') A Jef. ■1%.^'f^ HISTORY BRITISH BIRDS, THE FIGURES ENGRAVED ON WOOD BY T. BEWICK. VOL, I. CONTAINING THE HISTQRT AND DESCRIPTION OF LAND BIRDS. >r,3C'4«s,!flC'i!«:"*'Ci'a«r3iit':ii«(r,'.(>' .rri5-"'^-;''"''«v:-=^,^-i««»-iSa'- >oc5C°S'C'X!!5C2»9:,"»c*«:s.« NEWCASTLE: * ' fRINTED By SOL. HODGSON, FOR BEILBY & BEWICK : SOLD BY THEM, AND C. C. & J. ROBINSON, LONDON. [^Piice 13/. in Boards.'] ^lOl- PREFACE. J. 0 thofe who attentively confider the fubjefl: of Natural Hii- tory, as dlfplayed in the animal creation, it will appear, that though much has been done to explore the intricate paths of Nature, and follow her through all her various windings, much yet remains to be done before the great ceconomy is completely developed. Notwithftanding the laborious and not unfuccefs- ful Inquiries of ingenious men In all ages, the lubjett Is far from being exhaufted. Syftems have been formed and explo- ded, and new ones have appeared in their Head ; but, like flce- letons injudicioufly put together, they give but an Imperfcft idea of that order and fymmetry to which they are intended to be fiibfervient : They have their ufc, but it is the flcilful prac- titioner who is chiefly enabled to profit by them ; to the Icfs informed they appear obfcure and perplexing, and too frequent- ly deter him from the great objeft of his purfuit. To Inveftigate, with any tolerable degree of fuccefs, the more retired and diftant parts of the animal ceconomy, Is a taflc of no fmall difiiculty. An inquiry fo defireable and fo eminently ufe- ful would require the united efforts of many to give it the de- fired fuccefs Men of leifure, of all dcfcriptions, refiding in the country, could fcarcely find a more delightful employment than a 2 itr PREFACE. in attempting to elucidate, from their own obfervations, tlie va- rious branches of Natural Hiftory, and in communicating them to others. Something like a fociety in each county, for the purpofe of collefting a variety of thefe obfervations, as well as for general correfpondence, would be extremely ufeful and ne- ceffary : Much might be expefted from a combination of this kind extending through every part of the kingdom ; a general mode of communication might be thereby eflabliftied, in order to afcertain the changes which are continually taking place, par- ticularly among the feathered tribes ; the times of their appear- ing and difappearing would be carefully noted ; the differences of age, fex, food, &c. would claim a particular degree of atten- tion, and would be the means of correfting a number of errors which have crept into the works of fome of the mofl: eminent ornithologifts, and of avoiding the confufion arifing from an over-anxious defire of encreafing the numbers of each particular kind : But it is referved, perhaps, for times of greater tranquil- lity, when the human mind, undifturbed by public calamities, fhall find leifure to employ itfelf, without interruption, in the purfuit of thofe objedls which enlarge its powers and give dig- nity to its exertions, to carry into the fulleft effe6l a plan for in- velligations of this fort. In this refpeft no author has been more fuccefsful than the celebrated Count de BufFon : — Defpifing the reftraints which methodical arrangements generally impofe, he ranges at large through the various walks of Nature, and defcribes her with a brilliancy of colouring which the moft lively imagination only could fuggeft. It muft, however, be allowed, that in many in- flances, that ingenious philofopher has overftepped the bounds of Nature, and, in giving the reins to his own luxuriant fancy, has been too frequently hurried into the wild paths of conjedure and romance. The late Mr White, of Selborne, has added much to the general ftock of knowledge on this delightful fubjedt, by attentively and faithfully recording whatever fell un^ der his^ own obfervations, and by liberal communications to others. PREFACE. V As far as we could, confiftently with the plan laid down in the following work, we have confulted, and we trull with fome advantage, the works of thefe and other Naturallfts. In the arrangement of the various clafles, as well as in the defcriptive part, we have taken as our guide our ingenious countryman, Mr Pennant, to whofe elegant and ufeful labours the world is in- debted for a fund of the moft rational entertainment, and who will be remembered by every lover of Nature as long as her works have power to charm. The communications \vith which we have been favoured by thofe gentlemen who were fo good as to notice our growing work, have been generally acknowledged in their proper place ; it remains only that we be pennitted to infert this teftimony of our grateful fenfe of them. In a few inftances we have ventured to depart from the ufual method of claffification ; by placing the hard-billed birds, or thofe which live chiefly on feeds, next to thofe of the Pie kind, there feems to be a more regular gradation downwards, a few anomalous birds, fuch as the Cuckoo, Hoopoe, Nuthatch, &c. only intervening : The foft-blUed birds, or thofe which fubfift chiefly on worms, infe£ls, and fuch like, are by this means pla- ced all together, beginning with thofe of the Lark kind. To this we mufl. obferve, that, by dividing the various families of birds into two grand divifions, viz. Land and Water, a number of tribes have thereby been included among the latter, which can no othervvife be denominated Water Birds than as they oc- cafionally feek their food in moid places, by fmall ftreamlets, or on the fea-fliore ; fuch as the Curlew, Woodcock, Snipe, Sand- piper, and many others. Thefe, with fuch as do not commit themfelves wholly to the waters, are thrown Into a feparate di- vifion, under the denomination of Waders. To thefe we have ventured to remove the Kingfiflier, and the Water Ouzel ; the former lives entirely on fi(h, is conftantly found on the margins of ftill waters, and may with greater propriety be denominated a Water Bird than many which come under that defcription ; the latter fcems to have no connection with thofe birds among a 3 *i PREFACE, ^s'hich it is ufually clafled, its bufinefs being wholly among ra-; pid running ftreams, in which it chiefly delights, and froni whence it derives its fupport. This work, of which the firlt volume is all that is now offer- ed to the public, will contain an account of all the various tribes of birds either conftantly refiding in, or occafionally vifiting, our ifland, accompanied with reprefentatlons of almoft every fpecles, faithfully drav/n from Nature, and engraven on wood. It may be proper to obferve, that while one of the Editors of this work was engaged In preparing the engravings, the compi- lation of the defcriptlons was undertaken by the other, fubjedt, however, to the correftlons of his friend, whofe habits had led him to % more intimate acquaintance with this branch of Natu- ral Hlftory : The Compiler, therefore, is anfwerable for the de- feats which may be found in this part of the undertaking, con- cerning which he has little to fay, but that it was the produc- tion of thofe hours which could be fpared from a laborious em- ployment, and on that account he hopes the feverity of crltl- clfm will be fpared, and that it will be received with that in- dulgence which has been already experienced on a former oc-? calion. Newcastle upon Tyne, September, 1797= tt INTRODUCTION. <^3'0< In no part of the animal creation are the wifdom, the good- nefs, and the bounty of Providence difplayed in a more lively manner than in the ftrutture, formation, and various endow- ments of the feathered tribe. The fymmetry and elegance dlf- coverable in their outward appearance, although highly pleafing to the fight, are yet of much greater importance when confider- cd with refpeft to their peculiar habits and modes of living, to which they are eminently fubfervlent. 34 viii INTRODUCTION. Inftead of the large head and formidable jaws, the deep capa- cious cheft, the brawny flioulders, and finewy legs of the qua- drupeds, we obferve the pointed beak, the long and pliant neck, the gently fwelling fhoulder, the expanfive wings, the tapering tail, the light and bony feet ; all which are wifely calculated to affifl and accelerate their motion through the yielding air. Eve- ry part of their frame is formed for lightnefs and buoyancy j their bodies are covered with a foft and delicate plumage, fo dif- pofed as to prote6t them from the intenfe cold of the atmofphere through which they pafs ; their wings are made of the lightefl materials, and yet the force with which they ftrike the air with them is fo great as to impel their bodies forward with aflonifli- ing rapidity, whilft the tail ferves the purpofe of a rudder to di- re£t them to the different objedls of their purfuit. The internal flrufture of birds is no lefs nicely adapted to the fame wife and- ufeful purpofes ; all their bones are light and thin, and all the mufcles, except thofe which are appropriated to the purpofe of moving the wings, are extremely delicate and light ; the lungs are placed clofe to the back-bone and ribs, the air en- tering into them by a communication from the windpipe, paf- fes through and is conveyed into a number of membranous cells which lie upon the fides of the pericardium, and communicate with thofe of the fternum. In fome birds thefe cells are con- tinued down the wings, and extend even to the pinions, thigh bones, and other parts of the body, which can be filled and dif- tended with air at the pleafure of the animal. The extreme Angularity of this almoft univerfal diftufion of air through the bodies of birds naturally excited a ftrong defire to difcover the intention of Nature in producing a conformation fb extraordinary. The ingenious Mr Hunter imagined that it might be intended to affift the animal in the ^& of flying, by increafing its bulk and ftrength without adding to its weight. This opinion was corroborated by confidering, that the feathers of birds, and particularly thofe of the wings, contain a great quantity of air. In oppofition to this he informs us, that the Oftrich, which does not fly, is neverthelefs provided with air INTRODUCTION. i« cells difperfed through its body ; that the Woodcock, and fomc other flying birds, are not fo Hberally fuppHed with thefe cells ; yet, he elfewhere obferves, that it may be laid down as a general* rule, that in birds of the higheft and longed flights, as Eagles, this cxtenfion or diff^ufion of air is carried farther than in o- thers ; and. with regard to the Oilrich, though it is deprived of the power of flying, it runs with amazing rapidity, and confe- quently requires fimilar refources of air. It feems therefore to be proved, evidently, that this general diffiifion of air through the bodies of birds is of infinite ufe to them, not only in their long and laborious flights, but likewife in preventing their refpi- ration from being fl:opped or interrupted by the rapidity of their motion through a refifting medium. Were it poflible for man to move with the fwiftnefs of a Swallow, the aftual refifl:ance of the air, as he is not provided with internal refervoirs fimilar to thofe of birds, would foon fuffocate him.* Birds may be diilinguiflied, like quadrupeds, into two kinds or clafles, granivorous and carnivorous; like quadrupeds too, there are fome that hold a middle nature, and partake of both. Granivorous birds are furniihed with larger intefl:ines, and pro- portionally longer than thofe of the carnivorous kinds. Their food, which confifts of grain of various kinds, is conveyed whole and entire into the firft fl:omach or craw, where it undergoes a partial dilution by a liquor fecreted from glands fpread over Its furface ; it is then received into another fpecies of flioraach, where it is further diluted ; after which it is tranfmitted into the gizzard, or true fliomach, confifl:ing of two very flrong muf- cles covered externally with a tendinous fubfl:ance, and lined with a thick membrane of prodigious power and fl;rength ; in this place the food is completely triturated, and rendered fit for the operation of the gallric juices. The extraordinary powers * May not this univerfal difFufion of air through the bodies of birds ac- count for the fuperior heat of this clafs of animals ? The reparation of oxy- gen from refpirable air, and its mixture with the blood, by means of the lungs, being fiippofcd by the ingenious Dr Crawford to be the efficient caufc of animal beat. X INTRODUCTION. of the gizzard in comminuting the food, fo as to prepare it for digeftion, would exceed all credibility, were they not fupported by incontrovertible fafls founded upon experiments. In order to afcertain the ftrength of thefe ftomachs, the ingenious Spa- Ian zani made the following curious and very interefting experi- ments : — Tin tubes, full of grain, were forced into the ftomachs of Turkies, and after remaining twenty hours, were found to be broken, compreffed, and diftorted in the moft irregular manner.* In proceeding further, the fame author relates, that the ftomach of a Cock, in the fpace of twenty-four hours, broke off the an- gles of a piece of rough jagged glafs, and upon examining the gizzard, no wound or laceration appeared. Twelve ftrong nee- dles were firmly fixed in a ball of lead, the points of which pro- jeAed about a quarter of an inch from the furface ; thus armed, it was covered with a cafe of paper, and forced down the throat of a Turkey ; the bird retained it a day and a half, without fliewing the leaft fymptom of uneafinefs ; the points of all the needles were broken off clofe to the furface of the ball, except two or three, of which the ftumps projefted a little. The fame author relates another experiment, feemingly ftill more cruel : He fixed twelve fmall lancets, very fharp, in a fimilar ball of lead, which was given in the fame manner to a Turkey-cock, and left eight hours in the ftomach ; at the expiration of which the organ was opened, but nothing appeared except the naked ball, the twelve lancets having been broken to pieces, the fto- mach remaining perfectly found and entire. From thefe curi- ous and well-attefted fa£ts we may conclude, that the ftones fo often found in the ftomachs of many of the feathered tribe are highly ufeful in comminuting the grain and other hard fubftan- ces which conftitute their food. •' The ftones," fays the cele- brated Dr Hunter, " alfift in grinding down the grain, and, by feparating its parts, allow the gaftric juices to come more rea- dily into contact with it." Thus far the conclufion coincides with the experiments which have been juft related. We may * Spalanzani's Differtation, vol. I, page 12. INTRODUCTION. xi obferve ftlll farther, that the ftones thus taken into the ftomachs of birds are feldom known to pafs with the faeces, but being ground down and feparated by the powerful aftion of the giz- zard, are mixed with the food, and, no doubt, contribute very much to the health as well as nutriment of the animaL Granivorous birds partake much of the nature and difpofitioii of herbivorous quadrupeds. In both, the number of their flo- machs, the length and capacity of their inteftines, and the qua- lity of their food, are very fimilar; they are llkewife both dif- tinguiflaed by the gentle nefs of their tempers and manners : Contented with the feeds of plants, with fruits, infefts, and worms, their chief attention is direfted to procuring food, hatch- ing and rearing their offspring, and avoiding the fnares of men, and the attacks of birds of prey and other rapacious animals. They are a mild and gentle race, and are in general fo tradable as eafily to be domefticated. Man, ever attentive and watchful to every thing conducive to his intereft, has not failed to avail himfelf of thefe difpofitions, and has judicioufly felefted, from the numbers which every way furround him, thofe which are moll prolific, and confequently the moll profitable : Of thefe the Hen, the Goofe, the Turkey, and the Duck arc the mofl confiderable, and form an Inexhauftible ftore of rich, whole- fome, and nutritious food. Carnivorous birds are diftinguifhed by thofe endowments and powers with which they are furnifhed l»y Nature for the purpofe of procuring their food : They are provided with wings of great length, the mufcles which move them being proportionally large and flrong, whereby they are enabled to keep long upon the wing In fearch of their prey ; they are armed with ftrong hook- ed bills, fliarp and formidable claws ; they have alfo large heads, fhort necks, ftrong and brawny thighs, and a fight fo acute and piercing, as to enable them to view their prey from Immeafure- able heights in the air, upon which they dart with inconceivc- able fwiftnefs and undeviating aim ; their ftomachs are fmaller than thofe of the granivorous kinds, and their inteftines arc much fhorter. The analogy between the ftrudurc of rapacious xii INTRODUCTION. birds and carnivorous quadrapeds is obvious ; both of them are provided with weapons which indicate deftruftion and ra- pine, their manners are fierce and unfocial, and they feldom herd together in flocks like the inoffenfive granivorous tribes. When not on the wing, rapacious birds retire to the tops of fe- queftered rocks, or the depths of extenfive fore (Is, where they conceal themfelves in fallen and gloomy folitude. Thofe which feed on carrion are endowed with a fenfe of fmelling fo exqulfite, as to enable them to fcent dead and putrid carcafes at aftonlfh- ing diftances. Befide thefe great divlfions of birds into granivorous and ra- pacious kinds, there are numerous other tribes, to whom Nature has given fuitable organs, adapted to their pecuhar habits and modes of living. Like amphibious animals,' a great variety of birds live chiefly in the water, and feed on fiflies, infefts, and other aquatic produdllons : To enable them to fwim and dive in queft of food, their toes are connefted by broad membranes or webs, with which they ftrike the water, and are driven for- ward with great force. The feas, the lakes, and rivers abound with innumerable fwarms of birds of various kinds, all which find an abundant fupply in the immeafurable ftores with which the watery world Is every where flocked. There are other tribes of aquatic birds, frequenting marfliy places and the mar- gins of lakes and rivers, which feem to partake of a middle na- ture between thofe which live wholly on land, and thofe which are entirely occupied in waters : Some of thefe feed on fiflies and reptiles j others derive nourlfhment by thrufling their long bills into foft and muddy fubftances, where they find worms, the eggs of infefts, and other nutritious matter j they do not fwim, but wade in quefl: of food, for which purpofe Nature has provided them with long legs, bare of feathers even above the knees ; their toes are not connefted by webs, like thofe of the fwimmers, but are only partially furnlfhed with membranaceous appendages, which are jufl: fufBcIent to fupport them on the foft and doubtful ground which they are accuftomed to frequent : — Mofl of thefe kinds have very long necks and bills, to enable INTRODUCTION. liii them to fearch for and find their concealed food. To thefe tribes belong the Crane, the Heron, the Bittern, the Stork, the Spoonbill, the Woodcock, the Snipe, and many others. Without the means of conveying themfelves with great fwift- nefs from one place to another, birds could not eafily fiibfift : The food which Nature has fo bountifully provided for them is fo ir- regularly diftributed, that they are obliged to take long journics to diftant parts in order to gain the neceffary fupplies ; at one time it is given in great abundance ; at another it is adminiller- ed with a very fparing hand ; and this is one caufe of thofe mi- grations fo peculiar to the feathered tribe. Befides the want of food, there are two other caufes of migration, viz. the want of a proper temperature of air, and a convenient fituation for the great work of breeding and rearing their young. Such birds as migrate to great diftances are alone denominated birds of faf- fage ; but moll birds are, in fome meafure, birds of pafiage, al- though they do not migrate to places remote from their former habitations. At particular times of the year moll birds remove from one country to another, or from the more inland diftri£ls toward the fliores : The times of thefe migrations or flittings are obferved with the mod allonifliing order and punftuality ; but the fecrecy of their departure and the fuddennefs of their re-appearance have involved the fubjedl of migration in general in great difficulties. Much of this difficulty arifes from our not being able to account for the means of fubfiltence during the long flights of many of thofe birds, which are obliged to crofs immenfe trafts of water before they arrive at the places of their dellination : Accudomed to meafure didances by the fpeed of thofe animals with which we are w-ell acquainted, we are apt to overlook the fuperior velocity with which birds are carried forward in the air, and the eafe with which they continue their exertions for a much longer time than can be done by the Ilrongeft quadruped. Our fwiftell horfes are fuppofed to go at the rate of a mile in fomewhat lefs than two minutes, and we have one inllance on record of a horfe being tried, which went at the rate of near- XIV INTRODUCTION. ly a mile in one minute, but that was only for the fmall fpace of a fecond of time.* In this and firailar inftances we find, that an uncommon degree of exertion was attended with its ufual confequences, debility, and a total want of power to continue it to the fame extent ; but the cafe is very different with birds, their motions are not impeded by the fame caufes, they glide through the air with a quicknefs fuperior to that of the fwiftefi; quadruped, and they can continue on the wing with the fame fpeed for a confiderable length of time. Now, if we can fup- pofe a bird to go at the rate of only half a mile in a minute, for the fpace of twenty-four hours, It will have gone over, in that time, an extent of more than feven hundred miles, which is fuf- ficient to account for almoft the longeft migration ; but if aid- ed by a favourable current of air, there is reafon to fuppofe that the fame journey may be performed in a much (horter fpace of time. To thefe obfervations we may add, that the fight of birds is peculiarly quick and piercing ; and from the advantage they poffefs in being raifed to confiderable heights in the air, which is well known to be the cafe with the Stork, Bittern, and other kinds of birds, they are enabled, with a fagaclty pe- culiar to inftinftive knowledge, to difcover the route they are to take, from the appeai'ance of the atmofphere, the clouds, the direftion of the winds, and other caufes ; fo that, without having recourfe to improbable modes, it is eafy to conceive, from the velocity of their fpeed alone, that moft birds may tranfport themfelves to countries laying at great diftances, and acrofs vail tradls of ocean. The following obfervations from Catefby are very applicable, and will conclude our remarks on this head : " The manner of " their journeyings may vary according as the ftru6ture of their *' bodies- enables them to fupport themfelves In the air. Birds " with fhort wings, fuch as the Redftart, Black-cap, &c. may " pafs by gradual and flower movements ; and there feems no " neceffity for a precipitate paflage, as every day affords an in- * See Hiftory of Quadrupeds, page 6, 3d edition. INTRODUCTION. xv " creafe of warmth, and a continuance of food. It is probable ** thefe itinerants may perform their journey in the night-time, ** in order to avoid ravenous birds, and other dangers which " day-Hght may expofe them to. The flight of the fmallev ** birds of paffage acrofs the feas has, by many, been confidered *' as wonderful, and efpecially with regard to thofe with {hort ** wings, among which Quails feem by their ftrufture little a- *' dapted for long flights ; nor are they ever feen to continue ** on the wing for any length of time, and yet their ability for *' fuch flights cannot be doubted. The coming of thefe birds ** is certain and regular from every year's experience, but the *' caufe and manner of their departure have not always been fo ** happily accounted for ; in fliort, all we know of the matter ** ends in this obfervation ; — that Providence has created a *' great variety of birds and other animals with conftitutions *' and inclinations adapted to their feveral wants and neceffilies, *' as well as to the different degrees of heat and cold in the fe- *' veral climates of the world, whereby no country is defl;itute *' of inhabitants, and has given them appetites for the produc- *' tions of thofe countries whofe temperature is fuited to their ** nature, as well as knowledge and ability to feek and find " them out." The migration of the Swallow tribe has been noticed by al- moft every writer on the natural hiftory of birds, and various opinions have been formed refpefting their difappearance, and the fliate in which they fubfift; during that interval. Some Na- turaliflis fuppofe that they do not leave this ifland at the end of autumn, but that they lie in a torpid fl^ate, till the beginning of fummer, In the banks of rivers, in the hollows of decayed trees, In holes and crevices of old buildings, in fand banks, and the like : Some have even aflerted that Swallows pafs the winter ira- merfed In the waters of lakes and rivers, where they have been found la clufters, mouth to mouth, wing to wing, foot to foot, and that they retire to thefe places In autumn, and creep down the reeds to their fubaqueous retreats. In fupport of this opi- nion, Mr Kleio very gravely aflerts> on the credit of forae coun- xvi 1NTB.0DUCTI0N. tryraen, that Swallows fometlmes aflerubled in numbers, cling- ing to a reed till it broke, and funk with them to the bottom ; that their immerfion was preceded by a fong or dirge, which lafted more than a quarter of an hour ; fometimes they laid hold of a flraw with their bills, and plunged down in fociety ; and that others formed a large mafs, by clinging together by the feet, and in this manner committing themfelves to the deep. It re- quires no great depth of reafoning to refute fuch palpable abfur- dities, or to fhew the phyfical impoffibllity of a body, fpecifical- ly lighter than water, employing another body lighter than it- felf for the purpofe of immerfion : But, admitting the poffibi- lity of this curious mode of immerfion, ft is by no means proba- ble that Swallows, or any other animal, in a torpid ftate, can ex- ift for any length of time in an element to which they have ne- ver been accuftomed, and are befides totally unprovided by Na- ture with organs fuited to fuch a mode of fubfiftence. The celebrated Mr John Plunter informs us, " that he had differed many Swallows, but found nothing in them different from other birds as to the organs of refpiration ;" and therefore concludes that it is highly abfurd to fuppofe, that terreflrial ani- mals can remain any long time under water without drowning. It mufl not however be denied, that Swallows have been fome- times found in a torpid ftate during the winter months ; but fuch inflances are by no means common, and will not fupport the in- ference, that, if any of them can furvive the winter in that ftate, the whole fpecies is preferved in the fame manner.* That other * There are various inftanccs on record, which bear the ftrongeft marks of veracity, of Swallows having been taken out of water, and of their having been fo far recovered by warmth as to exhibit evident figns of life, fo as even to fly about for a fliort fpace of time. But whilft we admit the fadl, we are not inclined to allow the conclufion generally drawn from it, viz. that Swallows, at the time of their difappearance, fre- quently immerfe themfelves in feas, lakes, and rivers, and at the proper fcafon emerge and re-affume the ordinary fundtions of life and anima- tion ; for, it fhould be obferved, that in thofe inflances, which bave been the beft authenticated, [See Forfter's Tranflation of Kalm's Travels into North America, p. 140— cote.] it appears, that the Swallows fo taken up Introduction, tvu birds have been found in a torpid ftate may be inferred from the following curious fad, which was communicated to us by a gentleman who faw the bird, and had the account from the perfon who found it. A few years ago, a young Cuckoo was found in the thickeft part of a clofe whin bufh ; when ta- ken up it prefently difcovered figns of hfe, but was quite de- ftitute of feathers ; being kept warm, and carefully fed, it grew and recovered its coat of feathers : In the fpring follow- ing it made its efcape, and in flying acrofs the river Tyne it gave its ufual call. We have obferved a fingle Swallow fo late as the latter end of Oftober. Mr White, in his Natural Hif- tory of Sclborne, mentions having feen a Houfe Martin flying about in November, long after the general migration had taken place. Many more inftances might be given of fuch late ap- pearances, which, added to the well-authenticated accounts of Swallows having been aftually found in a torpid Hate, leave us no room to doubt, that fuch young birds as have been late hatched, and confequently not fl:rong enough to undertake a long voyage to the coafl of Africa, are left behind, and re- main concealed in hiding places till the return of fpring : On the other hand, that aftual migrations of the Swallow tribes do take place, has been fully proved from a variety of well-attefted were generally found entangled amongit reeds and rulhes, by the fides, or in the ftialloweft parts of the lakes or livers where they happened to be difcovered, and that having been brought to life fo far as to fly about, they all of them died in a few hours after. From the fa(5ls thus ftated we would infer, that at the time of the difappearance of Swallows, the reedy grounds by the fides of livers and (landing waters are generally dry, and that thefe birds, cfpecially the later hatchings, which frequent fuch places for the fake of food, retire to them at the proper feafon, and lodge themfelves among the roots, or in the thickeft parts of the rank grafs which grows there ; that during their ftate of torpidity they are liable to be covered with water, from the rains which follow, and arc fometimes walhed into the deeper parts of the lake or river where they have been accidentally taken up; and that probably the tranCent figns of life which they have difcovered on fuch occafions, have given rife to a variety of vague and improbable accounts of their iramerlion, &c. b Xviii iMTRODtJCTIOM. fafts, moft of which have been taken from the obfervations of navigators who have been eye-witneffes of their flights, and whofe fliips have fometimes afforded a refting-place to the weary travellers. To the many on record we fhall add the following, which we received from a very fenfible mafler of a veflel, who, whilit he was failing early in the fpring between the iflands of Minor- ca and Majorca, faw great numbers of Swallows flying north- ward, many of whom alighted on the rigging of the fliip in the evening, bat difappeared before morning. After all our in- quiries into this branch of natural ceconomy, much yet remains to be known, and we may conclude, in the words of the inge- nious Mr White, " that whilfl; we obferve with delight with *' how much ardour and punftuality thofe little birds obey ** the fl:rong impulfe towards migration or hiding, imprinted *' on their minds by their great Creator, it is with no fmall de- ** gree of mortification that we refledl, that after all our pains ** and inquiries, we are not yet quite certain to what regions ** they do migrate, and are fl;i]l farther embarraflTed to find that . " fome do not actually migrate at all. " Amufive birds! fay where your hid retreat, " When the froft rages, and the tempefts beat ;■ " Whence your return, by fuch nice inftjn«ft led, " When Spring, fweet feafon, lifts her bloomy head ? " Such baffled fearches mock man's prying pride, " The GOD of NATURE is your fecret guide !" Mofl birds, at certain feafons, live together in pairs; the union is formed in the fpring, and generally continues whilfl the united efforts of both are neceffary in forming their tem- porary habitations, and in rearing and maintaining their ofF- fpring. Eagles and other birds of prey continue their attach- ment for a much longer time, and fometimes for life. The nefls of birds are conflru6ted with fuch exquifite art, as to ex- ceed the utmoft exertion of human ingenuity to imitate them. Their mode of building, the materials they make ufe of, as well as the fituations they feledt, are as various as the different kinds INTRODUCTION. tUt of birds, and are all admirably adapted to their feveral wants and necelfities. Birds of the fame fpecies, whatever region of the globe they inhabit, colleft the fame materials, arrange them in the fame manner, and make choice of fimilar fituations for fixing the places of their temporary abodes. To defcribe minutely the different kinds of nells, the various fubftances of which they are compofed, and the judicious choice of fituations, would fwell this part of our work much beyond its due bounds. Every part of the world furniflies materials for the aerial archi- te£ls ; leaves and fmall twigs, roots and dried graf?, mixed with clay, ferve for the external ; whilft mofs, wool, fine hair, and the fofteft animal and vegetable downs, form the warm internal part of thefe commodious dwellings. The following beautiful lines from Thomfon are highly defcriptive of the bufy fcene which takes place during the time of nidification. Some to the holly hec'ge ** Neftling repair, and to the thicket feme ; " &c. &c.* After the bufinefs of incubation is over, and the young are fuf- iiciently able to provide for themfelves, the nells are always abandoned by the parents, excepting thofe of the Eagle kind. The various gifts and endowments which the great Author of Nature has fo liberally bellowed upon his creatures in general, demand, in a peculiar manner, the attention of the curious Naturalill ; amongft the feathered tribe in particular there is much room, in this refpedl, for minute and attentive inveftiga- tion. In purfuing our inquiries into that fyftem of oeconomy, by which every part of Nature is upheld and preferved, we are ilruck with wonder in obferving the havock and dedrudtion which every where prevail throughout the various orders of be- ings inhabiting the earth. Our humanity is interefted in that law of Nature, which devotes to dcfl.ru6tion myriads of creatures tp fupport and continue the exiftence of others j but, although * See Thomfon's Seafons— Spring. b2 ■St INTRODUCTION. It is not allowed us to unravel the myfterious workings of Na^* ture through all her parts, or unfold her deep defigns, we are, neverthelefs, flrongly led to the confideration of the means by which individuals, as well as fpecies, are preferved and multiplied. The weak are frequently enabled to elude the purfuits of the llrong, by flight or ftratagem ; fome are fcreened from the pur- fuit of their enemies, by an arrangement of colours happily affi- milated to the places which they moft frequent, and where they find either food or repofe ; thus the Wryneck is fcarcely to be diftinguirtied from the bark of the tree on which it feeds, or the Snipe from the foft and moffy ground by the fprings of water which it frequents ; the Great Plover finds its greateft fecurity in ftony places, to which its colours are fo nicely adapted, that the moft exa£t obferver may be very eafiiy deceived. The attentive Ornithologlft will not fail to difcover numerous inftances of this kind, fuch as the Partridge, Plover, Quail, &c. Some are indebted to the brilliancy of their colours as the means of alluring their prey ; of this the Kingfilher is a remarkable in- ftance, and deferves to be particularly noticed. This beautiful bird has been obferved, in fome fequeftered places, near the edge of a rivulet, expofing the vivid colours of its breaft to the full rays of the fun, and fluttering with expanded wings over the fmooth furface of the water ; the fifh, attracted by the bright- nefs and fplendour of the appearance, are detained whilft the wily bird darts down upon them with unerring certainty. We do not fay that the mode of taking fifh by torch-light has been derived from this pradifed by the Kingfifher, but every one muft be ftruck by the fimilarity of the means. Others, again, derive the fame advantage from the fimplicity of their exterior appearance ; of this the Heron \yill ferve as an example. He may frequently be feen ftanding motionlefs by the edge of a piece of water, waiting patiently the approach of his prey, which lie never fails to feize as foon as it comes within reach of his long neck ; he then reafliimes his former pofition, and con- tinues to wait with the fame patient attention as before. Moft of the fmaller birds are fupportedj efpecially when INTRODUCTION. xxi young, by a profufion of caterpillars, fmall worms, and infedts, with which every part of the vegetable world abounds ; which is by this means preferved from total deftruftlon, contrary to the commonly received opinion, that birds, particularly Sparrows, do much mifchief in deftroying the labours of the gardener and the hufbandman. It has been obferved, " that a fingle pair of Sparrows, during the time they are feeding their young, will deftroy about four thoufand ceiterpillars weekly ; they likewife feed their young with butterflies and other winged infefts, each of which, if not deftroyed in this manner, would be produflive of feveral hundreds of caterpillars." Sv/allows are almofl; con- tinually upon the wing, and in their curious winding flights de- llroy immenfe quantities of flies and other infefts which are con- tinually floating in the air, and which, if not deftroyed by thefe birds, would render it unfit for the pui-pofes of life and health. That aftive little bird, the Tomtit, which has generally been fuppofed hoftile to the young and tender buds which appear In the fpring, when attentively obferved, may be fcen running up and down amongft; the branches, and picking the fmall worms which are concealed In the bloflbms, and which would etTedlual- ly deftroy the fruit. As the feafon advances, various other fmall birds, fuch as the Redbreaft, Wren, Winter Fauvette or Hedge-fparrow, Whitethroat, Redftart, &c. are all engaged In the fame ufeful work, and may be obferved examining every leaf, and feeding upon the infefts which they find beneath them. —Thefe are a few inllances of that fuperintending providential care, which is continually exerted In preferving the various rarfks and orders of beings In the fcale of animated Nature ; and al- though it is permitted that myriads of Individuals fliould every moment be deftroyed, not a fingle fpecles Is loft, but every link of the great chain remains unbroken Great Britain produces a more abundant variety of birds than moft northern countries, owing to the various condition of our lands, from the higheft ilate of cultivation to that of the %vlldeft, moft mountainous, and woody. The great quantities b3 xxii INTRODUCTION. of berries and other kinds of fruit produced in our hedges, heaths, and plantations, bring fmall birds in great numbers, and birds of prey in confequence : Our ftiores, and the numerous little iflands adjacent to them, afford fhelter and proteftion to an infinite variety of almoft. all kinds of water fowl. To enu- merate the various kinds of birds that vifit this ifland annually . will not, vpe prefume, be unacceptable to our readers, nor im- proper in this part of our virork. The following ai-e felefted chiefly from Mr White's Natural Hiflory of Selborne, and are arranged nearly in the order of their appearing. 1 Wryneck, ------ Middle of March 2 Smallefl; Willow Wren, - - Latter end of ditto 3 Houfe Swallow, - - - . Middle of April 4 Martin, --_.-- Ibid 5 Sand Martin, - - . - - Ibid 6 Black-cap, ------ Ibid 7 Nightingale, ----- Beginning of Apr il 8 Cuckoo, - Middle of ditto 9 Middle Willow Wren, - - Ibid 3 0 White throat, ----- Ibid 11 Redftart, Ibid 12 Great Plover or Stone Curlew, End of March 1 3 Grafshopper Lark, - - - Middle of April 14 Swift, ------- Latter end of ditto 1^ Leffer Reed Sparrow, - - 16 Corncrake or Land Rail, 1 7 Largeft Willow Wren, - - End of April 1 8 Fern Owl, ------ Latter end of May 19 Flycatcher, ----- Middle of ditto.* Moll of the foft-billed birds feed on infefts, and not on grain or feeds, and therefore ufually retire before winter ; but the fol- lowing, though they eat infefts, remain with us during the whole year, viz. The Redbreaft, Winter Fauvette, and Wren, * This is the latcft fummer bird of paffage. INTRODUCTION. xxiii which frequent out-houfes and gardens, and eat fplders, fmall worms, crumbs, occ. The Pied, the Yellow, and the Grey- Wagtail, which frequent the heads of fprings, where the waters feldom freeze, and feed on the aureliae of infefls u- fually depofited there : Befides thefe, the Whinchat, the Stonechatter, and the Golden-crefted Wren, are feen with us during the winter ; the latter, though the lead of all the Bri- tifti birds, is very hardy, and can endure the utmoft feverity of our winters. The White rump, though not common, fometimes Itays the winter with us. — Of the winter birds of pafTage, the following are the principal, viz. 1 The Redwing or Wind Thrufh, 2 The Fieldfare. — [Both thefe airive in great numbers about Michaelmas, and depart about the end of February, or begin- ning of March.] 3 The Hooded or Sea Crow vifits us in the beginning of winter, and departs with the Woodcock. 4 The Woodcock appears about Michaelmas, and leaves us about the beginning of March. 5 Snipes are confidered by Mr White as birds of paflage, though he acknowledges that they frequently breed with us. Mr Pennant remarks, that their young are fo frequently found i-n Britain, that it may be doubted whether they ever entirely leave this ifland. 6 The Jiidcock or Jack Snipe. 7 The Wood Pigeon : Of the precife time of Its arrival we are not quite certain, but fuppofe it may be fome time in April, as we have feen them in the north at that time. 8 The Wild Swan frequents the coafts of this ifland in large flocks, but is not fuppofed to breed with us ; It has been chiefly met with in the northern parts, and is faid to arrive at Lingey, one of the Hebrides, in Odlober, and remains there till March, when it retires more northward to breed. 9 The Wild Goofe pafTes foutluvard in Odobcr, and re- turns northward in April. b4 sxiv INTRODUCTION. With regard to the Duck kind in general, they are moftly birds of pafTage. Mr Pennant obferves, *' Of the numerous " fpecies that form this genus, we know of no more than five *' that breed here, viz the Tame Swan, the Tame Goofe, the " Shield Duck, the Eider Duck, and a very fmall number of *' the Wild'Ducks : The reft contribute to form that amazing *' multitude of water fowl that annually repair from moft parts *' of Europe to the woods and lakes of Lapland and other arc- " tic regions, there to perform the funftions of incubation and *' nutrition in full fecurity. They and their young quit their re- *' treats in September, and difperfe themfelves over Europe. "' With us they make their appearance in the beginning of " 06lober, circulate firft round our fhores, and, when compel- *' led by fevere froft, betake themfelves to our lakes and ri- *' vers."