr. Conrado F(ederico). M.S., Wisconsin, 38 ; Ph.D., 40. Res. assoc. chemistry. School Tropical Med., San Juan, P. R. M37. CNG. Ash, Charles S. 254 Polhemus Ave., Menlo Park, Calif. M22. C. Ash, Dorsey. 23 11 Corona Court, Berke- ley, Calif. M29R35. DAB. Ash, (Frederick) Elton. M.A., Clark, 38. Res. asst., Iowa Child Welfare Res. Sta., Iowa City, Iowa. M40. IQ. Ash, Lt. Col. James E(arle). M.D.. Penn- sylvania, 05. Curator. Army Med. Mus., Washington, D. C. M39. N. Ash, Dr. Roy P(hillip). A.M., Ph.D., Brown Asst. prof, biology. Col. William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. M38. FN. Ashbaugh, Dr. Ernest J(ames). M.A., In- diana, 13; Ph.D., Iowa, 19. Dean, Miami Univ. School Education, Oxford, Ohio. M37F32. Q. Vice president for Section on Education (Q), 1940. Ashbrook, Dr. Donald S(inclair). Ph.D., Pennsylvania. 01. 320 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M02F33. C. Ashburn, Dr. Howard G(ilmer). Ph.D., West Virginia, 36. Asst. prof, chemistry, Tennessee Polytechnic Inst., Cookeville, Tenn. M38. CBA. Ashby, Dr. Winifred M(ayer). M.Sc, Washington, 05; Ph.D., Minnesota, 21. Bacteriologist and health officer, St. Eliza- beths Hosp., Washington, D. C. (305 10th St. NE.) M28F33- N. Ashdown, Dr. Avery A(llen). A.M., Rochester, 16; Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 24. Assoc, prof, chemistry and mas- ter graduate house, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M25F33. C. Ashe, Dr. Benjamin (I.). M.D., Cornell, 24. Assoc, clinical prof, medicine, Colum- bia Univ. and New York Post Graduate Hosp.; asst. prof, clinical medicine, Cor- nell Univ. Med. Col.; assoc. attending physician and chief Med. and Metabolic Clinics, New York Post Graduate Hosp.; assoc. visiting physician, Bellevue Hosp.; visiting physician, Welfare Hosp., New York, N. Y. (889 Lexington Ave.) M34- F34. N. Ashford, Dr. Theo(dore) A(skounes). S.M., Chicago, 34; Ph.D., 36. Instr. chem- istry and examiner physical sciences, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M38. CBQ. Ashkenaz, Dr. David M(orton). A.M., Ph.D., Columbia. 2138 31st St., Long Island City, N. Y. M37. NFL Ashley, Burton. Box 1801, Wichita, Kans. M38R38. E. Ashley, George H(all). M.A., Stanford, 92; Ph.D., 94; Sc.D., Lehigh, 37. State geologist, State Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa. (3037 N. Front St.) M02F03. EF. Vice president for Section on Geology and Geog- raphy (E), 1926. Ashley, Prof. Laurence M (arvin). M.A., Michigan, 32. Asst. prof, micro-anatomy, Col. Med. Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif. M40. FNG. Ashley, Samuel E(dward) Q(ualtrough). 41 Bartlett Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. M35- R37. CB. Ashley-Montagu, Prof. M(ontague) F(rancis). Ph.D., Columbia, 37. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Hahnemann Med. Col. and Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M36F40. QIL. Ashman, Edward T(homas). M.A., New York, 32. Teacher and head Dept. Mathe- matics, Darien High School, Darien, Conn. (11 Fairview Ave.) M37F38. ABC. Ashman, Prof. George C(romwell). M.S., Chicago, 05; Ph.D., 08. Prof, and head Dept. Chemistry, Bradley Polytechnic Inst., Peoria, 111. M17F33. C. Ashman, Prof. Richard. M.S., Tulane, 20; Ph.D., 25. Louisiana State Univ. Med. Center, New Orleans, La. M16F31. N. Ashworth, Dr. O. O. 312 Med. Arts Bldg., Richmond, Va. M39. N. Ashworth, Dr. U(ral) S. Ph.D., Missouri, 33. Res. dairy chemist, State Col. Wash- ington, Pullman, Wash. M40F40. CON. 08 Directory of Members Asmundson, Prof. V(igfus) S(amundur). M.S., Cornell, 20; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 30. Assoc, prof, poultry husbandry, Univ. California, Davis, Calif. M30F35. OF. Aspegren, Herman. North Shore Point, Norfolk, \ a. M27R32. C. Aspinwall, John. M.A., St. Stephens, 7S. Balmville Road, Xewburgh, X. Y. Moo. M. Assmuth, Rev. Joseph. Ph.D., Berlin, 10. Head Dept. Biology, Fordham Univ., Xew York, X. Y. M31F33. F. Astwood, Dr. Edwin B(ennett). M.D.,- C.M., McGill, 34; Ph.D., Harvard, 39. Assoc, obstetrics. Johns Hopkins Univ.; asst. obstetrician, Johns Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore, Md. (4228 Loch Raven Blvd.) M40. XFC. Atchison, Prof. Clyde S(hephard). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 07; LL.D., Westminster (Pennsylvania), 34. Prof, mathematics, Washington and Jefferson Col., Wash- ington, Pa. (442 E. Beau St.) M24F33. A. Atchley, Dr. Dana Winslow. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. Assoc, prof, medicine, Co- lumbia Univ., Xew York, N. Y. (262 Oak- wood Road, Englewood, N. J.) M24 F33. N. Athearn, Dr. Clarence R. 084 Waring Ave., Xew York, X. Y. M38R38. QKI. Atherton, J(oseph) Ballard. E.E., Prince- ton, 35. Graduate student, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (130 E. Lane Ave.) M38. MBA. Athy, Dr. L(awrence) F(erdinand). Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Chief geophysicist. Conti- nental Oil Co., Ponca City. Okla. (612 McFadden Drive) M28F31. E. Atkins, H(enry) Pearce (Jr.). M.Sc, Brown, 37. Graduate asst., Univ. Roches- ter, Rochester, X. Y. M40. A. Atkinson, Prof. Albert A(lgernon). Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio. Mo8Fi6R37- BM, Atkinson, Prof. Alfred. M.S., Cornell, 12; D.Sc, Iowa State, 20. El Encanto Estates, Tucson, Ariz. M10F24. O. Atkinson, Clinton E(dwin). B.S., Wash- ington, 37. Scientific asst., International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, Xew Westminster, B. C, Canada. (317 3rd Ave.) M38. FG. Atkinson, Dr. Donald T(aylor). M.D., Hosp. Col. Med. (Louisville), 02. 827 Med. Arts Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. (Huebner Road) M24. N. Atkinson, J(ames) D(udley), Jr. M.S., Tu- lane, 35. Res. chemist, Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., Memphis, Tenn. M39. CMI. Atkinson, Miss Margaretta. M.S., Penn- sylvania, 29. Teacher biology, Philadel- phia High School Girls, Philadelphia, Pa. (Berwyn, Pa.) M27. GF. Atkinson, R(alph) W(aldo). E.E., Iowa State, 11. Dir. High Voltage Labs., Gen. Cable Corp., Bayonne, X. J. (206 Watch- uug Fork St., Westfield, N. T.) M30F32. MBA. Atkinson, Prof. Robert d'E(scourt). Royal ( Jbservatorv, Greenwich, London, Eng- land. M3iF32R37- BD. Atkinson, Prof. W. R. Southwestern Univ., Memphis, Tenn. M32R32. IQ. Atkinson, W(illiam) F(rederick) V(anno- vous). Consulting engineer, 31 Xanton Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M25. MEL Atlas, Dr. Meyer. A.M., Columbia, 30; Ph.D., 35. Instr., Yeshiva Col., Xew York, X. Y. (100 Lefferts Ave., Brooklyn, X. Y.) lM37R37)M40. F. Atlee, Dr. John L(ight). M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 00; D.Sc, Franklin and Marshall, 15. 3,7 E. Orange St., Lancaster, Pa. M29. Atsatt, Miss Sarah R(ogers). M.S., Cali- fornia, 12; Ph.D., 31. 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M13F33. FQ. Atterbury, Mrs. Boudinot. M.A., Cornell, 17; Ph.D., Colombia, 23. 601 Middle Xeck Road, Great Xeck, X. Y. M24F27. X. Atwater, Mrs. Betty Ransom. 737 Termi- nal St., Los Angeles, Calif. M38R38. GO. Atwater, Christopher G. M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 91. The Barrett Co., Xew York, X. Y. (Cobb Lane, Tarrvtown, X. Y.) M37F40. OCG. Atwater, Miss Helen W(oodward). B.L., Smith, 97. Editor, "Journal Home Eco- nomics," Amer. Home Economics Assn., Washington, D. C. M25F31. KQ. Atwell, Ernest A(lleyne). M.Sc, McGill, 25. Asst. timber pathology, Forest Prod- ucts Labs., Ottawa. Out., Canada. M24- 1?» CC\ F32. GO. Atwell, Harold V. B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 18. Supervisor Organic Res. Dept., The Texas Co., Beacon, X. Y. (69 X. Elm St.) M40. CKO. Atwell, Prof. Wayne J(ason). A.M., Mich- igan, 15; Ph.D., 17. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, X. Y. M22F24. NF. Atwood, F(rancis) C(larke). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 14. Pres., Atlantic Res. Assoc, Inc., Newtonville, Mass. (104 Atwood Ave.) M34F34. C. Atwood, Prof. Horace. M.S., Cornell, 97. Prof, emeritus agriculture, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. (Box 1138, Stuart. Fla.) M34F34. O. Individual Members 239 Atwood, Dr. Wallace W(alter). Ph.D.. Chicago, 03. Pres. and prof, physical and regional geography, Clark Univ., Worces- ter. .Mass. (160 Woodland St.) M07F10. EL. Atwood. Dr. Wallace W(alter), Jr. M.A., (lark, 27: Ph.D., 30. Assoc, prof, physiog- raph) and regional geography, Clark Univ., Worcester ; geographer, Bahson [nst., Bahson Park, Mass. (88 Morning- side Road, Worcester, Mass.) M34F34. E. Atwood, Dr. W(infred) M(cKenzie). Ph.D., Chicago, 13. Prof, plant physiol- ogy, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. u'14 X. 7th St.) M11F15. G. Aubel, Prof. C(liff) E(rrett). Dept. Ani- mal Husbandry. Kansas State Col., Man- hattan, Kans. M34R38. CFO. Auchter, Dr. E(ugene) C(urtis). M.S., Cornell, 18; Ph.D., 23. Chief U. S. Bur. l'lant Industry, Washington, D. C. M17- F24. GO. Vice president for Section on Ag- riculture i O ), 1937- Auer, Dr. John. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 02. Prof, pharmacology and dir. Dept, St. Louis Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (i9?6 McCausland Ave.) M17F18. Np. Auger, Charles L(ouis). R.D. 135. Ridge- wood. X. J. Mi8R34- Augur, Allison W(ix). 125 W. nth St., Claremont, Calif. M21R36. B. Augustina, Sister M. (See Sister M. Augustina Brobston). Augustine, Dr. Donald L(eslie). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins. 23. Asst. prof, compara- tive pathology and tropical medicine, Harvard Med. School and School Public Health, Boston, Mass. ( 1464 Beacon St., Waban, Mass.) M25F33. XF. Auld, Mrs. Gertrude S. Red Cloud, Xehr. M38R38. X1K. Aull, W(illiam) B(arre). B.S.. Clemson, 07. Vice dean School Agric. and assoc. prof, bacteriology. Clemson Agric. Col., Clemson, S. Car. M29F31. GON. Ault, J(esse) W(illiam). 4834 Biona Drive. San Diego, Calif. M32R33. QIK. Ault, Dr. Orvill E. Normal School, Ot- tawa, Out., Canada. M38R38. Q. Auringer, Dr. Horace E. M.D.. Albany Med. Col.. 12. Box 426, Addison, N. Y. M23. X. Ausemus, Dr. Elmer R(ex). M.S., Wash- ington State, 24; Ph.D., Minnesota. 32. Assoc, agronomist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M27F33. OG. Austin, Arthur (Brand). 266 Funston Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M34. BCD. Austin, F. E. E.E., Norwich. Austin Ave.. Hanover, X. H. M39. CDF. Austin, Frederick J(ames). Ph.C, Michi- gan, 07. Chief Analytical and Res. Dept.. Richard Hudnut, Xew York. X. Y. (126 Green Ave., Brooklyn, X. Y.) M18. C. Austin, Dr. J(ames) Harold. M.D., Penn- sylvania, 08. Prof, research medicine, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M12L13F15. NCF. Austin, Lloyd. B.S., California, 20. In charge Inst. Forest Genetics, Placerville, Calif. M27F33. OG. Austin, Miss Mary L(ellah). M.A., Welles- ley, 22\ Ph.D., Columbia, 27. Asst. prof, zoology, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. (Horton House) M28F33- F. Austin, Dr. Richard S(isson). M.D., Har- vard, 11. Prof, pathology, Univ. Cincin- nati Col. Med. and Cincinnati Gen. Hosp., Cincinnati, Ohio. M22F33. X. Austin, Dr. Stanley W(illiam). Ph.D.. Iowa, 33. Asst. biologist, U. S. Soil Con- servation Service, Salina, Kans. (m E. Wilson St.) M30. G. Austin, Thomas Sherwood. M.A., Buffalo, 40. Graduate asst., Dept. Zoology, Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, X. Y. M40. F. Austin, Dr. William C( lardy). M25F33- D35. N. Austin, William E. 2446 University Ave., Xew York. N. Y. M26F33. CI. Auten, Dr. Hanford L(ouis). M.D., North- western, 37. Physician and surgeon (oph- thalmologist), 6 X. Michigan Ave., Chi- cago, 111. (423 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park. 111.) M39- X. Auten, Dr. Mary. M.A., Ohio State. 22; Ph.D.. 33. Assoc, prof, biology, Ashland Col.. Ashland, Ohio. M35F35- F. Auten, Robert W(ilson). 310 Maxcy Hall. Providence, R. I. M33R34. C. Avent, Dr. Joseph E(mory). Univ. Ten- nessee, Knoxville, Tenn. M39R39. IQ. Averill, Dr. Lawrence A(ugustus). Ph.D., Clark, 15. Prof, psychology, State Teach- ers Col., Worcester, Mass. M28F31. I. Averitt, Paul. M.S. Kentucky. 31. Dept. Geology, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Kv. M36. E. Averitt, S(axe) D(abney). M.S.. Ken- tucky, 00. Kentucky Agric. Exp. Sta., Lexington, Ky. M21F31. BCE. Avers, Henry G(odfrey). A.B.. George Washington, 13. Chief mathematician. Div. Geodesy, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. (4109 38th St. NW.) M25F33- MDE. Avery, Dr. Bennett F(ranklin). M.D.. Michigan, 25; M.S., 26. Prof, anatomy, Amer. Univ. Beirut, Beirut, Syria. M39. X. 240 Directory of Members Avery, Miss Evelyn C. M.S., Chicago, 29. Assoc, prof, euthenics, Elmira Col., El- mira, N. Y. M34. NC. Avery, Dr. George S(herman), Jr. M.S., Dartmouth, 26; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 27. Prof, botany and dir. Connecticut Arbo- retum, Connecticut Col., New London, Conn. M28F28. G. Avery, Prof. George T(rue). A.M., Har- vard, 17; Ph.D., Stanford, 24. Prof, psy- chology, head Dept. Rural and Vocational Education, and dir summer session, Col- orado State Col., Fort Collins, Colo. (401 E. Laurel St.) M21F31. IQ. Avery, Dr. Oswald T(heodore). M.D., Co- lumbia, 04; Sc.D., Colgate, 21 ; LL.D., Mc- Gill, 35. Member, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M25F27. N. Avery, Paul Carson. M.S. A., Tennessee, 28. Asst. plant quarantine inspector, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Harlingen, Tex. (Box 845, Mission, Tex.) M30. FKE. Avery, Dr. Priscilla. M29F31D39. GO. Avinoff, Dr. A(ndrey). D.Sc, Pittsburgh, 27. Dir. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, Pa. (University Club) M34F34. F. Avis, Frederick R. A.B., Brown. Dir. biol- ogy, Worcester Acad., Worcester, Mass. M40. FG. Axel, Dr. Robert. A.M., Ph.D., Columbia. Asst. dir. Bur. Res. and Statistics, New York State Dept. Social Welfare, New York, N. Y. (1710 Andrews Ave., Bronx) M39. KIA. Axelrad, B. A. B.S., Rice. Freeport, Tex. M39. CEK. Axelrad, Dr. Sol. M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 28. Pathologist, St. Catherine's Hosp. and Lutheran Hosp., Brooklvn, N. Y. (85-14 85th St., Woodhaven, N. Y.) M38. NCB. Axelrod, Stanley. 12561 3rd Ave., Detroit, Mich. M38R38. N. Axtmayer, Prof. Joseph H(erman). M.A., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, chemistry, School Tropical Med., San Juan, P. R. (Ponce de Leon Ave., 3, Miramar) M37. CBN. Ayer, Charles F. Vice chairman, Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers, N. Y. (1 Slocum St., New Rochelle, N. Y.) M27. Ayer, Dr. (Guy) Darrell (Jr.). M.D., Em- ory, 33. Pathologist, Mary Imogene Bas- sett Hosp.; dir. lab., Otsego County Pub- lic Health Lab., Cooperstown, N. Y. (13 River St.) M40. N. Ayer, James Bourne. M.D., Harvard, 07. Prof, neurology, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (1350 Canton Ave., Milton, Mass.) M17F23. N. Ayers, John C(ar). Dept. Biology, Univ. South Carolina, Columbia, S. Car. M38- R39- FEG. Ayers, Theodore T(homas). Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M26F33R37. G. Aymerich, Frank E. University Club, Paseo de la Reforma 150, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. M21R37. KP. Aymond, Dr. Branch John. M.D., St. Louis. Dir. Div. Education and Res., Bur. Parish Health Administration, New Or- leans, La. (M36R37)M39. N. Ayres, Dr. B(urt) W(ilmot). M.A., Tay- lor, 00; Ph.D., 02. Vice pres. and prof, philosophy, Taylor Univ., Upland, Ind. M38. IQK. Ayres, Dr. Gilbert B(allou). Ph.D., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 34. Res. biochemist, bacteriologist and mycologist, Amer. Cyanamid Co., Stamford, Conn. (6 Wash- ington Court) M32F38. NCB. Ayres, Dr. H(iram) D(outhitt). M.A., Cornell, 04; Ph.D., 13. Prof, emeritus phvsics, Univ. Wichita, Wichita, Kans. M18F31. B. Ayres, Ira H. 33 W. 46th St., New York, N. Y. M31. CBM. Ayres, J. G. Inst. Juvenile Res., Chicago, 111. (?) M31R32. HFK. Ayres, Dr. Leonard P(orter). A.M., Bos- ton, 02; Ph.D., 10; D.C.S., 23; LL.D., Rochester, 30; Litt.D., Portia Law School, 38. Vice pres., Cleveland Trust Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. M11F16. QK. Vice president for Section on Education (L), 1916. Ayres, Waldemar A(lexander). A.B., An- tioch, 32. Market res., International Busi- ness Machines Corp., New York, N. Y. M39F40. B. Ayres, Prof. W(illiam) L(eake). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 27. Assoc, prof, mathe- matics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1204 Henry St.) M38F39. A. Ayrs, Mr. O(rla) L(acount). B.S., Michi- gan Agric, 02. Agriculturist, Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Co., Birmingham, Ala. (1001 28th Place S.) M14. O. B Babasinian, Dr. Vahan S. M06F10D39. C. Babb, Arnold. Q27 17th St., Knoxville, Tenn. M36R37. M. Babb, Dr. Maurice Jefferis. Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 10. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (157 Cricket Ave., Ardmore, Pa.) (M08F11- R33)M39Fn. ADL. Babbitt, Albert E. 11 17 Kenwood St., Jackson, Miss. M22R32. A. Individual A 1 km bers 24] Babbott, Dr. Frank L(usk). M.D., Colum- bia, 18; LL.D., Amherst, 33. Pres., Long Island Col. Med., Brooklyn, N. Y. (Camp- bell Road, Bernardsville, N. J.) M23F35. N. Babcock, Allen H. M13D— . BDM. Babcock, Dr. Donald E(ric). M.A., Ohio State, 33; Ph.D., 35. Industrial fellow, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. (ion Tropical Ave.) M38. CBA. Babcock, Prof. Earle B. M07F31D— . I.KQ. Babcock, Prof. Ernest B(rown). M.S., California, 11. Prof, genetics, Univ. Cali- fornia, Rerkeley. Calif. M06F11. GFO. Babcock, Harold D(elos). B.S., California, 07. Physicist, Mt. Wilson Observatory". Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pasadena, Calif. M10F15. BD. Babcock, Dr. Harriett (Sprague). M.A., Columbia, 23; Ph.D., 30. Dir. research abnormal psychology, 119 E. 19th St.; consulting psychologist, Vocational Ad- justment Bur., New York, N. Y. (15 Gramercy Park) M31F33. IHK. Babcock, K. W. 418 E. Dudley St., Maumee, Ohio. (?) M24F25R35. FG. Babcock, O(rville) G(ormon). B.S., Col- orado Agric, 10. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quar- antine, Sonora, Tex. M26F33. F. Babcock, William Cary. A.B., Wisconsin, 18. Partner, W. C. Babcock Grain Co.; pres., W. C. Babcock Construction Co., Inc., Rensselaer, Ind. M38. MO. Babcock, Dr. W(illiam) Wayne. M.D., Col. Physicians and Surgeons (Baltimore), 93, Pennsylvania, 95; M.C., Medico- Chirurgical (Philadelphia), 00; A.M., Penn- sylvania College. 04; LL.D., Temple, 32. Prof, surgery and clinical surgery, Temple Univ.; chief surgical service, Temple Univ. Hosp.; surgeon, Philadelphia Gen. Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. (11 St. Asaph's Road, Bala, Pa.) M04F33. N. Babe, Jose Manuel. 433 W. 34th St., New York, N. Y. M25R32. M. Baber, Dr. E(rl) A(rmitage). M.D., Louis- ville, 09. Supt., Long View State Hosp.; asst. prof, psychiatry, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med., Cincinnati, Ohio. M17F33. N. Babiy, Dr. Paul Peter. Ph.D., Vienna, 24. Curator, New York State Col. Agric, Cor- nell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M30F33. F. Bach, Dr. Ernest (Norman). D.D.S., Mich- igan, 18. 305 Professional Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. M40. NdCO. Bach, James H(enry). 144s B St., San Diego, Calif. M31. BEM. Bach, Walter J(ohnston). M.S., Washing- ton State, 22. Agric. advisory and super- vision service. Bach Agric. Service, Wes- laco, Tex. (M2sF3iR36)M38F3i. GO. Bacharach, Dr. George. 736 W. 173rd St., New York, N. Y. M39. CB. Bache-Wiig, Prof. Sara. M.S., Cornell, 10; Ph.D., 39. Assoc, prof, botany, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (36 Prospect Ave.) M39. G. Bachman, B(enjamin) B(yron). Vice pres. charge engng., Autocar Co., Ard- more, Pa. M17. M. Bachman, Prof. George W(illiam). A.M.. Columbia, 23; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Prof, parasitology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y.; dir., School Tropical Med., San Juan, P. R. M34F34- N. Bachmann, Dr. Freda M(arie). M.A.. Miami, 08; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 12. 821 Woodville St., Toledo, Ohio. M17F21. GNO. Bachmann, Dr. (Jean) George. M.D., Jef- ferson, 07; M.S., Emory, 22. Prof, physi- ology, Emory Univ. School Med., Emory University, Ga. (10S8 Lullwater Road, Atlanta, Ga.) M12F21. NF. Bachrach, Dr. William H(arris). M.S., Northwestern, 37; Ph.D., 39. Cedars of Lebanon Hosp., Los Angeles, Calif. M40. N. Back, Dr. Ernest Adna. Ph.D., Massa- chusetts Agric, 07. U. S. Bur. Entomol- ogy, Washington, D. C. Mo7Fi3- F. Back, Robert. B.S., Illinois, 13. Technical engineer, Wahl Co., Chicago, 111. (3753 N. Fremont St.) M40. BCM. Backer, Prof. Leslie H. M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 09. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Stevens Inst. Tech., Hoboken, N. J. (32 Tulip St., Summit, N. J.) M33. C. Backus, Cyrus D(ay). M.S., George Wash- ington, 05. Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. M08F15. MBA. Backus, Myron P(ort). Dept. Botany, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M31F33- R34. G. Bacon, Dr. Alfons Rosthorn. M.D., Illi- nois, 22. Instr. obstetrics and gynecology, U^niv. Illinois; assoc. obstetrician and gynecologist, Grant Hosp.; med. dir., Sal- vation Army Dispensary, Chicago, 111. (580 Hawthorne Place) M30. N. Bacon, Miss Annette L(ouise). A.B., Wellesley, 29. Sec, Dept. Entomology, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M37- F. Bacon, Prof. Arthur A(very). A.M., Dart- mouth, 01. Prof, physics, Amer. LTniv. Beirut, Beirut, Syria. M03F11. B. Bacon, Charles E(dward). 50 Beacon St.. Boston, Mass. M37R37. BC. Bacon, Dr. Charles S., Jr. M.S., Chicago, 23 ; Ph.D., Vienna, 26. Asst. prof., Dept. Geology, Texas A. and M. Col., College Station, Tex. M30. E. Bacon, Dr. Charles S(umner). 2333 Cleve- land Ave., Chicago, 111. M07F18R37. NQK. 242 Directory of Members Bacon, Dr. Charles W(alter). A.M., Clark, 07; Ph.D.. 11. Physiologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington. D. C. (43 12 Yuma St. X\Y.) M17F33. CGO. Bacon, Prof. Clara L(atimer). M.A., Chi- cago, 04; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 11. Prof. emeritus mathematics, Goucher Col., Bal- timore, Md. (2316 X. Calvert St.) M24- L33F33. A. Bacon, Dr. Edythe A. 13231 Meyers Road, Detroit, Mich. M31R37. X. Bacon, Dr. Egbert K(ing). M.S.. Michi- gan, 23; Ph.D., 26. Asst. prof, chemistry, Union Col., Schenectady, X. Y. M28F33. CQ. Bacon, Ellis W. Vice pres., treas., and Med. Dept. editor, T. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (227 S. 6th St.) M18. KNO. Bacon, Dr. Franklin James. Ph.D., Wis- consin, 25. Prof, botany and pharmacog- nosy, Western Reserve Univ.; dir. Squire Valleevue Farm. Cleveland, Ohio. M28- F31. GXTC. Bacon, Frederick S(ayford). A.M., Har- vard, 17. Res. chemist, Watertown, Mass. (42 Hyde Ave., Newton, Mass.) M38. C. Bacon, Prof. George P(reston). A.M., Dartmouth, 00. Prof, emeritus physics, Tufts Col., Medford, Mass. (53 Highland St., Cambridge, Mass.) M07F16. BM. Bacon, Jack C. 57 Strawberry Hill Court, Stamford, Conn. M39. C. Bacon, Dr. Raymond F. A.M., DePauw, 00; Ph.D., Chicago, 04; Sc.D., Pittsburgh, 18, DePauw. iq. Consulting chemist, 500 5th Ave., New Y/ork. N. Y. (17 Rock- ledge Road, Bronx ville, N. Y.) M12F15. C. Bacon, Wallace W(inn). M28D34. GX. Badalik, Miss Elizabeth Annette. M.S., Marquette, 40. Student" Marquette Univ.. Milwaukee, Wis. (1424 X. 2^rd St.) M39. G. Bade, Dr. William Frederic. MnF3iD36. LH. Baden, Martin W. Box 520. Winrield. Kans. M28K33R39. E. Badertscher, A(mos) Edison. M.S., Rut- gers, 30. Chief entomologist, McCormick and Co.. Baltimore, Md. do-? Bonnie Hill Road, Towson, Md.) M39. FCP. Badertscher, Prof. Jacob A. Ph.D., Cor- nell, 14. Prof, anatomy, Indiana Univ. School Med.. Bloomington, Ind. (312 S. Fess Ave.) M17F21. X. Badger, George F(ranklin). Herman Kiefer Hosp., Detroit, Mich. M32R34. NKA. Baehne, G(eorge) W(alter). J.D., New York, 31. International Business Ma- chines Corp., New York, N. Y. (Box 136, Darien, Conn.) M35. KM P.. Baehr, Dr. George. M.D., Columbia, 08. Clinical prof, medicine, Columbia Univ.; attending physician, Mt. Sinai Hosp.; consulting physician, St. Joseph's Hosp. and Rockaway Beach Hosp., New York, X. Y.. and Monmouth Memorial Hosp., Long Beach, N. J. M06F25. N. Baekeland, George. E.M., Colorado School Mines, 21. Vice pres., Bakelite Corp., New York, X. Y. (Southport, Conn.) M34F34. E. Baekeland, Dr. L(eo) H(endrik). D.Xat.- Sc, Ghent. 84; D.Ch., Pittsburgh, 16; D.Sc, Columbia, 29; D.A.Sc, Brussels, 34; LL.D., Edinburgh, 37. Honorary prof, chemical engng., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (3715 Main Highway, Coco- nut Grove, Fla.) M06F08L24. C. Baer, B(ernard) E(dward). C.E., Cincin- nati, 16. Baer Engng. and Construction Co.. Kansas City, Mo. M21. ML. Baer, Clarence E(ugene). M.A., Colum- bia, 26. 71 W. 5th St.. Oswego, N. Y. M34- F34. QBC. Baer. Henry M. n 60 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M39. C. Baer, Dr. Walter H. M.D., Illinois, 31. Managing officer, Manteno State Hosp., Manteno, 111. M38. INK. Bagg, Dr. Halsey J(oseph). M.A., Colum- bia, 15; Ph.D., 18. Biologist, Memorial Hosp., Xew York, X. Y. M29F30. FX1. Bagg, Dr. Rufus M(ather). Box 386, Ap- pleton, Wis. M00F03R34. E. Baggaley, Ralph. Arlington Apartments. Pittsburgh, Pa. Loi. EM. Bagley, Dr. Charles, Jr. Latrobe Apart- ments, Baltimore, Md. M11F27R34. X. Bagley, Miss Mariana (Dasch). 100; famestown Crescent, Norfolk, Va. M38. KLN. Bagley, Dr. William C(handler). M.S.. Wisconsin, 98; Ph.D., Cornell. 00; Ed.D.. Rhode Island State, 19. Prof, emeritus education, Columbia LTniv. Teachers Col.. Xew York. X. Y\ M08F10. Q. Bagley, Dr. William R. M.D., Michigan. 501 Woodland Ave.. Duluth. Minn. M38. XBE. Bagnall, Dr. J(ohn) Stanley. D.D.S.. Dal- housie, 21. Prof, dentistry. Dalhousie Univ., Halifax. X. S., Canada. ( ~S Larch St.) M36. NdQ. Bagusin, Dr. A(lexis) M(atthew). M.D., Harvard, 21. Physician, 5726 Cross Coun- try Blvd., Mt. Washington, Baltimore, Md. M24. XFG. Bahm, Dr. Archie J(ohn). M.A., Michi- gan, 30; Ph.D., a. Asst. prof, philosophy and sociology, Texas Tech. Col., Lub- bock, Tex. M36. IK. Individual Members 243 Bahner, Dr. Carl T(abb). M.S., Chicago. 28; Th.M.. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 31; Ph.D., Columbia. 36. Prof. chemistry, Carson-Newman Col., Jeffer- son City, Tenn. M40. CNQ. Bahr, Frederick C(harles). Vice pres. and gen mgr., Parts Div., Chrysler Corp., De- troit. Mich. (41 Renaud Road, Crosse Pointe Shores, Mich.) M29. FKM. Bahrs, Dr. Alice M(atilda). M.A., Cali- fornia, 2- ; Ph.D.. (Oregon, 30. Head Dept. Science, St. Helen's Hall Junior Col., Portland, Oreg. (Martha Washington Hotel) M28F33. N. Bahrt, George M(artin). M.S., Nebraska, 25. Assoc, soil technologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Orlando, Fla. ( 1 5 1 6 S. Osceola St.) M2QF40. COE. Baier, Dr. Joseph G(eorge), Jr. M.Sc, Rutgers, 29; Ph.D.. Wisconsin. 32. Assoc, prof, zoology, Univ. Wisconsin, Mil- waukee Center, Milwaukee, Wis. M33. FN. Bailey. Alfred M(arshall). A.B., Iowa. 16. Dir., Colorado Mus. Natural History, Denver. Colo. (4340 Montview Blvd.) M37. F. Bailey, Dr. Benjamin Franklin. M.D.. Hahnemann. 81. Pres. and mgr.. Creen Cables Sanatorium, Lincoln, Nebr. M17- F33- N. Bailey. Dr. Cameron V(ernon). M.D..- C.M.. McGill, 00. Clinical prof, medicine, New York Post Graduate Med. School, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (235 E. 22nd St.) M21F27. N. Bailey, Dr. Clyde H(arold). M.S., Minne- sota. 16; Ph.D., Maryland, 21. Vice dir., Minnesota Agric. Exp. Sta. ; prof, agric. biochemistry, Univ. Earm, Univ. Minne- sota, St. Paul. Minn. M18F24. GO. Bailey, D(ixon) L(loyd). M.S., Minne- sota, 21; Ph.D., 24. Assoc, prof, plant pathology, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. (428 Glencairn Ave.) M23F25. GO. Bailey, Dr. Edna W(atson). M.S.. Cali- fornia, 07; Ph.D.. 10. Assoc, prof, educa- tion, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (1022 Spruce St.) M19F31. QFI. Bailey, Miss Ethel H. Mechanical engi- neer, Montclair Public Library, Montclair, N. J. (17 Montclair Ave.) M25F25. MK. Bailey, Dr. Frank William. M.A., Mani- toba, 29; M.D.. Rush, 39. Prof, zoology, Los Angeles City Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (1038 Hartzell St., Pacific Palisades, Calif.) M40. NF. Bailey, Gordon. 1 1 Ocean St., Kogarah, N.S.W., Australia. M32R32. MBC. Bailey, Dr. Guy W(inifred). LL.D.. Ver- mont, Norwich, Middlebury, 21. Pres.. Univ. Vermont and State Agric. Col., Burlington, Vt. (203 S. Willard St.) M40. I. Bailey, Dr. H(arold) W(ood). M.A.. Illi- nois, 24; Ph.D., 2(1. Dir. Personnel Bui., (id. Liberal Arts and Sciences and asst. prof, mathematics, Univ. Illinois, Crbana, 111. M.UF34. A. Bailey, Prof. Irving W(idmer). M.F., Har- vard, 09; D.Sc. Wisconsin. 31. Prof, plant anatomy. Harvard Univ., Cambridge. Mass. M 11F15. ( ,. Bailey, Dr. J(ames) R(obinson). Ph.D.. Munich, 96. Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M34F34. C. Bailey, Dr. John Hays. Ph.D.. Chicago, 28; D.P.H., Michigan. 38. Asst. prof, bac- teriology and public health, Loyola Univ. School Med., Chicago. 111. (6507 Minerva \ve.) M28F33. N. Bailey, Dr. John Wendell. M.S., Missis- sippi State, 17; A.M., Cornell, 25; M.A., Harvard, zy ; Ph.D., 28. Prof, biology, Univ. Richmond, Richmond. Va. ; dir. biological research. Chesapeake Corp., West Point, Va. M17F33L38. FG. Bailey, Miss L. Lorene. 3005 Stevens St., Parsons, Kans. M32R32. EG. Bailey, Prof. Lewis Birdwell. M.S., Texas A. and M.. 30. 331 Mt. Pleasant St., Pitts- burg. Tex. M34. CQM. Bailey. Dr. Liberty Hyde. LL.D., Wis- consin. 07. Alfred. 08; Litt.D.. Vermont, 10; D.Sc, Puerto Rico, .12. 103 Sage Place. Ithaca, N. Y. M13F87. GO. Vice president for Section on Agriculture (M), ryr.f. Pres- ident, rgj6. Bailey, Lynn H(amilton). A.B., Swarth- more, 17. Co-partner sales office, Alco- Gravure Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. (205 Fern- brook Ave.. Wyncote, Pa.) M37. K. Bailey, Dr. Orville Taylor. M.D.. Union. Instr. pathology, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M40. NCF. Bailey, Dr. P. L., Jr. Dept. Biology, Col. City New York. New York, N. Y. M35- F35R38. FN I. Bailey, Prof. Paul F. B.S., Loyola South. 26. Asst. prof, chemistry, Loyola Univ., New Orleans, La. (4610 Perrier St.) M40. CFN. Bailey, Prof. Reed W(arner). M.S., Chi- cago. 27. Dir.. U. S. Intermountain Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Ogden, Utah. M29- F33- ED. Bailey. R(ussell) M. B.S., Maine, 28. Assoc, geneticist, Maine Agric. Exp. Sta., ( Jrono, Maine. M34F34. < »FG. Bailey, Samuel M. U. S. Engineer Office, Louisville, Ky. M39R39. EH. Bailey, Miss Sarah Watson. M.S., Middle- bury. 26; A. M., Radcliffe, 30; Ph.D., 36. 15 Campden Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. M27. F. Bailey, Dr. Thomas Laval. M.A., Cali- fornia, 21 ; Ph.D., 26. Regional geologist. Shell Oil Co., Inc., Houston, Tex. (2518 Prospect Ave.) M24F31. E. 244 Directory of Members Bailey, Prof. Thomas Leonard. 229 W. Midland St., Shawnee, Okla. M32R32. CBO. Bailey, Dr. William M(arshall). M.S., Chicago, 13; Ph.D., 32. Prof, botany and head Dept., Southern Illinois State Nor- mal Univ., Carbondale, 111. (506 S. Pop- lar St.) M36F38. G. Bailey, Miss Yvonne Adele. Lindenwood Col., St. Charles, Mo. M36R37. FC. Baillie, Prof. W(illiam) H(arold) T(revor- row). M.A.. Toronto, 12; M.D., 28. Assoc. prof, mammalian anatomy, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Out., Canada. (152 Stibbard Ave.) M39. FNH. Bailor, Prof. Edwin M(aurice). M.A., Washington State, 16; Ph.D., Columbia, 24. Prof, psychology, Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. (8 Brockway Road) M34- F34. I. Baily, Dr. Joshua L(ongstreth), Jr. A.M.. Ffaverford. 13; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 38. Res. assoc, San Diego Mus. Natural His- tory, San Diego, Calif. (443 s Ampudia St.) M27. FAD. Bain, Henry F(ranklin). M.S., Brown, 17. 2209 38th St. NW., Washington, D.C. M25F33. G. Bain, Read. A.M., Oregon. 21; Ph.D.. Michigan. 26. Prof, sociology and head Dept., Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. (116 Tallawanda Road) M35F37- KHI. Baines, M. Carroll. M32D35. N. Bair, Prof. W(illiam) H(arry). Ph.D., California, 20. Box 483. Potsdam, N. Y. M24F40. B. Baird, Arthur C. Vice principal (retired), Tavlor Allerdice High School, Pittsburgh, Pa! (920 East End Ave.) M08. AD. Baird, Charles. M29D40. Baird, Dr. Don O. M.A., Columbia, 28; Ph.D., 30. Prof, biology, Sam Houston State Teachers Col., Huntsville, Tex. M29- F38. QFG. Baird, Edgar A(lan). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 20. Scientific staff, Chicago Apparatus Co., Chicago, 111. M21F31. G. Baird, Kenneth E. Philadelphia Coke Co., Philadelphia, Pa. M29R38. CM. Baird, Robert Logan. Box 324, Ann Ar- bor, Mich. M24. FGQ. Baitsell, George A(lfred). M.A., Yale, 09; Ph.D., 14. Prof, biology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M17F20. FG. Secretary of Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1937. Bakenhus, Rear Adm. R(euben) E(dwin). B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 96. Rear admiral retired, U. S. Navy; consulting engineer, 142 Maiden Lane, New York, X. Y. (51 5th Ave.) M18F31. M. Baker, Prof. A(lbert) W(esley). B.S.A.. Toronto, 11. Prof, systematic entomology and zoology, Ontario Agric. Col., Guelph, Ont., Canada. M13F20. F. Baker, Alexander D(ouglas). MacDonald College, Que., Canada. M29R32. FO. Baker, Dr. Alson. M.D., Louisville, 05. Physician, Berea, Ky. M24. HN. Baker, Dr. A(rthur) Latham. M28F95D34. GFC. Baker, Carl I(rving). M.A., Columbia, 2~. Gen. foreman, Vacuum Tube Shop, West- ern Electric Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. (Pearl River, N. Y.) M27. MBK. Baker, Charles S. M.A., Columbia, 12; LL.B., George Washington, 13. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. (4959 Hillbrook Lane NW.) M37. K. Baker, Dr. C(lifton) A(yres). M31D39. IQ. Baker, Dr. Clinton L(yle). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 33. Assoc, prof, biology, Southwest- ern Univ., Memphis, Tenn. M36. FG. Baker, Dr. E. H. 5312 Hyde Park Blvd.. Chicago, 111. (?) M30R32. N. Baker, E(dgar) G(ates) Stanley. 506 S. Grant Ave., Crawfordsville. Irid. M31R35. FCN. Baker, Dr. Edward B. 928 Pallister Ave., Detroit, Mich. M31R33. BAC. Baker, Dr. Edward William. Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 38. Junior entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Cal- zada Mexico-Tacuba 295, Colonia Ana- huac. Mexico. D.F., Mexico. M40. F. Baker, Dr. Elsworth Frederick. M.D., Manitoba, 28. Chief Women's Service, State Hosp., Marlboro, N. J. M38. N. Baker, Ernest L. B.S., Maine, 03. Pres.. Pyramid Process Co., Inc., East Roches- ter, N. Y. M34F34- C. Baker, Mrs. Estelle Hukel. Stephenville. Tex. M34. BEQ. Baker, Dr. Ezra F. c/o First Nat. Bank, Louisville, Ky. M06F15R37. H. Baker, Frank C(ollins). B.S., Chicago School Science, 95. Curator emeritus. Mus. Natural History, Univ. Illinois, Ur- bana, 111. M07F21. EF. Baker, Frank Elmer. A.M., Allegheny, 13: L.H.D., 29; A.M., Harvard, 09. Pres., State Teachers Col., Milwaukee, Wis. (601 E. Day Ave.) M30. Baker, Frederick A. M29D— . B. Baker, George A (lien). 3016 Edwards St., Alton, 111. M32R32. A. Baker, Dr. Gladys E(lizabeth). M.Sc. Iowa, 32; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 35. Instr. biology, Hunter Col., New York. N. Y. (soi W. 13th St.) M37F39. GF. Individual Members 245 Baker, Glenn J(ackson). M.A., Wiscon- sin, 32. Engineer, Win. M. Barret, Inc.. Shreveport, La. M31. E. Baker, Prof. Harry A(rnold). M34F34D37. BCM. Baker, Dr. Harry J(ay). A.M., Michigan, 18; Ph.D., jo. Dir. psychological clinic, Detroit Public Schools, Detroit. Mich. Mji F25. IQ. Baker, Prof. H(erbert) J(onathan). M39- D39. Q. Baker, Dr. Howard B. M.D., Michigan, 98. 4867 Hamilton Ave., Detroit, Mich. M30. EF. Baker, Dr. Hugh P(otter). M.F., Yale, 04; D.Oec, Munich, 10; LL.D., Syracuse, 33. Pres., Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M02F11. EGQ. Baker, Prof. Ida M(ay). A.M., Columbia, _'4; Ph.D., Ohio State, 37. Assoc, prof, mathematics. Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (2196 Ambleside Drive) M34F34. A. Baker, Dr. John C(lark). M.S., Columbia, 15; Ph.D., 16; D.Sc, Upper Iowa, 29. Vice pres. and chief chemist, Wallace Tiernan Co. ; chief chemist, Novadel Agene Corp., Newark, N. J.; sec, Lucidol Corp., Buffalo, N. Y. (67 Eagle Rock Way, Montclair, N. J.) M19F33. CN. Baker, Dr. Kenneth F(rank). Ph.D., Wash- ington State, 34. Asst. prof, plant pathol- ogy, Univ. California Los Angeles; asst. plant pathologist, California Agric. Exp. Sta., Los Angeles, Calif. M38F39. G. Baker, Miss Lora. M.A., Indiana, 23. Route 3, Hartford City, Ind. M34. E. Baker, Dr. Margaret Rock. M.D., Pitts- burgh, 32. Pathologist, Children's Hosp., Akron, Ohio. (633 W. Market St.) M28. NAC. Baker, Mrs. Norman H. (Dr. M. Jeannette Lieber). 626 Summit Ave. W., Fergus Falls, Minn. M31R33. NFB. Baker, Percy H(ayes). M.S., Pittsburgh, 30. Asst. prof, biology, Virginia State Col., Ettrick, Va. M40. FG. Baker, Dr. Ralph D(oris). M.S., Kansas, 31; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 38. Asst. prof., Dept. Mechanical Engng., Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (2633 Beverly St.) M40. MBI. Baker, R(ay) J(erome). B.Sc, Hawaii, 34. Photographer, 191 1 Kalakaua Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii. M40. GKF. Baker, R(aymond) F(rank). Ph.B., Yale, 12. Chief geologist, The Texas Co., New York, N. Y. M34F34. E. Baker, Prof. Richard Philip. M08F10- D37. A. Baker, Prof. Robert H(orace). Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 10. Univ. Illinois Observatory, Urbana, 111. M24F25. DB. Baker, Dr. Roger Denio. M.D., Harvard, 28. Asst. prof, pathology, Duke Univ. School Med.; asst. pathologist, Duke Hosp., Durham, N. Car. (11 11 Watts St.) M34F34- N. Baker, Prof. R(oss) A(llen). A.M., De Painv, 07; Sc.D., 37; Ph.D., Wisconsin. 14. Prof, chemistry, Commerce Center, The City Col., New York, N. Y. (101 Lake- side Drive, Baldwin, N. Y.) M07F15. C. Baker, Samuel Sweigart. A.B., Case, 05. Mgr. Thermometer Div., Amer. Thermo- meter Co., St. Louis, Mo. (450 Somerset Ave., Webster Groves, Mo.) M40. BDM. Baker, Prof. Thomas A(lexander). 240 Orchard Road, Newark, Del. M28F3iR34- O. Baker, Dr. Thomas S(tockham). M25- F25D39. KLM. Baker, W(ebster) E(merson) Byron. Mgr. paper research, New York and Pennsyl- vania Co., Inc., and Costanea Paper Co., Lock Haven, Pa. (15 W. Church St.) M18. CBG. Baker, Wilfred H(armon). Route 1, James- ville, N. Y. M38R39. MA. Baker, William A(ddison), Jr. 3218 Ewing St., Houston, Tex. M23R39. EF. Baker, William E(llmore). County agric. agent, U. S. Dept. Agric, Boise City, Okla. M38. HE. Baker, Prof. Woolford Bales. M.S., Emory, 20; Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Prof, biology, Emory University, Ga. (1304 Durand Drive NE., Atlanta, Ga.) M39F31. GF. Bakes, Frank P. Speech Clinic, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M36R36. IQK. Bakewell, Prof. Charles M(ontague). A.M., Harvard, 92; Ph.D., 94; A.M., Yale, 05. Prof, emeritus philosophy, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M04F06. IK. Bakhmeteff, Dr. Boris A(lexander). D.Eng., St. Petersburg, 12. Prof, civil engng., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (250 W. 57th St.) M38. M. Bakhuyzen, Dr. H(endrick) L(eo) van de Sande. 424 E. 1st St., Tucson, Ariz. (?) M29F31R36. GCB. Bakke, Dr. A(rthur) L(awrence). M.S., Iowa, 11; Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Res. prof., Iowa Agric. Exp. Sta., Ames, Iowa. M10F16. G. Bakke, Dr. E(dward) Wight. 333 Cedar St., New Haven, Conn. M37R37. K. Bakst, Leon H. 45 Barrows St., Provi- dence, R. I. M32R33. CN. Bakwin, Prof. Harry. M.D., Columbia, 17. Asst. prof, pediatrics, New York Univ. Col. Med.; assoc. attending pediatrician, Bellevue Hosp., New York, N. Y. ; at- tending pediatrician, Seaside Hosp., Staten Island, N. Y. M32. HN. 246 Directory of Members Bakwin, Dr. Ruth Morris. M.D., Cornell, 23; M.A., Columbia, 29. Dir. pediatric-*, New York Infirmary Women and Chil- dren; instr. pediatrics, New York Univ. Col. Med.; asst. pediatrician, Bellevue Hosp., New York, N. Y. M32. HN. Balce, Sofronio. Univ. Philippines, Manila, P. I. M34R35- CB. Balch, Francis Noyes. A.M., Harvard, 97. 60 State St., Boston, Mass. M01F13. FHE. Balchen, Bernt. Northrop Aircraft Corp., Englewood, Calif. (?) M35F35R35. M. Balderston, Prof. Mark. Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Prof, physics, Lafavette Col., Easton, Pa. (856 Mixsell St.) M22F33- B. Baldes, Dr. E(dward) J(ames). A.M., Ph.D., Harvard; Ph.D., London. Assoc, Div. Physics and Biophysical Res., Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minn.; assoc. prof, biophysics, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1135 1st St. N.W., Rochester, Minn.) M40. NB. Baldinger, Dr. Lawrence H(enry). M.S., Notre Dame, 31; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, chemistry, Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. (814 E. Corby Blvd., South Bend, Ind.) M36F38. CN. Baldock, Russell. Box 154, Blacksburg. Va. M34R36. BAC. Baldridge, Dr. Clifford John. Court House, Hamilton, Ohio. M25R32. NIL. Balduf, Prof. Walter V(alentine). M.S., Ohio State, 20; Ph.D., 22. Assoc, prof, entomology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M20F25. F. Baldwin, Erdmann Dwight. Paia, Maui, Hawaii. M33R3S. EKM. Baldwin, Dr. Francis Marsh. A.M., Illi- nois, 07; Ph.D., 17. Prof, zoology, Univ. Southern California, .Los Angeles, Calif. M20F21. F. Baldwin, Frank L(ove). 310 William St., East Orange, N. J. M35R37. B. Baldwin, Dr. Henry I(ves). M.F., Yale, 22; Ph.D., 31. Asst. forester charge forest research, New Hampshire Forestry and Recreation Dept., Hillsboro, N. H. M21- F31. GOE. Baldwin, Herbert B(elcher). M94E39D39. CF. Baldwin, Dr. Ira Lawrence. M.S., Purdue, 21 ; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 26. Prof, bac- teriology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M28F29. GON. Baldwin, Dr. Kate Wylie. 11 17 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. M17R33. N. Baldwin, Mark. D.Sc, Earlham, 33. U. S. Bur. Chemistry and Soils, Washington, D. C. M29F31. OEG. Baldwin, Dr. Robert C(hester). Box 46, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. M34- R34. LK. Baldwin, Roger S(herman). Hotel Kings- bury. Waterburv, Conn. M23F32R^X. KQH. Baldwin, S(amuel) Prentiss. L98F00D38. FE. Baldwin, Walter A. Box 14, Cambridge, Mass. M20. CB. Baldwin, Dr. Wesley M(anning). A.M., Cornell, 09; M.D., 11. Box 441, York- Beach, Maine. M33F33. NHF. Bales, Prof. Paul D(obson). A.M., Indiana, 29. Assoc, prof, physics, Howard Col., Birmingham, Ala. M35F35. B. Balfour, Dr. Donald Church. M.D., Toronto, 06; LL.D., Carlton, 34. Prof, surgery, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis; dir. Mayo Foundation and head, Div. Sur- gery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. (427 6th Ave. SW.. Rochester, Minn.) M28- F33. N. Balfour, Dr. M(arshall) C(oulter). M.D., Harvard, 26. Far East representative. Rockefeller Foundation, Shanghai, China. (115 Cathay Mansions) M34F34. NFM. Balinkin, Dr. Isay A(lexander). M.Sc, Cincinnati, 26; Ph.D., 29. Instr. physics, Univ. Cincinnati; consulting physicist, Cambridge Tile Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. M28F33. B. Balkam, Miss Barbara J. Box 196, Colo- rado Springs, Colo. M38R38. IQA. Ball, Prof. Albert. A.B., Cornell, 01. Prof, physics, Cooper Union, New York, N. Y. M07F16. BM. Ball, Dr. Carleton R(oy). M.S., Iowa State, 99; D.Sc, 20. Exec sec. Co- ordinating Committee, U. S. Dept. Agric, Land-Grant Colleges, and Tennessee Val- ley Authority, Washington, D. C. (3814 Jocelyn St. NW.) M00F02. OGK. Ball, Dr. C(harles) Olin. M.S., George Washington, 22; Ph.D., 26. Asst. to dir. res., Amer. Can Co., New York, N. Y. (32 Sycamore Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.) M34F34. CBG. Ball, Dr. Clarence Franklin. M.D., Amer. Med. Missionary Col. (Chicago), 02. Sur- geon, Rutland Hosp.; dir.. X-ray and Radium Inst., Rutland, Vt. ; chairman, Vermont State Cancer Commission, Mont- pelier, Vt. (23 Washington St., Rutland, Vt.) M36. NE. Ball, Edwin (Lawrence). Ph.M., Wis- consin, 39. Graduate asst. botany, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M40. G. Ball, Dr. Elmer D(arwin). Univ. Arizona Agric. Exp. Sta., Tucson, Ariz. M01F03- R38. FO. Ball, Dr. Gordon H(arold). M.S., Pitts- burgh, 21 ; Ph.D., California, 24. Assoc, prof. zoology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M24F30. FGN. Individual Members 247 Ball, Dr. John D(udley). Ph.D., Marquette, 28. Prof, physics, Mt. Mary Col., Mil- waukee, Wis. (2715 N. Stowell Ave.) M38F38. MBD. Ball, John O(lsen). M.A., Denver. 13954 S. Reno St., Los Angeles, Calif. M39. QAM. Ball, Dr. John R(ice). A.M., North- western, 19; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Assoc, prof, geology and geography, Northwest- ern Univ., Evanston, 111. (701 Emerson St.) M29F31. EFH. Ball, Dr. Josephine. Ph.D., California, 29. Asst. psychobiology, Henry Phipps Psy- chiatric Clinic, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M31F33. INF. Ball, Prof. Oscar Melville. Texas A. and M. Col., College Station, Tex. M18F21R39. EG. Ball, Mrs. Rachel Stutsman. Ph.D., Chi- cago, 28. Consulting psychologist, 27 W. Curtin St., Bellefonte, Pa. M29F33. IQK. Ball, Robert Jaudon. 209 N. Palm Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. M3oR35- IKQ. Ball, Miss Rose. M29D — . Ball, Dr. Stanley Crittenden. Ph.D., Yale, 15. Curator zoology, Peabody Mus. Nat- ural History; assoc. prof, biology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M22F31. F. Ball, Prof. T(heodore) R(olly). M.S., Ph.D., Illinois. Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M35F35- C. Ball, Prof. Thomas F(auntleroy). Univ. South Carolina, Columbia, S. Car. M34- F34R37. M. Ball, W(illiam) Howard. 1861 Ingleside Terrace NW., Washington, D. C. M31R35. FG. Ballard, Prof. Charles W(illiam). Phar.D., Columbia, 08; A.M., n; Ph.D., 26. Dean, Columbia Univ. Col. Phar., New York, N. Y. M34F34. GNp. Ballard, Mrs. Foster K. (Ruth G. Mason). M.S., Chicago, 29; Ph.D., 32. Teacher, Wright Junior Col., Chicago, 111. (636 Wellington Ave.) L38. A. Ballard, John William. Texas Christian Univ., Fort Worth, Tex. M34R34. KQ. Ballard, Dr. Stanley S(umner). Ph.D., California, 34. Asst. prof, physics, Univ. Hawaii; collaborator chemistry and soils, Hawaii Agric. Exp. Sta., Honolulu, Hawaii. M39F40. B. Ballard, W(illiam) S(alisbury). A.B., Illinois, 04. Senior pathologist fruit dis- eases, U. S. Dept. Agric, Fresno, Calif. (1717 Del Mar Ave.) M11F13. GCO. Ballard, Dr. W(illiam) W(hitney). Ph.D., Yale, 33. Asst. prof, biology, Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. (Norwich, Vt.) M34F40. F. Ballentine, Robert. A.B., Princeton, 37. Graduate student biology, Princeton Univ.. Princeton, N. J. (133 Buckingham Road, Upper Montclair, N. J.) M30. FC. Bailer, Dr. Warren R(obert). A.M., Nebraska, 27; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, prof, edu- cational psychology, Univ. Nebraska Teachers Col., Lincoln, Nebr. (3045 N. 52nd St.) M37. I. Balliet, Dr. Thomas M(inard). 600 W. 116th St., New York, N. Y. M99F03R39. QI. Ballon, Harry C(larence). M.D., CM., Mc- Gill, 23. 1414 Drummond St., Montreal, Que., Canada. M32F38. N. Ballou, Prof. Charles H(erbert). B.S., Cornell, 14. Prof, entomology, Escuela de Agriculture; chief, Dept. Entomology, Kstacion Exp. de Agric. y Zootecnia, El Valle, Venezuela, S. A. M14F39. FGO. Ballou, Dr. Frank W(ashington). Frank- lin School Bldg., Washington, D. C. Mi4F2IR35. Q- Ballou, Dr. Willard Alger. M.A., Columbia, 15; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 33. Connecticut Junior Col., Bridgeport, Conn. M17F33. ABQ. Balmer, H(arold) F(rederick). M.A., Toronto, 24. Asst. curator, Dept. Physics, Mus. Science and Industry, Chicago, 111. M35F35. DB. Balsbaugh, Prof. J(ayson) C(lair). M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 24. Assoc, prof, electric power production and dis- tribution, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M34F34. M. Baltazar, Eulalio P. Univ. Philippines, Manila, P. I. M32R32. GOF. Baltzan, Dr. D. M. M.D.,C.M., McGill. McMillan Bldg., Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. M39- NK. Baltzell, Mrs. William Hewson. L29D38. Bamber, Lyle E(dward). M.S., Illinois, 27. Library asst. charge Natural History Library, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M38. F. Bamberger, Edgar S. B.A., Johns Hopkins, 03. Trustee, Inst. Advanced Study, Prince- ton, and Newark Univ., Newark, N. J. (100 Gregory Ave., West Orange, N. J.) M29. Bamberger, Prof. Florence Eilau. M.A., Columbia, 15; Ph.D., 22. Dir., Johns Hopkins Univ. Col. Teachers, Baltimore. Md. M18F21. LQ. Bamberger, L. Richard. 1 Wall St., New- York, N. Y. M28. H. Bamford, William B(rokaw). C.E., Princeton, 00. 614 10th Ave., Belmar, N. J. M29. KIM. Banay, Dr. Ralph S. M.D., Budapest, 20. Dir. clinical psychiatry, Boston State Hosp., Boston, Mass. M36. NI. _>48 Directory of Members Bancroft, Mrs. E. C. (Edith Susan Whitaker). A.M., Radcliffe, 17; Ph.D., j j. Hamilton, N. Y. M21F31. GFN. Bancroft, George Herbert. M.S., West Vir- ginia, 31; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 37. Instr. physics, Hobart Col., Geneva, N. Y. (405 Washington St.) M31F40. B. Bancroft, Dr. George R(ussell). Ph.D.. Yale, 17; D.Sc, Acadia, 34. Prof, phy- siological chemistry, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. (436 Gainesboro Road, Drexel Hill, Pa.) M21F33. CN. Bancroft, Miss Jessie Hubbell. M.P.E., Springfield, 26. Lake Placid Club, Lake Placid, N. Y. M07F15. N. Bancroft, Prof. Merle Fowler. A.B., Yale, 13. Box 190, Wolfville, N.S., Canada. M25F25. E. Bancroft, Dr. William Wallace. A.M., Pennsylvania, 21; Ph.D., 31. Prof, phi- losophv, Ursinus Col., Collegeville, Pa. (942 Main St.) M32. HI. Bandeen, Dr. Stanley G. M.D. 514 Breslin Bldg., Louisville, Ky. M38. CNI. Bandler, Dr. Leon. 211 Central Park W., New York, N. Y. (?) M18R33. N. Bane, Miss Lita. 1208 California St., Urbana, 111. M31F37R37. KQ. Banerjee, K. C. 3 Charnock Place, Cal- cutta, Bengal, India. M33R33. M. Banet, Mrs. Sarah C. (Sarah C. Cohen). M.A., California, 32. Teacher, Dept. Biology, Julia Richman High School, New York, N. Y. (304 W. 102nd St.) M30. GFQ. Bangham, Ralph V(andervort). M.A., Haverford, 17; Ph.D., Ohio State, 23. Prof, biology, Col. Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. (1004 X. Bever St.) M23F33. F. Bangham, Walter N(icholas). S.M., Har- vard, 29. Dir., Plant Res. Dept., Goodyear Rubber Plantations Co., Colok Merangir, E.C. Sumatra. N.E.I. (47 Mellen St., Ash- mont, Boston, Mass.) M29F32. FGO. Bangs, Edward H(ugh). 168 Addison Road, Riverside, 111. M17. M. Bangson, Prof. John S(tuver). M.S., Susquehanna, 17. Dept. Biology, Berea Col., Berea, Ky. M27F33. FG. Banker, Dr. Howard J(ames). A.M., Columbia, 00; Ph.D., 06. 14 Myrtle Ave., Huntington, N. Y. M02F05L23. G. Banks, Prof. Burnwell Bernard. M.S.. Atlanta, 37. Asst. prof, chemistry, North Carolina Agric. and Tech. Col., Greens- boro, N. Car. (360 W. Bragg St.) M30. CBX. Banks, Dr. George B(ernard). Ph.D., Niagara, 37 . Prof. physical science, Niagara University, N. Y. (931 Maple Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y.) Mi8F^8. CBA. Banks, Henry Ward, III. 206 E. 10th St.. New York, N. Y. M17F28R33. C. Banks, Nathan. M.S.', Cornell, 90. Curator insects, Mus. Comparative Zoology; assoc. prof, emeritus zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge. Mass. (Holliston, Mass.) M34F34. F. Bannister, Miss Ruth D(elia). M.A.. Northwestern, 16. Teacher physics, Roose- velt High School, Chicago, 111. (2102 Or- rington Ave., Evanston, 111.) M24L29. BDE. Banta, Prof. A(rthur) M(angun). A.M., Indiana, 04; Ph.D., Harvard, 07. Prof, biologv, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M03F13. FGH. Banta, Miss Edna. Nature Mus., Mc- Cormicks Creek State Park, Spencer, lnd. M34. GF. Banta, H(enry) E(ugene). M.A., Rice, 30; Ph.D., 32. Geophysicist, Independent Ex- ploration Co., Houston, Tex. M40F40. B. Bantel, Prof. E. C. H. Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M32R3A. M. Banting, Mrs. Mary Ingraham (Mrs. Henry Ingraham) (Miss Mary A. Ingra- ham). 303 S. Cornwall St., Baltimore, Md. M29R37. GCB. Banzhaf, E. Steel Union, Inc., Chamber Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. M36. M. Banzhaf, Dr. Henry Leo. D.D.S., Michi- gan, 86; LL.D., Pittsburgh, 34. Dean, Marquette Univ. Dental School, Mil- waukee. Wis. (3234 N. Hackett Ave.) M33. NdQ. Banzon, Julian (Ruben). B.S., Philippines, 26. Instr., Univ. Philippines, Laguna, P. I. M39F40. CPO. Barach, Dr. Alvan L(eroy). M.D., Colum- bia, 19. Asst. prof, clinical medicine. Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Sur- geons; asst. attending physician, Presby- terian Hosp., New York, N. Y. M38. N. Barach, Dr. Joseph H(ayem). M.D., Pittsburgh, 03. Med. dir., Falk Clinic; assoc. prof, medicine, School Med. and School Dentistrv, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pitts- burgh, Pa. (4745 Beacon St.) M22F33. N. Barada, A(ndrew) S. Vice pres. and gen. mgr., Luziers Inc., Kansas City, Mo. (Bannister and Noland Roads, Lees Sum- mit, Mo.) M26. C. Baranovsky, Cyril. 614 Huron St., Toronto, Out., Canada. M37R37. BM. Barban, Charles. B.S., Col. City New York, 17. Consulting chemist and chemi- cal engineer, 521 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M35. CMN. Barber, Dr. C(arroll) Glenn. M.D., Ohio State, 20; M.A., Western Reserve, 30. Asst. orthopedic surgeon, Univ. Hosp.; assoc. orthopedic surgeon, Rainbow Hosp.; visit- ing orthopedic surgeon, St. Vincent's Charity Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. (17022 Delaware Ave.") M40. N. [individual Mkm bees 249 Barber, Ernest R. 1200 S. Broad St.. Now Orleans. La. M19F20. F. Barber, Dr. George W(are). M.Sc, Har- vard, J5 ; Sc.D., 27. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quaran- tine. New Haven. Conn. M20F33. F. Barber, Harry C(lark). jj Garden St., Boston. Mass. M29R34. AQ. Barber, Harry G. M.A.. Nebraska. 96, Harvard, g8. Assoc, entomologist. I'. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine. U. S. Xat. Mus.. Washington, 1). C. M.uEu- F. Barber, Herbert L. Box 97, Williams. Mont. M31R34. K. Barber. Herbert S(pencer). Assoc, en- tomologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Wash- ington, D. C. M07F14. F. Barber, Dr. I(ra) G(arnett). Ph.D.. Chi- cago, 21. Western Electric Co., Chicago, 111. M34F34. B. Barber, J(ohn) H(enry). Box 777, Liver- more, Calif. M24R36. FG. Barber, L(anas) S(purgeon). 5.56 \\ . College Ave.. Tallahassee, Fla. M.uR.iv F Barber. Miss Lena A(melia). M.S., Michi- gan J 11. Prof, biology. Meredith Col. Raleigh. N. Car. (3401 Clark Ave.) M23F33. FG. Barber, Dr. M(arshall) A(lbert). A.M.. Ph.D., Harvard. Missouri City. Mo. L34F34: n: Barber, Prof. Ruth A(rmour). M.A. Colorado. 3s. Assoc, prof, biology. Hills- dale Col., Hillsdale. Mich. M38. FG. Barbour. Prof. Carrie A(deline). Univ. Nebraska. Lincoln. Xebr. M03F15. E. Barbour, Prof. George B(rown). M.A., Edinburgh, 10 Cambridge, 18; Ph.D.. Columbia, 29. Dean College Liberal Arts and prof, geology, PJniv. Cincinnati, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. M38. E. Barbour, Dr. Henry G(ray). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 10. Assoc, prof, pharmacology and toxicology, Yale Univ., New Haven. Conn. (656 Prospect St.) M18F21. N. Barbour, Dr. Orville. 528 lefferson Bldg.. Peoria. Til. M36R36. -V Barbour, Philip R. Rimini, Mont. M33R33. EL. Barbour, R(obert) B(ruce). 656 N. Inter- lachen Ave., Winter Park. Fla. M38. BCE. Barbour, Dr. Thomas. A.M., Harvard, 08; Ph.D.. 10; Sc.D., Havana. 30, Dartmouth, 35. Prof, zoology, dir. Univ. Mus. and Mus. Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M02F07L25. F. Barbulesco, C. D. M.S.. Bucharest; E.E., Paris. Antioch Col., Yellow Springs. Ohio. M38. MQ. Barck, Dr. Carl (Eugen). A.M.. Karlsruhe, 76; M.D., Freiburg, 81. Prof, emeritus ophthalmology, St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo. (3438 Russell Ave.) M02. N. Barclay, Dr. B. D. Dept. Botanv, Univ. Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. M31F32R32. GO. Barclay, Dr. Earle H(erbert). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 22. ,\sst. supt. ( ctg. mill I. Champion Paper and Fibre Co., Hamilton, Ohio. (306 S. D St.) M29F33. CBM. Barclay, Gordon L. Dept. Psychology, Svracuse Unix., Svracuse, N. Y. M32R33. INF. Barclay, Margaret E(thel). Thomas Jef- ferson High School, Brooklyn, X. "\ M25. gfq; Barcroft, David P. Attorney at law, First Nat. Bank Bldg., Madera, Calif. M37. DCB. Bard, Dr. Philip. A.M.. Harvard, 25; Ph.D.. 27. Prof, physiology, Johns Hop- kins Univ. School Med.. Baltimore, Md. M29F33. NF. Bardeen. Prof. Charles R(ussell). Moi- F61D35. N. Bardin, Dr. James C(ook). M.D., Vir- ginia. 00. Prof. Romantic languages, Univ. Virginia. University, Va. M32. L. Bardwell. Dr. Dwight C(ooley). Ph.D.. California, 21. Lab. dir.. Nitrogen Div., Solvay Process Co., Syracuse, X. V. M25F25. C. Bardwell, Prof. Fred Leslie. 909 E. 4th St.. Northfield, Minn. M08F10R39. CM. Bardy, Dr. Joseph. M.D.. Pennsylvania, n; A.M.. 21; Ph.D., 2:,. Instr., Olney High School. Philadelphia. Pa. ( Bellerich Apartments, 13th and Spruce Sts.) M23- F33. Q- Bare. Clarence O(wen). A.M.. Kansas. 24. Box 7062, Richmond, Va. M25F33. F. Bareis, Miss Grace M(arie). Ph.D., Ohio State, 09. Asst. prof.. Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (Canal Winchester. ( >hio.) M31F33. ABD. Bareuther, Prof. Charles A(dam). C.E., Pennsylvania, 31. Prof, physics, Central High School and Drexel Inst. Tech.; special engineering examiner. Civil Serv- ice Commission. Philadelphia, Pa. (5533 Greenway Ave.) M27F40. BCA. Barger, Miss Panzy L. M.A.. Illinois. William Woods Col. Fulton, Mo. M36. FG. Barkan, Dr. Adolf. M02F09D — . X. Barkan, Dr. Hans. M.D.. Harvard. 10. Prof. ophthalmology, Stanford Univ. School Med., San Francisco, Calif. (2351 Clay St.) M14F16. \. Barkby, H(arry). 217 Hillcrest Ave., New Castle, Pa. M25R32. MEG. 250 Directory of Members Barkelew, James T. Patent attorney, 413 Edison Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. (392 S. Arroyo Blvd., Pasadena, Calif.) M40. KBD. Barker, Charles A(lfred). 501 Wood St., Piqua, Ohio. M28. F. Barker, Dr. Ernest F(ranklin). M.A., Michigan, 13; Ph.D., 15. Prof, physics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (18 Ridgeway) M19F27. B. Barker, Prof. Franklin D(avis). Mio- F11D36. FN. Barker, Prof. George Alexander. Colorado State Teachers Col., Greeley, Colo. M32- R32. EH. Barker, H(oward) H(ill). M25F25D38. CBM. Barker, J(oseph) W(arren). M.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 25. Dean engng., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (417 W. 117th St.) M32F33. MQB. Vice presi- dent for Section on Engineering (M), 19 37- Barker, Dr. M. Herbert. M.D., Rush; M.S., Northwestern. Asst. prof, medicine, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chi- cago, 111. M40. N. Barker, Dr. Nelson W. 725 7th St. SW., Rochester, Minn. M30R32. N. Barker, Dr. Paul S. M.D., Washington Univ., 20. Assoc, prof, internal medicine, Univ. Michigan; physician, Div. Internal Med., University Hosp., Ann Arbor, Mich. (2124 Devonshire Road.) M35F35. N. Barker, Dr. Prince Patanilla. M.D., Howard, 23. Chief, Acute Mental Service, Veterans Administration Facility, Tus- kegee, Ala. M38F38. NIK. Barker, Prof. Roger G(arlock). M.A., Stanford, 30; Ph.D., 34- Asst. prof, educa- tional psychology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (5344 Greenwood Ave.) (M32R36)M40. IFQ. Barker, Dr. S(amuel) B(ooth). Ph.D., Cornell, 36. Res. fellow medicine and asst. physiology, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M38. N. Barksdale, W(alter) Lane. A.B., North Carolina, 37. Technician, Carolina Orchid Growers, Inc., Southern Pines, N. Car. M40. O. Barlett, Dr. Helen Blair. Ph.D., Ohio State, 31. Petrographer, A C Spark Plug Div., Gen. Motors. Flint, Mich. M36. ECM. Barlow, DeWitt D(ukes). 930 Woodland Ave., l'lainfield, N. J. M22. ADM. Barlow, Dr. John. A.M., Brown, 96; Sc.D., Middlebury, 31. Vice pres., dean Science and Business and dean of men. Rhode Island State Col., Kingston, R. I. M02F21. F. Barlow, Dr. William E(dward). M08- F11D38. CB. Barnard, Chester I(rving). D.Sc, Rutgers, 36; LL.D., Newark, 37. Pres., New Jersey Bell Telephone Co., Newark, N. J. (333 Forest Road, South Orange, N. J.) M39- F40. HIK. Barnard, Dr. Frank P. D.M.D., Harvard. 507 Main St., Worcester, Mass. M40. NdO. Barnard, Dr. Harry E. Corn Industries Res. Foundation, Indianapolis, Ind. M34- F34R34. CN. Barnard, J(ohn) D. Le Sueur, Minn. M39. OGM. Barnard, Dr. John W(alter). Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (?) M37R37. NF. Barnes, Claude T. 359 10th Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. M22. FGO. Barnes, Clifford A. Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, Mass. M40. Barnes, Dr. Earl E(lmer). M.S., Ohio State, 23; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, agronomy, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M28F31. O. Barnes, Prof. Elinor J(ulia). M.A., Ohio State, 29; Ph.D., 31. Beaver Col. Women, Jenkintown, Pa. M32. IQK. Barnes, Prof. Fred Asa. M.C.E., Cornell, 98. Prof, railroad engng., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (409 E. Elmwood Ave.) M06F12. MQK. Barnes, G(arnett) F(reeman). M.A., Indiana, 20; Ph.D., 31. Prof, mathematics and physics, Judson Col., Marion, Ala. M36F36. B. Barnes, Mrs. Grace. 3715 Speedway, Aus- tin, Tex. M32R32. F. Barnes, Harold. M27D— . Q. Barnes, Dr. Harry Elmer. Scripps-Howard Newspapers, 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M22F23R34. HL. Vice president for Section on Historical and Philological Sciences (L), 19 -7 ■ Barnes, Dr. Howard T(urner). D.Sc, McGill, 00. Prof, emeritus physics, Mc- Gill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada. (Queen City Park, Vt.) M06F09L25. B. Barnes, Dr. James. M.A., Dalhousie, 00; Ph.D., Tohns Hopkins, 04. Technical ad- viser, Franklin Inst., Philadelphia, Pa. M19F21. B. Barnes. Prof. Kenneth B(oyd). M.S.. Chicago, 24. Prof, and head Dept. Chemis- trv. Heidelberg Col., Tiffin, Ohio. (52 Ohio Ave.) M22F33. C. Barnes, Dr. Le Roy L(esher). Ph.D., Cornell. Asst. prof, biophysics, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (706 Hanshaw Road) M-10F40. BFN. Barnes, Dr. Milford Edwin. M.D., Rush, 14; Dr.P.H., Johns Hopkins, 25. Prof, and head Dept. Hygiene and Preventive Med.; dir. University Dept. Health and ilir. State Hygiene Lab., Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M38F38. X. Individual Members 251 Hillegass CBA. Ave. Barnes, Dr. T(homas) Cunliffe. D.Sc, Harvard, 28. Asst. prof, biology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M34F34- F. Barnes, Dr. Virgil E. 1522 23rd St., Galveston. Tex. (?) M35F3SR35. E. Barnes, William O. M17D3Q. M. Barnett, Benjamin. 2523 Berkeley. Calif. M31R32. Barnett, Miss Claribel R(uth). B.L.S., New York State Library School, 20. Librarian, U. S. Dept. Agric., Washing- ton D. C. (1661 Crescent Place NW.l M25F29. OFG. Barnett, D(onald) G(ilbert). A.B., Indiana. 21. Geologist, Union Producing Co., Hous- ton, Tex. M25. E. Barnett, Edwin S. 701 1 Cresheim Road, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. M12R35. C. Barnett, Harold M(ontgomery). Pawnee City, Nebr. M31F33R36. CNO. Barnett, Dr. Henry L(ewis). M.D., Wash- ington Univ., 38. Res. asst. pediatrics, Washington Univ. School Med.; resident physician, St. Louis Children's Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. M40. N. Barnett, Horace L(eslie) Michigan State Col., East M34R36. G. Dept. Botany, Lansing, Mich. Ph.C, Massa- Senior analyst, Barnett, John O(swald). chusetts Col. Pharmacy, 28 fohn Wveth and Bros., Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. (4121 N. 8th St.) M39. CAB. Barnett, Mrs. Lelia Jefferson Harvie. A.B.. Cornell, 01. 939 Thayer Ave., Westwood Hills, Los Angeles, Calif. M34F34. B. Barnett, Prof. Robert J(ohn). M.S., Kansas State, 11. Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M18F31. OG. Barnett, Miss Ruth Ella. B.Sc, Phila- delphia Col. Phar. and Science, 36. Chief pharmacist, Allentown Hosp., Allen- town, Pa. M38. NpC. Barnett, Prof. S(amuel) J(ackson). Ph.D., Cornell, 98. Prof, physics, Univ. California Los Angeles: res. assoc. physics, Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M07- Fio. B. Barnett, William M(cClure). Washington Col., Chestertown, Md. M37. FGQ. Barney, Dr. Edgar Starr. M18F33D— . Q. Barney, Dr. Ida. Ph.D., Yale, 11. Res. asst., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn, (no Linden St.) M11F15. DA. Barney, Prof. Raymond Livingston. Mid- dlebury Col., Middlebury, Vt. M25R32. F. Barnhart, Dr. John H(endley). A.M., Wesleyan, 93; M.D., Columbia, 96. New York Botanical Garden, New York, N. Y. M00F03L11. G. Barnum, Dr. Charlotte C(ynthia). M87- F96D34. AK. Barnum, Clyde C. 1926 Ferry St., Mar- tinez, Calif. M28F32R36. G. Barnwell, Prof. George Winchester. M.A., Pennsylvania, 26. Assoc, prof., Stevens Inst. Tech., Hoboken, N. J. M35- KMT- Barnwell, Dr. John B. Univ. Hosp., Ann Arbor, Mich. M35R36. N. Barol, Alfred. B.Sc, Pennsylvania. Dir. labs., John Wveth and Brother, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. M35. NCB. Barondes, Dr. R. deRohan. M.D., Cali- fornia, 17. Dir., Foundation Med. Res., San Diego, Calif. (1870 4th Ave.) M35. N. Baronowsky, James E. 921 Sparta St., Chester, 111. M32R32. BAI. Barr, Arvil S(ylvester). A.M., Indiana, 15; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 29. Prof, education, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M22F22. Q. Secretary of Section on Education (Q), Barr, Dr. David Preswick. M.D., Cornell; LL.D., Centre. Prof, medicine, Washing- ton Univ.; physician in chief, Barnes Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. (1155 N. Berry Road) (M34F34R34)M4oF34. N. Barr, Mrs. Estelle DeYoung. M.A., Pitts- burgh, 15. 450 Riverside Drive, New York, X. Y. M32. AQI. Barr, Prof. H(arry) L(a Rue). M.A., Wabash, 13. Assoc, prof, biology, Loui- siana State Normal Col., Natchitoches, La. (118 Lee St.) M34. GFO. Barr, John Henry. M02F03D37. M. Barral-Souto, Dr. Jose. Docter en Ciencias Economicas, Buenos Aires, 25. Prof, estadistica and jefe Inst. Biometria, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, Univ. Buenos Aires; actuario, La Franco Argen- tina, Compania de Seguros, Buenos Aires, Argentina, S. A. (Cardoba 1450) M40. KA. Barre, Dr. Henry J(ohn). M.S., Iowa State, 33; Ph.D., 38. Res. asst. prof., Agric. Engng. Section, Iowa Agric. Exp. Sta.; agent, charge corn storage investigations, U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Ames, Iowa. M40F40. MOB. Barre, Prof. Henry W(alton). A.M., Nebraska, 10. 6451 Barnaby St. NW., Washington, D. C. M07F11. GO. Barret, Dr. Harvey P(ark). M.D., Louis- ville, 08. Charlotte, N. Car. M25F33. FN. Barret, William M(orris). E.E., Tulane, 31. Pres., William M. Barret, Inc., and Engng. Res. Corp., Shreveport, La. M32. BEA. Barrett, Dr. Dorothy M(oss). Ph.D., Columbia, 38. Instr., Dept. Psychology, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (22 E. 38th St.) M40. IQ. Barrett, Elliott P(ierce). M.A., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., 33. Senior industrial fellow, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M31F38. CBA. 252 Directory of Members Barrett, Harold S(pencer). A.B.. Brown. 37. Student, Harvard Med. School, Bos- ton, Mass. (152 Vanderbilt Hall) M38. NHL Barrett, Dr. Harry McWhirter. Univ. Colorado, Col. Education, Boulder, Colo. M37R37. Q. Barrett, Prof. James T(heophilus). A.M., Illinois, 07; Ph.D., Cornell, 10. Prof. plant pathology, Univ. California; plant pathologist, Univ. California Agric. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, Calif. M07F13. GO. Barrett, Rev. John I(gnatius). Ph.D., Loyola, 23; LL.D.. Gonzaga (Washing- ton), 23. 415 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md. M24. Q. Barrett, John P. M.Sc, Ohio State, 32. Entomologist and parasitologist, Res. Dept.. Armour and Co., Chicago, 111. (7213 Yates Ave.) M40. F. Barrett, Dr. Leland. D.D.S., Pennsylvania. 05. 133 W. 72nd St., New York, X. Y. M32. Nd. Barrett, Prof. Leslie B(urns). Ph.C, Massachusetts Col. Phar., 22. Prof, biology and pharmacognosy, Connecticut Col. Phar., New Haven, Conn. (165 Maple St.) M34F34- GNdF. Barrett, Leslie Park. Vice pies., Inter- state Iron Co. and Jones and Laughlin Ore Co.. Pittsburgh, Pa. M25F25. E. Barrett, Miss Mary F(ranklin). 64 Park Ave.. Bloomfield, X. J. M26R34. OG. Barrett, Prof. Sampson K(irby). E.E., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 10. New York Univ., Universitv Heights, New York. X. Y. M19F25. BM. Barrett, Dr. S(amuel) A(lfred). M.S., California, 06; Ph.D.. 08. Dir. emeritus, Milwaukee Public Mus., Milwaukee, Wis. M38F38. HD. Barrett, Samuel J. Burnsville, W. Ya. (?) M34R34. CBA. Barrett, Storrs B(arrows). M07F13D37. DB. Barrett, Dr. W(illiam) C(lark), Jr. West- ern Reserve Univ. School Med., Cleve- land, Ohio. M36R39. FNG. Barrett, W(illiam) L(afayette), Jr. M.S., Texas A. and M., 35. Junior entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quaran- tine, Uvalde, Tex. M37. F. Barris, Ralph W. George Washington Univ. School Med.. Washington, D. C. M33F38. N. Barron, Dr. E. S. Guzman. Dept. Med. Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M33F33. NC. Barron, George D(avis). Box 217, Rve, X. Y. M06F33. M. Barron, Prof. John Hall. B.S.A., Cornell. Extension agronomist, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, X. Y. (14S Cascadilla Park) M24F31. OQE. Barron, Leonard. M19F31D38. GO. Barron, Dr. Moses. M.D., Minnesota, 11. Prof, medicine, Univ. Minnesota, Minnea- polis, Minn. (2101 Pillsburv Ave.) M25- F27. X. Barrow, Dr. Bernard. 129 Chilean Ave., Palm Beach, Fla. Mo8R34- X. Barrow, Miss Elva. North Carolina Col. Women, Greensboro, X. Car. M24R32. CND. Barrows, Dr. Albert L(loyd). M.S.. California, 12; Ph.D., 17. Executive sec. Nat. Res. Council, Washington, D. C. M11F15. F. Barrows, Dr. E(dward) Fletcher. 520 E. Jackson St., Monmouth, Oreg. M34R35. F. Barrows, Miss Florence L(ouise). M.S., Connecticut Agric. Col., 27 ; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Stafford Springs, Conn. M25F33. GNC. Barrows, Frank E(lisha). M.P.L., George Washington, 12, Georgetown, 14. Partner, Pennie, Davis, Marvin, and Edmonds, 165 Broadway, New Y'ork, X. Y. (79 Ridge- wood Ave., Glen Ridge, X. J.) M18. C. Barrows, Prof. W(illiam) E(dward). 40 Myrtle St., Orono, Maine. M39R39. MQ. Barrows, Prof. William M(orton). S.M., Harvard, 06; S.D., 20. Ohio State Univ.. Columbus, Ohio. M06F11. F. Barrus, Prof. M(ortimer) F(ranklin). Ph.D., Cornell, 11. Forest Home, Ithaca, X. Y. M18F23. GO. Barry, Prof. Frederick. A.M., Harvard, 09; Ph.D.. 11. Prof, historv science, Columbia Univ., Xew York, X. Yi. M12F15. CLB. Barry, Dr. Herbert, Jr. Ph.D.. Harvard, 29. Lecturer, Tufts Col., Medford; res. assoc, Metropolitan State Hosp., Waltham, Mass. (14 Kirkland Place, Cambridge, Mass.) M38F38. XI. Barry, John G(erald). S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech. Consulting mining geologist and engineer, El Paso, Tex. (1611 X. Mesa Ave.) M22F33. EMC. Barsky, Dr. George. M.A., Ph.D., Colum- bia, 22. Pres., Barskv and Strauss, Inc., Xew York, X. Y. M2SF33. CBM. Barss, Dr. Alden F(orrest). M.S., Oregon State, 14; Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Prof, and head Dept. Horticulture, UTniv. British Columbia, Vancouver. B. C, Canada. M14F31. GO. Barss, Howard P(hillips). S.M., Harvard, 09. Principal botanist, Office Exp. Stas., I'. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. M09F15. GO. Barss, John S(edgwick). A.M., Harvard, 23. Instr. phvsics, Phillips Acad., And- over, Mass. (Hidden Field) M24. BQA. Bartell, Prof. F(loyd) E(arl). M.A., Michi- gan, 08; Ph.D., 10. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1919 Scott- wood Ave.) M18F25. C. Individual Members 253 Bartelmez, G(eorge) W(illiam). Ph.D., Chicago, 10. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, ill. M30F31. FN. Bartels, Dr. Henry Arthur. D.D.S., Colum- bia, 27. Asst. prof., Columbia Univ. School Dentistry; asst. bacteriologist, Branch Lab., New York State Dept. Health, New- York, X. Y. M29F29. Xd. Barth, Carl G(eorge Lange). M08L25F28- D39. M. Barth, Prof. L(ester) G(eorge). Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Asst. prof, zoology, Colum- bia Univ., New Vork, N. Y. M28F33. F. Barth, Dr. Tom F. W. 2801 Upton St., XW., Washington. D. C. M34F34R35. EB. Barthelman, C(larence) H(oward). M.A., Harvard, 34. Teacher, Fresnal Ranch School. Tucson, Ariz. (17219 Fernshaw Ave., Cleveland, Ohio) M39- DBC. Barthelmess, Harriett M. (See Harriett Barthelmess Morrison). Bartholomew, Elam. M12F31D34. G. Bartholomew, Prof. E(ibert) T(homas). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 14. Prof, plant phy- siology, Univ. California; plant phy- siologist, Univ. California Citrus Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. M11F13. G. Bartky, Dr. Walter. Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. M28F30R36. AD. Bartle, Dr. Glenn G(ardner). M.A., Indiana, 23; Ph.D., 32. Dean faculty and prof, geologv, Univ. Kansas Citv, Kansas City, Mo. M31F33. E. Bartlet, Miss Gertrude. 1435 Cornell Drive, Dayton, Ohio. (?) M32R33. Bartlett, Prof. Boyd W(heeler). M.A.. Columbia, 26; Ph.D., 33. Prof, physics, Bowdoin Col., Brunswick, Maine. (183 Maine St.) M34F34. B. Bartlett, Dr. Charles J(oseph). M.A., Yale, 94; M.D., 95. Prof, emeritus path- ology, Yale Univ., Xew Haven; pathol- ogist, Grace Hosp.. Xew Haven; path- ologist and bacteriologist, Charlotte Hungerford Hosp., Torrington, Conn. (183 Bishop St., Xew Haven, Conn.) M17F27. X. Bartlett, Clark (Orrin). yi7 Hill Ave.. Wilkinsburg. Pa. M36R36. MA. Bartlett, Edward P(ayson). M.A., Har- vard. 13; Ph.D.. 15. Res. chemist, E. I. ilu Pont de Nemours and Co.. Wilming- ton, Del. (806 Berkelev Road) M22F28. CE. Bartlett, E(dwin) R(ice). A.B., Dart- mouth. 04. Vice pres. and treas., Hooker Electrochemical Co.. Niagara Falls. XT. Y. (Lewiston, N. Y.) M18. C. Bartlett, Dr. Emily M(ary). Ph.D.. Stan- ford, 25. Instr. zoology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M25F33. FG. Bartlett, G(eorge) M(iller). MJ4F34D36. M. Bartlett, H(arley) H(arris). A.B., Har- vard, 08. Prof, botany and chairman Dept.; dir. Botanical Gardens, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M09F15. G. Bartlett, Miss Harriett M. M.A., Chicago, 27. Educational dir., Social Service Dept., Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. (<)*<) Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Mass.) M36. K. Bartlett, Dr. J(ohn) F(rank). A.M., West Virginia, 27; Ph.D., 32. Prof, chemistry. Marshall Col., Huntington, W. Va. M34. C. Bartlett, John P(omeroy). LL.B., Yale, 81. Senior member, Bartlett, Evre, Scott and Xeal, 36 W. 48th St., Xew York, X. Y. (42 W. 58th St.) M06. Bartlett, Miss Katharine. M.A., Denver, 30. Curator anthropology, Mus. Xorthern Arizona, Flagstaff, Ariz. M30. HE. Bartlett, L(awrence) M(atthews). B.S., Massachusetts State, 39. Dept. asst., Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M40. F. Bartlett, Dr. Russell S(turgis). Ph.D., Yale. 24. Instr. science, Phillips Exeter Acad., Exeter, X. H. M24F33. B. Bartley, Dr. Elias H. 164 Clinton St., Brooklyn, X. Y. MS4FQ4R3-;- C. Bartley, Mrs. Irving D. (Clara Hartley). Baldwin City, Kans. M31F33R37. FGX. Bartling, F. William. 916 119th St., Whiting, Ind. M32R35. CM. Barto, Miss Elizabeth. Lab. Vertebrate Genetics, Univ. Michigan. Ann Arbor. Mich. M38. FGH. Bartol, George. M11F18D36. M. Barton. Prof. Arthur W(illis). Ph.D., Northwestern, 18. Prof, and head Dept. Biologv, Kansas State Col.. Havs, Kans. (808 Elm St.) M20F33. CGX. Barton, Dr. Donald Clinton. M11F21- L37D39. EM. Barton, Dr. Edward W. M.D., Cincinnati, 01. Physician. 24S E. Main St., Alhambra. Calif. M29. X. Barton, Prof. George A(aron). 131 New- ton St.. Weston, Mass. M24F3iR.?7- I- I'ice president for Section on Historical and Philological Sciences (L), 1933. Barton, George E., Jr. 60 S. Washington St., Rochester, N. Y. M32R32. QK. Barton, G(eorge) E(stes). M.S., George Washington, 95. Chief chemist. Whitall Tatum Div., Armstrong Cork Co., Mill- ville, X. J. (227 Pine St.) M97F98. C. Barton, Dr. (George Samuel) Horace. D.Sc.A.. Laval. Deputy Minister, Domin- ion Dept. Agric, Ottawa, Out.. Canada. (Mj3F32R37)M39F32. O. 254 Directory of Members Barton, Dr. Helen. 1027 Spring Garden St., Greensboro, N. Car. M32R32. A. Barton, Dr. Henry A(skeau). M.A., Princeton, 24; Ph.D., 25. Dir., Amer. Inst. Physics, New York, N. Y. M28F30. B. Secretary of Section on Physics (B), 1933 — . Barton, Hugh M(itchell), Jr. B.A., Texas, 38. Asst. geophysical research, Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. (900 Johnstone St.) M40F40. B. Barton, James P. B.S., Minnesota, 27. Mgr. Electrical Sheet Sales Bur., Carnegie Illinois Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. (438 Sulgrave Road, Chatham Village) M35. MB. Barton, Dr. John C(haplin). M.D., Minnesota, 34. Physician and surgeon, St. Helens, Oreg. M40. N. Barton, John W(ynne). M27D36. QK. Barton, Dr. Samuel G(oodwin). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 06. Assoc, prof, astronomy, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. {33 N. 61st St.) M07F10. DA. Barton, Dr. Thomas F(rank). Southern Illinois State Normal Univ., Carbondale, 111. M37R37. EK. Barton, Prof. Vola Price. A.M., Mt. Holyoke, 17; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 23. Prof. and chairman Dept. Physics, Goucher Col., Baltimore, Md. (2500 Ken Oak Road) M26F31. BDA. Bartoo, Dr. D(orr) R(aymond). M.S., Grove City, 24; Ph.D., Chicago, 28. Head Dept. Biology, Tennessee Polytechnic Inst., Cookeville, Tenn. M31F33. GE. Bartow, Prof. Edward. M.S., Ph.D., Gottingen, 95 ; D.Sc, Williams, 23. Prof, and Head Dept. Chemistry and Chemical Engng., Univ. Iowa, Iowa Citv, Iowa. (304 Brown St.) M98F06. C. Bartow, Miss Virginia. M.A., Illinois, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Asst. prof, chemistry, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M34F34. C. Bartram, Edwin B(unting). Res. assoc, Acad. Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa., and Bernice P. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, Hawaii; hon. curator, Farlow Herbarium, Cambridge, Mass. (Bushkill, Pa.) M28F31. G. Bartsch, Dr. Paul. M.S., Iowa, 99; Ph.D., 05 ; Sc.D., George Washington, 37. Cura- tor divs. mollusks and cenozoic inverte- brates, U. S. Nat. Museum ; prof, emeritus zoology. George Washington Univ., Wash- ington, D. C. (1456 Belmont St.) M02F06. F. Baruch, Dr. Emanuel deMarnay. Mi 8- F32D35. NIL. Barus, Dr. Carl. M84F87D35. B. Vice pres- ident for Section on Physics (B), 1897. Barwick, Prof. Arthur R(ichardson). M.Sc, New York, 22; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, prof, geology and head Dept. Geology and Geography, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. (10 Wessex Road, Sligo Park Hills, Silver Spring, Md.) M32F33. DE. Bascom, Miss Florence. A.M., Wisconsin, 87; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 93- Prof- emeritus geology, Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. (Williamstown, Mass.) M9-2- F97L10. E. Bascom, K(ellogg) F(inley). Northwest Clinic, Minot, N. Dak. M2iFa6R34- N. Bascom, Dr. William R(ussell). M.A., Wisconsin, 36; Ph.D., Northwestern, 39. Instr. anthropology, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M40. H. Bashenoff, Dr. V. I. Mashkoff pereulok 1. Moscow, U.S.S.R. M35R37- MB. Basherov, Prof. Samuel. M.S., Minnesota, 22. Prof, animal husbandry, Univ. Puerto Rico Col. Agric. and Mechanical Arts, Mayaguez, P. R. M29F32. F. Bashore, Harry W. 3930 Huntington St. NW, Washington, D. C. M38. MO. Bashour, Dr. Joseph T(amir). Ph.D., New York, 34. Res. asst., Dept. Chemistry. Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (1950 Andrews Ave.) M39. CN. Basinger, A(lmon) J(ay). M.S., Ohio State, 20. Assoc, Univ. California Citrus Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. (4925 Grove Ave.) M20F26. F. Baskin, Dr. Morris J. M.D., Colorado, 18. 425 Republic Bldg., Denver, Colo. M38. N. Bass, Dr. C(harles) C(assedy). Dept. Med., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M31F33R39. N. Bass, John F., Jr. Bass Biol. Lab., Engle- wood, F!a. M37. F. Bass, Dr. Lawrence W(ade). Ph.D., Yale. 22. Asst. Dir., Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M30F33. CK. Bass, Dr. (Mary) Elizabeth. M.D., Woman's Med. Col. Pennsylvania. 1430 Tulane Ave., New Orleans, La. M32. N. Bass, N(athan) W(ood). M.S., George Washington, 22. Senior geologist, U. S. Geological Survey, Tulsa, Okla. (2433 E. 24th St.) M38. E. Basseches, Joseph L. Chem.E., Columbia, 13. Instr. physics, New York City Board Education, New York, N. Y. (1314 Elder Ave.) M29. CB. Bassett, Preston R(ogers). M.A.. Amherst, 26. Vice pres. charge engng., Sperry Gyroscope Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. (104 Broadway, Rockville Center, N. Y.) M24F40. B. Bassett, Walter G(uy) R(iker). New York Trust Co., New York, N. Y. M29R35. MDE. Bassett, William H(astings). M06F09D34. CBM. Individual Members 555 Bassler, Dr. Harvey. Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M09F25R35. EF. Bassler, Dr. R(ay) S(mith). M.S., George Washington, 03; Ph.D., 05. Head curator geology, U. S. Nat. Mus.; prof, geology, George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. M08F11. EFG. Bassoe, Dr. Peter. M.D., Col. Physicians and Surgeons (Chicago), 97. Clinical prof, neurology, Rush Med. Col., Chicago, 111. (103 1 Michigan Ave., Evanston, 111.) M07F11. N. Bast, Prof. T(heodore) H(ieronymus). Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof, anatomy. Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (Shorewood Hills) M23F25. N. Bast, Dr. Victor A(ugust). M24F33D37. C. Bastidas, Carlos Manuel. Box 156, Cia Azucarera Valdez. Guayaquil, Ecuador, S.A. M32R33- OGF. Bastin, Prof. Edson S(underland). M.S., Chicago, 03; Ph.D., 09. Prof, economic geology and chairman Dept. Geology and Paleontology, Univ. Chicago. Chicago, 111. M22F22. E. Vice president for Section on Geology and Geography (E), 1930. Batchelder, Dr. Alan C(oleman). Ph.D., California, 39. Res. asst. medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M40. CNB. Batchelder, Charles F(oster). Peter- borough, N. H. M04F07. F. Batchelder, Dr. Esther L(ord). M.A., Columbia, 25 ; Ph.D., 29. Dir. home economics, Rhode Island State Col., Kingston, R. I. (M33F33R35) M39F33. CNF. Batchelder, Prof. P(aul) M(ason). M.A., Princeton, 10; Ph.D., Harvard, 16. Assoc, prof, pure mathematics, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. (808 W. 22nd St.) M25F33. ADB. Batcheller, Birney Clark. D.Sc, Middle- bury, 38. Wallingford, Vt. M25. BDM. Batchelor, H(arry) D(avid). National Carbon Co., Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. M34- F34- C. Batchelor, Dr. L(eon) D(exter). Ph.D., Cornell. 11. Dir. and horticulturist. Univ. California Citrus Exp. Sta., Berkeley; prof, horticulture. Univ. California, River- side, Calif. M22F24. OEG. Batchelor, Roger P. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. 117 Columbia Ave., Palmerton, Pa. M36. N. Bateman, Fred(eric) H(arlan). Grenloch, N. J. M36F40. OM. Bateman, F(rederick) W(illard). D.E., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 36. Still River, Mass. M25. M. Bateman, George F(rederick). Cooper Union, New York, N. Y. M08F16. MQ. Bateman, Prof. George M(onroe). M.S., Cornell, 26; Ph.D., 27. Head Dept. Science and prof, chemistry, Arizona State Teachers Col., Tempe, Ariz. (1106 Van Ness Ave.) M34F34. C. Bateman, Dr. J. Fremont. M.D. Columbus State Hosp., Columbus, Ohio. M39. N. Bateman, Prof. William G(eorge). 630 University Ave., Missoula, Mont. M18- F25R33. C. Bates, B. L. M. Murray Hill Hotel, New- York, N. Y. L17. Bates, Clifford W(hitman). M25F33D37. MB. Bates, Emmert Warren. A.B., Yale, 32. Exec, asst., Amer. Book Co., New York, N. Y. M38. KQI. Bates, Harry H(oward). M.E., Virginia Polytechnic Inst. Works engineer, West- inghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., Lester, Pa. (300 Glenloch Road, Ridley Park, Pa.) (M3oR32)M39- MAB. Bates, Onward. M25D — . M. Bates, P(haon) H(ilborn). B.S., Pennsyl- vania. 02. Head chemist ceramics, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (3835 Livingston St. NW.) M08F14. C. Bates, Dr. Robert L(atimer). M.S., Iowa, 36; Ph.D., 38. Junior geologist, The Texas Co., Midland, Tex. M38. E. Bates, Dr. Robert L(ee). M.A., Johns Hopkins, 20; Ph.D., 24. Prof, psychology, Virginia Military Inst., Lexington, Va. (310 Letcher Ave.) M22F25. IQ. Bates, Dr. Robert W(esley). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 31. Investigator, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. M33. FNC. Bates, Dr. Roger G(ordon). M.A., Duke, 36; Ph.D., 37. Asst. physical chemist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (41 17 37th St. NW.) M40. C. Bates, Prof. Stuart J(effery). M.A., Mc- Master, 09; Ph.D., Illinois, 12. Prof, phy- sical chemistry, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M28F32. C. Batha, V(incent') P. Carroll Col., Wau- kesha, Wis. M33R33. B. Batson, Mrs. Eleanor H. 3502 Hamilton St., Philadelphia, Pa. M20. N. Batson, Dr. Oscar Vivian. A.M., Missouri, 18; M.D., St. Louis, 20. 3502 Hamilton St., Philadelphia, Pa. M20F27. N. Battey, Miss Zilpha C(urtis). A.M., Illinois, 18. Asst. prof, home economics, Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. M40. CN. Battle, Dr. Helen I(rene). M.A., Western Ontario. 24; Ph.D., Toronto, 28. Assoc, prof, zoology, Univ. Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada. (132 Mamelon St.) M30F33. FGH. 256 Directory or Members Baudisch, Dr. Oskar. Ph.D., Zurich, 04. Dir. research, Saratoga Springs Authority, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M31F38. CGB. Bauer, Miss B(ertha) T(herese). 238 Main St. E.. Hamilton, Ont., Canada. M39. Bauer, Dr. C(lyde) Maxwell. Ph.D., Colo- rado. 32. Park naturalist, Nat. Park Serv- ice; exec, sec, Yellowstone Library and Mus. Assn., Yellowstone Park, Wyo. M24F25. E. Bauer, Frederick. M.S., Connecticut State. Kent, Conn. M34. F. Bauer, Dr. F(rederick) C(harles). 812 Pennsylvania Ave., Urbana, 111. M36F36- R37. 6. Bauer, Dr. George N(eander). M.S., Iowa, 98; Ph.D., Columbia, 00. Prof, mathematics, Univ. New Hampshire, Dur- ham, N. H. (99 Madburv Road) M29F31. KA. Bauer, Comdr. George W(illiam). U.S.N.R. 530 Chestnut St.. San Francisco, Calif. M28. C. Bauer, Dr. Johannes H. M.D., Upsala. 400 E. 52nd St., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Bauer, Dr. John Albert. M.D., Toronto, 98. Member consulting staff, City Hosp., Hamilton, Ont., Canada. (238 Main St. E.) M39. NEH. Bauer, Dr. John T(rexler). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 25. Dir., Ayer Clinical Lab., Pennsylvania Hosp.; instr. surgical path- ology, Univ. Pennsylvania Graduate School Med.; instr. medicine, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. (3 Hampden Ave., Narberth, Pa.) M33. N. Bauer, Dr. Walter. M.D., Michigan, 22. Assoc, prof., tutor medicine and dir., Robert W. Lovett Memorial Foundation Study Crippling Disease, Harvard Med. School; physician, Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. (268 Woodward St., Wabari, Mass.) M31F33. N. Bauer, William Malcolm. 31-D Shaler Lane, Cambridge, Mass. M33R37. MBA. Baugh, Miss Ruth E(mily). M.A., Clark, 26. Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M28F33. E. Baughman, Dr. Imo P(earl). M.A., Stan- ford, 19; Ph.D., 22. Instr. chemistry, Los Angeles City Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (640 N. Kenmore Ave.) M34F34. C. Baughman, Dr. Mary Barney. M.D. 400 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. M39. NLQ. Bauguess, Dr. Lyle C(lyde). Ph.D., Iowa, 34. Dept. Pharmacology. Univ. Iowa, Iowa Citv, Iowa. (223 E. Bloomington St.) M39. CNG. Baum, Betty (See Mrs. Betty Baum Saner). Baum, Dr. Harry L. M.D., Pennsylvania, 10. 510 Republic Bldg., Denver, Colo. M37. X. Bauman, Dr. Everett O(llendorf). M.D., Long Island Col. Med. 17 Hillside Ave., Newark, X. J. M39. NCF. Bauman, Dr. Louis. M.D., Columbia, 01. i" Linwood Road, Xew Rochelle, X. Y. M17F21. CX. Baumann, Dr. Emil J(acob). Ph.D., Yale. 16. Chemist, Montefiore Hosp., New York, X. Y. (45 Lynwood Road, Scarsdale, X. Y.) M18F27. X. Baumann, L(ewis) A(lbert). 1905 Ogden Ave., Superior, Wis. M37R38. COM. Baumberger, Prof. J(ames) Percy. M.S.. Harvard, 16; D.Sc. 18. Prof, physiology, Stanford University, Calif. (328 Churchill Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.) M13F27. FKN. Baumeister, Prof. Theodore, Jr. M.E., Columbia, 22. Assoc, prof, mechanical engng., Columbia LTniv., New York, N. Y. M28F33. MB. Baumgarten, Dr. Solomon. M33D — . N. Baumgarten, Dr. Walter. M.D., Wash- ington Univ., 96. Instr. clinical medicine, Washington Univ. School Med.; dir., Dept. Med., St. Luke's Hosp.; asst. visit- ing physician, Barnes Hosp., St. Louis, LOU L 111 V. . Med., St. Luk^ o ing physician, Barnes Hosp Mo. (5032 Westminster Place Dept. 111CU., Jl. l^UhC 3 liusp, Barnes Hosp., ■~e) M39. XHF Baumgartner, Dr. E(dwin) A. A.M., Kansas, 11; Ph.D., Minnesota, 15; M.D., Washington Univ., 19. Pathologist, New- ark State School, Newark, X. Y. Mi 7- F25. X. Baumgartner, Dr. Luther L(eroy). M.S.. Ohio State, 36; Ph.D., 40. Mammal ecologist, Ohio Wild Life Res. Unit, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (915 S. Sandusky Ave.) M38. FGO. Baumgartner, Dr. W(illiam) J(acob). A.M., Kansas, 01 ; Ph.D., Munich, 29. Prof, zoology, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M07F1 1. F. Baur, Dr. L(orenz) S(imon). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 35. Res. chemist, M. and R. Dietetic Labs., Inc., Columbus. Ohio. M39. C. Bausch, Carl L(ouis). M.E., Syracuse, 00. Vice pres. and mgr. res. and engng., Bausch and Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, X. Y. (635 St. Paul St.) M31F32L37. MB. Bausch, Dr. Edward. A.M., Rochester, 08; LL.D., 31. Chairman board, Bausch and Lomb Optical Co.; dir., Tavlor Instrument Co. and Lincoln-Alliance Bank and Trust Co.; vice pres.. Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Co. and Monroe County Savings Bank. Rochester. N. Y. (663 East Ave.) M77F83E31. ABF. Bavetta, Lucien. n 79 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles. Calif. M35R35. FCG. Individi ai, Members -\v Bawden, Dr. William T(homas). Ph.D., Columbia, 14. Head Dept. Industrial Edu- cation, Kansas State Teachers Col., Pitts- burg. Kans. M.36. Q. Baxter, Prof. Gregory P(aul). A.M., Harvard, 07; Ph.D., 90; S.D., Michigan, 29. Prof, chemistry. Harvard Univ. and Radcliffe Col.. Cambridge, Mass. M04F06. CBE. Baxter, Dr. Mildred Frances. A.M.. Michigan. 22; Ph.D., 25. Psychologist, Board Education. Cleveland, Ohio, (9732 Logan Court XE.) M->XF33- I. Bay, Harry X. Cole Camp. Mo. M30F31- R32. E. Bay, J. Christian. Librarian, John Crerar Library, Chicago, 111. M31F38. GL. Bayard, Kenneth O(scar). M.S., Arizona. 30. Assoc, economist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington. D. C. (2607 36th Place XW.i M38. MEQ. Bayfield, Mrs. Edward G. (Esther R. Zurcher). Wooster, Ohio. M36R37- FGX. Bayfield, Dr. Edward G(eoffrey). M.S. A.. McGill, 24: Ph.D.. Ohio State. 31- Head Dept and prof, milling industry. Kansas State Col.. Manhattan, Kans. M32F33. OC. Bayles, G(eorge) H(armon). C.E., West Virginia, 02. 421 Richwood Ave., Morgan- town, W. Va. M39. M. Bayless, Dr. Francis. M.D., Indiana. 29. Senior instr. pathology, Western Reserve Univ. Inst. Pathologv, Cleveland, Ohio. M40. X. Bayley, P(aul) L(everne). M.A., Illinois. 14; Ph.D.. Cornell, 23. Prof, physics. Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem. Pa. M27F33. B. Bayley, Dr. W(illiam) S(hirley). Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins, 86. Prof, emeritus geology, Univ. Illinois. Urbana, 111. M03F05. E. Bayliff, William H(enry). M.S.. Okla- homa, 29. Tutor, St. Tohns Col., Annapolis, Md. M29. FG. Baylis, Dr. Adelaide B(rooks). Sc.D.. Pittsburgh, 37. 040 Park Ave., New York. X. Y. M24. X. Baylis, Prof. Charles A(ugustus). A.M.. Washington. 24: Ph.D., Harvard. 26. Assoc, prof, philosophy, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. (42 Aberdeen Road. East Providence. R. 1.) M30F34. KAI. Bayne-Jones, Dr. S(tanhope). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 14; M.A.. 17. Prof, bacteriology and dean, Yale Univ. School Med.; dir., Board Scientific Advisers, Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund Med. Res., XTe\v Haven. Conn. (87 Trumbull St.) M18F31. N. Vice president for Section on Medical Science (N ), 1935. Bayroff, Dr. A(bram) G(ustavus). 70 W. s 1 st St., Bayonne, X. J. M32F33R34. IFX. Bays, Carl A(ndrew). Sun Oil Co,, Phila- delphia, Pa. M36R37. E. Baysinger, Dr. S. L. Rolla, Mo. M30- U32. X. Bazett, Prof. H(enry) C(uthbert). M.D., Oxford, 19. Prof, physiology, Univ. Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M34F27. X. Bazzoni, Dr. Charles B(lizard). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 14. Chief geophysicist, Sun Oil Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (Rogers Lane, Wallingford, Pa.) M25F27. B. Beach, Dr. Charles Coffing. M.D., Colum- bia, 82. 54 Woodland St., Hartford, Conn. Moi. X. Beach, Edith. 812 Illinois St., Lawrence, Kans. M30R36. F. Beach, H(arold) K. 1'h.B., Yale, 04. Plant engineer, Bayway Div., Phelps Dodge Copper Products Corp., Elizabeth, X. J. (803 West End Place. Cranford, N. T.) M31. MBA. Beach, Dr. Irving T(racy). Ph.D., Cornell 27. Prof, chemistrv. Col. Ozarks, Clarks- ville, Ark. M20. C. Beach, Prof. J(erry) R(aymond). 13 Kingston Road. Berkelev, Calif. M32F33- R35- NFO. Beach, Dr. Walter Spurgeon. M.S., Michi- gan Agric, 15; Ph.D., Illinois, 18. Buck- hart Lab.. Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (M20F21 R34)M39F2i. G. Beadle, G(eorge) W(ells). M.Sc, Ne- braska, 27; Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Prof, biol- ogy (genetics), Stanford University, Calif. M29F32. FG< ). Beadle, Leslie D(ewey). M.A., Ohio, 37. Instr. biological sciences, State Teachers Col., Platteville, Wis. (2m Elmer St.) M30. F. Beadles, Miss Jessie Rachel. B.S., Illinois. 24. Asst. animal nutrition, Univ. Illinois. Urbana. 111. (11 10 W. Oregon St.) M30. CN. Beal, Mrs. C. Davison (See Mrs. Con- stance Davison Mail). Beal, Dr. George D(enton). Phar.D., Scio, 07; A.M., Columbia, 10; Ph.D. 11: Sc.D., Mt. Union. 33; Phar.M., Philadel- phia Col. Phar., 33. Asst. dir., Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M25F25. CX. Secretary of Sec/ion on Chemistry (C), rgi 7. Beal, James Hartley. Route 1. Cocoa. Fla. M18F33. CGN. Beal, Prof. John M(ann). M.S.. Missis- sippi State, 13; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 27. Prof, botany, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M19F24. GO. Beal, Walter H(enry). M.E.. Virginia Polytechnic Inst., 86. 1852 Park Road \\Y.. Washington. D. C. M02F16. CO. Beale, Miss Alice. 29 Chauncy St., Cam- bridge Mas-. M20R34. F. 258 Directory of Members Beale, Mrs. J. H. (Helen Alice Purdy). Ph.D., Columbia, 29. Plant pathologist, Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers; res. assoc, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. (59 Sunset Drive, Croton on Hud- son, N. Y.) M20F25. G. Beam, Dr. J(ohn) Albert, iqo Clinton Ave.. Tiffin, Ohio. M17R39. FG. Beam. Miss Rachel. 540 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M37. GQ. Beaman, Charles O(rson). East View Junior High School, White Plains, N. Y. M25R32. G. Beams, Prof. H(arold) W(illiam). A.M., Northwestern, 26; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 29. Prof, zoology, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M28F32. F. Beams, J(esse) W(akefield). M.A., Wis- consin, 22; Ph.D., Virginia, 25. Prof, physics, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. M27F28. B. Bean, Dr. C(harles) Homer. Ph.D., Columbia, 12. Head Dept. Psychology, Louisiana State Univ., University, La. (3101 Dalrvmple Drive, Baton Rouge, La.) M12F25. IQ. Bean, Donald P(ritchett). Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, 111. M21. IK. Bean, E(rnest) F. A.M., Wisconsin, 11. State geologist, Wisconsin Geol. and Natural History Survey, Madison, Wis. (Sweet Briar Road, Shorewood Hills) M17F21. E. Bean, Dr. Francis J(arvis). Univ. Nebraska Hosp.. Omaha, Nebr. M30F32- R32. N. Bean, Dr. John W(illiam). M.A., Michi- gan, 25 ; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, physiology, Univ. Michigan Med. School, Ann Arbor, Mich. (M33F33R33M35F33R38)M4oF33. NB. Bean, Mrs. R. J. (Elizabeth Smith). M.A., Wisconsin, 12; Ph.D., 15. Instr. histology and embryology, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, N. S., Canada. M16F20. F. Bean, Dr. R(obert) Bennett. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 04. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Vir- ginia, Charlottesville, Va. M07F11. H. Vice president for Section on Anthropology ill), 1926. Bean, Ross S(moot). Univ. Hawaii, Hono- lulu, Hawaii. M28F33R37. G. Beans, Dr. H(al) T(rueman). A.M., Nebraska, 00; Ph.D., Columbia, 04. Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M37F37. C. Bear, Dr. Firman E(dward). M.Sc, Ohio State, 10; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 17. Prof, agricultural chemistry, Rutgers Univ.; head Dept. Crops and Soils, New Jersey \giic. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, N. J, Mi4Ft6. COG. Bear, Dr. Harry. D.D.S., Med. Col. Virginia School Dentistry, 13. Dean and prof., Med. Col. Virginia School Dentistry, Richmond, Va. M38F39. Nd. Beard, Dr. Edmund E(arl). M.D., Western Reserve, 22. Senior clinical instr. medi- cine. Western Reserve Univ. School Med.; visiting physician, St. Luke's Hosp. and City Hosp. Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio. (3 11 5 Edgehill Road, Cleveland Heights) M39. N. Beard, Dr. H(arold) C(hatfield). M.A., Columbia; M.S.. Ph.D., Pennsylvania State. State Teachers Col., Kutztown, Pa. M38. CQ. Beard, Dr. Howard H. Dept. Biochemis- try, Louisiana State Med. Center, New Orleans, La. M31F33R38. N. Beard, James T(hom). 58 Washington Ave., Danbury, Conn. M07F12R36. ME. Beard, Dr. J(oseph) Howard. A.M., St. John's (Annapolis), 12; M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 12. Prof, hygiene and Univ. Health Officer, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (1005 S. Race St.) M29F33. NQ. Beard, Dr. Joseph W(illis). M.D., Vander- bilt, 29. Asst. prof, surgery, Duke Univ. School Med., Durham, N. Car. M3SF38. N. Beard, Leslie C(arrington), Jr. Ph.D., Tohns Hopkins, 22. Chemist, Socony- Vacuum Oil Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. (10 Maple St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M21F33. CB. Beard, Dr. Paul J. 1441 Hamilton St., Palo Alto, Calif. M39- NPM. Beard, Dr. Raimon L. Ph.D., Yale, 39. Res. asst. entomology, Connecticut Agric. Exp. Sta., New Haven, Conn. M40. F. Beard, S(tanley) D(rew). Ph.B., Yale, 07. Dir., Lederle Labs., Inc., Pearl River, N. Y. Mn. CN. Bearden, Prof. J(oyce) A(lvin). Ph.D., Chicago, 26. Prof, physics, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (312 Southway St.) M40F40. B. Beardslee, Henry C(urtis). M.A., Western Reserve, 93. Perry, Ohio. M17F31. GFE. Beardsley, Prof. A. E. M30F01D37. FGE. Beardsley, Dr. E(dward) J(ohn) G(illes- pie). M.D., Jefferson, 02. Clinical prof, medicine, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadel- phia, Fa. (1919 Spruce St.) M24. N. Beardsley, Dr. Niel F(reeborn). M.S., Northwestern, 20; Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Instr. physics. Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (6109 Kimbark Ave.) M22F33. B. Bearss, Miss (Queen) Esther. B.S., Otterbein, 24. Clerk. War Dept., Wash- ington, D. C. (201 8th St. NW.) M25. K. Beasley, Dr. J(ames) O(tis). M.S.. Texas A. and M., 34: Ph.D., Harvard, 39- Agronomist, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., Col- lege Station, Tex. M40F40. GO. Individual Members 259 Beath, Prof. Orville A(ndrew). M.A., Wisconsin, 12. Res. chemist, Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. M38. CGE. Beaton, Dr. Lindsay E(ugene). M.S., M.D., Northwestern, 40. Interne, Passa- vant Hosp., Chicago, 111. (914-B Crain St., Evanston, 111.) M39. NHF. Beaton, Mrs. Lindsay Eugene (Suzanne Lord). 914-B Crain St., Evanston, 111. M39. G. Beattie, Margaret. Dept. Hygiene, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. " M35R36. N. Beattie, R(olla) Kent. Div. Forest Pathol- ogy, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Wash- ington, D. C. M11F15R39. G. Beattie, W(illiam) R(enwick). Box 74, Bladensburg, Md. M29F31R37. OGQ. Beatty, C. Francis. 31 Murray Hill Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. M3SR39- EFL. Beatty, Dr. Harold A(shton). Ph.D., Princeton, 31. Asst. dir., Chem. Res. Lab., Ethyl Gasoline Corp., Detroit, Mich. (723 E. Milwaukee Ave.) M34F34. C. Beauchamp, Dr. Wilbur (Lee). Ph.D., Chicago. Dept. Education, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M38. Q. Beaulieu, Roland. Sta. CKAC. St. Hya- cinthe, Que., Canada. M36R36. MAF. Beaumont, Dr. Arthur B(ishop). Ph.D., Cornell, iS. Soils technologist, U. S. Farm Credit Administration, Washington, D. C. (285 Amity St., Amherst, Mass.) M22- F24. O. Beaumont, Dr. John H(erbert). Ph.D., Minnesota, 25. Dir., Hawaii Agric. Exp. Sta., Honolulu, Hawaii. M18F24. OGF. Beaver, Dr. D(avid) J(ohn). A.M., Colum- bia, 17; Ph.D., 21. Asst. dir. res., Monsanto Chem. Co., Nitro, W. Va. (College Hill, St. Albans, W. Va.) M28F33. C. Beaver, Hugh. M36D39. B. Beaver, Dr. J. Lynford. M.S., Lehigh, 22; Sc.D., Harvard, 32. Prof, electrical engng., Lehigh Univ.. Bethlehem, Pa. (402 High St.) M26F26. MQB. Beaver, Prof. J(acob) J(ulius). M.A., Columbia, 16; Ph.D., 21. Asst. prof, chemistry. Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M28F33. C. Beaver, Dr. Paul C(hester). M.S., Illinois, 29; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, biology. Law- rence Col., Appleton, Wis. M38. FNQ. Beaver, Dr. William C(arl). M.S., Ohio State, 20; Ph.D., 28. Prof, and head Dept. Biologv, Wittenberg Col., Springfield, Ohio. (M24R32)M35F35. FGN. Beazell, Dr. J(ames) M(yler). M.S., M.D., Ph.D., Northwestern. Instr. research, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. (71 1 1 S. Shore Drive) M40. N. Beazell, William Preston. Litt.D., Alle- gheny, 28. 255 Greenway S., Forest Hills, N. Y. M29. Bebb, Dr. Walter S. 49 S. Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, 111. M30R32. N. Beber, Dr. A(dolph) J(oseph). M.S., Minnesota, 32; Ph.D., 37. Assoc, prof, biology and chemistry, State Teachers Col., Springfield, Mo. M38. GCF. Beber, Dr. M(eyer). St. Elizabeths Hosp., Washington, D. C. M31R32. CN. Bechdel, Dr. Samuel Irvin. Dept. Dairy Husbandry, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M28F31R33. OCF. Bechtel, Dr. A(lbert) R(ieff). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 21. Prof, botany, Wabash Col., Craw- fordsville, Ind. (708 W. Wabash Ave.) M38F39. G. Bechtoldt, William. 139-60 86th Road, Jamaica, N. Y. M33R34. CBA. Beck, Alfred D(ykeman). M.A., Colum- bia, 31. Teacher general science, WTade Jr. High School, New York, N. Y. (170 Claremont Ave.) M30. QB. Beck, Charles B. 219 E. Decatur Ave., Willow Grove, Pa. M27R32. M. Beck, Dr. Claude S(chaeffer). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 21; Sc.D., Franklin and Mar- shall, 38. Assoc, prof, surgery, Western Reserve Univ. School Med.; visiting assoc. surgeon, Univ. Hosps.; neuro- surgeon, Cleveland City Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. M40. N. Beck, Prof. E(dwin) C(ecil). Dilston Mill Cottage, Corbridge-on-Tyne, England. M37F38R38. NO. Beck, Dr. Gilbert M. M.D. 40 North St., Buffalo, N. Y. M38. NI. Beck, Louis C(harles). 49 Painter St., Pasadena, Calif. (M33R33) M36R37. IKL. Beck, Dr. Lyle V(ibert). M.S., Washing- ton Univ., 30; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 33. Instr. physiologv, Hahnemann Med. Col., Philadelphia. Pa. (3645 Locust St.) (M35- R36)M4o. NFC. Beck, Sister Mary Cleophas. M.S., Catho- lic, 34. Teacher science and mathematics, St. Joseph Presentation Acad., Berkeley, Calif. M36. BCA. Beck, Samuel J. 74 Fenwood Road, Bos- ton, Mass. M35F35R3S- I. Beck, V(ere) Russell. A.M., Columbia, 32. Teacher, High School, Brookline, Mass. (179 Kent St.) M40. QBC. Beck, Dr. William A(nthony). M.Sc, Fri- bourg, 12; Ph.D., 26. Res. prof., Insti- tutum Divi Thomae, Cincinnati; assoc. prof, biologv, Univ. Dayton, Davton, Ohio. M28F28. GFB. Beck, Dr. William Carl. M.D. Assoc. Dept. Surgery, Illinois Univ. Col. Med.; assoc. surgery, Cook County Hosp.; attending surgeon, St. Joseph Hosp., Chicago, 111. (2305 N. Commonwealth Ave.) M36. N. 260 Directory of Members Becker, Dr. A(rman) E(dward). A.M., Harvard, 10; Ph.D., 17. Standard Oil De- velopment Co., New York, N. Y. M29- F32. B. Becker, Dr. Carl Emil. 1214 W. Hilton St., Philadelphia, Pa. M24R34. N. Becker, Prof. Elery R(onald). D.Sc, Johns Hopkins, 23. Prof, zoology, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M21F33. FN. Becker, Mrs. Frances. Dept. Zoology, Univ. Denver, Denver, Colo. M34R35. F. Becker, George G(rover). B.S., Cornell. Senior entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomol- ogy and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D.'C. M18F20. G. Becker, Harry C(arroll). M.S., Illinois, 37. Graduate student, Univ. Illinois, Ur- bana, 111. (8 E. Willow St., Beacon, N. Y.) M39. C. Becker, Irwin A(twood). Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 111. M07. CEG. Becker, Dr. Joseph A(dam). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 22. Res. physicist, Bell Telephone Labs., New York.'N. Y. M28F28. B. Becker, Miss (Julia) Ernestine. M.A., Johns Hopkins, 28. Assoc, biochemistry, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Md. (4015 Dor- chester Road) M40. CN. Becker, Prof. S(ylvanus) A. Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. M34F34^34- % Beckers, Dr. William G. Bolton, N. Y. M36R36. M. Becket, Dr. Frederick M(ark). A.M., Co- lumbia, 90; Sc.D., 29; LL.D., McGill, 34. Consultant, Pinion Carbide and Carbon Corp., New York, N. Y. M18F31. M. Beckett, Mr. Bergie B(array). M.E., Cor- nell, 04. Rate engineer, Pacific Gas and Electric Co., San Francisco, Calif. (1029 Ramona St., Palo Alter, Calif.) M35. M. Beckett, Prof. S(amuel) H. Univ. Cali- fornia Citrus Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. M34F34R35. M. Beckman, H. O. Mass. M39. Beck 21. 10 Pearl St., Dedham, kman, Dr. Harry. M.D., Louisville. 21. Dir. Dept. Pharmacology, Marquette Univ. School Med., Milwaukee, Wis. (561 N. 15th St.) M32F33- NpFL. Beckman, Joseph M(ichael). 3301 Clifton Ave.. Cincinnati, Ohio. M36R36. G. Becknell, Prof. G(uy) G(aillard). M.S., Northwestern, os ; Ph.D., Clark, 11. Prof, physics, Univ. Tampa, Tampa, Fla. (6900 Dixon Ave.) M07F16. B. Beckner, Col. Lucien. 411 Belgravia Court, Louisville, Ky. M26F33. EHL. Beckwith, Miss Angie M(aria). A.B., Michigan. Junior pathologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine. Wash- ington. D. C. M10F15. G. Beckwith, Charles S(tewart). M.Sc, Rut- gers, 24. Chief, Cranberry and Blueberry Kes. Lab., New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta.. Pemberton, N. J. M24F28. F. Beckwith, Prof. Cora Jipson. Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 14. Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M13F20. F. Beckwith, Mrs. Daniel. 79 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. L29. Beckwith, Edward P(ierrepont). Garrison, N. V. M11L13. CM. Beckwith, Dr. Ethelwynn R(ice) (Mrs. W. E. Beckwith). M.A., Western Reserve, 09; Ph.D., Radcliffe, 25. Prof, mathematics. Milwaukee-Downer Col., Milwaukee, Wis. (16131 Lake Ave., Cleveland, Ohio) M24- F33. AKD. Beckwith, Henry T(rueman). B.A., Stan- ford, 08. 224 E. Hillcrest Blvd.. Monrovia, Calif. M17. CEM. Beckwith, Dr. T(heodore) D(ay). M.S., Hamilton, 06; Ph.D., California, 20. Prof. bacteriology, Univ. California Los An- geles, Los Angeles, Calif. M06F11. N. Becraft, Prof. R. J. 606 N. 4th East St.. Logan, Utah. M26R32. GO. Bedard, Prof. Avila. M.A., Laval; M.F., Vale. Dean, Ecole d'Arpentage et du Genie Forestier, Quebec; Deputy Minister Lands and Forests, Quebec, Que., Canada. (541 St-Cyrille St.) M40F40. OG. Bedard, W(illiam) Delles. Forest Insects Field Sta., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. M31R36. F. Bedell, Dr. Frederick. M.S., Cornell, 91; Ph.D., 92. Prof, emeritus physics, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (1147 Lura St.. Pasa- dena, Calif.) M92F94E39. BM. Secretary of Section on Physics (B), 1897. Bedwell, Dr. J(esse) L(eonard). M.S., Oregon State, 24; Ph.D., Yale, 32. Pa- thologist, Div. Forest Pathology, U. S. Dept. Agric, Portland, Oreg. M34F34. G. Bee, Nai Kim. Government Lab., Maharat Road, Bangkok, Siam. M22R34. C. Beebe, Dr. Ralph A(lonzo). Amherst Col., Amherst, Mass. M25F28R35. C. Beebe, Dr. William. Sc.D., Colgate, 28: LL.D., Tufts, 28. Dir., Dept. Tropical Res., New York Zool. Soc, New York Zool. Park, New York, N. Y. (33 W. 67th St.) M03F05. FED. Beebe-Center, Dr. J(ohn) G(ilbert). Ph.D.. Harvard. 152 Puritan Road, Swampscott, Mass. M38F38. T. Beebee, Culver. 1821 E. 30th St.. Brook- lyn, N. Y. M23R33. DBM. Beebee, Frederic Scripps. Quadrangle. Iowa City, Iowa. M30R32. Beecham, Dr. Clayton T. M.D., Minne- sota. Instr. obstetrics, Univ. Pennsyl- vania; asst. obstetrician and gynecologist, Kensington Hosp. Women and Philadel- phia Hosp.; assoc. obstetrician, Chestnut Hill Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. (5123 Wavne Ave.. Gc-rmantown) M30. N. I \ dividual Members 261 Beecher, Dr. Henry K. A.M., Kansas, 27; M.D., Harvard. 32. Assoc, anesthesia, Har- vard Med. School; anesthetist in chief, Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. M40. X. Beeler, Dr. Raymond, 2^ E. Ohio St.. In dianapolis, [rid. M38F38R38. X. Beeley, Arthur L(awton). l'ni\. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. M19R36. II IK. Beenken, Prof. May Margaret. A.M., Chi- cago, 26; Th.D., 28. Head Dept. Mathe- matics, State Teachers Col., Oshkosh, Wis. M34F34. A. Beer, Dr. Edwin. M06F08D38. X. Beer. Paul. C.E.. Rensselaer Polytechnic. Pres.. Flvnn Dairy Co., Des Moines, Iowa. (2828 Grand Ave.') M30. M. Beer, Dr. Tomas. Compahia Mexicana de Explosives, Dinamita, Dgo., Mexico. M33- R34. C. Beerbaum, Arthur J(ulius). 4910 X. Keeler Ave., Chicago, 111. M18R39. MDE. Beerman, Dr. Herman. 4841 Osage Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. M31R33. XFG. Beers, Miss Catherine V(irginia). A.M., Ndftn western, 15; Ph.D., Columbia, 38. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Southern Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. M24F33. FGQ. Beers, C(harles) Dale. A.M.. Xorth Caro- lina, 22; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 25. Univ. Xorth Carolina, Chapel Hill. X. Car. M24- F26. F. Beers, Prof. F(red) S(turges). Examiner, exec, sec, and prof, education. Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. M38F40. QHI. Beers. Norman R(itner). 445 \Y. 23rd St.. New York. X. Y. M39. ABM. Beers, Roland F(rank). S.M., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 28. Pres.. Geotechnical Corp., 1702 Tower Petroleum Bldg., Dal- las. Tex. M36. MBE. Beeskow, Herbert C(harles). M.Sc. Chi- cago, 24. Asst. prof, botany. Michigan State Co!., E. Lansing, Mich. M25F33. GC. Beeson, Dr. Jasper L(uther). A.M., Ala- bama, 90: LL.D., 29: Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 53. Milledgeville, Ga. M06F09. C. Beeson, Dr. M(alcolm) A(lfredL 300 Duck St., Stillwater, Okla. M34F34R37. O. Beetharn, R(obert) B(earl). M.Sc. Ohio State. 137 29th St. Drive SE.. Cedar Rapids. Iowa. M38. MBA. Beezer, Prof. Gerald R(enaut). M.A., Gonzaea (Spokane), 19; M.Sc, 34. Prof, chemistry, Seattle Col., Seattle. Wash. M39. C. Beeeman. Dr. Louis. M.S., Michigan. 97: Ph.D.. Chicago, 10. Prof, physics. Iowa State Teachers Col.. Cedar Falls. Iowa. M10F31. B. Begg, Dr. Alexander S(wanson). M.D., Drake, 07. Dean and prof, anatomy. Bos- ton Univ. School Med., Boston, Mass. (45 Hastings St., West Roxburv, Mass.) Mi 2- F27. N, Behney, Dr. Charles A(ugustus). M.D.. Pennsylvania, 17. Assoc, obstetrics and gynecology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. (30 Manor Road. Wynnewood, Pa.) M28. X. Behney, William Hudson. 68 Bradlt \ Road, Burlington, Vt. M27R32. FGE. Behnke, John A(lden). M.A., Harvard. 29. Editor, W. B. Saunders Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. M40. FGC. Behre, C(harles) Edward. M.F., Yale, 17. Dir.. Xortheastern Forest Exp. Sta., Xew Haven, Conn. (65 L'nderhill Road, Ham- den, Conn.) M24F31. OG. Behre, Dr. Charles H(enry), Jr. Ph.D.. Chicago, 25. Assoc, geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey ; cooperating geologist, Pennsyl- vania State Geol. Survey; prof, economic geology, Northwestern Univ., Evanston. 111. M^2iF2/. E. Behre, Dr. Ellinor H(elene). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 18. Louisiana State Unix., Univer- sity, La. M13F26. F. Behre, Dr. Jeanette Allen. Ph.D., Cornell, 22. Res. assoc, Northwestern Univ. Med. School. Chicago; res. chemist, Union Central Life Ins. Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. (21 18 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111.) M21- F33. ex. Behrens, Dr. Charles A(ugust). M.S., Michigan, 10; Ph.D., 13. Prof, bacteriol- ogy, Purdue Univ., La F'ayette, Ind. (1020 3rd St.. West Lafayette. Ind.) M17F33. N. Behrens, Dr. Otto K(arl). M.A.. Illinois, 53; Ph.D., ?5. Instr., Dept. Biochemistry, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M40. CN. Beier, Dr. A. L. M.D., Marquette. Box 340, Chippewa Falls, Wis. M38. NIH. Beik, Dr. Arthur Kennedy. Ped.M.. New York. 09; Ph.D., Clark, 13. Prof, educa- tion, New York State Col. Teachers, Al- bany, N, Y. M29F34. IQ. Beilly, Dr. Jacob S(aul). 899 St. Marks Ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y. M38R38. NC. Beinecke, Frederick W(illiam). Ph.B. Senior vice pres., Sperry and Hutchinson Co., Xew York. N. Y. (Green Ave., Madi- son. X. J.) M28L31. Beinhart, E(rnest) G(eorge). B.Sc, Iowa State, 10. Senior tobacco technologist. Eastern Regional Res. Lab., Philadelphia, Pa. (s2oi X. 1 6th St., Arlington, Va.) (M28Fi5R35)M39Fi5. GOK. Beinke, Sidney C. B.S. District range ex- aminer, I'. S. Agric. Adjustment Admin- istration, Pullman, Wash. (5505 4th Axe. S.. Seattle. Wash.) M40. GE, 262 Directory of Members Beise, Miss Dorothy. Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M37R37. IQ. Beitel, Dr. Robert J(ames), Jr. A.M., Clark, 33; Ph.D., 35. Fhysiological opti- cist, Amer. Optical Co., Southbridge, Mass. M37. IN. Bekkedahl, Dr. Norman. M.S., George Washington, 29; Ph.D., American, 31. Assoc, chemist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (4825 45th St. NW.) M33F33. C. Belcher, B(ascom) A(nthony). M.S., Em- ory, 29. Asst. agronomist, U. S. Sugar Plant Field Lab., Cairo, Ga. M30F40. FGO. Belcher, Donald. Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York. N. Y. (?) M34F34R34 BC. Belcher, Donald Ray. A.M., Columbia, 15. Asst. chief statistician, Amer. Telephone and Telegraph Co., New York, N. Y. (550 Prospect St., Westfield, N. J.) M25F38. AK. Belchetz, Dr. Arnold. M.Sc, South Africa, 24; Ph.D., Cambridge, 29. Engineer proc- ess and development, M. W. Kellogg Co., New York, N. Y. (45 Kew Gardens Road, Kew Gardens, N. Y.) M40. CMB. Belda, Prof. Walter H. M.A., St. Francis Seminary, 27. Prof, biology, St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wis. M39. F. Belding, James (Walker). 630 Oakes Blvd., San Leandro, Calif. M38. MEA. Belk, Miss Ethel. Dept. Botany, Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. M39. GCF. Belkin, Dr. Morris. A.M., Harvard, 28; Ph.D., 35. Res. asst., Dept. Pathology, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M39. NF. Belknap, Mrs. William. Oscawana on Hudson, N. Y. (?) L29.- Bell. Dr. Alfred H(annam). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 26. Geologist and head Oil and Gas Div., Illinois State Geol. Survey, Urbana, 111. M25F31. E. Bell, Dr. A(rchibald) Weir. M. A., Cali- fornia, 27 \ Ph.D., 36. Chairman, Life Sciences Dept.. Los Angeles City Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (365 S. Hoover St.) M24. F. Bell, Mrs. Charles J. Twin Oaks, Woodley Road, Washington, D. C. M30. Bell, Dr. Clifford. Ph.D., California, 25. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (105 14 Rochester Ave.) M28F33. A. Bell, Dennistoun M. Broadview, Amagan- sett, N. Y. M22L27. NC. Bell, Mrs. Dorothea Lyford. 16 Lawrence Ave., West New Brighton, Staten Island. N. Y. (?) M36R36. BAM. Bell, Edward J(anes), Jr. M.S., Wisconsin, 29. Chief, Program Marketing Section, Western Div., U. S. Agric. Adjustment Administration. Washington, D. C. (621 1 Utah Ave. NW.) M31. KOG. Bell, Eric Franklin. M.A., Ohio State, 27. Psychologist, Boys' Industrial School, Lancaster, Ohio. M35. IKQ. Bell, Frank F(rederick). 6263 Richmond Ave., Dallas, Tex. M30R36. M. Bell, Frederic S(omers). M32D38. GQ. Bell, Prof. Hugh M(cKee). State Teachers Col., Chico, Calif. M31R33. IQK. Bell, J. H. M32D34. Bell, Dr. J(ames) Carleton. M.A., Har- vard, 03; Ph.D., 04. Prof, education, City Col., New York, N. Y. (1032-A Sterling Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.) M07F10. IQ. Bell, Dr. J(ames) E(dgar). Ph.D., Illi- nois, 13. Prof, chemistry, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M18F25. C. Bell, James F(ord). B.S., Minnesota. Chairman board. Gen. Mills, Inc., Minne- apolis, Minn.; dir., Amer. Telepbone and Telegraph Co., New York, N. Y.. Pull- man Co.. Chicago, 111., and Northwest Nat. Bank, Minneapolis, Minn. M13. Bell, Dr. John M(alseedV 826 Jule St., St. Joseph, Mo. M17R32. N. Bell, John W(eston). Si Winter St., Whit- man, Mass. M39. HCI. Bell, D*-. Joseph Clark. M.D.. Harvard, 2j. 402 Heyburn Bldg., Louisville, Ky. M36. N. Bell, Miss Laura. 142S Spruce St., Phila- delphia, Pa. M12F31. EK. Bell, Dr. Leo P. M27D34. N. Bell, Marion (See Mrs. T. F. Wiesen). Bell, M(artin) A(verill). M.S., Towa State, 28. Supt., Southern Great Plains Field Sta., U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Wood- ward, Okla. M32. OG. Bell, Olin G(rogan). Box 548, Laredo, Tex. M31R34. EM. Bell, Prof. Raymond F(rank). M.S.. Mich- igan, 38. Prof, mathematics, Eastern Washington Col. Education, Cheney, Wash. (Smithers, W. Va.) M40. ABQ. Bell, Dr. Raymond M(artin). A.M., Syra- cuse, 30; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State, 37. Asst. prof, physics, Washington and Jef- ferson Col., Washington, Pa. (440 E. Beau St.) M40F40. B. Bell, Dr. W(illiam) B(onar). M.S.. Iowa, 03; Ph.D., 05. Chief, Div. Wildlife Res., U. S. Bur. Biol. Survey. Washington, D. C. (803 Rittenhouse St.) M06F21. F. Bell, William H(oward). A.M., Indiana. Milford, Ohio. M39. CN. Individual Members 263 Bell, W(illiam) Randal. 751 George St., New Haven, Conn. M37R37. NF. Bell, Dr. Willis H(arvey). Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Assoc, prof, biology, Univ. New Mex- ico, Albuquerque, N. Mex. M34. G. Bellamy, Albert William. Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M20F20- R34. FG. Bellamy, B. C. Lamont, Wyo. M21F38. ABC. Bellamy, Dr. George A(lbert). H.H.D., Western Reserve, 38. Dir., Hiram House, 2723 Orange Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. M40. IKQ. Bellaschi, P(eter) L(ouis). M.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 28. Section engineer, Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., Sharon, Pa. M35. BMA. Beller, William C(harles). M.A., Colum- bia. 18 W. 85th St., New York, N. Y. M37- F40. BDM. Beller, William Frank. M06D36. FK. Bellis, A. E. Bellis Co., Branford, Conn. M38. C. Bellis, Prof. Arthur Emmons (Arthur Em- mons). M.S., Michigan, 10. 1901 Arapa- hoe St., Golden, Ohio. (Mi8R32)M37- B. Bellis, Dr. Carroll J(oseph). M.S., Minne- sota, 32; Ph.D., 34; M.D., 36. Fellow sur- gery, Univ. Minnesota Hosps., Minne- apolis, Minn. M39. N. Bellis, Henry (Anthony). B.S., California. 806 Georgia St., Manila, P. I. M38. CNL. Bellows, Dr. John G. M.D., Illinois, 30; M.S.. Northwestern, 35; Ph.D., 39. Assoc, ophthalmology, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. (720 N. Michigan Ave.) M37. NC. Bellows, Miss Marjorie T. Westchester County Dept. Health, White Plains, N. Y. M31R35. KAN. Bellows, Dr. Roger M. M.A., Ohio State, 31; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, prof., Dept. Psy- chologv, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M37F40. IQ. Belmont, Hon. Perry. Box 58, Newport, R. I. M06L07. Bels, Basil A. 346 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. M32R32. M. Belt, Dr. Arthur Elmer. M.S., M.D., Cali- fornia. 1893 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M28F33. N. Belt, Haller. Bausch and Lomb Optical Co., 593 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. M37R37. B. Beltran, Prof. Enrique. D.Sc.N., Mexico, 32; M.C.B.. Columbia, 33. Chief, Proto- zoology Lab., Inst, de Salubridad y En- fermedades Tropicales ; prof, zoology, Univ. Mexico, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. M33F26. FGN. Beltz, Dr. J(ohn) Carl. M.Sc, Ohio State. 33; Ph.D., 38. Prof, chemistry, State Teachers Col., St. Cloud, Minn. (202 Beverly Apts.) M39. CQ. Bemis, Alan C(ogswell). M.A., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 30. Res. assoc, Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (Cochituate Road, Wayland, Mass.) M36. B. Bemisderfer, Franklin R. M.A., Columbia, 31. Teacher science curriculum, John Marshall High School and James Ford Rhodes High School, Cleveland. Ohio. (2251 Brockwav Road, Cleveland Heights) (M35R3S)M4o. Q. Benade, Prof. James Martin. A.M., Prince- ton, 16. 6 Napier Road, Lahore, India. M29F32. BMQ. Benbrook, Dr. E(dward) A(ntony). V.M.D., Pennsylvania, 14. Prof, and head Dept. Veterinary Pathology, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. (2318 Baker St.) M30- F33. NF. Benda, Miss Rosel F. M.A., Columbia. 10 W. 65th St., New York, N. Y. M39. GCQ. Bender, Albert M. LL.D., California; M.A., Litt.D., Mills College. 311 Califor- nia St., San Francisco, Calif. M37. D. Bender, Prof. Harold B(ohm). 42 High- land Ave., Windsor, Conn. M34F34R36. GFN. Bender, Prof. Harold H(erman). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 07; Phil.L.D., Kansas, 22; Litt.D.. Lafayette, 24. Prof. Indo- German philology, chairman Dept. Orien- tal Languages and Literatures, Princeton Univ.. Princeton, N. J. (120 FitzRandolph Road) M24F30. L. Bender, Dr. Howard L(eonard). M.A., Marietta, 17; Ph.D., Columbia, 25. Res. chemist, Bakelite Corp., Bloomfield, N. J. (7 Carteret St.) M39. C. Bender, Prof. John F(rederick). A.M., Co- lumbia, 22; Ph.D., 27. Prof, school ad- ministration, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. M29F31. Q. Bender, Dr. R(aymond) C(layton). Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Res. chemist. Borden Co., Bainbridge, N. Y. M33F33. CN. Bendove, Dr. Raphael A. M.D., Albany Med. Col., 22. Asst. prof, clinical medi- cine, New York Post Graduate Med. School, Columbia Univ.; asst. clinical prof, medicine, Long Island Col. Med., New York, N. Y. (M3iR33)M35. NLI. Bendrat, Dr. T(homas) A(lbert). 125K Wilkinson St., Montgomery, Ala. (?) M32R32. EFG. Benecke, Alex. 67 Walworth Ave., Scars- dale, N. Y. M29. Benedek, Dr. Therese F. M.D., Budapest, 16. Clinical and res. assoc. and lecturer, Inst. Psychoanalysis, 43 E. Ohio St., Chi- cago, 111. M38. NIH. 264 Directory of Members Benedek, Dr. Tibor. M.D., Budapest, 19, Leipzig, 22. Staff dermatologist, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 111. M39. NG. Benedict, Dr. C. H(arry). D.Eng.. Michi- gan Col. Mines, 32. Lake Linden, Mich. M34F34. Mi Benedict, Don M(arion). Dept. Biology, Temple Univ., Philadelphia. Pa. M18F31- R34. G. Benedict, Dr. Francis G(ano). Nutrition Lab., Carnegie Inst. Washington, Boston, Mass. M05F08R37. FN. Benedict, Dr. H(arris) M(iller). M.A., Cincinnati, 30; Ph.D.. Chicago, 32. Assoc, plant physiologist, U. S. Bur. Plant In- dustry, Cheyenne, Wyo. M37F39. G. Benedict, Dr. Harry Y(andell). M07F11- D37. AD. Benedict, Dr. H(oward) C(ourtney). M.A.. Stanford, 24; Ph.D., Northwestern, 31. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Chico State Col., Chico. Calif. M29F33. CN. Benedict, R(alph) C(urtiss). Ph.D.. Co- lumbia, 11. Prof, biology, Brooklyn Col.: resident investigator, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, N. Y. (1819 Dorches- ter Road) M0SF11. FG. Benedict, Dr. Ruth (Fulton). Ph.D.. Co- lumbia, 2,1. Dept. Anthropology, Columbia Univ.. New York, N. Y. (M31F33R34)- M37F33. H. Benedict, Stanley R(ossiter). M18F21D36. C. Benedict, Dr. William L(emuel). M.D., Michigan, 12. Prof, ophthalmology. Univ. Minnesota Graduate School Med.. Roches- ter. Minn. (000 8th St. SW.) M24F31. BX. Benedix, Miss Agnes W. 20 Brookridge Ave.. Tiickahoe', N. Y. M29R33. GFN. Benfield, Dr. A. E. Ph:D., Cambridge. 38. Instr. physics, Williams Col.. Williams- town. Mass. M35F40. BE. Benfield, A(bel) MCorris). 107s California St.. San Francisco. Calif. M18. DM. Ben^ord, Frank (A.). E.E.. Michigan. 10. Phvsicist. Gen. Electric Co., Schenectadv, X.'Y. (1643 Rugby Road) M24F31. B. Bengtson. Dr. Ida AGbertina). M.S.. Chi- cago, 13; Ph.D.. 10. Senior bacteriologist. Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. M25F33. N. Bengston, Prof. Nels A(ugust). Ph.D.. ("lark, 2y. Dean. Junior Div. ; prof, geog- raphy and chairman Dept.. Univ. Ne- braska, Lincoln. Nebr. M17F25. E. Benham, Prof. Rhoda Williams. Ph.D.. Columbia. 31. Asst. prof, dermatology, Co- lumbia Univ. Col. Phvsicians and Sur- geons, New York, N. Y. M21F33. GN. Ben'amin. Dr. C(harles) H(enry). M2S- F2SD37. M. Benjamin, Edward B. 1415 Whitney Bldg., New Orleans. La. M32R38. Benjamin, Harold. A.M.. Oregon, 24; Ph.D., Stanford. 2 Evelvn Place, Calvert Hills Hyattsville, Md. M31F32. QIK. Benjamin, Mrs. Helen R(irkin). 263 East- ern Parkwav. Brooklyn, N. Y. M30R32. CFG. Benjamin, Dr. Julien E. M.D.. Cincin- nati. 12. Assoc, prof, medicine, Univ. Cin- cinnati. Cincinnati. Ohio. (3635 Wash- ington Ave.) M31F33. NFL Benkert, Joseph Mohney. 722 Maplewood Ave., Ambridge, Pa. M29R32. F. Benkesser, Grant E. E.E., Syracuse. 332 N. Alahambra Ave., Monterey Park, Calif. M39. MKB. Benner, Dr. R(aymond) C(alvin). M.A., Wisconsin, 06; Ph.D.. 09. Dir. res., Car- borundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. M17- F33. CME. Benner, Dr. Walter M. M.A., Pennsyl- vania, 26; Ph.D., 31. Res. assoc, Dept. Botany, Acad. Natural Sciences: teacher biology, Benjamin Franklin High School, Philadelphia. Pa. (5636 Loretta Ave.) M34F34. G. Bennett, Dr. A(bram) E(lting). M.D., Nebraska. 21. Asst. prof, neuropsychiatry, Univ. Nebraska Col. Med.; dir. Psychi- atric Dept.. Clarkson Memorial Hosp., Omaha: consulting neurologist. State < )rthopedic Hosp. and State Hosp. In- sane, Lincoln. Nebr. (5406 Izard St., Omaha, Nebr.) M40. N. Bennett, Dr. A(rthur) L(awrence). Ph.D.. Chicago, ^t,; M.D.. Rush, 37. Assoc, prof, physiology and pharmacology. Univ. Ne- braska Col. Med.. Omaha, Nebr. M38. X'pBC. Bennett, Dr. C(arlyle) W(ilson). M.S. Michigan State, 20: Ph.D., Wisconsin, 26. Pathologist. I*. S. Dept. Agric, Riverside. Calif. M2XF31. G. Bennett, Dr. Clarence E(dwin). Sc.M.. Brown, 21: Ph.D., 30. Head Dept. Physics. Univ. Maine. Orono, Maine. M24F31. BAM. Bennett, Dr. Donald M(enzies). M.A.. Wisconsin. 23: Ph.D.. 26. Assoc, prof. physics,. Univ. Louisville, Louisville. Ky. (1810 Fleming Road) M36F36. B. Bennett. Prof. Edward. E.E.. Western Pennsylvania, 07. Chairman Dept. and prof, electrical engineering. Univ. Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. M18F25. MQB. Bennett, Emmett. M.Sc, Massachusetts State, 34. Asst. res. prof, chemistry, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst. Mass. M34. CGF. Bennett. F. W. 770 Boyd Ave., Rouge, La. M31R32. 0 Baton I mhyiiu'al Members 26: Bennett, F(rank) L(uverne). B.S., Illi- nois, 16. Teacher biology, Spearfish State Normal School. Spearfish, S. Dak. M24. GFO. Bennett, Dr. George Allen. M.D., Munich, 37. Assoc, anatomy, Daniel Baugh Inst. Vriatomy, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadel- phia, Pa. M40. \. Bennett, Dr. Granville A(llison). M.D., Iowa, 25. \sst. prof, pathology, Harvard Med. School. Boston, Mass. (220 Dorset Road, Waban, Mass.) M3SF38. N. Bennett, Harris S(hell). C.E., Purdue, 27. Assoc, engineer, U. S. Engineers Office. Los Angeles, Calif. (913,3 S. Harvard Blvd.) M39. MAB. Bennett, Harry. B.S., New York, 17. Chemical dir.. Glyco Products, Inc., New York, X. Y. (148 Lafayette St.) M29F38. CB. Bennett, Dr. (Henry) Stanley. M.D., Har- vard, 36. Instr. anatomy and pharmacol- ogy, Harvard Univ. Med. School, Boston, Mass. (56 Greenough St., Brookline, Mass. I M40. Xp. Bennett, Dr. Henry W(ells) N(ewell). M.D., University and Bellevue, 04. Derma- tologist, Elliot Hosp., Balch Hosp., and llillsboro Hosp., Manchester, X. H. (1448 Elm St.) M23. N. Bennett, Holly Reed. 1207 Astor St., Chi- cago, 111. M28R32. E. Bennett, (Ivan) Dewey. M.A., Wyoming, 27. Instr. science, Junior Col., Garden City, Kans. i 802 X. 4th St.) M29. QGF. Bennett, Dr. J. H. 460 W. Market St.. York. Pa. M32R32. X. Bennett, Dr. James Percy. A.M., Missouri, 1?; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 18. Univ. Califor- nia, Berkeley. Calif. M13F16. GOC. Bennett, John Godolphin. Dir., British Coal Utilisation, Res. Assn. Exp. Sta., 54 Victoria St., London, England. M38. ABC. Bennett, Dr. John N(ewton). Drurv Col., Springfield, Mo. M06R32. IQA. Bennett, J(ohn) William. 69 Rochelle St., Springfield. Mass. M28. MAB. Bennett, Lee F. A.B.. Indiana. Gen. insur- ance. Saginaw. Mich. (614 Fitzhugh St.) M07. E. Bennett, Miss Mary A(llison). A.M.. Chi- cago, 26. 62? E. Carroll St., Macomb, 111. M31. FGQ. Bennett, Dr. Paul H. D.D.S.. Atlanta Southern Dental Col. Valley Nat. Bank P.ldg.. Tucson. Ariz. M40. XdK. Bennett, Lieut. Rawson, II. M.S.. Cali- fornia, -1,7. Bur. Navigation, U. S. Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. M38. MA. Bennett, Robert G. sos Webster St.. Mis- hawaka, Ind. M38. CB. Bennett, Robert R(aymond). M.S., Xc- braska. Junior geologist, V. S. Geol. Sur- vey, Austin, Tex. M40. E. Bennett, Wallis R. 414 N. Salisbury St., West Lafayette, Ind. M33R33- Bennett, Dr. Willard H. M.Sc, Wisconsin. 26; Ph.D., Michigan, 28. Dir. res., Elec- tronic Res. Corp., Newark, Ohio. (.136 Fairfield Ave.) M39. B. Bennett, William Ogle, Jr. B.S.. Lehigh, 32. Supervisor physical res. lab., Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Pa. (330 College Ave.) M36F40. BM. Bennighof, Prof. C(loyd) L(awrence). S.M., Chicago, 22. Asst. prof, biology, Western Maryland Col., Westminster, Md. (31 Ridge Road) M29F33. F. Bennington, Dr. N. L. Dept. Biology, Col. Wooster. Wooster, Ohio. ( ?) M36R37. F. Bennion, Dr. Milton. M.A.. Columbia, o; ; Ed.D., LTtah, 31. Dean School Education, prof, philosophy and education, and dir. summer session, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (2^85 Seventh East St.) M08- F21. y. Bennitt, Dr. Rudolf. A.M.. Boston, 21 ; A.M., Ph.D., Harvard, 23. Prof, zoology, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (120 Edgewood Ave.) M25F32. FGO. Benoist, E. J. Casilla 1285, Valparaiso, Chile, S. A. M19F31R32. EM. Benoit, Prof. Jacques. Docteur en Medi- cine, Docteur es Sciences, Strasbourg. Prof. d'Histologie, Faculte 3. Divisional chemist, Fraser Companies Ltd., Edmundston, X. B., Canada. M40. C. Bircher, Prof. Louis J(acob). M.A., Mis- souri, 17; Ph.D., Chicago, 24. Prof, physi- cal chemistry, Vanderbilt Univ., Xashville, Tenn. (2507 Kensington Place) M25F25. C. Bird, Dr. Charles. Ph.D., Clark, 20. Prof, psychology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis. Minn. M23F25. 1. Bird, Charles Sumner. A.B., Harvard, 06. Chairman Board and Exec. Com., Bird and Son, Inc., East Walpole, Mass. M08L09. Bird, Emerson W(heat). Ph.D.. Iowa State, 29. Assoc, prof, dairj industry and chemistry, lowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M30F33/CO. Bird, Prof. Grace E(lecta). M.A., Colum- bia, 16; Ph.D., Brown, 18. Prof, educa- tional psychology, Rhode Island Col. Edu- cation, Providence, R. I. (157 Cypress St.) M25F25. I. Bird, Prof. Harold C(rusius). C.E., Yale, 11. Prof, civil engng. and chairman Dept.. Duke Univ., Durham, X. Car. M34F34. M. Bird, Henry. Entomologist, 600 Milton Road, Rye, X. Y. M05F14. F. Bird, Dr. H(erbert) R(oderick). M.S., Wisconsin, 35; Ph.D., 38. Assoc, prof, nutrition. Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M40. XFC. Bird, James W. Xorthfield. Mass. M32R32. CAB. Bird, John. 28 St., Bradford, Pa. M25R33. EM P. Bird, Junius (Bouton). Asst. curator anthropology. Amer. Mus. Natural His- tory, Xew York, X. Y. M38. II. Bird, Lloyd Campbell. Ph.G., Med. Col. Virginia. Pres., Phipps and Bird. Inc., Richmond, Va. M38. CX. Bird, Dr. Milton Hawkins. Norwell, Mass. M31R32. IQH. Bird, Dr. Ralph D(urham). M.Sc., Mani- toba, 26; Ph.D.. Illinois, 29. In charge Dominion Entomological Lab., Brandon, Man., Canada. M29F33. FGE. Bird, Dr. Robert M(ontgomery). M07F09- D38. C. Bird, Whitworth Fontain. B.S., North Eastern College. Dir., Res. and Technical Control Dept., Collins and Aikman Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. ( "Stoweaway ," Rodgers Lane. W'allingford, Pa.) M39. Birdlebough, J(ohn) C(hester). M.S., Cornell, 39. Supervising principal, Phoe- nix High School, Phoenix, X. Y. M37. QBC. Birdsall, A(mos) G(lentworth). 2 Summit Ave., Bronxville, N. Y. M17. M. Birdsall, Lewis I(saac). M.A., Illinois, 09. Sulfate specialist, Gen. Chemical Co., Chi- cago, 111. (904 Vernon Ave., Glencoe, 111.) M17F33. CM. Birdseye, Clarence. Consultant, Gen. Foods Corp., Xew York, X. Y. (Glou- cester, Mass.) M38F39. CMB. Birdseye, Dr. C(laude) H(ale). Sc.D., Oberlin, 31. Chief, Div. Engraving and Printing, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (22 Grafton St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M29F29. EM. Birge, Dr E(dward) A(sahel). Ph.D.. Harvard, 78, Rensselaer, 25; Sc.D., Pitts- burgh, 97; LL.D., Williams, 03, Wisconsin. 15, Missouri, 19. Resident emeritus, Univ. Wisconsin; biologist, Wisconsin Geol. and Natural History Survey, Madison. Wis. (201 1 Van Hill Ave.) M03F05. F. Birge, Prof. Raymond T(hayer). M.A.. Wisconsin, 10; Ph.D., 14. Prof, physics and chairman Dept., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M16F21. B. Birge, Willie Isabella. Dept. Biology, Texas State Col. Women, Denton, Tex. (M3iR33)M36. EG. Birkeland, J. M. Dept. Bacteriology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M36F38. X. Birkhahn, Robert C. 136 Oak St.. Wood- mere, X. Y. Mi8R33- M. Birkhaug, Dr. Konrad E(lias). M.D.. Johns Hopkins, 24; M.Sc, Rochester, 28. Geofvsisk Institute Bergen, Norway. M27- F31. N. Birkhead. L. M. 3425 Baltimore Ave.. Kansas City, Mo. M31R32. Birkhoff, Prof. Garrett. A.B., Harvard. 10 Dana St., Cambridge, Mass. M39. A. Birkhoff, Prof. George D(avid). Ph.D., Chicago, 07; Sc.D., Brown, 23. Wisconsin. _■-. Harvard, 33, Pennsylvania. 38; Dr. Hon. Causa, Portiers, 33, Paris, 35, \thens, 36, Sofia, 30; LL.D.. St. Andrews, 38. Prof, mathematics, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (087 Memorial Drive) M09F11. AB. Vice president for Section on Mathematics and Astronomy (A), 1918. President, 1937. Member of the Executive Committee, 1938 — . 274 Directory of Members Birnbaum, Dr. Abraham S. 2021 Grand Concourse, New York, N. Y. M33R33. NHF. Birnie, Col. Rogers. M10L1 1F1 1D39. MAB. Biro, Dr. Charles. M.D., Budapest, 24. Surgeon, 302 Poplar Crescent, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. M40. NCD. Birosel, Dr. D. M. Univ. Philippines, Manila. P. I. M34F34R34. CB. Bisbey, Bertha. 705 Missouri Ave., Columbia. Mo. M32. Bisby, Prof. G(uy) R(ichard). Manitoba Agric. Col., Winnipeg, Man., Canada. M17F21R32. G. Bisch, Dr. Louis E(dward). M.D., Colum- bia, 11; Ph.D., 12. Psychiatrist, 515 Madi- son Ave., New York, N. Y. M34F34. IN. Bisgard, J(ames) D(ewey). M.D., Har- vard. 5606 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr. M38. NG. Bishop, C(arl) W(hiting). A.M., Colum- bia, 13. Assoc, archaeologv, Freer Gallery Art, Washington, D. C. "M28F32. HLE. Bishop, David W(akefield). A.B., Swarth- more, 34. Instr. zoology, Univ. Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. M40. FG. Bishop, Edna R(osena) (See Mrs. Edna Bishop Otto). Bishop, Dr. Eugene L(indsay). M.D., Vanderbilt, 14; M.P.H., Johns Hopkins, 23. Dir. health, Tennessee Valley Author- itv, Chattanooga, Tenn. (1409 Riverview Road) M39. N. Bishop, Dr. F. Warner, n 48 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M29R34. N. Bishop, Dr. Frederic L. Ph.D., Chicago, 97. Prof, physics, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pitts- burgh, Pa. M10F15. BM. Secretary of Section on Engineering -(D ) , 1918-19, and of Section on Engineering (At), 1920. Bishop, Dr. George D(ean). D.V.M., Kansas City, 12. Albany, Oreg. M33. FGN. Bishop, Dr. George H(olman). Ph.D., Wisconsin. Prof, biophysics, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (Sap- pington, Mo.) M40. N. Bishop, Howard B(erkey). B.S., Michigan. 33 Prospect Hill Ave., Summit, N. J. M06F08. C. Bishop, Miss Isabel. 857 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M34R36. Bishop, Dr. Louis B(ennett). M.D., Yale, 88. 450 Bradford St., Pasadena, Calif. M01F08. F. Bishop, Dr. Louis Faugeres. M.A., Rutgers, 89; Sc.D., 20; M.D., Columbia, 89. 1 1 72 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M08F11. NHK. Bishop, Dr. Louis Faugeres, Jr. M.D., Columbia, 25. Assoc, visiting physician, Bellevue Hosp., New York; consulting cardiologist, Rockaway Beach Hosp., Rockawav Beach, N. Y. (121 E. 60th St., New York, N. Y.) M36F38. NQ. Bishop, Prof. Mabel Lowell. A.M., Smith, 08; Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Head Dept. Biology and prof, zoologv, Hood Col.. Frederick, Md. M16F21. FN. Bishop, Oliver F. 2055 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. M23R32. O. Bishop, Prof. Sherman C(hauncey). Ph.D., Cornell, 25. Prof, zoology, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M31F32. F. Bishopp, Fred C(orry). U. S. Bur. En- tomology, Washington, D. C. M04F13R33. FN. Biskind, Dr. Gerson R. M.D., California, 3,2. Assoc, chief pathology, Mt. Zion Hosp.; instr. pathology, Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. M40. N. Bissell, A. D., Jr. 100 S. Cauyga St., Wil- liamsville, N. Y. M29R33. Bissell, Dr. Dougal. M32D — . NHE. Bissell, Dr. Malcolm H(avens). M.A., Yale, 18; Ph.D., 21. Prof, geography, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1556 N. Hayworth Ave.) M18F31. E. Bissinger, George H(enry). B.S., Cornell, 12. Dir. res. and sec.-treas., Philippine Sugar Assn., Manila, P. I. M24F40. OE. Bisson, Richard J(oseph). Barre Dry Cleansing Co., Barre, Vt. M32R32. KL. Bissonnette, Dr. T(homas) Hume. M.A., Queens, 13; Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Prof. biology, Trinity Col., Hartford, Conn.; instr. charge marine invertebrate zoology, Marine Biol. Lab., Woods Hole, Mass. (Wethersfield, Conn.) M24F30. FGN. Biswell, Dr. Harold H(ubert). A.M., Nebraska, 32; Ph.D., 34. Asst. conserva- tionist, San Joaquin Exp. Range, Califor- nia Forest and Range Exp. Sta., O'Neals, Calif. M37F39. G. Bitancourt, Agesilau A(ntonio). Ingenieur agronome, Paris, 19 Sub-dir., Institute Biologico de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal 2821, Sao Paulo, Brazil, S. A. M34. GO. Bitter, Dr. Francis. Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M36F36R36. B. Bitting, Dr. Arvill W(ayne). M.D., Med. Col. Indiana, 00. 1030 Green St., San Francisco, Calif. M16L17F33. N. Bitting, Katherine Golden. M93F97L17- D36. G. Bittinger, Lt. Comdr. Charles. 3403 O St. NW., Washington, D. C. M24F31. B. Bittner, Prof. Walton Simon. A.M., Chi- cago, 28. Assoc, prof, sociology and assoc. dir. Extension Div., Indiana Univ., Bloom- ington, Ind. (822 Hunter Ave.) (M31- R34)M38. HK. Individual Members -75 Bittson, A(nthony) John. E.E., Tomsk Imperial Inst. Tech., 15. Pres., A. John Bittson Engng. Co.. 1650 Broadway, New- York, X. Y. (400 W. 129th St.) M39. MR Bivins, Chalfant E. 179 Steuben St., Brooklyn. X. Y. M36R37. CE. Bixby, Prof. Frederick L(ouis). C.E., Neyada, 18. Acting head Dept. Civil Engng., Univ. Nevada. Reno, Nev. M34- F34. M. Bixby, Dr. W(illiam) Herbert. M.S., Michigan, 31 ; Ph.D.. 33; M.M.E., Chrysler Inst. Engng., 35. Instr. electrical engng., Wavne Univ., Detroit, Mich. (639 Webb Ave.) M40. MBA. Bizzell, Dr. William Bennett. LL.M., Illinois Col. Law, 11; D.C.L. 12; A.M., Chicago. 13; LL.D., Baylor, 19; Ph.D., Columbia, 21. Pres., Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (407 W. Boyd St.) M10F15. K. Bjorksten, Dr. Johan Augustus. M.A.. Helsingfors, 27; Ph.D., 31. Chemist, 2243 W. Harrison St., Chicago, 111. (450 Wright- wood Ave.) M33. CNG. Blaauw, Dr. Edmond E. M.D. 190 Ash- land Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Mi 7. N. Black, Dr. Alex. M.S., Pennsylvania State, 33; Ph.D., Rochester, 38. Asst. prof, ani- mal nutrition, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M40F40. CON. Black, Dr. Arthur D(avenport). M33D37. N. Black, Dr. Arthur P(roctor). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. 109 N. Oregon St., El Paso, Tex. M35F38. NC. Black, Dr. Benjamin Warren. M.D. 2701 14th Ave., Oakland, Calif. M38. NK. Black, Charles N(ewbold). M30D35. MBC. Black, Charles S. Wake Forest, N. Car. M35F35R36. C. Black, Dr. Clarence J(ay). M.A., Kenyon, 23; Ph.D., Ohio State, 31. Prof, chemistry and physics. Upper Iowa Univ., Fayette, Iowa. M29. CM. Black, Mrs. Fern B. M.A., Chicago, 20. Psychologist. Bur. Child Study. 228 X. LaSalle St.. Chicago, 111. (340 Normal Parkway) M39. IQ. Black, Glenn A. 815 Oakland Ave.. India- napolis. Ind. M38. H. Black, Harold S(tephen). U.S.. Worcester Polytechnic Inst. Member technical staff. Bell Telephone Labs., New York, N. Y. (6309 Alderton St., Elmhurst, N. Y.) M39- MBA. Black, Mrs. Howard John (See Dr. Zoe Black). Black, Dr. J(ames) G(ilbert). M.S., Ken- tucky. 22; Ph.D., Michigan, 29. Head Dept. Mathematics and Physics, More- head State Teachers Col., Morehead. Ky. M34F34. BA. Black, Dr. J(ames) H(arvey). M.D., Southern Methodist, 07. Prof, clinical medicine, Baylor Col. Med., Dallas, Tex. M17F33. X. Black, Dr. K(nox) Charlton. A.M., Har- vard, 26; Ph.D., 27. Engineer, Bell Tele- phone Labs., Xew York, N. Y. (62 Tower Hill Road, Mountain Lakes, N. J.) M30- F40. B. Black, Dr. L(indsay) M(acLeod). Ph.D., Cornell, 36. Asst., Dept. Animal and Plant Pathology, Rockefeller [nst. Med. Res.. Princeton, N. J. M31F39. CO. Black, Prof. Loren T. Ashland Col., Ash- land, Ohio. M31F33R34. A. Black, Prof. Luther A. Univ. Maryland. College Park, Md. M3iF33R3/- NO. Black, Prof. N(ewton) Henry. A.M.. Harvard, 06. Asst. prof, physics, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (21 Follen St.) M01F11. BC. Black, R(alph) W(aldo). Park and Oak Sts.. Gardner, Mass. M22R33. I. Black, Robert Lovell. M.S., Michigan. 30. Teacher biology, Emmerick Manual Train- ing High School, Indianapolis, Ind. (1307 Spring Hollow Road) M40. FG. Black, Prof. Robert M(offitt). E.M.. Michigan Col. Mines, 03. Prof, and head Dept. Mining Engng., Univ. Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Pa. M34F34. MKE. Black, Roy D. A.B.. Hanover. Box 12^. Wabash, Ind. M38. C. Black, Dr. Zoe (Mrs. Howard John Black). \.M.. Duke. 20; Ph.D., 35- Asst. prof, biology, Alabama Col., Montevallo, Ala. (305 Nabors St.) M31. FN. Blackberg, Dr. Solon N(athaniel). Med. dir. and dir. res.. Nutrition Res. Labs., 322 S. Michigan Ave.. Chicago, III. M26- F38. N. Blackburn, McMaster S. 332 Encino Ave.. San Antonio, Tex. M32R32. BD. Blackfan, Dr. Kenneth D(aniel). M.D., Albany Med. Col., 05. Prof, pediatrics, Harvard Med. School; chief med. service. Children's Hosp.; med. dir., Infants' Hosp., Boston, Mass. (57 Laurel Road, Brookline, Mass.) M25F31. X. Blackman, Dr. M(aulsby) W(illett). A.M.. Kansas, 02; Ph.D., Harvard, 05. Senior entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology, Washington, D. ('. .\i12E15. I". Blackmer, James L. 111 Penhurst Park, Buffalo. X. Y. M31. DEG. Blackmon, G(ulie) H(argrove). M.S. A.. Florida. 27. Horticulturist and head Dept. Horticulture, Univ. Florida Agric. Exp. Sta., Gainesville, Fla. (332 E. Columbia St.) M28F33. o. Blackwelder, Prof. Eliot. Ph.D., Chicago, 14. Prof, geology, Stanford LTniversit\ . Calif. M06F08. E. Vice president for Sec- tion on Geology and Geograpliy (E), 19 -'0, 276 Directory of Members Blackwelder, Dr. Richard E(liot). Ph.D.. Stanfoid, 34. Asst. curator coleoptera, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, X. Y. M36F39. F. Blackwell. Prof. Ashby C(arlyle). A.M., Randolph-Macon, 10. Vice pres., chair- man Natural Science Div., and prof, chemistry, Morris Harvey Col., Charles- ton, W. Va. (o-A Brookland Court) M35F35. c. Blackwell, C(arl) P(etty). M24F25D37. O. Blackwell, Otto B(ernard). B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 06. Vice pres., Bell Telephone Labs., New York, X. Y. (15 Xorth Drive. Plandome, N. YT.) M27F28. MB. Blackwood, Prof. Oswald H(ance). Ph.D., Chicago, 20. Prof, physics, Univ. Pitts- burgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (251 Lothrop St.) M33F33- B. Blagg, Amy Elizabeth. Hopkins Marine Sta., Pacific Grove. Calif. M36R38. F. Blaha, Dr. Jos. } Zemedelska, Brno. Czech. M37R38. O. Blain, Dr. Alexander W(illiam). M.D., Wayne. 06; M.S., 37. Prof, clinical sur- gery. Wayne Univ.; senior surgeon, Alex- ander Blain Hosp., Detroit, Mich. (2201 Jefferson Ave. F.) M02F06. NQF. Blain, Dr. Walter L. M.A., Illinois, 21 ; Ph.D.. 26. Head Science Dept. and prof, biologv, Southeastern State Col., Durant, Okla. '(1324 W. Elm St.) M.3iF33- FG. Blaine, E(lmer) S(tyner). Kansas City Bridge Co., Baton Rouge, La. M36R.37. M. Blair, Prof. A(ugustine) W(ilberforce). \.M., Harvard. 06. Prof, agric. chemistry. Rutgers Univ.: soil chemist, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, X. J. (202 Lawrence Ave.) M08F18. CO. Blair, F(rancis) W(esley). A.M., Prince- ton 17. Chemical dir., Procter and Gam- ble Co., Ivorydale, Ohio. (Compton Road. Wyoming, Ohio) M36F38. C. Blair, Prof. G(ilbert) Bruce, M.A.. Wash- burn, 04. Assoc, prof, physics and astron- omy, Univ. Nevada, Reno, Nev. ( 1059 Sierra St.) M27F31. BD. Blair, Dr. James S(tuart). A.M.. Kansas, 20; Ph.D., Stanford, 24. Res. chemist, Amer. Can Co., Maywood, 111. M40. C. Blair, Dr. John E(dward). Sc.M., Brown, -•1: 1'b.D.. 23. Bacteriologist, Hosp. Joint Diseases, New York. X. Y. (26 Paulin Blvd., Leonia, X. J.) M24F33. X. Blair, Prof. J(oseph) C(ullen). M.S.A., Iowa State, 06; Sc.D., Wooster Poly- technic Inst., 19. 124 New Agric. Bldg.. LTniv. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M27F31. ( ). Blair, Prof. Julian M(acFarlane). M.A., Vanderbilt. 20; Ph.D., Stanford, 30. 1101 Pennsylvania \ve., Boulder, Colo. M34F34. BC. Blair, Miss Mary C(onstance). Ph.D.. Xorthwestern, 22. Nora, 111. L22. GFO. Blair, Prof. Thomas A(rthur). A.B., Stanford, 04. Senior meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bur.; assoc. prof, meteorology, Univ. Xebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M25F27. B. Blair, Dr. Vilray Papin. A.M., Christian Brothers Col., 94; M.D., Washington Univ., 93. 400 Metropolitan Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. M19F27. N. Blair. Dr. W(illiam) Reid. D.V.Sc. McGill, 02; LL.D., 28. Dir., New York Zool. Park, New York, X. Y. M28F33. F. Blair-Smith, H. M26D33. Blaisdell, Dr. Frank E(llsworth). M.D.. Cooper Med. Col., 89. Stanford Univ. School Med.. San Francisco, Calif. M08- F15. FN. Blaisdell, Dr. James Arnold. Prospect Place, La Jolla, Calif. M13F16R37. Q. Blake, Prof. Anna M(aud). M36D36. FG. Blake, Dr. Charles H(enry). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech.. 29. Asst. prof, zoology, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cam- bridge. Mass. M27F33. F. Blake, Dr. Edwin M(ortimer). Ph.D. Columbia, 93. Drawer A, Pratt Station. Brooklyn, X. Y. M.uP.U- A HI. Blake, E(li) J(udson). M30D35. MBK Blake, Emmet Reid. M.S.. Pittsburgh. 33'. Asst. curator ornithology, Field Mus. Xat- ural History. Chicago, 111. M.v>. FEG. Blake, Dr. Francis G(ilman). M.D.. Har- vard. 13: M.A.. Yale. 21; Sc.D., Dart- mouth. 36. Prof, medicine, Yale Univ.; physician-in-chief, .Yew Haven Hosp., New Haven, Conn. M24F27. X. Blake, Dr. Frederic C(olumbus). Ph.D.. Columbia, 05. Dept. Physics. Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (2107 luka Ave.) M08F08. B. Blake, Dr. Irving H(ill). A.M., Brown, 12; Ph.D., Illinois, 25. Prof, zoology and anatomy, Univ. Xebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (1101 X. 45th St.) M13F32. ¥G. Blake, Dr. John Bapst. Xorth Cuhasset, Mass. M36R36. X. Blake, Dr. John T(wiss). Ph.D.. Massa- chusetts lust. Tech., 24. Dir. chemical res., Simplex Wire and Cable Co., Cam- bridge. Mass. (tjo Woodcliff Road. Xew- iim Highlands, Mass.) M34F34. C. Blake, Dr. Joseph A. M36F36D37: XF. Blake, Miss Sue Avis. A.M., Bryn Mawr, 00. 661 S. Highland Ave., Merion, Da. M29. BAD. Blake, Mrs. Tiffany (Margaret Day). 13m Astor St.. Chicago, 111. M21. Blake, Dr. W. G. u.s 14th Ave., Greeley, Colo. M31R37. X. I NDIVIDUAL MlC.M BERS 277 Blakely, Charles F(rancis). B.S., LL.B., George Washington. 601 19th St. NW., Washington, D. C. M36. Blakeman, Dr. Edward W(illiam). M.A., Wisconsin, 11; D.D., Lawrence, r8. Counselor religious education, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (5 Harvard Place) M38. K. Blaker, Ernest. Ph.D., Cornell, 01. Con- sulting physicist, K. T. Vanderhjlt Co., New York, X. Y. (616 Weber Ave., Akron, Ohio) M38F07. BC. Blakeslee, Dr. Albert F(rancis). A.M., Harvard. 00; Ph.D., 04; Sc.D., San Marcos, 25, Wesleyan, 31. Dir., Dept. Genetics, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. M02F09. GI. Secretary of Section on Botany (G), 1916- /,-/ vice president, 1918. President, 1940. Blakeslee, Major Doraf Wilmot. 121 1 Morningside Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. M18- R33. M. Blakeway, Willard F(rank). M.S., Chi- cago, 40. Instr. chemistry, Mishawaka High School, Mishawaka. Ind. (504 Lin- coln Way W.) M40. CAB. Blakiston, Kenneth M(ackenzie). M04- D37. XQ. Blanchard, Prof. Arthur A(lphonzo). Ph.D., Leipzig, 02. Prof, inorganic chemis- try, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M07F10. C. Secretary of Section on Chemistry (C), 1918. Blanchard, F(rancis) B(ayley). Box 6r, Lodi, Calif. M36R39. MEB. Blanchard, Frank N(elson). M13F23D37. F. Blanchard, Prof. Frederic Thomas. M.A., Yale, 08; Ph.D.. 22. Prof. English, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (1318 Maltman Ave.) M29F31. LQ. Blanchard, Dr. George W(esley). M24- L31D— . EI. Blanchard, Prof. Kenneth C(lark). Ph.D.. Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 29. New York Univ.. Washington Square, New York, X. Y. M34F34. CN. Blanchard, Dr. Phyllis (Mrs. Walter W. Lucasse). A.M., Clark, 18; Ph.D.. 20. Psychologist, Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic; instr., Pennsylvania School Social Work, Philadelphia, Pa. M25F25. I. Blanchard, R(alph) A(rthur). Box 32, Urbana, 111. M2iF33- FQ. Blanchard, Roland. B.A.. Minnesota, 19. Chief geologist. Mt. Isa Mines, Ltd., Mt. Isa, Queensland, Australia. M25L31. MEC. Blanchard, Prof. William Martin. M.A.. Randolph-Macon, 97; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 00. Dean. Col. Liberal Arts and prof, emeritus chemistry, DePauw Univ., Green- castle, Ind. M07F11. C. Blanchet, Louis A. G. McDonogh High School. Xew Orleans, La. M34R35. BAC. Blanchet, Prof. Waldo (Willie) Emerson. M.S., Michigan, 36. Administrative dean, prof, science and head Dept., Fort Valley State Col., Fort Valley, Ga. M36. CBF. Blanck, Dr. Fred(erick) C(onrad). Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins. 07. Res. chemist. Quality Control Dept., II. I. Heinz Co.. Pittsburgh. Pa. M.28F33. C. Bland, Dr. P(ascal) B(rooke). nui Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. M36R37. XLH. Blank, Arthur S(amuel). B.S., Trinity, 29. Chemist, Connecticut State Dept. Health, Hartford, Conn. (28 Milford St.) M31. CB. Blank, Miss Grace J. Chandler Court. Williamsburg, Va. M32R33. FNQ. Blank, Dr. Irvin H(aas). M.Sc, Cincin- nati, 27; Ph.D., 28. Res. fellow dermatol- ogy, Harvard Univ. Med. School, Boston, Mass. (S3 Cushing Ave., Belmont, Mass.) M29. CNB. Blank, Lester M(arion). Div. Plant Pathology, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station, Tex. M29F31R36. GO. Blankenhorn, Dr. M(arion) A(rthur). M.D., Western Reserve, 14; M.A., 20. 6 Rural Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. M28F33. N. Blanton, Dr. Smiley. 125 E. 57th St., Xew York, N. Y. M38R38. KNQ. Blasdale, Dr. Walter C(harles). Ph.D., California, 00. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Cali- fornia. Bc-kelev, Calif. (2514 College Ave.) M01F08. C. Blass, Dr. J. Lewis. 475 5th Ave., Xew York, N. Y. M33R38. NI. Blatchley, W(illis) S(tanley). A.M., In- diana, 91; LL.D., 21. 1558 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. M30F31. F. Blatherwick, Dr. N(orman) R(obert). M.S., Illinois, 12; Ph.D., Yale, 14; Sc.D., Grinnell, 29. Dir. Biochemical Lab.. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., Xew Y'ork, X. Y. M29F33- CN. Blau, Dr. L(udwig) W(ilhelm). M.A., Texas, 26; Ph.D., 29. In charge geophysics and production research, Humble Oil and Refining Co., Houston, Tex. (2027 Colquit Ave.) M28F33. BA. Blaydes, Prof. Glenn W(illiam). M.A.. Ohio State. 26; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, botany, Ohio State LTniv., Columbus. Ohio. M26F33. GOQ. Blayney, Dr. J(ames) R(oy). D.D.S., Northwestern, 13; M.S., Chicago, 28. Dir.. Walter G. Zoller Memorial Dental Clinic, Billings Hosp., Chicago, 111. (5840 Stony Island Ave.) M33F33. Nd. Blayney, Dr. (Thomas) Lindsey. Ph.D., Heidelberg, 04; LL.D., Southwestern, Loyola (Louisiana), 23, Notre Dame, 24, Austin Col., 26. Dean and prof. German, Carleton Col.. Xorthfield, Minn. M24F32. LQK. 278 Directory of Members Blazek, Miss Mary (Rose). M.S., Colum- bia. 33. Assoc, prof, home economics, Alabama Col., Montevallo, Ala. M36. NCQ. Blechman, Elias. M.A., New York, 29. Samuel J. Tilden High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. M31. QN. Bleininger, A(lbert) V(ictor). Sc.D.. Alfred, 33. Chemist, Homer Laughlin China Co., Newell, W. Va. M07F11. C. Bless, Prof. Arthur A(aron). MS., Maine, 20; Ph.D., Cornell, 27. Prof, physics, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M29F33. BAC. Bless, R(obert) H(enry). Waterbury, Md. M36R36. MBC. Blest, C. E. 857 Arlington Ave., Oakland, Calif. M34R34. DBM. Bleyle, George A(lfred). B.S., Tufts, 33. Instr. mechanical engineering, Tufts Col. Engng. School, Tufts College, Mass. (977 South St., Roslindale, Mass.) M40. MQ. Blichfeldt, Prof. H(ans) F(rederik). A.M., Stanford, 97; Ph.D., Leipzig, 98. Prof. emeritus mathematics, Stanford Univer- sity, Calif. (520 W. Crescent Drive, Palo Alto, Calif.) M17F17. A. Blincoe, Dr. Homer (Raymond). M.S., Kansas, 16; M.D., Tulane, 20. Prof, anatomy, Emory Univ. School Med., Emory University, Ga. M26F30. NF. Blinks, Prof. Lawrence R(ogers). A.M., Harvard, 25; Ph.D., 26. Prof, plant phy- siology, Stanford University, Calif. (M29- F3oR35)M4oF3o. GFC. Blinzler, Richard F. in Virgil Ave., Buf- falo, N. Y. M32R34. MB. Blish, Dr. Morris J(oslin). M.A., Nebraska, 13; Ph.D., Minnesota, 15. Principal chemist, Western Regional Res. Lab., U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Albany, Calif. M18F24. CO. Blish, W. G. L84D— . "B. Bliss, Dr. A(llen) D(ouglass). A.M., Har- vard, 28; Ph.D., 34. Instr., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M24F38. C. Bliss, Dr. A(ndrew) Richard, Jr. Phar.D., Columbia, 09; A.M., Howard Col., 12; LL.D., 32; M.D., Alabama, 14. Prof, pharmacology and dean pharmacy, How- ard Col., Birmingham, Ala. (Tutwiler Hotel) M11F22. CGNp. Bliss, Dr. Charles B(emis). West Brook- field, Mass. M00F05R38. IHK. Bliss, Dr. C(hester) I(ttner). M.A., Columbia, 22; Ph.D., 26. Consulting bio- metrician, 413 Columbus Ave., Sandusky, Ohio. M27F33. FNA. Bliss, Cornelius N. LL.D., New York, 37. Room 4000, 1 Wall St., New York, N. Y. L29F40. K. Bliss, Dr. Donald E(verett). M.S., Iowa State, 27 ; Ph.D., 31. Asst. plant pathol- ogist, Univ. California Citrus Exp. Sta., Riverside. Calif. M37F38. G. Bliss, Prof. G(ilbert) A(mes). M.S., Chi- cago, 98; Ph.D., 00; Sc.D., Wisconsin, 35. Prof, mathematics and chairman Dept., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M05L06F07. A. Vice president for Section on Mathe- matics (A), 1930. Bliss, H(oward) H(amilton). M.S., Cali- fornia, 13. Head Dept. Physics, Riverside Junior Col., Riverside, Calif. (5621 Grand Ave.) M27. QBM. Bliss, Dr. Malcolm A(ndrews). M18F33- D34. NKI. Bliss, Prof. Mary C(ampbell). M.A., Wellesley, 04; Ph.D., Radcliffe, 22. Prof, botany, Wellesley Col., Welleslev, Mass. (18 Allen St., Newbury Port, Mass.) M10F31. G. Bliss, Robert Woods. LL.D., Missouri, 33, Syracuse, 34. 3101 R. St. NW., Wash- ington, D. C. L29F40. KIL. Bliss, Dr. Sidney (William). Ph.D., Har- vard, 25. Prof, biochemistry and head Dept., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M30F32. CN. Bliss, Mrs. William H. L07D35. Blitzsten, Dr. N. L(ionel). M.D., Chicago, 16. 20 Cedar St., Chicago, 111. M33. N. Bliven, Joseph E. Box 91, New London, Conn. M36. Blizzard, Dr. A(lpheus) W(esley). M.A., Cornell, 16; Ph.D., Columbia, 23. Res. botanist. Lab. Health and Sanitation, South Carolina Public Service Authority, Moncks Corner, Charleston, S. Car. (1902 W. Home Ave., Hartsville, S. Car.) (M26F27R34)M4oF27. GF. Bloch, Dr. Herman S(amuel). Ph.D.. Chicago, 36. Res. chemist. Universal Oil Products Co., Riverside, 111. (5472 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111.) M40. CBM. Bloch, Dr. Robert Gustav. M.D., Munich, 21. Assoc, prof, medicine, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M30F33. N. Block, D(avid) Julian. M25F31D39. BCM. Block, Dr. Harold. 514 Med. Arts Bldg., Dallas, Tex. M34R35. N. Block, Dr. Isidor. M24D34. B. Block, Dr. Richard J(oseph). Ph.D., Yale, 31. Res. assoc. biochemistry, New York State Psychiatric Inst, and Hosp., New York, N. Y. (Dunleer House, Cooper Road, Scarsdale, N. Y.) M34F34. CN. Block, Dr. Stanley R. Opt.D., Needles Inst. (Kansas City), 21. Box 1004, Waco, Tex. M34. B. Block, Dr. Walter D(avid). Ph.D., Mich- igan, 38. Res. assoc. biological chemistry, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M30. CN. Blocker, Rev. Hubert W(illiam). M.S., Iowa, 27; Ph.D., Michigan, 33. The Abbey Library. St. Benedict's Col., Atchison, Kans. M34. F. I ndividual Mem bers 279 Blodgett, Prof. F(orest) M(ilo). Ph.D.. Cornell, 14. Prof, plant pathology, Cornell Univ.; plant pathologist, Cornell Agric. Exp. Sta.. Ithaca. X. V. M18F23. G. Blodgett, Miss Gertrude. 855 Lexington Ave., New York. X. Y. M39. C. Bloede, Prof. Victor G(ustave). M22F3?- D3-. C. Bloedorn, Dr. Walter A(ndrew). M.D., Creighton, oq ; A.M., George Washington, 16. Prof, medicine and dean, George Washington Univ. School Med.; med. dir.. George Washington Univ. Hosp., Wash- ington, D. C. (4617 Hawthorne Lane) M34F34. N. Blom, Frans. Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M25F31R38. H. Blomgren, Dr. Walter L(awrence). M ;o- D— . X. Blomquist, Prof. H(ugo) L(eander). Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Prof, botany and chairman Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. (922 Demarius St.) M21F25. G. Blondel, Miss Dorothy M(arguerite). A.M., Columbia, 26. Chairman biology, Curtis High School, St. George, Staten Island, N. Y. (640 West End Ave., Xew York, X. Y.) M31. FGE. Blood, Miss Alice F(rances). Ph.D., Yale, 10. Dir. School Home Economics and prof, mathematics, Simmons Col.. Boston, Mass. (9 Arlington St., Newton, Mass.) M29. QNC. Blood, Dr. H(eber) Loran. M.S., Utah State, 28; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 30. Agent, U . S. Bur. Plant Industry; plant pathol- ogist, Utah Agric. Exp. Sta., Logan, Utah. M30F31. GO. Bloodgood, Dr. Joseph Colt. M05F09D35. NIQ. Bloom, Lansing B(artlett). Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, X. Mex. M27R32. K. President of Southwestern Division, 1928. Bloom, Dr. Mortimer C(harles). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 38. Res. chemist, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cam- bridge, Mass. (32 Alden St., Newton Highlands, Mass.) M37. CBE. Bloom, Solomon F. 76 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, X. Y. M33R33. LK. Bloom, Dr. William. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 23. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M27F33. X. Bloomenthal, Dr. Sidney. M.S.. Chicago. 27; Ph.D., 29. Physicist, Chicago Air Pollution Survey. Dept. Public Works. Chicago, 111. (914 Carmen Ave.) M36F38. B. Bloomfield, Leonard. Ph.D., Chicago, 09. Prof. Germanic philology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M23F29. L. Secretary of the Committee on Linguistics (Section L). 1929- 36. Bloor, Dr. W(alter) R(ay). M.A.. Har- vard, 08; Ph.D., 11. Prof, biochemistry and pharmacology and assoc. dean, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry. Rochester, X. Y. (20 Alpine St.) M21F21. \PC. Blossom, Mrs. D. S. (Elizabeth B.). Cedar Road, South Euclid, Ohio. L32. I. Blotner, Dr. Harry. M.D., Tufts, 24; A.M., Harvard, 31. Assoc, medicine, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, Mass. (144 Clark Road, Brookline, Mass.) M40. XC. Blough, Miss Anna E(lizabeth). Manassas, Va. M37R37. AC. Blount, Mrs. Isabel (Westcott) H(arper). M.A.. Smith, 26; Ph.D., Yale, 32. Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Minnesota Med. School, Minneapolis, Minn. (500 Harvard St. SE.» M36. EX. Blount, Dr. Mary P(utnam). Ph.D., Chicago, 08. Teacher retired, Chicago Teachers Col., Chicago, 111. (Bvron, 111.) M13E21. F. Blount, Dr. Raymond F(rank). M.S., Arizona, 26; Ph.D., Yale, 31. Asst. prof, anatomy, Univ. Minnesota Med. School, Minneapolis. Minn (soo Harvard St. SE.) M30F33. FNO. Blucher, Joseph C(ooper). M.Sc, New York, 14. Purchasing agent, Fisher Flouring Mills Co., Seattle, Wash. (522 X. 117th St.) M39. C. Bluhm, Solomon. M.A., Columbia, 15. 245 W. 104th St., New York, N. Y. M37- QKL. Blum, Dr. Harold F(rancis). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 27. Res. fellow, Nat. Cancer Inst., Bethesda, Md. (3000 39th St. NW., Wash- ington, D. C.) M28F33. NFB. Blum, Melvin E. Livermore Sanitarium. Livermore, Calif. M34. DAB. Blum, Dr. Theodor. D.D.S., Pennsylvania, 09; M.D., 11; M.D., Vienna, 12. 101 E. 79th St., New York, N. Y. M17F33. Nd. Blum, Dr. William. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 08. Chemist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Wash- ington, D. C. (215 Elm St., Chew Chase, Md.) M05F11. C. Blumberg, Dr. Harold. Sc.D., Johns Hop- kins, 23. Res. fellow, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hygiene and Public Health, Balti- more, Md., and Nat. Cancer Inst., Wash- ington, D. C. M38. NC. Blumberg, Prof. Henry. A.M., Columbia, 08; Ph.D., Gottingen, 12. Prof, mathe- matics, Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Ohio. (76 E. Blake Ave.) M18F18. A. Blumenfeld, Dr. Charles Morris. M.A., Minnesota, 28; Ph.D., 32; M.D., 34. City Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. M34F36. NF. Blumenstiel, Monroe A. 105 Dake Ave Rochester, X. Y. (?) M22R33. CKM. 28o Directory of Members Blumenthal, David. Owner, Blumenthal Drug Co.; member firm, Medicinal Res. Labs., .Philadelphia, Pa. M40. GJ\C. Blumenthal, Hugo. Care Hallgarten, 44 Pine St., .New York, N. Y. Lib. Blumenthal, Prof. Leonard M (ascot). M.S., Chicago, 24; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Univ. Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. (Frederick Apts.) (M28F33R34)M39F33- A. Blumenthal, Maurice. M26F28D40. MEL. Blumenthal, Reuben. E. R. Squibb and Sons, New Brunswick, N. J. M28R32. F. Blumenthal, Sidney. Chairman, Sidney Blumenthal and Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. (262 Central Park W.) M06. Blumer, Dr. George. M.D., Cooper Med. Col., 91; M.A., Yale, 07. Clinical prof. emeritus medicine, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. (841 Whitney Ave.) M08F11. N. Blumer, J(acob) C(orwin). B.S.A., Iowa State, 01. Private research, Clinton, Minn. M17F31. GEO. Blumer, Mary K. 410 Stuart St., Boston, Mass. (?) M30R32. Blumgart, Dr. Herrman L(udwig). M.D., Harvard, 21. Assoc, prof, medicine, Har- vard Univ., Cambridge; visiting physician and dir. med. res.. Beth Israel Hosp., Boston, Mass. M29F33. NBC. Blumgarten, Dr. A(aron) S. 9 E. 82nd St., New York, N. Y. M29R37. NHI. Blunn, Dr. Cecil T(homas). M.S., Kansas State, 29 ; Ph.D., California, 34. Assoc, animal husbandman, South Western Range and Sheep Breeding Lab., U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Fort Wingate, N. Mex. M39F40. FNO. Blunt, Gilbert M(artirr). Dept. Zoology, State Col. Washington, Pullman, Wash.(?) M32R32. NF. Blunt, Dr. Katharine. Ph.D., Chicago, 07; LL.D., Wesleyan, 36, Mt. Holyoke, 37- Pres., Connecticut Col., New London, Conn. (320 Mohegan Ave.) M07F10L37. C. Bly, J(ohn) M(arius). 1212 St. Olaf Ave., Northfield, Minn. (M3iR34)M36R36. QIF. Boak, Dr. Ruth A. Dept. Radiology, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y. M30R32. N. Boardman, Bradford. 45 E. 66th St., New York, N. Y. M30. Boardman, Harry (Clow). C.E., Illinois, 26. Res. engineer, Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., Chicago. 111. (10357 S. Hoyne Ave.) M28F33. MAB. Boardman, Dr. W(alter) W(hitney). 490 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. Mi4F33R39- N. Boas, Auguste. 1631 Euclid St. NW., Washington, D. C. M29. CN. Boas, Dr. Franz. Ph.D., Kiel, 81 ; M.D., 31 ; LL.D., Clark, 09; Sc.D., Oxford, 12, Graz, 23, Columbia, 29. Prof, emeritus anthropology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (230 Franklin Ave., Grantwood, N. J.) M87F88V37. HL. Vice president for Section on Anthropology and Psychology (H), 1894 and 1907 ; president, 193 1. Boas, Dr. George. A.M., Brown, 13, Har- vard, 15; Ph.D., California, 17. Prof, his- tory of philosophy, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M29. LK. Boatner, Dr. Charlotte H(arriet). Ph.D., Michigan, 36. Asst. prof, chemistry, New- comb Col. and Tulane Univ. Graduate School, New Orleans, La. M39. CBN. Boatright, Robert G(uy). M.S., Oklahoma A. and M. Box 4A, Route 1, Kaw, Okla. M39. CMB. Bobb, Prof. (Thomas) Newton. M.A., Wisconsin, 22. Prof, biology, Northland Col., Ashland, Wis. (1008 2nd Ave. W.) M24F33. F. Bobrovnikoff, Dr. Nicholas T(heodore). Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Assoc, prof, astron- omy, Ohio Wesleyan Univ.; dir. Perkins Observatory, Ohio State Univ., Delaware, Ohio. M29F30. DBA. Bock, Dr. A(rlie) V(ernon). M.D., Har- vard, 15; Ph.D., Cambridge, 39. Prof, hygiene, Harvard Univ., Cambridge; visit- ing physician, Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. M26F33. N. Bock, Dr. Joseph C(arl). Ph.D., Cornell, 16. Prof, biochemistry and dir. Dept., Marquette Univ. School Med., Milwaukee, Wis. M40. N. Bock, Dr. Louis H(amilton). M.S., Illinois, 29; Ph.D., 31. Res. chemist, Rohm and Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (217 Tyson Ave., Glenside, Pa.) M39. CN. Bockius, Miss Doris E. M.S., Illinois. 4520 N. Clarendon Ave., Chicago, 111. M39. CN. Bockstahler, Lester I(rving). M.A., Indiana, 21; Ph.D., Northwestern, 24. Assoc, prof, physics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. (2440 Prospect Ave.) M28F31. B. Bockus, Dr. Henry L(eRoy). M.D., Jef- ferson, 17. Prof, gastroenterology, Univ. Pennsylvania Graduate School Med., Phil- adelphia, Pa. M39. NHF. Bocskey, Stephen Charles. M.S., Notre Dame. 30. 1305 E. Miner St., South Bend, Ind. M31. F. Bodansky, Dr. Aaron. Ph.D., Cornell, 21. 3900 Spuyten Duvvil Parkway, Riverdale, New York, N. Y. (Mi7R32)M36F36. NC. Bodansky, Dr. Meyer. M.A., Texas, 22; Ph.D., Cornell, 23. John Sealy Hosp., Galveston, Tex. M24F32. C. Bodansky, Dr. Oscar. M.A., Columbia, 22; Ph.D., 25; M.D., Chicago, 38. Lecturer biochemistrv, Graduate Div.. Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn. N. Y. (15 Bank St., New Y'ork, N. Y.) M34F34. NC. Individual Members 281 Bode, Francis. Dept. Geology, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M31R36. E. Bode, Dr. Hendrik W(ade). M.A., Ohio State; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Bell Tele- phone Labs., New York, N. Y. (7 W. 16th St.) M39. AMB. Bode, Dr. Mildred J. M.D. 10 Rutland, Shilol St. and Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. M17. N. Bodecker, Dr. Charles F(rancis). D.D.S., Buffalo, 00. Prof, oral histology, Columbia LTniv. School Dental and Oral Surgery, New York, N. Y. M29F38. NdF. Bodemann, Dr. Elsie. Ph.D., Texas. Instr. biology, East Texas State Teachers Col., Commerce, Tex. (1710 Live Oak St.) M38. FG. Bodenberg, Prof. E(mmett) T(heodore). M.Sc, Ohio State, 26; Ph.D., Washington. 28. Prof, biology, Wittenberg Col., Spring- field, Ohio. M28F33. G. Bodenlos, Leonard Joseph. M.S., John Carroll, 37. Res. asst., Franz Theodore Stone Lab., Put-in-Bay, Ohio. M39. FC. Boder, Prof. David P(ablo). 4880 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111. (M32R32)M36F36R37. IHF. Bodian, Dr. David. Ph.D., Chicago, 35; M.D., 37. Res. fellow medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. M38. NF. Bodine, Prof. Joseph Hall. Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 20. Prof, and head Dept. Zoology, LTniv. Iowa, Iowa Citv, Iowa. (318 Ferson St.) M23F24. FNC. Bodman, Prof. G(eoffrey) B(aldwin). M.S., Minnesota, 24; Ph.D., 27. Prof, soil physics, Univ. California; soil physicist, Univ. California Agric. Exp. Sta., Berke- ley, Calif. (1S90 Le Roy Ave.) M24F31. OBC. Bodman, John W(hittlesey). Ch.E., Mis- souri School Mines and Engng., 17. Res. dir., Lever Brothers Co., Cambridge, Mass. (18 Wedgemere Ave., Winchester, Mass.) M25. CME. Bodman, Sister Mary Cecilia. M.S., Iowa, 37. Teacher, Immaculata High School, Chicago, 111. (640 Irving Road) M40. GQ. Boeder, Dr. Paul Anton Kurt. M.A., Pennsylvania, 26; Ph.D., Gottingen, 31. Mathematician, Amer. Optical Co., South- bridge, Mass. M38F38. ABM. Boelter, Miss Muriel (Daphne Diana). A.B., California, 36. Res. fellow bio- chemistrv, LTniv. California, Berkeley, Calif. (2638 Fulton St.) M37. FC. Boesel, Prof. M(arion) W(aterman). A.M., Ohio State, 29; Ph.D., 39. Asst. prof, zoology, Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. M27F33. F. Boeshore, Dr. Irwin. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 20. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M16F31. G. Boettger, Robert. M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 98. Vice pres. and dir., Silk Finish- ing Co. Amer., New York, N. Y.; dir., United Piece Dve Works, Lodi, N. J. L16. MP. Boetticher, Prof. A. W. M.S., Ohio State, 29. Assoc, prof, botany, Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio. (26 W. Mulberry St.) M24F33. GF. Boewe, G(ideon) H(erman). M.S., Illi- nois, 30. Field botanist, Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana, 111. M38F40. GO. Bogard, Prof. A(ugustus). 1075 W. 7th St., Winona, Minn. M23F33R34. AD. Bogart, Ralph. B.S., Missouri. Dept. Ani- mal Husbandry, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M36F40. FNO. Bogen, Dr. Emil. M.D., Cincinnati, 23; M.A., 27. Dir. labs, and res., Los Angeles County Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Olive View, Calif. M29L32F33. NCB. Bogert, C(harles) M(itchill). A.M., Cali- fornia Los Angeles, 36. Asst. curator, Dept. Herpetology, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. (39 E. Hudson Ave., Englewood, N. J.) M40. F. Bogert, Col. Marston T(aylor). LL.D., Clark, 08; R.N.D., Charles (Prague), 28; Sc.D., Columbia, 29. Prof, emeritus or- ganic chemistry, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (1158 5th Ave.) M98F00. C. Boggs, Charles Reid. M18F31D40. MPC. Boggs, Mrs. Emily E(loise Hannum). M.A., Ohio State. 49 St. Nicholas Terrace, New York, N. Y. M36. BMC. Boggs, Dr. Gilbert H(illhouse), Sr. Ph.D., Pennsylvania. 01. Dir. Dept. Chemistry and Chem. Engng., Georgia School Tech., Atlanta, Ga. M07F10. CQ. Boggs, Lawrence (Allen). M.S., Hawaii. Chemist, Pacific Guano and Fertilizer Co., Honolulu, Hawaii. M40. CGO. Boggs, Miss (Nannie) Isabel. A.M., Ran- dolph-Macon, 24. Assoc, prof, physics, Randolph-Macon Woman's Col., Lynch- burg, Va. M29F33. B. Boggs, S(amuel) Whittemore. M.A., Columbia, 24. Geographer, U. S. Dept. State, Washington, D. C. (219 Elm St., Chevy Chase, Md.) (M26F3iR3S)M38F3i. E. Boggs, Dr. Thomas R(ichmond). M24- F33D38. N. Bogin, Dr. Maxwell. M.D., Yale, 26. Pediatrician, City Dispensary. Bridgeport, Conn. (94 Alpine Ave.) M35F35. N. Bogusch, Edwin R(obert). M.A., Texas, 28. Head Science Dept., Cuero School System, Cuero, Tex. (209 Avant Ave., San Antonio, Tex.) M39. GEO. Bohan, Dr. John E(mlin). West Vir- ginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M29- F32R32. QI. 282 Directory of Members Bohart, Dr. Richard M(itchell). Ph.D., California, 38. Instr. entomology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M40. F. Bohlen, Miss Anne C(atherine). A.B.. Nebraska. Teacher, Norfolk Public Schools. Norfolk. Nebr. (1005 Norfolk Ave.) M38. GQ. Bohlin, Dr. Howard Grenville. M. A., Columbia. 25; Ph.D., New York, 35. Assoc, prof., Citv Col.. New York, N. Y. (43 W. 93rd St.) M32. ME. Bohm, Harry R. c/o Mr. Antonelli, 52 Franklin Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M31R3.2. CFG. Bohmert, Miss Margaret Theresa. B.A.. New Rochelle, 38. Graduate asst., Ford- ham Univ., New York, N. Y. (326 Carroll Ave.. Mamaroneck, N. YT.) M39. FG. Bohn, Dr. J(acob) Lloyd. Ph.D., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech.. 28. Assoc, prof, physics. Temple Univ., Philadelphia, Pa. M28F33- B. Bohnenblust, Prof. (Henri) Frederic. Ph.D., Princeton, 31. Assoc, prof., Prince- ton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M40. A. Bohrer, Dr. E. Claude. West Plains, Mo. M38R38. NIH. Bohstedt, Dr. G(ustav). M.S., Wisconsin, 16: Ph.D.. 25. Prof, animal and dairy husbandry. Univ. Wisconsin Col. Agric, Madison, Wis. M29F31. OF. Boileau, Willard E. Box 446, Bath, N. Y. M22R33. MBD. Boillot, B. F. Box C, Jefferson Citv. Mo. M31R32. F. Bois, Dr. J(oseph) S(amuel) A(nselme). M.A., McGill, 34: Ph.D., 36. Pres., Psy- chological Inst., Montreal, Que., Canada. M38. I. Boissevain, Dr. Charles H. M.D., Amster- dam. 19. Lab. dir., Colorado Foundation Res. Tuberculosis, Colorado Col., Colorado Springs, Colo. M30F38. NCG. Bojar, Samuel. M.A.. Rochester, 37. Stu- dent, Johns Hopkins School Med., Balti- more, Md. (51 Westford Road, Providence. R. 1.) M39. NI. Bold, Prof. Harold C(harles). M.S., Ver- mont, 31 ; Ph.D.. Columbia, 33. Visiting lecturer, Dept. Botany, Barnard Col., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M39- F40. G. Boldt, Dr. H(ermann) J(ohannes). M.D., New York, 79. Prof, emeritus gynecology. Columbia Univ. Post Graduate Med. School, New York, N. V. (White Plains. N. Y.) M28F33. N. Bolduc, Dr. Antonio. M.D., Montreal, 24. Supt., Div. Labs., City Dept. Health, Montreal, Que., Canada. M32. CN. Boldyreff, Prof. Alexander W(illiam). Ph.D.. Michigan, 30. Assoc, prof, mathe- matics. Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. (2309 E. 5th St.) M34F34- ACB. Boldyreff, Ephraim B(asil). Pavlov Phy- siological Inst., Battle Creek Sanatorium. Battle Creek, Mich. M28R32. NFC. Bole, Mrs. B. P. Lake Shore Blvd., Cleve- land, Ohio. M24L30. FGE. Bole. B(enjamin) P(atterson), Jr. A.M.. Western Reserve, 36. Asst. charge Dept. Mammalogy, Cleveland Mus. Natural His- tory; asst. sec. and treas., Hollenden Hotel Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (1712 Sheridan Road, South Euclid, Ohio) M38. FGE. Bolen, Dr. Homer R(oscoe). M.A.. In- diana, 25; Ph.D., Texas, 33. Prof, biology, Southeast Missouri State Teachers Col., Cape Girardeau, Mo. (1400 New Madrid St.) M32. F. Bolender, Prof. Edward L. M.S., Wis- consin, 27. Prof, biology. State Teachers Col.. Superior, Wis. (02 Maple Ave.) M30. FG. Bolger, H(enry) J(oseph). M.A., Catholic. Dept. Physics, Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, hid. M38F40. B. Boliek, Dr. (Mildred) Irene. M.A., North Carolina, 33; Ph.D., 36. Instr. zoology. Florida State Col. Women, Tallahassee. Fla. M39. FG. Bolin, Dr. Zera Exley. D.Phar.. Philadel- phia Col. Pharmacy. 00; M.D., Jefferson, 14. 262 Santa Paula St.. San Francisco. Calif. Mi 7. NpCL. Boling, Dr. John L(andrum). Ph.D.. Brown, 39. Res. asst. neuro-auatomy, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M40. F. Boling, Dr. Leroy R(obb). M.S., Wash- ington Univ., 30; Ph.D.. 35. Asst. prof, anatomy and registrar, Washington Univ. School "Dentistry. St. Louis, Mo. M39. NF. Bolley, Dr. Henry L(uke). M.S., Purdue. 89; D.Sc. 38; Dr. Agric, 39. Dean biology. North Dakota Agric. Col.; botanist and plant pathologist, North Dakota Agric. Exp. Sta., Fargo, N. Dak. (389 8th Ave. S.) M90F92E39. G. Boiling, Miss Diana. B.S., Sarah Lawrence Col. Res. fellow. New York Psychiatric Inst., New York, N. Y. M30. CDF. Boiling, Dr. George Melville. 777 Frank- lin Ave., Columbus, Ohio. M28F30R39. L. Vice president for Section on Historical and Philological Sciences (I.), iqj8. Bollinger, Prof. C(lyde) J(ohn). M.S. Chicago, hi. Univ. Oklahoma. Norman, Okla. M27F31. F.. Bollinger, G(iles) M(allalieu). M25F32- D— . C. Bolton, Miss Euri Belle. M.A.. George Peabody, 24; Ph.D., 30. Prof, education and psychology, Georgia State Col. Women, Milledgeville, Ga. M28F33- I. Bolton, Frank L(eonard). B.S., Michigan, 09. Pres.. Cauyga Pock Salt Co.. Inc., Myers, X. Y. (Box 586, Ithaca, X. Y.) M25. M. 1 ndividual Mem bers 2S3 Bolton. Dr. Frederick E(lmer). M.S., Wisconsin. 96; Ph.D., (.'lark. 98. Prof, education and dean emeritus, Univ. Washington School Education, Seattle. Wash. M25F15. QI. Bolton. Dr. Lloyd L(awrence). M.A., British Columbia, 24; Ph.D., Cornell. 32. Prof, biology, Univ. Santa Clara. Santa Clara, Calif. (1059 Carolyn Ave., San Jose. Calif.) M39. FGN. Bolton, Reginald Pelham. Pies, and chair- man Hoard Dir., R. P. Bolton Electric Meter Corp., New York, X. Y. (638 \V. 158th St.) M18F28. M. Bolton, Dr. Thaddeus L(incoln). Ph.D., Clark, 114. Prof, emeritus psychology, Temple Univ., Philadelphia. Pa. (23 Wayne Ave., Xarberth, Pa.) M01F01. HI. Bomar, Dr. Willie Melmoth. 423 W. 120th St., New York. X. Y. M32R33. XKQ. Bomberger, Dr. F(ranklin) B(yers). Col- lege Park. Md. M25R34. KIO. Bomhard, Dr. Miriam L(ucile). Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 26. Assoc, forest ecologist. U. S. Forest Service. Washington, D. C. M2SF39. (i. Bonander, (Gustav) Orvar. M.E., Orebro (Sweden), jo. Designer, L. C. Smith and Corona Typewriters, Inc., Chicago, 111. 14S44 Henderson St.) M30. M. Bonar, Dr. Lee. M.A., Michigan, jo; Ph.D., 22. Assoc, prof, botany, Univ. Cali- fornia. Berkeley, Calif. M24F25. G. Bonazzi. Prof. Augusto. Estacion Experi- mental de Agricultura, Direccion Tecnica, Ministero de Agricultura, Caracas, Vene- zuela. S. A. M25. GCO. Bond, Dr. Austin D(emell). A.M., Colum- bia, jo; Ph.D., 40. c/o I. S. Redwav. Adams, X. Y. M32F33. FQ. Bond, Donald S(pencer). S.M., Chicago, 31. Res. physicist, RCA Mfg. Co., Camden, X. J. (6531 Harvard Ave., Chi- cago, 111.) M29F40. B. Bond, Dr. Eva. Ph.D., Columbia. 901 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. M39. IQ. Bond, Lt. Col. Francis M(arvin). 581 1 Pimlic.i Road, Mt. Washington. Haiti- more, Md. M08F25. M. Bond. Fred C(hester). M.Sc, Colorado School Mines, 26. Metallurgist, A His- Chalmers Mfg. Co.. West Allis, Wis. (164s S. 80th St.) M39. DBA. Bond, Frederic Drew. Winsted, Conn M25F27. KB. Bond, George Meade. M84F85D3S. M. Secretary of Section on Engineering ([)), 1 XX 7. Bond, Glenn C. 1135 Maine St., Lawrence, K.'iiis. M36R36. X. Bond, Prof. H. D. Salem Col.. Salem, W. Va. (M3iR33)M36R37- EG Bond, Prof. Helen Judy (Mrs. Perry Avery Bond). I'll. I)., Columbia, jo. Head Dept. Household Arts and Sciences. Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York. \. Y. (525 W. 120th St.) M34. IK- Bond, Prof. Otto F(erdinand). M.A., Ohio State, 12. Prof, teaching French and chairman French and Spanish in College, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M40. Q. Bond, Mrs. Perry A(very) (See Mrs. Helen Judy Bond ) . Bond, Prof. Perry A(very). M.S., Iowa, 08; Ph.D., 15. Assoc, prof, inorganic chemistry. Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M1SF33.V. Bond, Miss Ray. M.A., Columbia, 24. 42 Mead St., New Canaan, Conn. M25. CB. Bond, Dr. Richard M(arshall). Ph.D.. Yale. 32. Regional biologist, I'. S. Soil Conservation Service, Berkeley, Calif. (A608 Chabot Road, Oakland, Calf.) M18. FGE. Bond, Dr. W. R. 418 E. Main St.. Rich- mond, Va. M33F33R38. X. Bonde, Reiner. M.S., Maine, 26; Ph.D., Minnesota, 38. Assoc, plant pathologist, Maine Agric. Exp. Sta., Orono, Maine. M26F31. GO. Bondurant, Donald C. B.S., Missouri, 30. Hydrology chief, U. S. Engineers Office, Caddoa, Colo. (000 S. 7th St., Lamar, Colo. » M40. MB. Bondurant, Dr. Eugene DuB(ose). 166 Conti St., Mobile, Ala. M04F09R35. X. Boner, Dr. C(harles) P(aul). M.A.. Texas, jj ; Ph.D., 29. Prof, physics, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M29F33. B. Bonestell, Aileen E. 1336 Trestle Glen Road, Oakland, Calif. M35R35. F. Bonine, Charles E(dward). Consulting engineer, Land Title Bldg., Broad and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. M17F31. ME. Bonine, Prof. C(hesleigh) A(rthur). Dept. Geology, Pennsylvania State Col., State College", Pa. M34F34R34. E. Bonisteel, Prof. W(illiam) J(ohn). M.A.. Columbia, 27; Ph.D.. 39. Prof, botany, Fordham Univ., Xew York, X. Y. (153 Hrite Ave.. Scarsdale, X. Y.) M29F33. GNO. Bonn, George S(chlegel). M.S., Ohio State, 36. Res. engineer, City Water, Light ami Power Dept., Springfield, 111. M40. CM. Bonn, Norman E(ugene). B.S., Pittsburgh. 10. Dir. res., Rubicon Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. (6971 Cedar Park Ave.) M39. BMC. Bonnar, William. 8 W. Erie St., Chicago. 111. M21R32. 1. Bonnell, Clarence. Asst. principal, Town- ship High School, Harrisburg, 111. M20F25. FGN. 284 Directory of Members Bonner, Dr. C(larence) A(lden). Danvers State Hosp., Hathorne, Mass. M32R36. N. Bonner, Hubert. A.M., Ohio State, 25, Harvard, 29. Instr. sociology, Univ. Col., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111.; lecturer sociology, Indiana Univ. Extension Div., Fort Wayne, Ind. (61 51 S. Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111.) M37. KI. Bonner, Dr. T(om) W(ilkerson). M.A., Rice, 32; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, physics, Rice Inst., Houston, Tex. M35F38. BA. Bonnet, Dr. Frederic. M.S., Harvard, 02; Ph.D., 03. Chemist and dir., Textile Res. and Standards Lab., Amer. Viscose Corp., Marcus Hook, Pa. (9 Du Pont St., Ridlev Park, Pa.) M03F06. C. Bonnett, Alfred (Augest). Electrical en- gineer, Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Co., Juneau, Alaska. (Box 1006, Douglas, Alaska) M32. MED. Bonnett, Sister Jeanne Marie. M.A., Minnesota; Ph.D., Louvain. Educational dir., Col. St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minn. M36. IQ. Bonnett, Louis B(lake). M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 89. 310 W. Jersey St., Eliza- beth, N. J. M21. BM. Bonney, Merl (Edwin). M.A., Stanford; Ph.D., Columbia. Assoc, prof, education, North Texas State Teachers Col., Denton, Tex. (1707 W. Oak St.) M40. IQ. Bonnier, Prof. Gert. Ph.D., Stockholm, 24. Prof, genetics, Univ. Stockholm, Stock- holm: dir. Animal Breeding Inst., Wiad, Eldtomta, Sweden. M35. FGO. Bontrager, Dr. O(ra) Ray. M.A., Iowa, 30; Ph.D., 33. Asst. dir. teacher training and dir. Reading Clinic, State Teachers Col., California, Pa. (825 4th St.) M40. QIA. Boodin, Prof. John Elof. A.M., Brown, 96; Ph.D., Harvard, 99. Prof, emeritus philosophy, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (Universitv Club) M17. I. Boogher, John. Mt. Pleasant, Havre de Grace, Md. M37R39. KIA. Booher, Miss Lela E(vangeline). M.Sc, Iowa, 22; Ph.D., Columbia, 28. Chief, Foods and Nutrition Div., U. S. Bur. Home Economics, Washington, D. C. (3700 Massachusetts Ave. NW.) M33F33. C. Book, Dr. R. D. M34D37. NF. Book, Prof. William F(rederick). Ph.D., Clark, 06. 504 N. Fess Ave., Bloomington, Ind. M24F25. I. Bookhout, Dr. Cazlyn G. M.A., Syracuse, 29; Ph.D., Duke, 34. Instr. zoology, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M31. F. Bookman, Dr. Arthur. M.D., Columbia, 01. 25 E. 77th St., New York, N. Y. M17. N. Bookman, Dr. Samuel. M.A., Ph.D., Ber- lin, 95. Consulting chemist, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. (624 Madison Ave.) M98F00. CN. Boomhour, Miss Elizabeth G(regory). M.A., Cornell, 32. Instr. biology, Mere- dith Col., Raleigh, N. Car. (3402 Hills- boro Road) M39. GQ. Boomhour, J(oshua) Gregory. A.M., Chi- cago, 07. Dean, Meredith Col., Raleigh, N. Car. (M34F34R34)M38F34. B. Boon, Prof. John Daniel. Methodist Univ., Dallas, Tex. Moi. BD. Boor, Dr. Alden K(inney). M.A., John B. Stetson, 22; S.M., Chicago, 23; Ph.D., Illinois, 30. Asst. prof, biochemistry, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M22F25. CN. Boord, Prof. Cecil E(rnest). M.A., Ohio State, 06; Ph.D., 12. Prof, chemistry, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (220 15th Ave.) (Mi7F25R33)M4oF25. C. Booth, Dr. Cecil O. 947 La Clair St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35R38. N. Booth, Prof. Harold S(immons). A.M., Western Reserve, 16; Ph.D., Cornell, 19. Prof, chemistry, Western Reserve Univ..; head div. science and mathematics, Cleve- land Col., Western Reserve Univ., Cleve- land, Ohio. (1494 Rvdalmount Road, Cleveland Heights) M28F32. C. Booth, Dr. Robert Lippincott. V.M.D., Pennsylvania, 35. Veterinarian, Middle- burg, Va. M38. NO. Booth, W. E. M.S., Oklahoma. Instr. botanv. Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M40. G. Booth, W. Edwin. 824 Elm Ave., Norman, Okla. (?) M32R32. FG. Boothby, Dr. Walter M(eredith). M.D., Harvard, 06; A.M., 07. Head section clini- cal metabolism, Mayo Clinic; prof. exp. metabolism, Mayo Foundation, Univ. Minnesota, Rochester, Minn. (703 10th Ave. NW.) M40. NC. Boothroyd, R(aymond) A(tkinson). Yee Tsoong Tobacco Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China. M36R36. GCO. Boothroyd, Prof. S(amuel) L(atimer). M.S., Colorado State, 04. Prof, astronomy. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (Warley Place, Route 2) M13F16. DB. Boots, Dr. John Leslie. Severance Hosp., Seoul, Korea. M33R37. N. Borchardt, L(ester) F(erdinand). B.E.E., Minnesota, 29. Res. physicist, Gen. Mills Inc., Res. Labs.. Minneapolis, Minn. (5508 15th Ave. S.) M40F40. BCM. Borchelt, T(homas) C(harles). Standard Brands, Inc., Pekin, 111. M38R38. MPB. Borcherdt, W. O. M36D39. MCE. Borden, Miss Lydia Prichett. 1809 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mn. GF. Individual Members 285 Bordley, Dr. James, III. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Assoc, prof, medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ.; assoc. physician, Johns Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore, Md. (no W. Univ. Parkway) M34F34. N. Borell, Adrey E(dwin). U. S. Soil Con- servation Service, Albuquerque, N. Mex. M38R38. FG. Boreman, Prof. Robert W(ells). M.E.E.E., Ohio State, 12; M.S., 18. Asst. prof. physics, Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. (5723 Howe St.) M18F33. BMC. Borg, Henry L. 28 Cotton St., Newton Center, Mass. M30. Borg, Sidney C. M28D34. Borgia, Sister M. (See Sister M. Borgia Clarke). Borgstrom, Parry. M.S., California, 16; Ph.D., 19. Naval Res. Lab., Anacostia, Washington, D. C. M25F33. CO. Boring, Miss Alice M(iddleton). M.A., Bryn Mawr, 05; Ph.D., 10. Prof, biology, Yenching Univ., Peiping, China. M09- F13. F. Boring, Mrs. Edwin G. (Lucy Day). Ph.D., Cornell, 12. 21 Bowdoin St., Cambridge, Mass. M09F25. I. Boring, Prof. Edwin G(arrigues). M.A., Cornell, 12; Ph.D., 14. Prof, psychology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M11F15. I. Vice president for Section on Psychology (I), 1930. Borland, Prof. Andrew A(llen). M.S., Wisconsin, 10. Head Dairy Husbandry Dept., Pennsylvania State Col., State Col- lege, Pa. M34F34. O. Borman, Earle K. 150 Whitman Ave., West Hartford, Conn. M34F34R36. N. Borover, Irwin. 3408 E. 119th St., Cleve- land, Ohio. M35R35. C. Borovitch, Boris Ossipovitch. Post Books, 339. Kharkof, 31, Ukraine, U.S.S.R. (?) M33R35. INQ. Borrego, (Garcia) Edward C. Ebano, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. M34R34. MDG. Borror, Dr. Donald J(oyce). M.S., Ohio State, 30; Ph.D., 35. Instr. zoology and ornithology. Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M29F39. F. Borst, Prof. Harold L. Dept. Farm Crops, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M29- F31R33. OGE. Borthwick, Dr. H(arry) A(lfred). Davis, Calif. M32R32. GO. Bortner, Charles Eugene. M.S.. Kentucky, 33. Asst. agronomist, Kentucky Agric. Exp. Sta., Lexinerton, Ky. (703 S. Lime- stone St.) M36. O. Boschke, Guy. Apartado 6, Colima, Col., Mexico. M36. M. Boschma, Dr. H(ilbrand). Ph.D., Amster- dam, 20. Rijsamuseum van Natuurlijke Historic Leiden, Holland. M27F32. F. Bosee, Dr. Roland A. Ch.D., Valparaiso, 37. Dir. labs., Endo Products, Inc., Rich- mond Hill, N. Y. (54 Greenwich St., Hempstead, N. Y.) M36. CN. Boshnakian, Dr. Sarkis. Bayville, N. Y. M31R33. EGO. Bosma, Miss Nelly J(eanette). M.A., Michigan, 27; Ph.D., 31. Teacher biology, Wright Junior Col., Chicago, 111. (3335 Diversey St.) (M3iR34)M40. F. Boss, Dr. Andrew. D.Sc, Kansas State, 27. Prof, emeritus agric. and farm man- agement, Univ. Minnesota Col. Agric, St. Paul, Minn. (1443 Raymond Ave.) Mio- F16. OKQ. Boss, Benjamin. Dudley Observatory, Al- bany, N. Y. M20F21. D. Boss, Prof. William. Prof, emeritus, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis; pres., Specialty Mfg. Co., and Boss Engng. Co., St. Paul, Minn. M30F33. BCM. Bosshard, Dr. H(einrich) M(orant). Ph.D., Zurich, 19; Ed.M., Harvard, 21. Assoc, prof. German, Clark Univ., Wor- cester, Mass. (9S2 Main St., Leicester, Mass.) M34F34. LQI. Bostian, Dr. C(arey) H(oyt). M.S., Pitts- burgh, 30; Ph.D., 33. Assoc, prof, zoology, North Carolina State Col. ; poultry gene- ticist. North Carolina Agric. Exp. Sta., Raleigh, N. Car. M32F33. FG. Bostwick, Lee G(ordon). B.S., Vermont. Member technical staff. Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (22 Orchard Road, Chatham, N. J.) M29F40. BD. Boswell, Prof. Foster P(artridge). A.M., Harvard. 02; Ph.D., 04. Prof, philosophy and psychologv, Hobart Col., Geneva, N. Y. (859 S. Main St.) M10L25F28. HI. Boswell, Dr. Maitland C(rease). A.M., Harvard, 06; M.A., Toronto, 07; Ph.D., 08. Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M08F15. C. Boswell, Victor R(ickman). M.S., Mary- land, 23; Ph.D., 26. Principal horticul- turist. U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. (435 Calvert St., Hyattsville. Md.) M40F40. O. Bosworth, Alfred W(illson). A.M., Har- vard, 13. Asst. prof., Ohio State Univ., Columbus; consulting chemist, Route 4, Circleville, Ohio. M13F15. CN. Bosworth, Millard W(ilb'am). M.A.. Wes- leyan, 35. Teacher sciences. Brirlfton Acad., North Bridgton, Maine. M39. CFN. Bothwell, Lindley Fowler. Rancho Rin- conada Labs., Canoga Park, Calif. M38- R39. OCE. 286 Directory of Members Botkin, Prof. C(layton) W(infield). A.M., Wisconsin, 12. Head Dept. Chemistry, New Mexico Col. A. and M., State College. N. Mex. M33F33. CE. Botset, Holbrook G. U.S., Purdue, 22. Physicist, Gulf Res. and Development Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Waldheim Road, Fox Chapel) M3SF3S- BC. Botsford, Dr. E(mily) Frances. M.A.. Yale, 22 : Ph.D., 2$. Asst. prof, zoology. Connecticut Col., New London, Conn. M25F33. FN. Bott, Prof. Edward A(lexander). Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Out., Canada. M21F21- R32. I. Vice president for Section on Psy- chology (I), 192 1. Bottom, Prof. Curtis (Hobbs). M.A., Northwestern. Asst. prof, biology, Centre Col., Danville, Ky. M40. F. Bottum, Miss Frances R(anney). M.A., George Peabody, 26. Assoc, prof, biology, George Peabodv Col. Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. M28F33. G. Botwinick, Dr. Irving H(ershel). V.M.D.. Pennsylvania. Woodbine. N. J. M39. NOF. Boucek, Dr. Anthony J. M.D., Pittsburgh, 90. 622 Chestnut St., North Side Sta.. Pittsburgh, Pa. M02. N. Bouchard, Prof. Harry. B.C.E., Michigan, 11. Assoc, prof, geodesy and surveying, Univ. Michigan. Ann Arbor. Mich. (1111 Woodlawn Ave.) M38. M. Boucher, Dr. Paul E(dward). M.A.. Rice, 21 ; Ph.D., 28. Prof, physics, Colorado Col., Colorado Springs, Colo. (2312 N. Cascade) M35F35. B. Boucher. Dr. Robert V(aughan). A.M.. Missouri, 29; Ph.D., 33. Assoc, prof, agric. and biological chemistry, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (251 Irvin Ave.) M35F40. CON. Boud, Frank L. C.E., Northwestern Archi- tectural and Engng. Col., 02. Principal engng. draftsman, District Engineer's Of- fice, U. S. Farm Security- Administration, Montgomery, Ala. (132 Catoma St.) M30. M. Boudin, Dr. Anna P. ^53 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. M33R*33- N. Boudreaux, Miss Lucille Grace. M.S.. Louisiana State, 36. Asst. Dept. Chemistry, Mississippi State Col. Women, Columbus, Miss. (Scott, La.) M39. CNB. Boughton, Dr. Donald C(larke). M.S.. Minnesota, 28; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Assoc. protozoologist. Regional Lab., U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Auburn, Ala. M29F33. FN. Boughton, Willis A(rnold). A.M., Har- vard, 19. Asst. Dir. Chemical Labs., Har- vard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M29F33. C. Boulos, Zakhari. Abu Kerkas Pharmacy, Abu Kerkas, Egypt. M35R35. CN. Boulton, (Wolfrid) Rudyerd, Jr. B.S., Pittsburgh. Field Mus., Chicago, 111. M37F38. FGE. Bouquet, Rev. Francis L(ester). 21 11 Spencer St., Omaha, Nebr. M32R34. K. Bourland, Dr. L(angford) T(odd). Ph.D.. Illinois. 30. Radio engineer (contract), Naval Res. Lab., Anacostia, D. C. M39- F40. BM. Bourn, Dr. Janet M(acfarlane). Ph.D., Chicago, 28. Senior bacteriologist, Michi- gan Dept. Health, Lansing, Mich. (1329 W. Grand River Ave., East Lansing, Mich.) (M28F33R34)M39F33. NC. Bourn, W(arren) S(cudder). Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers, N. Y. M27F31R35. G. Bourne, Prof. Arthur I. 12 E. Pleasant St., Amherst, Mass. M34F34R35. F. Bourne, Dr. Wesley. M.D.,C.M., McGill, 1 1 ; M.Sc, 24. Lecturer anesthesia, McGill Univ.; consulting anesthetist. Royal Vic- toria Hosp. and Montreal Gen. Hosp.: anesthetist, St. Mary's Hosp., Montreal. Que., Canada. {^2 Holton Ave., West- mount) M24F33. N. Bourque, Dr. Joseph E(dward), Jr. M.S., New Hampshire, 30; Ph.D., Cornell, 39. Instr. zoology, Loyola Univ. South, New Orleans, La. (743 Main St., Johnson City, N. Y.) M40. FNH. Bousfield, J. H. A(lfred). M17D37. M. Bousfield, Dr. Weston Ashmore. A.M., Boston, 28; A.M., Harvard, 32; Ph.D.. 33. Asst. prof, psychology, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. M36F40. IN. Bouslog, Dr. John S(amuel). M.D., Colo- rado, 16. Asst. prof, radiology, Univ. Colorado School Med., Denver, Colo. (6210 E. 17th Ave.) M32. X. Bousman, H(enry) W(oodford). B.S., Michigan, 24. Development engineer, Gen. Electric Co., Schenectadv, X. Y. (219 Alexander Ave., Scotia, N. Y.) M28. M. Bouthilet, Miss Lorraine. B.A.. Minne- sota. 1555 Fairmount Ave.. St. Paul. Minn. M38. INF. Boutwell, John M(ason). S.M., Harvard, no. Continental Nat. Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah. M07F05. EM. Boutwell, Prof. Paul W(inslow). M.A.. Wisconsin, 12; Ph.D., 16. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Beloit Col., Beloit, Wis. (1875 Riverside Drive) M18F25. C. Bovard, Dr. John F(reeman). Ph.D., California, 16. Prof, physical education and chairman Dept.; dir. Men's Gym- nasium, Univ. California Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Calif. M07F12. FI. Bovarnick, Dr. Max. M.D.. Harvard' Ph.D., Columbia. 8so W. 176th St., New York, X. V. M40. NC. Individual Members 287 Boveri, Mrs. Marcella. 700 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn. M33. F. Bovey, William H(oward). B.S., Massa- chusetts lust. Tech.. 94. 567 Chamber Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. M34- D> Boving. Dr. Adam Giede. U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. MisFisR39- F. Bowden, Prof. D(aniel) J(oseph). Ph.D.. Yale, 37. Chairman Dept. Philosophy and Religion, Elon College, X. Car. M38. II IK. Bowden, Garfield A(rthur). B.S., Chicago. 13. Mgr. Household and Chemical Divs., A. S. Bovle Co. and Midway Chemical Co., Jersey Citv, N. J. (257 Cornelison Ave.) M24. CBI. Bowdle, Dr. Ralph A(lvin). M.D., Medical Col. Ohio, 00. Chief surgeon. Nevada Consolidated Copper Corp., McGill, Nevada, Nevada Northern Ry. Co. and Steptoe Valley Hosp., East Ely, Nevada. M22. X. Bowen, Miss Anna Cara Cornelia. A.B., Cornell. 210 E. Main St., Batavia, N. Y. M14. IQD. Bowen, Charles F(ranklin). M.S., Wis- consin, 03. 255 1st Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. (.124 Kerr Aprs., Waikiki, Honolulu. Hawaii) M34F34. E. Bowen, Charles H(olbert). Antimite Co., \rcade Bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. M3SR3S- ECO. Bowen, Dr. Norman L(evi). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech.; Sc.D., Harvard. Prof, petrology, Univ. Chicago. Chicago, 111. M38. EC. Bowen, Prof. (Rufus) Earl. A.M., Har- vard 29; Ph.D.. 31- Prof, biology and head Dept., Gettysburg Col., Gettysburg, Pa. (34 E. Lincoln Ave.) M33- F. Bowen, Sherman W. Box 405. Route 1. Robertson, Mo. M3SR38. BM. Bowen, W(ilfrid) Wedgwood. B.A., Cambridge, 21. Curator Mus. and asst. prof., Dept. Biology. Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. M34F34. F. Bowen, William Spencer. 720 Highland Ave.. Westfield. N. J. M36R38. MO. Bower, Mrs. Eleanor Cornell (Mrs. Ernest Ziegler Bower, Jr.). M.A., Smith, 38. Teacher Hartridge School, Plainnekl. \. J. M40. NFC. Bower, Miss Elizabeth B. M.S.. Penn- sylvania State, 12. Head Dept. Chemistry. Hood Col., Frederick, Md. M24. C. Bower, Dr. E(rnest) C(lare). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 31. Lecturer astronomy. Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles, Calif. L27F27. D. Bower, Miss Estelle Naomi. 21 15 3rd Ave., Altoona, Pa. M40. NA. Bower, Dr. John O. M.D.. Medico- Chirurgical Col. 2008 Walnut St., 1 hila- delphia. Pa. M37- N. Bower, Miss Julia Wells. A.M., Syracuse, 26; Ph.D., Chicago, 33. Asst. prof, mathe- matics, Connecticut Col., New London, Conn. (642 X. jrd St., Reading. Pa.) M28F38. A. Bower, Dr. Raymond E. M.D., Rush, 01. Health commissioner, Chillicothe and Ross Counties, Chillicothe, Ohio. (65 E. 2nd St.) M33. N. Bower, R(aymond) G(ladstone). Bur- rough Adding Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. M25. M. Bower, Prof. William Clayton. A.M., Columbia, 10; LL.D., Transylvania, 35. Prof, religious education and chairman Field Practical Christianity, Univ. Chi- cago Divinity School. Chicago, 111. M3!- F32. QIK. Bowerman, Miss Mary L(eolin). Ph.D., California, 36. Univ. California Herbarium, Berkeley, Calif. M32. < i. Bowers, Chester S. isi Fairfield Ave., Hartford, Conn. M35R36. NO. Bowers, Dr. Clement G(ray). M.S., Cor- nell, 25; Ph.D., Columbia, 30. Private plant breeder and horticulturist, technical consultant, Maine, N. Y. (203 Main St., Binghamton, N. Y.) M25F33. GO. Bowers, Dr. Harold E. Ph.D., Chicago, 31. Res. chemist, Libbey-Ovvens-Ford Glass Co.. Toledo, Ohio. (3645 Woodmont Road) M40. CBA. Bowers, Henry L. 31 N. Eastfield Ave., Trenton. N. J. M29R32. FGH. Bowers, Miss Norah K(athleen). M.A., Toronto, 37. Psychologist, Ontario Hosp., Hamilton, Out., Canada. (32s Tames St. S.) M39. I. Bowers, Lt. Comdr. R(alph) W(aldo). U. S. Navy, U.S.S. Sirius, c/o Post- master, New York, N. Y. M35. MBL Bowers, Dr. W. G. 1001 12th St., Greeley. Colo. M34F34R36. C. Bowers, Dr. Walter P. Clinton, Mass. M36R39- N. Bowers, Mrs. William C. Alabama Hotel, Winter Park, Fla. M40. Bowie, Edward H(all). M.S., St. John's (Annapolis), 20. Principal meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bur., San Francisco, Calif. (S44 Contra Costa Ave., Berkeley, Calif.) M34F34. B. Bowie, William. 2000 Connecticut Ave. X\V., Washington." D. C. M06F07R3S. DEM. Bowles, Prof. Edward L. S.M., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 22. Prof, electrical communications, Massachusetts Inst. Tech.; consulting engineer, Cambridge, Mass. (77 Glen Road, Welleslev Farms, Mass.) M31F32. MB. Bowling, Dr. R(achel). M.A., Ph.D., Columbia. Manhattanville Col. Sacred Heart, New York, N. Y. (M29R32)M30. F. 288 Directory of Members Bowman, Dr. Donald H(outs). M.S., Kansas State, 35; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 39. Agent cereal investigations, U. S. Dept. Agric, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M40F40. GO. Bowman, D(onald) W(hitney). 142 N. Westmoor Ave., Columbus, Ohio. M36- R36. B. Bowman, Dr. Ethel. M.A., Wellesley, 07; Ph.D., Clark, 17. Cohasset, Mass. M25- F25. I. Bowman, Dr. Harvey (Bird). Clinton, n. y. M37K38. F. Bowman, Dr. H(oward) H(iestand) M(innich). M.Sc, Franklin and Mar- shall, 14; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 17. Prof, and head Dept. Biology; supervisor pre- medical students, Univ. Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. M13F21. GF. Bowman, Dr. Isaiah. Ph.D., Yale, 08; M.A., 21; M.Ed., Michigan State, 27; Sc.D., Bowdoin, 31; LL.D., Dartmouth, Charleston, Dickinson, Pennsylvania, 35, Wisconsin, 36, Harvard, 36. Queen's, 37. Pres., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M21F21. E. Bowman, Prof. J. B. M35D36. Q. Bowman, Jay. B.S., Valparaiso, 17. Res. chemist, Inst. Amer. Meat Packers, Chi- cago, 111. (8145 Avalon Ave.) M22F33. CBK. Bowman, John Gabbert. A.M., Iowa, 04; LL.D., Coe, 12, Mississippi, 14, Boston, 27, Rutgers, 33, Pennsylvania, 34; Litt.D., Oglethorpe, 24, Iowa, 34. Chancellor, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (155 N. Dithridge St.) M13. Bowman, Dr. Karl M(urdock). M.D., California, 13. Dir., Div. Psychiatry, Dept. Hosps.; prof, psychiatry, New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, JSf. Y. M39- NIQ. Bowman, Dr. LeRoy E. 41 Washington Square S., New York, N. Y. M38R38. KIQ. Bowman, Dr. Paul J(ay). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 19. Chief surgeon, Redwood Coast Hosp.; med. dir., Union Lumber Co., Fort Bragg, Calif. M13. N. Bowman, Prof. Paul W(illiam). M.A., George Washington, 28; Ph.D., Virginia, 30. Assoc, prof, biology, George Washing- ton Univ., Washington, D. C. (2304 Wil- son Blvd., Arlington, Va.) M27F33. GF. Bowman, R(obert) E(arl). Holston Lodge, Kingsport, Tenn. M32R33. MAB. Bowman, Dr. Russel O(scar). Ph.D., Western Reserve, 33. Res. biochemist, Rhode Island Hosp., Providence, R. I. (117 Grace St., Auburn, R. I.) M39. NC. Bowmaster, W(ylie) AflberO. Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M32R32. M. Bown, Dr. Ralph. M.M.E., Cornell, 15; Ph.D., 17. Radio and television res. dir., Bell Telephone Labs., New York, N. Y. (85 Pine St., Maplewood, N. J.) M22F25. BM. Bowyer, Vernon L(evi). A.M., Chicago, 23. Dir. Works Progress Administration, Chicago Board Education, Chicago, 111. (M23K37)M4o. Q. Box, Dr. Harold K. 86 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M34F34R35- N. Boyce, A(lfred) M(ullikin). M.S., Cornell, 27; Ph.D., California, 32. Assoc, prof, entomology, Graduate School Tropical Agric; assoc. entomologist, Citrus Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Riverside, Calif. M28F33. FO. Boyce, F(rederick) M(ay). 154 Main St., Andover, Mass. M29R34. BA. Boyce, Miss Jessie Wadleigh. A.M., Minnesota, 23. Prof, mathematics and chairman Dept., State Teachers Col., Wayne, Nebr. M34F38. AQI. Boyce, Prof. J(ohn) S(haw). M.F., Nebraska, 12; Ph.D., Stanford, 17; M.A., Yale, 29. Prof, forest pathology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M31F33. GO. Boyce, Prof. Joseph C(anon). Ph.D., Princeton, 26. Assoc. prof. physics, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (119 Walker St.) M31F32. BDH. Boyce, M(offatt) G(rier). Adelbert Col., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M25R32. A. Boyd, Bemrose. M.S., Iowa, 35. Junior engineer, Hazeltine Service Corp., Chi- cago, 111. (1261 Winnemac St.) M36. MBD. Boyd, Dr. Edith. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 21. Asst. prof, anatomy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M30F33. NH. Boyd, Dr. Eldon M(athews). M.A., Queens, 29; M.D..C.M., 32. Prof, and head Dept. Pharmacology. Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., Canada. M40. Np. Boyd, Miss Elizabeth M(argaret). M.A., Mt. Holvoke. Instr., Dept. Zoology. Mt. Holvoke" Col., South Hadley, Mass. M40. FNG. Bovd, George Addison. M.A., Austin, 29; M.S.. Iowa. 35. Dir. res.. Welsbach Street Illuminating Co., Philadelphia, Pa. M38. BCF. Bovd, Prof. George H(ugh). Dent. Zoology, Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. (M28R32)M36F36R36. F. Bovd, Harold E(dward). A.B.. Stanford. 536 Lincoln St., Palo Alto, Calif. M36. E. Bovd. Prof. Tames EdlswortM. M.S., Cornell. 06. Prof, e'-ne'-itiis m»^riamV«5. Ohio State Univ.. Co1n"ib«s, O^;o. (188 E. Frambes Ave.) M97F99L37- MB. Bovd. Dr. Linn KohnV Flower Hosp., New York, N. Y. M34F34R37. NC. Individual Members 289 Boyd, Dr. Mark Frederick. M.D., Iowa, 11; M.S., 13; C.P.H., Harvard, 14, Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 14. Member held staff, International Health Div., Rockefeller Foundation, New York, N. Y.; dir. Sta. Malaria Res., Rockefeller Foundation, Tallahassee, Fla. (Box 997, Tallahassee, Fla.) M17F33. N. Boyd, Dr. M(ilford) J(ohn). M.D., Mich- igan, 18. 2347 Fairview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. M33. CN. Boyd, Miss Neva L(eona). Dept. Sociol- ogy, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M33R35. K. Boyd, Dr. Paul P(rentice). A.M., Park, 00; M.A., Cornell, 05; Ph.D., 11. Head Dept. Mathematics and Astronomy and dean Col. Arts and Sciences, Univ. Ken- tucky, Lexington, Ky. (119 Waller Ave.) M1SF18. ADB. Boyd, Prof. Theodore E(lliott). Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Prof, and Departmental Chairman, Loyola Univ. School Med., Chicago, 111. (706 S. Lincoln St.) M24- F33. NpF. Boyd, T(homas) A(lvin). Ch.E., Ohio State, 38. Head Fuel Dept., Res. Labs. Div., Gen. Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich. M28F33- C. Boyd, William C. 78 E. Concord St., Bos- ton, Mass. M38. Boyden, Dr. Alan (Arthur). Ph.D., Wis- consin, 25. Assoc, prof, zoology, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. (Stelton, N. J.) M21F31. F. Boyden, B(oyd) L(ester). Senior entomol- ogist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Whittier, Calif. M25F25. F. Boyden, Prof. Edward A(llen). A.M., Harvard, 11; Ph.D., 16. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M13F15. NF. Boyden, James R(ansford). 21 17 Orange St., Alhambra, Calif. L18. F. Boyden, Dr. Mabel Gregg (Mrs. Alan Boyden). A.M., Wisconsin, 22; Ph.D., 25. Extension instr.. Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. (Stelton, N. J.) M24F33. F. Boyer, Carl. Dir., Wagner Free Inst. Science, Philadelphia, Pa. (415 E. Hortter St., Mt. Airy) M27. G. Boyer, Dr. Carl B(enjamin). A.M., Columbia. 29; Ph.D., 39. Instr. mathe- matics, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y.; lecturer science, Univ. Col. Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick. N. J. (4449 W. 123rd St., New York. N. Y.) M34F38. AL. Boyer, Merle M. M.Ed., Oklahoma. 32. Instr. biology. High School, Enid, Okla. (636 E. Randolph St.) M38. FG. Bover, WGlliam) H(arold). Dept. Psy- chology, Univ. Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. M36R36. I. Boyle, Dr. A(lbert) C(larence), Jr. M.A., Columbia, 10; Ph.D., 13. Acting custodian, Dinosaur National Monument, Jensen, Utah. M35F35. MED. Boyle, Dr. Lytton W(esley). M.S., Wash- ington State, 24; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Asst. plant pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Arlington Farm, Arlington, Va. M27F33. G. Boyle, Dr. R(obert) W(illiam). M.Sc, McGill, 06; Ph.D., 09; LL.D., Alberta, 33. Dir., Div. Physics and Electrical Engng., Nat. Res. Council, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. (25 Buena Vista Road, Rock- cliffe) M34F34- BMP. Boylston, Arthur C(larence). A.M., Har- vard, 06. Vice pres. and gen. mgr., Mal- linckrodt Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo. M07F16. CE. Boylston, Herbert M(elville). M18F22D39. MQ. Boynton, Dr. William Hutchins. D.V.M., Cornell, 08. Dept. Veterinary Science, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M26F33. N. Boynton, Prof. W(illiam) P(ingry). A.M., Dartmouth, 93; Ph.D., Clark, 97; Sc.D., Oregon, 37. Prof, emeritus physics, Ore- gon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. (546 W. Beverly Blvd., Whittier, Calif.) M08F10. B. Boysen, Miss Helen. M.A., Texas, 28. Teacher science, Senior High School, Austin, Tex. (620 W. 35th St.) M32. F. Boysen, Prof. J(ohannes) Lassen. A.M., Syracuse, 04; Ph.D., Wurzburg, 09. Prof. Germanic languages, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M28. L. Bozler, Dr. Emil. Ph.D., Munich, 33. Asst. prof., Dept. Physiology, Ohio State LTniv., Columbus, Ohio. M34F34. BN. Bozorth, Dr. Richard M. 41 Park Road. Millburn, N. J. M25F28R33. BCA. Braasch, Albert C(arl). 2923 Upton Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. M36R36. CAB. Brabec, Dr. Leonard B(edient). M.A., Columbia, 25; Ph.D., 36. 70 W. nth St., New York, N. Y. M37. CNF. Brace, James H(enry). B.S.,C.E. Vice pres., Fraser, Brace, Ltd., 107 Craig St. W., Montreal, Que., Canada. M18. M. Brace, Mrs. R. N. (Elizabeth M.) c/o Rev. W. A. Cash, 930 M St., Merced, Calif. M00F06R32. H. Braceland, Dr. Francis J. M.D., Jefferson, 30. Asst. prof., Univ. Pennsylvania Grad- uate School Med.; assoc. prof., Woman's Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M39. NI. Brack, Dr. Charles E(mil). 500 E. 20th St., Baltimore, Md. M20R34. "NQ. Brackebusch, Miss Frieda (Matilda). Bingham, 111. M35R37. FIK. Bracken, A. F. Utah Exp. Sta., Logan, Utah. M36F40. O. 290 Directory of Members Bracken, Dr. H(enry) M(artin). M34- F11D38. X. Brackett, Dr. Byron B(riggs). M97F11- D37. MB. Brackett, F(rank) Ernest. The Dingle, Cumberland, Md. M28R32. MAE. Brackett, Prof. F(rank) P(arkhurst). A.M., Dartmouth, 90; Sc.D., 27. Prof, emeritus astronomy, Pomona Col., Clare- mont, Calif. (Balboa Island, Calif.) Moi- F06. DBA. Brackett, Dr. Frederick S(umner). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 22. Principal physicist, Nat. Inst. Health, Bethesda, Md. (11 E. Woodbine St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M35- F35. B. Brackett, Dr. Richard N(ewman). M88- F91E37D37. c. Bradbury, Miss Dorothy. M.A., Wiscon- sin, 22; Ph.D., 25. Assoc, prof, biology. Oklahoma Col. Women, Chickasha, Okla. M26F26. G. Bradbury, Dr. N (orris) E(dwin). Ph.D., California, 32. Assoc, prof, physics. Stan- ford University, Calif. M36F38. B. Bradbury, Dr. O(ra) C(lare). M.A., Xebraska, 15; Ph.D., iq. Prof, biology and head Dept., Wake Forest Col., Wake Forest, X. Car. M22F33. F. Bradbury, Dr. Robert Hart. Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 03. Warner Road, Colonial Vil- lage, Wayne, Pa. M34F34. C. Bradbury, Dr. Samuel. M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 05. Dir. outpatient, Pennsylvania Hosp. ; visiting physician, Germantown Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. (151 W. Coulter St.) M.3.8. XGH. Braddock-Rogers, Dr. K(enneth). M.S.. Pennsylvania, 25 ; Ph.D., 28. Head Dept. Chemistry, State Teachers Col., West Chester, Pa. (617 W. Miner St.) (M31- F33R33)M39F33. CQ. " Braden, Spruille. 25 Broad St., New York, X. Y. M27R35. M. Bradfield, Prof. Richard. Ph.D.. Ohio State, 22. Head Dept. Agronomy and prof, soil technology, Cornell Univ.. Ithaca. N. Y. (711 Triphammer Road) M26F29. OCG. Bradford, D(onald) C(omnick). Dept. Geophysics, St. Louis Univ., St. Louis. Mo. M34R34. ECM. Bradford, James M(cClellan). M.S.. Chi- cago, 26. Instr. physics, Central Y.M.C.A. Col., Chicago, 111. (6050 Ingleside Ave.) M27F33. BA. Bradley, G(eorge) H(irst). B.S., Cornell. 16. Entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Orlando, Fla. (New Smyrna Beach, Fla.) M24F33. F. Bradley, Dr. Harold C(ornelius). Ph.D., Yale, 05. Prof, physiological chemistry. Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M08F11. CN. Bradley, Prof. Harry C(yrus). M18F18- D36. AMQ. Bradley, H(enry) F(ranklin). Ph.B., Yale, 10. Chief chemist, Park Utah Con- solidated Mines Co., Park Citv, Utah. M40. CBQ. Bradley, Prof. J(ames) Chester. M.S.. California, 07; Ph.D., Cornell. 10. Prof, entomology and curator invertebrate zool- ogy, Cornell Univ.; entomologist and curator, New York Agric. Exp. Sta.. Ithaca, N. Y. (so8 E. Buffalo St.) M04- Fio. F. Bradley, James (Parks). 3747 Jackson St., San Francisco, Calif. M36R36. EMC. Bradley, John H(odgdon). Jr. Ph.D., Chicago, 24. Route 1, Lowell, Mass. M23- F31. E. Bradley, Miss Mary A. M.A., George Washington. Asst. editor indexes, Office Information. U. S. Dept. Agric, Wash- ington, D. C. M39. FGO. Bradley, Dr. Ralph Clarke. M.D.. Penn- sylvania, 29. Instr. pharmacology, Temple Univ. School Med.; asst. immunologist, Philadelphia Dept. Health ; flight surgeon, 28th Div. Aviation, Philadelphia, Pa. (6457 Green St., Germantown) M35. Np. Bradley, Theodore J(ames). M08F27D36. CQX. Bradley, Dr. Wilmot H. Ph.D.. Yale, 27. Senior geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M35F31. E. Bradner, Donald Byal. Dir. res. and de- velopment. Champion Paper and Fibre Co.; vice pres. and gen. mgr„ Hamilton Labs., Inc., Hamilton, Ohio. M40. C. Bradshaw, Miss Dorothy Aliene. M.A.. Northwestern. 436 Maple Ave., Winnetka, 111. M36. I. Bradshaw, Dr. Frederick. M31D — . KLQ. Bradshaw, Prof. G(uy) R(ead). A.M., Cincinnati, 18. Prof, physics, Thiel Col., Greenville, Pa. (299 Clinton St.) M24F33. BQC. Bradshaw, Prof. John W(illiam). A.M., Harvard, 02; Ph.D., Strassburg, 04. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M11F18. A. Bradshaw, Dr. Marion J(ohn). 319 Union St., Bangor, Maine. M38R39. IQ. Bradshaw, Dr. R(aymond) W(atson). M.D., Harvard. 2?,; M.P.H.. 36. Col. phy- sician. Oberlin Col.; dir. Allen Hosp.. Oberlin, Ohio. (373 Reamer Place) M40. N. Bradt, Glenn W(arner). Dept. Zoology, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M28F33R36. F. Bradt, Paul (Jay). M.A., George Wash- ington, 31. Junior physicist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (1847 Mint- wood Place NW.) M35F38. ABC. Individual Mkm bers 291 Bradt, Dr. Wilber E(lmore). 1 Parkview Apt., Orono, Maine. ( M34F34R34 ) M38- F34R38. CEB. Bradway, Miss Elizabeth Marguerite. M.A.. Oregon, 30; Ph.D., Iowa, 32. Instr. chemistry, Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg (Jasper, Oreg.) M39. CNF. Bradway, Miss Louisa M(ay). M.S., Iowa. 4942 Forest Ave., Kansas City, Mo. M38. FCG. Brady, BM. Edward J(oseph). M18F31D- Brady, Dr. Ewing P. D.D.S., Washington Univ., os. Board of Education Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. M33F38. NdCQ. Brady, George V(incent). B.S., Col. City New York. 180 Wellington St., Ottawa, Out., Canada. M38. AK. Brady, Lionel F(rancis). M.A.. Cambridge, 05. Curator geology. Mus. Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Ariz. (Mesa, Ariz.) M21. EH. Brady, S(amuel) M(arion). Machinist, U. S. Navy, U.S.S. Pinola, San Pedro. Calif. M40. MCB. Brady, T. H. 1701 Campbell St., Com- merce, Tex. M31R33. BCK. Braga, Mario Andrade. Caixa Postal 3061, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, S. A. M39. CMNp. Bragg, Dr. Arthur N (orris). M.A., Boston, 34; Ph.D., Oklahoma, 37. Instr. zoology. Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. M25F33. FG. Bragg, Miss Laura M(ary). 38 Chalmers St., Charleston, S. Car. M24F31. HQ. Bragger, Edgar J. Hoffman LaRoche. Inc., Nutley, N. J. M35R35. CN. Braham, Dr. Joseph M(arvin). M.S., Illinois, 15; Ph.D., 18. Asst. to pres.. Solvay Process Co., New York, N. Y. (165 Bon Air Ave., New Rochelle. N. Y.) M22F25. C. Brailey, Dr. Miriam (Esther). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 30; Dr.P.H.. 31. Assoc, epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hygiene and Public Health ; dir. Harriet Lane Tuberculosis Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hosp.. Baltimore, Md. (16 E. Chase St.) M37. NF. Brailo, George P. Amtorg Trading Corp., 261 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M34R37. M. Brainard, Dr. Benjamin F(ranklin). M.D., Chicago Col. Physicians and Surgeons, 86. Martin City, Mo. M18. N. Brainin, Dr. Clement S. Ph.D., Columbia, 17. C. S. Brainin Co., 218 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. (14 Laurel Place, Glen Ridge, N. J.) M23F25. BDP. Brakefield, Dr. J(ames) L(uther). A.M., Baylor, 21 ; Ph.D., California, 25. Head Dept. Biologv, Howard Col., Birmingham, \la. M28F30. FN. Brakel, Prof. H(enry) L(ouis). M.A., Washington. 05; Ph.D., Cornell, 12. 4734 Thackeray Place, Seattle, Wash. M25F31. B. Bralliar, Dr. Floyd (Burton). Ph.D.. George Peabody. Dean and prof, biology, Madison College, Tenn. M33F40. FGO. Braman, Winfred W(aite). M07F33D37. C. Bramann, George M(osher). M.A.. Wes- leyan, 26, Harvard, 28. Res. and sales development, advertising mgr., Niacet Chemicals Corp., Niagara Falls, N. Y. (1222 Norwood Ave.) M39. CDE. Bramble, Prof. Charles Clinton. A.M.. Dickinson, 13; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Prof, mathematics and mechanics. V. S. Naval Acad. Post Graduate School, Annapo- lis, Md. (145 Monticello Ave.) M34F34. A. Bramble, Prof. William C(lark). M.F., Yale, 30; Ph.D.. 32. Assoc, prof.. Dept. Forestry, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M31F39. G. Bramhall, Dr. Ervin H(icks). M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 28; Ph.D., Cambridge, 32. Prof, physics, Univ. Alaska, College, Alaska. M38. BDC. Bramkamp, Dr. R(ichard) A(llen). Ph.D., California, 35. Geologist, California Ara- bian Standard Oil Co., 225 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif. (Bahrein Island, Persian Gulf) M40. E. Bramley, Dr. Arthur. Ph.D., Princeton, 24. Collaborator, U. S. Dept. Agric, Wash- ington, D. C. (121 Ocean Ave., Ocean City, N. J.) M34F34- B. Bramwell, George W. 32 W. 40th St New York, N. Y. M94E39. M. Branch, Arthur M. 204 Securitv Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. M38. M. Branch, Prof. Gerald E(yre) K(irkwood). M.Sc, Liverpool, 12; Ph.D., California, 15. Prof, chemistry, Univ. California, Berke- ley, Calif. (1303 McGee Ave.) M34F34. C. Branch, Miss Hazel E(lisabeth). M.A.. Kansas, 12; Ph.D., Cornell, 21. Prof, zoology and chairman Dept., Univ. Wichita, Wichita, Kans. (3756 E. Douglas Ave.) M24L31F33. FNH. Branch, Dr. Mary E. M.A., Chicago; LL.D., Howard; Ped.D., Virginia State. Pres., Tillotson Col., Austin, Tex. M38. KLQ. Branche, Dr. George Clayton. M.D., Bos- ton. Asst. clinical dir., Veterans' Admin- istrative Facility, Tuskegee, Ala. M40. N. Brand, Albert R(ich). Res. assoc. orni- thology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca; assoc. ornithology, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. (9 East Ave., Ithaca, N. Y.) M33. F. Brand, Charles J(ohn). B.A., Minnesota. 02. Exec. sec. and treas., Nat. Fertilizer Assn.. Washington, 1). C. (if>6i Crescent Place) M28F33. CGK. 292 Directory of Members Brand, Prof. Donald D. Ph.D., California, 33. Prof, anthropo-geography and head Dept. Anthropology, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. iviex. M35F38. EH. Brand, Dr. Erwin. Ph.D., Berlin, 20. Assoc, prof, biochemistry, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. M31F33. CN. Brand, Prof. Louis. M.A., Cincinnati, 09; Ph.D., Harvard, 19. Prof, mathematics and head Dept., Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (2603 University Court) M29F32. ABD. Brandenburg, Dr. G(eorge) C(linton). M24F25D34. IQ. Brandes, Dr. E(lmer) W(alker). M.S., Michigan State, 15; Ph.D., Michigan, 19. Principal pathologist charge, Div. Sugar Plant Investigations, U. S. Bur. Plant In- dustry, Washington, D. C. (6310 Ridge- wood Ave., Chevy Chase, Md.) M17F23. GO. Brandes, Fred(erick) C(hristian). C.E., Cornell, 16. City plan engineer, White Plains, N. Y. (112 Mamaroneck Road) M22. M. Brandes, Walter W(illiam). M.S., North- western, 26; M.D., 27; Ph.D., 30. Dir. labs., Roosevelt Hosp., New York, N. Y. M29F33. N. Brandhorst, Dr. Otto William. D.D.S., Washington Univ. 4952 Maryland Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M36F39. Nd. Brandon, J(oseph) F(ranklin). U. S. Exp. Sta., Akron, Colo. M28F31R36. O. Brandt, Dr. Allen D(emmy). M.S., Har- vard, 32; Sc.D., 33. 137 N. Chelsea Lane, Bethesda, Md. M38. MNP. Brandt, A(lva) E(smond). M.S.. Iowa State, 26; Ph.D., 31. Acting chief, Con- servation Exp. Sta. Div.," U. S. Soil Con- servation Service, Washington, D. C. (M3oR34)M38F4o. KOF. Brandt, Dr. B(artholomew) B(randner). M.A., Duke, 34; Ph.D., 35. Prof, biology, East Carolina Teachers Col., Greenville, N. Car. M35. FQ. Brandt, Dr. Herman F(rancis). A.M., Northwestern, 27; Ph.D., Iowa. 37. Prof, applied psychology and dir. Visual Res. Labs., Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa. M40. IB. Branham, Dr. Sara E(lizabeth). Ph.D., Chicago, 23; M.D., 34; Sc.D., Colorado, 37- Senior bacteriologist, Nat. Inst. Health; professorial lecturer preventive medicine. George Washington Univ. School Med., Washington. D. C. (3100 Dumbarton Ave. NW.) M21F33. NFC. Branner, George C(asper). A.M., Chicago, 20. State geologist, Arkansas Geol. Survey, Little Rock, Ark. (3121 Ozark Ave.) M24- F25. MBE. Brannon, C(larence) H(am). State Col- lege Sta., Raleigh, N. Car. M28R32. FHL. Brannon, J(ames) M(arshall). M.A., Wisconsin, 14; Ph.D., Cornell, 20. Asst. prof, dairy bacteriology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M25F31. GNC. Brannon, Melvin A(mos). M.A., Wabash, 90; Ph.D., Chicago, 12. Res. algae, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M05F09. G. Branom, Dr. Frederick K(enneth). M.S., Chicago, 16; Ph.D., Clark, 23. Chairman dept. Social Science, Chicago Teachers Col., Chicago, 111. M34F34. EK. Bransford, John S. M.S., California, 40. Assoc, Div. Agronomy, Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Davis, Calif. M40. OG. Branson, Prof. Carl C(olton). M.A., Missouri, 27; Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Asst. prof, geology, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. (103 Butler Ave.) (M29F31R34)- M39F31. E. Branson, Dr. E(dwin) B(ayer). M.A., Kansas, 03; Ph.D., Chicago, 05. Prof, geology, chairman Dept. Geology and Geography, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (301 Glenwood Ave.) M06F11. E. Branson, Dr. Herman (Russell). Ph.D., Cincinnati, 39. Instr. physics and mathe- matics, Dillard Univ., New Orleans, La. M40F40. BAQ. Branson, Prof. J(ohn) W(illiam). M.S., Purdue, 27. Prof, mathematics and head Dept., New Mexico A. and M. Col., State College, N. Mex. M35F35. ADB. Brant, Miss Laura. A.M., Brown, 09; Ph.D., Columbia. 21. 33 Capwell Ave.. West Warwick, R. I. M18F31. BAD. Branting, Briant F(erdinand). M.S., Utah, 26. 315 Fillmore St., Petersburg, Va. M32F33. C. Brantly, J(ohn) Edward. E.M., Alabama, 12. Pres., Drilling and Exploration Co., Inc., Los Angeles, Calif., and Twin Oil Co., Dallas, Tex.; vice pres., Petroleum Exploration Co., Inc., Dallas, Tex. M38. EM. Brasch, Frederick E(dward). Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. M34F15R35. L. Secretary of Section on Historical and Philological Sciences (L), 1921-27. Brashear, Mrs. Julia J. (Miss Julia Joyce Harper). Scottsbluff, Nebr. M2SR32. G. Bratley, Dr. Cyril O (liver). Ph.D., Cornell, 33. Assoc, pathologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, 641 Washington St., New York, N. Y. M31F33. GC. Brattain, Dr. Walter H(auser). M.A., Oregon, 26: Ph.D., Minnesota, 28. Tech- nical staff. Bell Telephone Lab., Inc., New York, N. Y. M34F34. B. Bratten, Mrs. Florence D. 3360 Dellwood Road. Cleveland Heights, Cleveland. Ohio. M34R35. DCE. Individual Members 293 Bratton, Dr. Samuel Tilden. A.M., Mis- souri, 16; Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Prof, geography, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (313 E. Parkway Drive) M20F31. E. Bratton, Dr. W(alter) A(ndrew). Sc.D., Williams, 28. Pres., Whitman Col., Walla Walla, Wash. (570 Boyer Ave.) M35F35. A. Brauer, Dr. Alfred (Charles). M.A., Okla- homa, 24; Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Prof, zoology, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Kv. M26F33. F. Brauer, Dr. O(scar) L(eo). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 15. 364 S. 16th St., San Tose, Calif. M18F33. ABC. Braun, Dr. Annette F(rances). A.M., Cincinnati, 08; Ph.D., 11. 2702 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. M08F15. F. Braun, Dr. E(mma) Lucy. A.M., Cin- cinnati, 12; Ph.D., 14. Assoc, prof, plant ecology, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (2702 May St.) M21F25. G. Braun, Prof. Milton L(au). M.A., North Carolina, 24; Ph.D., 30. Prof, mathematics and physics and head Dept., Catawba Col., Salisbury, N. Car. M31F33. BDA. Brautlecht, Prof. Charles A(ndrew). Ph.D.. Yale, 12. Prof, chemistry and chemical engng., Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M28F33. C. Bravi, Dr. Eugenio. Managing dir. and gen. mgr.. Soc. An. Fabbriche Fiammi- feri ed Affini, Via Moscova 18, Milano, Italy. M38. CKM. Bray, Prof. Archie W(ilmot) L(eslie). M.A., Harvard, 19. Prof, biology and head Dept., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N. Y. (113 Spring Ave.) M34F34. FG. Brav, Dr. Charles I(seard). M.Sc, Missis- sippi A. and M. Col., 07; Ph.D., Illinois, 26. Animal husbandman, Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta., University, La. (908 Camelia Ave., Baton Rouge, La.) M24F31. OQK. Bray, Prof. Charles W(illiam, II). Ph.D., Princeton, 28. Assoc, prof, psychology, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M30- F33I-37- I. Bray, Robert S(t'iartX 3231 N. Albemarle St., Arlington, Va. M40. F. Brav, Dr. Ulric Bannister. Ph.D.. Yale, 25. Consultant chemistry and petroleum technology, 633 Via Horquilla, Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. M40. CM. Brav, Prof. William C(rowell). Ph.D., Leipzig. 05. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Cali- fornia. Berkeley, Calif. (2708 Virginia St.) M08F10. C. Brav. Dr. William L. A.M.. Lake Forest. 01: Ph.D.. Chicago. 98. Dean, Graduate School, and prof, botany. Syracuse Univ., Syracuse. N. Y. M00F01E38. G. B*-ay, Dr. Willis J. 702 E. Normal Ave., Kirksville, Mo. M36R36. CQ. Brazda, Dr. Daniel S(teven). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 23. Blossburg, Pa. M21F21. FN. Breakey, Dr. E(dward) P(aul). M.A., Kansas, 27; Ph.D., Ohio State, 32. Entomologist, Western Washington Exp. Sta., Puyallup, Wash. M34F34. F. Breasted, Dr. James H(enry). M34F34D35. HL. Brecht, Dr. E(dward) A(rmond), Jr. M.S., Minnesota, 34; Ph.D., 39. Instr., Univ. North Carolina School Pharmacy, Chapel Hill, N. Car. (Faculty Club) M40. NpCG. Breckenridge, C(arlyle) G(eorge). M.A., Alabama, 31. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Alabama, University, Ala. M34. F. Bredehorn, Miss Marjorie L. 1500 N. Latrobe Ave., Chicago, 111. M34R34. ILK. Breder, Dr. Charles M(arcus). D.Sc, Newark, 37. Acting dir., New York Aquarium, New York, N. Y. M27F33. F. Brederode, Capt. O(tto). 200 Riouwstraat, The Hague, Holland. M36. ID. Bredin, George S(loan). M07D36. Breed, Dr. Frederick S(tephen). A.M., Harvard. 05 ; Ph.D., 09. Assoc, prof, edu- cation, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (1224 E. 57th St.) M11F15. QI. Breed, Prof. Robert S(tanley). Ph.D., Harvard, 02. Bacteriologist and chief Div., New York State Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M02F09. GO. Breen, Miss Mary C(ecelia). B.S., George Washington. Teacher and adviser women students, Wilson Teachers Col., Wash- ington. D. C. (441 1 17th St. NW.) M25- F31. QEF. Breer, Carl. M.E., Chrysler Inst. Engng., 33; D.Eng., Clarkson Inst. Tech., 38. Dir. res., Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich. M40. M. Breese, Dr. Burtis Burr. M04F10D39. I. Breeze, Prof. Frederick John. M.S., Pur- due, 12. 242 E. Maple Grove Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. M28F33. E. Breg, W(illiam) Roy. Exec, sec, Allied Youth, Inc., Washington, D. C. (401 Sonoma Road, Bethesda, Md.) M38. Q. Bregger, Thomas. Ph.D., Cornell, 28. Physiologist, Everglades Exp. Sta., Belle Glade, Fla. M22F33. FGO. Bregman, Dr. Elsie Oschrin. 15 Clare- mont Ave., New York, N. Y. M24F25R36. IQK. Bregowsky, Ivan M. M18D39. C. Brehme, Dr. Katherine S(uydam) (Mrs. Charles O. Warren). A.M.. Virginia, 32; Ph.D., Columbia, 38. Fellow, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. M32. FG. 294 Directory of Members Breit, Prof. Gregory. A.M., Johns Hopkins. jo; Ph.D.. 21'. Prof, physics, Univ. Wis- consin. Madison, Wis.; res. assoc, Car- negie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. (2024 Chamberlain Ave.. Madison. Wis.) M24F30. A. Breithut, Dr. F(rederick) E(rnest). Sc.l).. New York. 00. Woodstock, X. Y. (M34- F34R37)M39F34. C. Breitwieser. Charles J(ohn). M.S., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 31. Consulting engineer, Lee De Forest Labs.. Los Angeles, Calif. (593 E. California St., Pasadena, Calif.) M40. BMA. Breitwieser, Dr. J(oseph) V(alentine). A.M., Indiana, 08; Ph.D., Columbia, 11. Dir., Graduate Div., and dean, School Education, Univ. North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dak. (MogFi5R32)M35Fi5- I. Breitzke, Charles F(rederick). C.E. 1060 Broad St., Newark, N. J. (M08F10R32)- M30F10. KM. Breland, Dr. Osmond P(hilip). Ph.D.. Indiana. 36. Instr. zoology, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M40. F. Brem, Dr. Walter V(ernon). M20F25D38. NIK. Bremer, Prof. John Lewis. M.D., Harvard, or. Prof, anatomy, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (113 Marlboro St.) M07- Fn. X. Bremer, Valentine (Charles). M.S., Colum- bia. 37. Chemist. Sheffield Farms Co., New- York, N. Y. (212 Tackson Ave., Jersey City, X. J.) M39. CX. Brenes-Mesen, Prof. R. San Jose. Costa Rica. M37. L. Brenholts, Roy. M.E., Ohio State, 07. I 'res., Property Rentals. Inc.. Columbus. Ohio. (115 S. Drexel Ave.) M40. M. Brenizer, Dr. Addison G. 210 Professional Bldg., Charlotte, X. Car. M39R39. X. Brenke, Prof. William C(harles). Ph.D., Harvard, 07. 1250 S. 21st St., Lincoln. Xebr. M06F08. AD. Brennan, Dr. James I(van). M.A.. 10; D.Sc, 25; D.Eng., 28. 1600 Villanova Road, East Libertv, Pittsburgh, Pa. M17- F26. MPQ. Brennan, Dr. Robert Emery. M.D., Louis- ville. 00. Prof, surgery, New York Poly- clinic Med. School and Hosp., New York, X. Y. M22. XL. Brennan, Ruby Shearer (See Mrs. Ruby Shearer Taylor). Brenneman, Prof. Jesse L(amar). E.E., Wisconsin, 13. Prof, electrical engng., Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. Mi 7- F31. MBO. Brennen, Dr. Herbert J(oseph). 613 Jac- card Place, Joplin, Mo. M20F31R34. BC. Brenner, Dr. Edward Christopher. M.D., Columbia. 14 F. 68th St., New York, N. Y. M38. X. Brenon, Herbert C(yril). 1=585 Crossroads <>f the World, Hollywood, Calif. M37R37. X FC. Brentzel. Dr. Wanda Weniger (Mrs. William Edward Brentzel). M.S., Wiscon- sin. 16; Ph.D., Chicago, 18. North Dakota Agric. Exp. Sta., Fargo, N. Dak. M18- F25. G. Brentzel, W(illiam) E(dward). A.M.. Missouri, 17. Plant pathologist, North Dakota Agric. Exp. Sta.. Fargo, N. Dak. M20F21. GO. Brescia, Dr. Frank. M.A., Columbia, 33; Ph.D., 38. Instr., Dept. Chemistry, Col. City New York. New York, X. Y. M34. CB. Bressman, Dr. E. N. Dept. Farm Crops, Oregon State Agric. Col., Corvallis, Oreg. M31F32R34. OGF. Bretall, R(obert) W(alter). 172 Xassau St., Princeton. X. J. M36R36. EQ. Bretnall, Prof. G(eorge) H(erbert). A.M., Cornell Col., 97. Prof, biology, Shepherd State Teachers Col., Shepherdstown, W. Va. M07F1 1. FG. Brett, Prof. Axel. M.A., Minnesota. 14: Ph.D., Illinois, 23. Prof, philosophy and psychology and head Dept., Univ. Ten- nessee. Knoxville. Tenn. ( ^427 Alta Vista Way) M27. I. Bretz, Prof. J Harlen. Ph.D., Chicago, 13. Prof, geology. Univ. Chicago: geologist, State Geol. Survey, Chicago. 111. (21 14 Cedar Road, Homewood. 111.) M06F11. E. Breukelman, Prof. John (William). Ph.D., Iowa, 20. Head Dept. Biol. Science, Kansas State Teachers Col., Emporia, Kans. (1405 Xeosho St.) M30F33. F. Brevillier. Mrs. A(rthur) W. 610 W. 6th St., Frie, Pa. M18. Brewbaker, Dr. H(arvey) E(dgar). M.S., Minnesota, 23; Ph.D., 26. Agronomist, Great Western Sugar Co., Longmont, Colo. M24F31. GOF. Brewer, Dr. George. M.D., Johns Hop- kins. 29. Instr. physiology, Univ. Penn- sylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M39. XFC. Brewer, Prof. John M(arks). A.M., Har- vard, 15; Ph.D.. 16. Assoc, prof, educa- tion. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M27F31. QI. Brewer, Nathan. Physiology Bldg., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, III. M32R32. N. Brewer, Prof. P. Harvey. M.S.. Purdue, 30. Asst. prof., Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. (145 E. Oak St., West Lafayette, Ind.) M34F34. O. Brewer, Dr. R(alph) E(mmet). LT. S. Bur. Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. M34F34R35. C. I ndividual Mem berj 295 Brewington, Dr. Gail Paul. M.S., Mich- igan, 30; Ph.D., 35. Prof, physics. Law- rence Inst. Tech., Highland Park, Detroit, Mich. M36F38. RCA. Brewster, Edwin T(enney). A.M., Har- vard, 91. X Unison Road, Andover, Mass. M02F21. EF Brewster, Frederick F(oster). 840 Whittle) Ave., X'ew Haven, Conn. M29. Brewster, Dr. George F(ranklin). North- port, X. Y. M38R38. XI. Brewster, Dr. Hyder Ford. 911 Union Bldg., New Orleans, La. M36R36. NO. Brewster, Sam F(inley). M.L.A.. Massa- chusetts State. U. S. Dept. Conservation, Xashville. Tenn. M38. EFO. Briansky, David. 6730 13th Ave., Brook- lyn, X. Y. M34R34. ABM. Brick, Bayard. Washington Univ., St. Louis. Mo. M32R32. AMC. Brickel, William A. B.S., Lafavette. Dallas. Pa. M39. FOB. Brickner, Dr. Richard M(ax). M.S.. Columhia. 17; M.D.. 23. Asst. prof, clinical neurology. Columbia Univ. Col. Physi- cians and Surgeons: assoc. neurologist, Neurological Inst, and Mt. Sinai Hosp.. X'ew York. X. Y. ( ;ooo Xetherland Ave.) M34F38. N. Brickwedde, Dr. F(erdinand) G(raft). M.A.. Johns Hopkins, 24; Ph.D., 25. Chief cryogenic lab. and lecturer physics Craduate School. Xat. Bur. Standards; lecturer physics, Craduate School, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. M29F31. BCA. Bridgeman, Dr. Oscar C(leon). Xat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. M20R32. CB. Bridgers, Thomas F(leming). Wilson, X. Car. M38R38. O. Bridges, Dr. Calvin B(lackman). M34- F34D3S. FG. Bridges, Dr. James Winfred. A.M.. Har- vard, 12; Ph.D.. 15. McGill Univ., Mon- treal, Que., Canada. M17F25. IQ. Bridges, Dr. Milton A. 850 Park Ave., Xew York. X. Y. M36R37. N. Bridgham, Dr. (Mrs.) Catherine Mit- chell). Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 32. Assoc, prof., Youngstown Col., Youngstovvn, Ohio. (Route 1, North Tackson, Ohio) M39. CG. Bridgman, Dr. Olga. M.D., Michigan, 10; M.A., California. 14: Ph.D., 15; Sc.D., Mills, 37. Prof, psychology, LIniv. Cali- fornia, Berkeley; prof, pediatrics, Univ. California School Med.; dir. Div. Mental Hygiene, San Francisco Dept. Public Health, San Francisco, Calif. (1380 Mon- terey Blvd.) M39. I XI''. Bridgman, Prof. P(ercy) W(illiams). A.M.. Harvard, 05; Ph.D., 08; D.S., Har- vard. ,}q, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 35. Prof, physics, Harvard Univ.. Cambridge, Mass. (10 Buckingham Place) M18F21. B. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), [928. Bridgman, Ralph P(arkhurst). MA. Columbia. i?i Westminster Road. Brook- lyn, X. Y. M39. (J IK. Bridwell, J(ohn) C(olburn). U. S. Nat. Mils., Washington, 1). C. M34F34R34. F. Brien, Dr. D(aniel) H(enry). M.D.. Hahneman, 85. Takezoicho III chome 31. Seoul, Chosen. Korea. M32. MCE. Brierley, Dr. Jean. M.S., Michigan. 31; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, biology, Texas State Col. Women, Denton, Tex. M38. FG. Brierley, Dr. Philip. M.S., Minnesota, 22: Ph.D., Cornell, 33. Assoc, pathologist. U. S. Horticultural Sta.. Beltsville, Md. M33F3.;. G. Brierley, W(ilfrid) G(ordon). Dept. of Horticulture. Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm. St. Paul. Minn. M30F31R36. OG. Briese, Reinhold R(udolph). M.A., Wis- consin, 30. Chemist, Div. Pathology. U. S. Bur. Animal Industrv, Washington, D. C. M40F40. CBO. Briggs, Dr. A(lfred) P(oyneer). M.D., Washington Univ., 22. 2549 Walton Way. Augusta, Ga. M24F33. N. Briggs, Alfred (Stacy), Jr. 115 Strathmore Road. Brookline, Upper Darby, Pa. M34- R34- MAC. Briggs, Charles H(arold). B.S., Cornell. Mgr. Howard Lab., Minneapolis, Minn. (31 17 Calhoun Blvd). M08F38. COB. Briggs, Dr. Clifton H. M.D.. Washington Univ. 2900 Blanche St.. Pasadena. Calif. M36. X. Briggs, Dr. David R(euben). M.S.. Mis- souri, 23: Ph.D., Minnesota, 27. Assoc, prof, agric. biochemistry, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm. St. Paul. Minn. (2120 Dudlev Ave.) M3SF39. C. Briggs, Dr. Fred N. M.S.. California. 22: Ph.D.. 25. Assoc, prof, agronomy. LTniv. California, Univ. Farm, Davis, Calif. (28 College Park) M22F29. GO. Briggs, Dr. Garland B. M.A.. Virginia; Ph.D.. Princeton. Educational Dept., In- ternational Business Machines Corp.. Endicott, N. Y. M39. MQ. Briggs, Mrs. J. E., Jr. (Carlotta Welles). 2651 Visscher Place. Altadena, Calif. M38. Briggs, Janet (Zaph). c/o Fran Szalay. IV, Rainergasse 22, Vienna, Austria. (?) M30R35. CME. Briggs, Dr. Lyman J(ames). Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins. 01 ; Sc.D., Michigan State, 32, George Washington, 37, Georgetown, 39: D.Eng., South Dakota School Mines. 35 ; LL.D., Michigan, 36. Dir., Nat. Bur. Standards. Washington. D. C. (3208 Newark St. NW.) M99F01. B. 296 Directory of Members Briggs, Dr. Thomas H(enry). Ph.D., Columbia, 14; Litt.D., Wake Forest, 19. Prof, education, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M13F21. Q. Briggs, William P. Ph.C, Massachusetts Col. Pharmacy, 20. Bacteriologist, Nor- wich Pharmacal Co., Norwich, N. Y. M37F38. Np. Brigham, Carl C(ampbell). A.M., Prince- ton, 13; Ph.D., 16. Prof, psychology, Princeton Univ.; res. sec. Col. Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, N. J.; con- sultant. Cooper Union, New York, N. Y. M21F25. IQ. Brigham, Dr. George Dexter. M.S., Con- necticut, 29; Ph.D., Yale. 33. Assoc, bacteriologist, U. S. Public Health Serv- ice, Albany, Ga. (910 Madison Circle) M36F38. N. Brigham, (Herbert) Storrs (Jr.). 1026 President St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M29R32. K. Bright, Harold F(rederick). B.A., Lake Forest, 37. 1339 Howard Road, Rochester, N. Y. M39F40. BAG. Bright, James Anglin Marshal. M.A., Ohio State, 34. Teacher. High School, Hicks- ville, Ohio. M40. CBD. Bright, William M(ilton). Louisville Municipal Col., Louisville, Ky. M37R37. FG. Brightman, Dr. Charles L(ewis). A.M., Brown, 09; Ph.D., Clark, 15. Prof, physics, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse. N. Y. (852 Ackerman Ave.) M17F31. BQ. Brightman, Prof. E(dgar) S(hemeldL A.M., Brown, 08: Ph.D., Boston. 12. Prof, philosophv and chairman Board Graduate School, Boston Univ., Boston, Mass. (Newton Center, Mass.) M37. IK. Briglia, Dr. Frank Toseph. M.D.. Jefferson. 819 Wharton St., Philadelphia, Pa. M38. N. Brigman, Bennett M"(attingly). M34F34- D38. M. Brill, Dr. Abraham A(rdenL M.D., Columbia, 03. Lecturer, Columbia Univ.; consulting physician. Manhattan State Hosp. and U. S. Veteran's Hosp. 81, New York, N. Y. (15 W. 70th St.) Mi 3- F33. NHL Brill, George M(ackenzie). M.M.E., Cor- nell, 05. Consulting- engineer. Pongh- keepsie. N. Y. (19 Kingston Ave.) M02- F06. BMP. Brill, Prof. Harvey C(la^tonL Ph.D.. Michigan. 11. Prof, chemistry and head Dept. Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. M24- F33. CNO. Brill, Dr. Kenneth G(ray), Jr. M.S., Michigan. 38: Ph.D.. 39. T"str.. Dept. Geologv. Univ. Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tenn. M40. EH. Brillhart, Russell E(dward). M.Sc, Phila- delphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 39. Asst. biological sciences, Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, Philadelphia, Pa. (Rosemont, Pa.) M36. GNC. Brilmyer, Dr. George J(oseph). M.S., Michigan, 18; M.D., George Washington, 25. Assoc, prof, pathology, Georgetown Univ. School Med.; assoc. prof, biology, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. (5132 New Hampshire Ave. NW.) Mi 7- F35. FHN. Brimhall, Dr. Dean R. A.M., Columbia, 16; Ph.D., 20. Asst. to chairman, Civil Aeronautics Authority; consultant. Works Projects Administration, Washington, D. C. M18F25. I. Brimlow, George F(rancis). M.A., Oregon. 3019 13th Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. M38. L. Brindley, Dr. Paul. M.D., Texas, 25. Prof, pathology, Univ. Texas School Med.; pathologist, John Sealy Hosp.; con- sultant pathologist, U. S. Marine Hosp.. Galveston, Tex. (4306 Sherman Blvd.) M40. NQ. Brines, Prof. M(oses"> J(ames). M.A., New Y'ork. 605 S. 2nd St., Highland Park, N. J. M37. IQ- Br'nk, Prof. Raymond W(oodardL M.A.. Harva-d. 15: Ph.D.. 16. P^of. and chair- man Dept. Mathematics. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis. Minn. (2243 Hoyt Ave., St. Paul, Minn.) M31F32. AQB. Brink, Dr. R(oyal) A(lexander). D.Sc, Harvard 23 Prof, genetics. LTrp'v. Wis- consin, Madison. Wis. M23F25. GO. Brinkhous, Dr. K(enneth) M(erle). M.D., Iowa, 32. Asst. prof, pathology, Univ. Iowa; asst. pathologist. Univ. Hosps., Towa City, Iowa. M39. NCF. Brinklev, Prof. Stuart R^obertL A.M., Columbia, 14; Ph.D.. Yale. 20. Assoc, prof, chemist'-v. Yale Univ.. New Haven, Conn. (334 Yale Ave.) M22F22. C. Brinkmeier, Dr. Ina Hill. Laton, Calif. M32. L. Br-'nlev, Dr. Flo"d J(ohn>. M.A., Penn- svlvania. 26; Ph.D.. 27. Assoc, biologist, U. S. Pubb'c Health Service, Cincinnati, Ohio. M22F31. F. Brinsmade, Dr. J(ames) B(eebee). M23- F31D36. B. Brnsmade, John C(haninL Tr. A.B.. Har- vard, i". Asst. agronomist. U. S. Northern Great Pla;ns Field Sta., Mandan, N. Dak. M25F32. OG. Brinton, Prnf. Paul H(enrv) M(?llet>> P(revost). Ph.D.. Minnesota. 16. Prof. chemistry. Univ. Southern Califo-nia. Los Anpe'es: cons"'ting chemist, Pasadena, Calif. M17FTO. C. Briod. An-lre ECdo-'ardV B S.. Lp'isanne, 10. Technical dir.. Vitamin Div., Nat. Oil Products Co., H-"-;<=on. N. J. (22 Van Pevner Place, Belleville, N. J.) M39. CON. Individual Members 297 Briscoe, Dr. Charles Francis. M.A., Illi- nois, 05; Ph.D., 12. Prof, bacteriology, Mississippi State Col.; chief bacteriology, Mississippi Agric. Exp. Sta., State College, Miss. MuFib. GFO. Briscoe, Prof. Herman T(hompson). Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. M34- F34R34. C. Bristol, John I(saac) D(evoe). Chap- paqua, N. Y. M00R32. F. Bristol, Dr. Leverett D(ale). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 07; D.P.H., Harvard, 18. Health dir., Amer. Telephone and Telegraph Co., New York, N. Y. M34F34. N. Bristow, Dr. Walter J. 15 17 Hampton St., Columbia, S. Car. M38R38. N. Britt, Prof. Steuart Henderson. M.A.. Washington Univ., 32; Ph.D., Yale, 35. Asst. prof, psychology, George Washing- ton Univ., Washington, D. C. M34F37. IK. Brittain, Dr. William H(arold). Dept. Entomology, Macdonald College, Que., Canada. M11F20R33. F. Brittingham, William H(enry). 1509 Ward Terrace, Portsmouth, Va. M31R35. GF. Britton, J(ohn) Robert. Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd., Honolulu, Hawaii. M38. MPQ. Britton, Max Edwin. M.S., Ohio State, 37. Instr., Dept. Botany, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M39. G. Britton, Dr. Nathaniel L(ord). MS0F82- E33D34. G. Vice president for Section on Botany (G), 1896. Britton, Prof. S(ydney) W(illiam). M.D., McGill, 24. Prof, physiology, Univ. Vir- ginia, Charlottesville, Va. M38. N. Britton, Dr. Wilton E(verett). M04F06- D39. F. Briwa, Miss Kathryn E(lizabeth). M.A., Columbia, 29. Instr. chemistry, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M30. C. Broadbent, Miss Bessie M(ay). B.S., Pennsylvania State, 16. Asst. entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quar- antine. Whittier, Calif. (406 N. Greenleaf Ave.) M39. F. Broadbent, Dr. B(irdsall) Holly. D.D.S., Western Reserve, 19. Dir. Bolton Fund, Anatomical Lab., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland. Ohio. (2879 Fontenay Road) M27F39. NdHF. Broadfoot, W(illiam) C(raig). Dominion Lab. Plant Pathology, Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. M29R32. GO. Broadhead, Leone E. State Teachers Col., West Chester, Pa. M35R35- Broadhurst, Dr. George B. D.D.S., St. Louis, 26. Asst. prof, oral surgery, St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M40. NdL Broadhurst, Dr. Jean. M.A., Columbia, 08; Ph.D., Cornell, 14. Prof, emeritus bac- teriology, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M04F11. GN. Brobeck, William M(orrison). M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 33. Res. assoc, Radiation Lab., Dept. Physics, Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. (400 Hillside Ave., Piedmont, Calif.) M39. MB. Brobston, Sister M. Augustina. S.M., New York, 10. Head Dept. Chemistry, Col. St. Elizabeth, Convent, N. J. M29. CBA. Brock, Clarence A(rizona). M.E., Wor- cester Polytechnic Inst., 23. Chief en- gineer, Rexair, Inc., Detroit, Mich. (17581 Indiana Ave.) M29. M. Brock, Rev. Henry M(atthias). S.J.M.A.. Woodstock, 22. Rector, St. Robert's Hall. Pomfret Centre, Conn. M06F31. BLQ. Brock, Dr. James E(phraim). A.M., In- diana, 23; Ph.D., 28. Nebraska State Teachers Col., Wayne, Nebr. M34F34- B. Brock, Vernon E(ugene). A.B., Stanford, 35. Fishery biologist, Dept. Res., Oregon Fish Commission, Portland, Oreg. M36. FEB. Brockbank, Dr. T(homas) W(illiam). A.M., Catholic, 16; Ph.D., 18; M.D., Georgetown, 24. Dir., Catholic Charities Guidance Inst., New York, N. Y. M20F25. IN. Brocke, Dr. (Max Louis Frederick) Alfred. M.D., Chicago, 04. 307 Western Ave., Muskegon, Mich. Mi 7. N. Brockett, Halford E. B.S., Iowa State, 35- Chemical engineer, Continental Can Co., Inc., Chicago, 111. (5252 N. Kenmore Ave.) M39. CM. Brockett, Paul. Exec, sec, Nat. Acad. Sciences, Washington, D. C. M24. BH. Brockman, Dr. Katherine G. M.D., Albany Med. Col., 24. Creedmore State Hosp., Queens Village, N. Y. M33. NE. Brockway, P(aul) L. 1039 S. Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kans. M29F32R37. MEB. Brode, Dr. H(oward) S(tidham). Ph.D., Chicago. 96. Prof, emeritus biology and curator Mus., Whitman Col., Walla Walla, Wash. (433 E. Alder St.) M10F15. FG. Brode, J(ames) Stanley. M.S., Wash- ington, 29. Instr. zoology, Santa Monica Junior Col., Santa Monica, Calif. (478 24th St.) M30. FGQ. Brode, Dr. Malcolm D(onaldson). Ph.D., Chicago, 27. 2001 Allston Wav, Berkeley, Calif. M22F33. FG. Brode, Prof. Robert B(igham). Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 24. Prof, physics, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M36F36. B. Broder, Dr. Julius. 200 W. 58th St., New York, N. Y. M36R37. NI. 298 Directory of Members Broderick, Dr. Thomas M(onteith). M.S.. Wisconsin, 14; Ph.D., Minnesota, 17. Chief geologist, Calumet and Heela Con- solidated Copper Co., Calumet; special lecturer, Michigan Col. Mining and Tech., Houghton, Mich. (120 Calumet Ave., Calumet, Mich.) M25F25. E. Broders, Dr. A(lbert) C(ompton). M.D., Med. Col. Virginia, 10; D.Sc, 29; M.S., Minnesota, 20. Surgical pathologist, Mayo Clinic; prof, pathology, Univ. Minnesota Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minn. M39. X. Brodie, Dr. Allan G. D.D.S., Pennsyl- vania, 19; M.S., Illinois, 34. Prof, and head Dept. Orthodontia, Univ. Illinois, Chicago, 111. M36. NdH. Brodie, Harold J. Dept. Plant Pathology, Macdonald College, Que., Canada. M32- R35. GF. Brodie, Dr. Jessie (Bruce). S.M., Colum- bia, 25 ; Ph.D., 30. Prof, household science, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M37. CNQ. Brodie, Dr. Maurice. (M32F3sR36)M38- F35P39. N. Brodie, Renton Kirkwood. M.S., Chicago, 1 1 ; D.Sc, Oregon State, 36. Vice pres. charge manufacture, Procter and Gamble Co., Ivorydale, Ohio. (3753 Vineyard Place, Cincinnati, Ohio) M17F33L37. C. Brodie, Dr. S. Steven. M.S., Ph.D., New- York. Res. chemist, Jewish Memorial Hosp., New York, N. Y. (720 Fort Wash- ington Ave.) M40. CNA. Brodman, Dr. Henry. M.D., Cornell, 01. 124 E. 39th St., New York, N. Y. M20. N. Brodsky, Dr. Ralph Howard. 205 W. 57th St., New York, X. Y. M33R36. N. Brody, Dr. A(rthur) L(ouis). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 35. Asst. entomologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Panama City, Fla. M37. F. Brody, David. 1106 Oliver Ave. X., Minne- apolis, Minn. M38R38. I. Brody, Dr. Henry. M.D., Rochester, 32. Assoc, pathologist, Beth Israel Hosp., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Brody, Leon. 1 ^82 Shakespeare Ave., Xew York, X. Y. M^3R3S- QLI. Brody, Dr. Samuel. M.A., California, 19; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Assoc, prof, dairy husbandry, Univ. Missouri Col. Agric. Columbia, Mo. M23F33. CXO. Brogan, Prof. A(lbert) P(erley). A.M., Harvard, 12; Ph.D., 14. Prof, philosophy and dean Graduate School, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M24F31. KI. Brogden, Prof. W(ilfred) J(ohn). Ph.D., Illinois, 36. Asst. prof, psychology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M39. INK. Brokaw, Dr. Raymond Voorhees. M.D., Columbia, 15. 1408 Martine Ave., Plain- field, X. J. M25F32. X. Brolyer, Cecil R(obert). 4108 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. M27F33R36. IAQ. Bromley, Dr. Henry Walter. M.A., Asbury, 05, Kentucky, 24; D.D., Asbury, 16; Litt.D., McMurry, 32; L.H.D., Taylor, 32. Cynthiana, Ky. M39. QD. Bromley, Mrs. Stanley W. (Helen Jean Brown). M.A., Ohio State, 25; Ph.D., 29. Private res., High Ridge Road, Stamford, Conn. M31F33. GOQ. Bronfenbrenner, Dr. J(acques) J(acob). Ph.D., Columbia, 12; D.P.H., Harvard, 19. Prof, bacteriology and immunology, Wash- ington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (761 1 Wydown Blvd., Clayton, Mo.) M17F23. X. Bronk, Prof. Detlev W(ulf). M.S.. Mich- igan, 22; Ph.D., 26; Sc.D., Swarthmore, .17. Dir., Eldridge Reeves Johnson Founda- tion and Inst. Xeurology; prof, biophysics and neurology and vice dean for neu- rologv, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Media, Pa.) M23F31. BN. Bronson, Barnard Sawyer. State Col. Teachers, Albany, X. Y. M17F33R39. C. Bronson, Charles Hotchkiss. Copperhill, Tenn. M38R38. MCP. Bronson, Dr. Howard L(ogan). Ph.D., Yale, 04. Prof, physics and head Dept., Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, X. S., Canada. M07F10. B. Bronson, Winthrop F(owler). A.B., Kan- sas. 8321 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. M39. CP. Brooke, Prof. W(illiam) E(llsworth). M.A., Xebraska, 96. Prof, emeritus mathe- matics and mechanics, Univ. Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minn. (416 Walnut St. SI-'..) M07F10. AMQ. Brookes, Dr. Margaret C. Hessler. A.M.. Columbia, 17: Ph.D., 27. Asst. prof, home economics, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M27F33. CXK. Brooks, Dr. A(lbert) Nelson. Ph.D., Wis- consin, 26. Plant pathologist, Florida \.gric. Exp. Sta., Lakeland. Fla. (314 Pueblo Trail) M27F27. G. Brooks, Prof. Baylor. A.B., Stanford, 28. Vsst. prof, geologv, San Diego State Col., San Diego, Calif. (4576 Alice St.) M38. E. Brooks, Dr. Benjamin T. Ph.D., Got- tingen, 12. Consulting chemical engineer, 114 E. 32nd St., Xew York, X. Y. (Shore Road, Old Greenwich, Conn.) M26F28. C. Brooks, Mrs. Betty Watt (Mrs. S. T. Brooks). Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, Pa. M34F34R34. G. Brooks, Dr. Chandler McC(uskey). Ph.D., Princeton, 31. Assoc physiology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. M36F38. XT. Brooks, Dr. Charles. A.M., Missouri, 08. Principal pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant In- dustry, Washington, D. C. M03F13. G. I N D I V I DUAL M E M BERS 299 Brooks, Dr. Charles E(dward). M34F34- D36. A. Brooks, Prof. Charles F(ranklin). A.M.. Harvard, 12: Ph.D., 14. Prof, meteorology and dir. Blue Hill Meterological Observa- tory, Harvard Univ., Milton, Mass. M12- F18. HI'.. Brooks, Dr. Fowler D(ell). DePauw Univ., Greencastle, Iml. M24F25R34. TQ. Brooks, Prof. Frank G(ary). M.A.. Okla- homa, 22; Sc.D.. Johns Hopkins, jo. Prof, biology, Cornell Col.. Mt. Vernon, Iowa. M22F33. F. Brooks, Dr. Frederick A(ugustus). D.Sc, Massachusetts Inst. Tech.. 20; M.E., Illi- nois. 2- . Agric. engineer, California Agric. Exp. Sta.; assoc. prof, agric. engng., Univ. California, Davis, Calif. (50 College Park) M34F34. M. Brooks, Harvey. 732 Yale Station. \>\\ Haven, Conn. M.?;R.?7. BA. Brooks, Hysell Marsch. M.Sc. Ohio State, 30. Graduate student. Univ. Washington. Seattle, Wash. (3875 43rd St. NE.) M39. CMF. Brooks, Prof. J. Ansel. M.E., Yale, 02. Prof. industrial engng., Newark Col. Engng.. Newark, N. J. (561 Hark Ave.. Muntclair, N. J.) M04F15. M. Brooks, James S(tanley). A.B., Indiana, 31. Graduate asst. Dept. Botany, Cornell Univ.. Ithaca. N. Y. M38. G. Brooks. Dr. John D(avid). Wilson Col.. Chambersburg, Pa. M25R32. QI. Brooks, Dr. Lee M(arshall). A.M.. North Carolina, 26; Ph.D.. 20. Assoc, prof. sociologv, Univ. North Carolina. Chapel Hill. N. Car. M36. KIH. Brooks, Margaret Hoover (Margaret E. Hoover). 120 Catherine St.. Ithaca, N. Y. M35R38. F. Brooks, Maurice (Graham). M.S., West Virginia, 34. Asst. prof, forestry. West Virginia Univ.. Morgantown, W. Va. (322 Brockway Ave.) M31. GF. Brooks, Melvin (Leon). 2915 Yost Place XK., Washington, D. C. M39R30. C. Brooks, Stanley T(ruman). Carnegie Mus.. Pittsburgh. Pa. M34F34R34. F. Brooks, Prof. S(umner) C(ushing). Ph.D.. Harvard. 16. Prof, zoology. Univ. Cali- fornia. Berkeley. Calif. M18F27. FGN. Brooks, Dr. William P(enn). M89F16D38. GO. Broomall, Miss Laura B(aker). Rural De- livery, Glenn Mills, Pa. M29R35. G. Brophy, Byron J. M.A., Michigan, 23. Supt., Indian Vocational School and Agency, Flandreavt, S. Dak. M38. QIK. Brophy, Dr. Dorothy H. Ph.D.. Michigan, 20. 737 Shadowlawn Drive, Westfield, X. J. M31F33. C. Brosey, Charles L. A.M.. Indiana, 20. Head Dept. Physics, Arsenal Technical Schools, Indianapolis, Iml. (4034 Carroll- ton Ave.) M32. B. Brosnan, Dr. Cornelius J. 624 Deakin Ave., Moscow, Idaho. M34R34. LKE. Brossard, E(ugene) E(dward). A.B.. Wis- consin. 19. Mene Grande Oil Co.. Caracas. Venezuela, S. A. M36. EM. Brotemarkle, Robert A(rchibald). A.M.. Princeton. 18; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 23. Assoc, prof, psychology and Col. person- nel officer, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia, Pa. M34F34. 1. Brough. Dr. Glen A(mos). M.D., Illinois, 24. 1402 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit. Mich. M40. NC. Brougher, Dr. John C. A.M.. Oregon, 27: M.D., 28. 320 W. 25th St., Vancouver, Wash. M29F33. NFG. Brouse, Dr. Don. M.S., Wisconsin, 25; Ph.D., 31. Chemical engineer, Forest Products Lab.. Madison, Wis. M32F33. CMO. Brousseau, Miss Kate. M14F32D38. IN. Browman, Dr. Ludvig G(ustav). Ph.D., Chicago, 35. Asst. prof.. Dept. Zoology. Univ. Montana. Missoula, Mont. (527 Plymouth St.) M36. FNC. Brown, Dr. Aaron. M.D., Cornell, 06. Asst. clinical prof, medicine, New York Univ. Col. Med.. New- York, N. Y. M27. N. Brown, Albert Turney. 78 Carleton St.. East Orange. N. J. M31. MBA. Brown, Alfred (Sloan). LL.B., North- eastern. 28. Attorney ami counselor at law. Everett. Mass. (34 Mansfield St.) M39. C. Brown, Dr. Alice L(enore). M.A., Kan- sas. 20; Ph.D., Cornell, 20. Special res.. U. S. Dept. Agric. Graduate School, Washington, D. C. ( 1855 Ontario Place NW.) (M2oF33R36)M4oF33. FCN. Brown, Andrew W(ilson). 1232 E. 57th St.. Chicago, 111. M33F33R33. I. Brown, Miss Auval (Hester). M.S., Chi- cago, 29. 512 S. 6th St.. McAlester, Okla M29. G. Brown, Prof. Bancroft H(untington). Ph.D.. Harvard, 22. Prof, mathematics. Dartmouth Col.. Hanover. N. H. (7 Rip- ley Road) M24F33. A. Brown, Barnum. Sc.D.. Lehigh, 34- Cura- tor \mer. Mus. Natural History, New York, X. Y. M28F31. EFH. Brown, Prof. B(enjamin) A(rthur). M.S.. Wisconsin, 28. Assoc, agronomist, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. M31F32. OCG. Brown, Mrs. Bonnie Hudson (Bonnie L. Hudson). M.A., Tennessee, 30. Asst. prof. biology, Maryville Col., Maryville, Tenn. (234 Indiana Ave.) ( M34F34R34 > M30F34. G. 300 Directory of Members Brown, C. Bradner. M.S., Kansas. 4001 Garrow St., Houston, Tex. M39. BEA. Brown, Dr. Calvin S(mith). D.Sc, Van- derbilt, 92; Ph.D., Colorado, 99. Prof, modern language, Univ. Mississippi; archaeologist, State Geol. Survey, Uni- versity, Miss. M04F11. HEL. Brown, Carl R. 161 7 Brooklyn Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M22F33. I. Brown, Dr. Carlton E(rnest). M.S., Le- high, 29; S.D., Harvard, 31. Chemist, U. S. Bur. Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. M33F38. CXB. Brown, Dr. Cecil L(angford). M.A., Mis- souri, 22; Ph.D., Brown, 29. Dir., Esso Labs., Standard Oil Co. Louisiana, Baton Rouge, La. (305 Beverly Drive) M30F33. C Brown, Charles E(dward). M.A., Emory, 33. Instr. anatomy, Emory Univ. School Med., Emory University, Ga. M40. NFG. Brown, Dr. Charles L(eonard). M.D., Oklahoma, 21. Prof, medicine and head Dept., Temple Univ. School Med. and Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. (325 N. Bowman Ave., Merion, Pa.) M29F38. N. Brown, Prof. Charles Wilson. A.M., Brown, 01. Prof, geology, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. (37 Barnes St.) M04- F09. E. Brown, Dr. Chester T(imothv). 102 X. 6th Ave., New Brunswick, N. J. M23R36. N. Brown, Miss Clara M(aude). M.A., Co- lumbia, 22. Prof, home economics educa- tion. Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. (1570 Vincent St.) M34F40. QIK. Brown, Dr. Clarence William. Dept. Psy- chology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M32F33R34. IX. Brown, Dr. Claude P. Dir. Biol. Labs.. Nat. Drug Co.; owner and dir.. Clinical and Pathological Labs., 1930 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. M24. CN. Brown, Miss Constance L(orraine). M.S., Cornel!. 26. Instr. chemistry, Univ. Ver- mont, Burlington, Vt. (196 Howard St.) M29. CNQ. Brown, Prof. Dalton Milford. M.S., Ten- nessee. 26; Ph.D., Duke, 39. Prof, biology, State Teachers Col.. Johnson City, Tenn. (204 Boyd St.) M35F35. G. Brown, D(enton) J(acobsL Ph.D., Chi- cago, 18. Prof, chemistry. Univ. Nebraska. Lincoln, Nebr. (3033 Georgian Court) M29F33. C. Brown, Ed°;ar. Ph.B.. Union, 95. Princi- pal botanist, Div. Cereals, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (Lan- ham, Md.) M02F11. G. Brown, Dr. Edgar D(ewight). Paynes- ville, Minn. M08F11R37. N. Brown, Edward Fisher. 22 E. 40th St., Xew York, X. Y. M32R36. KNO. Brown, Edward J(ohnson). M17F33D34. F. Brown, Dr. Eleanor. M.A., Edinburgh, 17; Ph.D., Radclitfe, 22. 7 Riplev Road, Hanover, N. H. M24F38. A. Brown, Dr. Elizabeth D(orothy) W(uist) (Mrs. Forest B. H. Brown). A.M., Mary- ville, 10; M.S., Michigan, 09; Ph.D., 12. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, Hawaii. M18F21. G. Brown, Dr. Elmer Ellsworth. M06F07D34. Q. Vice president for Section on Education {L), 1907. Brown, Ernest W(illiam). M03F06D38. DAB. Vice president for Section on Mathe- matics and Astronomy (A), 1909. Brown. Eugene Price. 844 Rush St., Chi- cago, 111. (?) M29R33. MCE. Brown, Dr. F(ay) C(luff). A.M., Illinois, 06; Ph.D., Princeton, 08. Curator, Dept. Physics, Mus. Science and Industry, Chi- cago. 111. (5830 Stony Island Ave.) M05- Fn. B. Brown, Florence (See Mrs. Florence B. Charlton). Brown, Dr. Forest B(uffen) H(arkness). M.S., Michigan, 03; Ph.D.. Yale, 18. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, Hawaii. M13F32. G. Brown, Prof. Frank Arthur, Jr. M.A., Ph.D., Harvard, 34. Asst. prof, zoology, Xorthwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M34- F38. FG. Brown, Prof. F(rank) E(merson). Ph.D., Chicago, 18. Prof, chemistry, Iowa State Col.. Ames, Iowa. (138 Hyland Ave.) M22F25. CQB. Brown, Frankl'n B. M.A., Columbia. 33. Instr., Dept. Chemistry, City Col., New York, X. Y. (17 Lexington Ave.) M40. CBA. Brown, F(rederick') Marf'n. Head Science Dent.. Fountain Vallev School; lecturer anthropology, Colorado Col., Colorado Springs, Colo. M28F33- FHN. Brown, George A(lfred). 306 E. Walnut St., Bloomington, 111. M07F31. Q. Brown, Dr. George H(arold). M.S., Wis- consin. 31; Ph.D., 33. Res. engineer, RCA Mfg. Co.. Camden. N. J. (500 Chews Landing Road, Haddonfield, N. J.) M39. MBA. Brown. Dr. George H(endf>r*on). M.D., Yale, 36. Asst. instr. radiology. Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M31F32. XMQ." Brown, G(eor°re'> Lf-'ncolnL M.S.. Mis- souri, 93: Ph.D., Chicago. 02. Acting pres., dean faculty, and dean gen. science. Smith Dakota State Col., Brookings, c Dak. M05F07, ADB. Individual Members 301 Brown, George R(omaine). B.S., Earl- ham, 20. bupt. engng., Western Electric Co., Kearny, i\. J. 1U30. MBC. Brown, Giles Edwin. Hill School, Potts- town, ±'a. {.:) M32K32. tiUC. Brown, Dr. Glenn V(inton). Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 10. 312 E. luam bt., Mechanics- burg, ha. luojno. CMB. Brown, Grover C(harles). M.C.E., Cor- nell. 09. In charge Industrial Relations Div., Arrier. iron and Steel Inst., 350 Fifth Ave., New York, N. i'. (1090 Cum- bermead Koad, Paiisade, N. J.) M22. MK. Brown, H. Fletcher. A.M., Harvard, 92; D.Sc, Delaware, 30. Vice pres., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. M34I34. C. Brown, Prof. Harold Chapman. Dept. Philosophy, Stanford University, Calif. M24 1-20X36. Q. Brown, Harold C(hester). A.M., Colum- bia, 29. Psychologist, 432 E. 66th St., New York, N. V. M32. IKy. Brown, Dr. Harold P(robert). M.A., Mis- souri, 30; Ph.D., Nebraska, 33. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Univ. Kansas City, Kan- sas City, Mo. (,5207 Wayne Ave.) M36. C. Brown, Dr. H(arry) B(ates). A.M., In- diana, 07; Ph.D., Cornell, 10. Res. prof, agronomy, Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta., University, La. (4601 Vanderbilt Drive, Baton Rouge, La.) M08F11. GO. Brown, Dr. H(arry) P(hilip). M.A., Cor- nell, 10; Ph.D., 14. Prof, wood technology, New York State Col. Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. M13F16. G. Brown, Helen J. (Mrs. Stanley W. Brom- ley). Brown, H(enry) Emmett. 110 Morning- side Drive, New York, N. Y. M29R33. QBC. Brown, H(erbert) Eugene. M.A., Emory, 37. Teaching asst. zoology, Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. (522 Thomaston St., Barnesville, Ga.) M40. F. Brown, Dr. H(oward) D(exter). M.S., Illinois, 17; Ph.D., Michigan State, 27. Prof, vegetable gardening, Ohio State Univ.; assoc. res., Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Columbus, Ohio. M24F27. OG. Brown, Hubert M(cClure). Dept. Farm Crops, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M24F3iR3S- O. Brown, Hylton R(oller). M.E., Pennsyl- vania State, 23. Senior engineer, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington. D. C. (9410 2nd Ave., Silver Spring, Md.) M39. MO. Brown, Miss Ina Corinne. A.B.. Chicago. Assoc, specialist social studies, U. S. Of- fice Education. Washington, D. C. (1830 K St. NW.) M3S. HK. Brown, Dr. Ira. M.D., Oklahoma, 32. 1210 h. liyde laiK Blvd., Chicago, 111. M40. N. Brown, J. Calvin. 704 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cant. 1SI32. M. Brown, Dr. James A. Lister Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. M30K36. N. Brown, Dr. James A(lbert). 402 Med. Arts Bidg., .Houston, Tex. AI36R36. NI. Brown, Prof. J(ames) G(reenlief). M.S., Chicago, 17; Ph.D., 20. Head Dept. Plant Patnoiogy, Univ. Arizona; plant pathol- ogist, Arizona Agric. Exp. Sta., Tucson, Ariz. (1733 E. 6th St.) M17F20. GO. Brown, Dr. J(ames) Howard. M.S., Har- vard, 09; Ph.D., 17; Sc.D., Illinois Col., 29. Assoc, prof, bacteriology, Johns Hop- kins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (.27 Merry- mount Road) M18F33. FN. Brown, James M(anfred) D(ouglas). Chief chemist, Revere Sugar Refinery, Charlestovvn, Mass. M39. CMP. Brown, John A(lexander). B.A., Minne- sota, 30. Minnesota Mining Mfg. Co., St. Paul, Minn. M38. ECF. Brown, Dr. J(ohn) MacKenzie. M.D., Western Ontario, 99. Clinical prof, sur- gery, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. (526 S. St. Andrews Place) M17. N. Brown, John Wilson. B.M.E. Supervisor Purcnasnig Dept., Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. (207 Woodside Road, Forest Hills, Wilkins- burg, Pa.) Mi 3. Brown, Prof. Joseph G(rant). A.M., Stan- ford, 03. Prof, emeritus physics, Stan- ford University, Calif. (1182 Arch St., Berkeley, Calif.) M10F16. B. Brown, Dr. (Joshua Robert) Callaway (Jr.). Ph.D., Virginia, 38. Res. chemist, Bell Telephone Labs., New York, N. Y. (4154 75th St., Jackson Heights, N. Y.) M39- CB. Brown, Julius A(rthur). A.M., Dartmouth, 04. American Univ., Beirut, Syria. M08- F23. DB. Brown, Miss Keith. A.M., Columbia. 21 E. 10th St., New York, N. Y. M38. FGQ. Brown, Dr. Lawrason. M0SF11D37. N. Brown, Dr. L(awrence) Wayne (worth). 41 10 Cherokee Drive, Madison, Wis. M34- R35. ONG. Brown, Dr. L(eland) A(rthur). Transyl- vania Col., Lexington, Kv. M31F33R36. FN. Brown, Dr. Levi S(tanley). M.S., Okla- homa, 28 : Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech.. 3-;. Res. petrographer, Lone Star Cement Corp., Hudson, N. Y. M36F36. E. Brown, Lewis J. 304 Wood St. burgh, Pa. M35R35. Pitts- 3Q2 Directory of Members Brown, Miss Lillian Olive. M.A., Colum- bia, 14. Prof, mathematics. Hood Col.. Frederick. Md. M24F33. ADB. Brown, Linwood A(rnold). 819 S. Lime- stone St., Lexington, Ky. M08F11R32. C. Brown, Prof. L(ynn) T(urner). Dept. Me- chanical Engng., Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M28F30. M. Brown, Dr. Madelaine R(ay). M.A., Brown, 23; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Asst. neurology, Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. (43 Linnaean St., Cambridge, Mass.) M24F38. NI. Brown, Dr. Marion. Univ. High School, Oakland, Calif. M37~&37- IKQ. Brown, Dr. Mary Jane. Dept. Zoology, Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. M30F33- R38. FG. Brown, Miss Maud A(nna). M.S., Iowa, 10. Dir. health education, State Board Health, Helena, Mont. (M27R34)M36. NQF. Brown, Miss Mildred W(oodward). M.S.. Iowa, 24. Instr., Univ. Missouri, Colum- bia, Mo. M28. N. Brown, Milton Theodore. B.S., Michigan State, 34. Oiler, Power and Pumping Div., Springwells Sta., Detroit Dept. Water Supplv, Dearborn, Mich. (4404 Vermont Ave., Detroit, Mich.) M37. M. Brown, Dr. Muriel W(hitbeck). M.A., Stanford, 24; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. 1 33 1 S. Delaware Ave., Tulsa, Okla. M28. INF. Brown, Miss Nellie A(dalesa). A.B., Mich- igan. Assoc, pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry. Washington, D. C. M08F16. G. Brown, Prof. Nelson C(ourtlandt). New York State Col. Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. M31F32R32. O. Brown, Prof. Olin T(eeter). Colgate Univ., Hamilton, N. Y. M34F34R35. E. Brown, Dr. Oliver L(eonard) I(nman). M.S., Iowa, 33; Ph.D., California, 36. Instr. chemistrv, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1015 Church St.) M38. C. Brown, Col. Orville G., U.S.A. 2017 E. 3rd St., Tucson, Ariz. M36R39- NIK. Brown, Dr. Paul A. Ph.D., Pittsburgh. Instr. psychology, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pitts- burgh, Pa. (400 McCargo St., New Kens- ington, Pa.) M35. I. Brown, Paul D. Methodist Hosp., In- dianapolis, End. M38R38. CNG. Brown, Prof. Percy Edgar. M14F16D37. O. Secretary of Section on Agriculture (O), 1921-35; vice president, 1936. Brown, Dr. Rachel Fuller. M.S., Chicago, 21 ; Ph.D., 33. Senior biochemist, Div. Labs, and Res., New York State Dept. Health, Albanv, N. Yr. (419 Manning Blvd.) M35. NC. Brown, Dr. Ralph L(yman). Ph.D., Chi- cago. 17. Dir. res., Pennslvania Salt Mfg. Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. (2 Crest Lane, Swarthmore, Pa.) M22F33. C. Brown, Reynolds D (river), Jr. Engineer charge Patent Dept., Philco Corp., Phila- delphia, Pa. (1527 Spruce St.) M37. MBA. Brown, Prof. Richard E(dmund). New York Univ.. Univ. Heights, New York. X. Y. M34F34R38. M. Brown, Dr. Robert H(eath). M.A., Clark, 33; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof. exp. psychology, Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass. M37. I. Brown, Prof. Robert M(arshall). A.M., Harvard, 02. Prof, economic geography and geology, Rhode Island Col. Educa- tion, Providence, R. I. (West Barring- ton, R. I.) M99F1 1. E. Brown, Robert V(enable). M.S., Emory, 28; Ph.D., Chicago, 40. Asst. prof, physi- ology and pharmacology, Michigan State Col., Fast Lansing, Mich. M37. NpF. Brown, Dr. Roland W(ilbur). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. Geologist, LT. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M26F32. E. Brown, Prof. Russell G(uy). M.S.. West Virginia, 30; Ph.D., Maryland, 34. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. ( M32R33)M3sF39. G. Brown, S. Melvin. Asst. chemist, Univ. California Citrus Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. (3448 Strong St.) M31. C. Brown, Dr. Samuel. M.D., Tennessee, 11. Asst. prof, roentgenology, Univ. Cincin- nati Col. Med.; dir. X-ray Dept., Jewish Hosp., Cincinnati, Ohio. M18. N. Brown, S(amuel) R(ollins). Box 1156, Johannesburg, S. Africa. M36R39- MKE. Brown, Prof. S(impson) Leroy. M.A., In- diana, 07; Ph.D., California, 09. Prof, physics and chairman Dept., Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M17F27. B. Brown, Dr. Theodore Henry. A.M., Yale, ii- PhD., 13. 25 Meadow Way, Cam- bridge, Mass. M18F18. AP. Brown, Thomas D. M.S., Virginia, 34. Graduate student, Univ. Virginia, Char- lottesville, Va. (513 Ridge St.) M39- FG. Brown, Col. Thomas F. Vice pres., Nat. Distillers Products Corp., New York, N. Y. (130 E. 75th St.) M33. CM. Brown, Dr. Thomas Richardson. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 97. Assoc, prof, medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ.; physician-in- charge, Gastro-intestinal Clinics, Johns Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore, Md. (14 Whit- field Road) M34F34- N. Brown, (Thomas) Townsend. 733 Adair Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. M28R36. B. Brown, Victor (Robert). Ontario Veteri- nary Col.. Guelph, Out., Canada. M36R37. NFO. Individual Members 3°3 Brown, Dr. Wade Hampton. M.D., Johns Hopkins. 07. Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res.. Princeton, N. J. M11F15. X. Brown, Dr. Wade Lynn. Ph.D., Texas, 37. 2838 San Gabriel St.. Austin, Tex. M38. [Q. Brown, Col. Walter James. LL.M., Chi- cago Law School, 98. Bursar, Exec. Sec. and lecturer social science, Univ. Western Ontario. London, Ont., Canada. (1006 Wellington St.) M38. KEO. Brown, Prof. Warner. M.A., California, 06; Ph.D., Columbia, 08. Prof, psychol- ogy, Univ. California, Berkelev, Calif. M08F11. I. Brown, Dr. William Adams. 3041 Broad- way. New York, N. Y. M06R38. KQ. Brown, William E(llwood). 762 Hamilton St., Lancaster, Pa. M35R36. O. Brown, Dr. William E(ustis). M.D., Har- vard. 20. Assoc, prof, preventive medicine, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med.; med. dir.. Committee Maternal Health; med. con- sultant. Med. Milk Commission, Cincin- nati. Ohio. (2423 Ingleside Ave.) M40. N. Brown, Prof. William F(uller), Jr. Ph.D.. Columbia, ^7. Asst. prof, physics, Prince- ton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M29F40. BAM. Brown. Dr. William Henry. M08F15L20- D39. G. Brown, Dr. William Moseley. A.M., Wash- ington and Lee, 15; A.M., Columbia, 22: Ph.D., 23. Personnel dir. Vick Chemical Co..; dir. Vick School Applied Merchan- dising. New York, X. Y. (12 Gainsbor- ough Road. Scarsdale, X. Y.) M20F25. IIIQ. Brown, Williamson) J(ames). M.S., Oklahoma A. and M., 24. Senior entomol- ogist, Div. Entomology. Dominion Dept. Agric, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M34F34. FG. Brownback, Dr. J. Harold. Sc.D., Ursinus, 38. Prof, biology. Ursinus Col., College- ville. Pa. (600 Main St., Trappe. Pa.) M27. F. Browne. Arthur S. M10D39. MI'. Browne, Prof. A(rthur) W(esley). Cor- nell Univ., Ithaca, X. Y. M34E34R34. C. Browne, Dr. C(harles) A(lbert). M.A., Ph.D.. Gottingen, 02; D.Sc. Williams, 24, Stevens Inst. Tech.. 25. Supervisor res.. U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Washington, D. C. (3408 Lowell St. NW.) M02F09. C. Vice president for Section on Chemistry (C), 193 1- Browne, Dr. Frederick L(incoln). M.S.. Wisconsin, 20; Ph.D., 21. Senior chemist. I'. S. Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. (119 Ash St.) M21F25. CB. Browne, Herbert Janvrin. M30D36. BDE. Browne, Dr. John S(ymonds) L(yon). M.D.. McGill, 29; Ph.D., .^2. Asst. prof. medicine and lecturer pathological chem- istry, McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Can- ada. M39. X. Browne, Dr. Louise McDanell. A.M., Co- lumbia, 12; Ph.D., Yale. 17- 34o8 Lowell St. NW., Washington, D. C. M13F16. C. Browne, Patrick. Mt. Union Col., Alliance, Ohio. ( ?) M29R32. F. Browne, Ralph C. 123 Federal St., Salem, Mass. M30. Browne, Prof. William Hand, Jr. B.E.. Johns Hopkins, 27. State College Sta., Raleigh, N. Car. M23F28. QMB. Browne, William J(ames). M.S., Illinois. 39. Educational dir., Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc., Lawrenceburg, Ind. (111 Berkeley Ave.. Peoria. 111.) M39- CBD. Browne, William M(alcolm). 3710 34th St. NW., Washington, D. C. M34F34- R36. D. Browne, Dr. William W(ard). A.M.. Brown, 00: Ph.D., 12. Prof, biology. Col. City Xew York, Xew York. X. Y. M21- F21. N. Browned, Dr. W(illiam) A(rthur). A.M.. Chicago, 2,y. Ph.D., 26. Prof, educational psychology, Duke Univ., Durham. X. Car. M31F32. QIK. Brownng, Charles (Armstrong). M.A., Chicago. 2918 Linden Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. M39. QB. Browning, Dr. Harold W(illiam). M.S.. Wisconsin. 1 <> : Ph.D., 20. Prof, botanj and dir. graduate studies, Rhode Island State Col., Kingston, K. I. M20F33. CC. Browning, Prof. Philip E(mbury). M24- Fo3D37- C. Browning, Dr. William. M.D., Leipzig, Si. Prof, emeritus neurology and psychiatry. Long Island Med. Col., Brooklyn, X. Y. (54 Lefferts Place) M03F06. NLI. Brownlee, Dr. R(oy) H(utchison). Ph.D.. Chicago, 06. Pres. and dir.. R. H. Brown- lee Lab., 22i 4th Ave.. Pittsburgh, Pa. M29F33. COM. Brownlow, Louis. LL.D., American, 38. Dir., Public Administration Clearing House, Chicago. 111. I 5805 DorchesH-i Ave.) M38F40. K. Brownson, Dr. E(dward) Ray. 912 Roose- velt Bldg.. Los Angeles. Calif. M33R37- NMC. Brownstein, Benjamin. =,17 4th St., Ell- wood City. Pa. M25. MPA. Broxon, James William. M.A.. Minnesota. 20; Ph.D., 26. Prof, physics. LTniv. Col- orado, Boulder. Colo. M23F28. B. Broyles, Ralph. 7 hi E. nth St., Blooming- ton, hid. M39. C. 3. Curator Geol. Mus. and sec. Dept. Geology, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, X. I. (116 Livinston Ave.) (M32R33)- M38. EH. Burgess, Earle Houston. B.S.. Washing- ton Univ., 22. Sales mgr., Penberthy In- jector Co., Detroit, Mich. M40. BCM. Burgess, Dr. Ernest W(atson). Ph.D., Chicago. 13. Prof, sociology, Univ. Chi- cago. Chicago, 111. (5718 Dorchester Ave.) M24F30. K. Burgess, Miss (Grace) Dorothy. M.A.. Stanford, 26. Instr., Pomona Junior Col., 1'omona. Calif. M20. GFN. Burgess, Prof. Horace T(homas). M11- P15L20D39. A. Burgess, Louis. LL.B., St. Lawrence, 10. Patent attorney, 233 Broadwav. New York, X. Y. M23F33. ABC. Burgess, Dr. Paul S(teere). M.S., Illi- nois, 11; Ph.D., California, 20. Dean, Col. Agric. and dir., Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. (2528 E. 4th St.) M23F24. OGC. Burgess, Perry. Erie Vista, Geneva-on- the-Lake, Geneva, Ohio. M36. Burgess, Dr. Robert W(ilbur). Western Electric Co., Xew York, X. Y. M18F22- R37. KA. Burget, Prof. G(eorge) E(manuel). M21- F27D38. FN. Burghart, Lloyd M(eeks). M.A., Maine. 11. Chief chemist, I7. S. Industrial Alco- hol Co., Xew York, X. V. (Christie Hill Road. Darien, Conn.) M17F32. C. Burhoe, Dr. Sumner O(thniel). M.S., Kansas State, 26; Ph.D., Harvard, 37. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Marvland, Col- lege Park, Md. M28. F. Burington, Prof. Richard Stevens. M.A.. Ohio State, 26; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, mathematics. Case School Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. (3550 Antis- dale Ave., Cleveland Heights) M^F^S. ABM. Burk, Prof. Dean. Ph.D., California, 27. Assoc, prof, biochemistry, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., Xew York, X. Y. ; senior chem- ist. Xat. Inst. Health, Bethesda, Md. M29F33. CX< ). Burk, Dr. Robert E. M.A., Harvard, 23; Ph.D., Oxford, 26. Prof, chemistry, West- ern Reserve Univ.; res. dir. Standard Oil Co. Ohio, Cleveland, Ohio. (3140 Berk- shire Road. Cleveland Heights) M40. C. Burke, Dr. A(lexander) W(illiam). M.D.. Illinois. 00. Hotel Chelsea. Xew York, X. Y. M33F38. X. Burke, Prof. Frank D. Ch.E., 17. Prof. chemistry, John Carroll Univ.; pres.. Passivation Products Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. 1 2625 Dartmoor Road) M34F34. C. Burke, Dr. H(arry) E(ugene). Shade Tree Insect Lab.. Stanford Universitv, Calif. M17F20R33. F. Burke, Richard J. 2U)\ Glen View Ter- race, Altadena, Calif. (?) M31R39. E. Burke, Dr. Stephen P(atrick). M.A.. Co- lumbia, 21 ; Ph.D., 22. Visiting prof, chem- istry, Columbia Univ., Xew York, X. Y.; technical consultant, 1004 Xat. Press. Bldg., Washington, D. C. (445 Riverside Drive. Xew York. X. Y.) M25F28. CBA. Burke, W(illiam) E(dmund). A.B., Stan- ford, 07. Consulting chemist, Amer. Pot- ash and Chemical Corp., Xew York, X. Y. (Box 218, Route 1, Reno, Nev.) M05- F25. C. Individual Members 3" Burkette, Miss Josephine L(ouise). M.S., Northwestern, 34. Instr. biology, Southern Seminary and Junior Col., Buena Vista, Va. M39. G. Burkhardt, Miss Anabel (Pope). A.B., Vassar. iSS Madison Ave., Holvoke, Mass. M38. P. AC. Burkhart, Mrs. B. Le Roy (Elizabeth K. Zimmerman). M.A., Brown, 31. Asst., Hull Zoological Lab., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M35. F. Burkhart, Dr. Harvey J(acob). D.D.S., Baltimore Col. Dental Surgery, 90; LL.D., Rochester, 20; D.Sc, Maryland, 40. Dir., Rochester Dental Dispensary; principal, Rochester Dental Dispensary School Den- tal Hygienists, Rochester, N. Y. M40. Nd. Burkhart, Dr. Leland. M.S., New Hamp- shire; Ph.D., Chicago. New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, N. J. (?) M38. G. Burkhart, Dr. W(alter) C(linton). D.V.M., Ohio State, 16; B.S., Georgia, 32. Prof, bacteriology, Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. M39F40. NOP. Burkholder, Dr. Walter H(agemeyer). Ph.D., Cornell, 17. Prof, plant pathology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M18F23. G. Burks, Dr. Barbara S(toddard). Ph.D., Stanford, 29. Res. assoc. genetics, Car- negie Inst. Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. M39. FIK. Burks, Dana, Jr. Box 115, Slatersville, R. I. M34F34R35- C. Burlage, Dr. Henry M(atthew). M.A., Harvard, 21 ; Ph.D., Washington, 27. Prof, pharmacy, Univ. North Carolina School Pharmacy, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M37F38. NpCG. Burleigh, John Agnew. 2049 E. Newton St., Seattle, Wash. M27. KIQ. Burlew, Dr. John S(walm). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 34. Asst. physical chemist, Geo- physical Lab., Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. M34. CB. Burley, Dr. Benjamin T. 19 High St., Worcester, Mass. M08R38. NI. Burling, Dr. (Fred) Temple. M.D., Chi- cago, 23. Psychiatrist, R. H. Macy and Co., New York, N. Y. (605 E. Saddle River Road, Ridgewood, N. J.) M36. NIK. Burling, Lancaster D(emarest). B.S., Wis- consin, 05. Co-worker, Bovs' and Girls' Town, Verdon, Va. M0SF15'. EQK. Burlingame, Dr. C. Charles. M.D., Gen. Med. Col. Chicago, 08. Psychiatrist in chief, Neuro-Psychiatric Inst. Hartford Retreat, Hartford, Conn.; assoc. psychia- try, Columbia Univ.; assoc. attending psy- chiatrist, Vanderbilt Clinic, New York, N. Y. (11 Fernwood Road, West Hart- ford, Conn.) M38. NI. Burlingame, Dr. (Edith) Mildred. A.M., Stanford, 27; Ph.D., Minnesota, 30. Asst. prof, psychology, San Diego State Col., San Diego, Calif. M32F33. 1. Burlingame, Dr. L(eonas) L(ancelot). Ph.D., Chicago, 08. Prof, biology, Stan- ford Uuiiversitv. Calif. ( 746 Santa Ynez St.) M07F15. FG. Burlingham, Dr. Gertrude S(immons). Ph.D., Columbia, 08. Teacher (retired) biology, Eastern District High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. (808 Antoinette Ave., Winter Park, Fla.) M34F34. G. Burlingham, Dr. Robert M37D38. N. Burman, Owen K. A.B., California, 29. Gen. foreman, Exchange Lemon Products Co., Corona, Calif. (203 E. Kendall St.) M33. CE. Burmeister, Dr. William H(enry). 2512 Lakeview Ave., Chicago, 111. M13F27R36. N. Burmester, Dr. Ben R(oy). M.A., Cali- fornia, 33; Ph.D., 36. Instr. animal physi- ology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M39. ONF. Burn, Dr. Caspar G(reene). M.D., Yale, 30. Assoc, prof, pathology, Long Island Col. Med., Brooklyn, N. Y. (M27R33)- M37F38. NF. Burnell, Miss Dorah (Luscombe). M.A., Nebraska, 25. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Houghton Col., Houghton, N. Y. M28- F33. CN. Burneski, Anthony Daniel. Mgr., Domin- ion Tire and Radio Co., Brandon, Man., Canada. M38. ABM. Burnet, R. M. P. no Mermont St., Carls- bad, N. Mex. M39. HE. Burnett, Dr. Charles T(heodore). Ph.D., Harvard, 03; L.H.D., Amherst, 30. Prof, psychology, Bowdoin Col., Brunswick, Maine. M04F11. IKF. Burnett, Dr. Edgar Albert. 3256 Hol- dredge St., Lincoln, Nebr. M28F31R38. O. Burnett, Dr. J. Clawson. Alpine, N. J. L29. BCN. Burnett, Jerome B(enjamin). Ph.D., Ne- braska, 21. Vacuum Oil Co., Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia. M31F33. E. Burnett, Dr. Theodore C(rete). M.D., Co- lumbia, 87. Assoc, prof, emeritus physi- ology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (Carmel, Calif.) M12F15. N. Burnette, Dr. Norman L. D.So.Sc, Mon- treal, 2,2. Asst. sec. charge Welfare Div. Canada, Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., Ot- tawa, Ont., Canada. (203 Carling Ave.) M38. KI. Burnham, Allen M(elcomb). 268 Dog- wood Lane, Manhasset, N. Y. M29. FG. Burnham, E(noch) Lewis. A.B., Harvard, 04; C.E., Cornell, 07. Berwyn, Pa. M29. BEH. 312 Directory of Members Burnham, Dr. Ernest. A.M., Albion, 02; Ph.D., Columbia, 12. Prof, sociology, Western State Teachers Col., Kalamazoo, Mich. (320 Burrows Road) M11F15. KQ. Burnham, Stewart H(enry). Asst. curator, Dept. Botanv, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M08F11. G. Burnham, Dr. William H(enry). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 98. Prof, emeritus educa- tion and school hygiene, Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass. (Concord, N. H.) M07- Fio. IQ. Burns, Dr. B(eryl) I(les). Louisiana State Univ. School Med., New Orleans, La. M34F34R37. N. Burns, Daniel F. (E.), Jr. Student, St. Peter's Col. Preparatory School, Jersey Citv, N. J. (131 N. Essex Ave., Orange, N. J.) M40. CB. Burns, Dr. Dean Carl. M.D., Rush, 21. Dir., Little Traverse Hosp. and Burns Clinic, Petoskey, Mich. (314^2 Howard St.) M36. N. Burns, Dr. Edward L(eroy). M.D., Wash- ington Univ., 28. Instr. pathology and bacteriology, Louisiana State Univ. School Med.; visiting pathologist. State Charity Hosp. Louisiana, New Orleans, La. M40. N. Burns, Dr. Eleanor I(rene). Sc.D., Lafay- ette, 14. Vice pres., Amer. Col. Girls, Istanbul, Turkey. M07F16. BQ. Burns, Franklin L. Berwyn, Pa. M35F35. F. Burns, Dr. George P(lumer). A.M., Ohio Wesieyan, 98; Ph.D., Munich, 00. Univ. Vermont, Burlington, Vt. M07F09. G. Burns, George W. A.B., Cincinnati, 37. Teaching asst., Botany Dept., Univ. Min- nesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M38. GEF. Burns, Joseph F(rederick). 1950 Midvale Ave., Los Angeles, Calit. M28. BDA. Burns, Prof. Keivin. Ph.D., Minnesota, 10. Astronomer, Allegheny Observatory, Pittsburgh, Pa. M22F23. DAB. Burns, Dr. Louisa. 807 Prospect Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. M39R39. GFH. Burns, Dr. Robert K(yle). Ph.D., Yale, 24. Assoc, Dept. Embryology, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Baltimore, Md. M29- F31. FN. Burns, Dr. Robert Martin. A.M., Colorado, 16; Ph.D., Princeton, 21. Asst. chemical dir., Bell Telephone Labs., New York, N. Y. M28F30. C. Burns, Dr. Robert O(bed). Ph.D., Illinois, 37. Physicist, Celotex Corp., Marrero, La. (7316 Hurst St., New Orleans, La.) M38. B. Burns, Dr. Zed H(ouston). M.S., Alabama Polytechnic Inst., 29; Ed.D., Cincinnati, 39. Assoc, prof, education, Appalachian State Teachers Col., Boone, N. Car. M38. IQ. Burnside, Dr. Carlton E. M.S., Michigan, 25; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, apiculturist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Beltsville, Md. (3229 Vista St. NE, VVasnington, D. C.) M34F34. O. Burnside, Major Morris C. Box 42, Grand Rapids, Mich. (?) M29R32. BCM. Burnstan, Dr. Arthur Rowland. 104 Maple Ave., Northfield, Minn. M38R38. K. Burnstan, Mrs. Naomi Sloan (Mrs. Arthur Rowland Burnstan). B.Sc, Northwestern. Bacteriologist, 104 Maple Ave., Northfield, Minn. M38. NF. Burr, Alex(ander) C(arothers). M.Sc, Michigan, 22. Vice pres. and dean, James- town Col., lamestown, N. Dak. M35F35. CMQ. Burr, Dr. Charles W(alts). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 86; D.Sc, 33. Prof, emeritus mental diseases, Univ. Pennsylvania, Phil- adelphia, Pa. (1527 Pine St.) L22F33. N. Burr, Dr. Emily Thorp. Ph.D., Columbia, 22. Dir., Vocational Adjustment Bur.; instr., Columbia Univ. extension courses, New York; lecturer, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M27F28. INK. Burr, Dr. George Oswald. M.A., Arkansas, 20; Ph.D., Minnesota, 23; LL.D., Hen- drix, 36. Prof, botany and physiological chemistry, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M28F30. CGN. Burr, Dr. Harold Saxton. Ph.D., Yale, 15. Prof, anatomy, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M18F27. NF. Burr, Prof. Irving W(ingate). S.M., Chi- cago, 35. Assoc, prof, mathematics, An- tioch Col., Yellow Springs, Ohio. M37. AKF. Burr, I(saac) Tucker. 53 State St., Bos- ton, Mass. M08L09. Burr, James Guy. 2812 Nueces St., Aus- tin, Tex. M34. F. Burr, Maurice Holyoke. M.S., Yale, 28. Supt., Northeast Harbor Water Co., Northeast Harbor, Maine. M34. MAG. Burr, Vernon Randolph Cobb. Orienta Point Apts., Mamaroneck, N. Y. M29R36. CBM. Burr, Prof. William H(ubert). M82F83- D34. BM. Burr, William W(esley). B.Sc, Nebraska, 06. Dean, Univ. Nebraska Col. Agric, Lincoln, Nebr. (1300 N. 37th St.) M13- F15. OC. Burrage, Prof. Severance. D.P.H., Val- paraiso, 13; Ph.D., Hanover, 14. Assoc, prof, emeritus bacteriology 'and public health, Univ. Colorado School Med., Den- ver, Colo. (1355 Bellaire St.) M25. NQG. Burrell, Prof. A(rthur) B(rotherton). Ph.D., Cornell, 31. Prof, plant pathology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M3iF33- GO. Individual Members 313 Burrell, Miss Charlene M. M.Sc, Ohio State, 29. Head Biology Dept., High School, Alliance, Ohio. (2334 S. Union Ave.) M40. FGQ. Burrell, G. H. B.S., Case. 1940 5th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. M39. CMN. Burrell, Hon. Martin. M29D38. Burrell, Dr. Ramon H(addock). M.D., Michigan, 00. Creighton, Xebr. M02. KX. Burrell, R(obert) W(allace). B.Sc, Mass- achusetts State, 27. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quar- antine, Yokohama. Japan. M39F39. FO. Burrell, Dr. R(obin) C(harles). M.A., Ohio State, 21 ; Ph.D., 25. Assoc prof, agricultural chemistry, Ohio State Univ.. Columbus, Ohio. (195 Glenmont Ave.) M31F33. CGO. Burrett, Dr. Claude A(delbert). M.D., Ohio State, 05. Pres.. New York Med. Col., Flower-Fifth Avenue Hosp., New York, N. Y. do E. 88th St.) M34F34. X. Burrill, Prof. Alfred C(ummings). M.S.. Wisconsin, 15. Curator, Missouri Re- sources Mus., Jefferson City, Mo. M18F21. FGH. Burrill, Dr. Marie W. Ph.D., North- western, 37. Res. instr. physiology, Xorth- western Univ. Med. School, Chicago. 111. M38. F. Burrill, Dr. Meredith F(rederic). M.A.. Clark, 26; Ph.D., 30. Economic geogra- pher, General Land Office; prof, geog- raphy, Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Still- water. Okla. (220 Melrose Drive) M27- F33- EKB. Burris-Meyer, Harold. 44^ W. 23rd St., Xew York. X. Y. M36R36." BIM. Burriss, Lt. Zedford W. ( U.S.M.C.) Navy Yard. Philadelphia, Pa. M38. CBA. Burroughs, Dr. Shepard H(oney). M.D., Western Reserve, 04. Member surgical staff, Ashtabula Gen. Hosp., Ashtabula, Ohio. M18. N. Burroughs, Prof. Wilbur Greeley. Jack- son St., Berea, Ky. M34F34R36. E. Burrow, Edgar Anderson. Engineer, Brady, Tex. M25. MAB. Burrow, Dr. Trigant. M.D., Virginia, 90: Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins. 09. Scientific dir., Lifwynn Foundation, 27 E. 37th St., New York, N. Y. (South Morningside Drive, Greens Farms, Conn.) M08F25. NI. Burrows, Dr. George H(oward). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 14. Prof, chem- istry, Univ. Vermont, Burlington, Vt. (393 S. Prospect St.) M08F14. C. Burrows, Dr. Montrose T(homas). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 09. Physician, 201 N. El Molino Ave.. Pasadena, Calif. (5202 May- wood Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.) M11F15. FN. Burrows, Dr. William. M.S., Illinois, 30; I'h. I).. Chicago, 32. Asst. prof, bacteriol- ogy, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5728 Drexel Ave.) M33F38. XC. Burruss, Dr. Julian A(shby). A.M., Co- lumbia, 06; Ph.D., Chicago, 21; LL.D., Hampden-Sydney, 37. Pres., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg, Va. M28- F34. QKM. Bursch, Dr. James F(rederick). 551 Pico Way, Sacramento, Calif. M31R36. QI. Burstein, Dr. Charles L. M.D.. Paris, 34. Instr. anesthesia, New York Univ.; super- visor anesthesia, Hosp. Ruptured and Crippled; asst. visiting anesthetist, Belle- vue Hosp., Xew York, X. Y. M40. N. Burt, Miss C. Pauline. M.A., Mt. Holyoke, 16; Ph.D., Yale, 25. Prof, chemistry. Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (101 Prospect St.) M35F35. C. Burt, Dr. Charles E(arle). M.S., Kansas State, 27; Ph.D., Michigan, 30. Prof, biol- ogy, Southwestern Col.. Winfield, Kansas M28F33. F. Burt, Dr. Edward Angus. M01F01D39. G. Burt, Dr. Frederick J. M.D., Michigan, 13. 104 Oakland St.. Holly, Mich. M35. BXC. Burt, Harold A. Designer, Linotype Co., Brooklyn, X. Y. (119-32 200th St.. St. Albans, X. Y.) M39. DB. Burt, Prof. Joseph B(ell). M.Sc. Wiscon- sin, 27; Ph.D., 35. Prof, pharmacy and chairman Dept., Univ. Nebraska Col. Pharmacy, Lincoln, Nebr. M35F38. XpC. Burt, Dr. Robert C(ady). 904 E. Cali- fornia St., Pasadena. Calif. M21F29R32. BCM. Burt, Stanley G(ano). Hotel Alms. Cin- cinnati, Ohio. M29R32. EHC. Burt, Dr. W(illiam) H(enry). A.M.. Kan- sas, 27; Ph.D., California, 30. Curator of mammals, Mus. Zoology; instr. zoology, Univ. Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich. M31- F33. FEG. Burtle, William (Ewart). 9944 Conner St., Detroit. Mich. M36R37. BCE. Burton, Arthur (Arthur Berman). 1945 A Haste St., Berkeley, Calif. M39R39. IQX. Burton, Miss Eleanor Paxton. M.S., Chi- cago. 37. Bacteriologist, Co-ordinating Lab., Illinois Dept. Public Health. Chi- cago. 111. (636 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111.) M39. X. Burton, Everett T. M.A., Indiana. 24. Res. engineer, Bell Telephone Labs., New York, N. Y. (97 Cypress St., Maplewood. N. J.) M28F33. BMA. Burton, Dr. Glenn W(illard). M.Sc, Rut- gers, 33: Ph.D., 36. Assoc, geneticist, Div. Forage Crops, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Tifton, Ga. (421 W. 10th St.) M36F39. OGC. 3H Directory of Members Burton, H(arry) E(dward). M.S., Iowa, 03. Principal astronomer and head Equa- torial Div., U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. M28F30. DAB. Burton, Miss Helen B(rown). S.M., Chi- cago, 22; Ph.D., 29. Dir. School and prof, home economics, Univ. Oklahoma, Nor- man, Okla. (512 S. Crawford St.) M29- F33. CNF. Burton, Richard Cheetham. Engineer, Chiriqui Lar"1 Co., Puerto Armuelles, Panama. M36. J[R. Burton, W(ayne) J(oseph). 6029 Cates Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M36R36. M. Burton, William S(tifler). Hampton Inst., Hampton, Va. M32R32. BA. Burton-Opitz, Dr. Russell. M.D., Chicago, 95; S.M., 02; Ph.D.. 05. Lecturer physiol- ogy, Columbia Univ.; consulting physi- cian and cardiologist, 35 E. 84th St., New York, N. Y. (Palisade, N. J.) M02F05. FGN. Burtt, Prof. Harold E(rnest). Ph.D., Har- vard, 15. Prof, psychology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M16F28. I. Burunjik, Dr. May. 730 3rd Ave., Havre, Mont. M32F33R34. GFC. Burwash, Dr. E(dward) M(oore Jackson). M.A., Toronto, 97; Ph.D., 14; Ph.D., Chi- cago, 15. 36 Prince Arthur Ave., To- ronto, Ont., Canada. L22F25. EH. Burwell, Dr. C(harles) Sidney. M.D., Har- vard, 19; LL.D.. Allegheny, 36. Dean, Faculty Med. and Res. and prof, clinical medicine. Harvard Med. School; physi- cian, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, Mass. M24F27. N. Burwell, Miss Lillian L(eondra). S.M., Chicago, 31. Assoc, prof., Tillotson Col., Austin, Tex. M40. FG. Busch, Dr. Daniel A(dolph). M.A., Ohio State, 36; Ph.D., 39. Instr., Dept. Geol- ogy, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (4825 Baum Blvd.) M40. E. Busch, Henry Paul. B.S., Pennsylvania, 93. Dir., Shoemaker and Busch, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. (1006 Spruce St.) L21. CE. Busch, Dr. K(arl) G(eorge) A(dolph). A.M., Ohio State, 20; Ph.D., 30. Head Dept. Chemistry and Geology. Capital Univ., Columbus. Ohio. (2424 Sherwood Road) (M34F34R34)M4oF34. CQE. Busck, August. 217 Rock Creek Church Road, Washington, D. C. M07F13R39. F. Bush, C(harles) R(ichard). Box 2831, Beaumont, Tex. M32R36. BME. Bush, Egbert T(rimmer). M13D37. O. Bush, Dr. Elliot T. 222 W. Church St., Elmira, N. Y. M36R36. N. Bush, Dr. Gow M(ax). M.S., Cornell, 34: Ph.D., Iowa, 39. Dept. Biology, North Carolina Col., Durham, N. Car. M40. FG. Bush, John M. Mgr., Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co., and Michigan Mineral Land Co.; vice pres., Superior Realty Co., Negaunee, Mich. M36. CKM. Bush, Miss Mildred. M.A., Texas, 29; Ph.D., California, 32. Dept. Zoology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M31. F. Bush, Dr. V(annevar). M.S., Tufts, 13; Sc.D., 32; D.Eng., Massachusetts Inst Tech., 16, Harvard, 16; LL.D., Brown 39. Pres., Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. M34F34. M. Secretary of Section on Engineering (M), 1933-37. Bushnell, D. I., Jr. 417-B Westchester Apt., Washington, D. C. M02F03. H. Bushnell, Horace C(arlton). M.E., Cor- nell, 02. Senior valuation engineer, New York Public Service Commission, New York, N. Y. (1215 E. 28th St., Brooklvn, N. Y.) M17. M. Bushnell, Dr. Leland D(avid). M.S., Kan- sas, 15; Ph.D., Harvard, 21. Head Dept. Bacteriology, Kansas State Col.; bac- teriologist, Kansas State Agric. Exp. Sta., Manhattan, Kans. M12F16. GKN. Bushnell, Dr. Ralph J(udson). M.S., Wis- consin, 32; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, genetics, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. M37F39. FG. Bushnell, Thomas M(ark). Purdue Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., West Lafavette, Ind. M25F31. O. Buso, Mrs. Hilda Elena Aboy. M.S., Cor- nell. Instr. biologv, Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R. M40. GNF. Buss, Prof. Fred E(arle). M.A., Stan- ford, 24. Prof, geology, San Jose State Col., San Jose, Calif. (510 Columbia St., Palo Alto, Calif.) M25F33. DEG. Bussell, Dr. Frank P(ores). Ph.D.. Cor- nell. 10. Prof, plant breeding, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M18F25. GO. Bussey, Prof. William Henry. A.M., Har- vard, 02; Ph.D., Chicago, 04. Prof, math- ematics and asst. dean, Univ. Minnesota Col. Science, Literature and Arts, Minne- apolis, Minn. (1421 E. River Road) M07- F09. A. Buswell, Prof. A(rthur) M(oses). A.M., Maine, 12; Ph.D.. Columbia, 17. Chief, Illinois State Water Survey; prof, chem- istry; Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (205 S. Busey St.) M17F25. C. Buswell, Prof. G(uy) T(homas). A.M., Chicago, 16; Ph.D., 20. Prof, educational psychology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M21F23. IQ. Vice president for Section on Education (Q), 1934. Buswell, Dr. J(ames) Oliver, Jr. A.M., Chicago, 24; D.D., Dallas Theological Seminarv. 27; LL.D., Houghton, 36. Pres., Wheaton Col., Wheaton, 111. M36. KQ. Individual Members 315 Butchart, Dr. J(ohn) H(arvey). Ph.D., Illinois, 32. Prof, mathematics, William Woods Col., Fulton, Mo. (510 Grand Ave.) (M36R36)M39- A. Butcher, Dr. Earl O(rlo). M.A., Cornell, 26; Ph.D., 28. Prof, biology, Hamilton Col., Clinton, N. Y. (Griffin Road, College Hill) M30F31. FN. Butin, Dr. Mary Ryerson. M.D., North- western. 201) N. B St., Madera, Calif. M39. N. Butler, Dr. Albert Q(uigg). M.A., Wes- leyan, 24; A.M., Harvard, 26; Ph.D., 33. Chief analytical chemist, Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo. (7634 Springdale Drive, Pasadena Park) M38 CN. Butler, Dr. Amos W(illiam). M81F85E36- D37. FHK. Butler, Bert S(ylvenus). M.S., Cornell, 07; D.Sc, Colorado Col. Mines, 28. Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M25F25. E. Butler, Dr. Bertram T(heodore). A.M., Columbia, 08; Ph.D., New York, 33. Assoc, prof, and chairman Dept. Geology, The City Col., New York, N. Y. (186 Crescent Ave., Leonia, N. J.) M24F32. EGH. Butler, Dr. C(harles) S(t. John). M.D., Virginia, 97; LL.D., Emory and Henry, 32. Rear Admiral (M.C.), United States Navy, retired, 848 Anderson St., Bristol, Tenn. M24F25. FN. Butler, Dr. C(ourtland) L(ivingston), Jr. Ph.D., Illinois, 25. Prof., Bennington Col., Bennington, Vt. M31F33. CN. Butler, Miss Elizabeth. Ph.D., Chicago, 34. Asst. prof, zoology, Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M34. F. Butler, Prof. E(lmer) G(rimshaw). A.M., Princeton, 25; Ph.D., 27. Prof, zoology, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (109 Broadmead) M26F30. F. Butler, Dr. G(urdon) M(ontague). Sc.D., Colorado School Mines, 22. Dean, Col. Mines and Engng., and prof, mining engng. ; Univ. Arizona; dir. Arizona Bur. Mines, Tucson, Ariz. M10F11. EM. Butler, H(arold) G(ordon). Bur. En- tomology, St. Joseph, Mo. M28F33R37. F. Butler, Howard Russell. M29D34. BD. Butler, Prof. Joe B(eatty). Missouri School Mines, Rolla, Mo. M34F34R39. M. Butler, Dr. John H(enry) Manning. A.M., Livingstone, 98; Pd.D., 23. Administra tive asst., head Graduate Course, and dir. Normal Col. Dept., Nat. Teachers Col., Manila, P. I. M30. Q. Butler, M(arcus) Bayard, Jr. 460 Beech- wood Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. M28R^. MAB. Butler, Dr. O(rmond) R(ourke). Ph. I)., Cornell, 10. Univ. New Hampshire. Dur- ham, N. H. M10F13. G. Butler, Dr. Thomas J. M.D., Virginia. 8 E. 4th St., Bethlehem, Pa. M39. NIK. Butler, Rev. Thomas P. Weston Col., Weston, Mass. M33. CA. Butler, Wallace. B.A., Minnesota, 10. Agent, U. S. Dept. Agric, San Antonio, Tex. (325 Jennings Ave.) M25. G. Butler, Dr. W(illiam) J(ohn). D.V.S., New York, 03. Exec, officer and dir. labs., Montana Livestock Sanitary Board: chairman Montana Milk Control Board, Helena, Mont. (704 Stuart St.) M31. NFO. Butler, Dr. William K(ennedy). M17D38. N. Butler, William Mill. Ward Homestead, Maplewood, N. J. M06. DKL. Butner, D(aniel) W(orth). 5 ss Colusa Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M36R38. MB. Butt, F(erdinand) H(inckley). Ph.D., Cornell, 34. Instr. entomology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M34. F. Butterfield, E(arl) C(arver). B.S., Kansas State. Rosslvn Station, Arlington, Va. M39. OM. Butterfield, Prof. Thomas E(dward). M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 95 ; C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 97. Prof, heat power engng.; dir. Civilian Pilot Flight Train- ing, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. M29- F32. MBQ. Butters, Prof. Fred(eric) K(ing). Ph.D., Harvard, 17. 815 S. 7th St., Minneapolis, Minn. M07F11. G. Butterworth, Carl E(lroy). B.S., Pitts- burgh, 24. Chemist, Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., Newgulf, Tex. M39. CM. Butterworth, G(eorge) Forrest, Jr. 14 Wall St., New York, N. Y. M20R34. K. Butterworth, Dr. T(heron) H(ervey). 3543 Avenue B, San Antonio, Tex. M 52- F33R38. ONP. Buttles, William S. 10728 S. Artesian Ave., Morgan Park, Chicago, 111. (M33R33)- M36R37. DB. Buttolph, Dr. L(eroy) J(ames). M.S., Kalamazoo, 16; Sc.D., 33. Engineer, Gen. Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio. (1 Columbia Ave., Grantwood, N. I.) M27F28. BC. Butts, Donald C(harles) A(twood). M.S., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy, 35; Sc.D., 37. Dir. Emery Lab. Cancer Res., Hahne- mann Med. Col., Philadelphia Pa M27- F33- B. Butts, Helen E. (See Mrs. Donovan S. Correll). 3i6 Directory of Members Butz, Dr. Lewis W(illiam). Ph.D., Illi- nois, 33. Biochemist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Beltsville, Md. (Hollywood Road. Berwyn, Md.) M38F39. CNO. Buwalda, Dr. John P(eter). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 15. Chairman, Div. Geol. Sciences, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (2103 San Pasqual St.) M13F15. E. Buxton, Loran O. B.S., Purdue, 37. Res. chemist, Xat. Oil Products Co., Harrison, X. J. M39. CNP. Buyniski, Edward F. B.S., Massachusetts Col. Pharmacy. Pharmacist, Vernon Drug Co.; graduate fellow physiology, Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass. (014 Alain St.) M40. Np. Buzzati-Traverso, Dr. A(driano). D.Xat.- Sc, Milano. Asst., Instituto de Zoologia, della R. Universita, Palazzo Botta, Pavia, Italv. (Viale L. Maino 18, Milano, Italv) M35. FG. Byck, Dr. Harold T(heodore). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 30. Res. chemist, Produc- tion Res., Shell Development Co., Emery- ville, Calif. (1928 Hopkins St., Berkeley, Calif.) M27F32. BCM. Byerley, Jacob Roy. M.S., Illinois, 30. Asst. state supt. Public Instruction, Springfield. 111. (862^ Loraine St.) M39. FGQ. Byerly, Dr. Theodore C(arroll). Ph.D., Iowa. 26. Univ. Maryland. College Park, Md. M31F31. FG. Byers, Dr. C(harles) Francis. M.S., Mich- igan, 26; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, prof, biology, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M28F33. F. Byers, Prof. Horace G(reeley). U. S. Bur. Chemistry and Soils, Washington, D. C. M11F14R33. C. Byfield, Dr. Albert H. c/o Harry Atkin- son, Inc., 408 S. Spring" St., Los Angeles, Calif. M24R37. X. Byington, Dr. LeUrand B. iM.JJ., Iowa, 19; M.P.H., Johns Hopkins, 39. Surgeon, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. M39. XFE. Bynum, C(harles) H(udson), II. 2903 Flora St., Dallas, Tex. M32R36. QIK. Byrd, Dr. Elon E. M.Sc, Mississippi State, 31; Ph.D., Tulane, 34. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. M37. FG. Byrd, John Holt. Box 116, Coraopnlis, Pa. M31R34. CBA. Byrd, Dr. Oliver E(rasmus). M.A., Stan- ford, 33; Ed.D., 40. Assoc, prof, hygiene and physical education, Stanford Univer- sity. Calif. (217 Madrono Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.) M40. QX. Byrd, Dr. Wallace. CCC Camp Xorris, Ironwood, Mich. ( M30R34) M36R37. XF. Byrne, Frank. Dept. Geology, Kansas State Col.. Manhattan, Kans. M37R37. EFH. Byrne, John Joseph. A.B., Princeton. 107 Louis Pasteur Ave., Boston, Mass. M38. XFG. Byrnes, C. P. 7 Midland Gardens, Bronx- ville, X. Y. M25. BCI. Byrnes, Dr. Esther F(ussell). Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 98. 1803 X. Camac St., Phila- delphia, Pa. M18F21. FG. Byrnes, Frank C. Student, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (71S7 S. Princeton Ave.) M40. CE. Byrnes, Leo M. St. Mary's Seminary, Bal- timore, Md. M31R32. GF. Byrnes, Dr. Ralph R(oy). D.D.S., Vander- bilt, 12. Dean, Atlanta-Southern Dental Col., Atlanta, Ga. (1323 Briarelirr Road XE.) M32. Xd. Bywaters, Dr. James H(umphreys). M.S., Kentucky, 32; Ph.D., Iowa, 36. Assoc, geneticist, Regional Poultry Res. Lab., U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, East Lansing, Mich. M39F40. OFA. Cable, Miss Louella E. M.A., South Da- kota, 2~ . Junior aquatic biologist, U. S. Bur. Fisheries, Charleston, S. Car. (12 Gillon St.) M29F33. FEH. Cable, Prof. Raymond M(illard). Sc.M., Xew York, 30; Ph.D., 33. Assoc, prof, parasitologv, Purdue Univ., La Favette, lnd. M33. FC. Cabot, Dr. Clyde M(arcus). M.D., Minne- sota, 31; M.S., 35. Chief section ophthal- mology and otolaryngology, Calgary Assoc. Clinic, Calgary, Alta., Canada. (1435 5th St. XW.) M40. X. Cabot, Edward C. Curator, Geol. Mus., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (39 Kirkland St.) M37- E. Cabot, Godfrey Lowell. 77 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. M25. C. Cabot, Dr. Philippe Sidney deQuetteville. M.A., Xew Zealand, 26, Columbia, 31, Harvard, 35; Ph.D., Harvard, 36. Dir., Cambridge-Somerville Youth Survey, Cambridge; lecturer, Simmons Col., Bos- ton; consulting psychologist. Aloha Camps, Inc., Brookline, Mass. (10 Gar- den Terrace, Cambridge, Mass.) M37. INQ. Cabot, Samuel. A.B., Harvard. Pies., Sam- uel Cabot, Inc., Boston, Mass. M34F34. C. Cabrera, Dr. Esteban Garcia. M.D., Penn- sylvania, 12. Dir. and urologist, Inst, de Urodologia de Puerto Rico, Hosp. San Jose; assoc. prof, urology, Columbia Univ. School Tropical Med.; visiting urologist. Univ. Hosp., Univ. Puerto Rico, Santurce, P. R. M40. XCF. Individual Members 31/ Cachot, Miss Rebeca Carrion. 3S3 Apart- ado de Correos, Lima, Peru, S. A. (?) M25R37. HK. Cade, Dr. Arthur R(osson). M.S., Minne- sota, 17; Ph.D., 33. Consulting chemist and bacteriologist, 4621 Beard Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. M30F33. C. Cadena, Francisco. Engineer, Neville Island Branch, Dravo Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. M38. MCK. Cadle, Miss Elizabeth F(rances). 807 W. Pacific St., Springfield, Mo. M32R35. QNI. Cadmus, Dr. John H. M32D34. N. Cady, Dr. Bertha Chapman. Box 321, South Miami, Fla. M26F27R36. GF. Cady, Charles A(rthur). Gen. Radio Co., 30 State St., Cambridge, Mass. M38R39. MPA. Cady, Dr. George H(amilton). A.M., Kan- sas, 28; Ph.D., California, 30. Asst. prof, chemistry, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M37. CB. Cady, Gilbert H(aven). M.S., Northwest- ern, n; Ph.D., Chicago. 17. Senior geol- ogist and head Coal Div., Illinois State Geol. Survey, LTrbana, 111. (504 W. Ore- gon St.) M34F34- E. Cady, Dr. O(sman) H(orace). M.S., Washington, 19; Ph.D., Stanford, 27. Chairman, Chemistry Dept., Los Angeles City Col.. Los Angeles, Calif. (922 N. Mariposa Ave.) M28F33. C. Cady, Prof. Walter B(riggs). Ypsilanti, Mich. M06F15R32. C. Cady, Dr. Walter G(uyton). M.A., Brown, 96; D.Sc, 38; Ph.D., Berlin, 00. Prof, physics, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. M00F06. B. Cady, William Hamlin. A.M., Brown, 05. Chief chemist, U. S. Finishing Co., Nor- wich, Conn. (127 Power St., Providence, R. I.) M06. C. Caffrey, Donald J(ohn). U. S. Bur. En- tomology and Plant Quarantine, Wash- ington, D. C. M17F20R38. F. Caffrey, Genevieve E(lizabeth). Route 11, Seattle, Wash. M21R36. A. Cagle, Fred Ray. M.S., Michigan, 38. Dir., Mus. Natural and Social Sciences, South- ern Illinois Normal Univ., Carbondale, 111. M40. FG. Cahen, S. F. ( See Stanley Frederick Car- son) . Cahill, B(ernard) J. S. 3^7 12th St., Oak- land, Calif. M23F31R33. E. Cahill, Dr. George F(rancis). M.D., Yale, 11. Prof, urology, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N.'Y. (121 East 60th St.) M29F38. N. Cahill, Dr. William M. Ph.D., Berlin, 36. Instr. physiological chemistry, Wayne Univ. Col. Med., Detroit, Mich. (3026 Van Dyke St.) M39. N. Cahn, Alvin R(obert). M.S., Wisconsin. 15; Ph.D., Illinois, 22. Forestry Bldg., Norris, Tenn. M13F25. FG. Cahn, Prof. Lester R. D.D.S., New York. Assoc, prof, dentistry, Columbia Univ. School Dental and Oral Surgery, New York, N. Y. M35F38. Nd. Cahoon, Dr. G(uybert) P(hillips). M.A.. California, 29; Ed.D., 37. Assoc, prof, ed- ucation, supervisor teaching science and mathematics, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (4845 N. High St.) M38. QBC. Cain, Louis S. E.M.. Colorado School Mines. Supt. Public Works, Territory of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. (4040 Koko Drive) M40. M. Cain, Dr. Stanley A(dair). 450 N. Audu- bon Road, Indianapolis, Ind. M31F33- R33. G. Caine, Alfred B. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. M30F32R33. O. Caiola, Fred. C.E., New York, 32. Asst. engineer and designer, Board Water Sup- ply, New York, N. Y. (2840 Wellman Ave.) M39- MBI. Caird, James M(orton). P.E., Univ. State New York, 21. Sanitary engineer, Cannon Bldg., Broadway and 2nd St., Troy, N. Y. M08. CGN. Cairns, Dr. Stewart S(cott). A.M., Har- vard. 27; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, mathe- matics, Queens Col., Flushing, N. Y. (42- 14 140th Place) M34F34. A. Cairns, Prof. William D(eWeese). A.M., Harvard, 98; Ph.D., Gottingen, 07. Prof, emeritus mathematics, Oberlin Col., Ober- lin, Ohio. (07 Elm St.) M17F18. A. Vice president for Section on Mathematics (A), 1937- Cajori, Dr. Florian A. Ph.D., Yale, 20. University of Pennsylvania, Medical School, Philadelphia, Pa. M35F35. N. Calcott, Dr. W(illiam) S(tansfield). Ch.E., Virginia, 13; LL.D., Notre Dame, 37. Dir., Jackson Lab., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.; res. dir. Kinetic Chemicals, Inc., Wilmington, Del. (164 East Ave., Woods- town, N. J.) M28F33. C. Calderone, Dr. Frank A(nothy). M.D., New York, 24; M.P.H., Johns Hopkins, 37. Health officer, Lower East Side Health Center, New York; instr., New York Univ. Med. Col. Dept. Preventive Med., New York, N. Y. (341 E. 25th St.) M33. N. Calderwood, Howard N(ewton), Jr. Chem- istry Bldg., Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M18F33R34. CMQ. Caldis, Dr. Panos D(emetrius). M.A., Michigan State. 22; M.S., 25; Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 26. In charge agric. research, Cali- fornia Packing Corp., San Francisco, Calif. (2M4oF34. OG. Chapman, James E(verett). M.S., Minne- sota. 15. Junior soil technologist, U. S. Soil Conservation Exp. Sta., Ithaca, N. Y. (402 X. Geneva St.) (M22F3iR36)M39- F31. OQC. Chapman, James W(ittenmyer). Sc.D., Harvard. 13. Silliman Inst., Dumaguete, Xegros Oriental, P. I. M13F33. F. Chapman, Kenneth M. Lab. Anthropol- ogy, Santa Fe. X. Mex. M35F35. HK. Chapman, Dr. (Mary) Jeannette. D.Sc. Johns Hopkins. 2S. Prof, bacteriology, phvsiology and hygiene. Mississippi State Col. Women, Columbus, Miss. (.1103 Col- lege St.) M40. XQ. Chapman, Dr. P(aul) J(ones). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 28. Prof, entomology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca: chief research entomology, New York State Agric. Exp. Sta., and agent. U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quar- antine. Geneva. X. V. M20F33. F. Individual Members 333 Chapman, Prof. Royal N(orton). Mi8- F20D39. F. Chapman, Dr. W(ilbert) M(cLeod). M.Sc, Washington, 33; Ph.D., 37. Biologist, Washington State Dept. Fisheries; lec- turer, Univ. Washington School Fisheries, Seattle, Wash. (6021 26th St. NE.) M35. F. Chappel, Dr. Harry G(eorge). D.D.S., California, 96. 402 Staten Ave., Oakland, Calif. Mos. HG. Chappelear, George W(arren), Jr. M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., 13. Head Dept. Biology, Madison Col., Harrisonburg, Va. M13F31. G. Chappell, E(ugene) L(indsay). M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech. Cheswick, Pa. M37. CM. Chappell, Dr. John T. John Brown Uni\., SiK. am Springs. Ark. M30R35. CBQ. Chappell, Dr. Matthew N. Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M31R32. IFN. Chappell, Dr. Walter M(iller). M.Sc, Washington, 31; Ph.D., 36. Geologist, Foreign Div., Standard Oil Co. California, Apartado Nacional 2760, Bogota, Colom- bia, S. A. M38. E. Chappelle, Dr. B(enjamin) F(ranklin). A.M., Dickinson, 11; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 17. Head Dept. Foreign Languages, Univ. Nevada, Reno, Nevada. (576 Ridge St.) M27F32. LHR. Chappie, Eliot Dismore. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (?) M32R32. H. Charbonnel, Dr. Ernst A. D.D.S., Mary- land, 97. Dentist, 334 Westminster St.; dir., Joseph Samuels Dental Clinic, Rhode Island Hosp., Providence, R. I. M34. BN. Charch, Dr. William Hale. Du Pont Rayon Co., Buffalo, N. Y. M34F34R34. C. Chard, Walter G(oodman). M.A., Colum- bia, 15. Cazenovia, N. Y. M14. OKQ. Chargaff, Dr. Erwin. Ph.D., Vienna, 28. Asst. prof, biochemistry, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, X. Y. M37F38. NC. Chargin, Dr. Louis. M.D. 1 W. 85th St., New York, N. Y. M18. N. Charipper, Prof. Harry A(dolph). M.Sc, New York, 27; Ph.D., 29. Prof, biology and chairman Dept., New York Univ., Washington Scmare Col., New York, N. Y. (236-B 149th St., Neponsit, N. Y.) M34- F34. FN. Charles, Dr. C(ecil) M(arvin). M.A., Ken- tucky, zy\ Ph.D., Washington Univ., 29; M.D., 33. Asst. prof, anatomy and asst. clinical medicine, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. (5237 Waterman St.) (M32- F33R33)M36F33- HNI. Charles, Donald R. Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M29R32. F. Charles, Miss Grace M(iriam). A.M., Chicago, 05; Ph.D., 10. Teacher, Austin High School, Chicago, 111. (934 Park Ave., River Forest, 111.) M10F21. FG. Charles, Prof. Rollin L(andis). A.M., Le- high, 10. Prof, physics, Franklin and Marshall Col., Lancaster, Pa. (510 Race Ave.) M07F16. BAM. Charles, Miss Vera K. U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M06F15. G. Charlton, David B(erry). M.S., Cornell; Ph.D., Iowa State. Dir. and owner, Charl- ton Labs., Portland, Oreg. (1610 S. West Clifton St.) M29F38. NC. Charlton, Mrs. Florence B. (Florence Brown). M35D38. G. Charlton, John Felder. Box 20S7, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. M33R33- MOE. Charlton, Prof. Orlando C(larke). A.M., Hanover, 85. 1736 Bennett Ave., Dallas, Tex. M02F1 1. G. Charnock, Dr. Leonard W. H. Hotel Web- ster Hall, Detroit, Mich. M37R37. NCI. Charo, Walter J. 6536 Rogers Ave., Cleve- land, Ohio. M39. Charters, Prof. Werrett Wallace. Ph.M., Chicago, 03; Ph.D., 04; LL.D., McMaster, 23. Dir., Bur. Educational Res., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (1927 In- dianola Ave.) M19F21. Q. Charvoz, Dr. Elton Ralph. M.D., Cali- fornia. 90 W. Portland St., Phoenix, Ariz. M38. N. Chase, Mrs. Agnes. Custodian grasses, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C. (5403 41st St.) M04F11. G. Chase, Dr. Aurin M(oody). M.A., Am- herst, 29; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Res. assoc, Biol. Labs., Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (23 Linden Lane) M35. F. Chase, Prof. Carl T(rueblood). New York Univ., University Heights, New York, N. Y. M34F34R36. BDF. Chase, C(arlos) Louis. Ph.B., Wisconsin. Junior geologist, Texas Co., Midland, Tex. M40. E. Chase, Eleanor F(rances). M.Sc, Massa- chusetts State, 25; Ph.D., Columbia, 29. 45 Highland St., Amesburv, Mass. M31- F33. C. Chase, Miss Ethel W(inifred) B(ennett). A.M., Michigan, 15. Assoc prof, botany and adviser to women, Liberal Arts Col., Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. (4404 Com- monwealth Ave.) M18F33. G. Chase, Dr. Florence Meier. D.Sc, Geneva, 28. Assoc, plant physiologist, Div. Radia- tion and Organisms, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C. (1813 Farkside Drive NW.) M30F33. G. 334 Directory of Members Chase, Frank L(ynton). B.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech. 2512 Maple Ave., Dallas, Tex. M25. M. Chase, F(ranklin) D(udley). M2SD38. CEM. Chase, Frederick, S(tarkweather). 165 Grove St., Waterbury, Conn. M08R32. M. Chase, Prof. George H(enry). A.M., Har- vard, 97; Ph.D., 00; L.H.D., Oberlin, 35; D.Litt., Boston, 39. Dean and prof, archae- ology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (1 Bryant St.) M34F34. H. Chase, Dr. H(arry) W(oodburn). Ph.D., Clark, 10; Litt.D., Columbia, 34; L.H.D., Rollins, 31; LL.D., Lenoir, 20, Wake For- est, 20, Georgia, 23, Dartmouth, 25, North Carolina, 30, Michigan, 32, Lafayette, 34, Franklin and Marshall, 37. Chancellor, New York University, New York, N. Y. (2 5th Ave.) M34F34. I. Chase, Harvey D(urell). M.A., Ohio State, 15. Head Dept. Zoology, Univ. Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. M26. F. Chase, Henry B(right), Jr. A.B., Tulane, 19. Vice pres., Southern Biol. Supply Co., Inc., New Orleans, La. M24. FGH. Chase, Dr. Hyman Y(ates). M.Sc, Howard, 30; Ph.D., Stanford, 34. Assoc, prof, zoologv, Howard Univ., Washing- ton, D. C. M38. FN. Chase, John H(ildreth). 69 Benita Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. M27R32. DEH. Chase, Miss Katherine. M.S., Michigan, 31. Bacteriologist, Michigan Dept. Health Lab., Grand Rapids, Mich. (1901 Grove- dale Ave., Jackson, Mich.) M30. N. Chase, Louis R(odman). Boulevard Ter- race, Newport, R. I. M27R33. A. Chase, Prof. Mabel A(gusta). M18F32- D39. B. Chase, March F. M06F09D35. BC. Chase, Miss Mary Evans. Rhode Island State Col., Kingston, R. I. M32. CNQ. Chase, Dr. Merrill W(allace). Ph.D., Brown, 31. Member scientific staff, Rocke- feller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M27F38. NF. Chassaing, Charles W(illis). 85 N. 98th St., Belleville, 111. M25R34. MA. Chassin, Dr. Maurice Ronoque. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 37. Resident physician, Welfare Hosp. Chronic Diseases, Welfare Island, New York, N. Y. (6142 Maspeth Ave., Maspeth, N. Y.) M39. N. Chatfield, Charlotte. B.S., Minnesota. 302f Tilden St. NW., Washington, D. C. M39. CAO. Cheadle, Dr. Vernon I(rvin). M.A., Har- vard, 34; Ph.D., 36. Instr., Botany Dept., Rhode Island State Col., Kingston, R. I. M37F39. G. Cheatum, Prof. Elmer P(hilip). Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, Tex. M34F34- R37- F. Cheavens, J(ohn) H(erndon). B.S., Texas Casilla 162, Trujillo, Peru, S. A. M37. MCE. Cheever, Dr. Clarence A(lonzo). M.D., Harvard, 83. 464 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. M03. GED. Cheever, Dr. David. M.D., Harvard, 01. Assoc, prof, emeritus surgery, Harvard Med. School, Boston; surgeon emeritus, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston; over- seer, Harvard Col., Cambridge, Mass. (193 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass.) M18F23. N. Chellis, Robert D(unning). C.E., Maine, 29. Structural engineer, Stone and Web- ster Engng. Co., Boston, Mass. (9 Pem- broke Road, Wellesley Farms, Mass.) M39. MPB. Chen, Dr. C(hong) C(heng Pingchu). Dept. Biologv, Univ. Shanghai, Shanghai, China. (M28F32R37)M4oF32. FN. Chen, Huang. Sun Yatsen Univ., Canton, China. M32R32. C. Chen, Dr. K(o) K(uei). Ph.D., Wiscon- sin, 23; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Dir. pharmacologic research, Eli Lilly and Co.; prof, pharmacology, Indiana Univ., School Med., Indianapolis, Ind. (519 West Hampton Drive) M28F33. Np. Chen, Miss Luetta. M.A., Oberlin, 38. Graduate student, Radcliffe Col., Cam- bridge, Mass. M40. G. Chen, Dr. P(hilip) S(tanley). M.S., Mich- igan State, 31; Ph.D., 33. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Atlantic Union Col., South Lancaster, Mass. M38. CN. Chen, Dr. Tze-Tuan. M.A., Oberlin, 30; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 34. Res. assoc. proto- zoology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hy- giene and Public Health, Baltimore, Md. (M35R36)M4o. F. Chenault, Roy L(ee). A.B., George Wash- ington, 27. Engineer, Gulf Res. and De- velopment Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Route 1, Verona, Pa.) M34F34. MB. Chenery, Mrs. William L. (Margaret M.). !3S3 Park Lane, Pelham Manor, N. Y. M26R36. I. Cheney, Dr. Elliott W(ard). M.S., Brown, 25 ; Ph.D., Princeton, 29. Physicist, Con- sumers' Res., Inc., Washington, N. J. (71 Carlton Ave.) M24F33. BC. Cheney, L(ellen) S(terling). M34F34 D— . G. Cheney, Dr. Ralph H(olt). A.M., Boston, 19; M.Sc, Harvard. 22; Sc.D., 23. Prof, biology and chairman Dept., Lon« Island Univ.; prof, biology, Brooklyn Col. Pharmacy, Brooklyn, N. Y. M24F27 GNF. Individual Members 335 Cheney, Prof. Walter L(ynn). A.M., Ne- braska, 15; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins. 22. Prof, physics, George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. (3509 McKinley St. NW.) M24F25. B. Cheney. Dr. W(illiam) Fitch, Jr. M.A., California. '-; Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 27. Head Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. M34F34. ADE Chenicek, Dr. Albert George. Ph.D., Chi- cago, 37. Res. chemist, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Columbia Chem. Div., Bar berton, Ohio. (235 5th St. NW.) M39. CBP. Chenoweth, Mrs. C. L. (Addie S.). 959 Hereford Drive, Akron, Ohio. M24R35. Chenoweth, Walter W. M.S., Valparaiso. Head Dept. Horticulture Manufactures, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. (North Amherst, Mass.) M40. O. Cherney, Albert. 1330 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. M39. OG. Cherno, John. ^84 34th St., Sacramento, Calif. M34R34- BDK. Cheronis, Dr. Nicholas D(imitrius). Ph.D.. Chicago, 29. Chairman Dept. Physical Sciences, Wright City Col.; dir., Syntheti- cal Labs., Chicago. 111. (5SS6 Ardmore Ave.) M21F33. BCN. Cherrington, Dr. Ernest (Hurst), Jr. M.S., Ohio Wesleyan, 32; Ph.D.. Califor- nia, 35. Asst. astronomer, Perkins Ob- servatory and asst. prof, astronomy, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware; asst. prof, physics and astronomy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (123 N. Franklin St., Delaware, Ohio) M40. D. Cherrington, Miss Mary E(dna). A.B., Radcliffe, 17. Asst., Capen School, Bos- ton, Mass. (96 Gordon Ave., Hyde Park) M23. GFE. Cherry, Prof. F(loyd) H(ildreth). B.S., Case, 01. Assoc, prof, mechanical engng., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M28- F33. M. Chesley, Frank Gunsaulus. B.A., Carleton, 36. Graduate student, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (98 Longwood Ave., Brookline, Mass.) M40. CE. Chesley, Dr. Leon C(arey). Ph.D., Duke, 32. Biochemist, Margaret Hague Hosp., jersey City, N. J. (M3iR33)M39. CNF. Chesley, Paul. M32D36. F. Chesney, A. P. 6s 1 S. Alvarado St., Los \ngeles, Calif. (?) M33R33. BM. Chesney, Dr. Alan M(ason). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Assoc, prof, medicine anc dean Med. Faculty, Johns Hopkins Univ. Baltimore, Md. (1419 Eutaw Place) M28 F31. N. Chesney, Cummings C(oligny). B.S., Hon- orary vice pres., Gen. Electric Co., Sche- nectady, N. Y. (74 Dawes Ave., Pitts- field, Mass.) M22F28. M. Chesney, Dr. J. Wallace D. Box 267, Al- gonquin, 111. M37. E. Chesnut, Roy W(illiam). Member tech- nical staff, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (115 Inwood Ave., Up- per Montclair, N. J.) M36F38. MB. Chesnut, Victor King. M04F09D38. CG. Chessin, Dr. Alexander. Ph.D., St. Peters- burg, 89. 7 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. M34F34. A. Chester, (Daniel) Webster. A.M., Har- vard, 08; D.Sc, Colgate, 35- Prof, biology, Colby Col., Waterville, Maine. (47 Winter St.) M06F21. F. Chester, Dr. K(enneth) Starr. Prof, and head Dept. Botany and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma A. and M. Col. and Oklahoma Agric. Exp. Sta., Stillwater, Okla. M38- F40. GO. Chester, Thomas. 229 W. 97th St., New York, N. Y. M18. MBP. Chester, Prof. Wayland M (organ). A.M., Colgate, 96; Sc.D., Hillsdale, 26. Colgate Univ., Hamilton, N. Y. M01F20. F. Chetlain, John Francis. B.S., Washington State, 26. Mgr., Northwestern Univ. Law- School Book Store, Chicago, 111. (7414 Sheridan Road) M29. OKD. Chickering, Prof. A(rthur) M(erton). M.S., Wisconsin, 16; Ph.D., Michigan, 27. Prof, biology and chairman Div. Science and Mathematics, Albion Col., Albion, Mich. (206 S. Mingo St.) M21F31. FG. Chickering, Dr. Henry Thorndike. M.D., Harvard, 11. Asst. clinical prof, medicine, Columbia Univ. School Med., New York, N. Y. (755 Park Ave.) M33F35. N. Chidester, Dr. F(loyd) E(arle). A.M., Clark, 08; Ph.D., 11. Consultant nutrition and endocrinology, 43 Scott St., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M14F21. F. Chidester, Mrs. Mae Spradling. n-A For- est Products Lab., Madison, Wis. M38. G. Chidsey, Harold R(ussell). Lafayette Col., Easton, Pa. M24R39. IH. Chidsey, Miss Jane L(ouise). A.M.. Brown, 31; Ph.D., Cornell, 34. Asst. prof.. Wheaton Col., Norton, Mass. M40. NF. Chilcott, E(llery) F(ranklin). M18D39. GKQ. Child, Dr. C. G. 347 N. Bowman Ave., Merion, Pa. M35. Child, Dr. C(harles) M(anning). M.S., Wesleyan, 92; D.Sc, 28; Ph.D., Leipzig, 94. Prof, emeritus zoology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111.; lecturer biology, Stanford University, Calif. M01F01. F. Vice presi- dent for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1929. Child, Horace J(ames). M28D39. F. 336 Directory of Members Child, Irvin (Long). 1269 Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. M36R36. IK. Childs, Dr. Donald S. 713 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. M36R39. N. Childs, Prof. Leroy. A.B., Stanford, 13. Prof, entomology, Oregon State Col., Cor- vallis ; supt. Branch Oregon Exp. Sta., Hood River, Oreg. M13F20. FG. Childs, Ross Renfroe. M.S., Georgia, 13. Agronomist cotton improvement, Exten- sion Service, Univ. Georgia and U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Athens, Ga. M17F29. GO. Childs, Dr. Samuel B. 930 Pearl St., Den- ver, Colo. M32R36. N. Childs, Dr. Thomas W(hite). Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 36. Asst. pathologist, Div. Forest P'athology, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Portland, Oreg. M31F40. OG. Chilton, Thomas H(amilton). Chem.E., Columbia, 22. Dir., Technical Div.. Engng. Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del. (703 Seville Ave., Villa Monterey) M40. CM. Chinard, Prof. Gilbert. M.A., Bordeaux, 02. Prof. French literature, Princeton Univ., Princeton, X*. J. (93 Mercer St.) M30F32. L. Chisdes, Meyer. B.S., Northwestern, 27. Chemist, Board Transportation, New York, N. Y. (1647 Nostrand Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y.) M29F33. CMN. Chisholm, David B. Dept. Geology, New York Univ.. Washington Square East, New York, N. Y. M31R32. EBC. Chisholm, George E. M01L18D38. Chism, Dr. Leslie L. Washington State Col., School Education. Pullman, Wash. M36R36. QIK. Chittenden, Dr. Arthur S(mith). M.A., Yale, 99; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 00. 2201 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. M39. HNQ. Chittenden, M(iles) C(ortelyou). Box 298. Sonora, Calif. M23. BE. Chittenden, Dr. Russell H(enry). Ph.D., Yale, 80; LL.D., Washington, 15, Toronto, 03, Birmingham (England), 11, Yale, 22; Sc.D., Pennsylvania, 04. Prof, physiologi- cal chemistry and dir. emeritus Sheffield Scientific School, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (83 Trumbull St.) M01F01. CN. Chitwood, Dr. B(enjamin) G(oodwin). M.S., George Washington, 29; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, nematologist, U. S. Bur. Plant In- dustry, Babylon, N. Y. M39F40. FGO. Chmielowiec, Steven Alexander. 165 Di- vision Ave., Garfield, N. J. M37. I. Choate, Miss Helen A(shhurst). A.M., Smith, 09; Ph.D., Chicago, 20. Assoc, prof, botany, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (49 Dryads Green) M24F25. GL. Chobot, Dr. Robert. 30 W. 59th St., New- York, N. Y. M34R39. N. Cholodny, Prof. Nicholas G(regory). Bot. D.h.c, Kiev, 26. Prof., Lab. Microbiology, Univ. Kiev, Kiev, U. S. S. R. (Engels Str. 2ia-n) M32. GO. Choppin, Dr. A(rthur) R(ichard). Ph.D., Ohio State, 29. Prof, chemistry, Louisiana State Univ., University, La. M39. CB. Chornyak, Dr. John. M.D., Pittsburgh, 26; M.Sc, Pennsylvania, 35; D.Sc, 36. Psychiatrist, Juvenile Court Allegheny County; special lecturer and consultant, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (180 Castle Shannon Road, Mt. Lebanon, Pa.) M39. N. Chouke, Dr. K(ehar) S(ingh). M.D., Washington Univ., 22; M.A., Colorado, 29. Asst. prof, anatomy, Univ. Pennsyl- vania Graduate School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M27F31. HN. Christensen, A(ndrew) Lee. M.A., Stan- ford. 204 N. Main St., Salt Lake Citv. Utah. M37. EM. Christensen, Dr. B(ernard) V(ictor). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 27. Dean, Ohio State Univ. Col. Pharmacy, Columbus, Ohio. M31F33. GNC. Christensen, Chris L. 10 Babcock Drive, Madison, Wis. M35F35. O. Christensen, Prof. F(rederick) W(alde- mar). M.S., Pennsylvania State, 08. Prof, animal nutrition, North Dakota Agric. Col., Fargo, N. Dak. M35F35. CNO. Christensen, Dr. H(enry) C. Ph.M., Phil- adelphia Col. Pharmacy, 23; D.Ph., Rutgers, 39. Sec, Nat. Assoc. Boards Pharmacv, 130 N. Wells St.. Chicago, 111. M29F33. CNpQ. Christensen, Dr. Leo M. Ph.D., Towa State, 26. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Idaho; agric. chemist Agric. Exp. Sta., Moscow, Idaho. M35F35. C. Christensen, W. Blake. M.A.. Wisconsin, 38. Instr. bacteriology, Southern Branch, Univ. Idaho, Pocatello, Idaho. M40. NC. Christenson, Dr. James A(ndreas), Jr. Ph.D., Duke, 39. Dept. Psychology, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. (902 N. Duke St.) M39. IQK. Christenson, L(eroy) D(ean). B.S., Utah State, 28. Assoc, entomologist charge peach mosaic vector investigations, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine. San Bernardino, Calif. M31F33. FG. Christian, Dr. Henry A(sbury). A.M., Randolph-Macon, 95, Harvard, 03; M.D.. Johns Hopkins, 00; LL.D., Randolph- Macon, 23, Western Reserve, 31, Western Ontario, 38 ; Sc.D., Jefferson, 28, Michi- gan, 38. Prof, emeritus theory and prac- tice physics. Harvard Univ., Cambridge; physician-in-chief emeritus, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, Mass. ( 1 73 1 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass.) M08F11. N. Individual Members 337 Christian, Dr. Walter. 2714 Highlawn Ave., Huntington, W. Va. M31R34. FGQ. Christianson, Dr. Oscar O. M.D., Rush, 32. Asst. prof., Univ. Alabama Med. School, University, Ala. (1405 University Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala.) M38. NCD. Christie, Dr. Arthur (Carlisle). M.D., Ohio W'esleyan, 04; M.S., 19. Prof, clinical radiology, Georgetown Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. (452s Cathedral Ave. NW.) M30F31. N. Christie, Dr. Chester Dale. 2939 Kingsley Road, Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. M34R34- N. Christie, E(vi) W(illson). 13 10 6th Ave., Tacoma, Wash. M07. M. Christie, Dr. J(esse) R(oy). M.S., Illinois, 18; Ph.D.. George Washington, 34. Nema- tologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Wash- ington, D. C. M22F32. F. Christmann, Dr. Ludwig J(acob). M.A., Columbia, 18; Ph.D., Berlin, 24. 9 Center Knolls, Midland Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. M27F33. C. Christofferson, Dr. H(albert) C(arl). A.M., Chicago, 23; Ph.D., Columbia, 33. Prof, mathematics and dir. secondary ed- ucation, Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. (210 South Poplar St.) M39. AQ. Christy, Andrew. Ph.D.. California, 28. Res. physicist, G-M Labs., Inc., Chicago, 111. M28F32. B. Christy, George L(ewis). C.E., Iowa State, 09. Chief engineer, Pittsburgh Des Moines Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (5586 Pocusset St.) Mi-. M. Christy, Dr. O(tto) B. M.S., Cornell; Ph.D., Peabody. si8 W. North St., Mun- cie, Ind. M38. FG. Chrysler, Dr. M(intin) A(sbury). Ph.D., Chicago, 04. Prof, botany, Rutgers Univ., Xew Brunswick, N. J. M06F09. G. Chubb, Charles Frisbie. Ph.B., Michigan, 97. Pres., Dollar Savings Bank, Pitts- burgh. Pa. (R.F.D., Coraopolis, Pa.) M27. Chubb, John E(verson). B.C.E., Ohio State, 35. 19 Boxwood Ave., Wilmington, Del. M37. MA. Chubb, Dr. Lewis Warrington. M.E., E.E., Ohio State, 05. Dir. Res. Labs., Westing- house Electric and Mfg. Co., East Pitts- burgh, Pa. (7021 Penn Ave.) M21F32. M. Chuck, Dr. F. Y. 144 Wetmore St., San Francisco, Calif. M35F35R36. C. Chung, Ting-to. Kwangtung Wireless Ad- ministration, South Bund, Canton, China. (?) M37R37. M. Chupp, Dr. Charles (David). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 16. Extension prof, plant pathology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, X. Y. M28F30. G. Church, Prof. Alonzo. Ph.D., Princeton, 27. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (30 Jefferson Road) M34F34. A. Church, C(alvin) G(rant). M.S., George Washington. Assoc, chemist, U. S. Dept. Agric, 148 S. Mission Road, Los Angeles, Calif. M38. CN. Church, Com. Gaylord. (CEC, U.S.N.) U. S. Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. M24- F32. ME A. Church, Prof. George L(yle). A.M., Har- vard, 27; Ph.D., 28. Asst. prof., Dept. Botany, Brown Univ., and Rhode Island Col. Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, Provi- dence, R. I. M29F30. G. Church, Dr. J(ames) E(dward). Ph.D.. Munich, 01 ", LL.D., Nevada, 37. Meteor- ologist, Nevada Agric. Exp. Sta., Reno, Nevada. (3S8 Washington St.) M24F25. BEL. Church, Dr. Margaret Brooks. A.M., Brown, 14; Ph.D., 18. Indexer and ab- stractor, Biological Abstracts, c/o Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Lyndon, Vt.) M24F30. G. Church, Melville. M11D35. K. Church, Prof. (Warren) Randolph. A.M., Pennsylvania, 30; Ph.D., Yale, 35. Asst. prof, mathematics and mechanics, U. S. Naval Acad. Postgraduate School, Annap- olis, Md. (316 N. Glen Ave.) M40. AMB. Churchill, Dr. Anna Quincy. A.M., Rad- clirTe, 10; M.D., Tufts, 17. Asst. prof, anat- omy, Tufts Col. Med. and Dental Schools, Boston, Mass. (200 Liberty St., Lowell, Mass.) M23L24F33. FNQ. Churchill, Dr. Bernard Phair. M.D.. Northwestern, 29. 1720 S. 11th St., Mil- waukee, Wis. M18. HN. Churchill, Dr. Edward D(elos). A.M.. Northwestern, 17; M.D., Harvard, 20. 269 Prospect St., Belmont, Mass. M29F33. NFH. Churchill, Dr. Edward P(erry). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 16. Prof, zoology, Univ. South Dakota, Vermillion, S. Dak. (41s S. University St.) M36F36. F. Churchill, Helen (Mar). M.A., Michigan. Hibbing Junior Col., Hibbing. Minn. M38. FG. Churchill, Prof. Herman R(ichard). D.D.S., Georgetown, 22; D.Med. Dent., Rostock, 32. Prof, oral histology and his- topathology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Dentistry, Philadelphia, Pa. (33 Rose- lawn Ave., Lansdowne, Pa.) M37F38. Nd. Churchill, O(mar) O(rlando). M.S.. North Dakota Agric. Col., 23; Ph.D., Minnesota, 27. Prof, agronomy, North Da- kota Agric. Col., Fargo, N. Dak. Mi 7- F24. O. 538 Directory of Members Churchill, Warren S(olyom). B.S., George Washington, 36. 1304 Belmont St. NW., Washington, D. C. M40. F. Ciampolini, Dr. Ettore. M.D., Boston; Ph.D., Yale. High Meadows Farm, Manns Hill, Littleton, N. H. M29. NMK. Cinberg, Dr. Bernard L. M.D., Columbia. 50 E. 78th St., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Cinelli, Dr. Albert A. B.S., Fordham, 22; M.D., Georgetown, 26. Physician, 1021 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Claassen, F(rederic) S(tuart). 304 James St., Teaneck, N. J. M35R35. MB. Claflin, Albert W(hitman). 180 Medway St., Providence, R. I. M08R32. CNG. Claflin, John. M18D38. Claghorn, Allan. B.S., Ursinus, 34. Teacher, Dept. Science, Flemington Junior-Senior High School, Flemington, N. J. (125 Chestnut Ave., Narberth, Pa.) M35. FGB. Claire, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Claire Hoxmeier). Clancy, Clarence William. M.S., Illinois, 32. Teaching asst., Dept. Biology, Stan- ford University, Calif. M40. FG. Clanton, Dr. Benjamin Reid. Ph.D., North Carolina. Assoc, prof., Dept. Chemistry, Baylor Univ., Waco, Tex. M40. C. Clanton, Wesley. Univ. Mus., Univ. Mich- igan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M31R34. FO. Clapp, Prof. Charles H(orace). M08F16- D— . E. Clapp, Dr. Clyde A(lvin). M.D., Balti- more, 02. Prof, ophthalmology, Univ. Maryland; assoc. prof, ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Balti- more, Md. (300 E. Cold Spring Lane) M17F33. N. Clapp, Dr. Cornelia -M(aria). M82F83- D34. F. Clapp, Dr. Daniel B(rennan). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 35. Instr. chemistry, Williams Col., Williamstown, Mass. M40. C. Clapp, Eugene Howard. 211 Congress St., Boston, Mass. MoS. C. Clapp, Frederick G(ardner). B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 01. Consulting geol- ogist, 49 Warwick Road, Bronxville, N. Y. (91 Warwick Road) M02F06. EM. Clapp, Miss Grace L(ucretia). M.A., Smith, 07; Ph.D., Chicago, 11. Prof, bot- anv, Milwaukee-Downer Col., Milwaukee, Wi's. M18F21L37. GN. Clapp, L(awrence) R(ipley). M37D37. DEH. Clapp, Miss Marguerite S. 224 Union St., South Weymouth, Mass. Mi 7. Clapp, Dr. Philip Greeley. 222 S. Lucas St., Iowa City, Iowa. M32R34. QI. Clapp, Prof. Robert T(emple). M.F., Yale, 33. Asst. prof, forestry and dir. Yale For- ests, Yale Univ.; dir. summer term, Yale School Forestry, New Haven, Conn. (43 Clifford St., Hamden, Conn.) M40F40. OG. Clapp, Roger (Holbrook). 1795 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. M36R36. M. Clapp, Prof. W(illiam) Howard. 95 S. Mentor Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M28F28. MED. Clara, Feliciano M. Bur. Plant Industry, Manila, P. I. M32R33- G. Clare, Mrs. Tema Shults. Univ. Southern California. Los Angeles, Calif. M31R33. G. Clarence, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Clarence Friesenhahn). Claridge, George C(lemens). St. Norbert Col., West De Pere, Wis. M32R36. DBA. Clark, Dr. Ada R(anney). M.A., Ph.D., Columbia. Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, Med. Center, New York, N. Y. M3S. NFG. Clark, Alex(ander). M.S., California Inst. Tech., 32. Geologist, Shell Oil Co., Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. M39. EMF. Clark, Alva B(enson). B.E.E., Michigan, 11. Dir. systems development, Bell Tele- phone Labs., New York, N. Y. (33 Moun- tain Ave., Maplewood, N. J.) M29F31. MKB. Clark, Prof. Arthur J(ohn). A.B.. Wiscon- sin, 05. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M25F33. C. Clark, Austin Hobart. Curator, Div. Echinoderms, U. S. Nat. Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. (1818 Wyoming Ave. NW.) M02F06. F. Clark, Dr. B(enjamin) F(ranklin). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 31. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Birmingham-Southern Col., Birmingham. Ala. M34F34. CNM. Clark, Miss Bertha May. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 07. Newtown, Pa. M02F11. B. Clark, Dr. Bruce L(awrence). M.S., Cali- fornia, 09; Ph.D., 12. Assoc, prof, paleon- tology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M31F16. EFG. Clark, Burton. 34 Leslie Ave., Utica, N. Y. M32R32. EQ. Clark, Dr. Carroll D(eWitt). 1829 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kans. M38R38. KH. Clark, Dr. C(ecil) P(ratt). M.D., Indiana, 19. Asst. prof, ophthalmology, Indiana Univ. School Med., Indianapolis, Ind. M37. N. Clark, Dr. Charles F(rederick). M.S.. Cor- nell, 07; Ph.D., 09. Horticulturist, U. S. Horticultural Station, Beltsville, Md. M08- F16. GO. Individual Members 339 Clark, Charles Kittredge. Box 411, Lake City, Fla. M32R33. C. Clark, Dr. C(larence) C(oe). M.S., Chi- cago, 24; Ph.D., New York, 32. Assoc, prof. gen. science in charge science courses, New York Univ. School Com- merce, Washington Square, New York, \\ Y. (10 Sheridan Square) M33F3S. BQM. Clark, Earl (Perry). M.S., Iowa, 23; Ph.D., 24. Senior chemist, U. S. Bur. En- tomology and Plant Quarantine, Wash- ington, D. C. (no E. Bradley Lane, Chevy Chase, Md.) M23F33. CDG. Clark, Edward A. B.C.E., Northeastern, 26. Safetv engineer. Travelers Ins. Co. Chicago, 'ill. M38. MK. Clark, Edward Lee. Drurv Col., Spring- field. Mo. M34R36. ECF. Clark, Dr. E(dward) L(ester). M.A., Northwestern, 22; Ph.D., 25. Dir. admis- sions and assoc. prof, psychology, North- western Univ., Evanston, 111. M29F33. IQ. Clark. Eleanor Linton (Mrs. Eliot R.). A.M.. Washington and Jefferson, 10. Vol- untary investigation, Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Phila- delphia, Pa. M28F31. N. Clark, Dr. Eliot R(ound). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 07. Prof, anatomy and head Dept., Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M18F21. NF. Clark, Dr. Elizabeth Stults. M.Sc, Rut- gers, 24; Ph.D., 28. Asst. plant patholo- gist, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta.; asst. prof, plant pathology, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. (10 Suydam St.) M29- F30. BFG. Clark. E(lla) Mabel. S31 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M29. Clark, Dr. Ernest D (unbar). A.M., Colum- bia, 09; Ph.D., 10. Dir., Northwest Branch, Nat. Canners Assn., Seattle, Wash. (42 Harvard Ave. N.) M08F15. C. Clark, Dr. Frances N(aomi). M.A., Mich- igan, 24; Ph.D., 25. Fisheries researcher, California State Fisheries Lab., Terminal Island, Calif. M26F33. F. Clark, Dr. Francis E(ugene). M.A., Col- orado, 33; Ph.D., 36. Assoc, bacteriolo- gist, Div. Soil Microbiology, U. S. Bur Plant Industry, Kansas Agric. Exp. Sta., Manhattan, Kans. (1210 Bertrand St.) M39. <;. Clark, Frank M(arshall). M.S., Wesleyan, 18. Res. chemist, Gen. Electric Co., Pitts- field, Mass. (12 Concord Parkway) M34- F34- CMB. Clark, Frank R(inker). B.S., Utah, 10. Geologist and vice pres., Ohio Oil Co.. Findlay, Ohio. (1524 S. Owasso Ave., Tulsa, Okla.) M22F25. EBA. Clark, Dr. Friend E(benezer). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 02. Head Dept. Chemis- try and chairman Graduate Council, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M02- F09. C. Clark, Prof. George L(indenberg). M.S., Chicago, 14; Ph.D., 18; D.Sc, De Pauw, 37. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Illinois, Ur- bana, 111. M29F30. CB. Clark, Prof. Harold F(lorian). M.A., Co- lumbia, 22; Ph.D., 23. Prof, charge educa- tional economics, Columbia Univ. Teach- ers Col., New York, N. Y. M26F31. Q. Clark, Dr. Harry. 94 Farnham St., Bel- mont, Mass. M22F25R33. BFN. Clark, Dr. Harry B(rookes). M.D., Minne- sota, 15. Physician and surgeon, St. Cloud Clinic, St. Cloud, Minn. (31 17 8th St. N.) M30. N. Clark, Dr. Helen M(errill). M.A., Colum- bia, 34; Ph.D., 35. Instr. biological sciences, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (235 E. 22nd St.) M37F38. NF. Clark, Dr. Herbert A(nthony). M.A., Ne- braska, 05; Ph.D., Columbia, 13. Cus- todian standards, Taylor Instrument Com- panies, Rochester, N. Y. (64 Brighton St.) M01F06. B. Clark, Dr. Herbert C(harles). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 06. Dir., Gorgas Memorial Lab., Ancon, Canal Zone. M29F33. N. Clark, Howard D(aniel). 448 Common- wealth Ave., New Britain, Conn. M34. MK. Clark, H(oward) Walton. M.A., Indiana, 04. California Acad. Science, San Fran- cisco, Calif. M02F06. F. Clark, Dr. Hubert Lyman. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 97; Sc.D., Olivet, 27. Curator Marine Invertebrates, Mus. Comparative Zoology; assoc. prof, emeritus zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Moi- F03. F. Clark, Hugh U(pham). 18 18 Wyoming Ave., Washington, D. C. M29R33. F. Clark, J. Allen. 250 Quackenbos St. NW., Washington, D. C. M35F35. O. Clark, Dr. Janet Howell. Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins, 13. Dean Col. Women and prof, biophysics, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M28F30. BN. Clark, Dr. J(ediah) H. M.D. 538 W. Morse Blvd., Winter Park, Fla. M27. NI. Clark, Dr. J(efferson) H(amer). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. Chief labs., Philadel- phia Gen. Hosp.; assoc. pathology, Univ. Pennsylvania Graduate School Med., Phil- adelphia, Pa. (101 Maple Ave., Syncote, Pa.) M34F34. N. Clark, John A(ndrew). C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 87. Consulting engineer, Fidelity and Deposit Co. Maryland, Balti- more, Md. (603 W. 5th St.. Wilmington, Del.) M29. M. 34° Directory of Members Clark, Prof. John D(ustin). M.S., New- Hampshire, 07; Ph.D., Stanford, 14. Prof. chemistry, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquer- que, N. Mex. M08F11. C. President of Southwestern Division, 1931 and 1932. Clark, John P(owell). 345 E. 15th St., New York, X. Y. M31R34. QIA. Clark, Junius C(lyde). B.S., Mississippi State. 25. Asst. entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Delta Exp. Sta., Stoneville, Miss. (302 W. 2nd St., Leland, Miss.) M38F40. FGO. Clark, Dr. K(enneth) G(ross). Chem.E., Pittsburgh, 23; M.S., George Washing- ton, 2y\ Ph.D., 32. Senior chemist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (4816 46th St. NW.) (M3oR32)M39. CMO. Clark, L(awrence) T(willey). D.Sc, Mich- igan State, 32. Mng. dir., Res. and Biol. Labs., Parke, Davis, and Co., Detroit, Mich. (589 Washington Road, Grosse Pointe, Mich.) M33F33. XCB. Clark, Lee H(inchman). E. River Road, Grosse He, Mich. M28R33. CM. Clark, Mrs. Leila Forbes. Asst. librarian. U. S. Nat. Mus.. Washington, D. C. (1818 Wyoming Ave. NW.) M34. L. Clark, Prof. Leonard B(ertrand). M.A., Johns Hopkins, 26; Ph.D., 29. Asst. prof, biology, Union Col., Schenectadv, N. Y. (St. Davids Lane) M2SF33- FN. Clark, LeR(oy) V(incent). Res. engineer, Gen. Explosives Div., Amer. Cyanamid and Chemical Corp., Latrobe, Pa. (716 Spring St.) M25F33. CX. Clark, Dr. Lois. M.A.. Minnesota, 10; Ph.D., 19. Lakota, Wash. M13F33. G. Clark, Prof. Loren Tompkins. M.S., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 35. Asst. prof, physics, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. M34F34. B. Clark, Miss Mary Elizabeth. Route 3, Bakersfield, Calif. M38R38. AQC. Clark, Myron H(enry). Davis Road, Con- cord, Mass. M35R37. KIM. Clark, Dr. Norman A(shwell). M.A., To- ronto, 19; Ph.D., 21. Assoc, prof, soil chemistry, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M24F27. COG. Clark, Orange Irving. M.T., Theosophical. 34. Mgr. horticulture, Theosophical Univ., Point Loma, Calif. M32. GO. Clark, Orton Loring. B.Sc Massachu- setts State, 08. Assoc, prof, botany, Massa- chusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. Mi 8- F25. G. Clark, Dr. Paul Franklin. M.A., Brown, 05; Ph.D., 09. 2136 Van Hise St., Madi- son, Wis. M09F21. N. Clark, Perry B(ruce). Ph.C, California, 12. Assoc, chemist, L*. S. Food and Drug Administration, 1236 Palmetto St., Los Angeles. Calif. M39. F. Clark, Richard E. John B. Stetson Univ., De Land, Fla. M32R32. K. Clark, Rose B. 4717 Baldwin Ave., Lin- coln, Nebr. M36R37. Clark, Dr. Sam L(illard). M.S., North- western, 24; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 26; M.D., Vanderbilt, 30. Prof, anatomy, Van- derbilt Univ. School Med., Nashville, Tenn. M28F33. N. Clark, Shreve. B.A., Ohio State. 06. Test- ing engineer, Virginia Dept. Highways. Richmond, Va. M39. CBN. Clark, Dr. Stanley W. D.D.S., Northwest- ern, 16; M.S.D., 34. Prof, materia medica, therapeutics and anesthesia, Northwest- ern Univ. Dental School, Chicago, 111. (180 X. Michigan Ave.) M36. NdC. Clark, Dr. T(homas) H(enry). A.M., Har- vard, 21: Ph.D., 23. Prof, paleontology and curator Redpath Mus., McGill Univ., Montreal. Que., Canada. M22F25. E. Clark, (Walter) Brant. A.M., Southern California, 31; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, psy- chology, San Jose State Col., San Jose, Calif. M34F40. I. Clark, Dr. Walter E(rnest). M.A.. Ohio Wesleyan, 98; Ph.D., Columbia, 03; LL.D.. Ohio Wesleyan, 18, Nevada, 38. Pres. emeritus, Univ. Xevada, Reno, Xev. M20- F34. KQ. Clark, Walter Gordon. Consulting engi- neer, Clarkiron, Inc., 536 S. Hill St., Los Angeles. Calif. (515 S. Olive St.) M06. MBC. Clark, Warren Gamble. B.A., Wisconsin, 31. Agric. dir. Central Wisconsin Can- neries and sec. treas. Kirsch Foundaries. Beaver Dam, Wis. ; sec. -treas., Rochelle Asparagus Co., Rochelle. 111. M40. O. Clark, Dr. Wesley M(elvin). Ph.D., Wash- ington. 