I N.C. DOCUMENTS CLEARINGHOUSE DEC 2 0 REC'D STATE UBRAP.^Oe- I number 9 June 1983 EDITORIAL STAFF John E. Cooper, Editor Alexa C. Williams, Managing Editor John B. Funderburg, Editor-in-Chief Board Alvin L. Braswell, Curator of David S. Lee, Chief Curator Lower Vertebrates, N.C of Birds, N.C State Museum State Museum John C. Clamp, Associate Curator William M. Palmer, Chief Curator (Invertebrates), N.C of Lower Vertebrates, N.C State Museum State Museum James W, Hardin, Department Rowland M. Shelley, Chief of Botany, N.C State Curator of Invertebrates, N.C University State Museum Brimleyana, the Journal of the North Carolina State Museum of Natural His- tory, will appear at irregular intervals in consecutively numbered issues. Con- tents will emphasize zoology of the southeastern United States, especially North Carolina and adjacent areas. Geographic coverage will be limited to Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carohna, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Subject matter will focus on taxonomy and systematics, ecology, zoo- geography, evolution, and behavior. Subdiscipline areas will include general invertebrate zoology, ichthyology, herpetology, ornithology, mammalogy, and paleontology. Papers will stress the results of original empirical field studies, but synthesizing reviews and papers of significant historical interest to southeastern zoology will be included. Suitability of manuscripts will be determined by the Editor, and where neces- sary, the Editorial Board. Appropriate specialists will review each manuscript judged suitable, and final acceptability will be determined by the Editor. Address manuscripts and all correspondence (except that relating to subscrip- tions and exchange) to Editor, Brimleyana, N. C. State Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 27647, Raleigh, NC 27611. In citations please use the full name — Brimleyana. North Carolina State Museum of Natural History North Carolina Department of Agriculture James A. Graham, Commissioner CODN BRIMD 7 ISSN D193-4406 A New Species of Woodland Salamander of the Plethodon glutinosus Group from the Southern Appalachian Mountains Richard Highton Department of Zoology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742 ABSTRACT. — A new species of woodland salamander, Plethodon aureolus, occurs between the Little Tennessee and Hiwassee rivers on the western slopes of the Unicoi Mountains and nearby lowlands in southeastern Tennessee and adjacent North Carolina. It is a small- sized member of the P. glutinosus group and was discovered by a study of electrophoretic variation in 22 genetic loci. It is sympatric with the white-spotted form of P. glutinosus (here recognized as a distinct spe- cies, P. teyahalee) at 28 localities, and at one of these it is also sympat- ric with typical brassy-spotted P. glutinosus. Plethodon aureolus hybridizes with Unicoi Mountain P. Jordani on Sassafras Ridge, but there is no evidence of significant hybridization between P. aureolus and P. teyahalee or P. glutinosus. Two unpublished electrophoretic studies of geographic genetic variation in eastern woodland salamanders of the Plethodon glutinosus group, one by Peabody (1978) and the other in preparation by Highton, have revealed the existence of an undescribed species of the group. Its range appears to be largely restricted to the western slopes of the Unicoi Mountains and adjacent lowlands, between the Little Tennessee and Hiwassee rivers, in Monroe and northern Polk counties, Tennessee, and adjacent Graham and Cherokee counties, North Carolina. Highton (1970) called attention to the presence of three distinct geographically parapatric color pattern variants of P. glutinosus in the southern Appalachian Mountain region: (1) populations in the moun- tains of western North Carolina are characterized by having small dor- sal white spots; (2) in populations from northeastern Georgia many individuals lack dorsal spotting; and (3) populations to the west and south of the above areas are characterized by having brassy-colored dorsal spots. Highton (1972) mapped the distribution of three parapat- ric dorsal pattern variants of P. glutinosus in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. Two of these resemble the first and the third southern Appalachian types in the color of their dorsal spots, while a third, smaller. Coastal Plain variant is characterized by its very small dorsal brassy-colored spots. I suggested that there may be limited gene exchange between some of these parapatric forms and some pairs may be at or close to the species level of evolutionary divergence. Our unpublished genetic studies have shown that hybridization often occurs Brimleyana No.9:l-20. June 1983. 2 Richard Highton in the narrow overlap zones where the ranges of some of the above parapatric forms are in contact. The species described here differs genet- ically from all of the above types and throughout its range it is sympat- ric with the white-spotted southern Appalachian variant of P. glutino- sus. The two forms appear to be both morphologically and genetically distinct at all 28 localities where they have been taken sympatrically. The new species is characterized by possessing abundant brassy- colored dorsal spots and by its small size. It is very distinct from the sympatric, white-spotted, large-sized populations of P. glutinosus, but some other nearby brassy-spotted populations of P. glutinosus are very similar to it in appearance. Using the same electrophoretic methods and genetic loci described in Highton and MacGregor (1983), the new spe- cies was compared genetically to 11 samples of P. kentucki, 128 samples of P. glutinosus and 41 samples oi P. jordani taken from localities scat- tered throughout their ranges. It was also compared with a single sam- ple of each of the other four species of the group (yonahlossee, cad- doensis, ouachitae and fourchensis). Geographic genetic variation in the latter three species was studied by Duncan and Highton (1979) and the remaining results are being prepared for publication. The new species is genetically distinguishable from samples of all of these species, just as it is from sympatric P. glutinosus. However, I have failed to find any morphological characters that may be used to distinguish it from some allopatric types of brassy-spotted P. glutinosus. The diagnosis presented here is therefore valid only for comparisons with the three forms of eastern large Plethodon with which it is sympatric. This is the second cryptic species of Plethodon discovered by electrophoretic studies of genetic variation in proteins, the first being P. websteri Highton (1979). The new species is named for its brightly-colored brassy dorsal spots. The name is from the Latin word meaning gilded, ornamented or very beautiful. Plethodon aureolus, nevj species Diagnosis. — An eastern Plethodon of the P. glutinosus group (Highton and Larson 1979). It differs from sympatric white-spotted P. glutin- osus by its smaller size, its relatively larger dorsal spots, the presence of abundant brassy flecking in the dorsal iridophore spots, and more abundant lateral white or yellow spotting. It differs from most nearby populations of brassy-spotted P. glutinosus by its smaller size and light- er chin. It differs from Unicoi Mountain P. jordani by the presence of dorsal spots and by its more abundant white iridophore spotting on the sides and legs. Holotype.— USNM 238341, an aduh male collected at Farr Gap (locality 1, Table 1), Unicoi Mountains, Monroe County, Tennessee, on 30 June 1979, by Richard Highton and Jeffrey K. Streicher. New Species of Plethodon 3 Paratypes. — USNM 238342-51, topotypes, same collecting data as the holotype. Other material. — Plethodon aureolus from 31 localities (Table 1) have been identified electrophoretically, and preserved specimens from all of these sites will be deposited in the National Museum of Natural History (USNM). Description of holotype. — Before preservation, the length from the tip of the snout to the anterior angle of the vent was 54 mm, to the posterior angle of the vent 58 mm, and the total length 122 mm. There are 16 costal grooves (equivalent to 17 trunk vertebrae) and the vomer- ine teeth number 8 on the right side and 9 on the left. In life there were abundant dorsal white iridophore spots with much associated brassy flecking scattered on a black ground color. Similar spots were also pres- ent on the dorsal surfaces of the legs and the top of the head. There were abundant yellow iridophore spots on the sides of the head and body and a few yellow iridiphore spots were also present on the chin and belly. The chin is lighter than the belly. Distribution. — Plethodon aureolus is known from southern and east- ern Monroe and northeastern Polk counties, Tennessee, and also occurs in northwestern Cherokee and western Graham counties, North Caro- lina (Fig. 1). Variation in P. aureolus. — There is little morphological variation in P. aureolus throughout its small range, except that at higher elevations in the northeastern part of its range the dorsal spotting may be very reduced or absent in some individuals. Remarks. — Although I had collected several P. aureolus during my earlier study of variation in southern Appalachian large Plethodon (Highton 1970), it was not recognized as distinct from other brassy- spotted P. glutinosus until recently when we obtained new material for our electrophoretic studies. The results have indicated that the large- sized, brassy-spotted, dark-chinned populations from eastern Tennessee are closely related to P. glutinosus from the northern part of its range (New York west to Illinois and south through Kentucky, West Virginia, western Virginia and eastern Tennessee). Since the type locality (Prince- ton, New Jersey) of P. glutinosus is within this area, this form will retain the name P. glutinosus regardless of the eventual taxonomic sta- tus of the other geographic variants. These northern populations of P. glutinosus are characterized by possessing much darker chins than those of the white-spotted populations (Highton 1962), P. kentucki (Highton and MacGregor 1983) and P. aureolus. However, in the immediate vi- cinity of the range of P. aureolus, many individuals of otherwise geneti- cally typical P. glutinosus possess unusually light chins, making it very difficult to distinguish the two species without an analysis of their pro- teins. The two have been found sympatrically only at locality 4, along Richard Highton ed U .0 -o S u ■»-> 0 ex •5b 0 ^ Im CA *■( D 0 ^ "S •4^ etf ^ 'rt ^ a> T3 03 2 _« '0 _rt ^ X Vm X 0 0 ;z: > w -30 ON m— H vO O "T* 00 fNJ O O \D G m *r^ c^ CO ro oooooocxooooc»oooor--oooooooooooooooooooooooo 000000000000 w-^— 0 ^ 050 u :5 2 u ;z: :^ H ;z ^ . z ^ . . g s § u — 'o^r-ooON New Species of Plethodon — — « tN m -^ m «ri — ^ «r^ — ^ O — — — — ' — (^ O On 00 Tt O Tt «/^ vO Tt r~ — W-) Tt J^ CO tN \o m OS Tt m Csj ro Tt 00 O Tt OO 00 — — Tt Tt OV O tN r- rsi ov 00 fN O — 00 CN \o r^ U-) — . u. . a ^ 2 OJ o U ;z: . . Monroe- Graham Monroe tl It - c i; o t C/3 u e c s C o p e« o ON o — rvi m m r*^Tt^nvor~-oooNO — 00 ON Tt Tt o — -oooN Richard Highton soo — •/^«n«or--ro«r>m'^rf«r> m r- in w-^ m fN m «r> r-- OOTfOfNO'^«n — «NTl-n— "— "O"^ OO0OOO0OOOOOOOCX)0O0O0O0OCX)0O0OOO0O0O0O0OOO0O0OOO0O0O «nmmrsimfomcsri NO r^ 00 On o — so so so so so l^ t~- t^oooNO-^fNmTt»n r--r-r>-oooooocx)c»oo "5*. O bo ■| 'I New Species of Plethodon 7 Ellis Branch of Spring Creek, near Springtown, in northern Polk County, Tennessee, with no genetic evidence of current hybridization between them (see below). At 28 of the 3 1 P. aureolus localities, white-spotted P. glutinosus has been taken in sympatry. Highton (1972) pointed out that the name Plethodon jordani teyahalee Hairston (1950) is available for the latter form. The population at the type locality, Teyahalee Bald, Graham- Cherokee County Une, North Carolina, is probably of hybrid origin, but is much more like white-spotted P. glutinosus than P. jordani (Highton 1970). As shown below, this form occurs sympatrically with both P. aureolus and P. glutinosus at locality 4, where apparent reproductive isolation exists between all three forms. On the basis of this evidence, I suggest that the white-spotted form should also be recognized as a dis- tinct species, P. teyahalee. Its distribution and genetic relationships will be discussed in a later paper. ^'^^ .^^^ ^^\r'-^ '-1 \ MONROE CO. \ \ \ •15 20. •18 19 '36 25 • -''•37 2^*38 GRAHAM CO. / • 27, t /^'ll I / 4^^^ /*r2 .- \ ^-'-v .W 3 . "-• ^' .40 i.^^ n POLK CO. TN. I CHEROKEE CO N.C. GA Fig. 1. Distribution of P. aureolus in southwestern North Carolina and south- eastern Tennessee between the Hiwassee and Little Tennessee rivers. Crosses represent localities (46-48) where P. aureolus and P. jordani hybrids occur. 8 Richard Highton Plethodon jordani, another Ught-chinned species, occurs at higher elevations in the Unicoi Mountains (Highton 1962, 1970). An electro- phoretic analysis of geographic genetic variation in P. jordani and P. teyahalee in the southern Appalachian Mountains by Peabody (1978) showed that the latter species is more closely related to some popula- tions of P. jordani than it is to most other P. glutinosus. Plethodon jordani and P. teyahalee hybridize extensively in a number of contact zones (Highton 1970; Highton and Henry 1970; Peabody 1978), includ- ing the entire periphery of the range of P. jordani in the Unicoi Moun- tains, but in many areas the two species overlap extensively without evidence of hybridization. Although we have no evidence of current hybridization between P. aureolus and P. teyahalee, a transect through the only known contact zone between P. jordani and P. aureolus on Sassafras Ridge provided evidence of hybridization between these two species (unpublished data). The small size of P. aureolus is one of its most distinctive features. As discussed in Duncan and Highton (1979), size is a difficult character to use in salamander taxonomy. In Plethodon, however, mean adult size and maximum length are sometimes quite consistent among genetically closely related populations. At the type locality of P. aureolus, 356 indi- viduals were collected for a study of the life history of the species. The largest specimen is 67 mm from snout to anterior angle of the vent. Only three other individuals are over 61 mm in snout-vent length. All of the other species of southern Appalachian large Plethodon attain much larger sizes (Highton 1970). The mean adult size of both P. glutinosus and P. teyahalee is usually at least 70 mm and large adults are often over 80 mm (record size, a P. teyahalee from Davis Ridge in the Great Smoky Mountains, Sevier Co., Tennessee, 94 mm). In a sample of 78 P. teyahalee from the type locality of P. aureolus the 10 largest females range from 75-90 mm (mean 81.6) and the 10 largest males range from 74-90 mm (mean 78.5). I suggest that an appropriate common name for P. aureolus is the Tellico salamander. Tellico Plains is located centrally in its range and much of this region is drained by the Tellico River and its tributaries. Electrophoretic Genetic Analysis of Proteins. Once collections from the type locality of P. aureolus were found to differ genetically from all other Plethodon species, extensive field work was done in the Unicoi Mountains and adjacent areas to determine the geographic distribution of each of the four species and to study their geographic and genetic interactions. Salamanders were obtained from 84 localities, and individuals from each of these were compared using the same 22 genetic loci and methods described in Highton and MacGregor (1983). When compared with a sample of P. glutinosus from near the type New Species of Plethodon Fig. 2. Sites of samples of P. glutinosus (hollow triangles), P. teyahalee (solid circles) and P. jordani (solid squares) identified electrophoretically in southwestern North Carolina, southeastern Tennessee and northern Georgia. Dotted lines outline known range of P. aureolus. locality in New Jersey (locality 10), 32 samples are genetically very similar and are referred to this species. All are from areas west, north or south of the range of P. aureolus (Fig. 2) and represent large, brassy-spotted animals similar in appearance to those from New Jersey, although some have chins that are much lighter than those in northern populations of P. glutinosus. Plethodon teyahalee was found at 44 localities, and at 28 of these P. aureolus was taken in sympatry. Plethodon teyahalee occurs at low and intermediate elevations east of the range of P. glutinosus (Fig. 2). Since P. teyahalee may be distinguished from the other two species by its color pattern in life, its distribution west of the French Broad River is probably accurately indicated by the map in Highton (1970, Fig. 5). Two samples from populations of Unicoi Mountain P. jordani are included in order to compare this species with the three other forms. These 10 Richard Highton are the same salamanders studied by Peabody (1978) and are from near Junction, on Snowbird Creek (locality 13) and Johns Knob (locality 14). The distribution of P. jordani in the Unicoi Mountains was mapped by Highton (1970) and its range supposedly includes all of the higher areas of this mountain range. It was therefore surprising to discover that at four localities in the northernmost part of the Unicoi Mountains, populations resembling P. jordani in coloration (no dorsal spotting and reduced lateral spotting), are assigned genetically to P. aureolus. These are from near Cherry Log Gap (localities 22 and 23), Naked Ground (locality 38), and Stratton Bald (locality 39). Thus the northernmost known sites for P. jordani in the Unicoi Mountains are now in the vicinity of Johns Knob. Highton (1970) called attention to the apparent hybridization between P. jordani and P. teyahalee all around the periphery of the range oi P. jordani in the Unicoi Mountains. Two transects reported by Peabody ( 1 978) (from Johns Knob west along the North River, and from Junction east along Snowbird Creek) have confirmed this hybridization genetically. At some of the 84 localities few animals were collected. Voucher specimens were preserved from all of the sites, and tissue samples (usually viscera and tail muscle) from some were used for electrophoresis instead of the material used in my previous work on Plethodon (whole animal homogenates). The three general protein loci usually cannot be scored from homogenates of viscera and tail muscle. Rather than use many with small sample sizes and/ or incomplete genetic data, I present here the results of a complete genetic analysis of only 1 7 populations in addition to the sample of P. glutinosus from New Jersey (locality 10). These are from scattered sites throughout the local ranges of the four species: 4 P. aureolus (localities 1-4), 6 P. glutinosus (localities 4-9), 5 P. teyahalee (localities 1 , 2, 4,11,12) and 2 P. jordani (localities 1 3 and 1 4). Three species are sy mpatric at locality 4, and P. aureolus and P. teyahalee are sympatric at localities 1 and 2. Material from all other localities shows no unusual genetic variation beyond that observed in the 18 samples for which complete genetic analysis is presented. Table 2 provides the frequency data of genie variation of 18 popula- tions from 14 localities. Of the 22 presumed genetic loci evaluated, 3 (Mdh-1, Pep, and Pt-3) show no variation. Three loci are monomorphic except for a single population: a-Gpd has a rare slower allelomorph in P. glutinosus (.02) at locality 8, Gdh has a slower allelomorph (.29) in P. teyahalee at locality 1, and Mdh-2 has a rare faster allelomorph (.02) in P. aureolus at locality 2. Table 3 gives Nei standard genetic distances {D) and normalized identity of genes (/) (Nei 1972) for all comparisons and the mean heterozygosity (//) estimated from allelomorph frequencies. The / values are clustered by the UPGM A method (Sneath and Sokal 1973) in a phenogram in Figure 3. New Species of Plethodon 11 — O — Ors|(N— -O ' d1 o- ^ '•'^ ^ 'i X O 0) VO >0 O^ Ov O (N JO -o C o o ov o r^. "cs "C c o o — o in (N — ^ r 'i ^ -51 'i o o o o so o ^ X ^ ir o o — OS CT; O rn Id ^ c O CX) o o o O "/^ w^ O o [^ S ^ S ;^ ^ S "rt :^ ~CJ "w 2" 'i :^ "o ^ r o o rsl oo 2" ^ O o m rsi * 00 — • 12 Richard Highton c 2" "o ^ ~«' £■ ^ ^ ^ 'i i> m i^ o^q ovq w-i^t — a <:s -^ oo [^ oo C9|L "O CO CO CO "On "^1! r^oo r^r^»Nr~>/^i/-i(N CO oa^ OfNqqoTT— ■ rsoo OOO ^rT— nu-) ^ ~co ^ Id ^ £" •o ONiooor-'^ roi^r-- OO^ro — OO 00^""^ CO "O CO XI ^OIIO^^ ^^^11 O O^ r^ir-000OOOONOvO'^rO — — — NO OON _ /^f^ ^c^ OI^INmoOOO — O — — OCslOOOOOl^ "^ >J,0 * ■'^ll ^1! OOOIIOOOO^^OO— >OOOOOOIi XiT3 C C c0X!T31=c0J3CJT3iu'— aoj=----^J»!CCO,aOC New Species of Plethodon 13 c o .5 aj -^ £ ^ o a> -^ tso *o ffj a" o 00 at ^ rn T3 <1) H > O o X) •s 1^' c« E ;/5 C/5 C a> (i> ao ^-c Vi_ =1; O ^w o N D O (D oo ? S OO oo oo ON OO oo NO oo On OO 00 oo oo oq oo oo r^ oo OO OO oo oo oo OO oo so OO oo oo oo NO Tf rsi Tt NO r^ NO NO ON «ri w-^ NO r- r^ ON NO O NO NO r- OO On ON On On On On ON «r»m— <ro-^rs| r^rorooo»OoOTf on -m — -^ nOCsI On Nor~-NONO Nor^r~-NONONor~ on ooo — — o ro— ^ON-^ NOc'^r'^r-rtoOTt Nor-u->NO Nor-r-~NONONor- — fN — rs o NO r- o o o o i rNj ON in ON o ^ oo q q r«-i ^ OO ON m ° NO On q o 2 o q rn r^ oo On ^ q On "^ NO r^ NO r^ r^ r- ON«nNOOv-)oo -^or^i— "OO NO w-) oo oo On moNooooN(N»n or-ONr-m «nfN o mTfrtTtTt mrn — oo oo 00 •n q ^ ^ m (N o m m «n ? u-> o »n oo m o OO q ON 2; m ° ^ * ^ ^ m rn rn m o m ^ »n m o m r-- rn en ^ ^ NO rn NO ^ m ^ m 2 — ' 14 Richard Highton o r "T ro "T T o r a: a> o a> CO 3 O c a: CO o a: ro_ _r .; " ,. ~1 "1 - - evil , ^-J — I • CD ' ■ . k 00 J ^ — to .. ^ „„ CM L [ _l o U < ON 2; OO 0^ CX) New Species of Plethodon 15 The 18 samples cluster into 4 groups, each representing a taxonomic species. There is very little geographic genetic variation within P. teyaha- lee, but there is a considerable amount in both P. glutinosus and P. aureolus. Indeed, some samples within both of the latter species are as different genetically as are some comparisons of P. teyahalee and P. jordani. The southwestern populations oi P. jordani from the Unicoi and Nantahala Mountains are genetically very similar to P. teyahalee (Pea- body 1978); in fact, these two species are more closely related than any other two species of Plethodon yet examined (see Highton and Larson 1979). It is therefore not surprising that they hybridize so extensively (Highton 1970). Plethodon jordani is the most variable species (mean //=.21), P. aureolus (mean H-.\2) and P. glutinosus (mean H-. 1 1) are intermediate, while P. teyahalee (mean H=.01) is the least variable. Compared to more northern populations of P. glutinosus and P. jordani (Highton and Mac- Gregor 1983), these southern samples are much more variable. The P. glutinosus, however, have slightly lower average H values than Arkansas and Oklahoma P. glutinosus (Duncan and Highton 1979). In light of my unpublished evidence that P. aureolus and P. jordani hybridize at localities 46-48 on Sassafras Ridge (the only known area of contact between the two species), the proper taxonomic relationship between the two forms is difficult to decide. The average D of the 8 comparisons between the two forms (.3 1 ) is not very different from that of the 28 comparisons between P. aureolus and P. glutinosus (.29) or the 20 comparisons between P. aureolus and P. teyahalee (.43), two species with which P. aureolus is sympatric and is not known to hybridize. In the southwestern isolates of P. jordani (in the Great Smoky Mountains, Cowee Bald, the Nantahala Mountains, Cheoah Bald, and in the Unicoi Mountains), P. jordani is always a high altitude species, whereas P. aureo- lus is mostly a lower altitude form. The color pattern is very different (except in the northern Unicoi Mountains where hybridization between the two has occurred). None of the above mentioned populations of nearby P. jordani has as abundant lateral and dorsal yellow, white or brassy spotting. Plethodon aureolus is not significantly more similar genetically to adjacent samples of Unicoi Mountain P. jordani than it is to other populations of P. jordani throughout its range (Peabody 1978). The only similarity between P. jordani and P. aureolus is that they are both smaller than Appalachian populations of P. glutinosus and P. teyahalee. I there- fore regard the interbreeding between the two on Sassafras Ridge as a case of hybridization between species rather than intergradation between con- specific populations. Considering the very extensive hybridization between P. jordani and P. teyahalee throughout their contact zone in the Unicoi Mountains, it is curious that P. teyahalee does not appear to hybridize with the hybrid populations of P. aureolus and P. jordani on Sassafras Ridge. 16 Richard Highton The isolating mechanisms that keep P. aureolus from interbreeding with P. teyahalee apparently are present in the aureolus-jordani hybrids in suffi- cient degree to prevent the usual interbreeding of P. jordani and P. teyahalee at all 3 Sassafras Ridge sites (localities 46-48). Since without genetic data it is extremely difficult to correctly identify many individuals of this complex of southern Appalachian large Pleth- odon, particularly some P. aureolus and P. glutinosus, there is a problem in assigning individuals to species before examining the genetic data. After a long search for a site where the two widely sympatric species, P. teyahalee and P. aureolus, contact the parapatric species, P. glutinosus, a localilty was discovered along Ellis Branch, near Springtown, Polk County, Ten- nessee (locality 4), where the three forms are sympatric. Nei genetic identi- ties between all 24 individuals from this localilty are clustered in a UPGM A phenogram (Fig. 4). The results clearly show that the 24 animals are separable into three groups consisting of 1 3 P. teyahalee, 5 P. aureolus and 6 P. glutinosus. Four additional very small animals from locality 4 were also examined at some of the diagnostic loci and were identified as P. teyahalee, but are not included in the genetic analysis because of incomplete genetic data for several loci. Each of these samples clusters with others of its own species (Fig. 3), and only the P. glutinosus sample has a higher than average H value (Table 3). The alleUc data in Table 4 indicate that there is only one locus (Ldh-muscle) in which there are fixed differences between all three species. At the other differential loci, sometimes two of the species have identical electromorphs and some- times there are rare electromorphs of the same kind found in one or both of the other species. This latter pattern of variation is also present in sympatric populations of P. glutinosus and P. kentucki (Highton and MacGregor 1983) and could result from inheritance of the same elec- tromorphs from their common ancestor, or occasional hybridization between the species after complete differentiation had occurred. The relationships in Figures 3 and 4 and the data in Tables 2, 3 and 4 are considered strong evidence for the recognition of all three forms as dis- tinct species. The Ldh-muscle data clearly show that there is not a single F| hybrid between any of the three species at the Ellis Branch locality, as does the pattern of variation at the other differential loci. I have no explanation as to why in three cases an electromorph from another species appears as a rare homozygote instead of in the expected heterozygous condition [P. teyahalee #9, Alb; P. aureolus #21, Idh-2; and P. glutinosus #16, Ldh (heart)] (see Table 4). The Pep electromorphs of P. aureolus are faster than those of the other two species at locality 4 and are indicated as different in Table 4. This difference could not be consistently detected on comparison gels of sam- ples of the three species at other localities and is therefore not regarded as a New Species of Plethodon 17 o -: CVi ro ^ in ^. N: • 1 1 1 « I * I o e c« u> too O C (U ex < a Oh D a> 00 CO 18 Richard Highton in ^ .:^ 6 ^ s> ^ ^ ^ T3 73 T3 T3 -O X) Xi X) X) X> .O X> X) X> X5 Xi X) JD X) X "O X X X) 73 X T3 X X XX X> 73 cdX>xxiXc«X}XXX)X)XX> ei a a a a a TS-aTa-ox) cOcdc^cdcQcde^cdcdcdcdcdcO cdcscdcacded ^XXXX T3 73 "O T3 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 XXXXXX)XX>XXiX>X^ XX)XXX>X ai a (a a ei a>(L)D(U(U(UflJ nJ X X X> X X> X X X X> X X) X) X) Xi X) X) X X) X> X X) X) X) X X) X) X) u X) U U u cdc^cd^^^^cd^cdc^^c^ cOcOc^cdcO^ c^c^cd U U X X XXXXX)XX)XX)X>X)XXi cdcdcdcdcdX X^cdcdcd XjDXU:2XU3XXXXXX43 u^ouuX uucjuu cdcdcdcdnScdctiXcdcdcdcd XXiXXXX XJ^XXX) *- bo New Species of Plethodon 19 polymorphic locus in Table 2. Thus the D values between P. aureolus and the other two species indicated in Figure 4 are slightly higher than they would be if this Pep difference had not been detected (see Fig. 3.) Although there is little or no evidence for hybridization between P. teyahalee and P. glutinosus in the samples from locality 4, at locality 44 there are 4 individuals in a sample of 17 that have dorsal spots of interme- diate coloration. In addition, there is a low frequency of P. glutinosus electromorphs at all of the loci that differentiate the two species (Alb, Est, Ldh (muscle), Pt-2, and Trf). This is interpreted as evidence for hybridiza- tion between the two species at this locality. It is not surprising that P. teyahalee and P. glutinosus hybridize in some areas and not in others, since this same pattern occurs between P. teyahalee and P. jordani in the southern Appalachian Mountains. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.— I wish to thank the many persons who aided in the field and laboratory work, especially Ivette Aguirre, Debra Glover, Karol Jackson, Scrap Oktay, Robert Peabody, Joshua Schwartz, Jeffrey Streicher and Susan Fogle. Richard L. Hoffman suggested the scientific name. I am also grateful for the financial support of the work by the National Science Foundation (grants DEB-79-03858 and DEB-81- 17973) and the Computer Science Center of the University of Maryland. David B. Wake made helpful comments on the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Duncan, Robert, and R. Highton. 1979. Genetic relationships of the eastern large Plethodon of the Ouachita Mountains. Copeia 1979(1): 95-1 10. Hairston, Nelson G. 1950. Intergradation in Appalachian salamanders of the genus Plethodon. Copeia, 1950(4): 262-273. Highton, Richard. 1962. Revision of North American salamanders of the genus Plethodon. Bull. Fla. State Mus. Biol. Sci. 6;235-367. 1970. Evolutionary interactions between species of North American salamanders of the genus Plethodon. Part 1. Genetic and ecological rela- tionships of Plethodon jordani and P. glutinosus in the southern Appa- lachian Mountains. Evol. Biol. 4:2\\-24\. 1972. Distributional interactions among eastern North American salamanders of the genus Plethodon. Pp. 139-188 in P.C. Holt (ed.). The distributional history of the biota of the southern Appalachians, Part III: Vertebrates. Res. Div. Monogr. 