— In winter the Bernacles and Brent Geefe appear in vaft flocks on the north-weft coaft of Britain, and leave us in February, when they 'migrate as far as Lapland, Greenland, or Spltzbergen. The Solon Geefe or Gannets are birds of paffage j their firft appearance is ia March, and they continue till Auguft or Sep- tember. The Long-legged Plover and Sanderling vifit us in winter only ; and it is worthy of remark, that every fpecies of the Curlews, Woodcocks, Sandpipers, and Plovers, which for- fake us in the fpring, retire to Sweden, Poland, Pruffia, Nor- way, and Lapland to breed, and return to us as foon as the young are able to fly ; the frofts, which fet in early in thofe countries, depriving them totally of fubfiftence. Befides thefe, there is a great variety of birds which perform partial migrations, or fiittings, from one part of the country to another. During hard winters, when the furface of the earth is covered with fnow, many birds, fuch as Larks, Snipes, &c. withdraw from the inland parts of the country towards the fea-lhores in queft of food ; others, as the Wren, the Redbreaft, and a variety of fmall birds, quit the fields, and approach the habitations of men. The Bohemian Chatterer, the Grofbeak, gnd t^e Crofsbill, are only occafional vlfitors, and obferve no INTRODUCTION. xxv regular times in making their appearance : Great numbers of the former were taken in the county of Northumberland the latter end of the years 1789 and 1790, before which they had not been obferved fo far fouth as that county, and fmce that time have never been feen there. The ages of birds are various, and do not feem to bear the fame proportion to the time of acquiring their growth as has been remarked with regard to quadrupeds. Moft birds acquire their fidl dimenfions in a few months, and are capable of propa- gation the firft fummer after they are hatched. In proportion to the fize of their bodies, birds are much more vivacious, and live longer, than either man or quadrupeds : Notwithftanding the difficulties which arife in afcertaining the ages of birds, there are inftances of great longevity In many of them. Geefe and Swans have been known to attain the age of one hundred or upwards ; Ravens are very long-lived birds, and are fald fometimes to exceed a century ; Eagles are fuppofed to arrive at a great age ; Pigeons are known to live more than twenty years ; and even Linnets and other fmall birds have been kept in cages from fifteen to twenty years. To the praftical Ornithologlft there arifes a confiderable gra- tification in being able to difcern the diftlnguifiiing characters of birds as they appear at a dlitance, whether at reft, or during their flight ; for not only every fpecies has fomething pecuh'ar to itfelf, but each genus has its own appropriate marks, upon which a judicious obferver may difcrimlnate with almoft uner- ring certainty. Of thefe, the various modes of flight afford the moft certain and obvious means of dlftlnftlon, and fhould be noted with the moft careful attention. From the bold and lofty flight of the Eagle, to the fliort and fudden flittlngs of the Sparrow or the Wren, there is an ample field for the curious inveftigator of Nature, on which he may dwell with Inexpref- fible delight, tracing the various movements of the feathered nations which every where prefent themfelves to his view. The notes, or, as it may with more propriety be called, the language, of birds, whereby they are enabled to exprefs, in no inconfider- xxvT INTRODUCTION. able degree, their various paflions, wants, and feelings, muft be particularly noticed ;* The great power of their voice, by which they can communicate their fentiments and intentions to each other, and by that means are able to ad: by mutual concert, ad- ded to that of the wing, by which they can remove from place to place with inconceivable celerity and difpatch, is peculiar to the feathered tribes ; it gives them a decided fuperiority over every fpecies of quadrupeds, and affords them the greateft means of fafety from thofe attacks to which their weaknefs would otherwife expofe them. The focial inftinft among birds is pe- culiarly lively and interelling, and likewife proves an effeftual means of prefervation from the various arts which are made ufe of to circumvent and deftroy them. Individuals may perifli, and the fpecies may fuffer a diminution of its numbers j but its inftinfls, habits, and csconomy remain entire. * White's Selborne, CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME: Page. Page. Birds of Prey 1 Of the Onvl 43 The Falcon tribe 2 I Great-eared Owl 45 I Golden Eagle 5 2 Long-eared Owl 46 2 Ringtailed Eagle 7 3 Short-eared Owl 48 3 White-tailed Eagle 9 4 Female Horned Owl 50 4 Sea Eagle II 5 White Owl 51 5 Ofprey 13 6 Tawny Owl 53 6 Common Buzzard 15 7 Little Owl 54 7 Honey Buzzard 17 19 8 Moor Buzzard 9 Kite 21 Of the Shrike - 56 lo Gofhawk 23 I Great afh-coloured 1 1 Sparrowhawk 27 Shrike 58 12 Jer- Falcon 26 2 Red-backed Shrike 60 J 3 Gentil- Falcon 30 3 Woodchat 61 14 Lanner 32 33 15 Hen Harrier 16 Ringtail 35 Birds of the Pie kind 63 17 Keftril 36 I Raven 66 18 Hobby - 39 2 Carrion Crow 6S 19 Merlin 41 3 Hooded Crow 69 xxviii CONTENTS. Page. Page. 4 Rook * , 71 0/ the Grojheak 129 5 Jackdaw » 73 I Crofsbill 130 6 Magpie 75 2 Grofbeak 133 7 Red-legged Crow 77 3 Pine Grofbeak ^IS 8 Nutcracker 79 4 Green Grofbeak 136 9 Jay 80 5 Bullfinch 138 lo Chatterer 83 85 II Roller 12 Starling 88 Of the Bunthig 140 Rofe-coloured Ouzel 91 X Bunting . . 141 Ring Ouzel 92 2 Yellow Bunting 143 ' Black Ouzel 94 3 Black-headed Bun- Miffel Thrufh 96 ting H5 Fieldfare 98 4 Snow Bunting 148 Throftle . " . 100 5 Tawny Bunting 150 Redwing 102 104 Cuckoo • Wryneck • III Of the Finch »53 1 Houfe Sparrow 2 Mountain Sparrow 154 158 The Woodpeckers 114 3 Chaffinch 160 1 Green Woodpecker 116 4 Mountain Finch 163 2 Greater fpotted 5 Goldfinch 165 Woodpecker 118 6 Siflcin 167 3 Middle fpotted 7 Canary Finch 169 Woodpecker 119 8 Linnet 171 4 Lefler fpotted Wooc l- 9 Greater Redpole 173 pecker 120 - 10 LefTer Redpole . 174 Nuthatch 121 123 Hoopoe . , Creeper 12J Of the Lark 176 1 Skylark 2 Fieldlark 178 180 Of the Pajferine order 127 3 Grafshopper Lark 181 CONTENTS. xxix Page. Page. 4 Wood Lark » 183 Of the Tit7mtfe . . 235 5 Titlark • 185 1 Greater Titmoufe 237 2 Blue Titmoufe 3 Cole Titmoufe 239 241 Of the Wagtail 1 Pied Wagtail . 187 188 4 Mavfli Titmoufe 5 Long-tailed Tit- 242 2 Grey Wagtail 3 Yellow Wagtail 190 191 moufe 6 Bearded Titmoufe 243 245 Of the Flycatchers I Pied Flycatcher 193 ^9S Of the Snualloiu I Chimney Swallow 24S 252 2 Spotted Flycatcher 196 2 Martin 3 Sand Martin 4 Swift 255 258 259 Of the Warblers 198 Night-Jar 262 I Nightingale 199 203 2 Dartford Warbler 3 Redbreafl 204 Of the Dove kind , 265 4 Red dart 208 I Wild Pigeon 267 5 Fauvette 209 2 Ring Dove 270 6 Leffer Fauvette 212 3 Turtle Dove . 272 7 Winter Fauvette 213 215 8 Reed Fauvette 9 Blackcap 217 Of the Gallinaceous kind ' 274 10 Whitethroat 219 I Domeitic Cock 276 1 1 Yellow Willow Wren 220 2 Pheafant 282 12 Willow Wren 222 3 Turkey . 286 1 3 Leaft Willow Wrer 1 223 4 Peacock 289 14 Golden-crefted Wren 224 5 Pintado . . 293 15 Wren 227 6 Wood Groufe 29J 16 White-rump 229 7 Black Groufe 298 17 Whinchat 231 8 Red Groufe 301 18 Stonechat 233 9 White Groufe 3^3 XXX CONTENTS. Page. Page. 10 Partridge . 305 I Great Plover 321 II Quail 308 2 Pee-wit 324 12 Corncrake 3^^ 3 Golden Plover . 329 1 3 Great Buftard 3H 4 Gray Plover 11"^ 14 Little Buftard 3'8 5 Dotterel ' 332 320 6 Ring Dotterel 334 Of the Plover HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. VOL. I. ?cv»oc»< BRITISH BIRDS. •aas<,isc;s*:,T,ic»'wi:*Jf'ii!'S?Bj!>K:w,:»« BIRDS OF FRET. Rapacious birds, or thofe which fubfift chiefly on flefli, are much lefs numerous than ravenous quadrupeds ; and it feems wifely provided by na- ture, that their powers ftiould be equally confined and limited as their numbers ; for if, to the rapid flight and penetrating eye of the Eagle, were join- ed the ftrength and voracious appetite of the Lion, the Tiger, or the Glutton, no artifice could evade the one, and no fpeed could efcape the other. The characters of birds of the ravenous kind are particularly flrong, and eafily to be difllngulfli- ed ; the formidable talons, the large head, the ftrong and crooked beak, indicate their ability for rapine and carnage ; their difpofitlons are fierce, and their nature untraftable ; unfociable and cruel, they avoid the. haunts of civilization, and retire to the moft melancholy and wild recefles of nature, where they can enjoy, in gloomy folitude, the ef- fcfts of their depredatory excurfions. The fierce- iififs of their nature extends even to their young, B 2 BRITISH BIRDS. which they drive from the neft at a very early period ; the difficuhy of procuring a conftant fup- ply of food for them fometimes overcomes the' feelings of parental afFeftion ; and they have been known to deflroy them in the fury of difappointed hunger. Different from all other kinds, the fe- male of birds of prey is larger and ftronger than the male : naturalifla have puzzled themfelves to affign the reafon of this extraordinary property, but the final caufe at leafl is obvious : — The care of rearing her young being folely intrufted to the female, nature has furnillied her with more ample powers to provide for her own wants and thofe «)f her offspring. This formidable tribe conflitutes the firft order among the genera of birds. Thofe of our own country confill only of two kinds, viz. the Falcon and the Owl. — We Ihall begin with the former. THE FALCON TRIBE. The numerous families of which this kind is compofed, are found in almofl every part of the world, from the frigid to the torrid zone ; they are divided into various clalFes or tribes, confift- ing of Eagles, Kites, Buzzards, Hawks, &c. and are readily known by the following diftinguifhing charadleriftics : The bill is ftrong, fharp, and much hooked, and is furnilhed with a naked Ikin or cere fituated at British birds. ^ the bafe, in which are placed the noilrils ; the head and neck are well clothed with feathers, which fufficiently dillinguifh it from every one of the vulture kind; the legs and feet are fcaly, claws large and ftrong, much hooked, and very Iharp : Birds of this fpecies are alfo diftinguiflied by their undaunted courage, and great activity. BufFon, fpeaking of the Eagle, compares it with the Lion, and afcribes to it the magnanimity, the flrength, and the forbearance of that noble quadru- ped. The Eagle defpifes fmall animals, and dif- yegards their infults ; he feldom devours the whole of his prey, but, like the Lion, leaves the fragments to other animals ; though famillied with hunger, he difdains to feed on carrion. The eyes of the Eagle have the glare of thofe of the Lion, and are nearly of the fame colour ; the claws are of the fame fhape, and the cry of both is powerful and terrible; dellined for war and plunder, they are equally fierce, bold, and untraftable. Such is the refemblance which that ingenious and fanciful wri- ter has pidured of thefe two noble animals ; the characters of both are llriking and prominent, and hence the Eagle is faid to extend his domi- nion over the birds, as the Lion over the quadru- peds. The fame writer alfo obferves, that in a • ftate of nature, the Eagle never engages in a folitary chace but when the female is confined to her eggs or her B 2 4 BRITISH filRD^. young : at this feafon the return of the fmaller bird^ affords plenty of prey, and he can with eafe provide for the fuftenance of himfelf and his mate : at o- ther times they unite their exertions, and are al- ways feen clofe together, or at a Ihort diftance from each other. Thofe who have an opportunity of obferving their motions, fay, that the one beats the bullies, whilft the other, perched on an emi- nence, watches the efcape of the prey. They of- ten foar out of the reach of human fight ; and not- withftanding the immenfe diftance, their cry is ftill heard, and then refembles the barking of a fmall dog. Though a voracious bird, the Eagle can en- dure the want of fuftenance for a long time. A common Eagle, caught in a fox trap, is faid to have paffed five whole weeks without the leaft food, and did not appear fenfibly weakened till towards the laft week, after which a period was put to its exiftence. BRITISH BIRDS. THE GOLDEN EAGLE, {Falco ChryfatoSj Linnaeus. — Le grand Aigle^ BufFon.) Is the largeft of the genus : It meafures, from the point of t^ie bill to the extremity of the toes, B3 6 BRITISH BIRDS. upwards of three feet ; and in breadth, from wing to wing, above eight ; and weighs from fixteen to eighteen pounds. The male is fmaller, and does not weigh more than twelve pounds. The bill is of a deep blue colour ; the cere yellow ; the eyes are large, deep funk, and covered by a projeding brow ; the iris is of a fine bright yel- low, and fparkles with uncommon luftre. The general colour is deep brown, mixed with tawny on the head and neck; the quills are chocolate, with white Ihafts ; the tail is black, fpotted with afli colour ; the legs are yellow, and feathered down to the toes, which are very fcaly ; the claws are re- markably large ; the middle one is two inches in length. — This noble bird is found in various parts of Europe ; it abounds moll in the warmer regions, and has feldom been met with farther north than the fifty-fifth degree of latitude. It is known to breed in the mountainous parts of Ireland ; it lays three, and fometimes four eggs, of which it feldom Jiappens that more than two are prolific. Mr Pen- nant fays there are inftances, though rare, of their having bred in Snowdon Hills. Mr Wallis, in his Natural Hiftory of Northumberland, fays, it former- ly had its aery on the higheft and fteepeft part of Cheviot. In the beginning of January, 1735, a very large one was ftiot near Warkworth, which meafured, from point to point of its wings, eleven feet and a quarter. British birds. THE RINGTAILED EAGLE. {Falco FuIvuSb Lin» — USigle Commtin. BufF.) This is the common Eagle of BufFon, and, ac- cording to that author, includes two varieties, the brown and the black Eagle ; they are both of the B4 8 BRITISH BIRDS. fame brown colour, diftinguifhed only by a deep- er Ihade ; and are nearly of the fame fize. In both, the upper part of the head and neck is mixed with ruft colour, and the bafe of the larger feathers marked with white ; the bill is of a dark horn co- lour, the cere of a bright yellow, the iris hazel, and between the bill and the eye there is a naked Ikin of a dirty brown colour ; the legs are feathered to the toes, which are yellow, and the claws black ; die tail is diftinguifhed by a white ring, which co- vers about two thirds of its length ; the remaining part is black. The Ringtailed Eagle is more numerous and diffiifed than the Golden Eagle, and prefers more northern climates. It is found in France, Ger- many, Switzerland, Great Britain, and in America §s far north as Hudfon's Bay. BRITISH BIRDS. THE WHITE-TAILED EAGLE. GREAT ERNE— CINEREOUS EAGLE. {Falco AlbiullOi Lin. — Le grand Py^argtie^ BufF.) 10 BRITISH BIRDS. Of this there appear to be three varieties, which differ chiefly in fize, and confift of the following : the great Erne, or Cinereous Eagle, of Latham and Pennant ; the fmall Erne, or leffer White-tailed Eagle ; and the White-headed Erne, or Bald Eagle. The two firft are dillinguifhed only by their fize, and the laft by the whitenefs of its head and neck. The white-tailed Eagle is inferior in fize to the Golden Eagle ; the beak, cere, and eyes are of a pale yellow ; the fpace between the beak and the eye is of a blueifh colour, and thinly covered with hair ; the fides of the head and neck are of a pale afh colour, mixed with reddifli brown; the general colour of the plumage is brown, dark- efl on the upper part of the head, neck, and back ; the quill feathers are very dark; the breaft is ir- regularly marked with white fpots; the tail is white; the legs, which are of a bright yellow, are feathered a little below the knees ; the claws are black. This bird inhabits all the northern parts of Europe, and is found in Scotland and many parts of Great-Britain ; it is equal in ftrength and vi- gour to the common Eagle, but more furious ; and is faid to drive its young ones from the neft, after having fed them only a very fliort time. It has commonly two or three young, and builds its neft upon lofty trees. BRITISH BIRDS. II THE SEA EAGLE. {Falco Ojftfragusy Lin. — UOrfraie, Buff.) This bird is nearly as large as the Golden Eagle, meafuring in length three feet and a half, but its expanded wings do not reach above feven feet. 13 BRITISH BIRDS. Its bill is large, much hooked, and of a blueifti colour ; its eye is yellow ; a row of ftrong briftly feathers hangs down from its under bill next to its throat, from whence it has been termed the beard- ed Eagle ; the top of the head and back part of the neck are dark brown, inclining to black; the feathers on the back are variegated by a lighter brown, with dark edges ; the fcapulars are pale brown, the edges nearly white ; the breall and belly whitilh, with irregular fpots of brown ; the tail feathers are dark brown ; the outer edges of the exterior feathers whitilh; the quill feathers and thighs are dulky ; the legs and feet yellow ; the claws, which are large, and form a compleat femipircle, are of a fhining black. It is found in various parts of Europe and America; it is faid to lay only two eggs during the whole year, and frequently produces only one young one ; it is however widely difperfed, and was met with at Botany Hand by Captain Cook. It lives chiefly on fifli; its ufual haunts are by the fea-fhore; it alfo frequents the borders of large lakes and ri^ vers ; and is faid to fee fo diftindlly in the dark, as to be able to purfue and catch its prey during the night. The llory of the Eagle, brought to the ground after a fevere confliQ: with a cat which it had feized and taken up into the air with its ta- lons, is very remarkable. Mr Barlow, who was an eye-witnefs of the fad, made a drawing of it, which he afterwards engraved* BRtTISH BIRDS. «3 THE OSPREY. BALD BUZ2ARD, SEA EAGLE, OR FISHING HAWK. {Falco Haliatusy Iau—Lc Balhuzard, BufF.) The length of this bird is two feet ; its breadth, from tip to tip, above five ; its bill is black, with a blue cere, and its eye is yellow ; the crown of its head is white, marked with oblong dullvy fpots ; its cheeks, and all the under parts of its body, are white, flightly fpotted with brown on its breaft ; from the comer of each eye a ftreak of brown ex- 14 BRITISH BIRDS. tends down the fides of the neck toward the wirig j the upper part of the body is brown; the two middle feathers of the tail are brown, the others are marked on the inner webs with alternate bars of brown and white ; the legs are very Ihort and thick, being only two inches and a quarter long, and two inches in circumference ; they are of a pale blue colour ; the claws black ; the outer toe is larger than the inner one, and turns eafily back- ward, by which means this bird can more readily fecure its flippery prey. BufFon obferves that the Ofprey is the moll nu= merous of the large birds of prey, and is fcattered over the extent of Europe, from Sweden to Greece, and that it is found even in Egypt and Nigritia. Its haunts are on the fea Ihore, and on the bor- ders of rivers and lakes ; its principal food is filh ; it darts upon its prey with great rapidity, and with undeviating aim. The Italians compare, its de- fcent upon the water to a piece of lead falling up- on that element, and diftinguilh it by the name of Auguilta Piumbina, or the Leaden Eagle. It builds its neft on the ground, among reeds, and lays three or four eggs, of an elliptical form, ra- ther lefs than thofe of a hen. The Carolina and Cayenne Ofpreys are varieties of this fpecics. BRITISH BIRDS. 15 THE COMMON BUZZARD. {Falco Buteo, Lin. — La Bufe, BufF.) M. BuFFON diflinguiflies the Kites and the Buz- zards from the Eagles and Hawks by their habits and difpofitions, which he compares to thofe of the Vultures, and places them after thofe birds. Though poflefTed of flrength, agility, and weapons to defend themfelves, they are cowardly, inactive, and flothful ; they will fly before a Sparrow-hawk, and when overtaken will fuffer themfelves to be l6 BRITISH BIRDS. beaten, and even brought to the ground without refiftance. The Buzzard is about twenty inches in length, and in breadth four feet and a half ; its bill is of a lead colour ; eyes pale yellow ; the upper parts of the body are of a dulky brown colour ; the wings and tail are marked with bars of a darker hue ; the upper parts pale, variegated with a light red- dilh brown ; the legs are yellow ; claws black. This v/ell-knoWn bird is of a fedentary and indo- lent difpofition ; it continues for many hours per- ched upon a tree or eminence, from whence it darts upon the game that comes within its -reach ; it feeds on birds, fmall quadrupeds, reptiles, and infefts ; its neft is conftrufited with fmall branches, lined in the infide with wool, and other foft mate- rials ; it lays two or three eggs, of a whitilh co- lour, fpotted with yellow ; it feeds and tends its young with great affiduity. Ray affirms, that if the female be killed during the time of incubation, the male Buzzard takes the charge of them, and pa- tiently rears the young till they are able to pro- vide for themfelves. Birds of this fpecies are fub- jedl to greater variations than molt other birds, icarcely two being alike ; fome are entirely white, of others the head only is white, and others again are mottled with brown and white. We were favoured with one of thefe bii;ds by John Trevelyan, Efq. of Wallington, in the county of Northumberland, by whom it \3ras Ihot in the BRITISH BIRDS, »7 a6l of devouring its prey, which confifled of a par- tridge it had juil killed : The flelh was entirely leparated from the bones, which, with the legs and wings, were afterwards difcovered laying at a fmall diftance from the place where it had been fliot. THE HONEY BUZZARD. {Faleo Jp'ivoriiSi Lin.— Za Bondree^ BufF.) Is as large as the Buzzard, meafuring twen- ty-two inches in length ; its wings extend above C 15 BRITISH BIRDS. four feet ; its bill is black, and rather longer than that of the Buzzard ; its eyes are yellow ; its head is large and flat, and of an afli colour ; upper parts of the body dark brown ; the under parts white, fpotted or barred with rufty brown on the breait and belly ; tail brown, marked with three broad dufl^y bars, between each of which are two or three of the fame colour, but narrower j the legs are ftout and ftiort, of a dull yellow colour ; claws black. This bird builds its neft fimilar to that of the Buzzard, and of the fame materials ; its eggs are of an alh colour, with fmall brown fpots : It fometimes takes poffeflion of the nefts of other birds, and feeds its young with wafps and other in- fects ; it is fond of field mice, frogs, lizards, and infects : it does not foar like the Kite, but flies low from tree to tree, or from bufh to bufh : It is found in all the northern parts of Europe, and in the open parts of Ruffia and Siberia, but is not fo common in England as the Buzzard. Buffon obferves, that it is frequently caught in the winter, when it is fat and delicious eating. BRITISH LIRDS. »9 -=^^-- i^;!-^-^''- ^^^"i^- . MOOR BUZZARD. DUCK HAWK, OR WHITE-HEADED HARPY. [Falco JEriiginofuSy Lin. — Le Bufardy BufF) Length above twenty-one Inches ; the bill is black ; cere and eyes yellow ; the whole crown of the head is of a yellowifh white, lightly tinged with brown ; the throat is of a light rufl; colour ; the reft of the plumage is of a reddifli brown, with pale edges ; the greater wing coverts tipped with white ; the legs are yellow -, claws black. Our figure and C 2 20 BRITISH EIRDS. defcrlptioii are taken from a very fine living bird fent us by John Silvertop, Eiq. of Minfter-Acres,: in the county of Northumberland, which . very nearly agreed with that figured in the Planches Enluminees. Birds of this kind vary much— in fome the crown and back part of the head are yel- low ; and in one defcribed by Mr Latham, the whole bird was uniformly of a chocolate brown, with a tinge of ruft colour. It preys on rabbits, young wild ducks, and other water fowl, and like- wife feeds on fifli, frogs, reptiles, and even infefts :■ Its haunts are in hedges and buflies near pools, marflies, and rivers, that abound with fifli ; it builds its nefl a little above the furface of the ground, or in hillocks covered with thick herbage j the female lays three or four eggs, of a whitilh colour, irregularly fprinkled with duflcy fpots : — Though fmaller, it is more adive and bolder T;han the Common Buzzard ; and when purfued, it meets its aijitagonift, and makes a vigorous defence. BRITISH BIRDS. 21 THE KITE. PUTTOK, FORK-TAILED KYTE, OR GLEAD. {Falco AlUvuSy lAu.—Le Milan Royals Buff.) This bird is eafily dillinguiflied from the Buz- zard by its forked tail, which is its peculiar and diftinguifliing feature : Its length is about two feet ; its bill is of a horn colour, furniflied with briflles at its bafe ; its eyes and cere are yellow ; the fea- thers on the head and neck are long and narrow, of a hoary colour, ftreaked with brown down the middle of each ; the body is of a reddifli brown co- lour, the margin of each feather being pale ; the C3 *-- BRITISH BIRDS. quills are dark brown ; the legs yellow ; and the claws black. It is common in England, and con- tinues with us the whole year : It is found in va- rious parts of Europe, in 'very northern latitudes, from whence before winter it retires towards E- gypt in great numbers ; it is faid to breed there, and return in April to Europe, where it breeds a fecond time, contrary to the nature of rapacious birds in general. The female lays two or three eggs of a whitilh colour, fpotted with pale yellow, and of a roundifli form. Though the Kite weighs fomewhat lefs than three pounds, the extent of its wings is more than five feet ; its flight is rapid, and It foars very high in the air, frequently beyond the reach of our fight, — yet at this dillance it perceives its food diflinftly, and defcends upon its prey with irrefiftible force ; its attacks are confined to fmall animals and birds ; it is particularly fond of young chickens, but the fury of their mother is generally fufficient to drive away the robber. BRITISH BIRDS. 23 THE GOSHAWK. {Falco Palumbar'wsy Lin — V Autour^ Buff.) This bird is fomewhat longer than the Buzzard, but flenderer and more beautiful ; its length is one foot ten inches ; its bill is blue, tipped with black ; cere green ; eyes yellow ; over each eye there is a whitifli line ; the head and all the upper parts of the body are of a deep brown colour, each fide of the neck being irregularly marked with white ; the breaft and belly are white, with a number of wavy lines or bars of black ; the tail Is long, of an alli C4 24 BRITISFI BIRDS. colour, and croffed with four or five duiky bars ; the legs are yellow, and the claws black; the wings are much fhorter than the tail. M. de Buf- fon, who brought up two young birds of this kind, a male and a female, makes the following obferva- tions : That the Golhawk, before it has flied its fea- thers, that is, in its firft year, is marked on the breaft and belly with longitudinal brown fpots; but after it has had two moultings they difappear, and their place is occupied by tranfverfe bars, which continue during the reft of its life : He obferves further, that though the male was much fmaller than the female, it was fairer and more vicious : The Gofliawk feeds on mice and fmall birds, and eagerly devours raw flefli ; it plucks the birds very neatly, and tears them into pieces before it eats them, but fwallows the pieces entire ; and frequent- ly difgorges the hair rolled up in fmall pellets. The Gofhawk is found in France and Germany; it is not very common in this country, but is more frequent in Scotland ; it is likewife common in North America, Ruffia, and Siberia : In Chinefc Tartary there is a variety which is mottled with brown and yellow. They are faid to be ufed by the Emperor of China in his fporting excurfions, when he is ufually attended by his grand falconer, and a thoufand of inferior rank. Every bird has a fdver plate fattened to its foot, with the name of the falconer who had the charge of it, that in cafe it fhould be loft it may be reftored to the proper BRITISH BIRDS. 25 perfon ; but if he lliould not be found, the bird is delivered to another oflicer called the guardian of Iq/l birds, who, to make his fituation known, ere£ls his ftandard in a confpicuous place among the ar- my of liunters. In former times the cuflom of carrying a hawk on the hand was confined to men of high diilinclion, fo that it was a faying among the Welfli, *' you may know a gentleman by his hawk, liorle, and greyhound." Even the ladies in thofe times were partakers of this gallant fport, and have been reprefented in fculpture with liawks on their hands. At prefent this noble diverfion is wholly laid afide in this country ; the advanced Hate of agriculture which every where prevails, and the confequent improvement and inclofure of lands, would but ill accord with the purfuits of the falconer, who requires a large and extenfive range of country, v/here he may purfue his game without moleftation to hirafelf, or injury to his neighbour. The expence which attended this fpoit was very confiderable, which confined it to princes and men of the highefi: rank. In the time of James I. Sir Thomas Monfon is faid to have given a thoufand pounds for a call of hawks. In the reign of Ed- ward III. it was made felony to fteal a hawk ; to take its eggs, even in a perfon's own ground, was punifliable with imprifonment for a year and a day, together with a fine at the king's pleafure. Such was the pleallire our anceilors took in this royal fport, and fuch were the means by whicJi they en- 26 BRITISH BIRDS. deavoured to fecure it. — Befides the bird jull de- fcribed, there are many other kinds which were formerly in high eftimation for the fports of the field; thefe were principally the Jer-Falcon, the Falcon, the Lanner, the Sacre, the Hobby, the Keftril., and the Merlin : Thefe are called the long, winged hawks, and are diftinguilhed from the Golhawk, the Sparrowhawk, the Kite, and the Buzzard, which are of Ihorter wing, flower in their motions, more indolent, and lefs courageous than the others. BRITISH BIRDS. 27 THE SPARROWHAWK. {Fa/co Nifusy Lin. — UEpervkry Buff.) The length of the male is twelve inches ; that of the female fifteen : Its bill is blue, furnifhed with brillles at the bafe, which overhang the nollrils; the colour of the eye is bright orange ; the head is flat at the top, and above each eye is a flrong bony projection, which feems as if intended to fecure it from external injur}'-; from this projedion u few fcattered fpots of white form a faint line run- ning backward towards the neck ; the top of the head and all the upper parts of the body are of a dulky brown colour ; on the back part of the head there is a faint line of white ; the fcapulars are marked with two fpots of white on each feather ; the greater quill feathers and the tail are diiflv}-, 23 BP,.ITISH BIRDS. witli four bars of a darker hue on eacli ; the inner edges of all the quills are marked with two or more large white fpots ; the tips of the tail feathers are white ; the breaft, belly, and under coverts of the wings and thighs are white, beautifully barred with brown ; the throat is faintly ftreaked with brown ; the legs and feet are yellow ; claws black. The above defcription is that of a female ; the male differs both in lize and colour, the upper part of his body being of a dark lead colour, and the bars on his breaft more numerous. The Sparrow- hawk is a bold and fpirited bird, and veiy numer- ous in various parts of the world, from Ruffia to the Cape of Good Hope. The female builds her neft in hollow trees, high rocks, or lofty ruins, fometimes in old crows' nefts, and generally lays four or five eggs, fpotted with reddifli fpots at the longer end. The Sparrowhawk is obedient and docile, and can be eafily trained to hunt partridges and quails ; it makes great deflruclion among pi- geons, young poultry, and fmall birds of all kinds, which it will attack and carry off in the molt da- ring manner. BRITISH BIRDS. 29 THE JER-FALCON. {Falco Gyrfalcoy Lin.— L^? Gerfaut, BulF.) This is a very elegant fpecles, and equals the Gofhawk in fize : Its bill is much hooked, and yel- low ; the iris is dufky ; the throat white, as is likewife the general colour of the plumage, fpotted with brown ; the breaft and belly are marked with lines, pointing downwards ; the fpots on the back and wings are larger ; the feathers on the thighs are very long, and of a pure white ; thofe of the tail are barred ; the legs are of a pale blue, and feathered below the knee. This bird is a native of the cold and dreary climates of the north, being found in Ruffia, Norway, and Iceland ; it is never feen in v.^arm, and feldom in temperate climates; it is found, but rarely, in Scotland and the Orkneys. BufFon mentions three varieties of the Jer- Falcon; the firft is brown on all the upper parts of the bo- dy, and white fpotted with brown on the under : This is found in Iceland : The fecond is very fmiilar to it ; and the third is entirely white. Next to the Eagle, it is the mofl formidable, the mod a£tive, and the moil intrepid of all voracious birds, and is the dearefl and mod efteemed for falconry : It is tranfported from Iceland and RufTia into France, Italy, and even into Perfia and Turkey — nor does the heat of thefe climates appear to diminilli its 30 BRITISH BIRDS. ftrength, or blunt its vivacity. It boldly attacks the largeft of the feathered race ; the Stork, the Heron, and the Crane are eafv viftims : It kills hares by darting diredly upon them.^ The female, as in all other birds of prey, is much larger and Itronger than the male, which is ufed in falconry only to catch the Kite, the Heron, and the Crow. THE GENTIL-FALCON. {Falco GefJtilisj Lin.) Tnis bird is fomevvhat larger than the Goftiawk: Its bill is lead colour ; cere and irides yellow ; the head and back part of the neck are rully ftreaked with black ; the back and wings are brown ; fca- pulars tipped with rufty ; the quills dufky j the outer webs barred with black ; the lower part of the inner webs marked with white ; the tail is long, and marked with alternate bars of black and afli colour, and tipped with white ; the legs are yel- low, and the claws black ; the wings do not ex- tend farther than half the length of the tail. Naturalifts have enumerated a great variety of Falcons : and in order to fwell tlie lift, they have introduced the fame bird at different periods of its life ; and have, not unfrequently, fubftituted acci- dental differences of climate as conftituting perma- nent varieties ; fo that, as BufFon obferves with his ufual acutenefs, one would be apt to imagine that BRITISH BIRDS. 3 1 there were as many varieties of the Falcon as of the Pigeon, the Hen, and other domellic birds. In this way new fpecies have been introduced, and va- rieties multiplied without end : An over-anxious defire of noting all the minute differences exifling in this part of the works of nature has fometimes led the too curious inquirer into unnecefiary dif- tinctions, and has been the means of introducing confufion and irregularity into the fyftems of orni- thologifts. Our countryman, Latham, makes twelve varieties of the common Falcon, of which one is a young Falcon, or yearling — another is the Haggard, or old Falcon — whilft others differ only in fome uneffential point, arifmg from age, fex, or climate. BufFon, however, reduces the whole to two kinds — the Gentil, which he fuppofes to be the fame with the common Falcon, differing only in feafon ; and the Peregrine, or Paffenger Falcon, This laft is rarely met with in Britain, and confe- quently is but little known with us : It is about the fize of the common Falcon ; its bill is blue, black at the point; cere and irides yellow ; the up- per parts of the body are elegantly marked with bars of blue and black ; the breafl is of a yel- lowifh white, marked with a few fmall dufky lines ; the belly, thighs, and vent of a greyifli white, croffed with dufky bands ; the quills are dufky, fpotted with white ; the tail is finely barred with blue and black i the legs are yellow j the claws black. BRITISH BIRDS. THE LANNER. (Falco LanariuSf Lin. — Le Lanier y Buff) This bird is fomewhat lefs than the Buzzard,: its bill is blue ; cere inclining to green ; eyes yel- low ; the feathers on the upper parts of the body are brown, with pale edges ; above each eye there is a white line, which runs towards the hind part of the head, and beneath it is a black ftreak point- ing downwards towards the neck; the throat is white ; the breaft of a dull yellow, marked with brown fpots ; thighs and vent the fame ; the quill feathers are dulky, marked on the inner webs with oval fpots, of a ruil colour ; the tail is fpotted in the fame manner ; the legs are Ihort and flrong, and of a blueifn colour. The Lanner is not com- mon in England ; it breeds in Ireland, and is found in various parts of Europe : It derives its name from its mode of tearing its prey into fmall pieces with its bill. |i;Q|&..,...«ai^^ BRITISFI BIRDS. S3 THE HEN-HARRIER. DOVE-COLOURED FALCON, OR BLUE HAWK. [Fa! CO CyaneuSy Lin. — UOifeau St. Martin y Buff.) The length feventeen inches ; breadth, from tip to tip, fomewhat more than three feet ; the bill is black, and covered at the bafe with long briftly feathers ; the cere, irides, and edges of the eye- lids are yellow; the upper parts of the body are of a blueilh grey colour, mixed with light tinges of rufty ; the breaft and under coverts of the wings are white, the former marked with rufty coloured ftreaks, the latter with bars of the fame colour ; the greater quills are black, the fecondaries and D 34 BRITISH BIRDS. lelTer quills afli-coloured ; on the latter, in fome birds, a fpot of black in the middle of each feather forms a bar acrofs the wing ; the two middle fea- thers of the tail are grey, the three next are mark- ed on their inner webs with dulky bars, the two outermoft are marked with alternate bars of white and ruft colour ; the legs are long and llender, and of a yellow colour. Thefe birds vary much ; of feveral which we have been favoured with, from John Silvertop, Efq. fome were perfectly white on the under parts, and of a larger fize than common : — We fuppofe the difference arifes from the age of the bird.* The Hen-harrier feeds on birds, lizards, and other reptiles ; it breeds annually on Cheviot, and on the fliady precipices under the Roman wall by Crag- lake ;| it flies low, feimming along the furface of the ground in fearch of its prey : The female makes her neft on the ground, and lays four eggs, of a red- difh colour, with a few white fpots. * It has been fuppofed that this and the following are male and female ; but the repeated inftances of Hen-harriers of both fcxes having been feen, leaves it beyond all doubt, that they conftitute tv?o diflinft fpecies. f Wallis's Natural Hiftory of Northumberland. BRITISH BIRDS. THE RINGTAIL. {Fako PygarguSf Lin. — Soubu/ey BufF.) Its length is twenty inches ; breadth three feet nine ; its bill is black ; cere and irides yellow ; the upper part of the body is dufls:y ; the breaft, bel- ly, and thighs are of a yellowifli brown, marked with oblong duiky fpots ; the rump white ; from the back part of the head behind the eyes to the throat there Is a line of whitilli coloured feathers, forming a collar or wreath ; under each eye there is a white fpot; the tail is long, and marked with alternate brown and dullcy bars ; the legs are yel- low ; claws black. D 2 36 BRITISH BIRDS. THE KESTREL. STONEGALL, STANNEL HAWK, OR WINDHOVER. [Falco TinnunculuSy Lin. — La Crefferelky Buff.) The male of this fpecies differs fo much from the female, and is fo rarely feen, that we have gi- ven a figure of it from one we had in our poffeflion. Its length is fourteen inches ; breadth two feet three inches ; its bill is blue ; cere and eyelids yellow ; eyes black ; the forehead dull yellow ; the top of the head, back part of the neck, and fides, as far as the points of the wdngs, are of a lead colour, faintly ftreaked with black ; the cheeks are paler ; from the corner of the mouth on each fide there- is a dark ftreak pointing downwards ; the back and coverts of the wings are of a bright vinous colour, fpotted with black J quill feathers dufky, with light edges ; all the under part of the body is of a pale ruft colour. BRITISH BIRDS. 37 flreaked and fpotted v/ith black ; thighs plain ; the tail feathers are of a fine blue grey, with black fliafts ; towards the end there is a broad black bar both on the upper and under fides j tlie tips are white J the legs are yellow, and the claws black. THE FEMALE KESTREL. This beautiful bird is diftinguillied from e- very other Hawk by its variegated plumage ; its bill is blue ; cere and feet yellow ; eyes dark co- loured, furrounded with a yellow Ikin ; its head is ruft coloured, flreaked with black; behind each eye there is a bright fpot ; the back and wing co- verts are elegantly marked with numerous undu- lated bars of black ; the breaft, belly, and thighs D3 ^8 BRITISH BIRDS. are of a pale reddifh colour, with dulky ftreaks pointing downwards ; vent plain ; the tail is mark- ed by a pretty broad black bar near the end, a number of fmaller ones, of the fame colour, occu- pying the remaining part ; the tip is pale. The Keftrel is widely diffufed throughout Eu- rope, and is found in the more temperate parts of North America : It is a handfome bird, its fight is acute, and its flight eafy and graceful : It breeds in the hollows of trees, and in the holes of rocks, towers, and ruined buildings ; it lays four or five eggs, of a pale reddifh colour : Its food confifts of fmall birds, field mice, and reptiles : After it has fecured its prey, it plucks the feathers very dex- terously from the birds, but fwallows the mice en^ tire, and difcharges the hair at the bill in the form of round balls. This bird is frequently feen ho- vering in the air, and fanning with its wings by a gentle motion, or wheeling flowly round, at the fame time watching for its prey, on which it Ihoots like an arrow. It was formerly ufed in Great Bri- tain for catching fmall birds and young Partridges, BRITISH BIRDS. 39 THE HOBBY. (Faico Suhbuteot Lin, — Le Hohreauy BufF.) The length of the male is twelve inches ; breadth about two feet ; the bill is blue ; cere and orbits of the eyes yellow j the irides orange ; over each eye there is a light coloured ftreak ; the top of the head, coverts of the wings, and back, are of a dark brown, in fome edged with ruft colour ; the hind part of the neck is marked with two pale yel- low fpots ; a black mark extends from behind each eye, forming almoft a crefcent, and extending downwards on the neck ; the breall and belly are D4 40 BRITISH BIRDS. pale, marked with dulky ftreaks ; the thighs rufly, with long duiky llreaks ; the wings brown ; the two middle feathers of the tail are of a deep dove colour, the others are barred with rufty, and tipt with white. The female is much larger, and the fpots on her breafl more confpicuous than thofe of ^e male ; the legs and feet are yellow. The Hobby breeds with us, but is faid to emi- grate in October. It was formerly ufed in falcon- Xy, chiefly for Larks and other fmall birds. The mode of catching them was fmgular; when the Hawk was call off, the Larks, fixed to the ground through fear, became an eafy prey to the fowler, |)y drawing a net over them. Buffon fays that it was ufed iu hunting Partridges and Quails, BRITISH BIRDS. 41 THE MERLIN. {Fiilco jS^/a/c/if Lin. — L'Emerillony BufF.) The Merlin is the fmalleft of all the Hawk kind, fcarcely exceeding the fize of a Blackbird : Its bill is blue ; cere yellow ; irides very dark ; the head is rull colour, flreaked with black ; back and wings of a dark blueifn. afh colour, ftreaked and fpotted with ruft colour ; quill feathers dark, mark- ed with reddilh fpots ; the bread and belly are of a yellowifli white, with ftreaks of brown pointing downwards ; the tail is long, and marked with al- ternate dufky and reddilh bars ; the wings, when clofed, do not reach quite to the end of the tail ; the legs ar$ yellow ; claws black. 42 BRITISH BIRDS. The Merlin, though fmall, is not inferior in cou- rage to any of the Falcon tribe. It was ufed for taking Larks, Partridges, and Quails, which it would frequently kill by one blow, ftriking them on the breaft, head, and neck. Buffon obferves that this bird differs from the Falcons, and all the rapacious kind, in the male and female being of the fame fize. The Merlin does not breed here, but vifits us in Oftober; it flies low, and with great ce- lerity and eafe ; it preys on fniall birds, and breeds in woods, laying fiv^ or fix eggs. •'^'^ i ,"', I •" u\Vi J ** . ilH' BRITISH BIRDS. 43 OF THE OWL, The Owl is dillinguiflied among birds of the ra- pacious kind by peculiar and llriking characters : Its outward appearance is not more fmgular than are its habits and difpofitions ; unable to bear the brighter light of the fun, the Owl retires to fome obfcure retreat, where it pafles the day in filence and obfcurity, but at the approach of evening, when all nature is defirous of repofe, and the fmal- ler animals, which are its principal food, are feek- ing their neftling places, the Owl comes forth from its lurking holes in quell of its prey. Its eyes are admirably adapted for this purpofe, being fo form- ed as to diftinguifh objeQis with greater facility in the duflc than in broad day -light : Its flight is ra- pid and filent during its notSlurnal excurfions, and it is then known only by its frightful and reiter- ated cries, with which it interrupts the filence of the night. During the day, the Owl is feldom feen ; but if forced from his retreat, his flight is broken and interrupted, and he is fometimes at- tended by numbers of fmall birds of various kinds, who, feeing his embarraflment, purfue him v/itli incefTant cries, and torment him with their move- ments ; the Jay, the Thrulh, the Blackbird, tlie Redbreaft, and the Titmoufe all afTemble to hur- ry and perplex him. During all this, the Owl remains perched upon the branches of a tree, and anfwers them only with aukward and infigniii- 44 BRITISH BIRDS, cant gefhires, turning its head, its eyes, and its bo- dy with all the appearance of mockery and aiFefta- tion. All the fpecies of Owls, however, are not alike dazzled and confufed with the light of the fun, fome of them being able to fly and fee diftindt- ly in open day. Nodlurnal birds of prey are generally divided in- to two kinds — thofe which have horns or ears, and thofe which are earlefs or without horns ; thefe horns confift of fmall tufts of feathers Handing up like ears on each fide of the head, which may be erefted or depreffed at the pleafure of the animal ; and in all probability are of ufe in directing the or- gans of hearing, which are very large, to their pro- per objedl. Both kinds agree in having their eyes fo formed as to be able to purfue their prey with much lefs light than other birds. The general character of the Owl is as follows : The eyes are large, and are furrounded with a radiated circle of feathers, of which the eye itfelf is the center ; the beak and talons are ftrong and crooked j the body very Ihort, but thick, and well covered with a coat of the fofteft and moft delicate plumage ; the ex- ternal edges of the outer quill feathers in general are ferrated or finely toothed, which adds greatly to the fmoothnefs and filence of its flight. We fliall now proceed to mention thofe particu- lar fpecies which are found in this country, and fliall begin with the largeft of them. BRITISH BIRDS. 45 THE GREAT-EARED OWL. {Striix BtihOf Lin. — Le grand Duc^ Buff) Trirs bird is not much inferior in fize to an Ea- gle : Its head is very large, and is adorned with two tufts, more than two inches long, which ftand juft above each eye ; its bill is ftrong, and much hooked; its eyes large, and of a bright yellow; the whole plumage is of a rulty brown, finely va- riegated with black and yellow lines, fpots, and fpecks ; its belly is ribbed with bars of a brown colour, confufedly intermixed ; its tail Ihort, mark- ed with dulky bars ; its legs are ftrong, and cover- ed to the claws with a tliick clofe down, of a rufl: colour ; its claws are large, much hooked, and of a duflvy colour : Its neft is large, being nearly three feet in diameter ; it is compofed of flicks bound together by fibrous roots, and lined with leaves ; it generally lays two eggs, fomewhat larger than thofe of a Hen, and variegated like the bird itfelf ; the young ones are very voracious, and are well fupplied with various kinds of food by the parents. This bird has been found, though rarely, in Great Britain ; it builds its neft; in the caverns of rocks, in mountainous and almoft; inaccefiible places, and is feldom feen in the plain, or perched on trees ; it feeds on young hares, rabbits, rats, mice, and reptiles of various kinds. 