2120 South C St., Tacoma, Wash. M3S. CX. Clark, Dr. Weston R. A.M., George Wash- ington, 34; Ph.D., 38. Asst. prof, psychol- ogy, Univ. Marvland, College Park, Md. (1 'Pine St., College Heights) M40. IKQ. Clark, Judge William. M.A., Harvard, 12: I.L.B., 15. U. S. Circuit Court Appeals. Newark, X. J. (117 Library Place, Prince- ion. X. J.) M20. K. Clark. Dr. William A., Jr. M.D., Hush. 03. Physician, 202 S. Market St., New Wil- mington, Pa. M39. XI. Clark, Dr. William Gilbert. Ph.D., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 36- Instr., Dept. Zool- ogy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M38. BCF. Clark, Dr. William Mansfield. M.A., Wil- liams, 08; Sc.D., 35; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins. Prof, physiological chemistry, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. M10F14. C. Individual Members 34i Clark, William Noble. M.S.. Wisconsin, jo. Assoc, dir., Wisconsin Agric Exp. Sta.; chairman, State Soil Conservation Comm.. Madison, Wis. (21 17 Fox Ave.) M34F34. OK. Clark, W(illiam) O(tterbein). M.A., Stan- ford, 15. Hawaiian Sugar Planters Assn. Exp. Sta., Honolulu, Hawaii. M22F31. E. Clark, Dr. Willis H(enry). Ph.D., Wis- consin. Col. Industrial Arts, Denton, Tex. (M2oR.m)M36. CB. Clarke, Dr. Alfred E(rnest). M.Sc, Al- berta, 27; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 31. Assoc, cytologist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Belts- ville, Md. M27F33. OG. Clarke, Dr. Beverly L(eonidas). M.A., Co- lumbia, 23; Ph.D., 24. Materials chemist, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, X. Y. M25F28. CB. Clarke. C(larence) L(eon). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 28. Prof, education, dean Liberal Arts and co-dir. Lewis Inst., Chicago, 111. M29F31. QIK. Clarke, Elbert H(oward). Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Hiram, Ohio. M24F25. AD. Clarke, Dr. Frances M. A.M., Ph.D., Co- lumbia. Redgate House, Durham, Conn. M37. QIA. Clarke, Dr. George L(eonard). M.A., Har- vard, 2S; Ph.D., 31. Instr., Harvard Univ., Cambridge; biologist, Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, Mass. (44 Juniper Road, Belmont, Mass.) M34F34. F. Clarke, Dr. H(ans) T(hacher). D.Sc, Univ. Col. London, 14. Prof, biochemis- try and exec, officer, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, X. Y. (4640 Delafield Ave.) M29F33. CN. Clarke, Dr. Helen. M.S., Ohio State, 22; Ph.D., Columbia, 34. Box 32, Rollins Col., Winter Park, Fla. M25. NQ. Clarke, Dr. Helen M(aud). A.M., Kansas, 07; Ph.D., Cornell, 10. Assoc, prof, psy- chology, Muskingum Col., New Concord, Ohio. (169 Montgomery Blvd.) M36. I. Clarke, Dr. J(ames) Frederic. M.A., Iowa, 89; M.D., Pennsylvania, 89; Sc.D., Par- sons, 32. Physician and surgeon, Fairfield, Iowa. M30. X. Clarke, James O (liver). 1222 Post Office Bldg., Chicago, 111. M34F34R36. C. Clarke, James R. Milton, Xr. Y. M38R38. OG. Clarke, Dr. John (Joseph). M.A., Catho- lic, 24; Ph.D., 26. Asst. prof, biology, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. (1236 Quincy St. NE.) M39. F. Clarke, Miss Katharine B. 5241 Broad Branch Road NW., Washington, D. C. M33R33. BE. Clarke, Dr. L. Floyd. M.S., Utah State, 32; Ph.D., Chicago, 35. Asst. prof, zool- ogy and dir. pre-medical curriculum, Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wvo. (361 N. 8th St.) M38. FN. Clarke, Sister M. Borgia. A.M., Catholic; l'h.D., St. Louis. Prof, mathematics, Web- ster Col., Webster Groves, Mo. M36. A. Clarke, Miss Miriam F(aith). Ph.D., Yale, 33. Chief nutrition research, Exp. Res. Labs., Burroughs Wellcome and Co., Tuckahoe, X. Y. (42 Milburn St., Bronx- ville, X. Y.) M39. NC Clarke, P(hilip) C(orliss). 910 Linwood Ave., Collingswood, X. J. M28R34. MAB. Clarke, Dr. W(alter) F(ieldhouse). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 14. Asst. chemist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (1865 Newton St. XW.) M34F34. C. Clarke, Walter V(ernon). 1501 LTndercliff Ave., New York, N. Y. M32R37. ILN. Clarke, Dr. Williams C(ogswell). M.D., Columbia, 30. Cornwall Bridge, Conn. M32. QNO. Clarke, William S(loan), Jr. M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 26. Instr. pomology, Penn- sylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M26F33. GOF. Clarkson, Dr. M. R. Box 294, Madison, Ind. M38R38. NOE. Clarson, Dr. J. W., Jr. Univ. Arizona, Tuc- son, Ariz. M26F31R35. Q. Claude, Dr. Albert. M.D., Liege, 29. Assoc, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. (321 E. 72nd St.) M37F38. N. Claus, Miss Pearl E(lizabeth). Ph.D., Wis- consin, 30. Res. assoc. zoology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M30F33. F. Clausen, Arnold Alvin. B.S., Oregon State. U. S. Public Roads Administration, Fed- eral Office Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. M36. M. Clausen, Curtis P(aul). M.S., California, 20. Principal entomologist charge foreign parasite introduction, U. S. Bur. Entomol- ogy and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. M14F22. F. Clausen, Fred W(ylie). A.M., Utah, 36. Student, Rush Med. Col., Chicago, 111. (1640 W. Adams St.) M40. N. Clausen, Dr. Harry J(ohn). M.S., Iowa, 30; Ph.D., New York, 32. Instr. anatomy, Univ. Colorado School Med., Denver, Colo. M34. F. Clausen, Dr. Jens (Christian). M.Sc, Copenhagen, 21 ; Dr.phil., 26. Staff mem- ber, Div. Plant Biology, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Stanford University, Calif. M33F33. G. Clausen, Ralph G. Vivarium Bldg., Univ. Illinois, Champaign, 111. M29R32. FG. Clausen, Dr. Robert T(heodore). M.A., Cornell, 34; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, botany, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M40. G. Clausen, Prof. Roy E(lwood). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 14. Prof, genetics, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M14F23. GO. Member Ex- ecutive Committee, 1940 — . 342 Directory of Members Clausen, Dr. Samuel W(olcott). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. Prof, pediatrics, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y. M22F31. N. Clauser, Dr. Elda Horace. M.D., Indiana, 15- 315 S. Jefferson St., Muncie, Ind. M36. NIK. Claussen, Dr. Edward. M.A., Columbia, 26. 325 E. 25th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M33. CBD. Clawson, Arthur Brooks. M07F33D37. FG. Clawson, Prof. John W(entworth). M.A., New Brunswick, 05. Prof, mathematics, Ursinus Col., Collegeville, Pa. (6 Glen- wood Ave.) M22F33. A. Clay, G(eorge) Harry. B.S., Rose Poly- technic Inst. Res. chemist, Luziers, Inc. 3216 Gilham Plaza, Kansas City, Mo. (420 W. 59th St.) (M26R32)M39- C. Clay, Dr. Grady E(dward). M.D., Michi- gan, 14. Med. Arts Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. (218 15th St. NE.) M32F35. N. Clayberg, George Manfred. M07D37. D. Claycomb, Prof. George B(lacklane). M.S., Chicago, 14. Southwestern Louisiana Inst., Lafayette, La. M19F33. FG. Clayton, Dr. E(dward) E(astman). M.S., Chicago, 17; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 20. Sen- ior pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M21F25. GO. Clayton, Dr. Mary M. M.S., Rochester, 26; Ph.D., 29. Nutritionist, Maine Agric. Exp. Sta., Orono, Maine. M35F35. N. Clear, C(harles) G(erald). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 37. Junior technologist, Shell Oil Co., Wilmington, Calif. M37- CBF. Cleaveland, Miss Marion. M.A., Western Reserve, 21; Ph.D., Columbia, 29. Asst. prof, chemistry and asst. dean, Flora Stone Mather Col., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (3322 E. Mon- mouth Road) M22F38. C. Cleghorn, M(ark) P(erkins). Dept. Me- chanical Engng., Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M29F30R34. M. Cleland, Dr. Herdman F(itzgerald). M06- F07D35. E. Cleland, Prof. Ralph E(rskine). M.S., Pennsylvania, 17; Ph.D., 19. Prof, and head Dept. Botany, Indiana Univ., Bloom- ington, Ind. M18F21. G. Cleland, W(illiam) E(rskine). A.M., Pitts- burgh, 17; Ph.D., Princeton, 23. Prof, mathematics, Geneva Col., Beaver Falls, Pa. M24F33. AB. Cleland, Dr. William Wendell. A.M., Princeton, 14; Ph.D., Columbia, 36; Sc.D., Westminster, 36. Dir., Div. Extension, American Univ., Cairo, Egypt. (436 Grand Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M38. KI. Clemen, Dr. Rudolf A(lexander). M.A., Dalhousie, 14; M.A., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., 26. Prof, economics, Amer. Univ. Grad- uate School, Washington, D. C. (127 Brookside St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M26- F31. OKL. Clemens, Dr. W(ilbert) A(mie). M.A., Toronto, 13; Ph.D., Cornell, 15. Dir., Pa- cific Biol. Sta., Fisheries Res. Board Can- ada, Nanaimo, B. C, Canada. M17F21. F. Clement, Dr. A(nthony) C(alhoun). M.A., Princeton, 33; Ph.D., 35- Asst. prof, biol- ogy, Col. Charleston, Charleston, S. Car. (177 Broad St.) M36. F. Clement, Ben E. B.S., Vanderbilt, 15. Pres., Nat. Fluorspar Co., Marion, Ky. M38. DEH. Clemente, Dr. Amando. Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Philippines. Manila, P. I. M24R32. C. Clements, Dr. Edith S(chwartz) (Mrs. Frederic Edward Clements). Ph.D., Ne- braska, 04. Mission Canyon, Santa Bar- bara, Calif. M24F31. G. Clements, Dr. Forrest E. M.A., California, 25; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, anthropology, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. M38- F38. H. Clements, Dr. Frank Orville. M.A., Otter- bein, 98; D.Sc, 30; M.Sc, Ohio State, 99. in N. West St., Westerville, Ohio. Mil- F30. M. Clements, Dr. Frederic E(dward). M.A., Nebraska, 96; Ph.D., 98. Assoc, ecologist, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Mission Can- yon, Santa Barbara, Calif. M02F05. G. Clements, Dr. Leo P(aul). Ph.D., Chicago, 35. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Creighton Univ. School Med., Omaha, Nebr. M37- NQ1. Cleminshaw, Dr. Clarence H(igbee). M.S., Case, 31; Ph.D., Michigan, 34. Asst. Dir., Griffith Observatory; asst. prof, astron- omy, Univ. Southern California, Los An- geles, Calif. M40. D. Clench, William J(ames). Mus. Compara- tive Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M23F33R36. FGE. Clendenin, Thomas P(ipes). E.M., Colum- bia, 21. Chief geologist, Mexican Mining Dept., Amer. Smelting and Refining Co., El Paso, Tex. (2735 Silver St.) M22F31. EM. Cleophas, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Cleophas Beck). Cleophas, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Cleophas Garvin). Cleveland, Dr. Alfred A(lexander). A.M.. Oregon, 03; Ph.D., Clark, 06. Prof, psy- chology and dean School Education, State Col. Washington, Pullman, Wash. (1909 Monroe St.) M22F28. QI. Cleveland, C(larence) R(ugg). B.A., Wis- consin, 12. Entomologist, Standard Oil Co. Indiana, Chicago, 111. M17F26. F. I individual Members 343 Cleveland, Prof. Forrest F(enton). M.S., Kentucky, 31; Ph.D., ,<_|. Asst. prof. physics, Armour Inst. Tech.. Chicago, 111 M37F38. BAC. Cleveland. Dr. L(emuel) R(oscoe). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 2.?. Assoc, prof, zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass, M24- F25. F. Cleveland, Newcomb. 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, X. Y. L23. Cleveland, Theodore K(eirstead). Ph.D., Yale, 25. Chief chemist, Philadelphia Quartz Co. California, Ltd., Berkeley, Calif. (1500 Thousand Oaks Blvd.) M27- F38. BCM. Clevenger, Prof. Clinton B. M.S., Ohio State. 13; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 20. Prof. soils. North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, X. Car. M22F24. O. Clevenger, Galen H(owell). M.A., Colum- bia, 03 ; Met.E., Stanford, 06. Consulting metallurgist, 67 Sheffield Road, Xewton- ville, Mass. M13F16. MC. Cleverdon, L. G. Marion, Ala. M32R32. Cleverdon, Miss (Maude) Ardelle. B.A., Oberlin, s7- Res. asst. biology, New York Univ., University Heights, New York, X. Y. M40. F. Clifford, Dr. Alfred H. Ph.D.. California Inst. Tech., 33. 43 Vandeventer St., Princeton, N. J. M37F38. A. Clifford, Dr. Alfred T(urner). M.S., North Carolina. 28: Ph.D., 34. Chemist, Fries and Fries, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio. M38. CBO. Clift, William. M.A., Columbia, 25. Vice pres. and sec, Phipps and Bird, Inc., Richmond, Va. M26F26. C. Clifton, Prof. Charles E(golf). M.Sc, Ohio State, 26; Ph.D., Minnesota, 28. Assoc. prof, bacteriology, Stanford University, Calif. M34F34. X. Clifton, Miss Dorothy E(loise). M.A., Ohio State, 35. Student, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (94 13th Ave.) M39. [Q. Cline, Dr. Isaac Monroe. A.M., Uiwassee, 85; M.D., Arkansas, 85; Ph.D., Add Rann, 96; Sc.D., Tulane, 34. Principal meteor- ologist retired, U. S. Weather Bur., 633 St. Peter St., New Orleans, La. M29F31. BE. Cline, Miss Jessie Alice. M.A., Missouri, 25. Prof, home economics, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (707 Missouri Ave.) M24. CNO. Cline, Dr. J(oseph) K. M.A., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins. Brooklake Road, Florham Park, N. J. M38. CN. Cline, Dr. Joseph L(eander). A.M., Ph.D., Add Rami. U. S. Weather Bur., Dallas, Tex. M34F34. B. Clinton, Dr. George P(erkins). M04F06- D37. (i. Vice president for Section on Hot any ( G), ")l I- Ave., Takoma Clinton, Guv- 124 Willow Park, Md. M34R36. C Clise, J(ames) W(illiam). B.S., Yale, 22. Pres., Asbestos Supply Co., Northwest In- sulations, Inc., Seattle, Wash. (,540 Hill- side Drive) M40. DEK. Clo, Dr. J. H(arry). M.S., Kentucky, 05; Ph.D., Chicago, 11. Dir. res., Scovil Mfg. Co., 470 Vanderbilt Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. (210 S. Grand Ave., Baldwin, N. Y.) M11- F16. BM. Cloke, Dr. John B(enjamin). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 31. Prof, organic chemistry, Rensse- laer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, X. V. (Sey- mour Court) M23F33. C. Clokey, A(llison) A(ndrew). 27 Sunder- land Ave., Rutherford, N. J. M29F32R37. MBK. Cloos, Dr. Ernst. Ph.D., Breslau, 23. Assoc, prof., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M34F38. E. Clopton, Dr. Malvern B(ryan). M.D., Vir- ginia, 97. Clinical prof, surgery and pres. Board Dir., Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. ("Brookhill," Clarksville, Mo.) (M30- F33R3-DM39F33. N. Close, Charles P(hilip). M.S., Michigan State, 97. College Park, Md. M11F15. O. Close, Prof. Harold W(ilberforce). Ph.D., Princeton, 22. Prof, chemistry, American Univ., Beirut, Lebanon, Syria. M38. C. Closs, Dr. John O'Neill. M.S., Wisconsin, 24; Ph.D., 28. Chemical dir., Tilden Co., New Lebanon, N. Y. M29F33. CNB. Closson, Dr. James Harwood. 269 S. 19th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M36R37. N. Cloud, John W(ills). M79F86E32D36. ABM. Cloud, Preston E. Peabody Mus., Yale Univ., Xew Haven, Conn. M38R38. E. Clough, Homer W(oodworth). Arcade, X. Y. Mo4FioR37- BDE. Clough, Dr. Ray W(illiam). A.M., Tufts. 09; Ph.D., Washington, 22. Chemist, Xat. ('aimers Assn., Seattle. Wash. (80S7 1 4th St. NE.) M13F33. C. Clouse, Mrs. Ruth C. 804 E. 58th St.. Chicago, HI. (?) M31R3-'. CNQ. Clousing, Lawrence A(drian). Naval Air Sta., Pensacola, Fla. M36R36. MB. Clove, Dr. James. M.A., Utah, 24; Ph.D., Southern California, 32. Supt. schools, City Schools, Murrav, Utah. (4729 Box- elder St.) M38. QI. Clowes, Dr. George H(enry) A(lexander). Ph.D., Gottingen, 99; D.Sc, Butler, 32; LL.D., Wabash, 38. Dir. res., Lilly Res. Labs., Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, I ml. (Golden Hill) M17F21. CX. 344 Directory of Members Clulo, Miss Genevieve Bernice. A.M., West Virginia, 29. Instr. plant pathology, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. (244 Beechurst Ave.) M39. G. Clum, Dr. Harold H(aydn). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 24. Assoc, prof, botany, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (Box 572. Chappaqua, N. Y.) M22F31. G. Clute, Prof. Willard N(elson). Dir. Botan- ical Garden, Indianapolis, Ind. (Hinesley Ave.) M06F09. G. Clutz, Dr. Frank H(ollinger). 159 Broad- way, Gettysburg, Pa. M24F26R39. MAD. Clyde, William Hill. A.B., Williams, 30. Treas., Mouton and Clyde, Inc., San Fran- cisco Air Port, San Bruno, Calif. L31. KIH. Coakley, Dr. Cornelius G(odfrey). 20 E. 53rd St., New York, N. Y. M18R34. N. Coakley, John D. Dept. Psvchologv, Cor- nell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M33R33. INB. Coale, Dr. B(radbury) B(edell). 2715 Hill St., Huntington Park, Calif. M38R38. NFG. Coar, Dr. Herbert G(reenleaf). A.M., Dart- mouth; Ph.D., Harvard. 49 Summer St., Kingston, Mass. (M22F25R34)M39F25. F. Coates, Dr. Charles E(dward). M97F06- D39. c. Coates, Christopher W(illiam). Aquarist, New York Aquarium, New York, N. Y. M38. FNB. Coatney, Dr. G(eorge) Robert. M.A., Ne- braska, 26; Ph.D., Iowa State, 32. Assoc, protozoologist, U. S. Public Health Serv- ice, Columbia, S. Car. M27F33. FG. Coats, Dr. Robert H. LL.D., McGill, 34. Daihousie, 37, Toronto, 37. Dominion statistician, Dominion Bur. Statistics, Ot- tawa, Ont., Canada. (572 Manor Ave., Rockcliffe) M38. K. Cobb, Francis E(zra). M.F., Cornell, 25. State dir., U. S. Prairie States Forestry Project. Jamestown, N. Dak. M18F31. GOH. Cobb, Prof. Herbert Edgar. M07F08D38. A. Cobb, Miss Margaret C(ameron). M.A., Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 22. Geologist, Amer- ada Petroleum Corp., New York, N. Y. (270 Seaman Ave.) M29F31. E. Cobb, Miss Margaret V(ara). A.M., Illi- nois, 13. Supervisor guidance and place- ment, Nat. Youth Administration New Hampshire, Manchester, N. H. (Fairways, Sanbornton, N. H.) M24F25. IQH. Cobb, Miss Mary Jo. 11 1 7th St., Garden City, N. Y. M33R34. GFN. Cobb, Dr. Percy W(ells). M.D., Western Reserve, 02. Visiting res. prof, psychol- ogy, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M11- F27. NI. Cobb, Dr. Stanley. M.D., Harvard, 18. Prof. neuropathology, Harvard Med. School; psychiatrist-in-chief, Massachu- setts Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. M2QF33. NFL Cobb, Miss Tabitha (Park). A.M., Cin- cinnati, 24. Teacher, High School, North College Hill, Ohio. (5660 Glenview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio) M27. FG. Cobb, Thomas Howell. M.A., Illinois. Supt. schools, Urbana, 111. M39. Q. Cobb, Prof. W(illiam) Montague. M.D., Howard, 29; Ph.D., Western Reserve, 32. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Howard Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. (1221 Girard St. NW.) M34F38. HNI. Cobbs, Dr. Lea A. M.D., Cincinnati. Ra- diologist, Salem City Hosp., Salem, Ohio. (518 S. Lincoln Ave.) M40. NBC. Coble, Prof. Arthur B(yron). A.M., Gettysburg, 00; LL.D., 34; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 02. Prof, mathematics and head Dept., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M34- F34. A. Vice president for Section on Math- ematics (A), 1940. Cobleigh, Prof. W(illiam) M(erriam). A.M., Columbia, 99. Dean and prof, chem- ical engng., Montana State Col., Bozeman, Mont. M06F11. C. Coblentz, Clay Shumaker. Service and Stores Bldg., Purdue Univ., West Lafav- ette, Ind. M38R38. M. Coblentz, Dr. W(illiam) W(eber). M.S., Cornell, 01; Ph.D., 03; Sc.D., Case, 30. Phvsicist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washing- ton, D. C. M08F10. BD. Coburn, Dr. Charles Arthur. Ph.D., Har- vard, 20. Psychologist, State Bur. Juve- nile Res., Columbus, Ohio. (230 S. West- moor Ave.) M22F28. I. Coburn, Miss Helen R(ose). M.S., Michi- gan, 27. Teacher science, Nathan Hale Junior High School, Cleveland, Ohio. (Scottville, Mich.) M28. G. Coca, Dr. Arthur F(ernandez). A.M., Haverford, 99; M.D., Pennsylvania, 00. Med. dir., Lederle Labs., Pearl River, N. Y. M18F25. N. Coca. Mrs. Ella F(oster) (Ella F. Grove). 425 Grant Ave., Oradell, N. J. M27. N. Cochel, W(ilber) A(ndrew). LL.D., Mis- souri, 31. Editor, "Kansas City Star," Kansas City; dir. Sni-a-Bar Farms, Grain Valley, Mo! (4470 Rockhill Terrace, Kan- sas City, Mo.) M12F18. OK. Cocheu, Dr. Lindsley F(iske). M.D., New- York Med. Col. and Flower and Fifth Avenue Hosps., 04. Prof, and head Dept. Bacteriology, Clinical Pathology and Pub- lic Health, New York Med. Col., Fifth Ave., and Flower Hosps., New York, N. Y. M33. QN. Individual Members 345 Cochran, Dr. L(loyd) C(urtis). Dept. Plant Pathology, Citrus Exp. Sta., River- side, Calif. M37F39R39. G. Cochrane, J(ames) A(rthur). 102 Le- marchant Road, St. John's, Newfound- land. M39R39. QIC. Cockaday, Lt. Comdr. (Laurence) M(ar- shamm). Lecturer science, New York Univ. ; res. engineer, Finch Telecommuni- cations; commander section 3, 3rd Naval District, U. S. Naval Communication Re- serve, New- York, N. Y. (547 2nd Ave., North Pelham, N. Y.) M21. MBC. Cockayne, Dr. C(harles) A(lexander). A.M., Heidelberg, 03; M.A., Yale, 06; Ph.D., 08. Head Dept. English, Technical High School, Springfield, Mass. (306 Union St.) M11F15. QIK. Cocke, Dr. Elton C(romwell). M.S., Vir- ginia, 28; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, biology, Wake Forest Col., Wake Forest, N. Car. M38F39. FG. Cockerell, Prof. T(heodore) D(ru) A(li- son). D.Sc, Colorado Col., 13. Prof, emer- itus zoology, Univ. Colorado. Boulder, Colo. (908 10th St.) M01F01. F. President of Southwestern Division, 1926. Cockrell, Dr. Robert A(lexander). M.S., New York State Col. Forestry, 31 ; Ph.D., Michigan, 34. Asst. prof, forestry and asst. forester, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Califor- nia, Berkeley, Calif. M31. GCB. Cockrum, E(lin) E(dwin). B.S., Illinois, 37. Asst. crop production, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M38. OGK. Coddington, H. Winser. M.S., Illinois, 33. Bacteriologist, Harrower Lab., Inc., Glen- dale. Calif. M39. N. Coddington, Dr. Herbert Guibord. D.D., Syracuse, 05; LL.B., 14. Pres., Onondaga Historical Assn., Syracuse, N. Y. (88 Dayan St., Lowville, N. Y.) M30. Codman, Russell S(turgis). 50 Congress St., Boston, Mass. M29. Cody, Robert L. 571 Seale Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. M38. KL. Coe, Dr. Dana G(riswold). 116 Patten Heights, Lakeland, Fla. M24F31R38. OC. Coe. Dr. Fred O. M.D., Columbia, 24. Radiologist. Georgetown Univ. Hosp.; prof, radiology, Georgetown Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. M32. N. Coe, Mr. Mayne R(eid). M.S., George Washington, 27. Chemist, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D. C. (2228 Taylor St. NE.) M34F34. C. Coe, Prof. Wesley R(oswell). Ph.D., Yale, 95. Prof, biology emeritus, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M07F10. F. Vice presi- dent for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), J939- Cofer, Dr. Charles N(orval). M.A., Iowa, 37; Ph.D., Brown, 40. Asst. psychology, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M40. IH. Coffey, Dr. Hubert Stanley. M.A., Iowa, 36; Ph.D., 38. Asst. prof, childhood de- velopment, Central Washington Col. Edu- cation, Ellensburg, Wash. M40. IQK. Coffey, Prof. W(alter) C(astella). M.S., Illinois, 09; LL.D., Hamline, 27. Dean and dir. Dept. Agric, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M22F24. O. Vice president for Section on Agriculture (0), 1930. Coffey, Dr. W(ilford) L(orn). M.A., Mich- igan, 24; Ph.D.. 29. Route 2, Lake City, Mich. M32F34. KQ. Coffin, Dr. Fletcher B(arker). A.M., Har- vard, 96; Ph.D., 11. Prof, chemistry, Lake Forest Col., Lake Forest, 111. M03F33. CK. Coffin, Dr. J(oseph) G(eorge). Ph.D., Clark, 03. Technical dir., Gen. Baking Co., New York, N. Y. (17 Elm St., Garden City, N. Y.) M08F10. ABM. Coffin, Prof. Leroy M(elville). M.A., Michigan, 13. Prof, mathematics and asst. prof, physics, Coe Col., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (1027 2nd Ave.) M34F34. AB. Coffin, William C(arey). 3591 Flamingo Drive, Miami Beach, Fla. M28R38. EBH. Coffman, Franklin A(rthur). M.S., Kan- sas State, 22. Agronomist cereal crops, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry. Washington, D. C. (1421 N. Highland St., Arlington, Va.) M24F26. OFG. Coffman, Dr. J(oseph) H(enry). 644 Lin- wood Ave. NE., Atlanta, Ga. M32R32. NO. Coffman, Ramon. B.A., Wisconsin. Shore- wood Hills, Madison, Wis. M39. LBD. Cofman, Dr. Victor. 37 Cole Park Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, England. M27- F27R35. CBK. Cogan, Dr. John F. Mt. St. Mary's Col., Emmitsburg, Md. M35R37. I. Cogan, Dr. William Neal. Georgetown Univ. Dental School, Washington, D. C. M32R39. N. Coggeshall, A(rthur) S(terry). Dir., Santa Barbara Mus. Natural Historv, Santa Bar- bara, Calif. M39. EFH. Coggeshall, Dr. George W(hiteley). Ph.D., Leipzig, 95. Res. Lab., S. D. Warren Co., Cumberland Mills, Maine. M17F25. CBM. Coggeshall, Mary (See Mrs. John H. Hol- lands). Coggins, Prof. C(alvin) Lester. B.S., Rhode Island State, 07. Asst. prof, physics, Rhode Island State Col., Kingston, R. I. M34F34. B. Cofrhill, Dr. G(eorge) E(llett). Sc.M.. New Mexico, 99; Ph.D., Brown, 02; Sc.D., Pittsburgh. 31, Denison, 33. Brown, 34. Box 77-A. Route 2, Gainesville, Fla. M02- K3. F. 34^ Directory of Members Coghill, Dr. Harvie DeJ. M.D., Med. Col. Virginia, 26. Dir. -psychiatrist, Children's Memorial Clinic; asst. prof, psychiatry and pediatrics, Med. Col. Virginia, Rich- mond, Va. {2^27 Maplewood Ave.) M39. NIK. Coghill, Dr. Robert D(eWolf). M.S., Kan- sas, 22 ; rh.D.. Yale, 24. Principal chem- ist and chief Fermentation Div.. U. S. Northern Regional Res. Lab., Peoria, 111. (3400 7th Ave.) M28F33. C. Coghill, Will(iam) H(awes). Bur. Mines. University, Ala. M34F34. M. Cohan, E(dwin) K(ing). 485 Madison Ave.. New York, N. Y. M37R38. MB. Cohen, Dr. Abraham. Ph.D.. Johns Hop- kins, 94. Prof, mathematics, John Hopkins Univ.. Baltimore, Md. M07F09. A. Cohen, A(rthur) L(eRoy). Biol. Labs.. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M38- R38. G. Cohen, Prof. Barnett. Ph.D.. Yale. 21. Assoc. prof. physiological chemistry. Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. School, Balti- more. Md. M25F32. CN. Cohen. Dr. Bernard M(ilton). Johns Hop- kins Univ. School Hygiene and Public Health. Baltimore, Md'. M34R35. F. Cohen, Bertram (See Bertram Coren). Cohen, Dr. David J(erome). 127 Crown St., Meriden, Conn. M29F34. NCF. Cohen, Harold Robert. M.S., Illinois. 39. Res. asst., Dept. Physiological Chemistry, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, III. (417 S. Central Park Ave.) M40. N. Cohen, Rabbi J(acob) X(enab). 40 \V. 68th St.. New York. N. Y. M25R34. KM. Cohen, Jacob G. 508 Essex Bldg., Minne- apolis, Minn. M34. N. Cohen, Dr. Joseph George. A.M.. Pd.M., Ph.D., New York. 107 Mowbrav Place, Kevv Gardens, N. Y. M37. QI. Cohen, Joseph H(orace). B.S.. Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 13. Vice president and gen. mgr., Atlantic Gelatin Co.. Inc.. Woburn. Mass. (178 Dudley St., Brook- line. Mass.) M39. C. Cohen, Dr. Lester. M.D.. University and Bellevue. 26. Assoc, physician, Coney Island Hosp.. Brooklvn, N. Y. (416 Ocean Ave.) M40. NC. Cohen, Dr. Louis. Ph.D., Columbia, [9. Consulting engineer, uoo S. Edgewood St., Arlington, Va. M17F21. B. Cohen, Dr. Milton B. M.D., Louisville, 15. Dir., Asthma. Hay Fever and Allergy Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio. (956 Bruns- wick Road, Cleveland Heights) M39. N. Cohen, Prof. Morris R(aphael). Ph.D.. Harvard, 06. Prof, emeritus philosophy, Col. City New York. New York. N. Y. : prof, philosophy, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (475 W. 186th St., New York, N. Y.) M08F15. L. Cohen, Nathan A. (See Nathan A. Conn). Cohen, Miss Rose S. Dept. Zoology. Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M34R35. F. Cohen, Sarah C. (See Mrs. Sarah C. Banet). Cohen, Dr. S(olomon) Solis. M.D.. Jef- ferson, 83; D.Sc, Jefferson, ^,], Philadel- phia Col. Pharmacy and Science. 39 : D.H.L., Jewish Theological Sem. Amer., 28. Prof, emeritus clinical medicine. Jef- ferson Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. (135 S. 17th St.) M01F03. N. Cohen, Miss Teresa. A.M., Johns Hop- kins, 15; Ph.D., 18. Assoc, prof, mathe- matics, Pennsylvania State Col., State Col- lege. Pa. (315 S. Atherton St.) M22F38. A. Cohen, William N(athaniel). M06D— . IK. Cohen, Dr. Alfred. M.D.. Berlin, 19. Dir. gonococcus project, Citv Dept. Health, New York. N. Y. (157 W. 57th St.) M37. N. Cohn, Dr. Alfred E(instein). M.D., Co- lumbia, 04. Member, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. (300 Cen- tral Park \Y.) M12F18. N. Cohn, Dr. David J. M.A.. Columbia. 19; Ph.D., 24. Dir.. Biochemical Labs.. Michael Reese Hosp.. Chicago, 111. M40. NC. Cohn, Dr. Edwin Joseph. Ph.D., Chicago. 17. 18"? Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. M18- F21. C. Cohn. Dr. Isidore. M.D., Tulane, 07. Prof, surgery, Louisiana State Univ. Graduate School Med.; senior surgeon, Touro In- firmary and Charity Hosp.. New Orleans, La. (2 Everett Place) M32F33. N. Cohn, Dr. Jess Victor. M.D., Cincinnati, 34. Physician, Hollywood, Fla. M40. N. Cohn, Morris M(andel). M.S.. Union, 31. Sanitary engineer. City Schenectady, Schenectadv, N Y. (1101 Lexington Ave.) M36. MNC. Cohoe. Wallace P(atten). M.A.. McMas- ter. 98; A.M., Harvard. 00. Consulting chemist and engineer, 120 E. 41st St., New York. N. Y. M34F34. C. Coit, Dr. J(ohn) Eliot. M.S.. Cornell. 05: Ph.D.. 07. Head. Coit Agric. Service. Los Angeles. Calif. (114.15 Albata St., West Los Angeles, Calif.) M05F11. OG. Coke, Dr. C(hauncey) Eugene. M.Sc, Manitoba, 29; M.A., Toronto. 30; Ph.D., Leeds, 38. Res. chemist, Courtaulds (Can- ada). Ltd., Cornwall, Out.. Canada. (59 DeLisle Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada) M34F34. C. Coke, J. Earl. 480 Colosa Ave., Berkelev, Calif. M35R37. 1 ndividual Members 347 Coker, Richard G(ay). Hartsville S. Car M33R35. MC. Coker, Dr. R(obert) E(rvin). M.S., North Carolina, 97; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 06 Prof, zoology and chairman Div. Natural Sciences. Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, X. Car.; chairman Div. Biology and Agric, Xat. Res. Council, Washington. 1). C. M06F09. 1-'. Coker, Prof. W(illiam) C(hambers). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 01. Head Dept. Botanv and dir. Coker Arboretum, Univ. North' Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M02- F05. G. Colbert, Dr. Edwin H (arris). M.A., Co- lumbia, 30; Ph.D., 35. Asst. curator Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. ; assoc. curator Acad. Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; lecturer Univ. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia; lecturer. Bryn Mawr Col., Brvn Mawr, Pa. {407 Park Ave., Leonia, N. J.) M29. EFH. Colbert, Dr. Robert Martin. 1 ro W. 55th St., New York, N. Y. M37R37. Nil. Colbeth, I(vor) M(ilton). B.S., Col. City New York, 18. Chemical dir.. Baker Cas- tor Oil Co., New York, N. Y. (25 N. 2 1 st St., East Orange, N. J.) M39. CAM Colburn, Dr. William (William Gold- berg). Ph.D., Chicago, 38. Instr.. Wright Junior Col.; chief chemist, Deavitt Labs., Chicago, 111. (530s Kimbark Ave.) M39. CNP. Colby, Dr. Arthur S(amuel). M.S.. Illi- nois, 15; Ph.D., hi. Prof, pomology, Univ. Illinois Col. Agric, Urbana, 111. M18F31. OGQ. Colby, Prof. Charles C(arlyle). Ph.D., Chi- cago. 17: M.Ed., Michigan State Normal, 22. Prof, geography, Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago. 111. (57S7 Kimbark Ave.) M08- F21. E. Colby, Dr. C(harles) D(e) W(itt). M.D., Michigan, 02. Box 1240, Asheville, N. Car. M24. N. Colby, Edward A(llen). M20D35. CM. Colby, Prof. Malcolm Y(oung). M.A., Texas, 25; Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Prof, physics. Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M32- F33. B. Colby, Mrs. Martha Guernsey, c/o A. J. Winters. Montpelier, Idaho. M26F28R36. IK. Colby, Dr. Walter F(rancis). Ph.D., Mich- igan, oi). Prof, physics, Univ. Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich. M17F27. P.. Colclough, O(tho) T. Amer. Legation. Ottawa. Out., Canada. M34R36. MAB. Colcord, Frank F(orest). 57 William St., New York, N. Y. M36R37. M KC. Colcord, Miss Mabel. A.B.. Radcliffe, 95; B.L.S., New York State Library School. 22. Librarian, U. S. Bur. Entomology and I 'km t Quarantine, Washington, D. C. 12520 14th St. MY.) M25F26. FOG. Coldwater. Dr. K(enneth) B(ryson). A.M.. Missouri, 28; I'h. I).. 31; M.D., St. Louis. 38. Instr. biology, St. Louis Univ.; resi- lient surgeon. St. Marx's Group of llo^ps.. St. Louis. Mo. M34F34. F. Coldwell, J(ohn) S(imons). 4320 X. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee. Wis. M31- R37. M. Cole, Dr. Arch E(van). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 20. Asst. prof, anatomy, Univ. Louisville School Med., Louisville, Kv. M21F25. FNG. Cole, Dr. Arthur G(ideon). Ph.D.. Illi- nois, 28. Asst. prof, physiological chemis- try, LJniv. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, III. M29F33. ex. Cole, Prof. Arthur H(arrison). A.M., Har- vard, 13; Ph.D., 16. Librarian, Baker Li- brary, Harvard Business School, Boston, Mass. (22 Holyoke House, Cambridge, Mass.) M28F30. K. Cole, Prof. Arthur W. 735 X. Main St.. West Lafayette, End. M34F34K39. M. Cole, Dr. Barzillai L. 3721 Laclede Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M35R35. C. Cole, Prof. Elbert C(harles). A.M., Trin- ity, 18; Ph.'D., Harvard, 24. Prof, biology, Williams Col., Williamstown, Mass. M24- F.53. FGX. Cole, Dr. Fay-Cooper. Ph.D., Columbia. 14; Sc.D., Northwestern, 28. Prof, and chairman Dept. Anthropology, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. M08F11. H. Secretary of Section on Anthropology (H), 1^27 ; vice president, ryj$. Cole, Dr. George Watson. 570 S. Green- wood Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M02F31R38. L. Cole, Dr. Glenn Gates. M.Sc, Wooster. 12; Litt.D., Hampden-Sidnev, 28. Wheaton Col., Wheaton, 111. ( M $3 F 17R 36 ) M38F1 7. KHE. Cole, Dr. H(arold) H(arrison). M.S., Cal- ifornia, 25; Ph.D., Minnesota, 28. Assoc, prof, animal husbandry, Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis, Calif. M37F38. NOF. Cole, Dr. Harold Newton. M.D.. West- ern Reserve, 09; Sc.D., Bucknell, 18. Clin- ical prof, dermatology and syphilology. Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (3051 Torrington Road. Shaker Heights) M24F33. X. Cole, Harry Newton. M.S.. Michigan. 15. c/o M. C. Jolly, 611 X. Melborn St., Dearborn Heights, Mich. M07F11. BCK. Cole, Harvey S. Weather Bur.. Lit tit- Rock, Ark. M21R32. BEO. Cole, Dr. Howard Irving. Ph.D., Cornell. 17. Gardiner, Oreg. M29L31F33. C. 348 Directory of Members Cole, Dr. James (Webb). M.S., Virginia, 35 ; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, chemistry, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. M38. CBM. Cole, Dr. Kenneth S(tewart). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 26. Assoc, prof, physiology, Colum- bia Univ., New York, N. Y. M31F32. BFC. Cole, Dr. Lawrence W(ooster). A.M., Harvard, 04; Ph.D., 10. Prof, and head Dept. Psychology retired, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (845 14th St.) M10F15. I. Cole, Dr. Leon J(acob). Ph.D., Harvard, 06. Prof, genetics, Univ. Wisconsin, Mad- ison, Wis. M02F09. FO. Vice president for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1940. Cole, Miss Lettie Mott. M.S., Syracuse, 31. Teacher, Northside High School, Corning, N. Y. (130 Princeton Ave.) M40. GF. Cole, Dr. Lewis Gregory. 56 Greenridge Ave., White Plains, N. Y. M30R38. N. Cole, Dr. Nancy. A.M., Radcliffe, 29; Ph.D., 34. Instr. mathematics, Sweet Briar Col., Sweet Briar, Va. M38. A. Cole, Dr. Robert H(ugh). A.M., Harvard, 36; Ph.D., 40. Instr. physics, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M40F40. BC. Cole, Dr. Rufus I. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 99; Sc.D., Chicago, 27. Mt. Kisco, N. Y. M07F09. N. Vice president for Section on Medical Sciences (N), 1926. Cole, Dr. Stewart G(rant). A.M., Chicago, 19; Ph.D., 29. Exec, dir., Service Bur. Intercultural Education, 300 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. (6 Fairwood Road, Mad- ison, N.J.) M33. QIK. Cole, Dr. Versa (Viola). M.S., Kalama- zoo; Ph.D., Chicago. 5848 University Ave., Chicago, 111. M39. NCF. Cole, Dr. Warren H. M.D., Washington Univ., 20. Head Dept. Surgery, Univ. Illi- nois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. M32F33. N. Cole, Dr. William H(arder). A.M., Har- vard, 16; Ph.D., 21. Prof, physiology and biochemistry, Rutgers Univ., New Bruns- wick, N. J.; dir. labs., Mt. Desert Island Biol. Lab., Salsburv Core, Maine. M22- F23. FG. Cole, Prof. William R(aymond). M.S., Pennsylvania. 29. Prof, physics, Lincoln University, Pa. M25F33. BD. Coleman, Dr. Arthur Philemon. M08F10- D39. E. Coleman, George Edward. B.S., California, 91. Res. assoc. medicine (retired), Hooper Foundation, Univ. California, San Fran- cisco, Calif. (609 Hot Springs Road, Santa Barbara, Calif.) M27. N. Coleman, Dr. George H(opkins). M.S., Illinois, 19; Ph.D., 21. Prof, organic chem- istry, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M23- F25. C. Coleman, Dr. George Howell. M.D., Rush, 13. Asst. clinical prof, medicine, Rush Med. Col.; governor and sec. Inst. Med., Chicago, 111. (647 Arlington Place) M30. N. Coleman, Dr. George William. Sc.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 37; Sc.D., Temple Bar, 39. Chief metallurgist and chemist, Parker Wire Goods Co., Wor- cester, Mass. (28 Green St., Watertown, Mass.) M27F33. CBE. Coleman, Dr. Gerald H(awley). Ph.D., Illinois, 28. 1009 Eastman Road, Midland, Mich. M34F34. C. Coleman, Harold (Mitchell). M.S., Chi- cago, 36. Graduate student, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5305 S. Ellis Ave.) M38. CBA. Coleman, James Finley. E.E., Rutgers. En- gineer, H. K. Ferguson Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (7711 Euclid Ave.) M40. MQB. Coleman, Prof. Robert, Jr. M.A., Colum- bia. Prof, mathematics, Wilberforce Univ., Wilberforce, Ohio. M40. A. Coleman, Dr. Warren. A.M., Kentucky, 09; M.D., New York, 91- Prof, clinical medicine, Univ. Georgia School Med., Augusta, Ga.; prof, emeritus clinical med- icine, New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. (2749 Hillcrest Ave., Augusta, Ga.) M06F09. N. Coleman, William W(heeler). B.S., Le- high, 05. Chairman and pres., Bucyrus- Erie Co., South Milwaukee, Wis. (1101 N. Marshall St., Milwaukee, Wis.) M18. MP. Coles, Clifford Harry. M.A., Ohio State, 33. Head Dept. Science, instr. botany, zoology, and biology, Bergen Junior Col., Teaneck, N. J. (793 Cedar Lane) M38. GCF. Coles, Dr. Harold W(illiam). M.S., Iowa State, 26; Ph.D., 27. Industrial fellow, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Oliver Station) M35F35. C. Coles, Robert R. Assoc, lecturer, Hayden Planetarium, New York, N. Y. M40. D. Coles, Roswell S(trong). M.A., Columbia. Curator mus., Staten Island Inst. Arts and Sciences, St. George, Staten Island, N. Y. M40. EKL. Coley, Glenn. B.S., Illinois, 17. Metal- lurgist, Detroit Edison Co., Detroit, Mich. M36. M. Coley, Dr. William B(radley). M06F11- D36. N. Colgan, Prof. Edward J(oseph). A.M., Harvard. 20. Prof, education and psychol- ogy, Colbv Col., Waterville, Maine. (11 Gilman St.) M23F33- IQ- Colgate, Robert Bangs. B.A., Yale, 24. Vice pres. charge res., Colgate-Palmolive- Peet Co., Jersey City, N. J. (105 Hudson St.) M39. c. Colien, Dr. Francis Edward. M.S., Minne- sota. 30; Ph.D., 34- Asst. prof, bacteriol- ogy and preventive medicine, Creighton Univ. School Med.; dir. labs., City Health Dept., Omaha, Nebr. (2603 N. 56th St.) M31. NFC. Individual Members 349 Colin, Dr. Edward C(ecil). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 30. Teacher, Chicago Teachers Coi., Chicago, 111. (306 W. 66th St.) M23F33. P. Colingsworth, Dr. D(onald) R(udolph). M.S., Wisconsin, 36; Ph.D., 38. Res. chem- ist, Red Star Yeast and Products Co., Milwaukee, Wis. M39. CGN. Collado, Esteban G. M36D — . O. Collazo, Mrs. Ana M. Diaz. M.S., Cornell. Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R. M36. FHN. Collens, Dr. William S. M.D., Cornell, 21. Metabolist, chief Diabetic Clinic and Peripheral Vascular Disease Clinic, Is- rael Zion Hosp.; assoc. visiting physician, Greenpoint Hosp.; metabolist. Brooklyn Women's Hosp. and Jewish Hosp. Chronic Diseases, Brooklyn, N. Y. M29F33. N. Collett, Dr. A(rmand) R(ene). Ph.D., Yale, 23. Prof, chemistry, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M38. CB. Collett, J. Daviss, Jr. B.S., Oklahoma. Shell Bldg., Houston, Tex. M39. M. Collett, Dr. Mary E(lizabeth). A.M., Penn- sylvania. 11; Ph.D., 19. Assoc, prof, biol- ogy, Mather Col., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M16F23. FN. Collett, Merrill J. 4313 Kansas Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. (?) M36R36. KNQ. Colley, Dr. Mary W(otherspoon"> (Mrs. Reginald H. Collev). M.A.. Columbia. 15; Ph.D., 31. 36 Argyle Place, Rockville Centre, N. Y. M19F31. G. Colley, Dr. Reginald H(unter). A.M., Har- vard, 12; Ph.D., George Washington. 18. Timber products engineer, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (36 Argvle Place, Rockville Centre, N. Y.) M23F25. G. Collie, Prof. George L(ucius). M.A., Har- vard. 91 ; Ph.D., 93. Prof, emeritus anthro- pology, Beloit Col., Beloit, Wis. (New Harbor, Maine) M08F10. H. Collier, Albert (Walker, Jr.). B.A., Rice. Rockport, Tex. M37. F. Collier, Arthur James. U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M02F05R32. E. Collier. Dr. Frank W(ilbur). Ph.D., Bos- ton, 10. Prof, philosophy. American Univ. Graduate School, Washington, D. C. (Florence Courts West) M26F33. IQ. Collier, Dr. Myrtie. Ph.D., Strasbourg, 30. Prof., Immaculate Heart Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (1307 S. Beverly Glen Blvd.) M14F38. AK. Collier, Dr. William Dean. A.M.. Mis- souri, 21; Ph.D., 22: M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 24. Dir. labs., St. Elizabeth's Hosp., Youngstown, Ohio. M35F35. N. Collmgnon, Rev. Edward C(harles Her- bert). M.S., Catholic. 33. Prof, chemistry, St. Mary's Univ., San Antonio, Tex. M39. CBA. Collings, Dr. Gilbeart Hooper. M.S., Illi- nois, 17; Ph.D., Rutgers, 25. Prof, soils, Clemson Col., Clemson, S. Car. (M36F36- R36)M39F36. OEG. Collingwood, D(ouglas) M(oore). B.S., Dalhousie, 11, Nova Scotia Technical Col., 11. Geologist and petroleum engineer. Sun Oil Co., Dallas, Tex. (Box 577-A, Route 6, Willowbrook Road) M24F32. EMB. Collingwood, George Harris. A.M., Michi- gan, 17. Forester, Amer. Forestry Assn., Washington, D. C. (1234 Crittenden St. NW.) M24F28. O. Collins, Miss Beatrice M. M.S., Chicago, 30. Geography specialist, Silver Burdett Co., New York, N. Y. M40. E. Collins, C(harles) W(alter). U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Mor- ristown, N. J. M17F20R37. F. Collins, Clarence B. B.S., Cotner. Pres., Western Biol. Labs., Lincoln, Nebr. (4807 Leiehton Ave.) M40. FGN. Collins, Dr. Dean A(lbert). M.A., Minne- sota. 28: Ph.D., 31; M.D., 34. Asst. prof, phvsiologv. Temple Univ. School Med., Philadelphia. Pa. (114 W. Washington Lane) (M35F35R38)M4oF35. N. Collins, Dr. Donald C(lark). M.D., Cali- fornia, 2j; M.S., (pathology) Minnesota, 32. (surgery), 34. Asst. prof, surgery. Col. Med. Evangelists; visiting surgical pa- thologist and surgeon, Los Angeles County Gen. Hosp., Los Angeles, Calif. (0313 Olvmpic Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif.) M34- NFH. ColFns, Dr. Donald L(ouis). S.M., Har- vard, 30. Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, entomol- ogy. Cornell Univ.; agent, U. S. Bur. En- tomologv and Plant Quarantine, Ithaca, N. Y. M30F39. F. Collins, Elmer B(eauchamp). 1461 Girard St. NW., Washington, D. C. M34F34R37. BD. Collins, Dr. Elmer E(rnest). M.D., Iowa, 33; Ph.D., Western Reserve, 36. Assoc, prof, pathology, Howard Univ. Col. Med.; assoc. pathologist, Freedmen's Hosp., Washington, D. C. (654 Girard St. NW.) M40. NF. Collins, Prof. E(rnest) Hobart. Parsons Col., Fairfield, Iowa. M32F33R35. BA. Collins, Fred(erick) V(reeland). 26m Pingree St., Detroit, Mich. M27R32. CMO. Collins, Dr. George. Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. M34F34. B. Collins, George W(illiam). 6410 Wood- lawn Ave., Chicago, 111. M22F30R35. NC. Collins, Guy N. M02F21D38. G. Collin-5, Henry B(ascomb), Jr. M.A., Georee Washington, 2<». Senior anthro- pologist. Bur. Amer. Ethnology, Smith- sonian Inst., Washington, D. C. M34- F34. H. 35Q Directory of Members Collins, Dr. H(enry) H(omer). M18F25- D37. FXG. Collins, Prof. J(acob) R(oland). M.S., Purdue, 14; Ph.D., Cornell, 21. Prof. physics, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (105 Valley Road) M22F31, B. Collins, J(ames) Franklin. 13 Brown St., Providence, R. I. M07F09R34. G. Collins, J(ohn) R(obinett), Jr. 146 Pine- wood Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M 54- F34. DBK. Collins, Dr. Joseph V(ictor). Ph.D., Wooster, 86. 217 S. Division St., Stevens Point, Wis. M34F34. A. Collins, Dr. J(ulius) L(loyd). Ph.D., Cal- ifornia, 23. Geneticist, Pineapple Pro- ducers Cooperative Assn.; prof, genetics, Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. M28F28. GFO. Collins, Dr. Martin L(awrence). D.D.S., New York. 576 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M40. Nd. Collins, Dr. Ralph K. M.S.. Kansas, 19; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 22. Field dir., Rock- efeller Foundation, New York, N. Y. M36 F36. N. Collins, Dr. R(obert E.) Lee. Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins, 28. Assoc, prof, geology and paleontology, Univ. Tennessee, Knox- ville, Tenn. (M26F32R32)M4oF32. EFG. Collins, Prof. Robert F(rank). Assoc, prof, geology and geography, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (33 North St., Wil- liamsburg. Mass.) (M36R38)M40. E. Collins, Dr. T. Shields. M.D.. Centre, 87. 2425 W. 23rd St., Los Angeles, Calif. Mu- FiS. N. Collins, W(illiam) D(ennis). M.A.. Har- vard. <>-. Chemist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M38F25. CE. Collins, Prof. W(illiam) O(lin). B.S.A.. Georgia. Prof, agronomy, Univ. Georgia Col. Agric, Athens, Ga. (132 Ridgewood Place) M40. O. Collip, Prof. J(ames) B(ertram). M.A.. Toronto, 13; Ph.D., 16; M.D., Alberta, 26; LL.D., Manitoba, 35; D.Sc, Alberta, 24. Harvard, 36. Prof, biochemistry and head Dept., McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Can- ada. (622 Sydenham Ave., Westmount. Que., Canada) M30F31. X. Collyer, Norman. A.B.. Stanford, 04. Asst. sec, Paramount Pictures. Inc., New York, X. Y. M25. MQ. Colman, Wallace. 236 Madison St. X\\\, Washington, 1). C. M27R35. F. Colomb, Dr. Henry Octave. M.D., Tulane. 23. Asst. supt., Philadelphia State Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M38. NIK. Colony, Roy Jed. M07F11D36. E. Colpitts, Dr. Edwin H(enry). 300 Lawn Ridge Road, Orange, X. J. M34F34R3S. M. Colson, Henry (Clifford). B.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 10. Chief chemist. G. W. Carnrick Co., Newark, N. J. M33. CNM. Colton, F(erry) B(arrows). A.B., Am- herst, 26. Editorial staff, Nat. Geographic Soc.. Washington, D. C. (1200 16th St. NW.) M38. I-.. Colton, George W. Sheffield Scientific School, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M34F34R36. M. Colton, Dr. Harold S(ellers). Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 08. Prof, zoology, Univ. Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; dir. Mus. Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Ariz. M04- L09F13. EFH. President of Southwestern Division, 1036. Colton, H(enry) Seymour. B.S.. Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 21. Consultant, Stand- ard Building. Cleveland. Ohio. (3122 Woodburv Road, Shaker Heights) M40. CM. Colvert, W(illiam) W(hite). A.M.. Cum- berland, 19. Assoc, prof, physics, Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. M21F40. B. Colvin, Charles H(erbert). M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 14. Special asst. to chief. U. S. Weather Bur., Washington, D. C. (Egbert Hill. Morristown, N. J.) M36. M. Colvin, Dr. Joseph Wesley. M.D., Cin- cinnati, 38. Fellow experimental medicine, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med., Cincinnati. Ohio. (430 Ludlow Ave.) M40. NB. Colvin, Miss Zella E. 588 Warburton Ave.. Yonkers. X. Y. M37R.37- AQ. Colwell, Dr. Charlotte (Anne). M.S.. Ph.D., Xorthwestern. 30s E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, 111. M38. NCF. Colwell, Prof. Rachel H(artshorn). M.A., Columbia, 03. Prof, emeritus home eco- nomics. Univ. West Virginia, Morgan- town, W. Va. M13. QCI. Colwell, Prof. Robert C(ameron). A.M.. Xew Brunswick, 08; Ph.D.. Princeton. iS. Prof, physics, West Virginia Univ., Mor- gantown, W. Va. (224 Park St.) M19- F31. B. Colze, Dr. W(illiam) L. M.D., Ph.D.. Brussels. Editor-in-chief, International Bulletin Med. Res.. 545 W. ruth St., Xew York, X. Y. M40. XC. Coman, Dr. Dale Rex. M.D..C.M., McGill. Instr. pathology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M40. X. Combes, Prof. Lewis S(winnerton). 46 Mien Road, Winchester, Mass. M34F34- R35. B. Combs, Dr. J(oseph) D(enton). M.A., Ph.D.. Illinois. Univ. Georgia School Med., Augusta, Ga. M38. F. Combs, Ralph M(arion). 1761 Marye St., Alexandria, La. M23R33. FC. Combs, Prof. W(illes) B(arnes). M.A., Missouri, 17. 1501 Chelmsford St.. St. Paul. Minn. M34F34. O. Individual Members 35 f Comfort, Dr. Edwin G(ustavus) H(unter). M.A., Northwestern, 31; Ph.D., Brown, iii. Instr. mathematics, I'niv. Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. (339 X. Gregg St.) M31 F38. \1>R. Cornish, Prof. Newel Howland. M.S.. Wis- consin, 15; I'll I)., 29. Prof, business ad- ministration, Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. M29F40. K. Commins, Dr. W(illiam) D(ollard). A.M., Catholic, 21; Ph.D., Stanford, 31. \>st. prof, psychology, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D.'C. M39. IQ. Compere, Dr. Edward L(yon). M.S., Chi- cago, 24; M.D., Rush, 26. Assoc, prof., Dept. Orthopedic Surgery, Univ. Chi cago Clinics, Chicago, 111. (5713 Drexel Blvd.) M40. X. Compere, W(oodfin) Gano. Albuquerque Health Ranch, Albuquerque, N. Mex. M38R38. X. Compton, Prof. Arthur H(olly). M.A., Princeton, 14; Ph.D., 16; Sc.D., Wooster, 27, Princeton, 34, Brown, 33, Ohio State, 29, Yale, 29; L.L.D., Washington Univ., 28, California, 30; M.A., Oxford, 34. Prof physics, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (563" Woodlawn Ave.) M18F23. B. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), 1927. Compton, C(harles) C(halmer). M.S., Illi- nois, 34. Assoc, entomologist, Illinois State Natural History Survey, Urbana, 111. (513 S. Pine St., Champaign, 111.) M23- F26. F. Compton, Charles V. McKinney, Texas. (?) M31R3/. Q- Compton, Miss Dorothy M(ay). 22 Wilton St., Princeton, X. J. M3iR34- FGQ. Compton, Dr. Jack. M.S., Ohio State, 31; Ph.D.. 33. Physical Res. Lab., B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio. M38F40. CGB. Compton, Dr. Karl T(aylor). M.S., Woos- ter, 09; Ph.D., Princeton, 12; Sc.D., Wooster, 23, Lehigh, 27, Princeton, 30 Stevens Inst. Tech., 31, Boston, 32 Clarkson, 32; D.Eng., Brooklyn Poly- technic Inst., 30. Case, 31; LL.D., liar vard, 30, Wisconsin, 34, Middlebury, 36, Williams, 36, Johns Hopkins, 37, Franklin and Marshall, 37. Pres., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. ( 1 1 1 Charles River Road) M13F15. B. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), 1924. President, 193?. Member of the Executive Committee, 1929 — . Compton, Lawrence V(erlyn). M.A.. Cal- ifornia, 35. Assoc, biologist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Albuquerque, N. Mex. (M3iR33)M36. FGL. Compton, Miss Leila A(nna). 846 E. Bow- man St., Wooster, Ohio. M31R37. Compton, Dr. Wilson (Martindale). M.A., Wooster, 12; LL.D., 35; Ph.D., Princeton 15. Sec. and mgr., Nat. Lumber Manu- facturers Assn.; pres., Timber Engng. Co., Washington. I). C. (2900 Cathedral Ave.) M33F36. KBM. Comroe, Dr. Bernard I. M.I)., Pennsyl- vania, 2<). Instr. medicine, School Mel. and Dental School, ami senior ward physi- cian llosp., Univ. Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. (106 Beverlv Road, Oxer- brook Hills) M40. N. Comstock, Dr. Charles W(orthington). M.C.E., Cornell, 94; Ph.D., 98. Consulting engineer, 3527 81st St., Jackson Heights, X. Y. M88F01V38. ABM. Secretary of Sec- tion on Engineering (D), 1901. Comstock, Prof. Clarence E(lmer). M.A.. Knox, 91. Bradley Polytechnic Inst.. Peoria, 111. M07F08. AQ. Comstock, Dr. Daniel F(orest). 179 5th St., Cambridge, Mass. M02F10R34. BN. Comstock, Prof. Elting H(oughtaling). Univ. Minnesota School Mines, Minne- apolis, Minn. M28F29R32. MAQ. Comstock, Harold D(earborn). C.E., Thayer School Civil Engng., 04. Supt., Bur. Reclamation, Riverton, Wyo. M18. M. Comstock, Miss Laura. M.A., Columbia. 1017 Harvard St., Rochester, N. Y. M36. N. Conant, Dr. George H(erbert). Ph.D.. Wisconsin, 26. Proprietor, Triarch Botan- ical Products, Ripon, Wis. M27F27. G. Conant, James B(ryant). Ph.D., Harvard, 16; D.S., Columbia, 34, Stevens Inst. Technology, 34, Tufts, 34, Wisconsin, 35 , L.H.D., Boston, 34; D.C.L., Oxford, 36; LL.D., Chicago, 33, New York, 34, Prince- ton, 34, Yale, 34, Amherst, 35, Charleston, 35, William and Mary, 36, Williams, 38, Dartmouth, 38, Tulane, 39. Pres., Har- vard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M18F25. C. Conant, Dr. Louis C(owles). A.M., Cor- nell, 29; Ph.D., 34. Assoc, prof, geology. LIniv. Mississippi; asst. geologist, Mis- sissippi Geol. Survey, University, Miss. M39. E. Conard, Dr. Henry S(hoemaker). M.A.. Haverford, 95; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 01. Prof, botany, Grinned Col., Grinned, Iowa. ( 1310 Elm St.) M07F09. G. Conard, Dr. V(era) A(rrietta) (V. A. Conard Patterson). 262 N. Brvan St., Arlington, Va. M38R39. CN. Condit, Dr. Ira J(udson). M.S., Califor- nia, 28; Ph.D., Stanford, 32. Assoc, prof, subtropical horticulture, and assoc. sub- tropical horticulturist Citrus Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Riverside. Calif. M30- F33. o. Condon, Dr. Edward U(hler). Ph.D., Cal- ifornia, 26. Assoc, dir. research, Westing- house Electric and Mfg. Co., East Pitts- burgh, Pa. (1420 Walnut St., Edgewood, Pa.) M38F28. BCM. 352 Directory of Members Condra, Dr. G(eorge) E(vert). Station A, Lincoln, Isiebr. M291-29K38. E. Condrin, Prof. John M(ark). M27F33- D37. FN. Condron, Mark M(ason). Assoc, engi- neer, U. S. Engineers JJept., 1200 Baifour Bidg., San Francisco, Canf. (535 layior St.) M32. BDA. Cone, Mrs. Sophia K. 16596 Monica Ave., Detroit, Mich. M40. FG. Congdon, Walter B(annister). 1701 E. 1 st bt., Duluth, Minn. M24. DEC. Congdon, Dr. Wray H(ollowell). Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. M37R39- QKI. Conger, Allen C(lifton). Dept. Zoology, Ohio Wesieyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio. M16F32R32. F. Conger, Dr. N(apoleon). Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M38R38. KQH. Conger, Paul S(idney). M.S., Wisconsin, 21. Res. assoc, Carnegie Inst. Washing- ton; custodian diatoms, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. M35F35. FG. Coniff, Father Arthur (Adams). M.A., Boston. Head Dept. Biology, Georgetown Univ., Washington, D. C. M39. FG. Conklin, Miss Agnes M(arie). 428 6th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M3iR34- IKQ. Conklin, Dr. Edmund S(mith). A.M., Clark, 09; Ph.D., 11; D.Sc, 39. Prof, psy- chology and head Dept., Indiana Univ., Bioonnngton, Ind. (,904 S. Hawthorne Drive) M13F28. 1. Conklin, Prof. Edwin G(rant). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 91 ; Sc.D., Pennsylvania, 08; Ohio Wesieyan, 10, Yale, 30; LL.D., Western Reserve, 25. rTof. emeritus biol- ogy, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J.; exec, vice pres., Amer. Philosophical Soc, Pnnaaeiphia, fa. (.139 Broadmead, Prince- ton, N. J.) M01F01. F. Vice president for Section on Zootogical Sciences (FJ, 1906. President, I9j6. Member of the Executive Committee, 19^4 — . Conklin, Miss Ruth E(melene). M.S., Rochester, 20; Ph.D., Radcliffe, 30. Assoc, prof, physiology, Vassar Col., Poughkeep- sie, N. Y. (.14 Grand Ave.) M25I-33. N. Conley, Albert D(avis). Ch.E., Maine, 14; M.S., 16. Box 87, Freeport, Maine. M18. C. Conn, Dr. H(arold) J(oel). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 11. Chief research soil bacteriology, New York Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. (458 Castle St.) M24F25. OGF. Conn, Mervin Elmer. 109 E. Foster Ave., State College, Pa. M33R33- CAB. Conn, Nathan A. (Nathan A. Cohen). M.P.L., George Washington, 10. Patent examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washing- ton, D. C. (2238 Cathedral Ave.) M31. MBC. Connell, A(llison) Beresford. M.F., Yale, 22. bioux Lookout, Unt., Canada. M22. GE. Connell, Frank H. Dept. Zoology, Dart- mouth Col., Hanover, N. H. M30R32. F. Connell, William Brock. M.A., Missouri, 14. Pres., Chemical Engng. Corp., 2800 Logan St., Dallas, Tex. M.28. CM. Connelly, Dr. Basil Loren. M.D., Western Reserve, 20. Gynecologist, Women's Hosp. and East Side Gen. Hosp., Detroit, Mich. (69 Burlingame Ave.) M36. JSlHF. Conner, A(rthur) B(enjamin). M.S., Texas A. and M. Col., 23. Dir., Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station, Tex. M29F31. UEG. Conner, Dr. F(rank) H(oward). M.D., Illinois, 98. 731 7th St., Nevada, Iowa. M18. N. Conner, Dr. H(arry) M(ilton). 624 9th Ave. SW., Rochester, Minn. M27R33. N. Conner, Dr. Herbert W(esley). Ph.D., Chicago, 33. Chief chemist, Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Chicago, 111. (2032 W. 110th Place) M29F38. GCB. Conner, Dr. M(ervyn) I(gnatius). D.D.S., California. Dental dir., Strong Carter Den- tal Clinic, Honolulu, Hawaii. (2417 Parker Place) M40. Nd. Conner, Dr. Robert T(homas). Ph.D., Columbia, 36. Biochemist charge nutrition lab., Central Res. Lab., Gen. Foods Corp., Hoboken, N. Y. M38. C. Conner, S(amuel) D(icken). (M14F16- R32)M35Fi6D36. CO. Conner, Prof. S(amuel) L(ucas). M.S., Delaware, 12. 34 Capen St., Medford Hill- side, Mass. M24F25. M. Connery, Dr. Joseph E(dward). M.D., New York, 14. Prof, clinical pathology, New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. M32F33. N. Connolly, Dr. C(ornelius) J(oseph). Ph.D., Munich, 11. Prof, physical anthro- pology, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washing- ton, D. C. M22F33. FH. Connolly, Miss Dorothy (Margaret). 458 Union St., Luzerne, Pa. M36R36. FGC. Connolly, Dr. Joseph P(eter). A.M., Mis- souri, 15; A.M., Harvard, 16; Ph.D., 27. Pres. and prof, geology, South Dakota State School Mines, Rapid City, S. Dak. (1604 West Blvd.) M38F38. EQM. Connor, Dr. Augustus C(amillus). M08- D38. N. Connor, Prof. Charles L(loyd). M.D., Bay- lor, 20. Prof, pathology, Univ. California School Med.; pathologist, University Hosp.; consulting pathologist, San Fran- cisco Hosp., San Francisco, Calif. M28- F31. N. Individual Members 353 Connor, Mrs. Mary (Elizabeth Adams). Illinois Central Hosp., Paducah, Ky. M36- R36. NKI. Connor, Dr. Ralph (Alexander). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (625 Country Club Lane, Manoa, Upper Darby, Pa.) M39. C. Connor, Thomas W(alter). B.S., Connect- icut, 29. Editorial Dept., Boston Post; technical investigator public relations, Boston, Mass. (410 Memorial Drive, Cam- bridge, Mass.) M29. NCF. Connors, Prof. Charles H(enry). Ph.D., Rutgers, 28. Prof, ornamental horticulture, Rutgers Univ. ; ornamental horticulturist, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Bruns- wick, N. J. (115 N. Sixth Ave., Highland Park) M17F25. OGF. Conover, (George) Courtney. B.S., Penn- sylvania, 08. Res. chemist, Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. (6265 Itaska St.) M25F38. CEH. Conrad, Dr. Carl M(arcus). M.S., Mary- land, 23; Ph.D., 25. Senior cotton tech- nologist, Agric. Marketing Service, Wash- ington, D. C. (2 Beech St., Hyattsville, Md.) M24F30. GCO. Conrad, Prof. Herbert S(pencer). M.A., California, 30; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, psychology and res. assoc, Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. (2718 Hillegass Ave.) (M33F34R37)M4oF34. IQK. Conrad, Lawrence H. New Jersey State Teachers Col., Montclair, N. J. M32R32. IQ. Conrad, Dr. Mary Elizabeth. Ph.D., Ohio State, 28. Catawba Col., Salisbury, N. Car. M28. FCG. Conrey, D(avid) W(ells). 532 E. Rustic Road, Santa Monica, Calif. M27. M. Conrey, Dr. G(uy) W(oolard). M.A., Michigan, 09; Ph.D., Ohio State, 21. Prof, agronomy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus; assoc. agronomy charge Ohio Soil Sur- vey. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. (623 Park Ave., Wooster, Ohio) Mi 7- F25. OEC. Conroy, Prof. Charles Clifford. A.M., St. Vincent's Col., 07; Sc.D., 11; Ph.D., Loyola (Los Angeles), 19. Prof, history, Loyola Univ.; lecturer history. Immacu- late Heart Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (21 11 5th Ave.) M27F33. DLQ. Conroy, E(dward) H(ubert). B.S., Iowa, 15. Asst. dir. research, Tennessee Copper Co., Copperhill, Tenn. M40. CGO. Conroy, Dr. Peter J(oseph). M.S., Ford- ham, 27; Ph.D., 29; M.A., Columbia. 40. Prof, chemistry, Col. Pharmacy, and instr. natural science. School Education, Ford- ham Univ., New York, N. Y. (410 Scars- dale Road, Crestwood, N. Y.) M33F38. CNpQ. Conry, Joe E. Cookeville, Tenn. M34R34. OQ. Conselman, Dr. Frank B(rickley). Drawer K, Hobbs, N. Mex. M36R36. E. Conser, Prof. Harry Newton. 754 Centre St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. M08F16. G. Considine, Douglas M(axwell). B.S., Case, 37. Chemical engineer, State of Ohio, Cleveland, Ohio. (10411 Colonial Ave.) M39. MCA. Constable, Dr. E. W. Ph.D., North Caro- lina. Assoc, chemist, North Carolina Dept. Agric, Raleigh, N. Car. M40. CBM. Constance, Clifford L(lewellyn). 434 E. 13th Ave., Eugene, Oreg. M30. IQA. Constant, Dr. F(rank) Woodbridge. Ph.D., Yale, 28. Asst. prof, physics, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M34F34. BA. Constantinescu, Clinton. 2204 Tuxedo St., Parma, Cleveland, Ohio. M32R36. CDB. Constant-nides, Dr. Philip A(nastassios). M.S., Chicago, 21 ; Ph.D., 27. Prof, physics. Wright Junior Col., Chicago, 111., and Gary Col., Gary. Ind. (5564 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111.) (M28F33R36)M38F33- B. Converce, John L. Pault St., Harrison- burg, Va. M35R35. FG. Conway, (Edward) Power. Box 1645, Phoenix, Ariz. M21R37. Conway, Dr. Eleanor A(ntoinette). Ph.D., Chicago, 36. Instr. anatomy, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. M39. N. Conway, K(arl) B(rown). Pittsburgh Athletic Assn., Pittsburgh, Pa. M22. K. Conway, Martin J. 99 S. nth Ave., Coates- ville, Pa. M33R34- MCA. Conway, Dr. W(illiam) J(ohn). M.A., Co- lumbia; Ph.D., Fordham. 207 Johnson Ave., Teaneck, N. J. M39. CQ. Conwell, Dr. George M(acfeely). A.M., Princeton, 06; Ph.D., 08. Master mathe- matics, St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. M17F33. ABQ. Conwell, Prof. Hermon H(enry). M.S., Kansas, 15; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Dean Col. and prof, mathematics, Beloit Col., Beloit, Wis. (1621 Emerson St.) M18- F33. ABD. Conwell, William A(nthony). 221 Ulysses St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M38R38. MBA. Conzelmann, Dr. Fred J(ohn). M.D., Michigan, 05. Clinical dir., Stockton State Hosp.; psychiatrist, Juveni'e Court and Health Dept., Stockton, Calif. Mi 7. N. Conzett, Dr. John V(anderbie). 116 W. 13th St., Dubuque, Iowa. M32R38. N. Cook, Alan A(ugustus). A.B., Harvard. 18. Optical engineer, Wollensak Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. (242 Culver Road) M23. B. 354 Directory of Members Cook, Dr. Archibald M(aclean). M.D., Pennsylvania. N23 Hepburn St., Williams- port, Pa. M39. XIK. Cook, Dr. A(rthur) Stanley. Ph.D., To- ronto. 31. Dir. res. and biol. labs., Ayerst, McKenna and Harrison, Ltd.. Montreal. Que., Canada. M38. NC. Cook, Dr. Charles A(tkinson). M.S., Yale, 30; Ph.D., 31. Biol, chemist, Exp. Res. Labs., Burroughs Wellcome and Co., Inc. Tuckahoe. N. Y. M34F34. CN. Cook, Dr. Clarence P(osey). M.D.. Colo- rado, 11. Oculist and aurist, 331 1 Wood- land Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. M30. NCI. Cook, Prof. David L(ivingstone). John Brown Col., Siloam Springs, Ark. M34- R34. BCA. Cook, Dr. D(onald) H(unter). M.A., Co- lumbia, 22; Ph.D.. 2$. Columbia Univ. School Tropical Med., San Tuan, P. R. M28F33. C. Cook, E. Fullerton. U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 43-rd and Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. M37R3/. N. Cook, Dr. Edgar M(arion). M.A., George Peabody, 28; Ph.D., 36. Dean men and prof, psychology and education. Carson- Newman Col., Jefferson City. Tenn. M40. I. Cook, Dr. Elton S(traus). Ph.D., Yale. 33. Res. prof., Institutum Divi Thomae, Cincinnati. Ohio. (2463 Madison Road) M38. CN. Cook, Prof. Eugene W(ilbur), Jr. M.A., Ohio State. .35. Acting prof, biology, Centre Col., Danville, Ky. M2BF33. N. Cook, Fannye Addine. A.B., Mississippi State Col. Women. Res. asst.. State Game and Fish Commission, Jackson, Miss. M27. GF. Cook, Dr. George (Francis). M.D.. Tufts, 23. 4 E. Main St., Plainville, Conn. M38. XFG. Cook, Gustavus Wynne. Sc.D., Pennsyl vania. Pres., South Chester Tube Co. and South Chester Terminal and Warehous- ing Co., Chester; dir. Cook Observatory, Wynnewppd, Pa. M29F33. DBM. Cook, Harold J(ames). Dir., Cook Mus. Natural History; consulting geologist, Agate. Nebr. M10F11. EFH. Cook, Dr. Harold T(hurston). Ph.D., Cor- nell. 31. Plant pathologist. Virginia Truck Exp. Sta., Norfolk, Va. M28F31. G. Cook, Dr. Howard H(amblet) A.M., Har- vard, <> 1 : Ph.D., 96. Harvard Club, 27 W. (4th St.. New York, N. Y. M10L11. KLM. Cook, Dr. Jerome E. M.D., Washington Univ., 05. Instr. clinical medicine, Wash- ington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M28. N. Cook, John W. Construction engineer, Atcriisdn, Topeka, and Santa Fe R.R., Topeka, Kans. (1420 W. 3rd St.) M28. MA. Cook, Jonathan. A.M., Harvard, 05. 1205 jarvis Ave., Chicago, 111. L37. K. Cook, Dr. Mel(ville) T(hurston). A.M., DePauw, 02; Ph.D.. Ohio State, 04. Plant pathologist, Agric. Exp. Sta., Rio Piedras. P. R. M96F02. G. Secretary of Section on Botanical Sciences (GJ, 191S-20; vie president, iyJi. Cook, M(erle) A(rnold). E.M., Colorado School Mines. Ute Park, N. Mex. M39. M. Cook, Orator F(uller). Ph.D., Syracuse, 30. U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washing- ton, D. C. M91F92E39. GOQ. Cook, Miss Phyllis L(ucy). M.S., Pitts- burgh. 120 E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore, Pa. M38F39. G. Cook, Robert (Carter). Lanham, Md. M30R34. FGI. Cook, Prof. Rolla Vergil. Route 5, Elwood, Ind. M24F31R33. B. Cook, Sister Rose Margaret. M.S., Notre Dame, 27. Prof, mathematics. Loretto Heights Col., Loretto, Colo. M35F38. A. Cook, Roy S(elden). M.S., Virginia, 15; Ph.D., 25. Prof, chemistry and head Dept. Science, Mary Washington Col., Fredericksburg, Va. M25F33. C. Cook, Dr. Samuel Richard. Col. Pacific, Stockton, Calif. M01F03R32. B. Cook, Dr. Sherburne F(riend). Div. Physiologv, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M3.Ur33R34- FGN. Cook, Prof. Sidney A(lbert). M.A., Yale. 21; Ph.D., Columbia. 28. Prof, psychology and head Dept. Philosophy and Psychol- ogy, New Jersey Col. Women, New Bruns- wick. N. T. (Hillcrest. River Road) M27- F28. IQ. " Cook, Dr. Sterling Smith. M.D., Med, Col. Virginia. 17; Dr.P.H., Johns Hop- kins, 34. Chief medicine, Norfolk Naval Hosp., Portsmouth, Va. M36F38. N. Cook, Dr. Stuart H(osmer). Randolph, Nebr. M29R33. NC. Cook, Dr. Walter A(ndrew). M.A., Cin- cinnati, 22 ; Ph.D., 24. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Univ. Akron, Akron Ohio. (493 South Firestone Blvd.) M28- F33. CAN. Cook, Prof. Walter W(heeler). A.M., Co- lumbia, 99; LL.M., 01; LL.D.. Wiscon- sin, 29. Prof. law. Northwestern Univ. School Law, Chicago, 111. (25 F. Walton St.) M24F31. Kill. Cook, Dr. William C(armichael). M.S., Minnesota, 20; Ph.D., 23. Entomologist, U. S. Dept. Agric. Modesto, Calif. (425 Santa Rita Ave.) M20F25. F. Cook, Dr. William S(chlei). M.S., Iowa State, 22; Ph.D.. Chicago, 36. Instr. bot- any, Louisiana State Univ., University, La. (3289 Louisiana St., Baton Rouge, La.) M23F33, GF, Individual M km i;kks 633 Cook, Dr. Willis G(urdon). Fori Worth. Tex. M18R35. \. Cooke, Dr. C(harles) Montague. Ph.D., Yale, 01 ; Sc.D., Hawaii, 36. Malacologist, Bishop Mus., Honolulu, Hawaii. (2850 .Manna Road) M07L23F33. F. Cooke, Dr. C(harles) Wythe. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Senior geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M13F25. E. Cooke, D(ouglas) A. Box 411, Honolulu, Hawaii. M32R32. OGC. Cooke, Francis W(est). Ph.D., Illinois, 31. Asst. prof, physics, Illinois Col., Jackson- ville, 111. (1061 Grove St.) M34F34. B. Cooke, Dr. G(rady) Carlyle. M.D., Mary- land. 1848 Runnymede Road, Winston- Salem, X. Car. M40. NM. Cooke, Harte. Consulting engineer, Diesel Div\, Amer. Locomotive Co., Auburn, N. Y. do Jefferson St.) M03. M. Cooke, Morris L(lewellyn). M.E., Lehigh, 95; D.Sc, 22. Consulting engineer, St. George's Road, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. M08F15. M. Cooke, Richard A(lexander). C. Brewer and Co., Ltd., Honolulu, Hawaii. M26. C. Cooke, Dr. Robert A(nderson). A.M., Rut- gers, 04; D.Sc, 25; M.D., Columbia, 04. 60 E. s«th St., New York, N. Y. M27F31. NG. Cooke, Dr. Robert L(ocke). M.A., Cali- fornia, 30; Ed.D., 22. Assoc, prof, educa- tion. Wheaton Col., Wheaton, 111. M37. QI. Cooke, Thomas F(owke). Killams Point, Branford, Conn. M22F25. B. Cooksey, Charlton Dows. Ph.D., Yale. 09. Asst. prof, physics, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (104 Huntington St.) M12- F14. B. Cooksey, Dr. Donald. M.A., Yale, 28; Ph.D., 32. Asst. dir., Radiation Labs.. LTniv. California, Berkeley, Calif. M22- F38. B. Cookson, Mrs. Mary Ellen Snyder. M.S., George Washington. 29; M.A., Columbia, 35. Instr. science, Wilson Teachers Col., Washington, D. C. (9303 Montgomery Ave., Chevy Chase, Md.) M40. QEF. Cool, Dr. Raymond D(ean). M.Sc, Vir- ginia. 26: Ph.D., 2H. Asst. prof, chemistry, Univ. Akron, Akron, Ohio. M28F33. C. Cooley, Elmer E(wardo). M36D— . EDI. Cooley, Franklyn Curtis. Dispensary, LT. S. Navy Yard. Portsmouth, X. II. M32R32. NDF. Cooley, Jacquelin Smith. M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., 11; Washington Univ.. 14. Senior pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M11F13. G. Cooley, Dr. J(ean) P(aul). M.S.. Michi- gan, 20; Ph.D.. 23. Washington Square Col.. New York Univ., New York, X. Y. M21F31. B. Cooley, Dr. Judson C. M.D.. Jefferson, 97. Sandy Lake. Pa. M39. NIH. Cooley, Miss Mary Elizabeth. M.S., Michi- gan, >■; . Instr. geology, Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. (29 Silver St.) M27. E. Cooley, Dr. R(obert) A(llen). D.Sc, Mon- tana State, 36. Entomologist, Rocky Mountain Lab., U. S. Public Health Serv- ice, Hamilton, Mont. M01F03. F. Cooley, Miss Sarah. A.M.. Columbia, 33. Teacher, Farrell Senior High School, Farrell, Pa. (414 Fruit Ave.) M39. GFN. Cooley, Dr. Thomas B(enton). M.D.. Michigan, 95. Prof, pediatrics, Wayne Univ. Col. Med.; chairman staff, Chil- dren's Hosp. Michigan, Detroit, Mich. M40. XKQ. Cooley, Warren Kenneth. Pres.. Caled Products Co., Inc., Brentwood, Md. (707 Woodside Parkwav, Silver Spring, Md.) M30. C. Coolidge, Dr. Albert Sprague. Ph.D., Har- vard, 24. Lecturer chemistry, Harvard Univ., Cambridge. Mass. (34 Coolidge Ave.) M23F33. CB. Coolidge, Prof. Edgar David. D.D.S., Chicago Col. Dental Surgery, 06; M.S., Xorthuestern, 30. Prof, therapeutics, Chi- cago Col. Dental Surgery and Loyola L'niv. Dental School, Chicago. 111. (25 E. Washington St.) M33F39. NdC. Coolidge, Harold J(efferson), Jr. B.S.. Harvard, 27. Asst. curator mammals, Mus. Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (311 Warren St., Brook- line, Mass.) M29. FHX. Coolidge. Dr. W(illiam) D(avid). Ph.D.. Leipzig, 99. Dir. res. lab.. Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, X. Y. (1480 Lenox Road) M24F27. B. Coombs, Dr. Helen C(opeland). 65 Elliott Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. M17F27R37. N. Coombs, William (Christopher). Harring- ton, Wash. M35R37. BAC. Coon, Dr. Julius M(osher). Ph.D.. Chi- cago. Instr.. Dept. Pharmacology. Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M40. Xp. Coon, Dr. Lucy G. M.D.. Iowa. 27. Assoc hygiene and med. adviser women, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (105'-^ E. Chalmers St., Champaign. 111.) M39. N. Coon, W(illiam) E(dwin). M.Ed., Pitts- burgh. 30. Principal, East High School, Erie. Pa. (6ll Cranberry St.) M17. EQ. Coonen, Dr. L(ester) P(eter). M.A.. St. Norbert, 35; Ph.D.. Wisconsin. 38. Asst. prof, biology, De Sales Co].. Toledo, Ohio. M40. GF. 356 Directopy of Members Coonfield, Dr. Benjamin R. Dept. Biology, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M31F33- R36. F. Coonradt, Prof. Arthur Chapin. A.B., Stanford, 09; Aero.E., New York, 28. Chairman, Dept. Mechanical Engng., New York Univ., Univ. Heights, New York, N. Y. M34F34. M. Coons, Mrs. Callie Mae. Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Prof, and head Dept. Home Eco- nomics, George Pepperdine Col., Los An- geles, Calif. (1200 W. 78th St.) M34F34. CN. Coons, Dr. R(obert) R(oy). M.A., Texas, 20; Ph.D., Iowa State, 31. Prof, chemistry and head Dept. Natural Sciences, George Pepperdine Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (1200 W. 78th St.) M38. CBN. Cooper, Miss Agnes B(outon). Librarian, Riverside Tunior Col. Library, Riverside, Calif. M29. KQ. Cooper, Dr. Albert H(udiburgh). M.S., Tennessee, 30; Ph.D., Michigan State. 33. Assoc, prof, chemical engng., Virginia Polvtechnic Inst.. Blacksburg, Va. M38. MC. Cooper, Dr. A(lbert) L(loyd). M.D., Ne- braska. 1920 1st Ave., Scottsbluff, Nebr. M40. NEH. Cooper, Miss Anita. M.S., New York, 37. Bacteriologist, Littauer Pneumonia Res. Fund Harlem Hosp., New York, N. Y. (2004 Vyse Ave., Bronx) M38. N. Cooper, Dr. Charles L(ogan). M.S., Ph.D., Cornell. Prof, industrial education, Agric. and Tech. Col., Greensboro, N. Car. (1021 Lindsay St.) M40. QIK. Cooper, Dr. David Alexander. M.D., Penn- sylvania. Physician, 1520 Spruce St., Phil- adelphia, Pa. M39. NK. Cooper, Dr. Delmer C(lair). M.S., Purdue, 26; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 30. Asst. prof, ge- netics, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M29F33. G. Cooper, Dennis G. 6178 Cooper Ave., De- troit, Mich. M35R37. EQ. Cooper, F. Leonard. B.S., Redlands, 17. Vice pres. and sales mgr., Scientific Sup- plies Co., 122 Jackson St., Seattle, Wash. M40. C. Cooper, Dr. Frank (Lawrence). A.M., Michigan, 04; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 07. Instr. physics, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M07F16. B. Cooper, Dr. George Olds. M.A.. Wiscon- sin. 26; Ph.D., 28. Asst. prof, botany. Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. M25- F32. G. Cooper, Dr. George William. M.A., West- ern Reserve, 29; M.D., Wayne, 22. Uro'o- gist, 726 Virginia Ave., Hagerstown, Md. M39. N. Cooper, Dr. G(ustav) Arthur. M.S., Col- gate, 26; Ph.D., Yale, 29. Asst. curator, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. (3425 Porter St. NW.) M31F33. E. Cooper, Dr. Herbert C(harles). D.M.D., Minnesota. 206 N. East 31st Ave., Port- land, Oreg. M40. Nd. Cooper, Dr. H(erbert) P(ress). M.S., Wis- consin, 16; Ph.D., Cornell, 22. Dean School Agric. and dir. Agric. Exp. Sta., Clemson Agric. Col., Clemson, S. Car. M22F31. OGC. Cooper, Dr. Hermann. 42 Marion Ave., Albany, N. Y. M24R35- QL Cooper, James F(urman). B.Sc, South Carolina, 29. Entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Spo- kane, Wash. M37. F. Cooper, Dr. John M(ontgomery). Ph.D., Acad. St. Thomas (Rome), 02; S.T.D., Propaganda Col. (Rome), 05. Prof, an- thropology, Catholic Univ. Amer., Wash- ington, D. C. M18F31. HK. Cooper, J(ohn) R(alph). M.S., Nebraska, 17. Dept. Horticulture and Forestry, Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. M22F24. GO. Cooper, Dr. John R(oberts). Ph.D., Princeton, 35. Assoc, prof, geology, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio; asst. geologist, Newfoundland Geol. Survey, St. Johns, Newfoundland. M40. E. Cooper, Dr. Joseph Harry. Ph.D., Chicago, 37. Res. chemist, Krebs Pigments Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., New- ark, N. J. (210 Central Ave., Orange, X. J.) M38. C. Cooper, Miss Lenna F(rances). M.A., Co- lumbia, 26. Chief Dept. Nutrition, Monte- fiore Hosp., New York, N. Y. M29F33. NCQ. Cooper. Dr. Margaret M(oore). M.S., Iowa, 32; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, chemistry, Meredith Col., Raleigh, N. Car. (Villisca, Iowa) M38. C. Cooper, Miss Mary Hester. Lindsey Wil- son Junior Col., Columbia, Ky. M29R35. AB. Cooper, Dr. Merlin L. M.S., Chicago. 19; M.D.. Cincinnati, 26. Assoc, prof.. Dept. Bacteriology, and asst. prof., Dept. Pediat- rics, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med.. Cincin- nati. Ohio. (4824 Beverly Hills Drive) M33F33. N. Cooper, Dr. Robert H(oliday). M.S.. Iowa State, 35; Ph.D.. 39. Asst. prof, science, Ball State Teachers Col., Muncie, Ind. M40. FQ. Cooper, Dr. Stewart Rochester. M.S.. Cor- nell. 24; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, chemistry, Howard Univ.. Washington, D. C. (3008 nth St. NW.) M34F34. C. Cooper, Dr. Thomas Poe. D.Sc. C'em- son, 37. Dean Agric. Col.; dir. Agric. Exp. Sta. and Agric. Extension, Univ. Ken- tucky, Lexington, Ky. M08F18. OK. Individual Members 357 Cooper, Walter W(inston). B.A., Minne- sota, 14. Public utility consultant. Oak- land. Calif. (177 Hillcrest Road, Berkeley, Calif.) M31. KM. Cooper, Dr. William John. M31F32D35. QKI. Cooper, Dr. William S(kinner). Ph.D., Chicago, 11 ; Sc.D., Alma, 30. Prof, botany, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M07F21. GE. Cooper, Dr. Zola K. Ph.D., Washington Univ., 29. Assoc, pathologist, Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. M39. FN. Cooper-Ellis, Dr. Katherine M(urdoch). Ph.D.. Columbia, 18. Consulting psycholo- gist. 61 W. 9th St., New York, N. Y. M36- F36. IQ. Cooperrider, C(harles) K(nesal). B.S., Ohio, 14. Asst. dir. charge forest influ- ences and watershed investigations, U. S. Southwestern Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Tucson, Ariz. M27F33. FGM. Coopey, Ravmond W. Route 2, Corvallis, Oreg. M32R32. FQE. Coots, Frederick L. B.S., Alfred. Head Biology Dept., High School, Plattsburg, N. Y. (Greystone Manor, Route 2) M39. FGD. Coover, Dr. Carson. M.D., Pennsylvania, 00. 223 Pine St., Harrisburg, Pa. M33. NFK. Coover, Dr. John Edgar. M12F14D38. I Coover, Dr. W(infred) F(orrest). A.M., Ohio State, 03; D.Sc, Otterbein, 35. Head Dept. Chemistry, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M09F15. C. Cope, Prof. Alfred B. A.M., Kansas. Evansville Col., Evansville, Ind. M38. IQ. Cope, Dr. Arthur C. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. M37F38. C. Cope, Dr. Danella Straup (Danella Straup). M.A.. Ph.D., Stanford. 629 Uni- versity St., West Lafayette, Ind. M39. CM. Cope, Francis R(eeve), Jr. M.A., Harvard, 02. State council education, Harrisburg, Pa. (Dimock, Pa.) M27. FQO. Cope, Dr. H(enry) E(rwin,>. M.D., Rush, 23. Assoc, dir., Bur. Labs., Michigan Dept. Health, Lansing, Mich. M24. N. Cope, Dr. Otis M(erriam). M.D., Michi- gan, 04. Prof, physiology and biochemis- try. New York Med. Col., Flower and 5th Avenue Hosps., New York, N. Y. M21F33. N. Cope, Prof. R(alph) P(earce). M.S., Washington State, 19. Assoc, prof, agric. and analvtical chemistry, State Col. Wash- ington, Pullman. Wash. M14F33. CO. Cope, Thomas D(arlington). Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, is. Prof, physics, LIniv. Penn- sylvania. Philadelphia, Pa. (239 Lenoir Ave., Wayne, Pa.) M13F16. B. Cope, Prof. T(homas) Freeman. M.S., Tu- lane, 25; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Assoc, prof. mathematics, Queens Col., Flushing, N. Y. M39. A. Copeland, D(onald) Eugene. M.A., Am- herst, 37. Asst. biology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M38. F. Copeland, Dr. Herbert F(aulkner). M.S., California, 25; Ph.D., Stanford, 31. Instr. botany, Sacramento Junior Col., Sacra- mento, Calif. M29F32. GO. Copeland, Herman A(bner). Route 6, Wapakoneta, Ohio. M31R37. IB. Copeland, Prof. Lennie Phoebe. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 13. Prof. mathematics, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. (14 Waban St.) M28F32. A. Copeland, Prof. Lloyd D(e Witt). M.A., Ohio State, 15. Prof, chemistry, Knoxville Col., Knoxville, Tenn. M34. C. Copeland, Prof. Manton. S.M.. Harvard, 05; Ph.D., 08. Prof, biology and natural science, Bowdoin Col., Brunswick, Maine. M08F11. FG. Copeland, Dr. William F(ranklm). M.Ph. Ohio, 03; Ph.D., Clark, 07. Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio. M07F11. G. Copenhaver, Dr. James E(arl). M.S., Vanderbilt. 23; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. Prof, chemistry, Univ. South Carolina, Columbia, S. Car. M25F33. CNB. Copenhaver, Dr. Wilfred M(onroe). Ph.D., Yale, 25. Asst. prof, anatomy, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. M24F26. F. Copple, R(obert) F(rancis). Soil Erosion Service, Zanesville, Ohio. M32R35. OFG. Coppola, Col. Vincenzo. Italian Embassy, Washington, D. C. M38R38. M. Copson, Dr. Harry R(ollason). 240 Sin- clair Place, Westfield, N. J. M34R34. CBA. Coralita, Sister M. (See Sister M. Coralita Cullinan). Corbett, L(ament) S(eym.our). M.S., Ken- tucky, 13. Orono, Maine. M31F32. OQ. Corbett, Laurence J(ay). B.S., California, 02. Consulting electrical engineer and writer, 1010 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M17F25. MBD. Corbett, Dr. L(ee) C(leveland>. 535 Cedar St., Takoma Park, D. C. M99F01R32. GO. Corbin, Prof. C(harles) E(dgar). A.M., Northwestern, 07. Prof, mathematics, Col. Pacific; dean instruction, Stockton Junior Col., Stockton, Calif. M24F33. A. Corbin, Harold ACltonV B.A.. California Los Angeles, 29. Head Dept. Mathematics and Science, High School. North Holly- wood, Calif. (5231 Colfax Ave.) M39. AC. Corbin, Milford Howard. 12479 Cedar Road, Cleveland, Ohio. M29R34. CMB. 358 Directory of Members Corbitt, Dr. Hugh Blake. A.M., Columbia, 21 ; Ph.D., 25. Res. and control chemist, Metz Div., Winthrop Chemical Co., Rensselaer, N. Y. (Old Chatham, N. Y.) M25F33. ex. Corby, Grant W. 634 S. Spring St.. Los Angeles. Calif. M34F34R39. E. Corcoran, Prof. Charles A(loysius). M.A., Columbia, 06. Prof, physics, City Col., Kew York, X. V. ( 121 Clove Road, New Rochelle, X. V.) M22F31. B. Corcoran, Prof. John J(oseph). 96 Schmer- horn St., Brooklyn, X. Y. M33R.34- CNQ. Cordner, Dr. Howard B. M.S., Michigan State, 28; Ph.D., Maryland, 32. Prof, horti- culture, Oklahoma A. and M. Col.; assoc. prof., Oklahoma Agric. Exp. Sta., Still- water, Okla. M39F40. OCG. Cordova, Ramon Gandia. Box 1 324, San Juan, P. R. M32. ABE. Cordrey, Dr. William A(lonzo). Ph.D., George Peabody, 37. Prof, mathematics, Southeastern Louisiana Col., Hammond, La. M38. AB. Core, Dr. Earl L(emley). M.S., West Vir- ginia, 28; Ph.D., Columbia, 36. Asst. prof, botanv. West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. (Box 22, Core. W. Va.) M27F33. G. Coren, Bertram (Bertram Cohen). E.E., Columbia, 39. Science editor, College En- trance Book Co., New York, X. Y. (720 Riverside Drive) M38. MBA. Corey, Dr. Edward L(yman). Ph.D., Yale, 28. Dept. Physiology, Univ. Virginia Dept. Med., Charlottesville, Va. M27F33. F. Corey, Fred Brainard. Box 479, Route 1, Barbertoji, Ohio. M07F15. M. (See Mrs. Irene Corey, Miss H. Irene Corey Diller). Corey, Dr. Robert B(rainard). Ph.D., Cor- nell. 24. Senior fellow chemical research. California Inst. Tech.. Pasadena, Calif. (352 S. Parkwood Ave.) M25F33. CB. Corey, Samuel A(rthur). M07F09D36. A Corey, Prof. Stephen M(axwell). M.A., Illinois, 2- ; Ph.D., 30. Prof, education and asst. dean Graduate School, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (181 7 Kendall Ave. I M31F33. IQ. Corey, W(illiam) H(enry). M.A.. Califor- nia. 28. Petroleum geologist, Shell Oil Co., Los Angeles; Calif. (2400 St. George St.) M39. EFH. Corfield, George Sibley. M.A., Clark, 31. Dean men, State Teachers Col., Duluth, Minn. M35. E. Cori, Dr. Carl F. M.D., Prague, 20. Prof, pharmacology, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M25F33. XpC. Cork, Dr. James M. Ph.D.. Michigan, 22. Prof, phvsics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich, lio.u Day St.) M39F40. B. Corlett, E(lizabeth) H. Box 955, Katonah, X. Y. M30. MEB. Corlett, Dr. William Thomas. M.D., Woos- ter. -y. Western Reserve. 82. Prof, emeri- tus dermatology and syphilology, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio, (iiois Easf Blvd.) M2XF33. X. Corley, Prof. Ralph C(onner). A.M.. Illi- nois. 22; Ph.D.. 24. Prof, biochemistry, Purdue 1'niv., I .a Fayette, Ind. M25F25. XC. Corlis, Dr. Edwin Fleming. Ph.D.. Ford- ham, 39. Prof, zoology and head Dept. Biology, St. Francis Col., Brooklyn, X. Y. (1843 Nereid Ave.) M34. F. Corman, H(arry) E(van). B.A.Sc, To- ronto, 20. Chief chemist, Canada Packers Ltd., Toronto, Ont., Canada. (92 River- crest Road) M40. COM. Cornejo, Dr. Alirio. Dr.Eng., El Salvador. Ingeniero auxiliar 6 ayudante. Comision Mixta de Limites, El Salvador et Guate- mala, C. A. (Calle Delgado 51, San Salva- dor, El Salvador) M40. MAB. Cornelissen, Johannes. Apartado 411, Bar- ranquilla, Colombia, S. A. M29R32. MEK. Cornelius, Prof. David W(illiam). Ph.D., Illinois, 12. Prof, physics, Univ. Chatta- nooga. Chattanooga, Tenn. (Signal Moun- tain) M24L25F25. BDM. Cornelius, L(ouis) A. 2080 Robinson Road, Grand Rapids, Mich. M38R38. MX P. Cornelius, L(uther) W(illiam). B.S., Teachers Col. (Denton), 28. Tester, Hum- ble Oil and Refining Co., Baytown, Tex. (228 Iowa St.) M38. MB. Cornell, Prof. W(alter) Rodney. C.E., Cor- nell, 15. Prof, mechanics of engng., Cor- nell Unix.. Ithaca. X. Y. (507 Henshaw Road) M28F33. MQ. Corner, E(dred) J(ohn) H(enry). M.A., Cambridge. Botanic Gardens, Singapore, Straits Settlements. M37. G. Corner, Dr. George W(ashington). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 13. Dir., Dept. Embryol- ogy, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Balti- more, Md. M33F33. X. Corning, Dr. Erastus. M.D.. Union, 07. 92 Willett St.. Albany, N. Y. M34. XIH. Corning, Prof. H(anson) K. M.D., Heidel- berg. Eraser, Speir. Mever and Kidder. 49 Wall St., Xew York, N. Y. L27. X. Cornthwaite, Dr. W(illiam) R(obert). M.A., Ohio State, 2s; Ph.D., 27. Chemist. R. and H. Chemicals Dept., E. I. du Pont de Xeniours and Co.. Inc.. Xiagara Falls, X. Y. (828 James Ave.) M28F33. C. Cornwall, Dr. William Duncan. M.D., To- ronto, 2S. 6 Church St.. St. Catherines, Ont.. Canada. Thurman St., Portland, Oreg. M27R32. E. Dake, Walter M., II. Mng. Editor, "Coal Age," McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New York, N. Y. (Orienta Point, Mamaroneck, N. Y.) M36. M. Dakin, Dr. Henry Drysdale. M.Sc, Vic- toria; Ph.D., Heidelberg; D.Sc, Leeds. 07; LL.D., 36; Sc.D., Yale, 18. Scientific adviser, Merck Inst. Therapeutic Res., Rahway, N. J. (Scarborough, N. Y.) Mio- F15. EHK. Dalaker, Prof. Hans H. Ph.D., Cornell, 17. Prof, mathematics and mechanics, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (523 Walnut St. SE.) M3sF35- A. Dalai, Rustom D. Swiss Bank Corp., 11 Regent St., London, England. L32F38. KLE. Dale, Ernest E(dward). M.S., Kansas State, 20; Ph.D., Michigan, 28. Asst. prof, biology, Union Col., Schenectady, N. Y. M27F31. G. Dale, Dr. Julian K(alfus). A.M., Ph.D., Princeton, 14. Commercial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute. Ind. M25F33. C. Dale, Dr. Nelson Clark. M.A., Brown, 10; Ph.D., Princeton, 14. Head Dept. Geol- ogy, Hamilton Col., Clinton, N. Y. M22- E25. E. Dalke, Dr. Paul D. 171=; Wilson Ave., Columbia, Mo. M36R37. OF. Dallenbach, Col. John C. 1018 W. Church St., Champaign, 111. M29R34. N. Dallenbach, Dr. Karl M. M.A., Pittsburgh, 11; Ph.D., Cornell, 13. Prof, psychology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (102 Irving Place) M14F21. HI. Vice president for Sec- tion on Psychology (I), 194°- Dalquest, Walter W. Teaching fellow, Dept. Zoology, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (6521 '17th St. NE.) M38. FH. Dalstrom, Oscar Frederick. C.E., Rensse- laer, 01. Engineer bridges, Chicago and Northwestern Rv., 400 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. M23. M. D'Alton, Dr. C. J. 123 East 53rd St., New York, N. Y. (?) M32R33. N. Dalton, Philip. M.A., Princeton. Consult- ant, U. S. Navy Dept., Washington. 1). C. (515 N. Washington St., Alexandria. Va.) M40. MB. Dalton, Mrs. Walburga P. (Walburga Anna Petersen). 3126 W. Carlisle Place, Chicago, 111. M28R33. F. Dalve, J(ohannes) A(rland). Ch.E., Cin- cinnati. Asst. dir. labs., Kroger Food Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio. (3579 Washington Ave.) M40. MC. Daly, Rev. Joseph Augustin. A.M., Ph.D., Fordham. 144 W. 90th St., New York, N. Y. M37- 1Q. Daly, Sister M. Florentine. (M32F33R34)- M36F33U39. C. Daly, Prof. Reginald A(ldworth). Ph.D., Harvard, 96; Sc.D., Toronto, 23. Prof, geology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (23 Hawthorn St.) M25F25. E. Vice presi- dent for Section on Geologx and Geography 4a Drive) M40. GN, Dart, Mrs. Doris Clayton (Mrs. Edward Dart). M.A.. Claremont Cols. Instr. zool- ogy, Pomona Col., Claremont, Calif. M40. F. Dart. Francis E(liot). M.S., Xotre Dame. 39. Physicist. U. S. Rubber Co., Detroit, Aiich. (2921 E. Jefferson Ave.) M40. BAM. Dart, Prof. Raymond A(rthur). M.Sc, Queensland. 14; M.D.. Sydney, 25. Prof, anatomy and dean faculty medicine, Univ. Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, S. Africa. M27F31. HFN. Dart, Lt. Col. Raymond O(sborne). M.D.. Rush, 10. Chief lab.. Letterman General Hosp., San Francisco. Calif. M37F38. N. Darton, Dr. Nelson H(oratio). D.Sc, Arizona, 22. Geologist (retired), U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. (6969 Brookeville Road, Chew Chase, M.i.) M88F93V38. E. Dascher, Henry. M07D37. C. Dasha, Laughton B. 24(1 Xorth St., North Weymouth. Mas-. M36R36. MGO. Dashiell, Dr. John F(rederick). Ph.D.. Co- lumbia, 13. Prof, psychology and chair- man Dept., Univ. Xorth Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M18F28. I. Vice president for Section on Psychology (I), 193S. Dauer, Morris. Pharmaceutical Dept.. Kings Countv Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y. M35R35. CNG. Daughenbaugh, Dr. Paul J(ones). Ph.D., Rutgers, 30. Res. biochemist. Sharp and Dohme, Philadelphia, Pa. (Wrightstown, Pa.) M35. CX. Daughters, Milo R(eason). M.A., Ne- braska, 09. Pres., Natural Food Products Co., Orange, Calif. (2041 X. Rosa St., Santa Ana, Calif.) M29F33, CX. Daum, Dr. Samuel. 44 Saint Nicholas Ave.. Brooklyn. X. Y. M24R33. NCF. Daunoy, Harry L. Horticulturist, 26 Parn- ham Place, Metairie, New Orleans, La. M38. GOC. D'Aunoy, Dr. (Joseph) Rigney. M.A., Aloysius ; M.D., Tulane, 13. Prof, pathol- ogy and bacteriology, Louisiana State Univ. Med. Center, Xevv Orleans. La. (2936 Esplanade Ave.) M31F33. X. Daus, Dr. Paul H(arold). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 19. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M29F32. A. d'Autremont, Louis P(aul). Res. and in- venting, 1401 E. 1st St., Dulutli, Minn. L27. ABC. Davenport, Dr. Cha(rle)s B(enedict). Ph.D., Harvard, 02. Dir. (retired) Dept. Genetics, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. ( ("old Spring Harbor, X. Y.i M97F98. FHG. Vice president for Section on Zoology ( F ) , iqoo, and for Sec- tion on Anthropology (If), 1925. Davenport, Dr. Demorest. M.A., Colo- rado Col., 34: Ph.D.. Harvard, 37. Instr. biology, Reed Col,, Portland. Oreg. M40. F. Davenport, Mrs. Elizabeth B(raxton). M06D34. FG. Davenport, Prof. Eugene. M.S., Michigan State, 84; M.Agric, 95; D.Sc, Iowa State, 20; LL.D.. Michigan State, 07, Kentucky, 13, Illinois, 21. Dean and prof, emeritus. I niv. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (Woodland, Mich.) M90F09E39. OFG. Vice president for Sect. on on Agriculture IM), 1913. Davenport, Frederick M (organ), Jr. 25 Broadway, New York, X. Y. M29R35. K. Davenport, Dr. H(arold) A(lvin). M.D., Washington Univ., 26. Assoc, prof, anat- omy and asst. dean, Northwestern LTniv. Med. School, Chicago, 111. M29. NC. Davey, A(rthur) E(rnest). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 33. Div. Plant Pathology, Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis, Calif. M28- F39. G. Davey, Harold William. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (?) M37R37. K L. Davey, Dr. Wheeler P(edlar). M.S.. Penn- sylvania State, 11; Ph.D., Cornell, 14. Res. prof, physics and chemistry, Penn- sylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (423 W. Park Ave.) M25F25. BC. David, Prof. John A(rcher). A.M., Bates. 19. Prof, physics, Vdelphi Col., Garden City, X. Y. M39. BD. David, Dr. Lorna Thigpen (See Dr. Lorna W. Thigpen). 378 Directory of Members David, Dr. Paul R(embert). M.S., Pitts- burgh, 30; Ph.D., Columbia, 37. Asst. prof, biology, Lafayette Col., Easton, Pa. M31. F. David, Prof. Pedro A. Univ. Philippines Col. Agric, Agricultural College, Laguna, P. I. M34F34R34. O. Davidheiser, Dr. Lee (Yorgey). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 22. Head Dept. Chemis- try, Wagner Col., Staten Island, N. Y. M31F33. CB. Davidoff, Dr. Eugene. M.D., Iowa, 27. Senior clinical psychiatrist, Syracuse Psy- chopathic Hosp.; asst. prof, psychiatry, Syracuse Univ., Svracuse, N. Y. (408 Greenwood Place) M38. NIQ. Davidoff, Dr. Leo M(ax). M.D., Harvard, 22. Chief Dept. Surgery and attending neurological surgeon, Jewish Hosp. Brook- lyn, Brooklyn, N. Y. M34F34. N. Davidsohn, Dr. Israel. M.D., Vienna, 21. Pathologist and dir. labs., Mount Sinai Hosp.; asst. prof, pathology. Rush Med. Col., Chicago, 111. (5658 Blackstone Ave.) M31. N. Davidson, Charles (Marshall). M36D39. IQK. Davidson, Dr. David Lyman. Sc.M., Brown, 34; Ph.D., 37. Prof, biochemistry and chairmrn committee discipline; asst. to dean med. school, Middlesex Univ., Walt- ham. Mass. (61 Howard St.) M40. CNQ. Davidson, Dr. D(onald) M(iner). P.O. Box 916. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. (?) M36R36. EM. Davidson, Miss Ellinor C. 2221 Washing- ton St., San Francisco, Calif. M31. H. Davidson, Dr. Frederick A(lexander). M.S., Illinois, 24; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Dir.. U. S. Bureau Fisheries Lab., Seattle, Wash. (41 17 43rd St. NE.) M40. FO. Davidson, Dr. Helen P. Ph.D., Stanford, 29. Clinical psychologist, Child Study Dept., Board Education, Rochester, N. Y. (400 Oxford St.) M36. IQ. Davidson, James (Allison). B.S., Pennsyl- vania State. Asst. prof, and res. asspc, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. (430 Park Lane) M40. OFC. Davidson, Dr. J(ames) G(rant). Ph.D., California, 07. Assoc, prof. (retired) physics, Univ. British Columbia, Van- couver, B. C, Canada. (2640 Prospect Ave., La Crescenta, Calif.) M07F10. BQ. Davidson, Dr. Jehiel. Ph.D., Cornell, 14. U. S. Bur. Chemistry and Soils, Washing- ton, D. C. M25F25. CO. Davidson, Miss Margaret H. A.B., Women's Col. North Carolina. Gen. Biol. Supply House, 761 E. 69th Place, Chicago, 111. M39. FN. Davidson, Dr. O (liver) Wesley. M.S., Rut- gers, 30; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, pomology, Rutgers Univ.; assoc. biochemist. New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick. N. J. M40F40. GO. Davidson, Robert M(urray). Apartado 49, Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico. M39R39. MEK. Davidson, W(ard) F(ollett). 55 Johnson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M22F25R35. BEM. Davidson, Dr. William J(oseph). 191 1 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. M37R37. Q. Davidson, W(illiam) M(ark). Route 1, Silver Spring, Md. M27F33R35. F. Davidson, Winn W(illiam). 309 N. Ros- anna St., Gilroy, Calif. M27R36M38R39. CBQ. Davies, Prof. Arthur Ernest. "Eryl," Pine Hill Road, Crowthorne, Berks, England. (?) M18F28R36. IN. Davies, Clara A. 362 Hudson Ave., New- ark, Ohio. M11R35. Davies, C(larence) E. M.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 14. Sec, Amer. Society Mechanical Engineers, 29 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y. M24F28. MBC. Davies, Prof. Earl C(laudius) Hamil- ton). A.M., Ohio Wesleyan, 11; Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Prof, chemistry, West Vir- ginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. (321 Richwood Ave.) M25F30. C. Davies, Frank T(homas). Dept. Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. M34F34R36. B. Davies, G(eorge) R(eginald). Ph.D., North Dakota, 14. Prof, business statistics, Univ. Iowa Col. Commerce, Iowa City, Iowa. M39F30. K. Davies, John Vipond. 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. M17F26R37. M. Davies, Dr. Joseph I. Ph.D., Rice. 36. Instr. biology, Rice Inst., Houston, Tex. M30. FG. Davies, N(ewell) Adams. A.B., California, 34. Supt., Amer. Cream Tartar Co., 100 Bay St., San Francisco, Calif. (15 12 Drake Ave., Burlingame, Calif.) M39. MCP. Davies, Prof. P(ercy) A(lbert). M.S., Col- orado State, 23; Ph.D., Harvard, 25. Prof, and head Dept. Biology, Univ. Louisville, Louisville, Ky. (3124 Meadow Lark Road) M23F31. G. Davies, Robert G(eiser). 1317 18th St., Santa Monica, Calif. Mi 7. M. Davies, W(ilfrid) D(eWitt). 421-297 Smith St., Winnipeg, Man., Canada. M35R35. OQM. Davila, Cesar Armando. La Biblioteca, Estacion Exp. Agric. Zootecnia, El Valle, Dto., Venezuela, S. A. M39R39. O. Davila, Cesar Cordero. B.S., Mayaguez. Exec, dir., Puerto Rico Housing Author- ity, San Juan, Puerto Rico. M40. MA. Davis, Dr. A(chilles) Edward. 40 East 61st St., New York, N. Y. M37R37. NFG. Davis, Prof. A(dam) C(larke). M.E., Cor- nell. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (114 Kelvin Place) M39- MPQ. Individual Members 379 Davis, Albert G(ould). M34l,'34^)39- M. Davis, Alfred. 5670 Cates Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M37R38. AQD. Davis, Prof. A(lva) R(aymond). Ph.S.. Washington Univ., 15. Prof, plant physiol- ogy and chairman Dept. Botany, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M29F30. ('.. Davis, Alvan Lamson. S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 98. Treas., Bennett Metal Treating Co., Elmwood, Conn. (25 Con- cord St., Waterbury, Conn.) M25. MHK. Davis, Miss Amy E(liza). M.A., Colum- bia, 11. Teacher, Hunter College High School, New York, N. Y. (87 Hamilton Place) M29. BCQ. Davis, Arthur Kent. A.M., Harvard, 38. Tutor sociology, Harvard Univ., Cam- bridge, Mass. (26 Hurlbut St.) M38F40. K. Davis, Dr. B(enjamin) M(arshall). Ph.D., California, 06. Prof, emeritus physiology, Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. (200 Over- look Drive, Winter Park, Fla.) M13F15. NF. Davis, Prof. Bergen. A.M., Columbia, 00; Ph.D., 01 ; Sc.D., Columbia, 29, Rutgers, 30. Prof, emeritus physics, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M00F05. B. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), I93i- Davis, Dr. Bradley M(oore). A.M., Har- vard, 94; Ph.D., 95. Prof, botany, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M96F97- L25. G. Davis, Dr. Burt L(incoln), Jr. M.A., Stan- ford, 35 ; M.D., 36. Physician and surgeon, Palo Alto; examining physician, Student Health Service, Stanford University; asst. surgery, Stanford Hosp., San Fran- cisco, Calif. M34. NCF. Davis, Dr. Carl Henry. 425 E. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Mi8R3S- N. Davis, Prof. Carl L. M.D., George Wash- ington, 02. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Mary- land School Med., Baltimore, Md. (3806 Copley Road) M27F31. N. Davis, Carroll C(ampbell). 30 Lewis Road, Belmont, Mass. M34F34R34. C. Davis, Charles Henry. Bass River, Cape Cod, Mass. M07F15L24. IKE. Davis, Collis H(untington). A.M., Colum- bia. Hampton Inst., Hampton, Va. M38. CQN. Davis, Miss Corinne. M.A., Stanford. State College, San Jose, Calif. M37. IQ. Davis, Prof. D(arrell) H(aug). Ph.D., Michigan, 23. Head Dept. Geography. LTniv. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (5038 Dupont Ave. S.) M28F29. EK. Davis, Dr. David John. M.D., Rush, 04; Ph.D., Chicago, 06. Dean and prof, pa- thology and bacteriology, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (721 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette, 111.) M08F11. X. Davis, David R. A.M., Indiana, 23; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Prof, mathematics, State Teachers Col., Upper Montclair, N. J. (43 College Ave.) M39. ABC. Davis, Dr. Donald Walton. Ph.D., Har- vard, 13. Prof, biology and head Dept., Col. William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. (349 W. Scotland St.) M05F25. FGQ. Davis, Dr. Dorland J. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 37; Dr.P.H., 40. Asst. surgeon, {'. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. M40. N. Davis, Earl G. U. S. Entomological Lab.. Tempe, Ariz. M27R36. FG. Davis, Edgar W. 479 Federal Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. M24R32. F. Davis, Edward H(atton). B.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 00. Executive, Scovill Mfg. Co., Waterburv, Conn. (61 Oakland Ave.) M24. K. Davis, Edward M(anning). Forest Prod- ucts Lab., Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M25. O. Davis, Prof. E(dward) W(ilson). E.E., Purdue, 18. Dir., Mines Exp. Sta., Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M36F36. MEH. Davis, Dr. E(lmer) F(red). M.S., Cali- fornia, 12; Ph.D., 17. Vice pres., Shell Oil Co., Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. (337 Con- way St., West Los Angeles, Calif. M29- F31. EOC. Davis, Dr. Elwood Craig. Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M32R33. QFI. Davis, Miss Emily C(leveland). 4707 Con- necticut Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. M26R34. I. Davis, Mrs. Everett F. Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. M24F31R32. GF. Davis, Dr. Everett F(ogg). Ph.D., Wash- ington Univ., 28. Res. fellow, National Cancer Inst., Bethesda, Md. (10209 Con- necticut Ave., Kensington, Md.) M36. G. Davis, Dr. Frank C(ornelius). Dept. Psy- chology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M33F33R33- IHQ. Davis, Dr. Frank Garfield. A.M., Colum- bia, 24; Ph.D., New York, 30. Prof, edu- cation and dir. Extension, Bucknell Univ., Lewiston, Pa. (140 S. Front St.) M40. Q. Davis, Dr. Frederick A(llison). M.D.. Pennsylvania. Prof, ophthalmology, Univ. Wisconsin Med. School, Madison, Wis. M40. X. Davis, Garland H(ale) B(ark). S.M., Kentucky, 22. Dir. res. div., Esso Labs., Standard Oil Development Co., Elizabeth, \. J. M39. CXM. Davis, Prof. Geo(rge). M.A., George Pea- bodv. State Teachers Col., Murfreesboro, Tenn. M38. GFE. 38? Directory of Members Davis, George Bevan. M.D., Cornell, 40. 256 N. Maple Ave., Kingston, Pa. M40. XF. Davis, Dr. George E(arl). M.S., Iowa State, 22: Ph.D., Minnesota, 2g. Prof. physics and head Dept., Duquesne Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (1412 Gardner St.) M30- F32. BEN. Davis, Gilbert I(rwin). Analytical and consulting chemist, 3416 X. 16th St., Phil- adelphia, Pa. M40. CFN. Davis, Dr. Gordon E(rnest). S.M., Chi- cago, 22; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 30. Bac- teriologist, U. S. Public Health Service, Hamilton, Mont. M27F33. XF. Davis, Miss Grace E(vangeline). M.A.. Wellesley. 05. Assoc. prof. emeritus phvsics, Wellesley Col., Welleslev, Mass. (8 Norfolk Terrace) M06F16. B. Davis, Dr. Guy Pratt. State Teachers Col., Indiana, Pa. M29R35. IQ. Davis, Dr. Hallowell. M.D.. Harvard. 22. \ssoc. prof, physiology. Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (303 March St.. Belmont, Mass.) M28F31. X. Davis, Prof. H(annibal) A(lbert). Ph.D., Cornell, 29. Assoc, prof, mathematics, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. (307 Duquesne Ave.) M23F33. A. Davis, Dr. Harry A. M.D.,C.M., McGill, 31. Instr. surgery, Louisiana State Univ., New Orleans, La. M39. NFH. Davis, Harry M. K.E., Columbia. Feature writer. New York Times, New York, X. Y. M40. Davis, Dr. Harvey N(athaniel). A.M., Brown, 02; A.M., Harvard, 03; Ph.D., 06; LL.D., Rutgers, 28; Sc.D., Brown, 28, Northeastern, 38; D.Eng., Xew York, 36. Rose Polvtechnic Inst., 38. Pres., Stevens Inst. Tech., Hoboken, X. J. M08F10. M. I 'ice president for Section on Engineering (M), T935- Davis, Miss Helen I(sabel). B.A., Welles- ley, 12. Assoc, prof, botany and dir. botanic gardens and greenhouse, Welles- lev Cok, Welleslev, Mass. M23F33L37. i;b. Davis, Dr. H(enry) M(auzee). M.S., Okla- homa, 30; Ph.D., Minnesota, 34. Asst. prof, ceramics, Pennsylvania State Col.. State College, Pa. M39. CB. Davis, Prof. Herbert (Perry). M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 14. Prof, dairy husbandry and chairman Dept., Univ. Xebraska, Lin- coln, Xebr. (371=; Holdrege St.) M18F24. OFG. Davis, Dr. Herbert Spencer. Ph.D., Har- vard, 07. U. S. Bur. Fisheries, Washing- ton, D. C. M06F11. F. Davis, Dr. Horace J(ewel). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 36. Instr., animal industry, Louisi- ana State Univ.; University, La. M37F40. OCX. Davis, Hugh Leslie. 7cm Lvman Ave., Oak- Park, 111. M33F33R33. c. Davis, Dr. J(ames) E(rnest). A.M., Chi- cago, 28; Ph.D., 32. 625 Groveland Park. Chicago, 111. M39. XCQ. Davis, Dr. John E(merson). M.S., Michi- gan, 31; Ph.D., Chicago, 36. Asst. prof, pharmacologv, Univ. Vermont, Burling- ton, Vt. (216 S. Willard St.) M38F38. XpF. Davis, Prof. John E(ustace.). A.B.. Wil- liam Jewell Col. Prof, physics and busi- ness mgr., William Jewell Col., Liberty. Mo. (425 Miller Ave.) M32F33. B. Davis, Prof. John H(enry), Jr. Clinton. S. Car. M32R32. G. Davis, Dr. John Jefferson. M82FQ9V37- D37. G. Davis, Prof. John J(une). B.S., Illinois. 07. Prof, and head Dept. Entomology, chief Div. Entomology, Dept. Agric. Ex- tension, and chief entomology, Agric. Exp. Sta., Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M07F14. F. Davis, Dr. John Staige. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 99; M.A., Yale, 25. Assoc, prof, sur- gery, Johns Hopkins Univ.; visiting plas- tic surgeon. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Union Memorial Hosp., Hosp. Women Mary- land, and Children's Hosp. School, Bal- timore. Md. (Severn Apartments) M08- F33. N. Davis, Dr. John Staige, Jr. M.D., Virginia. 25. Asst. prof, clinical medicine, Xew York Post Graduate Med. School, Colum- bia Univ., Xew Y'ork, X. Y. M40. X. Davis, Joseph D. Senior fuels chemist. U. S. Bur. Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1307 Macon Ave., Svvissvale, Fa.) M34F34. C. Davis, Dr. K(ary) C(admus). M28F11- D36. O. Davis, Dr. Kingsley. M.A.. Texas, 31; KM., Harvard, 33; Ph.D., Harvard, 36. Prof, sociology, Pennsylvania State Col., State College. Pa. (720 W. Foster Ave.) M40. KHI. Davis, Dr. (Leonard) Reid. M.S., Ph.D., Iowa State. Dept. Biology. Union Univ., Jackson, Tenn. M39. FGX. Davis, Dr. Leslie Martz. M.B.A.. .North- western, 26; Ph.D., Chicago, 35. Assoc, prof, geographv. Marshall Col., Hunting- ton, W. Va. M40F40. EKO. Davis, Lewis. M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 12. Sec.-treas., Davis and Bennett. Inc., Worcester, Mass. (62 Commodore Road) M25F33. CNM. Davis, Dr. Lincoln. M.D., Harvard, 98. 279 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. M34. XII F. Davis, L(loyd) L(incoln). M.S., Wash- ington. Supervisor, Process Div., Conti- nental Oil Co.. Ponca City; Okla. ( 1009 W. Highland St.) M34. CM. Individual Member 38i Davis, Mr. L(orraine) M(erle). Foreman Can Factory, Gulf Oil Corp., Port Arthur, Tex. (2233 Lakeshore Drive) M21. C. Davis, L(ouie) Irby. B.S., Texas, 21. P.O. Box 988. Harlingen, Tex. M39. FG. Davis, M(alcolm) B(ancroft). M.Sc, Bris- tol. Dominion horticulturist, Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M39F40. O. Davis. Miss Martha E(llen). M.S., Wash- ington. 29; Ph.D., Chicago, 36. Instr., Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M39. CNF. Davis, Dr. Michael M(arks). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 06. Chairman, Committee Res. Med. Economics, 9 Rockefeller Plaza. New York. N. Y. M25F32. NK. Davis, Dr. Nathan Smith, III. M.D., Rush, 13. Asst. prof, medicine. North- western Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. (1350 Hackberrv Lane, Winnetka. 111.) M24F27. N. Davis, Dr. N(ewton) F(raser) Gordon. M.A., British Columbia, 26; Ph.D., Prince- ton, 29. Instr., Dept. Geology and Geog- raphy, Univ. British Columbia, Van- couver. B. C, Canada. (1758 Western Parkway) M34F34. E. Davis, Dr. Paul B(ell). M.A., Roanoke, 09; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins. 12. Davison Chemical Co.. Baltimore, Md. M29F33. CBE. Davis, Phillip (Ott). 422 VV. 43rd St., New York. N. Y. M39. HBF. Davis, Putnam. I'res., P. M. and Putnam Davis and Co.. Inc., 20 Exchange Place, New York. N. Y. M40. Davis, Prof. Raymond E(arl). M.S., Illi- nois, id. iSti Thousand Oaks Blvd., Berkeley, Calif. M34F34. M. Davis, R(euben) N(elson). M27D34. F. Davis, Reuben W. Can n el Coal Co., Do- lores. Tex. M 17. M . Davis, Dr. Roland C(lark). Ph.D., Colum- bia. Prof, psychology, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. (918 E. First St.) M40. I. Davis, Dr. Rose M. 1002 Lamond Ave.. Durham, N. Car. M31F33R34. CBN. Davis, Prof. Roy B(enton). M.S., Mis- souri, 13. Prof, chemistry. Univ. South. Sewanee, Tenn. M17F33. C. Davis, Dr. R(oyall) O(scar) E(ugene). Ph.D., North Carolina, 03. Senior chemist. Fertilizer Res. Div., U. S. Bur. Plant In- dustry, Washington, D. C. (7130 Alaska Ave. N\V.) M18F23. CBO. Davis, Samuel D(aniel). 216 Financial Center Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. M25- R38. DE. Davis, Selby B(rinker). B.S., George Washington, 37. Graduate student. Har- vard Univ.. Cambridge. Mass. (44 Irving St.) M39. C. Davis, Dr. Sherman L. 320 W. 43rd St., Indianapolis, Ind. M34F34R34. C. Davis, Prof. Tenney L(ombard). M.S., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., 17. Prof, organic chemistry, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M34F34. CL. Davis, Dr. Thomas. M.S., Virginia. 31; Ph.D., 35. Instr., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg, Va. M40. B. Davis, Thomas W. Ph.D., New York, 28. Asst. prof, chemistry, New York Univ., University Heights, New York, N. Y. M33. CB. Davis, Virgil B. 348 Baronne St., New Or- leans. La. M24R32. O. Davis, Prof. Walter Wiley. M.S.. Chicago. 17. Prof, mathematics and chairman Dept., Yenching Univ.. Peking, China. M28. E. Davis, Dr. W(ard) B. M.S., Chicago, 23; Ph.D., 24. Assoc, chemist, Lab. Fruit and Vegetable Chemistry, U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif. M24F25. G. Davis, Watson. C.E., George Washing- ton, 20. Dir., Science Service, and pres., Amer. Documentation Inst., 2101 Consti- tution Ave., Washington, D. C. (1422 Rhode Island Ave. NW.) M22F25. M. Davis, Dr. William Harold. A.M., Wiscon- sin. 16; Ph.D., 22. Asst. prof, mycology and phytopathology, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M21F25. GO. Davis, Prof. William Hawley. 686 May- field Ave., Stanford LTniversity, Calif. M29- R36. LHK. Davis, William T. Pres. emeritus. Staten Island Inst. Arts and Sciences, Staten Island. N. Y. (146 Stuwesant Place) M06- L07F11. F. Davis, Prof. W(ilmer) E(sla). A.B.. Illi- nois, 03. Prof, plant physiology, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M17F21. G. Davison, Dr. Charles. University Hosp., Congress and Lincoln Sts., Chicago. 111. M34F34R34- N. Davison, Prof. Charlotte I(sabel). M.A.. Columbia, 19. Prof, mathematics, Wilson Col., Chambersburg, Pa. M36F38. A. Davison, Constance (See Mrs. Constance Davison Mail). Davisson, Dr. C(linton) J(oseph). Ph.D.. Princeton, n : D.Sc, Purdue. 37. Prince- ton, 38. Res. physicist. Bell Telephone Labs.' New York, X. Y. (Campbell Road. Short Hills, X. J.I M17F25. B. Vice presi- dent for Section on Physics (B), T933. Davoll, David L(ake). Oxford. X. J. M34- F34R39. CBA. Davy, Edward D(awson). 3353 Sylvan- hurst Road. Cleveland Heights. Cleveland ( )hio. M29F33. CN. 382 Directory of Members Davy, Dr. J(oseph) Burtt. M.A., Oxford, 22, D.Phil.; Ph.D., Cambridge. Lecturer tropical forest botany and demonstrator forestry, Imperial Forestry Inst., Univ. Oxford, Oxford. England. (Shotover Furze, The Ridings, Headington) M02- F03L03. GO. Davy, Leita. M.S., Iowa, 25; Ph.D., Wis- consin, 33. Asst. nutritionist, Ohio Health Dept., Columbus, and Greene County Health Office, Xenia, Ohio. M33F38. N. Dawes, Prof. Chester L(aurens). B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 09. Assoc, prof, electrical engng., Harvard Univ. Grad- uate School Engng., Cambridge, Mass. (47 Mt. Vernon St.) M24F25. M. Dawes, Prof. H(enry) Franklin. M.A., To- ronto, 05; Ph.D., 18. Prof, physics, Mc- Master Univ., Hamilton, Ont., Canada. M22F22. B. Dawley, W(alter) M(anville). 11 27 Ber- trand St., Manhattan, Kans. M28F32R39. MBE. Dawsey, Dr. Lynn H(ugh). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. 131 Devonshire Road, Buf- falo, N. Y. M32F33. COM. Dawson, Prof. Alden B(enjamin). Ph.D., Harvard, 18; D.Sc, Acadia, 38. Prof, zool- ogy and dir. Biol. Labs., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M19F21. F. Dawson, Prof. Bernhard H(ildebrandt). D.Sc, Michigan, 33. Jefe de departamento, Observatorio Astronomico, Univ. Na- cional, La Plata, Argentina, S. A. (Calle 59, No. 685) M21F22L24. DA. Dawson, Clarence H(arold). E.E., Stan- ford, 26. 1504 Grove St., San Diego, Calif. M31. M. Dawson, Dr. George E. 426 Rogers Ave., W. Springfield, Mass. Mi8F33R34- IH. Dawson, Prof. H. Don-aid. M.Sc, Ohio State. Bethany, W. Va. M39. C. Dawson, Prof. J(ames) A(rthur). A.M., Yale, 17; Ph.D., 18. 129 Violet Ave., Floral Park, N. Y. M22F22. F. Dawson, Dr. Lyle R(amsay). M.S., Illi- nois, 32; Ph.D., Iowa, 35. Asst. prof, chemistrv, Louisiana Polytechnic Inst., Ruston, La. (801 N. Trenton St.) M38. C. Dawson, Dr. M(artin) H(enry). M.D.. McGill, 23. Presbvterian Hosp., New York, N. Y. M35F3S. N- Dawson, Sister Mary Patricia. M.A., Loyola, 25. Teacher chemistrv, Mercy High School, Chicago, 111. M38. CIQ. Dawson, Paul R(eber). M.A., North Car- olina, 21. Senior chemist, U. S. Southern Regional Res. Lab., New Orleans, La. M29F33. CO. Dawson, Percy M(illard). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 98. 806 W. 31st St., Austin, Tex. M01F03. NQL. Dawson, Dr. R(alph) W(ard). M.A., Ne- braska, 22; Ph.D., Minnesota, 29. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. M17F33. F. Dawson, Dr. Ray F(ields). Ph.D., Yale, 38. Instr. botany, DePauw Univ., Green- castle, Ind. M38. GCO. Dawson, Prof. W(ilfred) T(homas). M36- F36D39. N. Dawson, Dr. Walker Myrick. M.S., Illi- nois, 26; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, animal hus- bandman, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Washington, D C. (Berwyn, Md.) M29- F33. OFI. Dawson, Mrs. (Wilhelmina) Emily Ste- phan. M.A., Illinois, 33. Housewife, Ber- wyn, Md. M29. FGQ. Day, Artemas L. Box 4225, R.F.D. 7, Sacramento, Calif. Mn. F. Day, Prof. Cameron D(onald). M.A., Kan- sas, 25; Ph.D., 28. Head Dept. Biology, Westminster Col., Fulton, Mo. (17 E. 9th St.) M36F36. NF. Day, Miss Carrie E(llen). M.A., Colum- bia, 29. 92-45 55th Ave., Elmhurst, N. Y. M29. FGQ. Day, Dr. C(yril) D(avid) Marshall. 7 Roseneath Terrace, Wellington, New- Zealand. M35R35. N. Day, Miss Dorothy. M.S., Wisconsin, 25; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, botany, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (81 Prospect St.) M23F32. GON. Day, Dr. Edmund E(zra). A.M., Dart- mouth, 06; Ph.D., Harvard, 09; LL.D., Vermont, 31, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn- sylvania, Syracuse, 37. Pres., Cornell Univ., Ithaca. N. Y. M27F31. K. Day, Dr. Harry G(ilbert). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 33. Assoc, biochemistry, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hygiene and Pub- lic Health, Baltimore, Md. M39. C. Day, Dr. Harry Luther. 125 13th Ave. NW., Rochester, Minn. M39R39. NEF. Day, Dr. Howard C(alvin). A.M., Stan- ford, 26; Ph.D., 28. Instr. zoology, Sacra- mento Jr. Col., Sacramento, Calif. M29- F33. FNC. Day, Dr. Jesse E. M24F33D35. C. Day, Miss Katherine Seymour. M.A., Rad- cliffe, 22, Trinity (Hartford), 36. 73 For- est St., Hartford, Conn. M25L26. IHK. Day, Leonard H. Asst. pomologist, Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis, Calif. M40- F40. GOF. Day, Dr. Roscoe A(rthur). M28D39. FN. Day, Dr. William Baker. M20F31D38. GN. Day, William Scofield. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 97. 220 Hobart Ave., Summit, N. J. L00F01. B. Individual Members 3*3 Dayton, Dr. Arthur B(liss). 61 Loomis Place, New Haven, Conn. M20R36. N. Dayton, W(illiam) A(dams). M.A., Wil- liams, 08. Senior forest ecologist charge range forage investigations, Div. Range Res., U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. M20F21. G. Deacon, Prof. W(arren) M(cAllister). M.A., Wesleyan, 17. Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. M27F33. NOF. Deagan, John C(alhoun). M22L26D37. DBE. Deakin, Dr. Alan. M.S., Wisconsin, 29; Ph.D., 31. Animal geneticist, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M31- F33. FO. Deal, Prof. Ralph E(lbert). M.S., Iowa, 29; Ph.D., 30. Prof, biology, Wagner Col., Staten Island, N. Y. M33F33. F. Deam, Charles C(lemon). A.M., Wabash, 20; D.Sc, DePauw, 32; LL.D., Indiana, 39. Res. forester, State Indiana, Bluffton, Ind. M12F18. G. Dean, A(rthur) L(yman). Ph.D., Yale, 02. Vice pres., Alexander and Baldwin, Ltd., Honolulu, Hawaii. (2225 Hyde St.) M03F06. OCG. Dean, Miss Ella R. Bridgeport, 111. M31- R32. CQ. Dean, Prof. George A(dam). M.S., Kan- sas State, 05. Prof, entomology, Kansas State Col., and entomologist, Kansas Agric. Exp. Sta., Manhattan; state en- tomologist, Kansas Entomological Com- mission, Topeka, Kans. M13F20. F. Dean, Dr. H(enry) Trendley. D.D.S., St. Louis, 16. Dental surgeon, Div. Infectious Diseases, Nat. Inst. Health, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. (224 N. Jackson St., Arlington, Va.) M34F38. Nd. Dean, Horace S(tewart). B.S., Tennessee, 23. Plant quarantine inspector charge in- spection house, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. (2621 University Place NW.) M25. G. Dean, Joel. Ph.D., Chicago, 36. Dir. Inst. Statistics and asst. prof, statistics and marketing, Univ. Chicago; res. assoc, Cowles Commission Res. Economics, Chi- cago, 111. (1109 Hyde Park Blvd.) M40. KM I. Dean, Dr. John G. M.S., Brown, 32; Ph.D., Columbia, 36. Dir., Lab. Res. Div., Permutit Co., Birmingham, N. J. M39. CBA. Dean, Dr. L(yman) A(rnold). M.S., Wis- consin, 32; Ph.D., 34. Assoc, chemist, Hawaii Agric. Exp. Sta.; assoc. prof., Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. M40F40. OCG. Dean, Prof. Paul (Marshall). M.A., Colo- rado, 11; Ph.D., Illinois, 16. Prof, chem- istry, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (525 Highland Ave.) M18F30. C. Dean, Dr. R(alph) W(illard). M.Sc, Ohio State, 32; Ph.D., 39. Asst. res., New York State Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. (346 Church St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.) M35. F. Dean, Robert Reed. 24^2 S. 13th St., Richmond, Ind. M39R39. CBP. Dean, W. E., Jr. M28D33. M. Deane, Charles W(illiam, III). M.S., Rochester, 35. Res. chemical engineer, Standard Oil Development Co., Eliza- beth, N. J. (17 Princeton Road) M35. MCQ. Deane, Dr. Helen M. M.D., Minnesota, 21. 93 South St., Northampton, Mass. M37. N. Dearborn, Dr. George VanNess. M29F06- D— . IN. Dearborn, Dr. Ned H(arland). Div. Gen- eral Education, New York Univ., Wash- ington Square East, New York, N. Y. (468 Riverside Drive) M31F33R39. Q. Dearborn, Prof. Walter F(enno). 79 Fresh Pond Parkway, Cambridge, Mass. M25- F25R36. IQH. Vice president for Section on Education (Q), 1933. Dearing, Dr. A. Willis. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 26. Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. M39. c. Dearing, Dr. LeRoy M(athew). M.S., Antioch, 33; Ph.D., Ohio State, 35. Staff chemist, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. M39. CK. Dearness, John. M.A., Western Ontario, 01 ; LL.D., 26. Honorary historian, Univ. Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada. (30 Marley Place) M34F34. GQL. Dearolf, Kenneth N. B.S., Pennsylvania State, 34. Dir., Public Library Mus., Day- ton, Ohio. M38. F. Dearstyne, Prof. Roy Styring. M.Sc, North Carolina State, 22. Prof, and head Dept. Poultry Science, North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M34F34. O. Dearth, Dr. O(tto) A(rt). M.A., Cornell; M.D., Cincinnati. Physician, 302 Niles Bank Bldg., Niles, Ohio. M40. NFL Deason, Hilary J(ohn). Mus. Zoology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M30- R32. F. de Assis, Dr. Arlindo. Rockefeller Founda- tion, New York, N. Y. M36R38. N. DeAtley, L(indley) S. 3405 Montgall Ave., Kansas City, Mo. M39R39. CM. Deatrick, Miss Lily Bell. Dept. Chemistry, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M38R38. C. Deay, Dr. Howard O(wen). Purdue Univ. School Agric, La Fayette, Ind. M30F33- R35. F. de Azevedo, Dr. Pedro. Commissao Tech- nica de Piscicultura, Caixa 25, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, S. A. M36R36. F. 3«4 Directory of Members DeBakey, Dr. Michael (Ellis). M.D., Tu- lane, 32; M.S., 35. Instr. surgery, Tulane Univ. School Med., New Orleans, La. M40. X. DeBardeleben, W(illiam) F(rederick). 29 Quincv Place NW., Washington, D. C. M32R36. F. DeBaufre, Prof. William L(ane). M.E., Lehigh, 09; M.S., 19. Chairman Dept. Engng. Mechanics, Univ. Nebraska, Lin- coln, Nebr. (2834 Stratford Ave.) M08- F25. M. de Bodo, Dr. Richard Charles. M.D., Bud- apest, 20. Assoc, prof, pharmacology, New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. M34F34. CNp. DeBoer, Dr. Cecil. 211 W. Mountain St., Fayetteville, Ark. M31R32. KIE. De Bruine, Dr. Harvey. Ph.D., Michigan, ^7. Prof, biology, Elmhurst Col., Elm- hurst, 111. M38. F. DeCarlo, Dr. John. M.D., Jefferson, 11. Assoc, applied and topographic anatomy, lefferson Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. "(1629 S. Broad St.) M33. N. de Chantal, Sister Frances (See Sister Frances de Chantal McLeese). de Chelminski, Vladimir. Villa Herminia, Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, S. A. (?) M37. ME. Decherd, Miss Loraine. 2809 Rio Grande St., Austin, Tex. M32R36. B. Decius, L. Courtney. 79 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, Calif. M2QF31R35. EHB. Deck, Harold A. 3705 Memphis St., El Paso, Tex. M34R36. NMB. Decker, Dr. Albert. 24 W. 74th St., New York, N. Y. M35R37. N. Decker, Dr. Charles E(lijah). A.M., Chi- cago, 08; Ph.D., 17. Prof, paleontology, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (508 Chautauqua Ave.) M07F11. E. Decker, Floyd F(iske). Ph.D., Syracuse, 10. Prof, mathematics, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. (312 Marshall St.) M07- F09. A. Decker, Fred J. M.S., Michigan, 25. Ad- ministrative asst., New York State Teach- ers Retirement System, Albany, N. Y. (6 Edison Ave.) M31. QIK. Decker, Miss Mary G. M.S., Chicago, 23. Assoc, prof, physical science, Alabama Col., Montevallo, Ala. M35F35. C. Decker, Phares. M.S., Texas A. and M. Res. asst., Dept. Plant Pathology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M39. G. De Cleene, Rev. Louis A(ntoine) Vic- tor). M.A.. Catholic, 21; Ph.D., 28. Prof.. St. Norbert Col., West De Pere, Wis. M23F33. ABD. DeCoursey, Prof. R(ussell) M(yles). A.M., Illinois, 25; Ph.D., 27. Prof, zoology and head Dept. Zoology and Entomology, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs. Conn. M28- F33. F. de Cruz, Jules Medina. A.B., Defiance, 32. Asst. res. bacteriologist, Welfare Hosp. Chronic Diseases, Welfare Island, New York, N. Y. (1082 S. Boulevard, Bronx) M38. NAB. Dederer, Prof. Pauline H(amilton). A.M., Columbia, 07; Ph.D., 15. Prof, zoology, Connecticut Col., New London, Conn. M18F21. F. Dederick, Dr. L(ouis) S(erle). Ph.D., Harvard, 09. Senior mathematician, Aber- deen Proving Ground, Md. M12F32. A. DeEds, Dr. Floyd. Ph.D., Stanford, 24. Principal pharmacologist, U. S. Bur. Chemistry and Engng., Stanford Univ. Med. School, San Francisco, Calif. M26- F33. CNp. Deeley, Harold S(tanley). P.O. Box 122, Asbestos, Que., Canada. M32R32. MEA. Deen, Prof. Arthur Harwood. M.A., Texas, 22. Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. (401 1 Ave- nue G) M39. EH. Deere, Prof. Emil Olof. M.A., Bethany, 07; S.M., Chicago, 11. Bethany Col., Lindsborg, Kans. M08F33. FGE. Dees-Mattingly, Dr. Marie Byrd. M.D., Tulane, 21. Assoc, prof., Dept. Anatomy, Tulane Univ. School Med., New Orleans, La. M29F33. NIF. De Falco, Dr. Ralph J(ulius). Ph.D., Rut- gers, 40. Instr., Dept. Zoology, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. M40. FN. Defandorf, Prof. James H. 6536 Maple Ave., Chevy Chase, Md. M35F35R36. NC. DeFoe, Dr. O(na) K(enneth). M.S., Washington Univ., 24; Ph.D., 26. Prof, physics and mathematics, St. Louis Col. Pharmacy. St. Louis, Mo. M28F33. AB. de Forest, Prof. Alfred Victor. B.S., Mass- achusetts Inst. Tech., 12. Prof., Massa- chusetts Inst. Technology, Cambridge, Mass.; pres., Magnaflux Corp., 4541 N. Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, 111. (Marl- boro, N. H.) L17F31. BMQ. De Forest, David McC. 615 Barret St., Royal Oak, Mich. M26F33. FNE. deForest, Dr. George P(armenter). D.Eng., Renssalaer. 17 Mvrtle Ave., Troy, N. Y. M36. MBA. de Forest, Dr. H(oward). M.F., Yale, 11; Ph.D., Chicago, 19. Prof, botany, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. M18F25. G. de Forest, Dr. Lee. Ph.D., Yale, 99; Sc.D., Syracuse, 19, Yale, 26; D.Eng., Lewis Inst. Dir. res., Lee de Forest Labs, and American Television Inst., Los An- geles, Calif. (8190 Hollywood Blvd.) M39. BM. [xdividial Mkmbkrs 3«: DeFrees, R. G. Route 1, Lvnnhaven, Va. M25R3& MDE. De Garis, Dr. C(harles) F(rancis). Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Oklahoma School Med., Oklahoma City. Okla. M20F25R36. NF. Degen, Otto W. 2055 Santa Clara Ave., Uameda, Calif. M36. MKL. Degener, Dr. Lyda May. M.A.. Cornell, 16; Ph.D., jo. Private res., Barrvhurst, Holland, Pa. M24F33. NF. Degener, Otto. M.S., Hawaii, 23. Collab- orator Hawaiian botany. New York Bo- tanical Garden, Waialua, Oahu. Hawaii. M27F28. GF. de Geofroy, George. 8 Ave: des Tilleuls, Lausanne, Switzerland. M05. C. Degering, Dr. Ed(ward) F(ranklin). M.S., Nebraska, 29; Ph.D.. 30. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Purdue Univ., La Fayette. Ind.; editor, Unit Instructional Series, Harper and Bros.. Inc., New York, N. Y. (212 North St., La Fayette, Ind.) M28- \'33- C. Degman. Elliott S. 250a 10th St. NE.. Washington, D. C. M32F33R33. OGE. DeGolyer, Everette L(ee). D.Sc. Colo- rado School Mines, 25. Senior partner. DeGolyer, MacNaughton and McGhee. Dallas; prof, geologv. Univ. Texas. Aus- tin, Tex. M17F25. E. DeGroat, H. DeW. Cortland. X. Y. M32- H3-'. Q. de Groot, Dr. Willem. Ph.D., Amsterdam, 23. Physicist, N". V. Philips' Gloeilampen- fabriken, Afd. Onderwijs and Volksontw., Kastanjelaan 1, Eindhoven, Holland. M36. ABC. Dehn, Dr. William M(aurice). A.M., Hope, i»6; 1'h.D.. Illinois, 03. 2010 E. 50th St., Seattle. Wash. M07F15. C. Dehus, Miss Delores. 1305 Courtland Ave., Columbus. Ohio. M25R34. GF. Deichmann, Miss Elisabeth. M.Sc, Copen- hagen, 22; Ph.D., Radcliffe, 27. Asst. curator invertebrates, Mus. Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge. Mass. M32F33. F. Deignan, Dr. John Vincent. Ph.D., Ford- ham, 20. Head Dept. Chemistry, Spring Hill Col., Spring Hill. Ala. M34F34. C. Deignan, Dr. Stella Leche. Ph.D.. Tulane, .^2. Assoc, educationist. Work Projects Administration. Washington. D. C. (1945 Calvert St. NW.) M37F38. N. Deimel, Prof. R(ichard) F(rancis). M.A., Columbia, 03. Prof, mechanical engng., Stevens Inst. Tech.. Hoboken, N. J. M02- F06. M. Deinard, Dr. Amos S. S.J.D., Harvard, 22. .Attorney, Leonard, Street and Deinard. 1036 Andrus Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. (to?3 Humboldt Ave. S.) M30. CHI. Deiss, Dr. Charles F(rederich). Ph.D., Michigan. 28. Prof, geology, Univ. Mon- tana, Missoula, Mont. M28F33. EH. de Jesus, Dr. P(ablo) I(gnacio). M.D., Philippines; Dr.P.H., Massachusetts Inst. Tech. Asst. prof, and acting head Dept. Sanitary Engng.; acting head Eood, Drug and Nutrition Labs., Univ. Philippines Inst. Hygiene, Manila. P. I. M39. NC. De Juhasz, Prof. K(alman) J(ohn). Engng. Exp. Sta., Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M34F34R36. MBA. De Kay, Prof. Henry George. M.S., Chi- cago, 30; Ph.D., Purdue, 34. Assoc, prof, pharmacy, Purdue Univ. School Phar- macy, West Lafavette, Ind. (711 Meridian St.) M38. NpCQ. Dekker, Albert Orno. B.S.. California Inst. Tech.. 35. Assoc, prof, chemistrv, Berea Col., Berea, Ky. M40. CQB. Delabarre, Prof. Edmund B(urke). A.M., Harvard. 89; Ph.D., Freiburg, 91. Prof, emeritus psychology, Brown Univ., Prov- idence, R. I. (i) Arlington Ave.) M00F01. IH. delaCruz, Mariano G. Dept. Physics, Univ. Philippines, Manila. P. I. M36R37. BMA. de Laguna, Dr. Grace (Mead) A(ndrus). Bryn Mawr Col.. Brvn Mawr, Pa. M31R33. HI. de Lalla, Vincent. Pharmacist, 704 Hleecker St., Utica, N. Y. (501 Mohawk St.) M40. Np. Delamere, Dr. Granville S. M.A., Califor- nia, iq: M.D., 2\. Chief surgeon, Marys- ville Clinic. Marvsville, Calif. (725 4th St.) M19. N. DeLand, Dr. Maude Sayers. c/'o Miss Esther E. Johnson, 171 1 E. Douglas St.. Wichita. Kans. (?) M29R33. NIB. de Landero, Prof. Carlos F. Niza 66, Mex- ico, D. F., Mexico. M87L91. BC. de Landero, Prof. Pedro A. 1031 Niles Ave.. South Bend, Ind. M31R35. AEL. Delaney, Rev. John P. M.A., Woodstock, t8. Prof, phvsics, Loyola Col., Baltimore, Md. M31F38. BDE. Delaney, Dr. P(atrick) Arthur. Ph.D.. Chicago, 25; M.D.j Rush, 26. Dept. Pa- thologv, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M27- E33. FN. Delano, Frederic A. \.H., Harvard. 8.s\ Regent, Smithsonian Inst.. Washington. D. C. (2400 16th St. NW.) M01E06. M. Delano, Lyman. Barrvtown, N. Y. M24- R32. Delano, Moreau. 59 Wall St., New York, N. Y. M26R32. Delaplaine, Roy W. io<> Cornell Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. M35R35. de La Rochelle, P. Columbia Univ.. New York. N. Y. M29R34. 386 Directory of Members de la Torre-Bueno, J(ose) R(ollin). 311 E. 4th St., Tucson, Ariz. M24F25. FEC. deLaubenfels, Dr. M(ax) W(alker). A.M., Stanford, 26; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, prof., Pasadena Junior Col., Pasadena, Calif. (400 S. Bonnie Ave.) M31F33. F. Delchamps, H(arold) J(ohn). 99 Pocono Road, Mountain Lakes, N. J. M33R36. MKI. Delcroix, Miss (Marie) Desiree. M.A., Tulane, 12. Head Dept. Biology, McMain High School, New Orleans, La. (1231 S. Carrollton Ave.) M19. FG. De Lee, Dr. Joseph Bolivar. M.D., North- western, 91 ; A.M., 06; M.S., Chicago. Prof, emeritus obstetrics and gynecology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5028 Ellis Ave.) M21F27. N. De Lemon, Hugo. Mgr., Price Mfg. Branch, Standard Brands, Inc., 1015 Inde- pendence Blvd., Chicago, 111. M29F33. CMN. Delenk, Prof. Wolfram N. Head Dept. Tool Engng., Fenn Col., Cleveland, Ohio. (9304 Edmunds Ave.) M40. M. de Leon, Dr. Antonio I. M.S., Philippines, 22; Ph.D., Minnesota, 30. Assoc, prof., Dept. Agric. Chemistry, Univ. Philippines, Manila, P. I. M30F35. C. De Leon, Benjamin. M.A., Columbia, 40. Teacher physics, South Side High School, Newark, N. J. (755 High St.) M40. BQK. DeLeon, Dr. Donald. M.S., New York State College Forestry, 27; Ph.D., Cornell, 33. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Tropical Forest Exp. Sta., Rio Piedras, P. R. M34- F39. FGD. DeLiee, Dr. Elvira M. M.D., New York, 36. Fellow medicine. New York Uniy. Med. Col.; asst. clinical visiting physi- cian, Bellevue Hosp., New York, N. Y. (28 Bradford Blvd., Tuckahoe, N. Y.) M40. N. Delisle, Prof. Albert L(orenzo). A.M., Harvard, 33; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, biology, Col. William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. M35F39. GFE. DeLisle, Rodney. 2193 W. 40th St., Van- couver, B. C, Canada. M36R37. Dellenbaugh, F(rederick) S(amuel). M02- F05D35. HEL. Dellenbaugh, Dr. F(rederick) S(amuel, Jr.). S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 21; Sc.D., 26. Consulting engineer, 91 Spooner Road, Chestnut Hill, Boston, Mass. M20- F31. M. Deller, Dr. A(nthony) William. J.D., New York, 27. Lawyer and patent attorney, 67 Wall St., New York, N. Y. (Towers Hotel, Brooklyn, N. Y.) M29. CME. Dellinger, Dr. O(ris) P(olk). Dean Col. and Graduate School, Kansas State Teach- ers Col., Pittsburg, Kans. M07F11. F. Dellinger, Prof. S(amuel) C(laudius). A.M.. Columbia. 17. Prof, zoology and curator Mus.. Univ. Arkansas, Favette- ville, Ark. (217 Ozark Ave.) M34F34. HF. DeLoach, Prof. R(obert) J(ohn) Hen- derson). A.M., Georgia, 06. 319 Savannah Ave., Statesboro, Ga. M08F16. K. DeLong, Berton Henry. A.B., Cornell, 09. Chief metallurgist. Carpenter Steel Co., Reading, Pa. M19F38. CMP. DeLong, Prof. Dwight Moore. M.S., Ohio State, 16; Ph.D., 22.- Prof, entomology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. Mi 7- F20. FO. DeLong, Dr. Ira M(itchell). M.A., Simp- son, 81 ; LL.D., Denver, 14. Prof, emer- itus mathematics, Univ. Colorado; mgr. Boulder Building and Loan Assn., Boul- der, Colo. (201 Faculty Club House) M08- Fio. A. DeLong, Prof. Walter Anthony (Scott). M.Sc, McGill, 24; Ph.D., Minnesota, 28. Asst. prof, chemistry, Macdonald College, Que., Canada. M23F33. OC. de los Santos, Dr. Jose V. M.D., Philip- pines. Univ. Philippines Health Service Dept., Manila, P. I. M35. NFC. Delph, Dr. John F(rancis). M.S., Iowa; M.D., Northwestern. 5641 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111. M37. N. del Pozo, Dr. Efren Carlos. M.D., Mexico, 36. Prof, physiology, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biol., Inst. Politechnico Nacional; interne, Hqsp. General, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. (Enrico Martinez 31) M40. N. del Rosario, Fidel. Rockefeller Founda- tion, New York, N. Y. M33R33. F. del Toro, Dr. Jorge. M.D., Maryland, 06. Clinical prof, surgery, Columbia Univ. School Tropical Med., Santurce; consult- ing surgeon, University Hosp. and Pres- byterian Hosp., San Juan, and District Hosp., Bavamon, P. R. (2 McLeary St., Santurce, P. R.) M17F35. N. DeLury, Dr. D(aniel) B(ertrand). Ph.D., Toronto, 36. Lecturer mathematics, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M38. AK. De Lury, Dr. Ralph E(merson). M.A., To- ronto, 04; Ph.D., 07. Asst. dir., Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. (330 Fairmont Ave.) M21F23. D. Delwiche, Prof. E(dmond) J(oseph). M.S., Wisconsin, 09. Prof, agronomy and exec, officer charge branch exp. stations, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison Wis. (R.F.D. 2, Green Bay, Wis.) M11F24. OG. de Mackiewica, J. H. 730 Main St., New Rochelle, N. Y. M35R35. CN. Demaree, Chester C. A.B., Wabash, 16. City bacteriologist, Health Dept., Ashe- ville, N. Car. M22. N. Individual Members 387 Demarest, Charles Sidney. E.E., Minne- sota, 11. Switching res. engineer, Bell Telephone Labs., New York, N. Y. (192 Unadilla Road, Ridgewood, N. J.) M36- F40. BKL. De Maria, Vincent. M.E., Aurora Tech. School (Turin). Photo-Graphic Res. Labs., Homestead, Fla. M39. MCB. DeMarinis, Frank. M.A., Western Re- serve. Graduate asst., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (2170 Stillman Road, Cleveland Heights) M35. FC. De Martini, Frank E. 637 Greenwich St., San Francisco, Calif. M28R36. M. DeMelt, Dr. William E. A.M., Bucknell, 07; Ph.D., Toronto, 30. Dean, Florida Southern Col., Lakeland, Fla. (419 E. Maxwell St.) M38. IKL. Demerec, Dr. M(ilislav). Ph.D., Cornell, 23, Asst. dir., Dept. Genetics, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. M21F31. FG. de Milt, Miss Clara Marie. M.S., Tulane, 21; Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Newcomb Col., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M25F33. CLN. Deming, Prof. Clyde Leroy. 2 Marshall Road, Hamden, Conn. M35F35R37. N. Deming, Dr. M(eryl) W(illiam). M.A., Oregon, 25; Ph.D., Washington, 28. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Univ. Nevada, Reno, Nev. M40. C. Demmon, E(lwood) L(eonard). M.S., Michigan, 16. Dir., U. S. Southern Forest Exp. Sta., New Orleans, La. (1304 Henry Clay Ave.) M28F33. OG. Demoise, Charles William. 1401 Ashland St., Greensburg, Pa. M37R37. DeMonbreun, Dr. William A(ndrew). M.S., Vanderbilt, 22; M.D., 27. Asst. prof, pathology, Vanderbilt Univ. School Med.; pathologist, Nashville General Hosp., Nashville, Tenn. M36F38. N. de Monsabert, Prof. Winston R. B.S., Loyola (South), 37. Instr. chemistry, Loyola Univ., New Orleans, La. (869 Taft Place) M40. CDI. de Moraes, Luciano Jacques. Servico Geologico and Mineralogico, Rio de Ja- neiro, Brazil, S. A. M32R32. E. Dempster, Prof. A(rthur) J(effrey). Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Prof, physics, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. M21F25. B. Dempster, Dr. W(ilfrid) T(aylor). M.A., Michigan. 27; Sc.D., 29. Instr. anatomy, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M25- F33. FN. Dendy, Jack S (tiles). Dept. Zoology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M34R39. FG. Dengler, F(elton) S(amuel). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Supt., Texas Co., Port Xeches, Tex. M18F33. C. Dengler, Dr. Robert E(wing). A.M., Penn- sylvania, 16; Ph.D., 27. Prof, and head Dept. Classics, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (210 S. Gill St.) M23- F32. LG. Denise, Sister M. (See Sister M. Denise Dooley). Denison, Dr. I(rving) A(lson). 130 Park Crest Drive, Silver Spring, Md. M28F33- R35. COE. Denison, Dr. Robert H. M.A., Columbia, 34; Ph.D., 38. Asst. curator Mus. and instr. zoology, Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. M40. E. Denker, Dr. Peter G. M.D., Cornell, 27. Asst. visiting neurologist, Bellevue Hosp.; instr. neurology, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M38. NI. Dennett, (J.) Vaughan. 13 Cross St., Saco, Maine. M21. ELH. Denney, Earl C. M.A., Colorado State Col. Education. 1502 S. Troost Ave., Tulsa, Okla. M38. Q. Dennie, Dr. Charles C. M.D., Kansas. 1103 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. M38. N. Denninger, Dr. Henri S. 5724 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111. M31R32. NHL. Dennis, Prof. E. Westervelt. M.A., Cali- fornia, 29; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, bac- teriology and chairman Depts. Bacteriol- ogy and Parasitology, American Univ. Beirut School Med., Beirut, Syria. M39. NF. Dennis, Harold. B.S., Princeton, 04. Pres., Martin Dennis Co., 859 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. M25. CBE. Dennis, H(arold) N(eil). Farmer, Grant Park, 111. M39. FGH. Dennis, Prof. Louis Munroe. M94F95- D36. C. Dennis, Prof. Wayne. M.A., Clark, 28; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, psychology, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. M39. IHK. Dennison, Raymond A(lexander). A.B., Miami. Graduate assistant botany, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M40. G. Denniston, Prof. Rollin H(enry). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 04. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M17F21. G. Denno, Dr. Willard Joseph. M.D., Colum- bia; Dr.P.H., New York. General Med. Dir., Standard Oil Co. New Jersey, New- York, N. Y. M36. NC. Denny, Dr. F(rank) E(arl). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 16. Plant physiologist, Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Research, Inc., Yonkers, N. Y. M21F25. G. Vice president for Section on Botanical Sciences (G), IQ37- Denny, Miss Grace (S.) M.A., Columbia, 28. Head Dept. Biology, East Texas State Teachers Col., Commerce, Tex. M34. G. *88 Directory of Members Denny, Miss Martha, in High St., Brook- line, Mass. M31R39. FGE. deNo, Dr. R. Lorente. 818 S. Kingshigh- way, St. Louis, Mo. M32R32. NBI. Deno, Dr. Richard A(nthony). Ph.D., Michigan, 35. Asst. prof. biol. science, Rutgers Univ., Newark, X. J. M34. F. Densen, Dr. Paul M. Sc.D., Johns Hop- kins, 39. (nstr. charge biostatistics, Van- derbilt Univ. School Med., Nashville, Tenn. (1920 Portland Ave.) M40. KNA. Densmore, Miss Frances (Theresa). A.M.. Oberlin, 24. Collaborator, U. S. Bur. Amer. Ethnology, Smithsonian Inst., Red Wing, Minn. (.729 3rd St.) M25F31. H. Densmore, Prof. Hiram D. M.A., Beloit. 92; D.Sc, 32. Prof, emeritus botanv, Be- loit Col., Beloit, Wis. (718 Clary St.) (M2iF3iR37)M39F3i. G. Dent, Robert Vyvyan. Henry Lester Inst. Med. Res., 1320 Avenue Road, Shanghai, China. M39. X. Denton, Prof. F(rances) M(edforth). M34F34O36. MBQ. Denton, Miss Minna C(aroline). M.A., Michigan, 01; Ph.D., Chicago, 18. Head Dept. and prof, home economics, Univ. Tampa, Tampa, Fla. M40. QNC. Denton, W(illiam) W(ells). 4211 Third Ave., Detroit, Mich. M22F25R34. BAM. Denues, Dr. A(rthur) R(ussell) T(aylor). M.G.E., Johns Hopkins, 37; Ph.D., Mary- land, 39. Asst. chemical engineer, U. S. Bur. Mines, Bruceton, Pa. (Severna Park, Md.) M39. CBM. Denworth, Miss Katherine M(ary). Brad- ford Junior Col., Bradford, Mass. M30- K^9. QIK. Deonier, Dr. Christian C(harles). M.S.. Oklahoma A. and M., 33; Ph.D., Iowa State, 39. Asst. entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomologv and Plant Quarantine, Nice, Calif. M40.'FXO. de Paul, Sister Louise (See Sister Louise de Paul O'Brien). De Pazzi, Sister M. (See Sister M. De Pazzi Rochford). Depew, Harlan A(rmstrong). M.S., Mich- igan, 14; Ph.D., Columbia, 29. Dir. res., Amer. Zinc Sales Co., Columbus, Ohio. (100 Xorthmoor Place) M28F33. C. DePorte, Dr. J(oseph) V(ital). A.M., Princeton, 14; Ph.D.. Cornell, 16. Dir., Div. Vital Statistics. Xew York State Dept. Health, Albany, N. Y. (The Four Winds, New Lebanon Center, N. Y.) M34- F34. KNA. Derbenwick, Dr. Frank. M.A., Stanford, 33; Ph.D., iy. Technologist, Shell Oil Co., Inc., Martinez, Calif. M40. CB. Derby, Frank H. 129 S. Elm Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. M27. Q. Derby, Col. George McC(lellan), U. S. Army. 1015 S. Carrollton Ave., New Or- leans, La. M01F18. MKQ. Derbyshire, H. J. 538 Asylum St., Flint. Mich. M35. Derbyshire, Dr. Russel Clay. M.A., Kan- sas State, 31 ; Ph.D., Iowa State, 38. Instr. zoology and anatomy, Univ. Omaha, Omaha, Xebr. (2304 G St.) M34. FGX. DeRemer, J(ay) G(rant). Darien, Conn. M34EU. M. deRenyi, Dr. George S. M.D., Budapest. 16. 212 S. loth St., Philadelphia, Pa. M32- F33. N. Derick, Dr. Clarence George. Sewaren. X. J. M17F22R37. C. Derickson, Prof. S(amuel) Hoffman. M.S., Lebanon Valley, 03; Sc.D., 25. Prof. biol. science and head Dept., Lebanon Vallev Col., Annville. Pa. (473 E. Main St.) M12- F21. FG. Dermen, Dr. Haig. M.S., Maine, 27; M.S., Harvard, 31; Ph.D., 33. Cytologist, U. S. Horticulture Sta., Beltsville, Md. M39. G. de Romana, Enrique Pablo Jose Maria. B.S., California, 29. Chief engineer, M. de Romana e hijo, Apartado No. 22, Are- quipa, Peru, S. A. M38. MEK. Deromedi, Frank, Jr. Student bacteriol- ogy, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (N. 7203 Smith St., Spokane, Wash.) M38. X PC. Derr, Dr. Ezra Z. M20D35. X. Derrick, Dr. G(race) Ethel. A.M., Okla- homa, 27 ; Ph.D., 35. Central State Col., Edmond, Okla. M36. FGQ. Dershem, Dr. Elmer. M.S., Iowa, 15; Ph.D., 17. Res. assoc. physics, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. (9775 Vanderpoel Ave.) M29F30. BDA. Dery, D. George. Catasauqua. Pa. M05- R32. DE. DeRyke, Prof. Willis. A.M., Indiana, 22; Ph.D., Iowa, 25. Prof, biology, Illinois Col., Jacksonville, 111. (M23R32)M36F36. F. Desai, Sapur Faredun. B.Sc, Bombay, 2S. Asst. sec, Parsi Panchayet Funds and Properties, 209 Hornby Road, Fort, Bom- b'a'y 1, India. ( Rele Chambers, Raghaoji Road, Cumballa Hill) M38. FGH. Desai, Dr. Vaikunthrai Madhavlal. B.Sc. Bombay. Central Bank Bldg., Esplanade Road, Bombay, India. M38. X. De Schweinitz, Dr. G(eorge) E(dmund). M04F11D38. X. Deshaies, Brother Chrysostom Laurent. 244 Sherbrooke St. E., Montreal, Que., Canada. M38R38. QIH. DeSilva, Prof. Harry R(eginald). Bur. Street Traffic Res., Harvard Univ., Cam- bridge, Mass. M35F35R37. 1. Individual Members 3*9 DeSilver, Mrs. Margaret. 98 roralemori St., Brooklyn, X. Y. L29. de Sincay, Saint Paul. M36D38. CEM. Desjardins, Beniamin M. Bucna Vista. West Hartford, Conn. M13F29R33. M. Desloge, Joseph. A.M., St. Louis, 13. Pres., Killark Electric Mfg. Co., 3040 Eastern Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (Florissant, Mo.) M24L31. M. de Smitt, Vladimir P(eter). Sci.Hy- drographer, Russian Post Graduate Naval Acad., 10. Instr. meteorology, climatology, physical oceanography, Columbia Univ.; hydrographer. Western L'nion Telegraph Co., New York. X. Y. ( s~5 Riverside Drive) M2SF32. EBD. Desmond, Dr. J(ohn) Walter. D.M.D.. Tufts, 18. 9 Pleasant St., Aver, Mass. M40. Xd. Desmond, Thomas C(harles). L.H.D., Union, 39. New York State Senator, 94 Broadway, Newburgh, N. Y. M29. M. D'Espo, Dr. Louis M(arius). M.D., Yale, 28. Phvsician.- 20 Wildev St., Tarrvtown. X. Y. M40. X. Dessotnekoff, Nathan. M.S., Col. City New York, 20. Teacher, Public School 75, Queens, Ridsjewood, X. Y. (340 Kosciusko St.. Brooklyn. X. Y.) M38. QIA. deTakats, Dr. Geza. 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, ill. M34F34R34. N- Deters, Merrill E. Div. Forestry. Univ. Minnesota Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M32R34. GBC. Detjen. Prof. Louis R(einhold). M.S., Xorth Carolina State, 11. Prof, horticul- ture, Univ. Delaware; assoc. horticulturist, Delaware Agric. Exp. Sta.. Newark, Del. M29F31. OG. Detling. Dr. LeRoy E. Ph.D., Stanford. Dept. Botany. Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. M30. GF. Detrick, Dr. Lawrence E. M.S., Cornell, no X. Bedford Drive, Beverlv Hills, Calif. M39. NC. DeTurk, Prof. E(rnest) E. M.S., Pennsyl- vania State, 16; Ph.D., Illinois, 19. Prof, soil fertility. Univ. Illinois Col. Agric; chief soil fertility and charge soil analysis soil survev. Illinois Agric. Exp. Sta., Ur- bana. 111. M17F24. OCG. Detwiler, James G(arfield). B.Sc. Penn- sylvania State. 10. Supervisor tests and specifications, Texas Co., New York, X. Y. (32 E. 36th St.) M18F33. C. Detwiler, Prof. John D(etweiler). M.A. Queens. 13; Ph.D.. Cornell, 21. Prof, ap- plied biology and head Dept., Univ. West- ern Ontario, London, Ont., Canada. (844 Hellmuth Ave.) M22F26. F. Detwiler, Dr. S(amuel) R(andall). Colum- bia Univ. Col. Phvsicians and Surgeons, New York. X. Y. M28F31R34. N. Deuber, Prof. Carl G(eorge). M.S., Wash- ington, 22; Ph.D., Missouri, 25. Asst. prof, plant physiology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M22F27. GF. Deubler, Dr. Ernest C. V.M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 11. Newtown, Pa. M28. OXG. Deuel, Prof. H(arry) J(ames), Jr. Ph.D.. Yale, 23. Prof, biochemistry, Univ. South- ern California Med. School, Los Angeles, Calif. (946 Cloverdale Ave.) M28F29. X. Deuel, Thome. Ph.D., Chicago, 35. Dir.. Illinois State Mus., Springfield, 111. M34. HFI. Deussen, Alexander. M.S., Texas. 04. Con- sulting geologist. 1606 Shell Bldg., Hous- ton. Tex. M 10F15. E. Deutsch, Rev. Alcuin. St. John's Univ., Collegeville, Minn. M35R38. Deutsch, Dr. Felix. M.D., Vienna. Assoc, prof, psychosomatic medicine, Washing- ton Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (640 S. Kingshighway) M40. NI. deVarennes, Dr. Edward Arthur. 31 Bridge St.. Quincy, Mass. M31R32. NO. De Vel, Dr. Leon. M.D.. Liege. Pediatri- cian, 416 Metz Bldg.. Grand Rapids. Mich. M40. X. Devereux, E(zra) E. A.B., Wheaton. 22. Teacher. Central High School, Lansing, Mich. (633 X. Clemens Ave.) M40. F. Devers, Philip K(noderer), Jr. B.S., Penn- sylvania State. Engineer, General Elec- tric Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (889 Cambridge Road, Cleveland Heights) M18F32. MBC. Deviney, Miss Ezda M(ay). Ph.D., Xorth Carolina, 34. Prof, zoology, Florida State Col. Women, Tallahassee, Fla. (M31R34)- M39- FXG. DeVita, Joseph. 621 Chapel St.. New Haven, Conn. M32. X. DeVol, Prof. Charles E. Friends Mission, Via Nanking, Luho. China. M38F39R39. GF. Devol, Dr. (Manson) Lee. M.S., Pitts- burgh. 26; Ph.D., 36. Industrial fellow, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M38F40. BMA. DeVoss, James C(larence). A.M., Colo- rado, 12; Ph.D.. Stanford, 24. Dean LTpper Div.. prof, and head Dept. Psychology. San Jose State Col., San Jose. Calif. '5.5.?6 Greenside Drive) M22F23. IQH. DeVries, Dr. Bernard. 705 Med. Arts Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. M32R32. NF. Dewar, Miss Margaret (MacDonald). A.B., California, 19. Box 713, Palo Alto, Calif. M22. C. Dewar, Dr. R(obert) Kerr. M.D., Mani- toba, 23. 121 S. Tohn St., Fort William, ( hit.. Canada. M25. XBG. 390 Directory of Members de Weerdt, Dr. O(le) N(iehuis). Ph.D., Yale, 23. Prof, psychology and head Dept., Beloit Col., Beloit, Wis. (808 Park Ave.) M27F33. I. Dewees, Dr. (A.) Lovett. M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 07. Asst. instr. gynecology, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Sweet- water Farm, Glen Mills, Pa.) M39. IN. Dewey, D(on) A(ugustine). B.S., Case, 06. Res. consultant glass manufacture, Niles, Ohio. M29. C. Dewey, Lyster H(oxie). B.S., Michigan State, 88. Botanist charge fiber plants (re- tired), U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Wash- ington, D. C. (4512 Ninth St. NW.) M91- F99E39. GO. Dewey, Phillip H. M.S., Cornell, 32. Res. chemist, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. (446 Olympia Road) M39. CBM. Dewey, Miss Virginia. 1059 W. 27th St., Des Moines, Iowa. M29R32. EH. Dewing, Dr. Frances (Hall) R(ons- maniere). A.M., Wellesley, 04; Ph.D., Rad- cliffe, 06. 286 Waverley Ave., Newton, Mass. M07. IKQ. DeWitt, Prof. C(lyde) C(olvin). Michi- gan Col. Mining and Tech., Houghton, Mich. M34F34R35. CMA. DeWitt, John H., Jr. 1920 Portland Ave., Nashville, Term. M32R32. DBM. de Witt, Wallace. B.S., Princeton, 12. Dir.. Erie City Iron Works, Erie, Pa. (Wolf Road) M24. E. Dexter, Miss Emily S(mith). M.A., Wis- consin, 15; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof, psy- chology and education, Agnes Scott Col., Decatur, Ga. M26F33. IQ. Dexter, Forrest P(age), Jr. M.A., Haryard, 35. Res. chemist, Tide Water Associated Oil Co., Bayonne, N. J. (220 Pearsall Ave., Jersey City, N. J.) M34- CBE. Dexter, Dr. Ralph W(arren). Ph.D., Illi- nois, 38. Instr. biology, Kent State Univ., Kent, Ohio. M38. FG. Dexter, Dr. Stephen T(orrey). M.S., Wis- consin, 25; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, and res. assoc, Dept. Farm Crops, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M34F34. CGO. Deyoe, H(arold) L(eroy). 321 E. 86th St., New York, N. Y. M32L37. M. DeYoung, William M.A., Missouri. Soil scientist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Milwaukee, Wis. (4912 N. Idlewild Ave.) M40. OE. Deysach, Dr. Leonard J(oseph). M.D., Marquette, 33. Asst. prof, physiology, Mar- quette Univ. School Med., Milwaukee, Wis. M39. N. De Zaldo, Carlos, Jr. L.S.B., Havana, 16; LL.B., Harvard, 19. Sub-mgr., National City Bank New York, Havana, Cuba. M38. DAB. de Zeeuw, Dr. Richard. A.M., Hope, 09; Ph.D., Michigan, 09. Assoc, prof, botany, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M11F16. G. d'Herelle, Prof. Felix. 6 Square Fredric Vallois, Paris, France. M33F33R33. N. Dhonau, Charles O. Pres., Cincinnati Col. Embalming, Cincinnati, Ohio. M24. N. Diachun, Dr. Stephen. M.S., Illinois, 35; Ph.D., 38. Asst. plant pathology, Ken- tucky Agric. Exp. Sta., Lexington, Ky. (209 State St.) M38F39. GO. Diack, Archibald W. 15 Gedde Heights, Ann Arbor, Mich. M24. MC. Diack, Arch(ibald) W(arren), Jr. M.D., Michigan, 33. Surgeon, 6617 S. East 30th Ave.; clinical instr. surgery, Univ. Ore- gon Med. School, Portland, Oreg. M40. N. Diack, Dr. Samuel L(atta). M.S., Michi- gan, 26; M.D., 30. Physician, Portland Clinic; clinical instr. medicine, Univ. Ore- gon Med. School, Portland, Oreg. (2410 S. West 17th St.) M40. NMC. Diamond, Vern R. Box 231, Route 5, Portland, Oreg. M38. FG. Dias, Mario Vianna. Commissao Technica de Piscicultura, Caixa 25, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, S. A. M36R36. F. Dice, Dr. Lee R(aymond). M.S., Califor- nia, 14; Ph.D., 15. Dir. Lab. Vertebrate Genetics, assoc. curator mammals Mus. Zoology, and assoc. prof, zoology, Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. M13F25. GFE. Dice, Mr. Marion E(nglish). Chem.Eng., Colorado, 26. Chemical engineer, General Petroleum Corp. California, Los Angeles, Calif. (139 Ridge Road, Whittier, Calif.) M27F33. CMB. Dice, Miss Miriam E(lizabeth). M.A., California. Pathological Lab., City Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. M40. NCB. Dick, A(braham) H. ns8 Grant Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M35R38. CB. Dick, Miss Esther A(melia). A.M., Brown, 36. Asst., Dept. Botany, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M40. G. Dick, Katherine R. B.S., Texas, 33. Supt. nurses, Worcester State Hosp., Worces- ter, Mass. M39. NFQ. Dicke, F(erdinand) F(rederick). Arling- ton Farm, Rosslyn, Va. M31F33. FO. Dickens, Prof. K(arl) L(avon). Louisiana State Univ. Med. Center, New Orleans, La. M34R34. NF. Dickensen, Dr. Henry F(rancis). A.M., George Peabody, 25 ; Ph.D., 33- Head Dept. Education, Lincoln Memorial Univ., Harrogate, Tenn. M35. IQ. Dickerman, Dr. E(ldie) E(ugene). M.A., Northwestern, 31; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, biology, Bowling Green State Univ., Bowl- ing Green, Ohio. M37.. FG.. Individual Members 39i Dickerman, William C(arter). M.E., Le- high, 96; Dr.Eng., 38. Pres., Amer. Loco- motive Co., 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. (955 Fifth Ave.) L17F32. M. Dickerson, Edward N. 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. M00R36. M. Dickerson, Dr. L(aurence) M(ajor). M.S., Virginia, 29; Ph.D., 30. Chief, Regional Div. Biology. U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Davton, Ohio. (71 E. Norman Ave.) M28F33. GFC. Dickerson, Roy E(rnest). M.S., Califor- nia, 10; Ph.D., 14. Chief geologist, For- eign Producing Dept., Atlantic Refining Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (39 Myrtle Ave., Upper Darby, Pa.) M13F16. E. Dickey, George Leon. M.S., Texas A. and M. 510 W. First St., Arlington, Tex. M39. Q. Dickinson, Prof. Charles A. Bennock Road, Orono, Maine. M27F31. IQ. Dickinson, C(lyde) G(rant). M.S., Wis- consin, 27. Dundee, 111. M29L31. E. Dickinson, Dr. Frances. M.D., North- western, 83. Lock Drawer 835, Chicago, 111. M17. IQK. Dickinson, G(eorge) M(oye), Jr. M.S., South Carolina, 33. Asst. res. chemist, Sonoco Products Co., Hartsville, S. Car. (1707 Home Ave.) M38. CB. Dickinson, Dr. H(omer) C(utler). M.A., Williams, 01; Ph.D., Clark, 10. 4629 30th St. NW„ Washington, D. C. M08F10. B. Dickinson, Lawrence S. Dept. Agronomy, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M34F34R37. O. Dickson, A(lbert) M(axey). M.S., Okla- homa A. and M., 32. 3380 Stuyvesant Place NW., Washington, D. C. M38F40. KO. Dickson, Dr. Ernest C(harles). M24F27- D39. N. Dickson, Prof. James G(eere). M.S., Wis- consin, 18; Ph.D., 20. Prof, plant pa- thology, Univ. Wisconsin; agent, Div. Cereal Crops and Diseases, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Madison, Wis. (508 Edge- wood Ave.) (M29F3oR33)M4oF30. GO. Dickson, Prof. L(eonard) E(ugene). 5535 University Ave., Chicago, 111. M25F27R37- AL. Dickson, Miss Mabel A. (See Mrs. Clar- ence C. Dill). Dicus, Dr. A(aron) W(esley). M.A., In- diana, 28; Ph.D., 32. Head Dept. Physics, Tennessee Polytechnic Inst., Cookeville, Tenn. M36F36. B. Didlake, Miss Mary Le Grand. M.S., Ken- tucky, 97, Chicago, 01. Assoc, entomolo- gist and botanist, Kentucky Agric. Exp. Sta., Lexington, Ky. (248 Market St.) M21F34. FG. Didusch, Rev. Joseph S. A.M., Woodstock. Loyola Col., Baltimore, Md. M18. C. Diebel, Clarence E. 1526 Hilyard St., Eu- gene, Oreg. M31R32. QBC. Diebold, Prof. Frances. A.M., Wiscon- sin, 27. Head Dept. Biology, Kalamazoo Col., Kalamazoo, Mich. (129 Lathrop St., Madison, Wis.) M26F33. FN. Dieckrr.ann, Dr. William Joseph. M.D., Washington, 22. Assoc, prof, obstetrics and gynecology, Univ. Chicago; attend- ing obstetrician and gynecologist, Chi- cago Lying-in Hosp.; attending gynecolo- gist, Billings Memorial Hosp., Chicago, 111. M31F33. NC. Diefenderfer, Prof. Alpha A(lbert). M.S.. Lehigh, 08. Prof, quantitative analysis and assaying, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. (725 W. Broad St.) M25F38. C. Diehl, Charles E. M.A., Princeton, 00. Pres., Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn. M30. Diehl, Dr. H(arold) S(heely). M.D., Min- nesota, 18; M.A., 21; Sc.D., Gettysburg, 35. Dean med. sciences and prof, pre- ventive medicine and public health, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M36F36. N. Diehl, H(elmut) C(harles). B.S., Michi- gan State, 18. Senior chemist, Frozen Pack Lab., U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Seattle, Wash. (6857 31st Ave. NE.) M27F27. OG. Diehl, Dr. William W(ebster). M.S., Iowa State, 15; Ph.D., Harvard, 32. Assoc, mycologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry; ad- junct prof, mycology, George Washing- ton Univ., Washington, D. C. (1512 N. McKinlev Road, Arlington, Va.) M20- F25. G. " Diehm, Dr. Margaret May. M.S., Pennsyl- vania, 27; Ph.D., 29. Instr. biol. sciences, Drexel Inst. Technology, Philadelphia, Pa. M34F34- N. Diehm, Dr. Robert A. Rohm and Haas Co., Bristol, Pa. M31F33R3S. GNO. Diem, Dr. Oscar. Sleepy Hollow Road, North Tarrytown, N. Y. M17R32. NQO. Diener, Richard. Oxnard, Calif. M21R35. FG. Dienes, Dr. Louis. M.D., Budapest, 08. Bacteriologist, Massachusetts General Hosp., Boston, Mass. (27 Walker St., Cambridge, Mass.) M27F28. N. Dieter, Prof. Clarence D. 103 Dewey Ave., Washington, Pa. M34F34R36. N. Dieterle, Dr. Robert R(ichard). M.D., Michigan, 23. Psychotherapist, 950 Stein Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. M38. NIQ. Diethelm, Dr. Oskar. M.D., Berne. 23. Psychiatrist-in-chief, Payne Whitney Clinic, New York Hosp.; prof, psvchiatrv, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M34F34. I- 392 Directory of Members Dietrich, Donald H. Univ. Southern Calif., Los Angeles, Calif. (?) M34R34. I. Dietrich, Harold G(lenn). Ph.D., Yale. 2(3. Asst. prof., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (88 Vista Terrace) M39. C. Dietrich, Henry. Ph.D., Cornell, 37. Cura- tor, Dept. Entomology, New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, X. Y. M23F33. F. Dietrich, William C. B.S., California, 36. Technician, Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis. Calif. M30. CBI. Dietrichson, Gerhard. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 14. Asst. prof, chemistry, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M18F25. CB. .Assistant secretary of Section on Chem- istry (C), igj$-24; secretary, lQJj-38. Dietsch, Miss Mildred (Kathryn Cozette). M.S., Chicago, 26; M.A., Ohio State, 28. Clinical psychologist, Findlay, Ohio, and Hancock County; psychological counsel- lor, Dietsch Law Firm, Findlay, Ohio. (1601 S. Main St.) M40. IQK. Dietz, Carl. Chemical engineer, Johns- Manville Co., St. Louis, Mo. (4995 Fair- view Ave.) M39. CMP. Dietz, David (Henry). A.B., Western Re- serve. 19. Science editor. Scripps-Howard Newspapers; lecturer general science, Cleveland Col.. Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (2801 Winthrop Road, Shaker Heights) M23F33. DBF. Dietz, E. F. Hurley, Wis. M33R37. O. Dietz, Dr. Emma M(argaret). 813 X. Harrison St., Wilmington, Del. (?) M34- F34R.U. c. Dietz, Dr. Harry F(rederic). M.A., Ohio State. 30; Ph.D., 31. Res. entomologist charge field experiments, Pest Control Res. Div., Du I'ont Exp. Sta., Wilming- ton. Del. M17F20. F. Dietz. Nicholas. 1108 Bushwick Ave. Brooklyn, X. Y. M29R34. CBA. Dietz, Dr. Nicholas, Jr. A.M.. Columbia. 26: Ph.D.. 30. Asst. prof, biochemistry. Creighton Univ. School Med., Omaha. Xehr. (2027 Dodge St.) M29F33. CNB. Dietz. Pad C. M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech.. 21: M.A.Ed., Washington Univ., 37. Head Dept. Mathematics. Upper School, The Principia, St. Louis, Mo. (5501 Chamber- lain Ave.) M37. ACB. Dietz, Dr. S. M. Iowa State Col.. Ames. Iowa. M38R38. GOQ. DietTe. Prof. Alfred G(odfrey). 1017 Bilt- mo--e Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. M32F33R35. 1HK. Dieuaide, Dr. F(rancis) R(aymond). M.D., Johns Hopkins. 20. Assoc, prof, medicine, Harvard Univ.; physician, Massachusetts General Hosp., Boston, Mass. M34F34. X. Diggs, Dr. Sterling H. M.S., Virginia, 12; Ph.D., 14. Res. chemist. Standard Oil Co. Indiana, Casper, Wvo, (1534 S. Spruce st.) M34F34. c Dike, Dr. Paul H(arrison). M.S. North- western, 03; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 09. Asst. dir. res., Leeds and Xorthrup Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. (252 High St.) M22F10. B. Dildine, Dr. Glenn C(rawford). State Teachers Col., Moorhead. Minn. M36- K.^7- F. Dill, Mrs. Clarence C. (Mabel A. Dickson). 508 Seventh Ave., Spokane, Wash. M39. XCO. Dill, Prof. David B(ruce). M.A., Stanford. 14; Ph.D., 25. Prof, industrial physiology. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (6 Oak- land Ave., Arlington Heights. Ma^.) M25- F32. CQ. Dill, Prof. Homer R(ay). Prof, and dir. Mus. Natural History, Univ. Iowa, towa City. Iowa. (1127 Dill St.) M17F21. F. Dille, Dr. J(ames) M(adison). M.S.. Ne- braska, 3,y, Ph.D., Georgetown, 35. Assoc, prof, pharmacology, Univ. Washington Col. Pharmacv, Seattle, Wash. M37F38. XpFC. Dillehunt, Dr. Richard B(enjamin). M.D., Chicago, 10. Dean, Univ. Oregon Med. School, Portland, Oreg. M34F34. X. Diller, Dr. Irene Corey. A.M.. Pennsyl- vania, 31 : Ph.D.. 33. Res. assoc, Dept. Zoology, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia. Pa. M32. F. D:il3r, Jesse D(ennis). M.A.. Ohio State, 26; M.F., Yale, 30; Ph.D., 40. Assoc, pa- thologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry. Washington. D. C. M34F39. GOH. Diller, Dr. William F(rey). Ph.D.. Penn- sylvania, 28. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Pa. ( 1016 S. 4Sth St.) M27F33. F. Dillingham, Prof. Frank T(hompson). M.A., Yale, 16. Prof, chemistry and sugar technology and head Dept. Chemistry. Univ. Hawaii. Honolulu. Hawaii. M34- F34. c. Dillman, Arthur C(harles). M.S.. Mary- land, 26. Assoc, agronomist charge flax 'investigations. U. S. Bur. Plant Industry. Washington. D. C. M35F25. GO. Dillman, Dr. Grover C. M.S., Michigan State. 27; D.Eng., Michigan Col. Mining and Tech.. 36. Pres., Michigan Col. Min- ing and Tech., Houghton. Mich. M40. MQK. Dillon, Dr. Edward S(aunders). M.D.. Harvard, 16. Asst. prof, metabolic dis- eases, Univ. Pennsylvania Graduate School Med.; chief Metabolic Div., Philadelphia General Hosp.: asst. med. dir., Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. M37. X. Dills, Prof. L(eslie) E(dward). 231 E. Fairmount Ave., State College, Pa. M32- F33R38. F. Dilts, Charles D. ?i2i Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Ind. M28R33. C. Individual Mem bers m Dimick, Prof. Chester E(dward). M.A.. Pennsylvania, 07. Prof, (commander), U. S. Coast Guard Academy, New Lon- don, Conn. (Gales Ferry, Conn.) M29F33. AB. Dimmick, Dr. Graham Bennett. Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. M32R32. I I'M. Dimmitt, Luther M. 820 Witherspodn Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. M3iR.i2. (J IK. Dimock, Prof. A(rthur) W(atson). Ph.D., California, 30. As.-t. prof., Dept. I'lant Pathology, Cornell Univ.; asst. patholo- gist, New York State Agric. Exp. Sta.. Ithaca, X. V. M37F39. <.< ). Dimock, Dr. William Wallace. D.V.M.. Cornell, 05. Havana, oS. Prof, veterinary science, Univ. Kentucky; head Dept. Ani- mal Pathology, Kentucky Agric. Exp. Sta., Lexington, Ky. M17F33. FN. Dines, Dr. Lloyd L(yne). A.M.. North- western, 07; Ph.D.. Chicago, 11. Head Dept. Mathematics, Carnegie Inst. Tech- nology, Pittsburgh, Pa. M34F32. A. Dingle, Dr. Edmund Willis. D.D.S.. Howard. 1808 N. 21st St., Philadelphia. Pa. M40. Xd. Dinsmore, R(ay) P(utnam). B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 14. Mgr., Develop- ment and Res. Dept., Coodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. M26F33. C. Dinwiddie, Dr. Albert Bledsoe. M11D35. A. Dinwiddie, Courtney. 419 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. M30. Q. Dinwiddie, Miss Emily Wavland. Green- wood, Va. M32R39. K.GO. Dinwiddie, Stanley W(omack). B.S., Vir- ginia, 33. Res. chemist, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Waynesboro, Va. M39. rv. Dirks, Prof. Charles O(rville). M.S., Iowa State, 25 ; Ph.D., Cornell, 35. Assoc, prof, entomology, Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M28F33. FG. Dirks, Henry B. M.E., Illinois, 05. Dean engng., Michigan State Col.; dir., Michigan Kngng. Exp. Sta., East Lansing, Mich. (637 Grove St.) M35F35. M. Dirks, Miss Jane Claire. A.B., Linfield, 37. Asst., Dept. Zoology, LTniv. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (Arlington, Wash.) M40. FG. Disbrow, Clarkson A(lcott). C.E., New York, 04. Representative, Rail Joint Co., io Church St., New York, N. Y. (1149 North Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y.) M36. M. Diserens, Dr. Charles M(urdoch). A.M.. Cincinnati. 17; Ph.D., 22. Asst. prof, psy- chology, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (431 Wood Ave.) M24F31. IHK. Disher, Dr. Dorothy Rose. Ph.D., Ohio State, 33. Asst. prof, psychology, Florida State Col. Women; Tallahassee, Fla. M37. I. Dittebrandt, Miss B. Marlowe. Kappa Delta House, Pullman, Wash. MuK;:. CNA. Dittlinger, B. P.O. Box 2030, Houston, Tex. (?) M31R33. CAB Ditto, Prof. R(aymond) C(lyde). A.M.. Princeton, 11. Prof, physics, Alma Col, \lma, Mich. (231 Philadelphia Ave.) M17- F33. B. Divine, Dr. J(ohn) P(arker). D.V.M., George Washington, 11; LL.B., National. 25. Asst. pathologist, I'. S. Bur. Chemis- try and Engng., Washington, D. C. (1206 N. Quincy St., Arlington, Va.) M28. X. Dixon, Dr. A(lfred) A(lexander). M3/4- F34D39- B. Dixon, Harry Sterling. E.E., Stanford. 36. Instr. electrical engng., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Ind. M37. MQB. Dixon, Dr. Helen. S.M., Chicago, 26: I'll.!)., 33. Chairman Dept. Science, instr. biology, and charge visual education. Tulev High School, Chicago, 111. (1711-E Forest Ave., Wheaton, 111.) M28F38. GEF. Dixon, Leslie James. M.S., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 30. Res. asst., Visking Corp., 6733 W. 65th St., Chicago, 111. (41=; S. Monroe St., Hinsdale, 111.) M39. CMN. Dixon, Dr. O. Jason. M.D., Kansas. 1210 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. M35. x. Dixon, Dr. Roland B(urrage). M97F01- D34. H. Secretary of Section on Anthro- pology and Psychology ill). 1902; vice president, 1910. Dlouhy, Francis N. Consulting structural engineer, <->2?3 Cordell Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. M40. ME. Doak, Dr. Clifton C(hildress). M.S.. Texas A. and M., 2^ ; Ph.D., Illinois, 32. Head Dept. Biology, Texas A. and M. Col., College Station, Tex. M32F33. GFQ. Doak, Prof. Eleanor C. Mt. Holyoke Col.. South Hadley, Mass. M24R37. A. Doak, Kenneth Davis. Botanical Lab.. Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (?) M27F31R3//G. do Amaral, Dr. Afranio. [nstituto Butan- tan, Caixa Postal <">=;. Sao Paulo, Brazil, S. A. M28R37. XF. Doan, Dr. Charles A(ustin). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 23. Prof, medicine and chair- man Dept. and dir. med. res., Ohio State Univ.; physician-in-chief, Starling-Long University Hosp.. Columbus, Ohio. M27- F31. X. Doan, Miss Effie E. M.A.. North Carolina. ^7. Supt., Chicago Foundlings Home, 1^ S. Wood St., Chicago, 111. M38. KQ. Doan, John L(indley). M.S., Gettysburg, 2^. Teacher biology, 1'enn Hall School, Chambersburg, Pa. M28. GFC. 394 Directory of Members Doan, Martha. M.S., Purdue, 93; D.Sc, Cornell, 96. Westfield, Ind. M08. C. Doan, Richard L. A.M., Indiana, 23; Ph.D., Chicago, 26. Dir. geophysical res., Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. (J337 Cherokee Ave.) M27F31. B. Doane, Howard C(lark). 59 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. M33R36. IBN. Doane, R(enner) W(ilbur). A.B., Stan- ford, 96. Stanford University, Calif. M08- F14. F. Doane, S(amuel) E(verett). E.E., Case. Pine Orchard, Conn. M34F34. M. Dobbin, Dr. Carroll E(dward). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 24. Senior geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Denver, Colo. (1080 Sher man St.) M25F25. E. Dobbin, Dr. Catherine N(ancy). M.S., Washington, 33; Ph.D., Cornell, 39. Instr. zoology, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. M40. FQ. Dobbin, Frank. P.O. Box 197, Shushan, N. Y. M12L13. G. Dobbins, Dr. R(aymond) A(nson). Ph.D., Ohio State, 37. Asst. prof, biology, Ohio Northern Univ., Ada, Ohio. M24F33. G. Dobos, Dr. E(meric) I. 636 Monaca Blvd., Denver, Colo. M34R36. N. Dobroscky, Dr. Irene D(orothy). 114 Palmer Road, Yonkers, N. Y. M34F34- R35. F. Dobrovolny, Dr. Charles G(eorge). Ph.D., Michigan, 38. Instr. zoology, Univ. Michi- gan. Ann Arbor, Mich. (M3iR34)M38. FNC. Dobson, George. Route 1, Clifton, N. J. M18F40. BMK. Dobyns, Fletcher. 870 Chula Vista Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M30R33. Dobzhansky, Prof. Theodosius. Prof, ge- netics, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena Calif. M31F32. FG. Dock, Dr. George. M.D., Pennsvlvania, 84; Sc.D., 04; M.A., Harvard, 95; LL.D., Southern California, 36. Physician, 94 N. Madison Ave., Pasadena, Calif. (335 E. Calaveras St., Altadena, Calif.) M02F03. N. Dock, Howard. B.Sc, Ohio State, 11. Pres., M. Werk Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. M17. C. Dock, Dr. William. M.D., Rush, 23. Prof, pathology, Stanford Univ. School Med., San Francisco, Calif. (2160 Pacific Ave.) M35F3S- N. Docker, Mrs. Mary Eleanor Bousfield. Morland, Penrith, Westmorland, Eng- land. M23. FN. Dockeray, Prof. Floyd C(arlton). A.M., Michigan, 09; Ph.D., 15. Prof, psychology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M18- F25. I. Dodd, Dr. D(avid) R(ollin). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 31. Prof, agronomy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus; assoc. agronomist, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. (1776 Guilford Road, Columbus, Ohio) M31F32. OQE. Dodd, Miss Dorothy Montgomery. M.A., Wellesley, 29. Teacher-in-chief mathe- matics, Columbus School Girls, Colum- bus, Ohio. (200 Oak Ridge Ave., Sum- mit, N. J.) M29F40. BA. Dodd, Miss Gertrude. Med. School, Vel- lore, N. Arcot, S. India. L29. Dodd, Dr. L(aurence) E(llsworth). M.S., Iowa, 14; Ph.D., 18. Assoc, prof, physics, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los An- geles, Calif. (1263 Woodruff Ave.) M22- F2S. B. Dodd, Maynard. M26D38. BME. Dodd, Prof. Stuart Carter. M.A., Prince- ton, 24; Ph.D., 26. Prof, and dir. Social Science Res. Section, Amer. Univ. Beirut, Beirut, Syria. (M34F34R3S)M38F34. KI. Dodds, Prof. Gideon S(tanhope). M.A., Colorado, 05; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 10. Prof, histology and embryology, West Virginia Univ. School Med., Morgantown, W. Va. (829 Price St.) M06F20. FN. Dodds, H. H. Exp. Sta., S. African Sugar Assn., Mt. Edgecombe, Natal, S. Africa. M35R39. OC. Dodds, Dr. Neal. D.D.S., Pittsburgh. 893 Peoples East End Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M39- NdBD. Dodek, Dr. Samuel M(ayer). M.D., Jef- ferson, 27; M.A., Western Reserve, 31. Assoc, Dept. Obstetrics and Gynecology, George Washington Univ. School Med.; attending obstetrician, George Washing- ton Univ. Hosp., Washington, D. C. M39. NKI. Dodge, Prof. Barnett F(red). D.Sc. Har- vard, 25. Chairman, Dept. Chemical Engng., Yale Univ., New Haven. Conn. (,108 Middle Road) M3iF33- CMB. Dodge, Dr. Bernard O(gilvie). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 12. Plant pathologist, New York Botanical Gardens, New York, N. Y. (3001 Valentine Ave.) M26F26. GNO. Vice presi- dent for Section on Botanical Sciences (G), 1934- Dodge, Dr. Carroll W(illiam). A.M., Mid- dlebury, 16; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 18. Prof, botany, Washington Univ. ; mycolo- gist, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. M17F21. GL. Dodge, Cleveland E. 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. M29. Dodge, Francis D(espard). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 90. Chief chemist, Dodge and Olcott Co., Bayonne, N. J. (218 Prospect Ave., Cranford, N. J.) M22F33. CBA. Dodge, Homer L(evi). M.S., Iowa, 12; Ph.D., 14; Sc.D., Colgate, 32. Dean, Grad- uate School, head Dept. Physics, and dir. School Engng. Physics, Univ. Oklahoma; dir. Oklahoma Bur. Standards, Norman, Okla. M14F16. BMH. Individual Members 395 Dodge, M(arcellus) Hartley. A.B., Colum- bia, 03. Clerk trustees, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M29. Dodge, Dr. Ralph L(aurence). Ph.D., Harvard, 24. Chemist, Ammonia Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wil- mington, Del. (2206 Bavnard Blvd.) M34- F34. CBM. Dodge, Prof. Raymond. Ph.D., Halle, 96; D.Sc, Williams, 18, Wesleyan, 31. Prof, emeritus psychology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (Tryon, N. Car.) M07F11. I. Vice president for Section on Psychol- ogy (I), 1922. Dodge, Richard E(lwood). M.A., Harvard, 94. Prof, emeritus geography, Univ. Con- necticut, Storrs, Conn. M00F01. E. Dodge, Mrs. Robert L. 6 E. 67th St., New York, N. Y. M33R38. Dodge, Miss Ruth A. 103 E. Clinton St., Johnstown, N. Y. M36R36. EG. Dodge, Stanley D(alton). Ph.D., Chicago, 26. Assoc, prof, geography, Univ. Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M24F31. EK. Dodge, Theodore A(yrault). M.A., Wis- consin, 33; A.M., Harvard, 35; Ph.D., 36. Asst. petroleum engineer. Tide Water Associated Oil Co., Los Angeles, Calif. M37. EBM. Dodson, Clinton F. Western Carolina Teachers Col., Cullowhee, N. Car. M37- R37. F. Dodson, Miss Helen W(alter). M.A., Michigan, 32; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, as- tronomv, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. M39. DBA. Dodson, Norman E(lmer). A.B., Berea, 33. Captain and mathematics teacher, Jef- ferson Military Col., Washington, Miss. M33. AB. Dodson, P. J. M.A., Texas, 35. Supt., Bastrop Independent School Dist., Bas- trop, Tex. M38. Q. Doebler, Errol W. C.E., Cornell. 7 La- fayette Place, Sea Cliff, N. Y. M40. MAB. Doering, Dr. Carl R. M.D., Baylor; D.Sc, Tohns Hopkins. 28 Coolidge Hill Road, Cambridge, Mass. M28F33. NK. Doerr, Prof. John E., Jr. P.O. Box 108, Klamath Falls, Oreg. (?) M29F33R37. EQ. Dohan, Dr. F(rancis) Curtis. M.D., Penn- sylvania. 32. Assoc, medicine and fellow Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Phila- delphia, Pa. (321 N. Narberth Ave., Nar- berth, Pa.) M40. N. Dohan, Prof. John S. 141 1 Stanley St., Montreal, Que., Canada. M35R35. N. Dohanian, S(enekerim) M(ardiros). M.S., Harvard, 15. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Eugene, Oreg. M38F25. F. Dohbel, Edward. Box 46, Route 1, Rapid River, Mich. M27. C. Doherty, Henry L. 60 Wall St., New York, N. Y. M99F31. N. Doherty, J(oseph) Edmund. 350 Quinobe- quin Road, Waban, Mass. M35R37. C. Doherty, Dr. Robert E(rnest). M.S., Union, 21; M.A., Yale, 31; LL.D., Tufts, Pittsburgh, 36. Pres., Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. M39. QM. Doig, Miss Dorothea. M.A., Rochester, 30. Consultant music, Flora Stone Mather Col., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (11039 Bellflower Road) M40. IQ. Doisy, Prof. E(dward) A(delbert). M.S., Illinois, 16; Ph.D., Harvard, 20. Prof, and dir. Dept. Biochemistry, St. Louis Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M22F27. N. Doland, Prof. James J(oseph). M.S., Illi- nois, 32. Prof, civil engng., Univ. Illinois; consulting engineer, LTrbana, 111. (311 W. LIniversity Ave., Champaign, 111.) M39. MK. Dold, C(harles) Norman. Ph.B., Denison. General mgr., Rose Exterminator Co., 6 E. Lake St., Chicago, 111. (1350 Green- wood Ave., Wilmette, 111.) M38. FPC. Dold, Dr. William Elliott. M.D., New York, 80. 555 17th St., Charlottesville, Va. M18. NI. Dole, J. Wilbur. B.S., Parsons, 94. Fair- field, Iowa. Mi 7. EG. Dole, Dr. Malcolm. A.M., Harvard, 26; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, physical chemistry. Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M34- F34- CB. Doll, Prof. Charles G(eorge). M.A., Brown, 26, Harvard, 31. Asst. prof, geology, Univ. Vermont; asst. curator geol. collections, Robert Hull Fleming Mus.. Burlington, Vt. (31 S. Prospect St.) (M27R32)M4o. E. Doll, Dr. Edgar A(rnold). Pd.M., New York, 16; Ph.D., Princeton, 20. Dir. res., The Training School, Vineland, N. J. M27F14. QIN. Doller, Dr. Max H. 476 High St., Dan- ville, Ky. M31R34. CHN. Dolley, John S(eiver). 626 E. Ferguson Ave., Woodriver, 111. M33R39. FNB. Dolley, Dr. William L(ee), Jr. A.M., Randolph-Macon, 08; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 14. Prof, biologv, Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. M13F20. F. Dolmage, Victor. Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 17. Consulting geologist, 13 18 Marine Bldg., Vancouver, B. C, Canada. (3536 S. West Marine Drive) M34F34. EKM. Doloretta, Sister (See Sister Doloretta Thorn). Dominguez, F(rancisco) A(ntonio) Lo- pez. Insular Exp. Sta., Rio Piedraz, P. R. M28F32R32. OCG. 596 Directory of Members Dominica, Sister M. Ph.D., Catholic. Dean and head Dept. Biology, Ursuline Col., Louisville. Ky. M39. FGC. Domm, Dr. Lincoln V(alentine). Ph.D., Chicago, 26. Whitman Lab. Exp. Zoology, Univ. Chicago. Chicago, 111. M24F30. F. Domogalla, Dr. Bernard (Paul). M.S., Wisconsin. _'.? ; Ph.D.. 25. City chemist and bacteriologist. City Board Health. Madison, Wis. (University Club) M24F33. CGF. Domonoske, Arthur B(oquer). M.S., Cali- f >rnia. 00. Box 2606, Stanford University, Calif. M29F29. M. Donaghy, Dr. Fred. M29F33D— . FG. Donahue, Dr. J(ames) Kenneth. Ph.D., Princeton, 33. Prof, biology. Col. Charles- ton. Charleston, S. Car. M37. F. Donahue, Sister Mary St. Helen. Mtmde- lcin Col.. Chicago, 111. M37R37. DBA. Donahue, Dr. Roy L(uther). Ph.D., Cor- nell. 39. Assoc, prof, agronomy, A. and M. Col. Texas. College Station. Tex. M40- F40. OGC. Donahue, Mrs. Wilma Thompson. M.A.. Michigan. 27: Ph.D., 37. Instr. psychology and a^nc. mental hvgienist, Univ. Michi- gan, Ann Arbor. Mich. M37. I. Donald, William. Bloomingdale, X. I. M36. CMK. Donaldson, Prof. Bruce M(cNaughton). M32D40. HKL. Donaldson, Dr. Henry H(erbert). M04- F06D38. X. Donaldson. Dr. John. r6oi Argonne Place WW. Washington, D. C. M39R39. KL. Donaldson, Prof. John C(alvert). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 14. Prof, anatomy. L'niv. Pittsburgh School Med.. Pittsburgh, Pa. M [8F26. X. Donchian, Paul S(amuel). B.A., Yale. 18. Vice pres. and treas., Samuel Donchian Rug Co., Hartford, Conn. (8^ Cillett St.) M34F38. A. Dondlinger, Dr. Peter T(racy). Ph.D., Yale, 04. P.O. Box 82, Stamford, Conn. M07. KPH. Donleavy, Dr. John J(oseph). A.M., Vale, [8; Ph.D.. 20. Mgr. lab. res.. General Chemical Co., 40 Rector St., Xevv York, X. Y. ( 8 3 Greenwav St., Hamden, Conn.) ^^\\^.\. C. Donnel, C(harles) A(pple). Principal meteorologist charge U. S. Weather Of- tice, Chicago. 111. (614a Kimbark Ave.) M29F31. BDE. Donnell, Philip S(tone). M.E.E., Har- vard, 15. Dean, Div. Engng., Oklahoma A. ami M. Col., Stillwater. Okla. (Hillcrest Road) M39. MED. Donnelly, Dr. Grant L(ester). Ml).. Duke, l'niv. North Carolina School Med.. Chapel Mill, X. Car. M40. X. Donnelly, Dr. John. Mecklenburg Sana- torium, Huntersville, X. Car. (?) M?4R35. NHK. Donner, W(illiam) H(enry). Villa Le Flon, S/Territet, Montreux, Switzerland. M33. BCX. Donoghue, David. B.S.. St. Mary's (San Antonio), 09. Consulting petroleum geol- ogist; pres., Federal Rovalties Co.. Inc., Fort Worth, Tex. (16 Vallev Ridge) M27- F27. EM. Donohue, John P. LL.B., Fordham. Car- mel, X. V. M38. K. Donohugh, Prof. Agnes C(rawford) L(eay- croft). 2s Midland Ave., White Plains. X. V. M29R34- HEK. Donovan, Dr. John E(dward). M.Sc, New York, 27: Ph.D., 30. Examiner, Civil Service Commission, Washington. D. C. (4811 Avondale Road) M34F34. CB. Donovan, Miss Mary K. M.Ed., Boston Teachers Col., 26; M.S., Villanova, 40. Instr. biolofrv, Rosemont Col., Rosemont, Pa. M40. GF. Donovan, Dr. Paul B(laine). S.M., Chi- cago. 26: Ph.D., ,^^. Res. biochemist. Rees- Stealv Clinic, 2001 Fourth Ave., San Diego. Calif. M39: XC. Doody, Esther M. Allegheny Observa- tory, Pittsburgh, Pa. M35R30. D. Dooley, Dr. (James Milton) Parker. M.D.. Johns Hopkins, 27. ^25 E. 68th St.. New York, X. Y. M32. XQI. Dooley, Sister M(ary) Denise. A.M.. Ford- ham, 22; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 34. Dean and prof, chemistrv, Xotre Dame Col., Baltimore. Md. M35. CQ. Dooley, Dr. Thomas Price. Ph.D., Iowa, 39. Prof, biology, Prairie View Col., Prairie View, Tex. M40F40. FGO. Doolittle, Alfred A(bel). 1801 K St. XW, Washington, D. C. M10R34. FGQ. Doolittle, Arthur K(ing). Ch.E., Colum- bia. 2^. Res. chemist. Carbide and Car- bon Chem. Corp., South Charleston. W. Va. ( n W. 8th Ave.) M38. C. Doolittle, Howard D(aniel). 5731 Ken- wood Ave.. Chicago. 111. M32R34. BAK. Doolittle, Dr. S(ears) P(olydore). M.S., Michigan State. 15; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 18. Senior pathologist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. M28F30. G. Dooskin, Edward J(ames). 130 Tremont St.. Everett, Mass. M37R37. CBN. Doran, Prof. William L(eonard). M.S., Massachusetts State, 17. Res. prof, botany. Massachusetts State Col.. Amherst, Mass. 1 148 Lincoln Ave. I M34F34. G. D'Orasiio, Dr. Alfred. 2033 S. 22ml St., Philadelphia, Pa. M33R34. X. Dorcas, Sister Mary ( See Sister Mary Dorcas Smith). I NDIVIM'AL MkM IM.KS 397 Dorcas, Merrill J(ames). Ph.D., Harvard, 12. 150 Stanford Drive, Berea, Ohio. M 7,4- F34. c. Dorchester, Dr. Frank E(dwin). 163 Hast- ings St. \\\, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. M30. HQN. Dore, Rev. Francis J. M.D.. Harvard, 02; Ph.D., Fordham, 18. Dir. pre-medical stu- dents and head Dept. Biology, Boston Col., Chestnut Hill, Mass. M39. NGH. Dore, Walter H(arrington). B.S., Cali- fornia, 07. Chemist, Univ. California Agric. Exp. Sta.. Berkeley, Calif. (244; Russell St.) M24E33. CG. Dorety, Sister Helen Angela. S.M., Chi- cago, 06; Ph.D., 00. Prof, and head Dept. Botany; lecturer anthropology, Col. St. Elizabeth, Convent, X. J. M35F11. G. Dorf, Prof. Erling. Ph.D., Chicago, ,}o. Asst. prof, geology, Princeton Univ.. Princeton, X. j. M34F34. EG. Dorkovich, Victor. 5040 Tibbett Ave., New York, X. Y. (?) M39R39. CKM. Dorn, Dr. Harold F. M.S.. Cornell, 30; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 33. Senior economist, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, 1). C. ("403 Montgomery Ave., Bethesda, Md.) M35F37- K. Dorn, Harry. M38D38. BDM. Dorner, Prof. H(erman) B(ernard). M.S., Purdue, 01. Prof, floriculture, Univ. Illi- nois; chief floriculture, Agric. Extension Staff, Urbana, 111. M06F11. GO. Dornfeld, Dr. Ernst J(ohn). M.A., Wis- consin, 35; Ph.D.. 37. Instr. zoology, Ore- gon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. M32. FGN. Dorr, John V(an) N(ostrand). 247 Park Ave., New York. X. Y. M28F31R32. MC. Dorrance, Alfred B(ayliss). M.S., Cor- nell, 29. 1 133 Dunham St., Grand Rapids, Mich. M30. O. Dorris, Mrs. Fern E. Georgia State Col. Women, Milledgeville, Ga. M30R33. EHL. Dorris, Dr. Frances. M.A., Yale, 27; Ph.D.. 34. Res. asst. embryology, Dept. Zoology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M39. FCN. Dorsainvil, Dr. J. C. 1564 Rue de la Revo- lution, Port au Prince, Haiti. M35. KLQ. Dorsey, George E(dwin). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 18. 14^2 John St., Baltimore, Md. M34E34. E. Dorsey, Dr. Henry. M.S., West Virginia, 16; Ph.D., Iowa State, 26. Prof, agron- omy, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. M1SF20. O. Dorsey, Dr. Herbert Grove. M.S., Deni- son, 98; Sc.D., 38; Ph.D., Cornell, 08. Principal electrical engineer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington. I). C. (3708 33rd Place) M02F09. B. Dorsey, Dr. John L(anahan). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 18. Instr. clinical medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M39, X. Dorsey, Dr. Maxwell Jay. M.S., Cornell, 10; Ph.D., 13. Chief pomology, Univ. Illi- nois, Urbana, 111. M 12F1S. Co. Dorsey, Dr. N(oah) Ernest. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 97. Physicist. National Bur. Standards, Washington, 1). ('. (1628 I\iKgs Place XW.) M97F98. BAX. Dorst, Stanley E. Knoll Road. Route 6, Cincinnati, Ohio. M30. Dort, Robert G(ilman). M.A., Harvard, 17. Technical and trade development, Cel- anese Corp. Amer., 180 Madison Ave., New York, X. Y. ( 19 Ridge Road, Sum- mit, X. J.) M29. CBE. Dorweiler, Paul. B.S., Iowa, 04. Actuary, Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., Hart- ford, Conn. M29. A. Dosch, Earl F(uller). M.A., California. 32. Asst. soil conservationist, U. S. Soil Con- servation Service, New Philadelphia, Ohio. (1062 W. High Ave.) M39. EO. Dosdall, Miss Louise (.Therese). M.A., Minnesota, 17; Ph.D., 22. Asst. prof., Univ. Minnesota; mycologist, Univ. Minnesota Col. Agric, St. Paid, Minn. (1332 Dayton Ave.) M20F25. G. Doshay, Dr. Lewis J. Bronx Professional Bldg., 1882 Grand Concourse, New York, X. Y. M32R32. XI. Dostal, Prof. Bernard F(rancis). A.M.. Indiana, 15. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M22F25. ABD. Doten, Samuel B(radford). M.A., Ne- vada, 12. Dir., Univ. Nevada Agric Exp. Sta., Reno, Nevada. M13F18. O. Dotterer, Prof. Ray H(arbaugh). Ph.M., Franklin and Marshall, 10; A.M., Johns Hopkins, 16; Ph.D., 17. Prof, and head Dept. Philosophy, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (82s W. Foster Ave.) M22. I. Dotti, Prof. Louis Basil. M.A., Columbia, 31; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, physiology and biochemistry, New Y'ork Med. Col., New York, X. Y'. (80 Oakdene Ave.. Palisades Park, X. J.) M39. XC. Doty, Prof. H(iram) S(moots). M.S., Iowa State, 15. Prof, biology, Simpson Col., Indianola, Iowa. (911 X. Buxton St.) M25F31. GFO. D'Ouakil, Prof. Basile G(abriel). 474 8th St., Brooklyn, X. Y\ M33R.35- LQ. Doubilet, Dr. Henry. M.D..C.M., McGill, 29; M.Sc, 31. Asst. attending surgeon chronic diseases, Welfare Hosp.; asst. surgery, Xew York Univ.; clinical asst. surgery, Mt. Sinai Hosp.; instr. gastro- enterology, Columbia Univ., Xew Y'ork, X. Y. M30. X. 398 Directory of Members Doubt, Dorothea G. (See Mrs. Carl V. Meyer). Doubt, Dr. Sarah L(ucinda). S.M., Chi- cago, 08; Ph.D., 16. Prof, botany, Wash- burn Col., Topeka, Kans. (1339 W. 16th St.) M18F21. G. Doubt, Dr. Thomas Eaton. Ferndale, Wash. M99F09R34. B. Doucette, Charles F(elix). B.S., Massa- chusetts State, 20. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Entomological Lab., Sumner, Wash. M24F26. F. Dougherty, Edward T. B.S., Geneva Col., 17. Chemist, Titanium Div., National Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo. (24 Webster Acres, Webster Groves, Mo.) M39. C. Dougherty, Eugene R. 1500 N. 5th St., Springfield, 111. M38. F. Dougherty, Prof. J. E. Box 272, Route 1, Davis, Calif. M31F32R34. OFQ. Dougherty, Dr. Joseph M. M.A., Catholic, 24; Ph.D., 26. Dean, Villanova Col. School Science, Villanova, Pa. M37F38. N. Dougherty, Prof. Nathan W. M.C.E., Cor- nell, 14. Asst. dean engng., Univ. Tennes- see, Knoxville, Tenn. M39. MK. Doughton, Dr. Isaac. M.A., Pennsylvania, 22; Ph.D., 25. Head Dept. Education, State Teachers Col., Mansfield, Pa. (101 Sherwood St.) M39. QKI. Doughty, Prof. Howard W(aters). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 04; M.A., Amherst, 16. Prof., chemistry, Amherst Col., Amherst, Mass. (280 Amity St.) M07F11. C. Doughty, Dr. William M(cDowell). M.D., Cincinnati, 06. Dir. Radiological Dept., Christ Hosp. and Children's Hosp., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. M32. N. Douglas, Charles A(lexander). M.S., Idaho, 34. Junior physicist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (3706 Van Ness St. NW.) M36. BA. Douglas, C(harles) B(ayard) E(lton). B.Sc, California. Apartado 3, Pachuca. Hdgo., Mexico. M36. EBC. Douglas, Prof. Frank W(illiam). A.M.. Michigan, 08; Ph.D., Cornell, 19. Prof, and chairman Dept. Chemistry, Colo- rado Col., Colorado Springs, Colo. M22- F33. CP. Douglas, Frederic H(untington). B.A., Colorado, 21. Curator Indian art, Denver Art Mus.; asst. prof, anthropology, Univ. Denver, Denver, Colo. M33. H. Douglas, George M(ellis). Consulting en- gineer, Lakefield, Ont., Canada. M22. EM. Dcuglas, Dr. Gertrude E(lizabeth). A.M., Cornell, 07; Ph.D., 17. Asst. prof, biology, New York State Col. Teachers, Albany, N. Y. (205 Lancaster St.) M17F25. G. Douglas, Dr. John G(ray). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 28. Geologist, Mene Grande Oil Co., Apartado 234, Maracaibo, Venezuela, S. A. M32F33. EFH. Douglass, Prof. Andrew E(llicott). Sc.D., Trinity (Connecticut), 08. Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M07F13. DBG. Vice presi- dent for Section on Astronomy (D), 192$. President of Southwestern Division, 1921 acting secretary, 1923 and 1924. Douglass, Benjamin W(allace). M38D39. GFH. Douglass, Dr. George C. D.D.S., New York Col. Dentistry, 00. Dental examiner, New York State Board Dental Examiners, Brooklyn, N. Y. (80 Hanson Place) M40. Nd. Douglass, Dr. Irwin B(ruce). Ph.D., Kan- sas, 32. Asst. prof, chemistry, Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M40. C. Douglass, J(ames) R(obert). M.S., Kan- sas State, 23. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Twin Falls, Idaho. M24F33. FGO. Douglass, Prof. Leigh Carroll. M.A., Ore- gon, 21 ; Ed.M., Harvard, 23. Asst.. prof, psychology, Grinnell Col., Grinnell, Iowa. M39. IQH. Douglass, Prof. R(aymond) D(onald). Dept. Mathematics, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M34F34R35. A. Doughs, Mrs. Minnie G. 1874 E. 27th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M35. N. Doull, Dr. J(ames) A(ngus). M.D.,C.M., Dalhousie, 14; D.P.H., Cambridge, 19, Johns Hopkins, 21. Prof, hygiene and pub- lic health, Western Reserve Univ. School Med., Cleveland, Ohio. (2505 Edgehill Road, Cleveland Heights) (M31F33R36)- M38F33. N. Dounce, Dr. Alexander L(atham). Ph.D., Cornell, 35. Dept. Zoology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M40. CN. Doutt, J. Kenneth. M.A., California, 31. Curator mammalogy, Carnegie Mus., Pitts- burgh, Pa. (618 Sheridan Ave.) M28. FGE. Dove, Dr. Frederick Denton. A.M., Penn- sylvania, 21 ; Ph.D., 32. Prof, psychology and social science, Bridgewater Col., Bridgewater, Va. (M37R37)M39. IQ. Dove, Dr. W(illiam) Franklin. M.S., Wis- consin, 23; Ph.D., 27. Biologist and head biol. lab., Univ. Maine Agric. Exp. Sta., Orono, Maine. M25F32. FGN. Dovener, Robert F(ournier). 723 E. Gene- see St., Syracuse, N. Y. M39. M. Dover, Miss M(ary) V(iolette). M24F33- D34. C. Dow, Allan Wade. Ph.B.. Columbia, 88. Pres., A. W. Dow, Inc., Soi Second Ave., New York, N. Y. (New Milford, Conn.) M02F05. CM. Individual Members 399 Dow, Miss Bertha McLane. Instr. biology, Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. (184 Columbia Heights) M27. GF. Dow, Douglas. B.S., Michigan, 22. Chief res., Detroit Edison Co., Detroit, Mich. M39. MCK. Dow, J(ames) N(eal). M.S., Lehigh, 31. Technical dir., Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Co., Thompsonville, Conn. (542 Laurel St., Longmeadow, Mass.) M40. MC. Dow, Kenneth W(orcester). 415 S. Fifth Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M38R39. EH. Dow, Prof. Peter S(taub). Box 83, Han- over, N. H. M29F29. MQN. Dow, Dr. Willard H(enry). D.Sc, Michi- gan Col. Mining and Tech., 39. Pres. and general mgr., Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. (923 W. Park Drive) M34F34. CDG. Dowd, Dr. Constance E(leanor). 216 E. 9th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. M29F33R34. IQ. Dowdell, Joseph A. 1740 38th St., Sacra- mento, Calif. M35R35. Dowden, Philip B(erry). 1156 Main St., Melrose Highlands, Mass. M25F33R34. F. Dowden, Miss Rolena. 405 1st St., Fair- mont, W. Va. M33. FE. Dowdy, William W. Lincoln Univ., Jef- ferson City, Mo. M36F36R36. F. Dowell, Frank S(imeon). A.M., Colorado, 26. Teacher, High School, Trinidad, Colo. M38. FG. Dowell, Dr. Philip. M01F11D36. FGQ. Dowey, Thomas L. 58 Elm St., Summit, X. J. M26R33. MKL. Dowling, Robert E. 55 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M18. K. Down, Prof. E. E. 639 Collingwood Drive, East Lansing, Mich. M25F31R32. OG. Downes, Dr. Helen R(upert). M.A., Co- lumbia, 18; Ph.D., Cambridge, 27. Chem- ist, Memorial Hosp.; instr., Barnard Col., New York, N. Y. M22F33. C. Downey, Prof. Hal. Ph.D., Minnesota, 09. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Minnesota Med. School, Minneapolis, Minn. (2 Barton Ave. SE.) M18F21. FN. Downey, Miss Helen. 2628 Davidson Ave., New York, N. Y. M35R37. N. Downey, James F(rancis). 427 Westches- ter Ave., Crestwood, Tuckahoe, N. Y. (?) M36R39. MAB. Downey, W. W. 190-38 110th Road, Hollis, N. Y. M25R36. M. Downing, Dr. Elliot R(owland). Ph.D., Chicago, 01. Assoc, prof, emeritus, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (P.O. Box 147, Wil- liams Bay, Wis.) M02F11. FQ. Downing, Prof. H(arold) H(ardesty). Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Prof, mathematics and astronomy, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. (138 State St.) M34F34. A. Downing, T(heodore) O(liver). M.S., Vir- ginia Polytechnic Inst. 503 W. Washing- ton St., Petersburg, Va. M40. FN. Downing, William C(happell), Jr. B.S., Yale, 24. Vice pres. and chief engineer, Lincoln Meter Co., Springfield, 111. (1416 S. Park Ave.) M37. MBA. Downs, Prof. Ardrey W(hidden). M.D., Pennsylvania, 04; D.Sc, McGill, 20. Prof, physiology and pharmacology, Univ. Al- berta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. M34F34. NpIC. Downs, Dr. Charles Raymond. Ph.D., Yale, 12. Vice pres. and sec, Weiss and Downs, Inc., New York, N. Y.; pres. and treas. Calorider Corp., Old Greenwich, Conn. M22F23. CM. Downs, Dr. George R(eed). Ph.D., Minne- sota, 35. General mgr., Superior Petro- leum Co., Shelby, Mont. M29. E. Downs, Dr. William G., Jr. 545 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M28F33. NF. Downsbrough, Dr. George Atha. M.Sc, Rutgers, 33; Ph.D., 36. Senior physicist, Res. Lab., Johns-Manville Corp., Manville, N. J. (Route 1, Princeton, N. J.) M38- F38. BAD. Dox, Arthur W(ayland). 668 Hall Ave, Windsor, Ont., Canada. M17F18R36. C. Doyle, C(onrad) B(artling). U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M34- F34R39. GO. Doyle, Edmund. P.O. Box 674, Menlo Park, Calif. M28R35. M. Doyle, Henry Grattan. 5500 33rd St. NW., Washington, D. C. M28F32R35. LQ. Doyle, James J. 431 S. Wabash Ave., Chi- cago, 111. M34R34. CBD. Doyle, Dr. John J. Ph.D., Catholic, 33- Teacher, Marian Col., Indianapolis, Ind. M36. IQH. Doyle, Mrs. Mabel Hunt (Mrs. Thomas J. Doyle). B.A., Wellesley, 21. Head indexer charge Indexing Section, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (6628 1st St. NW.) M39. OEG. Doyle, Dr. W(illiam) L. Biol. Lab., Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. (M36R36)- M38R38. FN. Draeger, Lieut. Comdr. Rupert Harold. M.D., California, 27. Lieut. Comdr., Med. Corps, U. S. N., U. S. Marine Detach- ment, Tientsin, China. (Care Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif.) M38. NBC. Dragstedt, Prof. Carl A(lbert). M.D., Rush, 22; Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Prof, pharma- cology, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. M28F33. Np. Dragstedt, Prof. Lester R(eynold). Ph.D., Chicago, 20; M.D., Rush, 21. Prof, surgery, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5200 Green- wood Ave.) M24F31. N. 40o Directory of Members Drain, Dr. Brooks D(aniel). S.M.. Chi- cago, 25; Ph.D., Michigan State, 33. Hor- ticulturist and head Dept. Horticulture, Univ. Tennessee Agric. Exp. Sta., Knox- ville, Tenn. (3352 Glenfield Drive) M21- F33. o. Drake, Bryant S(tillman). B.S., California, 02. Chemical engineer, Amer. Distilling Co., San Francisco, Calif. (233 Molino Ave., Mill Valley, Calif.) M08F16. CBN. Drake, Dr. Carl J(ohn). M.A., Ohio State, 14: Ph.D., 21. Prof, and head Dept. Zool- ogy and Entomology, Iowa State Col. ; state entomologist, State Dept. Agric. Ames, Iowa (413 Ash St.) M20F24. F. Drake, Dr. Charles A(rthur). M.A.. Co- lumbia, 25; Ph.D., 31; D.C.Sc, New York, 36. Prof, economics and business admin- istration and dir. Bur. Instructional Res., West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M32F33. IKQ. Drake, G(eorge) Forrest. 709 Camlin Ave.. Rockford, 111. M38R38. BMA. Drake, Dr. George S., Jr. M08D37. X. Drake, Herbert B (elding). 1 Sansome St.. San Francisco, Calif. M36R38. KBM. Drake, Dr. Noah Fields. A.M., Stanford. 95; Ph.D., 97. Favetteville, Ark. M06L07- F09. EMO. Drake, Miss Quaesita C(romwell). A.M.. Vassar, 1 1 ; Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof, chem- istrv, Univ. Delaware Women's Col., New- ark! Del. M25F28. CN. Drake, Dr. Raleigh M(oseley). M.A., Bos- ton, 30; Ph.D., London, 31. Assoc, prof. psvchologv, Weslevan Col., Macon. Ga. M39. 1Q. ' Drake, Robert J(ulius). 934 Bryant St.. Palo Alto, Calif. M40. Drake, Willmarth W(inans). 1705 27th St., Fairview, Birmingham,- Ala. M31R34. QGC. Drant, Dr. Patricia (Hart). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 20. Dermatologist, 813 Med. Arts Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. M33F34. N. Draper, Dr. Alfred A(very). M.S., Cincin- nati, 24; Ph.D.. 26. Dir.. Steffen Biol. Labs., Inc., 121 E. 60th St.. New York, N. Y. M37. NHC. Draper, Prof. Charles Stark. S.M.. Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech.. 28; Sc.D.. 38. Prof, aeronautical engng., Massachusetts Jnst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M36. MB. Draper, Dr. Hal D. Box 745. Nevada City, Calif. M35F35R3/. C. Draper, Miss Olive May. A.M., Michigan. Taylor Univ.. Upland. Ind. M36. ABD. Draper, Dr. Paul A. M.D., Indiana, 25. 316 Ferguson Bldg., Colorado Springs, Coin. M38. NI. Draper, Thomas. B.S., Arizona, 24. Design engineer. Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., Newark, X. [. ( Box 208, Millington, \. T.) M28. M. Drath, Adam (Marjan Czestaw). M.S., Harvard, 32. Akademja Gornicza, Al. Mickiewicza 30. Krakow, Poland. (?) M33. EMB. Drayer, C. S. 69^3 Columbia St., St. Louis. Mo. M31R32. XF. Drea, Dr. W(illiam) F(rancis). D.M.D.. Harvard, 09. Lecturer X-ray, Colorado Col.; res. assoc, Colorado Foundation Res. Tuberculosis, Colorado Springs, Colo. (12 College Place) M36. XCB. Drechsler, Dr. Charles. M.S., Wisconsin, 14; Ph.D., Harvard, 17. Pathologist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville. Md. (1416 X. Veitch St., Arlington, Va.) M21F23. G. Dreguss, Dr. M(iklos). M.D., Drebrecen. Staff member, State Inst. Hygiene, Gyali ut 4, Budapest, Hungary. M40. XTC. Dreher, Harold J. P. O. Box 346. River- side. Calif. M31R33. K. Dreibelbis, F(rancis) R(alph). U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Coshocton. Ohio. M36R37. O. Dreier, Theodore. B.S.. Harvard, 25. Assoc, prof, physics and mathematics, Black Mountain Col., Black Mountain. N. Car. M34F34- ABM. Dreis, Miss Thelma A(gnes). M.A., Minne- sota, 30. 1 214 St. Mathews Court, Wash- ington. D. C. M34. IHK. Dreisbach, Robert H. A.B.. Stanford. 2550 Main St., Baker. Oreg. M38. NC. Dreisbach, Robert R. A.M.. Western Re- serve. Sub-dir. chemical res.. Dow Chem- ical Co.. Midland, Mich. (806 Mill St.) M38. FCG, Dreisbach. Roy. Exeter, Calif. M32R33. QEK. Dresbach, Dr. Melvin. 1409^ Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. (?) M08F11R37. X. Drescher, William A. E. M92D36. BX. Dresden, Dr. Arnold. M.S.. Chicago. 06: Ph.D., 00. Chairman Dept. Mathematics and Astronomy. Swarthmore Col., Swarth- niore. Pa. M08F1 1. A. Dresdner, H(arold) D. J49 Chestnut St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. (?) M32R37. MAI. Dressel, E(lvin) D. B.S., Michigan State, 23. Shelterbelt asst.. U. S. Forest Service. Milnor. X. Dak. M40F40. OGK. Dresser, John A(lexander). Bur. Mines, Quebec, Que.. Canada. M34F34R34. E. Dresser, Dr. Walter Prescott. D.O.. Los Angeles Col. Osteopathy, 11. 522 Audi- torium Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. M20. DNB. Dressier, Dr. Otterbein. D.O., Philadelphia Col. Osteopathy, 2S : M.Sc, 35- Prof, pathology, Philadelphia Col. Osteopathy: dir. labs., Osteopathic Hosp., Philadelphia. Pa. M40. XFG. Individual Mkm bers 401 Drew, Dr. Gilman A. M04F06D34. I". Drew, Mrs. Gilman A. Eagle Lake, Fla. M13. F. Drews, Dr. Robert S(eymour). Ml).. Wayne, 26; M.S.. Michigan, 35; Dr.P.H., 38. Physician, 3263 Joy Road, Detroit; prof, biology and human hygiene and dean (ireat Lakes Col. Ferndale, Mich. M38. NQ. Dreyer, Prof. Nicholas Bernard. M.A., Ox- ford. Prof., Haskell Lab. Industrial Toxi- cology, Wilmington, Del. M34F34- NC. Dreyer, Dr. William A(lbert). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 31. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Cincin- nati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M32F33. FGN. Driehaus, Irwin W(illiam). [125 Grove St., Adel. Iowa. M31R37. ECB. Drill, Miss Edna. M.S., Cornell, 35. Instr. physiology, Miami Univ., Oxford. Ohio. (202 S. Campus Ave.) M40. GFQ. Drinkard, Dr. A(lfred) W(ashington), Jr. M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., 08; Ph.D.. Cornell, 13. Dir., Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Blacksburg. Va. M [7F18. O. Driscoll, Miss Clare. M.A., Radcliffe, 33 ; M.Ed., Harvard, 39. Teacher physics, Cen- tral High School, Washington, I). C. (4 Riggs Court) M34F40. BDA. Drisko, Prof. William J. S.B.. Massachu- setts Inst. Tech.. . Drury, Dr. Douglas R. M.D., Stanford, 22. Prof, physiology, Univ. Southern Cali- fornia. Los Angeles, Calif. M33F33. N. Drury, H(orace) F(eatherstone). M.A.. Harvard, 38. 5025 Wisconsin Ave. NW;, Washington, I). C. M40. NFC. Drushel, Prof. J. A(ndrew). Ph.D.. New York, 27. Prof, education. New York Univ., ^2 Washington Place, New York, N Y. (209 Edgewood Ave., Westfield, N. J.) M07F11. GQ. Dryden, Dr. Hugh L(atimer). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 19. Chief Mechanics and Sound Div., National Bur. Standards, Washing- ton, D. C. (2020 Pierce Mill Road NW.i M34F34. B. Dryden, Lincoln. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 30. Assoc, prof, geology, Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. M27F.32. P.. Dryer, Dr. Ralph G. M.D. Camp Verde, Ariz. M39. N. Duane, Dr. William. M01F01D35. B. Vice President for Section on Physics (B), nj-'6. Dub, George David. M.E., Columbia, 12. Supt., Pacific Alkali Co., 1206 Pacific Mutual Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. ( Bart- lett, Calif.) M36. MCE. Dubach, Miss Anna Reubenia. M.S., Col- orado. 35. 6055 W. Cabanne Place, St. Louis. Mo. M38. NC. Dubbs, Leland A. 41121 Gramercy Place, Los Angeles, Calif. (?) M17R36. CMP. Dubeau, Dr. Eudore. D.D.S.. Montreal. Dean, Univ. Montreal Faculty Dental Sur- gery, Montreal. Que.. Canada, (1570 St. Hubert St.) M36. NdO. Dublin, Dr. Louis I(srael). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 04. Third vice pres. and statistician. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., New York, X. Y. M07F16. K. Vice president for Section on Social and Economic Sciences (I ), 1916. Du Bois, Dr. Cora. Ph.D., California. :-,2. Sarah Lawrence Col., Bronxville, X. Y. (180 East End Ave.) M35F38. HI. DuBois, Delafield. B.S., Harvard, 03. Res. asst.. Yale Univ. School Med.. New Haven, Conn. M34F34. MX. Dubois, Rev. Evan C(yril). A.M., Wood- stock, 24; Ph.D., Boston Col., 27. Assoc. prof, biology. Boston Col., Chestnut Hill, Mass. M40. F. 402 Directory of Members DuBois, Dr. Phebe L. M.D., Cornell. oS. 150 E. 73rd St., New York, N. Y. M39. NG. DuBois, Dr. Philip Hunter. M.A., Colum- bia, 29; Ph.D., 32. Assoc, prof, psychology, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex. M33. I. DuBois, Dr. Robert. M.S., Oklahoma A. and M., 19; Ph.D., Stanford, 29. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Fresno State Col., Fresno, Calif. (1575 N. Van Ness Ave.) M30F33. C. Du Bois, W(illiam) E(dward) Burghardt. A.M., Harvard, 90; Ph.D., 95; LL.D., Howard, 30, Atlanta, 38; Litt.D., Fisk, 38. Head prof, sociology, Atlanta Univ., At- lanta, Ga. M01F05. KLH. du Bray, Dr. Ernest S. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 14. Assoc, clinical prof, medicine, Univ. California School Med., San Fran- cisco, Calif. (3940 Clay St.) M36. N. DuBridge, Prof. Lee A(lvin). M.A., Wis- consin, 24; Ph.D., 26. Prof, physics and dean Faculty Arts and Sciences, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M30F31. B. Dubuar, Prof. James F(rancis). M.S.F., Michigan, 15. Dir., New York State Ranger School, Wanakena, N. Y. M23F31. O. du Buy, Dr. Herman G(erard). Ph.D., Utrecht, 33. Asst. prof., Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M38F39- GFO. Ducasse, Prof. Curt J(ohn). A.M., Wash- ington, 09; Ph.D., Harvard, 12. Prof, phil- osophy and chairman Dept., Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M24F38. IAQ. Duce, James Terry. B.A., Colorado, 16. Vice pres., Texas Petroleum Co., Colom- bian Petroleum Co., and Texas Co. Vene- zuela; asst. mgr., Texas Co., 135 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. (12 Rectory Lane, Scarsdale, N. Y.) M29. E. Duckworth, Albert Stone. 915 College Hill, Cape Girardeau, Mo. M40. EFG. Duckworth, B. R. 507 N. Washington St., Greenfield, Ohio. M31R33. QGC. Dudley, Miss Elizabeth. Verree Road, Fox- chase, Philadelphia, Pa. M33R33. FGQ. Dudley, Homer W(alter). M.A., Columbia, 24. Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M36. MB. Dudley, H(orace) C. A.B., Missouri State, 31. in E. Glenbrook Road, Bethesda, Md. M39. CN. Dudley, John E(dward), Jr. M.S., Wiscon- sin, 28. Entomologist, U. S. Bur. Ento- mology and Plant Quarantine, Madison, Wis. (424 University Farm Place) Mi 8- F25. F. Dudley, John W(illiam), Jr. C.E., Rensse- laer Polytechnic Inst., 32. Chemical engi- neer, Amer. Viscose Corp., Parkersburg, W. Va. (1039 Ann St.) M40. MCA. Dudley, Miss Josephine. M.A., Mt. Hol- yoke, 33. Instr. biology, Wilson Col., Chambersburg, Pa. M37. F. Dudley, Dr. Margaret G(ertrude). M.Sc, Manitoba, 31 ; Ph.D., Minnesota, 35. Lec- turer biology, Brandon Col., Brandon, Man., Canada. (285 Spence St., Winnipeg, Man., Canada) M40. GFN. Dudley, S(amuel) W(illiam). M.E., Yale, 03. Dean School Engng., chairman Dept. and prof, mechanical engng., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (15 Middle Road, Hamden, Conn.) M40. MQ. Dudycha, Dr. George J(ohn). M.A., Iowa, 26; Ph.D., Columbia, 36. Prof, psychology and registrar, Ripon Col., Ripon, Wis. (240 E. Fond du Lac St.) M27. I. Duellman, Myles E. 5 Tadlock Apartment, Bristol, Tenn. M35R35. CN. Duerden, Dr. J. E. M02F05D37. FO. Duff, Miss (Dora) Helen. B.A., DePauw, 31. Purdue Univ. School Home Eco- nomics, La Fayette, Ind. M35. I. Duffendack, Prof. O(ra) S(tanley). A.M., Princeton, 21; Ph.D., 22. Prof, physics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M25- F27. B. Dufford, Prof. R(ay) T(heodore). M.S., Northwestern, 21 ; Ph.D., Missouri, 31. Asst. prof, physics, Univ. Missouri, Colum- bia, Mo. (312 S. Garth Ave.) M20F27. B. Duffy, Miss Elizabeth. M.A., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 28. Prof, psy- chology, Woman's Col. Univ. North Caro- lina, Greensboro, N. Car. M34F34. I. Duffy, Harry A(rthur). B.S., Washington State, 12. Chief chemist, Morehead-Flem- ing Drug Co., San Jose, Calif. M39. N. Dufrenoy, Dr. Jean. D.Sc, Sorbonne, 25. Maitre de Conference Univ. Bordeaux Faculte des Science, Bordeaux; prof., Ecole des Manufactures des Tabacs, Quai d'Orsay, Paris, France. M28F31L36. G. Dugan, Howard Dunbar. 221 Pierce Ave., Hamburg, N. Y. M29R33. Dugan, James H. C.E., Rensselaer Poly- technic Inst. Engineer design, New York Citv Tunnel Authoritv, New York, N. Y. (5 Prospect Place) M38. OGE. Dugan, Prof. Raymond S(mith). M.A., Amherst, 02; Ph.D., Heidelberg, 05. Prof, astronomy, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (16 Prospect Ave.) M05F07. DBA. Duggan, Dr. Stephen. Inst. International Education, 2 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. M25F31R39. Q. Duggar, Dr. Benjamin M(inge). Ph.D., Cornell, 98. Prof, plant physiology and applied botanv, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (1938 Rowley Ave.) M96F00. GCO. Vice president for Section on Botanical Sciences (G), 1926. Member of the Execu- tive Committee, 1925. Dukes, Dr. H(enry) H(ugh). D.V.M., Iowa State, 18; M.S., 23. Prof, veterinary physi- ology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M30- F33. N. Individual Members 403 Dukes, R. G. Purdue Univ., La Fayette, lnd. M36R36. M. Duley, Dr. F(rank) L(eslie). M.A., Mis- souri, 15; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 23. Senior soil conservationist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Lincoln, Nebr. M24F25. OGC. DuMez, Dr. A(ndrew) G(rover). M.S., Wisconsin, 10; Ph.D., 17. Dean, Univ. Maryland School Pharmacy, Baltimore, Md. M2SF33. CNpQ. Dumm, Dr. B(enjamin) Alfred. North Weare, N. H. M38R38. IHL. Dumm, Walter J. 13 Sampson Ave., Madi- son, X. J. M29. CQ. DuMond, Dr. Jesse W. M. M.S., Union. 18 ; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 29. Assoc, prof, physics, California Inst. Tech., Pasa- dena, Calif. (1585 Homewood Drive, Alta- dena, Calif.) M39F40. B. Dunbar, Prof. Carl O(wen). Ph.D., Yale, 17. Prof, paleontology and stratigraphy; curator invertebrate paleontology, Pea- body Mus., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (65 'Cleveland Road) M24F25. E. Dunbar, Francis F(landers). M.A., Stan- ford, 29. Manchester, Vt. (M3oR32)M40. FGN. Dunbar, Dr. (Helen) Flanders. M.A., Co- lumbia, 24; Ph.D., 29; Med.Sc.D., 35; M.D., Yale, 30. Assoc, psychiatry, Colum- bia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. M38F38. NIK. Dunbar, R(obert) C. B.Arch., Cornell. 3031 Sedgwick St. NW., Washington, D. C. M40. ACD. Duncan, Prof. D(avid) C(hristie). M.S., Michigan, 13; Ph.D., 24. Prof, physics, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (149 W. Fairmont Ave.) M24F31. BAM. Duncan, Dr. David Shaw. A.M., Taylor, 04; LL.D., 24; Ph.D., Denver, 06. Chan- cellor, Univ. Denver, Denver, Colo. (2255 S. Columbine St.) M24. KL. Duncan, Dr. Donald. M.A., Minnesota, 27; Ph.D., 29. Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Texas School Med., Galveston, Tex. M34F34. N. Duncan, Dr. F(rederick) N(ewton). A.M., Indiana, 01 ; Ph.D., Clark, 06. Cairo, Ga. (MoiR36)M38. FG. Duncan, Dr. George S(tewart). M.A., Princeton, 87; Ph.D., Dickinson, 94. Prof. American Univ. Graduate School; dean Y.M.C.A. School Religion. Washington, D. C. (2900 7th St. NE.) M20F31. BIL. Duncan, Dr. James F(rancis). A.M., Mich- igan, 27 ; Ph.D., 30. Head Dept. Physics, State Teachers Col., Oshkosh, Wis. M31- F33. B. Duncan, Prof. John Charles. M.A., In- diana, 06; Ph.D., California, 09. Prof, as- tronomy and dir. Whitin Observatory, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass.; res. asst., Ml. Wilson Observatory, Pasadena. Calif. M10F11L31. DBQ. Duncan, Dr. Julian S(mith). Babson Inst., Babson Park, Mass. M37R37. KIH. Duncan, Prof. Nason Neill. M.A., Mis- souri, 26. Prof, geography and geology, Northeastern State Col., Tahlequah, Okla. (523 W. Downing St.) M31. EQ. Duncan, R(obert) A(ndrew). A.M., Mis- souri, 14. Procter and Gamble, Cincin- nati, Ohio. (129 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, Ohio) M36. CM. Duncan, Sven S(venson). ion New- Hampshire Ave., Washington, D. C. (?) M37R3/. IN. Duncan, William S(ylvester). 3317 Wis- consin Ave., Berwyn, 111. M18. M. Duncanson, Prof. Henry B. Box 552, Route 9, Seattle, Wash. M01L08. F. Dunegan, John C(lymer). M.S., Arkansas, 37. Assoc, pathologist, Div. Fruit and Veg- etable Crops and Diseases, U. S. Bureau Plant Industry, Fayetteville, Ark. M25- F32. G. Dunford, Dr. R. E. Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. M31R32. IH. Dungan, Dr. George H(arlan). M.S., Illi- nois, 21; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 25. Prof, crop production, Univ. Illinois Col. Agric; chief crop production, Illinois Agric. Exp. Sta., Urbana, 111. (1108 S. Orchard St.) M27F27. OG. Dungay, Prof. Neil S(tanley). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 13; M.D., Minnesota, 25. Prof, hy- giene and public health, Carleton Col., Northfield, Minn. (611 E. 3rd St.) Mio- F21. FN. Dunham, Dr. Charles Little. M.D., Chi- cago, 34. Asst. Dept. Medicine, Univ. Chicago, Chicago. 111. (5719 Drexel Ave.) M39. N. Dunham, Prof. D(avid) H(anon). M.S., Purdue, 22; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 31. Assoc, prof, biology, Purdue Univ., West Lafay- ette, lnd. (230 Connolly St.) M24F33. FGN. Dunham, Mrs. Edward K. 48 E. 63rd St., Xew York, N. Y. M29R37. Dunham, Prof. Harman W(arren). Dept. Biology, Univ. Detroit, Detroit, Mich. M29R32. G. Dunham, Dr. (Henry) Kennon. M.D., Miami, 94. Med. dir., Hamilton County Tuberculosis Sanatorium; assoe. prof, medicine, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio. M34F34. N. Dunham, Dr. James H(enry). A.M., Princeton, 94; Ph.D., Pennsylvania. 13; LL.D., Franklin and Marshall, 23. Tem- ple Univ., Philadelphia, Pa. M18. IQ. Dunham, Sturges S(igler). B.A., Ohio Wesleyan, 07; LL.B., National Law School, 01. Patent lawyer, Cooper, Kerr and Dunham. 233 Broadway, New York, X. Y. (200 W. 86th St.) M38. DBA. 404 Directory of Members Dunham, Dr. Theodore. M.D., Harvard, 88. 48 E. 63rd St., New York, N. Y. M06. N. Dunham, Dr. Theodore. Jr. M.D., Cornell. 25 ; Ph.D.. Princeton. 27. Astronomer, Mt. Wilson Observatory. Pasadena, Calif.; res. assoc, Oxford Univ. Observatory, Oxford. England; scientific dir., Fund for Astrophvsical Res., 15 Broad St., New York, \'. Y. M29F33. DBX. Dunham, William R(obert), Jr. 1415 Parker Ave., Detroit. Mich. M36R39. MAD. Dunihue, Prof. F(red) W(illiams). M.Sc, New York, 31; Ph.D.. 35. Asst. prof, his- tology and embryology, Univ. Vermont Col. Medicine, Burlington, Vt. M39. NF. Dunkel, Dr. Otto. M.A.. Virginia. 98; A.M., Harvard, 99; Ph.D., Harvard, 02. Assoc, prof, mathematics (retired), Wash- ington Univ.. St. Louis. Mo. M18F22. A. Dunkelberger, Prof. Tobias H(enry). Ph.D., Pittsburgh. 37. Asst. prof, chemis- trv, Duquesne Univ. Graduate School, Pittsburgh. Pa. M31. CBA. Dunkle, Cyrus G. ?ot W. Blackwell St.. Dover. X. J. M23R32. CBE. Dunkman. William E. Univ. Rochester, Rochester. X. Y. M33R34. K. Dunlap, Dr. A(lbert) A(tkinson). M.S.. Yale. 27; Ph.D.. 20. Chief Div. Plant Pa- thology ami Physiology:, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station. Tex. M33F33. G. Dunlap, Frederick. 1500 Univ. Ave., Co- lumbia. Mo. M10F16R32. GKO. Dunlap, Dr. F(rederick) L(evy). Sc.D., Harvard, 05. Consulting chemist. 5527 University Ave., Chicago, 111. M11F15. C. Dunlap, Dr. Jack W(ilbur). M.S.. Kansas State, 26; Ph.D.. Columbia, 31. Assoc. prof. educational psychology, Univ. Rochester. Rochester. X. Y. M32F36. IQ. Dunlap, Dr. Knight. M.L., California, 00; A.M., Harvard, 02; Ph.D., 03; L.H.D., Gallaudet, 31. Prof, psychology and chair- man Dept., Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M07F11. 1H. Vice presi- dent for Section on Psychology (I), 1927. Dunlap, Dr. Sarah C. ( See Dr. Sarah Dun- lap Cann). Dunlap, Dr. Vining Campbell. AM.. Cor- nell. 16; Ph.D., 20. Agronomist, United Fruit Co., Boston. Mass. M22F33.' G. Dunlavy, Henry. Temple, Tex. M28R32. OGK. Dunlevy, Prof. Robert B. M.A., Wiscon- sin. 10. Prof, geology, Southwestern Col., Winfield, Kans. (302" College St.) M36. E. Dunlop, Harry A(dam). M.A.. British Co- lumbia. J2. International Fisheries Com- mission, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M34F34. VU. Dunlop, Dr. William Fraser. 424 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. (?) M16R33. N. Dunn, Dr. A. Henry. M.D., Pennsylvania, 06. Senior surgeon, White Cross Hosp., Columbus; chief Surgical Dept., U. S. Veterans Hosp., Chillicothe, Ohio. (9 But- tles Ave., Columbus, Ohio) M40. X. Dunn, Dr. Cecil G(ordon). Ph.D.. Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 34. Asst. prof, indus- trial biology, Massachusetts Inst. Tech.. Cambridge, Mass. (15 Blake St., Belmont, Mass.) M38. NGC. Dunn, Prof. Fannie W(yche). A.M., Co- lumbia. 17; Ph.D., 20. Prof, education. Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., Xew York, X. Y. M-2F34. IQ- Dunn, Dr. F(rank) L(owell). M.D.. Har- vard. 24; M.A., Nebraska, 30. Univ. Ne- braska Col. Med., Omaha, Xebr. M20 F33. BCN. Dunn, Gano. M.S.. Col. City Xew York ij7. Columbia, 14; D.Sc, Columbia, 38, Rutgers, 38. Pres., J. G. White Engng. Corp., 80 Broad St.; pres., Cooper Union Advancement Science. New York, N. Y. M01F16L1Q. BFD. Dunn, Dr. Halbert L(ouis). M.A.. M.D.. Ph.D.. Minnesota. Chief. Div. Vital Sta- tistics, I*. S. Bur. Census, Washington, D. C. M40. KX. Dunn, Henry E. 28 E. 70th St., Xew York, X. Y. M18L31. P. Dunn, Dr. Hugh K(enneth). Ph.D.. Cali- fornia Inst. Tech.. 25. Physicist, Bell Tele- phone Labs.. Xew York, X. Y. (Country- side Drive, Murray Hill. X. l.i M25F31. BD. Dunn, Miss lone Henderson. Asheville Normal and Teachers Col.. Asheville, X. Car. (?i M34R35. [Q. Dunn, J. Jay. 200 Fountain Ave., Ell- wood City. Pa. M25R32. M. Dunn, Prof. J(ohn) Shaw. M.A.. M.D.. Glasgow, 12. Prof, pathology. Univ. Glas- gow; pathologist, Western Infirmary. Glasgow, Scotland. (Bute Gardens) M36. N. Dunn, Mr. Joseph. Ph.D., Yale, 98. Prof. Celtic. Catholic Univ, Amer., Washing- ton, D. C. (206 Park St.. Xew Haven. Conn.) M28F32. L. Dunn. Dr. J(oseph) A(very). M.A.. Co- lumbia, 26: Ph.D.. Minnesota. 28. Dir. baking' rrs.. Lever Brqs. Co., Cambridge. Mass. lion Atwood Vve., Newtonville, Mass.) M29F33. C< ). Dunn, Lawrence H(enry). Ovid. X. Y. M33F33R35. NFG. Dunn, Prof. L(eslie) C(larence). M.Sc, Harvard. 17; Sc.D.. 20. Prof, zoology, Co- lumbia Univ.. Xew York, X. Y. M21F23. F. Dunn. Dr. Mann S(henoard). A.M.. Penn- sylvania, 21: M.Sc; Ph.D.. 26. Philadel- phia Col. Pharmacy and Science. Phila- delphia, Pa. M30. GF. I NDI\ 11)1 Al. M KM BERS P5 Dunn, Matthew A. Member Congress. House Office Bldg., Washington, D. C. M39- Dunn, Milton Sidney. M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 37. Med. student, St. Louis Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (160 Rosemont St., Albany, N. Y.) M38. FN. Dunn, Paul H. State College, Miss. M31- F3.3R3S. HFC- Dunn, Dr. Stuart. M.S., Iowa State, 25; Ph.D., Minnesota, 31; Asst. prof, botany, Univ. New Hampshire; asst. botanist. New Hampshire Agric. Exp. Sta., Dur- ham, N. H. M25F31. GCO. Dunn, Dr. W(illiam) LeRoy. M.A., Vir- ginia, 22 ; M.D., 26. 1 1 50 Connecticut Ave. \\Y.. Washington, D. C. (1028 38th St. \\V.) M39. N. Dunnam, E(rastus) W(aldon). M.S., Iowa State, 23; Ph.D., 31. Delta Exp. Sta., Stoneville, Miss. M28F33. F. Dunne, Rev. Frederic M. Abbot, Abbey Gethsemani, Trappist, Ky. M37. D. Dunnewald, Prof. T(heodore) J(ohn). M.S., Wisconsin, 12. Assoc, soils investi- gation, Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. (401 S. 15th St.) M40F40. OF. Dunnican, J. F. M11D36. C. Dunning, Abram Beemer. LL.B., Jones, 35. Engineer, Tennessee, Coal, Iron and Ry. Co., Birmingham, Ala. M37. MOB. Dunning, H. A. B. 4215 Greemvay, Guil- ford, Baltimore. Md. M1SF33. NO. Dunning, Dr. (J. H.) Fitzgerald. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Sec.-treas., Hynson, Westcott and Dunning, Inc., Baltimore, Md. M28F33. CX. Dunning, Prof. John R(ay). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 34. Assoc, prof, physics, Columbia Univ., New York, X. V. (29 Claremont Ave.) M33F38. BM. Dunning, Dr. Wilhelmina F(rances). Ph.D., Columbia, 32. Assoc, cancer res., Columbia Univ. Inst. Cancer Res., New Yorkj X. Y M31. FUN. Dunning, Dr. William B. 140 E. 80th St., New York. X. Y. M29. X. Dunnington, Prof. F(rancis) P(erry). M.E., Virginia, 72. Retired prof., Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. (1567 W. Main St., University, Va.) M31F80E37. CE. duNoiiy, Dr. P(ierre) (Lecomte). D.Sc. Paris, 17. Dir. lab. molecular biology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Faculty Sciences, Sorbonne, Paris, France. (158 rue de Gren- elle) M27F28. BCX. Dunscombe, George E(lsworth). Waldorf Astoria Towers. New York, X. Y. M06- L07. Dunstan, Gilbert H. Univ. Southern Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. M28R3-P MB. Dunwoody, J(esse) R(obinson). Ph.C, Purdue, 10. City chemist, Dept. Public Health. Indianapolis, Ind. M28. C. du Pont, Alfred I. M08D35. du Pont, Bidermann Thomas. U.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 27. Mgr. Cast Prod- ucts Div., National Radiator Co., Johns- town. Pa. M33. MKC. Dupont, F(rancis) M(ichael). Blatz Brew- ing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (?) M37. CGI'.. du Pont, Irenee. M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 08. du Pont Bldg., Wilmington, Del. Mil. P. du Pont, Pierre S(amuel). LL.D., Lafay- ette, 22, Delaware, 22. Chairman board, E. 1. du Pont de Xemours and Co., Wil- mington, Del. M06. P. Du Porte, Dr. E. Melville. Macdonald College, One., Canada. M40F21. FNO. DuPriest, Prof. John R(andolph). M.E., M.M.E., Cornell. Prof, mechanical engng. and head Dept., Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. M34F34. MQB. Duque de Estrada, Estaban. Calabazar, Habana. Cuba. M17R32. M. Durand, Jules Armand. 52 Rue de Alsace Lorraine, Toulouse, Haute, Garonne, France. M36R36. E. Durand, Dr. W(illiam) F(rederick). Ph.D., Lafayette, 88; LL.D., California, 23, Utah. 27; D.Eng., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 38. Prof, emeritus mechanical engng., Stanford University, Calif. M88F90L31. BDM. President of Pacific Division, 1933. Duran-Reynals, Prof. F(rancisco). M.D., Barcelona, 24. Res. prof., Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M30. NGH. Durant, Edward. 78 E. 10th St., New York, X. Y. M25R33. DBC. Durbin, Dr. Frank M(arshall). M.S., Ph.D., Chicago. 824 Jefferson St., Still- water, Okla. (M32R32)M39F40. B. Durell, Dr. Fletcher. Ph.D., Princeton, 87. Teacher emeritus, Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville. X. T. (Belleplain. X. J.) M17F33. A. Durfee, Charles Henry. Ph.D.. Yale, 17. Vienna. Dir.. Rockv Meadows Farm, Wakefield, R. 1. M38. IQ. Durfee, Dr. Raphael B. P.O. Box m<>.;. Bisbee, Ariz. M 18R32. X. Durfee, Thomas. Applied Res. Labs., Day- ton, X. J. M39. NC. Durfee, Walter C(haloner). 8 Parley Vale St., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. M30R3Q. PLK. Durfee, Walter H(etherington). M.C.E., Harvard, 11 ; Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Dean and prof, mathematics, Hobart Col., Geneva. X. Y. (645 Main St.) M31F38. A. 406 Directory of Members Durham, Prof. George B(enjamin). M.S., Connecticut, 21. Asst. prof, horticulture, Rhode Island State Col., Kingston, R. I. M23F33. FG. Durham, Col. Henry Welles. E.C., Colum- bia, 95. Mgr., R. W. Hebard and Co., Inc., Coronel Martinez 290, Asuncion, Par- aguay, S. A. (Sandwich, Mass.) M25- F31. M. Durham, O(ren) C. Chief botanist, Ab- bott Labs., North Chicago, 111. (629 Judge St., Waukegan, 111.) M36. GND. Durkee, Prof. Frank W. M07F10D39. C. Durkee, Prof. P(earl) W(hitfield). 1137 E. River St., El Paso, Tex. M33F33R34. BM. Durlach, Mrs. Theresa Mayer. A.M., Co- lumbia, 12; Ph.D., 23. 875 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M25. HKI. Durnan, Walter T(homas). Ed.M., Boston Col. no Bonad Road, Chestnut Hill, Mass. M39. BCF. Durrant, Prof. E(dwin) P(oe). M.A., Ohio State, 08; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, emeritus physiology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio, (in Fallis Road) MioF33- FN. Durreil, Dr. Donald D. A.M., Iowa; Ed.M., Ed.D., Harvard. 17 Colburn Road, Welles- ley Hills, Mass. M39F40. QI. Durreil, Harold Clarke. A.B., Harvard, 06. Editor, New England Historic Genealogi- cal Society, Boston, Mass. (Kennebunk- port, Maine) M30. EL. Durreil, L(aurence) W(ood). Dept. Bot- any, Colorado Agric. Col., Fort Collins, Colo. M30F31R33. G. Durrett, J(ames) J(ohnson). U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D. C. M34F34R35. N. Durst, Fred M. M.A., California, 15. Route 2, Healdsburg, Calif. Mi 4. QEO. Durward, Arthur. A.M., Harvard, 97. 564 W. 10th St., Claremont, Calif. M08F16. B. Duryee, Dr. William R(ankin). Ph.D., Yale, 2,2. Visiting asst. prof, biology, New York Univ., Washington Square Col., New- York, N. Y. (M28R3S)M37. F. Duschak, Dr. L(ionel) H(erman). M.A., Ph.D., Princeton, 08. Prof, metallurgy, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (86 Tamalpais Road) M28F29. MC. Dusham, Dr. E(dward) H(enry). M.S., Pennsylvania State, 15; Ph.D., Cornell, 24. Prof, entomology and head Dept. Zool- ogy and Entomology, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (607 N. Burrowes St.) M17F26. F. DuShane, Dr. Graham P(hillips). Ph.D., Yale, 34. Instr. zoology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M39. F. Dushman, Dr. Saul. Ph.D., Toronto, n. Asst. dir. res. lab., General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. M18F21. BC. Dushman, Sidney. M.S., Brooklyn Poly- technic Inst. 1725 Morris Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M39. CGI. Dusser de Barenne, Prof. Joannes Gre- gorius. M.D., Amsterdam, 09; M.A., Yale, 30. Prof, physiology, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. (193 E. Rock Road) M3iF33- NI. Dustman, Dr. Robert B(arclay). M.S., Chicago, 23; Ph.D., 24. Head Dept. Agric. Chemistry, West Virginia Univ.; chemist, West Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Morgan- town, W. Va. M24F25. COG. Dutcher, Dr. James Dean. M.S., Denver, 35; Ph.D., Columbia, 39. Fellow, Dept. Chemistry, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M38. CN. Dutcher, Prof. R(aymond) Adams. M.S., South Dakota State, 10; M.A., Missouri, 12; D.Sc, Puerto Rico, 36. Head Dept. Agric. Biochemistry, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (254 E. Hamilton Ave.) M17F25. C. Dutton, Prof. H(enry) P(ost). B.E.E., Michigan, 14. Dean Evening Div., chair- man Dept. Social Sciences, and prof, busi- ness management, Armour Inst. Tech.; prof, factory management, Northwestern Univ., Chicago, 111. (2242 Pioneer Road, Evanston, 111.) M40. KMQ. Dutton, Rev. Robert Lee. A.B., Harvard, 30. Minister, Congregational Church, Holden, Mass. M39. KIQ. Duval, Hugh (Higgins). M31D36. GF. Duval d'Adrian, Dr. A. L. 901 S. 18th St., St. Louis, Mo. M39. C. Duvall, Charles R(aymond). 632 D St. NE., Washington, D. C. M13F15R35. AB. Duvel, Dr. Joseph W(illiam) T(ell). D.Sc, Michigan, 02. Chief, U. S. Commodity Ex- change Administration, Washington, D. C. (1225 Decatur St.) M99F05. OG. du Vigneaud, Prof. Vincent. M.S., Illinois, 24; Ph.D., Rochester, 27. Prof, biochemis- try, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York. N. Y. M31F33. NC. Secretary of Section on Medical Sciences (N ), 1935-36. Duwez, Dr. Pol E(dgard). D.Sc, Mons, 32, Bruxelles, 33. Dir., Lab. National des Silicates, Mons, Belgium. (42 rue du Cen- tenaire) M36F38. B. Dvornikoff, Michael N. 3539 Lawn Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M27. C. Dwight, Prof. Charles A. S. P.O. Box 216, Oak Bluffs, Mass. M32R35. IQ. Dwight, Prof. H(erbert) B(ristol). Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M34F34R34. M. Dworkin, Dr. Simon. Dept. Physiology, McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada. M34F34R35. N. Individual Members 407 Dwyer, Herbert A. M.Ed., Cincinnati. 040 Harvard Blvd., Dayton, Ohio. M39. III. Dwyer, Prof. Paul S(umner). A.M., Penn- sylvania State, 23 ; Ph.D., Michigan, 36. Asst. prof, mathematics and res. asst. edu- cational investigation, Univ. Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich. (2509 James St.) M34- I'.u- AKQ. Dybwad, Peter F(rederik). 828 Rose St., Seattle, Wash. M25. NT. Dye, Prof. Daniel S. Union Univ., Chengtu, West China. M28. BH. Dye, George H(ilts). B.S., Brooklyn Poly- technic Inst., 32. Chemist, Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc., Chicago, 111. (815 S. Spring Ave., La Grange, 111.) M39. C. Dye, Dr. H(arry) W(ilmer). M.S. A., Cor- nell, 16; Ph.D., 19. Plant pathologist, Ni- agara Sprayer and Chemical Co., Inc., Middleport, N. Y. M18F31. G. Dye, Prof. Joseph A(lma). Ph.D., Cornell, 25. Asst. prof, phvsiologv, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (325 Dryden Road) M28- I\33- N. Dye, Dr. Leaman A(ndrew). A.M., Rochester, 25; Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Asst. prof, mathematics, The Citadel, Charles- ton, S. Car. M29F33. A. Dye, Marie. M.S., Chicago, 17; Ph.D., 22. Dean Div. Home Economics and prof, nutrition, Michigan State Col., East Lans- ing, Mich. (343 Park Lane) M21F32. CN. Dyer, Miss Elizabeth. A.M., Mt. Holyoke, 29; Ph.D., Yale, 31. Instr. chemistry, Women's Col., Univ. Delaware, Newark, Del. M3CF35. C- Dyer, Dr. Frank M. M.D., Cornell. 51 Main St., Binghamton, X. Y. M36. KNL. Dyer, Dr. Helen M(arie). M.S.. Ph.D., George Washington. 201-F Tilden Gar- dens, 3900 Connecticul Ave. \"\\ .. Wash- ington, I). C M37F38. NC. Dyer, Dr. R(olla) Eugene. M.D.. Texas, 15; LL.D., Kenyon, 32. Asst. dir. and chief Div. Infectious Diseases, National Inst. Health. Washington, D. C. M31F33. NFH. Dyke, R(ay) A(rthur). Senior meteorolo- gist, U. S. Weather Bur., New Orleans, La. (616 Fern St.) M36F38. B. Dyme, Dr. Harry Chaim. Ph.D., Iowa State, 39. Kraft Cheese Co., Jersey Citv, N. J. M40. CNA. Dymond, Prof. J(ohn) R(ichardson). M.A., Toronto, 20. Prof, systematic zoology, Univ. Toronto; dir. Royal Ontario Mus. Zoology, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M12- F32. F. Dynes, Dr. John Joseph. P.O. Box 753, Gunnison, Colo. M36R36. QIL. Dyrenforth, Dr. Lucien Y. 3885 St. Johns Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. M35R35. NCM. Dysart, Miss Bonnie K. M.A., Texas, 27. Assoc, prof., Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. M37. IQ. Dysart, Paul M(oore). B.S., Washington and Jefferson, 04. 102 W. Waldheim Road, Pittsburgh, Pa. M07F16. BMQ. D'Zmura, Dr. Andrew P(eter). M.D., Pittsburgh, 12. 121 University Place, Pitts- burgh, Pa. M17F33. N. E Eadie, Dr. G(eorge) S(harp). M.A., To- ronto, 23; Ph.D., Cambridge, 27. Prof. physiology and pharmacology, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M3SF3S- Np. Eager, E. W. 77 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M29R34. Eager, Miss Grace. M.A., Johns Hopkins, 27. Scientific artist, Mus. Zoology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M28. FG. Eagle, Dr. Harry. 3400 Gulley Road, Balti- more, Md. M37R38. CN. Eagle, I. Orval. M.S., Illinois, 25. Chemist, dvestuffs and chemicals, 2301 N. nth St.. St. Louis. Mo. (5709 S. Broadway) M39. CBN. Eagle, Roy D(elos). 614 N. Bright Ave., Whittier, Calif. M32R32. NBC. Eagleson, Halson V(ashon). A.M.. In- diana, 31. 240 Chestnut St. S\\\, Atlanta, Ga. M38. BA. Eagleson, Oran W(endle). A.M., Indiana, 32; Ph.D., 35. Instr. psychology, Spelman College, Atlanta, Ga. M38. IK. Eakin, Dr. Richard M(arshall). Ph.D., California, 35. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M38. FN. Eames, Prof. Arthur J(ohnson). A.M., Harvard, 10; Ph.D., 12. Prof, botany, Cor- nell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (634 Highland Road) M22F26. G. Eames, Charles H(olmes). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 97. Pres., Lowell Tex- tile Inst., Lowell, Mass. (Blanchard Ave., Billerica, Mass.) M16. ABC. Eames, Fred(erick) M(arshall). State Dept. Public Works. Albany, N. Y. M29- R34. BLG. Eardley, Walter H(azen). M19F33D39. M EC. Eargle, D(olan) Hoye. A.B., South Caro- lina, 26. Assoc, conservationist, Climatic and Physiographic Div., U. S. Soil Con- servation Service, Spartanburg, S. Car. M40F40. EOG. Earl, Dr. R(ollo) O(thwell). M.Sc, Chi- cago, 23; Ph.D., 26. Prof, biology, Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., Canada. M27F27. G. 4o8 Directory of Members Earl, Dr. Warren B(ecker). D.V.M., George Washington, 12. Dir., Div. Animal Industry, State Dept. Agric, Reno, Ne- vada. M27. N. Earle, Dr. Bay lis H(aynesworth). M.D., South Carolina, 92. P. O. Drawer 2177, Greenville, S. Car. M08. N. Earle, Dr. Clarence A(rthur). M17D38. N. Earle, E. A. P. O. Box 27, South Park Station, Buffalo, N. Y. M30R33. MF. Earle, Prof. Frances M. M.A., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., George Washington, 29. Asst. prof, geography, Univ. Washington, Seat- tle, Wash. M34F34. E. Earle, Dr. I(mogene) P(helps). M.S., Vanderbilt, 28; Ph.D., 29. National Agric. Res. Center, Beltsville, Md. M39F40. CNO. Earle, Miss Mabel L(avinia). A.B., Rad- cliffe, 96. 27 Deer Cove St., Lynn, Mass. M32. FNH. Earle, Prof. Marshall D(elph). M18F33- D34. A. Earle, Dr. Ralph. M28F28D39. M. Earle, Dr. S(amuel) B(roadus). A.M., Furman, 99; L.L.D., 32; M.E., Cornell, 02. Dean School Engng. and dir. Engng. Exp. Sta., Clemson Agric. Col., Clemson, S. Car. M34F34. M. Earle, Dr. T(homas) T(heron). Ph.D., Minnesota. Instr., Dept. Biology, New- comb Col., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M37F40. G. Earle, Dr. Walter C(larence). M.D., Rush, 20. Dir., Champaign-Urbana Public Health District, 307 S. Wright St., Champaign, 111. M28F35. FN. Earle, Dr. Wilton R(obinson). M.S., North Carolina, 24; Ph.D., Vanderbilt, 28. Cytoiogist, Nat. Cancer Inst., Bethesda, Md. M39. FN. Earp, Dr. J(ohn) Rosslyn. Dr.P.H., Johns Hopkins, 26. Med. editor, New York State Dept. Health, Albany, N. Y. (29 Darroch Road, Delmar, N. Y.) M25F33. NKQ. Easby, Dr. Mary H. M.D., Pittsburgh. 2123 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. M36. N. Easby-Smith, Mother M. Mildred. A.M., Fordham, 21; Ph.D., 23; M.S., Catholic, 37. Prof, biology, Rosemont Col., Rose- mont, Pa. M37. FIH. Easley, Lefflette Teed. Georgetown, S. Car. M32R32. MG. Easlick, Dr. Kenneth A(lexander). D.D.S., Michigan, 28; M.A., 36. Asst. prof, opera- tive dentistry and director children's clinic, Univ. Michigan School Dentistry, Ann Arbor, Mich. M40. Nd. East, Dr. Edward Murray. M06F11D38. FGO. East, Wendell L(ee). 522 N. Church St., Rockford, 111. M33R34. KHI. Easter, J. Blair. 406 Avon Drive, Mount Lebanon, Pittsburgh, Pa. M35R37. KI. Eastham, Melville. Pres., General Radio Co., Cambridge, Mass. (8 Gravgardens) M25F25. BMD. Eastman, Dr. Irene. P. O. Box 366, Brain- erd, Minn. (?) M38R39. CAB. Eastman, Dr. Nicholson J(oseph). in Witherspoon Road, Homeland, Baltimore, Md. M37R37. N. Easton, Mildred W. (Mrs. C. A. Easton). 307 N. Coler Ave., Urbana, 111. M37R37. KQI. Eastwood, Miss Alice. Curator botany, California Acad. Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Calif. M01F01. G. Eastwood, Sidney K(ingnan). 301 S. Winebiddle Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. M29- R35. GFE. Eaton, Dr. A(lonzo) G(uy). M.A., West Virginia, 28 ; Ph.D., Rochester, 32. Asst. prof, physiology, Louisiana State Univ. Med. Center, New Orleans, La. (912 Fern St.) M31F33. N. Eaton, Charles B(radford). B.S.F., New York State College Forestry, 34. Junior en- tomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Univ. California, Berke- ley, Calif. M39F40. FO. Eaton, David W. Oak Grove, Va. M30- R34. M. Eaton, Prof. E(lon) H(oward). M02F06- D34. FG. Eaton, Dr. Frank M (orris). Ph.D., Minne- sota, 26. Senior physiologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Riverside, Calif. M24F25. G. Eaton, Dr. George F(rancis). Ph.D., Yale, 98. Sec, Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sciences, New Haven, Conn. M04F06. F. Eaton, Dr. Harry N(elson). A.M., Har- vard, 06; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 12. 101 Corn- stock Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. M06F11. E. Eaton, Herbert N(elson). A.M., Johns Hopkins, 23. Chief, Hydraulic Lab. Sec- tion, Nat, Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (3 E. Inverness Driveway, Chevy Chase, Md.) M25F33. MB. Eaton, Dr. Orson N(orthrop). M.S.. Mary- land, 23; Ph.D., 35. Geneticist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Beltsville, Md. ( 19 Clagett Road, University Park, Hvattsville, Md.) M34- F34. FG. Eaton, Dr. Paul. M34F34D38. N. Eaton, Dr. Scott V(erne). S.M., Chicago, 13; Ph.D., 20. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M19F21. G. Eaton, Dr. Theodore H(ildreth), Jr. Ph.D., California, 33. Instr. biology, Union Col., Schenectady, N. Y. M33. F. Eaton, Dr. Vernet E(ller). M.A., Indiana, 24; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, physics, Wes- leyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. M25- F33. B. Individual Members 409 Eavenson, Howard N(icholas). C.E., Swarthmore, 95; Dr.Eng., Pittsburgh, 28. Head, Eavenson, Alford and Auchmuty, Pittsburgh; pres., Clover Splint Coal Co., Pittsburgh; vice president, Boone County Coal Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. (441 1 Bavard St., Pittsburgh, Pa.) MiS. M. Eavey, Dr. Charles Benton. A.M., Taylor, 22; Ph.D., New York, 31. Chairman, Dept. Education and Psvchology, Wheaton Col., Wheaton, 111. M30. IQ. Eavey, J. Carter. Route 1, Lewis, Ind. M31R34. CAB. Ebaugh, Frank W. B.E., Tulane, 23. Chemical engineer, 428 Patton Court, Jacksonville, Tex. M39. CMO. Ebaugh, Dr. Franklin G(essford). M.D.. Johns Hopkins, 19. Dir., Colorado Psy- chopathic Hosp., Denver; prof, psychiatry, Univ. Colorado School Med., Denver; dir., Div. Psychiatric Education, National Committee Mental Hvgiene, 50 W. 50th St., New York, N. Y. M34F34. IN. Ebaugh, Irvin A. Ch.E., Tulane. Technolo- gist, Arkansas Fuel Oil Co., Shreveport, La. (613 Stoner Ave.) M40. CMO. Ebaugh, Dr. W(illiam) C(larence). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 01. Prof, chemistry, Deni- son Univ., Granville, Ohio. M04F06. CQM. Ebbs, Miss Jane Cotton. M.S., Rhode Island State Col. Rhode Island State Col., Kingston, R. I. M39. NFL Ebbutt, Frank. Geologist, Howe Sound Co., New York, N. Y. (173 Glenrose Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada) M28. EMH. Ebeling, Dr. Albert Henry. M.D., New York, 19. Lederle Labs., Inc., Pearl River, New York, N. Y. (Viola Road, Sufferu, N. Y.) M34F34. X- Ebeling, Dr. Walter. Ph.D.. California, 36. Asst. entomologist, Univ. California Cit- rus Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. M36. F. Eberbach, John F. M36D— . C. Eberhard, Dr. H(arry) M(artin). M.D. 370 N. Bowman Ave., Merion, Pa. M39. N. Eberhart, Dr. C(laude) Milton. M.D., Xorthwestern, 37. District Health Officer, Illinois Dept. Public Health, Highland, 111. (Trenton Road) M40. X. Eberle, Eugene G(ustave). A.M.. Baylor. 10; Ph.M., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science. 15. Editor emeritus, Journal \mer. Pharmaceutical Assn.. 221s Con- stitution Ave., Washington, D. C. M12- F33. CN. Eberlin, Leon W. 360 Lake View Park, Rochester, N. Y. M27R34. C. Eberman, Josenh Will;am. P. O. Box 182, Gatun, Canal Zone. M38. MA. Eberson, Dr. Frederick. M.S.. Iowa State, is; M.A.. Columbia. 16; Ph.D., 18: M.D., Minnesota, 24. Pathologist, medical officer and chief Lab. Service, U. S. Veterans Administration Facility, Alexandria, La. M18F31. NFC. Ebert, H. C. 8024 Jackson St., Philadel- phia, Pa. M33R3/. C. Ebert, Joseph. 135 S. nth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. M29. CN. Eby, Dr. J(ames) Brian. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 22. Consulting geologist, 906 Sterling Bldg., Houston, Tex. M27F27. E. Eby, Prof. S(amuel) L. Ph.D., Yale. 13. 201 Greendale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. M31F32. QI. Eccles, Dr. Robert G(ibson). M82F94- D34. CFN. Echols, Col. Charles P(atton). B.S., U. S. Military Academy, 91. 46 Lydecker St., Englewood, N. J. M07F14. ABQ. Echterbecker, Prof. Charles F(rederick). M34F34D38. IQ. Eckart, Carl (Henry). M.S., Washington Univ., 23; Ph.D., Princeton, 25. Assoc, prof, physics, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5801 Dorchester Ave.) M34F34. BAD. Eckart, Charles F(ranklin). M03F11D34. CO. Eckel, Dr. John L. M34F34D35- N. Ecker, Dr. Enrique E. Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Assoc, prof, immunology, Western Re- serve Univ. School Med., Cleveland; im- munologist and bacteriologist, University Hosps. and City Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. (338/ Superior Park Drive, Cleveland Heights) M34F34. N. Eckerman, Arthur C(harles). M.A., Bay- lor, 39. Consulting psychologist, 5277 El- lenwood Drive, Eagle Rock, Calif. M40. IN. Eckerson, Dr. Sophia Hennion. A.M., Smith, 07; Ph.D.. Chicago, 11. Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers, X. Y. M10F15. G. Eckford, Dr. Martha Oliver. M25F33D38. XIQ. Eckhard, George F(rederick). C.E.. Iowa, 10. Dean, Univ. Vermont Col. Engng., Burlington, Vt. M34F34. M. Eckhardt, Dr. E(ngelhardt) A(ugust). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 12. Asst. dir. and staff geophysicist, Gulf Research and De- velopment Co., Pittsburgh. Pa. (1520 Shady Ave.) M14F16. B. Eskstein, Dr. Gustav. D.D.S., Cincinnati, 11; M.D.. 24; L.H.D., Hamilton. 30. Assoc. prof, physiology, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med.. Cincinnati. Ohio. M40. NFH. Eddins, Dr. A(uther) Hfamner). A.M.. Missouri, 26; Ph.D., Iowa State. 28. Plant pathologist, Univ. Florida Agric. Exp. Sta., Gainesville. Fla. (Hastings, Fla.) M30F32. O. 4io Directory of Members Eddiscn, W(illiam) Barton. M.E., Colum- bia, 12. Consulting mechanical engineer, Ardsley, N. Y. M25. M. Edds, Dr. Jess H(obart). M.A., George Peabody, 28; Ph.D.. 30. Prof, psychology, Lincoln Memorial Univ., Harrogate, Tenn. M34F34. I- Eddy, Dr. Bernice E(laine). M.S., Cincin- nati, 25; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, bacteriologist, Div. Biologies, Nat. Inst. Health. U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. M36. NCF. Eddy, (Charles) Brayton. Ph.B.. Brown, 21. Administrator, Office Entomology and Plant Industry, State Rhode Island, Prov- idence, R. I. (52 Taber Ave.) M38. FQO. Eddy, Prof. C(larence) L(eroy). C.E., Illinois, 00. Prof, engng. administration, Case School Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. M11F15. M. Eddy, C(lifford) O(tis). M.S., Ohio State, 23; Ph.D., 20. Entomologist, Agric. Cen- ter, Louisiana Exp. Sta., University, La. M22F33. F. Eddy, Corbin T(heodore). M.S.. Michi- gan Col. Mining and Tech., 27. Michigan Col. Mining and Tech., Houghton, Mich. M32F33. BM. Eddy, Prof. G(eorge) Norman. M.A., New Hampshire, 30; M.Ed., Springfield, 34. Head. Dept. Sociology, Amer. Interna- tional College, Springfield, Mass. (744 State St.) M32. KHI. Eddy, Dr. Howard C. 2500 Charnev Road, South Euclid, Ohio. M3iR35- NHC. Eddy, Lloyd Champlin. M.E., Cornell, 10. \uthor, engineer and inventor, Riverside, R. I. M17. M. Eddy. Prof. Milton Walker. M.S., North- western, 12. 240 W. Louther St., Carlisle, Pa. M10F33. FG. Eddy, Dr. Nathan Browne. M.D., Cornell, 11. Principal pharmacologist, Nat. Inst. Health, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. (3041 Sedgwick Street) M31F33. Np. Eddy, Samuel. Dept. Zoology, Univ. Min- nesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M30R32. F. Eddy, Dr. Walter H(ollis). A.M., Colum- bia, 08: Ph.D., 00. Prof physiological chemistry, Columbia Univ. Teacher Col.. New York; director, Good Housekeeping Bureau, "Good Housekeeping," New York, X. Y. M08F16, CFN. Edeburn. Ralph M. 1015 Second St., Beaver, Pa. M35R39. FG. Edel, Dr. Albert E. Ph.D., Berlin, 99; Phar.D., Unj., 10. County toxicologist, Chief Med. Examiner's Office, Essex County; consulting toxicologist, State Dept. Labor and Newark City Hosp., Newark. X. I. (10 Hill St.) (M24R32)- M36. C. Edeler, August. A.M., Cincinnati. Chemis- try Div., Procter and Gamble Co., Ivorv- dale, Ohio. M38. CBA. Edelman, Edward E. 1 56 W. 55th St., New York, N. Y. M36R36. IKX. Eder, Phanor J(ames). LL.B., Harvard, 03. Partner, Hardin. Hess and Eder, 74 Trinity Place, New York. N. Y. (29 Wash- ington Square) M25. Edgar, Alfred D(ouglas). B.S., Kansas State, 25. Agric. engineer, Div. Struc- tures, LT. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Scottsbluff, Nebr. M40. MOK. Edgar, Dr. D(onald) E(dwards). Ch.E.. Minnesota, 25; Ph.D., 27. Chemist, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. M39. CE. Edgar, Dr. Rachel (Hartman). Ph.D., Ohio State, 25. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M21. C. Edge, Dr. Elton R. M.A., Princeton, 29; Ph.D., Oregon, 31. Asst. prof, zoology, San Bernardino Valley Junior Col., San Ber- nardino, Calif. M34F34. FG. Edgecombe, Prof. A(lbert) E(dward). M.A., Queen's (Canada), 25: Ph.D., Chi- cago, 20. Assoc, prof, botany. Northwest- ern Univ., Evanston, 111. M30F31. G. Edgerton, Dr. C(laude) W(ilbur). Ph.D., Cornell, 08. Prof, and head Dept. Botany. Louisiana State Univ.: plant pathologist, Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta., University, La. M06F1 1. G. Edgerton, Dr. Harold A. M.A., Ohio State, 26; Ph.D., 28. Counselor, Col. Arts and Sciences, and asst. prof, psychology. Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OhJ-\ M27F32. IQA. Edgerton, Prof. William F(rantclin). Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Oriental Inst., Univ. Chicago. Chicago. 111. M31. LKH. Edgeworth, Miss Harriet. S.M., Chicago. 16; Ph.D., Columbia, 22. 213 N. Chicago Ave., Kankakee, 111. M18. CM. Edie, Dr. Lionel D. M.S.. LL.D., Colgate; Ph.D., Indiana. Pres., Lionel D. Edie and Co., Inc.. 20 Exchange Place, New York, N. Y. (M33R35)M4o. K. Edinger. Fred. Three Oaks, Mich. M39. HTK. Edington, Prof. Will(iam) E(dmund). A.M.. Illinois. ,9; Ph.D., 21. Dept. Mathe- matics. De Pauvi Univ., Greencastle. Ind. M13F33. ABD. Edison, Theodore M(iller). B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 23. Pres., Calibron Products, Inc., West Orange, N. J. (Llew- ellyn Park) M24L31F32. BAC. Edison, Mrs. Thos. A. (See Mrs. Mina M. Edison Hughes). Edlund, Dr. D(aniel) L(eonard). S.M., Sc.D.. Massachusetts Inst. Tech. 230 Bev- erly Road, Mt. Lebanon, Pa. M35. MBC. Individual Members 4' i Edmiston, R(obert) W(entz). M.A., Ohio State, 21 ; Ph.D., 29. Prof, education and dir. Extension, Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. (123 W. Walnut Street) M33. QIC. Edmond, Dr. J(oseph) B(ailey). M.S., Iowa State, J4 ; Ph.D., Maryland, 33. Assoc, prof, horticulture and assoc. horti- culturist, Clemson Agric. Col., Clemson, S. Car. M35F35. f>. Edmonds, Dr. Harry M(arcus) W(eston). All)., Hahnemann. 93. 1533 Bonita Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M13F23. BDK. Edmondson, Dr. C(harles) H(oward). M.S., Iowa, 04; Ph.D., 06. Prof, zoology, Univ. Hawaii; zoologist, Bishop Mus., Honolulu, Hawaii. M18F20. FG. Edmondson, Dr. C(larence) E(dmund). \.M., Indiana. 12; Ph.D.. 14. Prof, hy- giene and dean men, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. (618 Ballantine Road) M19F33. FN, Edmondson, Prof. T(homas) W(illiam). 141 Franklin A\e., Mount Vernon, \. Y. M34F34R35. A. Edmund, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Fdmund Speicher). Edmunds, Dr. Charles W(allis). M.D., Michigan, 01. Prof, materia medica and therapeutics, and chairman Dept., Univ. Michigan Med. School, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1619 Cambridge Road) M31). N. Edmundson, Dr. R(aymond) S(mith). M.S., Virginia, 30; Ph.D., Cornell, 35. Assoc, geologist, Virginia Geol. Survey, University, Va. M39. E. Edmundus, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Edmundus Stafford ) . Edney, Prof. J. M. M.S.. Iowa. State Teachers Col., Murfreesboro, Tenn. M38. FG. Edsall, Dr. Geoffrey. M.D., Harvard, 34- Asst. dir., Massachusetts Antitoxin and Vaccine Lab., Boston, Mass. (27 Chauncy St., Cambridge, Mass.) M40. N. Edson, Dr. H(oward) A(ustin). M.S., Ver- mont, 10; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 13. Patholo- gist charge mycology and disease survey, U S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (3810 4th St. NW.) M08F13. GC. Edward, Sister M. (See Sister M. Edward Pottebaum ) . Edward, Sister Michael (See Sister Mich- ael Edward O'Byrne). Edwarda, Sister Mary. M.A., Creighton, 25. Loretto Junior Col., Nerinx, Kv. (M26- R37)M39. CFG. Edwards, Dr. A(ustin) S(outhwick). M.A.. Minnesota. 10; Ph.D., Cornell, 12. Prof, psychology, Univ. Georgia, Athens, < .a. (Mi7F2iR.u)M.^Fji. [Q. Edwards, Miss Beatrice. MA. Denver. 820 Ronalds St., Iowa City, towa. M30. XL'. Edwards, Dr. Charles L(incoln). M00F00- 1)37- F. Edwards, Miss Charlotte. B.S., West Ten- nessee State Teachers Col. Student, Univ. Arkansas School Med.. Little Rock, Ark. (15 \Y. Harvard Ave., Orlando, Fla.) M40. NFC. Edwards, Prof. Davis. M.A., Wisconsin. Box 78, Faculty Exchange, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M37. LIQ. Edwards, Dr. Dayton J(ames). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 13. Asst. dean and assoc. prof, phvsiologv, Cornell Univ. Med. College, New York. X. Y. M11F27. FN. Edwards, Dr. E(dward) A(llen). 1571 Beacon St.. Brookline, Mass. M32R34- N. Edwards, Edwin Hugh. M28D39. FG. Edwards, F(rancis) R(ees). M.S., Ohio State, 21. Head, Dept. Animal Industry, Georgia Exp. Sta., Athens, Ga. (597 Mor- ton Ave.) M26F31. O. Edwards, George A(lfred). B.S., Tufts, 30. Graduate asst., Tufts Col., Medford, Mass. ( 120 Curtis St., Somerville, Mass.) M40. F. Edwards, Dr. George W. M.A., Columbia: Ph.D., 17. Prof, and chairman Dept. Eco- nomics, The City College, New York, X. Y. 1 Hawthorne Road. Hartsdale, X. Y.) M40. K. Edwards, Granville D(ennis). 280 E. 30th St.. Patersori, X. J. M30R35. L. Edwards, H(arold) T(homas). M29D37. ex. Edwards, Dr. Harry Elmo. M.A.. North- western, 26; Ph.D.. Indiana, 33. Prof, and head Dept. Education and dean College, Emmanuel Missionary Col., Berrien Springs, Mich. M35. QI. Edwards, Harry T(aylor). B.S., Massa- chusetts State, q6. Senior technologist. U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (2032 Belmont Road NW.) M21F24. GO. Edwards, Dr. Hiram W(heeler). Ph.D.. California, 11. Univ. California Los An- geles, Los Angeles, Calif. M24F31. B. Edwards, Dr. Ira. M.S., Rochester, 14; Ph.D., George Washington, 30. Dir., Pub- lic Mus., Milwaukee. Wis. (2651 X. 60th St.) (M2iF3iR33)M38F3i. E. Edwards, Dr. J(ohn) Graham. M.A.. Vir- ginia, Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins, 21. \>st. prof, anatomy, Univ. Buffalo School Med.. Buffalo, X. Y. M27F33. X. Edwards, Dr. John K(eith). Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 36. Prof, biology, Sioux Falls College, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. M39. G. 412 Directory of Members Edwards, Dr. Leonard Wright. 312 Doc- tors' B.dg., Nashville, Tenn. M36R37. N. Edwards, Dr. Linden F(orest). M.S., Ohio State, 23; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (1625 Cardiff Road) M38F38. NF. Edwards, Dr. Llewellyn N(athaniel). C.E., Maine, 01 ; D.Eng., 27. Senior highway bridge engineer, U. S. Public Roads Ad- ministration, Federal Works Agency, Washington, D. C. (Conduit Road, Glen Echo, Md.) M29F29. MEQ. Edwards, Dr. M(erwin) G(uy). M.A., Wis- consin, 13; Ph.D., California, 23. Mgr., Los Angeles Basin Division, Shell Oil Co., Inc., Long Beach, Calif. M36F36. EM. Edwards, Paul G(riffith). Room 2021, 195 Broadwav, New York, N. Y. M24R34. MBA. Edwards, Dr. Preston (H.). M.A., Virginia, 00; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 10. Prof, physics, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Va. M29F31. BD. Edwards, Prof. R(ay) L(ee). M.A., Ohio State, 11; Ph.D., Iowa, 25. Prof, physics, Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. (22 Talla- wanda Road) M27F31. B. Edwards, Mrs. W. H. Uchgez, Petrovka 5, Moscow, U.S.S.R. M32R34. Edwards, Warrick R(igeley). B.E., Wash- ington Univ., 88. 2133 Bolton St., Balti- more, Md. M25. M. Edwards, Willard H. N. K. P. Polptechni- cal Inst., Lubvanske Provezd., Moscow, U.S.S.R. M35R35. Effinger, W(illiam) L. 1890 Arch St., Berkeley, Calif. M32R32. EF. Egbert, Dr. Seneca. 200 E. Beech Tree Lane, Wayne, Pa. M25F33R33. NK. Egeberg, Birger. M.E., Christiania, 12; Dr.Ing., Aachen, 14. International Silver Co., Meriden, Conn. M36. MCB. Egerton, John B(ernard). 333 E. 20th St., Baltimore, Md. M08F33R39. G. Eggers, Dr. Carl (August Frederick). 850 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M25R34. N. Eggers, Dr. H(arold) E(verett). M.A., Wisconsin, 05; M.D., Rush, 09. Prof, pa- thology and bacteriology, Univ. Nebraska Col. Med., Omaha, Nebr. (303 S. 51st Ave.) M34F34. N. Eggerth, Dr. Arnold H(enry). M.A., Mich- igan, 16; Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Assoc, prof., Long Island Col. Med., Brooklvn, N. Y. (335 Henry St.) M31F33. NC. Eggler, Dr. Willis A. M.S., Minnesota, 36; Ph.D.. 39. Instr. biology and geology, Gogebic Junior College, Ironwood, Mich. M40. GE. Eggleston, Dr. Cary. M.D., Cornell, 07. Asst. prof, clinical medicine, Cornell Univ. Med. Col.; consulting physician, New York Infirmary Women and Children; visiting physician, Second Div. Bellevue Hosp.; assoc. visiting physician, New York Hosp.; consulting cardiologist, Willard-Parker Hosp., New York, N. Y. (215 E. 72nd St.) M17F21. N. Eggleston, Prof. H(arla) Ray. Marietta Col., Marietta, Ohio. M17F21R32. F. Eggleston, Dr. Julius W(ooster). A.M., Harvard, 01 ; Ph.D., 24. Head, Dept. Geol- ogy and Mineralogy, Junior College, Riverside, Calif. (20 Copperas Hill, Cut- tingsville, Vt.) M24F25. EF. Eggleston, Sister Mary Frederick. M.A., Notre Dame, 24; Ph.D., 34. Dean, St. Mary's Col., Notre Dame, Holv Cross, Ind. M38. IQ. Eggleton, Prof. Frank E(gbert). A.M.. Michigan; 23; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, prof, zool- ogy, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor; assoc. prof, zoology, Univ. Michigan Biol. Sta., Cheboygan, Mich. (1409 Granger Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.) M30F33. F. Egler, Dr. Frank E(dwin). M.S., Minne- sota, 34; Ph.D., Yale, 36. Asst. prof., New York State College of Forestrv, Svracuse, N. Y. M38F39. G. Egloff, Dr. Gustav. M.S., Columbia, 13; Ph.D., 15; D.Sc, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst. Dir. res., Universal Oil Products Co., 310 S Michigan Ave.. Chicago, 111. M29- F32. C. Egly, William H(enry). M.S., Michigan. Asst. prof. English, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (600 Joy Road) M30. L. Ehlers, Prof. G(eorge) M(arion). Ph.D., Michigan, 30. Assoc, prof, geology and curator invertebrate paleontology Mus. Paleontology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M22F25. E. Ehlers, Dr. John Henry. Dept. Botany, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mi 7- F23R38. G. Ehrenfeld, Dr. Frederick. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 98. College Hall, Univ. Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. M01F11. E. Ehrenfest, Dr. Hugo. M.D., Vienna (Aus- tria), 94. Prof, emeritus obstetrics and gynecology, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (4333 McPherson St.) M24. N. Ehrenfried, Dr. Albert. M.D., Harvard. 05. Surgeon, 21 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass. (33 Center St., Brookline, Mass.) M23F33. N. Ehrenfried, George. A.B., Harvard, 35. Chemist, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. M40. BCE. Ehrhorn, Edward M(acfarlane). M.S., Hawaii, 32. Consulting entomologist, Board Agric. and Forestry, Honolulu; commissioner, Park Board City and County, Honolulu, Hawaii (2245 Oahu Ave.) M01F06. FG. Individual Members 413 Ehrich, Jesse W(illiam). M29D38. K. Ehrlich, Dr. David Ernest. M.D., Colum- bia, 19. Roentgenologist, New York City Cancer Inst., Dept. Hospitals, and clinics, Bur. Tuberculosis, Dept. Health, New- York, N. Y. (9 Joval Court, Brooklyn, N. Y.) M29. N. Ehrlich, Dr. Joseph C. M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 27. Dir. Labs., Lebanon Hosp., New York, N. Y. (418 Central Park West) M40. X. Ehrlich, J(oseph) Michael. B.Sc, Michi- gan State, 35. Biol, technician, The Citv Col., New York, X. Y. (.414 W. 36th St.) M40. CXF. Ehrlich, Louis B(reitenbach). B.S., Ala- bama Polytechnic Inst. In charge res., Electric Auto Lite Co., Toledo, Ohio. (.Commodore Perry Hotel) M25. MB. Ehrlich, M(orris) William. Chief eng., Commodore Heaters Corp., 11 W. 42nd St., New York. N. Y. (56 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst, X. J.) M18. M. Ehrlich, Dr. Norman James. M.S., Illi- nois, 39; M.D., 40. Clinical interne, Mich- ael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 111. (3644 Pine Grove Ave.) M40. XC. Ehrlich, Percy. S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 36. Chemist, Clifford Mfg. Co., 564 E. 1st St., Boston, Mass. M40. C. Ehrmann, Carl. 574 West End Ave., New York, X. Y. M25R35. MIK. Eichelberger, Dr. William Custer. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 30. Res. chemist, Solvay Process Co.. Syracuse, N. Y. (443 Brattle Road) M34F34. C. Eichelberger, W(illiam) S(nyder). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 91. Member scientific staff. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. (11 Lake View Park) M92F96E39. D. Vice president for Section on Mathe- matics and Astronomy (A J, 1903. Eickelberg, E(rnest) W(erner). C.E., Cor- nell, 13. Commanding officer, U. S. Coast Geodetic Survey ''Guide," P. O. Box 1197, Oakland, Calif. M38. M. Eide, Carl J(ohn). Div. Plant Pathology, Univ. Minnesota Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M31R32. GCA. Eiesland, Dr. John A(rndt). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 98. 316 Demain Ave., Morgan- town, W. Va. M01F03. A. Eifler, Gus K(earney), Jr. 4008 Avenue F, Austin, Tex. M30R34. E. Eigenbrodt, Prof. Harold J(ohn). M.A., Illinois, 22; Ph.D., 25. Prof, zoology, North Central Col., Naperville, 111. M34- F34. F. Eigenmann, Mrs. Rosa Smith. 3742 Eighth St.. San Diego, Calif. M24. F. Eigsti, Dr. O(rie) J(acob). M.A.. Illinois, 33; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. M39F40. GFC. Eikenberry, Dr. W(illiam) L(ewis). D.Sc, Mt. Morris, 14. Prof, and head Science Dept., State Teachers Col., Trenton, X. J. (1730 Riverside Drive) M12F15. GQ. Eikner, Dr. W(illiam) C(larence). M.D., Virginia, 27. Urologist, Clifton Springs Sanatarium and Clinic, Clifton Springs, N. Y. M40. N. Eiman, Dr. John. Bala-Cynwyd, Pa. M35- R35. Eimer, August. Dir., Eimer and Amend, 205 Third Ave., New York, N. Y. Moi. CM. Eimer, Miss Leona (Ora). 812 Fairfax Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. M32R32. FG. Eimer, Walter R(obert). Phar.D., Colum- bia, oq. Sec, Eimer and Amend, 205 Third Ave., New York, X. Y. M24. C. Einarsson, Sturla. Ph.D., California, 13. Prof, practical astronomy, Univ. Califor- nia, Berkeley, Calif. M11F13. D. Einhorn, Dr. Max. M.D., Berlin, 84. Prof. emeritus medicine, Xew York Post- Graduate Med. School; consulting physi- cian, Lenox PI ill Hosp., Xew York, X. Y. M28F33. X. Eirley, Dr. Clara S. Muldavia Springs, Inc., Kramer, Ind. M38R39. X. Eisberg, Dr. Harry B(elleville). M29F33- D35. XHL. Eisele, Ernest. Pres., B. Westermann Co., Inc., 20 W. 48th St., Xew York, X. Y. M35. Eisele, Harold F. M.S., Iowa State, 31; Ph.D., 33. Head, Regional Training Sec- tion, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Mil- waukee, Wis. (1700 E. Chateau Place) M35. FG. Elseley, Dr. Loren C(orey). Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 37. Asst. prof, sociology and anthropology, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M38. HFK. Elsenberg, Dr. Moses J(oel). D.M.D., Harvard, 17. 444 Warren St., Roxbury, Mass. M32F33. XCB. Eisenhart, Prof. L(uther) P(fahler). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 00. Prof, mathematics and dean Graduate School, Princeton Univ., Princeton, X. J. M08F10. A. Vice president for Section on Mathematics and Astronomv (A), 1916. Eisenhart, (Martin) Herbert. B.S., Prince- ton, 05, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 07. Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Bausch and Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, X. Y. Mn. PC. Elsenhauer, Prof. John H(enry). 1529 Linden St., Reading, Pa. M08R36. Q. Eisenman, William. Chemist, 160 W. 77th St., Xew York, X. Y. M39. CN. Eisenmenger, Dr. Walter S. M.S., Buck- nell, 15; A.M., Columbia. 23; Ph.D., 28. Res. prof, and head Dept. Agronomy, Massachusetts State Col.. Amherst, Mass. (39 Dana St.) M32F33. GCO. 414 Directory of Members Eisenstaedt, Edgar I. (See Edgar I. Emer- son). Eising, Dr. Eugene H. M.A., M.D.. Co- lumbia, 98. 41 W. 82nd St.. New York, N. Y. M36. NB. Eisman. Louis. B.S., Cornell, 28. Chair- man, Dept. Biology and Gen. Science, An- drew Jackson High School, St. Albans, N. Y. (241-12 131st Ave., Laurelton, Ja- maica, N. Y.) M40. QG. Eiss, Dr. Stanley. 241 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. M2SR33- N. Eitzen, Dr. A. Clement. Hillsboro, Kans. M3IR32- NC. Ekblaw, Dr. George E(lbert). A.M.. Illi- nois, 23; Ph.D., Stanford, 27. Geologist and head Areal and Engng., Geology Div., State Geological Survey, Urbana, 111. (511 W. Main St.) M24F31. EFM. Ekblaw, Sidney E(verett). M.S., Illinois, 30. Univ. Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo. M30. E. Ekblaw, Dr. W(alter) Elmer. A.M., Illi- nois. 12; Ph.D., Clark, 26. Prof, geog- raphv, Clark University, Worcester, Mass. (The' Homelands, North Grafton, Mass.) M11F15. EGO. Ekeley, Dr. John B(ernard). A.M., Col- gate, 93; Sc.D., 11; Ph.D., Freiburg, 02. Prof, emeritus chemistry, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (703 nth St.) M10F15. C. Eklund, Dr. Carl M(ilton). M.D., Minne- sota, 33. Senior epidemiologist, Minne- sota State Board of Health, St. Paul, Minn. (96 Bedford St. SE.) M39. NCF. Ekroth, Clarence V(ictor). B.S., Brook- lyn Polvtechnic Inst., 09. 635 E. 21st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (Mi8F25R35)M39l'Xs. CBQ. Eksergian, Dr. R(upen). M.S., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., Clark, 28. Consulting engineer, E'. G. Budd Mfg. Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. (Rose Tree Road, Media, Pa.) M40. MBA. Ekstrand, Sture O. B.S., Cooper Union. 18 Cole St., Bergenfield, N. J. M38. BMA. Ekstrom, Prof. C(laus) Emanuel. 290 Slater Ave., Providence, R. I. M3oR34- QP Elden, Dr. C(larence) Arthur. 880 High- land Ave., Rochester, N. Y. M36R36. N. Elder, Prof. Albert L(awrence). M.S., Illi- nois, 25 ; Ph.D., 28. Prof, chemistry, Syra- cuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. (116 Westminster Ave.) M32F33. CN. Elder, Clayburn C(ombes). 401 S. Grand St., Los Angeles, Calif. M28L37. MA. Elder, J(ames) H(arlan). Ph.D., Yale, 33. Lecturer psychology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M39. IFN. Elder, Prof. Jay C(linton). 456 S. 12th St., San Jose, Calif. M29F33R35. FNH. Elderfield, Dr. Robert C. Ph.D., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 30. Dept. Chemistry, Co- lumbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M39. CNP. Eldering, Miss Grace. A.B., Montana State, 27. Bacteriologist, Western Michigan Div. Lab., Michigan Dept. Health, Grand Rapids, Mich. (720 Fuller Ave. NE.) M38. N. Eldred, Dr. Byron E. D.Sc, Dartmouth, 16. si E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. M32- F40. B. Eldred, Frank R(andall). Chemical engi- neer and dir. res.. Reed and Carnrick, 155 Van Wagenen Ave., Jersey City, N. J. M06F16. CM. Eldridge, Dr. John A(dams). 112 S. Gov- ernor St., Iowa City, Iowa. M27F28R37. B. Eldridge, Prof. Seba. Ph.D., Columbia, 25. Prof, sociology, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans.; educational adviser, Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New York, N. Y. M26F36. KFH. Elford, C(larence) Robert. U. S. Weather Bureau Office, Boise, Idaho. M35R36. BAD. Elftman, Dr. A(rthur) H(ugo). 2329 Parker St., Berkeley, Calif. M25F06R36. EM. Elftman, Dr. Herbert (Oliver). M.A., Cali- fornia, 25; Ph.D., Columbia, 29. Asst. prof, zoology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M25F33. EF. Elgin, Dr. William W(orcester). M.D.. Tohns Hopkins, 25. Senior physician, Shep- pard and Enoch Pratt Hosp., Towson. Md. M38. N. Elhuff, Prof. Lewis. 2000 Jefferson Road, Athens, Ga. (?) M32R33. FG. Elias, Maxim K. M.E., Mining Inst., St. Petersburg (Russia). 1 Bungalow Court. 900 S. Third St., Champaign, 111. (?) M39. EGF. Elicano, Victoriano. P. O. Box 1147, Manila, P. I. M34F34R36. E. Eliel, Leon T(heodore). Vice pres., Fair- child Aerial Surveys, Inc., 224 E. nth St., Los Angeles, Calif. (718 Burleigh Drive, Pasadena, Calif.) M38. M. Eliot, Dr. Calista P(ost). D.Sc, Johns Hopkins, 25. Assoc, bacteriology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Md. M34F34- N. Eliot, Theodore S(essinghaus) . A.M.. Kansas, 22; Ph.D., Chicago, 25. University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn. M23F33. F. Elizabeth, Sister Ann (See Sister Ann Elizabeth Shea). Elizabeth, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Elizabeth Englert). Elizabeth, Sister Miriam (See Sister Mir- iam Elizabeth McCoy). Elkan, B(enno). 11 Broadway, New York. N. Y. M36R38. M. Individual Members 4'5 Elkus, Charles DeY. 154 21st Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M26. Ell, Dr. Carl S(tephens). M.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 12: Ed.M., Harvard, 32; Sc.D., DeFauw, 35. Pres., Northeastern Univ., Boston, Mass. 1 2 1 Beaumont Ave., Newtonyille, Mass.) M35F3S. M. Ellefson, Dr. Bennett Stanley. M.S., Min- nesota, 33; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State, 37. Chemical and ceramic res., Hygrade Syl- vania Corp., Emporium, Pa. (St. Marys, Pa.) M39. CMB. Ellen, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Ellen O'Hanlon). Ellenberger. Prof. H. B. 489 Main St., Burlington, Vt. M35F35R37. O. Ellenwood, Prof. Frank Oakes. A.B., Stan- ford, 04. Prof, heat-power engng., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. (in Harvard Place) (M34F34R34)M39F34. BCM. Eller, E(ugene) R(udolph). ' M.S., Pitts- burgh, 32. Paleontologist, Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, Pa. M32. EFG. Eller, Sallie Jane (Mrs. Hubert Denny). 30 19th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M36. BCD. Eller, W(alter) H(arrison). 308 Sherman Ave., Macomb, 111. M36R36. B. Ellerman, Ferdinand. M07F13D40. DB. Ellery, Prof. Edward. A.M., Colgate, 93; Ph.D., Heidelberg, 96; Sc.D., Colgate, 12, Pittsburgh, 31; LL.D., George Washing- ton, 37. Prof, emeritus chemistry, Union Col., Schenectady, X. Y. M24F25. C. Ellett, Dr. W(alter) B(eal). M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., 96; Ph.D., Gottingen, 04. Prof, agric. chemistry, Virginia Poly- technic Inst.; head Dept. Agric. Chem., Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Blacksburg, Va. M17F18. CO. Ellickson, Dr. Raymond (Thorwald). M.A., Oregon State, 36; Ph.D., Chicago, 38. Instr. physics, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst.. Brooklyn, N. Y. M40F40. B. Elliker, Paul R(euben). 2141 E. Johnson St., Madison, Wis. M35R36. NFG. Ellingson, Dr. Mark. M.A., Rochester, 30; Ph.D., Ohio State, 36. Pres., Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Inst., Roch- ester, X. Y. (10 Clebourne Drive) M39. QIK. Ellingson, Sister Mary Aloyse. Ph.D., St. Louis, 32. Xerinx, Ky. M26F33. FGN. Ellington, Prof. E. V. 1809 Monroe St., Pullman, Wash. M35F3S- O. Elliot, A(ugustus) H(ull). Ph.B., Yale, 04. Vice pres.. Southern Wheel Division, American Brake Shoe and Foundry Co., 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. (33 Woodland Ave. MBC. Bronxville, X. Y.) M40. Elliot, Donald (George). 5 53rd Ave. Lachine, Que., Canada. M37R38. M . Elliott, Dr. Alfred M(arlyn). M.Sc, New York, 31; Ph.D., 34. Prof, biology and head Science Div.. Slate Teachers Col., Bemidji, Minn. (231S Birchmont Drive) M33. FGH. Elliott, A(rchie) W. M.S., Colorado. 562 W. 113th St., New York, X. Y. L38. AQI. Elliott, Dr. Charles A. M36D39. X. Elliott, Charles H(erbert). 330 Lincoln Ave., Xew Brunswick, N. J. M08F25K32. IQ. Elliott, Dr. Charlotte. A.M., Stanford, 13; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 18. Assoc, pathologist, I'. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M22F23. G. Elliott, Dr. D(aniel) S(tanley). A.M., Johns Hopkins, 13; Ph.D., 14. Prof, physics and head Dept., Tulane Univ., Xew Orleans, La. M21F31. B. Elliott, Dr. Edward C(harles). M.A., Ne- braska, 97; Ph.D., Columbia, 05; LL.D., DePauw, 28, Butler, 28, Columbia, 29, Oregon State, 30, Xebraska, 36. Pres., Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M07- Fio. Q. Elliott, Dr. Frank R(oy). Fh.D., Ohio State, 29. Valparaiso Univ., Valparaiso, Ind. M31F33. FXG. Elliott, Dr. F(rederick) C(hesley). Ph.G., D.D.S., Kansas City Dental College. Dean and prof, dental prosthesis, Texas Dental College, Houston, Tex. (1018 Blodgett Ave.) M35. Nd. Elliott, Harold F(arley). 1320 Webster St., Palo Alto, Calif. M25F31. MBD. Elliott, Dr. K(enneth) A(llan) C(aldwell). M.Sc, Rhodes, 24; Ph.D., Cambridge, 30. Res. biochemist, Inst. Pennsvlvania Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M38F38. XC. Elliott, Louis. E.E., Armour, 04. Consult- ing mechanical engineer, Ebasco Services. Inc., 2 Rector St., Xew York, X. Y. Mi 7. M. Elliott, Paul R. Dobyns-Bennett High School, Kingsport, Tenn. M32R34. FGC. Elliott, Ralph C. B.S., Minnesota. 242 Fed- eral Bldg., Buffalo, X. Y. M38. FGH. Elliott, Dr. Richard M(aurice). A.M., Har- vard, 11; Ph.D., 13. Prof, psychology and chairman Dept., Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. M17F21. I. Elliott, Stanley J(ay). M.S., California, 38. Technical staff, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M38. MBP. Elliott, Dr. William H. 1225 David Whit- ney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. M32R34. NIL. Elliott, William Swan. 718 Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. L33. Ellis, Dr. A(lexander) Caswell. Ph.D.. Clark, 97. Director, Cleveland Col., West- ern Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. (1543 E. Boulevard) M02F10. IQ. 416 Directory of Members Ellis, A(lvarado) L(eRoy). u Banks Road, Swampscott, Mass. M29F33R36. BCD. Ellis, Dr. Brooks F(leming). A.M., New York, 29; Ph.D., 32. Asst. prof, geology, New York University, New York, N. Y. (85 Waller Ave., White Plains, N. Y.) M24. EHC. Ellis, Dr. Emory L(eon). M.S., California Inst. Tech., 32; Ph.D., 34. Res. asst., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (432 N. San Marino Ave., San Gabriel, Calif.) M38. CFN. Ellis, F. C. 2102 Wriglev Bldg., Chicago, [11. M35R37. Ellis, Dr. F. G. 4624 Fairfield Ave., Shreve- port, La. M32R32. N. Ellis, Fred E(ugene). A.B., Reed. Graduate student, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M40. D. Ellis, Dr. Frederick W(arren). M.D., Har- vard, 81. 1 1 75 Center St., Newton Center, Mass. M98F06. BN. Ellis, Dr. George R(udolph). D.D.S., Georgetown, 16. Dental consultant, Provi- dence Hosp., Washington, D. C. (1324 Lawrence St. NE.) M33. Nd. Ellis, Dr. Gordon H(uff). M.S., Cornell, 33; Ph.D., 36. Res. instr., Dairy Bldg., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M40F40. CO. Ellis, Prof. Hazel R(osetta). M.S., Syra- cuse, 25. Prof, biology, Keuka Col., Keuka Park, N. Y. M26F33. G. Ellis, James H(awes). Ph.D., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 16. P. O. Box 244, Glen- dora, Calif. M24F25. BC. Ellis, Dr. John M(arshall). M.S., Emory, 26; Ph.D., California, 34. Head, Biology Dept., Junior Col. Augusta, Augusta, Ga. M33. F. Ellis, Prof. Joseph W(esley). M.A., Cali- fornia, 22; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof, physics, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los An- geles, Calif. M24F31. B. Ellis, Leonard Lionel, Jr. Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp., Morococha, Peru, S. A. M32R35. MEA. Ellis, Dr. Lillian N(elson). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 32. Instr., Adelphi Col., Garden City, N. Y. (190-27 mth Ave., St. Albans, N. Y.) M38. C. Ellis, Dr. Max M(apes). M.A., Indiana, 08; Ph.D., 11; Sc.D., Vincennes, 14. Prof, physiology and pharmacology, Univ. Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. M07F15. FNp. Ellis, Ned R. M.S., Wisconsin, 20. Senior chemist, Div. Animal Nutrition, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Research Center, Belts- ville, Md. (3417 22nd St. NE., Washington, D. C.) M38F39. NCO. Ellis, Ralph. 2420 Ridge Road, Berkeley, Calif. L28. FG. Ellis, Dr. Robert Hale. M.D., Harvard, 02. 1863 S. West Montgomery Drive, Portland, Oreg. M29. NOI. Ellis, Dr. Robert S(idney). Ph.D., Clark, 14. Prof, psychology, Pomona Col., Clare- mont, Calif. M20F28. IQ. Ellis, Prof. Robert Walpole. M20F31D37. E. Ellis, William G. i473 Broad St. Sta. Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. M25R32. BM. Ellison, Eckley S(anderson). Meteorolo- gist, U. S. Weather Bur., Lakeland, Fla. ; meteorologist and head Dept., Univ. Flor- ida, Gainesville, Fla.; meteorologist in charge, Federal-State Horticultural Pro- tection Service, Lakeland, Fla. M39. B. Ellison, Dr. Everett M(onroe). 1720 M St. NW, Washington, D. C. M34F34R37. N. Ellisor, Dr. L(ewis) O(wen). M37F39D39. F. Ellms, Joseph W(ilton). Commissioner sewage disposal, Dept. Public Utilities, Citv Hall, Cleveland, Ohio. (1310 W. 112th St.) M25F25. MCB. Ells, Dr. Victor R(aymond). M.S., Brown, 38; Ph.D., Rochester, 39. Spectrographist and instr. chemistry, Univ. Missouri, Co- lumbia, Mo. M40. CB. Ellsworth, Dr. Elmer W(uTam). M.A., Wisconsin, 30; Ph.D., Stanford, 33. Execu- tive sec, Independent Oil Producers Assn. Illinois, Centralia, 111. (327 Linden Ave.) M37. EM. Ellsworth, Dr. J(oe) K(oebele). M.S., Cali- fornia, 32; Ph.D., 39. Asst. entomology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (2207 Oregon St.) M33- OFN. Ellsworth, Miss Vivian M. 705 18th St. NW., Washington, D. C. M3iR34- BCD. Ellwood, Prof. Charles A(bram). Ph.D., Chicago, 99; LL.D., Bethany, 23. Prof, sociology, Duke Univ., Durham. N. Car. (129 Pinecrest Road) M11F16. KHI. Ellwood, Dr. Walter B(reckenridge). A.M., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., 33. Physicist, Bell Telephone Labs.. Inc., New York, N. Y. (96 Wadsworth Terrace) M39F40. BM. Elman, Dr. Robert. Dept. Surgery. Wash- ington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M32R32. N. Elmen, Dr. G. W. 104 High St., Leonia, N. J. M34F34. M. Elmendorf, Dr. John E(dward), Jr. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 18. Field staff, Interna- tional Health Div., Rockefeller Founda- tion, Escambia County Health Dept., Pen- sacola, Fla. M40. X. Elmer, Charles W. 90 Broad St., New York, N. Y. M34. D. Elmhirst, Mrs. Leonard. Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devonshire, England. M18R39. Elmo, Mrs. Nola. 4S7 Andrew St., St. Paul, Minn. (?) M31R33. DCN. Individual Members 417 Elmore, Dr. C(larence) J(erome). Ph.D., Nebraska, 15. Head, Dept. Biology, Wil- liam lewell Col., Liberty, Mo. (429 Wilson St.) M10F31. GF. Elmore, Mary E. (See Mrs. Mary Elmore Sauer) . Elmore, Dr. W(illiam) C(ronk). Ph.D., Vale, 35. Instr. physics, Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, Pa. M39F40. B. Elmslie, Dr. W(allace) P(arker). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 28. Dir. res., Moorman Mfg. Co., Quincy, 111. M33F33. CON. Eloesser, Dr. L(eo). 490 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. M20F33R37. N. Elrod, Dr. Morton John. M.A., Simpson, 90; M.S.. 02; Ph.D., Illinois Wesleyan, 05. 205 S. Fifth St. E., Missoula, Mont. Moi- Foi. FGN. El-Sawy, Dr. Abbas H. M.Sc, California, 25 ; Ph.D., 27. Horticultural Section, Giza, Egypt. M27. NO. Elsberg, Dr. Charles A(lbert). M.D., Co- lumbia, 93. Chief surgeon emeritus, Neuro- logical Inst., New York, N. Y.; prof, emer- itus neurological surgery, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. M06F08. N. Else, Dr. Frank L(ester). 108 Hastings Ave., South Ardmore, Upper Darby, Pa. M34R34. F. Elser, Dr. William J(ames). M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col., 95. Prof, emeritus applied pathologv and bacteriology, Cornell Univ. Med. Col.. New York, N. Y. M29F31. NQ. Elsey, Dr. Howard McKee. A.M., Stanford, 15; Ph.D., 19. 212 Fifth St., Oakmont, Pa. M18F25. CBL. Ebon, Dr. J(ohn) Alfred. M.S., Minne- sota, 27; Ph.D., California, 33. Prof, biol- ogy, Gustavus Adolphus Col., St. Peter, Minn. M34F34. F. Eltinge, Dr. Ethel T(aber). A.M., Syra- cuse, 22; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 28. Asst. prof, botany, Mount Holyoke Col- lege, South Hadley, Mass. M24F30. GN. Elton, Dr. W(illiam) Norman. M.D., boston, 26. Pathologist and dir. clinical lab., Millard Fillmore Hosp., Buffalo, N. Y. (213 Burbank Drive, Snyder, N. Y.) M39. NBC. Elveback, Miss Mary L(ouise). M.A., Min- nesota, 33. Statistical Section, Princeton Local Government Survey, 20 Nassau St., Princeton, N. J. (36 Vandeventer St.) M37. ABQ. Elvehjem, Prof. C(onrad) A(rnold). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 27. Prof, biochemistry, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (810 Miami Pass) M25F33. C. Elvey, Dr. C(hristian) T(homas). A.M.. Kansas. 23: Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Asst. prof. astrophysics, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111.; astronomer charge W. J. McDonald Ob- servatory, Fort Davis, Tex. M24F26. D. Elvidge, Dr. Arthur Roland. M.D.,C.M., McGill, 24 ; M.Sc, 25 ; Ph.D., 27. Asst. prof, neurosurgery, McGill Univ.; assoc. neuro- surgeon, Montreal Neurological Inst., Royal Victoria Hospital; assoc. neurologist and surgeon in charge neurosurgery, Montreal General Hosp., Montreal, Canada. (1465 Bernard Ave. W., Outremont) M39. NIF. Elward, Dr. Joseph F(rancis). P.D., Phila- delphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 15; M.D., Georgetown, 19. Roentgenologist, Sibley Memorial Hosp., George Washing- ton Univ. Hosp., and National Homeo- pathic Hosp.; consultant radiology, Freed- men's Hosp.; clinical instr. radiology, George Washington Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. M37. N. Elwell, Leonard H(ubert). M.S., Kansas State, 37. John Jay Hall, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M38. FC. Elwood, Everett S(prague). Ph.B., Syra- cuse, 08. Executive Sec, Nat. Board Med. Examiners, 225 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. (219 East Mt. Pleasant Ave., Mt. Airy) M27F34. NQI. Elwood, Dr. Mary Isabel. A.M., Pittsburgh, 30; Ph.D., 34. Public school psychologist, Board Public Education, Pittsburgh, Pa. M39. I. Elwyn, Prof. Adolph. A.M., Columbia, 17. Assoc, prof, neuroanatomy, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. (Croton on Hudson, N. Y.) M20F27. NFL Ely, Dr. Charles Russell. M02F11D39. CF. Ely, John A(ndrews). Dept. Engng., St. John's Univ., Shanghai, China. M34F18. M. Ely, Prof. Sumner B(oyer). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 92. Assoc, prof, me- chanical engng., head Power Plant, Car- negie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. (515 S. Aiken Ave.) M01F29. M. Embody, Prof. George C(harles). M09F16- D39. F. Embree, Harland C(aleb). S.M., Chicago, 24. 523 N. Holliston Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M28F33. c. Embree, Dr. Norris (Dean). Ph.D., Yale, 34. 1 362 Titus Ave., Rochester, N. Y. M39. C. Embury, Miss Emma C(atherine). 158 Harrison St., East Orange, N. J. L29. Emch, Dr. Minna (Mrs. Arnold F. Emch). M.A., Illinois, 31; M.D., 29. Assoc prof. psychiatry, Div. Social Work, Northwest- ern Univ., Evanston, 111.; assoc nervous and mental diseases, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, [11. (1210 Astor St., Chicago, 111.) M3S- NIH. Emde, Dr. H. C. C. M. M35D— . CN. Emenv, Dr. Brooks. Ph.D., Yale. 922 So- ciety for Savings Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. M39. KI'.M. Emerick, L(ouis) W(arren). 356 S. Fourth St., Fulton. N. Y. M29R34. MB. 4i8 Directory of Members Emerson, Dr. Alfred E(dwards). M.A., Cornell, 20; Ph.D., 25. Prof, zoology. Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111.; res. assoc, Ameri- can Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M22F26. F. Emerson, Dr. Clarence. Ph.D., Nebraska, 09; M.D., Rush, 11. Surgeon, 1700 S. 24th St., Lincoln, Nebr. (1732 S. 24th St.) M40.N. Emerson, Dr. Edgar I. (Edgar I. Eisen- staedt). Ph.D., Chicago, 38. Dir., Dept. Biology and Dept. Chemistry, Hillyer Junior Col., Hartford, Conn. (120 Ridge- wood Road, West Hartford, Conn.) M30. CN. Emerson, Prof. Fred W(ilbert). M.S., Chi- cago, 18; Ph.D., 21. Prof, biology, New Mexico Normal Univ., Las Vegas, N. Mex. (926 Seventh St.) M19F25. GF. Emerson, Dr. Gladys Anderson. M.A., Stanford, 26; Ph.D., California, 32. Res. assoc, Inst. Exp. Biology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (2600 Ridge Road) M39. NC. Emerson, Dr. Haven. A.M., M.D., Colum- bia, 99. Prof, public health practice, Co- lumbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M24F29. NK. Emerson, Dr. Kendall, Jr. M.D.. Harvard. 33. Asst. res. physician, Rockefeller Inst. Hospital, New York, N. Y. M36. NC. Emerson, Mrs. Raymond (Amelia F. Emer- son). Concord, Mass. M12L13. HOQ. Emerson, Dr. R(obert) L(eonard). M.D., Harvard. 00. Res. assoc, Massachusetts Inst. Tech.. Cambridge. Mass. (Hotel Hemenway, Boston, Mass.) Mn. CN. Emerson, Dr. R(ollins) A(dams). Sc.D., Harvard. 13; LL.D., Nebraska, 17. Prof, and head Dept. Plant Breeding, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M11F15. G. Emerson, Dr. Sterling (Howard). M.A., Michigan, 24; Ph.D.," 28. Assoc, prof, genetics, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M24F33. GF. Emery, Alden H(ayes). M.A., Ohio State, 23. Asst. mgr., American Chemical Soc, Mills Bldg., Washington, D. C. (8101 Park Crest Drive, Silver Spring, Md.) M24F32. CEM. Emery, Brother Flamian. Normal Inst., Ammendale, Md. M34R38. C. Emery, W (alter) T(itus). 1204 Fremont St., Manhattan. Kans. M34R35. FOQ. Emery, William Lorenzo. 43 N. Seventh West St., Salt Lake City, Utah. M08. CM. Emery, Dr. William Orrin. Ph.D., Er- langen, 88. 2232 Cathedral Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. M03F09. C. Emge, Dr. Ludwig A(ugustus). M.D., Rush, 15. Prof, obstetrics and gynecology, Stanford Univ. School Med., San Fran- cisco, Calif. (100 Edgewood Ave.) M26F33. N. Emig, Prof. Arthur S(amuel). Ph.D., Northwestern, 30. Prof, sociology, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (207 Edgewood Ave.) M30. K. Emig, Dr. W(illiam) H(arrison). Ph.D., Washington Univ., 15. Assoc, prof, biol- ogv, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. M18F21. G. Emigh, Eugene D(avid). Assoc meteorol- ogist, U. S. Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. M39. B. Emlen, John T(hompson). 36 W. School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. M28- R32. Emlen, Dr. John T(hompson), Jr. Ph.D.. Cornell, 34. Instr. zoology, Univ. Cali- fornia; junior zoologist, Univ. California Exp. Sta., Davis, Calif. (70 College Park) M34. F. Emmart, Dr. Emily Walcott. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 30. Assoc, cvtologist, Nat. Inst. Health, Bethesda, Md. M26. FN. Emmel, Dr. M(ark) W(irth). D.V.M., Iowa State, 19. Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M38. NO. Emmel, Dr. Victor M(eyer). Sc.M., Brown, 37; Ph.D., 39. Res. fellow medical sciences, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M40. NF. Emmett, Dr. Arthur D(onaldson). M.A., Illinois, 05; Ph.D., Columbia, 15. Nutri- tional chemist, Parke, Davis and Co., Detroit. Mich. M06F11. NCP. Emmons, Arthur (See Arthur Emmons Bellis). Emmons, Mrs. Arthur B. (Julia W. Em- mons). 778 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. L29. Emmons, Dr. C(hester) W(ilson). M.S.. Iowa, 27; Ph.D., Columbia, 31. Senior mycologist, Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D.' C. (Bethesda, Md.) M27F32. GN. Emmons, Prof. C(lyde) W(ilbur). A.M.. Illinois, 09. Prof, mathematics and Reg- istrar, Simpson Col., Indianola, Iowa. ( 1009 N. B St.) M22F33. A. Emmons, Dr. Howard Wilson. M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 33; M.S., 35; S.D., Harvard, 38. Asst. prof, mechanical engng., Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (4T0 Howard Ave, Swarthmore. Pa.) M40. BCA. Emmons, J(oseph) V(ictor). Met.E., Case, 36. Metallurgist, Cleveland Twist Drill Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (3284 Chadbourne Road) M29F32. MCB. Emmons, Dr. R(ichard) C(onrad). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 24. Prof, geology, Univ. Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. M22F31. E. Emmons, Prof. William H(arvey). Ph.D., Chicago, 04. Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. M10F14. EM. In- dividual Members Al. 419 Enberg, L(ealand) A(rnold). B.Sc, Lou- isiana State, 36. Chief chemist, Carey Sail Co., Hutchinson, Kans. M38. CNM. Enburg, John M. C. 5141 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. M17R36. F. Enders, Prof. Henry C(ornelius). Holmes N. Y. M08F33R38. CEM. Enders, Dr. Howard E(dwin). M.S., Leb- anon Valley, 00; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 06. Dean School Science, head Dept. Biol- ogy, and prof, zoology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. (240 Littleton St.) M01F11. F. Enders, Dr. John F(ranklin). A.M., Har- vard. 2.2; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, bacteriology and immunology, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M35F38. N. Enders, Dr. Robert K(endall). Ph.D., Michigan, 27. Assoc, prof, biology, Swarth- more Col.; biologist, IT. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Swarthmore, Pa. (311 Elm Ave.) M28F2S. FN. Endersby, Victor A(rthur). B.A., Stanford, 16. Res. engineer, Shell Development Co., Emeryville, Calif. (Lafayette. Calif.) M25. M. Endres, Herbert A(rthur). M.S., Akron, 21. Chief res. chemist, C. K. Williams and Co., East. >n. Pa. (37 Silver St., Dover, N. H.) (M28R32)M38F39. C. Endsley, Louis E(ugene), Jr. Fishkill, X. V. M36R36. MQA. Engel, Dr. Rene (Laurent Henri). M.S., Paris, 12; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 33. Consulting engineer, 57 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. (M29F33R3s)M39F33. CE. Engel, Dr. Ruben W(illiam). Ph.D., Wis- consin, 39. Assoc, animal nutritionist, Ala- bama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala. (164 W. Glenn Ave.) M40. CNO. Engelfried, George C. 108-28 38th Ave., Corona, N. Y. M38R38. M. Engelhardt, G(eorge) P(aul). Hon. cura- tor, Dept. Natural Science, Brooklyn Mus., Brooklvn, N. Y. (28 Club Way, Hartsdale, N. Y.) M07F15. F. Engelmann, Dr. Max. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. M29- R33. CO. Engels, William L. 324 S. Van Buren St., Green Bay, Wis. M32R32. FEH. Engels, Dr. William L(ouis). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 37. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M39. F. Engen, Gilbert (Adolph). 1918 Pennsyl- vania Ave. X\\\. Washington, D. C. M39- R39. ME. Enger, M(elvin) L(orenius). C.E., Illinois. 11; M.S., 16. Dean, Col. Engng, dir. En- gineering Exp. Sta., and prof, mechanics and hydraulics, UJniversitv of Illinois, Urbana, 111. M34F34. M. England, Howell Stroud. 1035 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. M32R35. HFG. Englander, Harry. C.E., Columbia, u. Construction engineer, A. A. Johnson Corp., Long Island Citv, N. Y. (52 Camp- bell Ave., Williston Park, N. Y.) M24. M. Engle, Miss Bessie C(hloe). Herring Hotel, Amarillo, Tex. M31 R32. EK< ). Engle, Prof. Dorothy G(ail). Albion Col., Albion, Mich. M34F34R37. C. Engle, Prof. Earl A. 2233 S. Columbine St., Denver, Colo. M24R32. C. Engle, Edgar W(allace). M.S., Illinois, 14; Ph.D., 16. Metallurgist, Carboloy Co., Inc.. Detroit, Mich. (1022 Kensington St., Grosse Pointe Parke, Mich.) F29F32. CMH. Engle, E(ldon) B. Dept. Agronomy, Univ. Nebraska Agric. Col., Lincoln, Nebr. M30- F31R34. O. Engle, James (Bennett). B.S., Rutgers. U. S. Fisheries Lab., Milford, Conn. M38. FGQ. Engle, Prof. Ohmer Harold. M.A., Colum- bia, 25. Assoc, prof, biology, Mt. Union Col., Alliance, Ohio. (1409 Robinwood Road) M30F33. F. Englert, Sister Mary Elizabeth. 7214 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. M32R?s. CFG. Englis. Prof. Duane T(aylor). A.M., Illi- nois, 14; Ph.D., 16. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (906 S. Busey St.) M17F25. C. English, Arthur Abbott. Louisiana State Univ. School Geologv, Baton Rouge, La. (?) M35R36. EC. English, Dr. Harlan. M.D., Illinois, 33. Urologist, Lake View Hosp. and St. Eliza- beth Hosp., Danville, 111. (139 N. Ver- milion St.) M40. N. English, Dr. Horace B(idwell). Ph.D., Yale, 16. Prof, educational psychology. Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M25- F28. IQH. English, Dr. James, Jr. Ph.D., Yale, 36. Instr. chemistry, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (363 St. Ronan St.) M39. C. English, Mrs. J(ames) Radford (Ruth Blackford). Iroquois St., Rye, X. Y. M29- R34. English, Dr. L(ester) L(amar). M.S., Iowa State, 24; Ph.D., 27. Entomologist. Ala- bama Agric. Exp. Sta.. Auburn. Ala. (Silver Hill, Ala.) M24F28. FC. English, Miss Nan T. ^07 Haddon Ave., Chicago, 111. M38R38. QC. English, Dr. P(ennoyer) F(rancis). M.S., Texas A. anil M., 25; Ph.D., Michigan, 34. Assoc, prof, wildlife management, Penn- sylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M23F25. F. 420 Directory of Members English, William J(efferson). A.B., Illinois, 28. Special representative, International Business Machines Corp., 590 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M40. AIQ. Englund, Carl R(obert). B.S., South Da- kota, 09. Member technical staff, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc.. New York, N. Y. (Holmdel, N. J.) M24F31. MBA. Engman, Dr. Martin F. M.D., New York, 91. Physician, 3720 Washington St., St. Louis, Mo. (49 Fair Oakes St., Clayton, Mo.) M34F34. N. Engram, Dennard. Univ. Alabama, Uni- versity, Ala. M32R35. L. Engstrom, Dr. Carl O(scar). D.D.S., Southern California, 07. Orthodontist, 604 California State Life Bldg., Sacramento, Calif. M20. N. Engstrom, George E. Deerfield, 111. M29- R33. DAB. Engstrom, Harold E. 1302 N. 44th St., Lincoln, Nebr. M39. Engstrom, Prof. Howard T(heodore). M.S., Maine, 25 ; Ph.D., Yale, 29. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. M29F32. A. Enloe, Dr. Cortex F(erdinand), Jr. M.D., Berlin, 37. Vice pres., G. F. Harvey Co., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M40. NC. Enners, George W. 1276 Findlay Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M33. CNE. Ennis, Miss Beulah (Pearl). Dept. Biology, Lindenwood Col., St. Charles, Mo. (?) M21F33R36. G. Ennis, Prof. William D(uane). M.E.. Stevens Inst. Tech., 97; D.Eng., 34. Prof, economics engineering, Stevens Inst. Tech., Hoboken, N. J. (Wyckoff, N. J.) M07F1S. M. Eno, Bradley W. 541 State House, Boston, Mass. M33R34. CBO. Enright, Dr. James R(obert). M.D., Stan- ford, 27. Dir., Bur. Communicable Dis- eases, Hawaii Board of Health, Honolulu, Hawaii. M38. NCB. Ensign, Prof. Forest Chester. M.A., Iowa, 00; Ph.D., Columbia, 21. Univ. Iowa Col. Education, Iowa City, Iowa. M2SF32. Q. Ensign, O(rville) H(iram). M30F32D35. MO. Entemann, Dr. Charles E., Jr. M.S.. Cor- nell, 31 ; Ph.D., 33. Res. chemist, Zonite Products Corp.. New Brunswick, N. J. (50 Lincoln Ave., Highland Park, N. J.) M38. CNF. Entrikin, Dr. John B(ennett). M.S., South- western (Texas), 23: Ph.D., Iowa, 29. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Centenary Col., Shreveport, La. M3SF39. C. Entz, George G(ilbert). 1352 Poinsettia Place, Hollywood, Calif. M22R37. AEM. Ephron, Dr. Harmon S(aul). M.A., To- ronto; M.D., Cornell. 315 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. M40. KIH. Eppihimer, Charles Henry. Engineer, 653 Lindell Ave., Louisville, Ky. M35. MEB. Epple, Charlotte F. (See Mrs. Charlotte E. Smith). Eppley, Dr. Marion. M.A., Princeton, 12; Ph.D., 19. Pres., Eppley Laboratory, Inc., Newport, R. I. M08F28. BC. Eppstein, Dr. Samuel Hillel. Ph.D., Illi- nois, 35. Instr. biochemistry, Univ. Ne- braska Col. Med., Omaha, Nebr. M37. NC. Epstean, Edward. 141 E. 25th St., New York, N. Y. M06. K. Epstein, Dr. Albert Arthur. M.D., Univer- sity and Bellevue Hosp., 05. 1109 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y, M11F21. N. Epstein, Albert K(uba). B.Sc, Chicago, 12. Pres., Emulsol Corp.; consulting chemist, 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. M25F25. CN. Epstein, David W(illiam). 1643 40th St., Merchantville, N. J. M36R36. BMA. Epstein, Dr. Nathan I(sador). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 28; M.D., Munich, 34. Pediatrician, 7 W. 15th St., New York, N. Y. M39. NC. Epstein, Prof. Paul S(ophus). M.Sc, Mos- cow, 09; Ph.D., Munich, 14. California Inst. Tech., Pasadena. Calif. (M23F25R34)- M36F25. B. Epstein, Dr. Samuel H. M.D., Harvard, 27. Junior visiting neurologist, Boston City Hosp.; res. assoc. psychiatry, Beth Israel Hosp.; consultant neuropsychiatry, U. S. Marine Hosp., Boston, Mass. (370 Com- monwealth Ave.) M3S. IXK. Erb, Dr. Frank O(tis). M.A., Chicago, 11 ; Ph.D., 13. Prof, religious education, Col- gate-Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, X. Y. (1 100 S. Goodman St.) M39. QIK. Erbstein, Lillian R. 11 Brighton 4th Ter- race, Brooklyn, N. Y. M36R36. N. Erdman, Dr. Lewis W(ilson). M.S., Iowa State, 21 ; Ph.D., 22. Dir. research and production, Nitragin Co., Inc., Milwaukee, Wis. M25F29. OGN. Erdmann, Charles E(dgar). E.M., Minne- sota, 23; M.S., 24. Geologist, U. S. Geo- logical Survey, Denver, Colo. M25F32. EM. Erdwurm, Graham. Asst., Dept. Endo- crinology, Difco Labs., Inc., Detroit, Mich. M39. FN. Erf, Herbert A(dolph). M.S., Case, 29. Pres.. H. A. Erf Acoustical Co., 1836 Euclid Ave.. Cleveland. Ohio. (16827 Fern- way Road, Shaker Heights) M40F40. B. Erf, Prof. Oscar. B.Sc, Ohio State, 98. Prof, dairying and dir. official testing and research, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (1896 N. Hight St.) M40F40. O. Individual Members 421 Ergle, Dr. David R(amsey). Ph.D., North Carolina, 30. P. O. Box 1181, Austin, Tex. M34F34. C. Ericksen, Dr. O. Charles. 833 S. Phillips Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. M30R37. N. Erickson, Dr. C(arl) I(mmanuel). M.A., Iowa, 17; Ph.D., 21. Assoc, prof, psychol- ogy, State Col. Washington, Pullman, Wash. (613 Michigan Ave.) M22F33. IQ. Erickson, Clifford G. M.S., Northwestern. i~. Instr., North Park Col., Chicago, 111. (5350 N. Spaulding Ave.) M39. ABQ. Erickson, Dr. H(arvey) D. M.S., Minne- sota, 36; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, forest utili- zation. West Virginia Univ.; asst. forester. West Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Morgan- town, W. Va. M38F40. CGO. Erickson, Dr. J. L. E. Ph.D., Harvard, 32. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Louisiana State Univ., University, La. M35. CBN. Erickson, Miss Marion V. B.A.. Minne- sota. 118 Millard Hall, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M39. KAN. Erickson, Dr. Mary M(arilla). M.A.. Cali- fornia, 29: Ph.D., 35. Instr. science, Santa Barbara State Col., Santa Barbara, Calif. M38. FNG. Erickson, Dr. Milton H. Eloise Hosp. and Infirmary, Eloise, Mich. M34R35. NI. Erickson, Dr. Ralph W(aldo). M.A., Min- nesota, 28; Ph.D., 37. Instr. psychology, Hibbing Junior Col., Hibbing, Minn. (1523 E. 1 6th Ave.) M3S. IAF. Erickson, Roland I(rvin). E.M., Minne- sota. Cia Minera Unificada del Cerro de Potosi, Potosi, Bolivia, S. A. M37. EMB. Erickson, Dr. Theodore C(harles). M.A., Minnesota, 28; M.D., 31; M.Sc, McGill, 34; Ph.D., 39. Demonstrator neurology and neurosurgery, McGill Univ.; asst. neurosurgeon and neurophysiologist, Mon- treal Neurological Inst., Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Que., Canada. (3801 University St.) M39. N. Ericzon, Fred(erick) A(lbert). 379 Cal- ender Ave., Peoria, 111. M35R36. MBA. Erikson, Dr. Henry A(nton). Ph.D., Min- nesota, 08. Prof, emeritus physics, Univ. Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minn. (424 Har- vard St. SE.) M10F13. B. Erikson, Dr. Statie E. Ph.D., California, 29. Head, Dept. Home Economics. Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. M38. CFK. Erlanger, Dr. Joseph. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 99: LL.D., California, 32. Prof, physi- ology, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis. Mo. (5127 Waterman Ave.) M11- F16. N. Vice president for Section on Med- ical Sc:cnccs (N), 1920. Erlanson, Dr. Eileen W(hitehead) (See Eileen W. E. Macfarlane). Ernsdorff, Rev. Bede Paul. M.S., Michigan, 36. Instr. chemistry, St. Martin's Col., Lacey, Wash. M39. C. Ernst, Charles A. 100 Swarthmore Ave., Ridley Park, Pa. M17R34. Ernst, Dr. Edwin Charles. M.D., Washing- ton Univ., 12. Dir., X-ray Dept., Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hosp., and radiol- ogist, De Paul Hosp., St. Louis, Mo.; con- sultant radiologist, U. S. Marine Hosp., Kirkwood, Mo. (2 Schultz Road, St. Louis, Mo.) M36F38. BN. Ernst, Frank A(rthur). C.E., Lafayette. 15. Asst. gen. mgr., Nitrogen Div., Solvay Process Co., Hopewell, Va. M28F29. M. Ernst, Herman (August). M.A., New- York, 29. Instr. chemistry, Essex County Vocational Schools, Newark, N. J.; instr. education. New York Univ. School Edu- cation, Washington Square, New York, N. Y. (60 N. Arlington Ave., East Orange, X.J.) M35. QCB. Ernstene, Dr. A(rthur) Carlton. M.D.. Iowa, 25. Assoc, physician, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. M34F34. N. Erquiaga, Ruben. Gen. mgr., Empresa Minera San Juan Ltd., Tarica, Chimbote, Peru, S. A. M34. MAB. Errington, Dr. Paul L(ester). Ph.D., Wis- consin, 32. Res. assoc. prof., Insectory, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M33. FGE. Erskine, Lucian. B.S., Missouri School Mines, 35. First asst., South West High School, St. Louis, Mo. (3745 Lindell Blvd.) M38. CAE. Ervin, Dr. C. E. Danville, Pa. M34R34. N. Erwin, A(rthur) T(homas). 413 Lynn Ave., Ames, Iowa. M30F11R33. OG. Erwin, Henry P(arsons). A.B., Michigan, 04. Trustee, The George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. (Arbremont, Upton St. and Linnean Ave.) M29. HEF. Erygin, Dr. P. S. Inst. Special and Tech- nical Culture, Nowaja 107, Krasnodar, U.S.S.R. M33R35. G. Esaki, Prof. Shiro. Anatomical Inst., Keio LTniv., Yotsuya, Tokvo, Japan. M28F31R32. NF. Esau, Miss Katherine. Ph.D., California, 31. Asst. prof, and asst. botanist. Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis, Calif. (237 First St.) M32F40. GO. Eschelman, Dr. Karl F(erdinand). D.D.S., Buffalo, 04; M.D., 08. Assoc, prof, med- icine. Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. (351 Linwood Ave.) M34F34. X. Escobar, Prof. Romnlo. Pres., Agricultural Col., Juarez, Chi., Mexico. M20F21. O. Eshbach, Dr. Ov'd W(allace). M.S.. Le- high. 20: D.Sc, Ursinus, 39. Dean, Tech- nological Inst.. Northwestern Univ.. Evans- ton. 111. (201 Kenilwurth Ave., Kenilworth, 111.) M40. MQ. 422 Directory of Members Eshner. Dr. Augustus A(dolph). A.M., Central High School, Philadelphia, 79; M.D., Jefferson, 88. Pres. and Dir., Fried- herger-Aaron Mfg. Co.; vice pres., treas- urer and dir., San-Knit-ary Textile Mills, Philadelphia, Pa. M05F09L28. N. Esmele. Jacinto E. 515 Decatur St., New- Orleans, La. M32R32. CME. Espe, Dr. Dwight. Dept. Dairy Husbandry, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M39R39. NCO. Espenschied, Lloyd. Res. consultant, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc.. New York. N. Y. (99 Newbold Place, Kew Gardens) M25- F31. M. Espenshade, Dr. Gilbert (Howry). M.A.. Ph.D., Princeton. Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp., Morococha, Peru, S. A. M38. EH. Esper, Prof. Erwin A(llen). Ph.D., Ohio State, 23. Prof, psychology, Univ. Wash- ington, Seattle, Wash. (4338 E. 43rd St.) M22F28. ILH. Espy, Thomas Willard. B.S., Oregon State. 5744 Keith Ave., Oakland, Calif. M36. M. Essary, Prof. Samuel H(enry). M04F11- D35. G. Esselen, Dr. G(ustavus) J(ohn). A.M., Harvard, 11; Ph.D., 12. Pres., Gustavus J. Esselen, Inc., 857 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. M27F30. CM. Esselstyn, Prof. A(lbert) J(ames). M.S.. Cornell, 26. Asst. prof, chemistry, Otter- hein Col., Westerville. Ohio, (no N. Vine St.) M40. C. Essenberg, Dr. Christine Adamson. Amer- ican School Girls, Damascus, Svria. M18- F33R33. F. Essenberg, Dr. Jacob Martin. Ph.D., Chi- cago, 22. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Loyola Univ. School Med., Chicago, 111. M26F33. NF. Essex, Dr. Hiram E(li). M.S.. Illinois, 24; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, physiology, Mayo Foundation; assoc. Div. Exp. Surgery and Pathology, Mayo Clinic. Rochester, Minn. (711 7th St. SW.) M28F31. FX. Essick, Dr. Charles R(hein). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 09. Proprietor, Pennsylvania Optical Co.. Reading, Pa. (700 Centre Ave.) M17F27. X. Essig, Prof. E(dward) O(liver). M.S.. Pomona, 12. Prof, entomology and Exp. Sta. entomologist, Univ. California. Ber- keley, Calif. M10F15. F. Estabrook, Dr. Arthur H(oward). 1250 Sixth Ave., New York, N. Y. M09F25R37. FGL Estabrook, Dr. Charles T. to Algonquin Road, Worcester, Mass. M37R37. N. Estabrook, Dr. G(aylord) B(eale). M.Sc, Ohio State. 22; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 32. Asst. prof., Dept. Physics, Univ. Maryland, Baltimore, Md. M39F40. BC. Estabrook, Leon M(oyer). M22F24D37. UK. Estabrook, Ralph H. Worcester City Hosp., Worcester, Mass. M27R32. CX. Estell, Dr. Nina Simmonds (See Nina Simmonds). Estermann, Dr. Immanuel. D.Sc, Ham- burg, 21. Assoc, prof, physics, Carnegie Inst. Tech.. Pittsburgh. Pa. (5416 Beacon St.) M35F38. B. Estes, Dr. William L(awrence), Jr. M.D., Johns Hopkins. 09. Chief surgeon, St. Luke's Hospital; surgeon, Lehigh Valley RR., Bethlehem, Pa. M17F33. X. Estill, Miss Angie. M.S., Battle Creek, 38. Chief dietitian, Miami-Battle Creek Sani- tarium, Miami Springs, Fla. M39. NCE. Esty, Dr. J(ames) Russell. M.S., Brown, 15; Ph.D., 18. Dir., Western Branch Labs., Xational Canners Assn.; asst. prof., Dept. Bacteriology, Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. M25F33. N. Esty, Prof. Thomas C(ushing). M.A., Am- herst. 97. Acting pres. and prof, of mathe- matics, Amherst Col., Amherst, Mass. M07F11. A. Etelman, Harry I. B.S.. Columbia. 80 York St., Brooklyn. N. Y. M39. C. Etheredge, Mahlon P. B.S., Clemson, 18. Asst. state chemist, Dept. Chemistry, Mis- sissippi State Col., State College, Miss. M39. C. Etheridge, Prof. Truman Harrison. A.B.. Texas Christian, 24. Assoc, prof, educa- tion, Sam Houston State Teachers Col., Huntsville, Tex. M38. QIK. Ethridge, Dr. Clayton B(ernard). M.D.. Virginia. 33. Physician, 180 1 I St. NW. ; assoc. medicine, George Washington Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. M39. X. Etienne, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Etienne Tibeau). Etkes, Perez Willard. C.E., Cooper Union. Public Works Dept., Haifa, Palestine. M37. MO. Etkin, Dr. William. M.A., Cornell. 30; Ph.D., Chicago, 34. Instr., Dept. Biology, Col. City New York; res. assoc, Amer. Mus. Natural History, Xew York, XT. Y. M34. F. Etkins, Abraham. 2161 Douglass St.. Brooklyn, X. Y. M32R32. CN. Ets, Dr. Harold N(orris). Ph.D., Illinois. 20. Assoc, prof, pharmacology, Loyola Univ School Med., Chicago, 111. (Ravinia, 111.) M25F33. NpC. Ettinger, Dr. Amos A(schbach). A.M., Pennsylvania, 23; D.Phil., Oxford, 30; Litt.D., Oglethorpe, 33. Prof, history and head Dept.. Moravian Col. Men, Bethle- hem, Pa. (ion Highland Ave.) L37. LKQ. Individual Members 423 Ettinger, Prof. G(eorge) Harold. M.D.,- C.M., Queens, 20. Prof. physiology, Queen's Univ., Kingston, Out, Canada. M38. N. Ettlinger, Prof. H(yman) J(oseph). A.M., Harvard, 11; Ph.D., 20. Prof, pure mathe- matics, Univ. Texas, Austin. Tex. (31 10 Harris Park Ave. I M21K25. ABD. Eugenia, Sister Mary. M.A., Catholic. Route 1. Coraopolis, Pa. M35. FGC. Eurich, Prof. Alvin C(hristian). M.A., Maine, 26; Ph.D., Minnesota, 29. Prof, edu- cation, Stanford Univ., Calif.; dir. evalua- tion study, Bennington Col., Bennington, Vt. M29F33- QI. Eustice, A(lfred) L. 2717 Greenview Ave., Chicago, 111. M17. KP. Eustis, Warner. S.B., Harvard, 18. Staff officer charge res., Kendall Co., 140 Fed- eral St., Boston, Mass. (260 Franklin St., Newton. Mass.) M38F40. BCN. Euwer, Miss Marjorie (Campbell). Univ. Pennsylvania Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M36R38. N. Evans, Albert W(esley). Tilden Technical High School, Chicago, 111. M17R36. Q. Evans, Dr. Alexander W(illiam). M.D., Yale, 92 ; Ph.D., 09. Osborn Botanical Lab., Yale' University, New Haven, Conn. M96- F03. G. Evans, Dr. Alice C(atherine). M.S., Wis- consin, 10; M.D., Woman's Medical Col. Pennsylvania, 34: D.Sc, Wilson, 36. Senior bacteriologist, Nat. Inst. Health; lecturer preventive medicine, George Washington LTniv. School Med., Washington, D. C. (4801 Connecticut Ave.) M24L31F31. N. Evans, Arthur E. 200T Vinewood Blvd., Ann Arbor, Mich. M31R33. FQH. Evans, Dr. Arthur T(hompson). M.S.. Colorado, 15; Ph.D., Chicago, 18. Prof, botany, Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. (400 Chestnut Road) M23F25. G. Evans, Miss C. Lula. 2041 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Pa. M39. H. Evans. Cadwallader, Jr. Waverly, Pa. M27- F32R36. M. Evans, Dr. Charles A(lbert). M.D.. Minne- sota, 37. Assoc, bacteriologist, LTniv. Min- nesota; agent. U. S. Bur. Biological Sur- vey, Minneapolis, Minn. M39. NFC. Evans, Charles C(layton). M.Sc, Chicago. 709 Main St., Stevens Point, Wis. M37. NFE. Evans, Clarence T. M.E., E.E., Ohio State, 08. 2177 N. 69th St., Wauwatosa, Wis. M20. M. Evans, Dr. Clytee Rebekah. M.S., Chicago. 21; Ph.D., 30. Prof, biology, Mississippi State Col. Women, Columbus, Miss. (Houston, Miss.) M28F33. GFE. Evans, Dr. E(arl) A(lison), Jr. Ph.D., Columbia, 36. Asst. prof, biochemistry, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M40. NCF. Evans, Earl R(adford). 1331 G St. NW, Washington, D. C. M32R34. BM. Evans, Dr. Edward T(hompson). M.D., Harvard, 22. Asst. prof, surgery, Univ. Minnesota Med. School, Minneapolis, Minn. M36. NQ. Evans, Mrs. Elida (Mrs. Thomas Grier). 411 W. 114th St., New York, N. Y. M18- R32. 1. Evans, Dr. Florence L(ydia). A.M., Illi- nois, 29; Ph.D., 31. Asst. bacteriologist. U. S. Marine Hosp., Carville, La. M37F38- L38. NC. Evans, Francis Gaynor. 818 S. 16th St., E.. Cedar Rapids. Iowa. M30R34. Evans, Fred(erick) H(uston). 67 Furman Crescent, Rochester, N. Y. M25R34. M. Evans, George B. B.S.C.E., Wisconsin, 94. Congress Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. M18. M. Evans, Prof. G(eorge) Harlowe. M.S., Michigan. 26; Ph.D., 35. Prof, chemistry and chairman Div. Science, Taylor LTniv., Upland, Ind. M35. CBA. Evans, George W(illiam). A.B., Harvard. 83. 16 Beverlv Road, Swampscott, Mass. M28F38. A. Evans, Dr. Gerald T. M.D., McGill, 32; M.Sc, Montreal, 33; Ph.D., Pennsylvania. ^7. Dir. clinical labs, and assoc. prof, medicine, Univ. of Minnesota Hospitals, Minneapolis, Minn. (39 Barton Ave. SE.) M40. N. Evans, Dr. Gertrude. Ph.D.. Chicago, 36. Instr., Dept. Biology, Beloit Col., Beloit, Wis. M39. F. Evans, Mrs. Gertrude S(elene). New York Med. Col. and Flower-Fifth Ave. Hosp., New York, N. Y. (350 S. Main St., Free- port, N. Y.) M36. II. Evans, Dr. Griffith C. M.A., Harvard, 08; Ph.D., 10. Prof, mathematics, LTniv. Cali- fornia. Berkeley, Calif. M31F32. AKB. Vice president for Section on Social and Economic Sciences (K), 193 1. Vice president for Sec- tion on Mathematics (A), 1936. Evans, Harry F(iefield). 1'. 0. Box 70S. Davenport. Iowa. M29R34. D. Evans, Prof. Henry B(rown). M.E., Le- high. 03; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 01. Prof. mathematics, Univ. Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. (88 Merbrook Lane. Merion, Pa.) M99F06. ADM. Evans, Dr. Herbert M(cLean). Inst. Exp. Biology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M37F25R37. President of Pacific Division, 193,7- Evans, Prof. Herbert P(ulse). Ph.D.. Wis- consin, 29. Assoc, prof, mathematics, LTni\ Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M28F33. A. 424 Directory of Members Evans, Dr. Herbert S(ilas). M.E.E., Ne- braska, oo ; Dr.Eng., 28. Dean, Col. Engng., Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (1301 Grandview Ave.) M38. M. Evans, J. Claire. A.B., Ohio. Vice pres., Denver Fire Clay Co., Denver, Colo. (1688 Monaco Parkway) M38. CLE. Evans, Dr. Jennette. M.D., Cornell, 22. 307 Wait Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. M39. N. Evans, Dr. (John) David. Ph.D., North- western. Asst. prof., Univ. Mississippi, University, Miss. M39. F. Evans, Dr. John Ellis. M.A., Indiana, 11; Ph.D., Columbia, 16. Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M17F25. IQK. Evans, Dr. John (Stone). Ph.D., Chicago, 39. Biochemist, Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. (744 N. Douglas Ave.) M40. C. Evans, Dr. K(enneth) Leigh. M.P.H., Har- vard. 33 North St., Kingston, Jamaica, B.W.I. M39. NC. Evans, Dr. Lester J. M.D., Washington Univ., 21. Medical assoc, Commonwealth Fund, 41 E. 57th St., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Evans, Llewellyn. B.S., California. P. O. Box is, Norris, Tenn. M36. MNC. Evans, Dr. Mary J. Morton and Sylvan Aves., Rutledge, Pa. M34F34R34. N. Evans, Mrs. Mildred Smith (Mrs. Gerald A. Evans). A.B., Goucher. Orthoptic tech- nician, Wilmer Ophthalmological Inst., Johns Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore, Md. (1541 Ralworth Road) M40. IN. Evans, Prof. Mildred W(illiams). A.M., Radcliffe, 27; Ph.D., 29. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Wheaton Col., Norton, Mass. M34F34. C. Evans, Morgan W(illiam). M.S., George Washington, 20. Assoc, agronomist, U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Wooster, Ohio. (701 N. Bever St.) M14F24. OG. Evans, Neal E. 631 S. Cherry St., Ottawa, Kans. M26R33. F. Evans, Dr. Newton (Gurdon). M.D., Cor- nell, 00. 2000 Milan Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. M17F27. N. Evans, Dr. Oren F(rank). M.A., Michigan, 20; Ph.D., 40. Assoc, prof, geology, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (810 Monnett St.) M27F31. EB. Evans, Percv H(enriques). 720 E. Wiscon- sin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. M20F31R39. K. Evans, Dr. Ralph L(iggetO. Ph.D.. Co- lumbia, 25. Technical dir., Sales Affiliates, Inc., 730 Fifth Ave., New York. N. Y. (Garner Lane, Bay Shore. N.Y.) M28F33. C. Evans, Ralph M(errill). 670 Seneca Park- way, Rochester, N. Y. M33R36. BCI. Evans, Dr. Raymond Norris. 29 Patten Ave., Rockville Center, N. Y. M31R32. CBA. Evans, Dr. Richard I(rving). M.S., Wis- consin, 28; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M29- F32. G. Evans, Prof. Robley D(unglison). M.S., California Inst. Tech., 29; Ph.D., 32. Assoc, prof, phvsics, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M36F38. BNE. Evans, Dr. S(olomon) D(avid). M.A., Ohio State, 29; Ph.D., 36. Worker analysis supervisor, Chicago Research Center, U. S. Federal Security Agency, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, 111. M39. IQ. Evans, Prof. Thomas Horace. M.D., Penn- sylvania, 99. Res. prof, anatomy, New- York Med. Col. and Flower-Fifth Ave. Hosp., New York, N. Y. (350 S. Main St., Freeport, N. Y.) M35F38. HN. Evan-5, Dr. Tit'.'s Carr. M.S., Iowa, 31; Ph.D., 34. Res. asst. prof, radiology, Univ. Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa. (723 Kirkwood St.) M36. F. Evans, Miss Virginia John. M.Sc, Johns Hopkins, ao. 612 W. 40th St., Baltimore, Md. M40. NCF. Evans, Dr. Walter H(arrison). M.A., Wabash, 89: Ph.D., 96 Route 2, Florence, S. Car. M02F06. G. Evans, Dr. William A. 10 Peterboro St., Detroit, Mich. M36R37. NB. Evans, Prof. William Lloyd. M.Sc, Ohio State, 96; Ph.D., Chicago, 05. Prof, chem- istry and chairman Dept., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M06F08. C. Eve, Dr. A(rthur) S(tewart). 26 Willow Road, Hampstead, London, England. M22- F22R36. BAD. Evenden, E(dward) S(amuel). A.M.. Stan- ford, 11; Ph.D., Columbia, 19. Prof, edu- cation, Columb:a Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M25F25. QIK. Vice presi- dent for Section on Education (Q), 1936- Everett, Chester McKenzie. 22 E. 40th St., New York. N. Y. M36R37. MBN. Everett, E(rnest) E(llsworth). 1822 Mar- isol Drive, Ventura, Calif. M28R32. MAB. Everett, Prof. James R. Golden, Colo. M35F35R35. A. Everett, Dr. John W(endell). Ph.D.. Yale. 32. Asst. prof, anatomy, Duke Univ. School Med., Durham, N. Car. M40. N. Everett, Prof. M(ark) R(euben). Ph.D., Harvard, 2J. Prof, biochemistry, Univ. Oklahoma School Med.. Oklahoma Citv, Okla. (1302 N. West 21st St.) M30F33. NC. Everett, Dr. Milton H. 2838 Avenue C, Bradenton, Fla. M18. NCB. E 'erett, Dr. S(hem) A Hired). 408 Adams St.. Freeland. Pa. M17R33. N. Everette, Dr. Willis Eugenes. M12D38. Everh^rt, Calvin Cecil. Moville. Iowa. M30. M. Individual Members 425 Everit, R(ichard) S(turtevant). Barre, Mass. M23R35. E. Everitt, Dr. Edward L(ewis). M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 31; Ph.D., Georgetown, 37. Prof, physiological chemistry, Georgetown Univ. Dental School; asst. prof, physio- logical chemistry, Georgetown Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. M38. CN. Evers, F. Bernard. Pres., American Bread Co., Nashville, Tenn. M40. Evers, Miss Helen Frances. M.S., Kan- sas State, 32. Prof, home economics, Southwestern Col., Winfield, Kans. (429 Michigan St.) M40. FG. Evers, Robert A(ugust). B.S., Kansas State, 3?. Instr. science, Junior High School, Quincy, 111. (1303^ State St.) M32. GFQ. Eversull, Frank L(issenden). A.M., Chi- cago, 27 ; Ph.D., Yale, 33; D.D., Marietta, 37. Pres., North Dakota Agric. Col., Fargo, N. Dak. (515 Uth St.) M38. QI. Evvard, Dr. John Marcus. M.S., Missouri, 09; Ph.D., Arizona, 27. 317 W. Cypress St., Phoenix, Ariz. M35F18. FCO. Ewald, Robert F(ranklin). C.E., Wiscon- sin, 15. Hydraulic engineer, Aluminum Co. America, Pittsburgh, Pa. (447 Avon Drive, Mt. Lebanon, Pa.) M36. MB. Ewart, Dr. Roswell H. Ch.E., Lehigh, 25 ; Ph.D., Illinois. 34. Res. chemist, U. S. Rubber Co., Passaic, N. J. (304 Hillside Ave., Nutley, N. J.) M39. CMP. Ewer, Dr. S(eth) Judson. M.S., Illinois, 30; Ph.D., Rutgers, 34. Instr. botany, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. (Bernardston, Mass.) M31. GEF. Ewerhardt, Dr. Frank Henry. M.D., St. Louis, 10. Asst. prof, physical therapeu- tics, Washington Univ. School Med.; sur- geon out patients, Washington Univ. Clinics; dir. Student Health Service, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M29- F33. NH. Ewerhardt, Dr. Paul (Jacob). M.D., Wash- ington Univ. 3322 McKinley St. NW., Washington, D. C. M38. NIK. Ewers, Miss Lela A(rminda). M.Sc, Ohio State, 23; Ph.D., 29. Instr. biological science, Cottey Col., Nevada, Mo. M29- F33- FN. Ewert, Dr. Harry. M37D37. I. Ewert, W(illiam) C(hristian). Clerk, Pull- man Co.. 79 E. Adams St., Chicago, 111. (548 E. 62nd St.) M38. B. Ewing, Bayard. St. Paul's School, Con- cord, N. H. (?) M3-2R33- NIB. Ewing, Prof. Dwight T(arbelP. M.S.. Chi- cago, 1-5: Ph.D.. 20. Prof, physical chem- istry, Michigan State Col., East Lansing. Mich. (513 Ardson Road) M39. CB. Ewing, Gifford (Cochran). Amenia, N. Y. M29. OF. Ewing, Hampton Denman. Chrysler Bldg., New York, N. Y. M35R35. BK. Ewing. Dr. Henry E(llsworth). M.S.. Illi- nois, 08; Ph.D., Cornell, 11. Entomolo- gist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. M09F15. F. Ewing, Dr. Scott (Preston). Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. M28F31- R36. P.. Ewing, Prof. Warren W(alter). M.S., Chi- cago, 18; Ph.D., 20. Pri if. physical chem- istry. Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. (106 W. Langhorn Ave.) M22F33. C. Ewing, Dr. (William) Maurice. M.A., Rice, 27; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, physics, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. M38F38. BEA. Exline, Harriet (See Mrs. Don L. Friz- zell). Exline, Paul G(ettis). M.S., Pittsburgh, 33. Engineer, Gulf Research and Develop- ment Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (32 Riverside Heights, Verona, Pa.) M34F34. MBA. Exner, Frank M(etcalf). 11 45 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. M32R37- B. E^ner, Dr. Franz F(reder;ck). Carleton Col., Northfield, Minn. M17F33R38. CA. E-'er. Dr. John R. State College, N. Mex. M33F33R35. F. President of Southwestern, 1940. Eyre, Francis H(owlett). B.S., Michigan, 22. Senior silviculturist, Lake States For- est Exp. Sta., University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M38F39. GOF. Eyre, Miss Mary Brooks. M.A., Stanford, 23. Prof, psychology, Scripps Col. and Claremont Col., Claremont, Calif. (1134 College Ave.) M28F33. IHN. Eyring, Dr. Carl F(erd'nand). M.A., Wis- consin, 15; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 24. Dean Col. Arts and Sciences and prof. physics, Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah. M24F31. B. Eyring, Prof. Henry. Ph.D., California, 27. Prof, chemistry. Princeton Univ., Prince- ton. N. J. M33F33. C. Eyster, Dr. H(enry) Clvde. A.M., Illinois, 34; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, botany and head Dept., Univ. Sorth Dakota, Vermillion, S. Dak. M39F40. G. Eyster, Prof. William H(enry). A.M., Bucknell. 15; Ph.D., Cornell. 20. Prof, botany, Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, Pa. M22F25. G. Ezekiel, Dr. Walter N(aphtali). M.S., Maryland, 21: Ph.D., 24. Plant patholo- gist. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta.. College Sta- tion Tex. (309 W. 2sth St., Bryan. Tex.) iM--5F->5K35)M38F25. GOC. Ezell, Boyce D(ewitt). M.S.. Michigan State, 26. Asst. horticulturist, U. S. Horti- cultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. M27F33. OCG. 426 Directory of Members Faber, Dr. Harold K(niest). M.D., Michi- gan, 11. Prof, pediatrics, Stanford Univ. School Med., San Francisco, Calif, (i960 Vallejo St.) M28F33. N. Fabian, Prof. F(rederick) W(illiam). M.S., Michigan State, 24; Ph.D., Yale, 29. Res. prof, bacteriology, Michigan State Col., Fast Lansing, Mich. (506 Marshall St.) M34F34. N. Fabian, Sister M. B.S., Fremont. Fari- bault, Minn. M38. CFQ. Fabyan, Prof. Marshall. 379 Common- wealth Ave., Boston, Mass. M34F34R34. N. Faccioli, Guiseppe. M18F28D34. M. Fadeley, C(harles) F. M. M33D39. Fagan, Prof. Frank N(elson). Horticul- tural Bldg., State College, Pa. M24F31- R3S- O. Fahnestock, Dr. Ernest. M24D37. N. Fahrenwald, Dr. F(rank) A(lfred). Ph.D., Michigan. 11538 Longwood Drive, Chi- cago, 111. M28F32. MCB. Fahy, Frank P. 31 Sidnev St., New Rochelle, N. Y. M28F31R33. B. Fahy, Miss Mildred. M.S., Chicago, 22. Principal, Peirce School. Chicago, 111. (1101 Pratt Blvd.) M38. EQ. Faig, Prof. John T(heodore). M.E., Ken- tucky, 97. Pres. of Depts., Ohio Mechanics Inst., Cincinnati, Ohio. (3345 Whitfield Ave.) M24F25. M. Vice president for Sec- tion on Engineering (M), 1923. Failey, Dr. Crawford F. 416 S. 6th St., Terre Haute, Ind. M29F33R38. CN. Failla, Dr. G(ioacchino). M.A., Columbia, 17; D.Sc, Paris, 23. Physicist, Memorial Hosp.; res. assoc, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (4740 Iselin Ave., Riverdale, X. Y.) M20F31. BCN. Failer, Miss Leona Mae. M.A., Nebraska, 32. Instr., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M40. QI. Fain, Prof. John R(ichard). Route 2, Jef- ferson City, Tenn. M12F16R38. O. Fair, Prof. Gordon Maskew. S.M., Tufts, 34. Prof, engng. and sanitary engng., Harvard Univ. Graduate School Engng., Cambridge, Mass. (7 Scott St.) M34F34. MN. Fair, Richard Harvey. Box 377, Omaha, Nebr. M18F32. M. Fairbank, Dr. Ruth E(ldred). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 16. Prof, hygiene and Col. psy- chiatrist. Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. (Woodbridge Terrace) M33. INK. Fairbanks, Dr. B(erthier) W(esley). M.S., Wyoming, 31; Ph.D., 35. Prof, swine hus- bandry, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M36- R37)M4o. Of. Fairbanks, Prof. Floyd C(ooper). A.B., Rochester, 01. Prof. physics, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. (700 Post Ave.) M14F16. BD. Fairbanks, Dr. Grant. M.A., Iowa, 34; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, speech, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M38. IB. Fairbanks, Harold V. M.S., Michigan State, 39. Student, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (319 Southlawn Ave., East Lansing, Mich.) M38. CBA. Fairchild, Benjamin T. 74 Laight St., New- York, N. Y. M87R33- C. Fairchild, C(harles) O(wen). M.S., Rose Polytechnic Inst., 20. Dir. res., C. J. Tag- liabue Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. M39F40. BAM. Fairchild, Dr. David G(randison). M.Sc, Kansas State, 89; D.Sc, Oberlin, 15. 4013 Douglas Road, Coconut Grove, Fla. M98- F98. GO. Fairchild, Prof. Henry Pratt. Ph.D.. Yale, 09; LL.D., Doane, 30. Prof, sociology and chairman Dept. Graduate School, New York Univ., Washington Square, New York, N. V. (51 Charles St.) M32- F33. KH. Fairchild, Prof. Herman L(eRoy). D.Sc, Pittsburgh, 10. Prof, emeritus geology, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M78- F83E30. E. Vice president for Section on Geology and Geography (E), 1898. Member of the Executive Committee, 1921-27. Fairfax, Miss Mary Cecelia. M35D35. E. Fairfield, Prof. John G(uthrie). M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 37. Prof, heat engng., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N. Y. (75 Euclid Ave.) M34F34. M. Fairhall, Dr. Lawrence T. M.S., Illinois, 12; M.A., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., 18. Princi- pal industrial toxicologist, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. (407 Fairfax Road, Bethesda, Md.) M30F33. C. Fairleigh, J(ames) A(ndrew). 724 James Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. M25R32. MAB. Fairley, Dr. Arthur S(amuel). A.M., Am- herst. 25; Ph.D., Princeton, 27. South Brooksville, Maine. M34F34. D. Fajardo, Tranquilino. Bur. Science, P. I. Dept. Agric and Natural Resources, Ma- nila, P. I. M25F33R33. GFO. Falck, Alexander D., Jr. A.B., Cornell, 34- Geologist, Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Butte, Mont. (Montana Hotel) M39. EH. Fales, Dr. Doris E(dna). A.M., Western Reserve. 27; Ph.D., Yale, 31. Assoc, prof., Richmond Professional Inst. Col. Wil- liam and Mary, Richmond, Va. M34F34. FIC. Individual Members 4-V Fales, Prof. Harold A(thelstane). A.M., Columbia, 14; Ph.D., id. Prof, chemistry, Columbia Univ., New York, X. V. M51- F33. CBA. Fales, Dr. W(illiam) Thurber. Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 24. Dir., Bur. Vital Sta- tistics, Baltimore Health Dept. ; lecturer 1 ■!' ^statistics, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hvsriene and Public Health. Baltimore, Md. M25F31. NK. Falk, Dr. I(sidore) S(ydney). Ph.D.. Yale, 23. Asst. dir., Bur. Res. and Statistics. U. S. Social Securitv Board, Washing- ton, D. C. M24F33. NK. Falk, Mrs. K. George (Carolyn Rosen- stein). B.A.. Smith, 23. Bacteriologist. Bur. Labs., City Dept. Health, New York, X. V. (40 E. 66th St.) M35F38. NC. Falk, Dr. K(aufman) George. Ph.D., Strassburg, 05. Dir., Lab. Industrial Hy- giene, Inc., 78 Madison Ave., New York, X. Y. (40 E. 66th St.) M07F11. CXB. Falk, Dr. Myron S(amuel). M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 00; Ph.D., Columbia, 03. Con- sulting engineer, 126 E. 70th St., New York, N. Y. M25F26. M. Falkowsky, Dr. Charles, Jr. M36D30. X. Fall, H(enry) C(linton). M27F27D30. F. Falls, Miss Olive. M.S.. Kansas State. S7.U Blackstone St.. Chicago. 111. (?) M36. FGO. Falter, P(hilip) H(enry). 134 Allen St., Massena, X. Y. M27R38. C. Famular, Dr. Paul P. 3606 Boulevard, Jer- sey City, X. J. M37R37. CN. Famulener, Dr. L(emuel) W(illiam). M.D., Michigan, 06. Bacteriologist, St. Luke's Hosp., Xew York, N. Y. (275 Fu- gle St., Englewood, X. J.) M08F16. XG. Fancher, Fred R. Box 125, Redondo Beach, Calif. M27R32. D. Fancher, Dr. James K(enneth). 384 Peachtree St.. Atlanta, Ga. M36R36. X. Fancier, Mrs. Delia G(oode). M.A., South- ern California, 31. 552 Washington Ave., El Monte. Calif. M31. QKL. Fangemann, W(illiam) Howard. B.S.M.E., Xew York. 36. In charge engng. records. Intertvpe Corp., 360 Furman St., Brook- lyn, X. Y. (300 Sterling St.) M38. ABM. Fankhauser, Prof. Gerhard. Ph.D., Bern. 24. Assoc, prof, biology, Princeton Univ., Princeton. X. J. M^I'V,. !•'. Fantham, Prof. H(arold) B(enjamin). M34D37. FX. Farbar, Leonard. M.S., California, 38. Me- chanical engineer, Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Associated. Calif. (10 Como St., Daly City, Calif.) M40. MCB. Farber, Dr. Lionel. M.A., Toronto, 31: Ph.D., 34. Instr. res. medicine, Hooper Foundation, Univ. California, San Fran- cisco, Calif. M39. CX. Farber, Dr. Sidney. Ml).. Harvard, 27. Asst. prof, pathology, Harvard Med. School; pathologist. Children's Hosp., Boston, Mass. M39. X. Farden, Carl A(lexander). B.S., Hawaii. 25. Asst. chemist, Pineapple Producers Cooperative Assn.. Honolulu. Hawaii. (2306 Hoonanea St.) M32. OCU. Faries, Robert. Ithan Road, St. Davids. Pa. M34R34. M. Farinacci, Dr. Nicholas T(homas). Ph.D.. Columbia. 38. 18 E. qth St., Xew York, X. Y. M39- CBG. Faris, Prof. Basim A(min). M.B.A., Har- vard. Warehouse mgr.. A. B.C. Co.. Ltd., Beirut, Lebanon. (iS5 Rue Georges Picot) M28. KA. Faris, Prof. Ellsworth. Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. M35F35R37. KI. Faris, Dr. Robert. 500 Angell St., Provi- dence, R. I. M33R33. KH. Farish, C. S. T. Mahr Tunnel, Via Lima, Peru, S. A. M3iR33- ME. Farkell, George C. M18D— . B. Farley, Franklin. B.S., Kansas, 18. Treas., Phosphate Mining Co.. 1 10 Williams St., Xew York, X. Y. M28. CM. Farley, Prof. John Herbert. M.A., Law- rence. 08. Prof, philosophy. Lawrence Col.. Appleton, Wis. M12F24. KLQ. Farmer, Prof. Chester J(efferson). A.M.. Harvard, 13. Prof, chemistry, Xorthwest- crn Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. (574 Prairie Ave., Glen Ellyn, 111.) M34F34. ( ' FG. Farmer, Dr. C(urren) M(onroe). LL.D., Iowa Christian, 10: M.A., North Carolina. 10. Alabama State Teachers Col., Troy, Ala. M20. IQ. Farmer. F(rank) Malcolm. M.E., Cornell, 99. Vice pres. and chief engineer, Elec- trical Testing Labs., Xew York, X. Y. M18F28. BM. Farmer, Roy S(tanley). 722 W. 57th St., Los Angeles, Calif. M36R36. DBA. Farmin, Rollin. S.M., Idaho, 26. Chief en- gineer and geologist. Idaho Maryland Mines Corp., Grass Valley, Calif. (400 Xevada St.. Nevada City, Calif.) M40. EM. Farnham, Wallace S(trong). M22D36. K. Farnsworth, Prof. Alice H(all). M.S.. Chi- cago, 17: Ph.D.. 20. Prof, astronomy, Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. M18- 1-2 5 : d. Farnsworth, Dr. (Anne) Marie. Schell- ingstr. 3, Pension Molsen-Hostrup, Mu- nich, Germany. M25F25R35. CB. Farnsworth, Prof. Burt Byron. Ph.M., Mt. Hope, 96; M.H.. Springfield. 12. Prof, re- tired philosophy, Springfield Col.. Spring- field. Mass. 1 70 Thompson St.i M29. H. 428 Directory of Members Farnsworth, Prof. C. Eugene. M.F., Yale. 28. Assoc, prof., New York State Ranger School, Wanakena, N. Y. M38. G. Farnsworth, D(avid) I(van). M.S., St. Louis, 28; M.B., Louisiana, 39. Assoc, anatomy, Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond. Va. M35. NF. Farnsworth, Mrs. Frances Jones. Dept. Child Study, Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M30R32. IQ. Farnsworth, Miss Goldena. M.S.. Chicago, 28. Prof, physics, Hollins College, Va. M27F33. BAD. Farnsworth, Prof. H(arry) E(dward). M.A., Wisconsin. 21 ; Ph.D., 22. Dept. Phvsics, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M26F27. B. Farnsworth, Dr. Paul R(andolph). M.A., Ohio State, 22; Ph.D., 25. Acting prof, social psychology, Univ. Wisconsin, Mad- ison, Wis. M22F28. I. Farnsworth, Philo T(avlor). Farnsworth Television and Radio Corp., Fort Wayne, Ind. M36F3S. BM. Farquhar, Dr. B(ruce) S(traub). M.A., Cincinnati. 34; Ph.D., 36. Res. chemist, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc., Waynesboro, Va. (361 Maple Ave.) M37. C. Farquhar, Dr. Donald W(ells\ M.S.. Har- vard, 30; Ph.D., 34. Instr. biologv, Col. City New York. New York. N. Y. ("296 Ames St., Lawrence, Mass.) M39F39. F. Farquhar, Francis. Pres., A. B. Farquhar Co., Ltd., York, Pa. Mi 7. M. Farquharson, William J. 4848 N. Win- chester Ave., Chicago, 111. M30R34. Farr, Dr. Clifford B. Brvn Mawr, Pa. M35F35R38. N. Farr, Mrs. Wanda K(irjkbride). M.A., Co- lumbia, 18. Dir., Cellulose Dept., Chemical Foundation, Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers, N. Y. M29F30. GC. Farrand, Dr. Livingston. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M01F02R37. H. Farrand, Dr. Max. i6=;o Orlando Road, San Marino, Calif. M24F26R38. LKQ. Farrand, Wilson. Princeton Univ., Prince- ton, N. J. M09R36. Farrar, Dr. C(larence) B. M.D.. Johns Hopkins, 00. Prof, psychiatry, Univ. To- ronto Faculty Med.; dir., Toronto Psychi- atric Hosp.. Toronto, Ont., Canada. (20 Oriole Road) M34F34. IN. Farrar, Dr. C(lavton) L(eon). Ph.D., Massachusetts State. 31. Apiculturist charge U. S. Bee Culture Lab.: assoc. prof., Dept. Economic Entomo'oey, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M33F33. KOF. Farrar, H(arry) K(ingL 50 N. 21s* St., East Orange, N. J. M34R37. M. Farrell, Dr. Elliston. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 30. 46 Sidnev Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. M39. N- Farrell, F(rancis) D(avid). Agr.D., Ne- braska, 25. Pres., Kansas State Col., Man- hattan, Kans. M10F23. KO. Farrere, Miss Helene S. 501 W. 122nd St., New York, N. Y. M38. Farrier, Clarence W. B.S., Armour Inst. Tech., 16. Television coordinator. Nat. Broadcasting Co., New Y'ork, N. Y. (624 Munro Ave., Mamaroneck, N. Y.) M38. KBE. Farrington, Dr. Ernest A(lbert). M09D37. INQ. Farrington, John Vanstory. 1350 Union Square, Hickory, N. Car. M36R36. N. Farrington, R(obert) I(rv"n°:\ 11 Hamp- shire Circle, Lawrence Park W., Yonkers, N. Y. M29R34. Farris, Dr. Edmond J(ohn). Ph.D., Penn- sylvania. 38. Exec. dir.. Wistar Inst. Anat- omy and Biology, Philadelphia, Pa. M38. FN. Farris, Dr. Nolan Fern. M.S., Rutgers, 30; Ph.D., 32. Assoc, soil conservationist. U. S. Soil Conservation Service, State Col- lege, Pa. M33F40. O. Farwell, Francis C. 208 S. La Salle St.. Chicago, 111. L21. Farwell, Prof. H(ermon) W(aldo). A.M., Dartmouth, 06. Prof, physics, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (130 Woodridge Place, Leonia, N. J.) M16F25. B. Farwell, Robert B(enneson). S.B., Wor- cester Polytechnic Inst., 93. 62 Pinckney St., Boston, Mass. M98. M. Fashena, Gladys J(eannette). 654 W. 161st St., New York, N. Y. M32R33. ^CD. Fassett, Francis Keith. U. B. Bldg.. Day- ton, Ohio. M18R32. M. Fassett, Prof. Frederick G(ard'ner), Jr. A.M.. Colby, 27, Maine, 30. Assoc, prof. English and editor "Technology Review," Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M37. LKH. Fas-ett, Norman C(arter). A.M.. Har- vard. 23: Ph.D., 25. Dept. Botany. Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M25F31. G. Fa^sig, Dr. Oliver L(anard). M97F99D37. BE. Fast, Gustave. Annapolis, Md. M30R34. MBA. Fasten, Dr. Nathan. Ph.D.. Wisconsin. 14 Prof, and head Dept. Zoo'osry. Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. M14F16. F. Fath, A(rthur) E(arl). A.M.. Oberlin. 10: Ph.D.. Chicago, 22. Geo'oerist. Socony- Vacuim Oil Co., Inc.. 62 Sharia Ibrahin Pasha, Cairo, Egypt. M20F25. E. Individual Members 4-'«) Fath, Prof. E(dward) A(rthur). Ph.D., California, 09. Prof, astronomy and dir. Goodsell Observatory, Carleton Col., Northfield, Minn. M11F13. DB. Fattig, Prof. P(erry) W(ilbur). Emory University, Ga. M17R34. FG. Faulk, Dr. J. W. Crowley, La. M32R32. N. Faulkner, Dr. A(lden) W(est). 524 Quin- pool Road, Halifax, N. S., Canada. M32- R39. N. Faulkner, Prof. Donald. De Land, Fla. M32F33R33. AQ. Faulkner, Dr. Ray. LTniv. Minnesota, Min- neapolis, Minn. (?) M38R39- IQ- Faull, Prof. J(oseph) H(orace). Ph.D., Harvard, 04. Prof, forest pathology, Har- vard Univ., Cambridge. Mass. (72 Fresh Pond Lane) M04F09. G. Faunce, Wayne M(oody). Sc.B., Brown, 21. Vice dir. and exec, sec, Amer. Mus. Natural History; pres., Amusalon, Inc., New York, N. Y. (2 Outlook Ave., Co- lonial Heights, Tuckahoe, N. Y.) M39- QDF. Faust, Prof. Ernest Carroll. M.A., Illinois, 14; Ph.D., 17. Prof, parasitology, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. (2628 Octavia St.) M24F25. FN. Faust, Miss Mildred E(lizabeth). M.S., Chicago, 23; Ph.D., 33. Instr. plant science, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. M28. G. Favila, Dr. Raymundo A. 810 San Mar- celino St., Manila, P. I. M40. A. Favill, Dr. John. M.D., Harvard, 13. Clin- ical prof, neurology, Rush Med. Col.; at- tending neurologist and psychiatrist, Pres- byterian Hosp., Chicago, 111. M17F25. N. Favre, Prof. Adrian. 16 Rue Docteur Trolard, Alger, Algerie. M3;R37- KLQ. Favrot, Charles A. M32D39. Fawcett, Clarence G(eorge). M.S., Chi- cago, 31. Teacher, Wright Junior Col., Chicago, 111. (323 E. Jefferson Ave., Wheaton, 111.) M40. C. Fawcett, Dr. H(oward) S(amuel). M.S., Florida, 08; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 18. Prof, plant pathology, Univ. California Citrus Exp. Sta.; plant pathologist, Cali- fornia Agric. Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. M11F13. G. Faxon, Mrs. F. E. 353 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. M29R35. GNQ. Faxon, H(enry) D(arlington). Box 57, Kansas City, Mo. M26. C. Faxon, Richard. 71 Jane St., New York, N. Y. M28. F. Fay, Albert H(ill). M.S.. Columbia, 35- Development engineer, Flintkote Co.. 50 W. 50th St., New York, N. Y. (149 Cen- tral Ave., Ridgefield Park, N. J.) M38. MPQ. Fay, Allan B. A.B., Haverford, 27. Chief engineer, Sewage Treatment Plant, Blue Plains, Washington, I). C. (Woodacres, Georgetown Station) M38. MAC. Fay, Miss Dolores J(oan). Lindenhurst, N. Y. (?) M27R35. FGQ. Fay, Frederic Harold. S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 94. Head, Fay, Spofford, and Thorndike, 11 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. (227 Savin Hill Ave.) M17F26. M. Fay, Irving W(etherbee). 578 E. 21st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M17R32. C. Fay, Dr. Joseph H. M.D., Tufts, 08. Visit- ing surgeon, Melrose Hosp., Melrose, Mass. (49 Lake Ave.) M36. NO. Fay, Miss Marion (Spencer). M.A., Col- orado, 22; Ph.D., Yale, 25. Prof, physio- logical chemistry, Woman's Med. Col. Pennsylvania, East Falls, Philadelphia, Pa. M38F38. N. Fay, Dr. Paul J(ohnson). Dept. Psychol- ogy, De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. M32R32. IQ. Fay, Prof. Richard D(udley). A.B., Har- vard, 15; S.B., Harvard and Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 17. Assoc, prof, electri- cal communications, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (177 Coolidge Hill) M39F40. BM. Fay, Dr. Temple. M.D., Pennsylvania, 21. Prof, and head Dept. Neurology and Neurosurgery, Temple Univ. School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. (7304 Elbow Lane, Mt. Airy) M40. N. Faye, Dr. Paul-Louis. Ph.D., California, 31. Prof, modern languages and litera- tures, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. M37. LQH. Fazel, Dr. Charles S(tever). M.A., Illi- nois, 15; Ph.D., 20. Chief res., Nitrogen Div., Solvay Process Co., Hopewell, Va. (1530 Westover Ave., Petersburg, Va.) M34F34. CBA. Fearing, Prof. Franklin (Smith). A.M., Stanford, 24; Ph.D., 26. Prof, psychology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los An- geles, Calif. (221 18th St., Santa Monica, Calif.) M24F31. IHF. Fearing, Justin L(incoln). LL.B., Na- tional, 20. Patent attorney, 420 Lexing- ton Ave., New York, X. Y. (24 Dobbs Terrace, Scarsdale, N. Y.) M20. BM. Fecht, A(rthur) J(ohn). B.S.E.E., Kan- sas, 14. Geophysicist, McCollum Explora- tion Co., Houston, Tex. (P.O. Box 385, Kansas City, Kans.) M34. I'M A. Federer, Charles A(nthony), Jr. B.S., City Col. Xew York, 37. Editor, "Sky," Sky Publishing Corp., Havden Planetarium, Xew York, N. Y. (43 W. 87th St.) M39. DBA. Fee, Daniel Jerome. B.Sc, Cailfornia, 14. Assoc, engineer. Federal Power Co., Washington, D. C. (Marlyn Apartments) M27. M. 43C Directory of Members Feemster, Dr. Roy F. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 24; D.P.H., 25. Dir., Div. Com- municable Diseases, Massachusetts Dept. Public Health; lecturer. Harvard Univ. School Public Health, Boston, Mass. (40 Kent St., Brookline, Mass.) M39. N. Feeney, Fenton Lawrence. M.A., South- ern California, 40. Teaching fellow, Univ. Southern California. Los Angeles, Calif. (152 Rivo Alto Canal, Long Beach, Calif.) M40. FGQ. Fehr, Roy Benner. M.S., Pennsylvania State, 14. Box 2463, East Cleveland, Ohio. M17F25. MBC. Feibleman, James (K.). Author and lec- turer, 1547 Canal Bank Bldg., New Or- leans, La. (12 Nassau Drive, Metairie) M32. Feigenbaum, Dr. Dorian. M29D37. IN. Feigley, Dr. H. P. P.D., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science; M.D., Jefferson. 32 10th St., Quakertown, Pa. M39. N. Feiker, Dr. Frederick M (orris). D.Eng., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 38. Dean, School Engng., George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. (2137 Bancroft Place NW.) M37F27. M. Vice president for Sec- tion on Engineering (M), 192 2 ; Secretary, 1937— ■ Feil, Dr. Harold. Assoc, prof, clinical medicine, Western Reserve Univ. School Med.; assoc. visiting physician, Lakeside Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. (2343 Ardleigh Road) M39. N. Feild, Alex(ander) L(ittlejohn). 211 Chan- cery Road, Guilford, Baltimore, Md. (?) M34F34R34. CBM. Fein, Dr. M. J. M.D. 2602 Avenue M, Brooklyn, N. Y. M35. N. Feinberg, Dr. Benjamin G(eorge). M.A., Columbia, 10; Ph.D., 13. 118 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y. M28P33. C. Feinbloom, Dr. William. 138 E. 36th St., New York, N. Y. M36R37. NI. Feingold, Dr. Gustave A(lexander). M.S., Trinity, 12; M.A., Harvard, 12; Ph.D., 14. Principal, Bulkelev High School, Hart- ford, Conn. M18F3Y IQ. Feinler, Rev. Franz J(oseph). 821 E. C St., Grants Pass, Oreg. M24R37. A. Feirer, Dr. William A(nthony). D.Sc, Johns Plopkins, 25; M.D., 30. Dir., Med. Res. Div., Sharp and Dohme, Philadel- phia, Pa. M25F33. N. Feiss, Julian William. M.S., Arizona School Mines. Engng. Dept., Climax Molybdenum Co., Climax, Colo. M36. EMF. Fekete, Miss Elizabeth. M.A., Michigan, 29. Res. assoc, R. B. Jackson Memorial Lab., Bar Harbor, Maine. M37F38. NF. Feld, Dr. Jacob. M.A., C.E., Cincinnati, 21 ; Ph.D., 22. Consulting engineering, 103 Park Ave.; chief engineer, Brader Con- struction Corp., 1 01 Park Ave., New York, \r. Y. (16 Mersereau Ave., Mt. Vernon, X. Y.) M25F27. MAE. Feldman, Dr. Aaron. Ph.D., Chicago, 21 ; M.D., 28. 4841 Broadwav, New York, N. Y. M31. NC. Feldman, Prof. Horace W(enger). 211 Dana Ave., Hvde Park, Boston, Mass. M34F26R36. FG. Feldman, Dr. Julius. Ph.D., Chicago, 37. Res. fellow, Dept. Physiology, Univ. Illi- nois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (3849 Fill- more St.) M39. CNP. Feldman, Seymour Irving. A.B., Minne- sota, 38. Teaching asst., Dept. Zoology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M38. F. Feldstein, Leonard H. B.S., Pennsyl- vania. 2061 Hudson St., Denver, Colo. M39. C. Felix, E(arl) L(ouis). B.S.A., Tennessee, 22. Plant pathologist, Porter and Bonney Farms Lab., Elba, N. Y. M24F33. G. Fellers, Dr. Carl R(aymond). M.Sc, Rut- gers, 16; Ph.D., 18. Res. prof, food tech- nology, Massachusetts State Col. and Agric. Exp. Sta., Amherst, Mass. (52 Fear- ing St.) M22F25. CO. Fellner, Dr. William. Benczurucca 11. Budapest, Hungary. M37. K. Fellowes, Dr. O (liver) N(elson). M.S., Ohio State, 34; Ph.D., 38. Instr. bacteriol- ogy, Univ. Iowa Col. Med., Iowa City, Iowa. M39. N. Fellows, Edwin R(ussell). Pres., Fellows Gear Shaper Co., Springfield, Vt. (61 Cherry Hill) Mi 7. M. Fellows, Miss (Jennie) Dorkas. M29D38. FKP. Fellows, John A(lbert). M.S., Massachu- chusetts Inst. Tech., 32. Foundry metal- lurgist, Amer. Manganese Steel Div., Amer. Brake Shoe and Foundry Co., Chi- cago Heights, 111. M38. MPB. Fellows, Miss Katherine A. M.S., Michi- gan, 24. Special editor science, Middle English Dictionary, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (720 Haven Ave.) M29. LFG. Fels, Samuel S. LL.D., Pennsylvania. Pres., Fels and Co., Philadelphia, Pa. M33. Felsen, Dr. Joseph. M.D., Columbia, 15. Dir. labs, and res., Bronx Hosp., New York, N. Y. (262 E. 4th St., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.) M39- N. Felstein, Milton. B.A., Texas. Griffith Con- sumer's Co., Washington, D. C. (1406 Crittenden St. NW.) M40. AMB. Felt, Dr. E(phraim) P(orter). D.Sc, Cor- nell, 94. Dir. and chief entomologist, Bart- lett Tree Res. Labs., Stamford, Conn. (24 Hubbard Ave.) M95F99E39. F. Individual Members U' Felton, Dr. Joseph. Ph.D., Breslau, 14. Pres., Felton Chemical Co., Inc., 603 Tohnson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. (1623 E. 28th St.) M29. CIE. Felton, Dr. Lloyd D(err). M.D.. Johns Hopkins. 16; Sc.D., Wooster Polytechnic Inst., 25. Senior surgeon, Nat. Inst. Health, U. S. Public Health Service, Wash- ington, D. C. M23F31. NC. Felts, Dr. Wayne M(oore). M.S., Oregon Stale. 36; Ph.D., Cincinnati, 38. Instr. geology, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M40. EMC. Fencil, Calvin F(isher). M.S., Pittsburgh, 26. Teacher, Tunior-Senior High School, Wyomissing, "Pa. (316 W. Wyomissing Ave., Shillington, Pa.) M27. FG. Fender, Miss Flora S. M.S., Pennsylvania, 36. Graduate student, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (924 N. 26th St.) M40. G. Fendrick, Dr. Paul. A.M., Yale, 25 ; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Asst. prof, education, Wash- ington State Col., Pullman, Wash. (507 Oak St.) M38. IQ. Fenimore, Dr. H(arold) Emory. M.A., Wisconsin, 26; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 28. 201 N. Celia Ave., Muncie, Ind. M3oF33- CBA. Fenn, Ivan J. 1216 W. 10th St., Amarillo. Tex. M27R32. E. Fenn, Prof. Wallace O(sgood). A.M., Har- vard. 16; Ph.D., 19. Prof, physiology, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Den- tistry, Rochester. N. Y. M25F27. NCB. Fennell, Richard A. Birmingham-Southern Col.. Birmingham. Ala. M32R32. FN. Fennell, William. Dept. Philosophy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (?) M34- R34- I. Fenneman, Dr. Nevin M. A.M., Chicago, 00; Ph.D., 01. Prof, emeritus geology. Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M02- F04. E. Vice president for Section on Geol- ogy and Geography (E), 19-3- Fenner, Dr. C(larence) N(orman). A.M., Columbia, 09; Ph.D., 10. Geologist re- tired, Geophysical Lab., Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. (64 Broad St., Clifton, N. J.) M18F21. EBC. Fenner, L(awrence) M(yron). B.Sc, Ohio State. 20. Agent, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bloomfield, N. J. (75 Williamson Ave.) M23F33. G. Fenner, Roland H. 359 Taylor St., Crystal City, Mo. M37R37. A. Fennessey, Sister St. John Nepomucene. M.S., Catholic, 38. In charge Dept. Chem- istry, Trinity Col., Washington, D. C. M39. CBN. Fenning, Dr. Con. M.A., Nebraska, 31 : M D 32. Asst. prof, pharmacology and physiology, Univ. Utah School Med., Salt Lake City, Utah. M38. Np. Fenton, Alfred. 1 104 Second Nat. Bldg., Houston, Tex. M35. I". Fenton, Dr. Carroll Lane. Ph.D., Chicago, 26. Author, 905 Columbus St., West Lib- erty, Iowa. M29F31. EF. Fenton, Col. Chauncey Lee. B.S.. U. S. Military Academy. Prof, chemistry and electricity, U. S. Military Acad.. West Point, N. V. M38. CM. Fenton, Dr. Clement C. 360 Maple Ave., Morgantown, W. Va. M3iR34- NFC. Fenton, Prof. Faith. M.S., Columbia, 23; Ph.D., Chicago, 38. Asst. prof., State Col. Home Economics, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, X. Y. M39. CQ. Fenton, Prof. Frederick A(zel). M.S., Wis- consin, is; Ph.D., Ohio State, 18. Prof, and head Dept. Entomology, Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. Mi 6- F26. F. Fenton, Mrs. Mildred Adams. West Lib- erty, Iowa. M3iF.-.3R34- EF. Fenton, Dr. Ralph A(lbert). M.D., North- western, 06. Prof, otolaryngology and head Dept . Univ. Oregon Med. School. Port- land. Oreg. (Oswego, Oreg.) M36F36. NQG. Fenton, Walter M. Mgr., Baker and Adam- sun Div., Gen. Chemical Co., 40 Rector St New' York. N. Y. (614 Raymond St., Westfield. N. J.) M39- CMN. Fentress, Arthur L(ee). M.S.. Columbia. 621 Buffalo Ave., Niagara Falls. N. Y. M36. ME. Fergus, Dr. E(rnest) N(ewton). M.Sc, Ohio State, 18; Ph.D.. Chicago. 31. Agron- omist charge pasture and forage crop- investigations. Kentucky Agric. Exp. Sta. ; prof, farm crops, Univ. Kentucky ( ol. Agric. Lexington, Ky. M21F31. OG. Ferguson, A(lexander) M(cGowen). M.Sc. Texas A. and M.. 96. Howe. Tex. M34F05. OGK. Ferguson, Prof. Alfred L(ynn). Ph.D., Michigan, 14. Assoc, prof, general and physical chemistry, Univ. Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich. M25F25. C. Ferguson, C(harles) V(aughan). 1322 Stratford Road, Schenectady. X. V. M18 F33- B. Ferguson, Prof. George O(scar), Jr. Univ. Virginia, University, Va. M34F34R34. IQ. Ferguson, Miss Jean. M.S., Cornell, 32, Res asst. bacteriology, Cornell Univ. \ et- erinary Col., Ithaca, N. Y. (505 Dryden Road) M37F40. NO. Ferguson, John. 3702 Fall Creek Blvd., Indianapolis. Ind. M24R32. Ferguson, Prof. John A(rden). Forestry Bldg. Pennsylvania State Col., State Col- lege, Pa. Mo8FnR37- 0. 432 Directory of Members Ferguson, John G. M.S., California, 15 Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, X. Y. M39; BMQ. Ferguson, Prof. John H(oward). M.D., Harvard, 28; M.A., Oxford, 31. Asst. prof., Dept. Pharmacology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M35F35. NC. Ferguson, Leonard W(ilton). M.A., Stan- ford, 35. Instr., Dept. Psychology, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. M36. I. Ferguson, Prof. Margaret C(lay). Ph.D., Cornell, 01; Sc.D., Mt. Holyoke, 37. Res. prof, emeritus botany, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. (Seneca Castle, N. Y.) M04F06. G. Ferguson, O(lin) J(erome). Station A. Lincoln, Nebr. M23F25R38. MBQ. Ferguson, Dr. Robert Henry. A.M., Brown, 87; M.D., Vermont, 99; Sc.D., Chicago, 06. Chief, Med. Dept. and Dept. Anes- thetics (emeritus), E. R. Squibb and Sons, New York, N. Y. (50 Main St., Orange, N. J.) M08. NID. Ferguson, W(alter) F(innall) C(ross). M.S., New York, 26; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, prof, physics, New York Univ., Wash- ington Square, New York, N. Y. (15 Nor- wood Ave., Summit, N. J.) M21F31. B. Ferguson, Sterling Price. Res. assoc, Blue Hill Observatory, Milton, Mass. (549 Eliot St.) M10F18. BM. Fernald, Prof. Evelyn I(da). M.A., Cor- nell, 20; Ph.D., 24. Prof, botanv. Rock- ford Col., Rockford, 111. M23F25. G. Fernald, Dr. Grace M. Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M35F35- R35. L Fernald, Dr. H(enrv) T(orsey). M.S., Maine. 88; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 90. Prof, emeritus entomology, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. (1128 Oxford Road. Winter Park, Fla.) M07F10. F. Fernald, Dr. Mabel (Ruth). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 10. Vocation Bur., 216 E. 9th St., Cincinnati. Ohio. M17F21. IQH. Fernald, Prof. Merritt L(yndon). D.C.L., Acadia, 32. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (14 Hawthorn St.) M08F11. G. Vice president for Section on Botanical Sciences (G), 1940. Fernandez, Dr. Antonino. D.D.S.. Ha- bana: M.S., Inst. Provincial. First Lieut., Army Dental Corps, Ejercito Constitu- cional, Cuartel "Caba Parrado" Cuidad Militar; dental surgery, Universidad Ha- bana, Habana, Cuba. M40. NdCB. Fernandez-Garcia, Prof. R(afael). M.S., California, 27. Box 182, Rio Piedras, P. R. M29F33. COG. Fernberger, Prof. Samuel W(eiller). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 12. Prof, psychology, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (6314 Wissahickon Ave.) M08F22. I. Ferneau, Thomas Edgar. C.E., Nebraska, 38. Assoc, bridge engineer, California Div. Highways, Sacramento, Calif. M39. MKQ. Fernelius, Dr. W(illis) Conard. A.M., Stanford, 27; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, chem- istry, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (162 E. Northwood Ave.) M34F34. C. Ferner, Roy Y(alding). M23D35. BDM. Fernholz, Dr. Donald L(eslie). M.S., Wis- consin, 31 ; Ph.D., Ohio State, 35. Agent, U. S. Dept. Agric, Bogalusa, La. M32. G. Fernow, Karl H(ermann). Ph.D., Cornell, 25. Extension asst. prof., Dept. Plant Pa- thology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. Mi 7- F25. G. Ferran, Rose. 930 N. Broad St., New Or- leans, La. M32R34. Ferrari, Dr. Charles G(uido). Ph.D., Min- nesota, 28. Asst. mgr.. Gen. Mills Res. Labs., Minneapolis, Minn. (3806 Abbott Ave. S.) M2SF33. CBG. Ferraro, Dr. Armando. M.D., Naples, 14. Principal res. neuropathologist, Psychia- tric Inst.; clinical prof, psychiatry, Colum- bia Univ. Med. Center, New York, N. Y. M34F34. N. Ferrary, Rev. Leo. Care Rev. Maurice A. Scheier, St. Bonaventure Col., St. Bona- venture. N. Y. M34R38. Ferree, Mrs. Clarence E. (See Gertrude Rand). i Ferree, Dr. Clarence E(rrol). M.A., Ohio Wesleyan, 00; M.S.. 01; D.Sc, 39; Ph.D., Cornell, 09. Dir., Res. Lab. Physiological Optics, Baltimore, Md. (2609 Poplar Drive) M17F21. IN. Ferreira, Carlos Oroza. E.M., San Agustin (Bolivia). Chief engineer, Technological Dept., Compania Minera de Oruro, Casilla 154, Oruro, Bolivia, S. A. M39. EAK. Ferrell, Prof. D(octor) Thomas. Phelps House, Nashville, Tenn. M31R35. QIK. Ferrier, Dr. Walter F(rederick). D.Sc, Al- berta, 13. 