4, Va. Polytech. Inst. State Univ., Blacks- burg. 306 pp. 1979. A new cryptic species of salamander of the genus Plethodon from the southeastern United States (Amphibia: Plethodontidae). Brim- leyana 1:31-36. , and S. A. Henry. 1970. Evolutionary interactions between species of North American salamanders of the genus Plethodon. Part 2. Variation in the electrophoretic migration of plasma proteins of Plethodon Jordani, P. gluti- nosus, and their natural hybrids. Evol. Biol. -^.-241-256. 20 Richard Highton and A, Larson. 1979. The genetic relationships of the salamanders of the genus Plethodon. Syst. Zool. 25;579-599. , and J. R. MacGregor. 1983. Plethodon kentucki Mittleman: a valid species of Cumberland Plateau woodland salamander. Herpetologica 39.189-200. Nei, Masatoshi. 1972. Genetic distance between populations. Am. Nat. 706;283-292. Peabody, Robert B. 1978. Electrophoretic analysis of geographic variation of two Appalachian salamanders, Plethodon jordani and Plethodon glutinosus. Ph.D. Dissert., Univ. of Maryland, College Park. Ill pp. Sneath, Peter H. A., and R. R. Sokal. 1973. Numerical Taxonomy. W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco. 573 pp. Accepted 31 December 1983 Lower Wilson Creek, Caldwell County, North Carolina: A Thermal Refugium for Reptiles? Robert Wayne Van Devender Department of Biology, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 28608 AND Paul F. Nicoletto Department of Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 ABSTRACT. — Fourteen species of reptiles were found in a year-long study of lower Wilson Creek, Caldwell County, North Carolina. Of these, four — Anolis carolinensis, Scincella laterale, Eumeces inexpecta- tus, and Tantilla coronata — represented significant range extensions into the northwestern mountains of the state. Climatological studies in the area revealed a relatively equable temperature regime, with lower daytime highs and higher daytime and winter lows than nearby Lenoir. A combination of exposed rock for basking, deep fissures, and warmer night and winter temperatures is probably responsible for the con- tinued presence of these species well outside their heretofore known ranges. These populations may represent relicts dating from late in the Hypsithermal Interval, approximately 7000 years ago. INTRODUCTION Wilson Creek and its tributaries drain most of the southeastern slope of Grandfather Mountain in Avery, Burke and Caldwell counties, North Carolina. These streams descend steeply from over 1220 m (4000') to about 330 m (1080') where Wilson Creek flows into the Johns River on its way to the Catawba River. Wilson Creek is one of the more rugged and scenic streams of the eastern Blue Ridge front, with water- falls and rapids in the main gorge. The discovery of several green anoles, Anolis carolinensis Voigt, in the lower part of the Wilson Creek gorge in August 1980 indicated that this area might also harbor other species normally found only in lower, warmer parts of North Carolina. We therefore set out to determine which species of reptiles occur in the area, whether they represent natural populations, and what aspects of the area are responsible for maintaining the reptile community. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was carried out in the gorge of lower Wilson Creek approximately 18 km (1 1 mi) west of Lenoir. The site was in the Pisgah National Forest and included the riparian zone along Wilson Creek and the steep, northeastern side of the gorge up to about 765 m (2510') on Brimleyana No.9:21-32. June 1983. 21 22 Robert Wayne Van Devender and Paul F. Nicoletto the southern and western slopes of Adams Mountain and the western slope of Loose Mountain (USGS Collettsville 7.5' topographic map). The site was centered near 81°44'W 35°36'N along county road 1328 three to five km north of county road 1337 and about 2.5 km north of Brown Mountain Beach resort. In this area, Wilson Creek cuts a gorge that drops off from about 700 m (2300') to the streambed at 365 m (1200'). The northeastern side of the gorge, which includes the study area, consists of steep, rugged slopes with exposed granite bedrock interdigitating with woods domi- nated by stunted oaks {Quercus ssp.), maples {Acer ssp.), sweet gum {Liquidambar), and Virginia pines (Pinus virginiana). Occasional small patches of vegetation are isolated in extensive areas of bare rock. Deep crevices and fissures are common throughout the area and abundant in the streambed. The site was searched for reptiles several times in August 1980 and weekly from September 1, 1980 until March 15, 1981. Sporadic visits were then made through August 1981. Thirty-six site visits were made, and over ninety hours were spent searching for reptiles. During warmer periods visual searches for active animals were supplemented by turning rocks and logs. Winter searches were mostly visual searches of the fis- sured granite along the creek. Species and activity were recorded when- ever a reptile was encountered. Voucher specimens of most species were deposited in the vertebrate collection at Appalachian State University. In order to learn more about the local environment and to deter- mine whether it was unique in any way, temperature and rainfall data were obtained for the Wilson Creek area and compared with similar data for comparable elevations at nearby Lenoir (U. S. Weather Ser- vice). A thermograph was placed at Brown Mountain Beach resort on September 1, 1980 and checked weekly until March 15, 1981. Data were recorded for 186 days when the thermograph functioned properly. Rainfall data for Wilson Creek consisted of fifteen years of data from Mortimer, a short distance upstream from the study area (U. S. Forest Service environmental statement for the Wilson Creek area, pers. comm., Mr. Pat Cook, District Ranger). Lenoir was chosen for comparison because of its proximity and because Nicoletto's experience in the area indicated that none of the unusual species occurred there. Since temperature, in its various guises, potentially limits reptile distributions, daily maximum and minimum temperatures at Wilson Creek were used separately as independent variables in linear regres- sions against paired Lenoir data (MINITAB computer program pack- age; Ryan et al. 1976). These regressions and long term data for Lenoir (49 years, U. S. Weather Service) were used to estimate mean monthly minimum temperatures at Wilson Creek. Monthly and annual rainfall Lower Wilson Creek NC Reptiles 23 data at the two sites were compared with paired /-tests. Statistical sour- ces were Sokal and Rohlf (1969) and Rohlf and Sokal (1969). Signifi- cance levels of P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 are indicated throughout this paper by one (*) and two (**) asterisks, respectively. RESULTS Fourteen species of reptiles were found at the study site (Table 1). Local residents also reported that rattlesnakes, Crotalus horridus Lin- naeus, were occasionally seen in the area. A medium-sized black snake seen but not captured was probably a black rat snake, Elaphe obsoleta (Say). Most species found along Wilson Creek are those to be expected in the mountains, but four species represent significant range extensions into this part of North Carolina of forms that are usually in lower, warmer areas. These species are the anole; the ground skink, Scincella laterale (Say); the southeastern five-lined skink, Eumeces inexpectatus Taylor; and the southeastern crowned snake, Tantilla coronata Baird and Girard. Lower Wilson Creek is apparently an unusual microclimate in the mountains. It is wetter and warmer than the Lenoir area, where the unusual species do not occur. Annual precipitation averaged 136.9 cm (53.9 in) at Wilson Creek and 125.3 cm (49.3 in) at Lenoir. In matched data for 15 years prior to 1980, annual and monthly averages were higher at Wilson Creek (**), with differences of 0.23 to 1.7 cm (0.09- 0.67 in). Figure 1 shows the relationship between daily minimum tempera- tures at Wilson Creek and Lenoir. The regression is highly significant (**) and indicates not only that Wilson Creek is warmer but also that the magnitude of the difference is greatest when the temperature is low- est. At 0°C in Lenoir, Wilson Creek should be about 3.8° C. Wilson Creek was cooler than Lenoir on only six of the 186 days (**, sign test). Daily maximum temperatures at the sites are presented in figure 2. The regression is highly significant (**), and the two sites are rather differ- ent. Wilson Creek had lower maximum temperatures 169 of 178 days (**, sign test). There is about 2°C difference between the sites at 0°C in Lenoir, but this difference gets larger as do maximum temperatures. Daily temperature ranges are narrower at Wilson Creek than at Lenoir. Monthly means of minimum daily temperature at Lenoir (49 years) and estimates for Wilson Creek are presented in figure 3. Wilson Creek is generally warmer and does not have a month with a mean low tempera- ture below freezing; even in winter there are numerous warmer days. Coldest temperatures recorded during the study were -12°C (10° F) at Wilson Creek and -15° C (5° F) at Lenoir. 24 Robert Wayne Van Devender and Paul F. Nicoletto >. -o Xi u -o-S 5 6 c3 in b != b «-: >. lJ .J >> ij " C 00 t-< il Q < 1 < < £ CX5 oo m en iS 0° "^ iS oo oo OO 00 OS '£ ^ a> u cg^W u -H ^_ (d > > ■^ > > > db ^i Q o o , 5 jlj jl i .0,3 1 iz 1 < if Tt oo ea -o o >» oo X> 2-0 u e« "eS C O ? 8 o o^ r- m — 1 Tt -^ «o 11 \r\ so -^ OS 00 ? . 1 1 1 5 Ji ?: oo so VO so m o vo — so so «n "^ o -^ u r- vo vo so so Os so rn m Tt m r^i Tf fn Tf f«^ o -s; ;^ S3 1 S ^ (U 3 t. c ir» O o «n - _ •\ '♦, • •^V'. . - ^ X '•*c-.. « ' "ri'l - CN • ' • fi '*• a 1 * •^^'•. b **'^S%--. - + •*•% 00 00 • •• h\ - CO •• \l . *. II II * >;; >- c ' ^<' • 1 J 1 1 i 1 L 1 • - o CO m CM o CM O IT) i o I T3 O ^ ) C o ^ G m U o ! Z 5 oe sj 03 SI 01 s S 01- SI Dq d W3i >I33 y 3 NOS 1 IM I' . o ^ oo 26 Robert Wayne Van Devender and Paul F. Nicoletto > v • _ *♦, a;; • *J •7^ ••• *. • ^ w - *;^aS. • • X - • s* <. • II *»• •Xi : >- • ' f. •X ^V *♦ '^.^. *• .*> i» •? * m.* * •V «• • *•. X •*. ^^» CO %: . _ a *•• jw • 6 ,-■'" ♦ •**»^v - ^ *♦. ^v a o ♦•X. 00 '♦.^ \ - II li \\ >- 1 c L 1 1 ! L- - u G ei ei CO O CO m CM O CM lO o c u U i O M u u ^ U 2 ^ ^ o I o I m I se oe S3 03 si Dr. d W3 i 01 S 0 S- 01- SI >l33aD NO SUM Z ii 00 Lower Wilson Creek NC Reptiles 27 U Z o^ -I Z — UJ \ \ \ \ o I I ,o CO O CN »o o »n o dwgi wnwiNiw nv3W cd 6 c« T D ^_ -TD L^ C r^ c« Z "o O 2 2 D d a •o 3 k-i g 'o c *c u S J T3 >. C ;75 cd cd -o (U v^ u O 3 «+H bO C/5 IS C o g c ^ A 1) L4 C 60 o D s 1-1 C 0 rn tab c« ti. x> 28 Robert Wayne Van Devender and Paul F. Nicoletto DISCUSSION Four of Wilson Creek's reptiles represent significant range exten- sions into the northwestern mountains of North Carolina (Conant 1975; Martof et al. 1980; pers. comm., W. M. Palmer and A. L. Braswell) as discussed below. Anolis carolinensis, — Anoles are common in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina almost to Virginia and are known from a couple of Piedmont Plateau and Mountain areas (Martof et al. 1980; pers. comm., Palmer and Braswell). There are only a few published records for this species in the mountains. Weller (1930) found them not uncommon at about 457 m (1500') near Chimney Rock, Rutherford County. Bruce (1965) found several individuals in the gorges of the southern Blue Ridge escarpment, Transylvania County, where they reached an altitude of 670 m (2200'). Anoles have also been reported at elevations below 550 m (1800') in the Tennessee part of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (King 1939; Huheey and Stupka 1967). Another population near Townsend, Tennessee, just north of the Park, has been studied recently (Wade and Echternacht 1980, and pers. comm.). All montane sites for this species are associated with exposed, fractured rock with deep fissures, usually near the head of rather steep gorges. These conditions apparently ameHorate the cool conditions that exclude anoles from most of the mountains. The exposed rocks allow behavioral thermoregulation in the face of the cold, while the crevices provide a means to escape severe cold weather, for which they seem otherwise ill adapted (Mount 1975). The Wilson Creek population represents a range extension of about 66 km (41 mi) north and 50 km (31 mi) east of the Rutherford County site, the closest published record. Wilson Creek is also about 161 km (100 mi) west of a Randolph County population in the northern Pied- mont. The northernmost Tennessee population is near Pigeon Forge, which is about 48 km (30 mi) south and 170 km (105 mi) west of the Wilson Creek site. The anoles in Caldwell County are one of the most northern populations known, and are probably the population that experiences the most severe winter conditions encountered by the species. Eumeces inexpectatus. — Southeastern five-lined skinks are not found in the higher mountains of North Carolina, even though they do extend to the north on either side of the mountains (Conant 1965; Mar- tof et al. 1980; pers. comm.. Palmer and Braswell). As with anoles, there are few records for this species in the mountains. Bruce (1965) reported them at elevations up to 550 m (1800') in the gorges along the south- eastern escarpment of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Transylvania County. The species has been found infrequently in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park up to about 610 m (2000') (King 1939; Lower Wilson Creek NC Reptiles 29 Huheey and Stupka 1967). Western Piedmont records from North Carolina are from Gaston, Randolph and Stokes counties (pers. comm., Palmer and Braswell). The Wilson Creek population apparently fills in a rather large hiatus between known populations. The site is about 225 km (140 mi) east-northeast of Swain County sites, 141 km (90 mi) north- east of Transylvania County records, 105 km (65 mi) north-northwest of Gaston County sites, 160 km (100 mi) west of Randolph County populations, and 140 km (85 mi) west-southwest of the Stokes County site. The closest Tennessee population is at least 160 km (100 mi) to the west. These lizards seemed to prefer rather xeric situations compared to other skinks at the site, as reported by Mount (1975) in Alabama and Minton (1972) in Indiana. Otherwise, there was little difference in the sites where this species and Eumeces fasciatus were found. Scincella laterale. — Ground skinks are widely distributed in south- eastern United States except at higher elevations (Conant 1965; Mar- tof et al. 1980; pers. comm.. Palmer and Braswell). Bruce (1965) found this species up to 945 m (3100') in southwestern North Carolina. It has been reported from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park up to about 793 m (2600') (King 1939; Huheey and Stupka 1967). Weller (1930) also found the species near Chimney Rock, Rutherford County, North Carolina. Several general works suggest that this species is rela- tively tolerant of dry, hot places (Mount 1975; Minton 1972), but it can apparently also live in some cooler, higher places. The Wilson Creek site is about 40 km (25 mi) north-northeast of the closest record in McDowell County (pers. comm.. Palmer and Braswell) and represents the most northern montane population yet reported. Tantilla coronata. — The distribution of the southeastern crowned snake includes many areas in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont Plateau and several areas in the mountains (Conant 1975; Martof et al. 1980; pers. comm.. Palmer and Braswell). The highest record for North Carol- ina is 428 m (1400') in Transylvania County (Bruce 1965). In the Great Smoky Mountains National Park this species has been recorded only on the Tennessee side at elevations up to 610 m (2000') (King 1939; Huheey and Stupka 1967). The Wilson Creek specimen extends the known range of this species in North Carolina 40 km (32 mi) north-northeast of a Burke County site and about 80 km (50 mi) west of an Alexander County locality. It also extends slightly the known elevational range in North Carolina. Co-occurrence of four species in one area outside their previously known distributions argues fairly strongly that the populations are native to the site and brings up questions about why they persist at the site and when and how they arrived there. Their survival seems to be tied to the microenvironment of Wilson Creek gorge. Exposed rocks provide 30 Robert Wayne Van Devender and Paul F. Nicoletto abundant basking sites to overcome locally cooler daytime tempera- tures. Warmer evening and winter temperatures provide a relatively sta- ble environment, and deep fissures permit escape from the occasional severe surface conditions. This combination of conditions probably occurs in other protected montane areas that could also support popula- tions of these and/ or other species that prefer warmer conditions. Arrival of these species in the Wilson Creek area may be a rela- tively recent event or a more ancient one. Recent arrival would proba- bly be the result of immigration by populations expanding up the Catawba and Johns rivers into the area. Since there is no other evidence for recent range expansions of native reptiles in the eastern United States, it is unlikely that this hypothesis is accurate. We consider these populations to be relicts and offer the following hypothesis about their origins. During the last glacial maximum, about 18,000 years ago (yr BP), essentially all of the Coastal Plain of the Carolinas was occupied by a relatively Boreal forest of spruce and jack pines, indicative of a much cooler climate that excluded most southern plants and many southern animals (e.g. Watt 1979, 1980; Watt and Stuiver 1980; Flint 1971; Del- court 1980; Wright 1976). The reptile species now characteristic of the Coastal Plain, including the four relicts at Wilson Creek, were found only much farther south. The warming trend that led to the retreat of the glaciers also resulted in the immigration of southern plants and animals into the Carolina Coastal Plain (Delcourt 1980; Webb 1981; Watts 1979, 1980; Watts and Stuiver 1980). The warming trend reached its climax in the Hypsithermal Interval when conditions were warmer and drier than they are today (Webb 1981; Wright 1976; Deevey and Flint 1957; Watts 1980; Watts and Stuiver 1980). In a few areas the Hypsithermal lasted until about 5000 yr BP (Delcourt 1980; Watts 1979) when the cooler, wetter climate of today was established. By the end of the Hypsithermal, animals and plants should have spread throughout climatically suitable areas. Reptiles are somewhat limited by climate, so their distributions should have been more exten- sive at the end of the Hypsithermal than they are today. The '^ooling trend of the last 5000 to 7000 years should have resulted in local extinc- tion of reptile populations as conditions became too severe, and in a general contraction of species' ranges to those seen today. Special local conditions, such as those of lower Wilson Creek or the gorges of the Southern Blue Ridge escarpment, could forestall local extinctions of reptiles by limiting the impact of the cooling trend (Billings and Ander- son 1966; Anderson and Zander 1973; Bruce 1965). The result of this protection would be isolated, relict populations in refugia well separated from the main range of the species, as seen in the reptiles of lower Wil- son Creek. Lower Wilson Creek NC Reptiles 31 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.— We are pleased to thank those whose help was invaluable to the successful completion of this study: Messrs. William Palmer and Alvin Braswell, North Carolina State Museum of Natural History, gave us access to their unpublished notes on species distributions. Dr. J. Frank Randall was supportive in the early stages of the project. Mr. Bob Green allowed us to place the thermograph in a protected area at Brown Mountain Beach. Mr. Pat Cook, District Forest Ranger, supplied us with weather data for Wilson Creek. Deborah Nicoletto, assistant city planner, City of Lenoir, provided weather data for Lenoir. Computer time was donated by the Appalachian State Uni- versity Computing Center. Janice Ashley typed the final draft of the manuscript. An anonmyous reviewer provided helpful criticisms of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Anderson, Lewis E., and R. H. Zander. 1973. The mosses of the southern Blue Ridge Province and their phytogeographic relationship. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 59(1-2): 15-60. Billings, W. D., and L. E. Anderson. 1966. Some microclimatic characteristics of habitats of endemic and disjunct bryophytes in the Southern Blue Ridge. The Bryologist 69:76-95, Bruce, Richard C. 1965. The distribution of amphibians and reptiles on the southeastern escarpment of the Blue Ridge Mountains and adjacent pied- mont. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 57(1): 19-24. Conant, Roger. 1975. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America. 2nd edition. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. 429 pp. Delcourt, Paul A. 1980. Goshen Springs: Late Quaternary vegetation record for southern Alabama. Ecology <57(2):37 1-386. Deevey, E. S., Jr., and R. F. Flint. 1957. Postglacial hypsithermal interval. Science 725:182-184. Flint, Richard Foster. 1971. Glacial and Quaternary geology. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, xii + 892 pp. Huheey, James E., and Arthur Stupka. 1967. Amphibians and Reptiles of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. U. Tenn. Press, Knoxville. xii + 98 pp. King, Willis. 1939. A Survey of the Herpetofauna of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Am. Midi. Nat. 27(3):53 1-582. Martof, Bernard S., William M. Palmer, Joseph R. Bailey, Julian R. Harrison, III and Jack Dermid. 1980. Amplibians and Reptiles of the Carolinas and Virginia. U. North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. 264 pp. Minton, Sherman A., Jr. 1972. Amphibians and Reptiles of Indiana. Indiana Acad. Sci. Monogr. No. 3. 346 pp. Mount, Robert H. 1975. The Reptiles and Amphibians of Alabama. Auburn Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn., Auburn. 347 pp. Rohlf, F. James, and Robert R. Sokal. 1969. Statistical Tables. W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, xi + 253 pp. 32 Robert Wayne Van Devender and Paul F. Nicoletto Ryan, Thomas A., Brian L. Joiner and Barbara F. Ryan. 1976. MINITAB Stu- dent Handbook. Duxbury Press, North Scituate, MA. ix + 341 pp. Sokal, Robert R., and F. James Rohlf. 1969. Biometry. W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, xxi + 776 pp. Wade, Julia, and A. C. Echternacht. 1981. A comparative study of reproductive cycles in two populations of Anolis carolinensis. Abstract. ASB (Assoc. Southeast. Biol.) Bull. 25(2):96-97. Watts, W. A. 1979. Late Quaternary vegetation of central Appalachia and the New Jersey Coastal Plains. Ecol. Monogr. -^9(4): 427-469 1980. Late Quaternary vegetation history at White Pond on the inner Coastal Plain of South Carolina. Quat. Res. 75:187-199. , and M. Stuiver. 1980. Late Wisconsin climate of northern Florida and the origin of species-rich deciduous forests. Science 270:325-327. Webb, Thompson, IIL 1981. The past 11,000 years of vegetational change in eastern North America. BioScience i7(7):501-506. Weller, W. H. 1930. Records of some reptiles and amphibians from Chimney Rock Camp, Chimney Rock, N. C. and vicinity. Proc. Junior Soc. Nat. Sci 7(8-9):(5 l-54)(pages unnumbered). Wright, H. E., Jr. 1976. The dynamic nature of Holocene vegetation, a problem in paleoclimatology, biogeography, and stratigraphic nomenclature. Quat. Res. 5:581-596. Accepted 15 April 1983 Comparative Food Studies of Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus albacares, and Blackfin Tuna, Thunnus atlanticus (Pisces: Scombridae) from the Southeastern and Gulf Coasts of the United States Charles S. Manooch, III AND Diane L. Mason National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Center, Beaufort Laboratory, Beaufort, North Carolina 28516-9722 ABSTRACT. — Two hundred and six yellowfin tuna, Thunnus alba- cares, and 98 blackfin tuna, T atlanticus, were sampled from sport fisheries in the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, April 1980 to July 1982. Stomach contents were analyzed by frequency of occurrence, number of food items, and volume. Invertebrates (85%) and fish (77%) occurred in the diet of yellowfin relatively equally. Major invertebrates by frequency of occurrence were cephalopods (62%) and crustaceans (52%). Fishes were represented primarily by the families Scombridae (12.2%), Balistidae (11.2%), and Syngnathidae (8.2%). Yellowfin also ingested floating materials such as plastic, feathers, seagrasses, and balls of tar. Invertebrates occurred in 82% of the blackfin stomachs with food, and represented 75% and 31% of the foods by number and volume, respectively. Fish were found in 67% of the stomachs and con- stituted 26% and 68% of the food number and volume, respectively. The most frequently occurring invertebrates were crustaceans (67.4%) and cephalopods (36.0%). Fishes were represented primarily by the families Balistidae (10.1%), Trichiuridae (5.6%), and Carangidae (4.5%). Blackfin also consumed floating materials, such as plastic and sea- grasses. Statistical comparisons of the diets of the two species indicated no significant correlation. Overall, their diets appear to reflect those of fast, aggressive predators, and also of fish that use their gill apparatus to strain small, near-surface items from the water. INTRODUCTION The family Scombridae includes many species of pelagic fish that are very important to the world's fisheries. Some, such as the mackerels Scomberomorus spp. and Scomber spp., are primarily coastal, migrat- ing north in spring and summer and south in fall and winter. Others, including members of the genus Thunnus, are usually much larger than the mackerels and are reputed for their more complex, often transoce- anic migrations. Two species of Thunnus, the yellowfin tuna, T. albacares, and the blackfin tuna, T. atlanticus, are highly esteemed food and sport fishes whose distributions include the southeastern and Gulf coasts of the Uni- Brimleyana No.9:33-52. June 1983. 33 34 Charles S. Manooch, III and Diane L. Mason ted States. The yellowfin is the largest and more prized of the two, attaining a weight of at least 176 kg (compared with 19 kg for blackfin). On the whole, tuna landings in the western Atlantic are sporadic and are much smaller than those made by the large-scale, international hook and line and seine tuna fisheries that operate in the eastern Atlan- tic and Pacific. The total United States commercial landings of all tunas was 341,149,000 pounds in 1981, 326,860,000 pounds from the Pacific and 14,289,000 from the Atlantic. Only 131,000 pounds were landed in the South Atlantic Region — North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and the east coast of Florida (D. S. Fitzsgibbon, pers. comm.). Of the South Atlantic total, only 5,000 pounds were identified as yellowfin tuna, and none as blackfin, although the 55,000 pounds of unclassified tunas undoubtedly included blackfin. Recreational catches of yellowfin and blackfin tunas tend to be greater than the commercial catches for the southeastern United States. In North Carolina, for instance, anglers fishing from charter boats in 1978 caught approximately 151,000 pounds of yellowfin tuna and 38,000 pounds of blackfin tuna (Manooch et al., 1981). No information is available for 1981. Considering the disproportionately large commercial catch of tunas in the Pacific, it is not surprising that many publications pertaining to life histories, population dynamics and exploitation have resulted from research on species in that region. Relatively few studies have been con- ducted on Atlantic stocks. Dragovich (1969) in his review of food stud- ies on Atlantic tunas mentioned that the papers he read emphasized the need for additional research on the foods and feeding habits of Atlantic stocks. The limited information available from the western Atlantic usually resulted from fish collected aboard scientific vessels that did not operate along the southeastern or Gulf coasts of the United States, or that operated well offshore of the normal sport fishing grounds (Dragovich 1969, 1970). To obtain more data pertinent to the management of pelagic stocks, studies were initiated on oceanic species important to fisheries along the southeastern and Gulf coasts of the United States. Our study is the result of a cooperative effort that included the Oceanic Pelagic Program, SEFC, Miami Laboratory, and the Bioprofiles Task, SEFC, Panama City Laboratory. The objectives were to 1) identify the food habits of yellowfin and blackfin tunas; 2) compare the diets of the spe- cies collected from the same geographic area during the same period of time; and 3) determine if changes in the diets occur for different sizes of fish. METHODS Of the 206 yellowfin and 98 blackfin stomachs examined, 169 and 55, respectively, were from fish landed at Oregon Inlet or Hatteras, Foods of Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna 35 North Carolina during the spring, summer and fall of 1980, 1981 and 1982. A few additional samples, indicated in parentheses as yellowfin and then blackfin, were obtained from locations along the southeast Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts: South Carolina (31,8), Georgia (3,1), east coast of Florida (0,2), northwest Florida (3,1), Mississippi- Louisiana (0,6), and south Texas (0,25). Samplers at all locations apportioned their efforts to coincide with local charter boat activities, primarily April through October. Port samplers met boats at the docks as a day's catch was being unloaded. Most fishermen either wanted to save their fish whole for mounting, or to have them filleted and packed on ice or frozen upon returning to the dock. Data were obtained only from the latter group, either in exchange for cleaning the fish, or from fish cleaners who worked at local markets. Fish were measured to the nearest millimeter (FL) and weighed to the nearest tenth of a kilogram. Stomachs and gonads were placed in labeled cloth bags or cheese cloth and preserved in 10% formaUn. In the laboratory, stomach contents were identified to the lowest possible taxon and were enumerated, thus providing the relative number of each food type in the stomachs. Frequency of occurrence of materials was determined by counting every stomach that contained at least one specimen or part of a specific item (taxon). Empty stomachs were excluded. The volume of each taxon was obtained by water displace- ment and was later converted to weight by a linear regression equation. Larval and juvenile fish in the stomachs were identified after they had been cleared and stained following the methods discussed by Dingerkus and Uhler (1977) and Taylor and Van Dyke (1978). Crustaceans were identified by Steven G. Morgan and Joseph W. Goy, Duke University Marine Laboratory, Beaufort, North Carolina. Parasites, encountered only occasionally, were separated from food items, counted, identified and preserved. A stomach containing only parasites was considered empty. All data were analyzed as percent frequency of occurrence, percent of total number, and percent of food volume. Once frequencies, volumes and numbers of the various foods were obtained, an index of relative importance (IRI) was used to estimate the contribution of major food groups to the diet (Pinkas et al., 1971). The index was calculated as: IRI = (N + V) F, where N = numerical percentage of a food, V = its volumet- ric percentage, and F = its percentage frequency of occurrence. The Spearman rank correlation (r^) was used to evaluate differences in diets of the two species based on IRI values of foods from fish col- lected in the same geographic area and over approximately the same period of time. Two different equations may be used. One, where there are no ties (rankings are equal for two or more food categories), and the 36 Charles S. Manooch, III and Diane L. Mason other where ties do occur. The equation for tied food categories (Fritz 1974) was used: "^ - where Sx^ = — STx; Sy2 = zTy; 2 Sx2 Xy^ N -^ N J - ^^ ' ^ ; N = numbers of ranks; d = difference between ranks; T = N correlation factor for ties and t = number of observations tied at a given rank. Pearson and Kendall's Tau B Correlation Coefficients, in addition to the Spearman rank, were also derived to evaluate differences in the diets. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Composition of Stomach Contents Stomach contents of both species could be grouped into four prin- cipal categories: fish, cephalopods, crustaceans and miscellaneous non- food items (Tables 1, 2; Fig. 1). Major representatives of each group will be discussed below under separate headings and will also be analyzed later to identify differences in diets related to the species of predator and its size. A graphic presentation of the overall contribution of selected foods to the diet (IRI plots) is presented in Figure 2. Fish. — Fishes occurred in 77% of yellowfin and 67% of blackfin stom- achs that contained food (Tables 1, 2; Fig. 2) and consisted primarily of older larvae and juveniles often associated with floating Sargassum. In all, 23 famiHes were identified. Adult exocoetids, scombrids and syngna- thids were found occasionally in yellowfin, as were syngnathids, serran- ids, sciaenids and stromateids in blackfin. For all life stages, fish that occurred most frequently in yellowfin tuna were Scombridae (12.2%), Balistidae (11.2%), Syngnathidae (8.2%), Diodontidae (5.1%) and Exo- coetidae (4.6%). Fifty-three percent of stomachs with food contained unidentifiable fish remains. Fish that occurred most often in blackfin tuna stomachs were Balistidae (10.1%), Trichiuridae (5.6%), Carangidae (4.5%) and Syngnathidae (4.5%). Unidentifiable fishes were found in 44.9% of the stomachs containing food. Cephalopods. — Cephalopods constituted almost all the molluscan food of both species. One exception was unidentifiable mollusk tissue, possibly cephalopod, from a yellowfin captured in the Gulf of Mexico. Two groups were represented: Teuthidida and Octopodida. Teuthoids (squids) were the most important by frequency of occurrence and by volume: 50.5% and 41.0% for yellowfin, 31.5% and 21.5% for blackfin. By comparison, octopodids, represented by the paper nautilus, Argo- nauta argo, appeared in only 7.7% of the yellowfin tuna and 3.4% of the Foods of Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna 37 y^ CO ^ 3 o ^ ^ CO ^z z < < -J LU -J O^ LU <^. O H 00 CO CO^ S CC O CO < 3 z O 3 > H Z ^ u. )^ T3 o t/3 C/5 < Si rv -J X CD C C o ON oo -o c c3 C o so ON o o < z o C2 H y^ T3 ^1^ \^ Z 3 o> CO U- O i2 CO z 3 o LU Z 5 O -1 -J V5 c c o < < LU o LU -J >- a, 3 o < -J LU o O u o CO CO ■J? 3 2 OC — o 38 Charles S. Manooch, III and Diane L. Mason o II On z ^ _C . ». C/3 "^ to 00 C4 O w-T (J 1 1 o Z o ^-^ IS (/3 II C/5 >» • - 3 c o a> > S3 o II g u ^ C) (U fc: ^ ■-► . -c "2 JO O C , KJ c« c e - J^ o 28 S^ *- ON a> C/5 — D, « ^ 3 c« H Ov* O O wS «0 Tf O U^ '^' [_ t_ ^ -: -: Dc: D!i oi '^ ^. oi -: »: a: »: ; r^' o o — ' TtooooTtTtr4«ri r^ (^(^«__ '*.'". ^ ^ ^. <^ oi Oi '^^ ffJ ^ '^. ^ N0»OTtTtOO«O«OU-> o o rsi so so" o o o 3 a 2 5 ? c lU V. o ^ t^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ c g. >. t: >. w ^ E o E ^ ^ fc ^ PLh 3 o Foods of Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna 39 •nooooo«o«r^oovnroooooooooas>o'rj- O O •^* --" ro rn — -^' ro O ro r-' •i^tNO«/^'>o«/-i»r>u->oo^no«o — vo«n o H --*—■--" -h' o o -^ --^ o ' --" «o Tt o < -"^ J:; • - t: -"^ 3 3 3 ^ ^ -^ • - .^ -"^ ."2 J • - ^ :^ ii 3 ^ 3 "H ^ c 40 Charles S. Manooch, III and Diane L. Mason > P O — On ON p^ -- 0^ — - Q^ Tt 0^ P^ ^ P^ P^ rn — . r!H»r5o'^'Pvdooo'--'oo>odood— ^ ir^ m en QO oo Tt — — r^ r^ ^t^fNrs»r)0«o«r)sc>(^iom\0»n«r>p>oo ^c5oo— 'oonOCJOOO-^OOOnUhC) Tt rN m m -. -; r- r- ^ ^ ^ ^ t- Oi '^. qC ^. O O [— I w-i [_ O SO (N fN ^ SO 0> 00 m vo vo o O Ov OO On fN »nr-r-OOrsir-»r)NO»nir>u-imoN«nmmor4inm«nvO or-r-- ON •2 g. cd (U £ g ^ Sk o e cd 1^ ■•3 "3 ■■f O cd T3 O Ou O a B o .2 (-1 i ex o > >-< cd i 1 Cd o cd o E cd O cd -a O cd cd > XJ cd .5 c B "cd 1/3 cd cd 'C cd c >> i 1 cd > d 1 1 1 .2 c B ex T3 ^ B 3 c« .-a «u 'S O 2 (U OT3 TJ X) 3 T3 'S "c 3 O U VJ CO o X) 'c "c OO X Oh PO D 6n CO OO C/5 6 D 3 C/5 3^3 on Foods of Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna 41 H H H H -. -: f^^. ttiocja:-: a:c^a:a:p^D!:- (N — rN-^roO\Ov«ri»nOO OOOUi-^vOOOm »r> u-i in ro ro m ro •no«n»r»in— ' — >no«r>«nom»o>r) O -sor--— ' O o ei JZ 6 S c O Q. .§2 •S I E o "" '^ r5 (U c« CO ex JO -2 ^ O I £ g c^ N f-^ a, cd ^ IS ex W) w ^ o J= cd ^ S GO Cd X) _o o Cj vj lyj on ^ cd cd .-• ^ ex ex cx u> u> (U cd cd 3 ^ JJ 5 u u 42 Charles S. Manooch, III and Diane L. Mason oo c On u ^ C ^ Vi II *•> cd Z. O ^ o (J o fS s u •- <4— 1 II o (yj a -§ (4-1 0 cd s 3 CAl C -o II W Z 'S . .< D ^ cr W5 cd Si li (U <4-l g ^ ^ c _3 3 O 8 "o V3 u > g. 0 II 4_> Vt-I UU O ^ Si ^ II > Z ^«-^ ^ cd (J AC c e r-; c 3 ^M j;: 0 -^ ^ u •n CJ 0 ri iS ^M II 2 g 6 033 i2 ST <=> ■•-> *> •-». 4> ^ II c " > ed 0^ C C/5 cd xi cd H so — , -^ r- r^ SO Ov On — -^ oo(»vooooooooa>r---rvjoo«noo«o 000000 or4rn»r^w-^or^ir4wSwSrKrsi-— "ror^TtNd(»orsir4wSv-ir^r-^ u-j fs f*^ OS «/^ Tt rvj /Sodrniric5«nOOO — • r- \o — — — — ON « — Tt Tt r-. r- — — 0—.*—;oOC>-" Tt r-^ ro r^ rsi o^w->ovo r^i r4 «— * w-i CO £- 3 CO J z i ^ E ^ o ^ o o CO < 1 1 f -"'"'^ ( D (]> M 0) 0 CO "D CO -J m c ■O T3 O -O taceans \ m ^ ^ ^ 1 si'^ 03 C C (0 CO CO w o c^ 3 ^ s O to - o 00 >- o z C 03 o,^^ o LU C (O 3 ; "^ To a £ _ o o UJ ^ ^ 0) eo----' cc "u o iZ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o CM O ooooooooo OOCD-^CVJ CSi^COOO a39i^nN % 3i^moA % "§ <2 -o 0) < z aj (0 r T3 3 1 iE^-"""''^ h- C '■ TT a CO Z oc U- C/5 O -J 1 ^ \ 0) (D 0) (0 0) "H- "^^^ CO 08 CO "D CO ^^^^■D -o T3 O-O -J ^ (0 c LU > D^ (0 CO 8 ♦- >,co i: ^ (0 3 0) CO CO ti »- o o D, (0 £ "O / > o X a X ~ o CO o > CO ^ Q) <0-^ O iZ o CO o -^ o liJ O LU OC J3 o lilt 1 1 C\J ^ X T3 ooooooooo C OOCD^CVJ CVJ'^CDCO CN aaaiAinN % aiAiniOA % tz 46 Charles S. Manooch, III and Diane L. Mason blackfin tuna. Percent volumes of these mollusks were less than 2% for both predators, and whereas over 430 squid were consumed by the tunas, less than 30 paper nautilus were eaten. At least three genera of squids were ingested: Loligo, Sepioteuthis, and Illex. Generic identifica- tions were obtained by comparing saved, pooled samples with reference collection specimens and therefore do not appear in the tables. Crustaceans. — Crustaceans, important foods of both species and second only to fish in overall frequency of occurrence, were identified in 52% of the yellowfin and in 67.4% of the blackfin. The majority were immature stages (larvae, megalopa and glaucothoe). Due to the small sizes of the animals, the relative percentages of the total food volume — 5.9% for yellowfin and 8.4% for blackfin — were comparatively small. Major taxa in the diet of yellowfin by frequency of occurrence were Raninidae (27.5%), Penaeidae (12.2%), Stomatopoda (7.7%), Portuni- dae (7.1%), and Dromiidae (6.1%). For blackfin tuna, the most fre- quently encountered were Stomatopoda (34.8%), Diogeninae (16.9%), Raninidae (15.7%), Penaeidae (14.6%), and Dromiidae (12.4%). In all, over 5,000 individuals were enumerated, and on one occasion a single predator contained hundreds of these small, mesopelagic invertebrates. Our findings of the overall food habits seem to agree closely with those of Dragovich (1970), who described fish, cephalopods and crusta- ceans as the major foods of yellowfin and skipjack, Katsuwonus pela- mis, tunas in the Atlantic. He also mentioned that larval and juvenile stages were prevalent for ingested fishes and macrozooplanktonic crus- taceans. Miscellaneous. — The very nature of tuna feeding, near-surface strain- ing as well as actively pursuing and capturing larger animals, results in a variety of items being consumed that are probably ingested by accident along with natural foods. Yellowfin tuna had the most diverse assemb- lage of non-food items (31.6% frequency): plants {Sargassum, Zostera, Thalassia and Spartina), feathers, globs of tar, and plastic. Miscellane- ous items occurred in only 15.7% of the blackfin, represented by Sargas- sum, Zostera and plastic. Sargassum was found in 26.5% of the stom- achs with food, and usually occurred in tunas captured off North Carolina. This percentage is similar to the 37.8% reported for Sargas- sum removed from the digestive tracts of skipjack tuna captured earlier from approximately the same geographical area (Batts 1972). Other studies also revealed a dominance of fish, squid and crusta- ceans in tuna diets for the Atlantic and Pacific. Reintjes and King (1953) investigated the food habits of 1,097 yellowfin from the Central Pacific and found that fish occurred in 70.4% of the stomachs; squid in 55.4%; and crustaceans (mostly immature, pelagic stages) in 66.9%. Alverson (1963) found fish, squid and crustaceans occurring in 53.8%, Foods of Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna 47 23.9% and 76.1%, respectively, of the yellowfin he examined from the Pacific. Similar occurrences were reported for yellowfin from the Atlan- tic (Dragovich 1970), and for skipjack tuna (Alverson 1963; Nakamura 1965; Batts 1972); bluefin tuna, T. thynnus (Pinkus et al., 1971); and albacore, T. alalunga (Pinkas et al., 1971) from the Pacific. Comparative Diets Since temporal and spatial variations in the diets were so great (data collected over a period of three years, and from several widely different geographical locations), we believed that only by analyzing small, discrete samples could we detect important differences in them. To achieve this, we used only stomach contents of the two species col- lected together off Oregon Inlet on 10 different days from May through September 1981 (Table 3). Index of Relative Importance. — Indexes of Relative Importance (IRI), which present the combined contributions of volume, frequency of occurrence, and numbers of each food item to the diet (Table 3), showed that, surprisingly, invertebrates were very important foods for both species. The first five categories (ranks) for yellowfin were Teuthid- ida (squids), unidentifiable fish, Raninidae, Scombridae, and unidentifi- able crustaceans. For blackfin they were unidentifiable fish, Teuthidida, Raninidae, Stomatopoda, and unidentifiable crustaceans. Obvious dif- ferences were more clupeids and unidentifiable diogenid crabs in black- fin, and more scombrids and squids in yellowfin. Other items were also different, but their respective IRI values were relatively small (i.e., exo- coetids for yellowfin = 9.7, for blackfin = 0.0). Correlation Coefficients. — Data from Table 3, ranked by IRI values, were used to obtain quantitative comparisons of local food habits of the two species. Three different measures were used: Spearman Rank Corre- lation Coefficient (Fritz 1974); Kendall Rank Correlation Coefficient (Bray and Ebeling 1975); and Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient (Goodall 1973). The first two require no assumption of normality with regard to the distribution of the two predator species, whereas the latter does. Cailliet and Barry (1978), who compared the three methods of analyzing diets that have different distributions of prey items, found that Spearman and Kendall correlation coefficients are somewhat unpredictable when there are 1) a large number of ties, 2) a considerable nonoverlap of prey items, and 3) high prey richness and evenness (i.e., diversity). They felt that the Pearson method was best. Although our data have a fairly low richness and evenness, there are relatively few ties (2 for yellowfin, 3 for blackfin) and there is a fairly good overlap in the diets. For these reasons all three methods of meas- uring diet similarity are probably appropriate. Qualitatively, both spe- cies feed extensively on epipelagic and mesopelagic fishes and inverte- 48 Charles S. Manooch, III and Diane L. Mason ^ o^ u ^ "w a >, 3 *ri C ^ >. B x> o o 1/3 Vi S. •<-• c 1' o o ;^ J3 ^ o c« . .N B ^ o c c« *© g' 3) >^ c 4-< C '^ u 2 2 "§ II a b ^ ^ 13 oo > On tfj 60 C O 60 o O yn p "^ p >n On' u-i a: so ^2 pin>no«/^pp>ninnomu-iioo 0>nw-iod>/S«nsdnw-ir«^ (N rs — rN(N — — — _____ fN) po\pooppvop«nr~-sc>»opso^o^oo oosD m m fN o — ov o «n >n o >n CT^ v-j »n r-' Tt d d d> d> d> d> ^ rn — £ >^ = > 5 "^ S c iS I - " 3 2> " § ^ .S o s :2 > fc IS ^ m 1^ r~- r- <^ — ON so OS ON ON ON r^ ON ON ON so so ON in >n u-i iri rvi (N od (N n p p «n O o «n p P p p p p «n p p m «n >n m «n p P o o p «n od ■^' o^ r-4 <> d so •^ od r-^ o^ n •rf oo Ov «^ d — > r^ O rn -^ d> -^ 'Zi «n r<-) (N t^ so d r--' d d — Tt sd r- (N Tt m r-- >n r*^ >n On — • d d ^ ° S C/5 Q oi q5 Foods of Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna 49 brates. Eleven of the 28 food categories occurred in the stomachs of both species, and 6 of the 10 most important categories to blackfin also ranked in the top 10 for yellowfin. The obvious conclusion is that both species have similar diets when they occur together off the coast of North Carolina. Statistically, however, the correlation coefficients were all nonsignificant at the 0.05 (0.344; 29 dO level. The correlation coeffi- cients were: Spearman, 0.2273; Kendall, 0.1451; and Pearson, 0.2273. Comparative Diets by Predator Size Differences in stomach contents by fish size may of course be attributable merely to the availability of food in the environment, but they may also be attributable either to a change in food preference, or to the ability of the predator to capture and swallow certain organisms as it increases in size. Our objectives of comparing diets by tuna size were to determine if near-surface feeding was related to tuna size and to ascertain if basic changes in the diets occurred as the fish grew larger. Different studies throughout the world's oceans generally suggest that as tunas grow larger, their diets change. Reintjes and King (1953) reported that the overall high occurrence of crab larvae, stomatopod larvae, squid, and juvenile fishes indicates a preference by Pacific yel- lowfin tuna for small food items. These authors further explained that small tuna feed predominantly on crustacean larvae; medium-size fish feed on fish, crustacean larvae, and squid; and large yellowfin mainly consume fish and squid. These findings were substantiated by Nakam- ura (1965) and Batts (1972) for skipjack tuna whose diets reflected a decline in crustaceans and a subsequent higher percentage of fish, as tuna size increased. To accomplish our evaluations we first grouped the fish into size classes (mm FL) (Tables 4, 5). Next, selected food groups — fish, adult fish, juvenile fish, invertebrates, squid, larval crustaceans and plants — were established to demonstrate food size (i.e., adult fish vs. larval crus- Table 4. Selected food items consumed by different sized yellowfin tuna, expressed as percent frequencies of occurrence. Fish size (mm FL) Contents 501-700 701-900 901-1100 >1100 Fish Adult fish Juvenile fish Invertebrates Squid Larval crustaceans Plants 77.8 81.8 75.0 73.8 5.5 10.9 15.0 9.5 16.7 12.7 36.4 11.9 77.8 89.1 76.3 85.7 44.4 34.5 56.3 64.3 38.9 70.9 35.0 35.7 55.5 32.7 30.0 14.3 50 Charles S. Manooch, III and Diane L. Mason Table 5. Selected food items consumed by different sized blackfin tuna, expressed as percent frequency of occurrence. Fish size (mm FL) Contents <500 501-700 701-900 901-1100 Fish 50.0 57.4 87.1 100.0 Adult fish 0.0 7.4 25.8 0.0 Juvenile fish 50.0 16.7 9.7 0.0 Invertebrates 100.0 90.7 64.5 100.0 Squid 50.0 31.5 25.8 100.0 Larval crustaceans 100.0 66.7 38.7 0.0 Plants 50.0 14.8 9.7 0.0 taceans) and materials that we believed to be consumed on or near the surface (i.e., floating plants). Contents are presented as percent fre- quency of occurrence (Tables 4, 5). Yellowfin Tuna. — Size of food items showed little change as fish size increased or decreased (Table 4). The three key food categories — adult fish, juvenile fish, and larval crustaceans — neither steadily increased nor decreased in occurrence as tuna size increased. This finding is con- trary to that of Dragovich (1970), who found that the frequency occur- rence offish in stomachs of yellowfin increased with fish size. However, he discovered no relationship between squid in the diet and tuna size. In our study, the occurrence of floating plants decreased for the larger size classes, indicating that perhaps smaller individuals fed more extensively near the surface. Blackfin Tuna. — The size of prey items and feeding proximity to the surface appeared to change with fish size. As fish size increased, large food items (i.e., adult fish) generally occurred more frequently, and small food items (i.e., larvel crustaceans and juvenile fish) occurred less frequently (Table 5). Surface feeding, as suggested by the incidental ingestion of floating plants, decreased as fish attained larger sizes. Volumes of Contents Related to Species and Fish Body Weight Since the quantity and types of foods ingested by fishes are often converted into caloric equivalents for energetics studies, we present fre- quencies of the range of food volumes for the two species (Table 6). The displacement volume for yellowfin averaged 67.9 ml (72.2 g), compared with 28.6 ml (29.6 g) for blackfin tuna. Volumes of stomach contents of yellowfin and blackfin varied from 0.1 to 745.0 ml and from 0.1 to 257.5 ml, respectively. The largest volumes were found in a 40 kg yellowfin and an 8.8 kg blackfin. The volume range for yellowfin from the Pacific was similar, 0.1 to 1,000 ml (Reintjes and King, 1953). The extremes in our data were much greater than those described by Dragovich and Potthoff (1972): 0.1 to 20.0 for skipjack, and 0.1 to 60.0 ml for yellow- fin tunas collected off the west coast of Africa. In our study, approxi- Foods of Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna 51 Table 6. Frequencies of food volumes by species of tuna. Yellowfi n tuna Blackfin tuna Volume range (ml) Number Percent Number Percent O.I- 10.0 64 32.6 46 51.7 10.1- 50.0 67 34.2 26 29.2 50.1-100.0 24 12.2 10 11.2 100.1-150.0 15 7.7 3 3.4 150.1-200.0 9 4.6 3 3.4 200.1-250.0 6 3.1 - 250.1-300.0 3 1.5 1 1.1 300.1-350.0 3 1.5 - - 350.1-400.0 1 0.5 - - 400.1-450.0 1 0.5 - - 450.1-500.0 1 0.5 500.1-550.0 - - - - 550.1-600.0 - - - - 600.1-650.0 - - - - 650.1-700.0 1 0.5 - - 700.1-750.0 1 0.5 99.9 89 - Totals 196 100.0 mately 33% of the yellowfin had food volumes exceeding 50 ml, a pro- portion similar to that of the 29% found by Reintjes and King (1953). By comparison, Dragovich (1970) noted volumes of less than 20 ml for 85% of the yellowfin from the Atlantic. We found that only 19% of the blackfin, a much smaller species, had contents over 50 ml. To determine the relationship of volume to fish body weight, we first derived the following equation for converting volume in ml to volume in grams: Volg = -1.4009 + 1.0846 (Volj^i), N=25, r=0.999. Comparisons were then made between estimates of stomach contents and the body weights of some of the tunas selected at random. Percent- ages of food weight to fish weight varied from trace (<0.002) to 2.02 for yellowfin, and from 0.02 to 3.20 for blackfin tuna. Qnly 10% of the yellowfin had contents exceeding 1% offish body weight, whereas 20% of the blackfin tuna had contents exceeding this percentage. Usually our observations were well below 1%, as were those of Dragovich (1970). In summary, yellowfin and blackfin tuna appear to be fast, aggres- sive predators capable of capturing swift, relatively large prey. On the other hand, they use their gill apparatus to strain small, near-surface items from the water. During feeding, non-food materials (inorganic as well as organic) are ingested, probably incidental to normal prey. The variability of specific food organisms within the major categories (fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans) in the diets suggests that tunas are non- selective feeders. This is undoubtedly a factor in their wide geographic 52 Charles S. Manooch, III and Diane L. Mason distribution, and one would expect, therefore, for the diets of such well- traveled fish to be rather cosmopolitan. LITERATURE CITED Alverson, Franklin G. 1963. The food of yellowfin and skipjack tunas in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Inter-Am. Trop. Tuna Comm. Bull. 7:295-396. Batts, Billy S. 1972. Food habits of the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in North Carolina waters. Chesapeake Sci. 7i: 193-200. Bray, Richard N., and A. W. Ebeling. 1975. Food, activity and habitat of three "picker-type" microcarnivorous fishes in the kelp forests off Santa Barbara, California. Fish. Bull. U.S. 75:815-829. Cailliet, Gregor, and J. P. Barry. 1978. Comparison of food array overlap measures useful in fish feeding habit analysis. Pp. 67-79 in S. Lopovsky and C. Simenstad (eds.). Fish food habits studies. Proc. Second Pacific Northwest Tech. Workshop, Univ. Washington, Seattle. Dingerkus, G., and L. D. Uhler. 1977. Enzyme clearing of alcian blue stained whole small vertebrates for demonstration of cartilage. Stain Technol. 52:229-232. Dragovich, Alexander. 1969. Review of studies of tuna food in the Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 593. 21 pp. 1970. The food of skipjack and yellowfin tunas in the Atlantic Ocean. Fish. Bull. U.S. 65:445-460. , and T. Potthoff. 1972. Comparative study of food of skipjack and yellowfin tunas off the coast of West Africa. Fish. Bull. U.S. 70:1087-1101. Fritz, Eugene S. 1974. Total diet comparison in fishes by Spearman rank correlation coefficients. Copeia 1974(1):210-214. Goodall, David W. 1973. Sample similarity and species correlation. Pp. 106-156 in R. H. Whittaker (ed.). Ordination and Classification of Communities. Junk, The Hague. Manooch, Charles S., Ill, L. E. Abbas and J. L. Ross. 1981. A biological and economic analysis of the North Carolina charter boat fishery. U.S. Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv. Mar. Fish. Rev. ^i(8):l-ll. Nakamura, Eugene L. 1965. Food and feeding habits of skipjack tuna {Katsu- wonus pelamis) from the Marquesas and Tuamota Islands. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 9^:236-242. Pinkas, Leo, M. S. OHphant and I. L. K. Iverson. 1971. Food habits of alba- core, bluefin tuna, and bonito in California water. Calif. Dep. Fish Game Fish Bull. 752:1-105. Reintjes, John W., and J. E. King. 1953. Food of yellowfin tuna in the Central Pacific. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull. 5¥:91-110. Taylor, William R., and G. C. Van Dyke. 1978. Unpublished manuscript. Staining and clearing small vertebrates for bone and cartilage study. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 19 pp. Waldron, Kenneth D., and J. E. King. 1963. Food of skipjack in the Central Pacific. FAO Fish. Rep. 6(3): 143 1-1457. Accepted 17 September 1983 Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Cane Creek, North Carolina, and Comparisons with Other Southeastern Streams David R. Lenat Biological Monitoring Group, N.C. Division of Environmental Management, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 ABSTRACT.— The macrobenthos of Cane Creek, in the Piedmont Plateau of North Carolina, have been sampled by several investigators. This information was combined to generate a list of 272 invertebrate taxa. Cane Creek is compared to other unstressed Piedmont streams to define characteristics of a "normal" stream in this geographic area. If used cautiously, this data set can provide control information for bio- logical monitoring. Average taxa richness appears to be the best tool for environmental assessment work. It shows little variability across a wide range of North Carolina streams, even outside the Piedmont. Such a pattern suggests a constant number of niches in stream ecosys- tems. INTRODUCTION The study of pollution in freshwater ecosystems is a complex prob- lem. Water quality degradation may be caused by an immense number of pollutants, many of which have an alarming degree of temporal and/ or spatial variability. To deal with this variability, water quality monitoring often includes some biological sampling. The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) has used biological monitoring to analyze a wide variety of water quality problems (Penrose et al. 1980). Specifically, the Division's biologists use the structure of the benthic macroinvertebrate community to detect stress in aquatic systems. There are many ways to examine such data (Lenat et al. 1980), but all are based on comparisons of actual data with some expected pattern. The expected pattern is often derived from a control area, but in many situations it may be difficult to locate good control stations. This difficulty can often be overcome by using control data sets. The Division's Biological Monitoring Group has attempted to generate control data sets by compiling information from many unpolluted North Carolina streams and rivers. An earlier contri- bution examined the benthos of a Mountain river system (Penrose et al. 1982). This paper describes the benthic macroinvertebrates of a typical Piedmont stream. Brimleyana No.9:53-68. June 1983. 53 54 David R. Lenat STUDY SITE Cane Creek is a third-order stream located in Orange County, North CaroHna (Fig. 1). The total watershed is about 90 km^ and aver- age discharge is roughly 0.7 m^s (N.C. Division Environmental Man- agement 1975). Cane Creek is classified as A-II water, i.e. suitable for drinking (after treatment), body contact, recreation, and "fish and wild- life propagation". ci: c^ Bear Creek Saxapahaw White Cross N Orange Co. Chatham c7. - Fig. 1. Sampling Stations, Cane Creek, North CaroHna. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Cane Creek NC 55 Fish collections from Cane Creek (unpublished data on file with N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission) include 25 species. The list appears typical of Piedmont streams in North Carolina. The watershed contains both forest and agriculture, principally dairy farming and row crops. According to the water basin plan (N.C. Division Environmental Management 1975), there are no point source discharges in this area, but runoff often causes high turbidity in Cane Creek. In 1978 the Soil Conservation Service (unpubUshed) cited Cane Creek as a high priority area for land treatment to reduce erosion rates. However, little accumulation of coarse bedload sediment was noted in biological surveys, which may be due to local geology. Cane Creek is located in the "slate belt" of North Carolina, a zone of metamorphosed volcanic rock (Simmons and Heath 1979). DEM surveys within this land type (unpublished data) suggests that little "sandy" stream sedi- ment is produced through erosion. METHODS Several investigators have collected benthic macroinvertebrates from Cane Creek (Smock and Hughes 1975; Mozley 1978; Penrose et al. 1980). Extensive collections have also been made by the author and by a limnology class at North Carolina State University. Collection methods included Hester-Dendy muhiple plate samplers (FuUner 1971), "kicks" (Frost et al. 1971), and various qualitative techniques. The most inten- sive collections have been at Station 1 (Lower Cane Creek), but all areas of the Cane Creek watershed have been sampled (see Fig. 1). Areas sampled included temporary streams and stream orders 1 through 3. All records were vertified by the author. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Taxa List Table 1 lists 272 taxa collected from Cane Creek. A list of taxo- nomic references used for identification of these organisms is available from the author. This table also contains data on frequency (rare, com- mon, or abundant), a classification that is somewhat subjective since most collections were qualitative. The list contains few species not col- lected in other Piedmont streams (DEM, unpubl. surveys). The most unusual record was Mystacides alafimbriata Hill-Griffin, a common edge species found at several stations in July 1979. This caddisfly had not been collected east of the Mississippi River. Identification was based on young larvae and should be confirmed by collection of adults. Another unusual caddisfly record was Dibusa angata Ross, a species strongly associated with red algae (Wiggins 1977). The turbellarian Hydrolimax grisea Haldeman was collected sev- eral times in Cane Creek. Pennak (1978) listed this species as rare and 56 David R. Lenat Table 1. List of benthic macroinvertebrates from Cane Creek. Under frequency, A = abundant, C = common, R = rare. Taxon Frequency EPHEMEROPTERA Baetis amplus A B. flavistriga A B. intercalaris A B. pluto C B. propinquus R Callibaetis sp. R Centroptilum sp. R Cloeon alamance R Pseudocloeon spp. C Caenis cf. diminuta C Ameletus lineatus C Isonychia spp.' C Siphloplectron basale R Leptophlebia sp. C Paraleptophlebia sp. A Hexagenia munda C Ephemerella (E. ) catawba^ R E. {Attenella) attenuata R E. (Dane I la) simplex R E. {Seratella) deficiens C E. (Eurylophella) bicolor C E. (E.) temporalis C E. (E.) funeralis \ R Heptagenia aphrodite C Stenonema modestum^ A S. smithae C S. vicarium C S. (femoratum) R Stenacron interpunctatum A S. pallidum C PLECOPTERA Allocapnia spp. C Leuctra sp. R Acroneuria abnormis C /I. evoluta R Eccoptura xanthenes R Perlesta placida C Taeniopteryx metaqui A T. burksi A Strophoteryx fasciata A Amphinemura sp. R Isoperla clio C Isoperla namata R Hastaperla brevis R Benthic Macroinvertebrates Cane Creek NC 57 HEMIPTERA Belastoma fluminea R Sigara spp. A Gerris remigis C Limnogonus sp. R Trepobates sp. R Metrobates hesperius R Rheumatobates palosi R Mesovelia mu Isanti R Rhagovelia obesa C Microvelia americana C NEUROPTERA Climacia sp. R MEGALOPTERA Corydalus cornutus C Nigronia serricornis C Chauliodes pectinicornis R 5/fl/w A ODONATA /4r^/fl spp. C A. sedula A. trans lata A. moesta A. tibialis Enallagma spp."