46 BRITISH BIRDS, THE LONG-EARED OWL. HORN OWL. {Sirix Otus, Lin. — Le HiboUf BufF.) Its length is fourteen inches ; breadth fomewhat more than three feet : Its bill is black ; irides of a bright yellow ; the radiated circle round each eye is of a light cream colour, in fome parts tinged with red ; between the bill and the eye there is a circular ftreak, of a dark brown colour ; another circle of a dark rufty brown entirely furrounds the face ; its horns or ears confifi; of fix feathers clofe- ly laid together, of a dark brown colour, tipped BRITISH BIRDS. 47 and edged with yellow ; the upper part of the bo- dy is beautifully penciled with fine flreaks of white, rufty, and brown : the breaft and neck are yellow, finely marked with dulky ftreaks, pointing downwards ; the belly, thighs, and vent feathers are of a light cream colour : upon each wing there are four or five large white fpots ; the quill and tail feathers are marked with dulky and reddilh bars ; the legs are feathered down to the claws, which are very Iharp ; the outer claw is moveable, and may be turned backwards. This bird is common in various parts of Eu- rope, as well as in this country ; its ufual haunts are in old ruined buildings, in rocks, and in hollow trees. M. Buffon obferves that it feldom con- ftrufts a nefl of its own, but not unfrequently occu- pies that of the Magpie ; it lays four or five eggs ; the young are at firll white, but acquire their na- tural colour in about fifteen days. 48 BRITISH BIRDS. THE SHORT-EARED OWL. {Sinx Brachyoiosj Phil. Tranf. vol, 62, p. 384.) Length fourteen inches ; breadth three feet: The head is fmall, and Hawk-like ; bill dufky ; the eyes are of a bright yellow, which, when the pupil is contradted, Ihine like gold ; the circle round each eye is of a dirty white, with dark llreaks pointing outwards ; immediately round the eye there is a circle of black; the two horns or ears, in thofe we have examined, confift of not more than three feathers, of a pale brown or tawny colour, with a BRITISH BIRDS. 49 dark Ilreak in the middle of each ; the whole up- per part of the body is varioully marked with dark brown and tawny, the feathers being moflly edged with the latter ; the breaft and belly are of a pale yellow, marked with dark longitudinal llreaks, which are mofl numerous on the bread ; the legs and feet are covered with feathers of a pale yellow colour ; the claws are much hooked, and black ; the wings are long, and extend beyond the tail ; the quills are marked with alternate bars of a duf- ky and pale brown; the tail is likewife marked with bars of the fame colour, the middle feathers of which are dillinguilhed by a dark fpot in the centre of the yellow fpace ; the tip is white. Of feveral of thefe birds, both male and female, which we have been favoured with by our friends, we ihave obferved that both had the upright tufts or ears : In one of thefe, which was alive in our pof- felllon, they were very confpicuous, and appeared more ere£l while the bird remained undifturbed ; but Vv'hen frightened, were fcarcely to be feen j — in the dead birds they were hardly difcernible. Mr Pennant feems to be the firfl defcriber of tliis rare and beautiful bird, which he fuppofes to be a bird of palTage, as it only vifits us the latter end of the year, and returns in the fpring to the places of its fumraer refidence. It is found chiefly in v/ooded or mountainous countries : Its food is principally field mice, of which it is very fond. E 50 BRITISH BIRDS, THE FEMALE HORNED OWL. This bird was fomewhat larger than the for- mer ; the colours and marks were the fame, but much darker, and the fpots on the breaft larger and more numerous ; the ears were not difcernible ; being a dead bird, and having not feen any other at the time it was in our poffeffion, we fuppofed it to be a dillinft kind — but having Unce feen feveral, both males and females, we are convinced of our miflake. BRITISH BIRDS, 51 THE WHITE OWL. BARN OWL, CHURCH OWL, GILLIHOWLET, OR SCREECH-OWL, {Strix Flammeay Lin. — VEffra'ie^ ou la Frefah^ Buff.) Length fourteen inches : Bill pale horn colour ; eyes dark ; the radiated circle round the eye is compofed of feathers of the moil delicate foftnefs, and perfeftly white ; the head, back, and wings, are of a pale chefnut, beautifully powdered with very fine grey and brown fpots, intermixed with E2 52 BRITISH BIRDS. white; the breaft, belly, and thighs are white; on the former are a few dark fpots ; the legs are feathered down to the toes, which are covered with Ihort hairs ; the wings extend beyond the tail, which is fliort, and marked with alternate bars of dulky and white ; the claws are white. Birds of this kind vary confiderably ; of feveral which we h,ave had in our polTeffion, the differences were ve- ry confpicuous, the colours being more or lefs faint according to the age of the bird ; the bread in fome was white, without fpots — in others pale yellow. The White Owl is well known, and is often feen in the moft populous towns, frequenting churches, old houfes, maltings, and other uninha- bited buildings, where it continues during the day, and leaves its haunts in the evening in quefl of its prey : Its flight is accompanied with loud and frightful cries, from whence it is denominated the Screech Owl; during its repofe it makes a blow- ing noife, refembling the fnoring of a man. It makes no neft, but depofits its eggs in the holes of walls, and lays five or fix, of a whitiih colour. It feeds on mice and fmall birds, which it fwallows whole, and afterwards emits the bones, feathers, ^nd other indigefliible parts, at its mouth, in the forni of fmall round cakes, which are often founcj in the empty buildings which it frequents. BRITISH BIRDS, S3 THE TAWNY OWL. COMMON BROWN IVY OWL, OR HOWLET. [Sirix Stridiilay Lin. — Le Chathuant, Buff.) Is about the fize of the laft : Its bill is white | eyes dark blue ; the radiated feathers round the eyes are white, finely flreaked with brown ; the head, neck, back, wing coverts, and fcapulars are of a tawny brown colour, finely powdered and fpot- ted with dark brown and black ; on the wing co- verts and fcapulars are feveral large white fpots, E5 _54 BRITISH BIRDS. regularly placed, fo as to form three rows ; the quill feathers are marked with alternate bars of light and dark brown ; the breaft and belly are of a pale yellow, marked • with narrow dark ftreaks pointing downwards, and crofled with others of the fame colour ; tlie legs are feathered down to the toes ; the claws are large, much hooked, and white. This fpecies is found in various parts of Europe ; it frequents woods, and builds its neft in the hollows of trees. THE LITTLE OWL. {Strix Pafferlnuy Lin. — La Cheviche ou petite ChouettCy BufF.) This is the fmalleft of the Owl kind, being not larger than a Blackbird : Its bill is brown at the bafe, and of a yellow colour at the tip ; eyes pale yellow ; the circular feathers on the face are white, tipped with black ; the upper part of the body is of an olive brown colour ; the top of the head and wing coverts are fpotted with white ; the bre^ft and belly white, fpotted with brown ; the feathers of the tail are barred with ruft colour and brown, and tipped with white ; the legs are covered with down of a rufty colour, mixed with white j the toes and claws are of a brownifh colour. It frequents rocks, caverns, and ruined buildings, and builds its neft, which is conftrufted in the rudeft manner, in the moft retired places : It lays five eggs, fpot- BRITISH BIRDS. 55 ted with white and yellow. It fees better in the day-time than other nodurnal birds, and gives chace to fwallows and other fmall birds on the wing ; it like wife feeds on mice, which it tears in pieces with its bill and claws, and fwallows them by morfels : It is faid to pluck the birds which it kills, before it eats them, in which it differs from all the other Owls. It is rarely met with in Eng- land : It is fometimes found in Yorkfhire, Flint- Ihire, and in the neighbourhood of London. E4 ^6 BRITISH BIRDS. OF THE SHRIKE, The laft clafs we fliall mention of birds of the rapacious kind is that of the Shrike, which, as M. BuiFon obferves, though they are fmall and of a delicate form, yet their courage, their appetite for blood, and their hooked bill, entitle them to be ranked with the boldeft and the moft fanguinary of the rapacious tribe. This genus has been variouf- ly placed in the fyftems of natnralifts ; fometimes it has been clalTed with the Falcons, fometimes with the Pies, and has even been ranked with the harmlefs and inoffenfive tribes of the PalTerine kind, to which indeed, in outward appearance at leaft, it bears no fmall refemblance. Conforma- ble, however, to the latefl: arrangements, we have placed it in the rear of thofe birds which live by rapine and plunder ; and, like moft of the connec- ting links in the great chain of nature, it will be found to poffefs a middle quality, partaking of thofe which are placed on each fide of it, and making thereby an eafy tranfition from the one to the o- ther. The Shrike genus is diftinguilhed by the follow- ing charaderiftics : The bill is ftrong, ftraight at the bafe, and hooked or bent towards the end ; the upper mandible is notched near the tip, and the bafe is fumilhed with briftles ; it has no cere ; the BRITISH BIRDS. 57 tongue is divided at the end ; the outer toe is con- nefted to the middle one as far as the firft joint. To thefe exterior marks we may add, that it pof- feffes the mofl undaunted courage, and will attack birds much larger and llronger than itfelf, fuch as the Crow, the Magpie, and moll of the fmaller kinds of Hawks ; if any of thefe lliould fly near the place of its retreat, the Shrike darts upon them with loud cries, attacks the invader, and drives it from its neft. The parent birds will fometimes join on fuch occafions ; and there are few birds that will venture to abide the conteft. Shrikes will chace all the fmall birds upon the wing, and fome- times will venture to attack Partridges, and even young hares. Thrufhes, Blackbirds, and fuch like, are their common prey ; they fix on them with their talons, fplit the iknll with their bill, and feed on them at leifure. There are three kinds found in this kingdom, of which the following is the largeft. 58 BRITISH BIRDS. GREAT ASH-COLOURED SHRIKE. MURDERING PIE, OR GREAT BUTCHER BIRD. ^LaniuSy excubitoff hm.—La Pie-griefche grifsy Buff.) The length about ten inches : Its bill is black, and furnilhed with briflles at the bafe ; the upper parts of its plumage are of a pale blue alh colour ; the under parts white ; a black ftripe pafles through each eye ; the greater quills are black, with a large white fpot at the bafe, forming a bar of that colour acrofs the wing ; the lefTer quills are white at the top ; the fcapulars are white ; the two middle fea- thers of the tail are black ; the next on each fide are white at the ends, which gradually increafes to the outermoft, which are nearly white ; the whole, when the tail is fpread, forms a large oval fpot of BRITISH BIRDS, 59 black ; the legs are black. The female differs little from the male ; it lays fix eggs, of a dull o- live gi-een, fpotted at the end with black. Our fi- gure and defcription were taken from a very fine fpecimen, fent us by Lieut. H. F. Gibfon, of the 4th dragoons : It is rarely found in the cultivated parts of the country, preferring the mountainous wilds, among furz and thorny thickets, for its refi- dence. M. Buffon fays it is common in France, where it continues all the year: It is met with likewife in Ruffia, and various parts of Europe ; it preys on fmall birds, which it feizes by the throat, and, after flrangling, fixes them on a ftiarp thorn, and tears them in pieces with its bill. Mr Pen- nant obferves, that, when kept in the cage, it fi:icks its food againft the wires before it will eat it. It is faid to imitate the notes of the fmaller finging birds, thereby drawing them near its haunts, in or- der more fecurely to feize them. 6o BRITISH BIRDS. THE RED-BACKED SHRIKE. LESSER BUTCHER BIRD, OR FLUSHER. {Lanius Collurio, Lin. — UEcorcheuYy Buff.) Is fomewhat lefs than the lafl, being little more than feven inches long : Its bill is black ; irides hazel ; the head and lower part of the back are of a light grey colour ; the upper part of the back and coverts of the wings are of a bright rufty red ; the breaft, belly, and fides of a fine pale rofe or bloom colour ; the throat is white ; a ftroke of black pafles from the bill through each eye ; the two middle feathers of the tail are black, the o- thers are white at the bafe j the quills are of a brown colour ; the legs black. The female is fomewhat larger than the male ; the head is of a ruft colour, mixed with grey ; the BRITISH BIRDS. 6l breall, belly, and fides of a dirty white ; the tail deep brown ; the exterior web of the outer feathers white. It builds its neil in hedges or low bulhes, and lays fix white eggs, marked with a reddilli brown circle towards the larger end. Its man- ners are limilar to the laft : It frequently preys on young birds, which it takes in the neft ; it like- wife feeds on grafshoppers, beetles, and other in- fe6ts. Like the laft, it imitates the notes of other birds, in order the more furely to decoy them. — When fitting on the neft, the female foon difcovers herfelf at the approach of any perfon, by her loud and violent outcries. THE WOODCHAT, (La Fie-Griefche RouJJe, Buff.) Is faid to equal the laft in point of fize : Its bill is horn-coloured, feathers round the bafe whitilh ; head and hind part of the neck bright bay ; from the bafe of the bill a black ftreak paffes through each eye, inclining downwards on the neck ; back dulky, under parts of a yellowifh white ; quills black, near the bottom of each a white fpot ; the two middle feathers of the tail are black, the out- er edges and tips of the others are white ; the legs black. The defcription of this bird feems to have been taken from a drawing by Mr Edwards, in the 62 BRITISH BIRDS. Sloanian Mufeum, and is not unlike the leaft But- cher Bird of that celebrated naturalift, which it re- ferables in fize and in the diftribution of its co- lours. M. Buffon fuppofes it may be a variety of the Red-backed Shrike, as they both depart in Sep- tember, and return at the fame time in the fpring ; the manners of both are faid to be the fame, and the difference of colours not very material : The female is fomewhat different; the upper parts of the plumage being of a reddifh colour, tranfverfely llreaked with brown ; the under parts of a dirty white, marked in the fame manner with brown; the tail is of a reddifh brown, with a dufky mark near the end, tipt with red. BRITISH BIRDS. 6;^ BIRDS OF THE PIE KIND Constitute the next order in the arrangement of the feathered part of the creation ; they confift of a numerous and irregular tribe, widely differing from each other in their habits, appetites, and man- ners, as well as in their form, fize, and appearance. In general they are noify, reftlefs, and loquacious, and of all other kinds contribute the leaft towards fupplying the neceffities or the pleafures of man. At the head of thefe we lliall place the Crow and its affinities, well known, by its footy plumage and croaking note, from eveiy other tribe of the fea- thered race. Birds of this kind are found in every part of the known world, from Greenland to the Cape of Good Hope ; and though generally dif- liked for their difgulHng and indifcriminating vo- racity, yet in many refpefts they may be faid to be of fmgular benefit to mankind, not only by de- vouring putrid flefh, but principally by dellroy* ing great quantities of noxious infedls, worms, and reptiles. Rooks, in particular, are fond of the e- rucae of the hedge-chafer, or chefnut brown beetle, for which they fearch with indefatigable pains. *^ * Thefe infects appear in hot weather, in formidable num- bers, difrobing the fields and trees of their verdure, bloffoms, and fruit, fpreading defolation and deftruAion wherever they go. — . They appeared in gieat numbers in Ireland during a hot fum- mer, and committed gi-eat rarages. In the year 1747 whole 64 BRITISH BIRDS. They are often accufed of feeding on the corn juft after it has been fown, and various contrivances have been made both to kill and frighten them a- way ; but, in our eftimation, the advantages deri- ved from the deftruQiion which they make among grubs, earth-worms, and noxious infefts of various kinds, will greatly overpay the injury done to the future harveft by the fmall quantity of corn they may deftroy in fearching after their favorite food. In general they are fagacious, a6tive, and faithful to each other : They live in pairs, and their mu- tual attachment is conftant. They are a clamour- ous race, moftly build in trees, and form a kind of fociety, in which there appears fomething like a re- gular government ; a centinel watches for the ge- neral fafety, and give notice on the appearance of danger. On the approach of an enemy or a ftran- ger they aft in concert, and drive him away with repeated attacks. On thefe occafions they are as bold as they are artful and cunning, in avoiding the fmalleft appearance of real danger ; of this the dif- appointed fowler has frequently occalion to take notice, on feeing the birds fly away before he can draw near enough to flioot them ; from this cir- cumftance it has been faid that they difcover their meadows and corn-fields were deftroyed by them in Suffolk.-— The decreafe of rookeries in that county was thought to be the occafion of it. The many rookeries with us is in fome meafure jthe reafon why we have fo few of thcfe deftruftiTC animals.*—— Wallis's Hiftory of Northumhrlcvnd. BRITISH BIRDS. 6^ danger by the quicknefs of their fcent, which en- ables them to provide for their fafety in time ; but of this we have our doubts, and would rather ai- cribe it to the quicknefs of their fight, by which ihey difcover the motions of the fportfman. The general characters of this kind are well known, and are chiefly as follow : — The bill is llrong, and has a flight curvature along the top of the upper mandible ; the edges are thin, and fharp or cultrated ; in many of the fpecies there is a fmall notch near the tip ; the nollrils are covered with briftles ; tongue divided at the end ; three toes forward, one behind, the middle toe conneded to the outer as far as the firft joint. 66 BRITISH BIRDS. THE RAVEN. GREAT CORBIE CROW. {Corvus CoraXj Lin. — Le Corbeauy Buff.) Is the largeft of this kind ; its length is above two feet, breadth four : Its bill is ilrong, and very- thick at the bafe ; it meafures fomewhat more than two inches and a half in length, and i? cover- ed with ftrong hairs or briftles, which extend above half its length, covering the noflrils ; the general colour of the upper parts is of a fine glofly black, refle£ting a blue tint in particular lights ; . the un- der parts are duller, and of a duflc:y hue. The Raven is well known in all parts of the BRITISH BIRDS. 6/ world, and, in times of ignorance and fuperllition, was confidered asominous, foretelling future events by its horrid croakings, and announcing impending calamities : In thefe times the Raven was confider- ed as a bird of vaft importance, and the various changes and modulations of its voice were ftudied with the moft careful attention, and were made ufe of by artful and defigning men to miHead the igno- rant and unwary. It is a very long-lived bird, and is fuppofed fometimes to live a century or more. It is fond of carrion, which it fcents at a great dif- tance ; it is faid that it will deftroy rabbits, young ducks, and chickens ; it has been known to feize on young lambs which have been dropped in a weak ftate, and pick out their eyes while yet a- live : It will fuck the eggs of other birds ; it feeds alfo on earth-worms, reptiles, and even lliell-filh, when urged by hunger. It may be rendered very tame and familiar, and has been frequently taught to pronounce a variety of words : It is a crafty bird, and will frequently pick up things of value, fuch as rings, money, &:c, and carry them to its hiding-place. It makes its neft early in the fpring, and builds in trees and the holes of rocks, laying five or fix eggs, of a pale blueilh green colour, fpotted with brown. The female fits about twen- ty days, and is conft^ntly attended by the male, who not only provides her with abundance of food, but relieves her by turns, and takes her place in the neft. Fa 68 BRITISH BIRDS. The natives of Greenland eat the flefh, and make a covering for themfelves with the Ikins of thefe birds, which they wear next their bodies. THE CARRION GROW. MIDDEN CROW, OR BLACK-NEBBED CROW. {Corvus Corone, Lin. — La Corneilley BufF.) Is lefs than the Raven, biit fimilar to it in its habits, colour, and external appearance : It is a- bout eighteen inches in length i its breadth above two feet. Birds of this kind are more numerous and as widely fpread as the Raven ; they live moft- ly in woods, and build their nefts on trees ; the fe- male lays five or fix eggs, much like thofe of a Ra- ven. They feed on putrid flefh of all forts ; like- wife on eggs, worms, infeds, and various forts of grain. They live together in pairs, and remain with us during the whole year. BRITISH BIRDS, ^9 THE HOODED CROW. ROYSTON CROW. {Corvus CorniXf Lin. — Le Corneille Mantelee, BufF.) Is fomewhat larger and more bulky than the Rook, meafuring twenty-two inches in length, and twenty-three in breadth : Its bill is black, and two inches long ; the head, forepart of the neck, wings, and tail are black; the back and all the under parts are of a pale afh colour; the legs black. This bird arrives with the Woodcock, and on its firft coming frequents the Ihores of rivers^ and departs in the fpring to breed in other coun- tries, but it is faid that they do not entirely leave Fa 70 BRITISH BIRDS. US, as they have been feen, durhig the fummer months, in the northern parts of our ifland, where they frequent the mountainous parts of the coun- try, and breed in the pines. In more northern parts it continues the whole year, and fubfifls on fea-worms, Ihell-fifli, and other marine produc- tions. With us it is feen to mix with the Rook, and feeds in the fame manner with it. During the breeding feafon they live in pairs, lay fix eggs, and are faid to be much attached to their offspring. BRITISH BIRDS. 71 THE ROOK. {Corviis Frugilegusj Lin. — Le FretiXf BufF.) This bird is about the fize of the Carrion Crow, and, excepting its more glofly plumage, very much refembles it : The bafe of the bill, nollrils, and even round the eyes are covered with a rough fcabrous Ikin, in which it differs from all the reft, occafioned, it is faid, by thrufting its bill into the earth in fearch of worms ; but as the fame ap- pearance has been obferved in fuch as have been brought up tame and unaccuflomed to that mode of fubfiftence, we are inclined to confider it as an original peculiarity. We have already had oc- E4 72 BRITISH BIRDS, cafion to obferve that they are ufeful in prevent- ing a too great increafe of that deflruftive infe£l the chafer or dor-beetle, and by that means make large recompenfe for the depredations they may occafionaliy make on the corn fields. Kooks are gregarious, and fly in immenfe flocks at morning and evening to and from their roofting places in quell of food. During the breeding time they live together in large focieties, and build their nefts on trees clofe to each other, frequently in the midft of large and populous towns. Thefe rook- eries, however, are often the fcenes of bitter con- tefts, the new comers being frequently driven a- way by the old inhabitants, their half-built nefts torn in pieces, and the unfortunate couple forced to begin their work anew in fome more undifturbed fituation ; — of this we had a remarkable inftance in Newcaftle. In the year 1783 a pair of Rooks, af- ter an unfuccefsful attempt to eftablifh themfelves in a rookery at no great diftance from the Ex- change, were compelled to abandon the attempt, and take refuge on the fpire of that building, and altho' conftantly interrupted by other Rooks, they built their neft on the top of the vane, and brought forth their young, undifturbed by the noife of the populace below them ; the neft and its inhabitants were confequently turned about by every change of the wind. They returned and built their neft every year on the fame place till 1793, after whicji the fpire was taken down, BRITISH BIRDS. n THE JACK-DAW. {Corvtis Monedula^ Lin. — Le ChoucaSy Buff.) This bird is confiderably lefs than the Rook, being only thirteen inches in length : Its bill is black ; eyes white ; the hind part of the head and neck are of a hoary grey colour ; the reft of the plumage is of a fine gloily black above, beneath it has a dufky hue ; the legs are black. The Daw is very common in England, and re- mains with us the whole year : In other coun- tries, as in France and various parts of Germany, it is migratory. They frequent churches, old towers, and ruins, in great flocks, where they build their nefts : The female lays five or fix eggs, paler than thofe of the Crow, and fmaller ; they rarely 74 BRITISH BIRDS. build in trees : — In Hampfhire they fometimes breed in the rabbit burrows.* They are eafily tamed, and may be taught to pronounce feveral words ; they will conceal part of their food, and with it fmall pieces of money, or toys. They feed on infedls, grain, fruit, and fmall pieces of meat, and are faid to be fond of Partridge eggs. There is a variety of the Daw found in Switzerland, hav- ing a white collar round its neck. In Norway and other cold countries they have been feen per- fectly white. * White's Natural Hlftory of Selborne. >^ ^ BRITISH BIRDS. 7S ,,,-?S?l»;t«'r**' THE MAGPIE. FIANET. {Corvus ricay Lin. — La Pie, Buff.) Its length is about eighteen inches : Bill ftrong and black ; eyes hazel ; the head, neck, and bread are of a deep black, which is finely contrafted with the fnowy whitenefs of the breaft and fcapulars ; the heck feathers are very long, extending down the back, leaving only a fmall fpace, of a greyifli afli colour, between them and the tail coverts, which are black ; the plumage in general is glofied with green, purple, and blue, which catch the eye in different lights ; its tail is very long, and wedge- 76 BRITISH BIRDS. Ihaped; the under tail coverts, thighs, and legs are black ; on the throat and part of the neck there is a kind of feathers, mixed with the others, re- fembling ftrong whitifh hairs. This beautiful bird is every where very common in England ; it is likewife found in various parts of the Continent, but not fo far north as Lapland, nor farther fouth than Italy : It is met with in America, but not commonly, and is migratory there : It feeds, like the Crow, on almoft every thing animal as well as vegetable. The female builds her neft with great art, leaving a hole in the fide for her admittance, and covering the whole upper part with a texture of thorny branches, clofely entangled, thereby fecu- ring her retreat from the rude attacks of other birds ; but it is not fafety alone fhe confults, the infide is fumiftied with a fort of mattrafs compofed of wool and other foft materials, on which her young repofe : She lays feven or eight eggs, of a pale green colour, fpotted with black. The Magpie is crafty and familiar, and may be taught to pronounce words and even Ihort fenten- ces, and will imitate any particular noife which it hears. It is addi6led, like other birds of its kind, to Healing, and will hoard up its provifions. It is fmaller than the Jackdaw, and its wings are fhort- -er in proportion ; accordingly its flight is not fo lofty, nor fo well fupported : It never undertakes diftant journies, but flies only from tree to tree, at jnoderate diftances. BRITISH BIRDS. n THE RED-LEGGED CROW. CORNISH CHOUGH. {^Corvus GraculuSf Lin. — Le CoraciaSy BufF.) This bird is about the fize of the Jack-daw : The bill is long, much curved, Iharp at the tip, and of a bright red colour ; the iris of the eye is com- pofed of two circles, the outer one red, the inner light blue ; the eye-lids are red ; the plumage is altogether of a purplifh violet black ; the legs are as red as the bill ; the claws are large, much hook- ed, and black, BufTon defcribes this bird *' as of an elegant fi- gure, lively, relllefs and turbulent, but it may be 78 BRITISH BIRDS. tamed to a certain degree." It builds on high cliffs by the fea fide, and chiefly frequents the coafts of Devonfhire and Cornwall, and like wife many parts of Wales ; a few are found on the Dover cliffs, and fome in Scotland. The female lays four or five white eggs, fpotted with yellow. It is a voracious, bold, and greedy bird, and feeds on infects and berries : It is faid to be particularly fond of the juniper berry. Its manners are like thofe of a Jackdaw : It is attracted by'glittering ob- je6ls. Buffon fays that it has been known to pull from the fire lighted pieces of wood, to the no fmall danger of the houfe. BRITISH BIRDS. 19 THE NUTCRACKER. [Corvus CaryocataBeSy Lin. — Le CaJJe Noixj Buff.) The length of this bird is thirteen inches : The bill is about two inches long, and black ; the eyes hazel ; the upper part of the head and back part of the neck are black ; its general colour is that of a dufky brown, covered with triangular fpots of white ; the wings are black ; greater wing coverts tipped with white ; the tail is white at the tip ; the reft black ; rump white ; legs and claws black. There are very few inftances known of this bird having been feen in England : It is common in Germany, is found alfo in Sweden and Den- mark, and frequents the moft mountainous parts of thofe countries. It makes its neft in holes of 8o BRITISH BIRDS. trees, and feeds on nuts, acorns, and the kernels of the pine apple. It is faid to pierce the bark of trees with its bill, like the Woodpecker. Our drawing was made from a fluffed fpecimen in the mufeum of George Allan, Efq. THE JAY. [Corvus G/afidariuSj Lin. — Le Geaif Buff.) This moft beautiful bird is not more than thir- teen inches in length : Its bill is black ; eyes white; the feathers on the forehead are white, flreaked with black, and form a tuft on its forehead, which it can ere£t at pleafure ; the chin is white, and BRITISH BIRDS. 8 I from the corners of the bill on each fide proceeds a broad flreak of black, which pafies under the eye ; the hinder part of the head, neck, and back are of a light cinnamon colour ; the breail is of the fame colour, but lighter ; lefTer wing coverts bay ; the belly and vent almofl white ; the greater wing coverts are elegantly barred with black, fine pale blue and white alternately ; the greater quills are black, with pale edges, the bafes of fome of them white ; leifer quills black ; thofe next the body chellnut ; the rump is white ; tail black, with pale brown edges ; legs dirty pale brown. The Jay is a very common bird in Great Bri- tain, and is found in various parts of Europe. It is dillinguilhed as well for the beautiful arrange- ment of its colours, as for its harfli, grating voice, and reftlefs difpofition. Upon feeing the fportf- man, it gives, by its cries, the alarm of danger, and thereby defeats his aim and difappoints him. — The Jay builds in woods, and makes an art- lefs neft, compofed of flicks, fibres, and tender twigs : The female lays five or fix eggs, of a greyifh afh colour, mixed with green, and faintly fpotted with brown. Mr Pennant obferves, that the young ones continue with their parents till the following fpring, when they feparate to form new pairs. Birds of this fpecies live on acorns, nuts, feeds, and various kinds of fruits ; they will eat eggs, and fometimes deflroy young birds in the ab- G 82 BRITISH BIRDS. fence of the old ones. When kept in a domeftie flate they may be rendered very familiar, and will imitate a variety of words and founds. We have heard one imitate fo exaftly the found made by the action of a faw, that, tho' it was on a Sunday, we could hardly be perfuaded but that the perfon who kept it had a carpenter at work in the houfe. — A Jay, kept by a perfon we were acquainted with, at the approach of cattle, had learned to hound a cur dog upon them, by whiftling and calling upon him by his name ; at laft, during a fevere froft, the dog was, by that means, excited to attack a cow big with calf, when the poor animal fell on the ice and was much hurt. The Jay being complained of as a nuifance, its owner was obliged to dellroy it. BRITISH BIRDS, 83 THE CHATTERER. SILK TAIL, OR WAXEN CHATTERER. [Ampelis GarriiluSy Lin. — Le Jafeur de Bohemey Buff.) This beautiful bird is about eight inches in length : Its bill is black, and has a fmall notch at the end ; its eyes, which are black and Ihining, are placed in a band of black, wliich palTes froni the bafe of the bill to the hind part of the head ; its throat is black ; the feathers on the head are long, forming a creft ; all the upper parts of the body are of a reddifli afli colour, the breaft and belly inclining to purple ; vent and upper tail co- verts nearly white ; the tail feathers are black, tip- ped with pale yellow; the quills are black, the G2 84 BRITISH BIRDS. third and fourth tipped on their outer edges with white, the five following with ftraw colour; the fe- condaries with white, each being tipt or pointed with a flat horny fubllance of a bright vermillion colour. Thefe appendages vary in different fub- jefts — in one of thofe we had in our poffeffion, we counted eight on one wing and fix on the other ; the legs are fliort and black. It is faid the female is not diftinguifhed by the little red waxen appen- dages at the ends of the fecond quills ; but this we are not able to determine from our own obferva- tions. This rare bird vifits us only at uncertain inter- vals. In the year 1790 and 1791 feveral of them were taken in Northumberland and Durham as ear- ly as the month of November ; fmce that time we have not heard of any being feen here. The fum- mer refidence of thefe birds is fuppofed to be the northern parts of Europe, within the ardlic circle, from whence they fpread themfelves into other countries, where they remain during winter, and return in the fpring to their ufual haunts. The general food of this bird is berries of various kinds ; in fome countries it is faid to be extremely fond of grapes ; one, which we faw in a ftate of captivi- ty was fed chiefly with quicken-tree berries, but from the difficulty of providing it with a fufficient fupply of its natural food it foon died. This is the only bird of its kind found in Europe ; all the reft are natives of America, BRITISH BIRDS. 85 THE ROLLER. {Coracias Garrula^ Lin. — Le Rollier (TEurope^ BufF.) This rare bird is diftinguillied by a plumage of moft exquifite beauty ; it vies with the Par- rot in an alTemblage of the finefl fliades of blue and green, mixed with white, and heightened by the contrail of graver colours, from whence perhaps it has been called the German Parrot, although in e- very other refpefl it differs from that bird, and ra- ther feems to claim affinity with the Crow kind, to which we have made it an appendage. In fize it G3 86 BRITISH BIRDS. refembles the Jay, being fomewhat more than twelve inches in length : Its bill is black, befet with fliort bridles at the bafe ; the eyes are fur- rounded with a ring of naked Ikin, of a yellow co- lour, and behind them there is a kind of wart ; the head, neck, breaft, and belly are of a light pea green ; the back and fcapulars reddiih brown ; the points of the wings and upper coverts are of a rich deep blue, the greater coverts pale green ; the quills are of a dulky hue, inclining to black, an4 mixed with deep blue ; the rump is blue ; the tail is fomewhat forked, the lower part of the feathers are of a dufl?:y green, middle part pale blue, tips black; the legs are fhort, and of a dull yellow. — This is the only one of its kind found in Europe j it is very common in fome parts of Germany, but is fo rare in this country as hardly to deferve the name of a Britifh bird. The author of the Britifh Zoology mentions two that were Ihot in England, and thefe we may fuppofe have been only ftragg- lers. Our drawing was made from a fluffed fpe- cimen in the Mufeum of the late Mr Tunflall, at Wycliffe. The Roller is wilder than the Jay, and fre- quents the thickefl woods ; it builds its nell chief- ly on birch trees. BulFon fays it is a bird of paf- fage, and migrates in the months of May and Sep- tember. In thofe countries where it is common, it is faid to fly in large flocks in the autumn, and is frequently feen in cultivated grounds, with BRITISH BIRDS. 87 Rooks and other birds, fearching for worms, fmall feeds, roots, &c. ; it likewife feeds on ber- ries, caterpillars, and infefts, and is faid, in cafes of necelfity, to eat young frogs and even carrion. The female is defcribed by Aldrovandus as differ- ing very much from the male ; its bill is thicker, and its head, neck, brfeail, and belly are of a cheft- nut colour, bordering on a greyifli afli. The young ones do not attain their brilliant colours till the fecond year. This bird is remarkable for making a chattering kind of noife, from whence it has obtained the |iame of Garrulus. G4 88 BRITISH BIRDS. THE STARLING, STARE. {Sturnus Vulgaris^ Lin. — UEtotirneau^ BufF.) The length of this bird is fomewhat lefs than nine inches : The bill is ftrait, Iharp-pointed, and of a yellowilli brown — in old birds deep yellow ; the noftrils are furrounded by a prominent rim ; the eyes are brown ; the whole plumage is dark, glofled with blue, purple, and copper, each feather being marked at the end with a pale yellow fpot, which is fmaller and more numerous on the head and neck : the wing coverts are edged with yel- BRITISH BIRDS. 89 lowifh brown ; the quill and tail feathers duflcy, with light edges ; the legs are of a reddifli brown. From the flriking fimilarity, both in form and manners, obfervable in this bird and thofe more immediately preceding, we have no fcruple in re- moving it from, its ufual place, as it evidently forms a connecting link between them, and in a variety of points feems equally allied to both. — Few birds are more generally known than the Stare, being an inhabitant of almoft every cli- mate ; and as it is a familiar bird, and eafdy train- ed in a ftate of captivity, its habits have been more frequently obferved than thofe of moft other birds. The female makes an artlefs neft, in the hollows of trees, rocks, or old walls, and fometimes in cliffs overhanging the fea ; llie lays four or five eggs, of a pale greenifh afli colour ; the young birds are of a dulliy brown colour till the firft moult. In the winter feafon thefe birds fly in vaft flocks, and may be known at a great diftance by their whirl" ing mode of flight, which Buffon compares to a fort of vortex, in which the collective body performs an uniform circular revolution, and at the fame time continues to make a progreffive advance. The e- vening is the time when the Stares affemble in the greateft numbers, and betake themfelves to the fens and marflies, where they roofl among the reeds : They chatter much in the evening and morning, both when they affemble and difperfe. So attach- ed are they to fociety, that they not only join 90 BRITISH BIRDS. thofe of their own fpecies, but alfo birds of a differ- ent kind, and are frequently feen in company with Redwings, Fieldfares, and even with Crows, Jack- daws, and Pigeons. Their principal food confifts of worms, fnails, and caterpillars j they likewife eat various kinds of grain, feeds, and berries, and are faid to be particularly fond of cherries. In a confined Hate they eat fmall pieces of raw flelh, bread foaked in water, &c. The Starling is very docile, and may eafily be taught to repeat fliort phrafes, or whiffle tunes with great exaftnefs, and in this Hate acquires a warbling fuperior to itg na? tive fong. BRITISH BIRDS. 9I THE ROSE COLOURED OUZEL. {Turdusy Rofeusy Lin. — Le Merle Couleur de Rofey BufF.) Is the lize of a Starling : Its bill is of a carna- tion colour, blackilli at the bafe j irides pale ; the feathers on the head are long, forming a creft ; the head, neck, wings, and tail are black, gloffed with fhades of blue, purple, and green ; its back, rump, brealt, belly, and leffer wing coverts pale rofe co- lour, marked with a few irregular dark fpots ; legs pale red ; claws brown. This bird has been fo rarely met with in Eng- land that it will fcarcely be admitted amongft fuch as are purely Britifli. There are however a few inltances of its being found here; and, although not a refident, it fometimes vifits us, on which ac- count it mult not be pafled over unnoticed. It is found in various parts of Europe and Afia, and in, mofl places is migratory. It feems to delight moft in the warmer climates ; it is fond of loculls, and frequents the places where thofe deflruQ:ive infeds abound in great numbers ; on which account it is faid to be held facred by the inhabitants. 92 BRITISH BIRDS. THE RING OUZEL. (Turdus Torqmtus, Lin. — Le Merle a Plajron Blanc^ BufF.) This bird very much refembles the Blackbird : Its general colour is of a dull black or dulky hue, each feather being margined with a greyifh afh colour; the bill is dulky, corners of the mouth and infide yellow ; eyes hazel ; its breall is dif- tinguiflied by a crefcent of pure white, which al- moft furrounds the neck, and from whence it de- rives its name ; its legs are of a dulky brown. The female differs in having the crefcent on the breaft much lefs confpicuous, and in fome birds wholly wanting, which has occafioned fome au- thors to confider it as a different fpecies, under the name of the Rock Ouzel. BRITISH BIRDS. 93 Ring Ouzels are found in various parts of this kingdom, chiefly in the wilder and more moun- tainous parts of the country ; its habits are fimi- lar to thofe of the Blackbird; the female builds her neft in the fame manner, and in fmiilar fitua- tions, and lays four or live eggs of the fame co- lour : They feed on infefts and berries of various kinds, are fond of grapes, and, BufFon obferves, during the feafon of vintage are generally fat, and at that time are eiteemed delicious eating. The fame author fays, that in France they are migra- tory, and in fome parts of this kingdom they have been obferved to change places, particularly in Hampfhire, where they are known generally to llay not more than a fortnight at one time. Our reprefentation was taken from one killed near Bed- lington in Northumberland. 94 BRITISH BIRDS. THE BLACK OUZEL. BLACKBIRD. {Turdus Meruky Lin. — Le Merle^ BufF.) The length of the Blackbird is generally about ten inches : Its plumage is altogether black ; the bill, infide of the mouth, and edges of the eye-lids are yellow, as are alfo the foles of the feet ; the legs are of a dirty yellow. The female is mollly brown, inclining to ruft colour on the breafl and belly ; the bill is dulky, and the legs brown ; its fong is alfo very dilFerent, fo that it has fometimes been miftaken for a bird of a different fpecies. Male Blackbirds, during the firfl year, refemble the females fo much as not ealily to be diftinguifh- ed from them ; but after that, they aflume the yel- BRITISH BIRDS. 95 low bill, and other diftinguifliing marks of their kind. The Blackbird is a folitary bird, frequent- ing woods and thickets, chiefly of evergreens, fuch as pines, firs, &cc. efpecially where there are perennial fpfings, which afford it both Ihelter and fubfiftence. Wild Blackbirds feed on berries, fruits, infefts, and worms ; they never fly in flocks like Thrullies ; they pair early, and be- gin to warble fooner than any other of the fong- fters of the grove. The female builds her nefi: in bufties or low trees, and lays four or live eggs, of a blueifh green colour, marked irregularly with duflcy fpots. The young birds are eafily brought up tame, and may be taught to whiflle a variety of tunes, for which their clear, loud, and fpirited tones are well adapted. They are reftlefs and timorous birds, eafily alarmed, and difficult of accefs ; but BufTon obferves that they are more reitlefs than cunning, and more timorous than fufpicious, as they readily fuffer themfelves to be caught with bird-lime, noofes, and all forts of fnares. They are never kept in aviaries ; for when lliut up with other birds they purfue and harafs their compa- nions in flavery unceafmgly, for which reafon they are generally confined in cages apart. In fome counties of England this bird is called the Ouzel. 9^ BRITISH BIRDS. MISSEL THRUSH. MISSEL BIRD OR SHRITE. {Turdus Vijcivorusy Lin. — La Draln}^ BufF.) The length of this bird is about eleven inches : The bill is duflcy , the bafe of the lower bill yel- low; the eyes hazel; the head, back, and lelTer coverts of the wings are of a deep olive brown, the latter tipped with white ; the lower part of the back and rump tinged with yellow ; the cheeks are ofayellowilh white, fpotted with brown, as are al- fo the breaft and belly, which are marked with la;r- ger fpots, of a dark brown colour ; the quills are brown, with pale edges ; tail feathers the fame; the three ouiermofl tipped with white ; the legs are yellow ; claws black. The female builds her nefl in bufhes or low trees, and lays four or five eggs, of a dirty fleih colour, marked with blood red fpots. Its nefl is made of mofs, leaves, &c. lined with dry grafs, ftrengthened on the outfide with fmall twigs. It begins to fing very early, often on the turn of the year in blowing fliowery weather, from whence in fome places it is called the Storm-cock. Its note of anger is very loud and harlh, between a chatter and a fhriek, which accounts for fome of its names. It feeds on various kinds of berries, particularly thofe of the mifletoe, of which bird- lime is made. It was formerly believed that the BRITISH BIRDS. ^1 the plant of that name was only propagated by the feed which pafled the digeftive organs of this bird, from whence arofe the proverb " Turdus malum Ji" bi cacat-y'* it likewife feeds on caterpillars and va- rious kinds of infe6ts, with which it alfo feeds its young. This bird is found in various parts of Eu- rope, and is faid to be migratory in fome places, but continues in England the whole year, and fre- quently has two broods. H ps SRITISH BIEP§? THE FIELDFARE, {Turdus Pilaris, Lin.