87 Harper Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M08F32. EM. Ferris, Dr. Eugene B(everly), Jr. M.D., Virginia, 30; M.S., 31. Asst. prof, medi- cine, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M40. N. Ferris, Prof. G(ordon) F(loyd). M.A.. Stanford, 17. Prof, biology, Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. M39F39. F. Ferris, Dr. H(arry) B(urr). M.D., Yale, 90. Prof, emeritus anatomy. Yale Univ. Med. School. New Haven. Conn. (395* St. Ronan St.) M08F13. FHN. Ferris, R(alph) H(all). =09 West St., Lansing, Mich. M34R39. KBI. Ferris, S(eymour) W(ashingtonV B.Chem., Cornell, 22. Chief chemist, Atlantic Re- fining Co., Philadelphia, Pa. M40. CBE. Individual Members 433 Ferris, Walter. M.E., Lehigh, 95. Vice pres. and chief engineer, Oilgear Co., 1403 W. Bruce St., Milwaukee, Wis. M34. BOM. Ferriss, Prof. E(mery) N(elson). M.A., Iowa, 05; Ph.D., 08. 215 Bryant Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. M24F31. QK. Ferry, Dr. Frederick C(arlos). A.M., Wil- liams, 94, Harvard, 95; Ph.D., Clark, 98; Sc.D., Colgate, 09, Clark, 37; LL.D., Wil- liams, 17, George Washington, 21, Rut- gers, 35, Houghton, 37; J.LI.D., Hamilton, 17. Pres. emeritus, Hamilton Co!., Clinton, N. Y. (324 Hart St., New Britain, Conn.) M07F09. A. Ferry, Dr. James F(rederick). M.S., West Virginia, 32; Ph.D., Ohio State, 35. State representative, U. S. Bur. Agric. Eco- nomics, Morgantown W. Va. (312 S. High St.) M39F40. KOG. Ferry, Dr. Newell S. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 02. Asst. dir. res., Parke. Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich. M35F35. N. Ferry, Dr. Ronald M(ansfield). M.D., Co- lumbia, 16. Assoc, prof, and master, Har- vard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M23F27. CN. Ferry, Thomas. Burton, Ohio. M33. C. Fertig, Henry H(arrison), Jr. 20 Ferguson Ave., Brookthorpe Hills, Newtown Square, Pa. M39. NFB. Fetcher, E(dwin) S(tanton), Jr. Ph.D., Chicago, 34. Res. assoc. physiology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (822 Bryant Ave., Winnetka, 111.) M38. FC. Fetherston, John T(urney). C.E., New York, 98; Sc.D., Fordham, 19. Consulting engineer, 205 E. 42nd St., New York, X. Y. (12 Market St., Lewisburg, Pa.) M27. CBM. Fetscher, Charles (Arthur). M.S., Holy Cross, 35 ; Ph.D., Columbia, 38. Res. chem- ist, Cuban Mining Co., Cristo, Oriente. Cuba. M40. CAB. Fetter, Miss Dorothy. M.S., Michigan, 25; Ph.D., Chicago, 31. Instr. physiology, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M40. NFC. Fettke, Prof. Charles R(einhard). M.A., Columbia, 11; Ph.D., 14. Prof, geology, Carnegie Inst. Tech.; cooperating geolo- gist, Pennsylvania Topographic and Geo- logic Survey, Pittsburgh, Pa. (n 18 Wight- man St.) M11F15. CEM. Fetzer, Dr. Lewis William. 411 Cordova St., Dallas, Tex. M16F25R32. CNO. Feuer, Dr. Bertram. M.S., Illinois, 20; Ph.D., Northwestern, 28. Consulting bac- teriologist and chemist, 646 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. (6920 Sheridan Road) M22F33. NC. Feuerlicht, Morris M. B.H.L.. Hebrew- Union, 97; Rabbi, 01. Rabbi, Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation; lecturer and prof., Butler Univ., Indianapolis, Ind. (3034 Washington Blvd.) M31. LKI. Feuffel, George. Dauphin, Man., Canada. M35R36. O. Feusse, Dr. E(lmer) G(eorge). Ph.D., Cin- cinnati, 22. 213 Brashear St., Lafayette, La. M25F33. CMQ. Feyrer, William F(red). 46-, West \\c. Norwalk, Conn. M33R38. MQK. Fiala, Major Anthony. 14S 83rd St., Brooklyn, X. Y. M08F32R33. EBD. Fibel, Lewis R(obert). M.A., Kansas, 36. Chemist, Lawrence Richard Bruce, Inc., New York, N. Y. (8020 Bav Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y.) M39. C. Fick, George L(udwig). Exp. Sta., Ala- bama Polytechnic Just.. Auburn, Ala. M28R32. G'. Fickes, Dr. Edwin Stanton (Akin). Spruce Point House, Annapolis Royal, X. S., Can- ada. Mi 7. M. Ficklen, Joseph Burwell, III. B.S.C.E., California Inst. Tech., 28. Chemical engi- neer, Travelers Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. M29F33. CMN. Fidlar, Mr. M(arion) M(oore). M.A., In- diana, 36. 523 S. Park Ave., Bloomington, Ind. (914 Plum St.) M38. ECD. Fidler, Dr. Roswell S. M.D., Ohio State. Dir. labs., White Cross Hosp.; instr. pa- thology, Ohio State Univ. Col. Med., Co- lumbus, Ohio. M40. X. Fiebiger, Dr. George J. Waterloo, Wis. M17R38. N. Fieger, Dr. Rebecca Learning. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 22. 208 Chestnut Road, Edgeworth, Sewickley, Pa. M25F31. 1. Field, Miss Ada M(artitia). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 28. Route 1, Guilford College, N. Car. M26F33. CQ. Field, Crosby. M.E., Cornell. 12; M.S.E.E., Union, 14. Vice pres., Brillo Mfg. Co., Inc., 205 Water St.; pres., Flakice Corp., 360 Furrrian St., Brooklvn, X. V. M_'N- F31. M. Field, Dr. Cyrus West. 88 X. Portage St., Westfield, X. Y. M07F09R3-2. CN. Field, Edward Kercheval. Ph.G., Detroit Col. Pharmacy, 22; Ph.C, 24. Pharmacist. J. W. Runciman, Detroit, Mich. (18047 Washburn Ave.) M31. KXpC. Field, Hazel E(lizabeth). M.S.. Chicago, 15; Ph.D., California, 27. Assoc, prof. biology, Occidental Col., Los Angeles. Calif. (1543 X. Avenue 46) M19F33. FN. Field, Helen A. 112 Bennett Hall, Unix. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, I'a. M35R35. Field, Dr. Henry. M.A., Oxford, 29; D.Sc, 37. Curator physical anthropology, Field Mus. Natural 1 1 i s t < ■ t > . Chicago, 111. (237 E. Delaware Place; M24F31. H. Field, Dr. John, II. A.M., Stanford, 24; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, physiology, Stan- ford Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, San Francisco, Calif. (607 May field Ave., Stanford L^niversity, Calif.) M28F33. NCF. 434 Directory of Members Field, Mary Forester (See Mrs. Mary F, Twombly ). Field, Prof. Peter. M.S., Minnesota, 97; Ph.D., Cornell, 02. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (904 Olivia Ave.) M18F18. A. Field, Prof. Richard M(ontgomery). A.M., Harvard, 14; Ph.D., 19. Princeton Univ., Princeton, X. J. M19F25. EF. Field, Robert Franklin. A.M., Brown, 07, Harvard, 1(1. 104 Church St., Watertown, Mass. M11F16. BM. Field, Mr. Shirley Ernest. A.M., Michi- gan, 19. Instr. mathematics and registrar, Gogebic Junior Col., Ironwood, Mich. (818 Florence St.) Mi 3. AB. Field, Dr. Theodore E(stes). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ,54. Dir. res., Corhart Refrac- tories Co., Louisville, Ky. M38. C. Field, William B(radhurst) Osgood. Lake Mohegan, N. Y. M06L07. EFH. Field, William L(usk) W(ebster). A.M., Harvard, 24. Head master, Milton Acad.. Milton, Mass. M98F13. EF. Field-Newkirk, Mrs. Alice M. (See Mrs. Alice M. Field Newkirk). Fields, Prof. Paul E(ldon). A.M., Ohio Wesleyan, 27; Ph.D., Ohio State, 30. Prof, and head Dept. Psychology, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio. (138 N. Sandusky St.) M30F33. I. Fierer, Solomon. 84-20 Pitkin Ave., Ozone Park, X. V. M29R34. X. Fieser, Prof. Louis F(rederick). Ph.D., Harvard, 24; D.Sc, Williams, 39. Prof, organic chemistry, Harvard LTniv., Cam- bridge, Mass. M28F33. C. Fife, Prof. Walter M(axwell) Wright. S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 22. Assoc, prof, civil engng., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass". M36. M. Fifield, W(illard) M(ervvin). M.S., Flor- ida, 32. Horticulturist acting in charge, Subtropical Exp. Sta., Univ. Florida, Homestead, Fla. M40F40. OG. Figge, Dr. Frank H(enry) J(ohn). Ph.D., Maryland, 34. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Univ. Maryland School Med.. Baltimore, Md. M34F34. XFC. Figgins, J(esse) D(ade). Dir., Isaac W. Bernheim Foundation Mus., Louisville, Ky. (The Britling, Lexington, Kv.) M29- F32. EFH. Filgate, John T. 5 St. Dunstans Garth, Baltimore, Md. M38R38. MAB. Filho, Dr. (Manual Jose) Pereira. M.D., Porto Alegre. Rue Pinto Bandeira 317, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, S. A. M27. X. Filkins, Dr. Silas L. M.D., Albany, 04. U. S. Veterans Administration Hosp.. Washington, D. C. M17. X. Filley, Giles F(ranklin). A.B., Williams, 37. Med. student, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. (510 X. Broadway) M38. XCI. Filley, W(alter) O(wen). Forester, Con- necticut Agric. Exp. Sta., XTew Haven, Conn. Mi 6. O. Fillinger, Miss Harriett H(uldah). M.S., Chicago, 2i. Prof, chemistry, Hollius Col., Hollins, Va. M28F33. C. Fillman, Miss Louise. 306 X. B St., In- dianola. Iowa. M23F31R32. E. Filson, Dr. Malcolm Harold. M.S., Ken- tucky, 31 ; Ph.D., Michigan, 36. Asst. prof, chemistry, Central State Teachers Col., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. M35. C. Filz, Frank R(alph). Chief chemist, Wheelwright Div., Mead Corp., Leomin- ster, Mass. (105 Electric Ave., Eitchburg, Mass.) M34F34. CBA. Finan, Dr. John L(incoln). A.M., Duke; Ph.D., Yale. Dept. Psychology, Univ. Illi- nois, LTrbana, 111. M39. IX. Finch, E(lmer) H(arrison). Geologist, Stivers, Kennedy and Eckert, San An- tonio, Tex. (926 Merida St.) M32F33. EOX. Finch, R(uy) H(erbert). Box 354-A, Route 1, Watsonville, Calif. M27F31. EB. Finch, William G(eorge) H(arold). Wood- lev Park Towers, 2737 Devonshire Place NW., Washington, D. C. M23R32. BM. Finck, Dr. Joseph Louis. M.A., Harvard, 21; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 22. Dir., J. L. Finck Labs., 10 W. 47th St., Xew York, X. Y. (M24F32R33)M36F32. BCA. Fincke, Dr. Margaret L(ouise). A.M., Co- lumbia, 32; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, prof, foods and nutrition, Oregon State Col., Corval- lis, Oreg. M37. CX. Findlay, Dr. John H(amley). M.Sc, Queen's, 28; Ph.D., Princeton, 30. X-ray engineer, Lamp Div., Westinghouse Elec- tric and Manufacturing Co., Bloomfield, X. J. M34F34. BCA. Findlay, Prof. M(erlin) C(hamberlin). A.M., Hamilton, 95; Sc.D., Park. 17. Prof, biology, Park Col., Parkville, Mo. Moi- F21. F. Fine, Dr. Morris S(eide). Ph.D.. Yale, 11. Dir. chemical res., Gen. Foods Corp., Ho- boken, X. J. (260 Hevwood Ave., Orange. X. J.) M08F21. CG. Fineman, Mrs. Agnes. B.A.. Hunter, 23. Teacher biology, Theodore Roosevelt High School, Xew York, X. Y. (1001 Jerome Ave.) M39. FG. Fineman, Dr. Solomon. 133 E. 58th St., Xew York, X. Y. M29R38. X. Finesinger, Mrs. Grace Lubin (Grace Lubin). 210 Riverwav, Boston, Mass. (?) M26F27R33. bcn. Individual Members 435 Finesinger, Dr. Jacob E(llis). M.A., Johns Hopkins, 25; M.I)., 20. Asst. prof, psy- chiatry, Harvard Med. School; psychia- trist, Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Boston. Mass. (59 Fletcher Road, Belmont. Mass.) M39. XIF. Finger, Dr. Frank W(hitney). M.A.. Syra- cuse, .?/ ; Ph.D.. Brown, 40. Asst.. Psy- chology Dept.. Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. (41 Past Ave., Attica. X. V.) M40. IKG. Fink, Dr. Colin G(arfield). Ph.D., M.A.. Leipzig, 07; Sc.D., Oberlin, 35. Prof, and head Dept. Electrochemistry, Columbia Univ., New York, X. Y. (440 Riverside Drive) M08F11. CB. Fink, Dr. David E(ly). 6234 Hope St., Philadelphia, Pa. M17F20R38. F. Fink, Dr. E(manuel) B(ernard). M UE34- D36. X. Fink, Dr. George (Adolph). M.S., Iowa State, 32; Ph.D.. Columbia, 36. Chief op- tics section. Res. Dept., C. K. Williams and Co., Easton, Pa. (1415 Washington St.) M38F40. BMA. Fink, Dr. Harold. 700 Ocean Ave., Brook- lyn, X. Y. M38R38. X. Fink, Dr. Ira. M.D., Long Island, 21. Ad- junct prof, thoracic surgery, Polyclinic Hosp. and Post Graduate Med. School; asst. visiting surgeon, Polyclinic Hosp.; assoc. visiting surgeon. Harlem Hosp.. New York; assoc. visiting thoracic sur- geon, Sea View Hosp., Staten Island, X. Y. M36. NBC. Finkel, Prof. B(enjamin) F(ranklin). A.M., Pennsylvania, 04; Ph.D., 06; LL.D., Drury, 2^. Prof, emeritus mathematics and phvsics. Drury Col., Springfield, Mo. (1227 X. Clay Ave.) M08F10. AB. Finkelman, Dr. Maurice. D.D.S., Xew York, 16. Passaic Xat. Bank Bldg., Pas- saic, X. J. (106 Westervelt Place) M33. NCH. Finkelstein, Dr. Leo. Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Chemist, Chemical Warfare Service, U. S. Armv, Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood. Md. M28F33. CB. Finkenbinder, Dr. E(rwin) O(liver). M25- F33D37. QI. Finland, Dr. Maxwell. M.D., Harvard. 26. Assoc, medicine. Harvard Med. School; asst. physician, Thorndike Memorial Lab., Boston City Hosp., Boston. Mass. (818 Harrison Ave.) M34F38. X. Finlay, Alexander (Carpenter). M.S., Wis- consin, 29. Biochemist, Chas. Pfizer and Co.. 11 Bartlett St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M31. CXG. Finlayson, Alexander. M.Sc, Montreal, 16. Metallurgist. Pacific Car and Foundry Co., Seattle, W;sh. (611 Harvard Ave. N.) M39. DHB. Finley, Charles W(illiam). M.S.. Chicago, 12; Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Dean instruction. State Teachers Col., Montclair, X. .1. (50 Aubrey Road, Upper Montclair, X. 1. 1 M 1 1F31. QFG. Finley, Dr. Clyde A. 402 Hill Arcade. Galesburg, 111. M30R35. X. Finley, Prof. Harold E(ugene). M.S.. Wis- consln, 20. Chairman Dept. Biology, Morehouse Col.. Atlanta, Ga. M31F33. FG. Finley, Dr. John H(uston). M13F15D40. Q. Finley, Col. John P(arke). 712 Tappan Ave.. Ann Arbor, Mich. M34F34R37. E. Finn, Prof. James B., Jr. M.S., Pittsburgh, ,57. Assoc, prof, biologv, Mt. Mercy Col., Pittsburgh, Pa. M38. F. Finnegan, Prof. Joseph B. S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 04. Prof, fire protec- tion engng., Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. M35F35. M. Finnell, H(enry) H(oward). Box 154, Coodwell, Okla. (?) M28F31R34. OG. Finner, Dr. Paul F(rederick). A.M., Chi- cago, 15; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 23. Head Dept. Psychology and dir. Psychological I. ab., Florida State Col. Women, Talla- hassee, Fla. (930 W. Park Ave.) M25F33. [Q. Finney, Dr. William Parker, Jr. M.D., fohns Hopkins, 16. 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Mi 7. X. Finster, Miss Ethel B(eulah). M.A., Mich- igan, 27. Box 501 s, Biltmore, Ashevillc, X. Car. M27. GFI. ' Fippin, Elmer O(tterbein). B.Sc, Ohio State, 00. Agric. advisor, Tennessee Val- ley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn. (505 Highland Drive, Fountain Citv, Tenn.) M34F18. BCO. Fireman, Dr. Peter. Ph.D., Berne, 93. Pres., Magnetic Pigment Co., Monmouth function, N. T. ( Lambertville, N. I.) M96- Fn. CB. Firey, Dr. Frank Paul. Phar.D.. Maryland. 05; M.D., 10. Body chemist, 820 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (soi S. Irving Blvd.. Los Angeles, Calif. I M38. CN. Firor, Dr. Warfield M(onroe). M.D., lohns Hopkins, 21. Jo1"" neia ivitonroe;. m.U., Johns ,ohns Hopkins Hosp., Balti- M34F34. X. more. Mc. Fischel, Dr. Ellis. M38D38. X. Fischelis, Dr. Philipp. M08F11D34. NFQ. Fischelis, Dr. Robert P(hilipp). Phar.D., Medico-Chirurgical Col. Philadelphia, 13: Ph.M.. Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy ami Science, 18. Sec. and chief chemist, New Jersey State Board Pharmacy, Trenton. X. J.; special lecturer, Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science. Philadelphia, Pa. (640 W. State St., Trenton, X. 1.) M >8 F33. CNpK. 436 Directory of Members Fischer, Andrew J. B.S., Northwestern, 24. Engineer, Continental-Diamond Fibre Co., Newark, Del. M37. NCB. Fischer, Prof. Arthur F(rederick). M.F., Yale, 11; M.A., 39. Adviser natural re- sources, office Pres. Philippine Common- wealth; prof, tropical forestry, Univ. Philippines, Manila, P. I. (1275 Taft Ave.) M31F32. OM. Fischer, Dr. Charles E(duard) M(ax). 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, III M03- R32. N. Fischer, Dr. Earl K(nudt). M.A., South- ern California, 28; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 30. Res. chemist, Interchemical Corp., 432 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. (5101 39th Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.) M39. CBM. Fischer, Dr. Ernst. M.D., Frankfurt, 24; Dr.Habil, 28. Assoc, prof, physiology and pharmacologv, Med. Col. Virginia, Rich- mond, Va. (3318 Chatham St.) M38F38. NF. Fischer, Dr. Ferdearle (Joseph). State Hosp., Trenton, N. J. M33R33- NBC. Fischer, Dr. Harold E(rnest). M.S., Cor- nell, 36; Ph.D., 39. Junior geneticist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. M40. GF. Fischer, Kermit Koerting. Wyncote, Pa. M33R35. M. Fischer, Leander J(oseph). M.S., Minne- sota, 36. Engineer, Gen. Electric Co., Lynn, Mass. (19 Ocean St., Nahant, Mass.) M38. MBA. Fischer, Dr. Martin (Henry). M.D.. Rush, 01; Phar.D., Cincinnati Col. Pharmacy, 25; Sc.D., Wittenberg, 32. Prof, physiol- ogy, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med., Cincin- nati. Ohio. M07F09. N. Fischer, Prof. Richard. Ph.D., Marburg, 00. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M07F09. C. Fischer, Richard P. M.A., Princeton, 34; Ph.D., 36. Junior geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M38. E. Fischer, Robert P. M.A., Ohio State, 40. Graduate asst., Dept. Psychology, Ohio State Univ.. Columbus, Ohio. M40. IN. Fischer, Walter. M.A., Ohio State, 05. Commodity specialist, U. S. Tariff Com- mission, Washington, D. C. M35. OKG. Fish, Cecilia M. DeSales Col., Toledo, Ohio. M35R38- Fish, Dr. Charles J(ohn). Sc.M., Brown, 22; Ph.D., 23. Prof, zoology charge Dept., Rhode Island State Col.; dir., Narrangan- sett Marine Lab., Kingston, R. I. M28F31. FE. Fish, F(loyd) H(amilton). M.S., Illinois, 26. Prof, analytical chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg, Va. M38. CMQ. Fish, Dr. Frederic F(orward). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 31. Assoc, aquatic biologist, U. S. Bur. Fisheries; lecturer fisheries, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (5154 E. 41st St.) M34F34. FN. Fish, Prof. Harold D(ufur). Izaak Walton League Amer., 222 N. Bank Drive, Chi- cago, 111. M17F21R32. F. Fish, Dr. Harold S(omers). Ph.D., Har- vard, 35. Prof, biology, Presbyterian Col., Clinton, S. Car. M37. F. Fish, Prof. J (ohn) C(harles) L(ounsbury). School Engng., Stanford Universitv, Calif. M28F29R35. M. Fish, Joseph Burton. M.A., Columbia, 14. Chairman Dept. Biology, Boys High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. (29 Stoddard Place) Mi 3. F. Fish, Dr. Marion, no Stewart Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. M34R34. K. Fish, Stir'vesant. 35 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Li 7. Fishback, Dr. Hamilton R(odell). M.S., Jefferson, 15; M.D., 16; Sc.D., 17. Assoc, prof, pathology, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. M30F33. N. Fishbein, Dr. Morris. M.D., Rush, 12. Ed- itor, Journal Amer. Med. Assn., 535 N. Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. (5543 Black- stone Ave.) M30F35. N. Fishberg, Dr. Ella H(arriet). M.A., Co- lumbia, 22; M.D., Berlin, 24. 910 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M34F34. NCF. Fishberg, Dr. Maurice. M06F11D34. N. Fisher, Miss Anna B(athsheba). M.A., Chicago, 24. Asst. prof, biology, North- western State Col., Alva, Okla. (729 Flynn St.) M27F33. GN. Fisher, Dr. Carl W(allace). M28D35. N. Fisher, Carol A. (See Mrs. Carol A. Fisher Mallory). Fisher, Charles Richard. 21 58 Builders Bldg., Chicago, 111. M40. M. Fisher, Charles Roswell. 706 Mining Ex- change Bldg., Denver, Colo. M38R38. MB. Fisher, Chester G. M.E., Western Penn- sylvania. Pres., Fisher Scientific Co., 717 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M08F3S. C. Fisher, Prof. D(aniel) Jerome. M.S., Chi- cago, 20; Ph.D., 22. Assoc, prof, min- eralogy, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5639 Drexel' Ave.) M25F31. E. Fisher, D(urward) F(rederick). M.Hort., Michigan State, 17. Principal horticul- turist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. (204 Cedar Ave., Takoma Park, Md.) M17F24. GO. Fisher, Edna M(arie). M.A., California, 21. Asst. prof. biol. sciences, San Fran- cisco State Col., San Francisco, Calif. (2410 Fulton St., Berkelev, Calif.) M24- F33. FHL. Individual Mem behs 437 Fisher, Edwin E(ugene) A(rmington). M25F33D34. M. Fisher, Prof. Elizabeth F(lorette). Prof, emeritus geology and geography, Welles- ley Col., Wellesley, Mass. (Chevron Apart- ments, Los Angeles, Calif.) M06F09. EKO. Fisher, Miss Elizabeth G(ault). Entomo- logical Bldg., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M35R36. F. Fisher, Galen M(erriam). 57 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. M33R37. K. Fisher, Dr. George A. Phar.D., Medico- Chirurgical Col., 14; Sc.D., Susquehanna, 22. Dir. res. and control labs., Van Camp's, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind. (1314 Circle Tower) M31. C. Fisher, Dr. (George) Clyde. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 13; LL.D., Miami, 26, Curator- in-chief Hayden Planetarium and Dept. Astronomy, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M17F25. DGF. Fisher, Dr. George E(lmer). Ph.D., Illi- nois Wesleyan, 05. Prof, chemistry, Sus- quehanna Univ., Selinsgrove, Pa. (500 W. Pine St.) M26F33. CQ. Fisher, Dr. Harry L(inn). A.M., Colum- bia, 10; Ph.D., 12. Dir. res., U. S. Indus- trial Chemicals, Inc., Stamford, Conn. (83 Sea Beach Drive) M34F34. C. Fisher, Dr. Irving. Ph.D., Yale, 91. 460 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn. M01F01. K. Vice president for Section on Social and Economic Sciences (I), 1905. Fisher, Dr. James. E.M., Michigan Min- ing School, 93; D.Eng., Michigan Col. Mining and Technology, 34. Dean faculty and prof, mathematics and physics, Mich- igan Col. Mining and Tech., Houghton, Mich. (117 Clark St.) M39. MBA. Fisher, Dr. J(ames) Earnest. Chosen Christian Col., Seoul, Korea. M31R33. QIK. Fisher, Dr. Kenneth C(larke). M.A., To- ronto, 34; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, experi- mental biology, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada; instr. physiology, Marine Biol. Lab., Woods Hole, Mass. M37. FN. Fisher, Lawrence C(arl). A.B., Ohio Wes- leyan, 00. Senior meteorologist in charge, U. S. Weather Bur. Office, Seattle, Wash. M37F38. B. Fisher, Lawrence E. B.S., Michigan, 27. Dir. res., Bull Dog Electric Products Co., 7610 Jos. Campau St., Detroit, Mich. M38. MB. Fisher, Dr. Lloyd W(ellington). M.S., Pennsylvania State, 23; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Assoc, prof, and head Dept. Geology, Bates Col., Lewiston, Maine. (508 Main St.) M27F31. EDB. Fisher, Dr. L(uther) I(rvin). M.D., Jef- ferson. Internist, St. Luke's Hosp., Beth- lehem, Pa. (251 Cherokee St.) M39. NFH. Fisher, Miss Marian C. 44 Kichwood St., West Roxbury, Mass. M34R34. Fisher, Miss Mary C. M.S., Chicago, 38. Instr., Calumet High School, Chicago, 111. (5763 Dorchester St.) M37. G. Fisher, Miss Mary Jones. A.M.. Cornell, 16; Ph.D., 23. 204 S. 42nd St., Philadel- phia, l'a. M124F33. F< .. Fisher, Paul Lewis. 1223 Guard St. XI... Washington, D. C. M30R36. G. Fisher, Dr. Reginald G. Ph.D., Southern California. Mus. New Mexico, Santa Fe, X. Mex. M38F38. H. Fisher, Richard T(hornton). M29F31D34. GEF. Fisher, Dr. Robert A(nderson). M.Sc, Ohio State, 19; Ph.D., 32. Asst. prof. chemical engng., Virginia Polvtechnic Inst., Blacksburg, Va. M38. MC. Fisher, Prof. R(oy) M(arshall). Wolf- ville, N. S., Canada. M28R32. B. Fisher, Dr. (Sarah) Carolyn. M.A., Illi- nois, 10; Ph.D., Clark, 13. Asst. prof, psychology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (6927 La Presa Drive, Hollywood, Calif.) M24F31. IHF. Fisher, Sterling Wesley. M.A., California, 24. Dir. education and public discussion, Columbia's Amer. School Air; editor, Talks Magazine and C.B.S. Student Guide, Columbia Broadcasting System, New York, N. Y. (95 Beekman Ave., North Tarrytown, N. Y.) M38. Q. Fisher, Dr. W(alter) K(enrick). A.M., Stanford, 03; Ph.D., 06. Prof, biology, Stanford Univ.; dir., Hopkins Marine Sta., Pacific Grove, Calif. (844 Laurel Ave.) M13F15. F. Fisher, Willard J(ames). M03F10D34. DB. Fisher, W(ilton) M(onroe). M.S., Okla- homa, 3,7- Instr. bacteriology and parasi- tology, Baylor Univ. Col. Med., Dallas, Tex. M40. NF. Fisk, Miss Emma L(uella). M.A., Wis- consin, 2\ ; Ph.D., 25. Assoc, prof, botany, LJniv. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M21- F31. G. Fisk, Dr. Frank B. M.D., Chicago, 13. Dir. experimental medicine and control, Div, Allied Labs., Inc., Pitman Moore Co., Indianapolis, Ind. M35. CN. Fisk, Dr. Henry G(runsky). M.S., Illinois, 24; Ph.D., Ohio State, 27. Dir., Ceramics and Xon-metals Div., Res. Foundation, Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. M30F33. EC. Fiske, A. Hastings. P.D., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 16. Sales mgr. Domestic Div., Eli Lilly and Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. (1501 E. 38th St.) M35. NC. Fiske, Dr. Augustus H(enry). Rumford Chemical Works. Rumford, R. I. M29F33- R38. CM. 438 Directory of Members Fiske, Prof. Cyrus H(artwell). M.D., Har- vard, 14. Prof. biol. chemistry, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M18F21. CN. Fiske, Prof. Jessie G. Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, N. J. (M34F34R34) M37- F34R37. G. Fiske, Dr. Thomas Scott. A.M., Columbia, 86; Ph.D., 88. 6 Piatt St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M01F01L06. A. Fitch, Prof. Albert L(ewis). Route 1, New Sharon, Maine. M18F31R37. B. Fitch, Mrs. Annie L(ouise) M(acKinnon). M.S., Kansas State, 91; Ph.D., Cornell, 94. Clinton, \T. Y. M29. AD. Fitch, Dr. C(lifford) P(enny). M.S., Ham- ilton, 09; D.V.M., Cornell, 11; D.Sc, Iowa State, 29. Prof, animal pathology and bac- teriology, chief Div. Veterinary Med., and animal pathologist, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. (21 11 Knapp St.) M18F33. N. Fitch, Miss Faith Lee. A.M., Columbia, 35. Teacher biology, Horace Mann High School Girls, New York, N. Y. (512 W. 122nd St. J M38. BFE. Fitch, Dr. Frederic B(renton). Ph.D., Yale, 34. Instr. philosophy, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (445 Orange St.) M40. ABI. Fitch, Prof. James B. M.S., Kansas State, 35. Chief Div. Dairy Husbandry, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. (2181 Carter Ave.) M40F40. O. Fitch, Kenneth R(udolph). 224 3rd Ave., Joilet, 111. M29. CBK. Fitch, Dr. Mary A. A.M., Missouri, 06; Ph.D., Cornell, 12. Prof, botany, Howard Univ., Washington, D. C. (4412 Volta Place NW.) M37F39. G. Fitchet, Dr. Seth M(arshall). 992 Beacon St., Newton Center, Mass. M24F25R38. NEK. Fitterer, Prof. John C(onrad). Prof, math- ematics, Colorado School Mines, Golden, Colo. M12F18. AMQ. Fitts, Prof. Edward B(lodgett). M16F31- D37. O. Fitz, Dr. George W(ells). M98F98D35. N. Fitz, Dr. Reginald. M.D., Harvard, 09. Lecturer history medicine, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (56 Walnut Place, Brookline, Mass.) M34F34. NC. Fitzgerald, Miss Dorothea (Mary). Ph.D., Syracuse, 33. Prof, chemistry, St. Mary- of-the-Woods Col., St. Marv-of-the-Woods, Ind. M38F39. C. Fitzgerald, Dr. F(red) F(inley). A.M., Stanford, 06; Ph.D., 10. Dir. res., Ameri- can Can Co., 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M18F25. C. Fitzgerald, Gerald A(rthur). B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 23. Chemist charge Div. Biochemistry and Microbiology, Cen- tral Res. Labs., Gen. Foods Corp., Ho- boken, N. J. (74 Melrose Road, Mountain Lakes, N. J.) M40. CNO. Fitzgerald, Rev. J. Thomas. Providence Col., Providence, K. I. M25R34. CB. FitzGerald, Dr. J(ohn) G(erald). M.D., Toronto, 20; LL.D., Queen's, 25. Dir. School Hygiene and Connaught Labs.; prof, hygiene and preventive medicine, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M11F25. N. Fitzgerald, Sister Mary Ambrosia. M.S., Michigan, 31; Ph.D., 34. Assoc, prof. physics, Marvgrove Col., Detroit, Mich. M40. BDA. Fitzgibbon, Dr. John H(arold). M.D., Rush, 20. Asst. clinical prof, medicine, Univ. Oregon Med. School, Portland, Oreg. M29. N. Fitz-Gibbon, Dr. John J. Dentist, 56 Suf- folk St.; chief dental staff, Skinner Clinic Holyoke Hosp., Holyoke, Mass.; consult- ant and palate prosthetist, Joseph Sam- uels Dental Clinic, Rhode Island Hosp., Providence, R. I. M40. Nd. Fitzhugh, Mrs. Henry (Betty Poe). North- umberland Hall, Coburg, Out., Canada. M26. HFI. FitzHugh, Dr. O(scar) Garth. M.S., Vir- ginia, 33; Ph.D., 36. Assoc, pharmacolo- gist, Div. Pharmacology, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D. C. M39. Np. Fitzpatrick, Dr. Edward A(ugustus). M.A., Columbia, 07; Ph.D., 11; LL.D., Loyola (Chicago), 29; L.H.D., Loyola (New Or- leans), 39; Litt.D., St. Louis, 33. Pres., Mt. Marv Col., Milwaukee, Wis. M29F32. QKI. Fitzpatrick, Miss Elizabeth T. 990 Woody Crest Ave., New York, N. Y. M31R37. FNG. FitzPatrick, Miss Florence K. A.B., Wells, 25. Res. asst. bacteriology, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (572 Huntington Ave.) L38. NC. Fitzpatrick, Prof. F(rederick) L(inder). M.S., Iowa, 21 ; Ph.D., 24. Prof, natural sciences, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M2SF33. FQ. Fitzpatrick, Prof. H(arry) M(orton). Ph.D., Cornell, 13. Prof, mycology, Cornell Univ.; mycologist, Agric. Exp. Sta., New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. (220 Bryant Ave.) M17F25. G. Fitzpatrick, Hartley H. B.S., Illinois, 27. Design engineer, Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. M32. MBH. Fitzpatrick, Thomas J. 2002 N. 68th St., Lincoln, Nebr. M02F05R34. AGQ. FitzSimons, Ogden. S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech. 500 Jackson Ave., Warren, Pa. M39. CMB. Individual Members 439 Fjeld, Mrs. Harriett (Anderson). 245 E. 21st St.. New York, N. Y. M36R38. IHQ. Flack, Dr. Arthur M. 3414 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa. M27R33. NQI. Fladeland, Dr. Robert H. D.D.S., Mar- quette. Commander (D. C), U. S. Navy, U.S.S. Rigel, San Diego, Calif. M40. NdEL. Flagg, Arthur L(eonard). A.B., Brown, 06. Consulting mining engineer, P.O. 2345, Phoenix, Ariz. M11F20. EM. Presi- dent of Southwestern Division, 1927. Flagg, Frederick P(otter). Consulting metallurgist, 65 Fairmont Ave., Waltham, Mass. M1SF31. BC. Flagge, Dr. P(hilip) W(esley). M.D., Washington Univ. Internal medicine, Bur- rus Memorial Hosp., High Point, N. Car. (626 Colonial Drive) M36. N. Flaherty, Edmund M. 2512 W. 17th St., Wilmington, Del. M29R35. C. Flaherty, Dr. James A. M.D., Jefferson, 33. Instr. psychiatry, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med.; psychiatrist, Inst. Pennsyl- vania Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M40. N. Flaherty, Prof. M(artin) C. 422 Wheeler Hall, Univ. California, Berkelev, Calif. M30R34. LQ. Flam, John. LL.B., George Washington; B.E., Union. Patent lawyer, 548 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. (6512 Commodore Sloat Drive) M40. DBC. Flanagan, Dr. John Clemans. M.S., Wash- ington, 32; Ph.D., Harvard, 34. Assoc, dir. Cooperative Test Service, Amer. Coun- cil Education, 15 Amsterdam Ave.; instr., Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (39 Claremont Ave.) M37F40. QIK. Flanders, Prof. Donald A(lexander). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 27. Assoc, prof, mathematics, New York Univ., Llniver- sity Heights, New York, N. Y. (Bedford Road, Chappaqua, N. Y.) M29F33. ABD. Flanders, Dr. Fred F(ord). A.M., State Col. Washington, 05; Ph.D., Harvard, 12. Chief purchase lab., Commonwealth Mass- achusetts, State House, Boston, Mass. M21F33. C. Flanders, Dr. Stanley E(llsworth). Ph.D., California, 35. Asst. entomologist, Univ. California Citrus Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. M24F33. FO. Flannagan, Dr. Roy K(night). M.D., Vir- ginia, 94. 703 Travelers Bldg., Richmond, Va. M34F34. NK. Flarsheim, E(dwin) S. Pres., Liebel- Flarsheim Co., 303 W. 3rd St., Cincinnati, Ohio. M35. Flavia, Sister M. (See Sister M. Flavia Lochner). Fleck, Dr. Herman. 311 24th St., Santa Monica, Calif. M34F34R34. C. Fleck, Prof. Martin W(illiam). M.S., New Mexico, 39. Asst. prof, science, Eastern New Mexico Col., Portales, N. Mex. (601 S. East Main St.) M40. FGA. Fleisch, Dr. Louis M(ichael). 504 Cen- tral Bldg., Topeka, Kans. M36R37. N. Fleischer, Dr. Arthur. Ph.D., Yale, 27. Plant mgr., Kalunite, Inc., 81 Navajo St., Salt Lake City, Utah. M34F34. C. Fleisher, Prof. Edward. M.S., New York, 12; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (295 St. Johns Place) M34F34. A. Fleisher, Dr. Moyer S(pringer). M.D., Pennsylvania, 07. Bacteriologist, Jewish Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. (20 N. Kingshigh- way) M10F27. GN. Flemer, Capt. John A(dolph). Retired captain, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survev, Oak Grove, Va. M10F11. MEO. Fleming, Dr. Arthur P(erry) M (orris). M.Sc, Manchester; D.Eng. Dir. res. and education, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester, Eng- land. (High Clere, Hale Road, Hale, Cheshire, England) M28F32. BMQ. Fleming, Dr. John A(dam). D.Sc, Cin- cinnati, 33, Dartmouth, 34. Dir., Dept. Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. (8 Drum- mond Ave., Chevy Chase, Md.) M99F09. ABD. Fleming, R(aphael) S(tuart). B.A., To- ronto, 04. Dir. res. labs., Borden Co., Syra- cuse, N. Y. M18F33. C. Fleming, Robert Sugg. M.A., George Pea- bodv. 808 W. 3rd St., Greenville, N. Car. M38. FGQ. Fleming, Thomas, Jr. 1541 Lombardy Road, Pasadena, Calif. M31. EMI. Fleming, Thomas P(aul). Order Dept., Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M32R32. LF. Flemion, Miss Florence. Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers, N. Y. M34F34R34. N. Flemming, Dr. Cecile White (Mrs. Edwin G. Flemming). M.A., Indiana, 15; Ph.D., Columbia, 26. 445 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. M29F33. IQK. Flemming, Edwin G(eorge). 445 River- side Drive, New York, N. Y. M30F33R36. I. Fletcher, Dr. C(harles) C(loyes). M.D., George Washington, 03. Route 2, Anacos- tia Sta., Washington, D. C. M18F25. OC. Fletcher, Charles W(illiam). B.S., Kan- sas, 97. Pres., Titeflex Metal Hose Co. and Fisco, Inc.; dir., Clinton Trust Co., New- ark, N. J. (1855 Elizabeth Place, Jackson- ville, Fla.) M17. M. Fletcher, Mrs. Donald A. (Mary T.) B.A., Hunter, 22. Teacher biologv, High School, Richmond Hill, N. J. (121-18 84th Ave.) M27. FGQ. 440 Directory of Members Fletcher, Harold W(heelock). M.E., Cor- nell, 15. Gen. mgr., Hughes Tool Co., Houston, Tex. M28F.33. M. Fletcher, Prof. Harris (Francis). Ph.D., Michigan, 26. Prof. English, Univ. Illi- nois, Urbana, 111. M30F32. LQ. Fletcher, Harry G(ay). 90 Holland St., West Somerville, Mass. M22. E. Fletcher, Dr. Harvey. Ph.D., Chicago, 11; D.Sc, Columbia, 35. Physical res. dir., Hell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, X. Y. (3206 161st St., Flushing, N. Y.) M18F21. B1M. I'ice president for Section on Physics (B), 1937. Fletcher, Henry. A.M., Yale, 01. Member Fletcher and Brown, 21 E. 40th St.; dir. Irving Trust Co., New York, N. Y. (Field Point Park, Greenwich, Conn.) M30. Fletcher, Herbert C. M.S., Missouri, 35. Assoc, conservationist and asst. state co- ordinator, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Logan, Utah. (2S0 E. 5th St. N.) M40. OEK. Fletcher, Prof. John M(adison). A.M., Colorado, 04; Ph.D., Clark, 12. Prof, emer- itus psychology, Tulane Univ., New Or- leans, La. (1220 Henrv Clav Ave.) M19- F>S. I- Fletcher, Leonard J. B.S., Iowa State, 15. Asst. gen. sales mgr., Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, 111. M39. MOK. Fletcher, Mrs. Mary T. (See Mary T. Mac- Murray). Fletcher, Dr. Paul Franklin. M.D., St. Louis, 32. Asst. instr., St. Louis School Med., St. Louis. Mo. (700 S. Skinker Blvd.) M38. X. Fletcher, Dr. Robert K(emble). M.A.. Ohio State, 19; Ph.D., 28. Box 152, Fac- ultv Exchange, College Station, Tex. M28- F33. FG. Flexner, Dr. Simon. M.D., Louisville, 89; D.Sc, Harvard, 06, Yale, 10; Princeton, 13, Pennsylvania, 29; LL.D., Johns Hop- kins, 15, Cambridge, 20; M.A., Oxford, 37; Dr. Hon., Strasbourg, 23, Louvain, 27, Brussels, 30. Dir. emeritus, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M02F05. N. Vice president for Section on Physiology and Experimental Medicine (K), 1906. Member of the Executive Committee, 1921- -'4. President, 19 19. Flexner, William W(elch). M.A., Prince- ton, 27; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, mathematics, Cornell Univ., Ithaca. N. Y. M34F34. A. Flick, Fulton B(rooks). M.S., Iowa State, 21; Ch.Eng., 22; LL.B., Duquesne, 30. Partner, Brown, Critchlow and Flick, 1706 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. (5831 Marlborough St.) M35F35. C. Fliedner, Miss Frieda. M.A., Columbia, 21. Teacher, Central High School, Cleveland, Ohio. (1971 W. 99th St.) M24. QFG. Fligelman, Miss Frieda. A.B., Wisconsin, 10. 2509 Parker St., Berkeley, Calif. M35. KHI. Flinn, Dr. Alfred D(ouglas). M28F28- D37. M. Flinn, Prof. Frederick B(onner). Ph.D., Columbia, 23. Assoc, prof., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (438 W. 11 6th St.) M28F33. CN. Flinn, Miss Helen Louise. M.A., Southern California, 24. Chief psychologist, Psycho- pathic Clinic, Recorder's Court, Detroit, Mich. M32F33. IKQ. Flint, Bishop Charles W(esley). M.A., Co- lumbia, 08; D.D., Wesleyan, 12, Victoria, 24; L.H.D., Cornell, 36; LL.D., Coe, 16, Cornell Col., 22, Toronto, 36, Syracuse. 36; Pd.D., New York State Teachers Col., 24. Bishop, Methodist Church, Syracuse Area, Syracuse, N. Y. M32. Q. Flint, Howard R(aymond). M24D35. OGF. Flint, Dr. Joseph M(arshall). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 00; A.M., Princeton, 00, Yale, 07. Prof, surgery retired, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (Hotel d'Angleterre, Vevey, Switzerland) M07F14. N. Flint, Dr. Lewis Herrick. Ph.D., Vermont. 23. 2859 Lakeshore Drive, Baton Rouge, La. M28F28. GCB. Flint, Prof. Richard Foster. Ph.D., Chi- cago, 25. Assoc, prof, geology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M24F31. E. Flint, Prof. Wesley Pillsbury. Chief en- tomologist, Illinois Natural History Survey and Illinois Agric. Exp. Sta., Urbana, 111. (1006 S. Orchard St.) M12F20. FGO. Flocken, Dr. Charles F(rederick). D.V.M., Cornell, 01; M.D., Minnesota, 21. 2072 Rose Villa St., Pasadena, Calif. M12. N. Flocks, Dr. Rubin. M.D., Johns Hopkins. Universitv Hosps., Iowa City, Iowa. M38. N. Flodin, John. M.E., Washington, 19; M.A., Minnesota, 25; M.S., 28. Engineer, U. S. Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. M39F31. M. Flood, Dr. E. A. 284 Chapel St., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. (?) M35F35R36. C. Flood, Sister Mary Aquinas. Ph.D., Notre Dame, 2S. Dean and head Dept. Chemis- trv Marv Manse Col., Toledo, Ohio. M31. CGF. Flood, Dr. Merrill M(eeks). Ph.D., Prince- ton, 35. Dir., Statistical Section, Prince- ton Surveys, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (20 Nassau St.) M38. AK. Flood, Dr. Randolph G. M.D., Stanford. 2690 Filbert St., San Francisco, Calif. M30. NCB. Flood, Walter H(enry). B.S., Armour Inst. Tech., 06. Consulting chemical engineer, 822 E. 42nd St., Chicago, 111. (932 E. 44th St.) M39. MCP. Individual Membkks 44' Flor, Harold H(enry). M.S.. Minnesota, 24 ; Ph.JJ., 20. i athologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, North Dakota Agric. Exp. Sta.. Fargo, X. Dak. M25F33. G. Flora, Charles P(axson). Ph.D.. Yale. 05. Mgr. standards, Hood Ruhber Co., Inc.. Watertdwn, Mass. (155 Church St.) M28- F33- CP. Florell, Dr. Victor H(omer). M.S.. Cali- fornia, 22; Ph.D.. 29. Assoc, agronomist. U. S. Soil Conservation Service. Albion, Nebr. M2.9E31. OGC. Florence, Dr. Laura. M.A., Aberdeen, 07; M.A., Stanford, 16; Ph.D., Cornell. 21. Assoc, prof, bacteriology. New York Med. Col. and Flower— Fifth Avenue Hosps.. New York. X. Y. (44. E. 6'5'th St.) M21- F27. FN. Florent'ne, Sister M. (See Sister M. Flor- entine Daly). Flory, Arthur Cobb. Mgr. Steam Turbine Dept.. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. (2220 Wanwatosa \ve., Wanwatosa. Wis.) M40. MBC. Flory, Charles H. U. S. Forest Service. Bellingham, Wash. M27F32. O. Flory, Dr. Paul (Marion). M.A.. North- western; Ph.D., Cornell. Olivet Col.. Oli- vet, Mich. M38. IKL. Florv, Dr. Walter S., Jr. M.A., Virginia. 29; Ph.D.. 31. Horticulturist. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station, Tex. M40F40. OG. Flosdorf, Dr. Earl W(illiam). M.A.. Wes- leyan, 26; A.M., Princeton. 2$; Ph.D., 29. Asst. prof., Univ. Pennsylvania School Med.. Philadelphia, Pa. (305 Lincoln Ave., Drexel Hill Plaza. Lansdowne, Pa.) M30- 1'33- CNB. Flower, Arthur H. B.S., Ohio State, 07; Chem.E., 35. Technical dir.. Inland Mfg. Div., Gen. Motors Corp., Davton, Ohio. M29F33- CBM. Flowers, Dr. Seville. M.A.. Brigham Young 26; Ph.D., 1,2. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (208 Douglas St.) M39. G. Floyd, Bayard F(ranklin). A.M.. Mis- souri, 07. Horticulturist, Wilson and Toomer Fertilizer Co., Jacksonville, Fla. (Davenport, Fla.) M11F15. GO. Floyd, Dr. Cleaveland. M.D., Harvard, 63; Sc.D., Xorwich. 35. Chief examiner. Bos- ton Health Dept., Boston, Mas-*. (246 Marlborough St.) M36F36. X. Floyd, Dr. H(omer) H(arold). Ph.D.. George Peabody. 35- Head Dept. Science, State Teachers Col., Florence, Ala. M39. CFG. Floyd, Prof. L(ucius) P(erry). M.S.. Chi- cago, 23. Prof, chemistry. North Texas State Teachers Col., Denton, Tex. (1217 W. Chestnut St.) ( M34 F3 1 R34) M40F34. C. Floyd, Dr. William. l.itt.D.. De Landas. Editor, "The Arbitrator," 114 E. 31st St., Xew York, X. Y. M40. KHE. Floyd, Prof. Willis W(aldo). A.M., Texas. 28; Ph.D.. Iowa, 31. Prof, chemistry and physics, Sam Houston State Teachers Col.. Huntsville, Tex. L35 F35. C. Fluevog, Dr. Edwin A. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Flint, Mich. M35F35- R38. C. Fl.dimann, Dr. C(harles) Frederic. M.D., C.M., McGill, 22. Assoc, prof, obstetrics and gynecology, Stanford Univ. School Med.. San Francisco, Calif. M31F33. N. Fluhr, Thomas W. 21-52 45th Road. Long Island City, N. Y. M29R35. ECM. Fly, Dr. Claude L(ee). lT. S. Soil Con- servation Service, Amarillo, Tex. M38R38. CGO. Flynn, Carl M(unro). M.A., Wesleyan, 32, Harvard, 30. Graduate student biology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge; instr. biology, Suffolk Univ., Boston, Mass. ( qq Centra! Ave.. Milton. Mass.) M40. FNG. Flynn, Miss Catherine S(eeley). Ph.D., Yale. 32. Asst. prof, bacteriology, Yassar Col., Poughkeepsie, X. Y. M37. X. Fb'nn, Rev. Clarence Edwin. 2700 Dwighl Way. Berkeley. Calif. (?) M32R33. QIK. Fl nn. Dr. John E(dward). M.S.. Mary- land. 24; Ph.D.. Cornell, 20. Editor-in-chief, Biological Abstracts. Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (153 Wellington Road. Upper Darbv, Pa.) (M35F3sR36)M4oF3S. GFO. Flynn, J(ohn) H(enry). Interna- tional Corp., Averiida Rio Branco, 109, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, S. A. M30R34. M. Flynn, Sister Mary Pierre. M.A.. Colum- bia 50 Head Dept. Home Economics. Mundelein Col., Chicago, 111. M36. XCK. Foard, Prof. Castle W(esley). M.S.. Ken- tucky, 23; Ph.D., Iowa, 30. Prof, mathe- matics and physics, Youngstown Col.. Youngstown, Ohio. M35F35. BA. Foberg, J(ohn) Albert. State Teachers Col.. Kutztown, Pa. (?) M18R35. A. Fobes. Dr. Joseph H(enry). M.D., Xew York. 01. Dir. surgery, Metropolitan Hosp. ; prof, surgery. Xew York Med. Col., Xew York. X. Y.; chief surgeon, Montclair Communitj Hosp., Montclair, X. J. M40. X. Focht, Louis. 12 Atterbury Ave., Trenton. X. J. M25. MC. Fochtman, Dr. Vincent A(ustin). Ph.D., Munich, 28. Head Dept. Psychology, Quincy Col., Quincy, 111. M31. I. Focke, Prof. Alfred B(osworth). Ph.D.. California hist. Tech., 32. Asst. prof, phvsics, Brown Unix.. Providence, l\. 1. (92 Savoy St.) M36F38. T *. I > I 442 Directory of Members Focke, Prof. Theodore M(oses). Ph.D., Gottingen, 98. Case School Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. M95F03E39. ABM. Fockler, Edmund R(ay). Columbia Falls, Mont. (?) M2SR33- QCI. Fogelsonger, (David) Aldus. Sc.M., Buck- nell, 29. Sec, Evaporated Metal Films Corp., Ithaca, N. Y. M32F40. BAE. Fogg, Dr. John M(ilton), Jr. Ph.D., Har- vard, 29. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (6807 Quincy St., Mt. Airy) M27F28. G. Fogg, Dr. Lloyd C(larke). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 30. Assoc, prof, zoology, Univ. New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. M31F33. F. Fohs, F(erdinand) Julius. Geologist and pres., Fohs Oil Co., Esperson Bldg., Hous- ton, Tex. (Lamar Hotel) M24F27. E. Foladare, Dr. Joseph. Ph.D., Yale, 36. Asst. prof. English, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M40. QKB. Foldes, Dr. Julius. M.D., Prague, 32. Pa- thologist, Hazleton State Hosp., Hazleton, and Coaldale State Hosp., Coaldale, Pa. (71 N. James St., Hazleton, Pa.) M40. N. Foley, Prof. Arthur Lee. 744 E. 3rd St., Bloomington, Ind. M97F00R38. B. Foley, Francis B. Greene Manor, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. M31R33. BCM. Foley, Dr. James Owen. Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Alabama School Med., University, Ala. M28F3iR33- FN. Foley, John G(raham). 9935 3rd Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M26R32. M. Foley, Prof. John P(orter), Jr. A.M., Co- lumbia, 32; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, psy- chology and dir. Lab. Exp. Psychology, George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. (425 Riverside -Drive, New York, N. Y.) M32. IHF. Foley, Joseph. B.S., Pennsylvania. 441 Haddon Ave., Camden, N. J. M39. MA. Foley, Miss Julia C. Box 13, Rockville, Md. M37R38. GHI. Foley, Lyndon L(yman). E.M., Minnesota, 18. Consulting petroleum engineer and geologist, 514 McBirney Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. M34F34. E. Folger, Dr. H(arry) T(homas). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 22. Prof, biology, Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn. M28F31. F. Folk, Prof. Samuel B(yron). M.S., Case. Assoc, prof, mechanics, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M40. MQK. Folks, Homer. LL.D., Ohio Wesleyan, 11, Albion 11. 428 Hawthorne Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. M07F09. K. Follett, Richard E. 2224 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. M22. F. Follin, Maynard D. Dunedin, Fla. L22. FHL. Folsom, Dr. Donald. M.A., Minnesota, 14; Ph.D.. 17. Plant pathologist, Maine Agric. Exp. Sta., Orono, Maine. M18F25. G. Folsom, Dr. Hugh (Francis). M.A., Wis- consin, 27; M.D., Harvard, 29. Physician, Southborough, Mass. M40. N. Folsom, Prof. Justus W(atson). M03F06- D36. F. Foltz, Ralph A. E.E., Missouri, 30. Inspec- tor, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Ins. Co., Amarillo, Tex. (311 E 13th Ave.) M40. MAQ. Fonaroff, Mrs. Ruth N(euhausen). M.S., Chicago, 23. 1910 S. 3rd St., Louisville, Ky. M25. C. Fonda, Dr. Gorton R(osa). M.A., New York, 08; Dr.Ing., Karlsruhe, 10. Res. chemist. Gen. Electric Co., Schenectadv, N. Y. (1028 Parkwood Blvd.) M34F25. CB. Fondiller, William. A.M., Columbia, 13. Electrical apparatus dir., Bell Telephone Labs, Inc.; res. assoc, Columbia Univ. School Engng., New York, N. Y. (300 Central Park West) M34F34. M. Fong, Richard R. 576 10th St., Oakland, Calif. M35R36. Font, Dr. Juan Higinio. M.D., Medico- Chirurgical Col. Philadelphia. Otolaryn- gologist, Presbyterian Hosp., San Juan, P. R. ( Robles esq. Romero, Santurce, P. R.) M37- N. Font, Miss Marion (McKenzie). 1204 Washington St., Wilmington, Del. M34- R35. IQK. Fontaine, Dr. Sadi Bernard. D.D.S.. Col. Physicians and Surgeons (San Francisco). Prof, oral surgery, Col. Physicians and Surgeons, San Francisco, Calif. (61 12 Ascot Drive, Oakland, Calif.) M40. Nd. Foord, Dr. Alvin G(eorge). M.S., Chicago, 17; M.D., Rush, 23. Dir. labs, and res., Huntington Memorial Hosp., Pasadena; assoc. prof, pathology, Univ. Southern California Med. School, Los Angeles, Calif. (1833 El Molino Ave., San Marino, Calif.) M32. N. Foord, Prof. James A(lfred). M.S. A., Cor- nell, 02. State supervisor, U. S. Farm Se- curity Administration, Amherst, Mass. (272 Lincoln Ave.) M14F18. O. Foot, Miss Helen. Dept. Botany, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M31R32. G. Foot, Dr. N(athan) C(handler). M.D., Co- lumbia, 07. Prof, surgical pathology, Cor- nell Univ. Med. Col.; surgical pathologist, New York Hosp., New York, N. Y. (4 Midland Gardens, Bronxville, N. Y.) M22- F27. N. Individual Members 443 Foote, J(ames) H(arold). B.S., Michigan State, 14. Supervising engineer, Common- wealth and Southern Corp. ; chief engi- neer, Consumers Power Co., Jackson, Mich. (1214 W. Washington Ave.) M33. MQK. Foote, Paul C(hamberlain). In charge op- tical developments, Engng. Div., Bell and Howell Co., 4045 N. Rockwell St., Chi- cago, 111. M39F40. BAD. Foote, Dr. Paul D(arwin). M.A., Nebraska, 11; Ph.D., Minnesota, 17. Exec, vice pres. and dir., Gulf Res. and Development Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (6317 Darlington Road) M29F30. BMC. Foote, Warren M(atthews). M01F06D36. QKI. Foraker, Prof. F(orest) A(lmos). M.S., Ohio Northern, 05. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1313 Macon Ave.) M18F33. A. Forbes, Dr. Alexander. A.M., Harvard, 05; M.D., 10. Prof, physiology, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (Milton, Mass.) M08L09F21. N. Forbes, Dr. E(rnest) B(rowning). Ph.D., Missouri, 08. Dir., Inst. Animal Nutrition; prof, animal nutrition, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M14F16. CO. Forbes, Miss Evelyn G(ertrude). M.S., Washington, 35. Teacher, Stadium High School, Tacoma, Wash. (115 S. G St.) M38. GAQ. Forbes, Dr. George S(hannon). A.M., Har- vard, 04; Ph.D., 05. Prof, chemistry, Har- vard Univ. and Radcliffe Col., Cambridge, Mass. M07F10. C. Forbes, Dr. Grace Springer (Mrs. Russell Forbes). A.M., Oberlin, 22; Ph.D., Colum- bia, 28. Instr. zoologv, Barnard Col., New York, N. Y. (5041 Fieldston Road) M28- F33. F. Forbes, Dr. Henry S(tone). M.D., Har- vard, 11. Assoc, neuropathology, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (Forest St., Milton, Mass.) M23F25L31. N. Forbes, Prof. J. Malcolm. Rollins Col., Winter Park, Fla. (?) M34F34R34- L Forbes, Dr. James. Ph.D., Fordham, 36. Instr. biology, Fordham Univ., New York, N. Y. M34- FG. Forbes, Dr. John C(ampbell). M.A., Sas- katchewan, 22; Ph.D., McGill, 25. Assoc, prof., Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond, Va. M32F33. CN. Forbes, R(eginald) D(underdale). M.F., Yale, 13; M.A., Williams, 32. Senior for- ester, U. S. Allegheny Forest Exp. Sta., 3437 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. (E. Tennis Ave., Ambler, Pa.) M25F25. OG. Forbes, Dr. T(heodore) W(atson). A.M., Oberlin, 27; Ph.D., Ohio State, 31- Res. asst. transportation, Bur. Street Traffic Res., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (410 Whitney Ave.) M32F33. IKM. Forbes, William H. A.M., Harvard, 31; Ph.D., Cambridge, 31. Res. fellow, Fa- tigue Lab., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (304 Adams St., Milton, Mass.) M39. NCF. Forbes, Dr. William T(rowbridge) M(erri- field). Ph.D., Clark, 10. 23 Trowbridge Road, Worcester, Mass. M09L11F14. F. Forbus, Dr. Wiley Davis. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 23. Prof, pathology, Duke Univ School Med.; head Dept. Pathology, Duke Hosp., Durham, N. Car. (Hope Valley) M34F34. N. Force, Miss Edith R(hoda). M.S., Michi- gan, 31. Teacher science, Woodrow Wil- son Junior High School, Tulsa, Okla. (3021 E. 8th St.) M26. FGQ. Force, Miss Thelma Gladys. M.A., Minne- sota, 31. Asst. prof, education, Illinois State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. M39. QIE. Ford, Prof. Adelbert. A.M., Michigan, 23 ; Ph.D., 26. Prof, psychology, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. M39F40. I. Ford, Carl B(enjamin). 14 48th St., Sea Isle City, N. J. M34R34. CF. Ford, E(rnest) S(idney). M.S., Chicago, 27. Instr. botanv, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M35F35. G. Ford, Miss Florence M. 180 1 Woodlawn Ave., Wilmington, Del. M25. C. Ford, Dr. Helen W. 2523 Tremont Place, Denver, Colo. M30F33R38. I. Ford, Prof. James. Dept. Sociology, Har- vard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M25F30R37. K. Secretary of Section on Social and Eco- nomic Sciences (K), I933'3(>- Ford, Prof. Jeremiah D(enis) M(atthias). A.M., Harvard, 95; Ph.D., 97; D.Litt., Toulouse, 22, National (Ireland), 32, Trinity (Dublin), 34, Bowdoin, 35. Prof. French and Spanish and chairman Dept. Romance Languages and Literatures, Har- vard Univ. and Radcliffe Col., Cambridge, Mass. (9 Riedesel Ave.) M24F30. LH. Ford, Prof. Lester R. A.M., Missouri, 12; A.M., Harvard, 13; Ph.D., 17. Prof, math- ematics and chairman Dept., Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. M31F32. AB. Ford, Dr. Norma (Henrietta Carswell). Ph.D., Toronto, 23. Asst. prof, human biol- ogy, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Can- ada. M34F34. F. Ford, Dr. O(rfa) Rex. M.A.. West Vir- ginia, 23; Ph.D., Cornell, 32. Martin Hall, Morgantown, W. Va. M38. AB. Ford, Dr. T(irey) Foster. 1740 Walnut St., Berkeley, Calif. M37R37. C. Ford, Prof. William E(benezer). M18F25- D39. E. 444 Directory ok Members Fordrung, Prof. William J. A.M., Colum- bia, 20; M.D., Georgetown, 23; LL.B., Fordham, 27. Hunter Col.. New York, N. Y. M34F38. NGC. Fordyce, Col. John R(ison). M36D39. LM. Foregger, Dr. Richard. Ph.D., Berne, 96. 47 W". 42nd St., New York, X. Y. M17- F33. C. Foreman, Mrs. Madeline Clarke. .M.S.. Ohio State. 31. Hampton Inst., Hampton. Va. M31. GQ. Forer, Dr. Robert. M.D., New York, 28. Asst. attending pediatrician, Mercer Hosp., Trenton, N. J.; attending physician, Out- patient Dept., Children's Hosp., Philadel- phia. Philadelphia, Pa. (274 Centre St., Trenton, N. J.) M40. N. Forkner, Dr. Claude E(llis). A.M., Cali- fornia, 2^; M.D., Harvard, 26. Asst. prof, clinical medicine, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M28F33. N. Forrest, Charles N(eedham). Consulting chemist, Barber Asphalt Corp., Barber, X. J. M07F11 M. Forsaith, Dr. C(arl) C(heswell). A.M., Harvard, 14; Ph.D., 17. Assoc, prof, wood technology, New York State Col. Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. M32F33. G. Forsbeck, Dr. Filip C(arolus). M.S.. Wis- consin; M.D., Chicago. 2501 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. M3SF38. N. Forsburg, H. A. 1794 Sonoma Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M30R34. Forster, George F(rancis). Dept. Biologv, Olivet Col., Olivet, Mich. M21F33R36. FN. Forster, N(eslen) K. M.A., Gonzaga, 17; M.D., Illinois, 19. Physician, 6608 Forest Ave., Hammond, Ind. M36. N. Forster, Dr. Roy Philip. Ph.M., Wisconsin. 35 ; Ph.D., 38. Instr., Dartmouth Col.. Hanover, N. H. (23 S. Park St.) M39. FN. Forsythe, Dr. Warren E(llsworth). Univ. Health Service, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M34F34R34. N. Forsythe, W(illiam) E(lmer). M.S., Wis- consin, 00; Ph.D., 11; D.Sc, Kenyon, 26, Denison, 39. Phvsicist, Lamp Dept., Gen. Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio. M24F27. B. Fort, Charles A(therton). M.Sc, McGill, 16. Assoc, chemist, U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Washington, D. C. M38F38. CO. Fort, Dr. Tomlinson. Ph.D., Harvard, 12. Prof, and dean Graduate School, Lehigh Univ.. Bethlehem, Pa. M22F27. A. Fortescue, Dr. Charles. M35F35D36. M. Fortino, Salvatore. Ph.G.. Pennsylvania. 511 Main St., Sharpsburg, Pa. M40. N. Fortmann, Henry F(rederick). 1007 Gough St., San Francisco, Calif. M04L06. FEM. Fortney, B. B. 1812 Alfresco Place, Louis- ville, Ky. M32R33- MB. Fortune, Dr. W(illiam) B(rooks). M.S., Ph.D., Purdue. 817 Parkway Ave., Indiana- polis, Ind. M38. C. Forward, Fred W. 1005 12th St., Boulder, Colo. M35R35. EC. Fosberg, Dr. F(rancis) Raymond. M.S., Hawaii. 35; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 39. Asst. botanist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Wash- ington, D. C. (1101 21st St. S., Arlington, Va.) M34. GFE. Fosbinder, Dr. R(ussel) J(ohn). M.S., Wisconsin, 26; Ph.D., 28. Vice pres. and dir. res., Maltbie Chemical Co., Newark, N. J. (Bernardsville, N. J.) M38. CN. Foscue, Dr. Edwin J(ay). M.Sc, Chicago. 25; Ph.D., Clark, 31. Prof, geography, Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, Tex. (3225 Hanover St.) M32F33. E. Fosdick, Prof. Leonard S. M.S.. North- western, 29; Ph.D., t,2. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Northwestern Univ. Dental School, Chicago, 111. (2710 Thaver St., Evanston, 111.) M33F38. CNd. Foshay, Dr. Lee. M.D., Pennsylvania, 20. Prof, bacteriology, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med., Cincinnati, Ohio. (2610 Handasyde Ave.) M26F38. N. Foshay, Dr. P. Maxwell. M09D39. EHN. Foss, Benjamin S(turtevant). A.M., Har- vard, 09. Treas. and dir., B. F. Sturtevant Co., Hyde Park, Mass. (48 Cramond Road. Brookline, Mass.) M31. MHN. Fosse, Prof. Carl. Dept. Chemistry, Augs- burg Col., Minneapolis, Minn. (?) M30R32. C. Fossler, Prof. Mary L(ouise). M.A., Nebraska. 98. 550 N. Los Robles Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M29F33. FCN. Foster, Dr. Adriance S(herwood). S.M., Harvard, 25; Sc.D., 26. Assoc, prof, botany, LTniv. California. Berkeley, Calif. M29F29. G. Foster, Prof. Alfred L(eon). M.S., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 27; Ph.D.. Princeton, 30. Asst. prof, mathematics, Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. M34F34. ABD. Foster, Miss Alice. M.S., Chicago, 21 ; Ph.D., 36. Rosenwald Hall, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M24F31. E. Foster, Miss A(lice) Willena. M.A., Toronto, 18. Assoc, prof., Univ. Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada. M29- F40. B. Foster, Arthur C(rawford). M.Sc, \\ i>- consin, 19. Senior pathologist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. (4912 Montgomery Lane, Bethesda, Md.) M36- F36. CGO. Foster, A(ubrey) Alfred. B.S., Cornell, 39. Plant breeder. Francis C. Stokes Co., Vin- centown, N. J. M40. OG. Individual Members 445 Foster, Dr. A(urel) O(verton). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins. 33. Asst. parasitologist, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Beltsville, Md. M32. FX. Foster, Dr. Caryll Stanley. D.D.S., Iowa, 19. 1900 Blake Blvd., Cedar Rapids Iowa. M40. Nd. Foster, Clarence Lucius. Bacone Col., Bacone, Okla. M18R33. CE. Foster, C(lark) H(arold). Hotel Troy, Troy, N. Y. M18. M. Foster, Dr. Duncan Graham. 302 N. Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. M28- F33R35- C. Foster, Edward S(taniford). E.E., Lehigh, 07. Electrical engineer, Electric Controller and Mfg. Co., 2700 E. 79th St., Cleveland, Ohio. (Warren, Ohio) M18. M. Foster, Francis A(pthorp). Vineyard Haven, Mass. M23. EF. Foster, Dr. Joab Palmer. 4053 Bryant Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. M27R38. N. Foster, J(ohn) P(reston). Supt. sugar fac- tory, Maui Agric. Co., Ltd., Paia. Maui. Hawaii. M38. CMN. Foster, Dr. Joseph. 118 Lincoln Ave., Santa Fe. N. Mex. M28R32. NHL Foster, Dr. Kendall W(ilson). A.M., Har- vard. 35; Ph.D., 36. Bennett Junior Col., Millbrook. N. Y. M37. F. Foster, Prof. Laurence. Cheyney State Teachers Col., Chevnev, Pa. M31F32R36. HF. Foster, Prof. Laurence S(tandley). A.M.. Clark, 23; Ph.D., Brown, 26. Asst. prof.. Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. (76 Grotto Ave.) M29F33. CBQ. Foster, Dr. Margaret D(orothy). M.S.. George Washington, 23; Ph.D., American, 36. Assoc, chemist, LT. S. Geol. Survey. Washington, D. C. M34F34. CE. Foster, Dr. Mark A. Harvard Med. School, Boston. Mass. M35R35. FN. Foster, Dr. Mark G(ardner). Ph.D., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 39. Physicist, Res. Dept.. Champion Paper and Fibre Co.. Hamilton, Ohio. M39F40. BA. Foster, Dr. Mary Louise. A.M.. Smith, 12; Ph.D., Chicago, 14. Assoc, prof, chemistry (retired), Smith Col.. Northampton, Mass. (i-A Acorn St.. Boston. Mass.) M31F32. LCN. Foster, Dr. Nellis B(arnes). 850 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M28F33R33- N. Foster, Ora E(mile). Rarden, Ohio. M22- R35. EQI. Foster, Dr. Richard L(indley). Ph.D., Iowa State. 32. Asst. prof, chemistry. Texas State Col. Women, Denton. Tex. (1213 Austin Ave.) M36. (W Foster, Richard W(ingate). 16 Little- brook Road, Devon, Pa. M38R39. Foster, Dr. Robert G(eib). 71 E. Ferrv St.. Detroit, Mich. M36R37. KIX. Foster, Dr. R(obert) H(enry) K(ing). Ph.D., Chicago, 32; M.D., Rush, 35. Pharmacologist. Hoffmann-La Roche. Inc., Nutley, N. J. (160 Church St.) M39. Np. Foster, Ronald M(artin). S.B., Harvard. 17. Member technical staff, Bell Tele- phone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (122 E. Dudley Ave., Westfield, N. T.) M22- F38. A. Foster, V. M. 732 9th Ave. W., Birming- ham, Ala. (?) M32R32. EF. Foster, Prof. William. M08F11D37. C. Foster, William I(rvin). M30D — . A. Foster, William J(ames). Consulting en- gineer, Gen. Electric Co., Schenectadv. N. Y. (2 Douglas Road) M17F31. M. Fotopulos, Miss Mary. Garrison, N. Y. M39. Q- ■ Foucar, Dr. H(ans) O(lding). 330 Queens Ave., London, Ont., Canada. M25R32. N. Foulger, Dr. John H(enry). M.Sc, Lon- don, 22; Ph.D., Cincinnati, 24; M.D., 30. Dir. med. res., Lab. Industrial Toxicology. E. I. du Pont de Nemours Co., Inc.. Wilmington, Del. M39. NBC. Foulk. Prof. C(harles) W(illiam). D.Sc, Mt. Union, 34. Prof, emeritus chemistry. ( )hio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M02- F06. C. Found, Clifton G(arwin). M.A., Toronto. 15. 1 190 Phoenix Ave., Schenectadv. N. Y. M29F31. B. Fountain, Dr. C(laude) R(ussell). Ph.D.. Columbia, 08. Prof, physics (retired). George Peabodv Col. Teachers, Nashville. Tenn. M07F10/BAD. Fournet. Prof. Francis Gary. M.S.. Louisi- ana State. Head Dept. Science. Louisiana State Normal Col., Natchitoches, La. (tm 9th St.) (M32R33HI35. Fournier, Oscar. M24D38. M. Foust, Miss Frances K(atherine). M.A.. North Carolina, 38. Botanist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D. C. M40. GF. Foust, Dr. H(arry) L(ewis). DAM.. Ohio State. 14. Prof, and head Dept. Veterinar\ Vnatomy, Iowa State Col.. Ames. Iowa 1 21 10 Country Club Blvd.) M28F32. CFN. Fowerbaugh, Clarence C. M.A., Indiana. 28; Ph.D., 30. Attorney. SiS Guardian Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. (1484 W. Clifton Blvd., Lakewood, Ohio) M34F34. 1. Fowle, Frederick E(ugene). M07F09D40. BD. Fowler, Dr. Arthur Thomas. 465 Wash- ington St., Norwood, Mass. M30R34. FDG. 446 Directory of Members Fowler, George M(alcolm). E.M., Montana School Mines, 12; Geol.Eng., 35. Consult- ing geologist, 608 Joplin Nat. Bank Bldg., Joplin, Mo. (501 Mayflower Apartments) • M36. EKM. Fowler, Dr. John Robert. M.S., Chicago, 28; Ph.D., 30. Dept. Biology, Louisiana Polytechnic Inst., Ruston, La. M28F33. F. Fowler, Dr. Kenneth. M.D., Rush. 1046 Harvard Blvd., Dayton, Ohio. M39. N. Fowler, Marvin E(dward). M.A., George Washington, 31. Asst. pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (3737 Van Ness St. NW.) M37F40. G. Fowler, Dr. Oliver D. M.A., Iowa, 37; Ph.D., 40. Asst. psychologist, State Div. Child Welfare, Des Moines, Iowa. M39. IC. Fowler, Dr. O(ra) S(mith). M.D., Colo- rado, 06. Gen. urological surgeon, 302 Metropolitan Bldg., Denver, Colo. M38. N. Fowler, Robert M(cSwain). M.A., George Washington, 31. Union Carbide and Car- bon Res. Labs., Inc., Niagara Falls, N. Y. (220 83rd St.) M40. C. Fox, Prof. Charles Shattuck. 445 High St., Bethlehem, Pa. M22R36. L. Fox, Prof. Denis L(lewellyn). Ph.D., Stan- ford, 31. Asst. prof, marine biochemistry, Scripps Inst. Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. M30F33. CFN. Fox, Elbert Marr. Student, Univ. Cali- fornia Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (628 S. Irving Blvd.) M38. BAC. Fox, Mrs. Ethel S. (See Mrs. Ethel S. Fox Jones). Fox, Frederick J(ay). 500 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M34R34. M. Fox, George R(andall). Dovvagiac, Mich. M25R33. HLE. Fox, Gerlad W(illis). Ph.D., Michigan, 26. Prof, physics, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M27F31. B. Fox, Dr. Henry, c/o Mrs. Priscilla V. Blake, Cape May Court House, N. J. M02F06R34. F. Fox, Dr. Herbert. M.D., Pennsylvania, 01. Dir. Wm. Pepper Lab., prof, comparative pathology, Univ. Pennsylvania, and pathologist, Philadelphia Zool. Soc, Phil- adelphia, Pa. M23F23. N. Fox, Prof. Jesse W(ells). M.A., George Peabody. David Lipscomb Col., Nashville, Tenn. M38. CP. Fox, John Herbert. University Club, Pittsburgh, Pa. M19. M. Fox, Dr. John P(errigo). Ph.D., M.D., Chicago, 36. Staff member, International Health Div., Rockefeller Foundation, Caixa Postal 49, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, S. A. M40. NKC. Fox, John P(ierce). 440 Richmond Ave., Maplewood, N. J. M23. D. Fox, Miss Lauretta E(wing). M.S., Illinois, 32; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, science, Loui- siana State Normal Col., Natchitoches, La. M34F38. G. Fox. Lt. Col. Leon A(lexander). M.D., Cincinnati, 12; M.S., American, 31; Ph.D., 32; Dr.P.H., Johns Hopkins, 35. Med. Corps, U. S. Army, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, Pa. M33F33. NF. Fox, Lyttleton. M32D34. FQB. Fox, Dr. Noah. M.D., Rush, 22. Physician, 841 E. 63rd St.; assoc, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (7315 S. Shore Drive) M40. N. Fox, Dr. Philip. M.S., Kansas State, 01; Sc.D., 31; LL.D., Drake, 30. Dir., Mus. Science and Industry, Chicago, 111. M03- F06. D. Secretary of Section on Astronomy (D), 1923-32; vice president, 1937. Mem- ber of the Executive Committee, 1933-34. Fox, Portland P(orter). B.S., North Caro- lina, 33. Assoc, engng. geologist, Ten- nessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn. (Spring City, Tenn.) M38. ECD. Fox, Prof. Rolland D(avid). M.S., Akron, 23. Assoc, prof, bacteriology, Univ. Akron; dir. labs., Akron and Summit County Health Districts, Akron, Ohio. M27F33. N. Fox, Sereck H(all). Technical dir., Gelatin Products Co., 9425 Grinnell St., Detroit, Mich. M37. CN. Fox, Sidney W(alter). B.A., California (Los Angeles), 33. Res. asst. California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (1100 E. Del Mar St.) M38. CNI. Fox, Prof. William. M01F06D39. BM. Fox, William Henry. Brooklyn Mus., Brooklyn, N. Y. M18R32. HI. Foxe, Dr. Arthur N(orman). M.D., Jef- ferson. 25 W. 54th St., New York, N. Y. M40. NIH. Foxworthy, Dr. Fred W(illiam). A.M., Cornell, 01 ; Ph.D., 04. 762 Arlington Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M02F11L23. G. Foy, John R(ichard). B.S., Fordham. Dept. Chemistry, Fordham Univ., New York, N. Y. M39. CNQ. Foye, Prof. Wilbur Garland. M19F21- D35. E. Foyles, Edward J(ohn). Sc.M., New York, 26. Taylor Instrument Co., Rochester. N. Y. (59 Rugby Ave.) M23F25. EFG Fraad, Henry O. Route 2, Westport, Conn. M35. MNE. Fracker, Prof. George C(utler). Col. Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. (?) M34F05- R34. I. Fracker, Dr. S(tanley) B(lack). M.S., Iowa State, 12; Ph.D., Illinois, 14. In charge plant disease control, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Wash- ington, D. C. (3716 Ingomar St. NW.) M18F20. FG. Individual Members 447 Fradkin, Dr. Leon H. 501 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair, N. J. M33. NK. Fradkin, William S(tanley). B.S., Col. City New York, 34. 3100 Warder St. NW., Washington, D. C. M36. CAF. Fraenkel, Dr. Sigmund. Vienna Univ., Vienna, Austria. M30R32. Frame, Miss Elizabeth G(raham). 837 Howard Ave., New Haven, Conn. M38- R39. FNC. Frame, F(loyd) H(ill). E.E., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 24. Prof, electrical engng., Missouri School Mines and Metal- lurgy, Rolla, Mo. (703 E. 12th St.) M28- F32. MBA. Frampton, Prof. Vernon L. Ph.D., Minne- sota, 36. Asst. prof., Dept. Plant Pathology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M38F38. BCG. France, Prof. Wesley George. M.S., Mich- igan, 18; Ph.D., 21. Prof, chemistry, Ohio State Univ , Columbus, Ohio. (1233 Wyan- dotte Road) M29F32. CBA. Francioni, Prof. J(ohn) B., Jr. M.S., Louisiana State, 25. Prof, animal industry, Louisiana State Univ., University, La. M35F40. O. Francis, Dr. Alfred W(est). Ph.D., Yale, 24; Ch.E., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 29. Res. chemist, Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc., Paulsboro, N. J. (105 N. Horace St., Woodbury, N. J.) M25F26. C. Francis, Dr. Charles K(enworthy). Moi- F10D40. C. Francis, Dr. G. Hamilton. M.D., Meharry Med. Col. 1024 E. Liberty St., Norfolk, Va. M3S. NQ. Francis, Dr. Lillias D(orothea). 91 Howe St., New Haven, Conn. M24F33R36. N. Francis, Dr. Thomas, Jr. M.D., Yale, 25. Prof, bacteriology and dir. Bacteriological Labs., New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. M40. NQ. Francisca, Sister M. Loretto Junior Col., Nerinx, Ky. M36R38. Q. Franck, Ernst Theodore. M.Sc, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 34- Teacher science, New York City High School, New York, N Y. (50 Columbia Ave., Grantwood, N. J.) M32. C. Franck, Prof. James. Ph.D., Berlin, 06; LL.D., California, 28. Prof, physical chemistry, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M39F40. BC. Francke, Mrs. Luis J. Glen Head, N. Y. M30R35- Frandsen, Prof. J(ulius) H(erman). M.S., Iowa State, 04. Prof, and head Dept. Dairy Husbandrv, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. (179 Lincoln Ave.) (M34- F34R37)M39F34- O. Frandsen, Prof. Peter. A.M., Harvard, 99; LL.D., Nevada, 24. Prof, biology, Univ. Nevada, Reno, New (210 Maple St.) M10F15. F. Franing, Dr. Edward C(harles). M.D., Rush, 99. Galesburg, 111. Mi 7. N. Frank, Arthur. Brown Co., Belle Glade, Fla. M29R32. GOC. Frank, Bernard. M.F., Cornell, 29. Senior silviculturist, U. S. Forest Service, Wash- ington, D. C. (104 Walnut St. NW.i M39. OKG. Frank, Henry. 378 Vanderbilt Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y. M13R32. KQ. Frank, Prof. Henry S(org). M.S., Pitts- burgh, 22; Ph.D., California, 2T.^ Prof, chemistrv and dean Col. Science, Lingnan Univ., Canton, China. M28F33. CB. Frank, Prof. J(oseph) O(tto). M.A., Indiana, 12. Head Dept. Chemistry, State Teachers Col., Oshkosh, Wis. (159 W. Irving St.) M34F34. C. Frank, Lawrence K(elso). A.B., Columbia, 12. Vice pres., Josiah Macy, Jr., Founda- tion, 565 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M25F40. KI. Frank, Dr. Louis. 614 Heyburn Bldg., Louisville, Ky. M24R32. N. Frank, Dr. Margaret. Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Consulting psychologist, 30 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. (1440 E. 52nd St.) M36. IN. Frank, O(rlin) D(enton). S.M., Chicago, 23. Univ. Chicago School Education, Chi- cago, 111. M24F31. GQF. Frank, Dr. Robert T(ilden). M.A., M.D., Columbia, 00. Consulting gynecologist, Mt. Sinai Hosp. ; clinical prof, gynecology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M29- F33. NCF. Franke, Dr. Kurt W(alter). M31F33D36. CON. Frankel, Dr. Edward, Jr. 217 E. 17th St., New York, N. Y. M36R37. N. Frankel, Edward T. B.S., Col. City New York, \2. Asst. dir., Bur. Res. and Stat- istics, New York State Dept. Social Wel- fare, Albany, N. Y. (491 State St.) M19- F38. APK. Franken, Dr. Sigmund W (alter) A(n- thony). M26D33- NIH. Frankenfeld, J(ustus) C(arl). M.S., Illi- nois, 2T. 1204 Fremont Ave., Manhattan, Kans. M28. F. Frankforter, Dr. George B(ell). A.M., Nebraska, 88; Ph.D., Berlin, 93. 525 E. River Road, Minneapolis, Minn. M94F01- E39. C. Vice president for Section on Chemistry (C), 1910. Frankfurter, Felix. LL.B., Harvard, 06. Justice, U. S. Supreme Court, Washington, D. C. M29F36. KL. Frankfurter, Fred S. Ph.G., Columbia, 99. Apothecary, 171 E. Post Road, White Plains, N. Y. M40. Np. 44* Directory of Members Franklin, Col. Benjamin A(lvey). M.H., Springfield International Y.M.C.A. Col. Industrial engineer; sec.-treas., Specialty Paper and Board Affiliates, 05 State St., Springfield, Mass. M31. IM. Franklin, C(harles) R(ussell). 22 Orchard St., Dover, N. J. M18R36. C. Franklin, Dr. Edward Curtis. M98F00D37. CB. President of Pacific Division, 1923. Franklin, Elmer (Sherwood). M.S., South- ern California, 37. Fellow, Allan Hancock Foundation, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles; teacher. High School, San Pedro, Calif. (2800 N. Sichel St., Los Angeles, Calif.) M40. EBQ. Franklin, Dr. Henry James. Ph.D., Massa- chusetts State, 08. Res. prof., Massachu- setts State Col., Amherst, Mass. (East Wareham, Mass.) M33F33. F. Franklin, Milton W. 21 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. (?) M34F13R34. BCM. Franklin, Prof. Philip. M.A., Princeton, 20; Ph.D., 21. Prof, mathematics, Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (312 Pleasant St., Belmont, Mass.) M34- F34. A. Frankston, Miss Jane E(lizabeth). M.S., Pittsburgh, 36. Carmel Road, Pleasant Valley, Wheeling, W. Va. M37. FCN. Franzen, Dr. Carl G(ustave) F(rederick). M.A., Iowa, 12; Ph.D., 20. Prof, secondary education, Indiana LTniv. School Educa- tion, Bloomington, Ind. M24F31. Q. Franzheim, Charles Merts. Pres., Chas. M. Franzheim Co., Wheeling, W. Va. (Beech Glen) M38. PEC. Franzinger, Kurt Walter. B.S., Lafayette, 36. Chief chemist, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Barksdale, Wis. (Has- kell Club, Washburn, Wis.) M37. CEB. Frappier, Dr. Armand. M.D., Montreal, 30. Chief lab., St. Luke's Hosp.; prof, and dir. Dept. Bacteriology, Univ. Montreal Med. Faculty; dir. Montreal Inst. Micro- biology and Hygiene, Montreal, Que., Canada. (288 Chemin Chambly-Longneuil, Que., Canada) M39. N. Fraps, Dr. G(eorge) S(tronach). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 99. State chemist and chief Div. Chemistry, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station, Tex. M04F06. C. Fraps, Dr. Richard M(ason). Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Senior physiologist, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Beltsville, Md. M39. F. Frary, Charles S(amuel). M.E., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 08. Treas., Bay State Belting Co., 234 Sumner St., Boston, Mass. (147 Plymouth Road, Newton Highlands. Mass.) M40. CM. Frasch, Joseph F(rederick). M.A., Ohio State, 39. Teacher, High School, Hilliards, Ohio. M30. GFQ. Frasche, Dean Frederic. Ph.B., Wisconsin. 33. Chief, Geol. Survey Div., Bur. Mines, Manila, P. I. M40. E. Fraser, Prof. Allan C(ameron). Ph.D., Cornell, 18. Prof, plant breeding, Cornell Univ.; geneticist New York State Col. Agric. Exp. Sta., Ithaca, N. Y. M23F25. GF. Fraser, Dr. C(harles) McLean. M.A.. Toronto, 03; Ph.D., Iowa, 11. Prof, zoology and head Dept., Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. M11- F14. F. Fraser, Dr. Donald McCoy. M.A., Oregon, 26; Ph.D., Columbia, 32. Assoc, prof., Dept. Geology, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. (220 W. Langhorne Ave.) M32F33. E. Fraser, George C(orning). M06D35. E. Fraser, Dr. Horace J(ohn). Dept. Geology, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M34F34R37. E. Fraser, Dr. John R. M.D., McGill. Prof. obstetrics and gynecology, McGill Univ.; dir. Dept. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Royal Victoria Hosp., Montreal, Que., Canada. (2-1390 Sherbrooke St. W.) M40. N. Fraser, Lawrence E. A. 122 Victoria St., Truro, N. S., Canada. M31R33. QGF. Fraser, Robert James, Jr. Mgr., Fraser Cement Products Co., 3020 Andrita St., Los Angeles, Calif. M38. BEA. Fraser, Samuel. Box 158, Geneseo, N. Y. (Mo7FiiR32)M36FnR37. OGK. Fraser, Sarah (See Mrs. Chandler Rob- bins, II). Fraser, William. E.E., Aberdeen Tech. Box 42, Arvida, Que., Canada. M38. BAM. Fraser, William W(right). 6 E. 4Sth St., New York, N. Y. M28R36. AB. Fray, Dr. Walter W(endell). Pittsford, N. Y. M34R36. NBF. Frayne, Prof. John G(eorge). Electrical Res. Products, 7046 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M23F29R32. B. Frazer, George Enfield. 435 Sheridan Road, Winnetka, 111. M31. KA. Frazer, Dr. John. A.M., Pennsylvania, 04; Ph.D., 07. Sec, Commission Science and Arts, Franklin Inst., Philadelphia, Pa. (8015 Navajo St., Chestnut Hill) M07- F09L09. CQ. Frazier, Charles H. 6637 Kingsburv Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. (?) M31R32. Q. Frazier, Dr. Charles H(arrison). M04- F11D36. N. Frazier, Prof. Chester N(orth). M.D., Indiana, 17. Prof. dermatology and syphilology, Peiping Union Med. Col., Peiping, China. M34F38. NL. Frazier, Dr. E(dward) Franklin. A.M., Clark; Ph.D., Chicago. Dept. Sociology, Howard Univ., Washington. D. C. M38. K. I NDivmuAL Members 449 Frazier, Dr. J(ohn) Earl. D.Chem., Academia de Sciencias e Artes (Rio de Janeiro). 38. Professional engineer; vice pres., treas. and dir., Frazier-Simplex, Inc.; vice pres. and dir. Washington Union Trust Co., Washington, Pa. M39. CMP. Frear, Donald E(lisha) H(arding). Dept. Agric. and Biol. Chemistry, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M34F34R35- COG. Frear, Dr. George L(ewis). Ph.D.. Yale. 26. Chemist, Tennessee Valley Authority, Wilson Dam, Ala. (Sheffield, Ala.) M28- F33. c. Fred, Prof. Edwin B(roun). Ph.D., Gottingen, 11. Prof, agric. bacteriology and dean Graduate School, Univ. Wiscon- sin. Madison, Wis. (610 X. Francis St.) M08F18. G. Frederick, C(harles) A(lbert) Ph.B., Chicago, 98. 1306 Stratford Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. M24. BM. Frederick, C(harles) W(arnock). B.S.. Kansas. Mathematician (lens theory), Eastman Kodak Co.. Rochester, N. Y. (11 Fairview Heights') M01F06. ABC. Frederick, Halsey A(ugustus). 463 West St., New York. N. Y. M18F32. M. Frederick, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary- Frederick Eggleston). Fredine, C. Gordon. Game and Fish Div.. State Office Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. M37- R37. F. Fredrickson, W. R. 620 Euclid Ave., Syra- cuse, X. Y. M32R32. B. Free, Edward E(lway). 175 sth Ave., New York, X. Y. M07F16R3S. EM. Freeborn, Dr. Stanley B(arren). Ph.D.. Massachusetts State, 24. Prof, entomology, asst. dean Col. Agric, and asst. dir. Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M14F20. F. Freed, Richard. M.A., Indiana, 32. Geolog- ist, Texas Co., Jasper, Ala. M40. EM. Freedlander, Dr. Ben L. M.D., Western Reserve, 21. Asst. clinical prof, medicine, Univ. California School Med., San Fran- cisco, Calif. M40. X. Freedlander, Dr. Samuel O. M.D.. Western Reserve, 18. Asst. prof, surgery, Western Reserve Univ.; asst. visiting surgeon, Uni- versity Hosps.; visiting surgeon and chief thoracic surgical service, Cleveland City Hosp.. Cleveland, Ohio. (12349 Cedar Road) M39. X. Freedman, Henry E(manuel). Ph.C, Tennessee. 32. Mgr., Anchor Drug Store, 888 N. 2nd St., Memphis, Tenn. M32. XCH. Freedman, Dr. Louis M(ark). M.D., Har- vard. 04. 475 Commonwealth Ave.. Boston. Mass. M24F31. X. Freedman, W(illiam) H(oratio). E.E., Columbia. 91 ; M.S., Vermont, 08. 75 River Road, Xyack, X. Y. M01F01L26. BAD. Freeland, Dr. Milnor R(ichmond). Ph.D.. Chicago, 31. Resident chemist, Presby- terian Hosp., Chicago, 111. (i744 N. Monticello Ave.) M28F33. NC. Freeman, Dr. Allen W(eir). 615 X. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Md. M28R32. N. Freeman, Arthur C(larico). B.S., Virginia Military Inst., Glenbrook Hills, Richmond, Va. M39. MNK. Freeman, Dr. Benjamin. 505 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, X. Y. M29F33R37- CB. Freeman, Dr. Charles. Ph.D., Allegheny. 96; LL.D., Westminster. Head Dept. Chemistry, Westminster Col., Xew Wil- mington, Pa. M01F15. C. Freeman, Chester P(eter). Ph.D.. George Peabody, 32. State Teachers Col., Mem- phis, Tenn. M34F34. G. Freeman, Dr. Edward M(onroe). M.S., Minnesota, 99: Ph.D., 05. Dean, Col. Agric, Forestrv and Home Economics; chief Div. Plant Pathology and Botany. Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. (2196 Carter Ave.) M07F09. GO. Freeman, Miss Eva Allen. M.A., Colorado. 16. Psychologist, Dallas Child Guidance Clinic; asst. prof, sociology. Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas. Tex. (5324 Willis Ave.) M38. IK. Freeman, Dr. Frank Nugent. Univ. Cali- fornia School Education, Berkeley, Calif. M07F11R39. IQ. Secretary of Section on Psychology (I), 1920-28. Vice president for Section on Education (Q), 1929. Freeman, Prof. Frank S(amuel). Ed.M., Harvard, 24; Ed.D., 26. Prof, education. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, X. Y. M34F34- QL Freeman, Gay Nichols. 745 X. Chester Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M08. CM. Freeman, Dr. G(raydon) L(aVerne). M.A., Ph.D., Cornell. Dept. Psychology. Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M38. IX. Freeman, Hugh Barton. Casilla 44. Calama, Chile, S. A. M29. B. Freeman, Dr. Ira M(aximilian). S.M., Chicago, 26; Ph.D., 28. Assoc prof, phvsics, Central Col., Chicago, 111. (231 W. Jackson Blvd.) Mj4F34- B. Freeman, Joe Frank. M.S., Kentucky. 23. Asst. agronomist, Kentucky Agric. Exp. Sta.. Lexington, Ky. (149 Bell Court W.) M32F33. O. Freeman, John R(ipley), Jr. S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 16. Technical mgr., Amer. Brass Co., Waterburv, Conn. (Por- ter Hill, Middlebury, Conn.) M36. CBM. Freeman, Dr. Leonard. 2611 E. 7th Ave., Denver, Colo. MJ7R32. X. 450 Directory of Members Freeman, Mrs. Louise Barton. M.S., Kentucky. Asst. geologist, State Dept. Mines and Minerals, Lexington, Ky. (608 Elsmere Park) M38. E. Freeman, Prof. Otis W(illard). M.S., Michigan, 13; Ph.D., Clark, 29. Head Dept. Physical Science, Eastern Wash- ington Col. Education, Chenev, Wash. M21F31. EQ. Freeman, Dr. Smith. M.S., Northwestern, 30; Ph.D., 33; M.D., 38. Instr. physiology, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. (643 Arlington Place) M39. NC. Freeman, Dr. W(illiam) W(ebb). A.M., Yale, Southern Methodist; Theol.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Prof. Latin and dir. Audio-visual Instruc- tion, East Texas State Teachers Col., Commerce, Tex. M38. LQI. Freer, Ruskin S(kidmore). Lynchburg Col., Lynchburg, Va. M23F33R36. G. Frehafer, Dr. M(able) Katherine. A.M., Wisconsin, 09; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 19. Assoc, prof, physics, Goucher Col., Balti- more, Md. M22F31. B. Freiberg, Dr. Albert D. M.A., Illinois, 27; Ph.D., Cornell, 3— Staff member, Psy- chological Corp., 522 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. M38. IK. Freiberg, Dr. George William. Ph.D., Washington Univ., 17; LL.M., Benton Col. Law (St. Louis), 35. Chief bacteriologist, Anheuser-Busch, Inc., St. Louis, Mo. (5122 Waterman Blvd.) M16F39. G. Freiberg, Dr. Joseph A(lbert). M.A., Cincinnati, 22; M.D., 23. Orthopedic surgeon; assoc. prof, surgery, Orthopedic Div., and dir. orthopedic service, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med., Cincinnati, Ohio. M40. N. Freitag, Dr. Julius H(erman). Ph.D., California, 35. Instr. entomology and jun- ior entomologist Exp. Sta., Univ. Califor- nia, Berkeley, Calif. M37. FG. Fremd, Miss Lydia K(ennedy). M.A., Kentucky, 28. Dept. mgr., Fremd-Berry Co., Eminence, Ky. M30. AFI. Fremont-Smith, Dr. Frank. M.D., Har- vard, 21. Dir. Med. Div., Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 565 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M34F34. N. French, Dr. Beals E. L. Ph.D., Chicago. Instr. physical sciences, Chicago Teachers Col., Chicago, 111. (800 S. Halsted St.) M38. NCF. French, Dr. C(harles) Clement. M.S., Pennsylvania. 23; Ph.D., 27. Dean Col. and prof, chemistry and head Dept., Randolph-Macon Woman's Col., Lynch- burg, Va. (155 Norfolk Ave.) M31F33. CQ. French, Dr. Charles Stacy. M.A., Harvard, 32; Ph.D., 34. Instr. (res.) chemistry, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5724 S. Ken- wood Ave.) M35F38. GC. French, Dudley K(imball). B.S., Chicago, 05. Directing head, Dudley K. French and Associates, 6025 W. 66th Place, Chicago, 111. (503 Hawthorne Lane, Winnetka, 111.) M31F32. CM. French, Edward Spinello. 4237 Prospect Ave., Brentwood, Md. M33. ICN. French, G(eorge) Talbot. B.Sc, Massa- chusetts State. State entomologist, Vir- ginia Dept. Agric, Richmond, Va. M18- F31. GFO. French, Dr. Harry Tapley. M.S., Dart- mouth, 18; M.D., Rush, 21. Prof, neuro- anatomy, Dartmouth Med. School; attend- ing physician, Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hosp.,' Hanover, N. H. M29. N. French, Prof. Helen S(omersby). M.A., Wellesley, 10; Ph.D., Zurich, 13. Prof, chemistry, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. (5 Audubon Road, Lexington, Mass.) M22F22. C. French, Dr. John S(haw). Northwood, N. H. M34F34R34. A. French, Norman H. 217 N. 31st St., Lincoln, Nebr. M38R39. O. French, Norman R(ichards). M.A., Maine, 16. Engineer, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (94 Sunnvside Ave., Pleasantville, N. Y.) M36F36. B. French, Prof. Owen B(ert). C.E., Case, 05. Prof, civil engng. (retired). George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. (3420 36th St. NW.) M02F15. MD. French, Dr. R(aymond) A(lbert). Ph.D., Iowa, 20. Prof, biology, Univ. Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa. M13F25. FG. French, Dr. Sidney J(ames). Franklin Col.. Franklin, Ind. M29R32. CBN. French, Rev. Thomas, Jr. A.M., Ph.D., Heidelberg, 76. Box 500, R. D. 4, Sebas- topol, Calif. M81F83V36. B. French, Prof. Thomas E(wing). M.E., Ohio State, 95; D.Sc, Monmouth, 21. Prof, engng. drawing, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M17F25. M. French, Dr. Thomas Morton. M.D., Cor- nell, 20. 43 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111. M39. INF. French, William P(hilip). 1022 Garfield Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. M24R32. DEH. Frenz, Charles, Sr. 239 W. 30th St., New York, N. Y. (?) M33R33. M. Frerichs, Dr. Frederick W(illiam). M07- F11D39. c. Frescoln, Dr. Leonard D(avis). 222 S. 46th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M39R39. NIO. Fretz, Prof. A(gustus) H(enry). M.S., LaFayette, 22. Assoc, prof., Lehigh Univ. and Moravian Col., Bethlehem, Pa. (42 W. Market St.) M25F32. E. Individual Members 451 Fretz, Dr. Clair William. M17D38. C. Fretz, Raymond M(orris). A.M., Colum- bia. Asst. prof, science, State Teachers Col., Buffalo, N. Y. (23 Irving Terrace, Kenmore, N. Y.) M40. F. Freud, B(enjamin) B(all). Ch.E., Amour Inst. Tech.; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Prof, chemistry and chairman Section, Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. (5858 Magnolia Ave.) M24F25. CQB. Freudenberger, Prof. Clay B(riscoe). M.A., Colorado, 26; Ph.D., Minnesota, 31; M.D., Rush, 38. Prof, anatomy. School Med., Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (441 Douglas St.) (M28F33R37)M39F33. FN. Freudenthal, Dr. Alfred M. D.Sc, Prague. Resident engineer, Tel Aviv Port, Marine Trust, Ltd., Tel Aviv; lecturer bridge engng., Hebrew Inst. Tech., Haifa, Pales- tine. (25 Khen Blvd., Tel Aviv, Palestine) M39. MBK. Freudenthal, Louis Edwin. Mgr., Ph. Freudenthal Farms Co., Las Cruces, N. Mex. (539 W. Las Cruces Ave.) M17- L26. GO. Freund, Dr. Hugo A. M.D., Michigan, 05. Chief medicine, Harper Hosp.; clinical prof, internal medicine, Wayne Univ.; pres., Children's Fund Michigan, Detroit, Mich. (62 Kirby Ave. W.) M36F36. N. Freund, Dr. Jules (Thomas). M.D., Budapest, 14; C.P.H., 21. Asst. dir., Res. and Antitoxin Lab. City New York, Otis- ville; asst. prof., Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M32F33. N. Frey, Prof. Carl A(dam). Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio. M27F33R35. NFG. Frey, Dr. Charles N. M.S., Wisconsin, 15; Ph.D., 20. Dir. Fleischmann Lab., Stand- ard Brands, Inc., New York, N. Y. (Scars- dale, N. Y.) M20F25. CN. Frey, Dr. Clarence Elmer. M.D., Eclectic Med. Col. (Cincinnati), 19- Supt., Dr. Frey Sanitarium, Houston, Tex. (815 Hathaway St.) M30. N. Frey, Dr. Fred C(harles). Ph.D., Minne- sota, 29. Dean of Univ., dean Col. Arts and Sciences, and prof, sociology, Loui- siana State Univ., University, La. M32- F36. KHF. Freyer, Dr. Egbert (Barrows). M.S.. Louisiana, 26; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. In charge production control, Spencer Kellogg and Sons, Buffalo, N. Y. M26- F33. c. Freytag, Laurence C. Reynolds, 111. M31. CDA. Friant, R(ay) J(erome). B.S., Pennsyl- vania State, 16. Extension agronomist. West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. (835 Price St.) M24F32. O. Friauf, Dr. James B(yron). Ph.D., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 26. Technical con- sultant, 735 N. Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. (2936 N. Frederick Ave.) M34F34. B. Frick, Childs. B.S., Princeton, 05. Hon. curator late tertiary and quaternary mammals, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. (Roslyn, N. Y.) M29- F32. E. Fridley, Dr. Harry M(arion). M.S., Cor- nell, 25; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, geology. West Virginia Univ.; cooperating geolo- gist, West Virginia Geol. Survey, Morgan- town, W. Va. M29F33. E. Friedel, Rev. Francis J. S.T.D., Fribourg, 26; M.A., Catholic, 35. Dean Col. Arts and Sciences, dir. evening classes and summer session, and head Dept. Sociology, Univ. Dayton, Dayton, Ohio. M38. KIH. Friedemann, Dr. Theodore Edward. M.A., Missouri, 19; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 23. Asst. prof, chemical bacteriology, Dept. Medicine, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (M33F33R34)M39F33- CN. Friedemann, Dr. William G(ustav). Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Flossmoor, 111. M28F31. CBM. Frieden, Dr. Alexander. M.S., Virginia, 19; M.A., Columbia, 20; Ph.D., 23. Technical Dir., Stein, Hall and Co., Inc., 285 Madi- son Ave., New York, N. Y. (2 Mulberry Road, New Rochelle, N. Y.) M37. C. Friedenberg, Edgar (Zodiag). Menlo Junior Col., Menlo Park, Calif. M38. CEQ. Friedenwald, Dr. Harry. M.D., Col. Physi- cians and Surgeons (Baltimore), 86; D.Sc, Maryland, 32; D.H.L., Jewish Inst. Religion, 32. Prof, emeritus ophthal- mology, Univ. Maryland, Baltimore, Md. (12 12 Eutaw Place) M02F09. N. Friedenwald, Dr. Jonas S(tein). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 20; M.A., Harvard, 22. Assoc, prof, ophthalmology, Johns Hop- kins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (1212 Eutaw Place) M27F31. N. Friedenwald, Dr. Julius. M.D., Maryland, 90; A.M., Loyola (Baltimore), 92. Prof, emeritus gastroenterology, Univ. Mary- land, Baltimore, Md. (1013 N. Charles St.) M04F11. N. Friedgood, Dr. Harry B(ernard). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 28. Instr. medicine. Har- vard Med. School; junior assoc. medicine, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, Mass. M38F38. NF. Friedlaender, Dr. Bernhard. M32D39. N. Friedlander, Dr. Alfred. M34D39. N. Friedli, F(erdinand) J(acob). 149 S. Penn- sylvania Ave., Belleville, 111. M28R32. F. Friedline, Dr. Cora L(ouisa). A.M., Nebraska, 15; Ph.D., Cornell, 18. Prof. psychology, Randolph-Macon Woman's Col.; dir. Mental Clinic, Lynchburg, Va. M34F34. I. 452 Directory of Members Friedman, Dr. Benjamin. 6 W. 77th St., New York, N. Y. M33R37. N. Friedman, Elisha M(ichael). B.C.S., New York, 13. Room 1308, 15 Broad St., New- York, N. Y. (25 E. 67th St.) M18. KFC. Friedman, Dr. Emanuel David. M.D., New York, 07. Prof, neurology, New York Col. Med., New York, N. Y. (1102 Park Ave. 1 M24F33. X. Friedman, H(arry) G(eorge). Ph.D., Columbia, 08. 345 W. 88th St., New York, N. Y. M29. Friedman, Dr. Joseph S(olomon). Ph.D., Chicago, 26. Technical dir., Colorite, Inc., Omnichrome Corp., and Color Processes, New York, N. Y. (6813 21st Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y.) M34F34. CAB. Friedman, Dr. Leo. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 28. Asst. prof, chemistry, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. (3406 Polk St.) M30F33. CBM. Friedman, Dr. Maurice H(arold). Ph.D., Chicago, 28; M.D., 32. Senior physiologist, U. S. Exp. Farm, Beltsville, Md. (6406 Western Ave., Washington, D. C.) L35- F35. N. Friedman, Robert S. A.M., Boston, 38. Graduate student, Harvard Univ., Cam- bridge, Mass. (60 Hyslop Road, Brook- line, Mass.) M40. NFG. Friedman, Mrs. Ruby Moede. M.S., Ten- nessee, 29. 223 S. 44th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M29. NF. Friedmann, Dr. Herbert. Ph.D., Cornell, 2x,. Curator, Div. Birds, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. M23F30. FGE. Friedrich, Prof. George W. M.S., Chicago, 17. State Teachers Col., St. Cloud, Minn. (1502 Kilian Blvd.) M40. FG. Friedrich, Lawrence Max. 359 S. Clay St., Coldwater, Mich. M30R34. M. Friedrichs, Dr. Fritz. Stuetzerbach, Ger- many. M30R36. C. Friend, F(rederick) B(enjamin). M.A., Rochester, 28. Physicist, Eldorado Gold Mines Radium Refinery, Port Hope, Ont., Canada. M38. B. Friend, Roger B(oynton). Ph.D., Yale, 27. State entomologist, Connecticut Agric. Exp. Sta.; asst. prof, forest entomology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (34 Pick- wick Road, Hamden, Conn.) M24F33. F. Friend, Walter F. B.M.E., Michigan, 13. Mechanical engineer, Ebasco Services, Inc., 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. (9 W. 68th St.) M29. M1Q. Friend, W(illiam) H(eartsill). Texas Exp. Sta., Weslaco, Tex. M32F33R34. O. Frier, Julio Ortega. Rector de la Univer- sidad de Santo Domingo, Luperon 4, Cuidad Trujillo, Republica Dominicana. M40. K. Frierson, Dr. W(ilsie) Joe. Ph.D., Cornell. Hampden-Sydney, Va. M38. C. Fries, Maj. Gen. Amos A(lfred). U. S. Army, retired. 3305 Woodley Road NW., Washington, D. C. M17F25. DKL. Fries, E(rik) F(ritiof) B(jerkander). A.M., Harvard, 25; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof.. City Col., New York, N. Y. (248 W. 17th St.) M35F35. FXG. Fries, Dr. Harold H(arry). Ph.D., Colum- bia School Mines, 85, Berlin, 87. 92 Reade St., New York, N. Y. M91F98E39. CK. Fries, J(6ns) August. M.S., Pennsylvania State, 06. 137 Park Ave., State College, Pa. M06F15. CNO. Friesell, Dr. F(rederick) C(harles). D.D.S., Pittsburgh, 98. Prof, and sec. Faculty, Univ. Pittsburgh School Dentis- try, Pittsburgh, Pa. M27. Nd. Friesen, Dr. A(braham) P(enner). M.A., Colorado, 28; Ph.D., Kansas, 35. Prof, physics and chairman Div. Natural Sciences, Bethel Col.. North Newton, Kans. M35F35. B. Friesenhahn, Sister Mary Clarence. M.A., Catholic. 18; Ph.D., 30. Prof, chemistry, Our Lady of the Lake Col., San Antonio, Tex. M38. C. Friesner, Dr. Ray C(larence). Ph.D., Michigan, 19. Prof, botany and curator Herbarium, Butler Univ., Indianapolis, Intl. M24F31. G. Friez, Lucien L(ouis). 4 N. Central Ave., Baltimore. Md. M24. B. Friis, Dr. Harald T(rap). E.E., Tech. Col. Copenhagen, 16; Dr. Tech., 38. Radio res. engineer, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (Wilson Place, Rumson, N. J.) M39. M. Friley, Dr. Charles E(dwin). 21 15 Storm St., Ames, Iowa. M33R37. Q. Frink, Mrs. Angelika W. 610 Park Ave., New York. N. Y. M29R34. Frink, Frederick W(illiam). 518 Hamil- ton Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. M31R36. M. Frink, Dr. H. W. M35F35D— . I. Frink, Dr. Orrin, Jr. A.M., Columbia, 2y. Ph.D., 26. Prof, mathematics, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (706 Sunset Road) M29F31. A. Frisbie, Raymond L. A.B., Knox, 10. Head Dept. Science, Township High School and Junior Col., Joliet, 111. M40. CFG. Frisbie, W(alter) S(eip). 1718 Irving St. NW., Washington, D. C. M27F32. CN. Frisby, E(dgar) R(aymond). C.E., Lehigh, 98. Hotel Cecil, Los Angeles, Calif. M25- F32. MB. Frisch, Prof. John A(ugust), S. J. M.A., Woodstock, 15; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 35. Prof, biology, Canisius Col., Buffalo. N. Y. M29F33. F. Individual Members 453 Frisch, Martin. Foster Wheeler Corp., 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M29R36. BCM. Frisk, Paul (Warner). 6 Hillcrest Drive, Enka, N. Car. M35R37. CI. Frison, Dr. Theodore H(enry). A.M.. Illinois, 20; Ph.D., 23. Chief, Illinois State Natural History Survey, Urbaha, 111. (1005 S. Douglas St.) M21F26. F. Frissell, Dr. Lewis Fox. M.A., Yale, 07; M.D., Columbia, 00. 135 E. 65th St., New York, N. Y. M06F08. N. Fritschen, Dr. William. M.D., Stanford, 25. 1285 Monterey Blvd., San Francisco, Calif. M24. NCF. Fritz, Dr. Clara W(inifred). M.Sc. McGill. 18; Ph.D., Toronto, 24. Timber pathol- ogist. Forest Products Labs. Canada, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M27F27. G. Fritz, Dr. Martin F(rederick). M.S., Kansas State, 25; Ph.D., Chicago, 31. Assoc, prof, psychology, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M30F33. I. Fritz, Paul C. 8512 Woodhaven Blvd., Woodhaven, N. Y. M33R36. NCB. Frizzell, Bonner. LL.D., Texas Christian, 37. Supt., Public Schools, Palestine, Tex. M25. QKI. Frizzell, Mrs. Don L. (Harriet Idola Exline) (Mrs. L. C. Lloyd). M.S., Wash- ington, 32; Ph.D., 36. Care of Interna- tional Petroleum Co., Negritos, Peru. S. A. M36. F. Frobisher, Dr. Martin, Jr. D.Sc, Johns Hopkins, 25. Assoc, bacteriology, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M25F31. NG. Frocht, Dr. Max M. M.S., Pittsburgh, 26; Ph.D., Michigan, 31. Assoc, prof, mech- anics, Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh. Pa. M35F35. M. Froeberg, Prof. Sven. Ph.D., Columbia, 08. Prof. psychology and education. Gustavus Adolphus Col.. St. Peter. Minn. (214 W. Elm St.) M14F25. IQ. Froelich, Miss Helen (Louise). M.S., Northwestern, 38. Instr. biology, Nat. Park Col., Forest Glen, Md. (Gridley, 111.) (M38R38)M4o. F. Froelicher, Dr. Francis M(itchell). M.A., Johns Hopkins; LL.D., Colorado Col. Fountain Valley School, Colorado Springs. Colo. M38. Q. Froelick. Louis D. De Coppet and Doremus, 42 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M36R36. M. Froemke, Prof. John A. M.S., North Dakota, 27; Ph.D., 31. Prof, chemistry, Augustana Col., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. (1900 S. Norton Ave.) M34F34. CBA. Frohberg, Dr. Max Hans. E.M., Freiberg. 25; D.Eng., 32. Geologist, Cline Lake Gold Mines Ltd., Lochalsh, Ont., Canada. M35. EH. Frohring, W(illiam) O(tto). B.Sc, Ohio State Gen. Biochemicals, Inc., Chagrin Falls; Ohio. M36F36. NC. Frolich, George C(arstin). Ph.D., Oslo, 96. Advisory dir. res. and vice pres. and dir., United Drug Co.. 63 Leon St., Boston, Mass. M35. NCR. Frolik, Anton (Lawrence). Dept. Agro- nomy, UTniv. Nebraska Col. Agric. Lin- coln. Nebr. M29R34. OG. Froman, Darol K(enneth). M.Sc, Alberta. 27; Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Asst. prof, physics. McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada. M34F34. B. Froman. Eula C. Southwestern State Teachers Col., Weatherford, Okla. M30. Fromm, Dr. Eugene Paul. M.D.. Cin- cinnati. 38. Physician, 286 W. McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. (432 Riddle Road) M35. N. Fromme, Dr. F(red) D(enton). Ph.D.. Columbia, 14. Principal exp. sta. adminis- trator, U. S. Office Exp. Stas., Wash- ington, D. C. M11F13. G. Fronczak, Dr. Francis Eustace. Health Dept., City Hall. Buffalo, N. Y. M20F33- R35. NHL. Front, Miss Jacqueline (Sylvia). M.A., Western Reserve, 30. Med. chemist. Mt. Sinai Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. (2036 E. 1 ooth St.) M39. CNB. Frosst, John B(urr). 38 Edgehill St., Westmount, Que., Canada. M32. NQI. Frost, Dr. Arthur A(twater). Ph.D.. Princeton, 34. Instr. chemistry, North- western Univ., Evanston, 111. M40. CB. Frost, Prof. Edwin Brant. M89F90D35. BD. Secretary of Section on Mathematics and Astronomy (A), 1S96; vice president. iqi 1. Frost, Miss Florence M(yrtle). M.A., Wisconsin, 12; Ph.D., California, 34. Instr. entomology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (1376 Shattuck Ave.) M25F38. N. Frost, Frank G. 317 Baronne St., New Orleans, La. M32R32. Frost, Mrs. Frank J. (Eugenia Morris). A.B., Vassar, 20. Pres. board, Children's Mus., Palo Alto, Calif. (275 Lowell Ave.) M2Q. II N. Frost, Dr. Howard B(rett). M.S., Cornell. 10; Ph.D., 13. Assoc, plant breeder, Univ. California Citrus Fxp. Sta.. Riverside. Calif. (4008 Linwood Place) M13F24. GO. Frost, Dr. S(tuart) W(ard). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 28. Prof, economic entomolgy, Penn- sylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (465 E. Foster Ave.) M28F32. F. Frost, Dr. Thomas (Tapenden). M.D.. Western Reserve, 29. Pathologist, City Hosp., Winston-Salem, N. Car. (727 Melrose St.) M38. NBC. 454 Directory of Members Frost, Dr. W(ade) H(ampton). Mn- F31D38. N. Frost, Dr. Walter S. Ph.D., Cornell, 23. Chemist and dir., Burnham Soluble Iodine Co., Auburndale; instr., Lincoln Technical Inst., Boston, Mass. (430 Lexington St., Auburndale, Mass.) M40. NCI. Frostic, F(red) W(atson). M.A., Michi- gan, 27. Supt. schools Wyandotte, Mich. (355 Oak St.) M34. Q. Frothingham, Earl H(azeltine). M.S., Michigan, 06. Senior silviculturist, U. S. Appalachian Forest Exp. Sta., Asheville, N. Car. (1 Lone Pine Road, Biltmore Forest, Biltmore, N. Car.) M18F25. O. Fruth, Dr. Hal F(rederick). Ph.D., Michi- gan, 27. Res. engineer, Western Electric Co., Chicago, 111. (345 Beachhawk Road, Riverside, 111.) M34F34. B. Fry, Alvin A(bram). M.S., Pennsylvania State, 32. Instr. chemistry, High School, Dover, N. J. (71 Richards Ave.) M39. QCE. Fry, Dr. C(harles) Luther. M25F33D38. KIH. Fry, Dr. Clements C(ollard). M.D., North- western. 109 College St., New Haven, Conn. M38. NIH. Fry, Franklyn D. M.A., Pennsylvania, 33. Consulting psychologist ; psychologist, Dan- ville State Hosp., Danville, Pa. M37. I. Fry, Prof. H(arry) Shipley. M.A., Cincin- nati, 02; Ph.D., 05. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M08F11. C. Fry, Dr. Henry J(acob). Ph.D., Columbia, 25. Visiting investigator, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (Hills Point Road, Westport, Conn.) M24F28. FG. Fry, Prof. Howard M(assey). M.S., Le- high, 15. Prof, physics and electricity, Franklin and Marshall Col., Lancaster, Pa. (509 State St.) M24F31. BAM. Fry, Dr. Thornton C(able). M.A., Wiscon- sin. 13; Ph.D.. 20. Res. mathematician, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M25F25. ABD. Frye, Dr. John C(hapman). M.S., Iowa, 37; Ph.D., 38. Asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Lawrence, Kans. M39. EHB. Frye, Dr. Royal M(errill). Ph.D., Boston, 34. Asst. prof, phvsics, Boston Univ., Bos- ton, Mass. M38F38. BAD. Frye, Dr. T(heodore) C(hristian). Ph.D.. Chicago, 02. Head Dept. Botany, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M03F09. G. Frye, William W(esley). Vanderbilt Univ. School Med., Nashville, Tenn. M32R32. NF. Fryer, Prof. Douglas (Henry). M.A.. Clark, 17; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof, psychol- ogy and administrative chairman Dept., New York Univ., University Heights, New York, N. Y. M28F31. IQH. Fryer, Dr. J(ames) R(obert). M.A., To- ronto, 15; Ph.D., California, 30. Prof, ge- netics and plant breeding, Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. M13F31. GO. Fryklund, Verne Charles. M.A., Missouri; Ph.D., Minnesota. Assoc, prof, vocational education and supervisor, Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. (634 W. Kirby St.) M38. QPL Fryxell, Dr. Fritiof M(elvin). A.M., Illi- nois, 23; Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Head Dept. Geology, Augustana Col., Rock Island, 111. (1331 42nd Ave.) M27F31. EFG. Fuchs, Martin. 843 Wrightwood Ave., Chi- cago, 111. M26R32. KIH. Fuchs, W(illiam) Barrett. M.S., Chicago. Teacher biology, Eastern High School, Washington, D. C. (2817 39th St. NW.) M40. FGE. Fudge, Dr. B(onnie) R(eid). M.S., Rut- gers, 25; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, chemist, Flor- ida Citrus Exp. Sta., Lake Alfred, Fla. M28F33. GCO. Fuhr, Miss Clara. M.S., Illinois, 23. Asst. botanist, Federal-State Seed Lab., Colum- bia, Mo. (no Hitt St.) M24L30. GOF. Fulcher, G(ordon) S(cott). M.A., North- western, 06; Ph.D., Clark, 10. 219 Ray- mond St., Chevy Chase, Md. M07F11. B. Fulcher, Prof. Henry Emmett. M.S., Vn ginia, 25. Box 369, Davidson, N. Car. M27- F33. B. Fulford, Dr. Margaret H. M.A., Cincin- nati, 28; Ph.D., Yale, 35. Instr. botany, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Sut- ton Ave., Mt. Washington) M28. EG. Fulk, Joseph R(ichard). 227 Washington St., Gainesville, Fla. M21R35. KQ. Fulks, Elbridge B(yron). California. Mo. Mi 7. Fulks, Joe R(obert). Asst. meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bur., Airport Sta., Salt Lake City, Utah. M33. BA. Fulle, Richard Milton. 550 Park St., Mont- clair, N. J. M27. E. Fuller, Prof. Charles E(dward). S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech. Prof, theoreti- cal and applied mechanics and dean Army students, Massachusetts Inst. Technology, Cambridge; mgr. Electric Light, Water and Sewer Dept., Welleslev, Mass. M25- F25. M. Fuller, Edward C. B.S., Montana State, 28. Assoc, chemistry, Bard Col., Annandale- on-Hudson, N. Y. M39. CQ. Fuller, Frederic. Yale, Mich. M32R32. QBC. Fuller, F(rederick) D(riggs). M.S., Pur- due, 12. Chief, Div. Feed Control Service, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station, Tex. (602 Ennis Ave., Bryan, Tex.) M08- F16. CO. Individual Members 455 Fuller, Prof. George D(amon). Ph.D., Chi- cago, iz. Prof, emeritus plant ecology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M10F21. G. Fuller, Glenn L(oren). B.S., Cornell, 15. Chief, Regional Div. Physical Surveys, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Spartan- burg, S. Car. (653 Poplar St.) M39F40. EO. Fuller, Dr. Harry J. Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M30R32. G. Fuller, Prof. Harry V(ictor). 206 Elmhurst St., Valparaiso, Ind. M08F15R33. C. Fuller, Dr. James E(vvard). Dept. Bac- teriologv, Massachusetts State Col., Am- herst, Mass. M31F33R36. NCO. Fuller, Dr. John L(angworthy). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 35. Instr. zool- ogy, Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M39. FG. Fuller, Dr. Leonard F(ranklin). M.E., Cor- nell, 12; Ph.D., Stanford, 19. Prof, elec- trical engng. and chairman Dept., Univ. California, Berkelev, Calif. (1535 Cowper St., Palo Alto, Calif.) M34F25. MBQ. Fuller, Merton L., Sr. 101 S. Institute Place, Peoria, 111. M35F35. E. Fuller, Myron L(eslie). 60 Main St., Brockton, Mass. L01F05. E. Fuller, Dr. Richard E(ugene). M.Sc, Washington, 25; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, res. prof., Univ. Washington; pres., Cornu- copia Gold Mines, Seattle, Wash. (1642 Federal Ave.) M29F31L31. E. Fuller, Prof. Veryl R(ichards). Fairbanks, Alaska. M29F32R35. BD. Fullerton, H(erbert) P(almer). B.S., Penn- sylvania. Sales engineer, Amer. Engng. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (2061 Morrison Ave., Lakewood, Ohio) M40. M. Fullmer, Prof. E(dward) L(awrence). M.S., Ohio State, 98. Prof, biology, Bald- win Wallace Col., Berea, Ohio. M01F25. G. Fullwood, Charles T(reudeau). 625 County Office Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M19. C. Fulmer, Dr. Ellis I(ngham). M.A., Ne- braska, 13; Ph.D., Toronto, 19. Prof, bio- physical chemistry, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M20F25. C. Fulmer, Prof. H(ugh) L(ehman). M.A., Michigan, 22. Prof, chemistry, Ontario Agric. Col., Guelph, Ont., Canada. (62 Oxford St.) M24F33. CNO. Fulton, Dr. B(entley) B(all). M.S., Chi- cago, 16; Ph.D., Iowa State, 26. Res. en- tomologist, North Carolina Agric. Exp. Sta., Raleigh, N. Car. M25F26. F. Fulton, Dr. Charles H(erman). Box 562, Rolla, Mo. M27F27R39. M. Fulton, H(arry) R(ascoe). M.A., Missouri, 05; A.M., Harvard, 06. Principal plant pa- thologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (1732 Lanier Place NW.) M07F11. GO. Fulton, John A(llen). Box C, University Station, Reno, Nev. M36R37. E. Fulton, Dr. John F(arquhar). M.A.. D.Phil., Oxford, 25; M.D., Harvard, 27; M.A., Yale, 29; LL.D., Kenyon, 38. Prof, physiology and chairman Dept., Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. (Mill Rock, Deepwood Drive, Hamden, Conn.) M27L31F31. NF. Fulton, Lester B. n 19 Fisher Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. M31R32. F. Fulton, Ralph G(eddes). 37 Farrondale Ave., Bloomfield, N. J. M33R34. CBM. Fulton, Robert A. 151 W. nth Ave., Co- lumbus, Ohio. M30. F. Fulton, Stewart Carleton. 51 Poplar St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (?) M29R32. CA. Fulton, W. F. 2506 Eagle St., Houston, Tex. (?) M35F35. C. Fulweiler, Walter H(erbert). Wallingford, Pa. M18F32R34. CM. Funch, Mrs. Isabelle Barton (Mrs. Erik E. Funch). 39 Jeannette St., Albanv, N. Y. M37R38. LEN. Funchess, Marion Jacob. M.S., Wisconsin, 11. Dean School Agric. and dir. Agric. Exp. Sta., Alabama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala. M23F24. O. Funk, Miss Ruth S(covell). M.S., Illinois, 20. X-ray and lab. technician, Bucher Clinic, 209 W. University Ave., Cham- paign, 111. M29. NCB. Funke, Dr. John. M.D., Jefferson, 01. Pa- thologist, St. Joseph Hosp. and Georgia Baptist Hosp., Atlanta, Ga. (712 Durant Place NE.) M24F33. N. Funkhouser, Dr. H(oward) Gray. A.M., Columbia, 24; Ph.D., 37. Instr. mathe- matics, Phillips Exeter Acad., Exeter, N. H. M29F33. ABQ. Funkhouser, Dr. William D(elbert). M.A., Cornell. 13; Ph.D., 16; Sc.D.. Wabash, 29. Dean, Univ. Kentucky Graduate School, Lexington, Ky. M17F25. F. Furbay, Dr. John Harvey. M.A., New York; Ph.D., Yale. Assoc, prof, education, Mills Col., Oakland, Calif. M35F35. FQ. Furcron, Dr. A(urelius) S(ydney). A.M., Virginia, 23; Ph.D.. Iowa, 31. Geologist and mineralogist, State Div. Mines, Min- ing and Geology, Atlanta, Ga. (M26F33- R36)M4oF33- EMH. Furfey, Dr. Paul Hanley. Ph.D., Catholic. 26. Acting head Dept. Sociology, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. M25F31. IKQ. Furgason, Dr. Waldo H. Ph.D., Stanford. 36. Asst. prof, zoology, Wabash Col., Crawfordsville, Ind. (M3oR34)M38. FG. 4"56 Directory of Members Furia, Dr. John J(oseph). A.M., Columbia. 17; Ph.D.. 31; M.S., New York, 20; Dir. training. Civil Service Commission, 299 Broadway, New York, X. Y. (3830 Sedg- wick Ave.) M34F34. MKQ. Furlong, E. L. California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M22F32. E. Furman, Franklin DeR(onde). M.E.. Ste- vens Inst. Tech.. 03. Dean Col. and prof, machine design, Stevens Inst. Tech., Ho- boken, X. J. (Castie Point) M34F34. MQ. Furman. Dr. Martin A(braham). 142 \Y. 87th St.. New York, X. Y. M38R38. X. Furman. Prof. N(athaniel) H(owell). Ph.D., Princeton, 18. Prof., Princeton Univ., Princeton, X. T. (128 Broadmead) M24F33. CBM. Furnas, Prof. C(lifford) C(ook). Ph.D., Michigan, 26. Assoc. prof. chemical engng.. Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M39. CBK. Furness, Dr. Caroline E(llen). M98F99- D36. DL. Furn'ss, Dr. H(enry) W(atson). M.I)., Howard. 01. 56 Bainbndge Road, West Hartford. Conn. M12. X. Furr, Dr. J(oe) R(oudolph). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 32. Physiologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Pomona, Calif. M29F33. OG. Furrer, Dr. E. D. M.D., Oregon. 130 E. Broadway, Eugene, Oreg. M37. X. Furrow, Prof. C(larence) L(ee). M.A., Oklahoma. 22; Ph.D., Iowa State, 33. Prof, biologv, Knox Col.. Galesburg, 111. M.25F33. P. Furry, Dr. William Davis. Sharpsburg, Md. M30R33. Furth, Dr. Jacob. M.D., Prague, 21. Assoc. prof, pathology, Cornell Univ. Med. Col.. New York. X. Y. M28F33. X. Fuson. Dr. R(eynold) C(layton). A.M.. California, 21 ; Ph.D., Minnesota, 24. Dept. chemistry, Univ. Illinois, Urbana. 111. M32- F33. C. Secretary of Section on Chemistry (C), 19S2. Fuss, Oscar R. 3421 Iowa St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M32R32. IKH. Fussell, Lewis. M27F27D35. MQB. Fustcn, Walter J. Garland, Tex. M36. M. Futcher, Prof. Thomas B(arnes). M08- F18D38. X. Futterman, Dr. Joseph. M27D39. C. G Gaba, Dr. Meyer Grupp. Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln. Xebr. MioFi8R34- ADL. Gabbert. Dr. M(ont) R(obertson). M.A., Transylvania, 16: Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Prof. philosophy and head Dept., Univ. Pitts- burgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. ( S20 S. Murtland Ave.) M24. Q. Gabel, Dr. Arthur B(ertram). M.A., Co- lumbia. 17; D.D.S., Pennsylvania, 2$. Prof, operative dentistry, Univ. Pennsyl- vania School Dentistry, Philadelphia, Pa. M33. XdBA, Gable, Norman E. A.M.. Arizona, instr. anthropology, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M40. HKF." Gabourv, L(ouis) F(rederick). 3708 Park Ave., Montreal, Que.. Canada. M25R32. MKE. Gabriel. Rev. Henry A. Univ. San Fran- cisco, San Francisco, Calif. M30R32. Gaby, Ewin D. B.S., Southern Methodist, 30. Supervisor, Geophysical Service, Inc., 207 Pearl Bldg.. Jackson, Miss. M40. EMB. Gadaire, Dr. C(harles) Rice. Ph.D.. To- ronto, 35. Chairman Dept. Biology, Amer. International Col., Springfield, Mass. (29 Mapledell St.) M39. FQN. Gaddum, Dr. Leonard W. Route 2, Gaines- ville, Fla. M32F33. C. Gaebler, Dr. O(liver) H(enry). A.M.. Mis- souri, 20: Ph.D., Toronto, 22; M.D., Cor- nel!, 31. Assoc, biochemistry, Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit, Mich. ( 18410 Northlawn Ave.) M29F33- CNF. Gaehr, Prof. Paul F(rederick). Ph.D., Cornell. 18. Prof, physics, Wells Col., Aurora, X. Y. M07F16. B. Gaessler, Prof. W(illiam) G(eorge). M.S.. Ohio State, 19. Agent, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry; res. assoc. prof., Agric. Exp. Sta.. Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. (1212 roth St.) M38. CO. Gafafer, Dr. William (McKinley). M.A., Columbia. 21: D.Sc. Johns Hopkins 20. Senior statistician, Nat. Inst. Health, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. M24F33L36. NA. Gage, Dr. George Edward. M.A.. Yale. 07; Ph.D., 09. Prof, and head Dept. Bac- teriology and Physiology, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M29F33. N. Gage, George R(aymond). M.S.. Michigan State, 15; Ph.D., Cornell. 26. Dept. Biol- ogv, Vanderbilt Univ.. Nashville, Tenn. M27F27. G. Gage, Dr. Henry Phelps. Ph.D., Cornell. 11. Chief, Optical Div., Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y. (214 Chemung St.) M18F31. B. Gage, Dr. Otis Amsden. Ph.D., Cornell, 10. Manager, Optical Div., Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y. (115 Steuben St.. Painted Post, X. Y.) M09F11. B. ] ndividtjal Mem bers 457 Gage, Prof. S(imon) H(enry). B.S., Cor- nell, 77- Prof, emeritus histology and em- bryology. Cornell Unix'., Ithaca, X. Y. M79F81E31. F. Vice president for Section on Microscopy (G), 1885, for section on Biology (F), 1892, and for Section on Zool- ogy (F), 1S99. Gage-Day, Dr. Mary. 207 Wall St., Kings- ton, X. Y. M02R32. X. Gager, Dr. C(harles) Stuart. l'd.M., Xew York State Col. Teachers, 07; l'd.D.. 21; Ph.D., Cornell, 02 ; Sc.D., Syracuse, 20. l)ir., Brooklyn Botanic (harden, Brooklyn, X. Y. (29 Linden Blvd.) M01F07. G. Vice president for Section on Botany (G), 19 16. Gager, Dr. E. C. 334 Lowry Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. M36R36. X. Gagg, R(udolph) F(arwell). M.E., Yale. Wright Aeronautical Corp., Paterson, \". J. M38F38. MA. Gagge, Dr. Adolf Pharo. M.A., Virginia, 30; Ph.D., Yale, a. Biophysicist, J. B. I'ierce Lab., 290 Congress Ave., New Haven, Conn. M35F38. BMN. Gagnon, Dr. Paul E. D.Sc, Parrs, 29; D.I.C., London. 31. Dir. Dept. Chemistry and pres. Graduate School, Laval Univ. Faculty Science, Quebec. Que., Canada. M38. C. Gagnon, Dr. Salomon. Danvers State Hosp.. Danvers, Mass. M32R32. N. Gahagan, Dr. Lawrence. M.A., Princeton. 27; Ph.D., 29. Student, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, X. Y. M30F33. XI. Gahagan, Dr. William L. M02D— . GX. Gaige, Frederick M(cMahon). Mus. Zool- ogy, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M:3F32R36. F. Gaige, Mrs. Helen T. M.A., Michigan, 10. Curator, Mus. Zoology, Univ. Michigan, \nn Arbor, Mich. M31F33. FE. Gail, Dr. Floyd W(hitney). M.A., Ne- braska, 12: Ph.D.. Washington, 20. Prof, botanv, Univ. Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Mn- F21. G. Gaillard, D. P. The Rocks, Pierce Mill Road, Washington, D. C. M25. K. Gaines, Dr. E(dward) F(ranklin). Sc.D., Harvard, 21. Agent, U. S. Bur. Plant In- dustry; prof, genetics and cerealist, State Col. Washington, Pullman, Wash. M14- F2S. OGQ. Gaines, J. Gordon. Coastal Plain Exp. Sta., Tifton, Ga. M25F31. GF. Gaines, Dr. Newton. A.M., Texas, 24; Ph.D., 31. Dept. Phvsics, Texas Christian Univ.. Fort Worth, Tex. M32F33. B. Gaines, Dr. R(obert) E(dwin). M.A., Fur- man, 86 ; Litt.D. Prof, mathematics and head Dept., University of Richmond, Va. M29F33. A. Gaines, Robert P. A.M.. Bare; Dir., Gaines Analytical Cab, 641 Broadwav, Bayonne, X. J/M40. ex. Gaines, Dr. W(alter) L(ee). M.S., Illi- nois, 10; Ph.D., Chicago, 15. Prof, milk production, Univ. Illinois, Crbana, 111. (508 W. California St.) M13L14F31. OF. Gajewski, Dr. Fred J. Ph.D., New York, 38. Chemist, Gen. Aniline Works, Grasselli, X. J (9 Universitv Circle, Linden, X. J.) M39. CDX. Galambos, Robert. M.A.. Qberlin, 36, Har- vard, 38. Graduate asst., Biol. Labs., Har- vard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M37. F. Galbraith, Freeman Dent. M25F33D3K. CBF. Galdston, Dr. Iago. M.D.. Fordharh, 21. Executive Sec, Med. Information Bur., New York Acad. Med., New York, X. Y. M29F32. XIL. Gale, Dr. Arthur Sullivan. Ph.D., Yale. 01. Univ. Rochester, Rochester, X. Y. M04- F06. A. Gale, Prof. Henry Gordon. Ph.D., Chicago, 96. Prof, physics and chairman Dept.; dean Div. Physical Sciences, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. (5646 Kimbark Ave.) M07F10. BD. Vice president for Section on Physics (B) , 19 3 J. Gale, Dr. Hoyt Rodney. Ph.D., Stanford, 29; M.A., California (Los Angeles), 36. Teacher geology and economics, Pasadena Junior Col., Pasadena, Calif. ( 1 7 7 5 Hill Drive. Ea^'e Rock, Los Angeles, Calif.) M29F32. EK. Gale, Hoyt S(toddard). S.B., Harvard, 02. Geologist, 1775 Hill Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. M22F25. E. Gale, Lloyd B(lanchard). 613 Anderson St., Greencastle, Ind. M3iR34- L. Gale, W(illiam) A(lexander). M.A., Brit- ish Columbia, 23. Dir. res., Amer. Potash and Chem. Corp., Trona, Calif. M29F33. CRM. Galer, Dr. Roger S. A.M., Iowa; LL.l).. Lombard. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. M40. BCD. Galey, John T(aylor). 2615 Grant Bldg.. Pittsburgh, Pa. M36R36. E. Gallagher, Dr. David. Ph.D., Yale. 35. Fellow economic geology, Yale LTni\\. Xew Haven, Conn. (349 Clark Road. Brook- line, Mass.) M39. EBA. Gallagher, James Jerome. B.Sc, McKinley Roosevelt. 36; B-.E.E. Chief electrician. Standard Oil Co. Xew fersey, 25 South St., Xew York. X. Y. (505 West St.. Erie, Pa.) M38. MPI. Gallagher, Sister Mary Wilfrid. MS., Yil- lanova, 32. Prof. biol. sciences. Col. Misericordia, Dallas. Pa. M34. FGN. Gallagher, Col. Thomas G(eorge). .<., Summit St., Sault Saint Marie, 'int.. Canada. ( ?) M22R35. BO >. 458 Directory of Members Gallahue, J(ames) T(homas). B.S., Loyola (Chicago), 32. Piper City, 111. M40F40. BAQ. Gallatin, Albert R. L17F38D39. MAB. Galligar, Miss Gladys C(harlotte). M.A., Illinois, 32; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, biology, James Millikin Univ., Decatur, 111. M34- F38. GF. Galli-Shohat, Dr. N(adiashda). 600 S. Eagle Road, Manoa, Upper Darby, Pa. M34F34R35. ABD. Gallo, Luis F. Estrella Ranch, Paso Ro- bles, Calif. ( ?) M32R33. EMA. Gallogly, E(lmer) E. 141 W. Boston Blvd., Detroit, Mich. M22. Galloway, Dr. Alexander. Univ. Witwaters- rand, Johannesburg, S. Africa. M34F34- R37. HN. Galloway, Dr. Beverly T(homas). M88- FQ0C34V38D38. G. Secretary for Section on Botany (G), 1893 and 1895; vice president, 1901. Galloway, Dr. David H(enry). M.D., Chi- cago, 93. Box 893, Roswell, N. Mex. M08- F20. EFL. Galloway, Dr. J(esse) J(ames). A.M., In- diana, 11; Ph.D., 13. Prof, geology and paleontology, Indiana Univ., Blooming- ton, Ind. M16F21. E. Gallup, Willis D. M.S., Oklahoma A. and M. 414 Lincoln St., Stillwater, Okla. M36. ONC. Gait, Rogers H(arrison). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins. 463 West St., New York, N. Y. M27F3S. B. Gait, Dr. William (Egleston). M.A., Co- lumbia, 2,2; Ph.D., 39. Scientific asst., Lifwynn Foundation, 27 E. 37th St., New York, N. Y. M38. I. Galtsoff, Dr. Paul S(imon). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 25. Senior biologist, U. S. Bur. Fish- eries, Washington, D. C. M22F25. F. Galvez, Dr. Nicolas L. Ph.D., Gottingen, 34. Asst. prof, soil chemistry, Univ. Philip- pines Col. Agric, Agricultural College, Laguna, P. I. (Bay) M38F40. OC. Gamble, Dr. Clarence J(ames). M.A.. Princeton, 16; M.D., Harvard, 20. 255 Adams St., Milton, Mass. L28. N. Gamble, Dr. Dean L(a Fever). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 21. Pres., Wards Natural Science Establishment, Inc., Rochester, N. Y. M39. FNQ. Gamble, Miss Faith. M.S., Chicago, 27. Teacher, Austin High School, Chicago, 111. (227 Clinton Ave., Oak Park, 111.) M31. GO. Gamble, James A(lexander). 3100 24th St. NE., Washington, D. C. M28R32. COQ. Gamble, Dr. James L(awder). M.D., Har- vard, 10; S.M., Yale, 30. Prof, pediatrics, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M34- F34. N. Gamble, Dr. John T(aylor). 308 Clinton St., Greenville, Pa. M29F33R35. FG. Gambrell, Dr. F(oster) Lee. Div. En- tomology, New York State Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M26R32. FGO. Gambrell, Dr. W(inton) Elizabeth. M.S., Emory, 31; Ph.D., Chicago, 37. Asst. prof, bacteriology and pathology, Emory Uni- versity, Ga. (217 Wilton Drive, Decatur, Ga.) M38. NF. Gambrill, Prof. Bessie Lee. M.A., Colum- bia, 11 ; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof, elementary education, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M24F25. QI. Gamio, Dr. Manuel. M.A., Ph.D., Colum- bia. Plaza Dinamarca 44, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. M36. H. Gammon, Nathan (Jr.). M.S., Maryland, 39. Asst. agronomy, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M40F40. COG. Gamper, Oscar. Chief chemist production, Continental Distilling Co. and Publicker Commercial AJcohol Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (21 10 Shunk St.) M31. CN. Gamrath, Dr. H(arry) R(andolph). M.S., Michigan, 32; Ph.D., 34. Res. chemist, Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. (4252 Neosho St.) M38. CF. Gan, Dr. Tomas M. M.D., Philippines; M.P.H., Johns Hopkins. Asst. prof, hy- giene, Inst. Hygiene, Manila, P. I. M40. NQ. Ganier, Albert F(ranklin). B.S.. Purdue, 08. Engineer design, N. C. and St. L. Railway, Nashville, Tenn. (21 12 Wood- lawn Drive) M26F27. FHM. Gannon, Miss Catherine F(rances). M.A., Columbia, 33. Senior chemist, New York Post Graduate Med. School and Hosp., New York, N. Y. (448 Riverside Drive) M40. NC. Gano, Harlan S. 25 Sylvan Road, Wilkins- burg, Pa. M26. M. Ganong, Walter K. Digbv, N. S., Canada. M06. Ganong, Dr. William F(rancis). Ph.D., Munich, 94; LL.D., New Brunswick, 20. Prof, emeritus botany, Smith Col., North- ampton, Mass. M00F00E38. G. Gantt, Dr. W(illiam Andrew) Horsley. M.D., Virginia, 20. Assoc, psychiatry, Phipps Psychiatric Clinic; dir., Pavlovian Lab., Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. M34F34. NIL. Gantz, Dr. E(dwin) St. Clair (Jr.). M.S., Iowa, 32; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof., Wabash Col., Crawfordsville, Ind. M38. CBE. Gaposchkin, Sergei. Harvard Col. Observ- atory, Cambridge, Mass. M38F39. D. Garabedian, Prof. Carl A(rshag). Ph.D., Harvard, 23. Prof, mathematics and physics, organist and choir dir., Wheaton Col., Norton, Mass. M25F26. A. Individual Members 459 Garard, Prof. Ira D(ufresne). New Jersey Col. Women, New Brunswick, N. J. M24- F28R39. C. Garbat, Dr. Abraham Leon. M.D., Cor- nell, 06. 103 E. 78th St., New York, N. Y. M18F25. N. Garber, Dr. C(larence) Zent. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 23. Dir. pathology, New York Orthopedic Dispensary and Hosp., New York, N. Y. (Hudson View Gardens) M27. NC. Garber, Clark M(cKinley). Butler, Ohio. M32R33. HFG. Garber, Harold J. Ch.E., Cincinnati. Instr. chemical engng., Univ. Cincinnati Col. Engng. and Commerce, Cincinnati, Ohio M40. MCQ. Garber, Miss Lida J(uliet). 15 Tangle- wood Road, Berkeley, Calif. M13. EG. Garber, R(alph) J(ohn). M.S., Minnesota, 17; Ph.D., 22. Dir., U. S. Regional Pas- ture Res. Lab., State College, Pa. (613 W Park Ave.) M18F23. GO. Garcha, Hazara Singh. M.Sc, Alberta, 38. Student. Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. M40. GOQ. Garcia, Carlos R. (See Carlos R. Garcia- Benitez). Garcia, Dr. Eusebio Y. Univ. Philippines School Hygiene and Public Health, Ma- nila. P. I. M37F38R38. N. Garcia, Fabian. New Mexico State Col. Agric. Exp. Sta., State College N. Mex. M34F34R34. O. Garcia, Jose Trevifio. C.E., Mexico, 11. Gen. mgr., Cia. Industrial de Parras, Parras, Coah., Mexico. M25. BCM. Garcia-Benitez, Carlos R(afael). M.S., Chicago, 39. Instr. biology, Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R. M40. GF. Garcia-Diaz, Dr. Julio. M.S., Cornell, 27; Ph.D., 36. Prof, biology and dean Col. Arts and Sciences, Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R. M32F33. FGQ. Garcia G., Pedro. A. v F. Wiese, Lima, Peru, S. A. M37R37. ME. Gard, Dr. Willis Lloyd. M12F21D36. Q. Gardella, Matthew James. Esso Labs., Standard Oil Co., Elizabeth, N. J. M39- R39. CBA. Gardiner, Mrs. Edward G. 131 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. M25R36. Gardiner, Dr. John Paterson. M.D., Penn- sylvania, 01. Obstetrician, Robinwood Hosp. and Antenatal Clinic, Toledo, Ohio. (370 W. Bancroft St.) M36. N. Gardiner, Prof. Mary S(ummerfield). Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 27. Assoc, prof, biol- ogy, Brvn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. M29F31. F. Gardiner, Dr. Will(iam Gilfillan, Jr.). M.D., Pennsylvania, 06; A.M., 27. 515 Madison Ave., Toledo, Ohio. M32. N. Gardner, Sister Catherine. St. Mary's Hosp., Detroit, Mich. M35R35. Gardner, Charles B (right), Jr. 3420 Rose- dale St., Dallas, Tex. M24. Gardner, Dion L. M.A., California, 32. Geologist, Marsman and Co., Paracale, Camarines Norte, P. I. M39. E. Gardner, Dr. Eldon J(ohn). M.S., Utah State, 35 ; Ph.D., California, 39. Instr. biol- ogy, Salinas Junior Col., Salinas, Calif. M40. F. Gardner, Irvine C(lifton). A.M., Harvard, 12; Ph.D., 15; Sc.D., De Pauw, 39. Prin- cipal physicist and chief Optical Instru- ment Section, Nat. Bur. Standards, Wash- ington, D. C. (12 Shepherd St., Chew Chase, Md.) M17F18. BMD. Gardner, Dr. Iva Cox. Bavlor Univ., Waco, Tex. M36R36. IHK. Gardner, Dr. John W(illiam). M.A., Stan- ford, 36; Ph.D., California, 38. Instr. psy- chology, Connecticut Col., New London, Conn. M40. I. Gardner, Miss Julia (Anna). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 11. Geologist, U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, Washington, D. C. M25F25. E. Gardner, Leo R(ussell). A.B., Pomona, 26. Technical asst. to pres. and res. coordi- nator, California Spray-Chemical Corp., Richmond, Calif. (2624 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif.) M39. FGC. Gardner, Dr. Leroy (Upson). M.D., Yale, 14. Dir., Trudeau Foundation and Saranac Lab., Saranac Lake, N. Y. M22F27. N. Gardner, Louis W(right). M.A., Califor- nia, 28. Geophysicist, Gulf Res. and De- velopment Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. (M31- R36)M38. BAE. Gardner, Prof. Max W(illiam). M.S., Wis- consin, 15; Ph.D., 18. Prof, plant pathol- ogy, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (1441 Hawthorne Terrace) M12F25. G. Gardner, M(onroe) E(vans). State Col. Sta., Raleigh, N. Car. M34F34. O. Gardner, Murray F. M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 24. Assoc, prof, electrical engng., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cam- bridge, Mass. (155 Lewis Road, Belmont. Mass.) M31F32. MQA. Gardner, Dr. Nathaniel L(yon). M10F15- D— . G. Gardner, Robert W. 11 05 45th St., Oak- land, Calif. M36R37. OFG. Gardner, Prof. Victor R. M.S., Iowa State, 07. Prof, horticulture and dir. Exp. Sta., Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M40F40. O. 460 Directory of Memrkrs Gardner, Prof. Willard. M.S., California. 15; Ph.D., 16. Prof, physics and physicist Exp. Sta. Utah Agric. Col., Logan, Utah. M34E34. B. Gardner, Dr. William E. M.D., Louisville, 02. Clinical prof, and head Dept. Psy- chiatry, Univ. Louisville School Med., Louisville, Kv. (1405 Rosewood Ave.) M38. X. Gardner, Prof. William Howlett. M.S.. Dartmouth, 25: Ph.D., Cornell, 27. Dept. Chem. Engng., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn, X. Y. M34F34. C. Gardner, Dr. William M(ichael). D.D.S., Minnesota, 21. Asst. prof, preventive den- tistry and lecturer periodontia. Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M39. XdQ. Gardner, Dr. William U(llman). A.M., Missouri. 31; Ph.D.. 33. Res. assoc. and assoc. prof.. Dept. Anatomy, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M37F3S. XFO. Gardner, Dr. Wright A(ustin). Alabama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala. M1SF25- R33. c. Ga* in, George I(llichevsky). Flathead Agency, Dixon, Mont. M30R37. O. Garland, C. M. }8 S. Dearborn St., Chi- cago. 111. M31R32. BCM. Garlinghouse, Leslie Holmes. C.E., Rens- selaer Polytechnic Inst., 10. Co-partner, Carlinghouse Bros., 2416 E. 16th St., Los Angeles, Calif. (1205 Garfield Ave., South Pasadena, Calif.) M36. MBA. Garlock, R. G. West Salem. Wis. M33R33. MBA. Garlough. Francis E(arl). A.B., Bates. 00. Biologist and dir. control methods, U. S. Biol. Survey Res. Lab., Denver, Colo. ( M2oF33R33M38F33R38)M4oF33. FXO. Garlough, Dr. L(eslie) N(athan). M.A.. Minnesota. 27; Ph.D., 31. Prof, biology and head Dept. Science, Univ. Omaha, Omaha, Xebr. (4712 Chicago St.) M31- F33. FGA Garman, Prof. Harrison. D.Sc, Kentucky. 638 S. Limestone St.. Lexington, Ky. M20F23. FG. Garman, Warren D(eWitt). College Park, Lewisburg, Pa. M29. MB. Garman, Dr. Willard H. M.S.. Ph.D.. Pennsylvania State, 30. Assoc, prof, agron- omy. Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. (520 Cloverhurst Ave.) M40F40. OC. Garnell, Alfred W. S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 38. Asst. hydraulic engineer, U. S. Engineers Office, Providence, R. I. M36. M. Garner, Clement L. B.S., Xorth Carolina State. Commander and chief, Div. Geodesy, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur., Washing- ton, I). C. (3400 McKiriley St. XW.) M35- F33. E. Garner, Dr. James Bert. M.S.. Wabash, 95; Ph.D., Chicago. 97. Senior fellow nat- ural gas investigations and dir. Utility Survey Commission, Mellon Inst. Indus- trial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. (54 Lebanon Hills Drive, Mt. Lebanon) M03F09. CM. Garner, Lloyd Preston. 2568 Estes Ave., Chicago, 111. (?) M29R32. ABM. Garner, Prof. Murvel R. Earlham Col., Richmond, [fid. M35F35R37. F. Garner, Dr. Vaughn C(lifton). M.D., Jef- ferson, 20; M.Sc, Pennsylvania, 29. Der- matologist, Germantown Hosp.; consult- ant dermatologist, Roxborough Memorial Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. (447 E. Wads- worth St., Mt. Airy) M37. XDF. Garner, Dr. W(ightman) W(ells). Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins, 00. Principal physiologist charge tobacco and plant nutrition in- vestigations, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (1367 Parkwood Place XW.) M18F21. GCO. Garnett. Dr. W(illiam) E(dward). M.A., George Peabody, 15; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 20. Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Blacksburg. Va. M39. KQF. Garrett, A(lbert) O(sbun). A.M., Brigham Young, 28. Head Dept. Biology, East High School. Salt Lake City, Utah. (791 Ninth Ave.) Moi Fi 1. G. Garrett, Prof. Alfred B. M.S., Ohio State. 30; Ph.D., ^2. Asst. prof, chemistry. Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (205 W. Henderson Road) M39. G. Garrett, Dr. Frederic D(augherty). Ph.D., Cornell. 30. Instr. anatomy, Univ. Ne- braska Col. Med., Omaha, Xebr. M30. F. Garrett, Prof. Henry E(dward). M.A., Co- lumbia, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof, psy- chology. Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M25F25. I. Garrett, J(ulius) B(enjamin, Jr.). M.S., Louisiana State, 33. Paleontologist, Stano- l.ind Oil and Gas Co., Houston, Tex. M39. E. Garrett, Melvin M. B.S., Nebraska, 17. Consulting geologist, 1914 Republic Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. M25. E. Garrett, Dr. William A. D.D.S., Atlanta Southern Dental Col. Prof, oral pathology, Atlanta Southern Dental Col., Atlanta, Ga. 1 2595 Woodward Way) M40. Xd. Garrett, Prof. William Trago. M.S., Chi- cago. 2^. Chairman Dept. Biology. North- west Missouri State Teachers Col., Marv- ville, Mo. (520 W. 3rd St.) M28F33. FGE. Garrey, Dr. Walter Eugene. Ph.D.. Chi- cago, 00; M.D.. Rush, 09. Prof, physiology, Vanderbilt Univ. School Med., X;ashville, Tenn. M17F21. N. Garrido Llovera, M. Drusso (See M. Drusso Garrida Llovera). Garrison, Fielding H(udson). M17F18- D35. I.X. I ndividual Members fii Garrison, Prof. K(arl) C(laudis). M.S., North Carolina, j<>; Ph.D., George Pea- bod\ North Carolina State Col., Ral eigh, N. Car. M34F34: IQ. Garrison. Dr. Lester E(dward). M.I). Rush. 21. Senior surgeon, Mercy Hosp.; assoc. prof; surgery, Loyola School Med., Chicago. 111. (7233 Oglesby Ave.) M30. X. Garrison, Dr. Noble Lee. A.M., Missouri; Ph.D., Columbia. 11 15 W. Cross St.. Ypsilanti, Mich. M38. Q. Garrison, S(idney) C(larence). A.M., Wake Forest, 13; Ph.D., George Peabody, 19. Pres., George Peabodv Col. Teachers, Nashville, Term. (Belle Meade Blvd.) M22F23. QI. Garrison, Sydney W(ood). B.S. Moultrie. Ga. M38. MAB. Garrison, Dr. Wilbert A(ndrew). A.M., Harvard, 99; Ph.D., Cornell, 23. Route 3. Elmer, N. J. M07. IQA. Garstka, W. U. U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D. C. M34R36. O. Garth, Dr. Thomas R(ussell). M19F25- D39. IQH. Garthwaite, Miss Bettina (Boyd). A.B., Vassar, 37. Student, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, Nr. Y. (1303 York Ave.) M38. NFG. Garthwaite, J(ohn) W(oodroffe). Vice pres. and trust officer, Bank of Arh'er. Nat. Trust and Savings Assn., San Fran- cisco, Calif. (95 Bavo Vista Ave., Oak- land, Calif.) M33. CE. Garthwaite, Miss Mary Elizabeth. M.A., California, }8. 95 Bavo Vista Ave., Oak- land, Calif. M38. NF. Gartner, Miss Charlotte (Agatha). 2034 N. Capitol St., Washington. D. C. M37- R37. FGN. Garvan, Francis P(atrick). M29F32D37. C. Garvey. Dr. B(enjamin) S(t. John), Jr. M.S., Illinois, 25; M.A., Harvard, 26; Ph.D., 27. Res. chemist, B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio. (168 Castle Blvd.) M34- F34. c. Garvey, Dr. C(hester) R(oy). M31F33D37, I N K. Garvin, Edgerton Chester. B.S.. George Washington, 07. 2229 Walton Way. Augusta, Ga. Mi 7. M. Garvin, Sister Mary Cleophas. Ph.D., St. Louis, 34. Head Dept. Science, Notre Dame Col., South Euclid. Ohio. M37F38, ABD. Gary, Lester B(ennett). Mo3F33D37- FGB. Garza-Aldape, Jose Marie. M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech. Box 219. Chihuahua, Chili., Mexico. M39. MEP. Gaskill, Dr. Harold V(incent). M.A., Ohio State, 27; Ph.D., 30. Dean Science and dir. Industrial Science Res. Inst., Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa.. M29F33. I. Gasser, Dr. Herbert S(pencer). M.D.. Johns Hopkins. 15; D.Sc, Pennsylvania, 36. Dir.. Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. (116 E, 68th St.) U.22^27. X. Gassman, Emmert A(lfred). A.M.. Illi- nois. 29. Instr. chemistry and physics, Community High School. Lena, 111. M34. CBQ. Gast, Prof. P(aul) R(upert). M.S., New Yorii State Col. Forestry, 22; S.D., Har- vard, 27. Asst. prof, forestry, Harvard For- est, Harvard Univ., Petersham, Mass. M33F33. GCB. Gastineau, Charles L. San Andreas, Calif. M29R32. BCK. Gaston, Gail A(dams). Ph.C, West Vir- ginia, 30. Owner, Gaston's Pharmacy, Bel- ington, W. Va. M32. GN. Gaston, Louis Prevost. U.S., Lehigh. 2 W. High St., Somerville. N. .1. M36. BKM. Gates, Prof. Arthur I(rving). M.A., Cali- fornia. 15; Ph.D., 17. Dir. Dfrpl Educa- tional Res. and head D»pt. Educational Psychology, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M25F25. IQ. Vice president for Section on Education (Q), 1927. Gates, Donald (Edson). B.A.. New York. 38. Res. engineer, Pardee Engng. Co., 3915 29th St., Long Island City, N. Y. (204 W. 4th St.. New York, N. Y.) M39. PCM. Gates, Dr. Frank C(aleb). Ph.D., Michi- gan, 12. Prof, taxonomy and ecology in botany, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M13F21. G. Gates. G(ordon) E(noch). M.A., Harvard, 20; Ph.D.. 33. Head Dept. Biology, Judson Col., Rangoon, Burma, India. M26. F. Gates, John F. Amer. Cyanamid Co., 535 Fifth Ave.. New York, N. Y. M20R32. MBC. Gates, Dr. John (Warburton), Jr. 16 Flower City Park. Rochester, N. Y. M39- R39. CNM. Gates, Miss Louise W(ard). Welleslev Col., Wellesley, Mass. M36R37. 1. Gates, Prof. R(eginald) Ruggles. M.A., Mt. Allison, 04; LL.D., 27: Ph.D., Chi- cago, 08; D.Sc, London, 33. Prof, and head Dept. Botany, King's Col.. Univ. London: chairman Bur. Human Heredity. London, England. M07F09L19. GH. Gates, Dr. W(illiam) H(azen). Sc.D., Harvard. 26. Prof, zoology and entomol- ogy and head Dept. Zoology, Physiology, and Entomology, Louisiana State Univ.. University, La. M24F30. FG. Gatewood, Miss Mary Christine. Los An- geles County Gen. Hosp., Los Angeles. Calif. M30R34. NI, Gattone, Vincent H. Ph.C. Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy. Res. chemist, Neosol Co., Inc.. Upper Darby. Pa. M40. CNp. 462 Directory of Members Gatz, Dr. Arthur J(ohn). M.A., Minne- sota, 33; Ph.D., 36. Instr. zoology, Carle- ton Col., Northfield, Minn. (306 Nevada St.) M37. FNC. Gaul, Albro Tilton. 401 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M40. FG. Gault, Prof. Arthur Eugene. M.S., Chi- cago, 21. Prof, mathematics and dean men, Col. Arts and Sciences, Bradley Poly- technic Inst., Peoria, 111. (123 Summit Blvd.) M34F34. AD. Gault, Dr. Edwin Sartain. M.D., Hahne- mann, 20. Assoc, prof, pathology and bac- teriology, Temple Univ. School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. (5531 Florence Ave.) M37. NHQ. Gault, Homer J(ohnston). Box 82, Paines- ville, Ohio. M36. MAD. Gault, Prof. Robert H(arvey). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 05. Prof, psychology, North- western Univ.; gen. dir. Inst. Deaf-Blind, Evanston, 111. {2332 Bryant Ave.) M18- F21. I. Gaum, Prof. C(arl) G(ilbert). M.E., Ala- bama Polytechnic Inst., 09. Prof., Univer- sity Extension, Rutgers Univ., New Bruns- wick, N. J. M34F34. KM. Gaus, Dr. Wilhelm. I. G. Farbenindus- trie Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen-on- Rhine, Germany. M26R38. C. Gavan, James A. B.A., Arizona, 39. Grad- uate student, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. (632 N. Tyndall Ave.) M40. H. Gaver, Dr. O(ren) H(enry). M36F38D40. NI. Gavett, Prof. G(eorge) Irving. B.S., Mich- igan, 93. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Wash- ington, Seattle, Wash. (4105 55th Ave. NE.) M07F18. AK. Gavett, Weston. M.C.E., Cornell, 12. 973 Kenyon Ave., Plainfield, N. J. M14. MC. Gaw, Dr. Esther Allen. Ph.D., Iowa, 19. Dean women, Ohio State Univ., Colum- bus, Ohio. M20F28. IK. Gay, Berry Everett. 745 W. Olive St., Decatur, 111. M25. N. Gay, Elizabeth H. (See Mrs. Donald B. Lawrence). Gay, Dr. Frederick Parker. M08F11D39. N. Vice president for Section on Physiology and Experimental Medicine (K), 1915- Gay, Dr. Leslie N. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Assoc, medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ.; dir., Allergy Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore, Md. (.1114 St. Paul St.) M35F35- N. Gay, Malcolm W(elles). B.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 29. Instruments, Gulf Res. and Development Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. M39- F40. BM. Gayle, Dr. R. Finley, Jr. Professional Bldg., Richmond, Va. M39R39. N. Gayler, Dona G. (See Mrs. Dona Gayler Graam). Gaylord, Mrs. Ilsien Nathalie. 1799 Meadowbrook Road, Altadena, Calif. M29- R38. G. Gaylord, Prof. J(oseph) S(earle). The Anchorage, East Longmeadow, Mass. M24R34. I- Gayton, Dr. A(nna) H(adwick). M.A., California, 24; Ph.D., 28. Review editor, "Journal Amer. Folklore," P.O. Box 880, Santa Cruz, Calif. M35F35. H. Gazzolo, Frank H. A.M., Harvard, 98. Pres., Gazzolo Drug and Chemical Co., 123 S. Green St., Chicago, 111. (2300 Marcy Ave., Evanston, 111.) M29. CED. Gealy, Wendell B(aum). Ph.D., Pitts- burgh, 34. Geologist, Gulf Oil Cos., Pitts- burgh, Pa. (3306 Iowa St.) M28. EMC. Gear, Harry B(arnes). M.E., Cornell, 95; LL.D., Marietta, 39. Vice pres. charge engng. and operating, Commonwealth Ed- ison Co., Chicago, 111. (10769 Seeley Ave.) M28F31. BM. Gearen, Sister Mary Maurine. Mundelein Col., Chicago, 111. M37R37- C. Gearhart, Harry. U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Edwardsville, 111. M33R36. FG. Geary, Rev. James A(loysius). Ph.D., Catholic, 31. Asst. prof. Celtic languages and literatures, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. M38. LH. Gease, Walter C. Court House, Price, Utah. M33R33. M. Gebauer-Fuelnegg, Dr. E(rich). Dept. Chemistry, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M33F33R33. c. Gebhardt, Dr. Hans T(heodore). M.S., Wisconsin, 28; Ph.D., 30. Res. chemist, Control and Res. Lab., Nestle's Milk Products, Inc., Marysville, Ohio. (418 Mil- ford Ave.) M34F34. CO. Geddes, F. N. Natchez, Miss. M31R32. EMD. Geddes, Dr. Joseph Arch. A.M., Ph.D., Co- lumbia. Utah Agric. Col., Logan, Utah. M38. K. Gee, Lynn (LaMarr). A.B., Brigham Young. Dept. Agric. Bacteriology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M37. OCG. Gee, Dr. Nathaniel Gist. M28F32D37. FGN. Gee, Prof. Wilson. University, Va. M32- F33R35. KOF. Geehan, Robert W(illiam). E.M., Minne- sota, 32. Mining engineer, Cripple Creek Mining Co., Folger, Alaska. (Anchorage, Alaska) M38. EM. Geer, Dewey. Box 1001, Sweetwater, Tex. M32R32. MKN. Individual Members 463 Geer, Dr. William Allyn. M.D., Yale, 34. 881 Lafayette St., Bridgeport, Conn. M40. N. Geer, Dr. William C(hauncey). Ph.D., Cornell, 05. 624 Highland Road, Ithaca, N. Y. M07F11. BC. Geerling, Dr. John H. Ph.D., Amsterdam, 99- SS°5 Cates Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M32. EHL. Gegenheimer, Prof. Vida. M.A., Columbia, 21 ; Ph.D., 25. Prof, chemistry, Russell Sage Col., Troy, X. Y. M34F34- CNQ. Gehenio, Sister M. Pierre. A.B., St. Louis, 36. Graduate fellow biology, St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo. (Mt. Providence, Normandy, Mo.) M38. FGC. Gehman, Prof. Harry Merrill. A.M., Penn- sylvania, 20; Ph.D., 25. Prof, mathematics and head Dept., Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. (163 Winspear Ave.) M22F29. A. Gehring, Mrs. Helen (Loomis). 2402 Packard Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. M37- R37. NF. Gehring, Herbert A(ugust). C.E., Cor- nell, 03. Engineer, Ohio State Highway Dept., Lakewood, Ohio. (15516 Hilliard Road) Mi 7. MB. Gehring, Katherine W. Scripps Inst. Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. M35R35. Geib, Dr. Frank J(ulius). M.D., Harvard, 99. 1202 Oakridge Road, Cleveland Heights. Cleveland, Ohio. M39. CFN. Geib, Dr. H(orace) V. U. S. Soil Con- servation Service, College Station, Tex. M34F34R37. O. Geiger, Dr. Ernest. M.D., Graz, 20; Pecs. 2628 W. 78th Place, Inglewood, Calif. M40. Np. Geiger, Dr. Jacob Casson. M.Ph., Tulane; M.D., 12; Dr.P.H., 18; D.Sc, Louisiana, 35; LL.D., Santa Clara; M.A., Hahne- mann. Dir. public health. San Francisco City and County; clinical prof, epidemiol- ogy, Univ. California, San Francisco, Calif. (50 Ventura Ave.) M29F31. N. Geiger, Sister M. Joseph Therese. Ph.D., Catholic, 29. Head Dept. Science, Clarke Col., Dubuque, Iowa. M31. FGI. Geiling, Dr. E(ugene) M(aximilian) K(arl). M.Sc, Illinois, 15; Ph.D., 17; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 23. Prof, and chair- man Dept. Pharmacology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M32F33. Np. Geiman, Dr. Quentin M(onroe). M.S., Pennsylvania, 31 ; Ph.D., 34. Instr. com- parative pathology and tropical medicine, Harvard Med. School and School Public Health, Boston, Mass. M29. FN. Geise, Dr. Fred W(illiam). 1304 Lincoln- Alliance Bank Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. M21F25R32. OG. Geiser, Prof. S(amuel) W(ood). A.M., Up- per Iowa, 19; Sc.D., 34; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 22. Head Dept. Biology, South- ern Methodist Univ., Dallas, Tex. (3543 Haynie Ave.) M13F23. FL. Geisler, Dr. Joseph F(rank). New York Mercantile Exchange, 6 Harrison St., New York, N. Y. M01F11R35. C. Geist, Donald E. A.B., Ohio Northern, 29. Instr. biologv, High School, Bellefontaine, Ohio. (637 N. Madriver St.) M40. FGQ. Geist, Frank Otto William. In charge joint expedition for Pleistocene fossils, Amer. Mus. Natural History and Univ. Alaska, College, Alaska. M33. HFE. Geist, Dr. Frederick D(enkmar). M.D., Tufts, 20. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M23F28. N. Geist, Prof. Robert M(iller). M.Sc, Ohio State, 28; Ph.D., 30. Prof, biology and head Dept., Capital Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M29F33. FEN. Geist, Dr. Samuel H. M.D., Columbia, 08. Clinical prof, gynecology, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons; attending gynecologist, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. M24. NFG. Gelarie, Dr. Arnold James. M.D., Jena, 09. Chief arthritis clinic and dir. Res. Lab., Stuyvesant Polyclinic, New York, N. Y. M29. N. Gelbach, Ralph W(arren). M.S., Ph.D., Iowa, 22,. Assoc, prof, chemistry, State Col. Washington, Pullman, Wash. M34- F34. c. Geldard, Dr. Frank A(rthur). A.M., Clark, 26; Ph.D., 28. Prof, psychology, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. (1900 Edge- wood Lane) M29F33. I. Gelders, Joseph S(idney). Box 15 14, LTni- versity, Ala. M32R32. BA. Gelfand, Benjamin. 935 N. Lee Ave., Farrell, Pa. M32R33. NCF. Gell, Kenneth Edward. 266 Clay Ave., Rochester, N. Y. M31R35. KQD. Geller, Dr. L(eon) W(illiam). 44-13 Laurel Hill Blvd., Woodside, N. Y. (?) M29R33. CLO. Geller, R(oman) F(erdinand). B.Ch.E., Michigan, 18. Chief Ceramic Whiteware Section, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (306 W. Thornapple St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M39. BME. Gellhorn, Prof. Ernst. Ph.D., Muenster, 19; M.D., Heidelberg, 19. Prof, physiol- ogy, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. M35F35. N. Gellot, E(ugene) A(lcide). 149-46 117th St., Aqueduct, L. I., N. Y. M28. L. Geltner, Carl. B.S., New York, 36. Junior engineer. Federal Power Commission, Washington, D. C. (1740 New Hampshire Ave. NW.) M39. M. 464 Directory of Members Gemmer, Eugene W(illiam). M.F., New- York State Col. Forestry, 24. Assoc, sil- viculturist, Southern Forest Exp. Sta., New Orleans. La. (603^ Chestnut St.) M29F40. GOF. Gemmill, Dr. Anna M. M.A., Buffalo, 24; Ph.D., Columbia. Head Dept. Science, State Teachers Col., Buffalo, N. Y. (116 Bidwell Parkway) M3iF34- QCE. Gemmill, Dr. Chalmers L(aughlin). M.D.. Johns Hopkins, 26. Assoc, physiology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Balti- more, Md. M36F36. N. Gendreau, Dr. J. E. 1607 Bernard Ave., Outremont, Montreal, Que., Canada. M35. B. Genkins, Dr. Morris Harris. M.D., Tem- ple, 26. 514 Swede St., Norristown, Pa. M39. NCF. Genoway, Dr. Charles V. M.D., Cincin- nati. 88. Radiologist, St. Alphonsus Hosp., Boise, Idaho. Mi 7. KN. Genter, Albert L(egrand). Dipl.Ing., Ber- lin, 04. Consulting engineer, Baltimore, Md. (Wyman Park Apartments) M38. CMB. Genther, Ida T. ( See Ida Genther Schmidt). Gentil, Eugene. Cie de St. Gobain, Ibis Place des Saussaies, Paris, France. M36- R37. Gentry, Prof. C(harles) B(urt). M.S.. Cornell, 19. Dir. Div. Resident Instruc- tion and prof, education, Univ. Connecti- cut, Storrs, Conn. M23F25. QOI. Gentry, Frank(lin) M(arion). 215 Mari- hasset Woods Road, Manhasset, N. Y. M23F29. BCM. Gentry, Dr. Vernon S(cott). Florida Southern Col., Lakeland, Fla. M37R39. F. Genung, Miss E(lizabeth) F(aith). M.S., Cornell, 14. 42 West -St.. Northampton, Mass. M25F33. N. George, Dr. Anthony. Ph.D., Ohio State. 30. Res. assoc, Univ. Cincinnati, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. (243 Calhoun St.) M24. C. George, Arial W. 43 Bay State Road, Bos- ton, Mass. M34R38. N. George, D(orothy) C(hauncey). M13F20- D38. G. George, Dr. E(noch) F(ranklin). A.M., West Virginia. 16: Ph.D., Ohio State, 20. Prof, physics and head Dept., Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. M24F31. B. George, Prof. Harold Coulter. M26F26- D37. MEB. George, Prof. Nathan R(ichard), Jr. A.M., Harvard, 01. Prof, mathematics retired, Massachusetts Inst. Tech.. Cambridge, Mass. (62 Dwight St., Brookline, Mass.) M28F33. A. George, P(ercy) W(illiam). M28D39. EM. George, R(oscoe) H(enry). M.S., Purdue, 27. 703 N. Main St., West Lafavette, Ind. M24F33. BCM. George, Dr. W(esley) C(ritz). A.M., North Carolina, 12; Ph.D., 18. Prof, histology and embryology and acting head Dept. Anatomy, Univ. North Carolina School Med., Chapel Hill, N. Car. M22F27. FN. Georgi, Prof. Carl E(duard). M.S., Wis- consin, 32; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, bacteriol- ogy, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M36- F39. CGN. Georgia, Dr. F(rederick) R(aymond). Ph.D., Cornell, 22. Sanitary chemist, Dept. Bldgs. and Grounds, Cornell Univ., Ithaca. N. Y. M34F34- CN. Gerald, Prof. Herbert F(ranklin). Ph.G.. Massachusetts Col. Pharmacy, 02; M.D., Tufts, 09. Prof, pharmacology, Creighton Univ. School Med., Omaha, Nebr. (2871 Newport Ave.) M23F33. Np. Geraldine, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Geraldine Madden). Gerard, Dr. R(alph) W(aldo). Ph.D.. Chicago, 21 ; M.D., Rush, 25. Assoc, prof, phvsiologv. Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M29F29. NCF. Gerber, C(harles) W(illiam). M.D., Den- ver, 90. Box 712. Las Cruces, N. Mex. M29. N. Gerber, Winfred (Dean). 406 Florida St.. Urbana, 111. M35R37. MEF. Gerdau, Mrs. Otto (Clara). 083 Park Ave. New York, N. Y. L29. Gere, Dr. Brewster H(untington). M.A., Syracuse, 34; Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 38. Instr. mathematics, Herzl Jun- ior Col., Chicago, 111. (128 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, 111.) M40. AQ. Gerhard, William J(osiah). Curator in- sects, Field Mus. Natural Historv, Chi- cago, 111. M08F33. F. Gerlcke, Prof. William F(rederick). M.S.. California, 15; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins. 21. Univ. California, Berkelev, Calif. M12F16. CGO. Gerken, Clayton (d'Armond). M.S., Okla- homa. Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. M38. IQ. Gerlach, George H(enry). M.S.. Western Reserve, 37. Vice pres. and production mgr., Strong Cobb and Co., Inc., Cleve- land. Ohio. (5844 Elmore Drive. Parma Heights, Ohio) M38. CGN. Germann. Dr. Albert F(rederick) 0(tto- mar). M.A., Indiana, 09, Wisconsin, 10; Sc.D., Geneva, 13. Chairman board dir. and pres., Nutritional Res. Associates, South Whitley, Ind. M18F2S. CON. Germann, Dr. Frank E(rhart) E(mman- uel). Dr.Sc, Geneva, 14. Prof, chemistry. Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (104^ 14th St.) M17F21. CBA. President of Souih- ivestern Division, 1937 and 1938. IxniviiH' al Mkmhkks 465 Germann, Dr. George B(althasar). Pd.M., New York, 04; Ph.D., Columbia, 00. Prin- cipal, St. Clair McKehvay Junior High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. (167 Rutland Road) M00F01. Q. Germer, Dr. Lester H(albert). M.A., Co- lumbia, 22; Ph.D., 27. Physicist, Bell Tele- phone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (5 Douglas St., Milburn, X. J.) M23F28. B. Gernert, Dr. W(alter) B(yron). M.S., llli- nois, 09; Ph.D., 11. Assoc, prof, agronomy, Oklahoma A. and M. Col.. Stillwater, Okla. M36F40. OGE. Gernsback, Hugo. Pres., Gernsback Pub- lications, Inc., Radcraft Publications, Inc., and Popular Book Corp., Inc.. 09 Hudson St.. New York, N. Y. (180 Riverside Drive) M27. DIM. Geromanos, H(ercules) W. Box 141 4. Boston, Mass. M27F32R32. D. Gerould, Miss Elizabeth Wood. M.A., Col- orado Col., 23. Prof, science, Colorado Woman's Col., Denver, Colo. M29F33. CA. Gerould, Dr. John H(iram). A.M., Har- vard, 93; Ph.D., 95. Prof, emeritus biology, Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. M07- Fn. F. Gerry, Dr. Eloise. A.M., Radclirre, 09; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 21. Senior microscopist, (J. S. Forests Products Lab.; lecturer for- est products, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (1105 Dartmouth Road, Shorewood Hills) M11F15. G. Gerry, Dr. Henry L(ester). A.M., Bates, 12; Ed.M., Harvard, 21; Ed.D., 23. Prof, education. Teachers Col. City Boston, Bos- ton. Mass. (20 Cleveland Road, Needham, Mass.) M24. Q. Gersbacher, Dr. W(illard) M(arion). M.A., Illinois, 28; Ph.D., 32. Assoc, prof, zool- ogy and head Dept., Southern Illinois Normal Univ., Carbondale, 111. (508 W. Pecan St.) (M3oR32)M3S. FG. Gershenfeld, Prof. Louis. Ph.M., Philadel- phia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 20. Prof, bacteriology and dir. Bacteriology Lab. and Clinical Chemistry Lab., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science; dir. Gershen- feld Lab., Philadelphia; bacteriologist and chemist, VJpper Darbv Dept. Health, Up- per Darby. Pa. (281' S. 63rd St., Phila- delphia, Pa.) M25F33. NG. Gershoy, Alexander. 31 S. Willard St., Burlington, Vt. M24F32R37. G. Gerstenberger, Dr. H(enry) J(ohn). M.D., Western Reserve, 03. 3175 Montgomery Road, Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. M18. N. Gerstner, Dr. S. Berton. 529 Courtlandt Ave.. Bronx, New York, N. Y. M34R35. H1N. Gerth, Dr. Hans H. Ph.D., Frankfurt, 33. Visiting asst. prof., Dept. Sociology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M40. K. Gertrude, Sister Mary. M.A., Pennsylvania. Immaculata Col., Immaculata, Pa. M38. KQP. Gertrude, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Gertrude Quinn). Gerundo, Dr. Michele. M.D., Inst. Med. Sciences (Mexico). Topeka State Hosp., Topeka, Kans. M38. NC. Gerwe, Dr. E(lmer) G(eorge). Ph.D., CIn cirinati, 30. Dir. labs., Win. S. Merrell Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. (1715 Northcutt Ave.) M35. MC. Geschickter, Dr. Charles F. M.A., George Washington; M.D., Johns Hopkins. 100 E. Gittings Ave., Baltimore, Md. M37F38. N. Gesell, Dr. Arnold (Lucius). Ph.D., Clark, 06; D.Sc, 30; M.D., Yale. 15. Dir.. Clinic Child Development and prof, child hy- giene. Yale Univ.; attending pediatrist, New Haven Hosp., New Haven, Conn. (185 Edwards St.) M21F25. IQN. Gesell, Dr. Robert. M.D.. Washington Univ., 14. Prof, and dir. Dept. Physiology. Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (3 Ridge Way) M27F33. NF. Gesell, William H. Lehn and Fink, Inc., Bloomfield, N. J. M24F33R35. M. Gester, Stephen H(owell). B.S., Califor- nia, 13. Asst. chief geologist, Standard Oil Co. California, 225 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif. M34F34. E. Getman, Dr. Frederick Hutton. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 03. 66 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, Conn. M96F09. BC. Gettinger, Dr. Raymond. M.D.. Cornell, 32. Pathologist and dir. lab., New York Inst. Clinical Oral Pathologv, New York, N. Y. M37F38. NQC. Gettler, Prof. Alexander O(scar). M.A., Columbia, 10; Ph.D., 12; LL.D., St. John's 36. Prof, toxicology, New York Univ. Col. Med.; prof, chemistry, New York Univ.; toxicologist, Chief Med. Exam- iner's Office of New York City, New York, N. Y. (32 Waverlv Place) M18F21. CN. Getz, Dr. Horace R(avmond). M.D.. Wis- consin, 33. Instr., Henry Phipps Inst., Univ. Pennsvlvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (2508 S. 18th St.) M36. N. Getzendaner, C(harles) W(ilber). B.Sc, Hastings. Junior entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomologv and Plant Quarantine, Puyallup, Wash.' (407 W. Main St.) M29. F. Getzendaner, Frank M(arshall). Uvalde, Tex. M19. E. Gevorkiantz, Suren R. M.I"., Harvard, 28. Sih'iculturist, U. S. Lake States Forest Exp. Sta., University Farm, St. Paul. Minn. M35F35. O. Gey, Dr. George Otto. M.D., Baltimore, 33. Dir., Cancer Res. and Tissue Culture Lab.; instr. surgery, Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. School, Baltimore, Md. M37. NCB. 466 Directory of Members Geyelin, Dr. H(enry) Rawle. M.D., Penn- sylvania, 09. Asst. clinical prof, medicine, Columbia Univ.; assoc. physician, Presby- terian Hosp., New York, N. Y. (33 E. 68th St.) M18F33. N. Geyer, Bradford P(earson). S.B., North- eastern, 35. Assoc, chemistry, Univ. Wash- ington, Seattle, Wash. M40. CNB. Gezelius, Roy A(rthur). M.S., Michigan State. Gen. Steel Castings Corp., Eddy- stone, Pa. M39. BCM. Ghamrawy, A(hmed) K(amel). 39 Monira St., Cairo, Egypt. M25R32. O. Ghiselli, Dr. Edwin E(rnest). M.A., Cali- fornia, 33; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof., Dept. Psychology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M36F40. I. Giacomini, Dr. Franklin A(nthony). 113 Hamilton St., Sterling, Colo. M28R32. BCD. Gianella, Prof. Vincent P(aul). M.S., Ne- vada, 20; Ph.D., Columbia, 37. Prof, geol- ogy, Univ. Nevada ; geologist, Nevada Bur. Mines; geologist and mineralogist, Ne- vada State Analytical Lab., Reno, Nev. (300 Nixon Ave.) M25F31. EMD. Gianturco, Dr. Cesare. M.D., Naples, 24; M.S., Minnesota, 34. Roentgenologist, Carle Hosp. Clinic, Urbana, 111. (802 In- diana Ave.) M36. N. Giardini, G. I. Box A, North Side Sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35. Giauque, Harrie A. 2643 Benvenue Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M29R32. CB. Gibbens, Miss Gladys. Ph.D., Chicago, 20. Asst. prof, mathematics, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M24F33. A. Gibbens, Richard Thomas, Jr. Box 246, Canal Point, Fla. M30R37. O. Gibbes, Dr. J(ames) Heyward. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. 1630 Green St., Co- lumbia, S. Car. Mi 7. N. Gibbons, Chester H(arrison). Salesman, Baldvvin-Southwark Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. (467 Wilde Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa.) M38. MLB. Gibbons, Mortimer M. Box 162, Rahway, N. J. M29R37. C. Gibbons, Dr. Vernette L(ois). M.Sc, Chi- cago, 07; M.S., Cape of Good Hope, 08; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 14. Prof, emeritus chemistry, Mills Col., Oakland, Calif. (1201 Oakes Blvd., San Leandro, Calif.) M17F28. C. Gibbons, Dr. Willis A. M.A., Wesleyan, 11; Ph.D., Cornell, 16. Dir., Gen. Develop- ment Div., U. S. Rubber Co., Passaic, N. J. (357 Park St., Montclair, N. J.) M34F34. C. Gibbs, Dr. Charles S(helby). M.S., Yale, 20; Ph.D., 21; D.V.M., Michigan State, 29. Poultry pathologist, Lederle Labs., Inc., Pearl River, N. Y. (47 S. Middletown Road) M27F33. N. Gibbs, Dr. Frederic A(ndrews). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Instr., Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (6 Chilton St., Brookline, Mass.) M40. NIC. Gibbs, Dr. George. M.E., E.E., Stevens Inst. Tech.; D.Eng., 30. Pres., Gibbs and Hill, Inc., Pennsylvania Station, New York, N. Y. (770 Park Ave.) M06F18. M. Gibbs, Dr. J(ames) Gordon. M.Agr.Sc, New Zealand, 33; Ph.D., Minnesota, 39. Plant pathologist, New Zealand Dept. Science and Industrial Res., Auckland, New Zealand; agric. adviser, Falkland Islands Administration, Stanley, Falk- land Islands. M39. G. Gibbs, Dr. Millard D(ashwood). D.O., Franklin, 00; D.D.S., Louisville, 07. Den- tist, Med. Arts Bldg., Hot Springs, Ark. M40. Nd. Gibbs, Dr. Owen S(tanley). M.B., Ch.B., Edinburgh, 21. Chief Div. Pharmacology and lecturer clinical pharmacology, Univ. Tennessee Med. School; consultant phar- macology, John Gaston Hosp., Memphis, Tenn. M25F33. Np. Gibbs, Dr. R(onald) Darnley. M.Sc, Mc- Gill, 26; Ph.D., London, 33. Asst. prof, botany, McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada. M29F32. GC. Gibbs, Prof. R(oswell) Clifton. A.M., Cor- nell, 08; Ph.D., 10. Prof, physics, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M20F21. B. Giberson, Dr. Oria O. M.D., Missouri, 05. 3rd and Henrv Sts., Alton, 111. (M32R32)- M36. N. Gibson, Dr. Arthur. LL.D., Queen's. Do- minion entomologist and head Canadian Entomological Service, Science Service, Dominion Dept. Agric, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M40F40. O. Gibson, (Charles) LeRoy. M.S., Colorado, 36. Instr., Dept. Chemistry, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex. M38. C. Gibson, Earle A. M.Sc, Wisconsin. Res. bacteriologist, Box 602, Kalamazoo, Mich. M40. NFG. Gibson, Dr. Edward T(homas). A.M., Kansas, 10; M.D., 12. Prof, nervous and mental diseases, Univ. Kansas School Med.; chief neurological service, Munici- pal Hosp. No. 1, Kansas City, Mo. (441 W. 68th Terrace) M22F33. IN. Gibson, Dr. Frank Scott. M.D., Western Reserve. 2866 Fairfax Road, Cleveland, Ohio. M39. N. Gibson, Fred(erick). B.S., Arizona, 21. Mng. dir., Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum, Superior, Ariz. M22. GO. Gibson, Dr. George R(andall). Ph.D., Minnesota. Carleton Col., Northfield, Minn. (?) M38. E. Gibson, Dr. J(ames) Donald. Ph.D., Ohio State, 38. Res. chemist, Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. (900 S. Johnstone Ave.) M39. CPN. Individual Members 467 Gibson, Prof. J(ames) L(ambert). A.M., Columbia. oS ; Ph.D., Vienna, 23. Prof, mathematics and dean School Arts and Sciences, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. ( i.?3~ Harrison Ave.) M16F33. ADB. Gibson, John H(ollenbach). B.S., Penn- sylvania, 17. 726 S. Highland Ave., Merion, Pa. M25. M. Gibson, Dr. K(asson) S(tanford). Ph.D., Cornell, 16. Chief Colorimetry and Spec- trophotometry Section, Nat. Bur. Stand- ards, Washington, D. C. M22F28. BDE. Gibson, Dr. Kenneth R. D.D.S., M.S.P.H., Michigan. Dir., Dental Div., Childrens Fund Michigan, Detroit, Mich. M40. NdK. Gibson, Nesbit. 58 E. 126th St., New York, N. Y. M32R33. MBD. Gibson, Prof. Russell. A.M., Colorado, 22; Ph.D.. Harvard, 29. Assoc, prof, economic geologv. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M29F31. EQ. Gibson, Prof. Theodore W(hidden). M.A., Columbia, 29. Prof, mathematics and dir. extensions and summer schools, Wagner Col., Staten Island, N. Y. (24 Whitney Ave.) M39. A. Giddings, Dr. Charles Glenville, Jr. M.D., Virginia, 15. Assoc, prof, medicine, Emory Univ.; attending physician, Emory Univ. Hosp., Emory University, and Municipal Hosp., Atlanta, Ga. (15S5 Ponce de Leon Ave. NE., Atlanta, Ga.) M35. N. Giddings, Glenn W(ard). A.M., Wiscon- sin, 25; Ph.D., 30. Prof, physics and asst. to dean men, De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. M30F38. BA. Giddings, Dr. N(ahum) J(ames). M.S., Vermont, 09; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 18. Senior pathologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Riverside, Calif. M07F11. G. Gidley, Prof. W(illiam) F(rancis). Ph.C, Michigan, 08. Dean and prof, pharmacy, Univ. Texas Col. Pharmacy, Austin, Tex. M24F33. CNp. Giele, Walter S. 255 Wyncote Road, Jenkintown, Pa. (?) M31R33. M. Gier, Dr. L(eland) J(acob). M.Sc, Pitts- burgh, 31; Ph.D., Duke, 40. Prof, biology, Campbell Col., Buies Creek, N. Car. M37. GFQ. Giersch, Sister Crescentia. M.S., Notre Dame, 33. Instr. biology, Mar.ymount Col., Salina, Kans. M39. GF. Gierut, Rev. J. A. M.S., Notre Dame, 34; Ph.D., 36. Vice pres., dean, and head Dept. Science, St. Mary's Col., Orchard Lake, Mich. M38. CEQ. Gies, Dr. William J(ohn). M.S., Gettys- burg, 96; Ph.D., Yale, 97; LL.D., Gettys- burg. 24, Baylor, 24; Sc.D., Gettysburg, 14, Temple, 38, Maryland, 40. Res. prof, biological chemistry (retired), Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (609 W. 115th St.) M16F23. CNdQ. Secretary of Section on Physiology and Experimental Medicine (K), 1904-08. Giese, Arthur C(harles). Ph.D., Stanford, 33. Asst. prof, biology, Stanford Univer- sity, Calif. M32. FCG. Giesecke, Dr. F(rederick) Ernest. M.E., Texas A. and M., 90; Ph.D., Illinois, 24. Prof, emeritus heating, ventilating and air conditioning, Texas A. and M. Col., Col- lege Station, Tex. M40F28. MA. Giesen, Prof. John. Dept. Biology, Col. St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. M26R32. FGN. Giesy, Prof. P(aul) M(iller). M.A., Ohio State, 12; Ph.D., Columbia, 20. Prof, chemical engng., Newark Col. Engng., Newark, N. J. (181 Belleville Ave., Bloom- field, N. J.) M25F32. MCQ. Giffen, Dr. R(oyal) B(ertram). D.D.S., California, 03. 228 Medico-Dental Bldg., Sacramento, Calif. M14. N. Giffin, Dr. Herbert Z(iegler). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 04. Head of section, Div. Med., Mayo Clinic; prof, medicine, Univ. Minne- sota Graduate School, Rochester, Minn. M22F33. N. Gifford, Prof. A(sa) Russell. M.A., Yale, 07. Prof, philosophy, Univ. Vermont, Bur- lington, Vt. (119 N. Prospect St.) M17. IKH. Gifford, Prof. E(dward) W(inslow). Assoc, prof, anthropology and curator Mus. An- thropology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (1650 Vista St., Oakland, Calif.) M25F31. H. Gifford, Dr. John Clayton. D.OEc, Mu- nich, 99. Prof, tropical forestry, Univ. Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. M24F02. OHG. Gifford, Dr. Sanford Robinson. M.A., M.D., Nebraska, 18. Prof, ophthalmology. Northwestern Univ. Med. School; attend- ing ophthalmologist, Cook County Hosp. and Wesley Memorial Hosp., Chicago, 111. (1430 Lake Shore Drive) M39. N. Gifford, Walter S(herman). LL.D., Wil- liams, 28, Colgate, 29; D.Sc, Oberlin, 29; D.C.L., Union, 39. Pres., Amer. Telephone and Telegraph Co., New York, N. Y. M29- F32. K. Gifford, Dr. Warren. A.M., Missouri, 26; Ph.D., Iowa State, 39. Head Dept. Animal Industry, Univ. Arkansas Col. Agric, Fayetteville, Ark. M40F40. O. Gilbert, Prof. Alfred H(olley). M.S., Wis- consin, 13. Agronomist, U. S. Soil Con- servation Service, Paducah, Ky. (Rhodes Apartments) (Mi iFisR33)M36Fis. G. Gilbert, Dr. Basil E(lijah). M.A., McMas- ter, 20; Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Dir. res., land use specialist and plant physiologist, Rhode Island State Col., Kingston, R. I. M25F27. GC. 468 Directory of Members Gilbert, Dr. Chauncey McL(ean). Ph.D., Virginia, 34. Asst. prof, biology, Univ. Virginia, University, Va. (3 Rugby Apart- ments) M38. F. Gilbert, Dr. (Cyrus) Thurston. M35D— . C. Gilbert, Prof. E(arl) C. M.S., Hiram, 17; Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof, chemistry, Ore- gon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. (210 N. 29th St.) M30F33. C. Gilbert, Prof. Edward M(artinius). Ph.D.. Wisconsin, 15. Prof, botany and plant pa- thology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M10F13. G. Gilbert, Frederick C. S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 98. Field supervisor, Montana State Employment Service, Helena, Mont. (1 106 nth Ave.) M39. EKM. Gilbert, Dr. Jeanne G(ifford). A.M., Penn- sylvania, 26; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Psy- chologist. St. Charles Guidance Clinic, and House of the Good Shepherd ; instr. psychology, St. John's Univ., Brooklyn: psychologist, Mary Immaculate Hosp.. Jamaica, N. Y. (1313 Joralemon St., Brooklyn, X. Y.) M37. INH. Gilbert, John J(oseph). E.E., Armour Inst. Tech. 16 Pine St., Douglaston, N. Y. M36- F38. BM. Gilbert, Dr. N(ewell) C(lark). M.S., M.D., Northwestern, 07. Chairman, Dept. Med., Northwestern I'niv. Med. School; senior attending physician. St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, 111. (5745 Dorchester Ave.) M12. NT. Gilbert, Prof. Norman E(verett). A.M.. Wesleyan, 96. Dartmouth, 18; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, or. Prof, phvsics, Dartmouth Col.. Hanover. N. H. M02F06. BD. Gilbert, Dr. (Philip) Geoffrey (Britton). A.M., Harvard, 22; Ph.D., 24. Geologist, Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. Canada, Ltd., Trail, B. C. Canada. (Tada- nac Staff House) M34F34. E. Gilbert, Dr. Ralph W(esley). A.M., Clark, 25; Ph.D., 27 . Instr. psychology, Wash- ington Square Col.. New York Univ., New York, N. Y. (123 Cedar Ave., Rock- ville Center, N. Y.) M32F33. I. Gilbert, Dr. Ruth. A.M.. Colorado Col.. 10: M.D.. Albany, 2?. 116 X. Allen St.. Albany. X. Y. M25F33. X. Gilbert. Walter M(erwin). B.S., Col. City Xew York, no. Executive officer, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. M04. QE. Gilbert, William (Douglas). M.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 35. Royal Canadian Ordnance Corp., Gananogue, Ont., Can- ada. M40. M. Gilbert, Dr. W(illiam) Paul. Ph.D., Cor- nell, }s. 1038 E. Eldorado St., Appleton, Wis. M39F40. I'.. Gilbert. William W(illiams). M.S.. Ver- mont, 09. Senior pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industrv, Washington, D. C. Mn- F13. G. Gilbert-Knowles, Dr. Mary. Care Goodwin- Griswold, Inc., Nat. Savings Bank Bldg., Albany, N. Y. M17R32. N. Gilboy, Dr. Glennon. S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 27; Sc.D., 28. Consulting engi- neer, Route 2, South Lincoln, Mass. M34- F.34. M. Gilchrist, Dr. Francis G(arritt). Ph.D., California, 27. Riverside Junior Col., Riverside, Calif. (2732 Iris St.) M25F32. F. Gilchrist, Dr. Harry Alexander. D.D.S.. Northwestern, 02. Prof, prosthetic dentis- try, Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. (11 139 88th Ave.) M40. NdQB. Gilchrist, Prof. Lachlan. M.A., Toronto; Ph.D., Chicago. Dept. Physics, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M36- F38. B. Gilchrist, Dr. Raleigh. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 22. Chemist, XTat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (4039 30th Place NW.) M35F35. c. Gildea, Dr. Edwin F(rancis). M.D., Har- vard, 24. Assoc, prof, psychiatry, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M35F38. NI. Gildersleeve, Dr. Benjamin. M.S., Virginia. 31; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 39. Assoc, geologist, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn. M31. E. Gile, Philip L(indsey). U. S. Bur. Chemis- try and Soils. Washington. D. C. M17F1S. CO. Giles, Dr. Albert W(illiam). M.S., Roches- ter, 10; Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof, geology. Univ. Arkansas, Favetteville, Ark. M09- F15. E. Gilfillan, Dr. F(rancois) A(rchibald). Ph.D., Yale, 21. Dean School Science, Oregon State Col. ; mgr. Oregon Inst. Marine Biology, Corvallis, Oreg. M30. CNF. Gilhousen, Dr. H(oward) C(larke). Ph.D., California, 30. Asst. prof., Dept. Psy- chology, Univ. California Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Calif. M32F33. IHK. Gilkey, Dr. Helen M(argaret). M.S., Oregon State, ti; Ph.D., California, 15. Assoc, prof, botany, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. (136 X. 30th St.) M18- F25. G. Gilkey, Dr. Herbert J(ames). M.S., Illi- nois, 23; Sc.D., Buena Vista, 39. Prof, and head Dept. Theoretical and Applied Me- chanics, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. (2328 Donald St.) M28F28. MAQ. Gill, Dr. Augustus Herman. M0SF96- D36. C. Individual Members 4<*J Gill, Prof. Bennington P(earson). M.A., Columbia, 18; Ph.D., 30. Prof, mathe- matics, Col. Citv New York, New York, X. Y. (706 Riverside Drive) M22F33. A. Gill, Dr. Charles M(ark). 2629 Sedgwick Ave., Xew York, N. Y. M29R34. QEL. Gill, Prof. H. Aurelia. 10 19 McDonough St., Richmond, Va. M3iR33- F. Gill, Herbert A(braham). M14D36. F. Gill, Dr. James E(dward). Ph.D., Prince- ton, 25. Assoc, prof, geology, McGill Univ.; consulting geologist, 251 Ballan- tvne Ave. N., Montreal, Que., Canada. M28F31. EMQ. Gill, Dr. Richard D(ulany). M.D., Vir- ginia, 2?. Urologist, Wheeling Clinic, Wheeling, W. Va. M39. NKH. Gill, Stanley. Ch.E., Columbia, 23. Con- sulting engineer, 3501 Buffalo Drive, Houston. Tex. M29F32. MCB. Gill, Dr. William Davis. M.D., Vander- bilt. 705 E. Houston St., San Antonio, Tex. M36. NFC. Gillan, Silas L(ee). E.M., Minnesota. 07. Mining engineer and geologist, 230 Webb Drive, Glendale, Calif. M36. EMC. Gilland, Mrs. Erna Grassmuck (Erna Grassmuck). B.S., Pennsylvania, 20. Con- sultant geographic education, 327 Wood St., California, Pa. M22F34. EKQ. Gillen, George F. Sanitary District, 845 Wabash St., Chicago, 111. (?) M31R32. CX. Gillespie, Prof. David C(linton). M17- F18D35. A. Gillespie, Dr. Doris K(ildale). M.A., Stan- ford, 27; Ph.D., 31. Instr. botany and biol. sciences, Humboldt State Col., Areata, Calif. (1402 D St., Eureka, Calif.) M32F33. GED. Gillespie, Miss Elizabeth. Head Science Dept., Maury High School, Norfolk, Va. (701 Botetourt Apartments) M14. C. Gillespie, Dr. James Bennett. M.D., Iowa, 29; M.S., Minnesota, 33. Pediatri- cian, Carle Hosp. Clinic, Urbana, 111. (807 W. Oregon St.) M35. N. Gillespie, Prof. L(ouis) J(ohn). A.M., Ph.D., Brown, 11. Prof, physical chemistry, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge. Mass. M13F22. CON. Gillespie, Robert McM (aster). 222 W. 59th St., New York, N. Y. M25. EBC. Gillespie, William. Ph.D., Chicago, 00. Prof, emeritus mathematics, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M34F34. A. Gillet, Harry O(rrin). Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. M08F31R3/. Q- Gillett, Dr. Orla Hilliard. M.D., Michigan, 23. Chief surgery, St. Mary's Hosp., Grand Rapids, Mich. (Route 6, Breton Road) M36. N. Gillette, Prof. Clarence P(reston). M.S., Michigan State, 88; D.S., 19. Prof, emeritus, Colorado Agric. Col., Fort Col- lins, Colo. M01F01C34. FH. Gillette, H (albert) P(owers). E.M., Colum- bia. 1 125 Oak Grove Ave., San Marino, Calif. M36F36. MB. Gillette, R(oger) H(enry). M.A., Wis- consin, 34; Ph.D., 36. Instr. chemistry, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M30. CBA. Gilliatt, F(rederick) C(ourtney). Ento- mological Lab., Annapolis Royal, N. S., Canada. M29. FO. Gillig, E. M. State Col., Fargo, N. Dak. M31R32. OG. Gilliland, Prof. A(dam) R(aymond). M.A., Ohio State, 16; Ph.D., Chicago, 22; LL.D., Muskingum, 39. Prof, psychology, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. (M25- F25R33)M35F25. IQ. Gilliland, Dr. W(illiam) L(ester). Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M22R32. C. Gillin, Miss Gertrude M. B.A., Western Reserve. Head Dept. Biology, High School, Lakewood, Ohio. (2175 Middle- town Road, Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, Ohio) M40. FGD. Gillin, Prof. John Lewis. Ph.D., Columbia, 06; LL.D., Grinned, 30. Prof, sociology and chairman Dept. Sociology and An- thropology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M24F37. KH, Gillin, Dr. John (Philip). M.A., Wisconsin, 30; A.M., Harvard, 31; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, anthropologv, Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Ohio. M39. HKI. Gillis, Dr. Andrew Colin. M.A., Loyola (Baltimore), 11; LL.D., 24; M.D., Mary- land, 04. Prof, neurology, Univ. Maryland School Med., Baltimore, Md. (1033 N. Calvert St.) M34F34- NIH. Gillis, Prof. Fred(erick) J(ames). Dept. Psvchology, Teachers Col., Boston, Mass. ( ?') M34F34R36. IKL. Gillis, J(oseph) F. 36 W. 9th St., Xew York, X. Y. M.33R34- FMP. Gillson, Mrs. Margery S(tewart). M.A., Columbia, 18; Ph.D., 37. 706 Forest Ave., Wilmette, 111. M38. CBD. Gilluly, Dr. James. Ph.D., Yale, 26. Prof., Dept. Geology, Univ. California Los Angeles; senior geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Los Angeles, Calif. M38. E. Gilman, Prof. A(lbert) F(ranklin), Jr. A.M., Chicago, 27. 5421 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. M34F34. C. Gilman, Prof. Henry. Ph.D., Harvard, 18. Prof, organic chemistry. Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. (3221 Oakland Ave.) M21- F25. C. Vice president for Section on Chemistry (C), /9.?9. 470 Directory of Members Gilman, Prof. Joseph C(harles). M.S., Wisconsin, 14; Ph.D., Washington, 15. Prof, botany, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. (518 Ash Ave.) M16F21. G. Gilman, Dr. L(awrence) H(ugh). M.D., Indiana. 5674 Washington Blvd., Indiana- polis, Ind. M38. NCK. Gilman, Roy L(e Forest). Ph.B., Vermont, 09. Teacher general science, Board Educa- tion, New York, N. Y. (42-40 149th Place, Flushing, N. Y.) M40. ABD. Gilmer, Prof. B(everly) von Haller. M.S., Virginia, 32; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, psy- chology, Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35. I. Gilmore, Dr. Charles M(arc). Craig House, Beacon, N. Y. M32R34. N. Gilmore, Prof. John W(ashington). M.S., Cornell, 05. Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis, Calif. M07F11. OG. Gilmore, Kathryn (See Mrs. Kathryn Gil- more Speicher). Gilmore, Dr. L(eonard) N. Ph.D., Cornell, 34. Dir. res. and service, Maritime Milling Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. (Liberia Road, East Aurora, N. Y.) M39. CNO. Gilmore, Lester O(dell). M.S., Kansas State, 33; Ph.D., Minnesota, 39. Assoc, prof, and extension specialist dairy hus- bandry, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M40F40. ON. Gilmore, Melvin R(andolph). Mus. An- thropology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M14F31R34. HGO. Gilmore, R. Clark. M.A., Ohio State. 6546 N. Nordica Ave., Chicago, 111. M40. G. Gilmore, Prof. Ralph J(ohn). A.M., Lehigh, 10; Ph.D., Cornell, 14. Prof, biology, Colorado Col., Colorado Springs, Colo. M16F25. F. Gilmore, W(illiam) L(eslie). Box 37, Meadville, Pa. M36R36. M. Gilmour, Andrew. 1706 Esperson Bldg., Houston, Tex. M34R34. BE. Gilpatric, Chadbourne. 20 Midland Ave., White Plains, N. Y. M38R38. KLQ. Gilroy, Miss Helen T(urnbull). M.A., Bryn Mawr, 12; Ph.D., Cornell, 31. Prof, physics, Beaver Col., Jenkintown, Pa. (Rydal Road, Noble) M22F31. B. Gilson, Prof. Arthur S., Jr. Ph.D., Har- vard, 24. Assoc, prof, physiology, Wash- ington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M35F35. N. Giltner, E(mmett) E. Wadleigh High School, New York, N. Y. M33R34. KLO. Giltner, Prof. Ward. D.V.M., Cornell, 06; M.S., Alabama Polytechnic Inst., 08; Dr.P.H., Michigan, 33. Prof, bacteriology and hygiene and dean Veterinary Science, Michigan State Col.; bacteriologist, Mich- igan Agric. Exp. Sta.,East Lansing, Mich. (652 Hillcrest Ave.) M18F25. NGO. Gingrich, Prof. Newell S(hiffer). M.A., Lafayette, 27; Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Assoc, prof, physics, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M34F34. B. Gingrich, Dr. Wendell (Daniel). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 30. Assoc, prof, bac- teriology, Univ. Texas School Med., Gal- veston, Tex. M33F33. FN. Ginsberg, Dr. A(braham) J. M.D., Colum- bia, 20. 88 Central Park W., New York, N. Y. (M32R34)M37. N. Ginsberg, Dr. Bernard. Ph.D., Chicago, 29- Res. chemist, Standard Oil Co. In- diana, Whiting, Ind. (4627 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, 111.) M34F34. C. Ginsburg, Prof. Jekuthiel. M.A., Columbia, 16. Prof, and head Dept. Mathematics, Yeshiva Col.; assoc. mathematics, Colum- bia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (610 W. 139th St.) M35F35. A. Ginsburg, Prof. Joseph (Michel). M.S., Rutgers, 23; Ph.D., 25. Biochemist and assoc. entomologist, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta. ; assoc. prof., Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. (118 Rodney Ave.) M26F31. OC. Ginsburg, Dr. Sol Wiener. M.D., Colum- bia, 24. Adjunct psychiatrist and chief Mental Health Clinic, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. M38. NI. Ginsburgh, Stanley Alexander. 21 Ft. Pleasant Ave., Springfield, Mass. M34R35. KQL. Giordano, Dr. Alfred S(abato). 531 N. Main St., South Bend, Ind. M28F33R36. NC. Girard, George E. 913 Lancaster Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. M31R32. KIL. Girden, Dr. Edward. M.A., Columbia, 31; Ph.D., Illinois, 34. Instr., Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M37F40. I. Girton, Dr. Raymond E(lwood). Ph.D., California, 26. Prof, plant physiology. Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M28F32. G. Girty, Dr. George H(erbert). M99F03- D39. E. Girvin, Dr. John H(arper). 2120 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. M08R34. N. Gisborne, H(arry) T(homas). B.S.F., Michigan, 17. Senior silviculturist, U. S. Northern Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Missoula, Mont. M38- F40. O. Gish, O(liver) H(olmes). A.M., Nebraska, 13. Asst. dir., Dept. Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. (315 Essex Ave., Chevy Chase, Md.) M19F22. BAE. Gish, Wesley G(ibson). A.B., Nebraska, 22. Vice pres., Transwestern Oil Co., San Antonio, Tex. (405 Terrell Road) M28. E. Gist, Dr. Noel P(itts). Dept. Sociology, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M36R36. KHE. Individual Members 47i Gitlitz, Dr. Abraham J(oseph). M.D., Columbia, 30. Pathologist and dir. labs., Christ Hosp., Jersey City, N. J.; res. asst. pathology, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. (Chester Gardens, Englewood, N. J.) M38. NBC. Gittel, Miss Holoaumoku. 711 Prospect St., Honolulu, Hawaii. M32R33. FG. Gittleson, Miss Yvette (Dorothy). M.A., Wellesley, 40. Asst. psychology, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. (1830 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn.) M40. I. Given, Dr. Guy C(umston). M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 10; Ph.D., Gottingen, 15. 7149 du Pont Bldg., Wilmington, Del. M08F15. CPM. Givens, Dr. John W(ilkinson). Ph.D., California, 35. Res. chemist, Shell De- velopment Co., Emeryville, Calif. (144 Purdue Ave., Berkeley, Calif.) M38. CB. Givens, Dr. Maurice H(ope). Ph.D., Yale, 17. 1750 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. M18F21. C. Givens, Meredith B. 76 Irving Place, New York, N. Y. M32R32. KMQ. Givens, Dr. Willard E(arl). M.A., Colum- bia, 15; LL.D., Indiana, 38. Executive sec, Nat Education Assn., Washington, D. C. (4329 Blagden Ave. NW.) M38. QK. Givler, Prof. J(ohn) P(aul). M.A., Ham- line, 12. Prof, and head Dept. Biology, Woman's Col., Univ. North Carolina, Greensboro, N. Car. M20F33. FGE. Givler, Prof. Robert C(henault). 226 Col- lege Ave., Tufts College, Mass. M26F28- R34. IHK. Gladden, Prof. Sanford C(harles). M.S., Kentucky, 28. Asst. prof, physics, Univ. Mississippi, University, Miss. (1004 S. nth St., Oxford, Miss.) M29F33. B. Gladding, Ernest K (night). 913 Stuart Road, Westover Hills, Del. M28F38. CEN. Gladieux, Rolland J(ames). M.S., Syra- cuse, 36. Teacher science, High School, Kenmore, N. Y. (117 Wardman Road) M36. ECG. Gladwin, Prof. Fred E(lmer). Vineyard Lab., Fredonia, N. Y. M25F27. GO. Gladwin, Harold S(terling). 534 E. Valley Road, Santa Barbara, Calif. M29R39. H. Glancy, Miss Ethel (Arnold). M.S., New York, 27- Tutor biology, Queens Col., Flushing, N. Y. M40. F. Glancy, Joseph Bernard. Bluepoints Co., West Sayville, N. Y. M29. MFN. Glancy, Warren E(ugene). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 13. Mgr. labs., Hood Rubber Co., Inc., Watertown, Mass. (75 Riverview Ave., Waltham, Mass.) M25- F33. c. Glaser, Milton A(rthur). 43 Ocean Ave., Winthrop, Mass. M35R36. CM. D 13- Y. (Josephine 1013 Wash- M29F38. AF. Glaser, Prof. Otto (Charles). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 04; A.M., Amherst, 23. Prof, biology, Amherst Col., Amherst, Mass. M07F10. F. Glaser, Dr. Rudolf William. Sc.D., Har- vard, 14. Assoc, member, Dept. Animal Pathology, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., Princeton, N. J. M13F25. FN. Glasgow, Dr Hugh. Ph.D., Illinois, 13. Chief res., New York Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. (665 Castle St.) M09F15. F. Glasgow, Dr. Robert D(ouglas). Ph.D., Illinois, 13. State entomologist, New York State Mus., Albany, N. Y. (1013 Wash- ington Ave.) M28F32. F. Glasgow, Mrs. Robert Burns). Ph.D., Illinois, ington Ave., Albany, N. Glasoe, Dr. P(aul) M(aurice). M.S., Minnesota, 98; Ph.D., 02. Vice pres. and prof, chemistry, St. Olaf Col., Northfield, Minn. (804 St. Olaf Ave.) M34F34. CBN. Glass, Dr. H(iram) Bentley. M.A., Baylor, 29; Ph.D., Texas, 32. Asst. prof, biology, Goucher Col., Baltimore, Md. M32. FG. Glass, Prof. J(ohn) T. Abilene Christian Col., Abilene, Tex. M34R36. FGK. Glass, Prof. L(eroy) C(onrad). M.S., Wisconsin, 23. Prof, zoology, Univ. Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. (322 N. Monroe St.) M24F33. FNQ. Glass, Dr. Stanley W(arren). M.A., Har- vard, 24; Ph.D., Brown, 26. Res. chemist, Nat. Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (6251 Manchester Road, Parma) M38F39. C. Glasser, Dr. Otto. Ph.D., Freiburg, 19. 2040 E. 93rd St., Cleveland, Ohio. M31- F33. B. Glassman, Miss Meriam A. 21 10 Westbury Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. (?) M29R32. GF. Glasstone, Dr. Samuel. Ph.D., D.Sc, Lon- don. Res. assoc, Frick Chemical Lab., Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M40. CB. Glatfelter, Prof. Edith E. M.S., Chicago, 04. Prof, botany, Harris Teachers Col., St. Louis, Mo. (4720 N. 20th St.) Mn. EG. Glathart, Prof. Justin L(eon). M.S., Mich- igan, 31; Ph.D., Chicago, 39. Prof, physics and head Dept. Mathematics and Physics, Shurtleff Col., Alton, 111. (3030 Leverett Ave.) M38F40. B. Glattfeld, Prof. John W(illiam) E(dward). S.M., Dartmouth, 09; Ph.D., Chicago, 13. Assoc, prof., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M21F25. C. Glazko, Dr. Anthony J. Ph.D., California, 39. Res. asst., Dept. Pharmacology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M40. CN. Glazner, Dr. John F(rank). M.S., Alabama, 18; Ph.D., George Peabody, 34. Head Dept. Geography, State Teachers Col., Jacksonville, Ala. (511 Pelham Road) M38. ECF. 472 Directory of Members Gleason, Philip Raymond. Ph.B., Yale, 12. 115 E. Maple St., Deming, JSi. Mex. M28. CME. Glenk, Robert. Ph.M., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy, 31. Curator Natural Science Dept., Louisiana State Mus., New Or- leans, La. (2407 Jefferson Ave.) M07F33. FL. Glenn, Chester L(ouis). 113 N. State St., Kent, Wash. M38R38. BCF. Glenn, Prof. Earl R(ouse). A.M., Colum- bia, 28. Prof, physics and head Dept. Science, New Jersey State Teachers Col., Montclair, N. J. M17F18. BQ. Glenn, Harry W(ilkes). Box 561, Camas, Wash. M29R32. CMO. Glenn, John M(ark) M.A., Washington and Lee, 79, Johns Hopkins, 02; LL.D., Washington and Lee, 07. Sec, Russell Sage Foundation, 130 E. 22nd St., New York, N. Y. M18F33. K. Glenn, John (Temple), Jr. Bacteriologist, Mulford Biol. Labs., Glenolden, Pa. M39. N. Glenn, Dr. L(eonidas) C(halmers). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 99. Prof, geology and chairman Science Div. Faculty, Vander- bilt Univ.; consulting geologist, 21 11 Gar- land Ave., Nashville, Tenn. M01F03. E. Glenn, Pressley Adams. 713 W. Wash- ington Blvd., Urbana, 111. M24F26R36. F. Glenn, T(homas) H(aigh). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 10; M.D., Northwestern, 13. Phy- sician, 523 W. 6th St., Los Angeles, Calif. (107 N. Ardmore Ave.) M28F33. N. Glenner, Francis R(ichard). 605 Price St., West Chester, Pa. M39. C. Glessner, G(alen) F(rancis). M.S., Kansas State. Instr. chemistry, State Teachers Col., Bemidji, Minn. M40. C. Glew, Dr. Donald H(enry), Sr. 1835 I St. NW, Washington, D. C. M33R34. N. Glick, Dr. David. Care of A. B. Bone, 848 Lilac St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M36R36. CNF. Glick, Dr. Dudley Peters. M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State, 23. Asst. prof, bacteriology, Colorado State Col., Fort Collins, Colo. M31F39. NGO. Glick, Dr. H(arry) N(ewton). 6 N. Hadley Road, Amherst, Mass. M30R33. IQ. Glick, Perry A. M.S., Illinois, 22. Asst. entomologist, Div. Cotton Insect Inves- tigations, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Waco, Tex. M38. F. Glidden, Dr. Kenneth E. South Berwick, Maine. M34R34. CBA. Gliddon, Prof. G(ordon) H(arkness). M.S., Rochester, 18; Ph.D., Dartmouth, 26. Assoc, prof. res. physiological optics, Dartmouth Eye Inst., Hanover, N. H. M34F34. B. Gliebe, Dr. Paul A. M.D., California, 28. Asst. prof, psychiatry, Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. (253 Castenada St.) M39. N. Globus, Dr. Joseph H. M.D., Cornell, 17. 1133 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M37F38. NIF. Glock, Dr. Waldo S(umner). Ph.D., Yale, 25. Dept. Geology, Texas Tech. Col., Lub- bock, Tex. Mail1 31. E. Glockler, Prof. George. M.S., Washington, 15; Ph.D., California, 23. Prof, physical chemistry, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M25F30. C. Gloor, W(alter) E(rvin). Ch.E., Case, 34. Chemist, Hercules Powder Co., Parlin, N. J. (152 Main St., Milltown, N. J.) M3S. CM. Glover, Prof. B. C. M.A., Chicago, 25. Prof, mathematics, Otterbien Col., Wester- ville, Ohio. (220 Hiawatha Ave.) M40. A. Glover, Benjamin H., Jr. 1638 Jarvis Ave., Chicago, 111. M38R38. GFN. Glover, Prof. James Waterman. 620 Ox- ford Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. M11F14R35. ADK. Glover, Leon C(onrad). Univ. New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. M29F33R35. FEG. Glover, Dr. (Lewis) Pellman. M.D., Jef- ferson, 26. Ophthalmologist, Altoona Hosp., Altoona, Pa. (11 18 26th Ave.) M40. NIE. Gloyd, Dr. Howard K(ay). M.S., Kansas State, 29; Ph.D., Michigan, 37. Dir. Mus., Chicago Acad. Sciences, Chicago, 111. M26F33. F. Gloyer, Walter O(scar). M.A., Wisconsin, 10. Asst. prof., Cornell Univ., Ithaca; assoc. res., New York Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M29F31. GOC. Glusker, Dr. David. M.D., Pennsylvania, 26. Instr. medicine, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (38 8th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M35. N. Glynn, Dr. John H(ubert). M.S., McGill, 31 ; M.D., Chicago, 34. Med. dir., Armour Labs., U. S. Yards, Chicago, 111. (7652 S. Euclid Ave.) M39. NF. Glynn, Robert (Raymond). M.D., Rush, '5- 993 Benton Ave., Springfield, Mo. M23. NH. Goad, Dr. Edgar F(ord). M.A., Southern California, 34; Ph.D., 39. 3317 Carolina St., San Pedro, Calif. M34. HCL. Gocal, John. West Suburban Hosp., Oak Park, 111. M33R33. BMI. Gochansco, Prof. Ephraim Godofredo. B.S., Philippines, 24. Prof, physics, Mapua Inst. Tech.: structural eng'"eer, 520 Batangas, Manila, P. I. (843 Rizal Ave.) M39F39. BM. Individual Members 473 Godbey, Rev. Allen H(oward). A.M., Morrisville, 83; Ph.D., Chicago, 05. Methodist minister (retired), 709 Yancey St., Durham, N. Car. M32. Godbey, J(ohn) C(ampbell). M.A., Cen- tral 05 1408 Olive St., Georgetown, Tex. M31F33. CBE. Goddard, Dr. Henry H(erbert). A.M., Haverford, 89; LL.D., 32; Ph.D., Clark, 99. Prof, emeritus psychology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (1638 Granville St.) M06F10. IQ. Goddard, Prof. Henry N(ewell). Ph.D., Michigan, 11. 2115 Waite Ave., Kala- mazoo, Mich. M27F34. FGQ. Goddard, Dr. R(obert) H(utchings). A.M., Clark, 10; Ph.D., 11. Prof, physics and dir. Physical Labs.. Clark Univ., Wor- cester, Mass. (1 Tallawanda Drive) Mn- F16. B. Goddard, Dr. Verz R(ogers). Ph.D., Yale, 27. Asst. prof, home economics, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M28L3iF33- CNF. Godel, Dr. Kurt. Josefstadterstrasse 43, Vienna, Austria. M34R35- A. Godfrey, Dr. G(eorge) H(arold). M.S., Iowa State, 17; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 23. Plant pathologist. Texas Agric. Exp. Sub- station 15, Weslaco, Tex. M24F25. GFO. Godfrey, Rosalie S. M.A., Washington, 26. Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M32. NIK. Godley, George McM(urtrie). 420 Lexing- ton Ave., New York, N. Y. M18. C. Goebel, Gordon W(ilson). B.S., New Mexico State, 10. 7441 Olivetas St., La Jolla, Calif. L17. M. Goebel, Henry Edward. 1025 Van Dorn St., Lincoln, Nebr. M32R34. BL. Goeder, Dr. Frank P. M.S., Colorado State; Ph.D., Chicago. 708 S. College Ave., Fort Collins, Colo. (M3oF33R33)M36- F33. B. Goedicke, V(ictor) A(lfred). 1308 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor, Mich. (?) M37R37. DA. Goedrich, Dr. Paul. D. Tech. Science, Vi- enna, 15. Res. fellow, Rutgers Univ.; con- sultant. New Jersey Col. Pharmacy, New- ark, N. J. (133 Heller Parkway) M38. CN. Goeller, Dr. Jacob. M.D., Cornell. Phy- sician and surgeon, 1165 Clinton Ave., Irvington, N. J. M38. NI. Goerner, Dr. Alfred. Phar.D., Brooklyn Col. Pharmacy, 13; M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 24. Assoc, prof. biol. chemistry, Long Island Col. Med., Brooklyn, N. Y. (366 Sterling Place) M40. N. Goethe, C(harles) M(atthias). 3731 T St., Sacramento, Calif. M14. KHQ. Goetsch, Dr. Arthur. M.D., Rush. Asst. clinical prof, surgery, Long Island Col. Med.; attending surgeon, Long Island Col. Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y. (142 Joralemon St.) M37. NQ. Goetsch, Dr. Emil. Ph.D., Chicago, 06; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 09. Prof, surgery, Long Island Col. Med.; surgeon in chief, Long Island Col. Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y. (2 Montague Terrace) M11F13. NK. Goettsch, Dr. Marianne. Ph.D., Columbia, 31. 150 Haven Ave., New York, N. Y. M34F34. CN. Goetz, Prof. Philip B(ecker). Prof, emeritus Latin and Greek, Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. (North Evans, N. Y.) M29F32. LQI. Goetzenberger, R(alph) L(eon). E.E., Minnesota, 14. Vice pres. and dir., Brown Instrument Co., Philadelphia. Pa. (1704 Hillcrest Road, Chestnut Hill) M38. M. Goff, C. C. Univ. Florida, Leesburg, Fla. M32F33R33. FG. Goggin, Miss Lynette J(uanita). M.S., Rhode Island State, 37. Asst. instr. and asst. house dir., Rhode Island State Col., Kingston, R. I. M38. NFL Gojdics, Miss Mary. M.A., Wisconsin, 31; Ph.D., 33. Prof, biology, Duchesne Col.. Omaha, Nebr. M35. FG. Gold, Arthur. 598 Pavonia Ave., Jersev City, N. J. M35R36. Gold, Dr. Harry. M.D., Cornell, 22. 7 E. 82nd St., New York, N. Y. M29F33. NQF. Gold, Theodore S(edgwick). B.S., Yale, 24. Part owner and mgr., Cream Hill Farm, West Cornwall, Conn. M26. OFG. Goldan, Dr. S. Ormond. M.D., Columbia. 25 W. 74th St., New York, N. Y. M08. N. Goldberg, Dr. Isadore Edward. M.D., Kansas, 30. Physician, Polo, Mo. M36. N. Goldberg, Maximilian M(eier). M.E., Munich, 98. Consulting engineer, Nat. Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio. M18. M. Goldberg, Michael. M.A., George Wash- ington, 29. Ordnance engineer, Bur. Ord- nance, U. S. Navy, Navy Bldg., Washing- ton, D. C. (5823 Potomac Ave. NW.) M27- F38. ABM. Goldberg, Milton J. Actuary's Dept., Equitable Life Assurance Soc, 393 7th Ave., New York, N. Y. M31R35. A. Goldberg, Dr. Samuel A(lexander). D.V.M., Cornell, 14; M.A., 15; Ph.D., 17; M.D., New York, 30. Dir. labs., Presbyte- rian Hosp., Newark, N. J. M34F34. N. Goldberg, Dr. Samuel D(avid). MS.. Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 27; Ph.D.. 3s. Dir. res., Novocal Chemical Mfg. Co., Inc.. 2923 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M38. C. Goldberg, William (See William Colburn). Goldberg, Dr. Woolf. Ed.D., Temple, 35. Head Dept. Science, Benjamin Franklin High School, Philadelphia. Pa. (1966 Georgian Road) M25. CBA. 474 Directory of Members Goldberger, Dr. Jacques. M.D., Budapest. Instr. biology, Yeshiva Col., New York, N. Y. (s E. ioist St.) M40. NFG. Goldblatt, Dr. Harry. M.D..C.M., McGill, 16. Prof. exp. pathology and assoc. dir., Inst. Pathology, Western Reserve Univ. School Med., Cleveland, Ohio. (3310 Chal- fant Road) M28F31. N. Goldblatt, Dr. Samuel. M.D., Kansas, 26; M.Sc, Cincinnati, 27. Clinician, Cincinnati Gen. Hosp.; dir. Dermatology Section, Shoemaker Clinic; consultant venereal dis- eases, Cincinnati Health Dept. ; consul- tant dermatology, Longview State Hosp., Cincinnati, Ohio. M40. N. Goldbloom, Dr. A. Allen. M.D., Jefferson, 22. Clinical instr. medicine, New York Med. Col.; assoc. physician, Beth Israel Hosp. and Metropolitan Hosp., New York, N. Y. M34F34. NC. Golden, Dr. Eric H. 435 University Club Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. M36R36. NHI. Golden, Harold M. (See Harold M. Holden). Golden, Dr. Isaac J(ohn) K(ing). M.D. 2238 W. North Ave., Chicago, 111. M07. NBC. Golden, Dr. Ross. M.D., Harvard, 16. Dir., Dept. Radiology, Presbyterian Hosp.; prof, radiology, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. (11 Glen Eagles Drive, Larchmont, N. Y.) M29F35. N. Goldenweiser, Dr. Alexander. A.M., Ph.D., Columbia. Reed Col., Portland, Oreg. M38. HKI. Goldfarb, William. M.S., City Col. New York, 34. Psychologist, Foster Home Bur., 329 E. 62nd St., New York, N. Y. (319 W. 108th St.) M40. IQK. Goldfeder, Dr. Anna. Res. asst., New York City Dept. Hosps.; res. -fellow, New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. M37. N. Goldforb, Prof. A(braham) J(ules). Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M06- F08R34. FN. Secretary of Section on Phy- siology and Experimental Medicine (K), 1917-19, and of Section on Medical Sci- ences (N ), 1920-27. Vice president for Sec- tion on Medical Sciences (N ), 1928. Goldhamer, Saul A. 1 Starr Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M32R32. MBC. Goldheim, Dr. Samuel L(ewis). M.A., Johns Hopkins, 31 ; Ph.D., 32. Plant supervisor, Oldetyme Distillers, Inc., Cedarhurst, Md. (2603 Talbot Road, Windsor Hills, Baltimore, Md.) M38. CB. Goldich, Samuel S. M.A., Syracuse, 30; Ph.D., Minnesota, 36. Asst. prof., Dept. Geology, Texas A. and M. Col., College Station, Tex. M32. E. Goldin, Oscar. B.S., City Col. New York, 26. Biology teacher, Curtis High School. Staten Island, N. Y. (141 St. Marks Place) M40. NQ. Goldman, Dr. Douglas. M.S., M.D., Cin- cinnati, 29. Clinical dir., Longview State Hosp., Cincinnati, Ohio. (225 West Hill Lane, Wyoming, Ohio) M40. N. Goldman, Edward A(lphonso). Senior biologist, U. S. Biol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (2702 17th St. NE.) M18F25. FG. Goldman, Dr. Leon. M.D., California, 30; M.S., Northwestern, 39. Asst. prof, sur- gery, Univ. California School Med.; asst. visiting surgeon, Univ. California Hosp.; assoc. visiting surgeon, San Francisco Hosp., San Francisco, Calif. M40. N. Goldman, Dr. Marcus I(saac). E.M., Columbia, 05; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 13. Geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washing- ton, D. C. M07F15L28. E. Goldman, Nathan. Psychology Lab., Wor- cester State Hosp., Worcester, Mass. M33- R35. INH. Goldmark, Dr. Carl, Jr. M.D., Long Island Col. Med., 33. Physician, 50 E. 78th St., New York, N. Y. (315 W. 106th St.) M40. N. Goldrick, Richard M (organ). Dept. Chemistry, Purdue Univ., West Lafavette, Ind. M39R39. C. Goldring, Ewart D(onald). Saratoga, Wyo. M38R38. EC. Goldring, Dr. Winifred. M.A., Wellesley, 12; D.Sc, Russell Sage, 37. State paleon- tologist, New York State Mus., Albanv, N. Y. (Slingerlands, N. Y.) M16F31. EFG. Goldsborough, Donald H(ooper). 1904 Homewood Ave., Baltimore, Md. M26R32. CMN. Goldsborough, John Byron. Knollwood, Croton on Hudson, N. Y. M06L07. Goldsborough, Prof. W(inder) E(lwell). M.E., Cornell, 92. Consulting engineer and economist, South Norwalk, Conn. M34F34. KBM. Goldsby, Dr. A(rthur) R(aymond). M.Sc, Northwestern, 30; Ph.D., 32. Res. chemist, Texas Co., Beacon, N. Y. (143 Washington Ave.) M40. CBK. Goldschmidt, Dr. Richard Benedikt. Ph.D., Heidelberg, 02; M.D., Kiel; D.Sc. Madrid. Prof, zoology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M37. F. Goldsmith, Dr. Alfred N(orton). Ph.D., Columbia, 11; Sc.D., Lawrence. Consult- ing engineer, 580 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. (25 E. 86th St.) M22F25L30. BM. Goldsmith, Dr. Edward. 1615 Confederate Ave., Richmond, Va. M80F92L12. BC. Goldsmith, G(lenn) W(arren). Ph.D., Nebraska, 24. Prof., Dept. Botany and Bacteriology, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M17F33. FG. Goldsmith, Dr. Joesph B(enjamin). M.A., Oklahoma, 27; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 31. Assoc, prof, histology and embryology, Univ. Oklahoma School Med., Oklahoma City, Okla. M34F34. NF. Individual Members 475 Goldsmith, Dr. William M(arion). A.M., Indiana, 16; Ph.D., 20. Assoc, prof, biology, Univ. Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa. M22F22. FG. Goldstein, Dr. Bessie. M.A., Columbia, 21 ; Ph.D., 26. Iustr. biology, George Wash- ington High School, New York, N. Y. (475 W. 186th St.) M25F27. GF. Goldstein, Dr. Eli. M.D., Long Island Med. Col., 22. 150 E. 94th St., New York, N. Y. M36. N. Goldstien, Dr. Harry. Ph.D., Columbia. Res. asst., Col. City New York School Education, New York, N. Y. (366 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y.) M40. IQ. Goldstein, Dr. Hyman Isaac. M.D., Pennsylvania, 09. Specialist internal medicine and gastroenterology, 1425 Broadway, Camden, N. J. M33. N. Goldstein, Dr. Israel. M.A., Ph.D., Colum- bia, 28. Instr. chemistry, James Monroe High School, New York, N. Y. (823 E. 155th St.) M29F33. CBA. Goldstein, Dr. Kurt. M.D., Breslau. 10 E. 85th St., New York, N. Y. M38F38. NI. Goldstein, Dr. Marcus S(olomon). M.A., George Washington, 32; Ph.D., Columbia, 37. Physical anthropologist, State Wide Archeological Survey, Dept. Anthropology, Univ. Texas. Austin, Tex. M37. H. Goldstein, Morton. 1647 44th St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. M35. GFN. Goldston, E. F. Box 252, Leland, N. Car. M30R32. O. Goldsworthy, Miss Zelma Luella. B.S., Grinnell, 02. Biology teacher, Washburn High School, Minneapolis, Minn. (103 W. 52nd St.) M36. QFG. Goldthorpe, Dr. Harold C(lifford). Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Prof. biol. chemistry, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. M33F33. NC. Goldthwait, Charles F(rancis). B.S., Wor- cester Polytechnic Inst. Consultant, P. McGraw Wool Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (271 Dixon Ave., Mt. Lebanon) M18F33. C. Goldthwait, Crawford. A.M., Harvard, 22; Ph.D., 29. 71 Swan Road, Winchester, Mass. M30. I. Goldthwait, Richard P(arker). Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M34R34. E. Goldthwaite, Dr. N(ellie) E(sther). Ph.D., Chicago, 04. South Hadley, Mass. M98- Fio. C. Goldwater, Dr. Leonard J(ohn). 47 E. 64th St., New York, N. Y. M37R38. N. Golembiowski, Dr. Julian J. Radowiecka 59 m. 3, Warsaw, Poland. M30R34. N. Golick, A(nthony) Frank. B.S., Missouri School Mines, 18. Metallurgy Dept., La Salle Steel Co., Hammond, Ind. (1361 E. 50th St., Chicago, 111.) M34. CMK. Goll, Frank L(ouis). Asst. superintendent, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. (6929 9th St. NW., Washington, D. C.) M25F33. FGO. Golob, Dr. Meyer. 1148 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M33R34. N. Goloff, M(ichael) J(ohn). 50 Hayden St., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M34R34- MBA. Golovin, Nicholas E. M.A., Columbia. 520 E. nth St., New York, N. Y. M38. BAK. Goltman, Dr. Max(imilian). M97F33- D33. N. Gomberg, Prof. Moses. D.Sc, Michigan, 94, Chicago, 28, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst.; LL.D., Michigan, 37. Prof, emeritus chemistry, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (712 Onondaga St.) M02F04. C. Vice president for Section on Chemistry (C), 1935. Gomez, Eliseo T. Box 95, Columbia, Mo. M31R32. GFC. Gomez, Dr. E(stanislao) Noguera. Ph.D., Caracas, 02. Miranda a Madedero N no, Caracas, Venezuela, S. A. M30. C. Gomori, Dr. George. M.D., Budapest, 28. Instr. medicine, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M39. NC. Gonzaga, Dr. Arcadio C. Univ. Philippines Col. Veterinary Science, Manila, P. I. M34R34. N. Gonzales, Dr. Thomas (Arthur). 160 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. M37- R37. NQC. Gonzalez, Dr. B(ienvenido) M(aria). M.S., Wisconsin, 15; D.Sc, Johns Hopkins, 23. Pres. and prof, animal husbandry, Univ. Philippines, Manila, P. I. M34F34. O. Gonzalez Flores, Enrique A. Box 723, Ponce, P. R. M39R39. IQN. Gonzalez-Martinez, Dr. I. F. San Juan, P. R. M17R34. N. Gooch, Dr. Marjorie (Eunice). M.S., Maine, 22; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 34. Statistician, U. S. Children's Bur., Wash- ington, D. C. (1812 K St. NW.) M27. NF. Gooch, Wilby T. M.S., Baylor, 08; Ph.D., Chicago, 18. Prof, chemistry and head Dept.; chairman Div. Physical Sciences and graduate council, Baylor Univ., Waco, Tex. (808 Speight Ave.) M22F33. C. Good, Dr. Albert H(uber). M.D.. Rush. 1302 S. Pearl St., Denver, Colo. M37. N. Good, Dr. Carter V(ictor). A.M., Vir- ginia, 23; Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Prof, educa- tion, Univ. Cincinnati Teachers Col., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. M27F29. QI. Good, Prof. E(dwin) S(tanton). M.S., Illinois. Kentucky Agric. Exp. Sta., Lex- ington, Ky. M38. O. Good, Dr. Newell E(manuel). M.S., George Washington, 29; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Public Health Serv- ice, San Francisco, Calif. M40. F. 476 Directory of Members Goodale, Prof. Alfred S(hepard). Amherst, Mass. M29F33. GEO. Goodale, George S. 9 Kaptelsky Pereuluck, Moscow, U.S.S.R. M32R32. M. Goodale, Dr. H(ubert) D(ana). A.M., Trinity (Connecticut), 04; Ph.D., Colum- bia, 13. Geneticist, Mt. Hope Farm, Williamstovvn, Mass. (257 W. Main St.) M06F15. FO. Goodale, Dr. Joseph L(incoln). 258 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. M01F06R38. N. Goodale, Dr. S(tephen) L(incoln). E.M., Colorado School Mines, 04; M.A., Colo- rado Col., 09; Sc.D., 21. Prof, metallurgical engng., Univ. Pittsburgh School Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1156 Murrayhill Ave.) M09F16. M. Goodbar, Dr. Joseph E(rnest). LL.M., Harvard, 31; S.J.D., 33. Attorney at law; lecturer corporation finance, Boston Univ. School Law, Boston, Mass. M37. KIH. Goodding, Miss Charlotte OCbve"1 M \., Wyoming, 39. Student, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex. (123 Vassar Ave.) M38. GFK. Goodding, Leslie N(ewton). B.S., Nebraska, 04. Assoc, botanist, U. S. Soil Conserva- tion Service, Albuquerque, N. Mex. (123 Vassar Ave.) M29F32. GOQ. Goodell, George A. Kentucky Color and Chemical Co., Louisville, Ky. M38R38. C. Goodenough, Prof. Florence L(aura). M.A., Columbia, 21 ; Ph.D., Stanford, 24. Res. prof., Inst. Child Welfare, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M27F2S. IQ. Goodfellow, Dr. Louis D(eal). M.S., Pennsylvania State, 30; Ph.D., North- western, 32. Lecturer psychology, North- western Univ.; dir. res., Amer. Inst. Deaf and Blind, Evanston, 111. (731 Foster St.) M38. I. Goodfellow, Thomas J(ohn). M.D..C.M., Queen's Col., 09. Senior surgeon, Saratoga Hosp., Saratoga Springs; consultant, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Div., Metropolitan Sanitorium, Mt. McGregor, and Benedict Memorial Hosp., Ballston Spa, N. Y. (158 L^1-" Ave., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.) M39. NFB. Goodhue, Miss C. Irene. Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. M36R36. NIC. Gooding, Dr. John H. D.V.M., Washington State. *fli Yosemite Ave., Modesto, Calif. M38. GIN. Goodlett, Dr. Carlton B(enjamin). Ph.D., California, 38. Instr. psychology, West Virgii-1-" State Col., Institute, W. Va. M40. IQK. Goodman, Dr Edward H. Dorset, Vt. M35F35R35. N. Goodman, Dr. Geo(rge) J(ones). M.S., Washington Univ., 30; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, botany and curator Herbarium, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M39F40. G. Goodman, James F(ranklin). Box 406, Marinette, Wis. M29R35. ABC. Goodman, Joe (Robert). B.S., Washing- ton, 34. Fellow, Oceanographic Labs., Univ. Washington, Seattle, Washington. M39. CFN. Goodner, Dr. Kenneth. Ph.D.. Harvard, 29. Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M34F34. N. Goodnight, Dr. Clarence J(ames). A.M., Illinois, 37 ; Ph.D., 39. Asst. res., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M39. F. Goodpasture, Dr. Ernest William. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 12; M.S., Yale, 39. Prof, pathology, Vanderbilt Univ. School Med., Nashville', Tenn. M24F27. FGN. Goodrich, Ernest P(ayson). M.Ed., Mich- igan State Normal; D.Eng., Michigan, 35; M.Ed., 36. Consulting engineer, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. (161 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M25F33. M. Goodrich, Dr. H(ubert) B(aker). M.A., Columbia, 14; Ph.D., 16. Prof, biology, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn.; instr. charge embryology course, Marine Biol. Lab., Woods Hole, Mass. (25 Wesleyan Place, Middletown, Conn.) M18F20. F. Goodridge, R. S. 2636 J/2 S. Bronson Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M34R34. EM. Goodsell, Dr. John O(rton). D.D.S., D.D.Sc, Michigan. 501 Second Nat. Bank Bldg., Saginaw, Mich. M36. Nd. Goodsell, Miss Julia (Elizabeth). M.S., Washington, 28. Instr., Dept. Physiology, Univ. Washington, Seattle. Wash. M40. NFL Goodspeed, Dr. Arthur W(illis). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 89. Prof, emeritus physics, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (4623 Sansom St.) M98F98. B. Goodspeed, Prof. George Edward, Jr. 5504 21st Ave. NE., Seattle, Wash. M25F33. E. Goodspeed, Dr. T(homas) Harper. Ph.D., California, 12; Dr. hon. causa, La Plata, 38. Prof, botany and dir. Botanical Garden, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (551 Santa Rosa Ave.). M11F15. G. Goodwillie, Robert H(ogue). in Bruce Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. M18. MPB. Goodwin, Clayton. 1341 Washington St., Denver, Colo. M31R33. MLE. Goodwin, Dr. Edward J(ewett). 634 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. (M18R34)- M36R39. N. Goodwin, Harold. M13L31D35. ELO. Goodwin, Dr. Harry M(anley). Ph.D., Leipzig, 93. Dean Graduate School and prof, physics and electrochemistry, Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (424 Walnut St., Brookline, Mass.) M08- Foi. B. Goodwin, Dr. Richard H(ale). M.A., Harvard, 34; Ph.D., 37. Instr., Dept. Botany, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M40F40. G. Individual Members 477 Goodwin, Prof. R(obert) C(abaniss). Texas Tech. Col. Lubbock, Tex. M34F34- R35. c. Goodwin, William H. M.S., Ohio State, 13. North Lima, Ohio. M17F20. FOI. Goodwin, W(illiam) Nelson, Jr. E.E., Pennsylvania, 08. Chief engineer and dir. res., Weston Electrical Instrument Corp., Newark, N. J. (30 Scheerer Ave.) M07- F16. MB. Goorley, Dr. John T(heodore). M.S., Purdue, 32; Ph.D., 34. Chief chemist, Labs. Lex, Havana, Cuba. M40. NC. Goosmann, Dr. Charles. M.D., Med. Col. Ohio, 03. 22 W. 7th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. M30. N. Gorcica, Dr. H(enry) J(an). M.S., Wis- consin, 31 ; Ph.D., 34. Res. chemist, Pabst Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (1632 N. 121st St., Wauwatosa, Wis.) M40. C. Gordee, A(lexander) B. Ph.D., Leipzig, 89. 1666 N. Shore Road, Revere, Mass. M30. CIK. Gordon, Dr. Alexander. M.Sc, Cornell, 25; Ph.D., 27. Chief Dept. Agric. and Exp.. La Carlota Sugar Central, La Carlota, Occidental Negros, P. I. M34F34. MO. Gordon, Dr. Alfred. M.D., A.M., Paris, 95. Consulting neuro-psychiatrist, Mercy Hosp., Mt. Sinai Hosp., Coatesville Hosp., Philadelphia Psychiatric Hosp. and Doug- las Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. (1900 Locust St.) M24F33. N. Gordon, Prof. Clarence E(verett). A.M., Columbia. 05; Ph.D., 11. Prof, geology and mineralogy and head Div. Physical and Biol. Sciences, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M06F25. EF. Gordon, C(lement) D(avis). M.S., Kansas State, Belysville, Md. M35. FGO. Gordon, David. 769 Lindley St., Bridge- port, Conn. M39. BDQ. Gordon, Miss Edna. 401 W. Hoover St., Ann Arbor, Mich. M25R39. QE Gordon, Miss Eva L(ucretia). 113 N. Quarry St., Ithaca, N. Y. M31R36. Q. Gordon, Dr. Hans C(ochrane). A.M., Pennsylvania, 27; Ph.D., 31. Special asst. to dir. educational res.. Philadelphia Pub- lic Schools, Philadelphia, Pa. (510 Car- penter Lane, Germantown) M38. QI. Gordon, Dr. Harold. M.D., Toronto, 31 ; M.S., Michigan, 34. Assoc, prof., Univ. Louisville School Med., Louisville, Ky. M39. NQ. Gordon, Dr. Harry H. M.D., Cornell, 29. Assoc, pediatrics, Cornell Univ. Med. Col.; assoc. attending pediatrician. New York Hosp.; med. officer, U. S. Children's Bur., New York, N. Y. (315 E. 68th St.) M34. N. Gordon, Hayden S(amuel). M.S., Califor- nia, 38. Instr. agric. engng. and junior en- gineer Exp. Sta., Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis, Calif. M39. MBA. Gordon, Jack James. Tennessee Eastman Corp., Kingsport, Term. M37R37- CQ. Gordon, Dr. J(oseph) Berkeley. M.D., Med. Col. Virginia, 26. Med. dir., New Jersey State Hosp., Marlboro, N. J. M39. NI. Gordon, Prof. Kate. 10431 Tennessee Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M18F25R38. IQ. Goidon, Dr. Leon Stuart. 321 N St. SW., Washington, D. C. M30R33. NFL Gordon, Dr. Neil E(lbridge). M.A., Syra- cuse, 12; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Chair- man Dept. Chemistry, Central Col., Fay- ette, Mo. M13F25. CBA. Secretary of Sec- tion on Chemistry (C), 1937 — • Gordon, Dr. Newell T(rimble). Ph.D., Princeton, 19. Chemist, Res. Lab., Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. (1789 Atholl Road) M34F34. C. Gordon, Dr. Robert B(enson). M.S., Ohio State, 28; Ph.D., 31. Instr. science. State Teachers Col., West Chester, Pa. M31F33 GOE. Gordon, Dr. Samuel F. 206 E. Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, Pa. M32R32. N. Gordon, Dr. Samuel M(orris). Ph.D.. Wisconsin, 26. Vice pres. (res. dir.), Endo Products, Inc., 84-40 101st St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. M26F33. CN. Gordon, Thomas B(oston). M.S., Okla- homa A. and M., 29. Chief inspector, Orchard and Nursery Div., Oklahoma State Board Agric, Oklahoma City, Okla. (215 N. West 10th St.) M31. GO. Gordon, William E. B.A., Minnesota, 37- Teaching asst. botany, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M38. G. Gordon, Dr. William G(eorge). M.A., Cornell, 28; Ph.D., Yale, 33- Res. fellow, Dept. Agric. and Biol. Chemistry, Penn- svlvania State Col., State College, Pa. M40. CM. Gordon, Dr. William Henry. M.D., Michi- gan, 16. Physician, 1102 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. (18922 Muirland Ave.) M36. N. Gordy, Dr. Walter. M.A., North Carolina, 33; Ph.D., 35. Head Dept. Mathematics and Phvsics, Mary Hardin-Baylor Col., Belton, Tex. M40F40. BCA. Gore, John K. A.M., Columbia. 86. Vice pres. and actuary (retired). Prudential Ins. Co.; dir., Nat. State Bank; treas., Newark Provident Loan Assn., Newark, X J. (69 High St., Orange, N. J.) M39- AKN. Gore, R(obert) E(merscn>. Ohio Oil Co., Findlay, Ohio. M29R33. MEB. Gore, William. M22D34. AEM. Goresline, Dr. Harry E(dward). M.S., Iowa State. 28: Ph.D.. 31. Senior bacteriol- ogist, Food Res. Div., U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng.. Washington, D. C. (7909 Chicago Ave., Silver Spring, Md.) M34F34. NC. 478 Directory of Members Gorham, R. P. Entomological Lab., Fred- ericton, N. B., Canada. M35F35R38. F. Gorham, W. C. 12 E. 41st St., New York, N. Y. M25R32. FGQ. Gorsuch, D. M. Dept. Agric, Univ. Ari- zona, Tucson, Ariz. M31R32. F. Gortner, Prof. Ross Aiken. M.A., Toronto, 08; Ph.D., Columbia, 09. Prof, agric. bio- chemistry, Univ. Minnesota; chief Div. Agric. Biochemistry, Minnesota Agric. Exp. Sta., St. Paul, Minn. (1460 Raymond Ave.) M11F18. CG. Gortner, Dr. Ross Aiken, Jr. M.S., Minne- sota, 34; Ph.D., Michigan, 37. Instr. bio- chemistry, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. M39. CNF. Gorton, Dr. Arthur F(eddeman). A.M., Johns Hopkins, 14; Ph.D., 15. 1054 Grover Ave., Glendale, Calif. M39. BDM. Gorton, Dr. F(rederick) R(ussell). A.M., Michigan, 01 ; Ph.D., Berlin, 05. Prof, physics and head Dept. Physics and As- tronomy, Michigan State Normal Col., Ypsilanti, Mich. (M07F1 iR32)M36Fi 1. BD. Goshorn, Arthur. Winterset, Iowa. M23- R32. E. Goslin, Ival V. 15 Jefferson Apartments, Ogden, Utah. M36R36. FCN. Goslin, Robert (Martin). Archaeologist, Ohio State Mus., Columbus, Ohio. (316 Wilson Ave.) M38. HF. Goss, Dr. Charles M(ayo). Dept. Anat- omy, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M29F33R33. NFC. Goss, Dr. Leonard Whittlesey. D.V.M., Ohio State, 05. Prof, veterinary pathology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M39. N. Goss, Dr. Robert W(hitmore). M.S., Mich- igan State, 15; Ph.D.-, Wisconsin, 23. Plant pathologist, Univ. Nebraska Col. Agric, Lincoln, Nebr. M39. G. Gossard, Atherton C(lark). U. S. Horti- cultural Field Sta., Meridian, Miss. M32- F33R36. GO. Gotesky, Rubin. M.A., New York. 329 W. 35th St., New York, N. Y. M37. K. Gotshall, Major William C(harles). M28- L3iF3ID3S. MBA. Gottardo, Dr. Paul, Jr. M.S., Northwest- ern, 37; M.D., 38. Med. fellow, Cook County Hosp., Chicago, 111. (5666 West End Ave.) M38. CNF. Gottesman, Jessie Marmorston (See Jes- sie Marmorston). Gottfried, Dr. Samuel. Ph.G., California, 30; D.S.C., California Col. Chiropody, 36. Chiropodist, pharmacist and chemist, 719 K St., Sacramento, Calif. M40. NFC. Gottschall, Dr. Gertrude (Younker). M.A., Columbia; Ph.D., Cornell. 110 Lucas Lane, Bethesda, Md. M39. CNF. Gottschall, Rev. Robert Jacob. M.A., Co- lumbia, 15; B.D., Union Theol. Sem., 15. Minister Norristown Schwenkfelder Church, Norristown, Pa. M31. K. Gottschall, Dr. Russell Y. M.S., Pitts- burgh, 29; Ph.D., 32. Asst. dir. labs., Michigan Dept. Health, Lansing, Mich. M35F38. N. Goubaud-Carrera, Antonio. Student an- thropology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (International House) M39. HLK. Gouck, Harry K., Jr. M.S., Massachusetts State. 10 Burnham Road, Andover, Mass. M38. EFG. Goudge, Dr. Mabel Ensworth. M.A., Dal- housie, 09; Ph.D., Cornell, 14; M.D., Ohio State, 22. Physician and clinical psycholo- gist, 421 Trust Bldg., Durham, N. Car. M34F34. IN. Goudkoff, Paul Pavel. 799 Subway Termi- nal Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. M38. E. Goudsmit, Dr. A., Jr. M.D., Amsterdam, 31; Ph.D., Cornell, 36; M.S., Minnesota, 39. Fellow physiology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. (1401 Sur- rey Lane, Overbrook, Pa.) M35. N. Gougler, Dr. Roscoe A. D.D.S., Pitts- burgh. 7040 Edgerton Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. M38. NdF. Gould, Dr. Arthur B(enjamin). M.S., Cor- nell, 26; Ph.D., 35. Prof, chemistry, Salem Col., Salem, W. Va. (99 W. High St.) M29F33. CBF. Gould, Dr. Charles N(ewton). M.A., Ne- braska, 00; Ph.D., 06; D.Sc, 28; LL.D., Oklahoma City, 32. Regional geologist. Nat. Park Service, Norman, Okla. M03- F07. E. Gould, David F(oster). S.B., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 14. Chief chemist De- velopment Dept., Barrett Co., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. (6 7th St., Riverton, N. J.) M40. C. Gould, Dr. Harley N(athan). M.A., Prince- ton, 14; Ph.D., 16. Prof, biology, New- comb Col., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M18F21. FH. Gould, H (arris) P(erley). M.S., Cornell, 97. Principal horticulturist charge Div. Fruit and Vegetable Crops and Diseases, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Beltsville, Md. (3090 13th St. NW., Washington, D. C.) M02F11. OGF. Gould, Prof. Howard W(oodham). M.S., Illinois, 22\ Ph.D., Iowa, 29. Head Dept. Phvsical Sciences, Northern Illinois State Teachers Col., De Kalb, 111. (137 Normal Road) M37F38. BCD. Gould, Dr. Laurence McK(inley). M.A., Michigan, 23; D.Sc, Michigan, 25, Brook- lyn Polytechnic Inst., 31. Prof, geology and geography, Carleton Col., Northfie'd, Minn. M34F34. E. Individual Members 479 Gould, Miss Miriam C(aris). A.M., Pitts- burgh, 13. Dir. personnel res. bur. and asst. prof, psychology, Vassar Col., Pough- keepsie, N. Y. M24F33. IKH. Gould, Dr. William L. 606 Madison Ave., Albany, X. Y. M38R38. N. Goulden, Dr. Cyril H(arold). M.S., Sas- katchewan, 23; Ph.D., Minnesota, 25. Sen- ior agric. scientist, Dominion Rust Res. Lab., Winnipeg, Man., Canada. (246 Bal- four Ave.) M39. GO. Goulden, Harold DeWitt. B.S., Rutgers, 23. Gen. mgr., Jacqueline Cochran, Ro- selle, N. J. (57 Cobane Terrace, West Orange, N. J.) M34F34. CN. Gouldy, Miss Jennie A. M01L31D — . I. Gourley, Prof. Joseph H(arvey). M.S., Ohio State, 15; Ph.D., Chicago, 31. Chief Dept. Horticulture, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster; chairman Dept. Horticulture and Forestry, Ohio State Univ., Colum- bus, Ohio. M18F18. OG. Vice president for Section on Agriculture (0), 19 32. Gouwens, Dr. Cornelius. M.A., Illinois, 11; Ph.D., Chicago, 24. Assoc, prof, math- ematics, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M18F33. A. Gove, Dr. Anna M. M.D., Woman's Med. Col. New York Infirmary, 92. Physician, Woman's Col., Univ. North Carolina, Greens- boro, N. Car. (517 Highland Ave.) M24. N. Gow, Dr. Alexander, Jr. D.V.M., New York Veterinary Col., 29. Frederick, Md. M31. NO. Gow, Alexander M(urdoch). E.M., Minne- sota, 23. State statistician, Works Projects Administration, Jefferson City, Mo. (312 Benton St.) M34F34. ME. Gowanloch, James Nelson. Louisiana Dept. Conservation, New Orleans, La. M32R32. FG. Gowdy, Dr. Robert Clyde. M.A., Cincin- nati, 07; Ph.D., 09. Dean Col. Engng. and Commerce, dir. School Applied Arts, and prof, physics, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincin- nati, Ohi'o. M11F15. BAM. Gowe, Mr. Verne. B.S., Nebraska Wes- leyan. Wakefield, Mich. M38. FGN. Gowen, Dr. John W(hittemore). M.S., Maine. 15; Ph.D., Columbia, 17. Res. prof., Dept. Genetics, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M13F32. F. Gowen, P(hilip) L(ewis). Campbell Soup Co., Camden, N. J. M32R39. C. Goyan, Dr. Frank M(ayer). 625 Asbury St., San Francisco, Calif. M39R39. CBA. Graam, Dr. Dona Gayler (Dona G. Gay- ler). A.M., Indiana, 21; Ph.D., 33. Dir. med. lab., Terre Haute, Ind. (1320 S. 9th St.) M29F38. NFC. Grabau, Prof. A(madeus) W(illiam). S.M., Harvard, 98; Sc.D., 00. Res. prof, geology, China Foundation for Education and Cul- ture, Shanghai; chief paleontologist, Geol. Survey China, Peking, China. (5, Tou Ya Tsai Hutung, W. City, Peking, China) (,M25F25R34)M4oF25. EF. Grabbe, Eugene M(unter). M.S., Brown, t,~ ; Ph.D., Yale, 40. Res. physicist, De- velopment Dept., U. S. Rubber Co., Pas- saic, N. J. (61 Passaic Ave.) M40F40. B. Graber, Prof. Laurence Frederick. M.S., Wisconsin, 12; Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Prof, agronomy, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M24F25. OG. Graber, Prof. M(yron) E(arle). A.M., Heidelberg Col., 04; D.Sc, 36; Ph.D., Iowa, 24. Prof, physics, dean men, and dir. civilian pilot training, Morningside Col., Sioux City, Iowa. (.3815 Garretson Ave.) M07F18. ABM. Graber, Philip E. Ph.B., Michigan, 00. 363 W. Pioneer Drive, Glendale, Calif. M12. ABC. Grabfield, Dr. G(ustave) Philip. M.D., Harvard, 15. Assoc, pharmacology, Har- vard Med. School; assoc. medicine, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, Mass. M23- F25. Np. Grace, Prof. Alonzo G(askell). 148 Winton Road S., Rochester, N. Y. M35R35. HIK. Grace, Dr. Arthur William. M.B., D.P.H., London. Prof, dermatology and syphilol- ogy, Long Island Col. Med., Brooklyn; instr. medicine, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (449 E. 58th St., New York, N. Y.) M39. ND. Grace, Dr. James Daniel. D.D.S., Michi- gan, 32. Dentist, 104 S. W. Trick Bldg., Ann Arbor, Mich. M40. Nd. Grace, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Grace Waring). Grace, Sergius P(aul). M29F32D35. BDK. Gradle, Dr. Harry S(earls). M.D., Rush, 08. Chief staff, Illinois Eye and Ear In- firmary; senior attending ophthalmologist, Michael Reese Hosp.; prof, ophthalmol- ogy, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. M17F33. N. Grady, Robert Franklin. 6825 Mitchell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M25. M. Grady, Prof. Roy I. 1753 Burbank Road, Wooster, Ohio. M34F34R35. CN. Graeber, Charles (Karsner). 341 1 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. M21F32R36. EQ. Graebner, Dr. Herbert. 45 Park Ave., New York, N, Y. M37R38. N. Graef, Dr. Irving. M.D., Cornell, 26. New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. (M36R36)M39- N. Graenicher, Dr. Sigmund. M25F33D37. F. Graesser, Prof. R(oy) F(rench). A.M., Illinois, 22; Ph.D., 26. Prof, and head Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Arizona, Tuc- son, Ariz. (1648 E. 5th St.) M36F33. A. 480 Directory of Members Graf, A(ugust) V. St. Louis Water Works, Chesterfield, Mo. M36R36. C. Graf, J(ohn) E(nos). A.B., Pomona, 10. Assoc, dir., U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. M24F25. F. Graff, Alan R(obert). C.E., Cornell. 2200 Scranton Road, Cleveland, Ohio. M39. MC. Graff, Charles E(veritt). 346 Arlington Ave., Jersey City, N. J. M18. M. Graff, Dr. Paul W. 310 Nuber St., Mt. Ver- non, N. Y. M34F34. G. Grams, Howard A. M.S., Illinois, 26. Chemist, Res. Dept., Parke, Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich. M39. CNB. Grageroff I(gnace). Plant mgr., Triton Chemical Corp., Penns Grove, N. J. M29. CM. Graham, A(rchibald) R(obert). M.S., Mc- Gill, 26. Asst. entomologist, Dominion Parasite Lab., Belleville, Ont., Canada. M30F31. FG. Graham, C. E. 4221 S. Western Ave., Chi- cago, 111. M35F35R36. C. Graham, Carmon. Murray, Ky. M31R32. QIK. Graham, Charles F. 622 V Trov St., Chi- cago, 111. M40. BDE. Graham, Prof. C(larence) H(enry). Ph.D., Clark, 30. Assoc, prof, psychology, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. (222 Medway St.) M31F33. IN. Graham, Prof. Duncan (Archibald). M.B.. Toronto, 05. Prof, medicine, Univ. To- ronto; physician-in-chief, Toronto Gen. Hosp., Toronto, Ont., Canada. (645 Spa- dina Road) M39. N. Graham, Dr. Edward H(arrison). M.S., Pittsburgh, 27; Ph.D., 32. Biologist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D. C. {232 Prospect St., Chevy Cnase, Md.) M29F33. GFE. Graham, Ernest E(arl). E.M., Pittsburgh. Northern Peru Mining and Smelting Co., Casilla 162, Trujillo, Peru, S. A. M36. M. Graham, Dr. Evarts A(mbrose). M.D., Rush, 07. Prof, surgery, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. (10 Upper Ladue Road, Clayton, Mo.) M17F33. N. Graham, Miss Evelyn. M.A., Mills, 37. Lab. technician, Kern Gen. Hosp., Bakers- field, Calif. (2001 Quincy St.) M40. GFN. Graham, Fred M(ilo). Hollidavsburg, Pa. M28R34. M. Graham, Dr. George S(ellers). M.D., Dartmouth, 05; A.M., 13. 2620 Madison Ave., Birmingham, Ala. M18F27. N. Graham, Dr. Helen Tredway (Mrs. Evarts Ambrose Graham). M.A., Bryn Mawr, 12; Ph.D., Chicago, 15. Assoc, prof, pharma- cology, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (10 Upper Ladue Road, Clayton, Mo.) M18F33. CNpQ. Graham, Herbert W. Elmet., Lehigh, 14. Dir. metallurgy and res., Jones anu i^augh- lin Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. M32. M. Graham, Dr. Hoyt Conlln. M31F33D36. CEQ. Graham, Miss Ida Ellen. 1607 E. 12th St., Tulsa, Okla. M28R34. EQI. Graham, James Chandler. Instr. chemis- try, Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass. (Wild- wood Farm, Wildwood Road) M01F11- C38. CEL. Graham, James Glenn. M.S., Maryland, 38. Teacher science, Hine Junior High School, Washington, D. C. (12 Rhode Island Ave. NE.) M38. QFG. Graham, Prof. J(ohn) Howard. M.A., Pennsylvania, 27. Prof, and head Dept. Organic Chemistry and Dept. Physics, Temple Univ. School Pharmacy, Philadel- phia, Pa. (7 Cliveden Ave., Glenside, Pa.) M40. CBN. Graham, Prof. John Young. M.S., Prince- ton, 94; Ph.D., Munich, 97. Univ. Ala- bama, University, Ala. M04F09. F. Graham, Dr. Katherine. M.S., Oklahoma. 27; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 33. Chemist, Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago, 111. (1124 Harrison St., Oak Park, 111.) M39. NC. Graham, L. James. M.S., Pennsylvania State, 32. National Drug Co., Swiftwater, Pa. M39. CNA. Graham, Lt. Comdr. L(yman) D(avis). B.S., Pennsylvania State, 15. Lt. Comdr., U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 601 Fed- eral Bldg., Seattle, Wash. M28. DM. Graham, Prof. Margaret A(lexander). A.M., Cornell, 09; Ph.D., 13. Prof, and chairman Dept. Biol. Sciences, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. M19F25. GF. Graham, Prof. Minnie A(lmira). M.A., Michigan, 06; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 12. Prof, physical science, Queens Col., Char- lotte, N. Car. (204 Addison Apts.) M25- F33. CBQ. Graham, Prof. P(almer) H(ampton). Chappaqua, N. Y. M34F34R37. ADB. Graham, Robert. D.V.M., Iowa State, 10. Prof, animal pathology and hygiene, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M21F33. FN. Graham, Dr. Roy. M39D39. EG. Graham, Samuel A(lexander). M.F., Cor- nell, 16; Ph.D., Minnesota, 21. Prof, eco- nomic zoologv, Univ. Michigan, Ann Ar- bor, Mich. M20F26. F. Graham, Thomas William. M.S.. Minne- sota, 33. Agent, U. S. Pee Dee Exp. Sta., Florence, S. Car. M40. G. Graham, Dr. V(erne) O(vid). M.S., Chi- cago, 24; Ph.D., 31. Principal, Norwood Park School, Chicago, 111. (4028 Grace St.) M38F39. QG. Individual Members 481 Graham, Dr. V(ictor) E(dward). M.S., Wisconsin, 30; Ph.D., 39. Asst. prut. dairying- and lecturer bacteriology. Univ. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. M29F40. NCO. Graham, Dr. William A(rmstrong) Pat- terson). M27F31D34. E. Graham, Dr. William C(onrad). 388 Fair- wood Ave., Columbus. Ohio. M34R34. N. Graham, W(illiam) P(ratt). Ph.D., Ber- lin, 97; LL.D., Colgate, 38. Chancellor, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. (701 Wal- nut Ave.) M08F16. BMD. Graham, Dr. W(illiam) R(ichard). M.S., Toronto, 31; Ph.D., 33. Dir. res.. Amer. Dairies, Kansas City, Mo. M40. NOC. Grainger, Thomas (Hutcheson), Jr. M.S., Lehigh, 38. Asst. instr., Dept. Public Health and Preventive Med., Univ. Penn- svlvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M39- NCF. Gramet, Charles A. M.A., Columbia, 28. Chairman Dept. Biology and Gen. Science, Franklin K. Lane High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. (111-J5 76th Drive. Forest Hills, N. Y.) M22F34. NQ. Gran, Dr. John Edward. M.A., Wesleyan, 26; Ph.D., Ohio State, 32. Asst. prof, chemistry. Univ. Alabama, University, Ala. (707 11th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala.) M28. C. Granath, Dr. Louis P(eter). Ph.D., New- York, 31. Instr. physics, New York Univ., University Heights, New York, N. Y. (2265 Sedgwick Ave., Bronx) M34F34. B. Granberg, Robert J(ames). Hamilton D-32, Soldiers Field, Boston, Mass. M37- R37. MQ. Grand, Dr. Milton J. H. 2695 Briggs Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M36R37. N. Grandstaff, James O. B.S., Ohio State, 30. Assoc, animal fiber technologist, U. S. Southwestern Range and Sheep Breeding Lab., Fort Wingate, N. Mex. M39. OCA. Granovsky, Dr. Alexander ACnastacie- vitch). M.S., Wisconsin, 23; Ph.D., 25. Assoc, prof, entomology and economic zoology. Univ. Minnesota; assoc. ento- mologist, Minnesota Agric. Exp. Sta., St. Paul; acting dir. Biol. Sta., Univ. Minne- sota, Lake Itasca, Minn. (2101 Scudder Ave., St. Paul, Minn.) M22F29. FG. Grant, Dr. Adele Lewis. Ph.D., Washing- ton Univ.. 20. Lecturer botany, LTniv. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1361 W. 20th St.) M24F25. GF. Grant, Miss Alice Ann. 320 York Ave., Rock Hill, S. Car. (?) M25R35. ABD. Grant, Miss Bernice Duncan. M.A.. Ken- tucky, 33. Prof, mathematics and libra- rian, Alderson Broaddus Col., Philippi, W. Va. M^o. ADG. Grant, Major Chapman. B.A., Williams, 10. 21 19 Guy St., San Diego, Calif. M38. F. Grant, Dr. Charlotte Liebtag. A.M., Illi- nois, 27; Ph.D., 35. Instr. botany, Arsenal Tech. Schools; lecturer botany, Butler Univ., Inuianapolis, Ind. (3302 Graceland Ave.) M36F38. G. Grant, Edward D. Box 330, Nashville, Tenn. M33R33. QL Grant, Prof. Frederick C(lifton). S.T.M., Western Theol. Sem., 16; Th.D., 22; D.D., Nashotah, 27, Garrett, 38; D.S.Litt., Ken- von, 39. Prof. Biblical theology, Union Theol. Sem., New York, N. Y. (606 W. 122nd St.) M30F32. LKH. Grant, J(oseph) D(onohoe). 114 Sansome St., San' Francisco, Calif. M20R37. N. Grant, Dr. Madeleine P. Sarah Lawrence Col.. Bronxville, N. Y. M35F35R35- F. Grant, Miss Marion Elder. M.A., Toronto, 24; D.Pd., 31. Dean women and asst. prof, education, Acadia Univ., Wolfville, N. S., Canada. M38. QL Grant, Dr. Martin L(awrence). M.A., Minnesota, 29; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, biol- ogy, Iowa State Teachers Col., Cedar Falls, Iowa. (417 Olive St.) M30F39. GF. Grant, Miss Mary. Mississippi State Col. Women, Columbus, Miss. (?) M31R32. EKQ. Grant, Dr. Samuel B(ecker). M.D., Wash- ington Univ., 20. Instr., Washington Univ. School Med.. St. Louis, Mo. (96 Aber- deen Place) M40. N. Grant, Col. U(lysses) S., III. LL.D., Gettysburg, 34; D.Sc, Washington and Jefferson, 38. Div. engineer, U. S. Army, 419 Federal Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. M36. M. Grant, Dr. U(lysses) S., IV. Ph.D., Stan- ford, 29. Assoc, prof, geology, Univ. Cali- fornia Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M29F32. EF. Grantham, Prof. Arthur E(liott). 3508 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, Va. (?) M14F18R32. O. Grantham, Dr. G(uy) E(verett). A.M., In- diana, 13; Ph.D., Cornell, 20. Prof, physics, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (104 Kline Woods Road) M25F25. BM. Grass, Arthur M. 339 B St. NE., Linton. Ind. M35R38. F. Grassl, Carl O(tto). A.M., Michigan, 32. Asst. botanist, Div. Sugar Plant Investi- gations, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Wash- ington, D. C. M39. G. Grassmuck, Erna (See Erna Grassmuck Gilland). Grassy, Richard G. Geol.E., Cincinnati, 35. Asst. geologist. U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Greenville, S. Car. (201 Mills Ave.) M38. EM. Grater, Russell K. 907 Colorado Blvd., Denver, Colo. (?) M37R37. FEH. Gratiot, Dr. Harvey B(radley). M18D36. N. 482 Directory of Members Graton, Prof. L(ouis) C(aryl). Ph.D., Cor- nel], 30. Prof, mining geology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M10F11. EBC. Gratz, Dr. L(evi) O(tto). Ph.D., Cornell, 23. Plant pathologist, Florida Agric. Exp. Sta., Gainesville, Fla. M24F25. GO. Grau, Dr. Fred V. Agric. Bldg., Pennsyl- vania State Col., State College, Pa. M37- F40. OGC. Grauer, Frank. 226 W. 71st St., New York, N. Y. M18. N. Grauer, Dr. Robert Coleman. M.D., Pitts- burgh, 27. Head Dept. Res. (endocrinol- ogy and metabolism), Singer Res. Lab. Allegheny Gen. Hosp.; lecturer pathology. Univ. Pittsburgh School Med., Pitts- burgh; pathologist, Citizens Gen. Hosp., New Kensington, Pa. M36F38. N. Graun, Dr. Richard Ernest. 43 E. Main St., Los Gatos, Calif. M34R34. NIF. Graustein, Dr. Jeannette E(lizabeth). Ph.D., Radcliffe, 27. Asst. prof., Women's Col., Univ. Delaware, Newark, Del. M37- F39. G. Gravatt, Mrs. Annie R. M.S., Brown, 18. Assoc, pathologist, Div. Forest Pathology, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (120 C St. NE.) M35F35. O. Grave, Dr. Benjamin H(arrison). De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. (?) Mio- F15R3S. F. Grave, Dr. Caswell. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 99; LL.D., Earlham, 28. Prof, emeri- tus zoology, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. (Winter Park, Fla.) M04F09. F. Grave, Dr. Charlotte E(asby). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 29. Psychologist, Woods Schools, Langhorne, Pa. (221 S. Bellevue Ave.) M27F33. I. Gravell, James Harvey. D.Sc, Pennsyl- vania Military Col. Amer. Chemical Paint Co., Ambler, Pa. M39. CKI. Graven, Dr. Philip S. M.D., Rush, 19. 2007 Massachusetts Ave. NW. Washing- ton, D. C. M27. KQN. Graves, Dr. Arthur H(armount). Ph.D., Yale, 07. Curator public instruction, Brooklyn Botanic Garden; collaborator, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Brooklyn, N. Y. M18F21. GQ. Graves, Cecil H(enry). A.B., Colorado Col., 16. Teacher biology, Senior High School, Colorado Springs, Colo. (1222 W. Kiowa Ave.) M31. FGC. Graves, C(larence) M(elvin). 17436 Clif- ton Blvd., Lakewood, Ohio. M34R36. MBC. Graves, Miss E. Irene. Senior instr. biol- ogy, State Teachers Col., Bridgewater, Mass. (237 Summer St.) M31. FGQ. Graves, Miss Ethel G. A.M., Colorado State Col. Education, 34. Instr. geography, geology and conservation, State Teachers Col., St. Cloud, Minn. (1542 7th Ave. SE.) M38. EQ. Graves, Dr. Frank Pierrepont. A.M., Co- lumbia, 91; Ph.D., 12; Ph.D., Boston, 92; Litt.D., Heidelberg Col., 97, Rochester, 22,, Canisius, 35; L.H.D., Tufts, 21, Col- gate. 22\ D.C.L., Ursinus, 37, Univ. South, 39; LL.D., Alfred, Boston, Bucknell, Co- lumbia, Fordham, George Washington, Hamilton, Hanover, Hobart, Houghton, Juniata, Manhattan, Miami, Missouri, Ni- agara, Oberlin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, St. Bonaventure, Syracuse, Union, Washing- ton (Maryland), Western Reserve, Wil- liam and Mary, Wyoming. Pres., Univ. State New York; State commissioner edu- cation, Albany, N. Y. M29F31. Q. Graves, George W(est). M.S., State Col. Washington, 12; Ph.D., Chicago, 31. Head Dept. Agric. and Biology, Fresno State Col., Fresno, Calif. M27F33. GOK. Graves, Prof. Henry Solon. M.A., Yale, 01, Harvard, 11; LL.D., Syracuse, 2^. Dean emeritus, Yale Univ. School For- estry, New Haven, Conn. (339 Prospect St.) M10F14. O. Vice president for Section on Social and Economic Sciences (K), 1922. Graves, Dr. Howard B. Ph.D., Washing- ton, 36. Geologist, Texas Co., Fort Worth, Tex. (Midland, Tex.) M36. E. Graves, Prof. Lawrence M(urray). M.A., Chicago, 20; Ph.D., 24. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M25F29. A. Graves, Dr. Robert W(illiams). M.A., Princeton, 28; M.D., Duke, 33. Assoc, neurology, Duke Univ. School Med., Dur- ham, N. Car. M21. NB. Graves, Dr. Stuart. M.D., Syracuse, 11; A.B., 23. Prof, pathology and dean, Univ. Alabama School Med., University, Ala. (90 Highlands, Tuscaloosa, Ala.) M32- F33. N. Graves, Walter J(oseph). C.E., Cornell, 99. Industrial engineer, Michigan Mutual Liability Co., 163 Madison Ave., Detroit, Mich. M25. MKB. Graves, Dr. William W(ashington). M.D., Col. Physicians and Surgeons (St. Louis), 88. Prof, and dir. Dept. Neuropsychiatry, St. Louis Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (5136 Enright Ave.) M07F25. HIN. Gravett, Dr. Howard L. M.A., Ph.D., Illi- nois. Assoc, prof., Dept. Biology, Elon College, N. Car. M40. F. Grawe, Dr. Oliver R(udolph). M.S., Wash- ington Univ., 24; Ph.D., Iowa, 27. Assoc, prof, mineralogy, Univ. Missouri School Mines and Metallurgy; geologist, Mis- souri Geol. Survey, Rolla, Mo. M25F33. CE. Gray, Dr. Arthur W(ellington). Ph.D., Berlin, 04. Consulting physicist and metallurgist, 512 Colonial Ave., Westfield, N. J. M17F21. BMN. Individual Members 483 Gray, C(hester) E(arl). M.S., Iowa State, 24. 6263 Chabot Road, Oakland, Calif. M13. C. Gray, Prof. C(larence) T(ruman). Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Prof, educational psychology and chairman Dept., Univ. Texas School Education, Austin, Tex. M13F15. Q. Gray, Dr. Cora E(meline). M.S., Chicago, 09; Ph.D., Yale, 27. Prof, home economics, Catawba Col., Salisbury, N. Car. M29F38. NQ. Gray, Dr. Donald J(ames). M.S., Wash- ington, 33; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, anatomy, Stanford University, Calif. M39. N. Gray, Dr. Dwight E. M.S., Ph.D., Ohio State. Univ. Akron, Akron, Ohio. M35- F40. B. Gray, Mrs. Ebba Braese. M.A., California, 16. 2650 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Calif. Mi 9. FGN. Gray, Dr. Edward LeB(reton). Ph.D., Rochester. Res. chemist, Distillation Prod- ucts, Inc., Rochester, N. Y. (155 Avalon Drive) M40. CN. Gray, Dr. Ellis B. 187 N. Church St., Spartanburg, S. Car. M36R36. N. Gray, Dr. Frank. M.S., Wisconsin, 13; Ph.D., 16. Member Res. Dept, Bell Tele- phone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M24- F31. B. Gray, Dr. George Robert. M.A., Rice, 32; Ph.D., 34. Senior res. engineer, Humble Oil and Refining Co., Houston, Tex. (6732 Sylvan Road) M38. C. Gray, George W(illiam). A.B., Harvard, 12. Rockefeller Foundation, New York, N. Y. (Sparkill, N. Y.) M30. Gray, Dr. Greta. A.M., Columbia; Ph.D., Yale. Assoc, prof., Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M40. KQ. Gray, Harold, A.B., Indiana, 16. Mgr. tire, tube and accessory development, B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio. (537 Vinita Ave.) M38. CM. Gray, Harold F(arnsworth). M.S., Cali- fornia, 12; Gr.P.H., 15. Sanitary and hy- draulic engineer, 2540 Benvenue Ave.; lec- turer public health, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M13F20. MN. Gray, Harry LeB(reton). M34F34D36. C. Gray, Dr. Horace. M.D., Harvard, 14. Clinical prof, medicine, Stanford Univ. School Med., San Francisco, Calif. M27- F33. NH. Gray, Dr. Irving. 41 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. M36R37. N. Gray, Dr. Irving Emery. M.S., Wisconsin, 24; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, prof, zoology, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M28F32. F. Gray, Dr. J(ames) C(larke). A.M., Syra- cuse, 27; Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Asst. prof, biology. Western Reserve Univ., Cleve- land, Ohio. M30F33. F. Gray, John P. Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La. M32R32. OG. Gray, Prof. J(ohn) Stanley. A.M., Mich- igan, 24; Ph.D., Ohio State, 29. Asst. prof, psychology, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. M39. IK. Gray, Dr. John S(tephens). M.S., North- western, 34; Ph.D., 36. Instr., North- western Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. (7687 Rogers Ave.) M40. N. Gray, Dr. Kenneth R(ussell). M.A., Brit- ish Columbia, 31; Ph.D., McGill, 34. Res. chemist, Rayonier, Inc., Shelton, Wash. (222 Pine St.) M38. CNK. Gray, Miss Marion C(ameron). M.A., Edinburgh, 22; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 26. Res. staff, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M38F38. AB. Gray, Dr. Mildred Geneva. M.A., Boston, 33; Ph.D., 38. Instr., Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (17 Preston Road, Somer- ville, Mass.) M40. NCK. Gray, Miss Nina E(stella). M.A., Wis- consin, 30; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, biology, Illinois State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. (815 S. Fell Ave.) M31. FG. Gray, Dr. P(ercival) A(llen), Jr. Ph.D., Chicago, 24; M.D., Rush, 27. Assoc, prof, clinical medicine, Col. Med. Evangelists, Los Angeles, Calif. (1421 State St., Santa Barbara, Calif.) M37F38. N. Gray, Richard W(ilson). Senior meteoro- logist, U. S. Weather Bur., San Juan, P. R. (Puerta de Tierra, P. R.) M39. BD. Gray, Samuel Dent. M.S., Maryland, 14. Northeast mgr., Amer. Potash Inst., Inc., 1016 Investment Bldg., Washington, D. C. M27F33. COP. Gray, Dr. Samuel H(arold). M.D., Colum- bia, 23. Pathologist, Jewish Hosp. ; dir. labs., City Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. M31F33. NLK. Gray, William. Chief pharmacist, Presby- terian Hosp., Chicago, 111. M27. CNp. Gray, Dr. William Scott. A.M., Columbia, 14; Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Prof, education, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (6910 Ben- nett Ave.) M16F16. IQ. Secretary of Section on Education (Q), 1933-36. Graybill, Dr. Harry W(ebster). M07F14- D38. F. Grayson, Edwin. Box 827, Kingsport, Tenn. M37R38. CM. Grayson, Dr. W(illiam) B(andy). State Capitol, Little Rock, Ark. M35R35. NCI. Grayzel, Dr. David M(atthews). Ph.D., Columbia, 27; M.D., 31. Assoc, patholo- gist and assoc. dir. labs., Jewish Hosp., Brooklvn, N. Y. (540 St. John's Place) M29F33. CFX. Graze, Gerald. 1307 Randolph St. NW., Washington, D. C. M36R36. BQM. 484 Directory of Members Greacen, Miss Katherine F(ielding). Ph.D., Rutgers, 38. Instr. geology and geography and curator Green Memorial Mus., Milwaukee-Downer Col., Milwaukee, Wis. (190 College Ave., New Brunswick, N. J.) M39. EFH. Greathouse, Dr. Glenn A(rthur). M.S., Illinois, 29; Ph.D., Duke, 31. Physiologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (501 University Drive, University Park, Hyattsville, Md.) (M3oF33R34)M39F33. GCO. Greaves, Dr. J(oseph) D(udley). M.S., Utah State, 29; Ph.D., California, 33. Instr., Dept. Biochemistry, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M39. CN. Greaves, Dr. J(oseph) E(ames). M.S., Illi- nois, 07; Ph.D., California, 11. 445 N. 3rd East St., Logan, Utah. M34F18. N. Greaves-Walker, Dr. A(rthur) F(rederick). Cer.E., Ohio State, 05; D.Sc, A'f"ed, 37. Prof, and head Dept. Ceramic Engng., North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. (305 Forest Road) M34F34. M. Grebe, Dr. John Josef. M.S., Case, 27; D.Sc, 35. Dir. physical res. lab., Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. M36F36. BCE. Greeder, Dr. Herman. Box 387, Wichita, Kans. M08R32. C. Greeley, A(rthur) W(hite). U. S. Forest Service, St. Maries, Idaho. M37R37. O. Greeley, John R. 96 S. Main Ave., Albanv, N. Y. (?) M35F35R35. F. Green, Dr. Aaron S. 140 Sea Cliff Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M24R36. N. Green, Arthur B(rooks). B.S..C.E., Har- vard, 09. Consulting engineer, 284 Harris Ave., Needham, Mass. M23. M. Green. C. R. sn S. Elson St., Kirksville, Mo. M36R36. IN. Green, Dr. Edgar Moore. M87D35. N. Green, Elbert H(ubbard). A.M., Missouri, 36. Sec.-treas., Green Finance Co., Spring- field, Mo. (645 E. Delmar St.) M37. HL. Green, Ferris M(ilton). B.S., Oregon State, 22. Chief deputy state horticul- turist, and asst. horticulturist. Colorado Agric. Exp. Sta., Fort Collins, Colo. (Box 103, Austin, Colo.) M29F33. OG. Green, Frank(lin) T(heodoreV 1176 Fell St., San Francisco, Calif. M13F15. CGNp. Green, Frederick W(illiam'). E.Eng., Mis- souri School Mines, 40. Chief operating officer, St. Louis Sorthwestern Ry.. St. Louis, Mo. (6203 Washington Ave.) Mi 7- F32. MAK. Green, Prof. George R(ex). M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 15. Prof, nature education and head Dept., and dir. nature camp, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (523 S. Atherton St.) M18F27. GFQ. Green, Henry. B.S., Lafayette, 08. Res. chemist, Interchemical Corp., 432 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. (Easton, Pa.) M38. BC. Green, Dr. Herlyn R(uggles). A.M., Brown, 98; M.D., Pennsvlvania, 03. 1121 Emerson St., Palo Alto, Calif. M28. NG. Green, Howard Whipple. S.B., Harvard, 16; B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 16. Demographer; sec. and dir. statistics and res., Cleveland Health Council; dir., Real Property Inventory of Metropolitan Cleve- land; dir. County Record Bur., Cleveland, Ohio. M40. KMN. Green, Prof. Jerome J(oseph). 405 N. 29th St., San Diego, Calif. M04F18R38. BMQ. Green, John Wilbur. Dept. Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. M29F33R38. BE. Green, Toseph C(ov). A.M., PHnoeton. oq. Chief Div. Controls, Dept. State, Wash- ington, D. C. (10 Quincy St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M24. EHL. Green, Dr. Louis D. M24D37. N. Green, Marcus H. Albright Col., Reading, Pa. M35R35. Green, Dr. Melvin W(illiam). Ph.D., Pitts- burgh, 37. Asst. prof, chemistry, Cincin- nati Col. Pharmacv, Cincinnati, Ohio. M40. NC. Green, Morris N(athan). A.M., Boston. 35; M.S., Michigan, 37. Senior serologist, Illinois Dept. Public Health, 1810 Fill- more St., Chicago, 111. M40. CN. Green, Dr. Robert G(ladding). M.A., Minnesota, 20; M.D., 22. Prof, bacteriol- ogy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M25F33. N. Green, Sarah Letty. S.M., Ohio State, 11. 220 S. Pearl St., Granville, Ohio. M07. CBD. Green, Susan Allen. M.A., Chicago, 06; L.H.D., Marvville. 30. Maryville Col., Maryville, Tenn. M11F33. FGN. Green, Dr. Walter P(erry), Jr. Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 40. Chemical engineer. Gulf Res. and Development Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (1133 Morgan Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa.) M37. C. Green, Warren K(imball). A.M., Harvard, 1 j, Amherst, 34; Ph.D., California. 17. Dir. Amherst Col. Observatory and prof, astronomv. Amherst Col., Amherst, Mass. M24F25. DB. Green, Dr. Willard (W'nn). M.S., Minne- sota, 34: Ph.D., 39. Instr. animal hus- bandry. Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul. Minn. M40F40. OFN. Green, Dr. Wyman RCeed^ Ph.D., Chi- cago. 19. Drew Univ., Madison, N. J. M27F33. F. Greenacre, Dr. Phyllis. M.D., Rush. 345 E. 68th St., New York, N. Y. M38. N. Individual Members 485 Greenbaum, Dr. Sigmund S. M.D., Jeffer- son, 13. Prof, clinical dermatology and syphilology. Univ. Pennsylvania Graduate School Med.; attending dermatologist, Mt. Sinai and Philadelphia Gen. Hosps.; fel- low res., Inst. Cutaneous Med., Philadel- phia, Pa. (320 S. 18th St.) M26. N. Greenberg, Charles. 924 Kelly St., New York, N. Y. M29R34. NFC. Greenberg, Dr. David M. Ph.D., Califor- nia, 24. Assoc, prof, biochemistry, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M39. CN. Greenberg, Miss Etta. 1.56 Grafton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M37R37. ADB. Greenberg, Isidore. Ph.G., Brooklyn Col. Pharmacy, 30; B.A., Brooklyn, 39. Lab. asst. physics and chemistry, Thomas Jef- ferson High School, Brooklyn. N. Y. (1245 Eastern Parkway) M36. CQB. Greenberg, Dr. Louis D(onald). Ph.D., California, 36. Res. assoc, Dept. Pathol- ogy, Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. M39. Greenberg. Dr. Pearl. \V. Henry St.. Linden, NC. Ph.D.. Vienna. 25 N. J. M37. I. Greenburg, Ethel. S38 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. M30. FGN. Greenburg, Dr. Leonard. Ph.D., Yale. 23 ; M.D.. }o. 173 W. 78th St., New York, N. Y. M34F34. N. Greene, Dr. Arthur M(aurice), Jr. M.E., Pennsylvania, 94; Sc.D., 17; D.Eng., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 22. Dean School Engng. and prof, mechanical engng., Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M04F05. M. Greene, Dr. Carl H(artley). Ph.D., Yale, 17; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 21. Assoc, clin- ical prof, medicine. New York Post Grad- uate Med. School, New York; clinical prof, medicine, Long Island Col. Med., Brooklyn, N. Y. (401 Clinton Ave.) M23- F27. N. Greene. Dr. Charles H(erbert). Corning Glass Co., Corning, N. Y. M35F35R37. C. Greene, Charles T(ull). B.S., American, 33. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. En- tomology and Plant Quarantine; honor- ary asst. custodian diptera. U. S. Nat. Miis., Washington, D. C. (College Park, Md.) M18F32. F. Greene, Prof. Charles W(ilsonV A.M., Stanford, 93; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 98. Prof, emeritus physiology and pharmacol- ogy, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo.; lec- turer phvsiology, Stanford University, Calif. Moi'Foi. NpFC. Greene, Dr. C(larence) W(ilson>. Par- sons Col., Fairfield, Iowa. M36F36R36. Q. Greene, Dr. David. 2021 Grand Concourse, B-onx, New York, N. Y. M34R34. N. Greene, Dr. Eloise E(laine). M34D — . NGF. Greene, Frank C(ook). A.M., Indiana, 09. Principal geologist, Missouri Geol. Sur- vey, Rolla, Mo. (900 E. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo.) M09F1S. E. Greene, Dr. H(arry) A(ndrew). Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M38R39. QI. Greene, Dr. Harry Sylvestre Nutting. M.D.,M.C, McGill, 30. Assoc, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., Princeton, N. J. M34- F34. N. Greene, Henry Copley. M.A., Harvard, 09. Clerk, Boston Art Commission, Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass. (10 Longfellow Park, Cambridge, Mass.) M25F32. LQK. Greene, Dr. Hoke S(mith). M.Sc, Cin- cinnati, 28; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, chemical engng., Col. Engng.; chairman graduate- faculty, Graduate School Chemistry and Chemical Engng., Univ. Cincinnati, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. (4012 Gilmore Ave.) M40. CN. Greene, Dr. James Edward. M.A., Van- derbilt. 24; Ph.D., George Peabody, 31. Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. M32F33. IQ. Greene, Dr. James Sonnett. M.D., Cor- nell. 02. Nat. Hosp. Speech Disorders, 61 Irving Place, New York, N. Y. M38. NI. Greene, Joseph Francis. B.S., Pennsyl- vania, 16. Dir. res., Kimble Glass Co., Vineland, N. J. (1123 Pear St.) M40. CMN. Greene, Dr. Katharine Bradford. Uriiv. Michigan School Education, Ann Arbor, Mich. M26R32. IQ. Greene, Dr. Laurenz. M.S., Iowa State, 09; Ph.D., California, 32. Head Dept. Horticulture, Purdue Univ.: chief Dept. Horticulture. Agric. Exp. Sta., La Fay- ette, Ind. M25F25. O. Greene, Dr. Marius B. M.A., M.Sc, Prague; M.M., M.D., Odessa. 1519 Presi- dent St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M35- NMB. Greene, Miss Meridian Ruth. Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 32. Instr. bacteriology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M36. NF. Greene, Omar V. 423 Pine St., West Read- ing, Pa. M32R33. MCB. Greene, Dr. Richard D(aniel). M.S., Northwestern, 25 ; Ph.D., 28. Res. chemist, E. R. Squibb and Sons, New Brunswick, N. J. (37 Jones Ave.) M28F33. CE. Greene, Robert. 31 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. M3SR39- MBA. Greene, Dr. Robert AGva). M.S., Okla- homa A. and M.. 26; Ph.D.. Arizona. 33. Dir. Arizona State Lab.; asst. prof, bac- teriology, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M38. N. Greene, Prof. R(obert) L(ee). Ph.G.. Ohio State. 92. Prof, pha'-^acy (retired), Notre Dame. Ind. M39. NMC. Greene, S. Hobart. 417 Camp St., New Orleans, La. M32R32. 486 Directory of Members Greene, William B. B.S., Illinois, 08. Vice pres. and treas., Barber-Green Co., Aurora, 111. (1300 Garfield Ave.) M36. M. Greenfield, Miss Myrtle. State Public Health Lab., Albuquerque, N. Mex. M38- R38. NB. Greenfield, Dr. Robert Edman. A.M., Illi- nois, 16; Ph.D., 21. Asst. gen. supt., A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., Decatur, 111. (288 S. Westlawn St.) M24F25. C. Greenfield, Sydney S(tanley). M.A., Co- lumbia, 37. Fellow, Dept. Biology, Brook- lyn Col.. Brooklyn ; graduate student bot- any, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. ( 325 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M37. GFQ. Greenfield, Dr. William J. M.D., Michigan, 18. 50 Anderson Ave., Hackensack, N. J. M37. N. Greengard, Dr. Harry. M.S., Northwest- ern, 27; Ph.D., 37; M.D., 38. Instr. physi- ology, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. (244 E. Pearson St.) M40. NC. Greenhall, Arthur M. M.S., Michigan, 35. Graduate student, Columbia Univ. Teach- ers Col., New York, N. Y. (251 W. 89th St.) M38. FEQ. Greenhill, Dr. J(acob) P(erl). M.D., Johns Hopkins. 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. M36F38. N. Greening, Gershom Keys. Assoc, meteor- ologist, U. S. Weather Bur., Phoenix, Ariz. (327 W. Latham St.) M22F31. BD. Greenleaf, Charles (Hunt). Univ. Wiscon- sin, Madison, Wis. M37R37. LH. Greenlee, Ralph (MacMartin). B.A., Yale. 29 E. 64th St., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Greenlee, William B. B.S., Cornell, 95. 70 Scott St., Chicago, HI. M18. EH. Greenman, Prof. J(esse) M(ore). M.S., Harvard, 99: Ph.D., Berlin, 01. Curator herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden; prof, botany, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. (4129 Magnolia Ave.) M98F99. G. Vice president for Section on Botanical Sciences (G), 1936. Greenman, Dr. Milton J(ay). M08F11D37. IN. Greenman, Walter F. M.A., Harvard, 88. 320 Otis St., West Newton, Mass. M37. KE. Greenough, Dr. Robert B. M35F35D37. N. Greenslade, Dr. G(rover) R(awle). M.S., Whitman, 13; M.A., Washington, 14; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 21. Dir. res., Flannerv Bolt Co., Bridgeville, Pa. (Crafton, Pitts- burgh, Pa.) M34F34. BMC. Greenspan, Arnold. B.S., Col. City New York, 29. Health inspector, City Dept. Health, New York, N. Y. (4305 12th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M40. CBE. Greenstein, Dr. Jesse L(eonard). A.M., Harvard, 30; Ph.D., 37. Instr. astronomy, Univ. Chicago, Yerkes Observatory, Wil- liams Bay, Wis. M38F39. DB. Greenwald, Dr. D(akota) U(lrich). M.A., Iowa, 33; Ph.D., 35. Instr. mechanical engng., Univ. Delaware School Engng., Newark, Del. M39. MI. Greenwald, Harold P(utnam). B.S., Car- negie Inst. Tech., 23. Supt., Central Exp. Sta., U. S. Bur. Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. (936 Deely St.) M34F34. BME. Greenwald, Dr. Isidor. Ph.D., Columbia, 11. Assoc, prof, chemistrv, New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. Mn- F21. NC. Greenway, Dr. James C(owan). M.D., Co- lumbia, 04; M.A., Yale, 16. 109 College St., New Haven, Conn. M03L27. GN. Greenwood, Delbert A. M.S., Brigham Young, 30. Res. chemist, Inst. Amer. Meat Packers; res. assoc, Dept. Pharma- cology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (923 E. 56th St.) M38. CNF. Greenwood, Miss Mary Louise. State Col., N. Mex. (?) M29R35. CFO. Greenwood, Dr. (William) Russell. M.S., Purdue, 30; M.D., Pennsylvania, 35. Instr. physiology and asst. Univ. physician, Rut- gers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. (118 Somerset St.) M39. NI. Greer, Elizabeth Juanita (See Mrs. T. S. White). Greer, Frank E(mmett). 5454 Kimbard Ave., Chicago, 111. M25R32. N. Greeson, W(illiam) A(lbert). A.M., Mich- igan, 79. Supt. emeritus public schools, Grand Rapids, Mich. (209 S. O St., Lake Worth, Fla.) M31. QBI. Gregersen, Dr. Magnus I(ngstrup). A.M., Stanford, 24; Ph.D., Harvard, 30. Prof, physiology and head Dept., Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New- York, N. Y. M34F34- N. Gregg, Dr. Alan. M.D., Harvard, 16. Dir. med. sciences, Rockefeller Foundation, New York, N. Y. (30 Cambridge Road, Scarsdale, N. Y.) M26F33- NQ. Gregg, Clifford C(illey). B.S., Cincinnati, 17. Dir., Field Mus. Natural History, Chi- cago, 111. (Braeburn Road, Flossmoor, 111.) M39. QHF. Gregg, Dr. Donald. M23F25L31D39. N. Gregg, Dr. F(red) M(arion). 5320 Leigh- ton Ave., University Place, Lincoln, Nebr. M2SF33R38. L Gregg, James L(awrence). B.S., Missouri School Mines, 23. Res. engineer, Bethle- hem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa. M36. M. Gregg, W(illis) R(ay). M24F27D38. BDH. Gregoria, Sister M. M.A., Iowa, 39. Instr., Mundelein Col., Chicago, 111. M40. EK. Individual Members 487 Gregory, Albert G(eorge) F(rederick). Melrose, Woodchurch, Ashford, Kent, England. M26F27R35. E. Gregory, Cedric Errol. M.E., Adelaide. Wau, New Guinea. M39. M. Gregory, Dr. D(avid) A(lbertus). M.D., Vanderbilt, 16. Milbank, S. Dak. M24. N. Gregory, E. W., Jr. Box 725, University, Ala. M32R32. Gregory, F. A. Empire, Mich. M28R38. Gregory, Henry E. L29D — . Gregory, Prof. Herbert E(rnest). Ph.D., Yale, 99; D.Sc, Doane, 33- Prof, emeritus geology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn.; dir. emeritus, Bishop Mus., Honolulu, Hawaii. M01F02L12. E. Gregory, Miss Jennie (Eliza). M.S., Ari- tioch. Asst. to editor "Endocrinology," Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M37. NQC. Gregory, Dr. Joseph T(racy). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 38. Field supervisor, State Paleonto- logical Survey, Bur. Economic Geology, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M40. EF. Gregory, Prof. Louise H(oyt). M.A., Co- lumbia, 07; Ph.D., 09. Prof, zoology and assoc. dean, Barnard Col., New York, N. Y. (1160 5th Ave.) M10F15. F. Gregory, Prof. P(aul) W(allace). M.S., Kansas State Col., 24; M.S., Harvard, 27; Sc.D., 28. Assoc, prof, animal husbandry, Univ. California, Davis, Calif. (20 Col- lege Park) M30F33. F. Gregory, Dr. Raymond (L.). M.A., Texas; Ph.D. M.D.. Minnesota. 1814 N. Spruce St., Little Rock, Ark. M39- CN. Gregory, W. Edward. Culver Military Acad., Culver, Ind. (?) M33R33. Q. Gregory, Dr. Wilbur Smith. M.A., Syra- cuse, 36; Ph.D., 37. Special adviser to freshmen and instr. psychology, Univ. Ne- braska, Lincoln, Nebr. M38. I. Gregory, Prof. William B(enjamin). Tu- lane Univ., New Orleans, La. M19F30- R32. M. Gregory, Prof. William K(ing). A.M., Co- lumbia, 05: Ph.D., 10; D.Sc, Witwaters- rand, 38. Curator Dept. Comparative Anatomy and Dept. Ichthyology, Amer. Mus. Natural History; prof, vertebrate paleontology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M06F25. FH. Vice president for Section on Anthropology (H), 1931. Greider, C(larence) E(dwin). M.S., Iowa, 21 ; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 24. Res. chem- ist, Nat. Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (1235 Elbur Ave., Lakewood, Ohio) M22- F33. CBM. Greiff, Miss Lotti J(une). M.S., Cornell, 27; Ph.D., Columbia, 31. Teacher chemis- try, High School, Far Rockaway, N. Y. (173 Beach 139th St., Belle Harbor, N. Y.) M25F33. CQB. Greig, John (Martin Macfie). 101 Fairview Ave., Port Washington, N. Y. M36. M. Greig, Miss Margaret E(lizabeth). Bio- chemical Res. Foundation, 133 S. 36th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M39R39. CN. Greisheimer, Prof. Esther (Maud). M.A., Clark, 16; Ph.D., Chicago. 19; M.D., Minnesota, 23. Prof, physiology, Woman's Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M22F33. N. Grelck, William (Peter Martin). 31 17 Ferndale Ave., Baltimore, Md. M18R32. C. Grell, Sister Mary. M.S., St. Louis, 37- Asst. prof., Dept. Biology, Col. St. Bene- dict, St. Joseph, Minn. M38. FGC. Grenfell, Sir Wilfrid. Kinloch House, Charlotte, Vt. M38R38. N. Greslebin, Prof. Hector. B.S., Buenos Aires, 16. Prof, argueologia Americano, Instituto N. del Profesnado Secundario; prof, de dikujo, Escuela Industrial de la Nacion Oeste, Buenos Aires, Argentina, S. A. (Casilla 874) M39F39. HQL. Gress, Prof. E(rnest) M(ilton). A.M., Pittsburgh, 12; Ph.D., 20. Bur. Plant In- dustry, Pennsylvania State Dept. Agric, Harrisburg, Pa. (2000 High St., Camp Hill, Pa.) M12F23. G. Gresser, Dr. Edward Bellamy. 816 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M36R38. N. Gressly, O(scar) E(mil). M.E., Wintro- thur (Switzerland), 92. 434 East End Ave., Beaver, Pa. M17. MN. Grether, Dr. Walter F(rank). A.M., Missis- sippi, 35 ; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 38. Res. asst., Yale Univ. Labs. Primate Biology, New Haven, Conn. M39. I. Greulach, Prof. Victor A(ugust). Sc.M., Ohio State, 33. Assoc, prof, biology, Univ. Houston, Houston, Tex. M37. GFQ. Greulich, Prof. William Walter. M.A., Denver, 28; Ph.D., Stanford, 34. Prof, physical anthropology and anatomy and dir. Brush Foundation, Western Reserve Univ. School Med., Cleveland, Ohio. M36- F36. HN. Greven, J(oannes) P(etrus). Godchaux Sugars, Inc., Reserve, La. M25R35. NMC. Grey, Charles Gibson. U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. M33R33- O. Greze, John P(aul), Jr. B.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 35. Biologist-bacteri- ologist, Zonite Products Corp., New Brunswick, N. J. M38. NCB. Gribbel, John. M04D — . M. Gribbel, Mrs. John. M04L18D34. EFG. Gribble, Prof. Lloyd R(aymond). M.S., West Virginia, 31; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, zoology, West Virginia Univ., Morgan- town, W. Va. M32. F. Gridley, Miss Pearl F. 425 Grove St., Evanston, 111. M31R36. IFK, 488 Directory of Members Grier, Dr. George W. M.D., Jefferson, 04. Prof, roentgenology, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (142 Irwin Ave., Ben Avon, Pa.) M34F38. N. Grier, Prof. Norman MacD(owell). 406 S. Broad St., Mverstown, Pa. M13F23R37. FIQ. Grier, Mrs. Thomas G. (Susie I. Grier). Care of Mrs. R. E. Betz, 1642 S. 16th St., Maywood, 111. Mi 7. HE. Grier, William D(ouglas). 150 William St., New York, N, Y. M35R36. FGC. Griess, Dr. Walter R(ichard). 19 W. -th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. M24R37. CN. Grieves, Miss Malvina M(ary). M27D37. NI. Griffin, Austin F. 1504 W. 4th St., Wil- mington. Del. M30R33. Griffin, Prof. Carroll W(ardlaw). M.S., Virginia, 23; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof. chemistry, Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie. N. Y. M34F34. C. Griffin, Dr. Donald C. 221 Sherman Ave., Manhattan, New York, N. Y. M3oR34- FGN. Griffin, Dr. Edward L(awrence). M.S., Kansas, 13; Ph.D., George Washington, 23. Senior chemist. U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D. C. (420 Whittier St. NW.) M25F33. C. Griffin, Prof. Frank L(oxley). S.M., Chi- cago, 04; Ph.D., 06. Prof, mathematics, Reed Col., Portland, Oreg. (7356 S. East 30th Ave.) M08F10. AK. Griffin, Prof. Howard C(osens). Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. M17F25. CMQ. Griffin, Prof. Lawrence E(dmonds). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 00. Prof, biology, Reed Col., Portland, Oreg. M18F20. F. Griffin, Stuart W. M.S., Arizona, 20. Senior chemist, U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemis- try and Engng., Washington, D. C. M34- F34. CGO. Griffin, Dr. William L. J. 2009 N. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M33R33. NH. Griffing, John B. A.M., Columbia. 2139 W. 79th St., Los Angeles, Calif. M37. OQK. Griffith, Prof. Coleman R(oberts). Ph.D., Illinois, 20. Prof, education and dir. Bur. Institutional Res., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M20F25. I. Griffith, Dr. Esther (Meryl). A.M., Mis- souri, 23: Ph.D., Illinois, 30. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Texas State Col. Women, Den- ton. Tex. M34F34. C. Griffith, Dr. Fred(erick) (Reece). M.A., Washington Univ.. 14; Ph.D., Harvard, 23. Prof, and head Dept. Physiology, Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. M32F33. NF. Griffith, Glenn Rodger Vickery. B.S., Pittsburgh. Assoc, engineer, U. S. Geol. Survev, Tulsa, Okla. (2447 E. 20th St.) M38. EMH. Griffith, Prof. Ivor. Ph.M., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 21 ; Sc.D., Bucknell, 32. Dean, Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science; dir. res., J. B. Stetson Co.: prof, organic chemistry, Wagner Free Inst. Science. Philadelphia, Pa. (Manor Road, Elkins Park, Pa.) M27- F33. CNp. Griffith, Dr. J(ohn) H(ughes). M.A., Ohio State, 22; Ph.D., Stanford, 29. Instr. chemistry, Los Angeles City Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (931 N. Edgemont St.) M25F33. C. Griffith, LeRov A(lexander). B.S., South Carolina. 29. Electrical engineer, Minne- apolis Honeywell Regulator Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. (4415 E. 38th St. ) M32. MBA. Griffith, Dr. Melvr'n E(ugene). A.M., Kan- sas. 3$ ■ Ph.D.. 38. Asst. nrof. zoo'oey, North Dakota Agric. Col., Fargo, N. Dak. M40. F. Griffith, Percv Tate. 125 Woodbine Ave., Larchmont. \T. Y. M28R33. K. Griffiths, Dr. David. M00F03D35. GO. Griffiths, Dr. Robert. D.V.M.. St. Joseph V<=te"ina*'v Col. St Tosenh Veterinary Col.. Viborg, S. Dak. M38. ND. Griffiths, William. M.A., Western Reserve, 36. Social hygienist, Div. Preventable Dis- eases, Minnesota Dept. Health, University Campus, Minneapolis, Minn. M38. IQ. Griffitts, Prof. Charles H(urlbut). A.M., Kansas, 14; Ph.D., Michigan, 19. Prof, psy- chology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1507 Charlton Ave.) M20F25. I. Griggs, Charles Edward. 310 W. Cypress St.. Phoenix, Ariz. M36R36. M. Griggs, Dr. Leland. Ph.D., Dartmouth, 07. Prof, zoology, Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. M11F13. F. Griggs, Miss Mary A(merman). A.M., Columbia, 14; Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Laurin- burg Normal and Industrial Inst., Laurin- burg, N. Car. M39. CBQ. Griggs, Prof. Robert (Fiske). M.A., Minnesota, 06; Ph.D.. Harvard, it. Prof, botany and exec, officer Dept. Botany. George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. (39 E. Bradley Lane, Chevy Chase, Md.) M02F09. G. Gmolia, Dr. Alexander. M.D., Ph.D., Berlin; Ph.D., Pennsylvania. Prof, anthro- pology and dir. Dept. Wheaton Col., Wheaton, 111. M40. H. Grill, Dr. John. M.D., Vienna, 21. Assoc, prof, pathology and bacteriology, Mar- quette Univ. School Med.. MiLaukee, \V;s. (4145 W. McKinley Ave.) M29F33. CFN. Grimes, W(allo) E(rnest). Ph.D., Wis- consin, 23. Prof, economics, Kansas State Col., Manhattan. Kans. M34F34. OK. Grimm, Dr. Randolph M. U. S. Marine Hosp., Seattle, Wash. M32R39. N. Individual Members 489 Grimm, Robert O. 270 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M36R36. D. Grimm, Dr. W(ilbur) W(infield). M.A., Miami, 32; Ph.D., Ohio State, 37. Prof, natural sciences and head Dept., Lincoln Memorial Univ., Harrogate, Tenn. M39. FNG. Grimmer, J. Lear. Sales mgr., Zoological Res. Supply, Englewood, Fia. M40. FNG. Grimshawi Prof. Albert H. M.S., North Carolina State, 29. Prof, textile chemistry and dyeing. North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M34F34- C. Grimsley, Dr. George Perry. M.A., Ohio State, 91; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 94. Hopkins Apartments, Baltimore, Md. M02- F05. E. Griner, A(lbert) J(ohn). 417 E. 13th St., Kansas City, Mo. M36. B. Grinnell, Dr. George Bird. M76F85E29- D38. H. Grinnell, Prof. Joseph. M09F14D39. F. Grinstead, Wren Jones. 4035 Bonsall Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa. (?) M24F32R34. QLI. Griscom, Ludlow. M.A., Cornell, 15. Mus. Comparative Zoology. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M22F23. FG. Griswood, Edgar N(orman). M.A., Colum- bia, 24. Box 12, Mahwah, N. J. M29F40. BQ. Griswold, Prof. Clifford S(tandish). 3 Ross Road, Belmont, Mass. Moi. B. Griswold, Dr. Don M(orse). State Dept. Health, Albany, N. Y. M34F34R36. N. Griswold, Miss Grace H(all). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 25. Dept. Entomology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M22F33. F. Grizzard, Dr. A(lton) L(ee). M.S., Vir- ginia Polytechnic Inst., 29; Ph.D., Mich- igan State, 35. Assoc, agronomist, Vir- ginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Blacksburg, Va. M40F40. OC. Grizzell, Prof. E(mit) Duncan. A.M., Pennsylvania, 19; Ph.D., 22. Prof, second- ary education, Univ. Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. (112 Crosshill Road, West Park) M25F32. Q. Groat, Miss Lucy M. Longwood Towers, Brookline, Mass. (?) M31R32. Groat, Dr. William A(very). M.D., Syra- cuse. 00. Prof, clinical pathology, Syracuse Univ. Col. Med., Syracuse. N. Y. (105 Rugby Road) M08F33. NBC. Grodinsky, Dr. Manuel. M.D., Nebraska, 20. Assoc, prof, anatomy and surgery, Univ. Nebraska Col. Med.. Omaha Nebr. (681 N. 58th St.) (M3oF3iR32)M39F3i.N. Groeneveld, Dr. E. J. 631 W. Granite St., Butte, Mont. M33R33. KDL. Groff, Prof. G(eorge) Weidman. M.S., Pennsylvania State, 12. Dir. Economic Plant Receiving Sta. and prof, horticul- ture, Lingnan Univ., Canton, China. M24- F27. GOQ. Groff, Joseph C(oblentz). M.E., Lehigh, 33. Development engineer, Aldrich Pump Co., Allentown, Pa. (111 N. 4th St.) M26. M. Grogan, Sister Anastasia Maria. A.M., Pennsylvania, 35. Head Dept. Mathe- matics, Immaculata Col., Immaculata, Pa. M36. BA. Groh, Herbert. B.S., Toronto, 08. Agric. scientist, Div. Botany, Science Service, Dominion Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Ont, Canada. (25 Piccadilly Ave.) M24- F33. GO. Grondahl, Dr. L(ars) O(lai). M.S., St. Olaf, 05; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 08. Dir. res. and engng., Union Switch and Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa. (6937 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.) M11F15. BCM. Grondal, Prof. Bror L(eonard). M.Sc.F., Washington, 13. Prof, forestry, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (2019 E. 80th St.) M35F3S. O. Grondijs, H. F. University, Delft, Nether- lands. M36R39. Groner, Prof. O(rel) S(amuel). M25F33- D35. C. Groody, Thomas C(onrad). M.S., Kansas State. Dept. Zoology, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M38. FNC. Grose, Mary Elizabeth. 2970 Iroquois Ave., Detroit, Mich. M32R32. HN. Gross, Mrs. Agnes H. Grant. 4145 N. Albany Ave., Chicago, 111. M33R34. N. Gross, Prof. Alfred O(tto). 11 Boody St., Brunswick, Maine. M31F15R33. F. Gross, Alfred William. A.M., Illinois, 17. State Teachers Col., Duluth, Minn. (1631 E. 3rd St.) M25F25. QIK. Gross, Dr. Catherine (La Vanche). M.A., Wisconsin, 33; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, botany and bacteriology, Hood Col., Fred- erick, Md. (307 W. College Terrace) M34- F39. GF. Gro:s, Dr. George L(loyd). M.S., Iowa State, 37; Ph.D., 39. Instr. mathematics, Texas A. and M. Col., College Station, Tex. M34F38. BAM. Gross, Dr. Irma H. Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M37R38. K. Gross, Dr. Julius H(enry). M.D., Wash- ington Univ., 93. 514 Oakwood Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. M08. NO. Gross, Dr. Moritz. M.D., Columbia, 98. 133 W. 77th St., New York, N. Y. M18. N. Gross, Nels. 73 Fremont Place, Los Angeles, Calif. M39. K. Gross, Dr. P(aul) L(uther) K(arl). Wrightwood, Calif. M26F33R35. C. 49Q Directory of Members Gross, Prof. Paul (Magnus). M.A., Colum- bia, 17; Ph.D., 19. Prof, chemistry and chairman Res. Council, Duke Univ., Dur- ham, N. Car. (M23F33R33)M39F33. COB. Grossbard, Sol. 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M33R36. M. Grosse, Prof. Aristid V. Dr.Eng., Berlin, 27. Res. chemist, Dept. Physics and Dept. Chemistry, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M30F38. CB. Grossenbacher, John G(asser). Plymouth, Fla. M11F15R34. G. Grossenbacher, Otto. Keith Bldg., Cleve- land, Ohio. M28. Grossman, Mrs. Cecelia Mann (Mrs. Bernard A. Grossman). M.A., Columbia, 37. Teacher biology, Walton High School, New York, N. Y. (32 W. 82nd St.) M38. FGQ. Grossman, Edward. Box 9, Grove Hall, Boston, Mass. M31R32. MEB. Grossman, Dr. Edward B(ertram). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 35. Clinical asst. phy- sician and res. asst. chemistry, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. M40. NC. Grossman, Harold. 22 Farrington St., Caldwell, N. J. M29R32. BCE. Grossman, Dr. James D(aniels). D.V.M., Ohio State. Prof, veterinary anatomy, Ohio State Univ. Col. Veterinary Med., Columbus, Ohio. (1700 Guilford Road) M39. NF. Grossman, Louis. 200 E. 102nd St., New- York, N. Y. M32R32. MEB. Grossman, Dr. Louis I(rwin). D.D.S., Pennsylvania, 23; Dr. Med. Dent., Rostock (Germany), 28. Med. Arts Bldg., Phila- delphia, Pa. (M3oR32)M36F39. N. Grossman, William. 214 Highland Ave., Clifton, N. J. M31R32.. FIQ. Grosvenor, Dr. Gilbert (Hovey). A.M., Amherst, 01; Litt.D., Amherst, 26, Mary- land, 38; LL.D., Georgetown, 21, William and Mary, 30, Lafayette, 38; Sc.D., South Dakota School Mines, 35. President, Nat. Geographic Soc. and editor-in-chief, Nat. Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C. (600 Grosvenor Lane, "Wild Acres," Bethesda, Md.) M29F25. E. Grosvenor, Dr. William M(ason). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, q8. 50 E. 41st St., New York, N. Y. M28F32. CBM. Grote, Dr. Irvine W(alter). M.A., Colum- bia, 23; Ph.D., Cincinnati, 25. Consulting chemist; assoc. prof, chemistry, Univ. Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tenn. (50 S. Crest Road) M25F32. C. Grout, Dr. A(bel) J(oel). Ph.D., Columbia, 97. Staff member, Biol. Lab., Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. M98F99. G. Grout, Prof. Frank F(itch). Ph.D., Yale, 17. Prof, geology and mineralogy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M08F11. EC. Secretary of Section on Geology and Geography (E), 1910. Grove, Alvin Russell. M.Sc, New Mexico, 37. Instr. biology, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex. M40F40. GFO. Grove, Dr. Brandon H(ambright). Ph.D., Chicago, 34. Geologist, Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc., 26 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (M32R33)M39. EFH. Grove, Dr. Charles C(layton). A.M., Gettysburg, 03; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 06. Asst. prof.. Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. (143 Milburn Ave., Baldwin, N. Y.) M07F09. AKQ. Grove, Mrs. Ella F. (See Mrs. Ella F. Grove Coca) . Grove, Dr. Vernon G(uy). 438 Rosewood Ave. East Lansing, Mich. M2gF3iR37- AD. Grover, Prof. Frederick O(rville). Oberlin Col., Oberlin, Ohio. M02F06R34. G. Grover, Dr. Frederick W(arren). M.S., Wesleyan, 01 ; Ph.D., George Washington, 07, Ludwig-Maximilian, 08. Prof, electri- cal engng., Union Col., Schenectady, N. Y. (1036 University Place) M22F22. BMD. Grover, Marcus A. Electrical engineer, Tennessee Coal Iron and Ry. Co., Bessemer, Ala. (Birmingham, Ala.) M38. BDE. Grover, Dr. Morris L. 325 State Office Bldg., Providence, R. I. M32R33. NH. Grover, William (Luther). Goodale Park, Columbus, Ohio. M39. CAN. Groves, Dr. A(ncell) B(yron). M.S., Arkansas, 28; Ph.D., West Virginia, 33. Asst. plant pathologist, Winchester Res. Lab., Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Winches- ter, Va. (1415 Greystone Terrace) M31- F33. GOC. Groves, Ernest R(utherford). B.D., Yale, 01; A.B., Dartmouth, 03. Prof, sociology, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M22F33. KIH. Groves, Prof. James F(rederick). Ph.D., Chicago, 15. Prof, and head Dept. Biology, Ripon Col., Ripon, Wis. (652 S. Groves St.) M18F21. GF. Growdon, Dr. Clarence H(olmes). M.A., Ohio State, 21 ; Ph.D., 28. Res. dir., Bur. Juvenile Res., Columbus, Ohio. (5132 Fisher Road) M31F33. I. Grubb, Prof. Aubrey Chester. Dept. Chem- istry, Univ. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. M28R32. CB. Grubb, Carl F. M.A., Illinois, 32. Standard Oil Co. Louisiana, Magnolia, Ark. M34. EFD. Grubb, W(illiam) A(ugustine). Box 955, San Francisco, Calif. M13. EHL. Individual Members 491 Grubbs, Dr. Robert C(ustis). M.Sc, Ohio State, 33; M.D., 35. Instr. physiology, George Washington Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. M34. NF. Grubbs, Dr. Samuel Bates. M.D., Colum- bia, 96. Pleasant Woods Farm, Carmel, Ind. M17F25. N. Gruber, Prof. Charles M(ichael). A.M., Kansas, 12; Ph.D., Harvard, 14; M.D., Washington Univ., 21. Prof, pharmacology, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. (128 Overhill Road, Bala-Cynwyd, Pa.) M34- F34. NpC. Gruber, Dr. L. Franklin. A.M., Muhlen- berg Col., 01: D.D., 18; LL.D., Thiel, 21. Pres. and prof, systematic theology, Chi- cago Lutheran Sem., Maywood, 111. (1600 S. nth St.) M23. DCB. Gruber, R(udolf) E. B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 16. Vice pres., Merck and Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J. (Dover Road, Colonia, N. J.) M30. CNG. Grueber, Miss Elsie D(orothea). M.A., Mt. Holyoke. 1108 Lowerline St., New- Orleans, La. M39. CQ. Gruenberg, Benjamin C(harles). A.M., Columbia, 08; Ph.D., 11. Lecturer phil- osophy science. Col. City New York; con- sulting economist, U. S. Social Security Board, New York, N. Y. (418 Central Park W.) M02F21. QFI. Gruener, Prof. Hippolyte. Ph.D., Yale, 93. Prof, emeritus chemistry, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (2324 Coventry Road, Cleveland Heights) M95F98E39. C. Grulee, Dr. Clifford G(roselle). M.D., Northwestern, 03; M.A., Miami, or; LL.D., 19. Chief pediatrics staff, Presby- terian Hosp.; consulting pediatrician, St. Francis Hosp., Chicago, 111 (1410 Asbury Ave., Evanston, 111.) M17F25. N. Grumbach, Prof. Arthur. M.D., Zurich, 20. Asst. prof., Inst. Hygiene, Zurich, Switzer- land. M25. N. Grundfest, Dr. Harry. M.A., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., 29. Asst. Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M36F36. NFB. Gruner, Dr. O(skar) Cameron. M.D., London. Cancer res. labs.. McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada. M39. N. Grunwald, Kurt. Consulting agric. en- gineer, Bayport, N. Y. M27. MO. Grunwell, Gilbert B(utterfield). C.E., Lehigh. U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M36. MKE. Gruschow, George F(rederick). M.S., New York State Col. Forestry, 38. Head fore- man, U. S. Forest Service, Worcester, Mass. (630 Pleasant St.) M40. GEO. Gruse, Dr. W(illiam) A(rthur). M.A., Wisconsin, 15; Ph.D., 16. Senior fellow, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res.; lecturer, Univ. Pittsburgh School Engng. and Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. (935 Mifflin Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa.) M18F33. C. Gruskin, Dr. Benjamin. Temple Univ. School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M35F35- R37. N. Guanella, Dr. Frances M(arie). A.M., George Washington, 24; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Psychologist, Board Education; lec- turer psychology, Fordham Univ. Grad- uate School, New York, N. Y. (235 E. 22nd St.) M37. I. Guanzon, Dr. Getulio A. M38D39. C. Guardabassi, Mrs. F. M. 988 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. (?) M27R33. KQ. Guberlet, Prof. John E(arl). M.A., Illinois, 11; Ph.D., 14. Prof, zoology, Univ. Wash- ington, Seattle, Wash. M16F20. F. Gudernatsch, Dr. (J.) F. 41 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M18F21. NCF. Gudger, Dr. E(ugene) W(illis). M.S., Nashville, 93; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 05. Hon. assoc. ichthyology, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M08- F13. F. Gueffroy, Miss Edna. Illinois State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. M28R36. E. Guenther, Dr. August E(rnest). Univ. Nebraska Col. Med., Omaha, Nebr. M06- F09R35. N. Guerlac, Henry E(dward). Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (?) M34R35. CN. Guernsey, E(lam) Y. 1504 W. 14th St., Bedford, Ind. M38. H. Guernsey, Dr. E(rnest) W(illiam). M.S., American, 22; Ph.D., George Washington, 24. Asst. dir. res., Consolidated Gas, Elec- tric, Light and Power Co., Baltimore, Md. (41 13 Ridgewood Ave.) M28F33. CB. Guernsey, S(amuel) J(ames). M28F31- D36. H. Guerrant, Dr. N(ollie) B(urnham). Ph.D., Missouri, 25. Prof, biochemistry, Penn- sylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (205 Hartswick Ave.) M28F33. CN. Guerrero, Alberto Lobo. Apartado 666, Bogota, Colombia, S. A. M25. EMC. Guerrlich, Francis. Box 805, Stamford, Conn. M29R34. E. Guest, George M(artin). M.D., M.S., Cin- cinnati. Assoc, prof, pediatrics, Univ. Cincinnati; fellow, Children's Hosp. Res. Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio. M40. N. Guest, Dr. Herbert H(artley). Ph.D., Yale, 12. Chief chemist, J. B. Williams Co., Glastonbury, Conn, (no Keeney Ave., West Hartford, Conn.) M25F33. C. Guggenheim, Dr. Markus. Ph.D. Head Res. Dept., F. Hoffman-La Roche and Co., Ltd., Basle, Switzerland. M38. Guggenheim, William. B.S., Pennsylvania, 89. Scientist, publicist, philanthropist and author, 3 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. M06L07. M. 492 Directory of Members Guilbert, Dr. Henry D. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C. A. M32R33. NFE. Guild, Prof. Frank N(elson). M14F16- D39. C. Guild, Irving T. M36D36. Guild, Dr. Lawrence R(idge). M.A., Yale, 25; Ph.D., 27. Prof, management engng. and head Dept., Carnegie Inst. Tech- nology, Pittsburgh, Pa. M40. KQI. Guild, Dr. Stacy R(ufus). A.M., Michigan, 14; Ph.D., 18. Assoc, prof, otology and dir. Otological Res. Lab., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (17 Elmwood Road, Roland Park) M18F27. h. Guile, Dr. Hubert Vivian. 47 E. 61st St., New York, N. Y. M31R37. N. Guilford, Dr. J(oy) P(aul). Prof, psy- chology and dir. Bur. Instructional Res., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M34- F34. I. Guillemin, Dr. Victor, Jr. A.M., Harvard, 24; Ph.D., Munich, 26. Asst., Harvard Univ.; instr., Radcliffe Col., Cambridge, Mass. (189 Jason St., Arlington, Mass.) M34F34. BQF. Guilliams, Prof. J(ohn) M(ilton). Saratoga Hotel, Chicago, 111. M27. A. Guinn, Dr. Charles B. M.D., Vanderbilt, 90. Route 1, Carthage, Mo. Mi 7. FGO. Guinzburg, Richard A(aron). M06D35. Q. Guion, Dr. Connie M. M.A., Cornell, 13; M.D., 17. Chief Med. Clinic and assoc. prof, clinical medicine, Cornell Univ. Med. Col.; asst. attending physician and chief Gen. Med. Clinic, New York Hosp., New York, N. Y. (147 E. 50th St.) M40. NCD. Guiscafre-Arrillaga, Jaime. M.Sc, Penn- sylvania State. Coffee specialist, Box 282, Mayaguez, P. R. M37. G. Guise, Prof. Cedric Hay. M.F., Cornell, 15. Prof, personnel administration. New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. (207 Iroquois Road) M34F34. O. Gulick, Adaline W. (See Mrs. E. H. Kitze). Gulick, Dr. Addison. A.M., Harvard, 05; Ph.D., Wiirzburg. 10. 308 Westmount Ave., Columbia, Mo. M07F13. NF. Gulick, Miss Margaret. Dept. Bio- chemistry, Univ. Southern California Med. Col., Los Angeles, Calif. M31R32. NC. Gulledge, James R(atliff). M.A., Illinois, 32. Librarian. East Carolina Teachers Col., Greenville, N. Car. M37. QL. Gulley, M(ilton) G(ordon). A.B., William Tewell. 20. Asst. ?eoloe;st, Gulf Oil Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. M36. EM. Gullickson, Dr. T(hor) W(ilhelm). M.S., Minnesota, 22; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, dairy husbandry, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm. St. Paul, Minn. (1346 Raymond Ave.) M39F40. ONL. Gumperz, Dr. Julian. 610 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M36R38. ABK. Gander, Prof. Dwight F(rancis). M.S., Iowa State, 26; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Asst. prof, mathematics, Colorado State Col., Fort Collins, Colo. (619 S. Sherwood St.) (M34F34R35)M38F34. AMB. Gunder, Jeane D(aniel). Curator, Gunder Lab., 310 Linda Vista Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M28L31. F. Gundersen, Dr. Alfred (Ludvig Georg). A.M., Harvard, 07; Dr.Sc, Sorbonne, 10. Curator plants. Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, Brooklyn, N. Y. M18F23. GL. Gundersen, Dr. Carl. M29F33D38. AD. Gunderson, Dr. Frank L(ester). Res. Labs., Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, 111. M32F33R37. CNO. Gunderson, Lewis O. B.A., St. Olaf, 19. Vice pres.. Electro-chemical Engng. Corp.; asst. vice pres., Dearborn Chemical Co., Chicago, 111. (243 Imperial St., Park Ridge, 111.) M39. CBM. Gundlach, Dr. Ralph H(arrelson). Dept. Psychology. Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M29F32R33. IHK. Gunn, Selskar M(ichael). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 05. Vice pres.. Rocke- feller Foundation, New York, N. Y. M07- F14. N. Gunnell, Frank H. Box 307, Holbrook, Ariz. (?) M32R32. EHF. Gunness, Prof. C. I. Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M35F35R35. M. Gunns, C(ecil) A(quila). Poultry Div., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M24- R33. F. Gun:alus, Dr. Irwin C. M.S., Cornell, 37; Ph.D.. 40. Instr., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M38F40. OCN. Gunst, Marie (See Marie Gunst Lawther). Gunter, Gordon (Penn'ngton). M.A., Texas, 31. Marine biologist, Coastal Div., Game, Fish and Oyster Commission, Corpus Christi, Tex. (Rockport, Tex.) M32. F. G'mter, Herman. B.S.. Florida. 07. Geologist, Florida Board Conservation, Tallahassee, Fla. M20F25. E. Gunther, Prof. Charles O(tto). M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 00. Prof, mathematics and ordnance engng., Stevens Inst. Tech., Hoboken. N. T. (Grand Vien-on-Hudson, Nyack, N. Y.j M06F09. ABM. Gunther, Dr. William H(enry). Sheboygan Clinic. Sheboygan, Wis. M18R37. N. Gvnthorp, Dr. Horace. A.M., Kansas. 12; Ph.D., 23. Exec, asst.. Parsons Col., Fair- field. Iowa. M09F21. F. Guptill, Dr. Plimpton. M.D., Harvard. 24. Asst. prof, surgery, Univ. Rochester; asst. surgeon, Strong Memorial Hosp., Roches- ter, N. Y. (16 N. Goodman St.) M36. NE. Individual Members 493 Gurchot, Dr. Charles. Ph.D., Cornell, 25. Instr., Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. (150 l'alo Alto Ave.) M29F33. CNF. Gurley, Miss Caroline R. 70 Morningside Drive, New York, N. Y. M34. NFL Gurley, Dr. John E(dwin). D.D.S., Cali- fornia, 08. Dentist, 350 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. M32. QNd. Gurley, Miss M(ary) Katherine. Care of Dr. B. L. Zinnamon, Sononca County Dept. Health, Santa Rosa, Calif. M38. N. Gurley, William F(rank) E(ugene Reed). Assoc, curator paleontological collection, Walker Mus., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (6151 University Ave.) MioF93- E. Gurnee, Prof. Herbert. A.M.. Wesleyan, 23; Ph.D., Harvard, 29. Asst. prof, psy- chology, Western Reserve Univ., Cleve- land, Ohio. M37. I. Gurney, Dr. Charles Hazard. M.D.. Univ. South, 00. Physician, 554 S. Crest Road, Chattanooga, Tenn. M08. N. Gus, Prof. Charles E(dward). M.E., New York, 24. Assoc, prof, engng. mechanics and exec. sec. New York Univ. Col. Engng., New York, N. Y. (8801 Shore Road, Brooklyn, N. Y.) M37. MQB. Giissow, Dr. H(ans) T(heodor). LL.D., Queen's, 31. Assoc, dir., Science Service, Dominion Dept. Agric, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M39F11. G. Gustafson, Prof. F(elix) G(ustaf). M.A., Harvard, 19; Ph.D., 21. Assoc, prof, botany, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (917 Church St.) M22F27. G. Gustafson, John Edmund. B.S., Minnesota. Worthington Junior Col., Worthington, Minn. M38. FGB. Gustafson, Paul V. M.S., Illinois. Whit- worth Col. Library, Spokane, Wash. M40. FG. Gustafson, Thor (Alexander). 38 Franklin Place, Morris Plains, N. J. M34R36. MAI. Gustafson, Walter G(ustaf). 463 West St., New York, N. Y. M34R34- BAM. Gustavson, K. H. Poste Restante, Orebro, Sweden. M24R32. C. Gut, H. James. Box 700, Sanford, Fla. M38R38. EFH. Gutekunst, Hans (Jacob George). M.S., Illinois, 32. Teacher mathematics, High School, Batavia. 111. (M32R32)M38. AB. Gutenberg, Prof. Beno. Ph.D., Gottingen, 11. Prof, geophvsics, Californa Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M33F33. EDB. Guterman, Dr. Carl E(dward) Fred- erick). Ph.D.. Cornell, 30. Asst. dir., Cor- nell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., Ithaca, N. Y. M31F32. G. Guth, Durward Ogden. B.S., Pittsburgh. 2269 Manning Ave., West Los Angeles, Calif. M38. CPB. Guthe, Dr. Carl E(ugen). M.A., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., 17. Dir., Univ. Museums and Mus. Anthropology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (420 Lakeview Drive) M27- F27. H. Vice pros. dent for Section on Anthropology (II), iy^o ; secretary, 1931-3?- Guthrie, Prof. C(harles) C(laude). M.D., Missouri, 01; Ph.D., Chicago, 07; Sc.D., Pittsburgh, 35. Prof, physiology and phar- macology, Univ. Pittsburgh School Med., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35F35. Np. Guthrie, Prof. D(avid) V(ance). M.A., Washington and Lee, 04; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 08. Prof, physics and astronomy and head Dept. Physics, Louisiana State Univ., University, La. M08F11. BD. Guthrie, Dr. Donald. Robert Packer Hosp., Sayre, Pa. M36R37- N. Guthrie, Dr. E(dward) S(ewall). M.S., Cornell, 10; Ph.D., 13. Prof, dairy indus- try, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M29F31. OQC. Guthrie, Edwin (Ray). M.A., Nebraska, 10; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 12. Prof, psy- chology, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M29F31. I. Guthrie, Dr. John D(aulton). Ph.D., Ohio State, 29. Biochemist, Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers, N. Y. M31F33. GCO. Guthrie, Major John D(ennett). M.F., Yale, 06; M.S., Union, 32. Gen. inspector, Civilian Conservation Corps, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. (Army and Navy Club) M14F20. O. Guthrie, Prof. Joseph Edward. M02F21- D35. F. Guthrie, Prof. Mary J(ane). A.M., Mis- souri, 18; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 22. Prof, zoology, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M25F26. F. Guthrie, Prof. Ned. M.S., Illinois, 26. Prof, chemistry, Hanover Col., Hanover, Ind. M36F36. C. Guthrie, Dr. Riley H(enry). 74 Fenwood Road, Boston, Mass. (?) M38R38. NIK. Gutierrez, Santiago. Apartado 1199, Bogota, Colombia, S. A. (?) M31R32. K. Gutman, Dr. Alexander B. M.A., Cornell, 24; Ph.D., 26; M.D., Vienna, 28. Assoc, medicine, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons; asst. attending physician, Presbyterian Hosp. and Vanderbilt Clinic, Xew York. N. Y. M29F33. NFC. Gutsell, James S(quier). Beaufort, N. Car. M29F32R33. F. Guttman, Dr. Samuel Arnold. M.A., Cor- nell, ^5 ; Ph.D., 37 ; M.D., to. Interne. Phila- delphia Jewish Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M38. N. Gutzeit, Dr, C(arlos) L(ouis). 615 Maverick St., San Antonio, Tex. M39. CB. 494 Directory of Members Guy, Dr. J(ames) Samuel. M.S., David- son, 06; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 11. Dept. Chemistry, Emory University, Ga. M28- F28. C. Guy, Prof. W(illiam) G(eorge). Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Prof, chemistry. Col. William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. M31F33. C. Guyer, Dr. Edwin Michael. M.S., Wiscon- sin, 25; Ph.D., 29. Res. physicist, Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y. (117 E. 5th St.) M31F33. BCM. Guyer, Prof. Michael F(rederic). A.M., Nebraska, 96; Ph.D., Chicago, 00; LL.D., Missouri, 24. Prof, zoology, Univ. Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. M02F05. F. Vice president for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1928. Guyton, Dr. T(homas) L(ee). M.Sc, Ohio State, 16; Ph.D., 23. Head entomologist, Pennsylvania Dept. Agric, Harrisburg, Pa. (2204 Chestnut St.) M18F26. F. Gwinn, Dr. C(lyde) W(allace). A.M., York, 10; M.A., Nebraska, 26; Ph.D., George Peabody, 30. Prof, social studies, Mansfield State Teachers Col., Mansfield, Pa. (62 Sherwood St.) M32. K. Gwinn, Ira J(ames). Morningside Col., Sioux City, Iowa. M24F33R34. ABD. Gwinn, Dr. J(oseph) M(arr). 402^ Park Blvd., San Diego, Calif. M18F31R33. Q- Gwynn, Mr. Marion (Hayes). Consultant, Barrett Co., 40 Rector St., New York, N. Y., and Nat. Oil Products Co., Harri- son, N. J. (19 Hawthorne Terrace, Leonia, N.J.) M39. CAB. Gwynne, Prof. Charles S(umner). M.S., Syracuse, 25 ; Ph.D., Cornell, 27. Assoc, prof, geology, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M23F33. EQC. Gyorgy, Dr. Paul. M.D., Budapest, 15, Heidelberg, 23. Assoc, prof, pediatrics, Western Reserve Univ. School Med.; assoc. pediatrist, Babies' and Children's Hosp. of Univ. Hosps., Cleveland, Ohio. M38. N. Gysler, P. 14 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont, Canada. M39. H Haack, Karl F. O. New City, N. Y. L29. Haag, Albert T., Jr. M.A., Western Re- serve, 32. Teacher and head Dept. Hor- ticulture, West Technical High School, Cleveland, Ohio. (3722 W. 36th St.) M28. GFO. Haag, Dr. Harvey B(ernhardt). M.D., Med. Col. Virginia, 28. Prof, phar- macology, Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond, Va. M37F38. NpC. Haage, Miss Llouella Louise. M.A., New York. 129 Magnolia Ave., Jersey City, N. J. M38. NQK. Haagen-Smit, Dr. A(rie) J(an). Ph.D., Utrecht, 29. Assoc, prof, bio-organic chemistry, California Inst. Tech., Pasa- dena, Calif. M39. CGF. Haan, Andrew P(hilip). M.A., Boston, 29. Technical asst. in biochemistry, Boston Univ. Med. School, Boston, Mass. (557 West St., Walpole, Mass.) M40. ECQ. Haas, Anna L(ouise). M.S., Tulane, 31. 3321 St. Claude Ave., New Orleans, La. M32. GF. Haas, Arthur. Roxbury, Conn. M33R35. A. Haas, Dr. Arthur E(rich). Ph.D., Vienna, 06. Prof, physics, Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. M37F38. BDA. Haas, Cyril H(enry). 54 Pine St., New York, N. Y. M29R32. Haas, Dr. Eugene (George). M.A., Toronto, 21; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 35. Asst. prof., Univ. Akron, Akron, Ohio. (30 Wolcott Road) M29. CBQ. Haas, Dr. Flora Anderson. Arkansas State Teachers Col., Conway, Ark. M18F25- R35. G. Haas, Dr. Joseph. 900 Grand Concourse, Bronx, New York, N. Y. (?) M29R32. N. Haas, Louis W. 4915-B N. Wolcott Ave., Chicago, 111. M34F34- C. Haas, Walter Oskar, Jr. A.B., Kalamazoo, 37. Student and asst, Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. (6032 Ingleside Ave.) M39. CBA. Haas, Prof. William H(erman). 18 12 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. M20F25- R39. E. Haase, Harold F(redrick). M.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 27. Consulting en- gineer, H. F. Haase and Co., 2919 W. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. M29F33. MCK. Haase, Dr. William F(rederick), Jr. 633 W. 70th St. Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. (?) M29F33R35. CNG. Haasis, Dr. Ferdinand W(ead). M.F., Yale, 13; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 28. Box 1921, Carmel, Calif. M20F21. GOE. Haber, David. B.S., Col. City New York, 29. Observer, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. M33. BA. Haber, Mrs. Vernon R. (Julia Moesel). M.A., Cornell, 18; Ph.D., 24. 355 W. Ridge Ave., State College, Pa. M20F25. GF. Haber, Dr. Vernon R(aymond). M.A., Ohio State, 16; Ph.D., Cornell, 24. Assoc, prof., Dept. Zoology and Entomology, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (355 W. Ridge Ave.) M20F25. F. Individual Members 495 Haberman, Dr. J(ulius) Victor. 156 W. 86th St., New York. N. Y. M29F33R33. N. Habib, Nathan. M.S., City Col. Assoc, editor, "Bibliography of American Posses- sions," New York, N. Y. (1407 Sheridan Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M40. KQ. Hablutzel, Dr. Charles E(dward), Jr. M.A., Stanford, 26; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 33. Prof, science and head Dept., Arizona State Teachers Col., Flagstaff, Ariz. M38- F40. BCA. Hachey, H(enry) B(enedict). M.Sc, Mc- Gill, 25. Hydrographer, Atlantic Biol. Sta., Fisheries Res. Board Canada, St. Andrews, N. B., Canada. M35F35. B. Hachtel, Dr. F(rank) W(ilson). M.D., Maryland, 04. 122 W. Lafayette Ave., Baltimore, Md. M08. N. Hackbusch, Miss Florentine. A.M., New York, 17. Field representative, Bur. Mental Health, Dept. Welfare, Harrisburg, Pa. M31. INK. Hackett, Dr. L(ewis) W(endell). Dr.P.H., Harvard, 13. Asst. dir., International Health Div., Rockefeller Foundation, New York, N. Y. (Cairo, Egypt) M17F31. NFK. Hackett, Dr. Martha. South Hadley, Mass. M32F33R37. HNL. Hackh, Prof. Ingo W(aldemar) D(ago- bert). M18F33D38. NC. Hadden, David E(dward). B.Sc, Morn- ingside, 04. Alta, Iowa. M25F30. DC. Haddock, James W(illiam). 338 Hudgins St., Nogales, Ariz. M33R35. D. Haden, Dr. Russell L(andram). M.A.. Virginia, 11; M.D.. Johns Hopkins, 15. Chief Med. Service, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. (2673 N. Park Blvd.) M28F33. N. Hadidian, Zareh. M.S., Rensselaer Poly- technic Inst. Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass. M37. FCE. Hadley, Dr. Amos I(rving). D.M.D., Harvard, 91. Clinical prof, emeritus dentis- try, Harvard Dental School, Boston, Mass. M33. NQK. Hadley, Dr. Charles E(lmer). M.A., Trinity (Connecticut), 26; M.A., Harvard, 26; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, prof, biology, Mont- clair State Teachers Col., Upper Mont- clair, N. J. M28F33. F. Hadley, C(harles) H(arvey). B.S., New Hampshire, 12. Principal entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quaran- tine, Moorestown, N. J. M17F20. F. Hadley, Dr. Ernest E(lvin). M.D., Kansas, 20. Sec, William Alanson White Psy- chiatric Foundation, 1835 I St. NW., Washington, D. C. (4304 Forest Lane NW.) M32. N. Hadley, Dr. Jarvis B(ardwell). Ph.D.. Harvard, 38. Instr. geology, Tufts Col., Medford, Mass. M40. E. Hadley, Dr. Murray N. M.D., Indiana, 03. Assoc, prof, surgery, Indiana Univ. School Medicine, Indianapolis, Ind. (3132 N. New Jersey St.) M40. N. Hadley, Dr. Philip B(ardwell). Camp Beaver Tail, Cedarville, Mich. (?) M07- F10R33. NF. Hadley, Miss Theodosia Hamilton. M.S., Chicago, 04. Teacher nature study, West- ern State Teachers Col., Kalamazoo, Mich. M20. Q. Hadley, Mrs. Winifred Culp. A.M., Stan- ford, 18. Teacher chemistry and physics, Alexander Hamilton High School, Los Angeles, Calif. (1954 Greenfield Ave., West Los Angeles, Calif.) M36. CQ. Hadly, Miss Helen A. M.A., Pennsylvania, 22. 4634 Penn St., Philadelphia, Pa. M29. BGQ. Haecker, Prof. Theophilus L(evi). M07- F18D— . Q. Haefner, Dr. Ralph. 509 W. 121st St., New York, N. Y. M31F32R33. QI. Haegele, Rowland W(ells). Parma, Idaho. M31R37. F. Haenseler, Dr. C(onrad) M(artin). M.S. A., Tennessee, 16; Ph.D., Rutgers, 21. Assoc, prof, plant pathology, Rutgers Univ.; assoc. plant pathologist, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, N. J. M31- F33. G. Haering, David W(illiam). Ph.C, Illinois. Pres., D. W. Hearing and Co., Inc., 2308 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago, 111. (3408 W. Monroe St.) M35. CMN. Haertlein, Prof. Albert. A.B., Harvard, 16; B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 18. Assoc, prof, civil engng., Harvard Univ. Graduate School Engng., Cambridge, Mass. M34- F34. M. Haeseler, P(aul) C(arl). Chief chemist. Metal and Thermit Corp., South San Francisco, Calif. (2440 Larkin St.) M36- F15. C. Haff, Richard M(onroe). 107 Williams St., Ithaca, N. Y. M29R38. F. Haffenrerfer, Rudolf F. Bristol, R. I. M36R38. M. Hafford, Miss Eloise A. M34D39. NKI. Hafkesbring, Prof. Hazel Roberta. M.S., Tulane, 24; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, phy- siology. Woman's Med. Col. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pa. (6200 Wayne Ave.) M27- F33. N. Hafstad, George E(dwin). M.S., Minne- sota, 33. Dept. Geography, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (M32R34)M4o. E. Hagan, Prof. Harold R(aymond). S.M., Harvard, 17; Ph.D., Stanford, 29. Instr., Dept. Biology, Col. City New York, New- York, N. Y. (227 Naples Terrace) Mi 7- F26. FG. 496 Directory of Members Hagan, Miss Margaret Wood. B.A., Salem. Field dir., American Red Cross, St. Eliza- beths Hosp.. Washington, D. C. M39. NKL Hagan, Sister Mary Martinette. M.S., St. Louis, 37. Instr. chemistry, Mundelein Col., Chicago, 111. M36. C. Hagan, Wallace W(oodrow). M.S., Illi- nois. Consulting geologist, 506 S. Gregory St., Urbana, 111. M40. E. Hagan, Dr. W(illiam) A(rthur). D.V.M., Kansas State, 15; D.Sc, 38; M.S., Cornell, 17. Prof, bacteriology and dean Col., New York State Veterinary Col., Ithaca, N. Y. (320 The Parkway) M23F27. NO. Hagar, Stansbury. 24 Fiske Place, Brook- lyn, N. Y. M94F99E39. HD. Hagemann, George E(dward). B.S., Rut- gers, 12. Editor, Alexander Hamilton Inst.; instr. management, School Commercial Accounts and Finance, and lecturer man- agement, Col. Engng., New York Univ., New York, N. Y. (193 N. 18th St., East Orange, N. J.) M2SF33- MKQ. Hagen, Harold F. M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech. Vice pres. and dir. res., B. F. Sturtevant Co., Boston, Mass. (15 Alden Road, Wellesley Hills. Mass.) M40. M. Hagenow, Dr. Charles F(rederick). Wash- ington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M07F11- R38. B. Hager, Dr. Daniel S(impson). 2322 Observatory Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M07R32. HI. Hagge, Harold P. M.S., Iowa State, 29. Forester conservationist, U. S. Soil Con- servation Service, Spartanburg, S. Car. (Clinton, Iowa) M40. OFG. Haggenmacher, Dr. John E. D.Sc, Geneva, 15. 75 Friendly Road, Cranston, R. I. M25. CBM. Haggerty, Dr. Cecil J(erome). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. 930 Garrison Ave., Teaneck, N. J. M28F33. C. Haggerty, Dr. Melvin E(verett). M10F14- D37. HIQ. Vice president for Section on Education (Q), 1926. Haggerty, Rev. Thomas F(rancis). 523 Nelson Ave., Peekskill, N. Y. M37R38. EDM. Hagner, Dr. Arthur F(eodor). Dept. Geology, Univ. Wvoming. Laramie, Wvo. M39R39. EMC. Hagquist, Dr. Carl W(aldemar). Ph.D., Brown, 38. Prof, biology, Albany Col., Portland, Oreg. M39. F. Hague, Miss Eleanor. 640 Hillside Terrace, Pasadena, Calif. M18L37. Hague, Dr. Florence (Sander). A.M., Kansas, 14; Ph.D., Illinois, 21. Assoc. prof, biology, Sweet Briar Col., Sweet Briar, Va. M23F25. F. Hague, Miss Stella M(ary). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 12. Assoc, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (907 W. Oregon St.) M18F25. G. Hahn, Albert W(illiam). 605 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. M19R32. M. Hahn, Clarence W(ilson). M.S., Trinity, 01 ; M.A., Harvard, 03. Chairman, Dept. Biology, High School Commerce, New York, N. Y. (33-14 Murray Lane, Flush- ing, N. Y.) M06F13. FNQ. Hahnert, Dr. William F(ranklin). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 31. Assoc, prof, zoology. Ohio Wesleyan LTniv., Delaware, Ohio. M32. F. Haig, Dr. Charles. M.A., Columbia, 28; Ph.D., 35. Gen. physiologist, Res. Div., Welfare Hosp. Chronic Disease; res. fel- low Dept. Med., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M29F38. NFG. Haig, Dr. I(rvine) T(heodore). M.F.. Yale, 28; Ph.D., 35. Chief, Div. Forest Management Res.. U. S. Forest Service. Washington, D. C. M26F33. O. Haight, Harry Vercoe. B.A., Toronto, 97- Consulting engineer. Canadian Ingrersoll- Rand Co., Ltd., Sherbrooke. Que., Canada. (49 Portland Ave.) Mi 8. M. Hain, Elmer L. B.S., Wisconsin, 10. Asst. to chief topographic engineer, U. S. Geol. Survey. Washington D. C. (742 Rock Creek Church Road NW.) M32. M. Haines, Dr. A(rthur) L(ee). 224 Cherry St., Vermillion, S. Dak. M29R32. CE. Haines, Dr. Edward C(admus). M.S., Haverford, 21 ; Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 24. Chemist, Geo. D. Wetherill Co., Camden N. J. (501 E. Main St., Moores- town, N. J.) M29F31. GBO. Haines, Dr. George. M.S.. Cornell, 18; Ph.D.. Maryland, 29. Senior exp. sta. administrator. U. S. Dept. Agric, Wash- ington, D. C. M24F31. OFC. Haines, Dr. Samuel Faitoute. M.D., Harvard, 19; M.S., Minn- ta, 29. Physi- cian, Mayo Clinic; asst. prof, medicine, Mavo Foundation, Rochester, Minn. (620 9th' Ave. SWr.) M40. N. Haines, Theophilus P(arvin). Dept. Zoology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M32R34. FG. Haines, Dr. Thomas H(arvey). Ph.D., Harvard, 01; M.D., Ohio State, 12. Psy- chiatrist to out-patients, Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic, New York Hosp., New York. N. Y. (58 Tuxedo Road, Montclair, N. J.) M02F11. IN. Hains, Miss Ann (JosephineV St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Ind. M36R36. NI. Ha;re, Dr. Robert D P. O. Box 1387, Hobbs, N. Mex. M38R38. N. Hairgrove, Dr. J(ohn) W(hitlock). Box 457-A Route 3. Salem, Oreg. M36R36, EHL. Individual Members 497 Hairston, Nelson G(eorge). M.A., North Carolina. 39. Asst. zoology, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M40. FG. Hait, Kenneth B(laisdell). Brooksville, Fla. M34R35. I. Hala, Dr. William W(endell). M.D., Maryland, 05. Assoc, prof, pathology, Long Island Col. Med.; dir. pathology, Kings County Hosp.; attending patho- logist, Carson C. Peck Hosp. and Cale- donian Hosp., Brooklyn, N. V. (.3020 29th St., Astoria, N. Y.) M24. N. Halbouty, M(ichel) T(homas). M.S., Texas A. and M., 31. Consulting geologist; petroleum engineer. Merit Oil Corp., Houston. Tex. ^36. EM. Haldeman, Cyrus B(enton). M17L20- D37. A. Haldeman, Prof. William S. A.M., Har- vard, 20. Prof, chemistrv, Monmouth Col., Monmouth, 111. (228 S." Eighth St.) M29- F33. CDM. Haldi, Dr. John. A.M., Catholic, 21 ; Ph.D., Cincinnati, 23. Assoc, prof, physiology, Emorv University, Georgia. (1244 Ridge- wood 'Drive NE, Atlanta, Ga.) M39. N. Hale, Prof. Clarence F(rederick). M.S., Wesleyan, 07; Ph.D.. Cornell, 09. Prof, phvsics, New York State Col. Teachers, Albany, N. Y. M24F31. B. Hale, Don. 648 N. 26th St., Lincoln, Nebr. (?) M32R32. BAM. Hale, Dr. George Ellery. M88F91L17D38. BD. President of Pacific Division, 1922. Hale, Dr. Harrison. S.M., Chicago, 02; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 08; LL.D., Drury, 28. Head, Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. (230 Ozark Ave.) M20F32. C. Hale, H(enry) Warren K(ilburn). Sun Life Bldg., Montreal, Que., Canada. M04- R38. K. Hale, Mrs. Ruth Dorothy Swartz (Ruth Dorothy Swartz). M.A., Nebraska, 27. 97 Roosevelt Blvd., Madison, N. J. M28. FG. Hale, Thomas. Box 4583, University Sta- tion, Tucson, Ariz. M37. LH. Hale, Dr. William J(ay). A.M., Miami, 97, Harvard, 99, Ph.D., Harvard, 02; LL.D., Miami, 37. Res. consultant, Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. M04F10. C. Hale, Dr. (William) Kelley. M.D., St. Louis, 08. Surgeon, Hale Hosp., Wilming- ton, Ohio. M32. N. Hale, Dr. William M(ason). M.D., Yale, 29. Prof, and head Dept. Bacteriology, Univ. Iowa Col. Med., Iowa City, Iowa. M36F38. N. Halenz, Dr. Herwarth F(riedrich). M.A., Northwestern, 28; Ph.D., Colorado, 35. Head Dept. Physical Science, Emmanuel Missionary Col., Berrien Springs, Mich. M39. C. Hales, Prof. Wayne B(rockbank). M.A., Utah, 22; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 26. Prof, physics, Brigham Young LTniv., Provo, Utah. M34F34. B. Haley, Alva J(ustice). E.M., Minnesota. Mercer Island, Wash. M36. EM. Haley, Dr. George. Ph.D., San Francico, 28. Univ. San Francisco, Berkeley, Calif. M30F38. G. Halfacre, William Ernest. 582 Newburv St., Boston, Mass. M37R37. DBO. Halford, Prof. J(oseph) O(lney). Ph.D.. California, 26. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1015 Church St.) M34F34. C. Hall, Dr. Ada R(oberta). M.A., Oregon. 19; Ph.D., Illinois, 21. Asst. prof, physi- ology, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. M22F33. FG. Hall, Prof. Arthur A. B.S., West Virginia, 06. Prof, electrical engng.. West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. (316 Forest Ave.) M17F32. M. Hall, Dr. B(enjamin) Vincent. Ph.D., Yale, 34. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Illi- nois, Llrbana, 111. (1110 W. John St., Champaign, 111.) M40. FN. Hall, Dr. Byron E(llsworth). M.A., Min- nesota, 29; Ph.D., 32; M.D.. Pennsylvania, 33. Consulting physician, Div. Med., Mayo Clinic; instr. medicine. Mayo Foundation Graduate School, Rochester, Minn. (725 7th Ave. SW.) M39. N. Hall, Mrs. Calvin S. (Irene Sanborn). M.A., Vassar, 27; Ph.D., Cornell, 32. Lec- turer home economics, Western Reserve Univ. Graduate School. Cleveland, Ohio. (3469 Tullamore Road, Cleveland Heights) M33. C. Hall, Prof. Calvin S(pringer, Jr.). Ph.D., California, 33. Assoc, prof, and chairman Div. Psychology, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M32F37. I. Hall, Prof. Courtney R. Adelphi Col., Gar- den City, N. Y. M32R32. L. Hall, Earle W. 446 Grove St., Westfield, N. J. M31R32. MBE. Hall, Edward B(ennington). 12^1 Benton Ave., Springfield, Mo. M28R36. EOC. Hall, Prof. Edwin Herbert. M80F81E34- D38. B. Vice president for Section on Math- ematics and Astronomy (A), 1903. Hall, Capt. Edwin P. M.D.. Tulane. 26; M.Sc. Pennsylvania, 30. Chief, surgical service, U. S. Veteran's Administration, White River Junction, Vt. M32. N. Hall, Elwin Benoni. A.B., Stanford, 14. Pres.. Hall-Baker Co. and Hall-Baker Ex- ploration Co., 523 W. 6th St., Los An- geles, Calif. M28. EM. Hall, E(ugene) Raymond. M.A., California, 25; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, vertebrate zoology: acting dir. and curator mam- mals, Univ. California Mus., Berkeley. Calif. M28F31. FE. 498 Directory of Members Hall, Dr. Everett W(esley). A.M., Law- rence; Ph.D., Cornell. 600 Foothill Road, Stanford University, Calif. M38. BKI. Hall, Dr. F(lemmon) P(orter). 204 Gran- ger Road, Syracuse, N. Y. M34F34R39. BC. Hall, Prof. F(rank) G(regory). M.A., Wis- consin, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Prof, zoology, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M21F25. F. Hall, Frank W(inston). Georgetown, Tex. M38R39. COG. Hall, Dr. George M(artin). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 23. Dept. Geology, Univ. Ten- nessee, Knoxville, Tenn. M24F27. EM. Hall, Dr. G(oldan) O(rlando). M.S., Cor- nell, 23 ; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, prof, poultry husbandry, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (513 Dryden Road) M35F35. FO. Hall, Harlow H(omer). Dept. Bacteri- ology, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M31F33R35. CN. Hall, Miss Harriet Phoebe. B.S., Massa- chusetts State, 28. Clinical lab. technician, New York Osteopathic Clinic, New York, N. Y. (123 E. 10th St.) M39. NC. Hall, Mrs. Henry T. (Harriet McWilliams Parsons). M.S., Chicago, 16; Ph.D., 21. 316 Glenside Road, South Orange, N. J. M24F32. D. Hall, H(enry) U(sher). Route 1, Ambler, Pa. M24F32. H. Hall, Prof. Ivan C(lifford). M.S., Cali- fornia, 11; Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Prof, and head Dept. Bacteriology and Public Health, Univ. Colorado School Med., Den- ver, Colorado. M24F31. N. Hall, Dr. J. Frank. D.D.S., Pittsburgh. Med. Col. Virginia School Dentistry, Rich- mond, Va. M39. NdQ. . Hall, Prof. James A(lexander). M34F34- D36. M. Hall, Dr. J(ames) K(ing). M.D., Jefferson, 04; LL.D., North Carolina, 35. Med. supt., Westbrook Sanatorium, Inc., Richmond, Va. M39. NIQ. Hall, Miss Jennie. M.A., Ripon, 11. Ad- viser science, Board of Education, Minne- apolis, Minn. (4933 Logan Ave. South) M31. QI. Hall, Dr. Jerome. Louisiana State Univ. Law School, University, La. M38R38. KLH. Hall, Dr. J(oseph) Alfred. M.S., Wiscon- sin, 22; Ph.D., 34. Dir., U. S. Central States Forest Exp. Sta., Columbus, Ohio. M26F33. C. Hall, Dr. Lawrence P(ercival). M.A., Har- vard, 21 ; Ph.D., 25. Chemist, Rohm and Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (21 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J.) M28F33. C. Hall, Lloyd A(ugustus). Ph.C, North- western, 14; B.S., 15. Chief chemist and dir. res., Griffith Laboratories, Inc., Chi- cago, 111. (6745 St. Lawrence Ave.) M29- F38. C. Hall, Dr. Lyman Beecher. M82F84D35. C. Hall, Dr. Marguerite F. M.A., Michigan, 28; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, and res. asst., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (25 Ridgeway St.) M39. NAQ. Hall, Mrs. Mary Bowers. M.A., Radcliffe, 98; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 09. 37 E. Church St., Bethlehem, Pa. M34F34. F. Hall, Maurice Crowther. M18F20D38. FNO. Hall, Prof. Norris F(olger). A.M., Haver- ford, 13; A.M., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., 17. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Wisconsin, Madi- son, Wis. (1101 Lincoln St.) M28F33. CB. Hall, Peter J., Jr. A.B., Lincoln, 28. Dean and prof, zoology and mathematics, Mis- sissippi Industrial Col., Holly Springs, Miss. M40. FAB. Hall, Miss Rachael C(onstance). M.A., Wellesley, 25. Registered med. technolo- gist, Norfolk State Hosp., Norfolk, Nebr. M26. GAC. Hall, Dr. Ralph C(orbin). M.F., Harvard, 27; Ph.D., Michigan, 31. Assoc, entomolo- gist, U. S. Forest Insect Lab., Univ. Cal- ifornia, Berkeley, Calif. (72 Davis Road) M29F33. OFG. Hall, Dr. R(ichard) P. M.A., California, 22; Ph.D., 24. Prof, biology, New York Univ., University Heights, New York, N. Y. M23F28. F. Hall, Dr. Robert B(urnett). Dept. Geog- raphy, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M31R32. E. Hall, Robert T(remaine). Staunton Mili- tary Acad., Staunton, Va. M29R34. FGQ. Hall, Dr. Robert W(illiam). M.A.. Har- vard, 98; Ph.D., 01. Prof, biology, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. (37 E. Church St.) M01F05. F. Hall, Roland B. M.E., Alabama Polytech- nic Inst., 06. Member firm, Burford, Hall and Smith, Atlanta, Ga. (705 Myrtle St. NE.) M26. MBA. Hall, Dr. Roscoe W(illis). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Clinical dir., St. Elizabeths Hosp.; clinical prof, psychiatry, George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. M28F33. NI. Hall, R(ufus) Clifford. M.F., Yale, 08. Dir., Forest Taxation Inquiry, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. (316 Mansion Drive, Alexandria, Va.) M28F33. OK. Hall, Dr. S(amuel) Warren, III. M.A., Pennsylvania. 28; Ph.D., 33. Student, Stanford University, Calif. M36. IN. Individual Members 499 Hall, Sydney H. A.B., Harvard, 20. Chief chemist, Durez Plastics and Chemicals, Inc., North Tonawanda, N. Y. M36. C. Hall, Dr. Thomas G. 454 Iowa St., Oak Park, 111. M38R38. N. Hall, Dr. Victor E(rnest). A.M., Stanford, 25; M.D., 28. Assoc, prof, physiology, Stanford University, Calif. (735 Middle- field Road, Palo Alto, Calif.) M28F33. NFG. Hall, Wallace LeRoy. M.S., George Wash- ington, 31. Chemist, Vitamin Div., U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Washing- ton, D. C. (Riggs Road, Hyattsville, Md.) M35F3S. CBG. Hall, Dr. William Bonnell. 716 Pettus St., Selma, Ala. M02F09R33. K. Hall, Dr. W(illiam) Heinlen. Ph.D., Ohio State, 39. Instr. chemistry, Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, Ohio. M40. CBA. Hall, Prof. William Shafer. Lafayette Col., Easton, Pa. M02F06R34. A. Hall, Prof. William T(homas). Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M06- Fio. C. Hall, Comdr. W(illiam) Winthrop. M.D., Minnesota, 18. Med. Corps, U. S. Navy; Chief, Med. Service, U.S.S. Relief Hosp. Ship, Care Postmaster, Long Beach, Calif. M39. N. Hallauer, Frank Joseph. C.E., Purdue, 14. Principal engineer, U. S. Forest Service, Washington. D. C. (3819 Jenifer St. NW.) M29F33. MGO. Halle, Hiram J. Pres., Universal Oil Prod- ucts Co., 50 W. 50th St., New York, N. Y. M33. Halleck, Dr. Reuben Post. M18F33D37. I. Haller, Dr. H(erbert) L(udwig Jacob). Ch.E., Cincinnati, 18; Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Senior chemist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C, (4407 38th St. NW.) M31F33. C Haller, Dr. M(ark) H(ughlin). M.S., Maryland, 26; Ph.D., 32. 404 Sonoma Road, Bethesda, Md. M29F32. OGC. Hallett, Dr. L(awrence) T(renery). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 28. Res. chemist, Eastman Ko- dak Co., Rochester, N. Y. (82 Brunswick St.) M39. CP. Hallett, Robert Leroy. E.M., Colorado School of Mines. Chief chemist, National Lead Co., 111 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (49 E. 19th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M39. CBM. Hallett, Dr. Winslow N(ichols). Cedar Crest Col., Allentown, Pa. M34R34. AI. Halliday, Miss Evelyn G(ertrude). Ph.D.. Chicago, 29. Assoc, prof, food chemistry, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (1415 E. 57th St.) M24F38. C. Halliday, Dr. Nellie. A.M., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., 30 Res. biochemistry, Univ. South- ern California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1026 W. 35th St.) M30F33. CN. Hallock, Prof. Frances A(delia). A.M., Columbia, 15; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. Hunter College, New York, N. Y. M27- F27. GN. Hallock, Dr. Frank K(irkwood). Moi- F33D— . N. Hallonquist, Dr. Earl G(rand). M.A., British Columbia, 30; Ph.D., McGill, 33. Res. chemist, Rayonier, Inc., Shelton, Wash. (Wilcox Apartments) M39. C. Hallsted, A(lanson) L(ola). B.S., Kansas State. Assoc, agronomist, U. S. Div. Dry Land Agric, Fort Hays Exp. Sta., Hays, Kans. M29F31. OGF. Halperin, Morris. 50 Vernon St., Oakland, Calif. M35F33R35. OG. Halpert, Dr. Bela. M.D., Prague, 21. Asst. prof, pathology and bacteriology, Louisi- ana State Univ. Med. Center; senior path- ologist, Charity Hosp. Louisiana, New- Orleans, La. (431 Millaudon St.) M40. N. Halpin, Prof. James G(arfield). B.S.A., Cornell, 05. Prof, poultry husbandry, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (2237 Eton Ridge) M28F31. O. Halseth, Odd S(igurd). M.Sc, Southern California, 31. City archaeologist. Pueblo Grande Lab., Phoenix, Ariz. M28. HK. Halsey, H(arvey) Randolph. M.A., Colum- bia, 25. Columbia Univ. School Pharmacv, New York, N. Y. M29. F. Halsey, Hugh. Cooper Union, New York, N. Y. M35R36. BM. Halsey, Dr. Robert H(urtin). M.A.. M.D.. Columbia, 00. Consulting physician. New York Post Graduate Med. School and Hosp., and Welfare Hosp., New York, N. Y. Mo6F33- NK. Halstead, Mrs. Alice L. Braunwarth. Ph.G., Cincinnati, 92. Pharmacist retired, 1101 E. Front St., Muscatine, Iowa. M30. CDG. Halstead, Ernest Wileder. Mission, Tex. M32F11R32. GO. Halsted, Miss M(ary) Elizabeth. 80 Ha- ven Ave., New York, N. Y. M33R37. NBC. Halton, Dr. Mary, M.D., Stanford, 00. Attending obstetrician, Downtown Hosp., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Halverson, J(ohn) O(liver). M.A., Mis- souri, 13; Ph.D., Jefferson, 16. Charge nutrition res., North Carolina Agric. Exp. Sta.. Raleigh, N. Car. (2813 Mayview Road) M25F33. CFN. Halvorsen, Arthur Ludwick. Treas., Clad- ite. Inc., 771 First Ave., New York, N. Y. (North Salem Road, Purdy Station, N. Y.) M2SF31. MC. 5oo Directory of Members Halvorson, Dr. H(alvor) Orin. Ph.D., Minnesota, 28. Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. M39. CN. Halvorson, Henry A(lbert). B.Sc, Minne- sota, n. Chemist charge Div. Feed and Fertilizer Control, Minnesota Dept. Agric, St. Paul, Minn.; dir. scientific tests, State Testing Mill, Minneapolis, Minn. (3400 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.) M34- F38. CO. Ham, Dr. Coyt. M.D., Med. Col. South Carolina, 19. Senior asst. physician, South Carolina State Hosp., Columbia, S. Car. M38. IKL. Ham, Mrs. Eleanora Sense. M.S., Wiscon- sin, 27. Editor, Bulletin New York State Dietetic Assn., Westport Conn. (589 Riv- erside Ave.) M37. N. Ham, Dr. L(loyd) B(linn). A.M., Illinois, jo; Ph.D., 24. Prof, physics, Univ. Arkan- sas, Fayetteville, Ark. M28F31. BAC. Hamaker, Dr. J(ohn) I(rvin). A.M., Har- vard, 95; Ph.D., 97. Prof, biology, Ran- dolph-Macon Woman's Col., Lvnchburg, Va. M01F01. FGQ. Hamalainen, Carl. M.S., Minnesota. Pes. asst., Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Sta- tion, Tex. M40. C. Hamann, Dr. Anna. M.D., Munich. Asst. prof, roentgenology, Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. (1414 E. 59th St.) M40. NB. Hamblen, Dr. E(dwin) C(rowell). M.D., Virginia, 28. Duke Hosp., Durham, N. Car. M38F38. N. Hambleton, James I(saac). B.S., Ohio State, 17. Principal agriculturist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Beltsville Res. Center, Beltsville, Md. M25- F26. OF. Hamblin, Prof. A(dolph) P(utman). Dept. Biologv, West Virginia- State Col., Insti- tute, W. Va. M37R37. FGC. Hamblock, Dr. Leonard C(harles). M.D., Pennsylvania, 25. Obstetrician and gyne- cologist-in-chief, Methodist Hosp., Phila- delphia, Pa. M38. N. Hambrick, Dr. Robert (Theodore). Men- zies Bldg., Hickory, N. Car. M36R37. N. Hamburger, Dr. Louis Philip. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 97. Assoc, medicine, Johns Hop- kins Univ.: consultant, Baltimore Health Dept.; visiting physician Baltimore hosps., Baltimore, Md. M08F33. N. Hamburger, Dr. Morton. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 34. Instr. medicine. Univ. Cin- cinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M40. N. Hamer, Dr. Walter J. Ph.D., Ya'e, 32. Assoc, chemist. Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. M38. CAB. Hamersley, C(arl) S. M25D38. M. Hamilton, Dr. Alice. M.D., Michigan, 93. Med. consultant, Div. Labor Standards, U. S. Dept. of Labor, Washington, D. C. ; prof, emeritus. Harvard School Public Health, Boston, Mass. (Hadlyme, Conn.) M35F35. N. Hamilton, Dr. Arthur S(tephen). 511 \ eates Bidg., Minneapolis, Minn. M24- F33R35. NIQ. Hamilton, Dr. Bengt (Leopold Knutsson). Univ. Clinics, Univ. Chicago. Chicago. 111. M31F33R35. NC. Hamilton, Prof. Cliff S(truthers). Ph.D., Northwestern, 22. Chairman, Dept. Chem- istrv, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M37F38. CN. Hamilton, Daniel E. 1220 S. Boulder Ave., Tulsa, Okla. M38. MCP. Hamilton, Donald (Menzies). 1657 31st St. NW., Washington, D. C. M38R38. MEL. Hamilton, Edward P(armelee). C.E., Rensselaer, 07. Vice pres. and treas., John Wilev and Sons, Inc., 440 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. M36. M. Hamilton, Miss Evelyn C. 133 S. Main Ave., Albany, N. Y. M31R33. KIH. Hamilton, Prof. Floyd E. Union Christian Col., Pvengvang, Korea. (M33R33.)M35- R3S- FG. Hamilton, Miss Frances (Lillian V 909 N. 7th St., Phoenix, Ariz. M34R35- GFE. Hamilton, Dr. F(rancis) M(arion). A.M., Indiana, 01 ; Ph.D., Columbia, 07. 455 Park Ave., Leonia, N. J. M07F11. IQ. Hamilton, Dr. Frank A. 1005 Hume Man- sur Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. M32R34. Nd. Hamilton, Dr. Frank E. M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 30; M.Sc, Ohio State, 39. Instr., Dept. Res. Surgery, Ohio State Univ., Co- lumbus, Ohio. M40. N. Hamilton, Gordon H. 1055 W. 56th St., Kansas City, Mo. M36R39. MAB. Hamilton, Dr. James B(ruce). Ph.D., Yale, 35. Asst. prof, anatomy, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M38. NF. Hamilton, Dr. James Morton. Ph.D., Wis- consin, 29. New York Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M29F31. GCO. Hamilton, John Meacham. M.A.. Wes- leyan, 37. Asst. res. neurophysiology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M38. F. Hamilton, Prof. John O(rr). M29F31- D38. B. Hamilton, Mary R. 500 Pinney St., Roch- ester, Pa. M27R32. NI. Hamilton, Parker. Belmont Hill School, Belmont, Mass. M35. Hamilton, Dr. R(obert) H(ouston), Jr. M.A., Texas, 27; Ph.D.. Minnesota, 33; M.D., 35. Asst. prof, physiological chem- istry, Temple Univ. School Med., Phila- delphia, Pa. M38. C. Individual Members 50] Hamilton, Tom S(herman). Univ. Illinois, Urbana. 111. M33F33R34. CO. Hamilton, Prof. Viola (Catherine). M.A., Texas. 27. Texas State Col. Women, Den- ton, Tex. (M2oR32)M38. GFH. Hamilton, Walter M. U. S. Naval Ob- servatory, Washington, D. C. M11F25. AD. Hamilton, Prof. W(illiam) F(erguson). Ph.D., California, 21. Prof, physiology and pharmacology, Univ. Georgia School Med., Augusta, Ga. M22F27. Np. Hamilton, Dr. W(ill:am) J(ohn), Jr. M.A., Cornell, 28; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, verte- brate zoology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M29F33. FN. Hamlen, Thomas William. M.A., Colum- bia, 38. Teacher science, Ethical Culture School, New York, N. Y. (480 Washing- ton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M40. Q. Hamlett, Dr. G(eorge) W(hitfield) D(e- luz). Dept. Anatomy. Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M30F33R33- F. Hamley, Miss Jean (Elizabeth). British American Hosp., Apartado 416, Callao, Peru, S. A. M36R36. NCI. Hamlin, Chauncey J. A.B., Yale, 03; LL.B.. Buffalo, 05. Pres., Buffalo Soc. Nat- ural Sciences, Buffalo, N. Y. M27. Hamlin, H. M. 227 Russell Ave., Ames, Iowa. M36R36. Hamlin, Howard E(lroy). 1945 Waltham Road, Columbus, Ohio. M17F33R36. NF. Hamlin, James B(rush). 3130 Greenview Ave., Chicago, 111. (?) M32R34. KQI. Hamlin, Dr. John C(alhoun). M.Sc, Ohio State, 18; Ph.D., 28. 481 Federal Bidg., Salt Lake City, Utah. M34F34. FGO. Hamlin, Dr. Marston L(ovell). M.A.. Co- lumbia, 09; Ph.D., 12. Res. and Develop- ment Dept., The Barrett Co., 40 Rector St., New York, N. Y. (251 Rocklyn Ave., Lynbrook, N. Y.) M18F28. CMP. Hamlin, Vincent Trout. Comic strip artist, Newspaper Enterprise Assn., 1200 W. 3rd St., Cleveland, Ohio. (Bay view Drive, Sarasota, Fla.) M36. EH. Hamly, Dr. D(ouglas) H(owell). M.A., Toronto, 29; Ph.D.. 32. Dept. Botany, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M39. GBC. Hamly, Miss Rosemary (Haskell). B.S., Florida State Col. Women, 37. Med. tech- nologist, Hematology Dept., Jefferson Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M38. NCB. Hamman, Dr. Louis. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 01. Visiting physician, Johns Hop- kins Hosp.; assoc. prof, medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Med., Balti- more, Md. M08F14. N. Hammar, Dr. G(ustaf) W(ilhelm). Mos- cow, Idaho. M34F34R34. BCD. Hammer, Alfred E(mil). M17L20D35. MCE. Hammer, Oscar H. 107 Dryden Road, Ithaca, N. Y. M32R32. FON. Hammer, Major W(illiam) J(oseph). M02- F06D34. MB. Hammers, Morgan J. 218 vanRenu>elaer Ave., Stamford, Conn. M25. M. Hammett, Dr. Frederick S(imonds). M.S., Rhode Island State, 11; A.M., Harvard, 14; Ph.D., 15. Scientific dir., Lankenau Hosp. Res. Inst., Philadelphia, Pa. (493 Commercial St., Provincetown, Mass.) M18F21. NFC. Hammock, (Edward) Woodrow. A.B., Lynchburg, 37. Head Science Dept., Fork Union Military Acad., Fork Union, Va. M40. BC. Hammond, D(atus) M(iller). Dept. Zool- ogy and Entomology, Utah Agric. Col., Logan, Utah. M36R37. FNQ. Hammond, Edward Cuyler. 140 W. Lan- vale St., Baltimore, Md. M37R37- FHK. Hammond, Dr. Edward S(anford). M.A., Yale, 15; Ph.D., Princeton, 20. Prof, mathematics and dir. admissions, Bow- doin Col. Brunswick, Maine. (0 Thomp- son St.) M29F33. AB. Hammond, Prof. Elmer L(ionel). M.S., Michigan, 23. Prof, pharmacy and dean Univ. Mississippi School Pharmacy, Uni- versity, Miss. (603 S. 8th St., Oxford, Miss.) M29F33. CNp. Hammond, George H(enry). M.Sc, Mc- Gill, 22. Asst. agric. scientist, Div. Ento- mology, Dominion Dept. Agric, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M39. O. Hammond, Dr. George P. 3525 Monte Vista St., Albuquerque, N. Mex. M38R38. LHK. Hammond, George T. 156 Berkeley Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. (?) M08F18R36 M. Hammond, H. Pierson. B.A., Williams, 00. Actuary, Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. (700 Main St.) M31. A. Hammond, Dr. Harry P(arker). C.E., Pennsylvania; D. Eng., Case, 31. Dean, Pennsylvania State Col. School Engng., State College, Pa. M34F34. M. Hammond, J. C. Alamitos School, Holt- ville, Calif. (?) M33R33. Hammond, John Hays. M01F01D36. AEM. Vice president for Sect on on Social and Economic Sciences (I), 1912. Hammond, Prof. Philo F(ay). M.Di., Iowa State Teachers Col., 02; Ph.D., Stanford, 16. Prof, physics, Univ. Wyo- ming, Laramie, Wyo. M24F31. B. Hammond, Ralph E(ugene). M.S., Minne- sota, 36. Petroleum engineer, Carter Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla. (Effingham, 111.) M38. MKB. 502 Directory of Members Hammond, Thomas Morgan. M.A., Texas, 25. Head Dept. Engng. and Physics, Schreiner Inst., Kerrville, Tex. (223 Travis St.) M35. B. Hammond, Weldon W(oolf). 1704 Alamo Nat. Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. M34R37. E. Hammond, Dr. W(illiam) A(rchie). M.A., Ohio State, 17; Ph.D., 29. Mgr., W. A. Hammond Drierite Co., Yellow Springs, Ohio. (150 E. Limestone St.) M30F33. CBE. Hammond, Wray E(llsworth). Animal Husbandry Sec, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M27R33. O. Hamner, Dr. Karl C(lemens). M.S., Ph.D., Chicago, 35. Instr. botany, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M38F39. GO. Hamor, Dr. W(illiam) A(llen). M.A., Pittsburgh, 13; Sc.D., Grove City, 32; D.Sc, Pittsburgh, 35. Asst. dir., Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. (322 6th St., Oakmont, Pa.) M34F34. CNP. Hamp, Frank A. 33rd St. and Baltimore Drive, Indianapolis, Ind. M38. GFN. Hampel, Dr. C(hester) W(illiam). M.A., Wesleyan, 29; Ph.D., Harvard, 34. Assoc, prof, phvsiology, American Univ. Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. M38F38. NF. Hampil, Miss Bettylee. Sc.D., Johns Hop- kins, 27. Mulford Biol. Labs., Glenolden, Pa. M28. NC. Hampton, Harold Clark. M.A., Stanford, 20. Res. chemist, Canadian International Paper and Power Co., Hawkesbury, Ont., Canada. M24F33. CGB. Hampton, Laurence D(eloss). Auburn, Ala. M28R36. AD. Hampton, William H(untley). 2037 S. West Park Ave., Portland, Oreg. M31R32. BCD. Hamre, Prof. Christopher J(ohn). M.S., Wisconsin, 27; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, prof, zoology, Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. M30F33. F. Hamvas, Laszlo U. M.E., Budapest, 10. Development engineer, Ken Rad Lamp and Tube Company, Owensboro, Ky. (325 W. 8th St.) M36. MAB. Hanan, Dr. E(rnest) B(yron). A.M., Buf- falo, 25 ; M.D., 29. Consulting pathologist, State Hosp., Nevada, Mo.; pathologist, George Dewitt Memorial Hosp., Humans- ville, Mo., and Burge Hosp., Springfield, Mo. M28F33. N. Hanawalt, Prof. Ella M(ay). M.A., Michi- gan, 27; Ph.D., 29. Prof, psychology and head Dept. Education and Psychology, Milwaukee-Downer Col., Milwaukee, Wis. M40. IQF. Hanawalt, Fred A. M.S., Ohio State, 21. Asst. biology, Otterbein Col., Westerville, Ohio. (65 W. Broadway) M40. FE. Hanawalt, Dr. J(oseph) Donald. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 29. Dir. X-ray Lab., Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. M32F33. BCM. Hance, Dr. Francis E(vaul). Exp. Sta., Hawaiian Sugar Planters Assn., Honolulu, Hawaii. M34F34R36. C. Hance, Dr. James H(arold). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 18. 1666 Harvard Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. M18F25. EM. Hance, Dr. Kenneth G(ordon). A.M., Oli- vet; Ph.D., Michigan. 513 E. Erie St., Al- bion, Mich. M38. KLQ. Hance, Dr. Robert T(heodore). M.A., Cin- cinnati, 14; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 17. Graduate prof, biology and dir. Biol. Labs., Duquesne Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (1 Broadmoor Ave.) M12F20. F. Hanchette, Dr. John L. 626 Dulzill Bldg., Oakland, Calif. M20R32. N. Hancock, Dr. Harris. A.M., Ph.D., Berlin, 94; D.Sc, Paris, 01. Prof, emeritus math- ematics, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Charlottesville, Va.) M04F06. A. Vice president for Section on Mathematics (A), 1923. Hancock, Dr. James Cole. M02D33. N. Hancox, Prof. R(obert) R(ex). M.S., Iowa, 28; Ph.D., 32. Prof, physics and mathematics, Olivet Col., Olivet, Mich. M34F34. BAM. Hand, Prof. David B. Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Asst. prof, biochemistry, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M40. C. Hand, George W(ashington). LL.D., John Marshall Law School, 16. Asst. to pres., Chicago and Northwestern Ry. ; vice pres., Superior Coal Co. and Interstate Transit Lines, Chicago, 111. (412 Courtland Ave., Park Ridge, 111.) M18. M. Handlan, J. W. 91 Lynwood Ave., Wheel- ling, W. Va. M32R32. Handley, Prof. Carroll A(lfred). Ph.D., California, 40. Asst. prof, physiology and pharmacology, Univ. South Dakota, Ver- million, S. Dak. M40. Np. Handley, Dr. (James) Franklin, Jr. M.A., Missouri, 33; M.D., Pennsylvania, 37. Lieutenant (jg), Medical Corps, U. S. Navy, Navy Med. School, Washington, D. C. M40. N. Handy, Dr. Edward Smith Craighill. M.A., Harvard, 16; Ph.D., 19. Assoc, ethnology, Bishop Mus., Honolulu, Hawaii. (Fairfax, Va.) M26F31. H. Handy, Miss Etta H. M.A., Columbia, 30. Dir. dining halls, Univ. Rochester, Roch- ester, N. Y. (424 University Ave.) M39. KNQ. Handy, H(enry) H(unter) S(mith). M18- D3S. M. Haner, Carl. Indian Lane, Route 2, Media, Pa. M34F34R38. CM. Individual Members 503 Hanes, Clarence R(obert). Schoolcraft, Mich. M38R38. G. Hanes, Dr. Granville S. 605 Brown Bldg., Louisville, Ky. M36R36. NEH. Hanford, Dr. W(illiam) E(dward). M.S., Illinois, 32; Ph.D., 35. Res. chemist. Exp. Sta., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. M39. C. Hanford, Miss Zaida M(ae). A.B., Cornell, 27. Res. chemist, Borden Res. Lab., Bain- bridge, N. Y. M39. C. Hanger, Dr. Franklin M(cCue). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 20. Presbyterian Hosp., New York, N. Y. M33F33. N. Hanke, Prof. Martin (Charles) E(dward). Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Assoc, prof, biochem- istry, Lhiiv. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (8424 Rhodes Ave.) M21F25. CN. Hanke, Dr. Milton Theo(dore) Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Res. consultant biochemistry and nutrition, 7550 S. Green St., Chicago, 111. M25F27. CNE. Hankins, Prof. Frank H(amilton). Ph.D., Columbia, 08. Prof, sociology, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (197 Elm St.) M32- F33. KHI. Hankins, Lawrence D(onald). B.S., Idaho, 33. Instrumentman, Barr and Cunning- ham, Portland, Oreg. (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho) M35. MHE. Hankins, O(rville) G(erber). B.S., Illinois, 14. In charge meat investigations, U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. (2704 Brentwood Road NE.) M34- F34. FO. Hankinson, Thomas Leroy. M03F25- D35. F. Hanks, Dr. John Tomlinson. 17 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M37R37. KN. Hanks, Dr. Lucien M(ason), Jr. Ph.D., Columbia, 36. Assoc, Dept. Psychology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M38. IHK. Hanley, Franklin B(ell). B.A., Minnesota, 21. Instr. geology and mineralogy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M37. E. Hanley, Prof. Herbert R. Met.E., Mis- souri School Mines, 18. Consulting engi- neer; prof, metallurgy, Missouri School Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, Mo. M39. CBE. Hanley, John B(ernard). 323 Main St., Lewiston, Maine. M35R35. EM. Hanley, William Andrew. B.S., Purdue, 11 ; D.Eng., 37. Dir. charge engng., Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, Ind. (4050 Wash- ington Blvd.) M34F34. MKA. Hanmer, H(iram) R(upert). B.S., Ver- mont, 18. Dir. res., American Tobacco Co., Richmond, Va. (3215 Hawthorne Ave.) M38. C. Hann, Dr. Harry W(ilbur). M.A., Michi- gan, 21 ; Ph.D., 26. Asst. prof, zoology, LTniv. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M26- F32. F. Hanna, Charles Hardy. Technician polio- myelitis res., Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. (Columbia Pike, El- licott City, Md.) M40. CDN. Hanna, Dr. G. Dallas. Ph.D., George Washington, 18. Curator, Dept. Paleon- tology, California Acad. Sciences, San Francisco, Calif. M22F27. EFG. Hanna, Gordic Constantine. B.S., Cali- fornia, 28. Assoc, Div. Truck Corps, Univ. California Exp. Sta., Davis, Calif. M40- F40. O. Hanna, Leo A(rthur). 856 Gearv St., Che- halis, Wash. (M32R33)M3SR37.' G. Hanna, Dr. Marcus A(lbert). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 26. Chief paleontologist, Gulf Oil Corp., Houston, Tex. (3328 Charleston St.) M27F31. EFM. Hannah, P(aul) D(ixon). Box 257, Fay- etteville, Ark. M24. M. Hanning, Miss Flora (May). M.S., Wis- consin, 30. Res. fellow nutrition, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M33. CN. Hannum, Joshua Eyre. 19011 104th Ave., Hollis, N. Y. M27F32R32. M. Hansborough, Dr. Louis A. M.S., Chicago; Ph.D., Harvard. Asst. prof, zoology, How- ard Univ., Washington, D. C. M40. F. Hanscom, W(illiam) W(allace). Consult- ing engineer, 848 Clayton St., San Fran- cisco, Calif. M13F32. M. Hansell, Clarence W(eston). B.S., Purdue, 19. Transmitter res. engineer, RCA Communications, Inc., New York, N. Y. (115 Tuthill St., Port Jefferson, N. Y.) M28. BMA. Hansell, Dr. H. Clay. Tuscaloosa, Ala. M33R33. NQ. Hansell, Col. H(eywood) S(hepard). Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Tex. M36- R38. EH. Hansell, Dr. J(ames) M(yron). M.S., Wis- consin, 26; Ph.D., 30. Geologist, Sun Oil Company, Dallas, Tex. (Corpus Christi, Tex.) (M28R32)M35F35. E. Hansen, Allen O(scar). Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Assoc, prof., Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. (Carmel, N. Y.) M24. QHK. Hansen, Dr. Arild E(dsten). M.D., Minne- sota, 25 ; Ph.D., 34. Assoc, prof, pedi- atrics, Univ. Minnesota Med. School, Minneapolis, Minn. (1437 East Rivet- Road) M37F38. NC. Hansen, Arthur Stedry. 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. M36R37. KI. Hansen, Dr. C(larence) Frederick. M.A., Iowa, 16; Ph.D., 20. Dir. standards, W. T. Grant Co., 1441 Broadway, New York, X. Y. (11 E. 68th St.) M22F28. IK. Hansen, Prof. Elmer. M.S., Oregon State, 35. Asst. horticulturist, Oregon Exp. Sta., Corvallis, Oreg. M39. GO. 504 Directory of Members Hansen, E(rnst) M(eyer). Box 213, Ra- leigh, N. Car. M34R36. CGO. Hansen, G. S. Safford, Ariz. M32R32. QKI. Hansen, Dr. George Henry. M.A., George Washington, 25 ; Ph.D., zy. Prof, geology and chairman Dept., Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah. M38. E. Hansen, Prof. H(ans) N(icholas). M.S.. California, 25; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, plant pathology, Univ. California, Berke- ley, Calif. M24F33. OGF. Hansen, Dr. Harold L. Ph.D., North- western, 32. Sec. Council on Dental Thera- peutics and dir. Bur. Chemistry, Amer- ican Dental Assn., 212 E. Superior St., Chicago, 111. (2727 Thayer St., Evanston, 111.) M36F39. CNd. Hansen, Dr. Harvey C. College of the Ozarks, Clarksville, Ark. M36R38. QIK. Hansen, Henry L. B.Sc, Minnesota, 35. Instr., Div. Forestry, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. (.1410 Ray- mond St.) M39F40. OG. Hansen, Mrs. Hermine Z. M.A., Cincin- nati. 41 N. Portage Path, Akron, Ohio. M38. FG. Hansen, Prof. Ira (Bowers). M.S., Wes- leyan, 29; Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Assoc, prof, zoology, George Washington Univ., Wash- ington, D. C. M35. FN. Hansen, Rev. James (Nicholas). M07F33- D34. FGI. Hansen, Dr. Lorenz (Peter). Ph.D., Yale, 25. Assoc, prof, physiological chemistry, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M28- F33. CNO. Hansen, Dr. (Poul) Arne. Ph.D., Cornell, 34. Instr., Royal Technical Col., Copen- hagen, Denmark. (K'ristianiagade 18) M35F35- CG. Hansen, Dr. Waldemar C(onrad). Ph.D., Columbia, 22. Res. chemist, Portland Ce- ment Assn., 33 W. Grand Ave., Chicago, 111. (639 S. Lincoln St., Hinsdale, 111.) M25F33. CB. Hansen, W(ilmer) J(ohn). 2866 Retallack St., Regina, Sask., Canada. M39R39. KO. Hanske, Carl F. A.M., Wisconsin, 29. Head Science Dept., Emmerich Manual High School, Indianapolis, Ind. (901 N. Bolton Ave.) M38. CQ. Hansmann, George Henry. M.D., Iowa, 18. Dir. labs., Columbia Hosp. and Milwaukee Children's Hosp., Milwaukee, Wis. (831 N. Prospect Ave.) M35F35. N. Hanson, Dr. Adolph M(elanchton). M.D., Northwestern, 11; M.A., St. Olaf, 23. Sur- geon, St. Lucas Hosp.; dir. Hanson Res. Lab., Faribault, Minn. (16 2nd Ave. NW.) M34F34. N. Hanson, Dr. Alvin Walter. M.S., Iowa, 32; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, physics, The Citadel, Charleston, S. Car. M36F38. B. Hanson, Prof. E(ugene) H(arold). M.A., Ohio State, 33; Ph.D., 35. Prof, mathe- matics and chairman Dept., North Texas State Teachers Col., Denton, Tex. (619 W. Oak St.) M37F38. AB. Hanson, Dr. Frank Blair. A.M., Illinois, 15; Ph.D., American, 19. Assoc, dir., Rockefeller Foundation, New York, N. Y. M20F20. F. Hanson, George B(ramwell). Murray Corp. Amer., 7700 Russell St., Detroit, Mich. M39- PMB. Hanson, Hans Olaf. M06D37. AG. Hanson, Dr. Herbert C(hristian). A.M., Nebraska, 16; Ph.D., 25. Vice dir., North Dakota Agric. Exp. Sta., Fargo, N. Dak. M18F25. GO. Hanson, H(erman) H(erbert). M.S., Maine, 06. State chemist, Delaware State Board Agric., Dover, Del. M07F11. CGF. Hanson, Thelma M. M.A., Columbia. 15 S. Sixth St., Geneva, 111. M40. NK. Hanson, Wesley Turnell. A.M., Ogle- thorpe, 27. Asst. principal, Technical High, Atlanta, Ga. (Smyrna, Ga.) M40. A. Hanson, Dr. W(esley) T(urnell), Jr. M.S., Georgia, 32; Ph.D., California, 34. Res. chemist, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. (622 Harvard St.) M35. CB. Hanson, Dr. Whittier L(orenz). A.M., Co- lumbia, 15; Ph.D., 24. Prof, education, Boston Univ., Boston, Mass. (54 Old Mid- dlesex Road, Belmont, Mass.) M31. QI. Hanzlik, Paul J(ohn). M.A., Illinois, 11; M.D., Western Reserve, 12. Stanford Univ. Med. School, San Francisco, Calif. M22- F31. N. Happ, Prof. George B(ippus). M.S., Cor- nell, 35; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 37. Prof, biology, Principia College, Elsah, 111. M39- FG. Harber, William I(rving). B.A., Brooklyn. Graduate student, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M40. C. Harbison, Miss Anne. Res. assoc. paleon- tology, Acad. Natural Sciences, Philadel- phia, Pa. M40. E. Harbord, Frank William. Parliament Man- sions, London, S.W., England. M36R36. M. Harbourt, Prof. S(tephen) A(mbrose). A.M., Richmond Col., 05. Prof, biology, Kent State Univ., Kent, Ohio. M35. FG. Harcourt, Dr. G(eorge) A(lan). Box 458, Copper Cliff, Ont., Canada. M37R37. EBC. Harcourt, Prof. R(obert). Ontario Agric. Col., Guelph, Ont., Canada. M17F22R36. CO. Individual Members 505 Hard, Dr. W(alter) L(eon). Ph.D., Duke. 37 Instr., Dept. Zoologv, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M38/FNG. Harden, Miss Luberta (Marie). 61 Grozier Road, Cambridge, Mass. M31F33R36. IH. Harden, Lt. Col. R(obert) D(uRant). M.D., Atlanta. 11; M.P.H., Harvard, 28. Medical Corps, U. S. Army, Gorgas Hosp., Ancon, Canal Zone. M27. N. Hardenburg, Prof. Earle (Volcart). M.S.. Cornell, 15: Ph.D., iq. Prof, vegetable crops, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (302 Mitchell St.) M34F34. GO. Harder, Dr. E(dmund) C(ecil). M.A., Wisconsin, 07; Ph.D., 15. Vice pres., Aluminum Laboratories, Ltd., Montreal, Que., Canada. (232 Brock Ave. N., Mon- treal West, Que., Canada) M08F11. E. Harder, Dr. Oscar E(dward). A.M., Okla- homa, 11; Ph.D., Illinois, 15. Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus, Ohio. M11- F28. C. Hardesty, Dr. John F. M.D., St. Louis, 14. Assoc, prof, opthalmology, St. Louis Uni- versity, St. Louis, Mo. M32. N. Hardgrove, Dr. T(imothy) A(loysius). D.D.S., Loyola (Chicago). 104 S. Main St., Fond Du Lac, Wis. M40. Nd. Hardin, Garrett (James). B.S., Chicago, 36. Asst., Dept. Biology, Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. M39. FIN. Hardin, Dr. Willett L(epley). 4171 Cen- tral Terrace, Los Angeles, Calif. M17F22- R35. BKQ. Harding, C(arroll) R(ede). 65 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. M24R32. M. Harding, Miss Florence M. 1868 Columbia Road NW., Washington, D. C. M40. Harding, Miss Gena Russell. M24D38. CI. Harding, Dr. H(arry) A(lexis). M.S.. Wisconsin, 98; Ph.D., Cornell, 10. Vice pres., Mathews Co.; chief, Dairy Research Bureau, Detroit, Mich. M99F06. GOC. Harding, Dr. H(arry) G(ordon). 273 Bow- ery St., Akron, Ohio. M27F33R35. OX. Harding, Howard. 89 East Ave., Roch- ester, N. Y. M18. MAB. Harding, Mrs. Leone. Prattsville, Ark. M30R32. F. Harding, Maynard W(illiam). M.S., Cal- ifornia, 32. Computer, United Geophysical Co., 169 N. Hill Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M35F35. ECB. Harding, T(homas) Swann. B.S., Mary- land, 10. Editor scientific publications, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington. D. C. (Granite Gables, Linden Lane, Falls Church, Va.) M29. KON. Hardoen, Robert Hammond. 641 E. Sec- ond St., Xenia, Ohio. M25R32. C. Hardwick, Dr. Rose S(tandish). 7 Parley Vale, Jamaica Plain, Mass. M34F34R34. I. Hardy, Prof. Arthur C(obb), A.M., Cali- fornia, 19; Sc.D., St. Lawrence, 38. Prof, optics and photography, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M23F31. BCI. Hardy, Charles. 415 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. M36R36. M. Hardy, Dr. Charles S(amuel). D.D.S.. In- diana, 89. 30 Beechwood Road, Summit, N. J. M33. Nd. Hardy, Edward L(awyer). M.A., Chicago. 22. Dir. San Diego Mus., San Diego,. Calif. (3528 1st St.) M18F31. Q. Hardy, Edward R(ochie). 80 John St., New York, N. Y. M08. Hardy, F(rancis) A(ubrey). Asst. libra- rian, Library Parliament, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M39. Q. Hardy, Dr. J(ohn) I(ra). M.S., Tennessee, 14; Ph.D., Missouri, 17. 3001 24th St. NE„ Washington, D. C. M32F33. OFG. Hardy, Dr. LeGrand H(aven). M.D., Co- lumbia, 21. Asst. clinical prof, opthalmol- ogy, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians atul Surgeons; attending ophthalmologist, Eye Inst.; prof, ophthalmology and dir. physi- ological optics, New York Med. Col., New York. N. Y. M30. NBM. Hare, Mrs. Meredith (Elizabeth Sage). 340 E. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. M29. H. Hare, William. Ph.B.. Yale, 96. 105 E. 53rd St., New York, N. Y. Mi 3. Hares, Charles Joseph. M.S., Syracuse, 08. Marshall House, Marshall, 111. M25F25. E. Harger, Dr. R(olla) N(eil). A.M., Kansas, 17; Ph.D., Yale, 22. 5015 Graceland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. M22F33. C. Hargis, Dr. Estes H(enry). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 21 ; M.S., Minnesota, 26. Dir., Hargis Clinic and Hargis Hosp., Birming- ham, Ala. M28. N. Hargitt, Dr. George Thomas. A.M., Ne- braska, 03; Ph.D., Harvard, 09; Sc.D.. Syracuse, 39. Prof, zoology. Duke Univ.. Durham, N. Car. M07F11. F. Secretary of Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1923-32. Hargitt, Dr. T(homas) F(rederick). A.M., Indiana, 21 ; Ph.D., 24. 7 Norbloom Ave.. Bloomington, 111. M24F31. B. Hargrave, Miss Josephine R(uth). A.B., Ripon, 06; S.B., Simmons, 11. Librarian and prof, library science, Ripon Col., Ri- pon, Wis. M21. L. Hargrave, Lyndon Lane. Mus. Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Ariz. M29R32. H. Haring, Dr. C(larence) M(elvin). D.V.M., Cornell, 04. Prof., Div. Veterinary Science; veterinarian, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. M13F16. NO. 5o6 Directory of Members Haring, Douglas G(ilbert). M.A., Colum- bia, 23. Assoc, prof, sociology, Syracuse Univ. School Citizenship and Public Af- fairs, Syracuse, N. Y. (117 Euclid Terrace) M31. HK. Harker, James B(roadbent). u 1 E. Olive St., Corona, Calif. M35R36. CEG. Harkin, Dr. Duncan C(laire). M.A., West Virginia, 23; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. 3207 Avenue J, Brooklyn, N. Y. M38F38. A. Harkins, Thomas Joseph. 42 Pearl Ave., Oil City, Pa. M33R33. C. Harkins, Prof. William D(raper). Kent • Chem. Lab., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M08F11R37. CB. Secretary of Section on Chemistry (C), 1922-24; vice president, 192 1. Harkness, Prof. William J(ohn) K(nox). M.A., Toronto, 23. Assoc, prof, limnology and dir. Ontario Fisheries Res. Lab., Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M40. F. Harlan, Dr. Harry V(aughn). M.S., Kan- sas State, 09; Sc.D., Minnesota, 14. Prin- cipal agronomist, U. S. Bur. Plant Indus- try, Washington, D. C. M28F29. O. Harlan, Prof. John G(ilbert). M.S., Colum- bia, 25. Assoc, prof., New Mexico State Teachers Col., Silver City, N. Mex. M29. FGN. Harlan, Mr. Orla K. State College, Pa. (?) M31F33R35. MQB. Harlan, Dr. W(illiam) R(obert). Ph.D., Iowa State, 29. Asst. dir. res., American Tobacco Co., Richmond, Va. M34F34- C. Harland, Dr. Margaret. M.A., Cornell, 33; Ph.D., 39. Instr. histology and embryol- ogy, Boston Univ. School Med., Boston, Mass. M40. NF. Harley, Dr. Harrison L(eRoy). Ph.D., Harvard, 21. 64 Sewall- Ave., Brookline, Mass. M13F33. IQH. Harley, Rev. James L(ouis). M.A., Boston Col., 27. Head Biology Dept., Gonzaga High School, Washington, D. C. (19 I St. NW.) M37. FGQ. Harlow, Prof. Harry F(rederick). Ph.D.. Stanford, 30. Dept. Psychology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M31F33. I. Harlow, Ivan F. 608 E. Ellsworth St.. Midland, Mich. M35F35R38. C. Harlow, Leslie C(leveland). Provincial chemist, Agric. Col., Truro, N.S., Canada. M18F40. CO. Harlow, Dr. William M(orehouse). New York State Col. Forestry, Svracuse, N. Y. M2gF33R34- OGC. Harman, Harry (Horace). S.M., Chicago. 5726 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. M38. AIQ. Harman, Dr. Mary T(heresa). M.A., Indiana, 10; Ph.D., 12. Prof, zoology, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M08F15. F. Harmon, Prof. Daniel L(ewis). St. Mary- of-the-Woods, Ind. M24R32. BAC. Harmon, Miss Fannie R(osa). M.A., Illi- nois. Wachapreague, Va. (M3sR35)M39. FCN. Harmon, Dr. G(aius) E(lijah). M.D., Boston, 09. Dir. statistical studies, Dept. Health ; assoc. prof, preventive medicine and public health, Wayne Univ. Col. Med., Detroit, Mich. M24F33. NKA. Harmon, Prof. Herbert W(illiam). 