* C Ischnura spp. C Calopteryx sp. C Baesiaeschna Janata R Boyeria vinosa C Cordulegaster sayi R Helocordulia selysii R Neurocordulia obsoleta R Epitheca cynosura R Libellula sp. R Perithemis tenera R Macromia allegheniensis C Didymops transversa R Gomphus spp C Lanthus parvulus R Stylogomphus albistylus R Hagenius brevistylus . R Dromogomphus spinosus C TRICHOPTERA Diplectrona modesta C Cheumatopsyche spp. A Hydropsyche betteni A Macronema Carolina C Nectopsyche sp. R 58 David R. Lenat Ceraclea ancylus C C. tarsipunctata R Oecetis spp.^ C Triaenodes injustus R Triaenodes tardus R r. cf. sp. b C Mystacides alajimbriata C Dibusa angata R Stactobiella sp. R Pycnopsyche guttifer R P. gentilis R Hydatophylax argus R Neophylax cf. oligius R Ptilostomis sp. R Brachycentrus sp. R Polycentropus spp.^ C Phylocentropus sp. C L>'/7e diversa R Molanna blenda R Chimarra cf. aterrima C Wormaldia sp. R Psilotreta sp. R Lepidostoma sp. R Rhyacophila Carolina R /?. acutiloba R /?. /^^ro R COLEOPTERA Helichus fastigiatus C Ancyronyx variegata C Macronychus glabratus C Stenelmis spp. C Oulimnius latiusculus R Optioservus ovalis R Dubiraphia quadrinotata C Ectopria nervosa R Psephenus herricki C Anchy tarsus bicolor R Hydroporus spp. C Hydrovatus sp. II R Rhantus sp. R Tropisternus sp. R Helophorus sp. R Laccophilus sp. R Copelatus glyphicus R Dineutes sp. C Gyrinus sp. R Benthic Macroinvertebrates Cane Creek NC 59 DIPTERA (Miscellaneous) Palpomyia (complex) C Anopheles punctipennis C Culex restuans R Chaoborus punctipennis R Dolichopodidae R Empididae R Simulium vittatum A Prosimulium mixtum A P. rhizophorum C Chrysops sp. C Tabanus sp. R Antocha sp. - C Dicranota sp. R Hexatoma sp. R Limonia sp. R Pseudolimnophila sp. R Tipula sp. R r. abdominalis C £)ixa sp. R DIPTERA: CHIRONOMIDAE Chironomus sp. R Cryptochironomus blarina R C fulvus gr. R Demicryptochironomus sp. R Dicrotendipes nervosus R D. neomodestus A Glyptotendipes sp. R Kiefferulus dux R Microtendipes pedellus A A/, nr. rydalensis R Paratendipes albimanus C Phaenopsectra sp. R P. flavipes C Polypedilum aviceps R P. convictum C P.fallax R P. illinoense C P. scalaenum R Stenochironomus sp. C Stictochironomus sp. R Thbelos jucundus C Xenochironomus xenolabis R Cladot any tarsus spp. R Const empellina sp. R Micropsectra sp. R 60 David R. Lenat Paratanytarsus sp. ' R Rheot any tarsus spp. A Tanytarsus spp. A T. guerlus gr. C T. nr.glabrescens C T. glabrescens R Zavrelia sp. R Ablabesmyia mallochi R A. ornata C A. parajanta R Clinotanypus pinguis C Conchapelopia group C Labrundinia neopilosella R L. nr. virescens , C Larsia sp. R Natarsia sp. R Nilotanypus sp. R Procladius bellus R P. sublettei R Psectrotanypus dyari R Zavrelimyia sp. R Sympotthastia sp. R Briilia spp. '' R Xylotopus par C Corynoneura spp. C Cardiocladius sp. R Cricotopusj Orthocladius %r. Cricotopus (C) bicinctus C C (C) tremulus gr. sp. 1 R (=C infuse at us) C. (C.) tremulus gr. sp. 2 R C. (C.) cf. cylindraeeus C Orthoeladius (O.) robaeki R O. (O.) nr. dorenus C O. (O.) cf. obumbratus € O. (O.) cf. nigritus R O. (O.) nr. c/arA:e/ R O. (Euorthoeladius) sp. 1 R a (£.) sp. 2 » C Diploeladius eultriger C Eukiefferiella elaripenis gr. R Tretenia bavariea gr. R r. diseoloripes gr. R Heterotrissoeladius marcidus R Hydrobaenus spp. R Nanoeladius spp. C Genus nr. Nanoeladius R Benthic Macroinvertebrates Cane Creek NC 61 Parakiefferiella sp. 1 P. sp. 3 P. nr. triquetra Paraphaenocladius sp. T Paracricotopus sp. Parachaetocladius sp.* Pseudosmittia sp. Psectrocladius sp. Rheocricotopus cf. robacki Synorthocladius sp. Thienemaniella sp. MOLLUSCA Somatogyrus sp. Ferrissia rivularis Phy sella sp. Stagnicola sp. Gyraulus sp. Heliosoma anceps Elimia sp. Campeloma decisum Eupera cubensis Pisidium spp. Sphaerium simile Elliptio camplanata E. icterina Strophitus undulatus CRUSTACEA Cambarus acuminatus Procambarus acutus Palaemonetes paludosus Lirceus sp. Crangonyx spp. Hyallela azteca OLIGOCHAETA Aulodrilus pigueti A. pluriseta Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Ilyodrilus templetoni Peloscolex variegatus Branchiura sowerbyi Nais bretscheri N. variabilis Slavinia appendiculata Stylaria lacustris HIRUDINEA Helobdella elongata Placobdella multilineata 62 David R. Lenat P. papillifera I R Mooreobdella tetragon R TURBELLARI Cura foremanii C Dugesia tigrina C Hydrolimax grisea R BRYOZOA Plumatella repens C Fredericella sultana R MISCELLANEOUS Porifera: Eunapius sp. C Nemertea: Prostoma graecens R Hydracarina C Nematoda C ' Includes Isonychia bicolor. ^ Subgenera listed for Ephemerella are considered as genera by some authors. ^ Old identifications of Lewis (1974) have been revised in accordance with Bed- narik and McCafferty (1979). ■* Includes Enallagma divergens. ^ Includes Oecetis cf. cinerascens. ^ Probably includes Cernotina sp. ^ This species listed as Parametriocnemus in many other surveys. Near Pseudorthocladius; identified by Len Ferrington. "reported from New Jersey and east Pennsylvania". This interpretation of range probably results from taxonomic difficulties rather than rarity. I have found this species to be widespread in Piedmont and Coastal Plain streams, especially in the latter. Several common Piedmont macroinvertebrates were rare or absent in Cane Creek. Ephemerella catawba Traver, which I have found to be a highly abundant organism in most Piedmont streams, was collected only once. This mayfly prefers sand-gravel areas, a rare habitat in Cane Creek. The lack of sand substrates probably also accounts for the absence of Baetisca Carolina Traver, Progomphus obscurus Rambur, and Robackia demeijerei (Kruseman). Taxa collected in first-order tributaries were markedly different from the fauna at lower stream stations. Many of these first-order stream taxa were more typical of small mountain streams: Diplectrona modesta Banks, Ephemerella funeralis McDonnough, Amphinemura sp., Micropsectra sp., and Heterotrissocladius sp. This may reflect the colder water temperature normally found in headwater areas (Vannote and Sweeney 1980). Other taxa collected only in first-order tributaries included Paraleptophlebia sp., Eccoptura xanthenes (Newman), Pyc- nopsyche gentilis (McLachlan), and Molanna blenda Sibley. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Cane Creek NC 63 Total Taxa Richness Table 2 presents Cane Creek taxa richness by group, and includes data from several other southeastern Piedmont stream investigations. These data show a remarkable degree of consistency if allowances are made for geographic area, collection methods, and special interest of the investigators. Some differences, as seen in South Carolina and Georgia samples, are attributable to collections of nonaquatic adult insects. This usually increases estimates of species richness, as greater taxonomic pre- cision may be attained with adult specimens. Collections in semiaquatic areas also may increase the number of species collected, especially for Coleoptera. Holeski and Graves (1978) found that 30+ species of "shore beetles" were usually found at most stations, but that this type of data was not useful in assessing environ- mental stress. Eighty chironomid taxa were identified from Cane Creek, about 30% of the total fauna. Use of adults or pupal exuviae might have doubled this figure. Coffman (1973), using pupal exuviae, identified 143 chironomid taxa from Linesville Creek, while larval sampHng from the same area produced only 77 taxa. Table 2. Total taxa richness at Cane Creek, with selected data from other intensive stream investigations. Numbers in parentheses omit data based only on nonaquatic adults. NI = Not Identified. Stream: State: Cane' NC Wildcat' SC Little Garvin' SC 20(19) Upper Three Runs* GA Linesville' PA EPHEMEROPTERA 30 54 32(27) 13 ODONATA 22 29 30(16) 24 7 PLECOPTERA 13 44 6 28(17) 5 HEMIPTERA 10 4 8 27 5 MEGALOPTERA 4 2 5 6(4) 2 LEPIDOPTERA 1 0 0 9(1) 0 NEUROPTERA 1 0 0 2 0 COLEOPTERA 16 20 15 86^ 15 TRICHOPTERA 31 48 10 108(46) 25 DIPTERA/(MISCELLANEOUS) 19 17 12 NI 14 DIPTERA: CHIRONOMIDAE 80 50 61 NI 77 OLIGOCHAETA 13 NI NI NI ? HIRUDINEA 4 NI NI NI ? MOLLUSCA 14 NI NI NI ? OTHER • ^y.: - 8 272 NI 266 NI 167 NI 321 ? TOTAL 192 This study. White and Fox (1980), based largely on the collections of Paul Carlson. White and Fox (1980). Morse etal. (1980). Coffman etal. (1971). Includes many semiaquatic species. 64 David R. Lenat Table 3. Average taxa richness by group for North Carolina Piedmont streams. Ranges are rounded to integer values. Stream: # Collections: County: Cane Bolin Gates 3 3 3 Orange Orange Orange UT Lanes Creek 3 Union Long Branch 4 Gaston 4-Mile 4 Davidson Group Range EPHEMEROPTERA 8.3 8.7 8.7 7.7 8.0 9.4 8-9 PLECOPTERA 1.7 3.7 3.7 2.0 3.0 5.0 2-5 ODONATA 0.7 0.7 3.7 0.7 1.0 1.6 1-4 TRICHOPTERA 5.0 4.0 5.6 2.0 7.3 3.4 2-7 COLEOPTERA 5.0 4.7 5.7 5.3 3.7 3.0 3-6 MEGALOPTERA 2.0 2.0 1.3 2.7 1.0 1.8 1-3 DIPTERA 21.0 13.7 19.7 16.0 17.3 14.6 14-21 MOLLUSCA 3.3 2.3 1.7 2.3 1.3 1.4 1-3 OLIGOCHAETA 3.7 1.0 2.7 2.3 1.7 1.8 1-4 CRUSTACEA 1.7 3.0 2.7 1.7 2.0 1.7 2-3 OTHER 2.7 2.0 0.3 0.6 - - 0-3 TOTAL 55.1 45.8 55.8 43.3 46.3 44.0 43-56 Average Taxa Richness/ Percent Density Environmental assessment is often based on quantitative data from a single collection or on data averaged over several collections. It may be difficult to relate these data to water quality if good control informa- tion is lacking. Tables 3 and 5 present average taxa richness and density values from Cane Creek and make comparisons with five other rela- tively unstressed Piedmont streams. All samples were taken during DEM investigations. Collection methods (kicks) and identification techniques were identical for all streams. From this data set, one may attempt to define the normal characteristics of Piedmont stream macroinvertebrate communities. Table 3 gives average taxa richness values in the range of 43 to 56 (x = 48.5). There was often a remarkable constancy at the group level. For example, Ephemeroptera varied only from 8.3 to 9.4. Plecoptera values were generally in the range of 2 to 4, except at 4-Mile Creek. The greater number of Plecoptera in this stream, which is at a higher eleva- tion, may reflect colder water temperatures. The expected number of Odonata is close to the average (1.4), except at Cates Creek. This is a very narrow, slow stream and might be expected to show a high propor- tion of bank associated (edge) species in quantitative samples. Odonata are most frequently collected in bank areas. Variations in Coleoptera and Trichoptera, especially the latter, are not easily explained. Various regional differences in water chemistry, temperature, and gradient may be responsible. The number of Diptera, especially chironomids, had a Benthic Macroinvertebrates Cane Creek NC 65 wide range (14-21), but was always high. Even stressed areas may have a diverse chironomid fauna (Penrose et al. 1980) although tolerant species will become dominant. The "other" category includes miscellaneous Insecta (Neuroptera, Lepidoptera), Turbellaria, Hirudinea, Nemertea, Porifera, and Nematoda. Variation in this category is very unpredictable. Table 4 presents average taxa richness values for streams in three broad geographic areas in North Carolin: Mountains (data expanded from Penrose et al. 1982); Piedmont (as in Table 5); and Coastal Plain. These three physiographic regions have differing physical characteris- tics. Going from the mountains to the coast one would expect increasing water temperature, lower gradient, and increasing amonts of sand and silt. The Coastal Plain data set is based on collections in Craven, Hert- ford, and Northampton counties. These coastal streams are not entirely unstressed, but the data are adequate to illustrate geographic trends. The overall trend suggests a relatively constant number of species in stream environments. Average taxa richness for Coastal Plain and Mountain streams is well within the range expected for Piedmont streams (Table 3). From this pattern one might advance the hypothesis that unpolluted streams have a relatively constant number of niches. Furthermore, these data imply that taxa richness is an excellent moni- toring tool across a wide range of stream types. A similar hypothesis was advanced by Patrick (1975:448). She examined species richness in nine different rivers and concluded that "similar-sized areas of different streams support similar numbers of species." This constancy of "a - diversity" prevailed even when the number of species shared between streams was low. Table 4. Average taxa richness by group for Coastal Plain, Piedmont and Mountain streams in North Carolina. See text for data sources. Number of streams shown in parentheses. Group Coastal Plain (7) Piedmont (6) Mountains (9) EPHEMEROPTERA 2.9 8.5 9.7 PLECOPTERA 0.8 3.2 6.5 ODONATA 2.5 1.4 0.8 TRICHOPTERA 3.9 4.6 7.8 COLEOPTERA 2.8 4.6 2.5 MEGALOPTERA 0.7 1.8 0.2 DIPTERA 23.0 17.1 14.5 MOLLUSCA 3.7 2,1 0.5 OLIGOCHAETA 3.6 2.2 0.9 CRUSTACEA 2.5 2.1 0.9 OTHER 2.0 0.9 0.2 TOTALS 48.4 48.9 44.5 66 David R. Lenat At the group level, taxa richness varies considerably across the three types of streams. Each stream type has a different assemblage of invertebrate predators. Plecoptera and Trichoptera are most diverse in Mountain streams, Megaloptera in Piedmont streams, and Odonata in Coastal Plain streams. The "other" category, also most important in Coastal Plain streams, includes many other predators: Hirudinea, Tur- bellaria, and Prostoma graecens (Bohmig). Shifts may also be observed in the collector-gatherer groups. Going from the mountains toward the coast, Ephemeroptera-Trichoptera decline and are replaced by Coleop- tera (Piedmont only), Oligochaeta, Crustacea, and Mollusca. Table 5 shows density (expressed as a percentage of total density) for Cane Creek and five other North Carolina Piedmont streams. The density values show much greater between-stream variability than does average taxa richness. These data may serve as controls only if used with extreme caution. Variability is imposed by such factors as stream size, substrate, and geographic locality. The data are further biased by the selection of riffle areas and by the mesh size used in sample process- ing. A smaller mesh size will increase the importance of Diptera and Oligochaeta. Table 5. Density by group (as percent of total density) for Cane Creek and other unstressed North Carolina Piedmont streams. Data are the aver- age of 3-4 collections, rounded to integer value. Stream: Cane Bolin Gates UT Lanes Long Br. 4-Mile Group EPHEMEROPTERA 13 12 16 6 27 38 PLECOPTERA 3 5 9 3 4 14 ODONATA - - 1 - 1 1 TRICHOPTERA 50 70 3 14 25 10 COLEOPTERA 5 3 4 29 2 9 MEGALOPTERA 2 1 1 - - - DIPTERA 20 8 61 45 39 27 MOLLUSCA 3 - - 2 - - OLIGOCHAETA 2 - 2 1 1 - CRUSTACEA - 1 2 - - 1 OTHER 2 - 1 - - - ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.— I would particularly like to acknowl- edge the help and support of two colleagues: Samuel Mozley, N.C. State University, and David Penrose, N.C. Division of Environmental Management. Taxonomic assistance was received from many sources: Chironomidae — Samuel Mozley; Patrick Hudson, U.S. Fish and Wild- life Service; Leonard Ferrington, University of Pittsburgh; Robert Bode, Benthic Macroinvertebrates Cane Creek NC 67 N.Y. Department of Health; Broughton Caldwell, Georgia Department of Natural Resources; N.W. Boesel, Miami University; Don Oliver, Bio- systematic Research Institute, Canada; and David Smith, U.S. Envir- onmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. Ephemeroptera — Paul Carlson, S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control. Tri- choptera — John Morse, Clemson University. Crustacea — John E. Cooper, N.C. State Museum of Natural History. People assisting in col- lections included Barbara Burchard, Ross Green, and Ken Eagleson. Two anonymous reviewers and John E. Cooper provided valuable comments on the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Bednarik, A. F., and W. P. McCafferty. 1979. Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 207:1-73. Coffman, William P. 1973. Energy flow in a woodland stream ecosystem: II. The taxonomic composition and phenology of the Chironomidae as deter- mined by the collection of pupal exuviae. Arch. Hydrobiol. 77:281-322. , K. W. Cummins and J. C. Wuycheck. 1971. Energy flow in a woodland stream ecosystem: I. Tissue support trophic structure of the autumnal community. Arch. Hydrobiol. 65:232-276. Frost, S., A. Huni and W. E. Kershaw. 1971. Evaluation of a kicking technique for sampling stream bottom fauna. Can. J. Zool. 49:167-173. Fullner, Richard W. 1971. A comparison of macroinvertebrates collected by baskets and modified multiple-plate samplers. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 45:494-499. Holeski, Paul M., and R. C. Graves. 1978. An analysis of shore beetle com- munities of some channelized streams in northeast Ohio (Coleoptera). Great Lakes Entomol. 77:23-26. Lenat, David R., L. A. Smock and D. L. Penrose. 1980. Use of benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators of environmental quality. Pp. 97-1 12 in D. L. Worf (ed.). Biological Monitoring for Environmental Effects. Lexington Books, D. C. Heath Co., Lexington. 227 pp. Lewis, P. A. 1974. Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptage- niidae: Ephemeroptera). EPA Monitoring Series EPA-670/ 4-74-006. Morse, John C, J. W. Chapin, D. D. Herlong and R. S. Harvey. 1980. Aquatic insects of Upper Three Runs Creek, Savannah River Plant, South Caro- lina. Part I. Orders other than Diptera. J. Ga. Entomol. Soc. 75:74-101. Mozley, Samuel C. 1978. Preimpoundment survey of species of benthic macroinvertebrates in Cane Creek. Unpubl. report Environmental Services Corp., Chapel Hill. 40 pp. N. C. Division Environmental Management. 1975. River Basin Plans. Patrick, Ruth. 1975. Stream communities. Pp. 445-459 in M. S. Cody and J. M. Diamond (eds.). Ecology and Evolution of Communities. Belknap Press, Harvard Univ., Cambridge. 545 pp. Pennak, Robert W. 1978. Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States. 2nd edition. Ronald Press, New York. 780 pp. 68 David R. Lenat Penrose, David L., D. R. Lenat and K. W. Eagleson. 1980. Biological evalua- tion of water quality in North Carolina streams and rivers. N. C. Div. Environ. Manage., Biological Series #103. 181 pp. , and . 1982. Aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Upper French Broad River basin. Brimleyana 8:27-50. Simmons, Clyde E., and R. C. Heath. 1979. Water quality characteristics of streams in forested and rural areas of North Carolina. U. S. Geol. Survey Water Resour. Invest. 79-108. 49 pp. Smock, L. A., and H. L. Hughes. 1975. Benthic collections. Haw and New Hope rivers. May 1974-April 1975. Rep. to U.S. Army Corps. Engineers, Wilmington District, NC. 52 pp. Vannote, Robert L., and B. W. Sweeney. 1980. Geographic analysis of thermal equilibria: a conceptual model for evaluating the effect of natural and modified temperature regimes on aquatic insect communities. Am. Nat. 7/5:667-695. White, Tina R., and R. C. Fox. 1980. Recolonization of streams by aquatic insects following channelization. Clemson Univ. Water Resour. Inst. Tech. Rep. 87, Vol. 1. 119 pp. Wiggins, G. B. 1977. Larvae of North American caddisfly genera (Trichoptera). Univ. Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada. 401 pp. Accepted 30 September 1982 Pleistocene Mammals from the Rock Springs Local Fauna, Central Florida Kenneth T. Wilkins^ Florida State Museum, University of Florida, Gainesville. Florida 3261 1 ABSTRACT. — Although several of the interesting fossil mammals from Rock Springs, Orange County, Florida, have been mentioned in scientific papers, this is the first comprehensive report of its mammal- ian fauna. The fauna, which evidently accumulated during several intervals of late Pleistocene deposition, consists of at least 27 species, including both marine and terrestrial forms. The faunal composition, coupled with modes of preservation (e.g., a barnacle-encrusted speci- men of a terrestrial species), provides direct evidence of at least one marine transgression (probably corresponding to the Pamlico shore- line) into central peninsular Florida. Two extralimital taxa character- ize the Rock Springs fauna: (1) current affinities of Thomomys sp. (pocket gophers) are with western North America, and (2) Mormoops sp. (leaf-chinned bats) now occur in western North America and the Neotropics. INTRODUCTION The Rock Springs site in central Florida has yielded an interesting sample of late Pleistocene vetebrate fossils. Although the first collec- tions were made in the 1920s, the first mention of fossil vertebrates from Rock Springs was a list of seven taxa (Gut 1939). Of the five vertebrate classes represented in this fauna, only the avifauna has been comprehen- sively reported (Woolfenden 1959). Auffenberg (1963) included two ser- pent species — Drymarchon corais, an indigo snake, and Crotalus gigan- teus, a large rattlesnake — from Rock Springs in his review of the fossil snakes of Florida. Ray et al. (1963) discussed the presence of Mor- moops megalophylla, a leaf-chinned bat, and Ray (1964) and Gillette (1976) studied a species of small cat, Felis amnicola, from this site. Webb (1974) listed some 17 mammalian species from the Rock Springs site. This paper presents the first comprehensive compilation of the Rock Springs mammalian fauna. Re-examination of all available fossil material, including a new collection made in 1982, reveals 27 mammal- ian taxa, some 14 of which are extinct (Table 1). Ten species in the Rock Springs local fauna presently occur in Florida. Because one spe- cies was not identifiable to genus (i.e., the large felid), its current status ' Present Address: Department of Biology, Baylor University, Waco, Texas 76798. Brimleyana No.9:69-82. June 1983. 69 70 Kenneth T. Wilkins Table 1. Mammalian fauna of the late Pleistocene Rock Springs site, Orange County, Florida. Extant Extant, not Species Extinct in Florida in Florida Blarina cf. carolinensis X Mormoops megalophylla X Myotis austroriparius X Holmesina septentrionalis X Dasypus bellus X cf. Glossotherium X Sylvilagus sp. X Geomys pinetis X Thomomys cf. orient alls X Castor canadensis X cf. Sigmodon X cf. Tursiops X Urocyon cinereoargenteus X cf. Canis dims X Tremarctos floridanus X Ursus americanus X Felis amnicola X cf. Felidae gen. et sp. indet. Mammut americanum X Mammuthus sp. X Trichechus manatus X Tapirus veroensis X Equus sp. X Mylohyus nasutus X Paleolama mirifica X Odocoileus virginianus X Bison sp. X is uncertain. The one extant species in the Rock Springs fauna not now occurring in Florida is Mormoops megalophylla. The other extralimital genus in the Rock Springs fauna is Thomomys, the smooth-toothed pocket gophers. General affinities of Mormoops and Thomomys lie in western North America and the Neotropics. Rock Springs is located in Kelly Park about 10 km (6 mi.) north of Apopka, Orange County, Florida (Sorrento quad. NEl/4, NEl/4, NWl/4, Sec. 15, T20S, R28E). Its elevation is about 7 m above present sealevel. The spring is one of many flowing into the Wekiva River, a tributary of the St. Johns River. The spring discharges at a mean rate of 1.83 cubic m/ second (64.6 cubic ft. /second) from a partially-submerged Pleistocene Mammals Central Florida 71 cavern in a 5 m high limestone bluff of the early Miocene Hawthorne Formation (Rosenau et al. 1977). The mouth of the cavern is about 1.5 m in diameter. The Rock Springs fauna has been collected along the initial 200 m of the spring run, and the underlying Crystal River Forma- tion of the Ocala Group (late Eocene age) is exposed in places along the run. Present habitats in the surrounding region are the longleaf pine- turkey oak sandhill ecosystem and the live oak xeric hammock associa- tion, as is common in the upland karst regions of peninsular Florida. Mesic hardwoods and other floodplain and freshwater marsh species occupy the adjacent riparian corridor. The material comprising the Rock Springs mammal fauna repre- sents the efforts of many amateurs and professionals, including J. Bauer, R. and J. Franz, L. F. Lovell, Mrs. C. A. Meyer, G. S. Morgan, J. W. Pierce, G. M. Ponton, A. E. Pratt, R. Savage, C. Simpson, J. R. Todd, K. T. Wilkins and G. E. Woolfenden. Additional Rock Springs fossils are contained in the private collection of H. James Gut, which is now in the custody of his son, Robert M. Gut of Jacksonville, Florida. Specimen numbers cited in the following annotated species list refer to the catalogue of the Florida State Museum Vertebrate Paleontology Collection at the University of Florida (UF). Catalogue numbers pre- ceded by "V" are part of the Florida Geological Survey collection which is also housed with the UF collection. ANNOTATED SPECIES LIST Order Insectivora Family Soricidae Blarina cf. carolinensis (Bachman) 1837 Material— Partial right mandible with iT, P4-M2, (UF 48997); partial left mandible with Ml, (UF 48998). Remarks. — Short-tailed shrews in Pleistocene deposits in Florida have previously been referred to B. brevicauda, the name formerly app- lied to most living populations of Blarina in eastern North America. Recent morphometric and karyotypic study of modern populations indicates that northern, southeastern and southwestern populations are separate species, with southeastern populations referred to Blarina caro- linensis (Genoways and Choate 1972; George et al. 1982). I apply caro- linensis to the Rock Springs Blarina solely on geographic grounds. Sta- tistical comparisons of later Pleistocene material from Florida with modern B. brevicauda, B. hylophaga and B. carolinensis are necessary to establish species identification. 72 Kenneth T. Wilkins Order Chiroptera Family Mormoopidae Mormoops megalophylla (Peters) 1864 Material. — Cranial and post-cranial material (UF 3860-3866) as described by Ray et al. (1963). Remarks. — Identification was established by Ray et al. (1963), who compared Rock Springs Mormoops with samples of the two living species of the genus. Kurten and Anderson (1980) noted Rock Springs as the only Pleistocene occurrence of the species in continental North America. Family Vespertilionidae Myotis austroriparius (Rhoads) 1897 Material. — Skull with partial maxillary dentition (UF 8925); ros- trum with partial maxillary dentition (UF 8926); 6 dentaries with partial dentitions and 1 edentulous dentary (UF 8927); 20 humeri (UF 8928); 25 radii (UF 8929); 30 metacarpals (UF 8930); 4 femora (UF 8931). Remarks. — This material is assigned to M. austroriparius rather than to M. grisescens Howell 1909 because of its relatively small size. M. austroriparius is a very common cave-dwelling bat of the karst regions of present-day Florida (Rice 1957). Order Edentata Family Dasypodidae Holmesina septentrionalis (Leidy) 1889 Material— 2 movable scutes (UF 24845); 4 fixed scutes (UF 24846). Dasypus bellus (Simpson) 1930 Material. — 1 fixed scute (V-4455). Family Mylodontidae cf. Glossotherium (Owen) 1840 Material— Distal phalanx (V-4394). Remarks. — Poorly ossified epiphyses indicate that this claw is that of a juvenile. The small size (greatest length = 51 mm) and roundness of the claw suggest Glossotherium. Measurements taken midway between proximal and distal ends are: mediolateral width 15 mm; dorsoventral depth 22 mm. Claws of other ground sloth genera are more mediolater- ally compressed than in Glossotherium. Pleistocene Mammals Central Florida 73 Order Lagomorpha ' Family Leporidae Sylvilagus sp. Gray 1867 Material— Left dentary with P3-P4, M2-M3 (V-4467); proximal femur (UF 49201); distal femur (UF 49202). Remarks., — Two species of similar-sized cottontails, Sylvilagus palustris and S.floridanus, presently range throughout most of Florida. The distribution of a third, much larger species, S. aquaticus, closely approaches the Florida panhandle in Alabama; quite possibly the spe- cies has recently extended its range into extreme western Florida. Left mandibular toothrow lengths were measured in five specimens each (mixed sex) of modern S. palustris and S. floridanus from Alachua County, Florida, in efforts to assign specific identity to the Rock Springs rabbit material. The sample mean for toothrow length for S. floridanus is 15.20 mm (s = 0.29 mm) and for S. palustris is 15.24 mm (s = 0.45 mm). Toothrow length in the Rock Springs specimen is 14.9 mm. Lack of mensural differences between these three samples dictates refer- ral of the Rock Springs rabbit to Sylvilagus sp. Order Rodentia Family Geomyidae Geomys pinetis Rafinesque 1817 Material— Isolated upper P4, (UF 49205). Remarks. — Geomys pinetis is the only extant pocket gopher in the eastern United States. The southeastern pocket gopher is presently abundant in the vicinity of Rock Springs, and in other parts of the southeastern United States characterized by the longleaf pine-turkey oak sandhill ecosystem. Despite the limited referred material, its generic identity is certain. Extant Geomys species possess an enamel band on the posterior surface of the fourth upper premolar. This posterior enamel investment on upper P4 is absent in Thomomys species and in the early-to-middle Irvingtonian species of Geomys in Florida (Wilkins 1984). Thomomys cf. orientalis Simpson 1928 Material — Six mandibles with partial to complete dentitions (UF 46571-46576). Remarks. — Generic assignment of these specimens is indicated by the presence of both anterior and posterior enamel bands on the lower molars; anterior bands are absent in Geomys species. The genus Thom- omys presently occurs in western North America (Hall 1981). The only 74 Kenneth T. Wilkins other Thomomys material reported from the southeastern United States is from Sabertooth Cave (Rancholabrean, Citrus Co., Florida). Simp- son's (1928) description of the species referred only to skull material, none of which is available in the Rock Springs deposit. Pending further study, the Rock Springs Thomomys is tentatively referred to orientalis. The Rock Springs site has yielded additional geomyid material for which generic assignment cannot be made on qualitative grounds. Sim- ilarity in size and preservation to the Thomomys material Hsted above suggests that four mandibles lacking cheekteeth (UF 46577-46580) are referable to Thomomys. No effort has been made to identify isolated lower P4's (UF 46581) and molars (UF 46582) beyond the family level. Family Castoridae Castor canadensis ¥.