— La Litorne, ou Tourdel/e, Buff.) 'This is fomewhat lefs than the Miffel Thmfh ; its length ten inches : The bill is yellow ; each corher of the mouth is furniflied with a few black briftly hairs ; the eye is light brown; the top of the head and back part of the neck are. of a light afli colour, the former fpotted with black; the back and coverts of the wings are of a deep hoary brown; the rump afh-coloured ; the throat and breaft are yellow, regularly fpotted with black ; the belly and thighs of a yellowifli white; the tail brown, in- clining to black ; legs dufliy yellowifli brown ; in young birds yellow. BRITISH BIRDS. 99 The Fieldfare is only a vifitant in this ifland, making its appearance about the beginning of Oc- tober, in order to avoid the rigorous winters of the North, from whence it fometimes comes in great flocks, according to the feverity of the feafon, and leaves us about the latter end of February or the beginning of March, and retires to RujfTia, Sweden, Norway, and as far as Siberia and Kamfchatka. Buffon obferves that they do not arrive iu France till the beginning of December, that they alTemble in flocks of two or three thoufand, and feed on ripe cervices, of which they are extremely fond : Du- ring the winter they feed on haws and other ber- ries, they likewife eat worms, fnails, and flugs.— Fieldfares feem of a more focial difpofition than the Throftles or the Miflels ; they are fometimes feen fmgly, but in general form very numerous flocks, and fly in a body, and though they often fpread themfelves through the meadows in fearch of food, they feldom lofe fight of each other, but when alarmed fly off, and colle6t together upon the fame tree. We have feen a variety of this bird, of which the head and neck were of a yellowilh white ; the reft of the body was nearly of the fame colour, mixed with a few brown feathers ; the fpots on the breaft were faint and indiftinft ; the quill feathers were perfectly white, except one or two on each fide, which were brown ; the tail was marked in a firailar manner. H 2 100 BRITISH BIRDS. THE THROSTLE. THRUSH OR MAVIS. Tiirdus Muficusy Lin. — La Gr'ive^ BufF.) This is larger than the Redwing, but much lefs than the MilTel, to which it bears a ftrong refem- blance both in form and colours ; a fmall notch is obfervable at the end of the bill, which belongs to this and every bird of the Thrufh kind ; the throat is white, and the fpots on the breaft more regularly- formed than thofe of the MilTel Thrufh, being of a conical ftiape ; the infide of the, wings and the mouth are yellow, as are alfo the legs \ the claws are ftrong and black. — The Throftle is diftinguilh- ed among our fmging birds by the clearnefs and fuUnefs of its note ; it charms us not only with the fweetnefs, but variety of its fong, which begins BRITISH BIRDS. lOI early in the fpriiig, and continues during part of the fummer. This bold and pleafmg fongfter, from his high ftation, feems to command the concert of the grove, whilll, in the beautiful language of the poet, ** Tlie Jay, the Rook, the Daw, " And each harfii pipe (difcordant heard alone) ** Aid the full concert, while the Stock-Dove breathes ** A melancholy murmur through the whole." The female builds her nell generally in bullies ; it is compofed of dried grafs, with a little earth or clay intermixed, and lined with rotten wood ; fhe lays five or fix eggs of a pale blue colour, marked with dulky fpots. Although this fpecies is not con- fidered as migratory with us, it has, neverthelefs, been obferved in fome places in great numbers du- ring the fpring and fummer, where not one was to be feen in the winter, which has induced an opinion that they either fhift their quarters entirely, or take fhelter in the more retired parts of the woods. — That the Throllle is migratory in France, we have the authority of that nice obferver of nature, M. de BufFon, who fays that it appears in Burgundy about the end of September, before the Redwing and Fieldfare, and that it feeds upon the ripe grapes, and fometimes does much damage to the vineyard. The females of all the Thrufli kind are very fimilar to the males, and differ chiefly iu a leffer degree of brilliancy in the colours. 102 BRITISH BIRDS. THE REDWING. SWINEPIPE OR WIND THRUSH. Turdus lltacus^ Lin. — Le Mauvis, Buff.) Is not more than eight inches in length : The bill is of a dark brown colour ; eyes deep hazel ; the plumage in general is fimilar to that of the Thrufli, but a white ftreak over the eye diflinguifli- es it from that bird ; the belly is not quite fo much fpotted, and the fides of the. body and under the wings are tinged with red, which is its peculiar charafteriftic, from whence alfo it derives its name. Thefe birds make their appearance a few days before the Fieldfare,* and are generally feen with A Redwing was taken up November 7th, 1785, at fix BRITISH liiKiJ&. 103 them after their arrival ; they frequent the fame places, eat the fame food, and are very fimilar to them in manners. Like the Fieldfare it leaves us in the fpring, for which reafon its fong is quite un- known to us, but it is laid to be very pleafmg. The female builds its nefl in low bullies or hedges, and lays fix eggs, of a greenifli blue colour, fpot- ted with black. This and the former are delicate eating ; the Romans held them in fuch eftimation that they kept thoufands of them together in avia- ries, and fed them with a fort of pafte made of bruifed figs and flour, and various other kinds of food to improve the delicacy and flavour of their flelh : Thefe aviaries were fo contrived as to ad- mit light barely fufficient to diredl them to their food ; every object which might tend to remind them of their former liberty was carefully kept out of fight, fuch as the fields, the woods, the birds, or whatever might diflurb the repofe necelTary for their improvement. Under this management thefe birds fattened to the great profit of their proprie- tors, who fold them to Roman epicures for three denarii, or about two fhillings llerling each. o'clock in the morning, which, on its approach to land, had flown againft the light-houfe at Tynemouth, and was fo flunned that It fell to the ground and died foon after ; the light moft probably had attrafted Its attention. H4 104 BRITISH BIRDS. THE CUCKOO. THE GOWK. {Cuctilus Canorus, Lin. — Le Coucou, BufF.) Length fourteen inches ; breadth twenty-five : Its bill is black, and fomewhat bent ; eyes yellow ; infide of the mouth red ; its head, neck, back, and wing coverts are of a pale blue or dove colour, which is darkeft on the head and back, and paleft on the fore part of the neck and rump ; its breafl and belly are white, elegantly croifed with wavy bars of black ; the quill feathers are dulky, their inner webs marked with large oval white fpots ; the tail is long ; the two middle feathers are black, with white tips ; the others dulliy, marked with al- BRITISH BIRDS. I05 ternate fpots of white on each fide the fhaft ; the legs are fhort and of a yellow colour j toes two forward, two backward ; claws white. The Cuckoo vifits us early in the fpring — its well-known cry is generally heard about the mid- dle of April, and ceafes the latter end of June ; its ftay is fliort, the old Cuckoos being faid to quit this country early in July. Cuckoos never pair ; they build no nell; and, what is more extraordinary, the female depofits her folitary egg in that of another bird, by whom it is hatched. The nell Ihe chufes for this purpofe is generally felefted from the fol- lowing, viz. The Hedge-fparrow, the Water-wag- tail, the Titlark, the Yellow-hammer, the Green Linnet, or the Wliinchat. Of tliefe it has been obferved that flie fhews a much greater partiality to the Hedge-fparrow than to any of the reft. We owe the following account of the economy of this fmgular bird in the difpofal of its egg, to the accurate obfervations of Mr Edward Jenner, communicated to the Royal Society, and publiflied in the 78th volume of their tranfa6lions, part II. He obferves that, during the time the Hedge-fpar- row is laying her eggs, which generally takes up four or five days, the Cuckoo contrives to depofit her egg among the reft, leaving the future care of it entirely to the Hedge-fparrow. This intrufion often occafions fome difcompofure, for the old Hedge-fparrow at intervals, whilft ftie is fitting, not only throws out fome of her own eggs, but Ib6 BRITISH BIRDS. fometimes injures them in fuch a way that they become addle, fo that it frequently happens that not more than two or three of the parent bird's eggs are hatched with that of the Cuckoo ; and what is very remarkable, it has never been obfer- ved that the Hedge- fparrow has either thrown out or injured the egg of the Cuckoo. When the Hedge-fparrow has fat her ufual time, and difen^ gaged the young Cuckoo and forae of her own off- fpring from the ftiell, her own young ones, and any of her eggs that remain un hatched, are foon turned out, the young Cuckoo remaining in full pof- feffion of the neft, and the fole objed of the future care of her fofter parent. The young birds are not previoully killed, nor the eggs demolifhed, but all are left to perifli together, either entangled in the bufli which contains the neft, or lying on the ground under it. Mr Jenner next proceeds to ac- count for this feemingly unnatural circumftance ; and as what he has advanced is the refult of his own repeated obfervations, we fhall give it nearly in his own words. " On the i8th June, 1787, Mr J. examined the neft of a Hedge-fparrow, which then contained a Cuckoo's and three Hedge-fpar- row's eggs. On infpefting it the day following, the bird had hatched, but the neft then contained only a young Cuckoo and one young Hedge-fpar- row. The neft was placed fo near the extremity of a hedge that he could diftindly fee what was going forward in it; and, to his great aftonifh* BRITISH BIRDS. I07 ment, he faw the young Cuckoo, though fo lately hatched, in the a£t of turning out the young Hedge- fparrow. The mode of accomplilliingthis was cu- rious : The little animal, with the affiflance of its rump and wings, contrived to get the bird upon its back, and making a lodgement for its burden by elevating its elbows, clambered backwards with it up the' fide of the neft till it reached the top, where refting for a moment, it threw off its load with a jerk, and quite difengaged it from the neft : After remaining a Ihort time in this fituation, and feeling about with the extremities of its wings, as if to be convinced that the bufinefs was properly executed, it dropped into the neft again. Mr J. made fever- al experiments in different nefts by repeatedly put- ting in an egg to the young Cuckoo, which he al- ways found to be difpofed of in the fame manner. It is very remarkable, that nature feems to have provided for the fmgular difpofition of the Cuckoo in its formation at this period, for, different from other newly hatched birds, its back from the fca- pul^e downwards is very broad, with a confiderable depreffion in the middle, which feems intended by nature for the purpofe of giving a more fecure lodgement to the egg of the Hedge-fparrow, or its young one, while the young Cuckoo is employed in removing either of them from the neft. When it is above twelve days old this cavity is quite fil- led up, the back affumes the fliape of neftling birds in general, and at that time the difpofition for turn- 1g8 BRITISH 3IRDS. ing out its companion entirely ceafes. The fmall- nefs of the Cuckoo's egg, which, in general, is lefs than that of the Houfe-fparrow,* is another circum- ftance to be attended to in this furprizing tranfac- tion, and feems to account for the parent Cuckoo's depofiting it in the nefts of fuch fmall birds only as have been mentioned. If fhe were to do this in the neft of a bird which produced a larger egg, and confequently a larger neftling, its defign would pro- bably be fruftrated ; the young Cuckoo would be unequal to the talk of becoming fole pofleflbr of the neft, and might fall a facrifice to the fuperioi' ftrength of its partners. Mr Jenner obferves, that it fometimes happens that two Cuckoos' eggs are depofited in the fame neft, and gives the following inftance of one which fell under his obfervation. Two Cuckoos and a Hedge-fparrow were hatched in the fame neft, one Hedge-fparrow's egg remaining unhatched : In a few hours a conteft began between the Cuckoos for poffeffion of the neft, which continued undeter- mined till the afternoon of the following day, when one of them, which was fomewhat fuperior in fize, turned out the other, together with the young Hedge-fparrow and the unhatched egg. This con- teft, he adds, was very remarkable : The combat- ants alternately appeared to have the advantage, as * The Cuckoo eggs which have come under our obfervation were nearly of the fizc of thofe of the Thrufl;. BRITISH BIRDS, I09 each carried the other feveral times nearly to the top of the nefl, and then funk down again oppref- fed with the weight of its burthen : till at length, after various efforts, the flrongeft prevailed, and was afterwards brought up by the Hedge-fparrow. It would carry us beyond the limits of our work to give a detail of the obfervations made by our in- genious inquirer ; we mull therefore refer our read- er to the work itfelf, in which he will find a vari- ety of matter entirely new refpeiSling this fmgular bird, whofe hiftory has for ages been enveloped in fable, and mixed with unaccountable ftories found- ed in ignorance and fuperllition. At what period the young Cuckoos leave this country is not pre- cifely known ; Mr Jenner fuppofes they go off in fucceffion, and leave us as foon as they are capable of taking care of thenifelves. That fome of them remain here in a torpid flate we have already had occafion to obferve ;* but this cannot be the cafe with the greater part of thofe which leave this coun- try and retire to milder climates, to avoid the ri- gours of winter. BufFon mentions feveral inflances of young Cuckoos having been kept in cages, which, probably for want of proper nutriment, did not fur- vive the winter. We knew of one which was prefer- ved through the winter by being fed with worms, infefts, foaked bread, and fmall pieces of flefli. The plumage of the Cuckoo varies greatly at different * Sec the introduftion. no BRITISH BIRDS. periods of its life. In young Cuckoos the bill, legs, and tail are nearly the fame as in the old ones ; the eye is blue ; the throat, neck, breaft, and belly are elegantly barred with a dark brown on a light ground ; the back is of a lead colour, mixed with brown, and faintly barred with white ; the tail feathers are irregularly marked with black, light brown, and white, and tipped with white ; its legs are yellow. BRITISH BIRDS, III THE WRYNECK. {Jy}i!>i Torquillay Lin. — Le Torcolj BuiF.) The principal colours which diflinguifli this beautiful little bird confift of different lliades of brown, but fo elegantly arranged as to form a pic- ture of the moll exquifite neatnefs ; from the back part of the head down to the middle of the back there runs an irregular line of dark brown, inclin- ing to black ; the reft of the back is afh-coloured, Itreaked and powdered with brown ; the throat and under fide of the neck are of a reddifli brown, crof- fed with fine bars of black ; the breaft, belly, and thighs are of a light alh colour, marked with trian- fs 112 BRITISH BIRDS. gular fpots, irregularly difperfed ; the larger quill feathers are marked on the outer webs with alter- nate fpots of dark brown and ruft colour, which, when the wing is clofed, give it the appearance of chequered work ; the reft of the wing and fcapu- lars are nicely freckled and fhaded with brown fpots of different fizes ; the tail feathers are marked with irregular bars of black, the intervening fpa- ces being finely freckled and powdered with dark brown fpots; its bill is rather long, fharp-point- ed, and of a pale lead colour ; its eyes are light brown ; but what chiefly diftinguilhes this fmgular bird is the ftrufture of its tongue, which is of con- fiderable length, of a cylindrical form, and capable of being pulhed forwards or drawn into its bill a- gain ; it is furnifhed with a horny fubftance at its end, with which it fecures its prey and brings it to its mouth ; its legs are lliort and llender ; the toes placed two before and two behind ; the claws fharp, much hooked, and formed for climbing the branch- es of trees, on which it can run in all directions with great facility. It makes an artlefs neft, of dry grafs upon dufty rotten wood, in holes of trees, the entrance to which is fo fmall as fcarcely to admit the hand, on which account its eggs are come at with difficulty ; according to Buffon, they are per- fectly white, and from eight to ten in number.— This curious bird, though fimilar in many refpeCts to the Woodpecker, feems to conftitute a genus of itfelf : It is found in various parts of Europe, and BRITISH BIRDS. II3 generally appears with us a few clays before the Cuckoo. Its food confifts chiefly of ants and other infefts, of which it finds great abundance lodged in the bark and crevices of trees. The ftomach of one which we opened was full of indigefted parts of ants. It is faid to frequent the places where ant hills are, into which it darts its tongue and draws out its prey. Though nearly related to the family of the Woodpeckers, in the formation of its bill and feet, it never aflbciates with them, but feems to form a fmall and feparate family. The Wry- neck holds itfelf very ere6l on the branch of the tree where it fits ; its body is almoft bent back- ward, whilft it writhes its head and neck by a flow and almoft involuntary motion, not unlike the wa- ving wreaths of a reptile. It is a very folitary bird, and leads a fequeftered life ; it is never feen with any other fociety but that of its female, and it is only tranfitory, for as foon as the domeftic union is diflblved, which is in the month of September, they retire and migrate by themfelves. «»,..«l..Vi»'"»---^'" 114 BRITISH BIRDS. THE WOODPECKERS, ^ Of thefe only three or four kinds are found in thefe kingdoms. Their characters are ftriking and their manners fmgular. The bill is large, llrong, and fitted for its employment; the end of it is formed like a wedge, with which it pierces the bark of trees and bores into the wood, in which its food is lodged. Its neck is Ihort and thick, and furnilhed with powerful mufcles, which enable it to ftrike with fuch force as to be heard at a confi- derable diftance ; its tongue is long and taper ; at the end of it there is a hard bony fubftance, which penetrates into the crevices of trees, and extracts the infe6;s and their eggs, which are lodged there ; the tail eonfifts of ten lliff, Iharp-pointed feathers bent inwards, by which it fecures itfelf on the trunks of trees while in fearch of food.; for this purpofe its feet are fhort and thick, and its toes, which are placed two forward and two backward, are armed with llrong hooked claws, by which it clings firmly and creeps up and down in all direc- tions. M. Buffon, with his ufual warmth of ima- gination, thus defcribes the feemingly dull and fo- litary life of the Woodpecker. *' Of all the birds which earn their fubfiflence by " fpoil, none leads a life fo laborious and painful " as the Woodpecker : Nature has condemned it " to inceflant toil and flavery. While others free- BRITISH BIRDS. II5 *' ly employ their courage or addrefs, and either " Ihoot on rapid wing or lurk in clofe ambulh, the " Woodpecker is conllrained to drag out an infipid *' exiftence in boring the bark and hard fibres of " trees to extraQ; its humble prey. Neceflity ne- " ver fuffers any intermiffion of its labours, never " grants an interval of found repofe ; often during " the night it lleeps in the fame painful pofture as " in the fatigues of the day. It never fliares the " fports of the other inhabitants of the air, it joins *' not their vocal concerts, and its wild cries and " faddening tones, while they difturb the filence of *' the foreft, exprefs conftraint and effort : Its " movements are quick, its geftures full of inquie- " tude, its looks coarfe and vulgar ; it fliuns all fo- ** ciety, even that of its own kind ; and when it is " prompted to feek a companion, its appetite is not " foftened by delicacy of feeling.'* I2 Ji6 BRITISH BIRDS. THE GREEN WOODPECKER, WOODSPITE, HIGH-HOE, HEW-HOLE, OR PICK-A-TREE.* [Picus Virtdisy Lin.-— Z? Pic Verdy Buff.) This is the largeft of the Britifh kinds, being thirteen inches in length : Its bill is two inches long, of a triangular fhape, and of a dark horn colour ; the outer circle of the eye is white, fur- founding another of red ; the top of the head is of a bright crimfon, which extends down the hinder part of the neck, ending in a point behind ; the eye * WalHs, in his Hiftory of Northumberland, obferves that it is called by the common people Pick-a-tree, alfo Rain Fowl, from its being more loud and noify before rain. The old Romans called them Pluvia aves for the fame reafon. BRITISH BIRDS. II7 is furrounded by a black fpace ; and from each corner of the bill there is a crimfon ftreak pointing downwards ; the back and wing coverts are of an olive green ; the rump yellow ; the quill feathers are dulky, barred on the outer web with black and white ; the baftard wing is fpotted with white ; the fides of the head and all the under parts of the body are white, ilightly tinged with green ; the tail is marked with bars like the wings ; the legs are greenifli. The female differs from the male in not having the red mark from the corner of the mouth ; flie makes her neft in the hollow of a tree, iifteen or twenty feet from the ground. Buffoii obferves that both male and female labour by turns in boring through the living part of the wood, fometimes to a confiderable depth, until they pe- netrate to that which is decayed and rotten, where fhe lays five or fix eggs, of a greenifli colour, mark- ed with fmall black fpots. The Green Woodpecker is feen more frequently on the ground than the other kinds, particularly where there are ant-hills. It inferts its long tongue into the holes through vv^hich the ants iflue, and draws out thefe infects in abundance. Sometimes, with its feet and bill, it makes a breach in the neft, and devours them at its eafe, together with their eggs. The young ones climb up and down the trees before they are able to fly ; they rooll very early, and repofe in their holes till day. 13 ii8 BRITISH 31RDS. GREATER SPOTTED WOODPECKER, WITWALL. (^Picus Majors Lin. — UEpeiche, ou le Pic varie, BufF.) Its length is fomewhat more than nine inches : The bill is of a dark liorn colour, very ftrong at the bafe ; the upper and under fides are formed by high-pointed ridges, which run along the middle of each ; it is exceedingly fharp at the end ; the eyes are reddifh, encircled with a large white fpot, which extends to the back part of the head, on which there is a fpot of crimfon ; the forehead is buff colour ; the top of the head black ; on the back part of the neck there are two white fpots, feparated by a line of black; the fcapulars and tips of tl|e wing cq- BRITISH BIRDS. II9 verts are white ; the reft of the plumage on the upper part of the body is black ; the tail is black, the outer feathers marked with white fpots ; the throat, breaft, and part of the belly are of a yel- iowifti white ; the vent and lower part of the belly crimfon ; the legs and feet of a lead colour. The female wants the red fpot on the back of the head. This bird is common in England. BufFon fays that it ftrikes againft the trees with brilker and harder blows than the Green Woodpecker : — It creeps with great eafe in all diredions upon the branches of trees, and is with difficulty feen, as it inftantly avoids the fight by creeping behind a, branch, where it remains concealed. THE MIDDLE-SPOTTED WOODPECKER. {Picus Mediusj Lin.— Z^ Pic varie a tete Rouge, BufF.) This bird is fomewhat lefs than the former, and diiFers from it chiefly in having the top of the head wholly crimfon ; in every other refped the colours are much the fame, though more obfcure. BufFon gives a figure of it in his Planches Enluminees^ but confiders it as a variety only of the former. 14 I2Q BRITISH BIRDS. LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER, HICKWALL. {Ptcus Minor f Lin. — Le petit Epeiche^ BufF.) This is the fmallefl of our fpecies, being only- live inches and a half in length ; weight nearly one ounce : Its general plumage is very fimilar to the larger fpecies, but wants the red under the tail, and the large white patches on the flioulders ; the un- der parts of the body are of a dirty white j the legs lead colour. Buffon fays, that in winter it draws near houfes and vineyards, that it neftles like the former in holes of trees, and fometimes difputes poITeffion with the colemoufe, which it compels tQ give up its lodging. BRITISH BIRDS. 121 4. THE NUTHATCH. NUTJOBBER, WOODCRACKER. (Sitta Europea, Lin — La Sittelk ou le Torchepot^ BuiE] Its length is nearly fix inches : The bill ftrong, black above, beneath almoft white ; the €yes ha- zel ; a black ftroke pafTes over each eye, fronx the bill extending down the fide of the neck as far as the Ihoulder ; all the upper part of the bo- dy is of a fine blue grey colour ; the cheeks and chin are white -, breaft and belly of a pale orange colour ; fides marked with ftreaks of cheftnut ; quills dufky ; its tail is fhort, the two middle fea- thers are grey, the reft duiky, three of the outer- 122 BRITISH BIRDS. moft fpotted with white ; the legs pale yellow ; the claws large, Iharp, and much bent, the back claw very ftrong ; when extended, the foot mea- lures one inch and three quarters. This, like the Woodpecker, frequents woods, and is a Ihy and folitaiy bird ; the female lays her eggs in holes of trees, frequently in thofe which have been deferted by the Woodpecker. During the time of incubation flie is affiduoufly attended by the male, who fupplies her with food ; Ihe is eafily driven from her neft, but on being difturbed hiffes like a fnake. The Nuthatch feeds on cater- pillars, beetles, and various kinds of infe6ls ; it likewife eats nuts, and is very expert in cracking them fo as to come at the contents ; having placed a nut fall in a chink, it takes its Hand a little a- bove, and fhriking it with all its force, breaks the Ihell and catches up the kernel. Like the Wood- pecker, it moves up and down the trunks of trees with great facility in fearch of food. It does not migrate, but in the winter approaches nearer inha- bited places, and is fometimes feen in orchards and gardens. The young ones are efteemed very good eating. BRITISH BIRDS. 123 m'^>^^ THE HOOPOE. {Vpupa EpopSy Lin. — Le Hupe ou Puputy BufF.) Its length is twelve inches, breadth nineteen : The bill is above two inches long, black, ilender, and fomewhat curved ; the eyes hazel ; the tongue very fliort and triangular ; the head is ornamented with a creft, confifting of a double row of feathers of a pale orange colour, tipped with black, the high- eft about two inches in length; the neck is of a pale reddifli brown ; breaft and belly white, which in young birds are marked with various dufky lines pointing downwards ; the back, fcapulars, and wings are crofled with broad bars of black and white ; the lelTer coverts of the wings light brown ; the rump is white ; the tail confifts of ten feathers, 124 BRITISH BIRDS. each marked with white, which, when clofed, a^f- fumes the form of a c;^efcent, the horns pointing downwards ; the legs are Ihort and black. This is the only one of its kind found in thefe kingdoms ; it is not very comn:;on with us, being feen only at uncertain periods. Our reprefen- tation was tatken from a very fine one ihot near Bedlington, Northumberland, and fent us by the Rev. Mr Cotes. In its llomach were found the claws and other indigeftible parts of infefts of the beetle tribe ; it was alive fome time after being ihot, and walked about ereding its tail and creft in a very plealing manner. The female is faid to have two or three broods in the year; Ihe makes no neft, but lays her eggs, generally about four or ^ve in number, in the hollow of a tree, and fome- times in a hole in the wall, or even on the ground, ^uffon fays, that he has fometimes found a foff lin. ing of mofs, wool, or feathers in the nefls of thefe birds, and fuppofes that, in that cafe, they may |iave ufed the deferted neft of fome other bird. Its food confifts chiefly of infe£ts, with the remains of y/hich its neft is fometimes fo filled as to become extremely ofFenfive. It is a folitary bird, two of them being feldom feen together ; in Egypt, where they are very common, they are feen only in fmall flocks. Its creft ufually falls behind on its neck, except when it is furprifed or irritated, and it then Hands ered. BRITISH BIRDS. 125 THE CREEPER. [Certhla familtaris, Lin. — Le GrimpereaUf Buff ) Its length is five inches and a half; the body is about the fize of that of the Wren : Its bill is long, flender, and much curved, the upper one brown, the lower whitilh ; eyes hazel ; the head, neck, back, and wing coverts are of a dark brown, varie- gated with ftreaks of a lighter hue ; the throat, breaft, and belly are of a filvery white ; the rump tawny; the quills are dullcy, edged with tawny, and marked with bars of the fame colour ; the tips are white ; above each eye a fmall dark line paf- fes towards the neck, above which there is a line of white ; the tail is long, and confiits of twelve ftiff feathers, of a tawny colour, pointed and forked at the end ; the legs are Ihort and of a brown co- 126 BRITISH BIRDS. lour ; the clav/s are long, fharp, and much hook- ed, which enable it to run with great facility on all fides of fmall branches of trees in quell of infeds and their eggs, which conllitute its food. Although very common, it is not feen without difficulty, from the eafe with which, on the appearance of any one, it efcapes to the oppofite fide of the tree. It builds its neft early in the fpring, in the hole of a tree : The female lays from five to feven eggs, of an afti colour, marked at the end with fpots of a deeper hue. BRITISH BIRDS. 17.J OF THE PASSERINE ORDER. This numerous clafs conftitutes the fifth order in Mr Pennant's an-angement of Britifh birds, and includes a great variety of diiferent kinds : Of thefe we have detached the Stare, the Thrufh, and the Chatterer, and have joined them to the Pies, to which they feem to have a greater affinity. Thofe which follow are diftinguilhed by their lively and active difpofitions, their beautiful plumage, and de- lightful melody. Of this order confifl thofe ama- zing flocks of fniall birds of almoft every defcrip- tion — thofe numerous families, which, univerfally diffufed throughout every part of the known world, people the woods, the fields, and even the largell and moll populous cities, in countlefs multitudes, and every where enliven, diverfify, and adorn the face of nature. Thefe are not lefs confpicuous for their ufefulnefs, than their numbers and variety : They are of infinite advantage in the economy of nature, in deftroying myriads of noxious infefts, which would otherwife teem in every part of the animal and vegetable fyftems, and would pervade and choke up all the avenues of life and health. Infeds and their eggs, worms, berries, and feeds of almofl every kind, form the varied mafs from whence thefe bufy little tribes derive their fupport. The charafters of the Pafferine order, which are as various as their habits and difpofitions, \^ ill 128 BRITISH BIRDS. be beft feen in the defcription of each particular kind. It may be neceiTary however to obferve, that they naturally divide themfelves into two diilinft kinds, namely, the hard-billed or feed birds, and the flender or foft-billed birds ; the former are furniflied with flout bills of a conical fhape, and very ftiarp at the point, admirably fitted for the purpofe of breaking the hard external coverings of the feeds of plants from the kernels, which conftitute the principal part of their food ; the latter are remarkable for the fofthefs and delicacy of their bills ; their food confifts altogether of fmall worms, infeds, the larvae of infe£ls and their eggs, which they find de- pofited in immenfe profufion on the leaves and bark of trees, in chinks and crevices of ftones, and even in fmall malTes on the bare ground, fo that there is hardly a portion of matter that does not contain a plentiful fupply of food for this diligent race of beings. ** Full nature fwarms with life ; *' The flowery leaf ** Wants not its foft inhabitants. Secure ** Within its winding citadel, the ftone *' Holds multitudes. But chief the foreft-boughs, *' That dance unnumber'd to the playful breeze, ** The downy orchard, and the melting pulp " Of mellow fruit, the naraelcfs nations feed *' Of evanefcent infers." BRITISH BIRDS. 129 OF THE GROSBEAK. This. genus is not numerous in thefe kingdoms, and of thofe which we call ours, mofl; of them are only vifitors, making a Ihort ftay with us, and lea- ving us again to breed and rear their young in o- ther countries. They are in general fliy and foli- tary, living chiefly in v/oods at a diftance from the habitations of men. Their vocal powers are not great ; and as they do not add much to the general harmony of the woods which they inhabit, they are confequently not much known or fought after. Their moft confpicuous character confifls in the thicknefs and ftrength of their bills, which enables them to break the ftones of various kinds of fruits, and other hard fubftances on which they feed. Their general appearance is very fimilar to birds of the Finch kind, of which they may be reckoned the principal branch. K 130 BRITISH BIRDS. THE CROSS.BILL. SHEL-APPLE. (Loxia Cut"Oiro^raf Lin.— Z^ he Crotfe, BufF.) This bird is about the fize of a Lark, being nearly feven inches in length : It is dillinguilhed by the peculiar formation of its bill, the upper and under mandible curving in oppofite directions, and crofling each other at the points ;* its eyes are ha- * This Angular conftruftion of the bill is confidered by M. BufFon as a defeA or error ih nature, rather than a permanent feature, merely becaufe that, in fome fubjefts, the bill crofles to the left, and in others to the right, ariiing, as he fuppofes, from the way in which the bird has been accuftomed to ufe its bill, by employing either the one fide or the other to lay hold of its BRITISH BIRDS. I3I zel; its general colour is reddifli, mixed with brown on the upper parts, the under parts are con- fiderably paler, being almoft white at the vent ; the wings are fhort, not reaching farther than the fetting on of the tail — they are of a brown colour ; the tail is of the fame colour, and fomewhat fork- ed ; the legs are black ; the colours of the Crofs- bill are extremely fubjed to variation ; amongft a great number there are hardly two of them exadly food. This mode of reafoning, however, mull prove very de- fedlive, when we confider that this peculiarity is confined to a Ungle fpecies, no other bird in nature being fubjeA to a fimilar variation from the geneial conftru6lion, although there are many other birds which feed upon the fame kinds of hard fubftances, which, neverthelefs, do not experience any change in the for- mation and ftrudlure of their bills ; neither has the argument, drawii from the fuppofed exuberance of growth in the bills of thefe birds, any better foundation, as that likewife may be ap- plied to other birds, and the fame queftion will occur — namely. Why is not the fame efFeft produced ? This ingenious but fan- ciful writer, in the further profecution of his argument, feems to increafe the difficulties in which it is involved. He obferves, *• that the bill, hooked upwards and downwards, and bent in oppofite dirediions, feems to have been formed for the purpofe of detaching the fcales of the fir cones and obtaining the feeds lodg- ed beneath them, which are the principal food of the bird. It raifes each fcale with its lower mandible, and breaks it with the upper." We think there needs no ftronger argument than this to prove, that Nature, in all her operations, works by various means ; and although thefe are not always clear to our limited underllandings, the good of all her creatures is the one great end to which they are all direAed. K 2 132 BRITISH BIRDS. fimilar; they likewife vary with the feafon and ac» cording to the age of the bird. Edwards paints the male with a rofe colour, and the female with a yellowifh green, mixed more or lefs with brown. Both fexes appear very different at different times of the year. The Crofs-bill is an inhabitant of the colder cli- mates, and has been found as far as Greenland, It breeds in Rullia, Sweden, Poland, and Germa- ny, in the mountains of Switzerland, and among the Alps and Pyrenees, from whence it migrates in vaft flocks into other countries- It fometimes is met with in great numbers in this country, but its vifits are not regular,* as in fome years it is rarely to be feen. Its principal food is faid to be the feeds of the pine tree ; it is obferved to hold the cone in one claw like the Parrot, and when kept in a cage has all the aftions of that bird, climbing by means of its hooked bill, from the lower, to, the up- per bars of its cage. From its mode of fcrambling and the beauty of its colours, it has been called by fome the German Parrot. The female is faid to begin to build as early as January ; fhe places her neft under the bare branches of the pine tree, fix- ing it with the refmous matter which exudes from that tree, and befmearing it on the outfide with tlie fame fubftance, fo that the melted fnow or rain cannot penetrate it. * We have met with it on the top of Blackfton-edge, between Rochdale and Halifax, in the month of Auguft. BRITISH BIRDS. 133 THE GROSBEAK. HAWFINCH. (^Loxia Coccothraii/ieSy Lin. — Le Gros-becy BufF.) Length near feven inches : Bill of a horn co- lour, conical, and prodigiously thick at the bafe ; eyes afh-coloured ; the fpace between the bill and the eye, and from thence to the chin and throat, is black ; the top of the head is of a reddifh cheftnut, as are alfo the cheeks, but fomewhat paler ; the back part of the neck is of a greyifli afh colour ; the back and lefler wing coverts cheftnut; the greater wing coverts are grey, in fome almoft white, forming a band acrofs the wing ; the quills are all black, except fome of the fecondaries near- eft the body, which are brown ; the four outer quills feem as if cut off at the ends ; the prime K3 134 BRITISH BIRDS. quills have each of them a fpot of white about the middle of the inner web ; the bread and belly- are of a pale ruft colour, growing almoll white at the vent ; the tail is black, except the ends of the middle feathers, which are grey ; the outer ones are tipped with white ; the legs are pale brown. The female greatly refembles the male, but her colours are lefs vivid, and the fpace between the bill and the eye is grey inftead of black. Thefe birds vary confiderably, fcarcely two of them being alike : In fome the head is wholly black, in others the whole upper part of the body is of that colour, and others have been met with entirely white, ex- cept the wings. This fpecies is an inhabitant of the temperate climates, from Spain, Italy, and France, as far as Sweden, but only vifits this ifland occafionally, and generally in winter ; probably being driven over in its paffage from its northern haunts, to the milder climates of France and Italy. It breeds in thefe countries, but is no where numerous. Buffon fays it is a fhy and folitary bird, with little or no fong ; it generally inhabits the woods during fummer, and in winter reforts near the hamlets and farms. The female builds her nefl in trees ; it is compofed of fniall dry roots and grafs, and lined with warmer materials : The eggs are roundifli, of a blueifli green, fpotted with brown. She feeds her young with infects, chryfalids, and other foft nutritious fubftances. BRITISH BIRDS. I35 THE PINE GROSBEAK. GREATEST BULLFINCH. (Loxia Enudeatory Lin. — Le Dur-becy BufF.) This exceeds the lafl in fize, being nine inches in length : The bill is duiky, very ftout at the bafe, and fomewhat hooked at the tip ; the head, neck, bread, and rump are of a rofe coloured crim- fon ; the back and lefler wing coverts black, each feather edged with reddilh brown ; the greater wing coverts tipped with white, forming two bars on the wing ; the quills are black, with pale edges ; the fecondaries the fame, but edged with white ; the belly and vent are ftraw-coloured ; the tail is mar- ked as the quills, and is fomewhat forked : the legs are brown. This bird is found only in the northern parts of this ifland and of Europe ; it frequents the pine fo- refls, and feeds on the feeds of that tree, like the Crofs-bill : It is likewife common in various parts of North America, vifiting the fouthern fettlements in the winter, and retiring northwards in the fum- mer for the purpofe of breeding. The female makes its neft on trees, at a fmall diftance from the gi"ound, and lays four white eggs, which are hatched in June. K4 136 BRITISH BIRDS. GREEN GROSBEAK. OREEN FINCH, OR GREEKS LINNET. (Loxia Chloris, Lin.— -L^ Verdier, BufF.) The bill^is of a pale reddifh brown or flefh co- lour; eyes dark; the plumage in general is of a yellowifti green ; the top of the head, neck, back, and leiTer coverts olive green ; the greater coverts and outer edges of the fecondary quills afh-colour- edi the vent and tail coverts the fame, dallied witl^ yellow ; the rump yellow. This bird is common in every part of Great Britain, and may be feen in almoft every hedge, e- fpecially during winter, when flocks of them keep together. The female makes her nell in hedges or low bulhes j it is compofed of dry grafs, and lined BRITISH BIRDS. I37 with hair, wool, and other warm materials ; fhe lays five or fix eggs, of a pale greenilh colour, marked at the larger end with fpots of a reddilh brown ; Ihe is fo clofe a fitter, that flie may fome- times be taken on her neft. The male is very at- tentive to his mate during the time of incubation, and takes his turn in fitting. Though not difl:in- guifhed for its fong, this bird is fometimes kept in a cage, and foon becomes familiar. It does not migrate, but in the northern parts of our ifland it is feldom feen in winter, changing its quarters ac- cording to the feafon of the year. $38 BRITISH BIRDS. BULLFINCH. ALP OR NOPE. (Loxia Pyrrhuloi Um.—Le Bouvreuily BufF.) The bill is dufky ; eyes black ; the upper part of the head, the ring round the bill, and the origin of the neck, are of a fine gloffy black ;* the back afh colour ; the breaft and belly red ; wings and tail black; the upper tail coverts and vent are white ; legs dark brown. The female is very fi- milar, but the colours in general are lefs bright, and the under parts of a reddifli brown.| * Hence in fome countries it is called Monk or Pope^ and in Scotland it is not improperly denominated Coally hood. ■\ The Bullfinch fometimes changes its plumage, and becomes wholly black during its confinement, efpecially when fed with hemp feed. In the Leverian Mufeum there is a variety of the Bullfinch entirely white. BRITISH BIRDS. 139 This bird is common in every part of this if- land, as well as moil parts of Europe ; its ufual haunts, during fummer, are in woods and thickets, but in winter it approaches nearer to cultivated grounds, and feeds on feeds, winter berries, &c. ; in the fpring it frequents gardens, where it is ufe- fully bufy in deflroying the worms which are lod- ged in the tender buds. The female makes her nell in bulhes ; it is compofed chiefly of mofs ; fhe lays five or fix eggs, of a dull blueifh white, mark- ed at the larger end with dark fpots. In a wild llatc, its note is very fimple ; but when kept in a cage, its fong, though low, is far from being un- pleafant. Both male and female may be taught to whiftle a variety of tunes, and there are inftances of two Bullfinches having been taught to fmg in parts ; a wonderful inftance of docility ! They are frequently imported into this country from Ger- many, where they are taught to articulate, with great diflind;nefs, feveral words. 