418 Poplar St., Grove City, Pa. M02F31R35. B. Harmon, Prof. Paul M(ontgomery). Ph.D., Indiana, 20. Prof, physiology, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. (505 Ballantine Road) M22F33. N. Harms, Dr. Charles (Wesley Warren). 819 Security Mutual Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr. M29R34. N. Harms, Dr. Ernst. Ph.D., Wurzburg, 19. 58 W. 56th St., New York, N. Y. M39. KPL. Harne, Prof. O. G. Assoc, prof, histology, Univ. Maryland School Med., Baltimore, Md. (3210 Walbrook Ave.) M35. N. Harned, Dr. Ben K(ing). M.S., Tennessee, 25; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 29. Prof, pharmacology and head Dept., Woman's Med. Col. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M39. NpC. Harned, Herbert S. B.S., Pennsylvania, 10; Ph.D.. 13. Prof, chemistry, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (207 Armory St.) M35- F35. CB. Harned, Joseph E. Oakland Pharmacy, Oakland, Md. Mi8F35- GN. Harned, R(obey) W(entworth). B.S., Ohio State, 06. Principal entomologist charge Div. Cotton Insect Investigations, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quaran- tine, Washington, D. C. (4417 Garfield St. NW.) M07F20. FOQ. Harnly, Dr. H(enry) J(acob). A.M., Illi- nois Wesleyan, 92; Ph.D., 00. Prof, emeritus biology, McPherson Col., Mc- Pherson, Kans. M01F21. F. Harnly, Dr. Morris H(enry). A.M., Colum- bia, 25; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, prof, biology, Washington Square Col., New York Univ., New York, N. Y. M29F31. F. Harnwell, Dr. Gaylord P(robasco). M.A., Princeton, 26; Ph.D., 27. Prof, physics and chairman Dept.; dir. Randall Morgan Lab. Physics, LTniv. Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia. Pa. (M29F30R36JM38F30. BA. Harp, Prof. Hugh G(rant). M.Sc, Chi- cago, 24. Asst. prof, astronomy and mathe- matics and dir. Elgar Weaver Observa- tory, Wittenberg Col., Springfield, Ohio. (368 Stanton Ave.) M24F32. DAB. Harper, Miss Bernice (Esther). B.S., Iowa State. Asst. entomologist, Bishop Mus., Honolulu, Hawaii. M40. FHN. Individual Members 5«7 Harper, Dr. D(aniel) Roberts, 3d. M18- L20F21D35. B. Harper, Prof. Harold A(nthony). Sc.B., San Francisco, 3-3. Prof, biology, Loyola Univ., Los Angeles, Calif. M36. NFC. Harper, Mrs. Helen S. (Mrs. R. A. Har- per). M.A., Wisconsin, 05. Route 5, Bed- ford, Va. Mi 2. G. Harper, Dr. Henry Winston. M.D., Vir- ginia, 92; LL.D., Baylor, 14. Prof, chemis- try and dean emeritus Graduate School, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. (2216 Rio Grande St.) M96F99. CN. Harper, Dr. Horace J(ames). M.S., Iowa State, 20; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 23. Prof, soils, Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M25F29. OC. Harper, J(oseph) N(elson). M28F06- D36. O. Harper, Julia Joyce (See Mrs. Julia J. Brashear). Harper, Robert Aimer. A.M., Oberlin, 97; Ph.D., Bonn, 96. Prof, emeritus botany, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (Bed- ford, Va.) M04F06. G. Vice president for Section on Botany (G), igio. Harper, R(obert) B(rinton). Ch.E., Armour Inst. Tech., 09. Vice pres., Peo- ples Gas Light and Coke Co. and Peoples Gas Subsidiary Corp.; treas., Res. Founda- tion, Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. (5000 East End Ave.) M07F33. CM. Harper, Dr. Roland M(cMillan). Ph.D., Columbia, 05. Geographer, Geol. Survey Alabama, University, Ala. M05F09. EGK. Harper, Solomon. Res. engineer, 371 W. 126th St., New York, N. Y. M35. MOG. Harper, Dr. W(illiam) E(dmund). M.A., Toronto, 06; Sc.D., 35. Head astronomer. Dominion Astrophysical Observatorv, Vic- toria, B. C, Canada. M37F38. D. Harpole, Dr. Homer James. D.D.S., Atlanta-Southern. Assoc, prof, oral sur- gery, Atlanta-Southern Dental Col., At- lanta, Ga. M40. Nd. Harpster, Miss Hilda T. M.A., Michigan, 29; Ph.D., 39. Asst. prof, biology, Mich- igan State Normal Col., Ypsilanti, Mich. M38. F. Harr, Dr. Luther. Penn and Fox Sts., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. M33R34. K. Harradon, H(arry) D(urward). A.B., Bates, 06. Librarian, Dept. Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. (1234 Hamilton St. NW.) M34F.U- B. Harrah, Dr. E(zra) C(larence). A.M.. Illinois, 19; Ph.D., 21. Prof, zoology. Colorado State Col. Education, Greelev, Colo. (1918 13th Ave.) M38. F. Harrar, Dr. J(acob) George. M.S., Iowa State, 29; Ph.D., Minnesota, 35. Assoc, prof, biology, Virginia Polytechnic Inst.. Blacksburg, Va. M39F40. G. Harrell, Prof. T(homas) Willard. M.S.. Georgia, 33; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 36. Asst. prof, psychology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M37. I. Harrer, Miss Lucille. 325 N. Lind St.. Deshler, Ohio. M32R32. QGF. Harribine, Mrs. Ruth (Christine) Palmer (Mrs. C. J. Harribine). B.S., Maine, 28. Dietitian, Easton, Maine. M39. N. Harrington, Charles B. Newton High School, Newtonville, Mass. M28R39. BQ. Harrington, Prof. E(rtle) L(eslie). M.A.. Harvard, 15; Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Prof, physics, Univ. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada; physicist, Saskatchewan Cancer Commission, Regina, Sask., Canada. M25- F27. B. Harrington, George L(eavitt). Standard Oil Co. Argentina, Manuela-Pedraza, Km. 1400, Argentina, S. A. M28R35. EMF. Harrington, George T(raver). B.S., Ver- mont, 09, George Washington, 12. High school teacher biology, New York, N. Y. (32-20 150th Place, Flushing, N. Y.) MioF33- QIG. Harrington, Prof. J(ames) B(ishop). Univ. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. M34F34R39. GO. Harrington, John Lyle. M.Sc, McGill, 08. 802 Dwight Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. M27- F27. M. Harrington, Prof. John M. E.M., Michigan Col. Mines, 17; Ph.M., Wisconsin, 31. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Michigan Cpl. Mining and Tech., Houghton, Mich. (187 Ruby St.) M37. MBQ. Harrington, L(ouis) C(laire). E.M., Michigan, 09. Dean Col. Engng. and dir. Div. Mines and Mining Exp., Univ. North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dak. M32F33. CM. Harrington, Mark Raymond. A.M., Colum- bia, 08. Curator, Southwest Mus., Los Angeles, Calif. (10940 Sepulveda Blvd., San Fernando, Calif.) M31F33. H. Harrington, Prof. Marshall C(athcart). A.M., Princeton, 27; Ph.D., 32. Assoc, prof, physics, Drew Univ., Madison, N. J. M28F33- BD. Harrington, Dr. Milton (Alexander). Inst. Male Defective Delinquents, Napa- noch, N. Y. M34- NIK. Harrington, Dr. Richard H(arry). M.Sc, Michigan, 26; Sc.D., 29. Res. metallurgist, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. (1047 Glenwood Blvd.) M34F34- M. Harris, Albert B(ullen). U. S. Geol. Survey, Tucson, Ariz. M37R37. MEA. Harris, Dr. Albert J(osiah). 36 Claflin Road, Brookline, Mass. M32F33R36. IQ. Harris, Dr. A(lbert) Sidney. Ph.D., Wash- ington Univ., 34. Senior instr. physiology, Western Reserve Univ. School Med., Cleveland, Ohio. M38F38. NIF. 5o8 Directory of Members Harris, Dr. Benedict R. M.D., Yale. Asst. clinical prof, medicine, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. (176 Dwight St.) M40. N. Harris, Prof. Benjamin Bee. Sc.M., Ohio State, 23 ; Ph.D., Texas. 29. Dir. Dept. Biology and dean Col., North Texas State Teachers Col., Denton, Tex. M31F33. FG. Harris, Cara Lyle. Tennessee Congress Parents and Teachers, State Office, Arling- ton, Tenn. M32R37. K. Harris, Prof. C(linton) L(ee). 129 W. Prospect Ave., State College, Pa. M34. MAB. Harris, Dr. Coleman John. M.S., Buck- nell, 18; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 35. Prof, biology, Morris Harvev Col., Charleston, W. Va. (3810 Staunton Ave.) M18F33. GO. Harris, Curtis Lea. M25D38. C. Harris, Dale B(enner). M.A., Minnesota, 37. Instr., Inst. Child Welfare, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M37. IQH. Harris, Dr. Downey L(amar). M.D., Michigan, 99. Dir.. Pasteur Clinic, City Health Div., St. Louis, Mo. M29F33. N. Harris, Dr. Edward Lee. Ph.D., Pitts- burgh. Head, Dept. Chemistry, Wilber- force Univ., Wilberforce, Ohio. M40. CN. Harris, Ellis B(uel). A.M., Spokane, 18. E. 728 29th Ave., Spokane, Wash M32. GFH. Harris, Ford W. 408 N. McCadden Place, Los Angeles, Calif. M39. M. Harris, Dr. F(ranklin) S(tewart). Ph.D., Cornell, 11. Pres., Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah. M10F18. GOQ. Harris, Franklin S(tewart), Jr. M.A., Brigham Young, 36. Res. asst. physics, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (146 S. Michigan Ave.) M37. BAC. Harris, Prof. G(ilbert) D(ennison). Prof, emeritus paleontology and stratigraphic geology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (126 Kelvin Place) M07F11. E. Harris, Prof. Gorham W(aller). A.M., Harvard, 07; Ph.D., 15. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Simmons Col., Boston, Mass. (185 Highland Ave., Newtonville, Mass.) M12F15. C. Harris, Prof. Halbert M, M.S., Iowa State, 25 ; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, zoology and entomology, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. (611 Lynn St.) M27F33. FG. Harris, H(ayden) B. Leesburg, Va. M40. Harris, Dr. Henry C(layton). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 27. Asst. prof, and asst. agronomist, Univ. Delaware, Newark, Del. M28F28. OGC. Harris, Prof. Hiram D(yer). M.E.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 32. Asst. prof, electrical engng., Rensselaer Poly- technic Inst., Troy, N. Y. (1 Terrace Place) M31. MBA. Harris, Howard W. B.S., California. Bird Creek Road, Hollister, Calif. M36. OGF. Harris, Prof. Isabel. M.A., Columbia, 21. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Westhampton Col., Univ. Richmond, Richmond, Va. M25F33. ADB. Harris, James Edward. 205 Paddington Road, Homeland, Baltimore, Md. L23. Harris, J(ames) Merle. A.B., De Pauw, 29. Teacher mathematics and science, Senior High School, Wichita Falls, Tex. M40. BE A. Harris, Jerome J. 911 Whitlock Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M37R37. FGN. Harris, Dr. John W(arton). A.M., North Carolina, 12; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 16. Prof, obstetrics and gynecology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (1713 Summit Ave.) M22. N. Harris, Dr. J(oseph) Allen. M.A., British Columbia, 23; Ph.D., Illinois, 26. Dept. Chemistry, Univ. British Columbia, Van- couver, B. C, Canada. M39. CP. Harris, J(oseph) P(orter). A.B., Cornell, 01. Alcazar Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio. M29. FGL. Harris, Lewis P(hilip). M.S., Washington, 33. Res. chemist, Insecticide Lab., Sher- win-Williams Co., Yakima, Wash. M39. COP. Harris, Lucien, Jr. Southern mgr., Mac- millan Co., 500 Spring St. NW., Atlanta, Ga. M34. F. Harris, Dr. M(arion) R(einoehl). M.S., California, 27; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Assoc, plant pathologist, California Dept. Agriculture, Sacramento, Calif. M34F34. G. Harris, Dr. M(aurice) Coleman. 670 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. M33R33. NI. Harris, Dr. Meyer M(athews). M.D., Cor- nell, 20. Principal res. internist, New York State Psychiatric Inst, and Hosp., New York, N. Y. M33F38. NCH. Harris, Dr. Milton. Ph.D., Yale, 29. Dir. res., Textile Foundation, Nat. Bur. Stand- ards, Washington, D. C. M38F39. CN. Harris, Dr. Norman MacL(eod). M.B., Toronto, 94. 53 MacLaren St., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M04F06. N. Harris, Dr. Otto. 100 Morningside Drive, New York, N. Y. M31R33. E. Harris, Dr. Paul N(oel). M.D., Vander- bilt, 30. Pathologist, Res. Lab., Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, Ind. M31. N. Harris, Dr. Philip L(eslie). Ph.D., Penn- sylvania State, 35. Instr. chemistry, Med. Col. South Carolina, Charleston, S. Car. M36F40. CNO. Harris, Reginald Gordon. M24F25D36. FGH. Harris, Prof. Robert S(amuel). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 35. Asst. prof. biochemistrv nutrition, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M32F38. NC. Individual Members 509 Harris, Dr. Robert Wayne. 1923 Ekin Ave., New Albany, Ind. M02R38. GH. Harris, Prof. Roscoe E(verett). Ph.D.. Chicago, 23. Prof, phvsics, Lake Forest Col., Lake Forest, 111. M27F31. B. Harris, Dr. S(amuel) D(avid). D.D.S., Michigan, 24. 2312 Eaton Tower Bldg., Detroit, Mich. M40. Nd. Harris, Sidon. 80s W. 22l/2 St., Austin, Tex. M32R32. BEA. Harris, Dr. Stanley E. M.D., Pennsyl- vania. 1520 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. M39. NH. Harris, Stuart (Kimball). Col. Liberal Arts, Boston Univ., Boston, Mass. M34- F38R39. GF. Harris, Dr. Titus H. 1428 Avenue J, Gal- veston, Tex. M32R36. NT. Harris, William P(ickett), Jr. M.S., Michigan, 38. Assoc, curator mammals, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (15410 Windmill Point Drive, Grosse Pointe Parks, Mich.) M24. F. Harrison, Prof. Bruce M(agill). M.S., Illinois, 08; Ph.D., Iowa, 24. Prof, zoology and chairman Div. Biological Sciences, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. M21F31. FN. Harrison, Dr. Francis F. Bassett Hosp., Cooperstown, N. Y. M33R34. N. Harrison, Frank (Pinckney), Jr. 4027 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. (?) M35- R35. N. Harrison, G(eorge) J(ohn). B.L., East Texas State Teacher's Col., 16. Agronomist and supt., U. S. Cotton Field Sta., Shafter, Calif. M34F34. G. Harrison, Dr. George R(ussell). A.M., Stanford, 20; Ph.D.. 22. Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M34F34. BD. Harrison, Dr. Harold E(dward). M.D., Yale, 31. Instr., Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M40. NC. Harrison, Hartman K. Linden Ave. and Dolphin St., Baltimore, Md. M28R32. O. Harrison, Prof. Jamison R(ichard). M.A., Wesleyan, 27. Prof, physics and head Dept., Tufts Col.. Medford, Mass. M34- F34. BMA. Harrison, Dr. John Hartwell. M.D., Vir- ginia, 32. Instr. surgery, Harvard Med. School; junior assoc. surgery, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, Mass. (49 Mon- mouth St., Brookline, Mass.) M40. N. Harrison, Miss Julia Peachy. M.A., Rich- mond, 09; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Wilson Col., Chambersburg, Pa. (1314 Flovd Ave., Richmond, Va.) M25F33. CQ. Harrison, K(enneth) A(rchibald). M.Sc, McGill, 25. Plant pathologist, Div. Botany, Dominion Lab. Plant Pathologv, Kent- ville, N. S., Canada. M27F32. GO. Harrison, R(oland) W(endell). S.M., Chicago, 25; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, bac- teriology, Dept. Bacteriology and Para- sitology and Zoller Memorial Dental Clinics, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M26- F33. N. Harrison, Dr. Ross G(ranville). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 94; Freiburg, 29; M.D., Bonn, 09, Budapest, 35; M.A., Yale, 07; Sc.D., Cincinnati, 20, Michigan, 29, Trinity (Dublin), 32, Harvard, 36, Yale, 39- Prof, emeritus biology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (142 Huntington St.) M04F06. FN. Vice president for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1936. Harrison, Miss Sally C. F. 609 Somerset Road, Baltimore, Md. M38R38. BC. Harrison, Shelby M(illard). LL.D., North- western, 32. Gen. dir., Russell Sage Foundation, 130 E. 22nd St., New York, N. Y. M32F33. K. Vice president for Sec- tion on Social and Economic Sciences (K), 1935- Harrisson, Dr. Joseph W. E. P.D., Phila- delphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 17; Ph.M., 23. Dir. LaWall and Harrisson; asst. prof, bio-assays, Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, Philadelphia, Pa. (127 S. Wycomb Ave., Lansdowne, Pa.) M35. CNQ. Harrod, Don J. B.S., Kansas Teachers Col., 24. Instr. chemistry. Senior High School, Benton Harbor, Mich. (Seneca Road) M39- CBQ. Harrod, Prof. J(esse) R(aymond). 112 S. Johnson St., Ada, Ohio. M29R32. C. Harrold, Dr. Charles C(otton). 550 Orange St., Macon, Ga. M38R39. NHG. Harrold, Charles M., Jr. A.B.. Wabash. New York Universitv, University Heights, New York, N. Y. M38. F. Harrop, Dr. George A(rgale). M.D.. Johns Hopkins, 16. Dir., Squibb Inst. Med. Res., New Brunswick, N. J.; lecturer biology, Princeton Univ.. Princeton, N. J. (33 Cleveland Lane, Princeton, N. J.) M40. N. Harrouff, Earl Raymond. B.S., Kansas State, 16. Chemist-investigator, U. S. Bur. Internal Revenue, Kansas City, Mo. (5102 Tracy Ave.) M39. CBM. Harrow, Prof. Benjamin. Ph.D., Columbia, 13. Prof, chemistry, Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M17F33. NBC. Harrower, J(ohn) Roberts. B.S., Wis- consin. California Milk Products Co., Gustine, Calif. M40. CO. Harsh, Dr. Charles M(axfield). M.A.. California, 35; Ph.D., 36. Adjunct prof, psvchology, Randolph-Macon Woman's Col., Lynchburg, Va. M37. ICN. Harsh, S(amuel) A(tkinson). Box 549 Burbank, Calif. M08. DBC. Harshbarger, Prof. William A(sbury). Sc.D., Washburn. 19. 1401 College Ave., Topeka, Kans. M17F18. AB. 5io Directory of Members Harshfield, H. W. Olmsted Falls, Ohio. M31R32. GQK. Hart, Dr. David. 158-15 84th Road, Jamaica, N. Y. (?) (M29R32)M3sF35- R36. C. Hart, Prof. Edwin B(ret). B.S., Michigan, 07. Agric. Chemistry Bldg., Univ. Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. M07F10. C. Hart, Dr. Edwin J(ames). M.S., Wash- ington State, 31; Ph.D., Brown, 34. Res. chemist, U. S. Rubber Co., Passaic, N. J. (9 Linden Place, Nutley, N. J.) M38- F39. CBG. Hart, Miss Fanchon. Ph.G., Columbia, 11; A.M., New York, 31. Prof, bacteriology, Columbia Univ. Col. Pharmacy, New York, N. Y. (Hickory Drive, Yorktown Heights, New York, N. Y.) M29F33. NGQ. Hart, Francis Russell. M12D38. EL. Hart, Dr. George H. V.M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 03; M.D., George Washington, 08. Prof, animal husbandry and head Div., Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis, Calif. M24F33. NO. Hart, Harry C(arlton). M.S., Pennsyl- vania; LL.B., Harvard. Patent attorney, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (Princeton, N. J.) M29. ABM. Hart, Miss Helen. M.A., Minnesota, 24; Ph.D., 29. Asst. prof., Dept. Plant Path- ology, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M25F33. G. Hart, Prof. James Norris. Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M02F06R36. ADQ. Hart, Dr. J(ohn) L(awson). M.A., Toronto, 26; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, biologist, Fisheries Res. Board Canada, Nanaimo, B. C, Canada. M29F33. FEG. Hart, Prof. N(elson) C(ollins). M.A., Toronto, 16. Univ. Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada. M21F33. GOC. Hart, Ralph. 1440 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M38. CBM. Hart, Col. W(illiam) Lee. M.D., Mary- land, 06. Med. Corps, U. S. Army, Station Hosp., Fort Sam Houston, Tex. M33. KN. Hart, Prof. William L(eroy). Ph.D., Chi- cago. 16. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1955 E. River Terrace) M31F32. AD. Hartel, Prof. Lawrence W(illiam). M.S., Kansas State, 24. Kansas State Col., Man- hattan, Kans. M36F36. BDA. Harter, Dr. George Abram. M.A., St. Johns (Maryland), 80; Ph.D., 93; LL.D., Dela- ware. Prof, emeritus mathematics, Dela- ware Univ., Newark, Del. (433 Main St., Winchester, Mass.) M14F33. ADB. Harter, Isaac. A.B., Pennsylvania, 01. Vice pres., Babcock and Wilcox Co., Bar- berton, Ohio, M18F32. M, Harter, Leonard L(ee). A.M., Nebraska, 06; Ph.D., George Washington, 17. Pathologist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Belts- ville, Md. M05F11. GO. Hartley, Charles P(inckney). M.S., Kansas State, 99. 3420 Center St. NW., Wash- ington, D. C. M02F11. GOQ. Hartley, Clara (See Mrs. Irving D. Bartley). Hartley, Dr. G. S. Box 203, Clifton Forge, Va. M39. N. Hartley, Dr. George, Jr. M.A., Stanford, 34; Ph.D., Chicago, 39; M.D., 39. Interne, Dept. Med., Billings Hosp., Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. M40. N. Hartley, Harry D(wight). M.E., Purdue. 4051 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. M3S. BCE. Hartley, Kenneth. 3001 Amherst St., Houston, Tex. M24R32. B. Hartley, R(alph) V(inton) L(yon). B.Sc, Oxford, 13. Res. consultant. Bell Tele- phone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (174 Summit Ave., Summit, N. J.) M23- F27. B. Hartline, Prof. D(aniel) S(chollenberger). A.M., Lafayette. 601 E. Fourth St., Bloomsburg, Pa. M29. FGQ. Hartline, Dr. H(aldan) K(effer). M.D., Tohns Hopkins, 2-]. Route 1, Media, Pa. M34F34. NFB. Hartline, Miss Opal Cameron. Ph.D.. Illinois, 35. Asst. prof, biology, Illinois State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. (903 W. Grove St., Bloomington, 111.) M36F38. GQ. Hartman, Prof. Carl G. M.A., Texas, 04: Ph.D., 15. Res. assoc. Dept. Embryology, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Baltimore, Md. (19 Merrymount Road) M12F20. FN. Hartman, Dr. Ernest. M.S.. Kansas State, 24; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. 45 Robinson Court, Burlington, Vt. M24F32. FNK. Hartman, Frank A(lexander). A.M., Kan- sas, 09; Ph.D., Washington, 14. Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M10F21. FN. Hartman, Hugh E(nos). 537 S. Chau- tauqua Ave., Wichita, Kansas. M28R35. MQ. Hartman, Lawton M(ervale), III. B.S.. Yale, 37. Asst. Chinese, Yale Univ., New- Haven, Conn. (69 Howe St.) M40. LAB. Hartman, Dr. L(eon) W(ilson). A.M., Cornell, 99; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 03. Pres., Univ. Nevada, Reno, Nev. M07F10. BCD. Hartman, Miss (Mary) Elizabeth. Ph.D., Nebraska. 28. Prof, botany, Women's Christian Col., Cathedral, Madras, India. M27. G. Hartman, Olga. M.A.. California, 33; Ph.D., 36. Div. Marine Invertebrates, U. S. Nat, Mus., Washington, D. C. M36. F, Individual Members 5ii Hartman, Dr. Robert J(ames). A.M., Indiana, 29; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, chemis- try, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. M38. CBA. Hartmann, Dr. George W(ilfried). Colum- bia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M30F33R39- I. Hartmann, Werner. A.B., Col. City New- York, 27. Chemist, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M36. CDE. Hartnack, Dr. Hugo. 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. M28R39. FNG. Hartnell, George. Res. magnetician, Mag- netic Observatory, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Cheltenham, Md. M25- F33. BAD. Harts, William W(right). A.M., Princeton, 13. Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Madi- son, Conn. M34F34. M. Hartshorne, Dr. Hugh. M.A., Yale, 10; Ph.D., 13. Res. assoc. religion, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (89 Santa Fe Ave., Hamden, Conn.) M29F32. QIK. Hartshorne, Dr. Isaac. M.D., Harvard, 08. Consulting ophthalmologist, 30 W. 59th St.; asst. ophthalmic surgeon, New York Eye and Ear Infirmarv, New York, N. Y. M38. N. Hartson, Dr. Louis D(unton). Oberlin Col., Oberlin, Ohio. M28F31R34. IQ- Hartsook, A(rthur) J. M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 21. Asst. prof, chemical engng., Rice Institute, Houston, Tex. (1406 Branard Ave.) M38F39. MC. Hartstein, Jacob I. M.S., Col. City New York, 33; M.A., Columbia, 36. Registrar, sec. faculty, member Dept. Education, Yeshiva Col., New York, N. Y.; lecturer education and psychology, Long Island Univ., Brooklvn, N. Y. (550 Audubon Ave., New York, N. Y.) M40. QI. Hartt, Dr. Constance E(ndicott). S.M., Chicago, 24; Ph.D., 28. Res. assoc, Exp. Sta., Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Assn., Honolulu, Hawaii. M24F31. G. Hartung, Paul. 170 Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M32R39. MCN. Hartung, Prof. Walter H(enry). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 26. Prof. pharmaceutical chemistry, Univ. Maryland, Baltimore, Md. (5503 Stuart Ave.) M27F33. C. Hartung, William John. 1305 Peralta Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M31F33R39. OGC. Hartweg, Norman. Mus. Zoology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M32R32. FEG. Hartwell, Dr. Burt Laws. M05F11D39. GOC. Hartwell, Fred W. M.A., Columbia, 15. First asst. biologv, Bushwick High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. M28. FG. Hartwell, Dr. John A(ugustus). 2^ E. 63rd St., New York, N. Y. M28F33R34. N. Harty, John (Henry). M.A., Missouri, 28; Ph.D., 32. Prof, physics, Southeast Missouri State Teachers Col., Cape Girar- deau, Mo. (607 Sunset Court) (M33R35)- M38F40. B. Hartzsell, Dr. Albert. M.S., Cornell, 17; Ph.D., Ohio State, 23. Entomologist, Boyce Thompson Inst, for Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers, N. Y. M21F26. FG. Hartzell, Prof. Allen R(eiff). 25 y2 State St., Canton, N. Y. M34F34R34- C. Hartzell, Prof. F(rederick) Z(eller). A.M., Cornell, 09. Chief res. entomology, New York Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y.; prof, entomology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (in Main St., Geneva, N. Y.) M07F20. FGC. Harveson, Dr. Mae Elizabeth. A.M., Ph.D., Pennsylvania. 1719 Butler St., Philadelphia, Pa. M37. B. Harvey, Dr. B. C. H. M.D.. Toronto, 28. Prof, anatomy, dean med. students, and dean students Div. Biological Sciences, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M34F34. N. Harvey, Dr. Cecil C(laude). S.M., Chi- cago, 31; Ph.D., Illinois, 38. Instr. phy- siological chemistry, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (4144 N. Sheridan Road) M40. CFN. Harvey, C(larke) K(ennerley). C.E., Ohio State, 06. Office engineer, County Alle- gheny, Pittsburgh, Pa. (933 Fordham St., Brookline) Mi 7. EM A. Harvey, Mrs. Dorothy R(emaley). M.A., Southern California, 28. Asst. prof, botany, San Diego State Col., San Diego, Calif. (5801 Adelaide Ave.) M31. GF. Harvey, Prof. E(dmund) Newton. Ph.D., Columbia, 11. Prof. Biology, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M01F21. FGN. Harvey, Dr. E(dward) M(aris). Ph.D., Chicago, 14. Physiologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Pomona, Calif. (305 W. Alvarado Ave.) M11F15. GO. Harvey, Dr. Ellery H(ale). M.A., Buck- nell, 24; Ch.E., Bucknell, 29; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 26. Chief chemist, Wilson and Co., Chicago, 111. (987 Ridgewood Drive, Highland Park, 111.) M25F33. CM. Harvey, Dr. Ethel Browne. M.A., Colum- bia, 07; Ph.D., 13. Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (48 Cleveland Lane) M29F30. F. Harvey, Dr. Fred(eric) A(ddison). M.S., California, 06; Ph.D., 09. Dir. res., Harbison-Walker Refractories Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. M34F34- MBE. Harvey, Prof. G(eorge) G(raham). M.Sc, Washington Univ., 30; Ph.D., 32. Asst. prof, phvsics, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M34F38. BAD. Harvey, Dr. James V(ernon). A.M., North Carolina, 25; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 29. Asst. prof., San Bernardino Valley Junior Col., San Bernardino, Calif. (699 S. K St.) M27F31. G. 512 Directory of Members Harvey, Mary Gertrude. Bradley Poly- technic Inst., Peoria, 111. M33F33R33. C. Harvey, Mrs. Mary W(right). 67 Clinton St., Batavia, N. Y. M37R37. N. Harvey, Prof. P. Caspar. 438 N. Missouri St., Liberty, Mo. M36R37. Q. Harvey, Dr. Paul A(twood). M.S., Minne- sota, 18; Ph.D., California, 35. Instr. biology, San Francisco State Col., San Francisco, Calif. M40. FGN. Harvey, Dr. Paul H(enry). Ph.D., Iowa State, 38. Assoc, agronomist, North Caro- lina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M38. G. Harvey, Mrs. Rodney B. (Helen Whittier Harvey). B.A., Mt. Holyoke, 15. Box 116, Route 2, Stillwater, Minn. M38. G. Harvey, Dr. R(odney) B(eecher). Ph.D., Chicago, 18; D.Sc, Purdue, 39. Prof, plant physiology, agric. botany and horticulture, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M17F21. GO. Harvey, Dr. Samuel C(lark). M.D., Yale, 11; Sc.D., Western Reserve, 31. Prof, surgery, Yale Univ. School Med.; surgeon- in-chief, New Haven Hosp. and New Haven Dispensary, New Haven, Conn. M12F31. N. Harwell, Dr. Joseph G. Ph.D., Chicago, 32. 35 Hillside Ave., New York, N. Y. M38. CB. Harwood, E(dward) C(rosby). M.C.E., Rensselear Polytechnic Inst., 29; M.B.A., 30. Dir., Amer. Inst. Economic Res., 54 Dunster St., Cambridge, Mass. M37. KM. Harwood, Dr. Paul D(uane). M.A., Rice, 30; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, parasitologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (College Park, Md.) (M32F33R34)M38F33. FDN. Harwood, Robert D(aniel). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 28. Prof, zoology, San Diego State Col., San Diego, Calif. "(4541 Alice St.) M25F33. FG. Hasbrouck, Major Philip B(evier). M.E., Cornell, 96. Mgr., Fontana Union Water Co. and Fontana Power Co.; engineer, Fontana Farms Co. and Fontana Domestic Water Co., Fontana, Calif. M28. MEI. Hasel, A(ustin) A(lexander). B.S., Mich- igan, 26. Assoc, silviculturist, California Forest and Range Exp. Sta., U. S. Forest Service, Berkeley, Calif. (2574 Buena Vista Way) M39. OFG. Haseltine, W(illiam) Lloyd. Box 203, Route 4, Springfield, Mo. M36R36. E. Haseman, Prof. Leonard. A.M., Indiana, 07; Ph.D., Cornell, 10. Prof, entomology, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M08F20. F. Haskell, Earl S(tanley). M.S., Iowa State, 09. Senior economist, Commodity Ex- change Administration, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (3622 T St. NW.) M18. OKP. Haskell, Edward F. A.B., Oberlin, 29. Graduate student, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5610 S. Dorchester Ave.) M39. HGE. Haskell, Prof. Mellen W(oodman). Box 3, Berkeley, Calif. M04F06R33. AL. Haskell, Norman A. A.M., Harvard, 35; Ph.D., 36. Seismologist, Western Geophy- sical Co., 601 W. 5th St., Los Angeles, Calif. (538 S. Van Ness Ave.) M36. EB. Haskell, Dr. Royal Joyslin. Ph.D., Cornell, 17. Senior extension plant pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (1636 Kalmia Road) M24F25. G. Haskell, Sidney B(urritt). B.Sc, Massa- chusetts State, 04. Vice pres., Barrett Co., 40 Rector St., New York, N. Y. (12 Orsini Drive, Larchmont, N. Y.) M18F22. OG. Haskew, C(aleb) A(rchibald). A.M., Mis- souri, 24. Head Dept. Science and dean, Lander Col., Greenwood, S. Car. (225 Grace St.) M29F33. CBM. Haskin, Harold H. M.A., Harvard, 38. Asst. biology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M38. FNC. Haskins, C(aryl) P(arker). 1188 Avon Road, Schenectady, N. Y. M33L37F39. CBE. Haskins, Prof. Charles N(elson). Ph.D., Harvard, 01. Prof, mathematics, Dart- mouth Col., Hanover, N. H. (Hanover Road, Lebanon, N. H.) M08F10. A. Hasler, Dr. Arthur D(avis). Biology Bldg., Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M37R38. FN. Haslerud, Dr. George M. Dept. Psychol- ogy, Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. M36R36. IQN. Hasley, Dr. Clyde Knapp. M.D., Michi- gan, 18. Attending radiologist and attend- ing dermatologist, Grace Hosp.; physician, 1429 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. M40. N. Hass, George (Marvin). M.D., 29. Asst. prof., Cornell Univ. Med. Col.; asst. path- ologist, New York Hosp., New York, N. Y. (315 E. 68th St.) M39. N. Hassan, Ali A. Consulting geologist and mining engineer, 170 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (88 Kenwood Place, East Orange, N. J.) M26F32. EDM. Hasselstrom, Dr. (K.) Torsten (H. A.). M.A., Helsingfors, 20; D.Sc, 25. Dir. res., G. and A. Labs., Inc., Savannah, Ga. (1305 E. 50th St.) M38F38. C. Hassenmiller, Kenneth L. M.A., Washing- ton. Box 501-A, Route 7, Seattle, Wash. M31. CAB. Hassler, Prof. J(oseph) O(le). S.M., Chi- cago, 13; Ph.D.. 15. Prof, mathematics and astronomy, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (425 Lahoma Ave.) M23F33. ADQ. Individual Members 513 Hassler, Prof. Roy D(iehm). M.A., Le- high, 25. 1465 Main St., Bethlehem, Pa. M29F33. CB. Hastings, Dr. A(lbert) Baird. Ph.D., Co- lumbia. 21. Prof. biol. chemistry, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M20F25. CN. Hastings, Daniel J(ames), Jr. B.Sc, Wor- cester Polytechnic Inst., 37. 14 Crown St., Worcester, Mass. M40. M. Hastings, Earl (Freeman). Box 10, Chlo- ride, Ariz. M37R37. M. Hastings, E(dwin) G(eorge). M.S., Wis- consin, 99. Prof, agric. bacteriology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (21 11 Van Hise Ave.) M01F10. GNO. Hastings, George T(racy). M.S., Colum- bia, 21. Chairman Dept. Biology, Theo- dore Roosevelt High School, New York, N. Y. (2587 Sedgwick Ave.) M26F31. G. Hastings, Prof. R(ussell) B(yron). A.M., Clark, 25. Prof, phvsics, Macalester Col., St. Paul, Minn. M33F33. BM. Hastings, Stephen H(arold). Principal agronomist, U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Washington, D. C. M22F31. O. Hastings, Dr. Willard Seth. M.D., Michi- gan, 09. Pathologist and dir. lab., Jeanes Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. (45 E. Church Road, Elkins Park, Pa.) M29. NCH. Hatch, Alden B(ruce). Univ. Idaho School Forestry, Moscow, Idaho. (M33- F33R34)M36F33R36. G. Hatch, Dr. Melville H(arrison). M.A., Michigan, 21; Ph.D., 25. Assoc, prof, zoology, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (5547 25th Ave. NE.) M19F30. F. Hatch, R(aymond) S(tewart). B.S., Syra- cuse. Dir. res., Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Longview, Wash. (1158 24th Ave.) M18. C. Hatch, Dr. W(inslow) R(oper). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 34. Asst. prof, botany and acting head Dept., Washington State Col., Pullman, Wash. (M36R36)M4oF4o. GOL. Hatcher, Dr. C. Howard, M.D., California, 29. Asst. prof, surgery, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M40. N. Hatcher, John B(rush). 2902 Porter St. NW., Washington, D. C. M38R38. O. Hatcher, Dr. Robert A(nthony). M.D., Tulane, 98. D.Sc, Columbia, 29. Prof, emeritus pharmacology, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M10F11. Np. Hatchett, Prof. M(arvin) P(earce). 809 E. 13th St., Ada, Okla. M26R32. FN. Haterius, Dr. H(ans) O (liver). Dept. Phy- siology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M26F31R35. F. Hatfield, Dr. M(arcus) R(ankin). M.S., Maryland, 32; Ph.D., 35. Res. chemist, Nat. Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio (i34or Clifton Blvd., Lakewood, Ohio) M38. C. Hatfield, W(illis) C(harles). 133 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M35R37. EM. Hathaway, Prof. E(dward) S(turtevant). M.A., Wisconsin, 21; Ph.D., 25. Prof, zo- ology, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M24F33. F. Hathaway, Dr. Gladys M(aria). Harts- town, Pa. M34R34. Q. Hathaway, Dr. Milicent L(ouise). A.M., Buffalo, 25 ; Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Instr., New York State Col. Home Economics, Ithaca, N. Y. (103 College Ave.) M33. CN. Hatt, Dr. Robert T(orrens). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 32. Dir., Cranbrook Inst. Science, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. M28F33. F. Hatterscheid, Dr. Charles Albert. Dr.Comp.Med., Chicago Veterinary, 03. District deputy state veterinary surgeon, Montana Livestock Sanitary Board, Hel- ena, Mont. (Glendive, Mont.) M31. EFN. Hatton, Dr. Edward H(oward). M.D., Rush, 12. Prof, pathology. Northwestern Univ. Dental School, Chicago, 111. M39- F40. N. Hattwick, M(elvin) S(axton). Dept. Psy- chology, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M32R33. IFL. Hauber, Dr. U(lrich) A(lbert). A.M., Catholic, 18; Ph.D., Iowa, 24. Prof, biology, St. Ambrose Col., Davenport, Iowa. M23- F33. FEG. Hauck, Miss Hazel M(arie). Ph.D., Wis- consin, 32. Prof, home economics, New York State Col. Home Economics, Ithaca, N. Y. (508 Edgewood Place) M38F38. NC. Hauer, Dr. Arthur M. 327 E. State St., Columbus, Ohio. M23R36. N. Hauer, Dr. Emanuel. M.D., University and Bellevue, 33. Physician, 351 E. 19th St., New York, N. Y. M40. HFG. Hauge, Philip E(noch). M.A., Washing- ton, 24. Dean, Pacific Lutheran Col., Parkland, Wash. M40. QI. Hauge, Dr. Sigfred M(elanchton). M.S., Minnesota, 21 ; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, biochem- istry, Purdue Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., La Fayette, Ind. M25F33. CO. Haught, Dr. B(enjamin) F(ranklin). M.A., Columbia, 14; Ph.D., George Peabody, 21. 1 124 W. Central Ave., Albuquerque, N. Mex. M23F28. I. Haught, Oscar (Lee). M.S., West Vir- ginia, 33. Geologist, International Petro- leum Co., 56 Church St., Toronto, Out., Canada. (Littleton, W. Va.) M28. GE. Haun, George Cleveland. 6410 Regent St., Oakland, Calif. M17. M. Haun, Prof. R(obert) R(ay). Ashland Col., Ashland, Ohio. M34F34R3S. CB. Haunz, Charles F. Ch.E., Charlottenburg (Germany). P. O. Box 299, Hot Springs, Ark. M39. C. 5H Directory of Members Haupt, Dr. Arthur W(ing). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 19. Assoc, prof, botany, Univ. Cali- fornia Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M18F2S. G. Haupt, Dr. George W(ebster). M.A., Co- lumbia, 27; Ph.D., 34. Prof, sciences, State Teachers Col., Glassboro, N. J. M34. QI. Haury, Dr. Emil Walter. M.A., Arizona, 28; Ph.D., Harvard, 34. Head Dept. An- thropology and dir. Arizona State Mus., Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M36F38. HE. Secretary of Southwestern Division, 1940. Haury, Dr. Victor G. M.D., Minnesota, 35. Asst. prof, pharmacology, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M40. NpC. Hauschildt, Mrs. Anna Brix (Mrs. James Hauschildt). M.S., Washington, 37. 3714 University Way, Seattle, Wash. M40. NC. Hauser, Dr. Abe. M.D., Texas, 27. Med. dir., Keightley Hosp., Houston Tex. M38. N. Hauser, Dr. Charles Roy. M.S., Florida, 25; Ph.D., Iowa, 28. Asst. prof., Dept. Chemistry, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M35F35. C. Hauser, Dr. Ernst A(lfred). Ph.D., Vi- enna, 21. Assoc, prof, chemical engng., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge. Mass. (16 Fayerweather St.) M38F38. CBE. Hausman, Dr. Leon A(ugustus). Dept. Zoology, New Jersey Col. Women, New- Brunswick, N. J. M34F34R34. F. Hausman, Dr. Louis. 140 E. 54th St., New York, N. Y. M28F29R33. N. Hausman, Miss Sybil A. M.A., Wellesley. Dept. Zoology, Connecticut Col., New London, Conn. M37. F. Hausmann, Dr. Erich. E.E., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 08; Sc.D., New York, 11. Prof, physics and dean graduate study, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., Brook- lyn, New York. M17F22. BMQ. Hausmann, Prof. Theodore W(illiam). 6 Concordia Place, Bronxville, N. Y. (M29- R32)M39R39. CNQ. Haussmann, Dr. Alfred C(arl). A.M., Rochester, 21 ; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Prof, phvsics, Hobart Col., Geneva, N. Y. (346 Pulteney St.) M36F36. BAC. Havemeyer, Dr. Loomis. M.A.. Yale, 12; Ph.D., 15. Asst. dean, Sheffield Scientific School, registrar School Engng., and asst. prof, social evolution, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (105 Grove St.) M25F32. H. Haven, Dr. Frances L(elia). M.A., Roch- ester, 32; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, Univ. Roch- ester School Med., Rochester, N. Y. ; fel- low, Nat. Cancer Inst., Bethesda, Md. (16 Riverside St., Rochester, N. Y.) M39. CN. Haven, Dr. S(eth) Edson. M.A., Ohio State, 28 ; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, psychology, Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. M31. IQK. Haviland, Dr. E(dward) Kenneth. A.M., Harvard, 25; Ph.D., 30; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 34. Prof, chemistry, Lincoln Uni- versity, Pa. (.Port Deposit, Md.) M31F33. ACB. Havill, Clinton H(unter). M.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 23. Chief physicist, mechanical res., and head calculating sec- tion, Eclipse Aviation Div., Bendix Air- craft Corp., Bendix, N. J. (480 Mayhew Court, South Orange, N. J.) M36. MB. Hawes, Foreman M(cConnell). M.S., Em- ory, 29. Head Dept. Chemistry, Arm- strong Junior Col., Savannah, Ga. (447 Bull St.) M39. CBK. Hawes, Joseph H(enry). 76 Wenhara St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. M07. BCM. Hawes, Mrs. Mary Kropp (Mrs. Norman E. Hawes). M.S., Oklahoma, 33. U. S. Irons Fork Exp. Forest, Mena, Ark. M36- F38. BA. Hawes, Norman E(mery). M.F., Yale, 32. Assoc, forester, U. S. Forest Service, Irons Fork Exp. Forest, Mena, Ark. M40. OG. Hawk, Dr. Philip B(ovier). M.S., Yale, 01 ; Ph.D., Columbia, 03. Pres., Food Res. Labs., Inc., 114 E. 32nd St., New York, N. Y. M07F10. CN. Hawkes, Miss Julia M(ay). A.M., Colum- bia, 10; Ph.D., Michigan, 20. Prof, math- ematics and astronomy, Doane Col., Crete, Nebr. M38F38. DA. Hawkes, Dr. (Robert) Forbes. M.D., Co- lumbia, 91. Consulting surgeon, Presby- terian Hosp., Flower-Fifth Ave. Hosp., New York, Flushing Hosp., Flushing. Nassau Hosp., Mineola, and St. Josephs Hosp., Far Rockaway, N. Y. M08. N. Hawkesworth, Rev. Alan S(pencer). 1416 20th St. NW., Washington, D. C. M07- Fn. A. Hawkins, Dr. Alfred C(ary). A.M., Prince- ton, 12; A.M., Ph.D., Brown, 16. Sedi- mentationist, U. S. Soil Conservation Serv- vice, Washington, D. C. (Winchester, Va.) M17F33. EQ. Hawkins, Dr. James A(lexander). M28- F31D37. NC. Hawkins, Dr. J(ohn) Erskine. M.S., Pennsylvania, 25 ; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, chemistry and assoc. dir. Naval Stores Res., Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. (700 Tuscawilla Ave.) M35F35. CMQ. Hawkins, Laurence A(shley). B.A., Will- iams, 97; B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 99. Executive engineer, Res. Lab., General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. M34F34. MB. Hawkins, Dr. Lon A(drian). U. S. Plant Quarantine and Control Administration, Washington, D. C. M07F13R35. CG. Hawkins, Dr. Ralph. Presbvterian Hosp., Chicago, 111. M31R33. NFK. Individual Members 5^5 Hawkins, Dr. Ralph S(ams). M.S., Ari- zona, 22; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Vice dean Col. Agric. and prof, agronomy, Univ. Ari- zona; vice dir. and agronomist, Arizona Agric. Exp. Sta., Tucson, Ariz. M22F24. GO. Hawkins, Miss T. E. Lincoln Univ., Jef- ferson City, Mo. M31R32. F. Hawkins, Dr. William Bruce. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Assoc, prof, pathology, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y. M35F38. N. Hawley, Dr. Estelle E. M.S., Rochester, 24; Ph.D., 31. Res. fellow, Univ. Roch- ester School Med., Rochester, N. Y. (Pittsford, N. Y.) M34F34. O. Hawley, John B., Jr. 2717 Ewing Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. (?) M36R36. Hawley, John Blackstock. M.S., Texas Christian, 26. 407 Capps Bldg., Fort Worth, Tex. M25F28. M. Hawley, Prof. Ralph C(hipman). M.F., Yale, 04; M.A., 11. Prof, of Silviculture, Yale Univ. School Forestry, New Haven, Conn. M34F34. O. Hawley, Samuel B(rown). Ph.B., Yale, 84. 377 N. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. M18. BM. Hawley, Dr. Sydney (James). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 24. Roentgenologist, Geisinger Memorial Hosp., Danville, Pa. M32. N. Haworth, Dr. Ellis. A.M., George Wash- ington, 27; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 28. Prof, science, Wilson Teachers Col., Washington, D. C. (132 13th St. SE.) M25F33. CB. Hawthorn, Leslie R(ushton). M.S., Cor- nell, 28. Horticulturist, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., Winter Haven, Tex. M29F31. O. Hawthorne, Joseph W. Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M31R32. IQ. Hawthorne, W(arren) C(oleman). M21- F33D36. B. Hawthorne, William J. M.S., Fordham, 38. Acting chairman Dept. Biology, James Monroe High School, New York, N. Y. (2305 University Ave.) M39. BCA. Hawxhurst, Robert, Jr. Consulting mining engineer and geologist, Crocker First Nat. Bank Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. (2 Presidio Terrace) M25F27. EM. Hay, Clarence L(eonard). M.A., Harvard. 11. Honorary curator, Dept. Forestry and Conservation ; res. assoc, Mexican and Central Amer. Archaeology, American Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. (1 Sutton Place S.) M12F31. H. Hay, Dr. Donald (Leith). M28F32D38. BMC. Hay, Erroll. Dir. West Rand Consolidated Mines, Ltd., Box 1242, Johannesburg, S. Africa. (Three Wavs, Saxonwold) M39. EIK. Hay, Dr. George. M.D., Jefferson, 03. Chief examiner, Lorain Div., Carnegie- Illinois Steel Corp.; chief surgeon, Nat. Radiator Corp., Johnstown, Pa. (Vallev Pike and Hay Ave.) M39. NIP. Hay, John (Leonard). Engineer, New- Mexico Power Co., Santa Fe, N. Mex. M40. MEA. Hay, Randall G. 428 Newbold Road, Jenk- intown, Pa. M29R34. Hay, Prof. William P(erry). M.S., Butler, 91. Bradenton, Fla. M00F07. CFG. Hayashi, H(arold) T(akeo). B.Sc, Ohio State, 37. Registered pharmacist, Beach Pharmacy; asst. pharmacist, Leahi Hosp., Honolulu, Hawaii. (1253 Nuuanu St.) M40. Np. Haydak, Dr. M(ykola) H(zyhor). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 33. Univ. Farm, St. Paul. Minn. M36F39. FCN. Hayden, Dr. Ada. M.S., Washington Univ., 10; Ph.D., Iowa State, 18. Dept. Botany, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M10F23. G. Hayden, Miss Alice. Purdue Univ. School Pharmacy, La Fayette, Ind. M31R32. NC. Hayden, Prof. C(assius) C(lay). M.S., Ohio State, 01, Illinois, 09. Chief Dairy Industrv, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. (438 N. Buckeye St.) M16F17. FO. Hayden, Prof. C(harles) E(arnest). D.V.M., Cornell, 14. Prof, veterinary phy- siology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (110 Irving Place) M30F33. N. Hayden, Dr. Charles K(avanagh). Ph.D., St. Louis, 33. Chairman Dept. Physics and dean men. Creighton Univ., Omaha, Nebr. (M32R32)M36F38. BA. Hayden, Miss Henrietta S(now). M.S., Syracuse, 25 ; Ph.D., Illinois, 34. Assoc, physicist, X-ray Dept., Harper Hosp., De- troit, Mich. M38. CBN. Hayden, J(ames) R(ichard) E(dward). M.S., Chicago, 32. Asst. prof, biology, Talladega Col., Talladega, Ala. (303 W. 154th St., New York, N. Y.) M36. FNG. Hayden, Junior F(rank). Vice pres., Brechet and Richter Co., 200 N. 2nd St., Minneapolis, Minn. (2304 Harriet Ave. S.) M26. EBC. Hayden, Miss Margaret A(lger). A.M., Columbia, 17; Ph.D., 24. Assoc, prof, zo- ology, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. M16F26. F. Hayden, Philip A(lden). Milford, N. H. M29R32. FON. Haydon, Dr. A. Eustace. A.M., McMaster, 07; Ph.D., Chicago, 18. Prof, history of religions and chairman Dept. Comparative Religion, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (6120 Ingleside Ave.) M36. KHL. Hayes, Albert Orion. M.Sc, McGill, 08; Ph.D., Princeton, 14. Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. M21F25. E. 5i6 Directory of Members Hayes, Dr. Anson. M.S., Iowa State, 17; Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Dir. Res. Labs., Amer- ican Rolling Mill Co., Middletown, Ohio. (311 Stanley St.) M25F25. CBP. Hayes, Frank T. 70 Poplar St., Garden City, N. Y. M39. Hayes, Dr. F(red) M(ontreville). M25- F33D38. N. Hayes, Dr. George L. Univ. Akron, Akron Ohio. M31R32. IQN. Hayes, Dr, Hammond Vinton. Ph.D., Har- vard, 85. Private res. lab., 253 Summer St., Boston, Mass. (48 Beacon St.) M28- F29. BM. Hayes, Dr. Hanceford (Walter). D.V.M., Alabama Polytechnic Inst. Tazewell Pike, Knoxville, Tenn. M39. N. Hayes, Dr. H(erbert) K(endall). Sc.D., Harvard, 21. Prof, and chief Div. Agron- omy and Plant Genetics, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. (1460 Hythe St.) M09F11. GO. Vice president for Sec- tion on Agriculture (0), 1935- Hayes, Dr. Mary H(olmes) S(tevens). Ph.D., Chicago, 10. Dir. Vocational Serv- ice Juniors, 95 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M12F28. IKP. Hayes, Dr. Merlin L(ewis). Ph.D., Wis- consin, 35. Asst. prof, botany and zoology, Univ. Wisconsin Extension Div., Mil- waukee, Wis. M38. FGN. Hayhurst, Dr. Emery R(oe). A.M., Illi- nois, 05; M.D., 08; Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Consulting industrial hygienist, 1925 Con- cord Road, Columbus, Ohio. M16F26. N. Haymaker, Dr. C. R. M.S., Ph.D., Mar- quette. 2536 N. Grant Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis. M39- CB. Haymaker, Prof. H(erbert) H(enley). Dept. Botany and Plant Pathology, Kan- sas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M32- R32. G. Hayne, Don W(illiam). M.A., Michigan, 33. Res. asst. zoology, Michigan Agric. Exp. Sta., East Lansing, Mich. M39. F. Hayner, Dr. Lucy J(ulia) (Mrs. Bernhard Kurrelmeyer). A.M., Columbia, 20; Ph.D., 25. Instr. physics, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M40F40. B. Haynes, Miss Caroline C(oventry). High- lands, N. J. M27F31. G. Haynes, Dr. Edith. M.A., Wisconsin, 21 ; Ph.D., 27. Bacteriologist, Indiana Univ. Med. Center, Indianapolis, Ind. M37F39. NG. Haynes, Prof. Eli S(tuart). A.M., Mis- souri, 07; Ph.D., California, 13. Prof, astronomy, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (1408 Rosemary Lane) M08F13. DAB. Haynes, Frank L(eslie). 20 Somerset St., Boston, Mass. M29. O. Haynes, Dr. George Frederick. D.D.S., Tennessee, 04. Dental surgeon, Laurel, Miss. M40. NdQC. Haynes, Miss Mary E(sther). M.A., George Washington, 39. Instr. biology, Central High School, Washington, D. C. (East Clifton Terrace Apartments) M40. GQF. Haynes, W(illis) Stuart. 315 Franklin St. NE„ Washington, D. C. (M3sR36)M38- R39. CAB. Haynes, Dr. Winthrop P(errin). A.M., Harvard, 12; Ph.D., 14. Geologist, Stand- ard Oil Co. New jersey, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. M29F31. E. Hays, B(enjamin) Frank(lin). 5 Prospect Place, Tudor City, N. Y. (?) MooR34- P- Hays, Miss Bertha B(eatrice). Box 1138, College Station, Columbus, Miss. (?) M28- R37. CK. Hays, C. Earl. E.E., Texas. Box 752, Paw- tucket, R. I. M38. BM. Hays, Dr. Frank A(lfred). M.A., Michigan, 12; Ph.D., Iowa State, 17. Res. prof, poultry investigations, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M23F26. F. Haythorn, Dr. Samuel R(eese). M.D., Michigan, 04. Dir. Singer Memorial Res. Lab., Allegheny General Hosp., Pitts- burgh, Pa. (5431 Baywood St.) M12F15. N. Hayward, Charles E. Mulford Biol. Labs., Glenolden, Pa. M33R35. CMN. Hayward, Harold Nathaniel. M.S., Illinois, 30. Assoc, electrical engng., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (612 W. Oregon St.) M33- MQB. Hayward, Herman E(liot). M.S., Chicago, 25; Ph.D., 28. Agent, U. S. Regional Salin- ity Lab., Riverside, Calif. (3564 Bandini Ave.) M30F32. G. Hayward, William R. 3225 Calle Noquera, Santa Barbara, Calif. M14R33. EM. Haywood, Dr. Charlotte. A.M., Brown, 22; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 27. Assoc prof, physiology, Mt. Holyoke Col., South Had- ley, Mass. M28F33. NF. Hazard, Daniel L(yman). A.B., Harvard, 85. P. O. Box 356, Narragansett, R. I. M99- Fio. EB. Hazard, Dr. Frank (Orlando). M.S., Ph.D. Ohio State. Head Dept. Biology, Wilming- ton Col., Wilmington, Ohio. (M31R32)- M40. FGN. Hazard, Dr. Willis H(atfield). A.M., Har- vard, 92; Ph.D.. 94. Editor, Dept. Adver- tising and Publication, New England Mu- tual Life Insurance Co., 87 Milk St., Bos- ton, Mass. M20. HKO. Hazeltine, Dr. Karl S(nyder). M.A., Stan- ford, 26; Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Prof, science, State Teachers Col., San Jose, Calif. (398 S. 12th St.) M27F31. G. Individual Members 517 Hazeltine, Prof. (Louis) Alan. M.E., Ste- vens Inst. Tech., 06; Sc.D., 33; M.A., Co- lumbia, 38. Prof, physical mathematics, Stevens Inst. Tech., Hoboken, N. J. M22- L25F33. AB. Hazen, Miss Elizabeth Lee. Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 27. 3 Clairmont Ave., New York, N. Y. M31. N. Hazen, George H (annum). L17D34. Hazen, John W(esley). M.S., California, 24. Instr. engng., Los Angeles City Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (640 N. Occidental Blvd.) M40. MAB. Hazen, Myron S. B.S., Massachusetts State Col., 10. Mgr. Service Div., Amer- ican Agric. Chemical Co., New York, N. Y. (Milton, N. Y.) M34F40. O. Hazen, Thomas. A.B., Muskingum, 26. Asst. physicist, Bakelite Corp., Bloom- field, N. J. (73 Grove St., Montclair, N. J.) M36F40. BAM. Hazen, Dr. Tracy Elliott. A.M., Columbia, 99; Ph.D., 00. Barnard Col., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M01F02. G. Secretary of Section on Botany (G), 1906. Hazlett, Donald C. B.S., Illinois, 28. In- spector, National Park Service, Rich- mond, Va. (Russellville, Ind.) M39. EGF. Hazlett, Prof. Olive C(lio). S.M., Chicago, 13; Ph.D., 15. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M17F18. A. Hazzard, A(lbert) S(idney). Univ. Mu- seums, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M37R37. FG. Hazzard, Prof. James W., Jr. M.S., Iowa, 36. Head Dept. Biology, Arkansas State Col., Pine Bluff, Ark. (304 Cascadilla St., Ithaca, N. Y.) M39. FG. H'Doubler, Dr. Francis Todd. M.A., Wis- consin, 08; Ph.D.. 10; M.D., Harvard, 15. Chief surgical staff, Burge Deaconness Hosp.; visiting surgeon, St. John's Hosp. and Springfield Baptist Hosp., Spring- field, Mo.; consulting surgeon, Missouri State Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Mt. Ver- non, Mo. (Route 7, Springfield, Mo.) M31F38. NAC. Head, Dr. George Douglas. M.D., Minne- sota, 95. Physician, 1729 Med. Arts Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. M17F33. N. Headlee, Dr. Thomas J. A.M., Indiana, 04; Ph.D., Cornell, 06. Entomologist, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta.; prof, entomology, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. M02- F13. F. Headlee, Dr. William Hugh. M.S. .Illinois, 33; Ph.D., Tulane, 35. Instr. biology, Pur- due Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M32. FN. Headley, F(rank) B(urdette). Chief Dept. Farm Development, Univ. Nevada, Reno, New M13F22. O. Headley, Prof. Leal A(ubrey). M.A., Har- vard, 11; Ph.D., 16. Prof, education, Carle- ton Col., Northfield, Minn. (815 E. Second St.) M32. IQ. Headley, Roy. Chief, Div. Fire Control, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. (2934 Chesapeake St. NW.) M39. IK. Headrick, Dr. Lewis B. Ph.D., Michigan, 30. Res. physicist, Radiotron Div. RCA. Mfg. Co., Harrison, N. J. M34F34. BCA. Heagerty, Dr. J. J. M.D.,C.M., McGill, 05; D.P.H., 12. Dir. Public Health Services, Dept. Pensions and National Health, Ot- tawa, Ont., Canada. M39. N. Heald, Dr. Frederick D(eForest). M.S., Wisconsin, 96; Ph.D., Leipzig, 97- Head Dept. Plant Pathology, State Col. Wash- ington; plant pathologist, Washington Agric. Exp. Sta., Pullman, Wash. (312 Howard St.) M01F04. GO. Heald, Henry T(ownley). M.S., Illinois, 25. Pres., Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. (5844 Stony Island Ave.) M36. M. Heald, Kenneth C(onrad). D.Sc, Pitts- burgh, 27. Staff geologist, Gulf Oil Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. (100 Gladstone Road) M28F31. E. Heald, Philip C(lark). Wilton, N. H. M24R38. O. Healy, Paul William. M.A., Ohio State, 39. Instr. science, Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home. Xenia, Ohio. (214 E. Second St.) M37. ACQ. Heaps, Prof. C(laude) W(illiam). Ph.D.. Princeton, 12. Prof, physics, Rice Inst., Houston, Tex. (235 Portland Ave.) M22- F22. B. Heard, Burton E. 2823 Main St., Dallas, Tex. (?) M37R37- MBA. Hearle, Eric. M34F34D34. F. Hearn, J. E. 126 W. 94th St., New York, N. Y. M33R34. C. Hearn, Rev. J(oseph) R(ichard), S. J. M.A., Woodstock. Loyola High School, Baltimore, Md. M37- A. Heath, Edward B(eaumont). 623 Scott Ave., San Bernardino, Calif. M37R38. MQ. Heath, Prof. Eugene S(chofield). M.A., Nebraska, 12. 934 Waverly Way NE., At- lanta, Ga. M10F31. GEF. Heath, Frank Willet. B.S., Arizona, 26. Chemist, Shell Chemical Company, Pitts- burg, Calif. (1319 Elm St.) M30. CBI. Heath, Dr. Fred H(arvey). 753 E. Colum- bia St., Gainesville, Fla. M28R32. C. Heath, Harley W(illis). B.S., Vermont, 05. Chairman Dept. Science, Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville, N. J. M29. CB. Heath, Prof. Harold. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 98; Sc.D., Ohio Wesleyan, 19. Emeritus prof, embryology, Hopkins Marine Sta., Stanford Univ., Pacific Grove, Calif. M24- F2S. F. Heath, Dr. Harry C(olson). M.S.. Chi- cago, 22; Ph.D., 28. Prof, biology, Hunt- ing Col., Montgomery, Ala. (21 Agnew St.) M28F31. G. 5*8 Directory of Members Heath, L(ionel) M(clvor). Box 819, Lethbridge, Alta., Canada. M28R32. NOF. Heath, Prof. Louise Robinson. A.M., Mt. Holyoke, 23; Ph.D., Radcliffe, 27. Prof, philosophy and psychology, Hood Col., Frederick, Md. (Wilson Place) M30F33. LIB. Heath, Roy E. A.B., Albion, 36. Lecturer chemistry, Western Reserve Univ., Cleve- land, Ohio. M39. CBP. Heatwole, Earl P(ayne). Engineer, Co- lumbia Broadcasting System, Washington, D. C. (808 Live Oak Drive, Silver Spring, Md.) M36. DAE. Hebard, Dr. Grace Raymond. M24D — . K. Hebard, Morgan. A.B., Yale, 10. Res. assoc, Acad. Natural Sciences, Philadel- phia, Pa. (Chestnut Hill) M11L13F32. F. Hebb, Prof. Thomas C(arlyle). M14F25- D38. B. Hebert, Dr. Arthur W. 450 Sutter St., San Francisco, Calif. M36R36. N. Hebert, Claude R(omain). M.S., Louisiana State, 33. Teacher vocational agric, High School, Scott, La. M35. O. Hechler, Prof. F(red) G(eorge). M.E., Missouri, 10. Prof, engng. res. and dir. Engng. Exp. Sta., Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M34F34. M. Hecht, Adolph. M.S., Chicago, 37. Teach- ing asst. botany, Indiana Univ., Blooming- ton, Ind. (8824 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111.) M36. G. Hecht, Anna (See Mrs. Anna H. Molow). Hecht, Benjamin Philip. Ph.C, Massachu- setts Col. Pharmacy, 37; M.S., Wisconsin, 39. Instr., Middlesex Univ., Waltham, Mass. (70 Wildwood St., Mattapan, Mass.) M38. CNG. Hecht, Dr. Irvin Sulo. J.D., New York, 30; J.S.D., 36; M.S., Col. City New York, 39. Asst. principal. Public School 157, New York, N. Y. (593 Crown St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M39. QIK. Hecht, Prof. Selig. Ph.D., Harvard, 17. Prof, biophysics, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (35 Claremont Ave.) M17F21. FN. Heck, Dr. N(icholas) H(unter). C.E., Le- high, 04; D.Sc, 29. Chief Div. Terrestrial Magnetism and Seismology, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. M18F25. MEB. Secretary of Section on En- gineering (M), 1925-33. Heck, Dr. Robert C(ulbertson) H(ays). Eng.D., Lehigh, 27. 51 Adelaide Ave., New Brunswick, N. J. M29F29. MB. Heckel, Dr. Edward B(althasar). Mi 7- F33D35. N. Heckel, Dr. Norris Julius. 55 E. Washing- ton St., Chicago, 111. M38R39. N. Hecker, Dr. Friedrich A(lexander). M.D., Kansas, 13. St. Joseph Hosp., Ottumwa, Iowa. M21. N. Heckert, John W(alter). A.M., Columbia, 05; Ph.D., 17. Prof, education and dir. training, Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. (18 Tallawanda Road) M18F21. QI. Heckman, Prof. Samuel B. M.A., Pennsyl- vania, 05 ; Ph.D., 06. Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M18F21. IQ. Hector, Prof. L(uther) Grant. A.M., Co- lumbia 22; Ph.D., 24. Prof, physics, Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. M26F31. B. Hedberg, Hollis D. Apartado 234, Mara- caibo, Venezuela, S. A. M35F35R35. E. Hedenburg, Dr. Oscar F(red). A.M., Wes- leyan, 11; Ph.D., Chicago, 15. Industrial fellow Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pitts- burgh, Pa. M25F33. COP. Hedges, Miss Florence. A.B., Michigan, 01. Assoc, pathologist, U. S. Horticultural Res. Sta., Beltsville, Md. (1312 30th St., Washington, D. C.) M13F23. G. Hedley, M(athew) S(herwood). Box 1142, Penicton, B. C, Canada. M39R39. EMP. Hedman, Dr. Fritz A(lgot). Ph.D., State Col. Washington, 34. Res. engineer, Ser- vel, Inc., Evansville, Ind. (838 Tavlor Ave.) M37. CBM. Hedrick, Prof. E(arle) R(aymond). A.M., Harvard, 99; Ph.D., Gottingen, 01; Sc.D., Michigan, 36; LL.D., Missouri, 39. Vice pres. and provost and prof, mathematics, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los An- geles, Calif. M07F08. AM. Vice president for Section on Mathematics (A), 1931 ; sec- retary, 1933 . Hedrick, Dr. Henry B(enjamin). M91- F96D36. ADB. Hedrick, Joyce (See Joyce Hedrick Jones). Hedrick, Prof. Leslie R. Dept. Biology, Whitworth Col., Spokane, Wash. M35. FG. Hedrick, Prof. U(lysses) P(rentiss). New York Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M08- F11R37. G. Hedrick, Dr. William A(dam). M08F25- D37. BQ. Heeren, Dr. Ralph H(einrich). Ph.D., Western Reserve, 31; M.D., Iowa, 34. 1302 Ginter Ave., Iowa City, Iowa. M34F34. N. Heering, Miss Gertrude A. M.S., Florida State Col. Women. District Welfare Dir., Green Cove Springs, Fla. M36. IKQ. Heermans, Miss Mary Frances. Dept. Bi- ology, Western Col., Oxford, Ohio. M37- R38. G. Heffner, Prof. Roe-Merrill Secrist. A.M., Wittenberg, 15; A.M., Harvard, 16; Ph.D., 25. Prof. German, Univ. Wisconsin, Madi- son, Wis. M29F32. LIH, Individual Members 519 Hefley, Dr. Harold M(artin). M.S., Okla- homa, 26; Ph.D., 35. Instr. biology, Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. (2416 7th St.) M39- FNG. Hefner, Dr. Robert A(rthur). M.S., Ohio State, 24; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, prof, zoology, Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. M28F33. F. Hegarty, Dr. Charles Paul. Ph.D., Cornell, 38. Instr. bacteriology, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. (564 Jackson St.) M39. CNO. Hegge, Dr. (Hans) Thorleif G(runer). Wavne County Training School, North- ville, Mich. M34F34R38. IQ. Hegner, Prof. Robert W(illiam). M.S.. Chicago, 04; Ph.D.. Wisconsin, 08. 218 Hawthorn Road, Baltimore, Md. M11F13. F. Vice president for Section on Zoology (F), 1931. Hehre, Prof. Frederick W(illiam). E.E., Columbia, 08. Prof, electrical engng., Co- lumbia LIniv., New York, N. Y. (17 Eliza- beth Ave., Arlington, N. J.) M29. MBQ. Heiberg, Prof. Svend O(luf). New York State Col. Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. M31- F33R37. OGE. Heid, J(ohn) L(aurence). B.S., George Washington, 23. Chemist in charge, U. S. Fruit and Vegetable Products Lab., Wes- laco, Tex. (702 Texas Blvd.) M35F35. C. Heidbreder, Dr. Edna (Frances). A.M., Wisconsin, 18; Ph.D., Columbia, 24. Prof, psychology and chairman Dept., Welles- ley Col., Wellesley, Mass. M34F34. I. Heidel, Dr. W(illiam) A(rthur). 142 High St., Middletown, Conn. M29F31R37. L. Heidelberger, Dr. Michael. A.M., Colum- bia, 09; Ph.D., 11. Chemist to med. service and Vanderbilt Clinic, Presbyterian Hosp., New York, N. Y. ; assoc. prof, biochemis- try, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York N. Y. (333 Central Park W.) M28F32. CN. Heidelman, Dr. George Bernard. M.D., Cincinnati, 28. Instr. ophthalmology, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med., Cincinnati, Ohio. M35. N. Heider, Prof. Fritz. 64 Kensington Ave., Northampton, Mass. M35F37R39. I. Heidt, Dr. Lawrence J(oseph). M.S., Wis- consin, 28; Ph.D., 30. Instr. chemistry, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (22 Bailey Road, Arlington, Mass.) M34F34. CBA. Heiland, Dr. Carl August. Colorado School Mines, Golden, Colo. M29F31R34. EBA. Heilbrunn, Dr. Lewis V(ictor). Ph.D., Chicago, 14. Assoc, prof, zoology, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M21- F23. F. Heilman, Dr. Dorothy H. M.D., North- western, 32; M.S.. Minnesota, 39. First asst., Dept. Exp. Med., Mayo Foundation. Rochester, Minn. M40. N. Heilman, Fordyce (Russell). M.D., North- western, 31 ; M.S., Minnesota, 39. Member, Section Clinical Bacteriology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. M40. N. Heilprin, L. B. 3606 Locust St., Phila- delphia, Pa. (?) M30R32. BIA. Heiman, Dr. Jacob. M.D., Columbia, 07. Assoc, cancer res., Columbia Univ.; physi- cian and chief Cancer Clinic, Sydenham Hosp., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Heimbach, Dr. James M. M.D., Hahne- mann, 97. 127 Greeves St., Kane, Pa. M17. N. Hein, M(ason) A(ugust). U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M39- F40. OGC. Heine, Miss Aida A. M.A., Smith. Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. M12F15. E. Heinecke, Miss Margaret (Elizabeth). 3846 Alexander St., St. Louis, Mo. M38- R38. KLP. Heineman, Herbert C. B.S., Pennsylvania State, 29. Chemist, Celanese Corp. Amer- ica, Cumberland, Md. M40. COE. Heineman, Prof. Paul G(ustave). Bayer Company, Inc., Albany, N. Y. M07F11- R39. KP". Heineman, Robert E(mil) (S.). M.S.. Ari- zona, 27. Mineralogist, Arizona Bur. Mines, Tucson, Ariz. (20 Calle Conquista) M27F31. EMC. Heineman, Stephen D. B.A., Cambridge, 33; Chem.E., Zurich, 37. Amitas, Ltd., 50 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M39. C. Heinemann, Gustave B.Ch.E., Minnesota, 29; M.S., 30. Chief chemist, Southern Alkali Corp., Corpus Christi, Tex. M40. CM. Heines, Neal (John). Solar observer and res. work, Eidgenossen Sternwarta, Zu- rich, Switzerland. (560 Broadway, Pater- son, N. J.) M38. BD. Heinicke, Prof. Arthur J(ohn). M.S., Mis- souri, 14; Ph.D., Cornell, 17. Prof, pomol- ogy and head Dept., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (116 Parkway, Cayuga Heights) M23F25. GO. Heinlein, Prof. Christian Paul. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Prof, experimental psychology, Florida State Col. Women, Tallahassee, Fla.; prof, psychology (exten- sion). Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M28F32. IQH. Heinlein, Prof. Julia Heil. Florida State Col. Women, Tallahassee, Fla. M32F33- R33. IQH. Heinonen, Dr. Junetta C(hristine). A.M., Michigan, 24; Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Assoc, prof, teaching, Iowa State Teachers Col., Cedar Falls, Iowa. M40. QGF. Heinrich, Carl. Senior entomologist, \J. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington. D. C. M.3g. F. 520 Directory of Members Heise, A(rthur) C(harles). 730 Dominion Public Bldg., Winnipeg, Man., Canada. M39R39. GO. Heise, George W. M.S., Wisconsin, 12. 18550 Rivercliff Drive, Rocky River, Ohio. M34F34. CMB. Heiser, Joseph Matthew, Jr. Texas Co., Houston, Tex. (1724 Kipling St.) M38. FGK. Heiser, Dr. Victor G(eorge). M.D., Jeffer- son, 97; Sc.D., Jefferson, 11, Rutgers, 17, Thiele Col., 39; LL.D., Temple, 39. 14 W. 49th St., New York, N. Y. (Bantam, Conn.) M17F25. N. Heisig, Dr. G(ladstone) B(ering). M.S., Rice, 18; M.A., Princeton, 21; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, inorganic chemistry, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (2400 35th Ave. S.) M28F33. C. Heising, Clara M. 5540 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M37. Heising, Raymond A(lphonsus). M.S., Wisconsin, 14. Radio res. engineer, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (232 Oak Ridge Ave., Summit, N. J.) M17F30. BM. Heiss, Miss Elizabeth M(adeline). 403 University St., West Lafayette, Ind. M32- R32. FNH. Heitger, Dr. Joseph D. M.D., Michigan, 08. 701 Heyburn Bldg., Louisville, Ky. M40. N. Heitkamp, Prof. George William. A.M., Illinois. 14. Keane Hall, Loras Col., Du- buque, Iowa. M21. BE. Heitman, Edward. 1403 Longfellow Ave., Detroit, Mich. M31. MBA. Heizer, Dr. Edwin E(lbert). M.Sc, Ohio State, 27; Ph.D., 33. Chairman Dept. Dairy Husbandry, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (M32R32)M39F4o: OFN. Hektoen, Dr. Ludvig. A.M., Luther, 96; M.D., Illinois, 87, Rush, 96, Norway, 11; Sc.D., Michigan, 13, Wisconsin, 16; LL.D., Cincinnati, 20, Western Reserve, 29. Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. M02F06- L24. N. Vice president for Section on Physi- ology and Experimental Medicine (K), 19°/, and for Section on Medical Sciences (N), 1929. Helander, Prof. Linn. B.S.. Illinois, 15. Prof, mechanical engng. and head Dept., Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. (1006 N. Manhattan Ave.) M36. MQK. Held, Dr. Charles Edward. M.D., Western Reserve, 98. 39 Hawthorne Ave., Akron, Ohio. M18. N. Held, Dr. Isidore W(illiam). M.D., Jeffer- son, 02. Consulting physician, 2 E. 95th St. ; clinical prof, medicine, New York Univ. Col. Med.; attending physician, Beth Israel Hosp., New York, N. Y. M36. N. Held, Dr. O(mar) C(onrad). M.A., Indi- ana, 24; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 31. Personnel asst. to dean Col.; assoc. prof, psychology, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. M29. I. Heldt, Dr. Thomas J(ohannes). A.M., Mis- souri, 12; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 16. Phy- sician charge Div. Neuropsychiatry, Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit, Mich. (17 Poplar Park Blvd., Pleasant Ridge, Mich.) M14- F27. NIH. Helff, Dr. O(tto) M(aximilian). M.S., Chi- cago, 21 ; Ph.D., Yale, 25. Assoc, prof, biology. New York Univ., University Heights; res. assoc, Dept. Exp. Biology, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M24F26. F. Helfter, Francis J(oseph). 1018 Green- wood Ave., San Jose, Calif. M37R37. MB. Helgeson, Prof. E(arl) A(drian). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 30. Prof, botany. North Dakota Agric. Col.; botanist, North Dakota Agric. Exp. Sta., Fargo, N. Dak. M34F34. G. Hellbaum, Dr. Arthur A(lfred). M.A., Wisconsin, 32; Ph.D., 34. Assoc, prof, physiology, Oklahoma Univ. School Med., Oklahoma City, Okla. M37. FN. Hellebrandt, Dr. Frances A. M.D., Wis- consin, 29. Assoc, prof, physiology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (1715 Jefferson St.) M35F35. N. Heller, Dr. A(mos) A(rthur). Box 300, Route 2, Chico, Calif. M28F31R35. G. Heller, Edmund. M29F33D39. FGE. Heller, Dr. Hilda Hempl. 922 W. 30th St., Los Angeles, Calif. (?) M22F32R35. HN. Heller, Dr. Hugh A(ndrews). M.Sc, Rutgers, 32; Ph.D., Maryland, 38. Instr. mathematics, Franklin and Marshall Acad., Lancaster, Pa. M40. CBA. Heller, Dr. Otto. Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M30R34. Heller, Robert N(athan). 3618 Noble Ave., Richmond, Va. M39R39. BK. Hellerman, Dr. Leslie. Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Dept. Physiological Chemistry, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. M29F32. CN. Hellewell, John J(acob). Hill Crest Farm, DuBois, Pa. (?) M34R34. FGO. Hellinger, Joshua. A.B., Col. City New York, 26; LL.B., Harvard, 29. Lawyer, 305 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (405 E. 72nd St.) M39- KL. Hellman, Dr. Milo. D.D.S., Pennsylvania. 05; Sc.D., 33; Sc.D., Witwatersrand. Res. assoc. physical anthropology, Amer. Mus. Natural History; prof, dentistry, Columbia Univ. School Dental and Oral Surgery, New York, N. Y. M24F31. HNd. Hellman, Ralph. 141 1 Avenue N, Brook- lyn, N. Y. M36R38. NFG. Individual Members 5-" Hellmann, Fred(erick). Consulting mining engineer, 70 Pine St., New York, N. Y. M25. MAB. Hellmund, R(udolph) E(mil). B.S., Col. llmenau (Germany), 98. Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. M39. MP. Hellwig, Miss Muriel K. 9413 50th Ave., Elmhurst, N. Y. M37R38. A. Helm, Dr. E(merson) B(ennette). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 18. 843 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio. M38F38. C. Helm, Capt. J(esse) B(undren). M.D., Louisville, 11. Senior med. officer, U. S. Navv, Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Va. M38. NQE. Helmbold, Dr. Theodore Raymond. M.D., Pittsburgh, 20. Dir. labs., South Side Hosp., Pittsburgh, Pa. (5215 Celia Place) M31. NCK. Helmer, Dr. Oscar M(arvin). Chief bio- chemist, Lilly Lab. Clinical Res., City Hosp., Indianapolis, Ind. M34F34. C. Helmich, Daniel Andrew. B.S., Alabama Polytechnic Inst., 17. Highway engineer, Jefferson County, Birmingham, Ala. (1731 S. 16th Ave.) M37. MKE. Helmick, Prof. Homer H(enry). M.A., Defiance, 10; Ph.D., Chicago, 18. Prof, chemistry and head Dept. Chemistry; chairman Science Div., Elmhurst Col., Elmhurst, 111. (224 Alexander Blvd.) M33- F33. c. Helmick, Miss Leila E. 343 W. High Ave., New Philadelphia, Ohio. M25. CF. Helmick, Paul S(treeper). Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa. M21F30R32. B. Helmle, Henry Richardson. B.S., Illinois, 11. Architect, First Nat. Bank Bldg., Springfield, 111. (1613 Noble Ave.) M40. D. Helms, Dr. Samuel Thomas. M.D., Mary- land, 29. Physician and med. dir., Emerson Drug Co., Baltimore, Md. M37. NC. Helmsing, Sister Mary Reginald. M.S., St. Louis, 35. Instr. chemistry, Notre Dame Junior Col., St. Louis, Mo. M36. CAQ. Helmuth, Dr. William Tod, III. M.D., New York, 24. East Hampton, N. Y. M33. FNG. Helprin, William M. 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (?) M33R34. Helser, M(aurice) D(avid). B.S., Iowa State, 16. Dean Junior Col. and dir. per- sonnel, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. (234 Hyland) M29F31. OCQ. Helson, Prof. Harry. Ph.D., Harvard, 24. Prof. exp. psvchologv, Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. M28F31. IBF. Helwig, Dr. Edwin R(oyer). Ph.D., Penn- svlvania, 29. Asst. prof.. Zoological Lab., Univ. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pa. M28F33. F. Helwig, Dr. Gerald Vincent. Ph.D., Mc- Gill, 31. Acting supervising inspector secondary schools; sec. Jamaica Schools Commission, The Education Dept., King- ston, Jamaica, B. \V. I. M39. BQM. Helz, George (Ernst). 198 W. Lane Ave., Columbus, Ohio. M29R32. NCO. Hemens, Rollin D. Dir., Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, 111. M40. IKQ. Hemenway, Dr. Ansel F(rancis). A.M., Oregon, 04, Harvard, 09; Ph.D., Chicago, 12. Consulting botanist, 2033 E. First St., Tucson, Ariz. M11F21. G. Hemenway, Prof. Leland D(avid). A.M., Harvard, 23. Assoc, prof, mathematics and physics, Simmons Col., Boston, Mass. (137 Langley Road, Newton Center, Mass.) M29F33. BA. Heminger, I(saac) N(ewton). Ph.M., Findlav, 93. 214 Glendale Ave., Findlay, Ohio. M25. ABQ. Hemingway, Prof. Allan. Ph.D., Minne- sota, 29. Asst. prof, physiological chemis- try, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M35F35. c. Heminway, Miss Caroline (Ella). A.M., Cornell, 28. Asst. prof, geology, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. M33. E. Hemley, Dr. Samuel. D.D.S., Columbia. 745 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M36. H. Hemmes, Dr. Luike Johann. Ph.D., Chi- cago. 223 Monroe St., Kalamazoo, Mich. M38. IK. Henbest, Lloyd G(eorge). A.M., Kansas 27. Assoc, geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington. D. C. (2229 Bancroft Place NW.) M38. E. Henbest, Orrin J(ohn). A.M., Illinois, 33. Asst. biologist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Russellville, Ark. (807 S. Denver St.) M34F40. EG. Henck, John B(enjamin). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech. 227 E. Arrellaga St., Santa Barbara, Calif. M27. BM. Hencken, Dr. H(ugh) O'Neill. Ph.D.. Cambridge, 30; M.A., 31; D.Litt., Ireland. 37. Curator European Archaeology, Pea- body Mus., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M39. H. Hencky, Dr. H(einrich). Obere Zahl- bacherstrasse 64/T, Mainz, Germany. M34F34R37. M. Hendee, Prof. Esther C(rissey). Ph.D., California, 34- Asst. prof., Dept. Biology, Russell Sage Col., Troy, N. Y. M32F39. FG. Hendel, Prof. Charles W(illiam). Ph.D., Princeton, 17. Prof, moral philosophy, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (245 East Rock Road) M40. HLK. Hendel, Dr. James M(onroe). Ph.D., Columbia, 22. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (570 Park Ave.) M25F28. C. 522 Directory of Members Hendershot, William P. General Motors Truck Corp., Pontiac, Mich. (?) M34- R34. M. Henderson, Mrs. Alexander I. 141 E. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. M29R32. Henderson, Dr. Archibald. A.M., North Carolina, 99; Ph.D., 02; Ph.D., Chicago, 15; D.C.L., Univ. South, 17; LL.D., Tu- lane, 20, William and Mary, 32; Litt.D., Catawba, 32, Oglethorpe, 32. Head, Dept. Mathematics, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. (721 E. Franklin St.) M24F28. ABD. Henderson, Charles F(ranklin). M.S., California, 28. 432 S. Painter Ave., Whittier, Calif. M30. F. Henderson, Dr. C(harles) Hanford. Ph.D., Zurich, 92. The Oleander Inn, Davtona Beach, Fla. M09F31. BEQ. Henderson, Dr. Charles W(illiam). D.Sc, Colorado School Mines, 30. Supervising engineer western field offices, Mineral Pro- duction and Economics Div., U. S. Bureau of Mines, Denver, Colo. M28F29. EMC. Henderson, Prof. Charles Wood. M.Sc, Denison, 16. Prof, electrical engng., Syra- cuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. (DeWitt, N. Y.) M39. ABM. Henderson, Dr. Earl W(ilton). A.M., Missouri, 24; Ph.D., Illinois, 30. Asst. prof., Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M32F33. FOC. Henderson, Dr. Edgar H(erbert). A.M., Furman, 16; Ph.D., Harvard, 37. Prof, and head Dept. Philosophy and Psy- chology, Meredith Col., Raleigh, N. Car. (213 Oberlin Road) M38. ILK. Henderson, Edward P. M.S., George Washington, 25. Div. Geologv, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. M29F31. ECM. Henderson, Edwin Burdette. M.Sc, South- ern California, 26. Petroleum chemist, Los Angeles County; consulting chemist glass blowing, 422 San Pascual Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M39. CEB. Henderson, Dr. H(arry) O(ram). M.S., Pennsylvania State, 16; Ph.D., Minnesota, 28. Prof, dairy husbandry. West Virginia Univ.; dairy husbandman, West Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta. and West Virginia Ex- tension Service, Morgantown, W. Va. (424 Grand St.) M28F32. ONC. Henderson, Harry P. S.M., Harvard. 02. Consulting mining engineer, 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. (Laredo, Tex.) M36. M. Henderson, Homer I(rwin). Geophysicist, McCollum Exploration Co., 611 Esperson Bldg., Houston, Tex. M40. BEC. Henderson, J(udson) P(ulford). M.A., Toronto, 15. Astronomer, Dominion Ob- servatory. Ottawa, Ont. Canada. M18L20- F31. BD'M. Henderson, Prof. Junius. M01F06D37. EFG. Henderson, Prof. L(awrence) J(oseph). M.D., Harvard, 02; Sc.D., Harvard, 32, Cambridge, 34; Dr.hon., Grenoble, 34. Prof, chemistrv, Harvard Univ., Cam- bridge, Mass. (4 Willard St.) M10F14. N. Henderson, Lawrence M(elvin). Ph.D., Chicago, 16. P.O. Box 266, Winnetka, 111. M18F28. C. Henderson, Lena B(ondurant). M.S., Cor- nell, 23. Assoc, prof, biology, Randolph- Macon Woman's Col., Lynchburg, Va. M22F31. G. Henderson, Miss Leta (Bondurant). Dept. Botany, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M32- R32. G. Henderson, Louis F(urniquet). Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. M34F34R34. G. Henderson, Dr. Mack T. M.A., Iowa, 31 ; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, psychology, Grinnell Col., Grinnell, Iowa. M32. I. Henderson, Malcolm C. Palmer Physical Lab., Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M34F34R3S. B. Henderson, Dr. Melvin S(tarkey). M.D., Toronto, 14. Orthopedic surgeon, Mayo Clinic; prof, orthopedic surgery, Univ. Minnesota Graduate School Med. and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minn. (801 9th Ave. SW.) M30. N. Henderson, Nellie F. (See Mrs. Nellie H. Strickler). Henderson, Robert. D.Sc, Toronto, 30. Crown Point, N. Y. M18F31. AK. Henderson, Dr. R(obert) W(esley). M.A., Iowa, 18; M.D., 21. Physician, 405^2 Broadway, Bismarck, N. Dak. M40. NF. Henderson, Miss Ruth V(irginia). A.M., Indiana, 32. 6125 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. M34. CGF. Henderson, W(alter) C(leaveland). A.B., George Washington, 26. Assoc, chief. U. S. Biological Survey, Washington, D. C. (8 Magnolia Parkway, Chevy Chase, Md.) M23F33. F. Henderson, Dr. William E(dwards). M.A., Wooster, 93; D.Sc, 25; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 97. Prof, inorganic chemistry, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (214 16th Ave.) M01F01. CQ. Henderson, Dr. W(illiam) W(illiam). M.A., Cornell, 05; Ph.D., California, 24. Head Dept. Zoology and Entomology, Utah Agric. Col.; entomologist, Utah Exp. Sta., Logan, Utah. M40F40. F. Henderson, Dr. Yandell. Ph.D., Yale, 98. Prof, emeritus physiology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (440 Prospect St.) M06F08. N. Hendren, Prof. L(inville) L(aurentine). A.M., Duke, 01; Ph.D., Columbia, 05. Prof, physics and dean administration, Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. M11F25. BDA. Individual Members 523 Hendrick, Dr. Ives. M.D., Yale, 25. Phy- sician, 205 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. (n Holden St., Cambridge, Mass.) M38. NIK. Hendricks, B(ernard) Clifford. M.S., Chicago, 14; Ph.D., Nebraska, 23. Assoc, prof., Dept. Chemistry and Chem. Engng., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (3415 T St.) M26F28. CQB. Hendricks, T(homas) A(rmstrong). M.A., Central, 05 ; Columbia, 22. Dean, Berea Col., Berea, Ky. M34F34. I. Hendrickson, Dr. Adolph Alexander. M.S., Wisconsin, 30; Ph.D., 32. Chief bac- teriologist, Albert Dickinson Co., 2750 W. 35th St., Chicago, 111. M38F39. OGC. Hendrickson, Dr. Gordon. A.M., Roches- ter, 21 ; Ph.D., Cincinnati, 27. Assoc, prof, education, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (14 Senator Place Apartments) M28F34. QI. Hendrickson, Dr. Raymond. M27D34. NCG. Hendrix, Dr. B(yron) M(urray). Ph.D., Yale, 15. Prof. biol. chemistry, Univ. Texas School Med., Galveston, Tex. M22F22. C. Hendry, Prof. George W(hiting). B.S., Cornell, 13. Asst. prof, agronomy, Univ. California. Davis, Calif. M26F31. OLG. Hendry, Miss Jessie L. M.A., Radcliffe, 26. Senior bacteriologist, Div. Labs, and Res., New York State Dept. Health, Albany, N. Y. (399 State St.) M34. NC. Henius, (Harold) Holger (Herman). M.A., Pittsburgh, 36. Teacher science, Hebron Hill Junior High School, Pitts- burgh, Pa. (3134 Avalon St.) M40. CBQ. Henius, Dr. Max. M02D35. CI. Henke, Prof. L(ouis) A(lbert). M.S., Wisconsin, 23. Asst. dir., animal hus- bandman, Hawaii Agric. Exp. Sta.; prof, agriculture, Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. M27F33. O. Henkle, Herman H(enry). M.A., Cali- fornia, 33. Dir. and prof, library science, Simmons Col. School Library Science, Boston, Mass. (146 Langley Road, Newton Center, Mass.) M37. LF. Henline, Henry H(arrison). B.S., Illinois, 14. Nat. sec, Amer. Inst. Electrical En- gineers, 33 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y. (78 Old Mill Road, Manhasset, N. Y.) M28F31. MQ. Henly-Lewis, John (William Llewellyn). B.S., Manitoba. Delburne, Alta., Canada. M38. QOF. Henmon, Dr. V(ivian) A(llen) C(harles). Ph.D., Columbia, 05. Prof, psychology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M04F06. HIQ. Vice president for Section on Educa- tion (L), 1919- Henn, Dr. Arthur W(ilbur). A.M., In- diana, 15; Sc.D., Westminster, 37. Curator ichthyologv and editor of publications, Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, Pa. M14F33. F. Henneman, Dr. Richard (Hubard). A.M., Virginia, 31; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Col. William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. M36. IFK. Hennen, Ray V(ernon), B.S., West Vir- ginia, 01. Consulting geologist, Box 675, Morgantown, W. Va. (232 Grand St.) M01F31. E. Henning, Dr. William Lewis. M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 23; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 37. Prof, animal husbandry, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M35F40. OFG. Henny, Dr. Gerard. Ch.E., Zurich, 12; Ph.D., Lausanne, 17. Consulting geologist, 417 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Calif. (407 S. Hope St.) M39. CE. Henrici, Dr. Arthur T(rautwein). M.D., Pittsburgh, 11. Prof, bacteriology and immunology, Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. (130 Arthur Ave. SE.) M28F33. NG. Henricks, James R. 331 Granite St., Reno, Nev. M32R32. GN. Henricksen, Henry C(hristian). B.Agr., Copenhagen, 90. Dir. and owner, Borin- quen Res. Lab., Eustis, Fla. M08F11. CGO. Henroteau, Dr. Francois (Charles). Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M20F23R33. D. Henry, Alexander S(tewart), Jr. 300 Cen- tral Park W., New York, N. Y. M25R35. MD. Henry, Arthur M(alcolm). B.S., Florida, 06; B.F., Biltmore Forest School, 19. Chemist, U. S. Food and Drug Adminis- tration, 416 Federal Annex, Atlanta, Ga. M17F33. CGO. Henry, Dr. Arthur Wellesley. Ph.D., Minnesota, 23. Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. M23F25. GO. Henry, Dr. B(ernard) S(tauffer). M.A., California, 26; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, bacteriology and executive officer Dept., Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (M32- R32)M4oF4o. NO. Henry, Dr. E(dwin) R(uthvan). M.A.. Ohio State, 29; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, psy- chology and dir. psychological examina- tions, New York Univ., Universitv Heights, New York, N. Y. M29. IQC. Henry, Prof. G(eorge) F(rederick). ion nth St., Puvallup, Wash. Mi7F3iR37- BCQ. Henry, Howard K(nickerbocker). 1464 Dravton Lane, Penn Wynne, West Park, Pa. M28R35- FG. Henry, Dr. LeRoy K(lershaw). M.S., Pittsburgh, 30; Ph.D., 32. Asst. curator botany, Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, Pa. M30F38. GFE. Henry, Dr. T(heodore) S(pafford). A.M., Illinois, 16; Ph.D., 17. Prof, psychology and head Dept., Western State Teachers Col., Kalamazoo, Mich. (1410 Hillcrest Ave.) M25F25. IQ. 524 Directory of Members Henry, Warren E(lliott). M.S., Atlanta. Box 486, Tuskegee Inst., Ala. (?) M38. CBA. Henschen, George N. C. 2139 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg, Pa. M31. EB. Henshaw, Prof. Frederic Rich. M32D — . N. Henshaw, Dr. Paul S(tewart). M.S., Wis- consin, 27 ; Ph.D., 30. Res. fellow, Nat. Cancer Inst., Bethesda, Md. M39. FGB. Henstock, Dr. Herbert. M.Sc, Man- chester, 05 ; Ph.D., Zurich, 07. Theta, Radden Stile Lane, Exmouth, Devon, Eng- land. M23L29F30. CF. Henwood, Dr. Abraham. M17F33D38. C. Henze, Prof. Henry Rudolf. Ph.D., Yale, 21. Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M22F27. C. Hepburn, Dr. Ann (Braid). S.M., Chicago, 21 ; Ph.D., 26. New York Universitv, New York, N. Y. M2SF33. B. Heplar, Joseph. A.B., Brooklyn, 38. Lab. technician, Army Medical Center, Wash- ington, D. C. M40. F. Hepler, Arthur L. B.S., Illinois, 26. Cono- wingo Road, Bel Air, Md. M28. C. Hepler, Dr. Opal E(lsie). M.S., North- western, 29; Ph.D., 34. Instr. pathology. Northwestern Univ. Med. School; dir. clinical lab., Passavant Memorial Hosp., Chicago, 111. M36F38. N. Herber, E(lmer) C(harles). M.A., Penn- sylvania, 29. Instr. biologv, Dickinson Col., Carlisle, Pa. (416 W. South St.) M30- F33. F. Herbert, Albert. 142 Edwin Place, Ashe- ville, N. Car. (?) L18. Herbert, Miss Jennie. 142 Edwin Place, Asheville, N. Car. (?) M16L18. Herbert, Miss Madeline Norma. A.M., Pennsylvania. 3Q. Teacher biology, Dunbar High 'School, Washington, D. C. (1718 15th St. NW.) M39. FGQ. Herbert, P(aul) A(nthony). Dept. Fores- try, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M2SR34. OKQ. Herbold, Miss Elsie Martha Louise. 414 Hitt St., Columbia. Mo. M38R38. FNG. Herbst, Dr. Robert M(ax). Ph.D., Yale, 30. Asst. prof, organic chemistry, New York Univ., University Heights, New York, N. Y. M28. C. Herin?, Dr. Daniel Webster. M01F06- D38. B. Hering, Paul E(dmund). M.S., Cornell, 27; Ph.D., 32. Social Circle, Ga. M28. FG. Herman, E(rvine) Olney. Box 32, Momence, 111. M26R33. BAC. Herman, Prof. Fred L. 1214 16th St.. Greeley, Colo. M35F35. C. Herman, Fred Weld. B.S., California, 21. Chief engineer, Douglas Aircraft Co., Santa Monica, Calif. (476 18th St.) M40. M. Herman, John. 771 San Julian St., Los Angeles, Calif. M17. CE. Herman, Dr. N(athan) B(ernard). 1107 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. M34F34- R34. N. Hermance, Mrs. Lillian Hopper (Lillian Hopper). Dept. Physical Education, Rice Inst., Houston, Tex. M36R38. CF. Hermann, Dr. Seymour M(urray). M.D., Wiirzburg; Ph.D., Giesen. Apex Chem. Co., 225 W. 34th St., New York, N. Y. M25. C. Hermanny, William F. P. 5960 S. Lowe Ave., Chicago, 111. M34R34. DM. Hermano, Dr. A(riston) J(acusalem). Bur. Science, Manila, P. I. M34F34R35. C. Herms, Prof. W(illiam) B(rodbeck). M.A., Ohio State, 06; Sc.D., Baldwin-Wallace, 35. Prof, parasitology, entomologist Agric. Exp. Sta., and head Div. Entomology and Parasitology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M06F13. F. Hernandez, Dr. R. M.D., Meharry Med. Col. Meharry Med. Col., Nashville, Tenn. M36. NI. Herndon, Dr. L(yle) Kermit. M.Sc, Ohio State, 31; Ph.D., 38; Ch.E., West Vir- ginia, 34. Asst. prof. chem. engng., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (1672 West- wood Ave.) M40. CM. Herndon, Dr. Thomas C(orwin). M.A., George Peabody, 26; Ph.D., 30. 306 S. 2nd St., Richmond, Ky. M38. CB. Herold, Joseph (Louis). Radio Station WOW, Omaha, Nebr. M38. M. Herpel, Coleman. A.M., Harvard, 33. Asst. prof. mathematics and administrative head, Pennsylvania State Col., Hazleton, Pa. M39. AB. Herpel, Dr. Frederick K(arl). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 16. Roentgenologist, Good Samaritan Hosp., West Palm Beach; con- sulting radiologist, Martin County Hosp., Stuart, and Memorial Hosp., Ft. Pierce, Fla. (529 30th St., West Palm Beach, Fla.) M30. N. Herpolsheimer, Henry H(erbert). B.S.. New Mexico. 37. Student, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (800 S. 18th St.) M36. CN. Herr, Miss Anna B(rown). 512 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. M21R32. FG. Herr, Miss Gertrude A(nne). M.S., Iowa State, 17. Dept. Mathematics, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M24F33. A. Herr, Mr. Shirk M31D36. BLE. Herr, Dr. Vincent V., S. J. M.A., St. Louis; Ph.D., Bonn (Germany), 39. Asst. prof, psychology, Loyola Univ., Chicago, 111. M40. I. Herr, Dr. Wesley Norman. S.M., Chicago, 21; Ph.D., 27; M.S., Purdue, 24. Instr. chemistry, Duluth Junior Col., Duluth. Minn. (5507 London Road) M28. CBA. Individual Members 525 Herrarte, Prof. Mariano Pacheco. Parque Isabel la Catolica, Guatemala Citv, Guate- mala, C. A. M27R32. DG. Herre, Dr. Albert W(illiam) C(hristian) T(heodore). A.M., Stanford, 05; Ph.D., 08. Curator ichthyology, Natural History Mus„ Stanford University, Calif. M17F31. FGE. Herren, Dr. R(obert) Yorke. Melrose Apartments, Iowa Citv, Iowa. (?) M30- F33R34. I. Herrera, Dr. Pilar P. Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Philippines, Manila, P. I. M33- R33. c. Herrick, Prof. Carl A(lbert). M.E., Minnesota, 02. Assoc, prof, mathematics and mechanics, Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. C4120 Sheridan Ave. S.) M29F32. MQA. Herrick, Dr. C(harles) Judson. M.S., Denison, 95; Ph.D., Columbia, 00. Prof, emeritus neurology, Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. (236 Morningside Drive, Grand Rapids, Mich.) M00F01. F. Secretary of Section on Zoology (F), 1902-07 ; vice presi- dent, 1908. Herrick, Dr. C(hester) A(lbern). M.S., Kansas State, 23; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 25. Assoc, prof, zoology and veterinary science, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M27F28. FN. Herrick, Dr. Earl H(oward). M.S., Kansas State, 27; Ph.D., Harvard, 29. Assoc, prof, zoology, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M30F33. F. Herrick, Dr. Francis Hobart. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 88; Sc.D.. Western (Penn- sylvania), 97, Western Reserve, 36. Prof, emeritus biology, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (2863 Noble Road, Cleve- land Heights) M02F05. F. Herrick, Dr. Frederick C(owles). 221 1 Harcourt Drive, Cleveland, Ohio. M18- R38. N. Herrick, Prof. Glenn W(ashington). B.S.A., Cornell, 96. Prof. emeritus entomology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (219 Kelvin Place) M01F13. F. Herrick, Dr. James B(ryan). M.D., Rush, 88; LL.D., Michigan, 32; Sc.D., Chicago, 38. Prof, emeritus medicine, Rush Medical Col.; consulting physician, Presbyterian Hosp., Chicago, 111. (70 E. Cedar St.) M17F27. NLQ. Herrick, Rev. Joseph C(awdell). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 00. Prof, economics, Mary Knoll Seminary, Ossining, N. Y. (527 E. 17th St., New York, N. Y.) L30F33. N, Herrick, Dr. Ruth. M.D., Rush, 28. Dermatologist, Med. Arts Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. M27. NF. Herrick, Miss Sarah Louise. 803 Seminary St., Rockford, 111. M33R35. Q- Herrick, Thomas J. B.S., Illinois, 36. Instr., Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M40. MAB. Herrick, Dr. W. W. M.D., Yale, 05. Prof, clinical medicine, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, attending phy- sician, Presbyterian Hosp.; consulting physician, Sloane Hosp. Women, New York, N. Y. M36F36. N. Herring, Dr. John P(eabody). 549 River- side Drive, New York, N. Y. M39F25- R39. IQA. Herring, Thomas F. B.S., Georgia Tech., 22. Vice pres., Nat. Tech. Labs., Pasadena, Calif. (330 S. Wells St., Chicago, 111.) M40. MC. Herring, Virgil (Vance), M.A., Missouri. Inst. Animal Nutrition, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M38. C. Herrington, William C(harles). B.A., Stanford, 27. Aquatic biologist charge North Atlantic fisheries investigations, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Harvard Bio- logical Labs., Cambridge, Mass. (48 Linden St., Arlington Heights, Mass.) M36F36. F. Herriott, Alice Lake (Alice Lake). M.A., Columbia, 23. Teacher, Wadleigh High School Girls, New York, N. Y. (99 Clare- mont Ave.) M37. FGH. Herrman, Dr. Charles. M.D., Columbia, 95. 145 W. 58th St., New York, N. Y. M29. N. Herrmann, David B(ernard). B.S., Col. City New York, 30. Member technical staff, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (177 Chestnut Ave., Rose- bank, Staten Island, N. Y.) M39. CB. Herrmann, Dr. George (Rudolph). M.S., Michigan, 18; M.D., 18; Ph.D., 22. Prof, medicine, Univ. Texas School Med.; phy- sician, John Sealy Hosp.; consultant vascular diseases, U. S. Marine Hosp., Galveston, Tex. (1409 Market St. Ave. D) M34F34. N. Herrmann, Dr. Heinz. M.D., Vienna, 36. Instr., Wilmer Inst., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M40. N. Herrmann, Dr. Louis G(eorge). M.D., Washington Univ., 24. Asst. prof, surgery, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med., Cincinnati, Ohio. (6109 Kennedy Ave.) M35F38. N. Herrmann, Dr. Siegfried F. M.A., Minne- sota, 19; M.D., 20; Ph.D., 29. Surgeon, 3716 N. Adams St.; student med. adviser and instr., Col. Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash. (M34F34R35)M4oF34. N. Herrold, Dr. Russell D(orr). M.D., Rush, 15. Assoc, prof, genitourology surgery, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. M40. NC. Herron, James H(ervey). B.S., Michigan, 09. Pres., James H. Herron Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. (2862 Fairmount Blvd., Cleve- land Heights) M30F31. MBE. 526 Directory of Members Hersam, Prof. Ernest A(lbion). S.B., Massaschusetts Inst. Tech., 91. Prof, emeritus metallurgy, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (47 Arden Road) M08- F15. B." Herschel, Winslow H(obart). A.B., Har- vard, 96. Assoc, materials engineer, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (6305 Florida St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M34F34. B. Hersey, Mayo D(yer). A.M., Olivet, 10. Res. dir., Morgan Construction Co., Worcester; lecturer, Harvard Univ. Grad- uate School Engng., Cambridge, Mass.; res. assoc. engng., Brown Univ., Provi- dence, R. I. (46 Elm St., Worcester, Mass.) M34F34. BM. Hersh, Dr. A(mos) H(enry). Ph.D., Illinois, 22. Assoc, prof, biology, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M22- F30. F. Hersh, Rodney. 125 E. Nittany Ave., State College, Pa. M33R38. CMB. Hershey, Dr. A(lfred) D(ay). Ph.D., Michigan State, 34. Asst. prof, bac- teriology, Washington Univ. Med. School, St. Louis, Mo. M39. N. Hershey, Dr. H(oward) Garland. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 36. Asst. state geologist Iowa Geol. Survey, Iowa Citv, Iowa. M38. EM. Hershey, J(ohn) Willard. M.S., Gettys- burg, 10; Ph.D., Chicago, 24. Head Dept. Chemistry, McPherson Col., McPherson, Kans. M13F33. C. Hershey, Oscar H. M13F15D — . E. Hershkowitz, Joseph (Nathan). M.S., Pennsylvania, 39. Graduate asst. zoology, Univ. Akron, Akron, Ohio. M40. F. Herskovits, Melville J(ean). A.M., Colum- bia, 2.1 ; Ph.D., 23. Prof, anthropology and chairman Dept., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M29F31. HLF. Vice president for Section on Anthropology (H), 1934. Herskowitz, I. Alexander. B.S., Col. City New York. Chairman Dept. Biology and first asst., Christopher Columbus High School, Bronx, New York, N. Y. (41 W. 96th St.) M30. G. Hersloff, Dr. Nils Bror. 117 E. 77th St., New York, N. Y. M38R38. HIN. Hertel, Elmer William. M.A., Denver, 34. Instr., Wartburg Col., Waverly, Iowa. M38. FGN. Hertel, Dr. Kenneth LaDoyt. Ph.D., Chi- cago, 26. Head Dept. Physics, Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. M32F33. B. Hertford, Dr. Harold B. 1726 I St. NW., Washington, D. C. M33R34. NI. Hertig, Dr. Marshall. Ph.D., Minnesota, 21. Jefe del Departamento de Entomologia Medica, Instituto Nacional de Higiene y Salud Publica, Lima, Peru, S. A. M38. F. Hertner, George DeWitt. 3394 W. 148th St., Cleveland, Ohio. M37R37. MDF. Herty, Dr. Charles H(olmes). M93F95D38. CM. Secretary of Section on Mathematics and Astronomy (A), 1908-12. Hertzler, Richard A. B.S., Michigan, 34. Hydrologic engineer, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. (4902 nth St. N., Arlington, Va.) M40. M. Hervey, Dr. G(eorge) E(dward) R(o- maine). Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M34- F34R36. F. Herzfeld, Dr. Karl F(erdinand). Ph.D., Vienna, 14; D.Sc, Loyola (Baltimore), 33, Marquette, 33. Dept. Physics, Catholic Univ. America, Washington, D. C. M28- F28. BCA. Herzog, Prof. George. Ph.D., Columbia, 31. Asst. prof, anthropology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M34F34. HL Herzog, Samuel A. 299 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M24. E. Hesler, Dr. L(exemuel) R(ay). Ph.D., Cornell, 14. Prof, botany and dean Col. Liberal Arts, Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. M18F23. G. Hess, Arthur M. 45 E. 80th St., New York, N. Y. M29R32. Hess, Doren W(illard). B.S., Illinois Wesleyan. Production control, Distillers Corp., Ltd., Ville La Salle, Que., and Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Ltd., Water- loo, Ont., Canada. M39. C. Hess, Miss Emily Rogers. M.A., Cin- cinnati, 32. Student medicine, Univ. Cin- cinnati Col. Med., Cincinnati, Ohio. (141 Mayo Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky.) M38. CGF. Hess, Emory LeRoy. 4800 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, 111. (?) M08R33. N. Hess, Frank L. 1221 Newton St. NE., Washinton, D. C. M21F25. E. Hess, Dr. George Hibbs. 104 Morgantown St., Uniontown, Pa. M36R36. NLI. Hess, Dr. G(eorge) W(ellman). A.M., Kansas, n; Ph.D., Michigan, 16. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Howard Col., Birming- ham, Ala. (8009 Bernev Ave.) M18F33. AD. Hess, James Albert. Box 322, Pedro Miguel, Canal Zone. M31R33. D. Hess, Dr. Lewis. Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 34. Res. chemist, Ethyl Gaso- line Corp., Detroit, Mich. (19540 Shrews- bury Road) M30. CB. Hess, Miss Margaret. M.S., Virginia, 30; Ph.D., 34. Prof, biology and head Dept., Winthrop Col., Rock Hill, S. Car. M32. FG. Hess, Miss Ruth V(an Ditmars). Bradley Home, East Providence, R. I. M34R34. F. Hess, Dr. Walter C. Ph.D., George Wash- ington, 30. Assoc, prof, chemistry. George- town Univ., Washington, D. C. (3607 Chesapeake St.) M40. CN. Individual Members 527 Hess, Walter E. Box 326, Progress, Pa. (?) M35R37. QAB. Hess, Prof. Walter N(orton). A.M., Cor- nell, 16; Ph.D., 19. Prof, biology and head Dept, Hamilton Col., Clinton. N. Y. M18- F23. F. Hess, Prof. Wendell F(rederick). 25 Haw- thorne Ave., Trov, N. Y. M34F34R38. MBQ. Hesse, Dr. Bernhard C(onrad). M08F10- D34. c. Hesse, Curtis J(ulian). M.A., California, 32. Asst. curator, A. and M. Col. Texas, College Station, Tex. M39. EFH. Hessel, Dr. Frederick A(dam). M.Sc, Meurice Inst. (Belgium), 22; D.Sc, Strasbourg, 24. Res. chemist, Ellis Foster Co., Montclair, N. J. (117 Clarevvill Ave.) M27. C. Hesseltine, Dr. H(enry) Close. M.D., Iowa, 25; M.S., 28. Asst. prof, obstetrics and gynecology, Univ. Chicago ; attend- ing obstetrician and gynecologist, Chicago Lving-in Hosp., Chicago, 111. (5712 Drexel \ve.) M38F38. N. Hessey, Miss Ruth S(herwood). M.A., New York. 9412 221st St., Queens Village, N. Y. M39. IQN. Hessler, Dr. John C(harles). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 99. Pres.. James Millikin Univ., Decatur, 111. (1313 W. Main St.) M07- Fio. CQ. Hessler, Margaret C. (See Dr. Margaret C. Hessler Brookes). Hessler, Dr. Robert. 25 S. Bolton Ave., Irvington, Indianapolis, Ind. M36F09R37. HNQ. Hester, Dr. Jackson B(oling). M.S., Florida. 30; Ph.D., Rutgers, 32. Soil technologist, Campbell Soup Co., River- ton, N. J. M38F40. OC. Heston, Dr. Bernard O(berdon). M.S., Oklahoma A. and M., 30; Ph.D.. Wiscon- sin 33 Asst. prof chemistry, Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M38. C. Hetenyi, Dr. Miklos Imre. Ph.D., Mich- igan, 36. Res. engineer, Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. M40. M. Hetherington, Dr. Duncan C(harteris). M.A., Illinois, 20; Ph.D., 22; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Duke Univ. School Med., Durham, N. Car. M31- F33. NQF. Hethershaw, Miss Lillian (Pearl). S. West 21st St., Des Moines, Iowa. M28F34R37. QGF. Hetler, Dr. Donald M(cKinley). A.M., Kansas, 24; Ph.D., Yale, 26. Prof, bac- teriology, Montana State Univ., Missoula, Mont. (3,22 Beckwith Ave.) M28F33. CN. Hettwer, Dr. Joseph P(aul). 3948 W. Vliet St., Milwaukee, Wis. M26F33R37. NT, Hetzer, Dr. Herbert O. Ph.D., Iowa State, 35. Assoc, animal husbandman, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Beltsville, Md. M38. FGN. Heuer, Prof. George J. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 07; LL.D.. Cincinnati, 32. 91 Cap- tains Lane, Rye, N. Y. M31F33. N. Heuisler, Philip I(gnatius). Emerson Drug Co., Baltimore, Md. M17R34. CM. Heun, Dr. Alphonse L(ouis). Ph.D., Mar- quette, 38. Head Dept. Biology, Marquette High School, Milwaukee, Wis.; prof., Dept. Biologv, St. Clair College, St. Francis, Wis. M31. G. Heuse, E(dward) O(tto). M.S.. Illinois, 07; Ph.D.. 14. Head Dept. Chemistry, Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, Tex. (3421 University Blvd.) M32F33. C. Heuser, Dr. Chester H(enry). A.M., Kansas, 10; Ph.D., Harvard, 13. Res. assoc, Lab. Embryology, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. (3717 Yosemite Ave.) M18F25. N. Heuser, Prof. Gustave Frederick. M.S., Cornell, 16; Ph.D.. 18. Prof, poultry hus- bandry and poultry husbandman Exp. Sta., New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. M34F34. OFQ. Heusi, William M. (See William M. Hiesey). Heusinger, Edward W(erner). 202 Terrell Road, San Antonio, Tex. M24R37. H. Heusinkveld, David. M.S., Iowa State, 26. Asst. agronomist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Illi- nois Agric. Exp. Sta., LTrbana, 111. (805 S. Coler Ave.) M33F40. OG. Hewatt, Dr. Willis G(illiland). M.S., Texas Christian, 29; Ph.D., Stanford, 34. Assoc, prof, biologv, Texas Christian LTniv., Fort Worth, Tex. M35. F. Hewes, Charles K(ay). 4123 Seaview Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M34F34R37. C. Hewes, Laurence Ilsley. U. S. Bur. Public Roads, San Francisco, Calif. M34F34R34. AM. Hewetson, Frank (Nutter). M.S., Mich- igan State, 36. Instr. and res. asst. horticulture. Michigan State Col.. East Lansing, Mich. (428 Butterfield Drive) M38F40. OGQ. Hewett, Donnel Foster. Met.E., Lehigh. 02; Ph.D., Yale, 24. Geologist charge Sec- tion Metalliferous Deposits, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M10F21. E. Hewett, Dr. Edgar L(ee). D.Soc, Geneva, 08; LL.D., Arizona, 17; L.H.D., New Mexico, 34; D.S., Knox, 39. Pres., Schools Amer. Res., Santa Fe ; prof, archaeology, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex. (116 Lincoln Ave., Santa Fe, N. Mex.) M01F10. HO. 528 Directory of Members Hewins, Nellie P(riscilla). A.M., Colum- bia, oo ; Ph.D., New York, 13; Pd.D., 15. 44-25 Ketcham St., Elmhurst, N. Y. M08. FGQ. Hewitt, Ashley Cooper. 1469 Rose Villa St., Pasadena, Calif. M29. M. Hewitt, Miss Cornelia Butler. B.A., Smith. 240 Edwards St., New Haven, Conn. M37. F. Hewitt, Dr. E(arl) A(lbon). D.V.M., Iowa State, 18; M.S., Minnesota, 29; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, veterinary phy- siologv, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M31F33. NCO. Hewitt, Edward R(ingwold). A.M., Prince- ton, 91. 127 E. 21st St., New York, N. Y. M17. CFN. Hewitt, Dr. Harold G(eorge). M.S., Wis- consin, 25; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, prof, chemis- try, Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. M37F38. QC. Hewitt, Miss Julia A(nn) W(ood). B.A., Wellesley. Technician in charge, Nassau Hosp., Mineola, N. Y. M25. N. Hewson, Dr. William. M.D., Pennsylvania. 6013 Green St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. M39. NLE. Heyd, Dr. C(harles) Gordon. M.D., Buf- falo, 09. Attending surgeon, New York Post Graduate Hosp.; prof, surgery, New York Post Graduate Med. School, Colum- bia Univ., New York, N. Y. M36. N. Heyd, Dr. Josef W(illiam). M.S., Wash- ington Univ., 32; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State Col., T,j. Res. chemist, Thomas and Hochwalt Div., Monsanto Chemical Co., Dayton, Ohio. (648 Cambridge Ave.) M40. C. Heye, Dr. George G(ustav). E.E., Colum- bia. 96; Ph.D., Hamburg, 29. Chairman and dir. Mus. American Indian. Heye Foundation, New York, N. Y. L17F31. H. Heyer, Anna Harriet. 2538 Greene Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. M32. Heyer, Dr. Fred W. M.D., Medico- Chirurgical (Philadelphia), 12. Chief staff, surgeon-in-chief, and dir. Tumor Clinic, Nanticoke Hosp., Nanticoke; consulting surgeon, Wyoming Valley Homeopathic Hosp., Wilkes Barre, and Retreat Hosp., Retreat, Pa. (Tilbury Knob, West Nanti- coke, Pa.) M39. N. Heyhoe, Prof. Albert George. M.A., Dartmouth. 740 Grove Ave., Crete, Nebr. M38. I. Heyl, Dr. George R(ichard). M.A., Prince- ton, 34; Ph.D., 35. Geologist, Standard Oil Co. Calif., Apartado Nacional 2760, Bogota, Colombia, S. A. M39. EH. Heyl, Dr. Paul R(enno). Ph.D.. Pennsyl- vania, 99. Physicist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (2800 Ontario Road NW.) M04F11. B. Heymann, Susan M. 38 Woodland Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M32R32. KAB. Heymann, Dr. Walter. M.D., Kiel. Asst. clinical prof, pediatrics, Western Reserve Univ. School Med.; assoc. pediatrist, Uni- versity Hosps., Cleveland, Ohio. (2437 Overlook Road, Cleveland Heights) M40. NC. Heyroth, Dr. Francis F(arnham). M.D., Cincinnati, 25 ; Ph.D., 29. Res. assoc, Inst. Scientific Res., Univ. Cincinnati, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. (1506 Dixmont Ave.) M25- F33. CN. Heys, Dr. Florence M(ary). Ph.D., Wash- ington Univ., 30. Instr. Dept. Zoology, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M28- F33. FN. Heywang, Burt W(alter). M.S., Pennsyl- vania State, 38. Assoc, poultry husband- man, U. S. Southwest Poultry Exp. Sta., Glendale, Ariz. M34F34. O. Heywood, Mrs. Hortense Butler. B.A., Lake Forest, 03. The Oaks, Peterson, Iowa. Mi 8. FG. Hiatt, Dr. Edwin P(eelle). M.A., Haver- ford, 34; Ph.D., Maryland, 40. Instr., Dept. Physiology, New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. M40. NF. Hiatt, Glenn H(arold). Plant res. assoc. private greenhouses, 1856 Foothill Blvd., La Canada, Calif. M40. CGN. Hibbard, Foy N. B.Sc, Fayette Normal. U. S. Weather Bureau Office, Richmond, Va. M38. D. Hibbard, Miss Hope. A.M., Missouri, 18; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 21; D.Sc, Sorbonne, 28. Prof, zoology, Oberlin Col., Oberlin, Ohio. (366 Reamer Place) M30F31. F. Hibbard, P(aul) L(lewellyn). B.S., Nebraska, 92. Chemist emeritus, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (2670 Hillgard Ave.) M17F24. CO. Hibbert, Prof. Harold. M.S., Victoria, 00; D.Sc, 11; Ph.D., Leipzig, 06; LL.D.. British Columbia, 36. Prof, industrial and cellulose chemistry, McGill Univ., Mon- treal, Que., Canada. M17F25. C. Hibbett, James Orlin. Southern Biological Lab., New Orleans, La. M38. Hickens, Sister M. Paul. B.S., Nazareth, 39. Instr. science, St. Philip Neri High School, 2629 Lenox Ave., Detroit, Mich. M40. CAF. Hickey, Miss (Deborah) May. Delta State Teachers Col., Cleveland, Miss. (?) M31- F33R37. A. Hickie, Paul (Franklin). 622 Leslie St., Lansing, Mich. M38R38. FG. Hickman, Dr. A(llen) R(ay). M27D36. N. Hickman, Dr. Cleveland P. Ph.D., Princeton, 28. 315 Greenwood Ave., Green- castle, Ind. M31F33. F, Individual Members 529 Hickman, Prof. Josiah Edwin. 54 S. Third St. W., Logan, Utah. M25R36. BDH. Hickman, Dr. Kenneth C(laude) D(eve- reux). Ph.D., London, 25. Vice pres. charge res., Distillation Products, Inc., 755 Ridge Road W., Rochester, N. Y. M38F39. c. Hickman, Dr. Roger L(ockridge). Yakima Sanatorium, Toppenish, Wash. (?) M28- R32. NIF. Hickman, Dr. W(illiam) W(eldon). Ph.D., Chicago, 09. Assiut Col., Assiut, Egvpt. M28F33. CG. Hicks, Henry. B.S., Cornell, 92. Pres., Hicks Nurseries, Inc., Westbury, N. Y. Mi 8. GQ. Hicks, Dr. Hervey C(randall). 6667 Ridgeville St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M24R35. ABD. Hicks, Dr. Lawrence E(merson). M.S., Ohio State, 29; Ph.D., 33. Dir. Ohio Wildlife Res. Sta., U. S. Biol. Survey; asst. prof, zoology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M31L37. GFE. Hicks, Vernon E. 307 E. Forest St., Marengo, 111. M34R34. GO. Hicks, Dr. Victor. M.S., Washington, 27; Ph.D., California, 30. Chief physicist, Westinghouse X-ray Co., Long Island Citv, N. Y. (147-37 Beech Ave., Flushing, N. Y.) M34F34. B. Hicks, Dr. William J. 15 King St., Middle- town, N. Y. M36R36. NKI. Hickson, Dr. Arthur Owen. Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M31F33R37. A. Hieronymus, Robert (Crawford). 1325 Virginia St., Charleston, W. Va. M37R37. MCK. Hiers, George O(ctavius). 129 Willoughbv Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M29F33. BCM. Hiers, Dr. Glen S. Ph.D., Illinois, 26. Chief chemist, Collins and Aikman Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. (130 Cynvvyd Road, Bala-Cynwyd, Pa.) M39. C. Hiesey, William M(cKinley) (William M. Heuse). Ph.D., California, 40. Staff mem- ber, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Stanford University, Calif. M31F39. GO. Hiestand, Prof. William A(ndrew). M.A., Wisconsin, 28; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, prof, physiology, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M29F33. FGN. Higbee, Dr. Edna. Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 36. Lecturer and secretary biology, Univ. Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pa. (2845 Broad- way Ave., South Hills) M37. F. Higbie, Dr. E(dgar) C(reighton). 1650 Harvard St. NW., Washington, D. C. M25R36. PDK. Higbie, Prof. H(enry) H(arold). E.E., Columbia, 04. Prof, electrical engng., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (402 Awixa Road) M28F2Q. MBI. Higgins, Dr. B(ascombe) B(ritt). M.S., North Carolina State, 10; Ph.D., Cornell, 13. Botanist, Georgia Agric. Exp. Sta., Experiment, Ga. M18F21. G. Higgins, Mrs. D. F. (Ethel T. Higgins). 747 Jefferson Ave., Loveland, Colo. M32- R32. LGF. Higgins, Miss Edith C. M.A., Nebraska, 30. State seed analyst, State Seed Lab., North Dakota Agric. Col., Fargo, N. Dak. M39F40. GEO. Higgins, Dr. George M(arsh). A.M., Illi- nois, 16; Ph.D., 19. Assoc, prof. exp. biology, Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minn. M21F26. F. Higgins, Dr. Harold L(eonard). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 19. Asst. prof, pediatrics, Harvard Med. School; chief children's med. service, Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. M18F21. N. Higgins, J(ames) Edgar. M24F11D38. OG. Higgins, Dr. John A(nthony). 1853 W. Polk St., Chicago, 111. M33R39. N. Higgins, Marianna P. Collegiate School for Girls, Richmond, Va. M32R32. Higgins, Dr. M(ontgomery) E(arle). M.D. George Washington, 04. Capt., Med. Corps. U. S. Navy, U. S. Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. M39F40. KN. Higgins, Tracy. M.C.S., Dartmouth, 22. Pres., Chas. M. Higgins and Co., 271 9th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M30. Higginson, Mrs. James J. (Margaret G. Higginson). Care Miss Florence Linn, Lexington Ave. and E. 63rd St., New York, N. Y. L29. Higgs, Charles D(ana). Box 86, Fontana, Wis. M28F32. D. Highberger, Dr. John H(enry). M.S., Cincinnati, 24; Ph.D., 26. Res. assoc. charge chemical res., Dept. Leather Res., Inst. Scientific Res., Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (561 Terrace Ave.) M28F33. CN. Highby, Prof. Paul R(ichard). M.A., Minnesota, 30; Ph.D., 40. Acting head, Dept. Biology, Luther Col., Decorah. Iowa. (505 Leiv Ei'riksson Drive) M38. FQN. Highsmith, Dr. J(ames) A(lbert). North Carolina Col. Women, Greensboro, N. Car. M27F28R35. L Hight, E(ugene) S(tuart). M.S., Illinois. 11; E.E., 15. Delavan, 111. M38. MAB. Hightower, Prof. Pleasant R(oscoe). A.M., Indiana, 17. 501 Buckingham Drive, In- dianapolis, Ind. M29. IQH. Hightower, Dr. Raymond Lee. M.A., Pennsylvania, 30; Ph.D., Chicago, 33. Prof, sociology, Kalamazoo Col., Kala- mazoo, Mich. (107 Monroe St.) M36. KIH. Hightower, Dr. Ruby (Usher). Ph.D., Missouri, 27. Prof, mathematics, Shorter Col., Rome, Ga. M28F33. ADB. 53o Directory of Members Higley, Dr. L(ouis) Allen, Ph.D., Chi- cago, 07; D.Sc, Ohio Northern, 27. Dean, King's Col., Belmar, N. J. M21F33. CE. Hilaire, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Hilaire Ryan). Hilberry, (Horace Van) Norman. New York Univ., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M28F33. B. Hilbert, Frederic L. B.S., Worcester Poly- technic Inst., 05. Pres., Hilbert-Topp Tanning Corp., Johnstown ; tech. dir. Shoe and Leather Inst., Inc., and U. S. Process Corp., New York, N. Y. (139 Longview Ave., Leonia, N. J.) M31. CBI. Hilbert, Dr. Guido E(dward). Ch.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 24; M.S., Lafayette, 25 ; Ph.D., Yale, 28. Scientific advisor, U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Washington, D. C. (3206 Wisconsin Ave. NW.) M40. COG. Hilborn, M(erle) T(yson). M.S., Maine, 34. Asst. plant pathologist, Maine Agric. Exp. Sta., Orono, Maine. M37F40. GO. Hildebrand, Dr. A(lexander) A(nderson). M.A., McMaster, 29; Ph.D., Toronto, 33. Asst. plant pathologist. Dominion Lab. Plant Pathology, St. Catharines, Ont., Canada. M39. G. Hildebrand, Prof. Carroll DeWitt. 619 E. Washington St., Greencastle, Ind. M31- R35. QIF. Hildebrand, Dr. E(arl) M(artin). M.S., Wisconsin, 29; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof., Dept. Plant Pathologv, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N, Y. M32F33. GO. Hildebrand, Dr. F(rank) C(hilds). M.S., Wisconsin, 33; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Chemist, Res. Labs., General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. (2340 Buford Ave., St. Paul, Minn.) M40. C. Hildebrand, Prof. Joel H(enry). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 06; Sc.D', 39. Prof, chemis- try and dean Col. Letters and Science, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (500 Coventry Road) M13F15. C. Vice president for Section on Chemistry (C), 1934. Mem- ber of Executive Committee, 1928-35. Presi- dent of Pacific Division, 1934. Hildebrand, L(ouis) E(rnest). M22D37. FGE. Hildebrand, Dr. Samuel F(rederick). Dr.P.H., Georgia, 25. Senior ichthyologist, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D. C. (1528 Otis St. NE.) M19F25. F. Hildebrandt, Arthur J. 52 Chestnut St., Rochelle Park, N. J. M25R38. CBA. Hildebrandt, Dr. F(rank) M(errill). Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins, 17. Res. chemist and bac- teriologist, U. S. Industrial Chemical Co., Inc.. New York, N. Y. (198 Oakdale Road, Baltimore, Md.) M18F25. CFG. Hildebrandt, Prof. T(heophil) H(enry). Ph.D., Chicago. 10. Prof, and chairman, Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1930 Cambridge Road) M07F11. A. Vice president for Section on Mathematics (A), 1935. Hildebrant, Miss Gaynal (Esterbrook). State Home Girls, Trenton, N. J. M31- R34. 1KB. Hilding, Dr. Anderson C. M.D., Minne- sota, 19; M.A., 22; Ph.D., 29. Ophthal- mologist and otolaryngologist, 421 36th Ave. E., Duluth, Minn. M35F35. N. Hilditch, Dr. Warren W(itherall). Ph.D., Yale, 09. 637 W. 8th St., Erie, Pa. M08- Fu. N. Hildreth, Dr. A(ubrey) C(lare). Ph.D.. Minnesota, 26. Principal physiologist, U. S. Horticultural Field Sta., Chevenne, Wyo. M25F31. GO. Hildreth, Dr. Gertrude Howell. M.A., Illi- nois, 21 ; Ph.D., Columbia, 25. Instr. Teachers Col. and psychologist Lincoln School Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (425 W. 123rd St.) M31F33. Qi. Hildreth, Dr. Harold M(owbray). Ph.D., Syracuse, 35. Asst. prof, psychology, Syra- cuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. M37. I. Hile, Dr. Ralph (Oscar). Ph.D., Indiana, 30. Assoc, aquatic biologist, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Ann Arbor, Mich. M31F33. F. Hileman, Allen Irving. Route 2, Paxton, 111. M28. OQI. Hilgard, Dr. Ernest R(opiequet). Ph.D., Yale, 30. Prof, psvchologv, Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. M28F33. I. ' Hilgeman, Alvin P. M.A., Ohio State, 38. Psychologist, Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home, Xenia, Ohio. M40. I. Hill, Dr. Albert F(rederick). A.M., Har- vard, 11; Ph.D., Yale, 21. Res. assoc. economic botany. Botanical Mus., Har- vard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M09F15. G. Hill, Dr. Albert Ross. Ph.D., Cornell, 95; LL.D., Michigan, 16. 800 W. 52nd St., Kansas City, Mo. M07F10. L. Vice presi- dent for Section on Education (L), 19 10. Hill, Dr. Allan C. 382 St. Foy Road, Quebec, Que., Canada. M35F35R38. C. Hill, Prof. A(rchibald) V(ivian). Sc.D., Cambridge, 20, Pennsylvania, Oxford, Bristol, Manchester; LL.D., Edinburgh; M.D., Louvain. Foulerton res. prof, and sec. Royal Society; hon. prof, physiology, University Col., London, England. (16 Bishopswood Road, Highgate) M36F36. F. Hill, Dr. Arthur E(dward). M07F11- D39. C. Hill, Prof. Arthur J(oseph). Ph.D., Yale, 13. Prof, organic chemistry and dir. Sterl- ing Chem. Lab., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (15 Elmwood Road) M25F25. C. Hill, Prof. Arthur S(t. John). M.Sc. Michigan, 32: E.E., 37. Consulting en- gineer; prof, electrical engng., Univ. Maine; member res. staff, Maine Tech. Exp. Sta., Orono, Maine. (0 Kell St.) M34F34. MBA. Individual Members 531 Hill, Dr. Ben(jamin) H(arvey). M.S., Texas Christian, 25; Ph.D., Illinois, 32. Prof, biology. High Point Col., High Point, N. Car. (11 18 Montlien Ave.) M24- F33. FGN. Hill, C(ary) L(eRoy). M.S.F., Michigan, 05. Senior forester, California Forest and Range Exp. Sta., U. S. Forest Service, Rerkelev, Calif. (887 Indian Rock Ave.) M18F33. GO. Hill, Cyrus G. M.E.E., Harvard, 14. Sec- treas., J. G. Wray and Co., 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. (28 Scott St.) M29. BA. Hill, Dr. David Spence. -722 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. M08F11R39. IQ- Hill, Dr. Douglas G(reenwood). A.M., Princeton, 27; Ph.D., 29. Instr. chemistry, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M37. C. Hill, Dr. Edgar S(mith). M.S., Cincinnati, 29; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, biochemistry and physiologv, Washington Univ. Col. Dentistry, St. Louis, Mo. M38. CN. Hill, Dr. Edward L(ee). Ph.D., Minne- sota, 28. Assoc, prof, theoretical physics, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M33- F33. BAC. Hill, Dr. Edward L(lewellyn). 131 Wabash Ave., Carthage, 111. M33F33R35. C. Hill, Mrs. F. F. (Lillian Hollingshead). ?5o8 Runnvmede Place, Washington, D. C. M29F32R39- GFO. Hill, Frank H(erbert). 1400 6th Ave., Beaver Falls, Pa. M22. BEK. Hill, Dr. Frederick T(hayer). M.D., Har- vard, 14; D.Sc, Colby, 36. Professional Bldg., Waterville, Maine. M37. N. Hill, Dr. G(eorge) R(ichard). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 12. Dir. Dept. Agricultural Res., American Smelting and Refining Com- pany, Salt Lake Citv, Utah. (1430 Yale Ave.) M28F31. G. Hill, George R(ussell). A.B., Alfred, 37- Chemist and compounder, R. T. Vander- bilt Co., East Norwalk, Conn. (12 France St.) M39. CQF. Hill, Miss Grace A(lma). Mount Hermon, Calif. M28R32. NFG. Hill, H. Bruce. 62 Walnut St., Oberlin, Ohio. (?) M31R32. GCE. Hill, Dr. Harry. M.S.. West Virginia, 24; Ph.D., Chicago. 35- Assoc, prof, physics, Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. (2410 22nd St.) M36F38. B. Hill, Prof. Henry Harris. M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., 08. Assoc, chemist, Vir- ginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Blacksburg, Va. M26F33. C. Hill, H(enry) O(sborne). B.S., North Carolina, 30. Senior soil conservationist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service; project supervisor, Blackland Exp. Sta.. Temple, Tex (1912 W. Avenue H) M36F40. MO. Hill, Prof. J. W. Maritime Christian Col., St. John, N. B., Canada. M3SF35R35- C. Hill, Prof. J(ohn) A(rthur). B.S., Wyo- ming, 07. Wool specialist; dean Agric. Col., dir. Agric. Exp. Sta., and prof, tex- tile industry, Univ. Wvoming, Laramie, Wyo. (264 N. 9th St.) M29F33. FOQ. Hill, Dr. J(ohn) Ben(jamin). Pennsyl- vania State Col., State College, Pa. Mi 7- F2IR32. G. Hill, Prof. John Edward. Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M95F97D34. M. Hill, Dr. (John) Eric (Douglas). Dept. Mammalogy, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M34R36. F. Hill, Dr. Lewis Brown. 71 01 Copeleigh Road, Baltimore, Md. M39R39. INH. Hill, Mason L(owell). M.A., Claremont, 29; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. 2620 19th St., Bakersfield, Calif. M39. E. Hill, Dr. Patty S(mith). Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M32F34- R35. QIK. Hill, Miss Pearl. State Teachers Col., West Liberty, W. Va. M3iR37- CA. Hill, Dr. Pierre Bernard. D.D., Hampden- Sydnev, 19; LL.D., Austin, 35. First Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, Tex. M38. HCB. Hill, Prof. Ralph M(adison). 1820 Vilas Ave., Madison, Wis. M34R34- CAB. Hill, Raymond P(utnam). Pulp Bleach- ing Co., Wausau, Wis. M31. M. Hill, Dr. Robert W(illiam). State Dept. Social Welfare, The Capitol, Albany, N. Y. M18F32R32. KHE. Hill, R(oy) V(ernon). A.M., Harvard, 07. Teacher, Southwest High School, Kansas City, Mo. (5915 Wyandotte St.) M26. B. Hill, Prof. Samuel E(stes). A.M., Ph.D., Princeton, 28. Prof, biology, Russell Sage Col., Troy, N. Y. M25F33. FG. Hill, Dr. Samuel S. M.D., Pittsburgh, 94. Box 38, Wernersville, Pa. M38F38. NIE. Hill, Prof. Thomas J. D.D.S.. Western Reserve, 08. Prof, clinical oral pathology and therapeutics, Western Reserve LTniv. School Dentistry, Cleveland. Ohio. M36- F36. Nd. Chairman of Subsection on Dentis- try (Nd), 1936 — . Hill, W. W. Dept. Anthropology, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex. M38. H. Hill, Prof. (Walter) Ray. 4257 Douglas St., Omaha, Nebr. M34F34R36. FGC. Hille, Prof. (Carl) Einar. Ph.D., Stock- holm, 18; M.A., Yale, 33. Prof, mathe- matics and dir. graduate studies, Yale Univ., New Haven. Conn. (112 Living- ston St.) M28F29. A. 532 Directory of Members Hille, Dr. (Ernst Karl) Hermann. Ph.G., Wiirzburg, 96; Ph.D., Heidelberg, 00. Pres., Hille Labs., 1791 Howard St., Chi- cago, 111. (Wilmot Road, Deerfield, 111.) L11F33. CNG. Hillebrand, W. A. M34F34D36. M. Hillebrecht, Herbert E. Ph.G., Ph.C., Northwestern, 11. Pres. and treas., Zuber Drug Co., Inc., 5108 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, 111. (700 S. Shore Drive) M30. FGC. Hillegas, Dr. Arthur B. A.M., Columbia, 34; Ph.D., 39. Asst., Dept. Botany, Colum- bia Univ., New York, N. Y. (501 W. 113th St.) M38. G. Hillegas, M(ilo) B(urdette). Ph.D., Columbia, 12. Prof, emeritus education, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (R. D. 2, Plattsburg, N. Y.) M32F12. Q. Hillenbrand, Dr. Harold (Anthony). D.D.S., Loyola. Instr. economics, Chicago Col. Dental Surgery, Loyola Univ., Chi- cago, 111. (100 W. North Ave.) M38. NdK. Hiller, Dr. Alma. Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Assoc, chem., Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M31F33. CNQ. Hiller, August. International Nickel Co., Huntington, W. Va. M19. MK. Hiller, Prof. Ernest Theodore. M.S., Northwestern, 13; Ph.D., Chicago, 24. Prof, sociology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (506 Florida Ave.) M36F40. KH. Hiller, Dr. Friedrich. Charrin Le Fort, Geneve-Cologny, Switzerland. M30. N. Hilliard, Prof. Curtis M(orrison). A.B., Dartmouth. Prof, biology and public health, Simmons Col., Boston; supervisor health, Wellesley and Weston, Wellesley Hills, Mass. M29F15. N. Hillkowitz, Dr. Philip. M.D., Cincinnati, 97. Clinical pathologist, 234 Metropolitan Bldg. ; assoc. prof, chem., Univ. Denver, Denver, Colo. (Brown Palace Hotel) M26- F38. NCF. Hillman, Col. C(harles) C(lark). M.D., Rush, 11. Colonel, Med. Corps, and chief Professional Service Div., Office Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. M40F40. N. Hills, Dr. Charles E(verett). M.D., Dart- mouth, 01. Consulting physician, Leonard Morse Hosp.. Natick, Mass. (2 Pleasant St., South Natick, Mass.) M23. N. Hills, John M(oore). Amerada Petroleum Corp., Midland, Tex. M32R34. E. Hills, Joseph Lawrence. Sc.D., Rutgers, 03, Massachusetts State, 31. Dean Univ. Ver- mont Col. Agric. and dir. Vermont Agric. Exp. Sta., Burlington, Vt. M11F24. O. Hills, Prof. Thomas McD(ougall). Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M09L10F16. E. Hillsman, Overton Lindner. B.S., Vir- ginia Military Inst., 30. Res. chemist, American Tobacco Co., Inc., Richmond, Va. (1913 Stuart Ave.) M39. C. Hillyer, Dr. John C(arpenter). 1414 Dewey Ave., Bartlesville, Okla. M3oR^9. CNB. Hilpert, Dr. Willis S(tose). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 06. Dir. Miner Labs., 9 S. Clinton St., Chicago, 111. (455 Chestnut St., Winnetka, 111.) M29F33. C. Hilsman, Miss Helen. 1300 Macon Ave., Swissvale, Pa. M33R34. FH. Hiltebeitel, Dr. Adam M(iller). A.M., Princeton, 01; Ph.D., 05. 184 Main St., Trappe, Pa. (?) M07F17. A. Hilton, Dr. David Clark. A.M., Nebraska, 01; M.D., Rush, 03. Surgeon, 305 Richards Block; Colonel, Med. Corps, National Guard, Lincoln, Nebr. (2500 Woodscrest Blvd.) M07. N. Hilton, Donald C(ross). C.E., Rensselaer. Lakeville, N. Y. M40. EMD. Hilton, Duncan E. Minor observer, U. S. Weather Bur., Corvallis, Oreg. (235 N. 29th St.) M40. BE. Hilton, F(rank) Arthur, Jr. Thayer Academy, South Braintree, Mass. (?) M25R36. C. Hilton, George. 375 Washington Blvd., Oshkosh, Wis. M29. KLQ. Hilton, Hugh G(erald). B.S.. Case, 10. Vice pres., Steel Co. Canada, Hamilton, Ont., Canada. M28. M. Hilton, Dr. William A(twood). Ph.D., Cornell, 02. Prof, zoology, Pomona Col., Claremont; dir. Laguna Marine Labs., Laguna Beach, Calif. (1263 Dartmouth Ave., Claremont, Calif.) M00F06. F. Himebaugh, L(ester) C(larence). Pepso- dent Co., 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. M27R32. N. Himmel, Prof. Walter J(oseph). Ph.D., Iowa, 24. Assoc, prof, botany, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M18F27. G. Himwich, Prof. Harold E(dwin). M.D., Cornell, 19. Prof, physiology and phar- macology, Albany Med. Col., Albany, N. Y. M28F31. Np. Hinchey, Miss M(ary) Catherine (Mrs. D. F. Robertson). A.M., Brown, 26. Instr. biology. Temple Univ., Philadelphia, Pa. M26. F. Hinchman, Miss Anne. 134 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. M30. Hinchman, Mrs. Lydia S. (Mrs. Charles S. Hinchman). M06D— . AE. Hinck, Prof. Claus F(rederick), Jr. A.M., Ph.D., Heidelberg, 13. Box 453, Madison Square, New York, N. Y. M31F33. CNF. Hinckley, Prof. Elmer D(umond). Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Head prof, psychology and dir. Bur. Vocational Guidance and Mental Hygiene, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M34F34. I. Hinds, Prof. E(lla) Annette. M.A., Colum- bia, 16. 340 Merrimon Ave., Asheville, N. Car. M32F33. FNG. Individual Members 533 Hinds, R(ollin) E(vans). B.C.E., Iowa State, 91. Farmer, Route 3, Hedrick, Iowa. M22. O. Hinds, Dr. Warren Elmer. M04F06D36. F. Hinegardner, W(ilbie) S(cott). M.A., Vir- ginia, 23 ; Ph.D., Yale, 27. Chemist, R and H Chemicals Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Niagara Falls, N. V. (8449 W. Rivershore Drive) M25F33. C. Hineline, Dr. Gertrude White. M.A., Wis- consin, 14; Ph.D., 18. 630 Gramatan Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. M19F20. F. Hiner, Prof. Frank P(hilip). 211 W. Comanche St., Norman, Okla. (M32R32)- M38R39. QI. Hines, Leonard R. B.A., Cornell Col., 34. Res. asst., Dept. Biochemistry, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. M39. CN. Hines, Dr. Murray A(rnold). M.A., St. Lawrence, 01; M.A., Harvard, 03; Ph.D., 06. Prof, and chairman Dept. Chemistry, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. (1416 Hinman Ave.) M08F11. C. Hingsburg, Miss Olga H(elen), M.A., Columbia, 27. The Barbizon, New York, N. Y. M28. G. Hinkle, Dr. Beatrice M. M.D., Stanford, 99. 31 Gramercy Park, New York, N. Y. M08. IN. Hinkle, S(amuel) F(orry). B.S., Pennsyl- vania State, 22. Chief chemist and dir. res., Hershey Chocolate Corp., Hershey, Pa. (Parkside Apartments) M39. C. Hinman, Dr. E(dgar) Harold. M.S., Cor- nell, 28; Ph.D., 30; M.D., Louisiana State, 38. Senior biologist, Malaria Control Div., Tennessee Valley Authority, Wilson Dam, Ala. M29F33. FNG. Hinman, Dr. Frank. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 06. 3255 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M29F35. NFE. Hinman, Frank G. M.S., State Col. Wash- ington, 30. Junior entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Moscow, Idaho. M32. F. Hinman, Jack Jones, Jr. Lock Box 313, Iowa City, Iowa. M10F15R32. CMN. Hinman, Prof. Robert B(yron). M.S., Iowa State, 20; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 26. Prof, ani- mal husbandry, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (401 Cornell St.) M22F33. FHO. Hinnen, Dr. G(ustave) A(ugustus). M.D., Miami (Cincinnati), 04. Trustee, Cincin- nati Zoo, Cincinnati, Ohio. (1343 Delta Ave., Mount Lookout) M24. NFG. Hinrichs, Frederic W., Jr. B.S., U. S. Mili- tary Acad., 02; A.B., Columbia, 02; M.A., Occidental, 26. Lt. Col.. U. S. Army re- tired; prof, mechanics and dean upper- classmen, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M24F28. M. Hinrichs, Miss Marie A(gnes). Women and Children's Hosp., Chicago, 111. (?) M20F25R33. F. Hinsch, Prof. Van Buren. 1106 Rolla St., Rolla, Mo. M37R38. MQ. Hinsey, Dr. Joseph C(larence). M.S., Northwestern, 23; Ph.D., Washington LTniv., 27. Prof, and head Dept. Anatomy, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M28F29. N. Hinshaw, Dr. W(illiam) R(ussell). D.V.M., Michigan State, 23; M.S., Kansas State, 26; Ph.D., Yale, 39. Assoc, prof, veterinary science and assoc. veterinarian Exp. Sta., Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis, Calif. (426 A St.) M31F33. NOC. Hinton, Prof. Robert T(aylor). M.A., Yale, 05; M.S., 06. Prof, biology and dean, Georgetown Col., Georgetown, Ky. M21. F. Hinton, Dr. William A(ugustus). M.D., Harvard, 12. Chief lab., Massachusetts State Wassermann Lab.; chief, Lab. Dept., Boston Dispensary; instr. preventive medi- cine and bacteriology and immunology, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (Dedham St., Canton, Mass.) M08F33. N. Hintze, Miss A(nna) Laura. M29F33D35. FN. Hintze, Prof. F. F. Univ. Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah. M35F35R35. E. Hird, Dr. John D. A.M., Amherst; D.Sc. Prof, emeritus chemistrv, Georgetown Univ., Washington, D. C. M39. CNP. Hire, Dr. Charles. A.M., Indiana, 17; Ph.D., 27. Head Dept. Physical Sciences, Murrav State Teachers Col., Murray. Ky. M25F31. BC. Hires, Harrison S(treeter). B.A., Haver- ford, 10. Vice pres., Charles E. Hires Co., Philadelphia, Pa., Hires Sugar Co., Cordenas, Cuba, and Charles E. Hires Co., Ltd., Montreal, Que., Canada. (Berwyn, Pa.) M24. FIQ. Hirsch, Dr. Alcan. 500 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M28F33R35- C. Hirsch, Angelo. M29D37. Hirsch, Dr. Caesar. 667 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M37R39. N. Hirsch, Miss Dorothy T. B.A., New York, 38. 262 Beechmont Drive, New York. N. Y. (?) M38. NFG. Hirsch, Dr. Edwin F(rederick). A.M., Illinois, 11; Ph.D., Chicago, 14; M.D., Rush, 16. Assoc, prof, pathology. Rush Med. Col.; dir. Henry Baird Favill Lab., St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, 111. (97-28 Vanderpoel Ave.) M22F25. N. Hirsch, Gustav. M.E., Ohio State, 97. Consulting engineer, 209 S. 3rd St., Columbus, Ohio. (2459 Tremont Road) M17. M. Hirsch, Miss Joanne (White). A.M., Radcliffe, 38. Sec. to publisher, Shopping News, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Pasadena Drive, Fox Chapel) M38. DL. 534 Directory of Members Hirsch, Dr. Nathaniel D. M'ttron. A.M., Columbia, 20; Ph.D., Harvard, 24. Senior social pathologist, Bur. Research and Statistics, Social Security Board, Wash- ington, D. C. (3726 Connecticut Ave. NW.) (M26F33R34)M~4oF33- FIK. Hirschberg, Dr. Nell. M.A., Colorado, 33; Ph.D., Illinois, 37. Instr. bacteriology and public health; res. bacteriologist, Kellogg Fund, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (175 Hazel Ave., Glencoe, 111.) M40. NFG. Hirsche, Herbert Friedrich. 238 N. Oxford St., Hartford, Conn. M33R37. N. Hirschfelder, Prof. Arthur D(ouglass). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 03. Prof, phar- macology, Univ. Minnesota Med. School, Minneapolis, Minn. M08F10. NpC. Hirschfelder, Dr. Joseph O(akland), Jr. Ph.D., Princeton, 36. Res. assoc, Wis- consin Alumni Res. Foundation, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M32F38. BCA. Hirschler, Prof. E(dmund) J(ohn). S.M., Chicago, 16. Prof. mathematics and astronomy, Bluffton Col., Bluffton, Ohio. (433 W. Elm St.) M13F33. AD. Hirsh, Bernard L(ouis). M.S.. Iowa, 34. Senior accountant, Altschuler, Melvoin and Glasser, 110 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. (6341 N. Claremont Ave.) M37. AK. Hirsh, Dr. F(rederick) R(udolph), Jr. A.M., Cornell, 28; Ph.D., 31. Res. fellow physics, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (1491 N. Holliston Ave.) M27- F33. BE. Hirshberg, Dr. Leonard Keene. 2 Park Ave. W., Long Beach, N. Y. (?) M34- F34R34. FNB. Hirshfeld, C(larence) F(loyd). M34F34- D39. M. Hirst, Prof. Katharine Rebecca. M.A., Columbia, 21. Head Dept. Biology, Cedar Crest Col., Allentown, Pa. M27F33. NFG. Hirtle, Dr. Donald S(tephen). Ph.D., Yale, 37. Res. chemist, Hilton-Davis Chem. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. (L. B. Harrison Hotel) M39. CBA. Hisaw, Prof. Frederick L(ee). A.M., Mis- souri, 16; LL.D., 38; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 24. Prof, zoology and chairman Dept. Biology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Mi 7- F25. F. Hiscock, Prof. Ira Vaughan. M.A., Wes- leyan, 16; Sc.D., 39; C.P.H., Yale, 21; M.A., 31. Prof, public health, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (215 Highland St.) M28F33. NKQ. Hisey, Prof. W(illis) Oury. A.B., Willa- mette, 24. Assoc, prof., New York State Col. Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. M38. CB. Hitch, Miss Lola S(evilla). M09D37. CN. Hitchcock, Albert Spear. M90F92D35. G. Hitchcock, Charles B(aker). A.M., Co- lumbia, 31. Head Dept. Hispanic Res., Amer. Geographical Society, New York, N. Y. (Route 5, Ridgefield, Conn.) M35. E. Hitchcock, Dr. Charles Hanchett. 416 Douglas St., Syracuse, N. Y. M29F33- R37. N. Hitchcock, Dr. Curtiss S(ummers). A.M., Princeton, 30; Ph.D., 33. Teacher chem- istry and physics, Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville, N. J. M38. CBQ. Hitchcock, Dr. David I(ngersoll). A.M., Columbia, 19; Ph.D., 22. Assoc, prof, physiology, Yale Univ. School Med., New- Haven, Conn. M25F33. C. Hitchcock, Miss Fanny R. M. 4038 Wal- nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. (?) M86F06- L16. CE. Hitchcock, Prof. Fred A(ndrews). Ph.D., Ohio State, 26. Assoc, prof, physiology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (133 Amazon Place) M23F33. NF. Hitchcock, Dr. Harold B(radford). M.A., Harvard, 32; Ph.D., 38. Instr. zoology, Univ. Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada. M37. F. Hitchcock, Prof. Raymond R(oyce). M34- F34D37. A. Hitchens, Lt. Col. Arthur Parker. M.D., Medico-Chirurgical (Philadelphia), 98. Med. Corps, U. S. Army; prof, public health and preventive medicine, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M39. N. Hitchings, Dr. George H(erbert). M.S., Washington, 28; Ph.D., Harvard, 33. Western Reserve Univ. School Med., Cleveland, Ohio. M37. CN. Hite, Miss Bertha C(ourtright). M22F31- D35. G. Hite, Lewis Field. A.M., Harvard, 02. 42 Arlington St., Cambridge, Mass. M07. IL. Hitz, Dr. Henry Barnard. 1241 Bankers Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. M24R36. NE. Hixon, Prof. Charles R(obert). M.E., Ala- bama Polytechnic Inst., 08. Head prof, mechanical engng., Alabama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala. M39. M. Hixon, Hiram W. 2947 Chew St., Allen- town, Pa. M38. EDM. Hixson, Prof. Arthur W(arren). M.S., Kansas, 11; Ph.D., Columbia, 18. Prof, chemical engng., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (206 Hillcrest Ave., Leonia, N. J.) M25F28. C. Hixson, Dr. Homer. M.S., Iowa State, 32; Ph.D., 37. Instr. entomology, Univ. Flor- ida, Gainesville, Fla. M37F40. FON. Hjort, Miss Lillian V. M.S., Pittsburgh, 25. Instr. chemistry and dean, Osceola Junior Col., Osceola, Iowa. M30. CQB. Individual Members 535 Hladky, Emil. Ch.E., Columbia, 33. Chem- ical engineer, Virginia Chem. Co., Piney River, Va. M37. MC. Hladky, Frank M. 4921 Fleet Ave., Cleve- land, Ohio. M27R32. NI. Ho, Dr. C(hing) J(u). Nat. Assn. Voca- tional Education, Route Voyron at Rue Vallon, Shanghai, China. M31R32. IQ. Hoad, Prof. William C(hristian). 2108 Melrose Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M28F12- R36. MN. Hoadley, Anthony (de Hothlegh). 1170 Waverly Place, Schenectady, N. Y. M27- R3S- MB. Hoadley, Prof. George A(rthur). M91- F00D36. B. Hoadley, Prof. Leigh. Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Prof, zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M24F25. F. Hoag, Prof. J. Barton. Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Asst. prof, physics, Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. M31F33. BAD. Hoag, Sackville B. 156 Goldsmith Ave., Newark, N. J. M38R38. MND. Hoagland, Dr. Charles Lee. M.D., Wash- ington Univ. 35. Assoc, medicine, Rocke- feller Inst. Med. Res.; resident physician, Rockefeller Inst. Hosp., New York, N. Y. M40. CN. Hoagland, Prof D(ennis) R(obert). M.A., Wisconsin, 13. Prof, plant nutrition and head Div., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M14F16. GOC. Hoagland, Prof. Hudson. M.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 24; Ph.D., Harvard, 27. Prof, general physiology and dir. physio- logical labs., Clark Univ.; consultant neurophysiology, Worcester State Hosp., Worcester, Mass. (150 Woodland St.) M32F33. NFL Hoagland, John H. 365 George St., New Brunswick, N. J. M36R36. NGC. Hoar, Carl S(herman). A.M., Harvard, 13; Ph.D., 17. Assoc, prof, biology, Williams Col., Williamstown, Mass. M16F31. G. Hoard, Dr. J(ames) L(ynn). M.S., Wash- ington, 29; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 32. Asst. prof, chemistry, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (706 Hanshaw Road) M39- CB. Hobart, Henry M(etcalf). 10 Balltown Road, Schenectady, N. Y. M22F25. MBI. Hobbs, Franklin W(arren). M.Sc, Dart- mouth, 13. Pres., Arlington Mills, Boston. Mass. (192 Commonwealth Ave.) M25. MKP. Hobbs, Dr. Glenn M(oody). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 05. Technical Dept, W. M. Welch Scientific Co., Chicago, 111. (363 Park Blvd., Glen Ellyn, 111.) M18F31. BC. Hobbs, Dr. Joseph R(aymond). D.Sc, Johns Hopkins, 28; M.D., Harvard, 32. Physician, Main St., Williamsburg, Mass. M28F33- N. Hobbs, Prof. William H(erbert). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 88; D.Eng., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 29; LL.D., Michigan, 39. Prof, emeritus geology, Univ. Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M91F93E39. E. Secretary of Section on Geology and Geog- raphy (E), 1893; vice president, 1932. Hobby, Dr. Gladys L(ounsbury). M.A., Columbia, 32; Ph.D., 35. Res. asst., Co- lumbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Sur- geons, New York, N. Y. M39. N. Hober, Dr. Rudolf O. M.D., Erlanger, 98. Visiting prof, physiology, Univ. Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. M40. N. Hobmaier, Dr. M. 1374 Arguello Blvd., San Francisco, Calif. M34F34. N. Hobro, William D. 678 5th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M34. MC. Hobson, Miss Elsie Garland. A.M., Bos- ton, 96; Ph.D., Chicago, 16. New Ipswich, N. H. M25. Q. Hobson, L(awrence) B(ennett). B.A., Ar- kansas. Dept. Zoology, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (?) M38. FNC. Hobson, Dr. Sarah M(atilda). New Ips- wich, N. H. M24R37. NFI. Hoch, Prof. J(ohn) Hampton. M.Sc, Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 30; D.Sc, 36. Prof, botany and pharma- cognosy, Med. Col. South Carolina, Charleston, S. Car. M38F38. NpGC. Hochwalt, Dr. Carroll A. Sc.D., Dayton, 35. Asst. central res. dir., Monsanto Chem. Co., Dayton, Ohio. M30F33. CBM. Hock, Dr. Charles W(illiam). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 38. Res. assoc, Textile Foundation, Nat. B. Head Dept. Science, St. Mary's Col., Holy Cross, Ind. M29. CGN. Ludden, Dwight J(ulius). B.S., Washing- ton Univ., 30. Dir. Vocational Dept., Community High School, Granite City, Til. (712 Rivermont Drive, St. Louis, Mo.) M35. MNA. Ludeman, Dr. Clifford G(eiger). M.S., Northwestern, 29; Ph.D., Yale, 32. Res. chemist, Texas Co., Port Arthur, Tex. (3349 7th St.) M38. C. Ludeman, Miss Helen Anna. M.S., Chi- cago. Asst. prof, chemistry, Texas State Col. Women, Denton, Tex. M33. C. Luden, William, Jr. Spring Mill Road, Villanova, Pa. M31R33. CDI. Ludlum, Clarence A(llen). 162-27 High- land Ave., Jamaica. N. Y. M24. EDB. Ludlum, Dr. S(eymour) DeW(itt). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 02. Prof, psychiatry, Univ. Pennsylvania Graduate School Med.; chief staff, Psychopathic Dept., Philadelphia Gen. Hosp., Philadelphia; med. dir. and owner, Gladwyne Colony Sanitarium, Gladwyne, Pa. M32. N. Ludvigh, Dr. Elek John, II. A.M., Ph.D., Harvard. Instr. ophthalmic res., Lab. Ophthalmology, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (243 Charles St.) M40. N. Ludwig, Dr. C(linton) A(lbert). Ph.D., Michigan, 17. Assoc, plant physiologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M13F21. GO. Ludwig, Prof. Daniel. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 28. Assoc, prof, biology, New York Univ., University Heights, New York, N. Y. M27F32. F. Ludwig, Ernest H(arry). M.S., Pennsyl- vania, 38. Graduate student, Dept. Botany, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (7904 Buist Ave.) M40. GE. Ludy, Albert K(ienzle). B.S., Pennsyl- vania, 03. Observer charge Cheltenham Magnetic Observatory, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Cheltenham, Md. M27- F33. EB. Ludy, Prof. Llewellyn V. M.E., Purdue, 00. Prof exp. engng., Purdue Univ., La Fay- ette, Ind. M18F28. MQ. Lueck, Roger H. M.S., Wisconsin, 21. Mgr Res. Dept., Amer. Can Co., May- wood, 111. M38F39. C. Luedde, Dr. William H(enry). M.D., Washington Univ., 00. Prof, and dir. Dept. Ophthalmology, St. Louis Univ. School Med.; ophthalmologist-in-chief, St. Mary's Group of Hosps., St. Louis; at- tending ophthalmologist, U. S. Marine Hosp., Kirkwood, Mo. M2oF.33- N. Lueth, Dr. Harold C(harles). M.S., North- western, 28; M.D., 30; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, medicine, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chi- cago 111. (822 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111.) M34F34. N. Luetmer, Rev. Wendel H. S.M., Chicago, 22. Prof., Dept. Biology, St. John's Univ., Collegeville, Minn. M35. FG. Luginbill, Dr. Philip. A.M., South Caro- lina, 17; Ph.D.. George Washington, 24. Senior entomologist, U. S. Bur. En- tomology and Plant Quarantine, La Fay- ette, Ind. M10F14. F. Lugn, Dr. A(lvin) L(eonard). M.S.. Iowa, 25; Ph.D., 27. Prof, geology, Univ. Nebraska; geologist, State Geol. Survey, Lincoln, Nebr. (1800 S. 24th St.) M26- F31. EH. Lugo, Francisco Aniceto. Care Panorama, Maracaibo, Venezuela, S. A. M3$R35- B- Luhan, Dr. Joseph A(nton). M.D., Northwestern, 28; M.S., 31; Ph.D.. 34. Assoc, neurology, Northwestern Univ. Med. School; attending neurologist, Cook County Hosp., Chicago, 111. (1139 S. Tay- lor Ave., Oak Park, 111.) M39. N, Individual Members f>4<; Luhr, Dr. Overton. Ph.D., California, 31. Asst. prof.. Union Col., Schenectady, N. Y. M34F34. B. Lui, Walter (Sik Chu). 1104 Packard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. M35R36. C. Lukens, Dr. Herman T(yson). A.M., Pennsylvania, 88; Ph.D., Jena, 91. Teacher retired, 102 E. Jacobv St., Norristown, Pa. M05F11. Q. Lukens, Dr. Hiram S(tanhope). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 13. Prof, chemistry and dir. Dept. Chemistry and Chemical Engng., Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (5843 Woodbine Ave., Overbrook) M33- F33. CQM. Lull, Dr. Richard S(wann). Peabody Mus., Yale Univ.. New Haven, Conn. M29F31- R34. EFH. Lumer, Dr. Hyman. M.A., Western Re- serve, 32; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, biology, Fenn Col., Cleveland, Ohio. M35. F. Lumley, Dr. F(rederick) E(lmore). M.A., McMaster, 07; Ph.D., Yale, 12. Prof, sociology and chairman Dept., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (193 E. Frambes Ave.) M29F31. K. Lumly, Thomas (Melvin), Jr. Cushing Re- fining and Gasoline Co., Cushing, Okla. M36R36. CMB. Lumpkin, Dr. Robert C(lifton). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 32. Administrative asst., Unemployment Compensation Commis- sion, Trenton, N. J. (419 Burd St., Pennington, N. J.) M35. IHK. Lumsden, Dr. D(avid) Victor. M.S., Ph.D., Maryland, 35. Assoc, physiologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Beltsville, Md. (712 Woodside Parkway, Silver Spring, Md.) M33F38. GO. Lund, Prof. E(lmer) J(ulius). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 14; Sc.D., Hamline, 33. Prof, zoologv, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M18- F20. FN. Lund, Dr. Everett E(ugene). M.A., Cali- fornia, 30; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, biology, Alfred Univ., Alfred, N. Y. M38F40. FN. Lund, Dr. Horace O(din). M.S., Minne- sota, 33; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, entomology, Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. M38F39. F. Lund, Dr. Richard J. M.A., Ph.D., Wis- consin. Editor, "Mining Congress Jour- nal," Amer. Mining Congress, Washing- ton, D. C. (506 Surrev St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M40. E. Lundberg, Alfred J(ulius). Pres., East Bay Transit Co., Key System, Oakland Chamber Commerce, Oakland, Calif. (596 Haddon Road) M26L37. BCD. Lundberg, Dr. George A(ndrew). M.A., Wisconsin, 22; Ph.D., Minnesota, 25. Prof., Bennington Col., Bennington, Vt. M32F33L37. KIH. Lundberg, Hans (Torkel Frederik). Con- sulting geophvsicist, 80 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M26. EB. Lundeen, Prof. Earnest W(arren). Cottier Col., Line. .In. Nebr. M27R33. QLK. Lundholm, Prof. (Oskar) Helge. Ph.D.. Stockholm, 19. Prof, psychology, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M39. I. Lundin, C(arl) A(xel) Robert. Warner and Swasey Co., 5701 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. M24F25. D. Lundin, Miss Laura M(arie). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 03. Prof, physics and mathematics, Russell Sage Col., Troy, N. Y. M32F40. BAD. Lundon, Dr. Arthur Edward. M.D.,C.M., McGill, 14; D.P.H., 22. District med. of- ficer. Royal Canadian Army Med. Corp., Dept. Nat. Defense, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. (1501 Crescent St., Montreal, Que., Canada) M37. EON. Lundquist, Dr. G. R. 180 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. M32. NHF. Lundy, Wilson Thomas. Box 1520, New Orleans, La. M36R36. M. Lunn, Prof. Arthur C(onstant). Univ. Chicago, Chicago. 111. M17F18R37. ABD. Lunn, Dr. E(dward) G(owan). Ph.D., California, 26. Head. Res. Lab., U. S. Bur. Engraving and Printing, Washington, D. C. (1545 44th St. NW.) M28F33. CB. Lunz, G. Robert, Jr. M.S., Charleston, 32. Curator Crustacea, Charleston Mus., Charleston, S. Car. (Azalea Road, Wappoo Heights) M38. F. Luongo, Dr. Romeo A. 1713 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. M37R37. N. Lupton, Charles T(homas). M18F25- D3S. E. Lurie, Dr. Louis A. M.A., Cincinnati, 11; M.D., 11. Dir. Child Guidance Home; asst. prof, psychiatry, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med.; senior attending neurologist, Jewish Hosp., Cincinnati, Ohio. (3932 Dickson Ave.) M24. NIC. Lurie, Dr. Max B(ernard). M.D., Cornell, 21. Asst. prof. exp. pathology, Henry Phipps Inst., Univ. Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. (6418 N. Fairhill St.) M32- F33. N. Lush, Dr. Jay L(aurence). M.S., Kansas State, 18; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 22. Prof, animal husbandry. Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M21F24. FO. Lush, Prof. R(obert) H(enry). Louisiana State LIniv., Baton Rouge, La. M34F34- R37. OFC. Lussky, Dr. Herbert Otto. M.D., Rush, 16. Physician, 2315 Lincolnwood Drive. Evanston, 111. Mi 2. N. Lute, Miss Anna M(aude). B.Sc. Nebraska, 06. Seed analyst, Colorado State Col., Fort Collins, Colo. M21F31. G. Luten, Daniel B., Jr. Ph.D., California, 33. Chemist, Shell Development Co., Emeryville, Calif. (7351 Claremont Ave., Berkeley, Calif.) M39. CFE. 650 Directory of Members Lutes, Neil T. M.S., Iowa State, 31. Head Dept. Science, Senior High School, Dubuque, Iowa. (1595 Atlantic St.) M18. C. Luteyn, Prof. Peter. 8223 Portland Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis. M34F34R34. A. Luther, Prof. Chester F(rancis). A.M., Stanford, 29; Ph.D., 32. Prof, mathematics, Willamette Univ., Salem, Oreg. (120 E. Superior St.) M37F38. ABD. Liitjeharms, Dr. W(ilhelm) J(an). Phil.nat.D., Leiden. Prof, and head Dept. Botany, University Col., Bloemfontein, 5. Africa. M39F40. GOC. Lutman, Prof. Benjamin F(ranklin). 111 N. Prospect St., Burlington, Vt. M08- F11R38. G. Lutz, Prof. Brenton R(eid). A.M., Boston, 14; Ph.D., 17. Prof, biology, Boston Univ., Boston, Mass. (49 Laurel St., Melrose, Mass.) M20F29. NF. Lutz, Prof. Columbus Marion. M.S., Vanderbilt, 21. Prof, chemistry, East Texas State Teachers Col., Commerce, Tex. M31. CED. Lutz, Dr. Frank E(ugene). A.M., Chi- cago, 02; Ph.D., 07. Curator, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. (Ram- sey, N. J.) M03F09. F. Lutz, Prof. H(arold) J(ohn). M.F., Yale, 27; Ph.D., 33. Assoc, prof, forestry, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M28F32. GO. Lutz, William F(illen). M.A., Pennsyl- vania Col., 97. Penn Athletic Club, Ritten- house Square, Philadelphia, Pa. M33. IN. Lux, Dr. Konrad. 1012 Med. Arts Bldg., Waco, Tex. M38. NQK. Luyet, Prof. Basile J(oseph). Sc.D., Geneva, 25, 27. Prof, biology, St. Louis Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M33- F33. FGB. Luyten, Prof. Willem J(acob). Ph.D., Leiden, 21. Prof, astronomy, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M34F34. D. Lyans, Cecil Kenyon. 982 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, N. J. M18R33. K, Lyford, C(hauncey) Allan. M.A., Clark, 06. Res. chemist, Nat. Aniline and Chem. Co., Inc., Buffalo. N. Y. (Maple Road, East Aurora, N. Y.) M34F34. CEQ. Lyght, Dr. Charles E. M.D..C.M., Queen's (Canada), 26. Prof, health and physical education and dir. Col. Health Service, Carleton Col., Northfield, Minn. (105 Winona St.) M39. N. Lyle, Dr. Clay. M.S., Mississippi State, 31; Ph.D., Iowa State, 37. Head Dept. Zoology and Entomology, Mississippi State Col.; entomologist, Mississippi Exp. Sta. ; executive officer, Mississippi Plant Board, State College, Miss. M32F33. F. Lyle, Col. David Alexander, M78F80E32- D37. HM. Lyle, Guy R. M.S., Columbia, 32. Li- brarian, Univ. North Carolina Woman's Col., Greensboro, N. Car. M37. L. Lyle, Joseph Wilson. 900 Lafayette Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. M24R36. G. Lyle, S(amuel) P(atterson). M.S., Iowa State, 22. In charge Agric. and Home Economics Section, Extension Service, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (4435 Davenport St. NW.) M34F34. OM. Lyman, Prof. Elmer A(delbert). M03- F06D34. A. Lyman, Frank. M18D38. M. Lyman, Franklin. 1442 Charlotte St., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M37. CQE. Lyman, Robert Hunt. M24F29D37. E. Lyman, Dr. Rufus A(shley). A.M., Nebraska, 99; M.D., 03. Dean, Univ. Nebraska Col. Pharmacy, Lincoln, Nebr. (1649 S. 21st St.) M08F33. Np. Chairman, Stibscction on Pharmacy (Np), 1937. Lyman, Prof. Theodore. Ph.D., Harvard, 00. Dir. Jefferson Lab., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M05L06F07. B. Lyman, Theodore B(enedict). Mendota, Calif. M38F38R38. BM. Lynah, James. Belleayre Apartments, Ithaca, N. Y. M19. MC. Lynch, Miss Clara J(ulia). A.M., Colum- bia, 12; Ph.D., 19. Assoc, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. Mi 7- F30. FN. Lynch, Dr. Clyde A(lvin). A.M., Lebanon Valley, 25; D.D., 26; A.M., Pennsylvania, 29; Ph.D., 31; LL.D., Albright, 37. Pres., Lebanon Valley Col. Annville, Pa. M33. IQ. Lynch, Dr. Frank B(ruce), Jr. M.D., Pennsylvania, 13. Dir. pathology, German- town Hosp., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. M30. N. Lynch, James E(ric). A.M., Nebraska, 21; Ph.D., California, 29. Assoc, prof., Univ. Washington School Fisheries, Seattle, Wash. M29F33. F. Lynch, John Edward. Mechanical de- signer, Stone and Webster Engng. Corp., 49 Federal St., Boston, Mass. (168 Bartlett Road, Winthrop, Mass.) M22. M. Lynch, Rev. J(ohn) Joseph. A.M., Wood- stock, 20; Ph.D., New York, 39. Dir. Seismic Observatory and head Dept. Physics, Fordham Univ., New York, N. Y. M23F29. BE. Lynch, Miss Katherine D. 3442 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. M32R32. QKI. Lynch, Dr. Kenneth M(errill). M.D., Texas, 10; LL.D., South Carolina, 30. Prof, pathology and vice dean, Med. Col. State South Carolina; pathologist, Raper Hosp., Charleston, S. Car. M34F34. N. Individual Members 651 Lynch, Sister Mary St. Ignatius. A.M., Boston Col., 27. Prof, chemistry, Regis Col., Weston, Mass. M33. CBN. Lynch, Dr. Ruth Stocking (Mrs. Vernon Lynch). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. Chair- man Div. Science, State Teachers Col., Towson, Md. M19F20. FIQ. Lynch, S(ylvester) J(ohn). B.S.A., Florida, 34. Asst. horticulturist, Subtropical Exp. Sta., Univ. Florida, Homestead, Fla. M40- F40. OGC. Lynch, Prof. William A(loysius). Sc.M., New York, 20; Ph.D., 23. Prof, physics, Fordham Univ., New York, N. Y. M34- F34. BE. Lynd, Dr. Robert S. 75 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. M39R39. KHI. Lynde, Prof. C(arlton) J(ohn). 114 Morningside Drive, New York, N. Y. M24F31R38. B. Lynn, Dr. W(illiam) Gardner. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 31. Assoc, zoology, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (548 Orange St., New Haven, Conn.) M29- F33. F. Lyon, Carl F. B.Ch., Cornell, 33. Chemist, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Arlington, N. J. (91 Beech St.) M36. CBI. Lyon, Dr. Dorsey A. Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. M34F34R35. M. Lyon, Dr. Elias Potter. M07F11D37. NFQ. Lyon, Eric R(oss). M.S., Phillips, 23. Assoc, prof, physics, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M31F33. B. Lyon, Dr. George (Marshall). 955 4th Ave., Huntington, W. Va. M37R37. NIQ. Lyon, Dr. Harold L(loyd). M.S., Minne- sota, 01 ; Ph.D., 03. Dir., Hawaiian Sugar Planters Assn. Exp. Sta., Honolulu, Hawaii. M08F11. GO. Lyon, Prof. James Adair. A.M., South- western, 95 ; Sc.D., 18. Newcomb Col., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M32F33. BD. Lyon, Dr. James Alexander. M.D., Mary- land, 06. Prof, clinical cardiology, George- town Univ. School Med.; attending cardiologist, Children's Hosp. and Emer- gency Hosp., Washington, D. C. M33- F36. N. Lyon, Dr. M(arcus) W(ard), Jr. M.S., George Washington, 00; M.D., 02; Ph.D., 12. Pathologist, South Bend Clinic, South Bend. Ind. (214 LaPorte Ave.) M03F11. FNC. Lyon, Dr. Martha M(aria) Brewer. M.S., George Washington, 01; M.D., Howard, 07. Physician, 806 Building and Loan Tower, South Bend, Ind. (214 LaPorte Ave.) M18. N. Lyon, Norman W. Wyalusing, Pa. M32- R32. IK. Lyon, Dr. Robert A(nderson). A.M., California, 29; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 33. 4930 Fulton St., San Francisco Calif. M38. N. Lyon, Prof. Scott C(ary). A.M., Tulane, 09; D.Sc, Southwestern, 26. Prof, biology, Davidson Col., Davidson, N. Car. M28- F33. FGC. Lyon, Dr. T(homas) Lyttleton. M06F11- D38. CO. Lyons, Dr. Chalmers J. M32D35. N. Lyons, Dr. Don Chalmers. D.D.S., Mich- igan, 21; M.S., 32; Ph.D., Michigan State, 35. Dir. Lyons Res. Labs., 420 Michigan Ave. W., Jackson, Mich. (204 S. Wisner St.) M35. FNQ. Lyons, Miss E. Louise. A.B., Smith. Head Dept. Science, Steubenville High School, Steubenville, Ohio. (717 N. 4th St.) M38. CPB. Lyons, L. J. Fayette, Iowa. M30R32. Lyons, Prof. Robert E(dward). Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. M02F06R38. C. Lyons, Dr. W(illiam) James. M.S.. St. Louis, 33; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, physicist, U. S Southern Regional Res. Lab., New Or- leans, La. M40F40. BAC. Lyse, Inge. Fritz Engng. Lab., Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. M30R33. M. Lyster, A(rthur) F(rederick). M.E., Colo- rado, 22. Mgr. Industrial Dept., Socony- Vacuum Oil Co.. Inc., Kansas City, Mo. (7339 Summit St.) M40. MCH. Lythgoe, Hermann Charles. S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 96. Chief analyst and dir. Div. Food and Drugs, Massachusetts Dept. Public Health, Boston, Mass. (36 Fair Oaks Ave., Newtonville, Mass.) M07F11. C. Lytle, Dr. W(ilbert) Vernon. Ph.D., Yale, 27. 1018 Virginia Ave., Parkersburg, W. Va. M31F33. IQ. Lytle, W(illiam) Orland. A.M., Kansas. 17. Sec. Central Res. and Development Dept., Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Grant Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M36F38. BCM. M Ma, Dr. Frederick (Ling-Yun). M.A., George Peabody, 33; Ph.D., Michigan State, 37. Res. asst., Mead Johnson Res. Lab., Evansville, Ind. M40. CN. Maack, George J. 131 1 Stratford Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. M27R33- DH. Mabee, Prof. Fred C(arleton). M.A., McMaster, 05; A.M., Columbia, 25; Ph.D., 27. Prof, chemistry, Bates Col., Lewiston, Maine. (378 College St.) M09F28. C. Mabry, Roger. Route 2, Angier, N. Car, M38. 652 Directory of Members McAdam, D(unlap) J(amison). A.M., Washington and Jefferson, oo ; Sc.D., 32; M.S.. Pennsylvania, 06; Ph.D., 08. Metal- lurgist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (Mi8F2sR36)M38F25. MBC. McAfee, W(illiam) Keith. B.S., Pennsyl- vania, 15; Cer.E., New York State Cera- mics. Pres., Universal Sanitary Mfg. Co., New Castle, Pa. M34F34. MBC. McAhren, Dr. Delano W. Stock Yards, Sioux City, Iowa. M31R32. NOI. McAlister, Dr. Dean F(erdinand). M.S., Utah State; Ph.D., Wisconsin. Utah State Agric. Col., Logan, Utah. M37F39. G. McAlister, Dr. Edward D (orris). M.A., Oregon, 25 ; Ph.D., California, 28. Senior physicist, Div. Radiation and Organisms, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D . C. (418 Cumberland Ave., Chew Chase, Md.) M37F38. BGN. McAlister, Lawrence C(layton), Jr. B.S., Clemson, 26. Entomologist, Div. Fruitfly Investigations, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Harlingen, Tex. (510 W. Buchanan St.) M28F33. F. McAllister, Dr. Addams S(tratton). M.M.E,. Cornell, 01; Ph.D., 05. 3100 Highland Place NW., Washington, D. C. (206 Raymond St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M28F28. MBQ. McAllister, Rev. Charles A(nthony). Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. (?) M30R33. I. McAllister, Dr. Frederick. M.A., Beloit, 07; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 10. 3205 West Ave., Austin, Tex. M10F21. G. McAllister, Dr. J. Gilbert. M.A., Chicago, 33; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, prof, and chairman Dept. Anthropology, Univ. Texas; dir. State-wide Archaeological Project, Austin, Tex. M39. HKI. McAllister, Dr. Lawrence E(arl). Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof, physics, Berrv Col., Mt. Berry, Ga. M23F25. BAD. McAllister, Miss Maude E(lizabeth). Supply, N. Car. M34R37. CB. McAlpine, Dr. James G(eorge). State Dept. Health, Montgomery, Ala. M25- F33R35. N. McAlpine, Dr. Roy K(enneth). Ph.D., Michigan, 21. Asst. prof, chemistry, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (926 Svlvan Ave.) M38. C. MacAlpine, William Mathews. B.S.Ch.E., Syracuse, 27. Res. engineer, Johns-Man- ville Res. Labs.. Manville, N. J. (3S7 E. Main St., Somerville, N. J.) M35. CB. Macalpine, Dr. William W(alter). A.M., Columbia, 24; Ph.D., 30. Communications engineer, Federal Telegraph Co., New- ark, N. J. (196 N. Oraton Parkwav, East Orange, N. J.) M36F36. MB. McAmis, Miss Ava Josephine. M.A., Texas, 21; Ph.D., Yale, 29. Asst. prof., Dept. Physiology, Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadlev, Mass. (202 E. Park Ave., San Antonio, Tex.) M22F33. CN. MacArthur, C(harles) G(eorge). Bow- mansville, N. Y. M28F33. CN. MacArthur, Dr. Edith Helena. A.M., Columbia, 23; Ph.D., 26. Prof, and dir. Dept. Home Economics, Skidmore Col., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M29F33. CN. MacArthur, John W(ood). M.A., Wabash, 12; Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Assoc, prof, genetics, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M13F15. FGN. McArthur, Dr. Lewis L(inn). M34F34- D34. N. McAtee, Miss Veva. M.A., Chicago. 237 Highland St., Hammond, Ind. M38. FGC. Macauley, J(ohn) B(lair), Jr. Res. en- gineer, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich. (146 Merriweather Road, Grosse Pointe, Mich.) M38. MBF. McAvoy, Miss Blanche. M.A., Ohio State, 12; Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Asst. prof, bio- logy, Illinois State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. (10S W. Ash St.) M21F33. G. McBain, Prof. James W(illiam). M.A., Leipzig, 04; Ph.D., Heidelberg, 08; Sc.D., Brown, 23, ^Bristol, 28. Prof, chemistry, Stanford University Calif. (571 Foothill Road) M28F32. CBF. McBerty, F(rank) R(obert). 877 Park Ave. W., Mansfield, Ohio. M25F31R35. MB. McBride, Dr. George M(cCutchen). Ph.D., Yale, 21. Prof., Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (710 Via de la Paz, Pacific Palisades, Calif.) M37. E. McBride, Orville C(lark). M.A., Missouri, 22. Entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Honolulu, Hawaii. M22F32. OC. McBride, Dr. Robert E(dwin). M.D., Tulane, 96. Las Cruces, N. Mex. Mi 7- F20. N. McBride, William Hugh. Actuary, Nat. Life and Accident Ins. Co., Nashville, Tenn. M38. NKB. McBroom, Miss Maude. M.A., Iowa. Univ. Elementary School, Iowa City, Iowa. M39. Q. McBryde, Dr. C(harles) N(eil). M.Sc, Virginia Polytechnic Inst., 92; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 97; Ph.D., George Wash- ington, 11. In charge Biochemic Div. Exp. Sta., U. S. Dept. Agric, Ames, Iowa. M25F27. N. McBurney, J(ohn) W(hite). B.A., Ohio State, 13. Senior technologist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (414 Taylor St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M29F29. M. Individual Members 653 McCabe, Prof. Britton C(harles). Sc.M., New York, 32. Prof, biology, Springfield Col., Springfield, Mass. M37. FNQ. McCabe, Francis Robert. B.S.F., Oregon State, 34. Civil engineer, U. S. Engineers, Eugene, Oreg. (Milner Hotel) M38. FGM. McCaffery, Prof. Richard S. 1623 Jeffer- son St., Madison, Wis. M35F35. MC. McCaffrey, J. C. Dept. Biology, St. Am- brose Col., Davenport, Iowa. M36R37. FGC. McCall, Dr. A(rthur) G(illett). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 16. State programs officer, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Wash- ington, D. C. M10F18. CGO. McCall, Dr. John Oppie. D.D.S., Buffalo, 04. Dir. Murry and Leonie Guggenheim Dental Clinic, 422 E. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. M33F33. Nd. McCall, M(ax) A(dams). M.S., Wash- ington State, 22; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Principal agronomist charge, Div. Cereal Crops and Diseases, and asst. chief. U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (209 Taylor St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M24- F25. OG. McCall, Prof. William A(nderson). M.A., Columbia, 14; Ph.D., 16. Prof, education, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M18F21. IQ. McCalla, Dr. Randolph L. Lanai City, Hawaii. M31R33. N. McCallan, Dr. S(amuel) E(ugene) A(lan). Ph.D., Cornell, 29. Plant pathologist, Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers, N. Y. M34F34. G. McCallie, Miss Edith. 363 4th St. NE., Atlanta, Ga. M39R39. G. McCallie, J. M. 133 Summit Ave., Summit, N. J. M35F35. I. McCallie, Dr. J(ames) P(ark). M.A., Vir- ginia, 00; Ph.D., 03; LL.D., Davidson, 36, King, 39. Headmaster, McCallie School, Chattanooga, Tenn. M34F34. DA. McCallum, Bruce (Campbell). Radio Dept., Gen. Store, Ocean Falls, B. C, Canada. M35R35. MBA. MacCallum, Dr. D(aniel) B(artlett). Ph.D., Chicago, 23; M.D., Rush, 26. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Southern California Med. School, Los Angeles, Calif. (10346 Rochester Ave.) M40. N. MacCallum, Miss Hazel. M.A., Columbia. Administrative asst., Amer. Inst. City New York, New York, N. Y. (542 W. 112th St.) M40. KQ. MacCallum, Dr. William G(eorge). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 97. Prof, pathology and bacteriology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. M08F10. N. Vice president for Section on Medical Sciences (N), 1924. McCamic, Dr. Charles. LL.B., Yale, 99; LL.D., West Virginia Wesleyan, 26. At- torney, Wheeling, W. Va. (Moundsville, W. Va.) M36. KL. McCampbell, John C(aldwell). M.S., Van- derbilt, 36. Instr. geology and geophysics, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M38. EAB. M-Canis, Prof. O. P. New Jersey Col. Pharmacy, Rutgers Univ., Newark, N. J. M27. GNpQ. McCann, Dr. William S(harp). M.D., Cornell, 15; D.Sc, Ohio State, 34. Prof, medicine, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry; physician-in-chief, Strong Memorial Hosp. and Rochester Municipal Hosp., Rochester, N. Y. (112 Berkeley St.) M28F31. N. McCann, Willis H(arrison). A.M., Cor- nell, 36. Resident psychologist, State Hosp. 3, Nevada, Mo. M40. I. MacCardle, Dr. Ross C(layton). Route 7, West Chester, Pa. M33R35. FN. McCarter, Miss Janet R(uth). M.S.. Wis- consin, 31; Ph.D., 33. Res. assoc. and instr., Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (221 Clifford Court) M33. FN. McCarthy, Dr. Dorothea (Agnes Rock). Ph.D., Minnesota, 28. Assoc, prof., Ford- ham Univ. School Education, New York; court psychologist. Westchester County Children's Court, White Plains, N. Y. M34F34. IQ- McCarthy, Eugene F(rancis). A.M., Harvard, 28. Harvard Faculty Club, 20 Quincy St., Cambridge, Mass. M32F33. BIM. MacCarthy, Dr. Gerald R(aleigh). Ph.D., North Carolina, 26. Assoc, geophysicist, U. S. Geol. Survey, 337 Customs House, Baltimore. Md. M25F31. E. McCarthy, John D. M.A., New York, 36. Member staff, School Health Bur., Welfare Div., Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York, N. Y. (92 Palisade Ave., Union City, N. J.) M40. FGQ. McCarthy, Dr. Joseph L(ePage). M.S., Idaho. 36; Ph.D., McGill, 38. Sessional lecturer and res. fellow, Dept. Industrial and Cellulose Chemistry, McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada. (1028 W. 10th Ave., Spokane, Wash.) M40. CBM. McCarthy, Sister Katharine. M.A., Colum- bia; Ph.D., Catholic, 14. Col. St. Scholas- tica, Duluth, Minn. M34. I. McCarthy, Miss Mary C(atherine). A.M., Brown, 23. Lab. technician, Prudential In- surance Co., Newark, N. J. (45 Scheerer Ave.) M39. NC. McCarthy, Miles D. B.S., West Chester State Teachers Col., 36. Instr. general zoology, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M40. F. 654 Directory of Members McCarthy, Rev. Raphael C(harles). A.M., St. Louis, 13; Ph.D., London, 25. Pres., Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, Wis. M26- F33. I. McCartney, Dr. Garnet C(hester). Route 2, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. M34F34- R34- E. McCarty, A(rthur) L(ouis). M.A., Cali- fornia, 15. Instr., San Francisco Junior Col., San Francisco, Calif. (1798 Grove St.) M18F38. A. McCarty, Prof. E(dward) C(layton). Riverside Junior Col., Riverside, Calif. M27R32. G. McCarty, William A. Company 1420, C.C.C., Ocala, Fla. (?) M35R3S. Q. McCash, I. N. Phillips Univ., Enid, Okla. M37R37- McCaskey, Dr. Carl H(eber), M.D., Indiana, 08. 3551 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. M37. N. McCastline, William H(enry). M.D., Columbia, 03. Univ. med. officer, Colum- bia Univ., New York, N. Y. (445 River- side Drive) M06. N. McCaughan, Dr. Russell C(raig). D.O., Amer. School Osteopathy, 14; Ph.D., Philadelphia Col. Osteopathy, 35. Execu- tive sec, Amer. Osteopathic Assn., 540 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. M40. N. McCaughey, Prof. William J(ohn). Ph.D., George Washington, 12. Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M08F11. CEB. McCauley, Rev. David V(incent). A.M., Woodstock, 20; Ph.D., Gregorian, 28. Dean, Georgetown Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. M29. IN. McCaulley, Dr. Selinda. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 27. Clinical psychologist, Board Education, Philadelphia Pa. (1806 Spruce St.) M32F33. I. McCausland, (John) Woods. 5648 Dor- chester Ave., Chicago, 111. M39. M. McCay, C(live) M(aine). M.S., Iowa State, 23; Ph.D., California, 25. Prof, animal nutrition, Cornell Univ.; bio- chemist. New York Conservation Dept., Ithaca, N. Y. M28F33. CFN. McCay, Prof. LeRoy Wiley. M06F08- D37. C. McClain, Dr. John A. M.S., Pennsyl- vania, 34; Ph.D., 39. Asst. prof, biology, Villanova Col., Villanova, Pa. M37. F. McClanahan, Dr. Albert C(larence). M.D., Rush. Retired physician, 1029 Browning Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M39. I. McClellan, Prof. Myrta Lisle. B.S., Chi- cago, 13. Asst. prof, geography, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (313 N. New Hampshire Ave.) M31. E. McClellan, Dr. Walter S(tuart). M.D., Harvard, 23. Med. dir., Saratoga Springs Commission, Saratoga Spa, Saratoga Springs; assoc. prof, medicine, Albany Med. Col.; assoc. attending physician, Albany Hosp., Albany, N. Y. M34F34. N. McClellan, Dr. William. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 03; E.E., 14. Pres., Union Electric Co. Missouri, 315 N. 12th Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. (929 E St. NW., Washington, D. C.) M28F31. M. McClelland, E(llwood) H(unter). Ph.B., Lafayette, 05. Technology librarian, Car- negie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa. M18F29. Q. McClelland, Lt. Col. Harold M. B.S., Kansas State, 16. Training and Opera- tions Div., Gen. Staff, U. S. War Dept., Washington, D. C. (Marlyn Apartments) M28. MB. McClelland, John R(obert). M.S., Yale, 17. Supt., Ponds Extract Co., Clinton, Conn. (20 Commerce St.) M22. N. McClelland, Thomas B(rown). A.B., Ken- tucky, 07. Senior horticulturist charge U. S. Plant Introduction Garden, Coconut Grove, Fla. M34F34. OG. McClenahan, Prof. Francis Mitchell. M.A., Yale, 01. Prof, geology, Monmouth Col., Monmouth, 111. (207 S. 8th St.) M29F33. CEB. McClenahan, Dr. Howard. M35F35D35. BM. McClendon, Dr. J(esse) F(rancis). M.S., Texas, 04; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 06. Res. prof, physiology, Hahnemann Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M07F10. CN. McClendon, Dr. S(amuel) J(ames). M.D., Creighton, 24. Pediatrician, 2654 4th Ave., San Diego, Calif. (777 Armada Terrace) M36. N. McClenon, Prof. Raymond B(enedict). Grinnell Col., Grinnell, Iowa. M18F25R32. AL. McCleskey, Dr. Charles S(helton). M.S., Iowa State, 26; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, prof, bacteriology, Louisiana State Univ., Uni- versity, La. M26F33. NOG. McClintock, Miss Barbara. Ph.D., Cornell, 27. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M39F40. G. McClintock, Prof. J(ames) A(lbertine). M.S., Wisconsin, 14. Prof, horticulture, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M13F24. GO. McClintock, Prof. John T(homas). M.D., Iowa, 98; D.Sc, Parsons, 25. Prof, and head Dept. Physiology, Univ. Iowa Col. Med., Iowa City, Iowa. M07F11. N. McClintock, Miss Mary. B.A., Carleton, 37. Instr. biol. sciences, Wayland Junior Col., Beaver Dam, Wis. M40. FG. McClintock, Prof. Norman. M26F33D38. FG. MacClintock, Prof. Paul. Ph.D., Chicago, 20. Prof, geography, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (170 Prospect Ave). M22F27. E. Individual Members 655 McCloy, Prof. James H(arvey). M.S., Ohio State, 23. Prof, physics, Otterbein Col., Westerville, Ohio. (37 W. Broadway) M40. B. McClung, Dr. Clarence E(rwin). A.M., Kansas, 98; Ph.D., 02. Prof, zoology and dir. Dept., Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia, Pa. M02F08. F. Vice president for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1927. McClung, Miss Esther C. 820 Walnut St., Pine Bluff, Ark. M32R39. EGF. McClung, Dr. L(eland) S(wint). M.A., Texas, 32; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 34. Dept. Botany and Bacteriology, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. M33F38. NOC. McClung, Prof. Robert K(enning). Univ. Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. M06- F08R39. B. McClure, Prof. Charles F(reeman) Wil- liam). A.M., Princeton, 92; Sc.D., Colum- bia, 08. Prof, emeritus biology, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M1SF20. F. McClure, Prof. F(loyd) A(lonzo). M.Sc, Ohio State, 28. Lingnan Univ., Canton, China. M24F33. FG. McClure, Dr. Frank J(ames). State Col- lege, Pa. M34F34R34. O. McClure, Gervase Wilford. New York Zoological Park, New York, N. Y. M31- R33. FHN. McClure, Harry B. M.S., Pennsylvania. 28. Technical Div., Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corp., 30 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. (3541 76th St.. Jackson Heights) M39. CMN. McClure, H(owe) Elliott. 1202 W. Main St., Urbana, 111. M35R35. F. McClure, Prof. James. M.A., Vanderbilt, 99. Asst. prof, mathematics, physics, and astronomy, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. (2002 20th Ave. S.) M27F33. ABD. McClure, Katherine L. (See Mrs. Kather- ine McClure Roehl). McClure, Dr. Matthew T(hompson), Jr. M.A., Virginia. 07; Ph.D., Columbia, 12. Dean, Col. Liberal Arts and Sciences, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M19. I. McClure, Prof. Oscar E(arle). M.A., Ohio State, 27. Assoc, prof, physics and elec- trical engng., Ohio Univ.. Athens, Ohio. (182 N. Congress St.) M28F33. B. McClure, Dr. Roy D(onaldson). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 08; D.Sc, Ohio State, 35. Surgeon-in-chief, Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit; extra-mural lecturer, Univ. Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1490 Iroquois Ave., Detroit, Mich.) M28F35. N. McClusky, Prof. Howard Y(ale). Univ. Michigan School Education, Ann Arbor, Mich. M28F31R32. QI. MacColl, Mrs. LeRoy A. (Mrs. Lucile Sargent MacColl). A.M., Columbia. 31. 237 E. 20th St., New York, N. Y. M32. GFA. McCollum, Burton. B.S., Kansas, 03. Pres., McCollum Exploration Co., Pantano Pe- troleum Co. and McCollum Oil Co., Hous- ton, Tex. (2949 Chevy Chase Drive) M34- F34. BEM. McCollum, Dr. E(lmer) V(erner). M.A., Kansas, 04; Ph.D., Yale, 06; Sc.D., Cin- cinnati, 20. Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hvgiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Md. M07F11. CN. McColm, Dr. Eugene M(iller). U. S. Rub- ber Co., North Bergen Plant, North Ber- gen, N. J. M34F34R39. C. McComas, Earl W. 5160 Tilden St. NW. Washington, D. C. M29F33. OKM. McComas, Dr. Henry Clay. A.M., Colum- bia, 98; Ph.D., Harvard, 10. Pres., H. C. McComas Coal Co., 300 W. 23rd St., Bal- timore, Md. (320 Hawthorn Road, Roland Park) M11F14. I. McComb, A. L. Dept. Forestry, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M35R36. O. McComb, Dr. Emily E(dgar). Ph.D., Yale, 28. Suffield, Conn. (M34F34R36)M38F34- N. McComb, H(arold) E(dgar). M.A., Ne- braska, 09. Chief, Section Observatories and Equipment, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. (417 Emerson St. NW.) M29F33. BCE. MacComb, Dr. William Spencer. Asst. at- tending surgeon, New York Memorial Hosp. and Welfare Island Memorial Hosp., New York, N. Y. M40. N. McCombe, Dr. John. 505 Shaughnessy Bldg., McGill St., Montreal, Que., Can- ada. M32R34. N. McCombs, Miss Lois F(erree). M.S., Wis- consin, 22. 396 Midwav Road, Pittsburgh, Pa. M27. NO. McCombs, Newell D. 326 56th St., Des Moines, Iowa. M38R38. QKI. McConahey, William M(cConnell), Jr. A.B., Washington and Jefferson. Med. student, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (1052 E. State St., Sharon, Pa.) M38. NF. McConkey, Prof. O(swald). Dept. Field Husbandry, Ontario Agric. Col., Guelph. Ont, Canada. M38R39. O. McConnell, Dr. Carl H. Hartwick Col., Oneonta. N. Y. (?) M35F35R35. F. McConnell, Dr. Duncan. M.S., Cornell, 32. Ph.D., Minnesota, 37. Instr. mineralogy, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M39. ECB. McConnell, Henry K. Box 726, Richmond, Va. M38R39. C. McConnell, Malcolm. 390 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. M34R35. McConnell, Robert S(teffan). The Chat- ham, 20th and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia. Pa. M18R39. M. 656 Directory of Members McConnell, Dr. T(homas) R(aymond). M.A., Ph.D., Iowa. 2153 Knapp St., St. Paul, Minn. M39. QI. McConnell, Dr. W. J(oseph). M.A., Den- ver, 18; Ph.D., Columbia, 25. Pres., North Texas State Teachers Col., Denton, Tex. M31. K. McConnell, Prof. Wallace R(obert). A.M., Wisconsin, 17; Ph.D., Clark, 25. 402 E. Withrow St., Oxford, Ohio. M3iF33- EKQ. McCoord, Dr. Augusta Barbara. Ph.D., Rochester, 38. Asst. pediatrics, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. (117 Rossiter Road) M35. CED. McCord, Gerald E. A.B., Defiance, 22. Stockroom mgr., Board Education Meth- odist Church, 740 Rush St., Chicago, 111. (617 N. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, 111.) M36. DEH. McCord, Howard Stevens, Jr. Bookkeeper, Contract Purchase and Finance Corp., Washington, D. C. (715 Timberbranch Drive, Alexandria, Va.) M40. B. McCorkle, Prof. W(illard) H(omer). Ph.D., Iowa, 35. Prof, physics, Texas A. and M. Col., College Station, Tex. M37- F38. BA. McCormack, Rev. Robert Anthony. A.M., Mt. St. Mary's. Head Dept. Education and Treas., Mt. St. Mary's Col., Emmits- burg, Md. M37. Q. McCormack, Dr. Robert Bruce. 151 58th St., Niagara Falls, N. Y. M37R37. G. McCormick, Miss Arista (Mercedes). B.S., Illinois. 124 S. Atherton St., State College, Pa. M40. CNF. McCormick, Cyrus H(all). L22D36. O. McCormick, Dr. Edward James. M.A., St. Johns, 13; M.D., St. Louis, 15. Surgeon and chief staff, St. Vincents Hosp. ; dir. surgery, Lucas County Hosp.; visiting surgeon, Toledo Hosp. and Mercy Hosp., Toledo, Ohio. (2460 Parkwood Ave.) M34. N. McCormick, Miss Florence A(nna). M.S., Tennessee; Ph.D., Chicago, 14. Patholo- gist, Connecticut Agric. Exp. Sta., New Haven, Conn. M05F21. GO. McCormick, Dr. Robert N(athaniel). M.Sc. Ohio State, 22; Ph.D., 32. 508 S. Talley Ave., Muncie, Ind. M23F33. FN. MacCorquodale, Dr. D(onald) W(illiam). M.S., Wisconsin, 26; Ph.D., 28. Biochemist, Abbott Labs., Chicago, 111. (691 Yale Lane, Highland Park, 111.) M34F34. C. McCosh, Miss Gladys K(athryn). M.A., Washington Univ., 22; Ph.D., Cornell, 28. Assoc, prof, zoology, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. M24F33. F. McCotter, Dr. Rollo E(ugene). M.D., Michigan, 10. Prof, anatomy. Univ. Mich- igan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M39F31. NDO. McCouch, Dr. Grayson P(revost). M.D., Pennsylvania, 15. Asst. prof, physiology. Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Phila- delphia, Pa. (Kose Tree Road, Media, Pa.) M34F34. N. McCourt, Prof. Walter (Edward). A.M., Cornell, 05. Prof, geology and asst. chan- cellor, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M06F11. EM. Vice president for Section on Geology and Geography (E), 1935- McCown, Monroe. Dept. Horticulture, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M34F34- R34. O. McCown, Dr. Theodore D(oney). Ph.D., California, 40. Instr. anthropology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M40. H. McCoy, Alex(ander) W(atts). C.E., Mis- souri, 12; M.A., 14. Geologist. 919 E. Grand Ave., Ponca City, Okla. M29F31. E. McCoy, Miss Dorothy. Belhaven Col., Jackson, Miss. M33F33R37. A. McCoy, Miss Elizabeth (Florence). M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin, 29. Assoc, prof, agric. bacteriology Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (412 W. Gilman St.) M27F40. O. McCoy, Herbert N(ewby). Ph.D., Chicago, 98. 1226 Westchester Place, Los Angeles, Calif. M28F31. BCM. McCoy, James J(efferson). Bowlegs, Okla. M33R34. FAD. McCoy, Dr. L(eslie) L(ayton). M.D., Co- lumbia, 19. Ophthalmologist, Seattle Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic, Seattle, Wash. (2159 Hamlin St.) M36. N. McCoy, Sister Miriam Elizabeth. M.A., Johns Hopkins. 35. Instr. biology, Chest- nut Hill Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M36. FG. McCoy, Dr. O (liver) R(ufus). M.S., Wash- ington Univ., 27; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 30. Asst. prof, parasitology, Univ. Roches- ter School Med. and Dentistrv, Rochester, N. Y. M31F33. FN. McCoy, Dr. Richard H(ugh). M.S., Ph.D.. Illinois. Fellow W'star Tnst *"?Mmy and Biology, Philadelphia, Pa. M38. C. McCrackan, Prof. Robert F(ranklin). A.M., Columbia, 10. Assoc, prof, chemis- try, Med. Col. Virginia. Richmond Va. (1005 W. Franklin St.) M25F26. CNQ. McCracken, Dr. C(harles) CGie--»r). Connecticut State Col., Storrs, Conn. M24- R33. Q. McCracken, Dr. Earl C. M.S., Iowa St.nte, 29; Ph.D., Minnesota, 34. Asst. prof. household administration, Columbia Lniv. Teachers Col.. New York. N. Y. (114 Morningside Drive) M29F33. BNA. McCracken, Miss Elizabeth (Unger). M.A., Wellesley, 32; Ph.D., California, 37. Instr. botany. Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M35L40. G. MacCracken, Dr. John H(enry). 9 E. 83rd St.. New York, N. Y. M02F07R34. I. Individual Members 657 McCracken, Dr. (Mary) Isabel. M.A., Stanford, 05; Ph.D., 08. Res. assoc, Cali- fornia Acad. Sciences, San Francisco; prof, emeritus zoology, Stanford Univer- sity. Calif. (Mo4Fi4R3s)M39Fi4. FGE. McCracken, Dr. William. Western State Teachers Col., Kalamazoo, Mich. M08F28- R38. C. McCrady, Prof. Edward. Oxford, Miss. M32. FLH. McCrady, Prof. Edward, Jr. Dept. Biology, Univ. South, Sewanee, Tenn. M33F36R39. FN. McCrae, Dr. Thomas. M28F33D35. N. McCrea, Dr. Adelia. Ph.D., Michigan, 30. Res. mycologist, Parke, Davis, and Co., Detroit, Mich. M21F31. GNO. McCrea, Prof. Nelson G(lenn). A.M., Co- lumbia, 86; Ph.D., 88; Litt.D., 29. Prof, emeritus Latin and literature, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M13L24F31. LQ. Vice president for Section on Historical and Philological Sciences (L), 1938. MacCreadie, Prof. William T. 13th St., Lewisburg, Pa. M35F35R35. A. McCready, Harry Joseph, Jr. Geol.E., Col- orado School Mines, 37. Gravity meter op- erator, Mott-Smith Corp., Houston, Tex. (4923 Knox Court, Denver, Colo.) M40. EAB. McCready, Dr. Robert L(yness). M.D., Columbia, 07. 312 W. 87th St., New York, N. Y. M29. N. McCready, Dr. William. 61 13 Jackson St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M32. N. McCreary, Dr. Otto C. Ph.D., Ohio State, 26. Assoc, res. chemist, Wyoming Agric. Exp. Sta.. Laramie, Wyo. (320 S. 5th St.) M34F34. C. McCrery, Prof. Jonnie (Hemphill). M.A., Columbia. Dept. Foods and Nutrition, Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. M37- F40. CFO. McCrory, Prof. John R(aymond). State Teachers Col., St. Cloud, Minn. M32R32. QIK. McCrosky, Dr. Carl R. M.A., Ohio State, 15; Ph.D., 18. Prof, analytical chemistry and head Dept., Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. M38. CBA." McCrudden, Dr. Francis H(enry). M.D., Harvard, 08. Asst. med. dir., New Eng- land Mutual Life Ins. Co., 95 Milk St., Boston, Mass. M17F21. N. McCubbin, W(alter) A(lexander). M.A., Toronto, 09. Senior pathologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Wash- ington, D. C. (2926 Porter St. NW.) M18- F23. G. McCue, Prof. Charles Andrew. New Jer- sey Agric. Exp. Sta., Newark, Del. Mio- F24. FGO. McCullagh, Dr. D(ouglas) Roy. M.Sc, Manitoba, 25; Ph.D., Cambridge, 29. Dir. Biochemical Res., Cleveland Clinic Founda- tion. Cleveland, Ohio. (2040 E. 93rd St.) M36F38. N. McCulloch, Dr. Ernest C(arr). D.V.M., Kansas State, 24; M.A., Illinois, 28; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Assoc, prof, bacteriology and parasitology, State Col. Washington, Pullman, Wash. (2004 Indiana Ave.) M36- F38. NFO. McCulloch, Prof. Hugh. 325 N. Euclid Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M34F34R35. N. McCulloch, Dr. Irene A(gnes). M.A., Kan- sas, 13; Ph.D., California, 16. Prof, zool- ogy, Univ. Southern California, Los An- geles, Calif. M17F21. F. McCulloch, Miss Lucia. Assoc, patholo- gist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. M23F25. G. McCulloch, Richard. E.M., Washington Univ., 91 ; M.A., 06. Trustee, Beggs' Estate, 1476 Arcade Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. M36. McCulloch, Dr. T(homas) L(ogan). Labs. Comparative Psychobiology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M34R35. IFH. McCulloch, Dr. Warren Sturgis. M.D. Whippoorwill Road Old Lyme, Conn. M31F38. N. McCullough, Dr. Constance M(ary). M.S., Butler, 33; Ph.D., Minnesota, 38. Hiram Col., Hiram, Ohio. M38. Q. McCullough, F. M. Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35R36. McCullough, Prof. James C(aldwell). M.S., Case. 10. Prof, chemistry, Oberlin Col., Oberlin, Ohio. (153 S. Cedar St.) M28F33. CBI. McCullough, Dr. Norman B. M.S., Michi- gan State, 33; Ph.D., Chicago, 37. Bac- teriologist, Biol. Labs., Parke, Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich. M40. N. MacCurdy, Dr. George Grant. A.M., Har- vard, 94; Ph.D., Yale, 05. Prof, emeritus, anthropology, Yale Univ., New Haven ; dir. Amer. School Prehistoric Res., Old Lyme, Conn. M99F00V39. H. Secretary of Section on Anthropology and Psychology (H ), 1901, 1909-12, 19 15-17 ; vice president, 1905. MacCurdy, Dr. Hansford M. M02F11D37. FG. MacCurdy, Dr. John T(homson). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 11; M.A., Cambridge, 23; Sc.D., 29. Corpus Christi Col., Cambridge, England. M20. N. McCurdy, Richard C(lark). E.M., Stan- ford, 33. Production engineer, Shell Oil Co., Ventura, Calif. M34. BME. MacCurdy, Winifred. Gila Pueblo, Globe. Ariz. M30R33. H. 658 Directory of Members McCuskey, Sidney W(ilcox). S.M.. Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 30; Ph.D., Harvard, 36. Asst. prof, mathematics and astron- omy, Case School Applied Science, Cleve- land, Ohio. M30F38. DAB. McCutcheon, Dr. F(rederick) H(arold). M.S., North Dakota State, 33; Ph.D., Duke, 36. Asst. prof, zoology, North Caro- lina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M39. FN. McCutcheon, Dr. Morton. M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 17. Assoc, prof, pathology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M24F27. N. McCutcheon, Dr. Thomas P(otter). Ph.D.. Pennsylvania, 07. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M28F11. C. McDaniel, Allen B(oyer). S.B., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 01. Dir. Res. Ser. ; con- sultant, Nat. Resources Planning Board; professorial lecturer engng., George Wash- ington Univ., Washington, D. C. (Water- ford, Va.) M04F14. MQ. McDaniel, Dr. Alonzo S(impson). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 09. Dir. res., Niagara Sprayer and Chem. Co., Inc., Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C. M29. CG. McDaniel, Miss Eugenia Inez. B.A., Kan- sas, 08. Assoc, prof, and res. assoc, Michi- gan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M27- F33. F. McDaniel, Frederick William. 19 N. New- stead Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M36. McDaniel, Dr. Walton Brooks. A.M., Har- vard, 94; Ph.D., 99. Prof, emeritus Latin language and literature, Univ. Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. (4082 Malaga Ave., Coconut Grove, Miami Fla.) M24- F31.L. McDaniels, Dr. H(erbert) E(li). M.S., Illi- nois, 32; Ph.D., 36. Coordinating bacteri- ologist, Illinois Dept. Public Health; assoc. bacteriology and public health, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (6536 S. Emerald Ave.) M34. N. MacDaniels, L(aurence) H(owland). Ph.D., Cornell, 17. Prof, pomology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (422 Chestnut St.) M23F25. GO. McDarment, Capt. Corley P(erry). M.A., George Washington, 26. Head Dept. Aero- nautics. Columbus Univ. Junior Col.; head Dept. Public Speaking, Law School and Junior Col., Columbus Univ., Washing- ton, D. C. (1909 19th St. NW.) M24. DHL. McDavitt, Miss Neva. A.M., Clark. Asst. prof, geography, Illinois State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. (304 W. Mulberry St.) M30. E. McDermott, Charles B. Ph.G., Illinois. 24. iooj Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. (M37- R37W39. NpC. McDermott, Miss Elizabeth B(riggs). Serology Lab., Univ. Hosp., Ann Arbor, Mich. M38. N. McDermott, Eugene. M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 19; M.A., Columbia, 25. Pres., Geo- physical Service, Inc., 131 1 Republic Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. M34F40. BAE. McDermott, F(rank) A(lexander). M.S., Pittsburgh, 14. Chem. supt., Deepwater Alcohol Plant, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (815 W. 32nd St.) M17F33. C. McDermott, Irene (See Mrs. Irene Cas- sell). McDiarmid, Dr. R(ichard) J(ohn). M.Sc, Pittsburgh, 11; Ph.D., Princeton, 15. Do- minion Observatory, Ottawa, Ont., Can- ada. M22F23. BD. MacDill, Col. Leslie. M39D39. ABM. McDill, Prof. R. M. Prof, mathematics, Hastings Col., Hastings, Nebr. M35F35. A. MacDonald, Arthur. (M34F34R34)M36- F34D36. HIN. McDonald, Dr. Clinton C(obb). M.A., In- diana, 24; Ph.D., 26. Prof, and head Dept. Botany and Bacteriology and dir. Student Health Service, Univ. Wichita, Wichita, Kans. (M28F28R36)M38F28.G. McDonald, Sister Elizabeth Seton. M.S., Notre Dame, 32; Ph.D., 37. Col. Mt. St. Joseph-on-the-Ohio, Mt. St. Joseph, Ohio. M36. GF. McDonald, Dr. Ellice. M.D.,C.M., McGill, 01. Dir. Biochemical Res. Foundation, Franklin Inst., Newark, Del. M27F33. N. MacDonald, E(rwin) H(untington). E.M., Michigan Col. Mines and Tech., 93. Chief geologist, Northern Pacific Railway, St. Paul, Minn. (134 Yellowstone Ave., Bill- ings, Mont.) M25. EM. McDonald, Dr. Francis G. Ph.D., Rutgers, 29. Biochemist, Mead Johnson and Co., Evansville, Ind. (705 Lombard St.) M31- F33. C. McDonald, Dr. Frank C(obb). M.S.. Chi- cago. 22; Ph.D., 26. Prof, physics, South- ern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Tex. (3537 Milton St.) M28F32. B. Macdonald, Dr. G. B. R. M33D34. NIB. MacDonald, Dr. John Alexander. T408 N. Pennsvlvania St., Indianapolis. Ind. M36- R37. NEK. McDonald, Dr. John M. S. A.M.. Colum- bia, 24; Ph.D., 31. Prof, philosophy, Univ. South, Sewanee, Term. M36. IHF. McDonald, Dr. Margaret B(axter). Ph.D., Brvn Mawr, 02. Citronelle, Ala. M07F11. CGO. McDonald, Robert. Cerro de Pasco Cop- per Corp., La Oroya, Peru, S. A. M38. MA. Macdonald, Dr. Roderick. Philadelphia Zoological Gardens, Philadelphia, Pa. M34F34R35. F. Individual Members 659 Macdonald, Prof. Stewart L(incoln). M.S., Columbia, 13. Prof, mathematics, Colo- rado State Col., Fort Collins, Colo. Mio. AD. MacDonald, W(ilfrid) E(wart). M.A., Harvard, 07. Payne Hall, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (?) M24L26. ADB. McDonald, W(illard) F(loyd). Principal meteorologist (special asst. to chief), U. S. Weather Bur., Washington, D. C. (6 N. Irving St., Arlington, Va.) M38F38. BE. McDonnell, Dr. Curtis C(riss). D.Sc, Maryland, 20. U. S. Food and Drug Ad- ministration, Washington, D. C. M02F15. CFG. McDonnell, Dr. H(enry) B(arnett). M.D., Maryland, 88; M.S., Pennsylvania State, 09. Prof, agric. chemistry retired, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M91F93E39. CN. McDonnell, James S(mith), Jr. M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 23. Pres., Mc- Donnell Aircraft Corp., Robertson, Mo. (5 McKnight Lane, Clayton, Mo.) M36. MIK. McDonnell, Dr. John N(eumann). M.Sc, Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 33; D.Sc, 36; D.Sc, Pennsylvania. Asst. prof, pharmacy and asst. registrar, Phila- delphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, Phila- delphia, Pa. (409 Old York Road, Jenkin- town, Pa.) M40. Np. McDonnell, Joseph F(rancis), Jr. M.Sc, Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 27. Chief chemist and dir. Lab., Dept. Pub- lic Instruction, State Board Pharmacy, Harrisburg, Pa. (103 Locust St.) M28. NpC. McDonnell, Dr. M(ilton) E(arle). M.S.. Pennsylvania State, 96; Ph.D., Kiel, 99. Chief chemist, Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Hollidaysburg, Pa. (910 Allegheny St.) M18F33. C. McDonough, Dr. Donald L. Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 31. Teacher mathematics. Over- brook High School and Drexel Inst. Eve- ning School. Philadelphia, Pa. (18 Sun- shine Road, Upper Darby, Pa.) M34F34. A. McDonough, E(ugene) S(towell). M.S., Marquette. 30; Ph.D., Iowa State, 36. Asst. prof., Dept. Biology, Marquette Univ., Mil- waukee, Wis. (2719 N. Cramer St.) M31- F38. GF. McDonough, F. L. 310 N. 7th St., Brook- lyn. X. Y. M35F35R35. CF. McDonough, Sister M. Rosa. Ph.D., Cath- olic. 29. Dean. St. Joseph Col., West Hart- ford, Conn. M32F33. IK. MacDougal, Dr. Daniel T(rembley). A.M., De Pauw, 93; LL.D., 10; M.S., Purdue, 91; Ph.D., 97: LL.D., Arizona, 15. Route 170, Carmel, Calif. M95F97E40. G. Secre- tary of Section on Botany (G), 1900; vice president, 1906. General Secretary, 1921- 24. President of Southwestern Division, 1922. McDougall, Alexander H. 582 Driveway, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M07F09. AQ. MacDougall, Dr. F(rank) H(enry). M.A., Queen's, 03; Ph.D., Leipzig, 07. Prof, and chief Div. Physical Chemistry, Univ. Min- nesota Minneapolis, Minn. (2460 W. 22nd St.) M22F22. C. McDougall, G(eorge) F(erguson). Con- sulting engineer and patent expert, Board Trade Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (1818 N. East 50th Ave.) M35. MKQ. MacDougall, Prof. Mary Stuart. M.S., Chi- cago, 16; Ph.D., Columbia, 25; Sc.D., Montpellier, 35. Prof, biology and head Dept., Agnes Scott Col., Decatur, Ga. M26- F30. FGN. MacDougall, Dr. Robert. 228 Midland Ave., Montclair, N. J. M00F01R38. IQH. McDougall, Dr. W(alter) B(yron). Ph.D., Michigan, 13. Regional wildlife technician, U. S. Bur. Biol. Survey, Santa Fe, N. Mex. M17F21. G. McDougle, Miss Edith A(ugusta). A.B., Delaware Women's Col., 18. Instr. mathe- matics and physics, Women's Col., Univ. Delaware, Newark, Del. M29F38. AB. McDowell, Dr. Arthur R(oscoe). M26D38. QN. MacDowell, Dr. Charles H(enry). Sc.D., Pittsburgh, 21. Pres. retired, Armour Fer- tilizer Work, Chicago, 111. (1500 Lake Shore Drive) M19F33. CO. MacDowell, Mrs. C(harlotte) G(annett). A.B., Vassar, 10. Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. M23. F. McDowell, Capt. C(lyde) S(tanley), U.S.N. D.Sc, Wisconsin, 21. 745 S. Oak Knoll Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M25F27. MBH. MacDowell, Dr. E(dwin) Carleton. M.S., Harvard, 11; S.D., 12. Res. investigator, Dept. Genetics, Carnegie Inst. Washing- ton, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. M17F20. F. McDowell, Prof. Louise S(herwood). Ph.D., Cornell, 09. Prof, physics, Welles- ley Col., Wellesley, Mass. (20 Dover Road) M11F15L20. B. McDowell, S(amuel) J(ohn). Cer.E., Ohio State, 33. Factory mgr., Plant 3, Gen. Ceramics Co., Keasbey, N. J. M34F34. CME. MacDuffee, Prof. C(yrus) C(olton). S.M., Chicago, 20; Ph.D., 21. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (1822 W. Lawn Ave.) M22F29. A. McDufne, Mrs. Irene T. A.M., Columbia. 1905 15th St. NW., Washington, D. C. M40. FG. Mace, Otis (Earle). Stemmers Run, Md. M35R35. M. McElfresh, Prof. William E(dward). A.M., Harvard, 96; Ph.D., 00. Grace Court, Wil- liamstown, Mass. M03F06. B. 66o Directory of Members McElvain, Prof. S(amuel) M(arion). Ph.D., Illinois, 23. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M29F33. CN. Macelwane, Rev. Francis J. Pres., De Sales Col., Toledo, Ohio. M38. Macelwane, Rev. James B(ernard). M.A., St. Louis, 11; M.S., 12; Ph.D., California, 23. Prof, geophysics and dir. Dept., St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M24F27. BE. Vice president for Section on Geology and Geography (E), 1934. Maceo, Mrs. Josefa Velazguez (See de Maceo, Mrs. Josefa Velazguez). McEwan, Dr. Eula D(avis). Ph.D., In- diana, 18. Asst. prof, geology, Univ. Ne- braska, Lincoln, Nebr. (1223 H St.) M21- F25. E. McEwen, Alfred. Pres., Ox Fibre Brush Co., 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M17. P. MacEwen, Dr. E(wen) M(urchison). M.D., Iowa, 12; M.S., 15. Dean and head Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Iowa Col. Med., Iowa City, Iowa. M29F33. HFN. McEwen, Prof. George F(rancis). Ph.D., Stanford, 11. Prof, physical oceanography, Scripps Inst. Oceanography, Univ. Cali- fornia, La Jolla, Calif. M13F15. AB. McEwen, Dr. (Osceola) Currier. M.D., New York, 26. Dean and assoc. prof, medicine, New York'Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. (1435 Lexington Ave.) M39. NQ. McEwen, Prof. Robert S(tanley). M.A., Western Reserve, 12; Ph.D., Columbia, 17. Prof, zoology, Oberlin Col., Oberlin, Ohio. (208 Forest St.) M22F23. F. McEwen, William Kirk. M.A.. Harvard, 33; Ph.D., 34. 100 Indian Hill Road, Win- netka, 111. M39. CFN. McFaddan, Norman Francis. Res. techni- cian, Douglas Aircraft Co., Santa Monica; dir. res., Hermac Labs., 301 1 University Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M38. EBF. McFadden, Miss E(ffie) B(elle). 496 Crestlake Drive, San Francisco, Calif. M31R36. GFQ. McFadden, Miss Elizabeth. State Col., San Jose, Calif. M31R36. NQ. MacFadden, Dr. F(rederick) A(lexander) R(ay)- 715 Central Bldg., Wichita, Kans. (?) M26R32. KME. McFadden, Dr. J. H. M35F35D39. I. McFadden, J(ohn) H. Supt. construction, U. S. Dept. Justice, Alcatraz, Calif. M30. M. McFarlan, Dr. Arthur C(rane). Ph.D.. Chicago, 24. Prof, geology and head Dept., Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. (1712 Fairway Drive) M24F31. E. McFarland, Daniel Carter. 604 Banker's Trust Bldg., Norfolk, Va. M32R33. AM. MacFarland, Dr. F(rank) M(ace). A.M., Stanford, 93 ; Ph.D., Wiirzburg, 96. Prof. emeritus histology, Stanford University; pres., California Acad. Sciences, San Fran- cisco, Calif. (775 Santa Ynez St., Stan- ford University, Calif.) M06F10. FN. McFarland, Prof. Frank T(heodore). M.S., Michigan, 16; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 21. Prof, and head Dept. Botany, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. M16F21. G. McFarland, Dr. Ross A(rmstrong). Ph.D., Harvard, 28. Asst. prof.. Fatigue Lab., Harvard Univ., Boston, Mass. (986 Me- morial Drive, Cambridge, Mass.) M34- F34. IHN. Macfarlane, C(laude) T(hurmond). 4724 9th Ave. NE., Seattle, Wash. M39R39. Macfarlane, Dr. Eileen W. E. (Aileen W. Erlanson). M.S., Michigan, 24; Ph.D., 28; D.Sc, London, 34. Res. fellow. Botanical Garden, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; independent investigator anthro- pology, India Mus., Calcutta, India. M22- F33. GH. Macfarlane, James R. M01F06D38. E. Macfarlane, Dr. Jean Walker. Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 22. Res. assoc. charge guidance study, Inst. Child Welfare; assoc. prof, psychology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (2739 Bancroft Way) M40. I. Macfarlane, Dr. John M(uirhead). D.Sc, Edinburgh, 83; LL.D., Pennsylvania, 20. Prof, emeritus botany, Univ. Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. (427 W, Hans- berry St., Germantown) M92F99E39. G. McFarlane, Maynard (Leslie) D(eedes). Pres. and chief engineer, Record-O-Tone, Inc., 6059 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. M28F28. M. McFarlane, Dr. S(amuel) Hanford. M.S., Ph.D., Illinois. Prof, biology, Aurora Col., Aurora, 111. M36. F. Macfarlane, Dr. Wallace. M.S., Illinois, 13; Ph.D., 15. Div. mgr., Pacific Guano Co., 4522 Worth St., Los Angeles, Calif. (2430 Lorain Road San Marino, Calif.) M35- F35. o. McGarry, Miss Mary A. St. Marv's Col., Holy Cross, Ind. (?) M37R37. FG. McGavock, C(ecil) B(illups), Jr. M.S., Virginia, 35. Asst. geologist, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn. (2401 York St., Chattanooga, Tenn.) M40. EM. McGaw, Prof. F(rederick) M(ilton). A.M., Philadelphia Junior Col., 99. Prof, mathe- matics, Cornell Col., Mt. Vernon, Iowa. (615 6th Ave.) M30F33. ADB. McGee, Frank Mason. B.S., Kentucky, 38. Graduate asst., Univ. Kentucky, Lexing- ton, Ky. (390 S. Upper St.) M39. ABC. McGee, Harold G(ilbert). B.C.E., Michi- gan, 13. Dir. municipal res., Akron Cham- ber Commerce, Akron, Ohio. (Hudson, Ohio) M25F25. M. Individual Members 661 McGee, Dr. Sidney L. Box 374, Milledge- ville, Ga. M31R32. LKQ. McGeoch, Prof. John A(lexander). A.M., Colorado Col., 19; Ph.D., Chicago, 26. Prof, psychology and head Dept., Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M25F25. IQ. Secre- tary of Section on Psychology (I), 1934- 36. McGeorge, W(illiam) T(homas). M.S., George Washington, 18. Agric. chemist, Arizona Agric. Exp. Sta.; state chemist (feed and fertilizer control), Tucson, Ariz. M28F31. G. McGerrigle, Dr. H. W. Norwich, Vt. (?) M35F35R35. E. McGhee, Dr. George C(rews). Ph.D., Ox- ford. 37. Consulting geologist and geo- physicist, DeGolyer, MacNaughton and McGhee, Continental Bldg., Dallas, Tex. (4660 N. Versailles St.) M40. EBM. McGhee, Prof. J(oseph) L(lewellyn). Em- ory University, Ga. M31F33R37. C. McGhie, Dr. Bernard Thomas. M.D..C.M., Queen's, 19. Deputy Minister Health and Hosps., Province Ontario, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M38. NI. McGiffert, Prof. James. 169 8th St., Troy, N. Y. M23F33R37. A. McGill, Dr. Caroline. A.M., Missouri, 05 ; Ph.D., 08; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 14. Physician, 58 W. Quartz St., Butte, Mont. M12F27. N. McGill, Dr. J(ohn) T(homas). Ph.D., Vanderbilt, 81. Prof, emeritus organic chemistrv, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. M86F88V37. C. McGill, Prof. V. Jerauld. Ph.D., Harvard. Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. M38. IKQ. McGill, William M(ahone). Box 1428, Univ. Sta., Charlottesville, Va. M38. ELM. McGilliard, Miss Eleanor (Ross). M.A., Cincinnati, 27. Asst. prof, biology, Univ. Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tenn. M28. G. MacGillivray, Dr. John H(enry). M.S., Illinois, 22; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 25. Asst. prof, truck crops and assoc. olericulturist, Univ. California. Davis, Calif. (31 College Park) M25F27. OG. McGinnies, W(illiam) G(rovenor). Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Principal forest ecologist, U. S. Southwestern Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Tucson, Ariz. (1939 E. 9th St.) M25F32. GO. Secretary of Southwestern Di- vision, 1929-30. McGinnis, Dr. Claude S(tonecliffe). Ph.D., Pennsylvania. 11. Prof, physics and head Dept.. Temple Univ.. Philadelphia, Pa. (129 Washington Lane, Wyncote, Pa.) M24F31. B. McGinnis, Crawford. 414 N. Hayworth Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. (?) M31R33. GED. McGinnis, Dr. Esther. Ph.D., Minnesota, 28. Prof, family life, State Teachers Col., Buffalo, N. Y. (1265 Colvin Blvd., Ken- more, N. Y.) M24F33. QI. McGinnis, Dr. John M(arshall). A.M., Harvard, 25; Ph.D., Yale, 29. Prof, psy- chology, Hollins College, Va. (Route 2, Roanoke, Va.) M27F33. IHF. McGinty, Dr. Daniel A(rthur). M.A., Den- ver, 21 ; Ph.D., Michigan, 24. Physiologist, Parke, Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich. (754 Grand Marais Blvd., Grosse Pointe Park, Mich.) M30F33. N. McGivern, Prof. Richard A. 9 Clermont St., Boston, Mass. M36R36. F. McGlone, Dr. Bartgis. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 07. Asst. prof, physiology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M07F32. FN. McGonegal, A. R. 200 Clarendon Ave., Clarendon, Va. M32R33. M. McGovern, James P. LL.B., New York. Lawver, 1027 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. M39. CP. McGovern, Dr. John N(eilson). M.S., Wis- consin, 30; Ph.D., 36. Asst. technologist, U. S. Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. M38F38. CMA. McGowan, Douglas C(lark). 1802 Le Roy Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M37. CBQ. McGrath, Earl James. 90 Livingston St., Buffalo. N. Y. M31R33. McGrath, Rev. Joseph S(arto). Ph.D., Notre Dame, 39. Dean Col. Science and head Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Portland, Portland, Oreg. M40. C. McGrath, Thomas Orrin. 2504 Tvson Ave., Tampa, Fla. (M36R38)M40. BDK. McGraw, Dr. Arthur B(utler). M.D., Co- lumbia, 19. Assoc, surgeon, Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit, Mich. (340 Lakeland Ave., Grosse Pointe, Mich.) M23. N. McGraw, James William. Pharmacist, Powell Pharmacy, 1458 Market St., Red- ding, Calif. M40. NpC. McGraw, Dr. John, Jr. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 30. Head Dept. Chemistry, Concord State Teachers Col., Athens, W. Va. M35- F35. c. McGraw, Dr. Myrtle B. M.A., Columbia, 25; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, dir., Normal Child Development Study of Columbia Univ., Babies Hosp.; asst. psychologist. Sloane Hosp. Women. New York, N. Y. (162 Villard Ave., Hastings on Hudson, N. Y.) M32. IHN. McGregor, E(rnest) A(lexander). A.M., Stanford, 09. Box 70, Whittier, Calif. M25- F20. F. McGregor, Prof. James H(oward). M.A., Columbia, 96; Ph.D., 99. Prof, zoology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M02- F05. F. 662 Directory of Members Macgregor, Dr. John A. M36D39. NHF. McGregor, John C(harles). M.A., Arizona, 31. Instr., Arizona State Teachers Col.; curator, Mus. Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Ariz. (220 N. Agassiz St.) M32F38. HE. McGregor, Dr. R(ob) R(oy). M.A., Mc- Master, 23; Ph.D., Illinois, 26. Res. chem- ist, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pitts- burgh, Pa. M28F33. C. McGregor, Dr. Robert. M.D., Michigan, 94. 201 Wiechmann Bldg., Saginaw, Mich. M17. N. McGrew, John B(aldwin). LL.B., Colum- bia, 94. 711 N. Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio. M24. BDF. McGrew, Dr. R(alph) V(incent). M.S., Nebraska, 24; Ph.D., Northwestern, 27. Asst. prof, organic chemistry, Pennsyl- vania State Col., State College, Pa. (118 S. Gill St.) M28F33. CNB. McGucken, Rev. William J., S. J. 221 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. (M32R32)- M36R36. QIL. McGuigan, Prof. Hugh Alister. Ph.D., Chicago, 06; M.D., Rush, 08. Prof, phar- macology, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chi- cago, 111. (2315 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111.) M07F21. Np. McGuinness, Dr. Madge C(arroll) Leon- ard). M.D., Woman's Med. Col. Pennsyl- vania, 08. 121 1 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M29. N. McGuire, Dr. Constantine E(dward). A.M., Harvard, 12; Ph.D.. 15. Consulting econ- omist, Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. M39- KLP. MacGuire, Dr. (Daniel) Philip. 28 E. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. M36R36. N. McGuire, Miss Grace (Mary). A.M., Co- lumbia. 22. 164-03 89th Ave., Jamaica, N. Y. M18F22. C. McGuire, James W(illiam). Senior carto- graphic engineer retired, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. (251 nth St. SE.) M25F25. EIL. McGuire, Dr. Johnson. M.D.. Johns Hop- kins, 24; M.A., Cincinnati, 26. Assoc, prof, medicine. Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. (2583 Grandin Road) M40. N. McGuire, Dr. Stuart. M.D., Virginia, 91; LL.D., Richmond, 16. Surgeon, 1000 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va. M25F33. N. McHale, Dr. Kathryn. A.M.. Ph.D., Co- lumbia. 1634 I St. NW, Washington, D. C. M39. QIH. McHargue, Dr. J(ames) S(pencer). M.S.. Kentucky, 14; Ph.D., Cornell, 21. Head Dept. Chemistry, Kentucky Agric. Exp. Sta., Lexington, Kv. (411 Transylvania Park) M08F15. CGO. McHatton, Dr. T(homas) H(ubbard). Sc.D., Spring Hill, 07; M.Hort., Michigan, 22. Prof, and head Dept. Horticulture,. Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. (847 Milledge Ave.) M07F18. GO. McHenry, Donald Edward. M.A., Colorado, 29. Park naturalist, Nat. Park Service, Washington, D. C. (6416 Ridge Drive NW.) M35F35. FG. Machlan, Perry L(ester). Jolo, Sulu, P. L M29. CEF. Machle, Dr. Willard F. M.D., Cincinnati, 25. Asst. dir. and res. assoc, Kettering Lab. Applied Physiology, Univ. Cincin- nati Col. Med., Cincinnati, Ohio. (594» Winton Road) M35F38. N. Macht, Dr. David I(srael). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 06; Phar.D., Maryland, 24; Litt.D., Yeshiva, 33. Dir. Pharmacological Res. Lab., Hynson, Westcott and Dun- ning, Inc., Baltimore, Md.; prof, general physiology, Yeshiva Col., New York, N. Y. (3420 Auchentoroly Terrace, Baltimore, Md.) M18F21. NpGI. McHugh, Rev. Daniel Joseph. M.S., St. Mary's Seminary, 06. Prof, astronomy, De Paul Univ., Chicago, 111. (1010 Webster Ave.) M32. DB. McHugh, Rev. Matthew Wilfrid. M.A., Catholic, 36. Instr. psychology, Col. Edu- cation, Great Falls, Mont. M40. I. Mcllhenny, Rufus A. M31D40. EHF. Macllvaine, Francis S(hippen). 264 Oak Ridge Ave., Summit, N. J. L18. MKP. Mcllvaine, Miss Margaret (Brown). A.B., Monmouth, 32. Instr. mathematics and Latin, High School, Holton, Ind. (Milroy, Ind.) M37. AD. Mcllwraith, Dr. Charles G(oldie), M.Sc, New York. 26; Ph.D., 28. Physicist, Beacon Lab., Texas Co., Beacon, N. Y. (Fishkill, N. Y.) M34F34. B. Mclndoo, Dr. Norman E(ugene). 7225 Blair Road, Washington, D. C. M10F14- R33. F. Mclnteer, Prof. B(erthus) B(oston). Ph.D.. Ohio State, 32. Assoc, prof, botany, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. (134 Uni- versity Ave.) M31F33. G. Mclntire, Sumner (Harmon). A.M., New York 37. Instr. physics, Norwich Univ., Northfield, Vt. M40." B. Maclntire. Dr. Walter Hoge. Ph.D., Cor- nell. 16; D.Sc, Clemson. 37. Head Dept. Chemistry, Tennessee Agric. Exp. Sta.; senior chemist. Dept. Chem. Engng., Ten- nessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn. M30F31. OC. Mclntire. William C(ornelius). B.A.. Cin- cinnati, 19. Lithopone Div. head. United Color and Pigment Co., Newark, N. J. (Lebanon, N. J.) M25F33. C. Mcintosh, Allen. M.S., Minnesota, 27. Assoc, zoologist, U. S. Bur. Animal In- dustry, Washington, D. C. M32F33. F. Individual Members 663 Macintosh, Prof. D(ouglas) C(lyde). 409 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn. M31R34. IBK. Mcintosh, Dr. G. E. Arlington, Tex. M34- R36. NFO. Mcintosh, Dr. J(ohn) W(illiam). M33D— . NKQ. Mcintosh, Dr. Rustin. M.D., Harvard, 18. Prof, pediatrics, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons; dir. Pediatric Service Babies Hosp., New York, N. Y. (514 E. 87th St.) M32F33. NC. Mclntyre, Arthur C(lifton). 221 Hillcrest Ave., State College, Pa. M29R33. OG. Mclntyre, H(enry) L(ouis). Supt. For- est Pest Control, New York State Con- servation Dept., Albany, N. Y. M21F26. GO. Mclntyre, Washington. Thermal, Calif. M24R32. MO. Mclver, Dr. Monroe A(nderson). M.D., Harvard, 17. Surgeon, Cooperstown, N. Y. M28F31. N. Mack, Dr. Clifford W. M.D., Michigan, 08. Med dir. Livermore Sanitarium, Liver- more, Calif. M38. NI. Mack, Clinton O(lmsted). M.S., North- western, 32. Teacher biology, Cleveland Bible Col.; graduate student, Western Re- serve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (3219 Cedar Ave.) M40. FG. Mack, David J(osef). 106 Heavilon Hall, Purdue Univ., La Favette, Ind. M34R37. DCM. Mack, Dr. Edward. 1102 Westwood Ave., Richmond, Va. M30R36. L. Mack, Dr. Edward, Jr. M.A., Princeton, 14; Ph.D., 16. Chemist, Battelle Memorial Inst. Columbus, Ohio. (309 Walhalla Road) M26F28. CB. Mack, Dr. Edward L(awrence). Ph.D., Cornell, 16. Pres., Tel-Electric Corp., 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y.; dir. Reynolds Res. Corp., Richmond, Va. M34- F34. c. Mack, Dr. James B(ryant). A.M., Kansas State, 14; Ph.D., Ohio State, 29. Chairman Dept. Biology and prof, zoology, Wheaton Col., Wheaton, 111. M30F33. F. Mack, Julian W(illiam). LL.B., Harvard, 87. U. S. Circuit Judge, 24 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M29. K. Mack, Prof. Margaret E(lizabeth). A.M., Columbia, 13. Dean women and assoc. prof, biologv, Univ. Nevada, Reno, Nev. M14F21. FGQ. Mack, Prof. Merrill J. M.S., Wisconsin, 25. Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M34F34. OCQ. Mack, Dr. Pauline (Gracia) Beery. A.M., Missouri, 13; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State, 32. Prof, textile chemistry and dir. res. home economics, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M34F34. C. Mack, Prof. Warren B(ryan). M.S., Mass- achusetts State, 24; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Head Dept. Horticulture, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (245 E. Ham- ilton Ave.) M28F31. OG. McKaig, Nelson, Jr. M.S., Arizona, 24. Assoc, soil technologist, U. S. Sandhill Exp. Sta., Columbia, S. Car. (3421 Cole- man St.) M2SF33. CO. McKaig, W. Wallace. Pres., Cumberland Steel Co., Cumberland, Md. M40. ABC. Mackay, Alexander Dudley. M.M.E., Mel- bourne, 16. Master Science Dept., Launces- ton Technical Col., Launceston, Tasmania, Australia. (26 High St.) L18. CEM. Mackay, Dr. Donald C(opeland) Gib- son). M.A., Queen's, 30; Ph.D., Stanford, 34. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Connecti- cut, Storrs, Conn. M37. FIH. Mackay, Prof. Donald S(age). Ph.D., Co- lumbia 24. Prof, philosophy, Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. M29. KLQ. MacKay, Dr. Eaton M(acLeod). M.A., California, 25; M.D., Stanford, 26. Dir. res., Scripps Metabolic Clinic, La Jolla, Calif. M34F34. N. Mackay, Dr. Elizabeth (Linn). M.A., Wis- consin, 35; Ph.D., 37. Instr. biology, Pur- due Univ., La Fayette, Ind. (633 Kossuth St.) M38F39. G. McKay, Dr. Frederick S. 2 E. 54th St., New York, N. Y. M33R34. N. Mackay, G(eorge) M(oir) J(ohnstone). M11F15D38. BCM. MacKay, Hector Hugh. Dept. Game and Fisheries, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M26R32. FGE. MacKay, Hugh James. A.M., Oklahoma, 18. Petroleum geologist and development engineer, 312 Berryhill Bldg., Sapulpa, Okla. (216 S. Oak St.) M27. E. McKay, John. 413 Glenwood Ave., Glen- side, Pa. M39. CBM. McKay, Dr. J(ohn) W(elborn). M.A., Texas, 27; Ph.D., California, 32. Assoc, cytologist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Belts- ville, Md. (Algonquin Ave., Berwyn, Md.) M28F38. GOF. MacKay Miss Minnette. 2421 Carleton St., Berkeley, Calif. M22R3S. Q. McKay, N(eil) A(ngus). 816 Laurel Ave., Hollywood, Calif. M37R37. MacKay, Prof. Roy. Ph.D., Michigan, 39. Prof, mathematics and chairman Div. Science, Eastern New Mexico Col., Por- tales, N. Mex. M32F38. ABN. McKay, Thomas J. 415 Morewood Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. M33R35. 664 Directory of Members McKay, Dr. T(homas) W(ills) G(ibbs). 58 King St. E., Oshawa, Out., Canada. M24R39. NEH. McKay, William. 1024 Green St., Hono- lulu, Hawaii. M22R36. IM. MacKaye, Prof. James. M34D35- BCD. McKee, Dr. Albert B(rown). Ph.M., Col. Pacific, 86; M.D., Cooper Med. Col., 86. Prof, emeritus surgery ophthalmology, Stanford Univ. Med. Dept., Palo Alto, Calif. (Redwood City, Calif.) M29. NOE. McKee, Miss Alice. M.A., Virginia. Vir- ginia Intermont Col., Bristol, Va. M38. GIC. McKee, Mrs. Arabella Ogden. Lake Al- fred, Fla. M27L31. G. McKee, Arthur G. 2422 Euclid Ave., Cleve- land, Ohio. M38R38. CFG. McKee, Miss Clara M(argaret). Squibb Inst. Med. Res., New Brunswick, N. J. M40. N. McKee, Dr. Claude W(orth). M.D., Rush. 124 Oakland Ave., Greensburg, Pa. M37. N. McKee, Clyde. M.S., Kansas State, 3.1. Dean agriculture, Montana State Col.; dir., Montana Agric. Exp. Sta., Bozeman, Mont. M29F31. OGK. MacKee, Dr. George M. Prof, dermatol- ogy and dir. Dept., New York Post Grad- uate Med. School, New York, N. Y. (.999 5th Ave.) M35F35. N. McKee, Prof. J(ewel) C(hester). Missis- sippi State Col., State College, Miss. M30- F32R34. G. McKee, Lefler Harland. M.A., De Pauw, 36. Asst. television engineer, Hazeltine Service Corp., Little Neck, N. Y. (5207 Concord Ave.) M38F40. BM. McKee, Miss Mary Clarissa. Ph.D., Yale, 26. Prof, chemistry, Connecticut Col., New London, Conn. M23F33. C. McKee, Dr. Ralph H(arper). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 01; LL.D., Carthage, 24, Maine, 29; Sc.D., Wooster, 29; Dr.Nat.PhiL, Tartu, 32. Prof, chemical engng. retired, Co- lumbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (460 Riverside Drive) M03F09. C. McKee, Redick H(enry). 1513 16th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. M28. MEB. McKee, Roland. B.S., Kansas State, 00. Senior agronomist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (5204 Andover Road, Chevy Chase, Md.) M14F24. O. McKee, Stewart. Pres., McKee Bros, and Son; vice pres., Louis Eckert Brewing Co., Los Angeles, Calif. (434 S. Rimpau Blvd.) M25. McKeehan, Prof. Louis Williams. M.S., Minnesota, 09; Ph.D., 11; A.M., Yale, 2j . Dir. Sloane Physics Lab. and prof, physics, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (185 Blake Road, Hamden, Conn.) M08- Fn. B. Mackeen, Dr. Robert (Arthur Haliburton). Bur. Labs., Gen. Hosp., St. John, N. B., Canada. M37R3". NCF. Mackell, Prof. James F(rancis). M.A., Minnesota, 21; Ph.D., Indiana, 32. Prof, phvsics, Indiana State Teachers Col., Terre Haute, Ind. M28F31. BD. McKelvey, Prof. Joseph V(ance). Ph.D., Cornell, 09. 21 17 Graeber St., Ames, Iowa. M18F25. A. McKenna, Philip M(owry). A.B., George Washington, 21. Proprietor, McKenna Metals Co.. Latrobe, Pa. M29F38. BC. McKenney, Dr. Randolph E(vans) Bin- der). M.S., Pennsylvania, 99; A.M., Ph.D., Basel, 01. Route 1, Kirkwood, Pa. (?) M02F03L09. CGN. Mackenzie, Dr. A(rthur) Stanley. M08- F11D38. B. Mackenzie, Charles Stevens. LL.B., New- York. Cedarholm, Bound Brook, N. J. M40. K. Mackenzie, Dr. Cosmo G(lenn). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins. Res. assoc, Dept. Bio- chemistry, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hvgiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Mel. (1936 McElderry St.) M40. NCF. MacKenzie, F(rederic) B(radley). B.S., Washington State, 20. Dir. res., Carna- tion Co., 2344 Nookland Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. (721 E. Sylvan Ave.) M39. CO. McKenzie, Dr. Fred(erick) F(rancis). A.M., Missouri, 23; Ph.D., 25. Asst. prof, animal husbandry, Univ. Missouri; agent, U. S. Dept. Agric, Columbia, Mo. M35- F35. ONF. Mackenzie, Dr. George M(iner). M.D.. Co- lumbia, 13. Physician-in-chief, Mary Imo- gene Bassett Hosp., Cooperstown, N. Y. M20F33. N. Mackenzie, Dr. George W. M.D., Hahne- mann (Philadelphia), 93. 269 S. 19th St., 1'hiladelphia, Pa. M24. NHI. MacKenzie, John M(urdoch). 153 Mercer St., New York, N. Y. M38. MAB. Mackenzie, Kenneth G(erard). M.S., Yale, 09. Asst. to vice pres. and chief technolo- gist, Texas Co., 135 E. 42nd St., New- York, N. Y. M0SF11. C. Mackenzie, Kenneth K(ent). M06F11L23- D34. G. McKenzie, Dr. Malcolm A(rthur). A.M., Brown, 26; Ph.D., 35. Asst. res. prof, botany, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M28F33. GCN. Mackenzie, Dr. Marion. 4816 Florence Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. M13F33R39. G. MacKenzie, Dr. Pierce. M.D., Rush, 19. 907 E. Gum St., Evansville, Ind. M36. N. McKenzie, Dr. R(aphael) Monroe. M.S., New York, 92; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 96. Col. Campus, Fairfield, Iowa. M07F18. C. Individual Members 665 McKenzie, Robert Mark. Field entomolo- gist, Route 1. Gastonia, N. Car. M40. FG. McKenzie, R(ussell) A(lderson). Fisheries Exp. Sta.i Kings Wharf. Halifax, N. S., Canada. M37R39. F. Mackenzie, Dr. Stanley A. ion Stroh Bldg., Detroit, Mich. M31R33. IH. McKeon, Prof. Richard P(eter). A.M., Co- lumbia, 20; Ph.D., 28. Prof. Greek and philosophy and dean Div. Humanities, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M33. LBA. McKeown, Dr. Raymond Meril. M.D., To- ronto. 29. Obstetrician and gynecologist, 1345 Centra! Ave, Marshfield, Oreg. M39. N. Mackeown, Dr. S(amuel) Stuart. Ph.D., Cornell, 23. Assoc, prof, electrical engng.. California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (1240 Arden Road) M29F29. MB. MacKerrow, Dr. Horace G. M.D., Bishops Col. 96 Eastern Ave., Worcester, Mass. M40. N. Mackey, Miss Anne D. Ed.M., Harvard, 28. Instr. Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (3830 211th St., Bayside, N. Y.) M37. QN. Mackey, Prof. A(rthur) E(dward). Route 1. Denton, Tex. M33R37. QI- McKibben, Prof. Paul S(tilwell). Ph.D.. Chicago. 11; LL.D., Western Ontario, 28; Sc.D., Denison, 36. Prof, anatomy and dean. Univ. Southern California School Med.. Los Angeles, Calif. M18F25. N. McKibbin, Dr. R(obert) R(eginald). Waterloo, Que.. Canada. M27F3iR39- OC. Mackie, David Barclay. 5300 22nd Ave., Sacramento, Calif. M27F32. F. Mackie, W(illiam) W(ylie). M.S.. Cali- fornia. 16. Agronomist. Univ. California, Berkeley Calif. (2652 Shasta Road) M18- F23. O. Mackin, Prof. J(ohn) G(ilman). M.S., Illinois, 27; Ph.D., 33. Prof, biologv, East Central State Col., Ada, Okla. (M28R32)- M38. F. McKinley, Dr. Earl Baldwin. M28F30D38. N. Secretary of Section on Medical Sciences (N), 1934. Member of the Executive Com- mittee, 1935-38. McKinley, Prof. J(ohn) C(harnley). M.A., Minnesota, 17; M.D., 19; Ph.D., 21. Prof, neuropsychiatry and head Dept. Medicine, Univ. Minnesota Med. School, Minne- apolis Minn. ( 161 1 E. River Road) M34- F34. N. Mackinney, G(ordon). Ph.D., California, ?3 Asst. prof., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M35F40. G. McKinney, H(arold) H(all). M.S., Wis- consin, 20. Senior pathologist, Virus Dis- ease Lab. U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Arl- ington, Va. M28F28. GO. McKinney, Dr. Ruth (Alden). 329 Hol- brook Ave., Detroit, Mich. (?) M3SR3S- Q- McKinnis, Dr. Ronald B. M.S., Washing- ton State, 28; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 29. Sec. and mgr., Sunshine Foods, Inc., Winter Haven, Fla. M31F33. CGO. MacKinnon, Dr. Donald Wallace. M.A., Harvard, 26; Ph.D., 33. Assoc, prof, psy- chology, Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. M37. IKN. MacKinnon, Dr. R. D. 217 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M39R39. NP. Mackintosh, Prof. David Leslie. M.S.. Kansas State, 26. Assoc, prof, charge meat investigations, Kansas State Col., Man- hattan, Kans. (M34R3S)M38. O. Macklin, Dr. Charles C(lifford). M.D., To- ronto. 18; M.A., Ph.D., 23. Dept. Anatomy, Faculty Med., Univ. Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada. M24F27. NFH. Macklin, Dr. Madge Thurlow. M.D., Johns Hopkins; LL.D., Goucher. Asst. prof, his- tology and embryology, Univ. Western ( >ntario Med. School, London, Ont., Can- ada. {37 Gerrard St.) M37F38. NF. Mackmull, Dr. Gulden. M.D., Jefferson, 25. Physician, Langhorne, Pa. M39. FNG. McKnight, Charles. Met.E., Pittsburgh, 21. Asst. mgr. sales, International Nickel Co., 67 Wall St., New York, N. Y. M40F25. M. McKnight, Charles H(enry). 1625 Vine St., Scranton, Pa. M30R34. MacKnight, Mrs. Lydia E(dwardina). 468 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. M31- R33. IQK. MacLachlan, Dr. A. A. M.D.. Pennsyl- vania, 00. 1206 Mav Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M17. N. McLachlan, Dr. Dan, Jr. M.S., Pennsyl- vania State. 33; Ph.D., 36. Res. chemist, Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y. (241 Dodge Ave.) M39. CBA. MacLachlan, Dr. Percival Lloyd. Ph.D., Rochester, 35. Asst. prof, biochemistry. West Virginia Univ. School Med., Mor- gantown, W. Va. M39. CN. McLachlan. Dr. Robert W(illiam). M.S., Iowa, 27; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, science, New Jersey State Teachers Col., Montclair, N. J. (6 Fernwood Place. Upper Mont- clair, N. J.) M37F38. CB. McLain, Dr. Paul L(arimer). M.D., Pitts- burgh, 32. Asst. prof, physiology and phar- macology, Univ. Pittsburgh School Med., Pittsburgh, Pa. (33 McKelvey Road, Edgewood, Pa.) M39. Np. McLaine, Leonard S(eptimus). M.Sc, Massachusetts State, 12. Chief, Plant Pro- tection Div., Dept. Agric, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M11F20. F. McLaine, William L(aughlin). 744 S. Windsor Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M25- R38. M. McLane, John W(allace). Box 243, East Falls Church, Va. M18F25. BGO. 666 Directory of Members McLaren, Dr. James (Alexander). Ph.D., Edinburgh, 33. Asst. chemist, Industrial Farm Products Res. Div., U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Washing- ton, D. C. (East Falls Church, Va.) M38- F39. CBG. McLaren, P(eter) J(ames). M.E., Rensse- laer Polytechnic Inst., 32. Vice pres. and dir., W. L. Maxon Corp. and Valley Equipment Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, N. Y. (433 W. 34th St.) M40. MNO. McLarney, William J. 1653 Hering Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M32R32. KIM. McLarty, Dr. Harold Ross. M.A., Mc- Master, 20; Ph.D., Illinois, 32. Officer-in- charge," Dominion Lab. Plant Pathology, Summerland, B. C, Canada. M24F31. GO. MacLatchy, Dr. Josephine H. M.A., Chi- cago, 15; Ph.D., 29. 2095 Iuka Ave., Columbus, Ohio. M39. IQ. MacLauchlan, Dr. Edith (Carothers). 105- 19 192nd St., Hollis, N. Y. M29F33R34. IQN. McLauchlin, Miss Florence. Univ. Mani- toba, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. M33R35. QK. McLaughlin, A(ndrew) C(yrus). B.S., Texas. Receiver, Diversified Royalties, Ltd., Los Angeles, Calif. (472 Prospect Square, Pasadena, Calif.) M23. E. McLaughlin, Dr. Dean B(enjamin). M.S., Michigan, 24; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, astronomv, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (504 Walnut St.) M24F26. DBE. McLaughlin, Donald H(amilton). A.M., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., 17. Prof, mining geology, and chairman Dept. Geology and Geography, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.; consulting geologist, Homestake Mining Co., Lead, S. Dak. (no Coolidge Hill, Cambridge, Mass.) M32F33. EM. McLaughlin, Donald Thomas. A.B., Cali- fornia, 30. Teacher biology, High School, Stockton, Calif. M32. FH. McLaughlin, F(rank) F(erree). 411 Union Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. M39. PEM. McLaughlin, George D(unlap). M.Sc, Cincinnati, 25. Dir., B. D. Eisendrath Memorial Lab., Racine, Wis. M20F33. C. McLaughlin, Prof. James A(nson). M34- F34D34. A. McLaughlin, Dr. Katherine L(ouise). M.A., Chicago, 17; Ph.D., 32. Prof, educa- tion, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (315 Dalehurst Ave.) M33- F34. QIK. McLaughlin, Dr. Laura H(ill) (Mrs. Dean B. McLaughlin). M.A., Northwest- ern, 22; Ph.D., Michigan, 29. Housewife. 504 Walnut St., Ann Arbor, Mich. M34- F34. D. McLaughlin, Dr. Laura (Ida). M.S., Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Assoc, prof, home economics, Texas State Col. Women, Denton, Tex. (913 N. Locust St.) M24- F33. CNO. McLaughlin, Sister Mary Aquinas. Briar Cliff Col., Sioux City, Iowa. M33R39. IAC. McLaughlin, Dr. Thad (Gerald). Ph.D., Kansas, 39. Geologist, Kansas Geol. Sur- vey, Lawrence, Kans. (1135 Ohio St.^ M40. EB. McLaughlin, Dr. Willard T(homas). M.A., Dartmouth, 29; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 31. Assoc, agronomist, U. S. Soil Conserva- tion Service, Corvallis, Oreg. M34F34. GE. MacLaurin, Dr. Robert D(awson). Bald- win Filter Plant, Baldwin and Fairmount Roads, Cleveland, Ohio. M29R32. C. MacLean, Prof. Alexander. Dept. Geology, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M34F34R36. E. MacLean, Dr. A(llison) R(eginald) M(urray). M.Sc, McGill, 12; Ph.D.. 16. 4065 Gage Road, Montreal, Que., Canada. M27F33. CN. McLean, Dr. Angus L(loyd). 1201 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. M34F34R34. N. McLean, Dr. A(rthur) J(ohn). M36D38. NFH. Maclean, Dr. Bernice L(ouise). Ph.D., Columbia, 33. Asst. prof., Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. M35. F. McLean, Dr. Charlotte F(relinghuysen). A.M., Pennsylvania, 01; Ph.D., 07. 5^8 Montgomery Ave., Haverford, Pa. M04. BFK. McLean, Dr. Forman T(aylor). M.F., Yale, 08; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. Lecturer, New York Univ., New York, N Y. (232 W. Pondfield Road. Bronx- ville, N. Y.) M18F25. G. McLean, Dr. Franklin C(hambers). M.D., Rush, 10; S.M., Chicago, 12; Ph.D., 15. Prof, pathological physiology, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. (5545 University Ave.) M18F21. N. MacLean, Dr. George Edwin. M02F04- D38. QLK. McLean, Guy E. 803 N. Main St., Mt Pleasant, Iowa. M32R32. FG. MacLean, J(ames) D(onald). M.S., Wis- consin, 26; Ph.D., 29. U. S. Forest Prod- ucts Lab., Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M24F25. MAB. McLean, J(ohn) Allan. Quaker Oats Co., 141 W. Jackson St., Chicago, 111. M28- R34. o. McLean, Lawrence G. Box 794, San Antonio, Tex. M32R32. FGH. Maclean, Miss Marion E(lsie). M.A., Mt. Holyoke, 26: Ph.D., Illinois, 33. Indus- trial fellow, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M34. CB. Individual Members 667 McLeese, Sister Frances de Chantal. M.S., St. Louis, 31. Dir. Dept. Chemistry, Webster Col., Webster Groves, Mo. M40. C. MacLeish, Gordon. 1935 Bath St., Santa Barbara, Calif. (?) M31R34. MacLellan, Donald D(ominic). M36D — . EMQ. McLellan, Ernest L(eigh). B.S., Wash- ington and Lee, 33. Asst. mill foreman, Alden Mills, 2308 Chartres St., New Or- leans, La. (1430 State St.) M39. CMB. McLellan, Dr. Roy (Davison). M.S., Washington, 22; Ph.D., 28. Petrographer and spectrographer. Res. Dept., Amer. Smelting and Refining Co., Perth Amboy, N. J. (24 Lillian Terrace, Woodbridge, N. J.) M29F33. EDC. McLendon, C(larence) A(lbertis). B.S., Clemson, 08. Senior agronomist, Cotton Div., U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, 404 Ten Forsythe St. Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. (138 Peachtree Circle) M35F35. OGC. MacLennan, Duncan G(eorge). 1315 Marengo St., South Pasadena, Calif. M36R36. KH. McLennan, Sir J(ohn) Cunningham. M02F03D35. B. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), 1920. MacLennan, Prof. Ronald F(raser). M.A., California, 30; Ph.D., 32. Assoc, prof, zoology. State Col. Washington, Pull- man, Wash. M33. F. Macleod, Miss Annie Louise. M.Sc, Mc- Gill, 05 ; Ph.D., 10. Dean Col. Home Economics, Svracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. M24F33. QCK. McLeod, Miss Beatrice. 1814 Central Ave., Cheyenne, Wyo. M37R37. Q. MacLeod, Donald John. M.A., Queens, 23. Pathologist-in-charge, Dominion Plant Pathological Lab., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M26F31. G. MacLeod, Dr. Florence L(ouise). M.A., Columbia. 21; Ph.D., 24. Prof, nutrition, Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. M25- F33. C. MacLeod, Prof. Grace. M.A., Columbia, 14; Ph.D., 24. Prof, nutrition, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (106 Morningside Drive) M18F33. CN. MacLeod, Dr. H(ector) J(ohn). M.Sc, Alberta, 16; A.M.. Ph.D., Harvard, 21. Prof, and head Dept. Mechanical and Electrical Engng., Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. M35F35. M. McLeod, Dr. John H(enry). Ph.D., Toronto, 29. Phvsicist, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester. N. Y. M34F34. B. McLeod, Dr. L(aurence) S(purgeon). M.A., Chicago, 17; Ph.D., 28. Dean, Col. Arts and Sciences; prof, psychology and head Dept., Univ. Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. M39. I. MacLeod, Prof. Robert B(rodie). M.A., McGill, 27; Ph.D., Columbia, 32. Assoc, prof, psychology and chairman Depts. Psychology and Education, Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, Pa. (8-B Whittier Place) M32F33. IH. McLester, Dr. James Somerville. M.D., Virginia, 99; LL.D., Alabama, 29. Prof, medicine, Univ. Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. (930 S. 20th St., Birmingham, Ala.) M17F33. N. MacLulich, Dr. D(uncan) A(lexander). Ph.D., Toronto, 37. 144 Mavety St., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M35. FN. McLure, Dr. John R(ankin). M.A., Columbia, 14; Ph.D., 25. Prof, school administration, dir. Bur. Educational Res. and Summer School, Univ. Alabama, University, Ala. M37. Q. McLure, Norman R(oosevelt). 1528 Wal- nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. M08R38. CM. McMacken, Joseph G. A.B., Michigan, 06. Head Dept. Physics, Geology and Astronomy, Lewis and Clark High School, Spokane, Wash. (E. 2904 16th Ave.) M38. EBD. MacMahon, Dr. A(ndrew) M(erritt). M.S., Iowa, 17; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Con- sulting physicist, 820 Union Nat. Bank Bldg.; executive vice pres., Argonauts Corp., Houston, Tex. (2501 Southmore Blvd.) M22F31. B. MacMahon, Prof. Harold Edward. M.D., Western Ontario, 25. Prof, pathology and bacteriology, Tufts Col. Med. School; pathologist, New England Med. Centre, Boston; pathologist-in-chief, Cambridge Hosp., Cambridge, Mass. (91 Garden St.) M36F38. NCH. McMaster, Archie J(ames). G-M Labs., Inc., 1735 Belmont Ave., Chicago, 111. M22R36. B. McMaster, Dr. Philip D(uryee). M.D., Pennsylvania, 18. Assoc, member, Rocke- feller Inst. Med. Res.. New York, N. Y. M19F27. N. MacMasters, Dr. Majel M(argaret). M.Sc, Massachusetts State, 28; Ph.D., 34. Assoc, foods res., Illinois Agric Exp. Sta., Urbana, 111. (1208 W. California St.) M29F33. CGB. McMath, Francis C. M25F32D38. MBD. McMath, Neil C(ook). C.E., Cornell, 14. Vice pres.. Whitehead and Kates Co., Detroit; honorary curator Observatories, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Lone Pine Road, Bloomfield Hills, Mich.) M40. D. McMath, Dr. Robert R. M.A., Michigan, 33; Dr.Sc, Wayne, 38. Dir. McMath- Hulbert Observatory, Univ. Michigan, Lake Angelus, Pontiac, Mich. M32F38. D. Vice president for Section on Astronomy (D), 1940. McMeekin, Dr. Thomas LeRoy. 276 Harris Ave., Needham. Mass. M28F33R38. C. OGX Directory of Members MacMillan, Dr. Daniel P(eter). 5553 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. M06F13R36. HIN. Mac Millan, Donald Baxter. Province- town, Mass. M30R33. McMillan, Prof. F(red) O(rville). M.S., Union. 19. Prof, electrical engng. and head Dept., Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. (jouo Harrison St.) M35F35. M. MacMillan, Dr. H(oward) G(ove). M.S., Wisconsin, 13; Ph.D., 19. Senior pathol- ogist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles. Calif. M13F21. G. MacMillan, Dr. Hugh W(ard). D.D.S., Ohio Col. Dental Surgery, 12; M.D., Eclectic Med. Col., 22. 3557 Eden Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. M32. Nd. Macmillan, Dr. John W(alker). Ph.D.. Cornell, 39. Instr. psychology, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M40. I. McMillan, Miss Mary B(ell). M.A., Wis- consin. 14. 1341 3rd St. S., Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. M24F3S. A. McMillan, Dr. Thomas M. M.D. 2044 Locust St.. Philadelphia, Pa. M35. N. McMillan, W. Bruce. C.E., Stanford, 12. Box 224, Palo Alto, Calif. M36. MBD. MacMillan, Dr. William D(uncan). Ph.D.. Chicago, 08 ; Sc.D., Lake Forest, 30. Prof, emeritus astronomy, Univ. Chicago. Chi- cago, III. (5619 Dorchester Ave.) M07- Fio. AD. McMillen, John M(ilton). M.S., Minne- sota, 38. Amer. Creosoting Co., Louisville, Ky. (3537 River Park Drive) M39. COQ. McMillen, Prof. Warren N(ewton). M.S., Oklahoma A. and M., 36. Prof, animal husbandry. Panhandle A. and M. Col., Goodwell, Okla. M38F40. OFC. McMiller, Paul R(aymohd). Univ. Minne- sota Col. Agric, St. Paul, Minn. M18- F30R33. OCE. McMillin, Emerson. S88F09D22. E. McMillion, Prof. T(heodore) M(iller). A.M., West Virginia, 29. Prof, biology, Geneva Col., Beaver Falls, Pa. M30F33. FNL. McMinn, Miss Amelia. M.A., Columbia, 11. Teacher hygiene retired, State Teachers Col., Milwaukee, Wis. (2059 N. Cramer St.) M08. NQ. McMinn, Prof. Howard E(arnest). M.A., California, 16. Prof, botanv, Mills Col., Oakland, Calif. M29F31. GFN. McMullen, Dr. C(harles) B(ell). A.M., Princeton, 01 ; Ph.D., 09. Kentucky Col. Women, Danville, Ky. M27. I. McMullen, Dr. Donald B(ard). M.S.. Washington Univ., 28; Sc.D., Johns Hop- kins, 35. Assoc, prof, and acting head Dept. and asst. prof, bacteriology, Univ. Oklahoma School Med., Oklahoma City, Okla.; head Div. Water Itch Control, Michigan Stream Control Commission, Lansing, Mich. M29F33. FGN. McMullen, Miss Eleanor C(lara). M.A.. Cornell, 22; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, bio- logy, Wells Col., Aurora, N. Y. M39. FGN. McMullen, Harold G(ilbreth). M.S., Mich- igan, S3- Res. asst., Univ. Chicago. Chi- cago. 111. (5704 Harper Ave.) M38. FNQ. McMullin, D(avid) J(ohn). Pago Pago, American Samoa. M35. C. MacMullin, R(obert) B(urns). 8249 Troy Ave.. Niagara Falls, N. Y. M29F33. CBM. McMunn, Prof. Richard L(acey). M.S., Illinois, 29. Asst. prof, pomology, Univ. Illinois, LIrbana, 111. M27F33. O. McMurphy, James (Ira Wilson). A.M., Stanford, 09. Prof, emeritus biology, Stan- ford University, Calif. (144 Melville Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.) M13F15. GO. MacMurray, Mary T. (See Mrs. Mary T. Fletcher). McMurrich, Dr. J(ames) Playfair. M07- F00D39. HNL. President, 1922. McMurry, Dr. Ruth Emily. Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M37R37- QK. McMurtrey, Dr. J(ames) E(dward), Jr. M.S., Maryland, 28; Ph.D., 31. Senior physiologist tobacco and plant nutrition. U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M23F30. GCO. Macnab, Prof. James A(rthur). M.A., Nebraska. 31. Instr., Dept. Zoology. Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M26. FGE. McNabb, Dr. Wallace M (organ). M.S., Pennsylvania, 20; Ph.D., 26. 24 Sycamore Road, Manoa, Pa. M28F33. C. McNair, Dr. A(ndrew) H(amilton). Han- over, N. H. M36R37. EF. McNair, Mrs. George T. (Ruth K. Mc- Nair). 1624 Alabama St., Lawrence, Kans. (M.32R34)M36R36. FG McNair, James B(irtley). 818 S. Ardmore Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M21F23R32. CGN. MacNair, Dr. Walter A(rcher). Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins. 25. Commercial products engineer, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (135 Ashland Road, Summit, N. J.) M26F31. B. McNairn, Prof. W(illiam) Harvey. M.A., Toronto, 00; Ph.D., 16. Prof, geology, Mc- Master Univ.. Hamilton. Ont., Canada. M 1 1F15. E. McNall, Miss Jessie J. A.M., Michigan. 17. Head Dept. Science, Potsdam State Nor- mal. Potsdam, N. Y. (67 Elm St.) M22F31. Q. McNally, Prof. Frances (Maude). Acadia Univ., Wolfville, N. S., Canada. M36- R38. NKQ. Individual Members 669 McNally, Rev. Paul A(loysius). M.A., Woodstock, 17; S.T.D., 25; Ph.D., Ford- ham, 21. Dir. Georgetown Col. Observa- tory, Georgetown Univ., Washington, D. 'C. M29F29. DAB. Macnamara, Charles. Arnprior, Out., Canada. M22. FG. McNeal, M(arshall) J(efferson). Ashland, Va. M31R33. AB. McNeal, Robert L(aird). B.S., Purdue, 12. Head Technical Data Section, General Motors Proving Ground, Milford, Mich. M40. BAM. Mac Neal, Dr. Ward J. Ph.D., Michigan, 04; M.D., 05; Sc.D.. 39. Prof, bacteriology. New York Post Graduate Med. School and Hosp., New York, N. Y. (82 Rockrose Place, Forest Hills, N. Y.) M08F13L20. NQ. McNeely, John K. 218 N. St. Andrews Place, Los Angeles, Calif. M30F32R39. M. McNeer, Dr. Gordon Palmer. M.D., Penn- sylvania. Asst. attending physician, Memo- rial Hosp.; gastroscopic clinics, Memorial Hosp., Roosevelt Hosp., New York Hosp., Metropolitan Hosp. and Fifth Ave. Hosp., New York, N. Y. (644 Riverside Drive) M40. N. McNeil, Dr. C(laude) P(erkins). Ph.D., Ohio State, 17. Supt., Asphalt Dept., Standard Oil Co. Indiana, Whiting, Ind. (1828 Oliver St.) M40. C. MacNeil, Donald J(onathan). Box 2047, Blairmore, Alta., Canada. M32R33. EF. McNeil, Dr. Hiram Colver. M01F11D37. CLQ. MacNeii, Prof. Wilbur James. M08D37. BGO. McNeill, Prof. E(llis) Meade. M.S., West Virginia. Prof, botany, Concord State Col., Athens, W. Va. (M3oR32)M38. G. McNeill, Dr. Harry (Vincent Paul). Ph.D., Louvain, 33; Agrege, 34. Asst. prof, philosophy, Fordham Univ. School Education New York, N. Y. (149-62 Ash Ave., Flushing, N. Y.) M37- IKN. MacNeille, Dr. H(olbrook) M(ann). Ph.D., Harvard, 35- Assoc, prof, mathe- matics, Kenyon Col., Gambier, Ohio; mgr. David Richardson Lab., Bailey Island. Maine. M37F38. AFB. Mac Neish, Prof. Harris F(ranklin). M.S., Chicago, 05; Ph.D., 09. Chairman, Dept. Mathematics, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N Y (48 Taunton Road, Scarsdale, N. Y.) M29F33- ABD. McNelly, Walter C. M.S., Ohio State, 28. 115 S Beech St., Oxford, Ohio. M29F33. FN. McNemar, Prof. Quinn. Ph.D., Stanford, \2. Assoc, prof, psychology and education, Stanford University, Calif. M38F40. IKQ. McNicholas, Sister Mary Alma. M.A., Fordham; Ph.D.. Catholic. Col. Notre Dame Marvland, Baltimore, Md. M39. NCF. McNichols, Lester. 543 Nevada Ave., El Monte, Calif. M33R33- FQ. MacNider, Dr. William deB(erniere). M.D., North Carolina, 03; Sc.D., Med. Col. Virginia, 33; LL.D., Davidson, 34. Res. prof, pharmacology and Dean Med. School, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M09F11. Np. McNiff, Prof. William T(homas). M.A., Fordham, 27. Asst. prof, physics, Ford- ham Univ., New York, N. Y. (100 Hal- stead Ave.. Yonkers, N. Y.) M34F34. B. McNutt, Cecil E. Chem.E., Texas. Box 1 161, El Paso. Tex. M39. CMP. McNutt, Dr. S(amuel) H. D.V.M., Iowa State, 17. Assoc, prof., Veterinary Div., Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M39. NF. Macormac, Dr. Alfred R(idner). M.A., Columbia, 33; Ph.D., North Carolina, 36. Assoc, prof, textile chemistry. Alabama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala. (133 Cedar Crest Drive) M29F33. CQM. McOwen, Miss Mabel Leota. M.A., Ohio State, 34. Teacher, High School, Reynolds- burg, Ohio. M39. GFC. McPeek, Dr. Clayton. M.D., Ohio State, 10. Physician, 19. W. 5th Ave.. Columbus, Ohio. M34F34. N. MacPhee, Prof. E(arle) D(ouglas). Dent, Allcroft and Co., Ltd., 97 Wood St., London, England. M34F34R37- }■ McPhee, Dr. Hugh C(urtis). M.S., Maine, 20; M.S.. Harvard, 22; Sc.D., 23. Chief, Animal Husbandry Div., U. S. Bur. Ani- mal Industrv, Washington, D. C. M25F25. FGO. McPherson, Dr. A(rchibald) T(urner). M.A., Texas, 16; Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. M28- F33- C. McPherson, John A(lexander). B.S., Fur- man, 02. Chief engineer, J. E. Sirrine and Co., Greenville, S. Car. M22. M. McPherson, Dr. William. M.Sc, Ohio State, 90; D.Sc, 95; Ph.D., Chicago, 99; LL.D., Wittenberg, 27. Emeritus Dean and prof, and acting pres., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M96F98. C. Secretary of Section on Chemistry (C), 1901; vice president, 1909 and 19^5- MacPike, Eugene F(airfield). 4360 Her- mosa Way, San Diego, Calif. M24. KLQ. McQuade, Dr. E(dwin) L(eonard). Box 1655, University, Va. M32R32. N. McQuaid, Dan J. 614 Cooper Bldg., Den- ver, Colo. (M28R33)M37R37- MB. McQuarrie, Dr. Irvine. Ph.D., California, 19; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 21. Prof, and head Dept. Pediatrics, Univ. Minnesota. Minneapolis Minn. (66 Seymour Ave. SE.) M25F29. NC. 670 Directory of Members McQueen, H(enry) S(illiman). Box 138, Rolla, Mo. M25F31R35. E. McQueen-Williams, Miss Morvyth. 17 Howe St., New Haven, Conn. (?) M34- R37. N. Mac Quiddy, Dr. Ernest Lynn. M.D., Nebraska. Asst. prof, medicine, Univ. Nebraska Col. Med.; physician, 5612 Jones St., Omaha, Nebr. M40. N. Mac Quigg, C(harles) E(llison). E.M., Ohio State, 09. Dean, Ohio State Univ. Col. Engng., Columbus, Ohio. (393 W. 8th Ave.) M40. MQ. McQuilkin, Dr. W(illiam) E(verett). Appalachian Forest Exp. Sta., Asheville, N. Car. M37R37. G. McQuiston, Prof. W(illiam) C(arlton). M31D3S. FG. McRae, Dr. Floyd W(ilcox). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. Asst. prof, gynecology, Emory University, Ga. (3053 Habersham Road NW., Atlanta, Ga.) M33. N. MacRae, N(orman) A(lexander). Tobacco Div., Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M33F33R34. GOK. McReynolds, L(indley) Ward. A.M., Michigan, 16. Prof, biology and registrar, Junior Col., Kokorao, Ind. (Sharpsville, Ind.) M18F33. FG. McTaggart, James R. 6023 St. Marie St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M18. K. MacTavish, Prof. W(illiam) C(aruth). M.A., Columbia, 26. Prof, chemistry and chairman Dept., Washington Square Col., New York Univ., New York, N. Y. M28- F33. CN. McTeer, Wilson. Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Asst. prof, psychology, Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. (16536 Cherrylawn St.) M34F34. IH. McVickar, Dr. Malcolm H(edley). Ph.D., Ohio State. 90 12th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. M40. OC. McWayne, Albert. 1220 S. 2nd Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. M28R32. ABM. McWhorter, Dr. Frank P(aden). M.S., Chicago, 20; Ph.D., Cornell, 27. Plant pathologist, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. M18F31. G. McWilliams, Prof. Robert Hugh. A.M., Chicago, 13. Prof, sociology, Univ. Den- ver, Denver, Colo. (2025 S. Fillmore St.) M33. KL. Macy, Dr. Harold. Ph.D., Iowa State, 29. Prof, dairy bacteriology, Univ. Minne- sota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. (15 16 Chelmsford Ave.) M22F33. NO. Macy, Dr. Icie (Gertrude) (Icie Macy- Hoobler). M.A., Colorado, 18; Ph.D., Yale, 20. Dir. Res. Lab., Children's Fund Michigan, 660 Frederick St., Detroit, Mich. M21F32. CN, Macy, Ralph W. Col. St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. M36R37. FGN. Macy, Mrs. Ruby N(orthup). Dept. Zoology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M32R33. F. Macy, Dr. Rudolph. Arundel Hotel, Balti- more, Md. M37R37. C. Madden, A(rchie) H(ugh). M.S., Massa- chusetts State, 39. Junior entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quar- antine, Quincy, Fla. M32. FG. Madden, Sister Mary Geraldine. M.A., St. Francis. Mt. Aloysius Junior Col., Cresson, Pa. M40. CBA. Maddock, Dr. Walter (Grierson). M.D., Michigan, 27; M.A., 34. 1314 Sheehan Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M39. N. Maddox, James S. A.M., Iowa. 311 W. Oak St., West Lafayette, Ind. M38. INB. Madeira, Percy C(hild, Jr.). M.A., Penn- sylvania, 33. Vice pres.. Land Title Bank and Trust Co., Philadelphia, Pa. M13. Mader, Dr. E(rich) O. Ph.D., Cornell, 36. Res. dir., Yoder Brothers, Barberton, Ohio; scientific advisor, Butler County Mushrooms Farm, West Winfield, Pa. M38F39. GOC. Madge, Norman Gibson. 103 Woodburv St., Providence, R. I. M29F33R35. EDH. Madill, Dr. Grant C(harles). M.D., Belle- vue Hosp. Med. Col., 86; LL.D., St. Lawrence, 08, New York, 32. Chief sur- geon, A. Barton Hepburn Hosp., Ogdens- burg, N. Y. (92 Caroline St.) Mi 7. N. Madison, Harold L(ester). M.A., Brown, 02. Mus. consultant. Block Island, R. I. M05F21. F. Madison, Dr. Ryland R(andolph). M.A., Stanford, 31; Ph.D., 38. Med. student, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (10 9th Ave., San Mateo, Calif.) M37F38. NC. Madsen, Dr. Louis L(inden). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 34. Nutritionist, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Beltsville, Md. M36F40. CNO. Madson, Prof. B(en) A(dolph). Univ. Farm, Davis, Calif. M24F25R37. OCG. Maffitt, Mrs. Ardella R. Gallatin, Mo. M39R39. FGN. Magath, Dr. Thomas Bvrd. M.S., Millikin, 14; Ph.D., Illinois, 17; M.D., 19. Prof, pathology and parasitology, Univ. Minne- sota Graduate School Med., Minneapolis; head Section Bacteriology and Parasito- logy, Mayo Clinic; health officer, City of Rochester, Rochester, Minn. M17F20. FN. Magdalen, Sister (See Sister Magdalen Crane). Magee, Dr. Charles Franklin. Moscow, Idaho. M24R35. N. Magee, Conway (Stone). B.S., Michigan, 35. Res. asst., Dept. Physiology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1024 Pack- ard St.) M40. N. Individual Members 671 Magee, Prof. John Henry. 130 Cedar St., Bangor, Maine. M33R34. KIN. Magers, Miss Elizabeth J(ulia). M.S., Iowa, 25 ; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, phy- siology, Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M31F33. N. Magie, Dr. W(illiam) F(rancis). A.M., Princeton, 82; D.Sc, 29; Ph.D., Berlin, 85; LL.D., Wooster, 16. Prof, emeritus physics, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (118 Library Place) M86F87V37. B. Vice president for Section on Mathematics and Astronomy (A), 1904. Magill, Dr. A(rthur) C(lay). A.M., Wash- ington Univ., 16; Ph.D., George Peabody, 33. Prof, chemistry and Head Dept. Science, Southeast Missouri State Teach- ers Col., Cape Girardeau, Mo. M40. C. Magill, Henry Purcell. 350 E. Lexington Ave., Danville, Ky. M18R39. EKL. Magill, Dr. Mary A(nnetta). M.A., Ohio State, 31; Ph.D., 33. Assoc, editor. Chemi- cal Abstracts, Ohio State Univ., Colum- bus, Ohio. (153 E. Lane Ave.) M39. CBN. Magill, Prof. Walter H(enderson). M.A., Pennsylvania, 22; Ph.D., 30. Prof, educa- tion, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M24. QIK. Magistad, Dr. Oscar C(onrad). M.S., Wisconsin, 23; Ph.D., 24. Dir. U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D C. M25F30. CO. Magness, Dr. J(ohn) R(obert). M.S., Oregon State, 16; Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Principal pomologist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. M22F25. CGO. Magnuson, H. P. M35F35D38. OC. Magnuson, Leonard G. Electrical en- gineer, 1718 W. 40th St.. Kansas City. Mo. M39. M. Magnuson, Oscar. Cliff Mine, Valdez, Alaska. M38. EIL. Magnusson, Prof. Carl Edward. M.S., Minnesota, 97; E.E., 05; Ph.D., Wis- consin, 00. Prof, electrical engng. and head Dept.; dir. Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (5200 16th Ave. NE.) M17F17. M. Magnusson, Dr. G(ustaf) A(lfred). M.D., Minnesota, 08. Dir. Physicians Clinical Lab., 1420 Med. and Dental Bldg., Seattle, Wash. (5500 17th Ave. NE.) M22. N. Magnusson, Leifur. 3223 Northampton St. NW., Washington, D. C. M33F36. K. Magnusson, P(hilip) C(ooper). M.S., Cali- fornia, 38. Graduate student, Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., Cambridge Mass. M40. MBA. Magoon, Dr. Charles A(lden). Ph.D., American, 24. Riverdale, Md. M25F31. N. Magos, John P. B.S., Chicago, 37. Direct- ing engineer, Crane Co. Res. Labs., 836 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. (7516 N. Wolcott Ave.) M39. MBC. Magruder, Egbert W(atson). T. S. Royster Guano Co., Norfolk, Va. M38F06R38. CO. Magruder, Dr. L. Freeland. Norfolk Pro- testant Hosp., Norfolk, Va. M30F31R32. N. Magruder, Dr. Samuel R(ossington). M.A., Cincinnati, 31; Ph.D., 34. Instr. anatomy, Tufts Col. Med. School, Boston, Mass. M33. F. Magruder, Prof. William T(homas). M88F99D35. MQB. Secretary of Section on Engineering (D), 1900, 1903-07. Maguire, Prof. Bassett. Utah State Col., Logan, Utah. M35F35R37. G. Maguire, Charles A. Sc.M., Holy Cross, 34. Consulting engineer, 603 Turks Head Bldg., Providence, R. I. (310 Elmgrove Ave.) M36. MEA. Maher, John C(harles). M.Sc, Nebraska, 37. Junior geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, University, La. M38. E. Maher, John W(allace). Devils Lake, N. Dak. M25R34. Mahieux, Pierre L. Santa Rosalia, Lower California, Mexico. M33R33. EK. Mahle, Dr. Arthur Edwin. 55 E. Wash- ington St., Chicago, 111. M27R37. N. Mahoney, Dr. Earle (Barnes). M.D., Rochester, 34. Instr. surgery, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y. (57 Eastland Ave.) M40. N. Mahoney, Rev. F(lorence) J(erome). A.M., St. Louis, 21. Regis Col., Denver, Colo. M32. F. Mahoney, Dr. S. A., Jr. 166 Lincoln St., Holyoke, Mass. M32R33. N. Maiben, Ben(jamin). Farmer, Palmyra, Nebr. M18. O. Maier, Dr. Eugene. Ph.D., Erlangen. Dir. labs., Florida Med. Center; consultant, Venomin Co., Venice, Fla. M40. NC. Maier, Prof. Norman R(aymond) Fred- erick). M.A., Michigan, 25; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, psychology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M38. I. Maier, Dr. Otto. M.D., University and Bellevue, 91. 143 W. 85th St., New York, N. Y. M18. N. Mail, Mrs. Constance Davison (Mrs. C. Davison Beal). M.A., Pennsylvania, 31. 171 Nicola St. W., Kamloops, B. C, Canada. M33. EF. Mail, G(eorge) Allen. M.S., Minnesota, 28. Entomologist in charge, Dominion Canada Livestock Insect Lab., Kamloops, B. C, Canada. (171 Nicola St. W.) M29- F33. F. Mailliard, Joseph. Cert., California, 79. Honorary curator ornithology, California Acad. Sciences, San Francisco, Calif. (1815 Vallejo St.) M13F33. F. 672 Directory of Members Maillot, Elmer E(llsworth). Box 1980, Salt Lake City, Utah. M29R36. EML. Main, Dr. Charles T(homas). Dr.Eng., Northeastern. Chairman Board, Chas. T. Main, Inc., 201 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. M25F32. M. Main, Dr. L(ee) R(oy). D.D.S., St. Louis, 07. Prof, radiology, St. Louis Univ. School Dentistry, St. Louis, Mo. M36. N. Main, Dr. Rolland J(ohn). Ph.D., Oregon, 30. Assoc, prof, physiology and phar- macology, Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond, Va. M30F33. NpF. Mainland, Prof. Donald. D.Sc, Edinburgh, 31. Prof, anatomy, Dalhousie Univ., Hali- fax, N. S., Canada. M35F35. NFH. Mainland, Gordon B(each). M.A., Hawaii, 39. Tutor and res. genetics, Dept. Zoology, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M40. F. Mains, Dr. E(dwin) B(utterworth). Ph.D., Michigan, 16. Dir. Herbarium and prof., Dept. Botany, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M18F25. G. Maire, Prof. Rene (Charles Joseph Ernest). D.Sc, Paris, 02; D.M., Alger, 16. Prof, botany, University; dir. Botanical Service Algeria, Alger, Algeria. M35. G. Mairs, Prof. Thomas I(saiah). Pennsyl- vania State Col., State College, Pa. M18- F18R37. OQ. Mais, Prof. Walter H(enry). M.A., Colum- bia, 29; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof., Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M39F40. B. Maison, Dr. George L(ouis). M.S., North- western, 34; M.D., 35. Senior instructor, Dept. Physiology, St. Louis Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (1070 E. Linden St., Richmond Heights, Mo.) M40. NFL Maizlish, I. Leon. M.A., Pittsburgh, 34. 611 Irving Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. M40. I. Maizlish, Dr. I(srael) Paul. 748 N. Detroit St., Los Angeles, Calif. M23F31. BAD. Majella, Brother. St. John's Preparatory School, Danvers, Mass. M28R34. BAC. Major, Dr. Randolph T(homas). M.S., Nebraska, 24; Ph.D., Princeton, 27. Dir. res. and development, Merck and Co., Rahway, N. J. (1210 Denmark Road, Plainfield, N. J.) M23F33. CB. Makemson, Dr. Maud Worcester. Rollins Col., Winter Park, Fla. (?) M32R32. DAB. Malamud, Prof. William. Iowa State Psy- chopathic Hosp., Iowa City, Iowa. M34- F34R38. NI. Malcolm, Dr. W(ilbur) G(eorge). 375 South St., Forest Hills, Boston, Mass. M34F34R34. N. Malcolm, Prof. William Wallace, Sr. Ph.D., Hartford, 29. Prof, philosophy and religion, Missouri Valley Col., Marshall, Mo. M40. KQI. Malhotra, R(am) C(handar). Malhotra St., Jammu, N. W. Ry., Kashmir, India. M32R36. O. Malina, Frank J(oseph). M.Sc, California Inst. Tech., 35, 36. Res. asst. aeronautics, California Inst. Tech.; cooperative agent, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Pasadena, Calif. (1288 Cordova St.) M40. M. Maline, Julian L. Milford Novitiate, Mil- ford, Ohio. M35R35. Malinovszky, Andrew. 2759 Santa Ana St., Southgate, Calif. M18. C. Malisoff, Prof. William M. Ch.E., Colum- bia, 18; Ph.D., New York, 25. Prof, bio- chemistry, Brooklvn Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. "(51 W. 86th St., New York, N. Y.) M37. CNB. Malkiel, Saul. M.A., Boston, 36. Instr., Massachusetts Col. Osteopathy, Boston, Mass. (28 Astoria St., Mattapan, Mass.) M37. NC. Mailer, Dr. Julius B(ernard). M.A., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., 29. Lecturer educa- tional sociology, New York Univ., Wash- ington Square; lecturer educational psy- chology, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (265 Cabrini Blvd.) (M3iF33R36)M4oF33. I. Mallery, Dr. T(homas) D(wight). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Box 471, Desert Lab., Tucson, Ariz. (M32R32) M36F38. G. Mallett, Mrs. Ouida. San Jose State Teach- ers Col., San Jose, Calif. M32R32. CQN. Mallina, R. F. Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M30R32. Mallinckrodt, Edward, Jr. A.M., Harvard, 01. Chairman Board, Mallinckrodt Chemi- cal Works, St. Louis, Mo. M03L04F09. C. Mallmann, Prof. W(alter) LeRoy. Dept. Bacteriology, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M27F33R37. NOM. Malloch, Walter Scott. 756 Coventry Road, Berkeley, Calif. M36R36. GFO. Mallon, A(lfred) E(dward). M.A., Minne- sota, 15. Vice pres., Pillsbury Flour Mills Co., Minneapolis, Minn. M40. CBN. Mallon, Dr. Arthur. M.A., Columbia, 30; Ph.D., New York, 35. Asst. prof, educa- tion. Col. Citv New York, New York, N. Y. M40. QLI. Mallon, Prof. Marguerite Genevieve. M.S., Chicago, 16; Ph.D., 26. Asst. prof, home economics, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (1036 Tiver- ton Ave.) M34F34. N. Mallory, Mrs. Carol A. Fisher. Ph.D., Yale, 27. 88 Laurel Road, Chestnut Hill, Mass. M27. FN. Mallory, Dr. Edith Brandt (Mrs. Tracy B. Mallory). M.A., Columbia, 24; Ph.D., 25. Asst. prof, psychology, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. (61 Hedge Road, Brook- line, Mass.) M32. I. Individual Members 673 Mallory, Prof. Francis. C.E., Virginia Mili- tary Inst., 91 ; D.S., Washington and Lee, 39. Prof, physics, Virginia Military Inst., Lexington, Va. (.416 V.M.I. Parade) M33- F33. B. Mallory, Dr. Frank Burr. A.M., M.D., Harvard, 90; Sc.D., Tufts, 28. 116 Long- wood Ave., Brookline, Mass. M04F06. N. Mallory, Dr. G(eorge) K(enneth). M.D., Harvard, 26. Asst. prof., Boston Univ. Med. School; instr., Harvard Med. School; asst. pathologist, Boston City Hosp., Boston, Mass. (88 Laurel Road, Chestnut Hill, Mass.) M39. N. Mallory, Prof. Virgil S(ampson). Ph.D., Columbia, 39. Prof, mathematics and head Dept., State Teachers Col., Montclair, N. J. (351 Springdale Ave., East Orange, N. J.) M29F38. AQ. Mallory, Dr. William J. M.D., George Washington, 03; M.A., 14. Prof, medicine, George Washington Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. (1720 Connecticut Ave.) M36. N. Malm, Carl J(ohan). Dipl.Chem.Engr., Abo (Finland). Chemist, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. (368 Council Rock Ave.) M38. C. Malmsten, Harry E. 231 Giannini Hall, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M23F31- R35. G. Maloeuf, N. S. R. (See N. S. R. Maluf). Malone, Miss Edna J. M.A., Hunter, 26. First asst. and head Dept. Science, High School Music and Art, 135th St. and Convent Ave., New York, N. Y. (3045 Palisade Ave.) M27. FGH. Malone, Dr. Edward F(all). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 07. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Cin- cinnati Col. Med., Cincinnati. Ohio. Mio- F13. N. Malone, James E(mmett). B.S., Union, 33. Chief chemist, Milligan and Higgins Corp., Johnstown, N. Y. (157 N. Main St., Gloversville, N. Y.) M39. CBA. Malone, Rev. John (Ignatius), S. J. M.A., St. Louis, 31; M.S., Detroit, 38. Prof biologv Xavier Univ., Cincinnati. Ohio. M-o. FNG. Malone, Julius Y(erkes). M.S., Wis- consin, 17; M.D., Washington Univ., 21. Physician, 3357 N. Hackett St., Mil- waukee, Wis. M40. NCB. Malone, Prof. Kemp. Ph.D., Chicago, 19; Litt.D., Emory, 36. Prof. English, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M29F30. L. Maloney, Dr. A(rnold) H(amilton). Howard Univ. Med. School, Washington, D. C. M34F34R35. NC. Malott, Prof. Clyde A(rnett). Ph.D., Indiana, 19. Prof, geology, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. (708 Woodlawn Ave.) MT6F21. E. Malowan, John E(rich). Ch.E., Vienna, 13. Res. chemist, Thomas and Hochwalt Labs., Inc., Monsanto Chem. Co., Dayton, Ohio. Mi 7. C. Malowan, Dr. Lawrence S. Ph.D., Zurich, 23. Prof., Dept. Chemistry and Pharmacy, LTniv. Panama, Panama, R. P. M39. CNB. Malozemoff, Plato. 248 Santa Clara Ave., Oakland, Calif. M36R36. MCB. Maltaner, Dr. Frank. M.A., Stanford, 13; Ph.D., Columbia, 34. Assoc, biochemist, Div. Labs., New York State Dept. Health, Albany, N. Y. M34F34. N. Maltby, Miss Alice B(arnett). M.A., Western Reserve, 30. Teacher science, Lincoln High School, Cleveland, Ohio. (2975 Yorkshire Road, Cleveland Heights) M34. NFG. Maltby, Dr. Margaret E(liza). A.M., Oberlin, 91 ; Ph.D., Gottingen, 95. Assoc, prof, retired, Barnard Col., New York, N. Y. (430 W. 116th St.) M97F98. B. Maluf, Dr. N(oble) S(amuel) R(oyston) (N. S. R. Maloeuf). M.S., Ph.D., Cornell. Res. scholar, Dept. Zoology, Johns Hop- kins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M37F40. FNC. Malzberg, Dr. Benjamin. A.M., Columbia, 17; Ph.D., 34. Asst. dir., Bur. Statistics, New York State Dept. Mental Hygiene, Albany, N. Y. M35F40. KHI. Man, Dr. Evelyn B(rower). Ph.D., Yale, 32. Res. asst., Dept. Psychiatry and Mental Hvgiene, Yale Univ. Med. School, New Haven, Conn. (179 Linden St.) M38F38. NFC. Mance, Prof. Grover C(leveland). Rock Hill, S. Car. M28F28R32. E. Manchester, James G(reenfield). Hamp- ton Bays, N. Y. M26F31. E. Manchester, T(heodore) C(ornell). B.A., B.S., Washington State, 06. Res. chemist, California Fruit Growers Exchange, 616 E. Grove St., Ontario, Calif. (1660 W. Arrow Highway, Upland, Calif.) M25. CE. Manchey, Dr. L. Lavan. Ph.D., Maryland, 35. Pharmaceutical chemist, Vick Chem. Co., 122 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. (M32R32)M39. CN. Mancib, Alvin Stuart. E.E., Brown, 10. Consulting electrical engineer. Mancib Standardizing Lab., 26 Wallace St., West Somerville, Mass. (46 Yale St., Win- chester, Mass.) M38. ACM. Mandabach, Paul J. 646 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. M40. CGI. Mandel, Leonard M. 333 W. 86th St., New York, N. Y. M33R33. 1. Mandelbaum, Dr. Malvin R(obert). Ph.D., Columbia, 23. 45 E. 9th St., New York, N. Y. M28F33. C. Manderson, Miss Margaret E. Dept. Biologv, Col. St. Elizabeth, Convent, N. J. M29R32. FN. 674 Directory of Members Mandeville, Dr. Frederick (Byrne). Hosp. Div., Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond, Va. M39R39. N. Manery, Dr. Jeanne F(orrest). Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y. M37R37. NCF. Maneval, Prof. W(illis) E(dgar). S.M., Bucknell, 03; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Assoc, prof, botany, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (305 Westmount Ave.) M08F18. G. Manfredo, Ernest J(ohn). M21D36. CM. Mangan, H(oratio) A(lonzo). Flat River Junior Col., Flat River Mo. M36R36. CBA. Mange, Clarence E. M.S., Washington Univ., 22. Consultant, Mange Develop- ment Lab., 2317 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (323 Clara Ave.) M40. CMB. Mangelsdorf, Dr. A(lbert) J(ohn). M.S., Harvard, 25; Sc.D., 26. Geneticist, Hawaiian Sugar Planters Assn. Exp. Sta., Honolulu, Hawaii. M28F28. GO. Mangelsdorf, Dr. P(aul) C(hristoph). Sc.D., Harvard, 25. Agronomist and asst. dir., Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Sta- tion, Tex. M27F27. GO. Mangelsdorf, T(heodore) A(ugust). S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 29. Asst. chief chemist, Texas Co., Port Arthur, Tex. (2403 Lakeshore Drive) M34. CMB. Manger, Dr. G(eorge) Edward. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Geologist, Mene Grande Oil Co., Apartado 234, Maracaibo, Venezuela, S. A. (M29R32)M36. E. Manges, Dr. Morris. A.M., Col. City New York, 87; M.D., Columbia, 87. Consult- ing physician, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. (1185 Park Ave.) M22F33. EN. Manges, Dr. Willis F(astnacht). 235 S. 15th St., Philadelphia; Pa. M30R34. N. Manginelli, Dr. Emanuel A(lfred). M.D., Maryland, 26. Assoc, neurology, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons; junior visiting neurologist and psychol- ogist, New York Post Graduate Hosp., New York, N. Y. M40. HIK. Mangrum, James F(reed). M.S., Ten- nessee. Instr.. Lincoln Memorial Univ., Harrogate, Tenn. M40. F. Mangum, Dr. Charles Staples. M18F28- D39. FN. Manifold, Richard G(oing). Vice pres., Mundo Engng. Co.. Los Angeles, Calif. (540 N. Isabel St., Glendale, Calif.) M29. ABC. Mank, Miss Edith (Webster). 12 Reservoir St., Lawrence, Mass. M24R36. F. Manley, Dr. R. M. M22D35. DB. Manly, J(ethro) O(ates), Jr. B.S., William and Mary, 37. Educational adviser, Civilian Conservation Corps, Perryton Tex. M38. GF. Mann, Dr. Albert. M94F11D35. G. Mann, Dr. A(lbert) R(ussell). A.M., Chi- cago, 16; D.Sc, Syracuse. 28; D.Agr., Rhode Island State, 29, Sofia, 39; LL.D., California, 30, Wisconsin, 34. Vice pres! and dir. Southern Education, General Edu- cation Board, 49 W. 49th St.. New York, N. Y. (9 Midland Gardens, Bronxville, N. Y.) M19F25. KOQ. Vice president for Section on Agriculture (0), 1933. Mann, Prof. Charles A(ugust). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 15. Chief, Div. Chem. Engng., Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M28- F28. CMQ. Mann, Dr. Charles (Henry, Jr.). M.D., Middlesex; M.S.P.H., Michigan. Instr. hygiene and public health, Univ. Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1020 Lincoln Ave.) M40. NQF. Mann, C(harles) Riborg. Ph.D., Berlin, 95 ; Sc.D., Lafayette, 18; LL.D., Lawrence, 33, Temple, 33. President emeritus, Amer. Council Education. Washington, D. C. (2440 Foxhall Road) M06F08. BQ. Secre- tary of Section on Education (L), 1908-12. Mann, Charles W(illiam). B.S.A.. Cor- nell, 06. Senior pomologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, San Dimas, Calif. M34- F34. O. Mann, Prof. Clair V(ictor). 210 E. 8th St., Rolla, Mo. M24F25R32. MQK. Mann, Edward L(oring). Palatka, Fla. M13R32. GO. Mann, Dr. Frank Charles. M.D., Indiana, 13; M.A., 14; D.Sc, Georgetown Col,. 37; LL.D., Indiana, 38. Prof. exp. medicine, Univ. Minnesota Graduate School, Rochester, Minn. M18F21. N. Mann, Dr. Harvey Blount. M.S., North Carolina State, 25; Ph.D., Cornell, 29. Southern mgr., Amer. Potash Inst., Inc., 710 Mortgage Guarantee Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. M34F34. G. Mann, Dr. Hubert. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. 1 1 50 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M23- F33. N. Mann, Dr. Lawrence S(tanley). M.S., Illinois, 39; M.D., 39. Interne, Cook County Hosp.; graduate student. Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (130 N. Lotus Ave.) M40. NC. Mann, Dr. Mary Lee. A.M., Columbia, 17; Ph.D., 32. Teacher biology, High School, Flushing, N. Y. (142-41 Franklin Ave.) M27F39. G. Mann, Paul B(lakeslee). A.M., Cornell, 03. First asst. biologic science, New York City Board Education; head Dept. Bio- logv, Evander Childs High School, Bronx, New York, N. Y. (433 W. 21st St.) M27- F33. FGQ. Mann, Victor Irving. E.M., Minnesota, 25. Gen. mgr.. Lake George Mines, Ltd., Captains Flat, New South Wales Aus- tralia. M36. MEC. Individual Members 675 Mann, Dr. William M. Nat. Zoological Park, Washington, D. C. M28F31R33. F. Mannhardt, L(eonhard) Alfred. M.S., New York, 2i. Explorers Club, 10 W. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. M21F33. EF. Manniello, Louis J(oseph). M.S., Syra- cuse, 28. Church and Dwight Co., Inc., 1416 Willis Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. M31. BCM. Manning, Arthur C(alvin). M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 31. Chem. engineer, Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., Kearny, N. J. (65 Passaic Ave., Chatham, N. J.) M28. CB. Manning, Dr. Henry P(arker). A.M., Brown, 86; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 91. Assoc, prof, emeritus mathematics, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M05F07. A. Manning, Dr. Herbert M(iller). M.D., George Washington, 00. Surgeon retired. U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. (2019 I St. NW.) M17. N. Manning, Dr. Isaac Hall. M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 97. Prof, emeritus physiologv, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M31F33. NC. Manning, Mrs. John F. 6630 Whitley Ter- race, Hollywood, Calif. M38. QKH. Manning, Dr. Paul D(e) V(ries). M.C.. California Inst. Tech., 17; Ph.D., Colum- bia, 27. Vice pres.. Western Condensing Co.; dir. res., Golden State Co., Ltd.; vice pres.. Marine Chemicals Co., San Francisco, Calif. (540 Woodmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif.) M28F29. CM. Manning, Dr. Wayne E(yer). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 26. Assoc, prof, botany, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (14 Adare Place) M29F30. G. Manning, Dr. Winston M(arvel). Sc.M., Brown, 31; Ph.D., 33. Res. assoc. limno- logy, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M39. CGF. Manns, Dr. T(homas) F(ranklin). Ph.D.. Pennsylvania, 13. Plant pathologist and soil bacteriologist, Univ. Delaware, New- ark, Del. M07F11. G. Manov, G. G. 101 Gilman Hall, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M35R36. Manresa, Dr. Miguel. D.V.M., Philippines, 21 ; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 28. Assoc, prof, animal husbandry, Univ. Philippines Col. Agric, Agricultural College, Laguna, P. I. M26F33- OFN. Manry, Prof. James C(ampbell). A.M., Harvard, 14; Ph.D., Iowa, 23. Prof., For- man Christian Col., Lahore, India. M19- L22F24. QIK. Mansfield, Dr. George R(ogers). M.A., Amherst, 01; A.M., Harvard, 04; Ph.D., 06. Geologist charge Section Areal and Nonmetalliferous Geology, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (2067 Park Road NW.) M06F11. E. Secretary of Sec- tion on Geology and Geography (E), 19-5- 28; vice president, 1936. Mansfield, Newton. 224 Maple St., Ash- land, Ohio. M36R38. M. Mansfield, W(endell) C. U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. M25F25R34. E. Manson, Prof. E(dmund) S(ewall). S.M.. Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 98. Prof, as- tronomy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Ohio. M10F11. D. Manson, Dr. Grace E(velyn). Personnel Office Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M29F31R35. IQK. Manson, Dr. M(elville) H(usted). M.D., Minnesota, 29; M.S., 31; Ph.D., 34. Assoc, dir., Rural Hosp. Div., Commonwealth Fund, 41 E. 57th St., New York, N. Y. M38. N. Mansur, Frank. 1129 E. Washington Ave., Santa Ana, Calif. M37R37. M. Mantele, Kenneth A(ustin). M.S., Michi- gan, 38. Asst., Hygienic Lab., Univ. Mich- igan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M40. N. Manter, Prof. Harold W(infred). M.A., Illinois, 23; Ph.D., 25. Prof, zoology, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M25F32. FN. Manter, Prof. Jerauld A(rmington). B.S., New Hampshire. Assoc, prof, entomology, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. M18F25. F. Manter, Dr. John T(inkham). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 37. Asst. prof, anatomy, Univ. South Dakota, Vermillion, S. Dak. M37. FH. Manuel, Canuto G. Bur. Science, Manila. P. I. M31R33. F. Manuel, Prof. H(erschel) T(hurman). A.M., Chicago, 14; Ph.D., Illinois, 17. Prof, educational psychology, Univ. Texas, Aus- tin, Tex. M27F33. QI- Manuel, Prof. W(illiam) A(sbury). M.S., Illinois, 15; Sc.D., Colorado School Mines, 28. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio. (50 For- est Ave.) M24F33. CQ. Manville, Dr. Ira A(lbert). M.A., Oregon, 22; M.D., 23; Ph.D., 34. Clinical assoc. prof, medicine and dir. nutritional res., Univ. Oregon Med. School, Portland, Oreg. M28F33. N. Manwaring, Dr. J. G. R. 608 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Flint, Mich. M30R34. N. Manwaring, Dr. Wilfred H(amilton). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 04. Prof, emeritus bacteriology and exp. pathology, Stan- ford University, Calif. M05F08. NK. Manwell, Dr. Reginald D(ickinson). A.M.. Amherst, 26; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 28. Prof, zoology, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N Y (124 Buckingham Ave.) M29F32. FN. Many, Frank Bowen. M31D34. M. 676 Directory of Members Manza, Artemio V. Dept. Botany, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M31R32. GO. Manzer, Dr. Charles W(est). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 27. 10 Sheridan Square, New York, N. Y. M30F33. I. Maphis, Prof. Charles G(ilmore). M13- F21D38. KQ. Marais, D. F. Box 399, Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa. M32R36. MCE. Marano, Ross Joseph. Ph.G., M.S. Instr., Dept. Physiology and Pharmacology, Fordham Univ., New York, N. Y. (850 Cranford Ave., Bronx) M34. GFN. Marbarger, John Porter. B.S., Lebanon Valley, 38. Graduate student, Dept. Zool- ogy. Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M40. FEC. Marberg, C(arl) M(auritz). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 30. Res. chemist, Interchemical Corp., 432 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. (8619 53rd Ave., Elmhurst, N. Y.) M29- F33. C. Marble, Miss Delia W(est). Bedford, N. Y. M28. GO. Marble, Dr. John Putnam. M.A., Harvard, 28; Ph.D., 32. 37 E. Bradlev Lane, Chevy Chase, Md. M25F38. CE. Marble, Dr. L(ouis) M(ills). Canton, Pa. M24R33. O. Marburger, Clifford. Denver, Pa. M35R35. AQB. Marcelline, Sister M. (See Sister M. Mar- celline Horton). Marcello, Dr. (di Girolamo) Alessandro. Dottore Sciense Naturali, Regio Univer- sita di Pavlova, 30. Aiuto assistente, Regio Instituto Botanico, Pavlova, Italy. (San Fantin 3666, Venice, Italy) M28. G. March, Prof. H(ermanJ) W(illiam). A.M., Michigan, 05; Ph.D., Munich, 11. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Wisconsin; consult- ing mathematician, U. S. Forest Products Lab. Madison, Wis. (1825 Summit Ave.) M17F18. A. March, Prof. John L(ewis). A.M., La- fayette, 96; Ph.D., 03. Prof, psychology, Union Col., Schenectadv, N. Y. (1086 Gillespie St.) M29. IQF. Marchand, Dr. Werner. M35D — . F. Marckworth, Otto Stanley. Ohio Testing Lab. Auld Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. M06- F11R33. BC. Marcou, Prof. Rene Joseph. B.S., Colby, 28. Prof., Dept. Mathematics, Boston Col., Chestnut Hill, Mass. M37F38. ABD. Marcovitch, Dr. Simon. Ph.D., Minnesota. 27. Entomologist, Tennessee Agric. Exp. Sta., Knoxville, Tenn. M17F26. F. Marcus, Prof. Alexander. B.S., Col. City New York, 10. Assoc, prof, physics, Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M14- F17. B. Marcus, Dr. Joseph K(eats). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 18. Scientific dir., International Vitamin Corp., 50 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. M32F38. CN. Marden, Dr. John W(esley). M.S., New York, 11; D.Sc, 12. Asst. dir. res., West- inghouse Lamp Co., Bloomfield, N. J. M29F33. CMB. Marden, Prof. Morris. A.M., Harvard, 27; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Univ. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis. (403 E. Car- lisle Ave.) M38F38. A. Mardorf, Dr. W(illiam) C(harles). M.D.. St. Louis, 88. State Hosp. 4, Farmington, Mo. (2136 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo.) M30. N. Mardus, Frederick. C.E., Brooklyn Poly- technic Inst., 25; P.E., Univ. State New York, 33. Professional engineer, 221 Ward Ave., Staten Island, N. Y. ; consulting en- gineer, Elco Works, Electric Boat Co., Bayonne, N. J. M36. MKD. Marek, Prof. L(eroy) F(rank). 17 Hurd Road, Belmont, Mass. M34F34R34. CM. Margaret, Sister Rose (See Sister Rose Margaret Cook). Margineanu, Dr. Nicholas. Str. Marzescu 10, Cluj, Rumania. M38R39. IKQ. Margolin, Sol Ellis. M.A., Washington Univ., 37. Instr. psychology and dir. voca- tional guidance, Harris Teachers Col., St. Louis, Mo. (7285 Princeton Ave., Univer- sity City, Mo.) M40. 1Q. Margolis, Dr. Jacob I(saac). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 22. Physician, 970 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. (21 Raymond Place, Hewlett, N. Y.) M33. N. Margolis, Dr. Otto S(chwarz). M.A., West- ern Reserve, 30; Ph.D., New York, 34. Dir. and head Dept. Bacteriology and Pa- thologv, Pittsburgh School Embalming, Pittsburgh, Pa. M40F40. FG. Margraf, William A(ugust). M.A., Cincin- nati, 21. Head Science Dept.. Senior High School, New Castle, Pa. (107 E. Leasure Ave.) M24. QBC. Margulis, Dr. Aaron Edwin. M.D., Colum- bia, 29. Care Dr. Max Pinner, Montefiore Country Sanatorium, Bedford Hills, N. Y. M37. NA. Margulis, George. 12313 Forest Grove Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. M37R37. K. Maria, Sister Anastasia (See Sister Anas- tasia Maria Grogan). Maria, Sister Stella (See Sister Stella Maria Hogan). Marie, Mother (See Mother Marie Kerna- ghan). Marie, Sister Aloysius (See Sister Aloysius Marie Metz). Marie, Sister Cassiana (See Sister Cas- siana Marie Vogt). Individual Members 677 Marie, Sister Catherine (See Sister Cath- erine Marie O'Brien). Marie, Sister Florence (See Sister Flor- ence Marie Scott). Marie, Sister Jeanne (See Sister Jeanne Marie Bonnett). Marie-Victorin, Prof. Dr.Sc, Montreal, 22. Dir. Institut Botanique, Universite Mon- treal; dir. Montreal Bontanical Garden, Montreal, Que., Canada. M21F32. G. Marine, Dr. David. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 05; M.A., Western Maryland, 07; Sc.D., Western Reserve, 31. Dir. labs., Montefiore Hosp., New York, N. Y. (41 Marshall Road, Yonkers, N. Y.) M24F27. N. Marinelli, Leonidas D. M.A., Columbia, 36 Asst. phvsicist Memorial Hosp., New- York, N. Y.'M4oF4o. BN. Maring, Karl A. Loyola Univ., New Or- leans, La. M31F38. BA. Marion, Mother (See Mother Marion Kent). Marion, Frank. 607 W. 191st St., New- York, N. Y. M28R32. NC, Marion, Stephen P. A.M., Columbia, 35. Instr., Dept. Chemistry, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (153 Lincoln Place) M39. CQ. Maris, Dr. H(arry) B(oyd). U. S. Naval Res. Lab., Anacostia, D. C. M34F34R37. B. Mark, Clara Gould. M.A., Ohio State, 10. 270 S. State St., Westerville, Ohio. Mn- F16. EG. Mark, E(dward) L(aurens). Ph.D., Leip- zig, 76; LL.D., Michigan, 96, Wisconsin, 04. Prof, emeritus anatomy. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (109 Irving St.) M01F01. FGN. Vice president for Section on Zoology (F), 1902 and 1903. Mark, Prof. Herman. Ph.D., Vienna, 20. Adjunct prof, organic chemistry, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. M40. C. Mark, Jacob. Pres., South Oxford Realty Corp., 101 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M29. M. Mark, Dr. Jessie (Jarue). M.S., Ph.D., Iowa State. Kentuckv State Industrial Col., Frankfort, Ky. M38/O. Mark, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Mark Scanlan). Marker, William M(axwell). B.A., Stan- ford, 17; Eng., 26. Vice pres. and treas., Trade Wind Motorfans, Inc., 1325 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. (6240 Linden- hurst Ave.) M26. MCB. Markham, Dr. Edwin C(arlyle). Chem. Lab.. Univ. Delaware, Newark, Del. (?) M29F33R33. C. Markin, Miss Florence Lydia. Orono, Maine. ( ?) M2gR3S- GO. Markle, Dr. M(illard) S. 528 National Ave., Richmond, Ind. M24F25. G. Markley, Prof. Alton L(eFevre). M.S., Cornell, 21; Ph.D., 23. Prof, chemistry, Skidmore Col., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M22F27. C. Markley, Dr. A(rthur) J(ackson). D.D.S., Ohio Col. Dental Surgery, 96. M.D., Miami, 03. Prof, dermatology, Univ. Colo- rado School Med., Denver, Colo. M29. N. Markley, Dr. K(lare) S(tephen). M.S., George Washington, 25; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Principal chemist charge Oil, Fat and Protein Div., U. S. Southern Regional Res. Lab. New Orleans, La. M26F28. COE. Markley, Dr. Max C. Ch.E., Kansas; Ph.D., Minnesota. 34. Chief chemist, Cargill, Inc., 761 Chamber Commerce Bldg., Minne- apolis, Minn, (i486 Hythe St., St. Paul, Minn.) M34F34. HGE. Markovits, Dr. Theodore. 302 Richmond Ave., South Orange, N. J. M33R34. CBN. Markowitz, Dr. B(enjamin). 525 Griesheim Bldg., Bloomington, 111. M32R34. N. Marks, Dr. David. D.V.M., Michigan State, 18. Supervising inspector, U. S. Bur. Ani- mal Industrv, Detroit, Mich. (143 Elm St., Wheeling, W. Va.) M31. NF, Marks, Miss lea. M.S., Ohio State. 1435 6th St., Charleston, 111. M36. G. Marks, Dr. Lewis Hart. M.D., Tulane, 06. Sugartown, Paoli, Pa. M27F33. CN. Marks, Prof. Lionel S(imeon). M.M.E., Cornell, 94. Prof, mechanical engng., Har- vard U^niv., Cambridge, Mass. M08F15. M. Markson, Dr. David Edmund. 3215 W. North Ave., Chicago, 111. M36R36. N. Markus, Henry C. M.S., Illinois, 29. Asst. aquatic biologist, U. S. Bur. Fisheries, Brighton Sta., Rochester, N. Y. M32F33. F. Markwardt, L(orraine) J(oseph). C.E., Wisconsin. 22. Chief. Div. Timber Me- chanics, U. S. Forest Products Lab., Mad- ison, Wis. (12 Lathrop St.) M28F31. MOG. Marlatt, Prof. Abby L(illian). M.S., Kan- sas State, 90; D.Sc, 25; LL.D., Utah State, 38. Prof, emeritus home economics, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (612 Howard Place) M99F16. CK. Marlatt, Charles L(ester). M.S., Kansas State, 86; D.Sc, 21. 1521 16th St. NW„ Washington, D. C. M9iF95E.39- FKO. Sec- retary of Section on Biology (F ), 1899. Marlatte, Charles R(aymond). M.S., Ore- gon, 31. Inspector (core drill), U. S. En- gineer Dept., Portland, Oreg. (4928 N. East 32nd Ave.) M40. EMH. Marlies, Prof. Charles A. A.M., Columbia, 28; Ph.D. 35. Asst. prof. chem. engng.. City Col., New York, N. Y. M38F39. MCB. Marling, Alfred E(rskine). M06L07D — , 678 Directory of Members Marlow, Dr. Frank William. 200 Highland St., Syracuse, N. Y. M01F33R34. HN. Marm, Miss Anna. 741 N. 2nd St., Linds- borg, Kans. M24R37. A. Marmer, H(arry) A(aron). M.S., Rutgers, 31. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. M25F25. EMA. Marmor, Rev. J. D. 12 E. 115th St., New York, N. Y. (?) M02L04. EHN. Marmorston, Dr. Jessie (Jessie Marmors- ton Gottesman). M.D., Buffalo, 24. Physi- cian, 1 165 Park Ave., and Out-patient Clinic, New York Hosp., New York, N. Y. M29F33. N. Maron, Prof. Samuel H(erbert). M.S., Case, 33; Ph.D., Columbia, 38. Asst. prof, physical chemistry, Case School Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. (1921 E. 97th St.) M40. CBM. Marquard, Prof. W(illiam) B(enjamin). 828 Burke St., Easton, Pa. M28R32. M. Marquardt, Dr. Carl Eugene. M.A., Penn- sylvania State, 12; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 15; Ed.M., Harvard, 24. Col. examiner and prof. Romance philology, Pennsyl- vania State Col., State College, Pa. (343 E. Hamilton Ave.) M24F31. L. Marquardt, Dr. Matthias. M.D., Chicago Med. School. Asst. physician, Augusta State Hosp., Augusta, Maine. M38. NHI. Marquette, W(illiam) G(eorge). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 07. William M. Grosvenor Labs.. Inc., 50 E. 41st St., New York, N. Y. (Pleasantville, N. Y.) M23F2S. G. Marquis, Dr. Donald G. Ph.D., Yale, 32. Assoc, prof, psychology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M37F38. I. Marquis, Prof. F(ranklin) W(ales). M.E., Illinois, 09. Prof, mechanical engng. and chairman Dept., Ohio State Univ., Colum- bus, Ohio. (375 W. 8th Ave.) M40. M. Marquis, Dr. John Neilson. M.D., Penn- sylvania, 31. Surgeon, McClung Hosp., Richwood, W. Va. (55 E. Walnut St.) M39. NQ. Marquis, (Richard) Jack. 1106 W. Oak St., Denton, Tex. M38R38. B. Marquis, Dr. R(obert) H(oughton). Ph.D., Chicago 29. Prof, mathematics, Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio. M36F36. ABD. Marquis, Thomas V(ance). Western Con- densing Lab., Petaluma, Calif. M39R39. C. Marr, John (Winton). B.S., Texas Tech., 36. Teaching asst. botany, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M38. GEF. Marrazzi, Dr. Amedeo S(orrentino). M.D., New York, 28. Asst. prof, pharmacology, New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. M38. NpFI. Marriott, Dr. Ross W. A.M., Swarthmore, 07; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 11. 213 Lafayette Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. M06F10. DBA. Marriott, Dr. W(illiams) McKim. M27F33- D36. CNQ. Marrison, Warren A. M.A., Harvard, 21. Research frequency and time studies, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (732 Ridgewood Road, Maplewood, N. J.) M39F40. BED. Marrow, Dr. Alfred J. 415 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. M37R37. IKH. Marschall, A(dolph) J. 14 Proudfit St., Madison, Wis. M08. CO. Marsden, Dr. Ralph W(alter). Ph.M., Wis- consin, 33 ; Ph.D., 39. Geologist, Bur. Mines, Manila, P. I. M40. EM. Marsh, Dr. Alfred. Box 22, Jacksonville, Ala. (?) M36R36. CHM. Marsh, Charles (Randolph). M.S., Illinois. Todd School Boys, Woodstock, 111. M38. BDP. Marsh, Donald G(albraith). Pharmacolo- gist, William S. Merrell Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. (7031 Britton Ave.) M40. NpC. Marsh, Frank L(ewis). M.S., Northwest- ern, 35. Assoc, prof, biology, Union Col., Lincoln, Nebr. (4717 Bancroft Ave.) M40. FG. Marsh, Franklin W(inter). B.S., Massa- chusetts State, 15. Asst. bacteriologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (571 1 Colorado Ave. NW.) M29F33. COG. Marsh, Dr. Gordon. Ph.D., Texas, 30. Asst. prof, zoology, LIniv. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M30F33. FG. Marsh, Dr. Hadleigh. D.V.M., George Washington, 12. Veterinary pathologist, Montana Veterinary Res. Lab., Bozeman, Mont. (916 S. 3rd Ave.) M28F33. N. Marsh, H(erbert) E(ugene). M.A., Cali- fornia, 25. Academic dean. Univ. Red- lands, Redlands, Calif. (940 Campus Ave.) M24F31. BDM. Marsh, Prof. Howard D(aniel). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 05. Assoc, prof., City Col., New York N. Y. (103 Overlook Terrace, Leonia, N. J.) M07F11. IHK. Marsh, Dr. James P(rentiss). M.D., Al- bany, 85; A.M., Union, 20. Surgeon, 12 Whitman Court, Troy, N. Y. M23. NL. Marsh, Millard C(aleb). M04F15L31D36. NFG. Marsh, Dr. Robert P(rice). M.S., Rutgers, 23; Ph.D., 24. Res. assoc, Dept. Plant Physiology, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta. and Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. (49 Delevan St.) M23F25. FG. Marsh, W(illiam) J(udson). B.A.. Am- herst, 09. Res. chemist, Hooker Electro- chemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. (931 Lafayette Ave.) M40. CGI. Marshak, Dr. Alfred (George). Ph.D., Harvard, 34. Res. assoc, Radiation Lab., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (M34- R34)M38. FGN. Individual Members 679 Marshall, Albert E(dward). Pres., Rum- ford Chem. Works, Rumford, R. I. (730 Elmgrove Ave., Providence, R. I.) M34- F34. CM. Marshall, Miss Ann (Elizabeth). Box 11, North St. Sta., Nacogdoches, Tex. M29- R34. GF. Marshall, Dr. Clyde S(locomb). M.D.,C.M., Dalhousie, 24. Asst. prof, anatomy, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. (114 Canner St.) M33. FNH. Marshall, Dr. E(li) K(ennerly), Jr. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 11; M.D., 17. Prof, phar- macology and exp. therapeutics, Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. School, Baltimore, Md. M1SF21. Np. Marshall, Mrs. Frances B(otkin). 485 Thompson Ave., East Haven, Conn. M28- F33R35. I- Marshall, F(rederick) R(upert), 509 Mc- Cormick Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Mi 4- F18R35. OF. Marshall, George G(ehring). Marshall Drug Co., Lakeside and W. 9th St., Cleve- land, Ohio. M25. CEF. Marshall, Dr. H(amilton) L(ouis) J. Troy, Ala. M34R37. NBC. Marshall, Miss Helen. Ross Road, Palo Alto, Calif. (?) M38R38. I. Marshall, Prof. John S(edberry). Ph.D., Boston, 26. Prof, philosophy and asst. prof, psychology, Albion Col., Albion, Mich. M36. IL. Marshall, John Thornton. Dir. Vital Sta- tistics and Supervisor Med. Records, Provincial Board Health, Victoria, B. C, Canada. (1260 McKenzie St.) M38. N. Marshall, Dr. Lauriston C(alvert). Ph.D., California, 29. Assoc, prof, electrical engng., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M36F38. BMO. Marshall, Dr. L(eon) C(arroll). Brookings Inst., 722 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. M29F30R33. KIH. Marshall, Miss Margaret. New York Train- ing School Teachers, New York, N. Y. M31R32. I. Marshall, Dr. Max S(kidmore). M.A., Michigan, 22; Ph.D., 25. Assoc, prof, bac- teriology, School Med.; lecturer, Col. Pharmacy, Univ. California; consultant to labs., Dept. Public Health, San Francisco, Calif. M25F33. N. Marshall, Dr. Milton. Ph.D., Chicago, 24. Prof, physics. Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah. M29F33. BAC. Marshall, Robert. M27L31F33D39. OGL. Marshall, Dr. Roy E(dgar). M.S., Oregon State, 15; Ph.D., Minnesota, 31. Prof, pomology, Michigan State Col., East Lans- ing. Mich. M34F34. O. Marshall, Dr. Roy K(enneth). A.M., Mich- igan, 30; Ph.D., 32. Franklin Inst., Phila- delphia, Pa. M33F33. D. Marshall, Dr. Rush P(orter). M.S., Wis- consin, 24; Ph.D., Yale, 29. Pathologist, U. S. Dept. Agric. ; res. assoc, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (44 Pickwick Road) M29F32. G. Marshall, Dr. Ruth. M.S., Wisconsin, 00; Ph.D., Nebraska, 07. Prof, emeritus zool- ogy, Rockford Col., Rockford, 111. (Wis- consin Dells, Wis.) M09F20. F. Marshall, Stewart M(cCulloch). M.E., Pennsylvania, 10; M.S., Columbia, 32. Consulting engineer, 1915 Mills Tower, San Francisco, Calif. (430 Nevada Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.) M34F34. MED. Marshall, Prof. William S(tanley). Ph.D., Leipzig, 93. Prof, emeritus entomology, Univ Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (139 E. Gilman St.) M11F15. F. Marsland, Prof. Douglas (Alfred). New York Univ., Washington Square, New York, N. Y. M33R39. FM. Marsteller, Dr. Ross Perry. D.V.M., Ohio State, 05. Dean, School Veterinary Med.; prof, veterinary medicine and surgery, Texas A. and M. Col., College Station, Tex. M37F40. NOQ. Marston, Edgar J. Box 1063, Colorado Springs, Colo. M40. G. Marston, George W(hite). LL.D., Pomona, 24. 3525 7th St., San Diego, Calif. M18- L31. DH. Marston, Dr. Leslie R(ay). A.M., Illinois, 17; Ph.D., Iowa, 25; LL.D., Houghton, 39. Bishop, Free Methodist Church; pres., Commission Christian Education, Free Methodist Church, Winona Lake, Ind. (311 N. Prairie St., Greenville, 111.) M30- F33. IQ. Marston, Dr. William M(oulton). Ph.D., Harvard, 21. Consulting psychologist, 347 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. (M25- F25R32)M35F2S. I. Martel, Charles. Consultant bibliography, cataloguing, and classification, Library Congress, Washington, D. C. (316 D St. SE.) M29F31. LKI. Marthens, Paul. B.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech. St. Joseph Club, Monaca, Pa. M38. MA. Martin, Dr. Alan L(aMott). Glenwood, N. J. M39R39. GCF. Martin, Albert, Jr. 416 S. 41st St., Phila- delphia, Pa. M39. FGD. Martin, Prof. Arthur (Wesley). Ph.D., Chicago, 14. Prof, mathematics, Col. Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash. (3209 N. 15th St.) M07F33. AC. Martin, Dr. Arthur W(esley, Jr.). Ph.D., Stanford, 36. Asst. prof, physiology, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M39. NF. 68o Directory of Members Martin, Dr. Bertha (Edith). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 15. Prof, biology. Shorter Col., Rome. Ga. M24F33. FGN. Martin, Miss Bessie A. Orovada, New (?) M32R35. Martin, Prof. C(ecil) P(ercy). M.Sc, Trin- ity (Dublin), 30; M.A., Sc.D., 35. Prof, anatomy, McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada' M38. FHN. Martin, Dr. Charles H(erbert). A.M., Kan- sas, 27; Ph.D., Cornell, 39. Asst. ento- mologist, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. (Marietta, Ohio) M40. F. Martin, Dr. Clare. A.M., Ohio State, 20: Ph.D., 23. Chairman Dept. Chemistry and Physics, Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, Ohio. M24F33. CB. Martin, Mrs. Cora M(erriman). M.A., Co- lumbia, 22; Ph.D., Texas, 36. Assoc, prof, elementarv education, Univ. Texas, Aus- tin, Tex. M39. Q. Martin, E. S. 100 Neville Park Blvd., To- ronto, Ont., Canada. M25R32. M. Martin, Prof. Earl A(lbert). A.M.. Cor- nell. 16; Ph.D., 34. Chairman Dept. Biol- ogy, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M17- L25F33. F. Martin, Dr. Edward J(ohn). M.S., Mich- igan, 17; Ph.D., 24. Physicist and head Physics Instrumentation Dept., General Motors Res. Lab., Detroit, Mich. M27- F40. B. Martin, Dr. Edwin Dudley. D.Sc, Nancy, 15. Asst. chief metallurgist charge de- velopment and res.. Inland Steel Co., Chi- cago, 111.; vice pres. and dir., Calibron Products, Inc., West Orange, N. J. (7000 S. Shore Drive, Chicago, 111.) M36. MBC. Martin, Ella May. Sophie Newcomb Col., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. (?) M21- F33R33. G. Martin, Dr. Emilie Norton. Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. M04F06R35. A. Martin, Dr. Ernest G(ale). M08F11D34. N. Martin, Mrs. Ethel Austin. M.S., Colum- bia, 23. Dir. Nutrition Service, Nat. Dairy Council, in N. Canal St., Chicago, 111. (5400 Harper Ave.) M31. CN. Martin, Florence I. Erasmus Hall High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. M30R38. Martin. Dr. Foster N(ewton), Jr. M.D.. Med. Col. State South Carolina, 32. Assoc, pharmacology, Med. Col. State South Car- olina, Charleston, S. Car. M37. NpFG. Martin, Dr. Franklin H. M35F35D35. N. Martin, Dr. Frederic T(hurman). Ch.E., Lehigh, 25; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Instr., Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M24F33. C. Martin, Dr. Frederick H. A.M., Princeton, 15; l'h. I)., 17. Divisional supt.. Hood Rub- ber Co.. Watertowri, Mass. (285 Payson Road. Belmont, Mass.) M3SF3S. CK, Martin, Dr. G(eorge) W(ashington). 309 E. Wabash Ave., Crawfordsville, Ind. M34- F34R35. G. Martin, Prof. G(eorge) W(illard). M.Sc, Rutgers, 15; Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof, bot- any, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Mi 4- F16. G. Martin, Dr. H(arry) M(athias). V.M.D., Pennsylvania, 16; A.M., 23; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, pathology and parasitology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Veterinary Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M22F33. FN. Martin, Dr. Hayes E. M.D., Iowa, 17. At- tending surgeon, Memorial Hosp., New York, N. Y. ; consulting surgeon, Jersey City Hosp., Jersey City, N. J., White Plains Hosp., White Plains, N. Y., and New York Infirmary Women and Chil- dren, New York, N. Y. M36. N. Martin, Dr. Hermon W(ilkes). M.A., North Carolina, 24; Ph.D., 38. Assoc, prof, psychology, Emory University, Ga. (1017 Clairmont Ave., Decatur, Ga.) M38. I. Martin, Dr. Howard H(anna). A.M., George Washington, 23; Ph.D., 29; Sc.D., Monmouth, 37. Prof, geography, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M28F31. EKO. Martin, James C(harles). B.S., California, 15. Assoc, chemist, Univ. California Agric. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, Calif. M30F33. CG. Martin, J(ames) Foster. Box 417, Pendle- ton, Oreg. M32R32. OG. Martin, Dr. James Francis. M.S., Massa- chusetts State. 14; Ph.D.. 15. Senior pa- thologist, U. S. Dept. Agric. Washington, D. C. (1224 Hamilton St. NW.) M30F33. FGO. Martin, Dr. Jerome. Ph.D., California. 27. Res dir.. Commercial Solvents, Terre Haute, Ind. M29F38. CBA. Martin, Joel Mann. B.S., Florida, 37. 111 1st St. NE„ Washington, D. C. M40. FIN. Martin, Dr. John. M.S., Northwestern, 34; M.D., 35 ; Ph.D., 40. Instr. clinical surgery, Northwestern Univ. Med. School. Chicago, 111. (in E. Pearson St.) M40. NFI. Martin. John G. Ph.G., Tulane, 25; B.S., Alabama, 27. Instr. chemistry, Alcee Fortier High School, New Orleans, La. M38. C. Martin, Dr. John H(olmes). M.S., Mary- land, 21 ; Ph.D.. Minnesota. 26. Senior agronomist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industrv. Washington, D. C. M18F26. O. Martin, Dr. John N(athan). Ph.D., Chi- cago. 507 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa. M38- F40. G. Martin, Dr. J(oseph) Holmes. M.S., Ken- tucky, 24; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 29, Dept. Poultry Husbandry, Purdue Univ. Agric Exp. Sta., La Fayette, Ind. (501 Carrollton Ave., West Lafayette, Ind.) M28F31. O. Martin, Dr. Laura H(atch). Ph.D.. Chi- cago, 16. Housewife, 3215 R St. NW., Washington, D. C. M22F31. E. N dividual Members 681 Martin, Dr. Lay. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 20. Assoc, medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ.; visiting physician, Johns Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore, Md. M34F34. NC. Martin, Miss Lena (Emerson). M.S., Em- my, 25. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Georgia State Col., Milledgeville, Ga. (310 Spring- dale Drive, La Grange, Ga.) M40. CBQ. Martin, Dr. Lillien Jane. Ph.D., Bonn, 13. Consulting psychologist; dir., Old Age Center, Shreve Bldg., San Francisco. Calif. ( Plaza Hotel) M83F86V37. IH. Vice presi- dent for Section on Anthropology and Psy- chology (H), 1915- Martin, Prof. Louis A(dolphe), Jr. Ste- vens Inst. Tech., Hoboken, N. J. M03- F06R36. MBQ. Martin, M. A. Newcomb Col., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M32R32. I. Martin, Dr. Mabel Florence. Ph.D., Cor- nell, 22. Psychometrist, Northampton State Hosp., Northampton, Mass.; special editor psychology, New International Year Book, Funk and Wagnalls Co., New York, N. Y. (133 Morgan Road, West Spring- field, Mass.) M32F33. I. Martin, Mrs. Madeleine W(allace). Box 215, Kirbyville, Tex. M36R37. LEH. Martin, Prof. Miles J. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 30. Prof, physics, Univ. Wisconsin Exten- sion Div., Milwaukee, Wis. M32F33. B. Martin, Newell. Turkey Lane, Huntington, N. Y. M24. E. Martin, Dr. Robert Carson. M.D., Cali- fornia, 20. Assoc, prof, surgery, Univ. Cali- fornia School Med., San Francisco, Calif. (3491 Pacific Ave.) M40. N. Martin, Dr. R(obert) E(arl). M.S., Le- high. 21 ; Ph.D., Indiana, 25. Prof, physics, Hanover Col., Hanover, Ind. M36F36. B. Martin, Robert F(ranklin). 23 Bridge St., Shinnston, W. Va. M35R35. G. Martin, Steven J(ohn). 310 Huntington Court, Madison, Wis. (?) M28R32. FN. Martin, Dr. Walter E(dwin). M.S., Pur- due, 32; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, zoology, De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. (321 Bloom- ington St.) M35. FNH. Martin, Mrs. Walton. 228 E. 49th St.. New York, N. Y. L17. Martin, Wendell. B.S., Ohio State. 19. Pres., Martin Bros. Electric Co., 3620 Per- kins Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. M40. M. Martin, Wilfred S(amuel). M.S., Cincin- nati, 38. Head Perfume Lab., Process De- velopment Dept., Procter and Gamble, Ivorydale, Ohio. (30 Central Terrace, Wyoming, Ohio) M34. CI. Martin, Dr. William E. M.S., Oregon State; Ph.D., Chicago. Asst. prof, and asst. horticulturist, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. (2206 N. Forgens Ave.) M40. O. Martin, Dr. William Francis. M.D., Mary- land, 20. Surgeon, 608 Professional Bldg., Charlotte, N. Car. (311 Queens Road) M38. N. Martin, W(illiam) H(ennick). Amer. Tele- phone and Telegraph Co., 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M28R34. MB. Martin, Dr. William H(ope). M.Sc, Rut- gers, 17; Ph.D., 18. Dean, Rutgers Univ. Col. Agric; dir., New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, N. J. (2 Delevan St.) M18F25. GO. Martin, W(illiam) W(oodrow). A.M., Chi- cago, 22. Prof, psychology, Woman's Col. Univ. North Carolina, Greensboro, N. Car. (204 Tate St.) M39. IQN. Martinette, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Martinette Hagan). Martinetti, Dr. Carlo D. 311 Central Ave., Orange, N. J. M33R33. BCN. Martinez-Rivera, Dr. E. M.D., Maryland, 21. Box 128, Hato Rey, P. R. M37. NL. Martinoff, Alexander D(imitri). 1961 E. 93rd St., Cleveland, Ohio. M34R34- EM. Martins, Dr. Thales (Cesar). Dept. Physio- pathologv, Instituto Butantan, Caixa 65, Sao Paul'o, Brazil, S. A. M30R39. N. Martinson, Dr. Betty (Margaret) (Mrs. Betty Martinson Home). M.S., Ft. Hayes State Teachers Col.; Ph.D., Iowa. Wayne County Training School, Northville, Mich. M39. i. Martius, Frederick T(raugott). Box 760, Omaha, Nebr. (?) M21R37. AEM. Martonak, Sgt. Stephen H(enry William). Dallas Aviation School and Air Col., Love Field, Dallas, Tex. M38. BMI. Martorell (Davila), Luis (Felipe). M.S.. Ohio State, 34. Asst. entomologist, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R. (24 San Jorge St., Stanturce, P. R.) M38F40. FOG. Marts, Ralph O(rtman). M.S., Iowa, 27. Assoc, physiological plant anatomist, U. S. Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. M25- F33. G. Karl H(enry). Portland, Oreg. 3316 E. M34F34- Martzloff, Dr, Burnside St., R36. N. Marvel, Prof. Carl S(hipp). M.S., Illinois Wesleyan, 15; A.M., Illinois, 16; Ph.D., 20. Prof, organic chemistry, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M22F25. C. Marvin, Arba Bryan. New Canaan, Conn. M18R33. CM. Marvin, Dr. Charles Frederick. M.E., Ohio State. 83; Dr.Sc, 32. Chief retired, V. S. Weather Bur.. Washington, D. C. (1501 Emerson St. NW.) M90F92E39. BE. Marvin, George Eugene. Box 163, Kohala, Hawaii. M28R36. F. 682 Directory of Members Marvin, Dr. George (Glover). S.M., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 29; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, chemistry, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass., and Suffolk Univ., Bos- ton, Mass. M40. C. Marvin, Prof. H(enry) H(oward). Ph.D., Columbia, 12. Prof, theoretical physics and chairman Dept. Physics, Univ. Ne- braska, Lincoln, Nebr. M13F16. B. Marvin, Dr. James W(allace). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 39. Instr., Dept. Botany, Univ. Vermont, Burlington, Vt. (91 S. Willard St.) M37. G. Marvin, Dr. Walter T(aylor). Ph.D., Bonn, 98. Dean, Col. Arts and Sciences, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. M2SF25. IHK. Marx, Prof. Guido H(ugo). Box 74, Stan- ford University, Calif. M17F25R39. M. Marx, Rev. Joseph Andrew. Route 6, Green Bay, Wis. M34R34- QLH. Marx, Dr. Lore. Ph.D., Heidelberg, 28. Res. asst., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M38. FN. Marx, Miss Rose S. 100 Morningside Drive, New York, N. Y. M30. C. Marx, Dr. Walter. Ph.D., Karlsruhe, 33. Res. assoc, Inst. Exp. Biology, Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. M37. C. Maryott, Prof. Carlton H(oward). Ph.D.. Yale, 11. Univ. Georgia Med. Col., Augusta, Ga. M17F33. N. Maryson, Dr. J(acob) A. 2864 Marion Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M29R33. N. Marzano, Dr. Christopher. 130 Roy Hall, St. Viator Col., Bourbonnais, 111. M25- R32. C Masius, Dr. Morton. M.A., Ph.D., Leipzig, 08. Prof, physics and dir. Salisbury Physics Labs., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., Wor- cester, Mass. (52 Fruit St.) M28F31. B. Mason, A. Hughlett. M.S., Pennsylvania, 31. Asst. engineer, Bur. Navy Engng., U. S. Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. (21 19 H St. NW.) M36. DM. Mason, Arnold C(averly). B.S., Yale, 28. Dept. Geologv, Univ. Kentucky, Lexing- ton, Ky. M29. EMG. Mason, Arthur C(harles). M.S., Florida, 15. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. En- tomology and Plant Quarantine, Honolulu, Hawaii. M23F25. F. Mason, Miss Carol Y(oung). M.A., Clark. 25 ; Ph.D., 36. Prof, geography, State Teachers Col., Maryville, Mo. (910 W. Third St.) M29. EBG. Mason, Charles N(oble), Jr. S.M., Har- vard, 33; A.M., 34. Clerk-rating examiner, U. S. Civil Service Commission, Boston, Mass. (Brookline, Mass.) M37. MKB. Mason, D(onald) B(entley). M.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 23. Technical dir., Freeport Sulphur Co., 122 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. M35. CM. Mason, Harold. A.M., Michigan; D.D., Huntington. Pres., Huntington Col., Hunt- ington, Ind. (.2145 College Ave.) M37. Mason, Dr. Harold L(awrence). M.S., Southern California, 24; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Assoc, prof., Mayo Foundation, Roches- ter, Minn. (318 14th Ave. SW.) M36F36. NC. Mason, Dr. Herbert L. Dept. Botany, Univ. California, Berkelev, Calif. M31- R32. G. Mason, H(erman) C(harles). M.Sc, Illi- nois. 1517 S. Drake Ave., Chicago, 111. M39. NCK. Mason, Dr. Inez (Dora). M.S., North- western, 22; Ph.D., Minnesota, 33. Eagle- ville, Conn. M35. C. Mason, J. Rupert. 1920 Lake St., San Francisco, Calif. M35R36. KMO. Mason, Dr. J(ohn) Alden. Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 11. Curator, Amer. Section, Univ. Mus.. Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M19F21. H. Mason, Dr. Karl E(rnest). Ph.D., Yale, 25. Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y. M25F26. NF. Mason, Max. Ph.D., Gottingen, 03; D.Sc, Columbia, 26; LL.D., Wisconsin, 26, Yale, 26, Dartmouth, 27. California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M07F09. AB. Vice presi- dent for Section on Physics (B), 1919- Mason, Dr. Michael L(ivingood). A.M., Northwestern, 17; M.D., 24; Ph.D., 31. 54 E. Erie St., Chicago, 111. M34F34. N. Mason, Miss Molly. M.A., Toronto, 35 ; Ph.D., 40. Dir. Mary B. Eyre Nursery School; instr., Dept. Psychology, Scripps Col., Claremont, Calif. M40. I. Mason, Prof. M(ortimer) Phillips. A.M., Harvard, 00; Ph.D., 04. Prof, philosophy, Bowdoin Col., Brunswick, Maine. M18. IL. Mason, Preston Walter. U. S. Bur. Ento- mology and Plant Quarantine, Washing- ton, D". C. M11F25R33. F. Mason, Ruth G. (See Mrs. Foster K. Bal- lard). Mason, Dr. Shirley L(owell). 1617 Millard St., Bethlehem, Pa. M18F31R34. E. Mason, Dr. Silas C(heever). M10F23- D35. G. Mason, Dr. Thomas E(dward). M17F18- D39. A. Masserman, Dr. Jules H. M.D., Wayne, 31. Asst. prof, psychiatry, Univ. Chicago; assoc. physician, Psychopathic Hosp., Chi- cago, 111. (1379 E. 57th St.) (M38R38)- M40. IKN. Individual Members 683 Massey, Prof. A(rthur) B(allard). M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., 28. Botanist and assoc. prof, biology, Virginia Poly- technic Inst., Blacksburg, Va. M11F15. GC. Massey, Emil L. M.A., Detroit, 31. Super- visor science, Detroit Board Education; asst. prof, teaching science, Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. (16804 Braile Ave.) M38. QCB. Massey, L(ouis) M(elville). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 16. Prof, plant pathology and head Dept., New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. M16F21. G. Massicotte, Dr. Joseph Peter. 1536 West- minster St., Providence, R. I. (M32R34)- M36R37. N. Masson, John G. M29D38. C. Mast, Prof. Clarence S(impson). M34F34- D36. B. Mast, Dewey. Box 291, Newton, N. Car. M31R32. FG. Mast, Gifford M. M.S., Harvard, 38. Con- sulting engineer, 3800 Brady St., Daven- port, Iowa. M40. MIB. Mast, Prof. Samuel Ottmar. Ph.D., Har- vard, 06. Prof, zoology and dir, Zoological Lab., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (415 Woodlawn Road) M02F09. F. Masten, Floyd E. B.S., Syracuse, 28. Mgr., G. E. Masten Feed Store, Pleasant Vallev, N. Y. M36. E. Master, Dr. Arthur M (orris). M.D., Cor- nell, 21. Asst. medicine, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons; asst. medi- cine, Chief Cardiology Lab., Mt. Sinai Hosp.; consulting cardiologist, Rockaway Beach Hosp., New York, N. Y. M29F33. NQE. Masters, C(arl) L(uther). B.S., Cornell, 14. Res. engineer, Nat. Aniline and Chem. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. (East Aurora, N. Y.) M40. AMK. Masters, Frank Milton. Owner, Modjeski and Masters, State St. Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. M39. MBC. Masterson, Dr. Teresa. M.S., Syracuse; Ph.D., Fordham. Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M39. C. Mastick, Seabury C(one). A.M., Oberlin, 94, 16 (honorary). Bear Ridge Farm, Pleasantville, N. Y. M13F28. CKL. Matas, Dr. Rudolph. M.D., Tulane, 80; LL.D., Washington, 15, Alabama, 26, Tu- lane, 28; Sc.D., Pennsylvania, 25, Prince- ton, 28. Prof, emeritus surgery, Tulane Univ. Med. School ; honorary chief Surgi- cal Staff, Touro Hosp.; consultant surgery, Charity Hosp., New Orleans, La. (2255 St. Charles Ave.) M01F06. N. Matchette, F(ranklin) J(ames). Pres., Ni- tragin Co.. Milwaukee, Wis., Franchette Corp. and Eight-Twenty Fifth Corp., New York, N. Y. M40. B. Matter, Miss Florence (Edna). A.M., Clark, 14; Ph.D., 16, Consulting psycholo- gist, Merryheart Clinic; dir. and owner, Merryheart School Corrective Education, Columbus, Ohio. M19F21. 1. Mathe, Dr. Charles P(ierre Louis). M.D., California, 16. Chief urologist, Southern Pacific General Hosp. and St. Mary's Hosp., San Francisco, Calif. M24. N. Matheny, Prof. William A(lderman). A.M., Clark, 09; Ph.D., 11. Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio. M35F35. FG. Mather, Dr. Alan. Ph.D., St. Louis, 39. Biochemist, Worcester State Hosp., Wor- cester, Mass. M40. NC. Mather, Carroll James. Gray Gables Sani- tarium, Mt. Clemens, Mich. M27. GCN. Mather, Dr. Enoch. M.D., Ohio, 86, Chi- cago, 98. 228 Gratiot Ave., Mt. Clemens, Mich. M07. NG. Mather, Dr. Kirtley F(letcher). Ph.D., Chicago, 15; Sc.D., Denison, 29, Colby, 36. Prof, geology and dir. Summer School, Harvard Univ.; senior geologist, U. S. Geological Survey, Cambridge, Mass. (155 Homer St., Newton Center, Mass.) M11F21. E. Secretary of Section on Geology and Geography (E), 1929-36; vice president, 1937. Mather, Prof. William T(yler). M08F10- D37. B. Mathes, Robert C(arl). E.E., Minnesota, 13. Circuit res. dir., Bell Telephone Labs., Inc.. New York, N. Y. (171 Sagamore Road, Maplewood, N. J.) M24F32. MB. Matheson A(dam) M(cDowell). Mathe- son Co., Inc., East Rutherford, N. J. M27- R35. c. Matheson, DeLoss (Healy). 155 London St S., Hamilton, Ont., Canada. M35R36. CM. Matheson, Dr. Robert. M.S., Cornell, 07; Ph.D., 11. Prof, entomology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (204 The Parkway, Cayuga Heights) M07F15. FN. Mathews, Prof. A. Lee. 48 N. Cedar St., Oberlin, Ohio. M3iR32- EFG. Mathews, Dr. Albert P(rescott). Ph.D., Columbia, 98. 255 Loraine Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. M06F08. CNF. Mathews, Prof. Edward B(ennett). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 94; D.Sc, Colby, 26. Prof, emeritus mineralogy and petrography, Johns Hopkins Univ.; state geologist Maryland, Baltimore, Md. M18F21. E. Mathews, Edward J. Rainier Club, 820 4th Ave., Seattle, Wash. M37R38. ME. Mathews, Dr. Frank Stuart. 49 W. 52nd St., New York, N. Y. M33R34. N. Mathews, Dr. John A(lexander). M01F02- D3S. M. Mathews, Prof. J(oseph) Howard. M.A., Wisconsin, 05; M.A., Harvard, 06; Ph.D., 08. Prof, chemistry and chairman Dept., Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (128 Lathrop St.) M18F25. C. 684 Directory of Members Mathews, Robert Stuart. A.B., Princeton, 32. 49 W. 52nd St., New York, N. Y. M38. F. Mathewson, Dr. C(hampion) H(erbert). Ph.D., Gottingen, 06. Prof, metallurgy, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (316 Og- den St.) M28F33. CMQ. Mathewson, Dr. Chester A(rthur). A.M., Columbia, 06; Ph.D., 12. 47-30 157th St., Flushing, N. Y. M18F33. QF. Mathewson, Edward P(ayson). D.Sc, Col- orado School Mines, 20; LL.D., McGill, 22. Prof, administration mining indus- tries, Univ Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M06- F25. KMQ. Mathewson, Miss Eleanor. Wakefield, Nebr. M32R32. CBA. Mathewson, Dr. Louis Clark. A.M., Al- bion, 11, Dartmouth, 34; M.A., Illinois, 12; Ph.D., 14. Prof, mathematics, Dart- mouth Col., Hanover, X. H. M18F18. A. Mathias, Dr. Mildred E(sther). M.S., Washington Univ., 27; Ph.D., 29. Res. assoc, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (1 156 Keeler Ave.) M28F31. G. Matlack, Dr. Marion B(rooks). M.S., George Washington, 23; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 28. Chemist, U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Washington, D. C. (2700 N. 25th St., Arlington, Va.) M21F33. CG. Matlock, Miss Nellie F. 5540 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (M32R33)M35. QD. Matsner, Dr. Eric M(ilton). M.D.. Minne- sota, 22. Assoc, gynecologist, Riverside Hosp. ; asst. attending gynecologist, City Hosp., New York, N. Y. (1148 5th Ave.) M30. NI. Matson, Edward J. U. S. Geol. Survey, Sacramento, Calif. (?) M37R37. EMD. George C(h'arlton). M08F11- Matson, D40. E. Matson, Dr. G(ustave) Albin. M.A., Kan- sas, 29; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 35. Asst. prof, bacteriology and pathology, Univ. Utah School Med., Salt Lake City. Utah. M35F35- NC. Matsubara, Dr. Koichi. M.Sc, Toyko. 96; D.Sc, 13. Prof, emeritus chemistry, Fac- ulty Science, Tokyo Imperial Univ., Tokyo, Tapan. (10 Komagome-Akebonocho, Hongo) M28. C. Matte, Andrew L(ewis). ^6 Druid Hill Road, Summit, N. J. M38R39. BAC. Matter, Dr. Charles M. 4008 Lake Park Ave., Chicago, 111. M30R39. N. Matteson, W(allace) G(eorge). M22F25- D34- EM. Matthes, Francois E(mile). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Technology. Senior geolo- gist. U. S. Geol. Survey. Washington, D. C. M02F09. E. Matthews, Albert. A.B., Harvard. 82. 19 St. Botolph St., Boston, Mass. M02F13L25. H. Matthews, Charles Henry. 100 Park Place, Kingston, Pa. M18. M. Matthews, Donald N(avarre). M.F., Yale, 25; F.E., Oregon State, 39. Silviculturist charge forest fire res., U. S. Pacific North- west Forest Exp. Sta., Portland, Oreg. (2737 N. East 9th Ave.) M39. OMB. Matthews, Glenn E(arl). Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. M34F34R38. CBQ. Matthews, Howard D(avid). E.E., Kansas State, 18. Designing engineer, Minneapolis- Honeywell Heat Regulator Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. (4837 12th Ave. S.) (M34- R37)M39- BDM. Matthews, Jason E(rnest), Jr. M.S., Penn- sylvania State. 218 E. Maxwell St., Lex- ington, Ky. M39. CBF. Matthews, Miss Mary L(ockwood). B.S., Minnesota, 04. Dean, Purdue Univ. School Home Economics, La Fayette, Ind. (629 Waldron St., West Lafavette, Ind.) M30- F36. KIQ. Matthews, Norris W(ilson). 6 E. Read St., Baltimore, Md. M25F25R35. CEB. Matthews, Dr. Samuel A(rthur). A.M., Boston, 24; A.M., Harvard, 25; Ph.D., 28. Asst. prof, biology, Williams Col., Wiliamstown, Mass. M29F31. FN. Matthews, Dr. Velma D(are). M.A., North Carolina. 27; Ph.D., 30. Prof, biologv, Coker Col., Hartsville, S. Car. M28F33. G. Matthias, Lynn H(erman). B.S., Wiscon- sin, 26. Dir. res., Allen Bradley Co., Mil- waukee Wis. (1849 E. Fox Lane) M38. DBM. Mattice, Prof. Majorie R(ubena). M.S., New York, 32. Asst. prof, pathological chemistry, New York Post Graduate Med. School; consultant chemist, Dept. Correc- tion, Hosps. Citv New York, New York, N. Y. (86 Marble Hill Ave.) M39. CN. Mattill, Dr. Henry A(lbright). M.A., West- ern Reserve, 07; Ph.D., Illinois. 10. Prof, biochemistry, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M08F14. CN. Mattin, Harry (Edward). B.Ch., Cornell, 18. Treas., Mearl Corp., 153 Waverly Place, New York, N. Y. M38. C. Mattingley, B(ernard) Woods. A.B., Mary- ville. Chief chemist, Bruce's Juices, Inc., Tampa, Fla. (3510 Leona St.) M40. CNA. Mattingly, Rev. H. E. A.M., St. Vincent Col. Head Dept. Biology, St. Charles Col., Columbus, Ohio. M36. FGC. Mattison, George C(arl). 314 Custom House, New Orleans, La. M36R37. MEI. Mattox, Dr. N(orman) T(homas). M.S., Illinois, 34; Ph.D., 37. Instr. zoology. Miami Univ., Oxford. Ohio. M38. F. Individual Members 685 Mattson, Prof. Harold. B.S.. Minnesota, 32. Horticulturist, North Dakota Agric. Exp. Sta.; assoc. prof, and chairman Dept. Horticulture and Forestry, North Dakota Agric. Col.; collaborator, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Fargo, N. Dak. M38F40. OG. Mattson, Dr. Marion L. Inst. Child Wel- fare, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M36R36. IQ. Mattson, Prof. Sante. Dr. Phil., Breslau, 22. Prof, pedology, Col. Agric, Upsala, Sweden. M39F40. CO. Mattson, Vernon L(innaeus). Box 278, Burnsville, N. Car. M32R33. EMD. Matz, Dr. Charles H(enderson). Sc.D., Harvard, 36. Res., Polariod Corp., 718 Main St., Cambridge, Mass. (1 Chester Square, Annesquam, Mass.) M36. BM. Matz, Dr. Julius. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 32. Pathologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Wash- ington, D. C. (Westchester Apartments) M18F31. G. Matzger, Dr. Edward. 909 Hyde St., San Francisco, Calif. M30R32. N. Matzke, Miss Adele A. M. 3190 Perry Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M37R37. A. Matzke, Prof. Edwin B. Ph.D., Columbia, 28. Asst. prof, botany, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M30F32. G. Mauer, Dr. John (Frederick). D.D.S., Mil- waukee Med. Col. Prof, prothesis, Univ. Southern California Col. Dentistry, Los Angeles, Calif. M40. NdlK. Mauersberger, Prof. Herbert R. Technical editor, Rayon Textile Monthly, 303 5th Ave.; lecturer, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (33 Carlton Terrace, Rutherford, N. J.) M40. CMQ. Maughan, Dr. George H(arriso'n). Cor- nell Univ. Med. Col., Ithaca, N. Y. (?) M36R37. N. Mauntel, Harry W(illiam). M.S., Indiana. 801 6th Ave., Mendota, 111. M38. KQG. Mauer, Prof. Edward R(ose). B.C.E., Wis- consin, 94. Prof, emeritus mechanics, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (167 N. Pros- pect Ave.) M03F06. M. Maurer, Dr. George. Ph.D., Vienna, 11. Chemist, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (39 Ziegler Tract, Pennsgrove, N. J.) M29F33. CBI. Maurer, Keith L(angdon). B.S., Amherst, 17; Ph.B., Yale, 21. Member technical staff. Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (31 Lehigh Court, Rockville Centre, N. Y.) M40. BMA. Maurer, Dr. Siegfried. 9726 Prospect Ave., Chicago, 111. M35F35R37. N. Maurine, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Maurine Gearen). Maurmeyer, Dr. Robert. A.M., Columbia; Ph.D., New York. Instr. chemistry, Brook- lyn Col., Brooklvn, N. Y. (102-27 93rd Ave., Richmond Hill, N. Y.) M40. CB. Maurus, Prof. Edward Joseph. M.S., Notre Dame, 95. Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. M23F33. A. Maury, Dr. Carlotta J(oaquina). M06F11- D38. EH. Mauzey, Prof. Jesse V. A.M., Ph.D., Co- lumbia. Prof, philosophy, Skidmore Col., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M38. KIN. Maver, Dr. Mary E(ugenie). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 26. Biochemist, Nat. Cancer Inst., Bethesda, Md. (1316 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, D. C.) M29F33. CN. Mavis, Dr. Frederic Theodore. M.S., Illi- nois, 26; C.E., 32; Ph.D., 35. Prof, and head Dept. Civil Engng., Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M40/MA. Mavor, Dr. James Watt. M.A., Harvard, 10; Ph.D., 13. Dept. Biology, Union Col... Schenectady, N. Y. M14F20. F. Maw, Dr. Charles E. M.S., Chicago; Ph.D., Stanford. Box 163, Provo, Utah. M39. C. MaWhinney, W(illiam) T(homas). M.A., Columbia, 26. Registrar and office mgr., General Motors Inst., Flint, Mich. (1574 Fenton Road, Fenton, Mich.) M33. QKI. Max, Prof. Louis William. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Assoc, prof, psychology, Univ. Col., New York Univ., Bronx, New York, N. Y. (675 West End Ave.) M31- F33. INF. Maxcy, D Hopkins ology, J Hygiene Md. (700 M40. N. Maxfield, vard, 1 1 ; literature, Washingt LHI. r. Kenneth F(uller). M.D., Johns 15; D.P.H., 21. Prof, epidemi- ohns Hopkins Univ. School and Public Health, Baltimore, St. George's Road, Roland Park) Dr. Ezra Kempton. A.M., Har- Ph.D., 20. Prof. English and Washington and Jefferson Col., on. Pa. (311 E. Beau St.) M28. Maxfield, Prof. Francis N(orton). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 12. Prof, clinical psychol- ogy, Ohio State Univ.; psychologist, Chil- dren's Hosp., Columbus, Ohio. M17F26. IQ. Maxfield, J(oseph) P(ease). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 10. Dir. commercial engng., Electrical Res. Products, Inc., 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (Madison, N. J.) M34F34. MB. Maxfield, Dr. Kathryn E(rroll). M.A., Co- lumbia, 23 ; Ph.D., 36. Dir. Res. Council Blind Children, 116 E. 60th St., New York, N. Y. (511 W. 113th St.) M31F33. IQ. Maxfield, L(ewis) S(anford). 78 Mansfield St., Hartford, Conn. M38R38. CBA. Maximoff, Dr. Alexander Theodorovich. Gbrisb Vinzaglio 4, Torino, Italy. (?) M30- R35. Maximov, Mrs. T. Krashosselsky. Agric. Inst., Saratov 19, U. S. S. R. M36R37. G. 686 Directory of Members Maxon, Dr. William R(alph). Sc.D., Syra- cuse, 22. Curator, U. S. Nat. Herbarium, Washington, D. C. (2333 20th St. NW.) M00F06. G. Maxson, Dr. John H(aviland). Dept. Geol- ogy, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M31F33R39. E. Maxwell, Dr. Allan D(ouglas). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 27. Assoc, prof, astronomy, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M29F32. D. Maxwell, Dr. H(arold) L(ee). 916 Black- shire Road, Wilmington, Del. M28F33R35. CM. Maxwell, J. Myron. M.S., Oklahoma A. and M., 37. 516 W. 5th St., Stillwater, Okla. M38. OFC. May, Albert John. A.M., Syracuse, 02. Ihstr. biology, Boys' Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa. (207 Park Road, Llanerch, Pa.) M28. GF. May, Arthur R(aymond). B.S., California, 17. Asst. chief geologist, Superior Oil Co., Bakersfield, Calif. (2615 22nd St.) M30. EFM. May, Charles D. 6 Hilliard St., Cambridge, Mass. M33R33. L. May, Franklin H(insdell). B.S., Syracuse, 21. Biol, editor, U. S. Biol. Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. M34F34. FGE. May, Frederick A(rthur). Rockefeller Hall, Ithaca, N. Y. M22F33R3S. B. May, Dr. James V(ance). 14 Blake St., Belmont, Mass. M34F34R37. IN. May, Miss Lida B(elle). A.M., Texas, 23. Instr., Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. M39. AD. May, Prof. Mark Arthur. M.A., Columbia, 15; Ph.D., 17. Dir. Inst. Human Relations and prof, educational psychology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M24F25. IQK. May, Dr. Raoul M(ichel). A.M., Harvard, 23; Ph.D., 24; Dr. es Sciences, Paris, 27; M.D., 39. Chef de Travaux, Faculte des Sciences, Sorbonne, Paris, France. (2 rue Alexandre Parodi) M23F31. FLN. Maybee, Gordon R(oyal). 2025 Masson St., Montreal, Que., Canada. M30R32. C. Mayer, Dr. Joseph. A.M., Harvard, 14; Ph.D., Columbia, 22; LL.D., Southwestern, 29. Consultant sociology, Library of Con- gress, Washington, D. C. M23F25. KLA. Secretary of Section on Historical and Philo- logical Sciences (L), 1929 — . Mayer, Dr. Leo. 140 W. 79th St., New York, N. Y. M24R32. N. Mayer, Leo Kenneth. LL.B., New York, 18. Res. dir., Amer. City Government League, New York, N. Y. (215 Middle Neck Road, Great Neck, N. Y.) M38. K. Mayer, Prof. L(udwig) S(tolz). M.S., Tennessee, 25. Asst. agronomist, Div. Cereal Crops and Diseases, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Tennessee Agric. Exp. Sta., Knoxville, Tenn. M29F31. OFG. Mayer, Richard B(urmond). B.S., Col. City New York, 19. Statistician, Amer. Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corp., 40 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. (2 Maple Hill Drive, Larchmont, N. Y.) M31. KAN. Mayer, Prof. Walther. Dr. Phil., Vienna, 13. Assoc, Inst. Advanced Study, Prince- ton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M39. A. Mayer, William. 211 Murray Ave., Larch- mont, N. Y. M38R38. ABM. Mayer, William Henry, Jr. B.S., New York, 30. Actuarial clerk, Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., New York, N. Y. (105-56 135th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y.) M31. ADE. Mayers, Edward A. Engineer, Pacific Tele- phone and Telegraph Co., San Francisco, Calif. (140 New Montgomery St.) M36. DKM. Mayes, E(dwin) A(rchibald). M.B.A., Harvard, 23. Asst. dir., State Park Board; chief Lands and Waters, Missouri Con- servation Commission, Jefferson City, Mo. (11 13 Vineyard Square) M40. OFE. Mayfield, Dr. George R(adford). A.M., Vanderbilt, 04; Ph.D., 15. Prof. German, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. M27- F33. FG. Mayfield, John C(uncliffe). Univ. High School, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M32- R34. GFQ. Mayfield, Prof. Samuel M. Intermountain Union Col., Helena, Mont. M28R32. EGF. Mayhew, Dr. Roy L(ewis). Dept. Parasi- tology, Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta., Baton Rouge, La. M26F33R33. F. Maynard, J(ulian) Lewis. Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M34F34R37. C. Maynard, Dr. L(eonard) A(mby). Ph.D., Cornell, 15. Prof, animal nutrition, New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. M29- F31. OC. Mayne, Dr. Bruce. M.S., California, 10; D.P.H., California, 25, Georgia, 25, Lon- don. U. S. Public Health Service, Colum- bia, S. Car. M07F14. FN. Mayo, Dr. Charles Horace. M11F14D39. N. Mayo, Dr. Evans B(lakemore). Tehachaki, Calif. M31R36. E. Mayo, (George) Elton. M.A., Adelaide. Harvard Univ. Graduate School Business Administration, Boston, Mass. M25F35. HFN. Mayo, Marion J(udson). A.M., New York, 04; Ph.D., Columbia, 13. Harris Teachers Col., St. Louis, Mo. M17F28. IQ. Mayo, Dr. William James. M11F14D39. N. Maytham, W(alter) J(ohn). Box 268, Ma- son City, Iowa. M31R37. MBI. Individual Members 687 Mazer, Dr. Charles. 21st and Spruce Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. M35R38. N. Mazur, Dr. Abraham. M.A., Columbia, 34; Ph.D., 38. Instr. chemistry, City Col., New York, N. Y. (669 Miller Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M39. C. Meacham, Forrest W(hitehorne). 911 Hamilton Nat. Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Term. M34R34. NOQ. Meacham, F(rank) B(arnard). State Col. Sta., Raleigh, N. Car. M28R32. F. Mead, Mrs. Ada Wing (Mrs. A. D. Mead). A.M., Brown, 96. 283 Wayland Ave., Provi- dence, R. I. M29. HFQ. Mead, Prof. Albert Davis. A.M., Brown, 91; Ph.D., Chicago, 95; Sc.D., Pittsburgh, 12, Middlebury. 16, Rhode Island State, 27. 283 Wayland Ave., Providence, R. I. M02F05. FGH. Mead, Albert R(aymond). B.S., California, 38. Dept. Zoologv, Univ. California, Davis, Calif. M38. FGH. Mead, Daniel W(ebster). Consulting en- gineer, 120 W. Gorham St., Madison, Wis. M12F15. M. Mead, Harry Levi. E.M., Columbia, 05. Mgr., Amer. Cyanamid Co., Brewster, Fla. M40. M. Mead, Dr. Henry C. A. M.D., Northwest- ern, 28. Physician, 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. {222 E. Delaware Place) M36. NLF. Mead, Dr. Leonard C(hapin). A.M., Roch- ester, 37; Ph.D., 39. Instr. psychology, Tufts College, Mass. M40. IFN. Mead, Dr. Margaret. Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M34F34R35. HI. Mead, Dr. Morris W., Jr. Ph.D., Pitts- burgh, 28. Res. chemist, Nat. Grain Yeast Corp., Belleville, N. J. (665 E. Passaic Ave., Bloomfield, N. J.) M28F38. C. Mead, Roy G(ibbons). 1234 Chapman Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. M36R36. EM. Mead, Mrs. Sallie P(ero). M.A., Columbia, 14. Engineer, Bell Telephone Labs. Inc., New York, N. Y. M38F38. A. Mead, Prof. Warren J(udson). M.A., Wis- consin, 08; Ph.D., 26. Prof, and head Dept. Geology, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cam- bridge, Mass. (88 Rutledge Road, Bel- mont, Mass.) M10F14. EM. Meade, DeVoe. Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M30R33. O. Meade, George P(eterkin). Ch.E., New York, 31. Mgr., Colonial Sugars Co., Gramercy, La. M17F32. C. Meade, Dr. James W(illiam). M.D., Mary- land, 00. Fishing Creek, Md. M39. N. Meader, Dr. Fred M(arlin). M.S., Wes- leyan, 05; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 09. Dir. med. services, Detroit Dept. Health, 3919 John R. St., Detroit, Mich. (2442 La Mothe Ave.) M29F33. N. Meadors, Dr. Victor G(erald). Ph.D., Illi- nois, 39. Res. chemist, Gen. Labs., U. S. Rubber Co., Passaic, N. J. (337 Paulison Ave.) M40. CBM. Meaker, Miss Charlotte L(aramy). M.A., Smith, 39. 713 N. New St., Bethlehem, Pa. M40. B. Means, Dr. James Howard. M.D., Harvard, 11. Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. M23F25. N. Means, Philip Ainsworth. M.A., Harvard, 17. Pomfret, Conn. M17F31. H. Meany, James M. M.E., Minnesota, 07. Sec, Western Loggers Machinery Co., 302 S. West 4th Ave., Portland, Oreg. (2630 N. East Thompson St.) M40. EM. Meares, Prof. J(efferson) S(ullivan). M.S., North Carolina State. North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M38. BAM. Mears, Dr. Brainerd. M.A., Williams, 06; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 08. Prof, chemistry, Williams Col., Williamstown, Mass. Mio- F16. C. Mears, Prof. Eliot G(rinnell). M.B.A., Harvard, 12; LL.D., Grinnell, 32. Prof, geography and international trade and dir. Summer Quarter, Stanford University, Calif. M18F33. KPE. Mears, Prof. Florence M. George Wash- ington Univ., Washington, D. C. M35F35- R36. A. Meckstroth, G(ustav) A(dolph). M.A., Ohio State, 15. Assoc, pathologist, Coastal Plain Sta., U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Wil- lard, N. Car. M16F32. GF. Medcof, Dr. J(ohn) C(arl). M.A., Western Ontario, 36; Ph.D., Illinois, 38. Asst. res. investigator biology, Marine Sta., Fish- eries Res. Board Canada, Ellerslie, P.E.I., Canada. M38. FGE. Meddaugh, David H(uson). M.F., Michi- gan, 39. Box 1071, Detroit, Mich. M40. FGK. Meder, Albert E(ugene), Jr. A.M., Colum- bia, 23. Assoc, prof, mathematics and chairman Committee Admission, New Jer- sey Col. Women, New Brunswick, N. J. (424 St Mark's Ave., Westfield, N. J.) M29F33. AQK. Medes, Miss Grace. M.A., Kansas. 13; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 16. Res. biochemist, Res. Inst., Lankenau Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M23F33. CN. Medinger, Pierre. Laboratoire de l'Etat, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. M30. Medlar, Dr. E(dgar) M(atthias). A.M., Nebraska, 11; M.D.. Harvard, 13. Dir. Hegeman Memorial Res. Lab., Mt. Mc- Gregor, N. Y. M35F35L37- N. 688 Directory of Members Medsger, Prof. Oliver Perry. B.S., Ohio Northern, 98. Prof, emeritus nature edu- cation. Pennsylvania State Col., State Col- lege, Pa. (9 Columbia Ave., Arlington, X. J.) M01F31. G. Medwedeff, Miss Minnie V(erona). M27- D35. FGQ. Meek, Dr. Lois Hayden. A.M., Columbia, 22; Ph.D., 25. Child Development Tnst., Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M25F31. QI. Meek, Prof. Walter J(oseph). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 09. Prof, physiology and asst. dean Med. School, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (2015 Chadbourne Ave.) M18F21. N. Meeker, Arthur Y. 19 Northview Ave., Up- per Montclair, N. J. M28R32. C. Meeker, Dr. George H(erbert). M.S., La- fayette, 95; Ph.D., 98; LL.D., Ursinus, 05, Lafayette, 25; Phar.D., Medico- Chirurgical Col. Philadelphia, 06; D.D.S., 07; Sc.D., Villanova, 13. Dean and prof, biochemistry, Graduate School Med.; prof, chemistry, School Med., LTniv. Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. (4701 Pine St.) M06F11. C. Meenes, Dr. Max. M.A., Princeton, 24; Ph.D., Clark, 26. Prof, psychology, Howard Univ., Washington, D. C. M29F33. IHN. Mees, Dr. C(harles) E(dward). D.Sc, London, 06, Rochester, 21. Dir. charge res. and development Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. M14F21. BCD. Vice president for Section on Chemistry (C), 1928. Meggers, William F(rederick). M.A., Wis- consin, 16; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Chief Spectroscopy Section, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (2904 Brandywine St. NW.) M18F18. BD. Megrail, Dr. Emerson. M.D., Western Re- serve, 15; A.M., 22. Assoc, prof, hygiene and bacteriology, Western Reserve Univ. School Med.; consulting dir. labs., Div. Health Labs. Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio. M31F33. N. Mehl, Dr. M(aurice) G(oldsmith). Ph.D., Chicago, 15. 205 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. M24F25. E. Mehl, Dr. Robert F(ranklin). Ph.D., Princeton, 24. Dir. Metals Res. Lab. and head Dept. Metallurgy, Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. (215 S. Linden Ave.) M34F34. CBM. Mehrlich, Dr. Ferdinand P(aul). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 30. Biologist, Hawaiian Pine- apple Co., Ltd., Honolulu, Hawaii. M30- F33. GF. Meid, Miss E. Lenore. A.B., Goucher. Eastern High School, Baltimore, Md. M39. FG ! . Meier, Dr. Dorothy. M.A., Columbia, 30; Ph.D., }4. Instr. biology. Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (3 E. 66th St.) M40. GF. Meier, Florence E. (See Florence Meier Chase). Meier, Frank Anthony. B.S., Columbia, 27. Chief chemist, Amer. Platinum Works, Newark, N. J. (617 Highland Ave.) M29. CDE. Meier, Fred C(ampbell). M23F25D38. G. Meier, Dr. Henry. 530 Poplar Ave., Fresno, Calif. M34F34R34. D. Meier, Dr. Henry F(rederick) A(ugust). M.A., Indiana, 13; Ph.D., Columbia, 20. Head Dept. Forest Botany and Pathology, New York State Col. Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. (Fayetteville, N. Y.) M13F16. G. Meier, Dr. Norman C(harles). M.A., Chi- cago, 22; Ph.D., Iowa, 26. Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M27F31. IK. Meier, Dr. William H(erman) D(iedrich). A.M., Harvard, 11; Ph.D., 19. Head Dept. Biology retired, State Teachers Col., Framingham, Mass. (177 State St.) M34- F34. FG. Meigs, Archibald Vernon. M.S., Louisi- ana State. Student, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (400 W. 119th St.) M39. C. Meigs, Dr. Edward B(rowning). M.D., Pennsylvania, 04. Consulting senior phy- siologist, U. S. Bur. Dairy Industry, Beltsville Res. Center, Beltsville, Md. (1736 M St. NW., Washington. D. C.) M03F14. CFO. Meigs, Miss Katharine H(edges). 20 Tefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M09R34. FG. Meigs, Dr. Peveril, III. Ph.D., California, 2,2. Assoc, prof, geography, State Teach- ers Col., Chico, Calif. (246 W. 5th Ave.) M30. EHK. Meikle, G. Stanley. M.C.E., Union, 13. Administrator res., Purdue Univ.; dir. res., Purdue Res. Foundation, West Lafavette, Ind. (606 Terrv Lane) M36- F36/M. Meinecke, Dr. E(milio) P(epe Michael). Ph.D., Heidelberg, 93. Principal pathol- ogist retired, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (3157 Jackson St., San Francisco, Calif.) M10F13. GF. Meinzer, Dr. O(scar) E(dward). Ph.D.. Chicago, 22. Geologist charge Div. Ground Water, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (2923 South Dakota Ave. NE.) M27F31. E. Meisel, Dr. E(manuel) G(eorge). D.D.S., Pittsburgh, 15. Prof, dental pathology and radiography, Univ. Pittsburgh School Dentistry, Pittsburgh, Pa. (121 University Place, Oakland) M32. N. Meisel, Max. Vice pres., Hall Mark Elec- tric Sales Co., 178 New Jersey Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M25F31. L. Meisinger, Sister M. Sylvia. M.A., Michi- gan, 34. Instr. biology and zoology, Col. St. Teresa, Winona, Minn. M38. GF. Individual Members US<, Meissner, Prof. Alexander. Jm Schwarzen Grund n, Dahlem-Berliu, Germany. M27- F31. BM. Meister, Dr. Morris. M.A., Columbia, 17; Ph.D., 21. Principal, High School Science, Bronx; lecturer, Col. City New York School Education, New York, N. Y. (302 Convent Ave.) M33F34. QBC. Meiter, Dr. Edward G(eorge). M.Sc, Ohio State, 21; Ph.D., 23. Dir. Industrial Hygiene Lab., Employers Mutual Liability ln's. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (2557 N. 81st St.. Wauwatosa, Wis.) M34F34. C. Mekeel, Miss A(my) Grace. A.M., Cornell, 10; Ph.D., }o. Instr., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (112 Highland Place) (M28R32)- M40. F. Mekeel, Dr. H(aviland) Scudder. M.A., Chicago, 29; Ph.D., Yale, 32. Dir. Lab. Anthropology, Santa Fe ; lecturer, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex. (Old Pecos Road, Santa Fe, N. Mex.) M33F33. HK. Melampy, Robert M. M.A., Haverford, 31 ; Ph.D., Cornell, 35. Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta., University, La. M38F39. F. Meland, Norman. 707 Braniff Bldg., Okla- homa City, Okla. M26R34. M. Melander, Prof. A(xel) L(eonard). M.S., Texas, 02; Sc.D., Harvard, 14. Prof, biologv and chairman Dept., City Col., New York, N. Y. M08F14. F. Melcher, Arthur C(larke). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 00. Mgr. Div. Lab. Supplies, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cam- bridge, Mass. (58 Bowen St., Newton Center, Mass.) M07F11L11. C. Melcher, Dr. George. M.S.. Odessa, 92; M.A., Columbia, 19; LL.D., Missouri Vallev, 23. Supt. schools, Kansas City, Mo. '(201 W. 51st St.) M22F34- AIQ. Melcher, Gilbert W(ayne). B.S., Creighton, 33. Officer custody. Federal Bur. Prisons, Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. (438 S. Terrace Drive, Wichita, Kans.) M40. KIQ. Melchers, Prof. Leo E(dward). M.Sc, Ohio State, 13. Head Dept. Botany, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M13F16. GO. Meldrum, Dr. William B(uell). M.Sc, McGill, 10; Ph.D., Harvard. 14. Prof, chemistry, Haverford Col., Haverford, Pa. M28F33. C. Melendez, Esteban Nunez. B.S., Puerto Rico, 33. Asst. pharmacy, Univ. Puerto Rico Col. Pharmacy, Rio Piedras, P. R. M39. NpGF. Meleney, Dr. Frank L(amont). M.D., Columbia, 16. Assoc, prof, clinical surgery, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Sur- geons; assoc. visiting surgeon, Presby- terian Hosp., New York, N. Y. (4515 Waldo Ave.) M28F33. NLQ. Meleney, Miss Grace Coit. M.A., Colum- bia, 22. Teacher biology, Theodore Roose- velt High School, New York, N. Y. (200 Chatterton Parkwav, White Plains, N. Y.) M27. FGQ. Meleney, Dr. Henry E(dmund). M.D., Columbia, 15. Assoc, prof, preventive medicine and public health, Vanderbilt Univ. School Med., Nashville, Tenn. (21 10 Ashwood Ave.) M28F28. NF. Melhus, Prof. Irving E. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 12. Prof, and head Dept. Botany, Iowa State Col.; state botanist, State Dept. Agric, Ames, Iowa. (407 Pearson Ave.) M12F15. G. Melin, J(ohn) B(ernhard). U. S. Weather Bur., Seattle, Wash. M33. BAD. Mellema, William. 1661^2 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles. Calif. M36R38. MED. Meller, H(arry) B(ertine). E.M., Pitts- burgh, 10; D.Sc, Toledo, 38. Managing dir., Air Hygiene Foundation America, Inc., Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pitts- burgh, Pa. M32F33. BDM. Mellon, D(avid) Roy. B.Sc, Allegheny, 16; LL.B., Youngstown, 24. City chemist, Youngstown, Ohio. (4019 Euclid Blvd.) M29. CKN. Mellon, M(elvin) G(uy). M.S., Ohio State, 17; Ph.D., 19. Prof, analytical chemistry, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. (9 Russell St., West Lafayette, Ind.) M31F33. C. Mellon, Dr. Ralph R(obertson). M.D., Michigan oo ; M.S., 12; Dr.P.H., Harvard, 16; D.Sc, Grove City, 36. Dir. Inst. Pathology, Western Pennsylvania Hosp., Pittsburgh, Pa. M28F33. N. Melnick, Dr. Perry J(ulius). M.S., Illi- nois, 29; M.D., 30; Ph.D., 36. Pathologist charge Cancer Diagnosis Div., Illinois State Dept. Public Health, 1800 W. Fill- more St.; assoc. pathology, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (1401 W. Jarvis Ave.) M36F38. N. Meloche, Prof. Villiers W(ilson). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 25. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. (2146 Fox Ave.) M28F33. CAB. Melrose, Dr. J(ames) A(lbert). A.M., Wisconsin, 21; Ph.D., 26. Head Dept. Philosophy and Psychology, James Milli- kin Univ., Decatur, 111. (257 Glencoe Ave.) M30F33. IFH. Melton, Prof. Arthur W(eever). M.A., Yale, 29; Ph.D., 32. Prof, psychology and chairman Dept., Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (209 Westmount Ave.) M32F37. I. Melton, Prof. Frank Armon, Ph.D., Chi- cago, 24. Prof, geology, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. M24F31. EI. Meltzer, Dr. H(yman). M.A., Columbia, 23; Ph.D., 25. Dir. Psychological Service Center; lecturer, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M27F32. QI. 690 Directory of Members Meltzer, Dr. Victor. M.D. 654 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M29. N. Melville, Prof. C(arey) E(yster). A.B., Northwestern, 01. Assoc, prof, mathe- matics, Clark Univ., Worcester Mass. (16 Isabella St.) M11F15. A. Melville, M(ainor) S(tuart). 207 Lans- downe Road, De Witt, N. Y. M29R32. MBA. Melyin, Dr. Bruce L(ee). Ph.D., Mis- souri, 21. Consultant, Works Projects Administration, Washington D. C. (East Falls Church, Va.) M37. K. Mencher, Prof. Ely. Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 38. Prof, geology, Instituto de Geologia, Caracas, Venezuela, S. A. M38. EH. Mendel, J. Ph.G., Columbia. Chemist, 1037 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M40. Np. Mendel, Dr. Lafayette B(enedict). 245 Whitnev Ave., New Haven Conn. M03- F07R35. NC. Mendel, William. Ph.B., Yale, 20. Vice pres. and gen. mgr., Neidich Cellustra Corp., Burlington, N. J.; vice pres., Sanite Corp., New York, N. Y. (708 Manor Road, Beverly, N. J.) M31. CME. Mendelson, Dr. Walter. M.D., Columbia, 79. 639 Church Lane, Germantown, Phil- adelphia. Pa. M06F09. N. Mendenhall, Dr. Charles E(lwood). M99- F00D35. B. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), 1929. Mendenhall, Eugene Warren. Inspector, Div. Plant Industry, Ohio Dept. Agric, Columbus, Ohio. (97 Brighton Road) Mn. KF. Mendenhall, W(alter) C(urran). Sc.D., Colorado School Mines, 28, Wisconsin, 32. Dir. U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (9 E. Lenox St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M02F03. E. Vice president for Section on Geology and Geography (E), 1924. Mendenhall, Dr. Walter L(eslie). M.D., Drake, 06. Prof, pharmacology, Boston Univ. School Med.; pharmacologist, Massachusetts Memorial Hosp. ; res. phar- macologist, Evans Memorial, Boston; instr. physiology, Sargent Col., Cam- bridge. Mass. (9 Acacia St.) M18F21. Np. Mendes, A(ntonio) J(ose) T(eixeira). Eng.Agr., Sao Paulo, 34; M.S., Cornell, 37. Asst. cytology lab., Instituto Agrono- mico do E. de S. Paulo, Campinas, E. S. Paulo, Brazil, S. A. M40F40. GOF. Mendiola, Dr. N. B. Univ. Philippines Col. Agric, Laguna, P. I. M34F34R34. OGF. Mendleson, Alan N. B. T. Babbitt, Inc., 386 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. M31- R33. c. Mendonca, A(rthur) H(enas). B.S., Cali- fornia. Mgr. res. and development, F. E. Booth Co., Inc., San Francisco, Calif. (188 Tamalpais Road, Berkeley, Calif.) M40. CO. Mendoza, Dr. Guillermo. M.S., Ph.D., Northwestern. Instr., Dept. Zoology, Univ. Col., Northwestern Univ., Chicago, 111. M38. F. Mendoza, Dr. Oswaldo Baca. Universidad del Cuzco, Cuzco, Peru, S. A. M37. C. Meneely, Dr. George Rodney. M.D., Cor- nell, 37. Asst. resident physician, Strong Memorial Hosp.; asst. medicine, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y. M35. N. Menees, Dr. Thomas O(rville). 2062 Wealthy St., Grand Rapids, Mich. M30- F31R37. N. Menendez-Ramos, R(afael). M.S., Penn- sylvania State. Dean, Col. Agric. and Mechanical Arts, Mayaguez, P. R. M39- F40. CO. Menge, Dr. Edward J(ohn von Komorow- ski). Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, Wis. (?) M24F33R33. FHI. Menge, Dr. George A(lbert). M08F11- D36. CN. Mengel, Prof. Levi Walter. Sc.D., Buck- nell, 30; LL.D., Albright, 34. Dir. emeritus, Public Mus. and Art Gallery, Reading, Pa. M02F14. EF. Menger, Dr. Karl. Ph.D., Vienna, 24. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. M38. A. Menges, Dr. Franklin. Ph.D., Gettys- burg, 88; D.Sc, 29. Farmer, Route 1, York, Pa. Mn. C. Menius, Arthur (Clayton). Dept. Physics, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M36. BA. Menkin, Leonidas. M27D38. M. Menkin, Dr. Valy. M.A., Columbia, 23; M.D., Harvard, 28. Dept. Pathology, Har- vard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M30- F33. N. Menne, Prof. Frank R(aymond). M.D., Rush, 15. Prof, pathology and dir. Dept., Univ. Oregon Med. School, Portland, Oreg. (9712 S. West Pacific Highway, M25F33. N. Menninger, Dr. Charles F. A.M., Camp- bell, 84; M.D., Hahnemann, 89, Kansas, 06. N. Central Ave., Topeka, Kans. M17. GN. Menninger, Dr. Karl. M.S., Wisconsin, 15; M.D., Harvard, 17. Chief staff, Menninger Clinic, Topeka, Kans. M38F38. N. Menon, Dr. Konnanath Balakrishna. 882 12th St., Boulder, Colo. (?) M32R32. KQ. Menten, Dr. Maud L(eonora). M.D., Toronto, 11; Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Assoc, prof, pathology, Univ. Pittsburgh School Med.; pathologist, Children's Hosp., Pittsburgh, Pa. M18F21. N. Individual Members 691 Mentzel, Charles. E.M., Columbia. 595 Madison Ave., New York N. Y. M36. MEC. Menville, Dr. Leon J. 1201 Maison Blanche Bldg., New Orleans, La. M38- R38. N. Menville, Dr. Raoul (Louis). M.S., Louisiana State, 12; Ph.D., Ohio State, 29. Dean, Col. Chemistry and Physics and head Dept. Chemistry, Louisiana State Univ., University, La. (910 S. 18th St., Baton Rouge, La.) M32F33. C. Menzel, Dr. Arthur E(dward) O(scar). Ph.D., Erlangen, 25. Assoc, Squibb Inst. Med. Res., New Brunswick, N. J. M39. NC. Menzel, Prof. Donald H(oward). A.M., Denver, 21; A.M., Princeton, 23; Ph.D., 24. Prof, astrophysics, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (32 Hubbard Park) M25F30. DBC. Menzies, Prof. Alan W(ilfrid) C(ran- brook). M.A., Edinburgh, 97; Ph.D., Chi- cago, 10. Prof, chemistry, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (Kingston Road) M08- Fn. CB. Menzies, Dr. Henry Harding. Menzies Bldg., Hickory, N. Car. M36R36. N. Mera, Dr. Harry P(ercival). M.D., Cleve- land Med. Col., 98. Staff archaeologist and chairman Indian Arts Fund, Lab. Anthro- pology, Santa Fe, N. Mex. M29F38. HN. Meranze, Dr. David R(aymond). M.D., Jefferson, 27; M.A., Pennsylvania, 30. Dir. labs, and pathologist, Mt. Sinai Hosp. ; insir. bacteriology, Jefferson Med. Col.; deputy asst. pathologist, Philadel- phia General Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. (67 W. Johnson St.) (M35R36)M38F38. NCF. Mercedes, Sister. M.S., Notre Dame, 23. Instr mathematics, De Sales Col., Toledo, Ohio. M24. ABC. Mercer, Forrest (Gilbert). M.S., Ken- tucky, 33. Principal, Estill County High School, Irvine, Ky. (120 Estill Ave.) M33. F. Mercer, Frederick N(orman). 247 S. Irving St., Ridgewood, N. J. M25. ECD. Merchant, Dr. Henry A. D.D.S., Creigh- ton. Prof, history dentistry, Creighton Univ. Dental School, Omaha, Nebr. (712 S. 35th Ave.) M38. LNdQ. Merckel, F(rederick) G(eorge). 122 Beverlv Road, Upper Montclair, N. J. M33. M. Meredith, Dr. F(lorence) L(yndon). M.D., Tufts, 16. Prof, hygiene, Tufts Col., Medford, Mass. (74 Russell Ave., Water- town, Mass.) M28F33. NIQ. Meredith, Sherman Chase. M25D39. C. Meredith, Spencer Barrett. 20 Beekman Place, New York, N. Y. M31R34. KCB. Meredith, W(illiam) O(gilvia) S(winton). M.Sc, Manitoba, 39. Senior res. asst., Assoc. Committee Grain Res., Nat. Res. Council and Dominion Dept. Agric, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. M40. OC. Merica, Dr. Paul Dyer. Ph.D., Berlin, 14; D.Sc, De Pauw, 34, Lehigh, 38. Vice pres. and dir., International Nickel Co. Canada, Ltd., 67 Wall St., New York, N. Y. (Ossining, N. Y.) M18F21. MCB. Merigold, Prof. B(enjamin) S(hores). A.M., Harvard, 97; Ph.D., 01. Prof, chemistry and dir. Chemistry Labs., Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass. M06F09. CB. Merilh, Prof. Edmond Louis. M.S., Loyola South, 23. Assoc, prof, biology and prof, bacteriology, Loyola Univ. South, New Orleans, La. (2219 Pine St.) M35. NFG. Merkle, Fred. G(rover). Dept. Agronomy, Pennsylvania State Col., State College Pa M22F31R35. O. Merlub-Sobel, Dr. M(enahem). A.M., Columbia, 24; Ch.E., 24; Ph.D., Western Reserve, 30. Chemical engineer, Virginia- Carolina Chem. Co., Richmond Va. M25- F33. CMK. Mermod, Dr. Camille. M.D., Stanford, 32. Pathologist, St. Joseph's Hosp., Lancaster, Pa. M38. NF. Meroney, Dr. William Penn. Baylor Univ Waco, Tex. M36R36. KH. Merrell, Dr. Margaret. Sc.D., Johns Hop- kins, 30. Assoc, biostatistics, Johns Hop- kins Univ. School Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Md. M31F38. AKN. Merrell, Dr. William Dayton. Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M07F21- R37. FG. Merriam, Dr. Charles W(arren). Ph.D., California, 32. Dept. Geologv Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M36F32. E. Merriam, Dr. Henry F. Ph.D., Yale. 49 Winding Way, West Orange, N. J. M39. BCG. Merriam, Dr. John C(ampbell). Ph.D., Munich, 93; Sc.D., Columbia, 21, Prince- ton, 22, Yale, 22; LL.D., Wesleyan, 22, California, 24, New York, 25, Michigan, 33. Pres. retired, Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington, Washington, D. C. (2400 16th St. NW.) M02F05. EF. Merriam, Willis B(unger). Eastern Wash- ington Col., Cheney, Wash. M34R37. EKH. Merrick, Rev. Joseph P(atrick). A.M., Woodstock. 21. Alumni dir., Baghdad Col., Baghdad. Iraq. M34F38. A. Merrifield, Fred M(arshall). 5626 Kim- bark Ave., Chicago, 111. M32R32. KL. Merrifield, Dr. Frederich W. 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. M33R33. N. Merrill, A(lbert) E(li). 502 N. 7th Ave., Maywood, 111. M29R32. BAM. 692 Directory of Members Merrill, Dr. A(rchibald) S(hepard). M.A., Colgate, 14; Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Prof, mathematics and chairman Div. Physical Sciences, Montana State Univ., Missoula, Mont. (541 Beckwith Ave.) M28F33. A. Merrill, Mrs. David R. (Alice G. Merrill). Ph.D., Radcliffe, 21. Housewife, 417 E. 2nd St., Moorestown, N. J. M34F34. C. Merrill, Donald G(odfrey). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 18. Mechanical en- gineer, Hartford-Empire Co., Hartford, Conn. (534 Fern St., West Hartford, Conn.) M20. M. Merrill, Dr. Elmer D(rew). M.S., Maine, 04; Sc.D., Maine, 24, Harvard, 36; LL.D., California, 36. Dir. and administrator botanical collections, Arnold Arboretum, Harvard Univ., Jamaica Plain, Mass. (960 Centre St.) M01F09. G. Vice president for Section on Botanical Sciences (G), 1931. Merrill, Ferrand S(eymour). C.E., Ohio State, 05. Asst. div. engineer, Amer. Bridge Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (509 Glen Mitchell Road, Sewicklev, Pa.) Mi 7- F31. M. Merrill, Frank H(enry). B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech. Pres., Los Angeles Soap Co., 617 E. 1st St., Los Angeles, Calif. (2420 Ocean View Ave.) M18. C. Merrill, Miss Helen A(bbot). Ph.D., Yale, 03. Prof emeritus mathematics, Welleslev Col., Welleslev, Mass. (6 Waban St.) M07- Fn. A. Merrill, Prof. John E(llsworth). Ph.D., Princeton, 31. Asst. prof, astronomy, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (324 Magnolia Place, Leonia, N. J.) M40. D. Merrill, Dr. Joseph Francis. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 99; D.Sc, Utah. 20. 47 E. South Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Moi- F08. BM. Merrill, Prof. Maud A(manda) (Mrs. Wil- liam Francis James). A.M., Stanford. 20; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof, psychology, Stan- ford Universitv Calif. (708 Salvatierra St.) M23F25. I.' Merrill, Dr. M(elvin) C(larence). S.M., Chicago, 12; A.M., Harvard, 13; Ph.D., Washington LTniv., 15. Chief publications, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. M16F26. GOC. Merrill, Dr. Paul W(illard). Ph.D.. Cali- fornia, 13. Astronomer, Mt. Wilson Obser- vatory, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pasa- dena. Calif. M17F18. DB. Vice president for Section on Astronomy (D), I93-- Merrill, Prof. Reynold Cluff. State Teach- ers Col., Chico, Calif. (?) M31R32. QIK. Merrill, Robert Hall. B.S., Michigan, 02. Consulting engineer, Spooner and Merrill, Grand Rapids, Mich. (317 Fulton St. E.) M08. M. Merrill, Mrs. Winifred Edgerton. 162 Stratfield Road, Bridgeport, Conn. M86- L98. AD. Merriman, Chester F(rederick). C.E., South Dakota School Mines. 80 W. 91st St., New York, N. Y. M36. MEO. Merriman, Dr. Curtis. A.M., Columbia, 16; Ph.D., Stanford, 22. Registrar, Univ- Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M27F28. IQ. Merriman, Dr. Daniel. M.S., Washington, 34; Ph.D., Yale, 39. Instr. biology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M40. F. Merriman, Prof. Mabel L. A.M., Rad- cliffe 01. Assoc, prof, botanv, Brooklyn Col.. Brooklyn, N. Y. (Northfield, Mass.) M27F31. G. Merriman, Thaddeus. M17F25D— . MBD. Merritt, Dr. Arthur Hastings. D.D.S., New York, 95; M.S., Michigan, 38. Den- tist. 580 sth Ave., New York, N. Y. (5000 Fieldston Road) M32F39L40. Nd. Merritt, Dr. Edwin A. 1835 I St. NW„ Washington, D. C. M32F35R37. N. Merritt, Prof. Ernest (George). M.E., Cornell, 86. Prof, emeritus physics, Cor- nell Univ.. Ithaca, N. Y. (1 Grove Place) M84F90V37. B. Secretary of Section on Physics (B), 1895. Vice president for Sec- tion on Mathematics and Astronomy (A), 1900. Merritt, George E(rnest). B.A., Pomona, 13. Physicist, Bendix Aviation Corp., South Bend, Ind. (Cove Point, Lusby, Md.) L27F31. BE. Merritt, Melvin L(eroy). M.S., Iowa State, to. Asst. regional forester, U. S. Forest Service, Portland, Oreg. (3017 N. East 28th Ave.) M27F33- OKG. Merrow, Prof. Harriet L(athrop). A.M., Wellesley, 93; M.S.. Rhode Island, 20. Merrow, Conn. M28F06. G. Merry, Dr. Frieda Kiefer (Mrs. Ralph V. Merry). A.M.. Michigan, 23; Ph.D., Ohio State. 27. Prof, education and psychology, Morris Harvey Col., Charleston, W. Va. (15 Sherwood Apartments) M34F34. IQ. Merry, James. M.S., Michigan. Dept. Botany, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M38. G Merrymon, Dr. William Walter. A.M., Illinois. 17; Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Assoc. prof, physics, Col. William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. M26F31. BAC. Mershon, Ralph D(avenport). M.E., Ohio State, 90; D.Eng., 36; D.Sc, Tufts, 18. Pickwick Arms Hotel, Greenwich, Conn. M01F06L31. M. Mertie, Dr. John B(eaver), Jr. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins. 11. Senior geologist, U. S. Geol. Survev, Washington, D. C. (no Park Crest Drive, Sligo Park Hills, Silver Spring, Md.) M11F25. EAB. Mertz, Dr. Henry O. 5365 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. M36R36. N. MertzanofT, A(ndre) M. L29D — . M. Individual Members 693 Merwin, Dr. Bruce W(elch). Southern Illinois State Normal Univ., Carbondale, 111. M32R35. QHI. Merz, Dr. Albert R(onald). M.S., Vir- ginia, 1 1 ; Ph.D., George Washington, 23. Chemist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (si 16 Chew Chase Parkway) M07- F15. C. Merz, August. D.Sc, Rutgers, 34. Execu- tive, Calco Chem. Div., Amer. Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N. J. M28F33.' C. Merz, Paul L(ouis). B.S., Union, 40. 2]/2 Grove Place, Schenectady, N. Y. M39. C. Mes, Dr. Margaretha G(erarda). Ph.D., Utrecht. Senior lecturer, Univ. Pretoria, Pretoria, S. Africa. M40F40. GO. Meserve, Prof. Philip W(eston). M28- F32D40. C. Meservey, Prof. A(rthur) B(ond). A.B., Dartmouth, 06; B.Sc, Oxford, 11. Prof, physics, Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. M11F16. B. Mesick, Roy Otis. M.S., Michigan, 31. Head Dept. Science and dir. Visualiza- tion, Central High School, Kalamazoo, Mich. (435 Edgemoor Ave.) M40. M. Mesier, Miss (Catherine) Elizabeth T(eleki). A.B., Vassar, 34. Res. chemist, Calco Chem. Div., Amer. Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N. J. (1319 Belleview Ave., Plainfield, N. J.) M40. CNP. Mesirow, Dr. Maurice Elias. 832 S. Broad- way, Santa Maria, Calif. M37R37. NI. Mesmer, J. F. 614 W. 5th St., North Platte, Nebr. M33R33. MCA. Messenger, Dr. Helen A(lthea). A.M., Columbia, 13; Ph.D., 26. Prof, and chair- man Dept. Physics, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (720 West End Ave.) M28F31. B. Messenger, Dr. J(ames) Franklin. A.M., Harvard, 01 ; Ph.D., Columbia, 03. Dean, Univ. Idaho School Education, Moscow, Idaho. M34F05. IQ. Messer, Prof. H(arold) M(adison). A.M., Columbia, 25. Asst. prof, biology, Long Island Univ., Brooklyn, N. Y. M29F33. FGN. Messer, Dr. W(illiam) Earl. Ph.D., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 28. Ridgeview Road, Cheshire, Conn. M25F33. CA. Messinger, Dr. Emanuel. Veterans Admin- istration Facility, Northport, N. Y. M38- R39. NFC. Messinger, Dr. Harry C(arleton). M.D., Harvard. 210 Angell St., Providence, R. I. M37. N. Mestre, Harold. M24F32D39. NFG. Metcalf, Prof. C(lell) L(ee). A.M., Ohio State, 12; Sc.D., Harvard, 19. Prof, entomology and head Dept., Univ. Illi- nois, Urbana, HI (704 Pennsylvania Ave.) M17F20. FNO. Metcalf, Frank Hamilton. L16D— . Metcalf, Prof. Franklin P(ost). Ph.D., Cornell, 31. Prof, botany and curator Her- barium, Botanical Survey, Lingnan Univ., Canton, China. M34F34. G. Metcalf, Dr. Isaac (Stevens Halstead). M.A., Columbia; Ph.D., Western Reserve, 40. Asst. prof, chemistry and biology! The Citadel, Charleston, S. Car. M40. F. Metcalf, Miss Jessie L(overing). M.A., Michigan, 28. Asst. prof, biology, Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. (81 Edison Ave.) M29. FH. Metcalf, Prof. John T(rumbull). M.A., Yale, 11; Ph.D., 13. Prof, psychology, Univ. Vermont, Burlington, Vt. (35 Kingsland Terrace) M22F22. I. Metcalf, Dr. Maynard Mayo. M01F01D40. F. Vice president for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1922. Metcalf, Dr. Richard. M.D., Tufts, 13. Dennis, Mass. M23. N. Metcalf, Prof. Z(eno) P(ayne). Sc.D., Harvard, 25. Prof, zoology and entomology, Col. Agric, and dir. instruction School Agric. and Forestry, North Carolina State Col.; entomologist, North Carolina Agric Exp. Sta., Raleigh, N. Car. M12F20. FO. Metcalfe, Mrs. Zaida F. (Mrs. Frederick T. Metcalfe). M.A., Columbia, 34. 126 Justin Ave., Bay Terrace, Staten Island, N. Y. M31. QIK. Metfessel, Dr. Milton Franklin. M.A., Iowa, 24; Ph.D., 25. Res. prof, psychology and dir. Psychological Lab., Univ. South- ern California, Los Angeles Calif. M29- F31. IHQ. Metten, John F(arrell). Dr.Eng., Lehigh, 28. Pres., New York Shipbuilding Corp., Camden, N. J. M24F28. BFM. Mettler, Dr. L(ee) Harrison. M17F33- D39. N. Mettler, Mrs. L(ee) Harrison. 11 19 Sheri- dan Road, Hubbard Woods, 111. M40. Metz, Sister Aloysius Marie. M.S., Trinity, 21. Prof, physics. Trinity Col., Washing- ton, D. C. M21F33. BCA. Metz, Miss Barbara (Elizabeth). Winthrop Col., Rock Hill, S. Car. (?) M29R32. F. Metz, Dr. C(harles) W(illiam). Ph.D., Columbia, 16. Dept. Zoology, Univ. Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M17F20. F. Metz, Dr. Herman A. M17D — . Metzger, F(rederick) W(illiam). U. S. Dept. Agric, Moorestown, N. J. M34F34- R34. F. Metzger, Dr. Herbert John. D.V.M., Cor- nell, 18. Asst. prof., Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. (208 Lincoln Ave., High- land Park) M31F40. CNO. Metzger, Prof. J(acob) E(lry). M25F25- D39. OG. 694 Directory of Members Metzger, William Irwin. M.S., Purdue, 39. Instr. bacteriology, South Dakota State Col., Brookings, S. Dak. (809 10th St.) M38. NCG. Metzinger, Charles. 325 14th St., Oakland, Calif. M28. D. Metzler, Sigmund. Ph.D., Freidburg. 14 Cambridge Ave., Dayton, Ohio. M34- HQK. Metzler, (Silas) John. S.M., Chicago. Napanee, Ont., Canada. M35. BM. Metzler, Dr. William H(enry). 5003 S. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y. M95F99R37. A. Meulemans, Dr. August Martin. M.A., Wisconsin; Ph.D., Iowa. Prof, biology and head Dept., Rockhurst Col., Kansas City, Mo. M38. FN. Meuly, Dr. Walter C. Box 4-S, Route 2, New Brunswick, N. J. M39R39. CEB. Meunier, Christian J. Pres., C-H-C Labs., Inc., 928 Poland Ave., New Orleans, La. M38. BCG. Mewborn, A(laduke) Boyd. M.S., Arizona, 33. Asst. prof, mathematics, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M33. ABD. Meyer, Dr. Adolf. M.D., Zurich, 92; LL.D., Glasgow, 07, Clark, 09; Sc.D., Yale, 32. Prof, psychiatry, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (4305 Rugby Road) M02- F05. IN. Meyer, Dr. Alfred. 1225 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M36R37- N. Meyer, Dr. A(lfred) H(enry). M28F30- D34. OCE. Meyer, Art F. Box 26, North Park Sta., San Diego, Calif. M38. M. Meyer, Dr. Arthur E(rnest). Ph.D.. Ber- lin, 12 Dir. res., Maltine Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. (32-03 162nd St., Flushing, N. Y.) M32F38. CNI. Meyer, Arthur S. Mamaroneck and Garden Roads, Scarsdale, N. Y. M29. Meyer, Prof. A(rthur) W(illiam). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 05. Prof. emeritus anatomy, Stanford University, Calif. (121 Waverley St., Palo Alto, Calif.) M07- Fn. NFH. Meyer, Dr. Bernard S(andler). M.A., Ohio State, 23; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, prof, botany, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M23F31. G. Meyer Mrs. Carl V(alentine) (Dorothea G. Doubt). M.S., Chicago, 28; Ph.D., California, 31. Box 397, Route 1, Escon- dido, Calif. M29. G. Meyer, Prof. Charles F(erdinand). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Assoc, prof, physics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1137 Fair Oaks Parkway) M17L31F31. B. Meyer, Mrs. Erwin F. (Ineva F. Reilly). 173 Bigelow Hall, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. M29R37- G. Meyer, Eugene. LL.D., Yale, 32, Syra- cuse, 33. Publisher, Washington Post, Washington, D. C. (1624 Crescent Place) M18. Meyer, Eugene, III. 121 1 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. M40. Meyer, Miss Frieda L. 410 Alexander St., La Porte, Ind. M39R39. NC. Meyer, Garson. B.S., Rochester, 19. Chief chemist, Camera Works, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. (55 Chadbourne Road) M29F33. CMK. Meyer, Dr. Henry. M.S., Michigan, 31; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Ten- nessee, Knoxville, Tenn. (Alsie Drive) M39. FG. Meyer, Prof. Herbert A(lbert). M.S., Iowa, 2"j\ Ph.D., 29. Prof, mathematics, Hanover Col., Hanover, Ind. M30F33. AKB. Meyer, Miss Jane Dick. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins. 413 W. 3rd St., Greensburg, Pa. M37. C. Meyer, Dr. J(ohn) Franklin. A.M., Frank- lin and Marshall, 97; D.Sc, 18; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 04. Principal physicist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. M35- F3S- B. Meyer, Dr. Karl F(riedrich). D.V.M., Zurich, 09; Ph.D., 24; M.D., 37. Dir. Hooper Foundation Med. Res. and prof, bacteriology, School Med., Univ. Cali- fornia, San Francisco, Calif. M17F25. N. Meyer, Dr. Martin. A.M., Columbia, 20; Ph.D., 21. Prof, chemistry, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (1572 E. 28th St.) M29F33. CQB. Meyer, Dr. Marvin Clinton. M.A., Ohio State, 36; Ph.D., Illinois, 39. Instr. zool- ogy, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. M37. FG. Meyer, Prof. Max F(rederick). Ph.D., Berlin 96. Visiting prof., Univ. Miami, Coral ' Gables, Fla. (3939 Lognat Ave., Coconut Grove, Fla.) M00F01. IQ. Meyer, Dr. Minnie M. M.S., Ph.D., Wis- consin, no Columbia St., Pullman, Wash. M39. CNp. Meyer, Dr. Monroe A(braham). M34F34- D39. IN. Meyer, Dr. Otto. M.D., Rostock, 22. 200 W. 54th St., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Meyer, Prof. Roland K(enneth). M.A., Wisconsin, 28; Ph.D., 31. Prof, zoology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M37F40. FNO. Meyer, Samuel L(ewis). M.S., Vander- bilt, 32. Dept. Botany, Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. M39. GF. Meyer, William C. Fairhope, Ala. M30- R32. G. Meyer, Dr. William F(erdinand). Ph.D., California, 19. Prof, astronomy, Univ. Calitornia, Berkeley, Calif. M13F15. DB. Individual Members 695 Meyerding, Dr. Henry W(illiam). M.D., Minnesota, 09; M.S., 18. Orthopedic sur- geon, Mayo Clinic, St. Mary's Hosp., and Colonial Hosp., Rochester, Minn. L19- F33. N. Meyerhoff, Howard A(ugustus). M.A., Columbia, 22; Ph.D., 35. Prof, geology, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (88 Crescent St.) M28F31. EM. Secretary of Section on Geology and Geography (E), 1937— ■ Meyers, Charles H(arold). M.S., Iowa State, 22. 234 Norwalk Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. M29F33. C. Meyers, Herbert H(enry) B.S., Pennsyl- vania, 12. Mgr. Purchasing Dept., Vir- ginia-Carolina Chem. Corp., Richmond, Va. (1608 Confederate Ave.) M28F33. CMO. Meyers, Marion T(homas). Dept. Farm Crops, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M24R32. OG. Meyers, Siegfried S. M.A., New York, 40. Teacher phvsics, Stuvvesant High School, New York, N. Y. M40. BMN. Meyers, Prof. (Theodore) Ralph. Dept. Geology, Univ. New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. M33R35. E. Meyers, Dr. Thomas J(ohn). D.O., CO. P. and S., 29; A.B., Occidental, 38. Physi- cian, surgeon, osteopath, and psychiatrist, 234 E. Colorado St., Pasadena, Calif. (413 Scott Place) M40. N.I. Michael, Miss Beatrice V. M.A., Columbia, 29. Teacher gen. science, Bryant High School, New York. N. Y. (3563 79th St., Jackson Heights) M39. FNH. Michael, Dr. Joseph C(lement). M.D., Minnesota, 13. Assoc, prof., Univ. Minne- sota Med. School; chief Nervous and Mental Section, Minneapolis Gen. Hosp., Minneapolis, Minn. M32. N. Michael, Sister Miriam (See Sister Miriam Michael Stimson). Michael, Dr. Viola M(ae). Ph.D., Illinois, 34. Parasitologist, Illinois State Dept. Public Health, Springfield, 111. (737 S. 5th St.) M39. NFG. Michaelis, Arno Fred Victor. B.S., Mar- quette, 37. Owner, Lab. Preparation Biol. Microscope Slides, 3139 N. 8th St., Mil- waukee, Wis. M38. F. Michaelis, Dr. Leonor. M.D., Berlin, 98. Member, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M27F27. CN. Michaels, Dr. Walter H(erman). 5147 Decatur St., Omaha, Nebr. M28F33R37. GO. Michal, Dr. Aristotle D. A.M., Clark, 21 ; Ph.D., Rice, 24. Prof, mathematics, Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M28- F29. A. Michalis, C(larence) G. M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 07. Chairman, Seamen's Bank Savings, New York, N. Y. (455 Madison Ave.) M29. M. Michaud, Howard (Henry). 1716 W. State Blvd., Ft. Wayne, Ind. M33R33. FGQ. Michel, Dr. Harry (Oscar). Ph.D., Duke, 38. Res. asst. opthalmology, Wilmer Inst., Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. School, Balti- more, Md. M40. N. Michelbacher, Dr. A(be) E(zra). M.S., California, 31; Ph.D., 35. Junior entomol- ogist, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M36F39. FO. Michell, Wilson D(oe). M.A., Wisconsin, 35 ; A.M., Harvard, 37. Asst. geology. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (2323 Hollister Ave., Madison, Wis.) M37. E. Michella, Sister Mary (See Sister Marv Michella Smith). Michels, Dr. Nicholas A(loysius). M.A., Minnesota, 20; Dr.Sc, Louvain, 22. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Inst. Anatomy, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. (Hatfield, Pa.) M28F33. NF. Michelson, Dr. I(srael) David. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 22. Assoc, prof, pathology and bacteriology, Univ. Tennessee, Mem- phis, Term. M29F33. NC. Michelson, Dr. Truman. M10F12D38. HL. Michener, Harold. B.S., California, 08. Transmission engineer, Southern Cali- fornia Edison Co., Ltd., Los Angeles, Calif. (418 N. Hudson Ave., Pasadena, Calif.) M31. FGE. Michener, John M(orrison). M.S., Chi- cago, 28. Head Dept. Science, Wichita High School East, Wichita, Kans. M40. CQ. Michener, Prof. W(illiam) H(enry). M.S., Pittsburgh, 29. Asst. prof, physics, Car- negie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. (3088 Beechwood Blvd.) M30F40. B. Michie, James Newton. M.A., Michigan, 19. 2215 16th St., Lubbock, Tex. M33- F33. ABD. Mickel, Dr. Clarence E(ugene). M.S., Minnesota, 23; Ph.D.. 25. Assoc, prof, entomology, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M18F32. F. Mickelson, Earl L(ewis). 503 Kellv St., Silver City, N. Mex. M31R36. ABD. Mickey, Arthur B(ayard). Dept. Zoology, Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wvo. M30- R34. F. Mickey, Dr. George H(enry). M.S., Okla- homa, 34; Ph.D., Texas, 38. Instr. zoology, Louisiana State Univ., University, La. M38. FG. Middleton, Dr. Austin R(alph). Biol. Labs., Univ. Louisville, Louisville, Ky. M11F20. FG. 696 Directory of Members Middleton, Dr. H(oward) E. M.S., Iowa State, 18; Ph.D., American, 24. Senior soil conservationist, U. S. Soil Conserva- tion Service, Washington, D. C. (East Falls Church, Va.) M39F40. O. Middleton, Lilian De M(illiour). Univ. Louisville, Louisville, Ky. M20. FG. Middleton, Plantou. 144 N. Front St., Sunbury, Pa. (?) M30R34. Middleton, Robert E. Dominion Exp. Sta., Kapuskasing, Ont., Canada. M33R33. OFG. Middleton, Dr. Warren Candler. A.M., Vanderbilt. 24; Ph.D., Yale, 29. Assoc, prof, psychology, De Pauw Univ., Green- castle, Ind. (121 E. Walnut St.) M31- F33. IQF. Middleton, William. Glenwood Ave. and Henry St., Bloomfield, N. T. M25F33- R37. F. Middleton, Dr. William S(hainline). M.D., Pennsylvania, 11. Prof, medicine and dean Univ. Wisconsin Med. School, Madison, Wis. (21 14 Adams St.) M36- F38. N. Midelfart, Dr. Peter Albert Hande. M.D., Harvard, 31. Surgeon, Midelfart Clinic, Eau Claire, Wis. (343 Gilbert Ave.) M40. XH. Midgley, Dr. Albert L. D.M.D., Harvard, 01; Sc.D., Marquette, 22. 1108 Union Trust Bldg., Providence, R. I. M32. Nd. Midgley, Thomas, Jr. Worthington, Ohio. M28F32. C. Midkiff, Frank E(lbert). 2207 Oahu Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii. M33R38. EL. Midlo, Dr. Charles. Med. Center, Louisi- ana State Univ., New Orleans, La. M34- R36. N. Mignon, Miss Helen- L(eonie). M.A., California, 23. Assoc, prof, home eco- nomics. State Col., San Jose, Calif. (104 Race St.) M28. NQC. Miholic, Dr. Stanko S(tankov). Ph.D., Zagreb, 18. Dir. Nat. Inst. Fuel, Minerals and Metallurgy, Djordjiceva 31, Zagreb, Crotia, Jugoslavia. M27. CE. Mikkelsen, Dr. Harold W(oodruff). Dela- ware State Hosp., Farnhurst, Del. M39- R39. NIG. Milan, Dr. D(aniel) F(ranklin). 100 Edgars Lane, Hastings on Hudson, N. Y. M32R35. NF. Milbrath, D(avid) G(allus). A.B., Wis- consin, 04. Chief, Bur. Plant Pathology, California State Dept. Agric, Sacramento, Calif. (1410 41st St.) M28F33. G. Milch, Dr. Henry. M.D., Columbia, 20. Instr. anatomy, Columbia Univ. Col. Phy- sicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. (225 W. 86th St.) M36. NFG. Milde, Edward Carl. 12 Macauley Ave., Waterbury, Conn. M30R37. ABM. Mildred, Mother M. (See Mother M. Mildred Easby-Smith). Miles, Dr. Catharine C. (Mrs. Walter R. Miles). Ph.D., Stanford, 25. Clinical prof, psychology, Yale Univ. School Med.; at- tending psychologist, New Haven Hosp., New Haven, Conn. M25F32. IHN. Miles, Dr. Dwight W. New Lisbon, N. J. (?) M32R32. IH. Miles, Dr. Egbert J. A.M., Swarthmore, 07; Ph.D., Chicago, 10. 87 Marvel Road, New Haven, Conn. M06F11. A. Miles, E(zekiel) J(ones). Care A. J. Dal- ton, 14960 Piedmont Ave., Detroit, Mich. M29. MCB. Miles, George W(ellington). M07D39. C. Miles, Gilbert (De Wayne). 128 Ft. Wash- ington Ave., New York, N. Y. M39. CBF. Miles, Dr. Ivan E. M.S., Florida, 31; Ph.D., Maryland, 38. Dir. soil testing, North Carolina Dept. Agric, Raleigh, N. Car. M40F40. OCE. Miles, Dr. L(ee) E(llis). Ph.D., Illinois, 20. Plant pathologist, Mississippi Agric. Exp. Sta., State College, Miss. M22F22. G. Miles, S(amuel) R(aymond). Purdue Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., La Favette Ind. M36R3S. OGK. Miles, Mrs. Walter R. (See Catharine C. Miles). Miles, Dr. Walter R(ichard). A.M., Iowa, 10; Ph.D., 13; A.M., Yale, 31. Prof, psy- chology, Yale Univ. School Med.; attend- ing psychologist, New Haven Hosp. and New Haven Dispensary, New Haven, Conn. M18F21. I. Vice president for Sec- tion on Psychology (I), 1933. Mileti, Otto Joseph. B.A., B.S., Milano, 14. Gen. supt., Chas. R. Long, Jr., Co., 1630 W. Hill St., Louisville, Ky. (1863 Harvard Drive) M39. C. Miley, Dr. George (Petrie). M.D., North- western, 33. Clinical prof, pharmacology, Hahnemann Med. Col. and Hosp., Phila- delphia, Pa. (235 N. 15th St.) M39. NpQ. Miley, Henry Artis. Lincoln Memorial Univ., Harrogate, Tenn. (?) (M32R32)- M35F35R35. BA. Milford, Harvey M. 11941 Laing Ave., Detroit, Mich. M35R36. Q. Milgram, Dr. J(oseph) E(lias). 28 W. 63rd St., New York, N. Y. M36R36. N. Milham, Prof. Willis I(sbister). A.M., Williams, 95; Ph.D., Strassburg, 01. Prof. astronomy, Williams Col., Williamston, Mass. M98F05. D. Milhone, Rev. Damian William. M.S., Illinois, 33. Head Dept. Biology, St. Bede Col., Peru, 111.; visiting lecturer bac- teriology and pathology, St. Mary's Nurses Training School, La Salle, 111. M37F39. GF. Individual Members 697 Milhorat, Dr. Ade Thomas. M.D., Cornell, 28. Asst. prof, medicine, Cornell Univ. Med. Col.; asst. attending physician medi- cine and psychology, New York Hosp., New York, N. Y. M39. NCE. Milkman, Dr. Louis A. M.D., Temple. 1701 Jefferson Ave., Scranton, Pa. M36. BN. Milks, Dr. Howard J(ay). D.V.M.. Cor- nell, 04. Prof, materia medica and dir. Small Animal Clinic, New York State Veterinary Col., Ithaca, N. Y. (113 College Ave.) M31F33. NCF. Millar, Preston S(trong). Pres., Electrical Testing Labs.; sec, Assoc. Edison Illu- minating Cos., New York, N. Y. (60 Lynwood Road, Scarsdale, N. Y.) M18- F31. M. Millar, William B(uchanan). Eclipse Air- ways, Chapleau. Out., Canada. (?) M28- R33. EM. Millberry, Dr. Guy S(tillman). D.D.S., California, 01. Prof, dental health educa- tion. Univ. California Col. Dentistry; sec, Medico-Dental Bldg. Corp., San Fran- cisco, Calif. (7S Buchanan St.) M13F15. KNdQ. Millen, John E. Chemist, Amer. Steel and Wire Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (9610 Orleans Ave.) M39. BCM. Miller, Adam Marion. M08F11D35. N. Miller, Mrs. Agnes Vinton Luther. 217 Stafford Ave., Annadale, Staten Island, N. Y. M98. E. Miller, Dr. Albert. M.S., Cornell, 34; Ph.D.. 38. Instr. entomology and plant pathology, Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. M34F40. FO. Miller, A(lbert) C(urtis). M.Sc, Ohio State, 32. Asst. entomologist, Gulf Res. and Development Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Cheswick, Pa.) M40. FOG. Miller, Prof. Alden H(olmes). Ph.D., California, 30. Assoc, prof, and asst. dean, Col. Letters and Science, and curator birds, Mus. Vertebrate Zoology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (81 Edgecroft Road) M35F35- F. Miller, Alice Fern. B.A., Mills. Dietitian, Box 14, Route 1, Pleasanton, Calif. M30. NCF. Miller, Alten S(idney). M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 88. 80 Westcott Road, Princeton, N. J. M18F32. MP. Miller, Dr. Alton L(ombard). A.M.. Har- vard. 13; Ph.D., 16. Treas., Charles N. Miller Co., Boston. Mass. (25 Clinton Road, Brookline, Mass.) M22F33. ABC. Miller, Mrs. Anna Ross. 731 Cornell Ave. Drexel Hill, Pa. M29R35. BCM. Miller, Dr. A(rthur) K. A.M.. Missouri, 25; Ph.D., Yale, 30. Assoc, prof, geology, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M29F33. E. Miller, Dr. A(rthur) W. D.V.S., Kansas City Veterinary Col., 01. Chief Interstate Inspection Div. and asst. chief U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. (6833 Piney Branch Road) M31F33. NO. Miller, Dr. Aura James. M.D., Iowa, 21. Prof, pathology, Univ. Louisville School Med., Louisville, Ky. (M29F32R32)M39- F32. NKE. Miller, Dr. Austin (Vincente). M.D.. Cooper Med. Col., 99. Box 309, Porter- ville, Calif. Mi 7. N. Miller, B. H. Eagle Pass, Tex. M32R32. Miller, Dr. Benjamin F(rank). Ch.E., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 28; M.D., Har- vard, 33. Asst. prof, medicine, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. M38. NC. Miller, Dr. Benjamin L(eRoy). A.M., Pennsylvania State, 98; Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins, 03. Prof, geology, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. (429 N. New St.) Moi- F07. E. Miller, Mrs. Byron DeWitt (See Mrs. H. Strongman Miller). Miller, Byron S. Sherry Netherland, New York, N. Y. M29. Miller, C. Franklin. 8 Tamarack Ave., Elsmere, Del. M33R35. CMK. Miller, Miss Carey D(unlap). M.S., Columbia, 22. Prof, foods and nutrition and chairman Dept. Home Economics; chairman Dept. Nutrition, Hawaii Agric Exp. Sta.. Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. (2627 Kaaipu Ave.) M32F38. CF. Miller, Dr. C(arl) D(anforth). Cockeys- ville, Md. M22F31R32. BM. Miller, Carl Frederick. M.A., Arizona, 30. Project supt., Alabama Geol. Survey, Uni- versity, Ala. (622 N. 10th Ave., Tucson, Ariz.) M33. H. Miller, Dr. Carl W(allace). A.M.. Har- vard, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof, physics, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. (32 Balton Road) M24F31. B. Miller, Dr. C(asper) O(tto). New Market, Va. M2SR39. BCN. Miller, Charles G(ardner). B.A., Cali- fornia, 40. Consultant, New Hampshire Oil Co., Bakersfield, Calif. (225 S K St Tulare, Calif.) M39. BCA. Miller, Dr. C(harles) Phillip. M.D., Rush, 19. Assoc, prof, medicine, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5757 Kimbark Ave.) M21- F27. N. Miller, Prof. Clemmy O(lin). Ph.D.. Chicago. 26. Technical dir., Lakeside Labs., Inc., 4547 N. Port Washington Road, Milwaukee, Wis. (708 E. Henry Clay St., Whitefish Bay, Wis.) M31F33. CN. Miller, Prof. Clyde R(aymond). Ed.D., Amer. International, 36. Assoc prof, edu- cation, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col.; dir. Inst. Propaganda Analysis, New York, N. Y. M40. QKH. 698 Directory of Members Miller, Prof. D(avid) F(ranklin). M.A., Ohio State, 24; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, zoology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M29F33. FQN. Miller, Prof. Dayton C(larence). A.M., Baldwin, 89; D.Sc, Princeton, 90, Miami, 24, Dartmouth, 27; LL.D., Western Re- serve, 27, Baldwin, 33; D.E., Case, 36. Honorary prof, physics, Case School Ap- plied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. M95F98- E39. BD. Secretary of Section on Physics (B), 1902-06; vice president, 1907 '. Miller, D(ewey) B. 134 Bellwood Ave., Bellwood, 111. M3S. ABM. Miller, Dr. Donald Elbert. Ball State Teachers Col., Muncie, Ind. M38R38. FGN. Miller, Dr. Donald W(ilson). A.M., George Peabody, 26; Ed.M., Harvard, 27; Ed.D., 29. Prof. psychology, Lesley School, Cambridge; special lecturer psy- chology, Katharine Gibbs School, Boston, Mass. (367 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass.) M30 IQ. Miller, Dr. Dorothea Starbuck. Ph.D., Iowa, '38. Asst. prof, zoology, Connecticut Col., New London, Conn. M40. F. Miller, Dr. E(dgar) C(alvin) L(eRoy). M.D., Michigan, 94. Directing librarian, Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond, Va. M07- Fn. N. Miller, Edgar Grim, Jr. Ph.D., Columbia, 13. Prof, biochemistry, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (4705 Iselin Ave.) Mi 3- F25. CN. Miller, Dr. Edwin C(yrus). Ph.D., Yale, 10. Prof, plant physiology, Kansas State Col.; plant physiologist, Kansas Agric. Exp. Sta.. Manhattan, Kans. (211 N. 18th St.) M13F1S. G Miller, E(dwin) D(eWitt). M.A.. Ph.D., Virginia. Assoc, prof, biology, Madison Col., Harrisonburg, Va. M37. FN. Miller, Dr. Edwin L. M.S., Illinois, 30; Ph.D., 33. Assoc, prof, zoology, Louisiana State Univ., University, La. M39. FN. Miller, Dr. Eleanor Olmstead. M.A., Northwestern, 20; Ph.D., Wisconsin. 26. Prof, psychology and education, Illinois Col., Jacksonville, 111. (1252 W. College Ave.) M33F33- IQ- Miller, Dr. Ellis. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. Asst. to vice pres., chem. engineer, and res. chemist, Sharp and Dohme, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. (420 S. 49th St.) M34- F34. CN. Miller, Dr. Elroy J(ohn). M.S., Michigan, 15; Ph.D., 23. Chemist, Michigan Agric. Exp. Sta., East Lansing, Mich. (262 Cedar St.) M26F33. c. Miller, E(lwood) Morton. M.S., Chicago, 30 Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Miami, CoraU Gables, Fla. M39. FG. " Miller, Prof. Emil C. M.S., Iowa, 35. Head Dept. Physics, Luther Col., Decorah, Iowa. M40. BAQ. Miller, Eric R(exford). M.S., Wisconsin, 21. Assoc, meteorologist charge, U. _S. Weather Bur. ; lecturer meteorology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M07F16. B. Miller, Ernest A(llen). M.A., Columbia, 00. 113 N. Tioga St., Ithaca, N. Y. M08- F38. A. Miller, Dr. Erston V(inton). M.S., Mary- land, 21 ; Ph.D., Michigan State, 26. Phy- siologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Beltsville, Md. (415 N. Parramore St., Orlando, Fla.) M31F33. G. Miller, Dr. Erwin Curtis. M.D., Harvard, 25. Phvsician, 27 Elm St., Worcester, Mass. (7 Military Road) M36. N. Miller, Dr. Franklin R(ush). M.D., Har- vard, 27. Asst. prof, medicine, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadelphia. Pa. (547 Heath Road, Merion, Pa.) M34F38. N. Miller, Major Fred J(ohn). M02F06D39. KM. Miller, Frederick W(illiam). M.A., Ohio State, 38. Res. psychologist, Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc., Louisville, Ky. (1232 Central Ave.) M40. I. Miller, G. Harry. 1030 N. East 31st Ave., Portland, Oreg. M39. CM. Miller, Dr. Gail Lorenz. M.A.. Illinois, 34; Ph.D., George Washington, 37. Dept. Biochemistry, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York. N. Y. M38. CN. Miller, Prof. George A(bram). A.M., Muhlenberg, 90; Ph.D., Cumberland, 93. 1203 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. M97F98. A. Secretary of Section on Mathematics and Astronomy (A), 190 1, 1907-12. Vice presi- dent for Section on Mathematics (A), 1922. Member of the Executive Committee, 1924. Miller, Dr. George F(rederick). 6605 Georgia Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. M32R32. QIK. Miller, Dr. George H(enry). M.A., Wooster, 15; M.D., Pennsylvania, 17- Dean Faculty Medicine and prof, internal medicine, American Univ. Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. M37F38. N. Miller, Prof. George J. S.M., Chicago, 09. Prof, geography, State Teachers Col., Mankato Minn. (103 Parsons St.) Mn- F16L28. EQ. Miller, Dr. George Norton. M04L13D35. HKN. Miller, Gerrit S(mith), Jr. A.B.. Harvard, 94. Curator, Div. Mammals, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington. D. C. M24F27. F. Miller, Glennard E(arl). B.S., Purdue. 21. Chemist, Fleischmann Labs., Standard Brands Inc., 810 Grand Concourse, New 'York. N. Y. M29. CMB. Individual Members 699 Miller, Mrs. H. Strongman (Mrs. Byron DeWitt Miller). 320 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M29. Miller, Prof. Harold E(dward). M.Sc, Bucknell, 21. Asst. prof, biology, Muhlen- berg Col., Allentown, Pa. (2342 Union St.) M34F34. GFN. Miller, Harold J(ames). B.A., Ohio State, 33. Instr. plant pathology, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M37. G. Miller, Dr. Harry East. M22F33D39. C. Miller, Harry G(eorge). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 22. Biochemist, Chem. Div., Procter and Gamble, Ivorydale, Ohio. (3655 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio) M25F25. NCO. Miller, Dr. Harry K(oser). 151 Harrison Ave., Mamaroneck, N. Y. M28R39. N. Miller, Harry M(ilton), Jr. Ph.D., Illinois, 23. Rockefeller Foundation, New York, N. Y. M22F25. FNC. Miller, Harry William (Robert). 114 Gipsy Hill, Upper Norwood, London, England. M36R37. MBC. Miller, Miss Helen (LaVorst). Box 24, New Hope, Va. M35R36. C. Miller, Miss Helen Mar. McMillan Hall, Washington Univ., St. Louis Mo. ( ?) M32R34. F. Miller, Miss Helena A(gnes). M.Sc, Ohio State, 38. Teacher science. Girls School, Milton Acad., Milton, Mass. (556 Wash- ington St., Boston, Mass.) M39. G. Miller, Henley. 450 Sutter St., San Fran- cisco, Calif. M32R32. DNI. Miller, Prof. Herbert A(dolphus). Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. M37R37. K. Miller, Dr. Herbert C. D.D.S., Missouri Dental Col., 85 ; M.D., St. Louis, 87. Pres., North Pacific Col. Oregon, Portland, Oreg. (1041 S. West Vista Ave.) M35. NKO. Miller, Howard S(eaman). E.E., Syracuse, 13; M.A., California, 15; LL.B., George Washington, 19. Law examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. (1355 Locust Road NW.) M40. MB. Miller, Hugh. 1018 Nott St., Schenectady, N. Y. (?) M25F25R32. M. Secretary of Section on Engineering (M), 1924. Miller, Dr. Hugo E(ugene). M.S., Minne- sota, 27; M.D., 28. Physician, 91 S. 7th St., Minneapolis, Minn. M31. NFB. Miller, Dr. Hyman. M.D., Stanford, 22. 3704 Prestwick Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. M34. LN. Miller, Dr. Hymen R(udolph). 2 E. 85th St., New York, N. Y. M24R37. NQ. Miller, Irving. Royalcrest Orchard, Route 4, Medford, Oreg. M13R38. G. Miller, Prof. I(saac) L(eslie). M18F33- D36. A. Miller, Dr. Israel S. 665 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. M33R35. N. Miller, J. Allen. M35D— . Miller, Dr. James A(lbert). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 37. Instr. anatomy, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1102 Belmar Place) M36. F. Miller, Dr. James Collins. 114 Bennett Hall, Univ. Pennsylvania School Educa- tion, Philadelphia, Pa. M22R36. Q. Miller, Dr. James Shannon. C.E., Vir- ginia, 89; Sc.D., 93. Prof, mathematics, Emory and Henry Col., Emory, Va. M34- F34. AD. Miller, Prof. James S(hannon), Jr. E.E., Virginia, 20. Box 1595. University, Va. M37. MB. Miller, Jerome N. M.A., Ohio State. Con- sulting chemist, 4125 Stanhope St., Dallas, Tex. M39. CB. Miller, Prof. John Allen. M.Sc. Ohio State, 27 ; Ph.D., 32. Asst. prof, zoology and entomology, Ohio State Univ., Colum- bus, Ohio. M29. FG. Miller, Dr. John Anthony. A.M., Stanford, 93; Ph.D., Chicago, 99; LL.D., Indiana, 29. Prof, mathematics and astronomy re- tired, Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, Pa. M82F06V37. AD. Vice president for Sec- tion on Astronomy (D), 1924. Miller, John M(artin). B.S., Stanford, 08. Senior entomologist, U. S. Bur. Ento- mology and Plant Quarantine, Berkeley, Calif. M18F33. F. Miller, Joseph. M.A., Oberlin, 35; Ph.D., Yale, 39. Dept. Psychology, Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. M40. I. Miller, Dr. Joseph Austin. M.D., Colum- bia, 25. 364 Prospect St., South Orange, N. J. M33. N. Miller, Dr. Joseph L(eggett). M08F11- D37. N. Miller, Dr. Joseph S. A. Rockland State Hosp., Orangeburg, N. Y. M38R38. NKH. Miller, Dr. Joseph W(illiam). M.D., Albany, 15. Bronchoscopist, Beth David Hosp. and Israel-Zion Hosp.; asst. otolaryngologist, Gouveneur Hosp. ; chief laryngologist and bronchoscopist, Stuyve- sant Polyclinic Hosp., New York N. Y. M37. N. Miller, Dr. Julian C(reighton). M.S., Cornell, 26; Ph.D., 28. Horticulturist, Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta., University, La. M30F32. OFG. Miller, Dr. Julian H(owell). Dept. Botany, Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. M29F30- R33. G. Miller, Prof. Karl G. 7122 Penarth Ave., LTpper Darby. Pa. M30R32. I. Miller, Dr. Knox Emerson. M.D., Johns Hopkins. Senior surgeon, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. (2808 McKinley St. NW.) M39. N. 700 Directory of Members Miller, Lawrence F. M.A., Illinois, 35. Asst. aquatic biologist, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn. ( Decatur, Ala.) M40. FGC. Miller, Dr. Lawrence P(eter). M.S., Wis- consin, 25; Ph.D., Purdue, 33. Biochemist, Boyce Thompson Institute Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers, N. Y. M32F33. GCO. Miller, Dr. L(ee) Wallace. M.S., Iowa, 28; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, biology, Illinois State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. M31. G. Miller, Levi B(ickhart). B.S., Pennsyl- vania State, 07. Route 6, Lancaster, Pa. M25. BCM. Miller, Dr. Lewis B(enjamin). M.S., Iowa, 20; Ph.D., Columbia, 22. Chem. engineer, Keasbey and Mattison Co., Ambler, Pa. (245 Forrest Ave.) M24F33. C. Miller, Dr. Lila. M.S., Wisconsin, 27; Ph.D., Michigan, 36. Instr., Univ. Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M28. C. Miller, Lloyd C(rawford). M.S., Nebraska, 40. Graduate student, Dept. Horticulture, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (Tulia, Tex.) M40F40. GO. Miller, Dr. L(ouallen) F(rederick). Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Prof, physics. Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M22F31. B. Miller, Dr. Loye (Holmes). M.S., Cali- fornia, 04; Ph.D., 12. Prof, biology and chairman Life Science Group, Univ. Cali- fornia Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M12F15. FE. Miller, Miss Lula A(lice). M.A., Vir- ginia, 26. Teacher biology, Eastern High School, Washington, D. C. (Maryland Courts) M38. GFQ. Miller, Miss M(ary) Isabelle. Teacher, Western High School, Baltimore, Md. (23 Edmondson Ridge Road, Catonsville, Md.) M29. DEG. Miller, Miss Mary L(ucy). M.A., Colum- bia, 32; Ph.D., 34. Res. asst. pathology, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (4366 Maryland Ave.) M40. C. Miller, Meredith R(aines). M.S., Nevada, 27. Assoc, res. prof, agric. chemistry, Ne- vada Agric. Exp. Sta., Reno, Nev. M27F33. CO. Miller, Merle Vincent. Assoc, electrical engineer. Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. (3224 Brighton St.) M39. MBO. Miller, Dr. Merritt F(inley). M.S.A., Cor- nell, 01 ; D.Sc, Ohio State, 39. Dean agric, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (309 West- mount Ave.) M07F18. GO. Vice president for Section on Agriculture (0), 1929. Miller, Dr. Mike A(nthony). Ph.D., Michi- gan, 36. Physical chemist. Aluminum Res. Labs., New Kensington, Pa. M37. CBM. Miller, Dr. Milo G(eorge). 8 S. Providence Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. M11R37. HN. Miller, Milton A. 1672 Oxford St., Berke- ley, Calif. M34R34. F. Miller, Miss Myrtle (Helen). B.S., Cor- nell. 35 Surf Ave., Ocean Grove, N. J. M40. A. Miller, Dr. Neville F(rederick). M.S., Michigan, 33; Sc.D., 37. Res. investigator, New Jersey Zinc Co., Palmerton, Pa. (632 Lafayette Ave.) M38. CP. Miller, Dr. Newton. Ph.D., Clark, 08; M.D., Rush, 24. Physician and surgeon, 231 N. Main St., Porterville, Calif. M34- F34. N. Miller, Prof. Norman. M.A., Queen's, 10; Ph.D., Harvard, 16. Prof, mathematics, Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., Canada. M34F34. A. Miller, Norman E. B.S., Johns Hopkins, 33. Res. chemist, Ellis Labs., Inc., 98 Greenwood Ave., Montclair, N. J. (810 N. Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J.) M39. COM. Miller, O(sborn) M(aitland). Dept. Math- ematical Geography, Amer. Geographical Soc, New York, N. Y. M33. EDM. Miller, Dr. Otto N. M.S., Ph.D., Michigan. Engineer, Standard Oil Co. California, El Segundo,' Calif. (337 Loma Vista) M39. CMI. Miller, Prof. Paul T(heodore). M.S., Iowa, 30; Ph.D., 32. Prof, geology and geogra- phy, State Teachers Col., Superior, Wis. M39. E. Miller, Dr. Phillip A(llen). Box 588, Ithaca, N. Y. M30. Miller, Pierre A(lphonse). M.S., Kansas State, 25. Asst. prof, plant pathology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los An- geles, Calif. (2223 Bentlev Ave.) M28F33. GO. Miller, P(leasant) T(homas). M.A., Texas, 18. Prof, chemistry and dean Col. Liberal Arts, Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. M36F36. C. Miller, Miss R. Beatrice. M.A., Pennsyl- vania, 21. Teacher physics, Overbrook High School, Philadelphia, Pa. (6407 Overbrook Ave.) M27. BQG. Miller, Dr. Ralph E(nglish). M.D.. Har- vard, 28; M.S., Minnesota, 31. Assoc, prof, pathology and asst. dean Dartmouth Med. School; dir. labs., Mary Hitchcock Me- morial Hosp., Hanover, N. H. (9 Down- ing Road) M39. FN. Miller, Dr. Ralph L(eRoy). Ph.D., Colum- bia. 37. Instr. geology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M39. E. Miller, Dr. Ralph L(ester). M.S., Ohio State, 25; Ph.D., 28. Entomologist, Florida Agric. Supply Co., 1040 W. Amelia Ave.> Orlando, Fla. (701 S. Hyer Ave.) M35- F33. F. Miller, Prof. R(aymond) F(oster). A.M., Kansas, 12; Ph.D., Iowa, 23. Prof, physics, Col. Emporia, Emporia, Kans. M25F31. BDE. Individual Members 701 Miller, Dr. Richard H. M.D., Harvard, 10. Clinical prof, surgery, Harvard Med. School; visiting surgeon, Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. (264 Beacon St.) M34F34. N. Miller, Dr. Robert C(unningham). A.M., California, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Dir. Mus. and Steinhart Aquarium, California Acad. Sciences, San Francisco, Calif. M22F25. FI. Miller, Dr. Robert Talbott. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 03; D.Sc, Amherst, 25. Moun- tain Lake, Lake Wales, Fla. M16F27. N. Miller, Rodney Burton. Asst., Newark Mus., Newark, N. J. (117 Lincoln Ave.) (M28R33)M35. EGM. Miller, Samuel Charles. S7 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. (M33R33)M3sR35. N. Miller, Dr. (Samuel) Porter, M.S., Woos- ter, 28; Ph.D., Iowa, 36. Prof, chemistry, Buena Vista Col., Storm Lake, Iowa. M40. CFN. Miller, Dr. Shirley Putnam. M.A., Minne- sota, 03 ; Ph.D., 22. Asst. prof, anatomy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M07F21. NFG. Miller, Dr. Sidney E(dward). M.S.. Okla- homa, 30; Ph.D., Minnesota, 34. Res. chemist. General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. (801 E. River Road) M40. C. Miller, Dr. Spencer. Dr.Eng., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 28. 661 Glenneyre St., Laguna Beach, Calif. M13F25. M. Miller, Dr. T(homas) Grier. M.D., Penn- sylvania, 11. Prof, clinical medicine. Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M28F33. N. Miller, Dr. Vernon L(emont). M.A., Ohio State, 26; Ph.D.. 31. Instr. psychology, Bowdoin Col., Brunswick Maine (47 Harpswell St.) M32. IFH. Miller, Walter. Continental Oil Co., Ponca City, Okla. M18. M. Miller, W(alter) B(yron). B.A., Tennes- see, 00. Consulting engineer. Guyan Eagle Coal Co., Amherstdale, W. Va. (1129 5th Ave., Huntington, W. Va.) M23. M. Miller, Prof. Ward L. M.S.. Chicago. 19; Ph.D., 28. Prof, botany. South Dakota State Col., Brookings, S. Dak. (919 5th St.) M25F31. G. Miller, Wilbur H. 415 Havermeyer Hall. Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M39- R39. C. Miller, Prof. W(ilford) S(tanton). A.M., Indiana. 11; Ph.D., Illinois. 17. Acting dean and prof, education, Univ. Minnesota Graduate School, Minneapolis, Minn (316 17th Ave. SE.) M24F25. I. Miller, Wilfred A(mram). B.S., Cooper Union, 03. Plant engineer, Otis Elevator Co., Yonkers, N. Y. (184 Truman Ave.) Mi 7. M. Miller, W(illiam) B(yron). M.S., Cali- fornia, 25. Assoc, range examiner, U. S. Biol. Survey, Silver City, N. Mex. M27. G. Miller, Dr. William D(ykstra). M.F., Yale, 30; Ph.D., 32. Assoc, prof, forestry, North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M35- F39- OFG. Miller, Prof. William J(ohn). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 05 ; Sc.D., Col. Pacific, 26. Prof, geology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (691 Loring Ave., Westwood Hills) M18F21. E. Miller, Prof. W(illiam) Lash. Ph.D., Mu- nich, 90. Prof, emeritus, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. (8 Hawthorne Ave.) M08F10L24. C. Vice president for Section on Chemistry (C), 1912 and 1922. Miller, Prof. William Snow. M93F94E39- D39. NF. Millet, Dr. John A(lfred) P(arsons). 770 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M34F34R38. IN. Millette, Dr. John W. M.A. Wittenberg, 98; M.S., Ohio Wesleyan, 03; M.D., Ohio State, 03. Aurist and oculist, 58 Cambridge Ave., Dayton, Ohio. M24. N. Milligan, Dr. Charles H. Ph.D., Chicago, 19. Development mgr., Amer. Agric. Chem. Co., 50 Church St., New York, N. Y. (842 Cedar Terrace, Westfield, N. J.) M38F39. CO. Milligan, Dr. Lowell Haines. M.Sc, Ohio State, 17; Ph.D., Cornell, 23. Res. engi- neer. Norton Co., Worcester. Mass. (1 Howatson Way) M25F33. CBM. Milligan, Dr. W(infred) O (liver). M.A.. Rice, 32; Ph.D., 34. Instr. and res. chemist. Rice Inst., Houston, Tex. M36. CB. Millikan, Dr. Clark B(lanchard). Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 28. Assoc, prof, aeronautics, California Inst. Tech., Pasa- dena, Calif. M32F33. BAM. Millikan, Prof. Robert A(ndrew) A.B.. Oberlin, 91; A.M., 93; Ph.D., Columbia, 95; Sc.D., Oberlin, 11, Northwestern, 13, Pennsylvania, 15, Columbia, 17, Amherst, 17, Dublin, 24, Yale, 25, Leeds, 27, Prince- ton, 28, New York, 29, Harvard, 32, Roch- ester, 34; LL.D., California, 24, Colorado, 27, Michigan, 29, Southern California, 31, Mills Col., 35, Loyola. 38; Ph.D., King John Casimer (Poland), 26, Ghent, 27, Docteur Honoris Causa, Liege, 30. Dir. Norman Bridge Lab. Physics and chair- man Exec. Council. California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M07F10. B. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), ign. President, 1929. Member of the Executive Committee, 1930-33- Milliken, Miss Alma. Route 2, Triadelphia, W. Va. M34R36. INK. Milliken, Dr. Seth Minot. M.D., Columbia, 02. 9St Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M18. N. J02 Directory of Members Million, John W(ilson), Jr. 361-99 W. Su- perior St., Chicago, 111. M28R36. B. Millis, Col. John. B.S., U. S. Military Acad., 2,7. U. S. Army retired, 3250 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. M99F06. BDE. Millman, Peter M(ackenzie). Dept. As- tronomy, Univ. Toronto, Tronto, Ont., Canada. M34F34R36. D. Mills, Carroll Bing. 221, W. 31st St., Hunt- ington, W. Va. M38R38. B. Mills, Dr. Clarence A(lonzo). Ph.D., Cin- cinnati, 20; M.D., 22. Prof. exp. medicine and dir. labs., Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med., Cincinnati, Ohio. (5046 Oberlin Blvd.) M33F33. N. Mills, Edward J., Jr. 19 Irving Place, New Rochelle, X. Y, M39R39. CN. Mills, Prof. Frank Smith. M02D35. EM. Mills, Frederick C(ecil). M.A.. Califor- nia, 16; Ph.D., Columbia. 17. Prof, eco- nomics and statistics, Columbia Univ.; member res. staff, Nat. Bur. Economic Res., New York, N. Y. (492 Engle St., Englewood, N. J.) (M34F34R36)M38F34. K. Mills, Dr. Harlow B(urgess). M.S., Iowa State, 30; Ph.D., 34. Prof, entomology and head Dept., Montana State Col., Boze- man, Mont. M38F38. F. Mills, J(ames) E(dward). A.M., Davidson, 00; Ph.D., North Carolina, 01; D.Sc, South Carolina, 35. Chief chemist, Sonoco Products Co., Hartsville, S. Car. M03- Fio. C. Mills, James (McVicar). B.S., California. Executive vice pres., James Mills Orchards Corp. and Esperanza Land Co., Hamilton City, Calif. M29. OMF. Mills, John. A.M., Nebraska, 04. Dir. pub- lication, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (234 Sagamore Road, Maple- wood, N. J.) M34F34.-M. Mills, Dr. Lloyd. M.D., Harvard, 02. Oph- thalmologist, 720 S. Lucerne Blvd.; mem- ber senior staff, Good Samaritan Hosp.; consulting staff, Orthopedic Hosp. and Children's Hosp., Los Angeles, Calif. M36. N. Mills, Miss Lucille M(aud). M.Sc, Ne- braska. 1835 S. 26th St., Lincoln, Nebr. M38. NpFG. Mills, Dr. Ralph G(arfield). M.D., North- western. Physician, Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, 111. M39. N. Mills, Miss Rosalind (Elaine). M.S., Illi- nois, 38. Special res. asst. nutrition, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M38. CNF. Mills, Dr. Wilford R(ichard). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 39. Res. asst. plant pathology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M40. G. Millsaps, Dr. Vera (Euanna). M.S., North Carolina, 24; Ph.D., 36. Teacher biology, McKinley High School, Washington, D. C. M39. GF. Milne, Prof. Lorus J(ohnson). A.M., Har- vard, 34; Ph.D., 36. Assoc, prof, biology, Randolph-Macon Woman's Col., Lynch- burg, Va. M37F39. FGE. Milne, Dr. W(illiam) E(dmund). M.A., Ph.D., Harvard. Prof, mathematics and head Dept., Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. M38. A. Milner, Dr. Reid T(hompson). M.S., Illi- nois, 25; Ph.D., California, 28. Dir. U. S. Regional Soybean Lab., Urbana, 111. (703 W. Indiana Ave., Champaign, 111.) M40. C. Milone, Dr. Henry S(amuel). M.S., Yale, 31; Ph.D., Georgetown, 36. Prof, physio- logical chemistry and dir. Dept., George- town Univ. School Med.; member execu- tive staff, Georgetown Univ. Hosp., Wash- ington, D. C. (202 Roosevelt St., Bethesda, Md.) M40. CN. Milone, Dr. Henry S(averius). George- town Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. M38R38. CN. Milone, Nicholas Arthur. Div. Sanitation, New York State Dept. Health, Albany, N. Y. M35R35. NOC. Miloslavich, Dr. Edward L(ucas). M.D., Vienna, 08. Dept. Legal Med., Royal Univ., Zagreb, Jugloslavia. L25F31. H. Milstone, Dr. J(acob) Haskell. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 37- Asst., Dept. Bacteriol- ogy New York Univ. Col. Med., New- York, N. Y. M34- NCF. Milton, Prof. Hugh Meglone, Jr. State College, N. Mex. M33F33R33- M. Mimno, Dr. Harry Rowe. A.M., Harvard, 25; Ph.D. 31. Cruft Lab., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M24F38. BMA. Minard, Dr. David. Ph.D., Chicago, 37. Instr. phvsiology, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. M40. NCB. Minarik, Dr. R(udolf) G(lenn). M.S., Yale, 31; Ph.D., California, 34; M.E., Case, 34- Asst. prof, mechanical engng.. Armor Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. (M34R37)M40. MQ. Mindlin, Dr. Eugene P(umpian). M.D., Zurich, 35. 4 W. 105th St., New York, N. Y. M40. NI. Mindlin, Dr. Raymond D(avid). C.E., Columbia, 32; Ph.D., 36. Instr. civil engng., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (88 Central Park W.) M34. MB. Miner, Carl S(helley). B.S., Chicago, 03. Dir. Miner Labs., 9 S. Clinton St., Chi- cago, 111. (344 Palos Road, Glencoe, 111.) M17F25. C. Miner, D(ewey) H(obson). M.S., Purdue, 24. Teacher physics and head Dept. Science Westport High School, Kansas City, Mo. (3949 Oak St.) M40. BFM. Miner, Mrs. Edna Wolf (Mrs. Wallace H. Miner). 2206 Brun St., Houston, Tex. M28- R34. FG, Individual Members 703 Miner, Miss Helen I(sabel). M.S., Michi- gan, 29; Ph.D., Yale, 39. Instr. chemistry, Nazareth Col., Nazareth, Mich. (2906 E. Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich.) M.39. CQN. Miner, Prof. J(ames) B(urt). M.S., Minne- sota, 01 ; Ph.D., Columbia, 03. Head Dept. Psychology, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. (114 Waller Ave.) M02F06. IQ. Miner, Dr. John R(ice). Sc.D., Johns Hop- kins, 22. Assoc, editor, Mayo Clinic, Roch- ester, Minn. (619 7th Ave. SW.) M16F25. AKN. Miner, Dr. Leroy. 363 Marlboro St., Bos- ton, Mass. M34F39. NH. Miner, Dr. Neil A(lden). M.A., Syracuse, 34; Ph.D., Iowa. 37. Prof, geology and head Dept., Cornell Col., Mt. Vernon, Iowa. (610 N. 5th Ave.) M40. E. Miner, Roy Waldo. Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M06F21R35. F. Miner, W. B. A.M., Indiana. 1209 S. Hen- derson St., Bloomington, Ind. M38. BCQ. Miner, Mrs. Wallace H. (See Mrs. Edna Wolf Miner). Miniter, Dr. Francis G(abriel). M37D37. N. Minkel, Lester M. 640 W. State St., Tren- ton, N. J. M32R32. Q. Minkiewicz, Dr. Stanislaw. Ph.D., Lwow. Dept. Entomology, Government Inst. Agric. Res., Pulawy, Poland. M37. F. Minne, Dr. N(els). M.S., Wisconsin, 30; Ph.D., 32. Co-chairman, Div. Science and Mathematics, Winona State Teachers Col., Winona Minn. (1115 W. Howard St.) M39- CBN. Minnich, Dr. D(wight) E(lmer). Ph.D., Harvard, 17. Prof, and chairman Dept. Zoology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (141 5 E. River Road) M18F20. F. Minns, Miss Lua A(lice). 217 Mitchell St., Ithaca, N. Y. M27R34. OG. Minns, Miss Susan. M83L14F32D38. G. Minor, Miss Marie L(ouise). A.B., Bryn Mawr, 94. Teacher biology, Wadleigh High School, New York, N. Y. (455 E. 51st St.) M29. FG. Minor, Prof. Ralph S(mith). A.M., Hamil- ton, 01 ; Ph.D., Gottingen, 02. Prof, physics, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (2514 Cedar St.) M17F21. B. Minot, Dr. George R(ichards). M.D., Har- vard, 12; S.D., 28. Prof, medicine. Har- vard Univ., Cambridge; dir. Thorndike Memorial Lab., Boston City Hosp., Bos- ton, Mass. M23F23. NCF. Minot, Dr. James J(ackson). M23D38. NG. Minshall, Jess R(obert). Broadwater, Nebr. M38. EHI. Minton, Dr. John Preston. Ph.D., Chicago, 20. Dir. geophysical res. and Geophysical Lab., Magnolia Petroleum Co., Dallas, Tex. (4414 Emerson St.) M40. EB. Mira, Prof. Julio A. C.E., Pennsylvania Military Col., 22; M.A., Columbia, 37. Prof, mathematics, Manhattanville Col. Sacred Heart, New York, N. Y. (61 E. 86th St.) M37F38. A. Mira, Sister M. M.A., Marquette. Prin- cipal, St. Joseph High School; teacher biology, Alverno Teachers Col., Mil- waukee, Wis. M39. GFL. Mira, Richard. B.S., Catholic, 21; Archi- tect, Havana, 37. Architect, Mira y Rosich, Obispo 165, Havana, Cuba. M40. MBA. Mirasol, Dr. Jose J. Manapla, Occidental Negros, P. I. M29F33R36. CO. Miriam, Sister (See Sister Miriam Eliza- beth). Miriam, Sister Rose. M.A., Canisius, 23; Ph.D., Fordham, 26. Prof, chemistry, Naz- areth Convent, Rochester, N. Y. M28. C. Mirick, G(ordon) R(ichmond). M.A., Michigan, 23, Columbia, 30. Teacher math- ematics, Lincoln School; assoc. teaching mathematics, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col. New York, N. Y. (445 Riverside Drive) M18F38. MA. Mirimanian, Prof. Khachatour P. Malaya Bronnaya 18 KV. 513, Moscow, U. S. S. R. M35R36. OE. Miroyiannis, Dr. Stanley D(emetrius). A.M., Massachusetts State, 29; A.M., Bos- ton, 29; Ph.D., 38. Assoc, prof, biology and chairman Dept., Northeastern Univ., Boston, Mass. M39F39. F. Mirsky, Aron L(eon). B.S., Trinity, 37. Junior engng. draftsman, Connecticut State Highway Dept., Hartford, Conn. (478 Edgewood St.) M38. MAB. Mirsky, Dr. I(sadore) Arthur. M.Sc, M.D.,C.M., McGill. Dir. May Inst. Med. Res., Jewish Hosp.; instr. biochemistry, Univ. Cincinnati Col. School, Cincinnati, Ohio. M36. N. Misangyi, Prof. William. D.Sc, Budapest, 07. Prof., Royal Hungarian Tech. Univ., Muegyetem, Budapest, Hungary. M33. MKQ. Miser, Hugh D(insmore). M.A., Arkan- sas, 12. Principal geologist; geologist charge geology fuels; chairman Commit- tee on Geologic Names, U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, Washington, D. C. (4025 South Dakota Ave. NE.) M13F25. E. Vice president for Section on Geology and Geography (E), 1940. Miser, Prof. Wilson L(ee). M.A., Yale, 11. Prof. ' mathematics, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. (1702 Cedar Lane) M18- F33- A. Mishler, Ralph T(homas). Fresnillo Co., Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico. M36R36. M. Mishulow, Miss Lucy. 235 E. 22nd St., New York, N. Y. M31F33. NQ. 704 Directory of Members Mitchell, Albert C. 1440 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M39. Mitchell, Dr. A(lbert) Graeme. M.D., Pennsylvania, 10. Prof, pediatrics, Children's Hosp., Univ. Cincinnati ; dir. Children's Hosp. Res. Foundation ; dir. pediatrics and contagious diseases, Cincinnati Gen. Hosp., Cincinnati, Ohio. M30F33. N. Mitchell, Prof. Alfred K(ing). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Asst. prof, mathematics, Trinity Col., Hartford, Conn. (30 Pleas- ant St., West Hartford, Conn.) M34F34. A. Mitchell, Prof. Allan C(harles) G(ray). M.S., Virginia, 24; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 27. Prof, physics, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. L25F31. BC. Mitchell, Dr. C. W. M.D. 730 Bonifant St., Silver Spring, Md. M35F35. N. Mitchell, Charles L(yman). 1340 Jeffer- son St. NW., Washington, D. C. M28F31. E. Mitchell, Dr. Claude. A.M.. Pittsburgh, 25 ; Ph.D., 31. West Newton, Pa. M34. QI. Mitchell, Dr. Dale. Ph.D., Cornell. Acting pres., Bradford Junior Col., Bradford, Mass. M40. H. Mitchell, Dr. David. A.M., Pennsylvania, 11; Ph.D., 13. Consulting psychologist, 106 E. 81st St., New York, N. Y. M13F21. IQH. Mitchell, Edmund Irving. 24 Aubrey Road, Upper Montclair, N. J. M17R33. KMP. Mitchell, Prof. Frank E(lijah). B.S.A., Georgia. Prof, and head Poultry Dept., Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. (1187 S. Lumpkin St.) M39. O. Mitchell, Harold H. M.S., Southern Cali- fornia, 38. Lecturer bacteriology, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles Calif. (1256 W. 29th St.) M40. NFG. Mitchell, Dr. Harold H(anson). M.S., Illi- nois, 13; Ph.D., 15. Prof, animal nutrition, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (909 W. Ne- vada St.) M28F31. NCO. Mitchell, Henry Bedinger. A.M., Colum- bia, 00. Chairman Board, Griscom-Russell Co., 285 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. (Chapel Farm, Riverdale-on-Hudson) Moi- F05. AIQ. Mitchell, Prof. Howard H(awks). Ph.D., Princeton. 10; Sc.D., Marietta, 35. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. M26F26. A. Vice president for Section on Mathematics (A), 1932. Mitchell, Hugh C(hester). C.E., Notre Dame, 95; B.S., 98. Senior mathematician, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. M34F34. D. Mitchell, Dr. James F(rancis). D.V.M., Cornell. 2736 Regent St., Berkeley Calif. M29. NO. Mitchell, Dr. James Herbert. M.D., Rush, 13. 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. M22F25. N. Mitchell, John, Jr. M13L14D — . Mitchell, John Jacob. 32 Myrtle Terrace, Winchester, Mass. M39. CB. Mitchell, John N(elson). M.S., California, 35. 610 Syndicate Bldg., Oakland, Calif. M37. O. Mitchell, Prof. J(ohn) Pearce. A.M., Stan- ford, 04; Ph.D., 09. Registrar and prof, chemistry, Stanford University, Calif. (235 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, Calif.) M02F11. C. Mitchell, Dr. Joseph. 30-70 29th St., Long Island City, N. Y. M33R33. N. Mitchell, Louis. S.M., Harvard and Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 15. Dean, Syracuse Univ., Col. Applied Science, Syracuse, N. Y. (205 Berkeley Drive) M29F30. MQA. Mitchell, Miss Madeline M(argarite). Pub- lications mgr., Amer. Inst. Physics, 1175 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M38. B. Mitchell, Dr. Mildred B(essie). M.A., Rad- cliffe, 27; Ph.D., Yale, 31. Psychologist, Mt. Pleasant State Hosp., Mt. Pleasant, and Independence State Hosp., Independ- ence, Iowa. M32F33. INQ. Mitchell, Morton Leslie. A.B., Simpson, 11. Teacher physics, Beaumont H;gh School, St. Louis, Mo. (4260 Holly Ave.) (M34R34)M38. BDE. Mitchell, Dr. O(liver) W(endell) H(olmes). M.D., Missouri, 08. Prof, bac- teriology and public health, Syracuse Univ. Col. Med., Syracuse, N. Y. M12- F27. N. Mitchell, Prof. Philip H(enry). Ph.D., Yale, 07. Prof, biology, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. (59 E. Orchard Ave.) M24F27. NFC. Mitchell, Prof. Ralph Waldo. M.A., Cor- nell, 28. Gatesville, N. Car. M28F33. CFQ. Mitchell, R(aymond) L(uther). A.M., Hardin-Simmons, 27; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 33. Asst. chemist, U. S. Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. (505 W. Lakeside St.) M38F40. COG. Mitchell, Prof. Robert H(amilton). M.A., Ohio State, 29. Asst. prof, geology, Mus- kingum Col., New Concord, Ohio. (19 S. Liberty St.) M30F39. ECQ. Mitchell. S. P. M36D40. Mitchell, Dr. S(amuel) A(lfred). M.A., Queen's, 94; LL.D., 24; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 98. Prof, astronomy and dir. Leander McCormick Observatory, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. M02F06L23. D. Vice president for Section on Astronomy (D), 1921. Mitchell, Dr. Theo(dore) B(ertis). M.S., North Carolina State, 24; Sc.D., Harvard, 28. Prof, entomology, North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M23F28. F. Individual Members 705 Mitchell, Thomas J. West Engineering Bldg., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M33F33R33. M. Mitchell, Prof. U(lysses) G(rant). A.M., Kansas, 07; Ph.D., Princeton, 10. Prof, mathematics and chairman Dept., Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (i3x3 Massachu- setts St.) M11F15. ALQ. Mitchell, Dr. W. C. D.V.S., U. S. Col. Veterinary Surgeons, 04. Asst. veterinarian, U. S. Dept. Agric, San Angelo, Tex. M31. NF. Mitchell, Prof. Wesley C(lair). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 99; LL.D., Chicago, 29, Columbia, 29, California, 36; M.A., Oxford, 30; D.Litt., Harvard, 36. Prof, economics, Co- lumbia Univ.; dir. res. Nat. Bur. Eco- nomic Res., New York, N. Y. (2 Horatio St.) M18F29. K. Vice president for Section on Social and Economic Sciences (K), 1933- President, 1938. Mitchell, William H(amilton). A.B., Tu- lane, 28. Mgr., Col. Dept., Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 432 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. (131 Bennett Ave.) M39. KCI. Mitman, Carl W(eaver). E.M., Lehigh, 11. Head curator, Dept. Engng. and Indus- tries, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. (4408 Klingle St. NW.) M34F34- M. Mitrano, Dr. Anthony J(oseph). Ph.D., Yale, 37. Psychologist, Board Education; consulting psychologist, 112 Avery St., Rochester, N. Y. M37. INQ. Mittlemann, Dr. Bela. M.D., Prague, 22. Res. fellow, Cornell LTniv. Med. Col.; at- tending physician neurology and psychia- try. New York Post Graduate Hosp., New York, N. Y. M40. IN. Mitz, George. B.S., Drexel Inst. 49 Ocean Road, Allenhurst, N. J. M36. MBC. Mix, Dr. A(rthur) J(ackson). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 16. Chairman Dept. Botany, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (M17P25R36)- M38F25. G. Mixer, Charles A(dam). Consulting engi- neer, Rumford Falls Power Co., Rumford, Maine. M02. BKM. Mixter, George. A.M., Harvard, 09; M.E.E., 11. Paige Memorial Library, Hardwick, Mass. M08L12. KMB. Mixter, Dr. William Jason. M.D., Harvard, 06. Chief Neurosurgical Service, Massa- chusetts Gen. Hosp.; lecturer neuro- surgery, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (180 Clvde St., Brookline, Mass.) M36F38. N. Miyake, Dr. Kiichi. Ph.D., Cornell; D.Sc. Tokyo Imperial. Tokyo Imperial Univ. Col. Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan. M38. G. Mize, R(alph) C(reighton). Senior meteo- rologist, U. S. Weather Bur., Cleveland, Ohio. M29. BOA. Mizell, Lt. Maxwell. Second Brigade Ma- rines, Managua, Nicaragua, C. A. (?) M28- R32. MAB. Moberg, Dr. Erik G(ustaf). M.S., North Dakota, 17; Ph.D., California, 25. Scripps Inst. Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. M28- F33. C. Mock, Frank Charles. 1086 E. 39th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M24. MBQ. Modeer, Elmer. M.S., Wyoming, 39. Man- aging dir., St. Joseph Testing Labs., Inc., St. Joseph, Mo. (2716 Sacramento St.) M40. C. Modigliani, Dr. Piero. D.Sc, Milan. Piazza Barberini 52, Rome, Italy. M39. PBK. Modjeski, Ralph. Room 1703, 52 Vander- bilt Ave., New York, N. Y. M20F25R36. M. Moe, Carl. Chemist, Stevens Point Pulp and Paper Co., Stevens Point, Wis. M18. C. Moe, Prof. G(eorge) G(ordon). M.Sc, McGill, 21 ; Ph.D., Cornell, 28. Prof, agron- omy, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C, Canada. M34F34. G. Moe, Dr. Lewis H. Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M31R32. NF. Moede, Ruby (Barbara) (See Mrs. Ruby Moede Friedman). Moehlman, Prof. Arthur B(ernard). M.A.. Michigan, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Prof, school ad- ministration and supervision, Univ. Mich- igan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M25F31. Q. Moehlman, Dr. Arthur H(enry). Univ. Schools, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M31R37. QK. Moehlman, Robert S. 149 Gregory Hill Road, Rochester, N. Y. M31R33. E. Moenkhaus, William J. 1300 E. First St., Bloomington, Ind. M35F35R35. I. Moerk, Prof. Frank X(avier). 43rd and Kingsessing Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. M08- F11R36. CN. Moerke, Dr. Georgine A. Maybury Sana- torium, Northville, Mich. M31R32. CLN. Moffatt Mrs. Elizabeth M(arriott). M24- D38. F. Moffatt, Dr. William Sayer. M.D., Hahne- mann, 68. 328^ N. Rampart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M07L08. FGN. Mofntt, Fred H(oward). M.A., Lafayette, 99. Geologist, LT. S. Geol. Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. (Cosmos Club) M11F14. E. Mofntt, Dr. Herbert C(harles). M.D., Har- vard, 94; D.Sc, 21; LL.D., California, to. Clinical emeritus prof, medicine, Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. (1818 Broadway) M31F33. NCF. Moffitt, James K(ennedy). 86 Seaview Ave., Piedmont, Calif. Mi 7. 706 Directory of Members Mogendorff, Dr. Nicholas. M.S., Wagenin- gen, 22, Rutgers, 25; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 29. Prof, natural science, Univ. Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. (3924 Woodmont Road) M31F33. G. Mogensen, Miss Annie M. M.A., Nebraska, 18. Teacher, Junior Col., Kansas City, Mo. M28. Mohan, A(lyagari) R(ama). B.A., Madras; B.E.E., Clarkson. Electrical engineer, As- sociated Cement Cos., Ltd., Shahabad, Deccan, India. M39. MPK. Mohler, Fred L(oomis). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Head Atomic Physics Sec- tion, Nat. Bureau Standards, Washington, D. C. (2853 Brandywine St. NW.) M13- F21. B. Mohler, Miss Nora M(ay). A.M., Dickin- son, 21 ; Ph.D., Smith, 34. Assoc, prof, physics, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (261 Crescent St.) M29F33. B. Mohler, Dr. Orren. Sproul Observatory, Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, Pa. M31- R3S- DBA. Mohler, Prof. R. E. 1102 E. Euclid St., McPherson, Kans. M35F35R36. O. Mohr, Charles E(dward). 43 Westgate Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. (?) M29. FG. Mohr, Franklin. E.E., Northwestern, 19; M.A.. Columbia, 23. Patent attorney, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (.460 W. 24th St.) M29. MBA. Mohr, Dr. George J(oseph). M.D., Rush, 18. Assoc, prof., Dept. Social Hygiene and Med. Jurisprudence, Univ. Illinois Col. Med.; lecturer and res. assoc, Inst. Psy- choanalysis, Chicago, 111. M32. NIQ. Mohr, Prof. Otto L(ous). M.D., Oslo, 12; Dr. Med., 17. Prof., Anatomisk Inst, and Inst. Arvelighetsforskning, The Univer- sity, Oslo, Norway. M33. FN. Moinat, Dr. Arthur D(avid). M.S., Oregon State, 25; Ph.D., Illinois, 30. Asst. prof, biology, Colorado State Col., Ft. Lewis Branch, Hesperus, Colo. M29F33. GO. Moir, Dr. William M(aryon). M.S., M.D., Virginia. 508 Hormeling St., Bristol, Va. M38. Np. Molby, Prof. Fred A. A.M., Cornell. 08; Ph.D., 10. Prof, physics, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M24F31. B. Moldavan, Andrew. 1025 Aqueduct St., Montreal, Que., Canada. M31R39. OPN. Moldenke, Dr. Harold N(orman). M.A., Columbia, 32; Ph.D., 34. Assoc, curator, New York Botanical Garden, New York, N. Y. (2986 Marion Ave., Bronx) M30- F39. GFH. Molina, Edward C(harles). Switching theory engineer, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (141 Dodd St., East Orange, N. J.) M22F32. A. Molitch, Dr. Matthew. 1376 Pine St., Phil- adelphia, Pa. M35R35- MKQ. Molitor, Dr. Hans. M.D., Vienna, 22. Dir. Merck Inst. Therapeutic Res., Rahway, N. J. (436 Cherry St., Elizabeth, N. J.) M36F38. N. Mollenhauer, William, Jr. B.S.F., Michi- gan State. In charge flood control surveys, Allegheny and Northeast Forest Exp. Stas., 3437 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. M37. OGK. Mollett, Prof. Charles E(dwin Francis). 436 Keith Ave., Missoula, Mont. M27F33- R39. NCG. Molloy, Dr. Daniel M(urrah). Rockefeller Foundation, Apartado 8, San Jose, Costa Rica, C. A. M32F33R38. N. Molloy, Joseph J. Woodstock Col., Wood- stock, Md. M33R34. CQ. Molow, Mrs. Anna H. (Anna Hecht). 353 Martense St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M32R39. FGH. Molter, Rev. John A. M.S., Catholic, 36. Zahm Hall, Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. M38. F. Molz, Dr. Francis J(ohn). Ph.D., Fribourg, 24. Assoc, dean Col. Arts and Sciences, head Div. Science and Dept. Biology, Univ Dayton, Dayton, Ohio. M29F30. GFC. Moment, G(airdner) B(ostwick). Ph.D., Yale, 32. Asst. prof, biology, Goucher Col., Baltimore, Md. M34. F. Moment, Rev. John J. D.D., Washington and Jefferson, 25. Minister, Crescent Ave. Presbyterian Church, Plainfield, N. J. (815 Park Ave.) M30. Monaelesser, Dr. A(dolph). M06D — . N. Monahan, Frank S. B.S., Pennsylvania State, 03. Chief chemist. Standard Oil Co. New Jersey, Bayonne, N. J. (n W. 43rd St.) M34. CBE. Monahan, Dr. John (Ambrose). M.D., Tufts, 03. 59 Oak St., Clinton, Mass. M37. IN. Monahan, Prof. William C(ollins). M.A., Amherst. 346 Franklin St., Framingham, Mass. M39. OFG. Monasterio (Popham), Prof. J(oseph) O(ritz). 1308 Calhoun St., New Orleans, La. M32. BAL. Moncreiff, Dr. Ruth. M.A., George Pea- body, 32; Ph.D., 39. Testing program, Public Schools, Nashville, Tenn. (2025 E. Greenwood Ave.) M40. IAQ. Mond, Dr. H(ermann). 133 Lockwood Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y. M28R35. ABH. Moneymaker, Berlen C(lifford). M.S., Tennessee, 29. Senior geologist and asst. chief geologist, Tennessee Valley Author- ity, Knoxville, Tenn. M36. EM. Individual Members 707 Monge M., Dr. Carlos. Box 821, Lima, Peru, S. A. M37. HNL Monnig, Prof. Hermann Otto. Dr. Phil., Zurich, 22. Senior veterinary res. officer, Union Dept. Agric. ; prof, parasitology, Univ. Pretoria, Faculty Veterinary Science, Onderstepoort, Transvaal, S. Africa. M35- F40. FNO. Monnig, Oscar E(dwin). LL.B.. Texas, 25. Sec. Monnig Dry Goods Co., Ft. Worth, Tex. (3 12 W. Leuda St.) M33. DEA. Monro, H(ector) A(lexander) U(rquhart). M.Sc, McGill, 35. Supervising inspector charge Fumigation Sta., Plant Protec- tion Div., Dominion Dept. Agric, Mon- treal, Que., Canada. (1583 Graham Blvd., Mt. Royal, Que., Canada) M38. FO. Monroe, Clarence J(ohn). Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Assoc, prof, physical chemistry, Univ. Missouri School Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, Mo. M21F33. C. Monroe, Miss Helen M. Elkton, Mich. M32R32. FGN. Monroe, Dr. Marion. Board Education, Administration Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35- F35. I- Monroe, Prof. Walter S(cott). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 15. Bur. Educational Res., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M22F25. IQ. Monroe, Watson H(iner). U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M32R38. E. Monroe, Prof. Will Seymour. M00F01D39. HIQ. Monroe, William S(tanton). M.E., Cornell, 90. Pres. retired, Sargent and Lundy, Inc., 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. M17- F33L37. KM. Monson, Gale. B.S., North Dakota State, 34. Asst. biologist, U. S. Soil Conserva- tion Service Tucson, Ariz. (1410 E. Helen St.) M38. FG. Montague, Dr. Joseph Franklin. M.D., University and Bellevue, 15. 104 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. M24. NF. Montague, Prof. William Pepperell. A.M., Harvard, 97; Ph.D., 98. Prof, philosophy,. Barnard Col., New York, N. Y. (27 W. 9th St.) M04F06. I. Monte-Bovi, Anthony J. M.S.. New York. 96 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (M33R33)M4o. CNpQ. Monteith, Dr. John, Jr. U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M29F30R36. GOC. Montelius, Dr. George A(lfred). Alvik Farjistad, Karlstad, Sweden. M29R34. HN. Montermoso, Juan Cargado. M.S., Cali- fornia. 37. Dept. Botany, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (2418 Bancroft Way) M40- F40. GCO. Montero (Portuondo), Dr. Agustin M.. J. A. Saco alta 31-A, Santiago, Oriente,, Cuba. M38R38. NCF. Montgomery, Alexander H (ill) . Maple St., Hadley, Mass. M40. Montgomery, Arthur. Mineralogist, 277 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M39. E. Montgomery, Prof. B(asil) Elwood. M.S., Purdue, 25; Ph.D., Iowa State, 36. Asst. prof, entomology, Purdue Univ., La Fay- ette, Ind. (906 N. Main St., West La- fayette, Ind.) M24F33. FO. Montgomery, Mr. Carol G. Sloane Physics Lab., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M31- R32. BAC. Montgomery, Prof. C(harles) E(dgar). M.S.. Purdue, 18; Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Head Dept. Biology, Northern Illinois State Teachers Col., De Kalb, 111. (512 College Ave.) M21F25. FG. Montgomery, Dr. E(dmund) B(rewer). M.D., Jefferson, 78. Gynecologist and con- sulting surgeon, Blessing Hosp., Quincy, 111. (1461 Vermont St.) Moi. NQ. Montgomery, Howard A. Box 538, Glade- water, Tex. M39R39- CMP. Montgomery, Dr. Howard H. Oviatt Bldg,. 617 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Calif. M40. Montgomery, J(ohn) Ferguson. M.A., Co- lumbia, 32. Teacher general science, Leon- ard Junior High School, New Rochelle, N. Y. M31. OGE. Montgomery, John R(ogerson). M07D37. Montgomery, Dr. Lall G(reenway). M.D., Manitoba, 29. Pathologist. Ball Memorial Hosp., Muncie, Ind. M37. N. Montgomery, Dr. Mary F(reyer). M34- F34D38. N. Montgomery, Dr. M(elville) Laurence. M.A., California, 22; M.D., 24; Ph.D., Chicago, 31. Assoc, clinical prof, surgery, Univ. California School Med., San Fran- cisco, Calif. M39. NCB. Montgomery, Wallace. Consulting engi- neer, G. Washington Coffee Refining Co., Morris Plains, N. J. (104 Mills St., Morris- town, N. J.) M25F28. MCK. Montgomery, William N(ewton). B.S., Missouri, 34. Chief service engineer, H. G. Fischer and Co., 2323 Wabausia Ave., Chicago. 111. (1671 N. Claremont Ave.) M40. NMB. Montonna, Prof. Ralph E(ugene). 1494 Branston St., St. Paul, Minn. M25F33- R35. CMQ. Moodey, Miss Gertrude. M.A., Columbia, 15 Teacher biology, High School. Plain- field, N. J. (603 Watchung Ave.) M28. FG. Moodie, Kenneth. B.A.Sc, McGill, Com- bustion engineer, British Columbia Dept. Public Works, Victoria, B. C, Canada. M38. MEB. Moody, Mrs. Agnes Claypole. M.S.. Cor- nell 94; Ph.D. Chicago, 96. 2826 Garber St., Berkelev, Calif. M97F99. FHK. 708 Directory of Members Moody, Arthur M(aurice) G(reene). M.E., Princeton. 146 Hodge Road, Princeton, X. J. M37. MB. Moody, Dr. Ethel I(sabel). M.A., Cornell, 27; Ph.D., 30. Instr. mathematics, Penn- sylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M34- F34. A. Moody, Dr. H(oward) W(ilson). Val- paraiso Univ., Valparaiso, Ind. M22F31- R33- BM. Moody, Miss Julia Eleanor. Hallowell House, Wellesley, Mass. M13F20R36. F. Moody, Prof. Lewis F(erry). M.S., Penn- sylvania, 02. Prof, hydraulic engng., Prince- ton Univ., Princeton; consulting engineer, Worthington Pump and Machinery Corp., Harrison, N. J.; consulting engineer, Baldwin-Southwark Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. (146 Hodge Road, Princeton, N. J.) M27F29. MA. Moody, Dr. Paul A(mos). Ph.D., Michi- gan, 27. Assoc, prof, zoology, Univ. Ver- mont, Burlington, Vt. (197 Howard St.) M28F33. F. Moody, Prof. Robert Orton. M.D., Yale, 94. Prof, emeritus anatomy, Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. M86F92V37. NFQ. Moody, Prof. William Albion. A.M., Bow- doin, 83. Prof, emeritus mathematics, Bowdoin Col.. Brunswick, Maine. (60 Fed- eral St.) M01F06. A. Mooers, Prof. C(harles) A(nsel). B.S., Tennessee, 93. Dir. Univ. Tenn. Agric. Exp. Sta., Knoxville, Tenn. M05F11. G. Vice president for Section on Agriculture (0), 1928. Mook, M(aurice) A(llison). Dept. Anthro- pology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M32- R32. HKL. Moomaw, Leroy. U. S. Dept. Agric, Dick- inson, N. Dak. M25F40. OGK. Moon, Prof. M'Della. A.M., Ohio State, 27. Prof. biol. science Bluffton Col., Bluffton, Ohio. M27F33. GFE. Moon, Merl P. M.S., Cornell, 20; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof. med. bacteriology and pre- ventive medicine, Univ. Missouri, Colum- bia, Mo. M34F34. NGQ. Moon, Prof. Virgil H(olland). M.Sc, Kan- sas, 11; M.D., Rush, 13. Prof, pathology, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M37F38. N. Mooney, Melvin. Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Phys- icist, U. S. Rubber Co., Passaic N. J. (Lake Hiawatha, N. J.) M39F40. BP. Mooney, Dr. Voigt. 9 Four Winds Road, Observatory Sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35- R36. N. Mooney, Will H. 4480 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. M38R39. Moore, Mrs. A. O. 2244 S. Sheridan Road, Highland Park. 111. L15. Moore, A(lbert) W(atts). 1671 Main St., Hillsboro, Oreg. M29R32. FCN. Moore, Alfred F(inley). B.S., California, 08. Dir. Smithsonian Solar Observatory, Tyrone, N. Mex. M27F32. DBE. Moore, Dr. A(rthur) R(ussell). Ph.D., California, 11. Res. prof. gen. physiology, Dept. Psychology, Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. M11F15. FI. Moore, Barrington. M.F., Yale, 08. Col- laborator, U. S. Forest Service, Corfe, Taunton, England. M12F21. OGF. Moore, Bernard N. U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M31R3;!. ECH. Moore, Dr. Beveridge H(arshaw). M.D., Chicago, 12. Orthopedic surgeon, 8 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. M36. NHF. Moore, Dr. Carl Richard. M.S., Drury, 14; Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Prof, zoology and chairman Dept., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M18F20. F. Moore, Miss Caroline. M33D37. F. Moore, Prof. Caroline S(heldon). Dept. Botany, Univ. Redlands, Redlands, Calif. M34F34. GF. Moore, Dr. Charles J(ames). Ph.D., Vir- ginia, 01. Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. M28F33. C. Moore, Prof. Charles N(apoleon). Ph.D., Harvard, 08; Sc.D., George Washington, 32. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (219 Woolper Ave.) M22F22. A. Secretary of Section on Mathe- matics (A), 1928-32 ; vice president, 1933. Moore, Dr. Charlotte E(mma) (Mrs. Ban- croft Walker Sitterly). Ph.D., California, 31. Res. assoc. spectroscopy, Dept. Astron- omy, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. T. M29F32. DB. Moore, Clarence B(loomfield). M95F97- D36. H. Moore, Dr. Clarence E(ugene). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 28. Head Dept. Biol. Sciences, State Teachers Col., Memphis, Tenn. (439 Patterson St.) M30F39. GF. Moore, Dr. Claude. 815 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, D. C. M34R34. NBC. Moore, Prof. Clyde B. M.A., Clark, 16; Ph.D., Columbia, 24. Prof, education, Cor- nell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (230 Waite Ave.) M22F29. QI. Moore, Dr. Coyle E(llis). Florida State Col. Women, Tallahassee, Fla. M31R35. HIK. Moore, Dr. Dan H(ouston). Ph.D., Vir- ginia, 36. Assoc, anatomy, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. (S3 Marble Hill Ave.) M40F40. B. Moore, David Palmer. S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 28. Asst. metallurgist, Crucible Steel Co. Amer., Pittsburgh, Pa. (414 Olvmpia Road. Mt. Washington) M39. MBC. Individual Members 709 Moore, Donald J(ohn). M.S., Washington, 33. Asst. pathologist, U. S. Forest Service, St. Maries, Idaho. M40. MBA. Moore, Dr. Dwight M(unson). M.S., Deni- son, 21 ; Ph.D., Ohio State, 24. Prof, and head Dept. Botany, Univ. Arkansas, Fay- etteville. Ark. M23F31. GC. Moore, Dr. Earl N(eil). D.V.M., Ohio State, 30. Asst. animal pathologist, West Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Morgantown, W. Va. M40F40. NOF. Moore, Dr. Edmond E(ugene). Ph.D., Iowa State, 28. Res. chemist, Abbott Labs., North Chicago, 111. M28F33. C. Moore, Edward Frederick. M.S.E., Michi- gan, 23. 1 Wall St., New York, N. Y. (88 Morningside Drive) M40. KM. Moore, Prof. Edward J(ames). A.M., Oberlin, 06; Ph.D., Chicago, 13. Dean, Univ. Buffalo Graduate School Arts and Sciences, Buffalo, N. Y. (28 Tennyson Ave.) M11F15. B. Moore, Dr. E(dward) K(enneth). Ch.E., Cincinnati. 25 ; Ph.D., Cincinnati. Dir. res. lab., Fouke Fur Co., 1328 S. Kings- highway, St. Louis, Mo. M40. CNM. Moore, Major Edward W(illiam). Moore- haven, Chase Ave., El Cajon, Calif. M18- R34. IMN. Moore, Dr. Elinor. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 36. Assoc, physiological chemistry oph- thalmology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M31F38L40. NCF. Moore, Miss Elizabeth J. M.A., Texas, 32. Assoc, res. cotton root-rot, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. (3504 Duval St.) M38. BO. Moore, Prof. Elwood S. M.A., Toronto, 08; Ph.D., Chicago, 09. Prof, geology and head Dept., Univ. Toronto; dir. Royal Ontario Mus. Geology, Toronto, Ont., Canada. (18 Indian Grove) M08F11L25. E. Secretary of Section on Geology and Geog- raphy (E), 1921-24. Moore, Dr. Ernest Carroll. Ph.D., Chi- cago, 98. Prof, philosophy and education, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los An- geles, Calif. (516 Woodruff Ave.) Mn- F15. Q. Moore, Prof. Frank C(ochran). A.B., Dartmouth, 02. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. (26 Allen St.) M07F15. A. Moore, Prof. G(eorge) A(zro). Dept. Zoology. Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Still- water, Okla. M31F33R35. FG. Moore, Dr. George R(aymond). D.D.S., Michigan, 23; M.S.. 24. 2105 Melrose Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M31F38. NdFH. Moore, Dr. George T(homas). M.A., Har- vard. 96; Ph.D., 00. Dir. Missouri Botani- cal Garden and Washington Univ. School Botany, St. Louis, Mo. M00F01. G. Moore, Dr. Glenn S. M.D., St. Louis, 21. 59 E. Madison St., Chicago, 111. M40. CBA. Moore, Dr. H. A. Oxford, Ohio. M31R32. NFG. Moore, Harvey Le Noir. 8 Morris Circle, Trenton, N. J. M22R34. O. Moore, Dr. Henry Frank. Linville Falls, N. Car. M35F35- F. Moore, Dr. Henry Thomas. Skidmore Col., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M17F28R39. I. Moore, Dr. Herbert. 6 Stanton Ave., South Hadley, Mass. M39R39. I. Moore, Prof. H(erbert) F(isher). M.E., Cornell, 99; M.M.E., 03; D.Sc, New Hampshire, 22. Res. prof, engng. mate- rials, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (803 In- diana Ave.) M24F25. M. Vice president for Section on Engineering (M), 1929. Moore, Prof. H(ickman) W(alker). M.S., Alabama. Box 1372, University, Ala. (M36- R36)M38. MQB. Moore, Horace E(dward). M.A. Publisher, Whitehorse Star, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. M35. FGD. Moore, Dr. Howard R(oswald). Res. Lab., Celanese Corp. America, Cumberland, Md. (?) M25F31R32. BC. Moore, Prof. Imogene. Ph.D., Yale, 31. Asst. prof, zoology, New Jersey Col. Women, New Brunswick, N. J. (70 Town- send St.) M35F35. FG. Moore, J. Alex. Jasper, Ala. M32R32. Moore, James C(ecil). 445 N. 8th St., Corvallis, Oreg. M29R37. CG. Moore, Prof. James G(arfield). M.S., Mich- igan State. 05; M. Hort., 07. Prof, horti- culture, LTniv. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (2125 W. Lawn Ave.) M39F40. OG. Moore, Prof. Jared Sparks. A.M., Harvard, 03; Ph.D., 05. Prof, philosophy, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M17F28. IQ. Moore, Dr. Jerry H(amilton). M.S., North Carolina State, 25 ; Ph.D., Duke, 39. Cot- ton technologist, North Carolina Agric. Exp. Sta., Raleigh, N. Car. M40F40. GO. Moore, Dr. John A(dam). M.S., Washing- ton State, 30; Ph.D., Washington, 34. Instr. biology, Nebraska State Teachers Col., Wayne, Nebr. M31. G. Moore, Hon. John Bassett. LL.D., George Washington, 99, Delaware, 00, Yale, 01, Chile, 10, Brown, 14, McGill, 21, New York, 23, Pennsylvania, 24, Columbia, 27, Washington Col., 32. Lawyer, 960 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M13F40. K. Moore, Dr. J(ohn) Percy. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 96. Prof, emeritus zoology, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Media. Pa.) M04F06L20. F. 7io Directory of Members Moore, Dr. John Walker. M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 12. Dean and prof, medicine, Univ. Louisville School Med.; dir. Div. Med. and staff executive, Louisville City Hosp., Louisville, Ky. (Upper River Road) M39. NQ. Moore, Dr. John W(illiam). M.S., Minne- sota, 26; Ph.D., 33. Instr., Gen. Extension Div., and junior botanist, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. (628 Ontario St., SE.) M30F38. GEO. Moore, Joseph B(ehney). Dept. Entomol- ogy Geneva Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M34R36. FG. Moore, Dr. J(oseph) H(aines). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 03. Asst. dir. and astron- omer, Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton, Calif. M08F10. DB. Vice president for Sec- tion on Astronomy (D), 1931- Moore, Dr. J(oseph) Hallock. M.D., Iowa, 29. Physician, Moore Beckner Hosp., Huntington, W. Va. (17 35 Crestmont Drive) M37. N. Moore, Kyle C(ampbell). Pres., Moore Commercial Labs., 1908 E. 5th Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. M40. CGB. Moore, Miss Lillian. A.M., Pennsylvania, 25. Teacher mathematics, Far Rockaway High School, New York, N. Y. (885 N. 28th St., Philadelphia, Pa.) M37- AQ. Moore, Marcus H. 3150 Waits St., Fort Worth, Tex. M28R32. EFG. Moore, Miss Marjorie E(leanor). B.A., Macalester, 30. Teaching asst. biostatistics, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M38. QNA. Moore, Dr. Marvin G. M.A., Illinois. 32; Ph.D., 38. Instr. mathematics, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. (703 S. Park Ave.) M38. ABD. Moore, Dr. Maurice L(ee). M.S., Florida, 31; Ph.D., Northwestern, 34. Res. chem- ist. Sharp and Dohme, Glenolden, Pa. (305 Cheswold Road, Drexel Hill, Pa.) M37. CN. Moore, Dr. Merrill. M.D., Vanderbilt, 28. Asst. visiting psychiatrist, Boston City Hosp.; assoc. psychiatry, Harvard Med. School; psychiatrist, 384 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. (39 E. Springfield St.) M38. HIK. Moore, Miss Mildred (Louise). B.S.. Mid- dlebury, 37. Lab. asst.. Memorial Hosp., New York. N. Y. (32 Oberlin St., Maple- wood, N. J.) M40. CN. Moore, Milton D(onaldson). M.S.. Wis- consin, 17. County agric. agent, Univ. Maryland, Hagerstown, Md. (Virginia Ave.) M28. OGF. Moore, Dr. Morris. A.M., Harvard, 29; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 33. Mycologist and res. assoc, Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hosp.; mycologist, Barnes Hosp. and Dept. Dermatology, School Med., Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M35F39. GN. Moore, Miss Myrtle H. A.B., Western, 17. Instr. biology, Senior High School, Wi- nona, Minn. (705 S. 5th St., La Crosse, Wis.) M38. FGH. Moore, Neil Preston. M17F33D39. CE. Moore, Dr. Norman A(ugust). D.D.S., Kansas City Western Dental Col., 24. Prof, physiology, Kansas City Western Dental Col., Kansas City, Mo. (5507 Char- lotte St.) M40. Nd. Moore Dr. Norman S. M.D. 121 E. Seneca St., Ithaca, N. Y. M31. N. Moore, Paul. Sec.-treas., Crop Protection Inst.; executive sec, Horological Inst. Amer., Inc., 2101 Constitution Ave., Wash- ington, D. C. M35. Moore, Dr. Riley D. D.O., Kirksville, 07; LL.B., National, 17. Osteopath, 1717 K St. NW. Washington, D. C. (3421 Brown St. NW.) M29. HNK. Moore, Dr. Robert A(llan). 3711 87th St., Jackson Heights, N. Y. M31R32. NFC. Moore, Robert J(erome). M.A., Columbia, 17 Dir sales development, Bakelite Corp., 230 Grove St., Bloomfield, N. J. (253 N. Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J.) M25F27. CM. Moore, Prof. Robert Lee. M.A., Texas, 01 ; Ph.D., Chicago, 05. Univ. Texas. Austin, Tex. M24F25. A. Moore, Dr. Robert M(ilo). Univ. Texas School Med., Galveston, Tex. M33F33- R37. N. Moore, Robert Thomas. A.M., Harvard, 04. Assoc, vertebrate zoology, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M26F33. FE. Moore, Dr. R(ufus) H(enry). M.S., Okla- homa; Ph.D., Chicago. Puerto Rico Exp. Sta., U. S. Dept. Agric, Mayaguez, P. R. M38F40. GOC. Moore S(amuel) P(rescott). M29D34. EDH. Moore, Dr. Stanford. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 38. Asst., Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M39- CN. Moore, Stanley B(remer). B.S.. Pennsyl- vania. 16 Elk Ave., Dover, N. J. L17. M. Moore, Dr. Thomas (David). 899 Madison Ave., Memphis, Tenn. M36R37. N. Moore, Dr. Thomas Gaunt. M.A., Ph.D., Harvard. Box 1467, Reno, Nev. M38. EKH. Moore, Dom. Thomas Verner. Ph.D., Catholic, 03; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. Head Dept. Psychology and Psychiatry, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. (St. Anselm's Priory) M17F21. I. Moore, Dr. Walter L(ee). A.M., Illinois, 25 ; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, mathematics. Univ. Louisville, Louisville, Ky. (Coral Ridge, Ky.) M38. ADB. Individual Members 711 Moore, Dr. Warren. M.S., Arizona, r6; Ph.D., Rutgers, 32. Consulting entomolo- gist, Bon Air, Va. M39. F. Moore, Dr. William. Ph.D., Cornell, 20. Entomologist, Amer. Cyanamid Co., Stam- ford, Conn. (22% Sycamore Terrace, Hv- cliff) M08F20. FO. Moore, Dr. William D(ewey). M.S., Rut- gers, 22; Ph.D., 23; Sc.D., Clemson, 37. Pathologist, Georgia Coastal Exp. Sta., U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Tifton, Ga. M23- F25. OG. Moore, Prof. (William) Underhill. A.M., Columbia, 01; LL.B., 02; M.A., Yale, 29. Prof, law, Yale Univ. School Law and Inst. Human Relations, New Haven, Conn. M38F40. KHI. Moorehead, Warren King. M89F90V39- D39. H. Secretary of Section on Anthro- pology and Psychology (H ) , 1893. Moorhead, Dr. James J. M.D., Rush, 95. 1 140 S. 5th St., Terre Haute, Ind. M40. N. Moorhead, Dr. John G(erald). A.M., In- diana, 24; Ph.D., Northwestern, 31. Assoc, prof, physics, Westminster Col., New Wil- mington, Pa. M23F33. B. Moorman, Dr. Albert E(dgar). M.A., Northwestern, 36; Ph.D., 39. Assoc, prof, biologv, Kansas Wesleyan Univ., Salina Kans. (841 Sheridan St.) M40. FG. Moorman, Earl F(red). A.M., Indiana, 34. Res. chemist, Gas Power Engng. Dept., International Harvester Co., Chicago 111. (5427 S. May St.) M39. CBM. Moos, Louis M(icheal). B.Ed., State Teachers Col. (St. Cloud). Junior bio- logist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Billings, Mont. M38. EFO. Moose, Dr. Ray M. M.D., Cincinnati, 18. Phvsician and surgeon, 3170 Valencia St., San Bernardino, Calif. M36. NIB. Moots, Dr. Elmer E(arl). M.S., Maine, 08; C.E., Wisconsin, 11; Ph.D., Iowa, 27. Chairman Dept. Mathematics, Cornell Col., Mt. Vernon, Iowa. (710 8th Ave. N.) M34F34. AMD. Morales, Dr. E. Garrido. Dept. Health Puerto Rico, P. R. M35R37. N. Morales, Dr. Luis M(anuel). M.D., Med. Col. Virginia, 26. Lecturer psychiatry, Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras ; at- tending neuropsychiatrist, Univ. Hosp., San Juan, and Presbyterian Hosp. and Hosp. Mimiya, Santurce, P. R. (7 Ger- trudis St., Santurce, P. R.) M38. NIH. Moran, Clement, M.S., Cornell, 35. Assoc, prof, phvsics, Univ. New Hampshire, Dur- ham, N. H. (20 Mill Road) M24F33. B. Morawetz, Victor. M24D38. CB. More, Charles C(hurch). C.E., Lafayette, 98; M.C.E., Cornell, 99. Prof, structural engng., LTniv. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (4545 5th Ave. NE.) M30F32. M. More, Dr. Louis T(renchard). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 95. Dean Graduate School Arts and Sciences, prof, physics, and dir. press, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M07F10. B. Morehead, Dr. J(ames) C(addall). A.M., Roanoke, 99; M.S.. Princeton, 00; Ph.D., Yale, 05. Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. M29F33. AB. Morehouse, Dr. Alanson D(avid). M.E., Cornell, 93; Ph.D., George Washington, 20. Hvraulic engineer, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (1526 O St. NW.) M34F34. MEO. Morehouse, D(aniel) W(alter). S.M., Drake, 02; Ph.D., California, 14; LL.D., Butler, 31. Pres., Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa. M22F23. D. Vice president for Sec- tion on Astronomy (D), 1930. Morehouse, Dr. G(uel) G(eorge). M23- D36. MNB. Morehouse, Lyman F(oote). Marlboro Inn, Montclair, N. J. M22F29R39. BM. Morehouse, Neal F(rancis). M.S., Iowa State. 400 Grand Ave. Charles City, Iowa. M38. F. Morehouse, Dr. W(alter) B(ertram). t6 Wave Road, Auburndale, Mass. M34F34- R37. B. Moreland, C. F. Dept. Botany, Louisiana State Univ., University, La. M39. G. Moreland, Prof. Edward L(eyburn). S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 08. Dean engng., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cam- bridge, Mass.; senior partner, Jackson and Moreland, 31 St. James Ave., Boston, Mass. (no Hundreds Road, Wellesley Farms, Mass.) M36. M. Moreland, George E(dward). 219 Eastern Ave., Greenville, 111. M34F34R34. F. Morell, Charlotte. Dept. Anthropology, LTniv. Denver, Denver, Colo. M32R32. KH. Morell, Dr. L. G. Dow Chem. Co., Mid- land, Mich. M32F33R34. B. Moreman, W(alter) L(afayette). Box 971, Oklahoma City, Okla. M25F33R36. EF. Moreno, Arturo, Jr. M.S., Detroit Inst. Tech., 36. Electric engineer representative Malaya, Siam, and Netherlands East Indies for General Electric X-ray Corp., The Borneo Co., Ltd., Singapore, Straits Settlements. M39. MBN. Moreno, Prof. Halcott C(adwalader). 684 Mirada Ave., Stanford University, Calif. M17F33R38. AM. Moreno, Dr. Jacob L. M.D., Vienna, 17. Physician-in-charge and dir., Beacon Hill Sanatorium, Beacon, N. Y. M38. IKN. Morenus, Prof. Eugenie M(aria). A.M., Vassar, 05; Ph.D., Columbia, 22. Prof, mathematics. Sweet Briar Col., Sweet Briar, Va. M23F33. A. 712 Directory of Members Morey, Carroll A(ndrew). M.S., Colorado, 27. Dean and head Depts. Chemistry and Geologv, Findlay Col., Findlay, Ohio. (M34F34R34)M37F34. C. Morey, Dr. Glen H(enry). M.S., Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Res. chemist. Commercial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute, Ind. M39. C. Morgan, Mrs. Agnes Fay. M.S., Chicago, 05; Ph.D., 14. Prof, home economics, Univ. California; biochemist, California Agric. Exp. Sta., Berkeley Calif. (1620 Spruce St.) M18F25. CN. Morgan, Dr. Ann H(aven). Ph.D., Cor- nell. 12. Prof, zoology, Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. M11F20. F. Morgan, Dr. A(rthur) C. 1930 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. M36R36. N. Morgan, Dr. Arthur E(rnest). D.Sc, Colo- rado, 23, North Carolina, 37; D.Eng., Case, 32. Pres., Dayton Morgan Engng. Co., Dayton, Ohio; lecturer, Antioch Col., Yellow Springs, Ohio. M10F24. KMQ. Morgan, Dr. Barton. M.S., Iowa State, 22; Ph.D., Iowa, 34. Prof, and head Dept. Vocational Education, Iowa State Col.; head Rural Education Sub-Section, Iowa Agric. Exp. Sta., Ames, Iowa. M36. Q. Morgan, Prof. Bayard Q. 1522 Chandler St., Madison, Wis. M32R32. LIQ. Morgan, Caroline L. 550 Park Ave., New York. N. Y. L29. Morgan, Charles Gill. B.S., Southern Methodist, 28. Vice pres. and dir., United Geophysical Co., Consolidated Engng. Corp., and United Geophvsical Co. Texas, Pasadena, Calif. (168 N. 'Hill Ave.) M32. EBM. Morgan, Prof. Charles L(ee). Clemson Asfric. Col., Clemson College, S. Car. M29F33R37. OFC. Morgan, Dr. Clellen L. Dept. Education, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M32R3S. IQ. Morgan, Dr. D(avid) Percy. Ph.D., Columbia, 23. Analyst Scudder, Stevens and Clark. 1 Wall St., New York, N. Y. M28F33. C. Morgan, Dr. Fred B. 716 S. 4th St., Clinton, Iowa. M35R37. N. Morgan, George C(adogan). Box 141, Ozark, Ala. M31R35. MEB. Morgan, Dr. George D(avid). M.Sc, Pittsburgh, 26; Ph.D., Ohio State, 36. Assoc, prof, zoology, Denison Univ., Granville, Ohio. M30F33. F. Morgan, George W(alter). Havre, Mont. M24R33. O. Morgan, Dr. Herbert R(ollo). Ph.D., Vir- ginia, 01. Principal astronomer, U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. M35F35. D. Vice president for Section on Astronomy (D), 1935. Morgan, Dr. Hugh Jackson. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 18. Prof, medicine, Vanderbilt Univ. School Med.; physician-in-chief, Vanderbilt Univ. Hosp., Nashville, Tenn. (White Bridge Pike) M24F27. N. Morgan, Prof. Jerome J(ohn). M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 10; Ph.D., Columbia, 19. Prof, chemical engng., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (67 Salter Place, Maple- wood, N. J.) M29F33. CM. Morgan, John D(ana). 107 Beechwood Road, Summit, N. J. M18R34. M. Morgan, Prof. (John) H(arcourt) A(lex- ander). B.S., Toronto, 89. Chairman Board, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knox- ville, Tenn. (2424 Kingston Pike) Moi- F06. F. Morgan, Prof. John J(acob) B(rooke). A.M.. Columbia, 13; Ph.D., 16. Prof, psy- chology Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. (3015 Simpson St.) M16F28. IKQ. Morgan, Dr. J(ohn) Livingston R(utgers). M07F10D35. CB. Morgan, J(oseph) Holloway. C.E., Cor- nell, 13. District engineer, U. S. Geol. Survey, Urbana, 111. M39. BM. Morgan, Dr. J(oseph) W(ayland). Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Wittenberg Col., Springfield, Ohio. (845 E. High St.) M31F33. CB. Morgan, Prof. Karl Ziegler. M.A., North Carolina, 30; Ph.D., Duke, 34. Head Dept. Phvsics, Lenoir Rhvne Col., Hickory, N.'Car. M36F38. BAM. Morgan, Sister M. Sylvia. M.S.. Fordham, 20; Sc.D., American, 25. Dir. science, Marywood Col., Scranton, Pa. M24F33. C. Morgan, Dr. M(ont) F(rancis). M.S., Ohio State, 22; Ph.D., 35. Chief agron- omist, Dept. Soils, Connecticut Agric. Exp. Sta., New Haven, Conn. (3286 Whit- ney Ave.. Mt. Carmel) M33F33. OCG. Secretary of Section on Agriculture (O), 1936 — . Morgan, Prof. O(ra) S(herman). M.S., Cornell, 07; Ph.D., 09. Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M17F18. OK. Morgan, Prof. Richard F(ranklin). 139 W. Oakwood Place, Buffalo, N. Y. M24- R35. EFG. Morgan, Richard G(uy). M.A., Ohio State, 29. Curator archaeology, Ohio State Mus., Columbus, Ohio. M40. H. Morgan, S. Rowland. B.S., Pennsylvania. 431 E. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill. Philadelphia, Pa. M35. I. Morgan, Prof. Theodore H(arding). A.B., Stanford, 20; E.E., 29. Prof, electrical engng. and head Dept., Worcester Poly- technic Inst., Worcester, Mass. M34- F34. M. Morgan, Thomas C(harles). E.M., Colum- bia, 11. 1 1 73 Bushwick Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M30. MEN. Individual Members 713 Morgan, Dr. Thomas Hunt. M.S., Ken- tucky, 88; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 90, Heidelberg, 31; LL.D., Johns Hopkins. 15, Kentucky, 16, McGill, 21, California, 30; D.Sc. Edinburgh, 22; Sc.D., Michigan, 24, Harvard. 34; Hon.M.D., Zurich, 33; Hon. Dr., Paris, 35. Prof, biology, Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (1149 San Pasqual St.) M04F06. F. President, 1930. Morgan, W. P. 41 15 Otterbein Ave., Indi- anapolis, Ind. M35F35R35. FG. Morgan, Willard L. 1300 W. 3rd St., Wilmington. Del. M38R39. C. Morgan, Dr. William Conger. M02F06- D40. C. Morgan, William Croston. Ph.G., North- western, 94. Proprietor, Morgan's Phar- macy, Placerville, Calif. (449 Main St.) M29. NpIK. Morgan, William E. M.A., Columbia, 24. Chemist, Inecto, Inc.. 33 W. 46th St., New York, N. Y. (812 Elm Ave., Ridge- lield, N. J.) M25. CBG. Morgan, William Fellowes E.M., Colum- bia, 84. 510 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M78F32E33. M. Morgan, William Finlay. The Tudor, Beacon Hill, Boston, Mass. M25. M. Morgan, Prof. William M(cLennan). M.S., Ohio State, 22; Ph.D., 32. Prof, organic chemistry, Mt. Union Col., Alliance, Ohio, (ion Sunset Drive) M34F34. C. Morgan, Dr. William O. 11 Hilliard St., Cambridge, Mass. M24R33. H. Morgan, Dr. William Sacheus. Ph.D., Yale. 95; S.T.D.. Pacific Unitarian School Ministry, 29. Pres., Pacific Unitarian School Ministry. Berkeley, Calif. (1683 La Loma Ave.) M31. IQK. Morgan, William W(ilson). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 31. Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wis. M29F32. D. Morgenstern, Dr. Edward M. M.D., Prague, 23, Guadlajara (Mexico), 24. Physician and surgeon, Gante 8, Despacho 30, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. M36L37. N. Morgulis, Prof. Sergius. M.A., Columbia, 07; Ph.D., Harvard, 10. Prof, biochemistry and chairman Dept.. Univ. Nebraska Col. Med., Omaha, Nebr. M17F20. C. Moritz, Dr. C(harles) E(dgar). Ph.D., California, 36. Instr., Dept. Biology, Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. M37. F. Moritz, Prof. Robert Edouard. Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M13F15- R36. A. Mork, Harry S(olomon). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 99- Consultant chemical engng., 17 Englewood Ave., Brookline, Mass. M35F35- C. Morley, Dr. William H(orace). 5845 Old Orchard Trail, Orchard Lake, Mich. Mi7R.37- N. Morra, Dr. Ernest. Phar.D., Brooklyn Col. Pharmacy, 17. Store sales mgr., Liggett Drug Co., Inc., 2 Park Ave,, New York, N Y. (259 Stuyvesant Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y.) M26. NpCG. Morrell, Dr. J(acque) C(yrus). M.A., Columbia 18; Ph.D., 21. 222 N. Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111. M28F33. C. Morrell, Dr. J(oseph) A(lan). M.A., Toronto, 21; Ph.D., 24. Head glandular products res. and development, E. R. Squibb and Sons, New Brunswick, N. T. M34F34. BCN. Morrey, Dr. Charles B(radfield). M.D., Sterling Med. Col., 96. Prof, emeritus bac- teriology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (317 N. Dixie Road, South Miami, Fla.) M99F33. FN. Morrey, Miss Margaret. 362 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. M29R38. E. Morrill, Prof. Albro David. Hamilton Col., Clinton, N. Y. M08F11R36. FN. Morrill, Dr. A(ustin) W(infield). Ph.D., Massachusetts State, 03. Entomologist and mgr., California Biol. Service, 1612 W. Glenoaks St., Glendale, Calif. (1505 Win- chester Ave.) (Mo4Fo6R3s)M4oFo6. F. Morrill, Austin W(infield), Jr. B.S., Cali- fornia, 29. Junior entomologist charge tobacco insect lab., U. S. Bur. Entomo- logy and Plant Quarantine, Windsor, Conn. (101 Palisado Ave.) M31. F. Morrill, Dr. C(harles) V. A.M., Columbia, 06; Ph.D., 10. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Cor- nell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M06F13. F. Morris, Dr. Bert Jasper. A.M., Harvard, 07; Ph.D., Boston, 08. Editor, Church and Community Life, Pacific Rural Press, San Francisco; dir. Christian education, First Methodist Church, Oakland, Calif. (2010 Vine St.. Berkeley, Calif.) M22. KQL Morris, Carol Tilden. Lab. technician. Putney, Vt. M40. NC. Morris, Charles McD. 327 N. Front St., Milton, Pa. M35R36. Morris, Dr. Charles S(tephen). A.M., Ohio State, 15; Ph.D., 30. Head Dept. Physics, Manchester Col., North Man- chester, Ind. M34F34. BD. Morris, Dr. Charles W. Ph.D.. Chicago, 25. Assoc, prof, philosophy, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago. 111. M36. LBI. Morris, Clyde T(ucker). C.E., Ohio State, 98. Prof, civil engng. and chairman Dept., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (1790 Cambridge Blvd.) M39. M. Morris, Dr. Daniel Luzon. Ph.D., Yale, 34. Teacher, Putney School. Putney, Vt. M30. CNQ. Morris, Mrs. Dave H. (Alice Vanderbilt). Litt.D., Syracuse, 31. Hon. sec, Interna- tional Auxiliary Language Assn., 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. (19 E. 70th St.) M28. L. 7i4 Directory of Members Morris, Earl H(alstead). M.A., Colorado, 15. Archaeologist, Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington, Boulder, Colo. M34F34. H. Morris, Effingham B(uckley). L22D37. BEM. Morris, Dr. Elizabeth H(unt). M.A., Wellesley, 18; Ph.D., Columbia, 29. Prof, education and consulting psychologist, New York State Col. Teachers, Albany, N. Y. (42 Willett St.) M31F33. IQ. Morris, Miss Elma. Med. technician, 233 A St., San Diego, Calif. (510 Upas St.) M39. N. Morris, Frank (Francis J. A.). 694 Aylmer St., Peterborough, Ont., Canada. M38- R38. GFE. Morris, Dr. Frank R(ay). M.A., Indiana, 13; Ph.D., California, 18. Prof, and head Dept. Mathematics and Engng., Fresno State Col., Fresno, Calif. M22F33. AMD. Morris, Dr. Frederic S. M.D., Hahne- mann, 04. Chief staff, Shadvside Hosp., Pittsburgh, Pa. M39. DIN. Morris, Prof. Frederick K(uhne). Ph.D., Columbia, 36. Prof, structural geology, Massachusetts Inst. Tech.. Cambridge, Mass. (420 Memorial Drive) L26F27. EMH. Morris, Harley J. M.Sc, Allegheny, 23. Box 265, Meadville, Pa. M26F33. C. Morris, Dr. Harold H. M.A., Wisconsin, 16; Ph.D., 17. Mgr. Technical Service White Pigments, Krebs Pigment and Color Corp., 1007 Orange St., Wilming- ton, Del. (Shipley Road) M34F34. C. Morris, Dr. Harold P(aul). Ph.D., Minne- sota, 30. Chemist, Nat. Cancer Inst., Bethesda, Md. M31F33. FCO. Morris, Dr. Harry. M11F24D34. NO. Morris, Prof. H(arry) Elwood. M.S., Wisconsin, 17. Botanisfand bacteriologist, Montana Agric. Exp. Sta., Bozeman, Mont. M35F35. GCO. Morris, Dr. Helen S. M.A., Columbia, 29; Ph.D. Columbia. Teacher, Evander Childs High School, New York, N. Y. (453 Kim- ball Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.) M29. GFE. Morris, Dr. Henrietta. Sc.D., Johns Hop- kins, 2T . Assoc, prof, hygiene, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. M40. N. Morris, Dr. Herbert E(dmund). M.Sc, Alberta, 31; Ph.D., McGill, 34. Res. chemist, Thomas and Hochwalt Labs., Dayton, Ohio. M38. CMB. Morris, Miss Irene. 1325 S. Grand St., St. Louis, Mo. M36R37. K. Morris, John D. B.S., Fordham. Graduate asst., Dept. Biology, Fordham Univ., New York, N. Y. M40. FQ. Morris, Joseph C(handler). M.S., Tulane 23; M.A., Princeton, 26; Ph.D., 28. 1566 Webster St., New Orleans, La. M25F31. B. Morris, Lawrence K(endall). A.B., Stan- ford, 35. Party chief, United Geophysical Co., Pasadena, Calif. (169 N. Hill Ave.) M39. E. Morris, Mark Benton. Iowa State High- way Commission, Ames, Iowa. M30- R34. M. Morris, Dr. M(ark) L(oren). D.V.M., Cornell. Veterinarian, Raritan Hosp. Ani- mals, Stelton, N. J. M39. NF. Morris, Miss Mary Hope. M.S., Kansas State, 29. Teacher, Junior Col., Hutchin- son, Kans. M32. Morris, Dr. Max. A.M., Harvard, 14; Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Assoc, prof, mathe- matics, Case School Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. M30F33. A. Morris, Newbold. M00L10D28. FG. Morris, Prof. Rachel. Lindenwood Col., St. Charles, Mo. M36R36. IK. Morris, Dr. Raymond S. 715 Carew Tower, Cincinnati, Ohio. M33. N. Morris, Prof. Richard. M.Sc, Rutgers, 02; D.Sc, 29; Ph.D., Cornell, 07. Prof, mathe- matics, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. (12 Johnson St.) M11F15. A. Morris, Robert Hamilton. Ansted, W. Va. M36R37. M. Morris, Prof. Samuel. M.A., Pennsyl- vania, 30; Ph.D., 35. Head Dept. Biology, Scranton-Kevstone Junior Col., La Plume, Pa. M33. F. Morris, Samuel B(rooks). A.B., Stanford, II. Dean School Engng., Stanford Univ.; consulting engineer, 550 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, Calif. M25. MEQ. Morris, Thomas Carlyle. M.E., Minne- sota, 08. Mgr. engng., Nitrogen Div., Solvay Process Co., Hopewell, Va. (1771 Westover Ave., Petersburg, Va.) M40. MCB. Morris, William Cullen. M.E.. Stevens Inst. Tech. Vice pres., Consolidated Edi- son Co. New York, Inc., New York, N. Y. (105 Station Road, Great Neck, N. Y.) M36. M. Morris, William Edwin. M.S., Illinois, 39. Pathologist, Baxter Labs., Inc., Glenview, III. (1103 Simpson St. Evanston, 111.) M40. FCN. Morris, Dr. Wilson C(lark). Ph.D., Illi- nois W'esleyan, 05. Head Dept. Physics and Chemistry, State Teachers Col., Warrensburg, Mo. (120 W. South St.) M08F18. B. Morrison, A. Cressy. 30 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. M26. CB. Morrison, Dr. Angus W(ashburn). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 10. Pres., Holding Co., 1 100 First Nat.-Soo Line Bldg., Minnea- polis, Minn. (Wayzata, Minn.) M25. N. Morrison, B. Y. 116 Chestnut St., Wash- ington, D. C. M31F32. OG. Individual Members 7i5 Morrison, Dr. Beulah M(ay). 1242 Louisi- ana St., Lawrence, Kans. M25F28R37. I. Morrison, Charles A(lexander), A.M., Rochester, 25. Physicist, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. (39 Radcliffe Road) M36F40. BD. Morrison, Charles E(dward). C.E., Colum- bia, 01; Ph.D., 08. Vice pres. and general mgr., Utilities Mutual Insurance Co., 350 5th Ave., New York. N. Y. (1 Magnolia Drive, Great Neck, N. Y.) M28F33. MP. Morrison, Dr. D(onald) M(ackay). Ph.D., McGill, 24, Cambridge, 27. Asst. refinery mgr., Shell Oil Co., Martinez, Calif. M39. CBP. Morrison, E. O. 1513 Edgewood Ave., Coraopolis, Pa. M35R35. Morrison, Prof. Edwin. M17F25D39. B. Morrison, Prof. F(rank) B(arron). B.S., Wisconsin, 11. Prof, animal husbandry and animal nutrition and head Dept. Ani- mal Husbandry, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (409 Highland Road) M22F29. OC. Morrison, Gordon. B.S., Michigan State, 23. Geneticist, Ferry-Morse Seed Breed- ing Inst., Rochester, Mich. (M30R32)- M36F38. FGO. Morrison, Harold. A.M.. Stanford, 15; Sc.D., Harvard, 27. U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. M17F20. F. Morrison, Dr. Harriet Barthelmess (Har- riet W. Barthelmess). A.M., Columbia, 22; Ph.D., 32. Res. asst., Div. Curriculum Res., Bur. Reference and Res., Board Educa- tion, New York, N. Y. (167-10 Crocheron Ave., Flushing. N. Y.) M27F34. QI. Morrison, Prof. Henry C(linton). 5739 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111. M07F25- R37. Q- Morrison, Dr. J(ohn) Cayce. M.A., Colum- bia, 16; Ph.D., 22; LL.D., Alfred, 32. Asst. commissioner for res., State Dept. Education, Albany, N. Y. (Loudonville, N. Y.) M25F31. Q. Morrison, Prof. Lillian Gertrude. M.S., Iowa 34. Dir. biology, Junior Col., Pueblo, Colo.'M35. FG. Morrison, Nathan. A.B., Brooklyn, 32. Senior statistician, Bur. Res. and Stat- istics, Div. Placement and Unemployment Ins. New York State Dept. Labor, 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. (450 Ocean Parkway. Brooklyn, N. Y.) M39. AKI. Morrison, Roger B(arron). M.S., Cornell, 34. Junior geologist. Ground Water Div., U. S. Geol. Survey, Tucson, Ariz. M40. EMH. Morrison, Miss S. Elisabeth. B.S., Earl- ham. Instr. physics, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M40F40. B. Morrison, Thomas F(airchild). M.A., Princeton, 23. Milton Acad., Milton, Mass. M24. FQ. Morriss, G(rover) C(leveland). Kyle Hotel, Temple, Tex. M38R38. M. Morriss, Dr. William Haviland. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Assoc, supt., Gaylord Farm Sanatorium, Wallingford, Conn. M23. N. Morrissey, Rev. John P(atrick). Mn- D38. C. Morrissey, Prof. Robert (Burns Bernard). S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 31. Col. Sacred Heart Library, New York, N. Y. M33. BAM. Morrisson, James W(illiam). Calf Pasture Cove, Shennecossett Road, Groton, Conn. M24. E. Morron, John D. 1415 Parker Ave., Detroit, Mich. M22R34. C. Morrow, David Campsey. LeMoyne Ave. Ext., Washington, Pa. M36R36. M. Morrow, John D. A. B.L., Ohio Wesleyan, 06. Pres., Pittsburgh Coal Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (618 Maple Lane, Shields, Pa.) M30. Morrow, Dr. J(ohn) F., Jr. O.D., Penn- sylvania State Col. Optometry. Res. worker Amer. Optical Co., Southbridge, Mass. M38. B. Morrow, Marie Betzner. Woman's Bldg., Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M32R32. G. Morscher, L(awrence) N(orton), Jr. 10401 E. Jefferson Ave.. Detroit, Mich. M37R37. BAC. Morse, Albert P(itts). M27F27D36. FGE. Morse, Dr. Arthur H(enry). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 06; M.A., Yale, 21. Prof, obste- trics and gynecology, Yale Univ. School Med.; obstetrician and gynecologist-in- chief, New Haven Hosp. and New Haven Dispensary, New Haven ; consulting gynecologist, Meriden Hosp., Meriden, Conn. (141 Deepwood Drive, Hamden, Conn.) M17F33. N. Morse, Dr. David S(herman). Pd.M., New York, 17; A.M.. Harvard, 18; Ph.D., Cornell, 23. Prof, mathematics, Union Col., Schenectady, N. Y. M34F34. A. Morse, Earle H(oward). 5 Enclosure, Nut- ley, N. J. M18. CM. Morse, Prof. Fred W(inslow). M.S., Wor- cester Polytechnic Inst., 00. Prof, emeritus chemistry, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M02F06. CO. Morse, Prof. (Harold) Marston. A.M., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., 17; Sc.D., Colby, 35. Prof., Institute Advanced Study, Prince- ton, N. J. M24F26. A. Vice president for Section on Mathematics (A), 1939- Morse, Dr. H(arold) W(heeler). M29- F30D36. CMB. Morse, Dr. Josiah. A.M., Richmond, 00; Ph.D.. Clark, 04. Head Dept. Psychology and Philosophy, Univ. South Carolina, Columbia, S. Car. (811 Sumter St.) M03- F14. I- 716 Directory of Members Morse, Dr. Leighton B. Ph.D., Columbia, 08. 206 Christie Heights, Leonia, N. J. M16F21. BDI. Morse, Louis Shepard, Jr. S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 31. Sales engineer refrigeration and air conditioning, West- erlin and Campbell Co.. 5924 2nd Blvd., Detroit, Mich. (19480 Canterbury Road) M35. MKQ. Morse, Dr. Mary L(ouise). M.S., Michi- gan, 20; Ph.D., Minnesota, 29. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Nebraska State Teachers Col., Kearney. Nebr. (808 W. 27th St.) M34F34. C. Morse, Dr. Minerva. M.S., Minnesota, 20; Ph.D., 25. Res. assoc, Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago. 111. (5525 Kimbark Ave.) M28F33. C. Morse, Miriam (See Mrs. Miriam M. Shaw). Morse, Prof. Philip M(cCord). M.A., Princeton, 27; Ph.D., 29. Prof, physics, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M34F34. B. Morse, Roy R(obert). Ph.D., California, 23. Exploration mgr.. Shell Oil Co., Inc., Houston, Tex. M20F31. E. Morse, Stanley F(letcher). B.A.S., Har- vard, 06. Agric. consultant, Sumter, S. Car. M24F25. OME. Morse, Dr. Stanley W(allace). M.A., Stanford, 26; Ph.D., 32. Prof, physical sciences, San Francisco State Col., San Francisco, Calif. (215 Cowper St.. Palo Alto, Calif.) M39- QCB. Morse, Waldo Grant. M14D— . KO. Morse, Walter P(riest). 18 High St., Houlton, Maine. M37R37. ABD. Morse, Dr. William Clifford. M.A., Ohio State, 08; Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 27. Head Dept. Geology, Univ. Mississippi; dir. Mississippi Geol. Survey, University, Miss. (520 S. Lamar St., Ox- ford, Miss.) M08F16. E. Morse, Dr. W(illiam) R(eginald). M31- F32D39. HN. Morsman, Dr. C(harles) F(rank). 115 River Ave., Hot Springs, S. Dak. M36- R38. N. Morss, Noel. LL.B., Harvard, 29. Lawyer, 568 South St., Needham, Mass. M29F32- L33. HK. Mort, Prof. Paul R. A.M., Columbia, 22; Ph.D., 24. Dir. Advanced School Educa- tion and prof, education, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (4662 Iselin Ave., Riverdale) M29F32. QI. Mortensen, E(rnest). B.S., Texas A. and M., 21. Supt. Substation, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., Winterhaven, Tex. M24F33. OFG. Mortenson, Dr. Francis N. Ph.D., Iowa State. Farm supervisor. Farm Security Administration, Richfield, Utah. M39. ONC. Mortimer, Dr. Bernard. Ph.D., Chicago, 26; M.D., Northwestern, 34. Res. asst., Chicago Lying-in Hosp. and Dispensary, Chicago, I'll. M36F36. NQ. Mortimer, J(ames) D(aniel). B.S.. Cali- fornia, 00. Route 4, Belfast, Maine. M18. M. Mortimore, Roy H(enry). Lamoni, Iowa. M36R36. B. Morton, Dr. David S(kinner). 102 Lan- caster St., Albany, N. Y. M35R36. CBA. Morton, Prof. George E. M35F35D39. F. Morton, George L. M02D37. M. Morton, Dr. Harry E. M.S., Michigan, 31; Sc.D., 35. Asst. prof, bacteriology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. (41 14 School Lane, Drexel Hill, Pa.) M33F38. NC. Morton, James F(erdinand). A.M., Har- vard, 92. Curator, Paterson Mus., Pater- son, N. J. M29. EFH. Morton, Prof. J(oshua) R(omine). M.S., Ohio, 12. Prof, chemistry and chairman Dept., Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio. (2 Forest St.) M25F33. C. Morton, Dr. R(obert) L(ee). A.M.. Ohio State, 18; Ph.D., 25. Prof, education, Ohio Univ., Athens. Ohio. (7 S. High St.) M30F32. QIA. Mory, A(ustin) V(an) H(oesen). Ch.E., Rose Polytechnic Inst., 14. Consulting chem. engineer, 1454 Hyde Park Bldv., Chicago, 111. M17F25. C. Mosbacher, Irving. M33D34. BC. Moschcowitz, Dr. Alexis V(ictor). M06- F33D33. N. Moschcowitz, Dr. Eli. M.D., Columbia, 00. Asst. prof, internal medicine, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons; assoc. and consulting physician, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. M18F27. N. Moseley, Miss Dorothy. 514 Norton St., Kansas City, Mo. M34R37. I. Moseley, Prof. E(dwin) L(incoln). A.M., Michigan, 85. Prof, emeritus biology and curator Univ. Mus., Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, Ohio. M85F02V37. FGE. Moseley, Prof. Hal W(alters). M.S., Bethel, 10; M.A., Tulane, 14. Prof, chemis- try and head Dept., Tulane Univ., New- Orleans, La. (1512 Pine St.) M31F25. C. Moser, Floyd. 19 Second St., Heights, Lehighton, Pa. M33R33. F. Moser, Miss Jane Ruth. 5468 Shafter Ave., Oakland, Calif. M31R32. NFG Moser, Rear-Admiral Jefferson F(rank- lin). M79F89E32D34. EFH. Moser, Dr. Rollin H. M.D.. Rush. Box 707, Route 16, Indianapolis, Ind. M39. N. Moser, Dr. William. M.D., New York, 88, Berlin, 92. 573 Decatur St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M36. N. Individual Members 717 Moses, Prof. C(larence) F(lavel). M.S., Ohio State, 22. 114 E. Main St., New Concord, Ohio. M28F33. EHK. Moses, Dr. Howard N. M.D., Rush, 99. Pathologist, Asbury Hosp., Salina, Kans. (451 S. 8th St.) M26. NFG. Moses, John C(ranch). 47 Dana St., Cam- bridge, Mass. M18R34. M. Mosettig, Dr. Erich. Ph.D., Vienna, 23. Principal chemist, Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. (3131 Connecticut Ave.) M39. CN. Mosher, Dr. Clelia Duel. A.M., Stanford, 94; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 00; LL.D., Mills, 34. Prof, emeritus personal hygiene, Stanford University. Calif. (764 Santa Ynez St.) M34F24. N. Mosher, Dr. Edna. M.S., Illinois, 13; Ph.D., 15. Prof, biology, Adelphi Col., Garden City, N. Y. M17F20. F. Mosher, E(llsworth) H(athaway). 11 Reed St., Geneva, N. Y. M34R34. MAC. Mosher, Raymond M. A.M.. Stanford, 23; Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Prof, psychology, San Jose State Col., San Jose, Calif. (189 S. nth St.) (M28R32)M36F36. IQ. Moskalek, Simon. B.E.E., Detroit, 34. Inspector, Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., Detroit, Mich. (4545 Walwit Ave., Dear- born. Mich.) M37. MKL. Moss, Mrs. C. E. (Margaret Moss). M.A., Wellesley, 13. Care Mrs. David Heatley, Oak Bluffs, Mass. Mi 6. G. Moss, Mrs. Emma. Box 1286, University, Ala. (?) M32R32. N. Moss, E(ugene) G(riscom). Oxford, N. Car. M34F34. O. Moss, Prof. E(zra) H(enry). M.A., Toronto, 20; Ph.D., 25. Prof, botany, Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada, (moi 87th Ave.) M23F32. G. Moss, Dr. Fred A. 1835 I St. NW„ Wash- ington, D. C. M32F32R35. NI. Secretary of Section on Medical Sciences (N ), 1931. Moss, Dr. L. Howard. M.D., Columbia, 00. Surgical dir., Jamaica Hosp.; con- sulting surgeon, Queens General Hosp., Jamaica; attending surgeon, Creedmore State Hosp., Queens Village, N. Y. (8601 114th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y.) M18. N. Moss, Lowell R, M.A., Arkansas, 14. Production supt., Deepwater Alcohol Plant, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (Woodbury. N. J.) M18. C. Moss, Sanford A(lexander). 36 Sachem St., Lynn, Mass. M17F25R36. M. Moss, Dr. Sanford A(lexander), Jr. S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech.; Ph.D., Cam- bridge. 415 Chestnut St., Ridley Park, Pa. M39. CM. Moss, Dr. W(illiam) L(orenzo). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 05; D.Sc, Georgia, 28. Box 233, Athens, Ga. M32F33. N. Mossman, Dr. D(onald) D(avis). M.A., Toronto, 24; Ph.D.. Columbia, 33. Instr. chemistry, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (440 Riverside Drive) M38F40. CQL. Mossman, Dr. Dorothea R(oberta). M.A., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, chem- istry, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (440 Riverside Drive) M34F34. CQ. Mossman, H(arland) W(infield). M.S., Wisconsin, 22; Ph.D., 24. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (1707 Jefferson St.) M24F31. FN. Mossman, Prof. Lois Coffey. Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York. N. Y. M27F34R38. Q. Most, Nathan. B.A., California Los Angeles. Vice pres. and gen. mgr., Acoustipulp, Inc., 535 S. Clarence St.; consulting acoustical engineer, Los Angeles, Calif. (1926 Preston M38. BMP. Mota, Prof. Candelario Calor. M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 27. Prof, civil engng. and head Dept., Univ. Puerto Rico Col. Agric, Mayaguez, P. R. (Guanajibo 7) M31. M. Mote, Dr. Don C(arlos). Ph.D., Ohio State, 28. Prof, and head Dept. Entomo- logv, Oregon State Col. and Agric. Exp. Sta., Corvallis, Oreg. M12F25. FL. Motley, Dr. Hurley L(ee). A.M., Missouri, 32; Ph.D., 34; M.D., Harvard, 36. Asst. prof, physiology and pharmacology, Univ. Missouri Med. School, Columbia, Mo. M39. Np. Motok, George Thomas. M.S., Ohio State, 33. Res. metallurgist, Republic Steel Corp., Cleveland, Ohio. (804 32nd St. NW„ Mas- sillon, Ohio) M27F30. MCB. Mott, Howard Schenck. S. B. Chapin and Co., in Broadway, New York, N. Y. M06R34. K. Mott, William Elton. S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 89. Dir. emeritus, Carnegie Inst. Tech. Col. Engng., Pittsburgh, Pa. (315 Wood St., Burlington, N. J.) M08- F15. MQ. Mottier, Dr. David M(yers). M01F01- D40. G. Mottley, Dr. Charles McC(ammon). M.A., Ph.D., Toronto. Assoc, prof, biology, New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. M40. FG. Motts, Dr. G(eorge) N(ewton). M.S.A., Florida, 29; Ph.D., Michigan State. 31. Res. asst. and instr. economics, Michi- gan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M31- F33. GOQ. Mott-Smith, Dr. L(ewis) M(orton). Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 26. Pres., Mott- Smith Corp., 909 Shell Bldg., Houston, Tex. (191 1 W. Alabama St.) M34F34. B. Mott-Smith, Dr. Morton (Churchill). Ph.D., Halle, 07. Geophysicist, Inde- pendent Exploration Co., 201 1 Esperson Blvd., Houston. Tex. M19F25. B. 7i8 Directory of Members Moulton, Dr. C(harles) Robert. M.S., Missouri, 09; Ph.D., 11. Curator, Dept. Chem., Mus. Science and Industry; con- sulting chemist, Chicago, 111. (5712 Ken- wood Ave.) M07F11. C. Moulton, Dudley. Redwood City, Calif. M28F33R33. F. Moulton, Earl L. Vice president and gen. mgr., Charles Ilfeld Co., Albuquerque, N. Mex. M38. KNL. Moulton, Prof. E(lton) J(ames). M.A., Wisconsin, 10; Ph.D., Chicago, 13. Prof, mathematics and chairman Dept., North- western Univ., Evanston, 111. (11 14 Colfax St.) M18F25. AD. Moulton, Dr. F(orest) R(ay). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 99; Sc.D., Albion, 23, Case, 40; LL.D., Drake, 39. Permanent Sec, Amer. Assn. Advancement Science, Washington, D. C. M01F01. AD. Secretary of Section on Mathematics and Astronomy (A), 1913- 19, and Section on Astronomy (D), 1920-24. Member of the Executive Committee, 1925- 29. Permanent Secretary, 1937 — . Moulton, Gail F(rancis). M.S., Chicago. Vice pres., Ralph E. Davis, Inc., En- gineers, New York, N. Y. (Mountain Lakes, N. J.) M38. E. Moulton, Dr. Harold G(lenn). Ph.D., Chicago, 14; LL.D., 37. Pres., Brookings Inst., Washington, D. C. (3700 Oliver St. NW.) M36F36. K. Vice president for Sec- tion on Social and Economic Sciences (K), 1936. Moulton, Harold R(aymond). Ph.D., Brown, 19. Asst. dir. res., Amer. Optical Co., Southbridge, Mass. (218 South St.) M35- Moulton, Stanley C(heney). B.S., Vir- ginia, 18; LL.B., Newark, 37. Patent soli- citor, Standard Oil Development Co., Elizabeth, N. J. (425 Jefferson Ave.) M17. CBA. Moulton, Vern V. Co., Lansing, Mich. Drive) M38. K. Moultrop, Irving E(dwin). M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech. 28 Adams St., Belmont, Mass. M34F34. N. Mount, Dr. Walter B(arclay). M.D., Columbia, 05. Attending obstetrician, Mountainside Hosp. and Montclair Com- munity Hosp., Montclair, N. J. (21 Ply- mouth St.) M36. NL. Mount, W(illiam) D(ye). M28D34. M. Mountcastle, Dr. Harry W(illiam). Phy- sics Lab., Western Reserve Univ., Cleve- land, Ohio. M31F06R34. BAD. Mounts, Mrs. Lewis H. (Beryl Taylor). M.S., Iowa, 12; Ph.D., 20. Housewife, The Campus, Ballard Normal School, Macon, Ga. M20. G. Mouromtseff, Ilia Emmanuel. 219 Mont- clair Ave., Montclair, N. J. M34F34- R35. M. Pres., Auto Owners Ins. (1209 N. Genesee Mowbray, Prof. A(lbert) H(enry). A.B., California, 04. Prof, insurance, Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley; consulting actuary, Div. Insurance, State California, San Fran- cisco, Calif. (806 San Luis Road, Berkeley, Calif.) M28F30. KA. Mower, Lowell K(endall). B.S., Michigan, 23. Geophysicist, Shell Oil Co., Inc., Hous- ton, Tex. M26. E. Mowrer, Dr. O(rval) Hobart. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 32. Asst. prof, psychology, Inst. Human Relations, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (1400 Whitney Ave., Ham- den, Conn.) M39. I. Mowry, Harold. M.S., Florida, 34. Asst. dir., Florida Agric. Exp. Sta., Gainesville, Fla. M32F33. GO. Mowry, Dr. Helen A(xtell). A.M., Brown, 20; Ph.D., Iowa State, 30. Assoc, prof, biology, Skidmore Col., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M32F33. FNG. Mowry, Kenneth W(hitehill). 1014 Fash- ion St., Houston, Tex. M30R37. M. Moxon, Alvin L(oyd). M.S., South Dakota State, 37. Acting station chemist. South Dakota State Col., Brookings, S. Dak. M38. CFG. Moyer, Albert. 308 W. 104th St., New York, N. Y. M17R38. M. Moyer, Amos F(ranklin). M.E., Minne- sota, 10. Chief engineer, Toro Mfg. Corp., Minneapolis, Minn. (117 Arthur Ave. SE.) M25F25. MB. Moyer, Prof. Harvey V(ernon). A.M., Kansas, 25; Ph.D., 27. Prof, chemistry, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (151 W. Beaumont Road) M40. CNQ. Moyer, Prof. J(ames) Ambrose. A.M., Harvard, 04. 382 Kenrick St., Newton, Mass. M04F11. MQ. Moyer, Prof. J(ohn) F(rederick). M.S.. Wyoming, 28. Prof, forestry, Univ. South, Sewanee, Tenn. M38F40. OGE. Moyer, Prof. Laurence S(orver). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 33. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M30- F39. G. Moyle, Dr. H(enry) B(rown). M.B., Toronto, 10; A.M., Clark, 11. Med. dir., Hartlev-Salmon Clinic, Hartford, Conn. M38. HIN. Moyle, K(enneth) E(rnest). 457 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M29R32. ABQ. Mozingo, Dr. Ralph V. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 37. Instr., Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Mary- land, College Park, Md. M32. CA. Mu, Dr. Jui-wu. Peiping Union Med. Col., Peiping, China. M37R37. N. Muckenfuss, Dr. Ralph S. Bur. Labs., New York, N. Y. M35F35R36. N. Muckenhirn, Dr. Robert J. M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin. New Soils Bldg., Madison, Wis. M38. OCG. Individual Members 719 Muckenhoupt, Prof. Carl F(rederick). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 29. Chairman Dept. Physics, Northeastern Univ., Boston, Mass. M39F40. BAM. Mudd, H(arvey) S(eeley). E.M., Colum- bia, 12. Mining engineer, 1206 Pacific Mutual Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. M29- F31. M. Mudd, Dr. Seeley G. M.D., Harvard, 24. Prof. X-ray therapy, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (1550 Oak Grove Ave., San Marino, Calif.) M36. NB. Mudd, Dr. Stuart. M.A., Washington Univ., 18; M.D., Harvard, 20. Prof, bacteriology Univ. Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. M23F25. CFN. Mudge, Dr. E. Leigh. State Teachers Col., Edinboro, Pa. M19F33R36. IQ. Mudgett, Dr. William Chase. M.D., Mary- land, 03. Physician, Southern Pines, N. Car. M39. N. Muegel, Harry R. 560 Howell Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. M30. G. Muehlberger, Dr. C(larence) W(einert). Ph.D.. Wisconsin, 23. Toxicologist, Cook County Coroner's Office; assoc. prof, toxicology and pharmacology, North- western Univ. Med. School; professional lecturer toxicology, Univ. Chicago School Med. and Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chi- cago, 111. (8046 Crandon Ave.) M25F33. CN. Muehlmann, Rev. Paul. M.A., St. Louis, 07. Prof., Xavier Univ. Cincinnati, Ohio. M29F38. AD. Mueller, Dr. Alfred C(harles). M.S.E., Michigan. 34; Ph.D., 37. Chem. engineer, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del. (2515 W. 18th St.) M37. CMB. Mueller, Prof. A(lfred) D(an). 307 Cherokee Bldg.. Knoxville, Tenn. (M30- R38)M4o. IQK. Mueller, Arthur E. M28D — . FG. Mueller, Dr. Edward. A.M., Harvard, 05; Ph.D., 07. Burton Halls, 10 Dana St., Cambridge, Mass. M02F11. C. Mueller, Prof. Hans. Sc.D., Zurich, 2j. Assoc, prof, physics, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M37F38. BC. Mueller, Dr. J(ohn) Howard. M.S., Louis- ville, 14; Ph.D., Columbia, 16. 2176 Centre St., West Roxbury, Mass. M28F31. N. Mueller, Dr. Justus F(rederick). Dept. Forest Zoology, New York State Col. Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. M30F33R37. FNG. Mueller, Dr. Selma C. M.S., Minnesota; M.D., Michigan. Physician, 915 Med. Arts Bldg., Duluth, Minn. M40. N. Mueller, Dr. William A(nton). Ph.D., Wisconsin. Assoc, prof, physical science, Southeast Missouri State Teachers Col., Cape Girardeau, Mo. M40, CB, Muench, Dr. Carl E(ugene). M.D., Syra- cuse, 07. Supt., Crouse-Irving Hosp., Syra- cuse, N. Y. (204 Brattle Road) M17. N. Muench, Dr. Hugo (Jr.). M.D., Wash- ington Univ., 18; M.P.H., Johns Hopkins, 31; Dr.P.H., 32. Member field staff. Inter- national Health Div., Rockefeller Founda- tion, New York, N. Y. M34F38. N. Muench, Dr. Oscar B(ruer). M.A., Mis- souri, 15; Ph.D., Colorado, 28. 826 5th St., Las Vegas. N. Mex. M29F33. CBA. Muench, Reinhold K(arl), Chemist, Res. Lab., 3096 S. Logan St., Englewood Colo. M25. C. Muenscher, Prof. W(alter) C(onrad). A.M., Nebraska, 15; Ph.D., Cornell, 21. Prof, botany, Cornell Univ., Ithaca N. Y. M18F25. G. Muenzen, Rev. Joseph Bernard. Ph.D., Fordham, 30. Head Dept. Chemistry, Fordham Univ., New York N. Y. M33- F33. C. Muenzinger, Prof. Karl F(riedrich). Ph.D., Chicago, 18. Prof, psychology, Univ. Colo- rado, Boulder, Colo. M27F33. I. Muerman, Dr. John Charles. M.A., George Washington, 16; Ph.D., 22. Prof, rural and visual education. Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. (65 College Circle) M38. QLI. Muesebeck, C(arl) F(rederick) W(illiam). B.S., Cornell, 16. Chief Div. Insect Identi- fication, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. M23F26. F. Mueser, E(mil) E(dward). Ch.E., Colum- bia, 15; M.S., New York, 31. Pres., J. M. Lehmann Co., Inc., 250 W. Broadway, New York, N. Y. (Mountain Lakes, N. J.) M29. MKB. Muhl, Dr. Anita M. M.D., Indiana; Ph.D., George Washington. Gen. Delivery, Mel- bourne, Australia. M39. NIH. Muhlberg, Dr. William. M.D., Cincinnati, 97. Vice pres. and med. dir., Union Central Life Ins. Co.; pres., City Board Health, Cincinnati, Ohio. M29. N. Muhleman, Dr. George W(ashington). M.S., Iowa, 12; D.Sc, Geneva, 27. Prof, chemistry, Hamline Univ., St. Paul, Minn. (1450 Capitol Ave.) M22F33. C. Muhs, Edward J. 72 Bellmore St., Floral Park, N. Y. M36R36. CN. Muhse, Dr. Effa Funk. Ph.D., Indiana, 08. Head Depts. Biology and Sociology, Chevy Chase Junior Col., Washington, D. C. (1307 Mohawk Lane, Bethesda, Md.) M40. FGK. Muir, J. Lawrence. 612 S. Lahoma St., Norman, Okla. (?) M31R32. EBC. Mukerji, S(udhindra) N(ath). Santi Kutir, 1 Sambhunath Pandit St., Elgin Road (T. S. O.), Calcutta, British India. M37. MBA, J20 Directory of Members Mulaik, Stanley. M.S., Cornell. 31. Dept. Biology, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. {233 S. nth St. E.) M31. QF. Mulder, Prof. A(nton) J(oseph) M(aria). Prof. physics, Berchmanianum Col., Houtlaan 4, Nijmegen, Holland. M32. BCQ. Mulders, Dr. Gerard F(rancis) W(illiam). Nat.Phil.Dr., Utrecht, 33; Ph.D., 34. 1226 Viola Ave., Glendale, Calif. M39. DAB. Muldoon, Dr. Hugh C(ornelius). Ph.G., Union, 12; D.Sc, Valparaiso, 25. Prof, chemistry and dean School Pharmacy, Duquesne Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (5650 Forbes St.) M29F33. CNQ. Mulford, H(enry) K. M35D37. C. Mulford, Dr. Walter. F.E., Cornell, 01 ; Sc.D., Michigan, 38. Prof, forestry and chairman Dept., Univ. California, Berke- ley, Calif. (1637 Spruce St.) M34F34. O. Mulhern, Miss Marie E. B.S., Washington. Seattle Dept. Health and Sanitation, Seat- tle, Wash. M38. NF. Mulinos, Dr. Michael G(eorge). A.M., Columbia, 22; M.D., 24; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, prof, pharmacology, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y M24F33. CNp. Mull, Dr. Helen K(atharine). M.A., Rad- cliffe, 24; Ph.D., 25. Assoc, prof, psy- chology, Sweet Briar Col., Sweet Briar, Va. M27F28. I. Mull, Dr. James W. M.A.. Harvard, 23; Ph.D., Iowa, 27. Senior instr. charge bio- chemical res. obstetrics, Western Reserve Univ. School Med.; head lab., Maternity Hosp., Univ. Hosp. Cleveland, Cleveland. Ohio. (2510 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights) M35F35. CN. Mull, Prof. Lewis B(enjamin). Chester- field Hotel, Louisville, Ky. M26R37. QI. Mullen, Prof. James Aquinas. M.S., Ford- ham, 28; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, biology, Fordham Univ., New" York, N. Y. M29- F33. FQ. Mullendore, Miss Naomi. M.S., Chicago, 28; Ph.D., 34. Prof, biology, Franklin Col., Franklin, Ind. M35F33. G. Miiller, Prof. Albert S(tanley). B.S., Cor- nell, 23. Plant pathologist, Estacion Ex- perimental de Agricultural prof, plant pathology, Escuela Superior de Agricul- tura. Caracas. Venezuela, S. A. M29F32. GCO. Muller, Edmund P(eter). M24D — . Muller, George P(aul). 1930 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. M34F34R35. N. Muller, Dr. Hermann J(oseph). Ph.D., Columbia, 16. Lecturer, Inst. Animal Genetics, Univ. Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. M18F20. FNG. Muller, Miss Josephine. 85-28 118th St., Richmond Hill, New York, N. Y. M29- R36. FGQ. Muller, Prof. Siemon William. Box 655, Stanford University, Calif. M34F34R36. E. Muller, William A. M.A., Columbia. Grad- uate student, Dept. Zoology, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M40. FC. Mulligan, Howard Amos. Central Tech. School, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M37R37. ABK. Mulliken, Prof. Robert S(anderson). Ph.D., Chicago, 21; Sc.D., Columbia, 39. Prof, physics, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M21F25. BC. Mulliken, Prof. Samuel P(arsons). M23- F25D34. c. Mullikin, Capt. Alfred. 257 Richards Ave., Portsmouth, N. H. M31R38. MFG. Mullin, F. Joseph. M.S., Chicago, 33; Ph.D., 36. Instr., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5722 Maryland Ave.) M38. NIF. Mullin, Joseph J. Box 39, Sta. B., Brook- lyn, N. Y. M31R32. CN. Mullings, Dr. M(arcus) E(vans). A.M., Texas, 26; Ph.D., Cincinnati, 31. Prof, mathematics and head Dept., Abilene Christian Col., Abilene, Tex. M28F33. AB. Mullowney, Dr. John J(ames). M.D., Pennsylvania, 08. Meharry Med. Col., Nashville, Tenn. M25. NI. Mulsow, Dr. Frederick W(illiam). A.M., Kansas, 15; Ph.D., Chicago, 18; M.D., Rush, 20. Dir. clinical lab., St. Lukes Hosp.; attending pathologist, Mercy Hosp.; physician, 120 3rd Ave. SE., Cedar Rapids Iowa. (359 Garden Drive) M24- F27. N. ' Mulvania, Dr. Maurice. M.S., Tennessee; Ph.D., Wisconsin. Prof, biology, Florida Southern Col., Lakeland, Fla. M39. G. Mulvihill, Francis J(ohn). 1400 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg, Pa. (?) M25R34. MHF. Mumford, A(lbert) R(ussell). B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 18. Assoc, dir. res.. Consolidated Edison System Cos., 4 Irving Place, New York, N. Y. (107 Palisade Ave., Bogota, N. J.) M25F25. MCD. Mumford, Dr. Frederick B(lackmar). M.S., Michigan State, 93; D.Agr., Nebraska, 27, Michigan State, 27. Emeri- tus dean, dir., and prof., Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M11F15. FO. Mumford, Prof. Herbert W(indsor). Mn- F16D38. KO. Mumford, R(ussell) W(illiam). A.M., Columbia, 15. Consulting engineer, Amer. Potash and Chem. Corp., 609 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. (1245 Carmen Drive, Glendale, Calif.) M31. CEM. Munch, Dr. James C(lyde). M.S., Illinois Wesleyan, 16; Ph.D., George Washington, 24. Consultant pharmacologist, Upper Darby; prof, pharmacology and phy- siology, Temple Univ. School Pharmacy, Philadelphia; senior pharmacologist, U. S. Bur. Biol. Survey, Lansdowne, Pa. (52 E. Greenwood Ave., Lansdowne, Pa.) M34- F34- NpCF, Individual Members 721 Muncy, Prof. Victor Emanuel. M.S., Ken- tucky, 07. 346 16th St., Ashland, Ky. M17- F24L24. M. Mundie, Bauman S(ale). 105 McCurdy St., Covington, Va. M32R32. C. Mundie, Dr. J(oseph) R(yland). M.S., Virginia. 25 ; Ph.D., 27, Prof.^ biology, King Col., Bristol, Tenn. (M30K32)M35- F35- G. Mundt, Charles H. Engineer, 316 Grey St., Buffalo, N. Y. M39. M. Mundt, Dr. G. Henry. M.D., Illinois, 11. Physician, 30 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. M36. N. Mundt, H. W. Administration Bldg., Balboa, Canal Zone. M40. Mundy, Miss Emma Bee. A.M., Missouri, 14. 1686 Morada Place, x\ltadena, Calif. M31. QGN. Munford, Dr. Samuel A(rcher). M.D., Jefferson, 05. Dir. clinic, Clifton Springs Sanitarium and Clinic, Clifton Springs, N. Y. M36. NI. Munger, Francis. 7710 Blair Road, Takoma Park, Md. (?) M34R34. OFC. Munger, Miss Nellie F(rances). 143 Eliza- beth Ave., Hempsted, N. Y. M22R39. BC. Munger, Dr. Thornton T(aft). M.F., Yale, 08; D.Sc, Oregon State, 38. Principal silviculturist, U. S. Pacific Northwest Forest Exp. Sta., Portland, Oreg. M29- F31. OG. Munn, Prof. Lottie E(lla). M.S., Illinois, 22; Ph.D., 24. Prof, chemistry, Lake Erie Col., Painesville, Ohio. M25F33. C. Munn, Prof. M(ancel) T(hornton). M.S., Michigan State. 17. Prof, and chief res., New York State Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M31F32. GO. Munn, Prof. Norman L(eslie). M.A., Clark, 28; Ph.D., 30. Prof, psychology, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville. Tenn. M32- F33. IFK. Munn, W(illiam) C(hester). M.S., Iowa State, 30. Head Dept. Biology. Arkansas A. and M. Col., Magnolia, Ark. M39- F40. GF. Munn, W(illiam) Faitoute. 75 Walker Road, West Orange, N. J. M18F31R35. BCF. Munns, E(dward) N(orfolk). Chief, Div. Forest Influences, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. M18F25. GOE. Munoz (Pizarro), Carlos. Ing.-Agr., Chile. Dept. Genetics, Ministry Agric, Santiago, Chile. S. A. M40F40. GOF. Munro, Prof. George Wesley. B.S.. Pur- due, 97; E.E., 98. Prof, thermodynamics, Purdue Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., West Lafayette, Ind. (202 Waldron St.) Mi 7- F25. MBQ. Munro, Dr. William B(ennett). Ph.D., Harvard, 00; LL.D., Queens, 12; Litt.D., Southern California, 34. Prof, history and government, California Inst. Technology. Pasadena, Calif. (268 Bellefontaine St.) M29F31. LKQ. Vice president for Section on Historical and Philological Sciences (L), 193 1. Munroe, Dr. Charles Edward. M73F74- L99D38. C. Secretary of Subsection on Chemistry, 18S0; vice president for Section on Chemistry (C), 1888. Munroe, Miss Florence L. A.B., Wellesley, 93. Head Dept. Mathematics retired, High School. Northampton, Mass. (51 Henshaw Ave.) M37F38. AKQ. Munroe, Hon. H. E. Government House, Regina, Sask., Canada. (?) M36R36. NFC. Munsell, Dr. Hazel E(dith). M.A., Colum- bia, 21 ; Ph.D., 24. Nutrition chemist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. M40. C. Munson, Edmund G. M17D — . M. Munson, Miss Grace E. M.A., Wellesley, 12; Ph.D., Nebraska. 16. Dir., Bur. Child Study, Board Education, Chicago, 111. (2373 E. 70th St.) M35F35. I. Munz, Dr. Philip A(lexander). A.M., Den- ver, 14; Ph.D., Cornell, 17. Prof, botany, Pomona Col., Claremont, Calif. ( 1 1 65 Indian Hill Blvd.) M18F21. G. Munzer, Willard. 2322 Osgood St., Chi- cago, 111. M33R33. Murad, Salih. Col. Engng., Kumusch Souvou, Taxim, Constantinople, Turkev. M28R32. AB. Murayama, Miss Fumiko. M.S.. Califor- nia, 37. 1624 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. M35. NC. Murcek, Slavo J. 312 Viola Ave., Duquesne, Pa. M37R37. MBC. Murchison, Dr. Carl. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 22; Sc.D., Wake Forest, 30; Dr.h.c, Athens, 37. Editor, The Journal Press, Provincetown, Mass. M27F28. I. Murchison, Dr. John T(aynton). M.A., Texas, 30; Ph.D., 33. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., North Texas Agric. Col., Arlington, Tex. M32. C. Murdoch, Katharine (See Katharine M. Cooper-Ellis). Murdock, Prof. Carleton C(hase). A.M., Cornell. 10; Ph.D., 19. Prof, physics, Cor- nell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (319 Wait Ave.) M13F16. B. Murdock, Prof. George P(eter). Ph.D., Yale, 25. Prof, anthropology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (960 Ridge Road, Hamden, Conn.) M33. HK. Murdock, Harold R(ussell). B.S., Ver- mont, 12. Res. dir. Pulp Divs., Champion Paper and Fibre Co., Canton, N. Car. (192 Lakeshore Drive, Asheville, N. Car.; M40. CM. 722 Directory of Members Murdock, Louis Severianus. B.Sc, St. Francis Xavier, 33. Prof, science, St. Thomas Col., Chatam, N. B., Canada. (Loggieville, N. B., Canada) M38. FBE. Murie, Dr. Adolph. Hilgard Hall, Univ. California, Berkeley. Calif. M31F33R34. F. Murie, O(laus) J(ohan). M.S., Michigan, 27. Biologist, U. S. Biol. Survey, Jackson, Wyo. M39. FG. Murlin, Prof. John R(aymond). A.M., Ohio Wesleyan, 99; Sc.D., 18; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 01 ; Sc.D., Ursinus, 28. Prof, physiology and dir. Dept. Vital Economics, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y. M04- F06. N. Murnaghan, Francis D(ominic). M.A., Ireland, 14; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 16. Prof, mathematics, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (6202 Svcamore Road) M24F25L26. AB. Murneek, Prof. A(ndrew) E(dward). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 25. Prof, horticulture, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (1709 Wil- son Ave.) M19F25. GOC. Murphey, Dr. Bradford J(ames). 104 E. Rio Grande St., Colorado Springs, Colo. M32R37. NKQ. Murphy, Miss Agatha C. Col. St. Teresa, Winona, Minn. M36R36. N. Murphy, Albert. Box 826, Twin Falls, Idaho. M30R32. G. Murphy, Edmund J. 25 Hudson View Terrace, Yonkers, N. Y. M31R32. KLB. Murphy, Rev. Edmund J(ohn). 135 W. 31st St., New York. N. Y. M31R34. GF. Murphy, Edward Joseph. B.Sc, Saskat- chewan, 18. Engineer, Dept. Chem. Res., Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M39. BCK. Murphy, F(ranklin) Mac. M.S., California Inst. Tech., 29. Consulting geologist, 513 Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. (2620 N. Beachwood Drive, Hollywood, Calif.) M29. EMC. Murphy, Dr. Fred T(owsley). M.D., Har- vard, 01 ; M.A., Yale, 14. Pres., Simon J. Murphy Co., Detroit, Mich.; vice pres., Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, and Murphv Ranch Co., Whittier, Calif. Mi 7- F33. N. Murphy, Dr. Gardner. A.M., Harvard, 17; Ph.D., Columbia, 23. Chairman Dept. Psy- chology, Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M25F25. I. Murphy, Dr. G(ibbons) Westbrook. Flat- iron Bldg., Asheville, N. Car. M34R34. NFB. Murphy, Miss Helen E(Iizabeth). Ph.D., Cornell, 20. 15 Chestnut St., Phoenix, N. Y. M25F25. FN. Murphy, Dr. James B(umgardner). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 09. Louvain, zy ; D.Sc, North Carolina, 27 , Oglethorpe, 38. Member, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. (160 E. 65th St.) M18- F21. N. Murphy, Dr. John T(homas). M.D., Toledo, 06. 421 Michigan St., Toledo, Ohio. M30. N. Murphy, Louis S(utliffe). M.F., Yale, 07. Senior forest economist, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. (103 E. Brad- ley Lane, Chevy Chase, Md.) M34F34. OK. Murphy, Dr. Miles. Ph.D.. Pennsylvania, 27. Assoc, prof, psychology and asst. dir. Psychological Clinic, Univ. Pennsvlvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M38. I. Murphy, Ray D. 28 Godfrey Road, Upper Montclair, N. J. M31R37. AK. Murphy, Ray V. 700 W. Jackson Ave., LaGrange. 111. (?) M21R32. BC. Murphy, Dr. Raymond E(dward). Penn- sylvania State Col. School Mineral Indus- tries, State College, Pa. M36R37. EK. Murphy, Dr. Robert Cushman. A.M., Columbia, 17; D.Sc, San Marcos (Peru), 25. Curator, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M13F15. FE. Murphy, Miss Rosemary (Anne). M.A., Wellesley, 31. Med. student, Boston Univ. School Med., Boston, Mass. (239 Com- monwealth Ave.) M31. NCA. Murphy, Dr. William P. M.D., Harvard, 22. Senior assoc. medicine, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp.; assoc. medicine, Harvard Med. School; physician, 311 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. (97 Sewall Ave., Brookline, Mass.) M36F36. N. Murray, Dr. A(lbert) N(elson). M.S., Colorado, 24; Ph.D., Illinois, 28. Prof, geology and head Dept., Univ. Tulsa, Tulsa. Okla. (1211 S. College St.) M34- F34. E. Murray, Dr. Cecil D(unmore). 103 E. 78th St., New York, N. Y. (?) M2oF33R35- NI. Murray, Charles B(ernard). M18F32D39. CEM. Murray, Dr. Clay Ray. M.D., Columbia, 12. Assoc, prof, surgery, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons ; assoc. at- tending surgeon, Presbyterian Hosp., New York, N. Y.; consulting surgeon, Hacken- sack Gen. Hosp., Hackensack, N. J.; con- sulting surgeon, Sharon Hosp. Sharon, Conn. M36. NF. Murray, Dr. Elsie. Ph.D., Cornell, 07. Dir. Tioga Point Mus., Athens, Pa.; visual res., Dept. Psychology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (105 Highland Place, Ithaca, N. Y.) M39. IHQ. Murray, Prof. E(veritt) G(eorge) D(unne). M.A., Cambridge, 18. Prof, and dir. Dept. Bacteriology and Immunity, McGill Univ.; bacteriologist-in-chief, Royal Victoria Hosp., Childrens Memo- rial Hosp. and Alexandra Hosp., Mon- treal, Que., Canada. (3590 University St.) M34F34. N. Individual Members 7?3> Murray, Dr. Forrest H(amilton). A.M., Harvard, 17; Ph.D., 23. Statistician, Illi- nois Dept. Labor, 205 W. Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111. (5412 Kimbark Ave.) M34- F34. A. Murray, George H(ugh). Botanic Gardens, Rabaul, Territory New Guinea. M38. FGO. Murray, Dr. Henry A(lexander), Jr. M.D., Columbia, 19; M.A., 20; Ph.D., Cam- bridge, 28. Assoc, prof., Psychological Clinic, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M20F25. IN. Murray, Henry T(hompson). Box 77, Trona, Calif. M29R36. CEO. Murray, Miss Irene K. 7610 Cregier Ave., Chicago, 111. M37R37- ACE. Murray, John H (ill). 227 Mansfield St., New Haven, Conn. M29. GEL Murray, John Wolcott. 40-06 155th St., Flushing, N. Y. M3SR35. Murray, Dr. Leo T(ilden). M.S., Cornell. 31; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, biology, Baylor Univ.; dir. Strecker Mus., Waco, Tex. M36. FGE. Murray, Miss M(argaret) E(lizabeth) Miriam. M.A., Kansas, 35. State child psy- chologist, Child Welfare Div., North Dakota Public Welfare Board, Bismarck, N. Dak. (831 6th St.) M38. IQK. Murray, Dr. Margaret R(ansone). M.S., Washington Univ., 24; Ph.D., Chicago, 26. Res. asst. surgery, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. (105 Haven Ave.) M32F33. FN. Murray, Sister Mary Rose. A.M., Colum- bia, 25. Prof, organic chemistry, Col. St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, N. J. M39. C. Murray, Sister Mary Samuela. Bethlehem Acad.. Faribault, Minn. M28R33. B. Murray, Dr. Maurice J. Ph.D., Cornell, 29. Asst. prof, chemistry, Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. M36F36. C. Murray, Dr. Merritt J(oseph). M.A., Indiana, 34; Ph.D., Cornell, 38. Dept. Plant Breeding, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M34. GF. Murray, Dr. Reginald (St. Elmo). 144 Central St., Gardner. Mass. M34R36. N. Murray, Dr. Robert T(aylor) K(eys). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 34. Instr. physics, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. M35F38. B. Murray, Prof. T(homas) J(efferson). M.Sc, Purdue, 15. Prof, bacteriology, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. M27F31. N. Murray, W(illiam) W(allace). B.S., Ver- mont, 97. Chief chemist. Standard Tin Plate Co., Canonsburg, Pa. (218 Haw- thorne St.) M18. C. Musbach, Prof. F(rederick) L. M14D39. OCE. Muscari, Pietro (J. C). A.B., Marietta, 27. 105 Dudley Ave., Marietta, Ohio. M39. MBN. Muschel, Louis H. A.M., Columbia, 38. Junior lab. technician, Div. Labs, and Res., New York State Dept. Health, Albany, N. Y. (2050 E. 18th St.. Brook- lyn, N. Y.) M40. NCQ. Muschenheim, Frederick A(ugustus). Hotel Astor, New York, N. Y. M24R37. M. Musgrave, George W(allace). M.S.A., Cornell, 15. 3215 Morrison St. NW., Wash- ington, D. C. M26F31. O. Musgrave, Harrison. A.B., Harvard, 27. Dir. employee training, Southern Counties Gas Co. and Southern California Gas Co., 810 S. Flower St., Los Angeles, Calif. M34. IB. Musgrave, Myrl (DeFord). A.B., Findlay. 1804 E. 100th St., Cleveland, Ohio. M40. N. Musgrave, Paul N. 514 Mt. Vernon Ave., Fairmont, W. Va. M28R32. F. Musgrave, Ray S(igler). M.A., Ohio Wes- levan. Russell Sage Col., Troy, N. Y. M36. IF. Musgrave, Prof. Wilford P(aul). 836 Himes St., Huntington, Ind. M36R36. LQ. Musher, Sidney. A.B., Johns Hopkins, 25. Pres., Musher Foundation, Inc., 250 W. 57th St., Niagara, N. Y. M29. CNK. Mushlin, Harry (Ralph). 1661 Common- wealth Ave., Boston, Mass. M34R34. NFC. Musil, Miss Albina F(rances). A.B., Ne- braska, 27. Asst. botanist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M37F39. G. Muskat, Dr. Irving E(lkin). M.S., Chi- cago, 25; Ph.D., 27. Dir. res., Columbia Chem. Div.. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Barberton, Ohio. M29F33. CMN. Muskat, Dr. Morris. M.A., Ohio State, 26; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 29. Chief, Phvsics Div., Gulf Res. and Development Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. M34F34. BAC. Mussehl, Prof. Frank Edward. B.S., Wis- consin, 15. Prof, poultry husbandry, Univ. Nebraska. Lincoln, Nebr. (1347 N. 38th St.) M31F32. OCQ. Musselman, Prof. J(ohn) R(ogers). Dept. Mathematics, Western Reserve LTniv., Cleveland, Ohio. M34F22R39. A. Musselman, Dr. Luther (Kyner). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 19; Ph.D., Yale. 23. Assoc, clinical prof, and gynecologist, Yale Univ. School Med. New Haven ; consulting gynecologist, Fairfield State Hosp., New- town, Conn. M34F34. N. Musser, Prof. A(lbert) M(yers). B.S., Florida, 18. Prof, horticulture, Clemson Agric. Col.; horticulturist, South Caro- lina Exp. Sta., Clemson, S. Car. M34F34. OG. 724 Directory of Members Musser, Mr. Clair Omar. Consultant, J. C. Deagan, Inc., 1770 Berteau Ave., Chicago, 111. (4520 N. Hermitage Ave.) M40. Musser, Dr. John H(err). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 08. Prof, medicine, Tulane Univ. School Med., New Orleans, La. (1427 Second St.) M17F31. N. Muth, John E(dwin). 1674 Capistrano Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M33R35. CMN. Muttkowski, Dr. R(ichard) A(nthony von). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 16. Dir. Dept. Biology, Univ. Detroit, Detroit, Mich. (MioFi4R37)M4oFi4. FN. Muyskens, Miss Florence D. A.B., Michi- gan. 230 Wildwood Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M38. F. Muyskens, John H(enry). M.S., Michigan, 20; D.Sc, 25. 230 Wildwood Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M31. FHI. Myer, Dr. Walter E. A.M., Chicago; LL.D., Southwestern Col. 744 Jackson Place, Washington. D. C. M38F40. K. Myers, A(lexander) M(cllhattan). B.S., Pennsylvania State, 08. Products engi- neer, Gen. Cable Corp., Perth Amboy, N. J. (83 Lake Ave., Metuchen, N. J.) M30. M. Myers, Dr. Ben(jamin) L(ee). M.D., Ne- braska, 09. Surgeon, Myers Clinic, Kan- sas City, Mo. (6707 Nail Ave., Overland Park, Kans.) M26. NA. Myers, Dr. Burton D(orr). 424 N. Wal- nut St., Bloomington, Ind. M17F25R39. N. Myers, Dr. C(harles) E(mory). M.S., Cor- nell, 11 ; Ph.D., 22. Prof, plant breeding, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (316 W. Fairmount Ave.) M22F24. GO. Myers, Dr. Charles S(noddy). Ph.D., Min- nesota, 32. Assoc, biochemist, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D. C. M39. CN. Myers, Chester N(ewton). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 10; Sc.D., Williams, 32. 170 Varick St., New York. N. Y. M25F27. CN. Myers, Prof. C(lyde) H(adley). M.S., Illi- nois, 10; Ph.D., Cornell, 12. Prof, plant breeding, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M13F23. GO. Myers, David Moffat. M.E., Columbia, 01. Consulting engineer, Orrok, Myers and Shoudy, Assocates. 21 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. M25F25. MCB. Myers, Dr. Earl H(amlet). Ph.D., Cali- fornia. Maune Biol. Lab., Citadel Hill, Plymouth, England. M36. F. Myers, Dr. Ernest R. M.D., Pennsylvania. 01. 415 Avenue Bldg., Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. (311 6th Ave.) M36. NKI. Myers, Dr. Everett C(lark). Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. (?) M28F28R33. FGN. Myers, Frank J(acob). Res. assoc. rotifera, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. ; assoc. microscopy, Acad. Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. (15 S. Cornwall Place, Ventnor, N. J.) M17F33. F. Myers, Dr. Garry Cleveland. Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 13. Head Dept. Parent Education, Cleveland Col., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (1000 Elbon Road, Cleve- land Heights) M17F21. FI. Myers, Rev. George B(oggam). LL.B., Mississippi; B.D., Univ. South. Prof, phi- losophy of religion, ethics, and sociology, Univ. South, Sewanee, Tenn. M28. DHL Myers, Prof. George S(prague). A.M., Stanford, 31 ; Ph.D., 33. Prof, biology, Stanford Univ.; head curator zoological collections, Natural History Mus., Stan- ford University, Calif. M29F33. FE. Myers, H. B. 1229 Calhoun St., New Or- leans, La. M32R32. Myers, Dr. Harold B(unce). M18F21- D37. N. Myers, Dr. H(arold) E(dwin). M.S., Illi- nois, 29; Ph.D., Missouri, 37. Assoc, prof, soils, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M40. O. Myers, Dr. Hugh I(rvin). M.A., Rich- mond, 32; Ph.D., Brown, 35. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Richmond, Richmond, Va. (3 Maple Lane) M37. FN. Myers, James Percy. 11 Stephen St., Pres- ton, Victoria, Australia. M35R35. NCM. Myers, Miss Jane A(gnes). M.A., Oregon, 38. Bacteriologist, Oregon State Board Health, Portland, Oreg. (3640 S. West Dosch Road) M40. N. Myers, Dr. J(ay) A(rthur). M.S., Ohio, 13; Ph.D., Cornell, 14; M.D., Minnesota, 20. Prof, preventive medicine and public health, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M22F27. N. Myers, Dr. John L(ewellyn). M.D., Kan- sas, 04. Assoc, prof., Univ. Kansas School Med., Kansas Citv, Kans. (6924 Edgevale Road) M26. N. Myers, Dr. John Q. M.D., North Carolina. Selwyn Hotel, Charlotte, N. Car. M39. N. Myers, Dr. John T(ennyson). M.S., Kan- sas, 12; Ph.D., Chicago, 24; M.D., Ne- braska, 29. Dir. Bendiner and Schlesinger Lab., New York. N. Y. M16F33. N. Myers, Joseph Woodward. Vice pres. and chief engineer, Proctor Electric Co.. Phil- adelphia, Pa. (506 W. Mt. Airy Ave., Mt. Airy) M27F40. BM. Myers, L. Emery. 1316 S. Central Ave., Glendale, Calif. (?) M30R33. F. Myers, Dr. Lester E(arl). D.D.S., Creigh- ton. in S. 55th St., Omaha, Nebr. M40. Nd. Myers, Lynette. S21 Edgar Ave., Effing- ham, 111. M24R37. G. Individual Members 725 Myers, Dr. Mabel A. M.A., Pomona, 22; Ph.D., Cornell, 26. Instr., Junior Col., Fullerton, Calif. (617 W. Center St., Ana- heim, Calif.) M35F35. EF. Myers, Miss Margery J(ane). M.S., Wash- ington, 3j. Lab. technician, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Stanford University, Calif. (675 Amherst St., Palo Alto, Calif.) M40. FGE. Myers, Dr. Orvil F(loyd). M.A., Chicago, 22; Ph.D., 26. Chairman, Dept. Psychol- ogy, Los Angeles City Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (376 24th St., Santa Monica, Calif.) M25. IQH. Myers, Dr. R. V. 25 E. 3rd St., Mansfield, Ohio. M36R36. N. Myers, Dr. Ralph E(merson). M.A., Yale, 10; M.D., Cornell, 18. Physician (radiol- ogy), 1200 N. Walker St., Oklahoma City, Okla. (1122 N. East 13th St.) M32F33. N. Myers, Dr. Raymond J. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 33. Instr. zoology, Colgate Univ., Hamilton, N. Y. M30. FG. Myers, Dr. Robert P(age). M.S., Cornell, 26; Ph.D., 28. Bacteriologist, Sealtest, Inc., 1403 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. (14 Southfield Place) M27F33. NO. Myers, Dr. Rollin G(uizot). M.Sc, Case, 09; Ph.D., Stanford, 19. Yard chemist, U. S. Navy Yard, Cavite, P. I. (91 P- Gomez) M29F33. CKL. Myers, R(oy) Maurice. M.A., Ohio State, 57; Ph.D., 39. Junior Col., Boise, Idaho. M38. G. Myers, Thurman H. Chief engineer and geologist, Carnegie Natural Gas Co., 1014 Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M40. EM. Myers, Uriah H(enry). E.M., Ohio State, 87. 2125 Scottwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. M22. C. Myers, Prof. Victor C(aryl). M.A., Wes- leyan, 07; D.Sc, 30; Ph.D., Yale, 09. Prof. biochemistry and sec. Med. Faculty, West- ern Reserve Univ. School Med., Cleve- land, Ohio. M08F11. N. Myers, Dr. W(illiam) Shields. D.Sc, Rut- gers, 08. Box 455, Sidney, N. Y. M94- F98L17. C. Myerson, Dr. Abraham. M.D., Tufts, 08. Prof, neurology, Tufts Col. Med. School; clinical prof, psychiatry, Harvard Med. School, Boston; dir. Res. Lab., Boston State Hosp., Dorchester, Mass. (33 Tay- lor Crossvvay, Brookline, Mass.) M28- F33. N. Mylchreest, George L(ewis). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 10. Member, Myl- chreest and Reynolds, Hartford, Conn. (238 Palm St.) M36. M. N Nabours, Dr. Robert Kirkland. Ph.D., Chicago, 11. Dept. Zoology, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M11F20. F. Nabrit, Dr. Samuel Milton. M.S., Brown, 28; Ph.D., 32. Prof, biology, Atlanta Univ., Atlanta, Ga. M38. F. Nace, Raymond L(ee). M.A., Wyoming. Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. M38. EF. Nachlas, Dr. (Israel) William. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 18. 1814 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. M34F34. N. Nachod, Carl P(ivany). E.E., Lehigh, 97. Vice pres., Nachod and U. S. Signal Co., 4780 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, Ky. (3123 Oriole Drive) M25. M. Nachtrab, Rev. William. Box 527, Lake Worth, Fla. M32R32. L. Nachtrieb, Prof. Henry F(rancis). Prof, emeritus animal biology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (2448 Cedar St., Berke- ley, Calif.) M03F05. F. Vice president for Section on Zoology (F), 1911. Nadai, Dr. A. L. Dr.Ing., Berlin, 11. Con- sulting mechanical engineer, Westing- house Res. Labs., East Pittsburgh; res. prof., Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (136 Cherry Valley Road, Forest Hills, Wilkinsburg) M32F33. MAB. Nadeau, Dr. Oscar E. M.D., Chicago, 13. Assoc, prof, surgery, Univ. Illinois Col. Med.; attending surgeon, Augustana Hosp.; consulting surgeon, U. S. Marine Hosp., Chicago, 111. (2051 Sedgwick St.) M36. N. Nadler, Dr. J(acob) Ernest. M.A., Johns Hopkins, 25; M.D., Pennsylvania, 30; D.Sc, New York, 38. Instr., New York Univ. Col. Med.; asst. physician, Belle- vue Hosp. and Welfare Hosp. Chronic Diseases, New York, N. Y. (3725 81st St., Jackson Heights, N. Y.) M40. NF. Nadler, Dr. Walter H(erman). M.D., Northwestern, 13. Assoc, prof, medicine, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. M21F25. N. Naeser, Dr. Charles R(udolph). M.S., Illi- nois, 33; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, chemistry, George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. M40. C. Naeter, Prof. A(lbrecht). Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M34F34- R35. M. Nafe, Prof. John P(aul). Ph.D., Cornell, 24. Prof, and head Dept. Psychology, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M27- F31. I. Naffziger, Dr. Howard C(hristian). M.S., California, 08; M.D., 09. 2565 Larkin St., San Francisco, Calif. M21F33. N. Nagel, Miss Lillian (Julia). M.A., Colo- rado, 39. Teacher biology, Southwest High School, St. Louis, Mo. (3442 Pesta- lozzi St.) M32. GFC. 726 Directory of Members Nagel, Roy H(enry). 3825 N. Cramer St., Milwaukee, Wis. (?) M38R38. F. Nagelvoort, Adrian. 900 Cecil Road, West- over Hills, Del. M34F34R34. C. Nagle, Dr. Patrick (Sarsfield). M.D. Lec- turer surgery, Univ. Oklahoma School Med., Oklahoma City, Okla. ( 1021 N. Lee St.) M40. N. Nagler, Mrs. Ellen Torelle. 191 3 Kendall Ave., Madison, Wis. M12R32. FQ. Nagler, Dr. Floyd (August). 6 Melrose Circle, Iowa City, Iowa. M21F25R33. MAB. Nagler, Harold. M.A., New York, 34. Teacher biology, F. K. Lane High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. (1780 E. 31st St.) (M35- R37)M39- FG. Nagy, Stephen. Pres., Nat. Capital Ama- teur Astronomers Assn., Washington, D. C. (104 C St. NE.) M39. D. Nahm, Dr. Laura J(ulia). A.M., Missouri, 29; Ph.D., 31. Prof, biologv, Junior Col., Flat River, Mo. M28. FG. Nahum, Dr. Louis H(erman). M.D., Yale, 16. Res. assoc, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. (85 Loomis Place) M29. N. Naiman, Prof. Barnet. M.S., North Caro- lina. 22; Ph.D., Columbia, 34. Asst. prof., Dept. Chemistry, Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. (260 Convent Ave.) M37. CQ. Naish, Alfred J(ohn). 551 Glenwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. M34R36. QB. Naismith, Dr. James. 1708 Mississippi St., Lawrence, Kans. M33R35. NQH. Nakahara, Dr. Waro. M.A., Cornell, 17; Ph.D., 18; M.D., Kyoto Imperial, 23. Head Pathology Div., Japanese Foundation Can- cer Res.; member List. Physical and Chem. Res., Tokvo, Japan. (1141 Mejiro) M34F34. N. Nakamura, Dr. Frank I(sa). A.M., Stan- ford, 21 ; Ph.D., Illinois, 39. Asst. animal nutrition, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (1009 W. Springfield Ave.) M40F40. CNO. Nanninga, Dr. S(imon) P(eter). Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex. M28R32. Qi. Nanz, Ralph S(impson). Biol. Lab., Car- roll Col., Waukesha, Wis. M34F34R37. G. Napier, Dr. T(homas) H(ewell). A.M., George Peabody, 16; Ph.D., 26. Dean Ala- bama Col., Montevallo, Ala. M35. Q. Naples, Dr. F(elix) John. M.S., Vermont, 34; Ph.D., Indiana, 36. Head Dept. Chem- istrv, Junior Col., Springfield, 111. (816 Elm St., Youngstown, Ohio) M38. CB. Narkiewicz, Ignatz P(eter). Office boy, Stamley Works, New Britain, Conn. (222 Broad St.) M40. CN. Narodny, Leo Henry. 564 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. M34R34. MEB. Nash, Clarence. M.A., California, 25. Instr. physics, Junior Col., Sacramento, Calif. (2764 6th Ave.) M29F40. BAC. Nash, George H. M25D — . C. Nash, Prof. William G. Dept. Physics, Georgetown Col., Georgetown, Ky. M28- F31R34. B. Nason, Miss Gladys Ingle. M.S., Syracuse, 31. Res. technician, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (M32R36)M40. BNC. Nason, Paul (Elder). Headquarters De- tachment, Luke Field, Hawaii. (?) M34- R34. MAB. Nassau, Dr. Charles F. M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 91, Jefferson, 06; LL.D., Villa Nova; Sc.D., St. Joseph's Col. Clinical prof, surgery, Jefferson Med. Col., Phila- delphia, Pa. (1710 Locust St.) M39. FN. Nassau, Prof. Jason J(ohn). Ph.D., Syra- cuse, 20. Prof, astronomy, Case School Applied Science; dir. Warner and Swasey Observatory, Cleveland, Ohio. M26F33. A. Nast, Miss Charlotte G(eorgia). Box 365, Davis, Calif. (?) M33R33. O. Natelson, Dr. Samuel. Sc.M., New York, 30; Ph.D., 31. Res. chemist, Pediatric Res. Lab., Brooklyn Jewish Hosp., Brook- lyn, N. Y. (840 Lafayette Ave.) M34F34. C. Nathan, Harold. M.S., Col. City New York, 87. 45 E. 85th St., New York, N. Y. M29. Nathan, Mrs. Hortense L. (Mrs. Benjamin M. Nathan). M29D38. NCF. Nathans, Alan A. M.A., New York. Teacher biologv Christopher Columbus High School, New York, N. Y. (50 W. Gunhill Road, Bronx) M38. FG. Nathanson, Dr. Ira T(heodore). M.D., Northwestern, 30; M.S., 34. Asst. surgeon, Huntington Memorial Hosp.; res. fellow, Harvard Med. School; junior visiting sur- geon and assoc. surgeon Tumor Clinic, Beth Israel Hosp., Boston, Mass. M40. N. Nathanson, Dr. J(onas) B(ernard). M25- F27D39. B. Nathanson, Dr. Yale. M.A., Pennsylvania, 24; Ph.D., 30. Psychologist, St. Christo- pher's Hosp., Philadelphia Psychiatric Hosp., Northeast Orphanage, and Down- town Orphanage; consultant, Philadelphia Gen. Hosp.; psychologist, 269 S. 19th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M32F33. IHK. Natividade, Prof. J. Vieira. Alcobaca, Portugal. M39F40. GO. Nattkemper, L(eonard) Clark. M.A., Chi- cago, 37. Graduate student. Dept. Botany, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. M40- F40. OG. Individual Members 727 Nau, Dr. Carl A(ugust). M.A., Texas, 24; M.D., Rush, 33. Dir. Div. Industrial Hy- giene, Texas State Dept. Health, Austin, Tex. (4207 Avenue H) M38. CNP. Nau, Paul B(urton). 1835 Mt. Union St., East Cleveland, Ohio. M25R33. M. Naudain, Dr. Glenn G(arnet). M.S., Iowa State, 22; Ph.D., 23; M.A., New York, 39. Prof, and head Dept. Chemistry, Winthrop Col., Rock Hill, S. Car. M38. CBQ. Naumburg, Robert E(lkan). A.B., Wil- liams, 13; B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 16. Mechanical engineer charge res., Jonas and Naumburg Corp., 516 W. 35th St., New York, N. Y. (230 Riverside Drive) M20F25. MQL. Naumburg, Mrs. Walter W. (Elsie Marga- ret Binger). Res. assoc, Amer. Mus. Nat- ural History, New York, N. Y. (121 E. 64th St.) M19. F. Nauss, Henry George. B.S., Cornell, 15. Dir. res., Dept. Chemistry, Kerr Dental Mfg. Co. 6081 12th St., Detroit, Mich. (2567 W. Grand Blvd.) M25. N. Nauss, Dr. Ralph W(elty). 1300 York Ave., New York, N. Y. M25F33R36. N. Navez, Dr. Albert E(duard). D.Sc, Brus- sels, 22. Milton Acad., Milton, Mass. M34- F34- G. Navias, Dr. Louis. M.S., Illinois, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Ceramic chemist, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. M24F25. CME. Naylor, Aubrey W(illard). B.S., Chicago. Dept. Botany, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M38. G. Naylor, Ernst (Elliott). M.A., Missouri, 24; Ph.D., 31. 104 Lefevre Hall, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M24. G. Naylor, Miss Jenevieve. M.A., Missouri, 29. Instr. chemistry, Cottey Col., Nevada, Mo. M36. CA. Neal, Charles C. M17D— . C. Neal, Chester T. 367 Union St., Spring- field, Mass. M27. M. Neal, D. C. Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta., Baton Rouge, La. M34F34R35. GN. Neal, Prof. Herbert Vincent. M03F05D40. F. Secretary of Section on Zoology (F), 1913-20. Neal, Dr. John R. 609 S. Walnut St., Springfield, 111. M30R32. N. Neal, Nathan A(lva). M.A., Columbia, 29. Head, Dept. Science, J. F. Rhodes High School, Cleveland, Ohio. (4565 Broadale Road) M35. Neal, Miss Nellie N. M.A., Grove City. 15 17 Glendon Ave., West Los Angeles, Calif. M39. Q. Neal, Dr. Norman P(ercy). Ph.D., Wis- consin, 35. Asst. prof, agronomy and ge- netics, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (1214 Dartmouth Road, Shorewood Hills) M36. OFG. Neal, Dr. O(ren) R(obert). M.S., Iowa State, 32; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, soil scientist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service Exp. Sta., Clarinda, Iowa. M37F40. O. Neal, Dr. Paul A. M.D., Vanderbilt, 27. Surgeon, Div. Industrial Hygiene, Nat. Inst. Health, Bethesda, Md. (Grosvenor Lane) M38. N. Neal, Dr. R(oland). A.M., Cornell Col., 07; Ph.D., Stanford, 15. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Drury Col., Springfield, Mo. (1080 Summit Ave.) M30F33. CQ. Neale, Dr. Henry Marion. M07D37. N. Nealley, Edward M. A.B., Iowa, 90; LL.B., 03. Teacher philosophy and psychology retired, Junior Col., Santa Ana, Calif. M31. IK. Nealy, Walter A(lson). Chemist, Cran- berry Canners, Inc., South Hanson, Mass. Mi 2. C. Neamtan, Dr. S(amuel) M(orton). Ph.D., McGill; M.A., Toronto. Meteorologist, St. Hubert Airport, St. Hubert, Que., Canada. M40. BA. Neary, M(alcolm) E(lijah). B.Sc, McGill, 37. Asst. entomologist, Nova Scotia Dept. Agric, Truro, N. S., Canada. M39F40. FGO. Neatby, Dr. K(enneth) W(illiam). M.S.A., Saskatchewan, 26; Ph.D., Minnesota, 31. Dir. Agric Dept., Northwest Line Eleva- tors Assn., Grain Exchange Bldg., Winni- peg, Man., Canada. M38. OG. Neave, S(idney) L(ionel). M.A., Illinois, 26; Ph.D., 30. Mgr., Kyuquot Machine Shop, Kyuquot, B. C, Canada. M25. C. Nebel, Dr. Bernard R(udolph George). Ph.D., Halle, 25. Assoc, res.. New York State Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M30- F33. GOF. Necarsulmer, Mrs. Henry. (Edna U. Ne- carsulmer). M29D36. Necheles, Dr. H(einrich). M.D., Hamburg, 23; Ph.D., 24. Dir. Dept. Gastro Intestinal Res., Michael Rees Hosp.; asst. prof, physiology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5717 Blackstone Ave.) M39. N. Necker, Walter L. Herpetologist, Chicago Acad. Sciences; curator, State Microscopi- cal Soc. Illinois, Chicago, III. M37. F. Nedrow, Dr. Warren W(esley). M.A., Den- ver, 33; Ph.D., Nebraska, 36. Prof, biol- ogy, Arkansas State Col., Jonesboro, Ark. M39F40. GF. Needham, Dr. C(laude) E(rvin). M.S., Mississippi State, 25; Ph.D., Northwest- ern, 32. Pres., New Mexico School Mines; dir. New Mexico Bur. Mines and Mineral Resources, Socorro, N. Mex. M32F33. EMQ. 728 Directory of Members Needham, Dr. James George. M.S., Knox, • 93; Litt.D., 21; Ph.D., Cornell. 98; Sc.D., Lake Forest. 25. Prof, emeritus entomol- ogy and limnology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M96F98E40. F. Needham, Dr. Paul R(obert). M.S., Cor- nell, 26; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, aquatic biolo- gist, U. S. Bur. Fisheries, Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. M27F33. F. Needier, Dr. A(lfred) W(alker) H(ollins- head). Ph.D., Toronto, 30. Chief biologist, Fisheries Res. Board Canada, Ellerslie, P. E. I., Canada. M39. FGO. Needles, Dr. Robert Johnson. Ph.G., Iowa, 24; M.D., 30. Phvsician, Walgreen Bldg., St Petersburg, Fla. (165 14th Ave. NE.) M39- NF. Neelin, Thomas (H.) A. M.A., Manitoba. 1254 12th St., Brandon, Man., Canada. M38. QI. Neelley, Prof. J(ohn) H(aven). 300 Broad- moor Ave., Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, Pa. M34F34R34- A. Neely, Dr. E. E. 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35R36. N. Neely, Miss Rachel Eve (See Mrs. Ben- jamin M. Parker). Neet, Dr. Claude C(assell). M.A., Clark, 32; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, psychology, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M38. I. Nef, Dr. John U(lric). 5650 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, 111. M33R34. KL. Neff, Andrew (McNally). 555 S. Orange Grove Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M17F25R37. CIP. Neff, Carroll F(orsythe). M.A., California, ^o. Mgr. Vitamin Dept., Ironized Yeast Co., Inc., 611 Forrest Road NE., Atlanta, Ga. (846 Adair Ave. NE.) M36. CNF. Neff, Dr. John H(enry). M39D38. N. Negru, J(acques) S(imha). Mar Vista Hotel, Santa Monica, Calif. M29R37. CEM. Negus, Dr. Sidney S(tevens). M.A., Har- vard, 17; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 23. Prof, chemistry, Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond, Va. M38F26. CN. Neher, Dr. H(enry) Victor. California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M36R36. BD. Neher, Prof. O(scar) W(arner). M.S., Chicago, 30. Assoc, prof, biology, Man- chester Col., North Manchester Ind. (608 E. Miami St.) M38F39. GO. Nehrbas, Anton. Partner and mgr., Henry J Green, 1101 Bedford Ave., Brooklvn, N. Y. (30 Whitehall Blvd., Garden City, N. Y.) M29. B. Neidert, Prof. Louis J(ohn). Casa Loma Hotel, Redlands, Calif. (?) M31R37. QJK. Neidhoefer, James R(ussell). B.S., Mar- quette, 38. Dir. Badger Biol. Supply Co., 1529 N. 51st St., Milwaukee, Wis. M36. F. Neidig, Dr. Ray E. 525 E. Crescent Drive, Palo Alto, Calif. M35- C. Neidig, W(illiam) N. 433 Mountain View Road, Englewood, N. J. M25. MKB. Neifeld, Dr. M(orris) R. M.A., Columbia, 16; Ph.D., New York, 22. Economist, Beneficial Management Corp., 15 Wash- ington St., Newark, N. J. (38 Mayhew Drive, South Orange, N. J.) M31. KIA. Neifert, Prof. Ira E(dward). M.S., Knox, 16; Ph.D., Iowa, 39. Chairman Dept. Chemistry, Knox Col.. Galesburg, 111. (755 N. Kellogg St.) M22F33. CN. Neikirk, Prof. Lewis Irving. 4723 21st Ave. NE., Seattle, Wash. M18F18R35. A. Neiler, Samuel G(raham). Chief engineer and owner, Neiler, Rich and Co., 431 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Moi. M. Neill, Dr. Alma J(essie). M.A., Illinois, 15; Ph.D., 20. Prof, physiology and head Dept., Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (918 S. Lahoma St.) M21F33. N. Neilson, Dr. Charles Hugh. A.M., Ohio Wesleyan, 97; Ph.D., Chicago, 03; M.D., Rush, 05. Assoc, dean and prof, medicine, St. Louis Univ. School Med.; chief staff, St. Johns Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. (6319 Alexander Drive) M31. NQ. Neilson, Prof. Patrick Douglas. M.A., Van- derbilt, 03. Prof, physics, Louisiana Poly- technic Inst., Ruston, La. M31. BA. Neilson, Dr. William A. Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. M36R36. Q. Neiswander, Dr. C(laud) R(evere). M.Sc, Ohio State, 23; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, ento- mologist, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M23F28. F. Neiswander, Dr. Ralph B. M.S., Ohio State, 28; Ph.D., 34. Asst. entomologist, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta.; agent, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Woos- ter, Ohio. M31F32. O. Neiler, Dr. J(oseph) R(obert). M.S., Minnesota, 16; Ph.D., Rutgers, 20. Bio- chemist charge Everglades Exp. Sta., Belle Glade, Fla. M24F27. OCG. Nelms, Prof. W(illiam) S(tockton). A.M., Southwestern, 04; Ph.D., Columbia, 13. Prof, physics, Emory University, Ga. Mu- F16. B. Nelson, Dr. Alfred C(larence). A.M., Den- ver, 21; Ph.D., Iowa, 26. Dean Graduate School, prof, chemistry, and dir summer quarter, Univ. Denver, Denver, Colo. (1021 S. Clayton Way) M29F32. CMQ. Nelson, Prof. Alfred L(ewis). M.A., Kan- sas, 13; Ph.D., Chicago, 15. Prof, and head Dept. Mathematics, Wavne Univ., Detroit, Mich. M24F33. A. Nelson, Dr. Aven. A.M., Harvard, 92; Ph.D., Denver, 04; D.Sc, Colorado, 26; LL.D., Wyoming, 37. Pres. emeritus and curator Rocky Mountain Herbarium, Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. M01F03. G. Individual Members 729 Nelson, Dr. Cyril A(rthur). A.M., Kansas, 16; Ph.D., Chicago, 19. Assoc, prof, math- ematics, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, X. J. M24F33. A. Nelson, Dr. D(aniel) H(ans). M.A., Utah State, 24; Ph.D., Iowa State, 2S. Chemist and bacteriologist, Oscar Mayer and Co., Madison, Wis. (.157 Division St.) M34- F34. N. Nelson, Dr. Dotson McGinnis. M.A., In- diana, 19; Ph.D., 25; LL.D., Mississippi Col., 33. Pres. and head Dept. Physics, Mississippi Col., Clinton, Miss. M32F33. B. Nelson, Dr. E. Clifford. M.A., Colorado, 30; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 33. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M39. FN. Nelson, Dr. E(lmer) M(artin). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 23. Chief Vitamin Div., U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Washing- ton, D. C. M2iF33- CO. Nelson, Elmer R(owe), Jr. B.A., Colorado. Assoc, curator geology, Milwaukee Public Mus., Milwaukee, Wis. M40. EFQ. Nelson, Dr. Ernest William. A.M., Clark, 21 ; Ph.D., Cornell, 25. Assoc, prof, history, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M37. L. Nelson, Dr. Erwin E(llis). A.M., Missouri, 16; Ph.D., 20; M.D., Michigan, 26. Prof, pharmacology, Tulane Univ. School Med., New Orleans. La. (1329 Webster St.) M39. Xp. Nelson, Eugene W(hitson). 2631 Vicks- burg Ave.. Detroit. Mich. M33R.34- CEH. Nelson, Dr. F(rank) E(ugene). Dept. Bac- teriology, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M38R38. OXC. Nelson, Gaylord. B.A., Oklahoma. Sec. and actuary, Michigan Union Life Assn., Grand Rapids, Mich. (722 Sunset Lane, East Lansing, Mich.) M39. EA. Nelson, Dr. George Irving. 340 Arden Road, Columbus, Ohio. M36R36. N. Nelson. Miss Ina F(orrest). Texas State Col. Women, Denton, Tex. M31. HL. Nelson, Dr. J. A. 613 W. Harrison St., Bozeman, Mont. M35F35R39. O. Nelson, Dr. James Allen. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 03. Gambier, Ohio. M05F11. F. Nelson, Dr. John B(rockway). A.M., Har- vard, 23 ; Ph.D., Missouri, 24. Assoc, mem- ber, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., Prince- ton, N. J. M26F33. X. Nelson, Prof. John M(aurice). Ph.D., Co- lumbia. 07. 39 Claremont Ave., New York, X. Y. M23F27. CX. Nelson, Lloyd. Teacher science, Lake View High School, Chicago, 111. M40. Nelson, Prof. Lloyd A(lvino). Univ. Texas Col. Mines and Metallurgy, El Paso, Tex. M32R32. M. Nelson, Miss Lois Sara Martha. A.B., California, 27. Dietitian, Med. Dept., U. S. Army, Letterman Gen. Hosp., San Fran- cisco, Calif. M36. NFC. Nelson, Miss Louise A. 434 17th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. M30R34. IFX. Nelson, Dr. Lowry. M.S., Wisconsin, 23; Ph.D., 29. Prof, sociology, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. (33 Arthur Ave. SE.) M37F40. K. Nelson, Prof. Martin. M.S., Wisconsin, 06. Head Dept. Agronomy, Univ. Arkan- sas, Fayetteville, Ark. (53S Leverette St.) M39- OGE. Nelson, Miss Mary L(ockett). M.S., Tu- lane, 36. Junior plant physiologist, U. S. Southern Forest Exp. Sta., New Orleans, La. (7319 Panola St.) M39. GFC. Nelson, N(els) C(hristian). M.L., Cali- fornia, 08. Curator prehistoric archaeol- ogy, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New- York, N. Y. L16F25. H. Vice president for Section on Anthropology (H), 1935. Nelson, Dr. N(els) T(heodore). Tobacco Div., Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M29F30R32. OGC. Nelson, Paul R(edfield). 35 King St., Holyoke, Mass. M29R32. CG. Nelson, Dr. Ralph M(elvin). Federal Bldg., Asheville, N. Car. M34F34R34. O. Nelson, Dr. Roy A(ndrew). 707 5th Ave. X., Mt. Vernon, Iowa. M28F31R32. B. Nelson, Dr. Roy F. 650 Blair Ave., Pied- mont, Calif. M31R32. NKI. Nelson, Rudolph Stokes. M.S., Illinois, 21. Attorney, Patent Dept., Union Carbide and Carbon Res. Labs., Inc., 30 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. (5 Bavard St., Larch- mont, N. Y.) M29F33. CBM. Nelson, Russell Aiken. B.S., Pennsylvania, 29. Development chem. engineer, River Works, Gen. Electric Co., Lynn, Mass. (70 Castle Road, Xahant, Mass.) M40. MC. Nelson, Saul. 532 W. 215th St., New York, X. Y. M30R32. MCB. Nelson, Dr. Tell. M.D., Rush, 23; M.S., Illinois, 33. Assoc, internal medicine, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (636 Church St., Evanston, 111.) M36. X. Nelson, Dr. Theodora. M.A., Michigan, 24; Ph.D., 39. Instr. zoology, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (2695 Heath Ave.) M29. F. Nelson, Dr. Thurlow Christian. 77 S. Ade- laide Ave., New Brunswick, X. T. M16F20- R36. F. Nelson, Prof. Victor E(manuel). M.S., Wisconsin, 14. Prof, chemistry. Iowa State Col., Ames. Iowa. M25F25. CXO. Nelson, Dr. Virginia Lafayette. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 31. Asst. prof, pre-school education and res. assoc. S. S. Fels Res. Inst., Antioch Col., Yellow Springs Ohio. M36. IQH. 730 Directory of Members Nelson, W. F. C. Mining Exchange Bldg., Colorado Springs, Colo. M32R32. K. Nelson, Prof. Wilbur Armistead. M.A., Stanford, 15. Prof, geology and head Cor- coran and Rogers School Geology, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. M12F15. E. Nelson, William Donald. 2029 W. Broad- way, Minneapolis, Minn. M36R36. CN. Nelson, W(illiam) K(atz). B.Sc, Minne- sota. 13. Consulting chem. engineer, 185 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. (6906 Chap- pel Ave.) (M34R34)M36. CMK. Nelson, Dr. William L(ionel). Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 26. Fellow, Mellon Inst. Indus- trial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. (M28F33R38)- M40F33. CN. Nepomucene, Sister St. John (See Sister St. John Nepomucene Fennessey). Nersessian, Dr. Aznive. M.D., Temple, 32. Box B, Foxborough, Mass. M38. NI. Nesbit, Robert A. 905 Rhode Island Ave., College Park, Md. M35F35. FG. Nesbitt, Dr. Elizabeth. M.D., Toronto, 29. Med. dir., North Jersey Training School, Little ^alls, N. J. (62 Barrow St., New York, N. Y.) M25. N. Nesbitt, Herbert H(ugh) J(ohn). M.A., Toronto, 39. Div. Entomology, Dominion Dept. Agric, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. (34 Lakeside Ave.) M38. FNH. Nesbitt, Dr. Paul Homer. M.A., Chicago, 28; Ph.D., 38. Prof, anthropology and curator Logan Mus., Beloit Col., Beloit, Wis. (1890 Sherwood Drive) M35. H. Nesmith, James, II. S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 22. Asst. engineer, Public Service Electric and Gas Co., Newark, N. J. (41 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M29. M. Ness, Henry. 821 Kellogg Ave., Ames, Iowa. M07R32. F. Nesset, Dr. Naurice M. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 35. Dir. res., Baxter Labs. Inc., Glenview, 111. M40. CN. Nester, Dr. Henry George. A.M., Indiana, 28; Ph.D., 30. Head Dept. Physiology and Health and assoc. prof, zoology, Butler Univ., Indianapolis, Ind. (2832 N. Capitol Ave.) M31F33. FNC. Neterer, Dr. Inez. Lake Erie Col., Paines- ville, Ohio. M29R32. (?) IHN. Nethercut, Edgar S. B.C.E.. Wisconsin, 89. Sec. emeritus, Western Soc. Engineers, 205 W. Wacker Drive., Chicago, 111. (705 Michigan Ave., Evanston, 111.) M35. M. Nettelroth, Dr. Alexander (Walter). M.D., Louisville, 98. 711 S. 3rd St., Louisville, Ky. M08. N. Netting, M(orris) Graham. M.A., Michi- gan, 29. Curator herpetology. Carnegie Mus.; lecturer biology, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. M28F33. F. Nettleton, George E(dward), II. Amity Road, Woodbridge, Conn. M38R39. FC. Nettleton, Dr. L(ewis) L(omax). M.S., Wisconsin, 21; Ph.D., 23. Geophysicist, Gulf Res. and Development Corp.; ad- visory prof, physics, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1025 Washington Ave., Oakmont, Pa.) M30F33. B. Neubauer, Emil T. P. Yorkco Club, York, Pa. M33R34. MBA. Neubauer, Dr. F(erdinand) J(ohn). Mount Hamilton, Calif. M19F23R39. D. Neubauer, Milton J(ohn). B.S., Union, 12. Chief chemist, West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co., Mechanicsville, N. Y. M17. C. Neuberg, Dr. Maurice J. A.M., Columbia, 18; Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Dir. personnel and prof, education, Wittenberg Col., Spring- field, Ohio. (St. Paris Pike) (M29R32)- M35F40. QI. Neuman, Dr. E(dward) W(illiam). M.S., Iowa, 28; Ph.D., 30. Prof, chemistry, Car- roll Col., Helena, Mont. M34F34. C. Neuman, Dr. Leo Handel. M.D., Albany, 92. 194 State St., Albany, N. Y. M08. N. Neuman, Leonard J. Petty Geophysical Co., Ocala, Fla. (?) M32R33. BEM. Neumann, Dr. Fred R(obert). M.S., Chi- cago, 23; Ph.D., Cornell, 26. Instr. geol- ogy, Junior Col., Eveleth, Minn. (Wheel- ing, 111.) M39. EQ. Neumann, Dr. Manuel M(aria) Sanchez- Navarro, S. J. M.D., Madrid, 93. Apartado 32, Granada, Spain. M22F32. EKB. Neumueller, Dr. Julius. Box 95, Dudley, Mass. M38F40. B. Neuner, Dr. Elsie Flint. Ph.D., Brown, 22. Dir. instruction, New Rochelle Public Schools, New Rochelle, N. Y. (2 Atlas Place, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.) M39. QAB. Neurath, Dr. Hans. Ph.D., Vienna, 33. Asst. prof, biochemistry, Duke Univ. School Med., Durham, N. Car. M39. C. Neustadt, Morris H(arvey). B.S., Col. City New York, 34. Junior chemist. Grain Div., U. S. Agric. Marketing Service, Washington, D. C. (1600 S. Barton St., Arlington, Va.) M39. CO. Neustadter, Louis W(illiam). The Surrev, 20 E. 76th St., New York, N. Y. (?) M26. I. Neustel, Prof. B. C. Dept. Chemistry, Whitworth Col., Spokane, Wash. M35- R35. C Neuwirth, Dr. Isaac. Ph.D., Cornell, 27. Assoc, prof, pharmacology and therapeu- tics, New York Univ. Col. Dentistry, New York, N. Y. M25F33. CN. Neven, Julius O(tto) E(mil). 1080 Cy- press Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M27R32. CN. Nevens, Dr. W(illiam) B(arbour). M.S., Illinois, 17; Ph.D., 21. Prof, dairy cattle feeding, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (709 Indiana Ave.) M28F32. ON. Individual Members 731 Nevill, David J(ack). M18D36. M. Neville, Prof. Harvey A(lexander). M.A., Princeton, 20; Ph.D., 21. Prof, chemistry and head Dept. Chemistry and Chem. En- gineering, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. M29F33. C. Neville, William R(ust), Jr. Assoc, prof, pharmacy, Univ. Texas School Pharmacy, Austin, Tex. (1710 W. 6th St.) M29F33. C. Nevin, Prof. Charles M(errick). M.S., Cornell, 22; Ph.D., 25. Prof, geology, Cor- nell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (203 E. Upland Road) M35F35. E. Nevin, Elizabeth M. 697 Harvard St., Palo Alto. Calif. M35R35. Nevin, Dr. F(loyd) Reese. M.A., Penn- sylvania, 29; Ph.D., Cornell, 34. Instr. b'iologv, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (316 Columbia St.) M3oF39- FGN. Nevins, Miss Beatrice I(rene). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 30. Prof, biology, Georgia State Woman's Col. Valdosta, Ga. M29- F33. GF. Nevins, Miss Ruby. M.A., George Wash- ington, 22, Columbia, 31. Supervisor student teaching, Kindergarten, Wilson Teachers Col., Washington, D. C. (2401 Calvert St. NW.) M40. QI. Newbold, Arthur E(mlen), Jr. Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. M29R33. FCO. Newborg Donald L. in E. 56th St., New York, N. Y. M33R33. KL. Newburgh, Dr. L(ouis) H(arry). M.D., Harvard, 08. Prof, clinical investigation, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Geddes Road) M27F33. N. Newbury, Edward, Dept. Psychology, Univ. Kentuckv, Lexington, Ky. M32R34. IFN. Newcomb, D. Albert. B.A., Southern Cali- fornia, 31. Chief chemist, Corona Foothill Lemon Co.; sec, Corona Heights Water Co., Corona, Calif. M37. OCG. Newcomb, Edward C (overly). North Scit- uate, Mass. M18. M. Newcomb, Dr. H(arry) H(oratio). 609 W. 1 14th St., New York, N. Y. M28R34. NOF. Newcomb, H(arry) T(urner). Holly Farms, New Preston, Conn. M98F98. K. Newcomb, Dr. Josiah T. Route 3, Pough- keepsie, N. Y. M31F32R32. LKH. Newcomb, Prof. Rexford. A.M., Southern California, 15; M.Arch., Illinois, 18. Prof, history architecture, dean Col. Fine and Applied Arts, and dir. Bur. Community Planning, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (605 Nevada St.) M13F28. HLM. Newcomb, Dr. W(arner) H(aines). M.D., Northwestern. Phvsician, 316 W. State St., Jacksonville, 111. M36. N. Newcomb, Dr. William W(ilmon). M.D., Michigan, 00. Honorary curator lepidop- tera, Mus. Zoology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor Mich. (1245 Ferdon Road) M07- L13. FN. Newcombe, Dr. Curtis L(akeman). M.A., Acadia, 27 \ M.S., West Virginia, 29; Ph.D., Toronto, 33. Dept. Biology, Col. William and Marv, Williamsburg, Va. M38. FG. Newcomer, A. Virginia (See Mrs. Edward E. Lane). Newcomer, Dr. Earl H(olland). M.A., California, 35; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State, 38. Instr. botany and res. asst. cytoge- netics, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M39F40. GO. Newcomer, E(rval) J(ackson). A.B., Stan- ford, 11. Senior entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Yakima, Wash. (7 Gilbert Drive) M17F20. F. Newcomer, J. Leon. B.S., Purdue. West- field, Ind. M39. MB. Newell, Miss A(nna) G(race). M.A., Smith, 08; Ph.D., Illinois, 16. Teacher biologv, Spelman Col., Atlanta, Ga. M38. FG. Newell, Prof. Hobart H(allett). B.S., Wor- cester Polytechnic Inst. Asst. prof. exp. electrical engng., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., Worcester, Mass. M40. M. Newell, J. E. 274 N. Hague Ave., Colum- bus, Ohio. M31R33. QIA. Newell, Dr. John M(ackintosh). D.Sc, Johns Hopkins, 32. Fellow, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (55 Chestnut St.) M28. CN. Newell, Marquis J(oseph). A.M., Michi- gan, 00. Teacher, Evanston Township High School, Evanston, 111. (2226 Hartzell St.) M19. Q- Newell, Dr. R(obert) R(eid). M.D., Cali- fornia, 16. Prof, medicine (radiology), Stanford Univ. School Med., San Fran- cisco, Calif. (50 Yerba Buena Ave.) M19- F33. NB. Newell, Dr. Walter S(tephen). Ph.D., Boston, 98. Harvard, 07. Prof, emeritus philosophy and psychology, Coe Col., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (327 15th St. NE.) M28F33. I. Newell, Dr. Wilmon. M.S., Iowa State, 99; D.Sc, 20; D.Sc, Clemson, 37. Provost agric and dir. Agric Exp. Sta. and Agric Extension Service, Univ. Florida; plant commissioner, State Plant Board, and state soil conservation administrator, Flor- ida State Soil Conservation Board, Gaines- ville, Fla. (504 E. Church St.) M03F06. FO. Newhall, Dr. A(llan) G(oodrich). Ph.D., Cornell, 29. Assoc, prof, plant pathology, New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. M26F31. GOF. Newhart, Dr. Horace. M.D., Michigan, 98. 527 Med. Arts Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. M08. N. 732 Directory of Members Newhouse, Ray C(hauncey). Chief engi- neer, Crushing and Cement Machinery Div., Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (7006 Milwaukee Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis.) M37. M. Newhouser, Dr. Lloyd R(ussell). M.D., In- diana, 24. Instr. and charge Dept. Clinical Chemistry and assoc. clinical medicine, U. S. Naval Med. School, Washington, D. C. M40. NCB. Newins, Prof. Harold S(tephenson). M.F., Yale, 11. Dir. Univ. Florida School For- estry, Gainesville, Fla. M11F31. O. Newkirk, Mrs. Alice M(aynard) Field (Mrs. Walter Matthew Newkirk). A.B., Cincinnati, 99. Radnor, Pa. M18L24. GIF. Newkirk, Dr. Burt L(eRoy). A.M., Minne- sota, 99; Ph.D., Munich, 02. Prof, and lec- turer vibration theory and practice, Rensse- laer Polvtechnic Inst., Troy, N. Y. (17 Rosa Road, Schenectady, N. Y.) M07F15. MBD. Newland, D(avid) H(ale). Sc.D., Hamil- ton, 33. State geologist, State Education Dept., Albany, N. Y. M2SF31. E. Newland, Dr. Hubert Charles. 11 129 61st St., Edmonton, Alta.. Canada. M38R38. Q. Newland, Dr. Paul V(an Dyne). M.D., Rochester, 35. Physician, Clifton Springs Sanitarium and Clinic, Clifton Springs, N. Y. M40. N. Newland, Dr. T(hirl) Ernest. A.M., Ohio State, 29; Ph.D., 31. Chief Div. Special Education, Dept. Public Instruction, Har- risburg. Pa (261 1 Market St., Camp Hill, Pa.) M31. IQH. Newlands, James A(ndrew). 11 Laurel St., Hartford, Conn. M06F09. CN. Newlin, Dr. Albert J(oseph). J.D., D.Sc, Santa Clara. 010 Lafavette St., Santa Clara, Calif. M38. E. Newlin, Dr. J. Curtis. A.M., Haverford, 23; Ph.D., Ohio State, 32. Dean boys, Oakwood School, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M37. IQ. Newlin, Dr. (Mrs.) Mildred R(atliff). Rio Grande Col., Rio Grande, Ohio. M34R34. C. Newlon, Prof. Homer T(homas). A.M., Missouri, 17; Ph.D., New York, 27. Head Dept. Chemistry, Langley High School, Pittsburgh, Pa. (243 Chesterfield Road) M31F33. CQB. Newman, Dr. Albert B(roadus). M.S., Michigan, 26; Ph.D., 28. Dept. Chem. Engng., Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M29F32. MCB. Newman, Alfred. 234 Quincv Ave., Long Beach, Calif. M39. CBA. Newman, Clarence W(illiam). A.B., Illi- nois, 22. Dir. res., Virginia State Cham- ber Commerce; editor, The Common- wealth, Richmond, Va. (301 Gilmour Courtway) L24. EKO. Newman, D(avid) F(ranklin). Factory mgr., Trans-Lux Corp., 235 Washington St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (297 Morris Ave., Mountain Lakes, N. J.) M19. M. Newman, George Burgess. M.A., Cornell, 15. Assoc, prof, zoology, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (246 E. Ham- ilton Ave.) M17F33. FNO. Newman, Dr. Henry W(ise). M.D., Stan- ford, 31. Asst. prof, medicine, Stanford Univ. School Med., San Francisco, Calif. M37. N. Newman, Herbert. 3630 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans, La. M32R32. Newman, Prof. Horatio H(ackett). Ph.D., Chicago, 05; Sc.D., McMaster, 33. Prof, zoology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5712 Dorchester Ave.) M07F09. F. Newman, Hugo. Pd.M., New York, 99. Asst supt. schools retired, New York, N. Y. (538 W. 150th St.) M09. IQ. Newman, John X(avier). B.S., Wisconsin, 10. Dir. St. James Hosp. Labs., Butte, Mont. M24. NQC. Newman, Dr. Leonard Harold. D.Sc, New Brunswick, 06. Dominion cerealist, Do- minion Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M39F40. OG. Newman, Dr. Sidney H(arold). Dept. Philosophy and Psychology, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M36R39. INQ. Newman, Dr. Stanley S(tewart). A.M., Chicago, 28; Ph.D., Yale, 32. Res. fellow, Com. Res. Native Amer. Languages, Co- lumbia Univ.; member staff, Seminar Per- sonality Development Study, Progressive Education Assn., 221 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. (579 W. 214th St.) M39. LQi- Newman, Miss Virginia. B.S., Kentucky. Neurological Inst., Ft. Washington and 168th Sts., New York, N. Y. M36. NOC. Newman, Wilson L(andess). M.A., George Peabody, 28. Teacher psychology, Home- Study Dept., Univ. Chicago; psychologist, Illinois State Employment Service, Chi- cago, 111. M36. IKQ. ' Newsom, Prof. C(arroll) V(incent). M.A., Michigan, 28; Ph.D., 31, Prof, mathe- matics, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex. (105 S. 14th St.) M31F33. ADB. President of Southwestern Division, 1941. Newsom, J(ohn) B(ranner). E.M., Stan- ford, 24. Idaho Maryland Mines Corp., Rust Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. M30. MEO. Newsom, Miss Mardelle. Box 38, Poplar Grove, 111. M35R35. AQG. Newsome, W(illard) R. Panair do Brazil, S A., Edificio A Noite, Rio de Taneiro, Brazil, S. A. M36R36. B. Newton, Arthur Hazlett. 8415 11 6th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Mi8R34- M. Individual Members 733 Newton, Miss Catherine L(owrance). M.A., Columbia, 24. Assoc, prof, foods and nu- trition, Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. M31- F33. CN. Newton, Mrs. Douglass E. (Mary Fisk). 1 10 S. Ashland Ave. Green Bay, Wis. M29L30. DFN. Newton, E(dwin) B(ohannon). A.M., Missouri. 25. Resident dir. Malayan Res. Labs., B. F. Goodrich Co., Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. M40. CP. Newton, Miss Eleanor B. M.A., Wellesley, 20. 1 Primus Ave., Boston, Mass. M36. NCG. Newton, Dr. Francis C(handler). M.D.. Harvard. 19. Asst. prof, surgery, Harvard Med. School; senior assoc. surgery, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, Mass. (319 Longwood Ave.) M34F34. N. Newton, Frederick E(dwin). Dept. Mathe- matics, Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass. M29R36. QAI. Newton, Prof. Howard D(ouglas). Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. M34F34R34. C. Newton, Mary M. Keystone Hotel, Pitts- burgh, Pa. M35R36. Newton, Dr. R(obert). M.S., Minnesota, 21'; Ph.D., 23; D.Sc, Alberta, 33. Dir. Div. Biology and Agric. Nat. Res. Council Canada, Ottawa, Out., Canada. M22F24. OCG. Newton, Prof. Roy. A.B., Asbury, 25. Prof. psychology and education and dean Jun- ior Col. Div., Ferris Inst., Big Rapids, Mich. (138 Rust Ave.) M39. IQK. Newton, Dr. Roy C(hester). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 24. Chief chemist, Swift and Co., Chicago, 111. M34F34. C. Newton, Roy F(rederick). Ph.D., Califor- nia, 20. Prof, physical chemistry, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. (1132 Ravinia Road, West Lafayette, Ind.) M29F33. CBA. Nice, Dr. L(eonard) B(laine). Ph.D., Clark. 11. Prof, physiology and pharma- cology, Chicago Med. School, Chicago, 111. (5708 Kenwood Ave.) M21F27. FNp. Nicholas, Dr. Francis Child. M24F2S- D38. E. Nicholas, Prof. J(ohn) S(pangler). M.S., Gettysburg. 17; Ph.D., Yale, 21. Prof, biol- ogy, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M32- F33. F. Nicholls, Dr. Edith E(velyn) (Mrs. W. J. Stainsby). Danville, Pa. M34F34R38. N. Nicholls, F(rancisco) Bravo. Dir. Roches- ter Labs., Medellin, Colombia, S. A. M39. ILC. Nichols, Dr. C(laude) A(ndrew). Ph.D., Havana, 05. Columbia. 30. Dir. School Education, Summer Session, and dir. Teacher Placement, Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, Tex, (3425 University Blvd.) M25. QK. Nichols, David A(ndrew). M.A., Colum- bia, 23. Physiographer and topographical engineer, Bur. Geology and Topography, Victoria Memorial Mus., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. (218 Windsor Arms, Argyle Ave.) M39. E. Nichols, Dr. Edward L(eamington). M79- F81E30D37. B. Secretary of Section on Physics (B), 1889; vice president, 1893. President, 1907. General Secretary, 1920. Nichols, Edward T(attnall), III. B.A.. Arizona, 37. Dir. Visual Aids Bur., Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M36. HED. Nichols, E(sek) S. 10 East Drive, Larch- mont, N. Y. M29R38. BOA. Nichols, Dr. Estes. M.D., Vermont, 00; A.M., Bates, 12. Physician, 1 Deering St., Portland, Maine. Mi 7. N. Nichols, Dr. George E(lwood). M22F22- D39. G. Nichols, Miss Helene. Plandome Road School, Manhasset, N. Y. M38R38. Q. Nichols, Henry W(indsor). S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 93. Chief curator geology, Field Mus. Natural History, Chi- cago, 111. (7020 Jeffery Ave.) M34F34. ECM. Nichols, Herbert B(ishop). B.S., Harvard, 32. Science editor, Christian Science Mon- itor, Boston, Mass. {72 Woodlawn Ave., Needham, Mass.) M34. GBF. Nichols, James G(aston). B.S., Georgia School Tech. 933 N. Highland Ave. NE.. Atlanta, Ga. M38. MAI. Nichols, John Treadwell. Curator recent fishes, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M10L11F15. F. Nichols, Mrs. Julia Steelman (Julia M. Stewart). 321 W. Milford St., Glendale, Calif. Mi 2. BC. Nichols, Prof. L. H. Univ. Alberta, Ed- monton, Alta., Canada. M35F35R35. B. Nichols, Mabel F. 305 W. Brandeis St., Louisville, Ky. M32R32. Nichols, Dr. M(ary) Louise. Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 01. Rosemont, Pa. M04F33. FGQ. Nichols, Norris N. Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. M35R35. O. Nichols, P(aul) F(rothingham). M29F33- D— . NCO. Nichols, Ray J(anney). Ph.D., Illinois. 34. Prof, biologv, Univ. Mississippi, Univer- sity, Miss. M38. FG. Nichols, Prof. Robert L(eslie). M.A., Har- vard, 30; Ph.D., 40. Asst. prof, geology. Tufts Col., Medford, Mass. (11 Atkins Place) M39. E. Nichols. Miss Susan P(ercival). Ph.D.. Wisconsin, 04. Prof, emeritus botany, Ober- lin Col., Oberlin, Ohio. (144 Westbrook St., Portland. Maine) M08F11. C, 734 Directory of Members Nichols, W(ayne) Conwell. B.S., Phila- delphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 35. Analytical chemist. Smith, Kline and French Labs., 35 Poplar St., Philadelphia, Pa. (106 Brandywine Ave., Downingtown, Pa.) M35. CNB. Nichols, W(illiam) A(lfred). B.A.Sc, To- ronto, 28. Asst. to design and construc- tion engineer, Canadian Broadcasting Corp., Montreal, Que., Canada. M38. MAB. Nicholson, Miss Edna. U. S. Naval Hosp., Great Lakes, 111. M32R32. KNI. Nicholson, Dr. F(redric) M(ax). Ph.D., Chicago, 21; M.D., Rush, 26. Surgical staff, Norwegian-American Hosp., Chi- cago, 111. M28F33. NFH. Nicholson, Dr. Hayden C(oler). M.S., Michigan, 27; M.D., 29. Asst. prof, physi- ology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (311 Pine Ridge) M33F33. NF. Nicholson, Helen (See Mrs. Helen N. Lewis). Nicholson, Rev. P(atrick) J(oseph). M.A., Johns Hopkins, 11; Ph.D., 13. Prof, physics and dean studies, St. Francis Xavier Univ., Antigonish, N. S., Canada. M18F31. B. Nicholson, S(amuel) T., Jr. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 10. Med. dir., The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. M36. N. Nicholson, Dr. Seth B(arnes). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 15. Astronomer, Mt. Wilson Ob- servatory, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pasadena, Calif. (2085 Pepper Drive, Alta- dena, Calif.) M28F30. D. Nicholson, Prof. Thomas Edward. M31- R32D39. IN. Nickels, C(larence) B(obo). M.Sc, Mary- land, 20. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Brown- wood, Tex. M21F33. F.. Nickerson, Prof. C(arleton) B(all). Dal- housie Univ., Halifax, N. S., Canada. M34- F34R34. C. Nickerson, Miss Dorothy. Color technolo- gist, U. S. Agric. Marketing Service, Washington, D. C. M29F31. BIO. Nickerson, Joseph Franklin. Pres., Nicker- son and Collins Co., 435 N. Waller Ave., Chicago, 111. M25. MNO. Nickerson, Dr. Ralph F(rancis). Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M36- R37. BCN. Nicolet, Dr. Ben H(arry). Ph.D., Yale, 13. 205 Monroe Ave., Riverdale, Md. M25F28. C. Nicolet, Justin. 709 W. 71st St., Chicago, 111. M24. ABM. Nicolson, Alex. McL. 829 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M29R35. B. Niedercorn, Joseph G(eorge). B.A., Wis- consin, 26. Head Leather Chem. Lab., Tech. Service Div., Amer. Cyanamid Co., Stamford, Conn. (Riverside, Conn.) M38. CNF. Niederhauser, Dr. W(endell) S(herman). A.M., Oberlin, 26; Ph.D., Princeton, 28. Res. chemist, Resinous Products and Chemicals Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (849 El- kins Ave., Elkins Park, Pa.) M31F33. CB. Niederl, Prof. Joseph B(erthold). Ph.D., Graz, 25. Assoc, prof, chemistry, New York Univ., Washington Square, New York, N. Y. M29F33. C. Niehaus, Dr. H(erman) R(einhold). D.V.S. Kansas City, 11. Box 246, Holyoke, Colo. M26. NGF. Nielsen, Dr. Erik Tetens. Ph.D., Copen- hagen, 36. Chief, Insekt Biologisk Labora- torium, Pilehuset, Frederiksvaerk, Den- mark. M38. FB. Nielsen, Dr. Ernest K. Breakenridge Farm, Hinsdale, 111. M38R38. CN. Nielsen, Etlar L. Ph.D., Minnesota, 36. Asst. agronomist, Univ. Arkansas, Fay- etteville, Ark. M36F39. G. Nielsen, Herman C. Trufant, Mich. M29- R32. C. Nielsen, Prof. J(ens) Rud. Ph.D., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 24. Prof, theoretical physics, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. M24F27. BC. Nieman, Henry W(illiam). Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa. M28. MB. Niemann, Dr. Carl George. Ph.D., Wis- consin, 34. Asst. prof., California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M40. CN. Nies, Miss Abby Ware. M.A., Columbia, 37. Res. chemist, Calco Chem. Div., Amer. Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N. J. (12 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M39. CNE. Nieuwland, Dr. Julius Arthur. M25F32- D36. CG. Nigg, Dr. Clara. Ph.D., Kansas, 29. Bac- teriologist charge Influenza Res. Lab., Minnesota State Board Health, Minne- apolis, Minn. M27. N. Nightingale, Dr. G(ordon) T(hayer). M.S., New Hampshire, 21 ; Ph.D., Wis- consin, 25. Physiologist, Hawaiian Pine- apple Co., Honolulu, Hawaii. M40F40. GOC. Nightingale, William Thomas. M.Sc, Washington, 24. Chief geologist, Moun- tain Fuel Supply Co., Rock Springs, Wyo. (618 Connecticut St.) M38. EM. Nikiforoff, Dr. C(onstantin) C(onstanti- novich). Ph.D., St. Petersburg, 12. Soil scientist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M30F32. O. Nikitin, Dr. Alexander A(lexis). Ch.E. ; Ph.D., Columbia, 37. Res. chemist, Ten- nessee Copper Co., Copperhill, Tenn. M40. C. Individual Members 735 Nikolsky, Alexander. M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 29. Res. design engineer, Vought-Sikorsky Aircraft, Stratford, Conn. M36. M. Nila, Sister M. (See Sister M. Nila Stein- bach). Niles, Glenn H. 22 Walthery Ave., Ridge- wood, N. J. M29R32. MCN. Niles, Dr. Walter L(indsay). M.D., Cor- nell, 02. Prof, clinical medicine, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (133 E. 64th St.) M17F25. N. Nilsen, Nels Emil. Emperor Gold Mining Co., Ltd., Tavua, Fiji. M36R37. M. Nilson, Dr. Hugo W(aldemar). M.S., Iowa State, 28; Ph.D., Minnesota, 34. Asst. pharmacologist, Tech. Lab., U. S. Bur. Fisheries, College Park, Md. M30F40. CO. Nilson, Dr. S. J. M.D., Columbia, 12; D.D.S., Columbia Univ. Col. Dental and Oral Surgery, 15. Med. dir., America- Fore Ins. and Indemnity Group, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. M38. NCI. Nims, Leslie F(rederick). M.A., Utah, 28; Ph.D., Yale, 31. Asst. prof, physiology, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. (225 Thornton St., Hamden, Conn.) M38. CN. Nininger, Dr. Harvey Harlow. A.M., Pomona, 17; D.Sc, McPherson, 37. Dir. Amer. Meteorite Lab.; curator meteorites, Colorado Mus. Natural History; instr. meteorites, Univ. Denver, Denver, Colo. (635 Fillmore St.) M20F33. EDF. Ninman, Herman J(ohn). M18F33D35. G. Nipedal, K. G. 43 S. Allen Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M32R32. MEB. Nippert, Prof. Eleonore C. M.A., Cin- cinnati. 324 Probasco Ave., Clifton, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. M38. L. Nishina, Dr. Y(oshio). D.Sc, Rigaku- hakusi (Tokyo), 30. Res. staff, Inst. Phy- sical and Chem. Res., Komagome, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan. (19 Akebono-tyo) M32. B. Nissen, Dr. Henry W(ieghorst). M.A., Columbia, 27; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, prof, psychobiology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn.; asst. dir. Yale Labs. Primate Biol- ogy, Orange Park, Fla. M30F33. I. Nitardy, F(erdinand) W(illiam). Ph.G., Northwestern, 06; Ph.C, 07. Vice pres. charge mfg., E. R. Squibb and Sons, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. M27- F33. CN. Nix, Dr. James Thomas. M.D., Tulane, 10; M.A., Loyola (New Orleans), 18; LL.D., 24. Dir. J. T. Nix Clinic, 1407 S. Carrollton Ave.; dean, Louisiana State Univ. Grad- uate School Med., New Orleans, La. (2140 S. Carrollton Ave.) M32. N. Nix, Leon (Allen). Box 305, Bathurst, N. B.. Canada. M24R35. O. Nixon, Alfred Floyd. M.S., Chicago, 30. Teacher biology, Dunbar High School, Washington, D. C. M40. FGQ. Nixon, Miss Clara M. 107 S. Clark St., Milledgeville, Ga. M32R34. O. Nixon, Prof. Ernest Leland. Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M18F23- R35. G. Nixon, Roy W(esley). B.S.A., Arizona, 22. Assoc, horticulturist, U. S. Date Res. Garden, Indio, Calif. M26F33. OG. Noback, Dr. Charles V(ictor). M28F33- D37. NF. Noback, Prof. Gustave J(oseph). M.A., Minnesota, 20; Ph.D., 23. Head Dept. Anatomy, New York Univ. Graduate School Arts and Science, New York, N. Y. (11 Groton St.. Forest Hills, N. Y.) (M24- F27R34)M39F27. NFH. Nobes, Charles William. 457 S. Jackson St., Frankfort, Ind. M35R35. MAB. Noble, Dr. Alden E(arl). M.Sc, Ohio State, 25; Ph.D., California, 31. Prof, zoology, Col. Pacific, Stockton, Calif. M25F33. F. Noble, Dr. C(larence) V(ernon). Ph.D., Cornell, 20. Agric. economist, Florida Agric. Exp. Sta. and Extension Service; head prof, agric. economics, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M35F35. O. Noble, Prof. Charles Albert. Ph.D., Gottingen, 01. Prof, emeritus mathematics, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (2224 Piedmont Ave.) M08F10. A. Noble, Charles M. Special highway en- gineer, 31 1 1 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg, Pa. M40. MEB. Noble, Dr. Elmer Ray. M.A., California, 33; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, biology, Santa Barbara State Col., Santa Barbara, Calif. M39. F. Noble, Frederick C(harles). 1838 Adams St., Hollywood, Fla. Mi 3. M. Noble, Dr. G(ladwyn) K(ingsley). A.M., Harvard, 18; Ph.D., Columbia, 22. Cura- tor, Dept. Herpetology and Dept. Exp. Biology, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M24F25. F. Noble, Homer A(delbert). 165 1 Colquitt St., Houston, Tex. M24R37. E. Noble, Miss Isabel (Tilton). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 30. Assoc, prof, home economics, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M33. K. Noble, Dr. James A(lexander). A.M., Harvard, 36; Ph.D., 39. Chief geologist, Homestake Mining Co., Lead, S. Dak. M39. EH. Noble, Dr. Levi F. A.M., Yale, 07; Ph.D., 09. Valyermo, Calif. M04F11. E. Noble, Prof. Stuart G(rayson). M.A., Chicago, 10; Ph.D., Columbia, 18. Prof, education, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M25F32. Q. 736 Directory of Members Noble, Dr. Thomas B., Jr. M.D., Wash- ington Univ., 18. Physician, 1008 Hurae- Mansur Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. M38. NH. Noble, W(illis) B(ernard). B.S.. Ohio State, 22. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Sacra- mento, Calif. M24F39. FOG. Noble, Dr. Willis C(larke), Jr. 55 S. Fullerton Ave., Montclair, N. J. M22F33- R34. N. Noe, Dr. Adolf Carl. (M32F23R32)M37- F23D39. EG. Noecker, Dr. N(orbert) L(lewellyn). M.S., Iowa State; Ph.D., Wisconsin. Instr. biol- ogy, Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. (M38R38)M40. G. Noel, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Noel Remke). Nolan, Dr. Lewis Earle. M.D., Minne- sota, 27 ; M.S., 34. Chief Clinical Lab. Center and chief pathologist, Veterans Administration, Hines, 111. M40. N. Noland, Prof. Lowell E(van). M.A., Wis- consin, 21 ; Ph.D., 24. Prof, zoology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (1723 Summit Ave.) M22F26. F. Noland, Thomas J., Jr. M.S., California Inst. Tech., 31. Asst. engineer, U. S. Bur. Reclamation, Denver, Colo. M35. MAF. Nolasco, Dr. Jose O. Culion Leper Colony, Palawan, P. I. M36R36. N. Nold, Prof. Harry (Ellsworth). E.M., Ohio State. 10. Prof, and chairman Dept. Mine Engng., Ohio State Univ., Colum- bus, Ohio. M40. EMQ. Nolen, R(obert) E(mmett). 203 E. Charles St.. Lakeland, Fla. M28R34. G. Noll, Dr. Charles F(ranklin). Dept. Agronomy, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (M28F29R32)M3sF2qR35- O. Noll, Prof. (Frederick Henry) Waldemar. M.S., Ohio State, 22; Ph.D., Iowa, 33. Prof, physics, Berea Col., Berea, Ky. M34- F34. B. ' Noll, Dr. Victor H(erbert). M.A., Minne- sota, 27; Ph.D., 29. Prof, and head Dept. Education. Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M34F34. IQ. Nolla, Dr. J(ose) A(ntonio) B(ernabe). M.S., Cornell, 26; Ph.D., 32. Dir. Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R. M28F31. G. Nollen, Henry S(cholte). LL.D., Drake, 33. Chairman, Board Trustees, Equitable Life Ins. Co. Iowa, Des Moines; pres., Pella Nat. Bank, Pella. Iowa. (402 29th St., Des Moines, Iowa) M29L31F32. DBA. Noller, Prof. Carl R(obert). M.S., Wash- ington Univ., 23; Ph.D., Illinois, 26. Prof. chemistry, Stanford University, Calif. M38F39. C. Nolte, Miss Helen Gwendolyn. M.S.P.H., Michigan, 39. Med. technologist, Med. Col. State South Carolina, Charleston, S. Car. M39. NF. Nolting, John P., Jr. 425 Grand St., Mor- gantown, W. Va. M35R35. Nonidez, Prof. Jose F(ernandez). M.S., Madrid, 13; D.Sc, 14. Prof, anatomy, Cor- nell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M29F30. NF. Norburn, Miss Martha Elizabeth. M.A., Michigan, 28; Ph.D., North Carolina, 33. 16 Stuyvesant Road, Biltmore, N. Car. M31. EKL. Norbury, Dr. Frank Parsons. M07F33- D39. INB. Norcross, Dr. Carl. 86 Hillside Terrace, Irvington, N. Y. M38R38. CNM. Norcross, Prof. Wilbur H(arrington). A.M., Dickinson, 13; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 20. Dickinson Col., Carlisle, Pa. M34F28. I. Nord, Prof. F(riedrich) F(ranz). D.Sc, Karlsruhe, 14. Prof, chemistry, Fordham Univ., New York, N. Y. (2783 Pond Place, Bronx) M25F26. CNK. Nordby, Julius E(dward). M.S.. Illinois, 16. Dir. Western Sheep Breeding Lab., and U. S. Sheep Exp. Sta., Dubois, Idaho. M39F40. OF. Nordgaard, Dr. Martin A(ndrew). 392 N. Clinton St., East Orange, N. J. M39R39. ABD. Nordland, Dr. Martin. M.D., Minnesota. Clinical asst. prof, surgery, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. (2124 Kenwood Parkway) M36. NIK. Nordstrom, Carl H(arold). M.A., Lehigh. Instr., Dept. Mathematics, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M40. ABL. Norlie, O(laf) M(organ). Ph.D., Minne- sota, 08; Pd.D., Dixon, 10; S.T.D., Augustana, 17; Litt.D., Wittenberg, 17; Mus.D., Chicago Col. Music, 32. Prof, psychology and education, Luther Col., Decorah, Iowa. (619 Center St.) M31F33. IKA. Norling, Dr. Sven A(lbert). 343 Gateway Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. M34F34-. R34. M. Norman, Earl E(dward). 1914 Brentwood Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. M25R34. M. Norman, Haskell. Dept. Psychology, Har- vard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M37R37. INF. Norman, Dr. N(oah) Philip. 175 W. 76th St., New York, N. Y. M23R34. N. Normand, C. E. State Teachers Col., Har- risonburg, Va. M32R32. B. Norris, Bertrand S(aunders). M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 37. Graduate asst., Penn- sylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (410 W. Foster Ave.) M40. MCB. Individual Members 737 Norris, Dr. Charles. M06F08D35. N. Norris, Earl R. Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M36F38. C. Norris, Dr. George W(illiam). M.D., Pennsylvania, 99. Consulting physician, Pennsylvania Hosp. ; chairman board, Mutual Assurance Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (Dimock, Pa.) M13F23. N. Norris, Prof. H(arry) W(aldo). Sc.D., Grinnell, 24. Res. prof, zoology, Grinnell Col., Grinnell, Iowa. M03F08. F. Norris, Henry Lee. Faculty Club, Colum- bia Univ., New York, N. Y. Mi 7. M. Norris, Prof. James F(lack). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 95. 290 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. M04F06. C. Vice president for Section on Chemistry (C), 1930. Norris, Mrs. Katharine Hosmer. New Hartford, Conn. M27R35. Norris, Prof. Leo C (handler). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 24. Prof, poultry nutrition, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M30F33. NCO. Norris, Dr. O(rland) O(tway). M24F33- D38. IQK. Norris, Dr. Robert F(ogg). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 32. Asst. dir., Ayer Clinical Lab., Pennsylvania Hosp.; asst. instr. medicine. Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M26. NF. Norris, Dr. Robert S(tewart). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins. 97. 433 N. Branciforte Ave., Santa Cruz, Calif. M13F26. C. Norris, Dr. Will V(ictor). Sc.D., Colo- rado School Mines, 22. Prof, physics, Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. (1835 Long- view Ave.) M31F33. BC. Norris, William H(enry). M11D39. M. Norsworthy, Leonard D(rake). 6416 Barnaby St. NW, Washington, D. C. M28R35. MQ. North, Prof. E(dward) O(scar). Univ. North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dak. M34F34R35. c. North, H(arvey) S. Taft, Tex. M34R34. CM. North, Mortimer S(eth). 21 16 Pioneer Road, Evanston, 111. M25. M. Northen, Dr. Charles. Box 1411, Tampa, Fla. M32R32. NO. Northen, Dr. Henry T(heodore). M.S., Washington State, 34; Ph.D., California, 36. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. M37F39. G. Northen, Mrs. Rebecca Tyson (Rebecca J. Tyson). Dept. Zoology, Mt. Holvoke Col. South Hadley, Mass. (?) M34R37- FNC. Northey, Dr. E(lmer) H(athaway). 66 Sanford Ave., Plainfield, N. J. M31R32. CB. Northrop, Miss Evelyn Hope. 1267 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (?) M33R33. QGF. Northrop, Prof. F(ilmer) S(tuart) C(uckow). M.A., Yale, 19; A.M., Harvard, 21; Ph.D., 24. Prof, philosophy and chair- man Dept., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M26F31. BAL. Northrop, John D(e Wolf). B.S. Syracuse, 10. Asst. chief, Conservation Branch, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (3937 Legation St. NW.) M28F31. EMH. Northrop, Dr. John H(oward). Ph.D., Columbia, 15; Sc.D., Harvard, 36, Colum- bia, 37, Yale, 37; LL.D., California, 39. Member, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., Princeton, N. J. M18F27. C. Northrup, Dr. Edwin Fitch. M07F10D40. BM. Northrup, Dr. M(elvin) A(llen). D.V.M., Washington State. 1371 Fulton St., San Francisco, Calif. M37. NF. Northup, Prof. Clark S(utherland). Ph.D., Cornell, 98; Litt.D., Wittenberg, 38. Prof. English, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (407 Elmwood Ave.) M25F31. LHD. Norton, Dr. Arthur H(enry). Keuka Col., Keuka Park. N. Y. M34F34R3S. AQD. Norton, Arthur J(ere). Gen. Plastics, Inc., North Tonawanda, N. Y. M33R35- CNM. Norton, Prof. Arthur O(rlo). A.M., Har- vard, 99. Prof, emeritus history and prin- ciples education, Welleslev Col., Wellesley, Mass. (85 Crest Road) M07F15..Q. Norton, Mrs. Charles F. (Elizabeth Spencer Norton). Ph.B., Chicago, 18. Librarian, Transylvania Col., Lexington, Ky. M30. Norton, Prof. C(harles) L(add). M13- F21D39. B. Norton, I. Charles. Box 242, Howe, Ind. M38R38. QCP. Norton, Jesse Baker. M02F09D — . G. Norton, Dr. J(ohn) B(itting) S(mith). M.S., Kansas State, 00; D.Sc, Maryland, 23 Prof, botany, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. (Hyattsville, Md.) M98F99. G. Norton, Dr. John F(oote). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 11. Head Dept. Bacteriology, Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. M07F15. N. Norton, Dr. John K(elley). Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M26F31R35. Q- Norton, J(ohn) Pease. Ph.D., Yale, 01. 140 Main St., Sufheld, Conn. M06F07. K. Secretary of Section on Social and Economic Sciences' ( I), 1907-08; vice president, ign. Norton, Dr. Louisa M(acdonald). M.D., Tufts, 35. Pathologist, Margaret Pillsbury Hosp., Concord, N. H. (9 Jackson St.) M38. N. Norton, Dr. Newell A(twood). M.F., Yale. 28; Ph.D., Michigan, 32. 103 W. Morrell St., Jackson, Mich. M2Q. OGB. 738 Directory of Members Norton, Prof. Thomas H(erbert). Ph.D., Heidelberg, 75; Dr.Nat.Sc, 36; Sc.D., Hamilton, 95. Res. chemist, Amer. Cyana- mid Co., Stamford Conn. (19 Blackthorn Lane, White Plains, N. Y.) M86F87L87. C. Secretary of Section on Chemistry (C), 189 1 ; vice president, 1894. Norwood, Dr. Vernon H(yatt). Pathol- ogist, Church Home and Infirmary, Balti- more, Md. (5101 Woodside Road, Ten Hills) M39. NCB. Notestein, Dr. Frank W(allace). Ph.D., Cornell, 27. 47 Hawthorne Ave., Prince- ton, N. J. M32F33. K. Nothstein, Rev. I(ra) O(liver). A.M., Muhlenberg, 00; D.D., 28. Assoc, librarian, Augustana Col., Rock Island, 111. (843 22nd St.) M29. QLK. Notman, Arthur. 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. M17F27. E. Notman, Howard. Circle Road, Dongan Hills, Staten Island, N. Y. M18F33R39. F. Novak, Dr. Milan (Vaclav). M.S., Minne- sota, 30; Ph.D., 32; M.D., 38. Assoc, prof, bacteriology and public health, Univ. Illi- nois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. M40F40. NFG. Novelli, Dr. Armando. Prof, organic chemistry, Facultad de Med., Buenos Aires, Argentina, S. A. (Ayacucho 40) M37. c. Novikoff, Alex Benjamin. Dept. Biology, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M34- R34. F. Novy, Dr. F(rederick) G(eorge). M.S., Michigan, 87; Sc.D., 90; M.D., 91; LL.D., 36; LL.D., Cincinnati, 20. Dean emeritus and prof, emeritus bacteriology, Univ. Michigan Med. School, Ann Arbor, Mich. (721 Forest Ave.) M87F89V37. N. Vice president for Section on Physiology and Experimental Medicine- (K), 1910. Novy, Dr. Robert L. M.S., Michigan, 14; M.D., 19. Prof, clinical medicine, Wayne Univ. Col. Med., Detroit, Mich. (2910 Iroquois Ave.) (M28R32)M40. N. Nowak, Carl A(lfred). M11D35. C. Nowlan, Prof. F(rederick) S(tanley). A.M., Harvard, 09; Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Prof, mathematics, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C, Canada. (1669 Allison Road, University Hill) M29F32. A. Noyce, Dr. William K(night). M.Sc, Nebraska, 35; Ph.D., 38. Asst. prof, chem- istry, Univ. Omaha, Omaha, Nebr. M39. CBD. Noyes, Dr. Arthur A(mos). M96F97D36. C. Secretary of Section on Chemistry (C), 1900. Member of the Executive Committee, 1921-23. President, 1927. President of the Pacific Division, 1927. Noyes, Dr. Bessie. M.A., Nebraska, 14; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 20. Indiana State Col., Terre Haute, Ind. M30. F. Noyes, Dr. Bradford. M.S., Cornell, 21; Ph.D., 24. Physicist, Taylor Instrument Co., Rochester, N. Y. (204 Inglewood Drive) M25F31. BM. Noyes, Dr. Frederick B. D.D.S., North- western. 95. Dean, Univ. Illinois Col. Dentistry; orthodontist, 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. (621 Park Place, Park Ridge, 111.) M30F39. FGNd. Noyes, Dr. Harold Judd. D.D.S., Illinois, 28; M.D., Rush, 32. Orthodontist, 55 E. Washington St.; res. assoc, Zoller Memo- rial Clinic; asst. pediatrician, Rush Med. Col., Chicago, 111. (1439 Courtland Ave., Park Ridge, 111.) M38. Nd. Noyes, Miss Helen Miller. A.M., Colum- bia, 22. Asst. orthopedics, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (Carthage, 111.) M28F28. CN. Noyes, Dr. H(enry) A(lfred). M.S., Massachusetts State, 14. Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. M16F18. C. Noyes, Jonathan Alvan. Northwest High- way, Dallas, Tex. M36R36. MEK. Noyes, Prof. William A(lbert). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 82; LL.D., Clark, 09; Chem.D., Pittsburgh, 20; D.Sc, Grinnell, 29. Prof, emeritus chemistry, Univ. Illi- nois, Urbana, 111. (1114 W. Oregon St.) M83F85V37. C. Secretary of Section on Chemistry (C), 1890; vice president, 1896 and 19 1 7. Member of the Executive Com- mittee, 1924-27. Noyes, Prof. W(illiam) Albert, Jr., Paris, 20. Prof, physical chemistry and chairman Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Roch- ester, Rochester, N. Y. M29F32. CB. Nuckols, S(amuel) B(enton). A.M., Mis- souri, 12. Assoc, agronomist sugar plant investigations, U. S. Dept. Agric, Scotts- bluff. Nebr. M27F33. O. Nugent, Robert L(ogan). M.S., Arizona, 25; Ph.D., Cornell, 28. Assoc, prof, chemis- try, Univ. Arizona; sec.-treas., Arizona State Board Examiners Basic Sciences, Tucson, Ariz. (1946 E. Speedway) M34- F34. c. Nunberg, Dr. Herman. M.D., Zurich. 875 Park Ave., New York. N. Y. M39. IQL. Nungester, Dr. Walter J(ames). M.S., Michigan, 24; Sc.D., 28; M.D., North- western, 34. Assoc, prof., Hygienic Lab., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M29- F33. NCB. Nunn, Chester M(cLeod). Dept. Zoology, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M36- R36. FN. Nunn, Paul N. 2440 Albatross St., San Diego, Calif. M07F18R39. KQ. Nunn, Roscoe. U. S. Weather Bur., St. Louis, Mo. M35R36. B. Nurnberger, Dr. Carl E. M.A., Minnesota, 25; Ph.D., 31. Radiation physicist, Red- mon, 111. M30F38. BNC. Individual Members 739 Nusbaum, Dr. Charles J(oseph). Edisto Exp. Sta., Blackville, S. Car. M38R38. GO. Nusbaum, Prof. C(hristian). Case School Applied Science, Cleveland Ohio. M24- R32. B. Nusbaum, Dr. Deric. D.Phil., Oxford, 39. Field archaeologist, Gila Pueblo, Globe, Ariz. (Santa Fe, N. Mex.) M39- HEN. Nusbaum, Jesse L(ogan). B.Pd., Colorado State, 07. Senior archaeologist, Nat. Park Service, Santa Fe, N. Mex. M31F32. H. Nusim, Melach J(oseph). M.E., Columbia, 05. Mechanical engineer, 416 Cattell St., Easton, Pa. M18F31. M. Nussmann, Miss Theodora (Clara). Hun- ter Col., New York, N. Y. M29R34. F. Nutter, Edward H(oit). A.B., Stanford, 02. Chief engineer, Minerals Separation, North Amer. Corp., 220 Battery St.. San Fran- cisco. Calif. (2834 Hillegass Ave., Berke- ley, Calif.) M29. MEO. Nutting, Dr. P(erley) G(ilman). M.S., California, 98; Ph.D., Cornell, 03. Assoc, geophvsicist, U. S. Geol Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. M03F06. ABC. Nuttycombe, John W(illiam). Ph.D., Vir- ginia, 28. Prof, zoology, Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. (611 Milledge Circle) M29- F33. F. Nuzum, Dr. John W. 745 Michigan Ave., Wilmette, 111. M35F35. N. Nyberg, Hoken Edward. E.M., Colorado School Mines, 06. Mining engineer, Depto. Num. 4, Venustiano Carranza Numero 37, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. M36. M. Nye, Dr. Arthur W(ickes). M.E., Case. 07; Ph.D., California, 35. Head Dept. Physics and chairman Div. Physical Sciences, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. M22F31. BD. Nye, R. L. 1600 E. Colvin St., Syracuse, N. Y. M32R32. KO. Nye, Dr. Robert N(ason). M.D., Harvard, 18. Asst. pathologist, Boston City Hosp.; instr., Dept. Bacteriology, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (8 Fenway) M29- F33. N. Nygard, Dr. Iver J(ohn). M.S., Minne- sota, 26; Ph.D., 33. Assoc, soil scientist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Faribault, Minn. (610 N. Central Ave.) M29F33. CGO. Nyquist, H(arry). M.S., North Dakota, 15; Ph.D., Yale, 17. Engineer, Bell Tele- phone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (29 Marion Ave., Millburn, N. J.) M26F33. B. Nystrom, Prof. Paul H. M.A., Wisconsin, 10; Ph.D., 14. Prof, marketing, Columbia Univ. School Business, New York, N. Y. (Spring Valley, N. Y.) M38. K. Nystrom, Dr. Wendell C. A.M., Ph.D., Kansas. Head Dept. Education and dir. teacher training, Wittenberg Col., Spring- field, Ohio. (17 W. College St.) M40. QK. Nyswander, Prof. R(euben) E(dson). A.M., Indiana, 04; Ph.D., Cornell, 08. 21 5 1 S. Josephine St., Denver, Colo. M05- F15. BM. o Oak, Miss Dorothy. A.M., Columbia, 20. Teacher biology charge Nature Room, lulia Richman High School, New York, N. Y. (333 E. 68th St.) M29. GQF. Oakes, Mervin E(lijah). A.M., Columbia, 23. Instr., Queens Col., Flushing, N. Y. M28. FQ. Oakeshott, Dr. Gordon B(laisdell). M.S., California, 29; Ph.D., Southern California, 36. Instr. earth sciences, Junior Col., Compton, Calif. (315 W. School St.) M38. E. Oakley, H. C. 25 Oakmont St., Brent- wood Heights, Los Angeles, Calif. M31- R32. GF. Oartel, Dr. J(ohn) Sheldon. 7 Scenery Road, Wilkinsburg, Pa. M35R35. N. Oastler, Dr. Frank R(ichard). M29D36. NF. Obear, Dr. George Barrows. Box 2297, Manila, P. I. M04F15R37. B. Obee, D(onald) J(ennings). M.A., Kansas, 34. Teacher biology, Cheyenne Mt. High School, Colorado Springs, Colo. (1615 Chevenne Road) M37. GF. Obenchain, Miss Jeannette (Brown). Ph.D., Chicago, 24. Res. assoc. anatomy, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111., and Western Reserve Univ. School Med.. Cleveland. Ohio. (2792 Scarborough Road, Cleve- land Heights, Cleveland, Ohio) M21L26- F33. NHI. Ober, Dr. Frank Roberts. M.D., Tufts, 05. Clinical prof, orthopedic surgery and asst. dean charge graduate courses, Harvard Med. School; chief Orthopedic Dept., Children's Hosp., Boston, Mass. M36- F38. N. Oberholser, Dr. Harry Church. M.S., George Washington, 14; Ph.D., 16. 2805 18th St. NW., Washington, D. C. M97- F98. FE. Oberle, Dr. George D(avid). M.S., Kansas State. 36; Ph.D., Cornell, 38. Assoc, res. and asst. prof, pomology, New York State Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M40- F40. OGF. Oberlin, Evelyn. 4601 Bayard St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. M35R37. Oberlin, Dr. Kermit W(illiam). A.M., Harvard, 30; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof., Univ. Delaware, Newark, Del. M37. 1. 74Q Directory of Members Obermann, Dr. Charles F. M.D., Iowa, 30; M.S., 33. Supt. Cherokee State Hosp., Cherokee, Iowa. M38. N. Obold, Prof. Walter Lord. Drexel Inst., Philadelphia, Pa. M34F34R34. FN. Oboukhoff, Dr. Nicholas. M.E., Kharkov, 04; E.E., Ecole Superieure (Paris), 09; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 29. Res. prof, electrical engng. and prof, mathe- matical physics, Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. (402 Jefferson St.) M33F34. MBA. Obremski, Stephen Mitchell. Student, Syracuse Univ. Col. Law, Syracuse, N. Y. (407 Graves St.) M38. KH." Obreshkove, Dr. V(asil). M.S., Syracuse, 16; Ph.D., Harvard, 20. Bard Col, Annan- dale-on-Hudson, N. Y. M24F25. F. O'Brien, Miss Abigail. A.M., Columbia, 19. Remsen, N. Y. (M27R37)M4o. GF. O'Brien, Albert. M.A., St. Bonaventure, 23; Ph.D., 31. Head Dept. Philosophy, St. Bonaventure Col. St. Bonaventure, N. Y. M23F38. ABH. O'Brien, Brian. Ph.D., Yale, 22. Prof, physiological optics and dir. Inst. Optics, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. (1385 Highland Ave.) M24F31. BMN. O'Brien, Sister Catharine Marie. A.M., Fordham, 20. Dean, Col. Mt. St. Vincent, Mt. St. Vincent-on-Hudson, N. Y. M37- F38. AIL. O'Brien, Dr. Cecil Starling. M.D., Indiana, 13. Prof, and head Dept. Ophthalmology, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M36. NC. Obrien, Dr. F(rancis) P(aul). 612 Louisi- ana St., Lawrence, Kans. M28F^2R^;. QK. O'Brien, Harry R. M.A., Ohio State, 12. Lecturer. School Journalism, Ohio State Univ., Columbus; magazine writer, Worth- ington, Ohio. M40. O'Brien, James K. 139 Union Ave., Bala- Cynwyd, Pa. M33R33. MC. O'Brien, Sister Louise de Paul. Ph.G., Duquesne. Pharmacist, Pittsburgh Hosp.,' Pittsburgh, Pa. M39. NpC. O'Brien, William B(artholomew). Ph.B., Yale, 11. Dir. client, res., Dodge Chem. Co.; prof, chemistry. New England Inst. Anatomy, Boston, Mass. (92 University Road, Brookline, Mass.) M39. C. O'Byrne, Harold I(rvin). 617 W. 143rd St., New York. N. Y. M32. F. O'Byrne, Sister Michael Edward. M.A., Texas, 26; Ph.D., Catholic, 32. Prof., Incarnate Word Col., San Antonio, Tex. M29. BC. O'Callaghan, John A. Box 218, Indian Head, Md. M27. C. Ocfemia, Dr. G(erardo) O(ffimaria). Col. Agric, Los Banos, Laguna, P. I. M34- F34R37. G. Ochs, Adolph S(imon). M06D35. K. Ochsner, Dr. Edward H. M.D., Rush, 94. Consulting surgeon, Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 111. (2256 Lincoln Park W.) M34F34. N. Ochsner, Herbert E. U. S. Forest Service, Hot Springs, Ark. M31RJE. OGF. O'Connell, Dr. C. Leonard. Phar.D., Pitts- burgh, 29; Phar.M., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Sciences, 32. Dean and prof, pharmacy, Univ. Pittsburgh School Pharmacy, Pittsburgh, Pa. (101 Steuben St., Crafton) M35F35. Np. O'Connell, Prof. Daniel T(rugott). M.S., Col. City New York, 26; Sc.M., New York, 30; Ph.D., 32. Asst. prof, geology, Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. (Black- stone Place, Riverdale-on-Hudson) M35. EMQ. O'Connor, Joseph T. 1350 Russ Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. M31R33. IK. O'Connor, Sister Mary Crescentia. M.S., Columbia, 34; Ph.D., Catholic, 38. Head Dept. Chemistrv, Col. Misericordia, Dallas, Pa. M35. CN. O'Connor, Miss Mary W(inifred). Ph.D., Ohio State, 37. Instr. biology, St. Mary of the Woods Col., St. Mary of the Woods, Ind. (M3iR38)M4o. G. O'Connor, Richard (Thomas). 1248 Arthur Ave., Chicago, 111. M36R36. BAE. O'Connor, Dr. Roderic (Patrick). M.D., Pennsylvania, 00. Physician, 450 Sutter St., San Francisco, Calif. (39 Bowles Place, Oakland, Calif.) M37. N. O'Conor, Rev. John S(tanislaus). Dept. Phvsics, Woodstock Col., Woodstock, Md. M32F33R3S. BE. Odell, Dr. Allan F(ulson). M34F34D37. C. Odell, Dr. Clarence B(urt). A.M., Illi- nois, 31; Ph.D., Chicago, 37. Instr. geog- raphy, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M3S. E. Odell, Prof. Theodore T(ellefsen). M.S., Cornell, 26; Ph.D., 34. Prof, biology, Hobart Col., Geneva, N. Y. (403 Poultnev St.) M2SF33. FG. Odiorne, Dr. Joseph M(ilton). A.M.. Harvard, 31 ; Ph.D., 34. Instr. anatomy, Georgetown Univ. School Med., Wash- ington. D. C. M27. FN. Odland, Dr. T(heodore) E(ugene). M.S., Minnesota, 20; Ph.D., Cornell, 26. Agron- omist, Rhode Island Agric. Exp. Sta., Kingston, R. I. M21F29. O. Odle, Dr. Van A. M.D., Tennessee. Phy- sician, 44 E. 8th St., Spokane, Wash. M38. NBC. Odom, Prof. C(harles) L(eonard). M.A., Chicago, 27. Acting head, Dept. Psy- chology, Centenarv Col., Shreveport, La. M39. IQ. Individual Members 74i Odom, Minnie Lee. Louisiana State Nor- mal Col., Natchitoches. La. M32R32. O'Donell, Carlos A(lberto). Biol. Labs., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M40. G. O'Donnell, Miss (Kathryn) Louise. A.B., Cornell. Industrial chemist, H. J. Heinz Co., Medina, N. Y. (322 Park Ave.) M39. CON. O'Donnell, Sister M. Lawrence. M.S., Catholic, 35. Instr. chemistry, Mt. Mercv Col., Pittsburgh, Pa. M38. C. O'Donnell, T(homas) J(ohn). 218 N. Craig St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M36R36. BEA. O'Donnell, William Joseph. St. Viator Col., Bourbonnais, 111. (?) M35R36. MBA. O'Driscoll, Dr. W(illiam) Cyril. M.D., Med. Col. State South Carolina, 05. Med. Col. State South Carolina, Charleston, S. Car. M37. FNH. Odum, Dr. Eugene P(leasants). A.M., North Carolina, 36; Ph.D., Illinois, 39. Resident -biologist, Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, Inc., Rensselaerville, N. Y. M40. FG. Odum, Dr. Howard W. A.M., Mississippi, 06; Ph.D., Clark, 09, Columbia, 10; LL.D., Emory, 31, Harvard, 39; Litt.D., Col. Ozarks, 35. Prof, sociology and dir. Inst. Res. Social Science, Univ. North Caro- lina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. (Pittsboro Road) M39F40. EHK. Oelschlager, Dr. John M(ichael). D.D.S.. Illinois Dental Col. 3676 Rockport Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. M39. NdEL. Oenslager, Dr. George. A.M., Harvard, 95 ; Sc.D., Akron. Res. chemist, 218 Twin Oaks Road, Akron, Ohio. M34F34. C. Oerlein, Dr. Karl F(erdinand). M.A., Pennsylvania, 30; Ph.D., 36. Head Dept. Science and prof, physics, State Teachers Col., California, Pa. (526 3rd St.) M31- F38. QB. Oesper, Prof. Ralph E(dward). 2323 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. M34F34R38. C. Oesting, Dr. Ralph B., Ph.D., Chicago, 35. Res. chemist, Swift and Co., Chicago, 111. M39. CFN. Oestlund, Dr. Oscar W(illiam). A.M., Augustana, 87; Ph.D., 00. Prof, emeritus animal biology, Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. (2542 37th Ave. S.) Moi- F15. F. Oetteking, Dr. Bruno. Ph.D., Zurich, 09. Curator physical anthropology, Mus. Anier. Indian, Heye Foundation; res. assoc, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M22- F22. H. Of, Charles. 1015 Bergen Blvd., Palisade, N. J. M09. M. Offermann, C(arlos) A(lberto). Agr.Eng., Buenos Aires. Dept. Zoology, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. (M.32R34)M30. F. Offord, H(arold) R(eginald). M.A., Brit- ish Columbia, 25. Pathologist, U. S. Bur. Entomologv and Plant Quarantine, Berke- ley, Calif. M35. FG. O'Flaherty, Dr. Fred. D.V.M., Cincinnati. 20: M.D., Eclectic Med. Col., 27. Res. prof., Tanners Council Lab.; dir. res., Inst. Scientific Res., Univ. Cincinnati, Cincin- nati, Ohio. (Shamrock Knoll) M33F33. MNF. O'Flaherty, Rev. J(ohn) Edward. B.A.. Montreal. Holy Cross Mission, Wikwemi- kong, Manitoulin Island, Ont., Canada. M38. LH. Ogan, Dr. Ralph Wilson. 158 Harper St., New Concord, Ohio. M37R37. QK. Ogburn, Dr. S(ihon) C(icero), Jr. 815 Boulevard, Westfield, N. J. M32F33R39. QCM. Ogburn, Prof. William F(ielding). A.M., Columbia, 09; Ph.D., 12. Prof, sociology and chairman Dept.. Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. M30F31. K. Vice president for Section on Social and Economic Sciences (K), 1932. Ogden, Dr. Eric. B.Sc, London, 25. Asst. prof, physiology, Univ. California School Med., Berkeley, Calif.; lecturer physiology, Univ. California Col. Dentistry and Phar- macy; asst. visiting physician, Univ. California Hosp., San Francisco, Calif. (938 Spruce St., Berkeley, Calif.) M39. N. Ogden, Dr. James Gordon. Ph.D., Alle- gheny. 818 S. Johnson Ave., Lakeland, Fla. M26. DBH. Ogden, Miss Katharine. Ph.D., Illinois. 23. Headmistress, Liggett School, Detroit, Mich. (2555 Burns Ave.) M25. C. Ogden, Laurence A. Petroleum engineer, Pure Oil Co., Fort Worth, Tex. (2220 Tremont Ave.) M36. M. Ogden, Dr. R(obert) M(orris). Ph.D., Wurzburg, 03. Prof, psychology and dean, Col. Arts and Sciences, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M07F11. IQ. Vice president for Section on Psychology (I), 1935- Ogilvie, Dr. Ida H(elen). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 03. Prof, geology, Columbia Univ.; head Dept. Geology, Barnard Col., New York, N. Y. (Airlie Farm, Bedford, N. Y.) M02F09. EOF. Ogilvy, Robert S. 411 Taylor Ave., Glen Ellyn, 111. M21R32. K. Oglesby, Miss Mary C. B.S.. State Teach- ers Col. (Radford, Va.), 34- Teacher, High School Max Meadows, Va. (Draper, Va.) M40. FGC. Oglesby, Dr. Nicholas E. M.A., Virginia. 17; Ph.D., 29. Technical dir., Behr-Man- ning Corp., Troy, N. Y. M35F35. C. O'Gorman, Dr. J(ames) M(ichael). A.M., Columbia; Sc.D., DePaul. Assoc, prof, and chairman Dept. Psychology and Philo- sophy. Hunter College, New York, N. Y. (4374. 1 66th St.. Flushing, N. Y.) M40. I. 742 Directory of Members O'Grady, Dr. Daniel C(harles). A.M., Catholic, 26; Ph.D., Ottawa, 28. Assoc, prof., Dept. Philosophy, Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. M35. I. O'Hanlon, Sister Mary Ellen. M.S., Wis- consin, 19; Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Prof, biol- ogy, Rosary Col., River Forest, 111. M29- F30. GF. O'Hara, Dr. J(oseph) A. M.D. Louisiana State Board Health, New Orleans, La. M32. N. O'Hara, Prof. Leon Pulaski, Sr. M.S., Yale, 15. Prof, biology, Talladega Col., Talladega, Ala. M40. FN. O'Harra, Dr. Cleophas C(isney). M99- F07D35. E. Ohl, Dr. Edwin N. Ph.D., Harvard, 30. Private asst., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (175 Highland St., Dedham, Mass.) M39. CBL. Ohland, William Justin. 56 S. Park St., Montclair, N. J. M34R34- NCI. Ohle, Prof. Ernest (Linwood). Washing- ton Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M07F11R36. M. Ohlendorf, Walter. M.S., Cornell, 18. Javier Mina 103 Sur, Torreon, Coah., Mexico. M25. F. Ohlmacher, Dr. Joseph C. Vermillion, S. Dak. M30R32. N. Ohlson, Olof. 472 Crafts St., West New- ton, Mass. M17R33. MBD. Ohlsson, Dr. Gustave O. M.Sc, D.O.Sc, Detroit Inst. Tech. Detroit Inst. Tech., Detroit, Mich. M38. BFI. Ohly, Dr. John Henry. M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 99. Surgeon, Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hosp.; consultant, Kings County Hosp. and Norwegian Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y. (22 Schermerhorn St.) M36. NBD. 6hman, BCH. Valter. Gyttorp, Sweden. M38. Ojemann, Dr. Ralph H. Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Assoc, prof., Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M34F34. QIK. O'Kane, Dr. W(alter) C(ollins). M. A., Ohio State, 09; D.Sc, 32. Prof, economic entom- ology, Univ. New Hampshire; entomol- ogist, New Hampshire Exp. Sta.; deputy commissioner agric, State New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. M17F20. FHC. O'Keefe, Prof. Timothy. M.A., Minne- sota, 37. Chairman Dept. Psychology and Education and prof, education; dir. Bur. Res., Col. St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. M39. IQ. O'Kelly, J(oseph) Fred. M.S., Mississippi State, 22. Agronomist, Mississippi Exp. Sta., State College, Miss. M32F40. OGC. Okey, Perry. Owner Okey Mfg Co., Columbus, Ohio. (765 Bryden Road) M23. BCD. Okey, Miss Ruth (Eliza). Ph.D., Illinois, 18. Assoc, prof, household sciences and assoc. biochemist, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M22F27. N. Okkelberg, Prof. Peter. A.M., Minnesota, 09; Ph.D., Michigan, 18. Prof, zoology and asst. dean, School Graduate Studies, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1220 Fair Oaks) M11F23. F. Okuyama, Dr. Sobey. D.V.M., Ohio State, 22; M.S., 23. Scientific dir. Brook Hill Farms, Inc., Genesee Depot, Wis. M25. N. Olcott, Irwin. M.S., Iowa, 33. Dir. res., Dawe's Products Co., Chicago, 111. (4800 S. Richmond St.) M36. CNB. Olcott, William Tyler. M19F23D36. D. Old, Dr. Marcus Calvin. M.A., Lehigh, 25; Ph.D., Michigan, 30. Asst. prof, biology, Hofstra Col., Hempstead, N. Y. (125 Duncan Road) M27F33. F. Oldach, William H(oward). Apartment 382, Panama, R. P. M29. ABN. Oldberg, Dr. Eric. M.S., Northwestern, 26; M.D., 27; Ph.D., 28. Prof, and head Dept. Neurology and Neurological Sur- gery, Univ. Illinois Col. Med.; attending neurological surgeon, St. Luke's Hosp. and Illinois Res. Hosp., Chicago, 111. (558 Hawthorne Place) M34F34. N. Oldenberg, Prof. Otto. Dr.Phil., Gottingen, 13. Prof, physics, Harvard Univ., Cam- bridge, Mass. M31F32. B. Older, Benjamin John. 960 Green St., San Francisco, Calif. M29. D. Older, Prof. Frank E(dwin). M.A., South- ern California, 32. Senior lab. asst., City Bur. Standards, Los Angeles, Calif. (1021 N. Normandie Ave.) M16. OQ. Oldfather, William A(bbott). A.M., Han- over, 01, Harvard, 02; Ph.D., Munich, 08; LL.D., Hanover, 33. Prof, classics and chairman Dept. Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (804 W. Green St.) M24F2S. L. Vice president for Section on Historical and Philological Sciences (L), 1925. Olds, Prof. Edwin G(lenn). A.M., Pitts- burgh, 25; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, mathe- matics, Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. (953 La Clair Ave.) M34F34. A. O'Leary, Prof. Austin J. M.Sc, Queen's, 29; Ph.D., Columbia, 32. Asst. prof, phy- sics, City Col., New York, N. Y. M40- F40. BD. O'Leary, Dr. (Daniel) Keith. Ph.D., Cornell, 38. Mycologist, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (M3iR34)M38. G. O'Leary, Dr. James L(ee). Washington Univ. Med. School, St. Louis, Mo. M36- R37. N. O'Leary, Dr. Paul A(rthur). M.D., Long Island Col., 15. Prof, dermatology and syphilology, Mayo Foundation, Minnea- polis; head Section Dermatology and Svphilologv, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. M28. N. Individual Members 743 O'Leary, Dr. William J(oseph). M.A., Cornell, 30; Ph.D., 33. Chemist, Norton Co., Chippawa Ont., Canada. (056 Niagara Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y.) M37. CEB. Oleinick, Constantine (Paulovitch). Bay- lor Univ. Col. Med., Dallas, Tex. M33- R35. IN. Oler, Charles B. M.S., Pennsylvania, 30. Instr., Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. (289 Convent Ave.) M37. M. Oleri, Frank J(ohn). C.E., New York, 16; Sc.M., 30. Consulting engineer, 721 Ber- genline Ave., West New York, N. J. (14 Monitor Place) M25. M. Olesen, Frederik A. M.A., Columbia, 27; Ph.D., New York, 34- Asst. prof., Dept. Hvgiene, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (1480 Ocean Ave.) M31. NQI. Olitsky, Dr. Peter K(osciusko). M.D., Cornell, 09. Member, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. (151 Milbank Ave., Greenwich, Conn.) M20F25. N. Olive, Dr. Edgar W(illiam). M.S., Wabash, 95; M.A., Harvard, 97; Ph.D., 04. Office mgr., Geo. S. Olive and Co., 528 Chamber Commerce Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. (721 E. 46th St.) M99F03. G. Olivenbaum, J(ohn) E(mmanuel). B.S., 04. Clermont, Fla. M29L30. NM. Oliver, Dr. A(lfred) Russell. A.M., Nebraska, 31; Ph.D., Clark, 37. Assoc, prof, geographv, Univ. North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dak. M38. EGK. Oliver, Dr. Clarence P(aul). Ph.D., Texas, 31. Assoc, prof, zoology, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M31F33. F. Oliver, Edwin Letts. Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. M28- F29R32. M. Oliver, Elizabeth Sumner (See Mrs. Elizabeth Oliver Hosick). Oliver, Dr. Harry Reeves. M.D., Cooper Med. Col., 98. Dir. Oliver-Knapp Clinical Lab., 490 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. Mi 4. N. Oliver, Prof. Jean (Redman). M.D., Stan- ford, 14. Prof, pathology, Long Island Col. Med., Brooklyn, N. Y. M30F33. N. Oliver, Dr. John Rathbone. M.D., Inns- bruck, 10; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Inst. History Med., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M22. N. Oliver, Prof. John W(illiam). A.M., Mis- souri, 12; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 15. Prof. American history and head Dept. History, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (55 Hoodridge Drive, Mt. Lebanon) M28- F31. L. Oliver, Dr. Nelson E(ugene). Thornton, 111. M30R38. N. Oliver, Dr. Wade W(right). M.D.. Cin- cinnati, 15. Prof, bacteriology, Long Island Col. Med., Brooklyn, N. Y. M11F27. N. Olivier, Dr. Charles P(ollard). M.A., Vir- ginia, 08; Ph.D., 11. Prof, astronomy and dir. Flower Observatory, Univ. Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. M11F13. D. Olmstead, Frank Robert. M.S., Michigan, 30. Engineer field testing, Michigan State Highway Dept., Lansing, Mich. (332 E. Williams St., Ann Arbor, Mich.) M40. MBC. Olmstead, Dr. L(ewis) B(ertie). Ph.D., American, 33. Soil physicist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. Mi 3- F16. BO. Olmstead, Dr. P(aul) S(mith). Ph.D., Princeton, 23. Member technical staff, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y.; lecturer statistics, Stevens Inst. Tech. Graduate School, Hoboken, N. J. (Essex Fells, N. J.) M34F34. B. Olmsted, Charles E(dward). M.Sc, Okla- homa, 31; Ph.D., Yale, 36. Instr. botany, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M27F38. GO. Olmsted, Dr. Charles M (organ). 95 Ash- land Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. M29F33R33. BD. Olmsted, Miss Elizabeth W(arren). M.A., Smith, 33. Instr. geology, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (54 Belmont Ave.) M32. E. Olmsted, Dr. J(ames) M(ontrose) D(un- can). M.A., Oxford, 14; Ph.D., Harvard, 20. Prof, physiology and chairman Div., Univ. California School Med., Berkeley, Calif. M22F23. FN. Olmsted, Dr. William Harwood. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 13. Physician, 3720 Wash- ington Blvd., St. Louis. Mo. (24 Fair Oaks, Clayton, Mo.) M31F33. NCK. Olney, Prof. Albert J(ackson). M.S., Chicago, 25. Head Dept. Horticulture, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. (718 Rose St.) M21F31. OG. Olney, Dr. Louis Atwell. M.S., Lehigh, 08; D.Sc, 26. Prof, chemistry and head Dept. Textile Chemistry and Coloring, Lowell Textile Inst., Lowell, Mass. M06F08. C. Olpin, Dr. A(lbert) R(ay). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 30. Dir. industrial res., field dir. Engng. Exp. Sta., and res. dir. Res. Foundation, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (2040 Tremont Road) M38F40. BCQ. Olsen, Dr. Aksel G(ilkrog). M.S., Minne- sota, 23; Ph.D., 28. Chemist charge Colloid Div.i Central Lab., Gen. Foods Corp., Hoboken, N. J. (20 Hickory Road, Sum- mit, N. J.) M29F33. C. Olsen, Fred(rich). M.A., Toronto, 17. Technical dir.. Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, 111. (1526 State St.) M33- CBA. Olsen, Prof. Julius. Ph.D., Yale, 02; Sc.D., Bethany, 20. 1204 Vogal Ave., Abilene, Tex. M25F31. BDC. 744 Directory of Members Olson, Miss Ada L(enora). M.A., Michi- gan, 25. Senior asst., Div. Insects, Mus. Zoology. Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M30. F. Olson, Dr. A(xel) R(agnar). Ph.D., California, 17. Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M34F34. CB. Olson, Dr. David. M.S., Wisconsin, 09; Ph.D.. Western Reserve, 31. Prof, and head Dept. Geology and Geography, Kent State Univ., Kent Ohio. (127 Linden Road) M07F33- E. Olson, Edgar T. Phelps, Wis. (?) M34- R35. c. Olson, Miss Esther A. S.B.. Chicago. 37 N. Lorel Ave., Chicago, 111. M36. G. Olson, Prof. George A(lfred). M.S., Wis- consin, 08. 211 Belle Plaine Ave., Park Ridge, 111. M08F11. C. Olson, Hans M. Route 1, Fallbrook, Calif. M31R32. NCB. Olson, Harold T. Dept. Physics, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M35- R35. AB. Olson, Miss Hazel (Elizabeth). M.S.. Chi- cago, 23. 34Q E. State St., Jacksonville, 111. M29. FGN. Olson, Dr. Henry W(illiam). M.A.. Ohio State, 26; Ph.D., 28. Charge biological sciences, Wilson Teachers Col., Wash- ington, D. C. (1818 Irving St. NW.) M29F32. F. Olson, L(awrence) C(arroll). A.M.. Illi- nois, 36. Asst. agronomist soil chemistry, Georgia Exp. Sta., Experiment, Ga. M40- F40. OCE. Olson, Louis V(ictor). B.S., Stanford. El Paso Smelting Works, El Paso, Tex. M35- CNM. Olson, Dr. Magnus D. M.A., Minnesota, 34; Ph.D., 36. Instr. zoology, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis. Minn. M39. F. Olson, Prof. P(eter) J(ohn). M.S., Illi- nois, 13; Ph.D., Nebraska, 37. Prof, plant science, Univ. Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. M40F40. OG. Olson, Dr. R(odney) A. M.S., Ph.D.. Maryland. Assoc, biologist, Chesapeake Biological Lab., Solomons, Md. M40. GFB. Olson, Dr. Ronald L(eRoy). M.A., Wash- ington, 26; Ph.D., California, 29. Prof, anthropolog-v, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M2QF32. H. Olson, Prof. Willard C(lifford). M.A., Minnesota, 24; Ph.D., 26. Prof, education and dir. res. child development. Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor. Mich. M27F32. IQ. Olsson, Axel A(dolfL j8 Woodside Ave., Gloversville, N. Y. M22F31R34. E. Oltman, Dr. R(obert) E(ugene). Ph.D., Minnesota, 36. Res. chemist, Minnesota Vallev Canning Co., Le Sueur, Minn. M38/GCO, Olyanova, Mrs. Nadya. Handwriting ex- pert and psycho-graphologist, Philip Morris and Co., New York, N. Y.J res. consultant, Philadelphia Hosp.. Philadel- phia, Pa. (Stormville, N. Y.) M39. IN. Olyphant, Robert Morrison. M.E., Colum- bia, 06. Grumman Aircraft Engng. Corp., Bethpage, N. Y. (St. James, N. Y.) M06- L07. M. Olzendam, Miss Therese. Editorial Dept., J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. (26 Locust Lane, Bronxville. N. Y.) M38. CN. Omansky, Morris. S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 11. Consultant, Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., and Calci- brite Corp., Pawtucket, R. I.; lecturer, Div Univ. Extension. Boston, Mass. (9 Babcock St., Brookline, Mass.) M38. CMN. Omar, Shaukat. Thomas Cook and Sons, Bombay, India. M32R32. MQK. O'Mara, Miss Norah Ellean. M.A., Colo- rado, 31. Teacher, Midwest Public Schools, Casper, Wyo. (957 S. Walnut St.) M32. FGQ. Omwake, Howard R(ufus). Catawba Col., Salisbury, N. Car. M29R32. QLE. Omwake, Miss Katharine T(ait). Agnes Scott Col., Decatur, Ga. M32F33R39. I- O'Neal, Dr. Alexander Hay. 501 E. Lan- caster Ave.. St. Davids. Pa. M27R34. M. O'Neal, Prof. Claude E(dgar). A.M., Indiana. 13; Ph.D., 22. Prof, botany, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio. (265 W. Fountain Ave.) M20F25. G. O'Neal, Robert Palmer. M.A., Occidental. 89 Henrv St.. Manchester, Conn. M39- CPN. O'Neal, Russell D(e Witt). M.S., Illinois, 38. Graduate asst., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, ill. (1012 W. Greene St.) M37. B. O'Neil, Prof. Thomas J. W. M.A., Colum- bia. 25; Ph.D., Fordham, 30; M.S., New York 32. Asst. prof, physics, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M37F40. B. O'Neill, Emmett. 4665 Leiper St.. Frank- ford, Philadelphia, Pa. Mio. K. O'Neill, Dr. Helena (Elizabeth). M.A., Trinitv; Ph.D., Catholic. 314 2nd St. NE., Washington, D. C. M36. IHN. O'Neill, Dr. Hugh T. Ph.D., Catholic, 30. Asst. prof, biology and curator Langlois Herbarium, Catholic Univ. Amer., Wash- ington, D. C. M38F39. G. O'Neill, Sister M. Berenice. Fontbonne Col., St. Louis. Mo. M27R3S. QI. Ono, Dr. Suminosuke. 82 Otuka-sakasita- tyo, Koisikawa, Tokyo, Japan. M27R34. B. Onsager, Dr. Lars. Ch.E., Trondheim. 25; Ph.D., Yale, 35. Asst. prof, chemistry, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (15 Giles St., Hamden, Conn.) M29F33. BCA. Individual Members 745 Oosting, Dr. Henry J(ohn). M.S., Michi- gan State, 27 \ Ph.D., Minnesota, 31. Asst. prof. botany, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M30F33. G. Opatowski, Dr. Isaac. Dr.Eng., Turin, 29; Dr.Math., 32. Instr., Dept. Mathematics and Mechanics, Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. M38. AMB. Opie, Dr. Eugene L(indsay). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 97; Sc.D., Yale, 31. Prof, pathol- ogy, Cornell Univ. Med. Col.; pathologist. New York Hosp., New York, N. Y. (540 Park Ave.) M07F11. NF. Opie, Hierome L(indsay). Brigadier Gen. retired, Virginia Nat. Guard; pres., Staun- ton Leader Publishing Co., Inc., Staun- ton, Va. M25. Opp, Dr. Carl J(oseph). M.A., Cincinnati, 30; Ph.D., 32. Resin chemist, Ault and Wiborg Corp.; instr. special chem. methods, Univ. Cincinnati Evening Col., Cincinnati, Ohio. (2206 Ohio Ave.) M34. CBF. Oppe, Miss Greta. M.A., New York, 28. Head, Dept. Science, Ball High School, Galveston, Tex. (1609 Avenue K) M31. QC. Oppenheim, Victor E. Consulting geol- ogist, Ministerio de Economia, Colombia Dept. Petroleos, Bogota, Colombia, S. A. (Apartado 381) M36. EM. Oppenheimer, Dr. Bernard S(utro). M.D., Columbia, 01. Clinical prof, medicine, Columbia Univ.; consulting physician, Mt. Sinai Hosp. and Montefiore Hosp., New York, N. Y. M08F25. N. Oppenheimer, Dr. Edgar D. M.D.. Colum- bia, 07. Orthopedist, Beth Israel Hosp.; consulting orthopedist. Cancer Inst., New York, N. Y. ; senior orthopedist, Eliza- beth Gen. Hosp., Elizabeth, N. J. M17. N. Oppenheimer, Dr. Ella. M.D., Johns Hop- kins. 18. Dir. Bur. Maternal and Child Welfare, District Columbia Health Dept., Washington, D. C. (3031 Newark St. NW.) M39- NKH. Oppenheimer, Dr. Jane M(arion). Ph.D., Yale, 35. Instr. biologv, Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. M38. FN. Opper, Dr. Lincoln. M.D., Munich, 33. Senior physician and pathologist, Gardner State Hosp., East Gardner, Mass. M40. N. Oppermann, Kurt W(ilhelm). RCA Com- munication, Inc., Riverhead, N. Y. M32. MBD. Oppitz, Prof. Louis K(ossuth). Lebanon, 111. M25F31R34. B. Opton, Edward (Milton). Ph.B., Yale, 31. Graduate student, Dept. Zoology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. C229 Bishop St.) M40. F. Oram, Miss Florence. M.A., Columbia. Asst. dir Nursing School, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 111. (2816 Ellis St.) M40. NC. Orange, Miss Jeanette. M.A., Columbia, 36. 3910 8th St. NW., Washington, D. C. M38. FCG. Orbison, Prof. Agnes Morris. M.A., Mis- souri. Assoc, prof, biologv, Elmira Col., Elmira, N. Y. M40. F. Orbison, Thos. J. 1030 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M32R33. Orcutt, Dr. Fred(eric) S(cott). M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin. Dept. Biology, Vir- ginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg, Va. M38. GCN. Orcutt, Miss Marion L. Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., Princeton, N. J. M19. N. Ord, Herbert J(ames). M28D38. MEH. Ordal, Dr. Erling J. Dept. Bacteriology, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M38- R38. NC. Ordonez, Dr. Castor. M33D — . FG. Ordway, Dr. Thomas. A.M., Harvard, 01; M.D., 05. Consultant physician, Albany Hosp.; prof, medicine, Albany Med. Col., Albany, N. Y. (161 S. Lake Ave.) M17- F25. N. Ore, Prof. Oystein. Ph.D., Oslo, 24. Prof, mathematics, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M34F34. A. O'Rear, Dr. F(loyd) B(arrett). Ph.D.. Columbia, 25. Prof, education, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M31F34. QIK. O'Reilly, Andrew J(ohn) G(oldsmith). B.E., Washington Univ. Consulting en- gineer, 2207 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. M08. ABM. O'Reilly, Sister M. Francis Xavier. Mt. Mercy Col., Pittsburgh, Pa. M3S. F. Orelup, John Westley. 57 Wilkinson Ave., Jersey City. N. J. M28F33. C. Orem, H. Philip. M.S., Kentucky, 34. Res. chemist, Calco Chem. Div., American Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N. J. (Plain- field, N. J.) M39- CBM. Orent, Elsa R. (See Elsa Orent Keiles). Orleans, Jacob S(amuel). M.A., Columbia, 21 ; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, prof, education, Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. (10 Central Parkway, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.) M24F31. QI. Orndoff, Dr. B(enjamin) H(arry). M.D., Loyola, 06; M.A., Valparaiso, 16. 2561 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. M24. N. Ornsteen, Dr. Abraham Maurice. Ph.G., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 13; M.D., Pennsylvania, 17. Asst. prof, neurology, Univ. Pennsvlvania, Philadel- phia, Pa. (1613 Spruce St.) M38. NI. Ornstein, Dr. George G. M.D.. University and Bellevue Hosp., 15. 115 Central Park W.. New York, N. Y. M29F33. N. Ornstein, Rebecca (See Mrs. Rebecca Simons). 746 Directory of Members O'Roke, Prof. Earl C(leveland). M.A., Kansas, 16; Ph.D., California, 29. Assoc, prof, forest zoology, Univ. Michigan School Forestry and Conservation, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1700 Fenwood Road) M19- F32. FNO. Orr, Aimer H(amilton), Jr. S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 32. 6631 Dalzell Place, Pittsburgh, Pa. M39. CBD. Orr, Prof. Grover L(ewis). A.M., Ohio State, 21. Prof, chemistry. Capital Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (767 College Ave.) M28- F33. CBQ. Orr, Rev. H(orace) E(ugene). M.A., Tennessee, 25; D.D., Maryville, 2j . Chair- man Div. Bible, Philosophy and Educa- tion, Maryville Col., Maryville, Tenn. (406 Indiana Ave.) M32. Q. Orr, Dr. John. M.A., Princeton, 09; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 31. 139 Beechwood Road, New Wilmington, Pa. M34. LKH. Orr, Leslie W. M.S.F., Michigan, 30. Senior entomologist, U. S. Bur. En- tomology and Plant Quarantine, Wash- ington, D. C. M38. FG. Orr, Dr. Paul R(udbert). 94 Hawthorne St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. (?) M33R33. F. Orr, Dr. Thomas G. 5930 Mission Drive, Kansas City, Mo. M28F33R35. N. Orr, T(homas) G(rover), Jr. A.B., Kan- sas, 38. 1201 Oread Ave., Lawrence, Kans. M40. N. Orris, Dr. John A. M.A., Missouri, 22; M.D., Jefferson, 24. Assoc, surgeon, Wind- ber Hosp., Windber, Pa. M40. N. Orrok, George A(lexander). 114 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. M08F26. M. Ort, Dr. John M(ouk). 356 Raymond St., Rockville Centre, N. Y. M28F33R34. CBQ. Ortenburger, Prof. A(rthur) I(rving). M.S., Michigan, 22\ Ph.D., 25. Prof, zool- ogy, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. M20F26. F. Orth, R. T. R C A Radiotron Co., Inc., Harrison, N. J. M32R32. BM. Orton, Dr. C(layton) R(oberts). M.S., Purdue, 15; Ph.D., Columbia, 24. Dir. West Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta.; dean West Virginia Univ. Col. Agric, Morgan- town, W. Va. M10F15. GOF. Orton, Dr. Samuel T(orrey). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 05; A.M., Harvard, 06. 12 E. 86th St., New York. N. Y. M20F27. N. Osborn, Ben (Orville). B.S., Oklahoma A. and M., 31. Asst. regional biologist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Fort Worth, Tex. (608 Oakland St.) M38. FGO. Osborn, Chase S(almon). LL.D., Michi- gan, 11, Olivet, 11, Alma, 12, North- western, 22. Homestead Mich. M08L09- F32. EGN. Osborn, Frederick. A.B., Princeton, 10. Res. assoc. anthropology, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M29- F33. HIK. Osborn, Dr. Frederick A(rthur). Ph.D., Michigan, 07. Prof, physics, Univ. Wash- ington, Seattle, Wash. (5215 15th St. NE.) M01F10. B. Osborn, Dr. Henry Fairfield. M81F83- L17D35. EF. Vice president for Section on Zoology (F), 1893. President, 1928. Osborn, Dr. Henry Leslie. 1599 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, Minn. M02F06R37. F. Osborn, Prof. Herbert. M.Sc, Iowa State, 80; D.Sc, 16; LL.D., Pittsburgh, 30, Ohio State, 36. Prof, emeritus zoology and entomology and dir. Ohio Biological Sur- vey, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M83F84V37. FO. Vice president for Sec- tion on Zoology (F), 1917. Member of the Executive Committee, 1921-24. Osborn, Herbert T(irrill). A.M., Illinois, 10; Ph.D., Ohio State. 31. Agent, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Columbus, Ohio. (1952 Concord Road) M11F20. F. Osborn, Prof. Jesse O(tto). A.M., Ken- tucky, 21; Ph.D., Cornell, 23. Teacher, Harris Teachers Col., St. Louis, Mo. (3966 Juniata St.) M28F33. A. Osborn, John B(alfour). M28F31D34. OCG. Osborn, Ralph. A.M., South Carolina, 03. Teacher biology, De Witt Clinton High School, New York, N. Y. (47 Millard Ave., Bronxville, N. Y.) M08. FG. Osborn, Robert A(mbrose). U. S. Bur. Chemistry and Soils, Washington, D. C. M24F33R35- CBO. Osborn, Sidney J(ose). M.A., Pennsyl- vania, 03. Gen. chemist, Great Western Sugar Co., Denver, Colo. (314 Lafayette St.) M34F34. c. Osborn, Dr. Stanley H(art). M.D., Tufts, 14; C.P.H., Harvard, 15, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 15. Commissioner, State Dept. Health, Hartford, Conn. (41 Brace Road, West Hartford, Conn.) M23F25. N. Osborn, Walton O. M.S., Pennsylvania State, 37. Lab. mgr., Ben Venue Labs., Inc., 8121 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. (3893 Windsor Road, Cleveland Heights) M39. CM. Osborn, William Church. LL.D., Toronto. 20 Exchange Place, New York N. Y. M06. Osborne, Harold S(mith). Eng.D., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 10. Operating results engineer, Amer. Telephone and Telegraph Co., New York, N. Y. (379 Highland Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J.) M29F29. MBQ. Osborne, Miss Mabel E. 263 Park St., Fulton. N. Y. M29. F. Individual Members 747 Osborne, Raymond W(illiam). 330 Web- ster Ave., Chicago, 111. M25F31R37. QC. Osburn, M(ax) R(aymond). Box H, Moorestown, N. J. M29R32. FKI. Osburn, Prof. Raymond C(arroll). M.Sc, Ohio State, 00; Ph.D., Columbia, 06. Chairman Dept. Zoology and Entomology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. Moi- F06. F. Oseen, Dr. C(arl) W(ilhelm). Fil.Dr., Lund, 03. Dir. Nobelinstitutet, Stockholm, Sweden. M36. B. Oser, Dr. Bernard L(evussove). M.S., Pennsylvania, 25; Ph.D., Fordham, 27. Dir. Food Research Labs., Inc., 114 E. 32nd St.. New York, N. Y. M29F33. CN. Osgood, Dr. Alfred Townsend. M.D., Columbia, 09. 65 E. 66th St., New York, N. Y. M06F33. N. Osgood, Miss Bess(ie) Genevieve. M.S., Illinois, 40. Departmental asst. physiologi- cal chemistry, Chicago Med. School, Chi- cago, 111. M40. NC. Osgood, Cornelius (Berrien). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 30. Assoc, prof, anthropology and curator anthropology, Peabody Mus., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M31F32. HKI. Osgood, Dr. Howard. 131 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. M36R38. NDH. Osgood, Miss M(arion) Elsie. Box 23, Randolph, Vt. M33R38. G. Osgood, Dr. Robert Bayley. 372 Marl- borough St., Boston, Mass. M24F33- R36. N. Osgood, Wilfred A(lbro). Univ. New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. M17F26- R35- O. Osgood, Dr. W(ilfred) H(udson). Ph.D., Chicago, 18. Chief curator zoology, Field Mus. Natural History, Chicago, 111. (Quadrangle Club) M03F05. F. Osgood, Dr. William R. M.S., Illinois, 24; Ph.D., 33. Materials engineer, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (3633 Ingomar Place NW.) M39. MQA. O'Shaughnessy, Dr. Louis. C.E., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., 04; M.A., Ohio State, 07; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 11. Prof, applied mechanics and dir. graduate studies, Vir- ginia Polvtechnic Inst., Blacksburg, Va. M11F25. AMD. O'Shea, Prof. Harriet E(astabrooks). M.A., Wisconsin, 17; Ph.D., Columbia, 30. Assoc, prof, psychology, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. (212 The Varsity, West Lafayette, Ind.) M32F33. IQK. Osis, John F. 9127 Grace St., Detroit, Mich. M37R37. M. Osland, Embert. 438 S. Brewster Ave., Lombard, 111. M26. MC. Osier, Miss Carmen P(hyllis). 2421 W. Indiana St., Evansville. Ind. M3iR33- FN. Oslund, Dr. Robert M. Los Angeles Gen. Hosp., Los Angeles, Calif. M24F25R32. NF. Osmun, Prof. A(lbert) Vincent. M.Sc, Massachusetts State, 05. Prof, botany and head Dept., Massachusetts State Col. and Exp. Sta., Amherst, Mass. M34F34. G. Osol. Dr. Arthur. M.Sc, Pennsylvania, 31 ; Ph.D., 33. Prof, chemistry and dir. chem. labs., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science; scientific dir. Raymer Pharmacal Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (Garden Court) M37. CN. Osterberg, Dr. Arnold Erwin. M.S., Minnesota, 20; Ph.D., 25. Head clinical biochemistry, Mayo Clinic, Rochester; assoc. prof, biochemistry, Mayo Founda- tion, Minneapolis, Minn. M28F33. C. Ostergaard, J(ens) M(athias) . Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. M29R35. FHE. Osterhout, George E. M08F1 1L30D37. G. Osterhout, Mrs. George E. (Ettie Thomas). Box 746, Windsor, Colo. (M38R38)M40. GN. Osterhout, Dr. Marian Irwin (Marian Irwin). Ph.D., Radcliffe, 19. Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M23- F27. GF. Osterhout, Prof. Winthrop J(ohn) V(anleuven). A.M., Brown, 94; Ph.D., California, 99; Sc.D., Harvard, 25, Brown, 26. Member emeritus, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York. N. Y. M09F11. G. Secretary of Section on Botany (G), 1913- 15- Osterman, George B. M.S., Washington and Jefferson. Washington and Jefferson Col., Washington, Pa. M40. F. Osterman, Henry. Ph.G., Purdue. Treas., Central Pharmacal Co., Seymour, Ind. (511 W. 6th St.) M40. NpC. Osterud, Prof. H(jalmar) L(aurits). A.M., Washington, 10; Ph.D.. Minnesota, _ 21. Prof, anatomy, Med. Col. Virginia, Rich- mond, Va. M12F15. FN. Osterud, K(enneth) L(eland). A.B., Randolph-Macon, 35. Graduate asst. biology, New York Univ., New York, N. Y. (Ashland, Va.) M37. F. Ostrom, Carl J. High School, Red Lake, Minn. M25. FG. Ostrom, Theodore Gleason. M.A., Minne- sota 39. Teacher, High School, Granite Falls, Minn. M40. ABQ. Ostromislensky, Prof. Iwan I(wanovich). 256 W. 116th St., New York, N. Y. (?) M27F33R34- N. Osuna, Prof. J(uan) J(ose). A.M., Colum- bia 20; Ph.D., 23. Dean Univ. Puerto Rico Col' Education, Rio Piedras, P. R. M27- F34. Q- Oswald, Albert George. M.S., Minnesota, 38. Instr., Dept. Mathematics and Physics, Michigan Col. Mining and Tech., Hough- ton, Mich. M40F40. BMA. 748 Directory of Members Otanes, Faustino Q. M.S., Illinois, 22. Chief entomology section and asst. chief Plant Pest and Disease Control Div., Bur. Plant Industry, Manila, P. I. (2670 de las Alas, Santa Ana) (M35R35)M39. FOK. Othmer, Dr. D(onald) F(rederick). M.S., Michigan, 26; Ph.D., 27. 200 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M30F33. CMP. Otis, Arthur B(rooks). M.Ed., Springfield, 2,7 \ Sc.M.. Brown, 39. Graduate asst. phy- siology, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M37, FQ. Otis, Dr. Arthur S(inton). A.M., Stan- ford, 15; Ph.D., 20. Psychological con- sultant, World Book Co., Yonkers, N. Y. (122 Caryl Ave.) M24F25. QI. Otis, Dr. Charles H(erbert). Ph.D., Michi- gan, 13. Assoc, prof, biology and head Dept., Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, Ohio. M12F25. FG. Otis, Ira C(linton). M31D— . G. Otis, Miss Louise. Ph.D., Northwestern, 30. Assoc, nutrition chemist, U. S. Exp. Sta., Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M22- F33. c. O'Toole, Prof. George Barry. Ph.D., Urban, 08; S.T.D., 12. Prof, philosophy, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. M38. F. Ott, Dr. Emil. Ph.D., Zurich. 27. Dir. res., Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Del. (2926 Main Road) M40. C. Ott, George L. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 36. Dir. res., Herbert A. Nieman and Co., Thiens- ville, Wis. (Cedarburg, Wis.) M38. FNO. Ott, Harry G(lenn). B.S., Chicago, 17. Scientific Bur., Bausch and Lomb Optical Co. Rochester, N. Y. (64 Corwin Road) M25F31. B. Ott, Harvey N(ewton). Ph.M., Michigan, 91. Chairman Board .Directors, Spencer Lens Co.; treas., Buffalo Goodwill Indus- tries, Buffalo, N. Y. M18. F. Ott, Henry D(orwardt). Riverside Hotel, Reno, Nev. (?) M32R37. E. Ott, Dr. William P(inkerton). M.A., Washington and Lee, 01 ; Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Alabama, University, Ala. M29F33. ADM. Otten, Henry. E.E., Cooper Union, 22. Asst. engineer economics, Interborough Rapid Transit Co.; instr. mechanical engng., Cooper Union, New York, N. Y. M25F38. MBK. Ottenberg, Dr. Reuben. M.A., Columbia; M.D., 05. Assoc, physician, Mt. Sinai Hosp.; asst. prof. clinical medicine, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Sur- geons, New York, N. Y. (11 12 Park Ave.) M12F33. FN. Ottenheimer, Dr. Edward J. M.D., Vir- ginia. Windham, Conn. M36. N. Otterson, Dr. Henry. Brookhill Farms. Genesee Depot. Wis. M28F33R36. COG. Ottinger, Miss Barbara. A.B., Goucher, 36. Junior bacteriologist, Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. (4801 Con- necticut Ave. NW.) M40. N. Ottley, Dr. Alice M(aria). M.A., Wellesley, 06; Ph.D., California, 21. Seneca Castle, N. Y. M09F31. G. Otto, Dr. Carl E(verett). M.A., Cincinnati, 20; Ph.D., 22. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M25F33. CQB. Otto, Carl (Shepherd). B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Inst. Engineer, Bailey Meter Co., Chicago, 111. (5128 Blackstone Ave.) M40. MBA. Otto, Mrs. Edna Bishop. (Edna R. Bishop). A.M., California, 21. 430 College Ave., Orono, Maine. M25F33. CQB. Otto, Dr. G(ilbert) F(red). M.Sc, Kansas State, 27; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Assoc, helminthology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hygiene and Public Health, Balti- more, Md. M30F33. NF. Otto, Miss (Lucy) Belle. M.A., Mt. Hol- yoke, 28. Asst. prof, chemistry, Goucher Col., Baltimore, Md. M40. C. Oughterson, Dr. Ashley W. M.D., Har- vard, 24; M.S., Yale, 29. Assoc, prof, sur- gery, Yale Univ. School Med.; assoc. surgeon, New Haven Hosp. and New Haven Dispensary, New Haven, Conn. M36F38. N. Ousdal, Dr. A(sbjorn) P(edersen). D.O.. Los Angeles, 15; M.D., 17. Physician and surgeon, 1201 de la Vina St., Santa Bar- bara, Calif. M18. EF. Outhouse, Miss Julia Pratt. M.S., Wiscon- sin, 20; Ph.D., Yale, 31. Prof, nutrition, Dept. Home Economics, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M27F33. CN. Outzen, Andrew N(ewton). B.S., Wis- consin, 10. Supt. Natural Gas Receiving Sta., Detroit Metropolitan Area, and supt. River Rouge Mfg. Plant, Michigan Con- solidated Gas Co., Detroit, Mich. M17. OCM. Ovakimian, G. B. 185 E. 163rd St., Bronx, New York, N. Y. (?) M36R37. C. Overbeck, W(ilcox) P(ratt). 10 Hamilton Road, Waltham, Mass. M37R37. B. Overdeer, Abner R., Jr. 2702 Boulevard, Wilmington, Del. M30R34. Overholser, Prof. E(arle) L(ong). M.A., Missouri, 14; Ph.D., Cornell, 26. Prof, horticulture and head Dept., State Col. Washington ; head Div. Horticulture, Wash- ington Agric. Exp. Sta., Pullman, Wash. M17F27. OG. Overholser, Dr. M(ilton) D(avid). A.M., Missouri, 24; Ph.D., New York, 28; M.D., 31. Prof, anatomy and chairman Dept., Univ. Missouri School Med., Columbia, Mm. M28F33. NF. Individual Members 749 Overholser, Dr. Winfred. M.D., Boston, 1 6. Supt., St. Elizabeths Hosp.; prof, psy- chiatry, George Washington Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. M38. N. Overlander, Dr. Charles L(eonard). M.D., Harvard, 05. 44.5 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. M18. N. Overley, C(harles) A(ndrew). Hotel Hayes, Chicago, 111. M38R38. CB. Overman, Prof. J(ames) R(obert). A.M., Columbia, 14; Ph.D., Michigan, 30. Dean Col. Liberal Arts and prof, mathematics, Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, Ohio. (211 Clay St.) M22F38. AQ. Overn, Dr. A. V. Box 294, University, N. Dak. M32R32. QIK. Overn, Prof. Oswald B(enjamin). M.S., Iowa, 18. Prof, physical science, Concordia Col., St. Paul, Minn. (1222 St. Anthony Ave.) M22F33. BA. Overstreet, G(eorge) T(homas). 811 S. Francis St., Terrell, Tex. M33. CG. Overstreet, Prof. H(arry) A(llen). B.Sc, Oxford, 01 ; M.B., California, 99. Prof. emeritus philosophy, Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. (Yorktown Heights) M24. IKH. Overton, Augustus Guy. 526 Durham Drive, Birmingham, Ala. M35R36. C. Overton, Dr. James Bertram. M02F06- D37. G. Owen, E. Robert. B.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech. Asst. sales mgr., Du Pont Film Mfg. Corp., 9 Rockefeller Plaza. New York, N. Y. (248 David St., South Ambov, N. J.) M29F40. BM. Owen, Edgar W(esley). 1716 Milam Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. M22F31R32. E. Owen, Dr. Forrest Vern. M.S., Oregon State, 23; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 26. Office sugar beet investigations, U. S. Dept. Agric, Salt Lake City, Utah. M27F31. OGA. Owen, George (William). 4018 Carlisle Ave., Baltimore, Md. M29R33. CEB. Owen, Prof. Gwilym E(myr). Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 28. Prof, physics, Antioch Col., Yellow Springs, Ohio. M27F33. B. Owen, Prof. Humphrey G(ray). M.A., Denver, 15. Head Dept. Zoology and chairman Div. Biological Sciences, Univ. Denver, Denver. Colo. (3535 E. Warren Ave.) M38. F. Owen, Miss Juliette A(melia). 306 N. 9th St., St. Joseph, Mo. M01F06L06. F. Owen, Miss Mary Alicia. M01L11D35. HI. Owen, Ray D(avid). Ph.M., Wisconsin, 38. Fellow genetics, Univ. Wisconsin, Madi- son, Wis. (11 Spooner St.) M40. FGO. Owen, Dr. Seward E(merson). Ph.G., South Dakota State, 22; Ph.C, 24; M.S., Oregon, 26; Ph.D., Northwestern, 31. Pharmacologist, U. S. Veterans Adminis- tration, Hines; res. consultant, Stand- ard Chem. and Mineral Corp., Chicago, 111. (418 S. 20th Ave., Maywood, 111.) M31F33. NpQC. Owen, Prof. W(illiam) H(orace). Morril- ton, Ark. M28R32. A. Owens, Dr. Albert A(lexander). M.A., Pennsylvania, 25; Ph.D., 29. Acting dir. Div. School Extension, Board Public Edu- cation; lecturer, Adult Education, Tem- ple Univ., Philadelphia, Pa. (5909 Castor Ave.) M31. QI. Owens, Prof. C(harles) E(lmer). A.M., In- diana, 11; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 34. Prof, and head Dept. Botany, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. M17F21. G. Owens, Charles R(obley). 393 W. 5th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. M29R39. MCB. Owens, F(rederick) W(illiam). M.S., Kan- sas, 02; Ph.D., Chicago, 07. Prof, and head Dept. Mathematics, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (462 E. Foster Ave.) M18F18. ABM. Owens, Dr. Harry S(utphin). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 35. Asst. prof., Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. M38. CN. Owens, Herbert D(elmont). Dept. Physics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (?) M3iR33- BAM. Owens, J(ames) S(tanley). Connecticut State Col., Storrs, Conn. M34F34R36. OG. Owens, (Owen) Glynn. M.A., California, 37. Graduate student, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (423 43rd St., Oakland, Calif.) M40. AB. Owens, Parry W(illiam). 49 Main St., Whiteboro, N. Y. M37R37. M. Owens, Prof. William A(bbott). A.M., Chicago, 11. Chairman Div. Psychology and Education, Winona State Teachers Col., Winona, Minn. (227 W. Sanborn St.) M24F33. IQ. Owensby, Dr. Newdigate Moreland. M.D., Maryland, 04. 714 Med. Arts Bldg., At- lanta, Ga. M38. N. Oxley, Prof. Arthur D(aniel). Lambuth Col., Jackson, Tenn. M26F31R35. GF. Oxnard, H(orace) W(hitcomb). S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 00. Instr., Ricker Junior Col., Houlton, Maine. (55 Court St.) M23. M. Oyler, James R. B.S.. Mt. St. Mary's Col. Agric. Bldg., Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M39. CN. Ozias, Ramon E. B.S.. Lehigh, 92. Chem- ist, Div. Labs.. U. S. Customs, New York, X. Y. (732 Clinton Ave., Newark, N. J.) M39. C. 750 Directory of Members Paaswell, George. C.E., Cornell, 08. Sec- treas., Spencer and Ross, Inc., 2485 Scot- ten Ave., Detroit, Mich. (Almond Road, Hornell, N. Y. )Mi7F23. ABM. Pabst, Miss Anna M. M35D35. NC. Pacanins, Arnaldo. B.E., Toledo, 37. Head Tech. Dept., C. Adrianza and Co., Caracas, Venezuela, S. A. (Sur 4, No. 75) M39. ABC. Pace, Dr. D(onald) M(etcalf). M.A., Duke; Ph.D., 31. Instr., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (M32R32)M39. FCN. Pacey, Guy Harold. B.S., Purdue, 22. Deputy surveyor, Tippecanoe County, La Fayette, Ind. (320 Waldron St., West La- fayette, Ind.) M24. M. Pacini, Albert E(lmer). 917 W. Williams St., Champaign, 111. (?) M38. C. Pacini, Dr. August John. Ph.D., Chicago Law School, 2^ . Specialties Div., Archer- Daniels-Midland Co., 600 Roanoke Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. M31F33. CNP. Pack, Dr. Dean A(lvin). Res. Dept., Gen- eral Foods Corp., Battle Creek, Mich. M22- F22R38. CGO. Pack, Dr. George T(homas). M.D., Yale, 22. Asst. clinical prof, surgery, Cornell Univ., New York, N. Y., and Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn.; attending surgeon. Memorial Hosp. Cancer, New York, N. Y. M22F27. N. Packard, Prof. Charles. M.S., Syracuse, 08; Ph.D., Columbia, 13. 630 W. 168th St., New York, N. Y. M18F20. F. Packard, C(lyde) M(onroe). M.Sc, Cali- fornia, 25. Principal entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. M18F22. F. Packard, Dr. E(arl) L(eroy). A.M., Wash- ington, 12; Ph.D., California, 15. Dean and dir. gen. res., head Dept. Geology, and prof, paleontology, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. (Edgewood Way) M13- F25. E. Packard, Dr. Francis R(andolph). 304 S. 19th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M29R36. NL. Packard, Roscoe Milliken. A.M., Western Reserve, 00. 140 Federal St. Boston, Mass. M12. ABD. Packard, Dr. Wales H(arrison). Ph.D., Chicago, 08. Prof, biology, Bradley Poly- technic Inst., Peoria, 111. M21F25. F. Packchanian, Dr. Ardzroony (Arthur). Ph.D., Michigan, 33. Protozoologist, Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. (M27- R32)M36F38. NFC. Paddock, Prof. F(loyd). B. M.S., Ohio State, 15. Extension prof, apiculture and state apiarist, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. (21 16 Country Club Bldv.) M17- F20. F. Paddock, L(evi) S(cott). A.B., Indiana, 10. Res. chemist, Swift and Co., Chicago, 111. (1624 W. 106th St.) M39. CMP. Paddock, Miss Ruth Avis. 184 Camp St., Providence, R. I. M38R38. QFG. Paddock, Prof. Wendell. M.S., Michigan State, 97. Prof, emeritus horticulture, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (1085 West- wood Ave.) M01F01. O. Paden, Dr. W(illiam) R(eynolds). Agron- omy Div., Clemson Agric. Col., Clemson, S. Car. M31F32R38. OCG. Padget, Dr. Paul. 804 Med. Arts Bldg., Baltimore, Md. M32R39. N. Padgett, Fred W(arde). 15 E. Ridley St., Ridley Park, Pa. (?) M34F34R35. C. Padgett, Ina. M.S., Columbia, 24. Assoc, prof, nutrition, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (251 S. Pugh St.) M35. N. Padgett, Joseph E(dward). B.S.. Worces- ter Polytechnic Inst. Vice pres. engng., Spicer Mfg. Corp., Toledo, Ohio. (2826 Falmouth Road) M40. KBM. Padis, Dr. Nicholas. M.D., Boston, 31. Asst. physician, Lankenau Hosp., Phila- delphia Pa. (1830 Delancey Place) M39. NHI. Pady, Dr. S(tuart) M(cGregor). M.A., Mc- Master; Ph.D., Toronto, 33. Prof, biology, Ottawa Univ., Ottawa, Kans. M38F39. G. Paffenbarger, Prof. Ralph S. M.S., Ohio State, 30. Prof, engng. drawing, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (39 E. Longview Ave.) M40. MQC. Pagan, Prof. F(rancisco) M(ariano). M.S., Chicago, 28; Ph.D., 31. Prof, biology and head Dept., Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Pied- ras, P. R. M31F39. GOF. Page, Alexander G(riffith). 1806 S. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M08R34. CB. Page, B(ertram) S(amuel). M.A., Bir- mingham. Librarian, Armstrong Col., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. M37. LIE. Page, Charles Reed, Jr. Dept. Forestry, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster Ohio. M37R37. FG. Page, Dr. Dudley L. M.D., Jefferson, 79. Pres., D. L. Page Co., Lowell, Mass. (427 Andover St.) M84L95. FN. Page, Prof. Frederick S(myth). M.S., Ver- mont, 14. Prof, biology, Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. M17F31. G. Page, Dr. Hugh Nelson. 512 Southern Finance Corp. Bldg., Augusta, Ga. M17- R32. N. Page, Dr. Irvine H(einly). M.D., Cornell, 26. Dir. res. Libby Labs. Clinical Res., Indianapolis City Hosp., Indianapolis, Ind. M28F33. NC. Individual Members 75i Page, Dr. James D. Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M37R38. I. Page, John L(orence). A.M., Clark, 27; Ph.D., 29. Natural History Bldg., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M2SF31. E. Page, Larrance. M.S., California, 04. High school teacher retired, 2334 Roosevelt Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M23. B. Page, Larry F(rederick). A.B., Drake. Massachusetts Inst. Technology, Cam- bridge, Mass. M38. BA. Page, Prof. Leigh. Ph.D., Yale, 13. Prof, mathematical physics, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (244 Livingston St.) M22- F22. B. Page, Dr. Lincoln R(idler). M.A., Ph.D., Minnesota. Care Milton Lord, Melvin Vil- lage, N. H. M38. ECF. Page, Newell C(aldwell). 28 Maxwell Road, Winchester, Mass. M24F40. E. Page, Dr. Thornton (Leigh). D.Phil., Ox- ford, 38. Instr., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111., and Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wis. M38. DB. Pagenstecher, Miss Bertha. Cornwall 011 Hudson, N. Y. M29. Paguirigan, Domingo Benito. M.S., Con- necticut, 20. Chief Tobacco Res. Section, Bur. Plant Industry; sec. Section Eco- nomics, Nat. Res. Council; technical con- sultant, Nat. Economic Council and Nat. Warehousing Corp., Manila, P. I. (2231 Azcarraga) M39F40. GKO. Paige, Dr. Beryl H(olmes). A.M., Colum- bia, 17; M.D., 24. Asst. prof, pathology, Columbia Univ. ; pathologist, Babies Hosp., New York, N. Y. (80 Haven Ave.) M32. N. Paige, Sidney. Iktisat Vekaleti, Ankara, Turkey. M11F13R35. E. Paine, Francis Ward. M.A., Wisconsin. 300 Hammond St., Chestnut Hill, Mass. M40. E. Paine, Fred(erick) S. M28D37. NC. Paine, Harold William. Ph.B., Brown, 07; B.Sc, Massachusetts Inst. Technology, 09. Chem. dir., Plastics Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Arlington, N.J. (14 Elston Road, Upper Montclair, N. J.) M38. CBP. Paine, Mrs. Mary Trueblood. M34F34- D39. A. Painter, H(enry) R(aymond). M.S., Okla- homa A. and M., 16. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Entomological Lab., La Fayette, Ind. (248 Littleton St., West Lafayette, Ind.) M19F33. F. Painter, Dr. Reginald H(enry). M.A., Texas, 24; Ph.D., Ohio State, 26. Assoc, prof, entomologv, Kansas State Col., Man- hattan, Kans. (M28F32R36)M38F32. F. Palache, Prof. Charles. Ph.D., California, 94. Harvard Lhiiv. Mus., Cambridge, Mass. M95F96L10. E. Palitz, Herbert. 101 Lewis St., New York, N. Y. M30R34. Palk, William H(enry). B.S., Cornell, 38. Salesman, Electro Hygiene Systems, Inc., 239 Fulton Ave., Hempstead, N. Y. (Cy- press St., Wantagh, N. Y.) M40. GOF. Palkin, Dr. Samuel. M.S., George Wash- ington, 13; Ph.D., 15. 3727 McKinley St. NW., Washington, D. C. (M28F33R37)- M39F33. C. Pallette, Dr. Edward M(arshall). Ph.M., Northwestern, 95; M.D., Southern Cali- fornia, 98. Vice pres., California State Board Public Health; member president's Advisory Committee, Univ. Southern Cal- ifornia Med. School, Los Angeles, Calif. (1930 Wilshire Blvd.) M30. N. Palm, Carl E. 141 1 Winona St., Chicago, 111. M32. Palmer, Dr. Albert de F(orest). M98F00- D40. B. Palmer, Dr. Allan. M.D., Oregon, 34. Instr., Dept. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univ. California School Med., San Fran- cisco, Calif. M40. NC. Palmer, Arthur W. Foreign Agric. Serv- ice Div., U. S. Bur. Agric. Economics, Washington, D. C. M31F33. K. Palmer, Bernard M(orey). B.L., Wiscon- sin, 00. Hamilton, Mont. M40. OLD. Palmer, Dr. Bissell B(arbour). D.D.S., New York, 10. 667 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M32. NdEK. Palmer, Prof. Boyd (Burton). Polvtechnic Inst., San German, P. R. M38R38. F. Palmer, Dr. Charles Skeele. M01F01D39. BCD. Palmer, Dewey H(omer). M.S., Iowa State, 25. Res. engineer, Hosp. Bur. Standards and Supplies, 9 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. (9 Cottage Place) M26F33. MBQ. Palmer, E(dmund) F(rank). B.S.A., To- ronto. Dir. Ontario Horticultural Exp. Sta., Vineland Station; head Dept. Horti- culture, Ontario Agric. Col., Guelph, Ont., Canada. M19F27. OG. Palmer, Mrs. Elizabeth (Elmore) Paine. B.S., Smith, 89. Housewife, 592 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn. M14L15. K. Palmer, Elton M(ayhew). A.B., Dart- mouth. 30. Geophysicist petroleum res., Gulf Res. and Development Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. M36F40. B. Palmer, Dr. E(phraim) Laurence. M.A., Cornell, 13; Ph.D., 17. Prof, rural edu- cation. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (206 Oak Hill Road) M17F21. FGQ. Palmer, Ernest J (esse). Collector and res. asst., Arnold Arboretum. Harvard Univ., Jamaica Plain, Mass. (1090 Center St.) M18F32. GE. 752 Directory of Members Palmer, Dr. E(rroll) Payne. M.D., Barnes Med. Col., 98. Chief surgical staff, St. Joseph's Hosp., Phoenix, Ariz. (1229 N. Central Ave.) M36. N. Palmer, Prof. Frederic, Jr. A.M., Harvard, 04; Ph.D., 13. Prof, physics, Haverford Col., Haverford, Pa. M13F16L37. B. Palmer, Frederic, III. B.S., Pennsylvania, 34. Foreman, Process Dept., Procter and Gamble Mfg. Co., Portsmouth, Va. (18 Burtis St., Cradock) M39. CM. Palmer, Dr. George D(avid). M.A., Johns Hopkins, 21; Ph.D., 24. Assoc, prof, or- ganic chemistry, Univ. Alabama, Univer- sity, Ala. M34F34. C. Palmer, Miss Grace. B.L.S., Illinois, 25. Librarian, State Teachers Col., Spring- field, Mo. M29. QKH. Palmer, Harold Irving. A.M., Boston, 30. Assoc, principal, High School, East Orange ; instr., Newark Technical School, Newark, N. J. (343 Rutledge Ave., East Orange, N. J.) M37. AQ. Palmer, Dr. Harold K(ing). 1741 S. Har- vard Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M34F34- R37. MDB. Palmer, Prof. Harold S(chjoth). Ph.D., Yale, 23. Prof, geology, Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. (2231 Hyde St.) M21- F31. E. Palmer, Herbert H(ammond). 508 W. 114th St., New York, N. Y. (?) M29R32. BAC. Palmer, Dr. James B. Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Directing editor high school books, Ginn and Co., 15 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. (230 Mt. Vernon St., West Newton, Mass.) M39. FGI. Palmer, Dr. John W(arren). M.S.. Iowa, 29; Ph.D., Columbia, 33. Biochemist. Biol. Labs., E. R. Squibb and Sons, New Bruns- wick, N. J. (113 Adelaide Ave., Highland Park, N. J.) M39. NC. Palmer. Dr. Katherine V(an) W(inkle). Ph.D., Cornell, 25. Res. worker and asst. treas.. Paleontological Res. Inst., 126 Kel- sin Place, Ithaca, N. Y. (206 Oak Hill Road) M30F31. E. Palmer, L(aurence) J(ohn). U. S. Biol. Survey, Juneau, Alaska. L25F31. O. Palmer, Prof. Leroy S(heldon). A.M., Mis- souri, 13; Ph.D., 13. Prof, agric. biochem- istry, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M18F18. CO. Palmer, Lulu R. 521 N. Dubuque St.. Iowa City, Iowa. M32R32. Palmer, Dr. Martin F(ranklin). M.A., Sc.D.. Michigan. =;22 S. Belmont St., Wichita, Kails'. M38. FIL. Palmer, Miss Miriam A(ugusta). M.A.. Kansas, 04; M.S., Colorado State. 27. \ssoc, prof, entomology, Colorado State Col., Fort Collins, Colo. M30F33. FN. Palmer, Ralph M(allory). M.A., Colum- bia, 26. Pres., Ferro-Nil Corp., 373 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. M25. CM. Palmer, Richard N(elson). M.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Technology, 32. Investiga- tor, North Ave., Westport, Conn. M39. BCM. Palmer, Dr. Robert H(astings). A.M., LItah, 09; J.D., Chicago, 12; Ph.D., Stan- ford, 24. Geologist, Cia. Petrolera Taina, 73 Metropolitana. Habana, Cuba. (Nep- tuno 1060) M29F31. E. Palmer, Roy A. Duke Power Co., Char- lotte, N. Car. M38R38. MBC. Palmer, Prof. Samuel C(opeland). A.M., Swarthmore, 07; A.M., Harvard, 09; Ph.D., 12. Prof, botany and acting dir. atheltics, Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, Pa. (435 Riverview Road) M27F27. G. Palmer, Prof. Stanley G. M.E., Cornell, 10. Prof, electrical engng., and head Dept., Univ. Nevada, Reno, Nev. (533 University Terrace) M39. MPB. Palmer, Dr. T(heodore) S(herman). M.D., Georgetown, 95. 1939 Biltmore St. NW., Washington, D. C. M07F11. F. Palmer, Dr. Walter L(incoln). M.S., Chi- cago, 19; Ph.D., 26; M.D., Rush, 21. Assoc, prof, medicine, Univ. Chicago Chicago, 111. (1320 E. 58th St.) M28F33. N. Palmer, Dr. Walter W(alker). M.D., Har- vard, 10; Sc.D., Amherst, 22, Columbia, 29. Prof, medicine. Columbia Univ.; dir. med. service, Presbyterian Hosp., New York, N. Y. (24 Gramercy Park) M18F21. CHN. Palmer, William J(ohnson). M27D35. BDC. Palsgrove, Prof. Grant K(nauer). M.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 11. Prof, hy- draulic engng. and sec. faculty, Rensse- laer Polytechnic Inst. ; consulting engi- neer, W. and L. E. Gurley Co., Troy, N. Y. (1514 Sage Ave.) M24F25. MQ. Paltsits, Dr. Victor Hugo. Litt.D., Brown, 36, Rutgers, 38. Chief Amer. History Div. and keeper manuscripts, New York Public Library, New York, N. Y. (48 Whitson St.. Forest Hills. N. Y.) M02F13. HKL. Pan, L(i) C(hi). 38 1 Rue Auguste Boppe, Shanghai, China. (?) M34F34R35. C. Panganiban, Dr. Elias H. Hacienda Cor- nell. Fabrica, Occidental Negros, P. I. M25L33F33. CO. Pangborn, Dr. Mary C(andace). Ph.D., Yale, 31. Asst. biochemist, New York State Dept. Health. Albany, N. Y. (20 Morris St.) M39. CNF. Pankratz, Dr. David Schultz. M.A., Kan- sas. 27; Ph.D.. 29: M.D., Chicago. 38. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Mississippi, Oxford, Miss. M2SF33. N. Individual Members 753 Panlasigui, Dr. Isidore M.A., Columbia, 19; Ph.D., Iowa, 28. Assoc, prof, and head Dept. Psychology, Univ. Philippines Col. Education, Manila, P. I. M34. IQK. Pannill, Charles J. Pres., Radiomarine Corp. Amer. and RCA Inst.; chairman Board Editors, RCA Technical Press., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. (So Hereford Road, Bronxville, N. Y.) M39. M. Panunzio, Prof. Constantine (Maria). A.M., Wesleyan, u; Ph.D., Brookings Inst., 25. Asst. prof, sociology, Univ. California Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Calif. M34F36. KHI. Panuska, Frank Charles. A.M., Columbia, 21 ; M.S., 23. Administrative asst., Stuyves- ant High School, New York, N. Y. (3346 98th St., Corona, N. Y.) M18. QM. Paolillo, Chris Henry. B.A., South Da- kota, 35. Detailman, Italian Drugs Import- ing Co., Inc. 225 Lafavette St., New York, N. Y. (292 Stockton St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M39. CBN. Papa, Dr. Domenick. M.A., Columbia, 35; Ph.D., 37. Dir. labs, and member res. staff, International Vitamin Corp., 50 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. (915 84th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M39. CMN. Papageorge, Dr. Evangeline (Thomas). M.S., Emory, 23; Ph.D., Michigan, 37. Asst. prof, biochemistry, Emory Univer- sity, Ga. (460 Claire Drive NE., Atlanta, Ga.) M40. NC. Papanicolaou, Dr. George N. M.D., Athens, 04; Ph.D., Munich, 10. Assoc, prof, anat- omy, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (368 Beverly Road, Douglaston, N. Y.) M38. N. Pape, Miss Mary Elizabeth. A.M., Colum- bia, 25. Dept. Biologv, Junior Col.. Little Rock, Ark. (133 Pearl St.) M40. FG. Papez, Prof. James W(enceslas). M.D., Minnesota, 11. Prof, anatomy, Cornell Univ. Ithaca, N. Y. (101 Elmwood Ave.) M24F25. FHI. Pappenhagen, Prof. L(ouis) A(bell). M.Sc, Northwestern, 16; Ph.D., Ohio State, 25. Prof, chemistry, Mt. Union Col., Alliance. Ohio. (705 W. State St.) M34- F34. C. Pappenheimer, Dr. Alwin M(ax). M.D., Columbia, 02. Prof, pathology, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons; at- tending pathologist. Presbyterian Hosp. and Sloane Hosp., New York, N. Y. (3001 Henry Hudson Parkway) M10F11. N. Papurt, Dr. Maxwell Jerome. Inst. Male Defective Delinquents, Napanoch, N. Y. M33R33. INQ. Paraskevopoulos. Prof. John S. Sc.D., Athens, 12. Assoc, prof, astronomy, Har- vard Observatory, Bloemfontein, S. Africa. M35F35. D. Parcher, Frank M(orrison). Carson In- dian Agency, Stewart, Nev. M39R39. HKQ. Pardee, Frank. M.A., Lafayette. 195 N Vine St., Hazleton, Pa. Mio. GM. Pardee, Harvey S. S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Technology, 09. Consulting engineer, 200 N. Laflin St., Chicago, 111. (1540 Jud- son Ave., Highland Park, 111.) M39. MAB. Pardee, Miss Molly (Bockes). North Shore Hotel, Evanstori, 111. M38. C. Pardee, Miss Ruth E. Pajacombe Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. M39. H. Pardini, Miss Adeline. International House, Berkeley, Calif. (?) M32R32. HIL. Pardo, Jose H(eeren). Villa Pardo, Bia*- ritz, France. M32R35. GOC. Pardoe, Avern. 15 Powell Ave., Toronto, Ont.. Canada. M39. BCD. Parent, Dr. Joseph D. M.S., Rensselaer Polvtechnic Inst.; Ph.D., Ohio State. 823 Newton St. NE., Washington, D. C. M36. CM. Parija, Prof. P(rankrishna). M.A., Cam- bridge. Ravenshaw Col., Cuttack, India. M38. GO. Parish, Dr. Jessie A(ugusta). M.S., Iowa, 11; D.D.S., 15. Dentist, 22654 Main St., Cedar Falls, Iowa. M23. GF. Park, Prof. Charles F(rancis). S.B., Mass- achusetts Inst. Technology, 92. Prof, emer- itus mechanism and dir. Lowell Inst., Massachusetts Inst. Technology, Cam- bridge, Mass. M08F15. M. Park, Dr. Edwards A(lbert). La Paix, Rodgers Forge, Md. M28F33R34- N. Park, Prof. James G(ilbert). M.A., North Carolina, 29. Head Dept. Natural Science, Newberry Col., Newberry, S. Car. (1809 Nance St.) M34. CB. Park, Prof. J(ay) B(oardman). M.S., Illi- nois, 12; Sc.D., Harvard, 16. Prof, agron- omy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus; assoc. agronomy, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Woos- ter, Ohio. M12F25. GO. Park, Dr. Orlando. Ph.D., Chicago. 29. Assoc, prof, zoology, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M30F33. FG. Park, Dr. O(scar) Wallace. M.S., Iowa State, 20; Ph.D., 24. Assoc, prof, apicul- ture, Iowa State Col.; res. assoc. prof, apiculture, Iowa Agric. Exp. Sta., Ames, Iowa. (615 Ash Ave.) M24F25. F. Park, Dr. Pum Koo. 330 W. 9th St., Ches- ter, Pa. M39R39. NPQ. Park, Prof. Robert E(zra). M.A., Har- vard, 99; Ph.D., Heidelberg. 04; Dr. Hu- mane Letters, Michigan, 37. Prof, emeritus sociology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111.; prof, sociology, Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn. M30F32! KH. 754 Directory of Members Park, Robert H(iram). B.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Technology, 23. In charge physics res., Calco Div., Amer. Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N. J. (Millington, N. J.) M39F40. BCA. Park, Prof. Thomas. Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. (M3iR33)M37. FN. Park, Dr. Willard Z. Ph.D., Yale, 36. Prof, anthropology and sociology and head Dept., Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. M39- HK. Park, Dr. William Hallock. M02F03D39. N. Vice president for Section on Medical Sciences (N), 1932. Parke, Nathan G(rier), III. Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M34R-34- ABD. Parke, Robert Mabie. 16595 Baylis Ave., Detroit, Mich. M38R39. MBA. Parker, Dr. Alice E(lizabeth). A.M.. Colo- rado, 33; Ph.D., 35. Instr. anatomy, Child Res. Council and Univ. Colorado School Med., Denver, Colo. M40. NQ. Parker, Arthur C(aswell). M.S., Roches- ter, 22. Dir. Rochester Mus., Rochester, N. Y. M34F34. HQ. Parker, Arthur L. 2985 Falmouth Road, Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. M31. M. Parker, Mrs. Benjamin M\ (Rachel Eve Neely). A.B., Smith, 30. Housewife, 1701 Swann St. NW., Washington, D. C. M31. LOF. Parker, Miss Bertha M (orris). S.M., Chi- cago, 23. Teacher science, Lab. Schools, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M38. QG. Parker, Dr. Charles S(tewart). M.S., Washington State, 23; Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania State, 32. Prof, botany and head Dept., Howard Univ., Washington, D. C. (321 nth St. NE.) M24F32. G. Parker, Miss Edith P. 5705 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111. M40. E. Parker, Dr. Edward Mason. Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. M36R37. N. Parker, Dr. Edwin R(obert). M.S., Cali- fornia, 23 ; Ph.D., Cornell, 29. Asst. horti- culturist Univ. California Citrus Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. M28F32. OG. Parker, Dr. Frederic, Jr. M.D., Harvard, 16. Pathologist, Boston City Hosp. ; assoc. prof, pathology, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M28F33. N. Parker, Prof. G(eorge) H(oward). S.D., Harvard, 91, Colby, 35. Prof, emeritus zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (16 Berkeley St.) M01F01. F. Vice presi- dent for Section on Zoology (F), 1916. Parker, Glenn L. U. S. Geol. Survev, Washington, D. C. M36F36R39. MBC. Parker, Gordon. M14L18F31D37. OGE. Parker, H(arold) P(hineas). 305 W. Ashbv Place, San Antonia, Tex. M31. BEM'. Parker, Dr. H(arry) G(eorge). Dept. Chemistry, Park Col., Parkville, Mo. M34- F34R38. C. Parker, Harry M. 135-33 234th Place, Laurelton, N. Y. M30R32. MCG. Parker, Dr. Henry C(ole). M.A., Clark, 16; Ph.D., 20; M.P.L., Washington Col. Law, 32 Patent lawver, Nat. Press Bldg., Washington, D. C. (6142 30th St. NW.) M34F34. CBM. Parker, Henry Godwin. City Health Dept., Norfolk, Va. M3iR34- CN. Parker, Prof. Herschel C(lifford). 2623 Monmouth Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M94- F00L09. B. Parker, Horatio Newton. Dir. labs, and sanitation City Health Dept., Jackson- ville. Fla. (2777 Park St.) M25F27. NO. Parker, Howard. 107 New Gorham Road, Westbrook, Maine. M38R38. MPA. Parker, Dr. Hugh K(lemme). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 21. Asst. dir. res., Novadel-Agene Corp., Belleville, N. J. (17 Cambridge Road, Glenridge, N. J.) M23F33. C. Parker, Dr. J(ohn) B(ernard). M.A., Ohio State, 00; Ph.D., 15. Prof, biology, Catho- lic Univ. Amer.. Washington, D. C. (121 7 Lawrence St. NE.) M11F21. FG. Parker, J(ohn) C(linton). Lefax Society, 4439 Harrison St. NW., Washington, D. C. M37. C Parker, Dr. John H(untington). M.S., Cor- nell, 16; Ph.D., Cambridge, 28. Dir. Kan- sas Wheat Improvement Assn., College Heights Road, Manhattan, Kans. (1728 Fairview Ave.) M13F24. GO. Parker, Dr. J(ohn) R(obert). U. S. En- tomological Lab., Bozeman, Mont. M18- F20R33. F. Parker, Dr. K(enneth) G(ardner). Ph.D., Cornell, 34. Res. asst. prof, plant pathol- ogy, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M35- F39. GOF. Parker, Lawrence B. Box 105, Yokohama, Japan. M32R32. F. Parker, Dr. M(arion) W(esley). Box 51, College Park, Md. M33F33R34. GC. Parker, Miss Mildred Pearl. M.A., Kan- sas, 26. Head Dept. Science. High School. Drumright Okla. (202 E. Drumright St.) M28. F. Parker, Milton E. S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Technology, 23. Mgr. production, Beatrice Creamerv Co., 1526 S. State St., Chicago. 111. (Barrington, 111.) M39. CMO. Parker, Dr. Milton M(arvin). M.A., Ohio State, 36; Ph.D., 39. Instr., Dept. Psy- chology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (2913 Neil Ave.) M39. INF. Individual Members 755 Parker, Dr. R(alph) L(angley). Sc.M., Brown, 17; M.S., Iowa State, 22; Ph.D.. Cornell, 25. Prof, apiculture and ento- mology, Kansas State Col.; assoc. ento- mologist, Kansas Agric. Exp. Sta. ; state apiarist, Kansas Entomological Commis- sion, Manhattan, Kans. (1809 Leaven- worth St.) M23F32. FG. Parker, Dr. R(alph) R(obinson). M.Sc, Massachusetts State, 14; Ph.D., 15; D.Sc, Montana, 37. Dir. Rocky Mountain Lab., U. S. Public Health Service, Hamilton, Mont. M17F20. FN. Parker, Ralzemond D(rake). M.S., Michi- gan, 06. Telegraph development dir., Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M18. M. Parker, Raymond C(randall). Ph.D., Yale, 27. Head Virus Div., Biol. Labs., E. R. Squibb and Sons, New Brunswick, N. J. M27F33. FN. Parker, Selby C. 1031 Ellicott Square, Buf- falo, N. Y. M31R32. B. Parker, Dr. Sylvia L(ouise). 79 Elm St., Albany, N. Y. (?) M34F34R36. A. Parker, Prof. Walter H(untington). E.M., Minnesota, 07. Prof, mining, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. (5101 Sheridan Ave. S.) M34F34. QME. Parker, Dr. Walter R(obert). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 91; Sc.D., 27; Sc.D., Michigan, 34. Prof, emeritus ophthalmology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; oculist, De- troit, Mich. (1 Woodland Place, Grosse Pointe, Mich.) M34F34. N. Parkhurst, Roger Williams. C.E., Cornell, 13. Engng. representative Australasia, Trinidad Lake Asphalt Operating Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. M22. M. Parkins, Prof. A(lmon) E(rnest). M27F29- D40. E. Parkinson, Dr. David T. D.D.S., North- western. 729 Beacon Bldg., Wichita, Kans. M40. Nd. Parkinson, Prof. George A(mbrose). Univ. Wisconsin Extension Div., Milwaukee, Wis. M34F34R37- AD. Parks, Prof. George S(utton). M.S., Wash- ington, 16; Ph.D., California, 19. Prof, chemistry, Stanford University, Calif. (665 Alvarado St.) M2SF28. CB. Parks, Dr. Hal B. M.A., Texas, 33: Ph.D., 34. Assoc, prof, biology and graduate instr., Stephen F. Austin Col., Nacog- doches, Tex. M39F39. FG. Parks, Harold E(rnest). Assoc, curator, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (Spruce Cove, Trinidad, Calif.) M35. GF. Parks, H(arris) B(raley). B.S., Black- burn Col. Chief Div. Apiculture, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., San Antonio, Tex. M29- F33. F. Parks, Louis John. Chemist, John W. Eshelman and Sons, 244 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. M31. CBA. Parks, Miss Mabel. M.A., Texas, 33. Instr. biology, Belhaven Col., Jackson, Miss. M40. GF. Parks, Prof. W. George. M.A., Columbia, 28; Ph.D., 31. Prof, chemistry and dir. res., Rhode Island State Col., Kingston, R. I. M35F35. C. Parks, Prof. William Arthur. Dept. Geol- ogy, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Can- ada. M22F22R33. E. Parks, Prof. W(illiam) B(enjamin). Ph.D., Texas Christian, 94; M.S., Chicago, 20. Prof, chemistry, Kansas State Teachers Col., Pittsburg, Kans. M34F34. C. Parman, D(aniel) C(leveland). B.S.A., Tennessee, 11. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Uvalde, Tex. M10F25. F. Parmele, Dr. Harris B(arnum). M.S., Wisconsin, 24; Ph.D., 27. Chief chemist and dir. res., P. Lorillard Co., Middle- town, Ohio. M38F40. CO. Parmenter, Dr. Charles L(eroy). A.M., Southern California, 12; Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 18. Prof, zoology, Univ. Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. (60 S. Linden Ave. Clifton Heights, Aldan, Pa.) M19- F21. F. Parmenter, Prof. Clarence Edward. Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Prof. Romance phonetics, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M28F32. L. Parmenter, Dr. George Freeman. Ph.D., Brown, 03; Sc.D., Colby, 16. Prof, chem- istry, Colby Col., Waterville, Maine. M07- Fn. C. Parodi, Lorenzo R. Prof, botany, Univ. Buenos Aires Argentina, S. A. ( Lavalle 4680) M40. GO. Parodneck, Mrs. Clara B. M.S., Columbia. 575 Argyle Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. M37. N. Parr, Prof. Harry L(ilienthal). M.E., Co- lumbia, 04. Prof, mechanical engng., Co- lumbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M11F15. M. Parr, Dr. John. M.D., Tufts, 03. 32 High St., Methuen, Mass. M23. N. Parr, Prof. Leland W(ilbur). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 23. Prof, bacteriology, George Wash- ington Univ., Washington, D. C. (4447 Volta Place NW.) M33F33. NH. Parr, Miss Rosalie M(ary). Ph.D., Illinois, 16. Assoc, chemistry, Univ. Illinois, Ur- bana, 111. M19F33. CQG. Parr, Dr. Thaddeus. M.F., Yale, 32; Ph.D., 39. Asst. entomologist forest insect investi- gations, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, New Haven, Conn. M39F40. FO. Parrack, Horace O(lin). M.A., Columbia. Res. fellow, Dept. Physiology, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M29. NFE. 756 Directory of Members Parrott, Prof. P(ercival) J(ohn). A.M., Kansas, 98. New York State Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M08F13. OF. Parrott, Dr. Robert P(arker). M.P.S., American; LL.M., New York Law School. Special representative, Gen. Electric Co., 806 15th St., Washington, D. C. (4208 In- gomar St. NW.) M22. B. Parry, Dr. Angenette. M36D39. NLH. Parry, Dr. Eleanor. M.D., Women's Med. Col. New York Infirmary, 36 Central Ave., Huntington, N. Y. M40. NHE. Parry, Dr. John J(ay). M.A., Yale, 14; Ph.D. 15. Prof. English, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (805 W. Iowa St.) M25. LQ. Parry, V. F. 424 Linden St., Morgantown, W. Va. M33R33. MBC. Parsegian, V(ozcan) Lawrence. B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Technology, 33. Res. assoc. electrical pyrometry, C. J. Tagliabue Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y." (751 Troy Ave.) (M38R38)M4oF4o. BMN. Parsell, H(enry) V(an) A(rsdale). 122 W. 81st St., New York, N. Y. M24R34. BD. Parshall, Ralph L(e Roy). B.S., Colorado State, 04. Senior irrigation engineer, U. S. Dept. Agric, Fort Collins, Colo. (926 Akin Ave.) M23F24. MO. Parshley, Dr. H(oward) M(adison). A.M., Harvard, 10; Sc.D., 17. Prof, zoology. Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (250 Elm St.) (Mi8F2oR33M36F2oR36)M38F2o. F. Parson, Howard E(verett). M.S., Minne- sota, 28. Asst. pathologist, U. S. Pecan Field Lab., Shreveport, La. (2722 Sam- ford Ave.) M29F33. GCO. Parson, Prof. Ruben L(eRoy). M.A., Clark, 34. Prof, geography and head Dept., State Teachers Col., Troy, Ala.; consult- ing geographer, Dixie Tung-Empire Corp., Jackson, Miss. M40. EQK. Parson, Prof. S(wen) F(ranklin). 305 Col- lege Ave., De Kalb. 111. M22R35. AKQ. Parsons, Charles H(oward). 2940 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. (?) M24R33. A. Parsons, Dr. Charles L(athrop). Sc.D., Maine. 11; D.Chem., Pittsburgh, 14. Sec. and business mgr., Amer. Chemical Soc, Mills Bldg., Washington, D. C. (3414 New- ark St. NW.) M92F96. C. Secretary of Section on Chemistry (C), 1903-07. Parsons, Charles Wythe. Lankershim Hotel, San Francisco, Calif. (?) (M35- R36)M.?8. CNF, Parsons, Dr. Dickson Ward. M.S., Wis- consin, 18; Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Prof, and head Dept. Rural Organization, West Vir- ginia Univ. Col. Agric, Morgantown, W. Va. M34F34. KOQ. Parsons. Dr. Elizabeth I(ngersoll). D.Sc, Johns Hopkins. 25. Res. fellow, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hvgiene and Pub- lic Health, Baltimore, Md. M28F33. N. Parsons, Dr. Elsie Clews. M.A., Columbia, 97; Ph.D., 99. Harrison, N. Y. M17F21. H. Parsons, Dr. Glenn W. Ph.D., Western Re- serve, 37. Asst. prof., Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Mississippi, University, Miss. M39. CNP. Parsons, Miss Helen T(racy). M.S., Wis- consin, 16; Ph.D., Yale, 28. Prof, nutri- tion, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (130H Lathrop St.) M29F33. CN. Parsons, Dr. John L(angdon). Ph.D., Yale, 25. Chief Res. Dept., Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, Pa. M21F33. BCP. Parsons, Dr. John Purl. M.D., Michigan, 19. 808 Grand Marais Blvd., Grosse Pointe, Mich. M39- NCF. Parsons, Dr. Joseph G(reeley). M.D., Min- nesota, 98. Crookston, Minn. M17F33. N. Parsons, Karl (Alfred). M.S., Iowa, 36. Assoc, prof, physical science, State Teach- ers Col., Moorhead, Minn. (421 S. 9th St.) M38. B. Parsons, Miss Llewellyn. 17 E. 83rd St., New York, N. Y. M18F33R34. C. Parsons, Dr. Louis A(lexander). A.M., Iowa State, 99 ; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 02. Prof, emeritus physics, Whitman Col., Walla Walla, Wash. (Hampstead Md.) M17F21. B. Parsons, Louis Smith. Wamego, Kans. (?) M37R37. BEM. Partch, Prof. A(rthur) W. Greenville, Tex. M28R38. AFG. Partridge, Dr. Edward A(nson). M07F16- D34. ABC. Partridge, Dr. E(rnest) DeAlton. Ph.D., Columbia. 2 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M37. KQ. Partridge, Newton L(yman). M.S., Illi- nois, J4; Ph.D., 17. Res. assoc, Dept. Horticulture. Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M20F23. OG. Pascal, Dr. Henry S(alem). M.D., New York, 96. Surgeon, St. Elizabeth Hosp. and St. Clare's Hosp., New York, N. Y. (Coleytown Road, Westport, Conn.) M26. NQ. Paschall, A(lfred) H. M.S., Pennsylvania State. 333 W. Norman Ave., Davton, Ohio. M38. OE. Paschall, Dr. Benjamin S. M.D., Pennsyl- vania. 03. Pres. and chief chemist, Pascal Co., Inc.; vice pres., Breatheasy Dist., Inc., Seattle, Wash. M39. CGN. Paschke, Herbert. 633 College Ave., Lan- caster, Pa. M28. CMB. Pasek, Prof. Dwight M. M.S., Michigan, 32. Asst. prof, phvsics. Missouri Vallev Col., Marshall. M0/M40F40. B. Pasma, Rev. Henry Kay. Box 216 Rock- ville, Md. M32R39. KLQ. Individual Members 757 Passano, Edward B(oteler). Pres., Wil- liams and Wilkins Co. and Waverly Press., Inc., Baltimore, Md. (York Road and Susquehanna Ave., Towson, Md.) M17- F32. M. Passano, Prof. Leonard M(agruder). A.B., Johns Hopkins, 89. Prof, emeritus mathe- matics, Massachusetts Inst. Technology, Cambridge, Mass. (121 5 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass.) M17F33. A. Passmore, Miss Sara F(lorence). M30- D37, G. Pasternak, Jesse. M.A. Columbia. 20 W. 84th St., New York, N. Y. M38. NFG. Pastrana-Castrence, Dr. Maria D. Phar.D., Manila; M.S., Philippines; M.A., Michi- gan; Sc.D., 31. Asst. prof., Dept. Botany, Univ. Philippines, Manila, P. I. M39. G. Patch, Dr. Edith M(arion). M.S., Maine, 10; Sc.D., 37; Ph.D., Cornell, 11. Entcmol- ogist emeritus, Maine Agric. Exp. Sta., Orono, Maine. M08F13. F. Patch, L(awrence) H(enry). B.S., Massa- chusetts State, 19. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Toledo, Ohio. (705 Brighton Ave.) M24F33. F. Patek, Dr. Paul R. Ph.D., Southern Cali- fornia, 38. Asst. prof, anatomy, Univ. Sovithern California Med. School, Los An- geles, Calif. M40. NFC. Paterson, Albert B(arnett). Pres., New Orleans Public Service, Inc., New Or- leans, La. M24. Paterson, Prof. Donald G(ildersleeve). A.M., Ohio State, 15. Prof, psychology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M28F31. I. Patitz, J(ohann) F(riedrich). M08D37. M. Paton, Dr. Julia B(ayles). M.A., Smith, 12; Ph.D., Yale, 20. Res. biochemist. Nat. Drug Co., 5109 Germantown Ave., Phila- delphia, Pa. M12F31. GCN. Paton, Dr. R(ichard). Townley. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Prof, ophthalmology. New York Med. Col., Flower and Fifth Ave. Hosp.; surgeon, Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hosp., New York, N. Y. M38. N. Paton, Dr. R(obert) F(rederick). M.S., Michigan, 16; Ph.D., 22. Assoc, prof., Dept. Phvsics, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M34F34. B. Paton, Dr. Stewart. M.D., Columbia, 89. Franconia, N. H. M01F02. N. Patricia, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Patricia Dawson). Patrick, Dr. Catharine. M.A., Missouri, 30; Ph.D., Columbia. 35. Res. psycho- logist, International Federation Business and Professional Women, New York, N. Y. M36. IK. Patrick, Frank. Ph.B. 822 W. 58th St., Kansas City, Mo. Moi. FG. Patrick, Prof.G(eorge) T(homas) W(hite). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 88. Prof, emeritus philosophy, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (1440 California Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.) M29F33. I. Patrick, Dr. Grace C. 356 N. Alta Vista Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M26R37. IKN. Patrick, Dr. Joseph C(ecil). M.D., Kan- sas City Col. Med. and Surgery, 22. 916 Greenway Ave., Morrisville, Pa. M33. C. Patrick, Miss Mary L(ouise). M.A., Chi- cago, 20. Principal, Wadsworth School, Chicago, 111. (6030 Kimbark Ave.) M25. IQ. Patrick, Ruth (See Ruth Patrick Hodge). Patrick, Prof. W(alter) A(lbert). The Terraces, Mt. Washington, Baltimore, Md. M25F25R33. CB. Patry, Dr. Frederick L. State Education Dept., Albany, N. Y. M35F35R35. IN. Pattee, Howard Hunt. M.A., Stanford, 26. Dir. admissions, Pomona Col., Claremont, Calif. M31. IQN. Patten, Andrew Jarvis. B.S., Maine, 97. Dir. res., Huron Milling Co., Harbor Beach, Mich. M10F15. C. Patten, Dr. Bradley M(errill). A.M., Har- vard, 12; Ph.D., 14. Prof, anatomy and chairman Dept., Univ. Michigan Med. School, Ann Arbor, Mich. (2126 Highland Road) M17F20. F. Patten, Miss Jane B(oit). Eliot St., South Natick, Mass. M25. NG. Patten, John. 5 W. Franklin St., Balti- more, Md. (?) M94L02. Patterson, Dr. Austin M(cDowell). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 00. Vice pres. and prof, chemistry, Antioch Col., Yellow Springs, Ohio. (221 N. King St. Xenia Ohio) M02F06. C. Patterson, Boyd C(rumrine). A.M., Johns Hopkins, 25; Ph.D., 26. Prof, mathematics, Hamilton Col., Clinton, N. Y. (College Hill) M26F33. A. Patterson, Bryan. Field Mus., Chicago, 111. M31F33R33. EF. Patterson, Dr. Cecil F(rederick). M.S., Illinois, 20; Ph.D., 21. Prof, horticulture and head Dept., Univ. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. ( 1 1 1 5 Elliott St.) M19F40. GO. Patterson, Charles (Byers). Ch.E., Vir- ginia, 26. Chemical supervisor, Procter and Gamble Mfg. Co., 169 E. Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (5707 Mimika Ave.) M39. CMK. Patterson, Curtis J. Pres., Campbell Tag- gart Res. Corp., 4049 Pennsylvania Ave., Kansas City, Mo. M39. COP. Patterson, Dr. F(rederick) D(avis). Cuth- bert, Ga. M33R37. NO. 758 Directory of Members Patterson, Dr. G(uillermo), Jr. Ch.E., New York, ii ; M.S., Notre Dame, n; Ph.D., 12; LL.B., Hamilton, 20. Owner and dir. French Distillery, 10 B St.; attorney at law, 11 5th St., Panama, Panama. M07- F33. CQK. Patterson, Dr. Harry Jacob. D.Sc, Mary- land, 12. Dean emeritus, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M87F90V37. CO. Patterson, Dr. Herbert. Ph.D., Yale, 19. Dean administration, Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M23F28. QKI. Patterson, Irving W(ooster). B.S., Brown, 09. District engineer. Lane Construction Corp., 35 Colony St., Meriden, Conn. (Hamilton, R. I.) M22F31. M. Patterson, James. Student, Marshall Col., Huntington, W. Va. (11 13 20th St.) M40. B. Patterson, J(ames) Edward. Vice pres., Arthur H. Thomas Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (42 W. Walnut Ave., Merchantville, N. J.) M14. CBN. Patterson, Dr. J(ames) O(tey). A.M., St. Charles. 18; LL.D., Fordham, 28. 16 W. Lynnwood Ave., Glenside, Pa. M33. CAD. Patterson, J(ohn). Meteorological Office, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M18F28R34. B. Patterson, Dr. J(ohn) T(homas). Ph.D., Chicago, 08 ; D.Sc, Wooster, 38. Prof, zoology and dir. zoological res., Univ. Texas, Austin. Tex. M09F13. F. Patterson, Lawrence J(ames). 9 Hillside Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. (?) M32R37. BCK. Patterson, Loren O. 958 Acoma St., Den- ver, Colo. M34R34. K. Patterson, Miss Mary Clagett. M.A., Penn- sylvania, 16. Teacher, Dept. Science, Wil- liam Penn High School, Philadelphia, Pa. (927 E. Rittenhouse St.) M37. FGQ. Patterson, Sister Mary Thomasine. M.S., Marquette, 36. Asst. prof., Mt. Mary Col., Milwaukee, Wis. M39. Patterson, Dr. Paul M(orrison). M.A., North Carolina; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 33. Prof, biology, Hollins College, Va. M32F33. G. Patterson, Prof. Robert A(lexander). M.A., Yale, 12; Ph.D., 15. Prof, physics, Rensse- laer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N. Y. Mi 7- F31. B. Patterson, Dr. Robert C(ompton). Ph.D., West Virginia, 35. Assoc, prof, biology, Potomac State School, West Virginia Univ., Keyser, W. Va. M34. FG. Patterson, Prof. S(amuel) Howard. A.M., Pennsylvania, 16; Ph.D., 22, Prof, eco- nomics, Univ. Pennsvlvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (927 E. Rittenhouse St.) M31. KQL. Patterson, Prof. T(homas) L(eon). A.M., Kansas City, 11; M.S., Chicago, 15; Ph.D., 20. Prof, and head Dept. Physiology, Wayne Univ. Col. Med., Detroit, Mich. (4049 Pasadena Ave.) M09F16. FN. Patterson, V. A. Conard (See Vera Arri- etta Conard). Patterson, Lt. Comdr. W(illiam) D(aryl). U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. M23. ME. Patterson, Dr. William M(axweU). M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 12. 455 W. 23rd St., New York, N. Y. M25. N. Pattie, Dr. Frank A(cklen,). Jr. Rice Inst., Houston, Tex. M38F38R39. L Pattinson, R. L. Box 339, Chatham, Ont., Canada. M36R36. Pattison, Clarence E(thelbert). 1332 Lo- cust St., Cincinnati, Ohio. M24. Q. Patton, Dr. A(lva) R(ae). Ph.D., Minne- sota, 35. Prof, and head Dept. Chemistry, Montana Agric. Exp. Sta., Bozeman, Mont. M3SF40. CNO. Patton, Avery, Jr. 205 Hampton Ave., Greenville, S. Car. M36R39. CNF. Patton, C(arl) W(illiam). A.B.. Marietta. 61 W. Columbia Ave., Palisades Park, N. J. M39. CBN. Patton, Prof. Francis L(ester). M.A., Oxford, 19; Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Prof, economics, Hamilton Col., Clinton, N. Y. M25F33. K. Patton, Leicester. M.S., Virginia, 11. Con- sulting chemist. Buckmaster-Patton Lab., 711 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. (965 Berk- shire Ave.) M08. C. Patton, Dr. Leroy T(hompson). M.S., Iowa, 16; Ph.D., 23. Prof, and head Dept. Geology and Petroleum Engng., Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. (2415 19th St.) M18F31. E. Patton, Dr. Robert L(ee). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 38. Instr. insect physiology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M40F40. FCO. Patty, F(rank) A(rthur). B.S., Kansas, 20. Dir. industrial hygiene, Fidelity and Casualty Co. New York, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. M34F34. CNM. Patty, Prof. John R(oland). M.Sc, Ohio State, 28; Ph.D., 31. Prof, and head Dept. Physics, Arkansas State Col., Jonesboro, Ark. M40F40. B. Patzig, Monroe L(awrence). 680 44th St., Des Moines, Iowa. M30R32. CBM. Paul, Allard Anthony. B.S., Albright. 351 E. 19th St., New York, N. Y. M37. FN. Paul, Arthur E. M.S., Illinois, 98. Asst. chief, Central District, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Chicago, 111. (218 N. Latrobe Ave.) M34F34. CO. Paul, Eric B(arlow). Student and res. asst., Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont,. Canada. (Lyn, Ont., Canada) M39. BA. Individual Members 759 Paul, Dr. John R(odman). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 19. Assoc, prof, medicine, Yale Univ. School Med.; assoc. physician, New Haven Hosp. and Dispensary, New Haven, Conn. M28F31. N. Paul, Sister M. (See Sister M. Paul Hickens). Paul, Martin A(mbrose). M.A., Colum- bia, 31; Ph.D., 36. Instr., Dept. Chemis- try, Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. (435 W. 123rd St.) M39. CBA. Paul, Dr. Mary F(rances) (Mrs. Henry Paul) (Mary Frances Crowell). Ph.D., Cornell, 35. Biochemist, Norwich Phar- macal Co., Norwich, N. Y. M37. CFN. Paul, William Ross. 327 W. 69th St., Chi- cago, 111. (?) M21F26. ABD. Paula, Sister Mary. M.S., Notre Dame, 21. Prof, mathematics, Marygrove Col., De- troit, Mich. M31. ABC. Pauli, Dr. Wolfgang F. Riverview Road, Bradford, Mass. M30F33R39. FGB. Paulin, Dr. Eugene A(dam). Ph.D., Texas, 29. Inspector schools, Soc. Mary, Mary- hurst Normal School, Kirkwood, Mo. M29F33. BMA. Pauling, Prof. Linus (Carl). Ph.D., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 25 ; D.Sc, Oregon State, 33. Prof, chemistry and chairman Div. Chemistry and Chemical Engng. and dir. Gates and Crellin Labs. Chemistry, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (3500 E. Fairpoint St.) M39F39. CB. Member Executive Committee, 1938-39. Paulsen, Alfred G. 188 Gramercy Place, Glen Rock, N. J. M30R33. Paulsen, Miss Alice E(lizabeth). 2 E. 103rd St., New York, N. Y. M24F25R35. IN. Pauly, Dr. Frank R(obert). M.A., Colum- bia, 25 ; Ed.D., 35. Dir. res., Board Educa- tion, Tulsa Okla. M25F32. Q. Pauly, Karl A(lmon). B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Technology, 96. 1859 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y. M30. M. Pauly, Prof. R(udolph) J(ohannes). M.S., Wisconsin, 28; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, pharmaceutical chemistry, Amer. Univ. Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. M39. NCQ. Pavlov, Prof. Ivan P(etrovich). M32F35- D36. N. Pawling, Jesse. A.M., Central High School Philadelphia, 93. Assoc, astronomer re- tired, U. S. Naval Observatory, Wash- ington, D. C. (1440 Kennedy St. NW.) M33F33. DAB. Pawlowski, Prof. Felix W(ladyslaw). M. and E.E., Mittweida, 86; M.Sc, Michigan, 14. Prof, aeronautics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (608 Oswego Ave.) M34- F34. M. Paxson, Houston Randolph. E.E., Penn- sylvania, 30. Relay engineer, Philadelphia Electric Co.; instr., Evening School, Drexel Inst. Tech., Philadelphia, Pa. (4308 Sansom St.) M40. MQ. Paxson, Owen S(hoemaker). Care Fred Paxson, Radnor, Pa. M17L25. F. Payne, Miss Anna L. Berea Col., Berea, Ky. M31R32. K. Payne, Dr. Arthur Frank. M.A., Columbia, 16; Ed.D., Harvard, 23. 11 E. 68th St., New York, N. Y. M28. QIK. Payne, Prof. Charles K(enneth). M.B.A., New York, 25; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, mathematics, Washington Square Col., New York Univ., New York, N. Y. M28- F38. ABK. Payne, Dr. E(noch) George. Ph.D., Bonn, 09. Dean, New York LTniv. School Educa- tion, New York, N. Y. (299 W. 12th St.) M24F32. QI. Payne, Eugene H. 235 N. 15th St., Phila- delphia, Pa. (?) M35R36. Payne, Prof. Fernandus. Ph.D., Columbia, 09. Prof, zoology and dean Graduate School, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. (620 Ballantine Road) M13F15. F. Payne, Dr. George C(alvin). M.D., Cor- nell, 12; Dr.P.H., Johns Hopkins, 23. Field dir., International Health Div., Rockefeller Foundation, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. (Calle Londres 70) M34F34. N. Payne, Dr. Henry M(ace). C.E., Ph.D., Arkansas Normal Col., 00; Sc.D., Shenan- doah Normal Col., 01. Pres., Napco, Inc.; geologist, 6305 Yucca St., Hollywood, Calif. (5057 Ambrose Ave.) M07F31. M. Payne, John Howard. A.B., Union. 1743 L St. NW., Washington, D. C. M38. Payne, Sister M. Anthony. M.S., St. Louis, 30; Ph.D., Kansas, 33. Prof, biology and chairman Dept., Mt. St. Scholastica Col., Atchison, Kans. M38. F. Payne, Miss Mary Ann. A.B., Hood, 35. Teacher science, High School, Frederick, Md. (Braddock Heights, Md.) M39. FNG. Payne, Dr. Nellie M(aria de Cottrell). M.S.. Kansas State, 21; Ph.D., Minne- sota, 25. Asst. res. entomologist, Amer. Cvanamid Co., Stamford, Conn. (41 North St.) M21F32. FCN. Payne, Dr. P. M. Assumption Parish Health Unit, Napoleonville, La. M34- R35. N. Payne, Miss Ruth L. M.A., Columbia, 35. Chemist and spectrographer, Amer. Electro Metal Corp., 320 Yonkers Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. (416 E. 89th St., New York, N. Y.) M40. CBH. Payne, Thomas G. Dept. Geology, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M38R38. EKQ. 760 Directory of Members Payne, Dr. V(irgil) F(rancis). M.A., Missouri, 21 ; Ph.D., Kentucky, 31. Prof, chemistry and registrar, Transylvania Col., Lexington, Ky. (931 Idlewild Court) M24F30. C. Paynter, Prof. Richard H(enry). M.A., Columbia, 13; Ph.D., 17. Prof, psychology and chairman Div. Psychology and Edu- cation, Long Island Univ., Brooklyn, N. Y. (395 Grand Ave.) M22F27. I. Payton, Prof. Noble Frank. M.S., Howard, 34. Supervisor physics, Hampton Inst., Hampton, Va. M40. BCM. Peabody, Dr. Elizabeth (Barrett). M.A., Smith, 23; Ph.D., Radcliffe. Asst. prof, biology, Wilson Col., Chambersburg, Pa. (281 Lowell Ave., Newtonville, Mass.) (M34F34R34)M39F34. FGE. Peabody, Rev. Endicott. LL.M., Trinity (Cambridge), 84; A.M., Yale, 02; S.T.D., Harvard, 04; LL.B., New York, 22, Yale, 38, Harvard, 39; L.H.D., State New York, 37. Headmaster, Groton School, Groton, Mass. M29. Peabody, George Foster. M01D38. K. Peabody, James E(dward). 152 Harvard St., Newtonville, Mass. M34F26R34. N. Peace, Prof. Larry M. 512 W. 9th St., Lawrence, Kans. M18R36. G. Peacock, Miss Bess Reed. S.M., Chicago, 23. Chairman Dept. Science, Mt. Vernon Junior High School. Los Angeles, Calif. (5137 nth Ave.) M29. GFE. Peacock, Lt. Comdr. Fred(eric) L(ock- wood). C.E., Syracuse, 13. Hydrographic and geodetic engineer and commanding officer survey ship Oceanographer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. M26F32. ME. Peacock, Harold Dobson. 618 Stockley Garden, Norfolk, Va. (?) M33R34. D. Peairs, Prof. Leonard M(arion). M.S., Kansas State. 07; Ph.D., Chicago, 25. West Virginia LTniv. Morgantown, W. Va. M17F20. FOG. Peak, Dr. Helen. A.M., Radcliffe, 24; Ph.D., Yale, 30. Prof, psychology, Ran- dolph-Macon Woman's Col., Lynchburg, Va. M36F36. INK. Peale, Dr. Rodgers. A.M., Harvard, 29; Ph.D., 30. Geologist, San Luis Mining Co., Tayoltita and Guanacevi Mining Co., Guanacevi, Dgo., Mexico. M34F34. E. Pearce, Dr. D(enis) W(iffen). M.A., British Columbia, 30; Ph.D., Illinois, 34. Asst. prof., Dept. Chemistry, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M36. CE. Pearce, Douglas Bruce. A.M., Southern California, 37. Instr. science, High School, San Pedro. Calif. (722 W. 76th St. Los Angeles, Calif.) M40. NFH. Pearce, Dr. J. A. Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, B. C, Canada. M36- F36R36. BD. Pearce, James Edwin. M02F13D38. H. Pearce, Prof. J(ames) Newton. M17F25- D36. CBA. Pearce, Dr. Louise. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., Princeton, N. J. M18F21. NCB. Pearl, Dr. Raymond. Ph.D., Michigan, 02; LL.D., Maine, 19; Sc.D., Dartmouth, 19; Litt.D., St. Johns Col. (Annapolis), 35. Prof, biology, School Hygiene Public Health and School Med., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (401 Hawthorn Road, Roland Park) M03F05. FHN. Pearl, Richard M(axwell). B.A., Colorado, 39. Instr. mineralogy, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (749 16th St.) M36. E. Pearlman, Dr. Samuel J(ames). M.S., Chi- cago, 16; M.D., Rush, 17. Attending otolaryngologist, Michael Reese Hosp. and Cook County Hosp., Chicago, 111. (5480 Cornell Ave.) M23. N. Pearsall, Mrs. Anna W. 12 Montgomery St., Hamilton, N. Y. M34R39. B. Pearsall, Samuel. 66 Leonard St., New York, N. Y. M29. Pearse, Prof. A(rthur) S(perry). M.A., Nebraska, 04; Ph.D., Harvard, 08. Prof, zoology, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. (Hope Valley) M04F10. FN. Vice presi- dent for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1933- Pearse, C(harles) Kenneth. M.S., Chi- cago, 32. Conservationist, U. S. Inter- mountain Forest and Range Exp Sta., Ogden, Utah. M33F40. GO. Pearse, Dr. Herman E(lwyn). M.D.. Harvard, 25. Asst. prof, surgery, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M33. N. Pearse, Hubert A. Howe Sound Co., Holden, Wash. M36R39. CMK. Pearson, Dr. Anthony A(ugustus), Jr. M.A., Michigan, 30; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, anatomy, Loyola Univ. School Med., Chicago, 111. (M38F38R38)M4oF38. NF. Pearson, Dr. Bjarne. M.D., Minnesota, 30; M.S., 32. 1505 Webster St., New Orleans, La. M39. NKQ. Pearson, Prof. Carl A(ugust). M.A., Har- vard. 30. Asst. prof, physics, Simmons Col., Boston, Mass. (64 Frothingham St., Milton, Mass.) M32F33. BA. Pearson, G(ustaf) A(dolph). M.A., Nebraska, 07. Senior silviculturist charge silvical investigations, U. S. Southwestern Forest Exp. Sta., Tucson, Ariz. M08F20. FGO. Pearson, Miss Helen R. A.M., Indiana, 31. Teacher mathematics, High School, Hart- ford City, Ind. (316 N. High St.) M40. QA. Pearson, Howard. E.E., Columbia, 34. Student, Columbia Univ., New Yojk, N. Y. M31. MBH. Individual Members 761 Pearson, Prof. Jay F(rederick) W(esley). M.S., Pittsburgh, 26; Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Prof, zoology, sec, and dean administra- tion, Univ. Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. (321 S. West 32nd Road, Miami, Fla.) M34F34. FG. Pearson, J(ohn) M(agnus). Ph.D.. Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 30. Physicist, Susque- hanna Pipe Line Co., 1608 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. M34F34. B. Pearson, John T. Lawyer, 1602 Waggoner Bldg., Fort Worth, Tex. M.13. K. Pearson, J(oseph) C(leaveland). A.M., Harvard, 03. Dir. res., Lehigh Portland Cement Co., Allentown, Pa. (2001 Penn- sylvania St.) M39. MBP. Pearson. Prof. N(athan) E(verett). A.M., Indiana, 23; Ph.D., 26. Prof, zoology, Butler Univ., Indianapolis, Ind. M27- F33. F. Pearson, Dr. Norma L(enys). M.A.. Wis- consin, 21 ; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, cotton technologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M34F34. G. Pearson, Dr. O(scar) H (arris). M.A., New Hampshire. 25 ; Ph.D., California, 28. Plant breeder. Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, 95 Elm St., West Springfield, Mass. (117 Edgewood Ave., Longmeadow, Mass.) M35F35. O. Pearson, Dr. P(aul) B. Ph.D.. Wisconsin, 37. Prof., Dept. Animal Husbandry, A. and M. Col. Texas, College Station, Tex. M38F40. OCN. Pearson, Dr. Raymond Allen. M00F01D39. OK. Secretary of Section on Social and Economic Sciences (I), igoi. Vice presi- dent for Section on Agriculture (0), 1923. Pearson, Robert. B.S., North Dakota State, 14. Consulting engng. service, 212 N. 3rd St., Harrisburg, Pa. M27. M. Pearson, Dr. W. A. Hahnemann Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M34F34. C. Pease, Miss Dorothy. M.S., Columbia, 30. Instr., Dept. Biologv, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M35." G. Pease, Prof. Glenn Richard. M.A., Iowa, 27; Ph.D., 28. Prof, education. Col. Paci- fic; prof, psychology. Junior Col., Stock- ton, Calif. M30. IQ. Pease, Herbert Dodge. Dir. Pease Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M11F27. N. Pease, Prof. Robert N(orton). Ph.D.. Princeton, 21. Assoc, prof, chemistry. Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (71 Battle Road) M25F28. CB. Pease, Dr. V(innie) A(rah). M.S., Wash- ington, 16; Ph.D., Minnesota, 19. Assoc, micros'copist, U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Washington, D. C. Mi 7- F31. GCO. Peaslee, W(illis.) D(hu) A(ine). E.E., Oregon State Col., 16. Consulting en- gineer, Georgia Vitrified Brick and Claj Co., Augusta, Ga. (2735 Walton Way) M34F34- M. Peatman, Dr. John Gray. Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M33R33. I. Peavey, Mrs. Leonore G. A.B., Butler. Teacher science and foreign languages, Junior High School, Indianapolis. Ind. (4222 Carrollton Ave.) M38. GB. Peavy, George W. Pres., Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. M35F40. O. Pechstein, Prof. L(ouis) A(ugustus). Univ. Cincinnati Col. Education, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. M24F24R32. QI. Vice presi- dent for Section on Education (Q), 1924. Pechukas, Dr. Alphonse. Ph.D., Chicago, 37. Res. chemist. Columbia Chem. Div., Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Barberton, Ohio. (251 Rhodes Ave. Akron, Ohio) M39. CMP. Peck, Dr. David B. M.D., Northwestern. 05. Pres.. Bowman Dairy Co., 140 W. Ontario St., Chicago, 111. Mi 7. C. Peck, Edson R(uther). M.S., Northwest- ern, 37. Graduate student, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (1233 Grain St., Evanston, 111.) M37F40. BA. Peck, E(dward) B(ates). M.-Sc, Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 14; Ph.D., Clark, 16. Gen. technical adviser, Standard Oil De- velopment Co., Elizabeth, N. J. (180 Lincoln Ave.) M25F25. CMB. Peck, J(ohn) S(edgwick). M.E., Cornell, 92. Dir. Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Manchester, England. (Schen- ley, Bentinck Road, Altrincham, England) M08. D. Peck, Dr. Leigh. University Station, Austin, Tex. M37R39. IQ. Peck, Prof. Morton E(aton). M.A., Cor- nell Col., 11. Prof, biology, Willamette LIniv., Salem, Oreg. M22F33. FG. Peck, Dr. Raymond E. A.M., Ph.D., Mis- souri. Asst. prof, geology, Univ. Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. M36F36. E. Peck, Dr. Robert L(awrence). Ph.D., Duke, 39. Fellow chemistry, Yale Univ.. New Haven, Conn. (21 Broadway) M40. CN. Peck, Dr. Samuel M(ortimer). M.D. Adjunct dermatologist and asst. dermato- pathologist, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. M38. N. Peck, S(amuel) S(todole). Ph.D.. Cali- fornia, 92. Technologist and dir. Alex- ander and Baldwin, Ltd.. Honolulu, Hawaii. M07F1 1. C. Peck, W(alter) H. Dir. Carter County Geol. Soc, Ekalaka, Mont. M38. EFH. Peckham, Dr. Alva Lawrence. A.M.. Union, 99; M.D., Hahnemann, 99. Pathol- ogist and dir. labs., Vassar Brothers Hosp.. Poughkeepsie, X. Y. (17 Adriance Ave.) Mi 7. NC. 762 Directory of Members Peckham, Mrs. Ethel Anson S. Skylands Farm, Sterlington, N. Y. M30R34. G. Peckham, George T(aylor), Jr. B.S.A., Missouri, 27. Res. supervisor, Clinton Co., Clinton, Iowa. M39. CMP. Peden, Dr. Joseph C. M.D., St. Louis, 15. Senior instr. radiology, St. Louis Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (Park Plaza Hotel) M36. NBC. Pedersen, Dr. James. M.D., Columbia, 90. Physician, 30 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. M06. N. Pedersen, P(eder) Malvin. A.B., Duke. 1006 Forest Hill Blvd., Durham, N. Car. M39. CAB. Pedersen, Dr. Svend. M.S., Pennsylvania State, 30; Ph.D., Michigan, 36. Res. Asst., Dept. Surgery, Univ. Michigan Hosp., Ann Arbor, Mich. M39. CNB. Pedrick, N. O. Pres., Mississippi Shipping Co., Inc., Board Trade Bldg., New Or- leans, La. (5673 West End Blvd.) M32. Peebles, D. D. Pres., Western Condensing Co., 411 Battery St.; chairman res. ad- visory board. Golden State Co., Ltd., 425 Battery St., San Francisco, Calif. M31. C. Peebles, Prof. Florence. Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 00. Prof, biology, Chapman Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (2920 N. Raymond Ave., Altadena, Calif.) M32F13. FG. Peebles, Miss Grace E. M.A., Wisconsin. Route 2, Oconomowoc, Wis. M38. DFG. Peele, Miss Armanda Eunice. M.S., Cor- nell, 34. Assoc, prof, biology, Hampton Inst., Hampton, Va. M39. GF. Peele, Dr. T(homas) C(hristopher). U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Spartanburg, S. Car. M36R36. OCG. Peer, E(dward) S(tephen). 3001 E. Anaheim St., Long "Beach, Calif. M33- R37. CAB. Peers, Dr. Robert A(lway). M.D., Trinity (Toronto), 99. Colfax, Calif. M20. N. Peers, Miss Susie M. Sec, Board Trus- tees. Calif. Acad. Sciences, San Francisco, Calif. M19. Peffer, Prof. H(arry) C(reighton). M34- F34D34- CM. Pegau, Dr. A(rthur) A(ugust). M.A., Vir- ginia, 20; Ph.D., Cornell, 24. Rugby Road, University, Va. M25F31. E. Pegram, Prof. Annie M(cKinnie). M.A., Duke, 01. Prof, mathematics, Greensboro Col., Greensboro, N. Car. M22F38. A. Pegram, Prof. George B(raxton). Ph.D., Columbia, 03; Sc.D., Trinity, 18, Colum- bia, 30, George Washington, 37. Prof, physics and dean Graduate Faculties, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M02- F05. B. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), 1936. Pehrson, Prof. Ernest William. M.A., California, 28. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. M17F33. A. Peirce, Dr. Carleton B(arnhart). M.D., Michigan, 24; M.Sc, 27. Radiologist-in- chief, Royal Victoria Hosp.; dir. Depts. Radiology, Royal Victoria Hosp., Mon- treal Neurological Inst., and Montreal Maternity Hosp.; lecturer Faculty Med., McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada. (755 Upper Lansdowne) M30F31. N. Peirce, Dr. D. D. State Teachers Col., Clarion, Pa. M34R35. C. Peirce, Dr. George J(ames). A.M., Ph.D., Leipzig, 94. Prof, emeritus botany and plant physiology, Stanford University, Calif. (281 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, Calif.) M95F97E39. G. Peirce, Dr. Sidney J(ames) S(hepard). M.D..C.M., Manitoba, 04. Pathologist, Bigelow Clinic, Brandon, Man., Canada. (1608 Lome Ave.) M17F33. N. Peirson, Miss Mabel B(urnham). 1077 New York Ave., Altadena, Calif. M29. GFN. Pekovich, Waso Savin. Funter, Alaska. M36. M. Pelle, Walter V(incent). B.S., San Fran- cisco, 38. Graduate student, Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. (802 Arguello Blvd., San Francisco, Calif.) M40. NFG. Pellen, Max F(ranz). 311 W. Wilkes Barre St., Easton, Pa. M34R34. CQB. Peller, Dr. Sigismund. M.D., Vienna, 14. Fellow biology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hygiene and Public Health, Balti- more, Md. (1901 E. Madison St.) M40. NHE. Pelletier, Prof. Arthur. 8456 Drolet St., Montreal, Que., Canada. M22R36. A. Pelletier, Arthur J. 501 Broad St., Horse- heads, N. Y. M31R32. QLI. Pelletier, Joseph Rosario. M.Sc, McGill; M.A., Laval. Exp. Farm, Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, Que., Canada. M39. O. Pellett, M. E. 301 W. 19th St., New York, N. Y. M31R32. MKA. Peltier, Dr. George L(eo). M.A., Wash- ington Univ., 12; Ph.D., Illinois, 15. Prof, bacteriology, and chairman Dept., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M18F21. G. Peltier, Stanley J(oseph). M.S., Michi- gan, 28. Bacteriologist, Macomb County Lab.; instr. bacteriology, Univ. Detroit Dental Col., Detroit. Mich. (66 Kendricks Ave., Mt. Clemens, Mich.) M34. N. Pelz, Edward J. B.A., Colorado Col. Res. dir. Newspaper Publishers Assn. New York City, 280 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (18 Mt. Joy Ave., Scarsdale, N. Y.) M40. KPE. Pember, F(rederick) R(ussell). M34F11- D37. G. Individual Members 763 Pemberton, Cyril Eugene. A.B., Stanford, 11. Executive entomologist, Hawaiian Sugar Planters Assn. Exp. Sta., Honolulu, Hawaii. M22F26L31. F. Pemberton, Dr. John de J. M.D., Penn- sylvania, 11; M.S., Minnesota, 18; LL.D., North Carolina, 32. Surgeon, Mayo Clinic; prof, surgery, Mayo Foundation, Roches- ter, Minn. (930 8th St. SW.) M31F32. N. Pemberton, Dr. Ralph. M.S., Pennsyl- vania, 99; M.D., 03. Prof, medicine, Univ. Pennsylvania Graduate School Med., Philadelphia; physician-in-chief, Service Rheumatoid Diseases, Abington Memorial Hosp., Abington, Pa. (Paoli, Pa.) M08- F18. NCH. Pence, James O(rville). M.S., Idaho; Ph.D., Ohio State. 21 E. Woodruff Ave., Columbus, Ohio. M39. MCA. Pence, Prof. Merry Lewis. M31D38. BAD. Pendergrass, Dr. Eugene P(ercival). 3400 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. M32F35- R38. N. Pendleton, Dr. C(harles) R(ittenhouse). Bryn Athyn, Pa. M36R36. I. Pendleton, Miss Ellen Fitz. M08F15- D36. A. Pendleton, Dr. Ray A(rthur). M.S., Iowa State, 28; Ph.D., 30. Asst. soil technol- ogist, U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Davis, Calif. M32F33. O. Pendleton, Dr. Robert L(arimore). Ph.D., California, 17. Soil scientist, Royal Dept. Agric. and Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand. (976 Sathorn Road) M13F21. OGC. Pendray, G(eorge) Edward. A.M., Colum- bia, 25. Asst. to pres., Westinghouse Elec- tric and Mfg. Co., 150 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (491 Westchester Ave., Crest- wood, N. Y.) M32F38. DBM. Peneva, Petrana. M.Sc, Cornell. American Col., Sofia, Bulgaria. M40. N. Penfield, Mrs. Paul L. (Charlotte W. Gil- man). M.A., Yale, 21. 233 Daines St., Birmingham, Mich. L22. F. Penfield, Prof. Wilder. M.A., Johns Hop- kins, 18, Oxford, 20; D.Sc, Oxford, 35, Princeton, 39. Prof, neurology and neuro- surgery, McGill Univ.; dir. Montreal Neurological Inst., Montreal, Que., Canada. (4302 Montrose Ave.) M34F34. N. Penfound, Prof. William T(heodore). Dept. Botanv Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M2SF28R33. G. Peniston, Dr. Quintin P(earman). M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 33; Ph.D., McGill, 39. Res. chemist, Corn Products Refining Co., Argo, 111. M40. C. Penland, Dr. C(harles) W(illiam Theo- dore). A.M., Harvard, 22; Ph.D., 25. Prof, botany, Colorado Col., Colorado Springs, Colo. (1106 N. Weber St.) M26F27. GF. Penn, Prof. John C(ornelius). C.E., Armour Inst. Tech., 10. Prof, civil engng., Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. (10120 Lafayette Ave.) M34F34. MDQ. Penn, William D(onaldson). S.B., Har- vard, 34. Vice pres. and chief engineer, Vacolite Co., 3003 N. Henderson St., Dallas, Tex. (4926 Swiss Ave.) M37. MBA. Pennebaker, Byron F. B.S., Murray State. Golden Pond, Ky. M38. IFK. Pennebaker, Prof. G(ordon) B(ennett). M.S., Kentucky; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 38. Head Dept. Science and prof, biology, Morehead State Teachers Col., Morehead, Ky. M36. FG. Pennell, Dr. Francis W(hittier). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 13. Curator plants, Acad. Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Pa. (Moylan, Pa.) M22F25. G. Penniman, Abbott Lawrence, Jr. Gen. supt., Consolidated Gas Electric Light and Power Co. Baltimore, Baltimore, Md. (3215 N. Charles St.) M32. MAB. Penniman, Dr. Josiah Harmar. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 95 ; LL.D., Alabama, 06, Washington Col., 07, Ursinus, 21, Penn- sylvania, 22, Juniata, 25, Franklin and Marshall, 29, Lafayette, 33. Lehigh, 34; Litt.D., Swarthmore, 24; L.H.D., Muhlen- berg, 29; D.C.L., Virginia, 39. Provost emeritus and prof, emeritus, Univ. Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia. Pa. M13L14F31. LQ. Pennington, Dr. John Virgil. M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 22; Ph.D., Rice, 33- Vice pres., Reed Roller Bit Co., Houston, Tex. (21 12 Bolsover Road) M39. PAM. Pennington, Dr. L(eon) A(lfred). A.M., Michigan, 32; Ph.D., Brown, 34. Asst. prof, psychology, LTniv. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (205 W. Pennsylvania Ave.) (M36- R36)M39- IFN. Pennington, Dr. Mary Engle. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 95- 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M29F00. CFG. Pennock, William. M.S., Cornell, 35. Asst. agronomist, Puerto Rico Agric. Exp. Sta.; collaborator, U. S. Dept. Agric, Maya- guez, P. R. M40. G. Pennoyer, Dr. Charles Huntington. D.D., Tufts. 37. Lecturer and writer, 16 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. (159 Grove St., Rut- land, Vt.) M40. IKQ. Penny D(onald) D. Watsonville, Calif. (?) M32R33. F. Penrose, Charles. Packard Bldg., Phila- delphia, Pa. M36R37- M. Pensa, Andrew J. Chem. Lab., Dept. Health, New York, N. Y. M33R34. CN. Pentecost, Capt. E(rnest) H(arvey). Barrack Tor. Topsfield, Mass. M08L10. Pentecost, Dr. Reginald Sterling. 338 Bloor St., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M37- R37. NFL 764 Directory of Members Pentzer, Wilbur T(ibbils). M.S., Iowa State, 25. Physiologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Fresno, Calif. (1807 Michigan Ave.) M29- F33. OGC. Peoples, Dr. Joe Webb. M.S., Vanderbilt, 29; Ph.D., Princeton, 32. Assoc, prof, and chairman Dept. Geology, VVesleyan Univ.; asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Middle- town, Conn. M36F38. EM. Peoples, Dr. Stuart Anderson. M.D., Cali- fornia. Assoc, prof, physiology and phar- macology, Univ. Alabama, University, Ala. M40. Np. Pepoon, Dr. H(erman) S. M.D., Hahne- mann, 83. Head Dept. Botany retired, Lake View High School, Chicago, 111. (4927 N. Tripp Ave.) M31F38. GOF. Pepper, A(lbert) H. Caixa Postal 73, Sao Paulo, Brazil, S. A. M28R32. K. Pepper, Miss Echo D(olores). M.S., Washington, 22; Ph.D.. Chicago, 25. Assoc, mathematics and counselor Per- sonnel Bur., Univ. Illinois. Urbana, 111. M22F31. A. Pepper, James H(ubert). Dept. Entomol- ogy, Montana State Col.. Bozeman, Mont. M32R32. BCG. Pepper, Dr. O (liver) H(azard) Perry. M.D., Pennsylvania, 08; Sc.D., Lafayette, 38. Prof, medicine, Univ. Hosp., Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (M17F27- R3S)M4oF27. N. Pepper, Selwyn. A.B., Washington Univ. 6337 Southwood Ave., Clavton, Mo. M39. NKQ. Pepper, Dr. William. M.D., Pennsylvania, 07. Melrose Park, Philadelphia, Pa. Mi 7- F33. N. Peradotto, Louis (Bernard Anthony). B.Sc, San Francisco, 38. Graduate stu- dent, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (309 10th Ave., San Francisco, Calif.) M40. F. Percival, H(arry) F(arlam). 112 East St.. Fitchburg, Mass. M31R34. QIH. Percival, Dr. Walter P(illing). Dept. Education, Quebec, Que., Canada. M38- R38. Q. Percy, Dr. George Emery. M.D., Boston, 79. 359 Essex St., Salem, Mass. M18. N. Perdue, Dr. J. Randolph. Rocky Mount, Va. M32R33. N. Perez, Antonio G. B.S.C.E.. Napua Inst. Tech. Box 784, Manila, P. I. M39. M. Perez, Manuel A. Statistician, Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration, San Juan, P. R. (2 Aponte St., Santurce, P. R.) M38. NKA. Periman, Reuben T(rapper). McPhee, Colo. M31R32. BC. Perino, J(asper) A(ugustus). A.B., Cali- fornia, 33. Teacher, Washington High School, San Francisco, Calif. (1395 Golden Gate Ave.) M40. FNQ. Perkins, Dr. Alfred T(homas). Dept. Chemistry, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M23F33R34. COQ. Perkins, Craigue S. B.S., Worcester Poly- technic Inst., 24. Chief chemist, Rutland Fire Clay Co., Rutland. Vt. M39- EDC. Perkins, G. H. 16 Emery St., Sanford, Maine. M31R32. CN. Perkins, G(eorge) Howard. M11D38. M. Perkins, Dr. Granville A(kers). Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 17. Asst. dir. res., Carbide and Carbon Chem. Corp., South Charles- ton, W. Va. M28F33. C. Perkins, Gregory, Jr. M24D36. Perkins, Prof. Henry A(ugustus). M.A., Columbia. 99; Sc.D.. Trinity. 20. Trinity Col., Hartford, Conn. M11F13. B. Perkins, Dr. Henry Farnham. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 02. Prof, zoology, dir. Robert Hull Fleming Mus., and dir. Eugenics Survey Vermont, Univ. Ver- mont, Burlington, Vt. (205 S. Prospect St.) M02F09. F. Perkins, Prof. Llewellyn R(ood). 12 Hill- crest Road, Middlebury, Vt. M22R35. A. Perkins, Melvin A(lfred). 3133 S. Indiana Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. M25F33R34. C. Perkins, Prof. Nellie L(ouise). Ph.D., Michigan, 25. Dir. Country Day Nursery School; consultant behavior problems; lecturer mental hygiene, 834 Trombley Road, Grosse Pointe, Mich. M28F33. IN. Perkins, Dr. Ralph Alonzo. M.D., Wayne, 11. Syphilologist, Parke Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich. (679 Neff Road, Grosse Pointe, Mich.) M38. N. Perkins, R(ichard) Marlin. St. Louis Zoological Park, St. Louis, Mo. M32R35. FHN. Perkins, Robert M(ather). Botanist, Bee- bee Agric. Soc, 2160 Fashion Ave., Long Beach, Calif. (2012 Strand St., Manhattan Beach, Calif.) M37. GOE. Perkins, Dr. Roger G(riswold). M12F15- D36. X. Perkins, Dr. Royal Cummerford. M.S., Michigan; Ph.D., Boston, 26. Dir. Biol. Res. Lab., 490 E. Green St., and Thorough- bred Horse res., 47 Eastern Ave., Pasa- dena, Calif. M37. NC. Perkins, W. Y. 1430 Tulane Ave., New Orleans, La. M32R32. Perkins, William H. Vanderbilt Hotel, New York, N. Y. M06L07. Perkins, Prof. William Harvey. 1430 Tulane Ave., New Orleans, La. M35- F35R35. N. Perla, Dr. David. M.D.. Columbia, 23. Montefiore Hosp., New York, N. Y. M29- F33. N. Perley, C(larence) A(lden). Winthrop, Maine. M30R34. Individual Members 765 Perlman, Dr. David. A.M., Columbia, 32; Ph.D., 36. Instr., Dept. Chemistry, City Col., New York, N. Y. (3065 Grand Con- course, Bronx) M40. CBQ. Perlman, Kalman I(sadore). B.S., Illinois, 39. Registered pharmacist. Kalom Pre- scription Apothecary, 3600 Roosevelt Road, Chicago, 111. (1247 S. Avers Ave.) M40. NpC. Perlmutter, Alfred. M.S., Michigan, 36. Junior aquatic biologist, U. S. Bur. Fisheries, Harvard Biol. Labs., Cam- bridge, Mass. (48-12 91st Place, Elmhurst, N. Y.) M40. F. Perlmutter, Frank. M.S., Maryland, 39. Student aid, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. (Berwvn, Md.) M40F40. OGF. Perlzweig, Dr. William A(lexandre). M.A., Columbia, 14; Ph.D., 15. Prof, bio- chemistry, Duke Univ. School Med.; bio- chemist, Duke Hosp., Durham, N. Car. M17F27. CN. Pernert, John C(arl). M.S., Michigan, 24; Ph.D., 25. Chief res. chemist, Oldbury Electrochemical Co. Niagara Falls, N. Y. (129 84th St.) M26F33- C. Perrigo, Paul (Buchanan). Allegan, Mich. M36R36. C. Perrin, Dr. F(leming) A(llen) C(lay). Ph.D., Chicago, 13. Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M18F21. I. Perrin, Dr. Fred (Hiram). Ph.D., Rochester, 36. Physicist, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. (475 Sagamore Drive) M27F40. BD. Perrine, Dr. Charles Dillon. Sc.D., Santa Clara, 05. Obispo Maldonado 3262, San Vicente, Cordoba, Argentina, S. A. L02- F03. AD. Perrine, Dr. Irving. A.M., Cornell. 11; Ph.D., 12. Geologist, 1619 Petroleum Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. M14F15. E. Perrine, James Owen. 36 Marion Road, Montclair, N. J. M31R34. Perrone, Dr. Ettore. 58 W. gth St., New York, N. Y. M18R38. N. Perrot, G. St. J. 112 Westfield Ave., Eliza- beth, N. J. (?) M30R32. CM. Perrow, Dr. Mosby G(arland). M.A., Washington and Lee, 04; Ph.D., 06. Dir. public welfare and public health, Lynch- burg, Va. M07F11. CN. Perry, C(harles) Langdon. E.E., Colum- bia, 96. Designing engineer, Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. (1162 Rugby Road) M18. M. Perry, Prof. Charles M. Ph.D., Michigan, 11. Prof, philosophy and head Dept., Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (516 Chau- tauqua Ave.) M36. I. Perry, C(ornelius) Alfred. Sc.D.. Johns Hopkins, 30. Burnbrae Road, Towson, Md. M31F38. NF. Perry, Douglass Brill. 10556 Almayo Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M34R34. AC. Perry, Dr. Elwyn L(ionel). Ph.D., Prince- ton, 27. Assoc, prof, geology, Williams Col.. Williamstown, Mass. (25 School St.) M27F32. E. Perry, Miss Esther P(arsons). M.S., Cali- fornia, 27; Ph.D., 39. Assoc, soil technol- ogy and assoc. Exp. Sta., Univ. California Col. Agric, Berkeley, Calif. (2605 Virginia St.) M29F38. OEC. Perry, George S(argent). B.F., Pennsyl- vania State Forest School, 13. Silvicul- turist, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knox- ville, Tenn. (3102 Magnolia Ave.) M23- F40. OFG. Perry, Dr. H(arold) S(anford). Ph.D.. Cornell. 1222 6th St. Durham, N. Car. M30. G. Perry, Prof. Horace G(reeley). A.M., New Brunswick, 05, Harvard, 12; D.Sc, Acadia, 27. Acadia Univ., Wolfville, N. S., Canada. M27F38. FG. Perry, Dr. Horace Mitchell. A.M., Colum- bia, 25 ; Ph.D., 39. Headmaster, Wood- mere Acad., Woodmere, N. Y. (50 Wyckoff Place) M36. I. Perry, Prof. Isabella Hester. M.D.. Woman's Med. Col. Pennsylvania, 21. Asst. prof, pathology, Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. M39. NFC. Perry, James C. A.M., St. Louis. 25 : Ph.D., Cincinnati, 40. Prof, and dir. Dept. Biologv, Xavier Univ., Cincinnati, Ohio. M31. F. Perry, Dr. James Clifford. M18D36. N. Perry, John (Harold). B.Sc, Acadia. Instr. zoology, Univ. Vermont, Burling- ton, Vt. (236 S. Prospect St.) M40. F. Perry, Dr. John H(oward). M.S., North- western, 20; Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 23. Tech. investigator, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.. Wilmington, Del. (Shipley Road) M40. CM. Perry, Dr. J(ohn) K(olb). D.V.M.. Georgia. 2905 El Camino Real, San Mateo, Calif. M37. NFC. Perry, L(orin) Edward. B.S.. Utah State Agric. Col., 39. LT. S. Bur. Fisheries, Utah State Agric. Col., Logan, Utah. M40. FG. Perry, Dr. Louise M. M.D., Cincinnati, 00. Box 827, Asheville, N. Car. M31. N. Perry, Miss Margaret C(ampbell). M.A., Illinois, 17. Chemist, Columbia Hosp.. Milwaukee, Wis. M38. CN. Perry, O(scar) B(utler). 315 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Calif. M18. M. Perry, Prof. R(ufus) P(atterson). M.S., Iowa, 27; Ph.D., 39. Dir. Div. Arts and Sciences, chairman Natural Science Depts., and prof, chemistry. Prairie View State Col.. Prairie View, Tex. M38F40. COB. 766 Directory of Members Perry, Dr. S(olomon) Paul. M.D.. Chi- cago, 26. Radiologist, Guthrie Clinic and Robert Packer Hosp., Sayre. Pa. M40. N. Perry, Stuart H(offman). A.M., Michigan, 19; LL.D., Adrian, 21. Editor and pub- lisher, Adrian Daily Telegram, Adrian, Mich. M31F40. CEK. Perry, Thomas L(ockwood), Jr. Christ Church, Oxford, England. M38R38. FNG. Perry, William. A.M., Southern California. 