\x\i\ \%20 Material. — Lower molar (V-4399). Remarks. — The presence of beaver in the Rock Springs fauna was previously noted by Johns (1958), who argued that its present distribu- tion (restricted in Florida to the panhandle and northern peninsula) is less extensive than it was in historic and Pleistocene times. The Rock Springs specimen, coupled with two nearly complete mandibles with P4- M3 (V-5403) from the shores of nearby Lake Monroe, Volusia County, comprises the species' southernmost Pleistocene record in Florida. Post- Wisconsinan records include specimens from middens in Seminole, Volusia and Brevard counties (Furgeson 1951) and along the Indian River (Allen 1942). Family Cricetidae cf. 5/gmo10 cm dbh, within 2 m of a station. Diameter of nearest tree (cm). Distance to nearest tree (m). Basal area of living stems (m^/ha), wedge prism. Number of snags> 10 cm dbh, > 1 .8 m tall, within 2 m of a station. Diameter of nearest snag (cm). Distance to the nearest snag (m). Number of stumps>10 cm in diameter and<1.8 m tall, within 2 m of a station. Distance to the nearest stump (m). Number of logs>10 cm diameter,>1.8 m long, within 2 m of a station. Maximum diameter of the nearest log (cm). Length of the nearest log (m). Distance to the nearest log (m). Percent of ground covered by logs within 2 m of a station. Distance of the nearest rock>5 cm above ground. Percent of ground covered by rocks within 2 m of a station. Percent crown cover above 6.1 m at a station. Percent vegetation cover between 1.8 and 6.1 m at a station. Percent of the ground covered by fallen leaves within 2 m of a station. Percent understory cover<1.8 m tall per 4-m^ in Jan. and in Apr. Number of understory stems per 4-m^ in Jan. and in Apr. Number of understory taxa per 4-m^ in Jan. and in Apr. Understory species diversity per 4-m^ in Jan. and in Apr. Distance to water (m). Slope (%). Foliage height diversity. January and April of 1980. A modified Aldous method, similar to that described by Murphy and Noble (1972), was used to quantify vegeta- tion. Percent cover and stem density were determined for each plant taxon (at least to genus) on each 4-m^ plot. Total cover, total stem density, plant species richness, and a Shannon-Weaver plant species diversity index were calculated for each station for both sampling peri- ods. April understory values were used in conjunction with May mid- story and overstory values to calculate a foliage height diversity index based on estimated cover of the three layers. Mean habitat characteris- tics were calculated for each 0.4-ha plot and used to characterize the plot. A more detailed discussion of habitat characteristics was given by McComb and Rumsey (in press). 86 William C. McComb and Robert L. Rumsey Birds were counted 15 times on each 0.4-ha plot from 15 January to 5 March 1980 and 1981 (winter birds), and 13 times on each plot from 20 March to 15 June 1980 and 1981 (breeding birds). Approxi- mately 10 minutes were spent on the center of each plot during each visit counting birds seen or heard on the plot. Locations of birds in the plot were judged to be within 9 m of the plot edge or within the plot center. Only winter birds observed foraging were assumed using a plot while breeding birds which were either singing or foraging were tallied. Birds were counted within three hours of sunrise or sunset. Eight morn- ing and seven evening visits were made to each plot during winter, and seven morning and six evening visits were made to each plot during the breeding season. Shannon-Weaver BSD, equitability, richness, and average density per plot per visit of each species were compared among treatments blocking on aspects with analysis of variance and Duncan's New Multiple Range Test. Tests among treatments are conservative due to variability among aspects. Linear correlation was used to identify plot characteristics potentially important in determining use by common bird species. A t-test was used to compare weighted mean environmental characteristics for plots used by a species vs. overall means and to com- pare mean BSD, equitabiHty, richness, and density between seasons. Chi-square analysis was used to compare occurrences of birds at the edge vs. center of plots. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Seasonal Effects. — Not unexpectedly, the breeding bird communi- ties had higher diversity (x = 0.91 1), richness (x = 2.2), equitability (x = 0.238), and density (x = 2.4 birds/ 0.4 ha) than the winter bird commun- ities (x = 0.265, 1.0, 0.069, and 1.0, respectively) (Table 2). Winter bird communities were dominated by hairy woodpeckers, Picoides villosus, and Carolina chickadees, Parus carolinensis (Table 2), and the breeding bird communities were dominated by red-eyed vireos, Vireo olivaceus, and hooded warblers, Wilsonia citrina (Table 3). Several resident spe- cies changed their habitat usage from winter to spring. White-breasted nuthatches, Sitta carolinensis, used areas in spring with a higher den- sity (x = 1/43 m^) of larger diameter (x = 1.23 cm) snags and fewer trees (x = 1/32 m^) than in winter (x = 1/171 m^, 7.9 cm and 1/27 m^ respec- tively) (P<0.05). Red-bellied woodpeckers, Melanerpes carolinus, used areas in spring with more snags (x = 1/50 m^), higher understory density (x = 45.2 stems/ 4 m^), and lower foliage height diversity (x = 1.23) than in winter (x = 1/171 m^ 34.7 stems/4 m^, and 1.40, respectively) (P<0.05). Both white-breasted nuthatches and red-bellied woodpeckers probably used areas with higher snag density in spring for nesting pur- poses, since both will forage on dead or living trees in the winter (Conner 1979). Bird Response to Clearings 87 ■a > o ^ o S ■5 £: "2 s: 3 -5 1.2 i 2 ^ "S ^ o o .z. o .:2 >/^ ON sO sO rsi 0 d d 00 Tt vo -^ 0 6 d -* u-i -^ — 0 d d m r-- ON m 0 d d ir^ 00 1^ ON r»-) 0 d d >/-i 0 0 00 r^ 0 d d r<-, 0 0^ 10 0 d d >^ a> > ■a C/5 >, .ii 0 1 03 ■0 3 a- m UJ U g V, C <3 O > - C 2 J^ 3 . u-' X) 3 :| '^ ^ ^ •- .Si 5 ^ X) o *i oJ O 4J i If ■n 1- ^ O o 0.1 a, c ^ . o 1 i ' S S S t '^ ^ ■II -■ ■~^ , s: 0 w 3 £^■50 T3 5 lU 'E 2 o ^ .2 .. ^'^ I 2 2 5 ? •? a 1 S " « s: 5 to <3 ^ ^' U (U ■^ -^ .5 c .^'-^ o ^ V •2 c 3 William C. McComb and Robert L. Rumsey o o ON '^ oo 00 so flj -o o X) m -^ (U K m (N CQ 03 -a o X) > if > Co !> .2 x; a ? o X U -o > o ^ o ^ X Bird Response to Clearings 89 2 S — , oo — f^ ON rsi o o -_; oo -:; ON oo O d q OO -" d ON o o :: - O — O '^ M 3 O •S (U o T3 v^ O a O ^ ^ 2 -o Ci, a> c M c u ?3 X5 ^ "S ^ = 1 O o -f. Si (U t>c o ^ 2 ^ '^ .2 - o = < Oil ^ ^ . "S ^ -5 ^ u -^ C (U 5^ en ap O o 03 is ^ B ?\ < 1 03 (u C GO 1^ O (U 00 ^ -o o I- - cd *i -2 2 X) 03 >; ° I o ^ ^1 O ^ ^ 00 uT ^ X) -So X) Ci, OX) i 1 1 CT3 V^ • - ^ C "< 2-Q ^ 90 William C. McComb and Robert L. Rumsey Carolina chickadees used areas with greater (P<0.05) understory species richness in the spring (x = 7.3 species/ 4 m^) than in the winter (x = 6.6), and tufted titmice used areas with lower (P<0.05) leaf cover (a more open canopy) (x = 46.4%) in the spring than in the winter (x = 63.5%). Winter Birds. — Bird species diversity, equitability, and richness did not vary significantly among treatments nor among aspects (P>0.05). Winter bird density was higher on clearcuts, 23 kg/ ha, and 45 kg/ ha plots than on the control plots (P<0.05) (Table 2), and bird density on ridge-tops (x = 1.1 bird/ plot/ visit) (P<0.05) was higher than on north facing slopes (x = 0.53 birds/ plot/ visit) (P<0.05). South-facing and rid- getop areas are warmer than north-facing slopes throughout the day- light hours and probably influenced bird activity (Shields and Grubb 1974). Hairy woodpecker abundance was similar among treatments, but they used south-facing slopes (17 individuals) more than north-facing slopes (7 individuals), and they were observed using plot edges (20 indi- viduals) more than plot centers (4 individuals) (P<0.05). Carolina chickadee abundance was similar among treatments, but they used ridge-tops (25 individuals) more than north-facing slopes (5 individuals) (P<0.05). Strelke and Dickson (1980) found breeding Carolina chicka- dees associated with pine-hardwood clearcut edges in Texas. Carolina chickadee numbers were correlated with distance to the nearest stump (r =+ 50.6), slope (r =- 50.5), and understory density (r =+ 49.4) (P< 0.05). Distance to stumps on plots used by chickadees (23.2 m; SD = 7.1) differed significantly (P<0.05) from overall stump distance (17.4 m; SD = 7.9). Large, soft stumps may afford roosting sites for chickadees. White-breasted nuthatch abundance was similar among aspects (P>0.05), but more individuals were observed on 45 kg/ ha plots than on any other treatment except 23 kg/ ha plots (P<0.05) (Table 2). White-breasted nuthatch numbers were correlated with log length (r = + 51.1). Log presence indicates prior snag presence so nuthatches may be using an area that recently had snags present. Plots used by wintering white-breasted nuthatches had higher crown cover (x = 57.5%), lower understory diversity (x = 4.73), and lower understory density (x = 26.3 stems/ 4 m^) than overall plot means (x = 31.6, 5.15, and 36.2, respec- tively). Wintering white-breasted nuthatches occurred on plots with open crowns, sparse understory, and many long logs on the ground. Red-bellied woodpeckers used ridge-tops (13 individuals) more than south- or north-facing slopes (2 individuals each) and they were found more frequently at plot edges (12 individuals) than centers (5 individuals) (P<0.05). Red-bellied woodpecker numbers were negatively correlated with slope (r = 45.7), a result of their use of ridge sites. Bird Response to Clearings 91 Wintering northern cardinals, Cardinalis cardinalis, used clearcuts more than other treatments except 23 kg/ ha plots (P<0.05) (Table 2). Both treatments resulted in dense understory vegetation (>100%) and low basal area (<17.5 m^ha). Cardinals showed no association with edge. Northern cardinal abundance was correlated with snag and tree distance (r =+ 62.4, + 57.7), and basal area (r =- 54.1). Snags provide singing perches for cardinals. Rufous-sided towhees, Pipilo erythrophthalmus, used clearcuts more than any other treatment (P<0.05) (Table 2). Clearcuts had the lowest basal area (9.3 m^/ha 4-year-old regrowth) and the highest ground cover (logs, 3.5/ 12 m^; rocks, 6.7% cover; stumps, 0.8/ 12 m^) of any of the plots. Towhee numbers were correlated with distance to the nearest tree (r =+ 80.0) and basal area (r =- 70.3) (P<0.01). Trees near young clearcuts probably provide singing perches for towhees. These results concur with those of Crawford et al. (1981) and Conner and Adkisson(1975). Sample sizes for 13 other winter resident species were too small to detect meaningful differences among treatments or aspects (Table 2). Breeding Birds. — We found no differences in BSD or equitability among treatments or aspects (P>0.05). Average breeding bird density was higher on 23 kg/ ha plots than on other treatments except 45 and 68 kg/ ha plots (P<0.05) (Table 3). Density was higher on south- and north-facing slopes (x = 1.6 birds/ plot/ visit) than on ridge-tops (x = 1.2 birds/ plot/ visit) (P<0.05). Smith (1977) reported that moist forests were of more importance to most species of breeding birds in Arkansas than extremely dry sites. The red-eyed vireo was the most abundant species and it used south- and north-facing slopes (31 and 26 individuals) more than ridge- tops (13 individuals), and edges (54 individuals) more than centers (16 individuals) (P<0.05). Because edges of most plots had more complete canopy development than plot centers (except control plots), it is not surprising that red-eyed vireos used edges. Anderson and Shugart (1974), Stauffer and Best (1980), and Crawford et al. (1981) reported red-eyed vireos associated with closed canopies and sparse understory. We also found that red-eyed vireo numbers were correlated with tree density (r=+ 47.8). Hooded warblers, Wilsonia citrina, were ubiquitous over treat- ments and aspects. Plots used by hooded warblers had lower basal area (x = 7.1 m^/ha) than plots not used (18.6 m^ha) (P<0.05). Occurrence of hooded warblers was associated with understory diversity (r =+ 59.3) and understory density (+ 50.1), similar to Anderson and Shugart 's (1974) findings. Black-throated green warblers, Dendroica virens, were ubiquitous over treatments and aspects. Plots used by black-throated green 92 William C. McComb and Robert L. Rumsey warblers had less leaf cover (x = 26.4%) (hence lower crown cover), greater slope (x = 49.0%), and higher understory diversity (x = 5.49) than overall plot averages (x - 56.0, 36.2, and 5.15, respectively). Freedman et al. (1981) reported adverse effects of forest cutting on black-throated green warblers in Nova Scotia, but we found this species tolerant of forest disturbance in Kentucky, though densities were low on clearcut, 45 kg/ ha and 90 kg/ ha plots. Ovenbirds, Seiurus aurocapillus, used control and 90 kg/ ha plots more than clearcut and 68 kg/ ha plots (P<0.05) (Table 3). The 90 kg/ ha of M-3864 resulted in dense understory (x = 105%), partial mid- story (x = 13%), and a discontinuous overstory (x = 31.9%) (McComb and Rumsey, in press). Further, ovenbirds used edges more frequently (13 individuals) than plot centers (2 individuals) (P<0.05), and they were found more often on north-facing slopes (10 individuals) than on ridges (1 individual) (P<0.05). Allaire (1978), Robbins (1979), Stauffer and Best (1980) and Crawford et al. (1981) indicated that ovenbirds are a forest interior species and that they are adversely affected by forest disturbance or edge presence, but our study and that of Freedman et al. (1981) indicated that ovenbirds will occur on edges of some disturbed areas surrounded by undisturbed forest. Plots where ovenbirds occurred in our study had higher crown cover (x = 49.7%), leaf cover (x = 73.2%), basal area (x = 41.7 m^/ha), foliage height diversity (x = 1.44), lower log density (x = 0.8/ 12 m^), and a shorter distance to water (x - 189.8 m) than overall plot means (x = 31.5, 56.0, 33.3, 1.30, 1.5, and 335.7, respectively). Ovenbird numbers were correlated with basal area (r = + 54.6), crown cover (r -+ 48.0), and distance to water (r =- 47. 1). Kentucky warblers, Oporornis formosus, used 68 kg/ ha plots more than control and clearcut plots (P<0.05) (Table 3). Abundant (x = 1/31 m^) and large-diameter (x = 34.8 cm) snags, low basal area (17.2 m^/ha), and low midstory cover (17.1%) characterized 68 kg/ ha plots. Kentucky warblers were found on plots with higher snag density (x = 1/13 m^), rock cover (x - 8.8%), and lower midstory cover (x = 15.5%), snag dis- tance (x = 16.2 m), rock distance (x = 14.9 m), and log length (x = 19.7 m), than overall averages ( x = 1/20, 3.3, 28.0, 3.4, 32.8, and 28.4, respec- tively). Kentucky warbler numbers were correlated with midstory cover (r =- 52.3) and snag diameter (r =+ 48.6). Kentucky warbler habitat on our plots was characterized by many logs, rocks and large snags and little midstory on sites away from permanent water. Log and rock pres- ence may be important as a nest location for this ground-nesting species. Tufted titmice had no association with aspect or edge, but they were observed most frequently on 68 kg/ ha plots (P<0.05) (Table 3). The abundance of large-diameter snags (x = 34.8 cm dbh) that occurred on 68 kg/ ha plots may have influenced use of these plots by this cavity- Bird Response to Clearings 93 nesting species. Stauffer and Best (1980) reported this species tolerant of habitat disturbance and Crawford et al. (1981) found titmice using a wide range of habitats. Red-bellied woodpeckers used control and 45 kg/ ha plots more frequently than clearcut or 23 kg/ ha plots (P<0.05) (Table 3). Control and 45 kg/ ha plots were characterized by having higher basal area (x = 22.5 m^ha) than either clearcut (9.3 m^ha) or 23 kg/ ha plots (17.5 m^/ha). Red-bellied woodpeckers exhibited no association with aspect or edge, but hairy woodpeckers used ridge-tops (9 individuals) more (P<0.05) than north- or south-facing slopes (3 and 2 individuals, respec- tively). Red-bellied woodpeckers used habitats with an open understory (high crown cover) and high basal area. Sample sizes were insufficient to identify treatment, aspect, or habi- tat preferences of 22 other species of breeding birds encountered during the course of our study (Table 3). MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Long-term effects of picloram herbicide application in field situa- tions on soil invertebrates, invertebrates inhabiting herbicide-created snags, plant succession, and reproductive physiology of terrestrial verte- brates have not been thoroughly investigated. If future studies indicate minimal effects of picloram herbicides on these ecological processes, then pelletized picloram application may be a more desirable and less expensive non-game bird management tool in remote or rugged terrain than manually cutting trees. Four years after application of picloram herbicide or clearcutting, increases in BSD through changes in species composition and increased density of some species in the forest may be expected, but no single treatment will accomplish this goal. Although we found no differences in BSD among treatments, some species pre- ferred or occurred exclusively on one or several treatments. Total bird density was higher on treated plots than control plots in both winter and spring. This may have been due to the presence of edge for some species (wintering hairy and red-bellied woodpeckers, red-eyed vireos, and ovenbirds) and/ or to the changes in the biotic and abiotic habitat characteristics produced by the treatment. For instance, changes in habitat characteristics due to clearcutting produced predictable occurrences of rufous-sided towhees and cardinals. Changes in habitat structure brought about by herbicide application allowed predictable occurences of some species (e.g., Kentucky warblers and ovenbirds) but not others (black-throated green warblers and tufted titmice). We recommend that a range of pelletized picloram rates from 27 to 68 kg/ ha be used on small plots (0.5 - 1.0 ha) in conjunction with small clearcuts to provide desirable habitat requirements for as many species of birds as possible, and to increase the density of many of these species 94 William C. McComb and Robert L. Rumsey over what would occur in an undisturbed forest. Ninety kg/ ha of M-3864 was not a desirable treatment since none of the species used plots with this rate over one of the other treatments. If ten plots per 1,000 ha were treated each year, habitat would be provided on a sus- tained basis while allowing 100 years for recovery on each site. Herbicide-treated plots and clearcuts placed on both north-facing and south-facing slopes would increase the advantages to breeding migrants and wintering residents or breeding Picids, respectively. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.— We wish to thank R. L. Anderson, D. M. Allen, M. J. Immel, and C. Rowell for advice on statistical ana- lyses; Dow Chemical Corp. for supplying herbicides; J. B. Davis and the Robinson Forest staff for assistance with field work; and R. N. Conner, P. D. Doerr, B. A. Thielges, P. N. Allaire, R. E. Noble, R. B. Hamilton, R. D. Shipman, R. N. Muller, and C. J. Liu for reviewing an early draft of the manuscript. The investigation reported in this manuscript (No. 82-8-40) is in connection with Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion Project No. 620 and is published with the approval of the Director. LITERATURE CITED Allaire, Pierre N. 1978. Effects on avian populations adjacent to an active stripmine site. Pp. 232-240 in D. E. Samuel, J. R. Stauffer and W. T. Mason (eds.). Surface mining and fish/ wildlife needs in the eastern United States. U. S. Dep. Inter., Fish Wildl. Serv. Program FWS - OBS 78/81. Anderson, Stanley H., and H. H. Shugart, Jr. 1974. Habitat selection of breed- ing birds in an east Tennessee deciduous forest. Ecology 55:828-837. Beaver, Donald L. 1976. Avian populations in herbicide treated brush fields. Auk 95:543-553. Best, Louis B. 1972. First-year effects of sagebrush control on two sparrows. J. Wildl. Manage. 36:534-544. Carpenter, Stanley B., and R. L. Rumsey. 1976. Trees and shrubs of Robinson Forest, Breathitt County, Kentucky. Castanea ^^7:277-282. Conner, Richard N. 1979. Snag management for cavity-nesting birds. Pp. 120- 128 in R. M. DeGraaf (Tech. Coord.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Management of Southern Forests for Nongame Birds. U. S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-14. , and C. S. Adkisson. 1975. Effects of clearcutting on the diversity of breeding birds. J. For. 7i:78 1-785. Crawford, Hewlette S., R. G. Hooper and R. W. Titterington. 1981. Songbird response to silvicultural practices in central Appalachian hardwoods. J. Wildl. Manage. 45:680-692. Bird Response to Clearings 95 Dewey, John B. 1980. "Gridball Pellets" — a new tool for brush control in pines. For. Farmer ^0(2): 14-15, 34. Freedman, B., C. Beauchamp, I. A. McLaren and S. I. Tingley. 1981. Forestry management practices and populations of breeding birds in a hardwood forest in Nova Scotia. Can. Field-Nat. 95:307-31 1. James, Francis C, and H. H. Shugart, Jr. 1971. A quantitative method of habi- tat description. Audubon Field Notes 2'/:727-736. Kenaga, Eugene E. 1969. Tordon herbicide — evaluation of safety to fish and birds. Down-to-Earth 25:5-9. Loftis, David L. 1978. Preharvest herbicide control of undesirable vegetation in southern Appalachian hardwoods. South. J. Appl. For. 2:51-54. McCaffery, Kenneth R., F. L. Johnson and L. D. Martoglio. 1974. Maintaining wildlife openings with pellets containing picloram. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 2:40-45. McComb, William C, and R. E. Noble. 1980. Small mammal and bird use of some managed and unmanaged forest stands in the mid-south. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish Wildl. Agencies 5^:482-491. , and R. L. Rumsey. In press. Habitat characteristics of forest clear- ings created by picloram herbicides and clearcutting. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish Wildl. Agencies 55. Murphy, Patrick K., and R. E. Noble. 1972. The monthly availability and use of browse plants by deer on a bottomland hardwood area in Tensas Parish, Louisiana. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish Wildl. Agencies 2(5:39-57. Robbins, Chandler S. 1979. Effect of forest fragmentation on bird populations. Pp. 198-212 in R. M. DeGraaf (Tech. Coord.). Proceedings of the Work- shop on Management of North Central and Northeastern Forests for Non- game Birds. U. S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-51. Savidge, Julie A. 1978. Wildlife in a herbicide-treated Jeffrey pine plantation in eastern California. J. For. 7(5:476-478. Shields, William M., and T. C. Grubb, Jr. 1974. Winter bird densities on north and south slopes. Wilson Bull. 5(5:125-130. Shipman, Robert D. 1972. Converting low-grade hardwood forests to Japanese larch with fenuron herbicides. Tree-Planters' Notes 2^:1-3. Smith, Kimberly G. 1977. Distribution of summer birds along a forest moisture gradient in an Ozark watershed. Ecology 55:810-819. Stauffer, Dean F., and L. B. Best. 1980. Habitat selection by birds of riparian communities: evaluating effects of habitat alterations. J. Wildl. Manage. ^^:1-15. Strelke, William K., and J. G. Dickson. 1980. Effect of forest clearcut edge on breeding birds in east Texas. J. Wildl. Manage. 44:559-561. Accepted 29 April 1983 Drainage Records and Conservation Status Evaluations for Thirteen Kentucky Fishes Melvin L. Warren, Jr. ' and Ronald R. Cicerello Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 ABSTRACT.— Recent ichthyofaunal surveys in Kentucky have resulted in drainage records, refinement of distributional patterns, and evaluation of conservation status for 13 fish species. The following species are recorded for the first time from the Kentucky drainages indicated in parentheses: Lampetra appendix (Cumberland River), Umbra limi (West Fork Clarks River), Hybognathus hayi (Tennessee River), Hybopsis insignis (Red River), Notropis ariommus (Kinnicon- ick Creek), Notropis telescopus (Green River), Lepomis marginatus (Tennessee River), Etheostoma camurum (Licking River), Percina phoxocephala (Red River), and Percina shumardi (Little Sandy River). In addition, the continued existence of Percina macrocephala in the Barren River system and Kinniconick Creek, and of Fundulus chryso- tus in extreme southwestern Kentucky, are confirmed. Evaluation of recently acquired distributional data necessitates recommended changes in the conservation status (established by the Kentucky Academy of Science) of four species: (1) Lepisosteus oculatus should be removed from the threatened category and reassigned to special concern status; (2) Hybopsis insignis and Fundulus chrysotus should be elevated from special concern to threatened and endangered status, respectively; and (3) Percina phoxocephala does not warrant conservation status recog- nition. INTRODUCTION The freshwater ichthyofauna of Kentucky is one of the most speci- ose in North America, ranking third behind Tennessee and Alabama (Burr 1980). Nevertheless, attempts to thoroughly document the distri- bution and conservation status of this fauna have only recently been reaHzed through publication of Clay*s (1975) book on Kentucky fishes, an updated distributional checkHst (Burr 1980), and a Hst of endangered and threatened Kentucky fishes endorsed by the Kentucky Academy of Science (Branson et al. 1981b). These efforts stimulated renewed interest in the Kentucky fish fauna, with emphasis on taxonomic status, refine- ment of distributions, and re-evaluation of conservation status as exem- plified by Starnes and Starnes (1978, 1979), Bauer and Branson (1979), Burr and Mayden (1979), Burr et al. (1980), Starnes (1981), Warren (1981), Page and Burr (1982), Warren and Cicerello (1982), and others. ' Present address: Department of Zoology, Southern Illinois University at Car- bondale, Carbondale, Illinois 62901. Brimleyana No.9:97-109. June 1983. 97 98 Melvin L. Warren, Jr. and Ronald R. Cicerello Recent ichthyofaunal surveys conducted under the auspices of the Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission have further contributed to the refinement of distributional patterns and evaluation of the Kentucky Academy of Science conservation status (Branson et al. 1981b) of sev- eral fish species. It is the primary purpose of this report to elucidate and summarize these findings for a better understanding of Kentucky's speci- ose ichthyofauna. SPECIES ACCOUNTS Several new drainage records, significant distributional informa- tion, and conservation status evaluations for 13 Kentucky fishes are presented in the following species accounts. Each account includes col- lection numbers followed in parentheses by the number of specimens, standard or total length (TL) range in millimeters, stream and major drainage, locality, county, and date of collection. All scientific and common names follow Robins et al. (1980). Collecting materials and methods were the same as those presented by Harker et al. (1980). All collections are housed at the Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission (KNP), pending deposition at Southern Illinois University at Carbon- dale (SIUC). A number of specimens, as noted, are deposited at the Kentucky Department of Fish and WildHfe Resources (KFW), the Ken- tucky Department of Transportation (KDOT), or SIUC. Lampetra appendix (DeKay). American brook lamprey. KNP uncat. (1, 182 TL), Cumberland R. (Ohio R. dr.), 30 m below the mouth of Sulphur Cr., Monroe Co., 22 October 1982. Burr (1980) considered Lampetra appendix (as L. lamottei) to be occasional in the upper Barren, Green, Kentucky, and Big Sandy rivers of Kentucky. The specimen reported here is the first published record for the Cumberland River of Kentucky, and one of three from the entire drainage (Rohde 1980). Based on development of dentition, eyes, and fins, the specimen was judged a sub-adult in the latter stages of trans- formation; myomeres numbered approximately 69-70. Seagle and Nagel (1982) noted that metamorphosis of this species in streams of eastern Tennessee occurred from mid-August through October; this is sup- ported by capture of a metamorphosing specimen in Kentucky in late October. The specimen was collected from shallow (15 cm), clear water with moderate current over a gravel riffle near the shore. When col- lected the specimen was sluggish, relatively easy to capture, and hemor- rhaging at the base of the dorsal fins. It should be noted that the Cum- berland River was at unusually low flow and high water temperatures due to temporary curtailment of hypolimnetic discharge from upstream Wolf Creek Dam. Extensive seining in the area produced only a few specimens of Coitus carolinae (Gill) and a single juvenile Etheostoma Kentucky Fishes 99 rufilineatum (Cope). We speculate that the lamprey was a waif from nearby Sulphur Creek, which more closely approximates the preferred small river and stream habitat (Rohde 1980). Lampetra appendix is regarded as a species of special concern in Kentucky (Branson et al. 1981b). Lepisosteus oculatus (Winchell). Spotted gar. KNP Tn04GRV (1, 464 TL; 1 not retained), unnamed wetland (W. Fk. Clarks R. dr.), 0.9 km ENE Clear Springs, Graves Co., 4 May 1982; KNP OOl MCC (1,380 TL; 1 not retained). Metropolis Lake (Ohio R. dr.), 2.3 km N KY 1420 and KY 996 jet, McCracken Co., 6 June 1982; KNP M02CAE (1, 603 TL), Fish Lake (Mississippi R. dr.), at Burkley, Carlisle Co., 20 June 1982; KNP M05HIC (1, 557 TL; 1 not retained), Obion Cr. (Mississippi R. dr.), 0.1 km downstream from KY 307 crossing, Hickman Co., 22 June 1982. In Kentucky, the spotted gar was thought to be restricted to the mainstem and tributaries of the Mississippi, lower Ohio (exclusive of the lower Tennessee and Clarks rivers), and lower Cumberland rivers (Burr 1980), until specimens from the Tradewater and Green river drainages were reported by Warren and Cicerello (1982). More recently. Rice et al. (1983) pubUshed the first substantiated Kentucky record for L. oculatus from the lower Tennessee River drainage and, in additon, six records for locaHties in CarUsle, Fuhon, and Hickman counties. In light of these records and those presented herein, we believe a reapprai- sal of the threatened status assigned to L. oculatus by Branson et al. (1981b) is warranted. The spotted gar is more widespread in Kentucky than previously thought despite the continuing loss of wetland habitat favored by the species (Trautman 1981; Warren and Cicerello 1982). The apparent rarity of the species is probably a result of the difficulty of sampling the preferred vegetated, wetland habitat which has only recently begun to be surveyed in Kentucky. We recommend that the status of L. oculatus be changed from threatened to special concern, so that the impact of habitat modification can be monitored. Umbra limi (Kirtland). Central