14° BRITISH BIRDS. OF THE BUNTING. The principal diiFerence between this fpecies and the laft confifts in the formation of the bill, which in the Bunting is of a very fmgular conftrudion. The two mandibles are moveable, and the edges of each bend inwards ; the opening of the mouth is not in a llreight line as in other birds, but at the bafe the junction is formed by an obtufe angle in the lower mandible, nearly one third of its length, which is received by a correfponding angle in the upper one ; in the laft there is a hard knob, of great ufe in breaking the harder kinds of feeds and kernels, on which it feeds. The tongue is narrow, and tapers to a point like a tooth-pick ; the firft joint of the outer toe is joined to that of the mid^ die one. BRITISH BIRDS. I4I THE BUNTING. {^Emheriza miliariay Lin. — Le Proyer^ BufF.) The length of this bird is about feven inches and a half : The bill is brown ; iris hazel ; the ge- neral colour refembles that of a lark ; the throat is white, the upper parts olive brown, each feather llreaked down the middle with black ; the under parts are of a dirty yellowifli white, ftreaked on the fides with dark brown, and fpotted with the fame on the breaft ; the quills are dullcy, with yellowifh edges ; upper coverts tipped with white ; tail fea- thers much the fame as the wings, and fomewhat forked ; the legs pale brown. This bird is very common in all parts of the country, and may be frequently obferved on the higheft part of the hedge or uppermoft branch of a 142 BRITISH BIRDS. tree, uttering its harfh and diflbnant cry, which it inceffantly repeats at Ihort intervals ; this conti- nues during the greateft part of fummer, after which they are feen in great flocks, and continue fo for the moll part during winter ; they are often Ihot in great numbers, or caught in nets, and, from the fi- milarity of their plumage, are not unfrequently fold for Larks. The female makes her nefl among the thick grafs, a little elevated above the ground : fhe lays five or fix eggs, and while fhe is employed in the bufmefs of incubation, her mate brings her food, and entertains her with his frequently repeated fong. BufFon obferves, that in France the Bunting is feldom feen during winter, but that it migrates foon after the Swallow, and fpreads itfelf through almofl every part of Europe. Their food confifts chiefly of grain ; they likewife eat variety of in- feds, which they find in the fields and meadows. gfllTISH BIRPS. »43 YELLOW BUNTING. YELLOW HAMMER, OR YELLOW YOWLEY. {Emher'ixa citr'mdlay Lin. — he Bnia7it^ BufF.) Length fomewhat above fix inches : Bill duf- ky ; eyes hazel ; its prevailing colour is yellow, mixed with browns of various fhades ; the crown of the head, in general, is bright yellow, more or lefs variegated with brown ; the cheeks, throat, and lower part of the belly are of a pure yellow ; the breaft reddifli, and the fides dalhed with ftreaks of the fame colour; the hind part of the neck and back are of a greenifh olive ; the greater quills are dufky, edged with pale yellow ; leffer quills and fcapulars dark brown, edged with grey ; the tail is dullcy, and a little forked, the feathers edged with 144 BRITISH BIRDS. light brown, the outermoft with white ; the legs are of a yellowifh brown. It is fomewhat difficult to defcribe a fpecies of bird of which no two are to be found perfeiSbly fimilar, but its fpecific charaders are plain, and cannot eafily be miftaken ; the co- lours of the female are lefs bright than thofe of the male, with very little yellow about the head. This bird is common in every lane and on every hedge throughout the country, flitting before the traveller as he palTes along the road^ or uttering its fimple and frequently repeated monotone on the hedges by the way lide. They feed on various kinds of feeds, infefts, &c. The female makes an artlefs nefl, compofed of hay, dried roots, and mofs, which Ihe lines with hair and wool ; Ihe lays four or five eggs, marked with dark irregular flreaks, and frequently has more than one brood in the fea- fon. In Italy, where fmall birds of almoft every defcription are made ufe of for the table, they are efteemed as very good eating, and are frequently fatted for that purpofe like the Orlotan ; but with us, who are accuftomed to grofler kinds of food, they are confidered as too infignificant to form any part of our repalls. BRITISH BIRDS. 145 THE BLACK-HEADED BUNTING. REED BUNTING, OR REED SPARROW. {Emherlza SchanicluSy lAn^—'U Ortolan de Rofeauxy BufF.) This bird is about the fize of the Yellow Bun- ting : Its eyes are hazel ; the head, throat, fore part of the neck, and breafl are black, which is divided by a white line from each corner of the bill, paffing downward a little, and meeting on the back part of the neck, which it almoft encir- cles i the upper parts of the body and wings are of a reddifti brown, with a ftreak of black down the middle of each feather ; the under part of the body , is white, with brownifli llreaks on the fides ; the rump and upper tail coverts blueilli aili colour, mixed with brown; the quills are duflcy, edged I, 14^ BRITISH BIRDS. with brown ; the two middle feathers of the tail are black, with pale brown edges ; the reft wholly- black, except the two outer ones, which are almoft white, the ends tipped with brown, and the bafes black ; the legs and feet dulky brown* The fe- male has no collar ; its throat is not fo black, and its head is variegated with black and ruft colour ; the white on its under parts is not fo pure, but is of a reddilh caft. Birds of this fpecies frequent fens and marfhy places, where there are abundance of rufhes, a- mong which it neftles. The neft is compofed of dry grafs, and lined with the foft down of the reed ; it is fixed with great art between four reed ftalks, two on each fide, almoft clofe to each other, and about three feet above the water ; The female lays four or five eggs, of a pale blueifh white, veined irregularly with purple, principally at the larger end. As its chief refort is among the reeds, it is fuppofed that the feeds of that plant are its princi- pal food ; it is however frequently feen in the higher grounds near the roads, and fometimes in corn fields. Thefe birds in general feek their food, fimilar to the Bunting, in cultivated places ; they keep near the ground, and feldom perch except a- mong the bufhes. The male, during the time of hatching, has a foft, melodious, warbling fong, whilft it fits perched among the reeds, and is fre- quently heard in the night time. It is a watchful, timorous bird, and is very eafily alarmed; in a BRITISH BIRDS. 147 Hate of captivity it fmgs but little, and only when perfedly undillurbed. Birds of this fpecies are migratory in France ; with us they remain the whole year, and are fel- dom feen in flocks of more than three or four to- gether. The one from whence our figure was taken was caught during a fevere Ilorm in the midfl of winter. L2 148 BRITISH BIRDS, SNOW BUNTING. SNOWFLAKE. {^Emheriza Nivalis^ Lin. — UOrtolan de Neige^ BuiF.) Length near feven inches : Bill and eyes black; in winter the head, neck, coverts of the wings, rump, and all the under parts of the body are as white as fnow, with a light tint of rufty colour on the hind part of the head ; the back is black ; the baftard wings and ends of the greater coverts white; the prime quills are black, fecondaries white, with a black fpot on their inner webs ; middle feathers of the tail black, the three outer ones white, with a dulky fpot near the ends ; legs black. Its fum- mer drefs is different, the head, neck, and under parts of the body being marked with tranfverfe waves of a rufty colour, of various ftrength, but never fo deep as in the female, of which it is the predominant colour ; the white likewife upon the uncier parts of her body is lefs pure than that of the male. The hoary mountains of Spitzbergen, the Lap- land Alps, the fhores of Hudfon's Bay, and per- haps countries ftill more northerly, are, during the fummer months, the favorite abodes of this hardy bird. The exceffive feverity of thefe inhofpitable regions changes parts of its plumage into white in winter ; and there is reafon to believe that the fur- ther northv/ard they are found, the whiter the plu- BRITISH BIRDS, 1 49 mage will be. It is chiefly met with in the nor- thern parts of this ifland, where it is called the Snowflake ; it appears in great flocks in the fnowy feafon, and is faid to be the certain harbinger of fe- vere weather, which drives it from its ufual haunts. This bird has been caught in various parts of Yorkfhire, and is frequently met with in Northum- berland ; it is found in all the northern latitudes without exception, as far as our navigators have been able to penetrate, great flocks of thefe birds having been f ^en by them upon the ice near the fliores of Spltzbergen. They are known to breed in Greenland, where the female makes its neft in the fiflures of the mountain rocks ; the outfide is compofed of grafs, within which is a layer of fea- thers, and the down of the ardic fox compofes the lining of its comfortable little manfion ; flie lays five white eggs, fpotted with brown. Thefe birds do not perch, but continue always on the ground, and run about like Larks, to which they are fimi- lar in fize, manners, and in the length of their hind claws, from whence they have been ranged with birds of that clafs by fome authors, but with more propriety have been referred to the Buntings, from the peculiar llrufture of their bill. They are faid to fing fweetly, fitting on the ground. On their firft arrival in this country they are very lean ; but foon grow fat, and are confidered as delicious food. The Highlands of Scotland abound with them. L3 150 BRITISH BIRDS. TAWNY BUNTING. ©REAT PIED MOUNTAIN FINCH, OR BRAMBLING. The length is fomewhat above fix inches : The bill is Ihort, of a yellow colour, and blackifti at the point ; the crown of the head tawny ; the fore- head cheftnut colour ; the hind part of the neck and cheeks the fame, but paler ; the throat, fides of the neck, and fpace round the eyes are of a dirty white ; the breaft dull yellow ; the under parts white, in fome tinged with yellow; the back and fcapulars are black, edged with reddijfli brown; the quill feathers are dulky, edged with white ; the fecondaries are white on their outer edges ; the greater coverts are tipped with white, which, when the wing is clofed, forms a bed of BRITISH BIRDS. J5I white upon it ; the upper tail coverts are yellow ; the tail is a little forked, the two outermoft feathers are white, the third black, tipped with white, the reft wholly black ; the legs are ftiort and black ; the hind claws almoft as long, but more bent than thofe of the Lark. Our figure and defcription of this bird are taken from one which was caught in the high moory grounds above Shotley-Kirk, in the county of Northumberland. We are perfeftly of opinion, with Mr Pennant, that this and the former are the fame bird in their fummer and winter drefs.* Lin- nseus, who muft have been well acquainted with this fpecies, comprifes them under one, and fays that they vary, not only from the feafon, but accor- ding to their age : It is certain that no birds of the fame fpecies differ from each other more than they ; amongft multitudes, that are frequently ta- ken, fcarcely two being alike. Mr Pennant fup- pofes, with great probability, that the fwarms which annually vifit the northern parts of our if- land arrive from Lapland and Iceland, and make the illes of Ferro, Shetland, and the Orkneys, their refting- places during the paffage. In the winter of 1778 — 9 they came in fuch multitudes into Bir- fa, one of the Orkney illes, as to cover the whole barony; yet, of all the numbers, it could hardly * Vide Arftic Zoology, Number 2?2. 1-4 152 BRITISH BIRDS. be difcovered that any two of them agreed perfedl- ly in colours. It is probable that the Mountain Bunting, or Leffer Mountain Finch of Pennant and Latham, is the fame bird in a fomewhat different drefs ; it has been fometimes found in the more fouthern parts of England, where the little ftran- ger would be noticed, and without duly attending to- its dillinguiftiing charafters, has been confidered as forming a diftind: kind, and adding one more to the numerous varieties of the feathered tribes.— We have frequently had occafion to obferve, how difficult it is to avoid falling into errors of this fort ; the changes which frequently take place in the fame bird, at different periods of its age, as well as from change of food, climate, or the like, are fo confiderable, as often to puzzle, and fome- times to miflead, the moil experienced omitholo- gift ; much caution is therefore neceffary to guard againft thefe deceitful appearances ; left, by mul- tiplying the fpecies beyond the bounds which na- ture has prefcribed, we thereby introduce confufion into our fyftem ; and, inftead of fatisfying the at^ tentive inquirer, we Ihall only bewilder and per- plex him in his refe arches into nature. BRITISH BIRDS. 1$^ OF THE FINCH. The tranfition from the Bunting to the Finch is very eafy, and the lliade of difference between them, in fome inflances, ahiioft imperceptible ; on which account they have been frequently confound- ed with each other. The principal difference con- fifts in' the beak, which, in this kind, is conical, very thick at the bafe, and tapering to a fharp point : In this refpedl it more nearly refembles the Grofbeak. Of this tribe many are diflinguifhed as well for the livelinefs of their fong as for the beau- ty and variety of their plumage, on which accounts they are much efteemed : They are very numer- ous, and affemble fometimes in immenfe flocks feeding on feeds and grain of various kinds, as well as infeds and tlieir eggs. 154 BRITISH BIRDS. THE HOUSE SPARROW. {FringiUa domejlica, Lin. — Le Molneau franc. BuiF.) The length of this bird is five inches and three quarters : The bill is du&y ; eyes hazel ; the top of the head and back part of the neck are afh co- lour I the throat, fore part of the neck, and fpace round the eyes, black ; the cheeks are whitilh ; the breaft and all the under parts are of a pale alh co- lour ; the back, fcapulars, and wing coverts are of a reddilh brown, mixed with black — the latter is tipped with white, forming a light bar acrofs the wing ; the quills are dufky, with reddifh edges ; the tail is brown, edged with grey, and a little for- ked ; the legs are pale brown. The female is dif- tinguilhed from the male in wanting the black patch on the throat, and in having a light llreak BRITISH BIRDS. 1 55 behind each eye ; Ihe is alfo much plainer and duller in her whole plumage. In whatever coun- try the Sparrow is fettled, it is never found in de- fert places, or at a diftance from the dwellings of man : It does not, like other birds, fhelter itfelf in woods and forells, or feek its fubfiftence in uninha- bited plains, but is arefident in towns and villages ; it follows fociety, and lives at its expence ; gra- naries, barns, court-yards, pigeon-houfes, and in fhort all places where grain is fcattered, are its fa- vorite reforts. It is furely faying too much of this poor profcribed fpecies to fum up its character in the words of the Count de Buffon : — " It is ex- " tremely dellrufilive, its plumage is entirely ufe- " lefs, its flelh indifferent food, its notes grating to " the ear, and its familiarity and petulance difguft- " ing." But let us not condemn a whole fpecies of animals becaufe, in fome inftances, we have found them troublefome or inconvenient. Of this we are fufficiently fenfible ; but the ufes to which they are fubfervient, in the grand economical dif- tribution of nature, we cannot fo eafdy afcertain* We have already obferved* that, in the deftrudlion of caterpillars, they are eminently ferviceable to vegetation, and in this refpe£t alone there is rea- fon to fuppofe fufficiently repay the deflrudion they may make in the produce of the garden or the field. The great table of nature is fpread * See mtroduftlon. 156 BRITISH BIRDS. out alike to all, and is amply llored with every thing necelTary for the fupport of the various fa- milies of the earth ; it is owing to the fuperior in- dullry of man that he is enabled to appropriate fo large a portion of the bell gifts of providence for his own fubfiftence and comfort ; let him not then think it wafle, that, in fome inftances, creatures in- ferior to him in rank are permitted to partake with him, nor let him grudge them their fcanty pit- tance ; but, confidering them only as the tallers of his full meal, let him endeavour to imitate their chearfulnefs, and lift up his heart in grateful efFu- ifions to Him, " who filleth all things living with plenteoufnefs." The Sparrow never leaves us, hut is familiar to the eye at all times, even in the moft crowded and bufy parts of a town : It builds its neft under the eaves of houfes, in holes of walls, and often about churches ; it is made of hay, carelefsly put toge- ther, and lined with feathers : The female lays five or fix eggs, of a reddifh white colour, fpotted with, brown ; Ihe has generally three broods in the year, from whence the multiplication of the fpecies muft be immenfe. Though familiar, the Sparrow is faid to be a crafty bird, eafily diftinguifhing the fnares laid to entrap it. In autumn prodigious flocks of them are feen every where, both in town and country ; they often mix with other birds, and not unfrequently partake with the Pigeons or the poultry, in fpite of every precaution to prevent BRITISH BIRDS. 1 57 them. The Sparrow is fubjeft to great varieties of plumage : In the Britifli and Leverian Mufeums there are feveral white ones, with yellow eyes and bills, others more or lefs mixed with brown, and fome entirely black: A pair of white Sparrows were fent us by Mr "Walter Trevelyan, of St. John's College, Cambridge. — This bird, as ken in large and fmoaky towns, is generally footy and unpleafmg in its appearance ; but, among barns and ftack-yards, the cock bird exhibits a very great variety in his plumage, and is far from being the leaft beautiful of our Britifli Birds. '*>.*x -^^^ — - ..^ ■*-. J. «- V IS8 BRITISH BIRDS. THE MOUNTAIN SPARROW. {Fringllla Montanay Lin. — Le Friquety Buff.) This bird is fomewhat lefs than the common Sparrow: The bill is black; eyes hazel; the crown of the head and hind part of the neck are of a chellnut colour ; fides of the head white ; throat black ; behind each eye there is a pretty large black fpot ; the upper parts of the body are of a rufty brown, fpotted with black; the breaft and under parts dufky white ; the quills are black, with reddifli edges, as are alfo the greater coverts ; the lefler are bay, edged with black, and croffed with two white bars ; the tail is of a reddifh brown, and even at the end ; the legs are pale yellow. This fpecies is frequent in Yorklhire, Lanca- Ihire, and alfo in Lincolnlhire ; it differs from the Houfe Sparrow in making its neft in trees and not in buildings ; it has not been feen further north than the above-mentioned counties. Buffon fays that it BRITISH BIRDS. I59 feeds on fruits, feeds, and infefls ; it is a lively, active little bird, and, when it alights, has a variety of motions, whirling about and jerking its tail up- wards and downwards, like the Wagtail. It is found in Italy, France, Germany, and Ruflia, and is much more plentiful in many parts of the con- tinent than in England. i6o BRITISH BIRDS. THE CHAFFINCH, SHILFA, SCOBBY, SKELLY, OR SHELL-APPLE. {^Fringilla Calebs^ lAn,-—Le Pingon^ BufF.) The bill is of a pale blue, tipped with black ; eyiss hazel ; the forehead black ; the crown of the head, hind part, and fides of the neck are of a blue- ilh afh colour ; fides of the head, throat, fore part of the neck, and breaft are of a vinaceous red j bel- ly, thighs, and vent white, flightly tinged with red; the back is of a reddifh brown, changing to green on the rump ; both greater and lefier coverts are tipped with white, forming two pretty large bars acrofs the wing ; the baflard wing and quill fea- thers are black, edged with yellow ; the tail, which is a little forked, is black, the outermoft feather edged with white ; the legs are brown. The fe- BRITISH BIRDS. l6l liiale wants the red upon the breafl ; her plumage in general is not fo vivid, and inclines to green ; in other refpedls it is not much unlike the male. This beautiful little bird is every where well known ; it begins its Ihort and frequently-repeated warble very early in the fpring, and continues till about the fummer folflice, after which it is no more heatd. It is a lively bird, and perpetually in mo- tion, and this circumftance has given rife to the proverb, " as gay as a Chaffinch. ^^ Its neft is confl:ru(5led with much art, of fmall fibres, roots, and niofs, and lined with wool, hair, and feathers ; the female lays generally five or fix eggs, of a pale reddilh colour, fprinkled with dark fpots, princi- pally at the larger end. The male is very affidu- ous in his attendance during the time of hatch- ing, feldom fi:raying far from the place, and then only to procure food. Chaffinches fubfifi: chiefly on fmall feeds of various kinds, they likewife eat caterpillars and infefts, with which they alfo feed their young. They are feldom kept in cages, as their fong polTefles no variety, and they are not very apt in learning the notes of other birds. The males frequently maintain obfl:inate combats, and fight till one of them is vanquifhed and compelled to give way. In Sweden thele birds perform a partial migration ; the females colle6: in vaft flocks the latter end of September, and, leaving their mates, fpread themfelves through various parts of M l62 BRITISH BIRDS. Europe : The males continue in Sweden, and are again joined by their females, who return in great numbers, about the beginning of April, to their wonted haunts. With us, both males and females continue the whole year. Mr White, in his Hif-^ tory of Selborne, obferves, that great flocks fome- times appear in that neighbourhood about Chrift- mas, and that they are almoft entirely hens. It is difficult to account for fo fmgular a circumftance as the parting of the two fexes in this inftance j we would fuppofe that the males, being more hardy and better able to endure the rigours of the nor- thern winters, are content to remain in the coun- try, and pick up fuch fare as they can find, whilft the females feek for fubfiilence in more temperate regions. BRITISH BIRDS. 163 THE MOUNTAIN FINCH. BRAMBLING. {Fringilla Montifringillay Lin. — Le Pinpn d* Ardennes y BufF.) Length fomewhat above fix inches : Bill yel- low, blackilh at the tip ; eyes hazel ; the feathers on the head, neck, and back are black, edged with rufly brown ; fides of the neck, juft above the wings, blue aih ; rump white ; the throat, fore part of the neck, and bread are of a pale orange ; belly white ; leffer wing coverts pale reddifh brown, ed- ged with white ; greater coverts black tipped with pale yellow ; quills dulky, with pale yellowilh ed- ges ; the tail is forked, the outermofl feathers ed- ged with white, the reft black, with whitilh edges ; legs pale brown. M2 1(54 ERITISFI BIRDS. The Mountain Finch is a native of northern cli- mates, from whence it fpreads into various parts of Europe : It arrives in this country the latter end of fummer, and is more frequent in the mountainous parts of our ifland.* Great flocks of them fome- times come together, they fly very clofe, and on that account great numbers of them are frequently killed at one fhot. In France they are faid to ap- pear fometimes in fuch immenfe numbers, that the ground where they roofted has been covered with their dung for a confiderable fpace j and in one year they were fo numerous, that more than fix hundred dozen were killed each night during the greateft part of the winter.f They are faid to build their nefis ill fir trees, at a confiderable height } it is- compofed of long mofs, and lined with hair, wool, and feathers ; the female lays four or five eggs, white, fpotted with yellow. The flelh of the Mountain Finch, though bitter^ is faid to be good to eat, and better than that of the Chaffinch, but its fong is much inferior, and is only a difagreeable kind of chirping. It feeds on feeds of various Mnds, and is faid to be particularly fond of beech maft. * We have feen them on the Cumberland hills In the middle of Auguft. f Buffon. BRITISH BIRDS. i6s THE GOLDFINCH. GOLDSPINK, OR THISTLE-FINCH. (FrwgiUa Carduelisy Lin. — Le Chardonnerety BufF.) The bill Is white, tipped with black ; the fore- head and chin, are of a rich fcarlet colour, which is divided by a line pafiing from each corner of the bill to the eyes, which are black ; the cheeks are white ; top of the head black, which extends down- ward on each fide, dividing the white on the cheeks, from the white fpot on the hind part of the head; the back, rump, and breaft are of a pale brown colour ; belly white ; greater wing coverts black ; quills black, marked in the middle of each feather with yellow, forming, when the wing is clofed, a large patch of that colour on the wing ; the tips white ; the tail feathers are black, with a M3 l66 BRITISH BIRDS. white fpot on each near the end; the legs are of a pale flefh colour. Beauty of plumage, fays the lively Count de Buffon, melody of fong, fagacity, and docility of difpofition, feem all united in this charming little bird, which, were it rare, and imported from a fo- reign country, would be more highly valued. Gold- finches begin to fmg early in the fpring, and con- tinue till the time of breeding is over ; when kept in a cage they will fmg the greatefl part of the year. In a ftate of confinement they are much at- tached to their keepers, and will learn a variety of little tricks, fuch as to draw up fmall buckets con- taining their water and food, to fire a cracker, and fuch like. They conltru£l a very neat and com- paQ: neft, which is compofed of mofs, dried grafs, and roots, lined with wool, hair, and the down of thiflles, and other foft and delicate fubftances. The female lays five white eggs, marked with fpots of a deep purple colour at the larger end : They feed their young with caterpillars and infers ; tl^ie old birds feed on various kinds of feeds, particu- larly the thiflle, of which they are extremely fond. —Goldfinches breed with the Canary ; this inter- mixture fucceeds beft between the cock Goldfinch and the hen Canary, whofe offspring are produc- tive, and are faid to refemble the male in the fhape of the bill, in the colours of the head and wings, and the hen in the refl of the body. BRITISH BIRDS. 167 THE SISKIN. ABERDEVINE. {^Fringllla Spitius, Lin. — Le TarWf BuiF.) Length near five inches : Bill white ; eyes black ; top of the head and throat black ; over each eye there is a pale yellow ftreak; back of the neck and back yellowifh olive, faintly mar- ked with dulliy ftreaks down the middle of each feather ; rump yellow ; mider parts greenilh yel- low, paleft on the breall ; thighs grey, marked with dulky ftreaks ; greater wing coverts of a pale yellowifh green, and tipped with black ; quills duf- ky, faintly edged with yellow — the outer web of each at the bafe is of a fine pale yellow, forming, when the wing is clofed, an irregular bar of that colour acrofs the wing ; the tail is forked, the mid- M4 lOiJ BRITISH BIRDS. die feathers black, with faint edges, the outer ones yellow, with black tips ; the legs pale brown ; claws white. We have given the figure and defcription from one which we have kept many years in a cage j its fong, though not fo loud as the Canary, is pleafmg and fweetly various ; it imitates the notes of other birds, even to the chirping of the Sparrow : It is fa- miliar, docile, and chearful, and begins its fong ear- ly in the mornings. Like the Goldfinch, it may ea- fily be taught to draw up its little bucket with wa- ter and food. Its food confifl:s chiefly of feeds ; it drinks frequently, and feems fond of throwing wa- ter over its feathers. It breeds freely with the Ca- nary, When a Siil^in is paired with the hen Ca- nary, he is affiduous in his attention to his mate, carrying materials for the neil, and arranging them ; and, during the time of incubation, regularly fup- plying the female with food. Thefe birds are com- mon in various parts of Europe ; they are in moll places migratory, but do not feem to obferve any- regular periods, as they are fometimes feen in large and at other times in very fmall numbers. Buf- fon obferves that thofe immenfe flights happen on- ly once in the courfe of three or four years. It conceals its neft with fo much art, that it is ex- tremely difficult to difcover it. Kramer obferves, that in the forefts bordering on the Danube thou- fands of young Silkins are frequently found, which have not dropt their firft feathers, and yet it BRITISH BIRDS. 169 is rare to meet with a neft. It is not known to breed in this ifland, nor is it faid from whence they come over to us. Ours was caught upon the banks of the Tyne. In fome parts of the South it is called the Barley-bird, being feen about that feed time ; and in the neighbourhood of London it is known by the name of the Aberdevine. CANARY FINCH. {Fringil/a Canariay Lin. — Le Serin des Canaries ^ BufF.) Is fomewhat larger than the laft, being about five inches and a half in length : The bill is of a pale ^t^i\ colour ; general colour of the plumage yel- low, more or lefs mixed with grey, and in fome with brown on the upper parts ; the tail is fome- what forked ; legs pale flelh colour. In a wild Hate they are found chiefly in the Ca- nar}'- illands, from whence they have been brought to this countiy, and almoil every part of Europe ; they are. kept in a flate of captivity, and partake of all the varieties attendant on that Hate. Buf- fon enumerates twenty-nine varieties, and many more might probably be added to the lift, were all the changes incident to a ftate of domefticatioa carefully noted and brought into the account. — The breeding and rearing of thefe charming birds forms an amufement of the moft pleafmg kind, and 170 BRITISH BIRDS. affords a variety of fcenes highly interefling and gratifying to innocent minds. In the places fitted up and accommodated to the ufe of the little cap- tives, we are delighted to fee the workings of na- ture exemplified in the choice of their mates, buil- ding their nefls, hatching and rearing their young, and in the impaffionate ardour exhibited by the male, whether he is engaged in aflifting his faithful mate in colleding materials for her neft, in arran- ging them for her accommodation, in providing food for her offspring, or in chaunting his lively and amorous fongs during every part of the impor- tant bufinefs. The Canary will breed freely with the Silkin and Goldfinch, particularly the former, as we have already obfervedi it likewife proves prolific with the Linnet, but not fo readily ; and admits alfo the Chaffinch, Yellow Bunting, and e- ven the Sparrow, though with Hill more difficulty. In all thefe inflances, except the firfl:, the pairing fucceeds bell when the female Canary is introdu- ced to the male of the oppofite fpecies. According to Buffon, the Sifl?:in is the only bird of which the male and female propagate equally with thofe of the male or female Canaries. The lafl-mentioned author, in his Hiftory of Birds, has given a curious account of the various methods ufed in rearing thefe birds, to which we muft refer our readers. We have thought it ne- celTary to fay thus much of a bird, which, though neither of Britilh origin, nor yet a voluntary vifi- BRITISH BIRDS. I7I tor, muft yet be confidered as ours by adoption.* There are two kinds mentioned by BufFon, fimilar to the Canary, both of them fmaller ; the former is ca:lled the Serin, the latter the Venturon, or Ci- tril ; they are both found in Italy, Greece, Tur- key, and in the fouthern provinces of France ; they breed with the Canary, and are almoft as remark- able for the fweetnefs of their fong. THE LINNET. GREY LINNET. {^FringUla Lhiarlay Lin. — La Linotte, BufF.) Length about five inches and a half: The bill blueifh grey ; eyes hazel ; the upper parts of the head, neck, and back, are of a dark reddifh brown, the edges of the feathers pale ; the under parts are of a dirty reddifh white ; the breafl is deeper than the reft, and in fpring becomes of a very beautiful crimfon ; the fides are fpotted with brown ; the quills are dufky, edged with white ; the tail brown, likewife with white edges, except the two middle * The importation of Canaries forms a fmall article of com- merce ; great numbers are every year imported from Tyrol : Four Tyrolefe ufually bring over to England about fixteen hundred of thefe birds ; and though they carry them on their backs one thoufand miles, and pay twenty pounds for fuch a number, they are enabled to fell them at five (hillings a piece.— ^ Phil. Tranf. vol. 62. 172 BRITISH BIRDS. feathers, which have reddifli margins ; it is fome- what forked j tlie legs are brown : The female wants the red on the breaft, inftead of which it is marked with llreaks of brown ; Ihe has lefs white on her wings, and her colours in general are lefg bright. This bird is very well known, being common in every part of Europe : it builds its nefl: in low bulhes ; the outfide is made up of dried grafs, roots, and mofs ; within it is lined with hair and wool : The female lays four or five eggs, of a pale blue colour, fpotted with brown at the larger end. She breeds generally twice in the year. The fong of the Linnet is beautiful and fweetly varied ; its manners are gentle, and its difpofition docile ; it eafily adopts the fongs of other birds, when con- fined with them, and in fome inftances has been faid to pronounce words with great diftindlnefs. This we confider as a perverfion of its talents, and fubftituting imperfedt and forced accents, which have neither charms nor beauty, in the room of the free and varied modulations of uninftru6:ed na- ture. Linnets are frequently found in flocks ; du- ring winter, they feed on various forts of feeds, and are faid to be particularly fond of lintfeed, from whence they derive their name. BRITISH BIRDS. 173 THE GREATER REDPOLE. {Fringilla Cannabinoy Lin. — Le grande Linotte de Fig. nesy Buff.) This bird is fomewhat lefs than the laft, and differs principally from the Linnet in being mark- ed on the forehead by a blood-coloured fpot ; the breaft likewife is tinged witli a fine rofe colour ; in other refpeds it refembles the Linnet fo much, that Buffon fuppofes them to be the fame, and that the red fpots on the head and breafl are equivocal marks, differing at different periods, appearing at one time and difappearing at another, in the fame bird. It is certain that, during a ftate of capti- vity, the red marks difappear entirely ; and that, in the time of moulting, they are nearly obliter- ated, and for fome time do not recover their ufual luflre. But hower plaufible this may appear, it is not well founded. The Redpole is fmaller than the Linnet ; it makes its nefl on the ground, v/hile the latter builds in furze and thorn hedges : They differ likewife in the colour of their eggs — that of the Redpole being of a very pale green, with rufly coloured fpots : The head of the female is afli-co- loured, fpotted with black, and of a dull yellow on the breafl and fides, which are ftreaked with dufky lines. — Redpoles are common in the northern parts of England, where they breed chiefly in mountain- ous places. 174 BRITISH BIRDS. LESSER REDPOLE, {Frlngilla JLinariay Lin. — Le Sizeririy BufF.) Length about five inches : Bill pale brown, point dufky j eyes hazel ; the forehead is marked with a pretty large fpot, of a deep purplifh red; the breall is of the fame colour, but lefs bright ; the feathers on the back are dufky, edged with pale brown ; the greater and leffer coverts tipped with dirty white, forming two light bars acrofs the wing ; the belly and thighs are of a dull white ; the quills and tail duflcy, edged with dirty white ; the latter fomewhat forked ; legs dulky. In our bird the rump was fomewhat reddifh, in which it agrees with the Twite of Mr Pennant, and moll probably conftitutes one fpecies with it and the Mountain Linnet, the differences being immaterial, and merely BRITISH BIRDS* I75 fuch as might arife from age, food, or other acci- dental circumflances. The female has no red on the breaft or rump, and the fpot on her forehead is of a faiFron colour j her plumage in general is not fo bright as that of the male. Birds of this kind are not unfrequent in this if- land ; they breed chiefly in the northern parts, where they are known by the name of French Linnets. They make a Ihallow open neft, compofed of dried grafs and wool, and lined with hair and feathers : The female lays four eggs, almoft white, marked with reddifli fpots. In the winter they mix with other birds, and migrate in flocks to the fouthern counties : They feed on fmall feeds of various kinds, efpecially thofe of the alder, of which they are extremely fond ; they hang, like the Titmoufe, with their back downwards, upon the branches while feeding, and in this fituation may eafily be caught with lime twigs. This fpecies is found in every part of Europe, from Italy to the mofl ex- treme parts of the Ruffian empire. In America and the northern parts of Afia it is likewife very common. 176' BRITISH BIRDS. OF THE LARK. Amongst the various kinds of fingirig birds with which this country abounds, there is none more eminently confpicuous than thofe of the Lark kind. Inftead of retiring to woods and deep re- ceffes, or lurking in thickets, v/here it may be heard without being feen, the Lark is feen abroad in the fields ; it is the only bird which chaunts on the wing, and as it , foars beyond the reach of our fight, pours forth the moil melodious ftrains, which may be diftinftly heard at that amazing diftance. < — ^The great poet of nature thus beautifully de- fcribes it as the leader of the general chorus : — — — — — — .— — «« Up fprings the Lark, ** Shrill-voiced and loud, the meflenger of morn ; « *Ere yet the fhadows fly, he mounted fings ** Amid the dawning clouds, and from their haunts ** Calls up the tuneful nations." From the peculiar con{lru(Stion of the hind claws, which are very long and ftraight, Larks generally reft upon the ground ; thofe which frequent trees perch only on the larger branches : They all build their nefts upon the ground, which expofes them to the depredations of the fmaller voracious kinds of animals, fuch as the Weazel, Stoat, &c. which deftroy great numbers of them. The Cuckoo likewife, which makes no neft of its own, frequent- ly fubftitutes its eggs in the place of theirs.— The BRITISH BIRDS. 177 general characters of this fpecies are thus defcrl- bed : — The bill is ftraight and llender, bending a little towards the eiid, which is fliarp-pointed ; the iioflrils are covered with feathers and briftles j the tongue is cloven at the end; tail fomewhat fork- ed; the toes divided to the origin — claw of the hind toe very long, and almofl llraight; the fore claws very Ihort, and llightly curved. N 178 BRITISH BIRDS'i THE SKYLARK. LAVROCK. (Alauda arvenJtSf Ltn. — UAlouettey Buff.) Leng-th near feven inches : Bill dulky, under mandible fomewhat yellow ; eyes hazel ; over each eye there is a pale flreak, which extends to the bill, and round the eye on the under fide ; on the upper parts of the body the feathers are of a reddiih brown colour, dark in the middle, with pale edges ; the fore part of the neck is of a reddiih white, dalh- ed with brown; breaft, belly, and thighs white; the quills brown, with pale edges ; tail the fame, and fomewhat forked, the two middle feathers dark- eft, the outermoft white on the outer edge ; the legs dulky. In fome of our fpecimens the feathers on the top of the head were long, and formed a fort BRITISH BIRDS. I79 SDf creft behind. The Lefler Creiled Lark of Pen- nant and Latham is perhaps only a variety of this ; the difference being trifling. It is faid to be found in Yorkftiire. The Lark commences its fong early in the fpring, and is heard moft in the morning : It rifes in the air almoft perpendicularly and by fucceflive fprings, and hovers at a vaft height ; its defcent, on the contrary, is in an oblique direction, unlefs it is threatened by birds of prey, or attracted by its mate, and on thefe occafions it drops like a ilone. It makes its neft on the ground, between two clods of earth, and lines it with dried grafs and roots ; the female lays four or five eggs, of a greyifli brown colour, marked with darker fpots ; fhe generally has two broods in the year, and fits only about fif- teen days ; as foon as the young have efcaped from the ihell, the attachment of the parent bird feems to increafe ; fhe flutters over their heads, directs all their motions, and is ever ready to fcreen them from danger. The Lark is almoil univerfally dif- fufed throughout Europe ; it is every where ex- tremely prolific, and in fome places the prodigious numbers that are frequently caught are truly afto- nifiiing. In Germany there is an excife upon them, which has produced, according to Keyfler, the Rim of 6000 dollars yearly to the city of Leipfic alone. Mr Pennant fays, the neighbourhood of Dunftable is famous for the great numbers of thefe birds found N2 l8o BRITISH BIRDS, there, and that 4000 dozen have been taken be- tween September and February for the Londom markets. Yet, notwithflanding the great havock made amongft thefe birds, they are extremely nu- merous. The winter is the bell feafon for taking them, as they are then very fat, being almoft con- llantly on the ground, feeding in great flocks ; whereas in fummer they are very lean ; they then always go in pairs, eat fparingly, and fmg incef- fantly while on the wing^ THE FIELD LARK. {Alauda campejlrisy Lin.— Z« Splpoletiey BufF.) This exceeds the Titlark in fize, being about fix inches long : Its bill is flender ; the plumage on the head, neck, and back is of a dark greenifli brown, ftreaked with black, palefl on the rump; above each eye is a pale ftreak: quill feathers dulky brown, with pale edges ; the fcapulars faint- ly bordered with white ; the throat and under parts^ of the body are of a dirty white j the breaft is yel- lowifh, and marked with large black fpots ; the fides and thighs ftreaked with black ; the tail duf- Icy, two outer feathers white, excepting a fmall part of the inner web, the two next tipped with white ; the legs are of a yellow ilh brown ; th© hind claws fomewhat curved. BRITISH BIRDS. l8l Though much larger than the Titlark, this bird is fimilar to it in plumage; its fong is however totally different, as are alio its haunts, being found chiefly near woods, and not unfrequently on trees ; it builds its neft like the laft, and in fimilar fitua- tions, on the ground, and fometimes in a low bufh near the ground. The male is fcarcely to be dif- tinguifhed from the female in its outward appear- ance. We have occafionally met with another bird of the Lark kind, which we have ventured to denominate the Tree Lark ; it frequents woods, and fits on the higheft branches of trees, from whence it rifes finging to a confiderable height, de- fcending flowly, with its wings and tail fpread out like a fan. Its note is full, clear, melodious, and peculiar to its kind. THE GRASHOPPER LARK. {Alauda trivialisj Lin. — L'AIo«ette Pipi, Buff.) This is the fmalleft of the Lark kind, and has, though we think not with fufficient reafon, been ranl<.ed among the warblers : Its bill is ilender and dulky ; the upper parts of the body are of a green- ifh colour, variegated and mixed with brown ; the under of a yellowiih white, fpeckled irregularly on the bread and neck ; the feathers of the wings and tail are of a palilh dulky brown, with light edges ; N3 l82 BRITISH BIRDS. the legs pale dufky brown ; its hind claws, though fliorter and more crooked than thofe of the Sky- lark, fufEciently mark its kind : It builds its neft on the ground, in folitary fpots, and conceals it be- neath a turf; the female lays five eggs, marked with brown near the larger end. In the ipring the cock-bird fometimes perches on a tall branch, fmging with much emotion : At intervals he rifes to a confiderable height, hovers a few feconds, and drops almoft on the fame fpot, continuing to fmg all the time ; his tones are foft, clear, and harmonious. In the winter its cry is faid to refemble that of the grafhopper, but is ra- ther ilronger and Ihriller : It has been called the Pipit Lark from its fmall ftirill cry, and in German Piep-lerche for the fame reafon. Mr White ob- ferves, that its note feems clofe to a perfon, though at an hundred yards diftance ; and when clofe to the ear, feems fcarce louder than when a great way off: It fliulks in hedges and thick bulhes, and runs like a moufe through the bottom of the thorns, e- vading the fight. Sometimes, early in a morning, when undifturbed, it fmgs on the top of a twig, ga-» ping and Ihivering with its wings. BRITISH BIRDS. 183 THE WOODLARK. {Alauda arboreoy Lin. — UAlouette de boisy BufF.) This is fomewhat fmaller than the Field Lark, but refembles it fo much in the colours of its plu- mage as fcarcely to need a feparate defcription ; in general they are much paler and lefs diflin£t ; the itreak over each eye extends backwards towards the head, fo as to form a fort of wreath or coronet round it, which is very confpicuous ; the fpots on its breaft are larger and more diftinQ: than thofe of the Skylark, and its tail much Ihorter ; the legs are of a dull yellow ; the hind claw very long, and fomewhat curved. The Woodlark is generally found near the N4 184 BRITISH BIRDS. borders of woods, from whence it derives its name ; it perches on trees, and fmgs during the night, fo as fometimes to be miftaken for the Nightingale ; it likewife fmgs as it flids, and builds its neft on the ground, fimilar to that of the Skylark ; the female lays five eggs, of a dulky hue, marked with brown fpots : It builds very ear- ly, the young, in fome feafons, being able to fly about the latter end of March: She makes two nefts in the year, like the Skylark, but is not near fo numerous as that bird. In autumn the Wood" Jarks are fat, and ^re then efleemed excellent eating. BRITISH BIRDS. J 85 THE TITLARK. {Alauda pratenfis^ Lin. — La Farhufe ou UAlomtte^ de prezy BufF. ) This bird is lefs than the Woodlark, being not more than five inches and a half in length ; Its bill is black at the tip, and of a yellowifli brown at the bafe ; its eyes are hazel ; over each eye is a pale llreak ; the difpofition of its colours is very fimilar to thofe of the Skylark, but fomewhat dark- er on the upper parts, and inclining to a greenifh brown ; the breaft is beautifully fpotted with black on a light yellowifli ground ; the belly light alh colour, obfcurely flreaked on the fides with dufky ; the tail is almoft black, the two outer feathers white on the exterior edges, the outermoil but one tipped with a white fpot on the end ; the legs are yellowifh ; feet and claws brown : The female 1%S BRITISH BIRDS. differs only in its plumage being lefs bright thaii that of the male. The Titlark is common in this country; and, though it fometimes perches on trees, is gene- rally found in meadows and low marfhy grounds : —It makes its nefl on the ground, lining it with hair ; the female lays five or fix eggs, of a deep brown colour ; the young are hatched about the beginning of June. During the time of incuba- tion the male fits on a neighbouring tree, rifing at times and finging. The Titlark is fluihed with the leaft noife, and fhoots with a rapid flight. Its note is fine, but Ihort, and without much va- riety ; it warbles in the air like the Skylark, and increafes its fong as it defcends flowly to the branch on which it chufes to perch. It is further difl:inguiflied by the fliake of its tail, particularly whilll it eats. SalTIsa EIR-DSf 187 OF THE WAGTAIL. The different fpecies of this kind are few, and thefe are chiefly confined to the continent of Eu- rope, where they are very numerous. They are eafily diftinguiflied by their brifk and lively mo- tions, as well as by the great length of their tails, which they jerk up and down incelTantly — from whence they derive their name.