234.% N. Bonnie Brae St.. Los Angeles, Calif. M39. IFQ. Perry, Prof. W(illiam) S(anford). S.M., Chicago, 17. Assoc, prof, physics, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M19F25. BM. Perry, Dr. Winona M(erle). M.A., Brown, 15; Ph.D., Columbia, 25. Prof, educational psychology and measurements, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M35F35. IQ. Pershing, Dr. Howell T(erry). M04F33- D35. N. Persing, Dr. C(harles) O(scar). Ph.D., California, 38. Junior entomologist, Univ. California Citrus Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. M40F40. FOA. Person, Fred Gilman. Dept. Physics, Colo- rado State Col., Fort Collins, Colo. M34- F34R3/. B. Person, Hubert L(awrence). 755 Crag- mont Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M39R39. GFO. Personius, Prof. Catherine J(ane). M.A., Columbia, 28; Ph.D., Cornell. 37. Asst. prof, home economics. New York State Col. Home Economics, Ithaca, N. Y. (508 Edgewood Place) M38. C. Pervier, Norville C(larence). M.S., Iowa State, 17; Ph.D., Minnesota, 22. Asst. prof. Univ. Minnesota School Chemistry, Minneapolis, Minn. M27F33. CQ. Peskind, Dr. Arnold. -M.D., Jefferson, 87. East 55th St. Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. M02. N. Peskind, Dr. Samuel. M.D., Western Re- serve, 00. 2429 E. 55th St., Cleveland, Ohio. M17. N. Pesman, M(ichiel) Walter. B.S., Colo- rado State, 10. Landscape architect, Colo- rado State Highways; instr., Univ. Denver, Denver, Colo. (372 S. Humboldt St.) M36. GKO. Pessin, Dr. L(ouis) J(erome). U. S. Southern Forest Exp. Sta., New Orleans, La. M23F27R37. G. Pestel, Arthur (Robert). B.E., Mittweida, 02. Designing .engineer, Pitometer Log Corp.; patent engineer, 180 Claremont Ave., New York. N. Y. M29F31. M. Pestrecov, Dr. Konstantin (Vasilievich). Sc.D., Charles (Czechoslovakia). Res. assoc, Springfield Col., Springfield, Mass. (601 W. 149th St., New York, N. Y.) M32F38. BM. Peter, Dr. Alfred M(eredith). M.S., Ken- tucky A. and M. Col., 85 ; Sc.D., Ken- tucky State. 13. Prof, emeritus soil tech- nology, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. (Mo7F9oR32)M38Fgo. CO. Peter, Dr. William Wesley. Box 527 Albuquerque, N. Mex. M29R34. NQK. Peterka, Dr. Harry E(dward). 720 S. Grand St., Okmulgee, Okla. M36R36. FNG. Peterman, Dr. Jesse Eugene. D.V.M., St. Joseph (Missouri). Asst. veterinarian, U S. Bur. Animal Industry, Lincoln, Nebr. (2641 Woodsdale Blvd.) M33. NIE. Peters, Miss Agnes Drummond. Green- wood School, Ruxton, Baltimore, Md. (?) M33R34. LF. Peters, Prof. Charles Adams. Ph.D., Yale, 01. Prof, inorganic and soil chemistry, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. (16 S. Sunset Ave.) M11F33. CGO. Peters, Prof. Clayton A(mes). M.S., Mich- igan, 97. Prof, emeritus. State School Agric, Farmingdale, N. Y. M97F40. CGO. Peters, Harold S(eymour). U. S. Biol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M27F33R37. F. Peters, Dr. H(oward) C(hester). Ph.D., Illinois, 36. Instr., Dept. Physiology, Univ. Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn. M39. N. Peters, Dr. Iva Lowther (Mrs. Frederick Peters). A.M., Columbia, 16; Ph.D., Clark, 18. Counselor rehabilitation and consult- ing psychologist, Fishkill, N. Y. M24- F40. K. Peters, Dr. John L(ouis). D.D.S., New York, 09. Dentist. 133 W. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. M18. Nd. Peters, Dr. John P(unnett,). M.D., Colum- bia. 13. 123 Marvel Road, New Haven, Conn. M24F27. NQC. Peters, Sister Josephine. M.A., Indiana, 39. Instr. geography, St. Francis Normal Col., La Fayette. Ind. M40. EQI. Peters, Dr. Paul E(rwin). M.S., Iowa. 28; Ph.D., 30. Chief res. chemist, North Shore Coke and Chem. Co., Waukegan, 111. (636 N. Elmwood Ave.) M34F34. CBA. Peters, R. B. Sec.-treas., First Nat. Farm Loan Assn., San Bernardino, Calif. (635 North St.) M30. EHO. Peters, Robert J. Metallurgist and metal- lographer, Warner Gear Div., Borg- Warner Corp.. Muncie, Ind. (620 Marsh Ave.) M39. CDE. Petersen, Miss Grace A(gnes). M.S., Cor- nell, 37. Vice chairman Dept. Natural Historv and sec. Dept. Astronomy Round Table,' Brooklyn Inst. Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn. N. Y. (82- Tech. dir. and consulting chemist and engineer, River- side Chem. Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y. (1212 Oliver St.) M38. CMO. Raskin, Miss Evelyn. Ph.D., Minnesota, 37. Instr., Randolph-Macon Woman's Col., Lynchburg, Va. M40. I. Rasmussen, Prof. A(ndrew) T(heodore). Ph.D., Cornell, 16. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (10=15 14th Ave. SE.) M20F21. NF. Rasmussen, E(llwood) V(ernon). J.D., Lake Erie School Law, 30. Asst. gen. secretary, Young Men's Christian Assn., Cleveland, Ohio. (16080 Glynn Road, East Cleveland, Ohio) M40. K. Rasor, Prof. S(amuel) E(ugene). M.A., Ohio State, 02; M.S., Chicago, 06. Prof, mathematics, Ohio State Univ., Colum- bus, Ohio. (1594 Neil Ave.) M34F16. ABQ. Rastall, Miss Mae F(anny). 5357 Reno Road NW., Washington, D. C. M36- R36. QFI. Ratcliffe, Dr. Herbert L(ee). M.S., Emory, 26; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 28. Assoc. comparative pathology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med.; asst. path- ologist, Zoological Soc. Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. M29F33. FN. Rath, Dr. (Henry) Earl. M.S., Ph.D., Iowa State. Assoc, prof, health education, Iowa State Teachers Col., Cedar Falls, Iowa. (223 W. 22nd St.) M40. NF. Rathbun, Lawrance W(ilkinson). Box in, Dublin, N. H. M28R34. O. Rathbun, Dr. Mary J(ane). U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. M02F06R39. EF. Individual Members 791 Rather, Prof. Howard C(hristian). B.S., Michigan State, 17. Head Dept. Farm Crops, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M34F34. O. Rather, J(ames) B(urness). M.S., Texas A. and M., 11; M.A., Johns Hopkins, 15. Mgr., Gen. Labs., Socony- Vacuum Oil Co. Inc., 26 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M17F18. C. Rathmell, Thomas K. M.D., Jefferson, 31. Pathologist, Norristown State Hosp., Norristown, Pa. M39. N. Ratliff, Prof. R(yland) F(letcher). 903 Main St., Rolla, Mo. M08F16R32. B. Ratner, Prof. Bret. M.D., New York, 18. Clinical prof, pediatrics, New York Univ. Col. Med.; assoc. attending pediatrician, Bellevue Hosp.; consultant pediatrician, French Hosp., New York, N. Y. M27F27. NQI. Ratner, Dr. Herbert (Spencer). M.D., Michigan, 34. Senior member, Committee Liberal Arts, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5452 S. Kimbark St.) M39. NQC. Ratti, Dr. Gino A(rturo). A.M., Middle- bury; Ph.D., Grenoble (France). 329 Buckingham Drive, Indianapolis, Ind. M38. LQK. Rau, Prof. Albert G(eorge). 38 W. Mar- ket St.. Bethlehem, Pa. M24F33R39. A. Rau, Philip. 549 E. Argonne Drive, Kirk- wood, Mo. M31F32. FI. Rau, Prof. William M(aximillian). M.A., Harvard, 20. District geologist, Corps Engineers, U. S. War Dept., Little Rock, Ark. M37. EMF. Raubenheimer, Prof. Otto. 1341 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M07R34. CGN. Rauch, Dr. Louis M. M.A., Ph.D., Cali- fornia. Head Dept. Mathematics. Seton Hall Col., South Orange, N. J. M37- F38. AB. Raulston, Dr. B. O. 200 S. Hudson Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M35F35. N. Raup, Dr. Hugh M(iller). Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, Mass. M34- F34R34. G. Rautenstrauch, Prof. Walter. M.S., Maine, 03; LL.D., Missouri, 32. Palisade, N. J. M29F29. M. Rauth, Dr. J. Edward. A.M., Mt. St. Mary's Col.; Ph.D.. Catholic. Dept. Psy- chology, Catholic Univ. Amer., Wash- ington, D. C. M36F37. IH. Ravdin, Prof. I. S. M.D., Pennsylvania, 18. Prof, surgery and dir. Dept. Surgical Res., Univ. Pennsylvania; surgeon, Univ. Pennsylvania Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. (2015 Delancey Place) M31F33. NCB. Raven, H(enry) C(ushier). Assoc, curator comparative and human anatomy, Amer. Mus. Natural History; lecturer zoology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M27- F31. F. Ravin, Dr. Abe. M.D., Colorado, 32; M.A., 38. Fellow med. sciences, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (1546 Federal Blvd., Denver, Colo.) M40. N. Ravreby, Abraham Arthur. 172 Seaver St., Roxbury, Mass. M31. CM I. Rawles, Lyman Talmage. M.D., North- western, 03. Physician. 31 31 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. M36. N. Rawles, Dr. Mary E(lbert;). S.M., Chi- cago, 29; Ph.D., 34. Res. asst., Dept. Zoology, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M34. F. Rawles, Dr. Thomas H(oward). M.A., Indiana, 25; Ph.D., Yale, 27. Dean fresh- men, Colorado Col.. Colorado Springs, Colo. M34F34. A. Rawles, William P(ost). A.M., Indiana, 26; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 30. Tri-Continental Corp., 54 Wall St., New York, N. Y. (320 E. 42nd St.) M28F33. E. Rawling, Arthur. Lynwood, Selby Road, Fulford, York, England. M25R39. M. Rawlins, Dr. George M(imms), Jr. M.A., George Peabody, 32; Ph.D., 34. Head Dept. Science, Divs. 1-9, Public Schools District Columbia, Woodrow Wilson High School, Washington, D. C. M38. CBG. Rawlins, T(homas) E(lsworth). M.S., Wisconsin, 23; Ph.D., California, 26. Assoc, prof, plant pathology and assoc. plant pathologist, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M28F28. G. Rawlinson, Dr. H(erbert) E(dward). M.D., Alberta, 27; M.Sc, McGill, 32; Ph.D., 34. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. M33- F38. NFH. Rawls, Miss Elizabeth Stoughton. M.A., Indiana, 29. Teacher botany, Shortridge High School, Indianapolis, Ind. (1442 Central Ave.) M38. GNO. Rawson, Arthur J. M.E., Swarthmore, 30. Assoc, med. physics, Johnson Foundation, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (519 S. Orange St., Media, Pa.) M35. BN. Rawson, Dr. George W(illiam). D.V.M., U. S. Veterinary Col.. 16. Veterinarian, Animal Industry Dept., Parke Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich. (232 E. Grand Blvd.) M28F33. FN. Ray, Dr. David H. A.M., Columbia, 02; Sc.D., New York, 08. Engineer, City Los Angeles, Los Angeles; city planning com- missioner, Arcadia, Calif. M34F34. MBC. Ray, Dr. Francis E(arl). M.A., Illinois; D.Sc, Oxford. Asst. prof, chemistry. Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M40. CM. Ray, Dr. George B(urrill). M.A., Harvard, 21 ; Ph.D., 22. Prof, physiology and phar- macology. Long Island Col. Med., Brook- lyn, N. Y. M34F34. NpC. 792 Directory of Members Ray, Dr. J(ohn) D(uncan). D.V.M., Kansas City Veterinary Col. 1124 Harney St., Omaha, Nebr. M35. N. Ray, Dr. J(oseph) J(ames). 2903 West- moreland Drive, Nashville, Tenn. M37- R37. I. Ray, Dr. Kenneth W(ilbert). A.M., Indiana, 22; Ph.D., 27. Dir. res.. Gen. Refineries, Inc., 27 N. 4th St., Minnea- polis, Minn. (3240 Colfax Ave. S.) M34- F34- CME. Ray, Dr. Louis Lamy (Jr.). M.S., Wash- ington Univ., 32; M.A., Harvard, 37; Ph.D., 38. Asst. prof, geology, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M40. E. Ray, Prof. Rames C. M.Sc, Calcutta, 11; D.Sc, London, 23. Science Col., Bankipore, Patna, India. M21. BCQ. Ray, Robert D(urant). M.A., California, 38. Res. asst. dentohisto pathology, Univ. California Col. Dentistry, San Francisco; graduate student, Div. Anatomy, Univ. California, Berkelev, Calif. (1107 Colusa Ave., Berkeley, Calif.) M40. NdF. Ray, Dr. Victor, Jr. 914 Carew Tower, Cincinnati, Ohio. M37R37. N. Ray, Prof. Ward L. Carroll Col., Wau- kesha, Wis. M34F34. C. Ray, Dr. Wilbert S(cott). 24 N. East- field Ave., Trenton, N. J. (M3sR32)M37- R37. INQ. Rayburn, Dr. C(larence) H(oward). Ph.D.. Iowa State, 32. Staff member, Res. Dept., Amer. Tobacco Co., Richmond, Va. (Glen Allen, Va.) M39. C. Rayman, Morton M(aurice). B.S., Iowa State, 34. Instr. chemistrv, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M38. CFN. Raymond, Miss Alice F. A.B., Middle- bury, 10. Statistician, Riggs Foundation, Stockbridge, Mass. (97 Binney St.. Bos- ton, Mass.) M40. IKN. Raymond, Daniel (de) V(ere). 115 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M07R37. EHK. Raymond, George (Perkins). Bankers Trust Co., 5 Place Vandome, Paris, France. M24R34. E. Raymond, H(arry). A.B., Harvard, 05. Res. assoc, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Dudley Observatory, Albany N. Y. M22- F23. D. Raymond, Dr. Howard Monroe. D.Sc, Colorado School Mines, 22. Pres. emeritus, Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. (Grass Lake, Mich.) M07F15. MQ. Raymond, Prof. L(ee) C(arleton). M.S., Wisconsin, 24. Asst. prof, agronomy, Macdonald College, Que., Canada. M30- F33. o. Raymond, Louis (Crawford). Mountain Copper Co., Ltd. Matheson, Calif. M36- R37. EM. Raymond, Prof. Mark L(amberton). M.S., Grove City, 21; A.M., Cornell, 22. Head Dept. Physics, Central High School, Scranton, Pa. M25. BCQ. Raymond, Prof. Percy E(dward). Ph.D., Yale, 05. Mus. Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M06- Fn. E. Raymond, Miss Ruth. M.A., California, 24. Prof, art education, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M27F34. QI. Raymund, Dr. Bernard. M.A., Ohio State, 15; Ph.D., Chicago, 20. Indian Run Farm, 6720 Dublin Road, Worthington, Ohio. M39. GNO. Rayner, Charles B(abbidge). 4 Summit View, Austin, Tex. M24. GED. Rayner, Dr. Ernest A(dolphus). M.A., Cornell Col.. 12; Ph.D., New York, 15. Consulting psvchologist, Carlsbad, Calif. M39. IFH. Raynes, Dr. Alphonso F. M.D., Columbia. 21. Box 496, Portsmouth, N. H. M23. N. Raynes, George W. 209 Miller Ave., Portsmouth, N. H. M22. Raynor, Russell. 60 Freeman St.. Brook- lyn. N. Y. M35F35R35. M. Rayton, Dr. W(ilbur) B(rambley). D.Sc, Rochester, 33. Dir. Scientific Bur., Bausch and Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. M28F31. B. Razran, Dr. Gregory S(olomon). M.A., Columbia, 28; Ph.D., 33. 310 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. (M3iR33)M39- IQH. Rea, Dr. Albertine L. M.D., Marquette. 4020 N. Albanv Ave., Chicago, 111. M38. NHG. Rea, Dr. Charles Ethan. M.D., Minnesota, 31; M.S., 32; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, sur- gery, Univ. Minnesota Med. School. Minneapolis, Minn. M40. N. Rea, Dr. Floyd G. 142 Joralemon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M33R33- N. Rea, Homer E(arl). 1306 N. 5th St., Temple, Tex. M29F33R33. FGO. Rea, Paul M(arshall). A.M.. Williams, 01. Private res. mycology, 436 E. Padre St., Santa Barbara, Calif. M03F15. EFH. Read, Alexander. 11 28 7th St., Santa Monica, Calif. M24R32. EFG. Read, Prof. Bernard E. M.S., Yale, 18; Ph.D., 24. Head physiological sciences, Henry Lester Inst. Med. Res., 1320 Avenue Road, Shanghai, China. L35F35. CN. Read, Donald B. Ch.E., Columbia, 34. Chem. engineer, Nevada-Massachusetts Co., Sonora, Calif. M39. MCE. Read, Harry A(rthur). Ph.G., Brooklyn, 14. Pres., Read Bacher Pharmacy, Inc., 6902 3rd Ave.,; chairman professional relations, Brooklyn Consolidated Phar- macy, 191 Joralemon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (434 Senator St.) M40. NpQC. Individual Members 793 Read, Dr. John W(illiam). Ph.D., Minne- sota. 31. 773 Hillside Ave., Glen Ellvn, 111. M31F24. CO. Read, Thomas A. 0 Windmill Lane, Scarsdale, N. Y. M30R33. B. Read, Prof. Thomas T(hornton). E.M., Columbia, 02; Ph.D., 06. Prof, mining engng., Columbia LTniv., New York, N. Y. (9 Windmill Lane, Scarsdale, N. Y.) M31F32. M. Reade, Dr. John Moore. M06F11D37. G. Reading, O (liver) S(cott). Lt. Comdr., U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Wash- ington. D. C. (5107 38th St. NW.) M37. MK. Readio, Philip A(dna). M.S., Kansas, 22; Ph.D., 26. Prof, economic entomology. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (604 Mit- chell St.) M24F28. F. Reagan, Prof. Albert B. M03F11D36. EHO. Reagor, Edward C. M.A.. Columbia, 33. Chief chemist and dir. res., Geophysical Service, Inc., 131 1 Republic Bank Bldg., Dallas. Tex. (3806 Cedar Springs Road) M40. C. Reaman, Dr. G. Elmore. M.A., Toronto, 13, McMaster, 16; Ph.D., Cornell, 20. Head Dept. English, Ontario Agric. Col., Guelph, Ont., Canada. (55 Kirkland St.) M39. IQ. Reames, Eleanor Elmire. A.M., Tulane, 07; Ph.D., 13. Asst. prof, physics retired, Newcomb Col., Tulane Univ., New Or- leans, La. M12F31. B. Reardon, Lucy V. M.A., George Wash- ington, 26. Assoc, protozoologist, Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. (805 Prince St., Alexandria, Va.) M29. F. Rebbeck, J(ames) W(aller). Box 692, Midland, Mich. M29R34. C. Rebec, Dr. George. Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. M17F31R37. LQ. Reber, J(oel) Howard. 135 S. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M33R36. K. Rechard, Ottis H(oward). M.A.. Gettys- burg, 18; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 30. Prof, mathematics and chairman Dept.. Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wvo. (601 S. 13th St.) M40. AQD. Reckefus, Dr. Charles H., Jr. M.D., Jefferson, 93. 506 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M02. N. Record, Prof. Samuel J(ames). M.A.. Wabash, 06; Sc.D.. 30; M.F., Yale. 05. Dean, Yale Univ. School Forestry, New Haven, Conn. (205 Prospect St.) Mio- F15. GO. Records, Dr. Edward. V.M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 09. Res. prof, veterinary science, Univ. Nevada; dir. State Veterinary Con- trol Service, Reno, Nev. M25F33. N. Rector, Miss Avis. A.M., Indiana, 30. Teacher, A. J. Kent High School Kent- land, Ind. M38. CAX. Reddick, Dr. Donald. Ph.D., Cornell, 09. Prof, plant pathology, Cornell Univ. Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. M06F11. G. Reddick, Mary Logan. M.S., Atlanta, 37. Instr. biology, Morehouse Col., Atlanta, Ga. M40. F. Redding, C(harles) S(ummerfield). B.S., Pennsylvania. 06. Pres., Leeds and North- rup Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (Baederwood, Jenkintown. Pa.) M29F29. BM. Redding, Dr. Leonard G. M.D., Medico- Chirurgical. 634 Scranton Life Bldg., Scranton, Pa. M36. N. Reddish, Dr. George F(ults). Ph.D., Yale, 22. Chief bacteriologist, Lambert Phar- macal Co.; prof, bacteriology, St. Louis Col. Pharmacy, St. Louis, Mo. (245 Black- mer Place, Webster Groves, Mo.) M24- F33. Np. Reddy, Dr. Cha(rle)s S(teven). M.S.. Wisconsin, 16; Ph.D.. 23. Res. assoc, Iowa Agric. Exp. Sta.; prof, plant path- ology, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. (607 Ash Ave.) M29F30. G. Redelings, Dr. Leslie Hall. M.S., North- western, 10; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 14. Physician, 19 15 Sunset Blvd., San Diego Calif. M40. N. Redfield, Alfred C(larence). Ph.D., Har- vard, 17. Prof, physiology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M13F21. FN. Redfield, Charles (C. E. Rosenfeld). M.A., Chicago, 40. Dir. Grabler Mfg. Co., 627 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. M35. IN. Redfield, Prof. Gail M(argaret). M.S.. Iowa State, 27. Assoc, home economics, Purdue Univ., La Favette, Ind. M40- F40. OB. Redfield, Dr. Helen. 1364 Cordova St., Pasadena, Calif. (?) M24F33R35. FGN. Redfield, Dr. Robert. J.D., Chicago, 21; Ph.D., 28. Prof, anthropology and dean Div. Social Sciences, Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111.; res. assoc, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. (Windy Pines, Glenview, 111.) M29F31. HL. Redfield, Robert Crim. B.S.. Texas. 37. Student, Dept. Geology, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. (819 Wendel St., Houston. Tex.) M40. EHM. Redford, Dr. Walter. M.A.. Washington; 25; Ph.D., 32. Pres., Southern Oregon Col. Education, Ashland, Oreg. (427 Palm Ave.) M31. EQ. Redman, Dr. Lawrence V. LL.D., West- ern Ontario. 30; D.Sc, Toronto, 31. Box 530, Burlington, Ont., Canada. M22- F29. C. 794 Directory of Members Redman, Ralph W(oodbury). B.S., Maine, 12. Special agent, Connecticut Gen. Life Ins. Co. Amherst, Mass. (18 Nutting Ave.) M18F24'. KO. Redmond, Walter R(andall). Greenwood, N. Y. M32. BDE. Redmond, Dr. W(illiam) B(rinson). M.S., Emory, 28; Ph.D.. Chicago, 37. Asst. prof, biology, Emory University, Ga. M39. NF. Reece, Dr. Philip C(ulloden). M.A., Columbia, 31; Ph.D., Cornell, 38. Scientific asst., U. S. Horticultural Field Lab., Orlando, Fla. (121 1 College Point, Winter Park, Fla.) M36F40. GQ. Reece, Dr. Ralph P(arlette). M.Sc, Con- necticut State, 32; Ph.D., Missouri, 37. Asst. prof, dairy husbandry, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, N. J. (22 Dickinson St., Princeton, N. J.) M40- F40. ONF. Reed, Dr. Adrian F(aragher). M.A., Cor- nell, 31; Ph.D., 33- Asst. prof, gross anatomy, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M40. N. Reed, Dr. Alfred C(ummings). M.D., University and Bellevue, 10; D.Sc, Pomona, 35. Prof, tropical medicine, Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. M24F33. N. Reed, Mrs. Bessie Price. Housewife, 1853 W. Polk St., Chicago, 111. M24F33. FN. Reed, Prof. Burleigh. M.A., Cornell Col., 19. Prof, chemistry, Washburn Col., Topeka, Kans. M40. CQ. Reed, Dr. C(arlos) I(saac). A.M., Kansas, 23; Ph.D.. Chicago, 20. Assoc, prof, phy- siology, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chi- cago, 111. M16F26. N. Reed, Charles D(ana). M.Sc. A., Iowa State, 96. Senior meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bur., Des Moines, Iowa. (1322 23rd St.) M21F31. BO. Reed, C(larence) A(rthur). M.H., Michi- gan State, 13. Assoc, pomologist, U. S. Horticultural Field Sta., Beltsville, Md. (109 Chestnut Ave., Takoma Park. Md.) M18F25. GO. Reed, Prof. Clyde Theodore. Box 51, Gregory, Tex. M29R38. FGQ. Reed, Dr. E(dward) L(ooman). M.S., Chicago, 22; Ph.D., 24. Prof, botany, Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. (2910 21st St.) M40F40. G. Reed, Erik K(ellerman). A.M., Harvard, 33. Regional archaeologist, Nat. Park Serv- ice, Santa Fe. N. Mex. M39. HL. Reed, Dr. Ernest. 844 Sumner Ave., Syra- cuse, N. Y. M28F30R32. G. Reed, Eugene C(lifton). M.Sc, Nebraska, 33. Asst. state geologist, Nebraska Con- servation and Survey Div.; asst. prof, conservation, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (1316 S. 24th St.) M37. E. Reed, Dr. F(loyd) Grendon. Denville, N. J. M29R37. NBC. Reed, Dr. Frank H(ynes). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 17. Chief chemist. Illinois State Geol. Survey, Urbana, 111. M33F33. C. Reed, Dr. F(rank) W(alker). Ph.D., Vir- ginia, 07. Prof, mathematics, Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio. M07F10. A. Reed, Fredda D(oris). Ph.D., Chicago, 24. Assoc, prof, botany, Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. M28F33. G. Reed, Dr. George M(atthew). A.M.. Wis- consin, 04; Ph.D., 07. Curator plant pathology, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, N. Y. M08F11. G. Reed, Dr. Guilford B(evil). 218 Albert St., Kingston, Ont., Canada. M14F25R33. G. Reed, Harold M(errill). B.S.. California, 24. Horticulturist, Substation 3, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., Angleton, Tex. M37. O. Reed, H(arry) J(ames). B.S.A., Purdue, 11. Dean School Agric, dir. Agric. Exp. Sta., and dir. Agric. Extension Dept., Pur- due Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M24F27. O. Reed, Dr. Howard S(prague). Ph.D., Missouri, 07. Prof, plant physiology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M03F09. G. Reed, Dr. Hugh Daniel. M00F06D37. F. Reed, Miss Isa D(olores,). Chico State Teachers Col., Chico, Calif. M34F34R36. IQ. Reed, Dr. James B(urbank). M.S., Illi- nois, 32; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, chemistry, Univ. Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. M28F38. CQ. Reed, Dr. J(ames) Ross. M.D., Michigan, 05. Phvsician, 201 N. El Molino Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M36. N. Reed, John A. M.D., George Washington, 22. Assoc, medicine and dir. Dispensary, George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. (1720 Connecticut Ave. NW.) M36. N. Reed, John B(yron). A.B., Michigan, 03. Chief chemist. District Health Dept.. Washington, D. C. (3100 45th St. NW.) M08F33. C. Reed, Dr. J(ohn) F(rederick). A.M., Duke, 35; Ph.D., 36. Instr. biology, Baldwin-Wallace Col., Berea, Ohio. M40. GFN. Reed, Kenneth W(hite). B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 13. Consulting en- gineer, 4614 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. (1839 Wymore Road, East Cleve- land, Ohio) M18. MKQ. Reed, Prof. Lowell J(acob). M.S., Maine, 12; Sc.D., 38; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 15. Prof, biostatistics and dean, Johns Hop- kins Univ. School Hvgiene and Public Health, Baltimore. Md. M22F33. ABD. Reed, Lyman C. 710 Girod St., New- Orleans, La. M32R32. Individual Members 795 Reed, Prof. O(llie) E(zekiel). M.S., Mis- souri, 10. Chief, U. S. Bur. Dairy Industry, Washington, D. C. M28F31. O. Reed, Capt. Paul L(yon). C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 94. Captain, C. E. C, retired, U. S. Navy, 2855 29th St. NW., Washington, D. C. M18. KM. Reed, Dr. Raymond C(linton). Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M08F11- R37. NO. Reed, Prof. Robert F. Ch.E., Cincinnati, 14. Res. dir., Lithographic Tech. Founda- tion, Inc., Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (191 La Fayette Circle) M34- F34. c. Reed, Dr. Robert M(arion La Follette). 1650 Eastern Parkway, Louisville, Ky. M38R38. CA. Reed, Dr. Rufus D. M.A., Ohio State, 20; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, chemistry. State Teachers Col., Montclair, N. J. (84 McCosh Road, Upper Montclair, N. J.) M37. CQ. Reed, Waldo S(tory). 45 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M38R38. ADG. Reed, W(illiam) D(oyle). B.S., Missis- sippi State, 22. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Richmond, Va. (2215 Monu- ment Ave.) M26F33. FEG. Reed, William E(benezer). 175 W. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. M18. M. Reed, W(illiam) Maxwell. 41 Union St., Montclair, N. J. M37. Reed, Prof. W(illiam) P. Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. M34F34R39. IQ. Reeder, Dr. Charles West. M.D., Kansas, 29. Phvsician, 212 Professional Bldg., Long B'each, Calif. M38. N. Reeder, Dr. Edwin Hewett. A.M., Ph.D., Columbia. 617 W. University Ave., Cham- paign, 111. M38. Q. Reedman, E. J. Merck Inst. Therapeutic Res., Rahway, N. J. (?) M38R39. NCQ. Reeds, Dr. Chester Albert. M.S., Yale, 07; Ph.D., 10. Box 142, Ghent, N. Y. M08- Fn. E. Reen, Prof. C(alvin) Gilbert. 243 N. Washington St. Gettysburg, Pa. M37- R38. BMA. Rees, Dr. Charles W(illiam). M.A., Cali- fornia, 20; Ph.D., 21. Senior proto- zoologist, Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. (8613 Cedar St., Silver Spring, Md.) M28F33. NF. Rees, E(mory) K(eith). Route 2, Urbana, 111. M38R39. LQ. Rees, John. Snowdonia, 19 Victoria Square, Penarth, Glam, South Wales. M38. D. Rees, Mrs. Mary Drane. Gen. Delivery, Columbia, Mo. M36R37. CA. Rees, Prof. Mina (Spiegel). A.M., Colum- bia, 25; Ph.D., Chicago, 31. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (140 E. 40th St.) M34F34. A. Rees, Dr. O(rin) W(ainwright). M.S., Illinois, 25; Ph.D., 31. Chemist and head Analytical Div., Illinois State Geol. Sur- vey, Urbana, 111. (920 W. Charles St., Champaign, 111.) M36. C. Rees, R(obert) I(rwin). M29F33D37. M. Reese, Dr. Albert M(oore). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 00. Prof, zoology, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M02F06. F. Reese, Charles L(ee). M18F93D40. C. Reese, Dr. Herbert M(eredith). Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M34F34R37. B. Reese, Dr. J. Allen. M.S., Florida, 36; Ph.D., 38. School Pharmacy, Univ. Kan- sas, Lawrence, Kans. M40. NCG. Reese, John D. 10 Judah St., San Fran- cisco, Calif. (?) M31R33. NF. Reese, Dr. Stanley Chester. 628 College Ave., East Liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa. M07- F09R35. AMD. Reeside, Dr. John B(ernard), Jr. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. Principal geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (Hyattsville, Md.) M17F25. E. Reeve, Prof. William David. Ph.D., Minnesota, 24. Prof, mathematics, Colum- bia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (445 Riverside Drive) M34F34. AQ. Reeves, Charles G. Arizona State Teach- ers Col., Tempe, Ariz. (?) M32R32. Reeves, Cora D(aisy). Ph.D.. Michigan, 17. Dept. Biology, West China Union Univ., Chengdu, Szechwan, China. M30. FGI. Reeves, Dr. Floyd W(esley). M.A., Chi- cago, 21 ; Ph.D., 25. Prof, administration, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111.; dir. Amer. Youth Commission, Washington, D. C. (Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D. C.) M29F31. QIK. Reeves, George I. 403 Federal Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. M06F13R36. F. Reeves, Dr. James Aloysius Wallace. M.A., Litt.D., St. Vincent Col.; S.T.D., St. Vincent Pontifical Seminary; LL.D., Duquesne. Pres., Seton Hill Col., Greens- burg, Pa. M32. I. Reeves, Dr. John R(obert). A.M., Indiana, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Vice pres., Penn-York Natural Gas Corp., Buffalo, N. Y. (140 Linwood Ave.) M29F31. ECM. Reeves, Joseph A(mos). St. Petersburg High School, St. Petersburg, Fla. M27- R37. F. Reeves, Prof. Robert G(atlin). Dept. Biology, A. and M. Col. Texas, College Station, Tex. M26F31R39. G. 796 Directory of Members Regan, Dr. John J. Dairymen's League, ii W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. M33- R33. N. Regan, Rev. John J. Ph.D., Niagara, 34. Prof, biology, Niagara Univ., Niagara Falls, N. Y. M35. FG. Regan, Dr. William (Swift). Ph.D., Massa- chusetts State, 15. Technical advisor, California Spray-Chemical Corp., Yakima, Wash. (1701 W. Yakima Ave.) M30F33. F. Regeimbal, Dr. Louis O(dilon). Ph.D., Minnesota, 30. 120 Philadelphia Ave., Takoma Park, Md. M34F34. G. Regenos, Dr. Showley H. Zionsville, Ind. M37R37. N. Reger, David B(right). B.S.. West Vir- ginia, 11. Consulting geologist, Box 816, Morgantown, W. Va. M18F25. E. Reginald, Sister M. (See Sister M. Reginald Helmsing). Rehberg, Mr. Chessie E(lmer). 2212 Nueces St., Austin, Tex. (M3SR36)M38- R38. CBD. Rehder, Prof. Alfred. A.M., Harvard, 13. Assoc, prof, dendrology, Arnold Arbore- tum, Harvard Univ., Jamaica Plain, Mass. (62 Orchard St.) M08F11. G. Rehder, Dr. Harald A(lfred). A.M. Harvard, 33; Ph.D., George Washington 34. Asst. curator, Div. Mollusks, U. S Nat. Mus.. Washington, D. C. M40. FE Rehfuss, Carl William. A.B., Stanford, 22 Eng., 23. Asst. supt., El Segundo Refinery, Standard Oil Co. California, El Segundo, Calif. (351 Whiting St.) M31. MCE. Rehm, Dr. Warren S(tacy), Jr. Ph.D., Texas, 35. Student, Univ. Chicago School Med., Chicago, 111. (1360 E. 58th St.) (M32R33)M36. FG. Rehman, Dr. Irving. M.Sc, New York, 35; Ph.D., 40. Instr. anatomy, New York Univ. Col. Dentistrv, New York, N. Y. M40. FHNd. Rehn, Dr. H(enry) J(oseph). M.B.A., Oregon, 25; Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Assoc, prof, business administration, Temple Univ. School Commerce, Philadelphia, Pa. L37. KIQ. Rehn, James A(bram) G(arfield). Corre- sponding sec. and curator insects, Acad. Natural Sciences Philadelphia, Philadel- phia, Pa. M27F27. F. Rehner, John, Jr. 3312 Charlotte St., Kansas City, Mo. M32R33. CB. Reich, Edith Judith (See Mrs. Clement E. Schotland). Reich, Prof. Herbert J(oseph). M.E., Cornell, 24; Ph.D., 28. Prof, electrical engng., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (507 S. Willis Ave., Champaign, 111.) M32- F33. MB. Reich, Nathaniel Julius. Box 337, Phila- delphia, Pa. M35R36. Reichard, Prof. Gladys A. A.M., Columbia, 20; Ph.D., 25. Asst. prof, anthropology, Barnard Col., New York, N. Y. (230 Franklin Ave., Grantwood, N. J.) M34- F34. H. Reichard, Dr. John Davis. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 14. Med. officer charge, U. S. Public Health Service Hosp., Lexington, Ky. M39- NI. Reiche, Dr. Parry. Ph.D., California, 34. Regional geologist southwest region, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Albuquerque, N. Mex. (224 S. Carlisle St.) M39. E. Reichel, Dr. John. V.M.D., Pennsylvania, 06. Glenolden, Pa. M33F38. N. Reichert, Dr. Philip. M.D., Cornell, 23. Cardiologist, 27 E. 79th St.; assoc. cardiologist, Beth David Hosp.; dir. cardiography lab.. Witkin Foundation, New York, N. Y. M34. N. Reichle, Dr. Herbert S. M.D., Freiburg, 21. Asst. prof., Western Reserve Uniy. ; pathologist, City Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. (401 1 Cypress Ave.) M39. N. Reichmann, Dr. Francis J. D.D.S., Michi- gan. Asst. prof, dental surgery, Univ. Oklahoma School Med., Oklahoma City, Okla. M40. Nd. Reid, Charles Frederick. A.M., Columbia, 29; Ph.D., 40. Instr., Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M31. Q. Reid, Clifford F. Elkville, 111. M34R34. FGB. Reid, Dr. E. Emmet. 203 E. 33rd St., Balti- more, Md. (Mi8F2sR36)M39F25R39. C. Reid, Frederick H. 4500 E. 1st Ave., Denver, Colo. M30. Reid, Dr. Harry Fielding. C.E., Pennsyl- vania Military Acad., 76; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 85. Prof, emeritus dynamical geology and geography, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (608 Cathedral St.) M87F93V37. B. Reid, Howard. 43 W. 10th St., New York, N. Y. M38R38. K. Reid, Dr. Isidore Eugene. M.B., Edin- burgh, 97. 8 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. M23. N. Reid, Lewin. Box 3242, Polytechnic Sta- tion, Fort Worth, Tex. M30R35. Reid, Dr. L(oudon) Corsan. M.D., McGill. Colchester Hall, Garth Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. M38. N. Reid, Dr. Marion Adelaide. A.M., Bos- ton, 29; Ph.D., 36. Instr. physiology, Boston Univ. School Med. and Boston City Hosp. School Nursing, Boston, Mass. M34. FN. Reid, Dr. Mary Elizabeth. Ph.D., Wis- consin, 23. Cytologist, Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. M21F25. G. Individual Members 797 Reid, Dr. Mont R(ogers). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Prof, surgery, Univ. Cin- cinnati Col. Med.; dir. surgical service, Cincinnati Gen. Hosp. and Children's Hosp., Cincinnati, Ohio. (1908 Dexter Ave.) M31. NQ. Reid, Walter. M25D38. MBC. Reifenstein, Dr. Edward C(onrad), Jr. M.D., Syracuse, 34. Instr. medicine and psychiatry, Syracuse Univ.; asst. physi- cian, Univ. Hosp.; resident physician, Syracuse Free Dispensary; clinic physi- cian, Syracuse Psychopathic Hosp.. Syra- cuse, N. Y. M39. NI. Reighard, Prof. Jacob (Ellsworth). Sc.D., Michigan, 36. Prof, emeritus zoology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (927 Cornwell Place) M02F04. F. Vice president for Section on Zoology (F), igio. Reighard, Paul. 22 E. 40th St., New York, X. Y. M27R32. CNG. Reilly, Dr. Daniel R. 89 N. Main St., Cortland, N. Y. M32R32. NK. Reilly, Eleanor. A.M., Columbia 33. Instr., Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (155 E. 91st St.) M39. NFC. Reilly, Ineva F. (See Mrs. Erwin F. Meyer). Reimann, Prof. Hobart A. M.D., Buffalo, 21. Prof, medicine, Jefferson Med. Col. and Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M33F33. N. Reimann, Dr. Stanley P(hilip). M.D., Pennsylvania, 13. Dir. Res. Inst. Lankenau Hosp.; assoc. prof, surgical pathology, Univ. Pennsylvania Graduate School Med.; prof, oncology, Hahnemann Med. Col.. Philadelphia, Pa. M24F27. N. Reimer, F(rank) C(harles). Southern Oregon Exp. Sta., Talent, Oreg. M18- F24R35. O. Reimer, Marie. Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 04. Prof, chemistry, Barnard Col., New York, N. Y. M17F25. C. Reindollar, Dr. William F(ranklin). Sc.M., Maryland, 35; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 37. Chief, Bur. Chemistry. Marvland Dept. Health, Baltimore, Md. M36. CNE. Reinecke, Roger M. M.A., Minnesota, 38. Teaching asst., Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. (4500 Edmund Blvd.) M40. N. Reiner, Dr. L(aszlo) L. M.D., Budapest, 17; Ph.D., Frankfort, 21. Dir. res., Exp. Res. Labs., Burroughs Wellcome and Co., Tuckahoe, N. Y. M3oF33- N. Reiner, Miriam. M.S., Columbia, 32. Asst. chemist, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. M35. CN. Reinder-Deutsch, Dr. William. Ph.D., Prague, 21. 5337 65th Place, Maspeth, N. Y. M28F28. N. Reinhard, Dr. Edward G(eorge). A.M., Woodstock, 23; Ph.D., Minnesota, 30. Prof, biology and head Dept., Univ. Scranton, Scranton, Pa. M35. F. Reinhardt, Prof. James M(elvin). M.A., North Dakota, 25; Ph.D., 29. Prof, sociology, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (2419 Calumet Court) M36F40. K. Reinhart, Warren H(arry). M.S., Cin- cinnati, 26. Chemist, Div. Industrial Hygiene, Nat. Inst. Health, Bethesda, Md. (4221 Fessenden St. NW., Wash- ington, D. C.) M27. NFC. Reinke, Dr. E(dwin) E(ustace). M.A., Lehigh, 09; Ph.D., Princeton, 13. Prof, biologv, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. M18F20. F. Reinking, Dr. Otto A(ugust). M.S., Wis- consin, 15; Ph.D., 22. Head Div. Plant Pathology, New York State Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva; prof, plant pathology, Cor- nell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (649 Castle St., Geneva, N. Y.) M16F22. GO. Reiser, Prof. Oliver L. Ph.D., Ohio State, 24. Assoc, prof, philosophy, Univ. Pitts- burgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. M30. QIB. Reisher, P(aul) H(uber). 1724 S. Florence Ave., Tulsa, Okla. M25. E. Reisley, Mrs. Ryah B. (Mrs. Bayard I. Reisley). M38D40. IQ. Reiss, Dr. Joseph. 4 W. 75th St., New York, N. Y. M25R32. NC. Reiss, Miss Ruth H(elen). Litt.M., Pitts- burgh, 38. Private tutor, 430 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, Pa. M38. LQ. Reist, Henry G(erber). M.E., Lehigh, 86; Eng.D., 22. General Electric Co., re- tired, Schenectadv, N. Y. (1166 Avon Road) M01F18. BGM. Reiter, Prof. A(rthur) F(rederick). Route 2, Enid, Okla. M21F32R34. CBE. Reith, Dr. Allan F(under). M.S.. Chicago, 23; Ph.D., 25. Bacteriologist, Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (924 E. Sylvan Ave.) M27F33. N. Reitsch, Charles William. 931 14th St., Denver, Colo. M31R34. EMQ. Reitzel, Dr. Elbert C. M.D., Maryland. 2245 Reistertown Road, Baltimore, Md. M39. N. Rejall, Alfred E(rnst). A.M., Columbia. 07; Pd.D., New York State Col. Teachers, 37. Instr. adult education. Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (54 Tompkins Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.) M11L27F33. IQ. Remberta, Sister (See Sister Remberta Westkaemper). Remington, Dr. Lewis D(urkee;. M.D., California Los Angeles, 09. Physician re- tired, 145 Stedman Place, Monrovia, Calif. M16F33. N. Remington, Dr. Roe E(ugene). M.A., Minnesota, 24; Ph.D., 28; D.Sc, Clemson, 37. Prof, nutrition. Med. Col. State South Carolina, Charleston, S. Car. (The Windermere) M08F18. CN, 798 Directory of Members Remke, Sister Mary Noel. A.M., Indiana, 37. Prof, chemistry, Marian Col., Indian- apolis, Ind. M38. C. Remley, R(alph) D(ay). B.S., George Washington, 33. Asst. chief investigator, Personnel Classification Div., U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington D. C. M37. CL. Remlinger, Dr. J(oseph) Earl. D.D.S., Pittsburgh, 17. Exodontist, 7119 Jenkins Arcade, Pittsburgh, Pa. M36. Nd. Remmers, Hermann H(enry). M.A., Iowa, 22; Ph.D., 27. Prof, education and psy- chology and dir. Div. Educational Refer- ence, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M23F33. IQ. Secretary of Section on Edu- cation (Q), 1939 — • Remmlein, Dr. Madaline Kinter. M.A., Columbia, 32; Dr., Paris, 33. Researchist, Res. Div., Nat. Education Assn., Wash- ington, D. C. (4016 47th St. NW.) M36. IKQ. Remon, John Allen. Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., Washington, D. C. M3iR35- MAQ. Remp, Prof. Martin. A.M., Nebraska, 14; LL.D., Hastings, 35. Prof, psychology, Col. Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. (667 College Ave.) M18F33. IQ. Remus, Luis E(nrique). Box 1012, San Juan, P. R. M31R39. CGN. Remy, Dr. Charles E. M.D., Nebraska, 10. Administrator, Knickerbocker Hosp., New York, N. Y. M38. N. Remy, Robert C(layton). 183 W. 2nd St., Mansfield, Ohio. M37R38. B. Remy, Theron P. Box 628, Station C, Los Angeles, Calif. M26R32. FC. Renich, Dr. Mary E(mma). A.M., Illi- nois, 12; Ph.D., 20. Athens Col., Athens, Ala. M21F25. G. Renn, Dr. Charles E(asterday). M.A., New York; Ph.D., Rutgers, 35. Instr. and tutor biology, Harvard Col.; instr. sani- tary biology, Harvard Univ. Graduate School Engng., Cambridge, Mass. M39. GFM. Renner, I. G. 2425 Far Hills Ave., Dayton, Ohio. M34R34. CM. Renner, Dr. R. R(ichard). M.D.. Western Reserve, 23. Assoc, visiting surgeon, Huron Road Hosp.; demonstrator anat- omy, Western Reserve Univ. School Med., Cleveland. Ohio. (1259 Oakridge Drive) M39. NHF. Renouard, Charles Auguste. 300 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. L32. NQ. Rens, H. Radio engineer, Issuwanhask- scraat 8, Hilversum, Holland. M38. AH. Renshaw, Prof. R(aemer) R(ex). M20- F25D38. C. Secretary of Section on Chemis- try (C), 1929-31. Renshaw, Samuel. M.A.. Ohio State, 23; Ph.D., 25. Prof. exp. psychology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (2675 Coventry Road) M25F28. HI. Rentschler, Dr. H(arvey) C(layton). M.A., Princeton, 03; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 08. Dir. lamp res., Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., Bloomfield, N. J. (15 Monroe Ave., East Orange, N. J.) M17F33. C. Rentschler, M(ahlon) J(acob). M.S., Pennsylvania State, 08. Gen. mgr., Barium and Chemicals, Inc.; res. en- gineer, Ohio Rubber Co.; consulting chem. engineer, 105 Euclid Ave., Wil- loughby, Ohio. M18F28. C. Renz, Dr. Carl. 450 Sutter St., San Francisco, Calif. M28R35. INH. Renzetti, Dr. Nicholas (Augustus). A.M., Columbia, 36; Ph.D., 40. Asst. physics, Columbia Univ.. New York, N. Y. M39- F40. BAC. Reock, Dr. Ernest C. D.D.S., New York. 367 Washington Ave., Belleville, N. J. M40. NdlK. Repetti, Rev. W(illiam) C(harles). Ph.D., St. Louis, 28. Chief Seismic Div., Philip- pine Weather Bur., Manila Observatory, Manila, P. I. M34F34. E. Replogle, F. A. 1605 N. West 26th St., Oklahoma Citv, Okla. (M32R32)M35R35- QIK. Ressler, I (van) L(incoln). E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. M30R35. F. Rettew, G. Raymond. Mushroom Labs., Chester Co., West Chester, Pa. M33- F40. CGO. Rettber, Dr. Ernest William. 3 Grove Place, Ithaca, N. Y. M02F18R33. AM. Rettger, Prof. Leo F(rederick). Ph.D., Yale. 02; LL.D., Indiana, 31. Prof, bac- teriology, Yale Univ., New Haven; bac- teriologist charge Storrs Exp. Sta., Storrs, Conn. (340 Ogden St., New Haven, Conn.) M08F11. G. Rettger, Dr. L(ouis) J(ohn). 231 Adams St., Terre Haute, Ind. (?) M27F32- R36. FN. Retzek, Rev. Henry M. M.A., Harvard, 31. Priest, St. Alexius Church, West Union, Minn. M36. E. Retzer. Dr. Robert. M.D., Leipzig, 04. Life underwriter, Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., Baltimore, Md. (5008 Embla Ave.) M08F11. KIN. Reukema, Prof. Lester E(dwin). M.S., California, 24; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, electrical engng., Univ. California, Berke- ley, Calif. (2319 Oregon St.) M34F34. M. Reuszer, Dr. Herbert W(illiam). M.S., Rutgers, 30; Ph.D., 32. U. S. Soil Con- servation Service, Auburn, Ala. M28- F31. OGC. Individual Members 799 Reuter, Prof. E(dward) B(yron,). Dept. Sociology, Univ. Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa. M32F33R33. KFI. Reuter, Sister Mary Agnita. Ph.D., Catholic. Prof, biology and head Dept. Science, Siena Heights Col., Adrian, Mich. M40. FGC. Reutter, Miss Ernestine (Elizabeth). Bennington Col., Bennington, Vt. M40. FGI. Revell, Prof. D(aniel) G(raisberry). M.B., Toronto, 00. Prof, emeritus anatomy, Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. (9105 1 12th St., South Edmonton, Alta., Canada) M07F11. NHQ. Revelle, Dr. Roger (Randall Dougan). Ph.D., California, 36. Instr. oceanography, Scripps Inst. Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. M37. E. Rew, Irwin. Trustee, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. (217 Dempster St.) M07. Rex, Edgar G(eorge). M.S., Pennsylvania State. 25. Supervisor plant pest control, New Jersey Dept. Agric, Trenton, N. J. M27F33. GO. Rex, Elgin H (off man,). 412 Beattie St., Sterling, Colo. M34R3S. CQA. Reyerson, Prof. L(loyd) H(ilton). A.M., Illinois, 17; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 20. Prof, chemistry, dir. Northwest Res. Inst., and administrative asst., School Chemis- try, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M25F25. C. Reymert, Dr. Martin L(uther). Ph.D., Clark, 17. Dir. Mooseheart Governors Lab. Child Res., Mooseheart, 111. M20F25. IQ. Reynders, Arthur B. B.S., Tennessee, 95. Works mgr. retired, Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., Springfield, Mass. (807 St. James Ave.) M17F32. M. Reyniers, Prof. James Arthur. M.S., Notre Dame, 31. Head labs, bacteriology, Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. M38. N. Reynolds, Albert E. Dept. Zoology, DePauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. M33. F. Reynolds, Prof. Bruce D(odson). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 23. Prof, zoology, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. M21F25. FG. Reynolds, Prof. Chapman. 1848 N. 4th St., Milwaukee, Wis. M32R32. N. Reynolds, Prof. Clarence N(ewton), Jr. A.M., Brown, 14; Ph.D.. Harvard, 19. Prof, mathematics and head Dept., West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. (217 McLane Ave.) M24F28. ADB. Reynolds, Dumond S(toddart). M.A., George Washington, 32. Asst. chemist, U S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (112 Varnum St. NW.) M29. CBM. Reynolds, Earle H(ay). Pres., Clarkiron, Inc., 536 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Calif. M40. BC. Reynolds, Dr. Edward. M08F31D — . HF. Reynolds, Dr. Ellen A(nn). 6200 Ken- wood Ave., Chicago, 111 (?) M34F34R35. KI. Reynolds, Dr. Ernest Shaw. A.M., Brown, 07; Ph.D., Illinois, 09. 37 N. Elm Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. M17F21. GC. Reynolds, F(rank) F(isher). B.S., Rice. 2911 Gulf Bldg., Houston, Tex. M38. BEM. Reynolds, Dr. Frederick G(regory). M.S., New York, 99; Sc.D., 04. Prof, mathe- matics, City Col., New York, N. Y. M07- Fio. A. Reynolds, Dr. Gardner S(haw). M.D., Minnesota, 25. 1609 Hodgebloom Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. M24. NBF. Reynolds, George Dewey. B.S., Louisiana State. Asst. entomologist, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Bradenton, Fla. M29. OCG. Reynolds, Dr. H(enry) J(ames). M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col., 75. Executive vice pres., J. F. Bridges and Co., Inc., 224 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. (Chi- cago Athletic Assn.) M32. FGH. Reynolds, Dr. Howard. M.S., Iowa State, 31; Ph.D., 35. Res. asst., Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. M40F40. CNO. Reynolds, Dr. John T(odd). M.S., Illi- nois, 32; M.D., 32. Instr. surgery and anatomy, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chi- cago, 111. M40. N. Reynolds, Prof. Jos(eph) B(enson). M.A., Lehigh, 10; Ph.D., Moravian, 19. Prof, mathematics and theoretical mechanics, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. (721 W. Broad St.) M18F33. AMD. Reynolds, Dr. J(oshua) Paul. M.S., North Carolina; Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins. Bir- mingham-Southern Col., Birmingham, Ala. M38. F. Reynolds, Dr. Lawrence. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 16. 110 Professional Bldg., Detroit, Mich. M30F38. N. Reynolds, Neil B(ailey). M.S., Union, 26; M.A., Princeton, 28. Special writer, Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. (123 Glen Ave., Scotia, N. Y.) M29F33. BCL. Reynolds, Dr. O(ra) Edgar. M.A., Colum- bia, 17; Ph.D., 27. Head Dept. Education and Psychology, Lebanon Valley Col., Annville, Pa. (430 E. Main St.) M27- F34. Ql. Reynolds, R(ichard) W(yatt). B.S., Texas A. and M. Col. Apartado 234, Maracaibo, Venezuela, S. A. (?) M38. MBP. Reynolds, Ruth Sarah. A.B., Whitman, 22; B.L.S., New York State Library School, 26. Librarian, Whitman Col., Walla Walla, Wash. M33- Q- Reynolds, Dr. S(amuel) R(obert) M(eans). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 21; M.A., Swarth- more, 28. Assoc, prof, physiology, Long Island Col. Med., Brooklyn, N. Y. M38- F38. N. 8oo Directory of Members Reynolds, Dr. W(ilder) R(osbert). A.M., Rochester; Ph.D., Cincinnati. Chairman Div. Social Studies, Asbury Col., Wil- more, Ky. (305 N. Walnut St.) M37. LK. Reznikoff, Dr. Leon. M.D., Berne, 31. Clinical dir., Hudson County Hosp. Men- tal Diseases, Secaucus, N. J.; assoc. at- tending neurologist and psychiatrist, Out- patient Dept., New York Post Graduate Med. School and Hosp., New York, N. Y. M38. NIH. Rhamy, Dr. B(onnelle) W(illiam). M.D., Ft. Wayne Col. Med., 98. Mgr. and path- ologist. Ft. Wayne Med. Lab.; pathologist, Lutheran Hosp. and Methodist Hosp., Ft. Wayne, Ind. (3714 Fairfield Ave.) M36. NCG. Rheuby, Dr. Virginia Gould. M.D., Woman's Med. Col. Pennsylvania, 33. Felicity Farm, Glen Mills, Pa. M29. NF. Rhine, J(oseph) B(anks). M.S., Chicago, 23; Ph.D., 25. Prof, psychology, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M38. I. Rhinelander, Dr. Frederic William, II. M.D., Harvard, 34- Resident surgeon, Shriners' Hosp. Crippled Children, Phila- delphia, Pa. (Gilbert Road, Meadowbrook, Pa.) M36. N. Rhinesmith, Dr. Herbert S(ilas). M.A., Wesleyan, 30, Harvard, 31; Ph.D., 33. Instr. chemistrv, Allegheny Col., Mead- ville, Pa. M38. C. Rhoad, Prof. Albert O (liver). M.S., Cor- nell, 28. Supt. charge, Iberia Livestock Exp. Farm, U. S. Dept. Agric, Jeanerette, La. M30F40. O. Rhoades, Dr. Marcus M. M.S., Michigan, 28; Ph.D., Cornell, 32. Geneticist, Arl- ington Exp. Farm, U. S. Dept. Agric, Arlington, Va. M38F39. FG. Rhoades, Roger (Farnsworth). A.B., Cali- fornia, 30. Assoc, geologist, Tennessee Valley Authority, Gilbertsville, Ky. M40. EM. Rhoads, Alton L. M.A., New York, 34. Head Dept. Science, Stamford High School, Stamford, Conn. (Ponus Ridge, New Canaan, Conn.) M40. BQ. Rhodehamel, H(arley) W(esley). B.S., Purdue, 07. Dir. res. development, Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, Ind. (5320 N. Meridian St.) M34F34. C. Rhodes, Arnold D(ensmore). M.F., Yale, 37. Instr. forestry, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M40. GF. Rhodes, Fraser B. B.S., Rutgers, 24. Cera- mist, Trenton Potteries Co., Trenton, N. J. (Acres Drive, Hamilton Square, N. J.) M40. MC. Rhodes, Dr. Frederick A. Box 535, Culver City, Calif. (M08R34) M38R38. KI. Rhodes, Mrs. Gerald P. (Miriam Anne Wade). Clarence Center, N. Y. M29R33. FGK. Rhodes, Dr. Goodrich Barbour. M.D., Co- lumbia, 02. 400 E. 59th St., New York, N. Y. M24. N. Rhodes, Leland Brown. M.S., North Caro- lina, 14. Assoc, state chemist, State Dept. Agric, Raleigh, N. Car. M32F33. CBE. Rhodes, Prof. M. C. Box 422, University, Miss. M31R32. A. Rhodes, Dr. P(eyton) N(alle). M.A., Vir- ginia, 21 ; Ph.D., 26. Prof, physics, South- western, Memphis, Tenn. M28F33. B. Rhodes, Dr. Robert C(linton). A.M., Van- derbilt, 08; Ph.D., California, 17. Prof, biology, Emory University, Ga. (1126 Clifton Road NE., Atlanta, Ga.) M38- F25. F. Rhodes, W(illiam) W(arren). B.S., Penn- sylvania, 10. Sales dir., Kinetic Chemi- cals, Inc., Wilmington, Del. (Rhodesia, Westtown, Pa.) M18F22. A. Ricci, John E. 35 Merritt Ave., Tuckahoe, N. Y. M31R32. CBF. Rice, A. Hamilton. M.D., Harvard, 03; A.M., 14. Harvard Univ. School Geogra- phy, Cambridge, Mass. L29F31. ENH. Rice, Anthony. Duncan, B. C, Canada. M30R33. EM. Rice, Dr. Calvin W(insor). M28F28D34. M. Rice, Charlotte. (See Charlotte Rice Roden). Rice, Chester W(illiams). M.E.E., Har- vard, 11. Consulting engineer, Gen. Elec- tric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. (1161 Lowell Road) M24F27. BAC. Rice, Dr. Christine E(lizabeth). M.A., Queens, 26; Ph.D., Toronto, 31. Asst. bac- teriologist, Div. Labs, and Res., New York State Dept. Health, Albany, N. Y. (616 Madison Ave.) M37F38. N. Rice, Dr. Edward L(oranus). Ph.D., Mu- nich, 95 ; Sc.D., Ohio Wesleyan, 27. Prof, zoology, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio. (265 N. Sandusky St.) M94F05E39. F. Vice president for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1923. Rice, Edwin T. M18D40. Rice, Edwin Wilbur, Jr. M01F16L16- D35. M. Rice, Dr. F(rancis) O(wen). D.Sc, Liver- pool, 16. Prof, and head Dept. Chemistry, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. M23F25. C. Rice, Prof. George Edgar. Tougaloo Col., Tougaloo, Miss. M32R33. BAD. Rice, Dr. George S(amuel). E.M., Colum- bia, 87; D.Sc, Lafayette, 36. Chief min- ing engineer retired, U. S. Bur. Mines, Washington, D. C. (Alexandria, Va.) Mio- F18. M. Rice, Prof. Harris. A.M., Harvard, 22. Prof, mathematics, Worcester Polytechnic Inst., Worcester, Mass. M30F38. A. Individual Members 80 i Rice, Prof. Hugh A(rthur). M.S., Chi- cago, ?o. Asst. prof, zoology, Central Y. M. C. A. Col., Chicago, 111. (1541 E. 57th St.) M40. FNQ. Rice, Hugh S(mith). A.M., Columbia, 38. Assoc, astronomy, Havden Planetarium, New York, N. Y. M40. DE. Rice, Dr. James C(arl). A.M., Missouri, 27; Ph.D., Kansas, 34. Instr. pharmacol- ogy, Louisiana State Univ. Med. Center, New Orleans, La. M25. NpC. Rice, Prof. James E. Mexico, N. Y. M39- R39. o. Rice, Dr. John W(inter). M.S., Bucknell, 15; A.M., Columbia, 18; Ph.D., 22. Prof, bacteriology and chairman Dept. Biology, Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, Pa. (,610 St. George St.) M29F33. NGQ. Rice, Dr. K(atherine) K(empner). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins. Med. student, Johns Hop- kins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. (834 Woodside Parkway, Silver Spring, Md.) M40. NC. Rice, Prof. Kenneth S. Dept. Physiology, Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M34F34R34. N. Rice, Lepine Hall. 65 Silver St., Dover, N. H. M23F31R36. A. Rice, Lucile Addie. M.A., Illinois, 29. Instr. biology, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers Col., Richmond, Ky. M31F33. FG. Rice, Mother M. Berenice. A.M., Ford- ham, 32; Ph.D., Catholic, 37. Prof, edu- cation, Col. New Rochelle, New Rochelle, N. Y. M39. IQ. Rice, Dr. Mabel A(gnes). A.M., Columbia, 21 ; Ph.D., 27. Prof, botany, Wheaton Col., Norton, Mass. M23F27. G. Rice, Prof. M(artin) E(verett). M.S., Kansas, 93. Assoc, prof, physics, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (630 Ohio St.) M01F06. BMD. Rice, Myron (Arthur). Clemson, S. Car. M21R32. O. Rice, Dr. Nolan E. A.M., Duke, 33; Ph.D., 34. Prof, biologv, Middle Georgia Col., Cochran, Ga. M40. FGN. Rice, Oscar K(nefler). Ph.D., California, 26. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M29F31. BCA. Rice, Dr. Paul LaVerne. M.S., Idaho, 32; Ph.D., Ohio State, 37. Prof, biology, Alma Col., Alma, Mich. M39. F. Rice, Dr. Philip. 11 18 S. Norton Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M29R.37- HN. Rice, Prof. Robert B. Newark Col. Engng., Newark, N. J. M33R33. M. Rice, Dr. Stuart A(rthur). A.M., Wash- ington, 15; Ph.D., Columbia, 24. Asst. dir., U. S. Bur. Budget, Washington, D. C. (2863 Beechwood Circle, Arlington, Va.) M25F31. KHI. Vice president for Section on Social and Economic Sciences (K), 1937- Rice, Dr. Thurman B(rooks). A.M., In- diana, 17; M.D., 21. Prof, bacteriology and public health, Indiana Univ. School Med.; chief, Bur. Health and Physical Education, Indiana State Board Health, Indianapolis, Ind. (3167 N. Delaware St.) M39. N. Rice, William E(lmer). 4800 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M33F33R35. MBL. Rich, Dr. Celia. D.D.S., Vanderbilt, 98. Dentist, 11 12 Bennie Dillon Bldg., Nash- ville, Term. M28. Nd. Rich, Dr. Gilbert J(oseph). A.M., Cor- nell, 15; Ph.D., 17; M.D., Chicago, 29. Dir. Milwaukee County Guidance Clinic, Milwaukee, Wis. (41 01 N. Stowell Ave.) M19F28L30. IN. Rich, Dr. John L(yon). A.M., Cornell, 07; Ph.D., 11. Prof, economic geology, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M08- F14. E. Rich, Lester J(acob). 1964 N. Berendo St., Los Angeles, Calif. M29R33. BAG. Rich, Maude Estelle. B.A., Southern Cali- fornia. 790 W. I St., Colton, Calif. M38. K. Rich, R(aymond) C(lyde). B.S., Akron. Chemist and consultant and oil operator, 2505 Rosedale St., Houston, Tex. M39. CEM. Rich, Dr. Willis H(orton). A.M., Stan- ford, 18; Ph.D., 24. Prof, biology, Stan- ford University, Calif.; dir. res., Fish Commission Oregon, Portland, Oreg. M16F25. FGN. Richards, Dr. Alfred N(ewton). M.A., Yale, 99; Ph.D., Columbia, 01; Sc.D., Pennsylvania, 25, Western Reserve, 31, Yale, 33; M.D., Pennsylvania, 32; LL.D., Edinburgh, 35. Prof, pharmacology and vice pres. charge med. affairs, Univ. Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M37F38. Np. Richards, Dr. A(ute). M.A., Wisconsin, 09; Ph.D., Princeton, 11; Sc.D., Marietta, 39. Prof, zoology, dir. School Applied Biology, and dir. Biological Survey, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (434 Chautau- qua St.) M10F15. F. Richards, Dr. B(ert) L(orin). Ph.D.. Wis- consin, 20. Head Dept. Botany and Plant Pathologv, Utah State Agric. Col., Logan, Utah. (M34F27R37)M39F27. GO. Richards, Dr. C(harles) R(uss). M.M.E., Cornell, 95; Eng.D., Nebraska, 20, Pur- due. 33; LL.D., Lafayette, 22, Pennsyl- vania, 35, Lehigh. 36. Pres. emeritus, Le- high Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. (1725 Summit Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.) M24F25. MQ. Vice president for Section on Engineering (M), 1925 and 1936. 802 Directory of Members Richards, C(larice) Audrey. M.A., Miami, 14; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 22. Pathologist charge Div. Forest Pathology, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Madison, Wis. (1815 Regent St.) M20F25. G. Richards, Dr. Esther L(oring). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 15; D.Sc, Mt. Holyoke, 26. Assoc, prof, psychiatry and lecturer mental hygiene, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hygiene and Public Health; assoc. psychiatrist and psychiatrist charge, Out- patient Dept., Phipps Psychiatric Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hosp. ; psychiatrist charge, Baltimore City Hosps., Baltimore, Md. (41 W. Preston St.) M32F33. N. Richards, George L(ambert), Jr. M.A., Stanford, 34. 1683 E. Foothill Blvd., Alta- dena, Calif. M36. EMC. Richards, Dr. Gragg. S.M., Harvard, 03; A.M., 25; Ed.M., 27; Ph.D., Clark, 27. Geologist, 601 W. 144th St., New York, N. Y. M33F33. EM. Richards, Henry. A.B., Harvard. Pres., Gardiner Gen. Hosp., Gardiner, Maine. M22. KDH. Richards, Mrs. Herbert M(aule) (Marion Elizabeth Richards), A.M., Columbia. 05. Lecturer botany, Barnard Col., New York, N. Y. (370 Riverside Drive) M29- F31. GC. Richards, Prof. Horace Clark. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 91. Prof, emeritus mathe- matical physics, Univ. Pennsylvania, Phil- adelphia, Pa. (509 Woodland Terrace) M07F10. BA. Richards, Howard. Cressona Road, Potts- ville, Pa. M18F21. MPQ. Richards, J(ames) T(aylor). C.E., Rensse- laer Polytechnic Inst., 15. Geologist, Gypsy Div., Gulf Oil Corp., Tulsa. Okla. (Oklahoma City, Okla.) M32. EMB. Richards, Miss May (Elizabeth). M.A., Illinois, 33. Teacher "mathematics, High School, Northbrook, 111. (1839 Kiest Ave.) M40. ACL. Richards, Dr. Mildred Hoge. M.A., Co- lumbia, 12; Ph.D., 14. 434 Chautauqua St., Norman, Okla. M14F20. F. Richards, Dr. Oscar W(hite). M.A., Ore- gon, 25; Ph.D., Yale, 31. Res. biologist, Spencer Lens Co., Buffalo, N. Y. M24- F33. FNG. Richards, R(alph) W(ebster). M.A., Tufts, 02. U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M36. EM. Richards, Prof. Robert H(allowell). LL.D., Missouri, 08. Prof, mining engng. retired, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (32 Eliot St., Jamaica Plain, Mass.) M73F75E18. ME. Richards, Dr. Robert Lewis. M32D34. NI. Richards, Miss Ruth Rebekah. A.M., Michigan, 31. Instr. botany and zoology, Milwaukee-Downer Col., Milwaukee, Wis. M40. GNF. Richards, Dr. Theo. W., U. S. N. 314 North St., Portsmouth, Va. M11R35. C. Richards, Dr. T(homas) W(illiam). M.S., Pennsylvania, 31 ; Ph.D., 33. Res. assoc. and chairman psychology, Samuel S. Fels Res. Inst.; assoc. prof, psychology, An- tioch Col., Yellow Springs; asst. prof, psychology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M32. FIN. Richards, Lt. Comdr. W(illiam) L(ester), U. S. N. M.C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 28. Public Works Dept., Pearl Har- bor, Hawaii. M29. MEB. Richardson, Dr. A(lbert) S(tarnes). A.M., Princeton, 15; Ph.D., 27. Charge clinical res., Procter and Gamble Co., Ivorydale, Ohio. (31 Larchmont Drive, Wvoming, Ohio) M28F33. C. Richardson, B(axter) K(ey). A.B., Haver- ford, Guilford. 1609 S. Douglas Ave., Springfield, 111. M38. NQ. Richardson, Dr. Charles H(enry). M98- F06D35. EC. Richardson, Dr. C(harles) H(oward). M.Sc, Harvard, 13; Ph.D., Columbia, 21. Science Bldg., Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M15F21. F. Richardson, Dr. Dorothy. Ph.D., Yale, 31. Assoc, prof, zoologv, Rockford Col., Rockford, 111. M38. F. Richardson, Edmund. Ph.B., Yale, 05. Asst. agric. economist, Land Economics Div., U. S. Bur. Agric. Economics, Vicks- burg, Miss. M40. OK. Richardson, Dr. Edward P(eirson). M.D., Harvard, 06. 617 Bovlston St., Brookline, Mass. M36F36. N. Richardson, Prof. E(rnest) C(ushing). 220 Mercer St., Princeton, N. J. M24F31- R34. LHI. Richardson, Dr. Flavia L(ucile). M.A., Maine, 27; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 34, Instr., Colbv Tunior Col., New London, N. H. M32. FN. Richardson, Frederick L(eopold) W(il- liam), Jr. S.B., Harvard, 31. Res. asst., Harvard Graduate School Business Ad- ministration, Cambridge, Mass. (Essex, Mass.) M39. HE. Richardson, George B(ible). B.S., Wash- ington. 2040 W. William St., Decatur, 111. M36. M. Richardson, dleton St., R33. LQ. Richardson, Minnesota, nomics. Mo man, Mont F33. CNB. Richardson 36. Asst. p Oxford, Oh Prof. Henry B(rush). 50 Pen- New Haven, Conn. M28F32- Dr. Jessie E(mma). Ph.D., 25. Head Dept. Home Eco- ntana Agric. Exp. Sta., Boze- (916 S. Willson Ave.) M29- Prof. John S. A.M., Miami, rof. education, Miami Univ., io. M40. QCB. Individual Members 803 Richardson, Dr. Mark W(yman). M.D., Harvard, 94. Chief med. examiners Bos- ton, Equitable Life Assurance Soc, 82 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. (108 Marl- boro St.) M02F03. N. Richardson, Dr. Maurice L(eonard). M.S., Wisconsin, 11; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 13. Roentgenologist, 420 S. Harlem Ave., Freeport, 111. M20P27. N. Richardson, Dr. Oscar. M.D., Harvard, 00. The Four Lindens, Bedford Road, Lakeville, Mass. M28F33. NH. Richardson, Philip M(orrison). Simmons Col., Boston, Mass. M28. NC. Richardson, Robert E(arl). Box 32, Cham- paign, 111. M24F33R35. F. Richardson, Dr. R(oland) G(eorge) D(wight). A.M., Yale, 04; Ph.D., 06. Dean Graduate School and head Dept. Mathe- matics, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M17F21. A. Richardson, Dr. Roy Franklin. 422 Cen- tral Ave., Waukesha, Wis. M18R33. Q. Richardson, Dr. Walter Herbert. 303 Lin- coln St., Worcester, Mass. M32R36. N. Richardson, Walter L(inwood). Box 322, Route 3, Porterville, Calif. M25R32. F. Richardson, William D. 4215 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. M06F08R33. C. Richardson, William Henry. Box 26, Par- ras, Coahuila, Mexico. M30R34. BCN. Richardson, Dr. W(illiam) L(eeds). Ph.D., Chicago, 19. Prof, educational psychology, Butler Univ., Indianapolis, Ind. (no Hampton Drive) M24F34. QI. Richardson, Dr. W(illoughby) Park. City Col., New York, N. Y. M38R38. NCI. Richarz, Dr. S(tephen). M28F31D34. E. Richer, Archie S. 1 Kingsbridge Road, London, England. M31R34. CIN. Richey, F(rederick) D(avid). B.S., Mis- souri, 09. Independent professional corn breeding, Ashville, Ohio. M18F21. GO. Richey, Herman G. Univ. Chicago School Education, Chicago, 111. M31F32R36. QIH. Richman, Dr. Alfred A. M.D., New York, 14. 307 2nd Ave., New York, N. Y. M39. NB. Richmond, Carl A(dams). M.P.L., George Washington 08. Tvngsboro, Mass. M22- F38. BEA. Richmond, Dr. W(allace) E(verett). M.A., Harvard, 35 ; Ph.D., 39. 22 School St., Andover, Mass. M39. ECB. Richmond, Dr. Winifred V(anderbilt). M.A., Clark, 15; Ph.D., 19. Psychologist, St. Elizabeths Hosp., Washington, D. C. M27F28. I. Richter, Dr. Charles F. Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 28. Asst. prof, seismology, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (220 N. San Rafael Ave.) M35F35. E. Richter, Dr. Clemens M. M08D36. N. Richter, Dr. Curt P(aul). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 21. Assoc, prof, psychobiology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Bal- timore, Md. M25F25. INF. Richter, Ernst. 179 Lafayette Circle, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. M24. Richter, Dr. George Holmes. Dept. Chem- istry, Rice Inst., Houston, Tex. M34F34- R35. CF. Richter, J(oseph) F(erdinand). 319 Vande Venter Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. M26R33. GOK. Richter, Dr. Julius. M.D., Buffalo, 04. Asst. prof, surgery and anatomy, Univ. Buffalo School Med., Buffalo, N. Y. (2556 Main St.) M39. N. Richter, Dr. Kurt (Hermann Gottlieb). North Amer. Rayon Corp., Elizabethton, Tenn. M30R35. CB. Richter, Dr. Maurice N(athaniel). M.D., Columbia, 21. Prof, pathology (executive officer), dir. Dept. Pathology, and attend- ing pathologist, New York Post Grad- uate Med. School and Hosp.; prof, pa- thology, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. M39. N. Richtmann, Dr. William Oscar. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 19. 1709 Adams St., Madison, Wis. M07F25. CG. Richtmyer, Prof. F(loyd) K(arker). Mi 7- F17D39. B. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), 1930. Rickcords, Francis S(tanley). Lawyer, 1530 N. State St., Chicago, 111. M23. K. Ricker, C(harles) W(illiam). S.B., Mass- achusetts Inst. Tech., 91. Consulting en- gineer, 2257 Grandview Ave., Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. M39. MBC. Ricker, Maurice G. B.S., Drake, 92. Asst. editor motion pictures, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (2221 40th St. NW.) M28F33. FG. Ricker, Dr. Norman (Hurd). Box 1919, Houston, Tex. M29F3iR37- BAM. Ricker, P(ercy) L(eroy). M.S., Maine, 01. Asst. botanist, U. S. Bur. Plant Indus- try, Washington, D. C. M02F06. G. Rickert, Prof. U(ra) Garfield. M31F33- D38. NIK. Ricketson, Dr. Oliver G(arrison), Jr. M.A., Harvard, 23; Ph.D., 33. Archaeolo- gist, Div. Historical Res., Carnegie Inst. Washington, Cambridge, Mass. M25F31. H. Rickett, Dr. H(arold) W(illiam). A.M., Wisconsin, 20; Ph.D., 22. Asst. bibliogra- pher, New York Botanical Garden, New York, N. Y. M35F25. G. 8o4 Directory of Members Ricketts, E(dward) F(landers). Pacific Biological Lab., Pacific Grove, Calif. M25- R36. F. Ricketts, Dr. Henry T. M.D., Harvard, 29. Asst. prof, medicine, Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. (5607 Kenwood Ave.) M38. N. Ricketts, Dr. Louis D(avidson). D.Sc, Princeton, 83; Eng.D., 25; LL.D., Ari- zona, 16. 325 Pacific Southwest Bank Bldg., Pasadena, Calif. M01F18. M. Ricketts, Dr. Palmer C(hamberlaine). M84F87D34. AMQ. Riddell, Newton. M30D36. IF. Riddell, Dr. William A(ndrew). M.Sc, Saskatchewan, 28; Ph.D., Stanford, 31. Provincial analyst, Province Saskatche- wan, Regina, Sask., Canada. M34F34. CN. Riddell, Prof. W(illiam) H(ugh). Dairy Dept., Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M34R36. OFG. Riddle, Arthur Raymond. Psvchiatric Clinic, 525 E. 68th St., New York, N. Y. M30R32. B. Riddle, C(harles) D(ayton). M.S., Chi- cago, 28. Assoc, prof, biology, Furman Univ., Greenville, S. Car. M27F33. F. Riddle, Dr. E(thel) M(arie). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 25 ; M.A., Washington, 27. Psy- chologist, Community School and John Burrough School, St. Louis, Mo. (108 Arundel Place) M27F28. IQ. Riddle, F. H. 600 Pingree Ave., Detroit, Mich. M3SF35R36. M. Riddle, (Howard) Sterling. Clearwater, Fla. M24R36. MBC. Riddle, Dr. Oscar. Ph.D., Chicago, 07; LL.D., Indiana, 33. Res. investigator, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. M07F10. FNC. Vice presi- dent for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1935- Ridenour, Miss Nina (Allen). State Char- ities Aid Assn., 105 E. 22nd St., New York, N. Y. M36R37. IKQ. Rider, Prof. Arthur J(ohn). M.S., Col- gate. 14; Ph.D., Cornell, 23. Head Dept. Chemistry, Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa. (4045 Beaver Ave.) M25F33. CQ. Rider, Ethel Louise. M.A., Syracuse. 17. Teacher botanv, North High School, Worcester, Mass. ( 1 Dayton St.) M28. GF. Rider, Dr. Lloyd A(lmy). Chairman biol- ogy, Abraham Lincoln High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. (1982 Trov Ave.) M27. QFG. Rider, Dr. T(heodore) H(arold). Ph.D., Yale 28. Tech. dir., Pepsodent Co., 6901 W. 65th St., Chicago, 111. (127 E. 4th St., Hinsdale, 111.) M28F33. CN. Rider, Dr. T(homas) T(hiel). D.D.S., Iowa. 9 Higgins Block, Missoula, Mont. M40. Nd. Ridge, Dr. John (Drew). S.M., Chicago, 32; Ph.D., 35. Senior geologist, Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp., Casapalca, Peru, S. A. M36. E. Ridgway, Arthur Osbourne. B.S., Kansas, 92. Chief engineer, Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Co., Denver and Salt Lake Western Railroad Co., Denver Union Terminal Railway Co., and Salt Lake City Union Depot and Railroad Co., Denver, Colo. M25F32. M. Ridgway, Dorothy (Jane). M.S., Colorado, 37. Bacteriologist and lab. technologist, 1336 Madison St., Denver, Colo. M40. NC. Ridgway, Raymond R(onald). B.S., Mass- achusetts Inst. Tech. 144 58th St., Niag- ara Falls, N. Y. M38. BMC. Ridgway, Robert. M17F28D38. M. Ridsdale, Percival S(heldon). 1214 16th St. NW„ Washington, D. C. M27R37. OFG. Riebeth, Mrs. Anne (Gertrude) B(enton) (Mrs. C. E. Riebeth). M.A., Minnesota, 18; Ph.D., 34. Housewife, 2421 Sheridan Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. M22F33. NGC. Riecken, Dr. William Emil. M.A., Indiana, 25; Ph.D., 28. Prof, biology and dean, Millsaps Col., Jackson, Miss. (625 Broad- way Ave.) M26F33. G. Riedel, Prof. Ernest (Henry). A.M., Har- vard, 07; Ph.D., Cornell, 09. Assoc, prof, classical languages, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. (7524 Dominican St.) M19. LQ. Riedel, John Charles. C.E., Cooper Union, 04. Chief engineer, City Board Estimates; lecturer city planning. Cooper Union, New York; commissioner, City Planning Commission; special lecturer engng. eco- nomics, Brooklyn Polvtechnic Inst., Brook- lyn, N. Y. (505 Macon St.) M08. MQB. Riedman, Dr. Sarah R. M.S., New York, 28; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Asst. prof., Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (3970 44th St., Long Island City, N. Y.) M37. N. Riegel, Dr. Byron. A.M., Illinois. 31; Ph.D., 34. Instr., Dept. Chemistry, North- western Univ., Evanston, 111. M39. CNF. Rieger, Prof. Wray M(ontgomery). 261 S. Linden Drive, Beverlv Hills, Calif. (?) M29R32. CE. Rieman, Dr. Gustav H(erman). M.S., Wis- consin, 27; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, prof., Dept. Genetics, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M31F33. GO. Rienhoff, Dr. William (F.), Sr. M17D37. N. Rienhoff, Dr. William F(rancis), Jr. 1201 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. M34F29- R36. N. Ries, Dr. Donald T(immerman). M.S., Michigan State, 27; Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Naturalist, Starved Rock State Park, Utica, 111. M30F33. FQ. Individual Members 8o = Ries, Dr. E(mil) D(urbin). M.S., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 22; M.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 23; D.Sc, 26. Asst. dir. sales, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. M34F34. CM. Ries, Dr. Ferd(inand) A(ugust). 300 E. North Ave., Baltimore, Md. M2QF33R39. N. Ries, Dr. Heinrich, A.M., Columbia, 94; Ph.D., 96. Prof, emeritus geology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (401 Thurston Ave.) M92F98E39. E. Ries, Herman E(lkan), Jr. 5749 Wood- lawn Ave., Chicago, 111. M33R33. CBA. Riesen, Dr. Austin H(erbert). Ph.D., Yale, 39. Res. asst., Yale Labs. Primate Biology, Orange Park, Fla. M39. IFQ. Riesman, Dr. David. M.D., Pennsylvania, 92; Sc.D., Franklin and Marshall, 28; LL.D., Wisconsin, 37. Prof, clinical medi- cine, Univ. Pennsylvania Graduate School Med., and prof, history medicine, Univ. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pa. (1520 Spruce St.) M02F33. N. Riesner, Dr. Sidney E. D.D.S., Columbia. Orthodontist, 136 E. 36th St., New York, N. Y. M40. Nd. Riess, Prof. Bernard F(rank). M.Sc, Col. City New York, 28 ; Ph.D., Columbia, 34. Asst. prof, psychology, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (135 Cushman Road, Scars- dale, N. Y.) M33. IHF. Riess, Prof. (John) Karlem. M.S., Tulane, 35. Prof, biology and chemistry, Alcee Fortier High School, New Orleans, La. (17 Audubon Blvd.) M34. ACB. Rietz, Prof. H(enry) L(ewis). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 02. Prof, and head Dept. Mathe- matics, Univ. Iowa, Iow7a City, Iowa. M02- F06. AK. Vice president for Section on Social and Economic Sciences (K), 1929. Rietz, Dr. J(ohn) H(arrison). D.V.M., Ohio State, 03; M.S., 29. Assoc, prof, an- imal pathology, West Virginia Univ. ; ani- mal pathology, West Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Morgantown, W. Va. M28. F. Rieveschl, George, Jr. M.Sc, Cincinnati, 39; Ph.D., 40. Fellow, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati Ohio. (112 Mill St., Lockland, Ohio) M40. CNA. Rife, Dr. Royal S. 2500 Chatsworth Road, San Diego, Calif. M34R34. Rifenburgh, Prof. S(umner) A(dam). A.M., Valparaiso, 21; S.M., Chicago, 22; Ph.D.. Purdue, 35. Asst. prof, zoology, Purdue Univ., West Lafavette, Ind. (246 Marstellar St.) M36F36. FNQ. Riffolt, Nils A(ugust M-son). M.A., Clark, 24. Physicist, Naval Proving Ground, Dahlgren, Va. M29F40. B. Rigg, Dr. George B(urton). M.A., Wash- ington, 09; Ph.D., Chicago, 14. Prof, bot- any and member staff oceanography, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (4719 9th Ave. NE.) M11F15. G. Rigg, Dr. James P(aul). Box 222, Grand Junction, Colo. M37R37. N. Riggio, Miss Rosalie Elizabeth. 162 Wood- ruff Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M33R.35- NG. Riggs, Dr. Austen Fox. M23F25D40. NIK. Riggs, Rear Admiral Charles E(dward). M.D. Iowa, 92. U. S. Navy retired, 3105 36th St. NW, Washington, D. C. M17. N. Riggs, E(lmer) S. A.M., Kansas, 96. Cura- tor paleontology, Field Mus. Natural His- tory, Chicago, 111. M38. EF. Riggs, Dr. Lloyd K(endrick). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 18. Vice pres., Sealtest, Inc., 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. ; dir. res., Kraft Cheese Co., 500 Peshtigo Court, Chicago, 111. M24F31. NC. Riggs, Prof. Norman C(olman). M.S., Harvard, 98. Prof, and head Dept. Me- chanics, Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Brookside Farms) M04F07. AM. Riggs, R(obert) J(ennings). A.B., Ober- lin, 11. Consulting and res. geologist, Stanolind Oil and Gas Co., Tulsa, Okla. M39. E. Riggs, William Adams. B.S., George Washington, 34. Engineer, Pittsburgh Limestone Corp., New Castle, Pa. (422 Sumner Ave.) M39. EMD. Rightmire, Brandon G(arner). M.A., Ohio State, 33. Instr. mechanical engng., Mass- achusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M40. MB. Rightor, F(red) E(lmer). B.S., Illinois, 03, Texas, 17. Member and sec, Texas State Board Registration Professional En- gineers, 511 Ewell Nalle Bldg., Austin, Tex. (1805 Dam Blvd.) M08L31. KMP. Rightsell, Raymond M. M.A., Cincinnati, 30. Chairman Dept. Science and head Div. Secondary Education, State Teachers Col., Stevens Point, Wis. (1052 Clark St.) M39. B. Rigler, Dr. Leo G(eorge). M.D., Minne- sota, 20. Prof, radiology and chief Dept., Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1576 Vincent St., St. Paul, Minn.) M29- F31. NB. Rigling, Alfred. M.A., Pennsylvania, 33. Librarian and asst. sec, Franklin Inst., Philadelphia, Pa. M25F35. M. Rigney, Rev. Harold William. M.Sc, Chi- cago. 33 ; Ph.D., 37. Master and chaplain of Catholics, Col. Prince Wales, Achi- mota, Gold Coast British West Africa. M38. EHF. Riis, Roger William. 522 5th Ave., New- York, N. Y. M38R38. Riker, Mrs. A. J. (Regina Stockhausen). M.A., Mt. Holyoke, 18; Ph.D., Wiscon- sin, 23. 2\\ N. Spooner St., Madison, Wis., M21F25. G. 8o6 Directory of Members Riker, Prof. A(lbert) J(oyce). M.S., Cin- cinnati, 20; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 22. Prof, plant pathology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madi- son, Wis. (211 N. Spooner St.) M25F25. GO. Riley, Mrs. George C. (Drusilla Flather). 3430 Stanley St., Montreal, Que., Canada. M20R37. F. Riley, Prof. Herbert P(arkes). A.M., Princeton, 29; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, bot- tany, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M32F33. GF. Riley, Dr. Robert H. M.D., Oklahoma; Dr.P.H., Johns Hopkins. 100 Beechwood Ave., Catonsville, Md. M39. N. Riley, Dr. William A(lbert). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 03; Sc.D., De Pauw, 26. Chief Div. Entomology and Economic Zoology, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M04F08. F. Vice president for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1930. Riley, William G(arfield). 2141 LeRoy Place, Washington, D. C. M29L37. ADC. Rimmer, Harry. 302 E. 2nd St., Duluth, Minn. M25. HE. Rimsky-Korsakoff, Vladimir N. M.S., Wisconsin, 29. Librarian, Central Labs., Gen. Foods Corp., 1125 Hudson St., Ho- boken, N. J. (171 Park Ave., East Orange, N. J.) M39. FCL. Rinde, Charles A(nderson). M.A., Col. Pacific, 30. Engng. consultant, Channel Mining Co., 155 Sansome St., San Fran- cisco. Calif. (406 W. Oak St., Lodi, Calif.) M28F40. BMI. Rinehart, E(dward) F. Extension Div., State House, Boise, Idaho. M27R32. O. Rinehart, Dr. James F(leece). M.D., Cal- ifornia, 27. Assoc, prof, pathology and medicine, Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. -M36F38. N. Rinehart, Dr. Roy James. D.D.S., West- ern Dental Col., 02. Dean, Kansas City- Western Dental Col., Kansas City, Mo. M34. Nd. Riner, Miss Alice. 503 S. Millwood St., Wichita, Kans. M26R32. FAB. Rines, David. LL.M., M.P.L., National Univ., 16. Patent lawyer, 1 Federal St., Boston, Mass. M11F13. DBA. Ring, Dr. Arthur H(allam). M32D35. N. Ring, Dewitt T(almadge). 1891 Devon Road, Columbus, Ohio. M28. E. Ring, Dr. Gordon C(lark). Ph.D., Har- vard, 30. Asst. prof., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (384 Arcadia Ave.) M34- F34. N. Ringer, Dr. Michael. M.D., Cornell, 19. Phvsician, 425 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. (M34F34R34)M39F34. N. Ringle, Dr. Charles A(rthur). Box 429, Greeley, Colo. M36R36. N. Ringoen, Prof. Adolph R. M.A., Minne- sota, 13; Ph.D., 19. Assoc, prof, zoology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1469 Grantham St., St. Paul, Minn.) M20F27. F. Ringwald, Dr. John C(hristian). M.A., Ohio State, 28; Ph.D., 31. Parole officer, U S. Penitentiarv, Leavenworth, Kans. M40. KIH. Rinkenbach, William H(enry). M.S., Pittsburgh, 22. Chief chemist, Picatinny Arsenal, U. S. War Dept., Dover, N. J. M29F33. CF. Rioch, Dr. David McK(enzie). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 24. Prof, neurology, Wash- ington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M34F34. N. Riordan, John. B.S., Yale, 23. Member technical staff, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M29F38. MAB. Ripin, Rowena (See Mrs. Heinz Ans- bacher). Ripley, Prof. G. E. 7 S. Duncan St., Fay- etteville, Ark. M35F35R35. B. Ripley, Dr. Herbert S(pencer), Jr._M._D., Harvard, 33. Asst. attending psychiatrist, New York Hosp.; instr. psychiatry, Cor- nell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M40. NIQ. Ripper, Edward E(rnest). Brevard, N. Car. M32R34. GKF. Rischer, Dr. Eduard. M.D., Keokuk Med. Col., 00. Pres. and surgeon, Cameron Hosp., Cameron, Tex. M17. NIB. Risley, Dr. Paul L(emuel). M.S., Michi- gan, 29; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Iowa, Iowa Citv, Iowa. M28F33. FNE. Risselman, Dr. W(illiam) C(harles). M37- F38D39. A. Rissetto, Arthur J. B.S., New York, 29. Plant chemist, Bonite Products Corp., New Brunswick, N. J. M39. C. Ritchey, Charles J(ames). A.M., Drake, 11, Yale, 13; Ph.D., Chicago, 18. Prof, history and head Dept., Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa. (2935 Rutland Ave.) M29. LQ. Ritchey, Dr. James O(scar). M.D., In- diana, 18, 20; M.S., 21. Prof, medicine and chairman Section Med., Indiana Univ. School Med., Indianapolis, Ind. (43 W. 43rd St.) M23. N. Ritchey, Joseph C(halmers). B.Sc, Ohio State, 90. Route 2, Flushing, Ohio. M 1 1 . C. Ritchie, C(alvin) L(eslie). B.S., Texas Tech. Col. Plant quarantine inspector, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quar- antine, Seattle, Wash. M38. FGO. Ritchie, Dr. Earland. A.M., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., Indiana, 31. Dean Col. and prof, phvsics Taylor Univ., Upland, Ind. M38- F38. B. Individual Members 807 Ritchie, John W(oodside). L.H.D., Mary- ville, 37. Science editor, World Book Co., Yonkers, N. Y. (Route 2, Fleming-ton, N. J.) M35F35. G. Ritchie, William A. Rochester Muncipal Mus., Rochester, N. Y, M29R39. H. Riter, Samuel W(aldo). B.S.. Utah, 21. Geologist, Gulf Oil Corp., Tulsa, Okla. M24. EM. Ritt, Prof. J(oseph) F(els). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 17; Sc.D., George Washington, 32. Prof, mathematics, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M33F33. A. Ritter, Dr. Sarah M(argaret) (Mrs. Ira Brown). Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Private teacher psychology, 149 Carrollton Road, Norfolk, Va. ; prof, sociology retired, Huntington Col., Montgomery, Ala. M34- F34- IK. Ritter, Dr. William E(merson). Ph.D., Harvard, 93 ; LL.D., California, 33. Prof, emeritus zoology, Scripps Inst. Ocean- ography, La Jolla, and Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (Hotel Claremont, Berke- ley, Calif.) M01F01. FQI. Vice president for Section on Zoology (F), 1909. Ritterskamp, Paul H. New Agric. Bldg., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M35R35. KOQ. Ritti, Prof. Mabel M(arguerite). M.A., Columbia, 16. Asst. prof., Dept. Physiol- ogy and Hvgiene. Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (12 E. 86th St.) M18F33. N. Rittman, Dr. Walter F(rank). A.M.. Swarthmore, 09; M.E., 11; Ch.E., 15; Ph.D., Columbia, 14. Consulting engineer, 61 12 Alder St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M25F25. M. Ritzmann, Otto F(rederick). M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 24. Geophysicist, Gulf Res. and Development Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (117 W. 8th St., Aspinwall) M28F33. BMA. Rivera, John (Jesus). 212 E. 126th St., New York, N. Y. M34R34. BKM. Rivera, Dr. Trinita. M.A., Ph.D., Colum- bia. Res. chemist, Killian Res. Labs., 49 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. M37. CN. Rivero, Dr. Luis Howell. D.Sc, Havana, 30. Asst. prof., Dept. Anthropology, and curator, Dept. Fishes, Univ. Havana; member Bur. Fisheries, Negociado de Pesca, Marina de Guerra, Havana, Cuba. (Calle 13 entre 16-18, Reparto Almen- dares) M39. FHE. Rivers, Dr. Thomas M(ilton). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 15; Sc.D., Emory, 36, Rochester, 38. Dir. Hosp., Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M22- F27. N. Vice president for Section on Med- ical Sciences (N ), 1938. Rives, F(rancis) Bayard. 31 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. M29R34. K. Rivett, Byron J. A.M., Michigan, 25. Principal, Northwestern High School, De- troit, Mich. (2558 Leslie Ave.) M17. C. Rixford, Dr. Emmet. M08F11D38. N. Rizer, Dr. Robert I. 2301 Oliver Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. M35. N. Roach, Harold. 154 W. 59th Place, Los Angeles, Calif. M35R36. M. Roach, Orvis A. 401 Cedar St., San An- tonio, Tex. M18R33. A. Roadhouse, Prof. C(hester) L(inwood). D.V.M., Cornell, 06. Prof, dairy industry and head Div., Univ. California Col. Agric; dairy technologist, Agric. Exp. Sta., Davis, Calif. M39F40. O. Roads, Miss Myra Katie. M.S., Evans- ville, 11. 463 Vine St., Hillsboro, Ohio. M17L23. Roak, Howard Craig. Sales mgr., Arthur H. Thomas Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (143 Ashby Road, Upper Darby, Pa.) M19. C. Roark, C(ecil) B(enjamin). Box 357, De Ridder, La. (?) M32R35. O. Roark, Prof. Raymond J(efferson). Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M21F25R34. EM. Roark, Dr. R(uric) C(reegan). M.A., Illi- nois, 08; Ph.D., George Washington, 17. Principal chemist, Div. Insecticide In- vestigations, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. M25F33. C. Roback, Dr. A(braham) A(aron). 8 Pres- cott St., Cambridge, Mass. M34F34R37. I. Robart, Sophia. 45 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. M39R39. CNI. Robb, Dr. Elda. M.A., California; Ph.D., Columbia. 500 W. Chelten Ave., German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. M39. NCI. Robb, Dr. Robert C(umming). M.A., Dal- housie, 26; S.M., Harvard, 27; Sc.D., 28; M.D., Syracuse, 35. Physician, 22 Main St., Phoenix, N. Y. M31F33. FN. Robb, Dr. Robert G. M.A., Virginia, 00; D.Sc, Bard Col., 10. Head Dept. Chem- istry, Col. William and Mary, Williams- burg, Va. M38. CBD. Robbert, Frederic W(illiam). 1 1 66 E. 31st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M22. K. Robbins, Benjamin H(oward). M.S., Van- derbilt, 26; M.D., 33. Assoc, prof., Van- derbilt Univ. School Med., Nashville, Tenn. M36F38. N. Robbins, Mrs. Chandler, II (Sarah Fraser). A.B., Bryn Mawr, 30. 94 Shepley St., Auburn, Maine. M34. EQO. Robbins, Prof. Charles K(endall). A.M.. Harvard, 13. Asst. prof, mathematics, Pur- due Univ., La Fayette, Ind. (418 Vine St., West Lafayette, Ind.) M34F34. A. Robbins, C(harles) L(eonidas). M22F34- D38. EKQ. 8o8 Directory of Members Robbins, D(aniel) S(tucker). Ph.D., Val- paraiso, 07. 343 Armijo St., Las Cruces, N. Mex. M27F31. BA. President of South- western Division, 1935. Robbins, Miss Edna (May). A.B.. Smith, 11. Instr. science, Mary C. Wheeler School, Providence,' R. I. M39. CFB. Robbins, Dr. Eleanor. M.D., Woman's Med. Col. Pennsylvania, 33. 34 De Loss St., Framingham, Mass. M30. N. Robbins, Frank Mix. B.S., Denison, 07. Pres., Ross-Meehan Foundries; vice pres., Meehanite Metal Corp., Chattanooga, Tenn. (119 River Point Road, Signal Mountain, Tenn.) M36. MCB. Robbins, J(ohn) E(verett). Dominion Bur. Statistics, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M38R38. QKI. Robbins, Mrs. Louise H. (Mrs. Wilfred W. Robbins). Tunior Col., Sacramento, Calif. M2SR36. G. Robbins, Luther S. 592 S. Ogden St., Den- ver, Colo. M32R35. EM. Robbins, Prof. Samuel D(owse). A.M., Harvard, 19. Prof, psychology, Emerson Col.; dir. Boston Stammerers' Inst.; speech therapist, Massachusetts Div. Mental Hygiene, Boston, Mass. (40 Cen- tre Ave., Belmont, Mass.) M21F21. IQN. Robbins, Dr. Wilfred W(illiam). A.M., Colorado, 09; Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Prof, botanv, Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis', Calif. M11F15. G. Robbins, William J(acob). Ph.D., Cornell, 15. Prof, botany, Columbia Univ.; dir. New York Botanical Garden, New York, N. Y. M13F21. G. Robbins, Dr. W(illiam) Rei. M.Sc, Rut- gers. 24; Ph.D., 26. Asst. prof, plant physi- ology, Rutgers Univ.; asst. plant physi- ologist. New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, N. J. (48 Cleveland Ave., Highland Park, N. J.) M25F27. GO. Robert, Dr. Daniel R(utgers). M.D., Co- lumbia, 11. New Lebanon Center, N. Y. M14. N. Robert, Samuel. M06L07D35. Roberts, Alpheus J. 437 N. Monroe St., Monroe, Mich. M34R34. BDE. Roberts, Charles C(resson). M19D — . CMB. Roberts, Charles Stephen. A.M.. Colum- bia, 34. Dir. planning and res., Nat. Fed- eration Textiles, Inc., 10 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. (49 Hilltop Drive, Manhasset, N. Y.) M37- I. Roberts, Dr. C(lair) W(illiam). 60 Harley St., London, England. M33R35. N. Roberts, Claudius H(enry) M(astin). B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech.. 17. Dir. res., Petroleum Rectifying Co. California, 530 W. 6th St., Los Angeles, Calif. (617 Via Horquilla, Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.) M25. CBM. Roberts, Mrs. Dorothea K(lumpke). 731 14th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M19F25- L26. DAQ. Roberts, Dr. E. D. G(wyn). Ph.D., Vienna. Dir. New Mexico State Assessment Sur- vey, Taos, N. Mex. M38. GKO. Roberts, Edgar J(acob). Ph.G., Philadel- phia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 29; Ph.C, 30. Chief chemist, Breyer Ice Cream Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (Ft. Wash- ington Ave., Ft. Washington, Pa.) M39. CIK. Roberts, Miss Edith A(delaide). Prof, and chairman, Dept. Botany, Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M18F25. G. Roberts, Dr. E(dward) N(oel). Ph.D., Chicago. 18. Res. chemist, Standard Oil Co. Indiana, Whiting, Ind. (171 1 Davis Ave.) M26F33- C Roberts, Dr. Edwin J(ay). Ph.D., Yale, 11. iso Pleasant St., Laconia, N. H. Mi 7- F33. c. Roberts, Elga Lynn. 3801 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. M36. D. Roberts, Dr. Elmer. Ph.D., Illinois, 17. Prof, animal genetics, Univ. Illinois Col. Agric, Urbana, 111. (404 W. Iowa St.) M13F20. FGO. Roberts. Erastus T(itus). 322 Washing- ton St., Titusville, Pa. M25. Roberts, Frank H(arold) H(anna), Jr. A.M., Denver. 21; A.M., Harvard, 26; Ph.D., 27. Archaeologist, Bur. Amer. Eth- nologv, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C. (415 E. Leland St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M24F31. H. Roberts, Prof. George. M.S., Kentucky, 01. Prof, agronomy and head Dept.; asst. dean Col. Agric, Univ. Kentucky, Lexing ton Kv. (340 Transylvania Park) M24- F25. OGC. Roberts, George Evan. Nat. Citv Bank, New York, N. Y. Mo7FisR39- K. Roberts, Prof. G(eorge) L(ucas). 202 The Union Club, West Lafavette, Ind. M24F2SR33. IQ. Roberts, Dr. Guy Alexander. Care Sec- retaria de Agricultura, Ciudad Trujillo, D. R. M31R38. NOF. Roberts. Miss Helen H(effron). M.A., Co- lumbia, 19. High Watch Trvon, N. Car. M25F31L35. HLN. Roberts, Henry B(uchtel). Carnegie Inst. Washington, Cambridge, Mass. (?) M24- F32. H. Roberts, Howard C(reighton). B.S., Illi- nois, 33. Seismographer. Fairfield, I1L M39. BAM. Individual Memkkks 809 Roberts, H(oward) Radclyffe. B.S., Prince- ton, 29. Instr. zoology, Univ. Pennsyl- vania; res. assoc. entomology, Acad. Nat- ural Science Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. (.Villa Nova, Pa.) M38. F. Roberts, Howard S(hreve), II. Physicist, Geophysical Lab., Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington, Washington, D. C. (3515 35th St.) M33F33. BC. Roberts, Hugh M(arine). Mining geolo- gist, 306 Lonsdale Bldg., Duluth, Minn. M17F33. EKP. Roberts, Prof. John H(enderson). Ph.D., Texas, 29. Asst. prof, mathematics, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M32F33. A. Roberts, John M(arshall). 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111. M07. Roberts, John (Scarborough). Hamilton Court, 39th and Chestnut Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. M36R36. M. Roberts, Dr. John W(illiam). A.M., Ne- braska, 09; Ph.D., George Washington, 17. Principal pathologist. U. S. Horticul- tural Sta., Beltsville, Md. M08F15. G. Roberts, Dr. Joseph K(ent). A.M., Johns Hopkins, 15; Ph.D., 22. Prof, geology, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. M18- F25. EM. Roberts, Dr. L(eo) B(ogan). A.M., Mill- saps, 21; A.M., Cornell, 25; Ph.D., 28. Prof, chemistry, Arkansas A. and M. Col., Monticello. Ark. M40. CEB. Roberts, Miss Lydia J(ane). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 28. Chairman, Dept. Home Eco- nomics, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M24- F33. CKN. Roberts, Milnor. A.B., Stanford, 99. Dean Col. Mines and prof, mining engng. and metallurgy, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M34F34. ME. Roberts, Morgan E. B.Sc, Wisconsin, 18. Geologist, Pure Oil Co.. Ft. Worth, Tex. ( Odessa, Tex.) M40. E. Roberts, Ralph H(arsley). B.S., Penn- sylvania State, 21. Field res. engineer, Mechanical Engng. Dept., York Ice Ma- chinery Corp., York, Pa. (359 W. Phila- delphia St.) M31. MBC. Roberts, Prof. R(ay) H(arland). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 24. Prof, horticulture, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M22F24. O. Roberts, Dr. Richard B(rooke). M.A., Princeton, 33 ; Ph.D., 37. Assoc, physicist, Dept. Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, D. C. (4630 30th St. XW.) M38F40. B. Roberts, Dr. Richard G(rifith). Ph.D., Northwestern, 34. Assoc, prof, biochem- istry, Chicago Med. School, Chicago 111. (163 W. 142nd St., Riverdale, 111.) M35- CNB. Roberts, Dr. R(obert) Chester. M.A., Kansas, 14; Ph.D., Yale, 21. Prof, and head Dept. Chemistry, Colgate Univ., Hamilton, N. Y. (39 University Ave.) M17F33. C. Roberts, S(hearley) O(liver). Phyllis Wheatley House, Minneapolis, Minn. M35R35. I. Roberts, Sidney Hubbard. M.A.. Wes- leyan, 30. Chemist, Med. Dept.,' Aetna Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. (151 Farm- ington Ave.) M38. CN. Roberts, Dr. Thomas S(adler). M.D., Pennsylvania, 85. Prof, ornithology and dir. Mus. Natural History, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M09F11. F. Roberts, Dr. Willard A. Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Lamp Development Lab., Gen. Elec- tric Co.. Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio. M28- F33. CBO. Roberts, Dr. Willard L(ewis). M.A., Wis- consin, 32; Ph.D., 37. Res. chemist, Post Products Div., Gen. Foods Corp., Battle Creek, Mich. M39. CN. Roberts, William Silas. M.S., Chicago, 23; Ed.D., Piedmont, 39. Head Dept. Chem- istry, Piedmont Col., Demorest, Ga. M29. CBE. Robertson, Dr. A. James. Sc.D., George- town, 33. U. S. Naval Observatory, Wash- ington, D. C. M28F32. D. Robertson, Prof. A(lbert) D(uncan). M.A., Toronto, 27. Prof, and head Dept. Zoology, Univ. Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada. M16F20. FGE. Robertson, Mrs. D. F. (See M. Catherine Hinchey). Robertson, Dr. David W(ield). M.Sc, Minnesota, 20; Ph.D., 28. Agronomist, Colorado State Col., Ft. Collins, Colo. M21F29. O. Robertson, Forbes Ferebee. 147 S. Penn- sylvania Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. M24- R34. B. Robertson, Dr. George M(cAffee). A.M., Dartmouth, 25; Ph.D., Yale, 37. Asst. prof, zoology and geology, Ft. Hays Kan- sas State Col., Hays, Kans. M34F34. FE. Robertson, Prof. G(eorge) Ross. Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Assoc, prof, organic chemis- try, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles. Calif. (10639 Welhvorth Ave., West Los Angeles, Calif.) M29F32. C. Robertson, Dr. Harold F(rederick). M.D., Pennsylvania, 26. Instr. medicine, Univ. Pennsylvania; asst. chief, Philadelphia Gen. Hosp. and Methodist Hosp., Phila- delphia, Pa. (327 S. 17th St.) M33. NQI. Robertson, Hugh Thomas. M.Sc, Sas- katchewan, 29. Instr. biology, Crescent Heights High School, Calgary, Alta., Can- ada. (235 7th Ave. NE.) M31. GQ. 8io Directory of Members Robertson, J. C. 922 Elder Court, Los An- geles, Calif. M40. Robertson, Dr. Joseph H(enry). M.S., Ne- braska, 32; Ph.D., 39. Junior range ex- aminer, U. S. Intermountain Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Ogden, Utah. (Wells, Nev.) (M34R35)M4o. GFO. Robertson, Prof. Judson H. Ph.D., Vir- ginia, 20. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Tennes- see, Knoxville, Tenn. M34F34. C. Robertson, Miss Lily T(aylor). 166 N. Fairview Ave., Spartanburg, S. Car. M37- R37. ADQ. Robertson, Prof. M(artin) L(uther). Ph.D., Michigan, 33. Assoc, prof, educa- tion, New York Univ. School Education, Washington Square, New York, N. Y. M38. QFG. Robertson, Dr. O(swald) H(ope). M.D., Harvard, 13. Prof, medicine, Univ. Chi- cago, Chicago, 111. M29F31. N. Robertson, Dr. Percival. M.S., Washing- ton Univ., 24; Ph.D., 36. Prof, chemistry and geologv, The Principia Col., Elsah, 111. M26. CE. Robertson, Prof. William Egbert. M.D., Pennsylvania, 92. 327 S. 17th St., Phila- delphia, Pa. M24. ACN. Robertson, W(illiam) Murray. 225 Price Ave., Narberth, Pa. M38. ABD. Robertson, Dr. W(illiam) R(ees) B(reb- ner). A.M., Kansas, 07; Ph.D., Harvard, 15. Assoc, anatomy, histology, embryol- ogv and genetics, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M08F20. FHN. Robeson, Prof. F(rank) L(eigh). M.A., Columbia, 13; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, _ 23. Prof, physics and head Dept., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg, Va. M20- F31. B. Robeson, Dr. J(ohn) M(axwell), Jr. Syra- cuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. M31F33R33. FN. Robey, Dr. Ashley. M.S., Texas A. and M., 25; Ph.D., Cornell, 32. Prof, and head, Dept. Chemistry, Arkansas State Col., Jonesboro, Ark. (State College, Ark.) M38F39. CN. Robey, Dr. William (Henry). M.D., Har- vard, 95. Clinical prof, emeritus medicine. Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M22- F25. N. Robinette, Charles V. Normal Sta., Con- way, Ark. (M32R33)M36R36. F. Robinette, Willard Leslie. M.S., Idaho, 39. Junior range examiner, U. S. Forest Service, Richfield, Utah. M40. FGE. Robinson, Aaron (Jacob). B.Sc, Rutgers. 635 S. Warren St., Trenton, N. J. M38. NFC. Robinson, Benjamin. 5545 Sheridan Ave., Detroit, Mich. M22R34. F. Robinson, Dr. B(enjamin) L(incoln). M92F93D35. G. Vice president for Section on Botany (G), 1904 and 1905. Robinson, Charles J. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 06. Prof, chemistry, Pomona Col., Claremont, Calif. (809 Indian Hill Blvd.) M31F33. C. Robinson, Prof. Charles S(ummers). M.S., Michigan, 09; Ph.D., 17. Prof, biochem- istry, Vanderbilt Univ. School Med., Nashville, Tenn. M28F29. NCO. Robinson, Clifford H. B.A., Toronto, 09. Dominion agric. chemist, Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M39F40. CO. Robinson, Edward P(ayson). 117 Maple St., Maiden, Mass. M17. MD. Robinson, Edward S(tevens). M21F25- D37. I. Vice president for Section on Psy- chology (I), 1936- Robinson, Dr. Elliott S (tiding Andrew). M.D., Yale, 18; Ph.D., 22. Dir. Div. Bio- logic Labs., Massachusetts Dept. Public Health, Jamaica Plain; asst. prof, applied immunology, Harvard Med. School and School Public Health, Boston, Mass. (5 Oakwood Terrace, Newton Center, Mass.) M25F31. N. Robinson, Ernest Guy. M.A., Cornell, 25. Mgr. eastern production area, Shell Oil Co., Inc., St. Louis, Mo. M20. E. Robinson, Francis P. M.A., Iowa, 30; Ph.D., 32. Asst. prof, psychology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (100 Web- ster Park Ave.) M39F40. IQ. Robinson, Frank Bruce. Moscow, Idaho. M31R34. I. Robinson, Frederic William. M.Sc, Liver- pool, 09. Asst. treas., Hanovia Chem. and Mfg. Co.; chairman Industrial Commis- sion City Newark, Newark, N. I. (Del- barton Drive, Short Hills, N. J.) M25. CN. Robinson, Dr. G(eorge) Canby. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 03 ; LL.D., Washington LTniv., 28; Sc.D., George Washington, 31. Lecturer medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med.; dir. med. clinics and assoc. physician, Johns Hopkins Hosp., Balti- more, Md. (4712 Keswick Road) Mio- F14. N. Vice president for Section on Med- ical Sciences (N ), 1927. Robinson, Dr. Hamilton Burrows Greaves. D.D.S., Pennsylvania, 34; M.S., Rochester, 36. Asst. prof, oral histology and pathol- ogy, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. (M36R36)M38F38. Nd. Robinson, Harold R(owan). A.B., Colo- rado Col., 33. Mill foreman, New York and Honduras Rosario Mines, San Juan- cito, Honduras, C. A. (1242 Park Ave., Monte Vista, Colo.) M40. CMB. Robinson, Harris A. 4300 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. M38R39. MBA. Individual Members 8ii Robinson, Dr. Howard W(est). M.S., Pennsylvania, 25 ; Ph.D., Vatulerbilt, 29. Fellow, Pediatric Res. Foundation, Chil- dren's Hosp.; asst. prof, biochemistry, Graduate School, and asst. prof. res. pedi- atrics. Col. Med., Univ. Cincinnati, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. M27F33. C. Robinson, Dr. James H(arvey), M18F30- D— . K. Robinson, Prof. J(esse) M(athews). M.A., Ohio State, 16. Head prof, zoology and entomology, Alabama Polytechnic Inst.; entomologist, Alabama Agric. Exp. Sta., Auburn, Ala. M19F25. F. Robinson, Dr. John A. M17D38. N. Robinson, Dr. John W(irt). M.D., Illi- nois, 04. District health officer, Los An- geles County, Los Angeles, Calif. (834 N. Occidental Blvd.) M29. N. Robinson, Prof. L(ewis) Cass. S.M., Chi- cago, 24. Dept. Geology, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. M34F34. E. Robinson, L(immye) V(ernon). Astro- nomical Observatory, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M24F32R32. DAB. Robinson, Mrs. Maribodine (Busey) (Mrs. R. G. Robinson). M.S., Ohio State, 32. Med. technologist, Michigan Clinic, De- troit, Mich. M40. NCQ. Robinson, Mildred D. Box 215, New Rich- mond, Wis. M36R36. Robinson, Dr. Ralph V. M30F31D35. N. Robinson, Reginald H(eber). M.S., Cali- fornia, 12. Chemist, Oregon Agric. Exp. Sta., Corvallis, Oreg. (2320 Monroe St.) M34F34. C Robinson, Dr. Rex J(ulian). Bagley Hall, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M34- F34R36. C. Robinson, Robert Bruce. Collector cir- culation, Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. (4243 Garfield Ave.) M26F34. IQ. Robinson, Robert D. Chief chemist, Ux- bridge Worsted Co., Inc., Uxbridge, Mass. M39. CNI. Robinson, T(homas) Ralph. A.M., Syra- cuse, 99. Senior physiologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Orlando, Fla. M24F31. GO. Robinson, True W(illiam). M.A., Har- vard, 33; Ph.D., 37. Instr., Univ. Illinois, Urbana 111. (1208 W. Stoughton St.) M38. FGC. Robinson, Una (Lane). A.M., Baylor, 22; Ph.D., Chicago, 36. Asst. prof, home eco- nomics, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. M28. CN. Robinson, Dr. William. M.Sc, Kansas, 24; Ph.D., Minnesota, 26. Senior entomol- ogist, U. S. Dept Agric, Washington, D. C. (Burnt Mills Hills, Silver Spring, Md.) M25F32. FCN. Robinson, Dr. William J(osephus). Mi 7- D— . N. Robinson, Prof. William (Lipsett). M.B., Toronto. Prof, pathology, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. (18 Doncliffe Drive) M36. NBD. Robinson, W(illiam) O(rrin). M.S., New Hampshire, 06. Senior chemist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry Washington, D. C. M35- Fu. OC. Robinson, Dr. William S(tewart). M.A., Columbia, 37; Ph.D., 40. Instr. sociology, Columbia Univ.; chief statistician, Office Radio Res., 15 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. (423 W. 120th St.) M40. KIA. Robinson, Dr. William T. M.D., Boston. Roentgenologist, Bellevue Hosp., New York, N. Y. (322 W. 72nd St.) M23. N. Robinson, Miss Winifred J(osephine). M.Pd., Michigan State Normal Col., 12; Ph.D., Columbia, 12; LL.D., Delaware, 39. Dean emeritus, Women's Col., Univ. Delaware, Newark, Del. M05F11. G. Robison, C(larence) H(all). A.M., North- western, 97. Assoc, prof, education, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (637 Westholme Ave.) M08F31. Q. Robison, Sanford H(arding). J.S.D., St. Lawrence. 39. Lawver, 17 Gramercy Park S., New York, N. Y. (Bedford Village, N. Y.) M30L33. IHK. Roblin, Dr. Richard O(wen), Jr. Ph.D., Columbia, 34. Res. chemist, Amer. Cyana- mid Co., Stamford, Conn. M38. CN. Robson, A(lan) Roy. 109 S. Lansdowne Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. M33R34. Robson, Arthur D. 386 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. M31R32. C. Robson, Kernan. 912 DeYoung Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. M27R32. D. Rochford, Sister M. De Pazzi. M.A., Iowa. Instr. mathematics, Briar Cliff Col., Sioux City, Iowa. M40. A. Rochford, Dr. W(illiam) E. M.D. Sur- geon, 527 Syndicate Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. M30. N. Rochow, Dr. T(heodore) G(eorge.). Ph.D., Cornell, 34. Chem. microscopist, Res. Labs., Amer. Cyanamid Co., Stamford, Conn. M39. CEB. Rock, Harold F. M.S., St. Bonaventure. District sanitary engineer. New York State Dept. Health, Oneonta, N. Y. (22 Maple St.) M40. MNC. Rock, Prof. Robert T(homas). M.A., Cath- olic. 26; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Head Dept. and prof, psychology; dir. Psychological Clinic Fordham Univ. Graduate School, New York, N. Y. M33. IQ. Rockie, W(illiam) A(llan). B.Sc, Ne- braska, 14. Soil conservationist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Spokane, Wash. (514 W. 19th Ave.) M36F36L37. OEG. 8l2 Directory of Members Rockwell, Dr. George E(dmund). M.A., M.D., Cincinnati, 23. Physician, Milford, Ohio. M37F38. NCQ. Rockwell, John Gundersen. State Office Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. M32F33R35. NIE. Rockwood, L(awrence) P(eck). B.S., Massachusetts State, 12. Entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quar- antine, Forest Grove, Oreg. M13F20. FOG. Roddy, Dr. Harry Justin. Mus., Franklin and Marshall Col., Lancaster, Pa. M06- F31R38. E. Rodebush, Dr. Worth H(uff). A.M., Kan- sas, 14; Ph.D., California, 17. Prof, phys- ical chemistry, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M24F32. CB. Rodeck, Hugo G(eorge). M.A., Colorado, 29. Dir. mus. and asst. prof, natural his- tory, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (938 Lincoln Place) M34. FGH. Roden, Dr. Charlotte Rice (Charlotte Rice). Dept. Psychology, Denison Univ., Granville, Ohio. M32F33R39- IN. Rodenbaugh, Dr. F(rederick) H(ase). M.D., St. Louis, 13. 490 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. M26. N. Rodes, Dr. Luis (Campdera), S. J. M19- F23D39. BD. Rodewald, Prof. Charles W(illiam). M.S., Illinois, 21 ; Ph.D., 24. Asst. prof, chemis- try, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. (7233 Kingsbury Blvd., University City, Mo.) M25F25. CBA. Rodger, Esther A(lice). M.S., Michigan. 60 W. Longwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. M36. G. Rodgers, Dr. Calvin M(ax). D.V.M., Ohio State, 34. Veterinarian. Avon, 111. M37. N. Rodgers, John. 122 Eddy St., Ithaca, N. Y. M37R37. E. Rodgers, R. P. 864 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. M32R32. M. Rodgers, Prof. Tom G(ladstone). M.A., Wisconsin, 10. Dean emeritus, New Mex- ico Normal Univ., Las Vegas, N. Mex. ( 1018 4th St.) M10F33. A. Rodier, Dr. D. M.D., Long Island Med. Col. Physician, Hunter, N. Y. M39. NKH. Rodman, Prof. W(alter) S(heldon). M.S., Rhode Island State, 07; S.M., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 09. Dean engng. and prof, electrical engng., Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. M17F25. M. Rodney, Dr. Gertrude. M.S., Michigan, 36; Ph.D., 38. Res. asst., Parke Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich. (141 5 Parker Ave.) M39. CNF. Rodock, Roy E(dgar). 212 5th St., Lewis- ton, Idaho. M28R34. FG. Rodolfo, Dr. Agustin. Ph.D., Wisconsin. Univ. Philippines Col. Arts and Sciences, Baguio, P. I. M39. FOH. Rodowskas, Dr. Edward L(aurence). M.S., Holy Cross, 32; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 35. Process supervisor, Krebs Pigments Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Curtis Bay, Baltimore, Md. M39. CBM. Rodriguez, Prof. Antonio, Jr. A.M., Co- lumbia. Assoc, prof, education and dir. Elementary School, Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R. M40. Q. Rodriguez, Dr. Jose N(atalio). Box 288, Cebu, Cebu. P. I. M35R36. N. Rodriguez-Molina, Dr. Rafael. M.D., Vir- ginia, 26; Dr.Med.Sc, Columbia, 35. Asst. prof, tropical medicine. School Tropical Med.; attending physician, University Hosp and Presbyterian Hosp., San Juan, P. R. M34F34. N. Roe, Edward C(ummer). A.B., Princeton, 35. Vice pres., Cummer Sons Cypress Co. and Cummer Lime and Mfg. Co., Jack- sonville, Fla. (2263 St. Johns Ave.) M37. E. Roe, Eugene I(rving). B.S., Cornell, 29. Assoc, silviculturist, U. S. Lake States Forest Exp. Sta., Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. (1545 Branston St.) M35. OG. Roe, Dr. Harold E. 3250 Divisadero St., San Francisco, Calif. M34F34R35. N. Roe, Howard T. Geologist, Box 443, Fred- ericksburg, Tex. M38. ACD. Roe, Prof. Joseph H(yram). A.M., Prince- ton, 17; Ph.D., George Washington, 23, Yale, 34. Prof, biochemistry, George Washington Univ. School Med., Washing- ton, D. C. (1352 Jefferson St. NW.) M24- F33. CN. Roe, Dr. Josephine Robinson. A.M.. Berea, 92, Dartmouth, 11; Ph.D., Syra- cuse, 18. Asst. prof, mathematics retired, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. (123 W. Ostrander Ave.) M17F33. AD. Roe, Dr. Mabel L(ewis). S.M., Chicago. 14; Ph.D., 15. Instr. biology and botany. Long Beach Junior Col., Long Beach, Calif. (4509 E. Greenmeadow Road) Mi 6- F25. G. Roe, Dr. Maurice A. U. S. Public Health Service. Washington, D. C. (M29R36)- M38R38. NH. Roe, Miriam. 49 n Underwood Ave., Omaha, Nebr. M30R34. Roe, Robert S(toddard). A.B., Denver, 24. Chief Seattle Sta.; U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Seattle, Wash. (2621 nth Ave. N.) M37. C. Roebling, Ferdinand William, III. 222 W. State St., Trenton, N. J. M35R36. EMK. Roebling, John A. A.M. Bernardsville, N. J. L17. M. Roebuck, John R(ansom). Ph.D., Toronto, 06. Prof, physics, Univ. Wisconsin, Madi- son Wis. (2210 Hollister Ave.) M17F21. BC. Individual Members 813 Roeder, Dr. Gee. Box 131, Rahway, N. J. M37R37. C Roeder, Prof. K(enneth) D(avid). M.A., Cambridge, 33. Asst. prof, biology, Tufts Col., Medford, Mass. (2 E. Capen St., Medford Hillside, Mass.) M33. FN. Roeder, Larry Winter. 207 Beverly Apart- ments, Columbia, Mo. M39. IKN. Roehl Charles Edward. 9 Prospect Park W.. Brooklyn, X. Y. Mi 7. M. Roehl, Mrs. Katherine McClure (Kath- erine Louise McClure). M.S., Tulane, 30. Birch Beach, Croswell, Mich. M28. F. Roehll, Dr. Walter H. M.D., Cincinnati. Phvsician, 2 X. Main St., Middletown, Ohio. M38. X. Roehm, J(ohn) C(hristian). Deputy in- spector mines and field engineer. Terri- torial Dept. Mines, Juneau, Alaska. M38. EMI. Roepke, Dr. Martin H(enry). M.S., Illi- nois, 30; Ph.D., Minnesota, 31; M.A., To- ronto, 33. Asst. prof, veterinary medicine, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M38. CBX. Roerich, Nicholas (Konstantinovitch). Xaggar, Kulu, Punjab, British India. M29R36. H. Roeser, Frederick. E.M., Columbia. Box 144. Pasadena, Calif. M17L37. X. Roeser, Jacob, Jr. F.E., Colorado Col., 16. Asst. supervisor, Horney Nat. Forest, U. S. Forest Service, Custer, S. Dak. M27. GO. Roessler, Dr. Edward B(iffer). M.A., California, 25 ; Ph.D., 29. Asst. prof, mathematics and asst. statistician Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Davis, Calif. (College Park) M34F34- ABM. Roessler, H(ans) F(red) B(ernard). Sec- treas., Vitamin Technologists, Inc., 947 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M39. CXP. Roever, Dr. William E(dward). M.S., Rutgers, 34; Ph.D., 37. Instr. botany, Rutgers Univ., Xew Brunswick, X. J. M40. G. Roever, Dr. William H(enry). A.M., Harvard, 04; Ph.D., 06. Head Dept. Mathematics and Astronomy, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M03F06. ADB. Secretary of Section on Mathematics (A), 1920-24; vice president, 1925. Roff, Dr. Merrill (Flagg). M.A., Kansas; Ph.D., Cornell. 514 X. Fess St., Blooming- ton, Ind. M38. I. Roger, Henry (Heinz Rosenberger). M.E., Darmstadt, 12. Scientific dir., Rolab Photo-Science Labs., Sandy Hook, Conn. M34F34. BMX. Roger, John. 32 W. 40th St., Xew York, X. Y. M21. M. Rogers, Dr. Allen. M27F33D38. C. Rogers, Dr. Arthur L. 1130 S. West Morrison St., Portland, Oreg. M38R38. X. Rogers, Prof. Austin F(lint). A.M., Kan- sas, 00; Ph.D., Columbia, 02. Box 87, Stanford University, Calif. M13F15. E. Rogers, Beryl. 72 Perry St., Xew York, X. Y. (?) M33R33. Rogers, Dr. Burton R. D.V.M., Iowa State. 6616 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. M39. XBF. Rogers, Charles E(dwin). M.C.E., Har- vard, 15. Prof, civil engng., Trinity Col., Hartford. Conn. (33 Concord St., West Hartford, Conn.) M24. MDA. Rogers, Dr. Charles F(letcher). M.Sc, Iowa State, 25; Ph.D., Minnesota, 39. Assoc, biochemistry, Dept. Agronomy, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M24F33. CGO. Rogers, Prof. Charles G(ardner). A.M., Syracuse, 99; Sc.D., 20; Ph.D., California, 04. Prof, comparative physiology and head Dept. Zoology, Oberlin Col. Oberlin, Ohio. (378 Reamer Place) M06F09. FIX. Rogers, Dr. Charles H(erbert). Ph.C, St. Louis Col. Pharmacy, 10; M.S., Minne- sota, 15; Sc.D., 18. Dean, Col. Pharmacy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M38F38. CNp. Rogers, David Banks. Mus. Natural His- tory, Santa Barbara, Calif. M31R38. HE. Rogers, Prof. David C(amp). Ph.D., Harvard, 03. Prof, psychology, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. {32 Sunny- ledge, New Britain, Conn.) M18F25. IQK. Rogers, Dwight L(eete), Jr. 205 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. M29R32. QIK. Rogers, Mrs. F. C. (Mary Elizabeth Carty Rogers). Ft. Moultrie, S. Car. M37R37. CN. Rogers, Prof. Fred A. B.S., Michigan, 94. Prof, physics and electrical engng., dean engng., and acting co-dir., Lewis Inst., Chicago, 111. M08F15. BM. Rogers, Dr. Fred T(erry). Ph.D.. Chi- cago, 16; M.D., Baylor, 30. Dallas Med. and Surgical Clinic, Dallas, Tex. (M12- F2oR35)M4oF20. N. Rogers, Prof. Harold F(rantz). A.M., Harvard, 08. Prof, chemistry and head Dept. Physical Sciences. State Teachers Col., Fairmont, W. Va. (1100 Ridgely Ave.) M30. C. Rogers, Prof. H(arris) W(hite). M.S., Colgate, 22; Ph.D., Cornell, 33. Asst. prof, chemistry, Colgate Univ., Hamilton, N. Y. M28F33. CQ. Rogers, Harry. 2223 Inyo St., Fresno, Calif. M32R35- DEB. Rogers, Dr. H(arry) S(tanley). C.E., Wyoming, 26; Sc.D., Northeastern, 35. Pres., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., Brook- lyn, N. Y. M39. MQ. 814 Directory of Members Rogers, Dr. Herbert W(esley). Psycho- logical Lab., Lafayette Col., Easton, Pa. M23F23R32. I. Rogers, James K(enneth) A.M., Cin- cinnati, 29; Ph.D., 33. Geologist, Arkansas Fuel Oil Co., Houston, Tex. M27. E. Rogers, Prof. J(ames) Speed. M.A., Mich- igan, 16; Ph.D., 30. Prof, biology and head Dept., Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla.; assoc. curator diptera, Mus. Zoology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M32- F33. F. Rogers, John C(lifton). B.Sc, Lehigh. 80 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. Canada. M36. EMG. Rogers, Prof. Lotta M(ae). M.S., Wiscon- sin, 28. Asst. prof, biology, Albion Col., Albion, Mich. M40. FG. Rogers, Mabel C(laire). M.A., Columbia, 17. Head Dept. Foods and Nutrition, The Stout Inst., Menomonie, Wis. (311 Park St.) M40. CQK. Rogers, Mabel T(itsworth). M.A., Colum- bia. 301 Montgomery St.. Milledgeville, Ga. M32. BDF. Rogers, Margaret Anne. 5224 St. Antoine St.. Detroit, Mich. M29. NQK. Rogers, Dr. Margaret Cobb. 520 Mc- Cartney St., Easton, Pa. M28F31R32. I. Rogers, Mrs. Marguerite M. Rice Inst., Houston, Tex. M39R39. B. Rogers, Dr. Philip V(irgilius). A.M., Hamilton, 34; Ph.D., Yale, 37. Instr. biology, Hamilton Col., Clinton. N. Y. M34- FN. Rogers, R(obert) A(lonzo). M.S., Iowa, 23; Ph.D., 26. Prof, physics, Park Col., Parkville, Mo. M30F33. B. Rogers, Spencer L. San Diego State Teachers Col., San Diego, Calif. M32- R32. HK. Rogers, Prof. Stanley. 2500 N. Beach- wood Drive, Hollywood, Calif. M33- R39. KBQ. Rogers, Prof. Thomas A(rthur). M.S., Pennsylvania State. Head Dept. Chemis- try, Central State Teachers Col., Stevens Point, Wis. M36. C. Rogers, Dr. T(homas) Hunton. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Assoc, dir. res., Stand- ard Oil Co. Indiana, Whiting, Ind. (Dune Acres, Chestertown, Md.) M39. C. Rogers, Dr. Wallace. M.A., D.D. Pastor, First Methodist Church, Griffin, Ga. (312 S. Hill St.) (M27R32)M4o. F. Rogers, Prof. Walter E. M.S., Iowa, 16; D.Sc, Millikin, 39. Prof, biology, Law- rence Col., Appleton, Wis. M26F31. GFE. Rogers, Dr. William M. Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. M34F34R34. N. Rogers, Dr. W(illiam) W(hite). 736 College Ave., Rock Hill, S. Car. M32- F33R39- I- Rogick, Dr. Mary Dora. A.M., Nebraska, 30; Ph.D., Ohio State, 34. Prof, biology and chairman Dept., Col. New Rochelle, New Rochelle, N. Y. (25 Prospect St.) M37. FNH. Rogoff, Prof. J(ulius) M(oses). M.D., Western Reserve, 08; Sc.D., Ohio North- ern, 33. Prof, endocrinology, Univ. Pitts- burgh School Med., Pittsburgh, Pa. M18- F21. IN. Rogoff, William M(iltori). B.S., Con- necticut, 37. Graduate student, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (62 Hobson St., East Haven, Conn.) M40. F. Rogosa, Miss Rebecca (Thelma). 25 Bed- ford St., Lynn, Mass. M32R32. Q. Rogowski, Augustus R(udolph). S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 28. Res. assoc, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (69 Henderson St., Needham, Mass.) M40. MB. Rohde, George. Representative, Bausch and Lomb Optical Co., 1324 I St. NW., Washington, D. C. M38. FGB. Rohde, Hugo W(illiam). B.S., Wisconsin, 01. Chief chemist, Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (3927 N. Stowell Ave., Shorewood) M26. C. Rohdenburg, Dr. George (Louis). M.D., Cornell, 05. Dir. labs., Lenox Hill Hosp., New York, N. Y. (25 Central Park W.) M28F33. N. Rohlffs, Walter V(ogt). Dr.Eng., Frei- berg, 33. Pres., Gen. German Benevolent Soc, San Francisco, Calif. (1120 Lombard St.) L25. MEC. Rohrbaugh, Dr. L(ewis) G(uy). 504 Walnut St., Carlisle, Pa. M31R34. IQ. Rohrbaugh, P(ercy) W(inifred). M.S., Iowa State, 29. Plant physiologist, Cali- fornia Fruit Growers Exchange Ontario, Calif. (560 N. Euclid St., Upland, Calif.) (M25F3iR33)M39F3i. GOC. Rohrer, Dr. C(aleb) W(yand) G(eeting). M.D., Col. Physicians and Surgeons (Baltimore), 00; M.A., Illinois Wesleyan, 08; Ph.D., 09. Diagnostician and chief Pasteur Div., Maryland State Dept. Health, Baltimore, Md. (2814 Ailsa Ave.) M07. N. Rohrer, Robert B(arr). B.S., Franklin and Marshall, 16. Asst. dir. Central Tech. Lab., Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa. (437 President Ave.) M25. C. Rohrman, Dr. F(rederick) A(lvin). M.Sc, Minnesota, 28; Ph.D., Columbia, 31. Asst. prof. chem. engng., Michigan Col. Mining and Tech., Houghton, Mich. M34F34. CM. Rohwer, Carl (Henry). C.E., Cornell, 13. Irrigation engineer, U. S. Soil Conserva- tion Service, Fort Collins, Colo. M28- F32. M. Individual Members 8r Rohwer, Frank Wilbur. 505 Sunderland Ave., Calgary, Alta., Canada. M25R32. E. Rolbiecki, Prof. John J(oseph). A.M., Catholic, 19; Ph.D., 21. Prof, philosophy, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. M25. FGI. Rolf, Frederick W(illiam). M.S., Iowa, 35; Ph.D., 37. Instr. chemistry, Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. M39. CEB. Rolfs, Dr. F(red) M. M.S., Colorado State, 03; Ph.D., Cornell, 15. Prof, botany and plant pathologv, Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. (510 W. Maple St.) M27F27. G. Rolfs, Dr. P(eter) H(enry). M.S., Iowa State, 91; Ph.D., Florida, 20. Escola Agricola, Vicosa, Minas Geraes, Brazil, S. A. (Gainesville, Fla.) M92F99E39. GO. Roll, Miss Rose. 205 E. 78th St., New York, N. Y. M37R37- A. Rollason, H(erbert) Duncan, Jr. A.B., Middlebury, 39. Asst. biology, Williams Col., Williamstown, Mass. M40. FN. Rolle, Dr. Clifford J(ay). M.A., Cin- cinnati, 16; Ph.D., 18. Res. chemist, Inter- chemical Corp., 432 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. (304 Hollywood Ave., Crest- wood, Tuckahoe, N. Y.) M25F33. CB. Rolle, Sidney. E.M., Columbia, 05. Asst. mgr., Scomet Engng. Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. (Shelton Hotel) M36. M. Rollefson, Dr. Gerhard K(rohn). M.A., Wisconsin, 21 : Ph.D., California, 23. Oilman Hall, Univ. California, Berkelev, Calif. M24F27. CB. Rollefson, Karl E(gbert). B.A., Minne- sota, 20. Chief engineer, Muter Co., 1255 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. (1009 Davis St., Evanston, 111.) M26F31. BAM. Roller, Prof. Duane (Emerson). Assoc, prof, phvsics, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. M39. B. Roller, Dr. Emery M. M.S., Iowa State, 23; Ph.D., 30. Asst. chemist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Columbia, S. Car. (1130 Hagood St.) M37F40. CON. Roller, Dr. Paul S(almon). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 28. Physical chemist, U. S. Bur. Mines, College Park, Md. M29F33. CBE. Roller, Dr. P(leasant) E(rnest). M.A., Colorado, 23; Ph.D.. 27; M.S., Nebraska, 25. Dean Arts and Sciences and prof, mathematics and chemistry, Morris- Harvey Col., Charleston, W. Va. (1100 Beech Ave.) M31F33. CBA. Rollhaus, P(hilip) Edward. 622 E. Aliens Lane, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. (?) M33R33. CM. Rollins, Dr. Mabel A. M.S., Ph.D., Cornell. 46 Green Village Road, Madison, N. J. M40. K. Rollman, Martin E(dward). M.E., Cin- cinnati, 32; E.E., 34. Foundry engineer, Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio. (17 E. University Ave.) M37. MBA. Rolnick, Dr. Harry C. M.D., Northwest- ern, 11. Assoc, prof, urology, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. (457 Barry St.) M24F33. N. Rolph, T(homas) W(illett). Holophane Co., Inc., Newark. Ohio. M28F32R32. MB. Romaine, Jesse D(avis). M.S., Michigan State, 25. Chief agronomist, Amer. Potash Inst., Investment Bldg., Washington, D. C. M30. OGC. Roman, Dr. Irwin. A.M., Chicago, 15; Ph.D., 20. Senior geophysicist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Baltimore, Md. (722 Hunting Place) M21F22. ABE. Romanoff, Prof. Alexis L(awrence). M.S., Cornell, 26; Ph.D., 28. Asst. prof. exp. embryology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M31F33. FCN. Romberg, Prof. Arnold. A.M., Harvard, 13; Ph.D., 15. Prof, physics, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M24F31. B. Rome, Miss Mabel B(ragg). 601 Dick St., Carnegie, Pa. (M27R38)M40. GF. Romell, Lars Gunnar. Botanical Inst., Stockholms Hogskola, Stockholm, Sweden. M30F31R34. OG. Romer, Prof. Alfred S(herwood). Ph.D., Columbia, 21. Prof, zoology and curator vertebrate paleontology, Mus. Compara- tive Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M23F24. FEH. Romer, Miss Caroline S(ophia.). Ph.B., Syracuse, 95. Teacher retired, 212 Oak- ridge Ave., Summit, N. J. M10F25. G. Romero, A(ntonio) S(ylvano). S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech. Chief en- gineer, Public Service Commission, San Juan, P. R. (3 Washington St., Santurce, P. R.) M32. M. Rommel, George M(cCullough). B.S., Iowa Wesleyan, 97; B.S.A., Iowa State, 99. Chief Preliminary Investigations Div., Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn. (1516 Laurel Ave.) M34F19. OK. Ronaghan, Arthur J. 57 Central Ave., Baldwin, N. Y. M36R37. E. Rondinella, Dr. A(nnina) C. M.D., Woman's Med. Col. Pennsylvania, 99. 8 Dover Road, Wellesley, Mass. Mi 7. N. Ronemous, Walter R. 7 Glenwood Ave., Charleston, S. Car. M31R32. KMO. Rones, Dr. Benjamin. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 26. 1610 I St. NW., Washington, D. C. M38. N. Roney, Dr. Harland B(urr). Ph.D.. Illi- nois, 38. Asst. prof, biology, Cleveland Col., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M38. F. 8i6 Directory of Members Rongy, Dr. A(braham) J(acob). M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 99. Attending obstetrician and gynecologist, Lebanon Hosp.; attending gynecologist, Hosp. Joint Diseases, New York; consulting gynecologist, Rockaway Beach Hosp., Rockaway Beach, N. Y. (Hotel Oliver Cromwell, New York. N. Y.) M29. N. Ronneberg, Dr. Conrad E(rwin). M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 22; Ph.D., Chicago, 35. Chairman Dept. Physical Sciences, Herzl City Col., Chicago, 111. (4244 Garden Ave., Western Springs, 111.) M37. BCD. Rood, Prof. Clement E(ugene). Ph.M., Albion, 97. 910 S. Superior St., Albion, Mich. M34F34. BDA. Rood, Melville H(alstead). 12 Ottawa Road, Arlington, Mass. M32R33. CMN. Rood, Dr. Paul. A.M., Michigan, 21 ; Ph.D., 38. Dept. Physics, Western State Teachers Col., Kalamazoo, Mich. (1615 Cambridge Road) M29F40. B. Roofe, Dr. Paul G(ibbons). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 34. Instr., Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Louisville, Louisville, Ky. M32F36. FGH. Roohk, H(enry) Vernon. Pres.-treas., gen. mgr. and chief engineer, Electronic Development, Inc., 2015 E 65th St., Cleveland, Ohio. (1895 E. 75th St.) M38. MBA. Rooker, Dr. H(enry) G(rady). Phillips Univ., Enid, Okla. M36R37. QKL. Rooksby, Mrs. Ellen. Desert Magazine Publishing Co., Pasadena, Calif. M31. G. Roome, Dr. Norman W(illiam). M.D., Western Ontario, 29. Instr. surgery and res. assoc. pharmacology, Univ. Western Ontario Med. School, London, Ont., Canada. (406 Regent St.) M36F39. Np. Rooney, Dr. James F(rancis). M.D., Albany Med. Col., _ 98. Physician, St. Peter's Hosp. and "consultant internal medicine, Brady Maternity Hosp., Albany; consultant internal medicine, Moses Lud- ington Hosp., Ticonderoga, N. Y. (132 Lancaster St., Albany, N. Y.) M38. N. Rooney, W(illiam) J(oseph). B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 15. Physicist, Dept. Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington D. C. M24F31. MB. Roope, Dr. Percy M(artin). A.M., Clark, 24; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, physics, Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass. M21F32. BAC. Roos, Dr. Charles F(rederick). Inst. Ap- plied Econometrics, Inc., 405 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. M29F29R39. AKB. Secretary of Section on Social and Economic Sciences (K), 1928-31. Permanent Secre- tary, 1931-32. Roos, Willem. E.E., Oldenburg. 23. Supt. lab., Mexican Light and Power Co., Ltd.; prof., Engng. Faculty, Mexican Nat. Univ., Mexico, D. F., Mexico. (Privada del Rosal 16, Col. del Valle) M30. MBC. Root, Dr. A(lfred) R(onald). Dept. Psy- chology, Hamline Univ., St. Paul, Minn. M29F33R34. IQ. Root, Dr. Charles T. 71 W. Philadelphia Ave., Detroit. Mich. M34R34. N. Root, Dr. Clinton William. A.M., Oberlin, Princeton. Dept. Zoology. Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. M38. FN. Root, Elihu. M01F01D37. I. Root, Dr. Francis M(etcalf). M20F20- D34. F. Root, George Aflbert). 124 Potrero Ave., Nogales. Ariz. M34R37. GOF. Root, Dr. Howard F. M.D., Harvard. Instr. medicine, Harvard Med. School; lecturer. Simmons Col., Boston, Mass. (44 Dwight St., Brookline, Mass.) M39. N. Root, Prof. R(aymond) W(illard). A.M., Duke, 31 ; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, biologv. Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M32F33. F. Root, Dr. Towner B(owditch). S.M., Chicago, 22; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, prof, geology, Colgate Univ., Hamilton. N. Y. M25F32. E. Root, Dr. Walter S(tanton). Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 30. Assoc, prof, physiology, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Sur- geons, New York, N. Y. (Hudson View Gardens) M30F33. NF. Root, Prof. William T(homas). A.M.. Stanford, 13; Ph.D., 21. Prof, and head Dept. Psychology and dean Graduate School, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Valencia, Pa.) M22F23. IQK. Roots, Dr. Yale K(irby). M.S., New York. 26; Ph.D., Boston, 34. Prof, physics and mathematics. Findlav Col.. Findlav, Ohio. (1206 N. Main St.) (M27R32)M«F38. BA. Ropshaw, Dr. H(orea) J. 18004 E. Park Drive, Cleveland, Ohio. M25R33. F. Roque (Perez), Auturo. M.S., Cornell. Geneticist and head Dept. Genetics, Univ. Puerto Rico Agric. Exp. Sta., Rio Piedras, P. R. M40F40. GO. Rorer, James Birch. M.A., Harvard, 02. Mgr. Compania Agricola San Miguel, Milagro, Ecuador, S. A. (Hacienda San Miguel) M02F11. GO. Rorer, Dr. Jonathan T(aylor). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 01. Principal, Standard Evening High School; head Dept. Mathe- matics, Benjamin Franklin High School, Philadelphia, Pa. (333 N. 34th St.) M98- F06. ADQ. Rorke, Edward F(rancis). M28D— . OG. Rosa, Miss Delaphine Grace. State Col. Sta., Fargo, N. Dak. M32R35. NG. Rosa, Sister M. (See Sister M. Rosa McDonough). Individual Members 817 Rosahn, Dr. Paul D(olin). M.D., New- York. 28. Res. asst., Dept. Pathology, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven; dir. labs., Gen. Hosp., New Britain, Conn. M32F33. N. Rosaire, Dr. E(sme) E(ugene). M.S., Chicago, 21; Ph.D., 26. Owner and gen. mar., Subterrex, Esperson Bldg., Houston, Tex. M24F32. BCE. Rosander, Dr. A(rlyn) C(uster). M.A., Wisconsin, 28; Ph.D., Chicago. 33. Stat- istician, Amer. Youth Commission, 744 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. (2431 E St. NW.) M38F40. IQK. Rosanoff, Dr. M(artin) A(ndre). Sc.D., New York, 08. Dean Graduate School and res. prof, chemistry, Duquesne Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (124 Longuevue Drive, Mt. Lebanon, Pa.) (M34F34R34)M3»- F34. c. Rosbash, Dr. David (Oscar). Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Res. chemist, G. F. Harvey Co., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. (200 Church St.) M40. CNP. Rosborough, Dr. Paul A(rmour). M.D., Northwestern, 26. Office, 753 E. 79th St., Chicago, 111. M30. N. Roschen, Ernest C(arl) H(enry). A.B., Johns Hopkins, 22. Consulting geologist, Caixa Postal 1236, Loanda, Angola, Africa. M28F32. E. Roscoe, Dr. Muriel V(ictoria). A.M.. Rad- clift'e, 25 ; Ph.D., 26. Prof, botany, Acadia Univ. Wolfville, N. S., Canada. M29- F31. G. Rose, Sister (See Sister Rose Miriam). Rose, Dr. Arthur. M.A., Cincinnati, 26; Ph.D., 27. Asst. prof, chemistry, Pennsyl- vania State Col., State College, Pa. (525 S. Gill St.) M28F33. C. Rose, Bernhard A(lbert). Dept. Physics, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M32R33. BAC. Rose, E(rnest) H(erbert). B.S., Kansas, 20 Mill supt., International Nickel Co., Copper Cliff, Out., Canada. M34- CMN. Rose, Flora. M.A., Columbia, 09; D.Ped., New York State Teachers Col., 31. Dir. New York State Col. Home Economics, Ithaca. N. Y. M17F30. K. Rose, Mrs. Glenola Behling. M.S., Wash- ington. 15. 38 Briar Lane, Penns Grove, N. J. M25. CEF. Rose, Dr. Henry E. Dr.Tech.Sci., Bruenn. Allied Kid Co., 4th and Monroe Sts., Wilmington, Del. M39- CP. Rose, Dr. Hilton W. M.D., Oregon, 31; L L.S., Rennes, 27. Physician and surgeon, 438 Stimson Bldg.. Seattle, Wash. (2649 Shoreland Drive) M37. N. Rose, I(ra) W(infield). Chapel Hill, N. Car. M29. CNQ. Rose, Dr. John C. 504 City-County Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35R3S. K. Rose, J(ohn) E(rnest). B.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech. U. S. Marine Hosp., Balti- more, Md. M36F40. BN. Rose, Dr. John Kerr. A.M., Indiana, 31; Ph.D., Chicago, 35. Economic analyst. Rural Electrification Administration; lec- turer, Graduate School, U. S. Dept. Agric; res. assoc, George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. (6928 Maple St.) M40. EKO. Rose, Lewis S(amuel). 2165 Jackson St., San Francisco, Calif. M21. G. ■ Rose, Linden G. 1048 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. M30. BDC. Rose, L(uther) S(ampson). 334 Warren Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. M21. M. Rose, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Rose Murray). Rose, Prof. Mary D(avis) S(wartz) (Mrs. Anton R. Rose). Ph.D., Yale. 09. Prof, nutrition, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (Edgewater, N. J.) M08F27. FGN. Rose, Dr. Milton. Ph.D., Yale, 27; M.D., 35. Prof, public health, Univ. Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. M40. NKQ. Rose, Dr. Morris (Ed.). Dept. Physics, Cornell Univ., Ithaca. N. Y. M36R36. B. Rose, Dr. Robert E(vstafieff). Ph.D., Leipzig, 03. Dir. tech. lab., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. M25F28. CQ. Rose, Robert H(arold). Boulder City. Nev. M33. EHQ. Rose, William. B.S., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst. Chemist, Wayne Mfg. Corp.. Waynesboro, Va. M40. CP. Rose, Prof. William A(llen). M.C.E., New York, 38. Asst. prof, structural engng.. New York Univ.; consulting engineer, 286 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. (43-60 170th St., Flushing, N. Y.) M40. MAB. Rose, Prof. William C(umming). Ph.D., Yale, 11. Prof, biochemistry, Univ. Illi- nois, LTrbana, 111. M21F21. CN. Rose, Gen. W(illiam) H(enry). 1044 Golf- view Road, Glenview. 111. M20F25. MCB. Roseberry, Prof. H(orace) Hewell. M.A., Davidson, 28; M.S., Chicago, 31; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 36. Asst. prof, physics and engng., Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio. (229 Highland Ave.) M38. B. Roseboom, Prof. Benjamin B(rokaw). M.S., Chicago, 32. Prof, physiology and pharmacology. Michigan State Col., East Lansing. Mich. M17F33. Np. Rosebrook, Prof. Wilda Mae. M.A., Ohio State, 26; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M36. IQK. Rosebury, Dr. Theodor. D.D.S., Pennsyl- vania, 28. Asst. prof, bacteriology, Colum- bia Univ. Col. Phvsicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. '(M33R35)M37F38. Nd. 8i8 Directory of Members Roselle, Ernest N(orth). 30 Rogers Road, New Haven, Conn. M38. Q. Roseman, Mrs. Alexander (Joanna S. Berens). M.A., Columbia, 31. Instr., Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (330 E. 31st St.) M35. N. Roseman, Dr. Reuben. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 33. Res. chemist, Burton-Levin Foundation, Inc., 211 W. Monument St., Baltimore, Md. (2510 E. Baltimore St,) M38. CNM. Rosen, Carl G. A. M.E., California, 25. Asst. chem. engineer charge Diesel Res., Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, 111. (304 Linden Lane) M40. MBC. Rosen, Dr. Esther Katz. A.M., Columbia, 17; Ph.D., 25. Consulting psychologist, 239 W. Allen Lane, Mt. Airy, Philadel- phia, Pa. M28F33. IQK. Rosen, Harry. Madison and Clav Sts., Woodbine, N. J. M38. BAC. Rosen, Prof. H(arry) R(obert). Ph.D., Washington Univ., 22. Prof, plant path- ology, Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. M17F21. G. Rosen, Dr. Maurice S. 133 E. 58th St., New York, N. Y. M37R37- N. Rosen, Dr. S(amuel) H(arry). M.D., Cornell, 30. Bacteriologist and serologist, Montefiore Hosp., New York N. Y. M38. N. Rosen, Walter B(igelow). B.A., Harvard, 37. 2514 Sterling Hall, Yale Univ. School Law, New Haven, Conn. M38. ABC. Rosenau, Dr. M(ilton) J(oseph). M.D., Pennsylvania, 89; A. M., Harvard, 14. Dir. Div. Public Health and prof, epidemi- ology, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M02F06. N. Rosenbach, Prof. J(oseph) B(ernhardt). M.S., Illinois, 19. .Prof, mathematics, Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. (2550 Beechwood Blvd.) M34F34. ABC. Rosenberg, Dr. Lauren E(mery). M.A., California, 33; Ph.D., 35. Instr. zoology, Col. Agric, and junior zoologist Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Davis, Calif. M33. FNC. Rosenberg, Paul. A.M., Columbia. Asst., Dept. Physics, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (1200 5th Ave.) M40. BMC. Rosenberger, Heinz (See Henry Roger). Rosenberger, Dr. Randle C(rater). M.D., Jefferson Med. Col., 94. Prof, preventive medicine and bacteriology, Tefferson Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M17F25. HN. Rosenblatt, M(aurice) C. 10 S. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M31R32. MBD. Rosenblum, Arthur H(arold). Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 111. M31R33. NCF. Rosenblum, Ely A. Gen. P. O. Box 550, New York, N. Y. M37R37. MNE. Rosencrantz, Dr. Esther. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 04. Assoc, prof, medicine, Univ. California School Med.; consultant tuber- culosis, Univ. California Hosp., San Francisco Hosp., and San Luis Obispo Tuberculosis Sanatorium, San Francisco, Calif. (1101 Green St.) M30. N. Rosendahl, Dr. C(arl) O(tto). A.M., Minnesota, 02; Ph.D., Berlin, 05. Prof, and chairman Dept. Botany, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M07F09. G. Rosendahl, Russell O(tto). M.F., Duke, 39. Dept. Soils, Univ. Wisconsin, Madi- son, Wis. M38F40. GO. Rosene, Prof. Hilda F(lorence). M.S., Washington, 24; Ph.D., Texas, 33. Asst. prof, physiology, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. Mas. FCG. Rosenfeld, Arthur H(inton). M.S., Vir- ginia Polytechnic Inst., 06. Consulting sugar cane technologist, Societe Gen- erate des Sucreries d'Egypte, Boite Postale 763, Cairo, Egypt. (Cabalaya House) M06F14. FG. Rosenfeld, C(harles) E. (See Charles Redfield). Rosenfeld, Dr. Samuel S(olomon). M.D., University and Bellevue, 15. Attending obstetrician, Jewish Memorial Hosp.; assoc. obstetrician and gynecologist, Le- banon Hosp., New York, N. Y. (1705 Popham Ave.) M36. N. Rosengarten, Dr. George. Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 20. Prof, physics, West Phila- delphia High School, Philadelphia, Pa. M27F33. BAD. Rosengarten, Dr. George D(avid). M07- F11L17D36. C. Rosenholtz, Dr. Joseph L. C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 20; M.S., 22; Ph.D., 24. Prof, geology and mineralogy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N. Y. (101 Oak- wood Ave.) M34F34. EM. Rosenkrans, Dr. Robert Russell. M.S., Pennsylvania State; Ph.D., Princeton. 3 N. Meridian St., Redkey, Ind. M39. EAB. Rosenman, A(braham) W(illiam). Laurel Heights Sanatorium, Shelton, Conn. M34- R34. NC. Rosenow, Dr. Curt. Inst. Child Guidance, 145 E. 57th St., New York, N. Y. (?) M25F25R32. I. Rosenow, Prof. Edward Carl. M.D., Rush, 02; D.Sc, Cincinnati, 21, Carleton Col., 34; LL.D., Park Col., 25, Hamline, 36. Prof. exp. bacteriology. Mayo Founda- tion, Rochester, Minn. (617 9th Ave. SW.) M10F16. N. Rosenquist, Dr. C(arl) E(lmer). M.Sc, Nebraska, 26; Ph.D., Illinois, 30. Asst. prof, agricultural botany, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M28F31. OG. Rosenquist, Dr. Edward N(iles). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 35. Res. chemist, Thomas and Hochwalt Div., Monsanto Chem. Co., Dayton, Ohio. M38. CN. Individual Members 819 Rosenstein, Carolyn (See Mrs. K. George Falk). Rosenstein, Dr. J(uda) L(ouis). 604 E. 13th St., Indianapolis, Ind. (?) M35- R36. IK. Rosenstein, Dr. Ludwig. 1213 Shell Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. M22F25R33. C. Rosenthal, Helman. M.A., Missouri, 14. Pres., Associated Labs.; dir. Dallas Labs., 241 1 S. Harwood St., Dallas, Tex. (6635 Lakewood Blvd.) M25. CN. Rosenthal, Dr. Nathan. 51 E. 90th St., New York, N. Y. M29R35. N. Rosenthal, Dr. Otto. M.D., Berlin, 23. Res. assoc, Dept. Surgical Res., Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. (4422 Osage Ave.) M39. CN. Rosenthal, Dr. Simon Harry. M.D., Jefferson, 13. 11 12 Church St., Lynch- burg, Va. M39. NCE. Rosenthal, Dr. Sol Roy. M.D., Illinois, 27; M.S., 30; Ph.D., 34. Dir. Tice Lab., Chi- cago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Cook County Hosp. ; asst. prof, bacteri- ology and public health, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. M39. N. Rosenzweig, Dr. Saul. M.A., Harvard, 30; Ph.D., 32. Res. psychologist. Wor- cester State Hosp.; special lecturer abnormal psychology, Clark Univ., Wor- cester, Mass. M37F37. I. Rosett, Dr. Joshua. M28F33D40. N. Rosewall, Dr. O(scar) W(aldemar). M.S., Louisiana, 16; Ph.D., Iowa State, 28. Prof, entomology, Louisiana State Univ., LTniversity, La. M16F26. F. Rosin, Joseph. M.Phar., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy, 25. Chem. dir. and vice pres., Merck and Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J. M28- F33. c. Rosinger, Dr. Arthur. Ph.D., Kolozsvar, 11. Asst. dir. res. and development, Natural Products Refining Co., Jersey City; prof. chemistry and chairman Science Dept., Essex Junior Col., Newark, N. J. (2 Kensington Ave., Jersey City, N. J.) M39. BCP. Rosinger, Prof. Kurt Edward. A.M., Michigan. 24; Ph.D., Harvard, 28. Asst. prof., Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (167 E. 82nd St., New York, N. Y.) M39. Rosoff, Dr. Meyer L. D.D.S. Oral sur- geon, 369 E. 149th St., New York, N. Y. M34. LNd. Ross, Dr. Albert (Richard). M32D— . N. Ross, D. W. 1737 H St. NW., Washington, D. C. (?) M31R33. MIO. Ross, David E(dward). 308^ Main St., La Fayette, Ind. M28. M. Ross, Dr. Denman Waldo. M80F06D35. L. Ross, Dr. Edward. Ph.D., California, 37. Chemist, Dr. P. Phillips Co., Orlando, Fla. (315 E. Princeton Ave.) M39. G. Ross, Dr. F(rederick) W. Ph.D., Cornell, 36. Prof, geology, Alfred Univ., Alfred, N. Y. M37. EGD. Ross, Gordon B(urwell). B.B.A., Wash- ington, 22. Gen. mgr., Pacific Coast Co- operative, 313 Euclid St., Santa Monica, Calif. M31. KEG. Ross, Harry A(lbert). M.S., Illinois, 22; Ph.D., Cornell, 24. Head Bur. Economics, Borden Co., 350 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. (255 Barnard Road, Larchmont, N. Y.) M34F34. OK. Ross, Herbert W. 116 Academy Green, Syracuse, N. Y. M32R32. EC. Ross, J(ames) H(arvey). B.S., Arkansas, 08. Chief electrician, Freeport Sulphur Co., New Orleans, La. (Port Sulphur, La.) M32. MKH. Ross, Dr. Julian Waldo. M.D., Howard. 619 Florida Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. M37. N. Ross, Prof. L(uther) S(herman). M.S., Illinois, 90; Ph.D., Chicago, 19; LL.D., Drake, 34. Prof, emeritus zoology, Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa. (455 W. 6th St., Claremont, Calif.) M09F15. F. Ross, Mrs. Marie Wallfield. 4504 Avenue K, Brooklyn, N. Y. M29R35. G. Ross, Miss Marjorie Ruth. 120 Catherine St., Ithaca, N. Y. M27R32. FGE. Ross, Dr. Nathaniel. M.D., Columbia, 29. 147 E. 50th St., New York, N. Y. M38. NI. Ross, Paul B. A.B., Franklin, 34. Asst. chemist, Stokely Brothers and Co., 5601 E. 14th St., Oakland, Calif. (1175 57th Ave.) M39. C. Ross, Perley Ason. M10F30D38. B. Ross, Reuben J(ames). 44 Nassau St., Princeton. N. J. M29R37. Ross, Roland Case. M.S., California Inst. Tech., 32. Extension instr., Univ. Cali- fornia Los Angeles, Los Angeles ; instr. science, Swope Summer School Teachers, Long Beach; teacher science, Marshall High School, Hollywood, Calif. (1820 Bushnell Ave., South Pasadena, Calif.) M37. FEQ. Ross, Stewart H(amilton). M.S., Syra- cuse, 28. 200 Sherbrooke St. W., Mon- treal, Que., Canada. M27. E. Ross, Dr. Victor. M.A., Columbia, 18; Ph.D., 23. Res. chemist, Dept. Bio- chemistry, Columbia Univ. Col. Physi- cians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. (309 W. 99th St.) M28F33. CN. Ross, Prof. William Gordon. College Sta- tion, Berea, Ky. M34R35. ILH. Ross, Dr. William H. U. S. Bur. Chemis- try and Soils, Washington, D. C. M35- F35R37. c. Ross, Dr. William H(arold). A.M., Amherst, 30; Ph.D., Yale, 34. Instr., Dept. Physics, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M35F38. B. 820 Directory of Members Rossander, Dr. S(wanie) S(iguard). M.S., Illinois, 28; Ph.D., 30. Head Azo Div., Jackson Lab., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Deepwater, N. J. (418 S. Ban- croft Parkwav, Wilmington, Del.) M40. CMN. Rossano, Frank J(oseph). 96 Loring Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. M35R37. CGN. Rossbacher, Dr. Henry J(ohn). M.S.. Purdue, 17; Ph.D., Chicago, 19- Engineer, Western Electric Co., Inc., Kearny, N. J. (752 Fairacres Ave., Westfield, N. J.) M23F33. CB. Rossi, Dr. A. L. Briceno. M.D., Central Univ. (Venezuela). Este 4-145. Caracas, Venezuela, S. A. M39. N. Rossin, Edgar L(ewis). M.A., Columbia, 24. Vice pres., Miami Copper Co. and Adolph Lewisohn and Sons, Inc., 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M27. EMK. Rossini, Dr. Frederick D(ominic). M.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 26; Ph.D., Califor- nia, 28. Chief Section Thermochemistry and Constitution Petroleum, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (1772 N. Portal Drive) M32F33. CB. Rossiter, Prof. R(ichard) A(lfred). A.M., Michigan, 20; Ph.D.. 23. Assoc, prof, astronomy, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; astronomer-in-charge, Lamont- Hussey Observatory, Bloemfontein, S. Africa. (13 Innes Ave., Bloemfontein, S. Africa) M24F26. D. Rossman, Dr. Joseph. A.M., George Wash- ington, 27; Ph.D., American, 30. Patent counsel, Marathon Paper Mills Co., Rothschild Wis. (1820 Tefferson Place NW., Washington, D. C.) M33F34. C. Rossman, Dr. Louis. D.D.S. Pres., Mary- land State Board Dental Examiners, Baltimore, Md. (829 Park Ave.) M40. Nd. Rost, Dr. C(laytoh) O(rd). M.A., Nebraska, 12; Ph.D., Minnesota, 18. Prof, soils, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm; soil chemist. Minnesota Agric. Exp. Sta., St. Paul, Minn. M17F29. CO. Rostorfer, Howard H(ayes). M.A., Ohio State, 35. Fellow, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (1604 Sevier Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.) M40. Roth, Frank A. 440 E. Jackson St., Webster Groves, Mo. M36R36. Roth, Dr. George Byron. M.D., Michigan, 09. Prof, pharmacology, George Wash- ington Univ.. Washington, D. C. (3814 T St. NW.) M28F31. Np. Roth, Dr. Grace M. M.S., Minnesota, 36; Ph.D., 36. Asst. clinical physiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. M40. N. Roth, S. Clement. M.D. 40 E. 61st St., New York, N. Y. M36. NIK. Roth, Prof. William E(dward). 623 W. State St., Milwaukee, Wis. M30F33R36. A. Rothbard, David. Tide Water Oil Co., Bayonne, N. J. M33R35. C. Rothen, Dr. Alexandre. Ph.D., Geneva, 25. Assoc, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M38F39. CBN. Rothermel, Prof. John J(acob). A.M., Franklin and Marshall, 95. Teacher physics retired, Eastern High School, Washington, D. C. (3126 Woodley Road NW.) M02. BIQ. Rothermel, Dr. Julia E(lizabeth). M.A., Cornell, 25; Ph.D., 28. Prof, biology, Western Col., Oxford, Ohio. M29F33. NF. Rothery, Julian E(astman). M.F., Yale, 08. Forest engineer, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. (3310 Rowland Place NW.) M34F34. MOE. Rothgeb, Dr. Russell G(rove). M.S., Iowa State, 25 ; Ph.D., Maryland, 28. Assoc, agronomv, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M29F31. OG. Rothman, Theodore. B.S.. California, ;8. Comptroller, Pig'n Whistle Corp., 945 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M29. CKB. Rothney Dr. John W(atson) M(urray). Ed.M., Harvard, 32; Ed.D., 34. Asst. prof, education, Univ. Wisconsin, Madi- son, Wis.; dir. Harvard-Arlington Child Guidance Study, Psycho-Educational Clinic, Harvard Graduate School Edu- cation, Cambridge, Mass.; res. assoc, Progressive Education Assn., New York, N. Y. M38. QIK. Rothrock, Dr. E(dgar) P(aul). A.M., Oberlin, 14; Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof, geology and head Dept.. Univ. South Dakota; state geologist, Vermillion, S. Dak. (311 Canby St.) M20F27. E. Rothschild, D. A. Box 568, Iowa City. Iowa. M32R32. IAB. Rothschild, Dr. Leonard. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. 745 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M38. NHL Rothschild, Dr. Marcus A(dolphus). M22F27D36. N. Rotondaro, Dr. Felice A(ngelo). Ph.D.. Pittsburgh, 32. Assoc, chemist, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Phila- delphia, Pa. (5219 N. 16th St.) M26. CGN. Rotter, Paul Talbott. S.B., Harvard. 81 N. Hibiscus Drive Miami Beach, Fla. M38. AKC. Rouatt, George Earl. B.S.A., Saskat- chewan, 34. Agricultural instr., Boys Industrial School, Regina, Sask., Canada. M39. OI. Roudebush, Dr. William C. Ph.D., Cin- cinnati, 39. Capt., New Mexico Military Inst., Roswell, N. Mex. M40. BAM. Roulton, John A(lbert). LeRoy Court Apartments, Philadelphia, Pa. M29F33- R33. MAB. Individual Members 821 Round, Dr. Eda M. 139 Superior St., Providence, R. I. M35F35R35. G. Round, Dr. Lester A(ngell). 62 Overhill Road, Providence, R. 1. M?4FuR^6. FGN. Round, Oliver H. B.S., Illinois, 28 and 33. Private first class, Ordnance Dept., U. S. Army, Proving Ground, 111. (Lvndon, 111.) M35. MEC. Rounds, Marvin Bird. Ph.G., Illinois, 01. Assoc, Citrus Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Riverside, Calif. M28F40. FGO. Roundy, Dr. Zola Doyle. Ph.D., Wis- consin. Chemist, Armour and Co., Chi- cago, 111. (833 E. Drexel Square) M36. O. Rous, Dr. (Francis) Peyton. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 05 ; D.Sc, Michigan, 38. Mem- ber pathology and bacteriology. Rocke- feller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M1SF21. N. Rouse, J. E. M.S., Wisconsin, 17. Prof, agriculture, Ft. Hays Kansas State Col., Hays, Kans. M30F33. O. Rouse, Dr. John T(homas). A.M., Cin- cinnati, 30; Ph.D., Princeton, 32. Geol- ogist, Magnolia Petroleum Co., Tyler, Tex. M33F38. E. Roussel, Dr. Albert E(dward). 2108 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. M17F33R33. N. Rouzitsky, Peter M. Com.E., Cincinnati, 28. 1421 33rd St. NW., Washington, D. C. M38. KME. Rovenstine, Dr. E(mery) A(ndrew). M.D., Indiana, 28. Prof, anesthesia, New York Univ. School Med.; dir. anesthesia, Belle- vue Hosp., New York, N. Y. (210 5th Ave.) M39. NQ. Rovirosa, Dr. Gustavo A. Madero 26, Jalapa, Ver., Mexico. M36R36. N. Rowan, Miss Sue J. A.M., Columbia, 24. Senior instr., State Teachers Col., Hyannis, Mass. M34. E. Rowe, Dr. Albert H. 1 Crocker Ave., Piedmont, Calif. M28R32. N. Rowe, Dr. Allan Winter. M20F25D34. CNQ. Rowe, Dr. Eugene C(harles). Mt. Pleas- ant, Mich. M17F2SR36. IHQ. Rowe, Joseph Eugene. 103 W. 39th St., Baltimore. Md. M22R32. A. Rowe, L(ewis) W(illiam). M.S., Purdue, 17. Pharmacologist, Parke Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich. (1429 Balfour Road, Grosse Pointe Park, Mich.) M29F33. CNp. Rowell, Miss Dorothy C(hase). M.S., Columbia, 23. 91 Bishop St., New Haven, Conn. L29. QIG. Rowell, Major George S. 1492 Comptou Road, Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. M33R33. CN. Rowell, Prof. L(yman) S(mith). M.S., Vermont, 30. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Vermont, Burlington, Vt. (38 Cliff St.) M40. F. Rowell, Ralph R(udolph). Box 175, Route 2, Lewiston, Idaho. M28R39. COQ. Rowland, Claude (Roger). Marine Bio- logical Lab., Woods Hole, Mass. M39. F. Rowland, Dr. (Peter) Whitman (Jr.). M.D., Virginia, 19. Internist, Crisler Clinic; asst. prof, medicine, Univ. Ten- nessee, Memphis, Term. (2263 Jefferson Ave.) M34. N. Rowland, Prof. Sidney A(rchie). A.B., Ouachita, 07. Prof, mathematics, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio. (49 Oak Hill Ave.) M34F34. A. Rowles, Prof. Emmett. A.M., Minnesota, 22. Assoc, prof, physiology, Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio. (97 Franklin Ave.) M40. N. Rowley, Prof. Frank B(enjamin). M.E., Wisconsin, 06. Dir. Engng. Exp. Sta. and prof, mechanical engng., Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M34F34. M. Rowley. Dr. H(oward) H(olmes). M.S., Northwestern, 28; Dr.phil.nat., Frank- furt, 32. Assoc, physical chemistry. Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M38. C. Rowley, Miss Jean B(rintnall). A.M., Columbia, 27; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof, psy- chology, Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M35. I. Rowntree, Dr. L. G. Philadelphia Inst. Med. Res., 34th and Pine Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. M35F35. N. Rowse, Lt. Roger Cushing. A.B., Harvard, 20; B.S., Washington Univ., 23. Hydro- graphic and geodetic engineer, \J. S. Coast and Geodetic Survev, Washington, D. C. M39. MEA. Roxby, Dr. John B(yers). M.D., Medico- Chirurgical Col. Prof, anatomy, Temple Univ. School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. (Souderton, Pa.) M37. N. Roy, Arthur J(ay). C.E., Union, 93; A.M., 97. Chief astronomer retired, Dept. Meridan Astrometry, Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington, Albany, N. Y. (369 Morris St.) M01F08L09. D. Roy, N(ereus) H(ubert). M.S., Illinois, 29; C.E., 30. Dir. res. Waugh Equipment Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. V. (333 E. 43rd St.) M39. MBP. Roy, T. N. 1 5- A Shyamananda Road. Bhowanipur, Calcutta, India. M28. FGN. Royal, (Celestian) Lester. A.B., Indiana, 25. Chief chemist, Amino Products Co., Rossford, Ohio. M34. C. Royce, Miss Bertha. M.A., Columbia, 25; Ph.D., Washington. Asst. prof, biology, Illinois State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. (1109 S. Fell Ave.) M30. FG. 822 Directory of Members Royce, Stephen. M.E., Harvard, n. Geologist, Lake Superior Region, Pick- ands, Mather and Co., Cleveland, Ohio; geologist and agent, Judson Mining Co. and Nevada Land Co., Chicago, 111.; con- sulting mining engineer and geologist, Crystal Falls, Mich. M34F34. MEB. Royer, Dr. Elmer B(aker). M36D39. IQA. Royster, Dr. Lawrence T(homas). M.D., Virginia, 97. Univ. Virginia, University, Va. M24F33. N. Rozeboom, Dr. Lloyd E. Sc.D., Johns Hopkins. Assoc, med. entomology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Hygiene and Pub- lic Health, Baltimore, Md. M32F39. FN. Rozendal, Dr. Peter H. M.D., Rush, 31. County health officer, Klamath County Health Dept., Klamath Falls, Oreg. M40. N. Ruark, Prof. Arthur E(dward). M.A., Johns Hopkins, 23 ; Ph.D., 24. Prof, physics and head Dept., Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M3SF35. B. Ruben, Dr. Samuel. Ph.D., California, 35. Instr., Dept. Chemistry, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M40. CBG. Rubenstein, Dr. Boris B(enjamin). A.M., Harvard, 29; M.D., Chicago, 33; Ph.D., 33. 1 159 E. 54th St., Chicago, 111. M39. NIF. Rubenstein, Dr. Eli. M.D., New York. Physician, 79 W. 32nd St., Bayonne, N. J. M40. N. Rubey, William W(alden). A.B., Mis- souri, 20. Senior geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (16 Westwood Drive, Westmoreland Hills) M24F25. E. Rubin, Arthur L. H. M.A., Columbia, 22. Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M38. KLQ. Rubin, Dr. Herman H. M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 15. 36 W..84th St., New York, N. Y. M23. N. Rubin, Dr. I(sador) C(linton). M.D., Columbia, 05. 911 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M29. N. Rubinstein, Dr. H(yman) S(olomon). Ph.G., Maryland, 24; M.D., 28; Ph.D., 34. Dir. Lab. Neuroendocrine Res., Surgical Div., Sinai Hosp.; consultant psychiatry, U. S. Public Health Service, Baltimore, Md. (2349 Eutaw Place) M35F38. NHL Ruch, Floyd L. Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M35F35R35. I. Ruch, Dr. G(iles) M(urrel). Ph.D.. Stan- ford, 22. Chief Res. and Statistical Service, Federal Security Agency, U. S. Office Education, Washington, D. C. (4225 43rd St. NW.) M24F25. IQ. Rucker, Dr. Augusta. M.A., Texas, 09; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 11. 145 E. 36th St., New York, N. Y. M18F33. N. Rucker, Dr. Marvin Pierce. A.M., Ran- dolph-Macon, 99; LL.D., 38; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 03. Med. Arts Bldg., Richmond, Va. (1238 Rothesay Road) M39. NH. Ruckes, Prof. Herbert. A.M., Cornell, 17; Ph.D., Columbia, 29. Assoc, prof., Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. (167- 11 33rd Ave., Flushing, N. Y.) M17- F33. FG. Ruckmick, Dr. Christian A(lban). A.M., Amherst, 12; Ph.D., Cornell, 13. Sec. and gen. sales mgr., C. H. Stoelting Co., 424 N. Homan Ave., Chicago, 111. (475 Elder Lane, Winnetka, 111.) M11F14. I. Rudd, Miss Velva E(laine). M.S., North Dakota State, 32. Scientific aid, Cotton Div., U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Wash- ington, D. C. M35. GEO. Rudd, Prof. Wortley F(uller). M.A., Columbia, 11. Prof, chemistry and dean, School Pharmacy, Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond. Va. (1614 Parke Ave.) M22- F33. C. Chairman, Subsection on Pharmacy (Np), 1938. Ruddiman, Dr. E(dsel) A(lexander). 7403 Southfield Road, Detroit, Mich. M34F34- R36. C. Rudduck, H(erbert) I(nman). 504 W. Clark St., Champaign, 111. M35R35. NQ. Ruder, W(illiam) E(rnst). B.S., Penn- sylvania State, 07. Res. metallurgist, Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. ; dir. Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. (1674 Rugby Road, Schenectady, N. Y.) M39. BM. Rudin, Dr. Eduard (Emanuel). Dr.Phil., Basel, 17. Passwangstrasse 23, Basel, Switzerland. M27. FGE. Rudisill, Dr. Earl S. 103 Plum St., Green- ville, Pa. M29R34. I. Rudnick, Dr. Dorothea. Ph.D., Chicago, 31. Albertus Magnus Col., New Haven, Conn. M35F36. F. Rudnick, Mrs. Gretchen S(haw). Vander- bilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. M34R36. F. Rudnick, Paul. Box 284, Fontana. Wis. M08F15. C. Rudof, Nathan. M.A., New York State Col. Teachers, 39. 452 Morris St., Albany, N. Y. M40. NCI. Rudolf, Paul O(tto). M.F., Cornell, 29. Assoc, silviculturist, U. S. Lake States Forest Exp. Sta., Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M31F40. OGE. Rudolfs, Dr. Willem. Ph.D., Rutgers, 20. Chief New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta.; prof., Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. M24F31. MC. Rudolph, Prof. A(ltheus) S(aligua). Bethel Col., McKenzie, Tenn. M27R36. Q. Rudolph, Dr. Bert A(lexander). M.S., California, 15; Ph.D., Stanford, 29. Assoc, plant pathologist charge Deciduous Fruit Field Sta., Univ. California, San Jose, Calif. M31F33. G. Individual Members 823 Rudolph, Dr. C. E. D.D.S., Minnesota. Prof, dentistry and acting dir. Graduate Res. Clinic, Univ. Minnesota School Dentistry, Minneapolis, Minn. M40. Nd. Rudow, Charles M. Consulting engineer, 228 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. (258 Michigan St.. Elmhurst, 111.) M37. MCB. Rue, John L(eonard). Principal scientific aid. Deciduous Fruit Investigations, U. S. Pecan Field Sta., Brovvnwood, Tex. M40. GO. Ruebush, Dr. T(renton) K(ieffer). A.M., Virginia, 33; Ph.D., 35. Instr. zoology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M38. FG. Ruedemann, Dr. (Karl Richard August) Rudolf. Ph.D., Jena, 87. Education Bldg., New York State Mus., Albany, N. Y. M02F06. E. Ruediger, Dr. E(rnest) Henry. M.D., Rush. 03. Pathological Lab., Mercy Hosp., San Diego, Calif. L18F33. N. Ruediger, Dr. Gustav F(erdinand). M07- F16D35. N. Ruediger, Dr. W(illiam) C(arl). Ph.M., Wisconsin, 02; Ph.D., Columbia, 07. Prof, emeritus education, George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. (2836 28th St. NW.) M07F10. IQ. Ruedy, Dr. John E(dward). Rockefeller Hall, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (?) M31R35. B. Ruegsegger, Dr. James Moore. M.D., Western Reserve, 31. Instr. medicine, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (3583 Reading Road) M40. N. Ruehle, Dr. George D(ewey). Ph.D., Washington State, 30. Assoc, plant path- ologist, Florida Sub-Tropical Exp. Sta., Homestead, Fla. M28F33. G. Ruff, Dr. Harold T(heodore Riner). M.Sc, Ohio State; Ph.D., 24. Box 419, Chillicothe, Ohio. M29. CMB. Ruffner, Prof. Benjamin F(ranklin). Aero.E., New York, 30; M.Sc, 35. Prof, aeronautical engng. and dir. civilian pilot training, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. (304 S. 13th St.) M40. MBA. Rufus, Dr. W(ill) Carl. M.A., Albion, 08; Ph.D., Michigan, 15. Assoc, prof, astron- omy, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M20F23. DLA. Vice president for Section on Historical and Philological Sciences (L), 1926. Rugar, Dr. George F(rancis). M.A., Columbia, 25; Ph.D., 31. Res. chemist. Hooker Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. (182 59th St.) M28. CBA. Ruger, Prof. Henry A(lford). A.M., Chi- cago, 05; Ph.D., Columbia, 10. Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York. N. Y. M04F11. IQA. Rugg, Arthur Prentice. M30F36D38. K. Rugg, L(uzon) S(alisbury). 2023 Polk St., Alexandria, La. M34R34. Q. Rugg, Walter S(ylvester). M.S., Cornell, 92. University Club, Pittsburgh, Pa. M17- F32. M. Ruggles, Prof. Arthur Gordon. M.A., Cornell, 04. Prof. entomology, Univ. Minnesota Agric. Exp. Sta.; state ento- mologist, St. Paul, Minn. (1465 Raymond Ave.) M07F13. F. Ruggles, Arthur V(alentine). 1710 Hobart Ave., New York, N. Y. M36R36. MKB. Rugh, Prof. C(harles) E(dward). 108 Haviland Hall, Berkeley, Calif. M27F31- R34. Q. Rugh, Prof. Roberts. M.A., Oberlin, 27; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Assoc, prof., Dept. Biology, New York Univ., New York, N. Y. (no Morningside Drive) M34- F36. FNI. Ruigh, Dr. W(illiam) L(ivingston). Ph.D., Princeton, 32. Res. assoc, Div. Organic Chemistry, Squibb Inst. Med. Res., New Brunswick N. J. (33 Jefferson Road, Princeton, N. J.) M38. CN. Rukstinat, Dr. George J. M.D.. Rush, 25. Assoc, prof, pathology, Rush Med. Col., Chicago, 111. M33. N. Rule, Prof. John T(homas). B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech. Assoc, prof., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (242 Clark Road, Brookline, Mass.) M35- F38. ABQ. Rulon, Dr. G. Olin. M.S., Oklahoma, 32; Ph.D., Chicago, 35. Instr. biology, Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. M40. F. Rulon, Prof. P(hillip) J(ustin). M.A., Stanford, 28; Ph.D., Minnesota, 31. Asst. prof, education. Harvard Univ. Graduate School Education, Cambridge, Mass. (65 Rokeby Road, Waban, Mass.) M31F34. IQA. Rumberger, George Glen. B.S., Allegheny. Nickelville, Pa. M39. CMN. Rumbold, Miss Caroline (Thomas). M.A., Washington Univ., 03; Ph.D., 11; Dr.oec.publ., Munich, 07. Assoc, pathol- ogist, Div. Forest Pathology, U. S. Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. M03F13. G. Rumbold, Dr. Dean W(arren). 342 N. 3rd St., Richmond, Ky. M27F33R33. F. Rummel, George Albert, 528 Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio. M34R37. NCH. Rumold, Dr. Christian Ferdinand. PhD.. Western Reserve, 31. Head Dept. Physical Sciences, Kent State Univ.. Kent, Ohio. (320 S. Lincoln Ave.) M34F34. CBX. Rumsey, Mrs. Charles C. (Mary H. Rumsey). M29D34. F. Runge, Miss Anna G. 3^29 34th St., Astoria. X. Y. M29. QGF. Runge, Miss Lulu L. A.M.. Wisconsin, 09. Asst. prof. mathematics, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (1619 R St.) M36F36. A. 824 Directory of Members Runk, Dr. B(enjamin) F(ranklin) Dewees. M.S., Virginia, 30; Ph.D., 39. Instr., Univ. Virginia. Charlottesville, Va. (M33R33)- M40. GF. Runkel, Dr. Joseph E(dwin). M.A., Wis- consin; Ph.D., Minnesota. Instr., Carroll Col., Waukesha, Wis. M40. IQ. Runkle, Erwin W(illiam). Ph.D., Yale, 93. Prof, emeritus philosophy, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M07F11. I. Runnalls, Neil D(ykeman). M.A., Western Ontario, 31, Queen's (Canada). Principal, Collegiate Inst., Collingwood, Ont., Canada. M40. EBQ. Runnels, Harmon A(very). Dept. Botany, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M28R35. GO. Runner, Delmar G. 4606 47th St. NW, Washington, D. C. M34R34. E. Runner, J(oseph) J(ames). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 22. 214 Hutchinson Ave., Iowa City, Iowa. M24F31. E. Running, Dr. Theodore R(udolph). M.S., Wisconsin, 96; Ph.D., 99- Prof, emeritus mathematics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1019 Michigan Ave.) M01F06. A. Runyan, Elmer Gardner. 733 15th St. NW., Washington. D. C. M07F11R32. C. Runyan, Ernest H(ocking). 3231 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio. (?) M3iR33- GNF. Ruoff, Robert V. A.B., California. 1522 Oregon St., Redding, Calif. M38. BKA. Rupert, Dr. F(rank) F(inch). A.M., Kan- sas, 08; Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 12. Fellow, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. (1106 Kelton Ave.) M29- F33- CB. Rupp, Dr. Alice. M.A., Wellesley, 22; Ph.D., Minnesota, 25; M.D., 28. 1316 4th St. SE., Minneapolis, Minn. M25- F33. N. Ruprecht, Rudolph W(illiam). 331 E. Lassiter St., Gainesville, Fla. M13F24- R33. CO. Rusch, Dr. Harold P(aul). M.D., Wis- consin, 33. Res. assoc, McCardle Memo- rial Lab., Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M40. NCD. Ruschhaupt, Dr. Louis F(rederick). M.D., Rush, 02. Assoc, prof, medicine, Marquette Univ. Med. School, Milwaukee, Wis. (Shorecrest Hotel) M30. N. Rusden, Dr. Philip L(owry). M.A., Har- vard, 32; Ph.D., 34. Agent, U. S. Dept. Agric, Cambridge, Mass. M39F40. GO. Rush, Glenn W. 205 S. Prospect St., Connellsville, Pa. M31R32. QIN. Rush, Dr. Richard I(rwin). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Prof, chemistry, Centre Col., Danville, Ky. M38F39. CNO. Rushmore, David Barker. M18F25D40. M. Rushmore, Dr. Edward C(ary). Mi 7- D36. N. Rushmore, F(orest) P(aul). Mgr. Land Div., Gulf Oil Corp., Tulsa, Okla. M40. EFH. Rushmore, Dr. Stephen. M.A., Johns Hopkins, 02; D.Sc, Amherst, 37. Sec, Board Registration Med., Commonwealth Massachusetts, State House, Boston, Mass. (95 Dudley Road, Newton Centre, Mass.) M17F25. N. Rusk, Dr. Glanville Y(eisley). M.D., Tohns Hopkins, 00. 117 Alton Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M04F16. N. Rusk, H(enry) P(erly). M.S., Missouri, 11. Dean Col. Agric. and dir. Agric. Exp. Sta and Extension Service, Univ. Illi- nois, Urbana, 111. (704 Michigan Ave.) M35F35. O. Rusk, Miss Hester M(ary). A.M., Colum- bia, 17. Instr., Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, N. Y. (26 Stoddard Place) M20F25. G. Rusk, Prof. Rogers D. M.A., Ohio State, 17; Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Chairman Dept. Physics, Mt. Holvoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. (68 Woodbridge St.) M28F31. BMA. Ruskin, Dr. Simon Lyon. M.D., University and Bellevue. Physician, 32 E. 67th St., New York, N. Y. M39. C. RusorT, Prof. L(ouis) L(eon). M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 32. Assoc, prof, animal nutrition, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M39F40. NOC. Russe, Dr. Fred(erick) W(illiam). A.M.. Harvard, 03; Ph.D., 05. Sec, Mallinckrodt Chem. Works, St. Louis, Mo. (5247 Westminster Place) M39. CP. Russe, Frederick W(illiam), Jr. B.S., Har- vard, 32. Partner, Res. Development Co., 45 IS Manchester Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M37. MOC. Russel, Robbins. Thermal, Calif. M21R32. OMC. Russell, Dr. Albert Eugene. M.D., Arkansas, 18. Surgeon charge syphilis control in industry, U. S. Public Health Service, Sub-Treasury Bldg., New York, N. Y. M39. NH. Russell, Dr. Alice Mary. 5003 Penn St., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. M37R37- F. Russell, Dr. Carl P(archer). M.A., Michi- gan, 17; Ph.D., 31. Supervisor, Res. and Information, U. S. Nat. Park Service, Washington, D. C. M40F40. FLH. Russell, Dr. Charles. Ph.D., Columbia, 22. Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M30F31. QLO. Russell, Prof. Clive E(arnest). M.S., Oregon State, 28. Assoc, prof, horticul- ture, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M29F33. OG. Individual Members 825 Russell, Miss Deborah M(unro). A.M., Columbia. Instr., Dept. Chemistry, State Teachers Col., Framingham, Mass. M29. CEN. Russell, Dr. Ernest F(rederick). M.D., Cornell, 20. Riven Rock Estate, Santa Barbara, Calif. M38. NHC. Russell, Dr. F(red) G(eorge). M18- D36. N. Russell, Prof. F(remont) L(incoln). Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M27R32. N. Russell Garfield H(ugh). A.B., Wichita, 05; B.S., Michigan, 08. Senior engineer appraiser, Farm Credit Administration, Berkeley, Calif. (402 62nd St., Oakland, Calif.) M37. M. Russell, Prof. G(eorge) Oscar. M.A., Columbia, 16; Ph.D., 27. 1357 Glenn Ave., Columbus, Ohio. M34F34. BIL. Russell, George P(aulding). M.A., Colum- bia, 17. Head Dept. Science, Girls Com- mercial High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. (1399 Dean St.) M35. CBQ. Russell, H(arold) L(ouis). M.F., Yale Forest School, 11. Pisgah Forest, U. S. Forest Service, Asheville, N. Car. M22- F40. O. Russell, Henry Drummond. M.A., Boston, 33. Res. student, Boston Univ., Boston, and Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (182 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass.) M34. FGN. Russell, Prof. Henry Norris. A.M., Princeton, 98; Ph.D., 00; Sc.D., Dart- mouth, 22, Harvard, 29; Docteur, Lou- vain, 27. Res. prof, astronomy and dir. Observatory, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (79 Alexander St.) M04F06. DBA. Vice president for Section on Mathematics and Astronomy (A), 1917. President, 1933. Russell, H(oward) W(illis). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 27. Chief physicist, Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus. Ohio. (1950 N. Devon Road) M24F33. BCA. Russell, Dr. James Earl. Ph.D., Leipzig, 94; LL.D., Dickinson, 03, Colorado, os, McGill, 09, Iowa, 23; Litt.D., Columbia, 27, State New York, 27. Dean emeritus, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y.; State Board Health and State Milk Control Board, Trenton, N. J. (Glenburnie Farm, 2064 Lawrence Road, Trenton, N. J.) M01F01. Q. Vice president for Section on Education (L), 1909. Russell, Dr. Joseph A(lbert). A.M., Michigan; Ph.D., 37. Instr. geography, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. M40. E. Russell, Dr. Paul F(arr). M.D., Cornell, 21; M.P.H., Harvard, 29. Field staff. Rockefeller Foundation; officer-in-charge Malaria Investigations, Pasteur Inst., Coonoor, Madras, India. M26F33. NF. Russell, Paul N(elson). John Fletcher Col., University Park, Iowa. M30R32. B. Russell, R. J. Hardinge Co., York, Pa. M30. Russell, Prof. Richard Joel. Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 26. Prof, physical geograpbv, Louisiana State Univ., University, La M24F31. E. Russell, Prof. W. Walker. Sc.M., Brown, 20; A.M., Princeton, 23; Ph.D., 25. Assoc.' prof, chemistry, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. (651 Warren Ave., East Providence' R. I.) M35F3S. C. Russell, Walter. 444 E. 52nd St., New York, N. Y. M33R35- BCD. Russell, Prof. William Polk. 506 E. 6th St., Claremont, Calif. M08F18R33. A. Russo, Dr. Joseph Daniel. M.D., Yale. Physician, 120 Blatchley Ave., New Haven, Conn. M40. N. Russom, Vaughn W. A.B., Nebraska, 21. Field geologist, Sinclair Prairie Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla. (Hobart, Okla.) M28. EDB. Russum, Dr. B(enjamin) C(arl). M.D., Creighton, 16. Prof, pathology and bac- teriology, Creighton Univ. School Med., Omaha, Nebr. (2524 N. 55th St.) M24- F33. NC. Rust, Dr. George Warren. Ph.D., Chicago. Economic geologist, Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp., Cerro de Pasco, Peru, S A. M36. EM. Rust, Dr. W(illiam) M(onroe), Jr. Ph.D., Rice, 31. In charge geophysical research, Humble Oil and Refining Co., Houston, Tex. (2222 Shakespeare Road) M^2Fi8 ABM. Rutenber, Prof. Charles B(lackmer). Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Asst. prof, chemistry, Springfield Col., Springfield, Mass. M^k- F35. C. Ruth, Dr. B(urrell) F(ranklin). M.S., Michigan State, 25; Ph.D., Minnesota, 31. Assoc, prof, chemical engng., Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. (1007 Roosevelt Ave.) M30. C. Ruth, Dr. Elbert B(resee). Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Rochester School of Med. and Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y M29R32. F. Ruth, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Ruth Lucey). Ruth, W(alter) E(ugene). Rex Res., Inc., 600 Montrose Ave., Toledo, Ohio. (?) M29R33. CM. Ruth, Warren A(lbert). Horticulture Field Lab. Bldg.. Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M21F31R34. G. Ruthven, Dr. Alexander G(rant). Ph.D., Michigan, 06; LL.D., Albion, 30, North- western. 30, Morningside, 31, Denison, 33, Tulane, 38, California, 38; Sc.D., Kala- mazoo, 31, Michigan Col. Mining and Tech., 37. Pres., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M04F13. F. Rutledge, Dr. R(ay) W(atson). M.A., George Peabody, 24; Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Assoc, prof, science and dean men, State Teachers Col., Florence, Ala. M31F33. GFE. 826 Directory of Members Rutstein, Dr. David D(avis). M.D., Har- vard, 34. Med. consultant, New York State Dept. Health; instr., Albany Med. Col., Albany, N. Y. (37 Parkwood St.) M40. N. Rutter, C(harles) M(ilton), Jr. Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va. M38. MCB. Ruzicka, Prof. Leopold., Karlsruhe, 10. Prof, organic chemistry, Swiss Federal Inst. Tech., Zurich, Switzerland, M36. CNB. Ryan, Dr. Alden H(oover). Ph.D., Iowa State, 39. Res. fellow, Naval Res. Lab., Anacostia Sta., Washington, D. C. M40. B. Ryan, C. E. M.S., Louisiana State. Kalmbach-Burckett Co., 1200 Dalzell St., Shreveport, La. M39. OFQ. Ryan, Dr. Charles Diller. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 24. Assoc, attending psychiatrist, New York Hosp.; instr. psychiatry, Cor- nell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (115 E. 61st St.) M38. NI. Ryan, Harold J(oy). 4232 Dundee Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. M30R32. F. Ryan, Prof. Harris Joseph. M89F90D34. BM. Ryan, J(ames) T(illman). Valuation en- gineer, Pacific Gas and Electric Co., 245 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. M29. BM. Ryan, John J. Sales engineer. Signal Engng. and Mfg. Co., 154 W. 14th St., New York, N. Y. (^1-25 47th St., Wood- side, N. Y.) M39. MP. Ryan, John T(homas), Jr. M.B.A., Har- vard, 36. Asst. gen. mgr., Mine Safety Appliances Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (5914 Wal- nut St.) M35. MK. Ryan, Dr. Joseph D(ennis). M.S., Michi- gan, 28; Ph.D., 31. "Asst. dir. research, Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio. (3906 Elmhurst Road) M39. CMB. Ryan, Mrs. Margaret M(ilburn) (Mrs. Martin A. Ryan). 4 W. Washington St., Kensington, Md. M35R36. G. Ryan, Sister Mary Hilaire. M.A., Illinois, 23; Ph.D., 25. Assoc, prof, biology, Rosary Col., River Forest, 111. M30F33. G. Ryan, Thomas J(oseph). Teacher, Bush- wick High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. (598 Eastern Parkway) M40. DBE. Ryan, Victor A(nthony). 50 Mountain- view Road, Millburn, N. J. M29R32. CMB. Ryan, W(alter) J(ackman). 810 N. G St., Tacoma, Wash. M38R38. M. Ryan, Dr. W(ill) Carson (Jr.). Ph.D., Ed.D., George Washington. Prof, educa- tion and head Dept., Univ. North Caro- lina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M39. QIH. Ryans, Dr. David G(arriott). M.A., Minnesota, 33; Ph.D., 37. Executive sec, Cooperative Test Service, 15 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. (88 Morningside Drive) M40. IQ. Ryba, Francis J. Assembler small tools, Lufkin Rule Co., Saginaw, Mich. (2730 Robin wood Ave.) M39. Ryberg, Milton E(manuel). Dept. Electri- cal Engng., U. S. Naval Acad., Anna- polis, Md. M28F33. CFG. Ryder, Ambrose. M.E., Cornell, 13. Asst. vice pres., Great Amer. Indemnity Co., 1 Libertv St., New York, N. Y. (60 Edge- cliff Terrace, Yonkers, N. Y.) M36. MK. Ryder, Donaldson. Box 590, Route 5, Phoenix, Ariz. M29R32. OGK. Ryder, William B. 531 12th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M31R34. C. Ryder, Dr. William B(oniface), Jr. 2000 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M29R32. N. Ryerson, Knowles A(ugustus). M.S., California, 24. Asst. dean, Univ. Cali- fornia Col. Agric, Davis, Calif. (16 Col- lege Park) M29F31. OGE. Ryff, Dr. J(ohn) F. D.V.M., Michigan State, 35. Instr. and res. asst. bacteriology, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M37. N. Rygg, G(eorge) L(eonard). M.S., Oregon State, 31. Asst. physiologist, U. S. Date Gardens, Indio, Calif. M32F40. GO. Ryker, Harrison C. Pres. and mgr., Harri- son C. Rvker, Inc., Oakland, Calif. (1924 Franklin St.) M38. MB. Ryland, Prof. Garnett. M.A., Richmond, 92; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 98. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Richmond, Richmond, Va. M19F26. CQ. Rysgaard, Prof. Jens M. A.B., North Dakota. Prof, physics and mathematics, Hamline Univ., St. Paul, Minn. (1400 Capital Ave.) M24F33. B. Saalbach, Dr. Louis. Phar.D., Pittsburgh, 07. Prof, pharmacy and dir. Pharma- ceutical Lab., Univ. Pittsburgh School Pharmacy, Pittsburgh, Pa. (5620 Welles- ley Ave.) M29. CNpB. Sabetta, Victor. M.S., Brooklyn Polytech- nic lust. Chemist, 1951 70th St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. M39. CBP. Sabichi, Dr. George C(arlos). 833 Indian Hill Blvd., Claremont, Calif. M0SR35. N. Sabin, Dr. Albert B(ruce). M.D., New York, 31. Assoc, prof, pediatrics. Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med.; fellow. Children's Hosp. Res. Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio. (3125 Wold Ave.) M40. N. Individual Mkmbers 827 Sabin, A(lvah) H(orton). M.S., Bow- doin, 79; D.Sc, 17. 150-03 42nd Ave., Flushing, N. Y. M08F11. C. Sabin, Dr. Florence R(ena). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 00. Member emeritus, Rocke- feller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. (1333 E. 10th Ave., Denver, Colo.) M06- Fio. X. Sabine, David B(idwell). 2.72 S. Broad- way, Yonkers, X. Y. M32R35. CN. Saccomanno, Geno. M.A., Utah. 1373 But- ler Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. M40. FG. Sachs, Dr. Adolph. M.D., Creighton, 07. 5-27 City Xat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebr Mi-'. X. Sachs, Dr. Bernard. M.D., Strasburg, 82. Prof, clinical neurology, Columbia Univ.; consulting neurologist, Mt. Sinai Hosp. and Montefiore Hosp.; dir. emeritus, Div. Child XTeurology, Xeurological Inst.; con- sulting physician, Manhattan State Hosp., Xew York, N. Y. M34F34. N. Sachs, Dr. Ernest. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 04. Prof, neurological surgerv, Washing- ton Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (97 Arundel Place) M20F21. N. Sachs, Ward H(anson). A.M., Missouri, 17. Agronomist salesman, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Orlando, Fla M30- F33. OC. Sackett, C(lark) Harold. A.M., Oberiin, 07. Principal, Southwest High School, St. Louis, Mo. (5652 Cates Ave.) Mn. QG. Sackett, Dr. Everett B(axter). M.A., Min- nesota, 25; Ph.D., Columbia, 31. Regis- trar and assoc. prof, education, Univ. Xew Hampshire, Durham, N. H. (Dover N. H.) M31. QI. Sackett, Dr. Robert Lemuel. C.E., Michi- gan, 96; Dr.Eng., 37. Dean emeritus, Penn- sylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (303 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y.) M01F15. M. Vice president for Section on Engineer- ing (M), 1928 and 1940. Sackett, Dr. Robert S(ee). Ph.D., Yale, 32. Res. assoc, Amer. Council Education, Washington, D. C. (4573 Conduit Road NW.) M36. I. Sackett, Dr. Walter G(eorge). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 18. Consulting bacteriologist, Phelps Dodge Corp., Douglas, Ariz. (512 W. Laurel St., Fort Collins, Colo.) M03F11 XG. Sackville, Prof. J(ohn) P(ercy). M.Sc. Iowa State, 21. Prof, animal husbandry. Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada M34F34. O. Sadler, Mr. Glendy G(raham). Box 282, Emory University, Ga. M35R36. XF1I. Sadler, Prof. Herbert C(harles). D.Sc. Glasgow, 02; LL.D., 02. Prof, emeritus engng. and dean emeritus, UJniv. Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1510 Hill St.) M14F34. M. Sadler, Dr. William S(amuel). M.D., Illi- nois, 06. Dir. Chicago Inst. Res. and Diagnosis, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chi- cago, 111. M07F33. X. Sadony, Joseph A(lexander). Dir. Educa- tional Res. Labs., Montague, Mich. Mro [QL. Sadtler, Robert Edward. LL.B., Florida, 34. Chief patent and trade-mark counsel. Gen. Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. ( 3026 W. Lake St.) M39. CXP. Saeger, Dr. Albert (Carl). Ph.D., Mis- souri, 30. Head Dept. Biology, Junior Col., Kansas City, Mo. M24F28. GFC. Saenger, George W(aldemar). Maize Products Pty. Ltd., Footscray, Victoria, Australia. M23. CM. Saenz, Carlos. Hotel Veracruz, Actopan, Hgo., Mexico. ( ?) M32R32. OKQ. Safford, Arthur Truman. 66 Broadway, Lowell, Mass. M36R36. M. Safford, Dr. Frederick H(ollister). A.M., Harvard, 94; Ph.D., 97. Prof, emeritus mathematics, Univ. Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. (4527 Osage Ave.) M04F06. ABD. Safford, Truman Sunderland. XTewell and Spencer, 420 Lexington Ave., Xew York, X. Y. M29R32. CMN. Safier, Mrs. Betty Baum (Betty Baum). 1220 N. State Parkway, Chicago, 111 (?) M31. ED. Safir, Dr. Shelley R(ay). Yeshiva Col.. Xew York, X. Y. M25F33R33. FXQ. Sagal, Dr. Zachary. Ph.G., Brooklyn Col. Pharmacy, 09; M.D., Xew York, 15. Assoc. attending physician, Bellevue Hosp., New York, X. Y. (M29R34)M37. X. Sage, Dr. Russell A. M.D., Indiana. 331 W. 44th St., Indianapolis, Ind. M36. XFH. Sager, George V(arion). Box 2475, Reno, Xev. M24R37. B. Sager, Theron P(arker). B.S., Syracuse, 17. Chemist, Xat. Bur. Standards, Wash- ington, D. C. ( Kentsdale, Bethesda, Md.) M38. CM. Sague, Prof. Mary Landon (Mrs. J. E. Sague). A.M., Columbia, 14; Ph.D., 20. Prof, chemistry and chairman Dept., Vas- sar Col., Poughkeepsie, X. Y. M22F28. C. Saha, Dr. Meghnad. D.Sc. Calcutta. Prof. physics, Allahabad Univ., Allahabad, India. (7 Beli Road) M37. B. Sahyun, Dr. Melville. Ph.D., Stanford. Dir. biochemical res.. Frederick Stearns and Co., Detroit, Mich. (8925 E. Jeffer- son Ave.) M35F35. CF. Saidla, Prof. Leo. E. A. M.A., Columbia, 25. Assoc prof. English, Brooklyn Poly- technic Inst., Brooklyn, X. Y. (95 Liv- ingston St.) M2S. L. 828 Directory of Members Saiki, Dr. Arthur K. M.D., Nebraska, 28. Prof, and head Dept. Bacteriology and Pathology, Univ. North Dakota School Med., Grand Forks, N. Dak. M29. NC. Salisbury, M(url) B(eauford). M.S., Illi- nois, 39. Teacher science and mathe- matics, Community High School, Fisher, 111. M40. FGQ. St. Bernard, Sister M. M.S., Pennsylvania, 31. Prof, chemistry, Immaculata Col., Im- maculata, Pa. M39. CNP. St. Clair, Ethel (See Ethel St. Clair Scheck). St. Clair, Richard Winthrop. 179 Long- wood Ave., Boston, Mass. M27R33. GNF. St. Clair, Stuart. M.S., Iowa, 13; E.M., Pennsylvania State, 17. Consulting geolo- gist and engineer, Hudson View Gardens, W. 183rd St., New York, N. Y. M36. EM. St. George, R(aymond) A(lexander). 6026 N. 22nd St., Arlington, Va. M29F33R39. FEG. St. Helen, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary St. Helen Donahue). St. Ignatius, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary St. Ignatius Lynch). St. John, Dr. Charles Edward. M97F00- D35. DBA. St. John, Dr. Charles W. M31D33. IQ. St. John, Dr. E(lisabeth) Quintard. 1833 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. M08R32. NCG. St. John, Dr. Fordyce B(arker). 180 Ft. Washington Ave., New York, N. Y. M37- R39. NIQ. St. John, Dr. Harold. A.M.. Harvard, 15; Ph.D., 17. Prof, botany, Univ. Hawaii; botanist, Bishop Mus., Honolulu Hawaii. M29F30. G. St. John, Major Joe H(arold). Army Med. School, Washington, D. C. M34F34R35. N. St. John, Miss Nina B. M.S., Iowa State, 29. Instr. chemistry, Graceland Col., La- moni, Iowa. M38. C. St. Johns, Robert Poster. A.M., Amherst, 96, Harvard, 98. Bluff Point, N. Y. M40. G. St. Martin, Dr. Theo. Noranda, Que., Can- ada. M35R35. N. St. Mark, Sister (See Sister St. Mark Wirtz). St. Victor, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary St. Victor Lesner). Saki, Tossy. 37 S. West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah. (?) M25R33. M. Sakimura, Kay. Asst. entomologist, Pine- apple Producers' Canners Assn. Exp. Sta., Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. M25. F. Saklatwalla, Dr. Beram D. Dr.Eng., Ber- lin, 08. Chairman board, Alloys Develop- ment Corp., Gulf Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M17F33. C. Salant, Aaron B. B.S., Col. City New York. Pres., Salant and Salant, Inc., 56 Worth St., New York, N. Y. (1155 Park Ave.) Mi 8. Salant, Dr. E(dward) O (liver). Ph.D., London. 812 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. M39. BCA. Salant, Dr. William. M.D., Columbia, 99. 812 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. M28F33. N. Salathe, Dr. Albert. 220-46 93rd Road, Queens Village, N. Y. M38R38. CB. Salazar S., Prof. Ricardo. D.D.S., Chicago Col. Dental Surgery, 21; CD., San Mar- cos, 28. Prof, prosthetic dentistry, San Marcos Univ. Dental School, Lima, Peru, S. A. (Apartado 1177) M36. NdQ. Salazar y Arce, M(anuel). A. A. Corzo, 34, Guadalupe Hidalgo, D. F., Mexico. M32- R34- MBA. Sales, Reno H(aber). E.M., Columbia, 00; D.Sc, Montana State, 35. Chief geologist, Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Butte, Mont. M17F25. EM. Saliba, Dr. Michel. M.D. Wilson, N. Car. M39. NIH. Salisbury, Benjamin F(ranklin). North Olmsted, Ohio. M29R32. BDC. Salisbury, Dr. L(eroy) Frank. Ph.D., Yale, 35. Chemist, Exp. Sta., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (7 Clearview Ave.) M38F39. CQN. Salisbury, R(obert) K(enneth). M.S., Ohio State, 33. Principal, Greenhills School, Cincinnati, Ohio. (144 Farragut Ave., Greenhills) M40. G. Salit, Dr. Peter W(aldemar). M.S., Iowa, 27 ; Ph.D., 29. Res. assoc. ophthalmology, Univ. Hosps., Univ. Iowa, Iowa Citv, Iowa. (M3SF3sR38)M4oF3S. C. Salkind, Charles. M.S., City Col. New York, 27. Teacher. S. J. Tilden High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. (1220 Schenec- tady Ave.) M31. QAI. Sail, Dr. C. J. Bertram!, Nebr. (?) M33- R38. N. Sallee, Roy M(eridith). Macomb, 111. M29R33. GFQ. Sailer, Sister Mary William. B.S., Mar- quette. St. Marys Springs Acad., Fond du Lac, Wis. M40. G. Sallinger, Joseph. 31 14 Niagara St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. M31R32. NC. Salma, Emanuel A. B.S., Cooper Union, 29. Instr. mechanical engng., Cooper Union, New York, N. Y. (230 E. 71st St.) M32. KMQ. Salmon, M. R. Dept. Agric. Chemistry, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M32R34. GF. Individual Members 829 Salmon, Dr. S(amuel) C(ecil). M.S., Kan- sas State, 23; Ph.D., Minnesota, 31. Prin- cipal agronomist, Div. Cereal Crops and Diseases, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Wash- ington, D. C. M31F32. O. Salmon, Dr. Udall J. M.D..C.M., McGill, jo. Adjunct gynecologist and gynecologist- in-charge. Endocrine Clinic, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. M38. NF. Salmon, Prof. W(illiam) D(avis). A.M., Missouri, 21. Animal nutritionist, Ala- bama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala. M27F31. OCN. Salner, Edward. B.S., Purdue, 32. Person- nel mgr., Bartlett Hayward Div., Koppers Co., Baltimore, Md. (3736 Winterbourne Road) M37. I KM. Salom, Pedro G(rotjan). The Lenox, 13th and Spruce Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. M29. BCI. Salsich, LeRoy. C.E., Wisconsin. 2220 E. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. M36. E. Salt, Dr. R(eginald) W. Dominion En- tomological Lab., Lethbridge, Alta., Can- ada. M38R38. FOC. Salter, Dr. F(rederick) J. Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M34F34R34. COG. Salter, Robert M(undhenk). M.Sc, Ohio State, 14. Chief agronomy, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster; chairman Dept. Agronomy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. Mj8Fj8. O. Vice president for Sec- tion on Agriculture (O), 1938. Salter, Dr. William T(homas). M.D., Har- vard, 25. Asst. prof., Harvard Med. School; assoc. physician. Thorndike Memorial Lab., Boston City Hosp.; junior visiting physician, Boston City Hosp., Boston, Mass. M39. CNF. Salters, Dr. Leland B(lackwood). M.D., Maryland, 03. Florence, S. Car. Mi 7. N. Saltsman, Edgar (Joseph). Junior mete- orologist, Weather Bur., Newark Munici- pal Airport, Newark, N. J. M40. BME. Salvartori, Henry. M.A., Columbia, 26. Pres., Western Geophysical Co., 711 Ed- ison Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. M34. BE. Salvosa, Dr. Luis R. D.Sc, Michigan. Gen. mgr. and actuary, Government Serv- ice Ins. System, Manila, P. I. (6 Gral. Bautista, San Juan, Rizal, P. I.) M40. AK. Salzer, Dr. Benjamin. M.D.. Long Island Col. Hosp., 09. 1010 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M29. N. Salzmann, Dr. J(acob) A(mos). D.D.S., Pennsylvania. 23. Head dental service, New York City Vocational Schools, New York, N. Y. (135 Continental Ave., Forest Hills, N. Y.) M36. NdK. Samaras, Dr. Nicholas N(apoleon) T(ri- antaphyllos). Ph.D., Yale, 31. Group leader, Thomas and Hochwalt Labs. Res. Div., Montsanto Chem. Co., Dayton, Ohio. (2200 Far Hills Ave.) M38F39. C. Sammis, Dr. John Langley. M.S., Illinois, 99; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 05. Assoc, prof, dairy industry retired, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (4225 Wanetah Trail) M07F11. CO. Samorodin, Albert Joseph (Abraham Jo- seph Samorodin). A.B., Cornell. 680 Jef- ferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M39. FNI. Sampey, Dr. John R(ichard), Jr. S.M., Chicago, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Prof, chemistry, Furman Univ., Greenville, S. Car. M25- F25. c. Sampson, Prof. A(rthur) W(illiam). M.A., Nebraska, 07; Ph.D., George Washing- ton, 16. 231 Giannini Hall, Berkeley, Calif. M12F31. G. Sampson, Miss (Emma) Elizabeth. Li- brary, Woman's Col., Univ. North Caro- lina, Greensboro, N. Car. M36R36. Sampson, Dr. Homer C(leveland). Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Prof, botany, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M17F23. G. Sampson, Dr. Homer L. D.Sc, St. Law- rence. Roentgenologist, Trudeau Sana- torium, Trudeau, N. Y. M39. BNA. Sampson, Prof. Nyra M(elissa). A.M., Michigan, 14: Ph.D.. 26. Prof, zoology. Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (165 Crescent St.) M29F33. NF. Sampson, W(illiam) L. Ch.E., Lafayette, 20. Asst. to dir., Merck Inst. Therapeutic Res., Rahwav, N. J. (265 W. Sterns St.) M35. NC. Samson, Harry G. 537 Neville St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. M33R34. HK. Samson, Meyer. B.S., Pennsylvania, 19. Dir. Samson Labs., 1619 Spruce St., Phil- adelphia, Pa. M39. CN. Samson, Dr. Rayburn Walter. M.S., Ne- braska, 26; Ph.D., Purdue, 32. Asst. chief botany, Purdue LTniv. Agric. Exp. Sta., La Fayette, Ind. M30F31. G. Samuela, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Samuela Murray ) . Samuels, Dr. Leo T(olstoi). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 30. Asst. prof, physiological chem- istry, Univ. Minnesota Med. School, Min- neapolis, Minn. M40. N. Samuels, Martin L. M.S., George Pea- body, 28. Res. metallurgist, Battelle Me- morial Inst., Columbus, Ohio. M38. CEM. Samuelson, Cyrus D. B.S., Col. City New York. 85 Van Revden St., Jersev City, N. J. M38. BM. Sanborn, Dr. Agnes G(oldman). Ph.D., New York, 23. Mus. Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. (147 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass.) M14. NF. Sanborn, Prof. C(harles) E(merson). M.A., Kansas. Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M37. F. 83o Directory of Members Sanborn, Miss Ethel Ida. M.A., South Dakota, 07; Ph.D., Stanford, 28. Assoc, prof, botany, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. M27F33. GE. Sanborn, Herbert Charles. Woodmont Ave. E., Nashville, Tenn. M25F28R36. I. Sanborn, R(alph) E(dward). 3765 Jack- son St., San Francisco, Calif. M22R38. E. Sanche, Sister Ignatius. M.A., Cincinnati, 30; Ph.D., 33. Prof, chemistry, Col. Mt. St. Joseph, Mt. St. Joseph, Ohio. M35. C. Sanchez, George Isidore. Ministry Edu- cation, Caracas, Venezuela, S. A. (?) M31- R37. QIL. Sanchez y Escribano, Federico. Ph.D., California, 33. Assoc, prof. Spanish, Con- necticut Col., New London, Conn. M37. LQK. Sandblad, Dr. Andrew G(ustavus). 1701 Union St., McKeesport, Pa. M07R34. N. Sandell, Dr. Ernest B(irger). Ph.D., Min- nesota, 32. Asst. prof, analytical chemis- try, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (4424 Victory Ave. N.) M32. CBD. Sanden, Rev. Oscar E(manuel). B.A., Texas, 36; B.D., Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 36. Pastor, Alamo Heights Presbyterian Church, San An- tonio, Tex. (340 Normandy Ave.) M37. BCI. Sander, Albert F. M.S., Oregon State, 32. Assoc, agronomist, U. S. Soil Conserva- tion Service, Caliente, Nev. M37F40. OGE. Sander, Dr. Irvin W(illiam). M.S., Chi- cago, 23; M.D., Wayne, 29; Dr.P.H., 33. Dir. student health service and chairman Div. Preventive Med. and Public Health, Col. Med., Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. M37- N. Sanders, Miss A. Pauline. 820 W. College Ave., State College, Pa. (?) M30R36. CIK. Sanders, Miss Adelaide W. M.A., Cincin- nati, 17. Teacher, Woodward High School, Cincinnati, Ohio. (3555 St. Charles Place) M36. ADE. Sanders, Prof. Agnes G(raham). New- comb Col., New Orleans, La. M34F34- R34. C. Sanders, Dr. Audley O(wenton). M.D., Rush, 11. 445 Homer Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. M26. NHE. Sanders, Earl. M.A., Michigan, 34; Ph.D., Iowa State. 40. Dept. Zoology and En- tomology, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M40. FG. Sanders, George E(thelbert). Sanders In- secticide Products, 2801 Hudson Blvd., Jersey City, N. J. (?) M08F20R35. F. Sanders, Dr. J(ack) H(oward). A.M.. Co- lumbia, 32; Ph.D., 36. Vice pres., Com- mercial Savings Bank, Sterling, Colo. M40. KIO. Sanders, Prof. J(ames) G(lossbrenner). M.A., Ohio State, 03. Sun Oil Co., 1608 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. (?) M29- F14. F. Sanders, James M(eadows). A.M., Illi- nois, 27; Ph.D., 31. Instr., Chicago Teach- ers Col., Chicago, 111. M37. F. Sanders, Joseph. Pres., Sanders Invest- ment Corp.; vice pres., Bank Commerce and Savings and Equitable Life Ins. Co. District Columbia, Washington, D. C. (2612 Tilden St. NW.) M27L31. BMK. Sanders, Ottys. A.B., Southern Methodist. Mgr., Southwestern Biol. Supply Co., Dal- las, Tex. M31. F. Sanders, Dr. W(illiam) E(dgar). A.M., South Dakota; M.D., St. Louis, 93. 1130 31st St., Des Moines, Iowa. (M17R38)- M40. N. Sanderson, Prof. (Ezra) Dwight. Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Prof, rural sociology and head Dept., New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. (212 Overlook Road) Moi- F04. HKO. Sanderson, Dr. George H. M.D., Califor- nia, 22. 900 Bristol Ave., Stockton, Calif. M36. NB. Sanderson, Prof. Sidney. M.A., Pennsyl- vania, 23 ; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, prof, psychol- ogy, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. (112 S. 3rd Ave., Highland Park, N. J.) M34F34. I. Sandground, Dr. J(ack) H(enry). Dept. Tropical Med., Harvard Med. School, Bos- ton, Mass. M23F30R36. FN. Sandholzer, Dr. Leslie Adrian. Ph.D., Rochester, 37. Assoc, bacteriologist, Shell- fish Lab., Nat. Inst. Health, Norfolk, Va. M40. N. Sandhouse, Miss Grace (Adelbert). M.A., Colorado, 23. Entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Wash- ington, D. C. M35F35. F. Sandiford, Prof. Peter. M.Sc, Manchester, 07; M.A., Columbia, 09; Ph.D., 10. Prof, educational psychology and dir. educa- tional research, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. (246 Russell Hill Road) M22F25. IQ. Sando, W(illiam) J(oseph). M.S., Mary- land, 21. Agronomist, U. S. Bur. Plant In- dustry, Washington, D. C. (3021 South Dakota Ave. NE.) M25F26. OG. Sands, D(avid) R(ichmond). Ontario Agric. Col., Guelph, Ont., Canada. M26- R34. G. Sands, Dr. H(arold) C(ollender). M.A., Columbia, 18; Ph.D., 23. Cross Mills, Charlestown, R. I. M23F25. G. Sands, Dr. Irving J. M.D., Columbia, 13. Asst. prof, neurology, Columbia Univ., New York. N. Y. (202 New York Ave,, Brooklyn, N, Y.) M38. NIK. Individual Members 831 Sandsten, Dr. Emil P(eter). 1419 Walnut St., Berkeley, Calif. M04F21R39. GO. Sandstrom, Dr. Carl J(ohan). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 29. Asst. prof, biology, New York Univ., University Heights, New York, N. Y. M29F33. F. Sandstrom, W(illiam) M(artin). M.S., Minnesota, 24; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof., Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M24F33. C. Sandy, Dr. William Charles. M.D., Colum- bia, 01. Dir. Bur. Mental Health, Penn- sylvania Dept. Welfare, Harrisburg, Pa. (1011 N. Front St.) M39. N. Sanford. Dr. A(rthur) H(awley). M.A., Northwestern, 07; M.D., 07. Head Div. Clinical Labs., Mayo Clinic, Rochester; prof, clinical pathology, Univ. Minnesota Graduate School Med., Minneapolis, Minn. M22F27. FN. Sanford, Prof. Fernando. Sc.D., Carthage, 20. Prof, emeritus physics, Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. (450 Kingsley Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.) M01F01. B. Sanford, Dr. John T(heron). M.A., Prince- ton, 29; Ph.D., 30. Member, Geol. Dept., Magnolia Petroleum Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. M30F33. E. Sanford, R(aymond) L(araway). B.S., Vermont, 07. Senior physicist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (6707 46th St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M34F34. BM. Sanford, Dr. Roscoe F(rank). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 17. Staff member, Mt. Wilson Ob- servatory, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pasadena, Calif. (1521 E. Mountain St.) M28F30. D. Sanger, Dr. Frank Dyer. Ruxton, Md. M06R34. N. Sanger, Richard N. 1026 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, Mass. M32R33. CBM. Sanger, Dr. William Thomas. M.A., In- diana, 10; Ph.D., Clark, 15; LL.D., Hampden-Sydney, 26, Richmond, 39; L.H.D., Bridgewater, 39. Pres., Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond, Va. (Hillcrest Ave.) M25. IQN. Sangren, Prof. Paul V(ivian). Western State Teachers Col., Kalamazoo, Mich. M31R32. IQ. Sansum, Dr. William D(avid). M.S., Wis- consin, 13; M.D., Rush, 15. Chief staff, Sansum Clinic, 317 W. Pueblo St.; dir. metabolic res., Santa Barbara Cottage Hosp., Santa Barbara, Calif. (2800 Tallant Road) M34F34. N. Santee, Dr. Harris Ellett. Mi 7F27D37. N. Santos, Dr. Felix V(icierra). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 30. Asst. prof., Dept. Zoology, Univ. Philippines, Manila, P. I. M34F34. F. Santos, Dr. Francisco O. M.S., Philip- pines, iq; Ph.D., Yale, 22. Prof, agric. chemistry and head Dept., Univ. Philip- pines Col. Agric, Agricultural College, Laguna, P. I. M21F31. NC. Santos, Jose Vera. M.S., Philippines, 34. Instr. botanv, Univ. Philippines, Manila, P. I. (Pulilan, Bulacan, P. l.j M40. GH. Saphir, Dr. Otto. M.D., Vienna, 20. Pa- thologist, Michael Reese Hosp.; chair- man, Nelson Morris Inst. Med. Res.; assoc. prof, pathology, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. M31F33. N. Sapir, Dr. Edward. M25F25D39. HL. Saposnekow, Jacob. West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M29R34. KIF. Sappenfield, Dr. J(ames) W(alter). M31- F33D— . B. Sappington, Dr. C(larence) O(lds). M.D., Stanford, 18; Dr.P.H., Harvard, 24. 330 S. Wells St., Chicago, 111. M25F33. NQ. Sardeson, Dr. Fred(erick) W(illiams). M.S., Minnesota, 92; Ph.D., Freiburg, 95. 414 Harvard St. SE., Minneapolis, Minn. M01F06. E. Sargeant, Miss Bessie Barbara. M.A., Co- lumbia, 29. Psychologist, Board Educa- tion, New York, N. Y. (245 E. 21st St.) M36. IQ. Sargent, Dr. Ara Nathaniel. M.D., Har- vard, 93. Physician, Salem Hosp., Salem, Mass. (116 Federal St.) M02. NCE. Sargent, Frederick. Student biol. engng., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (403 Memorial Drive) M38. NBA. Sargent, Miss Helen (Durham). 171 1 Hin- man Ave., Evanston, 111. M36R37. I. Sargent, Herbert E(ugene). Teacher science, Brewster Free Acad., Wolfeboro, N. H. Mu. QGB. Sargent, Homer Earle. Ph.B., Yale, 96; S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 98. 222 Arroyo Terrace, Pasadena, Calif. M07F13- L20. H. Sargent, Miss Louisa. M.A., Chicago, 27. Asst. prof, botany, Grinned Col., Grin- ned, Iowa. (1014 Park St.) M30. G. Sargent, Noel. M.A., Minnesota, 16. Sec, Nat. Assn. Manufacturers, 14 W. 49th St., New York, N. Y. (Half Hollows Road, Huntington, N. Y.) M40. Sargent, Mrs. Ralph M. (Louise Ander- son). M.S., Chicago, 27. Tower View, Red Wing, Minn. M35. FGN. Sargent, Dr. William Dunlap. M.S., Cor- nell, 32; Ph.D., 36. Instr. biology, Citv Col., New York, N. V. M37. FGE. Sarles, Dr. Merritt P(ardee). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Asst. parasitologist, Zoologi- cal Unit U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Beltsville, Md. (327 Talbot Ave., Laurel, Md.) M27F33. F. 832 Directory of Members Sarles, Dr. William Bowen. M.S., Wis- consin, 27; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, agric. bacteriology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M32F33. NO. Sarton, Dr. George (Alfred Leon). S.D., Ghent, 11; L.H.D., Brown, 34; LL.D., Harvard, 35. Res. assoc, Carnegie Inst. Washington ; prof, history science, Har- vard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (5 Chan- ning Place) M18F21. L. Sartori, Mrs. Margaret Rishel. M33D37. Q. Sarvis, J(ohnson) T(hatcher). M.S., South Dakota State, 11. Assoc, agrono- mist, U. S. Field Station, Mandan, N. Dak. M18F31. O. Sashoff, Prof. Stephan P(encheff). M.S., Pittsburgh, 29. Assoc, prof, electrical engng., Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. (2310 W. Court St.) M36. MAB. Saslow, Dr. George. 116 Riverway, Bos- ton, Mass. M33F33R37. NF. Sasscer, E(rnest) Ralph. M.S., Maryland, 13. Principal entomologist charge Div. Foreign Plant Quarantines, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Wash- ington, D. C. (9 Raymond St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M07F14. F. Sasuly, Max. S.M., Chicago, 13. Senior statistician, Social Security Board, Wash- ington, D. C. (2800 Ontario Road NW.) M35F38. KAB. Satina, Miss Sophia. Moscow, 13. Cytolo- gist, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. M25F30. G. Satterfield, Prof. G(eorge) Howard. A.M., Duke, 20. Dept. Chemistry, North Caro- lina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M28F33. CFO. Satterlee, Dr. Henry Suydam. M.D., Co- lumbia, 00. Newport, N. H. M27F28. NH. Satterthwait, A(lfred) F(ellenberg). Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Urbana, 111. (806 Ohio St.) M06F20. FGO. Satterthwait, Mrs. Elizabeth Allen (Mrs. A. F. Satterthwait). Housewife, 806 W. Ohio St., Urbana, 111. M27. FGK. Satterthwaite, Linton, Jr. 503 S. 41st St., Philadelphia, Pa. M31R32. H. Satterthwaite, Thomas C(onrad), Jr. Springhouse, Ambler, Pa. M37R37. FG. Sattler, Dr. Louis. Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Asst. prof, chemistry, Brooklyn Col., Brooklvn, N. Y. (1701 Albemarle Road) M31F33. CBN. Saucedo y Andrade, Dr. Reinaldo. Calle Hidalgo 407, Tepic, Nay., Mexico. M39. N. Sauer, John Arnold. M.E.E., Johns Hop- kins, 27. Instr., Baltimore Polvtechnic Inst., Baltimore, Md. M29. MQB'. Sauer, Dr. John J. M.D., Long Island Col. Med., 37. 405 E. 87th St., New York, N. Y. M40. BN. Sauer, Dr. Louis W(endlin). M.D., Chi- cago, 13; Ph.D., 24. 454 Sheridan Road, Winnetka, 111. M29F33. N. Sauer, Dr. Mary E(lizabeth) Elmore (Mrs. F. C. Sauer). Ph.D., Kansas, 33. Instr. histology and embryology, Univ. Texas School Med., Galveston, Tex. M29- F33. N. Saul, Dr. Leon Joseph. M.A., Columbia, 23; M.D., Harvard, 28. Clinical assoc, Inst. Psychoanalysis, 43 E. Ohio St., Chi- cago, 111. (5725 S. Kenwood St.) M34. N. Sauls, James L(eRoy), Jr. B.S., Tri-State Col. Box 2332, Houston, Tex. M36. E. Saunders, Dr. Arthur P(ercy). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 94. Prof, emeritus chem- istry, Hamilton Col., Clinton, N. Y. M99- Foo. C. Saunders, Dr. Felix (Wadsworth). M.D., Chicago, 28. Dept. Physiological Chemis- try, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M21F33. C. Saunders, Dr. Frederick A(lbert). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 99. Prof, physics, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (8 Berkeley Place) M99F06. B. Vice president for Sec- tion on Physics (B), 1922. Saunders, Harold F. 301 W. 8th St., Cof- feyville, Kans. M29R35. CEF. Saunders, Lawrence. B.S., Pennsylvania, 14. Pres., W. B. Saunders Co. ; dir. Fidelity- Philadelphia Trust Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (Bryn Mawr, Pa.) M39. N. Saunders, Llewellyn. 1135 Manchester Ave., Norfolk, Va. M37R37. M. Saunders, Dr. Paul C(anfield). M.S., Pitts- burgh. 22; Ph.D., 24. Prof, chemistry, Al- fred Univ., Alfred, N. Y. M34F34. C. Saunders, Seymour Gordon. B.S., 22. Staff officer, Dodge Div., Chrysler Corp., De- troit, Mich. M38. M. Saunders, T(homas) Skewes. Venustiano Carranza 37, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. L16. EM. Sauveur, Dr. Albert. M17F25D39. M. Savage, Dr. Alfred. D.V.M., Cornell, 14. Animal pathologist, Manitoba Dept. Agric. ; prof, bacteriology and animal pathology, Univ. Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. M39F40. FNO. Savage, Dr. Elmer S(eth). Dept. Animal Husbandry, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M29F21R33. O. Savage, George Hubbard. Box 520, Scit- uate, Mass. M07. C. Savage, Dr. George M(ason). Ph.D., Min- nesota, 37. Instr. bacteriology, Univ. Min- nesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M39. NPC. Savage, J(ohn.) L(ucian). D.Sc, Wiscon- sin, 34. Chief designing engineer, U. S. Bur. Reclamation, Denver, Colo. (1651 Dahlia St.) M32. MEA. Individual Members 833 Savage, Prof. T(homas) E(dmund). M.S., Iowa, q8 ; Ph.D., Yale, 08. Prof, emeritus geology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M02- FoS. E. Savery, Dr. William. A.M., Harvard, 97; Ph.D., 99. Prof, philosophy and chair- man De'pt., Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (471 1 15th Ave. NE.) Mi 3. IK. Saville, Caleb Mills. A.B., Harvard, 89. Mgr. and chief engineer, Water Bur. Met- ropolitan District, Hartford, Conn. (53 N. Beacon St.) M34.F34. M. Saville, Prof. Thorndike. M.S., Harvard, 17, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 17. Dean, New York Univ. Col. Engng., University Heights, New York, N. Y. M31F32. MEK. Savin, Miss Margaret Bockius. M28D37. FGQ. Savin, Miss Marion B. 6218 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. M37R37. FGO. Savitsky, Dr. Nathan. M.A., Columbia, 23; M.D., New York and Bellevue, 2T . Adjunct neurologist and neurologist charge clinic, Mt. Sinai Hosp.; assoc. neurolo- gist, Morrisania City Hosp. and Monte- fiore Hosp.; assoc. neurologv, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M32. N. Savostiuk, Michaelevich. 21 N. Kras- nosielskaja St., Moscow, U. S. S. R. (M29- R34)M36R37. M. Sawin, Prof. P(aul) B(aldwin). M.S., Kansas State, 25; M.S., Sc.D., Harvard, j'i. Asst. prof, biologv, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M26F33. FOH. Sawtelle, Prof. William O(tis). M06F16- D39. B. Sawyer, Dr. Carl W(alker). M.D., Rush, 06. Chief staff and dir. Psychiatric Sec- tion, Sawyer Sanatorium, Marion, Ohio. M22. N. Sawyer, Dr. C(harles) B(aldwin). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 21. Chairman and treas., Brush Labs. Co.; pres., Brush Beryllium Co.; vice pres. and treas., Brush Development Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (2745 EdRehill Road, Cleveland Heights) L29F33. CBM. Sawyer, Dr. Clair N(athan). M.S., Colo- rado, 36; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 38. Fellow, Labs. Hydraulic and Sanitary Engng., Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (2220 W. Lawn Ave.) M39. CMP. Sawyer, Dr. Elizabeth L(ouise). M.A., Michigan, 29; Ph.D., Missouri, 35. Assoc, prof, biology, Converse Col., Spartanburg, S. Car. M37. F. Sawyer, H(arold) Edmund. McMath- Hulbert Observatory, Pontiac, Mich. M37. D. Sawyer, Miss M(ary) Louise. M18F25- D39. G. Sawyer, Dr. W. R. Harvard Univ., Cam- bridge, Mass. M34F34R34. C. Sawyer, Dr. Wilbur A(ugustus). M.D., HafVard, 06. Dir. International Health Div., Rockefeller Foundation, New York, X. Y. (29 Ferndale Drive, Hastings on 1 1 udson, N. Y.) M29F33. N. Sawyer, William H(ayes), Jr. A.M., Cor- nell, 16; Ph.D., Harvard, 29. Prof, botany, Bates Col., Lewiston, Maine. (365 College St.) M18F31. GF. Sax, Dr. Hally (Delilia Mary) Jolivette (Mrs. Carl Sax). M.A., Wisconsin, 09; Ph.D., Stanford, 12. 380 South St., For- est Hills, Boston, Mass. M13F25. G. Saxl, Dr. Erwin J. (Irving J. Saxl). Ph.D., Vienna, 27, Berlin, 28, Freiburg, 29. Pres., Saxl Instrument Co., Inc.; consulting physicist and chemist, Providence, R. I.; lecturer, Boston Univ., Boston, and Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (42 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I.) M34?34- BMC. Saxl, Dr. Josef. 2^2 E. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. M29R35. NBC. Saxl, Dr. N(ewton) Thomas. M.D.. Co- lumbia, 19. 232 E. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. M35. N. Saxton, Dr. Blair. M29F33D36. C. Saxton, Dr. John A(lbion), Jr. M.D., Washington Univ., 34. Instr. pathology, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Sayer, Dr. Joseph H(enry). 2235 W. View- mont Way, Seattle, Wash. M37R37. NF. Sayers, Dr. Royd R. M.A., Indiana; M.D., Buffalo. Senior surgeon and chief Div. Industrial Hygiene, Nat. Inst. Health, Bethesda, Md. (607 Oronoco St., Alex- andria, Va.) M40. MN. Sayles, Mrs. Adelaide B(urton) (Mrs. R. W. Sayles). A.M., Brown, 02. Treas., Chil- dren's Mus., Jamaica Plain, Mass. (263 Hammond St., Chestnut Hill, Mass.) M29. Sayles, Everett Duane. M.S., Kansas State, 28. Instr. biology, Junior Col., Virginia, Minn. M33. F. Sayles, Robert W(ilcox). A.B., Harvard, 01. Res. assoc. geology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (263 Hammond St., Chestnut Hill, Mass.) M05F11. E. Saylor, Dr. John H. M.A., Duke, 28; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, chemistry, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M36F36. C. Saylor, Lawrence W(ebster). M.S., Cali- fornia, 35. Asst. biologist, U. S. Biol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (5404 1st Place NW.)'M40. FG. Saylor, Dr. Melvin A. Ml).. Jefferson, 15. Prof, phvsiological chemistry, Temple Univ School Med., Philadelphia. Pa. (Xorth Wales. Pa.) (M32R34)M39- NC Sayre, Dr. A(lbert) Nelson. Ph.D., Chi- cago, 28. Geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (4212 Yuma St. XW.) M27F33. E. 834 Directory of Members Sayre, E(dwaid) V(ale). Student, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. 1145 21st St., Des Moines, Iowa) M39. CAD. Sayre, Dr. Geneva. M.A., Wyoming, 35; Ph.D., Colorado, 38. Instr. biology, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. M40. G. Sayre, Dr. J(asper) D(ean). Ph.D., Ohio State, 22, Physiologist, Div. Cereal Crops and Diseases, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. (328 Elm Drive) M30- Ejsi, G. Sayre, Melville. Montana School Mines, Butte, Mont. M35R35. Sayre, Ralph. M.S., Wisconsin, 15. Res. chemist, Amer. Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N. J. (19 Home St., Metuchen, N. J.) M39. C. Scammon, Richard E(veringham). A.M., Kansas. 06; Ph.D., Harvard, 09; LL.D., St. Thomas Aquinas, 33. Prof., Inst. Anat- omy, Univ. Minnesota Graduate School, Minneapolis, Minn. M24F27. HN. Scanlan, Sister Mary Mark. M.S., Michi- gan, 34. Instr., Catholic Junior Col., Grand Rapids, Mich. M40. CN. Scaramuzza, Luis C(ayetano). Perito Agricola-Ganadero, La Plata Univ. En- tomologist, Baragua Sugar Estates, Cen- tral Baragua, Camaguey, Cuba. M29. FGO. Scarborough, Dr. J(ames) B(laine). A.M., North Carolina, 14; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 23. Prof, mathematics, U. S. Naval Acad., Annapolis, Md. M34F34. ABM. Scarborough, Prof. R(ay) J(ames). A.M., Nebraska, 13. Prof, geography and geol- ogv, State Teachers Col., Winona, Minn. (410 Lafayette St.) M36. EDQ. Scarf, Dr. Robert (Cook). Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Assoc, prof, education, Ball State Teachers Col., Muncie, Ind (221 S. Tal- ley Ave.) M36. IQ. - Scarney, Dr. Herman David. M.D., Mich- igan. 2Q1S Burns Ave., Detroit, Mich. M36. NBC. Scarr, James H(enry). M29F31D36. BEM. Scarth, Prof. G(eorge) W(illiam). M.A., Edinburgh, 03; D.Sc, McGill, 33. Prof, botany and chairman Dept., McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada. M23F25. G. Scathchard, Prof. George. Ph.D., Colum- bia. 17. Prof, physical chemistry, Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge. Mass. (984 Memorial Drive) M17F25. CB. Vice president for Section on Chemistry (C), 1940. Scates, Dr. Douglas E(dgar). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 26. Assoc, prof, education, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M38. QKI. Scattergood, Leslie W(ayne). B.S., Wash- ington. 36. Junior aquatic biologist. U. S. Bur. Fisheries, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. M39. FNG. Schaad, Vernon W(illiam). B.S., Alaska, 40. Junior meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bur., Fairbanks, Alaska. M38. ABI. Schaaf, Kenneth Andrew. Franklin, 111. M33R35. IQE. Schaaf, William L. Brooklyn Col., Brook- lyn, N. Y. M35F35R3S. AQ. Schaak, Dr. Milton Franklin. Ph.D., Strassburg, 97. 133 S. 7th St., Lebanon, Pa. M07F33. CBG. Schaar, Bernard E(dward). Ch.E., Cin- cinnati, 08. Pres., Schaar and Co., 754 W. Lexington St., Chicago, 111. M24F33. CG. Schabelitz, E. J. 3693 Hancock St., San Diego, Calif. M40. N. Schachter, Frank (See Frank Schechter). Schade, Arthur L(incoln). Biol. Labs., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M36- R37. GCO. Schaefer, Dr. Frank A. A.M., Fordham, 28; Ph.D., 30. Fordham Col., Fordham, N. Y. M37. IK. Schaefer, Milner Baily. B.Sc, Washing- ton. 35. Junior scientist, International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, New Westminster, B. C, Canada. M37. AFG. Schaeffer, Prof. Asa Arthur. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 09. Dept. Biology, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, Pa. M17F21. F. Schaeffer, Bobb. A.M., Columbia, 37. Graduate asst., Dept. Zoology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (4634 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.) M40. FEH. Schaeffer, Dr. E(lmer) R(aymond). 60 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M29F31R34. BMC. Schaeffer, Harold F. 69 E. Lincoln St., Waynesburg, Pa. M38R38. CNB. Schaeffer, Dr. John A(hlum). A.M., Franklin and Marshall, 05; Sc.D., 29; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 08; LL.D., Dickin- son, 37, Muhlenberg, 38. Pres., Franklin and Marshall Col., Lancaster, Pa. M25- F25. MC. Schaeffer, Prof. J(acob) Parsons. M.D., Pennsylvania, 07 ; A.M., Cornell, 09 ; Ph.D., 10; M.A., Yale, 13; Sc.D., Susque- hanna, 25. Prof, anatomy and dir. Daniel Baugh Inst. Anatomy, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. (4634 Spruce St.) M08F13. NFH. Schaeffer, Dr. Morris. M.A.. Alabama, 30; Ph.D., New York, 35. Res. assoc. Bur. Labs., Dept. Health, New York, N. Y. (1073 Hopkinson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M36. NCF. Schafer, Prof. E(dwin) G(eorge). M.S., Illinois, 10. Prof, farm crops and head Dept. Agronomy, State Col. Washington ; agronomist and head Div. Agronomy, Washington Agric. Exp. Sta., Pullman, Wash. M17F18. OG. Individual Membkks «35 Schafer, Paul Abbott. A.M., Hamilton, 27. Chief geologist, Balatoc Mining Co., Manila, P. I. (Bagnio, P. I.) M39. E. Schaffer, Prof. Charles William. M.S.. Ph.C, M.D. Prof, and dir. res., Hahne- mann Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M39. C. Schaffert, Dr. Roland. M.A., Cincinnati, 31; Ph.D., 33. Res. physicist, Mergen- thaler Linotype Co., 43 Hall St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. (183-36 Dalny Road, Jamaica, N. Y.) M38F40. BMC. Schaffle, Prof. Albert (Eberhard Fried- rich). M.S., Delaware, 23; A.M., Penn- sylvania, 25. Asst. dean and assoc. prof, education, Rutgers Univ. School Educa- tion, New Brunswick, N. J. (11 E. Union Ave., Bound Brook, N. J.) M39. Q. Schaffle, Dr. Karl. 10 Normandie Road, Asheville, N. Car. M36R38. N. Schaffner, Prof. John Henry. M99F99- D39. G. Schaffner, Philip (Val Louis). 132 N. Peters St., New Orleans, La. M32R33. C. Schaible, Dr. Philip J(ohn). M.A., Colum- bia, 24; Ph.D., Cornell, 31. Res. assoc. chemistry, Michigan Agric. Exp. Sta., East Lansing, Mich. (221 Cedar St.) M31F40. CGO. Schairer, Otto S(org). A.B., Michigan, 01 ; B.S., 02. Vice president charge Patent Dept., Radio Corp. Amer., New York, N. Y. (40 Elm Lane, Bronxville, N. Y.) M30. M. Schaller, Dr. Waldemar T(heodore). Ph.D., Munich, 12. Mineralogist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M35- Fio. CEM. Schaper, Dr. Florence W. Lindenwood Col., St. Charles, Mo. M36R36. KHI. Schappelle, Dr. N(ewell) A(llen). Clem- son, S. Car. M37R37. G. Schappler, Rudolph (Charles). Box 183, Jefferson City, Mo. M36R36. MEC. Scharf, Reinhard William. M.A., Colum- bia, 36. Junior chemist, Picatinny Arsenal, U. S. War Dept., Dover, N. J. (114 Pequannock St.) M38. CNA. Scharff, Maurice R(oos). M.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 11. Consulting engi- neer, 285 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M36. MK. Scharnberg, Herman J(ohn) B(ernhard). M.E., Sternberg, 04. Supt., U. S. Sugar Corp., Clewiston, Fla. (32 Del Monte Ave.) L27. M. Schattner, Dr. Fred. Ph.D., Berne, 19. 170 St. John's Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. M29. CN. Schatz, Dr. William J(ackson). M.D., Temple, 15. Dir. Dept. Physical Therapy and staff member, Sacred Heart Hosp.. Allentown, Pa. (1022 Walnut St.) M39. EFQ. Schaus, Dr. William (George). U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. M28F31R38. EF. Schayer, Dr. Isadore. M.D., Cincinnati. Head Dept. Hygiene and Public Health, Univ. South Carolina, Columbia, S. Car. M38. NO. Schear, Dr. Edward W(aldo) E(merson). A.M., Columbia, 15; Ph.D., Ohio State. 28. Prof, biology and geology, Otterbein Col., Westerville, Ohio. (107 W. Park St.) M17F33. NFG. Schechter, Frank (Frank Schachter). A.M., Columbia, 17. Samuel J. Tilden High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. M27. FG. Schechter, Victor. Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M29R34. NFQ. Schechtman, Dr. Abe Mandel. Ph.D., California. 34. Instr., Dept. Zoology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M36. FN. Scheck, Mrs. Ethel St. Clair (Ethel St. Clair). 8 Brookside Drive, Santa Monica, Calif. M30R38. IQE. Scheck, Dr. M. George. M.A., Princeton, 22; Ph.D., Cornell, 24. Prof, psychology and head Dept., Elmira Col., Elmira. N. Y. (104 Warwick Ave., Rochester, N. Y.) M28F33. I. Scheer, Dr. Henry Morris. 522 West End Ave.. New York, N. Y. M37R37. N. Scheffel, Earl R(ead). M.S., Denison, 08. Route 1, Bayfield, Wis. M23F31. EFG. Scheible, Albert. 221 1 Field Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. M18R39. BC. Scheid, Prof. Vernon E(dward). A.B., Johns Hopkins, 28. Asst. prof, geology, Univ. Idaho School Mines; asst. geolo- gist, Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology, Mos- cow, Idaho. M31. ECB. Scheidenhelm, Col. F(rederick) W(il- liam). C.E., Cornell, 06. Consulting engi- neer, 50 Church St.. New York, N. Y. (82-28 Abingdon Road, Kew Gardens, N. Y.) M35F35. ME. Scheier, Rev. Maurice A(ndrew). M.A., St. Bonaventure, 31; M.S., Catholic, 38. Head Dept. Mathematics, St. Bonaventure Col., St. Bonaventure, N. Y. M31. ABD. Scheinfeld, Amram. Author and lecturer, 24 W. 8th St., New York. N. Y. M39. FKI. Schelin, Raymond G. B.S., Minnesota. U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Lanes- boro, Minn. M38. OGF. Schelkunoff, Dr. Sergie A(lexander). M.A.. Washington State. 23; Ph.D., Columbia, 28. Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York. N. Y. M26F32. A P.. Schell, Edward J. B.S., Illinois, n. Struc- tural engineer, Nat. Bur. Standards. Washington, D. C. (1604 Hobart St. NW.) M28. M. 836 Directory of Members Schell, Dr. Margaret (Wood). Ph.D., Cal- ifornia, 30. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. M25F33. FGN. Schellenberg, Prof. P(eter) E(diger). Bethel College, Kans. M32F33R38. IQK. Schelleng, J(ohn) C(hristopher). 301 Bendermere Ave., Interlaken, N. J. M34- F34- B. Schelling, Dr. Victor. Ph.D., Zurich, 26. 20002 Riopelle St., Detroit, Mich. M33. C. Schenberg, Samuel. M.A., New York, 38. Chairman Dept. Science, Lafayette High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. (722 Westminster Road) M39. CBQ. Schenck, Dr. Hubert G(regory). 11 rue d'Egmont, Brussell, Belgium. M24F27- R34- EFG. Schenken, Dr. J(ohn) R(udolph). M.D., Iowa. Dept. Pathology and Bacteriology, Louisiana State Univ. Med. Center, New- Orleans, La. M35. N. Scherer, Norman W(illiam). M.S.F., Michigan, 14. Forester and acting pro- duction coordinator, U. S. Indian Field Service, Minneapolis, Minn. (2628 Gar- field Ave. S.) M14F24. O. Scherf, Prof. Charles Henry. Northern Montana Col., Havre, Mont. M31R32. KE. Scherrer, John Albert. 305 W. Bradley Lane, Chevy Chase, Md. M17F33. C. Schertz, F(rank) M(ilton). A.M., North- western, 15; Ph.D., Chicago, 18. 1305 Farragut St. NW., Washington, D. C. M23F2S. CO. Schery, Dr. Charles William. M.D., St. Louis Col. Physicians and Surgeons, 04. 520 Whittier St., St. Louis, Mo. M20. N. Scheuer, Dr. Lewis Alfred. M.A., Colum- bia, 23; M.D., Yale, 28. Assoc, pedia- trician, New York Foundling Hosp.; ad- junct pediatrician, Misericordia Hosp., New York, N. Y. (247 Wadsworth Ave.) M39. N. Schey, Robert. 895 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M29R3S. Schick, Dr. Bela. M.D., Graz, 00. Pedia- trician. Mt. Sinai Hosp.; clinical prof, diseases children, Columbia Univ. Post Graduate School, New York; dir. pedia- tric service, Sea View Hosp., Staten Island, N. Y. M39. NHL Schick, Helen (See Helen Schick Lane). Schicks, Prof. George Charles. Ph.C, Massachusetts Col. Pharmacy; Ph.G., Valparaiso. Asst. dean and prof, materia medica, Rutgers Univ. Col. Pharmacy, Newark, N. J. (66 Dryden Road, Upper Montclair, N. J.) M27. NpGC. Schiedt, Dr. Richard Conrad (Francis). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 99; Sc.D., Franklin and Marshall, 10. Prof, emeritus biology, Franklin and Marshall Col., Lancaster, Pa. (1043 Wheatland Ave.) M01F13. F. Schiefer, Dr. Herbert F(rederick). M.S., Michigan, 25; Ph.D., 28. Physicist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (21 Franklin St., Kensington, Md.) M31F33. ADB. Schieffelin, Schuyler. 133 E. 64th St., New York, N. Y. M18R36. Schieswohl, Sister Zoe. Chief nurse, U. S. Marine Hosp., Carville, La. M39. CFN. Schiff, Dr. David C. D.D.S., Northwest- ern, 00. 29 E. Madison St., Chicago, 111. M07. Nd. Schiff, Dr. Fritz. M.D., Berlin, 14. Bac- teriologist, Beth Israel Hosp., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Schiff, Dr. Leon. M.D., Cincinnati, 24; M.S., 27; Ph.D., 29. Asst. prof, medicine, Univ. Cincinnati Med. School, Cincin- nati, Ohio. (1027 Egan Hills Drive) (M35R35)M4o. N. Schiff, Dr. L(eonard) I(saac). M.Sc, Ohio State, 34; Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 37. Res. assoc. physics, Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. M40F40. B. Schifferes, Justus J(ulius). M.A., Minne- sota, 30. Managing editor. Modern Medi- cine, 84 S. 10th St., Minneapolis, Minn. (2107 Pleasant Ave. S.) M40. NQL. Schiffman, Miss Rose D. 22 Tohnson St., Waverly, N. Y. M34R35. QKI. Schilder, Dr. Paul. 160 E. 48th St., New York, N. Y. M38R38. INK. Schildknecht, Dr. Calvin E(verett). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 36. Chemist, Plastics Res. Lab.. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Arlington, N. J. (200 Franklin St., Bloom- field, N. J.) M39. CQ. Schiller, Miss Frances. 1321 E. 8th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M39R39. G. Schilling, Frank. 10 Warner Ave., Hemp- stead, N. Y. M38. K. Schilling, Harold K(istler). Dept. Physics, Union Col., Lincoln, Nebr. M29F33R36. BAD. Schilling, Otto Francis George. Ph.D., Marburg, 34. Instr. mathematics, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M40. A. Schilling, Dr. Walter. A.M., California, 20; M.D., Harvard, 24. Asst. clinical prof, medicine, Stanford Univ. Med. School, San Francisco, Calif. (2006 Washington St.) M38. ANI. Schilt, Dr. Jan. Ph.D., Groningen, 24. Head Dept. Astronomy, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M29F30. D. Schilz, Prof. Carl Edward. M.S., Illinois, 29. Dean, prof, chemistry, Lincoln Col., Lincoln, 111. M38. CBQ. Schimberg, Dr. Arnold. M.D., North- western, 26. Surgical asst., Michael Reese Hosp.; surgeon, Post Graduate Hosp., Chicago, 111. M37. N. Individual Members 837 Schimpff, Dr. G(ustave) Weber. M.S., Chicago, 30; Ph.D., 34. Dir. Dept. Bio- chemistry, Cook County Hosp., Chicago, 111. (1314 E. 56th St.) M38. CBN. Schimpff. Dr. Rosalind (Amelia) Klaas. M.S., Arizona, 27; Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Res. chemist, Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Chicago, 111. (1314 E. 56th St.) M38. CNB. Schindler, Dr. Rudolf. Assoc, prof, med- icine, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5608 Blackstone Ave.) M40. NF. Schisler, Dr. John Q(uincy). 1606 18th Ave. S., Nashville, Tenn. M38R38. QI. Schively, Dr. Adeline F(rances,). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 97. 5515 Wissahickon Ave., Germantown, Philadelphia. Pa. M28F30. GFE. Schively, Dr. Mary Alice. M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 95 ; M.A., 13. 5515 Wissahickon Ave., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. M29- F32. HN. Schlachter, Carl H. 12 Crestmont Road, Montclair, N. J. M08. M. Schlaikjer, Erich M(aren). 70-10 Conti- nental Ave., Forest Hills, N. Y. M32R32. EF. Schlatter, Hugo. Route 55, Springdale, Conn. M17F33R34. CML. Schleich, Dr. Hans. Dr.Ing., Dresden. 31. Chemist, Wallerstein Co., Inc., Annadale, Staten Island. N. Y. (2589 Amboy Road, New Dorp, N. Y.) M39. CN. Schleifstein, Dr. Joseph (Isaac). M.D.,- C.M., McGill, 24. Assoc, pathologist, Div. Labs, and Res., New York State Dept. Health, Albany, N. Y. (29 Harris Ave.) M34. N. Schlender, Emma Esther. 1919 Ruckle St., Indianapolis, Ind. M30R33. FG. Schlesinger, Miss Clara R(oberta). B.A., Hiram. 8909 Eastwood Road, Wilkins- burg, Pa. M38. NCB. Schlesinger, Dr. Frank. Ph.D., Columbia, 98; Sc.D., Cambridge, 25. Dir. Yale Univ. Observatory, New Haven, Conn. M02F10. D. Vice president for Section on Mathe- matics and Astronomy (A), 1913. Schlesinger, F(rank) Wagner. Ph.B., Yale. Dir. Fels Planetarium, Franklin Inst., Philadelphia, Pa. M40. D. Schlesinger, Dr. Hermann I(rving). Ph.D., Chicago, 05. Prof, chemistry and execu- tive sec. Dept., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M07F10. C. Schlesinger, Dr. M(onroe) J(acob). Ph.D., Harvard, 20; M.D., 26. Assoc, pathology, Harvard Med. School; pathologist, Beth Israel Hosp., Boston, Mass. M34F34. N. Schlesman, Dr. Carleton H(icker). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 25. In charge research and development, Div. Gen. Labs., Socony- Vacuum Oil Co., Paulsboro, N. J. (Hotel Walt Whitman, Camden, N. J.) M31F33. CM. Schless, Robert. 121 W. 5th St., Empo- rium, Pa. M30R34. C. Schlessel, Sidney. Animal Dept., Monte- fiore Hosp., Bronx, N. Y. M34R37. FGN. Schley, George B(igelow). A.M., Kenyon, 03; LL.B., George Washington, 05. Part- ner, Schley and Trask, 801 Hume-Mansur Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. (421 1 Knollton Road) M39. CBM. Schlicher, Kenneth G. Lloyd Aereo Boliv- iano, Cochabamba, Bolivia, S. A. M37- R37. ABM. Schlink, F(rederick) J(ohn). M.E., Illi- nois, 17. Pres. and technical dir., Con- sumers' Res., Inc., Washington, N. J. M25F25. BM. Schlockow, Dr. Oswald. Pd.D., New York, 03. Asst. supt, Board Education, New York, N. Y. (141 E. 21st St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M37. A. Schlosberg, Prof. Harold. A.M., Prince- ton, 26; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, psychol- ogy, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. (86 Medway St.) M33F33. IF. Schlosberg, Morris. M.S., Ohio State, 26. Asst. entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomol- ogy and Plant Quarantine, Toledo, Ohio. (1920 Parkwood Ave.) M31F33. F. Schloss, Dr. Oscar M. M.D., Johns Hop- kins. 05. id2 E. 71st St., New York, N. Y. M28F33- N. Schlosser, R(alph) J(oseph). 1516 Sassa- fras St., Erie, Pa. M32R35. NFQ. Schluchter, Alfred William. M.S., Michi- gan, 21 ; Ph.D., 26. Res. metallurgist, Gen. Motors Res. Corp., Detroit, Mich. (1412 Mason St., Dearborn, Mich.) (M34F34- R36)M4oF34- CM. Schlueter, Dr. Robert E(rnst). Ph.G, St. Louis Col. Pharmacy, 91; M.D., Missouri Med. Col., 95. Assoc, prof, surgery, St. Louis Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (508 N. Grand Blvd.) M36. L. Schlumberger, Dr. Hans George. M.D., Pennsylvania, 37. Asst. instr. pathology, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Phila- delphia, Pa. (223 S. 46th St.) M40. NFL. Schlundt, Prof. Herman. M08F10D37. C. Schmalhausen, Dr. Samuel D(aniel) (Samuel Daniel House). 415 W. 24th St., New York, N. Y. M29F34R34. IKQ. Schmeckebier, Dr. L(aurence) Fred- erick). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 99. Staff member, Brookings Inst., Washington, D C. (4450 Dexter St. NW.) M01F02. KLE. Schmedeman, Dr. O(tto) C(arl). Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp., Oroya, Peru, S. A. M40. E. 838 Directory of Members Schmeidler, Robert. M.A., Columbia, 27. 201 Elizabeth St., Oradell, N. J. M31. C. Schmeing, Prof. G(eorge) M(ichael). A.M., Quincy, 16; M.S., Loyola, 26; Ph.D., Chicago. Acting chairman, Dept. Chemis- try, Loyola Univ., Chicago, 111. (6214 Wayne Ave.) M33F33. CBA. Schmelkes, Dr. Franz C. Ph.D.. Prague, 22. Asst. dir. Res. Dept., Wallace and Tiernan Co., Inc., Newark, N. J. M35- F35. C Schmid, Dr. A(dolph) R(obert). D.D.S., Minnesota, 09. 1027 4th Ave., Worthing- t'ori, Minn. M40. Nd. Schmidt, Albert H(enry). Proprietor, Cortland Chem. Co., Palatine, 111. (246 N. Plum Grove Ave.) M07. C. Schmidt, Prof. Alfred F(rancis) Wil- liam). A.M., Mt. Angel, 08. 35 Bryant St. NW., Washington, D. C. M24F32. LH. Schmidt, Dr. Austin G(uilford). Loyola Univ., Chicago, 111. M28F31R35. Q. Schmidt, B(runo) M(oritz). M.A., Yale, as. Assoc, prof, geology, Middleburv Col., Middlebury, Vt. M27. E. Schmidt, Carl T(heodor). Exp. Sta., Pine- apple Producers Cooperative Assn., Hon- olulu, Hawaii. M29F39. F. Schmidt, Miss Clara H(elene). A.M., Co- lumbia, 14. Chairman Dept. Chemistry, De Witt Clinton High School, New York, N. Y. (2 Pennsvlvania Ave., Crestwood, Yonkers, N. Y.) M29. CBQ. Schmidt, Dr. C(larence) C(arl). M.A., Illinois, 21; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, physics, Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. (2208 18th St.) M28F33. B. Schmidt, Miss Claudia. M.A., George Washington, 40. Teacher science, Forest Park Junior High School, Springfield, Mass. (39 Ely Ave., West Springfield, Mass.) M27. EFG. Schmidt, Engelbert Herding. Route 2, Snow Hill, Md. M30R35. Schmidt, Prof. Erwin R(udolph). M.D., Washington Univ., 16. Prof, surgery, Univ. Wisconsin Med. School; chief sur- geon, Gen. Hosp., Madison, Wis. (1937 Arlington Place) M28F33. N. Schmidt, Major Feodor O., U. S. Army. Asst. chief staff, Headquarters Puerto Rican Dept., San Juan, P. R. M31. IQK. Schmidt, Frederick D(udley). B.S., North- western, 30: A.M., De Paul. 40. Instr. chemistry, Thomas Kelly High School, Chicago, 111. ( 1 3614 Indiana Ave., River- dale) M40. CNQ. Schmidt, Dr. H(ubert). D.V.M., Royal Veterinary School (Berlin), 12. Chief Div. Veterinary Science, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station, Tex. M13. NF. Schmidt, Dr. Ida G(enther) (Ida Genther). M.A., Wisconsin, 27; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 30. Asst. prof, anat- omy, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. (147 Mason St.) M31- F32. F. Schmidt, John H(enry). M.S., Wisconsin, 18; Ph.D., 21. 230 Grove St., Bloomfield, N. J. M22F33. C. Schmidt, John William. M.E., North- eastern. 1 Orchard Terrace, Leominster, Mass. M36. MAB. Schmidt, Karl P(atterson). B.A., Cornell, 16. Curator reptiles, Field Mus. Natural History, Chicago, 111. M19F33. F. Schmidt, Dr. Lawrence D(elos). Ph.D., Minnesota, 35. Assoc, chemist, U. S. Bur. Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. M40. CB. Schmidt, Dr. L(eon) H(erbert). Ph.D., Cincinnati, 32. Dir. res., Inst. Med. Res., Christ Hosp.; instr. biochemistry, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med., Cincinnati, Ohio. M38. NFC. Schmidt, Mrs. Margaret Steere. 16190 Ashton Road, Detroit, Mich. M38R39. FHG. Schmidt, Mary E. (See Mary Schmidt Tapley.) Schmidt, Dr. Otto L(eopold). 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. M21F27R34. N. Schmidt, Richard E(rnst). 113 Bellevue Place, Chicago, 111. M27F30. DME. Schmidt, Walter August. B.S., California, 06. Pres. and gen. mgr., Western Precipi- tation Corp.; pres., International Precipi- tation Co., Los Angeles, Calif., Precipitation Co. Canada, Ltd., Montreal, Que., Canada, and Westwell Chem. Co., Whittier, Calif. ( 3 S6 S. Hudson Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.) M17F25. BCM. Schmidt, Dr. Willy A. Ph.D., Leipzig. Dir. res., AGFA Ansco, Binghamton, N. Y. M39. CB. Schmieder, Lawrence. 325 W. 8th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. M38F40. B. Schmieder, Dr. Rudolf G(ustav). M.A., Pennsylvania, 22; Ph.D., 27. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia, Pa. M24F33. F. Schmitt, Prof. Alphonse R. Lovola Univ., Chicago, 111. (M33R33)M36R36. BE. Schmitt, Miss Clara. Ph.D., Chicago, 14. 234 Marguerita Lane, Pasadena, Calif. M18F21. IQ. Schmitt, Dr. Harrison (Ashley). M.S., Minnesota, 22; Ph.D., 26. Geologist, Silver City, N. Mex. M28F33. EM. Schmitt, Dr. J(ohn) B(artley). M.S., Ph.D., Rutgers. 411 White Horse Ave., Trenton, N. J. M37. F. Schmitt, Dr. L(ionel) S(amuel). 1101 Green St., San Francisco, Calif. M3i» R34. NQ, Individual Members 839 Schmitt, Dr. Otto H(erbert) A. Ph.D., Washington Univ., 37. Instr. physics and zoology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M32. NBM. Schmitt, Dr. Waldo L(asalle). A.M., Cali- fornia, 16; Ph.D., George Washington, 22. Curator, Div. Marine Invertebrates, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. M13F31. F. Schmitz, Dr. Henry. M24F33D39. N. Schmitz, Prof. Henry. M.S., Washington, 16; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 19. Prof. and chief, Div. Forestry, Univ. Minne- sota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. (2292 Folwell St.) M16F23. OG. Vice president for Section on Agriculture (0), 1939. Schmitz, Dr. Henry Lenzen. Ph.D., Wis- consin, 24; M.D., Harvard, 26. Assoc, clinical prof, medicine, Loyola Univ. School Med., Chicago, 111. (10257 S. Leavitt St.) M39. N. Schmucker, Prof. Samuel C Christian). Rosedale Ave., West Chester, Pa. M34- F06R36. FGH. Schnebelen, Joseph J. 416 Buder Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. M32R36. AIM. Schneck, Matthew M(aximilian) R(up- precht). Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M30R37. I. Schneidau, John D(onald), Jr. 5926 Perrier St., New Orleans, La. M38. GFC. Schneider, Dr. Burch H(art). M.S., Ver- mont, 26; Ph.D., Cornell, 31. Assoc, prof., Dept. Animal Husbandry, West Virginia Univ. Col. Agric. ; assoc. animal hus- bandman, West Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Morgantown, W. Va. (901 Grand St.) M32F33- OCN. Schneider, Prof. Edward C(hristian). Ph.D.. Yale, 01; Sc.D., Denver, 14, Colorado Col., 32; M.P.E., International Y.M.C.A. Col., 23. Prof, biology, Wesleyan LIniv., Middletown, Conn. (25 Wesleyan Place) M05F11. FN. Schneider, Rev. Edwin J. M.A., St. Mary's (Baltimore), 30; M.S., Notre Dame, 37. Prof., St. Joseph's Col., Mountain View, Calif. M39. CBA. Schneider, Franz. S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 10. Vice president, Newmont Mining Corp., 14 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Mn. GH. Schneider, Dr. Howard A(lbert). M.S., Wisconsin, 36; Ph.D., 38. Fellow, Rocke- feller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M35. NC. Schneider, Prof. Hyrum. M.A., Wisconsin, 11; Ph.D., 26. Prof, geology and mineral- ogy, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (1180 E. 7th South St.) M11F31. E. Schneider, J(ulius) L(e Verne). Ph.D., Iowa State, 29. 61 17 N. Kilbourn Ave., Chicago, 111. M34F34. M. Schneider, Dr. Walter A(rthur). 8 Buena Vista Drive, Hastings on Hudson, N. Y. M29F33R34. BMB.. Schneider, Wilmar R(ufus). M.S., Wash- ington Univ., 36. Asst. prof, mathematics and applied mathematics, Westminster Col., Fulton, Mo. (313-A W. 6th St.) M40. AMB. Schneiderhan, Dr. F(elix) J(ohn). M.S., Minnesota, 15; Ph.D., West Virginia, 33. Chipman Chem. Co., Bound Brook, N. J. M25F25. G. Schnepp, Prof. Raymond F(rancis). St. Mary's Univ., San Antonio, Tex. M35F38- R38. ADQ. Schnieb, Prof. Anna A. M.A., Columbia, 18; Ph.D., Vienna, 29. Burnam Court, Richmond, Ky. M32. QI. Schock, A(rchie) Clyde. A.M., Pennsyl- vania, 14. Head Dept. Mathematics, South Philadelphia High School, Philadelphia, Pa. (30 W. Evergreen Ave., Chestnut Hill) M27F27. DAB. Schoder, Prof. Ernest W(illiam). Ph.D., Cornell, 03. Prof. exp. hydraulics, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (220 Willard Way) M18F25. M. Schoemaker, Dr. D(aniel) M(artin). M.D., Rush, 04. Prof, anatomy, St. Louis Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M14- F27. N. Schoen, Dr. Max. Ph.D., Iowa, 21. Prof, and head Dept. Psychology and Educa- tion, Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. (M34F34R34)M4oF34. IQ- Schoen, Dr. Z(byszko) J(ohn). M.A., Buffalo, 34; D.O.Sc, Northern Illinois Col. Optometry, 36; Ph.D., Virginia, 37. Evesight specialist, 1019 Broadway, Buf- falo, N. Y. M38. IN. Schoenborn, Dr. Henry W(illiam). Ph.D., New York, 39. Graduate asst., New York Univ., Lmiversity Heights, New York, N. Y. M39. FG. Schoene, Dr. William Jay. M.S., Chicago, 11; Ph.D., Ohio State, 28. Entomologist, Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Blacksburg, Va. M40. F. Schoenfeld, David M (orris). Combustion Engng. Corp., 1930 Bankers Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. M29R37. MCB. Schoenfeld, Frank K(och). Route 2, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. M36R39. C. Schoenfeld, Otto B(runo). B.S., Cornell. 1230 Florida Ave., Corpus Christi, Tex. M39. PMB. Schoenheimer, Dr. Rudolf. M.D., Berlin, 21. Dept. Biochemistry, Columbia LJniv., New York, N. Y. M39. C. Schoening, Dr. Harry W(illiam). V.M.D., Pennsylvania, 07. Chief Pathological Div. and asst. chief Bur., U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. M39F40. NO. Schoeny, Dr. Leo J. 729 Maison Blanche Bldg., New Orleans, La. M32R32. N. 840 Directory of Members Schoepfle, Prof. C(hester) S(eitz). Sc.D., Michigan, 18. Prof, chemistry and chair- man Dept., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (2022 Vinewood Blvd.) M34F34. C. Schoepfle, Dr. G(eorge) K(ern). A.M., Oberlin, 27; Ph.D.. Cornell, 33- Asst. prof, phvsics, Texas A. and M. Col., College Station, Tex. M36F40. BAM. Schoewe, Dr. Walter Henry. M.S., Wis- consin, 15; Ph.D., Iowa, 20; M.A., Har- vard, 30. Assoc, prof, geology, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1002 Tennessee St.) M20F26. E. Schoff, Stuart L(eeson). 617 E. Division St., Cadillac, Wis. M30R32. E. Schofield, Miss Frances Armistead. A.M., Richmond. Randolph-Macon Woman's Col., Lynchburg, Va. M39. CN. Scholes, Daniel R(ansom). 2500 Roose- velt Road, Chicago, 111. M29R35. MKB. Scholes, Prof. S(amuel) R(ay). Ph.D., Yale, 11. Prof, glass technology, New York State Col. Ceramics, Alfred, N. Y. M34F34. CM. Scholl, Dr. A(lleu) W. Dept. Chemistry, Westminster Col., Salt Lake City, Utah. M35R38. CBA. Scholl, Miss Dorothy M(ayhew). 917 Forest Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M34- R39. NF. Scholz, Dr. Thomas. 38 E. 85th St., New York, N. Y. M33R34. NB. Schomer, H(arold) A. M.S., Chicago, 29. Asst. physiologist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. (7007 29th St. N., East Falls Church, Va.) M31F40. GCO. Schommer, John J(oseph). Ch.E., Armour Inst. Tech., 12. Prof, industrial chemistry, dir. placement, dir. athletics and trustee, Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. M18- F33. c. Schons, Dr. Edward. M.D., Hamline, 08. $72 Lowry Med. Arts Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. M36. N. Schoof, Herbert F. M.S., North Carolina State, 38. Asst., Dept. Entomology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (2504 Vanderbilt Ave., Raleigh, N. Car.) M38. FGN. Schoolcraft, Dr. Arthur A(llen). Ph.D., Boston, 32. Prof, education, West Virginia Wesleyan Col., Buckhannon, W. Va. M36. QI. Schooley, Dr. J(ames) P(lummer). Ph.D., Indiana, 34. Dir. Endocrine Labs., Difco Labs., Inc., 920 Henry St., Detroit, Mich. M38. FN. Schoonhoven, John J(ames). M02F22- D36. F. Schoonmaker, Miss Hazel (Edith). Hart- wick Col., Oneonta, N. Y. M24R37. A. Schoonover, Warren R(ippey). M.S., Illi- nois, 16. Extension specialist soils, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (1830 Thou- sand Oaks Blvd.) M27F31. OGC. Schopf, Dr. James M(orton). M.S., Illi- nois, 32; Ph.D., 37. Asst. geologist, Illi- nois Geol. Survev, Urbana, 111. M37- F38. EG. Schopfer, Prof. William H(enri). Botan. Inst., Der Universitat, Bern, Switzerland. M28R35. FGQ. Schorer, Dr. Cornelia B(ernhardine) J(ohanna). M.D., Zurich, 97; M.S., 98. Care Landhaus Grossmann Klingberg, Ponitz, Ost-Holstein, Germany. Mi 7. IHQ. Schornherst, Miss Ruth (Olive.). M.S., Chicago. Instr. botany, Florida State Col. Women, Tallahassee, Fla. (715 W. Jeffer- son St.) M39. G. Schorsch, Rev. Alexander P. Ph.D., Louvain, 25. Dean, De Paul Univ. Grad- uate School, Chicago, 111. (1010 Webster Ave.) M38F40. KIQ. Schotland, Mrs. Clement E. (Edith Judith Reich). 705 Elizabeth Ave., Newark, N. J. M32R33. KIN. Schott, Dr. E(mmett) L(ee). M.A., Mis- souri, 23; Ph.D., 25. Chief psychologist, Div. Neuropsychiatry, Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit, Mich. (13140 Balfour Ave., Huntington Woods, Royal Oak, Mich.) M28F33- IQK. Schott, Eugene (Albert). B.S., Ohio Northern, 31. Asst., Dept. Mechanics and Materials, Case School Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio, (ion N. Walnut St., Dover, Ohio) M34. MAB. Schott, Mrs. Mary Howe (Mary F. Howe). Box 64, Beltsville, Md. M29F31. GF. Schott, Dr. Ralph G(eorge). Ph.D., Iowa State, 31. Geneticist, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Beltsville, " Md. M29F33. FN. Schott, William R(iedlin). M.S., Cin- cinnati, 38. Baverian Brewing Co., Coving- ton, Ky. (Route 4, Cincinnati, Ohio) M38. NC. Schotte, Dr. Oscar E(mil). D.Sc, Geneva, 25. Assoc, prof, biology, Amherst Col., Amherst, Mass. M37. F. Schottenfels, Prof. Gertrude Ruth. 2444 Goddard Road, Toledo, Ohio. M29R35. IK. Schour, Dr. Isaac. D.D.S., Illinois, 24; M.S., 28; Ph.D., Chicago, 31. Prof, his- tology and head Dept., Univ. Illinois Col Dentistry, Chicago, 111. M34F34. Nd. Schovee, Joseph C(harles). Asst. engineer, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co., Topeka, Kans. (1235 Boswell Ave.) M27. M. Schrader, Dr. A(lbert) Lee. M.S., Wis- consin, 21 ; Ph.D., Maryland, 25. Prof, horticulture and head Dept., Univ. Mary- land, College Park, Md. (6319 Woodside Place, Chevy Chase, Md.) M29F31. OGC. Individual Members 84 r Schrader, Dr. F(rank) C(harles). M.S., Kansas, 91; A.M., Harvard, 93. Geologist retired, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (20 Old Chester Road, Bethesda, Md.) M10F14. E. Schrader, Prof. Franz. Ph.D., Columbia, 19. Prof, zoology and executive officer Dept., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M22F23. F. Schrader, Dr. Glenn Allen. M.S., Beloit, 27; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 30. 328 Payne St., Auburn, Ala. M39. NC. Schramm, Prof. E. Frank. M.A., Nebraska, 08. Chairman Dept. Geology, Univ. Ne- braska. Lincoln, Nebr. (210 N. 13th St.) M21F31. E. Schramm, Dr. Edward. Ph.D., Columbia, 13. 321 Kensington Road, Syracuse, N. Y. M34F34. C. Schramm, Rev. Gregory J(ohn). M.A., Catholic, 26, Columbia, 27; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Prof, psychology, Seton Hall Col., South Orange; lecturer psy- chology, St. Michael School Nursing, Newark, N. J., and Fordham Univ. Graduate School, New York, N. Y. (St. Marv's Abbey, 528 High St., Newark, N. J.) M34F34. I- Schramm, Dr. J(acob) R(ichard). Ph.D., Washington LTniv., 13. Prof, botany and dir. Botanical Labs., Morris Arboretum, Univ. Pennsvlvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M17F21. GN." Schrant, Dr. J. H. 120V2 N. Main St., Hutchinson, Kans. M37R39. N. Schreiber, Prof. Edwin W(illiam). A.M., Chicago, 24. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Western Illinois State Teachers Col., Macomb, 111. (719 W. Adams St.) M21- F25. ALQ. Schreiber, Gerald Gregory. 1720 Oak St., Youngstown, Ohio. M36R36. MCI. Schreiber, Dr. Theodore. Alma Col., Alma, Mich. M38R38. EHL. Schreiner, Dr. Oswald. M.S., Wisconsin, 99; Ph.D., 02. Principal biochemist and chief Div. Soil Fertility Investigations, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (21 Primrose St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M07F10. CGO. Schrenk, Dr. H(elmuth) H(erman). M.S., Wisconsin, 26; Ph.D., 28. Chief chemist, Health Div., U. S. Bur. Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. (514 Bigham Road) M31F33. CN. Schrero, Morris. B.S., Illinois, 19. First asst., Technology Dept., Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa. (246 Boquet St.) M29. Schricker, John Adams. B.S., George Washington. Asst. biochemist, Div. Crops and Cereals, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M40. C. Schriever, Dr. William. M.S., Iowa, 17 : Ph.D., 21. Prof, physics. Univ. Okla- homa, Norman, Okla. (910 Chautauqua Ave.) M22F31. B. Schroeder, Albert H(enry). Box 4704, University Station, Tucson, Ariz. M39- R39. H. Schroeder, Alfred Christian. M.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 37. Television res. engineer, Radio Corp. Amer., Camden, N. J. (3805 Myrtle Ave.) M40. MBA. Schroeder, Dr. Charles R(obbins). D.V.M, Washington State Col., 29. Veterinary pathologist, Zoological Soc. San Diego, San Diego, Calif. M40. FN. Schroeder, Frederic W(illiam.). M.S., Washington, 24. Engng. Dept., A. P. Green Fire Brick Co., Mexico, Mo. (709 N. Jefferson St.) M25F33- CME. Schroeder, Dr. Mary G. 618 5th St., Wilmette, 111. M38R38. IN. Schroeder, Oliver (Charles), Jr. 1197 Melbourne Road, East Cleveland, Ohio. M38. KL. Schroff, Dr. Joseph. M.D., Columbia, 20; D.D.S., 22. Assoc, prof., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (269 W. 81st St.) M36. NCB. Schroter, George Austin. B.S., California Inst. Tech., Arizona. Mgr. mines and exploration and chief geologist, Filtrol Corp., 315 W. 5th St., Los Angeles, Calif. (11 Sunset Ave., Venice, Calif.) M39. EMN. Schroth, Herbert H(enry). C.E., Cin- cinnati, 16. Civil engineer, C. V. Maescher and Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. (4 Taft Road Lane) M30. M. Schubert, Carl C. A.B., Manchester. 1214 Belmont St., South Bend, Ind. M38. CBF. Schubert, Dr. Herman J(acob) P(aul). M.E., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 28; A.M., Columbia, 30; Ph.D., 32. Chief statistician, Erie County Dept. Social Welfare; lecturer social work, Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. (Williamsville, N. Y.) M30. KIQ. Schubring, Edward J. B. LL.B., Wis- consin, 03. Attorney, 122 W. Washington Ave., Madison, Wis. (410 N. Pinckney St.) M38. EKP. Schubring, Dr. Selma L(angenhan) (Mrs. Edward J. B. Schubring). M.A., Wis- consin, 10; Ph.D., 20. 410 N. Pinckney St., Madison, Wis. M10L11. E. Schuchert, Prof. Charles. M.A., Yale, 04; Sc.D., Yale, 30, Harvard, 35; LL.D., New York, 14. Prof, emeritus paleontology and historical geology, Yale Univ., New- Haven, Conn. M02F05. E. Vice president ■for Section on Geology and Geography (E), 1927. Schuck, Dr. Cecelia. M.S., Minnesota; Ph.D., Chicago. Prof, foods and nutrition, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M35. NFC. 842 Directory of Members Schuette, Dr. H(enry) A(ugust). M.S., Wisconsin, 12; Ph.D., 16. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (719 Farwell Drive, Maple Bluff) M18F28. C. Schuetz, Frederick F(aber du Faur). M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 03; A.M., Columbia, 04. Solicitor patents, 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M17. C. Schuh, Dr. Arthur E(ugene). Ph.D., Chicago, 29. Dir. research, U. S. Pipe and Foundry Co., Burlington, N. J. M28F33. C. Schuh, Reuben Z. (See Reuben Z. Schulz). Schuh, Dr. Richard Edwin. M04F21D39. GE. Schuhardt, Prof. V(ernon) T(ruett). M.A., Rice, 30 ; Ph.D., 40. Assoc, prof, bacteriology, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M37F39. NFG. Schuhmann, E(wald) W. M.A., Texas, 15. Head Dept. Pbysics and chairman Div. Natural Science, Univ. Houston, Hous- ton, Tex. (3721 Farbar St.) M33. BAC. Schuhmann, Dr. Reinhardt, Sr. M.A., Texas, 21 ; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 24. Prof, chemistry, Western State Col. Colorado, Gunnison, Colo. M39. CA. Schule, Lt. Col. Paul A(dolph). M.D., Michigan, 12. Army Med. Center, Wash- ington, D. C. M29F35. N. Schulhof, Dr. Kamil. M.D., Prague, 13. 1 941 Ridgeland Ave., Berwyn, 111. M30- F33. NCB. Schulman, Edmund. M.S., Arizona, 35; M.A., Harvard, 38. Instr. dendrochron- ology, Univ. Arizona; res. asst., Blue Hill Observatory, Milton, Mass. M38F39. DGB. Schulte, Dr. George N(icholas). M.S., Catholic, 28; Ph.D., 35. Prof, chemistry, Loras Col., Dubuque, Iowa. M29. CB. Schulte, J(ohn) I(gnace). B.S.A., Iowa State. Senior exp. sta". administrator re- tired, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (2307 N. Glebe Road, Arlington, Va.) M39. OPG. Schultes, Martin F. 252-16 Brattle Road, Little Neck, N. Y. M30. CMA. Schultz, Dr. Adolph H(ans). Ph.D.. Zurich, 16. Assoc, prof, physical anthrop- ology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. M18F25. H. Schultz, Dr. Alfred Reginald. Ph.D., Chi- cago, 05. Pres., Willow River Power Co., Hudson, Wis. (800 Vine St.) M06F11. EKM. Schultz, Dr. Alfred S. Ph.D., Yale, 24. Res. chemist, Fleischman Labs., Standard Brands, Inc., 810 Grand Concourse, New York, N. Y. M25F33. C. Schultz, B(ernard) van H(orne). 936 17th Ave. NE., St. Petersburg, Fla. M22R37. M. Schultz, C(harles) Bertrand. M.S., Nebraska, 33. Asst. dir., State Mus. ; instr., Dept. Geology, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M39. EHF. Schultz, Mrs. Edith C. 2 Edgewood Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. M31. FGN. Schultz, Dr. E(dwin) W(illiam). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Prof, bacteriology and exp. pathology and executive head Dept., Stanford University, Calif. (743 Cooksey Lane) M21F25. N. Schultz, Dr. E(ugene) S. M.S., Wisconsin, 15; Ph.D., Columbia, 25. Senior pathol- ogist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. M25F25. G. Schultz, Frederick. 346 N. Park Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. M31R32. QIK. Schultz, Miss Helen H(ouser). M.A., George Peabody, 30. Asst. prof., Mary Washington Col., Fredericksburg, Va. M32. FGQ. Schultz, Henry. M30F30D — . K. Schultz, Leonard P(eter). M.S., Michigan, 26; Ph.D., Washington, 32. Curator fishes, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. (27 Philadelphia Ave., Takoma Park, Md.) M24. FGC. Schultz, Dr. Mark P(erry). A.M., M.D., Western Reserve. Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. M38F40. NHL. Schultz, Norman L. Lisbon Falls, Maine. M32. A. Schultz, Dr. Oscar T(heodore). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 03. Dir. labs., St. Francis Hosp., Evanston, 111. (1406 Chicago Ave.) M17F25. N. Schultz, Dr. Raymond F(rederick). M.A., Harvard, 33; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof. chemistry, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. (714 Fio't Ave.) M40. CP. Schultze, William. 1819 Matoax Ave., Petersburg, Va. M17R38. CMB. Schulz, Dr. Ernest R(udolf). Ph.D., Illi- nois, 19. Chief chemist, Patent Cereals Co., Geneva, N. Y. (Penn Yan, N. Y.) M25F33. OC. Schulz, Prof. J(ohri) A(dolph). M.S., Iowa State, 27. Res. asst. prof, analytical chemistry and nutrition, Iowa Agric. Exp. Sta., Ames, Iowa. M37F40. CNO. Schulz, Dr. Reuben Z(eiten) (Dr. Reuben Z. Schuh). M.A., Nebraska State, 26; M.D., Nebraska, 27. Instr. pathology, Med. School, Dental Health, and School Public Health, Harvard Univ., Boston; pathol- ogist, Middlesex County Sanatorium, Waltham ; visiting pathologist, Rutland State Sanatorium, Rutland, Mass. M31. NLQ. Schulz, Rudolph G., Jr. D.D., Witten- berg. Pres., Carthage Col., Carthage, 111. M38. Schulz, Prof. William F(rederick). E.E., Illinois, 00; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 08. Assoc. prof. phvsics, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (1108 W. Green St.) M08- F16. B. Individual Members 843 Schulze, A(ugust) F(rederick). M.S., Connecticut. 21. Instr. animal diseases, Storrs Agric. Exp. Sta., Storrs, Conn. M13. FG. Schulze, Miss Lula May. A.M., Missouri, 24. Prof, biology and registrar, Central Wesleyan Col., Warrenton, Mo. M25. FG. Schumacher, Brice A(lbert), M.S., Ohio State, 32. Junior physicist, U. S. Army Air Corps, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. M40. B. Schumacher, George A(dam). Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M35- R35. NCF. Schumacher, Dr. Henry C(yril). M.D., St. Louis, 19; LL.D., St. Benedict's, 38. Dir. Child Guidance Clinic, Inc.; assoc. prof, mental hygiene, School Applied Social Science, and assoc. pediatrics, School Med., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M31F33. NI. Schumacher, Rev. Matthew. Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. M29R34. Q. Schuman, E(dward) W. M27D34. Q. Schumann, Miss Margaret (Addrenia). A.M., Kansas, 23. Technician, Dept. Anat- omv, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M27. FN. Schupp, Dr. O(rion) E(dwin), Jr. M.S., Arizona, 25; Ph.D., Yale, 30. Res. chemist, Exp. Sta., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. M25F33. CB. Schur, Abraham. Stuvvesant High School, New York, N. Y. M28R35. QDN. Schureman, Paul. M.S., Rutgers, 25. Senior mathematician, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. (122 6th St. NE.) M27F33. E. Schurik, Samuel. B.S., City Col. Teacher, 1 190 Shakespeare Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M40. CBA. Schuster, Dr. B(runo) L(yonel). M.D., Jefferson, 89; D.P.H., Harvard, 18; M.M.S., Pennsylvania, 21. Physician, Pass Christian, Miss. M18. KN. Schutt, Hermann C(laus). Dr. Tech. Sc. Munich. Engineer, Scarborough, N. Y. M39. MCA. Schuyler, Dr. Clyde H. D.D.S., Pittsburgh. 400 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M37. Nd. Schuyler, Prof. Robert Livingston. A.M., Columbia. 04; Ph.D., 09; L.H.D., Union, 1,7. Prof, historv, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (ii7o 5th Ave.) M30. L. Schwab, Dr. Sidney Isaac. 816 Beaumont Med. Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. M17F33R33. N. Schwab, William, Jr. M.S., Tennessee, 40. Teacher science, High School, Madison, 111.; naturalist and lecturer. Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M40. FGC. Schwabacher, Sam I. A.B., Stanford, 08. Vice pres., Schwabacher Brothers and Co., Inc., and Schwabacher Hardware Co., 214 Front St., San Francisco, Calif. ( 1 7 1 1 Webster St., Palo Alto, Calif.) M29. CEM. Schwabe, Edward L(udwig). Ph.G., Buf- falo, 28; M.A., 36. Instr., Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. M37. NFC. Schwall, Dr. Eugene. 533 Iron Ave., Dover. Ohio. M40. Schwarcman, Dr. A(lexander). Dr. es Sciences, Grenoble, 07. 98 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. M29. C. Schwarte, Dr. Louis Harold. M.S., Cornell, 20; D.V.M., Iowa State, 28; Ph.D., 34- Assoc, prof., Veterinary Res. Inst., Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M30. N. Schwarting, Miss Virginia M(arjory). M.S., Minnesota, 37. Bacteriologist, Glen Lake Sanatorium, Oak Terrace, Minn. M37. NF. Schwartz, Abraham. M.S., California, 25. Teacher chemistry, Lowell High School, San Francisco, Calif. (2363 Larkin St.) M29. CFG. Schwartz, Abraham. 1541 Shakespeare Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. (?) M36- R36. FIC. Schwartz, Dr. Benjamin. A.M., Columbia, 13; Ph.D., George Washington, 20. U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. M27F31. FN. Schwartz, Dr. Charles. Ph.D., Chicago, 33. Res. chemist, Calgon, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa. (6315 Monitor St.) M40. CNO. Schwartz, Dr. Charles Wadsworth. M.D.. Harvard, 19. Assoc, prof, clinical radiol- ogy, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons; consultant radiology, Neuro- logical Inst.; attending radiologist, Com- munity Hosp., New York, N. Y. (149 Old Mamaroneck Road, White Plains, N. Y.) M17. N. Schwartz, Dr. Emanuel. M.D. 1225 East- ern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. M36. N. Schwartz, Dr. Frederick W(illiam). Ph.D., Columbia, 11. Prof, analytical chemistry. Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N. Y. (27 Manning Blvd., Albany, N. Y.) M06- F33. c. Schwartz, Dr. George. 46 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M38R38. NB. Schwartz, G(eorge) L(ewis). 906 Black- shire Road, Wilmington, Del. M27F33- R37. C. Schwartz, G(eorge) M(elvin). M.A.. Wis- consin, 16; Ph.D., Minnesota, 23. Assoc, prof, geology, Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. M24F25. E. Schwartz, Miss Guydell (Lehman). M.A., Illinois, 36. Teacher, Paton School, Man- hattan, 111. (618 Elmwood Ave., Joliet, 111. I M39. GFQ. 844 Directory of Members Schwartz, Dr. Harry A(dolph). M.S., Rose Polytechnic Inst., 03; M.E., 05; Ch.E., 31; Sc.D., 33; Dr.Eng., Case, 36. Mgr. res., Nat. Malleable and Steel Castings Co.; lecturer metallurgy, Case School Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. (2979 York- shire Road, Cleveland Heights) M35F35. MCB. Schwartz, Dr. L(ouis) L(aszlo). D.D.S., Columbia, 31. Dentist, 1457 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (449 Palmer Road, Yonk- ers, N. Y.) M40. LN. Schwartz, Capt. Philip. U. S. Army, Office Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D C. M29. AB. Schwarz, Prof. Edward Robinson. M.E., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 23. Prof, tex- tile technology, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M36. MGB. Schwarz, Emilie. Commodore Hotel, New York, N. Y. M29. Schwarz, Ernst. Missouri State Game and Fish Dept., Jefferson City, Mo. M26R32. F. Schwarz, Herbert F(erlando). A.M., Har- vard, 05, Columbia, 07. Res. assoc. hy- menontera, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. (mi Park Ave.) M18- F33. F. Schwarz, Herbert J(ames), Jr. 1125 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M39. EHC. Schwarz, Dr. Herman. M.D., Columbia, 98. Asst. clinical prof., Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons; pediatri- cian. Beth Israel Hosp. ; asst. pediatrician, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. M17- L37. N. Schwarz, Robert. B.S., New York, 09. Pres., Schwarz Labs., Inc., 202 E. 44th St., New York, N. Y. M39. CMP. Schwarz, William Edward. B.S., Harvard, 35- In charge Engng. -Dept., Chandevsson Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo. (7518 Crom- well Drive) M38. MC. Schwarzbek, William. M.A.. Ohio State, 31 ; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, psychology, Wit- tenberg Col., Springfield, Ohio. M40. IFQ. Schwarze, Prof. C. Theodore. C.E., Le- high, 05. Prof, civil engng., New York Univ., New York, N. Y. (95 Circle Drive, Hastings on Hudson, N. Y.) M34F34. M. Schwarze, Dr. Carl Alois. A.M., Columbia, 11; Ph.D., 22. Instr. science, Newtown High School, Elmhurst, N. Y. (181-20 Midland Parkway, Jamaica Estates, N Y ) M29F31. GN. Schwarzman, Marguerite E(ngler). Quaker Ridge, New Rochelle, N. Y. M29R32. FGH. Schwede, Harold F. Schlumberger Well Survey Corp., Shreveport, La. M32F40. BDM. Schwegler, Raymond A(lfred). M.A , Ot- tawa, 15; Ph.D., Columbia, 29. Prof.'edu- cation and dean School Education; dir. summer session, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (805 Missouri St.) M24F31. QHI. Schweitzer, Dr. Jerome M. 730 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M36R39. NKL. Schweitzer, Dr. Morton D(avid). M.A., Columbia, 32; Ph.D., 34. Dept. Public Health and Preventive Med., Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (3936 47th St., Sunnyside, N. Y.) M39. FGN. Schweitzer, Prof. Paul H(enry). Pennsyl- vania State Col., State College, Pa. M34- F34R39. MBK. Schweizer, Dr. Malvina. Ph.D., New York, 33. Instr. biology, Washington Square Col., New York Univ., New York, N. Y. (50 W. 67th St.) M35. F. Schwengel, Mrs. Jeanne S. Res. assoc, Acad. Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. (580 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.) M40. F. Schwenk, Dr. Erwin. D.Sc, Techn. Hoch- schule (Vienna), 09. Dir. res., Schering Corp., 86 Orange St., Bloomfield, N. J. M39. CN. Schwenk, J(ulius) Rae. 2509 7th Ave., Sacramento, Calif. M36R36. CFG. Schwenkenberg, Dr. Arthur J. 932 Med. Arts Bldg., Dallas, Tex. M38R38. IN. Schwesinger, Dr. Gladys C(lotilde Joanna). A.M., Radcliffe, 21; Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Res. psychologist, Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M31F34. IKQ. Schweyer, Herbert English, M.S., La- fayette, 33. Chem. engineer, Texas Co., Port Neches, Tex. M40. MC. Schwind, Dr. Joseph L(ouis). A.M., Cor- nell, 25 ; Ph.D., Yale, 28. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Albany Med. Col., Albany, N. Y. (131 S. Lake Ave.) M31F33. FN. Schwing, Dr. Karl J(osef). Ph.D.. Frei- burg, 22. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Upsala Col., East Orange, N. J. (51 Lincoln St.) M38. CBM. Schwitalla, Rev. Alphonse M(ary), S. J. A.M., St. Louis, 08; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 21; LL.D., Tulane, 38; Sc.D., Law- rence, 39. Prof, biology and dir. Dept.; dean Schools Med. and Nursing. St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M20F25. FN. Sciarretta, Dr. Sylvio A. 55 E. Washing- ton St., Chicago, 111. M30R33. N. Scipio, Lynn A. Robert Col.. Istanbul, Turkey, M28R32. BMN. Sclar, Dr. Martin David. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 35. Chemist, Industrial Chem. Prod- ucts, 3777 Bellevue Ave., Detroit, Mich. M39. C. Scoates, Mrs. Dan(iels). Box 59, College Station, Tex. M40. Scoates, Prof. D(aniels). M34F34D39. MOQ. Individual Members 845 Scofield, C(arl) S(churz). B.S.A., Minne- sota, 00. Principal agriculturist charge Div. Irrigation Agric., U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (Lanham, Md.) M02F11. GEO. Scofield, Dr. Carleton F(orman). Ph.D., Yale, 28. Assoc, prof, psychology, Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. M25F33. I. Scofield, Dr. Edward H(arold). M.A., Ohio State, 34; Ph.D., 39. Dir. quality im- provement and control lab., Jos. E. Sea- gram and Sons, Inc., Louisville, Ky. ( 181 7 Harvard Drive) M39. IMC. Scofield, G(eorge) Vincent. Chief works chemist, Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corp., South Charleston, W. Va. (11 12 Highland Road, Edgewood, Charleston, W. Va.) M25. CBA. Scofield, H(erbert) H(enry). Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M24F25R35- M. Scofield, Dr. H(erbert) T(emple). Ph.D., Cornell, 37. Instr. botany, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio, M38. G. Scofield, N(orman) B(ishop). M.A., Stan- ford, 97. 430 Kingsly Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. M17. FG. Scofield, Dr. Thomas E. 61 14 Mission Drive, Kansas City, Mo. M39. C. Scoles, Dr. Dwight L. M.S., Iowa State, 20; Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Prof, chemistry and chairman Dept., Long Island Univ., Brooklyn, N. Y. (26 Roxbury Road, Rock- ville Centre, N. Y.) M26F33. CQO. Scotland, Dr. Minnie B(rink). A.M., Co- lumbia, 21 ; Ph.D., Cornell, 33. Asst. prof, biology, New York State Col. Teachers, Albany, N. Y. (42 Continental Ave., Cohoes, N. Y.) M27F39. FHQ. Scott, Mrs. Adelin White. Friends Semi- nary, New York, N. Y. M31R32. IQ. Scott, Dr. Alfred W(itherspoon). Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. M31F32R36. C. Scott, Capt. A(ndrew) H(umbert). Love- lock Assay Office, Lovelock, Nev. M20- L21F22. CEM. Scott, Dr. Arnold H(enry). M.A., Missis- sippi, 23; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 28. Asst. physicist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washing- ton, D. C. (110 Franklin St., Kensington, Md.) M34F34. B. Scott, Arthur M(oreland). Vice pres., Ole K. Olsen, Inc., New Orleans, La. (7035 Chestnut St.) (M33R33)M40. MGA. Scott, Miss Birdie Lucile. M.S., Atlanta. Instr., Spelman Col., Atlanta, Ga. M40. F. Scott, C(aleb) Emlen. M.S., Stanford, 28. Specialist plant pathology, Agric. Exten- sion, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M25F32. G. Scott, Dr. Charles Covert. M.D., Chicago, 37; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, physiology, Univ. Texas School Med., Galveston, Tex. (6020 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111.) M40. N. Scott, Dr. Charles F(elton). A.M., Yale, 11; D.Sc., Pittsburgh, 12, Ohio State, 37; Eng.D., Stevens Inst. Tech., 12, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 35; LL.D., Rose Poly- technic Inst., 39. Prof, emeritus electrical engng., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (M35FooR35)M39Foo. M. Scott, C(lyde) R. E. 821 Bergen Ave., Jer- sey City, N. J. M32. CBM. Scott, Donald. A.M., Harvard, 19. Dir. Peabody Mus., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M18. H. Scott, Miss Dorothy B(erkshire). M.A., George Washington, 20. Chemist, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, 201 Varick St., New York, N. Y. (32-48 Bell Blvd., Bayside, N. Y.) M21. C. Scott, Dr. Ernest L(yman). M.S., Chicago, 11; Ph.D., Columbia, 14. Assoc, prof, phy- siology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (64 South St., Bogota, N. J.) M11F15. NCF. Scott, Miss Esther W(ebb). James F. Oyster School, Washington, D. C. M32- R37. QGC. Scott, F. H. Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. M35F35R36. I. Scott, Dr. F(lora,) Murray. M.A., St. An- drews, 11; Ph.D., Stanford, 25. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M25F32. GE. Scott, Sister Florence Marie. M.A., Co- lumbia, 27; Ph.D., 35. Prof, biology and chairman Dept., Seton Hill Col., Greens- burg, Pa. M35. F. Scott, Gayle. M.S., Texas Christian, 20; D.Sc, Grenoble, 25. Prof, geology, Texas Christian Univ., Fort Worth, Tex. M21- F25. EF. Scott, George C(lytus). M.S., Iowa State, 25. Dir. res., Minnesota Valley Canning Co., Le Sueur, Minn. (1200 Commerce St.) M39. COG. Scott, Prof. George Gilmore. M.A., Wil- liams, 99; Ph.D., Columbia, 13. Prof, em- eritus biology, Col. City New York, New York, N. Y.; consultant zoology, Rollins Col., Winter Park, Fla. (460 Henkel Circle, Winter Park, Fla.) M08F13. FGN. Scott, Dr. Gordon H(atler). A.M., Minne- sota, 25; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, prof., Dept. Cytology, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M37. FN. Scott, Harley J(ohn Michael). 2325 Foster Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M38R38. GF. Scott, Harold M. M.S., Kansas State, 27; Ph.D., Illinois, 38. Assoc, prof., Dept. Poultry Husbandry, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M38F40. O. Scott, Henry Edwards. 9 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. M29. D. Scott, Horace A. Junior Col., Santa Ana, Calif. M32R33. EHC. 846 Directory of Members Scott, Dr. Horace G(olden). 5240 26th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. M34R36. NDE. Scott, Howard. A.B., George Washington, 18. Section engineer, Westinghouse Res. Labs., East Pittsburgh, Pa. (616 Woodside Road, Wilkinsburg, Pa.) M30. MB. Scott, Irl T(horpe). Board Agric, Jeffer- son City, Mo. M24F31R32. G. Scott, Irving D(ay). A.M., Michigan, 07; Ph.D., 12. Prof, physiographical geology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M07- Fn. E. Scott, Dr. J(ames) Allen. A. M., Wesleyan, 24; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Helminthol- ogist, Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Cara- cas, Venezuela, S. A. (Campo Alegre, Chacao) M27F33. FN. Scott, Dr. James R(obert). M.D., Cooper Med. Col., 12; Ph.D.. George Washington, 16. Prof, health, Univ. New Mexico, Albu- querque, N. Mex. (1300 Ridgecrest Drive) M32F33. NQE. Scott, Miss Janet D (owning). S.M., Chi- cago, 28. Assoc, editor, Chemical Abstracts, Amer. Chemical Soc, Columbus, Ohio. (141 £. Norwich Ave.) M25. CBN. Scott, Dr. John C(ulbertson). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 29. Prof, physiology, Hahne- mann Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M38. NI. Scott, J(ohn) M(ark). M.S., Iowa State, 22; Ph.D., 29. Univ. South, Sewanee, Tenn. M28F33. CB. Scott, Dr. J(ohn) P(aul). Ph.D., Chicago, 35. Assoc, prof, zoology, Wabash Col., Crawfordsville, Ind. M36. F. Scott, Prof. John W(illiam). A.M., Mis- souri, 97; Ph.D., Chicago, 04. Prof, zool- ogy and res. parasitologist, Univ. Wyom- ing, Laramie, Wyo. .(1409 Garfield St.) M07F11. F. Scott, Dr. Joseph M(ehollin). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 23. Prof, biology, Mt. Union Col., Alliance, Ohio. (1415 Inwood Road) M26F31. FN. Scott, Dr. Joseph P(restwich). D.V.M., Ohio State, 14; M.S., Kansas State, 24. Agent, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry; res. assoc, Univ. Pennsylvania School Animal Pathology, Bristol, Pa. M20F33. NO. Scott, Leo W(ilson). M.S., Union, 32. Junior phvsicist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (3819 Upton St. NW.) M40. CAB. Scott, Prof. Luther C. Univ. Toledo, To- ledo, Ohio. M25F33R39. E. Scott, Miss Martha Hughes. School Biol. Science, Stanford University, Calif. M38- R39. NFG. Scott, Mrs. (Mary) D (wight) B(aker) McNair. Ph.D., Radcliffe, 36. 315 Pelham Road, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. M39. MCF. Scott, Mrs. Mary Roberts. 6143 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. M38R39. Q- Scott, Robert Graham. Box 141, Magnolia, Ark. (?) M32R32. MA. Scott, Dr. R(oy) W(esley). M.D., West- ern Reserve, 13; A.M., 17. Prof, clinical medicine, Western Reserve Univ.; physi- cian in chief, City Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. M28F31. NC. Scott, Dr. V(irgU) Brown. Ph.D., Chicago, 34; M.D., 35. Asst. prof, physiology, In- diana L^niv. School Med., Bloomington, Ind. (715 Woodlawn Ave.) M39. N. Scott, Dr. Walter Dill. Ph.D., Leipzig, 00; LL.D., Cornell Col., 21, Southern Cali- fornia, 32. Pres. emeritus, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. (1729 Chicago Ave.) M07F11. Q. Scott, Dr. Walter M(oody). Ph.D., Yale, 15. Chief, Cotton Chemical Finishing Div., U. S. Southern Regional Res. Lab., New Orleans, La. M40F40. CBO. Scott, Dr. Walter Tandy. M.A., Rice, 35; Ph.D., 38. Instr., Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M39. A. Scott, Prof. Will. M07F20D37. F. Scott, Dr. William A. M.D., Michigan, 30. Psychiatrist, 716 Amer. Nat. Bank Bldg., Kalamazoo, Mich. M38. NI. Scott, Prof. W(illiam) B(erryman). Ph.D., Heidelberg, 80; Sc.D., Harvard, 07, Ox- ford, 12; LL.D., Pennsylvania, 06. Prof, emeritus geology, Princeton Univ., Prince- ton, N. J. M25F25. E. Scott, Dr. W(illiam) Clifford M(unroe). M.D., Toronto, 34. Physician, 18 Devon- shire St., London, England. M24. NI. Scott, Dr. W(illiam) J(ustus) Merle. Strong Memorial Hosp., Rochester, N. Y. M29F33R36. N. Scott, William M(oore). Sanford, Fla. M01F06R33. FG. Scott-Bishop, Dr. Katharine. 1508 La Loma Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M17F25R38. FN. Scoular, Dr. Florence I(sabelle). M.S., Iowa State, 29; Ph.D., Iowa, 37. Prof, and dir. Dept. Home Economics, North Texas State Teachers Col., Denton, Tex. M32. NC. Scoville, Dr. Wilbur L(incoln). Phar.M., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy, 24; Phar.D., Massachusetts Col. Pharmacy, 27; M.Sc, Michigan, 28; Sc.D., Columbia, 29. Head Analytical Dept. retired, Parke Davis Co., Detroit, Mich. (10088 Crocuslawn St.) M17F22. CN. Scribner, Miss Agnes E. 12 Boynton St., Worcester, Mass. M33. FGE. Scripter, Dr. Otis. 2610 Elim Ave., Zion, 111. M30. Individual Members 847 Scripture, Dr. Edward W(heeler), Jr. M.A., Harvard, 21 ; Ph.D., 24. Dir. res., Master Builders Co., 6511 Morgan Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. M31. CMB. Scudamore, Harold H(unter). B.S., Mon- tana State, 37. Asst. zoology, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M40. FG. Scudder, Dr. Fisk W(illiam) S(tocking). Ph.D., Cornell. 38. Prof, biology, Susque- hanna Univ., Selinsgrove, Pa. (406 W. Pine St.) M33F33. FGX. Scudder, Lawrence W(illiams). Ph.B., Yale, 08. Certified public accountant, 1 1 1 W. Jackson St.; pres., Century Metalcraft Corp., Chicago, 111. (920 Hawthorn Lane, Lake Forest, 111.) M29. KB. Scudder, Miss Sara (Alicia). B.A. Bac- teriologist, Dept. Hosps., Welfare Island, New York, N. Y. (1117 E. 39th St., Brook- lyn, N. Y.) M25. N. Scull, Dr. C(harles) Wesler. M.S., Earl- ham, 26; M.S., Illinois, 27; Ph.D., 30. Biochemist, Dept. Rheumatoid Diseases, Abington Memorial Hosp., Abington; instr. chemistry. Univ. Pennsylvania Grad- uate School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. (7812- A Spring Ave., Elkins Park, Pa.) (M34- F34R34)M37F34. NCB. Scullen, Dr. Herman A(ustin). M.A., Ore- gon, 27; Ph.D., Iowa State, 34. Assoc, prof, entomology, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. (325 S. 13th St.) M34F34. F. Scutari, Crispin. 5904 Beverley Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. M25R34. M. Seaborg, Dr. Glenn T(heodore). Ph.D.. California, 37. Instr. chemistry, Univ. Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. M39. CB. Seabury, George T(illey). S.B., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 02. Sec, Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers, 33 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y. M34F34. M. Seager, Dr. Lloyd D(onald). M.S., Illinois, 29; M.D., St. Louis, 34. Instr. pharmacol- ogy, Univ. Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn. M40. NpFG. Seago, Prof. Dorothy W(ilson). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 24. Prof, psychology, Newcomb Col.. Tulane Univ., New Or- leans, La. M26F33. IQ. Seale, Alvin. Steinhardt Aquarium, San Francisco, Calif. M22F33. F. Seaman, Prof. Arthur Edmund. M17F25- D37. E. Seaman, Dr. Emily C. 333 E. 41st St., New York, N. Y. M25. NIC. Seaman, W(yllys) A(rthur). E.M., Michi- gan Col. Mines. 77 5th St., Houghton, Mich. M39. EM. Seamans, Arthur E(dgerton). B.S., Mon- tana State, 13. Assoc, agronomist, U. S. Agric. Exp. Sta., Huntley, Mont. Mi 7- F32. O. Seamans, H(oward) L(oomis). M.Sc, Saskatchewan, 33. Post Office Bldg., Leth- bridge, Alta., Canada. M34F34. F. Seares, Dr. Frederick H(anley). LL.D., California, 30, Missouri, 34. Asst. dir., Mt. Wilson Observatory, Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington, Pasadena, Calif. M07F11. D. Vice president for Section on Astronomy (D), 1936. Searight, Walter V. 401 Plum St. N., Ver- million, S. Dak. M30F33R35. E. Searl, William C. LL.B., Michigan, 20. Vice pres., Auto-Owners Ins. Co., 615 X. Capitol Ave., Lansing, Mich. (500 Mar- shall St., East Lansing, Mich.) M39. K. Searle, Mrs. Harriet R(ichardson) (Mrs. William D. Searle). A.M., Vassar, 01; Ph.D., George Washington, 03. 4417 15th St. NW., Washington, D. C. M00F03. F. Searle, Miss Olive M(ay). M.S., Okla- homa, 19; Ph.D., Michigan, 28. Chemist, Neuropsychiatric Inst., Univ. Hosp., Ann Arbor, Mich. M28. N. Searles, Dr. Herbert L(eon). M.A., Iowa, 2\ ; Ph.D., 25. Assoc, prof, philosophy, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. M29. IQK. Searles, Miss Janet (Giffen Lockerbie). M.A.. Stanford, 35. Asst. librarian, R. and H. Chemicals Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. (1643 Whirlpool St.) M39. C. Searles, Comdr. Paul John. C.E., Rensse- laer Polvtechnic Inst., 18. Commander (C.E.C.),' Public Works Dept., U. S. Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. M24F27. MBD. Sears, Esmond W. Camp De Ruvter, De Ruyter, N. Y. M34R35. GFO. Sears, Prof. Francis W(eston). Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M34F34R35. B. Sears, Frederick E(dmund). A.B., Har- vard, 95. Head Dept. Science, St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. M98F40. B. Sears, Prof. George W(allace). Prof, and head Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Nevada, Reno, Nev. M22F33. CQ. Sears, Dr. Harry J(ohnson). Ph.D.. Stan- ford, 16. Prof, bacteriology, Univ. Oregon Med. School, Portland, Oreg. M24F33. N. Sears, Dr. J(esse) B(rundage). Ph.D., Columbia, 20. Prof, education, Stanford University, Calif. (1120 Parkinson Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.) M25F25. QK. Sears, Dr. Julian D. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 19. Administrative geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey. Washington, D. C. (21 Ken- nedy Drive, Kenwood, Chevy Chase, Md.) M35F35. E. Sears, Dr. Nathan (Pratt). M.D., Johns Hopkins. Prof, gynecology, Syracuse I'niv Col. Med.. Svracuse, N. Y. (310 Stratford St.) M36. N, 848 Directory of Members Sears, Dr. Paul B(igelow). A.M., Ne- braska, 15; Ph.D., Chicago, 22; D.Sc, Ohio Wesleyan, 37. Head Dept. Botany, Oberlin Col., Oberlin, Ohio. (249 Elm St.) M17F21. GO. Sease, V(irgil) B(ernard). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Dir. res., Dupont Film Mfg. Co., Parlin, N. J. (New Brunswick, N. J.) M22F33. C. Seashore, Carl E(mil). Ph.D., Yale, 95; LL.D., Wittenberg, 28; Sc.D., Pittsburgh, 31. Dean emeritus and prof, psychology, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M99F02. HIQ. Vice president for Section on Psy- chology (I), 1925. Seashore, Dr. Robert H(olmes). M.S., Iowa, 24; Ph.D., 25. Assoc, prof, psychol- ogy, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M28F32. I. Seastone, Dr. C(harles) V(ictor), Jr. M.D., Harvard, 32. Asst. prof., Dept. Bac- teriology, Univ. Wisconsin Med. School, Madison, Wis. M38. N. Seath, Dr. Dwight M. M.S., Kansas State, 30; Ph.D., Iowa State, 39. Assoc, dairy husbandman, Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta., University, La. M38F40. OF. Seaton, R(oy) A(ndrew). 722 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kans. M26F26R35. M. Seaver, Dr. Fred Jay. M.S., Iowa, 04; Ph.D., 12; Sc.D., 31. Curator, New York Botanical Garden, New York, N. Y. M34- F34. G. Seaver, Gilbert Homer. B.S., Case, 37. Metallurgist, Cleveland Twist Drill Co., 1242 E. 49th St., Cleveland, Ohio. (3030 Lincoln Blvd., Cleveland Heights) M40. M. Seaver, Kenneth. Farmers' Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M36R36. CBM. Seaward, Carl R(oy). Engng. asst., Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. (Scotia, N. Y.) M39. MCG. Sebastian, Dr. R(obert) L(ouis). Amer. Agric. Chem. Co., 120 Lister Ave., New- ark, N.J. M33R36. CB. Sechrist, E(dward) L(loyd). U. S. Pacific Coast Bee Culture Field Sta., Davis, Calif. M28F33R34. F. Secrest, Dr. Edmund. D.Sc, Wooster, 38. Dir. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M38F40. O. Secrist, H(orace) A. 640 East St., Wal- pole, Mass. M33R34. KAB. Secrist, Dr. Mark H(oward). 72s Gorsuch Ave., Baltimore, Md. M26R34. E. Seddon, J(ohn) Carl. B.S.. Union, 33. 1701 Lenox Road, Schenectady, N. Y. M35. BM. Sedgwick, James H(oward). Editor, Na- ture Notes Magazine, 4800 Prospect Road, Peoria, 111. M38. FGE. Sedgwick, Mrs. Lillian (Grace) Reynolds. Ph.D., Chicago, 22, 1052 Ackerman Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. M21F25. G. Sedgwick, Prof. Paul J(oseph). Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof, botany, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. M25F25. G. Sedky, Abdalla. B.S., California. Gen. Delivery, Springfield, Mass. M38. CGO. See, Francis W(illiam). 6 W. 184th St., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M31R32. NFC. See, Dr. Thomas J(efferson) J(ackson,). A.M., L.M., Sc.M., Missouri, 89; A.M., Ph.D., Berlin, 92. Prof, mathematics re- tired, U. S. Navy, Naval Observatory, Mare Island, Calif. (614 Ohio St., Vallejo, Calif.) M99F01. A. Seecof, Dr. David P(hilip). M.D., Univer- sity and Bellevue, 18. 1970 Daly Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M23F33. N. Seed, Dr. Lindon. M.D., Rush, 20; M.S., Minnesota, 25. Assoc, prof, surgery, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (923 N. Elmwood St., Oak Park, 111.) M40. N. Seegal, Dr. Beatrice Carrier. M.A., Cali- fornia, 21 ; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 24. Asst. prof, bacteriology, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. (34 Pilgrim St., Forest Hills) M31- F33. N. Seegal, Dr. David. M.D., Harvard, 27. Dir. Div. Res. Chronic Diseases, Welfare Island; asst. prof, medicine, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Seeger, Prof. Raymond J. George Wash- ington Univ., Washington, D. C. M35F35. BL. Seegers, Dr. Walter H(enry). M.S., Iowa, 32; Ph.D., 34. Res. assoc, Dept. Pathol- ogy, Univ. Iowa School Med., Iowa City, Iowa. M39. CN. Seelaus, Dr. Henry K(ejetan). M36D37. M. Seeler, Edgar V(iguers), Jr. M.A., Har- vard. Asst. forest pathology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M40. G. Seelig, Dr. M(ajor) G(abriel). M.D., Co- lumbia, 00. Prof, clinical surgery, Wash- ington Univ. School Med.; dir. pathology, Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. (4954 Lindell Blvd.) M04- F06. N. Seely, Warner. Sec, Warner and Swasey Co., 5701 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. M38. D. Seelye, Theodore E. 2941 N. Front St., Harrisburg, Pa. (?) M30R33. MLA. Seeman, Albert L(loyd). M.B.A., North- western, 24; Ph.D., Washington, 30. Assoc, prof, geography, Univ. Washing- ton, Seattle, Wash. (M34F34R36) M38- F34. E. Seemann, Dr. William H. 1577 Henry Clay Ave., New Orleans, La. M32R32. N. Individual Members 849 Seevers, Dr. M(aurice) H(arrison). Ph.D., Chicago, 28; M.D., Rush, 30. Assoc, prof, pharmacology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (1430 Mound St.) M40F40. NpFC. Segel, Joseph. B.S., Kansas, 14. Power engineer, E. J. dp Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (1008 Madison St.) M28. MBC. Segelken, Dr. John G(ustav). Bell Tele- phone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M31- R32. GC. Segerblom, Wilhelm. A.B., Harvard, 97. Instr. emeritus chemistrv, Phillips Exeter Acad., Exeter, N. H. M03F06. CQB. Seguin, Miss Hazel A. M.A., Columbia, 28. Instr. biologv. State Teachers Col., Supe- rior. Wis. (1205 16th St.) (M32R36)M38. QGF. Sehon, Miss George Louise. M.S., Michi- gan, 27. Assoc, prof, biology, Mississippi State Col. Women, Columbus, Miss. M38. F. Seib, Dr. George A(rthur). M.D., Wash- ington Univ., 28. Asst. prof, anatomy, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (2323 Lafayette Ave.) M31. NHF. Seiberling, Theodore O(wen). Andagoya, via Buenaventura, Colombia, S. A. M36- R36. ME. Seibert, Dr. Florence B(arbara). Ph.D., Yale, 2},. Assoc, prof, biochemistry, Henry Phipps Inst., Univ. Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. M25F33. NC. Seidel, Prof. Wladimir (Samuel). Ph.D., Munich, 30. Asst. prof., Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M32F33. ABD. Seidell, Dr. Atherton. M.S., George Wash- ington, 01; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 03. Tech. expert, Nat. Inst. Health, Washing- ton, D. C. (2301 Connecticut Ave. NW.) M25F28. C. Seidell, Prof. T. G. 25 Exeter Road, Avon- dale Estates, Ga. M34F34R34. B. Seidenspinner, Earle (Aloysius). M.S., North Carolina State. 1819 Thousand Oaks St., Berkeley, Calif. M39. CGO. Seidl, Frank A(ndrew). Submarine Sig- nal Co., 404 Avalon Blvd., Wilmington, Calif. M37R37. MBA. Seidl, Dr. Julius C(arl) G(frorer). I.E., New York, 28; M.A., Fordham, 32; Ph.D., 36. Prof, industrial engng. and head Dept., Manhattan Col., New York, N. Y. (421 W. 21st St.) M36. IMQ. Seidlin, Prof. Joseph. Ph.D., Columbia, 31. Dir Graduate Div., Alfred Univ., Alfred, N. Y. M22F33. AQ. Seidman, Harry. 1641 N. Franklin St., Philadelphia, Pa. M27R33- K. Seidman, Theodore. 1256 Mt. Hope Ave.. Rochester, N. Y. M31R33. NCI. Seifert, Dr. Ralph L(ouis Edwin). A.M., Illinois, 35; Ph.D., 37. Instr. physical chemistry, Alma Col., Alma. Mich. M38. CBA. Seifriz, Dr. William. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 20. Prof., Dept. Botany, Univ. Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Chester Springs, Pa.) M18F21. GC. Seil, Dr. Gilbert E(dward). E. J. Lavirio and Co., Norristoun, Pa. M34F34R39. CM. Seiwell, H(arry) R(ichard). Oceano- graphic Inst., Woods Hole, Mass. M34- F34R34- FCG. Selby, Dr. C(larence) D(avey). M.D., Western Reserve, 02. 15 Kirby St., De- troit, Mich. M30. N. Selby, Horace H(all). Chief chemist, Hage's, Ltd., 835 K St., San Diego; con- sultant, U. S. Agar Co., National City, and San Diego Ice and Cold Storage Co., San Diego, Calif. (Encanto, Calif.) M29. CAN. Selden, Dr. Robert F(rancis). Box 227, Hampton, Va. M31F33R34. CBA. Seldner, Mrs. Celine M. (See Mrs. Celine M. Lefkowitz). Selekman, Dr. Benjamin Morris. M.A., Columbia, 17; Ph.D., 27. Lecturer, Har- vard School Business Administration, Cambridge, Mass. (24 Province St.) M38. K. Self, Dr. J(ohn) Teague. M.A., Baylor, 32; Ph.D., Oklahoma. 36. Asst. prof, zoologv, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. M37. FE. Seliger, Dr. Robert V. M.D., Maryland. 24. Instr. psychiatry, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med.; asst. visiting psychiatrist, Johns Hopkins Hosp. ; member, Maryland State Board Mental Hygiene, Baltimore, Md. M38. INQ. Seligman, Mrs. Eustace (Maud). B.A., Smith, 13. 126 E. 74th St., New York, N. Y. M31. AKQ. Selinger, Dr. Elias. M.D., Northwestern, 24 Asst. clinical prof, ophthalmology, Rush Med. Col., Chicago, 111. M40. N. Sell, Dr. Harold M(elvin). M.S., Michi- gan State, 31; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 38. Agent, U. S. Dept. Agric, Gainesville. Fla. M40. C. Sell, Dr. O(tto) E. Georgia Agric. Exp. Sta., Experiment, Ga. M38R38. OGC. Sella, Emil A(medee). Asst.. Dept. Bot- any, Field Mtts. Natural Historv, Chicago, 111.' (8144 East End Ave.) M40. GB. Selle, Dr. Raymond M(artin Louis). M.A., California, 21: Ph.D., Southern California, 34. Prof, biology, Occidental Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (1562 Munson Ave.) M25- F33. FN: Selle, Dr. Wilbur A(rthur). Univ. Texas Med. School, Galveston, Tex. M38R38. N. Sellers, Prof. James Freeman. M01F06' D37. C. 85o Directory of Members Sellers, Dr. Jesse E(arl). M.S., Colorado, 28; Ph.D., 3 if, Chem. engineer, Gen. Elec- tric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. (11 Vley Road, Scotia, N. Y.) M38F39. C. Sellers, Prof. John A(lvan). A.M., Illi- nois, 27; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, chemistry, Michigan State Normal Col., Ypsilanti, Mich. (702 Collegewood Ave.) M32F}? CBN. Sellers, Kenneth. Box 297, Bishee, Ariz M33R33. C Sellers, (William) Wallace, Jr. B.S., Wil- liam and Mary. 1S10 Grace St., Wilming- ton, N. Car. M39. CBN. Sellew, William H(amilton). M34F34- D— . M. Selling, Dr. Lowell S(inn). A.M., Colum- bia, 25; Ph.D., 30; Sc.M., New York, 25; M.D., 28. 16196 Cherrvlawn St., Detroit, Mich. M32F33. NIK. Sellmeyer, Dr. Bernard L(eo). A.M., St. Louis, 20; M.D., Jefferson, 12. Student counselor. St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M28F33. F. Sells, Dr. Saul B. Ph.D., Columbia, 36. Dir. educational res., Works Project Ad- ministration, 70 Columbus Ave., New York; instr., Div. Graduate Studies Dept. Education, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (260 Seaman Ave., New York, N Y) M39. IQK. Seltz, Harry. Ph.D., Pennsylvania. Car- negie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. M39 CB. Seltzer, Alvin. Hillsboro, 111. M38. N. Seltzer, Leonard A. 72 Adams Ave W Detroit, Mich. M35F35R35. N. Selvidge, Dr. Harner. M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 33, Harvard, 34; D.Sc, Har- vard, 37. Asst. prof, electrical engng., Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans M39 MB. Selvidge, Robert W(ashington). M.A., Columbia, 09. Chairman Dept. Mechani- cal Engng., Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M12F32. MQ. Selye, Dr. Hans. M.D., Ph.D., Prague. Asst. prof, histology, McGill Univ., Mon- treal, Que., Canada. M40. NCF. Seman, Dr. Philip L(ouis). Ph.D., Lib- eral Church Amer., 32. Gen. dir., Jewish People's Inst., 3500 Douglas Blvd.; chair- man, Chicago Recreation Commission, Chicago, 111. (4142 Greenview Ave.) M33- F40. KLH. Semans, Dr. Cecil J(ames). D.D., Da- kota Wesleyan. Head Dept. Philosophy. Religion, and Sociology, Dakota Wes- leyan Univ.. Mitchell, S. Dak. M35. KQI. Semans, Prof. Frank M(errick). MA., Ohio State, 28; Ph.D., 33. 1725 McCollum Road, Youngstown, Ohio. M31F33. NFG. Semans, Dr. H(arry) M(errick). 2319 Arl- ington Ave., Upper Arlington, Columbus, Ohio. M37R38. N. Semb, Dr. Joseph. 919 Oakland Ave., Madison, Wis. M39R39. CNO. Semken, Dr. George Henry. M.D., Co- lumbia, 96. Consulting surgeon, Knicker- bocker Hosp. and Inst. Cancer Res., Co- lumbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M36. NF. Semmes, Dr. Douglas R(amsey). M.A., Virginia, 13; Ph.D., Columbia, 16. 217 W. Woodlawn St., San Antonio, Tex. M19F21. E. Semple, R(obert) A(lexander). E.M., Co- lumbia. 75 Greenwood Drive, Millburn, N. J. M36. M. Semrad, Dr. Joseph E. 6608 Newgard St., Chicago, 111. M36R36. FNH. Semsroth, Dr. Kurt H. M.D., Wurzburg, 23. Dir. labs., Montgomery County Labs., Amsterdam ; assoc. pathology, ' Albany Med. Col., Albany, N. Y. M40. N. Sen, B(asiswar). Vivekananda Lab., Al- mora, U. P., India. M25F40. GNO. Senauke, Prof. Alexander. M.E., E.E., New York. 2346 Lodovick Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M37. BM. Senderling, Dr. Ellwood W. M.A., Ohio State, 34; Ph.D., 39. Asst. prof, psychol- ogy, Univ. Alabama Col. Education, Uni- versity, Ala. M40. IQ. Seneker, Prof. James Seehorn. M.A., Co- lumbia, 19. Prof, religious education and head Dept.. Southern Methodist Univ. School Theology, Dallas, Tex. L28. QIK. Senerchia, Fred F., Jr. 414 Roseville Ave., Newark, N. J. M32R32. IN. Senior, Prof. H(arold) D(ickinson). M07- F13D38. N. Senior, Robert M. Red Bud and Rose Hill Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. M24R37. EG. Senn, Dr. George Arthur. M.S.. Chicago, 03; M.D., Rush, os. 30s E. Walnut St., Green Bay, Wis. (Mi7R32)M38. N. Senn, G(eorge) William. 6128 Simpson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M32R34. Senn, Dr. Harold A(rchie). Div. Botany, Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M38R38. GOF. Senn, Dr. Pettus Holmes. M.S., Wiscon- sin, 21; Ph.D.. 31. Prof, agronomy and head Dept., Univ. Florida Col. Agric, Gainesville, Fla. M32F33. OG. Senning, Dr. William Charles. Ph.D., Cor- nell, 31. Instr., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M25. F. Sense, Eleanora (See Eleanor Sense Ham). Sensenig, Dr. Wayne. 309 Bangor Road, Bala-Cynwyd, Pa. M28R32. A. Individual Members 851 Senstius, Dr. Maurice W(illiam). M.Sc, Michigan, 10; D.Sc, 28. Dept. Geology, Univ Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M18- F25. EGO. Serber, Gilbert Mortimer. C.E., Colum- bia, 24. Pres., Stock Construction Corp., 3721 Grand Central Terminal, New York, N. Y. (334 W. 86th St.) M36. MEH. Sercombe, Parker H. 2633 Procter Ave., Port Arthur, Tex. (?) M31R32. ADE. Serduke, Prof. James T(ychon). M.S., Union, 31. Prof, physics and electrical engng., Nat. Peigang Engng. Col., Tient- sin, China. M29. BM. Serfling, Robert E(lton). M.S., Michigan, 36. Asst. prof, biology and mathematics, Nazareth Col., Nazareth, Mich. (440 Ran- ney St., Kalamazoo, Mich.) M38. FA. Serin, B(ernard). Student, Brooklyn Poly- technic Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. (55 E. 10th St., New York, N. Y.) M39F40. B. Servantie, Dr. Louis. M.D. 28 rue Castil- lon, Bordeaux, France. M38. N. Service, Dr. William Corr. M.D., Indiana, 26, 27. Asst. prof., Colorado Col., Colo- rado Springs, Colo. (1415 N. Nevada Ave.) M36. NFC. Serviss, Prof. Fred(erick) L(eVerne). E.M., Colorado School Mines, 20; M.Sc, 22. Prof, geology, Purdue Univ., La Fay- ette, Ind. M33F33. EMH. Serviss, Prof. George H(enry). M.S., Ari- zona, 26. Extension assoc. prof, field crops, New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. (812 Triphammer Road) M39. O. Sessinghaus, Gustavus. 300 Engineers Bldg., Denver, Colo. M01F15R33. EM. Sessions, Dr. Frank L(ord). M.E., Wor- cester Polytechnic Inst., 09; D.Eng., 39. Consulting engineer, 1529 Rockefeller Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. (1423 Cohassett Ave., Lakewood, Ohio) M40. MBC. Sessions, Dr. R(oyal) Fred. M.S., South- western, 22; M.A., Vanderbilt, 24; Ph.D., Stanford, 30. Instr., Junior Col., Santa Rosa, Calif. (Kenwood, Calif.) M39. CBA. Sessions, William Crighton. B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 26; LL.B., Western Reserve, 30. Patent lawyer, 1150 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. M36. MB. Setchell, Prof. W(illiam) A(lbert). A.M., Harvard, 88; Ph.D., 90. Prof, emeritus botany, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (244i"Harte St.) MuFiS- G. Vice presi- dent for Section on Botany (G), 1915- Seton, Sister Elizabeth (See Sister Eliza- beth Seton McDonald). Seton, Henry. Mus. Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. M25. FE. Sette, Oscar E(lton). M.A., Harvard, 30. Senior biologist charge South Pacific in- vestigations, U. S. Bur. Fisheries, Stan- ford University, Calif. M24F33. FG. Settel, Dr. Nathan. 10 W. 82nd St., New York, N. Y. M33R33. N. Settel, Sylvan. M.A., Columbia. Camp Wright, Manteo, N. Car. (?) M39. OG. Setterstrom, Carl (Albert). B.Ch.E., Brook- lyn Polytechnic Inst., 36. Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M39. CG.M. Settles, James C(linton). M.S., Ohio State, 39. Mechanical engineer, Buckeye Steel Castings Co., Columbus, Ohio. (2566 Wexford Road) M40. MAB. Setty, Prof. L(aurel) R(aymond). A.M., Kansas, 30; Ph.D., Cornell, 39. Asst. prof, biology, Park Col., Parkville, Mo. M36- F39. FG. Setzler, Frank M(aryl). Ph.B., Chicago, 28. Head curator, Dept. Anthropology, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. (4219 49th St. NW.) M31F33. H. Seulke, Dr. Karl John. M.S., Pennsylvania State, 14; Ph.D., Cornell, 16. Dir. res. de- velopment, A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., Decatur, 111. (1513 W. Sunset Ave.) M39F40. OCF. Sevag, Dr. Manasseh G(iragos). Ph.D., Columbia, 29. Asst. prof, biochemistry, Univ Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M40. CN. Severance, H(ayward) M(erriam,). M.S., California, 14; Ph.D., Chicago, 24. Instr., Los Angeles City Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (M28F33R33)M35F33- G. Severens, J(ames) M(adison). M.S., Illi- nois, 39. Asst. animal genetics, Univ. Illi- nois, Urbana, 111. M40F40. NFO. Severin, Dr. Charles F(rancis). M.S., Chi- cago, 27 ; Ph.D., 30. Head Dept. Biology, St. Mary's Col.. Winona, Minn. M35F35. G. Severin, Prof. Harry Charles. M.A., Ohio State, 08. Prof, entomology and head Dept. Zoology, South Dakota State Col.; entomologist. South Dakota Agric. Exp. Sta., Brookings, S. Dak. M09F14. F. Severinghaus, Prof. Aura E(dward). Ph.D., Columbia, 27. Assoc, prof, anat- omy, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York. X. Y. M33F33. NF. Severinghaus, Mrs. W. L. (Frances Orr). M.A.. Columbia, 20. Instr. physics, Brook- lyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (106 Morning- side Drive, New York, N. Y.) M30F33. B. Severinghaus, Prof. Willard L(eslie). Ph.D., Columbia, 14. Prof, physics, Co- lumbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M14- F16. B. Severson, George A. A.B., Oklahoma, 25. Av L N. Alem 619. Buenos Vires, Argen- tina, S. A. M36. EMI. Severy, Harold A. A.M.. Cornell. Teacher biology, South Div. High School, Mil- waukee, Wis. (325-2 N. Downer Ave.) M38. IFG. 852 Directory of Members Severy, Prof. J(oseph) W(arren). M.S., Washington Univ., 26; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 31. Chairman Dept. Botany and Div. Biol. Science, and vice pres., Montana State Univ., Missoula, Mont. M24F31. G. Sevin, Miss Gertrude Katherine. M.A., Svracuse, 16. Owner, Sevin Art Store, 15 W. 7th St., Erie, Pa. (341 W. 7th St.) M11L23. F. Sevringhaus, Dr. Elmer L(ouis). M.A., Wisconsin, 18; M.D., Harvard, 21. Prof, medicine, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (3914 Cherokee Drive) M24F27. NC. Sewall, Dr. Henry. M17F21D36. N. Seward, Dr. John P(erry). A.M., Colum- bia, 27 ; Ph.D., 32. Asst. prof, psychology, Connecticut Col., New London, Conn. M38. I. Sewell, Col. John Stephen. Highlands, N. Car. M07F31R37. M. Seybolt, Prof. Robert F(rancis). A.M., Brown, 11; Ph.D., Columbia, 16. Prof. historv education, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M29F30. LN. Seydel, Herman. Pres., Seydel Chem. Co. and Cloroben Corp., Jersey City, N. J. (13s Halladay St.) M39. CN. Seyer, Dr. William. University Hill, Van- couver, B. C, Canada. M32F33. CB. Seyfried, Dr. Adam Philip. M.Sc, Fri- bourg, 27; Ph.D., 28. Prof, biology, Univ. Dayton, Dayton, Ohio. M38. FGN. Seymour, Mrs. Harriet Brown (Mrs. Ralph Fletcher Seymour). Midwood, Elburn, 111. M38. KOP. Seymour, Prof. James H. Dept. Agric, State Teachers Col., Valley City, N. Dak. M35R35. OGF. Seymour, Dr. Keith M(orton). M.S., Washington, 29; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, chemistry, Carleton Col., Northfield, Minn. M38. C. Seymour, Dr. Merrill W(ilmer). M.A., Princeton, 24; Ph.D., 25. Res. photo- graphic chemist, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. (246 Sagamore Drive) M39. C. Seymour, Mrs. Ralph Fletcher (See Mrs. Harriet Brown Seymour). Seymour, Dr. R(aymond) J(esse). M.S., Tufts, 01: M.D., Ohio State, 04. Prof, phvsiologv, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (M3iR32)M38. NF. Seymour-Jones, Dr. F(rank) L(eslie). M.Sc, Leeds, 22; A.M., Columbia, 22; Ph.D., 23. Asst. gen. supt., Manufac- tured Products Div., Borden Co., 350 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. (358 Knickerbocker Road, Englewood, N. J.) M22F28. CO. Shackelford, Dr. B(enjamin) E(still). A.M., Missouri, 13; Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Asst. to dir. res., Radio Corp. Amer., New York, N. Y. (743 Mosswood Ave., Orange, N. J.) M17F17. B. Shackelford, Miss Laura (Davis). B.S., George Washington, 09. Teacher retired, 3125 Militarv Road NW„ Washington, D. C. M24. B. Shackell, Dr. L(eon) F(rancis). M.D., St. Louis, 14. Pharmacologist, E. R. Squibb and Sons, New Brunswick, N. J. M24- F33. NP. Shackleford, Dr. Martha W. Ph.D., Illi- nois. Prof, biology, Oklahoma Col. Women, Chickasha, Okla. M39- F. Shackleton, S(amuel) Paul. B.S., Michi- gan, 15. Toll maintenance engineer, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M21F40. BM. Shadduck, Dr. Hugh A(llen). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 30. Res. chemist, Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio. (2633 Greenway Road) M34F34. C. Shadle, Dr. Albert R(ay). M.A., Ohio state, 15; Ph.D., Cornell, 33. Prof, biol- ogy and head Dept., LTniv. Buffalo, Buf- falo, N. Y. (143 University Ave.) M17- F33. F. Shaefer, Dr. William E(rnest). Colonial Farms, Avondale, Pa. M21R36. C. Shafer, Dr. George D(aniel). M.A., Stan- ford, 06; Ph.D., Cornell, 08. Prof, emeri- tus physiology, Stanford University, Calif. (321 Melville Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.) M07- F15. FN. Shafer, Dr. John I(rwin), Jr. Ph.D.. Cor- nell, 36. Res. instr., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M40F40. GO. Shaffer, A(llyn) M(oore.). M.S.. North- western, 20. Instr. chemistry, Los An- geles City Col., Los Angeles, Calif. M22. C. Shaffer, Dr. E(lmer) L(entz). A.M., Princeton, 19; Ph.D., 20. Pathologist, St. Francis Hosp.; dir. Shaffer Labs., Tren- ton, N. T. (20S W. State St.) M33F33. NFC. Shaffer, Dr. Laurence F(rederic). A.M., Columbia, 27; Ph.D., 30. Prof, psychology and dir. summer session, Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. (589 Audubon Ave., Mt. Lebanon) M35F35. IQH. Shaffer, Dr. Morris Frank. D.Phil., Ox- ford, 34. Assoc. Div. Microbiology, Squibb Inst. Med. Res., New Brunswick, N. I. M37. N. Shaffer, Prof. Philip A(nderson). Ph.D., Harvard, 04. Prof. biol. chemistry, Wash- ington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M07F11. CN. Shaftesbury, Archie D(avis). Woman's Col., Univ. North Carolina, Greensboro, N. Car. M27R35. F. Shahan, J. Buhl. Elkins, W. Va. M36R36. KQ. Individual Members 853 Shahan, Dr. William Ewing. M.D., Wash- ington Univ., 04; A.M., 12. Clinical prof, ophthalmology, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M24F33. N. Shaklee, Dr. Alfred O(gle). M.D., St. Louis, 08. Assoc, prof, pharmacology, St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo. (5701 Cham- berlain Ave.) M17F33. NpCI. Shakman, James G. B.S., Armour Inst. Tech., 14. Vice pres. operations, Pabst Brewing Co., 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. (917 W. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.) All 7. Shallenberger, Prof. G(arvin) D(ennis). M.S., Tulane, 19; Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Chairman Dept. Physics, Montana State Univ., Missoula, Mont. M31F33. B. Shambaugh, Mrs. Noel F. (Hellen Eliza- beth Ramsdell). M.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 20. Housewife, 2180 Cherry Ave., Signal Hill, Calif. M36. Q. Shambaugh, Dr. Noel F(ranklin). M.D., Michigan, 22; M.S., 26. Asst. clinical prof, medicine, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles ; specialist internal medicine, Long Beach and Los Angeles, Calif. (2180 Cherry Ave., Signal Hill, Calif.) M29F33. NCF. Shamel, Archibald D(ixon). B.S., Illinois, 98. Principal physiologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Riverside, Calif. (2507 Arroyo Drive) M31F32. O. Shand, Dr. Edwin W(illiam). 6658 S. Peoria St., Chicago, 111. (?) M34F34R39. C. Shand, Dr. S. James. Ph.D., Munster, 06; D.Sc, St. Andrews, 10. Prof, geology, Co- lumbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M40. E. Shands, Alexander L. 11 59 Baker Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. (?) M37R37- BK. Shands, W(ayland) A(rthur). M.S., Min- nesota. Assoc, entomologist charge Lab. Insects Investigations, U. S. Bur. Ento- mology and Plant Quarantine, Oxford, N. Car. M30F33. FGO. Shane, Adolph. E.E., Iowa State, 08. Con- sulting engineer, 413 Ash Ave., Ames, Iowa. M40. BM. Shane, Charles Donald. Ph.D., California, 20. Prof, astrophysics, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (89 San Mateo Road) M29F30. DBA. Shane, W. A. Box 232, Bowmanville, Ont., Canada. M32R32. MAD. Shaner, Dr. Ralph F(aust). Ph.D., Har- vard, 20. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. M22F27. NF. Shanes, Abraham M. M.S., New York, 40. Instr. evening session, Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. (88 W. 197th St.) M40. FBG. Shankland, Sherwood D(odge). A.M., Co- lumbia, 18. Executive sec, Amer. Assn. School Administrators, 1201 16th St. NW., Washington, D. C. (1362 Randolph St. NW.) M25F25. Q. Shankweiler, Dr. J(ohn) V(ictor). M.A., Cornell, 27; Ph.D., 31. Prof, biology, Muhlenberg Col., Allentown, Pa. (M29- F33R33)M4oF33. F. Shannon, Dr. Edith R(eed). M.A., New York, 26; Ph.D., 32. Instr. and super- visor practice teaching, State Teachers Col., Paterson, N. J. (65 Glen Ave., Glen Rock, N. J.) M31. EIK. Shannon, Prof. James I(gnatius). A.M., St. Louis, 00. Prof, physics and dir. Dept., St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M11F16. BED. Shannon, O(lyn) W(ayne). M.S., West Virginia, 39. Res. chemist, R. and H. Chemicals Dept., E. I. du Pont de Ne- mours and Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. (625 Ashland Ave.) M39. C. Shannon, Raymond C(orbett). B.S., Cor- nell, 23. Entomologist, International Health Div., Rockefeller Foundation, Caixa Postal 89, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, S. A. M29F32. F. Shanor, Dr. Leland. M.A., North Caro- lina, 37; Ph.D., 39. Instr. botany, Clem- son Agric. Col., Clemson, S. Car. M39- F40. G. Shantz, Dr. H(omer) L(eRoy). Ph.D., Nebraska, 05 ; D.Sc, Colorado Col., 25. Chief, Div. Wildlife Management, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. Moi- F04. G. Vice president for Section on Bo- tanical Sciences (G), I93-- Shapiro, Dr. Harry H. 57 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. M29R33. NHF. Shapiro, Dr. H(arry) L(ionel). A.M., Harvard, 25; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, curator, Amer. Mus. Natural History; lecturer, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M33- F33. H. Shapiro, Dr. Shepard. M.D., New York, 19. Instr. internal medicine, New York Univ. Col. Med.; asst. visiting physician, Welfare Hosp.. Welfare Island; adjunct visiting physician, Hosp. Joint Diseases, New York. N. Y. M23. N. Shapley, Dr. Harlow. A.M.. Missouri, 11; Ph.D., Princeton, 13; Sc.D., Pittsburgh, 31, Pennsylvania, 32, Brown, 33, Prince- ton, 33, Harvard, 33, Toronto, 35; LL.D., Missouri, 27, Oglethrope, 31. Dir. Har- vard Col. Observatory, Cambridge, Mass. M19F23. D. J 'ice president for Section on Astronomy (D), I9?9- Shapley, Miss Mildred Louise. Harvard Col. Observatorv, Cambridge, Mass. M37- R37. D. Shapovalov, Leo. A.M., Stanford, 32. Sen- ior researcher inland water fish, Califor- nia State Div. Fish and Game, Stanford University, Calif. M33F33. F. §54 Directory of Members Shapovalov, Michael. M.S., Maine, 13. Senior pathologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Utah Agric. Exp. Sta., Logan, Utah. (740 Creek Drive, Menlo Park, Calif.) M17- F23. GO. Shappirio, Sol. B.Ch.E., Michigan, 15; LL.B., George Washington, 20. Patent at- torney, Washington Loan and Trust Co. Bldg., Washington, D. C. (481 1 17th St. NW.) M22. CM. Sharbaugh, Dr. George B(ernard). M.D., Temple, 36. Med. Div., Upjohn Co., Kal- amazoo, Mich. M39. N. Share, Dr. William Waldemar. 99 Mc- Donough St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M06F10- R37. CEM. Sharfman, Prof. I. L. 110S Baldwin Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M31R33. K. Sharp, Charles Cutler. Civil and mining engineer retired, Nelsonville, Ohio. Moi- L18. M. Sharp, Dr. Clayton (Halsey). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 95. 294 Fisher Ave., White Plains, N. Y. M96F97. MB. Sharp, Prof. Cleveland G(illespie). M.S., Alabama Polytechnic Inst., 19. Head Dept. Biology, Alabama Col., Montevallo, Ala M38F39. G. Sharp, Donald E(llsworth). 46 Middle- field Drive, West Hartford, Conn. M30- F31R38. MBC. Sharp, Dr. Edward Affleck. M.D., Buffalo, 98. Prof, neurology and assoc. prof, psy- chiatry, Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. (81 Linwood Ave.) M32F33. N. Sharp, Miss Eunice E(lizabeth). A.M., Smith, 34. Teacher science, High School' Chicopee, Mass. (332 Grove St.) M28. QF. Sharp, Dr. George C(unningham). D.D.S., New York, 97. Owner clinic, 702 Citizens Savings Bank Bldg., Pasadena, Calif M29- L32. Nd. Sharp, Henry S. Dept. Geology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M37F32R39. E. Sharp, Miss Josephine I(rene). B.S., South Dakota State. Teacher mathematics,' Senior High School, Aurora, Minn. M37. AQ. Sharp, Mrs. Katharine D(ooris). Mk- D3s. EGD. Sharp, Prof. Lester W(hyland). Ph.D., Chicago, 12; D.Sc, Alma, 30. Prof, bot- any, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y Mio- FiS. G. Sharp, Paul F(rancis). M.S., Minnesota, 20; Ph.D., 22. Prof, dairy chemistrv, Cor- nell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M22F33. "C. Sharp, Dr. William B(arnard). M.S., Chi- cago, 14; Ph.D.. 22; M.D., Rush, 14. Prof, bacteriology, Univ. Texas School Med.; visiting bacteriologist, John Sealy Hosp.; supervisory bacteriologist, City Health Dept., Galveston, Tex. (1724 Boulevard) M25F33. N. Sharp, Prof. Winford L(ee). A.M., Chi- cago, 22; Ph.D., 28. Prof, psychology, Col. Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. M28F33. IQ. Sharpe, Dr. C(harles) F(arquharson) Stewart. Ph.D., Columbia. 38. Assoc, soil conservationist, Climatic and Physio- graphic Div., U. S. Soil Conservation Service, New Philadelphia, Ohio. M32. E. Sharpe, Ralph H. M.S., Texas A. and M. Junior pomologist tung investigations, U. S. Dept. Agric, Cairo, Ga. M40. OG. Sharpies, L(aurence) P. Sharpies Spe- cialty Co., 23rd and Westmoreland Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. M39R39. CM. Sharpies, Philip Price. A.B., Harvard, 95. Board investment, Cambridge Savings Bank, Cambridge, Mass. (17 Farrar St) M99F11. CKM. Sharpies, P(hilip) T. B.S., Swarthmore, 10. Pres., Sharpies Corp. and Sharpies Solvents Corp., 23rd and Westmoreland Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. (Haverford, Pa.) M39. CDE. Sharrocks, Horace F. Box 966, Stanford University, Calif. M36R36. Shartle, Dr. C(arroll) L(eonard). M.A., Columbia, 32; Ph.D., Ohio State, 33. Chief occupational analysis section, Bur. Em- ployment Security, Social Security Board, Washington, D. C. M34. I. Sharwood, Dr. William J(ohn). Mo7Fi^- D38. CEM. Shastid, Dr. Thomas Hall. M.D., Vermont 88; A.M.. Michigan, 01; LL.B., 02; Sc.D., Wisconsin, 29. Physician, 208 Sellwood Bldg., Duluth, Minn. (629 E. 1st St) M36. NF. Shattuck, Dr. George C(heever). M.D., Harvard, 05; A.M., 19. Clinical prof, trop- ical medicine, Harvard Med. School and School Public Health; visiting physician, Boston City Hosp., Boston, Mass. (450 Warren St., Brookline, Mass.) M23F25. N. Shatzer, Prof. C(harles) G(allatin). A.M., Wittenberg. 04; Sc.D., Susquehanna, 21. Dean and prof, geology and geography, Wittenberg Col., Springfield, Ohio. (1003 Woodlawn Ave.) M37F31. E. Shaub, Dr. Howard Conway. Ph.D., Cor- nell. 27. Washington and Tefferson' Col., Washington, Pa. M29F33. ABD. Shaver, Prof. Jesse M(ilton). George Pea- body Col., Nashville, Tenn. M27F32R39. FG. Individual Members 855 Shaver, Dr. Nellie (Hager Abel). M.D., Barnes Med. Col., 13. 207 Chase Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. M38. I. Shaw, Dr. A(lbert) Norman. M.Sc, Mc- Gill, 10; D.Sc, 15; M.A., Cambridge, 13. Dir. Physics Lab. and prof, physics and head Dept., McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada. (1374 Sherbrooke St. W.) M18- F21. BAD. Shaw, C. Ruth (See Mrs. Ruth Shaw Kelley). Shaw, Prof. Charles F(rederick). M07- F16D39. EO. Shaw, Dr. Edwin A(dams). A.M., Har- vard, 16; Ph.D., 18. Prof, education and head Dept., Tufts Col., Medford, Mass. (63 College Ave., West Somerville, Mass.) M25F25. QI. Shaw, Prof. Edwin H(erbert), Jr. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 25. Prof, biochemistry, Univ. South Dakota, Vermillion, S. Dak. (23 Forest Ave.) M29. CNF. Shaw, Miss Ellen Eddy. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, N. Y. M30R34. Q. Shaw, Eugene Wesley. M0SF11D35. E. Shaw, Dr. Frederick W(illiam). 2417 Rosewood Ave., Richmond, Va. M13F27- R36. N. Shaw, Dr. Geoffrey T(horp). Ph.D., Mc- Gill, 36. Res. chemist, Consolidated Min- ing and Smelting Co. Canada, Ltd., Trail, B. C, Canada. (Rossland, B. C, Canada) M39. CMO. Shaw, Harry B(erry). 723 Upshur St. NW„ Washington, D. C. M09F13R39. GO. Shaw, Henry S(outhworth). A.B., Har- vard, 06. Chairman board dir.. Gen. Radio Co., 30 State St., Cambridge. Mass. (136 High St., Exeter, N. H.) M25L31F32. MB. Shaw, Prof. Ira D. Berea, Ky. M37R37. Q. Shaw, Dr. J(acob) K(ingsley). M.S., Massachusetts State, 08; Ph.D., 11. Res. prof, pomology, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. (47 Farview Way) Mi 7- F18. GO. Shaw, John G(ilbert). M.A., Kansas, 32. Asst. entomologist, Div. Fruitfly Investi- gations, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Laboratorio Entomologico, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. (Hacienda de Santa Engracia, Santa Engracia, Tamps., Mex- ico) M38. FGO. Shaw, Prof. J(oseph) B(radfield). 1373 Rittenhouse St., Washington, D. C. M34- F34R37. MC. Shaw, K(endall) J(ones). M.S., North Carolina State, 37. Agent, U. S. Dept. Agric, North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M40F40. GFO. Shaw, Miss Laura Emily. Senior High School, Salinas, Calif. M34R35. GF. Shaw, Dr. L(eon) I(rwin). M.S., Syra- cuse, 08; Ph.D., Wisconsin, n. Develop- ment engineer. Western Electric Co., Inc., Chicago, 111. (921^ Lake St., Oak Park, 111.) M34F34. MC. Shaw, Mrs. Miriam M. (Miriam Marse). Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M34R39. FCG. Shaw, Myril C(lement). 1406 N. 4th St., Columbus, Ohio. M34R35. EM. Shaw, Dr. Ralph J(esse). Ph.D., South- ern California, 37. Assoc, prof., South- eastern State Col., Durant, Okla. M40. FC. Shaw, Dr. Reuben T(aylor). M.A., Ohio Wesleyan, 08; LL.D., 39; Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 26. Head Dept. Science, North- east High School, Philadelphia, Pa. (Highland Ave., Media, Pa.) M08F11. CGQ. Shaw, Dr. Richard N. Twin Brooks Fur Farm, Garland, Maine. (?) M31R32. FN. Shaw, Robert S(tickney). M.A., Columbia, 31. Tutor physics, Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M29L35. ABD. Shaw, Prof. R(obert) William. M.S., Pur- due, 29; Ph.D., Cornell, 34. Asst. prof. astronomv and field dir. Fuertes Observa- tory, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M27. DBA. Shaw, Dr. Robert W(ilson). 116 W. nth St., Pueblo, Colo. M37R37. IQ. Shaw, Dr. Thomas B. M.D., Dartmouth, 94. Box 909, Worcester, Mass. M23. N. Shaw, W. Lawrence. 505 W. 8th St., Clare- mont, Calif. M31R32. KQI. Shaw, William Francis. Box 452, Mer- cedes, Tex. M17F38. M. Shaw, Dr. W(illiam) T(homas). M.Sc, Michigan State, 01 ; Ph.D., Stanford, 26. Assoc, prof, zoology, Fresno State Col., Fresno, Calif. (1002 Cambridge Ave.) M10F21. F. Shaw, W(illiam) M(oses). Tennessee, Agric Exp. Sta., Knoxville, Tenn. M29- R32. COE. Shawhan, Mrs. Fae McClung. A.M., Drake, 26. Asst. prof, zoology, Drake LTniv., Des Moines, Iowa. (134S 25th St.) M39. FG. Shawver, Benjamin Thomas. B.S., Par- sons, 32. Student, Graduate Faculty Pure Science, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (419 W. 121st St.) M39- CBA. Shay, Daniel (Charles). 707 Petroleum Bldg., Ft. Worth, Tex. (?) M37R37- EM. Shay, Dr. Harry. M.D., Pennsylvania, 21. Dir. Med. Res. Lab., Samuel S. Fels Fund, Med. Tower, Philadelphia, Pa. (1530 Locust St.) M32. N. Shea, Sister Ann Elizabeth. A.M., Wis- consin, 31; Ph.D., 34. Registrar and prof, mathematics, St. Mary Col., Leavenworth, Kans. M37. A. 856 Directory of Members Shea, Dr. John Penfield. Ph.D., Kansas, 36. Psychologist, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. M38. IQK. Shea, Dr. Thomas F. M.S., Washington, 27; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 33. Head Dept. Chemistry, Col. Mt. St. Vincent, New York, N. Y. M38. C. Sheafer, A(rthur) W(hitcomb). B.S., Pennsylvania, 77. 325 S. Centre St., Potts- ville, Pa. L79. M. Sheaff, Dr. Howard M(artin). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 19; M.D., Rush, 22. Assoc, prof, clinical medicine, Rush Med. Col.; asst. attending physician, Presbyterian Hosp., Chicago, 111. (827 N. East Ave., Oak Park, 111.) M29F33. NCF. Sheaffer, Frank E(veritt). 132 State House, Indianapolis, Ind. (?) M29R33. FGO. Shear, Dr. C(ornelius) L(ott). A.M., George Washington, 01 ; Ph.D., 06. Col- laborator mycology, U. S. Bur. Plant In- dustry, Washington, D. C. (1219 Oak St., Arlington, Va.) M00F01. GLO. Shear, Elmer Vanderzee. B.S., Cornell, 22, Assoc, pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Beltsville, Md. (5 Clagett Road, Hyattsville, Md.) M24F31. GOF. Shear, Dr. M(urray) J(acob). M.A., Co- lumbia, 22; Ph.D., 25. Senior biochem- ist, Nat. Cancer Inst., Bethesda, Md. (M28F29R38)M4oF29. NC. Sheard, Dr. Charles. M.A., Dartmouth, 07; Ph.D., Princeton, 12; Sc.D., St. Law- rence, 30. Dir. Div. Biophysical Res., Mayo Clinic; prof, biophysics, Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minn. M29F31. BFN. Shearer, Dr. A(mon) R(obert). M.D., Texas, 98. Mont Belvieu, Tex. Mi 7. FNH. Shearer, David R(obert). Mgr., Tennes- see Eastern Electric Co., Johnson City, Tenn. M17F31. MIQ. Shearer, Miss Edith L(ouise). Consult- ing librarian, Western Union Telegraph Co., 60 Hudson St., New York, N. Y. M29. BMC. Shearer, Merle H. M.S., Wisconsin, 28. Teacher, Westport High School, Kansas City, Mo. (3928 Holmes St.) M40. E. Shearer, Prof. P. S. Dept. Animal Hus- bandry, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M36F36R36. O. Sheckman, Dr. Herman. 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M33R33. N. Shedd, Dr. Solon. A.M., Stanford, 07; Ph.D., 10. Box 1888, Stanford University, Calif. M02F06. E. Sheehan, John F. Quadrangle 121-B, Iowa City, Iowa. (?) M36R36. FG. Sheehan, Dr. Mary Rose. A.M., Columbia, 27; Ph.D., 38. Instr., Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (310 W. 85th St.) M40. I. Sheehan, Dr. Robert F(rancis). M.D., Buffalo, 04; M.Sc, Manhattan, 06. Chief neurologist, St. Vincent's Hosp., New York, N. Y. (48 Hampton Road, Scars- dale, N. Y.) M24F27. FN. Sheehy, Maurice William. Ph.G., Leb- anon. 2200 W. Flagler St., Miami, Fla. M39. NpCB. Sheets, Miss Olive (Amy). M.S., Wiscon- sin, 14. State College, Miss. M25. CN. Sheets, Dr. R. Philip. State Hosp., Tra- verse City, Mich. M39R39. NIH. Sheffer, Homer Lewis. Linlithgo, N. Y. M36R38. KHI. Sheffer, Dr. Will G(ross). D.D.S., Cali- fornia, 23. Orthodontist, Medico-Dental Bldg., San Jose; instr. orthodontics, Univ. California Col. Dentistry, San Francisco, Calif. (Los Gatos, Calif.) M40. Nd. Shefloe, Dr. Joseph S(amuel). 2314 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. M29R35. KLQ. Sheinin, Prof. John Jacobi. M.S., North- western, 29; Ph.D., 32. Dean and chair- man Dept. Anatomy, Chicago Med. School, Chicago, 111. (221 S. Central Park Ave.) M34. N. Shelburne, Dr. Samuel A(inslie). M.D., Pennsylvania. Asst. prof, medicine and chief Cardiac Clinic, Baylor Univ. Col. Med., Dallas, Tex. (1719 Pacific Ave.) M40. NC. Sheldon, Dr. Addison E(rwin). Station A, Lincoln, Nebr. M26F32R32. H. Sheldon, Miss Elizabeth Evers. M.S., Utah. Chemist, 865 14th East St., Salt Lake City, Utah. M38. CBA. Sheldon, Mrs. Frank M. (Dorothy Dean). Part time staff member, Y.W.C.A., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. L30. DEF. Sheldon, Prof. H(arold) Horton. M.A., Queens, 17; Ph.D., Chicago, 20; E.E., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 34. Prof, physics, New York Univ.. Washington Square, New York, N. Y. M23F27. B. Sheldon, Mrs. J(ennie) M(aria) Arms. M95F33L34D38. EF. Sheldon, Dr. John L(ewis). M.Sc, Ohio Northern, 99; A.M., Nebraska, 01; Ph.D., 03. 308 Grandview Ave., Morgantown, W. Va. M01F04. G. Sheldon, Miss Pearl G(ertrude). A.M., Cornell, 09; Ph.D., 11. Trustee, Paleonto- logical Res. Inst., 126 Kelvin Place, Ithaca, N. Y. (100 1 Triphammer Road) M28- F31. E. Shelesnyak, Dr. M(oses) C(haim). 1560 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. M38- R38. NI. Shelford, Dr. Victor E(rnest). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 07. Prof, zoology, Univ. Illinois, Vivarium Bldg., Champaign, 111. M07- F13. F. Individual Members 857 Shell, John S(amuel). M.A., Stanford, 34. Dir. res. and development, Thos. J. Dee Co., 1900 W. Kinzie St., Chicago, 111. M23- F33. CN. Shellenberger, Dr. J(ohn) A(lfred). M.S., Kansas State, 30; Ph.D., Minnesota, 35. Head products control, Mennel Milling Co., Fostoria, Ohio. M38F40. CO. Shelley, James M(onroe). A.B., Lafayette, 03. Teacher biology, Olney High School, Philadelphia, Pa. (147 E. Duncannon Ave.) M31. FGE. Shelly, Miss Thelma M. Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. M37R37- BC. Shelton, Dr. E(berle) Kost. M.D., Colo- rado. Assoc, clinical prof, medicine, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. (760 N. Beverly Glen) M30. NIQ. Shelton, George R(iley). U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. M31. AM. Shelton, Dr. Robert S. Dept. Chemistry, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M30R32. C. Shemeley, Dr. William G., Jr. M.D., Hahnemann, 10. Physician, 7 Haddon Ave., Camden, N. J. M30. NIH. Shenefield, S(amuel) L(antz). 1319 Somer- set Road, Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. M29- R32. CMN. Shenstone, A(llen) G(oodrich). M.A., Princeton, 20; Ph.D., 23; M.A., Cam- bridge, 35. Prof, physics, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (111 Mercer St.) M34- F34. B. Shenton, Dr. Herbert N(ewhard). M31- D37. K1X. Shepard, Miss Anna O(sler). B.A., Ne- braska, 26. Investigator, Div. Historical Res., Carnegie Inst. Washington, Boulder, Colo. M29. HEC. Shepard, Dr. Edward M(artin). M34F34- D34. E. Shepard, Prof. F. Carlyle. Guilford Col- lege, N. Car. M32R33. IQB. Shepard, Finley J(ohnson). 120 Broad- way, New York, X. Y. L29. Shepard, Prof. Francis P(arker). Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof, geology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111.; res. assoc, Scripps Inst. Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. (1105 Douglas Ave., Urbana, 111.) M28F31. E. Shepard, Dr. Harold H(enry). M.S., Mary- land, 27; Ph.D., Massachusetts State, 31. Asst. prof, entomology, Univ. Minnesota; asst. entomologist, Minnesota Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M39- F39. F. Shepard, Dr. N(orman) A(rthur). Ph.D., Yale, 13. Dir. technical service, Amer. Cyanamid Co., Stamford, Conn. (Green- wich Lodge, Greenwich, Conn.) M36F36. CBQ. Shepard, Thomas J., Jr. 315 Church St., Ft. Valley, Ga. M32R33. Shepard, Wayne D(elroy). B.S., Califor- nia, 25. Engineer, U. S. Army Motion Picture Service, St. Louis, Mo. (6571 Winnebago St.) M32. MB. Shepard, Dr. William P(eacey). M.D.. Minnesota, 22; M.A., 24. Asst. sec. and Pacific Coast welfare dir., Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 600 Stockton St., San Francisco, Calif. (560 Chaucer St., Palo Alto, Calif.) M28F33. N. Shepard, Miss Winnafred. A.M., Michi- gan, 31. Teacher zoology, Proviso Town- ship High School, Maywood, 111. M22. F. Shepherd, C. Eugene. U. S. Weather Bur., San Diego, Calif. M31R33. ABC. Shepherd, Frank I(rving). M.S., Cincin- nati, 97. Box 145, Route 1, Yorba Linda, Calif. M29. CEN. Shepherd, G(eorge) Frederick. Mus. Science and Industry, Chicago, 111. M33- R36. EKH. Shepherd, Marston Vincent. Dupont, Ind. M31R32. FN. Shepherd, Prof. William R(obert). AI24- F31D34. LEK. Shepherd, Dr. W(illiam) T(homas). M.A., Oklahoma, 05; M.S., 06; Ph.D., George Washington, 10. 1300 Fairmont St. NW., Washington, D. C. M11F1S. IKQ. Sheppard, Prof. O(den) E(lbridge). 826 jrd Ave. S., Bozeman, Mont. M25F33R35. CQ. Sheppard, Dr. Samuel Edward. 183 Monte- roy Road, Brighton, Rochester, N. Y. M25F25R33. C. Shepperd, Prof. John H(enry). M04F11- D39. O. Sherbakoff, Dr. C(onstantine) D(mi- triev). Ph.D., Cornell, 15. Plant patholo- gist and head Dept., Tennessee Agric. Exp. Sta., Knoxville, Tenn. (Fountain City) M26F27. G. Sherer, Prof. Charles R(obert). Dept. Mathematics. Texas Christian Univ., Ft. Worth, Tex. M34F34R36. A. Shereshefsky, Dr. J(udah) Leon. Dept. Chemistrv. Howard Univ., Washington, D. C. M28F33R33. CBQ. Sherff, Dr. Earl E(dward). S.M., Chicago, 12; Ph.D.. 16. Head Dept. Science, Chi- cago Teachers Col.; res. assoc. botany, Field Mus. Natural History, Chicago, 111. (7410 Stewart Ave.) M18F21. G. Sheriff, Dr. W(ilbur) S(penser). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 33. Minister, First Baptist Church, Cooperstown, X. Y. (19 Elm St.) M38. IQK. Sherk, Daniel L(eander). Ph.D., Wiscon- sin, 20. Wood Conversion Co., Cloquet, Minn. (M24F32R32)M35F32. C. 858 Directory of Members Sherlock, Dr. Joseph Russell. M.A., Ford- ham, 33; Ph.D., 37. Assoc, prof, philos- ophy, Manhattan Div., Fordham Col., and School Business, Fordham Univ.; attor- ney and counsellor at law, 2685 Briggs Ave., New York, N. Y. M39. IK. Sherman, Dr. Albert. M38D38. C. Sherman, Miss Althea R(osina). A.M., Oberlin, 82. National, via McGregor, Iowa. M16F33. F. Sherman, Dr. E(llen) Amelia. M.D., Mich- igan, 79. Physician, McGregor, Iowa. M07. N. Sherman, Prof. Franklin. M.S., Maryland, 12. Head Dept. Zoology and Entomology, Clemson Agric. Col.; state entomologist, South Carolina State Crop Pest Com- mission ; entomologist, South Carolina Agric. Exp. Sta., Clemson, S. Car. M34- F25. F. Sherman, Dr. Harley B(akwel). M.A., Michigan, 22; Ph.D., 33. Prof, biology, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M34F34. NF. Sherman, Mrs. Helen Antine. Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M33R33- E. Sherman, Prof. H(enry) C(lapp). Ph.D., Columbia, 97; D.Sc. 29. Prof, chemistry, Columbia Univ.; res. asst., Carnegie Inst. Washington, New York, N. Y. M02F06. C. Sherman, Prof. J(ames) M(organ). M.S., Wisconsin, 12; Ph.D., 16. Prof, bacteriol- ogy and dairy industry, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (223 Willard Way) M17F25. NOF. Sherman, John D(empster), Jr. B.A., Co- lumbia, 94. Bookseller, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ( 132 Primrose Ave.) Mi 7. F. Sherman, Joseph V. A.B., Columbia, 28. Statistician, Fiduciary Counsel, Inc., 14 Wall St., New York, N. Y. (232 Main St., Beacon, N. Y.) M40. KCB. Sherman, Dr. Mandel. Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. M30F33R36. I. Sherman, Robert Moody, Jr. S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 36. 114 Summer St., Fitchburg, N. H. M39. CB. Sherman, Dr. William B(owen). A.M., Co- lumbia, 27 ; M.D., 31. Asst. medicine, Co- lumbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Sur- geons; asst. physician, Presbyterian Hosp.; clinical asst., Roosevelt Hosp., New York, N. Y. M39. N. Sherndal, Dr. A(lfred) E(inar.). Ph.D., Munich, 13. Old Chatham, N. Y. M29F33. CNI. Sherockman, Andrew (Antolcik). A.B., Dubuque. Head Dept. Science and instr. chemistry, Union High School, Burgetts- town, Pa. M38. CQ. Sherover, Max. Pres., Linguaphone Inst., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. (720 Riverside Drive) M37. LI. Sherrill, Dr. Lewis J(oseph). Ph.D., Yale, 29; D.D., Austin, 25; Litt.D., Davidson, 38. Dean and prof, religious education, Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, Louis- ville, Ky. (1853 Overlook Terrace) M36. QIK. Sherrill, Prof. Mary L(ura). A.M., Ran- dolph-Macon Woman's Col., 11; Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Prof, chemistry, Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. M23F33. C. Sherrill, Dr. Miles S(tandish). Ph.D., Breslau, 03. Prof, physical chemistry, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (246 Brattle St.) M17F25. C. Sherrill, Dr. R(ichard) E(llis). M.S., Cor- nell, 28; Ph.D., 33. Head Oil and Gas Dept., Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1318 S. Negley St.) M35F35. E. Sherrod, Dr. Charles C. Ph.D., George Peabody, 24. Pres., State Teachers Col., Johnson City, Tenn. M35. Q. Sherry, Major Bertram J(ohn), U. S. Army. 8907 Shore Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. M21F31. B. Sherwin, Dr. Charles F(rederick). M.D., St. Louis, 14. Assoc, prof, surgery, St. Louis Univ.; surgeon, St. Louis County Hosp., St. Mary's Group, Barnard Hosp., and Missouri Baptist Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. M36. NQ. Sherwood, Dr. Clyde C(rowell). 913 Board Trade Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. M32R34. NCG. Sherwood, Miss Eva A. Spelman Col., At- lanta, Ga. M3iR33- FG. Sherwood, Dr. F(rancis) W(ebber). M.S., North Carolina State, 11; Ph.D., Cornell, 21. Assoc, animal nutrition, North Caro- lina Agric. Exp. Sta., Raleigh, N. Car. (318 N. Boundary St.) M23F33. CON. Sherwood, G(eorge) E(ulas) F(oster). A.M., Harvard, 13; Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Prof, mathematics, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (400 N. Bar- rington Ave.) M40. A. Sherwood, Dr. George H(erbert). M27- F33D37. QF. Sherwood, Dr. Marion B(anks). M.S., Yale, 24; Ph.D., 28. Res. bacteriologist, Exp. Res. Lab., Burroughs Wellcome Co., Tuckahoe. N. Y. (130 Grandview Blvd.) M39. NFC. Sherwood, Prof. Noble Pierce. M.A., Kan- sas, n; Ph.D., 21; M.D., Minnesota, 24. Prof, bacteriology, Univ. Kansas; patholo- gist, Lawrence Memorial Hosp., Law- rence, Kans. (1801 Indiana St.) M34- F27. N. Sherwood, Dr. R(eginald) C(arter). M.S., South Dakota State, 16; Ph.D., Minne- sota, 25. Gen. mgr. res. labs, and vice pres., Res. Products Div., Gen. Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. (1426 Hythe St., St. Paul, Minn.) M28F33. CO. Individual Members 859 Sherwood, Robert M(ilburn). M.S., Michi- gan, 37. Sound engineer, Engng. Labs., Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. (640 Brady St.) M38. BMA. Sherwood, Prof. Thomas C. Dept. Anat- omy and Physiology, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. M33R37. NF. Sherwood, William C, Jr. Forman School, Litchfield, Conn. (?) M36R36. INF. Shetrone, Henry C(lyde). M.A., Ohio, 29. Dir. Ohio State Mus., Columbus, Ohio. M29F30. H. Shevach, Dr. Benjamin J(acques). M.A., Harvard, 31 ; Ph.D., 35. Instr. psychology and education, Hebrew Teachers Col., Roxburv, Mass. (4 Abbotsford St.) M40. IQ. Shewbridge, James T(hurman). B.S., Maryland, 32. Chemist water and sanita- tion, Maryland State Health Dept., Balti- more, Md. (1314 S. Charles St.) M40. C. Shewhart, Dr. Walter A(ndrew). M.A., Illinois, 14; Ph.D., California, 17. Res. statistician. Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (158 Lake Drive, Moun- tain Lakes, N. J.) M30F30. K. Shibley, Dr. Gerald S(pencer). M.D., Co- lumbia, 16. 2469 Kenilworth Road, Cleve- land Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. (M31F33- R36)M39F33. N. Shibuya, Miss Madoka. M.A., Stanford. Res. student bacteriology, Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. (Grant Road, Mountain View, Calif.) M40. NC. Shideler, Dr. William H(enry). Ph.D., Cornell, 10. Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. M12F21. E. Shidy, Leland Perry. M02F11D35. ACG. Shields, Dr. James M. 264 Metropolitan Bldg., Denver, Colo. M35R36. N. Shields, M(arion) Lawrence. A.B. Head Dept. Biologv, Phillipps Acad., Andover, Mass. M28. FG. Shillaber, Charles P(atten). Owner, Shil- laber Industrial Microscopv, 3601 21st Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. M39. CPB. Shilliday, Prof. C(larence) Lee. 1336 Vir- ginia St., Charleston, W. Va. M17F33R35. FN. Shillinger, Dr. J. E. U. S. Bur. Biol. Sur- vey, Washington, D. C. M31R32. FN. Shillito, Dr. Frederick H. 620 W. 168th St., New York, N. Y. M38R38. N. Shimek, Prof. Bohumil. 529 Brown St., Iowa City, Iowa. M02F04R33. EG. Vice president for Section on Geology and Geog- raphy (E), 191 1. Shimer, Prof. Hervey W(oodburn). A.M., Lafayette, 01; Ph.D., Columbia, 04; Sc.D., Gettysburg, 16. Cottage St., Hingham, Mass. M03F09. E. Vice president for Sec- tion on Geology and Geography (E), 1922. Shimer, Dr. Porter William. M89F09V39- D38. C. Shimer, Prof. Stanley R(eiss). M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 23. Asst. prof, agric. and biol. chemistry, Univ. New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. M25. C. Shimer, Dr. William A(llison). A.M., Ro- chester, 22; A.M., Harvard, 24; Ph.D., 25. Executive sec, United Chapters Phi Beta Kappa, editor The American Scholar, 12 E. 44th St., New York, N. Y. (50 Morn- ingside Drive) M34F36. QLK. Shimmin, J(ohn) T. M36D— . M. Shimotori, G(eorge). A.B., California. 411 7th St., Oakland, Calif. M38. BAD. Shimp, William Bennett. M.A., Ohio, 36. Operator, Cory Patterson Mfg. Co. ; edi- tor, Journal of Musicology; owner and manager. Music Science Press., Green- field, Ohio. M36. IP. Shinar, Miss Catherine. 150 Claremont Ave., New York, N. Y. M34R36. FHG. Shinkle, Vincent G(arman). Vice pres., Moody Engng. Co., Inc., 140 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. (245 W. 107th St.) M36. BCE. Shinn, Prof. F(rederick) L(afayette). A.M., Indiana, 02; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 06. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. (854 18th Ave. E.) M17F25. C. Shinn, Dr. Lawrance E. Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 36. Res. bacteriologist, Inst. Pathology, Western Pennsylvania Hosp., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Ruskin Apartments) M38. NCG. Shinn, Miss Milicent W(ashburn). Ph.D., California, 98. Teacher retired, Niles, Calif. M28F33. QHI. Shinn, Dr. Owen L(ouis). Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 97. Prof, applied chemistry, Univ. Pennsvlvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M28F10. C. Shinowara, Dr. George Y(ukio). M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State. Chem. pathologist, Starling Loving Univ. Hosp., Columbus, Ohio. M40. NC. Shipley, Dr. John Wesley. Ph.D., Harvard, 13. Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Alberta, Ed- monton, Alta., Canada. M16F33. C. Shipley, Miss Sylvia (Cecelia). A.B., Vas- sar, 38. Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M38. LH. Shipley, Dr. Walter Cleveland. M.A., Wis- consin, 29; Ph.D., Yale, 33. Res. assoc, Hartford Retreat, Hartford; lecturer, Wes- leyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. (45 Cum- berland St., Hartford, Conn.) M39. I. Shipman, Eugene Hicks. Hotel Traylor, Allentown, Pa. (?) M18R34. M. Shipman, Dr. Julia M(ary). M.A., Clark. 23 ; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof., Dept. Geology and Geography, Mt. Holyoke Col.. South Hadley, Mass. M31F33. E 86o Directory of Members Shipman, Dr. Sidney J(erome). M.D., Michigan, 19. Assoc, clinical prof, medi- cine, Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. (135 Darien Wav) M40. NFB. Shipman, Truman G(aylord). Assoc, meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bur., Daven- port, Iowa. M24. B. Shipp, V. L. Socony-Vacuum Gen. Labs., 412 Greenpoint Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M33R34. c. Shippee, Vernon C(lare). M.S., Southern California, 32. Instr. chemistry and physics, Orange Union High School, Orange, Calif. (548 N. Cambridge St.) M22. CBQ. Shippy, Dr. W(illiam) B(yron). M.S., Iowa State, 27; Ph.D., Columbia, 30. Assoc, plant pathologist, Celery Lab., Florida Agric. Exp. Sta., Sanford, Fla. M27F30. G. Shipton, Prof. Washburne D. M.S., Iowa, 16. Assoc, prof, geology, dean men, and asst. dean Col. Liberal Arts, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M35F21. E. Shiras, Miss Anne. B.A., Bryn Mawr, 25. Med. photographer, Univ. Pittsburgh School Med., Pittsburgh, Pa. (4841 Ells- worth Ave.) M39. N. Shiras, George, III. 460 E. Ridge St., Mar- quette, Mich. M11F14R38. F. Shiras, O. C. 126 Elm St., Hudson, Ohio. M35R35. Shires, Luke B. M.S., Pennsylvania, 26. Dept. Chemistry, New Mexico State Col., State College, N. Mex. M29F33. CB. Shirk, Dr. Claude Joseph. A.M., McPher- son, 02; M.S.D., 03; M.S., Chicago, 09; Ph.D., Nebraska, 24. Prof, biology, Ne- braska Wesleyan Univ., Lincoln, Nebr. M19F21. GF. Shirk, Prof. J(ames) A(bram) G(arfield). A. M., McPherson, 02; M.S., Kansas, 05. 116 E. Lindburg Ave., Pittsburg, Kans. M28F33. ADM. Shirley, Dr. Hardy L(omax). Ph.D., Yale, 28. Dir. Allegheny Forest Exp. Sta., Phil- adelphia, Pa. (800 N. Jackson St., Media, Pa.) M24F31. GO. Shirley, Prof. J(ames) C(lifford). Phillips Univ., Enid, Okla. M36R37. G. Shirley, Mrs. Mary Connard. A.B., Vassar, 26. Housewife, 800 N. Jackson St., Media, Pa. M29F31. GC. Shirley, Dr. Mary (Margaret). M.A., Ph.D., Minnesota. 316 Longwood Ave., Boston, Mass. M36F36. I. Shirling, A(lbert) E(lwood). M.A., Kan- sas, 17. Chairman natural science and geographv, Teachers Col., Kansas City, Mo. M31. GEF. Shissler, William (Clyde), Jr. 250 W. Orange St., Lancaster, Pa. M37R38. CEO. Shive, Dr. John W(esley). A.M., Dickin- son, 08; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 15. Chief Div. Botany and prof, plant physiology, Rutgers Univ.; plant physiologist, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, N. J. M17F21. G. Shlaer, Dr. Simon. M.A., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., 37. Res. assoc, Lab. Biophysics, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M38. FBC. Shmied, E(rnest) A(rthur). 2801 Park Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. M36R36. MAI. Shober, Prof. Everett Reiman. M.A., Co- lumbia, 32. Assoc, prof, education and reg- istrar, Bridgewater Col., Bridgewater, Va. M39. FQ. Shock, Dr. Nathan Wetherill. M.S., Pur- due, 27; Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Asst. prof, physiology and res. assoc. Inst. Child Welfare, Univ. California, Berkelev. Calif. M31F33. INC. Shockley, Wilfred. M.S., Montana State. 37. Agent, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Darby, Mont. M37. F. Shoemaker, Clarence R(aymond). Asst. curator, Div. Marine Invertebrates, U. S. Xat. Mus., Washington, D. C. M25F32. F. Shoemaker, Dr. D(aniel) N(aylor). 6800 Eastern Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. M29F31R33. OGH. Shoemaker, Dr. Hurst H(ugh). Ph.D., Chicago, 38. Instr. zoology, Vivarium Bldg., Univ. Illinois, Champaign, 111. M40. FN I. Shoemaker, Dr. J(ames) S(heldon). M.S., Iowa State, 22; Ph.D., Minnesota, 25. Dept. Horticulture, Univ. Alberta, Edmon- ton, Alta., Canada. M34F34. G. Shoemaker, Dr. Lois Meier. M.A., Colum- bia, 24; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, science, State Teachers Col., Trenton, N. J. (Upper Ferry Road) M32F33. Q. Shoemaker, Morris Bennett. M.A., Colum- bia, 36. Instr. science. State Teachers Col., Trenton, N. J. M38. QGF. Shoenfeld, Dr. Dudley D. M.D., Bellevue Med. Col. Consulting psychiatrist, Hebrew Orphan Asylum, New York, N. Y. (320 Central Park W.) M38. NIF. Shoenfield, Allen. 525 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor, Mich. M28R32. Q. Shohan, Dr. Joseph. M.D., Maryland. Piedmont Memorial Hosp., Greensboro, N. Car. M39. NKH. Shohara, Dr. H. Helen. M.A., Michigan, 27; Ph.D., 32. 2022 Angell Hall, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M38. LFI. Shohat, Prof. James A(lexander). Ph.D., Petrograd, 22. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (600 S. Eagle Road, Manoa, Upper Darby, Pa.* M29F29. ADK. Individual Members 861 Sholes, Prof. Russel George. Middlebury Col., Middlebury, Vt. M29R32. K. Shollenberger, Prof. Forest J(ay). 415 Vincent St., Alliance, Ohio. M34F34R36. BQ. Shollenberger, Joseph Heilman. B.S., Pennsylvania State, 13. Principal agric. technologist, U. S. Northern Regional Res. Lab., Peoria, 111. (no Parkside Drive) M39- OK. Shone, Capt. Thomas Leopold Hamilton. Technical dir., South African Manganese Ltd., Postmasburg, Cape Province, S. Africa. M32. EM. Shontz, Miss Geraldine. M.A., Iowa. 232 Van Buren St., Terre Haute, Ind. M38. QFG. Shook, Prof. G(lenn) A(lfred). Norton, Mass. M34F34R34. B. Shoop, John E. M.A., Columbia, 33. Head Dept. Biology, Senior High School, New Rochelle, N. Y. (60 Barnard Road) M40. GFN. Shope, Dr. P(aul) F(ranklin). M.S., Col- orado, 25; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 31. Asst. prof., Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (1202 24th St.) M29F31. G. Shope, Dr. Richard E(dwin). M.D., Iowa, 24. Assoc, member, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., Princeton, N. J. M31F33. N. Shore, Henry. M.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 25; P.E., State New York, 31; LL.B., New York Law School, 38. Patent engineer, Radio Corp. Amer., New York, N. Y. (155 E. 48th St.) M32F33. MBA. Shorey, Dr. Edmund C(ecil). M25F29D39. CO. Shorr, Miss Rose. 4S18 Beach 45th St., Sea Gate, Brooklyn, N. Y. M29. AIQ. Short, Frank R(ussell). M.Sc, Ohio State. Instr. science. High School, New Lexing- ton, Ohio. (259 Maple Heights) M40. CQ. Short, Gregory S(mythe). 526 S. Union Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. M33R37. F. Short, Dr. James J. M.D., Buffalo. Assoc, clinical prof, medicine, New York Post Graduate Med. School and Hosp., New York, N. Y. M35F3S- N. Short, Jessie M(ay). Reed Col., Portland, Oreg. M2SF26R3S- ADE. Short, R(obert) L(ouis). 6932 Amherst Ave., University City, St. Louis, Mo. M27- F08. A. Short, W(illiam) T(homas). A.M., Okla- homa, 34. Head Dept. Mathematics, Okla- homa Baptist Univ., Shawnee, Okla. (303 W. Georgia St.) M39. ADB. Shortess, Prof. George S(eidel). Eliza- bethtown Col., Elizabethtown, Pa. M29- R32, FG. Shortle, Walter C(harles). B.Ch.E., North- eastern, 31. Head chemist, Laconia Mal- leable Iron Co., Laconia, N. H. (505 Main St.) M38. CBA. Shotwell, Robert L(eslie). U. S. Entomo- logical Lab., Bozeman, Mont. M29R32. FGI. Shoub, Hyman Louis. 135 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. M25F33R34. N. Shover, Miss (Carolyn) Grace. 414 S. Wayne Ave., Columbus, Ohio. M30R34. A. Showalter, Dr. A(mos) M(artin). M.A., Wisconsin, 20; Ph.D., 22. Prof, biology and chemistry, Madison Col., Harrison- burg, Va. (310 Paul St.) M25F27. GF. Showalter, Dr. D(onald) F(ox). M.A., Nebraska, 17; Ph.D., Kansas, 31. Dean and prof, education and psychology, Ar- kansas State Col., Jonesboro, Ark. M36- F36. IQ. Showalter, Dr. Hiram M(iller). M38- D38. G. Shpiner, Dr. Leonard Benjamin. M.S., Chicago, 27; Ph.D., 29; M.D., Rush, 31. Physician, Cambridge Hosp., Cambridge, Mass. (420 Memorial Drive) M34F34. N. Shrader, Dr. J(ames) Edmond. A.M., Ohio State, 10; Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof. physics, Drexel Inst. Tech., Philadelphia, Pa. M23F25. B. Shrader, Dr. James Houston. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 13. Prof, chemistry, Eastern Nazarene Col., Wollaston, Mass. M28F33. CDN. Shrader, John J(oseph) S(hambora). 184 Alvin St.. Freeland, Pa. M34R37. EMC. Shreve, Dr. Darrell R. M.S., Oklahoma A. and M., 31; Ph.D., Illinois, 38. Instr. mathematics, Purdue Univ., West Lafay- ette, Ind. M40. AQM. Shreve, Mrs. Edith Bellamy. Desert Lab., Tucson, Ariz. M17F22. GQ. Shreve, Dr. Forrest. Ph.D.. Johns Hop- kins, 05. Desert Lab., Tucson, Ariz. M06- F09. G. President of Southwestern Division, 1929. Shreve, Prof. R(andolph) Norris. B.A., Harvard, 08. Prof. chem. engng. charge organic technology, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M18F25. C. Shrewsbury, Robert. Eureka Products Co., 117 N. 3rd St., Louisville, Ky. (?) M29- R34. c. Shrigley, Dr. Edward W(hite). M.S., Iowa State, 33; M.A., Harvard, 34; Ph.D., Wis- consin, 37. Med. student, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M31L33. FNG. Shriner, Dr. Ralph L(loyd). M.S., Illinois, 23; Ph.D., 25. Prof, organic chemistry, LTniv. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M28F32. C. Shriver, Miss Helen. 2004 Spring- Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. M23R34. EFH. 862 Directory of Members Shrock, Prof. Robert R(obert). A.M., In- diana, 26; Ph.D., 28. Asst. prof, geology, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (383 Harvard St.) M27F31. E. Shrum, Edison E(ugene). Route 1, Ad- vance, Mo. M38. ECD. Shrum, Dr. G(ordon) M(erritt). M.A., Toronto, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Prof, and head Dept. Physics, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C, Canada. (M34F25R34)- M39F25. B. Shuck, Dr. A. L. Route 2, Elsberry, Mo. M34F34R37. G. Shuey, Dr. Herbert. Ph.D., Kansas, 34. Dir. psychological service, Topeka Public Schools; consulting psychologist, State Industrial School Boys, Topeka, Kans. M38. INK. Shuey, P(hilip) McG. B.S., Virginia Poly- technic Inst. Pres., Shuey and Co., Inc., Savannah, Ga. (115 E. Bay St.) M36. C. Shugart, Harold E. 911 N. Sycamore Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M36R39. BMA. Shuger, Dr. Leroy W(oodrow). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 34. Tech. dir., Baltimore Paint and Color Works, Inc., Baltimore, Md. (150 S. Calverton Road) M39. C. Shuhart, Dr. D. V. Dept. Horticulture, Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M32R32. OG. Shukers, Dr. Carroll F(ranklin). A.M., Kansas, 33; M.D., Chicago, 39. Assoc, prof, physiological chemistry, Univ. Ar- kansas School Med., Little Rock, Ark. M39. NC. Shuler, Dr. Ellis W(illiam). M.A., Vander- bilt, 07; M.A., Harvard, 14; Ph.D., 15. Prof, geology and dean Graduate School, Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, Tex. M08F31. E. Shuler, Dr. Lacey L(ee). A.M., Indiana, 16; M.D., 19. 510 Hume-Mansur Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. (M24R32)M40. N. Shull, Prof. A(aron) Franklin. Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 11. Prof, zoology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (431 Highland Road) M07F13. F. Shull, Dr. Charles A(lbert). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 15. Prof, plant physiology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5605 Drexel Ave.) M07F15L24. GO. Shull, Dr. George H(arrison). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 04. Prof, botany and genetics, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (60 Jef- ferson Road) M03F05. G. Shull, Harry Husted. Chief chemist, McNeil Labs., Inc., 2900 N. 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. (614 E. Price St., Ger- mantown) M33. C. Shull, J(ames) Marion. Assoc, botanist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Beltsville, Md. (207 Raymond St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M39. G. Shumacher, Babette Leyens. Dept. Zool- ogy, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. M32R32. F. Shuman, Dr. A(lbert) C(ornwell). Ph.D., Cornell, 35. Res. chemist, Gen. Foods Corp., Hoboken, N. J. (251 Santiago St., Rutherford, N. J.) M39. CE. Shuman, Dr. Harry B. D.M.D., Harvard Dental School. 128 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. M40. Nd. Shuman, Jesse Wyman. B.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 97. Sec.-treas., Power Engng. Co., 716 Metropolitan Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. (400 Summit Ave.) M29. ADM. Shuman, Dr. John R(andall). Ph.M., Wis- consin, 37; Ph.D., 38. Instr. genetics, Pur- due Univ., West Lafayette, Ind. M40. FG. Shumway, Prof. Royal R(uss). B.A., Min- nesota, 03. Prof, mathematics and asst. dean students work, Col. Science, Litera- ture and Arts, Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. M10F38. A. Shumway, Prof. Waldo. A.M., Columbia, 13; Ph.D., 16. Prof, zoology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M15F25. FN. Shunk, Dr. Ivan V(aughan Detweiler). A.M., West Virginia, 16; Ph.D., Rutgers, 28. Assoc, prof, botany, North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. (1809 Park Drive) M34F34- GN. Shurrager, Dr. P(hil) S(heridan.). M.A., Ohio, 32; Ph.D., Illinois, 39. Fellow, Dept. Psychology, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M40. INF. Shute, Dr. Daniel Kerfoot. M01F06D35. N. Shutt, Donald B(ethune). B.S.A., Toronto, 22. Lecturer dairy bacteriology, Ontario Agric. Col., Guelph, Ont., Canada. (198 King St.) M35F35. NO. Shutt, Dr. Frank Thomas. M98F98D40. C. Shuttleworth, Dr. Frank K(ayley). M.A., Iowa, 23; Ph.D., 25. Asst. prof., Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. (27 Norris St., Hamden, Conn.) M39F40. IQ. Shwartzman, Dr. Gregory. M.D., Brussels, 20. Head Dept. Bacteriology, Mt. Sinai Hosp. ; clinical prof, bacteriology, Colum- bia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. (in E. 88th St.) M26- F33. N. Sias, Dr. A(zariah) B(oody). A.M., Ro- chester, 22; Ph.D., Stanford, 26. Box 514, Athens, Ohio. M29F32. QKA. Sibberns, Henry. Box 543, Seguin, Tex. M32R37. Sibley, Charles K(err). Ph.D., Cornell, 25. 755 S. Price Road, Clayton, Mo. M22- F33. F. Sibley, Prof. Frederick H(ubbard). M.E., Case. Dean, Univ. Nevada, Reno, Nev. M18F25. M. Individual Members 863 Sibley, Robert. 2471 Cedar St., Berkeley, Calif. M34F34R34. M. Sibole, Barton P(resley). B.S., Pennsyl- vania, 11. Vice pres., Stanolind Pipe Line Co., Tulsa, Okla. (214 E. 24th Place) M40. MKQ. Sichel, Dr. F(erdinand) J(acob) M(orris). Sc.M., New York, 30; Ph.D., 34. Instr. physiology, Univ. Vermont Col. Med., Burlington, Vt. (34 Henderson Terrace) M38. FN. Sickenberger, Dr. Ernest F. 107 Summit Ave., Hackensack, N. J. M0SR35. N. Sickman, Dr. Darrell V(ance). Ph.D., Princeton, 32. Asst. prof., Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. M40. C. Siddle, Dr. Robert W(illiarri). A.M., Mis- souri, 27; M.D., Rush, 31. Assoc, prof, physiology and pharmacology, Univ, Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. M38. Np. Siddons, Frederick P(hilip) H(eyward). A.B., Wisconsin, 20; LL.B., National, 23. Sec, Amer. Security and Trust Co., Wash- ington, D. C. M40. Sidenberg, George M. 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y. M18R34. Sidener, Prof. Charles Frederick. B.S., Minnesota. Prof, emeritus analytical chem- istry, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1320 5th St. SE.) M07F16. C. Sideris, Dr. Christos Plutarch. Univ. Ha- waii, Honolulu, Hawaii. M25F26R37. G. Sidlo, Thomas L. Pres., Foreign Affairs Council, 1956 Union Commerce Bldg. ; chairman, Citizens Tax League, Cleve- land, Ohio. M26. ON. Sidwell, Dr. C(larence) E(dward). 608 4th Ave., Longmont, Colo. M37R37. N. Sidwell, Raymond. Ph.D., Iowa, 28. Assoc, prof., Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. M30F33. E. Siebel, E(mil) A(lfred). B.Sc, 05. Pres., E. A. Siebel and Co., 8 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. M31. BCN. Siebel, Frederick P(eter). 960 Montana St., Chicago, 111. M29. CMA. Sieber, Miss Isabel. 5825 Tyndall Ave., New York, N. Y. M38R38. CBN. Sieg, Dr. L(ee) P(aul). M.S., Iowa, 01 ; Ph.D., 10; LL.D., Pittsburgh, 34. Pres., Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (808 36th Ave. N.) M17F21. B. Siegbahn, Dr. (Karl) Manne (Georg). Ph.D., Lund, 11. Head, Res. Inst. Physics, Royal Acad. Sciences, Stockholm, Swe- den. M28F30. B. Siegel, Alfred. B.S., Pittsburgh, 23. Res. chemist, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., 256 Vanderpool St., Newark, N. J. (133 W. 6th Ave., Roselle, N. J.) M39. CBN. Siegel, Dr. Charles. D.D.S., New York, 21. 30-06 33rd St., Astoria, N. Y. M33. Nd. Siegel, Dr. Mortimer L. M.D., Western Reserve, 22. Senior clinical instr., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (10515 Carnegie Ave.) M40. N. Siegele, Elizabeth Marie. 6219 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. M33R34. F. Siegfried, Joseph H(enry). 507 1st Ave., Kennewick, Wash. Mi 7. M. Siegfriedt, Dr. J(ohn) C(asper) F(red). Red Lodge, Mont. M31R34. E. Siegman, Samuel M(ark). M29D35. Siegman, Simon. M36D — . E. Siem, Roy (Cornelius). B.S., California. Box 129, Route 1, Pittsburg, Calif. M39. CMB. Siems, Dr. H(erman) B. Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Chief chemist, Fertilizer Works, Swift and Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. M32F33. COG. Sieplein, Dr. O(tto) J(ulius). M.S., Case, 02; Ph.D., Bonn, 06. Res. chemist and mgr. paint proving grounds, Sun Test Roof, Coral Gables, Fla. M29F33. CBO. Sievers, Fred J(ohn). M.S., Wisconsin, 24. Dir. Massachusetts Agric. Exp. Sta. and dir. Graduate School, Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M24F24. OQ. Sievers, Hans. Teacher theory music, 43 Fremont St., Bridgeport, Conn. M37. QHI. Siewers, Dr. Albert B. M.D., Med. Col. Virginia. Physician, 713 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. M38. NIK. Sifton, Prof. H(arold) B(oyd). M.A., To- ronto, 15; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof, botany, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. (10 Rathnally Ave.) M14F31. G. Sigal, Dr. Alex. M.S., Cincinnati, 32; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 37. Res. chemist, Pabst Brewing Co., Peoria, 111. M38. CNO. Sigerfoos, Charles Peter. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 97. Prof, emeritus zoology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (Arcanum, Ohio) M04F06. F. Sigerist, Dr. Henry E(rnest). M.D., Zu- rich, 17; D.Lit., Witwatersrand, 39. Prof, history medicine and dir. Inst. History Med., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M34F35- LN. Sigler, Dr. Louis H. M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 19. Attending cardiologist, Coney Island Hosp. and Harbor Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y. (255 Eastern Parkway) M35. N. Sikorski, Dr. Joseph L. D.O., Philadel- phia, 31, Col. Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, 32. Osteopathic physician and surgeon, 809 West St., Wilmington, Del. M40. NCI. 8(»4 Directory of Members Silberberg, Dr. Martin. M.D., Breslau, 20. Res. assoc. pathology, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (4535 Lindell Blvd.) M40. N. Silberstein, Miss Edith. B.S., California. Head Dept. Science, George Washington High School, San Francisco, Calif. (145 22nd Ave.) M29. CQP. Siler, Col. J(oseph) F(ranklin). M.D., Vir- ginia, 98. U. S. Army retired, Washing- ton, D. C. (3434 34th Place NW.) M13F15. NFI. Siler, Mrs. Kenneth A. (Mrs. Margaret Benedict Siler). Dept. Physiology, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M31R34. G. Siler, Kenneth (Andrew). Dept. Physiol- ogy and Pharmacology, Univ. Arkansas School Med., Little Rock, Ark. M35R38. NF. Silk, Dr. Samuel A. M.D., Temple, 10; Ph.G., 11. Clinical dir., St. Elizabeth Hosp.; instr. psychiatry, George Wash- ington Univ., Washington, D. C. M38 NIH. Sill, Miss Jane B(urges). M.A., Columbia, 36. A.sst. clinical psychologist, Lab. Phy- siological Psychology, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. (70 Howe St.) M38. IQK. Sillcox, Dr. Lewis K(etcham). D.Sc, Clarkson Col. Tech., 32. First vice pres., New York Air Brake Co., New York, N. Y. (519 Washington St., Watertown, N. Y.) M21. KMP. Silliman, Charles. Munsey Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. M17R35. M. Silliman, Miss Frances E(rnestine). M.S., Michigan, 33. Teacher biology, Laurel School, Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. (Hibbing, Minn.) M40. QFG. Sillman, Dr. J. Harod. 321 E. 54th St., New York, N. Y. M33R33. NHB. Silsbee, Dr. Francis B(riggs). M.S., Mas- sachusetts Inst. Tech., 11; Ph.D., Har- vard, 15. Chief Electrical Instruments Sec- tion, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. M17F21L37. BM. Silva, Prof. Alfredo. A.M., Columbia, 27. Assoc, prof, psychology, Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R. (22 Gertrudis St., Santurce, P. R.) M40. IQ. Silva, J(oseph) M(artin). School St., Rehoboth, Mass. M33. CAM. Silver, A(rthur) E(lmer). B.S., Maine, 02. Consulting electrical engineer, Ebasco Services, Inc., 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. (360 N. Fullerton Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J.) M30F32. M. Silver, Bruce R(obinson). S.M., New York, 15. Mgr. technical service, New Jer- sey Zinc Co., 160 Front St., New York, N. Y. M39. CBM. Silver, Dr. Samuel L(ewis). 3728 Dawson St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M38R39. CNF. Silverman, Dr. A(braham) Clement. 608 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. M28R32. NIF. Silverman, Dr. Alexander. M.S., Pitts- burgh, 07; Sc.D., Pittsburgh, 30, Alfred, 36. Prof, and head Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Pittsburgh; consultant glass, Pitts- burgh, Pa. (1514 Denniston Ave.) M29- F33. CQ. Silverman, Shirleigh. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 30. Res. physicist, Rayon Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Buffalo, N. Y. M34F34. B. Silverman, Sidney J(oseph). M.S., Cornell, 38. Junior lab. technician, Div. Labs, and Res., New York State Dept. Health, Al- bany, N. Y. (200 Lancaster St.) M40. ON. Silverman, Simon S. 790 Grand Con- course, Bronx, New York, N. Y. M36R36. IHK. Silvers, Dr. Lewis J. (Gorman). 1050 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M31R37. N. Silvey, Prof. O(scar) W(illiam). A.M., Indiana, 10; Ph.D., Chicago, 15. Prof. physics and head Dept., A. and M. Col. Texas, College Station, Tex. M18F31. B. Simanton, F(rank) L(eslie). 1920 Park- wood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. (?) M18F20- R33. FO. Simanton, W. A. Gulf Res. and Develop- ment Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35R35. Sime, P. R. 1216 W. 10th St., Amarillo, Tex. M38. F. Simes, Mrs. William (Fannie S. Simes). 46 Chestnut St., Boston, Mass. M08L31. Simkins, Prof. Cleveland S(ylvester). 875 Monroe Ave., Memphis, Tenn. (M26F26- R32)M3SF26R37. N. Simmonds, Dr. Nina (Nina Simmonds Estill). M.A., Johns Hopkins, 22; Sc.D., 24. Lecturer medicine and nutrition, Univ. California Med. Center, San Francisco, Calif. (1355 Willard St.) M36. N. Simmonds, Dr. Prye Morton. M.S., Wis- consin, 25 ; Ph.D., 28. Senior plant pathol- ogist, Dominion Lab. Plant Pathology, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. M26F32. G. Simmons, Charles S(haffer). M.S., Penn- sylvania State, 31. Asst. soil surveyor, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M40F40. OEC. Simmons, Frederick J(ohnson). 74 Win- chester St., Keene, N. H. M33R34- KHI. Simmons, Dr. George H(enry). M07F14- D37. N. Simmons, Glen R. B.S., Chicago, 36. Chem. engineer, Hawthorn Plant, West- ern Electric Co., Cicero, 111. (5742 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111.) M40. C. Individual Members 865 Simmons, Col. James Stevens. M.D., Pennsylvania, 15; Ph.D., George Wash- ington, 34; D.Sc., Davidson, 37; D.P.H., Harvard, 39. Asst. to chief, Professional Service Div.. Office Surgeon Gen., U. S. Armv Washington, D. C. (3507 Rodman St. NW.) M24F33. N. Simmons, Prof. J(oseph) E. M.S., Wiscon- sin, 18. Prof, bacteriology, Oregon State Col.; bacteriologist, Oregon Agric. Exp. Sta., Corvallis, Oreg. M25F33. N. Simmons, Maurice. 347 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M28R34- K. Simmons, Perez. B.Sc, Massachusetts State, 16. Entomologist, U. S. Dried Fruit Insect Lab., Fresno, Calif. M25F26. F. Simmons, Victor L(eonidas). M.A., George Washington, 34. Asst. animal husbandman, U. S. Dept. Agric, Belts- ville, Md. (103 Rushe Road, University Park, Hyattsville, Md.) M40F40. OK. Simms, Prof. B(ennett) T(homas). D.V.M., Alabama Polytechnic Inst., 11. Regional Animal Disease Res. Lab., Au- burn, Ala. M34F34. N. Simms, Prof. Frederick F(rancoz). 1428 Pendleton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M24R32. QMB. Simms, Dr. Henry S(wain). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 22. Asst. prof, biochemistry, Co- lumbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Sur- geons, New York, N. Y. M33F33. NCF. Simon, Dr. Arthur. M.E.. Darmstadt, 02; Sc.D., Marquette, 34. Consulting engineer and patent consultant, 735 N. Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. (3220 W. Juneau Ave.) M18. M. Simon, Dr. Clarence T(urkle). M.A., Northwestern, 22; Ph.D., Iowa, 25. Prof, speech therapy and asst. dean School Speech, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M29F33. IQH. Simon, Prof. Franz. Ph.D., Berlin, 22; M.A., Oxford, 35. Reader thermodynamics, Univ. Oxford, Oxford, England. (10 Bel- broughton Road) M39. BC. Simon, Dr. R(ichard) J(oseph). M.D., Pittsburgh, 29. Asst. pathologist, Mercy Hosp.; instr. pathology, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (239 S. Fairmount St.) M31. F. Simon, Prof. Webster G(odman). A.M., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., Chicago, 18. Prof, mathematics and dean faculties arts and sciences, Western Reserve Univ., Cleve- land, Ohio. M20F33. A. Simonds, Dr. Frederic W(illiam). M.S., Cornell, 76; Ph.D., Syracuse, 79; D.Sc, Arkansas, 93. Prof, geology retired, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M76F88E29. E. Simonds, Dr. James P(ersons). M.D., Rush, 07; Dr.P.H., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Prof, and head Dept. Pathol- ogy, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. M18F21. N. Simonian, V(artkess) H(ovaness). Ph.C, American Univ. Beirut, 36. Instr., Royal Col. Pharmacy, Baghdad, Iraq. M38. CGNp. Simons, Arthur H. M35D36. Simons, Mrs. Carrie L(aura). 4021 Alam- eda Drive, San Diego, Calif. M25. F. Simons, Dr. Etoile B(essie). 7539 Colfax Ave., Chicago, 111. M06R32. GK. Simons, Dr. George Albert. A.M., Bald- win-Wallace, 05; D.D., 08. Clergyman, Folsom Ave. Methodist Church; lecturer and writer, Glendale, Queens, N. Y. (7129 68th Place) M39. HIK. Simons, Dr. J(oseph) H. M.S., Illinois, 22; Ph.D., California, 23. Prof, physical chemistry, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M25F25. CB. Secretary of Sec- tion on Chemistry (C), 1932-36. Simons, Prof. Kenneth W(alter). M.S., South Dakota State, 29. Asst. prof., Dept. Botany, Northwestern Missouri State Teachers Col., Maryville, Mo. M36. GFN. Simons, Dr. Lao G(enevra). A.M., Colum- bia, 12; Ph.D., 24. Prof, and chairman Dept. Mathematics, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (875 West End Ave.) M28- F32. AL. Simons, Dr. May Wood. M.A., Northwest- ern, 05; Ph.D., 30. Instr. economics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. (2319 Sherman Ave.) M38. KFH. Simons, Mrs. Rebecca (Rebecca Orn- stein). 309 E. 19th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (M3oR34)M36. GH. Simonsen, Dr. D(aisy) G(race). Ph.D., Minnesota, 32. Biol, chemist, Pottenger Sanatorium and Clinic, Monrovia, Calif. (325 N. Alta Vista) M34. CND. Simpson, Andrew. Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, Pa. M24R33. MQ. Simpson, Prof. Benjamin R(oy). Ph.D., Columbia, 12. Prof, educational psychol- ogy, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M12F21. IQ. Simpson, Dr. Burton T(horne). M.D., Buffalo, 03. Dir. State Inst. Study Malig- nant Diseases, 113 High St., Buffalo, N. Y. M39. NBC. Simpson, Prof. F(rank) M(orton). M.S., Bucknell, 97. Prof, physics, Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, Pa. M07F16. B. Simpson, Dr. G(eddes) W(ilson). M.A., Cornell, 31; Ph.D., 35. Asst. entomologist, Maine Agric. Exp. Sta., Orono, Maine. M30F39. FGO. Simpson, Dr. George Gaylord. Ph.D., Yale, 26. Amer. Mus. Natural History, New York, N. Y. M30F31. EF. 866 Directory of Members Simpson, George Rosen. 5409 16th St. NW., Washington, D. C. M25R36. MP. Simpson, Harold Nicholas. B.S., Notre Dame, 30. Consulting chemist, Oak Park; sales mgr., Acme Feeds, Inc., Forest Park, 111. (308 Linden Ave., Oak Park, 111.) M39. CMN. Simpson, Prof. Howard E(dwin). Mio- F14D38. E. Simpson, Dr. Jean (Irwin). S.M., Chicago, 27; Ph.D., 39. Dept. Household Science, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M40. C. Simpson, Dr. Jennie L(aura) S(ymons). M.Sc, McGill, 21; Ph.D., 25. Asst. prof., Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. (2695 Heath Ave.) M23F33. GF. Simpson, Robert B(onebrake). M.A., Clark, 33. Instr., Dept. Geology, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M40. EK. Simpson, Prof. Sidney Post. LL.B., Har- vard, 22. Prof, law, Harvard Univ., Cam- bridge, Mass. (995 Memorial Drive) M29- F40. K. Simpson, Prof. Stephen G(ershom). S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 31; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, chemistry, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M38F39. C. Simpson, Prof. T(homas) McN(ider), Jr. M.A., Virginia, 07; Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Prof, mathematics and dean, Randolph- Macon Col., Ashland, Va. M20F22. AD. Simpson, Dr. Walter M(alcolm). M.S., Michigan, 23; M.D., 24. Dir. Kettering Inst. Med. Res.; consultant diagnosis, Miami Valley Hosp., Dayton, Ohio. M30- F33. N. Secretary of Section on Medical Sciences (N), 1933. Simpson, W(illiam) F(rancis). 1316 Gal- latin St. NW., Washington, D. C. M35- R37. NF. Sims, Dr. George Pence. M.D., Nebraska, 26. Dir. Dept. Radiation Therapy, Mt. Carmel Hosp., Columbus, Ohio. (2086 Iuka Ave.) M40. NBL. Sims, Ivan H(enry). M.S.F., Michigan, 28. Senior silviculturist, Div. Forest Influ- ences, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. (5412 30th Place NW.) M28F29. FGO. Simson, A(lva) Gael. Box 4137, Portland, Oreg. M24. O. Sinclair, J(ames) H(untly). M.A., Oxford, 13; Ph.D., Syracuse, 16. Prof, education and head Dept., Occidental Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (974 S. Oakland Ave., Pasadena, Calif.) M24. QI. Sinclair, Dr. John G(eorge). M.S., North Dakota, 26; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 28. Prof, histology and embryology, Univ. Texas School Med., Galveston, Tex. M13F33. NF. Sinclair, Dr. R(obert) Gordon. Ph.D., Ro- chester, 28. Prof, biochemistry, Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., Canada. M29- F33. N. Sinclair, William J(ohn). M17F25D35. E. Sinden, Prof. James W(haples). Ph.D., Cornell, 37. Assoc, prof, botany, Pennsyl- vania State Col., State College, Pa. M31- F32. GO. Sindoni, Dr. Anthony, Jr. M.D., George- town, 27. Chief Dept. Metabolism, Phila- delphia General Hosp. and St. Joseph Hosp.; chief consultant, Amer. Oncologic Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M39. NCB. Singer, Prof. Edgar Arthur, Jr. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 94. Prof, philosophy, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (4224 Chester Ave.) M38. Q. Singer, Dr. Edward. 104 E. 85th St., New York, N. Y. M33R36. NHQ. Singer, Dr. H(arold) Douglas. M.D., Lon- don, 00. Prof, psychiatry, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. M08F27. NI. Singer, Dr. S. William. 350 Central Park W., New York, N. Y. M37R39. NHQ. . Singer, Prof. S(imon) A(ugustus). A.M., Capital, 23; Ed.D., 37. Prof, mathematics, Capital Univ., Columbus, Ohio. {2322 E. Main St.) M34F34. A. Singer, Willard E. M.A., Ohio State, 27. Asst. prof, physics, Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, Ohio. M35F40. BDA. Singer, Dr. William E. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania State. State Col. Sta., Raleigh, N. Car. (M36R36)M39. CB. Singewald, Dr. Joseph T(heophilus), Jr. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 09. Prof, economic geology and chairman Dept. Geology, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (213 Tunbridge Road) M14F25. E. Singewald, Dr. Quentin D(reyer). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. Assoc, prof, geology, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M27- L31F31. E. Singh, Dr. B(hola) N(ath). M.Sc, Ph.D., Benares Hindu Univ. Inst. Agric. Res., Benares Hindu Univ., Benares, India. M37. OGE. Singletary, Prof. B(enjamin) H(enry). Box 526, Univ. Sta., Baton Rouge, La. M34F34R34. O. Singleton, W(illard) Ralph. Pauls Pio- neer Gardens, Coachella, Calif. M29F33- R38. GO. Sinitsin, Dr. D(imitry) F(edorovich). 219 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. M31- F32R33. F. Sinitsin, Mrs. L. I. 1307 12th St. NW., Washington, D. C. (?) M31R32. F. Sink, Dr. Charles A. 1325 Olivia Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M32R32. L. Sinkinson, Prof. Eric (Spencer). D.I.C., London, 18. Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. M34F34. C. Individual Members 867 Sinness, Dr. Lester S. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 35, Res. supervisor, Rayon Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Richmond, Va. 1 2213 Monument Ave.) M39. CBP. Sinnott, Prof. Edmund W(are). Ph.D., Harvard, 13. Prof, botany, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M08F15. G. Vice presi- dent for Section on Botanical Sciences (G), 1935- Sipe, Frank P(erry). Dept. Botany, Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. M29F33R36. GQF. Sirrine, Emma F. Traer, Iowa. M18R38. GO. Sisler, James D. Box 879, Morgantown, W. Va. M31R3-'- EM. Sison, Dr. Agerico B. M. M.D., Philip- pines. Asst. prof, medicine and attending physician, Univ. Philippines Col. Med., Manila, P. I. ( 1 5 5 1 V. Esguerra, Singalong Sub.) M40. NL. Sisson, Charles H(amilton). A.B., Colum- bia, 92; B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 02 Engng. Dept., Baldwin Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. M27. MBC. Sisson, Dr. Margaret. 141 9 Broadway, Oakland, Calif. M37R39. N. Sisson, Dr. Wayne A. Ph.D., Illinois, 31. Res. chemist, Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Res., Inc., Yonkers, N. Y. M38F39. CBG. Sissung, Emile P. 748 S. Hall St., Allen- town, Pa. M32R32. MAB. Sitler, Miss Ida. M.S., Michigan. Prof, bi- ology, Hollins College, Va. M34F34. F. Sittenfield, Dr. M(aurice) J(oseph). M18- F27D— . N. Sitterly, Dr. B(ancroft) W(alker). A.M., Princeton, 20; Ph.D., 22. Asst. prof, as- tronomy, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. M27F30. D. Sitterly, Mrs. Bancroft Walker (See Char- lotte E. Moore). Sitton, B(enjamin) G(aillard). U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Shreveport, La. M28F33- R33. O. Sivickis, P(ranis) B(altras). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 22. Box 130, Kaunas, Lithuania. M21F33. FCN. Sjostrom, Ivar L(udwig). North Andover, Mass. M08R33. M. Skarstedt,. Prof. Marcus. Ph.D., Califor- nia, 24. Prof, mathematics and head Dept., Whittier Col., Whittier, Calif. (1332 Wil- low Ave., Puente, Calif.) M34F34. A. Skeels, Dr. Harold M(anville). Ph.D., Iowa, 32. Asst. prof, psychology, Univ. Iowa; psychologist, Iowa Board Control State Institutions, Iowa City, Iowa. M38- F40. I. Skeen, John R(obsin). A.M., Pennsyl- vania, 24; Ph.D., 26. Group leader chem. res., United Gas Improvement Co., Phil- adelphia, Pa. (313 W. Manheim St.) M27- F31. GCB. Skelley, Sister Catherine Joan. M.A., Washington, 38. Teacher biology, Trinity Col., Washington, D. C. M40. FGH. Skelley, Charles L(ewis). B.S., Kansas State. Assoc, editor, College Dept., Mac- millan Co., New York, N. Y. M39. Skidmore, Hugh W(illiams). 536 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. M24R34. M. Skiles, Dr. W(illiam) Vernon. A.M., Har- vard, 11; Sc.D., Georgia, 26. Dean, Geor- gia School Tech., Atlanta, Ga. (1057 Springdale Road) M25F33. ABD. Skilling, Dr. Hugh Hildreth. E.E., Stan- ford, 27; Ph.D., 31; S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 30. Assoc, prof, electrical engjig., Stanford University, Calif. M28- F32. MB. Skinker, Mary S(cott). Ontario Apart- ments, Washington, D. C. M25R32. FG. Skinner, Prof. B(urrhus) F(rederic). M.A., Harvard, 30; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, psychology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapo- lis', Minn.'M32F33. IKF. Skinner, Prof. Charles E. 5 Highland Ave., Madison, N. J. M35F35R37. IQ. Skinner, Charles Edward. 215 Elmore Road, Forest Hills, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Mi 7- F22R37. MC. Vice president for Section on Engineering (M), 1934. Skinner, Dr. Charles H(enry). M.S., Iowa, 16; Ph.D., Indiana, 25. Prof, physics, Mar- quette Univ., Milwaukee, Wis. (1948 W. Keefe Ave.) M23F31. B. Skinner, Cyrus A. Landscaper, Works Progress Administration, Little Rock, Ark. (319^ W. Markham St.) M40. Skinner, Dr. Edward H(olman). M.D., St. Louis, 04. 1532 Professional Bldg., Kan- sas City, Mo. M34. N. Skinner, Dr. Ernest Brown. M07F09- D3S- A. Skinner, Dr. E(ugene) W(illiam). M.S., Iowa, 25 ; Ph.D., 30. Northwestern Univ. Dental School, Chicago, 111. M31F33. BNdA. Skinner, Dr. Glenn Seymour. 74 Amstel Ave., Newark, Del. M37R37. C. Skinner, Dr. H. Clay. M.A., Ohio State, 22; Ph.D., New York, 29. Prof, psychol- ogy, State Teachers Col., Tempe, Ariz. (924 Forest Ave.) M29F33. IQ. Skinner, Dr. John Taylor. M.S., Wiscon- sin, 28; Ph.D., 32. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Western Kentucky State Teachers Col., Bowling Green, Ky. M38. CNQ. Skinner, Miss Laila. Allegheny Col., Meadville, Pa. M32R39. I. 868 Directory of Members Skinner, Leo V(ictor). M.S., California. 26 Kearney St., Newark, N. J. M38. MBA. Skinner, Lew(ellyn) T(erry). 8103 Sara- toga Ave., Silver Springs, Md. M29R37. EOM. Sklar, Dr. Samuel Barton. 1205-A Clark Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. (?) M28R32. CM. Skogsberg, Tage (Karl Jonas). Ph.D., Upsala. Prof, marine biology and ocean- ography, Hopkins Marine Biol. Sta., Stanford Univ., Pacific Grove, Calif. M25- F25. F. Skoog, Edward K(enneth). A.M., Illinois, 35. Res. chemist, Nitrogen Div., Solvay Process Co., Syracuse, N. Y. (101 Mackay Ave., Camillus, N. Y.) M39. C. Skoss, Prof. Solomon L(eon). A.M., Den- ver, 14; Ph.D., Dropsie, 26. Prof. Arabic, Dropsie Col., Philadelphia, Pa. (1135 W. Wyoming Ave.) M37. LHK. Skow, Royce K(enneth). A.M., Stanford. Res. asst., Dept. Physiology, Stanford University, Calif. M40. FNC. Skuderna, A. W. 723 Highland Drive, Sil- ver Spring, Md. M30F33R34. O. Slack, Dr. Charles Morse. M.A., Columbia, 23; Ph.D., 26. Res. physicist, Westing- house Electrical and Mfg. Co., Bloom- field, N. J. (378 Forest Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J.) M29F32. B. Slack, Dr. Francis Goddard. Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 26. Prof, physics and head Dept., Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. M28- F31. B. Slack, Dr. Harry R(ichmond), Jr. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Assoc, laryngology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Balti- more, Md. (1100 N. Charles St.) M34- F34. N. Slade, Prof. James Jeremiah, Jr. 177 Som- erset St., New Brunswick, N. J. M35R36. ABM. Slade, Marshall Perry. A.B., Harvard, 81. Mt. Kisco, N. Y. M29. Sladen, Dr. Frank Joseph. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 06. Physician-in-chief, Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit, Mich. (2209 Semi- nole Ave.) M22F15. BCN. Slate, Prof. George L(ewis). M.Sc, Har- vard, 26. Assoc, res., New York State Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M23F27. OG. Slate, William L(orenzo). B.Sc, Ohio State, 09. Dir. Connecticut Agric. Exp. Sta., New Haven, and Storrs Agric. Exp. Sta., Storrs, Conn. M22F24. O. Slater, Prof. James R(odenburg). M.A., Syracuse. 17; M.Pd., 19. 4106 N. 24th St., Tacoma, Wash. M28F33. FH. Slater, Prof. Leon B(eecher). A.M., Mich- igan, 22; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, psychol- ogy, Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, Ohio. M37. I. Slater, T(homas) Calvert. Geologist, Cen- tral Eureka Mining Co., Sutter Creek, Calif. M40. EMF. Slater, William A. B.S., Pennsylvania State. Vice pres., Gulf Oil Corp. and Gulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. M17. C. Slatoff, Ellis. 77 S. Munn Ave., East Orange, N. J. (?) M28R33. IHK. Slaught, Prof. Herbert E(llsworth). M07- F08D37. ABL. Slaughter, Dr. Donald (Horace). M.D., Iowa, 29. Assoc, prof, pharmacology, Bay- lor Univ. Col. Med., Dallas, Tex. M39. NpQC. Slaughter, Margaret D. 507 S. Davis Ave., Richmond, Va. M35R35. Slavenas, Dr. Paul(ius). Ph.D., Yale, 28. Astronomer, Univ., Kaunas, Lithuania. (Traku gatve 5, b. 3) M38. DAB. Slavin, Morris. Ch.E., Brooklyn Poly- technic Inst. Metallurgist, U. S. Bur. Mines, College Park, Md. M39. CBM. Slavin, Prof. William A. 86 Crescent St., Waterbury, Conn. M36R37. BAM. Slay, Dr. Ronald J(ames). Greenville, N. Car. M29F31R34. QC. Slaymaker, Prof. Philip K(uhns). M.E., Pittsburgh, 98. Prof, machine design, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M21- F31. M. Sleator, Prof. W(illiam) W(arner). M.A., Michigan, 11; Ph.D., 17. Assoc, prof, phvsics. Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M24F27. B. Sleight, Prof. Edwin R(oscoe). A.M., Al- bion, 02; Sc.D., 31. Prof, mathematics, Albion Col., Albion, Mich. (410 Allen Place) M34F34. A. Sleight, V(irgil) G(eorge). M.Sc, Brown, 27; Ph.D., Northwestern, 33. Asst. prof, geologv. Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. (M32R33)M39. E. Slemmons, Wilbert S. M.S., Washington, 19. Asst. gen. supt., Carnation Co., Oconomowoc, Wis. M31. CN. Slemmons, Dr. J(osiah) Morris. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 01; A.M., Yale. 15. 819 Pacific Mutual Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. M08F14L31. N. Slepian, Dr. Joseph, A.M., Harvard, 12; Ph.D., 13. Assoc, dir. res., Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., East .Pittsburgh, Pa. M28F29. BMC. Sletten, Miss Cora P. M.S., Chicago, 23. Instr., Dept. Geography, State Teachers Col., Mankato, Minn. (125 Cherry St.) M25. EO. Slichter, Charles S(umner). M.S., North- western, 87; Sc.D., 16. Dean emeritus, Univ. Wisconsin Graduate School, Madi- son, Wis. (636 N. Frances St.) M21F31. AB. Individual Members 869 Slichter, Prof. Louis B(yrne). A.M., Wis- consin, 20; Ph.D., 22. Prof, geophysics, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (24 Gray Gardens West) M35- F35. B. Slichter, Prof. Walter I(rvine). E.E., Co- lumbia, 96. Prof, electrical engng. and head Dept., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M28F31. M. Slifer, Miss Eleanor H(eist). M.S., Penn- sylvania, 26; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, zool- ogy, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M29- F33. F. Slight, Dr. David. M.B., Edinburgh; D.P.M., Royal Col. Physicians and Sur- geons. Prof, psychiatry, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (950 E. 59th St.) M39. NI. Slipher, Prof. John App. B.S., Ohio State, 14. Assoc, prof, agronomy extension, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (3075 Mid- gard Road) M40F40. OE. Slipher, Dr. V(isto) M(elvin). A.M., In- diana, 03; Ph.D., 09; D.Sc, Arizona, 23. Dir. Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz. M02F08. DBE. Vice president for Section on Astronomy (D), 1933- President of Southwestern Division, 1923-24. Slipp, A(lbert) W(iswell). M.S.F., Idaho, 39. Private res. forest pathology, Univ. Idaho School Forestry, Moscow, Idaho. M38F40. GOF. Sloan, Miss Isabelle (Packard). 1514 Re- becca St., Sioux City, Iowa. M25R34. QKE. Sloan, Dr. Louise L(ittig). Wilmer Oph- thalmological Inst., Johns Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore, Md. M29F33R33. BIN. Sloane, Reginald Gordon (Robert). Ch.E., Columbia, 23. Chem. engineer, Standard Oil Development Co., Elizabeth, N. J. (19 Pingry Place) M25. CM. Sloat, Prof. C(harles) Allen. A.M., Haver- ford, 24; Ph.D., Princeton, 30. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Gettysburg Col. Gettysburg, Pa. (38 E. Broadway) M29F33. C. Slocom, Arthur Ware. M07F11D37. E. Slocum, Prof. Frederick. M.A., Brown, 96; Ph.D., 98; Sc.D., 38. Prof, astronomy and dir. Van Vleck Observatory, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. (74 Wyllys Ave.) M98F06. D. Vice president for Sec- tion on Astronomy (D), 1934- Slocum, Herbert Jermain, Jr. 22 Lamboll St., Charleston, S. Car. L29. Slocum, Miss Lois T(ripp). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 30. Asst. prof, astronomy, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. M31F32. DAB. Sloman, Dr. Ernest (Gaynor). D.D.S., Col. Physicians and Surgeons, 21. Dean, Col. Physicians and Surgeons, San Francisco, Calif. M40. KNd. Slonaker, Dr. J(ames) Rollin. Ph.D., Clark, 96. Prof, emeritus physiology, Stan- ford University, Calif. (334 Kingsley Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.) M00F13. F. Sloss, Dr. Laurence L(owis). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 37. Instr. geology, Montana School Mines; geologist, Montana Bur. Mines and Geology, Butte, Mont. M37. EF. Slotnick, Dr. M (orris) M(iller.). M.A., Harvard, 25; Ph.D., 26. Chief geophysical interpretation methods, Humble Oil and Refining Co., Houston, Tex. M39. ABE. Slye, Prof. Maud. 5825 Drexel Ave., Chi- cago, 111. M34F34R34. N. Smail, Prof. Lloyd L(eroy). A.M., Wash- ington, 12; Ph.D., Columbia, 13. Prof, mathematics, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. M14F15. AD. Small, Mrs. Florence C(olt) (Mrs. J. A. Small). M.S., Rutgers, 26. Housewife, 51 Comstock St., New Brunswick, N. J. M28. C. Small, Dr. James Craig. M.D., Illinois, 17; Sc.D., Gettysburg, 28. Physician; instr. medicine, Univ. Pennsylvania Grad- uate School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M24- F33. N. Small, Dr. John Kunkel. M95F02D38. G. Small, Walter M(adison). A.B., Allegheny, 11. Chief geologist, Romano Americana, Teleajen, Ploesti, Roumania. (Coopers- town, Pa.) M27F31. EO. Smallbone, Dr. G. 171 LaVerne Ave., Long Beach, Calif. (?) M33R33. NO. Smalley, B. M. 3700 S. Morgan St., Chi- cago, 111. M38R38. M. Smallwood, Miss Mabel E(lizabeth). M02- D39. F. Smallwood, Prof. W(illiam) M(artin). Ph.D., Harvard, 03. Chairman Dept. Zool- ogy and prof, comparative anatomy, Syra- cuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. (525 Euclid Ave.) M01F03. F. Smart, J(ohn) J(ames). 1208 Lipscomb St., Fort Worth, Tex. M33R37. CB. Smart, Dr. Russell C(ook). M.A., Minne- sota, 35; Ph.D., 38. Merrill-Palmer School, Detroit, Mich. M39. IK. Smatko, Joseph S. Ch.E., Columbia, 37. Plant engineer, Taylor Chem. Corp., Penn Yan, N. Y. (64 trausnick Place) M39. MCB. Smead, Dr. Charles Henry. Owner, Chem. Res. Lab., 29 E. Madison St., Chicago, 111. M39. CFG. Smead, Miss Julia Lola. M.A., Denver, 34. Sec. to dir., Colorado Mus. Natural His- tory, Denver, Colo. (1281 S. Downing St.) M32. FH. Smeaton, William Gabb. 1941 Geddes Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M06F33. C. 870 Directory of Members Smergalski, Eugene Theodore. 619 N. 16th St., Milwaukee, Wis. M36R36. F. Smetters, Samuel T(upper). 1550 E. 61st St., Chicago, 111. M18. MAG. Smidth, Dr. Leonard. M.A., Columbia, 23; Ph.D., 25. Consulting chemist, Hammond and Littell, 22 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. (3504 Milam St., Houston, Tex.) M27F33. C. Smiley, Dr. Charles H(ugh). Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 27. Assoc, prof, astronomy and chairman Dept., Brown Univ.; dir. Ladd Observatory, Providence, R. I. (50 Mon- tague St.) M28F33. DA. Smiley, Dr. Dean Franklin. M.D., Cornell, 19. Prof, hygiene and med. adviser, Cor- nell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (105 Irving Place) M25. N. Smisloff, Walter. 5008 Eddy St., Chicago, 111. M30R33. Smith, Dr. Alan P(ercival), Jr. M.D., Iowa. Chief reception and gen. clinical service, U. S. Veterans Administration Fa- cility, Tuskegee ; consultant and neuro- psychiatrist, John A. Andrew Memorial Hosp., Tuskegee Institute, Ala. (M32R35)- M39. N. Smith, Albert C. 918 S. 14th St., La Fayette, Ind. (M3iR32)M39. Smith, Dr. A(lbert) C(harles). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 33. Assoc, curator, New York Bo- tanical Garden, New York, N. Y. M^7- F39. GE. Smith, A(lbert) Kelvin. A.B., Dartmouth, 20; B.S., Case, 22. Pres., Cleveland In- dustrial Res., Inc., 9016 Manor Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. (22099 Shaker Blvd., Shaker Heights) M29. CB. Smith, Albert Tate. 12 W. 56th St., New York, N. Y. M29R32. BCE. Smith, Alexander H(anchett). Museums Bldg.. Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M29R36. G. Smith, Dr. Alfred. M.S., Wittenberg, 10; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 25. Assoc, prof, soil technology, Col. Agric; assoc. soil tech- nologist, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Califor- nia, Davis, Calif. M29F30. OEB. Smith, Dr. Alick Drummond Buchanan. M.A., Aberdeen, 22; M.S. A., Iowa, 24; D.Sc, Edinburgh, 38. Res. lecturer live- stock genetics, Inst. Animal Genetics, Univ. Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. M28L29F31. OFG. Smith, Dr. Alpheus W(ilson). Ph.D., Har- vard, 06. Prof, physics and dean Graduate School, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M23F23. B. Smith, Alva W(ellington). M.A., Ohio State, 14; Ph.D., 21. Assoc, prof, physics, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M28- F33. B. Smith, Dr. Arthur Bessey. E.E., Purdue, 07; Ph.D., Northwestern, 26. Chief res. engineer and vice pres., Associated Electric Labs., Inc., 1033 W. Vanburen St., Chi- cago, 111. M12F25. BM. Smith, Dr. Arthur H(enry). M.S., Ohio State, 16; Ph.D., Yale, 20. Prof, physio- logical chemistrv, Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. M34F34. CNO. Smith, Prof. Arthur W(hitmore). M.S., Wesleyan, 95; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 03. Prof, physics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1008 Oakland Ave.) M95F06- E39. B. Smith, Dr. Ben(jamin) H(arrison). M.S., George Washington, 21 ; Ph.D., Ohio State, 30. Prof, botany, Indiana State Teachers Col., Terre Haute, Ind. M34- F34. G. Smith, Dr. Ben(jamin) W(arfield). M.A., Virginia, 36; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 39. Asst. agronomist, North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M40F40. GO. Smith, Prof. Bertram G(arner). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 12. Prof, anatomy, New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. (79 Miller Ave., Tarrytown, N. Y.) M09F14. FN. Smith, Prof. B(unnie) Othanel. M.A., Co- lumbia, 32; Ph.D., 38. Assoc, prof., Univ. Illinois Col. Education, Urbana, 111. M38. Q. Smith, Burgess (Wade). 81 East Blvd., Rochester, N. Y. M29. BC. Smith, Dr. Burke, Ph.D., Yale, 04. Trans- mission engineer, Illinois Bell Telephone Co., Chicago, 111. (5729 Kimbark Ave.) M25F31. DBA. Smith, Dr. Burnett. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 05. W. Lake St., Skaneateles, N. Y. M04- F11L18. EF. Smith, Dr. C. Carroll. D.D.S., Iowa, 91. Dir. Dental Dept., Public Schools, Peoria, 111. (906 N. Sheridan Road) M40. NdQ. Smith, Dr. (Caleb) Lothrop. 15 W. Dav- enport St., Iowa City, Iowa. M34F34R39. CB. Smith, Dr. Calvin S. 3234 S. State St., Salt Lake City, Utah. M36R36. QKI. Smith, Dr. Carl H. M.A., Columbia, 17: M. D., Cornell, 22. Asst. prof, clinical pedi- atrics, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (119 E. 84th St.) M34F34. N. Smith, Charles Campbell. D.L.S., Ottawa. 06. 236 Irving Ave., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M29F15. DAM. Smith, C(harles) E(dward). 282 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn. M36R36. M. Smith, Charles E(gan). M.S., Louisiana, 24. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. En- tomology and Plant Quarantine, Univer- sity, La. (2650 Zeeland Ave., Baton Rouge, La.) M34F34. F. Individual Members 871 Smith, Charles Frederick, Jr. B.S., Flor- ida, 19. Chemist, U. S. Rubber Reclaim- ing Co., Buffalo, N. Y. (735 Delaware Ave.) M25. CP. Smith, Charles G(rover). Ph.D., Harvard, 36. Res. physicist, Raytheon Mfg. Co., Newton, Mass. (75 Terrace Road, Med- ford, Mass.) M24F40. BDM. Smith, Dr. Charles L(inton). M.S., Mary- land, 27; Ph.D., 29. Physiologist, U. S. Pecan Field Sta., Brownwood, Tex. M34- F34. GC. Smith, Dr. Charles M. D.D.S., Chicago Col. Dental Surgery. 102 Park Side Drive, Peoria, 111. M40. NdQI. Smith, Dr. C(harles) S(purgeon). M.S., Chicago, 21; Ph.D., 28. Head Dept. Biol- ogy, Southwest Texas State Teachers Col., San Marcos, Tex. (211 W. Wood St.) M39. F. Smith, Mrs. Charlotte E. (Charlotte F. Epple). 1940 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. M34R37. GNF. Smith, Chester W(ebb). 228 Dundas St. E., Belleville, Ont., Canada. M27R35. F. Smith, Prof. Christianna. M.A., Cornell, 19; Ph.D., 23. Prof, zoology, Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. M23F25. F. Smith, Dr. Clara E(liza). Ph.D., Yale, 04. Prof, mathematics, Wellesley Col., Welles- ley, Mass. (Northford, Conn.) M08F11- L14. A. Smith, Dr. Clarence A(lbert). M.S., Jef- ferson, 14; Ph.D., 16. Technical dir. Dry Yeast Dept., Standard Brands, Inc., 595 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. (82 N. Summit St., Bergenfield, N. J.) M18F33. CN. Smith, Prof. Clarence R(aymond). M.S., Iowa, 23. Prof, physics, Aurora Col., Aurora. III. M21F31. B. Smith, Clayton O(rville). A.M., Cornell, 02. Assoc, Univ. California Citrus Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. M13F16. G. Smith, Dr. Clayton S(idney). M.Sc, Rut- gers, 12; Ph.D., Chicago, 13; M.D., North- western, 20. Prof, and chairman Dept. Physiological Chemistry and Pharmacol- ogy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (M29F2iR33)M4oF2i. NCQ. Smith, Clifford E(dward). M.A., Swarth- more, 26; Ph.D., California, 36. Asst. prof. astronomy, San Diego State Col., San Diego, Calif. M26F33. DAB. Smith, Clinton A. 20 Chauncy St., Cam- bridge, Mass. M40. FG. Smith, Prof. C(loyde) M(offett). no Armory Ave., Champaign, 111. M33R35. MEB. Smith, Miss Cora A(melia), 817 Poplar St., Erie, Pa. M34R36. FG Smith, Dr. Cornelia M(arschall). M.A., Chicago, 23; Ph.D., 28. Head Dept. Biol- ogy, John B. Stetson Univ., De Land, Fla. M29F30. GF. Smith, Dr. Cyril Stanley. Sc.D., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 26. Res. metallurgist, Amer. Brass Co., Waterbury, Conn. (Jinny Hill Road, Cheshire, Conn.) M36F40. MBL. Smith, Dr. D(avid) C(lyde). Ph.D., Min- nesota, 34. Assoc, geneticist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Pullman, Wash. (191 1 Monroe St.) M40F40. OG. Smith, Dr. David Eugene. 525 W. 120th St., New York, N. Y. M07F09R39. AL. Smith, Dr. David F(rederick). Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 22. Michigan Alkali Co., Wyandotte, Mich. M26F27. C. Smith, Dr. Dietrich C(onrad), III. A.M., Minnesota, 24; Ph.D., Harvard, 28. Assoc, prof, physiology, Univ. Maryland School Med., Baltimore, Md. M25F33. F. Smith, Dr. Donald P(ritchard). Ph.D., Gottingen, 07. Chem. Lab., Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M22F22. C. Smith, Dr. Dorothea E(gleston). 88 Bat- tle Road, Princeton, N. J. M29F33R38. NC. Smith, Dr. Dudley C(rofford). M.D., Vir- ginia, 16. Prof, dermatology and syphilol- ogv, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. (M33R33)M35. N. Dwight T(imothy). M13F16D36. Smith, EQI. Smith, Miss E. Evelyn. 109 Women's Bldg., Urbana, 111. M36R36. NQ. Smith, Dr. E. Sanborn. Grim-Smith Hosp. and Clinic, Kirksville, Mo. M36R38. ENI. Smith, E(arl) C(lement). E.M., Ohio State, 13. Chief metallurgist, Republic Steel Corp., Cleveland, Ohio. (2261 Still- man Road, Cleveland Heights) M28. C. Smith, Dr. Eastman. M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 31; Sc.D., 34. Asst. prof, me- chanical engng., Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn.; consulting engineer, Bristol Road, Damariscotta, Maine. M37F40. BQM. Smith, Edric B(rooks). S.B., Harvard, 08. Sec. Corp. and Board Trustees and busi- ness mgr., Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. (35 Windsor Terrace, Yonkers, N. Y.) M29. MEB. Smith, Dr. Edwin R(aymond). Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M30F32R32. A. Smith, Prof. Eli Victor. M11F16D— . F. Smith, Miss Elizabeth Wallace. A.B., Oberlin, 37. Res. asst., Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M40. F. Smith, Miss Ella Louise. Librarian, Coal- inga District Librarv, Coalinga, Calif. M29. BHK, 872 Directory of Members Smith, Prof. Elliott (Stephen). Ph.D., Cin- cinnati, 10. Prof, astronomy, Univ. Cin- cinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (3264 Observa- tory Ave.) M23F25. DE. Smith, Elmer G(illam). M.S., Texas A. and M., 25; M.E., 39. Assoc, prof, physics, Texas A. and M. Col., College Station, Tex. M34F34. MB. Smith, Prof. Elvira T. North Dakota Agric. Col., Fargo, N. Dak. M36R36. N. Smith, Dr. Emil L. Ph.D., Columbia, 37- Fellow, Connecticut Agric. Exp. Sta., New Haven, Conn. M40. CGF. Smith, Emory Evans. Pres., Smith, Emery and Co., San Francisco, Calif. (651 Howard St.) M40. MC. Smith, Dr. Erma A(nita). M.A., Vassar, 22; Ph.D., Chicago, 26; M.D., Rush, 31. Assoc, prof, physiology, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M27F33. FN. Smith, Prof. Ernest C(harles). 330 S. Meldrum St., Fort Collins, Colo. M34F34- R38. G. Smith, Ernest G(ordon). Sardik Labs., 305 E. 45th St., New York, N. Y. M34R34. CON. Smith, Ernest Rice. A.M., Oberlin. 10. Prof, geology and head Dept., De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. (309 Greenwood Ave.) M22F31. E. Smith, Dr. Eugene Randolph. A.M., Syra- cuse. 98; Ped.D., New York State Col. Teachers, 27, Syracuse, 37. Headmaster, Beaver Country Day School, Chestnut Hill, Mass. M33F33. QA. Smith, Dr. F. Marion. Evansville Col., Evansville, Ind. M38R39. Smith, Prof. F. Raymond. M.A., Michi- gan, 21 ; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, physics, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (438 E. Foster Ave.) M28F31. B. Smith, Floyd F(ranklin). U. S. Entomol- ogy Res. Center, Beltsville, Md. M27F33- R35. F. Smith, Foley F(oster). Asst. chem. dir., Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, Richmond, Va. (5112 Belleau Road) M38. CMN. Smith, Miss Frances Grace. A.M., Smith, 99,* Ph.D., Chicago, 06. Prof, emeritus botany, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. M06F11. G. Smith, Dr. Francis A(lbert). A.M., Stan- ford, 23; Ph.D., 26. Assoc, chemist, Nat. Bur. Standards. Washington, D. C. (4437 Harrison St. NW.) M28F33. CB. Smith, Dr. Francis F(erdinand). M.A., California, 22; Ph.D., 33. Assoc, prof, edu- cation, Fresno State Col., Fresno, Calif. ( 101 1 Vassar Ave.) M29. QIK. Smith, Prof. Frank. A.M., Harvard, 93; DSc. Hillsdale, 23. Prof, emeritus zool- ogy, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (79 E. Fayette St., Hillsdale, Mich.) M00F00. F. Smith, Dr. Frank H(erschel). 505 N. 35th St., Corvallis, Oreg. M39R39. G. Smith, Frank J. B.S., Illinois, 30. Mgr., Calvert Distilling Co., Relay, Md. (4500 Frederick Ave., Baltimore, Md.) M39. C. Smith, Frank K(yne). M.A., Cornell, 26. Teacher biologv, Centennial High School, Pueblo, Colo. (2228 Elizabeth St.) M34. F. Smith, (Frank) Sterling. Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (720 McNaghten Road, Reynoldsburg, Ohio) M38R39. BKI. Smith, Franklin D. 842 Newport Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. M34F34R37. C. Smith, Dr. Franklin Orion. Univ. Mon- tana, Missoula, Mont. M07F31R37. I. Smith, Dr. Fred M. M.D., Rush, 14. Prof. and head Dept. Theory and Practice Med- icine, Univ. Iowa Hosps., Iowa City, Iowa. M40. N. Smith, Fred Wilson. Sc.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech. Chemist, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp., Chicago, 111. (7096 Essex St.) M39. c. Smith, Prof. Frederic F(ranklin). M.S., Iowa, 23. Prof, biology, Buena Vista Col., Storm Lake, Iowa. (313 Ontario St.) M30F33. FN. Smith, Frederick Adair. 4153 Travis St., Dallas, Tex. M32R37. BQ. Smith, Dr. F(rederick) B(urean). M.S., Iowa State, 23 ; Ph.D., 26. Prof, soils, Univ. Florida; soil microbiologist, Florida Agric. Exp. Sta., Gainesville, Fla. (329 College Court) M26F29. O. Smith, Dr. Frederick L(auderburn), II. M.S.. Philippines, 23; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 31. Chief biol. res., Dept. Neoplastic Dis- eases. Jefferson Med. Col. Hosp., Phila- delphia, Pa. M39. NCM. Smith, Dr. Frederick M(adison). M.A., Kansas, 11; Ph.D., Clark, 15; D.D., Grace- land. Pres., Reorganized Church Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints; pres., Board Dir., Independence Sanitarium and Hosp., Independence, Mo. M31. KMN. Smith, George A. M.A., South Dakota, 28. Dean and instr. biologv, High School, Plainfield, N. J. (437 W. 6th St.) M37. QIF. Smith, Prof. G(eorge) E(dson) P(hilip). C.E., Vermont, 99; D.Eng., 29. Prof, agric. engng., Univ. Arizona; agric. engineer, Arizona Agric. Exp. Sta., Tucson, Ariz. M25F25. M. Smith, Dr. George (Francis Maurice). M.A., Toronto, 37; Ph.D.. 39. Scientific asst. biology, Fisheries Res. Board Can- ada, Atlantic Biol. Sta., St. Andrews, N. B., Canada. (52 Parkway Ave., To- ronto, Ont., Canada) M40. FGN. Individual Members >73 Smith, Dr. George Hathorn. A.M., Brown, 10; Ph.D., 14; A.M., Yale, 26. Dept. Im- munology, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M11F31. N. Smith, Dr. George Hume. 1925 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. M22P25R32. G. Smith, Dr. George McPhail. Ph.D., Frei- burg, 03. Prof, inorganic chemistry, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (4726 17th Ave. NE.) M07F11. C. Smith, Dr. George Milton. M.D., Colum- bia, 05. Res. assoc. anatomy, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. (Pine Orchard, Conn.) M12F27. N. Smith, Dr. George Otis. A.M., Colby, 96; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 96. Dir. retired, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. ; chairman trustees, Colby Col., Waterville, Maine. (Skowhegan, Maine) M02F06. E. Smith, George W(etherall). Ch.E., Car- negie Inst. Tech., 26. Gen. mgr., Hagan Corp., Hall Labs., Inc.. Buromin Co., and Calgon, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa. (1121 Wight- man St.) M39. CAB. Smith, Miss Gertrude. A.M., Vassar, 03. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M32F38. A. Smith, Miss Gertrude M(ay) (See Mrs. Gertrude M. Watney). Smith, Prof. G(ilbert) B(rown) L(orenzo). M.A., Wisconsin, 16; Ph.D., Cornell, 23. Assoc, prof, analytical chemistry, Brook- lyn Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. (1473 E. 26th St.) M17F33. C. Smith, Prof. Gilbert M(organ). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 13; Sc.D., Beloit, 2y. Prof, biology, Stanford University, Calif. Mi 2- FiS. G. Smith, Gordon L(ewis). M.S., California, 2,2. Assoc, entomology, Univ. California Agric. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, Calif. ( Shatter, Calif.) M37F40. FOG. Smith, Prof. Guy-Harold. Ph.D., Wiscon- sin, 2j . Prof, and chairman Dept. Geogra- phy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M28F31. E. Smith, Rev. H. Otheman. B.D., Andover- Newton Theological Inst. Minister, Church Redeemer, Yonkers, N. Y. (45 Bayley Ave.) M40. Smith, Dr. Hamilton J(ewett). Oxford University Press, 114 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M31R35. Q. Smith, Harlan I(ngersoll). M92F96E40- D40. HEF. Secretary of Section on An- thropology and Psychology (H), IQ02. Smith, Dr. Harold DeWitt. Ch.E., Le- high, 20; Ph.D., Berlin, 30. Textile tech- nologist, A. M. Tenney Associates, Inc., 10 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. M32- F33. CBQ. Smith, Dr. Harold H. A.M., Harvard, 34; Ph.D., 36. Asst. geneticist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M39. GF. Smith, Dr. H(arold) T(heodore) U(hr). M.A., Harvard, 33; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, geology, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M38. E. Smith, Dr. H(arold) Wilbur. M.D. First senior physician, Grafton State Hosp., North Grafton, Mass. (Groton, Mass.) M32. N. Smith, Harrison W(illard). A.B., Har- vard, 95; S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 97. Amateur horticulturist, Papeari, Ta- hiti, Society Islands. L25F25. GO. Smith, Prof. Harry H(erbert). M.S., Colo- rado State, 26. Assoc, prof, animal hus- bandry, Utah State Agric. Col., Logan, Utah. M38. FG. Smith, Dr. Harry L(aVerne). M.S., Mich- igan, 21 ; Ph.D., 28. Prof, physics, Michi- gan State Normal Col., Ypsilanti, Mich. (1007 W. Cross St.) (M24F33R34)M39- F33. BAD. Smith, Dr. H(arry) P(ratt). M.S., Cali- fornia, 18; M.D., 21. Prof, pathology, Univ. Iowa Col. Med., Iowa City, Iowa. M34F34. N. Smith, Prof. Harry S(cott). A.M., Ne- braska, 08. Prof, entomology, Univ. Cali- fornia ; entomologist, Citrus Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. (4392 12th St.) M13- F20. F. Smith, Dr. Harry W(oodbury). M.S., Maine, 21 ; Ph.D., Rutgers, 32. Prof. biol. and agric. chemistry, Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. (382 College Ave.) M20F33. NOC. Smith, Dr. Harvey M(cKinley). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 24. Dir. Microscope Slide: Dept., Gen. Biol. Supply House, 761 E. 69th Place, Chicago, 111. M24F33. FN. Smith, Dr. Henry Lester. A.M., Indiana, 99; A.M., Columbia, 10; Ph.D., 16. Dean, Indiana U^iiv. School Education, Bloom- ington, Ind. M39F40. Q. Smith, Prof. H(enry) Monmouth. A.M., Wesleyan, 94; Ph.D., Heidelberg, 98. 25 Cotswold Road, Brookline, Mass. M07- F25. C. Smith, Dr. Herbert A(ugustine). Ph.D., Yale, 97. Collaborator, U. S. Forest Serv- ice, Washington, D. C. M18F40. KOL. Smith, Prof. Herbert S(tearns) S(quier). Prof, emeritus civil engng., Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (205 Wallace St., Stroudsburg, Pa.) M80F15E36. M. Smith, Dr. Herman Lyle. Route 3, Baton Rouge, La. M32R32. ABM. Smith, Hobart M(uir). Dept. Zoology, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M34R34. F. Smith, Dr. Holt. William Jewell Col., Liberty, Mo. M36R36. L. Smith, Dr. Homer William. Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 21 ; M.S., Yale, 37. Prof, physi- ology and dir. Physiology Lab., New- York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. (44 Gramercy Park N.) M37. N. 874 Directory of Members Smith, Howard Agnew. M.S., Illinois, 29; Ph.D., 31. Duraloy Co., Scottdale, Pa. M31F33. ABC. Smith, Dr. Howard D(exter). A.M., Brown, 04; Ph.D., Tufts, 06. Chief chem- ist, Carleton and Hovey Co., Lowell, Mass. (Dalton Road, Chelmsford, Mass.) M07F11. C. Smith, Dr. Howard O(tis). Box 38, Mesilla Park, N. Mex. M36. C. Smith, Dr. Hugh M(cCormick). M.D., Georgetown, 88; LL.D., Dickinson, 97. Assoc, curator zoology, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. (1209 M St. NW.) M02F06. FN. Smith, Dr. Isabel Fothergill. A.M., Bryn Mawr, 19; Ph.D., 22. Prof, geology and tutor history science, Scripps Col., Clare- mont, Calif. M23F33. E. Smith, Prof. J. Frank. M.A., Iowa, 20. Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. M28F33. CMQ. Smith, J. W. Syracuse Pulverizer Corp., Syracuse, N. Y. (?) M32R32. M. Smith, Dr. James Augustus. M.D., Penn- sylvania, 11. Physician, 233 S. 45th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M39. N. Smith, James E. B.S., Worcester Poly- technic Inst., 06. Pres.. Nat. Radio Inst., Washington, D. C. M32'. MQ. Smith, Dr. James H(ollingsworth) C(lem- mer). M.S., Chicago, 20; Ph.D., 21. Staff member, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Div. Plant Biology, Stanford University, Calif. M30F33. CG. Smith, Dr. James M(iller), Jr. M.S., Vir- ginia Polytechnic Inst., 36; Ph.D., Vir- ginia, 39. Chemist, Calco Chem. Div., Amer. Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N.J. (124 W. Union Ave.) M40. C. Smith, Dr. Janice M(inerva). 405 Arbor Way, State College, Pa. M40. CNF. Smith, Jesse L(owe). M07D34. EGQ. Smith, Prof. John B(lackmer). M.S., Rhode Island, 2-j . Assoc, res. prof., Rhode Island State Col.; chemist, Rhode Island Agric. Exp. Sta., Kingston, R. I. M29- F31. OGC. Smith, Prof. John E(arl). A.M., Wiscon- sin, 15; Ph.D., Indiana, 24. Prof, physics, New Mexico Military Inst., Roswell, N. Mex. M24F31. B. Smith, John E(liphalet). M.S., Iowa State, 11. 2751 Orchard St., Corvallis, Oreg. M13F15. EOQ. Smith, Prof. J(ohn) J(effrey). A.M., Yale, 12; Ph.D., 15. Prof, psychology, Muskin- gum Col., New Concord, Ohio. (109 Lake- side) M34F34. I. Smith, John Sherman. B.S., Georgia, 25. Asst. agronomist, U. S. Soil Conserva- tion Service, Athens, Ga. (1560 S. Lump- kin St.) M38. OGF. Smith, Dr. J(oseph) Roy. Normal child development study, Babies Hosp., New York, N. Y. M36R39. IN. Smith, Dr. J(oseph) Russell. Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 03; Sc.D., Columbia, 29. Prof, economic geography, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (Swarthmore, Pa.) M28F29. EFG. Smith, Dr. Julian F(rancis). M.S., Cali- fornia, 20; Ph.D., Chicago, 22. 1408 River- view Ave., Wilmington, Del. M25F33. C. Smith, Dr. Karl U(lrich). M.A., Brown, 33; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, psychology, Univ Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. M40. IF. Smith, Prof. Keith K(uenzi). M24F27- D35. B. Smith, Dr. Kenneth D. 121 Brighton Road, Columbus, Ohio. M38R39. NC. Smith, Prof. Laurence L(owe). M.S., La- fayette, 20; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 24. Prof, geology, Univ. South Carolina, Co- lumbia, S. Car. M27F31. E. Smith, Dr. Lee Irvin. M.A., Ohio State, 15; A.M., Harvard, 17; Ph.D., 20. Prof, organic chemistry and chief Div., Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M22F33. CQ. Smith, (S.) Leeon. M.A., Missouri, 39. Graduate asst., Dept. Botany, Univ. Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. M39F40. GFO. Smith, Leighton K. M.A., Columbia, 25. Teacher chemistry, Northeast High School, Philadelphia, Pa. (6th Ave., Collegeville, Pa.) M40. C. Smith, Leon E(lkanah). Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 26. Prof, physics, Denison Univ., Granville, Ohio. M25F33. B. Smith, Prof. Leon P(erdue). M24F32- D37. CE. Smith, Miss Letha Ann. M.Sc, McGill, 21. Teacher physics, Miss Hall's School, Pittsfield, Mass. M32F40. B. Smith, Dr. L(ewis) W(ilbur). A.M., Chi- cago, 13; Ph.D., 19; LL.D., Denison, 28. Dir., Amer. Col. Bur., 28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. M27F31L36. Q. Smith, Linville H(olton). 51 Burroughs St., Boston, Mass. M22. N. Smith, Dr. Livingston W(addell). M.A., Washington and Lee, 98; Ph.D., 02. Prof, mathematics, Washington and Lee Univ., Lexington, Va. M18F33. A. Smith, Lloyd E. M.S., Iowa State, 23. Chemist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (1609 44th St. NW.) M37. CF. Smith, Prof. Lloyd P(reston). Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M33F33R33. B. Smith, Loren B(artlett). Dept. Entomol- ogy, Div. Extension, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M30F26R32. F. Individual Members 875 Smith, Dr. Louie Henrie. Chief charge publications soil survey, Univ. Illinois Col. Agric, Urbana, 111. M07F11. CGO. Smith, Miss Louisa D(owning). A.B., Hunter, 17. Lab. technician, Von Wedel Lab., Lawrence Hosp., Bronxville, N. Y. M28. N. Smith, L(uther) G(ilbert). M31D34. CN. Smith, Capt. Lybrand (Palmer), U. S. N. Sc.D., American, 35. Head res. branch and technical asst. chief coordinator ship- building, U. S. Bur. Engng. and Bur. Construction and Repair, U. S. Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. M39. MBA. Smith, Sister M. Alonza. M.S., Ph.D., St. Louis. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Loretto Heights Col., Loretto, Colo. M36. C. Smith, Dr. Madorah E(lizabeth). M.A., Iowa, 18; Ph.D., 25. Asst. prof, psychol- ogy and education, LTniv. Hawaii, Hono- lulu, Hawaii. M25F33. IQ. Smith, Prof. Margaret C(ammack). A.M., Columbia, 18; Ph.D., 25. El Encanto Estates, Tucson, Ariz. M32F33. NCO. Smith, Miss Margaret E(sther). M.S., Pennsylvania State, 3.1 ; Ph.D., 35. Instr. chemistrv, Welleslev Col., Wellesley, Mass. M40. CN. Smith, Mark A. Box 142, Kimberly, Nev. M37R37. EIH. Smith, Dr. Martha E(lizabeth). M.A., Mt. Holyoke, 31 ; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 37. Asst. prof., Woman's Col., Univ. North Carolina, Greensboro, N. Car. M40. C. Smith, Dr. Marvin Henry. Ph.G., South- ern Col. Pharmacy, 10; M.D., Emory, 10. 405 Huntington Bldg., Miami, Fla. M35. NFH. Smith, Marvin W. E.E., Texas A. and M. Col., 38. Vice pres., Westinghouse Elec- tric and Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (1015 East End Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa.) M39. K. Smith, Sister Mary Dorcas. Seton Hill Col., Greensburg, Pa. M34R35. CB. Smith, Miss Mary E. Pres., Trinity Dredg- ing Co., Lewiston, Calif. M38. PKI. Smith, Sister Mary Michella. M.S., St. Louis, 34. Asst. prof, biology, Notre Dame Col., South Euclid, Ohio. M37. FAC. Smith, Dr. Maurice I(sadore). M.D., Cor- nell, 13. Chief pharmacologist, Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. M28F33. Np. Smith, Miss Minnie C. Teacher, William S. Baer School, Baltimore, Md. (721 Col- orado Ave.) M29. G. Smith, Miss Miriam. B.A., Whittier. Res. technician, Div. Veterinary Science, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (International House) M39. NF. Smith, Miss Miriam I. 225 W. Lutz St., West Lafayette, Ind. (?) M32R33. NGC, Smith, Dr. M(orden) W(hitney). M.A., Queens, 29; Ph.D., Toronto, 34. Asst. biologist, Atlantic Biol. Sta., Fisheries Res. Board Canada, St. Andrews, N. B., Canada. M37. FG. Smith, Dr. Morris K(ellogg). 33 E. 68th St., New York, N. Y. M34F34R39. N. Smith, Miss Natasha Dorf. M.A., Califor- nia, 34. Instr. art and natural sciences, Educational Play School, Nursery Teacher Training Dept., 2203 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M39. EFG. Smith, Nathan R(aymond). B.S., Ver- mont, 11, Senior bacteriologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (413 E. Leland St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M25- F33. NG. Smith, Prof. Newland F(arnsworth). Ph.D., Chicago, 09. Prof, physics, The Citadel, Charleston, S. Car. M11F13. B. Smith, Miss Ona (Beatrice). Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La. M37R37. KFO. Smith, Mr. Ora. M.S., Iowa State, 24; Ph.D., California, 29. Prof, vegetable crops, New York State Col. Agric; in- vestigator vegetable crops, Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., Ithaca, N. Y. M25F31. OG. Smith, Prof. Orma J(acob). M.S. A., Iowa State, 09. Dean and prof, biology, Col. Idaho, Caldwell, Idaho. (1822 Dearborn St.) (M27F33R33)M35F33. F. Smith, Prof. Orrin H(arold). A.M., Illi- nois, 09; Ph.D., 14. Prof, physics and head Dept., De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. (310 Greenwood Ave.) M27F31. B. Smith, Prof. O(scar) F(ranklin). M.S.. Pennsylvania State, 16. Prof, physics and asst. dean School Chemistry and Physics, Pennsvlvania State Col., State College, Pa. (B'oalsburg, Pa.) M22F33. B. Smith, Dr. Osgood R(evel). Natural His- tory Mus., Stanford University, Calif. M37R38. F. Smith, Otto Joseph M(itchell). B.S., Oklahoma A. and M. Col., 38, Oklahoma, 38. Res. asst. high voltage, Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. M39. MBC. Smith, Dr. Otto M(itchell). M.S., Illi- nois, 18; Ph.D., 19. Prof, and head Depts. Chemistry and Chem. Engng., Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. (301 N. Husband St.) M36. CQM. Smith, Dr. Parke G. 241 1 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. M35R35. N. Smith, Lt. Paul A(lbert). B.S.E., Michi- gan, 24. Hydrographic and geodetic engi- neer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. M40. EM. Smith, Paul J(ames). A.B., Rochester, 16. Head Dept. Mathematics, East High School, Rochester, N. Y. (77 Belleclaire Drive) M40. A. 876 Directory of Members Smith, Dr. Paul Laurens. M.S., Pennsyl- vania State, 35; Ph.D., 37. Res. assoc, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (104 Northbrook Lane, Bethesda, Md.) M36. BC. Smith, Paul N. B.S., Iowa State. Pres., Nat. Hybrid Corn Co., Anamosa, Iowa. M38. O. Smith, Dr. Paul W(inston). M.S., Tennes- see, 29; Ph.D., Illinois, 34. Asst. prof, physiology, Univ. Tennessee Col. Med., Memphis, Tenn. M31. N. Smith, Prof. Philip E(dward). M.S., Cor- nell, 11; Ph.D., 12. Prof, anatomy, Co- lumbia Univ. School Med., New York, N. Y. M12F25. N. Smith, Dr. Philip S(idney). A.M., Har- vard, 00; Ph.D., 04. Chief Alaskan geolo- gist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M98F09. E. Smith, Preston. State Teachers Col., Fitchburg, Mass. M09R37. C. Smith, Preston R(oberts). M.A., Colum- bia, 22 Res. chemist, Flint Kote Co., East Rutherford, N. J. (Rutherford, N. J.) M29F33. CMB. Smith, Q. M. Tennessee Polytechnic Inst., Cookeville, Tenn. M33R33. Smith, R. Templeton. A.B., Cornell, 10. Pres., Ben Venue Labs., Inc., n 12 Park Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. (1336 Shady Ave.) M40. CBO. Smith, Prof. Ralph E(liot). D.Sc, Massa- chusetts State, 34. Prof, pathology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (2721 Hille- gass Ave.) M13F15. G. Smith, Dr. Ralph G(rafton). M.D., To- ronto, 25; Ph.D., Chicago, 28. Assoc, prof, pharmacology, Univ. Michigan Med. School, Ann Arbor, Mich. M31F33. Np. Smith, Dr. Ralph H(enry). A.M., Cali- fornia, 18; Ph.D., 25. Prof, entomology and entomologist Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M19F32. F. Smith, Randolph B(elmont). Cooperative School Student Teachers, 69 Bank St., New York, N. Y. M31F34R36. IQK. Smith, Prof. Raymond A(bner). A.M., Indianapolis, 04. Dir. school education and prof, school administration, Texas Christian Univ., Ft. Worth, Tex. (2829 Cantey St.) M32. QIK. Smith, Reynolds B. M.S., West Virginia. Extension Div., West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M37. G. Smith, Dr. Richard A. A.M., Michigan, 10; D.Sc, Michigan State, 33. State geol- ogist and chief Div. Geol. Survey, Dept. Conservation, Lansing, Mich. (423 N. Pine St.) M32F33. E. Smith, Dr. Richard O(dell). M.D.. Wash- ington Univ., 33. toio Prospect Ave., Pu- laski, Va. M39. NCL. Smith, Richard Thomas. M.S., Washing- ton, 37. Biologist, State Dept. Fisheries, Seattle, Wash. (.4050 5th Ave. NE.) M37. F. Smith, Richard W(ellington). Div. Geol- ogy, 425 State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. M29- F33R37- EM. Smith, Robert E(dward). A.B., Allegheny. Buies Creek, N. Car. M37. A. Smith, Prof. R(obert) Wilson. McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ont., Canada. M18F21- R35. GF. Smith, Dr. Roger C(letus). A.M., Ohio State, 15; Ph.D., Cornell, 17. Prof, ento- mology, Kansas State Col.; assoc. en- tomologist, Kansas Agric. Exp. Sta., Manhattan, Kans. (1801 Poyntz Ave.) M17F26. FG. Smith, Ronald G. 1921 S. Locust St., Pittsburg, Kans. M35F35R39. A. Smith, Ronald W(ard). M.A., California. Mus. technician, Mus. Biology, Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., Canada. M40. FH. Smith, Dr. Rose. A.M., Illinois, 16; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 26. Prof, biology, Col. St. Teresa, Winona, Minn. M27F27. G. Smith, Prof. Roy B(urnett). M.S., Col- gate, 03. Colgate Univ., Hamilton, N. Y. M17F33. c. Smith, Major Roy H(arman). M.E., Brown, 01. Pres., Lamson and Sessions Co., 1971 W. 85th St., Cleveland, Ohio. (183 N. Prospect St., Kent, Ohio) M07- F32. M. Smith, Dr. Ruby Green (Mrs. A. W. Smith). A.M., Stanford, 04; Ph.D., Cor- nell, 14. Extension service prof., Cornell Univ.; state leader home demonstration work, New York State Colleges, Ithaca, N. Y. (13 East Ave.) M24F33. FGO. Smith, Dr. Sedgwick E(ugene). Ph.D., Cornell, 39. Res. instr. animal nutrition, Cornell Univ.; agent, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry and U. S. Biol. Survey, Ithaca, N. Y. M40F40. OF. Smith, Dr. Septima C(ecilia). M.A., Texas, 23; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Assoc, prof, zoologv, Univ. Alabama, University, Ala. M28F30. F. Smith, Dr. Stuart N(ewton). 1215 Or- chard Drive, Ames, Iowa. M38R38. O. Smith, Mrs. Susan Gower. M.A., Colum- bia, 24. Assoc, medicine and nutrition, Duke Univ. School Med., Durham, N. Car. (Hope Valley) M39. NC. Smith, Miss Sybil L(aura). M.A., Colum- bia, 11. Principal exp. sta. administra- tor, Office Exp. Stas., U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (1421 44th St. NW.) M2SF33. CNK. Smith, Dr. T. Sydney. D.D.S., Buffalo, 01. 85 Marcela Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M32. Nd. Individual Members 877 Smith, Dr. Theobald. M09F11D34. FN. Smith, Prof. T(heodore) Townsend. A.M., Harvard, oS ; Ph.D., 16. Prof. exp. physics, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M28F30. B. Smith, Thomas Allen. 843 Indian Rock Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M29R36. C. Smith, Thomas L. Hagerstown, Md. M32- R32. C. Smith, Prof. Thomas Latham. M.S., Chi- cago, 26; Ph.D., Columbia, 36. Prof, biol- ogy and dean men, Col. Ozarks, Clarks- ville, Ark. M29. FE. Smith, Dr. T(homas) Lynn. Louisiana State Univ., University, La. M38R38. KH. Smith, Dr. T(homas) V(ernor). M.A., Texas; Ph.D., Chicago. Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M38. K. Smith, T(odd) O(rin). M.S., New Hamp- shire, 17. Assoc, chemist, New Hampshire Agric. Exp. Sta., Durham, N. H. M34F34. CGO. Smith, Miss Vera I(rene). Sc.M., Brown, 32. Teacher science, Emma Willard School, Troy, N. Y. M28. NFB. Smith, Prof. Victor J. M.A., Columbia, 29. Dir. Mus., West Texas Historical and Scientific Soc. ; head prof., Air School and Industrial Arts Education, Sul Ross State Col., Alpine, Tex. (906 E. College Ave.) M38. HQM. Smith, Miss Villa B(artlett). S.M., Chi- cago, 3^. Lecturer education, Western Re- serve Univ. School Education, and lecturer biology, John Hay High School, Cleveland, Ohio. (10724 Carnegie Ave.) M40. EKG. Smith, Prof. Wallace Franklin. M.A., Kentucky, 30. Prof, mathematics, New River State Col., Montgomery, W. Va. M39. AD. Smith, Walter L. M.A., Columbia. Prof. psychology, Wilberforce Univ., Wilber- force, Ohio. M40. I. Smith, Ward (Conwell). Ph.D., Yale, 35. Asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. M39. E. Smith, Prof. Warren D(uPre). M.A., Stan- ford, 04; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 08. Head Dept. Geology and Geography; curator Condon Geol. Collections, Natural His- tory Mus., Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. (1941 University St.) M19F21. E. Smith, Dr. Warren Rufus. Ph.D., Chi- cago, 94. Route 1, Suttons Bay, Mich. M02F06. C. Smith, Wesley L(eland). Vice pres., Vir- ginia Rubatex Corp., Bedford, Va. (1019 Longwood Ave.) M31. MBC. Smith, Dr. Wilbur C(leveland). M.D., Kansas City, 08; Sc.D., Wake Forest, 38. Head Dept. Gross Anatomy, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. (2600 Calhoun St.) M18F27. N. Smith, Wiley. Univ. South Carolina, Co- lumbia, S. Car. (?) M31R32. IQ. Smith, William. Box 173, Castle Shan- non, Pa. M18. FG. Smith, Dr. William Benjamin. M19F33- D34. ABI. Smith, Dr. William E(dgar). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 38. 4203 St. Paul St., Balti- more, Md. M40. NFQ. Smith, W(illiam) Hinckle. 123 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. M04R32. Smith, Dr. William K(enneth). M.Sc, Saskatchewan, 28; Ph.D., State Col. Wash- ington, 31. Asst. prof, genetics and agron- omy, Univ. Wisconsin; agent, U. S. Dept. Agric, Madison, Wis. M34F34. G. Smith, Prof. W(illiam) M(ackey). Ph.D., Columbia, 11. Prof, mathematics and reg- istrar, Lafayette Col., Easton, Pa. Mi 3- F33. A. Smith, W(illiam) O(gden). U. S. Bur. Chemistry and Soils, Washington, D. C. M34F34R36. B. Smith, Dr. W(illiam) S(idney) Tangier. Ph.D., California, 96. Consulting geolo- gist, 1 23 1 Hoover St., Menlo Park, Calif. M01F06L11. E. Smith, William V(ick). M.A., Harvard, 39. Student, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (75 Terrace Road, Medford, Mass.) M38. BCA. Smith, Prof. W(illiam) W(esley). M.S., Iowa State, 06; M.Agr., 20. Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M34F34. O. Smither, Dr. Archie. Suffolk, Va. M32- R32. NIB. Smither, F(rederick) W(ilson). B.S., Vir- ginia Polytechnic Inst. Chemist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. M28F29. CM. Smithson, Dr. Frederick C(harles) M(axted). Box 594, Socorro, N. Mex. M29- F33R37. C. Smits, Dr. B(enjamin) L(evi). M.Sc, Michigan, 25; Ph.D., 26. Dept. Chemistry, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M32. CG. Smoke, Dr. Kenneth L(udwig). Mary Baldwin Col., Staunton, Va. M34R34. I. Smolak, George. M.S., Idaho, 24. Res. chemist, Johns-Manville Corp., Manville, N. J. (40 W. Spring St., Somerville, N. J.) M31. CBM. Smolensky, Dr. Pietro. Ph.D., Vienna. Gerente, La Continental, Compahia de Seguros Generales, Buenos Aires, Argen- tina, S. A. M37. KA. Smoley, C. K. 241 4th St. N., St. Peters- burg, Fla. M35F35R35. M. Smolik, Prof. Ladislav C. D.Sc, Praha, 23. Agric. Exp. Sta., Kvetna 19, Brno, Czechoslovakia. M31F32. O. 878 Directory of Members Smulyan, Dr. Marcus Thomas. U. S. Bur. Entomology, Melrose Highlands, Mass. Mi 7F22R33. F. Smyser, Prof. Selden (Frazer). M.A., Ohio State, 01. Prof, social science, Cen- tral Washington Col. Education, Ellens- burg, Wash. (309 Poplar St.) M29F40. KEH. Smyth, Dr. Charles H(enry), Jr. M89F94- D37. E. Secretary of Section on Geology and Geography (E), 1897. Smyth, Prof. Charles P(helps). A.M., Princeton, 17; Ph.D., Harvard, 21. Prof, chemistry, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (22 Morven St.) M25F25. CB. Smyth, Dr. Francis Scott. M.A., Cali- fornia, 20; M.D., 22. Prof, pediatrics, Univ. California School Med., San Fran- cisco, Calif. (916 Jackling Drive, Bur- lingame, Calif.) M39. N. Smyth, Rev. F(rederic) Hastings. A.M., Hamilton, 11; M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 14; Ph.D., 15. 12 Putnam Ave., Cambridge, Mass. M22F22. C. Smyth, Prof. H(enry) D(e Wolf). M.A., Princeton, 20; Ph.D., 21; Ph.D., Cam- bridge, 23. Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M34F34. B. Smyth, Dr. Henry Field. Lab. Hygiene, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M35F35R39. N. Smyth, Dr. Henry F(ield), Jr. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 34. Industrial fellow, Mel- lon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M38. NC. Smyth, Lumina C(otton) R(iddle). 16802 Dartmouth Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. M34- F34R34. FG. Smyth, Dr. Thomas. State Teachers Col., Indiana, Pa. (M2gR32>M39. F. Smyth, William Henry. Fermvald, Berke- ley, Calif. Mi 3. Smythe, William R(alph). A.M., Dart- mouth, 19; Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Assoc, prof, physics, California Inst. Tech., Pasa- dena, Calif. (674 Manzanita Ave., Sierra Madre, Calif.) M21F28. B. Snader, Dr. David L. C.E., Ohio North- ern, 14; M.S., 19; M.A., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., 37. Prof, civil engng., Stevens Inst. Tech., Hoboken, N. J. M34F34. M. Snavely, Dr. Benj(amin) L(ichty). Asst. prof, phvsics, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. (11 17 W. North St.) M29F40. BM. Snead, Sam. 927 N. 20th St., Milwaukee, Wis. M29R33. M. Sneath, Dr. E(lias) Hershey. M02F02- D35. Q- Snedden, Dr. David. Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M08F10- R34. Q. Snedecor, Prof. George W(addel). M.A., Michigan, 12. Dir. statistical lab. and prof, mathematics, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. (807 Hodge Ave.) M30F33. A. Sneed, Prof. M. Cannon. A.M., Cincinnati, 13; Ph.D., 16. Prof, chemistry and chief Div. Inorganic Chemistry, Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. M24F28. C. Snelgrove, Dr. A(lfred) K(itchener). M.Sc, McGill, 28; Ph.D., Princeton, 30. Asst. prof, geology, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J.; Government geologist, Newfoundland Government, St. John's, Newfoundland. M31F33. E. Snell, Dr. Albert C(onrad). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 98. Consultant ophthalmology, Rochester Gen. Hosp.; lecturer, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y. (53 S. Fitzhugh St.) M24. N. Snell, Prof. A(lto) L(ee). Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn. (?) M31F33R33. IQK. Snell, Chester A(rthur). M.S., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 38. Instr. chemistry, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst.; consulting chemist, Foster D. Snell, Inc., 305 Wash- ington St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M39. CM. Snell, Dr. Cornelia Tylor. M.A., Columbia, 25; Ph.D., 30. Chem. writer, 66 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M34F34. C. Snell, Dr. Esmond E(merson). M.A., Wisconsin, 36; Ph.D., 38. Res. assoc, Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex. M40. CGF. Snell, Dr. Foster Dee. A.M., Columbia, 22; Ph.D., 23. Pres., Foster D. Snell, Inc., 305 Washington St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (66 Park Ave.) M25F27. CM. Snell, Dr. George D(avis). M.S., Har- vard, 28; Sc.D., 30. Res. assoc, Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Lab., Bar Harbor, Maine. M32F33. F. Snell, Dr. J(ohn) F(erguson). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 98. Prof, emeritus chemistry, Mac- donald Col.; sec.-treas., Canadian Com. Sugar Analysis, Macdonald College, Que., Canada. M07F11. CO. Snell, Dr. M(aynard) G(oldman). A.M., Missouri, 22; Ph.D., Iowa State, 28. Assoc, prof, animal industry, Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta., University, La. M28F33. O. Snell, Prof. Walter H(enry). A.M., Brown, 15; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 20. Assoc, prof. Ste- phen T. Olney Foundation, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M21F25. G. Sneller, Dr. Charles D(aniel). M.D., Min- nesota, 21. Otolaryngologist, 320 Jeffer- son Bldg., Peoria, 111. M29. NE. Snellings, Miss Minnie. M23F33D34. FGK. Snider, George G(ould). Dept. Zoology, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M24- R37. FN. Individual Members 879 Snider, Dr. L(uther) C(rocker). A.M., In- diana, 09; Ph.D., Chicago, 15. Consulting geologist, Petroleum Advisers, Inc., 60 Wall St., New York, N. Y. (no Crescent Ave., Leonia, N. J.) M10F14. E. Snider, Dr. R(ay) S. Ph.D., Washington Univ. Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Nebraska School Med., Omaha, Nebr. M39. NFC. Snieszko, Dr. Stanislaw. Ph.D., Krakow, 26. ul. Czysta 18, Krakow, Poland. (?) M36. O. Sniffen, Prof. D. Austin. 1:1 Westchester Ave., White Plains, N. Y. M35R36. N. Snoddy, A(rnon) O(wsley). B.S., Ken- tucky. Res. chemist, Procter and Gamble Co., Ivorydale, Ohio. (Route 6, Cincin- nati, Ohio) M38. C. Snoddy, Prof. George S(amuel). A.M., Kansas, 13; Ph.D., Clark, 15. Prof, psy- chology-, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. (716 Woodlawn) M19F28. I. Snodgrass, J(ames) M(arion). A.B., Ober- lin, 31. Res. instr., Dept. Psvchology, Oberlin Col., Oberlin, Ohio. M40. NBF. Snodgrass, Latta K. Pres., Snodgrass and Bracy Drug Co., no Main St.; member State Board Pharmacy, Little Rock, Ark. M35. Np. Snodgrass, Dr. L(eeman) E(spy). M.D., Michigan Physician, Med. Arts Bldg., Jenkintown, Pa. M38. NFC. Snodgrass, R(obert) E(vans). A.B., Stan- ford, 01. Senior entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomologv and Plant Quarantine, Wash- ington, D. 'C. (3706 13th St. NW.) M34- F34- F. Snook, Harry J(ames). M.S., California, 13. Head Dept. Biology, High School, Stockton, Calif. (2035 Lucerne Ave.) M13. F. Snook, Dr. Theodore. 722 Lancaster Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. M33R34. FN. Snow, Arthur. 1656 Newton St. NW., Washington, D. C. M29F32R34. DAB. Snow, Dr. Charles H(enry). C.E., New York, 86; Sc.D., Pittsburgh, 95. Dean emeritus, Col. Engng. and Daniel Gug- genheim School Aeronautics, New York Univ., New York, N. Y. (12 Lake Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.) M25F25. MQ. Snow, Frederick W. Highland Hotel, Springfield, Mass. M08. EM. Snow, Prof. John E(dwin). Athens, Ohio. M34F34R38. DEG. Snow, Dr. Laetitia Morris. Ph.D.. Chi- cago, 04. Prof, emeritus botany, Welles- ley Col., Wellesley, Mass. (290 Laurel Ave., Pacific Grove, Calif.) M06F11. G. Snow, Dr. Lucille Hammel. M.D., Illinois, 28. Clinical assoc. gynecology, Loyola Univ. School Med.; junior staff, Mercy Hosp., Chicago, 111. (1320 Ashland Ave., Wilmette, 111.) M39. N. Snow, Dr. Robert D(ewey). M.S., Iowa, 24; Ph.D., 26. Res. chemist and section chief, Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. (718 Delaware St.) M28F33. CMB. Snow, Dr. William. 2S-10 Butler St., East Elmhurst, N. Y. M38R38. NMO. Snow, William B. E.E., Stanford, 25. Acoustical res., Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (n Windsor Road, Summit, N. J.) M31. MB. Snow, Dr. William F(reeman). M.A., Stanford, 97; M.D., Cooper Med. Col., 00. Gen. dir., Amer. Social Hygiene Assn., 50 W. 50th St.; special consultant, U. S. Public Health Service; lecturer health education, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (464 Riverside Drive) M14F33. N. Snowden, Dr. R(oy) R(oss). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 11; A.M., Washington and Jef- ferson, 12. Assoc, prof, medicine, Univ. Pittsburgh School Med.; med. dir., Pitts- burgh Diagnostic Clinic, Pittsburgh, Pa. (165 Jefferson Drive, Mt. Lebanon) M18. N. Snydacker, Dr. Daniel. M.D., Northwest- ern, 35. 58 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. M40. N. Snyder, Andrew J. M.S., Wisconsin. Res. chemist, Reichhold Chemicals, Inc., 601 Woodward Heights Blvd., Detroit, Mich. M39. CPM. Snyder, Carl. 33 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. M33F35. K. Vice president for Section on Social and Economic Sciences ( K), 1934. Snyder, Dr. Charles D(avid). M.S., Cali- fornia, 04; Ph.D., 05. Prof. exp. physiol- ogy, Johns Hopkins LIniv. School Med., Baltimore, Md. (4709 Keswick Road, Roland Park) M28F11. NFG. Snyder, Dr. Clarence H. 200 Med. Arts Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. M38R38. N. Snyder, Dr. Edward N. 705 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. M34. NEF. Snyder, Elmer. B.S., Cornell, 14. Pomolo- gist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Fresno, Calif. M32F33. GO. Snyder, Dr. Fred H(ugh). M.A., Illinois, 34; Ph.D., Purdue, 37. Assoc, biol. chem- istry, Loyola Univ. School Med., Chicago, Ill.'(42oo Hazel St.) M38. NC. Snyder, F(rederick) T(itcomb). B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech. 49 Federal St., Boston, Mass. M38. C. Snyder, Dr. George E. M.S., Pittsburgh, 29; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof., Univ. Pitts- burgh Johnstown Center, Johnstown, Pa. M31. F. Snyder, John O(tterbein). A.M., Stan- ford, 99. Prof, emeritus zoology, Stanford University, Calif. (542 Alvarado Row) M23F16. F. Snyder, John S(tewart). A.B., Dickinson, 33. Representative, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. (64 Sagamore Road, Bronxville, N. Y.) M39. CI. 88o Directory of Members Snyder, Dr. Laurence H(asbrouck). M.S., Harvard, 24; Sc.D., 26. Prof, zoology and prof, medicine Col. Med., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M34F34. F. Snyder, Dr. Leon C. M.S., Washington, 31; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, botany. South Dakota State Col., Brookings, S. Dak. M39. G. Snyder, L(ester) L(ynne). Royal Ontario Mus. Zoology, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M24F33R36. F. Snyder, Dr. O(rlow) C(hapin). M.D., Michigan, 15. Physician, 124 Young Ave., Croton on Hudson, N. Y. M23. N. Snyder, Richard (George). B.S., Mora- vian, 29. Chem. res., Flectrochemical Lab., Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa. (529 9th Ave.) M39. C. Snyder, Dr. Thomas E(lliott). M.F., Yale, 09; Ph.D., George Washington, 20. Sen- ior entomologist, U. S. Southern Forest Exp. Sta., New Orleans, La. M18F20. F. Snyder, Dr. Thomas L(egran). M.A., Kentucky. 36; Ph.D., Cincinnati, 39. Res. asst., Dept. Preventive Med. and Public Health. Vanderbilt Univ. School Med., Nashville, Tenn. M40. CNG. Snyder, Prof. W(erner) T(hadeus). M.S. A., Purdue, 28. Vocational agric. instr., High School, Boonville, Ind. (603 S. 5th St.) M32F33. OG. Snyder, Dr. William C(owperthwaite). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Asst. prof, plant pathology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (1926 Napa Ave.) M28F40. OGC. Sobel, Dr. Frances S(elkin). M.A., Co- lumbia, 12; Ph.D., 36. Managing project supervisor remedial arithmetic program, New York City Schools, Works Progress Administration; instr., Col. City New York School Education, New York, N. Y. (685 West End Ave.)" M38. IQA. Sobel, Dr. Samuel P(aul). M.D., Colum- bia, 06. Attending physician, Bronx Hosp., New York, N. Y. (685 West End Ave.) M39. N. Sobotka, Dr. Harry H(ermann). Ph.D., Munich, 22. Head Dept. Chemistry, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. (68 E. 86th St.) M38. CN. Soch, Dr. Charles A(ugustus). Rehoboth, Mass. (?) M28F33R37. C. Soday, Dr. Frank J(ohn). 21 Oberlin Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. M38R38. C. Soderberg, Prof. C. Richard. S.B., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 20. Prof, applied me- chanics, Massachusetts Inst Tech., Cam- bridge, Mass. (543 Boston Post Road, Weston, Mass.) M39. M. Soff, Dr. Le Roy D(avenport). Ch.E.. Columbia. 23; Ph.D.. 32. Chief chemist and sec. Paragon Paint and Varnish Corp., 5-49 46th Ave., Long Island City. N. Y. M25F33. CM. Sohn, Erwin. B.Sc, Ohio State, 09. Dir. res., Amer. Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corp., 1541 S. 7th St., Louisville, Ky. M36. CM. Sohon, Rev. F(rederick) W(yatt). M.A., Woodstock, 23; Ph.D., Georgetown, 33. Dir. Seismological Observatory, chair- man Dept. Mathematics, and prof, mathe- matical physics, Georgetown Univ., Wash- ington, D. C. M34F34. B. Sokal, Dr. Joseph E(manuel). Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M37. NC. Sokolove, Henri. B.S. 1343 Connecticut Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. M37. K. Solberg, Dr. Archie N. M.S., North Da- kota State, 33; Ph.D., Columbia, 38. Asst. prof, biologv, Univ. Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. (3025 W. Bancroft St.) M39. FN. Soley, Dr. Mayo Hamilton. M.D., Har- vard, 33. Asst. prof, medicine and pharma- cology, Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. (532 West Poplar St., San Mateo, Calif.) M40. N. Solheim, Prof. W(ilhelm) G(erhard). A.M., Illinois, 26; Ph.D., 28. Prof, botany and chairman Dept., Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. M26F30. GF. Solinger, Dr. Julian L(ouis). Sc.M., Brown, 34; Ph.D., 38. Instr. biology, Sim- mons Col., Boston, Mass. (231 Park Drive) M40. FN. Solis-Cohen, Dr. Leon. Res. Tumor Clinic, Jewish Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M31R34. N. Soliven, Florencio A. M.S., Philippines, -'4. Veterinary Res. Div., Bur. Animal In- dustry, Pandacan, Manila, P. I. M38. CO. Sollenberger, Paul. B.S., Marion Normal, 12. Principal astronomer, U. S. Naval Ob- servatory, Washington, D. C. M34F34. D. Soller, Dr. (John Frederick) Theodore. M.A., Wisconsin, 24; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, physics, Amherst Col., Amherst, Mass. (20 Kendrick Place) M35F35. B. Soller, Dr. Walter. M.E., Cincinnati, 17; Ph.D., 25. Prof, applied science, Graduate Dept., and dir. Applied Science Res. Lab., Col. Engng. and Commerce, Univ. Cin- cinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (650 Riddle Road) M34F34. B. Solley, Dr. Fred P(almer). M.D., Colum- bia, 92. Physician, 25 E. 92nd St., New York, N. Y. M06F08. N. Sollmann, Prof. Torald H(ermann). M.D., Western Reserve, 96; D.Sc, Ohio State, 34. Dean and prof, pharmacology and materia medica, Western Reserve Univ. School Med., Cleveland, Ohio. (14327 Su- perior Road) M02F06. Np. Solnitzky, Dr. Othmar (Charles). George- town Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. M37R37. N. Individual Members 88 i Solomon, Dr. Charles. M.D., New York. 1265 President St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M38. NQI. Soltau, Dr. David Livingstone. Ph.D., Washington, 35. Pres., Lower Columbia Junior Col., Longview, Wash. M28F33. BMA. Soltzberg, Dr. Sol. M.S., Western Re- serve; Ph.D., Ohio State. 441 Hazle St., Tamaqua, Pa. M37. C. Solum, Prof. Arthur K(onard). B.A., St. Olaf, 20; B.C.E., Minnesota, 34. Asst. prof, mathematics, St. Olaf Col., North- field, Minn. (1120 Forest Ave.) M39. MAD. Somach, Dr. Irving. M.D., New York, 25. Asst. physician, City Hosp.; voluntary res. asst. hematology, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York. N. Y. (25 E. 77th St.) M39. NIL. Somers, Lee A. Dept. Horticulture, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M38R38. O. Somerville, Dr. A(lbert) A(lexander). 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M35- F21R37. BC. Somerville, Robert L. M.A., Montana State. 901 W. 34th St., Los Angeles, Calif. M38. N. Sommer, Miss Anna L(ouise). M.S., Cali- fornia, 21 ; Ph.D., 24. Assoc, soil chemist, Alabama Agric. Exp. Sta. ; assoc. prof. plant nutrition, Alabama Polytechnic Inst.. Auburn, Ala. M24F30. OCG. Sommer, Dr. Hermann. Ph.D., Zurich, 23. Asst. prof. res. medicine. Hooper Founda- tion, Univ. California School Med., San Francisco, Calif. M29F33. CN. Sommerman, George M(iller) L(ouis). D.Eng.. Johns Hopkins, 33. Res. engineer, Electrical Cable Works, Amer. Steel and Wire Co., Worcester, Mass. M30. MBD. Sommers, Dr. H(ilmar) F. D.D.S., Pitts- burgh. Dentist, Union Bldg., Hong Kong. M40. KNd. Sommerville, Dr. R(ichard) C(larke). A.M., Hampden-Sydney. 96; Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 25. Prof, psychology and philoso- phy, Lynchburg Col., Lynchburg, Va. (307 Vernon St.) M28F33. I. Somogyi, Dr. Michael. Ph.D., Budapest, 14. 216 S. Kingshighway St., St. Louis, Mo. M25F33. NC. Sonderegger, V(ictor) H(ugo). 1524 Adams St., New Orleans, La. M32R34. O. Sondern, Dr. Clarence W(illiam). M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Res. dir., George A. Breon and Co., Kansas City, Mo. M38. CN. Sonneborn, Dr. Ferdinand. Ph.D. Pres., L. Sonneborn Sons, Inc., 88 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. M33. C. Sonneborn, Prof. Tracy M(orton). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 28. Assoc, prof, zoology, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. M27- F33. FGK. Sonnenberg, James, Jr. Special hosp. rep- resentative, Winthrop Chem. Co., Inc., Milwaukee, Wis. (127 W. Hadley St.) M40. CNp. Sonnenschein, Dr. Robert. M17F25D39. N. Sonntag, Joseph Kelley. Hudson House, Ardsley-on-Hudson, N. Y. M38. N. Sonquist, John A(lbert). S.M., Chicago, 19. Instr. biology, Austin High School, Chicago, 111. (320 N. York St., Elmhurst, 111.) M34. FQG. Sontag, Dr. L(ester) W(arren). M.D., Minnesota, 26. Dir., Samuel S. Fels Res. Inst., Yellow Springs, Ohio. M33F33. N. Sontag, Lothar A. 58 Christiana St., North Tonowanda, N. Y. M31R32. CBA. Soong. Tsung Fang. Tsingtao Observa- tory. Tsingtao, China. M31R33. DBE. Sootin, Harry. B.S., Col. City New York, 25. Teacher science, High School Com- merce, New York, N. Y. (4717 39th Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.) M32. QCB. Soper, Dr. Edgar K(irke). M.A., Minne- sota, 12; Ph.D., 15. Assoc, prof, geology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los An- geles, Calif. (453 Loring Ave.) M39. E. Soper, Dr. Fred L(owe). M.S., Kansas, 16; M.D., Rush, 18; Dr.P.H., Johns Hop- kins, 25. Rep. South America, International Health Div., Rockefeller Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, S. A. M25F33. NF. Soper, Dr. George A(lbert). A.M., Colum- bia, 98; Ph.D., 99. Consulting engineer, Brookhaven, N. Y. M97F07. M. Soper, Dr. Horace W(endell). M.D., Washington Univ., 94- Gastro-enterologist, 3903 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. (4731 West- minster Place) Mi 7. N. Sophian, Dr. Lawrence. M.D., Harvard, 25. Surgeon charge lab., U. S. Marine Hosp. No. 1, U. S. Public Health Service, Baltimore, Md. M36. N. Sorensen, Dr. Andrew J(ensen). M.S., Iowa. 22; Ph.D., 24. Res. engineer, Union Switch and Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa. (1204 East End Ave.) M40. M. Sorenson, Prof. C(harles) J(ames). M.S., Utah State, 27. Res. assoc. prof, entomol- ogy. Utah State Agric. Exp. Sta., Logan, Utah. M34F34. FOK. Sorenson, Dr. Herbert. M.A.. Minnesota, 25 ; Ph.D., 28. Pres., Duluth State Teach- ers Col., Duluth, Minn. M29F32. QI. Sorg, Francis (Xavier). 31 W. 10th St., Erie, Pa. M35R36. CBA. Sorge, William A. B.S., Oklahoma, 37. Geopbvsicist, Carter Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla. (Temple, Okla.) M40. BAC. Soroka, Sylvester G. Horticulturist, Penn Floral Co., Kingston, Pa. (31 Penn St.) M38. O. 882 Directory of Members Sorokin, Prof. Pitirim A. 8 Cliff St., Win- chester, Mass. M32F33R38. K. Soroos, Dr. Harold. Ph.D., Iowa, 34. Res. chemist, Ethyl Gasoline Corp., Detroit, Mich. (361 Merton Road). M38. CBA. Sorrin, Dr. Sidney. D.D.S., New York, 21. Asst. prof, periodontia, New York Univ. Col. Dentistry; periodondist, Montefiore Hosp.; chief Periodontia Clinic, Midtown Hosp.; attending periodontist, Sydenham Hosp., New York, N. Y. (350 Central Park W.) M35. Nd. Soske, Dr. Joshua L(awrence). G.E., Col- orado School Mines, 29; M.S., California Inst. Tech., 32; Ph.D., 35. Chief geophy- sicist and geologist, Geophysical Engng. Corp., 199 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena. Calif. (1440 N. Los Robles Ave.) M39. EBA. Soskin, Dr. Samuel. M.D., Toronto, 26; M.A., 27; Ph.D., 29. Dir. metabolic and endocrine res., Michael Reese Hosp.; asst. prof, phvsiologv, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (1 138 Hyde Park Blvd.) M33F33. N. Sosman, Robert B(rowning). Ph.D., Mas- sachusetts Inst. Tech., 07; Cer.Eng., Ohio State, 37 ; D.Sc, 38. Physical chemist, Res. Lab., U. S. Steel Corp., Kearny, N. J. (117 W. Dudley Ave., Westfield, N. J.) M18- F25. CBE. Soto, Dr. Juan B(autista). Ph.D., LL.D., Madrid. Chancellor, Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R. M40. LQI. Sottery, Dr. C(onstantine) Theodore. A.M., Columbia, 23; Ph.D., 25. Prof, chem- istry, Bard Col., Annandale on Hudson, N. Y. M29F33. CQ. Soudek, Prof. Stephen. M32D36. FOQ. Souder, Dr. Wilmer (Henry). A.M., In- diana, 11; Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Principal physicist, Nat. Bur. -Standards, Washing- ton, D. C. (3503 Morrison St.) M17F25. CN. Soule, Dr. Byron A(very). Sc.D., Michi- gan, 24. Asst. prof, chemistry, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M34F34. C. Soule, Dr. Malcolm H(erman). M.S., Michigan, 22; Sc.D., 24; LL.D., St. Bona- venture, 28. Prof, bacteriology and chair- man Hygienic Lab., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (21 10 Hill St.) M29F33. NCF. Secretary of Section on Medical Sci- ences (N ), 193/ — . Sourapas, George. 2749 W. Harrison St., Chicago, 111. M36R36. South, Dr. Lillian Harrold (Mrs. H. H. Tye). M.D., Woman's Med. Col. Pennsyl- vania, 04. Dir., Bur. Bacteriology, State Board Health, Louisville, Kv. (620 S. 3rd St.) (M34F34R3S)M39F34. N. Southall, James P(owell) C(ocke). M.A., Virginia, 93. Prof, physics, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M24F25. BAD. Souther, Dr. B(enjamin) L(eslie). M.S., Purdue, 18; Ph.D., Harvard, 21. Res. chemist, U. S. Industrial Chemicals, Inc., Stamford, Conn. (24 Harrison Ave., New Canaan, Conn.) M25F25. CD. Southerland, H(enry de) L(eon), Jr. B.S., Georgia. Junior hydraulic engineer, Ten- nessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn. ( if.i Chamberlain Blvd., Lindbergh For- est) M39. M. Southwick, Roy W. Box 196, Ventura, Calif. M32R37- OCG. Southwick, Dr. W(alter) E(dward). M.A., Ph.D., Harvard. Dept. Res., Letchworth Village, Thiells, N. Y. M38. FH. Southworth, G(eorge) C(lark). Ph.D., Yale, 23; Sc.D., Grove City, 31. Radio res. engineer, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., Xew York, N. Y. (Conover Lane, Red Bank, N. J.) M22F31. B. Southworth, Dr. Hamilton. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 33. Asst. medicine, Columbia Univ. Col. Phvsicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. ('164 E. 72nd St.) M30. NB. Sovereign, H(arry) E(vans). B.S., Colo- rado, 08. Mechanical engineer, 910 Securi- ties Bldg., Seattle, Wash. (7227 6th Ave. NW.) M40. GFE. Sox, Harold C. 846 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, Calif. (?) M31R32. NI. Spacie, Edwin G. M.S., Iowa, 31. Instr. mathematics and physics, Michigan Col. Mining and Tech., Houghton, Mich. (713 Scott St., Calumet, Mich.) M40. AIQ. Spackman, Dr. James Guie. 1501 Van- Buren St., Wilmington, Del. M37R37. N. Spaeth, Dr. J(ohn) Nelson. M.F., Har- vard, 20; Ph.D., Yale, 33. Head Dept. and chief res. forestry, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M23F31. GO. Spaeth, Dr. William L(ouis) C(harles). M.D., Pennsylvania, 07. Dir. Clinical Labs., Frankford Hosp., Northeastern Hosp., and Kensington Hosp. Women, Philadelphia, Pa. (5000 Jackson Sc, Frankford) M25. N. Spafford, Fred A(udrey). B.Ch.E., Iowa, 30. Res. chemist, Nitrogen Div., Solvay Process Co.; vice pres., WyckofF Pipe and Creosoting Co., 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. (120 Bungalow Terrace, Syracuse, N. Y.) M38. CBM. Spalding, Dr. Edward D. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 18. Prof, clinical medicine, Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. (90 Cloverly Road, Grosse Pointe Farms) M31. NB. Spalding, E(ly) P(arker). 1515 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M30R32. MEB. Spalding, Irwin. Vice pres.. Bishop Nat. Bank Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. M22. GF. Spandau, Prof. H(arry) M(ichael). M.C.E., Cornell, 10. 29 N. Park St., Mans- field, Ohio. M11F15. MP. Individual Members 883 Spangler, C. S. 2012 Jackson Blvd., Chi- cago, 111. M31R32. NF. Spangler, Dr. R(obert) C(lifton). Dept. Botanv, West Virginia Univ., Morgan- town, W. Va. M24F3iR34- GFO. Sparhawk, W(illiam) N(orwood). M.F., Vale, 10. Senior forest economist, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. M22- F31. OK. Sparks, Ensign Brian. 495 Mendoza St., Coral Gables, Fla. M36R36. BDA. Sparks, Dale Darrell. 518 Petroleum Bldg., Houston, Tex. M30R35. Sparks, Prof. Fred W(inchell). A.M., Southwestern, 22; S.M., Chicago, 23; Ph.D., 31. Prof, mathematics, Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. (1901 16th St. J M34- F34. A. Sparrow, Prof. Carroll M(ason). Fh.D., Johns Hopkins, 11. Prof, physics, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. (West Lawn, University, Va.) M17F21. BAD. Sparrow, Miss Dorothy K(atherine). M.A., Smith, 40. Teaching fellow zoology, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (,6025 W. Wash- ington St., Indianapolis, Ind.) M40. FG. Sparrow, Stanwood W(illston). B.S., Wor- cester Polytechnic Inst., 11. Res. engineer, Studebaker Corp., South Bend, Ind. M25- F32. M. Spatz, Sydney M(artin). M.S., Iowa, 37. Res. graduate, Dept. Organic Chemistry, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M39. CNF. Spaulding, Charles. 1428 S. Douglas Ave., Springfield, 111. M33- C. Spaulding, Dr. Earle Henry. Ph.D., Yale, 36. Asst. prof, bacteriology, Temple Univ. School Med.; bacteriologist. Temple Univ. Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M38. N. Spaulding, Prof. F(rank) E(llsworth). 68 Cold Spring St., New Haven, Conn. M31- F32R35. QKI. Spaulding, Dr. Major Franklin. M.S., Cor- nell; Ph.D., Massachusetts State. Dir. Agric, Langston Univ., Langston, Okla. M38F40. OG. Spaulding, M(ilo) Herrick. A.M., Stan- ford, 06. Prof, zoology, Montana State Col., Bozeman, Mont. M12F27. F. Spaulding, Dr. Perley. M.S., Washington Univ., 03 ; Ph.D., 06. Senior pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Northeastern Forest Exp. Sta., New Haven, Conn. (360 Prospect St.) M02F09. G. Spaunhurst, Dr. John Franklin. D.O. Sec- treas. and editor, Amer. Electronic Res. Assn., 529 State Life Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. M40. N. Spealman, Dr. C(lair) R(aymond). M.A., California, 33; Ph.D., 36. Assoc, physiol- ogy, Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond, Va. M38. N. Spear, Ellis, III. 121 Bishopsgate Road, Newton Center, Mass. M31R33. I. Spear, Prof. Joseph. M.A., Boston, 33. Chairman Dept. Mathematics, Northeast- ern Univ., Boston, Mass. (31 Matchett St., Brighton, Mass.) M24F33. AI. Spear, Walter E(vang). B.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 97. Chief engineer, City Board Water Supply, 346 Broadway, New- York, N. Y. {37 Washington Square) M36. M. Spearman, Charles. Royal Bank Bldg., Montreal, Que., Canada. M24R37. EMD. Spearman, Miss Ethel. M.A., Stanford. Box 315, Sanger, Calif. M38. AQ. Spease, Prof. Edward. Phar.M., Philadel- phia Col. Pharmacy, 36. Dean and prof, pharmacy, Western Reserve Univ. School Pharmacy; directing pharmacist, Univ. Hosps., Cleveland, Ohio. (3051 Scarbor- ough Road, Cleveland Heights) M24F33. CNp. Specht, Dr. Heinz. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 33. Assoc, res. physiologist, Nat. Inst. Health, Bethesda, Md. (7 Maple Ave.) M37. FN. Speed, William S(hallcross). M.S., Rose Polytechnic Inst., 97; M.E., 99; D.E., 33. Chairman Board, Louisville Cement Co., 315 Guthrie St., Louisville, Ky. (2828 Lex- ington Road) M25. M. Speer, Harry E(dward). B.Sc, Western Reserve, 23. Owner, Speer's Pharmacy, 9225 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. (2992 Fontenav Road, Shaker Heights) M32. NCK. Speer, Dr. John H. 4737 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, 111. M39R39. CN. Speh, Carl F. Ph.B., Yale. Chief, Naval Stores Div., U. S. Bur. Agric. Chemistry and Engng., Washington, D. C. (208 Elm St., Alexandria, Va.) M40. CAM. Speicher, Dr. B(enjamin) R(obert). Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 33. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M34. F. Speicher, Mrs. Kathryn Gilmore (Kath- ryn Gilmore). Pennsylvania Col. Women, Pittsburgh, Pa. M25R33. G. Speidel, Dr. Carl C(askey). Ph.D., Prince- ton, 18. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. M22F26. NF. Speiden, Norman R(eeve). Curator, Edi- son Lab., Thomas A. Edison, Inc., West Orange, N. J. (26 Manchester Road) M30. FN. Speidher, Sister Mary Edmund. 161 S. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. M36- R36. Speight, Prof. Harold E(dwin) B(alme). M.A., Aberdeen, 09, Dartmouth, 27. Dean, Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, Pa. (603 Elm Ave.) M33. QK. 884 Directory of Members Spellberg, Dr. Mitchell A. M.D., Loyola, 34; M.S., Illinois, 39. Asst. medicine, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (5240 Harper Ave.) M40. NF. Speller, Dr. F(rank) N(ewman). Nat. Tube Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. M34F34R39. M. Spelt, Dr. David K(irby). Ph.D., North Carolina, 38. Asst. prof, psychology, Univ. Mississippi, University, Miss. (M35R35)- M37. IN. Spence, Prof. Bartholomew J(ohn). Ph.D., Princeton, 09. Chairman and prof. Dept. Physics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. (824 Milburn St.) M18F31. B. Spence, Harold I(smert). Ceramist, Gen. Tile Corp., El Segundo, Calif, (2516 Twin Oak St., Los Angeles, Calif.) M39. MEC. Spence, Dr. Kenneth Wartenbee. M.A., McGill, 30; Ph.D., Yale, 33. Assoc, prof, psychology, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M40. I. Spence, Liter E(still). M.S., California, 30. Senior range examiner, U. S. Soil Conser- vation Service, Washington, D. C. M39- F40. GEO. Spence, Ralph B(eckett). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 27. Prof, education and asst. dir. Ad- vanced School Education, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (525 W. 120th St.) M37F40. IQ. Spencer, Prof. Adelin E(lmer). M19D37. CE. Spencer, Arthur C(oe). Ph.D., Case, 96. Geologist retired, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (3250 Highland Place) M02F05. E. Spencer, D(amon) A(lvin). B.S., Michi- gan State, 12. Senior animal husbandman, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. (4109 3rd St. NW.) M32F33. OFG. Spencer, Dr. E(dwin) R(ollin). M.A., Illi- nois, 14; Ph.D., 20. Prof, biology, McKen- dree Col.; consulting botanist, Lebanon, 111. M18F33. FG. Spencer, Miss Esther Jean. 219 E. Avenue. 31, Los Angeles, Calif. M28R34. LH. Spencer, Dr. Frank C. Ph.D., Columbia, 99. Prof, history and mathematics, Adams State Teachers Col., Alamosa, Colo. M34- F34. HQ. Spencer, Dr. G(eorgq) C(arl). Ph.D., Got- tingen, 13. Amherst, Mass. M25F33. C. Spencer, George Otis. 9 Green St., Au- gusta, Maine. M29R34. CDE. Spencer, Miss Grace G(reenwood). M.S.. Iowa State. Chemist, Technical Labs., Sears, Roebuck and Co., 925 S. Homan Ave.. Chicago, 111. (4809 S. Lake Park Ave.) M31. CBL. Spencer, H. B. 2012 Massachusetts Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. M36. Spencer, Prof. H(arold) F(oster). M.S., Southern California, 33; Ph.D., Cornell, 38. Prof, biology and head Dept., Whittier Col., Whittier, Calif. M32. GFE. Spencer, Dr. Henry James. A.M., Wil- liams, 08; M.D., Columbia, 13. 24 W. 10th St., New York, N. Y. M28F33. NF. Spencer, Dr. Herbert L(incoln). Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 34. Pres., Pennsylvania Col. Women, Pittsburgh, Pa. M35. Spencer, Prof. Hugh M(iller). A.M., Mis- souri, 21 ; Ph.D., California, 24. Asst. prof, chemistry, Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. M29F33. CBA. Spencer, Dr. J(ack) T(aif). M.S., Wiscon- sin. 36; Ph.D., Ohio State, 39. Agent, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M40. GEF. Spencer, Jane E. 4809 Lake Park Ave., Chicago, 111. M37. AQK. Spencer, Prof. Mary Cass. M.S., Cornell, 95. Prof, emeritus mathematics, Newcomb Col., New Orleans, La. (1111 Lowerline St.) M14F38. A. Spencer, Miss Mary L(avinia). A.B., Smith, 37. International House, Chicago, 111. (?) M38. HL. Spencer, R. W. 1055 Vergne Ave., Pasa- dena, Calif. M30R32. MB. Spencer, Prof. Raymond G(eorge). M.S., Chicago, 26; Ph.D., 32. Prof, and head Dept. Phvsics, Albion Col., Albion, Mich. (601 Burr Oak St.) M36F40. B. Spencer, Dr. Robert D(ouglas). M.D., Pennsylvania, 16. Physician, 601 Centre St., Ashland, Pa. Mu.'CFN. Spencer, Robert L(yle). B.S., Iowa, 12. Dean engng., Univ. Delaware, Newark, Del. M30F32. M. Spencer, Dr. Roscoe (Roy). U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. M34- F34R36. N. Spencer, Prof. Roy C(larence). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 31. Asst. prof, physics, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M36F40. B. Spencer, Prof. Sam Riley. Bavlor Univ.. Waco, Tex. M34F34R38. B. Spencer, Dr. (W,) Douglas, M.A., Colum- bia, 31; Ph.D., 38. Asst. prof, psychology. Queens Col., Flushing, N. Y. (42 E. 52nd St., New York, N. Y.) M40. IQH. Spencer, Dr. Warren P(oppino). Ph.D., Ohio State, 29. Prof, biology, Col. Woos- ter, Wooster. Ohio. (702 N. Bever St.) M22F33. F. Spengler, Dr. John Arthur. Ph.D., 22; M.L., Hobart, 97; D.C.L., Nashville, 97; M.D., Buffalo, 99; Physician and surgeon, 423 Main St., Geneva, N. Y. (Far-View, Lenox Park) M17. NBC. Spengler, Dr. Joseph J(ohn). M.A., Ohio State, 29; Ph.D., 30. Dept. Economics, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M31. KOF. Individual Members 885 Speranza, Mrs. Gino (Florence Colgate). Jerrycroft, Irvington, N. Y. L29. Sperling, Miss Gladys A. M.S., Cornell, 36. Res. instr. animal nutrition, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (no Osmun Place) M39. NCF. Sperry, Prof. Arthur B(radley). B.S., Chi- cago, 20. Prof, geology, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. (333 N. 18th St.) M22- F31. E. Sperry, D(avid) R(ockwell). 189 Main St., Batavia, 111. M34F34R37. ME. Sperry, Elmer A(mbrose). 126 E. 78th St., New York, N. Y. M36. M. Sperry, Dr. Joel A. M31F33D37. NC. Sperry, Dr. Omer E(dison). A.M., Ne- braska, 31; Ph.D., 34. Prof, biology, Sul Ross State Teachers Col., Alpine, Tex. M32F39. GQ. Sperry, Dr. Theodore M(elrose). M.S., Illinois, 31; Ph.D., 33. Senior foreman (ecologist), Nat. Park Service, Madison, Wis. M30F38. GF. Sperry, Dr. Warren M(yron). M.S., Il- linois, 22; Ph.D., Rochester, 25. Principal res. biochemist, New York State Psychia- tric Inst, and Hosp.; asst. prof. biol. chem- istry, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. M29F33. CN. Sperry, Wilbur A(nson). B.Chem., Min- nesota, 29. Deputy special appraiser, State Minnesota, Mankato, Minn. (201 E. Lewis St.) M39. CMK. Sperti, Prof. George Speri. E.E., Cincin- nati, 33; Sc.D., Dayton, 34, Duquesne, 36. Dir., Institutum Divi Thomae, Mt. Wash- ington, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Ft. Mitchell, Ky.) M36. NBC. Spessard, Prof. Earle A(ugustus). M.A., Chicago, 20; Ph.D., 24. Head Dept. Biol- ogy, Hendrix Col., Conway, Ark. M23- F25. FG. Spicer, Chauncey E. Frankfort, Mich. M34R39. Spicer, Dr. Clyde A(llen). M.A., Johns Hopkins, 27 ; Ph.D., 29. Prof, mathe- matics. Western Maryland Col., West- minster, Md. M34F34. A. Spicer, R(eginald) E(rnest). Box 68, Glendale, Calif. M35R35. C. Spiegel, Dr. B(enjamin) Edgar. M.D., New York Med. Col., 14. 25 Central Park W., New York, N. Y. M29. N. Spiegel, Dr. Ernest A. M.D., Vienna, 18. Prof. exp. neurology, Temple Univ. School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. (6807 Lawnton Ave., Oak Lane) M34F35. IN. Spiegel-Adolf, Dr. Mona. M.D., Vienna, 18. Prof, colloid chemistrv, Temple Univ. School Med., Phildalephia, Pa. (6807 Lawnton Ave., Oak Lane) M33. CN. Spiegelberg, C(arD H(enry). M.S., Wash- ington State, 25. Asst. pathologist, Pine- apple Producers Cooperative Assn., Hono- lulu, Hawaii. M35F35. G. Spieker, Prof. Edmund M(aute). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 21. Prof, geology, Ohio State Univ.; assoc. geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Columbus, Ohio. (4793 Olentangy Blvd.) M26F27. E. Spieler, August J. Pres. and treas., Celina Stearic Acid Co.; pres., Daytol Co., Celina, Ohio. (405 E. Wayne St.) M33. CB. Spier, Dr. Leslie. Ph.D., Columbia, 20. Prof, anthropology, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex. (Santa Cruz, Calif.) M29F31. H. Spies, Dr. John William. M.S., Yale, 30; M.D., Harvard, 24. Dean and prof, pre- ventive medicine and public health, Univ. Texas Faculty Med., Galveston, Tex. (M34F34R38)M4oF34. N. Spies, Dr. Tom D(ouglas). M.D., Harvard, 27. Assoc, prof, medicine, Univ Cincinnati Col. Med., Cincinnati, Ohio. M36. N. Spieth, Miss Alda May. M.S., Chicago, 25; Ph.D., 31. Head Dept. Biology, State Teachers Col., Livingston, Ala. M26. G. Spieth, Prof. George Edward. M.S., Chi- cago, 18; Ph.D., 25. Prof, chemistry, Hills- dale Col., Hillsdale, Mich. (188 Oak St.) M18F31. BCN. Spike, J(ames) Edward, Jr. A.M., Har- vard, 31. Res. biophysicist, Lever Bros. Co., 164 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass. (20 Kingston Road, Newton Highlands, Mass.) M38F40. BGD. Spiker, Charles J. Branchport, N. Y. M35- F35R35. F. Spillman, Dr. Ramsay. M.D., Cornell, 17. Roentgenologist, 115 E. 61st St., New York, N. Y. M29. N. Spilman, Miss Mary I(nglis). 211 Syca- more St., Pikeville, Ky. M38R38. FG. Spiltoir, Charles F(rancis), Jr. A.B., Dart- mouth, 39. Asst. biology, Williams Col., Williamstown, Mass. (160-20 99th St., Howard Beach, N. Y.) M40. G. Spinden, Dr. Herbert Joseph. Brooklyn Inst. Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn Mus., Brooklyn, N. Y. M28F29R32. H. Spink, Dr. Wesley W(illiam). M.D., Har- vard, 32. Asst. prof, medicine, Univ. Min- nesota Med. School, Minneapolis, Minn. (201 Helbourne Ave. SE.) M40. N. Spinney, Prof. Louis Bevier. B.M.E., Iowa State, 92; B.S., 93. Prof, physics, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M02F07. B. Spinosa, Arthur Vail. C.E., Lehigh, 03. Vice pres. and dir., Penn Metal Co., Inc., Parkersburg, W. Va. (1333 Market St.) M36. M. 886 Directory of Members Spiro, Walter J(esse). M.E., Columbia, 03. Mechanical engineer, 37 W. 43rd St., New York, N. Y. (325 Central Park W.) M31. MAB. Spitz, Armand N. Editor, The Institute News, Franklin Inst.; instr. astronomy, Friends Central School, Philadelphia; au- thor and lecturer popular astronomy, Newtown Square, Pa. M39. DQ. Spitzer, Dr. George. M34F34D36. O. Spitzer, Dr. Lyman, Jr. M.A., Princeton, 37; Ph.D., 38. Instr. physics, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M38. DBA. Spock, L(eslie) E(rskine). M.A., Colum- bia, 24; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, prof, geology, Washington Square Col., New York Univ., New York, N. Y. M29F33. EM. Spoehr, Dr. H(erman) A(ugustus). Ph.D., Chicago, 09; D.Sc, 29. Chairman Div. Plant Biology, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Stanford University, Calif. M14F21. CG. Spoerl, Mrs. Dorothy Tilden (Mrs. H. D. Spoerl). 75 Oak Grove Ave., Springfield, Mass. M38R38. IQ. Spohn, Dr. Adelaide. M.S., Chicago, 13; Ph.D., Columbia, 23. Nutritionist, Eliza- beth McCormick Memorial Fund, 848 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. M14F33. C. Spokes, Ray E. M.S., Michigan, 20. Chief chemist, Amer. Brakeblok Div., Amer. Brake Shoe and Foundry Co., Detroit, Mich. (1043 Martin Place, Ann Arbor, Mich.) M39. C. Sponable, Earl I(ru). B.Chem., Cornell, 16. Chief engineer, Twentieth Century- Fox Film Corp., 444 W. 56th St., New York, N. Y. (277 Park Ave.) M29. MB. Sponsler, Prof. O(lenus) L(ee). A.M., Nebraska, n; Ph.D., Stanford, 21. Prof, botany, Univ. California Los Angles, Los Angles, Calif. M24F30. GBC. Spooner, Prof. Charles C(utler). M.A., Amherst, 03. Head Dept. Mathematics, Northern State Teachers Col., Marquette, Mich. (210 E. Prospect St.) M12F38. ADB. Spooner, Dr. Charles S(tockman). A.M., Ph.D., Illinois. Prof, zoology, Eastern Il- linois State Teachers Col., Charleston, 111. (1436 7th St.) (M28R32)M38. F. Sporn, Arthur. 2397 Grand Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M39R39. CNG. Sporn, Philip. E.E., Columbia, 17. Vice pres. and chief engineer, Amer. Gas and Electric Service Corp., 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. M29F32. MBK. Spotts, George William. House 15, Hwa Kee Ave., Off 1025 Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. M36R37. NC. Spragg, Dr. S(idney) D(urward) Shirley. M.S., Washington, 32; Ph.D., Yale, 35. Instr. psychologv, Queens Col., Flushing, N. Y. M39. INK. Sprague, Dr. Austin D(ever). M.Sc, Ohio, 31; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, mathematics, Elon College, N. Car. M40. ABD. Sprague, Carlton Stanley. E.E., Worces- ter Polytechnic Inst.; M.S., Purdue. Res. asst., Purdue Univ. Engng. Exp. Sta., West Lafayette, Ind. (216 Connoly St.) M40. MBA. Sprague, Edmund C(larence). B.Sc, Wor- cester Polytechnic Inst., 02. Vice pres., Achison Graphite Co., 30 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. M34. CBD. Sprague, Dr. George F(rederick). M.S., Nebraska, 26; Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Agrono- mist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M29F33. GO. Sprague, Harry A. 21 Macopin Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J. M27R32. QIA. Sprague, Prof. Howard B(ennett). M.S., Nebraska, 23; Ph.D., Rutgers, 26. Prof. agronomy, Rutgers Univ.; agronomist and head Dept., New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, N. J. M26F29. OG. Sprague, Dr. James M(aurice). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 34. Res. chemist, Sharp and Dohme, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. (359 Lake- view Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa.) M40. CN. Sprague, Dr. Roderick. M.S., Washington State, 25 ; Ph.D., Cincinnati, 29. Assoc, pathologist, U. S. Dept. Agric, North Da- kota Agric. Exp. Sta., Fargo, N. Dak. M30F31. G. Springer, Dr. Alfred. A.M., Ph.D., Heidel- berg, 72; D.Sc, 31. 312 E. 2nd St., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. M75F80E28. C. Secretary of Subsection on Chemistry, 188 1, and of Sec- tion on Chemistry (C), 1882 ; vice president for Section on Chemistry (C), 1892. Springer, Prof. G(eorge) P(errcy). 3 Park Ave., La Fayette, Ind. M34F34R35. M. Springer, Dr. N(athaniel) Norton. A.M., New York, 33 ; Ph.D., 36. Psychologist, Adolescents' Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. (1155 Gerard Ave., New York, N. Y.) M38. IQK. Springer, William (Moore). Ch.E., Co- lumbia, 15. Dir. res., Bristol-Myers Co., Hillside, N. J. (60 Courter Ave., Maple- wood, N. J.) M29F33. CBA. Springs, James Davis. A.B., Clark, 26. Chemist, Narragansett Electric Co., 51 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. (41 Beacon Circle, Cranston, R. I.) M39. CBM. Sprinkel, Dr. A. Hume. D.D.S., Mary- land. Professional Bldg., Staunton, Va. M40. Nd. Sprinkle, Charles R(oger). Chinook, Mont. M38. FGE. Sprinkle, Marshall R(oseboro). M.A., Wake Forest, 29; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 32. Senior technologist, Shell Oil Co., Wood River, 111. (653 Chapman St., Edwards- ville, 111.) M39. MCA. Individual Members 887 Sproat, Ira E. Cer.E., Ohio State, 11. Sales manager and dir. ceramic res., R. T. Vanderbilt Co., New York, N. Y. (Gor- ham Ave., Westport, Conn.) M38. MEP. Sproul, Dr. Robert G. Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M32F36R36. K. Sproull, Reavis C(laton). M.A., Mercer. 145 W. 1 2th St., New York, N. Y. M39. C. Spruijt, F(rederik) J(ohannes). Box 786, Babylon, N. Y. M28R36. F. Sprung, Dr. Murray M(unroe). Res. Lab., Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. M34F34R34. c. Sprunt, Dr. Douglas H(amilton). M.D., Yale, 27; M.S., 29. Assoc, prof, pathology, Duke Univ. School Med., Durham, N. Car. M34. x. Sprunt, Dr. T(homas) S(peck). 1035 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. M22F27R38. N. Spurway, Dr. C(harles) H(enry). Ph.D., Michigan State, 30. Prof, soils, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. M34- F34. O. Squier, Dr. Raymond (Roscoe). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. Instr. obstetrics and gvnecology, New York Hosp. and Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Squier, Dr. Theodore L(ouis). M.D., Mich- igan, 19. Assoc, clinical prof, medicine, Marquette Univ. School Med., Milwaukee, Wis. (2619 E. Wood Place) M32F39. NF. Squires, G. R. 4092 Mayfield Road, South Euclid, Ohio. M30R32. Squires, Dr. H(enry) D(ayton). Modesto Junior Col., Modesto, Calif. M29R33. E. Staack, John G(eorge). B.S., Wisconsin, 04. Chief topographic engineer, U. S. Geol. Survev, Washington, D. C. (1520 Webster St. NW.) M30F32. ME. Staber, Miss Maud J. M.S., Columbia, 07. 327 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mn. Q. Stabler, Dr. Robert M(iller). Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 31. Instr. zoology, Univ. Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M31F33. FN. Stabo, Dr. Trond N. M.D., Oslo, 94; D.Sc, Luther, 38. Physician; Norwegian vice- consul for Iowa, Decorah, Iowa. M18. N. Stacey, Alfred E(dwin), Jr. M.E., Syra- cuse, 06. Vice pres., Buensod-Stacey Air Conditioning, Inc., 60 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. (35 Wootton Road, Essex Fells, N. J.) M31. MH. Stacey, J(ohn) W(illiam). Res. assoc. botany, California Acad. Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Calif. M38. G. Stack, Miss Anne Marie. 131 1 E. 57th St., Chicago, 111. M39R39. CN. Stack, Prof. J(oseph) W(illiam). Dept. Zoology, Michigan State Col., East Lans- ing, Mich. M34F34R34. F. Stackpole, Miss Caroline E. A.M., Colum- bia, 06. Assoc, biology, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M03. FN. Stacy, Dr. Leda June. M.D., Rush, Minne- sota. 76 Ralph Ave., White Plains, N. Y. M40. N. Stacy, Dr. L(eland) J(ohnson). Ph.D., Chicago, 19. 33 Gladding Road, Caldwell, N. J. M22F31. BM. Stadelman, Ray Edward. Antivenin Inst. Amer., Glenolden, Pa. (?) M29R32. F. Stadie, Dr. William C. Radnor, Pa. M34- F34R39. N. Stadler, Prof. L(ewis) J(ohn). Ph.D., Mis- souri, 22. Principal geneticist, U. S. Dept. Agric. ; prof, field crops, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M22F24. GO. Stadnichenko, Miss Asya (Maximovna Stadnik-). Res. Lab., Municipal Sanita- rium, Chicago, 111. M35. N. Stadnichenko, Miss Marie (Maximovna Stadnik-). 917 18th St. NW., Washington, D. C. M20F31. E. Stadnichenko, Miss Taisia M(aximovna). Assoc, geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (917 18th St. NW.) M25F33. CE. Stadtmuller, Miss Henrietta (Louise). 819 Eddy St., San Francisco, Calif. M29. DE. Staff, Edgar J(onathan). A.M., Brown, 16; Sc.M., 20. 345 State Office Bldg., Provi- dence, R. I. M34F34. N. Stafford, Dr. Anna A(delaide). S.M., Chi- cago, 31; Ph.D., 23- Instr. mathematics, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. M39. A. Stafford, Prof. Irving B(oynton). 242 Ken- sington Place, Syracuse, N. Y. M24F27- R32. OG. Stafford, Sister Mary Edmundus. M36- D39. C. Stafford, Orin F(letcher). A.M., Kansas, 02. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., and dean Lower Div. and Service Depts., Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. (1289 15th Ave. E.) M07F11. C. Stafford, Ross G(uthrie). Public accoun- tant, 463 Flood Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. M39. Stafford, Samuel G. Coraopolis Heights, Coraopolis, Pa. M17. CMO. Stafseth, Dr. H(enrik) J(oakim). D.V.M., Michigan State Col., 17; M.S., 30; Ph.D., 35. Prof, pathogenic bacteriology and res. assoc. pathogenic bacteriology, Michigan State Col.; cooperating agent, U. S. Re- gional Poultry Disease Res. Lab., East Lansing, Mich. M40. N. Stager, Dr. Henry W(alter). M13F18D37. AMQ. Stagner, Dr. Ross. LTniv. Wisconsin, Mad- ison, Wis. M33R33. IKQ. 888 Directory of Members Stahl, C(harles) R(aymond). Kimberly, W. Va. M36R37. K. Stahl, C(orwyn) F(loyd). Box 549, San- ford, Fla. M29R32. FG. Stahl, Prof. Horatio S(eymour). Box 234, Blacksburg, Va. M20R32. FG. Stahl, Dr. Karl F(riedrich). Dr.Sc.nat., Tubingen, 26. Consulting chemist, 2318 Wharton St., Pittsburgh, Pa. (839 Chislett St.) M34F34. C. Stahley, Dr. George Diehl. 300 Carlisle St., Gettysburg, Pa. M98F07R38. N. Stahnke, Dr. Herbert Ludwig George. M.A., Arizona, 34; Ph.D., Iowa State, 38. Head Dept. Science, Mesa Union High School, Mesa, Ariz. (135 W. 2nd St.) M40. FQ. Stahr, Dr. Henry Irvin. M.A., Franklin and Marshall, 04; D.D., 26; LL.D., Ur- sinus, 35. Pres., Hood Col., Frederick, Md. M35. N. Stainbrook, Prof. Merrill A(ddison). Dept. Geology, Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. M28F33R36. EF. Stainsby, Dr. W(endall) J(ohnson). Cor- nell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M34F34R3/. N. Stainton, Prof. Walter H(utchinson). Ph.D., Cornell, 28. Asst. prof., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M32. BM. Stair, Prof. Edward C(lement). M.S., Pur- due, 23. Assoc, prof, horticulture, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Ind. (510 Waldron St.) M27F33. OGC. Staker, Dr. E(rnest) V(ernon). M.A., Utah State, 24; Ph.D., Minnesota, 29. Asst. prof, soil technology, New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. (221 Valley Road) M31F33. COG. Stakman, Dr. E(lviri) C(harles). Ph.D., Minnesota, 13. Prof, and head Section Plant Pathology, Univ. Minnesota; agent, U. S. Dept. Agric, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M13F15. G. Stalder, Walter. M.S., California, 07. Con- sulting petroleum geologist, 919 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. (1822 12th Ave., Oakland, Calif.) M13F16. CEM. Stalker, Prof. Edward A(rchibald). M.S.E., Michigan, 23. Prof, aeronautical engng. and chairman Dept., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1128 Miller Ave.) M40. M. Stallard, Dr. Harvey. Ph.D., Minnesota, 17; D.D.S., Illinois, 20. Dentist, 803 Medico-Dental Bldg., San Diego, Calif. M28F33. Nd. Stallbaumer, Prof. A(drian) L(awrence). A.M., St. Johns, 11; M.S., Chicago, 22. St. Martins Abbey, Lacev, Wash. (?) (M31- R36)M38. C. ' Stallings, W. S., Jr. Lab. Anthropology, Santa Fe, N. Mex. M33. HEG. Staloff, Charles. M.A., Columbia, 31. Teacher, Junior High School No. 40, Bronx, New York, N. Y. (75 Ft. Washing- ton Ave., Manhattan) M38. FG. Stalzer, Theodore. 339 S. Kirkwood Road, Kirkwood, Mo. M36R36. DBA. Stamberg, Dr. Olof E(rnest). M.S., Minne- sota, 36; Ph.D., 38. Assoc, chemist, Dept. Agric. Biochemistry, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M40F40. CO. Stamp, Dr. Ashley Grover. 15451 La Salle Ave., Detroit, Mich. M31R33. FNQ. Stanaka, William. Everhart Mus., Scran- ton, Pa. M31. FGH. Stancati, Milton Franklin. Dept. Zoology, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (?) M3iR34- FG. Stander, Dr. Henricus Johannes. M.S., Arizona, 16; M.D., Yale, 21. Prof, obstet- rics and gynecology, Cornell Univ. Med. Col.; obstetrician and gynecologist-in- chief, New York Hosp., New York, N. Y. (65 Brite Ave., Scarsdale, N.Y.) M23F33. CN. Standley, Paul C(arpenter). M.S., New Mexico State, 07. Curator herbarium, Field Mus. Natural History, Chicago, 111. M08F11. G. Stanfield, Dr. J(oseph) Fisher. M.A., Col- orado, 30; Ph.D., Iowa, 37. Dept. Science, Chicago Teachers Col., Chicago, 111. (6735 Stewart Ave.) (M32R33)M4oF40. G. Stanfield, Theodore. L16D38. Stanford, Ernest H(all). B.S., Minnesota. Graduate asst. agronomy, Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis, Calif. M40. OG. Stanford, F(red) C(linton). Ishpeming, Mich. M25. M. Stanford, Prof. Howard R(ussell). M.S., Illinois, 20. Prof. biol. science, Chaffey Junior Col.; bacteriologist, City Health Dept., Ontario, Calif. (122 E. J St.) M29. GOF. Stanford, Dr. J(oseph) S(edley). Ph.D., Cornell, 28. Asst. prof, zoology and ento- mology, Utah State Agric. Col., Logan, Utah. (445 N. 7th East St.) M35F35. FON. Stanford, Dr. Spencer C(larendon). M.S., Western Reserve, 33; Ph.D., 35. Dept. Chemistry. Union Col., Schenectady, N. Y. M37. C. Stang, Dr. Ambrose H(enry). Ph.D., Michigan, 16. Senior engineer, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (331 Up- shur St. NW.) M34F34. B. Stang, Sister Marie Celeste. M.S., Michi- gan, 32. Instr. zoology, Catholic Junior Col., Grand Rapids, Mich. M38. FE. Stanger, J. V. Pennsylvania Chem. Corp., 407 S. Jefferson St., Orange, N. J. M38. C. Stanislaus, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Stanislaus Costello). Individual Members 889 Stanland, Miss Marion Dear. M.A., Minne- sota, 37. Psychometric asst.. Woman's Col., Univ. North Carolina, Greensboro, N. Car. M38. IQK. Stanley, Alfred R(eeves). Dept. Biology, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M30R32. G. Stanley, Alfred T. 650 W. 30th St., New York, X. Y. M18. Stanley, Dr. Douglas. Mus.D., Col. Puget Sound; M.S., New York, 24. Vocal teacher, 44 W. 77th St., New York, N. Y. (Hotel Ansonia) M34F34. B. Stanley, E(rnest) B(rooke). Univ. Ari- zona, Tucson, Ariz. M27F31R32. O. Stanley, Dr. George M(ahon). Ph.D., Michigan, 32. Asst. prof., Dept. Geology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (3875 Huron River Drive) M38. EHD. Stanley, Miss Ina N(aomi). Dept. Botany, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M38R38. GOF. Stanley, Dr. John. M.A., Minnesota, 29; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, biology, Queen's Univ., Kingston, Out., Canada. M38. FA. Stanley, Leonard L(ovejoy). B.A., Yale, 10. Vice pres., Day and Zimmerman, Inc., 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (Old Kings Highway, Darien, Conn.) M38. M. Stanley, Dr. Louise. 3223 Macomb St. NW, Washington, D. C. M25R32. C. Stanley, Dr. Paul E(lwood). M.A., Ohio State, 33; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, physics, Wheaton Col, Wheaton, 111. M40. BM. Stanley, Miss Phyllis. M.A., Brown, 24. Med. technologist, Presbvterian Hosp., Newark, N. J. (641 Ridge St.) M29. NFC. Stanley, Dr. W(endell) M(eredith). M.S., Illinois, 27 ; Ph.D., 29; Sc.D., Earlham, 38, Harvard, 38. Yale, 38. Assoc, member, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., Princeton, N. J. (160 Hodge Road) M33F33. CNG. Stanley, Dr. Willard F(rancis). M.A., Il- linois, 28; Ph.D., 32. Head Dept. Science, State Normal School, Fredonia, N. Y. (134 Center St.) M36. FQ. Stanley, W(illiam) W(alter). Univ. Ten- nessee, Agric. Exp. Sta., Knoxville, Tenn. M31R32. F. Stannard, Dr. J(ames) Newell. A.M., Har- vard, 34; Ph.D., 35. Instr. pharmacology, Med. School, Emory University, Ga. (2045 McLendon Ave. NE., Atlanta, Ga.) (M33- R35)M38. NpFC. Stansel, R(oy) H(arrison). M.S., Texas A. and M. Col., 26. Supt., Substation No. 3, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., Angleton, Tex. M28F32. OGF. Stantial, F(rank) G. Merrimac Chem. Co., Everett, Mass. M09F25R36. C. Stanton, Edgar A(dolphus). AT. A., Wash- ington, 19. 3302 E. Mercer St., Seattle, Wash. M25. Q. Stanton, Dr. F. M. 1778 N. High St., Co- lumbus, Ohio. M30R32. NCE. Stanton, Dr. Frederick Lester. 175 E. 79th St., New York, N. Y. M37R38. N. Stanton, Dr. Harmon L. M.D., Iowa, 20; M.S., 21. Phvsician, 908 Central Union Bank Bldg., Evansville, Ind. M37. N. Stanton, Dr. Hazel M(artha). M.A., Iowa, 18; Ph.D., 21. Consulting psychologist and writer, 200 Cabrini Blvd., New York, N. Y. M21F28. I. Stanton, LeRoy W. 922 Wellington Ave., Chicago, 111. M36. CMN. Stanton, Dr. Ralph E(vans). Ph.D., Brown, 22. Toxicologist, Rhode Island Dept. Health, Providence, R. I. (58 Knee- land St., Edgewood, R. I.) M34F34. FG. Stanton, T(homas) Ray. M.S., Maryland, 21. U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washing- ton, D. C. M24F26. O. Stanton, Dr. T(imothy) W(illiam). M.S., Colorado, 95; D.Sc, 24; Ph.D., George Washington, 97. Geologist retired, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (54 S St. NW.) M01F02. E. Stanton, Wilbor D(ickens). Cohocton, N. Y. M08. M. Stanwick, Charles A(rnes). 131 Rynda Road, South Orange, N. J. M17F38. MBA. Stapleton, Dr. William John, Jr. M.D., Michigan Col. Med. and Surgery, 00; Ph.G., Detroit Col. Med., 02. Assoc, dean and prof. med. jurisprudence, med. his- tory and ethics, Wayne Univ. School Med., Detroit, Mich. (1402 Sevburn Ave.) Mi 7. N. Starbuck, Dr. Edwin Diller. A.M., Har- vard, 95 ; Ph.D., Clark, 97. Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. M07F11. IQ- Starbuck, Eric A(rthur). Simsbury, Conn. (?) M24R32. Q. Starbuck, George F(ranklin). 141 Wes- ton St., Waltham, Mass. M18R38. M. Starch, Dr. Daniel. M.A., Iowa, 04; Ph.D., 06. Pres., Daniel Starch and Staff, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. (14 Burgess Road, Scarsdale, N. Y.) Mio- F14. IQ. Starch, E. A. B.A., Minnesota, 25. Coordi- nator, Northern Plains Region, U. S. Dept. Agric, Lincoln, Nebr. M35F40. OK. Stare, Dr. Fredrick J(ohn). M.S., Wiscon- sin, 32; Ph.D., 34. Med. student, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5617 Drexel Ave.) M38. NC. Starin, Dr. William Alfred. A.M., Kansas, 08; Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Prof, bacteriology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M38. N. Stark, Dr. Arvil L. M.S., Iowa State, 32; Ph.D., 34. Extension horticulturist, Utah State Agric. Col., Logan, Utah. (M34- R34)M36F4o. O. 890 Directory of Members Stark, Prof. Clifford N(icks). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 27. Prof, bacteriology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (1322 E. State St.) M39. N. Stark, John Thomas. M.S.. Northwestern, 22; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Prof, geology and chairman Dept. Geology and Geography, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M29- F31. E. Stark, Miss Marion E(lizabeth). A.M., Brown, 17; Ph.D., Chicago, 26. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Wellesley Col., Wel- lesley, Mass. M37F38. A. Stark, Prof. Mary Bertha. Ph.D., Colum- bia, 19; Sc.D., Hamline, 38. Prof, histol- ogy and embryology, New York Med. Col. and Flower Hosp., New York, N. Y. (Bradford, R. I.) M23F25. FGN. Stark, Miss Naomi Amanda. M.A., Cali- fornia, 24. Bacteriologist, 518 Majestic Bldg., Denver, Colo. (647 High St.) M40. NC. Stark, Orton K(irkwood). Ph.D., Illinois, 26. Assoc, prof, botany and bacteriologist, Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. (410 E. Chest- nut St.) M27F27. GN. Stark, William E(verett). A.M., Harvard, 01. North Lovell, Maine. M31. QI. Stark, Dr. W(illiam) H(ubbard). M.S., Wisconsin, 37; Ph.D., 39. In charge Mi- crobiology Lab., Res. Dept., Jos. E. Sea- gram and Sons., Inc., Louisville, Ky. M39. NC. Starkey, Dr. E(dgar) B(ennett). M.S., Ph.D., Maryland. Asst. prof, organic chem- istry, Univ. Maryland School Pharmacy, Baltimore, Md. M39. CNQ. Starkey, Dr. Robert L(yman). M.S., Rut- gers, 23; Ph.D., 24. Assoc, soil micro- biologist, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta. ; assoc. prof, soil microbiology, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. (220 Blake Ave.) M23F30. OGN. Starkie, John L(ittle). Athicson, Topeka and Sante Fe Ry., Topeka, Kans. M30- R38. EM. Starkman, M. A. Phar.B., B.Sc, Ph.C, Toronto. 463 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M35. CNpG. Starkweather, Dr. Howard W(arner). M.S., Bucknell, 15; A.M., Harvard, 15; Ph.D., 25. Head Polymerization Div., Jackson Lab., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (815 Augusta Road, Westover Hills) M25F33. C. Starr, Dr. Anna Spiesman. 157 College Ave., New Brunswick, N. J. M29F33R37. IQ. Starr, Dr. Elmer G. 1001 S. Oakland Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M24R35. NIC. Starr, Dr. Henry E(tter). M29F31D35 IQN. Starr, Dr. Isaac. M.D., Pennsylvania, 20. Prof. res. therapeutics, Univ. Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. (505 Cresheim Valley Road, Chestnut Hill, Pa.) M34F34. NFC. Starr, Dr. L(eland) E(dson). D.V.M., Ohio State, 13; M.Sc, 22; Ph.D., Vir- ginia, 32. Asst. dean, Alabama Polytechnic Inst. School Veterinary Med., Auburn, Ala. (356 Payne St.) M35F35. F. Starr, Dr. Paul. M.D., Rush. 1078 Spruce St., Winnetka, 111. M38. N. Starrs, Bernard A. M.A., Western Re- serve, 31. Res. chemist, Rumford Chem. Co., Rumford, R. I. (4209 94th St., Elm- hurst, N. Y.) M39. CBG. States, Dr. M(arshall) N(ey). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 22. Dir. res. and development, Cen- tral Scientific Co., 1700 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago, 111. M19F31. B. Statham, Louis. 273 Humble Bldg., Hous- ton, Tex. M36R37. B. Staton, Thomas Felix. M.A., Georgia. Teacher, William A. Bass Junior High School, Atlanta, Ga. (Clermont, Ga.) M39. QI. Staub, Dr. Paul. Langenschachen, Ober- hofen a Thunersee, Switzerland. M29- R38. C. Stauber, Dr. Leslie A(lfred). M.Sc, Rut- gers, 30; Ph.D., Chicago, 37. Asst. biolo- gist, New Jersey Oyster Res. Lab., Bivalve, N. J. (Port Norris, N. J.) M30. F. Staud, Dr. Cyril J(erome). M.S., Roches- ter, 22; Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 24. In charge Emulsion Res. Lab., East- man Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. (203 Rutgers St.) M25F33. C. Stauffer, Andrew. M.Sc, Ohio State, 25. Teacher and dept. chairman, Wright Junior Col.; coordinator biol. sciences, Municipal Junior Colleges, Chicago, 111. (933 Sunnyside Ave.) M23. G. Stauffer, Dr. Clinton R(aymond). A.M., Ohio State, 06; Ph.D., Chicago, 09. Prof, geology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M06F11L20. E. Stauffer, Prof. John Frederick, Jr.). M.S., Mississippi State, 30; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 33. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M39F40. GCO. Stauffer, Robert C(linton). A.M., Har- vard, 39. Graduate student, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M36. LKF. Steagall, Dr. Mary M(inerva). M.S., Chi- cago, 23 ; Ph.D., 26. 808 S. Illinois Ave., Carbondale, 111. M21F33. FG. Stealy, Dr. Clair L(azarus). M.D., Michi- gan, 16. 1847 Alta Mira Place, San Diego, Calif. M36. N. Stearn, Prof. Allen E(dwin). A.M., Stan- ford, 16; M.S., Illinois, 17; Ph.D., 19. Prof, chemistry and chairman Dept., Univ. Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. (1509 Rosemary Lane) M38. CBN. Individual Members 891 Stearn, Dr. John T(heodore). Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M26- F33R34. c. Stearn, Dr. Noel H(udson). A.M., Stan- ford, 18; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 26. Chief geologist charge Land and Exploration Depts., W. C. McBride, Inc.; vice pres., Southwestern Quicksilver Co., St. Louis, Mo. M24L29F31. EQM. Stearns, Dr. A(lbert) Warren. M.D., Tufts, 10. Dean, Tufts Col. Med. School, Boston, Mass. (Billerica, Mass.) M24. N. Stearns, Dr. Carl L(eo). Ph.D., Yale, 23. Res. assoc, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. (8 Brainerd Ave.) M19F23. D. Stearns, Dr. Guy Beckley. M.D., New York Homeopathic Med. Col., 00. 853 7th Ave., New York, N. Y. M04. N. Stearns, Prof. Howard O(liver). M.S., Dartmouth, 17. Asst. prof, physics, Sim- mons Col., Boston, Mass. (80 Prospect St., Wellesley Hills, Mass.) M21F33. B. Stearns, Hoyt Arthur. B.S., Yale, 38. 18910 S. Woodland Road, Cleveland, Ohio. M39. B. Stearns, Prof. J(oyce) C(lennam). M.S., Chicago, 24; Ph.D., 30. Prof, physics and mathematics, Univ. Denver, Denver, Colo. (2073 S. Josephine St.) M35F35. B. Stearns, Warren (See A. Warren Stearns). Stearns, William Brackett. Lecturer as- tronomy, Milton Acad., Milton, Mass. (222 Highland St.) M38. DBA. Steates, Edward Francis. 134 N. Colling- wood Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. M32R34. ABM. Stebbins, Miss Fannie A(delle). Super- visor nature study retired, Springfield Public Schools, Springfield, Mass. (31 Ely Ave., West Springfield, Mass.) M95F38E39. EFG. Stebbins, Dr. G(eorge) Ledyard, Jr. 1050 Cragmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M34F34- R36. G. Stebbins, Dr. James H(arvey). M25D32. NC. Stebbins, Prof. Joel. Ph.D., California, 03; Sc.D., Wisconsin, 20. Dir. Washburn Ob- servatory and prof, astronomy, Univ. Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. M07F09. DB. Vice president for Section on Astronomy (D), 1920. Stebbins, Miss Lucy Ward. Litt.D., Mills, 33. Dean women and prof, social eco- nomics, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (2731 Durant Ave.) M22. K. Stebinger, Eugene. B.S., Chicago, 07. Chief geologist, Standard Oil Co. New Jersey, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. (525 W. 238th St.) M11F14. E. Stebler, A(dolph) M(arvin). Game Div., Dept. Conservation, Lansing, Mich. M36- R37. GEF. Stecher, Dr. Robert M. M.D., Harvard, 23. Senior clinical instr. medicine. Western Reserve Univ. School Med.; visiting phy- sician, City Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. M35. N. Stechschulte, Rev. Victor C(yril). Xavier Univ., Cincinnati, Ohio. M32R32. EB. Steck, Dr. Irving E(lihu). M.S., Illinois, 32; M.D., 33. Instr. physiology and medi- cine, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (5900 N. Christiana Ave.) M39. N. Steckbeck, Dr. D(avid) Walter. A.M., Pennsylvania, 11; Ph.D., 15. Assoc, prof, botany, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Mi 1F21. G. Steckle, Lynde C. M.A., Ohio State. Dept. Psvchologv, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M37". IFN. Stedman, Prof. C(ecil) K(ingsley). Ph.D., Purdue, 35. Asst. prof, physics, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. (209 North St., West Lafayette, Ind.) M39. BEM. Stedman, John M(oore). M.S., Cornell, 88. Extension specialist retired, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (48 Mountainview St., Springfield, Mass.) M39. F. Stedman, Dr. Wilbur M. Test Bur., Balti- more and Ohio Ry. Co., Baltimore, Md. M29R34. CIN. Steel, Prof. Alvin Arthur. Route 3, Parma, Idaho. M07F31. EM. Steel, Prof. Matthew. M.S., New Mexico State, 02; Ph.D., Columbia, 08. Prof, bio- chemistry, Long Island Col. Med.; chem- ist, Long Island Col. Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y. M07F21. CN. Steel, Dr. Selwyn (Ladenberg). M.D., Yale. Instr. cardiology, Tufts Col. Med. School; cardiologist, 320 Beacon St., Bos- ton, Mass. M40. NHL. Steele, Dewey G(eorge). Ph.D., Wiscon- sin, 26. Asst. prof, genetics, Univ. Ken- tucky, Lexington, Ky. M24F33. FG. Steele, Dr. Edson Hun. M.D., Albany, 19. Psychiatrist, Los Angeles County Psycho- pathic Hosp.; state examiner, Los An- geles County Lunacv Commission, Los Angeles, Calif. M38. IN. Steele, Frank John. Bloomfield, Pitts- burgh, Pa. M27F33R36. CBN. Steele, Harold. M.A., Wisconsin, 08. Pres., Jackson Junior Col.; supt., Public Schools, Jackson, Mich. (219 3rd St.) M38. Q. Steele, Dr. Herd C(leveland). Ph.D., In- diana. Hattiesburg, Miss. M38. C. Steele, Dr. J. Murray. M.D. 26 E. 81st St., New York, N. Y. M35. MBC. Steele, Dr. J(ohn) Gordon. M.Sc, Ohio State, 32; Ph.D., 34. Senior soil scientist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Washing- ton, D. C. (2919 McKinlev St. NW.) M35- F40. OE. 892 Directory of Members Steele, Dr. Sydney. M.A., Ph.D., Cam- bridge, 32. Engineer, R. and H. Chemicals Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. (714 Buffalo Ave.) M39. MPK. Steele, Dr. Westbrook. LL.D., Centenary, 38. Executive dir., Inst. Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wis. M39. QC. Steenbock, Prof. Harry. Ph.D., Wiscon- sin, 16; Sc.D., 38. Prof, biochemistry, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (21 17 W. Lawn Ave.) M17F21. FCO. Steenburgh, W. Elgin (See W. Elgin van Steenburgh). Steer, Dr. M. D. M.A., Iowa, 33; Ph.D., 38. Dir. speech clinic and asst. prof., Pur- due Univ., West Lafayette, Ind. M38. INB. Steere, Joseph B. Route 6, Ann Arbor, Mich. M39. FH. Steere, Prof. William Campbell. M.A., Michigan, 31 ; Ph.D., 32. Asst. prof, botany, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (M35R36)M38F39. G. Steese, Gen. James G(ordon). M.A., Dick- inson, 06; Sc.D., Alaska, 32. Chairman Board and pres., Guajillo Corp. and Affili- ated Cos.; pres., Slate Creek Placers, Inc., 2015 Alamo Nat. Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. (Mt. Holly Springs. Pa.) M17F25. ME. Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. A.M., Harvard, 23; Ph.D., Iceland, 30; LL.D., Michigan, 2i, Iowa, 22, North Dakota, 30, Manitoba, 36, Pittsburgh, 38. Adviser northern op- erations. Pan Amer. Airways, 135 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. (67 Morton St.) M19L21F2S. EH. Steffen, Dr. Gustav I(var). Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Asst. clinical pathologist. New York Hosp.; instr. clinical pathology, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y M25- F33. NC. Steffey, Miss Jane. A.B., Hood, 31. Sci- entific aide, U. S. Soil Conservation Serv- ice. Milwaukee, Wis. (4650 N. Port Wash- ington Road) M40. GOF. Steffey, Dr. W(alter) W(hite). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 23. Prof, physics, Austin Col., Sherman, Tex. M35F35. B. Steger, Dr. Edward M(aples). 2429 Brant St., San Diego, Calif. M25R35. N. Steggerda, Dr. Frederic R(ussell). Ph.D., Minnesota, 29. Asst. prof, physiology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M29F33. N. Steggerda, Dr. Morris. A.M., Illinois, 23; Ph.D., 28. Investigator, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. M30F33. FHI. Stehle, Dr. R(aymond) L(ouis). M.A., Ohio State, 13; Ph.D., Yale, 15. Prof, pharmacology, McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada. M18F25. CNp. Stehr, Dr. W(illiam) C(arD. M.S., Minne- sota, 28; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, prof, entomol- ogy, Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio. M30- F33. F. Steidinger, Miss Ruth F(ehr). A.B., Antioch. 1123 Oakland Ave., Denton, Tex. M38. I. Steidtmann, Edward. A.M., Wisconsin, 07; Ph.D., 10. Prof, geology, Virginia Military Inst., Lexington, Va. M09F14. E. Steidtmann, Waldo E(dward). Dept. Bot- any, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M30R32. G. Steiger, George. M.S., George Washing- ton, 92. Indian Rocks Inn, Indian Rocks, Fla. M91F01E39. CE. Steiger, Dr. T. L. 201 Weston Road, Wel- lesley, Mass. M30F31. G. Steil, Dr. W(illiam) N(icholas). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 16. 1926 N. 53rd St., Milwau- kee, Wis. M21F25. G. Stein, Mrs. Caroline R. S(imons). 66 Sum- mit Ave., Brookline, Mass. M25. N. Stein, Charles F., Jr. 231 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, Md. M20. H. Stein, Eugene. 504 W. 137th St., New York, N. Y. M32R33. BAD. Stein, Harold. 2420 Grand Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M3iR33- KAL. Stein, Miss Hilda A. M.S., Illinois, 29. Assoc, prof., Southern Illinois State Nor- mal Univ., Carbondale, 111. M30. F. Stein, Dr. Irving Freiler. M.D., Rush, 12. Assoc. pruf. obstetrics, Northwestern Univ.; attending obstetrician and gyn- ecologist, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, HI. (5333 Hyde Park Blvd.) M24. N. Stein, I(rving) Melville. Dir. res., Leeds and Northrup Co., 4901 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. (5128 W. Coulter St.) M37F40. BKM. Stein, Dr. John Bethune. M.D.. Columbia. Prof, phvsiology, New York Univ., New York. N. Y. (40 E. 10th St.) Mo6F33- XFH. Stein, Dr. Kathryn F(orney). M.S., Chi- cago, 28; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof., Mt. Holy- oke Col., South Hadley, Mass. M36F36. FN. Stein, Leo (See Leo Stone). Stein, Dr. M(ichael) Russell. D.D.S., New York, 27. 119 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. M34. HFNd. Stein, Dr. Sam I. M.S., Minnesota, 30; Ph.D., 32; M.D., 34. Psychiatrist, Inst. Juvenile Res.; clinical asst., Dept. Nerv- ous and Mental Diseases, Northwestern Univ., Chicago, 111. M35. NI. Stein, Dr. William H(oward). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 37. Res. asst., Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. (49 E. 96th St.) M40. NC. Individual Members 893 Steinbach, Dr. Henry Burr. M.A., Brown; Ph.D., Pennsylvania. Asst. prof, zoology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M39. F. Steinbach, Dr. Leslie I(rving). A.M., In- diana, 30; Ph.D., 36. Dean, Central Nor- mal Col., Danville, Ind.; member res. staff, Chicago Apparatus Co., Chicago, 111. (203 W. Marion St., Danville, Ind.) M38. BCP. Steinbach, Dr. M. Maxim. 630 W. 168th St., New York, N. Y. M36R37. N. Steinbach, Sister M(ary) Nila. M.A., Mar- quette, 36. Graduate student, Catholic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. (St. Clare Col., St. Francis, Wis.) M37. QGC. Steinbach, Dr. Otto F(rancis). M.S., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 27; Ph.D., New York, 31. Prof, chemistry, Hartwick Col., Oneonta, N. Y. M32F33. C. Steinbauer, Dr. George P. M.S., Minne- sota, 27 \ Ph.D., 29. Assoc, prof, botany, Univ. Maine; seed analyst, Maine Agric. Exp. Sta., Orono, Maine. (2 Riverdale Ave.) M32F33. GCB. Steinberg, Dr. Bernhard. Toledo Hosp., Toledo, Ohio. M28R32. N. Steinberg, John C(hris). M.S., Coe, 17; Ph.D., Iowa, 22. Member technical staff, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M23F40. B. Steinberg, Dr. Robert A(aron). M.S., George Washington, 14; Ph.D., Columbia, 19. Assoc, physiologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M35F38. G. Steinberger, James A. Route 3, St. Paris, Ohio. M32R32. MAB. Steindler, Dr. Arthur. Children's Hosp., Iowa City, Iowa. M36F36R38. N. Steinebrey, Frank J(ulius), Jr. M.S., Southern California, 39. Graduate student, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (1831 Arvin Drive, Glendale, Calif.) M39. CBM. Steiner, Mrs. Estella R(aphael). M.A., New York, 34. Chairman Dept. Biology, Grover Cleveland High School, Ridge- wood, N. Y. (73 Bayview Ave., Great Neck, N. Y.) M35. FGC. Steine/, Dr. Gotthold. Ph.D., Bern, 10. Senior nematologist, U. S. Bur. Plant In- dustry, Washington, D. C. M23F24. FG. Steiner, Harold M(etzler). M.Sc, Ohio State, 33. Instr. economic entomology, Fruit Res. Lab., Pennsylvania State Col., Arendtsville, Pa. M40. F. Steiner, Dr. Luke E(by). Ph.D., Yale, 27. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Oberlin Coh, Oberlin, Ohio. (83 Elmwood Place) M29- F33. CB. Steiner, Miss Matilda (Elisabeth). M.A., Columbia, 36. Testing examiner, R. II. Macy and Co., Long Island City, N. Y. (220 Brookdale Ave., Newark, N. J.) M40. I. Steiner, Dr. Paul E(by). M.S., North- western, 31; M.D., 32; Ph.D., Chicago, 33. Asst. prof, pathology, Univ. Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. M34F34. N. Steiner, Richard L(ewis). M.C.P., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 39. Asst. project planner, U. S. Housing Authority, Wash- ington, D. C. (1915 16th St. NW.) M38. MK. Steiner, Dr. Walter R(alph). M.A., Yale, 95J M.D., Johns Hopkins, 98; L.H.D., Trinity, 31. 646 Asylum Ave., Hartford, Conn. M10F18. N. Steinhardt, Eugene. 15 Crooke Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M38R38. FQG. Steinhaus, Prof. Arthur H. M.P.E., George Williams, 26; M.S., Chicago, 25; Ph.D., 28. Prof, physiology, George Williams Col., Chicago, 111. (5619 Dorchester Ave.) M28F33. NFK. Steinhaus, Dr. Edward A(rthur). Ph.D., Ohio State, 39. Rocky Mountain Lab., Hamilton, Mont. M40. NF. Steinholtz, Dr. Samuel. M.D., New York Homeopathic Med. Col. and Flower Hosp., 28. 239 Snediker Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M40. NCK. Steinke, Dr. Carl R(ossow). M.S., Coe, 09; M.D., Pennsylvania, 09. Visiting sur- geon, Akron City Hosp.; consulting sur- geon, Children's Hosp. and St. Thomas Hosp., Akron, Ohio. (Tinkham Road) M28. N. Steinman, Dr. D(avid) B(arnard). A.M., Columbia, 09; C.E., 09; Ph.D., 11. Con- sulting engineer, Robinson and Stein- man, 117 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. M34F34- MBA. Steinmayer, Prof. Reinhard A(ugust). B.S., Illinois, 16. Assoc, prof, geology, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. M28- F33. EM. Steinmetz, Dr. F(erdinand) H(enry). M.S., Minnesota, 21 ; Ph.D., 26. Prof, botany and head Dept. Botany and En- tomology, Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. (36 College Ave.) M27F27. GO. Steinmetz, Prof. Harry C. San Diego State Col., San Diego, Calif. (M3iR34)M36- R36. IQK. Steinmetz, Miss Mary E(lizabeth). A.M., Radcliffe, 26. Teacher mathematics and head Dept., St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N. J. M27F38. A. Steinmetz, Victor A(ugust). M.S., Case, "$7. Westvaco Chlorine Production Corp., New York, N. Y. M40. CM. Steinour, Dr. Harold H(eiges). M.S., California Inst. Tech., 26; Ph.D., 28. Res. chemist, Portland Cement Assn., 33 W. Grand Ave., Chicago, 111. (2203 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111.) M34F34. CBK. Stejneger, Dr. Leonhard. Ph.D., Oslo, 30. Head curator biology, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. M91F92E39. F. 894 Directory of Members Stelle, Dr. Ruth S(tone_). M.D., Michigan, 23. Asst. med. adviser and instr. hygiene, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (Dryden, N. Y.) M39. N. Stemen, Thomas R. M.A., Oklahoma. Dir. science, Classen High School, Oklahoma City, Okla. M39- G. Stempa, Dr. Henry. M.D., Berlin. 504 Wolcott Hill Road, Wethersfield, Conn. M40. NC. Stemple, Prof. Jay F(erry). M.S., Chi- cago, 20. Head physical sciences, State Teachers Col., Lock Haven, Pa. (M33- R38)M40. BCD. Stemple, Prof. Wade H(ampton). Dept. Phvsics, Lenoir Rhvne Col., Hickory, N. Car. M34F34R34- BME. Stenberg, T. R. Box 417, Troy, N. Y. M37R37- M. Stene, Prof. A(ndrew) Edward. M.S. A., Cornell, 02. Res. prof, horticulture, Rhode Island State Col., Kingston; state ento- mologist, Rhode Island Dept. Agric. and Conservation, Providence, R. I. M30F33. FO. Stengel, Dr. Alfred. M13F18D39. N. Stenholm, A(xel) Harry. 74 Elm St., Pots- dam, N. Y. M33R34. KIQ. Stenquist, Dr. John L(angdon). A.M., Co- lumbia, 15; Ph.D., 21. Dir. res., Bur. Measurement, Statistics and Res., City Dept. Education; instr., Univ. Maryland, Baltimore, Md. M27F28. I. Stens, Alfredo Garcia. Apartado 162, Tru- jillo, Peru, S. A. M36R36. MEC. Stens, Enrique Garcia. Apartado 162, Tru- jillo, Peru, S. A. M36R36. MBK. Stenstrom, Dr. (Karl) Wilhelm. Ph.D., Lund, 19. Prof, biophysics, Univ. Minne- sota Med. School, . Minneapolis, Minn. (1517 E. River Road) M24F27L37. BN. Stephan, Frederick Franklin. M.A.. Chi- cago, 26. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M31F37. KH. Stephan, Dr. John Franklin. 1038 Keith Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. M12R33. BCN. Stephan, Dr. Robert Marshall. M.S., Illi- nois, 34. Asst. operative dentistry, Univ. Illinois Col. Dentistry; dentist, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. (8154 Ingle- side Ave.) M36. NC. Stephens, Dr. Doran J. M.D., Rochester, 29. Asst. prof, medicine, Univ. Rochester; asst. physician, Strong Memorial Hosp., Rochester, N. Y. (335 Brooklawn Drive) M37. N. Stephens, Frank. M17F25D37. F. Stephens, Dr. Frank F(letcher). 203 Thillv Ave., Columbia, Mo. M36R37. LKQ. Stephens, Frank W. Mayfair House, Phil- adelphia, Pa. M36R37. MCE. Stephens, Dr. George W. M32D- N. Stephens, G(eorge) W(illiam), Jr. 4810 Roland Ave., Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. M36R36. M. Stephens, Dr. H(arry) N(ewborn). M.A., Toronto, 21 ; Ph.D., McGill, 23. 821 Lake Ave., White Bear Lake, Minn. M29F33. C. Stephens, Homer A. M.A., Columbia, 38. Teacher biology, Ingalls Junior-Senior High School, Atchison, Kans. (320 Santa Fe St.) M39. GF. Stephens, Prof. Ira K(endrick). M.A., Harvard, 25; Ph.D., 27. Prof, philosophy, Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, Tex. M28. 1KB. Stephens, Jesse A(llen). Acoustics and X-ray Res. Lab., 1024 Kirbv Ave., Muncie, Ind. M38. B. Stephens, Dr. Jessica Young (Jessica M. Young). M.S., California, 15; Ph.D., 20. 1115 Collier Ave., Brentwood, Mo. M21- F23. AD. Stephens, Mrs. Kate. Curator mollusks retired, Mus. San Diego Soc. Nat. History San Diego, Calif. (3746 Park Blvd.) M24. F. Stephens, Philip Frederick. Verona, N. Y. M29R33. MEO. Stephens, Dr. R(oswell) P(owell). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 05. Head and prof., Dept. Mathematics, and dean Graduate School, Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga. (M06F09R32)- M38F09. AB. Stephens, Prof. Thomas C(alderwood). Morningside Col., Sioux Citv, Iowa. M06- F22R38. F. Stephens, William Cleaves. A.B., Wabash, 35; LL.B., Michigan, 38. Attorney at law, Smith and Murray, Centralia, 111. (626 S. Maple St.) M38. BD. Stephens, Dr. William Richmond. M.S., Alabama Polytechnic Inst., 21 ; Ph.D., Iowa, 29. Prof, chemistrv, Bavlor Univ., Waco, Tex. (1733 S. 10th St.) M25F33. C. Stephenson, Dr. B(ird) R(ichard). M.A., Illinois, 17; Ph.D., Michigan, 26. Physicist, Edward J. Meyer Memorial Hosp.; assoc. therapeutics, Univ. Buffalo School Med., Buffalo, N. Y. (95 E. Morris Ave.) M31- F33. BNA. Stephenson, Dr. Edward B(eattie). M.S., Knox, 07; Ph.D., Illinois, 10. Senior physicist, Naval Res. Lab., Anacostia, Washington, D. C. M07F15. B. Stephenson, Prof. Eugene A(ustin). Ph.D., Chicago, 15. Prof, and head Dept. Pe- troleum Engng., Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1516 University Drive) M20F31. EM. Stephenson, Dr. Hadley (Carruthers). D.V.M., Cornell. 105 Cornell St., Ithaca, N. Y. M37. N. Stephenson, Howard. 12 Crescent Road, Port Washington, N. Y. M33. KL. Individual Members 89: Stephenson, Dr. L(loyd) W(illiam). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 07. Senior geologist, U. S. Geol. Survev, Washington, D. C. (3421 Lowell St. NW.) M06F11. E. Stephenson, Lyle. 35 W. 52nd St., Kan- sas City, Mo. M25. F. Stephenson, M(orton) B(ayard), M.S., Michigan. Paleontologist, Sinclair Prairie Oil Co., Midland, Tex. M38. E. Stephenson, Dr. R(oscoe) E(lmo). M.S., Illinois, 17; Ph.D., Iowa State, 20. Prof, soils, Oregon State Col.; soil scientist, Oregon Agric. Exp. Sta., Corvallis, Oreg. (515 N. 34th St.) M40F40. O. Stepita, Dr. C(ornelius) Travers. 340 E. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. M36R37. NQC. Stergios, W(illiam) George. Sc.M., Brown. Head Dept. Science, High School, New London, N. H. M38R39. FN. Sterling, Prof. C(harles) M(organ). M27- D34. GCN. Sterling, Edward Canfield. M.A., Colum- bia, 39; Ph.D., 39. Dir. Edcan Labs., 12 Pine St., South Norwalk, Conn. (Clin- ton Ave., Westport, Conn.) M39. C. Stern, Dr. Adolph. M.D., Columbia. 390 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. M38. NIH. Stern, A(lbert) George. A. R. Maas Chem. Co., 308 E. 8th St., Los Angeles, Calif. M30R35. CMP. Stern, Alexander W. 288 Dover St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M33F40. B. Stern, Carl W(illiam). 179 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. M38R38. LPK. Stern, Prof. Curt. Ph.D., Berlin, 23. Assoc, prof., Dept. Zoology, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. (300 Susquehanna Road) M40. F. Stern, Dr. Elias Lincoln. M.D., Colum- bia, 22. Instr. anatomy, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. (725 Riverside Drive) M40. NC. Stern, Prof. Elizabeth Vera Loeb. A.M., Columbia, 22. 1435 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. M33. IQ. Stern, Miss Frances. Boston Dispensary, 25 Bennet St., Boston, Mass. M29R32. CKN. Stern, Dr. Otto. Ph.D., Breslau, 12; LL.D., California, 30. Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35F40. B. Stern, Robert M(alcolm). M.S., Wiscon- sin. Res. asst., Dept. Agric. Bacteriology, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M40F40. OC. Sternberg, Charles H(azelius). 4046 Ari- zona St., San Diego, Calif. M34F14R34. EFG. Sterner, James Hervi. M.D., Harvard, 32. Dir. Lab. Industrial Med., Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. M39. NC. Sterrett, Douglas B(ovard). B.S., George Washington, 02. Independent mining, 328 St. Paul St., Kamloops, B. C, Canada. M09F14. E. Stetson, Dr. Dudley D(onnelly). M.D., Colorado, 05. 17 E. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. M25. N. Stetson, George A(lbert). M.E., Yale, 15. Editor, Amer. Soc. Mechanical Engi- neers, 29 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y. (25 Wilbur Place, Bronxville, N. Y.) M28- F31. M. Stetson, Dr. Harlan T(rue). Sc.M., Dart- mouth, 10; Ph.D., Chicago, 15. Res. assoc, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cam- bridge; dir. Suburban Lab. Cosmic Res., Needham, Mass. (198 Collins Road, Waban, Mass.) M08F13. DBA. Secretary of Section on Astronomy (D), 1933 — . Stetson, Henry (Crosby). A.M., Harvard, 26. Mus. Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M34. E. Stetson, John B., Jr. Packard Bldg., Phil- adelphia, Pa. M31R33. NEH. Stetson, Dr. John Minor. Ph.D., Prince- ton, 14. Prof, mathematics and head Dept., Col. William and Mary, Williams- burg, Va. M17F33. A. Stetson, R(aymond) H(erbert). Ph.D., Harvard, 01. Prof, emeritus psychology, Oberlin Col., Oberlin, Ohio. (131 Forest St.) M34F34. 1. Stetten, Dr. DeWitt. M.D., Columbia, 01. Surgeon, 850 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M24. N. Stetten, Dr. DeWitt, Jr. M.D., Columbia, 34. Asst. biochemistry, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. (40 W. 67th St.) M40. N. Steurer, Dr. John A(dam). M.D., Belle- vue Hosp. Med. Col., 73. 349 Warwick Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. M17. N. Stevenot, J. E. H. Box 1628, Manila, P. I. M31R35. M. Stevens, Dr. Alexander Raymond. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 03. Prof, urology, Cornell Univ. Med. Col.; attending surgeon, New York Hosp., New York, N. Y. M34F34. N. Stevens, Miss Belle A(lice). 1501 10th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. M27F33R36. FG. Stevens, Charles Rolfe. A.B., Princeton. 1246 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111. M39. CPK. Stevens, Miss Edith. A.M., West Virginia, 24; Ph.D., Chicago, 28. Assoc, prof, biol- ogy, State Teachers Col., Farmville, Va. (Metz, W. Va.) M29F30. GF. Stevens, Dr. Ernest J. 242 Powell St., San Francisco, Calif. M26R34. BNI. Stevens, Dr. Frank Lincoln. M95F99- D34. G. Stevens, Harland. Aberdeen Substation, Aberdeen, Idaho. M33R33. FG. 896 Directory of Members Stevens, Dr. Harold. A.M., Pennsylvania, 34; Ph.D., 37. Res. asst., Children's Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. (641 Pine St.) M37. ICN. Stevens, Prof. Harold E(dwin). M.S., Illi- nois, 10. Senior pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Orlando, Fla. M11F15. G. Stevens, Dr. Herman Campbell. M07F11- D34. IN. Stevens, Prof. Howard E. M.E., Rensse- laer Polytechnic Inst., 16. Assoc, prof, mechanical engng., Rensselaer Polytech- nic Inst., Troy, N. Y. (9 Rankin Ave.) M35F35. M. Stevens, Dr. J. Thompson. 55 Park St., Montclair, N. J. M32R32. N. Stevens, Dr. James Stacy. Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M99F00R34. B. Stevens, John B(artlett). Associated Oil Co., Oildale, Calif. M28R38. EH. Stevens, Dr. Kenneth P(orter). M.A., Wesleyan, 20; Ph.D., Princeton, 27. Prof, biology and head Dept., Central Col., Fayette, Mo. M29F33. F. Stevens, Miss Leah. 1520 4th St., Charles- ton, 111. M36R36. E. Stevens, Dr. Neil E(verett). Ph.D., Yale, II. Prof, botany, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, III. M11F13L19. GL. Vice president for Section on Botanical Sciences (G), 1939. Stevens, Prof. O(rin) A(lva). M.S., North Dakota State, 23. Assoc, prof, botany, North Dakota State Col., Fargo, N. Dak. M16F25. FG. Stevens, P(erley) E(gbert). Auditorium Garage Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. M38R39. MEA. Stevens, Raymond. 73 Nowell Road, Mel- rose, Mass. M33R34. Stevens, Richard A. 31 Oakmere Drive, Baldwin, N. Y. M39. CNO. Stevens, Dr. Rollin H(oward). M.D., Michigan. Chief radiologist and consult- ing dermatologist, Grace Hosp., Detroit; consulting radiologist, Wayne County Hosp., Eloise; radiologist, 1429 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. (47 Pingree Ave., Detroit, Mich.) M38. NBC. Stevens, Dr. S(tanley) Smith. Ph.D., Har- vard, 33. Asst. prof., Harvard Univ., Cam- bridge, Mass. M40F40. INB. Stevens, Dr. Sue Cassell. M.A., Columbia, 31; Ph.D., 40. Res. chemist, 611 112th St., New York, N. Y. M37. CN. Stevens, Prof. William Chase. M.S., Kan- sas, 93. Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M11F16. G. Stevenson, David P. Graduate Col., Princeton, N. J. M35R35. Stevenson, Earl P(lace). M.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 20. Pres., Arthur D. Little, Inc., 30 Charles River Road, Cam- bridge, Mass. (106 Shornecliffe Road, Newton, Mass.) M34F34. C. Stevenson, Prof. Edward L(uther). Ph.D., Heidelberg, 90; LL.D., Franklin, 13; Litt.D., Rutgers, 22. Editor emeritus, His- panic Society, New York, N. Y. (17 Lake Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.) M24F29. E. Stevenson, Dr. Elizabeth (Esten). Ph.D., Yale, 39. Res. asst., Memorial Hosp., New York, N. Y. M40. CN. Stevenson, Elmo N(all). Eastern Oregon Normal School, La Grande, Oreg. (?) M31R35. FGQ. Stevenson, Dr. F. J. 308 Ethan Allen St., Takoma Park, Md. M31F33. GO. Stevenson, Francis L(eslie). 4541 Green- view Ave., Chicago, 111. M98. BM. Stevenson, Dr. George S. M.S., Bucknell, 19; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 19. Med. dir., Nat. Committee Mental Hygiene, Inc., 50 W. 50th St., New York, N. Y. M40. I. Stevenson, Dr. Holland N(ewton). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Attending otolaryn- gologist, New Rochelle Hosp., New Rochelle, N. Y. M28F33. N. Stevenson, John. Dept. Geology, Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M32R33. ECM. Stevenson, John A(lbert). B.S., Minne- sota, 12. Senior mycologist charge myco- logical collections, U. S. Bur. Plant In- dustry; custodian Lloyd Mycological Col- lections, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C. (41 13 Emery Place NW.) M34F34- G. Stevenson, Dr. P(aul) H(uston). M.D., Washington Univ., 16; A.M., Western Re- serve, 22. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Peiping Union Med. Col., Peking, China. M34- F34. N. Stevenson, Prof. Philo. A.B., Washing- ton Univ. Field representative, Washing- ton Univ., St. Louis, Mo. (7 Fordyce Lane, Clayton, Mo.) M34. I. Stevenson, W. H. Dept. Soils, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M30F31R37. O. Steward, Prof. Florence M(arie). A.M., Radcliffe. Prof, sociology, Alma Col., Alma, Mich. M36. IH. Steward, Dr. Julian H(aynes). M.A., Cali- fornia, 26; Ph.D., 29. Senior anthropolo- gist, Bur. Amer. Ethnology, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C. (M29F31R32)- M39F31. H. Steward, Willard P. M.S., Rochester, 33. Teacher science and mathematics, Silver- ton Senior High School, Silverton, Oreg. (1709 Spurgeon St., Santa Ana, Calif.) M35. B. Stewart, A. W. 402 S. Willow St., Kent, Ohio. M35R36. Individual Members 897 Stewart, Dr. Alban. Ph.D., Harvard, 11. 924 X. Monroe St., Tallahassee, Fla. M28- F30. G. Stewart, Andrew. A.M., Ph.D., Leipzig, 95. 1442 Clifton St. NW., Washington, D. C. M21. C. Stewart, Basil Ogden. B.Sc, Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 23. Asst. dir. res., Ma- sonite Corp., Laurel, Miss. (708 1st Ave.) M39, CMO. Stewart, Miss Belle Katherine. 1090 nth St., Boulder, Colo. M32F33R35. GFE. Stewart, Miss Charlotte J(osephine). M.A., Wisconsin, 36. Clerk, Wisconsin Power and Light Co., Beaver Dam, Wis. (320 W. Mackie St.) M39. AD. Stewart, Dr. Chester Arthur. M.D., Minne- sota, 19; Ph.D., 21. Clinical prof, pedia- trics, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis Minn. {227 W. 52nd St.) M38. N. Stewart, Clinton E(dwin). Box 474, Cot- tage Grove, Oreg. M29. G. Stewart, Prof. Colin C(ampbell). Ph.D., Clark, 97; A.M., Dartmouth, 09. Prof. physiology, Dartmouth Col. and Dart- mouth Med. School, Hanover, N. H. M04F06. NF. Stewart, Dr. De Lisle. Ph.D., Carleton. 95. Pres. and dir. Observatory, Cincinnati Astronomical Soc, Cleves, Ohio. M35- F35- D. Stewart, Miss Dorothy R(obson). M.S., Washington Univ., 23; Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 31. Assoc, prof, biology, Skidmore Col., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M22F33. FN. Stewart, Erwine Hall. A.M., Denver, 20. Livestock breeder. Mesa, Colo. M38. EFG. Stewart, Dr. Francis B. Kindl Farms, Platte Clove, Elka Park, N. Y. M35F35- R36. C. Stewart, Fred Carlton. M.Sc, Iowa State, 94. Prof, emeritus botany, New York Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. M95F01- E39. G. Stewart, Dr. Fred W(aldorf). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 19; M.D., Harvard, 24. Pathologist, Memorial Hosp. Cancer and Allied Dis- eases, New York, N. Y. M19F27. FN. Stewart, Dr. George. M.S., Cornell, 18; Ph.D., Minnesota, 26. Senior forest ecol- ogist, U. S. Intermountain Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Ogden, Utah. M29F31. GOE. Stewart, Prof. George Walter. Ph.D., Cor- nell, 01. Prof, physics and head Dept., Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (1010 Wood- lawn St.) M02F06. B. Secretary of Section on Physics (B), 1017-20; vice president, 1921. Stewart, Glenn W(illiam). M.S., Syracuse, 3,7. Instr. geology, Purdue Univ. School Chem. and Metallurgical Engng., West Lafavette, Ind. M40. EMD. Stewart, Miss Grace A(nne). Dept. Geol- ogy, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M33F33R33. E. Stewart, Dr. Guy R(obertson). Ph.D., Cornell, 31. Asst. to chief, soil conserva- tion res., V. S. Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D. C. M20F31. O. Stewart, Dr. Harold J(ulian). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 19; M.A., 23. Assoc, prof, med- icine, Cornell Univ. Med. Col.; attending physician, New York Hosp.; head Car- diac Div., Dept. Med., Cornell Univ. Med. Col. and New York Hosp., New York, N. Y. M30F33. N. Stewart, Helen Marie. 615 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Md. M35R38. F. Stewart, Dr. Irvin. M.A., Texas, 22; Ph.D., Columbia, 26. Dir., Committee Scientific Aids Learning, 41 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. M38. QK. Stewart, Dr. Isabel C(larissa). M.S., Washington, 21; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 24. Prof, psychology, MacMurray Col., Jacksonville, 111. M38. Q. Stewart, Dr. James K(idder). M.S., Pur- due, 20; Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Box 86, Harper Sta., Detroit, Mich. M33F33. C. Stewart, Dr. John A(rchibald) M(uller). 339 East End Ave., Beaver, Pa. M26F26- R36. GFE. Stewart, Dr. Lincoln. Ph.D., Columbia, 37. Head Dept. Geology and Geography, Po- tomac State School, Keyser, W. Va. (160 A St.) M37. E. Stewart, Prof. Louis B(eaufort). M22F26- D37. ABD. Stewart, Mrs. Mabel E(aton). Hood Col., Frederick, Md. M31R38. IKQ. Stewart, Miss Maude G(ertrude). M.A., Columbia, 12. Teacher retired, 410 Wi- nona St., Northfield, Minn. M12F16. BC. Stewart, Dr. Morris A(lbion). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 07. Patent ex- aminer, U. S. Patent Office, Washing- ton, D. C. (1451 Fairmont St. NW.) M18. Stewart, Dr. M(orris) A(lbion, Jr.). M.S., Cornell, 26; Ph.D., 29. Asst. prof, ento- mology and asst. entomologist Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Davis, Calif. M34F34. F. Stewart, Dr. Norman H(amilton). M.S., Michigan, 10; Ph.D., Cornell, 23. Prof, zoology, Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, Pa. (148 Brown St.) (M27R32)M36. FN. Stewart, Dr. O(scar) M(ilton). Ph.D., Cornell, 97;. D.Sc, De Pauw, 28. Prof, physics, Univ. Missouri. Columbia, Mo. (211 Westmount Ave.) M97F00. B. Stewart, Dr. Paul Rich. A.M., Waynes- burg, 10; Sc.D., 24; A.M., Columbia, 16. Pres., Waynesburg Col., Waynesburg, Pa. M33F39. GFE. Sf,S Directory of Members Stewart, Ralph T(homas). Agric. econo- mist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D. C. (1024 N. Nelson St., Arlington, Va.) M26F33. GO. Stewart, Robert Holden. B.A.Sc, McGill, 96. Consulting mining engineer, 13 18 Ma- rine Bldg., Vancouver, B. C, Canada. M17. EM. Stewart, R(obert) Meldrum. M.A., To- ronto, 03. Dominion astronomer, Do- minion Observatory, Ottawa, Ont., Can- ada. (Observatory House) M09F10. DAB. Vice president for Section on Astronomy (D), 1938. Stewart, Prof. Rolland M(aclaren). Ph.D., Iowa, 12. Prof, rural education, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (222 Bryant Ave.) M29. QMO. Stewart, Spencer W(ilson). 295 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M18. M. Steyaert, Rene Leopold. Laboratoire de Bambesa, District de L'Uele, Belgian Congo, Africa. M38F40. GO. Steyermark, Dr. Julian A(lfred). 6412 En- right Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M31R34. G. Stickler, W(illiam) Hugh. M.S., Iowa, 34. Instr. biology, Div. Schools, Canal Zone, (m N. 3rd St., Villisca, Iowa) M33. FEG. Stickney, E(dgar) R(ussell). 177 Milk St., Boston, Mass. M29R33. FG. Stickney, Dr. Fenner S(atterthwaite). M24F33D— . FG. Stickney, Gardner P(erry). M95F01D35. HK. Stickney, G(eorge) H(oxie). M.E., Cor- nell, 96. Consulting engineer retired, Gen. Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (816 N. Wild Olive Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla.) M18F26. BM. Stickney, Prof. Malcolm E(nos). A.M., Harvard, 00. Denison Col., Granville, Ohio. M03F15. G. Stickney, Miss Rachel E(vangeline). Instr. gen. science, Browne Junior High School, Maiden, Mass. (46 Park St.) M40. FGB. Stiefel, James R. Box 26, East Lansing, Mich. M35R39. Stiegler, Dr. Harold W(infred). M.S., Northwestern, 22; Ph.D., 24. Head Tex- tile Div., Amer. Cyanamid Co., Stamford, Conn. (51 Lanark Road, Shippan Point) M25F25. C. Stieglitz, Dr. Edward (Julius). M.S., Chi- cago, 19; M.D., Rush, 22. Res. assoc. charge investigations gerontology, Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. (12 Cler- mont Place, Garrett Park, Md.) M39. N. Stieglitz, Dr. Julius (Oscar). M00F95D37. C. Vice president for Section on Chcmistrv (C), 1916. Stiegman, Dr. Clarence Albert. M.S., Ph.D., Illinois. Production chemist, Old- bury Electro-Chem. Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. (1344 Garrett Ave.) M40. CI. Stiehler, Dr. Robert D(aniel). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 33. Res. chemist, B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., Akron', Ohio. (37 S. Walnut St.) M33. CNB. Stier, Dr. Theodore J(ames) B(lanchard). M.A., Harvard, 27; Ph.D., 29. Asst. prof, physiology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (11 Shady Hill Square) M37F39. GFN. Stieren, Dr. Edward. M.D., Pittsburgh, 96. Ophthalmologist, 626 Union Trust Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M17. N. Stifler, Prof. William W(arren). A.M., Il- linois, 08; Ph.D., 11; A.M., Amherst, 34. Prof, physics, Amherst Col., Amherst, Mass. (395 S. Pleasant St.) M11F15L27. B. Stiles, Mrs. Elsa Horn (Elsa Horn). Dept. Botany and Plant Pathology, Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M24R34. GEO. Stiles, Dr. George (Whitfield). M.D., George Washington, 05; Ph.D., 09. Bac- teriologist, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Denver, Colo. (725 Newport St.) M32. N. Stiles, H. S. 644 Broadwav, New York, N, Y. Mi 7. Stiles, Prof. Harold. A.M., Harvard, 04; Ph.D., Northwestern, 09. Assoc, prof, physics, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M07F15. B. Stiles, Dr. Karl A(mos). M.S., Michigan, 31 ; Ph.D., 35. Prof, biology and chairman Natural Science Div., Coe Col., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (238 24th St. Drive SE.) M30. F. Stiles, Dr. Merritt H(enry). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 24. Assoc, physician, Chestnut Hill Hosp. ; asst. physician, Germantown Dispensary and Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. (113 W. Chestnut Hill Ave., Chestnut Hill) M37. N. Stiles, Dr. Percy G(oldthwait). M17F21- D36. FN. Still, Prof. Alfred. Prof, electrical engng. retired, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. (6038 34th Ave. NE„ Seattle, Wash.) M39- F40. BLM. Still, Miss Esther D(rusilla). M.S., Penn- sylvania, 34. Instr. biology, Women's Col., Univ. Delaware, Newark, Del. M38. GF. Still, Dr. Eugene U(pdyke). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 28. Dir. res., Biochemical Res. Labs.; dir. Eugene U. Still Associates, 1525 E. 53rd St., Chicago, 111. (M33F33- R35)M4oF33. NCF. Stillhamer, Prof. Arthur G(rant). Moi- F15D36. BD. Stillman, Paul R(oscoe). S5 1 Sth Ave., New York, N. Y. M32R34. N. Individual Members 899 Stillman, Dr. Ralph G(riffiths). M.D., Co- lumbia, 07. Clinical pathologist, New York Hosp.; asst. prof, clinical pathology, Cor- nell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M18F33. CN. Stillman, Thomas B(liss). M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 11. Babcock and Wilcox Co., 85 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. M25- F32. M. Stillson, Dr. Hamilton. A.M., Hanover, 78; Ph.D., 88; M.D., Louisville, 82. 4717 Acacia Place, Seattle, Wash. M37. INK. Stillson, Dr. William Charles. D.D.S., Western Reserve. Prof, dental anatomy, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. (10208 Euclid Ave.) M40. Nd. Stillwell, Dr. Edward C(ourtenay). D.D.S., Pennsylvania, 10. Box 148, Glen Ridge, N. J. M40. Nd. Stillwell, Rex R(andolph). First Signal Corps, Quantico, Va. M35R35. BAD. Stilwell, Prof. E. 1012 Carlisle St., Frances. M.A., Smith. Tarentum, Pa. M35. F. Stilwell, Walter H(arvey). B.A., Drake, 34. Students Observatory, Univ. Califor- nia, Berkeley, Calif. M36. D. Stimmel, Clarence O. 30 Central Ave., St. Augustine, Fla. M25. N. Stimps, J(ohn) Raymond. Box 281, Shelby, Mont. M35R36. MBN. Stimson, Dr. A(rthur) M(arston). M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 98. Med. dir., U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. (414 Raymond St., Chevy Chase, Md.) M29F33. N. Stimson, Miss Dorothy. A.M., Columbia, 13; Ph.D., 17. Dean and prof, history, Goucher Col., Baltimore, Md. M27F31. L. Stimson, Mrs. H(arold) F. (Florence Juliana Stocker). 2920 Brandy wine St. NW., Washington, D. C. M23R36. BD. Stimson, Dr. Harold F(rederic). A.M., Clark, 11; Ph.D., 15. Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. M17F31. B. Stimson, J(ohn) Frank (John Francis Stimson). Papeete, Tahiti, South Sea Is- lands. M29R34. LH. Stimson, Sister Miriam Michael. M.S., In- stitutum Divi Thomae. Instr. chemistry, Siena Heights Col., Adrian, Mich. M40. C. Stine, Dr. Charles M(ilton) A(ltland). 9058 du Pont Bldg., Wilmington, Del. M25F33R38. C. Stine, Dr. Wilbur Morris. M88F00D — . BC. Stinson, Prof. Karl W(illson). M.E., Ohio State, 24. Prof, automotive engng., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M39. MBQ. Stiriz, Charles H. 400 Monticello Ave., Norfolk, Va. Mu. Stirling, M(atthew) W(illiam). M.A., George Washington, 23. Chief, U. S. Bur. Amer. Ethnology, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C. M29F31. HI. Stirton, R(uben) A(rthur). Mining Bldg., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M32R37. EFH. Stiteler, Charles H(armer). B.S., Penn- sylvania State, 38. Chemist, Gen. Develop- ment Div., U. S. Rubber Co., Passaic, N. J. (65 Woodlawn Ave., Naugatuck, Conn.) M38. C. Stiteler, Chester A. 509 E. Tulpehocken St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. M31. QG. Stith, Dr. Robert M(arcus). M.D., Penn- sylvania. Physician, 1424 4th Ave., Seattle; med. dir., Firland Sanatorium, Richmond Highlands, Wash. M36. N. Stitt, Dr. E(dward) R(hodes). M.D., Pennsylvania, 89; LL.D., South Carolina, 17, Michigan, 24; Sc.D., Jefferson Med. Col., 20, Pennsylvania, 24. Surgeon Gen. retired, U. S. Navy, Washington, D. C. (1625 R St. NW.) M22F25. N. Stitt, Mr. Rhea Emerson. M.S., Massachu- setts State. Asst. agronomist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Statesville, N. Car. M33- F40. OG. Stivelman, Dr. Barnet P(acker). 25 Cen- tral Park W., New York, N. Y. M27- R37. N. Stobbe, Miss Helen R(uth). M.A., Colum- bia, 31. Instr. geology, Smith Col., North- ampton, Mass. M39. E. Stock, Dr. Chester. Ph.D., California, 17. Senior curator paleontology, Los Angeles Mus., Los Angeles; prof, paleontology, California Inst. Tech.; res. assoc, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pasadena, Calif. M13- F21. EF. Stock, Edward W. (See William Edward Stock). Stock, Kurt (Hermann Carl). Fish Creek, Wis. M17F31. M. Stock, William Edward. B.S., Michigan, 18. Statistician, Dept. Street Railways, De- troit, Mich. (31 Hazelwood Ave.) M36. EGM. Stockard, Dr. Alfred H(enry). M.A., Wyoming; Ph.D., Michigan, 32. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (M3iF33R33)M4oF33. F. Stockard, Dr. Charles Rupert. M02F09- D39. NF. Stockbarger, Prof. D(onald) C(harles). Sc.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 26. Assoc, prof, physics, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M29F31. BCN. Stockberger, Dr. W(arner) W. Ph.D.. George Washington, 07; D.Sc, Denison, 37. Special adviser to Sec, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. M07F09. GKO. 900 Directory of Members Stockholm, Miss Mabel. 743 Longridge Road, Oakland, Calif. M21. CN. Stocking, Prof. Charles H(oward). Ph.C, Michigan, 07; M.S., 25. Assoc, prof, phar- macy, Univ. Michigan Col. Pharmacy, Ann Arbor, Mich. M34F34. NpC. Stocking, C(lifford) Ralph. M.S., Califor- nia, 39. Assoc, botany and assoc. Exp. Sta., Univ. California Col. Agric, Davis, Calif. M38. GOC. Stockman, L(ouis) R(ichard). Box 635, Baker, Oreg. M34R35. M. Stockton, A(ndrew) B(enton). Stanford Univ. School Med., San Francisco, Calif. M32F33R34. N. Stockton, Dr. J(ames) Leroy. A.M., Co- lumbia, 07; Ph.D., Stanford, 20. 7706 Eads Ave., La Jolla, Calif. M28F31. I. Stockton, Robert S(ummers). E.M., Colo- rado School Mines, 95. Consulting engi- neer irrigation and land development, Craigantler Ranch, Thompson Falls, Mont. M17F31L33. MOA. Stockwell, (William) Palmer. M.S., Ari- zona. Conservationist, Inst. Forest Gene- tics, California Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (1930 San Antonio St.) M39. GE. Stoddard, Charles H(atch, Jr.). M.S.F., Michigan, 38. Asst. forest economist, U. S. Forest Service, Milwaukee, Wis. (2741 N. Summit Ave.) M40. OK. Stoddard, Dr. George D(insmore). Ph.D., Iowa, 25. Dir. Iowa Child Welfare Res. Sta.; dean Graduate Col., Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M27F29. QI. Vice presi- dent for Section on Education (Q), 1938. Stoddard, Herbert L(ee). Dir., Coopera- tive Quail Study Assn., Sherwood Planta- tion, Thomasville, Ga. M29F33. F. Stoddard, Dr. K(enneth) B(erkeley). A.M., Stanford, 30; Ph.D., 31. Asst. prof, optometry, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M39. BN. Stoddard, S(amuel) Edmund. Blackfoot, Idaho. (M29R33)M3sR35- FHI. Stoddard, Dr. (Theodore) Lothrop. 149 Winthrop Road, Brookline, Mass. (?) M24R32. FNH. Stoddart, Dr. Charles W(illiam). 502 Allen St., State College, Pa. M07F11- R38. C. Stoekle. Dr. Erwin R(udolph). M28F31- L37D38. BM. Stoelting, C(hristian) H(ans). Pres., C. H. Stoelting Co., 424 N. Homan Ave., Chi- cago, 111. M23. HIN. Stoesser, Dr. Albert Valentine. M.D., Min- nesota, 25 ; Ph.D., 29. Assoc, prof, pedia- trics, Univ. Minnesota Med. School; head Dept. Pediatrics, Gen. Hosp.; dir. Pedia- trics Allergy Clinics, Univ. Hosp. and Gen. Hosp., Minneapolis, Minn. M35F35. N. Stoesz, A(braham) D(ietrich). Ph.D., Minnesota, 31. Chief Regional Nursery Div., U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Lin- coln, Nebr. M31F33. GE. Stofflet, Elliott H. 237 Franklin Ave., Grantwood, N. J. (?) M32R32. I. Stokes, Dr. A(lfred) P(aul) Dachnowski. Ph.D., Michigan, 06. Physiologist, U. S. Bur. Chemistry and Soils, Washington, D. C. (4449 Greenwich Parkwav NW.) M28F28. GEO. Stokes, Dr. Ella H. A.M., Ohio Wesleyan, 01; Ph.D., Chicago, 10. Head Dept. Edu- cation and prof, philosophy and educa- tion, William Penn Col., Oskaloosa, Iowa. (416 College Hill Ave.) M31. QI. Stokes, James. M.S., Wisconsin, 28; Ph.D., Chicago, 37. Head Dept. Biology, Georgia State Col. Women, Milledgeville, Ga. M33- F33. G. Stokes, John F(rancis) G(ray). 2618 Fer- dinand Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii. M28. HI. Stokes, Dr. John Hinchman, M.D., Michi- gan, 12. 4228 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. M24F33. N. Stokes, Dr. Joseph, Jr. M.D. 18th and Bainbridge Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. M37. N. Stokey, Dr. Alma G(racey). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 08. Prof, botany, Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. M11F15L29. G. Stokien, Miss Frederica. 507 10th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M32R32. NFG. Stokley, James. A.M., Pennsylvania, 24. Science Service, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington, D. C. M23F26. DLB. Stokstad, Dr. E(von) L(udvig) Robert. Ph.D., California, 37. Biochemist, Golden State Co., Ltd., Battery St., San Francisco, Calif. M39. CNO. Stola, Rocco. Box 33, Stratford, Conn. M38R38. M. Stoland, Prof. O(le) O(lufson). M.S., Chi- cago, 11; Ph.D., 13. Prof, physiology, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1845 Learnard Ave.) M17F21. N. Stoll, Miss Marion Rush. A.M., Bryn Mawr, 26; Ph.D., 29. 3 Chapin Court, Southbridge, Mass. M32F33. INB. Stoll, Dr. Norman R(udolph). M.S., Mich- igan, 18; Sc.D., John Hopkins, 23. Rocke- feller Inst. Med. Res., Princeton, N. J. M20F25L30. FN. Stoller, Benjamin B. M.S., Iowa State, 36. Biochemist, L. F. Lambert Co., Coates- ville, Pa. M38. GOC. Stoller, Prof. James H(ough). Union Col., Schenectady, N. Y. M34F34R34. E. Stoltenberg, Miss C(lara) S. A.M., Stan- ford, 97. Prof, anatomy retired, Stanford University, Calif. M13F15. NFL Stolts, Prof. Spencer G. Col. St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minn. M30R32. C. Individual Members 901 Stomps, Dr. Theo(door) J(an). D.Sc, Amsterdam, 10. Prof, botany and dir. Bo- tanical Inst, and Gardens, Univ. Amster- dam, Amsterdam, Holland. (Plantage Mid- denlaan 7) M28F32. G. Stone, Dr. Abraham. M.D., New York, 12. Assoc, urology, Sydenham Hosp., New York, N. Y. M26. N. Stone, Dr. Alan. Ph.D., Cornell, 29. Ento- mologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. (5508 Wriley Road) M28F33- FN. Stone, Prof. Calvin P(erry). A.M., In- diana, 16; Ph.D., Minnesota, 21. Prof, psychology, Stanford University, Calif. M28F31. I. Delivered address of retiring president for Section on Psychology (I) at the Richmond meeting, December, 1938. Stone, Carrington Harlow. B.S., Wiscon- sin, 15. Owner, Carrington H. Stone, Sales Engineers, 205 W. Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111. ( 1 35 3 N. State St.) M32. BMA. Stone, Charles H. Col. William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. M30R35. BQG. Stone, Prof. Charles Leonard. A.M., Dart- mouth, 21. Prof, psychology, Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. (8 Sanborn Road) M23F33. I. Stone, Charles T. 00 Washington St., Long Branch, N. J. M27R36. Q. Stone, Charles W(aterman). M30D38. M. Stone, Claudius Ulysses. 540 Linn St., Peoria, 111. M38. HKQ. Stone, Dr. Cliff Winfield. Ph.D., Colum- bia, 08. Prof, education, State Col. Wash- ington. Pullman, Wash. (603 Linden Ave.) (M3iR32)M38. QI. Stone, Donald F. B.A., Whittier. Dir. physics. Tumor Col., Phoenix, Ariz. (1314 W. Portland St.) M40. B. Stone, George E(athl). Carmel, Calif. M12R32. FG. Stone, Dr. George Edward. Amherst, Mass. M99F02R35. G. Stone, George (Enis Randall), Jr. Stone's Restaurant, Marshalltown, Iowa. (507 S. 3rd Ave.) M40. CNF. Stone, Dr. Gilbert C. H. M.A., Columbia, 2-j; Ph.D., 33. Instr., Dept. Chemistry, City Col., New York, N. Y. M39. CNB. Stone, Dr. Hannah M. M.D., New York Homeopathic Med. Col. and Flower Hosp., 20. 41 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M27. N. Stone, Dr. Harry Benjamin, Jr. M.D., Vir- ginia, 34. 811 Med. Arts Bldg., Roanoke, Va. M39- N. Stone, Harry H(erbert), Jr. Box 101, Stur- bridge, Mass. M27. FG. Stone, Dr. Harvey B(rinton). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 06. Assoc, prof, surgery, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med.; visiting sur- geon, Johns Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore, Md. (203 Westway, Kernewood) M22- F33. N. Stone, Dr. Isabelle. 1626 Rhode Island Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. M01F06- R32. B. Stone, John Bear. Eng., Stanford, 25. Mgr., Borden's Dairy Delivery Co., 1325 Potrero Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M31. CMN. Stone, J(ohn) R(ansom). U. S. Dept. Jus- tice, Fort Leavenworth, Kans. M21R32. M. Stone, John S(tone). 1636 Torrence St., San Diego, Calif. M04F06. B. Stone, Julius F(rederick). Seagrave Corp., Columbus, Ohio. M99F32. M. Stone, Dr. L(awrence) Joseph. A.M., Co- lumbia, 35; Ph.D.. 37. Res. editor, Dept. Child Studv, Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M36. I. Stone, Leo (Leo Stein). Phar.D., Colum- bia, 13. Pres., Benzol Products Co.; treas., Dehls and Stein, Inc., Newark, N. J. (146 Park Ave., East Orange, N. J.) Mi 7. C. Stone, Prof L(eon) S(tansfield). Ph.D., Yale, 21. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M28F31. NF. Stone, M(arshall) H(arvey). A.M., Har- vard, 24; Ph.D., 26; Sc.D., Kenyon, 39. Prof, mathematics, Harvard Univ., Cam- bridge, Mass. M28F29. A. Stone, Paul T. Women's Col. Alabama, Montgomery, Ala. M30R32. C. Stone, Philip C. M.S., Massachusetts State, 36. Instr. entomology, Univ. Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. M40. F. Stone, R(alph) W(alter). A.M., Harvard, 01 ; Sc.D., Lebanon Valley, 38. Asst. state geologist, Pennsylvania Geol. Survey, Har- risburg, Pa. (31 15 N. Front St.) M06- Fn. E. Stone, Dr. Raymond Van Buren. D.V.M., San Francisco Veterinary Col., 17. Dir. labs., Los Angeles County Health Dept. Los Angeles, Calif. (829 S. 6th St., Alham- bra, Calif.) M39. NCF. Stone, Robert. M.A., Clark, 28. Clinical psychologist, New Jersey State Hosp., Marlboro, N. J. M31. IHQ. Stone, Prof. R(oland) E(lisha). Ontario Agric. Col., Guelph, Ont., Canada. M07- F11R32. G. Stone, Robert G(ranville). M.A., Ohio State, 31. Librarian and res. fellow, Blue Hill Observatory, Harvard Univ., Milton, Mass. M34. BEK. Stone, Dr. Robert S(pencer). 4 Cortez Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M27F33R34. N. Stone, Roger T. B.S., Union, 28. Vice pres., Caribbean Canning Co., Inc., 335 N. Peters St., New Orleans, La. (1331 Philip St.) M39. PC. 902 Directory of Members Stone, Miss Ruth E(loise). A.B., Goucher. 4220 Argyle Terrace NW., Washington, D. C. M38. KLH. Stone, Samuel. 226 S. Taylor Ave., Oak Park, 111. M39R39. BCE. Stone, W(illiam) E(rnest). B.S.A., Flor- ida. Senior entomologist, U. S. Bur. En- tomology and Plant Quarantine, Calzada Mexico-Tacuba 295, Colonia Anahuac, D.F., Mexico. M29F33. F. Stone, William H(erschel). M.A., Indi- ana, 21 ; Ph.D., California, 24. Dept. Edu- cation, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M25. PQK. Stone, Dr. Witmer. M11F13D39. F. Stoneham, Charles J. M36D36. M. Stoneman, Bertha. 1007 Elden Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. (?) M35R35. Stoneman, William N(eel). Route 1, Charleroi, Pa. M25. MC. Stoner, Dr. Dayton. M.S., Iowa, 09; Ph.D., 19. State zoologist, New York State Mus., Albany, N. Y. M12F25. F. Stoner, Dr. George G(reen). M.A., Ohio State, 36; Ph.D., Princeton, 39. Res. chem- ist, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Barber- ton, Ohio. M36. C. Stoner, S. L. 2541 41st St., Sacramento, Calif. M35R35. Stoner, Dr. W(illiam) H(oy). A.M., Medico-Chirurgical Col. Philadelphia, 10; Phar.D., 13; M.D., 15. Med. Res. Div., Schering Corp., 86 Orange St., Bloomfield, N. J. M33F33. NF. Stones, Charles W(illiam). 15 W. 47th St., New York, N. Y. M23. CBN. Stookey, Dr. Byron. A.M., Harvard, 09; M.D., 13. Prof, clinical neurological sur- gery, Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons; attending neurological surgeon, Neurological Inst., New York, N. Y. M22- F33. N. Stookey, Dr. Lyman B(rumbaugh). M35- F06D40. F. Stookey, Dr. S(tephen) W(harton). M.S., Coe, 87; LL.D., 05. Dean and prof, geol- ogy emeritus, Coe Col., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (2505 A Ave. NE.) (M11F15R32)- M39F15. EG. Storck, Dr. Ambrose Howell. M.D., Tu- lane, 25; M.S., 34. Asst. prof, clinical sur- gery, Tulane Univ. School Med., New Or- leans, La. (1458 Nashville Ave.) M38. NQF. Storer, Prof. N(orman) Wyman. M.A., Wesleyan, 24; Ph.D., California, 28. Assoc, prof, astronomy, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1716 Mississippi St.) M25F30. DB. Storer, Dr. Tracy I(rwin). M.S., Califor- nia, 13; Ph.D., 25. Prof, zoology, Univ. California, Davis, Calif. M13F26. F. Storey, Arthur. M.A., George Washington, 35. Teacher science, Macfarland Junior High School, Washington, D. C. (4512 Chesapeake St. NW.) M38. QGF. Storey, Miss Margaret (Hamilton). M.A., Stanford, 36. Asst. curator zoology collec- tions, Natural History Mus., Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. M37. FG. Storey, Dr. Thomas Andrew. A.M., Stan- ford, 00; Ph.D., 02; M.D., Harvard, 05. Prof, hygiene and dir. School Hygiene and Physical Education and med. adviser men, Stanford University, Calif. M02F06. NQK. Stork, Prof. H(arvey) E(lmer). A.M., In- diana, 15; Ph.D., Cornell, 20. Prof, botany, Carleton Col., Northfield, Minn. (101 Winona St.) M18F25. G. Storke, Arthur D(itchfield). Selection Trust Bldg., London, England. M36R37. MEC. Storrs, Lucius Seymour. 803 Court Square Bldg., Baltimore, Md. M02R35. EM. Story, Miss Helen F(arnam). M.A., Wel- lesley. Instr. mathematics, Junior Col., St. Petersburg, Fla. (2762 Burlington Ave.) M38. ADQ. Story, Miss Louise. Athens and Clarke County Dept. Health, Athens, Ga. M39. N. Stose, George Willis. U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M02F09R39. E. Stose, Harold F(rederick). S.M., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 22. Res. chem. engi- neer, Gen. Res. Lab., Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio. M24F33. CMB. Stotz, Norman I. Met.E., Lehigh, 17. Chief metallurgical engineer, Universal-Cyclops Steel Corp., Titusville, Pa. (426 10th St., Oakmont, Pa.) M38. CEB. Stouffer, Prof. E(llis) B(agley). M.S., Drake, 07; LL.D., 31; Ph.D., Illinois, 11. Prof, mathematics and dean Graduate School, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1019 Maine St.) M23F25. A. Stough, Dr. Howard B(rown). M.A., Kan- sas, 09; Ph.D., Harvard, 25. Prof, zoology and head Dept., Univ. Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. M30F31. FN. Stoughton, Dr. Arthur V(olney). M.D., Ohio Med. Univ., 98. Physician, 142 W. 7th St., Claremont, Calif. M20. N. Stoughton, Bradley. Box 567, Bethlehem, Pa. M28F28R34. M. Stoughton, Dr. Roger W(olcott). M.S., Middlebury, 28; Ph.D., Illinois, 32. Res. assoc. pharmacology, Vanderbilt Univ. School Med., Nashville, Tenn. (1913 Ade- licia St.) M40. C. Stout, Dr. A(rlow) B(urdette). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 13. Curator education and labs., New York Botanical Garden, New York, N. Y. M17F21. G. Individual Members 903 Stout, Dr. Cyril L(ynn). Ph.M., Wiscon- sin; Ph.D., George Peabody. Chairman Dept. Geography and Visual Education, State Teachers Col., Mansfield, Pa. (106 S. Academy St.) M40. EQ. Stout, Gilbert L(eonidas). Office Plant Pathology, State Dept. Agric, Sacra- mento, Calif. M26F31R35. GF. Stout, Wilber (Elihu). D.Sc, Mt. Union, 36. State geologist, Geol. Survey Ohio, Co- lumbus, Ohio. (154 Erie Road) M16- F31. E. Stover, Miss Ann C(hristine). Asst. dir. labs., Health Dept.; lab. demonstrator, Univ. Akron, Akron, Ohio. M38. N. Stover, Charles Robison. M.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 11. 425 S. Park Road, La Grange, 111. M31. MAB. Stover, Prof. Clyde B(ell). A.M., Gettys- burg, 97. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Gettys- burg Col., Gettvsburg, Pa. (313 N. Strat- ton St.) M07. CGB. Stover, Prof. E(rnest) L(incoln). M.S., Ohio State, 20; Ph.D., Chicago, 24. Prof, and head Dept. Botany, Eastern Illinois State Teachers Col., Charleston, 111. M20- F2S. G. Stover, Dr. Wilmer G(arfield). A.M., Miami, 10; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 21. Prof, botany, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M11F15. G. Stow, Prof. Marcellus H(enry). M.A., Cor- nell, 27; Ph.D., 31. Prof, and head Dept. Geology, Washington and Lee Univ., Lex- ington, Va. (405 Morningside Drive) M28- F33. EM. Stowe, Harold Clair. Lebanon, N. J. M17. M. Stowe, Merrill C. Asst. sales manager, Denoyer-Geppert Co., 5235 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, 111. M37. FG. Stowell, Harold T(homas). M.P.L., Wash- ington Col. Law, 30. Attorney, Potter, Pierce and Scheffler, 1319 F St. NW. ; instr., Washington Col. Law, Washington, D. C. M39. CB. Stoyanow, Dr. A. A. Ph.D., Moscow, 06. Prof, geology, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M38. E. Stoycoff, Dr. Christ M. M.D., Loyola (Chicago), 16. 6040 Forest Ave., Gary, Ind. M27. N. Stoye, Frederick H. Box 298, Sayville, N. Y. M40. F. Strack, Herbert Paul. 318 Harvard Ave., Nashville, Tenn. M31R35. COG. Straehley, Dr. Clifford John. M.D., Cin- cinnati, 20. 516 Provident Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. M40. N. Stragnell, Dr. Gregory. M.D., Columbia, 13. Dir. med. res., Schering Corp., Bloom- field, N. J. (Millburn, N. J.) M32. N. Strahl, Dr. Milton I. M.D., New York Eclectic Med. Col., 12. Roentgenologist, 255 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M32. N. Straight, Halver Rufus. B.S., Illinois, 07. Pres. and gen. mgr., Adel Clay Products Co., Adel, Iowa. M40. MCB. Strain, Dr. Harold H(enry). Lab. Plant Biology, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Stan- ford University, Calif. M34F34R37. C. Strait, Dr. Louis A. M.A., Colorado, 32; Ph.D., California, 37. Instr. biophysics, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (1083 Park Ave., Alameda, Calif.) M38F40. BA. Straley, H(arrison) W(ilson), III. Ph.D., North Carolina, 38. Assoc, prof., Baylor Univ., Waco, Tex. M28. BEM. Stranathan, Prof. J(ames) D(ocking). M.S., Kansas, 24; Ph.D., Chicago, 28. Prof, physics, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M35F35. B. Strand, Dr. A(ugust) L(eroy). M.S., Min- nesota, 25 ; Ph.D., 28. Pres., Montana State Col., Bozeman, Mont. M29F33. F. Strandberg, Miss Ruth A(nne). 507 Wat- son St., Ripon, Wis. M33R34. FGN. Strandrud, Halvor T(homas). B.S., Wash- ington, 37. Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., Sharon, Pa. (1181 E. State St.) M38. MBA. Strandskov, Herluf H(aldan). M.S., Il- linois, 25; Ph.D., Chicago, 31. Instr. zool- ogv, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M26- F33. F. Strang, Miss Ruth (May). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 26. Assoc, prof, education, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M30F32L37. Q. Strang, William H. International Petro- leum Co., Negritos, Peru, S.A. M34R35. M. Strange, William Wallace. 228 Howard St., Buffalo, N. Y. M35F35. MNO. Stratman, Sister Mary Agatha. Ph.D., Catholic, 35. Prof., Immaculate Heart Col., Los Angeles, Calif. M38F40. GFD. Stratton, C(harles) G(len). A.B., Michi- gan State Teachers, 14. Dean men and teacher geography, geology and astron- omy, State Teachers Col., River Falls, Wis. (328 N. 4th St.) M38. DE. Stratton, Dr. Dorothy C(onstance.L M.A., Chicago; Ph.D., Columbia; LL.D., Ot- tawa. Dean women and prof, psychology, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M40F40. QIK. Stratton, Prof. George W(eatherworth). M.A., Ohio State, 09; Ph.D., 12. Prof, chemistrv, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M08F15. C. Stratton, Prof. Robert. M.A., Ohio State, 17. Assoc, prof, botany and plant pathol- ogv, Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M 23 F.3 1. GO. 904 Directory of Members Straub, Dr. George F(rancis). M.D., Heidelberg, 03. The Clinic, Honolulu, Hawaii. L24. N. Straub, Dr. Lorenz G. M.S., Illinois, 24; Ph.D., 27, C.E., 30. Prof, hydraulics and dir. St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Lab., Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M3iF33- MAE. Straumfjord, Dr. Jon V(idalin). M.D., Oregon, 29. Physician, Spexarth Bldg., Astoria, Oreg. M40. N. Straup, Danella (See Danella Straup Cope). Straus, Aubrey H(amilton). M.A., Wil- liam and Mary, 23. 3805 Seminary Ave., Richmond, Va. M24. FN. Straus, Mrs. Michael W. (Nancy P. Straus). A.B., Bryn Mawr, 21. 3319 Row- land Place NW., Washington, D. C. L26. Strausbaugh, Dr. P(erry) D(aniel). Ph.D., Chicago, 20. Prof, botany and head Dept. Botany and Zoology, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M19F25. G. Strauss, Charles. M24D34. NFG. Strauss, Dr. Frank A(braham). A.M., Co- lumbia, 15; Ph.D., 20. Vice pres., Barsky and Strauss, Inc., 202 E. 44th St., New York, N. Y. (230 Hamilton Ave., New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y.) M25- F33. CM. Strauss, Dr. Israel. M.A., M.D., Colum- bia, 98. Consulting neurologist, Mt. Sinai Hosp., Morrisania Hosp., New York, and Beth Moses Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y. (315 Central Park W., New York, N. Y.) Mi 7. NI. Strauss, John Francis. M18D — . Strauss, Samuel. M.A., Chicago. McKin- ley High School, Washington, D. C. M38. FG. Strauss, Samuel. LL.D., Grinnell, 15. Writer. 116 E. 68th St., New York, N. Y. M29. Strauss, Dr. Sidney. M.D., Harvard, 04. Prof, medicine, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (5220 Kimbark Ave.) Mi 7. N. Straw, Dr. H(arold) Thompson. A.M., Michigan, 33; Ph.D., 36. Prof, geography, Western State Teachers Col., Kalamazoo, Mich. M40. E. Strawn, Miss Bernice M(abel). M.S., Iowa State. 408 Douglas St., Ames, Iowa. M39. CBF. Strayer, Dr. George D(rayton). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 05; LL.D., William and Mary, 25, Bucknell, 30; Litt.D., Columbia, 29. Prof, education, dir. Div. Organization and Ad- ministration and dir. Div. Field Studies, Inst. Educational Res., Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M09- Fio. Q. Streator, George W. 5729 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. (?) M32R32. BIK. Strecker, Dr. Edward A(dam). A.M., La Salle, 11; Litt.D., 38; J.D., Jefferson, 11; Sc.D., St. Joseph's, 37. Prof, psychiatry and chairman Dept., School Med.; prof, psychiatry, Graduate School Med., Univ. Pennsylvania; chief service and consultant, Pennsylvania Hosp. Inst., Philadelphia, Pa. (in N. 49th St.) M29F33. NIH. Street, Dr. John N(orthcott). M.S., Syra- cuse, 23; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 26. Mgr. Res. Dept., Firestone Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. M34F34. C. Street, Prof. Roy F(rink). M.A., Colum- bia, 29; Ph.D., 31. Visiting prof, educa- tion, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (507 W. Green St.) M32. IQ. Street, Thomas M. Bottineau, N. Dak. M35R35. FGO. Streeter, Miss Eileen Ware. A.B., Brown, 37. Visitor, State Dept. Public Welfare, Nashua, N. H. (495 Mammoth Road, Manchester, N. H.) M38. IK. Streeter, Dr. George L(inius). A.M., M.D., Columbia, 99; Sc.D., Trinity (Dublin), 28, Union, 30; LL.D., Michigan, 35. Res. assoc, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Balti- more, Md. (3707 St. Paul St.) M07F11. NF. Vice president for Section on Zoological Sciences (F), 1934. Streeter, H(arold) W(arner). Senior san- itary engineer, U. S. Public Health Serv- ice, Cincinnati, Ohio. (4810 Beverly Hills Drive, Mt. Lookout) M25F25. MNA. Streets, Dr. R(ubert) B(urley). M.S., Wis- consin, 22\ Ph.D., 24. Assoc, plant path- ologist, Arizona Agric. Exp. Sta.; assoc. prof, plant pathology, Univ. Arizona, Tuc- son, Ariz. (2236 E. 3rd St.) (M29F30- R32)M39F3o. GO. Streitz, Miss Anna Marie. B.S., Nebraska, 21. Dietitian, Lutheran Hosp., Omaha, Nebr. M36. NC. Stribie, Miss Frances P. M.A., Nebraska. Arts Bldg., Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. M37. ABI. Stribling W. J., Jr. 218-31 Maple Ave., Springfield Gardens, N. Y. M31R35. F. Strick, Dr. Edward J. D.Sc, Hope; M.D., Chicago. 880 Forest Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. M29. NFD. Strickland, Prof. E(dgar) H(arold). Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. M13- F20R39. FO. Strickler, Dr. Albert. M.D., Jefferson. Phvsician, 327 S. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa.' M39. NBC. Strickler, Dr. Alvin. M.S., Michigan, 15; Ph.D., 21. Head Dept. Chemistry, Evans- ville Col., Evansville, Ind. M24F33. C. Strickler, Dr. Herbert S(harpless). M.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 32; Sc.D., 36. Instr. phvsiological chemistry, Univ. Pittsburgh School Med., Pittsburgh, Pa. (201 W. Hutchinson Ave.) M39. CN. Individual Members 905 Strickler, Mrs. Nellie H. (Nellie F. Hen- derson). Route i, Hilliards, Ohio. M28- R35. G. Strietmann, Dr. William H(urley). M.D., Cincinnati, 05. 1236 Ashmount Ave., Pied- mont, Calif. M 10. N. Striker, Marion M. B.S., North Dakota State, 34. Asst. soil surveyor, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M40- F40. OE. Striker, Ralph H(enry). 102 E. Ravine St., Kingsport, Tenn. M37R37. CBA. Stringer, Miss Caroline E(ffie). M.A., Ne- braska, 04. 2308 N. 50th St., Omaha, Nebr. M25. FGQ. Stringfellow, Miss Ethel Grey. B.S., Co- lumbia, 09. Headmistress, Chapin School, Ltd., 100 East End Ave., New York. N. Y. M36. E. Stringfield, G(len) H(erbert). M.S., Ohio State, 27. Agronomist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M29F32. OG. Stringfield, V(ictor) T(imothy). U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M34F34- R35. E. Strock, Dr. Lester W(illiam). M.Sc, Pennsylvania, 29; Ph.D., 31. Res. radiog- rapher, Res. Lab., Saratoga Springs Com- mission, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M40. BCE. Strode, Dr. George K(ing). M.D., Penn- sylvania, 12; M.P.H., Harvard, 27. Assoc, dir., International Health Div., Rocke- feller Foundation, New York, N. Y. M23- F35. N. Strom, Ina L. Box 185, Montevallo, Ala. M32R35. Stroman, Dr. Govan N. M.S., Wisconsin, 20; Ph.D., 23. Plant breeder, New Mexico A. and M. Col., State College, N. Mex. M30F33. GO. Stromberg, Dr. Gustaf (Benjamin). Ph.D., Lund, 16. Astronomer, Mt. Wilson Ob- servatory, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pasadena, Calif. M21F25. D. Stromsten, Dr. Frank Albert. M.S., Iowa, 02; D.Sc, Princeton, 05. Assoc, prof, zool- ogy, Univ Iowa, Iowa Citv, Iowa. M02- F13. F. Stromwall, Miss G. Eva Linnea. W. E. Fernald State School, Waverley, Mass. M37R37. I. Strong, A(rchibald) M(cClure). A.B., Stanford, 99. Consulting engineer, 215 W. 5th St., Los Angeles, Calif. M23. M. Strong, Charles D(unwoody). 1325 E. 14th Ave., Denver, Colo. M34R34. KLM. Strong, E. P. 1319 Cirant St., Evanston, HI. M33R37. Strong, Prof. Edward K(ellogg), Jr. M.S., California, 09 ; Ph.D., Columbia, 09. Prof. psychology, Stanford University, Calif. (672 Mirada Ave.) M13F14. IQ. Secretary of Section on Anthropology and Psychology (H), 1913, 1917-19. Vice president for Sec- tion on Psychology (I ), 1920. Strong, Edward W(alters). 1319 Grant St., Evanston, 111. M38R38. BIA. Strong, Forrest C(ook). M.S., Michigan State, 27. Asst. prof, botany and res. asst. plant pathology, Michigan State Col., East Lansing, Mich. (1213 N. Walnut St., Lansing, Mich.) M28F33. G. Strong, J(ames) B(oorman). Bay View Estates, Setauket, N. Y. M08. MAQ. Strong, Dr. Leonell C(larence). Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M24F25R32. N. Strong, Dr. Oliver S(mith). Columbia Univ. Col. Phvsicians and Surgeons, New- York, N. Y. M02F03R39. FN. Strong, Prof. Ralph K(empton). A.M., Harvard, 06; Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Prof, chem. engng., Rose Polytechnic Inst., Terre Haute, Ind. M34F34. C. Strong, Dr. R(euben) M(yron). Chairman Dept. Anatomy and sec. faculty, Loyola Univ. School Med., Chicago, 111. (5840 Stony Island Ave.) M02F06. F. Strong, Dr. Richard P(earson). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 97; Sc.D., Yale, 14, Har- vard, 16. Prof, emeritus tropical medicine, Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M05- Fn. FN. Vice president for Section on Med- ical Sciences (N ), I9?3- Strong, Dr. William Duncan. Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 26. Dept. Anthropology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M29F31. HFI. Vice president for Section on Anthropology (H), 1940. Strong, Dr. William Walker. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 08. Physicist, Scientific Instru- ment and Electrical Machine Co., Me- chanicsburg, Pa. (500 S. York St.) M04- F09. BI. Strongin, Dr. Edward I. 617 W. 168th St., New York, N. Y. M37R37. I. Strother, Dr. Charles R. M.A., Washing- ton, 32; Ph.D., Iowa, 35. Assoc, prof, psy- chology and speech, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (1301 Pickard St.) M40. IN. Stroud, Dr. C. Malone. M.D., Washington Univ. 607 N. Grand St., St. Louis, Mo. M32. N. Stroud, Prof. J(ames) B(art). A.M., Chi- cago, 27; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, prof, education and psychology, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (M32R32)M4oF40. IQ. Stroup, Prof. Freeman P(reston). Ph.G., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy, 96; Ph.M., 12. Prof, organic chemistry, Philadelphia Col. Pharmacv and Science, Philadelphia, Pa. M27. C. 906 Directory of Members Stroup, Dr. Philip T(rimble). 1123 Wood- mont Ave., New Kensington, Pa. M33F33- R34. CE. Strouse, Dr. Solomon. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 06. Assoc, clinical prof., Univ. Southern California ; attending physician, Los Angeles County Hosp., Los Angeles, Calif. (2210 W. 3rd St.) M22F25. N. Strowger, Berk B. B.S., Oregon. Graduate student, Dept. Anatomy, Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. (Redwood City, Calif.) M40. NFG. Stroy, Dr. Herbert E. M.D., Nebraska. Osceola, Iowa. M40. N. Strubinger, Lucian H(art). Univ. Dela- ware, Newark, Del. M33R34. O. Struble, R(alph) Howard. A.B., Michigan, 04. Teacher science retired, Eastern High School, Detroit, Mich. (298 Michigan Ave. E., Galesburg, Mich.) M21. NFG. Struck, Dr. H(arold) C(arl). Ph.D., Northwestern, 33. Assoc. physiology, Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. M33. NC. Strull, Charles. J.D., Chicago, 10. Pres., Thrift Realty Mortgage Co., 101 Realty Bldg., Louisville, Ky. (2100 Murray Ave.) M36. DEB. Struse, Dr. Tolbert B. 463 Gerhard St., Philadelphia, Pa. M38. NFG. Struve, Oscar I. Chief chemist, Eastern States Cooperative Milling Corp., Buffalo, N. Y. (148 Louvaine Drive, Kenmore, N. Y.) M38. COF. Struve, Prof. Otto. Ph.D., Chicago, 23; Sc.D., Case, 39. Prof, astrophysics, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111.; dir. Yerkes Obser- vatory, Williams Bay, Wis.; dir. McDon- ald Observatory, Univ. Texas, Fort Davis, Tex. (Williams Bay, Wis.) M31F32. DBA. Struven, Edward DCiedrich). 11 19 Cen- tral Ave., Wilmette, 111. M25. KMQ. Stuart, C. H. 513 W. Maple Ave., Newark, N. Y. M39. C. Stuart, Dr. C(harles) A(rthur). M.S., Brown, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof., Brown Univ. ; consulting bacteriologist, Charles V. Chapin Hosp., Providence, R. I. (372 Lloyd Ave.) M25F33. NBC. Stuart, Charles E(dward). A.B., Duke, 32. Res. assoc. parapsychology, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. (905 6th St.) M40. I. Stuart, F(rancis) J(oseph). -060 West- moreland Drive, University Citv, Mo. M27R34. CN. Stuart, F(rederick) C(harles). Signal en- gineer, Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Rv. Co., Joliet, 111. Mas. M. Stuart, Dr. Harold C(oe). M.D., Colum- bia. Asst. prof, pediatrics and child hy- giene, Harvard Med. School and School Public Health, Boston, Mass. (116 Warren St., Brookline, Mass.) M34F34. N. Stuart, Kenneth E(mmons). Merion Sta- tion, Pa. M27R33. BCM. Stuart, Miss Margaret. 271 Morningside Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. M36R36. N. Stuart, Robert Lee. Taylor Univ., Upland, Ind. M38. Stuart, Dr. William. 212 Carroll St., Wash- ington, D. C. M02F15R35. G. Stuart, W(illiam) M(illan), Jr. 3227 1st St. N., Arlington, Va. M34R37- OGC. Stubbe, G. 826 M. and M. Bldg., Houston, Tex. M36R39. BME. Stubbs, Mrs. (Linnie) Catherine Nelson. M.A., Columbia, m W. Delaware St., Dwight, 111. M38. FGE. Stuck, Miss Florence. 603 Washington Ave., Jonesboro, Ark. M28R37. FG. Stuckey, Dr. H(enry) P(erkins). D.Sc, Clemson, 37. Dir. and horticulturist, Geor- gia Agric. Exp. Sta., Experiment, Ga. M24F27. G. Stuckey, Dr. Jasper L(eonidas). A.M., North Carolina, 20; Ph.D., Cornell, 24. Prof, geology, North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. (1911 Sunset Drive) M25F27. E. Stuckey, M. A. 11 11 King Road, Ashland, Ohio. M35R35. Stucky, Dr. Charles J(oseph). M27F33- D38. CNQ. Studer, Floyd V. Dir. Dept. Archaeology, Panhandle Plains Historical Soc, Can- yon, Tex. M36. HE. Studer, Dr. Frank J(ohn). M.S., Washing- ton, 23; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 26. Assoc, prof, physics, Union Col., Schenectady, N. Y. (614 Bedford Road) M2SF33. BA. Studhalter, Dr. R(ichard) A(rthur). M.A., Washington Univ., 17; Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Prof, and head Dept. Biologv, Texas Tech. Col., Lubbock, Tex. M12F15. G. Studley, Duane (Morton). 131 1 Cheyenne Blvd., Colorado Springs, Colo. M39. BA. Stuejord, Ivar O. Trucksville, Pa. M32- R34. CN. Stuhlman, Dr. Otto, Jr. M.A., Illinois, 09; Ph.D., Princeton, n. Prof, physics, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M39- F15. B. Stuhr, Prof. Ernst Thedore. Ph.G., Ne- braska, 22; M.Sc, Florida, 27. Assoc, prof, pharmacology and pharmacognosy and head Dept., Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. (4 Edgewood Way) M27F33. GNp. Stukes, Prof. S(amuel) G(uerry). M.A., Princeton, 10. Agnes Scott Col., Decatur, Ga. M32. IQ. Stull, Dr. Arthur. A.M., Columbia, 24; Ph.D., 25. Res. chemist, Dept. Allergy, Roosevelt Hosp., New York, N. Y. (37 Washington Square) M29F33. CNQ. Individual Members 907 Stults, Raymond. B.S., Purdue, 22. Elec- trical starting engineer, Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 111. (2201 Payne Ave., Evanston, 111.) M25. M. Stultz, Dr. Walter A(lva). Ph.D., Yale, 32. Asst. prof, anatomy, Univ. Vermont Col. Med., Burlington, Vt. M38. FN. Stump, Alex(ander) B(ell). M.S., Ph.D., Virginia, 34. Prof, biology and bacteriol- ogy, Flora Macdonald Col., Red Springs, N. Car. M35F40. FGO. Stump, Dr. N. Franklin. M.A., Yale, 23; Ph.D., Cornell, 35. Prof, and head Dept. Psychology and Education, dir. Bur. Ap- pointments, and dir. teacher training, Keuka Col., Keuka Park, N. Y. M40. QI. Stunkard, Dr. Horace W(esley). A.M., Illinois, 14; Ph.D., 16. Prof, biology and head Dept., New York Univ., Univ. Heights, New York, N. Y. M17F21. FN. Stunkie, Dr. Paul D. M.S., Texas A. and M. Col.; Ph.D., Cornell. Assoc, prof, poul- try husbandry, Alabama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala. M40. FGN. Stupka, Arthur. Great Smoky Mountains Nat. Park, Gatlinburg, Tenn. M34R37- FG. Sturdivant, Dr. Harwell P(resley). M.A., Emory, 26; Ph.D., Columbia, 32. Prof, bi- ology and head Dept., Union Col., Bar- bourville, Ky. M36. FG. Sturgeon, Prof. H(arry) E(lwyn). Clin- ton, S. Car. M29F33R33. CBQ. Sturgeon, Dr. Myron T(homas). A.M., Ohio State, 33; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, ge- ology, Michigan State Normal Col., Ypsilanti, Mich. M38L40. E. Sturgeon, Dr. William E (lias). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 29. Prof, chemistry and chairman Dept., Beaver Col., Jenkintown, Pa. (316 Montier Road, Glenside, Pa.) M28F33. CNF. Sturgis, Mrs. Bertha Bement. Cable, Wis. M31R32. FG. Sturgis, Dr. Cyrus C(ressey). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Prof, medicine Univ. Michi- gan ; chairman Dept. Internal Med., Uni- versity Hosp. ; dir. Thomas Henry Simp- son Memorial Inst. Med. Res., Ann Arbor, Mich. (609 Stratford Drive) M23F33. N. Vice president for Section on Medical Sci- ences (N), 1934- Sturgis, Dr. Madison B. Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta., Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La. (M32R32)M35F35R36. OC. Sturgis, Dr. William C(odman). A.M., Harvard. 87; Ph.D., 89. 368 Washington Road, Grosse Pointe, Mich. M91F92- E39. G. Sturken, Carl (Albert). M25D— . M. Sturkie, Dr. Paul D(avid). M.S., Texas A. and M. Col., 36; Ph.D., Cornell, 39. Assoc, prof, poultry, Alabama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala. M40. FGN. Sturm, Kathryn M. Pittsburg, 111. M36- R.37. FG. Sturm, Dr. Rolland George. M.S., Illinois, 26; Ph.D., 36. Res. engng. physicist and dir. post graduate engng. courses, Res. Labs., Aluminum Co. Amer., New Ken- sington, Pa. M36. MAB. Sturm, Miss Tillie. M.S., Michigan. Gary Public Schools, Gary, Ind. (406 Washing- ton St.) M40. FG. Sturmer, Prof. J(ulius) W(illiam). Ph.G., Purdue, 91; D.Sc, 34; Phar.D., Buffalo, 10; Ph.M., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 17. Prof. gen. and industrial chemistry and dean science, Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, Philadelphia, Pa. (601 Lees Ave., Collingswood, N. J.) M17F33. CNQ. Sturtevant, Prof. A(lfred) H(enry). Ph.D., Columbia, 14. Prof, genetics, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M17F20. F. Sturtevant, Miss Grace. Wellesley Farms, Mass. M17R39. GO. Stutsman, Rachel (See Mrs. Rachel Stuts- man Ball). Styer, J(ohn) F(ranklin). Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 30. Concordville, Pa. M24F33. GCO. Subarsky, Zachariah. M.S., Columbia, 36. Chairman Dept. Biology and Introductory Science, Bronx High School Science, New York, N. Y. (3240 Henry Hudson Park- way, Riverdale, N. Y.) M36. QFG. Suchy, Dr. John Frank. M.S., Colorado, 28; Ph.D., 34. Assoc, prof, pharmacy, Montana State Univ., Missoula, Mont. M34F34. CNpG. Sudheimer, Dr. Robert L. D.V.M., Texas A. and M. Col., 36. Lab. dir., Bang's Dis- ease Lab., U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Ft. Worth, Tex. M39. NFE. Suffa, Miss Mary Clegg. A.M., Brown, 15. Prof, mathematics and astronomy, Elmira Col., Elmira, N. Y. M28F38. A. Sugiura, Dr. Kanematsu. A.M., Columbia, 17; D.M.Sc, Kvoto, 25. Memorial Hosp., New York, N. Y. M18F22. CN. Suhm, Clarence F. M.S., Wisconsin, 22. 3433 N. 8th St., Milwaukee, Wis. M39. CBM. Suiter, C(harles) L(eslie). 1601 Ohio Ave., Flint, Mich. M25R36. AIK. Sukava, Lahja. Reno Gold Mines, Sheep Creek, B. C, Canada. M39. MPA. Sullivan, Dr. Daniel Joseph. M.D., Temple, 34. Asst. to med. dir., Highland Hosp., Asheville, N. Car. M39. N. Sullivan, Dr. Elizabeth T(eresa). M.A., Stanford, 18; Ph.D.. Columbia, 22. Chief educational psychologist, Los Angeles County Schools; lecturer psychology, Univ. Southern California; head Dept. Psychology, Santa Rita Clinic, Los An- geles, Calif. (903 Heliotrope Drive) M2^ F25. I. 908 Directory of Members Sullivan, Dr. Ellen B(lythe). Ph.D., Stan- ford, 24. Assoc, prof, psychology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (919 S. Sherbourne Drive) M34F34. IQ. Sullivan, Dr. Eugene C(ornelius). Ph.D., Leipzig, 99; Sc.D., Michigan, 33. Vice chairman and dir. res., Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y. {222 Pine St.) M38F39- CB. Sullivan, Rev. Francis J. St. Bonaventure Col., St. Bonaventure, N. Y. M34R-34- Sullivan, Dr. Harry Stack. M.D., Chicago Col. Med. and Surgery, 17. Pres., William Alanson White Psychiatric Foundation, 1835 1st NW, Washington, D. C. (Be- thesda, Md.) M38. HNI Sullivan, Dr. J(ohn) Magruder. M.A., Mis- sissippi, 90; M.A., Vanderbilt, 97; Ph.D., 00. Head Dept. Chemistry and Geology, Millsaps Col., Jackson, Miss. (2 Park Ave.) M06F33. CE. Sullivan, Dr. John P. 15 Beacon St., Bos- ton, Mass. M33R35- Q- Sullivan, Dr. Joseph C. D.D.S., New York, 28. Dentist, 61-09 39th Ave., Woodside, N. Y. M33. Nd. Sullivan, Rev. Joseph J. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 28. Head Dept. Chemistry, Holy Cross Col., Worcester, Mass. M29F33. CBQ. Sullivan, Dr. J(oseph) T(imothy). M.S., New Hampshire, 24; Ph.D., Purdue, 35. Physiologist, U. S. Regional Pasture Res. Lab., State College, Pa. M31F33. CGO. Sullivan, Dr. Knowles Clark. 510 Turner Ave., Columbia, Mo. M28F29R33. F. Sullivan, Maurice. 1919 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, Calif. (?) M31R32. G. Sullivan, Dr. Michael Xavier. Ph.D., Brown, 03. Chemo-Med. Res. Inst., Georgetown Univ., Washington, D. C. M05F07. CNO. Sullivan, Dr. Raymond P(eter). A.M., Manhattan Col., 05; M.D., Columbia, 07; LL.D., Holy Cross, 25. 14 E. 75th St., Station Y, New York, N. Y. M20. N. Sullivan, Russell. 143 1 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. M16F18. D. Sullivan, Walter E(dward). A.M.. Brown, 09; Ph.D., 12. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. M12F15. FHN. Sullivan, William H. M.S.Ch., Michigan, 38. 122 College Place, Ypsilanti, Mich. M39- CFN. Sultan, Frederick William. Ph.G., Mary- land Col. Pharmacy. Pres., Od Peacock Sultan Co., 4500 Parkview Place, St. Louis, Mo. M20. CN. Sulzberger, Arthur Hays. New York Times, New York, N. Y. M24. Sulzberger, Dr. Marion B. M.D., Zurich, 26. Asst. clinical prof, dermatology and syphilology, New York Post Graduate Med. School and Columbia Univ. Hosp.; assisting attending dermatologist and syphilologist, Dispensary, Skin and Cancer Unit, New York Post Graduate Hosp.; assoc. attending dermatology and syphil- ology, Montefiore Hosp.; consultant dermatology and syphilology, French Hosp., New York, N. Y. M39. N. Sulzner, Charles F. 236 S. West 2nd St., Miami, Fla. M12R33. EBC. Summerbell, Prof. R(obert) K(err). Ph.D., Ohio State, 28. Assoc, prof., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M34F34. C. Summerby, Prof. R(obert). M.S. A., Cor- nell. Head Dept. Agronomy, Macdonald College, Que., Canada. M39F40. OG. Summers, Dr. Donald B(alch). M.A., Weslevan; Ph.D., Columbia. 624 Ridge- wood Road, Maplewood, N. J. M39. CNM. Summers, Rev. Walter G. M37D38. I. Summerson, Dr. William H(enry). M.A., Cornell, 28; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, bio- chemistry, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (M29R36)M38. NC. Summit, Paul M. 12774 Kentucky Ave., Detroit, Mich. M35R36. GQ. Sumner, Dr. Francis B(ertody). Ph.D., Columbia, 01. Prof, biology, Scripps Inst. Oceanography, Univ. California, La Jolla, Calif. M02F06. F. Vice president for Section 011 Zoological Sciences (F ), 1938- Sumner, Prof. F(rancis) C(ecil). A.M., Lincoln, 17; Ph.D., Clark, 20. Prof, psy- chology and head Dept., Howard Univ., Washington, D. C. (11 16 Fairmont St. NW.) M31F33. IK. Sumner, Prof. James B(atcheller). A.M.. Harvard, 13; Ph.D., 14. Prof, biochemis- try, Dept. Zoologv, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (119 Heights Court) M18F21. C. Sumner, Dr. Ruth. M.A., Ph.D., Colorado. Asst prof, phvsiology, Colorado State Col., Ft. Collins, Colo. (635 S. Whitcomb St.) M36. F. Sumpstine, Prof. Wilbur John. Bethany Col., Bethany, W. Va. M37R37- GE. Sumstine, Prof. David Ross. M.S., Pitts- burgh, 05: Sc.D., Gettysburg, 08; Ped.D., Thiel, 31. King Edward Apartments, Craig and Bayard Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. M07- F11, G. Sumwalt, Dr. Margaret. M.S., Washing- ton, 25; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 29. Assoc, physiologist, Drug Addiction Committee, Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. (M27F33R34)M37F33. NF. Sun, J. Bur. Construction, Kweichow Provincial Government, Kweiyang, China. M36R36. M. Sundquist, Miss Leona M(aria). M.S., Washington, 23. Teacher science, Western Washington Col. Education, Bellingham, Wash. M40. GFE. Individual Members 909 Sundwall, Dr. John. Ph.D., Chicago, 06; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Prof, hygiene and public health and dir. Div., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1832 Vine- wood Blvd.) M35F35. N. Supao, Ting. Inst. Applied Optics, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. (?) M21- R32. B. Super, Charles W(illiam). Athens, Ohio. M30R36. Super, Dr. Donald E(dwin). M.A., Oxford, 36; Ph.D., Columbia, 40. Asst. prof, edu- cational psychology, Clark Univ., Wor- cester, Mass. M40. QI. Supernaw, Dr. J(ack) S(hores). M.S., Wisconsin, 25; M.D., 27. 818 Prospect Place, Madison, Wis. M32. ND. Surak, John G. Ch.E., Marquette, 31; M.Sc, 32. Instr. and head Dept. Science and Chemistry, High School, Cudahy, Wis. (3874 E. Cudahy Ave.) M40. CBA. Surber, Eugene W(icker). M.S., Minne- sota, 29. Kearneysville, W. Va. M31. FG. Sure, Dr. Barnett. Univ. Arkansas, Fay- etteville, Ark. M21F24R35. CO. Surface, Frank M(acy). A.M., Ohio State, 06; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 07. Dir. sales res., Standard Oil Co. New Jersey, 26 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (1 W. 72nd St.) M03F10. KF. Sussman, Sidney. Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M34R34. C. Suszko, Prof. Jerzy. D.S., Prague, 13. Or- ganic Chem. Lab., ul. Grunwaldzka 14, Poznan, Poland. M31. CBA. Suter, Charles (Amer), Jr. Piedmont, W. Va. M21R35. B. Suter, Prof. C(hester) M(erle). M.S., Kan- sas, 26; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof., Dept. Chemistry, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M38F39. CQ. Sutherland, Dr. A(rthur) H(oward). Ph.D., Chicago, 09. Instr., Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M25F25. IQ. Sutherland, Dr. Fred B(arrington). 2 E. 54th St., New York, N. Y. (?) M17R34. N. Sutherland, Col. LeRoy L(add). M.A., Richmond, 05. Head Dept. Science, Staun- ton Military Acad., Staunton, Va. M25- F26. CQ. Sutliff, Dr. Wheelan D. M.S., Wisconsin, 22; M.D., Cornell, 24. Asst. dir. (pneu- monia), New York Bur. Labs., City Dept. Health, New York, N. Y. M39. N. Sutter, Dr. Leo Albright. M.D., Colorado, 12. 611 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Wichita, Kans. M17. N. Sutton, Dr. A(rle) H(erbert). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 2-7. Assoc, prof, geology, Univ. Il- linois, Urbana, 111. M29F31. E. Sutton, Dr. Henry Bruner. 106 E. State St., Ithaca, N. Y. M36R36. NHL Sutton, Dr. John E(dward), Jr. A.M., Cor- nell, 17; M.D., 20. Instr., surgery, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (532 E. 87th St.) M37. N. Sutton, Dr. L. E., Jr. M.D., Harvard, 21. Dean School Med., prof, pediatrics, and pediatrist-in-chief Hosp. Div., Med. Col. Virginia, Richmond, Va. (2601 Grove Ave.) M35. N. Sutton, Dr. Loren A. D.O., Los Angeles Col. Osteopathic Physicians and Sur- geons. 234 E. Colorado St., Pasadena, Calif. M40. N. Sutton, Dr. Richard L., Jr. A.M., Michi- gan, 27; M.D., 29. Asst. prof, dermatology, Univ. Kansas School Med., Kansas City, Kans.; dermatologist Tumor Clinic, Gen. Hosp., Kansas City, Mo. M39. NMA. Sutton, Rodney C. A.M., Cornell. Bulkley Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. M39. K. Suydam, Dr. V(ernon) A(ndrew). Ph.D., Princeton, 12. Prof, physics, Beloit Col., Beloit, Wis. (1224 Porter Ave.) (M22F33- R35)M4oF33. AB. Sved, Dr. Alexander. D.D.S., New York, 18. 654 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M33. NdHA. Svedberg, Prof. The Fysikalisk-Kemiska Institutionen, Upsala, Sweden. M38. C. Svenson, Dr. H(enry) K(nute). Ph.D., Harvard, 28. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, N. Y. M23F31. G. Sverdrup, Dr. H(arald) U(lrik). Ph.D., Oslo, 17. Prof, oceanography and dir. Scripps Inst. Oceanography, Univ. Cali- fornia, La Jolla, Calif. M38. B. Svihla, Dr. Arthur. M.S., Michigan, 28; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof., Dept. Zoology, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. (M26- F33R36)M39F33. F. Svihla, Mrs. Ruth I(sobel) Dowell. Dept. Zoology, State Col. Washington, Pullman, Wash. M23R36. FG. Svirbely, Dr. Joseph L(ouis). Ph.D., Pitts- burgh, 31. Res. asst. science, Margaret Morrison Carnegie Col., Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. M37. N. Swahn, Harold G(eorge). A.M., Columbia, 27. Teacher, Abraham Lincoln High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. (452 Dean St.) M31. ECQ. Swaim, Dr. Clement Celsus. M.D., Mary- land, 06. 129 N. Virginia St., Reno, Nev. M40. NIQ. Swaim, Prof. Verne Frank. Ph.D., Chi- cago, 14. Bradley Polytechnic Inst., Pe- oria, 111. M21F31. BA. Swain, A(lbert) F(ree). Box 428, El Monte, Calif. M28R35. F. Swain, Prof. Leslie E(arl). A.M., Brown, 09. Assoc, prof, physical education, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. (25 Barberry Hill) M18. NGA. 910 Directory of Members Swain, Dr. Robert E(ckles). M.S., Yale, 01 ; Ph.D., 04; LL.D., Pacific, 29. Prof. chemistry and executive head Dept.; chairman School Physical Sciences, Stan- ford University, Calif. (634 Mirada Ave.) M08F11. C. Swaine, Dr. J(ameg) M(alcolm). M.Sc, Cornell, 06; Ph.D., 16. Dir. Science Serv- ice, Dominion Dept. Agric, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M39F28. O. Swaine, James William. Res. chemist, Gen. Chem. Co., Long Island City, N. Y. M37. CBF. Swallen, Dr. L(loyd) C(layton). M.S., Ohio State, 24; Ph.D., 26. Res. chemist, Corn Products Refining Co., Argo, 111. M29F33. C. Swan, Clifford M(elville). A.M., Harvard, 08. Consulting engineer, 271 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M34F34- BMA. Swan, Dr. Horace C(heney). M.D., Tufts, 03. 196 Whitney St., Hartford, Conn. M17. N. Swan, Mrs. J. Andrews. L29D38. Swan, Dr. John N(esbit). M07F11D37. C. Swan, Major M. M. A.B., Kansas. Instr. physiology, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M40. NC. Swan, Dr. Thomas Hadden. M.A., Colum- bia, 21 ; Ph.D., Ohio State, 24. Senior fel- low, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pitts- burgh, Pa. M25F33. C. Swan, Dr. William O(rr). M.S., Virginia, 21 ; Ph.D., 22. Head Dept. Chemistry, Vir- ginia Military Inst., Lexington, Va. (M25- R32)M36. CB. Swanberg, Dr. Harold. M.D., Loyola, 16. Dir. Quincy X-ray and Radium Labs.; radiologist, St. Mary's Hosp. and Bless- ing Hosp., Quincv, 111. (508 Maine St.) M13F16. N. Swann, Dr. H(oward) G(ray). M.S., Ph.D., Chicago. 5727 Kimbark Ave., Chi- cago, 111. M39. N. Swann, Reginald LeGrand. A.M., Har- vard, 33, New York State Col. Teachers, 33. Prof. Latin and education, Green Mountain Junior Col., Poultney, Vt. M34. LIQ. Swann, Dr. Sherlock, Jr. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 26. Res. assoc. and prof. chem. engng., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M28- F33. C. Swann, Dr. W(illiam) F(rancis) G(ray). D.Sc, London, 10, Swarthmore, 29; M.A., Yale, 24. Dir., Bartol Res. Foundation, Franklin Inst., Swarthmore, Pa. (609 Ogden Ave.) M18F23. AB. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), 1923. Swanquist, G(ustavus) A(dolphus). Divi- sadero, El Salvador, C.A. M36R37. MEO. Swanson, Arthur M(alcolm). M.S., Kan- sas, 22. Pres., Junior Col., Kansas City, Mo. (7324 Jarboe St.) M36. Q. Swanson, Caroline H. 7816 Cregier Ave., Chicago, 111. M30R36. Swanson, Prof. Charles Oscar. M.Agr., Minnesota, 04; Ph.D., Cornell, 22. Prof. milling industry, Kansas State Col., Man- hattan, Kans. (1640 Fairview Ave.) M25- F33. c. Swanson, Clarence O(tto). Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. M29- F31R39. EM. Swanson, Edward E. M.S., Iowa, 25. Head Dept. Pharmacology, Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, Ind. M35. Np. Swanson, Lydia V. Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M36. Swanson, Dr. William F(redin). 5326 Pocusset St., Pittsburgh, Pa. (M31R32)- M35R37. N. Swanton, Dr. John R(eed). A.M., Har- vard, 97; Ph.D., 00. Ethnologist, Bur. Amer. Ethnology, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C. M07F10. H. Vice presi- dent for Section on Anthropology (H ), 1937- Swanton, Walter F(rederick). U. S. Bur. Reclamation, Denver, Colo. M38R38. MK. Swarth, Harry S. M34F34D35- F. Swartley, Arthur M(athias). B.S., Upper Iowa, 94, Idaho, 08. Consulting mining engineer, Box 325, Corvallis, Oreg. M37. ME. Swartley, John C. M.S., Cornell, 39. Grad- uate asst, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (166 W. Lane Ave.) M40. O. Swartout, Dr. Hubert Oscar. 236 Bailey St., Los Angeles, Calif. M34R36. CN. Swartz, Blair K. A.M., Michigan, 29. Su- perviser personnel res., Detroit Edison Co., Detroit, Mich. (3934 Haverhill Road) M40. IKQ. Swartz, Dr. Charles K(ephart). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 04. Prof, emeritus geol- ogy, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (2601 Lyndhurst Ave.) M28F31. E. Swartz, Miss Daphne (Bell). A.M., Kan- sas, 25. Asst. prof, biology, Bradley Poly- technic Inst., Peoria, 111. M36. FG. Swartz, Dr. David J(oseph). M.A., Co- lumbia, 22; Ph.D., Fordham, 26. Dept. chairman, Haaren High School, New York, N. Y. M39. EQK. Swartz, Dr. Herman F(rank). M.Sc, Gettysburg, 93. Pres. emeritus, Pacific School Religion, Berkeley, Calif. (600 Coventry Road) M29. KQ. Swartz, Dr. J(oel) H(oward). 2601 Lynd- hurst Ave., Baltimore, Md. M26F29R33. EBD. Swartz, Ruth Dorothy (See Mrs. Ruth Dorothy Swartz Hale). Swartzlow, Dr. Carl R(obert). M.A., Mis- souri, 29; Ph.D., 32. Park naturalist, Las- sen Volcanic Nat. Park, Mineral, Calif. M39F40. EML. Individual Members 911 Swartzwelder, Dr. J(ohn) Clyde. Louisiana State Univ. School Med., New Orleans, La. M37R39. NF. Swasey, Dr. Ambrose. M34F34D37. M. Sweadner, Dr. Walter R. M.S., Pittsburgh, 31 ; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof., Erie Center, Univ. Pittsburgh, Erie, Pa. (M31R35)- M40. FGN. Sweely, James Stuart. M.S., Bucknell, 37. Chemist, Exp. Div., Sun Oil Co., Nor- wood, Pa. (310 Welcome Ave.) M39. BC. Sweeney, Mrs. (Eleanor) Beatrice Marcy. M.A., Radcliffe, 38. 106 Holden Green, Cambridge, Mass. M40. G. Sweeney, Dr. J(ames) Shirley. M.A., Texas Christian, 18; M.D., Vanderbilt, 21; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins, 24; LL.D. Assoc, prof, medicine, Baylor Univ. Col. Med.; physi- cian, 531 Med. Arts Bldg., Dallas, Tex. M34F34. N. Sweeney, Prof. O(rland) R(ussell). M.S., Ohio State, 10; Ch.E., 34; Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 16. Prof, and head Dept. Chem. Engng., Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M30F32. M. Sweeney, William T(irnothy). A.B., George Washington. 4701 37th St. N., Arlington, Va. M36. BCO. Sweeny, Samuel C. Box 1208, Wilming- ton, N. Car. M2SR33- O. Sweet, Dr. A. Porter S. 44 Main St., Hor- nell. X. Y. M33R33. XIK. Sweet, Donald H(oward). B.S., Case, 13; LL.B., Chicago Kent Col. Law, 21. Patent attorney, 360 X. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. M28F32. MBK. Sweet, Miss Florence A(delaide). M.A., Ohio State, 31. Psychologist, Traverse Citv State Hosp., Traverse City, Mich. M37. IQN. Sweet, Dr. Helen E(lizabeth). M.A., Clare- mont ; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof., State Col., Santa Barbara, Calif. M40. FGK. Sweet, Dr. J(oshua) E(dwin). A.M., Hamilton, 00; Sc.D., 22; M.D., Giessen, 01. Prof, surgical res., Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. M28F31. X. Sweet, Dr. Leon A(lbert). Ph.D., Ne- braska, 33. Asst. dir. res., Parke Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich. M39. CX. Sweet, Sidney Richmond. Owner, Pump- kin Creek Farms, Bridgeport, Xebr. M31. OEH. Sweet, Dr. W(infield) C(arey). M.D., Rush, 17; Dr.P.H., Johns Hopkins, 31. Field dir., International Health Div., Rockefeller Foundation, Hotel Cecil, Delhi, India. M39. NF. Sweetman, Dr. Harvey L(eroy). M.S., Iowa State, 28; Ph.D., Massachusetts State, 30. Asst. prof, entomology, Massa- chusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M28- F33. FGO. Sweetman, Prof. Marion Deyoe. Univ. Maine, Orono, Maine. M34F34R39. CX. Sweetser, Dr. Albert R(addin). M.A., Wesleyan, 87; Sc.D., Oregon, 31. Prof, emeritus botany, Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. (1723 Alder St.) M10F21. G. Sweetser, Arthur. A.M., Harvard, 12; LL.D., Rollins, 38; Litt.D., Muhlenberg, 39. Dir. attached to principal officers, League Xations, Geneva, Switzerland. M30. Sweetser, William J(ordan). M18F32D39. MPQ. Sweigert, Dr. Ray L(eslie). M.A., Iowa, 30; Ph.D., 35. Prof, mechanical engng.. and dir. freshman engng., Georgia School Tech., Atlanta, Ga. M31F32. MQI. Swenk, Prof. Myron H(armon). 1410 N. 37th St., Lincoln, Xebr. M10F13R33. F. Swenson, Dr. Hugo Nathanael. Ph.D., Il- linois, 30. Instr., Queens Col., Flushing, X. Y. M38F40. BCD. Swenson, Dr. Paul C(hristian). M.D., Minnesota, 26. Asst. prof, radiology, Co- lumbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Sur- geons; asst. physician. X-ray Dept., Pres- byterian Hosp., Xew York, X. Y. (181 Madison Ave., Englewood, X. J.) M34- F35. N. Swenson, Dr. S(tanley) P(rescott). M.S., Minnesota. 35; Ph.D., 36. Assoc, prof, agronomy, South Dakota State Col.; assoc. agronomist, South Dakota Agric. Exp. Sta., Brookings, S. Dak. M40F40. OGQ. Swett, Dr. F(rancis) H(untington). A.M., Brown, 17; Ph.D., Yale, 22. Prof, anatomy, Duke Univ. School Med., Durham, N. Car. M19F25. FN. Swett, Prof. George W(right). 25 Mar- mion Road, Melrose, Mass. M35R39. M. Swett, Dr. Wilber Frank. M.D., Stanford, 22; Ophthalmologist, Southern Pacific Ry. Co.; asst. clinical prof, surgery, Stanford Univ. School Med., San Francisco, Calif. (18 6th Ave.) M29F33. BEM. Swezey, Otto H(erman). M.S., North- western, 97. Consulting entomologist, Hawaiian Sugar Planters Assn. Exp. Sta. and Bishop Mus., Honolulu, Hawaii. (2048 Lanihuli Drive) M12F15. F. Swezy, Dr. Olive. 1004 Oxford St., Berke- ley, Calif. M13F20R32. F. Swick, C(larence) H(erbert). C.E., Cor- nell, 07. Chief gravity and astronomy, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. (Capitol Heights, Md.) M34- F34. EMD. Swift, Dr. Charles H(enry). M.D., Rush, 10; Ph.D., Chicago, 13. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5725 Kimbark Ave.) M21F27. N. Swift, Freeman R(obert). 4 E. 88th St., New York, N. Y. (?) M24R36. FGO. 912 Directory of Members Swift, Harold H(iggins). Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. L21. Swift, Dr. Homer F(ordyce). M.D., New York, 06; Sc.D., 31. Member, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. (888 Park Ave.) M17F25. N. Swift, Dr. Raymond W. M.S., Pennsyl- vania State, 25; Ph.D., Rochester, 31. Prof, animal nutrition, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (723 McKee St.) M35F35. N. Swindells, Dr. Frank E(vans). M.S., Penn- sylvania, 23; Ph.D., 25. Res. dir., Patter- son Screen Co., Towanda, Pa. M28F33. CB. Swindle, Dr. P(ercy) F(ord). A.M., Mis- souri, 12; Ph.D., Berlin, 15. Prof, and dir. Dept. Phvsiology, Marquette Univ. School Med., Milwaukee, Wis. M18F21. NF. Swindler, Dr. J(ames) A(lbert). A.M., In- diana, 15; Ph.D., 25. Prof, physics and head Dept., Westminster Col., New Wil- mington, Pa. {227 N. Market St.) M28- F31. B. Swinehart, Dr. Earl W(ildes). D.D.S., Ohio Col. Dental Surgerv. 717 Med. Arts Bldg., Baltimore, Md. M36. NdHI. Swinehart, J. L. B.S., Ursinus, 27. Princi- pal, High School, Ridley Park, Pa. M39. FQ. Swinford, J(erome) Kenneth. 2529 Pros- pect Ave., Houston, Tex. M31. M. Swingle, Dr. Charles F(letcher). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Horticulturist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Manhattan, Kans. (1800 Leavenworth St.) M24F27. OG. Swingle, Miss Cora E. Col. Industrial Arts, Texas State Col. Women, Denton, Tex. (?) M31R32. QN. Swingle, Dr. D(eane) B(ret). M.S., Wis- consin, 01; Ph.D., 31. Prof, botany and bacteriology, dean Div. Science, and vice pres., Montana State Col., Bozeman, Mont. M34F34. G. Swingle, Leonhardt. Indio, Calif. Mi 8. O. Swingle, Walter T(ennyson). M.Sc, Kan- sas State, 96; D.Sc, 22. Principal physi- ologist, Div. Plant Exploration and In- troduction, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (4753 Reservoir Road) M91F92E39. GLO. Swinnerton, Prof. A(llyn) C(oats). A.M., Harvard, 20; Ph.D., 22. Prof, geology and asst. to pres., Antioch Col., Yellow Springs, Ohio. (145 Limestone St.) M24- F27. EDM. Swinton, Prof. Roy Stanley. M.S.E., Mich- igan, 20. Col. Engng., Univ. Philippines, Manila, P. I. M38. MBA. Swisher, Dr. Charles L(ee). A.M., Mich- igan, 13; Ph.D., Cornell, 17. Prof, physics, North Dakota State Col., Fargo, N. Dak. M21F31. BM. Switzer, Prof. Jesse Elmer. Ph.D., Clark, 23. Prof, geography, Indiana Univ., Bloom- ington, Ind. M24F25. E. Switzer, St. Clair A(dna). 1 1 1 E. Walnut St., Oxford, Ohio. M34R35. L Swope, Miss H(elen) Gladys. B.S., Chi- cago, 29. Chief chemist, Sewage Treat- ment Plant, North Shore Sanitary Dis- trict, Waukegan, 111. (1827 Rice St., High- land Park, 111.) M28. CAB. Sydenstricker, Edgar. M28F31D36. KN. Sygoda, David Frank. M.S., Col. City New York, 34. Teacher biology, Grover Cleve- land High School, Queens, N. Y. (135 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M33. QFG. Sykes, Prof. George F(rancis). A.M., Brown, 10. Asst. prof, anatomy, Tufts Col. Med. School, Boston, Mass. M11F21. FN. Sykes, Godfrey G(lenton). Desert Lab., Carnegie Inst. Washington, Tucson, Ariz. M14F16R32. EL. Sykes, Comdr. James B. B.S., U. S. Naval Acad., 18. Office Naval Intelligence, U. S. Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. M39. Sykes, Wesley (Pope). Met.E., Case, 20; D.Eng., 38. Metallurgical engineer, Incan- descent Lamp Dept., Gen. Electric Co., Euclid; lecturer metallurgy, Case School Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. (Brecks- ville, Ohio) M34F34. M. Sykes, Wilfred. Dartmouth Road, Floss- moor, 111. M25F31. M. Sylvester, A(lbert) H(ale). B.S., Califor- nia, 95. Forest supervisor retired, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. (154 S. Franklin St., Wenatchee, Wash.) M06- Fn. EO. Sylvester, Dr. Mildred Loring. 3734 Lo- cust St., Philadelphia, Pa. M25F25R35. I. Sylvester, Prof. Reuel H. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 12. Head Dept. Psychology, Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa. (3415 Grand Ave.) M27F31. I. Sylvia, Sister M. (See Sister M. Sylvia Meisinger). Sylvia, Sister M. (See Sister M. Sylvia Morgan). Symonds, Prof. Percival M(allon). A.M., Columbia, 20; Ph.D., 23. Prof, education, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M25F31. IQ. Secretary of Section on Education (Q), I937SS. Symons, G. E. Illinois State Water Sur- vey, Urbana, 111. M31R32. CNM. Symons, Dr. Thomas Baddeley. M.S., Cor- nell, 08; D.Agr., Maryland, 18. Dean Col. Agric. and dir. Extension Service, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M04F06. O. Syvertsen, Dr. Rolf Christian. M.D., Rush, 36. Prof, anatomv and sec, Dartmouth Med. School, Hanover, N. H. M23. NF. Individual Members 913 Syz, Dr. Hans (Caspar). M.D., Geneva, 21. Instr. psychiatry, Cornell Univ. Med. Col.; res. assoc, Lifwynn Foundation, 27 E 37th St., New York, N. Y. M27- F33. NI. Szendel, Dr. Adolf (Jan). Ph.D., Cornell. Skierniewice, Osada Palacowa, Poland. M37. OGC. Szenes, Alexander. Electrical estimator, Consolidated Edison Co. New York, Inc., New York, N. Y. (1019 Freeman St.) M28. M. Szent-Gyorgyi, Prof. Albert. M.D., Buda- pest; Ph.D., Cambridge; D.H.C., Paris. Prof. med. chemistry, University Szeged, Szeged, Hungary. M38F39. CN. Tabb, William Elmo. M37D37. HKQ. Taber, E(dmund) R(hett, Jr.). M.S., Ala- bama Polytechnic Inst., 05. Mechanical designer, Canadian Johns-Manville Co., Asbestos, Que., Canada. L16. M. Taber, E(dward) Carroll, Jr. A.B., Stan- ford, 37. Geologist, Shell Oil Co., St. Louis, Mo. (808 Delaware St., Hiawatha, Kans.) M40. E. Taber, Dr. Loren B(ennett). D.D.S., Col. Physicians and Surgeons San Francisco, 27. Asst. prof, oral pathology, Col. Physi- cians and Surgeons, San Francisco, Calif. (291 Geary St.) M17. NdL. Taber, Dr. Stephen. Ph.D., Virginia, 12. Prof, geology and mineralogy and head Dept. Geology, Univ. South Carolina; state geologist, Columbia, S. Car. M18- F21. EMC. Tabor, Dr. Florence S(arah). Sc.M., New York, 29; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State, 35. Instr. chemistry, Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. {237 Clermont Ave.) M39. CNQ. Tabor, Prof. Paul. M.S. A., Georgia, 15. U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Spartan- burg, S. Car. M28F31. O. Tadgell, Dr. Henry Allen. M.D., Tufts, 29. Physician and asst. supt., Wrentham State School, Wrentham, Mass. (14 North St.) M38. N. Taeusch, Carl F(rederick). Ph.D., Har- vard, 20. Head, Div. Program Study and Discussion, U. S. Bureau Agric. Eco- nomics, Washington, D. C. M31F40. KLF. Taff, Joseph A(lexander). B.S., Texas, 94. Consulting geologist retired, 628 Cowper St., Palo Alto, Calif. M04F06. E. Taft, Alan C(owie). A.M., Stanford, 28. 1770 Fulton St., Palo Alto, Calif. M28- F33. F. Taft, Dr. A(nnie) E(lzina). M.D., Tufts, 07 906 Old Lancaster Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. M38. N. Taft, Charles H(atfield), Jr. A.M., Colum- bia, 25. Assoc, prof, pharmacology, Univ. Texas Med. Branch, Galveston, Tex. M23- F33. F. Taggart, Prof. Walter T(homas). M13- F15D38. C. Tainter, Charles Sumner. Inventor, 2960 1st St., San Diego. Calif. M80F81E35. BDM. Tainter, Col. F(rancis) S(tone). U. S. En- gineer retired, Far Hills, N. J. M02. M. Tainter, Dr. M(aurice) L(ane). A.M., Stanford, 24; M.D., 25. Prof, pharmacol- ogy, Stanford Univ. School Med.; prof, pharmacology and head Dept. Physiologi- cal Sciences, Col. Physicians and Sur- geons Dental School, San Francisco, Calif. M26F31. Np. Tait, Dr. H(arold) Sinclair. M.D., Dal- housie. Monson State Hosp., Palmer, Mass. M38. BCD. Tait, Prof. John. Dept. Physiology, McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada. M22F27- R36. FN. Tait, Dr. William D(unlop). A.M., Har- vard, 06; Ph.D., 09. Prof, psychology and chairman Dept.; dir. Psychological Lab., McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Can- ada. (2276 Regent Ave.) M24F25. I. Taitel, Martin. 5535 Kimbark Ave., Chi- cago, 111. (?) M31R33. KA. Takahashi, Kazuyuki. A.B., Stanford, 40. Student, Stanford Univ. School Med., San Francisco, Calif. M40. NFQ. Takamine, Dr. Toshio. 43 Otsuka- Kubocho, Koishikawa, Tokyo, Japan. M24F31R34. BD. Talbert, Dr. Ernest L(ynn). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 14. Assoc, prof, sociology, LTniv. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (M17F31- R3S)M38F3i. HI. Talbert, Dr. George A(ddison). M.S., Ohio Wesleyan, 91; Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Prof physiology, Univ. North Dakota School M'ed., Grand Forks, N. Dak. Mio- F21. N. Talbert, Prof. Thomas J(esse). A.M., Mis- souri. 17. Chairman, Dept. Horticulture and Forestry and prof, horticulture, Univ. Missouri Col. Agric, Columbia, Mo. M17- F21. G. Talbot, Prof. A(rthur) N(ewell). C.E., Il- linois, 85; LL.D., 31; D.Sc, Pennsylvania, 15; D.Eng., Michigan, 16. Prof, emeritus municipal and sanitary engng., Univ. Illinois, Urbana. 111. (n 13 W. California Ave.) M02F06. M. Vice president for Sec- tion on Engineering (M), 1927. Talbot, Dr. Fritz B(radley). M.D., Har- vard, 05. Clinical prof, emeritus pediatrics, Harvard Med. School, Cambridge, Mass.; office, 270 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. M18F23. HN. 9H Directory of Members Talbot, Mrs. J. H. (Elizabeth Presho). 325 Clark Drive, San Mateo, Calif. M27- R32. NC. Talbot, Miss Marion. A.M., Boston, 82; LL.D., Cornell Col., 04, Boston, 24, Tu- lane, 35. Prof, emeritus household ad- ministration, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (5758 Kenwood Ave.) M04F10. KQ. Talbot, Dr. Mary. M.A., Ohio State, 27; Ph.D., Chicago, 34. Prof, zoology, Linden- wood Col., St. Charles, Mo. M38. F. Talbot, Miss Mignon. Ph.D., Yale, 04. Prof, emeritus geology and geography, Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadley, Mass. M02F06. E. Talbot, Murrell W(illiams). B.S., Mis- souri, 13. Senior forest ecologist charge range res., California Forest and Range Exp. Sta., U. S. Forest Service, Berkeley, Calif. M25F31. GOF. Talbot, Mrs. Nell Snow. 1838 W. Harrison St., Chicago, 111. M31R32. HIK. Talbot, S. Benton. D.Sc, Johns Hopkins, 33. Prof, biology, Davis and Elkins Col., Elkins, W. Va. M39. FN. Talbott, Dr. John H(arold). M.D., Har- vard, 29. Assoc, medicine, Harvard Univ., Cambridge; asst. physician, Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. M37. N. Taliaferro, T(homas) H(ardy). C.E., Vir- ginia Military Inst., 90; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 96. Dean faculty and chairman Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. (The Concord, Washington, D. C.) M35F35. A. Taliaferro, Prof. W(arner) Throckmor- ton) L(angbourne). D.Sc, Maryland, 16. Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M14- F32L33. O. Taliaferro, Prof. W(illiam) H(ay). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 18. Professor parasitology, chairman Dept. Bacteriology and Para- sitology, and. dean Div. Biol. Sciences, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M16F20. FN. Talley, Paul J(udson). Dept. Botany, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M28R32. G. Talley, Prof. Thomas W(ashington). A.M., Fisk, 92; Sc.D., Central Tennessee, 99; M.S., Chicago. 31. Prof, chemistry re- tired, Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn. (908 17th Ave. N.) M34F34. C. Tallman, Miss Gladys (Griffith). M.A., Co- lumbia, 13. Dir. Dept. Psychology, Neuro- logical Inst., Columbia-Presbyterian Med. Center; instr. clinical psvchology, Colum- bia Univ., New York. N. Y. (780 River- side Drive) M25F33. I. Tallman, Dr. R(ussell) W(arrick). M.A., Iowa, 23; Ph.D., 25. Field dir., Iowa State Teachers Assn., 415 Shops Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. (Jewell, Iowa) M27F31. QI. Tallyn, W(illiam) H(arold). M.S., Illinois, 25. Instr. chemistry, Eastern Washington Col. Education, Cheney, Wash. (414 3rd St.) M25. C Talmage, Dr. Sterling B(ooth). M.Sc, Lehigh. 23; Ph.D., Harvard, 25. Prof, geology and mineralogy, New Mexico School Mines; geologist, State Bur. Mines, Socorro, N. Mex. M29F31. EMQ. Talman, Charles Fitzhugh. U. S. Weather Bur., Washington, D. C. M34F34R34. BDE. Taltavall, Dr. William A(llan). M06D38. NC. Tamarkin, Prof. J(acob) D(avid). Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M27F27R38. A. Tanaka, Prof. Tyozaburo. Taihoku Im- perial Univ., Taiwan, Japan. M17F32- R34. o. Tanberg, Dr. A(rthur) P(ercival). A.M., Swarthmore, 13; Ph.D., Columbia, 15. Dir. Exp. Sta., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (2302 Delaware Ave.) M22F25. C. Tanchester, Dr. David. D.D.S., New York, 21. Dentist, 180 W. 58th St.; attending dentist, Montefiore Hosp., New York, N. Y. M33. NdQ. Tangco, Prof. Marcelo. M.A., Harvard, 22. Asst. prof, anthropology, Univ. Philip- pines, Manila, P. I. (149 Solis St., Tondo) M39. HNF. Tanger, (Daniel) William. B.Sc, Ohio State, 37. Partner and field crop div. mgr., C R Tanger and Sons, Bellefontaine, Ohio. M38. OGB. Tangney, Sister M. Raphael. M.A., Creigh- ton Head Dept. Chemistry, Catholic Col., Guthrie, Okla. M40. CAB. Tanis, J(ohn) E(dward). M.Sc, Michi- gan, 08. Principal, Northern High School, Detroit, Mich. (1691 Atkinson Ave.) M40. M. Tannenbaum, Dr. Albert. M.D., Rush, 30. Tumor Res. Lab., Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 111. (4847 Lake Park Ave.) M40. NCB. Tanner, Miss Amy E(liza). Ph.D., Chi- cago, 98. 9 Hawthorne St., Worcester, Mass. M13F21. I. Tanner, Prof. Fred W(ilbur). M.S., Il- linois, 14; Ph.D., 16. Prof, bacteriology and head Dept., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111 (803 W. Michigan Ave.) M24F25. NCG. Tanner, Dr. H(erbert) G(iles). M.A., Ne- braska, 16; Ph.D., Stanford, 29. Res. chem- ist, Exp. Sta., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. Wilmington, Del. (47 Hillside Road) M34F34- CBE. Tanner, Prof. John Henry. L98F99D40. A. Tanner, W(ellington) Lee. S.B., Gonzalez, 12. Chief chemist, Reade Mfg. Co., Inc.; vice pres., Harrop Chem. Co., Jersey City, N J.; owner, Tropic Chem. Works, Pana- soffkee, Fla. (732 N. West 36th St., Miami, Fla.) M29. CBM. Individual Members 9i5 Tanquary, Prof. M(aurice) C(ole). A.M., Illinois, 08; Ph.D.. 12. Prof, apiculture, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M34F34. F. Tansey, Prof. V. O. Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Asst. prof, geology, Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. (339 Washington Ave.) M34F34. E. Tanturi, Dr. Carlos Alberto. M.S., North- western; M.D., Buenos Aires. Dir. Patho- logical and Surgical Exp. Lab., Buenos Aires, Argentina, S. A. (Paraguay 2150) M40. N. Tanzer, Dr. Helen H. Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 29. Prof, retired, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (208 E. 15th St., New York, N. Y.) M18F32. EI. Tapke, Dr. V(ictor) F(erdinand). Ph.D., Cornell, 27. Plant pathologist cereal crops and diseases, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M29F30. G. Tapley, Mary Schmidt (Mary E.Schmidt). M.A., Michigan, 31. 403 Maple St., Big Rapids, Mich. M33. GFQ. Tappan, Miss A(nna) Helen. A.M., Cor- nell, 12; Ph.D., 14. Prof, mathematics and dean women, Western Col., Oxford, Ohio. M24F33. A. Targow, Dr. A(bram) M (orris). Ph.D., Chicago, 33; M.D., 34. Allergist, 7972 W. 4th St., Los Angeles, Calif. M32. N. Tarr, Leonard Merrill. M12F31D — . B. Tarr, Prof. William Arthur. M11F15- D39. E. Tarris, Demetrius. B.S., Pennsylvania State, 28. 19 Midland St., Simpson, Pa. M36. BCA. Tartar, Dr. Herman V(ance). Ph.D.. Chicago, 20. Prof, chemistry, Univ. Wash- ington, Seattle, Wash. (4751 21st Ave. NE.) M11F15. C. Tarzwell, Dr. Clarence M. M.S., Michigan, 32; Ph.D., 36. Asst. aquatic biologist, Dept. Forestry Relations, Tennessee Val- ley Authority, Decatur, Ala. M37. F. Tashiro, Prof. Shiro. Ph.D., Chicago, 12; M.D., Kyoto. 24. Prof, biochemistry, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med.; asst. dir. biochemi- cal service, Cincinnati Gen. Hosp., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. (257 Loraine Ave.) M20- F20. CFN. Tashjian, Armen H. 2638 Fairmount Blvd., Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. M30R33. M. Tasker, Col. Arthur N(ewman). M.D., George Washington, 06. U. S. Army re- tired, 317 Tuscany Road, Baltimore, Md. M06F25. NFC. Tasker, Dr. Roy C(arleton). A.M., Michi- gan, 22; Ph.D., Cornell, 34. Assoc, prof, biology, Junior Col., Bucknell Univ., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (230 S. River St.) M31. F. Tate, Dr. Fred(erick) W(illiam). 7717 Gannon Ave., St. Louis, Mo. M35. CNp. Tate, Dr. John Torrence. M.A., Nebraska, 12; D.Sc, 38; Ph.D., Berlin, 14. Dean, Col. Science, Literature, and Arts, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M21F25. B. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), 1935- Tatman, John Lowell. 607 Cascade Road, Forest Hills, Pittsburgh, Pa. M26. MCE. Tatnall, Dr. Robert R(ichardson). A.M., Haverford, 91; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 95. Res. engineer retired, 1100 W. 10th St., Wilmington, Del. M07F09. GMB. Tatum, Dr. A(rthur) L(awrie). Ph.D., Chicago, 13; M.D., Rush, 14. Prof, phar- macology and chairman Dept., Univ. Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. (1718 Summit Ave.) M18F21. CNp. Tatum, Prof. G(ordon) R(ussell). Dept. Physics, Baylor Univ., Waco, Tex. M33- R34. B. Taub, Prof. Abraham. A.M., Columbia, 27. Consulting chemist; assoc. prof, chemis- try, Columbia Univ. Col. Pharmacy, New- York, N. Y. (318 W. 88th St.) M25F33. CNQ. Taub, Prof. A(braham) H(askel). Ph.D., Princeton, 35. Asst. prof., Dept. Mathe- matics, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. M40. AB. Taubenhaus, Dr. Jacob J(oseph). M30F13- D37. G. Tauber, Dr. Henry. Ph.D., Vienna, 27. 21 13 23rd Terrace, Astoria, N. Y. M35- F39. CNF. Tauber, Dr. Oscar E(rnst). M.S., Iowa State, 32; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, zoology and entomology, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M32F39. NFC. Taussig, Dr. Fred(erick) J(oseph). M.D., Washington Univ., 98. Prof., Washington Univ. School Med.; gynecologist, Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hosp.; vice chair- man, State Cancer Commission Missouri, St. Louis, Mo. (50 Westmoreland Place) M40. N. Tavanlar, E(ligio) J. M.S., Yale, 31. 377 W. Onondaga St., Syracuse, N. Y. M32. MAB. Tavenner, C(harles) B(lair). Paeonian Springs, Va. M26R36. C. Tavernetti, Prof. Thomas F(rederick). M34F34D34. o. Tawney, Guy A(lan). M.A., Princeton, 94; Ph.D., Leipzig, 94. Prof, philosophy retired, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (502 W. Main St.) M07F11. IKQ. Tawney, Pliny O. 5805 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, 111. M39R39. CP. Taylor, Dr. Adrian S(tevenson). M.D., Virginia, 05, Harvard, 16; LL.D., Hobart, 38. Supt. and chief surgeon, Clifton Springs Sanitarium and Clinic, Clifton Springs, N. Y. M34F34. N. 916 Directory of Members Taylor, Dr. Albert Hoyt. Ph.D., Gottin- gen, 09. Head physicist, U. S. Navy; supt. Radio Div., U. S. Naval Res. Lab., Anacostia, Washington, D. C. (2910 Penn- sylvania Ave.) M06F09. B. Taylor, Dr. Alfred. M.A., Oregon State, 33; Ph.D., 35. Instr., Dept. Zoology, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. (1764 Van Buren St.) M38. FNC. Taylor, Alfred E(rnest). A.M., Harvard, 94; Ph.D., Cornell, 96. Chief Import Div., U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D. C. (1828 Kenyon St.) M34F34. C. Taylor, A(lvah) Lloyd. M.S., Iowa, 24; Ph.D., 27. Technical dir., Oakite Prod- ucts, Inc., 22 Thames St., New York, N. Y. (M29F33R38)M4oF33. CNB. Taylor, Dr. Aravilla M(eek). M.S., Chi- cago, 16; Ph.D., 19. Dir., Dept. Biology, Lake Erie Col., Painesville, Ohio. M29- F30. GFN. Taylor, Armor (Hugh) P(latt). M.S., Ken- tucky, 33. District educational adviser, Civilian Conservation Corps., Charleston, W. Va. (1214 Elmwood Ave.) M33. FN. Taylor, Dr. A(ubrey) B(ryant). M.S., Iowa, 29; Ph.D., 35. Dept. Physiology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M39. FNG. Taylor, Austin C(ottreH). 555 Burrard St., Vancouver, B. C, Canada. M36. M. Taylor, Bertram William. M.Sc, McGill, 30. Honorary lecturer, Dept. Zoology, McGill Univ., Montreal; biologist and dir. fish culture, Dept. Lands and Forests, Game and Fisheries, Quebec, Que., Can- ada. M38. F. Taylor, Dr. Carl C(leveland). 3712 Fulton St. NW, Washington, D. C. M36F36- R36. K. Taylor, Charles A(rthur), Jr. M.S., Cor- nell, 38. Junior food and drug inspector, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Boston, Mass. (204 Fairmount Ave., Ithaca, N. Y.) M38. GEO. Taylor, Dr. Charles G(oodman). M.D., Columbia, 07. 169 E. 78th St., New York, N. Y. M18. N. Taylor, Charles R. Pepeekeo Sugar Co., Pepeekeo, Hawaii. (M33R33)M36. CM. Taylor, Dr. Charles Vincent. M.A., Cali- fornia, 15; Ph.D., 17. 562 Gerona Road, Stanford University, Calif. M19F21. F. Taylor, Prof. Clara Mae. M.A., Columbia, 23; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, nutrition, Co- lumbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (88 Morningside Drive) M40. NI. Taylor, Dr. D(avid) W(atson). U. S. Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. M34F34R37. M. Taylor, Earl Aulick. M.A., Texas. Coman- che, Tex. M36. Q. Taylor, Prof. E(arl) B(urt). 105 Beckwith Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. M32R32. QIL. Taylor, Dr. E(dson) H(omer). A.M., Har- vard, 05 ; Ph.D., 09. Prof, and head Dept. Mathematics, Eastern Illinois State Teachers Col., Charleston, 111. (885 7th St.) M03F06. AQ. Taylor, Dr. Edward H(arrison). Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. M28F30R33. F. Taylor, Dr. Ewing. M.D., Harvard, 03. 182 N. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. M22- F33. N. Taylor, Dr. F(rancis) H(enry) L(askey). Thorndike Memorial Lab., Boston City Hosp., Boston, Mass. M34F34R35. C. Taylor, Frank Bursley. M90F97D38. ED. Taylor, Frank H. M17D— . KM. Taylor, Frank O(wen). Ph.C, Cincinnati Col. Pharmacy, 00. Chief chemist, Parke Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich. (The War- dell) M26. C. Taylor, Fred A(nderson). Ph.D., Colum- bia, 22. Biochemist, Wm. H. Singer Mem- orial Res. Lab., 320 E. North Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. M18F33. CN. Taylor, Dr. Fred H(erbert). A.M., Har- vard, 34; Ph.D., 39. Instr. botany, Clem- son Agric. Col., Clemson, S. Car. M40. G. Taylor, Dr. F(red) Lowell. Ph.D., Minne- sota, 35. Res. chemist, Dow Chem. Co., Midland, Mich. (510 McDonald St.) M39. CP. Taylor, F(rederic) J(ackson). M20D — . M. Taylor, Dr. Fred(erick) W(hitaker). 147 S. University Ave., Provo, Utah. M22- R33. N. Taylor, George C(arroll), Jr. B.S., New Mexico. 303 Vassar Ave., Albuquerque, N. Mex. M39. EBC. Taylor, George F. A.B., North Carolina, 15. Physicist and res. metallurgist, Carbo- loy Co., 1 1 177 Eight Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. M39. BDE. Taylor, Dr. George F(rederic). M.S., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 31; Ph.D., 33. Res. meteorologist and instr., U. S. Army Air Corps Weather School, Chanute Field, Rantoul, 111. M37. BE. Taylor, Dr. G(eorge) Wellford. Dept. Zoology, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M36R36. FNC. Taylor, Prof. Griffith. Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M35F35R35. E. Taylor, Dr. Guy B(aker). M.S.. Kentucky. 09; Ph.D., Princeton, 13. Res. chemist, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wil- mington, Del. (2306 Saymour Road) M13F25. C. Taylor, Harden F(ranklin). Atlantic Coast Fisheries Co., 111 John St., New York, N. Y. M18F33. FC. Taylor, H(arold) A(lbert). B.S., Lewis Inst., 27. Teacher science, Public Schools, Chicago, 111. (5817 Washington Blvd.) M37. Q- Individual Members 917 Taylor, Dr. Hawley O(tis). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 13. Chairman, Dept. Mathematics and Physics, Wheaton Col., Wheaton, 111. (330 E. Union Ave.) M10F16. BAD. Taylor, Henry Osborn. Litt.D., Harvard, 12; L.H.D., Wesleyan, 21, Columbia, 27. 135 E. 66th St., New York, N. Y. M29- F29. L. Vice president for Section on His- torical and Philological Sciences (L), 1929. Taylor, Horace V(an) S(ands). B.A., Yale; B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech. Vice pres., Taylor Electric Co., Providence, R. I. (241 W. Newton St., Boston, Mass.) M18. M. Taylor, Dr. Howard C(anning), Jr. M.D., Columbia, 24. 842 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M28. N. Taylor, Howard (Henry). Photographer, Texas Highway Dept., Austin, Tex. (608 Baylor St.) M38. MBC. Taylor, Dr. (Howard) Lester. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 10. 10515 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. M39. CIN. Taylor, Prof. Hugh S(tott). D.Sc, Liver- pool, 14; Sc.D., Louvain, 37; LL.D., Providence, 38. Prof, chemistry and chair- man Dept., Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (115 Broadmead St.) M28F28. CB. Taylor, Prof. Ivon R(oy). M.S., Oregon, 24; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 27. Assoc, prof, physiology, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. M29F33. FN. Taylor, James Boyce. Mercedes, Tex. M37. BCE. Taylor, James H(enry). A.M., Princeton, 20; Ph.D., Chicago, 24. Prof, mathema- tics, George Washington Univ., Washing- ton, D. C. (138 Custer Road, Bethesda, Md.) M22F31. ADB. Taylor, J(ames) Norman. U. S. Bur. Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Wash- ington, D. C. M10F15R32. CKP. Taylor, Prof. James S(turdevant). M.A., California, 17; Ph.D., 18. Prof, mathe- matics and head Dept., Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. M23F33. A. Taylor, John Bellamy. B.S., Massachu- setts Inst. Tech., 97. Consulting engineer retired, 2009 Nott St., Schenectadv, N. Y. M08F18. BM. Taylor, Josiah, Jr. 1608 Milby St., Hous- ton, Tex. M31R39. EBA. Taylor, Dr. Kenneth. M.A., Minnesota, 07; M.D., 14. 12 Sutton Square, New York, N. Y. M28. NFG. Taylor, Prof. Leland H(art). M.S., Har- vard, 20; Sc.D., 22. Prof, zoology, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. M21- F33. F. Taylor, Dr. L(eslie) O(wen). A.M., Chicago, 22; Ph.D., Minnesota, 32. Assoc, prof, and head Dept. Education, Univ. Omaha, Omaha, Nebr. (5837 Florence Blvd.) M37. Q. Taylor, Dr. Lewis W(alter). M.S., Kansas State, 25; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 31. Assoc, prof, poultry husbandry, Univ. California; assoc. poultry husbandman, California Agric. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, Calif. M26- F33. OF. Taylor, Prof. L(loyd) W(illiam). Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof, and head Dept. Phys- ics, Oberlin Col., Oberlin, Ohio. M25- F25. B. Taylor, Prof. Lucien B(radford). A.M., Boston, 20, Harvard, 26. Prof, physics, Boston Univ., Boston, Mass. (Farm St., Dover, Mass.) M22F33. B. Taylor, Miss Lucy Ann (Gilmer). 3105 North Ave., Richmond, Va. M39R39. FG. Taylor, Prof. Mary Fidelia. Newton, Kans. M30R35. BM. Taylor, Dr. Maurice. 15 Fernando St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M38R38. K. Taylor, M(aurice) C(raig). 3040 Delancey Road, Niagara Falls, N. Y. M25F33R34. C. Taylor, Miss Mildred E(llen). A.M., Illi- nois, 22; Ph.D., 31. Prof, mathematics and astronomy, Mary Baldwin Col., Staunton, Va. M23F33. A. Taylor, Minnie W. (See Mrs. Minnie Tay- lor York). Taylor, Nelson. 725 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. M36R37. ME. Taylor, Dr. Nelson W(oodsworth). Dept. Ceramics, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M25F33R36. C. Taylor, Norman. Dir., Cinchona Products Inst., 10 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. M38F15. GN. Taylor, Otis B(oyd). M.S., North Caro- lina State. 2606 The Plaza, Richmond, Va. M35. FGH. Taylor, R. Brodie. Ed.M., Harvard, 27. 118 E. Withrow Ave., Oxford, Ohio. M39. IN. Taylor, Dr. Raymond F(rank). M.F., Yale, 27; Ph.D., 34. Chief, Div. Forest Management Res., U. S. Northeastern Forest Exp. Sta., New Haven, Conn. (1561 Whitney Ave.) M39. OG. Taylor, Prof. Raymond L(eech). S.M., Harvard, 27; Sc.D., 29. Assoc, prof, biol- ogy, Col. William and Mary, Williams- burg, Va. M32F33. FG. Taylor, R(eginald) M(urray). M.D., To- ronto. Res. assoc, Dept. Psychology, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. M40. NI. Taylor, Dr. Richard M(oreland). M.D., Michigan, 10; D.P.H., Johns Hopkins, 26. Staff member, International Health Div., Rockefeller Foundation, New York, N. Y. M23F33. N. 9iS Directory of Members Taylor, R(obert) W(ooddy). M.S., Ala- bama Polytechnic Inst., 26. Asst. agron- omy, Alabama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala. M28F32. O. Taylor, Mrs. Ruby Shearer. Dean educa- tion, Taylor School Bio-Psychology and Taylor Univ. Bio-Psycho-Dynamic Sciences, Chattanooga, Tenn. M33. Q. Taylor, Dr. Samuel Newton. Ph.D., Clark, 96. Prof, emeritus physics, Goucher Col., Baltimore, Md. (2514 Maryland Ave.) M07F18. BDA. Taylor, Theodore W(alter). M.A., Syra- cuse, 38. Asst. to dir., Management and Personnel Div., U. S. Rural Electrifica- tion Administration, Washington, D. C. (1719 H St. NW.) M40. KO. Taylor, Dr. T(homas) Ivan. M.S., Idaho, 33; Ph.D., Columbia, 38. Instr. chemistry, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (322 18th Ave. SE.) M39. CBN. Taylor, Prof. T(homas) Smith. Ph.D., Yale, 09. Prof., Newark Col. Eng., New- ark N J. (45 Grover Lane, Caldwell, N.J.) M13F15. B. Taylor, Dr. Walter F(reeman). Dept. Physiological Chemistry, Baylor Univ. Col. Med., Dallas, Tex. M34F34R34. NC. Taylor, Walter P(enn). Ph.D., California, 14. Senior biologist, U. S. Bur. Biol. Sur- vey; head, Dept. Fish and Game, Texas A. and M. Col. School Agric; chief, Div. Wildlife Res., Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station, Tex. M11F16. FGE. Sec- retary of Southwestern Division, 1928. Taylor, Dr. William A(lton). M.S., Michi- gan State, 13; D.Sc, 13. Collaborator, pomologist and chief retired, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Columbus, Ohio. (2084 Neil Ave.) M02F11. G. Taylor, Dr. W(illiam)- A(nthony). W. A. Taylor and Co., Inc., 872 Linden Ave., Baltimore, Md. M28F33R35. CM. Taylor, William C(hittenden). S.B., Mass- achusetts Inst. Tech., 08. Dir. glass tech- nology, Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y. (120 E. 5th St.) M34F34. C. Taylor, William Marcus. Pres., Taylor School Bio-Psychology and Taylor Univ. Bio-Psycho-Dynamic Sciences, Chatta- nooga, Tenn. M32. I. Taylor, William Palmer. B.Sc, Chicago. 716 Gray Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. M36- F40. BCF. Taylor, Prof. William Randolph. M.S., Pennsylvania, 17; Ph.D., 20. Prof, botany and curator algae Herbarium, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M18F25. G. Taylor, Prof. W(illiam) S(entman). A.M., Harvard, 20; Ph.D., 21; M.S., Wisconsin, 23. Prof, psychology, Smith Col., North- ampton, Mass. (55 Dryads Green) M34- F34. L Taylor, Dr. William S(eptimus). M.S., Wisconsin, 13; Ph.D., Columbia, 24. Dean, Univ. Kentucky Col. Education, Lexington, Ky. (.112 Cherokee Park) M24F31. Q- Tea, Prof. Peter L(ouis). M.A., Columbia, 10. City Col., New York, N. Y. M37. B. Teagarden, Dr. Elmer J. 37 Balmforth Ave., Danbury, Conn. M31R33. N. Teagarden, Dr. Florence M(abel). M.A., Pittsburgh, 16; Ph.D., Columbia, 24. Prof, psychology, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pitts- burgh, Pa. M27F28. IQ. Teahan, Dr. Roscoe W(illiam). M.D., New York, 17; M.S., Pennsylvania, 40. Med. dir. and chief surgeon, Jeanes Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M36. N. Teakle, Dr. L(aurence) J(ohn) H(artley). M.S., California, 25; Ph.D., 27. Res. offi- cer and adviser plant nutrition, Dept. Agric, Perth, Western Australia. M28- F32. GO. Tear, Dr. James D(e Graff). Ph.D., Yale 22. Res. dir., Ford Instrument Co., Long Island City, N. Y. M34F34- B. Teas, L(ivingston) P(ierson). M.A., Cor- nell, 17. Box 2180, Houston, Tex. M25. E. Teats, Miss Jean E(sther). M.A., Pitts- burgh, 35. Union Col., Barbourville, Ky. M40. AIQ. Teaze, Moses Hay. B.S., Worcester Poly- technic Inst., 17. Consulting engineer, Hardy S. Ferguson and Co., 200 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. (31 Clarendon Place, Bloomfield, N. J.) M40. MAC. Tebault, H(ugh) H(olbrook). E. Fougera and Co., 7s Varick St., New York, N. Y. M29R35. CN. Teder, Prof. John H. Jasper Acad., Jas- per, Ind. M32R32. BG. Tedesche, Dr. Leon G(reenfield). M.D., Cincinnati, 05. Owner, West End Indus- trial Dispensary, 2201 Crest St., Cincin- nati, Ohio. (1016 Valley Lane) Mn- F18. N. Tedesco, A(ngelo) Edward. M.S., Penn- sylvania, 38. Head Dept. Science, Nether Providence High School; dir. visual edu- cation, Nether Providence School Dis- trict, Wallingford, Pa. (509 W. 3rd St., Chester, Pa.) M40. QCF. Teeri, Arthur E(ino). Bay Road, Durham, N. H. M38R38. CNP. Teeter, Dr. Charles Edwin, Jr. A.M., Har- vard, 26; Ph.D., 27. Prof, chemistry and physics, Cambridge School Liberal Arts, Cambridge, Mass. (463 Concord Ave., Lexington, Mass.) M34F34. CB. Teeter, Thomas A(nderson) H (end- ricks). B.S., Purdue, 07. Dir. summer ses- sion and assoc. prof, engng., Gen. Exten- sion Div., Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M25F25. MAQ. Individual Members 919 Teeters, Dr. Wilbur O(ldroyd). M.S., New York, 32; Ph.D., 35. Pres., Hoke, Inc., 122 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. (Knickerbocker Road, Cresskill, N. J.) M36. C. Teeters, W(illiam) R(ay). A.M., Wiscon- sin, 16. Supervisor physical and biol. sciences, Board Education, St. Louis, Mo. (5458 Clemens Ave.) M39. C. Teets, Donald E(dward). Ph.G., West Vir- ginia, 24. Pres., Southern Labs., Inc., 2125 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. M39. CBA. Teetsel, W(illiam) M. M29D36. Tee-Van, John. Gen. assoc, Dept. Tropi- cal Res., New York Zoological Soc, New York, N. Y. (120 E. 75th St.) M39. F. Tehon, Dr. Leo Roy. M.A., Illinois, 20; Ph.D., 34. Botanist and head Section Ap- plied Botany and Plant Pathology, Illi- nois State Natural History Survey, Ur- bana, 111.; consulting plant pathologist, Davey Tree Expert Co., Kent, Ohio. (1003 S. Busey St., Urbana, 111.) M34- F34. G. Tejera, Gustavo. Chemist, No. 98 Este 2, Caracas, Venezuela, S. A. M39. OC. Telford, Dr. C(harles) W(itt), Univ. North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dak. M31- R32. IQF. Teller, George L(incoln). M.S., Michigan State, 93. Pres. and treas., Columbus Labs., 31 N. State St., Chicago, 111. (92 Kimbark Road, Riverside, 111.) M25. C. Tello, Dr. Julio Cesar. M.D., San Marcos, 09; D.Sc, 18; A.M., Harvard, 11. Inka Wasi, Miraflores, Lima, Peru, S. A. Mio- F13. NH. Temple, Allen Porter. Head, Dept. Sci- ence. State Teachers Col., Springfield, Mo. (M36R36)M38. Q. Temple, Prof. C(harles) E(dward). A.M., Nebraska, 09. Prof, plant pathology and state pathologist, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M34F34. GO. Temple, Dr. William J(ameson). A.M., Columbia, 32; Ph.D., Iowa, 38. Instr. speech, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. M34. IB. Templeton, Miss Bonnie C(arolyn). Cura- tor Dept. Botany, Los Angeles Mus., Los Angeles, Calif. M40. GIN. Templeton, Elmer J(ames). A.B., Ran- dolph-Macon. Curator Hibbard Library, 600 Haven St., Evanston, 111. M34. AFL. Templin, Miss Mildred. M.A., Wisconsin. Speech Clinic, Purdue Univ., West Lafay- ette, Ind. M38. IQN. TenBroeck, Dr. Carl. M.D., Harvard, 13. Member, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., Princeton, N. J. M17F29. FGN. Ten Broeck, Dr. W(alter) T(ryon) Liv- ingston). M.Sc, Rutgers, 29; Ph.D., 30. Crude Rubber Div., Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. M38. C. Tendler, Dr. Alexander D. M.A., Colum- bia, 18; Ph.D., 23. Attending psychologist and chief Psychological Clinic, New York Post Graduate Hosp.; attending psychol- ogist, Neuro-Psychiatric Service, Beek- man Hosp., New York; dir. Psychological Clinic, Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Brooklyn, N. Y. (3 Beatrice Court, Far Rockaway, N. Y.) M28F31. I. ten Hoor, Dr. Marten. A.M., Michigan, 14; Ph.D., 21. Prof, philosophy and dean Col. Arts and Sciences, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. (1440 Audubon St.) M38. QI. Tennant, Dr. Robert, Jr. Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. M30R34. N. Tennant, T(homas) R(alph). 5719 S. Hoh- man St., Hammond, Ind. M39. CO. Tennent, Prof. D(avid) H(ilt). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 04. Res. prof, biology, Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. (818 Summit Grove Ave.) M24F25. F. Tenney. Dr. Edward Vernon. Fresno State Col., Fresno, Calif. M38R38. I. Tennyson, Miss Gertrude. A.M., M.S., Oklahoma. 517 Miller St., Stillwater, Okla. M38. G. Teodoro, Prof. A(nastasio) L(alota). Univ. Philippines Col. Agric., Agricultural College, Laguna, P. I. M34F34R37. M. Teodoro, Dr. Nicanor G. Los Banos Economic Garden, Los Banos, Laguna, P. I. M34F34R34. MO. Terao, Prof. Arata. 422 Kasiwagi-San- tyome, Yodobasi, Tokyo, Japan. M27. F. Teresita, Sister (See Sister Teresita Judd). Terhune, Dr. William B(arclay). M.D., Tulane, 15. Med. dir., Silver Hill Founda- tion, New Canaan, Conn. M38. NI. Ter Keurst, Dr. Arthur John. M.Sc, Northwestern, 33; Ph.D., 37. Prof, educa- tion, Col. Emporia, Emporia, Kans. (1019 West St.) M39F40. Q. Terman, Dr. Lewis M(adison). A.M., Indiana, 03; Ph.D., Clark, 05. Prof, psy- chology, Stanford University, Calif. Mi 3- F21. IQ. President of Pacific Division, 1940. Terpenning, Dr. Walter A(bram). 1904 Jerome Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. (?) M34R37. KL. Terpstra, Dr. P(ieter). Emmasingel 7a, Groningen, Netherlands. M35R36. EBC. Terrell, Dr. Alexander W. 919 Court St., Lynchburg, Va. M39R39. N. Terrill, Dr. Clair E(lman). Ph.D., Mis- souri, 36. Assoc, animal husbandman, Western Sheep Breeding Lab., U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Dubois, Idaho. M39- F40. OFN. 920 Directory of Members Terrill, Miss Elizabeth Durant. M.A., Columbia, 24. 3817 Lerch St., Belvoir Heights, Chattanooga, Tenn. M29. Terry, Dr. Benjamin T(aylor). M.A., Van- derbilt, 00; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 04. Pathologist, 1001 N. Yakima Ave., Tacoma, Wash. M04F07. N. Terry, Prof. Elwood I(dell). M.F., Har- vard, 18. Prof, geology and geography, Winthrop Col., Rock Hill, S. Car. M39- F31. E. Terry, Henrietta Pearl. M.A., Illinois, 29; Ph.D., 34. Instr. mathematics, Univ. High School, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (506 S. Mathews St.) M38. A. Terry, Dr. M(arcus) C(laude). M.D., Rush, 99. Pathologist, U. S. Veterans Hosp., Knoxville, Iowa. M34. N. Terry, Prof. Ralph E(ugene). Ph.G., Illi- nois, 20; M.S., Southern California, 26. Assoc, prof, pharmacy, Univ. Illinois Col. Pharmacy, Chicago, 111. (414 Hill Ave., Elmhurst, 111.) M34F34. C. Terry, Dr. R(obert) J(ames). M.D., Mis- souri, 95. Prof, and head Dept. Anatomy, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. (5149 Westminster Place) M03F06. NHI. Secre- tary of Section on Anthropology (H), 1923- 26; vice president, 1927. Terry, Robert L(ee). A.B., Earlham, 39. Graduate zoology, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (6536 Irving Ave., Merchantville, N. J.) M40. F. Terry, Dr. T(heodore) L(asater). M.D., Texas, 22. Surgeon and pathologist, Massa- chusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary; surgeon, Massachusetts Gen. Hosp.; instr., Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (176 Marl- boro St.) M36. N. Terwilliger, Dr. Charles V(an) O(rden). M.S., Union, 19, Harvard, 22; Dr.Eng., Johns Hopkins, 38. Prof, and head Dept. Electrical Engng., Postgraduate School, U. S. Naval Academv, Annapolis, Md. (186 Gloucester St.) M26F31. MA. Terziev, George N(icholas). A.M., Har- vard, 06. Chemist, Solvay Process Co., Solvay, N. Y. (109 Cherry Road) Mi 7. C. Tessin, William. M.E., Columbia, 37. En- gineer, Kalunite, Inc., 81 Navajo St., Salt Lake City, Utah. (330 E. Indianola Ave., Youngstown, Ohio) M40. MAB. Test, Prof. Charles D(arwin). B.M.E., Purdue, 94; A.C., 96. Head Dept. Chemis- try, Junior Col., Riverside, Calif. (4486 6th St.) M39. CEF. Test, Charles E(dward). 5272 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. M38R39. NCF. Test, Dr. Frederick H(arold). M.A., Cor- nell, 35 ; Ph.D., California, 40. Mus. Vertebrate Zoology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M36. FG. Test, Prof. Louis A(gassiz). A.C., Purdue, 96; Ph.D., Chicago, 07. Prof. gen. chemis- try, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. M07- F25. CF. Tester, Prof. Allen C(rawford). Old Science Hall, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M27F31R35. E. Teuscher, Henry. Dir. technical services, Montreal Botanical Garden, Montreal, Que., Canada. M23. G. Te Winkel, Dr. Lois E(velyn). A.M., Columbia, 26; Ph.D., 36. Asst. prof, zoology, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (4 Sanderson Ave.) M34. F. Texera, Diego A(lberto). B.Sc. Asst. phytopathologist, Venezuela Ministry Agric, Caracas, Venezuela, S. A. (Calle Apartado 4, El Recreo) M40. GOL. Teyen, G(erald) M. W. Librarian, Public Mus., Milwaukee, Wis. M32. Q. Thacker, T(homas) L(indsay). Rancher, Little Mountain, Hope, B. C, Canada. M24. FH. Thai, Dr. P(aul) E(dward). M.D., Chi- cago, 22. 31 N. State St., Chicago, 111. M32. N. Thalheimer, J(ohn) J(oseph). 242 Foun- tain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. M25R36. M. Thalhimer, Dr. William. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 08. Dir., Manhattan Convales- cent Serum Lab., 15th St. and East River, New York, N. Y. (in E. 80th St.) M20- F27. N. Thannhauser, Dr. Siegfried J(osef). M.D., Munich, 09; Ph.D., 12. Clinical prof, medi- cine, Tufts Col. Med. School; assoc. physician-in-chief, Joseph H. Pratt Diag- nostic Hosp., Boston, Mass. (25 Bennet St.) M38. CN. Tharaldsen, Prof. C(onrad) E(ngerud). M.A., Columbia, 18; Ph.D., 25. Prof. anatomy and head Dept., New York Med. Col. and Flower Hosp., New York, N. Y. (51 Biltmore Ave., Crestwood, N. Y.) M24F25. FN. Tharp, Dr. B(enjamin) Carroll. M.A., Texas, 15; Ph.D., 25. 506 Bellevue Place, Austin, Tex. M24F31. G. Thayer, Frederick D., Jr. 100 Academy Ave., Mt. Lebanon, Pa. M35R35. Thayer, Dr. James R(ussell). M.S., Wis- consin, 26; Ph.D., 28. Prof, chemistry, St. Louis Col. Pharmacv, St. Louis, Mo. (4588 Parkview Place) M38. C. Theard, Delvaille H. 406 Canal Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La. M32R33. K. Theimer, Dr. Otto F(rederick). Heil- mannstrasse 27 , Muenchen, Germany. M27R38. M. Theis, Dr. Charles V(ernon). C.E., Cin- cinnati, 22; Ph.D., 29. Geologist, U. S. Geol. Survev, Albuquerque, N. Mex. M2S- F31. E. Theiss, Miss M(ary) E(lizabeth). B.S., Pittsburgh. Graduate student asst., Dept. Geology, Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (4817 Bayard St.) M40. E. Individual Members 921 Thelander, Dr. H(ulda) E(velyn). M.A., Minnesota, 23; M.D., 24. Pediatrician, 384 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. (40 22nd Ave.) M28. N. Thelin, Prof. Ernst (Frederick). M.A., Montana, 17; Ph.D., Chicago, 26. Prof, psychology and chairman Dept. and dir. lab., Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. M28F33. IQ. Theodorsen, Dr. Theodore. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 29. Chief Div. Physics, Nat. Advisory Committee Aeronautics, Langley Field, Va. (321 1 Chesapeake Ave., Hamp- ton, Va.) (M34F34R36)M3gF34. BAM. Therese, Sister Agnes. M.A., Columbia. Col. Mt. St. Joseph, Mt. St. Joseph, Ohio. M40. AB. Therese, Sister M. Joseph (.See Sister M. Joseph Therese Geiger). Therkelsen, Prof. Eric. Montana State Col., Bozeman, Mont. M34R39. MBQ. Theroux, Prof. Ernest G. M.A., St. Mary's. Prof, physics, St. John's Univ., Brooklyn, N. Y. (541 6th St.) M39F40. BM. Therrell, Daniel MacL(auchlin). 882 Park St. SW., Atlanta, Ga. M27F28. MBQ. Thickens, John H. B.S., Wisconsin. Laurel, Miss. M39. CM. Thiel, Dr. A(lbert) F(rederick). Dept. Biology. Woman's Col., Univ. North Caro- lina, Greensboro, N. Car. M34F34R39. G. Thiel, Prof. George A(lfred). M.S., Minne- sota, 20; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof, geology and mineralogy, Univ. Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. M22F33. E. Thiele, Dr. L(udwig) A(lois) I. Gowanda, N. Y. M27F27R34. CM. Thielke, Dr. R(uben) C(hristian). M.S., Oregon State, 31; Ph.D., Michigan, 35. Res. chemist, Monsanto Chem. Co., 1700 S. 2nd St., St. Louis, Mo. M38. CB. Thielman, Dr. H(enry) P(eter). 2004 Ashland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. M34F34- R34. A. Thienes, Prof. C(linton) H(obart). A.M., Oregon, 23; M.D., 23; Ph.D., Stanford, 26. Prof, pharmacology and head Dept., Univ. Southern California Med. School; consulting pathologist, Los Angeles County General Hosp., Los Angeles, Calif. (1229 N. Cedar St., Glendale, Calif.) M27F31. Np. Thies, Miss Lillian C. M.A., Marquette, 25. Principal, William McKinley School, Mil- waukee, Wis. (2500 N. Stowell Ave.) M39. QIK. Thies, Prof. O(scar) J(ulius), Jr. M.A., Davidson, 23; M.A., Cornell, 25. Assoc, prof, chemistry and acting head Dept., Davidson Col., Davidson, N. Car. M34- F34. C. Thiesmeyer, Dr. Lincoln R(euber). A.M., Harvard, 33; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof, geology, Lawrence Col., Appleton, Wis. (909 E. Alton St.) M34. E. Thiessen, Arthur E(astham). B.E., Johns Hopkins, 26. Commercial engng. mgr., General Radio Co., Cambridge, Mass. (41 Bowdoin St.) M39. MB. Thiessen, Dr. Gilbert. Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 30. Asst. tech. dir., Tar and Chem. Div., Koppers Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (6625 Wood- well St.) M33F33. CEM. Thiessen, Dr. Reinhardt. M08F15D38. CEG. Thiessen, Reinhardt, Jr. B.S., Pittsburgh, 34. Chief chemist, Republic Yeast Corp., 740 Frelinghuysen Ave., Newark, N. J. M39. CGF. Thigpen, Dr. Lorna W(oodard) (Lorna Thigpen David) (Mrs. Paul David). Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 30. Asst. prof, genetics, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. M34F34. F. Thilly, Prof. Frank. M34F34D34. I. Thoenen, John R. U. S. Bur. Mines, Col- lege Park, Md. M38R39. EMB. Thoennes, Gregory (Lawrence), M.S., De Paul, 32. Asst. prof., St. Mary's Col., Winona, Minn. M36. F. Thorn, Dr. Charles. A.M., Lake Forest, 97; Ph.D., Missouri, 99; D.Sc, Lake Forest, 36. Principal mycologist charge soil microbiology, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. (1703 21st St. NW.) M01F01. G. Thorn, Miss Emma M(ertins). A.M., George Washington, 30. Bibliographer, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. (609 The Northumberland) M33. EG. Thorn, Dr. W(illiam) T(aylor), Jr. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 17; D.Sc, Washington and Lee, 36. Prof, geology, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. M22F25. EKM. Thomas, Adrian. M.A., Clark, 15. Chief chemist, Huron Milling Co., Harbor Beach, Mich. M20F26. CN. Thomas, Arthur H(enry). Pres., Arthur H. Thomas Co., West Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pa. (Haverford, Pa.) M07. C. Thomas, Prof. Arthur W(aldorf Spittell). Ph.D., Columbia, is. Prof, chemistry, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (29 Claremont Ave.) M18F28. C. Thomas, Bernard G(eorge) H(erman). M.A., Nebraska, 22. E. R. Squibb and Sons, New Brunswick, N. J. M28. NC. Thomas, Dr. Charles Allen. M.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 24; Sc.D., Transyl- vania, 33. Central res. dir., Thomas and Hochwalt Labs.. Monsanto Chem. Co., Dayton, Ohio. M30F33. CBM. Thomas, Charles C(rankshaw). 220 E. Monroe St., Springfield, 111. M27R33. Thomas, Prof. Charles F(rank). M.S., Case. 2-j . Prof, mathematics, Case School Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. M34- F34. A. Thomas, D. Boyd. M.S., North Carolina State, 33. Instr., North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M40F40. BA. 922 Directory of Members Thomas, Dr. Dorothy Swaine. Inst. Human Relations. Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M31F34R37. KIQ. Thomas, Edward E(llis). M17D36. CO. Thomas, Edward S(inclair). A.B.. Ohio State, 13; LL.B., 16. Curator natural his- tory, Ohio State Mus., Columbus. Ohio. (hi 6 Madison Ave.) M34F34. FG. Thomas, Edward U(tley). B.S., Yale. Automotive Section, Gulf. Res. and De- velopment Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (629 St. James St.) M39. MPC. Thomas, Miss Eleanor A. M29D36. IQN. Thomas, Prof. Evan. B.D., Yale, 80; D.Ed., Vermont, 39. Prof, emeritus mathe- matics and mechanics, Univ. Vermont, Burlington, Vt. (40 Robinson Parkway) M08F15. A. Thomas, Dr. F(rank) L(incoln). Ph.D., Massachusetts State, 14- Chief Div. En- tomology and state entomologist, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station, Tex. M16F26. F. Thomas, Franklin. California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M23F31R33. M. Thomas, Mrs. H. M. (Mary Chedsey Thomas). B.S., Columbia, 04. 795 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M29. G. Thomas, Prof. Harold A(llen). C.E., Columbia, 08. Prof, civil engng., Carnegie Inst. Tech.. Pittsburgh, Pa. (7405 Hutchinson Ave.) M17F25. M. Thomas, Dr. Harold E. Ph.D., California, 28. Assoc, plant pathologist, California Agric. Exp. Sta.; asst. prof, plant path- ology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M27F33. G. Thomas, Harold E(dgar). Cedar City, Utah. M39R39. EM. Thomas, Harold S(cott). 2S41 W. 21st St., Oklahoma City, Okla. M28R38. EMI. Thomas, H(arvey) Earl. M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Inst., 16; Ph.D., Columbia, 20. Plant pathologist, California Agric. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, Calif. M22F23. G. Thomas, Mrs. Helen Goss. B.A., Wellesley, 12. Writer textbooks geography; lecturer geography, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, and Harvard Univ. Teachers School Science, Cambridge, Mass. (67 Whittier Road, Wellesley Hills, Mass.) M27F32. E. Thomas, Miss Helen S(tillwell). M.A., Radclirre, 19. 131 Eliot Ave., West New- ton. Mass. M22. G. Thomas, J. Elmer. 1010 Electric Bldg., Houston, Tex. M35F35. E. Thomas, Dr. J(acob) Earl. M.D., St. Louis, 18; M.S., 24. Prof. physiology, Jefferson Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. (619 Edmonds Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa.) M28F31. N. Thomas, J(ames) Bosley. Lombardy Apartments, Baltimore, Md. M08R37. CM. Thomas, Dr. John Jenks. M11F25D35. N. Thomas, John O(glesby). A.B., Stanford. Assoc, pharmacologist, Food Res. Div., U. S. Dept. Agriculture Lab., Stanford Univ. School Med., San Francisco, Calif. M40. CNpF. Thomas, Joseph Miller. Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 23. Prof, mathematics, Duke Univ., Durham, N. Car. M31F32. A. Thomas, Dr. Joseph S(imon). M.D., Columbia. Surgical dir., Flushing Hosp., Flushing; consultant surgeon, Queens Gen. Hosp., Jamaica, and Rockaway Beach Hosp., Rockaway Beach, N. Y. (1143-50 Roosevelt Ave., Flushing, N. Y.) M36. NHK. Thomas, Dr. Llewellyn Hilleth. Ph.D., Cambridge, z-j ; M.A., 28. Dept. Physics, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. L31- F33. BAD. Thomas, Dr. Lyell J(ay). M.S., Illinois, 21; Ph.D., 23. Dept. Zoology, Univ. Illi- nois, Urbana, 111. (M23F3oR32)M3sF30. F. Thomas, M. D. 700 McCormick Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. M34F34R34. CO. Thomas, Neil Orr. San Jose State Col., San Jose, Calif. M29R34. FEP. Thomas, Norman (Louis). B.Sc, Deni- son, 20. Geologist and paleontologist, Pure Oil Co., Bakersfield, Calif. M29F31. E. Thomas, Olive Esther (See Mrs. Olive Thomas Kurani). Thomas, Olive J. 16 Lothrop St., Madison, Wis. M36F36R36. E. Thomas, Ray A. B.S. Supt., Ozark Smelt- ing and Mining Co., Coffeyville, Kans. M25. C. Thomas, Robert C(ole). M.S., Wisconsin, 2-j. Assoc, milk specialist, Nat. Inst. Health, Bethesda, Md. (8312 Carey Lane, Silver Spring, Md.) M35. NO. Thomas, Roy C(urtis). A.M., Michigan, 17. Assoc, pathologist, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M17F25. G. Thomas, Dr. Royle P(rice). M.S., Iowa State, 25; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 28. Prof, soils, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md. M24F30. O. Thomas, Dr. Stanley (Judson). M.S., Lehigh, 13; A.M., 16; Ph.D., Pennsyl- vania, 28. Prof, bacteriology and head Dept. Biologv, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa. (1840 Paul Ave.) M33F33. N. Thomas, Dr. Thurlo B(ates). Ph.D., Harvard, 38. Instr. biology, Phillips Exeter Acad., Exeter, N. H. M37- F. Thomas, Prof. Tracy Y(erkes). Prof, mathematics, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. M29F29. AB. Thomas, Dr. Victor Darwin. M.D., Jenner Med. Col., 02. 1258 N. Seminary St., Galesburg, 111. M39. N. Individual Members 923 Thomas, Prof. Walter. D.Sc, Wales, 28. Prof, plant nutrition, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M23F27. GCO. Thomas, Dr. Walter S(tevens). M.D., Texas, 06. Dir. Monroe County Lab.; assoc. pathology, Univ. Rochester School Med. and Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y. (1321 Highland Ave.) M22F25. N. Thomas, William A(ndrew). Chadbourn, N. Car. M24F25. F. Thomas, Dr. William Benjamin. A.M., Chicago; M.S., D.Sc, Denver. James- town, N. Dak. M36. B. Thomas, W(illiam) H(arrison), Jr. 857 Mountain Ave., Westfield, N. J. M18R33. CP. Thomas, Dr. William S(turgis). M.D., George Washington, 92. Consulting phy- sician and dir. Allergy Clinic, St. Luke's Hosp., New York, N. Y. (1140 5tb Ave.) M23. NG. Thomasine, Sister Mary (See Sister Mary Thomasine Patterson). Thomen, August A. 40 E. 49th St., New York, N. Y. M35R3S. NIE. Thompson, Albert C(lark). B.S., Beliot, 21, Harvard, 24. Member tech. staff, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (190 Ashland Road, Summit, N. J.) M36. Thompson, Dr. A(lfred) Paul. M.S., Illinois, 23; Ph.D., 25. Industrial fellow, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. (4600 Bayard St.) M26F33. CM. Thompson, Miss Anna L(ois). Box 11, Scio. Ohio. M32R35. FGN. Thompson, Dr. Charles Baker. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 13. Psychiatrist-in-charge, Bellevue Mental Hygiene Clinic; scientific asst., Lifwynn Foundation, New York, N. Y. M28. NI. Thompson, Charles Goodrich. A.B., Har- vard, 27; LL.B., 31. Pres. and treas., Fund Astrophysical Res., Inc., 15 Broad St., New York, N. Y. M39. ODN. Thompson, Charles G(oodwin). M.A., California, 23. Assoc, principal and head Dept. Science, A-to-Zed School, Berkeley, Calif. (587 Arlington Ave.) M23. BM. Thompson, Dr. Charles H(enry). M.A., Chicago, 20; Ph.D., 25. Dean Col. Liberal Arts and prof, and head Dept. Education, Howard Univ., Washington, D. C. M29- F31. QI. Thompson, Dr. Clara M(abel). 2025 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. (?) M29- R32. NI. Thompson, Clem O(ren). A.M., Chicago, 20; Ph.D., 32. Asst. dean, Univ. Col., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M25F25. QI. Thompson, Clyde L(owry). M.S., Illinois, 30; Ph.D., 36. Mgr., Hays Lab., Harbison- Walker Refractories Co., 1800 Farmers Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. (105 E. Mar- lin Drive, Mt. Lebanon) M39. ME. Thompson, Miss D. Ruth. M.A., Kansas, 20. Prof, chemistry, Sterling Col., Sterling, Kans. (602 N. Broadway) M35F35. C. Thompson, David G(rosh). A.M., Illinois, 13. Senior geologist, Water Resources Branch, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. M24F25. E. Thompson, Dr. David (Hiram). Natural History Survey, Natural History Bldg., Urbana, 111. M37R37. F. Thompson, Mrs. E. W. (Elizabeth Worthen Thompson). M.A., California. 624 Hills- borough St., Oakland, Calif. M36. FQI. Thompson, Earl G(ordon). Tech. sales, Great Western Div., Dow Chem. Co., 1201 Textile Tower, Seattle, Wash. M37. C. Thompson, Dr. Edward Henry. 19 W. 7th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. M37R38. N. Thompson, Miss Elizabeth L. 1319 Forest Court, Ann Arbor, Mich. M22. NFH. Thompson, Frank D. B.S., New Hamp- shire. 50 Haven Ave., New York, N. Y. M37. NF. Thompson, Frank F. A.M., Missouri, 17, Columbia, 22. Prof, psychology, South- west Missouri State Teachers Col., Spring- field, Mo. (820 S. National Ave.) M36. IQ. Thompson, Dr. F(rederick) M(ott). Waterford, Mich. M21R33. N. Thompson, Gustave W(hyte). 39 Plaza St., Brooklyn, N. Y. M07F11R39. CK. Thompson, Harold B(ruce). M.A., De Pauw, 36. Desk sec, Y. M. C. A., India- napolis, Ind. (5308 Lowell St.) M38. BAC. Thompson, Dr. Helen. M.A., Columbia. 23; Ph.D., 27. Res. assoc, Clinic Child Development, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M24F33. INA. Thompson, Prof. Helen B(ishop). M.S., Kansas State, 07; A.M., Columbia, 13; Ph.D., Yale, 17. Prof, home economics, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los An- geles, Calif. (957-A 7th St., Santa Monica, Calif.) M20F33. CN. Thompson, Henry C, II. Box 607, Bonne Terre, Mo. M32R32. MDH. Thompson, Henry Royer. 433 Addison St., Palo Alto, Calif. (?) M32R32. INK. Thompson, Dr. H(omer) C. M.S., Ohio State, 23 ; Ph.D., 26. Prof, vegetable crops and head Dept.; investigator vegetable crops Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M18F24. GO. Thompson, Prof. I(an) Maclaren. M.B., Ch.B., Edinburgh, 20. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Manitoba Med. Col., Winnipeg, Man., Canada. M29F33. NFH. Thompson, Joe F(rank). Chem. Lab., Armour and Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. M32. CBE. 924 Directory of Members Thompson, Prof. Joseph O(sgood). Ph.D., Strassburg, 91. Prof, emeritus physics, Amherst Col., Amherst, Mass. (209 Lincoln Ave.) M92F93E39. B. Thompson, Dr. Lorin A., Jr. 23 Van Deman Ave., Delaware, Ohio. M31R32. IHK. Thompson, Dr. L(ouis Ten Eyck). A.M., Clark, 15; Ph.D., 17. Principal physicist, Naval Proving Ground, Dahlgren, Va. M21F33. BAM. Thompson, Dr. M(arcus) L(uther). M.S., Iowa, 33; Ph.D., 34. Asst. prof., New Mexico School Mines, Socorro, N. Mex. M40. E. Thompson, Mark J(oseph). M.S., Minne- sota, 12. Supt., Northeast Exp. Sta., Duluth, Minn. M25F31. OM. Thompson, Dr. Marvin R(ussell). Ph.C, Minnesota, 26; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 34; Ph.M., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 38. Dir., Warner Inst. Thera- peutic Res., 113 W. 18th St., New York, N. Y. M34F34. CN. Thompson, Dr. Nathaniel A. 946 Metro- politan Bldg., Denver, Colo. M36R39. N. Thompson, Prof. Oscar E(dward). M.A., Cornell. Hi E. 14th St., Holland, Mich. M28. FGN. Thompson, Dr. Robert S(ydney). State Normal School, Fredonia, N. Y. M34- R.3S, QIK. Thompson, Ross C. U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. M35R35. O. Thompson, Prof. Russell I(rvin). Ph.D., Yale, 32. Route 5, Carlisle, Pa. M34- F34. QI. Thompson, Miss Ruth E. Dept. Zoology, Univ. New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. M3iR33- F. Thompson, Seton H(ayes). M.S., Wash- ington, 29. Asst. chief, Div. Alaska Fish- eries, U. S. Bur. Fisheries, Washington, D. C. (3819 Jenifer St. NW.) M37. F. Thompson, Dr. T(heos) J(efferson). Ph.D., Nebraska, 21. Dean student affairs and prof, chemistry, Univ. Nebraska. Lincoln, Nebr. C5201 Leighton Ave.) M25F33. C. Thompson, Thomas G(ordon). M.S., Washington, 15; Ph.D., 18. Prof, chemis- try and dir. Oceanographic Labs., Univ. Washington, Seattle Wash. M22F22; CM. Thompson, Dr. Vincent. Ph.D., Iowa, 37. Instr., Dept. Pharmacology, Univ. Iowa Col. Med., Iowa City, Iowa. M37. F. Thompson, Dr. Walter N(ixon). M.D., Rush, 86. Sullivan, Ind. M07. CN. Thompson, W(alter) P(almer). Ph.D.. Harvard, 14. Dean Arts and Science and prof, biology, Univ. Saskatchewan, Saska- toon, Sask., Canada. M14F21. G. Thompson, Dr. Warren S(impson). A.M., Nebraska, 11; Ph.D., Columbia, 15. Dir., Scripps Foundation, Miami Univ., Ox- ford, Ohio. M28F31. K. Vice president for Section on Social and Economic Sciences (K), 1939- Thompson, Dr. Willard Owen. M.D.. Harvard, 23. Assoc, clinical prof, medi- cine. Rush Med. Col.; assoc. attending physician, Presbyterian Hosp., Chicago, HI-' (5453 Kenmore Ave.) M36. N. Thompson, William A. U. S. Engineers Field Office, Canton, Mo. (?) M31R32. EM. Thompson, Dr. W(illiam) F(rancis). Ph.D., Stanford, 31. Dir. School Fisheries, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash.; dir. International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, New Westminster, B. C, Canada. M13F33. F. Thompson, Dr. W(illiam) L(amarcus). A.M., Oberlin, 89; M.D., Col. City New York, 89. Box 194, Pennev Farms, Fla. M25. NGI. Thompson, Dr. William R(ae). Ph.D., Yale, 30. Senior biochemist, Div. Labs, and Res., New York State Dept. Health, Albanv, N. Y. (653 Washington Ave.) M32F33. ACF. Thomsen, Arnold. M.A., Syracuse, 38. Instr., Dept. Psychology, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. M40. IH. Thomsen, Dr. Lillian Clara. Ph.D., Cor- nell, 35. Prof, biology, Mary Baldwin Col., Staunton, Va. M32. FG. Thomson, Prof. Earl W(entworth). A.M . Dartmouth, 15. Prof, physics, U. S. Naval Acad., Annapolis, Md. (151 Monticello Ave.) M37F37. BMQ. Thomson, Dr. Elihu. M83F98V37D37. BMD. Vice president for Section on Physics (B), 1899. Thomson, Mrs. Elihu. 22 Monument Ave., Swampscott, Mass. M38. Thomson, Prof. Godfrey (Hilton). M.Sc, Durham, 05; D.Sc, 13; D.C.L., 39; Ph.D., Strassburg, 06. Prof, education, Edin- burgh Univ.; dir. studies, Moray House Col., Edinburgh, Scotland. ( 5 Ravelston Dykes) M38. IA. Thomson, Howard Mearns. B.S., Wash- ington, 30. Member tech. staff. Bell Tele- phone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (Lincoln Park, N. J.) M39. MK. Thomson, Prof. James Claude. M.Sc, Rutgers, 11; M.A., Columbia, 16; Ph.D., 33. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Univ. Nanking, Chengtu, Szechwan, China. M33. CQN. Thomson, John P(rentiss). 100 Lily St., Moscow, Idaho. (?) M34R34- EHD. Thomson, Dr. K(arl) Jefferson. M.D., Harvard, 31. Assoc, physician, Metro- politan Life Ins. Co. Sanatorium, Mt. McGregor; res. assoc, Dept. Medicine, Albany Med. Col., Albany, N. Y. M40. N. Individual Members 925 Thomson, Prof. R(obert) B(oyd). B.A., Toronto, 99. Prof, and head Dept. Botany, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. (586 Spadina Ave.) M06F11. GO. Thomson, Dr. Stewart Craig. M.D., Loyola, .36; M.S., 38. Assoc, anatomy, Loyola Univ. School Med., Chicago, 111. Mis. NFL. Thomson, Dr. William A(mos). 113 Nevada St., Northfield, Minn. M38R38. IQ. Thomson, Dr. William M(axwell). D.V.M., Cornell, 16; M.S., 30. New York State Dept. Agric. and Markets, Albany, N. Y. (381 Delaware Ave., Delmar, N. Y.) M33. N. Thomssen, Dr. E(dgar) G(eorge). A.M., Columbia, 08; Ph.D., 11. Chief chemist, J. R. Watkins Co., Winona, Minn. (306 Center St.) M18F33. C. Thone, Dr. Frank (Ernest Aloysius). Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Editor biology, Science Service, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington, D. C. M19F25. G. Thor, Dr. Clifford J. B. A.M., Oberlin, 29; Ph.D., Minnesota, 31. Res. chemist, Visk- ing Corp., 6733 W. 63rd St., Chicago, 111. M33F39. CGO. Thorek, Dr. Max. M.D., Rush, 04. Prof, surgery, Cook County Graduate School Med.; attending surgeon. Cook County Hosp.; surgeon-in-chief, American Hosp., Chicago, 111. (3920 Lake Shore Drive) M34. N. Thorkelson, H(alsten) J(oseph). M.E., Wisconsin, 00. Vice pres., Kobler Co., Kohler, Wis. M26F26. BCM. Thorn, Sister Doloretta. M.S., Notre Dame, 31; Ph.D., 36. Prof, chemistry, Villa Maria Col., Erie, Pa. M38. CN. Thorn, Dr. George Widmer. M.D., Buf- falo, 29. Assoc, prof, medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ. School Med., Baltimore, Md. (3 E. 33rd St.) M40. N. Thornber, Prof. John James. Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. M01F05R32. G. Thornberry, Dr. H (albert) H(ouston). M.S., Kentucky, 26; Ph.D., Minnesota, 34. Asst. chief plant pathology, Univ. Illinois, Urbana. 111. (810 Michigan Ave.) M29- F38. GCB. Thornbury, Dr. William D(avid). A.M., Colorado, 28; Ph.D., Indiana, 36. Asst. prof, geology, Indiana Univ., Blooming- ton, Ind. M38. E. Thorndike, Dr. E(dward) L(ee). A.M., Harvard, 97; Ph.D., Columbia, 98; LL.D., Iowa, 23, Edinburgh, 36; Sc.D., Wesleyan, 23, Columbia, 29, Chicago, 32, Harvard, 33, Athens, 37. Prof, educational psy- chology, Columbia Univ. Teachers Co!., New York, N. Y. (525 W. 120th St.) M00F01. IKQ. Secretary of Section on Education (L), 1907; vice president, 19 11. Vice president for Section on Anthropology and Psychology (H), 191 7- President, 1934. Thorndike, Dr. Edward M(oulton). M.A., Columbia, 27; Ph.D., California Inst. Tech., 30. Asst. prof, physics, Queen's Col., Flushing, N. Y. (Box 96, Montrose, N. Y.) M33F33. B. Thorndike, Dr. Robert L(add). A.M., Columbia, 32; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, educa- tion, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (106 Morningside Drive) M36F40. IQ. Thorndike, Dr. Samuel L(othrop). Ph.D., California, 32. Instr. astronomy, Wellesley Col., Wellesley, Mass. (28 Upland Road) M35F39. D. Thorne, Dr. D(avid) W(ynne). M.S., Iowa State, 34; Ph.D., 36. Assoc, prof, soils, LTtah State Agric. Col., Logan, Utah. M39F40. OCG. Thorne, Edward C. Box 220, Drummond- ville, Que., Canada. (?) M32R32. MB. Thorne, Samuel. 20 Exchange Place, New York, N. Y. M13. Thorne, Mrs. W(illiam) V. S. (Therese Keyser). L29D37. Thorngate, J(ohn) H(arold). A.B., Mil- ton, 19. Chairman science, Senior High School, Eau Claire, Wis. (522 W. Grand Ave.) M38. BC. Thornley, Robert F(riant). B.S., Drexel Inst. Tech., 30. Asst. materials engineer, Material Lab., U. S. Navy Yard, New York, N. Y. (8315 116th St., Kew Gardens, N. Y.) M32. MKB. Thornthwaite, Dr. C(harles) W(arren). Ph.D., California, 29. Chief. Climatic and Physiographic Div.. U. S. Soil Conserva- tion Service, Washington, D. C. (4854 Rock Spring Road, Arlington, Va.) M28- F32. EGH. Thornton, Bruce J(ay). Assoc, botanist, Colorado Agric. Exp. Sta.; assoc. botany, Colorado State Col., Ft. Collins, Colo. M31F33. GO. Thornton, Dr. H(arold) C(live). M.D., Emory, 26; M.S., Minnesota, 33. Pathol- ogist, Indianapolis City Hosp.; assoc. pathology, Indiana Univ. School Med., Indianapolis, Ind. M36. N. Thornton, Nan V(irginia). A.M., Ran- dolph-Macon Woman's Col., 19; Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Prof, chemistry, Randolph- Macon Woman's Col., Lynchburg, Va. M28F33- C. Thornton, Dr. Richard H. 1 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M33R36. KLE. Thornton, Dr. S(amuel) F(arrar). M.S., Purdue, 30; Ph.D., 35- Dir. Res. and Farm Service Dept., F. S. Royster Guano Co., Norfolk. Va. (141 5 Trouville Ave.) M34- F34. COG. 926 Directory of Members Thornton, Dr. William M(ynn), Jr. 2 Chancery Square, Baltimore, Md. M22- F33R36. C. Thorp, Dr. E(ldon) M(arion). M.S., Cali- fornia, 30; Ph.D., 34. Asst. geologist, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Greenville, S. Car. M38F39- EC. Thorp, James. B.S., Earlham, 21. Soil scientist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, D. C. (4621 37th St. N., Arlington, Va.) M38. EO. Thorpe, Dr. Harvey E. M.D., Pittsburgh. 517 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. M36. BCN. Thorpe, Dr. Malcolm R(utherford). Ph.D., Yale, 16. Assoc, fellow, Davenport Col., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (Silver Sands Road, East Haven, Conn.) M20- F21. EF. Thorson, G(eorge) H(arvey). B.S., Wash- ington Univ., 37. Operator, Process Equip- ment, Calvert Distilling Co., Relay, Md. ("Maple Ave., Halethorpe, Md.) M40. MCA. Thorvaldson, Prof. T(horbergur). A.M., Harvard, 09; Ph.D., 11. Prof, and head Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. M07F15. C. Thowless, Herbert L(ando). 255 4th St., Newark, N. J. M29R32. EG. Threlkeld, A(rchie) L(oyd). M.A., Colum- bia, 23; LL.D., Denver, 30, Colorado Col., 35; Ed.D., Colorado, 32. Supt. schools, Montclair, N. J. M38. Q. Threlkeld, William Logan. M.A., Vir- ginia, 29; Ph.D., 34. Asst. parasitologist, Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Blacksburg, Va. M38. FN. Throckmorton, Prof. R(ay) I(ams). M.S., Kansas State. 22. Agronomist charge, Kansas State Col.; consulting agronomist, U. S. Dept. Agric.,- Manhattan, Kans. (M29F3oR34M36F3oR36)M39F30. O. Throne, Alvin L(eroy). M.S., Michigan, 36. Teacher botany, State Teachers Col., Milwaukee, Wis. M38. G. Thrun, Dr. Walter E(ugene). M.S., Mich- igan, 14; Ph.D., Missouri, 17. Head Dept. Chemistry, Valparaiso Univ., Valparaiso, Ind. M23F33. CN. Thruston, R(ogers) C(lark) Ballard. M.A., Louisville, 37. Pres., Filson Club, 118 W. Breckinridge St., Louisville, Kv. M87- F96V37. Thuma, Dr. Burton D(oan). 1601 Granger Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. M30F33R34. I. Thun, Ferdinand. 22 Reading Blvd., Wyo- missing, Pa. M30R37. Thurber, Mrs. Alice Hagerman. 664 Oak St., Birmingham, Mich. M31R32. Thurber, Dr. C(larence) H(owe). Flint- ridge School Girls, Pasadena, Calif. (?) M34F34R37. Q- Thuringer, Dr. Joseph M(ario). Univ. Oklahoma School Med., Oklahoma City, Okla. M19F27R33. N. Thurnwald, Prof. Richard (Christian). Dr.Jur., Wien. Prof., Univ. Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (Libellenstrasse 17, Berlin- Nikolassee) M36. HIK. Thurston, Carl H. P. A.B., Yale, 09. Editor, Esto Publishing Co., Pasadena, Calif. (M24R36)M39- IH. Thurston, Dr. F(redus) A(lexander). D.D.S., Northwestern, 95. Dental surgeon, 1361 E. 57th St., Chicago, 111. M21. Nd. Thurstone, Prof. L(ouis) L(eon). M.E., Cornell, 12; Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Prof. Psychology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M27F28. I. Thut, Dr. Hiram F(rederick). A.M., Ohio State, 26; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, botany, Eastern Illinois State Teachers Col., Charleston, 111. M28F31. G. Thwaites, F(redrik) T(urville). M.A., Wisconsin, 08. Lecturer geology, Univ. Wisconsin ; asst. geologist, Wisconsin Geol. Survey, Madison, Wis. (41 Roby Road) M39. E. Thwing, Dr. Charles B(urton). A.M., Northwestern, 88; A.M., Ph.D., Bonn, 94. Pres., Thwing-Albert Instrument Co., 3339 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. (45 W. Tulpehocken St., Germantown) M22F22. BDH. Thwing, Dr. Charles F(ranklin). Mn- F32D37. QKL. Thygeson, Dr. Phillips. Inst. Oph- thalmology, 635 W. i6sth St., New York, N. Y. M34F34R36. N. Thysell, John C(arl). B.S., North Dakota State, 08. Assoc, agronomist, U. S. Dept. Agric, Mandan, N. Dak. M29F32. OBA. Tibbals, Dr. C(harles) Austin. A.M., Wis- consin, 06; Ph.D., 08. Dean Under- graduate Col. and prof, analytical chemis- try, Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. M28- F09. C. Tibbals, George A(ttwater). C.E., Colum- bia. 20 E. 76th St., New York, N. Y. M02. M. Tibeau, Sister Mary Etienne. M.S., Iowa. Instr. biology, Mt. Mercy Junior Col.; instr. nurses anatomy and physiology, Mercy Hosp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. M37. FGN. Ticho, Robert. Benjamina, Palestine. M38- R38. OG. Tickell, Prof. Frederick G(eorge). E.M., California, 27. Prof, petroleum engng.. Stanford Universitv, Calif. (652 Forest Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.) M31F32. ME. Tidd, George W. Hendersonville, N. Car. M36F36R37. M. Tidd, Dr. Wilbur M(etellus). M.Sc, Ohio State, 28. Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof., Marietta Col., Marietta; instr., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M31. F. Individual Members 927 Tidwell, Dr. Herbert C(ollier). M.A., Baylor, 19; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 30. Prof, biochemistry and chairman Dept., Baylor Univ. Col. Med., Dallas, Tex. M35- F35. NC. Tidwell, Dr. R(obert) E(arl). M.A., Columbia; LL.D., Birmingham Southern Col. Univ. Alabama, University, Ala. M39. QIK. Tiedcke, Dr. Carl (Heinrich Wilhelm). Ph.D., Hamburg, 28. Owner, Lab. Micro- chemistry, 366 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M40. CN. Tiedjens, Dr. Victor A(lphons). M.S., Wisconsin, 22; Ph.D., Rutgers, 32. Assoc, olericulturist, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta.; assoc. prof, vegetable gardening, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. (Cranbury, N. J.) M24F33. GOC. Tieje, Dr. Arthur J(errold). Ph.D., Minne- sota, 20. Cordova Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif. M20F31. E. Tiemann, Dr. Theodore Donald, M.S., Wisconsin, 31; Ph.D., 33. Res. engineer, Buffington Plant, Atlas Lumnite Cement Co., Gary, Ind. (6729 S. Paxton Ave., Chicago, 111.) M40. ME. Tiernon, Dr. Luke Bart. 3718 Jennings Road, St. Louis, Mo. M36R37. N. Tietz, John Winfield. M.A., New York, 32. Teacher biology, psychology, and health education, DeWitt Clinton High School, New York, N. Y. (10 W. 74th St.) M24. IQH. Tiffany, Dr. Burton E(phraim). Ph.D., Yale, 30. Res. chemist, Norge Div., Borg Warner, Detroit, Mich. (10410 E. Jeffer- son St.) M35F35. C. Tiffany, Prof. (Lewis) Hanford. M.Sc, Ohio State, 21; Ph.D., 23. Prof, botany and chairman Dept., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. M20F25. G. Tilden, Prof. C(harles) J(oseph). A.M., Yale, 19. Pres. and managing dir., Eno Foundation Highway Traffic Control, Inc., Saugatuck; prof, engng. mechanics, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M08F14. MQ. Tilden, Dr. Evelyn B(utler). M.A., Colum- bia, 26; Ph.D., 29. Bacteriologist, Div. Chemistry, Nat. Inst. Health, Washington, D. C. M29F33. CFN. Tilden, Dr. John H(enry). 331 14th St., Denver, Colo. M08F15R34. N. Tilden, Prof. Josephine E(lizabeth). M.S., Minnesota, 97. Prof, emeritus botany, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (Hesperides, Lake Wales, Fla.) Mi 7- F21. GEF. Tileston, Dr. Roland R(ay). M.A., Dart- mouth, 11; D.Sc, Colorado Col., 25. Prof, physics, Seeley W. Mudd Foundation, Pomona Col., Claremont, Calif. M29F33. BDA. Tileston, Miss Sarah E(lizabeth). 1129 Dartmouth St., Claremont, Calif. M38R38. NIK. Tilford, Dr. Paul E(dward). M.S., Ohio State, 26; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 35. Assoc, plant pathologist, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M27F33. G. Tillett, Prof. William S(mith). M.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Prof, medicine, New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. M39. N. Tilley, Dr. Frank W(illiam). M.D., Har- vard, 02. Senior bacteriologist, Biochemi- cal Div., U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. (131 1 21st St. NW.) M18F25. NC. Tillman, Arthur G(eorge). Dept. Geog- raphy, Western Illinois State Teachers Col., Macomb, 111. M28F33R37. EHK. Tillson, Benjamin F(ranklin). 470 Grove St., Upper Montclair, N. J. M17F21R35 MBE. Tillson, R. H. 1329 S. Vandeventer St., St. Louis, Mo. M36R36. Tillyer, Edgar D(erry). M.Sc, George Washington, 03; M.Sc, Rutgers, 05; Sc.D., 28. Dir. res., Amer. Optical Co., Southbridge, Mass. (20 Maple St.) M34- F34. BM. Tilmont, Dr. Alexander P(aul). 715 W. 14th St., Spokane, Wash. M18R35. N. Tilney, Dr. Frederick. M28F31D38. N. Tilt, Prof. Jennie. M.S., Purdue, 10; Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Prof, physiological chemistry and nutrition, Florida State Col. Women, Tallahassee, Fla. M25F33. C. Tilton, Miss Edith Ruth. McLeod In- firmary, Florence, S. Car. (?) M36R36. NKQ. Tilton, Dr. John P(hilip). Ed.M.. Har- vard, 27; Ed.D., 33. Dir. graduate studies, dir. University Extension, and asst. prof, education, Tufts Col., Medford, Mass. M40. IQ. Tilton, J(ohn) Warren. A.M., Columbia, 21; Ph.D., 26. Assoc prof, educational psychology, Dept. Education, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (Amity Road, Wood- bridge, Conn.) M29F32. QI. Tilton, L(eroy) W(illiam). A.B., George Washington, 20. Physicist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (1823 Kalorama Road NW.) M27F31. B. Timberlake, P(hilip) H(unter). A.M., Harvard, 10. Assoc, entomologist, Citrus Exp. Sta., Univ. California, Riverside, Calif. M11F15. F. Timcoe, Miss Helen (Marie Barbara). M.Sc, Rutgers, 39. Teaching asst. zoology, New Jersey Col. Women, New Brunswick, N. J. M40. F. Timme, Dr. Walter. M.D., Columbia, 97. Consulting endocrinology, Neurological Inst.; clinical prof, neurology, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M18F33. NF. 928 Directory of Members Timoshenko, Prof. Stephen P. Prof, engng. mechanics, Stanford University, Calif (536 W. Crescent Drive, Palo Alto, Calif.) M26F27. M. Timothy, Sister M-. M.A., Wisconsin. Rosary Col., River Forest, 111. M36. E. TImpany, C(harles) R(ussel). 1775 Lexington St., Santa Clara, Calif. M29- R33. CA. Tims, Dr. Eugene Chapel. Ph.D., Wis- consin, 24. Assoc, plant pathologist, Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta., University, La. (2887 Lake Shore Drive, Baton Rouge, La.) M25F31. G. Tindal, Charles H(oward). M.S., Case, 38. Graduate asst. physics, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (2898 N. High St.) M36- F40. BA. Tindal, Dr. John Malcolm. M.D., Indiana, 29. 5515 Fulton St., Chicago, 111. M37. NKQ. Tingelstad, Dr. O(scar) A(dolf). A.M., Chicago, 13; Ph.D., 25. Pres., Pacific Lutheran Col., Parkland, Wash. M28- F34. Q- Tingley, Dr. Louisa Paine. M.D., Tufts, 01. Surgeon, 416 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. M24. NIB. Tinker, George H(enry). B.C.E., Nebraska, 90. 926 Terminal Tower Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. (1705 E. 84th St.) M18. M. Tinker, John Marlin. S.B., Chicago, 18. Asst. dir. Jackson Lab., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (2 Georgetown Road, Penns Grove, N. J.) M39. CMP. Tinker, Dr. Martin B(uell). M.D., Jeffer- son, 93, Berlin, 99. Surgeon, Cornell In- firmary and Ithaca Memorial Hosp., Ithaca, and New York State Hosp., Wil- lard, N. Y. (The Knoll, Cornell Heights, Ithaca, N. Y.) M09F33. N. Tinker, Prof. Miles A(lbert). A.M., Clark, 21; Ph.D., Stanford, 27. Assoc, prof, psy- chology, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. M31F32. IHQ. Tinklepaugh, Dr. O(tto) L(eif). Ph.D., California, 27. Old Well Road, White Plains, N. Y. M28F32. IN. Tinsley, John D(arney). M14D35. O. Tippet, Miss Mattie May. M.S., Chicago, 24. Chemistry librarian, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. "(5844 University Ave.) M40. C. Tippo, Dr. Oswald. M.A., Harvard, 33 ; Ph.D., 37. Assoc, botany, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (106 E. John St., Champaign, 111.) M38F39. G. Tipson, Dr. R(obert) Stuart. Ph.D., Birmingham, 32. Res. fellow, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M38. CNP. Tirey, Ralph Noble. A.M., Indiana, 29. Pres., Indiana State Teachers Col., Terre Haute, Ind. M38. QIK. Tirona, Mariano. B.S., Pittsburgh. Dir. Imus Inst., Imus, Cavite, P. I. M40. CEB, Tisdale, Lionel E(arl). M.S., Michigan State, 21. Walker Fertilizer Co., Orlando, Fla. M24. G. Tisdale, Dr. Wendell Holmes. M.S., Wisconsin, 15; Ph.D., 17. Mgr. Pest Con- trol Res., Exp. Sta., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del. (915 Westover Road) M14F25. G. Tisdale, Dr. Wilbur E(arle). C.E., Iowa, 12; M.S., 15; Ph.D., 17. Asst. dir. natural science, Rockefeller Foundation, 20 Rue de la Baume, Paris, France. M29F31. BDA. Tisdale, Prof. W(illiam) B(urleigh). M.S., Wisconsin, 17; Ph.D., 20. Prof, botany, Univ. Florida; plant pathologist, Florida Agric. Exp. Sta., Gainesville, Fla. M21- F25. G. Tisdall, Dr. Frederick F(itzGerald). M.D., Toronto, 21. Assoc, prof, pediatrics, Univ. Toronto ; assoc. physician, Hosp. Sick Children, Toronto, Ont., Canada. (14 Whitney Ave.) M34F34. NC. Tison, Alexander, Jr. Box 651, Klamath Falls, Oreg. M29. EFG. Tison, W(illiam) W(hite). Louisiana State Normal Col., Natchitoches, La. M32R33. Tisserant, Cardinal Eugene (Gabriel, Gervais, Laurent). Via Mercadante 34, Roma, Italy. M29F32. LCB. Tissot, Dr. A(rchie) N(ewton). M.Sc, Ohio State, 25; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, entomol- ogist, Florida Agric. Exp. Sta., Gainesville, Fla. M28F33- FG. Tissue, Miss Kathryn (Anne). M.S., Chicago, 26. Asst. prof, home economics, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1100 Louisiana St.) M30. CNQ. Titcomb, Miss Jane. M.A., Minnesota. 305 Ceramics Bldg., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M38. E. Titiev, Dr. Mischa. A.M., Harvard, 24; Ph.D., 35. Asst. prof, anthropology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M38. H. Titsworth, Prof. Alfred A(lexander). Alfred, N. Y. M07F16R35. AKM. Titsworth, Prof. Waldo A(lberti). Alfred Univ., Alfred, N. Y. M34F34R37. A. Tittsler, Prof. Ralph P(orter). U. S. Bur. Dairv Industry, Washington, D. C. M34- F34R37. FNC. Titus, Charles P(arkhurst). 32 New St., East Orange, N. J. M27R32. N. Titus, Dr. Edward G(aige). 1228 Bryan Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. MoiFo8R37- FGO. Individual Members 929 Titus, Harry W(altner). Ph.D., George Washington, 31. Senior biol. chemist, U. S. Bur. Animal Industry, Agric. Res. Center, Beltsville, Md. (3705 24th St. NE., Washington, D. C.) M30F33. NCB. Titus, John. A.B., Columbia Col. Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wis. M38. BD. Titus, Dr. R(olla) W(illiams). A.M., Kansas, 14; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 27. Dir. Control and Res. Lab., Nestle Milk Prod- ucts, Inc., Marysville, Ohio. M25F33. CN. Titus, William J(acy). 1109 6th St. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. M36R36. B. Tobey, Carl Payne. 227 W. 13th St., New York, N. Y. M37R37. DI. Tobey, Elmer R(obert). 5 Pond St., Orono, Maine. M28F33R37. C. Tobey, Dr. James A(lner). M.S.. Amer- ican, 23; Dr.P.H., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 27; LL.D., Southeastern, 38. Dir., American Inst. Baking, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y.; lecturer, Har- vard School Public Health. Boston, and Dept. Biology and Public Health, Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (840 Forest Ave., Rye, N. Y.) M25F27. N. Tobiasz, Edward C(hester). B.Sc, Lewis Inst., 34. Asst., Dept. Reptiles, Field Mus. Natural History; instr. chemistry, Schurz High School, Chicago, 111. (2847 N. Troy St.) M38. ICF. Tobin, Prof. Elise. Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 19. Asst. prof, chemistry, Brooklyn Col., Brooklvn, N. Y. (515 Lexington Ave.) M2SF33. C. Tobin, Rev. John A. M.A., Woodstock, 18; Ph.D., Gregorian, 31. Head Dept. Physics, Boston Col., Chestnut Hill, Mass. M27F33. B. Tocantins, Dr. Leandro Maues. M.D., Jefferson, 26. Asst. prof, medicine, Jeffer- son Med. Col.; asst. dir. Div. Hematology, Jefferson Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. M39- F40. NFL. Toch, Dr. Maximilian. Ch.E., Cooper; Sc.D., Peking, 24. Pres., Toch Bros., 2600 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, N. Y. (50 Central Park W., New York, N. Y.) M06F09. C. Todd, Prof. Arthur J. Ph.D., Yale, 11. Prof, and chairman Dept. Sociology, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. (602 Lake St.) M37. KH. Todd, Dr. C(lare) C(hrisman). Ph.D., Chicago, 14. Dean Col. Sciences and Arts and head Dept. Chemistry and Chem. Engng., State Col. Washington, Pullman, Wash. M25F32. CNO. Todd, Dr. David (Peck). M78F81E30D39. DMN. Todd, Dr. F(rancis) C. M.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 30; Ph.D., Chicago, 33. Asst. prof, petroleum and natural gas engng., Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M37. MBA. Todd, Frank E(dward). B.Sc, Ohio State, 20. Apiculturist charge U. S. Pacific States Bee Culture Lab., Davis, Calif. (2605 U St., Sacramento, Calif.) M20F33. FOK. Todd, Dr. Helen Burton. M.D., Boston. Dir. Student Health Service and Health and Physical Education, Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, Ohio. (307 N. Prospect St.) M35. NIK. Todd, Prof. J(ohn) Edward. M.A., Colum- bia, 34. Dir. admissions and student rela- tions, chairman freshmen, and prof, edu- cation, Springfield Col., Springfield, Mass. (758 Alden St.) M38. IQ. Todd, Prof. John Welhoff. Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. M32R32. I. Todd, Dr. Joseph H(enry). Christmas Knoll, Wooster, Ohio. M99F13R33. N. Todd, Prof. Leslie J(ay). M.A., Colum- bia, 28; Ph.D., 31. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Marshall Col., Huntington, W. Va. M34F34- C. Todd, Paul H(arold). A.M. Todd Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. M20. C. Todd, Prof. T(homas) Wingate. M12F21- D38. HNL. Vice president for Section on Anthropology (H), 1922 and 1933. Todd, Dr. W(ilbert) R(emington). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 33. Asst. prof., Univ. Oregon Med. School, Portland, Oreg. M40. CN. Todhunter, Miss (Elizabeth) Neige. Ph.D., Columbia, 33. Assoc, prof, nutrition, State Col. Washington, Pullman, Wash. M38. CN. Tolle, Dr. Chester D(eBelle). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 30. Senior biochemist. Vitamin Div., U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D. C. M39F40. CNO. Tollen, Dr. William B. 3153 N. 6th St., Harrisburg, Pa. M38R39. KIH. Tolley, Howard R(oss). B.S., Indiana. 3015 Dumbarton Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. M38F38. K. Vice president for Sec- tion on Social and Economic Sciences (K), 1938. Tolmach, Dr. Samuel. Ph.G., Columbia, 10; D.D.S., New York, 16. 67 E. 59th St., New York, N. Y. (M33R34)M4o. Nd. Tolmachoff, I(nnokenty) P(avlovich). Curator invertebrate paleontology, Car- negie Mus., Pittsburgh, Pa. M28F31. EMQ. Tolman, Dr. Carl. Dept. Geology, Wash- ington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M36F36- R36. E. Tolman, Dr. Edward C(hace). A.M., Har- vard, 12; Ph.D., 15. Prof, psychology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (1530 La Loma Ave.) (M3iF33R34)M37F33. IHF. 93Q Directory of Members Tolman, Lucius M(oody). M.S., Califor- nia, 98. 7217 Yale Ave., Chicago, 111. M07- Fn. C. Tolman, Prof. Richard C(hace). Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 10. Prof, physi- cal chemistry and mathematical physics and dean Graduate School, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M11F15L32. BC. President of Pacific Division, 1936. Tolman, Stanley (Charles). 32 High St., New Haven, Conn. M37R37. MNC. Tolonen, Emil O(skari). Auditor, High- land Park State Bank, Highland Park, Mich. (914 W. Euclid Ave., Detroit, Mich.) M31. ABI. Tolonen, Prof. Frank J(ohn). E.M., Mich- igan Col. Mining and Tech., 26; M.S., 29. Assoc, prof. res. metallurgy, Michigan Col. Mining and Tech., Houghton, Mich. (Dakota Heights) M30F33. MQ. Tombaugh, Clyde W(illiam). M.A., Kan- sas, 39. Asst. astronomer,. Lowell Obser- vatory, Flagstaff, Ariz. M32F38. DEB. Tomecko, Rev. C(yprian) G(eorge). Ph.D., Illinois, 26. Prof., St. Procopius Col., Lisle, 111. M25F33. C. Tomer, Stephen J. M.A., Stanford, 33. 300 Buchanan St., San Francisco, Calif. M38. CQ. Tomey, Louis F. 60 N. 4th St., Oxford, Pa. M35R36. NOF. Tomilin, Michael I(nnokentievitch). A.M., Stanford, 32. School Tropical Med., San Juan, P. R. M34. FIH. Tomlinson, Dr. C(harles) W(eldon). M.A., Wisconsin, 14; Ph.D., Chicago, 16. Independent oil producer, 509 Simpson Bldg., Ardmore, Okla. M17F21L31. E. Tomlinson, Dr. Frederik R(othmann). Univ Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, S. Africa. M32R33. KO. Tomlinson, Dr. J(oseph) Bailey. Ph.D., Catholic, 24. Asst. prof, chemistry, Catho- lic Univ. Amer., Washington, D. C. M40. CB. Tomlinson, Dr. Laurence E(lliott). B.A., Cornell, 30; LL.B., Blackstone, 36; J.D., 40; B.L.S., George Washington, 38. Li- brarian and instr. library science, Phillips Univ., Enid, Okla. (512 S. Buchanan St.) M40. KQI. Tompkins, Charles Vawter. Episcopal High School. Alexandria, Va. M33RS3. AC. Tompkins, Dr. C(hristian) Milton. Hil- gard Hall, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. M24F31R36. OG. Tompkins, H. K. V. Pacific Western Oil Co., 1060 Subway Terminal Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. (?) M32R32. EKM. Tompkins, Perry T(homas). A.M., Har- vard, 03. Pres., Berkeley Guarantee Building and Loan Assn.; vice pres., Mason-McDuffie Co., 2101 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Calif. (2526 Durant Ave.) M07. ABC. Tompkins, Sherman A. M.Sc, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. 59 E. 96th St., New York, N. Y. M40. KMA. Toner, Dr. Richard K(enneth). M.S.E., Purdue, 36; Ph.D., 39. Instr. chem. engng., New York Univ., Universitv Heights, New York, N. Y. M40. CM. Tong, Dr. J(ames) A(lfred). M.A., Ox- ford, 30; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 31. Chief geologist, Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Cara- cas, Venezuela, S. A. M35F35. E. Tonks, Lewi. Saratoga Road, Schenectady, N. Y. M24F30R33. BAM. Tool, Dr. Arthur Q(uincy). M.A., Ne- braska, 06; Ph.D., Berlin, 14. Physicist. Xat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. M28F30. BM. Toole, Eben H(enry). M.A., Wisconsin, 16; Ph.D., 20. Physiologist, U. S. Horti- cultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. M17F21. GO. Toole, Mrs. Vivian Kearns (Vivian Kearns). M.A., George Washington, 35. Tunior botanist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. M37. G. Toomey, Dr. John A(ugustus). A.M., John Carroll, 12; LL.D., Cleveland * Law School, 13; M.D., Western Reserve, 19. Assoc, prof, pediatrics, Western Reserve Univ.; assoc. pediatrist, Univ. Hosps.; physician-in-charge, Dept. Contagious Diseases, City Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. (105 1 Nicholson Ave., Lakewood, Ohio) M34. N. Toops, Prof. Herbert A(nderson). M.A., Ohio State, 17; Ph.D., Columbia, 21. Prof, psychology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (1430 Cambridge Blvd.) M20F23. QIA. Top, Dr. Franklin H. M.D., Pennsylvania, 28; C.P.H.. Johns Hopkins, 35. Dir. Div. Communicable Diseases and Epidemiol- ogy, Detroit Dept. Health; asst. prof., Div. Preventive Med. and Public Health, Wayne Univ. Col. Med., Detroit; special lecturer infectious diseases and epidemiol- ogy, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1429 Glynn Court, Detroit, Mich.) M36. N. Topp, Miss Emily. M.A., Columbia, 12. First asst. biology and chairman Dept. Science, Julia Richman High School, New York, N. Y. (1983 Grand Ave.) M31. FGQ. Topper, Robert C(arlton). M.A., Ohio State, 37. Asst. psychology, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. M40. IKN. Toribara, Taft (Yutaka). M.S., Washing- ton, 39. Graduate student, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1757 14th Ave. S., Seattle, Wash.) M40. CMA. Individual Members 931 Tornow, William H(enry). Private lab., 313 Pleasant Ave., Hamburg, N. Y. M38. CNO. Toro, Cesar A. Box 3854, Santurce, P. R. M32R32. KLN. Torres, Dr. Juan P(laton). Bur. Plant In- dustry, Manila, P. I. M34F34R34. OGN. Torrey, Prof. G(eorge) Safford. A.M., Harvard, 15. Prof, botany, Univ. Con- necticut, Storrs, Conn. M17F25. G. Torrey, Dr. Harry Beal. Ph.D., Columbia, 03; M.D., Cornell, 27. Dir., Children's Hosp. East Bay, Oakland, Calif. (Hotel Claremont, Berkeley, Calif.) M02F05. FN I. Torrey, Dr. Henry C(utler). A.M., Co- lumbia, 33; Ph.D., 37. Instr. physics, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. (Orlando Apartments) M39F40. B. Torrey, Prof. John C(utler). Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 02 ; D.Sc, Vermont, 22. Prof, epidemiology, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (58 Beechwood Terrace, Yonkers, N. Y.) M18F25. N. Torrey, Raymond H(ezekiah). M24D38. EG. Torrey, Dr. Robert Grant. M.D., Pennsyl- vania, 06. Prof, medicine. Woman's Med. Col. Pennsylvania, East Falls, Pa.; assoc. medicine, Univ. Pennsylvania; visiting physician, Philadelphia Gen. Hosp., Phil- adelphia, Pa. M36. N. Torrey, Dr. Theodore W(illett). A.M., Harvard, 29; Ph.D., 32. Asst. prof., Dept. Zoology, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. M34. F. Tortora, Dr. Anthony. Ph.G., Phar.D., Ph.Ch., Columbia. Private lab., 122 Clerk St., Jersey City, N. J. M39. NCG. Tory, Dr. Henry Marshall. M.A., McGill, 96; D.Sc, 03; LL.D., St. Francis Xavier, 05, McGill, 08, Toronto, 27, Alberta, 28, Western Ontario, 33, McMaster, 33, Queens, 38; D.C.L., Acadia, 35. Pres. re- tired, Nat. Research Council, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. (327 Buena Vista Road, Rockcliffe Park) M29F29. BQA. Toth, Dr. Stephen J(ohn). M.S., Rutgers, 35 ; Ph.D., 37. Res. asst. soils, New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, N. J. (255 4th St., Elizabeth, N. J.) M37. COG. Totten, Prof. H(enry) R(oland). A.M., North Carolina, 14; Ph.D., 23. Prof, bot- any, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Car. M22F25. G. Totti, Prof. Etienne. B.S., Worcester Poly- technic Inst. Chief engineer, American Railroad Co., San Juan, P. R. M26. MNE. Tottingham, Prof. W(illiam) E(dward). M.S., Wisconsin, 08; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 17. Assoc, prof, biochemistry, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. M07F15. CG. Tour, Prof. R(euben) S(imkin). M.S., Michigan, 15; Ch.E., 26. Prof, and head Dept. Chem. Engng., Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. M34F34. M. Tour, Sam. M.Sc, Michigan, 17. Vice pres. and chem. and metallurgical engineer, Lucius Pitkin, Inc., 47 Fulton St., New York, N. Y. M36. MBC. Touroff, Dr. Arthur S. W. 49 E. 96th St., New York. N. Y. M36R36. N. Tourtellotte, Dr. Dee. M.S., Kalamazoo, 26; D.Sc, Johns Hopkins, 30. Dir. res., Knox Gelatine Co., Inc., Johnstown, N. Y. M40. CN. Touton, Prof. Frank C(harles). M24F31- D36. QIA. Touwaide, Dr. Marcel E. 49 Rue Vander- meersch, Brussels, Belgium. M31R32. EM. Tovar, Fermin Mauro Dominguez. B.S., Puerto Rico, 38. Auxiliar e instructor de zootecnia, Estacion Exp. de Agricultura y Zootecnia, Caracas, Venezuela, S. A. M40. O. Tower, Prof. Carl Vernon. A.M., Brown, 95 ; Ph.D., Cornell, 98. Prof, philosophy, LIrsinus Col., Collegeville, Pa. (32 6th Ave.) M17. IHK. Tower, Dr. J(ames) Allen. Ph.D., Wash- ington, 36. Asst. prof, geography, Birm- ingham-Southern Col., Birmingham, Ala. M37F40. EKO. Tower, Prof. Olin F(reeman). M.A., Wes- leyan, 93; Ph.D., Leipzig, 95. Prof, chem- istry, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M01F04. C. Tower, Willis E(ugene). M.S., Illinois, 08. District supt. retired, Senior School, Chi- cago, 111. (432 Normal Parkwav, Engle- wood) M08. BQ. Towl, Forrest M(ilton). C.E., Cornell, 86; M.C.E., 35. 45 Montgomery Place, Brook- lyn, N. Y. M08F29. M. Towle, Miss Elizabeth W(illiams). A.M., Bryn Mawr, 99. Head Dept. Science, Bald- win School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. (Old Buck Inn, Haverford, Pa.) M29. NF. Towle, Prof. Norman Lincoln. E.E., Wor- cester Polytechnic Inst., 20. Prof, charge Dept. Electrical Engng., Cooper Union, New York, N. Y. M39. MQB. Towler, Emmet D. M.S., Washington, 26. Principal, High School, Astoria, Oreg. M22. F. Town, Miss Clara Harrison. 70 Chippewa St., Buffalo, N. Y. M27F28R37. IQK. Towne, Jackson E(dmund). Michigan State Col. Library, East Lansing, Mich. M31R35. IQ. Townend, Dr. Robert V(ose). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 27. Tech. dir., William Zinsser and Co., 516 W. 59th St., New York, N. Y. (101 Seeley Ave., Arlington, N. J.) M34F34. C. Townley, Miss Enid. M.S., Chicago, 25. Assoc, geologist and asst. to chief, Illinois State Geol. Survey, Urbana, 111. (905 S. 1 st St., Champaign, 111.) M27. E. 932 Directory of Members Townley, Dr. Sidney Dean. M.S.. Wis- consin, 92; Sc.D., Michigan, 97. Prof, em- eritus astronomy and geodesy, Stanford University, Calif. (661 Cabrillo Ave.) M03- F06. DE. Towns, Myron B(umstead). M.A., Michi- gan. North Carolina Agric. and Tech. Col., Greensboro, N. Car. M37. CB. Townsend, Prof. Arthur L(awrence). S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech. Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. M35. M. Townsend, Dr. Charles Haskins. New York Aquarium, Battery Park, New York, N. Y. M30F14R37. F. Townsend, Dr. C(harles) H(enry) T(yler). Ph.D., George Washington, 14. Mgr., Charles Townsend and Filhos, Itaquaquecetuba, EFCB, Sao Paulo, Bra- zil, S. A. M39F14. FHB. Townsend, Dr. Charles Orrin. 200 Massa- chusetts Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. M97F02R34. G. Townsend, Miss Elsie W. Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. M28. F. Townsend, Dr. Grace. M.A., Ohio State, 28; Ph.D., Chicago, 36. Prof, biology, Great Falls Normal Col., Great Falls, Mont. (M36R38)M4o. FNC. Townsend, Harvey G(ates). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 13. Univ. Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. M13. LQ. Townsend, Dr. James Gayley. M.D., Georgetown, 12. Med. dir., U. S. Public Health Service; dir. health, U. S. Indian Office, Washington, D. C. M38. NH. Townsend, Lawrence D(eWitt). M.S., Washington, 35. Biologist, Washington State Pollution Commission, Gig Harbor, Wash. (M35R35)M4o. FCG. Townsend, Prof. M(yron) T(homas). M.S., Illinois, 21 ; Ph.D., 25. Prof, biology and head Dept., Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 111. M22F33. FN. Townsend, Rex M(iers) F(isher). 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M24R32. EFM. Townshend, Bailey. 721 Division St., Plainfield, N. J. (?) M21F31. BC. Towson, Sheldon K. 2289 St. James Park- way, Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. M31R37. D. Toy, Francis L(ester). Open Hearth Dept., Homestead Works, Munhall, Pa. Mi 7. M. Tozer, Ralph Stevenson. 5735 Stanton Ave., Detroit, Mich. M29R32. E. Tozzer, Dr. Alfred M(arston). A.M., Har- vard, 01; Ph.D., 04. Prof, anthropology and curator and librarian Peabody Mus., Harvard Unix., Cambridge, Mass. M07- F08. H. Trabert, Prof. Charles L(uther). A.B., Newberry; LL.B., Minnesota. Prof, edu- cation and head Placement Bur., New- berry Col., Newberry, S. Car. (1100 Fair St.) M13. KLQ. Trabue, Dr. M(arion) R(ex). A.M., Co- lumbia, 14; Ph.D., 15. Dean School Edu- cation and director summer sessions, Pennsylvania State Col., State College, Pa. M18F21. IQ. Vice president for Section on Education (Q), 1939- Tracey, Prof. J(oshua) I(rving). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 12. Assoc, prof, mathe- matics and fellow, Timothy Dwight Col., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (84 McKinley Ave.) M24F32. AD. Tracy, Prof. Henry C(arroll). Univ. Kan- sas, Lawrence, Kans. M17F27R33. FN. Tracy, John Byron, Jr. 49 Broadway, Taunton, Mass. M32R32. MAB. Tracy, John M(artin). Box 168, Route 11, Milwaukie, Oreg. M32. E. Tracy, Joseph Prince. B.S., California, 03. Title examiner, Belcher Abstract and Title Co., Eureka, Calif. (1004 I St.) M28F38. G. Tracy, Ralph L., Jr. Dept. Bacteriology, Univ. California Los Angeles, Los An- geles, Calif. M31R32. NO. Tracy, Dr. William Dwight. M33D37. N. Tradup, Albert. B.S., South Dakota. 1492 River Road, West Englewood, N. J. M37. MBQ. Traeger, Dr. Cornelius H(orace). M.D., Columbia, 27. Chief Arthritis Clinic, Roosevelt Hosp. ; asst. chief Arthritis Clinic, Ruptured and Crippled Hosp., New York, N. Y. (540 Park Ave.) M31. N. Trager, Dr. George L(eonard). Hall Graduate Studies, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. M36R37. HL. Trager, Dr. William. M.A., Harvard, 31; Ph.D., 33. Asst., Dept. Animal and Plant Pathology, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., Princeton,' N. J. M34F39. FN. Trame, Rev. Elmer J., S. J. John Carroll Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M36R36. F. Transeau, Prof. Edgar N(elson). Ph.D., Michigan, 04. Prof, botany and chairman Dept. and dir. Botanic Garden, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. M03F09. G. Tranzen, Karl. B.S., Lewis Inst. Chief engineer, Jewel Food Stores and Jewel Tea Co., Chicago. 111. (5617 S. Black- stone Ave.) M37. MAB. Trapido, Harold. A.M., Cornell. Asst. zoology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M40. FG. Traquair, John. Dir. Res. Dept., Mead Corp., Chillicothe, Ohio. M29. CB. Trask, Dr. James D(owling). M.D., Cor- nell, 17. Assoc, prof, pediatrics, Yale Univ. School Med., New Haven, Conn. (420 Humphrey St.) M24F33. N. Individual Members 933 Trask, Parker D(avies). M.A., California, 20 ; Ph.D., 23. Geologist, U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, Washington, D. C. M39. E. Traub, Dr. Hamilton P(aul). Ph.D., Min- nesota, 28. Principal horticulturist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Mil. M29- F30. GCO. Traut, Dr. Herbert F. M.D.. Johns Hop- kins, 23. Assoc, prof, obstetrics and gyn- ecology, Cornell Univ. Med. Col., New York, N. Y. (41 Edgewood Road, Scars- dale, N. Y.) M39. N. Trautman, Milton B(ernhard). Res. biolo- gist, Stone Lab., Ohio State Univ., Put-in- Bay, Ohio. M31. F. Trautmann, Prof. William John. Ph.M., Wisconsin, 19: Ph.D., 21. Prof, chemistry, Beloit Col., Beloit, Wis. (1743 Emerson St.) M22F33. c. Trautz, Dr. Otto R(udolf). Ph.D., Hiedel- berg, 27. Asst. prof, chemistry. New York Univ., New York, N. Y. (43 E. 83rd St.) M38F39. CB. Traver, Dr. Jay R. Ph.D., Cornell, 31. Instr., Massachusetts State Col., Amherst, Mass. M29F33. F. Travis, Prof. Lee Edward. M.A., Iowa, 23; Ph.D., 24. Prof, psychology and dir. Psy- chological Clinic, Univ. Southern Califor- nia, Los Angeles, Calif. M36F36. I. Travis, Prof. Roland C(harles). Ph.D., Iowa, 26. Assoc, prof, psychology, West- ern Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. M34- F34. I. Traxler, Dr. Arthur E(dwin). M.A., Chi- cago. 24; Ph.D., 32. Asst. dir., Educational Records Bur., 437 W. 59th St., New York, N. Y. (12 Dongan Place) M38F40. QI. Traxler, Dr. Ralph N(ewton). M.A., Colo- rado, 22; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 26. Dir. as- phalt res., Texas Co., Port Neches, Tex. M23F32. CBM. Trayer, George W(illiam). C.E., Wiscon- sin, 22. Chief, Div. Forest Products, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. M34- F34. M. Traylor, Dr. George Albert. M.D., Geor- gia, 04. Prof, clinical surgery, Univ. Geor- gia School Med., Augusta, Ga. (23 11 Kings Way) M40. N. Treadway, Dr. Walter L. U. S. Public Health Service Hosp., Lexington, Ky. M38R38. N. Treadwell, Prof. Aaron L(ouis). M.S., Wesleyan, 90; Sc.D., 38; Ph.D., Chicago, 99. Prof, emeritus zoology, Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M06F09. F. Treanor, John. M27D36. Treasher, Ray(mond) C(larence). M.S., State Col. Washington, 25. Field geologist, Oregon State Dept. Geology and Mineral Industries, Portland, Oreg. (402 E. I St., Grants Pass, Oreg.) M34F31. EM. Tredick, Helen F. 1454 Beacon St., Brook- line, Mass. M23R36. Q. Trefethen, Dr. Joseph M. Swallow Hall, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M36- R36. E. Treichler, Dr. Ray. M.S., Pennsylvania State, 29; Ph.D., Illinois, 39. Chemist, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station, Tex. M39F40. ONC. Trelease, Mrs. Helen M(ary). 90 Morn- ingside Drive, New York, N. Y. M27- F32. G. Trelease, Dr. Sam F(arlow). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 17. Prof, botany, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (90 Morningside Drive) M19F21L25. G. Secretary of Section on Botanical Sciences (G), 1925-36. Trelease, Dr. William. Sc.D., Harvard, 84; LL.D., Wisconsin, 02, Missouri, 03, Washington Univ., 07. Prof, emeritus bot- any, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M90F91- L08. G. Vice president for Section on Bot- any (G), 1900. Treloar, Prof. Alan E(dward). M.S., Min- nesota, 29; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, prof, bio- statistics, Univ. Minnesota Med. School, Minneapolis, Minn. (2456 Beverly Road, St. Paul, Minn.) M34F34- AHN. Tremblay, Dr. Jean Louis. D.Sc. Laval, 35. Prof, marine biology and dir. Dept. Biology, Faculty of Science, LavalUniv., Quebec, Que., Canada. (889 Chemin Ste- Foy) M40. F. Tremblay, (Joseph Thomas) Altheod. M.A., Laval, 23. Prof, mathematics, Laval Univ., Quebec, Que., Canada. (367 Rue St. Cyrille) M38. ADB. Trenner, Simeon. 3624 N. Broad St., Phil- adelphia, Pa. M37. NB. Trenor, Albert D(elafield). M.E., Stevens Tech. Inst., 11; M.Sc, Princeton, 12. Vice pres. and asst. treas., Hammond Res. Corp., Gloucester, Mass. M17F32. M. Trent, Dr. J(oseph) A(aron). A.M., Illi- nois, 29, Ph.D., Ohio State, 39- Asst. prof, biol. sciences, Kansas State Teachers Col., Pittsburg, Kans. (M3oR36)M38. GF. Trentham, Prof. S(hannon) O(tis). M.A., Duke 30. Mars Hill, N. Car. (M35F35- R3S)M38F3S. GFE. Tressler, Dr. Willis L(attanner). M.A., Wisconsin, 28; Ph.D., 30. Instr. biology, Univ. Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. M27F33. F. Treves, Dr. Norman (E.). A.M., Wabash, 16; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 20. Assoc, sur- geon, Memorial Hosp., New York; con- sulting surgeon and consulting radiolo- gist Tumor Clinic, Meadowbrook Hosp., Hempstead, N. Y. (48 E. 75th St.) M37. N. Trevett, Dr. Laurence D(avies). 10 Follen St., Cambridge, Mass. M39R39. NIK-. 934 Directory of Members Trevithick, Miss Gladys (Irene). M.A., Oklahoma A. and M. Col., 21. 2360 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, Calif. M38. CN. Trevor, Frank Wilson. Millbrook School, Millbrook, N. Y. M37R39. F. Trevvett, Edward. 70 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. M37. E. Trezise, Dr. Willard J. M.S., Johns Hop- kins, 32; Ph.D., 36. State Teachers Col., West Chester, Pa. M38. FGA. Triche, Dr. Andrew. M.S., Ph.D., Penn- sylvania State. Univ. Pittsburgh, Pitts- burgh, Pa. M37. IMN. Trichter, Jerome. Ph.G., Brooklyn Col. Pharmacy. 220 Boscobel Place, Bronx, New York, N. Y. M38. CMNp. Trickey, Philip Harold. M.S., Maine, 31 ; E.E., 34. Design electrical engineer, Diehl Mfg. Co., Elizabethport, N. J. (740 Mid- land Blvd., Union, N. J.) M38. MAB. Trieb, Prof. Carl F(rederick). M.A., Southern California, 31. Asst. prof, physi- cal education, Occidental Col., Los An- geles, Calif. (336 S. Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif.) M40. IQ. Triest, Rudolf M. Mgr. Educational Dept., John Wilev and Sons, 440 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. M28. Q. Trimble, Dr. Clinton E(dward). M.S., Southern California, 33; Ph.D., 37. Instr. chemistry, Los Angeles City Col., Los Angeles, Calif. (2903 Dalton Ave.) M32. CBA. Trimble, Dr. Harold Guyon. M.D., Cali- fornia, 20. Visiting chief lung service, Ala- meda County institutions, 419 30th St., Oakland ; supervising physician, Thomas B. Swift Preventorium, Clayton; consul- tant Alum Rock Sanatorium, San Jose, Calif. (205 Crocker Ave., Piedmont, Calif.) M36. NK. Trimble, Dr. Harry C(lyde). M.S., Chi- cago, 16; Ph.D., 18. Asst. prof. biol. chem- istry. Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. M21F32. C. Trimble, Dr. H(arvey) M(cCormick). M.Sc, Michigan, 24; Ph.D., 26. Prof, phvsical chemistry, Oklahoma A. and M. Col, Stillwater, Okla. (1517 W. 4th St.) M27F32. C. Trimble, Prof. Otis C(arroll). M.S., Arkan- sas, 24; Ph.D., Iowa, 28. Div. Education, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. M28F32. IHQ. Trimble, Major Roswell D(elmege). Con- sulting engineer, American Bldg., Rich- mond, Va. M36. M. Trinkle, Dr. Fred. M.D., Eclectic Med. Col. (Cincinnati). Physician, 2327 McMic- ken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. M37. N. Triplett, Richard J. M.A., Denver, 32. Lec- turer psychology, Barnes School Com- merce and Univ. Denver, Denver, Colo. (1055 Lincoln St.) M36. IKQ. Triplett, Walter Howell. Hidalgo Pte., 704, Monterrey, N. L., Mexico. M36R36. E. Tripp, Dr. Curtis C. M.D., Cornell, 21. Surgeon, St. Luke's Hosp.; thoracic sur- geon, Sassaquim, New Bedford, Mass. (416 County St.) M36. N. Tripp, James G(regory). 73 Newfield St., East Orange, N. J. M36. MEK. Tripp, William A(nthony). B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 22. Electrical en- gineer, Panama Canal, Balboa Heights, Canal Zone. M29. DAF. Trivelli, A(drian) P(eter) H(erman). Ch.E., Delft, 05. Asst. supt., Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. (14 River- side St.) M26F27. BC. Trjitzinsky, Prof. W(aldemar) J(oseph). M.A., California, 25; Ph.D., 26. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. (603 W. Oregon St.) M34F34. A. Troelsch, Henry W(illiam). C.E., Penn- sylvania, 30. Designing engineer, Amer. Bridge Co., Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. (264 N. Bellefield Ave.) M40. MBA. Troisi, Dr. Raphael A. 6243 N. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M33R37. FCG. Troje, Dr. Oscar R(obert). M.D., Kansas, 07. Chief, Dept. Radiology, Employees' Hosp., Tennessee Coal, Iron and R.R. Co., Fairfield, Ala. (925 43rd St. W., Birming- ham, Ala.) M38. BN. Trombetta, Dr. Vivian V(iola). M.A., Co- lumbia, 36; Ph.D., 39. Instr. botany. Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. M37. G. Trombley, Howard B. 1339 Page St., Pittsburgh, Pa. M35R36. Troop, Prof. James. M.S., Michigan State, 82. Prof, entomology, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. (123 Sheetz St., West Lafay- ette, Ind.) M08F20. F. Troppoli, Albert V(incent). Sc.M., Brown, 31. Bacteriologist, Charles V. Chapin Hosp., Providence, R. I. (90 Wendell St.) M40. N. Trost, Henry (John). M. H. de Young Memorial Mus., Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Calif. M27. F. Trost, John F(rancis). Route 1, La Fay- ette, Ind. M24F31R36. GOC. Troth, Dr. Dennis C(layton). M32D34. IQ. Trotta, James P(asquale). 3012 Morgan St., Tampa, Fla. M25R32. M. Trotter, Dr. Ide P(eebles). M.S., Mis- sissippi State, 21; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 33. Prof, agronomy and head Dept., Texas A. and M. Col., College Station, Tex. M39- F40. OGF. Trotter, Miss Mildred. M.A.. Washington Univ., 21 ; Ph.D., 24. Assoc, prof, anatomy, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. M23F27. HNF. Individual Members 935 Trounstine, Lewis J., Jr. (See Lewis Turner). Trout, Clement E(ddy). Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M22R33. OGK. Trout, Prof. David M(cCamel). A.M., Chi- cago, 22; Ph.D., 24; L.H.D., Hillsdale, 39. Head psychology and education, Central State Teachers Col., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. (421 S. Kinney Ave.) M27F33. IQ. Trout, Dr. Hugh H. M.D., Virginia, 02. Surgeon, Jefferson Hosp., Roanoke, Va. M39. N. Trout, Dr. William E(dgar), Jr. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 35. Prof, chemistry, Mary Baldwin Col., Staunton, Va. (314 Vine St.) M36. C. Trow, Prof. William Clark. A.M., Co- lumbia, 20; Ph.D., 23. Prof, educational psychology, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M24F28. IQ. Trowbridge, Prof. A(rthur) C(arleton). Ph.D., Chicago, 11. Prof, and head Dept. Geology, Univ. Iowa; dir. and state geolo- gist, Iowa Geol. Survey, Iowa City, Iowa. M07F15. E. Trowbridge, Miss Carolyn (Frances). B.A., Iowa. 1 182 E Court, Iowa City, Iowa. M40. F. Trowbridge, Prof. Douglas S(tanley). C.E., New York, 11; M.S., 14. Prof, sur- veying, New York Univ., University Heights, New York, N. Y. M34F34. M. Trowbridge, Prof. E(dwin) A. B.S., Wis- consin, 06. Prof, and chairman Dept. Ani- mal Husbandry, Univ. Missouri; animal husbandman, Missouri Agric. Exp. Sta., Columbia, Mo. M17F18. F. Trowbridge, E(dwin) Kellogg. M.A., Co- lumbia, 00. Bedford Hills, N. Y. M18. AEB. Trowbridge, Lowell S(innock). 370 Com- monwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. M36- R37. I. Troxel, S(hirley) M(onroe). M.S., Illinois, 27; Ph.D., 30. Asst. prof, science, Trenton State Teachers Col., Trenton, N. J. (39 Klein Ave.) M32F33. CBQ. Troxell, Prof. Edward L(efnngwell). A.M., Northwestern, 11; Ph.D., Yale, 14. Prof, geology, Trinity Col. ; dir. State Geol. and Natural History Survey, Hartford, Conn. (49 Auburn Road, West Hartford, Conn.) M22F23. EFQ. Troxell, Harold Coble. B.A., Stanford, 21. Assoc, hydraulic engineer, U. S. Geol. Survey, Los Angeles, Calif. (623 N. Mon- terey St., Alhambra, Calif.) M35. M. Troyer, Frederic L(aurence). Editor, Canadian Newsfeatures, 546 Sherbourne St.; sec. and managing dir. Canadian Educational Press Assn., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M31. DQB. Truby, (Miriam) Grace. 839 Rebecca Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pittsburgh, Pa. M27- R35. N. True, Mrs. Edward C. (Adele Dohme). Care Dr. C. Gordon Post, Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. L33. True, Gordon H„ Jr. 2701 Virginia St., Berkeley, Calif. (?) M32R33. FNO. True, Dr. Harry A(lbert). 344 14th St., San Francisco, Calif. M34R36. N. True, Dr. Rodney Howard. M97F99L33- D40. GL. Vice president for Section on Botanical Sciences (G), 1920. True, Dr. R(odney) P(hilip). Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 34. Asst. pathologist, Dutch Elm Disease Lab., U. S. Bur. Plant In- dustry, Morristown, N. J. M34F39. GO. Trueblood, Dr. H(oward) M(offitt). Ph.D., Harvard, 13. Protection Development Dir., Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. (96 Bellair Drive, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.) M18F25. BM. Trueblood, Richard O. B.S., Purdue. Engng. Bldg., Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. M35. MBC. Trueman, Howard L(ewis). Science Serv- ice, Dept. Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont., Can- ada. M31F40. OKI. Truesdail, Dr. Roger Williams. M.S., Ore- gon, 22; Ph.D., Washington, 26. Pres., Truesdail Labs., Inc., 1206 Maple Ave.; lecturer chemistry, Univ. Southern Cali- fornia; consulting nutritionist, 19 19 Wil- shire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. (1627 Laurel St., South Pasadena, Calif.) M29- F33. CNF. Truitt, Dr. R(eginald) V(an) T(rump). M.S., Maryland, 21 ; Ph.D., American, 29. Prof, zoology, Univ. Maryland, College Park; dir. Chesapeake Biol. Lab., Solo- mons ; biologist, Maryland Conservation Dept., Annapolis, Md. M23F33. F. Truman, O(rley) H(osmer). M.Sc, Iowa, 12. 225 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City, Utah. M29F31. BMD. Trumble, R(obert) Edward. B.S., Wash- ington State Col. Elks Temple, Wenat- chee, Wash. M38. FG. Trumbull, Dr. Harlan L(eo). M.A., Wash- ington, 08; Ph.D., Chicago, 11. Mgr. chem. res., B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio. (Hudson, Ohio) M25F31. BC. Trumbull, Mrs. Marjorie R. S. (Mrs. Wal- ter Trumbull). 75 Central Park W., New York, N. Y. M29. HDE. Trumbull, Robert S(amuel). A.M., Ne- braska, 08. 410 N. Main St., Butler, Mo. M20F21. O. Secretary of Southwestern Di- vision, 1925. Trumbull, Walter. 75 Central Park W., New York, N. Y. M29. HE. 936 Directory of Members Trump, Edward Needles. Consulting en- gineer and treas., Sanitary Metal Cap Corp., Syracuse, N. Y. (1912 W. Genesee St.) M39. MC. Trumper, Dr. Max. M.A., Pennsylvania, 16; Ph.D., 28. 921 Med. Arts Bldg., Phila- delphia, Pa. M30F33. NC. Trumpler, Robert J(ulius). 2630 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif. M24F26R38. D. Trumpour, Frederick J(ames). B.S., Alle- gheny, 92. Asst. civil engineer, Office Quartermaster General, U. S. War Dept., Washington, D. C. (Forest Glen, Md.) M12. M. Trumpour, Dr. Jessie Smith. A.M., Alle- gheny, 94; M.D., Ohio Wesleyan, 97, Western Reserve, 02. Phvsician retired, Forest Glen, Md. M08. BCI. Truog, Prof. Emil. M.S., Wisconsin, 12. Prof, soils and chairman Dept., Univ. Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. (1108 Grant St.) M21F23. COG. Truran, Walton E. Agent, U. S. Dept. Agric, East Wareham, Mass. M33. G. Trusler, Dr. Ralf B. M.S., Pittsburgh, 22; Ph.D., 26. Dir. res., Davies-Young Soap Co., Dayton, Ohio. (310 Wiltshire Blvd.) M32F33. CBE. Trussell, Miss Malvina. M.S., Cornell. Assoc, prof., Georgia Teachers Col., Statesboro, Ga. (10 W. Kennedy Ave.) M39. FG. Tryon, Frederick G(ale). M.A., Minne- sota, 16. Chief res. section, Bituminous Coal Div., U. S. Dept. Interior, Washing- ton, D. C. (1323 Jackson St. NE.) M28- F31. EK. Tryon, Henry H(arrington). M.F., Har- vard, 13. Dir., Black Rock Forest, Corn- wall on Hudson, N. Y. M31F33. OGE. Tryon, Dr. Robert C6. Washburn, Miss Ruth W(endell). M.A., Radcliffe, 22; Ph.D., Yale, 29. Consultant child development, Milton Preparatory School, Milton, Park School, Brookline, and Brooks School, Concord, Mass. M31- F33. IQK. Washburne, Alva Courtenay. Berkshire Life Ins. Co., Pittsfield, Mass. M04F07. A. Washington, Dr. Alethea H. M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State. Prof, education, Howard Univ., Washington, D. C. M37. QIK. Washington, George, Jr. Mendham, N. T. M31R32. M. Wasicky, Dr. Rich. M.D. Villa Dolly, 133 Promenade des Anglais, Nice, France. (?) M30. CN. Wasley, Dr. William Lingel. Ph.D., Stan- ford. 38. Instr. chemistry, Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111. (4257 N. Hermitage Ave.) M40. CN. Wasserman, Dr. Max J. 1422 Longfellow St. NW., Washington, D. C. M36R36. K. Wasson, Theron. B.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 16, Columbia, 20. Chief geologist, Pure Oil Co., 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chi- cago, 111. (606 Thatcher Ave., River Forest, 111.) M36. EM. Individual Members 9^3 Wasteneys, Prof. Hardolph. Ph.D., Colum- bia, 16. Prof, biochemistry and head Dept., Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. M11F14. C. Wastl, Dr. Helene. M.D., Inssbruck, 22. Res. assoc, Dept. Anatomy, Hahnemann Med. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. M40. N. Wasum, Dr. Ludwig Wilhelm. Ph.D., Halle, 28. Chief chemist, Kessler Chem. Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. (55 Waverly Road, Manoa, Upper Darby, Pa.) M39. CP. Watanabe, Dr. Yisamu. M.S., Rigakushi, 26; Ph.D., Rigakuhakushi, 36. Independ- ent investigator, 10, Nisi-4, Minami-9, Sap- poro, Japan. M37. F. Waterfall, Wallace. B.S., Illinois, 23; Eng. Physicist, 31. Dir. res. engng., Celotex Corp., 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. M31F32. BM. Waterhouse, Dr. Walter L(awry). D.I.C., London, 20; D.Sc, Sidney, 29. Reader agriculture, Univ. Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. M26F32. GFO. Waterman, Prof. Alan T(ower). A.M., Princeton, 14; Ph.D., 16. Assoc, prof, phvsics, Yale LIniv., New Haven, Conn. M23F27. BDC. Waterman, Dr. A(llyn) J(ay). Dept. Bi- ologv, Williams Col., Williamstown, Mass. M33F33R35. FG. Waterman, Miss Alma M(ay). A.M., Brown, 16; Ph.D., 28. Asst. pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, New Haven, Conn. M27F33. G. Waterman, Prof. Frank A(llan). Ph.D., Princeton, 96. Prof, emeritus physics, Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. (65 Para- dise Road) M04F06. B. Waterman, Frank N(ehemiah). M.E., Cor- nell, 89; M.S., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 07. Consulting engineer, 220 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (25 Norwood Ave., Sum- mit, N. J.) M13F17. BM. Waterman, Dr. Frederick A(lexander). M.A., Ohio State. 