mudminnow. KNP M02GRV (1, 74), unnamed wetland (Terrapin Cr. dr.), 1.45 km S KY 97 and KY 1485 jet at Bell City, Graves Co., 27 April 1982; KNP Tn03GRV (1, 64), old channel (W. Fk. Clarks R. dr.), at KY 131 crossing. Graves Co., 4 May 1982; KNP Tn04GRV (2, 46-53), unnamed wetland (W. Fk. Clarks R. dr.), 0.9 km ENE Clear Springs, Graves Co., 4 May 1982; KNP Tn08GRV (4, 18-21), unnamed wetland (W. Fk. Clarks R. dr.), 1.1 km SSW mouth Spring Cr., Graves Co., 5 May 1982; KNP M04FUL (4, 40-66), unnamed wetland (Reelfoot Lake dr.), 0.4 km NE Tyler on E side KY 94, Fulton Co., 24 June 1982; KDOT Q18 (2, -), slough along KY 94 (Reelfoot Lake dr.), NW of KY 94 and 1500 m NE of Tennessee- 100 Melvin L. Warren, Jr. and Ronald R. Cicerello Kentucky line, Fulton Co., 12 June 1979; KDOT Q20 (2, -), tributary to Blue Pond (Reelfoot Lake dr.), KY 311 bridge, Fulton Co., 17 June 1979; KDOT Q27 (-, -), Rittenhouse Slough (Reelfoot Lake dr.), 1700 m S Bondurant, Fulton Co., 24 August 1978; KDOT Q32 (2, -), unnamed trib. Running Slough (Reelfoot Lake dr.), N Illinois Central Railroad and 170 m SE Ledford, Fulton Co., 22 August 1978. This species was previously known from only three Kentucky local- ities (Sisk 1978; Burr 1980). Burr (1980) regarded it as rare and Branson et al. (1981b) listed it as threatened. Umbra limi is apparently firmly established in Terrapin Creek (Brooks M. Burr, pers. comm.) and the Reelfoot Lake drainage of extreme southwestern Fulton County, Ken- tucky, and is sporadically distributed in Clarks River, being most pre- valent in the West Fork. Although the populations in Clarks River represent the only published localities of the species in the Tennessee River drainage, U. limi has also been collected in the Big Sandy River of Tennessee (David A. Etnier, pers. comm.). These populations are near the southern periphery of the range (Gilbert 1980a). The apparent absence of the fish in streams of western Kentucky draining directly into the Mississippi River (e.g.. Bayou du Chien, Obion and Mayfield creeks) is zoogeographically puzzling; however, further intensive sam- pling of wetland habitats in these drainages will probably reveal its presence. The future existence of U. limi in Terrapin Creek (Obion R. dr.) and West Fork Clarks River may be jeopardized by drainage of remaining wetlands as witnessed at two of our collection sites (i.e., KNP M02GRV, KNP Tn04GRV). Likewise, rapid erosion of the Mississippi loess bluffs and expansion of agriculture in the floodplain threaten this and other species inhabiting the Reelfoot Lake drainage in both Tennes- see (Starnes and Etnier 1980) and Kentucky. Hybognathus hayi Jordan. Cypress minnow. KNP Tn04GRV (1, 74), unnamed wetland (W. Fk. Clarks R. dr.), 0.9 km ENE Clear Springs, Graves Co., 4 May 1982. Recent works addressing the distribution of H. hayi in Kentucky have revealed records for direct Mississippi and Ohio river tributaries and floodplain lakes in the extreme western part of the state (Burr et al. 1980) and a relictual population in lower Green River (Warren and Cicerello 1982). The discovery of the species in the West Fork Clarks River system represents the first record for the Tennessee River drain- age in Kentucky, although records are available for the drainage in Tennessee (David A. Etnier, pers. comm.) and Alabama (Gilbert 1980b). The specimen was secured from a shallow (<0.6 m) pothole in a recently cleared and drained wetland. Hybognathus hayi is considered threa- tened in Kentucky (Branson et al. 1981b) and in consideration of the elimination and destruction of the preferred wetland habitat by oil Kentucky Fishes 101 exploration and coal mining (Warren and Cicerello 1982), channeliza- tion (Burr et al. 1980), and drainage as witnessed herein, the future of the species in Kentucky is increasingly tenuous. Hybopsis insignis Hubbs and Crowe. Blotched chub. KNP C04LOG (1, 89), S. Fk. (Red R. dr.), 1.7 km NE Smith Grove Church, Logan Co., 13 July 1982; KNP C05LOG (15, 47-79), Red R. (Cumberland R. dr.), at Dot, Logan Co., 13 July 1982. In Kentucky, H. insignis was known to persist only in the Little South Fork Cumberland River of southeastern Kentucky (Marker et al. 1979) and was formerly known to occur in the mainstem of Cumberland River (Harris 1980) and the lower Tennessee River (Hubbs and Crowe 1956) before impoundment. In the Cumberland River drainage of Ten- nessee, the species is known from four localities (Harris 1980). The dis- covery of a substantial population in the Red River represents a new record for that drainage in Kentucky and adds hope for the continued existence of the species in the state. Branson et al. (1981b) considered the species of special concern in Kentucky. In light of strip-mine and oil field related water pollution in Little South Fork (Harker et al. 1979, 1980) and heavy siltation and pesticide pollution in Red River (pers. observ.) the species should be considered at least threatened within Kentucky. Notropis ariommus (Cope). Popeye shiner. KFW uncat. (2, 45), Kinniconick Cr. (Ohio R. dr.), near mouth Pipe Lick Cr., Lewis Co., 7 May 1981; KFW uncat. (3, 45-48), Kinniconick Cr. (Ohio R. dr.), downstream Laurel Fk. mouth, Lewis Co., 7 May 1981. The distribution of the popeye shiner in Kentucky was previously defined as the upper Cumberland, Green, Barren, RoUing Fork, and Kentucky river drainages (Gilbert 1969, 1980c; Burr 1980). Despite this rather wide distribution, the popeye shiner is sporadic in occurrence and seldom common and was thus listed as of undetermined status in Ken- tucky (Branson et al. 1981b). In middle and upper Ohio River tributar- ies other than those aforementioned, A^. ariommus is known from six widely separated populations in Indiana, Pennsylvania, and West Virgi- nia (Gilbert 1969, 1980c). Several of these represent old records for populations apparently extirpated (Gilbert 1969). The collections reported herein are a significant eastward range extension in the Ohio River valley of Kentucky and also close the hiatus between the widely separated middle and upper Ohio River populations. It is increasingly apparent from data presented by Gilbert (1969, 1980c) and that of this report that A^. ariommus once occupied much of the Ohio River valley, but is now extirpated or reduced in the northern and upper regions of the valley to widely disjunct, sporadically distributed localities. Kinnic- onick Creek is a high quality stream with a predominantly forested 102 Melvin L. Warren, Jr. and Ronald R. Cicerello watershed that has fortuitously escaped degradation from development. However, proposed plans to develop extensive Devonian age oil shale deposits in the watershed (Harker et al. 1980) may alter these conditions and threaten the future existence of A^. ariommus in the drainage. Notropis telescopus (Cope). Telescope shiner. KNP uncat. (1, 47), E. Fk. (Barren R. dr.), at mouth of Isenburg Cr., Monroe Co., 12 June 1979; SIUC 3931 (17, 39-57), E. Fk. (Barren R. dr.), at KY 63 crossing, Monroe Co., 24 September 1981. Notropis telescopus was known in Kentucky only from the Cum- berland River (below the Falls) in the southeastern part of the state (Burr 1980) where it is common to abundant in small to medium-sized, high quality streams and rivers. Collection of the telescope shiner in East Fork Barren River represents the first substantiated report of the species from the Green River system. Woolman (1892) noted the species as rare in the Little Barren River; however, Gilbert (1969) regarded the record as erroneous; the specimen(s) was apparently not available for examination. These records are of particular interest because several other taxa typical of the Cumberland River of Kentucky and Tennessee, such as Nocomis effusus Lachner and Jenkins, Notropis leuciodus (Cope), Fundulus catenatus (Storer), and closely related members of the subgenera Catonotus, Nanostoma, and Nothonotus of the genus Etheostoma, are also represented in the ichthyofauna of the Barren and Green rivers. Furthermore, Lachner and Jenkins (1971) and Zorach (1972) cited evidence that stream capture has been responsible for ich- thyofaunal exchange between the Cumberland and Green rivers. The ichthyofauna of the upper Barren and Green rivers is relatively well known (Burr 1980), and the failure of workers subsequent to Woolman to capture A^. telescopus in the drainage presents an enigma in interpret- ing its native or non-native status. Since Woolman was apparently quite familiar with A^. telescopus and differentiated it from the similar A^. ari- ommus (Cope), the likeUhood of misidentification of the Little Barren River specimen(s) is reduced. Also of interest is the fact that both East Fork Barren River and Little Barren River headwaters lie in close prox- imity to Cumberland River streams (Meshack and Marrowbone creeks, respectively) which harbor large populations of A^. telescopus (pers. observ.). The possibility of headwater capture is heightened, especially along the Meshack Creek-East Fork Barren River divide, by the pres- ence of karst development including numerous sinkholes and subterra- nean drainage. This is best illustrated on the southeast corner of the U. S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute Sulphur Lick quadrangle map (Harris 1964). The current extent of dispersal of A^. telescopus in the Barren River is unknown, but the capture of the species only in East Fork implies a localized distribution. Based on the available evidence, the origin of A^. telescopus in the Green River is unclear; however, as noted Kentucky Fishes 103 by Jenkins et al. (1971) even the most suggestive evidence concerning stream capture may lead to invalid conclusions, and limited distribu- tions may result from introduction rather than natural factors. Further collecting aimed at probable theatres of stream capture should further elucidate the native or non-native status of A^. telescopus as well as rela- tionships among other shared taxa. Fundulus chrysotus (Giinther). Golden topminnow. KNP M03FUL (9, 42-51), Running Slough (Reelfoot Lake dr.), at Ledford, Fulton Co., 24 June 1982. According to Burr (1980), the golden topminnow was known in Kentucky only from Open Pond, Fulton County, where two collections were made by Sisk (1973). Field observations made during the summer of 1982 revealed that Open Pond and surrounding wetlands had been drained, cleared, and converted to agricultural land. Recent collecting efforts in appropriate habitat throughout the general drainage area in Kentucky revealed that the golden topminnow is now known from a single extant population in Running Slough. Although F. chrysotus is listed as of special concern in Kentucky by the Kentucky Academy of Science (Branson et al. 1981b), the species should be placed in the endangered category in light of its extremely limited distribution in Tennessee (Starnes and Etnier 1980) and the potential for rapid loss of habitat as witnessed for Open Pond. Lepomis marginatus (Holbrook). Dollar sunfish. KNP Tn04GRV (1, 49), unnamed wetland (W. Fk. Clarks R. dr.), 0.9 km ENE Clear Springs, Graves Co., 4 May 1982; KNP Tn08GRV (1, 72), unnamed wetland (W. Fk. Clarks R. dr.), 1.1 km SSW mouth Spring Cr., Graves Co., 5 May 1982. Lepomis marginatus, previously known from only two Kentucky localities, neither of them in the Tennessee River drainage (Burr 1980), was discovered by Rice et al. (1983) at a third site in West Fork Clarks River. These records represent an addition to the ichthyofauna of the Tennessee River in Kentucky. The species is apparently widely distrib- uted in West Fork Clarks River and at some localities occurs in good numbers (Rice et al. 1983). The populations in West Fork, although threatened by wetland drainage as witnessed by the authors (e.g., at KNP Tn04GRV), may prove to be critical in preserving the species as a viable member of the native Kentucky ichthyofauna. Branson et al. (1981b) listed the species as threatened. Etheostoma camurum (Cope). Bluebreast darter. KNP LOIBAT (26, 34-54), Licking River (Ohio R. dr.), at mouth Slate Cr., Bath Co., 16 September 1982. Etheostoma camurum was previously known in Kentucky from the upper Cumberland (below the Falls) and upper Kentucky river drain- ages (Burr 1980; Zorach 1972). The collection reported herein represents 104 Melvin L. Warren, Jr. and Ronald R. Cicerello an addition to the ichthyofauna of the speciose Licking River system and reduces the distributional hiatus among known populations in the upper and middle Ohio River drainage (Zorach 1972). Ahhough pre- vious surveys of the Licking River have not revealed E. camurum (Woolman 1892; Welter 1938; Clark 1941a, b; Jones 1970), other members of the subgenus Nothonotus (i.e., E. maculatum Kirtland and E. tippecanoe Jordan and Evermann) have been reported from the drainage (Woolman 1892; Clark 1941a, b; Burr 1980). However, E. maculatum, often confused with E. camurum (Zorach and Raney 1967), is known in the drainage only from a collection made by J. A. Henshall in South Fork (Woolman 1892). Henshall apparently recognized both species, according to details presented in Trautman (1981), and the E. maculatum record is considered valid by some authors (Zorach and Raney 1967; Burr 1980), although Etnier (1980) did not include the Licking River in its distribution. We speculate that E. camurum was missed in the Licking River by previous investigators because popula- tions are often localized (Stauffer 1980). Moreover, large stream or river habitat often occupied by members of the subgenus Nothonotus is diffi- cult to collect and has elsewhere recently yielded species missed during many years of collecting (Williams and Etnier 1978). Our specimens were collected from a 0.3-0.6 m deep riffle habitat with moderate to swift current. Substrate consisted of bedrock overlain with slab boulder where the current was swiftest, and cobble/ gravel in areas of moderate flow. Additional collecting in the poorly sampled mainstem of the Lick- ing and South Fork Licking rivers (Burr 1980) is necessary to determine the extent of distribution of E. camurum and to verify the existence of E. maculatum in the drainage. Percina macrocephala (Cope). Longhead darter. KNP uncat. (1, 72), Kinniconick Cr. (Ohio R. dr.), 2.1 km upstream from mouth Pine Br., Lewis Co., 5 May 1981; KNP uncat. (4, 45-52), Kinniconick Cr. (Ohio R. dr.), near mouth Pipe Lick Cr., Lewis Co., 7 May 1981; KNP uncat. (2, 51-75), Kinniconick Cr. (Ohio R. dr.), between Mill and Lea- therbelly branches, Lewis Co., 14 May 1981; KNP GOl ALL (15, 67-90), Trammel Fk. (Barren R. dr.), at old state rd. ford 1.55 km N of Red Hill, Allen Co., 14 July 1982; KNP G05WAR (6, 36-72), Trammel Fk. (Barren R. dr.), at ford 0.2 km upstream from mouth Drakes Cr., 16 July 1982. According to Page (1978) and Burr (1980), the longhead darter occurs sporadically in Kentucky in the upper Barren, upper Green, Ken- tucky, Licking, and Big Sandy river systems and Kinniconick Creek and has apparently been extirpated from the Cumberland River. Burr (1980) noted that the species was once common in the Barren River prior to impoundment of Barren River Reservoir as indicated in pre- Kentucky Fishes 105 impoundment surveys conducted by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. Our collections in Trammel Fork (Barren R. dr.) indicate the species continues to persist in good numbers in tributar- ies unaffected by impoundment. The only previous collection of P. macrocephala in Kinniconick Creek is based on a single specimen col- lected in the 1930s and housed at the University of Louisville. Our observations indicate that the species is moderately common in approp- riate habitat along the Kinniconick Creek mainstem. In spite of these relatively healthy populations in the Barren River drainage and Kinnic- onick Creek, the conservation status of the species in Kentucky should remain threatened (Branson et al. 1981b) because of pollution and habi- tat destruction associated with coal mining in the upper Kentucky, Lick- ing, and Big Sandy rivers (Harker et al. 1979), the extirpation of the species from the Cumberland River of Kentucky (Page 1978), and the threat of oil shale development in the Kinniconick Creek drainage (Harker etal. 1981). Percina phoxocephala (Nelson). Slenderhead darter. KNP CO 1 LOG (1, 49), Whippoorwill Cr. (Red R. dr.), 0.7 km W Millertown Church, Logan Co., 8 July 1982; KNP C03LOG (3, 58-63), S. Fk. (Red R. dr.), Kentucky-Tennessee line, Logan Co., 13 July 1982; KNP C04LOG (5, 65-69), S. Fk. (Red R. dr.), 1.7 km NE Smith Grove Church, Logan Co., 13 July 1982; KNP C05LOG (3, 61-84), Red R. (Cumberland R. dr.), at Dot, Logan Co., 13 July 1982; KNP C02TRI (5, 55-67), Little R. (Cumberland R. dr.), 1.3 km downstream from KY 1253 crossing, Trigg Co., 6 July 1982. Percina phoxocephala was previously unknown from the Red River of Kentucky and Tennessee (Starnes and Etnier 1980; Thompson 1980), and Burr (1980) noted its former occurrence in the lower Cum- berland River. The collections noted herein are new records for the Red River and substantiate the persistence of the species in a lower Cumber- land River tributary. In Kentucky, the species was regarded as of special concern (Branson et al. 1981b) and was noted by Burr (1980) as occa- sional within several drainages. Recent collections made by the authors and fresh material examined by us indicate good populations of P. phoxocephala in Tygarts Creek of eastern Kentucky (Warren 1981, and unpublished), and upper and lower Green, Barren, and Rough rivers (Retzer et al. 1983; Warren and Cicerello 1982, and unpubhshed). The slenderhead darter has been taken by others in recent years from several stations each in Eagle Creek (lower Kentucky River) (Horseman and Branson 1973) and Salt River and tributaries (Hoyt et al. 1979). It therefore appears that retention of the species on the Kentucky Academy of Science list of rare fishes is unwarranted. 106 Melvin L. Warren, Jr. and Ronald R. Cicerello Percina shumardi (Girard). River darter. KNP SOI GUP (2, 40-44), Little Sandy R. (Ohio R. dr.), 0.5 km W Argillite, Greenup Co., 14 September 1982. According to Burr (1980), P. shumardi is sporadic and uncommon in every major river of the state except the Salt and Big Sandy rivers and the direct Ohio River tributaries in extreme northeastern Kentucky. Collection of the species in the Little Sandy River is a new record for this system and suggests the stream is in need of further study despite recent collections (Marker et al. 1979; Branson et al. 1981a). It further suggests that the species will eventually be taken in adjacent rivers and streams (e.g.. Big Sandy River, Kinniconick and Tygarts creeks). The rarity of the species is partially attributable to difficulty in collecting the preferred habitat (Trautman 1981). The specimens reported herein were taken from a deep (1.3 m), swift chute over a substrate of large cobble. Apparently this is the last shoal present on the Little Sandy River before its waters are embayed by the Greenup Lock and Dam on the Ohio River. The river darter is considered threatened in Kentucky (Branson et al. 1981b); however, we believe that further collecting in appropriate habitat will reveal new populations and result in its removal from the state threatened category. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.— Our appreciation is extended to Richard R. Hannan, Director of the Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission, for support throughout this effort. Special thanks go to Brian D. And- erson, Keith E. Camburn, and Dan E. VanNorman for assistance with field work. The following individuals and their agencies or institutions kindly confirmed identifications, shared collecting information, or pro- vided specimens and other courtesies: Brooks M. Burr, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale; David A. Etnier, University of Tennessee; John L. Harris, Arkansas Department of Transportation; Lewis E. Kornman, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources; and Stephen P. Rice, Kentucky Department of Transportation. Our grati- tude is also expressed to Branley A. Branson, Eastern Kentucky Univer- sity; Brooks M. Burr; Keith E. Camburn, Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission; and David A. Etnier for critical review of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Bauer, Bruce H., and B. A. Branson. 1979. Distributional records for and additions to the ichthyofauna of Kentucky. Trans. Ky. Acad. Sci. -^0(l-2):53-55. Branson, Branley A., D. L. Batch and S. Rice. 1981a. Collections of fishes from the Little Sandy River and Tygarts Creek drainages, Kentucky. Trans. Ky. Acad. Sci. '/2(3-4):98-100. Kentucky Fishes 107 , D. F. Harker, Jr., J. M. Baskin, M. E. Medley, D. L. Batch, M. L. Warren, Jr., W. H. Davis, W. C. Houtcooper, B. Monroe, Jr., L. R. Phil- Hppe and P. Cupp. 1981b. Endangered, threatened, and rare animals and plants of Kentucky. Trans. Ky. Acad. Sci. ¥2(3— 4):77-89. Burr, Brooks M. 1980. A distributional checkHst of the fishes of Kentucky. Brimleyana No. 3:53-84. , andR. L. Mayden. 1979. Records of fishes in western Kentucky with additions to the known fauna. Trans. Ky. Acad. Sci. ¥0(l-2):58-67. , M. E. Retzer and R. L. Mayden. 1980. A reassessment of the dis- tributional status of five Kentucky cyprinids. Trans. Ky. Acad. Sci ¥/(l-2):48-54. Clark, Minor E. 1941a. A list of the fishes in northeastern Kentucky. Ky. Dep. Fish Wildl. Resour., Fish Bull. 7:1-11. 1941b. Biological survey of the Little Sandy and upper Licking River watersheds. Ky. Dep. Fish Wildl. Resour., Fish. BulLJ: 1-146. Clay, William M. 1975. The Fishes of Kentucky. Ky. Dep. Fish Wildl. Resour., Frankfort. 416 pp. Etnier, David A. 1980. Etheostoma maculatum Kirtland, Spotted darter, p. 664 in D. S. Lee, et al. Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes. N. C. State Mus. Nat. Hist., Raleigh, x + 867 pp. Gilbert, Carter R. 1969. Systematics and distribution of the American cyprinid fishes Notropis ariommus and Notropis telescopus. Copeia 1969(3):474-492. 1980a. Umbra limi (Kirtland), Central mudminnow. p. 129 in D. S. Lee, et al. Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes. N. C. State Mus. Nat. His., Raleigh, x + 867 pp. 1980b. Hybognathus hayi Jordan, Cypress minnow, p. 176 in D. S. Lee, et al. Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes. N. C. State Mus. Nat. Hist., Raleigh, x -♦■ 867 pp. 1980c. Notropis ariommus (Cope), Popeye shiner, p. 229 in D. S. Lee, et al. Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes. N. C. State Mus. Nat. 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GQ-325. U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D.C. 108 Melvin L. Warren, Jr. and Ronald R. Cicerello Horseman, Nelson D., and B. A. Branson. 1973. Fishes of Eagle Creek, north- ern Kentucky. Trans. Ky. Acad. Sci. i¥(l-2):5-12. Hoyt, Robert D., S. E. Neff and V. H. Resh. 1979. Distribution, abundance, and species diversity of fishes of the upper Salt River drainage, Kentucky. Trans. Ky. Acad. Sci. ^0(1 -2): 1-20. Hubbs, Carl L., and W. R. Crowe. 1956. Preliminary analysis of the American cyprinid fishes, seven new, referred to the genus Hybopsis, subgenus Eri- mystax. Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. 575:1-8. Jenkins, Robert E., E. A. Lachner and F. J. Schwartz. 1971. Fishes of the cen- tral Appalachian drainages: Their distribution and dispersal, pp. 43-117 in P. C. Holt (ed.). The Distributional History of the Biota of the Southern Appalachians, Part HI: Vertebrates. Res. Div. Monogr. 4, Va. Polytech. Inst. State Univ., Blacksburg. 306 pp. Jones, Albert R. 1970. 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Sci. -^^(3-4). Robins, C. Richard, R. M. Bailey, C. E. Bond, J. R. Brooker, E. A. Lachner, R. N. Lea and W. B. Scott. 1980. A List of Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from the United States and Canada. 4th ed. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. No. 12. 174 pp. Rohde, Fred C. 1980 Lampetra appendix (DeKay), American brook lamprey, p. 23 in D. S. Lee, et al. Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes. N. C. State Mus. Nat. Hist., Raleigh x + 867 pp. Seagle, Henry H., Jr., and J. W. Nagel. 1982. Life cycle and fecundity of the American brook lamprey, Lampetra appendix, in Tennessee. Copeia 1982(2):362-366. Sisk, Morgan E. 1973. Six additions to the known piscine fauna of Kentucky. Trans. Ky. Acad. Sci. 5-^(3-4):49-50. Starnes, Wayne C. 1981. Listing package for the blackside dace, Phoxinus cumberlandensis. Submitted 23 September 1981 to U. S. Fish Wildl. Ser- vice, Area Office, Asheville, NC. , and D. A. Etnier. 1980. Tennessee's rare fishes, pp. B1-B133 in D. C. Eager and R. M. Hatcher (eds.). Tennessee's Rare Wildlife. Tenn. Wildl. Resour. Agency and Dep. Conserv., Nashville, viii + 337 pp. Kentucky Fishes 109 and L. B. Starnes. 1978. A new cyprinid of the genus Phoxinus endemic to the upper Cumberland River drainage. Copeia 1978(3):508-516. , and 1979. Taxonomic status of the percid fish Etheos- toma nigrum susanae. Copeia 1979(3):426-430. Stauffer, Jay R. 1980. Etheostoma camurum (Cope), Bluebreast darter, p. 632 in D. S. Lee, et al. Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes. N. C. State Mus. Nat. Hist., Raleigh, x + 867 pp. Thompson, Bruce A. 1980. Percina phoxocephala (Nelson), Slenderhead darter, p. 737 in D. S. Lee, et al. Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes. N. C. State Mus. Nat. Hist., Raleigh, x + 867 pp. Trautman, Milton B. 1981. The Fishes of Ohio. Ohio State Univ. Press, Columbus. 782 pp. Warren, Melvin L., Jr. 1981. New distributional records of eastern Kentucky fishes. Brimleyana No. 6:129-140. , and R. R. Cicerello. 1982. New records, distribution, and status of ten rare fishes in the Tradewater and lower Green rivers, Kentucky. South- east. Fish. Council Proc. 5(4): 1-7. Welter, Wilfred A. 1938. A list of the fishes of the Licking River drainage in eastern Kentucky. Copeia 1938(2):64-68. Williams, James D., and D. A. Etnier. 1978. Etheostoma aquali, a new percid fish (subgenus Nothonotus) from the Duck and Buffalo rivers, Tennessee. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 9/(2):463-471. Woolman, Albert J. 1892. Report of an examination of the rivers of Kentucky, with lists of the fishes obtained. Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. 70:249-288. Zorach, Timothy. 1972. Systematics of the percid fishes, Etheostoma camurum and E. chlorobranchium new species, with a discussion of the subgenus Nothonotus. Copeia 1972(3):427-447. , and E. C. Raney. 1967. Systematics of the percid fish Etheostoma maculatum Kirtland, and related species of the subgenus Nothonotus. Am. Midi. Nat. 77(2):296-322. Accepted 16 April 1983 Winter Food Habits of Bobcats in North Carolina Anne M. King Department of Zoology, Richard A. Lancia Department of Forestry, AND S. Douglas Miller, iDavid K. Woodward and Jay D. Hair ' Department of Zoology North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27650 ABSTRACT.— Carcasses of 505 bobcats, Felis rufus (229 9, 276 5), were collected from October through March in 1978-79 and 1979-80. Stomach contents were analyzed and the results summarized by physi- ographic regions, sex, and age. The top eight prey groups, ranked by frequency of occurrence, were rabbits, Sylvilagus spp.; birds; cotton rats, Sigmodon hispidus; white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus; rodents; gray squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis; raccoons, Procyon lotor, and opossums, Didelphis virginianus. Ranked by frequency of occur- rence, rabbits were first in the Coastal Plain and cotton rats first in the Piedmont Plateau. Adult male bobcats consumed larger prey than did adult females or kittens. Kittens tended to exploit smaller and a wider variety of prey items than did adults. INTRODUCTION Because of restrictions placed on harvesting many species of spot- ted cats, the value of bobcat, Felis rufus, pelts increased greatly on the international fur market. In 1977 concern about the national status of bobcats prompted the Council on International Trade of Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES) to list them as a species that could become threatened with extinction unless trade was subject to regula- tion. As part of a program to learn more about the status and ecology of bobcat populations in North Carolina, we initiated a study of bobcat food habits based on analyses of trapper-harvested carcasses. Other aspects of our research program are reported elsewhere (Lancia et al., in press). Previous food habits studies in the southeastern United States reported rabbits, Sylvilagus spp., as the major food item (Progulske 1952; Davis 1955; Fritts 1973; Buttrey 1974; Fox and Fox, in press). In addition, cotton rats, Sigmodon hispidus; white-tailed deer, Odocoileus ' Present address: National Wildlife Federation, 1412 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Paper number 7035 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, North Carolina. BrimleyanaNo.9:lll-122. June 1983. Ill 112 Anne M. King, et al. virginianus; squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis; voles, Microtus spp.; and birds were frequently identified food items (Progulske 1952; Davis 1955; Kight 1962; Fritts 1973; Buttrey 1974; Miller and Speake 1978). MATERIALS AND METHODS Skinned bobcat carcasses were provided by fur dealers and trappers during the 1978-79 and 1979-80 trapping seasons. The carcasses were weighed, sexed, and necropsied. Adult and kitten (< 8 months) age classes were assigned using lacteal tooth replacement criteria (Crowe 1975). Stomach contents, prepared following Korschgen (1980), were identified to order and, when possible, to species. Data were recorded by percent frequency of occurrence because not all material in each stomach could be identified, hence percent volume could not be meas- ured precisely. Food items were identified macroscopically or, when necessary, mammals were identified by microscopic examination (at lOOx and 400x) of sample hairs using hair keys (Spiers 1973; Moore et al. 1974). Statistical Analyses and Interpretation The state was divided into three physiographic regions (Stuckey 1965), and the data were examined at statewide and regional levels. Comparisons of carcass weights were made using least-squares fit to a fixed-effect linear model using the Scientific Analysis System (SAS; Barr et al. 1979). Weights of kittens and adults were analyzed sep- arately. Food items were ranked by frequency of occurrence, and differ- ences in ranks were evaluated using Wilcoxon's Rank Test (Wilcoxon 1945). Chi-square tests were used to evaluate differences in prey selec- tion. Calculation of expected frequencies of prey items for chi-square tests were based on an assumed equal probability of occurrence in a particular sex and age group. Caution must be observed when making inferences about the pro- portion of food items present in the diet based solely on stomach anal- yses because: 1) smaller prey species are frequently under represented in stomach analyses due to differences in digestibility (Weaver and Hof- fman 1979; Merriwether and Johnson 1980); 2) some food items may have been eaten incidentally as trap bait, garbage or carrion; and 3) frequency of occurrence data cannot be used to evaluate food preferen- ces without estimates of both prey abundance and availability. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION From October through March 1978-79 and 1979-80, 505 bobcats (229 $, 276 5) were collected. Weights between samples collected each year were not different (p>0.05); therefore, the samples were pooled for subsequent analyses. Among the three physiographic regions, weights Bobcat Winter Food Habits 113 were different (p<0.01) for both age groups, but no clear biological sig- nificance in the trends was apparent (Tables 1, 2). Weights of females were less than males (p<0.01) for both adults and kittens. Sex ratios of adults and kittens were not different among regions or between yearly samples (p>0.05). Table 1. Analysis of variance for weights of skinned carcasses of 505 bobcats collected in 1978-79 and 1979-80 in North Carolina. Adults (N=355) Source DF F value Kittens (N= 150) Source DF F value Sample Region (Sample) Sex (Region) 0.02 4.13** 134.74** Sample Region (Sample) Sex (Region) 1.75 5.24** 3.84** ** Significant at the P<0.01 level. Table 2. Skinned weights (kg) of 505 bobcats collected in the three physiograph- ic regions of North CaroHna. Region Age Class Kittens Sex N Mean SE Coastal Plain 9 47 3.9 0.1 S 58 4.3 0.1 Adults 9 131 5.8 0.1 S 153 8.0 0.1 Piedmont Kittens 9 10 3.4 0.2 S 23 4.0 0.2 Adults 9 26 5.9 0.2 S 33 8.2 0.2 Mountains Kittens 9 6 3.0 0.3 S 6 2.9 0.4 Adults 9 9 4.9 0.1 S 3 9.0 1.1 Of 473 stomachs suitable for examination, 398 (179 $, 219 $) con- tained food. This sample comprised 257 adults and 141 kittens. Stom- achs containing food were collected from 50 of the 100 counties in the state, with the largest samples in the Coastal Plain (307) and Piedmont Plateau (73) regions and the smallest sample (18) from the Mountains (Fig. 1). Some disproportionate sampling was evident in these regions, with one or two counties contributing more than a third of the total number 114 Anne M. King, et al. ■^ ."2 c ■g ■3 o u I B o bO Bobcat Winter Food Habits 115 of stomachs for the region. To determine if these county samples biased the total regional sample, we ranked the top eight food items in these counties and compared them to the top eight food items in the remain- ing counties of the region. The differences in ranks were not statistically significant (p>0.05). Mammals were the most frequently represented food group, with 20 species identified statewide (Table 3). The top eight food items ranked by frequency of occurrence were rabbits; birds; cotton rats; white-tailed deer; small rodents; gray squirrels; raccoons, Procyon lotor; and opossums, Didelphis virginianus. Small numbers of reptiles, am- phibians, fish, and insects also were identified. Rabbits were the most frequently identified species in bobcat stom- achs (Table 3, Fig. 2). The percent occurrence of rabbits decreased from the Coastal Plain to the Mountain region (p<0.05), probably in response to differences in abundance of rabbits in the regions rather than to shifts in prey preference. The low frequency (5.6%) of rabbits in stomachs from the Mountain region contrasted the findings of Progulske (1952) ADULT MALES (156 STOMACHS) MISC. PREY (1,8%) OTHER MAMMALS (4 4%) SMALL RODENTS ( 13%) SQUIRREL (4.8%) t^vO«r>> ft*" a On c o S 8 ed «« Si) =* 2 ^ > ■Si ^ 3 o .2 s i 3 o o -H -H O 00 > I o 3 3 <^ c .S -2 >^ > O [Jh S 6 a> D, i: «j :3 o S S K Oh W U W C/3 B M Bobcat Winter Food Habits 117 ^'-^OOOCJ O O OCJOO oooo r-fN— ^-^W-i -H ^H ^^ .^ ^^ ^^ ^H 1 ^ s 1 2 ^ S -o O t-l .4 IS <§ o ^ "S o 3 73 x> o «J c W) c C/3 Q o 1 u ^ o "^ o n ;zi a5 U PQ X) C/!) c w D a: cx o 3 c c o o D U- D 13 "^ CO t-> g .a J O C/5 O H 1/3 "J «J i^ ^ < < Q I 3 118 Anne M. King, et al. who examined 25 stomachs from the Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests and reported 24% contained rabbits. Birds were found in a greater percentage of the stomachs in 1978-79 than in 1979-80 (p<0.05). In both years the percent occurrence of birds was greater in stomachs from the Mountains than from the Piedmont region (p<0.05). Birds were found in proportionately more adult female and kitten stomachs than in adult male stomachs (Fig. 2). Although this relationship was not statistically significant in our study, Fritts and Sea- lander (1978) also observed a similar trend in Arkansas. Statewide, cotton rats were the second ranking mammal by fre- quency of occurrence. A high occurrence of cotton rats in kitten stom- achs, although not significantly greater than in adults (p>0.05), reflects a trend in prey size similar to that observed for birds, i.e., smaller prey occurred more frequently in adult females and kittens than in adult males. The percent occurrence of cotton rats was highest in the Piedmont region where this species was the major food item (Table 3). Beasom and Moore (1977) and Miller and Speake (1978) have shown that in habitats where cotton rats were the most abundant small mammal, they were the major prey item. Cotton rats ranked second in frequency in the Coastal Plain region, but were found less than one-third as frequently as rabbits, the major food item (Table 3). Cotton rats were not found in stomachs examined from the Mountain region. Deer were identified in stomachs from all regions and ranked third statewide among mammals in frequency of occurrence (Table 3). Al- though a major food item in the Mountain region, the percent occur- rence of deer was not significantly different (p>0.05) from that found in other regions. Progulske (1952) reported deer as a winter food of bobcats in west- ern North Carolina and Virginia and suggested they were eaten as car- rion. Based on 124 scats from Virginia, he concluded deer were con- sumed primarily during the fall and winter rather than in spring or summer, and suggested hunting season casualties on deer might be par- tially responsible. Managers of North Carolina wildlife areas reported 16 deer killed by bobcats in 1968 (Barrick 1969). Deer were found more frequently in stomachs of adult males than in adult females or kittens (Fig. 2). In the Coastal Plain, observed fre- quencies of deer were greater for adult males and less for adult females and kittens than expected frequencies (p<0.05), possibly indicating a selective preference for deer by adult males. Observed versus expected frequencies of deer were not different (p>0.05) between the Piedmont or Mountain regions, probably due to the small number of stomachs examined from these regions. Bobcat Winter Food Habits 119 Greater use of deer by adult male bobcats may be related to differ- ences in average weight and/ or size of home ranges of males and females. Weights of males were larger than those of females, and a tele- metry study in the Coastal Plain region indicated the average size of adult male home ranges (N=5) was about 41% larger than home ranges of adult females (N=3) (Lancia et al., in press). Similar ratios of male to female ranges were observed by Bailey (1974) in Idaho, Hall and New- som (1976) in Louisiana, and Miller (1980) in Alabama. Gray squirrels ranked fourth in overall frequency of occurrence among mammals (Table 3). The relative percent frequencies of squirrels in this study were similar for all bobcat sex and age groups (Fig. 2). Squirrels were found in two stomachs from the Mountain region and one stomach from the Piedmont region. Similarly, Progulske (1952) found squirrels in two of 25 stomachs he examined from western North Carolina. In the Coastal Plain region, squirrels ranked fourth in fre- quency of occurrence. Raccoons ranked fifth among mammals in the statewide sample and occurred only in stomachs from the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions (Table 3). Raccoons occurred primarily in adult male stomachs and were not found in any kitten stomachs (Fig. 2). The greater occur- rence of raccoons in adult male stomachs again may reflect the greater weight and larger home range of male bobcats. Small rodents were infrequent food items. Voles, Microtus penn- sylvanicus and M. pinetorum, were the most frequently identified small rodents and occurred in stomachs from all regions. Voles ranked first (with deer) in percent occurrence in the Mountain region (Table 3) and were found primarily in stomachs of kittens and adult females. In the Coastal Plain, adult females and kittens had greater observed than expected frequencies of voles (p<0.05). Other small rodents were prey of adult females and kittens but were seldom taken by adult males (Fig. 2). Fritts and Sealander (1978) also reported that occurrences of rats and mice were greater in the stomachs of adult females and kittens than in adult male bobcats. We examined 141 kitten (59% males) stomachs containing food. Like adults, kittens relied primarily on rabbits and cotton rats for food (Fig. 2); however, the occurrence of some items in kitten stomachs was notably different from adults. Deer occurred in only three (2.1%) kitten stomachs, compared to 51 (19.8%) adult stomachs. Two intermediate- sized prey species, raccoons and opossums, occasionally were eaten by adults but were absent or rarely found in the kitten sample (Fig. 2). The low occurrence of large and intermediate-sized prey species in kitten stomachs probably reflected an inability of kittens to capture larger-sized prey. The infrequent occurrences of these prey species in kitten stom- 120 Anne M. King, et al. achs may have been the result of food provided by the aduh female, or evidence of feeding on carrion. A greater variety of food items was eaten by kittens than by adults. For example, kitten stomachs represented 28% of the total sample, but accounted for 71% of the occurrences of Peromyscus spp. and 57% of the voles. Fritts and Sealander (1978) also reported a greater use of cricetid rodents by kittens than by adults. Although prey species in the cotton rat-rabbit size range (0.1-2.0 kg) were major components in the diet of all bobcat sex and age classes, some differential selection was evident. Kittens and adult females were the principal consumers of the smallest prey (<0. 1 kg), while the largest prey species (>2.0 kg) were consumed most frequently by adult males (Fig 3). The greatest occurrence of prey in the 0. 1 - 2.0 kg range may represent a specialization of bobcats for a selected prey size (Miller and Speake 1978). o 3 O LU q: o or LU 40 r 30 20 10 I ADULT 9 I KITTEN ADULT cT oL 0.0 - 0. 1 0.1-0.4 0.4-2.0 2.0-16.0 16.0-120.0 PREY SPECIES WEIGHT CLASSES (kg) Fig. 3. Relative percent occurrences of different weight classes of mammalian prey items identified in adult male, adult female, and kitten bobcat stomachs. Species included in the weight (kg) classes are: 0.0-0.1 (mice); 0.1-0.4 (chipmunk, cotton rat, woodrat, and Norway rat); 0.4-2.0 (squirrel, rabbit, muskrat); 2.0- 16.0 (opossum, raccoon); and 16.0-120.0 (deer). Bobcat Winter Food Habits 121 CONCLUSIONS The results of our study are similar to previous winter food habits studies in the southeastern United States and indicate rabbits, birds, cotton rats, and deer were the top four prey items by percent occurrence in stomachs of bobcats collected statewide in North Carolina during winter. Furthermore, adult males appeared to select the larger prey items (>2.0 kg), and adult females and kittens the smaller prey items (<0. 1 kg). All sex and age classes apparently preferred intermediate- sized prey (0.1 - 2.0 kg). The identification of food habits has management imphcations. The prey species most used by bobcats as food items were species adapted to early successional stages (e.g., rabbits, cotton rat, and deer). An interpretation based on prey selection suggests bobcats are not a climax species, but rather a subclimax species, benefitting from land management practices that maintain early successional habitats. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS— The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), the N. C. Agricul- tural Research Service, and North Carolina State University provided funding. The NCWRC collected carcasses from fur dealers and made them available to us. Numerous trappers cooperated by providing car- casses. D. Hazel, L. Petrovick, D. Stewart, J. Wooding, J. Henegar, S. Habel, and K. Lewis assisted in the necropsy of the carcasses. A. Bras- well of the N. C. State Museum of Natural History identified the herpe- tological material. LITERATURE CITED Bailey, Theodore N. 1974. Social organization in a bobcat population. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:435-446. Barr, Anthony J., J. H. Goodnight, J. P. Sail and J. T. Helwig. 1979. User's guide to SAS 1979. SAS Institute, Inc., Raleigh. 474 pp. Barrick, Frank B. 1969. Deer predation in North Carolina and other southeast- ern states, pp. 25-31 in L. K. Halls (ed.). White-tailed deer in the southern forest habitat. South. For. Exp. Sta., USDA, Nacogdoches, TX. 130 pp. Beasom, Samuel L., and R. A. Moore. 1977. Bobcat food habit response to a change in prey abundance. Southwest. Nat. 27:451-457. Buttrey, George W. 1974. Food habits and distribution of the bobcat, Lynx rufus rufus (Schreber), on the Catoosa Wildlife Management Area. Tenn. Wildl. Res. Agency Tech. Rep. No. 75-12. Nashville. 64 pp. Crowe, Douglas M. 1975. Aspects of aging, growth and reproduction of bobcats from Wyoming. J. Mammal. 55:177-198. Davis, James R. 1955. Food habits of the bobcat in Alabama. Unpubl. M. S. Thesis, Alabama Polytech. Inst., Auburn. 79 pp. 122 Anne M. King, et al. Fox, Lloyd B., and J. Fox. In press. Population characteristics and food habits of bobcats in West Virginia. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish Wildl. Agencies. Fritts, Steven H. 1973. Age, food habits and reproduction of the bobcat {Lynx rufus) in Arkansas. Unpubl. M. S. Thesis, Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville. 80 pp. , and J. A. Sealander. 1978. Diets of bobcats in Arkansas with special reference to age and sex differences. J. Wildl. Manage. 2^:226-228. Hall, Harlan T., and J. D. Newsom. 1976. Summer home ranges and move- ments of bobcats in bottomland hardwoods of southern Louisiana. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish Wildl. Agencies i0:427-436. Kight, James. 1962. An ecological study of the bobcat {Lynx rufus Schreber), in west-central South Carolina. Unpubl. M. S. Thesis, Univ. Georgia, Athens. 52 pp. Korschgen, Leroy J. 1980. Procedures for food habits analysis, pp. 1 13-127 in S. D. Schemnitz (ed.). Wildlife Management Techniques, 4th ed. The Wildlife Society, Washington. 686 pp. Lancia, Richard A., D. K. Woodward and S. D. Miller. In press. Summer movement patterns and habitat use by bobcats on Croatan National Forest, North Carolina. International Cat Symposium, Texas A&I Univ., Kings- ville, Oct. 4-6, 1982. Merriwether, David, and M. K. Johnson. 1980. Mammalian prey digestibility by coyotes. J. Mammal. 67:774-775. Miller, Stuart D., and D. W. Speake. 1978. Prey utilization by bobcats on quail plantations in southern Alabama. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish Wildl. Agencies 52:100-1 1 1. 1980. Ecology of the bobcat in south Alabama. Unpubl. Ph.D. Dis- sert., Auburn Univ., Auburn. 168 pp. Moore, Tommy D., L. W. Spence and C. E. Dugonolle. 1974. Identification of the dorsal guard hairs of some mammals of Wyoming. Wyoming Game FishDep. Bull. 14. 177 pp. Progulske, Donald R. 1952. The bobcat and its relation to prey species in Virgin- ia. Unpubl. M. S. Thesis, Virginia Polytech. Inst., Blacksburg. 135 pp. Spiers, James E. 1973. A microscopic key to the hairs of Virginia land mam- mals. Unpubl. M. S. Thesis, Virginia Polytech. Inst., Blacksburg. 106 pp. Stuckey, Jasper L. 1965. North Carolina: Its Geology and Mineral Resources. N. C. Dep. Conserv. Develop., Raleigh. 550 pp. Weaver, John L., and S. W. Hoffman. 1979. Differential detectability of rodents in coyote scats. J. Wildl. Manage. -^3:783-786. Wilcoxon, Frank. 1945. Individual comparisons by ranking methods. Biomet- rics 1:80-83. Accepted 17 September 1983 Foods and Feeding Behavior of Sauger, Stizostedion canadense (Smith) (Pisces: Percidae), from GaUipoUs Locks and Dam, Ohio River Steven I. McBride and Donald Tarter Department of Biological Sciences, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia 25701 ABSTRACT. — The food habits of 151 sauger, Stizostedion canadense (Smith), from the Ohio River at Gallipolis Locks and Dam, were stu- died from March 1981 through April 1982. Seventy percent of the stomachs contained food, which was analyzed for identification. Fishes were the primary food, both by weight (99.7%) and frequency of occurrence (100%). Emerald shiners, Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque, and gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur), comprised 96% of all identifiable items. Emerald shiners were numerically and by weight the most important item; they occurred in 49% of stomachs that con- ^' tained food, and made up 32% of food biomass. Terrestrial and aquat- ic invertebrates were of minor dietary importance. Seasonal variation in sauger foods was minimal. Size had no influence on the kind of food contained in the stomachs of adult sauger. Sauger appeared to feed most intensively in the fall. Regression analysis showed a signifi- cant negative correlation (r = -0.87) between sauger caught by anglers and water temperature. INTRODUCTION The sauger, Stizostedion canadense (Smith), is an important sport and commercial fish (Scott and Grossman 1973). Information on its foods and feeding behavior are essential to our understanding of percid communities and to the effective management of these resources. Sev- eral investigators, including Forbes (1878, 1888) and Richardson (1920), Pearse (1921), Dendy (1946), and Priegel (1969), provided brief notes on sauger food habits, but only one detailed study was concerned with a population in a riverine habitat (Vanicek 1964). Our study was initiated in March 1981 and continued through April 1982. Its objectives were to determine: (1) what foods are most important to the sauger population, (2) if food habits varied with season, (3) if food habits changed as sauger increased in size, and (4) how water temperature correlated with sauger catch. METHODS AND MATERIALS Study Area Gallipolis Locks and Dam is one in a series of flood and naviga- tional control dams situated on the Ohio River. It is located at river mile (RM) point 279.2 (38°40'53'', 82°ir22"), between Galia County, BrimleyanaNo.9:123-134. June 1983. 123 124 Steven I. McBride and Donald Tarter Ohio, and Mason County, West Virginia (U. S. Army Corps of Engi- neers 1980a). The Gallipolis pool extends 67.6 km (42 mi.) upriver to Racine Locks and Dam and 49.4 km (31 mi.) up the Kanawha River to Winfield Locks and Dam. The Gallipolis Dam marks the northern boundary of the Greenup navigational pool, which extends 75.8 km (62 mi.) downriver to Greenup Locks and Dam. The floodplain of the river at the Gallipolis Dam is slightly more than 1.61 km (1 mi.) wide. The river channel has an average width of 366 m, and its depth varies from approximately 7 to 10 m, with a navigable depth of 2.7 m (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 1980b). Specimens were collected from several locations in the Greenup pool and once from inside Belleville Locks and Dam. However, the main collecting site was situated just below Gallipolis Locks and Dam. This area is steeply sloped and becomes very rocky, then levels toward the shoreline. Approximately 2 m from shore a submerged concrete wall runs parallel with the shoreline for nearly 100 m. This wall provides an excellent habitat for many types of aquatic life and fish are attracted to the area. Methods Three methods were used to collect sauger. A weekly creel survey of Gallipolis Locks and Dam conducted by the authors from 15 March 1981 through April 1982. Surveys resulted in 99 sauger stomachs, donated by cooperative anglers. At various times during the study, gill netting was conducted in the Gallipolis pool as a supplement to the creel survey. Twelve days of netting yielded 18 sauger. Rotenone sampling was done at Belleville Locks on 30 September 1981 in conjunction with the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) and the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources (WVDNR). Thirty- four sauger were obtained, Sauger and/ or sauger stomachs were transported on ice to the laboratory, then frozen. Specimens were later thawed, and total length of each fish measured to the nearest mm. Stomachs were excised and their contents washed into a watch glass for sorting into various taxo- nomic categories with the aid of a dissecting microscope. The number of individuals in each taxon was recorded for each stomach. Standard tax- onomic keys were used for identifications (list of references is available from authors). The following calculations were made for each monthly collection: (1) percentage of stomachs in which a particular taxon occurred (per- centage frequency of occurrence), (2) percentage of the total number of food items that one taxon comprises, and (3) percentage of the total volume (by weight) of all taxa made up by the combined assigned weight of each particular taxon. Foods and Feeding of Sauger 125 In order to overcome bias due to differences in stages of digestion of food items, the original weight of individuals can be estimated (Lagler 1956). This is done by averaging weight of 30 undigested indi- viduals of the species. The figure obtained is an approximate "weight when alive" value. To determine if seasonal variations occur in the diet of the sauger, 151 specimens were arbitrarily grouped according to season: spring (March, April, May), summer (June, July, August), and fall (Sep- tember). The number of empty stomachs from each season also was recorded, to determine if there was any seasonality in the percentage frequency of their occurrence. Specimens were divided into two total-length classes — 150 mm and less, and 151 mm-400 mm — to determine if food varied with length. Our study was concurrent with a WVDNR creel survey, conducted from 1 April through 31 November 1981. The relationship between water temperature and sauger catch (from the WVDNR creel survey) was determined by regression analysis and tested with a coefficient of correlation. Temperatures used for the regression analysis consisted of means calculated from monthly average values from the Gallipolis Locks and Dam, and single day values from other dams included in the investigation. Temperature data were obtained from an electronic water quality monitoring system and a manual sampling system, both maintained by ORSANCO. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Of the 151 sauger stomachs examined, 105 (69.5%) contained food. The number with food was highest in September (89.7%) and lowest in July (50%) (Fig. 1). Thus, sauger appeared to feed most intensively in the fall. Food Items Fishes were the primary food of sauger, both by weight (99.7%) and by frequency of occurrence (100%) (Table 1). Emerald shiners, Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque, and gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedi- anum (Lesueur), accounted for 56.6% of the total volume of food con- sumed (Table 1). Together these two forage fish comprised 96% of all identifiable food items (Table 1). Emerald shiners were the most important food item by number, occurring in 49% of stomachs that contained food, and by weight mak- ing up 32% of food biomass (Table 1). Gizzard shad were second in importance appearing in 11% of stomachs that contained food and comprising 25% of the total volume of food consumed (Table 1). Other identifiable food fishes were striped shiners, A^. chrysocephalus (Rafi- 126 Steven I. McBride and Donald Tarter 100 CO 40 Z 30 liJ O S 20 Q. 10 M A M J J A S MONTHS Fig. 1. Monthly fluctuations in percent of sauger stomachs containing food, Ohio River at Gallipolis Locks and Dam. Foods and Feeding of Sauger 127 Table 1. Food organisms consumed by sauger from the Ohio River at Gallipolis Locks and Dam, March 1982-April 1982. N = total number of organisms, % N = percentage of all organisms combined, % FO = percent frequency of occurrence of each organism, and % Wt = percentage of the total weight of food items. Food Organism N 160 %N 96.9 %FO 100 % Wt FISH 99.7 Unidentified 50 30.3 42.8 41 Cyprinidae 91 55.1 48.6 32.3 Notropis atherinoides 90 54.5 47.6 32 N. chrysocephalus 1 0.6 0.9 0.3 Clupeidae 17 10.3 11.4 24.6 Dorosoma cepedianum 17 10.3 11.4 24.6 Sciaenidae 1 0.6 0.9 1.8 Aplodinotus grunniens 1 0.6 0.9 1.8 AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES 3 1.8 2.9 0.2 Insecta 3 1.8 2.9 0.2 Diptera 3 1.8 2.9 0.2 Chironomidae larvae 3 1.8 2.9 0.2 TERRESTRIAL INVERTE- BRATES 2 1.2 1.9 0.1 Insecta 2 1.2 1.9 0.1 Coleoptera 1 0.6 0.9 0.05 Orthoptera 1 0.6 0.9 0.05 nesque), and freshwater drum, Aplodinotus grunniens (Rafinesque). Fishes digested beyond identification were found in 43% of the stom- achs (Table 1). Terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates occurred in 3% of stomachs containing food and comprised 0.3% of the total volume of food con- sumed (Table 1). Forbes and Richardson (1920) examined the stomach contents of 14 sauger and concluded that this species feeds entirely on fishes. Pearse (1921) listed the food of sauger as 75% fish, and 25% insects and plank- ton. Dendy (1946) found food in 1,980 of 3,807 sauger stomachs col- lected in 1943 and 1944 from Norris Reservoir. The stomach contents consisted chiefly of shad, with crappie (Pomoxis) second in importance. Priegel (1969) found Lake Winnebago sauger utilizing troutperch, Per- copsis omiscomaycus (Walbaum), as their major food item. Young and 128 Steven I. McBride and Donald Tarter yearling freshwater drum were also an important item in Priegel's study. Vanicek (1964) examined 133 sauger collected from Lewis and Clark Lake and the Missouri River. He found young gizzard shad to be the most important food for both reservoir and river sauger. Although the emerald shiner was abundant in Lewis and Clark Lake, it appeared in only 5% of the stomachs. Swenson (1977) reported that troutperch were the primary source of food for sauger in Lake of the Woods, Min- nesota. Seasonal Food Habits Seasonal variation in sauger diet was minimal (Figs. 2 and 3). Fishes were the dominant food item by number (100% FO) and weight (99.7%) throughout the year (Table 1). Emerald shiners were most important in both numerical frequency and frequency of occurrence at all seasons. Gizzard shad ranked second in importance by number throughout the year. Volumetric proportions of food items generally coincided with per- cent numbers in the diet. Emerald shiners were the most important iden- tifiable food item volumetrically in both spring (38%) and summer (29%). Gizzard shad comprised the largest proportion of food volume (36%) during the fall (Fig. 3). The greatest variation in seasonal feeding was an increase in the number of stomachs containing food from spring (61%) and summer (64%) to fall (89.7%). There have been relatively few food habit studies documenting sea- sonal variation in diet. Dendy (1946) reported that it was not uncom- mon to find as many as 30 small shad in an individual stomach. The shad, tending to "hibernate," are undoubtedly easy prey for sauger in winter. Priegel (1969) reported that in the winter. Lake Winnebago sauger consumed equal amounts of troutperch and emerald shiners. When forage fishes were scarce, however, sauger consumed more chiro- nomid larvae. Food Habits by Length Class ' 150 mm and less. — Our methods enabled us to collect no data concerning food of sauger of this length class. Priegel (1969) found the food of young sauger to vary with size, changing from zooplankton to chironomid larvae, to immature and adult mayflies. He considered sauger less than 50 mm to be plankton feeders; however, at 50 mm they would cease consuming plankton if forage fishes were extremely abun- dant. Of the invertebrates utilized by sauger in the 12-50 mm size class, Daphnia sp. was the most important item consumed. The major forage fishes consumed by young sauger were troutperch, freshwater drum, and white bass, Morone chrysops (Rafinesque). Foods and Feeding of Sauger 129 ES GS D SS Al Tl Spring (54) ES GS D SS Al Tl Summer (58) Fall (39) ES GS D SS Al Tl 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT OCCURRENCE Fig. 2. Seasonal frequency of occurrence of food items in sauger stomachs, Ohio River at Gallipolis Locks and Dam. ES = emerald shiners, GS = gizzard shad, D = freshwater drum, SS = striped shiners, Al = aquatic invertebrates, Tl = terres- trial invertebrates. 130 Steven I. McBride and Donald Tarter LO -I LO ttC (/> LO « 2 c/> Foods and Feeding of Sauger 131 151-400 mm. — Fishes were the number one food item by weight (99.7%) and by frequency of occurrence (100%) of sauger in this length class. Emerald shiners were the most important forage fish, with gizzard shad second in importance. Dendy (1946) found that for sauger whose standard lengths ranged from 200 to 480 mm, size had no influence on the kind of food contained in the stomach. We came to a similar con- clusion for fish in that size range. However, examination of 21 fish in the 150-200 mm size range showed that none had consumed gizzard shad, but all stomachs with identifiable food items contained emerald shiners. This supports Vanicek (1964), who found that young-of-the- year and yearling sauger in July and August consumed mostly Notropis, despite the fact that gizzard shad were the most abundant forage fish available. Catch Related to Temperature The WVDNR creel survey of the Ohio River tallied 6,499 sauger harvested from the tailwaters of six dams on the river: New Cumberland (RM 54.4), Pike Island (RM 84.2), Hannible Island (RM 126.4), Willow Island (RM 161.8), Belleville (RM 203.9), and Gallipolis (RM 279.2) dams. Regression analysis of the relationship between sauger catch and water temperature showed a significant negative correlation (r = -0.87) (Fig. 4). Sauger catch was greatest in November (2,268) with the mean water temperature at 54° F, and smallest in August (44) with the mean water temperature at 78.8° F. Factors other than temperature may relate to sauger catch in the Ohio River. Doan (1941) found a high correlation (r = =0.m9) between catch and turbidity for Lake Erie sauger. CONCLUSIONS Populations of emerald shiners and gizzard shad dominated the supply of forage fish in the Ohio River during the study period. Clay and Carter (1962) reported that the emerald shiner was by far the most abundant species in the Ohio River, making up 57.8% of 741,438 fish collected in a three-year period. In the same study, gizzard shad were second in importance by number (14.5%) and most important by weight, comprising 44.6% of 16 tons of fish. The future of sauger popu- lations in the Ohio River is apparently dependent on the existence of large numbers of gizzard shad and emerald shiners. Whether or not sauger would become more opportunistic feeders in the absence of these two forage species remains questionable. However, in all likelihood sauger, as well as other piscivorous fishes, would suffer to some degree if either of these food sources becomes depleted. 