* They do not hop, but run along the ground very nimbly, after flies and other infefts, on which they feed : They iikewife feed on fmall worms, in fearch of which they are frequently feen to flutter round the huf- bandman whilft at his plough, and follow the flocks in fearch of the flies which generally furround them. They frequent the fides of pools, and pick up the infefts which fwarm on the furface. They feldom perch ; their flight is weak and undulating, smd during which they make a twittering noife, * In almoft all languages the name of this bird Is defcrlptive of its peculiar habits. In Latin, Motacllla ; in French, Mot- teux, La Lavandiere, or Wafher ; In England, they are feme- times called Wafhers, from their peculiar motion j in Gerraan^^ ^rook-Hilts ; In Italian, Shake-tail, 5cc. &c. BRITISH BIRDS. THE PIED WAGTAIL. BLACK AND WHITE WATER- WAGTAIL. (Motaci//a Alboy Lin. — La Lavandiere, BufF.) The length of this bird is about feven inches % The bill is black ; eyes hazel ; hind part of the head and neck black ; the forehead, cheeks, and fides of the neck are white ; the fore part of the neck and part of the bread are black, bordered by a line of white, in the form of a gorget ; the back and rump are of a deep afh colour ; wing coverts and fecon- dary quills dufky, edged with light grey ; prime quills black, with pale edges ; lower part of the breaft and belly white ; the middle feathers of the tail are black, the outermoft white, except at the bafe and tips of the inner webs, which are black ; legs black. There are flight variations in thefe birds ; fome are white on the chin and throat, leav- ing only a crefcent of black on the breaft. The head of the female is brown. BRITISH BIRDS. 1 g^ This is a very common bird with us, and may be feen every where, running on the ground, and frequently leaping after flies and other infeflis, on which it feeds. Its ufual haunts are the ftiallow margins of waters, into which it will fometiraes wade a little in fearch of its food. It makes its neft on the ground, of dry grafs, mofs, and fmall roots, lined with hair and feathers; the female lays five white eggs, fpotted with brown. The parent birds are very attentive to their young, and conti- nue to feed and train them for three or four weeks after they are able to fly ; they will defend them with great courage when in danger, or endeavour to draw afide the enemy by various , little arts. They are very attentive to the cleanlinefs of the neft, and will throw out the excrement ; they have been known to remove light fubftances, fuch as paper or ftraw, which has been laid as a mark for the neft. It is laid by fome authors to migrate into other climates about the end of Oftober ; with us it is known to change its quarters as the winter approaches, from north to fouth. Its note is fmall and infignificant, but frequently repeated, efpecially while on the wing. 190 BRITISH BIRDS* THE GREY WAGTAIL. {Motacilla Boarula^ Lin. — La Bergeronette jaimey BufK) This bird is fomewhat larger than the laft, ow- ing to the great length of its tail : Its bill is dark brown ; over each eye there is a pale ftreak ; the head, neck, and back are of a greyifh afti colour ; the throat and chin are black ; the rump and all the under parts of the body are of a bright yellow ; wing coverts and quills dark brown, the former with pale edges ; the fecondaries, which are almoft as long as the greater quills, are white at the bafe, and tipped with yellow on the outer edges ; the middle feathers of the tail are black, the outer ones white ; legs yellowifh brown. This elegant little bird frequents the fame pla- BRITISH BIRDS. 19 s CJes as the laft ; its food is likewife fimilar to it It remains wiih us during winter frequenting the neighbourhood of fprings and running vvaters : The female builds her neft on the ground, and fometimes in the banks of rivulets ; it is compofed of nearly the fame materials as the lafl ; fhe lays from fix to eight eggs, of a dirty v/hite, marked with yellow fpots : She differs from the male in having no black on the throat. THE YELLOW WAGTAIL. {^Motacilla Flava^ Lin. — La Bcrgeronette de prititems. Buff.) Length fix inches and a half: Pill black; eyes hazel ; the head and all the upper parts of the bo- dy are of an olive green, palell on the rump ; the 19^ British birds. tinder' parts are of a bright yellow, dafhed with sl few dark Ipots on the breaft and belly j over each eye there is a pale yellow ftreak, and beneath a dufky line, curving upwards towards the hind part of the head ; wing coverts edged with pale yellow 5 quills dulky ; tail black, except the outer feathers, which are white 5 the legs are black ; hind claws very long. BufFon obferves that this bird is feen very early in the fpring, in the meadows and fields, amongft the green corn, where it frequently nellies ; it haunts the fides of brooks and fprings which never freeze with us during winter. The female lays five eggs, of a pale lead colour, with dulky fpots irregularly difpofed. r^- BRITISH BIRDS. I93 OF THE FLTCATCHERS, Of tliofe birds which conftitute this clafs we only find two kinds which inhabit this illand, and thefe are not the moil numerous of the various tribes with which this country abounds. The ufe- ful in{lin<5ls and propenfities of this little adlivc race are chiefly confined to countries under the more immediate influence of the fun, where they are of infinite ufe in deftroying thofe numerous fwarms of noxious infefts engendered by heat and moifture, which are continually upon the wing. Thefe, though weak and contemptible when indi- vidually confidered, are formidable by their num- bers, devouring the whole produce of vegetation, and carrying in their train the accumulated ills of peflilence and famine. Thus, to ufe the words of an eminent Naturalifi:,* " we fee, that all nature is balanced, and the circle of generation and deftruc- tion is perpetual ! The philofopher contemplates with melancholy this feemingly cruel fyftem, and llrives in vain to reconcile it with his ideas of be- nevolence ; but he is forcibly ftruck with the nice adjufl:ment of the various parts, their mutual con- nection and fubordination, and the unity of plan which pervades the whole." * BufFon. o 194 BRITISH BIRD'S. The charaders of this genus with us are fonie- what equivocal and not well afcertained, neither do we know of any common name in our lan- guage by which it is diftinguiftied. Mr Pennant defcribes it thus : " Bill flatted at the bafe, almoft triangular, notched at the end of the upper mandi- ble, and befet with bridles at its bafe." We have placed the Flycatcher here, as introduftory to the numerous clafs which follows, to which they are nearly related, both in refpeft to form, habits, and modes of living : The affinity between them is fo great, as to occafion fome confufion in the arrange- ment of fever al of the individuals of each kind, foF which reafon we have placed them together. iW=»Sf- BRITISH BIRDS. 195 THE PIED FLYCATCHER. GOLDFINCH. {^Mufcicapa Atricaplllay Lin. — Le traquet d'Atigleterrey BufF.) Length near five inches : Bill black ; eyes ha- zel ; the forehead is white ; the top of the head, back, and tail are black ; the rump is dafhed with alh colour ; the wing coverts are dufl^y, the great- er coverts are tipped with white ; the exterior fides of the fecondaiy quills are white, as are alfo the outer feathers of the tail ; all the under parts, from the bill to the tail, are white ; the legs are black : The female is brown where the male is black ; it likewife wants the white fpot on the fore- head. This bird is no where common ; it is in moft plenty in Yorkfhire, Lancafliire, and Derby- ihire. Since the cut, which was done from a Iluf- O2 196 BRITISH BIRDS. fed fpecimen, was finillied, we have been favoured^ with a pair of thefe birds, lliot at Benton, in Nor- thumberland : We fuppofe them to be male and female, as one of them wanted the white fpot on' the forehead ; in other refpeiSls it was fimilar to the male : The upper parts in both were black, obfcurely mixed with brown ; the quill feathers dark reddilh brown ; tail dark brown, the exterior edge of the outer feather white ; legs blacky SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. BEAM-BIRD. {Mufcicapa Grifola, lAn.'—Le Gobe-mouc^et BufF.) Length near five inches and three quarters : Bill dulky, bafe of it whitifh, and befet with fliort briftles ; infide of the mouth yellow j the head and back light brown, obfcurely fpotted with black; the wings dufl^y, edged with white ; the breaft and belly white ; the throat and fides under the wings tinged with red ; the tail dulky ; legs black. Mr White obferves, that the Flycatcher, of all our fummer birds, is the moll mute and the moll familiar. It vifits this ifland in the fpring, and dif- appears in September ; it builds in a vine or fweet- briar, againll the wall of a houfe, or on the end of a beam, and fometimes clofe to the poll of a door where people are going in and out all day long; it returns to the fame place year after year : Thfe BRITISH BIRDS. i^y female lays four or five eggs, marked with fmall ruily fpots j the neft is carelefsly made, and confifts chiefly of mofs, frequently mixed with wool and flrong fibres, fo large, fays BufTon, that it appears furprizing how fo fmall an artificer could make ufe of fuch flubborn materials. This bird feeds on infefts, which it catches on the wing ; it fome- times watches for its prey, fitting on a branch or pofl;, and, with a fudden fpring, takes it as it flies, and immediately returns to its ftation to wait for more ; it is likewife fond of cherries. Mr Lath- am fays, it is known in Kent by the name of the Cherry-fucker. It has no fong, but only a fort of inward wailing note, when it perceives any danger to itfelf or young : It breeds only once, and re- tires early. When its young are able to fly, it re- tires with them to the woods, where it fports with them among the higher branches, linking and rifmg often perpendicularly among the flies which hum ibelow. O3 19^ BRITISH BIRDS. OF THE WARBLERS. This very numerous clafs is compofed of a -great variety of kinds, differing in fize from the !Nightingale to the Wren, and not a little in theiir habits and manners. They are widely difperfed over moft parts of the known world ; fome of them remain with us during the whole year — others are migratory, and vifit us annually in great numbers, forming a very confiderable portion of thofe nu- merous tribes of fmging birds, with which this if- land fo plentifully abounds, ^Some of them are dillinguifhed by their manner of flying, which they perform by jerks, and in an undulating man., ner; others by the whirring motion of their wings. The head in general is fmall; the bill is weak and flender, and befet with briflles at the l^afe J the noftrils are fmall and fomewhat depref- fed ; and the outer toe is joined to the middle one |)y a fmall membrane. BRITISH BIRDS. 19,9 ^r i- ^\\>^ U''>_ THE NIGHTINGALE. {Motacllla lufciniOy Lin. — Le Rojfignolj BufF.) This bird, fo defervedly efteemed for the excel- lence of its fong, is not remarkable for the variety or richnefs of its colours ; it is fomevvhat more than fix inches in length : Its bill is brown, yel- low on the edges at the bafe ; eyes hazel ; the ivhole upper part of the body is of a rufty brown, tinged with olive ; the under parts pale afh co- lour, almoft white at the throat and vent ; the quills are brown, with reddilh margins ; legs pale brown. The male and female are very fimilar. Although the Nightingale is common in , this country, it never vifits the northern parts of our ifland, and is but feldom feen in the weltern coun- O4 200 BRITISH BIRDS, ties of Devonfliire and Cornwall : It leaves us fome time in the month of Auguft, and makes its regular return the beginning of April ; it is fup- pofed, during that interval, to vifit the diftant re- gions of Afia ; this is probable, as they do not win- ter in any part of France, Germany, Italy, Greece, &c. neither does it appear that they ftay in Africa, but are feen at all times in India, Perfia, China, and Japan ; in the latter place they are much e- Ileemed for their fong, and fell at great prices. They are fpread generally throughout Europe, e- ven as far north as Siberia and Sweden, where they are faid to fmg delightfully ; they, however, are partial to particular places, and avoid others which feem as likely to afford them the neceffary means of fupport. It is not improbable, however, that, by planting a colony in a well-chofen fitua- tion, thefe delightful fongfters might be induced to haunt places where they are not at prefe-nt feen ; the experiment might be eafily tried, and, Ihould it fucceed, the reward would be great in the rich and varied fong of this unrivalled bird. The fol- lowing animated defcription of it is taken from the ingenious author of the Hijioire des Oifeaux :— *' The leader of the vernal chorus begins with a " low and timid voice, and he prepares for the " hymn to nature by effaying his powers and at- *' tuning ,his organs ; by degrees the found opens ** and fwells, it burfts with loud and vivid flalhes, ♦' it flows with fmooth volubility, it faints and mur- BRITISH BIRDS. £01 " murs, it fliakes with rapid and violent articula- '' tions ; the foft breathings of love and joy are " poured from his inmoft foul, and every heart " beats unifon, and melts with delicious languor. *' But this continued richnefs might fatiate the ear. " The ftrains are at times relieved by paufes, *' which bellow dignity and elevation. The mild " filence of evenhig heightens the general eifecl, " and not a rival interrupts the folemn fcene." — Thefe birds begin to build about the end of April or the beginning of May ; they make their neft in the lower part of a thick bufli or hedge ; the fe- ?Tiale lays four or five eggs, of a greenilh brown colour ; the nefl is compofed of dry grafs and leaves, intermixed with fmall fibres, and lined with hair, down, and other foft and warm fubflances. The bufmefs of incubation is entirely performed by the female, whilft the cock, at no great dillance, entertains her with his delightful melody ; fo foon, however, as the young are hatched, he leaves off fniging, and joins her in the care of providing for the young brood, Thefe birds make a fecond hatch, and fometimes a third ; and in hot coun- tries they are fa id to have four. The Nightingale is a folitary bird, and never unites in flocks like many of the fmaller birds, but hides itfelf in the thickeft parts of the bufhes, and fmgs generally in the night : Its food confifts prin- cipally of infeds, fmall worms, eggs of ants, and fometimes berries of various kinds. Nightingales, BRITISH BIRDS. .though timorous and ihy, are eafily caught ; fnare§ of all forts are laid for them, and generally fuG- ceed ; they are likewife caught on lime twigs :— Young ones are fometimes brought up from the neft, and fed with great care till they are able to fing. It is with great difficulty that old birds are induced to fmg after being taken ; for a confider- able time they refufe to eat, but by great attention to their treatment, and avoiding every thing that might agitate them, they at length refume their fong, and continue it during the greatell part of the ^ear« IJRITI3H BIRP3. ^^■.\ r^ ig?- THE DARTFORD WARBLER. {^Le P'ltchou de Frovence, BufF.) This bird meafures above five inches in length, pf which the tail is about one half: Its bill is long and llender, and a little bent at the tip ; it is of a black colour, whitifh at the bafe ; its eyes are red- difh ; eye -lids deep crimfon ; all the upper parts are of a dark rully brown, tinged with dull yellow ; the breafl:, part of the belly, and thighs are of a deep red, inclining to ruft colour ; the middle of the belly is white ; the baftard wing is alfo white ; the tail is dufky, except the exterior web of the outer feather, which is white ; the legs are yellow. This feems to be a rare bird in this country, and owes its name, with us, to the accident of a pair of 'fhem having been feen near Dartford, in Kent, a £04 BRITISH BIRDS, few years ago ; they have fince been obferved m greater numbers, and are fuppofed fometimes to winter with us. Buffon fays they are natives of Provence, where they frequent gardens, and feed ,on flies and fraall infers. Our reprefentation was taken from a fluffed fpecimen in the Wycliffe Mu- feum,.now in the pofleffion of Geo. Allan, Efq. of i^e Grange, near Darlington. v\ » THE REDBREAST. ROBIN-REDBREAST, OR RUDDOCK. " i^Motacilla rifhecofa, Lin.— X^ Rouge-gorge^ Buff.) This general favorite is too well known to need a very minute defcription : Its bill is Hender and delicate ; its eyes are large, black, and expref- five, and its afpe£t mild; its head and all the upper parts of its body are brown, tinged with a greenifli BRITISH BIRDS. 20^ olive ; its neck and breafl are of a fine deep red- difli orange ; a fpot of the fame colour marks its forehead ; its belly and vent are of a dull white ; its legs are dufky. During the fummer the Redbreaft is rarely to be feen ; it retires to woods and thickets, where, with its mate, it prepares for the accommodation of its future family. Its nefl is placed near the ground, by the roots of trees, in the mod conceal- ed fpot, and fometimes in old buildings ; it is con- {lru6led of mofs, intermixed with hair and dried leaves, and lined with feathers : In order more effe£lually to conceal it, the bird covers its neft with leaves, leaving only a narrow winding en- trance under the heap. The female lays from five to nine eggs, of a dull white, marked with reddifh fpots. During the time of incubation, the cock fits at no great diftance, and makes the woods refound with his delightful warble ; he keenly chafes all the birds of his own fpecies, and drives them from his little fettlement ; for, as faith- ful as they are amorous, it has never been obfer- ved that two pairs of thefe birds were ever lodged in the fame bufh.* The Redbreaft prefers the thick fhade, where there is water ; it feeds on in- fects and worms ; its delicacy in preparing the lat- ter is fomewhat remarkable : — It takes it by one end, in its beak, and beats it on the ground till the * Unum arbuftum non alit duos erithacos. ioS EklTISH BIRDS. inward part comes away ; then, taking it by the other in like manner, cleanfes it from all its im- purities, eating only the outward part or Ikin. — Although the Redbreaft never quits this ifland, it performs a partial migration. As foon as the bu- fmefs of incubation is over, and the young are fuf- iiciently grown to provide for themfelves, it leaves its retirement, and again draws near the habitations of mankind : Its well-known familiarity has at- tracted the attention and fecured the protection of men in all ages ; it haunts the dwellings of the cot- tager, and partakes of his humble fare ; when the cold grows fevere, and fnow covers the ground, it approaches the houfe, taps at the window with its bill, as if to entreat an afylum, which is always chearfully granted, and, with a fmiplicity the moft delightful, hops round the houfe, picks up crumbs, and feems to make himfelf one of the family. — Thomfon has very beautifully defcribed the an- nual vifits of this little gueft in the following lines : The Redbreaft, facred to the houfehold gods, Wifely regardful of th' embroiling flcy. In joylefs fields and thorny thickets leaves His ftiivering mates, and pays to trufted mau His annual vifit. Half afraid, he firft Againft the window beats ; then brifli alights On the warm hearth ; then, hopping o'er the floor, Eyes all the fmiling family aflcance, And pecks, and ftarts, and wonders where he is ; Till, more familiar grown, the table crumbs AttraQ: his {lender feet. BRITISH BIRDS. 20/ The young Redbreaft, when full feathered, may be taken for a different bird, being fpotted all over with ruft- coloured fpots on a light ground : The lirft appearance of the red is about the end of Au- gufl, but it does not arrive at its full colour till the end of the following month. Redbreafts are never feen in flocks, but always fmgly; and, when all other birds aflbciate together, they ftill retain their folitary habits. Buffon fays, that as foon as the young birds have attained their full plumage, they prepare for their departure ; but in thus changing their fituation, they do not gather m flocks, but per- form their journey fmgly, one after another ; which is a fmgular circumilance in the hiftory of this bird. Its general familiarity has occafioned it to be dif- tinguifhed by a peculiar name in many countries : About Bornholm it is called Tomi Liden ; in Norway, Peter Ronfmad ; in Germany it is called Thomas Gierdet; and with us, Robin-Redbreafl, or Ruddock, 208 BRITISH BIRDS. THE REDSTART. RED-TAIL. {Motacllla Phoenicurus, Lin. — Le Rc/Jlgml de mura'ilk^ BufF.) Tins bird meafures rather more than five inches in length : Its bill and eyes are black ; its forehead is white ; cheeks, throat, fore part and fides of the neck black, which colour extends over ea<:h eye ; the crown of its head, hind part of its neck, and back are of a deep blue grey ; in fome fubjefts, probably old ones, this grey is almoft black ; its breaft, rump, and fides are of a fine glowing red, inclining to orange colour, which extends to all the feathers of the tail, except the two middle ones, which are brown ; the belly is white ; feet and claws black. The female differs confiderably from the male ; the top of the head and back are of a grey afli colour ; the chin is white, and its colour not fo vivid. BRITISH BIRDS. !209 The Redftart is migratory ; it appears about the middle of April, and departs the latter end of Sep- tember, or beginning of October ; it frequents old walls and ruinous edifices, where it makes its neft, compofed chiefly of mofs, lined with hair and fea- thers : It is diftinguilhed by a peculiar quick Ihake of its tail from fide to fide on its alighting on a wall or other place. Though a wild and timorous bird, it is frequently found in the midft of cities, always chufing the moft difficult and inacceffible places for its refidence ; it like wife builds in forefts, in holes of trees, or in high and dangerous precipices; the female lays four or five eggs, not much unlike thofe of the Hedge- fparrow, but fomewhat lon- ger, Thefe birds feed on flies, fpiders, the eggs of ants, fmall berries, foft fruits, and fuch like. THE FAUVETTE. PETTICHAPS. {Motacilla hlppolaiSf Lin. — La Fauvettef BufF.) Length about fix inches : Its bill is blackifh ; eyes dark hazel ; the whole upper part of the body is of a dark brown or moufe colour, lightly tinged with pale brown on the edges of the wing coverts, and along the webs of the fecondary quills ; the larger quills are of a dulky afli colour, as are alfo thofe of the tail, except the outermoll, which are white on their exterior fides and tips ; over each P 2IO BRITISH BIRM. eye there is a pale ftreak; the throat and belly are of a filvery white ; legs dark brown. This bird frequents thickets, and is feldom to be feen out of covert ; it fecretes itfelf in the thickeft parts of the bufties, from whence it may be heard, but not feen : It is truly a mocking bird, imitating the notes of various kinds, generally beginning with thofe of the Swallow, and ending with the full fong of the Blackbird. We have often watched with the utmoll attention whilH it was fmging de- lightfully in the midll of a bulh clofe at hand, but have feldom been able to obtain a fight of it : We could never procure more than one fpecimen : — • Its appearance with us does not feem to be re- gular, as we have frequently been difappointed in not finding it in its ufual haunts. We fuppofe this to be the fame with the Fauvette of M. Buffon,* which he places at the head of a numerous family, confiding of ten difl;in6l fpecies ; rhany of which vifit this illand in the fpring, and leave it again in autumn. " Thefe pretty warblers," fays he, " ar- rive when the trees put forth their leaves, and be- * We have adopted the name oi Fauvette for want of a more appropriate term in our own language. We apprehend this to be the Flycatcher of Mr Pennant — Br. ZooL vol. 2d, p. 264, l/? ed. — and the Lejfer Pettichaps of Latham, which he fays is known in Yorkfhire by the name of the Beam-bird ; but he does not fpeak from his own knowledge of the bird. It cer- tainly is but little known, and has no common name in this country. BRITISH BIRDS. 211 gin to expand their bloffoms ; they difperfe through the whole extent of our plains ; fome inhabit our gardens, others prefer the clumps and avenues ; fome conceal themfelves among the reeds, and ma- ny retire to the midft of the woods." But, not- withftanding their numbers, this genus is confelTed- ly the moft obfcure and indetermined in the whole of ornithology. We have taken much pains to gain a competent knowledge of the various kinds which vifit our ifland, and have procured fpeci- mens of moft, if not all of them, but confefs that we have been much puzzled in reconciling their provincial names with the fynonima of the differ- ent authors who have noticed them. The following is defcribed by Latham as a va- riety of the Pettichaps, and agrees in moft refpedts with our fpecimen. We conceive it to be the fame as the PalTerinette of BufFon, allowing fome- v/hat for difference of food, climate, Sec. P2 212 BRITISH BIRDS. THE LESSER FAUVETTE. PASSERINE WARBLER. {MotacUla paJferinOf Lin.— Z.^ PaJJerinettey BufF.) Length nearly the fame as the laft : Bill pale brown ; upper parts of the body brown, llightly tinged with olive green ; under parts dulky white, a little inclining to brown acrofs the breaft ; quills dufky, with pale edges ; tail dulky ; over each eye there is an indiftin6t whitifli line ; legs pale brown. The male and female are much alike : The eggs are of a dull white, irregularly marked with duf- ky and black fpots. — This bird is alfo a mocker, but its fong is not fo powerful as the laft. BRITISH BIRDS. 213 THE WINTER FAUVETTE. HEDGE WARBLER, HEDGE SPARROW, OR DUNNOCK. {Motacilla Modularise lAn.—La Fauvette d'Aiver, BufF.) The length of this well-known bird is fomewhat more than five inches : Its bill is dark ; eyes ha- zel ; its general appearance is that of a dufky brown, moll of the feathers on the back and wings being edged with reddilh brown ; the cheeks, throat, and fore part of its neck are of a dull blue- ifh afli colour ; the belly is of a dirty white ; quills and tail dufliy ; rump greenifh brown ; fides and thighs pale tawny brown ; the legs are brown. This bird is frequently feen in hedges, from whence it derives one of its names ; but it has no P3 314 BRITISH BIRDS. Other relation to the Sparrow than In the dingmef^ of its colours ; in every other refpeQ: it differs en- tirely.. It remains with us the whole year, and builds its neil near the ground ; it is compofed of inofs and wool, and lined with hair; the female generally lays four or five eggs, of a uniform pale blue, without any fpots : The young are hatched about the beginning of May. During the time of fitting, if a cat or other voracious animal ftiould happen to come near the neft, the mother endea- vours to divert it from the fpot by a llratagem fi- milar to that by which the Partridge mifleads the dog : She fprings up, flutters from fpot to fpot, and by that means allures her enemy to a fafe diftance. In France, the Hedge-fparrow is rarely feen but in winter ; it arrives generally in 06tober, and de- parts in the fpring for more northern regions, where it breeds. It is fuppofed to brave the ri- gours of winter in Sweden, and that it alTumes the white plumage common in thofe fevere cli- mates in that feafon. Its fong is little varied, but pleafant, efpecially in a feafon when all the other warblers are filent : Its ufual ftrain is a fort of qui- vering, frequently repeating fomething like the fol- lowing iii-tit'tiiiiii, from whence, in fome places, it is called the Titling. "We have already obfer- ved that the Cuckoo frequently makes ufe of the neft of this bird to depofit her egg in. BRITISH BIRDS. 215 THE REED FAUVETTE. SEDGE BIRD. {MotacUla Sa/icanay Lin. — La Fativette de rofeaux^ Buff.) This elegant little bird is about the fize of the Black-cap : Its bill is dufl-cy : eyes hazel ; the crown of the head and back are brown, marked with dufky ftreaks ; the rump tawny ; the cheeks are brown ; over each eye there is a light ftreak ; the wing coverts are dulky, edged with pale brown, as are alfo the quills and tail ; the throat, bread, and belly are white— the latter tinged with yel- low ; the thighs are yellow ; legs dufky ; the hind claws are long and much bent. This bird is found in places where reeds and fedges grow, and builds its nefl; there ; it is made of dried grafs and tender fibres of plants, and lined with hair, and ufually contains five eggs, of a dir- P4 3l6 BRITISH BIRDS. ty white, mottled with brown ; it likewife frequents the fides of rivers and ponds where there is covert : It fings inceffantly night and day, during the breed- ing time, imitating by turns the notes of the Spar- row, the Swallow, the Skylark, and other birds — from whence it is called the Englifh Mock-bird, Buffon obferves, that the young ones, though ten- der and not yet fledged, will defert the neft if it be touched, or even if a perfon go too near it. This difpofition, which is common to all the Fauvettes, as well as to this which breeds in watery places, feems to chara£terife the inftin6:ive wildnefs of the whole fpecies. BRITISH BIRDS. 217 THE BLACK-CAP. {Motacilla Atricaptlla^ Lin La Fauvette a tete fioire, BufF.) This bird is in length fomewhat above five inch- es : The upper mandible is of a dark horn colour ; the under one light blue — edges of both whitilh ; top of the head black ; fides of tlie head and back of the neck afli colour ; back and wings of an olive grey ; the throat and breaft are of a filvery grey ; belly and vent white ; the legs are of a blueifli co- lour, inclining to brown ; the claws black : The head of the female is of a dull ruft colour. The Blackcap vifits us about the middle of A- pril, and retires in September ; it frequents gar- dens, and builds its nefl near the ground, which is compofed of dried grafs, mofs, and wool, and lin- ed with hair and feathers ; the female lays five eggs, of a pale reddilh brown, fprinkled with fpots of a darker colour. During the time of incubation the 21 S BRITISH BIRDS. male attends the female, and fits by turns ; he like- wife procures her food, fuch as flies, worms, and infe£ts. The Black-cap fings fweetly, and fo like the Nightingale, that in Norfolk it is called the Mock-nightingale. BufFon fays that its airs are light and eafy, and confift of a fucceffion of modu- lations of fmall compafs, but fweet, flexible, and blended. And our ingenious countryman, Mr White, obferves, that it has ufually a full, fweet, deep, loud, and wild pipe, yet the ftrain is of fliort continuance, and its motions defultory ; but when this bird fits calmly, and in earnefl engages in fong, it pours forth very fweet but inward melody, and exprefles great variety of fweet and gentle modu- lations, fuperior perhaps to any of our warblers, the Nightingale excepted ; and, while they warble, their throats are wonderfully diftended. Black- caps feed chiefly on flies and infects, and not un- frequently on ivy and other berries. BRITISH BIRDS. 219 'r'-^.^^ y: r^^f. THE WHITE-THROAT. MUGGY. {MotacUla fylvoy Lin. — La Fauvette grife^ Buff.) The length of this bird is about five Inches and a half: Its bill is dark brown, lighter at the bafe ; eyes dark hazel ; the upper part of the head and back are of a reddilli afli colour ; throat white ; leiTer wing coverts pale brown ; the greater dufky brown, with reddifli margins ; breafl and belly filvery white ; the wings and tail are dufl^y brown, with pale edges, the outer feathers white ; the legs pale brown : The breaft and belly of the female are entirely white. This bird arrives with the Redftart, Black-cap, &C. in the fpring, and quits us in autumn about the fame time with theni; it frequents thickets 220 BRITISH BIRDS. and hedges, and feeds on infe£ls and wild berries ; it makes its neft in thick bufhes, of dried grafs and mofs ; the female lays five eggs, of a greenifh white, fprinkled with dark fpots. Its note, which is rather harfli and unpleafmg, is frequently repeat- ed,, and is attended with a particular motion of the wings ; it is Ihy and wild, and is not frequently found near the habitations of men. THE YELLOW WILLOW WREN. {Motacilla trochiluSy Lin. — Le PouUloty ou le chantre^ BufF.) Length nearly five inches : The bill is brown, the infide and edges yellow ; eyes hazel ; the up- per parts of the plumage are yellow, inclining to a pale olive green ; the under pale yellow ; over each eye there is a whitifh ilreak, which in young birds we have obferved to be particularly diflindt ; the wings and tail are of a duU^y brown, with pale edges ; legs yellow i(h brown. The ingenious Mr White obferves, that there are three diflin6: fpecies of the Willow Wren, of which this is the largeft ; the two following differ in their fize as well as note ; their form and man- ners are however very fimilar: We have been fortunate in procuring fpecimens of each kind, ta- ken at the fame time of the year, and had an op- portunity of noticing the difference of their fong. BRITISH BIRDS. 22 1 For fpecimens of all the birds of this kind, as well as many others, we are indebted to Lieut. H. F. Gibfon, of the 4th dragoons, whofe kind attention to our work merits our warmell acknowledge- ment.— This bird is frequent on the tops of trees, from whence it often rifes finging ; its note is ra- ther low, but foft, and fweetly varied. It arrives in this country early in the fpring, and departs in autumn ; it makes its neft in holes, at the roots of trees, or in dry banks ; it is arched fomewhat like that of the Wren, and is made chiefly of mofs, lin- ed with wool and hair ; the female lays from five to feven eggs, of a dirty white, marked with red- difh fpots. 222 BRITISH BIRDS* THE WILLOW WREN. {Le Figtiier brim et jaune^ Buff.) This is next in fize : Its bill is brown, the upper parts of a greenifli olive colour, darker than the lafl: ; over each eye a light yellow line extends from the bill to the back part of the head ; the wings are brown, with light yellow ifli edges ; the throat and bread are white, with a pretty ftrong tinge of yel- low ; the belly is whitifh ; thighs yellow ; legs yel- lowilh brown, — as is likewife the infide of the bill. They vary much in colour. We are favoured, by the ingenious Mr I. Gough of Kendal, with the defcription of a bird very fi- milar to this, which is common in Weftmoreland, where it is known by the name of the Strawfmeer. It appears in the vallies in April, a few days after BRITISH BIRDS. 223 the Swallow, and begins to fmg immediately on its arrival, and may be heard till the beginning of Augull ; it frequents hedges, Ihrubberies, and fucli like places ; its food confifts of infeds, in fearch of which it is continually running up and down fmall branches of trees : It makes an artlefs nell, of wi- thered grafs, raofs, and the {lender Hems of dried plants , it IS lined with feathers, hair, and a little wool, and is commonly placed in a low thick bufh or hedge ; the female generally lays five eggs, of a dirty white, marked at the larger end with numer- ous dark brown oval fpots. We fuppofe this to be the Scotch Warbler of Mr Pennaut, and the Fi- guier bran et jaune of M. Buflon. THE LEAST WILLOW WREN. The upper parts of the plumage of this bird are darker than the two laft, fomewhat inclining to a moufe colour : Its breaft is of a dull filvery white, fi:om whence in fome places it is called the Linty- white ; its legs are dark. The fong of this is not fo loud as the laft, though very fimilar, and confifts of a fingle ftrain, very weak, and frequently repeated ; they are both com- mon in woods and coverts, warbling their little fimple fong as they fit upon the branches of trees. 224 BRITISH BIRDS, THE GOLDEN-CRESTED WREN, {Motacilla reguIuSy Lin. — Xe Roitelet, BufF.) This is fuppofed to be the leaft of all the Euro- pean birds J it is certainly the fmalleft of the Bri- tifh kinds, being in length not quite three inches and a half,* and weighs only feventy-fix grains: Its bill is very llender and dark ; eyes hazel ; on the top of its head the feathers are of a bright orange colour, bordered on each fide with black, which forms an arch above its eyes, and with which it fometimes conceals the crown, by contradling the mufcles of the head ; the upper part of the body is of a yellow ilh green or olive colour ; all the un- * The body, whea ftripped of its feathers, is not quite an inch long.— 'Buff, BRITISH BIRDS. 225 der parts are of a pale reddifh white, tinged with green on the fides ; the greater coverts of the wings are of a dufky brown, edged with yellow, and tip- ped with white ; quills dulky, edged with pale green, as are alfo the feathers of the tail, but light- er ; the legs are of a yellowifh brown. The fe- male is diftinguilhed by a pale yellow crown ; the whole plumage is lefs vivid than that of the male. This curious little bird delights in the largell trees, fuch as oaks, elms, tall pines, and firs, par- ticularly the firft, in which it finds both food and fhelter ; in thefe it builds its nefl, which is of a round form, having an aperture on one fide, and is compofed chiefly of mofs, lined with the foft- eft down, mixed with llender filaments ; the fe- male lays fix or feven eggs, fcarcely larger than peas, which are white, fprinkled with very fmall fpots of a dull colour. Thefe birds are very a- gile, and are almofl: continually in motion, flutter- ing from branch to branch, creeping on all fides of the trees, clinging to them in every fituation, and often hanging like the Titmoufe : Their food con- fills chiefly of the fmalleft infeds, which they find in the crevices of the bark of trees, or catch nim- bly on the wing ; they alfo eat the eggs of infe£ts, fmall worms, and various forts of feeds. The Golden-crefted Wren is diffufed throughout Eu- rope ; it has alfo been met with in various parts of Afia and America, and feems to bear every change 2 26 BRITISH BIRD3. of temperature, froni the greateft degree of heat to' that of the feverefi: cold : It flays with us the whole year; but Mr Pennant obferves, that k croffes annually from the Orknies to the Shetland illes, where it breeds and returns before winter — a long flight (of fixty miles) for fo fmall a bird. Its fong is faid to be very melodious, but weaker than that of the common Wren ; it has befides a fharp fhrill cry, fomewhat like that of the Graf- hopper, BRITISH BIRDS. 227 "^fc^^ THE WREN. KITTY WREN. {Motacilla troglodytes^ Lin. — Le Troglodyte^ Buff.) Length three inches and a half : The bill is llen- der, and a little €urved ; upper mandible and tips of a brownifli horn colour, the under one and edges of both dull yellow ; a whitifh line extends from the bill over the eyes, which are dark hazel ; the upper parts of its plumage are of a clear brown, obfcurely marked on the back and rump with nar- row double wavy lines of pale and dark brown co- lours ; the belly, fides, and thighs are the fame, but more dijR:in6t ; the throat is of a dingy white ; the cheeks and breafl the fame, faintly dappled with brown ; the quills and tail are marked with alter- 228^ BRITISH BIRDS* nate bars of a reddilh brown and black ; the legs^ are of a pale olive brown. This diminutive little bird is very common in England, and braves our fevereft winters, which it contributes to enliven by its fprightly note. Du- ring that feafon it approaches near the dwellings of man, and takes fhelter in the roofs of houfes, barns, hay-ftacks, and holes in the walls ; it continues its fong till late in the evening, and not unfrequently during a fall of fnow : In the fpring it betakes itfelf to the woods, where it builds its nefl near the ground, in a low bulb, and fometimes on the turf, beneath the trunk of a tree, or in a hole in the wall ; its neft is conftrudled with much art, being of an oval fhape, with one fmall aperture in the fide for an entrance; it is compofed chiefly of mofs, and lined within with feathers j the female lays from ten to fixteen, and fometimes eighteen eggs, of a dirty white, dotted with red at the larger end. BRITISH BIRDS. 229 THE WHITE-RUMP. WHEATEAR. {Moiacilla oenantheylAn. — Le MctteuXy ou le cut-hlatic. Buff.) Length five inches and a half: The bill is black ; eyes hazel ; from the bafe of the bill a black flreak extends over the eyes, cheeks, and ears, where it is pretty broad ; above this there is .a line of white ; the top of the head, back part of the neck, and back are of a blueilh grey ; the wing coverts and quills are dulky, edged Avith rully white ; the rump is perfedlly white, as is alfo part of the tail ; the reft is black ; the under parts are of a pale buff colour, tinged with red on the breaft ; legs and feet black. In the female the white line above the eye is fomewhat obfcure, and all the black parts of the plumage incline more to brown ; neither is the rump of fo pure a white. 0.3 230 BRITISH BIRDS. This bird vifits us about the middle of Marchj and from, that time till fome time in May is feen to arrive ; it frequents new-tilled grounds, and ne- ver fails to follow the plough in fearch of infe£ts and fmall worms, which are its principal food. In fome parts of England great numbers are taken in fnares made of horfe hair, placed beneath a turf; near 2000 dozen are faid to be taken annually in that way, in one dillri£t only, which are generally fold at fixpence per dozen :* — Great numbers are fent to the London markets, where they are much efteemed, being thought not inferior to the Orto- lan. The White- rump breeds under Ihelter of a tuft or clod, in newly ploughed lands, or under Hones, and fometimes in old rabbit burrows ; its neft is conftrufted with great care ; it is compofed of dry grafs or mofs, mixed with wool, and lined with fea- thers ; it is defended by a fort of covert, fixed to the flone or clod under which it is formed ; the fe- male generally lays five or fix eggs, of a light blue, the larger end encompafled with a circle of a fome- what deeper hue. They leave us in Auguft and September, and about that time are feen in great numbers by the fea-fhore, where, probably, they fubfill fome little time before they take their de- parture. They are extended over a large portion pf the globe, even as far as the fouthern parts of * Pennant. pRlTISH BIRDS. 231 1 "^ ^ ^-N hV THE WHINCHAT. {^Motac'illa ruhetra^ Lin.— Z^ grand Traquety ou le /a- ri.erf Buff.) This bird is fomewhat larger than the Stone- chat : Its bill is black ; eyes hazel ; the feathers on the head, neck, and back are black, edged with ruft colour; a ftreak of white pafles from the bill over each eye towards the back of the head ; the cheeks are blackifli ; chin white ; the breaft is of a rufl colour; belly, vent, and thighs pale buff; each wing is crofled by a white mark near the Ihoulder, an.d another fmaller near the baflard wing; part of the tail, at the bafe, is white, the reft black, the two middle feathers are wholly black ; the legs are black : The colours in ge- neral of the female are paler; the white ftreak Q.4 232 BRITISH BIRDS. over the eye, and the fpots on the wings, are much lefs confpicuous ; and the cheeks, inflead of being black, partake of the colours on the head. The Whinchat is a folitarj bird, frequenting heaths and moors ; it has no fong, but only a fimple unvaried note, and in manners very much refembles the Stonechat; it makes its neft very fimilar to that bird, and is generally feen in the fame places du- ring the fummer months ; the female lays five eggs, of a dirty white, dotted with black. In the northern parts of England it difappears in winter ; but its migration is only partial, as it is feen in fome of the fouthern counties at that feafon : It feeds on worms, flies, and infedls ; — about the end of fummer it is very fat, and at that time is faid to be fcarcely inferior in delicacy to the Ortolan. BRITISH BIRDS. ''33 THE STONECHAT. STONE-SMITH, MOOR TITLING. {Motacilla rubecola, Lin. — Le Traquet^ BufF.) Length near five inches : The bill is black ; eyes dark hazel ; the head, neck, and throat are black, faintly mixed with brown ; on each fide of the neck, immediately above the wings, there is a large white fpot ; the back and wing coverts are of a fine velvet black, margined with reddifh brown ; the quills are dulky, with pale brown edges — thofe next the body are white at the bottom, forming a fpot of that colour on the wings ; the breaft is of a bay colour, lighteft on the belly ; the rump white ; the tail is black, the outer feathers margined with ruft colour; the legs are black: The colours of the female are duller ; the white on the fides of the neck is not fo confpicuous ; the breafi; and bel- ^34 BRITISH BIRDS. ly are much paler, and the white fpot on the rump is wanting. This folitary little bird is chiefly to be found on wild heaths and commons, where it feeds on fmall worms and infefts of all kinds : It builds its neft at the roots of bufhes, or underneath ftones ; it care- fully conceals the entrance to it by a variety of lit- tle arts ; it generally alights at fome diflance from it, and makes its approaches with great circum- ipedlion, creeping along the ground in a winding diredlion, fo that it is a difficult matter to difcover its retreat ; the female breeds about the end of March, and lays five or fix eggs, of a blueilli green, faintly fpotted with ruft colour. The flight of the Stonechat is low ; it is almoft continually on the wing, flying from bulh to bufh, alighting only for a few feconds. It remains with us the whole year, and in winter is known to frequent moift places, in queft of food. BufFon compares its note to the word wijirata frequently repeated. Mr Latham obferves, that it feemed to him like the clicking of two flones together, from whence it is probable it may have derived its name. ER1T]SH BIRDb. 