32: Ph.D., 36. Instr. physiology, Georgetown Univ. School Med., Washington, D. C. (2060 37th St. NW.) M40. NF. Waterman, Miss Harriet Cutler. Ph.D., Columbia, 29. Assoc, prof., Dept. Zoology, Welleslev Col., Wellesley, Mass M29- F33. F. Waterman, Dr. Helen J(ane). 2741 Wool- sey St., Berkeley, Calif. M17R36. N. Waterman, Prof. Leroy. Ph.D., Chicago, 12. Prof. Semitics, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1835 Vinewood Blvd.) M24- F31. L. Waterman, Prof. Warren G(ookin). Frank- fort, Mich. M03F21R37. GO. Waterman, Dr. Willoughby C. Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 32. Brooklvn Col., Brooklyn, N Y. M31. KO. Waters, Dr. Campbell E(aster). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 99. Asst. chief chemist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C. (5812 Chevy Chase Parkway) M02F06. C. Waters, Dr. Charles W(hite). Dept. Bot- any, Univ. Montana, Missoula, Mont. M29- F30R32. G. Waters, Dr. Gregory Roy. Greenwood, S. Dak. ( ?) M36R36. NFG. Waters, Dr. Nelson F(enn). M.Sc, Har- vard, 31; D.Sc, 31. Senior geneticist, U. S. Regional Poultry Lab., East Lans- ing, Mich. M39. FG. Waters, Dr. Ralph M(ilton). M.D., West- ern Reserve, 12. Dir. anesthesia, Wiscon- sin Gen. Hosp.; prof, anesthesia, Univ. Wisconsin Med. School, Madison, Wis. (730 Seneca Place, Nakoma) M29F33. NF. Watkeys, Prof. Charles W(illiam). A.M., Harvard, 02. Prof, mathematics, Univ. Ro- chester, Rochester, N. Y. (287 Dartmouth St.) Mi7F33- ABK. Watkins, Dr. Charles. Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. M31R32. CBE. Watkins, Dr. Charles H. M.A., Ph.D., M.D., Minnesota. Consulting physician. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. (826 5th St. SW.) M40. N. Watkins, G. P. M33D33- K- Watkins, Dr. G(ustav) M(cKee). M.A., Texas, 30; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Plant pathologist, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., Col- lege Station, Tex. M39F40. G. Watkins, Miss Katherine (Schweinsberg). 1 105 Park View Ave., Pasadena, Calif. M37R37- G. Watkins, R. C. 26 Newcomb Bldg., New Orleans, La. M32R32. Watkins, Dr. Ralph J(ames). Bur. Busi- ness Res., Univ. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. M35R3S- K. Watkins, Prof. Ralph K(nupp). M.A., Missouri, 18; Ph.D., 23. Prof, education, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (2 Ingle- side Drive) M28F31. Q. Watkins, Raymond E. Univ. Oregon Med. School, Portland, Oreg. M34F34R34. N. Watkins, Wilbur Ellis. M.S., Kansas State, 24. Nutrition chemist and assoc. animal husbandry, New Mexico State Col., State College, N. Mex. M39. CNO. Watkins, Willard H(askell). 27 Everett St., Cambridge, Mass. M07F33R34. C. Watkins, Dr. W(illiam) Warner. M.D.. Med. Col. Virginia, 06. 206 E. Moreland St., Phoenix, Ariz. M17F20. N. Watner, Abraham. Pres., Amer. Transfer Co.; treas., Meadowbridge Memorial Park; sec. and vice pres., Air Condition- ing, Inc., Baltimore, Md. ( Pikesville, Md.) M33. 964 Directory of Members Watney, Mrs. Gertrude M. (Gertrude M. Smith). M.A., British Columbia, 26; Ph.D., California, 33. Asst. prof, zoology, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C, Can- ada. M31. FN. Watson, Alfred N. 3301 13th St. N., Arlington, Va. M37. AKO. Watson, B. L, M32D — . Watson, Prof. Carl G(wartney). A.M., In- diana, 17. 817 Quincy St., Rapid City, S. Dak. M2SF31. B. Watson, Dr. Cecil James. M.S., Minnesota, 25; M.D., 26; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, medi- cine and dir. Div. Internal Med., Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (130 Orlin Ave. SE.) M37F37. N. Watson, C(harles) Hoyt. A.M., Kansas, 23. Pres., Seattle Pacific Col., Seattle, Wash. M24. Q. Watson, Dr. David L(indsay). Ph.D., Edinburgh, 24. Oakland, Md. (M28F33- R33)M38F33. BCG. Watson, Prof. E(arnest) C(harles). Ph.B., Lafayette, 14. Prof, physics, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M22F25. B. Watson, Prof. Floyd Rowe. Ph.D., Cornell, 02. Prof. exp. physics, Univ. Illinois, Ur- bana, 111. (705 S. Lincoln Ave.) M07- F09. B. Watson, George R. Box 2038, Pittsburgh, Pa. M31R37. Watson, Dr. Goodwin B(arber). Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. M27F31R34. QIB. Watson, Hazen Elwood. B.S., Michigan, 19. Asst. mechanical engineer, City Water Dept., 735 Randolph St., Detroit, Mich. M38. EKM. Watson, I(rvine) A. B.Sc, Sydney, 38. Graduate student, Dept. Plant Pathology, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Farm, St. Paul, Minn. M40F40. GFO. Watson, Dr. James. M.A., South Dakota, 13; M.D., Northwestern, 25; D.Sc, Yank- ton, 39. Dir., State Div. Mental Hvgiene, New State Bldg., Raleigh, N. Car. M39. NI. Watson, Dr. James R(ose). M.D., Har- vard, 29; M.S., Minnesota, 33. Assoc, sur- gical staff, Presbyterian Hosp. and Pas- savant Hosp.; instr. surgery, Univ. Pitts- burgh School Med., Pittsburgh, Pa. M37. N. Watson, Miss Jennie A. 3301 Walnut St., McKeesport, Pa. M31R32. E. Watson, J(ohn) M(arion). 2316 W. 110th St., Chicago, 111. M33R33. DBC. Watson, Prof. J(ohn) W(ilbur). M.A., Virginia, 10; Ph.D., 13. Prof, inorganic chemistry and head Dept. Chemistry, Vir- ginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg, Va. M12F26. C. Watson, Prof. Joseph Ralph. A.M., West- ern Reserve, 99. Head Dept., Entomology, Florida Agric. Exp. Sta., Gainesville, Fla. M01F15. F. Watson, Dr. Lloyd R(aymond). A.M., Al- fred, 14; Ph.D., Cornell, 27. Prof, chemis- try, Alfred Univ., Alfred, N. Y. M27- F33. FC. Watson, Robert B(arden). M.A., Califor- nia Los Angeles, 36. Instr., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M36F40. B. Watson, Dr. Robert F(letcher). M.D., Virginia. Asst., Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. M40. N. Watson, Russell. 622 N. Water St., Mil- waukee, Wis. M33R33. O. Watson, Dr. S(heppard) A(rthur). M.S., Kansas State, 23 ; Ph.D., Ohio State, 27. Prof, biologv and dean, Whittier Col., YVhittier, Calif. M27F32. FGO. Watson, Thomas A(ugustus). M17L23- F31D34. M. Watson, Vernon K(enneth). M.S., Massa- chusetts State, 35. Chemist and bacteriolo- gist, Beech-Nut Packing Co., Canajoharie, N. Y. (36 Phillips Ave.) M38. CNO. Watson, Prof. Walter S. M.A., Wisconsin, 37. Asst. prof, psychology, dir. admission, and dir. student relations, Cooper Union, New York, N. Y. M40. IQD. Watson, Dr. Wilbur J(ay). M39D39. EM. Watson, Dr. W(illiam) F(ranklin). Brad- enton, Fla. M25F10R34. CGF. Watson, Dr. William Law. M.D.. Cornell, 25. Assoc, attending surgeon, Memorial Hosp.; assoc. radium therapist, Miseri- cordia Hosp., New York, N. Y. (1088 Park Ave.) M40. N. Watson, Dr. William V(irgil). M.B., To- ronto, 14. 170 St. George St., Toronto, Ont., Canada. (Erindale, Ont., Canada) M36. NCB. Watson, Prof. William W(eldon). M.S., Chicago, 22; Ph.D., 24. Assoc, prof, phy- sics, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. (206 Livingston St.) M27F28. B. Watt, H(erbert) J(ames). 24 Peter St., Port Arthur, Ont., Canada. M38. NOH. Watt, Prof. James C(rawford). M.A.. To- ronto, 18; M.D., 18. Prof, anatomy, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada. (20 Haw- thorne Ave.) M22F25. NF. Watt, Mrs. Lois B(elfield). B.A., Mary- land, 34. Teacher, Alice Deal Junior High School, Washington, D. C. (Sargent Road and Parker Ave., Hyattsville, Md.) M35. Watt, Prof. Lucy J(eannette). A.M., Syra- cuse. 21. Prof, biologv. Western Col. Women, Oxford, Ohio. 'M25F33. FNG. Watt, Ralph W(ardlaw). M.A., Maryland, 34. Teacher biology and mathematics, Eastern High School, Washington, D. C. (Sargent Road and Parker Ave., Hyatts- ville, Md.) M34. QMF. Individual Members 965 Watters, Dr. Leon Laizer. A.M., Colum- bia, 98; Ph.D., 01. Pies., Hosp. Supply Co. and Watters Labs., New York, N. Y. (157 E. 23rd St.) M29F33. C. Watts, Chester B(urleigh). A.B., Indiana, 15. Astronomer, U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. M35F35. D. Watts, J(ohn) T(yree). Box 373, Oak Park, 111. M40. BD. Watts, Lyle F(ord). M.F., Iowa State, 28. Regional forester, U. S. Forest Service, Portland, Oreg: (S09 N. East 39th Ave.) M38F40. OEG. Watts, Miss Maxine Olive. M.A., Iowa, 29. Asst. prof, science, Ball State Teachers Col., Muncie, Ind. M38. GFE. Watts, Mrs. Nellie Perry. M.Sc, Philadel- phia Col. Pharmacy and Science, 37. Graduate asst., Dept. Pharmacognosy, Western Reserve Univ. School Pharmacy, Cleveland, Ohio. (2038 Cornel! Road) M38. N. Watts, Dr. Otto O(live). A.M., Colorado, 23; Ph.D., Stanford, 32. Prof, chemistry and head Dept., Hardin Simmons Univ., Abilene. Tex. (1925 Simmons Ave.) M34- F34. CBH. Watts, Dr. Ralph L(evi). M.S., Pennsyl- vania State, 98; D.Agr., Syracuse, 16; D.Sc, Rhode Island State, 31. Dean em- eritus, Pennsylvania State Col. School Agric, State College, Pa. (225 E. Foster Ave.) M22F24. O. Watts, Dr. Ruth M. M.S., Yale, 25 ; Ph.D., Chicago, 30. Res. instr., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. (61 14 Kimbark Ave.) M35- F35. CN. Waugh, Dr. Karl Tinsley. A.M., Ohio Wesleyan, 01; LL.D., 27; A.M., Harvard, 06; Ph.D.. 07. Asst. dir. personnel, Penn- sylvania Dept. Public Assistance, Harris- burg, Pa. M10F21. IQH. Waugh, Dr. L(euman) M(aurice). D.D.S., Buffalo, 00. 576 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. M33F39. NdGH. Waugh, Prof. Theo(dore) R(ogers). M.D..C.M., McGill, 20. Pathologist-in-chief, Royal Victoria Hosp.; asst. prof, pathol- ogy, McGill Univ.; pathologist, Montreal Homeopathic Hosp., Montreal, Que., Can- ada. (515 Pine Ave. W.) M24. N. Way, Elmer F(rancis). Ch.E., Michigan State, 26. Sec.-treas. and tech. dir., Durfee Co.; sec.-treas., Industrial Labs., Inc., Grand Rapids, Mich. (11 17 Iroquois Drive) M28. CMX. Way, Harold E. 1345 Willard St., Gales- burg. 111. M31R33. BA. Way, Pennock M. M14D35. C. Way, Dr. Stewart. D.Sc, Michigan, 34. Res. engineer, Westinghouse Res. Labs., East Pittsburgh, Pa. M40. MBA, Wayland, Dr. Charles A(prenta). M.D., Hahnemann, 91. 153 S. Hermosa St., Sierra Madre, Calif. M07L08. N. Wayman, W(illiam) E(wart), Jr. B.Aero. Eng., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Gradu- ate asst., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N. Y. (1992 15th St.) M40. MBA. Waynick, Dr. Dean D(avid). M29F30D36. CGO. Waysfield, Miss Catherine W(ally). M.A., Hunter, 34. Librarian, William R. Warner- Richard Hudnut, 113 W. 18th St., New York, N. Y. M40. NCI. Wayson, Dr. N(ewton) E(dward). M.D., Northwestern, 10. Senior surgeon, U. S. Public Health Service, Nat. Inst. Health. Washington, D. C. (208 W. Glendale Ave., Alexandria, Va.) M18F33. N. Wean, Dr. Robert E. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 36. Asst. prof, biology, Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind. (M3sR36)M39F40. CGO. Wear, Prof. Luther E(wing). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 13. Assoc, prof, mathematics, California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (2247 Lambert Drive) M28F33. A. Wearn, Prof. Joseph T. M.D., Harvard, 17. Prof, medicine, Western Reserve Univ.; dir. medicine, Lakeside Hosp., Cleveland, Ohio. (Chagrin Falls, Ohio) M34F34. N. Vice president for Section on Medical Sciences (N ), 1936. Weart, James G(arrison). A.B., Illinois, 21. Chemist and bacteriologist, Div. Sani- tary Engng., State Dept. Public Health, Springfield, 111. (811 S. State St.) M22. CGM. Weatherby, C(harles) A(lfred). A.M., Har- vard, 98. Senior curator, Gray Herbarium, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (27 Raymond St.) M24F25. G. Weatherby, Dr. J(esse) H(owell). M.A., Johns Hopkins, 26; Ph.D., 28. Res. assoc. pharmacology, Med. Col. Virginia, Rich- mond, Va. (3107 Hawthorne Ave.) M30- F33. Np. Weatherford, Dr. Harold L(orraine). A.M., Illinois, 24; Ph.D., Harvard, 28. Asst. prof, anatomy. Harvard Med. School, Boston, Mass. (314 Marlborough St.) M34- F34. N. Weatherford, Dr. W(illis) D(uke). Y.M.C.A. Graduate School, Nashville, Tenn. M27R32. HK. Weatherill, Dr. Philip F(rancis). A.M., Harvard, 17; Ph.D., 21. Asst. prof, chem- istry, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M23F33. C. Weathers, Prof. Curtis L(inville). M.A., North Carolina, 25, Columbia, 27. Asst. prof, biology, Long Island Univ., Brook- lyn, N. Y. M29. FG. Weatherwax, Prof. Paul. A.M., Indiana, 15; Ph.D., 18. Prof, botany, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. M15F23. G. 966 Directory of Members Weaver, Prof. Charles E(dwin). Ph.D., California, 07. Dept. Geology, Univ. Wash- ington, Seattle, Wash. M14F16. EF. Weaver, Earl. Dairy Dept., Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M30F31- R32. O. Weaver, Dr. E(dwin) O(scar). M.A., Wit- tenberg, 92; Sc.D., Carthage, 20. Prof, physics and chairman Dept., Wittenberg Col., Springfield, Ohio. (473 Park Place) M02F11. BM. Weaver, E(lmer) R(upel). A.B., Stanford, 10. Chemist, Nat. Bur. Standards, Wash- ington, D. C. M25F30. C. Weaver, Frank R(oderick). C.E., Rens- selaer Polytechnic Inst. Mgr., Hibben, Hollweg and Co., no S. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. (1415 Golden Hill Drive) M25. ME. Weaver, Dr. George H(owitt). M.D., Rush, 89. 1020 Ashland Ave., Wilmette, 111. M07F11. N. Weaver, Dr. H(omer) E(llsworth). M.A., Oberlin, 26; Ph.D., Stanford, 30. Asst. prof psvchologv, Oberlin Col., Oberlin, Ohio. (197 N. Main St.) M30F33. I. Weaver, Prof. James H(enry). M.A., Ohio, n; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 16. Prof, mathe- matics, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (Hilliard, Ohio) M17F32. A. Weaver, Dr. J(ohn) E(rnst). A.M., Ne- braska, 11; Ph.D., Minnesota, 16. Prof, plant ecologv, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (1636S. 20th St.) M12F15. G. Weaver, Miss Katharine. A.M., Columbia, 21. Head science, Emma Willard School, Troy, N. Y. M34. C. Weaver, Leon H(oward) A(lexander). 145 Fishkill Ave., Beacon, N. Y. M14. IKM. Weaver, Dr. M(yron) M(cDonald). M.S., Chicago, 26; Ph.D., zg ; M.D.. 32. Dir. res. relations, Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, Ind. (265 Hampton Drive) (M34F34R35)- M39F34. FN. Weaver, Dr. Palmer C(alvin). M.Ed., Harvard, 24; Ph.D., Columbia, 35. Asst. dir. summer session, asst. in administration to dean School Education, and assoc. prof, education. Pennsvlvania State Col., State College, Pa. (6oi"W. Park Ave.) M40. Q. Weaver, Paul. A.B., Columbia, 08. Chief geophysicist, Gulf Oil Corp., Houston, Tex. (3443 Inwood Drive) M30F33. BE. Weaver, Dr. R. H. M.S., Allegheny, 23; Ph.D., Michigan State, 26. Prof, bacteri- ology, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. (347 Transylvania Park) M35F35. FGN. Weaver, Warren. C.E., Wisconsin, 17; Ph.D., 21. Dir. natural sciences, Rocke- feller Foundation, New York, N. Y. (160 Brite Ave., Scarsdale, N. Y.) M19F28. AB. Webb, Charles C. 41 15th St., Wheeling, W. Va. M3-'R34. PME. Webb, E(rnest) A. Animal Yeast Div., Anheuser-Busch Inc., St. Louis, Mo. M38. NOG. Webb, Ernest Clay. Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, Tex. M32R35. HKN. Webb, Glenn M(iller). Dept. Physics, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M35- R35. BA. Webb, Dr. H(anor) A. M.S., Chicago, 11; Ph.D., George Peabody, 20. Prof, chemis- try and science education, George Pea- body Col. Teachers, Nashville, Tenn.; edi- tor,' Current Science, Amer. Education Press, Columbus, Ohio. (2407 Edgar Jones Ave., Nashville, Tenn.) M24F33. QCO. Webb, Dr. Harold Donivan. A.M., In- diana, 32; Ph.D., 39. Prof, physics and mathematics, State Teachers Col., West Liberty, W. Va. M38. B. Webb, Prof. Harold W(orthington). Ph.D., Columbia, 09. Prof, physics, Co- lumbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M23- F23. B. Webb, J(esse) L(ee). M.S., West Virginia, 02. Assoc, entomologist, U. S. Bur. En- tomology and Plant Quarantine, Wash- ington, D. C. (1 si 7 Allison St. NW.) M17F20. FNO. Webb, Dr. Joseph F(rancis), Jr. A.M., Columbia, 30; Ph.D., 39. Instr. biology. City Col., New York, N. Y. (1080 War- burton Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.) M40. NFG. Webb, Lewis Warrington. Electrical Dept., Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth. Va. M08. BM. Webb, Dr. Linus M. 218 Congress Ave., Rochester, N. Y. M32R33. CBD. Webb, Prof. L(ouis) W(infield). 1122 Col- fax St., Evanston, 111. M22F23R35. IQ. Webb, Dr. Robert W(illiam). M.A., Washington Univ., 19; Ph.D., 21; D.Sc, Clemson, 37. Principal cotton technologist, U. S. Agric. Marketing Service, Washing- ton, D. C. (419 4th St. NW.) M28F30. G. Webb, W(illiam) R(obert). M.S., Michi- gan, 15. Asst. gen. mgr. Europe, Kodak Ltd., London, England. M34F34. C. Webb, Prof. William Snyder. M.S., Ken- tucky, 01. 1713 S. Limeston St., Lexing- ton, Ky. M14F16. BH. Webber, A(lfred) Robert. B.S., Case. Chem. engineer, Calvert Distilling Co., Relay, Md. M40. MC. Webber, Dr. George Harris. Box 452, Mill- edgeville, Ga. M28F28R34. QL Webber, Dr. H(erbert) J(ohn). M.A., Ne- braska. 00; D.Agr., 13; Ph.D., Washing- ton Univ., 01. Prof, emeritus subtropical horticulture, Univ. California Citrus Exp. Sta., Riverside, Calif. M98F00. GO. Webber, Dr. J(ohn) M(ilton). M.S.. Cali- fornia, 27; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, cytologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Riverside, Calif. (3644 Beechwood Place) M28F33. GOF. Individual Members 967 Webber, Ray T(rask). U. S. Bur. En- tomology and Plant Quarantine, Morris- town, N. J. M18F26. F. Webber, Dr. W. Paul. M35F35D35. A. Weber, Dr. A. William. 2207 E. 85th St.. Cleveland, Ohio. M11R36. Weber, Adolph H(ans). M.E., Freiberg. 84. no Ardmore Road, Berkeley, Calif. Mi 7. CEG. Weber, Prof. Arthur D. M.S., Kansas State, 26. Kansas State Col., Manhattan, Kans. M34F40. O. Weber, Dr. C(larence) J(acob). Ph.D., St Louis, 28; M.D., Kansas, 39- Assoc, medicine, School Med., and dir. clinical labs., Kansas Hosps., Univ. Kansas, Kan- sas City, Kans. (416 Adams St.) M39. NC. Weber, Edward T., Jr. 405 Sycamore St., St. Marys, W. Va. M36R36. CM. Weber, Erich. 500 Royal Bank Bldg., Winnipeg, Man., Canada. M39. MPC. Weber, Dr. Ernst. Ph.D., Vienna, 26; Sc.D., 27. Res. prof, electrical engng., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. M37F40. BMA. Weber, Dr. Frederic L. M.A., Columbia, 28; Ph.D., Fordham, 30. Asst. prof, chem- istry, City Col., New York, N. Y. (1400 Troy Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M39. C. Weber, F(rederick) C(larence). M.D., George Washington, 08. Atlantic Coast Fisheries Co., 307 Water St., New York, N. Y. M17F32. CNO. Weber, Dr. George F(rederick). M.S.. Wisconsin, 20; Ph.D., 22. Plant patholo- gist, Florida Agric. Exp. Sta. ; prof, plant pathology. Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla. M22F25. GO. Weber, Glen C(hisholm). Box 24, Luke, Md. M34R39- CNF. Weber, Dr. Harold C(hristian). D.Sc, Zurich, 34. Assoc, prof. chem. engng., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. (67 Vose Hill Road, Milton, Mass.) M34F34. M. Weber, Jno. 1317 Denniston St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. M35R35. Weber, Miss Mary Dora (Mrs. Mary Weber Kaufman). Reisterstown, Md. M27- R38. B. Weber, Dr. Neal A(lbert). M.S., North Dakota, 32; M.A., Harvard. 33; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, prof, biology, Univ. North Da- kota, Grand Forks, N. Dak. M37F39. FG. Weber, Dr. Oscar F(riedolin). M.S., Ph.D., Illinois. Administration Bldg., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, 111. M36. Q. Weber, Robert C. B.S., Indiana, 40. Care lesse Allen Stephens, Box 1181, Muncie, "Ind. M40. CN. Weber, Samuel L. M30D36. Weber, W(illiam) Wilson. Box 2, College Place, S. Car. M34F34R34. ABD. Webster, Mrs. A. G. 154 Riverway, Bos- ton, Mass. M08L23. Webster, Miss Alice E(lizabeth). B.S., California, 13. Teacher chemistry, Poly- technic High School, San Francisco, Calif. (1300 26th Ave.) M25. CFQ. Webster, Daniel T. 480 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M36R36. M. Webster, Prof. David L(ocke). Ph.D., Harvard, 13. Prof, physics and executive head Dept., Stanford University, Calif. (576 Gerona Road) M08F16. B. Vice presi- dent for Section on Physics (B), 1932. Webster, Dr. Edward C. M.A., McGill, 33; Ph.D., 36. Consulting psychologist, 926 Univ. Tower Bldg.; sec.-treas., Psycholo- gical Inst.; lecturer, Sir George Williams Col., Montreal, Que., Canada. M39. I. Webster, Dr. Hutton, Ph.D., Harvard, 04. Prof, social anthropology, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. ; lecturer sociology, Stan- ford University, Calif. (Menlo Park, Calif.) M10F13L22. H. Webster, James C(onstantine). M.A., Co- lumbia, 31. Teacher physics, Armstrong High School, Washington, D. C. (1215 Kenyon St. NW.) M40. BMQ. Webster, Dr. James E(lias). Ph.D., Ohio State, 28. Assoc, prof, agric. chemistry res. and chemistry, Oklahoma A. and M. Col., Stillwater, Okla. M25F33. CGO. Webster, Dr. Jerome P(ierce). M.D., Johns Hopkins. 14; M.S., Trinity (Hart- ford), 37. Asst. prof, clinical surgery. Columbia Univ. Col. Physicians and Surgeons; assoc. attending surgeon. Pres- byterian Hosp. and Vanderbilt Clinic; consultant plastic surgery, New York Orthopedic Hosp., New York, N. Y. ("Meadowlawn," Dodge Lane, Riverdale- on-Hudson) M29F33. N. Webster, Dr. Leslie T(illotson). D.Sc, Amherst, 35; M.D., Johns Hopkins. 19. Member, Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., New York, N. Y. (17 Dolma Road, Scarsdale, N. Y.) M29F31. NF. Webster, Prof. Louisa M(argaret). 218-41 99th Ave., Queens Village, N. Y. Mi 7- R36. A. Webster, Mrs. May R. M35D38. QEG. Webster, Robert L(orenzo). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 21. State Col. Washington, Pullman, Wash. M07F14. FO. Webster, Dr. Victor S(tuart). M.S., Iowa, 31 ; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, chemistry, South Dakota State Col., Brookings, S. Dak. M38. C. Webster, Dr. William D(ampier). M.A., Columbia, 24; Ph.D., Nebraska, 31. Instr., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. M34- F34. F. 968 Directory of Members Wechsler, Dr. David. M.D., Columbia, 17; Ph.D., 25. Chief psychologist, Bellevue Psychiatric Hosp.; asst. clinical prof, psy- chiatry, New York Univ. Col. Med., New York, N. Y. (140 E. 28th St.) M33F33. I. Wechsler, Dr. Israel Spanier. M.D., New York, 07. Prof, clinical neurology, Colum- bia Univ.; neurologist, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, N. Y. M28F33. N. Weckel, Miss Ada L(ouise). M.S., Chi- cago. 08. Dean girls and head Dept. Biol- ogy, High School, Oak Park, 111. (308 N. East Ave.) M07. FG. Weckstein, Dr. Abraham. A.M., Columbia, 36; Ph.D., New York, 39. Teacher biology, West Side High School, Newark, N. J. (109 Johnson Ave.) M40. QFG. Wedd, Dr. Alfred M. M.D., Western Re- serve, 16; M.A., 22. Instr. medicine and physiology, Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N.'Y. (277 Alexander St.) M37. N. Wedde, F(rederick) A(lexander). Avalos, Zac, Mexico. M38. MCD. Wedderburn, Prof. J(oseph) H(enry) M(aclagan). D.Sc, Edinburgh, 08. Prof, mathematics, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (134 Mercer St.) M11F21L37. A. Wedel, Dr. Arthur Albert. Ph.D., Cornell, 30. Geologist, Pure Oil Co., Jackson, Miss. M31F33. EBF. Wedel, Prof. Peter John. North Newton, Kans. M11F33R38. B. Wedel, Dr. Waldo R(udolph). A.M., Ne- braska, 31; Ph.D., California, 36. Asst. curator archaeology, U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C. M39. H. Wedin, Miss Jessie (Isabel). 25 E. Palmer St., Detroit, Mich. M25R34. IQ. Wedum, Dr. A(rnold) G(erhard). M.A., Montana, 30; Ph.D.,. Northwestern, 32; M.D.. 37. Asst. prof, bacteriology, Univ. Cincinnati Col. Med.; asst. dir. bacterio- logical service and supervisor Central Bac- teriological Lab., Gen. Hosp., Cincinnati, Ohio. M35. NC. Weeber, Dr. Lorle S(techer). A.M., Bryn Mavvr, 13; Ph.D., Columbia, 16. Box 3468, Honolulu, Hawaii. ( M21 F22R34) M36F22. IQ. Weed, Alfred C. Field Mus. Natural His- tory, Chicago, 111. M35F35. F. Weed, Dr. Clarence Moores. M.S., Michi- gan State, 84; D.Sc, Ohio State, 90. 854 Andover St., Lowell, Mass. M89F90V39. F. Weed, Dr. Lewis H(ill). A.M., Yale, 09; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 12; Sc.D., Roches- ter. 29; LL.D., Duke, 38. Prof, anatomy and dir.. School Med.. Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M09F21. N. Weedon, Dr. F(rederick) R(enfroe). M.S., Florida, 23; M.D., Chicago, 29. Municipal Lab., Jamestown, N. Y. M39. NCG, Weeks, Dr. Angelina L. 40 Noblehurst Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. M31. I. Weeks, Carl. Ph.G., Highland Park, 97. Pres., Armand Co., Des Moines, Iowa. (200 Tonawanda Drive) M27. CN. Weeks, Prof. Dorothy W(alcott). S.M., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 23; Ph.D., 30; S.M., Simmons, 25. Prof, physics, Wilson Col., Chambersburg, Pa. M31F33. BA. Weeks, Edwin Ruthven. 3408 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. M01R34. BD. Weeks, Dr. Haidee. 1203 Maison Blanche, New Orleans, La. M32R32. N. Weeks, Miss Helen Foss. Col. William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. M26R32. QI. Weeks, Dr. John Elmer. M.D., Michigan, 81; D.Sc, 13; LL.D., New York, 23. Prof. emeritus ophthalmology, New York Univ., New York, N. Y. (360 Edgeclifr Road, Portland, Oreg.) M08F33. N. Weeks, John R(ockwell). B.L., Mercer, 02. Meteorologist, section dir. Maryland and Delaware, U. S. Weather Bur.; Mary- land state meteorologist. Custom House, Baltimore, Md. M24F31L33. BOC. Weeks, Lewis G(eorge). A.B., Wisconsin, 17. Geologist, Standard Oil Co. New Jer- sey, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N Y. (78 Hampton Road, Scarsdale, N. Y.) M28F31. EBK. Weeks, Miss (Mary) Elvira. M.A., Wis- consin, 14; Ph.D., Kansas, 27. Assoc, prof, chemistry, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1746 Mississippi St.) M34F34. CL. Weeks, Paul T(horne). Ph.D., Cornell, 17. Chief engineer. Raytheon Production Corp., Newton, Mass. (31 Edmunds Road, Wellesley Hills, Mass.) M17F25. B. Weersing, Mrs. Bata Bemis. 1564 S. Ho- bart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. M32R32. QLN. Weese, Dr. A(sa) O(rrin). M.A., Illinois, 17: Ph.D., 22. Prof, zoology, Univ Okla- homa, Norman, Okla. M12F20. F. Weetman, Dr. L(eslie) M(aurice). Dept. Plant Pathology, Univ. Arkansas, Favette- ville, Ark. M38R38. GO. Wegel, R(aymond) L(ester). M.A., Wis- consin, 25. 463 West St., New York, N. Y. M20F31. B. Wegemann. Carroll H(arvey). Box 1224, Houston, Tex. M21F25R34. EHL. Weglein, Dr. David Emrich. A.M., Colum- bia, 13; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 16. Supt. schools, Dept. Education; assoc. prof, edu- cation, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (2400 Linden Ave.) M18F21. Q. Wehmeyer, Dr. Eugene. M.D., Turin, oc. Physician, 294 W. nth St., New York, N. Y. M29. CN. Wehmeyer, Prof. Lewis E(dgar). Ph.D., Michigan, 25. Assoc, prof., Dept. Botany, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (381 Orchard Hill Drive) M23F31. G. Individual Members 969 Wehrle, Dr. Lawrence Paul. M.S., Kansas State, 16; Ph.D., Cornell, 24. Asst. prof. and asst. entomologist, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. (1130 E. Helen St.) M30- F32. F. Weichert, Prof. Charles K(ipp). M.S., Wisconsin, 26; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, prof, zoology, Univ. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Burney Lane, Mt. Washington) M29F33. F. Weicker, Theodore. 11 15 5th Ave., New York, N. V. M35R35. CN. Weida, Prof. Frank Mark. Ph.D., Iowa, 23. Prof, statistics and head Dept., George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. (7130 Hampden Lane, Bethesda, Md.) M11F32. AKB. Weida, Dr. George F(rancis). M25F11- D36. C. Weidberg, Joseph M. Oxford Acad., Pleasantville, N. J. M36R37. IQ. Weidemann, Dr. Charles C(onrad). Florin, Calif. M29R33. QIM. Weidenbaum, Dr. Bernhardt. Ph.D., Cali- fornia, 34. Res. chemist, Western Pine Assn., 7733 S. East 13th Ave., Portland, Oreg. (Hotel St. Andrews) M38. CM. Weidenhammer, Dr. Lillian. M.S., New York, 32; Ph.D., 34. Junior chemist, U. S. Bur. Home Economics, Washington, D. C. (1414 Massachusetts Ave. NW.) M37. CQ. Weidenreich, Dr. Franz. Visiting prof, anatomy, I'eiping Union Med. Col., Peking, China. M35. H. Weidensall, Dr. (Clara) Jean. Ph.D., Chi- cago, 10; M.D., Cincinnati, 23. Physician, Monhegan Island, Maine. (The Barnacle) M34F34. NI. Weidlein, Dr. Edward Ray. M.S.. Kansas, 10; LL.D., Pittsburgh, 30; Sc.D., Tufts, 24, Rutgers, 37, Waynesburg, 39. Dir., Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M24F25. CMB. Weidler, Dr. A(lbert) G(reer). Berea Col., Berea, Ky. M28R38. KQH. Weidman, Robert H(arrison). A.B., Michigan, 14. Supt., Inst. Forest Genetics, Placerville, Calif. M22F31. OG. Weidman, Prof. Samuel. Ph.D., Wiscon- sin, 98. 512 Lahoma St., Norman, Okla. M26F27. E. Weidner, Dr. Charles L(eslie). Ph.D., Le- high, 38. Res. chemist, Great Northern Fur Dyeing Corp., Springfield Gardens, N. Y. (142-20 232nd St., Rosedale, N Y.) M39. CMP. Weierbach, Miss Lily Amelia. Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 25. Teacher, Simon Gratz High School, Philadelphia, Pa. M25F31. G. Weigand, Dr. Franklin A(ugust). 11 13 Dyre St., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. M32R34- NFG. Weigand, G(eorge) E(dward). 528 Daw- son Ave., Bellevue, Pa. M31F33R35. INF. Weigel, Dr. Charles A(dolph). M.Sc, Ohio State, 18; Ph.D., 25. Senior en- tomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. (91 iq Woodland Road, Silver Spring, Md.) M29F33. F. Weightman, Charles Henry. Owner, Uni- versity Book and Antique Shop, 1204 E. 55th St., Chicago, 111. M09. O. Weigle, Prof. J(ean) J(acques). Ph.D., Geneva, 23. Prof, physics, Univ. Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. (4 Grand Mezel) M25F27. B. Weigle, Dr. O(tis) M(elvin). M.S., Iowa, 12; Ph.D., 31. Westminster Col., Fulton, Mo. (M22R36)M38. C. Weil, George L(eon). A.M., Columbia, 31. Pupin Phvsics Labs., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M31F40. BM. Weil, Dr. Henry L(ehman). M.D., New- York Homeopathic Med. Col., 15. 667 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. M23. N. Weil, Norman C(harles). Ch.E., Rens- selaer Polytechnic Inst., 24. Tech. service, Solvay Process Co., Syracuse, N. Y. (130 Hancock Drive) M25. CM. Weill, Prof. Robert. Sc.D., Paris, 34. Maitre de conferences, Faculte des Sci- ences, Universite de Bordeaux, Talence, Gironde, France. (105 Blvd. Raspail, Paris, France) M37. F. Weimer, Prof. Bernal R(obinson). A.M., West Virginia, 18; Ph.D., Chicago, 27. Dean faculty and prof, biology, Bethanv Col., Bethany, W. Va. M24F33. F. Weimer, Miss Dolores E. M.S., Cornell, 36. Univ. West Virginia Med. School, Morgan- town, W. Va. M40. GFE. Weimer, F(rank) Carlin. M.S., Ohio State, 39. Graduate asst. electrical engng., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (1732 E. 4th St., Dayton, Ohio) M40. MBA. Weimer, Dr. Harry R(aymond). M.Sc, Ohio State, 31; Ph.D., 33. Asst. prof, chemistry, Manchester Col., North Man- chester, Ind. (719 N. Sycamore St.) M35. C. Weimer, Dr. J(ames) L(eRoy). Ph.D., Cornell, 16. Senior pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Experiment, Ga. M34- F34. G. Weinberg, Fred. M.E., Frankenhausen, 03; M.A., California, 25. 1046 Sierra St., Berkeley, Calif. M30. B. Weinberg, Dr. Max(imilian) H(ugo). M.D., Pittsburgh, 12. Neurologist, West- ern Pennsylvania Hosp. and Ohio Valley Hosp. ; psychiatrist, Jewish Home Aged, Pittsburgh, Pa. M32. N. Weinberg, Stanley L. 1220 Shakespeare Ave., New York, N. Y. M36R36. FHQ. 970 Directory of Members Weinberg, Dr. Tobias. M.D., Johns Hop- kins, 33. 4403 Wentworth Road. Balti- more, Md. M40. N. Weinberger, Dr. Bernhard Wolf. D.D.S., Pennsylvania, 08. Librarian, First Dis- trict Dental Soc. New York, New York Acad. Med., 119 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. M19F25. NLH. Weinberger, Dr. Harold. M.S., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 33; Ph.D., 37. Instr. chemistry, Long Island Univ., Brooklyn N. Y. (274 New York Ave.) M37. CN. Weiner, Dr. Samuel. Ph.D., Wisconsin, 36. Chemist, Paul-Lewis Labs., 918 N. 4th St., Milwaukee, Wis. (2630 N. 53rd St.) M39. CNK. Weinfeld, William. 716 S. East 13th Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. M37R37. K. Weinhouse, Dr. Sidney. Ph.D., Chicago, 36. Fellow, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M38. C. Weinig, Arthur J(ohn). E.Met., Colorado School Mines, 08. Dir. Exp. Plant, Colo- rado School Mines, Golden, Colo. (509 14th St.) M17F33. BCM. Weinland, Dr. James D(avid). M.A., Co- lumbia, 22; Ph.D., 27. Assoc, prof, busi- ness psychology, New York Univ., New York, N. Y. (370 Wadsworth Ave.) M29- F33. IKQ. Weinman, Dr. David. D.T.M., Paris, 33; Dr.Malariology, 34; M.D., 35. Instr. com- parative pathology and tropical medicine, Harvard Med. School and School Public Health, Boston, Mass. M36. FN. Weinrich, Prof. M (orris) F(rancis). A.M., Columbia. 07; Ph.D., 09. Chairman Dept. Phvsics, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn N. Y. (136 Hicks St.) M09F15. BDM. Weinstein, Alexander. Res. assoc, Dept. Industrial Engng., Columbia Univ.; con- sulting industrial engineer, 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M33F33- M. Weinstein, Fred. M.S., New York, 39. Sub- stitute biology, Senior High Schools, New York, N. Y. (943 Dnmont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) M39. F. Weinstein, Dr. Israel. 11 65 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. M33F33R33. N. Weinstein, Joseph. 459 E. 175th St., Bronx, New York, N. Y. M38R38. LQK. Weinstein, Dr. Louis. M.S., Yale, 30; Ph.D., 31. Res. asst. immunology, Boston Univ. School Med., Boston, Mass. M33- F33. N. Weinstock, Dr. Harry. M.D., Columbia, 23. Assoc, psychiatrist, Beth Israel Hosp., New York, N. Y. (745 5th Ave.) M38. IN. Weintraub, Dr. Robert L(ouis). M.A., George Washington, 33; Ph.D., 38. Junior biochemist, Div. Radiation and Organ- isms, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C. (1789 Lanier Place NW.) M38. GCN. Weintraub, Dr. Solomon. M.D., Colum- bia. Pathologist, Harlem Hosp., New York, N. Y. (285 Central Park W.) M40. N. Weinzirl, Prof. John. M95F00D35. N. Weipert, William Joseph. 1100 Eastlawn Ave., Detroit, Mich. M37R38. K. Weir, Dr. James Fisher. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. M28R37. N. Weir, Dr. John Marshall, Jr. M.D., Rush, 38; Ph.D., Chicago, 38. Field staff, Inter- national Health Div., Rockefeller Founda- tion, New York, N. Y. M40. NC. Weir, Walter W(allace). Drainage en- gineer, Agric. Exp. Sta.; acting charge Div. Soil Technology, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif. (5537 Taft Ave., Oakland, Calif.) M40F40. MO. Weisberg, Harry F(rank). A.M., Colum- bia, 38. Tutor biology. Col. City New York, New York, N. Y. M38. FNG. Weisbord, Norman E(dward). M.S., Cor- nell, 28. Senior geologist, Standard- Vacuum Oil Co., NKPM, Soengei Gerong, Palembang, Sumatra, N.E.I. M38. E. Weiser, Prof. Harry B(oyer). A.M., Ohio State, 12; Ph.D., Cornell, 20. Prof, chemis- try and dean, Rice Inst., Houston, Tex. M25F27. CB. Weishaar, Irma Ruth (See Mrs. Irma Ruth Weishaar Little). Weishaupt, Miss Clara G. M.Sc, Ohio State; Ph.D., 35. Assoc, prof, science and art, State Teachers Col., Jacksonville, Ala. M36. GFC. Weiskotten, Dr. Herman G(ates). M.D., Syracuse, 09. Dean and prof, pathology, Syracuse Univ. Col. Med., Syracuse, N. Y. (766 Irving Ave.) M24F27. N. Weisman, Miss Leah (L.). M.S., Michi- gan, 34. Res. asst.. Progressive Educa- tion Assn., 6010 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, 111. M40. FGQ. Weisner, Dr. Louis. A.M., Columbia, 22; Ph.D., 23. Assoc, prof, mathematics, Hunter Col., New York, N. Y. M24F31. AM. Weiss, Dr. Bernard. 415 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. M24R35- NIO. Weiss, Dr. Charles. M.S., New York, 16; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 18; M.D., 24. Dir. Clinical and Res. Labs., Mt. Zion Hosp.; assoc. prof. res. medicine, Hooper Founda- tion, and lecturer pediatrics, School Med., Univ. California, San Francisco, Calif. M28F33. NC. Weiss, Dr. Emil. M.D.. Prague, 19; Ph.D., Illinois, 37. Assoc, bacteriology and public health, Univ. Illinois Col. Med.; specialist consultant, U. S. Public Health Service; pathologist, Martha Washington Hosp. and Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Hosp., Chicago, 111. (5036 Bernard St.) M36. N. Individual Members 971 Weiss, Frederick W. 1108 E. Ferry St., Buffalo, N. Y. M29R33. CI. Weiss, Freeman (Albert). Ph.D., Cornell, 22. Senior pathologist, U. S. Bur. Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. M16F25. G. Weiss, Dr. Harry. M.D., New York Med. Col. and Flower Hosp., 31. 37-22 Bowne St., Flushing, N. Y. M38. NGB. Weiss, Dr. Harry. M.A., Columbia, 15; Ph.D., 17; M.D., 26. Physician, 11 12 Park Ave.; adjunct physician, Mt. Sinai Hosp.; assoc. attending physician, Sydenham Hosp., New York, N. Y. M28F33- FN. Weiss, Harry B(ischoff). Chief, Bur. Plant Industry, Dept. Agric, Trenton, N. J. (19 N. 7th Ave., New Brunswick, N. J.) M17F20. FGL. Weiss, John Morris. B.S., Pennsylvania, 05 Pres. and treas., Weiss and Downs, Inc., 50 E. 41st St., New York, N. Y.; vice pres., Calorider Corp., Old Green- wich, Conn. (47 E. 88th St., New York, N. Y.) M07F11. MCB. Weiss, Miss Margaret Rose. 452 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. (?) M36R36. NI. Weiss, Myron. Editor, "Time" and "For- tune," 130 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. M29. NMP. Weiss, Prof. Paul A(lfred). Ph.D., Vienna, 22. Assoc, prof., Dept. Zoology, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M36F36. NF. Weiss, Dr. Richard S(imon). M.D., Wash- ington Univ., 09. Asst. prof, clinical dermatology, Washington Univ. School Med.; dermatologist, Barnard Free Skm and Cancer Hosp. and Jewish Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. (7014 Washington Ave.) M24- F33. N. Weiss, Dr. Samuel. M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 07. Clinical prof, gastro- enterology, New York Polyclinic Med. School and Hosp.; attending gastro- enterologist, Jewish Memorial Hosp., New York; consulting gastroenterologist, Beth David Hosp., New York, and Long Beach Hosp., Long Beach, N. Y. (146 Central Park W., New York, N. Y.) M23. N. Weiss, Dr. Soma. M.D., Cornell, 23. Prof, theory and practice of physic, Harvard Univ., Cambridge; physician-in-chief, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, Mass. M31F33. N. Weiss, Tobias. 4073 N. Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. M31R34. BCE. Weissberg, Dr. Morris. 1101 Bushwick Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M36R3Q. N. Weissenberg, Dr. Richard. M.D., Berlin, 07. Acting curator microscopic prepara- tions, Wistar Inst. Anatomy and Biology, Philadelphia, Pa. M38. F. Weissmann, Frederick W. M08D35. C. Weith, Archie J(ames). M.S., Kansas, 10. Dir. res and development, Bakelite Corp., 230 Grove St., Bloomfield, N. J. M40. CBM. Weitzel, William F(rederick). M.M.E., Johns Hopkins, 36. Mechanical engineer, City Baltimore Back River Sewage Treat- ment Works, Dundalk, Md. (2907 West- field Ave., Baltimore, Md.) M37. MBC. Weitzner, Miss Bella. Asst. curator anthropology, Amer. Mus. Natural His- tory, New York, N. Y. M39. H. Welbourn, John T(hrop). Author and photographer, 608 Law and Finance Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M33. B. Welch, Dr. A(rnold) D(eMerritt). M.S., Florida, 31; Ph.D., Toronto, 34; M.D., Washington Univ., 39. Instr. pharma- cology, Washington Univ. School Med., St. Louis, Mo. (730 Greeley Ave., Webster Groves, Mo.) M39- NpC. Welch, Brother Bernard Alfred. M.A., Catholic, 35. Instr. mathematics, Man- hattan Col., New York, N. Y. M39. ABQ. Welch, Dr. C(harles) Stuart. M.D., Tufts, 32; M.S., Minnesota, 37; Ph.D., 37. Instr. surgery and anatomy, Albany Med. Col., Union Univ., Albany, N. Y. (286 State St.) M40. N. Welch, Dr. d'Alte A(ldridge). M.A., Johns Hopkins, 31; Ph.D., 37. Asst. and investigator, Dept. Zoology, Johns Hop- kins Univ., Baltimore, Md. M39- F. Welch, Dr. D(onald) S(tuart). M.A., Harvard, 19; Ph.D., Cornell, 25. Assoc, prof, plant pathology and assoc. forest pathologist Agric. Exp. Sta., New York State Col. Agric, Ithaca, N. Y. M29- F30. GOF. Welch, Prof. Ernest R(ivers). M.S., Michigan, 31. Asst. prof, and head Dept. Electrical Engng., Howard Univ., Wash- ington, D. C. (1262 Columbia Road NW.) M40. MQ. Welch, Holmes Hinkley. 1733 Canton Ave., Milton, Mass. M36R39. BCA. Welch, Dr. Livingston. M.A., Ph.D., Columbia. Instr., Dept. Psychology, Hun- ter Col., New York, N. Y. M39. IN. Welch, M. W. Sc.D., Blottereau, 24. 200 Belle Ave., Highland Park, 111. M32F33. CBF. Welch, Dr. P(aul) B(roun). 168 S. East 1st St., Miami, Fla. M36R36. N. Welch, Prof. Paul S(mith). A.M., Illinois, 11; Ph.D., 13. Prof, zoology, Univ. Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. M23F24. F. Welch, S(amuel) W(illiamson) J(ohn). S.B., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 26. Dir. Bur. Vocational Information, Univ. North Carolina. Chapel Hill, N. Car. M37- IM. Welch, Dr. Walter B(urchard). M.S., Chi- cago, 30; Ph.D., 37. Asst. prof., Dept. Botanv, Southern Illinois State Normal Univ.," Carbondale, 111. M40. GFQ. Welch, Dr. Winona H(azel). A.M., Illi- nois, 25; Ph.D., Indiana, 28. Prof, botany, De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. M26- F33. G. 972 Directory of Members Weld, Prof. Harry P(orter). Prof, psy- chology and chairman Dept., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. M11F14. I. Weld, Lewis H(art). A.M., Michigan, 02. East Falls Church, Va. M07F13. F. Weldon, W(illiam) R(ogers) H(olden). 1387 Oxford Road, San Marino, Calif. M25. Welin, Prof. John Eric. A.M., Augustana, 00; M.S., Kansas, 04; D.Sc, Bethany, 12. 303 N. Pine St., Lindsborg, Kans. Moi- F11E37. CB. Welker, Dr. William H(enry). Ph.D., Columbia, 08. Prof, physiological chemis- try and head Dept., Univ. Illinois Col. Med., Chicago, 111. (534 N. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, 111.) M05F11. N. Weller, Miss Annie L(aura). A.B., Drury, 96; S.B., Chicago, 02. Prof, and head Dept. Geography, East Illinois State Teachers Col., Charleston, 111. (1520 S. 4th St.) M21. E. Weller, Dr. G(eorge) Louis, Jr. M.D., Johns Hopkins, 32; M.A., George Wash- ington, 39. Physician, 1150 Connecticut Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. (2929 Cathedral Ave. NW.) M37. N. Weller, Dr. J(ames) Marvin. State Geol. Survey, Urbana, 111. M28F31R37. E. Weller, W(illiam) Earl. Rochester Bur. Municipal Res., 45 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. M36R36. KM. Welles, Francis R(aymond). M08D36. D. Welles, S(amuel) P(aul). Mus. Paleon- tologv, Univ. California, Berkelev, Calif. M35R37. E. Wellhausen, Dr. Edwin J(ohn). Ph.D., Iowa State, 36. Assoc, prof, genetics, West Virginia Univ.; assoc. geneticist, West Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., Morgan- town, W. Va. M40F40. GOF. Wellhouse, Dr. Walter H(ousley). A.M., Kansas, 17; Ph.D., Cornell, 20. Prof, zoology and entomology, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M24F25. FG. Wellington, Prof. Richard. M.S., Harvard, 11. Head Div. Pomology, New York State Agric. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N Y. M13- F18. OG. Wellman, Bertram. M.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., 37. Asst. dir., Res. Lab. Sen- sory Psychology and Physiology, Tufts Col., Medford, Mass. M39. MI. Wellman, Prof. Beth L(ucy). Ph.D., Iowa. 25. Prof, psychology, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City. Iowa. M25F28. QI. Wellman, Dean C. M.S., Washington Univ., 36. Geologist, Pure Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla. M40. E. Wellman, Dr. Frederick L(ovejoy). M.S., Wisconsin, 24; Ph.D., 28. Assoc, pathol- ogist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. M28F33. G. Wellnitz, Dr. Anna M. M.Sc, New York, 20; Ph.D., 26. Asst. prof., Dept. Geology, Brooklyn Col., Brooklyn, N. Y. (90 Elwood Place, West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y.) M33. EQ. Wells, Arthur A(tkinson). Newell, W. Va. M29. C. Wells, Arthur Benad. B.Sc, Pennsylvania State Forest Acad., 11. Junior plant quar- antine inspector, U. S. Bur. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Philadelphia, Pa. (Bryn Athyn, Pa.) M22. FGC. Wells, Prof. B(ertram) W(hittier). M.A., Ohio State, 16; Ph.D., Chicago, 17. Prof, botany and head Dept., North Carolina State Col., Raleigh, N. Car. M19F25. G. Wells, Miss E. Frances. Castle Heights Ave., Nyack, N. Y. M32R35. IH. Wells, E(dgar) H(erbert). M22F31D30. EQM. Wells, Edward L(ansing). Senior meteor- ologist, U. S. Weather Bur., Portland, Oreg. (916 N. East Hazelfern Place) M21- F31. B. Wells, Everett D(eane). M.A., Minnesota, 27. Asst. prof, mathematics, Univ. Pitts- burgh, Erie, Pa. (615 W. 10th St.) M29. ABM. Wells, Dr. F(rederic) L(yman). Ph.D., Columbia, 06. Psychologist, Dept. Hygiene, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (19 Bowdoin St., Newton Highlands, Mass.) M04F1 1. I. Wells, Prof. George R. 94 Sherman St., Hartford, Conn. M35F35R37. I. Wells, Prof. H(arry) E(dward). A.M., Middlebury, 95; Ph.D., Leipzig, 97. Smith Col., Northampton, Mass. M04F11. C. Wells, Dr. H(arry) Gideon. A.M., Lake Forest, 98, Yale, 12; M.D., Rush, 98; Ph.D., Chicago, 03. Prof, pathology and dir. med. res. Otho S. A. Sprague Memo- rial Inst., Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. M06F10. N. Wells, Hawey (Adolphus). M.S., Emory. Athens, W. Va. M38. FG. Wells, Miss Helen M. 99 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M29. FGQ. Wells, Dr. J(ames) Ralph. M.S., Chi- cago, 21 ; Ph.D., Washington Univ. Prof. and head Dept. Biol. Sciences, Kansas State Teachers Col., Pittsburg, Kans. (303 E. Quincy St.) M25. N. Wells, J(ames) Robert. B.S., Montana State, 28. Res. chemist, Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp., La Orova, Peru, S. A. M38. CHE. Wells, Dr. J(ohn) M(ason). Hillsdale Col., Hillsdale, Mich. M38R38. K. Wells, Prof. Mary Evelyn. S.M., Chicago, 07; Ph.D., 15. Prof, mathematics and chairman Dept., Vassar Col., Pough- keepsie, N. Y. M34F34. A. Individual Members 973 Wells, Nelson A(lfred). Scripps Inst. Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. M31R34. NF. Wells, N(icholas) W(eekes). M.A., Rice, 25. Instr., Junior Col., Springfield, 111. (1928 Avenue NH, Galveston, Tex.) M29- F38. AB. Wells, Dr. Roger C(lark). Ph.D., Har- vard, 04. Chief chemist, U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, Washington, D. C. M17F25. CE. Wells, Ross Albert. M32D34. A. Wells, Sidney D(eeds). B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 07. Res. assoc, Inst. Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wis. (Com- bined Locks, Wis.) M29F33. COM. Wells, Dr. Wayne W(infield). M.S., Wash- ington, 26; Ph.D., 30. Assoc, prof, science, Southern Oregon Col. Education, Ash- land, Oreg. M27F33. FG. Wells, Prof. Wesley R(aymond). A.M., Harvard, 14; Ph.D., 17. Prof, psychology, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. (Moravia, N. Y.) M22F23. I. Wells, Prof. William Firth. B.S., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 10. Dir. labs, for study air-borne infection, Univ. Pennsylvania School Med., Philadelphia, Pa. M40. MN. Welo, Dr. Lars A(lvin). M.S., Illinois, 15; Ph.D., California, 18. Consultant, 239 Main St., Tottenville, Staten Island, N. Y. M22- F28. B. Welsh, Francis Ralston. L02D38. K. Welsh, Dr. John H(enry). M.A., Harvard, 28; Ph.D., 29. Instr. zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. M32F33. F. Welsh, Dr. Lillian. 24 Upper Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J. M08R35. KN. Welsh, Dr. Thomas W(hitney) B(enson). M34F34D— . CBM. Welter, Dr. Wilfred A(ugust). M38D39. FG. Welton, F(rank) A(ldis). Ph.D., Chicago, 25. Assoc, agronomy, Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta., Wooster, Ohio. M34F25. GO. Welty, Dr. Carl. A.M., Haverford, 25; Ph.D., Chicago, 32. Prof, zoology and head Dept. Biology, Beloit Col., Beloit, Wis. (819 College St.) M36. F. Wembridge, Dr. Eleanor Rowland. A.M., Radcliffe, 04; Ph.D., 05. Clinical psy- chologist, 10469 Lindbrook Drive, West Los Angeles, Calif. M17F28. I. Wenck, Dr. Peter (Rudolph). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 34. Bacteriologist, Dow Chem. Co., Midland, Mich. (1316 W. Union St.) M38. FGN. Wendel, Clifford (Arthur). B.S., Montana School Mines. 2700 S. Montana St., Butte, Mont. M38. MEH. Wendel, Dr. William B(ean). Ph.D., Washington Univ., 32. Assoc, prof, chem- istry, Univ. Tennessee Col. Med., Mem- phis, Tenn. (899 Stonewall Ave.) M31. NC. Wendell, C(laus) A(ugust). Litt.D., Gustavus Adolphus; D.D., Augustana. Minister, Grace Lutheran Church, Minne- apolis, Minn. (52 Seymour Ave. SE.) M29. Wender, Benjamin H. 201 W. 16th St., New York, N. Y. M34. BAD. Wender, Dr. Louis. M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 13. Med. dir., Hastings Hill- side Hosp., Hastings on Hudson, N. Y. M38. N. Wender, Dr. Simon H(arold). M.S., Emory, 35; Ph.D., Minnesota, 38. Assoc, chemist, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., College Station, Tex. M40. CO. Wendover, R(oyce) F. Zamboanga, P. I. M25R32. O. Wendt, Edwin Frederick. D.Sc, Geneva Col., 13. Consulting engineer, Union Trust Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. (1470 3rd Ave., New Brighton, Pa.) M36. M. Wendt, Prof. G(eorge) R(ichard). A.M.. Columbia, 28; Ph.D., 31. Assoc, prof, psy- chology and chairman Dept., Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. M32F33. INQ. Wendt, Dr. Gerald (Louis). A.M., Har- vard, 14; Ph.D., 16. Dir. science and education, New York World's Fair, New York, N. Y. (320 E. 42nd St.) M17F17. CBQ. Secretary of Section on Chemistry (C), 1921. Wendt, Dr. Leonard F. C. M25D32. N. Wendt, Miss Louise M(ari). M.S., Iowa State, 30. Instr. chemistry, State Teachers Col., Wayne, Nebr. (809 Logan St.) M39. C. Wendt, Robert H(utten). 215 Stonewood Ave., Charlotte, Rochester, N. Y. M33R37. KF. Weniger, W(illibald). Ph.D., Wisconsin, 08. Head Dept. Physics, Oregon State Col.; asst. dean Graduate Div., Oregon State System Higher Education, Corvallis, Oreg. M01F16. BCQ. Wenk, Dr. Morris. Ed.M., Harvard, 29. 707 Addison Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. M17- F26. MQE. Wenker, Dr. Henry. Ph.D., Freiburg. 1 1 16 Anna St., Elizabeth, N. J. M39. C. Wenneis, J(ohn) M. 93 Fairview Road, Farmingdale, N. Y. M33R34. C. Wenner, Ralph R. 121 1 Stolp Ave., Syra- cuse, N. Y. M35F35R38. C Wenner, Dr. W(illiam) F(ranklin). Ph.D., Yale, 2t; M.D., Washington, 33. Member med. res. staff, Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. M25F30. FN. Wenninger, Rev. Francis J(oseph). M27- F33D40. FH. Wenrich, Dr. Calvin N(aftzinger). A.M., Franklin and Marshall, 04; Ph.D., Penn- sylvania, 10. Armstrong Cork Co., Lan- caster, Pa. M11F16. B. 974 Directory of Members Wenrich, Dr. D(avid) H(enry). A.M., Kansas, 12; Ph.D., Harvard, 15. Prof, zoology, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. M11F20. F. Wenstrand, Dr. David E(ric) W(illiam). M.D., Northwestern, 00. Med. dir., North- western Mutual Life Ins. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (1915 E. Glendale Ave.) M17. N. Wenstrom, Major William H(olmes). M.S., Yale, 31, California Inst. Tech., 34. U. S. Army retired; author, 1 35 1 Mission Ridge Road, Santa Barbara, Calif. M37. B. Wenstrup, Rev. Edward J(oseph). A.M., St. Vincent, 21, Columbia, 24; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 31. Head Dept. Biology, St. Vincent Col., Latrobe, Pa. M27F33. FG. Went, Prof. F(rits) W(armolt). Ph.D., Utrecht, z-j. Prof, plant physiology, Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Calif. M35- F38. G. Wente, Dr. Edward C(hristopher). Ph.D., Yale, 18. Res. physicist, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., New York, N. Y. M29F31. BMC. Wentworth, Dr. Chester K(eeler). M.S., Iowa, 21 ; Ph.D., 23. Geologic engineer, Board Water Supply; assoc. geology, Bishop Mus.; member, Territorial Plan- ning Board, Honolulu, Hawaii. (4825 Matsonia Drive) M34F25. EM. Wentworth, Edward N(orris). M.S., Iowa State, 09. Dir., Armour Livestock Bur., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Mn- F15. FKO. Wentworth, Henry A. B.S., Massachusetts Inst. Tech. Pres., Farrington Mfg. Co., Jamaica Plains; vice pres., Newton Nat. Bank, Newton, Mass. (221 Woodland Road, Auburndale, Mass.) M39. KDN. John A(lexander). 74 Hartford, Conn. M36- Wentworth, Dr. Mohawk Drive, R38. N. Wentworth, Walter V. A.M., Bowdoin, 89. Mgr., Penobscot Chem. Fibre Co., Great Worth, Maine. (259 Center St., Old Town, Maine) M08. C. Wentz, Dr. Bruce A(lbion). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 28. Prof, philosophy and psy- chology, Catawba Col., Salisbury, N. Car. M34. L Wentz, Prof. John B(udd). M19F24D38. GO. Werby, Dr. Helen J(ohna). M.S., Ph.D., Washington. Prof, biology, Seattle Col., Seattle, Wash. M39. FNC. Werch, Dr. Solomon Carl. M.Sc, Illinois, 36; M.D., 34; D.G.O., Trinity (Dublin), 38. Res. instr. physiology and pharmacol- ogy, Northwestern Univ. Med. School, Chicago, 111. M40. N. Werk, Louis. B.Sc. Sec.-treas., M. Werk Co., Murray Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. (2719 Digby Ave.) M39. C. Werkman, Dr. C(hester) H(amlin). Ph.D., Iowa State, 23. Res. prof, charge bacteri- ology, Iowa Agric. Exp. Sta. ; proi. bacteriology, Iowa State Col.; res. prof, charge bacteriology, Industrial Science Res. Inst., Ames, Iowa. M24F31. N. Wernecke, Livingston. Vice pres. and mgr., Treadwell Yukon Corp., Ltd., Mayo, Yukon, Canada; pres. and mgr., Atolia Mining Co., Atolia; pres., Pacific Mining Co., Bear Valley, Calif. (2930 Avalon Ave., Berkeley, Calif.) M18L31. EM. Werner, Dr. August A. M.D., St. Louis, 11. Asst. prof, medicine, St. Louis Univ. Med. School, St. Louis, Mo. (5573 Cates Ave.) M36. NFL Werner, Dr. Harvey O(scar). M.S., Ne- braska, 23 ; Ph.D., Chicago, 34. Prof, hor- ticulture, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (3310 Dudley St.) M23F27. GO. Werner, Prof. (Walter) Courtney. Ph.D., George Washington, 30. Asst. prof, geo- logy, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. M28F33. E. Werner, W(alter) H(enry) R(eginald). Biol, and Fish Culture Branch, Game and Fisheries Dept., Toronto, Ont., Canada. M32R33. F. Wernham, John Otis. U.S. Forest Service, Ely, Minn. M32R32. OGM. Wert, Dr. James E. Ph.D., Ohio State, 34. Prof, vocational education, Iowa State Col., Ames, Iowa. M40. QI. Wertham, Dr. Frederic. M.D., Wiirzburg, 21. Physician-in-chief, Mental Hygiene Clinic, Queens Gen. Hosp.; senior alienist, Dept. Hosps., Bellevue Hosp., New York, N. Y. (44 Gramercy Park) M34F34. IN. Wertheim, Prof. E(dgar). M.S., Kansas, 19; Ph.D., Chicago, 21. Prof, organic chemistry, Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. (103 N. Duncan St.) M21F32. C. Wertheim, Miss L(illian) S(ylvia). 24 Patchen Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M35R37. Wertheimer, Prof. Max. Ph.D., Wiirzburg, 04. Prof, psychology and philosophy, Graduate Faculty. New School Social Res., 66 W. 12th St., New York, N. Y. (12 The Circle, New Rochelle, N. Y.) M37. IK. Wescott, Ernest W(aters). Ph.D., Massa- chusetts Inst. Tech., 16. Vice pres., Corn- stock and Wescott, Inc., Niagara Falls, N. Y. M18. C. Wescott, Dr. W(illiam) C(arter). Ph.G., Philadelphia Col. Pharmacy, 90; M.D., Pennsylvania, 08. Dir. Dept. Radiology, Atlantic City Hosp., Atlantic Citv, N. J. M07. CN. Wesley, George R(utherford). B.S., Ken- tucky 703 Griffith Ave., Owensboro, Ky. M38. EM. Wesman, Alexander G. M.A., Fordham, 38. Graduate student, Columbia Univ. Teachers Col., New York, N. Y. (1563 In- wood Ave., Bronx) M39. IQ. Individual Members 975 Wessel, John P(eter). M.S., Chicago. Teacher zoology. Chicago Junior Cols., Chicago, 111. (310 Meacham Ave., Park Ridge, 111.) M40. FG. Wesselhoeft, Dr. Conrad. M.D., Harvard, 11. Assoc, communicable diseases, Har- vard Med. School; assoc. prof, theory and practice medicine, Boston Univ. School Med., Boston, Mass. (315 Marlborough St.) M36. N. Wessell, Nils Y(ngve). Psychological Lab., Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y M37- R37. INQ. Wessels, Harry. 166 Palisade Ave., Wind- sor, Conn. M17R32. QIC. Wessels, Prof. P(hilip) H(enry). M.S.. Wisconsin, 12. Res. prof., Long Island Vegetable Res. Farm, Riverhead, N Y. M18F33. CO. Wessinger, Dr. George D(avid). M.S., Ph.D., Northwestern, 39. Asst. prof, chem- istry and physiology, Loyola Univ. Dental School, Chicago, 111. M40. CN. Wesson, David. M01F11D — . C. Wesson, Dr. Laurence G(oddard). 7400 York Road, Baltimore. Md. M27F33R35. NC. West, Prof. Allen Sherman, Jr. Ph.D., Yale, 35. Prof, forest entomology, Univ. New Brunswick, Fredericton, N. B., Can- ada. M32F39. FG. West, Dr. Augustus P(rice). Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 05. Chief Chem. Res. Div., Bur. Science, Manila, P. I. L23F25. C. West, Dr. Charles I(gnatius). M34F34- D36. N. West, Dr. Clarence J(ay). Ph.D., Michi- gan, 12; M.S., Michigan State Normal, 37. Editor, Inst. Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wis. (202 River Drive) M17F21. C. West, Dr. C(laude) W(ilson). 2 Newlands Circle, Reno, Nev. M36R36. HN. West, Dr. Edward S. Ph.D., Chicago, 23. Prof, and head Dept. Biochemistry, Univ. Oregon Med. School, Portland, Oreg. M35F35. CN. West, Erdman. M.S.. Florida, 31. Mycol- ogist, Florida Agric. Exp. Sta., Gaines- ville, Fla. (335 University Terrace) M25- F33. GF. West, Dr. Francis E(verett). M.S., Michi- gan State; Sc.D., Milton. 610 16th St., Cleveland, Tenn. M38. CGF. West, Dr. F(ranklin) L(orenzo). Ph.D., Chicago, 11. Commissioner education, Church Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, 47 E. South Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah. M17F31. BCA. West, Fred. Chief chemist, McKesson and Robbins, San Francisco, Calif. M39. CNP. West, Dr. Gladys Florence. M.Sc, Ph.D., Michigan. Box 5035, Col. Sta., Raleigh, N. Car. M39. G. West, G(ustavus) H(annibal). M.A., Bay- lor, 32. Teacher, High School, Waco, Tex. (1725 S. 7th St.) M32. BFC. West, H(arry) R(ichard). Electrical en- gineer, Gen. Electric Co., Pittsfield, Mass. ( 142 William St.) M25. MBC. West, James R(obert). B.S., Pittsburgh, 37. Fellow, Mellon Inst. Industrial Res., Pittsburgh, Pa. M40. MCA. West, Joe Young. Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. M35R35- West, Dr. John B(ernard). D.D.S., Buffalo, 04. Chairman executive committee, Board Trustees, Keuka Col., Keuka Park, N. Y. (306 W. Church St., Elmira, N. Y.) M40. N. West, Dr. Lloyd E(llis). M.S., Florida, 30; Ph.D., Washington, 39. Instr. chem- istry, Oregon State Col., Corvallis, Oreg. M40. CBM. West, Dr. Luther S(hirley). Ph.D., Cor- nell, 25. Head biol. sciences, Northern State Teachers Col., Marquette, Mich. M22F33. FHO. West, Prof. Paul V(ining). A.M., Denver, 15; Ph.D., Chicago, 22. Prof, education. New York Univ. School Education, Wash- ington Square E., New York, N. Y. M21- F33. IQ. West, Dr. Randolph. M.A., Princeton, 13; M.D., Columbia, 17. Assoc, attending physician, Presbyterian Hosp.; assoc. prof, medicine, Columbia Univ., New- York, N. Y. (4940 Arlington Ave.) M29- F35. NC. West, Ray B. M34F34D36. M. West, Dr. S(amuel) Stewart. Ph.D., Cali- fornia Inst. Tech., 34. Physicist, Geophys- ical Lab., Stanolind Oil and Gas Co., 11 36 N. Lewis St., Tulsa, Okla. (5329 E. 5th St.) M38F40. BE. Westall, Miss Mary. M.S., Columbia, 18; Ph.D., Chicago. 25. Box 1566 Asheville, N. Car. M28F28. G. Westbrook, Dr. Charles Hart. Dept. Edu- cation LIniv. Shanghai, Shanghai, China. M32R37. Q- Westby, G(erald) H(olinbeck). Ph.B., Chicago. Pres., Seismograph Service Corp., 711 Kennedy Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. M39. EBA. Westcott, Miss Cynthia. Ph.D., Cornell, 32. The Plant Doctor, 96 Essex Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. M24F38. G. Wester, Prof. C(harles) W(illiam). 823 W. 6th St., Cedar Falls, Iowa. M32R32. A. Wester, Robert Emerson. M.A., George Washington. 37. Junior physiologist, U. S. Horticultural Sta., Beltsville, Md. (Ber- wyn, Md.) M32. GOE. Westerberg, Dr. Iwar Sigurd. „,-^..,„-ii Lucas.Howardj C Porterville McDowell.C.S. MBH Miller.Austin N Mackeown.S.S. ..MB Miller,Nevvton N McLaughlin AC. . . E Redding Mahna,FrankJ. ...M Ar . & Mason.Max AB McGrawJ.W;. ...NpC Merrill, PaulW. ..DB Kuorr,Robert\ . BKA Meyers.ThomasJ. NI Redlands Michal.A.D A „.£*} t-tt Michener.Harold FGE Abbott,C-H FE Millikan.C.B. ..BAM Albert>OAN A Millikan,R. A B PTerr>"'SvS; FEG Moore.RobertT. ..FE HortonJ.S GO Morgan,C.G. ...EBM Jones.LynnW . ...BM Morgan.T.H F Jones, S.Guy C Morris.LawrenceK. E Marsh.ILE .. BDM Munro.W.B LKQ Moore.CarolineS. GF Niemann.Carl ....CN }*n{J,Bdel££: •••E,D Pauling.Linus ....CB Woodrow.H.W . ...CN Perkins.RoyalC. ..NC Redwood City Phillips, Vance ..BFC «i T- ... iT, •NT^.T- Poitras,EJ BMA £JcKee'A,*>erItl- £°£ Prater, ArthurN. CFG Strowger.BerkB. NFG Pugh.R.E.Jr NB Richmond Putnam, Walter . .MC r- j t n t~^^ ReedJ.Ross N Gardner.LeoR. ..FGC Richter.CharlesF. E Rivera Ricketts.LouisD. ..M D r> i u i~r^ Roeser.Frederick ..M Benton.Ralph FG Rooksby, Mrs. Ellen G Riverside t»r£n?HC,FC°eF- - H Bartholomew.E.T. ..G !£*•?♦#• n in Basinger.A.T F Schmitt MissClara 10 Batch*lo;>L;D. ..0EG Seares FredenckH. D Bennett,C.\V G wftGwTC- "M Bliss,Donald E G Smythe,\V.R B Bli HH QBM fosk.e'I°shuaL- E^A Boyce.AlfredM. 7.FO S ock Chester ...EF Bro\vn.S.M C Stromberg,Gustaf ..D ,^ i? u i r^ St„rt«„^* ah 17 Carsner.Eubanks ...G bturtevant.A.rl. ...r ,-.. u n /-><" t L a at Chapman, H.D. ...OG Sutton, LorenA N ,-. K-. T 'T r. ti,.. * r it-j r> ttjt Condit.lra U Thurston CarlH P. IH CooperfMissA.B. .KQ Tolman R.chardC BC Eat£n)FrankM g Tyler, Albert FCN Ebeling. Walter ....F VanBuskirk H.C A EgglesfonJ.W. ...EF ^"fe^ffA %%r Fawcett.HovvardS. ..G vanHarreveld.A NFI Flandeis,S.E FO \\ atson.EarnestC. ..B Frost H.B GO uea^Kwe r Gidd.ngs,NJ G VNent.F.W . ..... G Gilchrist F.G F Wiersma.C A.G. ..NF Hayward,H.E G W.lsonRalphE D Horne,WT G VVolffJohnEhot .. E Lesley'j.w QGF WoodHarryO EB Long>E'ibertM G BD Par£.r>E.R 0G Piedmont Persing.C.O FOA Brobeck,W.M. ...MB ^omer,oyr£+S G£ Jones,PaulR F Qtiayle.H^J ...O MoffittJamesK Kounds,M.B FGO Strietmann.W.H. ..N fhameLA.D. O Williams,F.A. ..GOF fmith.ClaytonO. ...G Smith, H.S F Pittsburg Test,CharlesD. ..CEF Heath.FrankW. CB1 Timberlake.P.H. ...F Siem.Roy CMB Turrell.F.M GCB Walker.R.H OGC Placerville Wallace J. M. GO Austin, Lloyd OG Webber.HJ GO Morgan.W.C. ..NpIK Webber, T.M GOF Weidman,R.H. DOG Wilcox.L.V COG Sacramento Copeland.H.F GO Curtis, Brian F Day,ArtemasL F Day.HowardC. ...FNC Engstrom.CarlO. . . . N Ferneau.'i.E. ..MKO Giffen.R.B Nd Goethe. CM KHO Gottfried. S NFC Harris, M.R G Jenkins. HubertO. EF Johnston. E.M O Kimber.G.C EGH Lichthardt.G.H.P. MC Llopis.V.A KQM Mackie.D.B F Milbrath,D.G G Nash, Clarence ..BAC Noble.W.B FOG Todd,FrankE. ..FOK vonGeldern,C.E. ...N Wilson, C.C F Wood.MiloN ...OGF Zallio.A.G H St. Helena Cox,LeonardM. ..ME Lewelling.R BCM Salinas Gardiier.EldonJ. ...F San Bernardino Christenson,L.D. FG Curnmings.N.W. BAM Edge.EltonR FG Harvey J. Vernon ...G Moose, RayM. ...NIB Peters,R.B EHO Yeaton.WJ E San Bruno Clyde.W.H KIH San Diego BachJamesH. ..BEM Baily.JoshuaL.Jr. FAD Barondes.R.deR. ...N Brooks, Bay lor E Burlingame, Mildred I Cupp,EasterE. ...FG Darsie.M.L.Jr. . .GN Dawson, C-H M Donovan, PaulB. ..NC Eigenmann.Mrs.R.S., F Fladeland.R.H. NdEL Grant, Chapman ....F Hardy, EdwardL. ...O Harvey.Mrs.D.R. .GF Harwood,R.D FG Hoffman, F.L. K Jannoch.Mrs.M.L. GF Tohnson.MyrtleE. ..F Klauber.L.M. ...MFC McClendon.SJ N MacPike.E.F. . . . KLQ Marston.GW DH Meyer, ArtF M Morris, MissElma ..N Purer.EdithA G RedelingsL.H N Ruediger, E.Henry .N Schabelitz.E J N Schroeder.C.R. ...FN Simons, Mrs.C.L F Smith, Cliffords. DAB Stallard. Harvey ..Nd Geographical Index 1029 San Diego, Cont'd. Stealy.ClairL X Stephens, Mrs. Kate F Stone.JohnS B Fainter, C.S BDM San Dimas Mann.CharlesW. ...O San Francisco Adams.CharlesH. ..D Alves,HenrvL C Austin.Arttiur ..BCD Barkan.Hans N Bauer, Geo. W C Bender. AlbertM. ...D Benfield.A.M. ...DM Biskind, G.R N Bitting.ArvillW. ...X Blaisdell.F. E. ...FN Bolin,Z.E NpCL Bowie, E.H B Bridgman.Olga ..INF Brunn, Harold N Caldis.P.D GOC CarrJ.L N Chandler.G.M M Chandler, LorenR. . .N Clark.H.W F Condron.M.M. ..BDA Connor, C.L N Covell.W.P F Cummins, W.T N Cushing.C.S Cutting, WindsorC. N Danforth.R.S M Dart,RaymondO. ...N Davidson, MissE.C. H DeEds,Floyd ....CNp Dock,\Vm N Draeger,R.H. ...NBC duB'ray, ErnestS. ...N Eastwood,MissA. ..G Elkus.CharlesDeY. .. Eller.Mrs.SJ. ...BCD Emge.LudwigA. ...N Engel,Rene CE Esty.TamesRussell N Faber,HaroldK. ...N Farber. Lionel CN Flood.R. G NCB Fluhmann,C.F N Fortmann,H.F. .FEM Freedlander.BenL. N Fritschen.W NCF GeigerJ.C N Gester,S.H. E Gliebe.PaulA N Goldman, Leon N Good,NewellE F Gray.Mrs.E.B. ..FGN Gray, Horace NH Green, FrankT. CGNp Greenberg.L.D. ...NC Grubb.W.A EHL Gurchot, Charles CNF GurleyJohnE. . .QNd Hanna.G.D EFG Hanscom.W.W. M Hanzlik.PaulT N Harvey, Paul A. ...FN Hawxhurst.R.Jr. EM Hinman, Frank ..NFE Hobmaier.M N Hobro.W.D MC Holman.Emile N Howell, T.T G Howitt.MissB.F. NF Jacobi.J.J Jacobs, S.Nicholas . .N Jameson, MissE. ..CN Jennings, H.R. ..FOQ Tohn.MotherL CA San Francisco, Cont'd. Johnson, E.E CN lohnson.G.S NIH Johnstone, H.G. .FNG Kelly.T.H N Kemp.E.C IQ Kent.MotherM. .BAD Kerr.Wm.J N Kessel.E.L F Koch.A.A. MDB Kohls, ClaraLydia ..N Kruse.FredH X Kumler/W.D. CX Lackenbach.F.I X Lamb,FrankC C Lantz.MissB IQK Lartigau.A.J. X Layman, MaryH. ...X Leake.C.D XLC Leonard,E.M XIL Lillis,MissH.C Loewenstein,E. ...NC Lyon.RobertA N McCarty.A.L A Mailliard, Joseph ...F Maltby.M.E. B Marshall, MaxS N Martin.LillienJ. ...1H Martin, Robert N Mathe.C.P X Mayers, E. A DKM Meinecke,E.P GF Meyei.KarlF N Millberry.G.S. KNdQ Miller.RobertC. ...Fl Moffitt.H.C NCF Montgomerv.M.L., NCB Murayama.MissF. NC Naffziger.H.C X Xelson,MissLois XFC Newell, R.R NB Newman, H.W N Newsorn.T.B MEO Xorthrup.M.A NF O'Connor, Roderic ..N Older, BenjaminJ. ..D 01iver,H.R N Palmer.Allan NC Parsons,C.W. ...CNF Peebles.D.D C Peers, SusieM Pelle.WalterV. ..NFG Peradotto, Louis ....F Perino.J.A FNQ Perry.MissI NFC Perry.O.B. M Pickard.MissE.A. FG Pischel,Kaspar ...NF Fope.GeorgeA Porter, Langley N Pratt, Robertson GFX Rabinowitz,R. ..XIH Reed.AlfredC N RinehartJamesF. ..N Roberts. D.K. ...DAO Rodenbaugh.F.H. ..N Rohlffs.W.V. ...MEC Rose.LewisS G Rosencrantz.E N Rusk.GlanvilleY. ..N Ryan.J.T BM Schilling.Walter ANI Schwartz.A CFG Seale.Alvin F Shepard.W.P N Shipman.S.J NFB Si lber stein, MissE., CQP Simmonds.Xina ....N Sloman, Ernest ..KXd Smith.E.E MC Smith.T.S Nd San Francisco, Cont'd. Soley.MayoH X Sommer, Hermann CX StaceyJ.W G Stadtmuller,MissH., DE Stafford, RossG Stokstad.E.L.R. CXO StoneJohnB'. ...CMX Swett.W.F BEM Taber.LorenB. ..XdL Tainter.M.L Xp Takahashi,K. ...XFQ Thelander.H.E X ThomasJ.O. ...CXpF Tomer, S.J CQ Trevithick.MissG. CX Trost, Henry F Underhill, Eliot MPC VanDuzee.E.P F Wagener.W.W. ...GO Walker, Etheredge M Walker ,T.C BCD Webster,Alice ...CFQ Weiss. Charles ....XC West, Fred CXP Wiel.SamuelC. ..HIX Williams, Francis ..X Williams, PaulD. CPB Wilson, R.H N Wood, David A N San Gabriel Ellis, EmoryL. ...CFX Warner, Douglas ..NF Sanger Spearman, MissE. AQ San Jose Bolton, LloydL. ..FGN Brauer.O.L ABC Clark, Brant I Davis, MissC IQ DeVossJ.C IQH Duffy, HarryA N Hazeltine.KarlS. ...G Knoche, Herman . .GE Lenox, Mrs. A. R C Mignon.MissH.L., NQC Mosher.R.M 10 Proescher.F NCH Rudolph, B. A G Sheffer.W.G. Nd Wilbur.PaulC CF Wiltz,MissB.A. .CFG San Leandro Belding, James ..MEA Gibbons.V.L C San Marino Alles.GordonA. ,.CXp Anderson, Evald CBM Crotty,H.D. ABK Foord.AlvinG N Gillette.H.P MB Hubble, Edwin D Koepfli.J.B C Macfarlane.W O Mudd.SeelevG. ...NB Weldon.W.R.H San Mateo Kernohan.Geo. ..CFN Perry, J.K NFC Wilson, L.E E San Pedro Brady, S.M MCB Cozby.H.O N Goad.EdgarF. ...HCL Hall.W.W N Hogan.B.W NIQ Santa Ana Xealley.E.M IK Steward.W.P. . . . . . . B Santa Barbara Addicott.FredT. GFX Bickerdike.E.L. CEB Clements, E.S. .. ,, G Clements, F.E. . G Coggeshall,A.S . .EFII Coleman, G.E. .. ....N Erickson.M.M. . .FNG Gray.P.A.Jr. ... ....N HenckJohnB. .. ..BM Hooker.MarianO . ..N Knox.H.H ..EM ,..GC Long.MissMJ.. ...CN Noble, ElmerRay ...F Ousdal.A.P ...EF Rea,P.M .EFH Russell, E.F. ... .NHC Sansum.W.D. .. ....N Sweet, Helen ... .FGK Ullmann.H.J. .. XBM Wenstrom.W.H. ....B Santa Clara Newlin.A.J E Santa Cruz Gayton,AnnaH H Levy.PaulM CQI Norris, RobertS C Philleo.G.W M Spier, Leslie H Santa Monica BrodeJ. Stanley .FGQ Carel.HubertC. C Conrey.D.W M Davies,RobertG. ...M Herman, FredW. ...M Myers.OrvilF. ..IQH Ross, Gordon . . . .KEG Thompson.H.B. ...CN Santa Paula Cosby, StanleyW. OE Ullman.C.G OGC Santa Rosa Gurley.MissM.K. ..X Saratoga Howe,E.C XQ Sausalito Loomis, Frederic ..NI Sebastopol French, Thomas, Jr. B Shafter Harrison, Geo.J G Hutcheson.R.B E Smith.GordonL. FOG Shasta Dam Kirkpatrick.J.E. ...N Sherman Oaks Andreau.R.L. ...CBN Sierra Madre Hurt.L.M OXI Wayland,C.A N Signal Hill Shambaugh.N.F. .NCF Shambaugh.Mrs.N.F., Q Sonora Chittenden, M.C. ..BE Read.D.B MCE 1030 Geographical Index South Gate Malinovszky.A C South Pasadena Adams.E.L MFG Evans, Newton N Frederick.C.A. ...BM Garlinghouse.L.H., MBA Murphy, F.M. ...EMC Ross.RolandCase FEQ South San Francisco Haeseler.P.C C Stanford University Abrams.LeRoy G BaumbergerJ.P. FKN Beadle.G.W FGO Bergstrom.F.W C Blackwelder.EIiot ..E B'links.L.R GFC Bradbury.N.E B Burlingame.L.L. ..FG Byrd.OliverE QN Campbell, D.H. G Cannon,W.A G Child.C.M F Clancy ,C.W FG Clausen.J. G Clifton.C.E N Crook, W. J BCM Danforth.C.H. ..HFN Doane.R.W F Domonoske.A.B. ...M Durand.W.F. ...BDM Eurich.AlvinC QI Ferris, G.F F FieldJohn.II ....NCF Gray.DonaldJ N Greene, C.W. ...NpFC Hall.EverettW. .BKI Ha!l,S.Warren,III IN Hardin, Garrett ..FIN Herre.A.W.C.T. FGE Hiesey.Wm.M. ...GO Hilgard.ErnestR. ...I Johansen.DonaldA. G Stanford U., Cont'd. Keck.DavidD G Kefauver.G.N. Q Kirkman.Hadley NF Kirkpatrick.Paul BA Lanz, Henry ABK Lindsay, MissM. ..NG LuckJ. Murray ..CNF McBainJ.W CBF McCracken.I FGE MacFarland.F.M. FN McNemar,Quinn IKQ Manwaring.W.H. NK Mears,EliotG. ..KPE Merrill, MaudA I Miller, Joseph I MitchellJ.Pearce ..C Mosher.CleliaDuel .N Myers.GeorgeS. ...FE Needham.P.R F Noller.C'arlR C Parks, GeorgeS. CB Peirce.GJ G Rich.WillisH. ...FGN Rogers, A. F E Schultz.E.W N Sette.O.E FG Shapovalov.Leo F Shedd.SoIon E Skilling.Hugh ....MB Skow.RoyceK. ..FNC Smith.G.M G SmithJamesH.C. CG Smith,Otto MBC Snyder.JohnO. F Spoehr.H.A CG Stoltenberg.MissC.S., NFI Stone, CalvinP I Storey, MissM FG Storey.T.A NQK Strong.E.K.Jr IQ Swain, RobertE C Taylor.C.V F Terman,L.M 10 Townley.S.D DE VanRysselberghe.P., c Stanford U., Cont'd. Webster.D.L B VVeymouth.F.W. NFI Whitaker.D.M. ..FGE Wiggins, IraL GE Wilbur.R.L NQ Willis.Bailey E Windsor.MissM. FG Working, Holbrook K Stockton Conzelmann.F.J N Corbin.C.E A JonteJ.H CEM McLaughlin.D.T. FH Noble, AldenE F Pease.G.R IQ Sanderson.G.H. ...NB Snook, HarryJ F Waldo, Allen E Sunnyvale Winter.S.W OG Sutter Creek Slater.T.Calvert EMF Taft Klingaman,G.L. ..ME Terminal Island Clark, FrancesN F Trinidad Parks, HaroldE. ..GF Trona Gale.W.A CBM Twentynine Palms Campbell,WT.H. ...HE Upland Manchester.T.C. ..CE Rohrbaugh.P.W. GOC Vallejo HoganJamesJ N See.ThomasJ.J A Valyermo Noble.LeviF E Van Nuys Kelly.Mrs.D.S. ...HK WhitakerJ.A M Ventura Cecil, Rodney FO McCurdy.R.C. ..BME Watsonville Finch, R.H EB Volck.W.H C West Los Angeles CoitJ.Eliot OG Gillulyjames E Guth.D.O CPB Hadley.Mrs.W.C. CQ Neal.MissNellieN. Q Robertson, G.Ross ..C Wembridge.E.R I Whittier Boyden.B.L. F Boynton.W.P B Broadbent.MissB.M., F Dice.M.E CMB Fulton, R.A F Henderson, OF. F McGregor, E. A F Pyle.H.R A Powers.P FEQ Skarstedt, Marcus ..A Spencer.H.F GFE Watson, S. A FGO Wilmington Clear.C.G CBF Zinszer.Richard .BCA Yorba Linda Shepherd.F.I. ...CEN Yuba City Urbahns.T.D FG COLORADO Alamosa Spencer.FrankC. .HO Austin Green, FerrisM. ...OG Berthoud Bunyanjohn D Boulder Alexander, Gordon FG Allen, A. H C Blair JulianM BC BroxonJamesW. ...B Cockerell.T.D.A. ...F Cole.LawrenceW. ...I Crabb.EdwardD. ...F Crawford.R.D E Dean.PaulM C DeLongJraM A Drommond.F.G. .CNp EkeleyJohnB C Evans, Herberts. ...M Faye, Paul-Louis LQH Germann.F.E.E. CBA Howells.T.H 1FH Hutchinson, C. A. ADB Ives.R.L. EBH Johnson, E.L G Kempner.A.J A Lester.OliverC. ...BA Boulder, Cont'd. LeVeque, Norma ..FG Light.G.H ADB Lubovich.V.P B Morris, EarlH H Muenzinger.KarlF. .1 Pearl, R.M E Pietenpol.W.B B Quam.LouisO E Ramaley, Francis ...G Rodeck.HugoG. ..FGH Sayre, Geneva G Shepard.MissA.O., HEC Shope.PaulF G Stribie.MissF.P. .ABT Wakeham.Glen ..CIN Washburn, H.C C Worcester.P.G. E Climax Feiss.JulianWm. EMF Colorado Springs Boissevain.C.H. NCG Boucher. PaulE B Brown, F.Martin FHN Douglas, F.W CP Draper, PaulA. ....NI Drea.WilliamF. NCB Froelicher.F.M O Colorado Spgs., Cont'd. Gilmore.RalphJ F Graves, CecilH. . .FGC Marston.EdgarJ G Obee.D.T GF Penland,C.W GF Postlethwaite.W.W., HEL Rawles.T.H A Service, W.C NFC Studley,Duane BA Warren, E.R F Wilder.M.A H Willis.W.R CE Crested Butte Johnson, J. C FQ Denver Ames.E.W EM Bailey,A.M F Baskin.M.J N Baum.HarryL N Billings.E.G NI Bouslog.JohnS N Brunquist.E.H. ..FNp Buchanan, A. R N Burrage.S NOG Campbell, Thomas CM Carstarphen.F.C. BCM Clausen, HarryJ. ...F Denver, Cont'd. | Corper, HarryJ N Cunningham, T.D. ..N D'Amour.FredE. ...F Dobbin, CarrollE. ...E Douglas,F.H H Duncan, D.Shaw ..KL Ebaugh.F.G IN Erdmann.C.E EM EvansJ. Claire ..CLE Feldstein.L.H C Fowler.O.S N Garlough.F.E. ...FNO Gerould.MissE.W. CA Good.A.H N Hall.IvanC N Henderson.C.W. EMC Hillkowitz.P. ...NCF Holch.A.E GF HoukJvanE. ...MBE Hvslop.W.H B Iliff.MissAlberta CNF Jackson, Edward .NO Keenoy, T.Louis ...CA Kemper.C.F N Kingery.H.M. ...NFH Kotas. WalterS N Lazarus, A. S N Lewis.R.C CN McWilliams.R.H. KL Mahoney.F.J F Geographical Index 1031 Denver, Cont'd. Markley.A.J N Nelson.AlfredC. CMQ Nininger.H.H. ..EDF Noland,T.J.,Jr. MAF Nyswander.R.E. .BM Osborn,SidneyJ. . . .C Owen.H.G F Parker.Alice NQ Pesman.M.W. ...GKO Phipps.L.C M Reid.F.H Ridgway, Arthur ...M Ridgway.MissD. .NC Sabin.F.R N SavageJ.L MEA Smead.MissJulia FH Stark.MissN.A. ..NC StearnsJ.C B Stiles.Geo.W N Triplett.R.J IKQ Vanderwilt.J.W. EHM Wakeland, Claude ..F Wallin.IvanE N Ward.DurenJ.H. HIL WardJustusC. ..CNO WaringJamesJ N Washburn.A.H. .NIQ Wiley, H.L CBM Working.D.W. ...KO Englewood Muench.R.K C Estes Park Canfield.D.H. ...EHF Fort Collins Avery, Geo. T 10 Binkley.A.M U Burdick.R.T KO Cbstello.D.F OG DeLeon, Donald FGD Gillette.C.P FH Glick.D.P NGO Goeder.FrankP B Gunder.D.F AMB Johnson, C.G.H C Kezer,Alvin O Leonard.W.H O List.G.M F Lory.C.A. MOB Lute.MissA.M G Macdonald,S-L. ...AD Palmer.M.A FN Parshall.R.L. MO Robertson.D.W O Rohwer.Carl M Sackett,W.G NG Sumner.Ruth F Fort Collins, Cont'd. Thornton, B.J GO Washburn, L.E. . .CON Whiteford.G.H. ...CQ Wing.MissE C Winton.W.F Golden Adams, A. S. ... Aller.FrankD. Bellis.A.E. ... Carpenter, C.B. FittererJohnC. VanTuyl.F.M. Ward.LeonS. . Weinig.A.J. ... Wilson.W.E. . M ..CEM B ..ABC AMQ E ..CBQ ..BCM ..MAB Greeley Harrah.E.C. F Herman, FredL C Jean.F.C G Gunnison Hurst.C.T F Schuhmann.R. ....CA Hesperus Moinat.A.D GO Holyoke Niehaus.H.R NGF Lamar Bondurant.D.C. ..MB Longmont Brewbaker.H.E. GOF Loretto Cook,SisterR.M. ...A Smith.SisterM.A. ..C Mesa Stewart.E.H EFG Pueblo Morrison, MissG. .FG Smith.FrankK. F Sterling SandersJ.H KIO Trinidad Dowell.F.S FG Windsor Osterhout.Mrs.G.E., GN Ansonia Dana.A.S MBC Bantam Heiser.V.G N Bethany Johnson, T.B C Branford Bellis.A.E. C Cooke,T.F. B Bridgeport Ballou.W.A ABQ Bogin, Maxwell N Geer.W.A N Gordon.David ...BDQ Merrill.Mrs.W.E. AD Sievers.Hans ....QHI Brookfield Center Lenk.WalterS C Cheshire Messer.W.Earl ...CA Smith,C.S MBL Clinton Carter.GeorgeS. FGO Ferris.H.B FHN McClellandJ.R. ....N Cornwall Bridge Clarke.W.C QNO Danbury Campbell, D.K Nd Darien Ashman, E.T ABC Baebne.G.W. ....KMB Burghart,LloydM. ..C DeRemerJ.G M Durham Clarke.FrancesM. QIA Eagleville Mason, Inez C CONNECTICUT East Haven Hartford, Cont'd. Rogoff, WilliamM. .F CottonJohnM. ..NIK Thorpe, M.R EF Cragin.DonaldB. ...N Dadourian.H.M. BAD Esssx Day.MissK.S. ...IHK Hunt.W.R N Donchian, PaulS. ...A l- ,,_,:„„♦„„ Dorweiler.Paul A Farmington Feingold.G.A IQ LeeJohnG MB FicklenJ.B.JII CMN raioc Porrv Hammond, H. P. A Gales Ferry HostetterJ.C. ..CBM Dimick.C.E AB Hutt.R.B.W HI Greenwich Kazarian.Sarkis NCG Kingsbury, I. W. ..NE Amoss.HaroldL. . N Klinger.MissB.H., Campbell, C.L. ...CBL GDF Fletcher.Henry ...... Knowlton.Millard ..N Kingsbury.Albert BM Kurtz.A.K IOA Vaughan.MissLena B Lasowsky,F.W. .NpC ViekersJ.L. ........ N Mirsky.AronL. MAB Wilhams.H.B. ..NBA Mitchell.AlfredK. A Crntnn Moyle.H.B HIN Groton Mylchreest.G.L. ...M MorrissonJ.W. E NewlandsJ.A CN Ti„-n„mo Osborn.S.H N Hadlyme perkins,H.A B Hamilton, Alice N Pettee.C.L.W C Prescott.B.D NIF Hamden Roberts.S.H CN Darrow, Daniel N Saville.CalebMills M DonleavyJohnJ. ...C Shipley.WalterC. ...I Dudley.S.W MQ Steiner.WalterR. ..N Friend, RogerB F Swan.HoraceC. N Hull.ClarkL IQ Troxell.E.L EFQ Leavenworth, C.S. ..C Turner.AlbertM. .EK Murdock.G.P HK Veeder.C.H M Nims.L.F CN Wheeler,K.M N Onsager.Lars ...BCA Woodward, C.G K Shuttleworth.F.K. IQ Yergason.R.M. ..NHF Workman.T.W. .NOC Kent Hartford Bauer.Frederiek ....F Altmaier.C.L.Jr. IQK Woods, W.C F Beach. CharlesC N tu.i,*„ij Bills,MarionA I Litchfield B'issonnette.T.H. FGN Kavanagh.AJ. ..AFG Blank, ArthurS. ...CB ,, .. Burlingame.C.C. ..NI Madison Costello.H.T. IK Harts.Wm.W M Manchester 0'Neal,R.P CPN Meriden Egeberg,Birger .MCB Merrow Merrow.H.L G Middletown Bueljack IH Cady.W.G B Crawford, M.B B Eaton, VernetE B FreemanJ.R.Jr. CBM Goodrich, H.B F Gortner.R.A.Jr. CNF Hoover, C.R C Hubbell.H.H.Jr. ...B Hunter.G.W.JII. NF Keppel, David E PeoplesJ.W. ^ EM Phelps, IsaacKing ..C Schneider. E.C. ...FN Slocum, Frederick ..D Stearns, CarlL D Taylor.R.M NI VanDyke.KarlS. ...B Wendt.G.R. INQ Milford Englejames FGQ Loosanoff,Victor FHN Naugatuck Meadors.V.G. ...CBM Stiteler.CharlesH. ..C New Britain Clark, H.D. MK Ferry, FrederickC. ..A Levine, Howard .NCF Narkiewicz.I.P. ..CN Rogers.D.C IQK Underhill.O.E Q New Canaan Bond.MissRav ....CB Rhoads.Alton'L. ..BQ Souther.B.L. CD Terhune.Wm.B'. ...NI I03- Geographical Index New Haven Allen.Edgar FN Anderson, R.J. ...CGO Angier.R.P I Armstrong.F.T. E Baitsell.G.A FG Bakewell,C.M IK Ball.StanleyC F Barber, Geo. W F Barbour.H.G N Barnes, T.Cunliffe ..F Barney, Ida DA Barrett,L.B. ...GNdF Bartlett.C.J N Bayne-Jones,S N Beard, Rai.monL F Behre, C.Edward ..OG Belkin.Morris ....XF Bergmann, Werner ..C Blake, FrancisG. ...N Blumer, George N Boling.JohnL F Boveri.Mrs.M F BoyceJ.S GO Brewster.F.F Brinkley.StuartR. ..C Bunting.Henry .NFD B'urr,H.S NF Cassidy.H.G CFQ Castle, Hempstead ..G Chittenden, R.H. ..CN Clapp.RobertT. ...OG Coe.WesleyR F Cooksey.C.D B Cooper, FrankL. ....B Cowgill.G.R NCF Cowles.PhilipB N Cross, Hardy KPL Deuber.CarlG GF DeVita, Joseph N Dietrich.H.G C Dodge, B.F CMB Dorris, Frances ..FCN DuBois.Delafield MN Dunbar.C.O E Dunn, Joseph L Duran-Revnals.F., NGH Dusser deBarenne.J. NI Eaton, G.F F Emmel.V.M NF English,James,Jr. ..C Engstrom.H.T A. Evans, A. W G Filley,W.O. O Fisher, Irving K Fitch, FredericB'. ABI Flint, R.F E Forbes.T.W IKM Frv.ClementsC. XIH FultonJohnF. ....NF Furnas.C.C CBK Gagge.A.P BMX Gambrill.B.L OI Gardner, W.U. ...NFO Gesell, Arnold ...ION Gildea,EdwinF. ...NI Gittleson.MissY. ...I Graves, HenryS O Greenway.J.C GN Grether.W.F I HamiltonJ.B NF Hamilton, TohnM. ..F Harned.H.S CB Harris, BenedictR. .N Harrison, RossG. ..FN Hartman.L.M. ..LAB Hartshorne,Hugh QIK Harvey, S.C N Havemeyer.Loomis H Hawley.RalphC. ...O Henderson.Yandell N New Haven, Cont'd. Hewitt, MissC.B'. ...F Hill.ArthurJ C Hille.Einar A Hiscock.IraV. ...NKQ Hitchcock, Davidl. ..C HookJamesW. DKM Hooker.C.W F Horsfall.JamesG. ...G Horton, Donald H Hovland.C.I IQP Hubbell.H.J CFN Hubbell.R.B CN Huntington, E. ..EKH Jacobson.H.G.M. ..OG Jenkins, R.H N Johnson, CarlE. ...NF Jones, DonaldF. ...GO Kaufman.MissC. FHK Keach.DeWittT C Kennard.M.A N King.EdwardJ C Knopf.Adolph E Koenig, Samuel ,KHO Kovarik,AloisF. . .BA Krynine.D.P M Liebow,AverillA. ..N Lippincott.S.W N Longwell,C.R. E Lutz,H.J GO McCormick.MissF.A., GO McKeehan.L.W. ...B Madison, Ryland .NC Man,EvelynB. ..NFC Marquis, D.G I Marshall.Clyde .FNH Marshall.RushP. ...G Mathewson.C.H. CMO May, Mark A IQK Merriman, Daniel ..F Miles.C.C. IHN Miles, EgbertJ A Miles.WalterR I Moore.Underhill KHI Morgan, M.F OCG Morse, Arthur N Mowrer.O.H I MurrayJohnH. GEI Musselman, Luther N Nahum.LouisH N NicholasJ.S F Northrop.F.S.C. .BAL Opton, Edward F Ore.Oystein A Osgood, Cornelius HKI Oughterson.A.W. ..N Page, Leigh B Parr.Thaddeus FO Paul.TohnR N Peck, Robert L CN Peters.JohnP. ...NQC Petrunkevitch.Alex. F Pfeiffer.CarrollA. ..F Pickford,GraceE. ...F Pond.MissMillicent I Poulson.D.F F Powers. GroverF. NCQ Rakieten, Nathan FC Record, SamuelJ. GO Rettger.LeoF G Rosahn.PaulD N Roselle.ErnestN. ...0 Rosen.W.B' ABC Rowell.MissD.C. QIC Rudnick.MissD F Ruebush.T.K FG RussoJ.D N Schlesinger, Frank .D Schuchert, Charles ..E Scott, Chas.F M Sill.MissJaneB. IQK Sinnott.E.W G New Haven, Cont'd. Slate.WilliamL. ....O Smith, EmilL. ...CGF Smith.G.H N Spaulding,Perley ...G Spitzer,L.Jr. ...DBA Stone, L.S NF Taylor.R.F. ..' OG Thompson, Helen INA TiltonJ. Warren . .QI Tracey.J.I AD TraskJamesD N Turner.H.M MBC Uhler.HoraceS. ...BA Val lev, George ...NCO VanName.R.G C Warren.C.H E Waterman, A.T. .BDC Waterman, Miss A.M., G Watson.W.W B Whitehead.R.H. ...M Wieland.G.R. ...EFG Wilhelmi.A.E N Winkler, Alexander N Winslow.C.E.A N Winter.FloydL. ...OG Winternitz.M.C. ...N Woodruff, L.L FL Yerkes.R.M IHF Yudkin.A.M CFN Zeleny.John B Zentmyer,G.A.,Jr. GO Zinn.DonaldJ FG New London Avery,G.S..Tr G Bindloss.MissE G BlivenJosephE. Blunt, Katharine ...C Botsford.MissE.F. FN Chaney.MissM.S. NC Creighton.H.B G Dederer.P.H F Gardner.JohnW I Hausman.MissS.A. F Kellv.MissM.W. ...C Leib.DavidD. A McKee.MissMarvC. C Miller, D.S. F Sanchez y Escribano. Federico LOK Seward, JohnP I New Milford Woolley.HelenT. ..TO New Preston Kleiner, Israels. ..NC Newcomb.HT. K Noank Danforth.R.E FH Norfolk Walcott,F.C KP Northford Smith, ClaraE A Norwalk Hill.GeorgeR. ...COF Powell.ThosH. ....BC Old Greenwich Brooks, B.T C Old Lyme Kovalenko.M. ..DAQ McCulloch.W.S N MacCurdy.G.G H Orange Whitney, LeonF. ..FN Pine Orchard Doane.S.E M Smith, G.M N Plainville Cook, George ....NFG Pomfret Centre Brock, HenryM. BLO Means, PhilipA H Ridgefield Hitchcock, CB E Riverside NiedercornJ.G. .CNF Rockville Raisch.GeorgeF. NFG Sandy Hook Roger, Henry ...BMX Saugatuck Tilden,Chas.J. ...MO Saybrook Pratt.Alexander ..HI Short Beach Prickett.CavettO. NC Soniers Key.W.E. ....... FKQ South Norwalk Goldsborough.W.E., KBM Kimball, Frank ..CXB Stafford Springs Barrows, MissF.L., GNC Stamford Ayres.G.B NCB BaconJackC. C Bromley,Mrs.S.W., GOQ Cassady.Mrs.J.T. ...C Dondlinger.P.T. KPH Felt.EphraimP F Fisher, HarryL C Getman.F.H BC Hammers, M.J. M Huntington.MissE., NFC Jehle, Ferdinand ...M Kreider.D. Albert ...B Moore, William ...FO Payne, NellieM .FCN Roblin.R.O.Jr. ...CN Rochow.T.G CEB Shepard.N.A. ...CBQ Stiegler.H.W C Stonington Williams.C.M. .NOH Storrs Amundsen, L.H C Bousfield.W.A IN Brown, B. A OCG Bushnell.RJ FG Chenev.Wm.F.Jr., ADE DeCoursey.R.M. ...F Dodge, RichardE. ...E Dorsey, Henry O Ferguson, LAV I Gentry.C.B. QOI Jorgensen.A.N O Jungherr.ErwinL. ..N Geogkaph kal Index 1033 Storrs, Cont'd. Kulp.W.I N Landauer, Walter ..F Mackay.D.C.G. ..FIH Manterj.A F Schulze.A.F FG Thigpen.LornaW. . .F Torrey.G.S G Wallace.R.H G Stratford Nikolsky.Alex M Suffield McComb, Emily E. . .N Norton, JohnPease ..K Torrington Upson, W.L MQ Wallingford Crainjason ABD Morris's.Wm.H N Pierce.A.L M Powell, P.H MAB Waterbury Davis, A. L MHK Davis, E.H K West Cornwall Gold.T.S OFG Kunkel.B.W F West Hartford Crossley.F.T i*i CunninghamJ.M., NIH Emerson, E.I C'N West Hartford, Cont'd. Furniss.H.W N Guest, H.H C laquith.H.C IKL McDonough.SisterM. Rosa IK Merrill, D.G M Rogers.C.E MDA Westport Fraad.H.O MNE Fry.HenryJ FG Ham.Mrs.E.S N Palmer.R.N BCM Pascal, H.S NQ Sproat.IraE MEP Sterling, EdwardC. .C vonPhul.Wm M Wadsworth.D.L. DGF Wethersfield Stempa, Henry ....NX' Wilton KYlk^.KoyalS. OEG \Yinton,KateB. ...GC Windham Qttenheimer.EJ. ..N Windsor LeCompteS.B.Jr., GGO Morrill.A.W.Jr F Winsted Bond.F.D. KB DELAWARE Dover Hanson, H.H. .CGF Farnhurst ...10 Lawrence, B.G. . .NIK Marshallton Kraemer.E.O. .. ..CB Newark Crooks, EzraB. . .K1H Detjen.L.R ..OG Drake, MissQ.C. ..CN Dyer.Elizabeth . .:<: Fischer.A.J NCB Graustein.T.E. .. ....G Greenwald.D.U. ..MI Harris, H.C .OGC Houghton, F.C. . . . .GF McC'ue.C.A .FGO McDonald, Ellice ...N McDougle.MissE.A., AB Manns, T.F ....G Oberlin.K.W. .. I Newark, Cont'd. Robinson, W.J G Spencer.R.L M Still,EstherD. GF Richardson Park Kauffman.G.E.C. BCD Westover Hills Gladding.E.K. ..CEN Wilmington Bartlett.E.P CE Brown, H.F C Brubaker.M.M. ..CNF Callahan.M.J. ...CBL Carter, A. S CQ Chambers.A.D C Chilton.T.H CM ChubbJohnE. ....MA Clark, John A M Dietz, Harry F F Dodge.RalphL. ..CBM Dreyer.NicholasB. NC duPont.Irenee P Wilmington, Co nt'd. Wilmington, Cont'd. duPont.PierreS. ....P PerryJohnH. .. ...CM Ford,MissF.M. ....C PowerJ.T ..CBA FoulgerJohnH. .NBC Ries.E.D ...CM Given, GuyC. ... .CPM Rose.HenryE. ....CP Hanford.W.E. . ....C Rose.RobertE. Holbrook.G.E. . ..CM Rossander,S.S. . .CMN Humphrey, I. W. .CGE Salisbury, L.F. .CON Jackson, W.F. . . C Schupp,O.E.Jr. ...CB Jones, F.M F Segel, Joseph. . . . MBC Jordan, Henry .. ...CN SikorskiJ.L. .. ..NCI Katz, David .... .ABC SmithJulianF. C King.KennethT. ....C Starkweather, H.W. Krebs,A.Sonnin ....M Tanberg,A.P. . C Lawson.W.E. .. C Tanner, H.G. ... ..CBE Lenher, Samuel . ...CB Tatnall.R.R. .. .GMB Lincoln, E.E. ... ....K Taylor,GuyB. . C Lippert,A.L. ... C TinkerJ.M. . . .CMP LontzJohnF. . . C Tisdale.W.H. . G McDermott,F.A. ....C Whitten.R.K. . .CMB Morris, HaroldH ...C Whitten.W.M. ..CKG Moss.LowellR. C Wills, W.A. ... .MCE Mueller, A. C. .. .CMB Wood ward, H.E. ....C O'Leary.D.K. .. G Worthington.H. ..MC Ott.Emil C \\ uertz.A.J. . . C DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington Aamodt.Olaf.S. ...OG Abbot,CharlesG. ..DB Abegg.FredA GO AbelJamesF IQ AbleiterJ.K OEG Acree.Mrs.E.G N Acree.Mrs.R.J. ...GO Adams, L.H C Adams, NumaP.G. NC Adams, OscarS. ..ABE Aldrich.LovalB. ..BD Alexander.LucyM. .C Allison.F.E CGN Alpher.IsadoreM. ..N Andersen, MissA.M. G Anderson, A. C. O Anderson, M.S CO Anderson, M.B. ...NF Andrews, DavidA. ..E Armstrong.Charles N Arnaud,MissE. ..CEI ArnaudJosephJ. BDC AshJ.E N Ashby.WinifredM. .N Atwater,MissH.W., KQ Auchter.E.C GO Avers. H.G MDE Back,ErnestAdna ..F Backus.CyrusD. MBA Washington, Cont'd. Bacon.C.W CGO Bain,HenryF G Baker, CharlesS. ...K Baldwin,Mark.. OEG Ball.CarletonR. OGK Barber,H.G F Barber.HerbertS. ...F Barnett.MissC.R. OFG Barre.HenryW. ...GO Barris.RalphW N Barrows, A. L F Barss.H.P GO Bartsch.Paul F Barwick,ArthurR. DE Bashore.HarryW. MO Bassler.RayS. ..EFG Bates,P.H C Bates, RogerG C Beal.W.H CO Bearss.MissEsther K Beckwith, MissA.M. G Bekkedahl, Norman C Bell.Mrs.CJ Bell.E.J.Jr KOG Bell.WilliamB' F Bengtson.IdaA N Bennett,R.,II. ...MA Bernstein, B GFC Bernton.H.S NOC Beum.C.O.Jr. ...MIK Washington, Cont'd. Bickel, Beatrice ..HN Binford,H.F. ...MBA Bishop.C.W HLE Bittinger, Charles ..B Blackman.M.W F Blakely.CharlesF. ... Bliss.R.W KIL Bloedorn,W.A N Blum.H.F. NFB Blum.William C Boas.Auguste CN Bomhard.MiriamL. G Booher.L.E C Borgstrom, Parry CO Bourland.L.T BM Bowman, PaulW. . .GF Bradlev.MaryA. FGO Bradley.W.H E Bradt,raul ABC Brand, CharlesJ. CGK Brandt.A.E KOF Branham.S.E. ...NFC Breen.MissM.C. QEF Breg, W.Roy Q Brickwedde.F.G. BCA Briese.R.R. CBO Briggs,LymanJ B Brilmyer.G.J. ...FHN Brimhall.DeanR. ...I Britt.S.H. IK Washington, Cont'd. Brockett,Paul ....BH Brooks, Charles G Brown, AliceL. FCN Brown, MissI.C. ..HK Brown.MissN.A. ...G Brown, RolandWr. ...E Browne, C. A C Browne, L.McD C Brumbaugh, MissZ.B.. CBF Buck.SolonJ L Bundick.MissH.E., QFD Bunting.E.N. BC Bunton.PaulB E Burbank.W.S E Burda.FranctsX. ...B Burlew.TohnS CB Burton, H.E DAB Bush,Vannevar M Bushnell.D.I.Jr. ...H Bvington.L.B. ..NFE Callis.H.A NK Callister,Ger/rgeT Calverv.HerbertO. NC Campbell.R.S. ...GFO Capps.BrotherE.R., FXO Cardon.P.V OK Carl.HowardF. ..BDC io34 Geographical Index Washington, Cont'd. Carter, Hugh KHI Cash.MissE.K G Cash.MissL.C OG Cattell,VVare FB Chambers, M.M. QKL Chambliss.C.E. .FGO Chapline.W.R.Jr. GO Charles.MissV.K. ..G Chase, Mrs. Agnes ..G Chase.F.M. G Chase, H.Y FN Chatfield.C CAO Cheney.W.L B Christie.A.C N ChristieJ.R F Churchill, W.S F Clark.A.H F ClarkJ. Allen O Clark.K.G CMO Clark, Mrs. L.F L ClarkeJohnJ F Clarke.W.F C Clausen, CurtisP. ...F Clayton, EdwardE. GO Cobb.W.M HNI Coblentz.W.W. ...BD Coe.FredO N Coe.MayneR C Coffman.F.A OFG Colcord.MissM. FOG Collier.F.W ..IQ Collingwood, Harris 0 Collins, ElmerE. ..NF Collins, HenryB., Jr. H Collins.W.D CE Colton.F.B .E Commins.W.D 10 Compton, Wilson KBM Conger. PaulS FG Coniff.FatherA. ...FG Conn.NathanA. .MBC Connolly.C.J FH Cook.OratorF. ...GOO Cooke. C.Wythe E CooleyJ.S G Cooper, G. Arthur ...E Cooper, JohnM. ...HK Cooper, StewartR. ...C Coppola, Vincenzo ..M Corse, W.M MC Cottam, Clarence ..FG Cottrell,F.G C Coulson.EJack ...CN Coulter.A.Barklie ..N. Cover,TohnH. K Coyle,DavidC M Craighead, F.C F Cram.MissE.B. ...FN Crandall.BowenS. OG Creel, CecilWillis . .O Creswell.GeorgeW. N Crider,F.J GO Crittenden. E.C. ..BM Croxton.FredC K Crozier, William .KM Crum.R.W MK Cruse, A. W MBA Cullinan.F.P OG Cummings.H.K. . .BC Cunniff.MissH.S. OGE Curtiss.L.F. B Dante, TohnH EF DarnallJ.R N Darton,NelsonH. ...E Davidson.Jehiel ..CO Davis, DorlandJ. ...N Davis, H.S F Davis, R.O.E CBO Davis, Watson M Dayton. WilliamA. .G Dean,H.Trend!ey Nd Dean, HoraceS G Deignan.S.L N Washington, Cont'd. Delano, FredericA. M Dewey, LysterH. ..GO Dickinson, H.C B Dickson, A. M KO Diehl, William G DillerJesseD. ..GOH Dillman.ArthurC. GO Dodek.SamuelM. MKI Donovan, JohnE C Dorsey.H.G B' Dorsey, N.Ernest BAN Douglas, Charles ..BA Doyle, Mrs. M.H. OEG Dreis.MissT.A. .IHK Driscoll.MissC. BDA Drury.H.F NFG Dryden.HughL B Dunbar.R.C ACD Duncan, G.S HIL Dunn.H.L KN Dunn.MatthewA Dunn.VV.LeRoy ....N DuvelJosephW.T. OG Dyer.HelenM ....NC Dyer.R.Eugene NFH Eberle.EugeneG. CN Eddy.BerniceE. NCF Eddy.NathanB. ..Np Edson.H.A GC Edwards, HarryT. GO Edwards.L.N. ..MEO Elliott.Charlotte ....G Ellis, GeorgeR Nd Ellis, NedR NCO Elward.JosephF. ...N Emery, AldenH. CEM Emery .WilliamO. ..C Emmart.E.W FN Emmons.C.W GN Erwin.HenryP. .HEF Ethridge.C.B N Evans, MissAliceC. N Everitt.EdwardL. CN Ewerhardt.Paul NIK Ewing.HenryE F Fairhall.L.T. C Falk.I.S NK Fay.AUanB MAC Fee,Jerome M Feiker.F.M M Felstein, Milton AMB Felton,LloydD. ..NC Fennessey.SisterSt.J. CBN Filkins.SilasL N Fischer.RichardP. ..E Fischer.Walter .OKG Fitch.MaryA G FitzHugh.O.G Np Fletcher,C.C OC Flodinjohn M Fort.CharlesA. ...CO Foster. M.D CE Foust,MissF.K. ...GF Fowler. MarvinE. ...G Fracker.S.B FG Fradkin.W.S. ...CAF Frank, Bernard ..OKG Frankfurter.F KL Frazier.E.F K French.OwenB. ..MD Friedmann.H. ...FGE Friedman, M.H. jv. .N Fries, AmosA. ...DKL Frisbie.W.S CN Fromme.FredD G Fuchs.W.Barrett FGE Fulcher.G.S B Fulton.H.R GO Furfey.PaulH. ..IKO Gafafer.Wm NA Gaillard.D.P K Galtsoff.PaulS F Washington, Cont'd. Gardner, Missjulia E Garner, ClementL. E Garner, WAV GCO Geary JamesA. ...LH Geltner,Carl M Gibson, K.S. BDE Gilbert.W.M QE Gilbert.W.W G Gilchrist, Raleigh ...C Gile.PhilipL CO Gish.OliverH. ..BAE Givens.WillardE. QK Goldberg.M. ...ABM Goldman.E.A FG Goldman, M.I E Gooch.MissM. ....NF Gould.H.P OGF GrafJ.E F Graham, James . .QFG Grassl, CarlO G Gravatt.Mrs.A.R. . .O Graven.PhilipS. KON Gray.S.D COP Griffin, EdwardL. ...C Griffin.S.W CGO Griggs, RobertF. ....G Grosvenor, Gilbert ..E Grubbs.RobertC. ..NF Grunwell.G.B. ..MKE Guthrie JohnD O Haber.David BA Hadley.ErnestE. ..N Hagan,MissM.W., NKI Haig.I.T O Hain.ElmerL M Haines, George ..OFC Hall.RoscoeW NI Hall.WallaceL. .CBG Hallauer.F.J. ...MGO Haller.H.L C Hamer.WalterJ. CAB Hamilton.W.M. ..AD Handley.F.Jr N Hankins.O.G FO Hansborough.L.A. ..F Hansen, IraB FN Harding, MissF.M. ... Harding.T.S KON HardyJ.I OFG Harlan, Harry V O HarlevJamesL. .FGQ Harne'd.R.W. ...FOO Harradon.H.D B Harris, Milton CN Hartley, C.P GOQ Hartman.Olga F Haskell, EarlS. ..OKP Haskell, R.J. G Hastings, S.H O Hawkesworth.A.S. .A Haworth, Ellis ....CB Haynes.MissM.E., GOF Headley,Roy IK Heck.N.H MEB Hedges, MissF G Hegarty,C.P CNO Hein.M.A OGC Heinrich.C'arl F Hektoen.Ludvig ...N Henbest.LloydG. ...E Henderson, E.P. .ECM HepIar.Joseph F Herbert, MissM.N.. FGQ Herzfeld.KarlF. BCA Hess.FrankL E Hess.WalterC CN Hewett.D.F E Heyl,PaulRenno ...B Higgins.M.E KN Hilbert.GuidoE. COG Washington, Cont'd. Hildebrand.S.F F Hillman.C.C N HirdJohnD CNP Hirsch.N.D FIK Hock,Ci:arlesW. GFC Hodges, F.Allen ....G Hodgkins.G.W. .QIK Holland.MissD.F. NK Holm.GeorgeE C Hooker, WilliamA. .0 Horn.AlanR M Hough, FrancisZ. CMP Howard, BurtonJ. .CG Howard, CharlesS. CE Howard.L.O FNO Howe.H.E C Howe.PaulE. ...CNO Howell, L.D KO Howes, EdwardL. ..N Hrdlicka.Ales H Hubbard, Donald ...C Huettig.H.G.Jr. ...C Hulburt.E.O. B Humphrey, H.B G Humphreys, W.J. .BD Hunt,MissThelma ..I Hunter.OscarB N HurstJuliusH. ...HN ngberg,S.H. ...MBA rish,01iverj. ...NCF ackson.H.H.T. ...FQ amieson.GeorgeS. .C ardine,JamesT. ..GO enkins.AnnaE G enkins.GeorgeB. .FN enkins.MerleT. ..OG enks.GlenF. ...MKB odidi,S.L DCG oerg.W.L.G EK ohnson,AaronG. ...G ohnson.E.C. ...KOD ohnson, J. Monroe .M ohnson.JosephL. ..N ohnston, EarlS. ..GB ohnston.FrancisE. .A ones.D.Breese ...NC ones, J. W O onesj. Leslie BC ones.MissM.F. ..FN ones.VictorH E udd,C.H IQ udd.NeilM. H udson,LewisVT B ust.E.E F xane.HowardF N \ang.BunPo ...MBA xarger,MissT N Karpman.B NKF Karrer.A.M.H G xates.K.C FG \aufman,Paul ...IKL \aufTmann,MissG. CN xear,FrankG MA xearney.ThomasH. G [\ebler,LymanF. CNI \eenan,GeorgeL. .CG seith, Arthur E Kellogg, CE OEC Kelly, E.F NpC xelser.RaymondA. .N Kempf.GroverA. ...N Kerbey.McFall ...EK ev.MissCoraB I xiess.C.C DB Nichols, H.W. ..ECM Nicholson.F.M. .XFH Xickerson.T.F. ..MNO Xicolet. Justin ..ABM Xovak.Milan ....XFG Chicago, Cont'd. Noyes,HaroldJ. ...Xd Ochsner.EdwardH. N Oesting.RalphB. CFN Offermann.C.A F Ogburn,WilliamF. .K Olcott, Irwin ....CNB 01dberg,Eric X Olmsted.C.E GO Olson.MissE.A. G Oram, Florence ....XC Orndoff.B.H X Osgood, Bess XC Osgood, W.H F Otto.Carl MBA Paddock, L.S. ...CMP Page.Thornton ...DB Palm.CarlE. Palmer.W.L X Park, Thomas FX Parker.MissB.M. .OG Parker.MissE.P. . ~E Parker,MiltonE. CMO Parmenter,C.E._ L Patrick, MissM.L. .IQ Paul.ArthurE CO Paul.W.R ABD Pearlman,Samue!J. X Pearson, Anthony XF Peck.DavidB C Penn.JohnC. ...MDO Pepoon,H.S GOF Perlman,K.I. . ..XpC Petersen, W.F X Pettijohn,FrancisJ. E Phee.MartinJ FG Phemister.DallasB X Phifer.HaroldE. CBA Phillips, MervynC. ..(' Pietsch.EwaldC E Pilot. Isadore X' Pincussen,Ludwig CX Piszkiewicz,F. T X Piatt, Robt.S E Podlesak.HenryJ. ..M Pollock. RoscceC XOQ Pope.CliffordH. .FHO Porsche. TulesD. CXF Port,F.T.',Jr MCB Porter.RichardJ. ..XF Potter.T.S NBC Potts, AlbertM ...CX Potts.H.A XdlH Poulter.Thos.C. BDC Prentiss, A.M. C Pribram, E.A XCG Pusev, Brown XT Pusev.Wm.A FN Ragins,AlexB. . . XOC Ramsey. G.B. G Ranson, S.Walter ...X" Ratner.Herbert ..XQC Rea.AlbertineL. XHG Redfield. Robert ..HL Reed.Mrs.B.P FX Reed.CarlosI X Rehm.W.S.Jr FG Revnolds.H.T. ..FGH Reynolds. TohnT. ...X Rice. Hugh A FNQ Rickccrds.F.S. K Ricketts.HenrvT. . .X Rider.TheodoreH. CX Riggs.E.S EF Riggs.LloydK NC Roberts, JohnM. Roberts. MissL. J CKN Roberts, R.G CNB Robertson.O.H X Rogers. Burton R. NBF Rogers. FredA. ...BM Rolnick. Harry X Rosborough,P.A. ...X Rosenthal, ScIRov ..X Geographical Index i 04 i Chicago, Cont'd. Roundy,Z.D O Rubin,A.L.H. ...KLQ Rukstinat.Geo.J. ...X Sadler.Wm.S X Sanders JamesM. ...F Saphir,Otto VXT Sappington.C.O. . .XQ Saul, Leon X Saunders. Felix C Schaar.BernardE. CG SchifLDavidC Xd Schillmg,O.F.G A Schimberg, Arnold .N Schimpff,G.W. ..CBX Schimpff.R.K. ...CNB Schindler.Rudolf XF Schlesinger.H.I C Schmeing.G.M. ..CBA Schmidt.F.D CXQ Schmidt.KarlP F Schmidt, R.E. ...DME Schmitz,H.L X SchneiderJ.L M SchommerJohnJ. ...C Schorsch,A.P. ...KIQ Schour, Isaac Nd Scott, Charles N Selinger,Elias X Sella.Emil GB Seman.PhilipL. KLH Sheinin.JohnJ N Shell JohnS CX Sherff.EarlEdward .G Shull.CharlesA. ...GO Siebel.EmilA. ..BCX Siebel.F.P CMA Siems.H.B COG Simmons, GlenR. ...C SimondsJamesP. ..X Singer,H. Douglas XTI Skinner.E.W. .BXdA Slight, David XI Smead.C.H CFG Smetters.S.T. ...MAG Smith.A.B BM Smith, Burke ....DBA Smith, FredWilson ..C Smith.HarvevM. ..FX Smith.L.W O Smith.T.V K Snydacker,Daniel . .N Snyder.FredH XC Soskin, Samuel X Spellberg.M.A. ...XF Spencer, MissG.G., CBL SpencerJaneE. ..AQK Spencer.MissM.L. HL Spohn.MissA C Stadnichenko.MissA., N Standley.PaulC G StanfieldJ. Fisher ..G StantonLeR.W. CMN Stare, FredrickJ. ..XC States.M.N B Stauffer, Andrew G Steck.IrvingE X Stein, IrvingF. N Stein, SamI XI Steiner.PaulE X Steinhaus.A.H. .XFK Stephan.R.M XC Stevenson, F.L. ...BM Still, E.U XCF Stoelting.C.H. ..HIX Stone,C.H BMA Stowe.M.C FG Strandskov.H.H. ...F Strauss, Sidnev X Strong.R.M. ". F Struck.H.C XC Swann.H.G X Chicago, Cont'd. Sweet, D.H MBK Swift.C.H N Swift.H.H Talbot, Marion ....KQ Taliaferro, W.H. ..FX Tannenbaum.A. XCB Taylor.H.A. Q Terry, RalphE C Thal.P.E X Thompson, ClemO. .QI Thompson, W.O X Thomson.S.C. ...XFL Thor.CliffordJ.B. CGO Thorek.Max X Thurston.F.A Xd Thurstone.L.L I Tibbals.C.Austin ...C Tiemann.T.D ME TindalJ.M MKQ Tippet.MissM.M. ...C Tobiasz.E.C. ICF Tolman.LuciusM. ..C Tower,WillisE. ...BQ Tranzen.Karl ...MAB Tunnicliff,Ruth ....X Turner.A.R QX Tweedy.W.R CX Tyler.RalphW QI Ulery.C.B ABC Vagtborg.Harold ..BC VanCleef.Paul ..CBA VanPeltJ.R EM VaughanX.H GO Vincent.StellaB. ,.IQ Vogele,AlfredC. ...GC VollertsenJJ C vonBonin.G XHF Voth,PaulD G Wach.E.C. XdC Wagner.C.R C Wagner.CarlB. ...XD Wagner, HermanA. M Wakerlin,G.E N Wallace, L.W. M Wang.ChiChe CX Warner.GlenW. ...BQ Wasley.W.L CX Wasson,Theron ..EM Waterfall.W BM Watts.RuthM CX Weed.AlfredC F Weightman.C.H. ...O Weinhouse. Sidney ..C Weisman.MissL. FGQ Weiss, Emil XT Weiss.Paul XF Welker.W.H X Wells, H.G X Wentworth.E.N. FKO Werch.S.Carl X Wessinger.Geo.D. CX White.W.B. ....MBD Wideman.CJ F Wiggins J.H. ...DBA Wilcox, GuvM B Williamson, W.R. CB Wilson.Geo.W IX Windle.WilliamF. ..X WittJ.C CMB Wolfle.DaelL. ...ILB Wood.WillardL ...X Works.Geo.A. ...QKI WrayJ.Glen M Wright,D.T CMB Wright, F.Howell ...X Wright, Frank CX Wright.Sewall ....FO Yamanouchi,Shigeo G Yntema.T.O KA Young.MissH.D. .CX Young.Mrs.J.D F Young.T.F CBD Zabel.H.E F Chicago, Cunt'd. Ziegler.PaulF BC Ziegler.X.A ME Zika.RobertB BC Zimmermann.A. ..XF Zoern Joseph FG Chicago Heights Applegate.MissA.R. G FellowsJohnA. .MPB Clarendon Hills Keil.H.L CXM Collinsville Youtsey.F.S BCD Danville Cox.HarlanS. ...XKL Crispin, SamuelC. ..N English, Harlan N Decatur Galligar.MissG.C. GF Gay, Berry Everett . .X Greenfield.R.E C HesslerJohnC CQ Hottes.F.C F Melrose J.A IFH Mills.RalphG X Pollock.MiltonD. ..N RansomJ.H C Richardson, G.B. ...M Seulke.KJ OCF Deerfield Hille, Hermann .CXG De Kalb Gould.H.W BCD Montgomery, C.E. .FG Delavan Hight.E.S MAB Downers Grove Pugh, Mrs. Emerson G Whitehead.G.W. ALQ Dundee Dickinson, C.G E Dwight Stubbs.Mrs.C.X. FGE East Alton Olsen.Fredrich ..CBA Edwardsville Sprinkle,M.R. ..MCA Effingham Hammond.R.E. MKB Elburn Seymour, Mrs. H.B. KOP Elgin Kettering.MissH.C, XFG Urie.FrankD DB Elmhurst DeBruine. Harvey ..F Helmick.H.H C Rudow.C.M MCB SonquistJ.A FQG Elmwood Park Adams, WilliamA. ..H Elsah Chandler, George I Eli Happ.GeorgeB FG Hooper.W.J BMD Robertson,? CE Evanston AbernethyJ.L C BallJohnR EFH Bannister.MissR.D., BDE Bascom,W.R H Bassoe, Peter X Beaton.L.E XHF Beaton, Mrs. L.E. ...G Behre.C.H.Jr E BehreJ.A CX Bockstahler.L.I B Britton.MaxE G Brown, F.A.Jr FG Brunet.W.M XK Buchanan J. W F Burton, MissE.P. ...X Carlson, MargervC. .G Carter, EdwinR. . .AD Clark.E.L IQ Crew, Henry B Curtiss.DavidR A Dole, Malcolm CB Edgecombe, A. E G Eshbach.OvidW. .MQ Freeman.G.L IX Frost.ArthurA CB Gault.R.H I Gilliland.A.R IQ Goodfellow.L.D I Grulee.C.G X Herskovits.MJ. HLF Hines,M.A C Holgate.T.F AL Hoskins.H.P XO Hudson.G.D. ....EKO Hughes JamesM. ...Q Hurd.CharlesD C Hutchison, R.Lynn ..F Janson.MissA.A. ...X Janssen,R.E. ...EHG Kassel.LouisS. ..CBA Kinslev.PhilipH Lee.Oliver.Tustin .AD Lewis.WinfordL. ...C I.owrv.C.D.Jr C Luetli.HaroldC X Lussky.H.O X Mendoza.Guillermo F Morgan. TohnT.B. IRQ Morris.W.E. ' ....FCX Moulton.E.T AD Xelson.Teli X Xethercut.EdgarS. .M Xewell.MJ Q Xorth.M.S M Pardee. MissMolly . .C Park.Orlando FG Peck.EdsonR BA Porter.Mrs.A.B Potts. L.M BM Powers, Wm.E. E Rew, Irwin Riegel.Bvron ....CXF Rollefson.K.E. ..BAM Schultz.O.T X Scott.WalterDill ...Q Scudamore.H.H. ..FG Seashore, RobertH. ..I Simon.C.T IQH Simons.M.W. ...KFH Spence.BJ B Stark, T.T. E Steinour.H.H. ...CBK Stevens.C.R CPK Stults, Raymond ...M Summerbell.R.K. ...C Suter.C.M CQ 1042 Geographical Index Evanston, Cont'd. Templeton.E.J. ..AFL Tiffany, L.H G Todd.ArthurJ KH Turner, C'.Donnell . .F Turner, ClarenceL. ..F UrbancekJ.T. ...ABO Varrelman.F.A. ..FGI Ward.HaroldB E Whiting.MissA.G ..G Williams, E.C. Jr. ...F WilliamsJ. Lisle ..NC Witty. PaulA 01 Yacorzynski.G.K. INF Fairfield Roberts, H.C. ...BAM Fisher Sailsbury.M.B. ..FGQ Flossmoor Friedemann.Wm.G., CBM Gregg.CliffordC. .QHF Sykes, Wilfred M Galesburg Franing.EdwardC. .N Furrow, C.L F Kidder, AlbertF O Neifert.IraE CN Thomas, VictorD. ...N Walton. A. C FNQ Williamson, Warren F Geneva Hanson, T.M NK Gillespie Willson.MissL.M.. FGK Gilman Levy.AbrahamJ. XLK Glencoe Birdsall.LewisI. ..CM Miner.C'arlS C Glen Ellyn ReadJohnW. Glenview Nesset.N.M. ... Rose.WilliamH ..CO ..CN MCB Grant Park Dennis.H.N FGH Greenville Marston.LeslieR. .IQ Harrisburg Bonnell, Clarence FGN Harvey Jewell, MinnaE. .CFG Highland Eberhart, C.Milton ..N Highland Park Harvey, EllervH. .CM Landauer.R.S. ....BN LeClercq.R.R EM MacCorquodale,D.W., C Moore, Mrs. A. O Pardee, H.S MAB Pfanstiehl.Carl ...BC Walsh.WilliamJ. ..IB Welch.M.W CBF Zeisler.E.B NAB Hillsbcro Seltzer.Alvin N Hines Nolan, LewisE N Owen.S.E NpQC Hinsdale Dixon.L.J CMN Hansen, W.C CB Nielsen, ErnstK. ..CN Hollywood Hoff.WilburL. ..CBE Hubbard Woods Mettler.Mrs.L.H Jacksonville Alexander, MissA. ..G Armstrong, B CNp Capps.H.M.Jr IQ Cooke, FrancisW. ...B DeRyke, Willis F Miller.E.O TQ Newcomb.W.H N Olson, MissHazel FGN Stewart, I. C Q Walter.MissM. ..FIH Joliet Carney, W.F C Fitch, KennethR. CBK Frisbie.R.L CFG Lochner.SisterM.F. F Schwartz.MissG. GFQ Stuart, F.C M Kankakee Edgeworth.H CM LaGrange Carpenter.A.H. .MED Knoblock.B.W H Stover.C.R MAB Zimmerman.O.B., MOA Lake Bluff Wood.S.M MDE Lake Forest Coffin, F.B CK Harris, RoscoeE B Isfort.MissL.G. ...GF Lineburg, Bruce F Scudder.L.W KB Williams.S.P IK La Salle Danheim,MissB.L. FG Lawrenceville Hoffmann, H GCN Lebanon Spencer.E.R FG Lena Gassman,E.A. ...CBQ Lincoln Schilz,CarlE. ....CBQ Lisle Jurica, HilaryS G Tomecko.C.G. ...C Lombard Osland.Embert ...MC VanDoren.C.F. ..BCF Macomb Bennett, MissM. A., FGQ CarterJ.Hal CBA Schreiber.E.W. ..ALO Waggoner, H.D. .GFN Madison Schwab, W.Jr. ..FGC Manteno Baer.W.H IK Marshall Hares.C.J E Mattoon Anderson, CarlB. EMC Long.HarlandW. ..IN Maywood Blair, JamesS C Grier.Mrs.T.G HE Gruber.L.F DCB Lueck.RogerH C Polanco.QuirinoG. ..N Shepard.MissW F Mendota Mauntel.H.W. ..KQG Monmouth Haldeman.W.S. CDM McClenahan.F.M., CEB Mooseheart Reymert,M.L IQ Naperville Bieber.C.L EQ Eigenbrodt.H.J F Priem,LillianA. ....C Wall.C.N B Nora Blair.MissM.C. .GEO Normal Cross, C.L B Force, MissT QIE Gray,MissNinaE. .FG Lanikey.E.M.R. ..GO McAvoy.MissB G McDavitt.Neva E Miller, L.Wallace ..G Richardson, M.L. ...N Royce.MissB.M. NFG Northbrook Richards, MissM. ACL North Chicago Carter, EdgarB C Cromwell, H.W N Moore. EdmondE. ...C Vliet.El.merB CN Oak Park Auten.HanfordL. ..N Darrah.W.A MCB Gamble, MissFaith GO Gere.B.H. ....AQ Graham, Katherine NC Kuehn.AlfredL M Kunke.Wm.F C Leahy, JamesA M Lodesk'i.FJ.Jr. ...CB McCord.G.E DEH Morrell.T.C. C Pfeiffer,G.S MBA Seed.Lindon N Shaw, L.I MC Sheaff.H.M NCF Simpson, H.N. ..CMN Oak Park, Cont'd. WattsJ.T DBA Weckel.MissA.L. FG Williston,MissR ..FG Wirth.ElmerH. NpCG Palatine Schmidt, A.H C Park Ridge Gunderson,L.O. CBM Hand.GeorgeW M Noyes.F.B FGNd Olson, GeorgeA C WesselJohnP FG Paxton Hileman.A.I OQI Peoria Althausen,Darrell ..C Ashman, Geo. C C Browne.Wm.J. ..CBD CartJacobF Nd Coghill.RobertD. ...C Comstock,C.E. ....AQ Fletcher.LJ. ...MOK Fuller,M.L.,Sr E Gault.ArthurE. ...AD Hunter J. E CFN Lathrop.ElbertC. ...C Packard.W.H. F Rosen.CarlG.A. .MBC SedgwickJ.H. ...FGE ShollenbergerJ.H. OK Sigal.Alex C'NO Smith.C.Carroll .NdO Smith.C.M NdQI Sneller.CharlesD. NE Stone.C.U. HKQ Swaim.V.F BA Swartz.MissD FG Vonachen.H.A N Voss.Tohn GEF Willett.R.C HNd Peru Milhone.D.W. .GF Quincy Elmslie.W.P. ...CON Evers.RobertA. .GFQ Fochtman, Vincent ..I Montgomery, E.B. NQ Swanberg, Harold ..N Rantoul Taylor, GeorgeF. ..BE Wainer.Perry B Redmon Nurnberger,C.E. BNC Reynolds Freytag.L.C CD A River Forest Charles.G.M FG Joslyn,ArthurE N Kane. William I O'Hanlon.SisterM.E. GF Ouinn.SisterM.G. CBA Ryan.SisterM.H. ...G Timothy, SisterM. ..E Riverside Bangs, E.H M Fruth.H.F B Linn. CarlB C Teller. Geo. I C Vivian, Mrs. E.L. FGO Geographical Index 1043 Robbs LongwellJ.II. .OCF Rockford Bruner.RichardC. CN Fernald.Evelynl. ..G Johnson, MissA.F. . .B Purdy.GeorgeC. MKB Richardson, D F Rock Island Cederberg.W.E. .ADB Fryxell.F.M EFG Larson, KarlG BD NothsteinJ.O. ..QLK Yingling.HalC. . .GFE St. Elmo Kanatzar.C.Lepiie ..F Savanna Round.OliverH. MEC Springfield Bonn, George S CM ByerleyJ.R FGQ Deuel, Thorne ....HFI Dougherty, E.R F Downing', W;C, Jr. MBA GallahueJ.T. ...BAG Helmle.H.R D Hockenyos.G.L. .CFG Holtz.FrederickC. .M Jones, A.J NCO Ledgerwood.R IN Light, F.W NA Michael, ViolaM. NFG Richardson, B.K. ..NQ Spaulding, Charles ..C Vernon, GeorgeH. ..N Weart.J.G.Jr. ..CGM Sterling Jones, Silas I Ward.PhilipH FG Urbana Adams, LeverettA. FG Adams, Roger C Anderson, 11. \V. ...GO Anderson, H.H 1Q Bailey, Harold W. ...A Baker, F.C EF Baker.RobertH. ..DB Balduf.WalterV. ...F Bamber.LyleE F Barker.RogerG. ..IFQ Bartow. MissV C Bavley.Wm.S E Beadles, MissJ.R. .CN BeardJ. Howard ..NO Bell.AlfredH E Blair.J.C O Blanchard.R.A. ...FQ Boewe.G.H GO BrannonJ.M. ...GNC Buchholz.JohnT G Burmester.B.R. .ONF Buswell.ArthurM. . .C Urbana, Cont'd. Cady.GilbertH E Carman.AlbertP. ...B Carmichael.R.D. ..AL Carroll, W.E OCF Carter.C.W EBC Case, H. CM KO Clark, GeorgeL. . ..CB Cobb.T.H 0 Coble, Arthur B A Cockrum,E.E. ...OGK Colby, A.S OGQ Compton.CharlesC. .F CowIesJohnT IN Crathorne,A.R. ...AK DeTurk.E.E OCG Dorner.HermanB. GO Dorsey.MJ GO Dungan.Geo.H. . . .OG Ekblaw.G.E EFM Enger.M.L M Englis.D.T C Fairbanks.B.W. ..OC Finan.JohnL IN Fletcher, Harris. ..LQ Flint, WesleyP. ..FGO Frison,TheodoreH. .F Fuson.R.C C Gaines, W.L OF Gerth.HansH K Gianturco.Cesare ...N Gillespie.JamesB. ,.N Graham, Robert ...FN Griffith, ColemanR. .1 Hagan.VVallaceW. ..E Hague, MissS.M G Hall, B.Vincent ...FN Hanks, L.M.Jr. ..IHK Harrell.T.Willard ..I Hay ward, H.N. ..MOB Heusinkve'd.D. . .OG Hiller.E.T. KH Hoff.C.Clayton ....FG Hopkins, B.Smith ...C Hottes.CharlesF. ...G Huelsen.WalterA. OG Jordan, HarveyH. ...M Keyes.D.B CBM Knight.A.R MBQ Knipp.C.T B Kudo.R.R FN Lamar, T. Everts E Larsh.HowardW. .GF Leighton.MorrisM. .E Levine,NormanD. FN Loomis,F.W B Lorenz.RalphW. ..OG McClure.M.T.Jr. ...I MacMasters.Miss MajelM CGB McMunn.RichardL. O Marvel.CarlS C Metcalf.ClellLee FNO Miller.GeorgeA A Mills.MissR CNF Milner.R.T C Mitchell.H.H. ...NCO Monroe.WalterS. ..IQ Moore.H.F M Morgan.J.H BM Nakamura.F.I. ..CNO Urbana, Cont'd. Nevens.W.B ON Newcomb.R HLM Noyes.W.A C Oldfather.W.A L O'Neal, Russell B Outhouse, MissJ. ..CN PageJohnL E Parr.MissR.M. ..CQG Parry, John J LQ Paton.RobertF B Pennington, L. A. IFN Pepper, MissEchoD. A Piersol.RobertJ B Prosser.C.Ladd ...FN Putnam, W.J. ...MBE Quirke.T.T E Reed,FrankH C Reich, HerbertJ. ..MB Ries.DonaldT FQ Roberts, Elmer ..FGO Robinson.T.W. ..FGC Rodebush.W.H. ...CB Rose.W.C CN Rusk.H.P O Satterthwait,A.F. FGO Satterthwait.Mrs.E.A. FGK Savage, T.E E Schoof.H.F FGN SchopfJamesM. ...EG Schulz.W.F B SeverensJ.M. ...NFO Seybolt.R.F LN Shanor.Leland G Shriner.RalphL C Shumwav, Waldo ..FN Smith, B.Othanel ...Q Smith.L.H CGO SpaethJ. Nelson ..GO Steggerda.F.R N Stevens, N.E GL Street, RoyF IQ Sutton, A. H E Swann,S.,Jr C Talbot.A.N M Tanner.FredW. .NCG Tawney.G.A IKQ Taylor.A.B. FNG Tehon.LeoR G Terry, Henrietta A Thomas.LyellJ F Thornberry.H.H. GCB Tippo. Oswald G Titcomb,MissJane ..E Townley.MissE E Trelease, William ...G Trjitzinsky,W.J. ...A TykocinerJ.T. ..MBK VanCIeave.H.J F Vestal.Mrs.W.M.P. G Voskuil.W.H. ...KGE Waldo.EdwardH. ..M Wallace.G.I N Wanless,Haro!dR. ..E Ward.H.B FN Watson, F.R B Weber.OscarF Q Whiting.A.L FGO Wickerham.L.J. ..GN Urbana, Cont'd. Williams,E.H B Wilson.MissF.L. .NG Wilson, W.M. ...MBA Wolf.DonaldE C Womack,Madelyn ..C Woodrow, Herbert ...I Woodworth.C.M. ..GO Yapp.RobertG Znaniecki,Florian ..K Vienna Creager.Mrs.M. .FGQ Waukegan Durham.O.C. ...GND Lake,GeorgeB. ..NKL Peters, PaulE. ...CBA Swope.MissG. ...CAB Western Springs Ronneberg,C.E. .BCD Wheaton BuswellJ.O.Jr. . . KQ Carpenter, C.K I'G Cole.G.G KHE Cooke, RobertL. ...QI Dixon, MissH. ...GEF Eavey.C.B IQ Fawcett.C.G C Grigolia, Alexander .H Leedyjohn GE MackjamesB F Stanley, PaulE. ...BM Taylor,H.O. BAD Wright.PaulM. ..CEB Wheeling Neumann, FredR. .EQ Wilmette Billow, ClaytonO. . .M Davis, Davidjohn ..N Gillson.Mrs.M.S. CBD Jones, Hiltonlra ....C NuzumJohnW. N Snow.L.H N Struven.Edw.D. KMQ Weaver, GeorgeH. ..N Winnetka Alschuler,Mrs.R.H. Bradshaw.MissD.A. I Frazer,G.E KA French, D.K CM Henderson, L.M C Hilpert.WillisS. ....C Humphrey, H.K M Lebeson, Herman ...C McEwen.W.K. ..CFN Ruckmick.C.A. I Sauer.LouisW N Starr, Paul N Woodstock Marsh,Charles . .BDP Zion Scripter.Otis INDIANA Bedford Guernsey, E.Y H Kriebel.RalphM. GFO Bloomington Andrews, FrankM. ..E BadertscherJ.A. ...N Bittner.W.S HK Bloomington, Cont'd. Book.WilliamF I Broyles, Ralph C Brvan.W.L IK Cleland.RalphE G Conklin, EdmundS. ..I Cumings.E.R E Davis, RolandC I Bloomington, Cont'd. Edmondson.C.E. . .FN Fidlar.M.M ECD Franzen,CarlG.F. ..O GallowayJ.J E Harmon, PaulM N Hartman.R.T CBA Hecht.Ado'ph G Bloomington, Cont'd. Kanning.E.W. ..CBA KantorJacobR. ..LIH Kellogg.W.N I Kinsey.AlfredC. ....F Logan, WilliamN. ..E Lohman.MarionL. ..G Louttit.C.M IHK T044 Geographical Index Bloomington, Cont'd. McClung.L.S. ...NOC Malott.C.A E Miner.W.B BCQ Mitchell.A.C.G. ...BC Moore, MarvinG. ABD Payne, Fernandus ...F Ramsey, Rolla Roy .B Robinson, MissU. .CN Roff.Merrill I Scott, V.Brown N Smith, H.L Q Snoddy,GeorgeS I Sonneborn.T.M. .FGK Switzer. T.Elmer ....E Thornburv.W.D E Topper.RobertC. .IKN Torrey.T.W. F Visher,S.S E Weatherwax.Paul ..G WhiteJesseHayes 10 Williams.K.P AD Bluffton Caylor, Harold N Deam,CharlesC G Boonville Snyder. W.T OG Camby Zerfas.LeonG NC Carmel Grubbs.S.B N Chesterton Rogers, T.Hunton ...C Clarks Hill Bryant, Mrs. D. ..FGQ Collegeville Kroeckel.CJ FBG Crawfordsville Bechtel.A.R G Furgason.W.H FG Gantz, E.St. Clair CBE Howell.L.B COG Pollev.T.C ABK Scott.J.Paul F Culver Kernoban.R.H. ...BQ. Danville Hunt.Virgil CBA Steinbach,L.I. ...BCP Dexter James, LouisE. ..BCA East Chicago Phillips.ErnestB. .CD Evansville Aleck.A.W 01 Bills.CharlesE. .CNF Carman, K.W E Cope.AlfredB IQ Hedman,FritzA. CBM Ma, Frederick CN McDonald.F.G C MacKenzie, Pierce ..N Stanton, HarmonL. . N Strickler.Alvin C Young, Leonard . . . KQ Fort Wayne BickJ.A C Breeze, F.J E Farnsworth.P.T. ..BM Hull.LouieR B Fort Wayne, Cont'd. KlineJ.J M Lichtenberg.C. ..MBI Rawles,L.T N Rhamy.B.W. ....NCG WilliamsJ.A. . . .CNP Franklin KentJohnF FG Mullendore.MissX. .G Gary Kobrak.Heinrich ..NI Lieberman, Arnold XF StoycofLChristM. . .N Sturm, Tillie FG Goshen Lehman, DanielA. AD Greencastle Blanchard.W.M C Edington.WillE. ABD Giddings.GlennW. BA Hickman, C.P F Martin.W.E FNH Middleton.W.C. ..IQF Reynolds, AlbertE. ,F Smith, ErnestRice ..E Smith.OrrinH B Welch, WinonaH. ...G Yuncker.T.G. ...GNO Hammond Forster.N.K N Kuhn.HedwigS. XKO Kuhn.HughAlva X McAtee.MissV. .FGC Tennant.T.R CO Hanover Guthrie, Xed C Hyatt, JosephL. ...FG Martin, R.E B Meyer.H.A AKB Hartford City Baker.Mi ssLora E Pearson, MissH.R. QA Holy Cross Eggleston.SisterM.F. IQ Lucre tia, Mo therM. CGX Huntington Loew.FredA G Mason, Harold Wimmer.MissR.M. COE Indianapolis Arnott.E.H F Bibbins.F.E CXp Black,GlennA H Black, R.L FG Blatchley.W.S F Brosey.CharlesL. ...B Bruner.HenryLane .F Campbell, M.S. ..XCG Campbell, MissM.F. FGH Carter.T.W.Jr. ..IHX Chen.K.K. Np Clark.C.P N Clowes.G.H.A CN Clute.W.N G Coulter, Stanley G Cox.ClareF. G Culbertsen.C.G N DoyleJohnJ IQH Dunwoody.T.R C Feuerlicht.M.M. .LKI Indianapolis, Cont'd. Fisher.G.A. C Fisk.FrankB CN Fiske.A. Hastings .XC Fortune, W.B C Friesner.RavC G Gilman.L.H XCK Grant, CharlotteL. ..G Hadley.MurravN. ..X Hamp.FrankA. ..GFX Hanley.W.A. ...MKA Hanske.CarlF CQ Harger.R.N C Harris.PaulX. X Hartley.HarryD. BCE Haynes.Edith XG Helmer.OscarM C Henderson, MissR.V. CGF Hightower.P.R. .IQH Hulpieu.H.R. ..XpFC Jamieson.W.A XC Kiser.EdgarF XL Kohlstaedt,K.G X Krahl.M.E CXF Lapenta.VincentA. .X Lee.H.M XpC Lilly, Eli CHX Link, Goethe D McCaskey.CarlH. ..N Moser.RollinH X Xester.H.G FXC Xoble,T.B.,Tr XH Olive, E.W G Page.I.H XC Pearson, XathanE. .F Peavey.Mrs.L GB Powell.'H.M. X Price, JamesF. ...BCA Pulfrey.A.L CM Ratti.Gino LOK Rawls.MissE.S. .GXO Remke.SisterM.X. ..C Rhodehamel.H.W. ..C Rice.ThurmanB. ...X Richardson.W.L. . .QI RitcheyJ.O X Sage.RussellA. .XFH Schley.GeorgeB. CBM Shuler.LaceyL N Spaunhurstj.F X Sullivan, Russell ...D Swanson.E.E Xp Thompson. H.B. .BAC Thornton. H.C X Wnde.FrankB C Weaver.F.R. ME Weaver.M.M FN Wishard.Wm.N.Jr. X Wright.H.F \FGE Wright.JohnS G Jasonville Liston.JesseG. ...EIQ Kentland Rector.MissAvis CAX La Fayette ArthurJ.C G Brunson.A.M. ...FGO Buel.MissEval. .CXO Bushnell.T.M O Caldwell, RalphM. ..G Cartwright.W.B. ...F Corley.RalphC. ...XC Davis, Johnjune F Degering.E.F C Dtiff.MissHelen ....I Elliott, EdwardC. ...Q Girton.RaymondE. .G Greene. Laurenz O Hauge.SigfredM. .CO Headlee.W.H FX La Fayette, Cont'd. Hiestand.Wm.A. FGX Johnson.A.P MI Kennedy, Glenn .CXD Knight.F.B IQ Kraybill.H.R CG Lambert, W.V FO Lanczos, Cornelius AB Lark-Horovitz,K. ..B Lee,C.O CGXp Ludy.LlewellynV. MQ Luginbill, Philip F McClintockJ.A. ..GO Mackay, Elizabeth . .G Montgomery, B.E. FO Painter,H.R. F Pearce.D.W CE Peters, SisterJ. ...EQI Redfield.GailM. ..OB Reed,HarryJames ..O Remmers.H.H IQ Ross.DavidE M Samson, R.W G Schuck, Cecelia ..XFC Serviss.FredL. .EMH Shreve,R.Xorrts C Smith,AlbertC Smith.W.W O Stewart.G.W. ..EMD Stratton.D.C QIK Test.L.A CF Trimble.OtisC. ..IHO Walter.E.V F Wean.RobertE. .CGO White.V.B G Wiancko.A.T O Marion HuffmanJ.A ELO YoungJ.H C Michigan City Klouman.H MCB Milroy McIlvaine,MissM. AD Mishawaka Bennett, R.G CB Blakeway.W.F. .CAB Hufr.C.Elton ....CBX Muncie Christy.O.B FG Clauser.E.H NIK Cooper.RobertH. ..FQ Fen imore, H.Emory CBA Hurlbut.Floy EK McCormick.R.N. ..FX Montgomery. L.G. ..X Peters. RobertJ. .CDE Scarf.Robert IQ StephensJ.A B Watts, MissM. . . .GFE Weber.RobertC. ..CX WoodrufLX.H. ..FGA North Manchester Kintner, Edward ..FG Morris.C.S BD Xeher.O.W GO Ulrey.ClaytonT. ...B Weimer,HarryR. . . .C Notre Dame Bolger.H.J B Collins, George B Greene.R.L XMC Haas.ArthurE. ..BDA Jackson, D.C.Jr. ..MQ Geographical Index 104: Notre Dame, Cont'd. Just.Theodor ....GFE Kaczmarek.R.M. XGF Maurus.E.J A Menger.Karl A Molter.TohnA F Noecker.N.L G O'Crady.D.C I Reyniersjanif sA. .X Oakland City Laidlaw.H.H.Jr. FOG Paoli Bentley.ArthurF. . .K Red Key RoM.-nkrnns,R.R. EAR Rensselaer Babcock.W.C MO Richmond Hole.AllenD E Markle.M.S. G Wildman, Ernest A. .C Wilson, A. H EFG St. Mary-of-the- Woods FitzGerald,D C Lucey,SisterM.R. FXG O'Connor.MissMAV. G Seymour Osterman, Henry NpC Sharpsville McReynolds.L.W. FG Shelbyville Inlow.VV.D NIB South Bend Baldinger.L.H CX Boeskev,S.C F Tames, WilliamS. BCM Lvon.M.W.Jr. ..FXC Lyon.M.M.B X Schubert, CarlC. . .CBF Sparrow, Stanwood .M South Whitley Germann.A.F.O. CON Spencer Banta.MissEdna . .GF Sullivan Thompson.W.N. . .CN Terre Haute Dale.J.K C Graam.D.G NFC Howlett,BertonA. ..B Tohnson,DavidF. ...F Knipmeyer,C.C. MBQ MackellJ.F BD Martinjerome ..CBA Moorhead.JamesJ. .N Morey.GlenH. C Xoves, Bessie F Prentice. D.B M Shontz.MissG. ...QFG Smith, BenH G Strong.RalphK C Tirey.RalphN. ...QIK Whitejohn C Tipton Glass, LeroyC. ..FNQ Upland Avres.B.W IQK Draper.MissO.M. ABD Evans.G.H CBA Ritchie, Earland B Stuart, R.L Valparaiso Amstutz.NoahS. ..BM Cushman.P.A M Elliott, FrankR. .FNG Larson, R.G C Thrun.WalterE. ..CN Vincennes Pierce, Leslie G Wabash Black, RoyD C Bues.HarryW. ...QIA Waldron Wagoner, K.S I Warsaw Miner.DeweyH. BFM West Baden Springs LemmerJ.G ABC Westfield Doan, Martha C NewcomerJ.Leon MB West Lafayette Abbott, RaymondB. .B Allen, FredJ CBQ Behrens,CharlesA. .N Brewer.P.H O Cable, RaymondM. FC Carr.R.H C Cope,D.S CM Cromer, S.S Q West Lafayette, Cont'd. DeKav,H.G. ...XpO' Dunham, D.H. ...FGN Enders.H.E F George, R.H BCM Herrick.TJ. ....MAB Hoffer,GeorgeN F James,C.M. ...... FX< ■ Jerome, EldonK I Jordan, C.B. CNp Kelly, E.Lowell I MaddoxJamesS. IXB Martin, J. Holmes Matthews, MissM.L. KIQ Meikle.G.Stanlev ..M Mellon, M.G C Munro,G.W MBO Newton, RoyF. ..CBA O'Shea.HarrietE. IQK Pacey.Guy M Poorman.A.P QM Porter, CharlesL. ...G Potter,A.A. MBA Rifenburgh.S.A. FNO Robbins.CharlesK. .A Shreve.D.R AOM ShumanJohnR. . . . FG Sprague.C.S MBA Stair.Edw.C OGC Stedman.C.K. ...BEM Steer.M.D INB Templin.MissM. .IQN Troop, James F Zscheile.F.P.Jr. CGO Whiting McXeil.C.P C Roberts.E.N C Wolcottville Pierce, MissM.E. .IEK Adel Straight.H.R. ...MCB Alta Hadden.DavidE. .DC Ames AikmanJ.M GOC Bakke.ArthurL G Barre,HenryJ. ..MOB Becker, EleryR. ...FN Benbrook.E.A NF Bergman, H.D. ..NQC Bird.EmersonW. ..CO Brown.F.E CQB Brown.L.T. M Buchanan, R.E. ..NGO Buchholtz.W.F. ...GO Clark.XormanA. COG Coover.WinfredF. ..C Craft,W.A OF Dana.ForestC. ..MAO Drake.CarlJ F Edgar, MissRachel .C Errington.P.L. ..FGE EvansJ.E. IQK Foladarejoseph QKB Foust.H.L CFN Fox.GeraldW B Fritz, MartinF I Fulmer,EllisI C Gaessler,W.G CO Gaskill.HaroldV I Gilkey.H.J MAQ Gilman, Henry C IOWA Ames, Cont'd. Ames, Cont'd. GilmanJ.C G Pickett.B.S. OG Goodman, GeorgeJ. ..G Pierre, W.H OGC Gouwens,Cornelius .A Plagge.HerbertJ. ...B GowenJ.W. F Poor.MissM FG Gwynne.C.S EQC Porges.Nandor CG Harber.Williaml. . .C Porter.R.Howard .GO Harris.HalbertM. .FG Pultz.L.M. GO Hayden.Ada G Rayman.M.M. ...CFN Helser,M.D OCQ Reddy.Chas.S G Herr.MissG.A A Richardson, C.H F Hewitt, E. A NCO Ruth.BurrellF C Holl.DioLewis .ABM Sanders, Earl FG Hughes.H.D OGQ SchulzJ.A CNO Kildee.H.H O Schwarte.L.H N Knight, HarryH F Shane, Adolph BM Kunerth, William BCD Smith, ErmaA FN LarsenJuliusA. ..GO Snedecor.G.W A Lauer,A.R IQF Spatz.SydneyM. .CNF LeeJ.S C Spinney, L.B. B Levine,Max N Sprague,GeorgeF. GO Lindstrom.E.W. .GFO Stiles, Harold B LonsdaleJohnT. ...E Strawn.MissB.M. Loomis.W.E GO CBF Lucas, AlfredM. ...FN Swanson,LydiaV Lucas, M.S FN Sweeney,O.R M LushJayL FO Tauber,OscarE. .NFC McBrvde.C.X X Underkofler,L.A. CGO McKelvev.J.V A Vance.ThomasF. ..10 McXutt.S.H XF Wellhouse.WalterH. MartinjohnX G FG Melhus,IrvingE. ...G Werkman.C.H N Morgan, Barton Q WertJamesE 01 Xelson,V.E CNO Willson.L.H. '.O Paddock, F.B F Wilsie.CarrollP. .OGC Park.O. Wallace ....F Winsor.C.P AFG Ames, Cont'd. WoodrowJayW B Yoder.Lester CN Young, George Y G Anamosa Smith.PaulN O Carroll Anneberg.Reas N'T Cedar Falls Begeman, Louis B Grant, MartinL. ...GF HeinonenJ.C. ...QGF Kadesch.W.H B Lantz.C.W GOQ ParishJessieA. ...GF Rath.H.Earl NF Cedar Rapids Beetham.R.B. ..MBA Coffin, LerovM. . . . .AB Foster.C.S Nd Mulsow.F.W N Newell, WalterS I Stiles, KarlA F Stookey.S.W EG Tibeau,SisterM.E. FGX Widmer.J.M CP Charles City CavettJesseW. ...CX Morehouse, NealF. ..F 1046 Geographical Index Cherokee Obermann.C.F N Clarinda Neal.O.R O Clinton Peckham.Geo.T. Jr. CMP Davenport Hauber.U.A FEG Kornder.L.H. ...NFG Lillis.G.A. C Mast,GiffordM. .MIB Shipman.TrumanG. .B Decorah Highby.PaulR. ..FQN Hoslett, Sherman .FGI Miller, EmilC. ...BAQ Norlie.O.M IKA Stabo.T N Waldeland.C.R. ...CN Des Moines Beer.Paul M Bierring,WalterL. .N Brandt.HermanF. .IB Chamberlain, L.H. Np Cook.C'.P. NCI Fowler, Oliver IC Holton.RubyAna ...Q HufT.GeorgeC. ...FNG Hunter,R.G KA Johnson,MissA.L. KIQ Johnson, LelandP. ..F Morehouse, D.W. ...D Nollen.HenryS. .DBA Reed.CharlesD. ...BO Rider, ArthurJ CQ Ritchey.CharlesJ. .LO Sanders.W.E N Sayre.E.V CAD Shawhan.Mrs.F.M. FG Sylvester.R.H I Weeks.Carl CN Wifvat.SJ.A BD Wilson.WardH. .CBD Yoder.LeeO E Dubuque French, R.A FG Geiger.SisterM.J.T. FGI Goldsmith.W.M. ..FG Heitkamp.G.W. ...BE Lutes, NeilT C Schulte.GeorgeN. .CB Wight.M.G OIK Zuker.W.B ...C Fairfield Carter.Charles ..EFG ClarkeJ.F N Dolej. Wilbur EG Gunthorp, Horace ...F Fairfield, Cont'd. McKenzie.R.M. ....C Vinton, MissC. A. ..CN Fayette Black, ClarenceJ. .CM Fort Dodge Kluever.H.C N Fort Madison Casey.RobertS. .CMB Grinnell AdamsJ. Alfred F Conard.HenryS. ....G Douglass.L.C. ...IQH Henderson, MackT. .1 Norris.H.W F Sargent, Louisa G Hedrick Hinds.R.E O Indianola Doty.H.S GFO Emmons, C.VV A Iowa City Alcock.N.G N Allen, JamesH N Annis.AlbertD IK Ash.Elton IQ Barnes.MilfordE. ...N Bartow, Edward C Beams, H.W F Berg.C'larenceP. ..CN Bijou.SidneyW. .IQH BodineJ.H FNC Bond, Perry A C Brinkhous.K.M. .NCF Bryan, A. W Nd Carothers, E.Eleanor F Coleman, GeorgeH. .C Croft, HuberO M Davies.G.R K Dennison,R.A G Dill.HomerR F Edwards, MissB. ..NC Ensign, F.C Q Evans, Titus F Fairbanks, Grant ...IB Fellowes.O.N N Flocks, Rubin N Hale.WilliamM. ....N Heeren.RalphH N Hershey.H.G EM Horn, Ernest Q Houser,G.L F Ingram.W.R N Tahn.Theo.L FG Kay.G.F E King.RobertL F Knapp.MissE. ...CNF Knower.F.H IOK Knowlton.G.C. ..NCF Kuever.R.A NpC Kurtz, Edwin MK Lambert, AveryE. ..N Lewin.Kurt IKH Lierle.DeanM N Iowa City, Cont'd. Loehwing.W.F. .GCO McBroom.MissM. ..Q McClintockJohnT. .N MacEwen.E.M. .HFN McGeochJohnA. ..IQ Marsh, Gordon ....FG Martin, GeorgeW. ...G Mattill.HenryA. . .CN Meier, NormanC. ..IK Miller.A.K E O'Brien.C.S NC Ojemann.R.H. ...QIK Plass.E.D N Raiford.L.C C Rietz.H.L AK Risley.P.L FNE Robertson, W.R.B. FHN Rowley, H.H C Runner,J.J E Salit.P.W C Seashore.C.E HIQ Seegers,W.H CN Skeels.HaroldM I Slifer.MissE.H. ....F Smith, FredM N Smith.H.P N Spence.KennethW. .1 Stewart.G.W B Stoddard, GeorgeD. QI Stromsten.F.A F Strother.CharlesR. IN StroudJ.B. IQ Thompson, Vincent .F Trowbridge, A. C E Trowbridge, MissC. .F VanEpps.C N Ward.LewisE A VVarner.E.D N Wellman,Beth QI Wheatley.M.D. .FNG Winter.CharlesA. .NF Witschi.Emil F Woodruff.MissS. ..CQ Wylie.C.C DA Wylie.R.B G Jewell Tallman.R.W QI Keokuk Knight.F.P.H C Wettstein.T.F. ..PMC Knoxville Terry ,M.C. N Lamoni Platz.GustavA G St.John,MissN.B. ..C McGregor Sherman, MissA.R. .F Sherman, E.Amelia .N Marshalltown Stone, Georgejr. CNF Wolfe.OtisRudolph N Wolfe, RussellM. NOB Milford Kendeigh.S.C. ...FGE Mt. Pleasant Galer.RogerS. ...BCD Taques.H.E. FG Mitchell.M.B. ...INQ Mount Vernon Brooks, FrankG F McGaw.F.M ADB Miner, NeilA E Moots,ElmerE. .AMD Moville Everhart.CalvinC. .M Muscatine r>auguess,LyleC. CNG Halstead.Mrs.A.L.B. CDG Nevada Conner.F.H N Osceola Hjort,MissL.V. ..CQB Stroy.HerbertE N Oskaloosa Stokes.EllaH QI Ottumwa Flecker, FriedrichA. N Walker.Evon N Peterson Heywood.Mrs.H.B. FG Piano Zintz.MilesV QI Plymouth Holroyd.H.B. ...BAM Sioux City Graber.M.E. ....ABM Hoxmeier.SisterM.C. GF Jepson, William N Pottebaum.SisterM.E. C Rochford.SisterM.De Pazzi A Storm Lake Miller.S.Porter .CFN Smith.FredericF. .FN Wyckoff.R.C. ...BDA Villisca Stickler.W.Hugh FEG Vinton Jones, DavidT FN Waverly Hertel.E.W FGN West Liberty Fenton.C.L EF KANSAS Atchison Blocker.HubertW. .F Payne.SisterM.A. ..F Pretz.P.H B Stephens, HomerA. GF Clyde Raleigh.WalterP. ..G Coffeyville Thomas, RayA C Emporia Breukelmanjohn ...F Larson, MissE.E. ..FG Miller.R.F BDE Peterson.OJ. ...ADM TerKeurst.A.J Q Garden City Bennett, Dewey ..QGF Hays Albertson.F.W G Barton, A. W CGN Bugbee.RobertE. ...F Hallsted.A.L OGF Kelly, Geo. A I Hays, Cont'd. Rankin, Roy CN Robertson, G.M. ...FE RouseJ.E O Wooster.L.D FGE Zinszer,H.A BDA Hesston Driver.D.D A Geographical Index 1047 Hiawatha Taber.E.C.Jr E Highland Culbertson,MissR.M. AB Hutchinson Enberg.L.A. ....CNM Morris, Mary Hope .... Kansas City Fecht.AJ EM A Weber.C.J NC Larned Kitchen, MissM.E. Oka Lawrence Allen.H.C C Baumgartner.W.J. ..F Booth.W.E G Dains.F.B CL Eldridge.Seba ..KFH FryeJohnC EHB Horr.VV.H G Hungerford.H.B. ...F Kester.F.E B Larson, MissM.E. ...F Latimer.H.B NF Latta.BruceF E Lindley.ErnestH. ...I Lohman.S.W E McLaughlin.Thad EB Mitchell, U.G. ...ALQ Mix, A.J G Orr.TomG.Jr. N Posey.CJ E Price, G.Baley A Reese J. Allen ...NCG Rice.M.E BMD Schoewe.W.H. E Schumann, MissM. FN Schwegler.R.A. ..QHI Sherwood, N.P N Smith.HaroldT.U. ..E Stephenson. E. A. ..EM Stevens, W.C G Stoland.O.O N Storer.N.Wyman .DB Stouffer.E.B. A StranathanJ.D B Lawrence, Cont'd. Stratton.Geo.W C Swan.M.M NC Tissue, MissK. A. CNQ Waite.HerbertA. EMC Walling.MissL.V. ..N Weeks, MissE CL Wolfson. Charles NFB Woodard.ParkeH. NC Leavenworth Melcher.G.W KIQ Proietto.L.J RingwaldJohnC. KIH Shea.SisterA.E A Lindsborg Deere.EmilOlof ..FGE Kleihege.Geo.W. ...K WelinJohnEric ...CB McPherson Harnly.H.J. F HersheyJ.Willard C Manhattan AckertJamesE F Ameel.DonaldJules .F Barnett.RobertJ. ..OG Bayfield.E.G OC BrennemanJ.L. MBO Bushnell.L.D. ...GKN Call.LelandE O Cardwell.A.B B Clark, FrancisE G Cotton.RichardT. ...F Davis, WilmerE G Dean, Geo. A F Farrell.FrancisD. .KO FrankenfeldJ.C F Gates, FrankC G Gilmore,LesterO. .ON Grimes.W.E OK Groody.T.C FNC Harman,M.T F Hartel.L.W BDA Helander.Linn ..MOK Herrick.EarlH F HunterJamesW. ..OG Ibsen, HemanL F Jugenheimer.R.W., OFG Manhattan, Cont'd. Justin, M.M K King.H.H C Laude.H.H OG Lyon.EricR B McCracken, MissE. .G Mackintosh, D.L O Melchers.LeoE. ...GO Miller, EdwinC G Myers.H.E O Nabours.R.K F Painter.R.H F ParkerJohnH GO Parker.RalphL. ...FG PetersonJ.C IQF Pickett.Wm.F OG Pittman.M.S N Scott, HaroldM O Selvidge,Harner .MB Smith, RogerC FG Smits.B.L CG Sperry.ArthurB E Swanson.C'.O C Swingle, C.F OG Throckmorton, R.I. .O Warren, D.C FG Weber.ArthurD O Willarrl.TuliusT. CBD Wimmer.E.J FN Working, EarlB. . .CG North Newton Friesen.A.P B Ottawa Carpenter, A. C EH Pady.S.M G Wilson, W.B G Overland Park Myers, BenL NA Pittsburg Bawden.W.T Q Dellinger.OrisP F Leist, Claude F Parks.W.B C ShirkJ.A.G ADM TrentJ.A GF Uhrich.Jacob F WellsJ.Ralph N Whitney, MissM. I. EG Salina Austin, Stanley G Giersch.SisterC. . .GF Moorman, A. E FG Moses,H.N NFG Waring, SisterM.G. CB Sterling Loewen.S.L FNG Thompson, D.Ruth ..C Topeka Cook.JohnW MA Doubt, MissSarah ...G Gerundo,Michele ..NC Harshbarger.W.A. AB Hunter, CharlesA. NO Lommasson.R.C. ....G Menninger,C.F. ...GN Menninger,Karl . ...N Pratt, D.J GF Reed, Burleigh ....CQ SchoveeJ.C M Shuey, Herbert ...INK Wales, HughG Wichita Ayres.H.D B Branch, HazelE. FNH CareyJ.Lloyd ...EGC Cowan, E. A I Crow.H.E FG HortonJ.R FGO Lane.Chas.E.Jr. ..FN McDonald.C.C G Micliener.JohnM. .CQ Palmer, MartinF. FIL Parkinson, D.T. ...Nd Philbrick.E.P E Sutter.LoeAlbright .N VerWiebe.WalterA. E Winfleld Albright.P.S CB Allen. Leroy K Burt.CharlesE F Dunlevy.Robt.B. ...E Evers.MissH.F. ...FG Plum. W.B BAD KENTUCKY Ashland Muncy.VictorE M Barbourville Sturdivant.H FG Teats, MissJ.E. ..AIQ Berea ArmstrongJ.W. .NIF Baker.Alson HN Bangson, JohnS. . . . FG CappsJulianH. ..CHF Dekker.AlbertO. CQB Hendricks.T.A I LoeferJohnB F Noll.Waldemar B Bowling Green Johnson, L.M I SkinnerJ.T CNQ Catlettsburg Kirker.HarryL. ..MO Coral Ridge Moore.WalterL. ADB Cynthiana Bromley.H.W QD Danville Bottom, Curtis F Cook.E.W.Jr N McMullen.C.B I Rush, R.I CNO Eminence Fremd.L.K AFI Fort Thomas Hess, MissE. R. ..CGF Humphries, R.N. KEM Frankfort Crouch,H.B F Jillson.W.R E Mark, Jessie O Georgetown Hinton.RobertT F Wilson.Wni.S, ..BCA Gilbertsville Rhoades, Roger ...EM Golden Pond Pennebaker.B.F. IFK Irvine Mercer.Forrest F Kyrock Carmichael.H.St.G.T., EKM Lexington Allen, WilliamRay .F Averitt.Paul E Averitt.S.D. BCE Best, Harry KLII Bortner.CharlesE. .O Boyd.PaulP ADB Brauer.Alfred F Caldwell.M.G. ..KHI Cooper.T.P OK Diachun, Stephen .GO Didlake,M.LeG. ..FG Dimock.Wm.W. ...FN Downing. H.H A Erikson.StatieE. CFK Fergus, E.N OG Figgins.T.D EFH Lexington, Cont'd. Freeman.J.F O Freeman, Mrs. L.B. E Funkhouser.W.D. ..F (iarman, Harrison FG Good.E.S. O Hottel.LloydD. MAD Insko,W.M.,Jr. ...CO Jeffrey, R.N GCO Jewett.H.H. F Johnson, E.M G Karraker.P.E. ...OGC Kemper, DurbinC. ,.B Kinney, E.J O LeggettJ.L I McFarlan.A.C E McFarland.F.T G MrGee, FrankM. ABC McHargueJ.S. ..CGO Mclnteer.B.B. G Mason, A. C EMC Matthews.J.E.Jr. CBF Meyer.M.C FG MinerJ.B IQ Norton, Mrs. Chas.F. .. Olney.A.J. OG Payne.V.F C 1048 Geographical Index Lexington, Cont'd. Peter,A.M CO Price, WalterAllen .F Rainey.T.W K ReichardJ.D NI Roberts, George ..OGC Robinson, L.Cass ...E Steele, DeweyG. ...FG Taylor, WilliamS. ...Q Treadway.W.L N Valleau.W.D GO VVarburton.FredW. B VVeaver.R.H FGN Webb.W.S BH Williams, E.G N Louisville Ambrose. A.M. .NpCQ Bandeen.S.G CNI Beckner.Lucien EHL BellJosephClark ...N Bennett, DonaldM. .B Buckman.SJ COG Bullitt, Wm.M. ..DAB Cole,ArchE PNG Curry, GordonL. ...CG Davies.P.A. G Dominica, SisterM., FGC Eppihimer.C.H. M£B Field, TheodoreE. ...C Louisville, Cont'd. Fonaroff.Mrs.R.N. ..C Gardner.WilliamE. N Gordon, Harold ...NO Heitger,JosepbD. . ,N Homberger.A.W C Hubbuch.Edw.H. ...N Jensen, MiltonB I Johnson, Sydney E. ..N KennedyJamesA. NC Kerr,HaydonR. . FNG Kolachov.Paul C Kornhauser.S.I F Lawson, Hampden NF Lenz,W.J BCN Loring.RalphA. .BAD McMillenJ.M. ..COO Middleton.A.R. ...FG Middleton.L.DeM. FG Mileti.OttoT C Miller,AJ." MKE Miller. FrederickW. .1 Moore, J. W NO Nachod.CarlP M Nettelroth.A N Roofe.PaulG FGH Scofield.E.H IMC Sherrill.L.J. OIK Sohn.Erwin CM South, LillianH N Speed.WilliamS. ...M Louisville, Cont'd. Stark, W.H NC Strull.Charles ...DEB Thruston.R.C.B Unger,E.D CM Willkie.H.F. ...CMO Marion Clement.B.E. ...DEH Morehead BlackJ.G BA Keller.W.H CBQ Pennebaker.G.B. ..FG Murray Hire.Chas BC Wolf son, AlfredM. ..G Wyatt,MissGrace .FG Nerinx Edwarda,SisterMary. CFG El lingson, SisterM. A., FGN Owensboro Hamvas.L.U. ...MAB Honess.CharlesW. ..E Wesley, GeorgeR. .EM Paducah Gilbert,AlfredH. ...G Paris Caslick,EdwardA. ..N Pikeville Curtis, JamesWylie .1 Richmond Cuff,NoelB IQ Herndon,T.C CB Hummel, A.D. ...BAM Krick.MissH.V. ..GF Rice,MissLucile ..FG Schnieb.AnnaA. ...01 Trappist Dunne, F.M D Wickliffe King.Mrs.B.B. H King.FainW H Wilmore Reynolds.W.R. ...LK Winchester CurrieJ.W FG LOUISIANA Alexandria Eberson.F NFC Baton Rouge Bean, C. Homer ....10 Bray.C.I OQK Brown, C.L C Flint, L.H GCB Huggins.H.H. ...NFK Kreager,FrankO. . . KI Menville.RaoulL. . .C Tims.EugeneC G Bogalusa Angelo, Ernest ....OG Fernholz,DonaldL. .G Potter,GeorgeF. ..GO Carville Evans, FlorenceL. NC Schieswohl.SisterZoe, CFN Crowley Jodon, Nelson OG Gramercy Meade.GeorgeP C Hackberry Keating.T.W. ...MCE Hammond Cordrey.W.A AB Houma Abbott, ErnestV. . .OG Arceneaux, George ..O Jeanerette Rhoad.A.O O Lafayette Clay comb, G B FG Feusse,E.G ....CMQ Mandeville Anderson, D.S. ..MBA Marrero Burns, RobertO. .B Natchitoches Barr.H.L GFO Fournet.F.G Fox,MissL.E G Hussey,PriscillaB. FGN New Orleans Anderson.AJ. ..CKP Anderson, MissL. FGQ ArnoldJ.G.Jr. ..FGN Ashman, Richard ....N Aymond, Branch ....N Bailey.PaulF. ...CFN Barber, ErnestR F Bass.Elizabeth N Bethea.OscarW N Beyer,Hermann ..HL Bick.GeorgeH FG Bliss, Sidney CN Boatner,C.H CBN Branson, Herman BAQ Buchanan, H.E. ...AD Buggs.C.W FN Burch, George N Burdon.K.L NFG Burns, EdvvardLeroy N Casey, A.E NHA Chase, Henryjr. FGH Cline.I.M BE Cobb.PercyW NI Cohn, Isidore N Cummins, Harold .NH DannekerJ.M C D'Argonne,M.C K Daunoy.HarryL. GOC lyAunov.Rigney ...N Davis, HarryA. ..NFH Dawson, PaulR. ...CO DeBakey.Michael ..N Dees-Mattingly,M.B., NIF Delcroix.MissD.M.,, FG New Orleans, Cont'd. deMilt.Clara ....CLN Demmon.E.L OG deMonsabert.W.R., GDI Derby, G.McC. ..MKQ Dyke, Ray Arthur ...B Earle,T.T G Eaton, A. G N Elliott, D.S B Faust,E.C. FN Feibleman, James FletcherJohnM I Glenk, Robert FL Gould, H.N FH Grueber.MissE.D. CQ Haas,AnnaL GF Halpert.Bela N Hathaway, E.S. F HibbettJamesOrlin .. Hopper.L.L.Jr. ..CBI Howell.W.L C JoachimJosephW. ..M Johnson,H.M IQ Kearney, H.L N Lanf ord.John A N Lee.ClarenceO. .MCE Lindner,MiltonJ. FGK Lockett,A.M. M LyonJamesAdair BD Lyons. W.James .BAC McLellan.E.L. ..CMB Maluf.N.S.R FNC Maring.KarIA BA Mark-ley, K.S. ...COE Martin.JohnG C Matas, Rudolph N Merilh.E.L NFG Meunier.C.J BCG Monasterio,J.O. .BAL Morris.JosephC B Moseley.H.W C MusserJohnH N Nelson. ErwinE. ...Np Nelson, MissM.L. GFC NixJas.T N Noble, Stuart Q O'HaraJ.A N New Orleans, Cont'd. Paterson.AlbertB. .... Pearson, Bjarne .NKQ Pedrick.N.O Reames,E.E B Reed.AdrianF. N RicejamesC NpC Riedel, Ernest LO Riess.Karlem ACB SchneidauJ.D.Jr., GFC SchenkenJ.R. N Scott, A. M MGA Scott.W.M CBO Seago, Dorothy W. ,.IQ Smith.WilburC N Snyder.ThosE F Spencer.M.C A Steinmayer.R.A. .EM Stone, RogerT PC Storck.A.H NQF tenHoor, Marten ...QI Usher.RobertJ Q Viosca, Percy, Jr. ..FG Wagner.W.A. N Wakeley.C.C GK Wakeley.PhilipC. OG Wallace, Rainsjr. ...I Ward.KyleJr. ..CAN Westfeldt.Mrs.M.G. M Wilde.W.S FN Winship.W.E. ...BCA Worner.MissR.K., CBO Opelousas Yeargers, Frank .BAC Port Sulphur RossJ.H MKH Ruston Dawson, LyleR C FowlerJ.R F Neilson.P.D BA Scotlandville Lawson.J.R BC Geographical Index 1049 Scott Boudreaux.MissL.G., CNB Hebert.ClaudeR. ...O Shreveport Baker.GlennJ E Barret, W.M BEA EbaughJrvinA. CMO EntrikinJohnB C Odom.C.L. IQ Parson.H.E GCO Ryan.C.E OFQ Shreveport, Cont'd. Schwartz.Philip . .AB Schwede,H.F. ..BUM Witherspoon.F.M. ..K Tallulah Young.M.T F University Behre.EllinorH F Brown, H.B GO Choppin.A.R CB University, Cont'd. Cook.WilliamS. ...GF Davis, HoraceJ. ..OCN Eddy, CO F Edgerton.C.W G EricksonJ.L.E. .CBN Francioni J.B.Jr. ..O Frey.FredC KHF Gates, W.H FG Guthrie.D.V BD Howe.HenryV E Kimbrough.W.D. .GO Kniffen.FredB. ...EH LeClerg.E.L GOC University, Cont'd. McC'leskey.C.S. .NOG MaherJohnC E Melampy.R.M ;F Mickey, GeorgeH. .FG Miller.E.L FN MillerJulianC. ..OFG Moreland.C.F. G Rosewall.O.W F Russell.R.J E Seath.D.M OF Smith, Chas.E. F Snell.M.G O Young,P.C I MAINE Addison Drisko.WJ B Auburn Robbins.Mrs.C.,11., EQO Augusta Danforth.G.C. . .MEH Marquardt.M. ...NHI Woods, PhilipW. ..Nd Bailey Island MacNeille,H.M. AFB Bar Harbor Fekete,MissE NF Little.C.C FG Snell,GeorgeD F Belfast MortimerJ.D M Boothbay Harbor Scattergood.L.W., FNG Bowdoinham Dunlap.V.C G Brunswick Bartlett.BoydW B Burnett.C.T IKF Copeland.Manton .FG Hammond, E.S AB Kamerling.S.E. ..CBF Little, N.C. BM Mason, M.Phillips .IL Miller, VernonL. .IFH Moody.W.A A Cape Elizabeth Cumberland Mills Cotton, Linwood ....M Damariscotta Smith, Eastman .BQM Easton Harribine.Mrs.R.P. N Freeport Conley.AlbertD. ....C Gardiner Richards.Henry KDH Great Works Wentworth.W.V. ...C Houlton Oxnard.H.W M Kedzar Falls Leavitt.R.G GQ Kittery Point HowellsJohnN.M. ... Lewiston Cox.W.V NQI Fisher.LloydW. EDB Mabee.FredC C Pomeroy.FredE. FGN Sawyer.W.H.Jr. ..GF Lisbon Falls Schultz.NormanL. ..A Monhegan Island Weidensall Jean ..NI Naples Warren, Mortimer . .NSimons.LaoG AL New Harbor Collie, GeorgeL. H Northeast Harbor Burr,MauriceH. MAG North Jay Kyes, Preston N North Lovell Stark.WilliamE. ..QI Orono Bailey,R.M OFG Bennett.C.E. ...BAM Bonde, Reiner GO Brautlecht.C.A C Chandler.F.B GO Clayton, MaryM. ...N Corbett,L.S OQ Crofutt.CharlesB. ..B Dickinson.C.A IQ Dirks, CharlesO. ...FG Douglass, IrwinB. ...C Dove.W.F FGN Folsom, Donald G FullerJohnL. FG Hi!born,M.T GO Hill, ArthurS. ...MBA Jordan, M.F AD Lathrop.FrankH. ...F Libby.Winthrop OGE Martin, F.T C Nelson, E. Clifford .FN Otto.CarlE CQB Otto.Mrs.E.B. ...CQB Patch, EdithM F Raleigh.S.M O Simpson.G.W. ...FGO Smith.HarryVV. .NOC Orono, Cont'd. Speicher.B.R. ... Steinbauer.G.P. Steinmetz.F.H. . WaringJ.H. ....F .GCB ..GO OGQ Portland Arringdale,R.L. Nichols, Estes . . . Nichols.MissS.P. ....E ,N ...G Presque Isle Clark.C.F GO Koch, Karl GO Rumford Mixer,C.A. BKM Saco DennettJ.V ELH Skowhegan Smith,Geo.Otis E South Brooksville Fairley.A.S D Waterville Aplington.H.W.Jr. F Chester, Webster F Colgan.EdwardJ. ..IQ Hill.FrederickT. ...N Parmenter.G.F C Wheeler,N.E B Yarmouth Coggeshall.G.W. CBM York Beach Baldwin.W.M. ..NHF MARYLAND Aberdeen Proving Ground Dederick.L.S A Kent.R.H B Annapolis Bayliff.W.H. FG Bingley.G.A. ...ABM Bramble, C.C A Church.W.R AMB Howard, D.G MB Jackson.P.Y CNE Ryberg.M.E CFG ScarboroughJ.B. ABM Terwilliger.C.V.O., MA Thomson. E.W. ..BMQ Walton, DuncanC. NC Baltimore Abercrombie.R.T. KN Adams, MissG C Allan.WardeB N Allner,FredA MP Anderson.J.L. ...EBC Andrews, EthanA. ..F Arnold, W.S CM Astwood.E.B. ...NFC Bacon, ClaraL A Bagusin.A.M. ...NFC. Balljosephine ...INF Bamberger.MissF.E., LQ Bard, Philip NF Barrett, TohnI Q Barton.VolaP. ..BDA Batchelder.A.C. .CNB BeardenJ.A B Baltimore, Con Becker.MissJ.E. Bernheim.B.M. . Berry.C.T Berry, Ed ward W. Blumberg, Harold Boas, George Bojar.Samuel . .. Bond.FrancisM. Bordley, James, II Bowman, Isaiah . Brailev, Miriam . Brooks, C.McC. .. Brown, J. H Brown.ThomasR. Buell.MaryVanR Bunting, G. A. ... Burns, R.K.Jr. .. Calloway.M.L. .. t'd. ..CN ....N ..EF EFG .NC ..LK ...NI ...M I. N ....E ..NF ..NF ..FN ..N . ..N CND ..FN ....F Baltimore, Cont'd. Cann.SarahDunlap ..I Caplan, Maurice ...PQ Ceder.ElmerT. N Chapman.C.W. .NpCF Chen.T.T F Chesney.AlanM. ...N Clapp.ClydeA N Clark.W.M C Cloos, Ernst E Cohen, Abraham ....A Cohen, Barnett CN Corner.G.W N Cort.W.W FN Corwin.AlsophH. ...C Cowles.RheinartP. ..F Crowe, SamuelJ N Cullen,ThomasS. ..EN Dandv.WalterE. ...N 1050 Geographical Index Baltimore, Cont'd. Davis, Carl N Davis, JohnStaige ;.N Davis, PaulB CBE Day.HarryG C DelaneyJohnP. BDE DiduschJosephS. ...C Dooley.SisterM.D. CQ Dorsey.GeorgeE. ...E DorseyJ.L X DuMez.A.G CNpQ Dunning.F CN Dunning.H.A.B. ..NO Edwards. W.R M Eliot.CalistaP. N Estabrook.G.B BC Evans, Mrs. M IN Evans.MissVJ. NCF Fales.W.Thurber .NK Ferree,C.E IN Figge.FrankH J. NFC Filley.Giles NCI Firor.WarfieldM. ...N Frehafer.M.K B Friedenwald, Harry .N FriedenwaldJ.S. ...N Friedenwaldjulius N Friez.LucienL B Frobisher.M.Jr. ..NG Gantt.W.Horsley NIL Gay,Les!ieN N Gemmill.C.L N Genter.A.L CMB Geschickter.C.F. ...N Gey .GeorgeO. . . . NCB Gillis.AndrewC. NIH Glass.H.Bentley ..FG Goldheim.S.L CB Grimsley,G.P E Guernsey, E.W CB Guild, StacyRufus ..N Hachtel.F.W N Hamburger.LouisP. N Hamman, Louis N Harne.O.G N HarrisJ.E. Hartman.CarlG. ..FN Hartung.WalterH. ..C HearnJ.R A Hegner.RobertW. ...F Hellerman, Leslie .CN Helms.S.T. NC Herrmann, Heinz ...N Heuser.CbesterH. ..N Hi!debrandt,F.M., CFG Hoen.A.B E Holt,L.Emmett,Jr. ..N Howard, Evelyn .NCF Howell, A. Brazier .FN Howell, Wm.H N Hubbard.JohnC. ABC Hughes.MissGF. FGN Hulburt.L.S A Hundley.J.M.Jr. ...N Hunner.GuyLeRoy .N Hussev.R NAB Hyde.R.R FGN Iddings.F.T M .Tacobson. Samuel ..NC Tanney.MissM O Judefind.W.Lee ..CBE Karrer.S BC Katzenebbogen.S. .NT Keiles.ElsaOrent .CN KelleyJosephM B Kelley, Louise C Kellv.H.A NFG Kelsey.H.E Nd Kidwell.A.S F Kimball. R.F F King.JessieL. N Knauss.HomerC. ...B Koontz.AmosR N Baltimore, Cont'd. Kouwenhoven.W.B. M Kramer,GraceA. ...(JI KrantzJ.C.Jr. ..CNP Kraus, Frank ....CBM Krause,AllenK N Lamont, Austin ...NF Langdon.LaD.M. ...G Larned.C.W N Lenderking.MissR.E., FGH Leonard, Veader . . NC Leopold, EugeneT. . .N Lewis, MissF.P. ...AD Lewis. WarrenH. ..NF Livingston. B.E G Lloyd, HowardH C LochheadJobnH. ...F Longcope.W.T N Lord.R.C.Jr CB Lovejoy.ArthurO. .IK Lucas. JamesR. ..NCH Lynn, W.Gardner ...F MacCallum.W.G. ...N MacCartby.G.R E Macht.Davidl. .NpGI McCollum.E.V. ...CN McComas.H.C I Mackenzie,C.G. ..NCF McNicholas, SisterM.A. ..NCF Malone.Kemp .L Marbarger.John .FEC Marshall, E.K Np Martin, Lay NC Mast.S.O F Mathews, E.B E Maxcy.K.F N Meid.MissE.L. ...FGI Merrell.M AKN Meyer.Adolf IN Meyer, Eugene, III. ... Michel, Harry N Moment.G.B F Murnaghan.F.D. ..AB Myers.R.P NO Nachlas. William ...N Norwood, V.H. ...NCB Oliver.J.R N Otto.MissBelle C Otto.G.F NF Pace.D.M FCN Parsons, E.I N . Passano,E.B M Patten John Pearl, Raymond .FHN Peller.S NHF Pen n i man, A. L., Jr., MAB Petran.L.A IQ Pfund, A. Herman ...B Pincoffs.M.C NO Preston.G.H NHK Pullen.M.W M Raffel, Daniel F Rand, Gertrude IN Reed.LowellT. ...ABD Reid.H.F. .J EB Reindollar.W.F. CNE Reitzel.ElbertC N Retzer.Robert ...KIN Richards, EstherL. ..N Richter.CurtP. ...INF Robinson, G.Canbv .N Rodowskas.E.L. "CBM Rohrer.C.W.G N Roman, Irwin ....ABE RoseJ.E BN Roseman.R. .....CNM Rossmann, Louis ..Nd Rozeboom.LlovdE. FN Rubinstein. H.S. NHI Salner.Edward . .TKM Sauer.JohnA. ...MOB Baltimore, Cont'd. Schultz.AdolphH. ..H Seliger.R.V INQ ShewbridgeJ.T C Shuger,LeroyW C Sigerist.HenryE. .LN SingewaldJ.T.Jr. . .E Slack.HarryR.Jr. ..N Smitn.DietrichC. ...F Smith, MissM.C G Smith.W.E NFQ Snyder.C.D NFG Sophian, Lawrence .N Starkey.E.B CNO Stein, CharlesF.Jr. .H Stenquist.JohnL I Stevenson, P.H N Stimson.MissD L Stone, HarveyB. N Streeter.G.L NF Swartz,CharlesK. ...E Swinehart,Earl NdHI Tasker,ArthurN. NFC Taylor.S.N BDA Teets.DonaldE. .CBA Thorn,G.W N Tuttle.C.E Uhlenhuth.Eduard .N Ulrich JohnLinck . .N vanKampen.E.R. ...A Velick.Sidney ...CFB Waldorf.S.K MB Walls.JohnA. ..DMH Warde'll, EmmaL. .CN Warring,F.C.,Sr. ...N Warth.AlbinH C Weed.LewisH N Weeks.JohnR. ...BOC Weglein.D.E Q Weinberg.Tobias ...N Weitzel.W.F. ...MBC Welch, d'AlteA F Wheeler, JosephL. ..K WhiteheadJohnB. M Whitehouse, Samuel N Wilber.C.G FG Willier.B.H F Wolf.T. Carlton CNpD Wolf.MissOpalM. ..F Wolman.Abel . .MNC Wolman, Samuel ....N Wood.F.W M Woods.AlanC N Wylie, H.Boyd ....NO Zon.Leo N Bel Air Hepler.A.L C Leitch.M.S FNE Beltsville Brierley, Philip G Burnside.C.E O Clarke.AlfredE. . .OG Dermen.Haig G Doolittle.S.P G Drechsler.Charles ..G Earle.I.P CNO Ezell.BoyceD. ...OCG Fischer.HaroldE. .GF Fisher.D.F GO Foster, A. O FN Fraps.RichardM F Goll.FrankL FGO Gordon, CD FGO HambletonJ.I OF Harter.LeonardL. GO Hetzer.H.O FGN Jerstad.ArthurC. ..FN Jones. Henry A GO McCulloch.MissL. ..G McKav.JohnW. ..GOF Madsen.LouisL. CNO MagnessJ.R CGO Beltsville, Cont'd. Meigs.EdwardB. CFO Perlmutter.F. ...OGF Porte, WilliamS. ..GO Reed,ClarenceA. ..GO Roberts John W G Sarles,MerrittP F Schott.Mrs.M.H GF Schott,RalphG FN Schultz.E.S G Toole, EbenH GO Toole, Mrs. V.K. G Traub.H.P GCO Turner. WilliamA. ..C Waite.M.B G Wellman.F.L G Whitson, Donald ..OC Woke.PaulA FN YeagerJ. Franklin ..F Zaumeyer.W.J GO Berwyn Butz.LewisW. ...CNO Dawson, Mrs. E.S. FGQ Dawson,W.M OFI Wester.RobertE. GOE Woods, AlbertF. .GOK Woods, MarkW. ...GO Bethesda Brackett.F.S B Brandt,AllenD. MNP Burrill.M.F EKB Chalkley.H.W. ..FNG Cowie.DeanB BN Dorn.HaroldF K Dudley, H.C CN Earle.W.R FN Foster.ArthurC. .CGO Gottschall.G CNF Haller.M.H OGC Hendel.C.W HLK Henshaw,Pau!S. FGB Hollaender.Alex. FBG Karpinos.B.D. ....KA Maver,M.E. CN Morris.HaroldP. FCO Muhse.EffaFunk FGK Neal.PaulA N Potter.AldenA. ...KO Reinhart.W.H. ..NFC Sager.TheronP. ...CM Schrader.FrankC. ...E Shear.M.J NC Smith.PaulL BC Specht, Heinz FN Sullivan, H.S HNI TaylorJamesH. ADB Thomas, RobertC. NO Voegtlin.Carl N White Julius NC Bowie Darrow.Geo.M GO Braddock Heights Payne.MissM.A. FNG Brentwood French, E.S ICN Winant.H.B OCE Catonsville Tohnson. S.Lloyd ..NC Miller.M.I. DEC, Rilev.RobertH N Whitford.Geo.J. ..FCI Cheltenham Hartnell.Geo. ...BAD Ludy,AlbertK EB Geographical Index 1051 Chestertown Barnett.Wm.M. . FGQ Corrington, I.I). F Jones, Mrs. E.S.Fox Q Tones.J.S.W AD Chevy Chase Albritton.E.t '. \ Andervont.H.B N Birdseye.C.H EM Boggs.S.YV E Brandes.E.W GO Clark.EarlP CDG Clemen, R. A OKL Cookson.Mrs.M.S., OEF Curtis, HarvevL B Eaton, Herber'tN. .MB Fleming.JohnA. ABD Gardner.I.C BMD Geller.R.F BME Graham, E.H GFE Green JosephC. ..EHL Henderson.W.C F Herschel.W.H B Insley, Herbert ...EC Ladd.GeorgeE E Lloyd, MortonG M Lund. Richard) E McAlister.E.D. .BGN McAllister.A.S MBO McBurneyJ.W M McCall.M.A OG McKee, Roland O MarbleJohnP CE Mendenhall.W.C. ...E Murphy, LouisS ..OK Polhamus.L.G. ..OCG Prindle.L.M E Sanford.R.L BM ScherrerJ.A C Sears JulianD E Shullj. Marion G Stimson.A.M N Wilson. M.L College Park Appleman.C.O. ..GCO Bellows, RogerM. . .IQ Bird.H.R NFC Brown, RussellG. ...G Burhoe.SumnerO. ..F Byerly,T.C FG Clark.WestonR. .IKQ Close, CharlesP O duBuy.H.G GFO Greene, CharlesT. ...F Hard, W.I FNG Harwood.PaulD. FDN Hollis.EdgarH F Holmes, F.S GO Jehle.R.A G College Park, Cont'd. JenkinsJohnG I Tuhn.Mary F (ull.MorleyA FO Kemp.W.B OG McDonnell, II. B. . .CN MacmillanJohnW. ..I Mozingo, Ralph V. CA Nesbit,RobertA. ..FG Nilson.HugoW. ...CO Patterson, H J CO Pettit.LincolnC. FGO Roller.PaulS. ....CBE Rothgeb.R.G OG Schrader.A.Lee ..OGC Slavin. Morris ...CBM Symons.T.B O Taliaferro.T.H A Taliaferro.W.T.L. ..O Temple, CE GO Thomas. RoyleP O Truitt.R.V F Turk.KennethL. . .OC Veitch.F.P CON Veitch.F.P.Jr CN Younger, JohnE M Cumberland Heineman.H.C. ..COE McKaig.W.W. ...ABC Eastport Wheeler.R.C.H. MBA Edgewood Finkelstein.Leo. ..CB Katz.S.H. CMB Lane.FrederickW. ..C LeitchJamesL. ..CFN Elllcott City Hanna, Charles ..CDN Emmltsburg McCormack.R.A. ...Q Fishing Creek MeadeJamesW N Forest Glen Abbott, MissJ.E. ..QC Froelich.MissHelen F Trumpour.F.J M TrumpourJ.S BCI Frederick Allen, MissL.B. DEQ Anderson. MissD.M. F Bishop, MissM.L. .FN Bower.E.B C Brown, LillianO. ADB Frederick, Cont'd. Gow.Alex.Jr. NO Gross.Catherine ...GF Heath, MissL.R. ..LIB Lippy.MissG.E. ..FN Stahr.Henrylrvin ..N Frostburg JumpJohnAustin ..G Garrett Park Stieglitz.E.J N Glen Echo Curl.GilbertH. ..BAM Hagerstown Cooper.G.W N Moore, M.D OGF Halethorpe Thorso-n.G.H. ...MCA Hampstead Parsons, LouisA B Hyattsville Alexander, LyleT. OC Benjamin, Harold QIK Boswell.VictorR. ...O Conrad.CarlM. ..GCO Eaton.O.N FG Greathouse.G.A. GCO Kinman.C.F O NortonJ.B.S G ReesideJ.B.Jr E Shear.E.V GOF Simmons, VictorL. OK Watt.Mrs.L.B Watt.RalphW. ..QMF Indianhead O'CallaghanJ.A. ...C Kensington Davis, E.F G Schiefer.H.F. ...ADB Lanham Brown, Edgar G Lusby Merritt,G.E BE Mount Victoria Lloyd.W.H NH Oakland HarnedJ.E GN Watson, DavidL. BCG Pikesville Watner, Abraham Port Deposit Haviland.E.K. ..ACB Holmes, W.H FN Relay Smith, FrankJ C Webber, A. Robert MC Riderwood Livingston.Mrs.B.E., FGN Riverdale CaldwellJ.S GO Magocn, Charles A. .N Nicolet,BenH C Silver Spring Brown, HyltonR. MO Cooley.W.K C Cushing, Emory ..FON Goresline.H.E NC Heatwole.EarlP. DAE Huff.WJ CMB Hurst, LewisA CO Johnson, B.L EGM Lumsden, D.Victor GO MertieJ.B.Jr. . .EAB Mitchefl.C.W N Rice.K.K NC Robinson, Wm. ..FCN Weigel.C.A F WilliamsJohnF. CAB Solomons Olson, R.A GFB Wallace.D.H FIN Takoma Park Angier.JamesF. .BFG Holmes, GraceB. .GFQ Lines, EdwinF E Porter.BennetA F Regeimbal,L.O G Stevenson, F.J GO Wickes.D.R EKL Towson Badertscher.A.E. FCP Elgin.W.W N Lynch. R.S FIQ Perry, C.Alfred ....NF Woolley.L.F N Western Port Ward, M.James ..NCG Westminster Bennighof.C.L F Bertholf.L.M. ...FQK Campbell, MissJ.L. .G Spicer.ClydeA A Abington Crownfield, David Accord Kipper, H.B C Amesbury Chase, EleanorF C Amherst Alexander.C.P F ArchibaldJohnG. .OC Baker.HughP. ..EGQ Bartlett.L.M F Beaumont, A. B O Bennett, Emmett CGF Bergman, HerbertF. G MASSACHUSETTS Amhest, Cont'd. Amhest, Cont'd. ChamberlainJ.S. ...C Harland, Margaret NF Clark.OrtonLoring .G Hays.FrankA F Crampton.G.C F Ives.PhilipT FGH Davis.W.H GO Jones, LinusH GO Doran.WilliamL. ...G Knowlton.MissH., Doughty, H.W C NCO Eisenmenger.W. GCO Lacroix.D.S FO Esty.ThomasC A Lindquist.H.G. ...OC Fellers.CarlR CO Mack.MerrillJ. . .OCQ FoordJamesA O McKenzie.M.A. .GCN FrandsenJ.H O Moore, FrankC A Gage.GeorgeE N Morse, FredW CO Glaser.OttoC F Neet.ClaudeC I Goodale, Alfreds. GEO Osmun, A.Vincent ..G Gordon, ClarenceE. EF Peters.C.A CGO Green.WarrenK. ..DB Plough, HaroldH. ..FN Amhest, Cont'd. RankinJ.S.Jr. ..FEN Redman, RalphW. KO Rhodes, ArnoldD. .GF Ross.WilliamH B Schotte.OscarE F ShawJacobK GO Sievers.FredJ OQ Soller, Theodore B Spencer, G.C C Stifler.Wm.W B Sweetman.H.L. .FGO Thompson, JosephO. B Traver.MissJayR. ,.F Vinal.WilliamG. ...Q Whitney, R.B. ...CBA Williams.S.R B 1052 Geographical Index Andover BarssJohnS BOA Brewster,E.T EF Bryan, ElmerJ. . .CMB Gouck.H.K.Jr. ..EFG Graham, J.C CEL Leitch.H.W C Rafton.HaroldR. .CM Rafton.Mrs.H.R. .CB Shields.M.L FG Annisquam Matz.CharlesH. ..BM Sturgis.W.C G Arlington Guillemin,V.Jr. .BQF HudsonJ. Cramer ...B WhitakerJ.W Arlington Heights Chakmakjian,H.H. .C Dill.D.B CQ Auburndale Frost.WalterS. ..NCI Wentworth.H.A. KDN Ayer Desmond J. W. Nd Bass River Davis.C.H IKE Belmont Applebaum,Wm. .EK Caldwell.S.H. ...MAB Davis, Hallowell N FinesingerJ.E. ..NIF Franklin, Philip A Gardner.M.F. ...MQA Griswold.C'.S B Hamilton, Parker Martin.F.H CK Moultrop.I.E. N Robbins.S.D IQN Bernardston Ewer.S.Judson . .GEF Beverly Johnson, P.P N White.F.E. BAM Billerica Stearns, A.W N Boston Abbot, E.S IN Adams, RobertW. ...M Armstrong,S.H.,Jr. ... Arnold,Weld ....BCE Augustine, D.L. ...NF AyerJamesB N Bailey,OrvilleT. NCF Balch.FrancisN. FHE Banay, RalphS NI Barrett, HaroldS. NHI Bauer.Walter N Beecher.HenryK. ..N Begg.AlexanderS. ..N Benscoter, Stanley MA Bevin.MissSylvia ..F BlankJrvinH. ..CNB Blood.MissA.F. .QNC Blotner.Harry ....NC Blumgart,H.L. ..NBC Boyd.WilliamC Bremer, T.L N Bruce, RobertE A Brues.CharlesT. ...FN Bryant.A.G NMK Brvant, EdwardS. ...E Buchanan, L.B. ...PM Boston, Cont'd. Burr, I. Tucker Burwell, C.Sidney ..N ByrneJohnJ NFG Cabot, GodfreyL C Cabot, Samuel C Campbell, C.Macfie NI Canavan.M.M. ...IKN Cannon.W.B NF Canzanelli,Attilio . .N Carhart, Frank M Carpenter ,T.M CF Carroll.A.G CQ Casey.JohnF N Casten.VirgilG N Castle, W.B N Chamberlin.E.M. ...I Chapman, E.MacA. .N Cheever.C.A. ....GED Cheever, David N Cherrington.Miss MaryEdna ....GFE Chesley.FrankG. ..CE Christian, H. A N Churchill.E.D. ..NFH Clapp.EugeneH C Cobb, Stanley ....NFI Codman.RussellS Cox,OscarF N Crandon,L.R.G I Crosby, IrvingB. ..EM Cushing, Daniel M Cutler.ElliottC N Dameshek.Wm. N Davis, Lincoln ..NHL Dellenbaugh,F.S.Jr., M Dieuaide.F.R. N Durnan/W.T BCF Durrell.H.C EL Ehrlich, Percy C Ell.CarlS M Emerson, R.L CN Enders.John N Epstein, S.H INK Esselen.G.J CM Eustis.Warner ..BCN Farber, Sidney N Farwell,RobertB. ..M Fay.FredericH. M Finland, Maxwell ..N Fiske.CyrusH CN Fitz, Reginald NC FitzPatrick.MissF.K., NC Flanders, FredF C Floyd, Cleaveland ..N Foster.MaryL. ..LCN Freedman.L.M N Friedgood.H.B. ...NF Frolich.G.C NCB Frye.RoyalM. ..BAD Gamble.jamesL N Geiman.Q.M FN Goldstein, Kurt NI Grabfield,G.Philip Np Gregory, MissJ. .NOC Hadley.A.I NOK Hanson.W.L. QI HarrisonJ.H N Hastings.A.B CN Hayes.H.V BM Haynes.FrankL. ...O Hazard.WillisH. HKO Hemenway.L.D. ..BA Hendrick.Ives ..NIK Henkle.HermanH. LF Higgins.H.L N Hilliard.C'urtisM. ..N Hobbs.F.W MKP Hoeffel.Gerald N Holmes, GeorgeW. ..N Horton.L.H IHF Hoskins.R.G. N Boston, Cont'd. Houghton, C.S HoughtonJ.D. ..NFE Howe.PercyR. .NdCF Howell,WallaceE. ..B Hoyt.RollinW CN Hubbard.M.E F Hubbell,HenryS. .MP Hunt.Reid Np HyattJ.M B Inglis.HarryJ N Ireland.MarkL M JohnsJuanitaP N Joslin.ElliottP N KaplanJ.J K Kaufman.M.R NI Keeler.ClydeE. .FNH Keller.C.T L Kent,N.A BDC Kingman, E.D. ...QM KirklinJohnW. .NCI Kurt.FranklinT. ..BC Lancaster,W.B. ...FN Land,EdwinH. ..CBP Larson, CarlW O Lee.Rogerl. N Lefavour, Henry ...BI Leland.GeorgeA.Jr. N Levine,SamuelA. ..N Lewis, FredericT. .FG Locke, S.Barry F Loder.H.B N Ludvigh,EJ.,II ....N Lythgoe.H.C C McConahey.W.M.Jr. NF McCrudden.F.H. ...N Magruder.S.R F Main.CharlesT M Matthews, Albert . . . H Mayo.Elton HFN MeansJ.H N Menkin.Valy N Miller.RichardH. ..N Miner, Leroy NH Minot.G.R. NCF Miroyiannis.S.D. ...F Moore, Merrill ...HIK Morgan, W.F M Muckenhoupt.C.F. BAM Murphy,MissR. .NCA Murphy.W.P N Myerson.A N Nason.MissG.I. .BNC Nathanson.IraT. ...N Newton, MissE.B., NCG Newton, FrancisC. .N Norris.JamesF C Nye.RobertN N Ober.FrankR N Overlander.C.L N Packard, R.M. ...ABD Palmer .J amesB. .FGI Parker, Frederic,Jr. N Parrack.H.O. ...NFE Pratt J.H N Proctor.C.M Nd Putnam, W.L Quinby,W.C. N Rackemann.F.M. ...N Rapport, David N Ravin, Abe N Raymond.MissA.F. IKN Reid.I.E N Reid.MarionA FN Richardson, M.W. ..N Richardson, P.M. .NC Rines, David ....DBA Robey.WilliamH. ..N Root.HowardF N Rushmore.S N Boston, Cont'd. Russell.HenryD. FGN Salter.W.T CNF Sanborn.A.G NF Sax.H.J G Schlesinger,MJ. ...N Schulz.R.Z NLQ Scott.H.E D Searles.PJ MBD Selekman.B.M K Shattuck.G.C N Shirley, Mary I Shuman.HarryB. ..Nd Simes, Mrs. William . Smith, LinvilleH. ...N Snyder.F.T C SolingerJulianL. .FN Spear, Joseph AI Steel, Selwyn ....NHL Strong.RichardP. .FN Stuart, HaroldC N Sykes.G.F FN Talbot.FritzB. ....HN TalbottJohnH N Taylor.HoraceV.S. .M Terry ,T.L N Thannhauser,S.J. .CN Tingley.L.P NIB Trimble, H.C C tumSuden.C NFC Vickers.MissV.S. IHN Viets,HenryR LN WaiteJ.Herbert ...N Walcott, Robert .FGL Walker.B.S CNQ Warren, Shields ...NF Weatherford.H.L. ..N Webster.Mrs.A.G Weinman, David ..FN Weinstein, Louis ...N Weiss, Soma N Wesselhoeft.C N White, AndrewJ C White, PaulD N Wigglesworth.E. EFG Wilson, E.B. ....ABK WilsonJ.W F Wiseman, E.G. ...OID Wislocki.G.B N Wolbach.S.Burt ..NF Woodman, AliceS. ..N Wyman.LelandC. FHN Yaglou.C.P BMN Youngken.H.W. GNpF Zinsser, Hans N Bradford Mitchell.Dale H Braintree Keith,MissM.A. BAD Bridgewater Graves.MissE.I. FGQ Brockton Fuller, MyronL E Brookline AldrichJamesM. ..CA Allan, FrankN NC Beck.V.Russell .QBC Bennett, Stanley . .Np Bigelow.RobertP. ..F Blackfan.K.D N Bruce.MissK.L. .GNF Dana.H.W NH Ehrenfried, Albert ..N Feemster.RoyF N Foss.B.S MHN Friedman. R.S. ..NFG Gallagher.David EBA Geographical Index io53 Brookline, Cont'd. George, N.R.J r A Gibbs.F.A NIC Harley,H.L IQH Homansjohn N Johnston, IvanM. ...G Kitson.Mrs.A.F N Kotkov, Benjamin IQN LaCroix.M.F ME Lee.RobertC NC Mallorv.E.B I Mallor'v.F.B N Mason, C.N. Jr. .MKB Miller, AltonL. ..ABC Mixter.W.J N Mork, Harry S C O'Brien, WilliamB. .C Omansky.M CMN Passano.L.M A Richardson, E. P. ...N RuleJohnT ABQ Smith.H.M C Stein, Mrs. C.R N Verhoeff.F.H N Cambridge Allen.GloverM F Allis.W.P BA Ames.Oakes G Ashdown.A.A. C Bacon, GeorgeP. ,.BM Bailey, IrvingW. ...G Baldwin, WalterA. CB BalsbaughJ.C M Barbour.Thomas ....F Barry, Herbert Jr .NT Bartlett.MissH.M .K Baxter.G.P CBE Berry, C.W MAB Bigelow.HenryB. ...F Billings, M.P E Birkhoff.Garrett ....A Birkhoff.GeorgeD. AB Black, N.Henry ...BC Blake.CharlesH F Blake JohnT C Blanchard.A.A C Bloom,M.C CBE Bock, A. V N Boring, Mrs. E.G I Boring,EdwinG I Boughton.WillisA. .C Bowles, EdwardL. MB BoyceJosephC. .BDH Brewer JohnM 01 Bridgman,PercyW. .B Brown, M.R NI Brown.T.H AP Brvan,Kirk EH Bunker.J.W.M. ...CN Cabot, EdwardC E Cabot,P.S.deQ. ..INO Camp.ThomasR. MCN Cannon. MissA.J. ...D Castle, E.S GF Caswell, R.G CBN Cattell, Psyche ....IQ Chase, GeorgeH H Clark, H.L F Clarke, GeorgeL F Cleveland, L.R F Cohn.EJ C Cole,ArthurH K Cole,RobertH BC Compton.KarlT B ConantJ.B C Connor.T.W NCF Coolidge.A.S CB Coolidge.HJ.Jr. FHN Copeland, Eugene ...F Correll.DonovanS .G Dahl.A.Orville G Daly.ReginaldA. ...E Darrah.Wm.C EG Cambridge, Cont'd. Davis, Arthur K K Davis, SelbyB C Davis.TenneyL. ..CL Dawes, ChesterL. . .M Dawson, A. B F deForest.A.V. ..BMQ Deichmann.E F Dienes, Louis N Dietrichson.G CB Doering.C'arlR. ...NK Draper.C.S MB Dunn.CecilG. ...NGC Eastham.M BMD Edsall, Geoffrey N Ellis,FredE D Evans,RobleyD. BNE Fair.GordonM. ...MN Fassett.F.G.Jr. .LKH FaullJ. Horace G Fay.RichardD BM Fernald.M.L G Ferry, RonaldM. . .CN Fieser.LouisF C Fife.W.M M Forbes.G.S C FordJ.D.M. LH Fuller.CharlesE. ...M Galambos.Robert ...F Gaposchkin, Sergei .D Gibson, Russell EO Gillespie.LJ. ...CON Goodwin, H.M B Graton,LouisC. ..EBC Greene, H.C LOK Griscom, Ludlow . .FG Haertlein, Albert ..M Hall.WilliamT C Hardy, ArthurC. .BCI Harris, Robert NC Harrison, G.R BD Harvey.G.G BAD Harwood.E.C KM Haskin.H.H FNC Hauser.ErnstA. .CBE Heidt.LJ CBA Hencken,H. O'Neill H Henderson, L.J N Herrington,Wm.C. ..F Hill.A.F G Hisaw,FrederickL. .F Hite.LewisField ...IL Hoadley, Leigh F Hocking, W.E. ...BHI Hoffleit.E.Dorrit ...D Holman.MissA.E. BAD Holmes, H.W O Hooton.E.A H HortonJ.W BMN Horwood.M.P. ..NKM Howell, AlvinH. MBA Hudson, RalphG. ...M Hunsaker.J.C M Huntress, E.H CB Hutchinson. E.P .KN Jackson.D.C. ...MBO Jeffrey.E.C EG Jennings, WalterL. .C Tennison.M.W. ...NG Jimenez -Michelena, LuisG. ABM Kaplan.H.M NFG Kelley.T.L IQK Kemble.EdwinC. ...B Kidder.A.V H KillianJ.R.Jr. ...ML King.G.W CBA King.R.W.P BAM Kistiakowsky.G.B. CB Kluckhohn, Clyde HTF Laine,CarIDavid ECB Lamb.ArthurB C Lane.A.C EDC Cambridge, Cont'd. Laurence, RalphR. ..M leBeau,D.S BCE Lessells JohnM M Lindemann, Erich ...I Linder,DavidH G Livingston, Mrs. F.V.M Lowes JohnL L Lyman, Theodore . . . . B McCarthy, E.F. ..BIM McFarland.R.A. IHN McLaughlin, D.H. EM MacMahon.H.E. NCH Magnusson,P.C. MBA Mark.E.L FGN Marks, LionelS. M Marvin, George C Mead.WarrenJ. ..EM Mendenhall.W.L. .Np Menzel.D.H DBC Miller.D.W IQ Mimno.H.R. ....BMA Morris.F.K EMH Morse, PhilipM B Mueller,Edward C Mueller.Hans BC Murray, H. A. Jr. ..IN Newell JohnM. ...CN Noyes.H.A C O'Donell.CarlosA. ..G Oldenberg.Otto B Page.LarryF BA Palache, Charles ....E Park.CharlesF M Parker,G.H F Phillips, H.B AB Pogo.Alexander ...LD Pollock, Harry H Pound, Roscoe G Prescott.S.C CN Proctor.B.E GNF Rand.H.W F Raymond, Percy E. ..E Redfield.AlfredC. .FN Renn.CharlesE. .GFM Rice.A.H ENH Ricketson.O.G.Jr. .H Rightmire.B.G. ...MB Roberts, HenryB. ...H Romanoff,A.L. ..FCN Romer.AlfredS. .FEH Rulon.P.J IOA Rusden,PhilipL. ..GO Sargent, Frederick, NBA Sarton, George L Saunders, F. A B Scatchard, George .CB Schwarz,E.R. ...MGB Scott, Donald H Seeler.EdgarV. Jr. ..G Seton, Henry FE Shapley, Harlow ....D Sharples.P.P. ...CKM Sherrill.MilesS C Shpiner.LeonardB. N Shrock.RobertR E Simpson, SidneyP. ..K Simpson, S.G C Slichter.LouisB B Smith.ClintonA. ..FG Smyth.F.H C Soderberg,C.R M Stauffer.R.C LKF Stetson, Henry E Stevens.S.Smith .INB Stier.TJ.B GFN Stockbarger.D.C. BCN Stone, MarshallH. ..A Sweeney, Mrs. B.M. .G Teeter, C.E.Jr CB Thiessen.A.E MB Townsend.ArthurL. M Cambridge, Cont'd. Tozzer.A.M H Turner,C.E QKN Turner, WilliamD. ..I Urbach.WalterF. ...L VanAtta.C.M B VanVleckJohnH. ..B Vestal, PaulA. ...GFH Voss.WalterC M Wald.George ....CFN WalshJ.L A Warren, B.E. B Watson, Robert B Weatherby,C.A G Welsh JohnH F Westergaard.H.M. MAB Weston.W.H.Jr. ...G Wetmore.R.H G Whipple.M.C MC Whitehead, W.L E Whittemore.W.S. ...N Whittlesey, D.S E Wilchinsky.Z.W. . BA Wilkes.G.B. BM Willett.HurdC E Williams, R.S ..CMQ Willoughby.C.C. ...H Wilson.DavidH. ..QK Wilson, MissE.W Wolff.HaroldH. Woodman, A. G CQ Worman.E.C.Jr. ..HE Canton Hinton,Wm.A N Charlestown Brown J.M.D. ...CMP Chelmsford Smith.H.D C Chestnut Hill Dore.FrancisJ. ..NGH Dubois, EvanC F Mallory.Mrs.C.A.F., FN Mallory.G.K N Marcou.ReneJ. .ABD Paine, F.W E Sayles,Mrs.A.B. Sayles.R.W E Smith, EugeneR. ..OA TobinJohnA B WymanJ.Jr BFA Chicopee Falls Sharp.MissE.E. ...QF Clinton Monahanjohn IN Cohasset Bowman, Ethel I Concord Emerson, Mrs.R. HOQ Whittemore.MissE. BAQ Dedham Beekman.H.O Ohl.EdwinN CBL Williston.A.L. ..QMK Deerfleld WickendenJ.W. FGH Dennis Metcalf.Richard ...N io54 Geographical Index Dorchester Jafarian.MissE.S. CHK Dover Taylor.LucienB B Dudley Neumuellerjulius ..B Duxbury Bumpus,HermanC. FQ East Boston Leary.ArthurF A East Douglas Carpenter.R.D O East Gardner Opper, Lincoln N East Walpole Bird.C.S.Jr JackJ.G FG East Wareham Franklin.H.J F Truran.WaltonE. ...G Essex Richardson, F.L.W.Jr. HE Everett Brown, Alfred C Fall River Caplain, Philip WalshJamesH N Falmouth Pond.SamuelE. ..NBC Fitchburg Filz.FrankR CBA Sherman, R.M. Jr. .CB Foxboro Nersessian.A NI Framingham Meier, W.H.D FG Monahan.W.C. ..OFG Robbins, Eleanor ...N Russell, MissD.M. CEN Gloucester Birdseve.C CMB Hoyt.W.D GF Trenor.AlbertD. ...M Greenfield Burgess, AlbertF. ...F Crossman,S.S F Groton Peabody.Endicott .... Hadley Montgomery. A. H. .... Halifax Lincoln, EdwardA. QI Hardwick Mixter, George . .KMB Hatfield Billings.MissH.L. ..B Haverford Palmer, Fredericjr. B Haydenville Kulash.WalterM. ..F Hingham Knowlton.C.H. ..GEQ Shimer.H.W E Holden Dutton.R.L KIQ Holliston Banks, Nathan F Holyoke Burkhardt.MissA. BAC Fitz-GibbonJJ. ..Nd Wilhelm.C.R M Hyannis Rowan,MissS.J. E Ipswich Canney.C.G CMB Kinsman, A. D. ..DAB Jamaica Plain Chen.MissL G Conser.H.N G HawesJ.H BCM Judd.W.H GOE Leary, Timothy N Merrill, E.D G Metcalf.FranklinP. G Palmer.EJ. GE Rehder.Alfred G Richards, R.H ME Kingston Coar.HerbertG F Lakeville Richardson, Oscar NH Lenox WilliamsJ.J H Leominster SchmidtJ.W. ...MAB Uong.D.D C Lincoln Preston.W.M. ...BCD Longmeadow DowJ.N MC Pearson.OH O Wheeler.D.G. ...CEM Lowell BradleyJ.H.Jr E Churchill.A.Q. ..FNQ Eames.CharlesH. ...Q 01ney,L.A C Page.Dud'eyL. ...FN Weed.C.M F Lynn Chako.N.O. BAD Earle.MabelL. ..FNH Maiden Robinson. E.P MD Stickney.MissR.E. FGB Marblehead Lord,ErskineD. ...CM Mattapan Hecht.B.P. CNG Malkiel.Saul NC Medford Carmichael,L I Chadwell.H.M. ..CBQ Hadley, JarvisB. ...E Harrison J.R. ...BMA Kennedy, J. L I Mead.LeonardC. IFN Nichols, RobertL. ...E Ransom, W.R. ...ABD Smith.C.G BDM Smith.WilliamV. BCA TiltonJohnP IQ Warren.P.A G Wellman, Bertram .MI Worrall.D.E C Wren.FrankG AQ Medford Hillside Conner.S.L M Roeder,K.D. FN Melrose Chadbourn.E.R Fay.JosephH NO Hubbard.B.R. ...MBA Lutz.BrentonR. ...NF Methuen Parrjohn N Milton Arenberg.D.L. ...BAC Bigelow.S.L C Brooks.C.F BE Crane, H.Irving CB Fergusson.S.P. ...BM Field.W.L.W EF Flynn.CarlM. ...FNG Forbes, Alexander ..N Forbes, HenryS N Forbes.W.H NFC Gamble.CJ N LeSourd.HomerW. BO Miller.MissH.A. ...G Morrison, T.F FQ Navez.AlbertE G Pearson,C.A BA Stearns.W.B. ...DBA Stone, RobertG. .BEK Tulloch.D.F. ...MAB Washburn, MissR.W. IOK Weber.HaroldC. .. ~M Nahant Cusick.LaurenceF. .N Fischer, LJ. ....MBA Nelson, RussellA. .MC Needham Gerry, HenryL Q Green, ArthurB M Kingsley.H.L I Logan, MilanA C Long.ArthurP N Morss.Noel HK Nichols.H.B GBF Rogowski.A.R. ...MB Stetson, H.T DBA Vaughan.W.F I New Bedford Lowrie.R.E FH Prescott.Mrs.H.D. ... Tripp, CurtisC N Newburyport Bliss.MaryC G Humphrey s.S. P. ...N Newton Bacon, Fredericks. ..C Dewing.F.R IKO MoyerJ. Ambrose MO Stevenson, EarlP. ...C Newton Center Allen, S.C N Borg, HenryL Brightman.E.S. ...IK Ellis, FrederickW. BN Holt.MissC.M F Jones.ChesterM. NFI Lennox, WilliamG. .N Mather, KirtleyF. ..E Melcher.A.C C Robinson, E.S N Walker, I. Chandler .N Walter.CarlW. ..NMB Newton Highlands Frary.CharlesS. ...CM SpikeJ.E.Jr. ...BGD Wells.F.L. ...I Newtonville Atwood, F.Clarke ...C Clevenger.G.H. . . .MC Harris, GorhamW. . .C KobrockJohnP. ..KM Pope.AltonS N North Amherst Chenoweth.W.W. ...O Northampton Anslow,MissG.A. ...B Bache-Wiig.Sara ...G Bryson.Gladys ..KHI Burt, C.Pauline C CannJessieY. ..CBA Carpenter.Esther ..FN Choate.MissH.A. ..GL Cooper, Geo. Olds ....G Crabtree.MissC. ..FN Day, Dorothy ....GON Deane.HelenM N Dobbin.C.N FQ Driver, ErnestC. ...FG Ganong.WilliamF. .G Genung.MissE.F. ..N Hankins.F.H. ...KHI Heine, MissAidaA. ..E Heminway.MissC. ..E Hudgins, Clarence V. I Jacob, CaryF L Jones, A. T B Kemp.MissM GE Manning. WayneE. .G Meyerhoff.H.A. ..EM Mohler.MissNoraM. B Munroe.MissF.L. AKO Olmsted.E.W. E Parshley.H.M F Rambo.SusanM A Sampson, MissM.M. NF Slocum.MissL.T. DAB Smith. MissF.G. ....G Sparrow, MissD.K. FG Stobbe.HelenR E Taylor.W.S I TeWinkel.MissL.E. F Trombetta.MissV.V. G Wakeman.Seth ....QT Waterman, F.A B Wells, H.E. C Williams. MissM. ...D ZukelJohnWilliam .F North Grafton Smith.H. Wilbur ....N North Scituate Newcomb,EdwardC. M Norton Amen.E.W I ChidseyJaneL. . . .NF Geographical Index 1055 Norton, Cont'd. Evans, MildredW. ..C Garabedian,C.A. ...A Hunt.WilliamA I Lange,MissM.M. FGO Rice, MissM. A G Oak Bluffs Moss, Mrs. C.E G OgdenJ.G DBH Oxford Kay.MissM.R. ..FNO Palmer Tait.H.Sinclair .BCD Peabody Rabinovitz,Isidor ..C Underwood, G.R C Petersham Gast.P.R. GCB Pigeon Cove Chamberlain.A. .ELO Pittsfield Chesney.C.C M Clark.FrankM. .CMB Smith.MissL.A B Wagner.E.A. ...MAB Washburne.A.C A Weeks, A. L I West,H.R MBC Plymouth Langford.MissG. ...B Provincetown Hammett.F.S. ...NFC Johnson.M.H MB Murchison.Carl I Quincy Couch.WilliamH. .CB Rehoboth SilvaJ.M CAM Revere Gordee.A.B CIK Roxbury Eisenberg.M.J. ..NCB Levinson.Leon ..FNQ Ravreby.A.A. ...CMT Shevach.BJ lQ Salem Browne, RalphC IngoldsbyJamesJ. .C Jenkins, L.W H Percy.G.E N Sargent, A.N NCE Walker.FredH. .FGE Whitman.W.G Q Scituate Savage, G.H C Sharon Cushman Jos.A. ...EF Somerville Edwards, GeorgeA. .F Gray, M.Geneva .NCK Southborough Folsom.Hugh N Southbridge Beitel.RobertJ.Jr. IN Boeder.Paul ....ABM Southbridge, Cont'd. Morrow J. F.Jr B Moulton.ILR Stoll.MissM.R. ..INB Tillyer.EdgarD. . . BM South Dartmouth Houghton.H.G B South Dennis Wilbur.GeorgeB. .HI South Duxbury Holway, Richard F South Hadley Adams, A. E FN Allen, MissM B Allyn.MissH.M. ..HF Boyd,MissE FNG Carr,MissEmmaP. ..C Cooley, MissM. E. ...E Eltinge.EthelT. . .GN Fairbank.Ruth ..INK Farnsworth.MissA.H. D Goldthwaite.N.E. ...C Haywood.C NF Laird, ElizabethR. ..B Lochman.MissC E Morgan, AnnH F Pickett, LucyW. ...BC Reed.MissF.D G Rusk.RogersD. .BMA Sherrill.MaryL C Shipman.MissJ.M. .E Smith, MissC F Stein, KathrynF. ..FN Stokey.A.G G Talbot, Mignon E Turner.A.H NF South Hanson Nealy.WalterA C South Lancaster Chen.PhilipS CN South Lincoln Gilboy.Glennon ....M South Natick Hills.C.E N Patten,MissJ.B. ..NG South Weymouth Clapp, MissM. S Kennedy, H.Anna ...G Springfield Arsenian.Seth IQL BennettJ.W. ...MAB Campbell, P.A OC Cockayne, C.A. ...QIK Eddy.G.Norman KHI Farnsworth,B.B. ...H Franklin, B. A IM Gadaire, C.Rice ..FQN Karpovich.P.V. ...NH Kirkham.W.B FG Lambert, Jeremiah .M Lockwood,M.H. .KBE McCabe.B.C FNQ Neal.ChesterT. M Putnam, RogerL. ...D Reynders.ArthurB. M Rutenber.C.B C Snow,F.W EM StedmanJ.M F Todd J.Edward ....IQ Still River Bateman,F.W M Stockbridge Hoffmann, Bernhard .. Stoneham Holmes.ArthurD. CN Kleinschmidt.R.V. BM Sturbridge Stone.H.H.Jr FG Swampscott Beebe-C'enterJ.G. ..I Evans, GeorgeW. ... A Thomson, Mrs. E Topsfield Pentecost, E.H Tyngsboro Richmond,CarlA. BEA Uxbridge Robinson.R.D. ...CNI Vineyard Haven Foster.FrancisA. .EF Waban Bennett.G.A N Huber.EdwardG. NHF Levene, George N Wakefield Tyzzer.E.E NFH Walpole Haan.A.P ECQ Waltham Davidson, D.L. ..CNQ Flagg.F.P BC Glancy.WarrenE. ..C James, WalterH M Verdoorn.Frans ...GO Wilcox.PaulH N Watertown Coleman, G.W. . .CBE Field.R.F BM Flora.CharlesP. ...CP Meredith,F.L. ...NIQ Wayland Bemis.AlanC B Wellesley Austin, MissMaryL. F Copeland.LennieP. .A Davis.GraceE B Davis.MissH.I. ...GO Dodson.H.W. ...DBA French, HelenS C Hall.AdaR FG Hayden,MissM.A. ..F Heidbreder.Edna ...I Holway .AlfredH. ...I Howard, GraceE G Johnstin.Ruth ...CNF Jones.MissE.E. ...FN Jones, MissHelenT. .C Kaan,MissHelenW. F Kingsley, Louise E LeeJo-hnC M Lindsay, MissR.H. .G McCosh.MissG.K. ..F McDowell, LouiseS. B Merrill.H.A A Norton.ArthurO. ...Q Pulling, HowardE. GB Rondinella.A.C N Smith, MissM. E. ..CN Stark, MarionE A Wellesley, Cont'd. Steiger.T.L G Thorndike.S.L D VanVVinkle.Mrs.M.E. F Waterman, MissH.C. F Williams.MissJ.L. GQF Williams, Mrs.S.M. .. Wilson, LouiseP. FQN Wilson, MissLucy ..B Young, MabelM A Zigler.MJ I Wellesley Farms Chellis.RobertD. MPB Moreland,E.L. M Wellesley Hills Buckingham, B.R. .QI Durrell.DonaldD. .QI Hagen.HaroldF. ...M Howard.AlfredH Kennedy, Harris E Stearns, HowardO. ..B Thomas, Mrs. H.G. ..E Weeks, PaulThorne B West Brookfield Kitzmeyer.E.L. .CNO Westfield Kelly.T.Leonard ..CQ Wallace, MissE.G., DFG Wilson, CharlesB. ..F West Newton Greenman.W.F. ..KE Thomas, MissH.S. ...G Weston Amon.FredH. ...CPM Butler, ThomasP. .CA Dailey.FrankJ. ..CTQ Lynch, SisterM.St.I. CBN West Springfield Drowne.HenryB. . .M Martin, MabelF I Schmidt, MissC. .EFG Stebbins.F.A EFG West Somerville Cushing.MissH.M. IQK Fletcher, HarryG. ..E Knox, ArthurS. ..EGQ Mancib.AlvinS. .ACM Shaw.EdwinA QI West Roxbury Allen, FrancisH F Hooker.S.B. N MuellerJ. Howard ..N" Whitman BellJohnW HCI Williamsburg Collins, RobertF. ...E. HobbsjosephR N Williamstown Agard.H.L A Bascom, Florence ...E Benfield.A.E BE Clapp, DanielB C Coie.ElbertC. ...FGN Curry James CB- 1056 Geographical Index Williamstown, Cont'd. Goodale,H.D FO Hoar,C'arlS G Hocking.Richard ABF Hubbell.H.H.Jr. ...B Locke, EdwinA. N McElfresh.W.E B Matthews, S.A FN Mears.Brainerd C Milham,WillisI D Perry, ElwynL E Rollason.H.D.Jr. .FN Spiltoir.C.F.Jr G Winch.RalphP. ..BAC Winchester BodmanJ.W CME GoIdthwait.C I Harter.G.A ADB MitchellJJ CB Page,NewellC. ...;..B Zimmerman, C.C. KOH Winter Hill Berggren,MissR.E.L. C Winthrop LynchJohnE M Woburn Cohen,JosephHorace C Rowland, Claude ....F Wolf, E.Alfred F Wollaston Bentley.GeorgeP. MB ShraderJ.H CDN Wildes, KarlL. ..MQA Woods Hole Barnes, CliffordA lselin, Columbus ..EF Lewis.MissL.A N Worcester Allen.CharlesM. DMO Atwood.W.W. EL Atwood.W.W.Jr. ...E Averill.LawrenceA. .1 Avis.FrederickR. .FG Barnard. FrankP. NdO Worcester, Cont'd. Bosshard.H.M. ...LQI Brown, RobertHeath I Budnitz, Edward N Bullock JesseL C Buyniski.E.F. Np Calhane,D.F C Davis, Lewis CNM Dick.K.R NFQ Ekblaw.W.E EGO Forbes, W.T.M F Hadidian.Zareh .FCE Hastings.D.J.Jr. ...M Hersey.MavoD. ..BM Hoagland.H NFI Hyde.W.A MB Kistler.S.S. CB Klein.A.Albert M Little, HomerP E Lombard, RobertH. ..C LooneyJo'sephM. .CN MacKerrow,H.G. ...N Masius, Morton B Mather.Alan NC Melville, CareyE. ...A Merigold.B.S CB Worcester, Cont'd. Miller.E.C N Milligan.L.H. ..CBM Morgan.TheodoreH. M Newell.HobartH. ..M Pincus, Gregory F Potter,David G Quigley.ThomasH. .B Rice, Harris A Rider,MissE.L. ...GF Roope.PercyM. ..BAC Rosenzweig,Saul ....I Scribner.MissA.E., FGE Shaw.ThomasB N Sommerman.G.M.L. MBD Sullivan J.J CBQ Super.DonaldE. ...QI Tanner.AmyEliza ...I Wakefield, W.H ..DB Woodward.S.B N Wrentham Tadgell.H.A N MICHIGAN Adrian Perry, StuartH. ..CEK Reuter.SisterM.A. FGC Stimson.SisterM.M. C Albion Adams.MissMarian .. Carter, Thomas IQ Chickering.A.M. ..FG Hance.K.G KLQ MarshallJohnS. . .IL Prescott.G.W Gt Rogers, MissL.M. .FG Rood.C.E BDA Sleight, EdwinR. . Spencer, R.G. B Alma Ditto.R.C. ••••••■••"£ Kaufmann.W .E. COIN Rice,PaulL ....F Seifert.R.L.E. ...CBA Steward.F.M IH Ann Arbor Abbott.LynnJr. ..CN Adams.HenryF. .....1 Allen, ShirleyW ...U Arnold.ChesterA. ;..0 Ayres.W.L •••* Baird.R.L. •■•••■FGQ Barker.ErnestF » Barker.PaulS N Bartell.FloydL. L Bartlett.H.H. ••••■••£ Barto.MissE rGti BeanjohnWm «« Bernthal.Theo.G. .NF Blakeman.E.W. .-..,* Block.WalterD. ...CN Bouchard, Harry • •■•M BradshawJohnW. ..A Brown, CarlR I Brown,01iverL.I. ..X BrummJ.L. .KU Bunting.R.W. ...NdQ Burt.W.H FEG Carev.CliftonO. MDA Carr.LJ K Case.ErmineCowles L Catron. Lloyd N Colby, WalterF. ....B Ann Arbor, Cont'd. CorkJ.M B Crosby, Elizabeth ...N Curtis, FrancisD. ...Q Curtis, HeberDoust .D Dana.S.T OKG Davis.B.M G Dempster.W.T. ...FN Diack.A.W MC Dice.L.R GFE Dieterle.R.R NIQ Dobrovolny,C.G., FNC Dodge, StanleyD. .EK Donahue, Mrs. W I Duffendack.O.S B Dwyer.PaulS. ...AKQ Eager, MissGrace .FG Easlick.K.A. Nd Edmunds.C.W N Eggleton.FrankE. ..F Egly,WilliamHenry L Ehlers.G.M. E Fellows, MissK. A. LFG Ferguson, AlfredL. .C Fergusonjohn NC Field.Peter A Gaige.Mrs.H.T. ...FE Gesell, Robert NF Gillette.RogerH. CBA Glazko.AnthonyJ. CN Gomberg, Moses C Grace, JamesD Nd Graham, SamuelA. ..F Griffitts.CharlesH. ..I Gustafson.F.G G Guthe.CarlE H HalfordJosephO. ...C Hall.M.F NAO Hann.HarryW F Higbie.H.H. MBI Hildebrandt.T.H. ..A Hile. Ralph F Hobbs.W.H E Hodges, J. Hallett ..CB Hopkins, Louis A. ADM Hubbs.CarlL F Hunt.WalterFred .CE Hussey.R.C E Isaacs. Raphael ....FN James, PrestonE. ...E Ann Arbor, Cont'd. Jay.Philip N Johnston, C.T. M Jones, VolneyH. ..HG Kahn.R.L. N Karpinski,LouisC. AL Kellum.LewisB E Kenk, Roman ....FGQ Ketcham.MissD. KIH Koch.HarlanC QI Kramer.T.C NF Kraus,EdwardH. ...E Lapidesjack N LaRue.CarlD G LaRue.GeorgeR. ..FN Leverett. Frank ...EH Lewis.H.B CN Lichty.D.M C Lindsay, Geo. A. ....B Losh.MissH.M. ..D.A Lough.S. Allan ....CN Lovering.T.S. ...EBM McAlpine.RoyK. ...C McCotter.R.E. ..NDO McDermott,MissE.B., N McLaughlin, D.B., DBE McLaughlin.L.H. ..D Maddock.Walter ...N Magee, Conway N MaienN.R.F I Mains, E.B G Mann.Charles ...NQF Mantele,K.A N Marx, Lore FN Maxwell, AllanD. ...D Merryjames G Meyer. CharlesF B Miller.JamesA F Miller.MissLila ....C Moehlman.A.B Q Moore.G.R NdFH Muyskens,MissF.D. F MuyskensJ.H. ..FHI Newburgh.L.H N Newcomb.W.W. ..FN Nichcvlson,H.C NF Novy.F.G. N Nungester.W.J. .NCB Okkelberg.Peter ....F Olmstead.F.R. ..MBC Olson, Adal F Ann Arbor, Cont'd. Olson.W.C IQ O'Roke.EarlC. ..FNO Patten, B.M F Pawlowski.F.W. ...M Pedersen.Svend .CNB Peyton, FloydA. CMN Pierce, MissM.E. ...N Pontius.M.B N Preston.W.S N Rainich,G.Y A Randall, H.McA B Reighardjacob F Rufus.W.Carl ...DLA Running.T.R A Ruthven,A.G F Sadler, H.C. M Schoepfle.C.S C Scott, IrvingD E Scott.W.T A Searle.MissO.M. ...N Senstius.M.W. ..EGO Shohara.H.Helen LFI Shull, A. Franklin ...F Sleator.W.W B Smeaton,W.G C Smith,A.W. B Smith, RalphG Np Soule.ByronA C Soule.M.H NCF Spokes, RayE C Stalker.EdwardA. .M Stanley.G.M. ....EHD SteereJosephB. ..FH Steere.WilliamC. ...G Stockard.A.H F Stocking.C.H NpC Sturgis.CyrusC N Sundwalljohn N Taylor.W.R. G Thompson, Mi ssE.L., NFH Titiev,Mischa ."H Toribara.Taft ...CM A Trow.Wm.Clark ...IQ VandenBroekJ.A., MBA VanOosten.John F Vincent, H.B B Waggoner.R.W. ...NI Ward.MarcusL. BCNd Waterman. Leroy ...L Weatherill.PhilipF. C Geographical Index io57 Ann Arbor, Cont'd. Wehmeyer.LewisE. .G Welch.PaulS F Whitaker.B.L. ...QLI Whitaker.W.L. ...FN White.LeslieA H White, Stephens G Wight.H.M FGE Wile.U.J N Willard.H.H C Williams.NeilH. ...B Wilson,FrankN N Winder.ClaudeV. NFI Woodward, A.E. ...FN Woody.CHfford ....QI Yoakum, ClarenceS. .1 Young.L.J O Battle Creek Darling.G.B.Jr. KMN KelloggJ.H N Roberts,W.L CN Upson,W.O N Wheelock.R.P. ...ME Benton Harbor Harrod.DonJ. ...CBQ Berrien Springs Edwards.H.E QI Halenz.H.F C Klooster.H.J C Big Rapids Benson, Simon Np Newton, Roy IQK Tapley,M.S GFQ Ward.M.S QKI Birmingham Billington, Cecil G Hovey,A.G CP Ives, Margaret I Penfield.Mrs.P.L. ..F Bloomfield Hills Bingham,Mrs.M.T. GQ Hatt.RobertT. F Buchanan WhiteJ.A C Calumet Broderick.T.M E Spacie.EdwinG. ..AIQ Coopersville Eaves, Kurt D Croswell Roehl.Mrs.K.McC. ..F Crystal Falls Royce, Stephen ..MEB Dearborn Moskalek, Simon MKL Schluchter.A.W. ..CM Sherwood,R.M. .BMA Dearborn Heights Cole.H.N. BCE Detroit Ackley,AlmaB G Albers.Bert M Alger.HarryB. ..CNO Altshuler.S.S N Amberg,Emil N Andersen.C.T QI Baker.HarryJ IQ Baker,H.B. EF Detroit, Cont'd. Beatty.HaroldA C Bergman, W.G. ...QIL Billig.FlorenceG. GFQ Bixby.VV.H. ....MBA Blain,A.W NQF Bower.R.G M Boyd.T.A C Brock.C.A. M Brough.G.A NC Brown.MiltonT. ...M Burgess, E.H. ...BCM Cahill.W.M N Calingaert.Geo. .CBM Campbell, DonM. NQI Canty, Alan I Caplan.S.J CNP Carter, GeorgeW B Chase.MissE.W.B. .G Clark.L.T. NCB Coley,Glenn M Cone,Mrs.SophiaK. FG Connelly,B.L. ...NHF Cooley.T.B NKQ Courtis,S.A. QIF Creaser,C.W F Dart.FrancisE. .BAM Dow.Douglas ...MCK Drews.R.S NQ Emmett.A.D NCP Erdwurm, Graham .FN Ferry, N.S N Field,E.K KNpC Fisher.L.E MB Fitzgerald.Sister M.A BDA Flinn.MissH.L. ..IKQ Follett.R.E F Follin.M.D FHL Fox.SereckH CN Freund.HugoA N Fryklund.V.C. ...QPI Gaebler,O.H CNF Gallogly.E.E. Gibson, K.R NdK Gordon.W.H N Graffis,H.A CNB Graves, WalterJ. MKB Hanson, Geo. B. .PMB Harding.H.A. ...GOC Harmon.G.E NKA Harris,S.D Nd Hasley,ClydeK N Haven, S.Edson ..IQK Hayden.H. CBN Heitman,E MBA Heldt,TJ. NIH Hess, Lewis CB Hickens.SisterM.P., CAF Hoopes,B.F N Howes,W.B NCH Hubbard.RuthM. ..IQ Hulbert.H.S DBI Hulbert, Roberts C HuntJohnHerman .M Joslyn.DwightA. ...N Jozefczyk.A.M Nd Kamm, Oliver C Kaucher.MissM. ..NC Kavanau,J.Lee ..BCA Kemp.W.B M Knoblock.F.D. ..AMB Kurt.O.Edward .CBA Lamb.F.W CBP Larson, PaulS. ...NCF Laukel.A.K CGO Lehman, ArnoldJ. .Np Lenhardt.L.G ME Lewis, S.J Nd Lindbergh, Mrs. E.L.L C Lindh,Gunnar ..CMP Loew.EarlR NC Detroit, Cont'd. Lowery.P.C Nd McClure.RoyD N McCrea.Adelia ..GNO McCullough.N.B. ...N McGinty.D.A N McGraw.A.B N McMath.NeilC D McTeer.Wilson ...IH Macy.IcieG CN Martin, E J B Massey.E.L QCB Meader.F.M N Meddaugh.D.H. .FGK Metcalf.MissJ.L. .FH Miles.E.J MCB Morse.L.S.Jr. ..MKQ Miner.MissH.I. .CQN Murphy.F.T N l. /-„„-,„ d-ur- c u it? /^m Dobson, George .dMK Schwenk.Erwin ...CN tt„„„=, V- m ttrp Stoner.W.H NF Fenner,C.N EBC Teaze.M.H MAC Closter Vassar.H.S M . . ,, ,-. „ Wakefield.H.F C Ackerman,Mrs.E.S Weith.ArchieJ. .CBM AL>U Bloomlngdale Collingswood Donald.William CMK Sturmer.J.W. ...CNQ Vanderkleed,C.E. CN Bogota Scott, E.L NCF Convent Station Bound Brook Brobston.SisterM.A^ Amick.ChesterA. ...C Dorety,SisterH.A. .G Crossley M L. C Lawlor.SisterA.C. Jeffcott,RobertC. ...C FGN Mackenzie.C.S K Murray.SisterM.R. .C Merz, August C Pineo.O.W BN Cranford Schaffle.Albert .....Q BeachHK MBA Schneiderhan.F.J. ..G Dexter,F.P.Jr. ..CBE Bridgeton Wilson, A. M C App.Frank O Cresskill BurUngton Teeters, WilburO. ...C Mott,W.E MQ _ Schuh,ArthurE C Dayton Steinmetz.MissM.E. A Durfee, Thomas NC Demarest Crosman,A.M FN Dover Allison.V.C EFH Craig.MissG.M. ..NF Fry.Alvin QCE Moore, StanleyB. ...M Phillips, A.J. BCI Rinkenbach,W.H. .CF Scharf,R.W CNA Dumont Alter.B.E.K.Jr. .BAC East Orange Brown.A.T MBA Colbeth.I.M CAM Cowles, Harry D C Embury ,MissE.C Ernst, Herman ..OCB Hagemann.G.E. .MKO HoggJ.L B Kilmer.ElmerK. ...IQ Macalpine,W.W. .MB Palmer.Harold ....AQ Pickering,D.B. ..DBF Rimsky- Korsakoff, VladimirN FCL Schwing,KarlJ. .CBM Stone, Leo C Tripp, JamesG. ..MEK Walshjoseph Nd Edgewater Rose.MaryD.S. ..FGN Yelland.W.E C Elizabeth Bonnett.L.B BM Davis.G.H.B. ...CNM Deane.C.W MCQ Hoover.A.R N Kearby.K.K. ...CMP Miller.N.E COM Molitor.Hans N Moulton.S.C CBA Peck.E.B. CMB Phillips.G.W.M. MCB Sloane.R.G CM Toth.StephenJ. ..COG Wenker, Henry C WhiteJohnU. ...BCD Whitner.Thos.C.Jr. C Williams.ArthurS. .C Geographical Index 1065 Elmer Garrison.W.A. ...IQA Englewood Atchley.DanaW. ...N Bogert.C.M F Echols.CharlesP. ABQ Famulener.L.W. ..NG Gitlitz.AJ NBC Mills.F.C K Neidig.W.N MKB PhillipsAValter ....N Seymour- Tone s,F.L. CO Essex Fells Stacey.AlfredJr. .MH Far Hills Tainter.F.S M Flemington RitchieJohnW G Florham Park ClineJ.K. CN Freehold Hunter.R.J DFH Garfield Chmielowiec.S.A. ...I Gibbstown Franzinger.K.W. CEB Glassboro Haupt.GeorgeW. ..QI Glen Ridge Brainin.C.S BDP Kenagy,H.G IKQ Slack,C.M B Stillwell.E.C. Nd Westcott.MissC G Glen Rock Shannon, E.R. ...EIK Grantwood Boas, Franz HL Franck,E.T C Grasselli Zim merman, B.G. CMP Grenloch Bateman,FredH. .OM Greystone Park Beucler.W.G. ...NCP Hackensack Greenfield, W.J N Phelps, JohnJ Haddonfield Brown, GeorgeH. MBA Westermaier,F.V. ..M Hamilton Square Rhodes, FraserB. .MC Harrison Buxton, LoranO. CNP Headrick,L.B. ...BCA Ulrey.Dayton B Haworth Putt.EarlB CN Highland Park Brines, M. J IQ Entemann,C.E.,Jr. CNF Highland Park, Cont'd. Palmer JohnW. ...NC Peterson.PaulD. OGC Robbins.W.Rei ...GO Highlands Haynes.CarolineC. .G Hoboken Barnwell.G.W. ..KMI Becker.G.G G Conner, Robert C Davis, Harvey N. ...M Deimel,RichardF. ..M Fine.MorrisS CG Furman.F.DeR. ..MQ Gunther,C.O ABM Hazeltine, L.Alan .AB Huber.CharlesJ. ..MB Koblenzer.Hugo ..OC Kremers,R.E. ...CNO Olsen.AkselG. C Pond.FrancisJ C Snader.DavidL M Holmdel Englund,CarlR. MBA Interlaken SchellengJ.C B Irvington Goellerjacob NI Linck, Victor ....HLK Jersey City Alter.NichoIasM. ...N Bowden.G.A. ....CBI Bremer, Valentine CN Cassel.HansM. ..CBN Chesley,LeonC. .CNF Colgate,RobertB. ...C Crunden.A.B.Jr. .NQ Dyme.H.C CNA Eldred.FrankR. ..CM Graff.CharlesE M Haage,MissL.L. NQK Hohman.ArthurT. ...C Ireland.C.E B Jaffin.A.E NFH Lamson.EdnaE. .IOE Leyes,C.E CMB OrelupJ.W C Rosinger, Arthur BCP Samuelson.C.D. ..BM Scott.C.R.E CBM Seydel, Herman ...CM Shawver,B.T. ...CBA Tortora, Anthony NCG vonderLiethJ.F. .CN WallaceJ.H.Jr. ..CN Kearny Brown, GeorgeR. MBC Keasbey McDowell.S.J. ..CME Lake Hiawatha Mooney.Melvin ...BP Lakewood Agar,WilliarnM E Lambertville Fireman, Peter ....CB Kugler.L.T C Lawrenceville Heath.H.W CB Hitchcock.C.S. ..CBQ Light,A.B FIN Lebanon McIntire,W.C C Stowe.H.C M Leonia Butler, B.T. EGH Elmen.G.W M Gwynn.M.H CAB Hamilton, F.M IQ Hilbert.F.L CBI Hixson.ArthurW. ..C Horne.H.H QI Karapetoff.V. ...BMA LaMer.VictorK. CBK Linn.DavidE. ...CNB Marsh.H.D. IHK MerrillJohnE D Morse.L.B BDI Ramsperger,H.G. KIH Snider.LutherC E Lincoln Park Thomson.H.M. ...MK Linden Gajewski.FredJ. CDN Greenberg, Pearl 1 Livingston Lorz,Mrs.AlbertP. ..F Long Valley Laskey.W.G M Lower Bank Underhill.C.R. ..MBN Lyndhurst Ehrlich.M.W M Madison Beinecke.F.W Cole,StewartG. ..QIK Dumm,WalterJ. ...CQ Green, WymanR. ,...F Hale,Mrs.R.D.S. ..FG Harrington, M.C. ..BD Hubbard.Mrs.J.C. ..H Lawson, O.Gerald ...L MaxfieldJ.P MB Potter.R.K M Rollins, MabelA. ...K Mahwah Grisewood.E.N. ...BQ Manville MacAlpine.W.M. .CB Maplewood Bown,Ralph BM Butler, W.M DKL Clark,AlvaB. ...MKB FoxJohnP D Lamme.M.A C Mathes,R.C MB Millsjohn M Moore, MissM CN Pidgeon.H.A BM Springer, W.M. ..CBA Summers, D.B. ..CNM Margate City HomanJohnG I Marlboro Baker,E.F N GordonJ.B NI Stone, Robert ....IHQ Marlton Zworykin,V.K B Martinsville SmithJ.M.Jr C Maywood Carruth,FrankE. ...C Merchantville PattersonJ.E. ...CBN Terry, RobertL F Metuchen Dahlstrom.Roy C Myers, A. M M Sayre, Ralph C Waddelljames ..CNO Millburn Germer,LesterH. ...B Nyquist.H B Phelps, LillianA. ...F Semple.R.A M Millington Draper.Thomas M Park.RobertH. ..BCA Milltown Gloor.W.E CM Millville Barton, G.E .C Lewis, DanielC. .CKQ Montclair Adams, E.W. Bailey, MissE.H. .MK BakerJ.C CN BrooksJ. Ansel M Fradkin.LeonH. ..NK Fulle.R.M E Gibbons.WillisA. ...C Glenn, EarlR BQ Haines, ThomasH. .IN Hessel.F.A C Hollingshead.G.G. HK Hutchinson, F.J Irion, ClarenceE C Ives.HerbertE B Jones.M.L.G EFL Kinney, JosephN. .MO Llewellyn, F.B. .BAM Mallory.VirgilS. ..AO; Mount, WalterB. . .NL Pudney.W.K N Reed, W.Maxwell Schlachter.CarlH. . .M Threlkeld.A.L Q Vorce.L.D CM Weston.Mrs.E.F. EIG Moorestown Hadley,C.H F Haines,E.C GBO Hall.LawrenceP. ...C Lamborne.G.W. .CEF Linton, M. A OKA Merrill, Mrs.D.R. ...C Morris Plains Montgomery, Wallace MCK Morristown Colvin.CharlesH. ..M True.R.P GO vanBeurenF.T.Jr. .N WalterJ.M.Jr. ...GO Webber.RayT F Mt. Holly Calmon, Calvin C Mountain Lakes Black, K.Charlton ..B Fitzgerald.G.A. .CNO Kollmorgen,F.L.G. BDG io66 Geographical Index Mountain Lakes, Cont'd. Moulton.GailF E Mueser.E.E. ...MKB Newman, D.F M Shewhart.W.A K Newark Antopol, William ..NC Barnard.C.I HIK Bauman.E.O NCF Breitzke.C.F KM Carter.FredE. ..MBC Carvin.F.D MBO Clark.William K Colson.HenryC. .CNM CooperJosephH. ....C CosgroveJohnF. CFN Coy.HerbertD. ..NdB DeLeon.B BQK Dennis, Harold ..CBE Deno,RichardA F Edel.AlbertE C FletcW.CharlesW. M Goedrieh,Paul ....CN Goldberg,SamuelA. .N Goodwin.W.N.Jr. MB Horning, SamuelC. ..C Joseph, Edward, III .N Kelley.M.J CBA Koenig.WalterJ. ..CB Krementz, Richard ..I Levine, Philip ...NFG Lewis, Leon NCH Little, Ernest CN McCarthy, MissM.C. NC Meier.FrankA. ..CDE Miller.R.B EGM Ozias,RamonE C Saltsman, Edgar BME Schmelkes.F.C C Schramm, G.J I Skinner.LeoV. ..MBA Stanley. MissP. .NFC Steiner.MissM.E. ...I Thiessen.R.Jr. ..CGF Weckstein.A QFG Wiggin.B.L B Wintsch.C.H N Wood.F.D F Wood,H.E.,II EF Woodward, H. P. EMH New Brunswick AllisonJ.B CFN' AndersonJ.A CN Anderson, JohnF. ...N Ansbacher.S NC Bear.FirminE. ..COG Blair.A.W CO Bunney.W.E NC Burgess, MissA. ...EH Burkhart.Leland ...G Cathcart.Chas.S. ...C Chrysler.MintinA. .G Clark.E.S BFG Cole.WilliamH. ...FG Connors, C.H OGF Cook.SidneyA 10 Cottle, D.L C Davidson.O.W. ...GO DeFalco, Ralph ...FN Gaum.C.G KM Ginsburg.JosephM. OC Greene, RichardD. CE Greenwood. W.R. . Nl GrezeJohnP.Jr. NCB Haenseler.C.M G Hayes, A. O E Headlee.ThomasJ. ..F Heck, R. C.H. MB Holaday.HoraceA. CN Hummel, K.P FN New Brunswick, Cont'd. Jackson, WilfridJ. ..B Jensen, H CN JoffeJ.S OCE Johnson, Helgi EF Johnson, MarionA. ..G Keilin, Harry C Keyser,C.J A Klein, William N Leonard, SamuelL. FN McKee.MissC.M. ...N Marsh, RobertP. ...FG Martin, W.H GO Marvin.W.T IHK Meder.A.E.Jr. ..AQK Menzel.A.E.O NC Metzger.H.J CNO Moore, Imogene ...FG MorrellJ.A BCN Morris, Richard A Murray, T.J N Nelson, CyrilA A Parker.R.C FN Pratt, CarrollC I Pratt. FrankR B Priepke.RudolfJ. ...C Prince, Arthur ...COG Reece.RalphP. . .ONF Rissetto.ArthurJ. ...C Roever.WilliamE. ..G Rudolfs.Willem ...MC Ruigh.Wm.L CN Sanderson, Sidney ...I Sease.V.B C Shackell.L.F Np Shaffer.MorrisF. ...N ShiveJohnW G Small.Mrs.F.C C Sprague.HowardB. OG Starkey.R.L OGN Thomas.B.G.H. ...NC Tiedjens.V.A. ...GOC Timcoe.MissHelen .F Tupikova.MissN.A. C vanDyke,H.B N Voorhees.LouisA. CFO Waksman.S.A. ..GOC Weiss. HarryB. ..FGL Wilkerson.A.S E Winchester.G. ...BCA New Lisbon Chambers.F.S MO North Plainfield VanDoren, Lloyd C Nutley Ewart.R.H CMP Foster.R.H.K Np Hart.E.J CBG Morse, E.H CM Zarrow.M.X Np Ocean City Bramley, Arthur B Klauder.R.H M Shelley.J.M FGE Ocean Grove Miller.MissMyrtle .A Oradell Coca, Mrs. E.F.G N Schmeidler, Robert ..C Orange Burns, DanielF. ...CB Ferguson, R.H. ..NTD Gore.JohnK AKN Shackelford,B.E. . . .B Stanger.J.V C Worne.H.E CN Palisade Brown, GroverC. ,'.MK Burton-Opitz.R. .FGN Hoke.MissC.M. .CGF Jaffejohn KP Jaffe.WilliamJ. .MAP Of, Charles M Pfeiffer.G.A A Rautenstrauch,W. .M Palisades Park Patton.C.W CBN Passaic CarlisleJ.H N Finkelman.M. ..NCH Grabbe.E.M B Uehling,F.F BCM Paters on Alteneder.Miss L.E. IQ Bleyle.G.A MQ Gagg,R.F MA Heines.N.J. BD Morton.JamesF. EFH WilsonJohnR LQ Pemberton Beckwith.C.S F Pennington Lumpkin, R.C. ...IHK Penns Grove Carleton.PaulW C Grageroff.I CM Maurer.George ...CBI Rose.Mrs.G.B. ...CEF Perth Amboy Katz, SamuelS. .NpCG Plainfield Barlow, DeW.D. ADM Bower.Mrs.E.C. .NFC Brokaw.R.V N Cummins, A.B. ..CMO Gavett.Weston MC Lacey,HaroldT C Langstroth.C.B. MCB Mesier.MissE.T. CNP MomentJohnJ Moodey.MissG. ...FG Orem.H.Philip ..CBM Prosser.E.A. ....CGM Smith.GeorgeA. .QTF Townshend, Bailey BC Point Pleasant Chalkley.Lyman CBN Port NorTis Stauber.LeslieA. ...F Princeton Adams, EdwinP B AlexanderJ.W A Anson.M.L. NCF Bender, HaroldH. ...L Black, LindsayM. .GO Bohnenblust.F A Bray.CharlesW I Brigham.CarlC. ...IQ Brown,W.H. N Brown.W.F.Jr. BAM Buddington.A.F E Butler, ElmerG F Caley.EarleR. C Cary.L.R FG Chase.A.M.Jr F Chinard, Gilbert ....L Church, Alonzo A Princeton, Cont'd. Clifford,AlfredH. ...A Conklin.EdwinG. ...F Dahlgren,Ulric ...FG Dorf.Erling EG Downsbrough,G.A. BAD Dugan.R.S DBA Eisenhart.L.P A Elveback,MissM.L., ABQ Eyring,Henry C Fankhauser,G F Field, RichardM. ..EF Flood, MerrillM. ..AK Furman.N.H. ...CBM Giese.ArthurC. ..FCG Gillespie, William ..A Glaser,R.W FN Glasstone, Samuel .CB Greene, A. M.Jr M Greene, Harry S.N. ..N Harrop,GeorgeA. ...N Hart.HarryC. ...ABM Harvey, E.N FGN Harvey, EthelB F Howell, B.F E Jepsen.G.L E Tohnson.FrankH. .FG KnightJ.Brookes EFO Kunkel.L.O G Kunitz, Moses ...CFG Ladenburg,Rudolf .B Langfeld.H.S I Lauffer,MaxA CN Lefschetz.S, A MacClintock,Paul ..E McClure.C.F.W F MacDonald.W.E. ADB Magie.W.F B Mayer, Walther A Menzies,AlanW.C. CB Miller.AltenS. ...MP Moody.A.M.G. ...MB Moody, LewisF. ...MA Moore.MissC.E. ..DB Morse, Marston A NelsonJohnB N Northrop, JohnH. ...C Notestein.FrankW. .K Orcutt.MissM.L. ...N Pearce, Louise ...NCB Pease, RobertN. ...CB Price.W.C G Rankin.WalterM. .GF Russell, H.N. ...DBA Scott.W.B E Shenstone.A.G B Shope,RichardE. ...N Shull.G.H G Sitterly.B.W D Smith, DonaldP C Smyth, CharlesP. ..CB Smyth.H.D B Snelgrove.A.K. E Stanley.W.M. ...CNG Stoll.NormanR. ...FN Taylor.HughS CB TenBroeck,Carl .FGN Thom.W.T.Jr. ..EKM Trager, William ...FN Tucker, A. W A Veblen.Oswald A vonNeumannJ. .ABK Wallis.EverettS. .CN Wedderburn.J.H.M. A Wever.E.G IN Wheeler.JohnA. ..BA White.Milton ...BCM White, PhilipR. .GCN Wigner.E.P BCA Willis.C.H M Geographical Index 1067 Rahway Addinall.C.R. ...CNB Major.RandolphT. CB Pittman.C.U CBA Rosin.Joseph C Sampson, W.L NC Red Bank Pitman, Earle C. ..CM Southworth.G.C B Ridgefleld Morgan.W.E CBG Ridgewood Affel.HermanA M Burling, Temple .NIK Mercer, F.N ECD River Edge Whitehead.F.E. .NCQ Riverton Gould.D.F C Hester.JacksonB. .OC Porter, DonaldR G Roselle Buc.H.E C Siegel.Alfred ....CBN Rumson Friis,H.T. M Rutherford Kannenberg.W.F. Shuman.A.C. ... Smith, P.R MBC ...CE .CMB Scotch Plains Pratt, EdmundA. BAM Secaucus Reznikoff, Leon .NIH Short Hills Carver, FredS. .. Robinson, F.W. ..MP ...CN Skillman Wiederhold.Oscar CM Somerville Gaston, L.P Smolak, George . BKM .CBM South Amboy Owen, E.Robert ..BM S. Bound Brook LombardoJ.B. ..CBA South Orange Cowen.Robertl. DMC Curtis, AustenM. ...M Hall.Mrs.HenryT. .D Havill, Clinton ....MB Inch.Mrs.S.R G Loeser.LewisH. .NIF MillerJ.A N Neifeld.M.R KIA Pratt, ArthurH M Rauch.LouisM. ...AB Stanwick.C.A. ..MBA Tuttle, Frank ....EFG Stelton Boyden.A.A F Boyden.Mrs.M.G. ..F Morris, M.L. NF Summit Backer.LeslieH C Bishop, HowardB. ...C Day.W.S B Dodd.MissD.M. ...BA Dort.RobertG. ...CBE Hardy, CharlesS. ..Nd Hartley.R.V.L B Hunt.FranklinL. ...B Isermann.S CKN McCallieJ.M I MacIlvaine.F.S. MKP MacNair.WalterA. .B Pfister.Karl C Romer.MissC.S G Snow.WilliamB. .MB Thompson, AlbertC. .. Willard.F.W CM Wrights tone, J. W. OIK Teaneck Benson, F.R CNI Coles.C.H GCF Conway/W.J. CQ Haggerty, Cecil C Hope.FredJ CPA Kaplan, Philip ..CBM WaitJustinF. ..CMB Trenton Eikenberry.W.L. .GQ Fischelis.R.P. .CNpK Focht, Louis MC Forer, Robert N Johannesson.S M Kummel.H.B E Trenton, Cont'd. Lauterhahn.O. ..MAE Poole.MissG.E. ...10 Potter, El lenC. ...KIN Rex.EdgarG GO Robinson, Aaron .NFC RussellJ.E Q SchmittJ.B. F Shaffer.E.L NFC Shoemaker.Mrs.L.M. Q Shoemaker.M.B. .OGF Troxel.S.M CBQ vonStanley.E. ..NpCB Union Trickey,P.H. ...MAB Union City D'Acierno.P. NK McCarthy, J. D. ..FGO Pfaffhausen.A.C. ...M Witzig.Mrs.F. ..FGH Upper Montclair Ballentine, Robert .FC Campbell.G.A. ..ABM Chesnut.RoyYV. ..MB Davis.D.R ABC Finley.Chas.W. .QFG Hadley.C.E. F McLachlan.R.W. ..CB Merckel,F.G M Osborne.H.S. ...MBQ Reed.RufusD. ....CQ Schicks.G.C. ...NpGC Silver.A.E M Turner.A.B AD Walther.MissJ.P. ...G Wheeler.HJ COE Ventnor Langfeld,C.M. ..ADM Myers, FrankJ F Vincentown Foster.A. Alfred ..OG Vineland Doll.EdgarA QIN GreeneJ.F CMN Johnstone, E.R. ..IKQ Washington Cheney, E.W BC Schlink.FJ BM Weehawken Keuffel.CarlW. ...BM West Englewood Kennedy.W.D. .MBE Tradup, Albert ..MBQ Westfield Atkinson, R.VY. MBA Berastegui.H. . . ....M Brophy.D.H. ... C CarlisleJ.M. ... .NPC DrushelJ.A. ... ...GO Fenton.W.M. .. .CMN Foster, RonaldM ...A Gray.A.W BMN Howland.C.F. . N Lowenheim.F.A. .CM Milligan.C.H. .. ...CO Rossbacher.H.J. ...CB Sosman.R.B. .. .CBE Walti.A C West New York Oleri.FrankJ M West Orange Edison.T.M BAC Goulden.H.DeW. . .CN Hughes, Mrs. M.M.E. .. Merriam.H.F. ...BCG Speiden.NormanR. FN Whitesbog White.MissE.C. ...OG Woodbine Botwinick.I.H. ..NOF Rosen, Harry ....BAC Woodbridge Humphrey, T.Z. .MCB McLellan.RoyD. EDC Woodbury Francis, AlfredW. . .C Horsch.W.G CB Woodbury Heights Lancaster.F.R. ..GOF Woodcliff Lake Williams, AnnaW. ..N Woodstown Calcott.W.S C Wyckoff Ennis.WilliamD. ..M NEW MEXICO Albuquerque Aberle.S.B.D. ...HNF Bell.WillisH G Brand.DonaldD. ..EH Castetter.E.F. ...FGH Clark, JohnD C Compton.L.V. ...FGL DuBois.P.H I Gibson, LeRoy C Goodding, MissC.O. GFK Goodding.L.N. ..GOQ Grove, Alvin GFO Haught.B.F I Hill.W.W. H Hume.W.,11 ....MBA Hutchings.T.B. ...CO Kelley.VincentC. EBC Kiech.VeonC CF Knode.JayC QID Albuquerque, Cont'd. Long.W.H G Moulton.EarlL. .KNL Newsom.C.V. ...ADB Peterson, Geo. M I Pooler.FrankC.W. .FG Randies, Quincy ...EG Reiche, Parry E ScottJamesR. ..NQE Taylor.G.C.Jr. ..EBC Theis.Chas.V E Turleyjay MEK Workman, E.J B Artesia Horton, Nolan ....CPO Caprock Walter.Charles.Jr. .E Carlsbad Burnet.R.M.P. ...HE Fort Wingate Blunn.CecilT. ..FNO GrandstaffJ.O. ..OCA Las Cruces Freudenthal,L.E. .GO Gerber.C.W N McBride.R.E N Robbins.D.S BA Las Vegas Emerson, FredW. .GF Kaser, Margaret ...NC Muench.OscarB. CBA Rodgers.T.G A Mesilla Park Artschwager.E. ...FG Smith, HowardO. C Portales Fleck, MartinW. .FGA MacKay.Roy ....ABN Roswell Galloway.D.H. ..EFL Goddard.R.H B Roudebush.W.C. BAM SmithJohnE B Santa Fe Chapman.K.M. ...HK Fisher, ReginaldG. .H HayJ.L MEA Hewett,E.L HQ io68 Geographical Index Santa Fe, Cont'd. McDougall.W.B G Mekeel.H.S HK Mera,HarryP HN Nusbaum.Deric .HEN NusbaumJesseL. ..H Reed.ErikK HL Stallings,W.S.Jr Walter.PaulA.F. HEG .H Santa Rita Gleason,P.R. ...CME Silver City Harlan JohnC. ..FGN Jose.PaulD DAB Miller, W.B. G Schmitt, Harrison .EM Socorro Needham.C.E. ..EMQ Talmage.S.B. ...EMQ Thompson, M.L E State College Addington,L.H. .OFC Anderson, M.G F Botkin.C.W CE BransonJ.W. ...ADB Lantz,MissE.M. NFC Shires, LukeB CB Streman.G.N GO Watkins.W.E. ...CNO Taos Roberts.E.D.G. .GKO Tucumcari Karlsruher.C.D. .CPM Tyrone Moore, AlfredF. .DBE Ute Park Cook.M.A M NEW YORK Adams BondAustinD. ....FQ Addison Auringer.H.E N Albany Adams, CharlesC. .FK Adams, W. Lloyd ...Np Alexander, F. ...NpDL Beik.A.K IQ Boss, Benjamin D Brown, Rachel ....NC Cameron,D.E. ...NIK Corning, Erastus NIH Cox.Charles ....MNC Coxe.W.W QI Craig, Wallace FI Decker.FredJ. ...QIK DePorteJ.V. ...KNA Douglas, MissG.E. ..G Frankel.E.T APR Gilbert, Ruth N Glasgow, RobertD. ..F Glasgow, Mrs. R.D. AF Goldring,VV EFG Graves,F.P Q Hale.ClarenceF. B Hendry.MissJ.L. ..NC Himwich.HaroldE. Np Huber, Wolfgang CNB Kirkbride.MissM.B. N Knudson, Arthur ..CN Langmuir,A.D. ...NK Lawrence.C.A NC Levin,M.L N Lindgren,G.S B Mclntyre.H.L GO Maltaner, Frank N Malzberg.B KHI Morris, E.H IQ MorrisonJ.Cayce ...Q Muschel.LouisH. NCQ Neuman,LeoHandel N Newland.DavidH. ..E Ordway, Thomas ....N Pangborn.M.C. ..CNF Pollock, H.M KN Power.C.E BOA Puetzer, Bruno ....CN Raymond, H D Rice,ChristineE. ...N RooneyJamesF N Roy.ArthurT D Rudof, Nathan ...NCI Ruedemann.R E Rutstein.DavidD. ..N SchleifsteinJ N Schwartz, F.W C Schwind.JosephL. .FN Silverman, Sidney .ON Stoner,Dayton F Thompson, W.R. .ACF VanderVeer.E.A. ...N Wadsworth.A.B. ...N Welch, C.Stuart N Albany, Cont'd. Wheeler,MissM.W. NFG Whitney.Mrs.E.G. GE Williams, WJ. ...MB Winne.C.K.Jr N WolfeJ.M. N Wright.A.W N Zeitler,W.I L Alfred Amberg.C.R MCE Burdick,H.O FN Lund,EverettE. ...FN Polan.L.R AB Potter.C.M BAM Ross.F.W EGD Saunders, PaulC. ....C Scholes,SamuelR. CM Seidlin.Joseph AQ Watson.LloydR. ..FC Whitford,A.E. ..ABD Amagansett Bell.D.M , .NC Amenia Ewing, GiffordC. ..OF Amsterdam Semsroth,K.H N Annadale Schleich.Hans CN - Annandale-on- Hudson Fuller.EdwardC. ..CQ Obreshkove,V F Sottery.C.T CQ Aqueduct Gellot.E.A L Ardsley on Hudson Eddison, W.Barton .M SonntagJ.K N Waring.M.LeC M Argyle Kern.EdwardF. .MCB Astoria Hala.WilliamW. ...N Runge.MissA.G. .QGF Siegel.Charles Nd Tauber.Henry ...CNF Attica Finger, FrankW. .IKG Auburn Cooke,Harte M Aurora Gaehr.PaulF. B Hollcroft,TempleR. .A Hyde, Elizabeth C McMullen,EleanorC. FGN Young.MissP.A C Babylon Chitwood.B.G. ...FGO Bainbridge Bender,R.C CN Hanford.ZaidaM. ...C Myers, W.S C Baldwin Clo.J.Harry BM Grove.C.C AKQ Stevens.R.A CNO Barneveld Jackson, Ralph C. ...F Barrytown Chapman, Conrad ...L Batavia Bowen.MissA.C. IQD Johnson, W.D N Bayport Grunwald.Kurt ...MO Bay Shore Evans, R.L C Lawrence, M.W. ....X Bayside Crozier.MissA.T. FGO Mackey, MissA.D. ON Bay Terrace Metcalfe, Mrs. Zaida OIK Beacon Atwell,HaroldV. CKO Becker, HarryC C Goldsby.A.R. ...CBK Mcllwraith.C.G. ....B MorenoJacobL. .IKN Weaver.L.H.A. .IKM Bedford Marble.Miss Delia W. GO Ogilvie.IdaHelen EOF Bedford Hills Margulis.A.E NA Pinner, Max N Trowbridge, E.K. AEB Beechhurst Berger.MissE.G. ..AD Berger.MissN.M. .AE Belmont Willets.E.A IQ Binghamton Dyer,FrankM. ..KNL Schmidt.WillyA. ..CB Wood.A.E EFH Bloomfield Stragnell, Gregory ..N Bluff Point St.John,RobertP. ...G Bowmansville MacArthur.C.G. ...CN Brentwood Brussel.JamesA. ..NI Broadalbin Chalmers, ArthurA. . . Brockport Cummings.M.C. ...KO Bronx Darken wa Id, G.G. EKL Bronxville Atwater,R.M N Birdsall.A.G. M Brvant,L.S INQ Byrnes,C.P BCI Clapp.F.G EM Elliot,A.H MBC Foot.N.C N Holliday.H NdBC Johnson, Martha .NCF Kirby.FrankE M McLean.F.T G Osborn, Ralph FG Schairer.OttoS M Smith, MissL.D N Wheat, FrankM F Whitford.HarryN. GO Brookhaven Soper,GeorgeA M Brooklyn Abrahamson.E.M. NCB Adams, Theodore ....F Altamura, Mario C Ammerman.C.P. CGM Andersen, A. G.H. MBC Atlas, Meyer F Austin, FrederickJ. .C Babbott.FrankL. ...N Geographical Index 1069 Brooklyn, Cont'd. Barclay .MargaretE. GFQ Beam,MissRachel GQ Beard.L.C.Jr CB BeillyJacobS. ....NC BellJ.Carleton ....IQ Benedict, RalphC. .FG Berry, WilliamJ. ..AQ Blake, EdwinM. .AHI Blechman.Elias . . .QN Boyer.CarlB AL Bridgman.R.P. ..QIK Browning, VV NLI Brunjes,AustinS. .CM BullwinkelJ.T M BunimJosephJ N Burn.C.G NF Bushnell,HoraceC. .M Caldwell, B.P C CardwellJ.C. ..NpHF Cheney, R.H GNF Chisdes.Meyer .CMN Claussen.E CBD Cleland.W.W KI Cohen, Lester NC Collens.W.S N Corlis,EdwinF. F Currie.JamesN C Dafrose,SisterM. .BQ Darrow.R.C MKA Davidoff,LeoM N DeSilver.Mrs.M Dessotnekoff.N. .QIA Douglass, GeorgeC. Nd Douglis.Mrs.M.G. ..N Dow.MissB.McL. .GF Eggerth.ArnoldH. NC Ehrlich.D.E. N Ekroth,C.V CBQ Ellickson, Raymond .B Etelman,HarryI. ...C Fairchild.C.O. ..BAM Fangemann.W.H. ABM Farrell,Elliston N Fein.M.J N Felton Joseph CIE Fetter, Dorr/thy ..NFC Fibel.LewisR C Field, Crosby M Fink, Harold N Finlay.A CNG FishJ.B F Fleisher, Edward ...A Friedman, J. S. ...CAB Gager.C. Stuart G Gardner.W.H C Gaul.AlbroTilton .FG Germann.G.B Q Gilbert.JeanneG. INH Girden, Edward I Glusker, David N Goerncr.Alfred N Goetsch, Arthur ...NO Goetsch,Emil NK Goldberg, SamuelD. .C Goldstein, Harry ...IQ Goldstein.M GFN Goodrich, E.P M Graves, ArthurH. ..GQ Grayzel.D.M CFN Greenberg.I. ....CQB Greene, CarlH N Greene.M.B NMB Greenfield.S.S. ..GFQ Greenspan, A . . . .CBE Gundersen, Alfred .GL Gus.CharlesE. ..MQB Hagar.Stansburv ,HD Hamlen,T.W. . .' Q Harkin.D.C A Hartwell.FredW. .FG Brooklyn, Cont'd. Ilausmann,E. ...BMQ Hecht.I.S QIK Hiers.G.O BCM Higgins, Tracy Hovgaard.VV. ...MAE Hughson, Arthur ....Q Hurd.EgbertS C Hutton.S.E FG Idelson,M.N. ...MQB Inman.CharlesG. NFG Jacobi, Mendel ..NFK Jacobs, MorrisB. .COQ Jacobson.A.C N jaffe.D.L MAB James, WilliamL Jennings, A.S. ..PMB Jewett.WilliamA. . .N Jordan, Stroud C KaneJ.H C Katzell.R.A INQ KatzmanJ MBK Kepkejohn LMH Kirk.R.E CMQ Kleeman, Irving .CNF Koch.AdolphM. .IQN Koch.E.H.Jr. ...AIO Kolk.MissL.A G Koster, Harry N Kramer, Benjamin . .N Larsen,Thorstein ...B Law.F.H. QDE Lefkowitz,Mrs.C.M. Lenfest.B.A MQI Lesser.Milton ...FGN Lesser, MiltonA. ..CN Levi, Solomon ...MAB Lieber.Mrs.L.R A Liphshitz,I.N. ..MKB Liva, Henry BMC Lloyd.RalphI BN Lockwood.C.W. ...BO Lowan.A.N AB Mais.WalterH. B Marion, StephenP. ,CQ Mark, Herman C Markjacob M Martin, EarlA F Masterson.Teresa ..C Meisel.Max L Merriman.MabelL. .G Messer.H.M FGN Meyer.Martin ...COB Mock.F.C MBQ Monte-Bovi.AJ. CNpQ Morgan.T.C MEN Morra, Ernest ..NpCG Morrison, Nathan AKI Moser.William N Murray, R.T.K B Nagler,Harold FG Natelson, Samuel ...C Nehrbas, Anton B NesmithJames.II . .M Nies.MissA.W. ..CNE Nitardy.F.W CN OhlyJ.H NBD Olesen.F.A NQI Oliverjean N Oliver.W.W N O'Neil.TJ.W B Othmer.D.F CMP Paolillo.C.H CBN Papa.Domenick .CMN Parodneck.Mrs.C.B. N Parsegian.V.L. .BMN Paynter.R.H I Pease. MissD G Plotz.Milton N Powers, A. T OC Ouam.G.N C Rakieten.M.L. ..NCG Brooklyn, Cont'd. RamboJ.C C Rand,C.L BCD Ray.G.B NpC Read, H. A NpQC Reed.G.M G Rejall.A.E IQ Reynolds.S.R.M. ...N Rider.L.A. QFG RiedelJ.C MQB Robbert.F.W K Roehl.C.E M Rogers, H.S MQ Rose.L.G BDC Rusk.H.M G Russell.G.P CBQ Ryan.TJ. DBE Sabetta.Victor ...CBP Saidla.L.E.A L Salkind, Charles .QAI Samorodin.A.J. ..FNI Sands.I.J. NIK Sattler,Louis ...CBN Schattner,Fred ...CN Schechter, Frank ..FG Schenberg,S CBQ SchIockow,Oswald .A Schwartz, Emanuel .N ShermanJ.V. ...KCB Sherry, B.J B Shorr.MissRose .AIO Sigler.L.H. N Simons, Mrs. R GH Smith.G.B.L C Snell.C.A. CM Snell.F.D CM Solomon, Charles NQI Staber.MissM.J Q Steel.Matthew CN Steinhardt.E FQG Steinholtz.S NCK Stern.A.W B Strahl.M.I N Svenson.H.K G Swahn, Harold ...ECQ Sygoda, David ...QFG Tabor, Florences. CNO Temple,W.J. IB Theroux.E.G BM Tobin.Elise C Towl.F.M M Tulgan, Joseph N Tulloch.G.S FN Tuthill.MissD.P. ..GF Uhlig.E.C C Utter.MissE FG Utter.L.G GO Wachtel.I.J FINp Walcott.G.D WaldronJ.L M Waterman.W.C. ..KO Weathers, C.L FG Weber.Ernst ....BMA Weber.F.L C Weinberger. H CN Weinrich.M.F. .BDM Weinstein,Fred F Wells.MissH.M. .FGO Whitmore.W.F. .CBM Whittlesey, W.N. ...G Wiedman.G. ABC Wiener.A.S NFA Williams, S.B. ...MBI Wisch, Richard ....NI Wolfejack ABO Wood, A. B IOK Wortis.Toseph ..NHK Wunderlich.F.W. .BN Zahnd.Hugo CNB Zuckerman, George ... Buffalo Aaron, A. H N Atwell.W.J NF Buffalo, Cont'd. Austin.T.S F Beck.G.M NI Bierbaum.C.H. ..MCB Blaauw.E.E N BlackmerJ.L. ...DEG Capen.S.P. MQ Cartledge.G.H C CrowdleJ.H CNQ Cutting.Fulton ...MB Dawsey,L.H. ...COM Dolley.W.L.Jr F EdwardsJ.G N Elliott.R.C. FGH Eschelman.K.F N Freyer.E.B. C FrischJ.A F Gehman.H.M A Gemmill.Mrs.A.M. QCE Gilmore.L.N CNO Griffith,F.R.Jr. ...NF Hamlin. C.J Hector.L.G B Hewitt.H.G QC HolI.F.J F Hooft.F.V. CNM Hubbard.R.S CNp Hudson, MissL. ..CNB Hummel, L.E. ...NFC Humphrey, R.R. ...NF Jacobs, W.F N Kelly.Wm M Kletzien,S.W CN Koch.E.W. Np Kolkmeyer.E.J B Kumro.D.M CQ Lang.HB N Lester.O.P IKQ Levitt, Abel N LockwoodJ.E NC McGinnis.MissE. .QI Meyers.C.H C Mohr.C.E FG Moore, E.J B Mundt.C.H M Ott.H.N F Podolin.Mathew ,.Nd PollardJ.D C Prentiss.S.S. CB Rainey.C.C CNE ReevesJ.R ECM Richards.O.W. ..FNG Richterjulius N Schoen,Z.T IN Schwabe.E.L NFC Schwarcman.A C Scofield.C.F I Shadle.A.R F Sharp.E.A N Silverman, S B Simpson, B.T NBC Smith.C.F.Jr CP Stephensen.B.R. BNA Strange, W.W. ..MNO Tressler.W.L F Vail,C.A CQB Vaughan.S.L N Volgenau.R.H. ..NFC Wiedemann.H.M. ABC Witebsky, Ernest ...N Youngburg,G.E. .CNB Camillus Skoog.E.K C Canajoharie Watson, V.K CNO Canandaigua Kirkham.S.D 1070 Geographical Index .BLM K • QHK Canton Priest.W.C. ... Carmel DonohoeJ.P. .. Hansen, A. O. .., Cazenovia Chard, W-G OKQ Chappaqua Clum.H.H G Clifton Springs Eikner,W.C N KarrJ.W N Munford, Samuel ..NI Newland.P.V.D ....N Taylor.A.S N Clinton Butcher.E.O FN Cameron, G.H B Carruth.W.M A Dale,N.C E Fitch, Mrs.A.L.M. .AD Hess.W.N F Patterson, B.C A Patton.F.L K Rogers, P. V FN Saunders, A. P C Cohocton Stanton.W.D M Cohoes Scotland.M.B. ..FHQ Cold Spring Harbor Bates.R.W FNC Bergner,MissA.D. .FG Blakeslee.A.F GI Brehme.MissK.S. .FG Burks.B.S FIK Davenport.C.B. ..FHG Demerec.M FG Kaufmann.B.P. ...FG Lahr.E.L FQO MacDowell.Mrs.C.G. F MacDowell.E.C F PotterJ.S FG Riddle,Oscar ....FNC Satina.MissSophia .G Steggerda.M FHI Warmke.H.E GF Cold Water Zobel.C.G.F BM Cooperstown Ayer.Darrell N Kydd.D.M N Mclver.M.A N Mackenzie, G.M N Sheriff, W.S IQK Corning Carder, Frederick .CM Cole,MissL.M. ...GF Gage.H.P B Guyer.E.M .BCM Hodd.H.P ...CM HydeJ.F C Lewis, E.J B LittletonJ.T. .. B McLachlan.D.J -. CBA sullivan, E.C. . ...CB Taylor, Wm.C. . C Cornwall on the Hudson Pagenstecher,M ssB. Trvon.H.H ... .OGE Corona Panuska.F.C QM Cortland Tunison.A.V CFO Crestwood Conro-y.P.J CNpO Pendray.G.E. ...DBM Crompond Kalcik.V.V FCB Croton on Hudson GoldsboroughJ.B Snyder, O.C N Crown Point Henderson, R AK Delmar Albrecht.S D EarpJ.R NKQ Thomson, W.M N DeWitt Henderson.C.VV. ABM Douglaston GilbertJJ BM Lee.R.E C Dryden Stelle.RuthS N East Amherst Langley,W.D C East Aurora Lyford.C.A CEQ Masters.C.L AMK East Hampton Helmuth,W.T.,III FNG East Rochester Baker.E.L C East Williston Cragwall.G.O. ...CBD Elba Felix, E.L G Elmhurst Black.H.S MBA Day.MissC.E. ...FGQ Hewins.NellieP. FGQ Marberg.C.M C Perlmutter, Alfred . .F Starrs, B. A CBG Elmira Avery, MissE.C. ...NC Lewis, R.T CM Orbison.AgnesM. ...F Suffa.MaryC A WestJ.B N Whittaker.E.L N Elmsford Kranz.F.W MB Endicott Briggs.G.B MO Farmingdale Peters.C.A CGO Far Rockaway Howland.L.A M Tendler.A.D I Fishkill PetersJ.L K Floral Park Arnold.H.C.F. .NpCM Dawson J. A F Keegan.E.J F Puorro.Michael ..FGI Flushing Anastasi,Anne I Carns.S.S A Cope,T.F A Count, E.W HF Fletcher,Harvey BIM Gilman.R.L.F. ..ABD Glancy.MissE F Hahn,C.W. FNQ Harrington, G.T. .QIG Hicks, Victor B Horn.A.E C Huettner.A.F F Hunter, Fenley EF Kirkpatrick.D.E. BCA Klapper,Paul Q Klein, E.N.E CG Lancefield.D.E F McNeill.Harry ..IKN Mann, Mary L G Mathewson.C.A ..OF Meyer.A.E CNI Oakes.M.E FQ O'GormanJ.M I Ruckes, Herbert ...FG Sabin,A.H C Spragg.S.D.S. ...INK Swenson.H.N. ...BCD ThomasJ.S NHK VonGrimm.A. ...FGQ Weiss, Harry ....NGB Wolff, W.H Q Young.C.B.F CM Young.Kimball ..HIK Fordham Schaefer.F.A IK Forest Hills Beazell.W.P Gramet.C.A NQ Lacaillade,C.W. ..FN LePage.C.B M Lowell, A. M NK MacNeal.WJ NQ Paltsits.V.H. ...HKL vanderMerwe,C.W. .B Forest Hills West Loop.Mrs.A.S NO Fredonia Gladwin, F.E GO Holaday.B.E I Stanley.W.F FQ Freeport Evans, MissC.L H Evans, Mrs. G.S H Evans.T.H HN Fulton Osborne, MissM.E. ..F Garden City Anderson.MissC.E. GF Bergen.C QBD CofhnJ.G ABM DavidJ.A BD Ellis.LillianN C Hayes, F.T Mosher.MissE F Garrison Beckwith.E.P. ....CM CattellJ.McKeen ...I Cattell,Mrs.J.McK. ... Fotopulos.MissM. ..Q Geneseo Wads worth, Mrs. W. A. Geneva Bancroft, G.H. . B Boswell.F.P. ... ...HI Breed, R.S ...GO BryantJ.C. ... .OEC Bullard, Ralph C Chapman, P.J. .. F Conn, H.J • OGF Daniel, D.M ...FG Durfee.W.H. .. ....A Glasgow, Hugh . F Gloyer.W.O. ... .GOC HamiltonJ.M. .. .GCO Hartzell,F.Z. .. .FGC Haussmann.A.C. BAC Howe, G.H ...GO LuckettJ.D. ... • OQK Munn.M.T ...GO Nebel.B.R .GOF Oberle.G.D .OGF Odell.T.T ...FG Parrott.P.J ...OF Reinking.O.A. . ...GO Schulz.E.R ...OC Slate, George ... OG SpenglerJ.A. .. .NBC Stewart, F.C. ... ....G Tukey.H.B ..OG Wellington, R. . ..OG Woodbridge,Mis< ;M.E. OG Ghent Reeds, C. A ....E Glens Falls Woodford, Missl. QED Gloversville Malonejames .. CBA Great Neck Atterbury.Mrs.B. ..N Case.N.P BMD Mayer.L.K K Morris.W.C M Morrison. C.E ....MP Steiner.Mrs.E.R. FGC Greenport Wood.R.H MN Greenwood Redmond.W.R. .BDE Halesite Hoopingarner,N.L. .1 Hamburg Tornow.W.H. .. .CNO Hamilton AllenJ.S DAB Bancroft, Mrs. E.C. GFN Berkey,D.K. ... BCN Chester, W.M. .. ....F Langworthy.W.F . .GF Myers, R.J. ...FG Roberts.R.C ....C Rogers, H.W. ... ..CO Root.T.B ....E Smith, R.B ....C Wood, A. E COB WoodruffJ.G. ... ....E Geographical Index 1071 Hampton Bays Manchester J. G E Harrison Parsons, ElsieC H Hartsdale Edwards, G.VV K Engelhardt.G.P F Hastings on Hudson Langmuir.A.C C Lauffer.P.G.I C Sawyer.W.A N Schwarze.C.T M Wender. Louis N Wiard.MissE.M. EOF Wilcoxon, Frank ..CG Hempstead Bosee.R.A CN Old.M.C F Schilling, Frank K Zurett.MissS N Hornell Paaswell, George ABM Houghton Burnell.MissD. ...CN Hudson Brown.L.S E Hunter Rodier.D NKH Huntington Banker.H.J G Horton.R.E CIQ Martin, Newell E Parry, Eleanor ..NHE Sargent, Noel Huntington Station Jamer.MissT.M. ..FG Irvington Speranza.Mrs.G Ithaca Agnew.R.P A Altmann, Margaret .F Anderson, A. L E Asdell.S.A NOH Babiy.P.P F Bailey, L.H GO Barnes, F.A MQK Barnes.L.R.L ..BFN BarronJ.H OQE Barrus,M.F GO Bentley.M I Berger.C.E IHN Betten.C FQO Blodget*,F.M G Bolton, F.L M Boothroyd,S.L DB Bradfield,R. OCG BradleyJ.C F Brand.A.R F BrooksJ.S G Bruce, W.F. CNB BrucknerJ.H OF Buckman.H.O GO Burkholder.W.H. ...G Burnham,S.H G Burrell.A.B GO Bussell.F.P GO Butt.F.H F Canon, MissHelen ..K ChapmanJ.E. ...OQC Chupp, Charles G Clausen, R.T G Collins, D.L F Ithaca, Cont'd. CollinsJ.R B Cornell, VV.R MQ Cottrell.C.L BFG Cottrell.L.S.Jr. ...Kl Curtis.O.F CQ Curtis, Ralph O Dallenbach.K.M. ..HI Davis, A. C MPQ Day.E.E K Decker, Phares G Dietrich, Henrv F Dimock.A.W GO Dounce.A.L CN Dukes. H.H N DutcherJ.D CN DyeJ.A N Eames.A.J G Ellenwood.F.O. .BCM Ellis.G.H CO Emerson, R. A G Evans, Jennette N Fenton,Faith CQ Ferguson, MissJ. ..NO Fernow.K.H G Ferriss.E.N OK Fitzpatrick.H.M. ...G Flexner.W.W A Fogelsanger.A. ..BAE Ford.E.S G Frampton.V.L. ..BCG Fraser.A.C GF Freeman, F.S OT Gage.S.H ~F Geer.W.C BC Georgia, F.R CN Gibbs.R.C B Grantham.G.E. ...BM Griswold.MissG.H. .F Guise, C.H O Gunsalus.I.C. ...OCN Guterman,C.E.F. ...G Guthrie, E.S OOC Hagan.W.A NO Hall,G.O FO Hamilton.WJ.Jr. FN Hand,D.B C Hardenburg.E.V. .GO Harris, G.D. E Hathaway.M.L. ...CN Hauck,HazelM. ...NC Hayden.C.E N Heinicke.AJ GO Herrick.G.W F Heuser.G.F OFO Hildebrand.E.M. .GO Hinman, Robert .FHO HoardJ.L CB Hodson,A.Z CFO Hollister.S.C M Hopkins.G.S F Hosmer.R.S KGO Howe.H.E B Huggler.G.C M Hurwitz.W.A. ..ABM Hutt.F.B FO James.W.T IF Johannsen.O.A F Tohnson.P.G OIC Jordan, R.H QEI Kennard.E.H B Kimball, D.S M Kingsbury, B.F N Knaysi, Georges .NCG Kreezer.G.L IFN Krukovsky.V.N C Kruse.PJ 10 Ladd.C.E. 6 Lamoreux.W.F. .FNO Laubengayer.R.A. . .G Lauman.G.N OKI. Leland.E.W O Liddell.H.S NI Ithaca, Cont'd. Livermore.J.R OG Loughridge.G.A G Love, H.H. GA Lynahjames MC McCay,C.M CFN MacDaniels.L.H. .GO Massey.L.M G Matheson, Robert ..FN Maynard,L.A OC Mekeel,AmyG F Merriam.C.W E Merritt, Ernest B Milks, H.J NCF Miller.E.A A Miller.PhilipA Mills.W.R G Moore.C.B QI Moore, N.S N Morrison, F.B OC Mottley.C.McC. ...FG Muenscher.W.C G Murdock.C.C B Murray, Elsie IHO Murray. M.J GF Myers.C.H GO NeedhamJ.G F Nevin.C.M E Nevin.F.R FGN Newhall.A.G GOF Norris.L.C NCO Northup.C.S LHD Ogden.R.M IQ Palmer, E.L FGQ Palmer.K.V E PapezJ.W FHI Parker.K.G GOF Patton, Robert ...FCO Personius, Catherine C Petry.LorenC G Pfund.MissM.C. COO Phillips, E.F F Plakidas.A.G GO Rahn.Otto CGO Raleigh.G.J OGC Randolph, L.F G Raney.E.C F Readio.P.A F Reddick, Donald ....G Ries.Heinrich E Rose, Flora K Sanderson, D. ...HKO Schoder.E.W. M Senning.W.C F Serviss.G.H O ShaferJ.I.Jr GO Sharp.L.W G Sharp.P.F C Shaw.R.W. DBA Sheldon, P.G E ShermanJ.M. ...NOF Smiley, D.F N Smith.Ora OG Smith, Ruby G. ...FGO Smith, S.E OF Sperling.MissG.A. NCF Stainton.W.H. ....BM Staker.E.V COG Stark, CN N Stephan.F.F KH Stephenson. Hadley N Stewart, R.M. ...QMO Sumner, T.B C Taylor.C.A.Jr. ..GEO Thompson, H.C. ...GO Tinker.M.B N Trapido.Harold ...FG Underwood, P. H. ...M VanAlstine.E OC vonEngeln.O.D E Walker.MissM. .NCO Wallihan.E.F GO Ithaca, Cont'd. Waring,G.A E Welch, D.S GOF Weld.H.P I Whetzel.H.H GL Wiegand.K.McK. . . .G Wiggans.R.G. ...GFO Willcox.W.F. K Wilson.B.D O Winsor.A.L IQF Work.Paul OG Worthen.E.L O Wright, A. H F Wylie, Margaret I Young.B.P FG Young.C.V.P. ...HFO YoungJ.P G Zeissig, Alexander .N Jackson Heights Comstock.C.W. .ABM Michael, MissB. V., FHN NadlerJ.E NF Jamaica Angrist, Alfred N Eisman, Louis OG Jordan, C.V. NFG Kaletsky, Theodore Nd Kuna. Martin Ludlum.C.A EDB McGuire.MissGrace C Schaffert, Roland BMC Jamaica Estates Schwarze.C.A GN Jamestown Knudsen.O.M C Tourtellotte.Dee ..CN Weedon.F.R NCG Johnson City BourqueJ.E.Jr. FNH Katonah Armstrong,S.T IN Corlett.E.H MEB Keene Alling.E.L ABC Kenmore Amend, W.J MCN Fretz.R.M F Gladieux.R.T ECG Struve.O.I. " COF Keuka Park Ellis.MissH.R G Lougee.MissF.M. ...C Stump, N.F QI Kew Gardens CohenJ.G QI Thornley.R.F. ..MKB Valentine, M.C. ..FGO Walker, Evelyn A Kings Park Priestman, Gordon . .N Lake Placid Bancroft, MissJ. H. .N Lakeville Hilton, D.C. EMD Lake Waccabuc Camp, F.A E IO/2 Geographical Index Larchmont Bucky,P.B BM Golden, Ross N Haskell.S.B OG Hymans, Frederick .M Mayer.R.B KAN Nelson.R.S CBM Ross.H.A OK White, Lazarus M Le Roy Lapp.G.W MBC Lewiston Lacy.B.S. C Lindenhurst Pierce.FayN CDI Little Neck McKee.L.H BMA Schultes.M.F. ..CMA Long Island City Allan, William .MBQ Allen, Howard .CMN Ashkenaz.D.M. ..NFI Berman.B .MAB Fischer, E.K. .. ..CBM Hawk.P.B ....CN Tacobson.MissL.E., BNQ Killian.TJ. .. .BMA Oser.B.I ....CN Riedman.S.R. . N Shillaber.C.P. ..CPB Soff.LeRoyD. . ...CM Sootin, Harry . . ..OCB TearJ.D B Loudonville Ingalls,M.S. .. N Lowville Coddington.H.G Pingert.F.P C Maine Bowers, C.G GO Malverne Ramsay, J. W C Mamaroneck Bohmert.MissM.T. FG Cardarelli.EJ. C Dake,W.M.,II. .....M Farrier, Clarence KBE Hunter, Teremiah ...E Warren.A.K MPB Manhasset Burnham.A.M. FG Gentry, F.M BCM Henline.H.H MQ Johns.CarlO C Lichtenberger,B. OMC Roberts.C.S I Wahlert.H.E AB Worley.L.G FNG Maspeth Chassin, Maurice ...N PryzieJ.P BAM Reiner-Deutsch,W. N Mechanicsville Neubauer.M.J C Medina Kennan,Mrs.G 0'Donnell,MissL., (ON Middleport Dye.H.W. G Millbrook Foster.K.W F Kuserjohn G Mill Neck Loening.Grover . ...M Mineola Hewitt.MissJ.A.W. N Mohegan Lake Apgar,C.S.Jr. ..FNK Field, Wm.B.O. ..EFH Monroe Crane,AJ EDH Montrose Hollingworth.H.L. IQ Thorndike.E.M B Moravia Wells,W.R. I Mount Kisco Cole.R.I N Slade.M.P Mount McGregor Medlar.E.M N Thomson, K.J N Mt. St. Vincent-on- Hudson O'Brien, SisterC.M., AIL Mount Vernon Feldjacob MAE Felsenjoseph N Graff.P.W G Hineline.G.W. F Lerner, Eugene ..IKH Neuner.E.F QAB Sherman, J.D., J r F SteurerJ.A. N Walker.M.L N Wetzel,R.A AB Napanoch Harrington, M. A. NIK Neponsit Greiff,LottiJ. ....COB Newark Baumgartner,E.A. .N M-Canis,O.P. ..GNpQ Stuart,C.H C Newark Valley Chidester.F.E. F Newburgh Aspinwall.Tohn M Desmond.T.C M New City Haack,K.F.O. New Lebanon ClossJ.O'N CNB New Lebanon Center Robert,D.R N New Rochelle Ayer,C.F Bauman.Louis ....CN Courant, Richard .AB New Rochelle, Cont'd. Disbrow.C.A M Loewe,W.S N MontgomeryJ.F. OGE Rice.MotherM.B. ..IQ Rogick,M.D FNH ShoopJohnE GFN Stevenson, H.N N Wertheimer.Max ..IK New York Abbott.TJ N Abel.T.M I Abrams.D.A AM Abramson.H.A N Acconci,T.F. GFQ Achilles, E.M IQ Achilles, P.S IKQ Achinstein.Asher AK Adair.F.E NQ AdamsJ.F FG Adams, Mrs. Thos Adler,LeonN C Africano.Alfred MBD Aginsky.B.W. ..HKI Agne w.PaulG BM Ahearn.AJ. B Aldrich, Mrs. Richard . Alexander, Carter ..Q AlexanderJ CMB Alexander, Max ...NB Allen Joseph AKL Allen, R.McD C AmbersonJ.B.Jr. ..N Anderson, A. F N Anderson, R. P. ...CM Andrew, S.L K Andrews, RoyC F Ansbacher.H.L. .IHQ Apfelbaum,P.M. CBN Applebaum.E Nd Armstrong. MissC. P. I Armstrong,D.B. NKI Arm strong, W. P. MBA Arnold.HJ. OED Arnold.J.W MA Aronson.M. J. . . . KHL Arny.H.V CNp Ashbrook,D.S C Ashe, Benjamin N Assmuth.Joseph ....F Atwater.C.G OCG Austin.W.E CI Avery, O.T. N Axel, Robert KIA AyresJraH CBM Ayres.Waldemar ...B Babcock, Harriet IHK Bacharach, George .CB Bacon.MissA.L F Bacon, R.F C Baehr.George N Baeke'and, George ..E Baekeland.L.H. ....C Baer.HenryM C Bagg.HJ FNI Bagley.W.C Q Bailey.C.V. N Bakenhus.R.E M Baker.G.E GF Baker, R.F E Baker.R.A C Bakhmeteff.B.A. ...M Bakwin, Harry ....HN Bakwin.R.M HN Ball, Albert BM Ball.C.Olin CBG Ballard.C.W GNp Bamberger.L.R H Banet.Mrs.S.C. ..GFQ Barach,A.L N Barban, Charles CMN BarkerJ.W MQB Barker.S.B N New York, Cont'd. BarnhartJ.H G Barr.Mrs.E.DeY. AQI Barrett, D.M IQ Barrett, Leland Nd Barrett, S.K BM Barrows, F.E C Barry, Frederick CLB Barsky, George ..CBM Bartels.H.A Nd Barth.L.G F BartlettJ.P. Barton, H.A B BashourJ.T CN BassechesJ.L CB Bateman,G.F MO Bates.B.L.M BauerJ.H N Baumeister,T.,Jr. MB Baylis.A.B N Beans.H.T C BeaverJJ C Beck,A.D QB Becker.A.E B BeckerJ.A B Becket,F.M M Beebe, William ..FED Beers.N.R. ABM Behrens,O.K CN Belcher, D.R AK Belchetz.A CMB Beller.W.C. BDM Benda.MissR.F. GCQ Bendove.R.A NLI Benedict. Ruth H Benham.R.W. GN Bennett, Harry ....CB Benson.C.E IQ Benton, A. L IQ Berens, Conrad ..NBC Berg.B.N N Berg.W.N CFN Berger.C.A FG Bergmann.Max C Berkeley.L.M. ..DAB Berkey.C.P E Berman, Louis ...NHI Bernard.V.W. ...NCF Bernheim.A.R N Bernstein, Felix AHN Bernstein, Saul ..NFG Beube.F.E NdO BicakJ.F N Bick.EdgarM. ....NL Biddle.R.L. FG Bierman, William ..N Bigelow.M.A. ...FGO Bilchick.E.B N Biloon.Sol N Binder. R.M K Binger,CarlA.L N Binger.W.D M Bingham, N.E O Bingham.W.V. I Bird.Tunius H Bisch'.LouisE IN Bishop,L.F.,Sr. .NHK Bishop.L.F.Jr NO Bittson.AJohn ...MK Blackwelder.R.E. ..F Blackwell.O.B. ...MB BlairJ.E N Blair.W.Reid F Blanchard.K.C. ...CN Blatherwick.N.R. CN Bliss.C.N K Blodgett.MissG C Blondel,MissD.M., FGE Bluhm. Solomon .QKL Blum.Theodor Nd Blumenthal.Hugo .... Blumenthal, Sidney .. Boardman, Bradford .. Geographical Index 1073 New York, Cont'd. Bodansky, Aaron ..NC Bodansky, Oscar ..NC Bode.Hendrik ..AMB Bodecker.C.F. ...NdF Bogert.M.T C Boggs.Mrs.E.E. BMC Bohlin.H.G ME Bold.H.C G Bolling.Diana ..CDF Bolton, R.P M Bond.H.J IK Bookman, Arthur ...N Bookman, Samuel .CN Bovarnick.Max ...NC Bowers.R.W MBI Bowling, R F Bowman, K.M ...NIQ Boyd.MarkF N Brabec.L.B CNF BrahamJ.M C Bramwell.G.W. ....M Brand, Erwin CN Brandes,W.VV N Bratley,C.O GC Brattain.VV.H B Breder,C.M.,Jr F Brennan,R.E NL Brenner, E.C N Brescia, Frank CB Brickner.R.M N Briggs.T.H Q Brill.A.A NHI Bristol, L.D. N Briwa,K.E C Broadhurstjean ..GN Brockbank.T.W. ..IN Brodie.S.S CNA Brodman, Henry N Brody, Henry N Brown, Aaron N Brown, Barnum .EFH Brown, Callaway ..CB Brown, F.B CBA Brown, H.C IKO Brown.MissK. ...FGQ Brown,T.F CM Browne.W.W N Bruce, G.M N Bruger, Maurice ...NC Brummer.H.M Bryan, M.deG Q Bryans.Wm MQ Bryson. Lyman .KHQ Bryson, Vernon F Buchanan, B.F C Buck,A.M M Buck.H.W M Buckley.O.E B Bucksteinjacob N Bull.Titus N Bullock,W.E M BullowaJ.G.M N Bunzell.H.H G Burgess, Louis ...ABC Burk.Dean CNO Burke, A. W N Burke.S.P CBA Burns, R.M C Burr.E.T INK Burrett.C.A N Burrow, Trigant ...NI Burstein.C.L N Burton. E.T. ....BMA Cahill.G.F N Cahn.LesterR Nd Caiola,Fred MBI Calderone.F.A N Caldwell.MissM.L. .C Caldwell.W.E N Calkins.G.N. F Calver.H.N NQK Cameron, H ILN Cameron,W.S. ...CGB New York, Cont'd. Campbell, C.G. ...HFK Campbell, D.G. ...NHI Campbell, H.L C Campsen,H.M.Jr. CB Cannan,R.K CN Capecelatro,Ettore NC Carey, C.L. G Carhart.MissG.M. ..E Carp, Louis N Carpenter, Arthur EBG Carpenter.C.D. ..CBA Carr.M.W Nd Carrel, Alexis N Carson, Louis MBC Casals-ArietJ. N Casamajor, Louis . ...N Case.T.W BM Cattell.McKeen ...Np Cecil, R.L N Celestine, Brother .FG Cerecedo.L.R N Chace.R.R X Chaikelis,A.S. ...NCG Chamberlain, J. P. ...K Chamberlain, P. M Chambers, Robert ...F Chambers.W.H N Chamelin.Isidor .CNF ChandlerJ.P CN Chapman, G.H N Chargaff, Erwin ...NC Chargin, Louis N Charipper,H.A. ...FN Chase, H.W. I Chase.M.W NF Chessin.Alex A Chester.Thomas .MBP Chickering.H.T N Cinberg.B.L N Cinelli.A.A N Clark, AdaR NFG Clark.C.C BQM Clark, E.Mabel Clark. H.F Q Clark,H.M NF Clarke, B.L CB Clarke,H.T CN Claude, Albert N Cleveland, Newcomb . . Cleverdon.MissA. ..F Coates.C.W FNB Cobb.MissM.C E Cocheu.L.F QN Cohen, M.R L Cohn, Alfred N Colin, A. E N Cohoe.W.P C Colbert.E.H EFH Cole.KennethS. ..BFC Coles.R.R D Collins, MissB.M. ...E Collins.M.L Nd Collins, R.K N Collyer, Norman ..MO Colze.W.L NC Connery.J.E N Cook.H.H KLM Cooke, R. A NG CooleyJ.P. B Coonradt,A.C M Cooper.MissAnita ..N Cooper.MissL.F NCO Cooper-Ellis, K.M. IQ Cope.OtisM N Copenhaver.W.M. ..F Corcoran, C.A. B Coren, Bertram ..MBA Corning, ILK N Oorscaden.J.A N Cortese. Frank C Corwin.E.H.L. ..NKO Coryell. H.N E CoTui.F.W N New York, Cont'd. Cowles.E.S. NI Cox.BenB EM Cox.R.T B Coykendall.F QM Craig.G.S Q Craig.MissH.M L Craig, L.C C Cramer.Mrs.C. ..CNB Crampton,C.W N Crampton,H.E. F Craver.H.W MLC Crawford.M.P I Crew,W.H B Cross.O.M GOC Crowell.F.S MAB Croxton.F.E KO Crum.H.E EM Crystal, F.M. CM Curran,C.H F Curran.FJ. NQ Currencej.D N Curtin.LeoP. ....CBE Curtis.M.R FN Cutler,C.W N DalyJ.A IQ Danforth.D.N. N Daniel, A.S N Daniels, G.E NIH Darby.H.H FNB Darlington, C.G N Darlington, Henry .... Darlington.T. ..KNM Darrach, William ...N Darrow.KarlK. ..BCD Darrow.W.E. ...MAK Davies.C.E MBC Davis, MissA.E. .BCQ Davis, Bergen B Davis, H.M DavisJ.S.Jr N Davis,M.M NK Davis, Phillip ....HBF Davis, Putnam Davis,T.W CB Davisson.C.J. B Dawson.M.H N Dearing.A.W C deBodo.R.C CNp deCruzJ.M NAB Deller.A.W CME Demarest.C.S. ...BKL Denker.P.G NI Denno.W.J NC deSmitt.V.P EBD DetwilerJ.G C Deyoe.H.L M Dickerman.W.C. ...M Diethelm,Oskar I Dinwiddie, Courtney O Dodge, B.O GNO Dodge.C.E Dodge. M.H Doherty.H.L. M Dooley, Parker ...NQI Dotti. Louis NC Doubilet, Henry N Dow.AllanW CM Dowling.R.E K Downes.MissH.R. ..C Downs, C.R. CM Downs. W.G.Jr. ...NF Draper.A.A NHC Dublin, L.I. K DuBois.Cora HI DuBois.PhebeL. ..NG DuceJ.T E Dudle'y.H.W M Dugan.J.H. OGE Dunbar. Flanders NIK Dunham.S.S DBA Dunham, Theodore ..N Dunn.FannieW. .'..TO Dunn.Gano BFD New York, Cont'd. Dunn.H.E P Dunn.H.K. BD Dunn, L.C F DunningJ.R BM Dunning, W.B N Dunning, VV.F. ..FGN Dunscombe.G.E Durlach.Mrs.T.M., HKI Duryee.W.R F Dushman, Sidney CGI duVigneaud.V NC Eddy,W.H CFN Eder.PhanorJ. Edie.LionelD K Edwards.D.J FN Eggleston.Cary N EhrlichJ.M CNF EhrlichJ.C N Eimer, August ....CM Eimer.W.R C Einhorn,Max N Eisele, Ernest Eisenman, William CN Eising,E.H NB Elderfield.R.C. ..CNP Eldred.B.E B Elftman.H.O. EF Elliott.A.W AQI Elliott.Louis M Elliott, S.J MBP Ellwood.W.B BM Elmer.C.W D Elsberg.C.A N Elser.WJ NO Elwell.L.H FC Elwyn,Adolph ...NFI Emerson, Haven . .NK Emerson, K. Jr. ...NC Emmons, Mrs. A. B English,WJ AIQ Enners.G.W CNE Ephron.H.S KIH Epstean, Edward ....K Epstein, A. A N Epstein.N.I NC Espenschied, Lloyd M Etkin.William F Evans, L.J N Evenden.E.S. ....OIK Failla.G BCN Fairchild.H.P KH Fales.H.A CBA Falk.Mrs.K.G NC Falk.K.G CNB Falk.M.S M Farinacci.N.T. ..CBG Farley. Franklin ..CM Farmer.F.M BM Farquhar.D.W F Farrere.MissH.S Farwell.H.W B Faxon, Richard F Fay,A.H.Jr MPO Federer.C.A.Jr. .DBA Feinberg.Benj.G. ...C Feldman, Aaron ...NC Ferguson.J.G. ...BMQ Ferguson,W.F.C. ...B Ferraro, Armando ...N FinckJ.L. BCA Fineman.Mrs.A. ..FG Fink.C.G CB Fink.Tra NBC Fish.Stuvvesant Fishberg.EllaH. .NCF Fisher.G.C DGF Fisher, Sterling Q Fitch, F.L BFE Fitzgerald, F.F C Fitzpatrick.F.L. ...FO Flanagan.T.C. ...OIK Flanders. D.A. ..ABD io74 Geographical Index New York, Cont'd. Flemming.C.W. .IQK Flexner, Simon N Flinn.F.B CN Florence, MissL. ..FN Floyd.William ..KHE FobesJ.H N FoleyJ.P.Jr IHF Fondiller.William ..M Forbes, G.S F Forbesjames FG Fordrung.WJ. ..NGC Foregger, Richard ...C Forkner,C.E N Foxe.A.N NIH FoyJ.R CNQ Francis,T.Jr. NQ Frank, L.K KI Frank, R.T NCF Frederick, H. A M Freiberg,A.D IK Fremont-Smith, F. ..N Frieden, Alexander .C Friedman, E.M. ..KFC Friedman, E.D N Friedman, H.G. Friend, W.F MIQ Fries, E.F.B FNG Fries, H.H CK Frissell.L.F N Fry.T.C ABD Fryer, Douglas ...IOH FuriaJ.J MKQ Furth, Jacob N Gahagan, Lawrence NI Galdston.Iago NIL GallagherJ.J MPI Galt.R.H B Galt.William I Gannon, MissC.F. NC Garbat.A.L N Garber.C.Zent ....NC Garrett,H.E I Garth waite.MissB., NFG Gasser,H.S N Gates.A.I IQ Gates, Donald ...PC1VI Geist.S.H NFG Gelarie.A.J N Gerdau, Mrs. Otto Gernsback.Hugo DIM Gettinger.R NQC Gettler.A.O CN Geyelin.H.R N Gibbs, George M Gies,Wm.J CNdO Gifford.W.S K Gill.B.P. A Gillespie.R.McM. EBC Ginsberg,A.J N Ginsburgjekuthiel A Ginsburg.S.W. ....NI Glenn, J. M K GlobusJ.H NIF Godley.G.McM C Goettsch.M CN Gold.Harrv NQF Goldan.S.O. N Goldberger.J NFG Goldbloom.A.A. ...NC Goldfarb.Wm. ...IQK Goldfeder.Anna ....N Go'din.Oscar NO Goldmark,Carl,Jr. ..N Goldsmith, A.N. ...BM Goldstein. Bessie ..GF Goldstein, Eli N Goldstein. Israel CBA Golovin.N.E BAK GoodbarJ.E KIH Goodner. Kenneth . .N Gordon.H.H. N Gotesky, Rubin K New York, Cont'd. Grace.A.W ND Graef,lrving N Graham, MissM. A. GF Granath.L.P B Grant, F.C LKH Grauer, Frank N Gray, Frank B Gray, MissM. G. ...AB Green, Henry BC Greenacre,Pnyllis . .N Greenburg, Ethel FGN Greenburg, Leonard N Greene, J. S NI Greenhall.A.M. ..FEQ Greenlee, Ralph N Greenwald.Isidor .NC Gregersen.M.I N Gregory, L.H F Gregory, W.K FH Gross, Moritz N Grosse,A.V CB Grossman, Mrs. CM., FGQ Grossman, E.B NC Grosvenor,\Ym.M., CBM Grove, B.H EFH Gruber.R.E CNG Gruenberg.B.C. ..QFI Grundfest, Harry NFB Guanella,F.M I Gudernatsch.F. ..NCF Gudger.E.W F Guggenheim, W M Guion.C.M NCD Gunn.S.M N Gurley.MissC.R. NFI Gutman.A.B NFC Habib, Nathan KQ Hackett.L.W ...NFK Hagan.H.R FG Haig,Charles ....NFG Hall.MissH.P NC Hall.R.P F Halle, H.J Hallett.R.L CBM Hallock.F.A GN Halsey.H.R F Halsey.R.H. NK Halton.Mary N Hamilton, E.P M Hamlin.M.L CMP Hanger, F.M N Hansen, C.F IK Hanson, F.B F Hardy.E.R Hardy.LeG.H. ..NBM Hare, Mrs. Meredith H Hare, William Harms, Ernst KPL Harnly.M.H F Harper, Solomon MOG Harris.M.M NCH Harrison.H.E NC Harrison, S.M K Harrold.C.M.Jr F Harrow, Beni. ...NBC Hart.Fanchon ...NGO Hart.Ralph CBM Hartmann.W. ...CDE Hartshorne. Isaac ...N HartsteinJ.I OT HarwellJ.G. CB Hass, George N Hassan.AliA. ...EDM Hastings. G.T G Hatcher. R. A Np Hauer, Emanuel .HFG Hawkes. Forbes . . . .N Hawthorne.W.J. BC\ Hav.CJ H Hayes.M.H.S. ...IKP Hayner.L.J B New York, Cont'd. Haynes.W.P E Hazen,MissE.L N Hazen.M.S O Hazen,T.E G Hecht.Selig FN Heckman,S.B IQ Hehre.F.W MBQ Heidelberger,M. ..CN Heimanjacob N Heineman.S.D C Heising.R.A BM Held.I.W N Helff.O.M .F Hellingerjoshua ,KL Hellman,Milo ...HNd Hellmann.Fred .MAB Hemley, Samuel H HendelJ.M. C Henderson, H.P M Henry.E.R IQC Hepburn, Ann B Herbst.R.M C Hermann, Seymour ..C HerrickJ.C N Herrick.W.W N Herriott.Mrs.A.L., FGH Herrman, Charles ,.N Herrmann, D.B. ...CB Herskowitz.A. G Herzog.George HL Herzog,SamuelA. ..E Hewitt, E.R CFN Heyd.Chas.G N Heye.G.G H Hiatt,E.P NF Higginson.Mrs.J.J. ... Hilberry, Norman ..B Hildreth,Gertrude .QI Hillegas.A.B G Hiller.Alma CNQ Hinchman.MissA Hinck.C.F.Jr. ...CNF Hingsburg.MissO.H, G Hinkle.B.M IN HinseyJ.C N Hirsch,MissD.T. NFG Hoagland.C.L CN Hobby,G.L N Hodgdon.D.R. C Hoffman, S.V. ..ADM HoganJ.V.L. ...BMQ Holbrook, Percy M Holden, Frances I Holden, Margaret ...N Holland, Maurice ...M Hollander.F BCN Hollister.MissG. ..FE Honaman.R.K. .MPK Hoover.H.C KMP Hopkins, HoytS. .FNI Hopkinson.R. ..CMP Hoppock, Robert .IQK Horkheimer.Max KIH Horn.C.W MB Horwitz,Wm.A N Houghton. D CNO Howland.RuthB. ...F Howson. Hubert ....M Hubbard.Bela E Huber.MissOlive ..N Hudack.S.S N Humphreys, F.E. ABC Huntington, A. M Huppert.Wm. ...BCM Hurlin.R.G. K Hussakof, Louis F Huston, HenryA. ..CO Hutchison, M.R M lies, George ,...HKM Illich.LouisL C Ingalls,A.G DHE New York, Cont'd. Ingersoll.H.L B Isaacs, M.L .N Jablons, Benjamin NC Jackson, E. A N Jackson.Percy H Jackson, Sidney .FNH Jackson.T.A K Jacobs, W. A C Jacobus, D.S. M Jacoby.G.W N JacobyJ.R NI Jacobziner.H NIK Jaffe.H.L N Janko,Nehemiah NLK JanneyJ.H.Jr. ...NF Jastrow, Joseph ..IHQ Javert.C.T NCH Jeffries.F.M N Jellinek.E.M K Jenkins, Thos.N I Jersild.A.T I Jette.EricR. CBA Jewett.F.B M ToblingJ.W N Joffe.S.A ADK Johann.N.E. C Johnson, A. LeR. NQH Johnson, A.L.P. MEB Johnson, C.C GFO Johnson, D.W E Johnson, H.H FG JohnsonJ.B B Johnson, MyraL. Johnston, Helen ...CB Jolliffe.C.B MB Jolliffe, Norman N Jones, MarkM K Jones.M.F N Jones.R.L BMK Jordan, Robert ....NK Josephson,E.M. ..NIB Jud.F.C GFE Jungeblut.C.W N Kabat.E.A NCQ Kaempffert.W L Kahljoseph FEC Kahn.I.W NHI Kahn.M.C N Kaliski.DJ N Kaliss, Nathan ..FGN Kallen.H.M HIK Kallmann, F.J. ...FNG Kamletjonas CN Kanolt.C.W BCA Kanowitz.S.B C Kaplan. E.B NLB Kaplan, Iral N Karelitz.G.B. ...BMQ Karelsen.F.E.Jr. OIE Karpf.M.J KIH Kasner, Edward ....A Kast.Ludwig NIQ Katsh.A.I KAB KaterJ.McA F Katz.Richard.Jr C Katz,S.L Nd Katz.William ...ADM Kaufmann.H.M C Kaufmann.Jacob ,...N Kautz.F.G NHL Kay. G.Marshall ....E Keiser. Sylvan ...INO Keith, H.H INB KellerJ.F M Keller, W.C Nd Kelley.N K Kellv.M.J B Kellv.MissW.I N Kendall. F.E CN Kendall. James ....GF Kennedy, Foster . ...N Kennedy. N.F C Kenney.F.J. CBM Geographical Index 1075 New York, Cont'd. Kent.C.H MA Kenyon.O.A M Keppel.F.P Q Kerr.P.F E Kesten.H.D N Ketchum,B.H. ...FGC Key.BenWitt ...NBC KiddJ.G NC KidderJ.H. NPQ Kiesler.F.J Killeffer.D.H C KillianJ.A C Kilpatrick.YanE. ...Q Kilpatrick.W.H Q Kindle, CecilH E King.B.G NFQ King.F.G. AKM King.R.W B King.T.B Nd Kingsbury, E.F B Kirby.G.T M Kisliuk,Max,Jr F Kissam.W.A Kissell.MissM.L. .HI Kitchen, E.M CO Klatsky, Meyer ..NdH Kleinman.H NFG Kliger.I.S N Klineberg.Otto ..HIN Klock, Augustus .BCE Klopfer, Bruno ...IHQ Klosterman, Julius ..N Klotz.W.C N Knapp, Arnold N Knoll, Alexander CBQ Knowles, Frederick N Knox.LeliaC. ...NKL Koehring,Vera F Koerth.Wilhelmine IO Kokatnur.V.R. ..CBL Kolodny.Anatole ...N Kondritzer,A.A. ..CN Konheim.B.G FN Kopeloff.Nicholas ..N Korr.lrvinM F Kotlar.Philip ....QFG Kraft, Ernest N Krasnow.Frances CNP Krech.Shepard N Kreisinger, Henry ..M Kress, S.H Krida, Arthur N Kroeber.MissE. .NFQ Krugman, Morris ..IQ Krumb, Henry M Kruse.H.D NC Kubie.L.S NI KubisJ.F IQA Kugelmass.I.N. ...NC Kuhn.W.E CBM Kupfer.ElsieM. .GFN Kurzrok, Raphael .NC Kutz.SallyE N Ladd.W.S NEI LaFarge, Oliver H Lake.D.B C Lambert, R. A. N Lambert, R.K N Lambert, S.W N Lamont, Corliss .OKH LaMonte.MissF. FHN Lancefield.R.C. N Landis, Carney IN Landis, Quick C LandmanJ.H. ...FHT Landolt.P.E C Landon.F.G Lanford.O.E.Jr. . .CB Langmuir.C.R. ..QKI LascoffJ.Leon ....NC Last.M.A NB Laufer, Stephen C Laval, Joseph ....NIH New York, Cont'd. Lavin.G.I C Lavos, George ....IQK Lawrence, C.B., Jr. .KI Lawton,MissElva . .G Lavvton, George ..IQK Lawton.S.U FN Leach, H.G LeBuffe,F.P HIK Lefkowitz.Wm. ...Nd Legg.VictorE. ..BCM Lehrman,Alex. ..CBQ Lehrman,P.R IN Lemon, B.J MC Lemon, Courtney FIH Leonard, H.J Nd LeopoldJ.S N Levene.P.A.T N Levin, Isaac NBG Levin, Louis NC Levine, Michael ...GN Levine,S.Z N Levy.D.M N Levy,R.L N Levy, William K Lewis,C.McK.,Jr. CKH Lewis, Clarence .CDB Lewis, David ....CBL Lewis, Joseph E Lewis, N.D.C ICN Libman, Emanuel .NQ Lichtenstein,A.F Lichtman,MissF. ...G Lieb,C.C NpCF Lieban, E.Alan ....Nd Lieber,Leon NHK Liebmann.A.J. ..CBP Liebovitz, Sidney ABC Liebowitz,Benj M Ligon.W.D.Jr. .QIM Lilienthal, Howard .N Lindsay, S.McC K Lindstrom.Wm. MAB Lindwall.H.G C Linehan.P.H. A Linton, Ralph H Lippmann.R.K. .NFB LipsJuliusE. ...HKI Liss, Edward QI Littauer.L.N Litten.A.S. Nd Litter.FJ M Little, Mrs.I.R.W. ..F Little.M.E FGH Livengood,W.W Livingston, E.M. CMB Lloyd.D.P.C N Lobeck.A.K E Locke, N.M IFH Lockwood.MissM. DE Loeb, Robert N Loewenstein,E. ...BC Long.Louis INK Long.M.B MBC Long.W.Bayard ...NP Lorge, Irving QIK Lothrop.S.K H Lotka.AlfredJ B LoughJ.E IQ Lough.O.M INO Lowther.F.deL. ...FH Lubman.Max N Lubowe.N.R FGN Ludwig. Daniel F Lutz.F.E F Lyman, Franklin COE Lvnch.MissCJ. ...FN LynchJ.J BE Lynch.Wm.A BE McCallJ.O Nd McCall.W.A IQ MacCallum.MissH., KQ New York, Cont'd. McCarthy, D. IQ McCastline.W.H. ...N McClure.H.B. ..CMN MacColl.Mrs.LeR.A., GFA MacComb.W.S N McCracken,E.C. BNA McCrea.N.G LQ McCready.R.L N McEwen, Alfred P McEwen, Currier .NQ McGill.V.J IKQ McGraw.M.B. ...IHN McGregorJ.H F McGuinness,M.C.L. N Mcintosh, Rustin .NC Mack.E.L C MackJ.W K MacKee.GM N McKee.R.H C MacKenzieJ.M. MAB Mackenzie, K.G C McKnight, Charles .M McLaren.P.J. . .MNO Maclean, B.L F MacLeod, Grace ...CN McMaster,P.D N McNeer, Gordon . ...N MacTavish.W.C. ..CN Maier.Otto N Malisoff.W.M. ..CNB MallerJ.B I Mallon, Arthur . . . KLI Malone.MissEJ. FGH Manchev.L.L CN Mandelbaum,M.R. . .C Manginelli.E.A. HIK Manges, Morris EN Mann.A.R KOO Mann, Hubert N Mann.P.B FGO Mannhardt,L.A. ..EF Manson.M.H N Manzer.C.W I Marano.R.J GFN Marcus, Alex B MarcusJ.K CN MargolisJ.I N Marinelli.L.D BN Marlies.C.A MCB MarmorJ.D. ....EHN Marmorstonjessie .N Marrazzi,A.S. ...NpFI Marrison.W.A. ..BED Marston.W.M I Martin, H.E N Martin, Mrs. W Marx.MissR.S C Mason, D.B CM Master.A.M. ....NQE Matchette.F.J B Mathews, R.S F Matsner.E.M NI Mattice.M.R CN Mattin, Harry C Matzke.E.B G Mauersberger.H.R., CMO Max.L.W INF Maxfield.MissK.E. IO Mazur.A C Mead. Mrs. S.P A Meek.L.H QI Meier.Dorothy . ...GF Meigs, A. V C Meister.Morris ..QBC Melander,A.L F Meleny.F.L NLO Meltzer, Victor N Mendel.J Np Ment^el.Charles MEC Merriman,C.F. . .MEO Merritt.A.H Nd New York, Cont'd. Messenger, H. A B Meyer.Otto N Meyers,S.S BMN Michaelis.Leonor .CN Michalis,C.G M Milch, Henry ....NFG Miles, Gilbert ....CBF Milhorat,A.T. ...NCE Millar.P.S M Miller.B.S Miller.C.R OKH Miller.E.G.Jr CN Miller,G.L CN Miller.GE CMB Miller.Mrs.H.S Miller.H.M.Jr. .FNC MillerJ.W N Miller.O.M EDM Miller.R.L E Milliken.SethMinot N MilstoneJ.H. ....NCF Mindlin, Eugene ...NI Mindlin.R.D MB Minor.MissM.L. . . FG MiraJ.A A Mirick.G.R MA Mishulow.MissL. .NQ Mitchell, A.C Mitchell, David ..IQH Mitchell, H.B AIQ' Mitchell. MissM.M. B Mitchell, W.C K Mitchell.W.H. ...KCI Mittelmann.Bela ..IN Mohr.Franklin ..MBA Moldenke.H.N. .GFH Molina.E.C A Montague, J. F. NF Montague, W.P I Montgomery, A E Moore.CJ C Moore, DanH B Moore, E.F KM Moore.Stanford ...CN Morgan, C.L Morgan, D.P C MorganJ.J CM Morgan.O.S. OK Morgan, W.F M Morrill.C.V F Morris, Mrs. D.H. L MorrisJ.D FQ Morrison, A.C CB Morrison, H.B. QI Morrissey.R. ...BAM Mort,P.R QI Moschowitz.Eli N Mossman.D.D. ..COL Mossman.D.R. ....CQ Muench.H.Jr N MuenzenJos.B C Mulinos.M.G CNp MullenJ.A FO Mumford.A.R. ..MCD Murphy, EJ BCK Murphy, Gardner ....I Murphy, LB N Murphy, R.C. FE Murray, C.R NF Murray, M.R FN Musher. Sidney .CNK Mvers.C.N CN Myers, D.M MCB Myers, J. T N Naiman.Barnet ...CQ Nathan, Harold Nathans, A. A FG Naumburg.R.E. MOL Naumburg.Mrs.W.W.. F Nelson, T.M CN Nelson.'NelsC H Nelson, Theodora ...F 1076 Geographical Index New York, Cont'd. Nesbitt, Elizabeth ..N Neustadter.L.W I Neuwirth, Isaac ...CN Newman.A.B. . .MCB Newman, Hugo IQ Newman, S.S LQI Newman, MissV. NOC NicholsJ.T F NiederlJosephB. ...C Niles.W.L N Nilson.S.J NCI Noback.GJ NFH Noble.G.K F NonidezJoseF NF Nord.F.F CNK Norris.H.L M Notman, Arthur E Nunberg.Herman IQL Nystrom,P.H K Oak.MissD GQF O'Brien.MissA. ...GF O'Byrne.H.I. F O'Connell.D.T. .EMQ Oetteking, Bruno ...H 0'Leary,AJ BD Oler.C.B M Olitsky.P.K N Olmstead.P.S B Olyanova.Mrs.N. .IN 01zendam,MissT. CN Opie.E.L NF Oppenheimer.B.S. ..N Oppenheimer.E.D. ..N O'Rear.F.B QIK OrleansJ.S Ql Ornstein.G.G N Orrok.G.A M Orton.S.T N Osborn.Fred HIK Osborn.W.C Osgood,A.T N Osterhout.M.I GF Osterhout.WJ.V. ...G Osterud.K.L F Otten, Henry MBK Ottenberg, Reuben FN Overstreet.H.A. IKH Pack.G.T. N Packard, Charles ....F Paige, B.H N Palmer.B.B. ...NdEK Palmer,D.H MBO Palmer.R.M CM Palmer, W.W. ...CHN Pannill.CJ M Papanicolaou, G.N. .N Pappenheimer.A.M N Parker, R.D '.M Parr.HarrvL M Partridge, E.DeA. KQ Pasternakjesse NFG Paton.R.T. N Patterson.W.M N Patty, F.A CNM Paul, A. A FN Paul, M. A CBA Payne, A. F OIK Payne, C.K ABK Payne, E.G. OI Pearsall, Samuel Pearson, Howard MBH Pease, H.D N Peck.S.M N Pedersen, Tames ....N Pegram.G.B B Pennington, M.E. CFG Perkins, W.H Perla, David N Perlman, David ..CP.O Pestel. Arthur M Pestrecov.K.V. ...BM PetersJ.L Nd Petrasek.W.A .MOB New York, Cont'd. Petti, M.J N Pfeiffer.C.G EKP Pfeiffer.G.A CN Phelps.E.B CM Phillips.Melba B Piatt Jean FNG Piccoli.LJ Np Pickels, Edward .NBC Pickering,MissE. ...C Pickett,R.E QIM Pickhardt.W.P. CMP Pieper.CJ Q Pierce.H.M M Pierson,H.S NI Pike,F.H FN Pilpel.MissE.M. HIK Pincus,Sol MNC Pinkley, George .HFE Pintner, Rudolf ....IQ Piotrowski.Zygmunt I Pirrie,PeterG CM Pitkin, W.B IOO Piatt, MissE.T E Piatt, H.H BM Poetschke.Paul C Poffenberger,A.T. ...I Poillon.H.A M Polachek.Z.H M Pollister.A.W F Pollack, AbouD N Pollock, R.T PMC Poor.C.L BD Porter.H.H M Post.E.L ADB Potts, C.E M Povitzky.O.R. N Power.F.W CNO Powers, S.R QC'I Povnter.MissHJ. FH Pozen.M.A CP Prager.W.L C Pratt.W.E E Price, B.S NBC Price, Donald ....CAB Prime, Frederick ....N Procter.William ....F Proskauer.E.S. ..BDC Ouick, Douglas N Rabin.C.B N Rabinowitz.L.M Rabson.S.M N Rado.Sandor NI Radosavljevich.P.R. O Ralli.E.P N Rappleye.W.C N RatherJ.B C Ratner.Bret NQI Raven, H.C F Rawles.W.P E Razran,G.S IOH Reed.Wm.E M Rees.MinaS. A Reeve.W.D. AQ Rehman, Irving FHNd Reichard.G.A H Reichert, Philip N Reid.C.F O Reilly,MissE. ...NFC Reimer, Marie C Reiner.Miriam . . . .CN Remv.C.E N Renouard.C.A NQ Renzetti.N BAC Reynolds, F.G A Rhodes.G.B N Rice, HughS DE Richards.Gragg ..EM Richards, Mrs. H.M.. GC Richman.A.A NB Richter.M.N N Rickett.H.W G Riesner.SE Nd New York, Cont'd. Ringer, Michael N Riordanjohn ...MAB Ripley.H.S.Jr. ..NIQ RittJ.F A Ritti,MissMabelM. .N Rivera, Trinita ....CN Rivers.T.M N Robbins.WJ. G Robertson, M.L. .QFG Robinson, W.S. ..KIA Robinson, W.T N Robison.S.H IHK Rock.R.T.Jr IQ Roger.John M Rohdenburg.G N Rolle, Sidney M Roller, Duane B Rongy,AJ N Root.R.VV. F Root, W.S NF Rose.W.A MAB Rosebury.Theodor Nd Roseman, Mrs. Alex. N Rosen, S.H N Rosenberg.Paul BMC Rosenfeld.S.S N Rosinger.K.E Rosoff.M.L LNd Ross, Nathaniel NI Ross, Victor CN Rossin.E.L. ....EMK Roth, S.Clement ..NIK Rothen.A CBN Rothschild.L NHI Rous, Peyton N Rovenstine.E.A. . .NQ Roy.N.H. MBP Rubin. H.H N Rubin, I. C N Rucker, Augusta ....N Ruger,H.A IQA Rugh, Roberts ....FNI Ruskin.SimonL C RusselhA.E NH Russell, Charles .QLO Ryan.C.Diller NI RyanJohnJ MP Ryans, David IQ Sachs, Bernard N Sackett.R.L M Sagal.Zacharv N St.Clair.Stuart ...EM Salant.AaronB Salant,E.O BCA Salant, William N Salma.E.A KMO Salmon, UdallJ. ...NF Salzer, Benjamin ...N SalzmannJ.A. ...NdK Sandstrom.C.J F Sargeant.MissB.B. 10 Sargent.W.D FGE SauerJ.T BN Saville.T. MEK Savitsky, Nathan ...N Saxl.N.T N Saxton JohnA.Jr. . .N Schaeffer, Morris NCF Scharff.M.R MK Scheidenhelm.F.W.. ME Scheinfeld.A FKI Schelkunoff.S.A. .AB Scheuer.L.A. N Schick, Beta NHI Schiff.Fritz N Schiltjan D Schloss.O.M N Schneider,F.,Tr. ...GH Schneider.H.A. ...NC Schoenborn.H.W. FG Schoenheimer.R C Schrader. Franz F New York, Cont'd. Schroff Joseph ...NCB Schuetz.F.F C Schultz.A.S C Schurik, Samuel .CBA Schuyler.C.H Nd Schuyler.R.L L Schwartz, Laszlo ..LN Schwarz,Emilie Schwarz, H.F F Schwarz.HJ.Jr. EHC Schwarz, Herman ...N Schwarz, Robert . CMP Schweizer.Malvina .F Schwengel.Mrs.J.S. F Schwesinger.G.C. IKQ Scott, MissD.B C Scudder.MissS.A. ..N Seabury.G.T M Seaman, E.C NIC Seaver.F.J G Seecof.D.P N Seegal,B.C. N Seegal, David N SeidlJ.C.G IMQ Seligman,Mrs.E. AKO Sells.SaulB IQK Semken,G.H NF Senauke,Alex BM Serber.G.M MEH Serin.B B Severinghaus.A.E. NF Severinghaus,Mrs. W.L B Severinghaus.W.L. .B Shackleton.S.P. ..BM Shand.SJ E Shanes, A.M FBG Shapiro, H.L H Shapiro, Shepard ....N Shaw.R.S ABD Shea,T.F C Shearer.MissE.L., BMC Sheehan,M.R I Sheldon, H.Horton. .B Shepard, F J SherlockJ.R IK Sherman, H.C C Sherman.W.B N Sherover.Max LI Shimer.W.A. ....QLK Shinkle.V.G BCE Shlaer.Simon ....FBC Shoenfeld.D.D. ..NIF Shore, Henry ....MBA Short.JamesJ N Shwartzman.G. N Sieber.MissI. ...CBN Silver.BruceR. ..CBM Simms.HenryS. .NCF Simpson, G.G EF Simpson, Mrs J. L.S., GF Skelley.C.L Smidth, Leonard C Smith.A.C GE Smith,CarlH N Smith.E.B MEB Smith, H.DeW. ..CBQ Smith, H.W N Smith.P.E N Snell.C.T. C Snow.W.F N Snyder.Carl K Snyder John CI Sobel.F.S IQA Sobel.S.P N Sobotka.H.H CN Solley.F.P. N Somach, Irving ...NIL Sonneborn.F C Soper.FredL NF Sorrin, Sidney Nd Geographical Index 1077 New York, Cont'd. Southworth.H NB Spear, W.E M Spence.R.B IQ Spencer,Douglas IQH Spencer.H.J NF Sperry.E.A M Sperry.W.M CN Spiegel, B.E. N Spillman, Ramsay . .N Spiro.W.J MAB Spock.L.E EM Sponable.E.I MB Sporn, Philip MBK Sprague.E.C CBD Springer.N.N. ...IOK Sproull.R.C ..C Squier, Raymond ...N Stackpole,MissC.E., FN Staloff.Charles ....FG Stander.HJ CN Stanley.A.T Stanley, Douglas ...B Stanley.L.L M Stanton, HazelM I Stearns.G.B N Stebinger, Eugene ..E SteeleJ.M NBC Stefansson,V EH Steffen.G.I NC SteinJ.B NFH Stein.M.R HFd Stein.W.H NC Steinbach.H.B. F Steinberg, J. C B Steinman.D.B. ..MBA Steinmetz.V.A. ...CM Stern,Adolph ....NIH Stern, E.L NC Stern, E.V.L IQ Stetson, D.D N Stetson.G.A M Stetten.DeWitt N Stetten.DewittJr. .N Stevens, A. R N Stevens, SueC CN Stevenson, E CN Stevenson, G.S I Stewart, F.W. FN Stewart, HJ N Stewart, Irvin OK Stewart, S.W TM Stiles.H.S Stillman.R.G CN Stillman.T.B M Stone, Abraham N Stone.G.C.H CNB Stone.H.M N Stones.C.W CBN Stookey, Byron N Stout, A. B G Strang.Ruth O Strauss, Israel NI Strauss, Simuel Strayer.G.D Q Stringfellow.Miss E.G E Strode.G.K. N Strong,W.D HFI Stull.Arthur CNQ Stunkard.H.W. ...FN Sugiura.K CN Sullivan, R.P N Sulberger.A.H Sulberger,M.B N Summerson.W.H. .XC Surface, F.M KF Sutherland, A.H. ..10 Sutliff.W.D N SuttonJ.E.Jr. X Sved.A NdHA Swaine.T.W CBF Swan.C.M BMA New York, Cont'd. Swartz.D.J EQK SweetJ.E. N Swenson.P.C N Swift.H.F N Symonds.P.M IQ Syz.HansC NI Szenes, Alexander ..M Tallman,MissG.G. ...I Tanchester.D. ...NdQ Tanzer.H.H EI Taub.Abraham ..CNQ Taylor,A.L CNB Taylor.C.G N Taylor.C.M NI Taylor.H.F FC Taylor.H.O L Taylor,H.C.Jr N Taylor, Kenneth NFG Taylor, Norman ...GN Taylor.R.M N Tea,P.L B Tee- Van, John F Thalhimer.W N Tharaldsen,C.E. ..FN Thomas, A. W C Thomas, Mrs. H.M. ..G Thomas, J. Elmer E Thomas,W.S NG Thompson, C.B NI Thompson, C.G. . .ODN Thompson. F.D. ...NF Thompson.M.R. ...CN Thorndike.E.L. ..IKQ Thorndike.R.L IQ Thorne, Samuel Tibbals.G.A M Tiedcke.Carl CN TietzJ.W IQH Tillett.W.S N Timme, Walter ....NF TobeyJ.A N Toch, Maximilian ...C Tolmach, Samuel ..Nd Tompkins.S.A. .KM A Toner.R.K CM Topp.MissEmily FGQ Torrey.J.C N Tour.Sam MBC Towle.N.L MQB Traeger.Cornelius ..N Traut.H.F. N Trautz.O.R CB Traxler.A.E QI Trelease.Mrs.H.M. .G Trelease.S.F G Treves, Norman N TrichterJ CMNp Triest.R.M Q Trowbridge. D.S. ...M Trueblood.H.M. ..BM Trumbull.Mrs.M.R.S. HDE Trumbull.Walter .HE Tuggle, Allan N Tuller.MissA AB Turner, Alva BA Turner,E.M 10 Turner J. P IHQ Turner. Lewis M Turner.W.D CM Twombly,Mrs.M.F., FGQ Tyndale.Mrs.E.H. ..I Urey.H.C. CB Vaillant,G.C H VanCleave.C.D F Vanderbilt.C M VanDeventer.H.R., MBC vanDuyn, Evelyn .GF Vanltallie.P.H. ...CN vanKleeck.MissM. .K VanName.WillardG. F New York, Cont'd. VanNuys.C.C B VanSlyke.D.D. ...CN VanValey.E.G Nd van\Vagenen,G. ..NF Vaughan.H.S Nd Vicari,MissE FN Vincent, H.L C Viola, MissA.M. ...NF Vogelaarjoliannes CN YonSeckendorff.E.W. MBC Wakefield,S.D. .HLK Walker.H.M. ...QKA Wall.MissF.E. ..CLQ Wallace,G.B Np Wallerstein.Leo . ...C Wallhausen.C.W., CBP Walsh.MissE.A I WalshJJ N Walsh,T.J Walter,C.W.P. .MAN Walters,Frank ....FG Warburg.Bettina NHI Warden.CJ IQ Warner.L.H. ....IKF Warren,H.S MBK Waterman, F.N. ..BM Watson.R.F N Watson,W.S IQD Watson, W.L ~N Watters.L.L C Waugh,L.M. ...NdGH Waysfield.MissC.W., NCI Webb.H.W B WebbJ.F.Jr. ...NFG Weber.F.C. CNO WebsterJ.P N Webster.L.T NF Wechsler, David I WechslerJ.S N Weeks,L.G EBK Wegel.R.L B Wehmeyer.Eugene CN Weil,G.L BM Weil, H.L N Weinberger, B.W., NLH WeinlandJ.D. ..IKQ Weinstein.A M Weinstock, Harry .IN Wei ntraub, Solomon N WeirJ.M.Jr NC Weisberg.H.F. ..FNG Weisner, Louis ....AM Weiss, Harry FN WeissJ.M MCB Weiss.Myron ...NMP Weiss.Samuel N Weitzner,MissBella H Welch.BrotherB.A., ABQ Welch, Livingston .IN Wender.B.H BAD Wendt,G.L CBQ Wente.E.C BMC Wertham, Frederic IN Wesman,A 10 West, P. V IQ West, Randolph ...NC Whaley.W.G GO Wheeler.G.W N Whipple.A.O N Whistler.Paul ..BCM Whitaker.M.C ...CM Whiteside-Hawel,B. N Whitley,M.T 10 Whitlock.H.P E Whitman. Ralph M Wiant.J.S. GO Wickenden.L. ...CPB WickhamJ.F. ...LQK New York, Cont'd. Wiehl.MissD.G N Wiener, R.v.E. ..CNB Wiggam.A.E IKQ WileJraS N Wilensky.A.O N Wilkins.SirHubert .E Willey,C.H FG Williams.MissM.F., LIK Williams.R.R. ..CNM Williamson,MissP.B. QK Williamson, R.D Willis.W.J AMF Wilson, Birkbeck .HE Wilson.D. Bruce ....N WilsonJ.A. C Wilson, P.D N Wilson, William ..BM Wimmer.C.P. ..NpCQ Winner.Mrs.F.B. GFN Winokur,Morris GFQ Winship,Wm.W. CGO Wirth.H.P A Wissler, Clark H Witt.S.E N Wittlinger.MissB., FGQ Wittrock.G.L G Woglom.W.H N Wolf.S.Jean IKQ Wolfe.T.P N WolfLH.G N Wolff.R.I DB Woll.F.A. NK Wood.BenD QEN Wood.F.C N Wood,L.F K Woodard.H.Q C Woodard.SilasH. ..M Woodbridge.F.J.E. IQ Woodworth,R.S I Woody, Mclver N Woodyard.Ella ..IQA Woolley,SJ. N Worcester, W.J Wormser,F.E M Worsham.W.A. ...CO Wright,H.N A WrightJ.K EL Wulfeck.W.H. ..INK Wulfers,MissM.G. ..N Yacknowitz.S.B. ....Q Yeatman.Pope M Youman.A.S NHI Young, Donald ....KH Young.R.L M Zabriskie.E.G N Zachry,C.B. I ZanettiJ.E C Zavoico.B.B EMP Zeman.F.D NE Zemskv.J.L Nd Zerban.F.W C Zilboorg.Gregory ...N Zim.H.S QEI Zimmer.J.T F Zubin, Joseph IQ Zucker,T.F CN Zwemer,R.L NFH Niagara Falls Banks.G.B CBA Bartlett.E.R C Benner.R.C. ....CME Bramann.G.M. ..CDE Cornthwaite,W.R. . .C Cunningham.G.L. CPM Fentress, A. L ME Fowler, R.M C Hinegardner.W.S. ..C 1078 Geographical Index Niagara Falls, Cont'd. Klauck.F.R MBA Lidbury,F.A. CM MacMullin.R.B. CBM Marsh, W.J CGI Pernert,J.C C ReganJJ FG Ridgway.R.R. ..BMC Rugar,G.F CBA Searles.Janet C Shannon.O.W C Steele, Sydney . .MPK Stiegman.C.A CI Wescott.E.W C North Evans Goetz.P.B LQI North Pelham Cockaday.L.M. .BCM North Tonawanda Hall.S.H C Rasch.C.H CMO Norwich Briggs.W.P Np Paul.MaryF CFN Nyack Freedman.W.H. .BAD Ogdensburg Madill.G.C N Old Chatham Sherndal.A.E. ...CNI Onchiota Carter.E.P N Oneida Crockett.R.L N Oneonta Rock.H.F. MNC Steinbach.O.F C Orangeburg Leffel.S.L NFC Orchard Park CrowellJ.H ABC Oscawana on Hudson Belknap, Mrs.W Ossining Hopf.H.A KMI Merica.P.D MCB Oswego Baer.C.E QBC Otisville Freundjules N Painted Post Gage.O.A. B Pearl River Baker.C.I MBK Beard.S.D CN Coca, A. F N Gibbs.C.S N Joyner.A.L X Wyckoff.R.W.G. .BCE Pelham Knowland, R.G. .CDB VanRiper.M.W. ..OK Pelham Manor Cremer.Randall .ABC Kingsbury, F.B. ...CN Penn Yan Lewis, F.G L Perry \Yalker,G.\Y. ....ADB Phoenix BirdleboughJ.C. QBC Murphy, MissH.E. FX Robb.R.C FN Pittsford Hawley.E.E O Plattsburg Coots,F.L FGD Hillegas.M.B Q Pleasant Valley Masten.F.E E Pleasantville French, Norman B Marquette, W.G. G Mastick.S.C CKL Port Jefferson Hansell.C.W. ...BMA Port Washington Bullis.H.E EK Greigjohn M Stephenson, H. ....KL Potsdam Bair.W.H B McNall.MissJ.J Q Poughkeepsie Beckwith.CJ F Brill.G.M. BMP Butler.MissE F Carter, Edna B Conklin.MissR.E. ..N Crawford,H.M C Dean.R.W. F Fiske.T.S A Flynn.MissC.S N Gould.MissM.C. .IKH Griffin.C.W C Hills.T.McD E Hoe.Mrs.R.Jr Kambouropoulou.P. .1 Lamson.MissG. .EMK Langner.HelenP. NIH Lanier,L.H I Magers.MissE.J. ...N NewlinJ.C IQ Peckham.A.L. NC Pierce.M.E F Roberts, MissE. A. ...G Rowley, MissJ.B I Sague.MaryL. C Shipley. MissS LH Smith.'MissG A Stone. L.J I Treadwell.A.L F True, Mrs. E.C Wells, MaryE A Wheeler, MissM. A. .B Wheeler, Ruth ...NKC Wick.FrancesG B Purdy Station Halvorsen.A.L. ...MC Queens Village Brockman.K.G. ...NE Hessey.MissR.S. ION Simons. G. A HIK Red Creek Wood.W.H EMK Rensselaer Corbitt.H.B. CN Young,W.E QKL Rensselaerville Odum.E.P FG Richmond Hill Fletcher.Mrs.D.A., FGQ Gordon, S.M CN Maurmeyer, Robert CB Mayer,W.H.Jr. .ADE Moss.L.H N Petersen, MissG. A. GOD Riverdale Subarsky.Z OFG Wood.G.C FGQ Riverhead Cunningham, H.S. . .G Huckett.H.C FGO Oppermann.K.W. MBD Wessels.P.H CO Rochester Adolph.E.F. NF Albrech,M.C C Alexander.C.A. .MOK Alling,H.L BCE Atkins, H.P A Bausch.C.L MB Bausch, Edward .ABF Berry.G.P N Bishop.S.C F Bloor.W.R NpC Bright, H.F BAG Burkhart.H.J Nd Clark, H.A B ClarkJ.H BN Clausen, S.W N Comstock.MissL. ...N Cook.A.A B CrabtreeJ.I CBM Culler.E.A I Davidson, H.P IQ Dearing.L.M CK DuBridge.L.A B DunlapJ.W IQ Ehrenfried, George BCE Eichelberger.W.S. .D Eisenhart.M.H. ...PC Ellingson.Mark .QIK Embree.Norris C Erb.F.O QIK Fairbanks.F.C. ...BD Fairchild.H.L E Fenn.W.O NCB Foyles.E.J. EFG Frederick.C.W. ..ABC Gale,A.S A Gamble, D.L FNQ Goodwin, R.H G Gray.E.LeB CN Guptill, Plimpton ..NE Hallett.L.T CP Handy, MissE. H. KNO Hanson.W.T.Jr. . .CB Harding.H MAB Haven, F.L CN Hawkins.W.B N Hickman, K.C.D C Hopkins.C.C M Hopkins, R.S. ...BCM Huggins.M.L CB Hutchinson, E.D. ..IK Hutchison, C.F C Jones.L.A BM Kakinuma.H. ...CME Rochester, Cont'd. Keutmann.E.H N Kochakian.C.D. ..NC Kohl, W.J BCF Lawrence, J. S N Lerner.MacyL N Lovejoy.F.W CO McCann.W.S N McCoord.MissA.B. CED McCoy, O.R FN McLeodJ.H B Mahoney.E.B N Malm, C.J C Markus.H.C F Mason, K.E NF Mees,C.E.K BCD Meneely,G.R N Meyer.Garson ..CMK Miriam, SisterR. ....C Mitrano.A.J INO Morrison, C.A BD MurlinJ.R N Noyes, Bradford ..BM Noyes.W.A.Jr. ...CB O'Brien, Brian ..BMN Ott.H.G B Parker.A.C HO Pearse.H.E N Perrin.Fred BD Poser, Max N Rawles, MissM. E. ...F Rayton.W.B B Scheck.M.G I Seidel.Wladimir ABD Seymour.M.W C Shurrager,P.S. ...INF Simpson, R.B EK Singewald.Q.D E Smith, Burgess ....BC Smith, KarlU IF Smith, P. T A Snell.A.C N Staud.C.J C Stephens, D.J N Stern, Curt F SternerJ.H NC Thomas.W.S N Trivelli.A.P.H BC VanWagenen.W.P. N Watkeys.C.W. ..ABK Wedd.A.M N Westwater, Waldo ..C Whipple, G.H. N White, A. B BA White.MissE.C. ...FG White.W.R. CNO Wilkins.T.R B Wilsev.R.B B Wilson, K.M. N Zak.T.J CM Rockville Center Bassett.P.R B Colley.MarvW G Colley.R.H G Gilbert, R.W I Maurer.K.L BMA Ouinn.E.T C Scoles.D.I COO Rome Wolf.LouisE FN Rosedale Weidner.C.L. ...CMP Roslyn Frick.Childs E Rye Barron.G.D M Bird, Henry F Heuer.G.J. N Geographical Index 1079 Sandy Creek Jackman,MissM.R. .G Sagaponack Moore, J. B K St Albans Burt.H.A DB St. Bonaventure O'Brien.Albert ..ABH Scheier.M.A ABD Vecchierello.H. .GFN St. George Coles.R.S. EKL St. James Olyphant.R.M M Saranac Lake Brumfiel.D.M N Gardner, Leroy N Saratoga Springs Baudisch.Oskar .CGB Crook, DorotheaJ. ...I Crook, M.N IH Enloe.C.F.Jr NC Goodfellow,TJ. .NFB Holmes, Stewart C Hyde.K.C GF MacArthur.E.H. ..CN McClellan,W.S N Markley,A.L C MauzeyJ.V KIN Mowry,HelenA. .FNG Rosbash, David ..CNP Stewart, MissD.R. FN Strock.L.W BCE Saugerties Larned.SJ M Sayville Stoye.F.H F Scarborough Dakin.HD. EHK Lewis, Harmon ..EBO Schutt.H.C MCA Scarsdale Bailey, MissS.W. ...F Baumann.E.J N Benecke,Alex. Block, RJ CN Bonisteel.W.J. ..GNO Brown.W.M HIO FearingJ.L. BM Frey.C.N CN Gregg, Alan NQ Kahle.R.C N Lovejoy.F.W MacNeish.H.F. ..ABD Meyer, A. S Pelz.E.J KPE Read.T.T M Reid.L.C. N Riess.B.F IHF Schultz,Mrs.E.C. FGN Sheehan.R.F FN Starch, Daniel IQ Weaver, Warren ...AB Wilson.G.W CBG Schenectady Alexanderson.E.F.W. MKI Alger.P.I MQK Bacon.E.K CQ Benford, Frank B Berg, E. J M Betts, Lester N Schenectady, Cont'd. Clark.L.B FN Cohn.M.M MNC Coolidge.W.D B Dale.E.E G Dushman.Saul ....IH' Eaton.T.H.Jr F Ellery, Edward C Ferguson, C.V B Fonda.G.R CB Foster.W.J M Found, C.G B Gordon, N.T C Grover.F.W BMD Harrington, R.H. ...M Haskins.C.P CBE Hawkins,L.A. ....MB Hobart.H.M MBI Hull.A.W B Hurd.C.B BC Kellert, Ellis NF Koller.L.R. B Langmuir,Irving ..BC Ligon.E.M I LovejoyJ.R M Luhr.Overton B MarchJ.L IQF Mavor.J.W. F Merz.Paul C Morse.D.S A Navias, Louis ...CME Newkirk.B.L. ...MBD Pauly.K.A M Perry ,C.L M PorterJ.D C Race.H.H. MBC Reist,H.G BGM Rice.C.W. BAC Ruder.W.E BM SeddonJ.C BM Slichter.W.T M Stanford, S.C C Studer.F.T BA TavlorJ.B BM Tuilar.C.E M Ulrich.Floyd AM VanBrunt.C CBM VanDyck.W.V.B. . .M Walker.B.M CBN Whitnev.W.R BC Willev.L.M CE Wold.'P.I. BD Scotia Bousman.H.W M Reynolds, N.B. ..BCL Seaward.C.R. ...MCG SellersJ.E C Sea Cliff Doebler.E.W. ..MAB Seneca Castle Ferguson, M.C G Ottfey.AliceM G Setauket StrcmgJ.B MAQ Sherrill Jones, E.L CIM Shuhan Dobbin, Frank G Skaneateles Smith, Burnett ....EF Snyder Elton.W.N NBC Solvay Terziev.G.N C Sparkill Gray.G.W Spencerport Carpenter, H. A. ...QC Springwater CraigJ.W OG Staten Island Davidbeiser,Lee ..CB Davis,W.T F Deal.R.E F Gibson.T.W A Iddings.Carl CB Johnston, F.A. ...BCM Long.E.O G Long.E.O G Mardus.F MKD Miller,Mrs.A.V.L. ..E Strauss, F.A CM Wellnitz.AnnaM. .EQ Welo,L.A B ...B State School Williams.H.D. ..IKQ Suffern Ebeling.A.H N Sunnyside Schweitzer,M.D. FGN Syracuse Allport.F.H IK Apfel.E.T E Bardwell.D.C C Bray.W.L G Brightman.C.L. ...BQ Brown, H.P G Buell.H.D C Carroll, I.S AQ Cressey,G.B E Davidoff.Eugene NIQ Decker.F.F. A Dovener,R.F M Eaton.H.N E Egler,F.E G Eichelberger,W.C. . .C Elder.A.L CN Faust, MissM.E G Fleming.R.S C Flint,C.W. Q Forsaith.C.C G Graham, W.P. ..BMD Groat.W.A NBC Haring.D.G HK Hildreth.H.M I Hisey,W.O CB Howe.L.B M Humphreys, R.F B IllickJ.T F King,R.T FO Knowlton.F.P NF McCrosky.C.R. . .CBA McLaughlin, F.F. PEM Macleod.MissA.L. OCK Maizlish.I.L. I Manniello,L.J. ..BCM Manwell.R.D FN Meier.H.F.A G Mitchell. Louis ..MQA Mitchell.O.W.H. ...N Muench.C.E N Obremski.S.M. ...KH Ploger.L.W. E Poole.S.P EDH Porter, R. A B Reifenstein.E.C.Jr. NI RoeJosephineR. ..AD Root.C.W FN Russell. J. A E Syracuse, Cont'd. Schramm, Edward ...C Sears, Nathan N Sedgwick, Mrs. L.R. G Sedgwick, P.J G Siewcrs.A.B NIK Smallwood.W.M. ...F Spafford.F.A. ...CBM Tavanlar.E.J. ..MAB Thelin, Ernst IQ Thomsen, Arnold ..IH Trump, E.N MC Vannelli, Patsy C Vincent.G.I M Weil.N.C CM Weiskotten.H.G. ...N Tarrytown Anthony, M.V FO D'Esopo.L.M N Smith, B.G. FN Thiells Humphreys,E.J. NKQ Kinder, E.F I Southwick.W.E. ..FH Troy Arnold.O.M. ....CBN Bray.A.W.L FG CairdJ.M CGN Carragan.G.H. ..BMD Cass.MissR.E. ..FNG ClokeJ.B C Corwin.E.F MB deForest,G.P. ..MBA FairfieldJ.G. M Foster,C.H M Gegenheimer,Vida CNQ Harris, H.D. ....MBA Hendee.MissE.C. .FG Hill.S.E FG Hotchkiss.W.O. ..ME Hunter.M.A CMB Luce, R.H. FG Lundin.MissL.M. BAD Marsh J.P. NL Musgrave.R.S IF Oglesby.N.E C Palsgrove.G.K. ...MO Patterson, R. A B RosenholtzJ.L. ...EM Smith.MissV.I. .NFB Stevens.H.E M vanKlooster.H.S. ...C Walker, Roland ....FG Wayman.W.E., Jr. MBA Weaver, Katharine ..C Trudeau Kugler.O.E FG Sampson, H.L. ...BNA Tuckahoe Clarke.MissM.F. ..NC Cook.C.A. CN DeLiee, Elvira N Faunce.W.M. ...QDF Lechycka, Marie C Randall, L.O N Reiner.L.L N Rolled CB Sherwood.M.B. ..NFC Tuxedo Park Keyes.E.L N Loomis.A.L BFG Unadilla Ward.H.L. CB io8o Geographical Index Utica deLalla, Vincent ...Np Hussey.MissH.M. , KQI Trevvett, Edward ...E Valley Stream Cox.G.B E Victor Lane,LauraA NB Voorheesville Horton.R.E M Wading River Kempf.EJ IH Wanakena DubuarJ.F O Farnsworth,C.E G Wantagh Palk,W.H GOF Watertown Jennings, F.H C Sillcox.L.K KMP Westbury Hicks.Henry GQ West New Brighton Crandall.W.R C West Point Fenton,C.L. CM Young, W.J GO West Sayville GlancyJ.B MFN White Plains Boldt.H.J. N Brandes,F.C M Curme,G.O.,Jr C Ellis, B.F EHC Frankfurter,F.S. ..Np Meleney,MissG.C. FGO Norton.T.H C Powers, LillianD. FIN Ramsey, G.H N Schwartz.C.W N Sharp.C.H MB Stacy, LedaJ. N Tinklepaugh.O.L. .IN Williamsville Schubert.HJ.P. .KIQ Williston Park Englander.Harry ..M Woodhaven Appuhn.W.E.F M Axelrad.Sol NCB Beyer,H.G B Woodmere Levene, Howard ..FGC Perry.H.M I Kirshen.Jack ...CMB .N Woodside SullivanJ.C .Nd Woodstock Breithut.F.E ...C Wynantskill Randall, J. J ...N Yonkers Arthur J.M ...G Beale.Mrs.J.H. .. ...G Boettger, Robert . .MP Caldwell.O.W. ... .OG Christmann.L.J, . ...C Cox.E.O DM Crocker, William . ...G Dennv.F.E ...G Farr,Mrs.W.K. .. .GC K Yonkers, Cont'd. Goodwillie,R.H. MPB Guthrie.J.D GCO Hartzell, Albert ...FG Hawley.S.B BM Hubert.W.G A Johnston, Alva D Kittredge.G.W M Knacke.MissF.E.D. N McCallan.S.E.A G McNiff.W.T B Marine, David N Miller,L.P. GCO Miller, W.A M Morris.MissH.S. GFE Otis,A.S 01 Payne, MissR.L. CBH Petsche.B.W C Pfeiffer.NormaE. ...G Rvder.Ambrose ..MK Schmidt, MissC.H. CBQ SmatkoJ.S MCB Smith.H.O Snow.C.H MQ Stevenson, E.L. E Taylor, Ewing N Vasti.Assunta ..NCK Wodehouse,R.P. ..GC Youden.W.J BC Zimmerman, P. W. GO NORTH CAROLINA Angier Chapel Hill Mabry, Roger Beers, CD F Brecht.E.A NpCG Asheville Brooks, L.M KIH Billings.Otto ....NIH BullittJ B NH BuellJesseH O Burlage.H.M. ..NpCG Carroll, R.S IN Cameron, F.K. ...CMO Colby.C.D.W N Coker.R.E F Demaree,C.C N Coker.W.C G Finster.MissE.B. GFI Costello.D.P F Herbert, Albert Couch J N G Herbert. MissJ Crane, H.W IK Hinds.MissE.A. .FNG DashiellJ.F .1 Murdock.H.R CM Donnelly,G.L N Perry, LouiseM N Engels.W.L F Russell, H.L O George.W.C .FN Sullivan. D.J N Groves, E.R KIH Westall.MissM G Henderson.A. ...ABD Wilford.B.H OFG" HuddleJ.W E Jensen, O.F O Ayden Tordan.A.M QI Leonard,E.M. ...AKG J^k&fc; EAB Beaufort MacNider.Wm.deB.^ Prytherch.H.F F Manning.I.H NC Menius. Arthur BA Biltmore Odum.H.W EHK Frothingham.E.H. . .0 Pliske.E.C FNG Norburn.M.E. ...EKL PrattJ.H EMK Prouty.W.F EHF Black Mountain Rice.O.K BCA Dreier,Theodore ABM Sose'LWM V CNm t- j i <- tj rr\r> Rosenau.M.J N Lindsley.CH. ...CQB Ruark-A;E.J B t,...p Ryan.W.C QIH 7^00ne I_ Stuhlman.OttoJr.-.B Burus.Z.H ... IQ Totten.H.R G Ledbetter.MissI.B., Vance R.B KEO FG Welch.S.W.J IM Buies Creek Charlotte Gier.L.J. . GFQ Anderson. R.L. ..FNG Poplin R L CIQ Barret. H.P FN Smith, R.E A Culp.MissT NFC „. .. Graham.M.A CBO Chadbourn Howe.MissM.D. .GFN Thomas.W.A F Martin.W.F N Charlotte, Cont'd. MyersJ.Q N Walton.S.T N Davidson Fulcher.H.E B Lyon.S.C. FGC Porter.W.L EF Thies.O.J.Jr C Durham Addoms.RuthM. ..GO Anderson, L.E G Baker.R.D N Beard, J. W N Bernheim.F. NpF Berry.Willard ...EFG Bigelow.L.A CQ Bird.H.C M Blomquist.H.L G Bookhout.C.G. F Brownell.W.A. ..QIK Bryan, W.R N Bush.Gow FG Christenson,J.A.,Tr. IOK Constant, F.W BA Crispell.R.S NIH Culbreth.MissS.E. ..F Cunningham, B. ...FN Darkis.F.R COG Eadie,G.S Np Ellwood,C.A. ....KHI Everett, T.W N Forbus,W.D N Godbey.A.H HEN Goudge.MabelE. ...IN Graves, R.W NB Gray, I. E F Gross. Paul COB Hall.F.G F Hamblen, E.C. N Hargitt.G.T F Hauser.C.R C Hetherington.D.C. NQF Hill.D.G C Hollinshead.W.H. FX Durham, Cont'd. Jeffers.KatharineR. F Jensen.H.E KHI Johnson, M.W F Korstian.C.F. ...OGK Kramer, P. J G Loewenbach.Hans NF Lundholm.Helge I Nelson, E.W L Neurath.Hans C Oosting.H.J. G Pearse.A.S FN Pedersen.P.M. ..CAB Perlzweig.W.A. ..CN Perrv.H.S G Rhine. T.B I Roberts.J.H A Savlor.T.H. C Scates.D.E OKI Smith.Mrs.S.G. ...NC Spengler.J.J. ....KOF Sprunt.D.H N Stuart.C.E I Swett.F.H FN Thomas. T.M A Vosburgh.W.C C Wilson.R.N C Wolf.F.A. ..._. G Youngstrom.K.A. NFI Elon College Bowden.D.J HIK Gravett.H.L F Powell.T.E.Jr. ....FG Sprague.A.D ABD Franklinton Adams. W.E OGE Gastonia McKenzie,R.M. ...FG Gatesville Mitchell,R.W. ...CFQ Greensboro Banks, B.B. ......CBN Carlsson.MissY. ..CO Geographical Index i 08 i Greensboro, Cont'd. Cooper.C.L. QIK Duffv. Elizabeth I GivlerJ.P FGE Gove.AnnaM N Kittrell.F.P CFI Lvle.G.R L Martin. WAY IQN Pegram.AnnieM. ...A Shohan.Toseph ..NKH Smith, MarthaE C Stanland.MissM. IQK Towns.M.B CB Warfield.C.N. ...BDN Williams. Maude ...N Young, ElizabethB. .Q Greenville Brandt, B.B FQ Fleming, R.S. ....FGQ GulledgeJ.R QL Guilford College Rinford.R FEG Campbell. MissE.G. N Field.MissA.M. ...CQ Hamlet Lambeth.MissE. .GFC Hickory Morgan. K.Z BAM High Point Flagge.P.W N Hill.B.H. FGN Laurinburg Griggs.MaryA. ..CBQ Linville Falls Moore, H.F F Manteo Settel.Svlvan OG Mars Hill Tientham.S.O. ..GFE Mocksville Hairston.N. G FG Morganton VernonJ.W N Mt. Gilead Andrews, G.R. ...KIF New Holland Johnson,M.S. F Oxford Moss.E.G O Pinehurst Wicker.R.E G Raleigh Anderson, D.B G Barber.MissL.A. ..FG Boomhour.MissE.G. GQ BoomhourJ.G B Bostian.C.H FG Browne, W.H. Jr., OMB Buell.M.F G Burling.L.D EOK Clevenger.C.B O Constable, E.W. .CBM Cooper, MargaretM. .C CotnerJ.B O Dearstyne.R.S O Fulton.B.B F Gardner.M.E O Garrison, K.C IQ Greaves-Walker, A. F. M Grimshaw.A.H. C HalversonJ.O. ..CFN Harvey, P.H G Henderson, E.H. .ILK Raleigh, Cont'd. Jordan.W.E CBQ Kerr, Thomas G Lehman, S.G G Lineberger.H.O. . .Nd Lovvorn.R.L OG McCutcheon.F.H. .FN MearesJ.S BAM Metcalf.Z.P FO Miles.I.E OCE Miller.W.D OFG Mitchell.T.B F Moore J.H GO Poole.R.F. GO Rhodes.L.B CBE Satterfield.G.H. .CFO Shaw, K.J GFO Sherwood, F.W. ..CON Shunk.I.V GN Singer, W.E CB Smith, B.W GO StuckeyJ.L. E Thomas, D.B BA Watson James I Wells, B.W G West.GladysF G Williams.C.F. GO WilHams.C.B O Williams, L.F. C Yarbrough.M.E. .CNO Red Springs Prince, MissV.D. ABF Stump,Alexander FGO White J.T. Jr. ...EFG Reidsville Klenner,F.R. ....NFG Salisbury Braun.M.L BDA Conrad, MarvE. ..FCG Gray.MissCoraE. .NO Ramsey, G.G C Wentz.B.A I Southern Pines Barksdale.WM O Mudgett.W.C X Statesville Stitt.R.E OG Swannanoa Jensen. H.W G Tarboro Zoeller.E.V. ...CKNp Tryon Dodge, Raymond 1 Roberts, MissH.H. HLN Wake Forest Bradbury,O.C F Cocke. E.C FG Isbell.R.X C Kitchin.T.D N Willard Meckstroth.G.A. ..GF Wilmington Lancaster, W.J N Sellers,W.Jr. ...CBN WilloughbyJ.E. MEB Wilson Saliba, Michel ...NIH Wingate Lovelace, MissR. ..FG Winston-Salem Cooke.G.C NM Frost, Thomas ...NBC Johnson, W.M N NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck Henderson, R.W. . .NF Murray.MissM. .IQK Will.G.F HOL Dickinson Moomaw.Leroy ..OGK Fargo Bolley.H.L G Brentzel.W.E. ....GO Brentzel.W.W G Christ en sen. F.W. CNO Churchill.O.O O Fargo, Cont'd Grand Forks Eversull, Frank . ..QI BreitwieserJ.V I Flor.H.H ....G Chandler.E.F DM Griffith, M.E ....F Harrington.L.C. ..CM Helgeson.E.A. .. ....G Kjerstad,C.L IQ Higgins,E.C GEO Saiki.A.K NC Mattson, Harold . . .OG Talbert.G.A N Sprague, Roderick ..G Weber, N. A FG Stevens, O. A ..FG Wheeler.G.C F Swisher, C.L. ... .BM Youngs, N.A NC Waldron.C.B. ... ....0 Waldron.L.R. ... . .OG Jamestown Walster.H.L. ... ..GO Burr.A.C CMQ Whedon.A.D. ... ....F Cobb.F.E GOH Whitman, W GOE Jackson, T.W AB Jamestown, Cont'd. Knight.G.N FG Thomas.W.B B Mandan BrinsmatleJ.C. Jr. OG SarvisJ.T O ThysellJ.C OBA Milnor Dressel,E.D OGK University Oliver.A.R EGK Ada Dobbins. R.A. . Raabe.R.H. ... G . . . .FG ...NpC Akron Acquarone,Paul ....G Albright. R.W C Baker.M.R NAC Blaker, Ernest BC Caplin.Sam GE Comptonjack ...CGB OHIO Akron, Cont'd. Akrcn, Cont'd. Cock. W. A CAN Jones.P.C C Cool.R.D C Knight.C.M BC Dinsmore.R.P C Kraatz.W.C F Fox.R.D N Oenslager,George ...C Garvey.B.S.Jr C Pechukas.A CMP Gray.D.E B Potter, F.C N Gray, Harold CM Steinke.C.R N Haas.E.G CBQ Stiehler.R.D CNB Held.C.E. N Stover.MissA.C N Hershkowitz Joseph F Street. T.N C Hansen.Mrs.H.Z. .FG TenBroeck.W.T.L. .C Jones, E.P FNC Alliance Burrell.MissC.M. FGQ Engle,O.H F Lamb,G.F E Morgan, Wm.M C Pappenhagen.L.A. ..C Scott J.M FN Zang.LeRoyL O Arcanum Sigerfoos.C.P F 1082 Geographical Index Ashland Auten.Mary F Jacobs, E.E. F Kirkland.MissA. QIH Ashtabula Burroughs, S.H N Ashville Richey,F.D GO Athens Benz,H.E QA Boetticher.A.W. . . .GF Copeland.W.F G Krecker,F.H F Lehman, H.C IQ McClure.O.E B Marquis, R.H. ...ABD Matheny.W.A FG Morton J.R C Morton, R.L QIA PorterJ.P I Reed.F.W A Roseberry.H.H B Rowles,Emmett N Sias,A.B QKA Stehr.W.C F Barberton Chenicek,A.G. ...CBP Corey,F.B M Harter, Isaac M Mader.E.O GOC Muskat.I.E CMN Stoner,G.G C Bellefontaine Geist.D.E FGO Tanger, William .OGB Bellevue Appleby J. I. ... N Berea Dorcas, M.J '. ...C Fullmer.E.L G Longbon.MissE.A. . .0 ReedJ.F GFN Unnewehr.E.C B Bluff ton Hirsehler.E.J AD Moon.MissM'D. GFE Bowling Green Dickerman,E.E. ...FG Hall.W.H CBA Martin, Clare CB Moseley,E.L FGE Otis.C.H FG Overman, J.R AQ Singer, W.E BDA Slater.L.B I Todd.H.B NIK Tunnicliffe.R.M. QIF Brecksville Warner, M.LaVinia .1 Burton Ferry .Thomas C Canal Winchester Bareis.G.M ABD Celina Spieler.A.J CB Chagrin Falls Frohring.W.O NC Tones.O.N MOB Wyenojuro C Chillicothe Bower, R.E N Ruff,H.T CMB Traquairjohn CB Cincinnati Abramson.D.I N Adams.P.D CN Alexander, L.M. BAM Allen, Samuel B Arenson.S.B C Arlitt.AdaHart . .HIO Austin, R.S N Baber,E.A. N Balinkin.IsayA B Barbour, G.B E Bates, E.W KQI BenjaminJ.E. ...NFI Bills.A.G I Blankenhorn,M.A. .N Bode.M.J N Boyd, M.J CN Brand, Louis ABD Braun.A.F F Braun, E.Lucy G Brinley.F.J F Brodie,R.K C Brown, Samuel N Brown.W.E N Bucher.W.H E Carter,B.N N Caster,K.E EF Clifford.A.T CBO Cobb.MissTabitha FG Colvin.J.W NB Cook.E.'S CN Cooper, M.L N Cranejames CM Dabney.C.W ECK DalveJ.A MC Dhonau,C.O N Diserens.C.M. ...IHK Dock, Howard C Dorst.S.E Doughty, Wm.M N Dreyer.W.A FGN Drucker.Ned ....MCB Dunham, Kennon ...N Eby.S.L OI Eckstein.Gustav NFH Faig.J.T. M Felts, W.M EMC Fenneman,N.M E •Fernald, Mabel ..IOH Ferris, E.B.Jr N Fischer,M.H. N Flarsheim.E.S Forsbeck.F.C N Foshay.Lee N FreibergJ.A N Fromm.E.P N Fry.H.S C Fulford.MissM.H. EG Garber.H.J MCQ George, Anthony ....C Gerwe.E.G MC Goldblatt, Samuel ...N Goldman, Douglas ..N Good.C.V QI Goosmann, Charles . .N Gowdy.R.C BAM Green.M.W NC Greene.H.S. CN Guest.G.M N Hamburger.Morton N Heidelman, George .N Hendrickson.G. ...OI Herrmann, L.G N Heyroth.F.F CX Highberger.J.H. . .CN Hinnen.G.A NFG Hirtle.D.S CBA Hobson.L.B. ....FNC Hopphan, Ethel ..NCA Cincinnati, Cont'd. Horst.Paul IKO HoskinsJ.H GE HoskinsJ.K M Iglauer, Samuel N Jackson, D.E Np Kehoe.R.A N Kersten,H.J BAM Kile, Roy L N Krug- Brady, Mrs. O., IN Kuenzel.MissM.W. .1 Lambert, Ray B Lang,Alphonse F LaValleJ.C.E. ..NIK LeBlanc.T.J KFG Levine.B.S CN Levine, Maurice ...NI Lillick.LoisC G LloydJ.T FNp LoofbourowJ.R. BCN Lurie,L.A NIC McGuire, Johnson ...N Machle.Willard ....N MacMillan.H.W. ..Nd Malone,E.F N Malonejohn ....FNG Marsh, D.G. NpC Mathews.A.P. ...CNF Mills, C.A N Mirskv.I.A N Mitchell, A.G N Moore.C.N A More.L.T B Morris, R.S. N Muegel.H.R G Muehlmann.Paul AD Muhlberg,Wm N Nippert.E.C L O'Flaherty.Fred MNF Opp.CJ. CBF Pattison.C.E Q PerryJ.C F Pfister.MissM CM Presnell.A.K. N Purdy.W.C FGN Rapoport, Samuel ...N Ray.F.E CM Reed.R.F. C Reid.M.R NO RichJ.L E Richter.Ernst Robinson.H.W C Rollman.M.E. ..MBA Rose.L.S M Ruegseggerjames ..N Sabin.A.B. N Salisbury, R.K G Sanders, MissA.W., ADE Schiff.Leon N Schmidt. IdaG F Schmidt.L.H NFC Schmieder.L B Schott.W.R NC Schroth.H.H M Sisson.Chas.H. ..MBC Smith, Elliott DE Snoddv.A.O C Soller.Walter B Sperti.G.S. NBC Springer, Alfred ....C Stewart, DeLisle D Straehley.C.T N Streeter.H.W. ..MNA Talbert.E.L HI Tashiro.Shiro ....CFN Tedesche.L.G N Tour.R.S M Trinkle.Fred N Tucker.D.A N Vaughn, Tames I VonSchlichten.O.C. E Waldbott.Sigmund .C Cincinnati, Cont'd. Walker.P.F Wallace.E.VV. ..NpCB Walters, Raymond . .Q Ward, Robert N Warren, M.R. ..NpFC Wedum.A.G NC Weichert.C.K F Werk, Louis C Wieman.H.L F Wilson.M.M CBN Wilson.O.T. GO Wolfman.W.H N Yowell.E.I DA Zwick.K.G. NCF Circleville Bos worth, A. W. ...CN Cleveland Ackerman, Lloyd ..FN Adams, E.Q CBI Albrecht.G.M BM AlbrightJ.G B AldrichJ.W. FG Anderson.B.G FN Arnold.E.A CBM Ayres.L.P. QK Bacon.F.J GNC Baker,IdaM A Barber.C. Glenn N Barthelman,C.H. DBC Batchelor.H.D C Baxter, M.F I Bayless, Francis N Beard.E.E N Beck,C.S N Bellamy.G.A. . ...IKQ Bemisderfer.F.R. ...Q Berger.S.S NIH Bevers,PlezT. ..MOC Billingslea.F.Y. ....I Blumenfeld.C.M. ..NF Bodian, David NF Bole.Mrs.B.P. ...FGE Bole.B.P.Jr FGE Booth, H.S C Broadbent.B.H. NdHF Bunts.A.T N Burington.R. ...ABM Burk.R.E C Burke, F.D. C Buttolph.L.J BC Case.G.S MK Charo.W.J Clausen, Fred N Cleaveland,MissM. C Cohen,M.B N Cole,H.N N Coleman.J.F MOB Collett.MaryE FN Colton.H.S CM Considine.D.M. MCA Corlett.W.T N Craig.P.H BM Crile.G.W. N Cushing.E.H N Dambach.MissM.C, NCQ Davy.E.D CN Delenk.W.N M DeMarinis, Frank .FC Devers.P.K MBC Dice.MissM.E. ..NCB Dietz. David DBF Doig.MissD IQ DoullJ.A N Eckerson.S.H G Eddy,C.L M Ellis.A.C IQ EllmsJ.W MCB Emeny, Brooks ..KEM EmmonsJ.V. ....MCB Erf.H.A B Geographical Index 1083 Cleveland, Cont'd. Ernstene.A.C N Feii, Harold N Fliedner.MissF. QFG Focke.T.M. ABM Forsythe.W.E B Freedlander.S.O. ...N Front, MissJ CNB Gardner.WlM. ...NdQ Geib.FJ CFN Gerstenberger.H.J. .N Gerlach, George ..CGN Gibson.F.S. N Gillin.MissG.M. FGD Glass.S.W C Glasser.Otto B Goldblatt, Harry ....N Graff.A.R MC Grant,U.S.,III M GrayJ.C F Green, H.W KMN Greider.C.E CBM Greulich.W.W. ...HN Grossenbacher,Otto ... Gruener.Hippolyte ..C Gurnee, Herbert I Gyorgy.Paul N Haag.A.T.Jr GFO Haden,R.L N Hall.C.S I Hall, Mrs. C.S C Harris.A.S NIF HarrisJ.P FGL Hatfie'd,M.R C Heath, Roy E CBP Helm,E.B C Herrick,F.H F Herron.T.H MBE Hersh.A.H F Heymann, Walter NC Hill.TJ Nd Hitchings.G.H. ...CN Hodgman.C.D B Hoerr,N.L NC Holden.Mrs.L.E Holladay.L.L. ....BM Hoover, P.L MAB Hovorka, Frank C Huggins.R.A F Hunscher.H.A NC Ickes.MissM FHG Ingalls.N.W HNF Ingraham.E.S.Jr. ..N JanneyJ.E I Jeffries, Zay MC Johnson, H.H JoliatJ.S CBE Kahn, Joseph N Karsner.H.T N Kerbaugh.MissT.L. CN KeyesJ.E.L N Kline, B.S N Kline, H.B. CAB Lankelma.H.P C Leith, Andrew E Leutner.W.G. ...LKO Lind.S.C NIO Lowell, Frances IQ Lower.W.E N Luckey.MissB.M. IKQ Luckiesh.M BIM Lumer.Hyman F Lundin.C.A.R D McCullagh.D.Roy ..N McCuskey.S.W. DAB Mack.C.O FG Maltby.MissA.B. NFC Maron.S.H CBM Marshall, G.G. ...CEF Martin.W.L M Megrail.E N Millen.T.E BCM Miller.D.C BD Millisjohn BDE Cleveland, Cont'd. Mize,R.C BOA MooreJ.S IQ Morris, Max A MullJ.W CN Musgrave.Myrl N Myers.G.C FI Myers.V.C N NassauJ.J A Neal.N.A Obenchain.J.B. .NHI OelschlagerJ.M., NdEL Osborn,W.O CM Parker, A. L M Peskind, Arnold N Peskind, Samuel N Peterson, V.R G Pfanstiel, Robert C Piehl.MissA.E G Pomerene, Elizabeth C Porter.L.C M Prian.VasilyD. .MQA Price.W.A NdC Pulsifer.H.B. ...CMQ Quiring.D.P F Rasmussen,E.V K Redfield, Charles ..IN Reichle.H.S N Renner,R.R NHF Ricker.C.W MBC Roberts.W.A. ...CBO Roney,H.B F Roohk,H.V MBA Rubenstein.B.B. .NIF Sawyer,C.B CBM Schumacher,H.C. .NI Schwartz.H.A. ..MCB Scott.R.W NC Scripture.E.W.Jr., CMB Seaver, Gilbert M Seel v, Warner D Sessions, F.L MBC Sessions.W.C MB Shibley.G.S. N Sidlo.T.L CIN Siegel.M.L N Silliman.F.E. ...QFG Simon, W.G A Simpson, B.R IQ Smith.A.K CB Smith. E.C C Smith.MissV.B. .EKG Sollmann.T.H. . ...Np Spease. Edward ..CNp Speer.H.E NCK Stearns.H.A B Stecher.R.M N Stillson.W.C Nd Sutton, R.C K Taylor, Lester ....CIN Thomas, C.F A Tinker.G.H M ToomeyJ.A. N Tower. O.F C Travis, R.C I Turnbull, David ...CB VisscherJ.Paul F Vollmayer,L.J. B vonFischer.Wm. .CPO Vosmik.C.J HNd Waite.F.C FN Ward, Samuel M Ware.E.E. CMO Watts, Mrs.N.P N Wearn.J.T N Wetzel.N.C. NAB Wheeler, MissN.L. ..E White.T.H KO Wickenden.W.E. .MO Wiggers.CJ NBO Williams.A.B. ..FGE Winkler.J. Homer ...C Cleveland, Cont'd. Woodruff.MissB.H. F Yeakel.E.H F Columbus Abernathy.E.R. ...QI AkeroydJos.H. ...NC Alexander, W.H B Anacletus.SisterM. FG Angerer.C.A F AthertonJ.B. ...MBA Barrows.W.M. F BatemanJ. Fremont .N Baumgartner,L.L., FGO Baur.L.S C Berry.C.S Q1K BirkelandJ.M N Blake.F.C B Blaydes.G.W. ...GOQ Blumberg,Henry ...A Boord.C.E C Borror.D.J F BoydJ.E MB Bozler,Emil BN Brenholts,Roy M Brown, H.D OG Brumley.O.V N Burrell.R.C CGO Burtt.H.E I Busch.K.G. CQE Cahoon,G.P QBC Caldwell.F.C BM Campbell, F.L F Capell,L.T C Carman,J.E. E Chapman, A.G. ..GEO Charters.W.W. Q Christensen,B.V. GNC Clifton.MissD.E. ..IQ Coburn,C.A I Cotterman.C.W. ..FG Cottingham,K E Crane, E.J C Crowl.G.S G Croxton.F.C. C Cullen.SisterM.U., FGC Cullinan.SisterM.C, IQ Cummings.W.H. OGF Cunningham.J.F. ...O Curtis, George NF DeLong,D.M FO Depew.H.A C Doan.C.A. N Dockerav.F.C I Dodd.D.R OQE Dunn, A. H N Durrant.E.P FN Edgerton.H.A. ...IQA Edwards.L.F NF Erf.Oscar O English.H.B IQH Evans. W.L. C Fernelius.W.C C Fidler.R.S N Fischer,R.P IN Folk.S.B MOK Foulk.C.W C France.W.G CBA French.T.E M Garrett,A.B. C Gaw.E.A IK Geist.R.M FEN Gillinjohn HKT Goddard.H.H IO Goslin, Robert HF Goss.L.W N Grossman. T.D NF Grover.Wi'lliam .CAN Growdon,C.H T Hall.T.A. C Hamilton, F.E N Columbus, Cont'd. Harder.O.E C Hartman.F.A FN Hayhurst.E.R N Henderson, W.E. ..CQ Herndon.L.K CM Hicks,L.E GFE Hirsch,Gustav M Hitchcock, Fred ...NF Hockett, Elmer C Hodge, E.S CBD Hollingsworth.M. ..C Hoover, K.B CN Howard, N.F FO Hudson, N.Paul ....N Humphrey, S.S G Huntington, C.C. ..EK Jones,C.H GE Judd, Horace M Kennedy, C.H F Kennedy, L.W. ..NIB Kerr.T.H MO Kissane,R.W N Kitchin,P.C. ...NdFG Knauss.H.P B Knight, W.A M KnoufLR.A NF Knox.G.W I Kostir.W.J F Lamey.C.A. EM Lampe.Lois CFG Lande.Alfred B LaPaz, Lincoln . .ADE Lee.H.C. CEM LeightonJ.A. ...IHK LewisJ.M KHL Lewis, R.D OB Liming, F.G G Lumley.F.E K McCaughey.WJ. CEB Mack, Edward, Jr. .CB MacLatchyJ.H. ...IQ McPeek.Clayton N McPherson.Wm. C MacQuigg,C.E. ...MQ McVickar.M.H. ...OC Magill.M.A CBN Manson,E.S D Marquis, F.W M Mateer.Florence 1 Mattinglv.H.E. ..FGC Maxfield.F.N IQ Mendenhall.E.W. KF Meyer.B.S G Miller.D.F. FQN MillerJ.A FG Morgan, Richard ....H Morrey.C.B FN Morris.C.T M Moyer.H.V. CNQ Nold.Harry EMQ Okey, Perry BCD Olpin.A.R BCO Orr.GroverL CBQ Osborn, Herbert ...FO Osborn.H.T F Osburn.R.C F Paddock, Wendell ..O Paffenbarger.R.S., MQC ParkJayB GO Parker. M.M INF Pence J.O. MCA Peterson, Alvah F Pool.M.L B Popham.R.A GO Postle.Wendell ...Nd Powell, R.W MB Pressey.S.L IQ PrjceJ.W FN Price, Joseph N Purdy.R.C CM Rado.T A Rapparlie.J.H I 1084 Geographical Index Columbus, Cont'd. Rasor.S.E ABQ Renshaw, Samuel .HI Ring,D.T. E Ring.G.C N Robinson, F.P IQ Rosebrook.Wilda IOK Russell, G.O BIL Russell, H.W BCA Sampson, H.C G Samuels, M.L. ..CEM Scofield.H.T (i Scott, MissT.D ..CBN SettlesJ.C MAB Seymour.RJ NF Shetrone.H.C H Shinowara.G.Y. ...NC Sims.G.P NBL Singer.S.A A Slipher.John OE Smith. Alpheus B Smith.AlvaW B Smith.C.S NCQ Smith, Guv-Harold ..E Snyder.L.H F Spieker.E.M E Starin,W.A N Steckle.L.C IFN Stinson.K.W ...MBO Stone, T.F M Stone, W.H POK Stout, Wilber ,E Stover.W.G G SwartleyJ.C O Taylor, W. A G Thomas, E.S FG Thomas. L.H BAD Tidd.W.M. F Toops.H.A OIA Transeau.E.N G Tucker.H.H OCF Turnbull.W.D M Valentine. W.L. ..IFH VanCleef. Eugene ,EP Vivian. Alfred ....CO VonDach.H FGN VonOhlen.F.W G Wacker.P.F CBA Waller.A.E G Wareham.R.T G Warner. E.N FG Wikoff.MissH.L. CNO Willard.C.T OC, Williams, D.C M Winter. A.R NOC Wirth.H.E C Withrow.T.R. ...CMP WolfeJ.N G Wolfrom.M.L C Woodin.G.C FEO Woolpert.O.C N Woodward, G.DeW. N Wyer.S.S M Wvlie,C.R..Tr A Yule.L.W. : NTK Zapffe.C.A MCB Zirbes.MissLaura .OI Dayton Beck.W.A. GFB Biermacher.X CN Cassel.H.D NH Culler.A.M NBF Dambacb.C.A. ...FOC, Dearolf.Kenneth ...F Dickerson.L.M. ..GFC Dwyer.H.A TH Flower.A.H CBM Fowler. Kenneth ....N Friedel.F.T KIH Goldberg.M.M M Heyd.TosefW C Hochwalt.O.A ..CBM Hoerner.M.T N Dayton, Cont ■d. HulI,H.B ....M Kemmer.P.H. .. .MBA Kessler.E.H. .. ...MC Kettering, C.F. . .MBC Kittredge.H.G. . C Koch.W.R .BAC Kosolapoff.G.M. .CBA Lang. A. G G Malowan.Iohn . C Metzler,S .HOK MilletteJ.W. .. ....N Molz.FJ .GFC Morris, H.E .CMB Paschall.A.H. .. ...OE Pittinger.C.B.Jr . CBO Rappel.UJ MBA Rosenquist.E.X ..CN Samaras, N.X.T. ....C Schumacher.B.A ...B Sevfried.A.P. . . . .FGN Simpson, W.M. . ....N Thomas, C.A. . . . .CBM Trusler.R.B. ... .CBE Weimer.F.C. ... MBA Williams.H.M. . ..CM Wohlleben.W.T. ..CM Wright, Orville . ....M Cuyahoga Falls Larrick, Lewis . ....B Defiance Arnold, MissClio KIL Delaware Bobrovnikoff.NlT. DBA Cherrington.E.Jr. ..D Cooper.T.R E Fields, PaulE I Hahnert.W.F F Hvnek.T.A. D Tarvis.C.W B Manuel.W.A CO O'Xeal.C.E G Rice.E.L F Rowland, S. A A Dover Schott. Eugene ..MAB Schwall, Eugene East Cleveland Fe"hr.R.B. MBC Phelps.G.S M Reed.K.W. MKO Schroeder.O..Tr. ...KT. Whitney. F.P." Q Elmore Housley.C.R Q Elyria Hudson, Alfred .NKC Rankin,. LP N Euclid Sykes,W.P M Findlay Dietsch.MissM. .IOK Heminger.I.N. ..ABO Morey.C.A C Roots.Y.K BA Flat Rock Kesselring.W.H. .jGF Flushing RitcheyJ.C C Fostoria She!lenberger,J.A. CO Gambier Cummings,S.B.Jr. ..I Johnson. E.H. ...BLM Nelson J. A F Geneva Burgess, Perry Glendale Allen.D.T IFQ Granville Castle, W. A F Ebaugh.W.C. ...CQM Green.S.L CBD Ladner.A.C AB Lindsey,A.W. F Morgan, G.D F Smith, L.E B Stickney,M.E G Wright, F.J E Green Camp Leach, Coe ABC Greenfield Shimp.Wm.B IP Grove City Wickliff.E.L F Hamilton Barclay, E.H. ...CBM Bradner.Donald ....C Foster.M.G BA Taylor.W.P BCF Harpster Lewis, C.H C Hicksville BrightJ.A CBD Hilliards FraschJ.F GFQ WeaverJ.H A Hillsboro Roads, MissM.K Hiram Clarke. E.H. AD McCullough.C.M. ..Q Hudson Allen, R.C E McGee.H.G M Trumbull, H.L BC Ivorydale Edeler, August . .CEA Miller.H.G .NCO Kent Cunningham,H.A OGF Dexter.R.W. ... ...FG Harbourt,S.A. .. ...FG Kellev.K.L ...FG Lotz.E.R ...IN Olson, David ....E Rumold.C.F. ... CBX Smith, R.H ...M Lakewood Fowerbaugh.C.C I Fullerton.H.P M Gehring.H.A MB Kittelberger.A.S. ..BC Lafferty. Wheeler Lawrence, W.G. CBD Longoria.A MXH Lancaster Bell.E.F IKQ Leesburg YorkJ.M. FQ Lockbourne Anderegg.G.A. .MBH Lockland Rieveschl.G.Jr. CNA McConnelsville Ranney.Leo M Mansfield Spandau.H.M MP Marengo Porter.H.L GOF Marietta Krause.E.B CBO Martin. C.H F Muscari.Pietro .MBN Phillips.T.D. B Marion Kling.E.L INC Sawyer.C.W N Marysville Gebhardt.H.T CO Titus, R.W CN Williams, P.C O Massillon Motok,G.T MCB Middletown Haves, Anson . ...CBP Parmele.H.B CO Roehll.W.H. N Milford Bell.W.H CN Rockwell.G.E. ..NCQ Mount Saint Joseph Corona, SisterM A McDonald, SisterE.S. GF Sanche.Sisterl C Therese, Sister A. ..AB Nelsonville Sharp, C.C M Newark Anderegg.F.O CB Bennett, W.H B New Concord Clarke.H.M T Mitchell, Robert .ECO Moses, C.F EHK Smith.J.J I New Lexington Short.F.R. CQ New Philadelphia Dosch.EarlF ED Helmick.MissL.E. CF Niles Dearth, O. A NFI Dewey. D. A. C North Jackson Bridgham.C.M: ...CG North Lima Goodwin, W.H. ...FOI Geographical Index 1085 Norwood Leucht.C.L C Oberlin Bradshaw.R.W N Budington.R.A F Cairns, VV.D A Carr.F.E DAQ Hibbard.Hope F Holmes, H.N C Hubbard.G.D E Jones.G.T GFE Tones, Lvnds FG McCulloughJ.C. .CBI McEwen, Robert ....F Rogers.C.G FIN Sears, P.B GO SnodgrassJ.M. ..NBF Steiner.L.E CB Stetson, R.H I Taylor.L.W B Tucker.F.G B Weaver,H.E I Wilkins.E.H LQ Wnoster.H.A K Yeaton.C.H. A Youtz.R.E.P I Oxford Anderson, W.E. Ashbaugh.E.J. . Bain, Read Belk.MissEthel Boesel.M.W. ... Brill. H.C ChristofTerson,H Davis. B.M Drill, MissEdna Edmiston.R.W. Edwards, R.L. .. Evans, A. T. Heckert.J.W. ... Hefner.R.A Kreger.C.W McConnell.W.R. McNellv.W.C. . Mattox.'N.T Richardson, J. S. Rothermel.MissJ Shideler.W.H. . Stark.O.K Tappan.A.H. . . . Taylor.R.B Thompson, VV.S. , VanTasseljR-.J. Watt.MissLucvT Williams, I. R. .. Williams. S.R. . WolfordJ.J. ... Painesville Anderson, P. R. ..QLK Gault.H.T. MAD Munn.MissL.E C Taylor.A.M GFN Winters, EdnaS. .FHI Perry Beardslee.H.C. A Q .KHI .GCF F .CNO c; AQ ...NF • GFQ ..QIC B G ...OI F ...CN EKQ ...FN F .OCB E.. NF ....E ..GN ....A ...IN ....K .IOK FNG ..NF ....F ..EH Piqua Barker,C.A F Put in Bay Bodenlos.LJ FC Chandler, D.C FG Langlois.T.H FG Trautman.M.B F Reynoldsburg McOwen.MissM.L., GFC Rocky River Heise.G.W CMB Tindal.C.H BA Rossford Royal, Lester C Salem Cobbs,LeaA NBC Cox.Mrs.E.T FG Cox,Mr.M.A K King.L.W BEN Sandusky Bliss, C.I. ....FNA South Euclid Blossom, Mrs. D.S. ...I Garvin, SisterM.C, ABD Smith, SisterM.M.. FAC Whitacre.F.M CN Springfield Beaver, W.C. ... .FGN Bodenberg.E.T. . ....G Brubaker.E.R. . ....N Harp,H.G DAB Lawson.C.A. F McGrewJ.B. ... .BDF Morgan J. W. ... ...CB Neuberg,M J. . . . ...Ol Nystrom.W.C. .. ..OK Schwarzbek.W. . .IFO Shatzer.C.G ....E Tulloss,R.E ...10 Weaver.E.O. . . . ..BM .GFE Steubenville Lyons,MissE.L. .CPB Tiffin Barnes, K.B. C JonesJ.W.L IHK Kleckner.M.E CE Williams.E.I.F. ...01 Wilson,I.T F Toledo Bach.Ernest ...NdCO Bachmann.F.M. .GNO Bevin.Svdney ..MDE Binney.R.L MIB Bowers.H.E CBA Bowman, H.H.M. . .GF Coonen,L.P GF Toledo, Cont'd. Cowan.RJ MBC Cunningham, B.V. .QI Ehrlich.L.B MB Flood, SisterM.A. CGF Gardiner J.P N Gardiner, Will N HopfieldJJ B Taessing.FredK C Krieger.F.J CBA McCormick.EJ N Macelwane.F.J Mercedes, Sister .ABC Mogendorff.N. G MurphyJ.T N Myers.U.H C Padgett J.E KBM Patch.L.H. F Pickard.MissL. ...FG PottsJ.C C RyanJ.D CMB Schlosberg.Morris ..F Shadduck.H.A C Solberg.A.N FN Stose.H.F CMB Williams.G KIH Troy Hook.T.E QBA Johnston, MissF. A., NCF Warren Foster.E.S M Westerville Clements, F.O M Esselstyn.AJ C Glover.B.C A Hanawalt.F.A FE McCloyJ.H B Mark.C.G EG Schear.E.W.E. ..NFG Wilberforce Coleman, Robert ....A Harris.E.L CN Lane. Mrs. L.C. ...INO Lee.H.F Q Pvrtle.R.N FG Smith, W.L I Willoughby Rentschler.M.J. C Wilmington Hale,Kelley N Hazard,F.O FGN Wooster Alexander, L.J GO Bangham.R.V F Barnes, E.E O Bowman, D.H GO Conrey.G.W OEC Coyle.E.E. G Evans, M.W OG Gammon, N., Jr. ..COG Gourley.J.H OG Wooster, Cont'd. Hayden.C.C. FO Hoffman.I.C O HouserJ.S F Howlett.F.S OG Lamb.C.A. OGA Neiswander,C.R F Neiswander.R.B. ...O Remp, Martin IQ Rogers,C.F CGO Salter,R.M 0 SayreJ.D G Secrest, Edmund O Sharp.W.L IQ SpencerJ.T GEF Spencer, W.P F Stringfield,G.H. ...OG Thomas, RoyC G Tilford.P.E G VerSteeg,Karl E Vogel,M.A F Welton.F.A GO Westhafer.W.R B Williamson, CO. ..AD Yanney.B.F ADO Young.H.C G Worthington Midglev.T.Jr C O'Brien.H.R Raymund.B GNO Wyoming Blair.F.W C Duncan. R.A CM Martin.W.S CI Richardson, A. S C Uhrbrock.E.G. IQ Uhrbrock.R.S IQ Yellow Springs Barbulesco.C.D. ..MO Burr.I.W AKF Cape.MissJane CN Champney.H. . ...IKO Hammond, W. A. CBE Inman.O.L FG Leuba, Clarence ..IHK Morgan, A.E KMO Nelson, V.L IOH Owen.G.E B Richards.T.W. ...FIN Sontag.L.W N Swinnerton.A.C. EDM Youngstown Collier.W.D N Foard.C.W BA Mellon. D.Rov ..CKN Naples.F.T CB Semans.F.M NFG Tessin.Wm MAB Xenia Davv.Leita N Healy.P.W ACQ Hilgeman.A.P I Patterson, A. M C OKLAHOMA Ada Ardmore Bartlesville MackinJ.G ....F Tomlinsori.C.W .. ..E Arutunoff.Armais ..M Warren, W.D. ... ....C VonKeller.F.P.P. . ..N Barton, H.M.Jr B White, M.P .EF Doan.R.L B Alva Willard.MissKate ..L Gibson.J.D CPN Carter ,T.C ....F Snow.R.D CMB Boise City Baker ,\Vm.E HE Chickasha Bradbury, MissD. ..G Pray.RuthW HIF Shackleford.M.W. ..F io86 Geographical Index Drumright Parker.MissM F Durant Blain.W.L FG Shaw, R.J FC Edmond Derrick,G.E FGQ Jones.RoyW FNG El Reno KasterJ.W MBA Enid Boyer.M.M FG Knowles.F.E BD Tomlinson.L.E. ..KQI Fort Sill vonZelinski.W.F., NHL Goodwell McMillen.W.N. .OFC Guthrie Arvin.SisterM.A. Crane.A.H FGQ Tangney.SisterM.R., CAB Hobart Russom.V.W. ...EDB Kaw Boatright.R.G. ..CMB Langston Spaulding.M.F. ...OG Lindsay- Jenkins, MissR.O., AFB McAlester Brown, MissAuval ..G Muskogee Whitaker,H.L FG Norman BenderJ.F. O Bizzel.W.B K Bollinger, C.J E Bragg,A.N FG Bumstead,Chas. .IKP Burton, MissH.B. CNF Chance, H.L G Clements, F.E H Court, N. A ADB Cross, G.L G Decker,C.E E Dodge, H.L BMH Eigsti.O.T. GFC Evans.OF EB Fisher.MissA.B. ..GN Gerken, Clayton ...IO Gould.C.N E HasslerJ.O. ....ADQ Hoisington.L.B I Tohnson.V.O FG Melton,F.A EI Neill.AJ N NielsenJ.Rud BC Ortenburger,A.I F Park.W.Z HK Perry, CM I Richards, Aute F Richards.M.H F Schriever.Wm B SelfJ.Teague FE Weese.A.O F Weidman, Samuel ..E Wilson, M.O 10 Young, MissDixie ...F Nowata Warner, W.W. M Oklahoma City Abreu, Benedict NpFC Campbell.C.H. . .NHI Curtis.G.W. P Everett.M.R NC Goldsmith, J. B NF Gordon.T.B GO Hellbaum,A.A FN Hunninen,A.V FG Lima.D.O. CBP Long.LeRoy N McMullen.D.B. .FGN Oklahoma City, C ont'd. Myers, R.E ....N Nagle, Patrick . ....N Perrine, Irving ....E Re>chmann,F.J. ...Nd RichardsJ.T. .. EMB SanfordJ.T. . . . ....E Stemen.T.R. ... ....G Thompson, Joe F. .CBE Wortham.R.A. . ....F Zahn,FredH. . . MKO Ponca City Athy.L.F ....E Davis, L.L ..CM McCoy .Alex.W. ....E Miller.Walter .. ....M Zurcher,Paul . . . .ABC Sapulpa MacKay.Hugh E Shawnee Short.W.T ADB Winchester, A.M. .FG Stillwater Cave.H.W ONC Chester, K.Starr ..GO Cordner.H.B OCG Danielson.R.N. ..FNC Donnell.P.S MED Durbin.F.M B Fenton.F.A F Gallup.W.D ONC Gernert.W.B OGE Harper.H.J OC Heston.B.O C Howell, D.E FNO IrelandJ.C FG Taap.R.G FNO MaxwellJ.M. ...OFC MuermanJ.C. ...OLI Oboukhoff.N. ...MB A Patterson, H QKI Pruitt.C.M. QCE Purd v.D.I CN Rolfs.FredM G Sanborn, C.E F Smith.O.M. CQM Stratton, Robert ...GO Stillwater, Cont'd. Tennyson, MissG. ...G Trimble, H.M C WebsterJ.E CGO Whitenton.R.O. F Willham.O.S O Willison.F.E N Tahlequah Duncan, N.N EQ Temple Sorge.W.A BAC Tulsa Allender,MissC. ..FG Bass.N.W E Brown, M.W INF Case.LeslieC. ...ECM Casler, FredQ. ..MEA Chase,H.D F Clark.F.R EBA Denney,E.C Q Foley, L.L. E Force,MissE.R. ..FGQ Griffith.G.R.V. ..EMH Hamilton. D.E. ..MCP Hoffman, M.G E Jones.C.B MEB Knappen.R.S EM McLeod.L.S I Murray, A.N E Pauly.F.R O Reisher.P.H E Riggs.R.J. ....E Riter,S.W EM Rushmore.F.P. ..EFH Wolf.Alfred BAD ZorichakJ.J MEC Sibole.B.P MKO Wellman.D.C E West.S.S BE Westby.G.H EBA Wilson.W.B E Weatherford Froman.EulaC Vrooman.MissL.E.. QIG Woodward Bell.M.A OG OREGON Albany Bishop, Geo. D. . .FGD Ashland Redford, Walter ...EQ Wells.W.W. .FG Astoria Carruthers.R.T. ..AH Straumfjord.JonV. .N Towler,E.D F Zimmerman, Mrs. H.K. FO Baker Wreisbach.R.H. ..NC Burns Piatt, K.B OG Corvallis Allison, IraS E Anderson, W.B. .BDE Atwood.W.M G Caldwell, W.E. . .CEM Dana.BlissF G Dornfeld.E.J FGN Corvallis, Cont'd. Fasten, Nathan F Fincke.M.L CN Friedman, Leo . .CBM Gilbert.E.C C Gilfillan.F.A CNF Gilkey.H.M G Hansen, Elmer ....GO Hilton.D.E. BE Jones, J. S CO Laslett.H.R IO Lawrence, W.E G LewisJ.C CGO McLaughlin,W.T. GE McMillan, F.O M McWhorter.F.P G Milne, W.E. A Morris, Henrietta ...N Mote,DonCarlos ..FL Nattkemper.L.C. . .OG Owens, C.E G Packard, E.L E Peavy.G.W O Powers.W.L OC Robinson. R.H C Ruffner.Benj. ..MBA Sanborn, MissE. I. .GE Corvallis, Con "d. Eugene, Cont'd. Scullen.H.A. ... ....F Kunz.A.H C Simmons, J. E. ... ....N McCabe, Francis FGM Smith.J.E EOQ Moore.A.R. FI Stephenson, R.E. ..0 Norris.WillV BC Stuhr.E.T. .GNp Shinn.F.L. C Swart ley, Arthur .ME Smith.W.D E Taylor, Alfred .. .FNC Stafford.O.F. C Weniger.W .BCQ Sweetser.A.R G West.L.E CBM Townsend.H.G. ...LO Wiegand.E.H. .. ..CO Yocom.H.B F Williams.J.C. .. ....N Wulzen, Rosalind .NF Forest Grove Chamberlin.J.C. ..FG Cottage Grove Rockwood.L.P. ..FOG Stewart, C.E ....G Gardiner Eugene Cole.H.I C Caswell, A. E. ... Comish.NewellH. ....B ..K Grants Pass Cressman.L.S. .. ..HK Treasher.RavC. ..EM Crosland.H.R. ....T Detling.LeRovE. .GF Hood River Dohanian.S.M. . ....F Furrer.E.D ...N Howe.H.C .INO Jasper Hunter, F.M ■ IOQ Bradway.E.M. ..CNF Geographical Index 1087 Klamath Falls Rozendal.P.H N Tison.A.Jr EFG Marshfield McKeown.R.M N Medford Carpenter, L OM Johnson, A.N N Milwaukie Tracy J.M E Monmouth Caldwell.V.V IQ Oswego Fenton.R.A NQG Portland Allen.W.F N Bahrs.A.M N Portland, Cont'd. Bedwell.J.L. ... G Benson, R.L. ... N Brock, V.E ..FEB Carmody.W.R. . C Charlton, D.B. .. ...NC Childs.T.W. ... ...OG Cooper, H.C ...Nd Curry, Bess .... ...BO Davenport, D. . . F Diack,A.W.Jr. N Diack,S.L .NMC Diamond, V.R. . ...FG Dillehunt.R.B. N Ellis, R.H. ..NOI Firev.F.P ...CN FitzgibbonJ.H. N Goldenweiser,A. HKI Griffin, F.L. ...AK Griffin.L.E F Hagquist.C.W. . F Hodge.E.T ...EM Hubert,E.E. ... G Portland, Cont'd. Hutchens.W.H IN Istvanovic,A.L F Jones.N.W N Jullum, Henry . .MEO Jurwitz.L.R. ....BEN Keen.F.P FOG Kerr, W.J GO Kimbrell, Geary MEK Knerr.E.B BCG Knowlton.A.A B Kohlruss.F.J FNO Larsell.Olof NF Lodewick.J.E G McDougall,G.F. MKQ McGrathJ.S. C Manville.I.A N Marlatte.C.R. ..EMH Matthews, D.N. .OMB MeanyJ.M EM Menne.F.R N Merritt.M.L ORG Miller,G.H. CM Portland, Cont'd. Miller.H.C NKO Munger.T.T OG Myers.MissJ.A N Phatak.N.M NpC PriceJ.B FIN Sears.H.J N Simson,A.Gael O Todd.W.R CN Watts.L.F OEG WeeksJ.E N Weidenbaum.B. ..CM Wells, E.L B West.E.S CN Youmans.W.B NF St. Helens BartonJ.C N Salem Luther.C.F. ... Peck.M.E .ABD ...FG PENNSYLVANIA Abington Hughson, Walter N Aldan Parmenter,C.L F Allentown Barnett.MissR. , .NpC Billig.A.L .1QA GroffJ.C ....M Hirst, MissK.R. .NEG Hixon.H.W EDM Hoffman, H.F. .. .NIM ...IN Miller.H.E .GFN PearsonJ.C. ... MBP Pretz.H.W G Schatz.WJ • EFO ShankweilerJ.V. ...F Altoona ,..NA Brumbaugh.A.St.C. N Glover, L.P. .NIE Wimmer,H.C. .. F Yoder,H.D • FGQ Ambler GravellJ.H CKI Hall.H.U H Hodge.R.P GF Miller.L.B C Annville Derickson.S.H FG Light.V.Earl FG Lynch, C.A 10 Reynolds.O. Edgar QI Ardmore Babb.MJ ADL Bachman.B.B M Dewees,Lovett ....IN Arendtsville Steiner.H.M F Ashland Spencer.R.D CFN Avalon Johnson.C.M C Bala-Cynwyd Babcock.W.W N Hiers.GlenS C Beaver Gressly.O.E MN Beaver Falls Bruce.H.A FGQ Cleland.W.E AB Hill.F.H BEK McMillion.T.M. FNL Beech Creek Horne.W.D CFO Bellefonte Ball.Mrs.R.S. ...IQK Ben Avon Grier.G.W N Berwyn Atkinson.MissM. .GF Burns.F.L F Bethlehem Bayley.P.L. B BeaverJ.L MQB Bidwell.C.C B Butler,T.J NIK Butterfield.T.E. MBQ Diefenderfer,A.A. . .C Estes.W.L.Jr N Ettinger.A.A. ...LKO Ewing,Maurice .BEA Ewing.W.W C Fisher.L.I NFH Ford.Adelbert I Fort.Tomlinson A Fraser.D.M :..E Fretz.A.H E GreggJ.L M Hall.Mrs.M.B F Hall.R.W F Hassler.RoyD. ....CB Jenkins, W.L I Laramy,R.E EQ Meaker.MissC.L. ...B Miller, B.LeRoy E Neville, H. A C Nieman.H.W MB ReynoldsJ.B. ..AMD Scriultz.R.F. CP Sinkinson,Eric C Smail.L.L. AD Snavely.Benj.L. ..BM Snyder.Richard ....C Thomas, Stanley N Bethlehem, Cont'd. Ullmann.H.M. ..CMQ VanArnam.R.N. DAB Whitcomb.L. E Willard.Bradford ..E Williams.C.C MB Bloomsburg Hartline.D.S FGQ Kuster,K.C FG Blossburg Brazda,D.S. FN Bradford Koon.SisterM.C G Bristol Hollander, C.S C Hutchinson, C F ScottJ.P NO Bruceton Denues.A.R.T. ..CBM Bryn Mawr Cope, A. C C Crenshaw.J.L. C Dryden, Lincoln E Gardiner.M.S F Helson, Harry IBF Horn.D.W C Howard, EdgarB. .EH LeubaJ.H. IHQ MacKinnon, D.W. IKN OppenheimerJ.M. FN Pettit, Horace NQ Pew.A.E.Jr C Tafr.A.E N Tennent.D.H F Towle,MissE.W. .NF Wells.A.B. FGC Wheeler.Mrs.A.P. ..A Zirkle.R.E NBG Burgettstown Sherockman.A CQ Bushkill Bartram.E.B G Butler Aaron, Isador G Hopkins, E.F G California Bontrager.O.R. . .QIA Gilland.E.G EKQ Oerlein.K.F. QB Camp Hill Gress.E.M G Canonsburg Murray, W.W C Carlisle Eddy.M.W FG Fox.LeonA. NF Herber,E.C F Norcross.W.H I Thompson, R.I QI Vuilleumier,E.A. ...C Carlisle Barracks Hume.E.E N Carnegie Rome,MissM.B. ...GF Castle Shannon Smith.William ....FG Chambersburg Davison, MissC. I. ..A DoanJohnL. GFC Dtidley,MissJ F Krug.MissK N Peabody.E FGE Weeks,D.W BA White, MissE.G F Charleroi Stoneman.Wm.N. MC Chester Luckie.S.B Nd Chestnut Hill Starr, Isaac NFC Cheswick Chappell.E.L CM Cheyney Calvert.P.P F Coatesville Lambert, L.F. O Stoller.B.B GOC io88 Geographical Index Collegeville Bancroft, W.Wi ...HI ClawsonJ.W. A Smith, L.K C Tower.C.V IHK Concordville StyerJ.F GCO Conshohocken Labowskie.P.J. ..NIK Coraopolis Chubb.C.F Eugenia, SisterM. FGC Stafford.S.G CMO Cresson Madden, SisterM. G., CBA Dallas Brickel.W.A FGB Gallagher.SisterM.W. FGN Hughes, SisterM. C. .B O'Connor, Si st erM.C. CN Danville Fry.F.D I Hawley,S.J N Devon Witmer.Lightner ...I Dimock Cope.F.R.Jr. ....FQO Norris.G.W N Downingtown Nichols,\V.C CNB Drexel Hill Bancroft, G.R CN Biddle.AnnaE. ...IQH Cubbon,M.H O Gibbons.C.H MLB Green, W.P.Jr. C SpragueJ.M CN Thomas, T. Earl N Ulrieh.E'.B G Ward.Lenore ....FGI Easton Balderston,Mark ...B Bingham, E.C CB Caspari, Ernst F David, P. R F Endres,H.A C Fink.George ....BMA Itter.H.A E Klein, W.H MCB Koerner.H.E EFD Kotz.AdamL N Love.C.H CBM Nusim.MJ M Smith.W.M A Ward, Freeman E East Pittsburgh Chubb.L.W M Condon, E.U BCM Hellmund.R.E. ...MP Hetenyi,Miklos M Slepian. Joseph .BMC Wagner.C.F MB Way, Stewart MBA East Stroudsburg Coryell. MissM. ...CQ Kinsell.L.W NIH LaRue.D.W. Q Eddystone Gezelius.RoyA. .BCM Elkins Park Griffith, Ivor CNp Long, Bayard G Niederhauser.W.S. CB Ellwood City Brownstein.B. ..MPA Emporium Kievit,BenJr. . .BMN Erie Brevillier,Mrs.A.W. .. Bullard.H.H N Coon.W.E EQ de Witt, Wallace E Hilditch.W.W N Krack.E.J. BM Krimmel.M.A C Parsons J.L BCP Sevin.G.K F Sweadner.W.R. .FGN Thorn, SisterD CN Wells.E.D ABM Wilbert, SisterM. P., FG Farrell Cooley.MissS. ..GFN Hummer, MissB A Feasterville Levy.H.S Fogelsville Warmkessel.C.A. ..E Fort Washington Roberts, E. J CIK Germantown Wahl, Manfred ....GO Gettysburg Bowen.R.Earl F Sloat.C.A C Stover.C.B CGB WoodsJ.W. OA Glen Mills Rheuby,V.G NF Glen Olden GlennJohn.Tr N Hampil, MissB NC Huebner.R.A NO Moore, M.L CN Glenside Bock,L.H CN Graham.J.H CBN Kuehner.O.A Q McKay John ....CBM Patterson. T.O ..CAD Sturgeon.W.E. ..CNF Greensburg Koppitz.C.G M McKee.C.W N Meyer.MissJ.D C Reeves, J. A I Scott, Sistei-F.M F Greenville Bradshaw.G.R. ..BQC Grove City Wood.A.G G Harrisburg Ashley.G.H EF Coover.Carson . .NFK Harrisburg, Cont'd. Guyton.T.L F Hackbusch.MissF., INK Henschen.G.N.C. ..EB Jacobs, M.W., Jr. ...AI McDonnellJ.F.Jr., NpC Masters, F.M. ...MBC Newland.T.E. ...IQH Noble.C.M MEB Pearson, Robert M Sandy, W.C N Stone, R.W E Waugh.K.T IQH Whited.Willis ..MAB Hatboro AdamsJ.R MBA Hatfield Michels,N.A. .. ...NF Haverford Alderson.Wroe ....K McLean.C.F. ... .BFK Madeira, P.C.Jr. < * • • . Meldrum.W.B. . C Pratt, H.S. ....F Sharpies, P. T. . . . .CDE Thomas, A. H. . . C Wilson.A.H. ... ....A Winsor.Henry . .BFG Hazleton ....N Herpel, Coleman ..AB ..GM Hershey Hinkle.S.F C Holicong Rand.H.A ID Holland Degener.L.M NF Hollidaysburg Jones, L.B M McDonnell, M.E. ....C Huntingdon Crummy, P. L FNQ Immaculata Gertrude, SisterM., KQP Grogan.SisterA.M. BA St.Bernard.SisterM., CNP Indiana Smyth,Thomas F Jenkintown Barnes, E.J IQK Bergstresser.K.A. .FG Cutright.P.R. FH Gilroy.MissH.T B McDonnellJ.N. ...Np Redding.C.S BM Scull.C.W NCB Snodgrass.L.E. ..NFC Wolf.H.A M Johnstown Crichton,A.B M duPont.B.T. ....MKC Hay.George NIP Snyder, Geo. E F Wirtner.M F Kane HeimbachJ.M N Kingston Davis, G.B NF Matthews, C.H M Soroka.S.G O Kirkwood McKenney.R.E.B., CGN Kutztown Beard.H.C CQ Lancaster AtleeJ.L NFH Bennett, W.O., Jr. .BM Carroll, Mitchel F Cattelljaques F Charles.R.L BAM Coventry, F. A F Fry.H.M BAM Heller,H.A CBA Hopkins, G.E CM Laird.N.P. KHL Lewis, M. A BCA Luckey,G.P B Mermod.C NF Miller.L.B. BCM Parks, L.J CBA Paschke, Herbert CMB Rohrer.R.B C SchaefferJ.A MC Schiedt.R.C F Vogt.C.C C Wenrich.C.N B Whitely.P.L IQ WidmyerJ.H. C Langhorne Grave,C.E I Mackmull,G FNG Lansdale Lapp.W.S COG Lansdowne CarterJ.D CFE Flosdorf,E.W. ...CNB HarrissonJ.W.E., CNQ Irwin, F.W I Lloyd, P. T N Munch.J.C NpCF Proskouriakoff,A. ..C La Plume Morris, Samuel F Latrobe Clark, LeRoyV. Costello.M.H. McKenna.P.M. Wenstrup.E.J. . ...CN ...IQ ...BC ...FG Laurelton Vanuxem.Mary I Lawrenceville Presper.MissM.L. ..C Lebanon Schaak.M.F CBG Lewlsburg Davis.F.G Q Eyster.W.H G FetherstonJ.T. .CBM Garman.W.D MB Irland.G.A MBA Lowry.W.N BMD Rice, J. W NGQ Simpson, F.M B Stewart, N.H FN Geographical Index 1089 Lincoln University Cole.W.R BD Fohnson, George WilliamsJ.L. F Llanerch May.A.J GF Lock Haven Baker, W'.E.B. ...CBG StempleJ.F BCD Ulmer.LJ EGF Lcretto Idzkowsky.H. ...FCN McKees Rocks Kulik, Stephen ...NCF Manoa McNabb.W.M C Mansfield Doughton, Isaac -QKI Gwinn.C.W K Stout.C.L EQ Marcus Hook Sisson.W.A CBG Meadville Buckingham, G.E. ...Q CaveltiJ.E CQ Darling,C.A EFG Jaffe.HansvonR. . .BC Morris.HJ. C Rhinesmith.H.S. ...C Tyner.H.D C Mechanicsburg Brown.G.V CMB Strong/WAV BI Media Eksergian,R. ...MBA Hartline.H.K. ..NFB Kerr.W.M Kuznets, Simon K Rawson.AJ NB Shaw.R.T CGO Shirley, Mrs. M.C. GC Merion Station Blake, MissS.A. BAD Brown, C.L N Chi'.d.C.G Croney.S.I. ME Eberhard,H.M N GibsonJ.H N Miller,F.R N Wolferth,C.C N Zentmayer,\V. ..NFK Monaca Long.C.C CMB Marthens,Paul ...MA Morrisville PatrickJ.C C Mt. Lebanon Etllund.D.L. ....MBC Rosanoff.M.A C Smith, M.W K Moylan Pennell.F.W G Munhall Toy.F.L M Narberth Bolton.T.L HI Carroll, F.B G Narberth, Cont'd. Claghorn, Allan .FGB Dohan, F.Curtis Robertson, W.M. .N ABD New Castle McAfee, W.K. ...MBC Margraf.W.A. ...QBC Riggs.W.A EMD New Kensington Brown.P.A I Jetter.L.K. M Miller, M. A CBM Sturm.R.G MAB New Hope CarsonJ.R AB Newtown Clark, MissB.M B Deubler.E.C ONG Newtown Square Fertig.H.H.Jr. .NFB Spitz.A.N DQ New Wilmington Clark.W.A.Jr. ....NI Freeman, Charles ...C MoorheadJ.G B Orrjohn LKH SwindlerJ.A B Nickelville Rumberger.G.G. CMN Norristown Genkins.M.H. ...NCF Gottschall.RJ K Lukens.H.T Q Rathmell.T.K N North Wales Saylor.M.A NC Norwood Station SweelyJ.S BC Oakmont Elsey.H.McK. ..CBL Stotz.N.I. CEB Oreland Wilson.BJ MQA Overbrook Goudsmit.A.Jr N Palmerton Batchelor,R.P N Miller.N.F CP Paoli Jordan.C.W CN Marks, L.H CN Pemberton.R. ...NCH Petrolia Lofton, W.M.Jr C Philadelphia Adams, C.A BMQ Addison.W.H.F. ..FN Aiguierj.E Nd Albert, EJ M Allen, H.B M Allen, Mrs. M.G. ...FN Alpers.BJ N Alsentzer.H.A C Altaker.R.R N Angulo y Gonzalez, A.W FN Appleton.J.L.T. ...Nd Philadelphia, Cont'd. AronsonJ.D GN Aronson.iv.S N Ashley-Montagu, M.F. QIL AustinJ.H NCF Bacon, E.W KNO Bardy, Joseph Q Bareuther,C.A. ..BCA Barnes, James B Barnettjohn CAB Baroi, Alfred ....NCB Barton, S.G DA Batson.Mrs.E.H. ...N Batson,O.V N BauerJ.T N Bazett.H.C N Beardsley.E.J.G. ,..N Beck.L.V NFC Beecham.C.T N BehnkeJ.A. FGC Beinhart.E.G. ...GOK Bell.MissL EK Benner.W.M G Bennett, George N Berger,MissE.W. ...N Berman.Joseph ....EO Bernheimer.A.W., NFE Bernstein, Ralph N Beutner,R Np Biddle.T.G BM Billings, J.H. ...MKB Bird.W.F Bishop.D.W FG Blanchard, Phyllis ..I Blumenthal.D. . .GNC Bockus,H.L. . ...NHF Boeshore, Irwin G BohnJ.L B Bonine.C.E ME Bonn.N.E BMC Borden, MissL.P. ..GF BowerJ.O N Boyd.G.A BCF Boyer.Carl G Braceland.F.J. ....NI Bradbury, S NGH Bradley, R.C Np Brewer, George ..NFC Briglia.F.J N Bronk.D.W. BN Brotemarkle.R.A. ...I Brown. CP CN Brown,G.H NMQ Brown, R.D. Jr. .MBA Bunting, Martha F Burnham.E.L. ..BEH Burr.C.W N Burriss.Z.W CBA Busch.H.P. CE Butts, D. C.A B Byrnes, E.F FG Cajori.F.A. N Cantarow.A NCG Cantor, A NCF Capp.S.B KQ Carson, H.L., Jr. ..FGH Chamberlain. VV.E. NB Chambers, L. A FC Chanev.N.K CBM Chittenden. A. S. HNO Chouke.K.S HN Church.G MEA Churchill. H.R Nd Clark, E.L N Clark, E.R NF Cohen, S.S N Collins, D. A N Colomb.H.O NIK Coman,D.R N Comroe.B.T N Connor. Ralph C Cook.MissP.L G Philadelphia, Cont'd. Cooke.M.L M Cooper, U. A NK Cope.T.D B CouchJ.F. CFG CoxJ.L MOG CriderJ.O N Cullen.MissA.M. FGH Cunningham, R.W. NpCI Currie.T.R HNI Custer.R.P N CutlerJ.W. N Cutler.L.E CNB Darling.H.Jr. ..BDA DarrahJ.B MEI Daugnenbaugh,P.J. CN Davis.G.I CFN DeCarloJohn N deRenyi.G.S N Dickerson.R.E. E Diehm.MargaretM. N Dike.P.H B Diller.Mrs.I.C F Diller.W.F.Jr F Dillon, E.S N Dingle, E.W Nd Drant, Patricia N Dressler.O NFG Drueding, Caspar ....C Dunham J.H IQ Dunn.M.S GF Easby.MarvH N Ebert, Joseph CN Edgar.D.E CE Ehrenfeld, Frederick E Elliott.K.A.C NC Elwood.E.S. NQI Emmons.H.W. ...BCA Eshner.A.A N Evans.H.B ADM Farris.E.J FN Fay, Marion N Fay, Temple N Feirer.Wm.A N Fels.S.S Fender.MissF.S G Fernberger,S.\V. ....I Ferris, S.W CBE Fisher, Mi ssM. J. ..FG FlahertyJ.A N FlvnnJ.E GFO FoggJ.M.Jr G Forbes. R.D OG Fox, Herbert N Frazerjohn CQ Friedman.Mrs.R.M. NF Gabel.A.B NdBA Gamper.Oscar CN Carrier. V.C NDF GauIt.E.S. NHQ Gershenfeld. Louis NC Getz.H.R N Goetzenberger.R.L. M Goldberg. Woolf .CBA Goodspeed.A.W B Gordon, Alfred N Gordon, HansC. . . . .QI Grainger,T.H..Tr. NCF Greenbaum.S.S. N Greisheimer.MissE. N Grizzell.E.D. Q (Grossman. L.I N Gruber.C.M NpC Guttman.S.A N Hadlev.MissH.A. BGQ Hafkesbring.MissR. N Hamblock.L.C N Hamilton. R.H. Jr. ..C 1090 Geographical Index Philadelphia, Cont'd. Hamly.MissR. ..NCB Hansen, Lorenz . .CNO Harbison, MissA. ...E Harned.B.K NpC Harnwell.G.P BA Harris.S.E NH Harveson.M.E. B Hastings.W.S. ..NCH Haury,V.G NpC Hebard, Morgan F Heilbrunn.L.V F Helwig, Edwin F Hewson, William NLE Hinchey.MissM.C. .F Hires.H.S FIQ Hitchcock.MissF.R.M. CE Hitchens,A.P. N Hober.R.O N Hodge.C.Jr F Hoffman, Olive ..NCF Holroyd, Roland G Horwitz.A FGC Howarth,H.A.S. MIH Howell.W.O CK HuberJ.F N Hunter.RJ NLF Hutchinson, W.G. .GN Ibsen, Maxwell N Israel, S.L N Ivy.R.H N Jackson, R.W CN Jacobs,M.S N Jacobs.M.H NF Jaffe,Haym AIH James. Frederic .... Nd Jaret, Milton M Jonas, Leon N Jones, L.F. KHI Josephita,SisterM. ..C Kapp,F.T N Karr.W.G CN Katz, Israel CP Kean,TJ HN Keen.M.F F Kelly.H.T N Ketterlinus,E I Kilpatrick.M CBQ King.HelenD. F Klein, Daniel CN Klein, Louis_ CPM Kornblum,Karl N Kowalczyk.S.A. .FGN Krieger.K.A CB Krumbhaar,E.B. . .NL Laird, D. A I Lamberti.A.J NQ Lange.LindaB N Laplace, L.B NF Laramy.MissM.L. FG Larson, Edward ....Np Lavine.T.F CN Leatherman,C.D T Leeds.M.E. B Lehman, Walter ..CM Leighninger.W.B. CB Levitt.I.M DBM Levy.L.F BC Lewis, BrotherG B Lewy.F.H NH Lieber.M.M N Livingston, A. E. ...Np Lodholz, Edward N Loeb.M.D E Loeb.V.A N Long.E.R N Love,T.J B Lucasse.W.W. C Lucke.Balduin N Ludlum,S.DeW N Ludwig.E.H GE Lukens.H.S COM Philadelphia, Cont'd. Lurie.M.B N Lutz.Wm.F IN Lynch, F.B.Jr N McCarthy, M.D F McCaulley.Selinda .1 McClendonJ.F. ...CN McClung.C.E F McCouch.G.P N McCoy, SisterM.E. FG McCoy, R.H C McCutcheon, Morton N McCutcheon.T.P. ...C MacfarlaneJ.M. ...G McGlone,Bartgis ..FN Mackenzie,G.W. NHI McMillan,T.M N Madeira, P. C.Jr Magill.W.H QIK Marshall, R.K D Martin, Albertjr. FGD Martin.H.M. FN MasonJ.A H Medes.MissG CN Meeker.G.H C Mendelson, Walter ..N Meranze,D.R. ...NCF MettenJ.F BFM Metz,C.W F Miley, George NpO Miller,Ellis CN Miller,M.V MBO Miller.MissR.B. .BQG Miller.T.G N Mitchell, H.H A Mollenhauer.W. Jr., OGK Moon.V.H N Moore, Elinor ....NCF MooreJ.P F Moore, MissL AQ Morgan, S.R I Morton, H.E NC Mudd, Stuart ....CFN Murphy, Miles I MyersJ.W BM Nassau, C.F FN Nathanson,Yale .IHK Norris,R.F NF O'Neill, Emmett K Ornsteen.A.M NI Osol.Arthur CN Owens, A. A 01 Padis.Nicholas ..NHI Paton.JuliaB. ...GCN Patterson.MissM.C, FGO Patterson, S.H. ..KOL Paxson.H.R MQ PearsonJ.M B Pearson.W.A C Penniman.J.H LO Pepper.O.H.P N Pepper, W N Pfahler.G.E N Phillips.T.W. ...NHK Piersol.G.M N Pilsbry.H.A FE Postel.A.W E Powell, MissN.P. ..NG Pressman, Ralph .NGF PressonJ.M FGO Price, Albert N Prinz, Hermann ....Nd OuiglevJ.A.M. ..FGL Raiziss.G.W CN Ramsay.AJ NF Randolph, Evan Ratcliffe.H.L FN Ravdin.I.S MCB Reckefus.C.H.Jr. ..N Rehn.H.J KIO RehnJ.A.G F Reimann.H.A N Philadelphia, Cont'd. Reimann.S.P N Rhinelander,F.W.,II N Richards, A.N Np Richards.H.C BA Riesman, David N Rigling.Alfred M Roak.H.C C Robb.Elda NCI Robertson.H.F. ..NQI Robertson.W.E. .ACN RorerJ.T AU(J Rose, Milton NKO Rosen.E.K IQK Rosenberger,R.C. .HN Rosengarten.G. .BAD Rosenthal.Utto ...CN Rotondaro.F.A. .CGN Rowntree.L.G N Safford.F.H ABD Salom.P.G BCI Samson, Meyer CN Sanders,J.G F Saunders, Lawrence N Schaeffer.A.A F Schaeffer.Bobb .FEH SchaefferJ.P. ...NFH Schaffer.C.W C SchifLL.I B Schively.A.F GFE Schively,MaryA. .HN Schlesinger,F.VV. ...D Schlumberger.H.G. NFL Schmieder.R.G F Schock.A.C DAB SchrammJ.R GN Scott.Mrs.D.B.McN. NCF Scottjohn NI Seibert.F.B NC Seifriz, William ...GC Sevag,M.G CN Shay, Harry N Shinn,O.L C Shirley, HL GO ShraderJ.E B Shull,H.H C Sindoni.A.Jr. ...NCB Singer, E. A. Jr Q SkeenJ.R GCB Skoss.S.L. LHK SmallJ.C N Smith,F.L.,II ...NCM SmithJ.A. N Spaeth, Wm.L.C N Spaulding,E.H N Spiegel, Ernest IN Spiegel-Adolf.M ..CN Stabler.R.M FN Steckbeck.D.W G Stein, I. M BKM Stevens.Harold ..ICN Stiles,M.H N Stiteler.C.A OG StokesJ.H N StokesJ.Jr N Strecker.E.A NIH Strickler.Albert .NBC Stroup,F.P C Struse,T.B NFC. Teahan.R.W N Thwing.C.B BDH Tocantins.L.M. ..NFL Trenner.Simeon ..NB Trumper.Max NC Twitmver.Edward 10 Tyson.F.T. ......CBN Ungemach.MissD.D. CFO Urbaitis.J.C NT Vellner. Eugene ....C Viteles.M.S I Philadelphia, Cont'd. Vollrath.AJ C Wagoner,George ..HN Waldie.MissA.T. BCA Warren, H.S FNG Warren, S.R. Jr. BMN Wastl.Helene N Weierbach.MissL.A. G Weissenberg.R F Wells.W.F MN Wenrich.D.H. F WestonJ.K NFI Weyl, Charles M Wherry, E.T CEG \Miite,E.P.C NI White,E.J C Whiting.Mrs.A.R. ..F Whiting.Phineas ...F Why,MissE.T. ...CFG Wichterman.R. ..FNG Wilcox.W.D NFG Williams.S.C. ...FNH Wilson, D.W N Winchell.A.V. ..NBE Witlin.B NCF Wood, H. C.Jr. ...GNp Woody, Thomas ..OLK Wooster.C.B C Wright.S.L CNQ Yarnall.D.R M York.H.H G York, Mrs. M.T GF Zeckwer,I.T N Zieber, Barton ...CBA Zirkle, Conway G Phoenixville Wetherill.H.E. .NBM Pittsburgh Allen,AJ BCN Almy.L.H. C Arnold, H.C ABC Arnold,S.,III ....MBC Avinoff.A F Babcock.D.E. ....CBA Baggaley, Ralph ..EM Baird.A.C AD BarachJ.H N Barrett, E. P. CBA Barrett, L.P E BartonJ.P MB Bass.L.W. CK Beal.G.D CN Berl, Ernst C Biggert,F.C.Jr M Birch, R.E ECL Bishop, F.L BM Black,R.M MKE Blackwood, Oswald .B Blanck.F.C C Boreman.R.W. ..BMC Botset.H.G BC Boucek.AJ N Bowman J. G BrennanJ.I MPO Brown, CE CNB Brownlee.R.H. ..COM Buckner.C.A QIK Burns, Keivin ...DAB Burrell.G.H CMN Busch.D.A E Cadena.F MCK CameronJ.M N Caplan, Herman Carr.M.L. MPB CassidyJ.P H Chenault.R.L MB Chornyakjohn N Christy, G.L M Coles,H.W C Conwav.K.B K Geographical Index 1091 Pittsburgh, Cont'd. Cowley, E.B. . ...ABD Cox, G.J C Crawford, S.C F Cretcher.L.H. C Daniel, Zaccheus D Daniels.F.C.T. ..CBO Davis, G.E BEN DavisJ.D C Devol,Lee BMA Dewey, P.H CBM Dines, L.L A Dodds.Neal ....NdBD Doherty.R.E QM DonaldsonJ.C N DouttJ.K FGE Dunkelberger.T.H. CBA Dysart.P.M BMO D'Zmura.A.P N Eavenson.H.N M Eckhardt.E.A B Eller.E.R EFG Elliott.W.S Elwood.Maryl I Ely.S.B M Emig.W.H G Estermann,I B Ewald.R.F MB Exline.P.G MBA Fettke,C.R CEM FinnJ.B.Jr F Fisher, C.G C Fitzpatrick.H.H. MBH Flick.F.B C Foote,P.D BMC Foraker.F.A A FoxJ.H M Friesell.F.C Nd Frocht,M.M M Fullwood.C.T C Gabbert,M.R Q Gardner.L.W. ...BAE GarnerJ.B CM Gay, Malcolm BM Gealy.W.B EMC Giardini.G.I Gilmer, B.vonH I Goldthwait.C.F C Goodale.S.L M Gougler.R.A NdF Graham, H.W M Grauer.R.C N GrayJ.S IK Greenslade.G.R. BMC Greenwald.H.P. BME Griffin, H.C CMQ Grondahl.L.O. ...BCM Gruse,W.A C Guild,L.R KQI Gulley.M.G EM Guthrie.C.C Np Hamor.W.A CNP Hance.R.T F Harvey ,C.K EMA Harvey, F.A MBE Haythorn.S.R N Heald.K.C E Hedenburg.O.F. .COP Held.O.C I Helmbold.T.R. ..NCK Henius.Holger ..CBO Henn.A.W F Henry.LeR.K. ...GFE Higbee.Edna F Hirsch.MissJ DL HollingerJ.A. ...QGE Hooker.D FNH Howe,T.D G Hower.H.S B Hughes.R.O QIK Humphrey, T N Huntley, L.G E Hutchisson.E. ...BMC Pittsburgh, Cont'd. Hutsori.P.W Q Jackson, MissM.L. ... Jacobs, A. L C James, E.S EG Jennings, O.E GE Tones.G.E QI Jones, W.N C Tordan.F.C DAB Jung.F.W CBA Kahl.Hugo F Karpov.A.V MAB King.C.G CNO Kruse.T Np Kuhl.H.J. CM Lanfear.Mrs.L.H. .GF Lang.H.L N LaudigJ.F C Leitch.R.D M Letner.H.R BCA LinnJ.G N Locke, Arthur CN Lowry,H.H CB Lytle.W.O BCM McClelland.E.H. ...Q McCombs.MissL.F. NO McCready.William .N McGregor.R.R C MacLachlan.A.A. ...N McLain.P.L Np Maclean, M.E CB McTaggartJ.R K Margolis.O.S FG Mehl.R.F CBM Meisel.E.G N Meller,H.B BDM Mellon, Ralph N Menten,M.L N Merrill, F.S M Michener.Wm.H. ...B Miller.A.C. FOG Monroe, Marion I Moore,D.P MBC Morehead.T.C AB Morris.F.S DIX Muldoon.H.C. ...CXQ Muskat.Morris . .BAC Myers.T.H EM Nelson.W.L CN Netting, M.G F Nettleton.L.L B Newlon.H.T COB O'Brien, SisterL.deP. NpC O'Connell.C.L Np O'Donnell.SisterM.L. C Olds.E.G A Oliver J. W L O'Reilly, SisterM.F.X. F Orr.A.H.Jr CBD Palmer.E.M B Patton.L C Phillips.N.H GF Porter.P.K C Prine.C.W B Rand.W.P EMB Reiser.O.L QIB Reiss.MissR.H. ..7LQ RemlingerJ.E Nd Riggs,N.C AM Rittman.W.F M Ritzmann.O.F. ..BMA RogoffJ.M IN RosenbachJ.B. ..ABC Rugg.W.S M Rupert, F.F CB RyanJ.T.Jr MK Saalbach, Louis CNpB Saklatwalla.B.D. ...C Schmidt, L.D CB Schoen.Max 10 Pittsburgh, Cont'd. Quakertown Schrenk.H.H. CN Feigley.H.P N Schrero, Morris Schwartz.C CNO Radnor Scott.Howard MB Newkirk.Mrs.A.M.F. Seltz, Harry CB GIF Setterstrom, Carl CGM Paxson.O S F Shaffer.L.F IQH Sherrill.R.E E Reading Shinn,L.E NCG Bower, MissJ.W. ...A Shiras.MissA N DeLong.B.H CMP Silverman, A CQ Essick.C.R N Simon, R.J F Horn,C.A. N Slater,W.A C Mengel.L.W EF Smith.G.W CAB Walton.G.W GE Smith, R.T CBO Wilkens.Hans ..GEH Smyth, H.F.Jr. ....NC Snowden,R.R N Ridley Park Spencer.H.L Bates.H.H MAB Stahl.K.F C Bonnet, F.Jr. C Stern.Otto ..... B LeMaistre.F.J CM Stieren.Edward .....N Moss.S.A.Jr CM Strickjer.H.S CN SwinehartJ.L FQ Sumstine.D.R G Vose.R.S CM SvirbelyJ.L N Swan.T.H C Rosemont Tatman JL MCE Brillhart.R.E. ...GNC Tay or, F.A CN Donovan.MissM.K., laylcr.J.S A Qp Teagarden.FM ...IQ Easby-Smith.Mother Theiss.MissM.E . ...E M.Mildred FIH Thiessen Gilbert CEM Nichols.M.L FGQ Thomas, E.U MPC Thomas, H.A M St. Marys Thompson.AP. ...CM Ellefson.B.S CMB Thompson£.L. ...ME LeGrys,H.J CBM Thorpe, H.b BCJN Tipson.R.S CNP Sandy Lake Tolmachoff.I.P. .EMQ CooleyJ.c NIH Torrev.R.G. JN Triche. Andrew ..IMN Sayre Troelsch,H.W. ..MBA pPrrv c p N Utley.F.B. N ^erry.s.r in Venable, Emerson .CN Scottdale venaMe,WM- Imf Smith.H.A ABC Venable.W.M. ..BME Yoder Edward L Wagman.N.E D Walton.J.P M Scranton Warga.MaryE. ..BDC „ . . „ H iv/rr>r WatsonJ.R N K^trfiam,H.H. ..MBC Weidlein.E.R. ..CMB ^llkmandh "Wc r Weinberg.M.H N Morgan.SisterM.S. .C Welbourn.J.T B Srltham'Pi?v ' ' ' vrn Wendt.E.F. M §a^ondT!l^L- ' -BC8 WestJ.R MCA §edd,lng\L^GA .? WiIliams,S.H F Reinhard.E.G. . . .. . ■ F Wolf.E.A. F ;S'a"\kar\ Cottam.W.P FG Bradley.H.F. ....CBQ CrawfordtA.L. ..EMF 0 Emery, W.L CM Provo Fenning.Con Np AirdJ.W N Fleischer.Arthur ...C Eyring.C.F B Flowers, Seville G Hales, W.B. B Freudenberger.C.B.. Hansen.G.H E FN Harris.F.S GOO FulksJoeR BA Lambert.A.C 6 Garrett, A. O G Salt Lake City, Cont'd. GibsonJ.L ADB Goldthorpe.H.C. . .NC HamlinJ.C FGO HanceJ.H EM Hill.Geo.R. G Johnson, C.C Np KeaneJ.C CN Kinney, C.R C Latshaw,W.L C Lewis, R.S M Lieboner,W.S. ....MC Matson.G.A NC MerrillJ.F BM Mulaik, Stanley ..QFG Owen.F.V OGA Pehrson.E.W A Saccomanno.Geno .FG Schell.MissM. ...FGN Schneider.Hyrum ...E Sheldon, MissE.E., CBA St afford, Anna A A Truman.O.H. ...BMD Tugman.Orin B West.F.L BCA WidtsoeJ.A. ....COQ Woodbury, A.M. ...FG Barre Bosworth.M.W. .CFN Bennington Butler,C.L.Jr CN Chapman, D.W.Jr. ..I Lundberg,G.A. ..KIH Reutter.MissE. ..FGI WilsonJ.G. IN Woodworth.R.H. GFH Brookfield Jones, Mrs. A. C G Jones, L.R G Burlington Adams.W.R GO Arnold.F.J. N Bailey. GuyW I Brown.MissC.L. CNQ Burns.G.P G Burrows, G.H C Cummings,M.B. O Daggs.Ray NC Davis, JohnE NpF Doll.C.G E VERMONT Burlington, Cont'd. Chelsea Dunihue,F.W NF Jordan, MissP.F. FGN Eckhard,Geo.F M Gifford,AsaR IKH Lyndon Hartman, Ernest FNK Church.M.B. G HillsJ.L O Jackson.F.K NL Manchester Jacobs, E.C. EC Dunbar.F.F FGX James.W.E NQ „,„, - Jordan.Hovey FN Middlebury Kemp.HardyA N Bryant, E.C BD Kern,C.A C Howell.C.DeW. F Leonard, C.S CNp Longwell.S.E F Lineken.E.E CM Schmidt, B.M E Marvin, J. W G Wissler, Benjamin BA MetcalfJ.T I „ _, Moody, P. A F Newfane Perkins, H.F F Burlingham.G.S G Perryjohn F Grout, A.J G Pierce. H.B CNO _, ... ,, Rowell.L.S F Northfield Sichel.F.J.M FN Adams.P.H NMC Stultz.W.A FN Howard. S.F. CB Thomas, Evan A Howes, D.E BMA Varnev.H.R KOO Mclntire.S.H B Poultney Larrabee.D.M E Swann.R.LeG. ...LIQ Putney Morris.C.T. NC Morris, D.L CNQ Rutland Ball.C.F NE Pennoyer.C.H. ..IKQ Perkins,C.S EDC Springfield Fellows, E.R M Wallingford Batcheller.B.C. .BDM West Brattleboro Bliss, A. D C White River Junction Hall.E.P N Winooski Candon.B.H. ....FGN 1098 Geographical Index VIRGINIA Alexandria Caton,W.P NFG Chancellor, W.E K Dalton, Philip ....MB Hall, R.Clifford ...OK McCord.H.S.Jr B RaduJ.W. Reardon,MissLucy .F Rice.G.S M Sayers,R.R MN Speh.C.F. CAM Wayson.N.E N Arlington Annand.P.N OFG Arrington,MissR.E., KIQ Artz,Miss Lena G Bayard.K.O MEQ Boyle, L.W G Bray,R.S. F Butterfield.E.C. ..OM Cohen, Louis B Culpepper.Mrs.C.W. G DivineJ.P N Fosberg,F.R GFE Hertzler.R.A M Horner.C.K. CGO Johnson, H.W G Kennedy.M.S M Lefebvre.C.L. G Leighty.C.E .GO Louraine.F.E. ...KLG McKinney.H.H. ..GO Pigman.Ward C Rhoades.M.M FG Rice.S.A KHI SchulteJ.I. OPG Shands.W.A FGO Stewart.R.T GO Sweeney, W.T. ...BCO Thorpjames EO Watson.A.N AKO Winestock.O.C. ..CM Wolesensky.Edw. ..C Ashland Bullington.W.E F Hudson.R.P CB Keeble.W.H B Simpson.T.McN.Jr., AD Updike, IraA CEQ Bedford Harper.Mrs.H.S G Harper.R.A. .. G Smith, W.L. ... ..MBC Blacksburg Burruss.J.A. .. .OKM Cooper, A. H. .. ...MC Davis, Thomas B Drinkard.A.W., Jr. ..O Ellett.W.B. ... ....CO Fish.F.H ..CMO Fisher, R. A. ... ...MC Garnett.W.E. . . ..KOF Grizzard.A.L. . ....OC HarrarJ.G. . . . G Hill.H.H C Holden.RJ. ... ...EM Hutcheson.T.B. O Jackson, H.W. . ....FG Johnson. E. P. . ....NF Orcutt.FredS. .. ..GCN Massey.A.B. ... ....GC O'Shaughnessy, L., AMD Price.H.L ....FG Blacksburg, Cont'd. Robeson, F.L B Schoene.W.J F Threlkeld.W.L. ...FN Ussery.H.D. B VernonJ.J KOQ Vilbrandt,F.C. ..MCP WatsonJ.W. C Whitlock,MissH. .FN WilliamsJ.E A Wilson.I.D FNQ Wingard, Samuel ...G Blueneld Williams.M.G. ..FGE Bon Air Moore, Warren F Bridgewater Dove.F.D IQ Jopson.H.G.M G Kirchner.FredK C Shober.E.R FQ Wright.C.C K Bristol McKee.MissAlice GIC Moir.W.M Np Buena Vista Burkette.MissJ.L. .G Cambria Price, R.H GFO Charlottesville Archer.V.W. BeamsJ.W. Bean.R.B. . Benton.A.F. Berglund.Abrah Brown, T.D. . . . Corey, E.L Dennis, Wayne Dold,W.E Geldard.F.A. . Hancock, Harris Holmes, F.T. . . . House, F.N Hoxton.L.G. . . Kepner.W.A. .. Kline.L.W. ... McGill.W.M. .. Mitchell, S.A. .. Nelson, W. A. ... Phillips.W.J. .. Reynolds, B.D. RobertsJ.K. ... Rodman, W.S. . . Runk.B.F.D. .. Smith, D.C SouthallJ.P.C. Sparrow, CM. . Speidel.C.C. Spencer, H.M. . . Vyssotsky,Alex, WaddellJ.Alex. White.O.E Whyburn.G.T. . Wilson, D.C. ... YoeJ.H ....N ....B ....H ....CB am K .FG F ..IHK ....NI I ....A B K ...BD F ...IOL ..ELM D E F ....FG ...EM M ....GF N ..BAD ..BAD ....NF ..CBA ...D ..GN G A I C Dahlgren Riffolt.NilsA B Thompson, L.T.E., ABM Draper Oglesby.MissM.C, FGC East Falls Church McLaneJ.W BGO Middleton.H.E O Schomer.H.A. ...GCO Van deWater.M. IKH Weld.LewisH F Emory Casto.E.Ray E Littleton, L.R CQ Miller J.S AD Enonville Gruschow.G.F. ..GEO Ettrick Baker.P.H FG HunterJ.McN. .BAM Fairfax Handy, E.S.C. Lake,E.R. ...H ..GO Chatham PinckardJ.A G Clifton Forge Hartley.G.S N Falls Church Kinsley.Carl BM Johnson, H.M. ...NCF Farmville Coyner, M.Boyd I Jeffers,G.W F Stevens, MissEdith GF Fork Union Hammock.E.W. ...BC Fredericksburg Cook,R.S C Cornwell.R.T.K C litis, Hugo GF Schultz.H.H FGQ Young, W.J IKQ Front Royal Low.G.W.Jr. C Glen Allen Rayburn,C.H C Greenlee Poindexter, Miles .LH Hampden Sydney Allan, D.M I Frierson,W.J C WinstonJ.H.C. ..CEP Hampton Crooks.K.B.M. ..FHN Davis.C.H CQN Foreman, Mrs. M.C. GQ Lohr,R.F IO Payton.N.F. BCM Peele.MissA.E. ...GF Theodorsen.T. ..BAM Turner, T.W. G Wood,D.H MBO Harrisonburg Chappe!ear,G.W.,Jr. G Miller.E.DeWitt .FN Phillips, Ruth ....FNG Showalter,A.M. ...GF Hollins Fillinger.MissH.H. .C Hollins College Farnsworth.MissG., BAD McGinnisJ.M. ...IHF Patterson, P.M G Sitler.Ida F Hopewell Ernst, F.A. M Fazel.C.S CBA Leesburg Harris, H.B Lexington Bates, R.L IQ Campbell, L.L B Carroll, R.P. GFQ HoweJ.L C Knox.R.H.Jr AB Mallory, Francis B Smith, L.W A Steidtmann, Edward E Stow,M.H EM Swan.W.O CB Lynchburg Boggs.MissIsabel ..B French, C.Clement CQ Friedline,C.L. I Hamaker.J.I FGQ Harsh.C.M ICN Henderson, L.B G HolmesJ.B. N KiIby,C.M BD Larew.MissG.A A Milne, L.J. FGE Peak, Helen INK Perrow,M.G CN Raskin, Evelvn I Rosenthal.S.'H. ..NCE Schofield.MissF.A. CN Sommerville.R.C. ...I Thornton.MissN.V. C Wiggin.E.P. A Wiltshire.Mrs.G.T. F Middleburg Booth.R.L NO Newport News Rutter,C.M.,Jr. .MCB Norfolk Andrews. M.S. ...NIP Bagley.MissM. .KLN Cook,H.T. G Francis, G.H NQ Gillespie.MissE C Holmes.B.T CF HunterJ.W.Jr N Jones.E.R.Jr. ...FNG Ritter.SarahM IK Sandholzer, Leslie ..N Stiriz.C.H Thornton, S.F. ...COG Walker.H.G. ....FGO Zimmerley,H.H O Oak Grove FlemerJ.A MEO Petersburg Branting.B.F C Downing,T.O FN Morris.T.C MCB Geographical Index 1099 Piney River Richmond, Cont'd. Cauwenberg,\V.J. ...C HallJ.F NdQ Hladky.Emil MC HallJ.K NIQ „ . „ . Hanmer.H.R C Port Haywood Harlan. VV.R C Diggs,S.H C Harris, Isabel ...ADB _, . .. Harrison.T.P. CQ Portsmouth Hibbard.F.N D Benson.J.F.Jr. ..MCB Hillsman.O.L C Cook.S.S N Holliday.G.W. ....Nd Helm J. B NQE HorsleyJ.S N Palmer,Fred.,III. CM Jeffries, L.F CB Webb.L.W. BM jones.W.Catesby ...C Pulaski McCrackan,'R.F!'CNQ Smith, R.O NCL McGuire, Stuart N Purcellville M ain.RJ. . . . .. . . .NpF ™«^ Merlub-Sobel.M. CMK Crooker.S.J BMC Meyers.H.H ....CMO Radford Miller.E.CL N „ . „ ,„ t, Negus, S.S CN Burch.PaulR F ..EKO Richmond 2?te^ud'^-L/ ■"V.^S . _T AT Pitt.MissL.A. ...FCH Apperly F.L N Pitts F-P C Arnim.&S. ..Nd Ragiand,B.S. ...DMB Arnold.R.B. ...... CFO Re|d>w.D FEG Ash worth O.O N R k M p NH %^elJn F£ Rudd.W.F C Bare C.U. ............ t RylandiGarnett ...CQ Baughman.M.B. NLQ > ger,W.T IQN Bear Harry Nd sin «es' L.S CBP n : p Sri Smith.FolevF. ..CMN ^ond'ETv| IQ Spealman.C.R. N Brya"J-S ••••; Straus.A.H FN rr/.wYr^'" r Sutton L.E.Jr N Cliit.W imam (_. t, , n,.- f, T7/-TJ Coghill.H.DeJ. ..NIK ?a.yl°V°£Sn ' " M /=• 7 <-i \t r- Trimble, K.D M CotyO.N. . C Turman;A-E N Courtney R.H. Jr. CN Turne Randol h FGQ Cox, Edwin C ,. , ' ,xr t IV Crockett, W.G. ...CNp ^ughan W T .N Fales,D.E FIC WeatherbyJ.H. .No Farnsworth.D.I. ..NF Sfilhs.KJ. ABC Fischer.Ernst NF Winston.I^G .--C Flannagan,RoyK. NK Woody.R.W IKF ForbesJ.C CN Roanoke Freeman.A.C. ..MNK Roanoke French, G.T. GFO Kevser.L.D N Goldsmith.Edward BC Stone, H.B.Jr N Haag,H.B NpC Trout, H.H. N Rosslyn Dicke.F.F FO Salem Johnson, H.I C Saluda CraigeJ.E NOF Somerset ValentineJ.M. . .FNE Staunton DaffinJ.B CB James, Harold B Opie.H.L. Sprinkel.A.H Nd Sutherland.LeR.L. CQ Taylor,MissM.E. ...A Thomsen.L.C FG Trout.Wm.E.Jr C Sweet Briar Ames, Adeline G Cole, Nancy A Edwards, Preston .BD Hague, MissF F Morenus.E.M A Mull.H.K I University BardinJ.C L Bevan, Arthur EO Britton.S.W N Cole, J. W CBM Dunnington.F.P. ..CE Edmundson.R.S. ...E Gilbert.C.McL F Husted,Ladley GF Jordan, H.E NF KindredJ.E FGN Lewis, I. F G Linfield.B.Z ABD Miller J.S.Jr MB Pegau.A.A. E Podtiaguine.M.P. BM Royster.L.T N University of Richmond Gaines, R.E. A Myers.H.I FN Wheeler,C.H.,III. ..A Upperville Williams.W.J. ..NOF Wachapreague Harmon.MissF.R., FCN Warrenton Hodgkin.W.N Nd Waterford McDaniel.A.B. ...MQ Waynesboro Berne-Allen.A.Jr. CM Dinwiddie,S.W. ...CP Farquhar.B.S C Hoffman, R.M C Rose.William CP West Falls Church Westfall.B.B. ...CBD West Norfolk Pond.W.F CD Williamsburg Ash.RoyP FN Davis,D.W FGQ Delisle.A.L. GFE Guy.W.G C Henneman.R IFK Lambert, J. W Merrymon,W.W. BAC Newcombe,C.L FG Robb.RobertG. ..CBD StetsonJ.M A Taylor.R.L. FG Young.RC B Winchester Groves,A.B GOC Hawkins.A.C. ....EQ Hoaigh.W.S F WASHINGTON Bellevue Holzheimer.F.W. .ME Bellingham CottonJ.C. BIL Flory.Chas.H O Philippi.H.C C Sundquist.MissL. GFE Burton Billingsley.Paul ....E Cheney Freeman, O.W EQ Hungate, Joseph ...FG Tallyn.W.H C Ellensburg Coffey,H.S IQK Lind.E.L CBA Smyser.Selden ..KEH Gig Harbor Townsend.L.D. ..FCG Holden Carithers.Ward ..EM Kennewick SiegfriedJ.H M Lacey Ernsdorff,Bede C Stallbaumer,A.L. ...C Lakota Clark, Lois G Long Beach Crowley, D.J OG Longview Hatch, R.S C Wolf.R.B M Mercer Island Haley.AlvaJ EM Newport Burbidge.Fred. ...MP Olympia Houtchens.H.M. INQ Parkland Hauge.P.E QI Leraas.H.J FG Tingelstad.O.A Q Prosser Larson.C.A OCG Pullman Aase,H.C G Ashworth.U.S. ..CON Biddulph.Orlin ....GB Campbell.C.D E Cleveland,A.A QI Cope.R.P CO Culver,H.E EM Ellington, E.V O Erickson,C.I. 10 Fendrick.Paul IO Gaines.E.F OGO Gelbach.R.W C Hatch.W.R GOL Heald.F.DeF GO Holland, E.O Q Hudson.G.E F Johnson, E.C O Jones, L.K GF McCulloch.E.C. .NFO MacLennan.R.F. ...F Overholser.E.L. ...OG Pickett, F.L G Schafer.E.G OG Smith, D.C OG Stone.C.W QI Todd.C.C CNO Todhunter.E.N. ...CN Pullman, Cont'd. Vandecaveye.S.C, OCG Webster.R.L FO Wheeting.L.C. ..OCE Puyallup Breakey.E.P. ... ....F Getzendaner.C.W . ..F Huber.G.A ....G KalkusJ.W. .... ..ON Landis.B.J ....F Seattle Benson, H.K ....C Beezer.G.R ....C Beinke.S.C ..GE BerryJ.A ..GN BlucherJ.C ...r. Bodman.SisterM.C, GO Bolton, F.E ...01 Brakel.H.L ....B Brooks, H.M. ... CMF Burleigh. J. A. ... • KIQ Cady.G.H ..CB Carpenter, A. F. . ....A Chapman, W.M. . ....F Clark, E.D ....C IIOO Geographical Index Seattle, Cont'd. CliseJ.W DEK Clough.RayW C Cooper, F.L C Crescitelli,Fred F Dalquest.W.W. ...FH Danielsjoseph M Davidson, F.A FO Dehn.W.M C Diehl.H.C OG DilleJ.M NpFC Duncanson.H.B F Dunlop.H.A FH Dybwad. Peter ....NP Earle.F.M E Esper.E.A ILH Finlayson.Alex. DHB Fish,F.F FN Fisher.L.C. B Frye.T.C G Fuller.R.E E Gavett.G.I. AK Geyer.B.P CNB Goodman.Joe ....CFN Goodsell.MissJ. .NFI Goodspeed.G.E.Jr. .E Graham, L.D DM Grondal.BrorL O GuberletJ.E F Guthrie, E.R. I Hassenmiller.K. CAB Hatch.M.H F Hauschildt.Mrs.A. NC Henry, B.S NO Hoff.H.A NC Hoffstadt,R.E FG Horton.G.P I HotsonJ.W G Jacobsen.T.S DBC Kincaid, Trevor F Krems.A.D NCF Larson, Harry ....ME Seattle, Cont'd. Laucks.I.F C LingenfelterJ.S. ...N Lynch, J. E F McCoy, L.L N McKee.R.H MEB Magnusson.C.E. ...M Magnusson,G.A N Martin.A.W NF Martm,H.H EKO MelinJ.B BAD More.C.C M Mulhern.MissM.E., NF Norris,E.R C Osborn.F.A B Paschall.B.S. ...CGN Phifer.L.D GCA Quinan.G.E BIC Rigg,G.B G Riley,H.P GF Ritchie.C.L FGO Roberts, Milnor ...ME Roe.R.S C Rose.H.W N Savery, William ...IK Seeman.A.L E Sieg.L.P B Smith.G.McP C Smith, R.T F Sovereign, H.E. .GFE Stanton, E. A O Still.Alfred BLM Stillson.H. INK Stith,R.M N Svihla, Arthur F Tartar.H.V C Taub.A.H AB Thompson. E.G C Thompson, T.G. ...CM Thompson, VV.F F Uehling.E.A B Seattle, Cont'd. Tacoma UmplebyJ.B E Christie.E.W M Utterback.C.L B Clark,\V.M CN VanCleve, Richard ..F Forbes, MissE.G. GAO Watson.CH 0 Herrmann, S.F N Weaver.C.E EF Karr.E.H CO Werby.H.J FNC Martin.A.W. AC Westerman.B.D. ...C Pettibone.MissM., Wheelon, Homer ....N FGC WildingJ.L F Porro.TJ NC Wilson.G.E NH Roberts.E.L D Wilson.W.R 10 Slater.T.R FH Winkenwerder.H. GO Terry, B.T N Worcester.J.L N Vancouver Shelton 0 , T „ »TT-^ r- y d rvr- BrougherJ.C NFG Oray.K.R. . ..... .C\K Wooster.MissR.C, Hallonquist.E.G. . . .(_ CVC. Pickens.R.M C „ , Walla Walla Spokane „ ... , . T y ni-T- Bratton.W.A A Armstrong.L.K. .BEK Brode,H.S FG CooperJ.F t Hunter W A IN Deromedi F Jr. .NFC Lane.MertonC F Dill, Mrs. C.C. ...NCO PopePH FG Gustafson.P.V. ...FG Reyn'olds'.MissR.S.' Q Harris, E.B..GFH Woodworth.C.E. ....F Humphrey, R.K. . .GLh Keffer, Frederic MBC Wenatchee Kempff, Gerhard T. , „ „ ^.^ Large,Thos FGE Lindner. RC GO McMackenJ.G. .EBD Sylves ter ,A H EO Odle.VanA NBC Trumble.R.E. FG Rockie.W.A OEG WhMk., w.,j Wallace.HillfordR. M Whidbey Island Wanser.H.M. ...OEM Pratt, R.Y F White.W.T. OPE _. , . Wilson.Wm.G. ..BAQ Yakima CardiffJraD G Sumner Harris, L.P COP Courtnev,W.D FG Newcomer, E.J F Doucette.C.F. F Regan, W.S F WEST VIRGINIA Athens McGrawJohnJr. ...C McNeill, E.M G Wells, Hawey FG Belington Gaston.G.A GN Bethany Cramblet,W.H A Dawson, H.D. C Kirkpatrick,F.H. ..IQ Leitch, Andrew ....IQ Weimer.B.R F Bluefleld Kurtz,H.I NCF Bramwell Yearout.C.B GON Buckhannon Gould.A.B. CBF Hyma, Nicholas C JudsonJ.E FG Schoolcraft.A.A. ...QI Charleston Blackwell.A.C C Cox.MissK.E NF Drogin, Isaac C Harris,C.J GO Hyde.R.E QI Irwin.G.G N Merry, F.K IQ Roller.P.E CBA Scofield.G.V CBA Charleston, Cont'd. Taylor.A.P FN Walker.W.H CB Chester Chandler.Everett ...F Elkhorn LincolnJ.J M Elkins Talbot, S.Benton ..FN Fairmont Dowden,MissR. ...FE Rogers, H.F C Glenville James, MissG.C. .NFC Harpers Ferry Johnson, L.D CNB Huntington BartlettJ.F C Davis, L.M EKO Hiller, August MK Hron.R.P BOC Miller, W.B M MooreJ.H N Patterson, James ....B Todd.LeslieJ C Utterback.W.I F VanBibber.F.H. . . . UQ Institute Goodlett.C.B IOK Kearneysville Surber.E.W. FG Keyser Patterson.R.C FG Stewart, Lincoln ....E Littleton Haught, Oscar GE Morgantown Amnions, MissN G Bavles.G.H M Bergy.G.A NpC Brooks. Maurice ...GF Cameron, MissH.C. NC Cantelo,R.C CAB CartledgeJ.L GF Chandler.S.B NF Clark. F.E C Clu!o,MissG G Collett.A.R CB Colwell.R.H OCI Colwell.R.C B Core,E.L. G Darbv.R.H LKG Davies,E.C.H C Davis, H. A A Dodds.G.S FN Drake,C.A. IKQ Dustman, R.B. ...COG EieslandJ.A A Erickson.H.D. ..CGO Ferrv.J.F KOG Ford.O.Rex AB Friant.RJ O Fridlev.H.M E Morgantown, Cont'd. Gribble.L.R F Hall.A.A M Henderson, H.O. ONC Hennen.R.V E Jacobson.C.A C Jones. Lloyd QKI LeachJ.G GO Leonian.L.H G Lilly, V.G CG MacLachlan.P.L. .CN Molby.F.A B Moore, E.N NOF Orton.C.R GOF Parsons, D.W. ...KOO Peairs.L.M FOG Pohlman.G.G. ...OGC Reese, A. M F Reger,D.B E Reynolds,C.N.,Jr., ADB RietzJ.H. F Schneider.B.H. . .OCN Sheldon, T.L G Smith, R.B G Smith, Wallace ....AD Strausbaugh,P.D. ..G Taylor.L.H F Tucker.R.C. EM Turner.B.M A Weimer.MissD.E., PPF Wellhausen,E.J GOF WinterJ.E 10 Moundsville McCamic. Charles .KL Geographical Index 1 IOI Newell Bleininger.A.V. Wells.A.A C C Parkersburg DudleyJ.W.Jr. Hopkins. A. D. .. Knott.A.D Lytle.W.V..... Spinosa.A.V. . . . MCA .EOF ....N ...IQ Philippi Grant, MissB.D. ADG Richwood Marquis J.N NQ St. Albans Beaver.DJ C Shepherdstown Bretnall.G.H FG South Charleston Andes, R.V CA Cox.H.L C Doolittle,A.K C South Charleston, Cont'd. Holden.H.C. Perkins, G. A C Price, Whitfield C Spencer Johnson.G.D N West Liberty Drummond,E. ...FGC Kiplinger,C.C. ...CBA Webb.H.D B Weston vonDomarus.E. ...NI Wheeling Frankston.MissJ.E., PCX Franzheim.C.M. PEC GUI, Richard . ...Nkll Holliday.GailH. ..PG Marks, David NF Williamstown Ingraham,Wm. ..QCB Appleton Beaver, P.C FNQ FarleyJ.H. KLQ Gilbert, \\ .Paul U Isenberg.I.H C Rogers, V\.E GFE Steele, Westbrook .QC Thiesmeyer.L.R. ...E Van denAkkerJ.A. .B VanHorn.W.M. ...FN West.CJ C Ashland Bobb.Xewton ..F Barabco Cox.MissE.H. ...QCB Rahn.Carl I Bayfield Scheffel.E.R EFG Beaver Dam Clark.W.G O McClintock.MissM., FG Stewart.MissC.J. AD Beloit Boutwell.P.W C Conwell.H.H. ...ABD Densmore.H.D G deWeerdt.O.N I Evans, Gertude F Huffer.R.C DAB Nesbitt.PaulH H Suydam.V.A. AB Trautmann,WJ C Welty.Carl F Bonduel Meyer, M.M CNp Cedarburg Ott,G.L. FNO Chippewa Falls Beier.A.L NIH Combined Locks Wells,S.D COM Cudahy SurakJohnG. ...CBA Eau Claire Midelfart,P.A.H. NH Reynolds.G.S. ..NBF ThorngateJ.H BC Ellison Bay Jensen Jens GO Fish Creek Stock, Kurt M WISCONSIN Fond Du Lac Madison, Cont'd. Hardgrove.T.A. ...Nd Brouse.Don CMO Johnson, Robert ...MP Browne, F.E CB Saller.SisterM.W. ..G Bryan.G.S G Bunting, C.H. N Fontana Cameron.Norman INK Higgs.C.D D Chamberlin.T.R. ..FG Rudnick.Paul C Chapman, A. B O Chidester,Mrs.M.S. .G Genesee Depot Christensen.C.L. ...O Okuyama.Sobey ....N Clark, P.F N Clark, Wm. Noble ..OK Green Bay Claus.MissPearlE. .F Delwiche.E.J OG Coffman, Ramon .LBD Newton.Mrs.D.E., Cole.LJ FO DFN Cooper.D.C G Platten.WillJ. . .OCM Corey.S.M. IQ Senn, George N Corum.CyrilJ. G Vogt,SisterC.M. EHQ Daniels, Farrington C Ward.H.L FEH Davis, E.M O , , Davis, F.A N Green Lake Denniston,R.H .G Kutchin,Mrs.H.L., Dickson J. G GO FGE Domogalla.B CGF Dudley J. E.Jr F Hancock Duggar.B.M GCO Albert, A.R. O ElderJ.H IFN Elvehjem.C.A C Hixton Emmons.R.C E Petzke.E.A NGH Evans, H.P A TT Evans, R.I G Hudson Earns worth, P.R I Schultz.A.R EKM Farrar.C.L KOF Fassett.N.C G Kenosha Fischer.Richard ....C Windesheim.G N Fisk,MissE.L G „ Fred.E.B G Kewaunee Gee,Lynn OCG Campbell, C.G CM Geist,F.D N T, ,, Gerry, Eloise G Kohler Gilbert.E.M G Thorkelson.H.J. BCM GillinJ.L KH T _ Graber.L.F OG La Crosse Guyer.M.F F Hough, Kenneth BMC Halpin.JamesG O Moore.Myrtle H. FGH Hall.N.F CB T . „ • Harlow, H.F I Lake Geneva Harris J. W N Wheeler.Theo. ...IQE Hart.E.B. C „ .. Hastings, E.G. ...GNO Madison Heffner,Roe-M.S. LIH Adkins, Homer C Heizer.E.E. OFN Allen.C.E G Hellebrandt.F.A. ...N Anderson.T.F. ...CBF Henmon,V.A.C. .HIQ Baldwin, I. L GON Herrick.C.A FN Ball, Edwin G HirschfelderJ.O.Jr., Barr.ArvilS Q BCA Bast.T.H N Holford.F.E N Bean.E.F. E Holmes.C.E. FO Bennett, Edward MQB Horton.MissE.S. GQF Birge.EdwardA F Howells.W.W H Bohstedt.Gustav ..OF Husband, R.W I Bradley, H.C CN Ingersoll.L.R B Breit, Gregory A Ingraham.M.H A Brink, R. A GO Irwin. M.R FG Brogden.WJ INK Jansky.C.M M Madison, Cont'd. Jensen, Kai IQF Johann.MissHelen .G Johnsonjames. . ..(JO Jones, F.K G Juday,Chancey F Kanlenberg, Louis ..C Keitt.G.W GON Koehler, Arthur G Kovvalke.O.L CM KozelkajF.L XC Kremers, Edward ...C Krieger,C.ri NCO Langer.R.E AB LeeJ.M Q Leith.C.K E Link.K.P CGO McCaffery.R.S. ...MC McCarterJ.R FN McCoy,MissE O MacDuffee.C.C A McElvam.S.M. ....CN McGovernJ.N. ..CMA MacLeanJ.D. ..MAB Manning, VV.M. ..CGF March.H.W A Markwardt.LJ. MOG Marlatt.AbbyU ..CK Marschall.AJ. ...CO Marshall, W.S F Marts, R.O G Mathews J. H C Maurer.E.R M Mead.D.W M Meek.WJ N Meloche.V.W. ...CAB Merriman, Curtis ..IQ Meyer.R.K FNO Michell.W.D E Middleton,W.S N Miller.E.R B Mitchell, R.L COG Moore J. G OG Mossman.H.W. ...FN Muckenhirn.R.J. OCG Neal.N.P OFG Nelson, D.H N Noland, Lowell F Owen.RayD FGO Parsons.MissH.T. CN Peterson, W.H ....CO Pillow, M.Y G Pohle.E.A N Price, W.V OC Richards, MissC.A. .G Richtmann.W.O. ..CG Rieman.G.H GO Riker.A.J GO Riker.Mrs.AJ G Roberts, R.H O Roebuck J.R BC Rosendahl, Russell GO RothneyJ.W.M. .QIK Rumbold.MissC G Rusch.H.P NCD SammisJ.L CO II02 Geographical Index Madison, Cont'd. Sarles.W.B NO Sawyer.C.N. ....CMP Schmidt, E.R N Schubring,E.J.B. EKP Schubring.S.L E Schuette.H.A C Seastone.C.V.Jr. ...N Seevers.M.H. ..NpFC Sevringhaus.E.L. .NC Shrigley.E.W. ...FNG Slichter.C.S. AB Smith.W.K G Sperry.T.M GF StaufferJ.F.Jr. .GCO Stebbinsjoel DB Steenbock, Harry FCO Stern.R.M OC Sullivan,W.E. ..FHN SupernawJ.S. ND Tatum,A.L CNp Thwaites.F.T E Tottingham.W.E. .CG Truog.Emil COG Turneaure.F.E M Twenhofel.W.H. ..EQ VanVleck,E.B. A Wachtel, Louis ..CBA Wagner.George F WalkerJ.C GO Waters, R.M. NF Whitson,A.R EO Wilson, H.F F Winchell,A.N. E Witzemann.E.J C Zuill, Frances NK Marinette Walker, W.O C Menomonie Rogers.MissM.C. CQK Milwaukee Agthe.F.T M Anderson. MissE.E., BCD Armfield,L DBM Artus.MissM. GF Badalik,MissE.A. ..G BaierJ.G.Jr FN Baker.F.E. BallJ.D MBD Banzhaf.H.L NdQ Barrett,S.A. HD Beckman, Harry NpFL Beckwith,E.R. ..AKD BockJ.C N Carey, E J. NHQ Carroll.F.E F Carson.W.J N Caswell, AnneT. ..CQ Churchill, B.P HN Clapp.MissG.L. ...GN Coleman,W.W. ...MP Colingsworth, D.R., CGN Milwaukee, Cont'd. Costello.SisterM.S., HGF DeYoung.Wm OE Deysach,L.J N Dupont.F.M CGB Edwards, Ira E Eisele.H.F. FG Erdman.L.W. ...OGN Ferris, Walter ...BOM Fitzpatrick.E.A. QKI FriaufJ.B. B Greacen.K.F EFH Grilljohn CFN Haase.H.F MCK Hanawalt.E.M. . .IQF Hansmann.G.H N Hayes, M.L. FGN Haymaker.C.R. ...CB Heun,A.L G Honey, EdwinE G Hunkel.V.H OGF Huntzicker.V.E. ...E Jaeger, CO ECB Jefferson, R. A. ...NIK Joseph.MissM. ..AQI Kelley.W.A MAD Lees.MissK.E. ..NCQ LeFeber.Lester Lieberman.Benj. ...N Littleford.R.A F LoseyJ.E KO McCarthy, R.C I McDonough.E.S. ..GF MacKenzie,F.B. ..CO McMinn.MissA. ..NQ MaloneJ.Y NCB Marden, Morris A Martin.M.J B Matthias, L.H. ..DBM Meiter.E.G C Michaelis.A.F F Mira.SisterM. ...GFL Neidhoefer.James ..F Nelson, E.R. Jr. .EFQ Patterson, SisterM.T. . Perry.MissM.C. ..CN Peterson, L.E. ..MAB Pettit.H.P A Pinney.MissM.E. ...F Reith.A.F N Rich,GJ IN Richards, MissR. GNF Rohde.H.W C •Ruschhaupt.L.F. ...N Severy.H.A IFG Shakman,J.G Simon, Arthur M Skinner.C.H. B Sonnenbergj.Jr. CNp Squier.T.L NF Steffey.MissJ. ...GOF Steil.W.N G Stoddard.C.H.Jr. OK Suhm.C.F CBM Swindle, P.F. NF Teyen.G.M.W O Milwaukee, Cont'd. Thies,MissL.C. ..QIK Throne, A. L G Tufts.Millard N VolkJ.J F Wales.H.B FG Walker.Ruth G Weiner.Samuel .CNK Wenstrand.D.E.W. N Wilde.FredE. ..NpGC Wilkins.W.L IQ Willard,MissE.M. CN Wilson.G.W Nd Mt. Calvary Poeppel, Raphael CFG Oconomowoc Peebles, MissG.E., DFG Stevens Point, Cont'd. Moe.Carl C Rightsell.R.M. B Rogers, T. A C Superior Bolender.E.L FG Miller,P.T. E Seguin.MissH. ..QGF Thiensville CarbysJ.O EB Tomah Wood,Roger BCD Two Rivers Kahlenberg.H.H., CNM siemmons, vv .0. . . >^i\ Waukesha Oshkosh Ray,W.L .C Beenken.MayM. ....A RunkelJ.E IQ Buckstaff.Ralph HFD Wausau DuncanJ.F Frank J.O Hilton, George .. ....B ....C KLQ Abrams, Allen ....CM Hill.R.P M Platteville Wauwatosa Beadle.L.D. ... Ullrich, FredT. . WhiteJ.W ....F GOO ..BC Evans.C.T M Flory.A.C MBC Gorcica.H.J C Kasak, Michael N Racine Kelly, F.W ONC Newhouse.RayC. ...M Cameron, D.H. . ....C Ziegler.L.H N McLaughlin.G.D. ...C Zink.F.J MO Rhinelandei West Allis GNF Bond.F.C DBA Warner.C.W. MA Ripon Willett.Thomas ....N Conant.Geo.H. .. ....G West De Pere Crump, C.C D Dudycha.G.J. ... ....I DeCleene.L.A.V., GrovesJ.F ..GF ABD- Hargrave.J.R. .. ....L Keefe.A.M GF Pritzl.P.P CNO River Falls Whitefish Bay JacobsonJ.P. . . . Kettelkamp.B.H. ....B .FN Miller.C.O CN Stratton.C.G. . . . ..DE Williams Bay St Francis Downing.E.R FQ Greenstein,Jesse ..DB Belda.W.H ....F Morgan, W.W D Steinbach,SisterM.N. Struve.Otto DBA QGC Titusjohn BD Sheboygan VanBiesbroeck.G. ..D Peterson, G.K. ... ..CQ Wisconsin Dells Marshall, Ruth . . F Stevens Point CollinsJ.V ....A Wisconsin Rapids Evans, C.C XFE McMillan. MissM.B. A WYOMING Casper O'Mara.MissN.E. FGQ Cheyenne Benedict.H.M G Hildreth.A.C GO Powers, LeRoy 0 Jackson Murie.O.J FG Lamont Laramie, Cont 'd. Bellamy, B.C. . .ABC Hurwitz, Garvin ..EM Knight, S.H. ... ....E Laramie McCreary.O.C. . C Beath.O.A. .... ..CGE Miller.P.T ....C Bruce, R.H I Nace.R.L ...EF Clarke, L.Floyd ...FN ....G Coulter,V.C. ... .LHE Northen.H.T. .. ....G Dunnewald.T.J. ..OE Porter.C.L .GOE Hammond, P.F. B Rechard.O.H. .. AOD HillJ.A • FOO ScottJ.W ....F Hoist, E.C N Solheim.W.G. . . ...GF Laramie, Cont'd. Trueblood.R.O. MBC Woodrow.A.W. ..FGO Riverton Comstock.H.D M Rock Springs Nightingale, W.T. EM Yellowstone Park Bauer.C.Max E' Howard.C.L BKC" Geographical Index i 103 Agricultural College Banzon, Julian ..CPO Cendana.S.M FG Galvez,N.L OC Gonzalez, B.M. O Manresa, Miguel .OFN Santos,F.O NC Uichanco.L.B F Villanueva.LJ. ...CO Villegas,V.E O Baguio Rodolfo.Agustin FOH Schafer,P.A E Cavite Myers,R.G. CKL Culion Wade.H.W N Imus Tirona, Mariano .CEB AMERICAN SAMOA Pago Pago McMullin.DJ C PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Jaro CamposJ.D G Jolo Machlan.P.L. . Manila Abello.T.P. ... Aldecoa.E.R. .. Almajose.C. . . . Arguelles,A.S. .. Bellis, Henry ... Bissinger.G.H. .. Butler J. H.M. .. Carreon.M.L. . . . Cayco.Florentino Cruz, Cornel ioC. deJesus.P.I deLeon.AntonioI. de losSantos.J.V. Favila.R.A Fischer.A.F .CEF ....B .Ndl MAB ....C .CNL ..OE .QIK ,.V.E ..NC ..C NFC ...A .OM Manila, Cont'd. Frasche.D.F E Gan.T.M NQ Gochangco,E.G. ...BM Imperial, F.F MP Jaramillo,T.J A TulianoJ.B GOE "Kleinpell.R.M. ..EHF Marsden.R.W. ...EM Otanes.F.Q FOK Paguirigan,D.B. GKO Panlasigui.I IQK Pastrana-Castrence, MariaD G Perez.A.G M Repetti.W.C E Santos. F.V F Santos, JoseVera ..GH Sison.A.B.M NL Soliven.F.A CO Swinton.R.S. ...MBA Tangco,Marcelo HNF West.A.P C Manila, Cont'd. Williamson, Earl .ME Yutuc.LopeM F Negros Occidental Gordon, Alex. MO Panganiban.E.H. .CO Negros Oriental Chapman. J. W F Paranaque Brussolo,VitoA M Paracale Gardner.D.L. E San Juan Salvosa,LuisR. ...AK VIRGIN ISLANDS Saint Thomas LilienfeldJ.E B AFRICA ALGERIA Algiers Benoit, Jacques .. Maire,Rene .FG G BELGIAN CONGO District de L'Uele Steyaert.R.L GO Le Caire Rosenfeld.A.H. ...FG UGANDA ANGOLA Loanda EGYPT Alexandria Entebbe Hughes.T.P NC Jacobs.H.R N Roschen,E.C.H. . ...E KirmizJ.P NFI ASHANTI Assiut Hickman, W.W. ...CG SOUTH AFRICA Accra Cairo Bloemfontein Rigney.H.W EHF Vandersall.H.W. BAD Giza El-Sawy,AbbasH. NO Lutjeharms,W.J. GOC ParaskevopoulosJ.S., D Rossiter.R.A D Cayuga Hofmeyr.S.J.G. . .QOI Johannesburg Alden.H.L DBA Dart, R. A HFN Hay.Erroll EIK Onderstepoort Monnig.H.O FNO Postmasburg Shone.T.L.H EM Nelspruit HofmeyrJ.D.J. O Pretoria Lounsbury,C.P F Mes.M.G GO ASIA AND MALAYSIA CEYLON Peradeniya HutsonJ.C F CHINA Canton Groff,G.W GOQ Laird.C.N C McClure,F.A FG Chengtu Agnew.R.G Nd Kilborn.L.G. NpF Liljestrand.S.H. NHL Chengtu, Cont'd. Lindsay.A.W. .NdOH Reeves, MissC.D. FfJI Williams.T.H N Foochow Wu.MissViolet ..BAC Kunming ThomsonJ.C. ...CQN Lincheng Kwang.K.Y M Nanking Lew.G.T OFG Peiping Adolph.W.H CN Boring.A.M F Davis.W.W E Frazier,C.N NL Grabau.A.W EF Kramer, MissM N Loucks.H.H N Weidenreich, Franz H Wilson.S.D C Wu.Hsien CN Shanghai Balfour.M.C. ....NFM Chan,F.Lai-ngi. .CM Chen.C.C FN Dent.R.V N Shanghai, Cont'd. Ely.J.A. M Hou,H.C N Huizenga,LeeS. ...NE LeeJ.Y BMC Read.B.E CN Yang.P.S C Tientsin SerdukeJ.T BM Wanhsien Wang.ChungYu MEC Yaan Crook, Rudolph ...NH 1 104 Geographical Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES Kuala Lumpur Newton, E.B CP HONGKONG Hongkong Frank, H.S .CB Sommers,H.F. ..KNd Wong,Cheong-yin, OGC INDIA Ahmadabad AsanaJJ FKO Allahabad Gwalior Kulkarni.G.S GO Karachi Buie.B.F EQ Whipple.G.L EFC Lahore BenadeJ.M BMQ ManryJ.C QIK Madras Hartman.MissE. ....G Iyengar.M.O.P G Russell.P.F NF Mangalagiri Mohan.A.R MPK Nagercoil Keshaven.V.K M Matsuyama Hoyt.MissO.S Q Osaka Yagi,Hidetsugu ..BM Sapporo Itoh.Hidegoro F Watanabe.Yisamu .F Tokyo Kakinuma,Usaku ...B Matsubara,Koichi ..C Miyake,Kiichi G Nakahara.Waro N Nishina.Y B Terao.Arata F Yatsu,Naohide F Yokohama Burrell.R.W FO Holtom.D.C LHK Vestal, E.F ...GO North Arcot Almora Dodd,MissGertrude . . JAVA Sen.B GNO Patna Ban Doeng Baroda Ray,R.C. BCQ ID Likhite.V.N. .. .FGO Rangoon Benares Gates.G.E F KOREA Singh, B.N .OGE Seoul Bengal IRAQ Brien.D.H MCE Macfarlane.E.W .E., GH Baghdad Lee.D.W. ..AD Bombay Desai,S.F .FGH Allouse.B.E FBK MerrickJ.P A Simonian,V.H. .CGNp LEBANON Desai.V.M VanAllen,C.M. N N Beirut Calcutta JAPAN Avery, B.F Bacon, A. A . . . . N ....B Agharkar.S.P. . .GOE Asiya-hama Bijjani.G.Y. ... .FGO Mukerji.S.N. .. .MBA BrownJ.A ..DB Roy.T.N .FGN Yamaguchi.Seitaro .B Close.H.W ....C Cuttack Hyogo-ken Dennis, E.W. ... Dodd,S.C ...NF . . . KI Parija.P ...GO Wakabayashi.S. ..GO Faris.B.A ..KA Delhi Kawasaki Hampel.C.W. .. Jurdak.M.H. ... ..NF .ADB Sweet.W.C ...NF Uyei.Nao CN Kerr,S.E Miller.G.H ...NC ....N Dhamtari Kurashiki Pauly,RJ .NCO King.S.M ....IQ PinkstonJ.O. . .NpF PALESTINE Haifa Etkes.P.W MO Jerusalem Kligler.IJ FN Tel Aviv Freudenthal.A. .MBK Preiser.T.H AK PERSIAN GULF Bahrein Island Bramkamp.R.A E SIAM Bangkok Komkris.L.M.T. ....O Pendleton.R.L. ..OGC STRAITS SETTLEMENT Singapore Corner.EJ.H G Moreno, A.Jr. ..MBN Tulloch,M.M. ...MBA SUMATRA Dolok Merangir Bangham.W.N. ..FGO Pajacombe Pardee,MissR.E. ...H Palembang Wiebenga.W.A. .EIK Weisbord,N.E E TURKEY Istanbul Burns.E.I. BQ Crawford, T.F OG Wright.MissE.K. ...C AUSTRALASIA AUSTRALIA Captains Flat Mann.V.I MEC Footscray Saenger.G.W CM Melbourne Perth Teakle.LJ.H GO Mount Isa Blanchard,R. ...MEC Beerwah Jones, Inigo D Sydney GUINEA NEW ZEALAND Babo Gisborne KinserJ.H EB Weymouth, Allen ..EF Rabaul Murray.G.H FGO Wau Sr"1;",64.*'^^,-- "VtV^ Parkhurst.R.W M Gregory,C.E. Muhl,AnitaM. ...MH Waterhouse.W.L., GFO .M SOCIETY ISLANDS Tahiti Smith.H.W GO TASMANIA Launceston Mackay.A.D. ...CEM Geographical Index i IO: CANADA ALBERTA Banff Warren.Mrs.M.S. .EF Calgary Cabot.C.M Link.T.A Robertson, HT. . Ward.A.S ...N ...E • GQ .OC Eckville Henlv-LewisJ. ..OOF Edmonton Campbell.J.W. Downs, A. W. . . FryerJ.R Gilchrist. H. A. Henry, A. W. .. Hunter.George Lang.R.T Moss.E.H Xewland.H.C. Rawlinson.H.E Sackville.J.P. Shaner.R.F. ... Shipley.J.W. .. Shoemaker. T.S. ..ABD ..NpIC ....GO .XdQB ....GO ..NCK ..BAD G Q NFH O ....NF C G Lethbridge Seamans.H.L F South Edmonton Revell.D.G XHQ BRITISH COLUMBIA Bend Garcha.H.S GOQ Hope Thacker,T.L FH Eamloops Buckell.E.R F Mail.Mrs.CD. ....EF Mail.G.A F Sterrett.D.B E Nanaimo Clemens. \V. A F HartJ.L FEG New Westminister Atkinson.C.E FG Kask.T.L FAC Schaefer.M.B. ...AFG Saanichton Jones, Walter GOF Sheep Creek Sukava. Labia ...MPA Summerland McLarty.H.R GO Trail Gilbert.Geoffrev ....E Shaw.G.T CMO Vancouver Allardycejohn ..NCG Barss.AldenF GO Davis. X.F.G .E Dolmage. Victor EKM Dorchester, F.E. HOX Vancouver, Cont'd. Fraser.C. McLean ...F Harris.J.Allen ....CP Hutchinson, A. H. ...G Kals.W.S ABC KaniaJ.E EMX Klinck.L.S QOM MacLeod.HJ M Moe.G.G. G Xowlan,F.S A Phillips.A.H OGF Sever, William CB Shrum.G.M. B Stewart, R.H EM Taylor.Austin M Ure.William ....CBD Watney.Mrs.G.M. FN Williams, M.Y E Wood.C.B Q Vernon Hopping, Ralph F Victoria Allen.G.S GOC Andrews, G.S. ...MEO Harper.W.E D King.H.B O MarshallJ.T N Moodie. Kenneth MEB Petrie.R.M DBA PlaskettJ.S D MANITOBA Brandon Bird.RalphD FGE Burneski.A.D. ..ABM Xeelin.T.A OI Peirce.SidneyJ.S. ..X Morden Leslie.W.R O Winnipeg Buller.A.H.R G CraigieJ.H GO Dudley, M.G GFX Goulden.C.H GO Hood.MissG.G Q Ketcheson.E.T O Langstroth.G.O B Lowe.C.W GOF Meredith, William OC Xeatbv.K.W OG Olson. P. J OG Savage, Alfred . .FXO Thompson, I. M. .XFH Warren. L. A. H. .AKD Weber.Erich . . . .MPC Wheeler.Digby X Wilson.N.R AB Wright J. F E NEW BRUNSWICK Chatham Murdock, Louis ..FBE Edmunston Birchard, Walter C Fredericton MacLeod.DJ G West.A.S.Jr FG Sackville Krug.Charles HIK Saint Andrews Hachey,H.B. B Leim.A.H. F Smith.M.W FG Saint John Petrie.E.A. X NOVA SCOTIA Annapolis Royal Fickes.E.S M Gilliatt.F.C FO Antigonish Nicholson, P.J. B Digby Ganong.W.K Halifax BagnallJ.S XdO Bean, Mrs. R.J F Bronson.H.L B JohnstoneJ.H.L. ...B King.H.S C Mainland.D XFH Young.E.G CN Kentville Harrison. K. A GO Hockey.J.F GOF New Glasgow Cantley.Thomas MLP Truro Harlow.L.C. CO Xeary.M.E FGO Wolfville Bancroft, M.F. E Grant.MissM.E. ...OI Perrv.H.G FG Roscoe.M.V. G ONTARIO Arnprior Macnamara,C FG Belleville Graham, A. R FG Wilkes.Alfred ..FOA Branrford Hutton.William .FXH Burlington Redman.L.V. C Chippewa O'Leary.W.J CEB Cobourg Fitzhugh.Mrs.H. II II Collingwood Runnalls.N.D. ..EBO Copper Cliff Rose.E.H CMX Young.R.S CGM Cornwall Coke, C.Eugene C Fort William Dewar.R.Kerr ..NBG Gananoque Gilbert, William . . . .M Guelph Baker, A. W F Fulmer.H.L CXO Reaman.G.E IQ Shutt.D.B NO Hamilton Bauer.MissB.T BauerJ.A XEH Bowers, MissN.K. ...I Cummings.L.D A Dawes, H.F B Hilton.H.G M McNairn.W.H E Warren, A. E NF Harrow vanSteenburgh,W.E. F Hawkesbury Hampto-n.H.C. ...CGB Ilderton Zavitz.C.A OGI Kingston Arklev.L.M MAB Boyd.E.M Np Earl.R.O G Ettinger.G.H N Kropp.Benj FN Katz.Leon B Miller, Norman A Paul.EricB BA Sinclair.R.G N Smith.R.W FH Stanlevjohn FA Wylliejohn N Lakefield Douglas, G.M EM Lochalsh Frohberg.M.H EH London Allen, Ray BAC Battle, Helen ,...FGH Brown.W.J KEO Dearnessjohn ...GQL DetwilerJ.D. F Foster. MissA.W. ...B Hart.N.C GOC Hitchcock, H.B F Mackl in, C.C XFH Macklin.M.T XF Robertson, A. D. ..FGE Roome.X.W Xp Walker. A. R G Manitoulin Island O'FlahertyJ.E. ...LH Napanee Metzlerjohn BM Ottawa Anderson, R.M F Archibald.E.S. ..OGM Atwell.E.A. GO Ault.O.E Q Barton. Horace O Boyle.R.W BMP Brady.G.V. AK no6 Geographical Index Ottawa, Cont'd. Brown, W.T FG Burnette.N.L. KI Camsell, Charles ....E Coats, R.H. K Crawford,H.G.M. .FG Davis.M.B O Deakin.Alan FO DeLury,R.E D Fritz.C.W G Gibson, Arthur O Groh.Herbert GO Gussow.H.T G Hammond, G.H O Hardy, F.A Q Harris, N.MacL N HeagertyJ.J N HendersonJ.P. BDM Hodgson. E. A. ..BEM Hooper, George N Jenness, Diamond ..H Johnson, L.P.V. ..GOD Kindle, E.M EF Lathe,F.E. CMO Linklater.T MAB Lochhead.A.G OG Low.A.P E McDiarmid.RJ. ..BD McDougall.A.H. ..AQ McLaine.L.S F Neshitt, Herbert ,FNH Newman, L.H OG Newton, R. OCG Nichols, David E PlunkettJ.E N Rankin.A.C N Robinson.C.H CO Senn.H.A GOF Smith.C.C DAM Stewart, R.M. ...DAB Swaine.T.M O Tory.H.M BQA Trueman.H.L. ...OKI Whallev.MissM.E. .C Wilson, M.E E Peterborough Waite,C.B NCH Port Arthur Johnson. Mrs.M.W. IQ Watt, H.J NOH Port Hope Friend.F.B. B Richmond Hill Chant.C.A DBA Hogg.H.S D St. Catharines Cornwall,W.D. .NHD Hildebrand.A.A G Simcoe Jackson.A.B NIG Sicux Lookout Connell.A.B GE Timmins Jenney.C.P E Williams, M.E M Toronto Aikins.H.A IQH Amoss.H.E 0 Anderson, H.B GN Atkinson.W.F.V. MEI Bailev.D.L GO Baillie.W.H.T. .FNH Benson, C.C CN Bernhardt. K.S IQ Boswell.M.C C Brodie.MissJ. ...CNQ Toronto, Cont'd. Buchanan, R.R I Burwash.E.M EH Chidester.F.E F CollinsJ.R DBK Corman.H.E COM Coventry, A. F FG Craigie.E.H FHN Crawford, M.F B DeLury.D.B AK DymondJ.R F Ebbutt, Frank ..EMH Farrar.C.B IN Ferrier.W.F EM Fisher.K.C FN FitzGerald.J.G N Ford.N.H.C F Gilchrist, Lachlan ..B Graham, Duncan N Gysler.P Hamly.D.H GBC Harkness.WJ.K. ...F Holcomb, Robert ...CO Holman.W.L N Howe.C.D G Huntsman, A.G. .FGN Ide.F.P F Jackson. H.S G Johnston, R. A. A E Langford.G.B. ..EMQ Lindsley,Thayer ...M Linell.E.A. N Ling.G.H. AD Logier, Shelley F Long.J.A IQ Lundberg.Hans ...EB MacArthur.J.W. FGN McGhie.B.T NI MacLulich.D.A. ...FN Miller.W.L. C Moore, E.S. E Pardoe.Avern ...BCD Robinson.Wm. ..NBD RogersJ.C EMG Sandiford. Peter ...IQ Sifton.H.B G Simpson. Jean C Smith. George ...FGN Starkman.M.A. CNpG Thomson, R.B GO Tisdall.F.F. NC Troyer.F.L DOB TyrrellJ.B EM Walker.E.M F ■Wanless.Tohn ...FGH Waring.T.D ABM Wasteneys.H. C Watson.W.V NCB WattJ.C NF Wilkes. Alfred . .FOA. Willard.MissA.C. NC Woodward, H.E. ..CN Wright.G.F CBN WrightJ.G G Vineland Station Palmer,E.F OG PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Ellerslie MedcofJ.C FGE Needier, A. W.H. .FGO QUEBEC Arvida Fraser, William BAM Asbestos Taber.E.R M Charlesbourg Bernard, Richard ..CF Grand River LaBrieJ.A CMP Hull Konst, Hermann . .NO Kamouraska Proulx, Maurice ....O Knowlton Wilson, Ellwood .OMI Kyuquot Neave.S.L C La Trappe Lalonde.L.M GFO Lennoxville Kuehner.A.L C Mille Isles Willey, Arthur F Montreal Adams, F.D E Alexander, Bro. Major, GFN Ballon.H.C N Barnes, H.T. B Berrill.MJ F BoisJ.S.A I Bolduc, Antonio ...CN Bourne, Wesley N BraceJ.H M BridgesJ.W IQ BrowneJ.S.L N Clark.T.H. E CollipJ.B N Cook, Stanley NC Cushing,H.B NGQ Daniels, E. A. N Dubeau.Eudore ..NdO Elvidge.A.R NIF Erickson.T.C NI Frappier.Armand ...N FraserJ.R.^ N Froman,D.K B Gendreau,J.E B Gibbs.R.D. GC GillJ.E EMQ Gruner.O.C N Harder.E.C. E Hibbert, Harold C Jasper.H.H NFI Jenkins.F.T EMF Job, Robert CEJv Kellogg.C.E. .IQ Kershman.John ,.NKI Keys.D.A B Koroleff.A.M. . .GMO Lefevre.H.E ....POE Littler.H.G CKB Lomer.G.R L Lundon.A.E. ....EON McCarthyJ.L. ..CBM MacLean,A.R.M. .CN Marie-Victorin G Martin.C.P FHN Monro,H.A.U FO Murray, E.G.D N Nichols. W.A. ...MAB Peirce.C.B N Penfield. Wilder N Piedalue.E.C.T Q Pirie.A.H. NBD Prefontaine,G.H. ...F Raginsky.Bernard NI Ross.S.H E Scarth,G.W. G Selye.Hans NCF Shaw.A.N BAD Montreal, Cont'd. Stehle.R.L CNp Tait.W.D. I Taylor.B.W. F Teuscher.Heinrich ..G Walsh, A. L Nd Waugh.T.R. N Webster.E.C I White, W.E MBA Yorston,Fred E Quebec Bedard.Avila OG Cameron, T.W.M. FNO CoulsonJ.G GO DeLong.W.A OC DuPorte.E.M. ...FNO Gagnon.P.E C Jones, I. W E LattimerJ.E. K L'Ecuyer.Philibert ..C Raymond, L.C O SnellJ.F CO Summerby.R OG Tremblay.A. ....ADB Tremblay.J.L F Vachon.Alex C Ste. Anne de Bellevue Darling, F.S C Keith, Fraser ....PKM Ste-Anne-de-la- Pocatiere PelletierJ.R O St. Hubert Neamtan.S.M BA Sherbrooke Haight.H.V M Ville La Salle Hess.D.W. C Westmount FrosstJ.B NQI LevittJ G SASKATCHEWAN Muenster Kuehne.Paul ....GFA Regina Riddell.W.A. CN Rouatt.G.E 01 Vigor.S.H O Saskatoon Arnason.T.J GFH Baltzan.D.M NK Biro, Charles ....NCD Champlin.M.J O Currie.B.W B Graham.V.E NCO Harrington, E.L B Horner, W.H GO Kirk.L.E O Laycock.SamR QI Myers, E.R. NKI Patterson, CF GO Pyke.AJ AQ Simmonds.P.M. G Thompson, W.P G Thorvaldson.T C Vanterpool.T.C. ..GO Wait. Elmer NCD Worcester.W.G. EMP YUKON Whitehorse Moore, H.E FGD Geographical Index i 107 CENTRAL AMERICA, SOUTH AMERICA AND ATLANTIC OCEAN ISLANDS ARGENTINA CANAL ZONE Habana, Cont'd. Colima „ . . DeZoldo, Carlos, Tr. Boschke,Guy M Buenos Aires Ancon DAB Barral-Soutojose KA Clark, H.C. N Fernandez, A. ..NdCB Comales Greslebin, Hector HOL Harden, R.D N GoorleyJ.T NC King.MaxW. ...MEK Novelli.Armando ...C Komp.W.H.W FN Mira.Richard ...MBA Parodi.L.R GO Tripp.W.A. DAF Palmer.R.H E Guanajuato Severson.G.A. ...EMI Porta.C.B CNG Wandke.Alfred ...EM Smolensky, Pietro KA Balboa Rivero.L.H FHE Tanturi,C.A N Mundt,H.W „ .,, Juarez Zetekjames FGE Manzanillo Escobar.Romulo ....O Cordoba Buchanan, G.R.U. ..M Perrine.C.D AD Gatun Mazatlan Zimmer,M.L DE EbermanJ.W MA t^h/ttutt^ a »t Peale.Rodgers E DOMINICAN La Plata Quarry Heights REPUBLIC Mexico Aguilar.Felix DE Cox.W.C N „, , , „ .... Baker.E.W. ....F Dawson.B.H DA Ciudad Trujillo Beltran.Enrique FGN T7 • T n v Camp,Geo.D JVLfc-B CHILE FnerJ.O K Dam'pf,Alfons ...FGN AZORES deLandero.C.F. ...BC ISLANDS Ango1 ECUADOR delPpZo,E.C. N A „ Bullock.D.S OFH Gan»o,Manuel ...... H Angra do Heroismo Guayaquil GarciaJ.l. ^y^t a *• v, t tt-dtt Calama Hope.PabloH. ...CUJN AgostinhoJ. EBF ^ ama Waring.W.W. ...EBC IzquierdoJ.J. ...FNG Freeman, H.B B Morgenstern.E.M. .N BERMUDA Santiago _ ™lUeT° m Nyberg.H E M Rorer.J.B GO Payne, G.C N Somerset CalvoJ.L.C. MK Polakjose CNL Kl„.rr, TBK- Koeberlin.F.R. ...EM .._„.„. Pruneda.Alfonso NQK Klng'L-D IBK Munoz.Carlos ....GOF FALKLAND Roos Willem ...MBC ISLANDS Saunders.T.S EM BOLIVIA COLOMBIA stanley *««. W.K. ....... ..F 0ruro Bogota GibbsJ.G G Pachuca Ferreira'C0 EAK Chappell W.M. E Douglas.C.B.E. ..EBC Erick TT FMP. G^effiLVV.-.EMc' GUATEMALA Santa Engracia Enckson.R.1. ..EMB Heyl.G.R. EH Chimaltenango shaw.T.C, FGO Oppenheim,V.E. ..fc-M T , T t, n r,pA7TT JohnstonJ.R G Tacubaya BRAZIL Honda T r w v Lassman.G.W r Campinas Crease, H.H MED HAITI T . Mendes.AJ.T. ..GOF Medellin Port au Prince Saucedo y Andrade.R. Porto AlegTe Nicholls.F.B ILC DorsainvilJ.C. ..KLQ N Filho.Pereira N Santander Lherisson,C FNQ Torreon ■r>. . T • Ti^cr,n 7,pl- T Ohlendorf, Walter ..F Rio de Janeiro Judsonjack £, HONDURAS Billings.A.W.K. MBC Braga.M.A. ...CMNp COSTARICA La Lima PANAMA FoTj.P°:R.-..::::NKC San Jose ' *™™ G0H Panama City KerrJ.A NF ,, „ r San Juancito AmadoJJ. Jr. ..MAB Lima.Costa FN Brenes-Mesen.R. ...L. R binson H .CMB Malowan.L.S. . . .CNB Shannon.R.C. F Keith.R.W . .. .. ...;M KoDinson.n w Qldach.W.H ABN Villela,G.G NC Llovera.M.D.G. CKM Patterson.G.Jr. .CQK Sao Paulo A JAMAICA Puerto Armuelles Bitancourt.A GO CU Kingston Burton.R.C ME Townsend.C.H.T., Central Delicias Evans.KX ..NC ValIeJ.R FHg Wood,R.B OGC Helwg,G.V BQM pARAGUAY Vicosa CHst0 MEXICO Asuncion r, aX \ ™ Fetscher.Charles CAB , Durham.H.W M Driimrnqmd.O.A. ..GO jewett,H.F M Avalos R„„,P.H.. ..GO centtai Bara£ua Wedde,F.A. ..MCD pERu BRITISH '—-*"0 WltefierdJT.a..ABC *"?? ™ GUIANA Habana 'J deRomana.E.P. .MEK Acuna T B GO Chihuahua Georgetown Buch.M.A.S." '.'.'. '.N PC Garza-AldapeJ.M.. Casapolca Bevier,George N Carr.H.P. N MEP Ridge John E no8 Geographical Index Cerro de Pasco Jenks.W.F E Rust.G.W. .EM Chimbote Erquiaga, Ruben MAB Cuzco Mendoza,O.B C VargasC, Cesar ...GF Lima CanoJ.E.O KH Hertig, Marshall F Iddings, Arthur E MongeM., Carlos HNI SalazarS.,Ricardo NdO TelloJ.C NH Vogt.William F Morococha Espenshade.G. ....EH Negritos Frizzell.DonL F Oroya McDonald, Robert MA Schmedeman.O.C. ..E Wells, Robert ....CHE Trujillo CheavensJ.H. ..MCE Graham, E.E. M SALVADOR San Salvador Cornejo,Alirio . .MAB Santa Ana Prieto,A.G MBE VENEZUELA Caracas Aguerrevere,S.E., ECM Andrews, Philip EMC Anduze,Paul N Bonazzi.Augusto GCO Brossard.E.E EM Gomez, E.N. C Johnson, G.D. E Langham.D.G G Mencher.Ely EH Muller.A.S GCO Pacanins,A ABC Rossi.A.L.B N Caracas, Cont'd. ScottJ.A FN Tejera, Gustavo ...OC Texera.D.A GOL TongJ.A E Tovar.F.M.D O Valencia, H PCM El Valle Ballou.C.H FGO Maracaibo DouglasJ.G. ....EFH Johnson, F.W. E Manger, G.E E Reynolds.R.W. .MBP WalkerJ.W. ....BDM Walls.S.K MKA Puerto Cabello deChelminski.V. .ME EUROPE BELGIUM Gand BessemansJ.F.A.A. N Mons Duwez.PolE B BULGARIA Sofia Peneva,Petrana ....N CZECHO- SLOVAKIA Brno KrizeneckyJ. ...FNO Smolik.L.C O Ulehla, Vladimir G Praha Prat.Silvestr G DENMARK Copenhagen Hansen, Arne CG Tacobsen,K.A Frederiksvaerk Nielsen, E.T FB ENGLAND Altrincham PeckJ.S D Cambridge MacCurdyJ.T N Exmouth Henstock, Herbert .CF London BennettJ.G ABC Castellani.Aldo ...NC Crowther.J.G Dalai, R.D KLE Gates.R.R GH London, Cont'd. Hill.A.V F Scott.W.C.M NI Webb.W.R C Manchester Fleming.A.P.M. BMO Newcastle-upon-Tyne Page.B.S LIE Oxford DavvJ.Burtt GO Kelley.G.L C Simon, Franz BC Penrith Docker.Mrs.M.E.B.. FN Plymouth Myers. Earl F Reading Kay.H.D ONC Taunton Moore, B OGF Tunbridge Wells Cameron-\Vright,H., BN FRANCE Bidart Carolan.E.A M Bordeaux Dufrenoyjean G Servantie, Louis . ...N Clairefontaine duNiouy.P.L BCN Le Vesinet Pieron, Henri IFH Marseille Hurley. J.P AMB Menton Allis.E.P NF Nice Wasicky.Rich. ....CN Paris May.R.M FLN Plotz, Harry NF Tisdale.W.E BDA Weill, R.F F GERMANY Berlin Kolzow.Hans Thurnwald.R.C. .HIK Dahlem-Berlin Meissner.Alex. ...BM Ludwigshafen Wietzel.Gustav .BCM Post Ponitz (Ost-Holstein) Schorer, C.B.J. ...IHO Steinau KoenigsbergerJ.G. BE HOLLAND Amsterdam Stomps.Theo.J G Eindhoven deGroot.W ABC Groningen Jaeger, F.M C Heerlen van derGracht, W.A.J. M.vanW. BDE Hilversum Rens.H AH Leiden Boschma.H F Lisse vanSIogteren,E G Nijmegen Mulder.A.J.M. ..BCQ The Hague Junk.W HUNGARY Budapest Dreguss.M NC Fellner.Wm K Misangyi,Wm. .MKQ Szeged Szent-Gyorgyi.A. .CN IRELAND Armagh Lindsay, Eric D ITALY Milan Ariano.Raffaele . ...M Bravi.Eugenio . .CKM Buzzati-Traverso,A., FG Naples Crudeli.Umberto ABD Rome Modigliani.Piero PBK Tisserant.E.C. ..LCB Venice Marcello.Alessandro G JUGOSLAVIA Zagreb Miholic.S.S CE Miloslayich.E.L. ...H Uvanovic, Daniel ...D LITHUANIA Kaunas Sivickis.P.B FCN Slavenas.Paul ..DAB Geographical Index i id'i LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg Medinger, Pierre NORWAY Bergen Birkhaug.K.E. N Karlsen.MissA. ...GO Hjellum Wexelsen, Haakon GO Oslo Mohr.O.L FN POLAND Krakow Drath.Adam ....EMB Snieszko.Stanislaw .0 Osada Palacowa Szendel.Adolf ...OGC Poznan Suszkojerzy CBA Pulawy Minkiewicz.S F Warsaw Kopec, Stefan FNQ PORTUGAL Alcobaca NatividadeJ.V. ...GO ROUMANIA Teleajen Small, W.M EO SCOTLAND Aberdeen Cruick shank, E.W.H., N Ayr Wright, Norman .OCN Edinburgh Kendall James CB Muller.HJ FNG Smith.A.D.B OFG Thomson, Godfrey .IA Glasgow DunnJ.S N SPAIN Granada Neumann, M.M.S.-N., EKB Madrid Fath.A.E E SWEDEN Gyttorp Ohman.Valter ...BCH Stockholm Arrhenius.Olof . .GOC Oseen.C.W B Siegbahn.K.M.G. ...B Upsala Johansson, Ivar . . . . FO Mattson.Sante CO Svedberg.The C Wiad Bonnier.Gert . .FGO Zurich Grumbach, Arthur .. .N Ruzicka.L CNB UNION OF SOCIALISTIC SOVIET REPUBLICS Kiev Cholodny.N GO SWITZERLAND . „ Leninerad lone, A. r U Basle Vavilov.X.I GF Guggenheim.M. Moscow Rudin.Eduard ...FGE Issatchenko>B GO Geneva Kostoff Dontcho ...GF „.„ „ . , . . AT Pnanishnikov.D.H., HilIer,Fnedrich N GO Sweetser .Arthur ...... Vernadsky.W.Y. CED WeigleJJ B T Saratov Lausanne _ , ., ^T „, ^_ t, r- ^ r* Tulaikov.N.M. ....OQ UeGeofroy .George ..C Montreux WALES Donner.VV.H BCN Willis J.C G Aberystwyth Whyte.R.O OGE Nyon Klebs.A.C XL Penarth Reesjohn D Vevey Flint, J.M X