132 Steven I. McBride and Donald Tarter 2200-1 2000 1800H 1600 1400 5 1200 « 1000 C/3 800- 600 400 200 y=4698.63 + 58.12 r=-0.87 ~T — I — I — I — I — r~ 0 20 40 60 80 100 TEMPERATURE Fig. 4. Relationship of water temperature (F) and sauger catch from tailwaters of New Cumberland, Pike Island, Hannible, Willow Island, Belleville, and Gal- lipolis dams, Ohio River. Foods and Feeding of Sauger 133 If sauger catch can be interpreted as active feeding behavior, then the negative coefficient of correlation (r= -0.87), obtained from examining the relation of sauger catch to water temperatures, may indicate that sauger feed most intensively during periods of cool water temperatures. This is supported by the highest percentage of stomachs with food (89.7%) occurring in the fall. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.— The authors thank Mr. Glenn Moore, ORSANCO, for supplying the water quality data for this study. We also express our gratitude to all the members of ORSANCO and WVDNR who were helpful in collecting fish. Special thanks go to Bernie Dowler, Assistant Chief of Warmwater Fisheries, WVDNR, for supplying creel survey data. Several persons assisted in the field work during this study. We are particularly grateful to Curtis Hardman, George Bakewell and Mark Sheridan. Also, we express our appreciation to Ms. Vickie Crager for typing the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Clay, William M., and B. T. Carter. 1962. Aquatic-life resources of the Ohio River. Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, Cincinnati. 218 pp. Dendy, Jack S. 1946. Food of several species of fish, Norris Reservoir, Ten- nessee. J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 27(1):105-127. Doan, Kenneth H. 1941. Relation of sauger catch to turbidity in Lake Erie. Ohio J. Sci. ¥/(6):449-452. Forbes, Stephen A. 1878. The food of Illinois fishes. Bull. 111. State Lab. Nat. Hist. l(2):71-89. 1888. On the food relations of freshwater fishes. Bull. 111. State Lab. Nat. Hist. 2:475-538. , and R. E. Richardson. 1920. The fishes of Illinois. 111. Nat. Hist. Survey, Vol. 3, Ichthyology. 278 pp. Lagler, Karl F. 1956. Freshwater Fishery Biology. W. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa. 421 pp. Pearse, A. S. 1921. The distribution and food of the fishes in three Wisconsin lakes in summer. Univ. Wise. Stud. Sci. No. 3. 61 pp. Priegel, Gordon R. 1969. The Lake Winnebago Sauger. Wis. Dep. Nat. Resour. Tech. Bull. 43. 63 pp. Scott, W. B., and E. J. Crossman. 1973. Freshwater Fishes of Canada. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. 184. 966 pp. Swenson, William A. 1977. Food consumption of walleye {Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) and sauger {Stizostedion canadense) in relation to food availability and physical conditions in Lake of the Woods, Minnesota, Shagawa Lake, and western Lake Superior. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. i^( 10): 1643-1654. , and L. L. J. Smith. 1973. Gastric digestion, food consumption, feeding periodicity, and food conversion efficiency in walleye {Stizostedion vitreum vitreum). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. i0(9): 1327- 1336. 134 Steven I. McBride and Donald Tarter and 1976. Influence of food competition, predation. and cannibalism on walleye {Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) and sauger {S. canadense) populations in Lake of the Woods, Minnesota. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. ii(9): 1946- 1954. S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1980a. Gallipolis Locks and Dam Replacement, Ohio River. Phase 1, Advanced Engineering and Design Study. General Design Memorandum. Appendix J, Volume 2. 202 pp. 1980b. GalHpolis Locks and Dam Replacement, Ohio River. Phase 1, Advanced Engineering and Design Study. General Design Memorandum. Main Report. 89 pp. Vanicek, C. D. 1964, Age and growth of sauger, Stizostedion canadense (Smith), in Lewis and Clark Lake. Iowa State J. Sci. 55(4):48 1-502. Accepted 3 February 1983 Notes on Breeding Period, Incubation Period, and Egg Masses oi Amby stoma jeffersonianum (Green) (Amphibia: Caudata) from the Southern Limits of Its Range Charles K. Smith ^ Department of Biology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40502 ABSTRACT. — Observations on breeding and incubation periods of Ambystoma jeffersonianum were made at three central Kentucky ponds during 1980 and 1981. Breeding began in early January, 1980 and in early February, 1981. There were also substantial differences between years in duration of the breeding period. During both years hatching occurred over a two-week period between late March and early April. Mean number of eggs per mass was 23.4 ± 13.5, and mean mass dimensions (length x diameter, mm) were 43.1 ± 11.9 x 39.0 ± 8.6. There are indications that the number of eggs per mass for Ken- tucky populations is greater than for more northern populations. INTRODUCTION Relatively little life history data exist for Ambystoma jeffersonia- num (Green). Data published prior to Uzzell's (1964) definitive work on the A. jeffersonianum complex may not, in fact, deal with A. jeffersoni- anum. The species ranges throughout most of the northeastern United States and reaches its southern limits in central Kentucky. Life history data from Kentucky populations, since they are peripheral, should shed light on factors that limit the species' distribution. Unfortunately, very few published studies concern Kentucky populations. This note provides observations on breeding, incubation periods, and characteristics of egg masses of A. jeffersonianum in central Kentucky. To investigate annual and local variation in breeding and incubation periods, observations were made in three local ponds over a two-year period. STUDY SITES AND METHODS Data were collected during 1980 and 1981 from three abandoned, semi-permanent farm ponds in Jessamine County. Each pond had a sur- face area of less than 288 square meters, and an average depth of 21 cm. Pond 1 is located 0.4 km north of Pond 2, and Pond 3 is approximately 1.5 km northwest of Pond 1. Ambystoma jeffersonianum is the only ambystomatid salamander that regularly uses any of the ponds, although over a four-year period I have occasionally observed eggs and larvae of A. texanum in Ponds 1 and 2. • Present Address: Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514. Brimleyana No.9: 135-140. June 1983. 135 136 Charles K. Smith The ponds were visited during the day once a week, and on every rainy night beginning with the first rains of late fall (19 December 1979 and 1 November 1980). During each visit the ponds were searched for adults and egg masses. Developmental stages of the embryos were used to determine lengths of the breeding, incubation, and hatching periods. Masses in early stages of development (preblastula) were assumed to be recently deposited. In addition, data on the number of eggs per mass, mass size (greatest length and diameter), and mass placement were col- lected from Pond 3 on 23 March 1980 and 8 March 1981 while transects were waded across the pond. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A summary of breeding and incubation periods oi Amby stoma jef- fersonianum is given in Table 1 . Substantial differences occurred between years in the initiation and duration of the breeding season. Hatching, however, occurred over a 1 to 2 week period at approximately the same time during both years. Since the migration oi Amby stoma to breeding ponds is correlated with precipitation and temperature (Baldauf 1952; Whitford and Vin- egar 1966; Douglass and Monroe 1981), variable weather conditions Table 1. Summary of dates and duration of breeding and incubation periods for Ambystoma jeffersonianum in three central Kentucky Ponds. ' 1980 1981 Ponds 1 19 2 3 P 2 3 Initiation of 3 22 21 21 21 breeding period Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Egg deposition 6 11 9 - 3 3 period (wks) Incubation period (wks) 4-10 4-13 4-10 - 3-6 3-6 Hatching 23 Mar. 30 Mar. 30 Mar. - 28 Mar. 28 Mar. period 5 Apr. 5 Apr. 13 Apr. - 5 Apr. 5 Apr. ' Dates are approximate , based on first observation of the event. Duration of an event is based on observations of first and last occurrence. 2 Drying destroyed all eggs in pond 1 during 1981; see text. Ambystoma jeffersonianum Reproduction 137 offer the most probable explanation for the differenes between years in the date that breeding was initiated. Noticeably less precipitation oc- curred at the study site between November 1980 and January 1981 than for the same period during the previous year. Whereas the ponds filled by January in 1980, they were not filled until February in 1981. Differences between years in local variation in the duration of the breeding periods, and, hence, incubation periods can best be explained if migration to the ponds is both a function of favorable weather condi- tions and an individual's physiological readiness to respond to those conditions. During 1980, by the time weather conditions were favora- ble for migration to the ponds, a relatively large group of individuals may have been ready to migrate. Thus, a more synchronous mass migration to the ponds resulted, and breeding and egg deposition occurred over a shorter time period. Synchrony of hatching is of particular interest, given the variation that occurred in initiation and duration of the breeding season. Tem- poral variation in oviposition was buffered and did not produce equal variation in initiation and duration of the hatching period. Temperature and developmental rates show positive correlation (Moore 1939; Has- singer et al. 1970). Because ambient temperatures tend to progressively increase during the incubation period, embryos of eggs deposited earlier in the breeding season take longer to develop, and, as a result, the tem- poral variation of the hatching period is much less in comparison to the breeding period. Worthington (1968, 1969), and Douglas and Monroe (1981) pro- posed that temporal staggering of breeding is adaptive because it results in a partitioning of resources among larvae of different sizes. Since the hatching period was much shorter than the breeding period, my study suggests that the efficacy of staggered breeding in partitioning pond resources may be greatly reduced. At a breeding pond approximately 135 km west of my study site, Douglas and Monroe (1981) reported that adult A. jeffersonianum were present from late November until early March. They did not note if oviposition occurred over the entire period. They found a peak occur- rence of adults during early January, as did Creusere (1972) for popula- tions in western and central Kentucky. Seibert and Brandon (1960) found eggs in southern Ohio as early as February, while Smith (1911) and Bishop (1941) reported that breeding begins in late March or early April in New York. Brandon (1961) and Creusere (1972) observed hatch- lings in western Kentucky on dates similar to those reported here. Bishop (1941) reported hatching to occur during April and May in New 138 Charles K. Smith York populations. Geographic differences in initiation of breeding are likely due to differences in temporal occurrence of weather conditions that stimulate adult migration to the ponds. The later hatching time for northern populations corresponds with a later breeding season. During 1981 my study ponds filled slowly, and water levels fluctu- ated greatly during the breeding and incubation periods. Ponds 2 and 3 did not dry until late summer, and pond drying was not a source of embryo mortality. Pond 1, however, dried completely by 22 March, des- troying all egg masses. Although pond 1 partially refilled before April, no additional egg masses were found. Egg mass data are presented in Table 2. The mean number of eggs per mass (23.4) is similar to that reported by Brandon (1961) for popu- lations in southern Ohio (x = 22), but greater than that reported for New York populations by Bishop (1941; x = 16), Smith (1911; x = 14), and Uzzell (1967; x = 14). Further study of geographic variation in the number of eggs per mass is required in order to determine if this appar- ent north-to-south cline is real. Table 2. Selected data, egg masses oi Amby stoma jeffersonianum in a central Kentucky pond (pond 3). R = range, N = sample size. X 1 SD R N Number of eggs per mass 23.4 13.5 2-67 105 Length of single mass (mm) 43.1 11.9 30-70 26 Diameter of single mass (mm) 39.0 8.6 20-60 26 Length of masses in series (mm) 117.0 40.4 40-200 13 Number of masses in series 3.4 1.0 2-5 13 Depth to top of mass (cm) 14.3 3.3 7-24 64 Total water depth at mass (cm) 25.3 3.0 20-30 64 Ambystoma jeffersonianum Reproduction 139 Masses were found attached both singly and in series to blades of herbaceous vegetation, petioles of leaves, and twigs. The descriptions of attachment sites and mass dimensions agree with those of Uzzell (1967) and Bishop (1941). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.— I thank E. K. Smith for her assistance in the field, and J. W. Petranka for his critical review of the manuscript and discussion of the problem. This note was taken from a larger study of larval ecology of A. jeffersonianum which was completed for the M. S. degree under the direction of R. W. Barbour, and was supported in part by two Graduate Student Grants from the University of Kentucky. LITERATURE CITED Bishop, Sherman C. 1941. The Salamanders of New York. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 324. 365 pp. Baldauf, Richard J. 1952. Climatic factors influencing the breeding migration of the spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum (Shaw). Copeia 1952 (3): 178-181. Brandon, Ronald A. 1961. A comparison of the larvae of five northeastern spe- cies oi Ambystoma (Amphibia: Caudata). Copeia 1961 (4): 377-383. Creusere, F. Michael. 1972. Behavioral and ecological aspects of five ambysto- matid species. Unpubl. M. S. Thesis, Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond. 140 pp. Douglas, Michael E., and B.L. Monroe Jr. 1981. A comparative study of topo- graphical orientation in Ambystoma (Amphibia: Caudata). Copeia 1981 (2): 460-463. Hassinger, Dawn D., J. Anderson and G. H. Dalrymple. 1970. The early life history and ecology oi Ambystoma tigrinum and A. opacum in New Jersey. Am. Midi. Nat. 84: 474-495. Moore, John A. 1939. Temperature tolerance and rates of development in the eggs of amphibia. Ecology 20: 459-478. Smith, Bertram G. 1911. Notes on the natural history oi Ambystoma jeffersoni- anum. A. opacum, and A. tigrinum. Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc. 9: 14-27. Seibert, Henri C, and R.A. Brandon. 1960. The salamanders of southeastern Ohio. Ohio J. Sci. 60\ 291-303. Uzzell, Thomas M. 1964. Relations of the diploid and triploid species of Ambystoma jeffersonianum complex (Amphibia: Caudata). Copeia 1964 (2): 257-300. Whitford, Walter G., and A. Vinegar. 1966. Homing, survivorship, and over- wintering of larvae oi Ambystoma maculatum. Copeia 1966 (3): 515-518. 140 Charles K. Smith Worthington, Richard D. 1968. Observations on the relative size of three species of salamanders in a Maryland pond. Herpetologica 24: lAl-lAd. 1969. Additional observations on sympatric species of salamander larvae in a Maryland pond. Herpetologica 25: 227-229. Accepted 10 March 1984 Occurrence and Habitat Preference of Fundulus luciae (Baird) (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae) on a Southeastern North Carolina Salt Marsh Mark A. Shields and Carol H. Mayes Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 ABSTRACT.— Thirty-two Fundulus luciae were collected in pit traps on a salt marsh in southeastern North Carolina during October and November 1983. This species remained on the marsh at low tide, exhibiting a strong preference for high marsh areas dominated by Jun- cus roemerianus while tending to avoid low marsh habitats dominated by Spartina alterniflora. The reported rarity of F. luciae probably reflects inadequate sampling of its preferred high marsh habitat by conventional collecting techniques. INTRODUCTION Fundulus luciae (Baird), the spotfin killifish, is found sporadically in brackish coastal waters from Long Island, New York (Butner and Brattstrom 1960) to Georgia (Jorgenson 1969), with most populations apparently concentrated in the Chesapeake Bay area (Lee et al. 1980). In North Carolina, Hildebrand (1941) reported F. luciae common only in marsh pools on Shackleford Banks and along the Newport River, Carteret County. More recently, Kneib (1978) found F. luciae to be common on the high salt marsh at Tar Landing Bay on Bogue Sound, also in Carteret County. Few records of F. luciae from other areas of coastal North Carolina have been published. In this note we document the occurrence and describe the habitat preference of F. luciae on a salt marsh in southeastern North Carolina. STUDY AREA AND METHODS Our study site was a salt marsh bordering Bradley Creek, a small tidal river in New Hanover County. Three marsh habitats were defined within the study area: tall-form Spartina alterniflora (TS), short-form S. alterniflora (SS), and Juncus roemerianus (JU). TS formed a band 1 to 3 m wide along the levees of the creek and smaller rivulets in the marsh, while SS vegetated the flat areas behind the creekbank levees. The higher areas of marsh farthest from the creek were dominated by JU. One 25 X 25 X 25 cm pit trap was dug in each marsh habitat. Pits in TS, SS, and JU were placed 1.5, 18.5, and 51.5 m, respectively, from Bradley Creek. Each pit was lined with 1 mm mesh cloth to facilitate removal of trapped fish. Traps were visited during daylight at low tide Brimleyana No.9: 141-144. June 1983. 141 142 Mark A. Shields and Carol H. Mayes when the marsh was completely drained and all fish were removed and preserved in 10% formalin. Standard length (SL) of all specimens was measured to the nearest mm. Specimens were deposited in the Univer- sity of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW) Fish Collection. Eleven collections were made between 19 October and 20 November 1983. Salinity of water in the pit traps ranged from 23 ppt to 33 ppt during the study, with salinities among the three pits varying no more than 3 ppt on any given day. Water temperature ranged from 7° C to 19° C. The percentage of each of the three habitats in a 0.5 ha area cen- tered over the pit traps was estimated visually from an aerial photo- graph. TS comprised 14.5% of the available marsh habitat, SS accounted for 60.9%, and JU comprised 24.6%. A Chi-square test, based on the null hypothesis that fish moved at random over the marsh at high tide and used each habitat in proportion to its availability, was employed to measure habitat preference by F. luciae. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total of 32 F. luciae (mean SL 19.4 mm, range 5-33 mm) was collected. The largest number trapped in one day was 12 on 11 November. No F. luciae were caught on 14 November when mean water tempera- ture in the pit traps was 7° C, the coldest temperature recorded during our study. Since F. luciae becomes relatively inactive and therefore more difficult to catch during cold weather (Byrne 1978; Kneib 1978), it may have been even more abundant on Bradley Creek Marsh than our limited autumn collections indicated. Distribution of F. luciae among the three marsh habitats was not random {x^ =8.70, df=2, P<0.025). Figure 1 shows the distinct prefer- ence of this species for the high Juncus marsh. Preference for high marsh habitats was also reported by Byrne (1978) and Kneib (1978). Avoidance of strong tidal currents and predators of the low marsh and tidal creek habitats may account for this small species' preference for high marsh areas (Byrne 1978). We concur with Byrne (1978) and Kneib (1978) that the purported rarity of F. luciae is due mainly to inadequate sampling of its preferred high marsh habitat. As demonstrated by Kneib and this study, the use of pit traps appears to be an effective method of collecting F. luciae, which tends to remain on the marsh at low tide. We beUeve the species is more common and widespread than is indicated by the few published reports based on the results of seining and trawling. Fundulus luciae on N.C. Salt Marsh 143 Dhabitat availability o u 0. Fig. 1 . Availability and use by Fundulus luciae of salt marsh habitats on Brad- ley Creek Marsh, North Carolina, October-November, 1983. TS = tall-form Spartina alterniflora, SS - short-form S. alterniflora, JU = Juncus roemerianus. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.— This study was prompted by discus- sions with David G. Lindquist. Robin D. Bjork and Jennifer E. Slack provided helpful field assistance. Courtney T. Hackney and Paul E. Hosier constructively criticized the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Butner, Alfred, and B. H. Brattstrom. 1960. Local movement in Meni- dia and Fundulus. Copeia 1960 (2): 139-141. Byrne, Donald M. 1978. Life history of the spotfin killifish, Fundulus luciae (PiscesiCyprinodontidae), in Fox Creek Marsh, Virginia. Estuaries 7(4):21 1-227. Hildebrand, Samuel F. 1941. An annotated list of salt and brackish water fishes, with a new name for menhaden, found in North Carolina since the publication of "The fishes of North Carolina" by Hugh M. Smith in 1907. Copeia 1941(4):220-232. 144 Mark A. Shields and Carol H. Mayes Jorgenson, Sherrell C. 1969. A Georgia record for the cyprinodontid fish, Fundulus luciae. Chesapeake Sci. 70(1): 65. Kneib, R. T. 1978. Habitat, diet, reproduction and growth of the spotfin killifish, Fundulus luciae, from a North Carolina salt marsh. Copeia 1978(1):164-168. Lee, David S., C. R. Gilbert, C. H. Hocutt, R. E. Jenkins, D. E. McAllister and J. R. Stauffer, Jr. 1980. Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes. N. C. State Mus. Nat. Hist., Raleigh. 854 pp. Accepted 12 April 1984 145 SUBSCRIPTIONS AND EXCHANGES The editors anticipate two issues of approximately 150 pages each annually. Rates for subscriptions for all issues appearing within the calendar year: Individual— United States $ 9.00 Individual — Foreign $ 1 3.00 Institution $15.00 All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Issues will be available on an exchange basis to organizations and institu- tions publishing general natural history and ecology journals or papers on a fairly regular schedule. Publications received on exchange will be placed in the State Museum's H. H. Brimley Memorial Library. Address all subscriptions and requests for information on purchase and exchange to Managing Editor, Brimleyana, N. C. State Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 27647, Raleigh, NC 2761 1. Back issues are available. DATE OF MAILING Brimleyana No. 8 was mailed on 12 April 1983. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE We apologize to all subscribers and contributors who have been inconven- ienced by our publishing delay. Brimleyana Nos. 10 and 11 are being processed simultaneously and should appear at about the same time this autumn (No. 10 is devoted to various aspects of the biology of the salamander, Necturus lewisi). We are trying to assure, also, that No. 12 will appear within a reasonable pro- duction time. FORTHCOMING . . . * Fishes, of Buck Creek, Kentucky; * An update of Sympotthastia (Diptera); * Fossil bats from Florida; * Seasonal weight changes in raccoons; * A new species of Paracricotopus (Diptera); * Aspects of the biology of Etheostoma rufilineatum (Pisces); * Aquatic distributional patterns in the Interior Low Plateaus; * Seabird core temperatures; * Genetic variation in Agkistrodon piscivorus (Reptilia); * Virginia in Virginia; * The rete in seabirds; . . . AND OTHERS. STATE LIBRARY OF NORTH CAROLINA 3 3091 00748 4710 INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS Submit original and two copies of manuscripts to Editor, Brimleyana, North Carolina State Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 27647, Raleigh, NC 2761 1. In the case of multiple authorship, indicate correspondent. Manuscripts submitted for publication in this journal should not also be submitted elsewhere. Preparation of manuscript. Adhere generally to the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual, Fourth Edition. Use medium-weight bond paper, SVi X 11", and leave at least an inch margin on all sides. Double space all typewritten material. The first page will be separate and contain the title and the author's name and address. Where appropriate, the title will indicate at least two higher categories to which taxa belong. Example: Studies of the genus Hobbseus Fitzpatrick and Payne (Decapoda: Cam- baridae). A brief informative abstract on a separate sheet follows the title page, preceding the text. In- dicative abstracts are not acceptable. Footnotes will be used only where absolutely necessary, numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Individuality of writing style and text organization are encouraged, but for longer papers the INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION and LITERATURE CITED format is preferable, with those headings centered and capitalized. Headings plus sub-headings must be kept to a total of three levels. Scientific names in taxonomic papers will include the author in first usage. Descriptions of new taxa must be in accordance with the requirements of established international codes. Etymology is desirable. Last item in the text will be acknowledgments, with the body of the section preceded thusly: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. — Authors should verify that persons mentioned in acknowledgments acquiesce in the wording. Appendixes: place after acknowledgments and before literature cited. Form for literature cited: Author's last name, first name, middle initial. Year. Title. Jour- nal (see BIOSIS list of Serials with Title Abbreviations) volume (number) :pages. Provide total number of pages for books, dissertations, and theses. For second authors use initials followed by last name. Examples: Woodall, W. Robert, Jr., and J. B. Wallace. 1972. The benthic fauna in four small southern Appalachian streams. Am. Midi. Nat. ^<5(2): 393-407. Crocker, Denton W. and D. W. Barr. 1968. Handbook of the Crayfishes of Ontario. Univ. Ontario Press, Toronto. 158 pp. Authors, not the editor, are responsible for verifying references. Form for citing references in text: parenthetical (Woodall and Wallace 1972:401), page numbers optional, following a colon; for more than two authors use et al. (not italicized). All tables go on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript. Do not use vertical lines in tables. Indicate lightly in pencil in the margin of the original manuscript where tables and il- lustrations would best fit. Preparation of illustrations. Illustrations, including maps, graphs, charts, drawings, and photographs, should be numbered consecutively as figures. They should not be larger than 21.5 X 28 cm (8V2 X 11"). Plates must be prepared and presented as they are to ap- pear, not as groups or large sheets of items for arrangement by the editors. Do not mount in- dividual photographs. The author's name, title of the manuscript, figure number, and the notation "Top," should be penciled lightly on the back of every illustration. Lettering on original drawings and maps should be of adequate size to permit proper reduction where needed. Do not type on illustrations. Legends should be typed, double-spaced, on separate sheets. Avoid indicating scale as "X life size." Consult CBE Style Manual, pp. 39-45, for more complete guidelines. Page charges, reprints and proofs. A per page charge of $20 is expected from authors who have funds available from institutions, grants, or other sources. Those without such funds should so indicate in their correspondence with the Editor. This will not affect accept- ance for normal publication. Contributors who pay full page costs will be furnished 100 free reprints. Reprint order forms will be sent with galley proofs and are to be returned to the Managing Editor. On papers with more than one author, it will be the responsibility of the correspondent to assure that other authors have an opportunity to obtain reprints. Proofs are to be corrected, signed and returned to the Managing Editor within 48 hours. Changes in proofs other than type corrections will be charged to the author. CONTENTS A New Species of Woodland Salamander of the Plethodon glutinosus Group from the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Richard Highton 1 Lower Wilson Creek, Caldwell County, North CaroUna: A Thermal Refugium for Reptiles? Robert Wayne Van Devender and Paul F. Nicoletto 21 Comparative Food Studies of Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus albacares, and Blackfin Tuna, Thunnus atlanticus (Pisces: Scombridae) from the Southeastern and Gulf Coasts of the United States. Charles S. Manooch III and Diane L. Mason 33 Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Cane Creek, North Carolina, and Comparisions with Other Southeastern Streams. David R. Lenat 53 Pleistocene Mammals from the Rock Springs Local Fauna, Central Florida. Kenneth T. Wilkins 69 Bird Density and Habitat Use in Forest Openings Created by Herbi- cides and Clearcutting in the Central Appalachians. William C. McComb and Robert L. Rumsey 83 Drainage Records and Conservation Status Evaluations for Thirteen Kentucky Fishes. Melvin L. Warren, Jr. and Ronald R. Cicerello 97 Winter Food Habits of Bobcats in North Carolina. Anne M. King, Richard A. Lancia, S. Douglas Miller, David K Woodward and Jay D. Hair Ill Foods and Feeding Behavior of Sauger, Stizostedion canadense (Smith) (Pisces: Percidae), from Gallipolis Locks and Dam, Ohio River. Steven I. McBride and Donald Tarter 123 Notes on Breeding Period, Incubation Period, and Egg Masses of Ambystoma jeffersonianum (Green) (Amphibia: Caudata) from the Southern Limits of its Range. Charles K Smith 135 Occurrence and Habitat Preference of Fundulus luciae (Baird) (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae) on a Southeastern North Carolina Salt Marsh. Mark A. Shields and Carol H. Mayes 141 Miscellany 145