21 J> OF THE TITMOUSE. This diminutive tribe is diftinguifhed by a pe- culiar degree of fprightlinefs and vivacity, to which may be added a degree of ftrength and courage whicli by no means agrees with its appearance.— Birds of this clafs are perpetually in motion ; they X'un with great celerity along the branches of trees, fearching for their food in every little cranny, where the eggs of infefts are depofited, which is their favorite food : During fpring they are fre- quently obferved to be very bufy amongft the o- pening buds, fearching for the caterpillars which are lodged therein ; and are thus aftively employ- ed in preventing the mifchiefs that would arife from a too great increafe of thefe deflru£live in- fers, whilil, at the fame time, they are intent on the means of their own prefervation ; they will likewife eat fmall pieces of raw meat, particularly fat, of which they are very fond. None of this kind have been obferved to migrate ; they fome- times make fliort flittings from place to place in queft of food, but never entirely leave us. — They are very bold and daring, and will attack birds much larger than themfelves with great intrepi- dity. BufFon fays, " they purfue the Owl with great fury, and that in their attacks they aim chief- ly at the eyes ; their adions on thefe occafions are attended Vvith a fwell of the feathers, and with a 236 BRITISH BIRDS. fucceffion of violent attitudes and rapid move- ments, which ftrongly mark the bitternefs of theii? rage : They will fometimes attack birds fmaller and weaker than themfelves, which they l^ill, and having picked a hole in the ikull, they eat out the brains." The nefts of mofl of this kind are con- ftruQied with the moft exquifite art, and with ma- terials of the utmoft delicacy ; fome fpecies, with great fagacity, build them at the extreme end of fmall branches proje6:ing over water, by which means they are effe£tually fecured from the attacks of ferpents and the fmaller beads of prey. Thefe birds are very widely fpread over every part of the old continent, from the northern parts of Europe to the Cape of Good Hope, as well as to the far- theft parts of India, China, and Japan ; they are likewife found throughout the vaft continent of America, and in feveral of the Weft India iflands ; They are every where prolific, even to a. proverb, laying a great number of eggs, which they attend with great folicitude, and provide for their numer- ous progeny with indefatigable adivity. All the Titmice are diftinguiflied by ftiort bills, which are conical, a little flattened at the fides, and very ftiarp pointed : The noftrils are fmall and round, and are generally covered by ftiort briftly feathers, reflect- ed from the forehead ; the tongue feems as if cut off at the end, and terminated by fhort filaments y the toes are divided to their origin ; the back toe is very large and ftrong. BRITISH BIRDS. 237 THE GREATER TITMOUSE. OX-EYE* {Parus major f Lin. — Le GroJJe MefangCy Buff.) The length of this bird Is about five inches : The bill is black, as are alfo the eyes ; the head is covered with a fort of hood, of a fine deep glofly black, which extends to the middle of the neck ; the cheeks are white ; the belly is of a greenifti yellow, divided down the middle by a line of black reaching to the vent; the back is of an olive green ; rump blue grey ; the quills are dullcy, the greater edged with white, the leffer with pale green ; the wing coverts are of a blueifli afh co- lour; the greater coverts are tipped with white, which forms a bar acrofs the wing ; the tail is black, the exterior edge of the outer feathers is white ; the legs are of a dark lead colour j claws black. ^3^ BRITISH BIRDS. The Titmoufe begins to pair early in February ; the male and female confort for fome time before they niake their nefi, which is compofed of the fofteft and moft downy materials — they build it ge- nerally in the hole of a tree ; the female lays from eight to ten eggs, which are white, fpotted with ruft colour. Buffon fays, that the young brood continue blind for feveral days, after which their growth is very rapid, and they are able to fly in about fifteen days : After they have quitted the neft they return no more to it, but perch on the neighbouring trees, and incelTantly call on each o- ther ; they generally continue together till the ap- proach of fpring invites them to pair. We kept one of thefe birds in a cage for fome time ; it was fed chiefly with hemp-feed, which, inftead of break- ing with its bill, like the Linnet, it held very dex- teroufly in its claws, and pecked it till it broke the outfide fhell; it likewife ate raw flefti minced fmall, and was extremely fond of flies, which, when held to the cage, it would feize with great avidity : It was continually in motion during the day, and would, for hours together, dart backwards and forwards with aftonifhing adivity. Its ufual note was ftrong and fimple ; it had, befides, a more varied, but very low, and not unpleafant fong : — During the night it refted on the bottom of the cas:e. BRITISH BIRDS. 239 THE BLUE TITMOUSE. TOM TIT, BLUE-CAP, OR NUN. [Parus cxruleuSy Lin.~ Za Mefatigey bleue^ BufE) The length of this beautiful little bird is about four inches and a half: The bill and eyes are black ; crown of the head blue, terminated behind with a line of dirty white ; fides of the head white, underneath which, from the throat to the back of the neck, there is a line of dark blue ; from the bill, on each fide, a narrow line of black palfes through the eyes ; the back is of a yellowilh green ; coverts blue, edged with white ; quills black, with pale blue edges ; the tail is blue, the two middle feathers longed ; the under parts of the body pale yellow; legs and claws black. The female is fomewhat fmaller than the male, has lefs blue Qn 240 BRITISH BIRDS. the head, and her colours in general are not fo bright. This bufy little bird is feen frequently in our gardens and orchards, where its operations are much dreaded by the over-anxious gardener, who fears, left in its purfuit after its favorite food, which is often lodged in the tender buds, that it may de- itroy them alfo, to the injury of his future harveft —not confidering that it is the means of deftroying a much more dangerous enemy (the caterpillar), which it finds there : It has likewife a ftrong pro- penfity to flefli, and is faid to pick the bones of fuch fmall birds as it can mafter, as clean as Ikele- tons. This bird is diftinguiftied above all the reft of the Titmice by its rancour againft the Owl : — The female builds her neft in holes of walls or trees, which it lines well with feathers ; Ihe lays from fourteen to twenty white eggs. If her eggs fhould be touched by any perfon, or one of them be broken, Ihe immediately forfakes her neft and builds again, but otherwife makes but one hatch in the year. .>^*^^ BRITISH BIRDS. 24r THE COLE-TITMOUSE. {Parus ater^ Lin. — Le petite Charbonnieret Buff.) This bird is fomewhat lefs than the laft, and weighs only two drachms ; its length is four in- ches : Its bill is black, as are alfo its head, throat, and part of its breaft ; from the corner of the bill, on each fide, an irregular patch of white pafles under the eyes, extending to the fides of the neck ; a fpot of the fame colour occupies the hind part of the head ; the back and all the upper parts ar£ of .^ greenilh afti colour ; the wing coverts are tip- ped w:ith white, which forms two bars acrofs the wing ; the under parts are of a reddifh white ; legs lea(^ j:plpwrj .t^il fp^ne.\vh^t fpr^^^^^t tlje ea4. R 242 BRITISH BIRDS. THE MARSH TITMOUSE. BLACK-CAPPED TITMOUSE. (ParuSf pahi/lrisj Lin. — Le Mefange de maraisj BufF.) Its length is fomewhat ftiort of five inches : Its bill is black ; the whole crown of the head, and part of the neck behind, are of a deep black ; a broad ftreak, of a yellow ifli white, palTes from the beak, underneath the eye, backwards ; the throat is black ; the breaft, belly, and fides are of a dirty white ; the back is afh-coloured ; quill feathers duf- ky, with pale edges ; the tail is dufky ; legs dark lead colour. The Marfh Titmoufe is faid to be fond of wafps, bees, and other infeds : — It lays up a little ftore of feeds againft a feafon of want ; It frequents marfliy places, from whence it derives its name ; its man- ners are fimilar to the laft, and it is equally as pro- lific. BRITISH BIRDS. 243 THE LONG-T AILED TITMOUSE. [Parus caudatuSf lAw.—La Mefange a longue queuey BufF.) The length of this bird is nearly five inches and a half, of which the tail itfelf is rather more than three inches : Its bill is very Ihort and black ; eyes hazel, the orbits red ; the top of the head is white, mixed with gray ; through each eye there is a broad black band, which extends backwards, and unites on the hind part of the head, from whence it pafTes down the back to the rump, bordered on each fide with dull red ; the cheeks, throat, and breaft are white ; the belly, fides, rump, and vent are of a dull rofe colour, mixed with white ; the coverts of the wings are black, thofe next the body white, ed- ged with rofe colour; the quills are dufky, with pale edges ; the tail confifls of feathers of very un- equal lengths, the four middle feathers are wholly black, the others are white on the exterior edge ; legs and claws black. R2 244 BRITISH BIRDS. • Our figure was taken from one newly Ihot, fent us by Lieut. H. F. Gibfon. We made a drawing from a ItuiFed bird in the mufeum of the late Mr Tun- llall, at WyclifFe, in which the black band through the eyes was wholly wanting ; the back of the neck was black ; the back, fides, and thighs were of a reddilh brown, mixed with white : We fuppofe it may have been a female. The neft of this bird is fmgularly curious and elegant, being of a long oval form, with a fmall hole in the fide as an entrance ; its outfide is formed of mofs, wool, and dry grafs, curioufly interwoven, whilfl the infide is thick- ly lined with a profufioh of the fofteil down.^— In this comfortable little manfion th.e female de- pofits her eggs, to the number of fixteen or feven- teen, which are concealed almoft entirely among the feathers; they are about the fize of a fmall bean, and of a grayifh colour, mixed with red.— i- This bird is not uncommon with us; it frequents the fame places with the other fpecies, feeds in the fame manner, and is charged with the fame mif- demeanor in deflroying the buds, and probabl5r with the fame reafon : It flies very fwiftly, ati^ from its llender ihape, and the great length of its tail, it feems like a dart fliooting through the air : It is almoft conftantly in motion, running up a:nd down the branches of trees with great facility. The young continue with the parents, and form * In fome places it is called a Feather-poke. BRITISH BIRDS. 245 little flocks through the winter ; they utter a fmall ihrill cry, only as a call, but in the fpring they are faid to acquire a very melodious fong. The long- tailed Titmoufe is found in the northern regions of Europe ; and, from the thicknefs of its coat, feems well calculated to bear the rigours of a fevere cli- mate. Mr Latham fays, that it has likewife been brought from Jamaica, and obferves, that it ap- peared as fully cloathed as in the coldeft regions. R 246 BRITISH BIRDS. THE BEARDED TITMOUSE. {Parus biarmicusj Lin. — La Mefange harhuey Buff.) Length fomewhat more than fix inches : The bill is of an orange colour, but fo delicate that it changes on the death of the bird to a dingy yellow ; the eyes are alfo orange ; the head and back part of the neck are of a pearl gray or light afh co- lour; on each fide of the head, from the eye, there is a black mark extending downwards on the neck, and ending in a point, not unlike a mufta- choe ; the throat and fore part of the neck are of a filvery white ; the back, rump, and tail are of a light ruft colour, as are alfo the belly, fides, and thighs ; the breafl is of a delicate flefh colour ; the vent black ; the lelfer coverts of the wings are duf- ky, the greater ruft colour, with pale edges ; the BRITISH BIRDS. 247 quills are dufliy, edged with white — thofe next the body with rufty on the exterior web, and with white on the inner ; the baflard wing is dufky, ed- ged and tipped with white ; the legs are black. — The female wants the black mark on each fide of the head ; the crown of the head is ruft colour, fpotted with black ; the vent feathers are not black, but of the fame colour with the belly. The Bearded Titmoufe is found chiefly in the fouthern parts of the kingdom ; it frequents mar- fhy places, where reeds grow, on the feeds of which it feeds : It is fuppofed to breed there, though its hiflory is imperfeftly known. It is faid that they were firft brought to this country from Denmark by the Countefs of Albemarle, and that fome of them having made their efcape, founded a colony here ; but Mr Latham, with great proba- bility, fuppofes that they are ours ab origine, and that it is owing to their frequenting the places where reeds grow, and which are not eafily accef- fible, that fo little has been known of them. Mr Edwards gives a figure of this bird, and defcrihes it under the name of the Leaft Butcher Bird. R4 248 British birds. OF THE SWALLOW. On all the various families of birds, which refoft to this illand for food and ftielter, there is none \vhich has occafioned fo many conjectures refpeiS;- ilkg its appearance and departure as the Swallow tribe : — Of this we have already hazarded our ©pinion iti the introductory part of our work, to which we refer our readers. The habits and modes of living of this tribe are perhaps more con- fpicuous than thofe of any other. From the time of their arrival to that of their departure they feem continually before our eyes. — The Swallow lives habitually in the air, and performs its various functions in that element ; and whether it purfues its fluttering prey, and follows the devious wind- ings of the infeCts on which it feeds, or endeavours to efcape the birds of prey by the quicknefs of its motion, it defcribes lines fo mutable, fo varied, fo interwoven, and fo confufed, that they hardly can be pictured by words. — " The Swallow tribe is of all others moft inoffenfive, harmlefs, entertaining, and focial ; all except one fpecies attach them- felves to our houfes, amufe us with their migra- tions, fongs, and marvellous agility, and clear the air of gnats and other troublefome infeCts, which would otherwife much annoy and incommode us. "Whoever contemplates the myriads of infeCts that fport in the fun-beams of a fummer evening in this BRITISH BIRDS. i^g country, will foon be convinced to what a degree our atraofphere would be choked with them, were it not for the friendly interpofition of the Swallow tribe."* Not many attempts have been made to preferve Swallows alive during the winter, and of thefe, few have fucceeded. The following experi- ments, by Mr James Pearfon of London, commu- nicated to us by Sir John Trevelyan, Bart, are highly interefting, and throw great light upon the natural hiftory of the Swallow ; we Ihall give them nearly in Mr Pearfon's own words. " Five or fix of thefe birds were taken about the latter end of Auguft, 1784, in a bat fowling net at night; they were put feparately into fmall cages, and fed with Nightingale's food : In about a week or ten days tliey took the foodof themfelves; they were then put ail together into a deep cage, four feet long, with gravel at the bottom ; a broad Ihallow pan with water was placed in it, in which tiiey fometimes wafhed themfelves, and feemed much ftrengthened by it. One day Mr Pearfon obferved that they went into the water with un- ufual eagernefs, hurrying in and out again repeat- edly, with fuch fwiftnefs as if they had been fudden- ly feized with a frenzy. Being anxious to fee the refult, he left them to themfelves about half an hour, and on going to the cage again, found them all huddled together in a corner of the cage, appa- * White** Selborne, 250 BRITISH BIRDS. rently dead ; the cage was then placed at a proper diftance from the lire, when two of them only re- covered, and were as healthy as before — the reft died ; the two remaining ones were allowed to wafh themfelves occafionally for a ftiort time on- ly ; but their feet foon after became fwelled and in- flamed, which Mr P. attributed to their perching, and they died about Chriftmas : Thus the firft year's experiment was in fome raeafure loft. Not difcouraged by the failure of this, Mr P. determin- ed to make a fecond trial the fucceeding year, from a ftrong defire of being convinced of the truth re- fpeding their going into a ftate of torpidity. Ac- cordingly, the next feafon, having taken fome more birds, he put them into the cage, and in every re- fpeCt purfued the fame methods as with the laft ; but to guard their feet from the badeffedts of the damp and cold, he covered the perches with flannel, and had the pleafure to obferve that the birds throve extremely well, they fung their fong through the winter, and foon after Chriftmas began to moult, which they got through without any difficulty, and lived three or four years, regularly moulting every year at the ufual time. On the renewal of their feathers it appeared that their tails were forked ex- a£lly the fame as in thofe birds which return here in the fpring, and in every refpe^ their appearance was the fame. Thefe birds, fays Mr Pearfon, were exhibited to the Society for promoting Natu- ral Hiftory, on the 14th day of February, 1786, at BRITISH BIRDS. 25! the time they were in a deep moult, during a fe- vere froft, when the fnow was on the ground. Mi- nutes of this circumflance were entered in the books of the fociety. Thefe birds died at laft from negledt during a long illnefs which Mr Pear- fon had ; — they died in the fummer. Mr P. con- cludes his very interefling account in thefe words : "Jan. 20, 1797. — I have now in my houfe, No, 21, Great Newport-flreet, Long- Acre, four Swal- lows in moult, in as perfe£l health as any birds e- ver appeared to be in when moulting." The refult of thefe experiments pretty clearly proves, that Swallows do not in any material in- Itance differ from other birds in their nature and propenfities ; but that they leave us, like many o- ther birds, when this country can no longer furnilh them with a fupply of their proper and natural food, and that confequently they feek it in other places, where they meet with that fupport which enables them to throw off their feathers. Swallows are found in every country of the known world, but feldom remain the whole year in the fame cli- mate J the times of their appearance and departure in this country are well known ; they are the con- llant harbingers of fpring, and on their arrival all nature afTumes a more chearful afpe£t. The bill of this genus is Ihort, very broad at the bafe, and a little bent ; the head is flat, and the neck fcarcely vifible ; the tongue is Ihort, broad, and cloven ; tail mollly forked 5 wings long ; legs fhort. S52 BRITISH BIRDS* THE CHIMNEY SWALLOW. HOUSE-SWALLOW. {Hirundo rujticay Lin. — VHirondelle domefiique. Buff.) Length fomewhat more than fix inches : Its bill is black; eyes hazel; the forehead and chin are red, inclining to cheftnut; the whole upper part of the body is black, reflefted with a purplifh blue on the top of the head and fcapulars ; the quills of the wings, according to their different po- fitions, are fometimes of a blueifli black, and fonie* times of a greenifti brown, whilft thofe of the tail are black, with green reflections ; the fore part of the breaft is black, and the reft of the breaft and belly white ; the infide and corners of the mouth are yellow ; the tail is much forked, each feather, except the middle ones, is marked with an oval BRlTIStl BIRDS, 253 whits fpot on tlie inner web ; the legs are very fliort, delicately fine, and blackifli. The common Swallow makes its appearance with us foon after the vernal equinox, and leaves us again about the end of September : It builds its neft generally in chimnies, in the infide, within a few feet of the top, or under the eaves of houfes ; it is curioully conflrudled, of a cylindrical fhape, plaftered with mud, mixed with llraw and hair, and lined with feathers; it is attached to the fides or corners of the chimney, and is fometimes a foot in height, open at the top ; the female lays five or fix eggs, white, fpeckled with red. Swallows return to the fame haunts ; they build annually a new nefi:, and fix it, if the place admits, above that occupied the preceding year.* We are favoured by Sir John Trevelyan, Bart, with the following curious fad: — At Camerton Hall, near Bath, a pair of Swallows built their neft on the upper part of the frame of an old picture over the chimney, coming through a broken pane in the window of the room. They came three years fucceflively, and in all pro- bability would have continued to do fo if the room had not been put into repair, which prevented their accefs to it. Both this bird and the Martin have generally two broods in the year, the firft in June, the other in Auguft, or perhaps later. We have feen a young Swallow, which was fhot on the 26th * BufFon. 254 BRITISH BIRDS. of September ; its length was fcarcely five inches ; its tail was Ihort, and not forked; the feathers were black, but wanted the white fpots ; its breaft was tinged with red. Swallows frequently rooft at night, after they begin to congregate, by the fides of rivers and pools of water, from whence it has been fuppofed that they retire into that ele- ment. *"**" ~i^-,;^'iit."5-fe,:'i»iisi5i-*4K*-*'''''* BRITISH BIRDS. 255 THE MARTIN. MARTLET, MARTINET, OR WINDOW-SWALLOW. {Hirundo urbica, lAn^-^V Htrondelle a cul blancy Buff,) Length about five inches and a half: The bill is black ; eyes dark hazel ; infide of the mouth yellow ; the top of the head, the wings, and tail are of a dulky brown; the back is black, gloffed with blue ; the rump and all the under parts of the body, from the chin to the vent, are of a pure white ; the ends of the fecondary quill feathers are finely edged with white ; the legs are covered with white downy feathers down to the claws, which are white alfo, and are very fharp and much hooked ; the middle toe is much longer than the others, and is conneded with the inner one as far as the firfl joint. This bird vifits us in great numbers ; it has ge- nerally two broods, fometimes three in the year; it builds its nell moil frequently againll the crags of Q^6 BRITISH BIRDS. precipices near the fea, or by the fides of lakes, and not unfrequently under the eaves of houfes, or clofe hy the fides of the windows j its neft is made of mud and draw on the outlide, and is lined within with feathers ; the firft hatch the female lays five eggs, which are white, inclining to dulky a^t the larger end ; the fecond time £he lays three or four ; and the third, (when that takes place) fhe only lays two or three. During the time the young birds are confined to the neft, the old one feeds them, ad- hering by the claws to the outfide ; but as foon as they are able to fly, they receive their nouriihment on the wing, by a motion quick and almoft imper- ceptible to thofe who are not accuftomed to ob- ferve it. The Martin arrives fomewhat later than the Swallow, and does not leave us fo foon : We have obferved them in the neighbourhood of Lon- don as late as the middle of Odober. Mr White, in his Natural Hiftory of Selbome, has made fome very judicious remarks on thefe birds, with a view to illuftrate the time and manner of their annual migrations. The following quotation is very appofite to that purpofe, and ferves to confirm the idea that the greateft part of them quit this ifland in fearch of warmer climates. " As the fummer declines, the congregating flocks increafe in numbers daily by the conftant acceffion of the fecond broods ; till at laft they fwarm in myriads upon myriads round the villages on the Thames, darkening the face of the iky as they frequent the BRITISH BIRDS. 257 aits of that river, where they rooll : They retire in vail flocks together about the beginning of Oc- tober.'* He adds, " that they appeared of late years in confiderable numbers in the neighbour- hood of Selborne, for one day or two, as late as November the gd and 6th, after they were fup- pofed to have been gone for more than a fort- night." He concludes with this obfervation :— " Unlefs thefe birds are very Ihort-lived indeed, or unlefs they do not return to the diftridt where they have been bred, they muft undergo vaft devafta- tions fomehow and fomewhere ; for the birds that return yearly bear no manner of proportion to thofe that retire." 258 BRITISH EIRD3. THE SAND MARTIN. BANK MARTIN, OR SAND SWALLOW. (Hiruftdo riparia, Lin. — L'Hirondelle de rivage, BufF.) Length about four inches and three quarters: The bill is of a dark horn colour ; the head, neck, breaft, and back are of a moufe colour ; over each eye there is a light ftreak ; the throat and fore part of the neck are white, as are alfo the belly and vent ; the wings and tail are brown ; the legs are dark brown, and are furnilhed with feathers behind, which reach as far as the toes. This is the fmallefl of all our Swallows, as well as the leaft numerous of them : It frequents the Iteep fandy banks in the neighbourhood of rivers, in the fides of which it makes deep holes, and pla- ces the nell at the end ; it is carelefsly conitru6t- ed of ftraw, dry grafs, and feathers ; the female lays five or fix white eggs, almoft tranfparent, and is faid to have only one brood in the year. BRITISH BIRDS. 259 THE SWIFT. BLACK MARTIN, OR DEVILING. {Htrundo apusy Lin. — Le Martinet miry BufF.) Length near eight inches : Bill black ; eyes ha- zel; its general colour is that of a footy black, with greenilh reflections ; the throat is white ; the wings are long, meafuring, from tip to tip, about eighteen inches ; the tail is much forked ; the legs are of a dark brown colour, and very Ihort ; the toes ftand two and two on each fide of the foot, and confift of two phalanges or joints only, which is a conformation peculiar to this bird. The female is rather lefs than the male, her plumage inclines more to brown, and the white on the throat is lefs diftina. The Swift arrives later and departs fooner than any of the tribe, from whence it is probable that it has a longer journey to take than the others ; it is larger, flronger, and its flight is more rapid than any of its kindred tribes, and it has but one brood Sa 26o BRITISH BIRDS. in the year, fo that the young ones have thne to^ ga;in ftrength enough to accompany the parent Birds in their diftant excurfions : They have been n'o- ticed at the Cape of Good Hope, and probably vi- fit the more remote regions of Afia. Swifts are ahnoft continually on the wing; they fly higher, and wheel with bolder wing than the Swallows, with which they never intermingle. The life of the Swift feems to be divided into two extremes ; the one of tlie moft violent exertion, the other of perfe6l inadion ; they mufl either Ihoot through the air, or remain clofe in their holes ; they are feldom feen to alight ; but, if by any accident they ihould fall upon a piece of even ground, it is with difficulty they can recover themfelves, owing to the Ihortnefs of their feet, and the great length of their wings. They are faid to avoid heat, and for this reafon pafs the middle of the day in their holes ; in the morning and evening they go out in quell of provifion; they then are feen in large flocks, defcribing an endlefs feries of circles upon circles, fometimes in dole ranks, purfuing the di- redion of a flreet, and fometimes whirling round a large edifice, all fcreaming together; they often glide along without ftirring their wings, and on a fudden they move them with frequent and quickly repeated ftrokes. Swifts build their nefls in ele- vated places ; lofty fleeples and high towers are generally preferred ; fometimes they build under the arches of bridges, where, though the elevation BRITISH BIRDS. 26 1 is not great, it is difficult of accefs ; the nefl is compofed of a variety of materials, fuch as dry grafs, mofs, hemp, bits of cord, threads of filk and linen, fmall ihreds of gauze, of muflin, feathers, and other light fubftances which they chance to find in the fweepings of towns.* It is difficult 'to conceive how thefe birds, which are never feen to alight on the ground, gather thefe materials ; feme have fuppofed that they catch them in the air as they are carried up by tl^e wind ; others, that they raife them by glancing along the furface of the ground ; whilft others affert, with more probabili- ty, that they often rob the Sparrow of its little hoard, and frequently occupy the fame hole after driving out the former poffeffor : The female lays five white eggs, rather pointed and fpindle-lliaped ; the young ones are hatched about the latter end of May ; they begin to fly about the middle of June, and fhortly after abandon their nefts — after which the parents feem no more to regard them.— Swifts begin to alTemble, previous to their depar- ture, early in July ; their numbers daily increafe, and large bodies of them appear together; they foar higher in the air, with fiiriller cries, and fly diiferently from their uftial mode ; — thefe meetings continue till towards the middle of Auguft, after which they are no more feen,. * BufFon. S3 2<52 BRITISH BIRDS. THE NIGHT-JAR. GOAT-SUCKER, DORR-HAWK, OR FERN OWL. {Caprimulgus EuropeuSy Lin. — UEngouliventy BufF.) The length of this bird is about ten inches and a half: The bill is fmall, flat, and fomewhat hook- ed at the tip, and is furnifhed on each fide of the upper mandible with feveral ftrong briftles, where- by it fecures its prey ; the lower jaw is edged with a white flripe, which extends backward towards the head ; the eyes are large, full, and black ; the plumage is beautifully freckled and powdered with browns of various hues, mixed with ruft colour an4 white, but fo diverfified as to exceed all defcrip- tion. The male is diflinguifhed by an oval fpot of white on the inner webs of the three firft quill fea- thers, and at the ends of the two outermoft feathers of the tail ; the legs are Ihort, rough, and fcaly, and feathered below the knee ; the toes are con- BRITISH BIRDS. 263 ne(Eled by a membrane as far as the firft joint ; the middle one is confiderably larger than the reft, and the claw is ferrated in one fide. To avoid as much as poffible perpetuating error, we have dropped the term Goat-fucker, which has no foundation but in ignorance and fuperftition, and have adopted one, which, though not univer- fally known, bears fome analogy to the nature and qualities of the bird to which it relates, both with refpe^t to the time of its appearance, which is al- ways in the dulk of the evening, in fearch of its prey, as well as to the jarring noife which it utters whilft at reft perching on a tree, and by which it is peculiarly diftinguifhed. The Night-jar is found in every part of the old continent, from Siberia to Greece, Africa, and India ; it arrives in this coun- try about the latter end of May, being one of our lateft birds of paflage, and departs fome time in the latter end of Auguft or the beginning of Septem- ber ; it is no where numerous, and never appears in flocks : Like the Owl, it is feldom feen in the day-time, unlefs difturbed, or in dark and gloomy days, when its eyes are not dazzled by the bright rays of the fun : It feeds on infedls, which it catch- es on the wing ; it is a great deftroyer of the cock- chafer or dor-beetle, from whence in fome places it is called the Dor-hawk : Six of thefe infe£ts have been found in its ftomach, befides four or five large-bodied moths, Mr White fuppofes that its S4 264 BRITISH BIRDS. foot is ufeful in taking its prey, as he obferved that it frequently put forth its leg whilft on the wing, with which it feemed to convey fomething to its mouth. Thefe birds frequent moors and wild heathy trafts abounding with ferns ; they make no neft, but the female depofits her eggs on the ground ; Ihe lays only two or three, which are of a dull white, fpotted with brown. Birds of this kind are feen moft frequently towards autumn; their motions are irregular and rapid, fometinies wheeling in quick fucceffion round a tree or other obje^, diving at intervals as if to catch their prey, and then rifmg again as fuddenly. When perched, the Night-jar fits ufually on a bare twig, its head lower than its tail, and in this attitude utters its jarring note ; it is likewife diftinguilhed by a fort of buzzing which it makes while on the wing, which has been compared to the noife caufed by the quick rotation of a fpinning- wheel, from which, in fome places, it is called the Wheel-bird ; fome- times it utters a fmall plaintive note or fqueak, which it repeats four or five times in fucceffion; the latter, probably, is its note of call by which it invites the female, and which it has been obferved to utter when in purfuit of her. Buffon fays, that it does not perch like other birds, fitting acrofs the branch, but lengthwife. It is a folitary bird, and is generally feen alone, two being feldom found together, but fitting at a little diftance from each other. ♦ BRIT13H BIRDS. . zGc^ OF THE DOVE KIND. The various families which conflitute this beau-^ tiful kind are diftinguiflied by fliades and grada.- tions fo minute as to exceed all defcription. Of thefe by far the largeft portion are the willing at- tendants on man, and dependent on his bounty ; but when we confide r the lightnefs of their bodies, the great ftrength of their wings, and the amazing rapidity of their flight, it is a matter of wonder that they fliould fubmit even to a partial kind of domeflication, or occupy thofe tenements fitted up for the purpofe of breeding and rearing their young. It muft be obferved, however, that in thefe they live rather as voluntary captives, or tranfient guefls, than permanent or fettled inhabi-^ tants, enjoying a confiderable portion of that liber- ty they fo much delight in : On the Highteil difap- pointment they abandon their manfion with all its conveniences ; fome take refuge in the woods, where, impelled by inftinfh, they refume their na- tive manners ; others feek a folitary lodgment in the holes of old walls, or unfrequented towers ; whilft others, ftiil more domefticated, feldora leave their dwelling, and only roam abroad to feek a- mufement, or to procure fubfiilence. Of thefe the varieties and intermixtures are in- numerable, and partake of all thofe varied hues which are the conftant refult of domeftication.— - 3.66 BRITISH BIRDS. The manners of pigeons are well known, few fpe- cies being more univerfally difFufed ; and having a very powerful wing, they are enabled to perform very diftant journies ; accordingly wild and tame pigeons occur in every climate, and although they thrive bell in warm countries, yet with care they fucceed alfo in very northern latitudes : Every where their manners are gentle and lively"; they are fond of fociety, and the very emblem of con- nubial attachment ; they are faithful to their mates, whom they folicit with the fofteft cooings, the tenderefl: careffes, and the mofl graceful move- ments. The exterior form of the Pigeon is beau- tiful and elegant ; the bill is weak, flraight, and flender, and has a foft protuberance at the bafe, in which the nollrils are placed ; the legs are Ihort and red, and the toes divided to the origin; BRITISH BIRDS. 267 THE WILD PIGEON. STOCK DOVE. ^Columba cenas, Lin. — Le JBifetf BufF.) Length fourteen inches : Bill pale red ; the head, neck, and upper part of the back are of a deep blue gray colour, reflected on the fides of the neck with glolTy green and gold ; the breaft is of a pale reddifti purple, or vinous colour; the lower part of the back and rump light gray or alh colour, as are alfo the belly, thighs, and under tail co- verts ; the primary quill feathers are dulky, edged with white, the others gray, marked with two black fpots on the exterior webs, forming two bars acrofs each wing j the tail is alh colour and black Z6$ BRITISH BIRDS. at the end, the lower half of the two outermoH: feathers is white ; the legs are red ; claws black. •—The Stock Dove, Rock Pigeon, and Wood Pi- geon, with fome fmall differences, may be inclu- ded under the fame denomination, and are proba- bly the origin of moft of thofe beautiful varieties which, in a Hate of domeftication, are dependent upon man for food. Wild Pigeons are faid to migrate in large flocks into England, at the approach of winter, from the northern regions, and return in the fpring ; many of them, however, remain in this country, only changing their quarters for the purpofe of procu- ring their food : They build their nells in the hol- lows of decayed trees, and commonly have two •broods in the year. In a ftate of domellication their increafe is prodigious ; and though they ne- ver lay more than two eggs at a time, yet, allow- ing them to breed nine times in the year, the pro- duce of a fmgle pair, at the expiration of four years, may amount to the enormous number of 14,762.* The male and female perform the office €>f incubation by turns, and feed their young by calling up the provifions out of their ftomachs in- to the mouths of the young ones. To defcribe the numerous varieties of the domeftic Pigeon would exceed the limits of our work-, we fhall therefore barely mention the names of the moft * StHlingfleet's Trads, BRITISH BIRDS. 2% Jioted amongfi them, fuch as Tumblers, Carriers, Jacoblnes, Croppers, Powters, Runts, Turbits, Shakers, Smiters, Owls, Nuns, &c. Of thefe the Carrier Pigeon is the moil remarkably deferving of notice, having been made ufe of in very early times as the means of conveying intelligence on the mofl trying and important occafions, and with an expedition and certainty which could be equal- led by no other. The Pigeon ufed on thefe occa- fions was taken from the place to which the ad- vices were to be communicated, and the letters being tied under its wings, the bird was let loofe, and in fpite of furrounding armies and every ob- ilacle that would have effet^lually prevented any other means of conveyance, guided by inllin6t a- lone, it returned dire6lly home, where the intelli- gence was fo much wanted. There are various inftances on record of thefe birds having been em- ployed during a fiege to convey an account of its progrefs, of the fituation of the befieged, and of the probable means of relief: Sometimes they were the peaceful bearer of glad tidings to the anxious lover, and to the merchant of the no lefs welcome news of the fafe arrival of his velTel at the defired port. ' 270 BRITISH BIRDS. THE RING DOVE. CUSHAT, OR QUEEST. {Columba palumbus, Lin. — Le Pigeon rainier y BuiF.) This is the largeft of all the Pigeon tribe, and meafures above feventeen inches in length : The bill is of a pale red colour, the noftrils being co- vered with a mealy red flefhy membrane ; the eyes are pale yellow ; the upper parts of the body are of a blueifti alh colour, deepeft on the upper part of the back, the lower part of which, the rump, and fore part of the neck and head, are of a pale alh colour ; the lower part of the neck and breaft are of a vinous afh colour ; and the belly, thighs, and vent are of a dull white ; on the hind part of the neck is a femicircular line of white— from BRITISH BIRDS. 27! whence its name — above and beneath which, the feathers are glolTy, and of a changeable hue in dif- ferent lights ; the greater quills are dulky, and all of them, except the outermoftj edged with white ; from the point of the wing a white line extends downwards, paffing above the bailard wing; the tail is afh colour, tipped with black ; the legs are red, and partly covered with feathers ; the claws are black. — Our figure was taken from fpecimens fent us by John Trevelyan, Efq. and Mr Bailey of Chillingham. The Ring Dove is very generally difFufed throughout Europe : It is faid to be migratory, but that it does not leave us entirely we are well convinced, as we have frequently feen them du- ring the winter on the banks of the Tyne, where they conftantly breed : The neft is compofed of fmall twigs, fo loofely put together, that the eggs may be feen through it from below. The female lays two eggs, and is generally fuppofed to have two broods in the year : They feed on wild fruits, herbs, and grain of all kinds ; they will likewife eat turnips, which give their flefli an unpleafant flavour. The Ring Dove has a louder and more plaintive fort of cooing than the common Pigeon, but is not heard except in pairing time, or during fine weather ; when it rains, or in the gloom of winter, it is generally filent. Their flefli is excel- lent, efpecially when young. ^73 BRITISH BIPEDS. THE TURTLE DOVE. {Columha turtur, Lin. — La Tourterelky BufF.) Length fomewhat more than twelve inches : The bill is brown ; eyes yellow^ encompafled with a crimfon circle ; the top of the head is alh colour, mixed with olive ; each fide of the neck is marked with a fpot of black feathers, tipped with white ; the back is alh colour, each feather margined with reddifh brown ; wing coverts and fcapulars reddifh brown, fpotted with black; quill feathers dufl^y, with pale edges ; the fore part of the neck and breaft are of a light purplifh red ; the belly, thighs, and vent white ; the two middle feathers of the tail are brown, the others dulky, tipped with white, the two outermoft edged and tipped with BRITISH UlRDS. 273 white ; the legs are red. — One of thefe bh'ds, which was ferit us by the Rev. Henry Ridley, was Ihot out of a flock at Preftvvick-Carr, in Northumber- land, in the month of September, 1794 : It agreed in every refpeft with the common Turtle, except- ing the mark on each fide of the neck, which was wholly wanting. We fuppofe it to have been a young bird. The note of the Turtle Dove is An- gularly tender and plaintive : In addreffing his mate the male makes ufe of a variety of winning attitudes, cooing at the fame time in the mofl: gen- tle and foothing accents ; on this account the Tur- tle Dove has been reprefented, in all ages, ais the moft perfedl emblem of connubial attachment and conftancy. The Turtle arrives late in the fpring, and departs about the latter end of Auguft : It fre- quents the thickelt and moft fheltered parts of the woods, where it builds its neft on the higheft trees : The female lays two eggs, and has only one brood in this country, but in warmer climates it is fup- pofed to breed feveral times in the year. Turtles are pretty common in Kent, where they are fome- times feen in flocks of twenty or more, frequent- ing the pea fields, and are faid to do much damage. Their ftay with us feldom exceeds more than four or five months, during which time they pair, build their nefts, breed and rear their young, which are llrong enough to join them in their retreat. 2^4 BRITISH BIRDS. OF THE GALLINACEOUS KIND. We are now to fpeak of a very numerous and ufeful clafs of birds, which, by the bountiful difpo- fition of Providence, is difFufed throughout every country of the world, affording every where a plentiful and grateful fupply of the moft delicate, wholefome, and nutritious food. A large portion of thefe feem to have left their native woods to crowd around the dwellings of man, where, fubfer- vient to his purpofe, they fubfift upon the jpickings of the barn-yard, the liable, or the dunghill; a chearful, active race, which enlivens and adorns the rural fcene, and requires no other care than the foflering hand of the houfewife to Ihelter and pro- tect it. Some kinds, fuch as the Partridge, the Pheafant, and the like, are found only in culti- vated places, at no great diftance from the habi- tations of men : and, although they have not fub- mitted to his dominion, they are neverthelefs fubje6: to his controuling power, and the object of his keeneft attention and purfuit : — Whilft o- thers, taking a wider range, find food and Ihel- ter in the deepefl recelfes of the woods and fo- Tells, fometimes fublifting upon wild and heathy mountains, or among rocks and precipices of the moft difficult accefs. The characters of this clafs are generally well known ; they are diftinguilhed above all others for th(j whitenefs of their flelh j BRITISH BIRDS. 275 their bodies are large and bulky, and their heads comparatively fmall ; the bill in all of them is fliort, ftrong, and fomewhat curved; their wings are ftiort and concave, and fcarcely able to fupport their bodies, on which account they feldom make long excurfions ; their legs are ftrong, and are fur- nifhed with a fpur or knob behind. — Birds of this kind are extremely prolific, and lay a great num- ber of eggs ; the young follow the mother as foon. as hatched, and immediately learn to pick up the food which ftie is moft affiduous in Ihewing them ; on this account flie generally makes her neft on the ground, or in places of eafy accefs to her young brood. Our gallant Chanticleer holds a diftinguifhed rank in this clafs of birds, and ftands foremoft in the lift of our domeftic tribes ; on which account we fhall place him at the head. T2 37^ BRITISH BIRDS. THE DOMESTIC COCK. {Phaftanus Gallus^ Lin. — Le Coq^ BufF.) The Cock, like the Dog, in his prefent ftate of domeftication differs fo widely from his wild origi- nal, as to render it a difficult matter to trace him back to his primitive ftock ; however it is general- ly agreed that he is to bq- found in a flate of nature in the forefts of India, and in mofl of the iflands of t^e Indian feas. The varieties of this fpecies are BRITISH BIRDS. I'J'J endlefs, every country, and almoft every diftrift of each country producing a different kind. From Afia, where they are fuppofed to have originated, they have been difFLifed over every part of the in- habited world. America was the lafl to receive them. It has been faid that they were firft intro- duced into Brazil by the Spaniards ; they are now as common in all the inhabited parts of that vaft continent as with us. Of thofe which have been fele6ted for domellic purpofes in this country, the principal are, 1 . The Crelled Cock, of which there are feve- ral varieties, fuch as the white-crefted black ones ; the black- crefted white ones ; the gold and filver ones, &c. 2. The Hamburgh Cock, named alfo Velvet Breeches, becaufe its thighs and belly are of a foft black.* This is a very large kind, and much ufed for the table. 3. The Bantam, or Dwarf Cock, a diminutive but very fpirited breed : Its legs are furniihed with long feathers, which reach to the ground behind ; it is very courageous, and will fight with one much ftronger than itfelf. 4. The Frizzled Cock. The feathers in this are fo curled up that they feem reverfed, and to ftand in oppofite directions : They are originally * Buffon. T ^. 278 BRITISH BIRDS. from the fouthern parts of Afia, and when young are extremely fenfible of cold : They have a difor- dered and unpleafant appearance, but are in much elleem for the table. We fliall finilh our lift with the Englifh Game- Cock, which ftands unrivalled by thofe of any other nation for its invincible courage, and on that account is made ufe of as the inftrument of the cruel fport of cock-fighting. To trace this cuftoni to its origin we muft look back into barbarous times, and lament that it ftill continues the dif» grace of an enlightened and philofophic age. The Athenians allotted one day in the year to cock- fighting ; the Romans are faid to have learned it from them ; and by that warlike people it was firft introduced into this illand. Henry VIII. was fo attached to the fport, that he caufed a commodious houfe to be erected for that purpofe, which, though it is now applied to a very different ufe, ftill re- tains the name of the Cock-pit. The Chinefe and many of the nations of India are fo extravagantly fond of this unmanly fport, that, during the par- oxyfms of their phrenzy, they will fometimes rifle not only the whole of their property, but their wives- and children on the ifTue of a battle. The appearance of the Game-cock, when in his fiill plumage, and not mutilated for the purpofe of fighting, is ftrikingly beautiful and animated : His head, which is fmall, is adorned with a beautiful red comb and wattles ; his eyes fparkle with fire. BRITISH BIRDS. 2/9 and his whole demeanour befpeaks boldnefs and freedom ; the feathers on his neck are long, and fall gracefully down upon his body, which is thick, firm, and compact ; his tail is long, and forms a beautiful arch behind, which gives a grace to all his motions ; his legs are llrong, and are armed with Iharp fpurs, with which he defends himfelf and at- tacks his adverfary. When furrounded by his fe- males, his whale afpe6: is full of animation ; he al- lows of no competitor, but on, the approach of a rival he rulhes forward to inftant combat, and either drives him from the field, or periihes in the attempt. The Cock is very attentive to his fe- males, hardly ever lofmg fight of them ; he leads, defends, and cherifhes them, collects them toge- ther when they ftraggle, and feems to eat unwil- lingly till he fees them feeding around him ; when he lofes them he utters his griefs, and from the different inflexions of his voice, and the various fignificant geftures which he makes, one would be led to conclude that it is a fpecies of language which ferves to communicate his fentiments. The fecundity of the hen is great ; flie lays generally two eggs in three days, and continues to lay through the greatefl part of the year, except during the time of moulting, which lalls about two months. After having laid about twenty-five or thirty eggs, Ihe prepares for the painful talk of incubation, and gives the moll certain indications of her wants by T4 SSO BRITISH BIRDS. her cries and the violence of her emotions. If Ihe Ihould be deprived of her own eggs, which is fre- quently the cafe, flie will cover thofe of any other kind, or even fictitious ones of ftone or chalk, by which means Ihe waftes herfelf in fruitlefs efforts, A fitting hen is a lively emblem of the moll af- fectionate folicitude and attention ; Ihe covers her eggs with her wings, fofters them with a genial warmth, changing them gently, that all parts may be properly heated ; flie feems to perceive the im- portance of her employment, and is fo intent in her occupation, that fhe negleCls, in fome meafure, the neceffary fupplies of food and drink ; Ihe omits no care, overlooks no precaution, to complete the ex- iftence of the little incipient beings, and to guard againft the dangers that threaten them. Buffon, with his ufual elegance, obferves, " that the con- dition of a fitting hen, however infipid it may ap- pear to us, is perhaps not a tedious fituation, but a Hate of continual joy ; fo much has Nature con- neCled raptures with whatever relates to the mul- tiplication of her creatures I" For a curious account of the progrefs of incuba- tion, in the developement of the chick, we refer our readers to the above-mentioned author, who has given a minute detail of the feveral appearan- ces which take place, at different Itated periods, till the young chick is ready to break the Ihell and come forth. In former times the Egyptians, and in later days philofophers, have fucceeded in hatch» BRITISH BIRDS. l8l ing eggs without the afliftance of the hen, and that in great numbers at once, by means of artificial heat, correfponding with the warmth of the hen : The eggs are placed in ovens, to which an equal and moderate degree of heat is applied, and every Jcind of moiilure or pernicious exhalation careful- ly avoided — by which means, and by turning the eggs fo that every part may enjoy alike the requi- fite heat, hundreds may be produced at the fame time. 282 BRITISH BIRDS. THE PHEASANT. {Phqftanus ColchicuSy Lin. — Le Faifany BufF.) Is of the fize of the common Cock : The bill is of a pale horn colour ; the noftrils are hid under an arched covering ; the eyes are yellow, and are fur- rounded by a naked warty fkin, of a beautiful fear- let, finely fpotted with black ; immediately under each eye there is a fmall patch of Ihort feathers, BRITISH BIRDS. 283 of a dark gloITy purple ; the upper parts of the head and neck are of a deep purple, varying to glofly green and blue ; the lower parts of the neck and breaft are of a reddilh cheflnut, with black indented edges ; the fides and lower part of the breaft are of the fame colour, with pretty large tips of black to each feather, which in different lights vary to a glofly purple ; the belly and vent are duflcy ; the back and fcapulars are beautifully variegated with black and white, or cream colour fpeckled with black, and mixed with deep orange, all the feathers being edged with black ; on the lower part of the back there is a mixture of green ; the quills are dulky, freckled with white ; wing co- verts brown, gloffed with green, and edged with white ; rump plain reddilli brown ; the two middle feathers of the tail are about twenty inches long, the fhorteft on each fide lefs than five, of a red- difli brown colour, marked with tranfverfe bars of black -, the legs are dulky, with a fliort blunt fpur on each ; between the toes there is a ftrong mem- brane. The female is lefs, and does not exhibit that va- riety and brilliancy of colours which diftinguilli the male : The general colours are light and dark brown, mixed with black ; the breaft and belly finely freckled with fmall black fpots on a light ground ; the tail is ftiort, and barred fomewhat like the male ; the fpace round the eye is covered with feathers. 284 BRITISH BIRDS. The Ring Pheafant is a fine variety of this breed ; its only difference confills in a white ring, which encircles the lower part of the neck; the colours of the plumage in general are likewife more diftinQ: and vivid. A line fpecimen of this bird was fent us by the Rev. Wm Turner, of Newcas- tle, from which our figure was engraven. They are fometimes met with in the neighbourhood of Alnwick, whither they were brought by his Grace the Duke of Northumberland. That they inter- mix with the common breed is very obvious, as in thofe we have feen the ring has been more or lefs diftinft ; in fome hardly vifible, and in others a few feathers only, marked with white, appear on each fide of the neck, forming a white fpot. It is much to be regretted that this beautiful breed is likely foon to be deftroyed by thofe who purfue every ipecies of game with an avaricious and indifcrimi- nating rapacity. n There are great varieties of Pheafants, of extra- ordinary beauty and brilliancy of colours ; many of thefe, brought from the rich provinces of China, are kept in aviaries in this kingdom ; the Common Pheafant is likewife a native of the eaft, and is the only one of its kind that has multiplied in our ifland. Pheafants are generally found in low woody places, on the borders of plains, where they delight to fport ; during the night they perch on the branches of trees : They are very fhy birds, and do not affociate together, except during the months BRITISH BIRD3. i3^ of March and April, when the male feeks the fe- male ; they are then eafily difcoverable by the noife which they make in crowing and clapping their wings, which may be heard at fome diflance. The hen breeds on the ground like the Partridge, and lays from twelve to fifteen eggs, which are fmaller than thofe of the Common Hen ; the young follow the mother as foon as ever they are freed from the Ihell. During the breeding feafon the cocks will fometimes intermix with the Com- mon Hen, and produce a hybrid breed, of which we have known feveral inllances. •%-?? ^86 BRITISH E1R.DS. THE TURKEY. [Meleagris Gallopavoj Lin. — Le Dindotiy BufF.) It feems to be generally allowed that this bird was originally brought from America, and in its wild flate is confiderably larger than our domeftic Turkies : Its general colour is black, variegated with bronze and bright glofTy green, in fome parts changing to purple ; the quills are green gold, black towards the ends, and tipped with white ; the tail confifts of eighteen feathers, of a brown co- lour, mottled and tipped with black; the tail co- verts are waved with black and white 5 on the BRITISH BIRDS. ^%J breaft there is a tuft of black hairs, eight inches in length : In other refpefts it refembles the domeftic Turkey, in having a bare red carunculated head and neck, a flefhy dilatable appendage hanging over the bill, and a fllort blunt fpur or knob at the back part of the leg. Tame Turkies, like every other animal in a ftate of domeftication, are of various colours ; of thefe the prevailing one is dark grey, inclining to black, with a little white towards the ends of the feathers : fome are perfectly white ; others black and white ; there is alfo a beautiful variety of a fine deep copper colour, with the greater quills pure white ; the tail of a dirty white : In all of them the tuft of black hair on the breafl is prevalent. Tur- kies are bred in great numbers in Norfolk, Suffolk, and other counties, from whence they are driven to the London markets in flocks of feveral hundreds each. The drivers manage them with great faci- lity, by means of a bit of red rag tied to a long pole, which, from the antipathy thefe birds bear to that colour, a6ls as a fcourge, and efFeQiually an- fwers the purpofe. The motions of the Turkey, when agitated with defire or inflamed with rage, are very fimilar to thofe of the Peacock ; it ereds its train, and fpreads it like a fan, whilfl its wings droop and trail on the ground, uttering at the fame time a dull hollow found ; it flruts round and round with folemn pace, alTumes all the dignity of the nioft majeflic of birds, and thus exprelTes its attach- ^8S BRITISH BIRDS. inent to its females, or its refentment to thofe ob- jefts which have excited its indignation. The Hen Turkey begins to lay early in the fpring ; Ihe is very attentive to the bufinefs of incubation, and will produce fifteen or fixteen chicks at one time, but feldom has more than one hatch in a feafon in this climate. Young Turkies, after their extrication from the Ihell, are very tender, and require great attention in rearing them ; they are fubjed to a variety of difeafes from cold, rain, and dews ; even the fun itfelf, when they are expofed to its more powerful rays, is faid to occafion almoft immediate death. As foon as they are fuificiently ftrong, they are abandoned by the mother, and are then capable of enduring the utmoft rigour of our win- ters. BRITISH BIRDS. 2bg THE PEACOCK. {Pavo cr'ijlatus Lin. — Le Paotiy Buff.) To defcrlbe the inimitable beauties of this ele- gant bird, in adequate terms would be a tallv of no U 290 BRITISH BIRDS. ffnall difficulty. " Its matcblefs plumage," fays Buffon, " feems to combine all that delights the eye in the foft and delicate tints of the fineft flow- ers ; all that dazzles it in the fparkling lullre of the gems ; and all that aftoniihes it in the grand difplayof the rainbow," Its head is adorned with a tuft, confifting of twenty-four feathers, whofe llender Ihafts are furnifhed with webs only at the ends, painted with the moft exquifite green, mixed with gold ; the head, throat, neck, and breaft, are of a deep blue, gloffed with green and gold ; the back the fame, tinged with bronze ; the fcapulars and lelTer wing coverts are of a reddilh cream co- lour, variegated with black ; the middle coverts deep blue, gloffed with green and gold ; the great- er coverts and ballard wing are of a reddilh brown, as are alfo the quills, fome of which are variegated with black and green ; the belly and vent are black, with a greenifh hue : But the diftinguilhing cha- racter of this fmgular bird is its train, which rifes jufl above the tail, and, when erected, forms a fan of the moft refplendent hues ; the two middle fea- thers are fometimes four feet and a half long, the others gradually diminifliing on each fide ; the Ihafts, which are white, are furnilhed from their origin nearly to tlie end with parted filaments of varying colours, ending in a flat vane, which is decorated with what is called the eye. *' This is a brilliant fpot, enamelled with the moft enchant- ing colours ; yellow, gilded with various fhades ; British birds. 29 1 green, running into blue and bright violet, vary- ing according to its different pofitions ; the whole receiving additional luftre from the colour of the centre, which is a fine velvet black." When pleafed or delighted, and in fight of his females, the Peacock eredts his tail, and difplays all the majefly of its beauty ; all his movements are full of dignity ; his head and neck bend nobly back ; his pace is flow and folemn, and he frequently turns flowly and gracefully round, as if to catch the fun-beams in every direction, and produce new* colours of inconceiveable richnefs and beauty, ac- companied at the fame time with a hollow mur- muring voice expreffive of defire. The Peahen is foraewhat lefs thart the cock, and though furnifhed both with a train and creft, they are deftitute of thofe dazzling beauties which dif- tinguiih the male : She lays five or fix eggs, of a whitilh colour : For this purpofe fhe chufes fome fecret fpot, where fhe Can conceal them from the itiale, who is apt to break them ; fhe fits from twenty-five to thirty days, according to the tem- perature of the climate, and the warmth of the fea- fon. Peacocks have been originally brought from the diftant provinces of India, and from thence have been diffufed over every part of the world; --—The firft notice that has been taken of them is to be found in holy writ,* where we are told, * 2d Chron. ix. 21. V 2 292 E.RITISH BIRDS. they made part of the cargoes of the rich and va- luable fleet which every three years imported the treafures of the Eaft to Solomon's court. They are foraetimes found in a wild ftate in many parts of Afia and Africa : The largeft and fineft are faid to be met with in the neighbourhood of the Ganges, and on the fertile plains of India, where they grow to a great fize ; under the influ- ence of that luxuriant climate this beautiful bird exhibits its dazzling colours, which feem to vie with the gems and precious Hones produced in thofe delightful regions. In colder climates they require great care in rearing, and do not obtain their full plumage till tlie third year. In former times they were confidered as a delicacy, and made a part of the luxurious entertainment of the Ro- man voluptuaries. White Peacocks are not uncommon in England, the eyes of the train not excepted, which are bare- ly vifible, and may be traced by a different undu- lation of Ihade upon the pure white of the tail. It is a very fmgular circumllance, that the females of this fpecies have been fometimes known to affume the appearance of the male, by a total change of colour. This is faid to take place after Ihe has done laying. A bird of this kind is preferved in the Leverian Mufeum. BRITISH BIRDS. 293 THE PINTADO. GUINEA HEN, OR PEARLED HEN. ^Numidia Meleagrisy Lin — La Pintadcy BufF.) This bird is fomewhat larger than the common. Hen : Its head is bare of feathers, and covered with a naked Ikin, of a blueilli colour ; on the top is a callous protuberance, of a conical form ; at the bafe of the upper bill, on each fide, there hangs a loofe wattle, which in the female is red, and in the male of a blueifh colour ; the upper part of the neck is almoft naked, being very thinly furniflied with a few ftraggling hairy feathers ; the Ikin is of a light afh colour ; the lower part of the neck is covered with feathers of a purple hue ; the ge- neral colour of the plumage is a dark blueilli grey, U3 ^94 BRITISH BIRDS. fprinlded with round white fpots of difterent fizes, refembling pearls — hence it has been called the Pearled Hen ; its wings are Ihort, and its tail pen- dulous, like that of the Partridge j its legs are of ^ dark colour. This fpecies, which is now very common in this country, was originally brought from Africa, from whence it has been difFufed over every part of Eu- rope, the Weft Indies, and America : It formed a part of the Roman banquets, and is now much efteemed as a delicacy, efpecially the young birds. The female lays a great number of eggs, which ihe frequently fecretes till ftie has produced her young brood : The egg is fmaller than that of a common Hen, and of a rounder ftiape ; it is very delicious eating. The Pintado is a reftlefs and very clamorous bird; it has a harfh, creaking note, which is very grating and unpleafant ; it fcrapes the ground like the Hen, and rolls in the duft to free itfelf from infe£ts ; during the night it perches on high places ; if difturbed, it alarms every thing within hearing by its unceafing cry. In its natural ftate of freedom it is faid to prefer inarfhy places. BRITISH BIRDS. 2P5 THE WOOD GROUSE. COCK OF THE WOOD, OR CAPERCAILE. {Tetrao urogalltiSy Lin. — Le grand Coq de Bruyere^ BufF.) This bird is as large as a Turkey, is about two feet nine inches in length, and weighs from twelve to fifteen pounds : The bill is very flrong, convex, and of a horn colour ; over each eye there is a naked iliin, of a bright red colour ; the eyes are U4 g.96 BRITISH BIRDS. hazel ; the noftrils are fmall, and almoft hid under a covering of fhort feathers, which extend under the throat, and are there much longer than the reft, and of a black colour ; the head and neck are ele- gantly marked with fmall tranfverfe lines of black and grey, as are alfo the back and wings, but more irregularly ; the breaft is black, richly glof- fed with green on the upper part, and mixed with a few white feathers on the belly and thighs ; the fides are marked like the neck ; the tail confifts of eighteen feathers, which are black, thofe on the fides being marked with a few white fpots ; the legs are very ftout, and covered with brown fea- thers ; the toes are furnifhed on each fide with a Itrong pectinated membrane. The female is con- fiderably lefs than the male, and differs greatly in her colours : The throat is red ; the tranfverfe bars on the head, neck, and back are red and black ; the breaft is of a pale orange colour ; bel- ly barred with orange and black, the top of each feather being white ; the back and wings are mot- tled with reddifli brown and black, the fcapulars tipped with white ; the tail is of a deep ruft co- lour, barred with black, and tipped with white. This beautiful kind is found chiefly in high mountainous regions, and is very rare in Great Britain. Mr Pennant mentions one, which was ihot near Invernefs, as an uncommon inftance. It was formerly met with in Ireland, but is now fup- pofed to be extind there. In Ruflia, Sweden, an4 BRITISH BIRDS. 2)"} Other northern countries, it is very common : It lives in the forefls of pine, with which thofe coun- tries abound, and feeds on the cones of the fir trees, which, at fome feafons, give an unpleafant flavour to its flefh, fo as to render it unfit for the table ; it like wife eats various kinds of plants and berries, particularly the juniper. Early in the fpring the feafon of pairing commences : During this period, the cock places hirafelf on an emi- nence, where he difplays a variety of pleafmg atti- tudes ; the feathers on his head Hand ereft, his neck fwells, his tail is difplayed, and his wings trail al- moft on the ground, his eyes fparkle, and the fear- let patch on each fide of his head alTumes a deeper dye ; at the fame time he utters his well-known cry, which has been compared to the found produ- ced by the whetting of a fey the ; it may be heard at a confiderable diftance, and never fails to draw around him his faithful mates. The female lays from eight to fixteen eggs, which are w^hite, fpot- ted with yellow, and larger than thofe of the com- mon Hen ; for this purpofe ftie chufes fome fecret fpot, where Ihe can fit in fecurity ; flie covers her eggs carefully over with leaves, when llie is under the neceflity of leaving them in fearch of food. The young follow the hen as foon as they are hatched, fometimes with part of the Ihell attached to them. 298 BRITISH BIRDS. «3! THE BLACK GROUSE. BLACK GAME, OR BLACK COCK. i^etrao Tetrix, Lin. — Le Coq de Bruyere a queue four- chucy BufF.) This bird, though not larger than a fowl, weighs near four pounds ; its length is about one foot ten inches ; breadth two feet nine : The bill is black ; the eyes dark blue ; below each eye there is a fpot of a dirty white colour, and above a larger one, of a bright fcarlet, which extends al- moft to the top of the head ; the general colour of the plumage is of a deep black, richly glofled with blue on the neck and rump ; the lefler wing co- verts &re dulky brown; the greater are white. BRITISH BIRDS. 299 which extends to the ridge of the wing, forming a fpot of that colour on' the flioulder when the wing is clofed ; the quills are brown, the lower parts and tips of the fecondaries are white, forming a bar of white acrofs the wing — there is likewife a fpot of white on the baftard wing ; the feathers of the tail are almofl; fquare at the ends, and when fpread out, form a curve on each fide ; the under tail coverts are of a pure white ; the legs and thighs are of a dark brown colour, mottled with white ; the toes are toothed on the edges like the former fpecies. In fome of our fpecimens the nof- trils were thickly covered with feathers, whilll in others they were quite bare, which we fuppofe muft be owing to the different ages of the birds. Thefe birds, like the former, are found chiefly in high and wooded fituations in the northern parts of our ifland ; they are common in Ruffia, Siberia, and other northern countries : They feed on va- rious kinds of berries and other fruits, the produce of wild and mountainous places ; in fummer they will frequently come down from their lofty fitua- tions for the fake of feeding on corn. They do not pair, but on the return of fpring the males af- femble in great numbers at their accullomed re- forts, on the tops of high and heathy mountains, when the conteil for fuperiority takes place, and continues with great bitternefs till the vanquillied are put to flight ; the vidors being left in poffeffion of the field, place themfelves on an eminence, clap 30O BRITISH BIRDS. their wings, and with loud cries give notice to their females, who immediately refort to the fpot. It is faid that each cock has two or three hens, which feem particularly attached to him. The fe- male is about one-third lefs than the male, and dif- fers confiderably in colour; her tail is likewife much lefs forked : She makes an artlefs neft on the ground, where flie lays fix or eight eggs, of a yellowifh colour, with freckles and fpots of a rufty brown: The young males at firft refemble the mother ; they do not acquire their full plumage till toward the end of autumn, when it gradually changes to a deeper colour, and alTumes that of a blueilh black, which it afterwards retains. "■53111 -'^ ?»S^^ BRITISH BIRDS. 301 RED GROUSE. RED GAME, GORCOCK, OR MOORCOCK. (Tetrao ScotlcuSf 'L\n.-—IJAttagaSi BufF.) The length of this bird is fifteen inches ; the weight about nineteen ounces : The bill is black ; the eyes hazel ; the noftrils fhaded with fmall red and black feathers ; at the bafe of the lower bill there is a white fpot on each fide ; the throat is red; each eye is arched with a large naked fpot, of a bright fcarlet colour ; the whole upper part of the body is beautifully mottled with deep red and black, which gives it the appearance of tortoife- Ihell ; the breafi: and belly are of a purpleilh hue, crofled with fmall dufl^y lines ; the tail confifls of fixteen feathers, of equal lengths, the four middle- 302 BRITISH BIRDS. moft barred with red, the others black ; the quills are dulky ; the legs are clothed with foft white fea- thers down to the claws, which are ftrong, and of a light colour. The female is fomewhat lefs ; the naked flvin above each eye is riot fo confpicuous, and the colours of its plumage in general much lighter than thofe of the male. This bird is found in great plenty in the wild, heathy, and mountainous trafts in the northern counties of England ; it is likewife common in Wales, and in the highlands of Scotland. Mr Pennant fuppofes it to be peculiar to Britain; thofe found in the mountainous parts of France, Spain, Italy, and elfewhere, as mentioned by M. BufFon, are probably varieties of this kind, and we have no doubt would breed with it. We could wifli that attempts were more frequently made to introduce a greater variety of thefe ufeful birds in- to this country, to flock our wafle and barren moors with a rich fund of delicate and wholefome food ; but, till a wife and enlightened legiilature Ihall alter or abrogate our very unequal and inju- dicious game laws, there hardly remains a fmgle hope for the prefervation of thofe we have. Red Groufe pair in the fpring ; the female lays eight or ten eggs, on the ground : The young ones follow the hen the whole fummer ; as foon as they have attained their full fize, they unite in flocks of forty or fifty, and are then exceedingly Ihy and wild. BRITISH BIRD3. WHITE GROUSE. WHITE GAME, OR PTARMIGAN. {Tetrao lagopusy Lin. — Le Lagopede^ BufF.) This bird is nearly the fame fize as the Red Grouie : Its bill is black ; the upper parts of its body are of a pale brown or afh colour, mottled with fmall dufky fpots and bars ; the bars on the head and neck are fomewhat broader, and are mix- ed with white ; the under parts are white, as are alfo the wings, excepting the fhafts of the quills, which are black. This is its fummer drefs ; in winter it changes to a pure white, except that in the male there is a black line between the bill and the eye ; the tail confifts of fixteen feathers ; the two middle ones are afh-coloured in fummer, and 304 BRITISH BIRDS* white in winter, the two next flightly marked with white near the ends, the reft are wholly black ; the upper tail coverts are long, and almoft cover the tail. The White Groufe is fond of lofty fituations, where it braves the fevereft cold : It is found in moft of the northern parts of Europe, even as far as Greenland ; in this country it is only to be met with on the fumniits of fome of our higheft hills, chiefly in the highlands of Scotland, in the Heb- rides and Orkneys, and fometimes, but rarely, on the lofty hills of Cumberland and Wales. Buffbn, fpeaking of this bird, fays, that it avoids the folar heat, and prefers the biting frofts on the tops of mountains ; for, as the fnow melts on the fides of the mountains, it conftantly afcends, till it gains the fummit, where it forms holes, and burrows in the fnow. They pair at the fame time with the Groufe ; the female lays eight or ten eggs, which are white, fpotted with brown ; flie makes no neft, but depofits them on the ground. In winter they fly in flocks, and are fo little accuftomed to the fight of man, that they fuffer themfelves to be ea- fily taken either with the fnare or gun. They feed on the wild produ£lions of the hills, which fome- times give the flefti a bitter tafte, but not unpalate- able ; it is dark coloured, and according to M. BufFon has fomewhat the flavour of hare. BRITISH BIRDS. 30s THE PARTRIDGE. {Tetrao perdix, Lin. — Le perdrix Grife^ BufF. ) The length of this bird is about thirteen inches ; The bill is light brown ; eyes hazel ; the general colour of its plumage is brown and afli, elegantly mixed with black, each feather being ftreaked down the middle with buff colour ; the fides of the head are tawny ; mider each e3''e there is a fniall faffr on- coloured fpot, which has . a granulated ap- pearance, and between the eye and the ear a naked fkin of a bright fcarlet, which is not very confpi- cuous but in old birds ; on the breafl: there is a crefcent of a deep cheftnut colour ; the tail is lliort; the legs are of a greenifli white, and are furnilhed with a fmall knob behind : The female X 306 BRITISH BIRDS. wants the crefcent on the bread, and its colours in general are not fo diflin6l and bright. Partridges are chiefly found in temperate cli- mates, the extremes of heat and cold being equally unfavourable to them : They are no where in greater plenty than in this ifland, where, in their feafon, they contribute to our moll elegant enter- tainments. It is much to be lamented, however, that the means taken to preferve this valuable bird fhould, in a variety of inftances, prove its deftruc- tion ; the proper guardians of the young ones and eggs, tied down by ungenerous rellridlions, are led to confider them as a growing evil, and not only connive at their dellruftion, but too frequently af- fifl in it. Partridges pair early in the fpring ; the female lays from fourteen to eighteen or twenty eggs, making her neft of dry leaves and grafs upon the ground : The young birds learn to run as foon as hatched, frequently encumbered with part of the Ihell flicking to them. It is no uncommon thing to introduce Partridge eggs under the common Hen, who hatches and rears them as her own : In this cafe the young birds require to be fed with ants' eggs, which is their favourite food, and with- out which it is almofl impoffible to bring them up; they likewife eat infeds, and, when full grown, feed on all kinds of grain and young plants. The af- fedion of the Partridge for her young is peculiarly ftrong and lively ; flie is greatly affifted in the care of rearing them by her mate ; they lead them out BRITISH BIRDS. 307 ill common, call them together, point out to them their proper food, and affift them in finding it by fcratching the ground with their feet ; they fre- quently fit clofe by each other, covering the chick- ens with their wings, like the Hen : In this fitua- tion they are not eafily flufhed ; the fportfman, who is attentive to the prefervation of his game, will carefully avoid giving any difturbance to a fcene fo truly interefting ; but fhould the pointer come too near, or unfortunately run in upon them, there are few who are ignorant of the confu- fion that follows : The male firfl gives the fignal of alarm by a peculiar cry of diftrefs, throwing himfelf at the fame moment more immediately in- to the way of danger, in order to deceive or mif- lead the enemy ; he flies, or rather runs along the ground, hanging his wings, and exhibiting every fymptom of debility, whereby the dog is decoyed, by a too eager expectation of an eafy prey, to a diftance from the covey ; the female flies off in a contrary diredion, and to a greater diftance, but returning foon after by fecret ways, fhe finds heir fcattered brood clofely fquatted among the grafs, and collecting them with hafte, flie leads them from the danger, before the dog has had time to return from his purfuit. X2 3o8 BRITISH BIRDS. THE QUAIL. {Teirao coturmx, Lin. — La Caille, BufF.) The length feven inches and a half: Bill duf- ky ; eyes hazel ; the colours of the head, neck, and back are a mixture of brown, alh colour, and black; over each eye there is a yellowilh ftreak, and another of the fame colour down the middle of the forehead ; a dark line paffes from each corner of the bill, forming a kind of gorget above the breaft ; the fcapular feathers are marked by a light yellowifh ftreak down the middle of each; the quills are of a lightilh brown, with fmall ruft co- loured bands on the exterior edges of the feathers ; the breaft is of a pale ruft colour, fpotted with black, and ftreaked with pale yellowy the tail con- fifts of twelve feathers, barred like the wings; the belly and thighs are of a yellowilh white; legs pale brown. We were favoured with a very fine BRITISH BIRDS. 309 fpecimen of this beautiful bird alive by Mr Gil- frid Ward, and one fhot by the Rev. Mr Brockle- bank of Corbridge, from which our reprefentation was made. The female wants the black fpots on the breaft, and is eafily diflinguifhed by a lefs vivid plumage. Quails are almoft univerfally diffufed through- out Europe, Afia, and Africa ; they are birds of paflage, and are feen in immenfe flocks traverfing the Mediterranean fea from Italy to the fhores of Africa in the autumn, and returning again in the fpring, frequently alighting in their paflage on ma- ny of the iflands of the Archipelago, which they almoft cover with their numbers. On the wef- tern coafts of the kingdom of Naples fuch prodi- gious quantities have appeared, that an hundred thoufand have been taken in a day within the fpace of four or five miles. From thefe circura- ftances it appears highly probable, that the Quails which fupplied the Ifraelites with food, during their journey through the wildernefs, were fent thither on their paflage to the north by a wind from the fouth-weft, fweeping over Egypt and Ethiopia to- wards the Jhores of the Red fea. Quails are not very numerous in this ifland ; they breed with us, and many of them remain throughout the year, changing their quarters from the interior counties- to the fea coaft. The female makes her neft like the Partridge, and lays to the number of fix or X3 310 BRITISH BIRDS. feven* eggs, of a greyilh colour, fpeckled with brown : The young birds follow the mother as foon as hatched, but, do not continue long toge- ther; they are fcarcely grown up before they fe- parate ; or, if kept together, they fight obftinately with each other, their quarrels frequently termina- ting in each other's deilrudlion. From this quar- relfome difpofition in the Quail it was, that they were formerly made ufe of by the Greeks and Ro- mans, as we do Game cocks, for the purpofe of fighting. We are told that Auguftus punifhed a prefeQ; of Egypt with death, for bringing to his ta- ble one of thefe birds which had acquired celebrity by its vi(5lories. At this time the Chinefe are much addicted to the amufement of fighting Quails, and in fome parts of Italy it is faid likewife to be no unufual practice. After feeding two Quails very highly, they place them oppofite to each other, and throw in a few grains of feed between them — the birds rufh upon each other with the utmoft fury, ftriking with their bills and fpurs till one of them yields. * In France they arc faid to lay fifteen or twenty.— 5#. BRITISH BIRDS. II THE CORN-CRAKE. LAND RAIL, OR DAKER HEN. (Rallus-CreXf Lin. — Le Rale de genety BufF.) Length rather more than nine inches : The bill is light brown ; the eyes hazel ; all the fea- thers on the upper parts of the plumage are of a dark brown, edged with pale ruft colour ; both wing coverts and quills are of a deep chellnut ; the fore part of the neck and bread is of a pale afh colour ; a llreak of the fame colour extends over each eye from the bill to the fide of the neck ; the belly is of a yellowifh white ; the fides, thighs, and vent are faintly marked with ruily coloured llreaks ; the legs are of a pale flelli colour. We have ventured to remove this bird from the ufual place afligned to it among thofe to which it feems to have little or no analogy, and have placed X4 312 BRITISH BIRDS. it among others, to which, m moll refpeds, it bears a ftrong affinity. It makes its appearance about the fame time with the Quail, and frequents the fame places, from whence it is called, in fome countries, the king of the Quails. Its well-known cry is firil heard as foon as the grafs becomes long enough to afford it fhelter, and continues till the time it is cut, but is feldom feen ; it conflantly fliulks among the thickeft part of the herbage, and runs fo nimbly through it, winding and doubling in every diredion, that it is difficult to come near it ; when hard pulhed by the dog, it fometimes flops ihort and fquats down, by which means, its too eager purfuer overflioots the fpot, and lofes the trace. It feldom fprings but when driven to ex- tremity, and generally flies with its legs hanging down, but never to a great diflance : As foon as it alights it runs off, and before the fowler has reach- ed the fpot, the bird is at a confiderable diflance. — The Corn-crake leaves this ifland in winter, and repairs to other countries in fearch of food, which confifls of worms, Hugs, and infers; it iikewife feeds on feeds of various kinds : It is ve- ry common in Ireland, and is feen in great num- bers in the ifland of Anglefea in its paffage to that country. On its firfl arrival in England it is fo lean as to weigh lefs than fix ounces, from whence one would conclude that it mufl have come from diflant parts ; before its departure, however, it has been known to exceed eight ounces, and is then BRITISH BIRDS. 313 very delicious eating. The female lays ten or twelve eggs, on a neft made of a little mofs or dry grafs carelefsly put together ; they are of a pale alh colour, marked with ruft-coloured fpots. The young Crakes run as foon as they have burft the Ihell, following the mother ; they are covered with a black down, and foon find the ufe of their legs.— Our figure was made from the living bird fent us by Lieut. H. F. Gibfon, - iivW^'--..-r?i 314 BRITISH BIRDS. GREAT BUSTARD. {Otis tarda, Lin. — L*Ouiarde, BufF.) This very fmgular bird, which is the largeft of our land birds, is about four feet long, and weighs from twenty-five to thirty pounds j its charadlers BRITISH BIRDS. 315 are peculiar, and with thofe which conned it with birds of the galUnaceous kind, it has others which feem to belong to the Oftrich and the CalFowary : Its bill is ftrong and rather convex ; its eyes red ; on each fide of the lower bill there is a tuft of fea- thers about nine inches long ; its head and neck are afh-coloured. In the one defcribed by Ed- wards, there were on each fide of the neck two na- ked fpots, of a violet colour, but which appeared to be covered with feathers when the neck was much extended. The back is barred tranfverfely with black and bright rufl colour ; the quills are black ; the belly white ; the tail confifts of twenty feathers —the middle ones are ruft colour, barred with black ; thofe on each fide are white, with a bar or two of black near the ends y the legs are long, na- ked above the knees, and duflcy ; it has no hind toe ; its nails are ftiort, ftrong, and convex both above and below ; the bottom of the foot is fiir- nilhed with a callous prominence, which ferves in- ftead of a heel. — The female is not much more than half the fize of the male : The top of her head is of a deep orange, the reft of the head brown ; her colours are not lb bright as thofe of the male, and fhe wants the tuft on each ftde of the head : There is likewife another very effential difference between the male and the female, the former being furniftied with a fac or pouch, which is fituated in the fore part of the neck, and is capable of contain- ing about two quarts ; the entrance to it is im- gl6 BRITISH BIRDS. mediately under the tongue.* This fingular refer- voir was firft difcovered hy Dr Douglas, who fup- pofes that the bird fills it with water as a fupply in the midft of thofe dreary plains where it is accuf- tomed to wander ; it likewife makes a further ufe of it in defending itfelf againft the attack of birds of prey ; on fuch occafions it throws out the water with fuch violence, as not unfrequently to baiRe the purfuit of its enemy. Bullards were formerlj'- more frequent in this iiland than at prefent ; they are now found only in the open countries of the South and Eaft, in the plains of Wiltlhire, Dorfetfhire, and in fome parts of Yorkfhire ; they were formerly met with in Scotland, but are now fuppofed to be extinct there. They are How in taking wing, but run with great rapidity, and when young are fometimes taken with greyhounds, which purfue them with great avidity : The chace is faid to afford excellent di- verfion. The Great Buflard is granivorous, feed- ing on herbs and grain of various kinds ; it is alfo fond of thofe worms which are feen to come out of the ground in great numbers before fun-rife in the fummer ; in winter it frequently feeds on the bark of trees : Like the Oftrich, it fwallows fmall ftones,f * Barrlngton's Mif. p. $^^. f In the flomach of one which was opened by the academi- cians there were found, befides fmall ftones, to the number of ninety doubloons, all worn and poliihed by the attrition of the ilomach. — Buffi BRITISH BIRDS. ^ly bits of metal, and the like. The female makes no neft, but, making a hole on the ground, flie drops two eggs, about the fize of thofe of a Goofe, of a pale olive brown, with dark fpots : She fome- times leaves her eggs in quell of food ; and if du- ring her abfence, any one Ihould handle, or even breathe upon them, Ihe immediately abandons her neft. Buftards are found in various parts of Eu- rope, Afia, and Africa, but have not hitherto been difcovered on the new continent. BRITISH BiRDSi LITTLE BUSTARD. {Oils TetraXf Lin. — Le petite Outarde, BufF.) Length only feventeen inches : The bill is pale brown ; eyes red ; the top of the head is black, fpotted with pale ruft colour ; the fides of the head, chin, and throat, are of a reddifli white, marked with a few dark fpots ; the whole neck is black, encircled with an irregular band of white near the top and bottom ; the back and wings are ruft co- lour, mottled with brown, and crofled with fine ir- regular black lines ; the under parts of the body, and outer edges of the wings are white ; the tail confifts of eighteen feathers— the middle ones are BEIITISH BIRDS. 3»9 tawny, barred with black, the others are white, marked with a few irregular bands of black ; the legs are gray. The female is fmaller, and wants the black collar on its neck j in other refpefts Ihe nearly refembles the male. This bird is very uncommon in this country ; we have feen only two of them, both of which were females : Our figure was taken from one fent us by W, Trevelyan, Efq. which was taken on the edge of Newmarket Heath, and kept alive a- bout three weeks, in a kitchen, where it was fed with bread, and other things, fuch as poultry eat. Both this and the Great Builard are excellent eat- ing, and, we would imagine, would well repay the trouble of domeftication ; indeed it feems furpri- fing that we ftiould fuffer thefe fine birds to run wild, and be in danger of total extin6lion, which, if properly cultivated, might afford as excellent a repaft as our own domeftic poultry, or even the Turkey, for which we are indebted to dillant coun- tries : It is very common in France, where it is taken in nets like the Partridge : It is a very fliy and cunning bird ; if difturbed, it flies two or three hundred paces, not far from the ground, and then runs away much fafler than any one can follow on foot. The female lays her eggs in June to the number of three or four, of a glolTy green colour ; as foon as the young are hatched, flie leads them about as the hen does her chickens ; they begin tp fly about the middle of Auguft. 320 BRITISH BIRDS* OF THE PLOVER. Although the Plover has generally been claffed with thofe birds whole bufmefs is wholly among waters, we cannot help confidering the greater part of them as partaking entirely of the nature of land birds. Many of them breed upon our loftieft mountains, and though they are frequently feen upon the fea-coails, feeding with birds of the wa- ter kind, yet it muft be obferved that they are no more water birds than many of our fmall birds who repair there for the fame purpofe. The Plover is diftinguiflied by a large full eye ; its bill is flrait, lliort, and rather fwelled to- wards the tip ; its head is large ; and its legs are naked above the knee. The long-legged Plover and the Sanderling are waders, and belong more immediately to the water birds, to which we refer them : The Great Plover and the Lapwing we confider as entirely connected with birds of the Plover kind ; the former has ufually been claffed with the Buftard, the latter with the Sandpiper; but they differ very materially from both, and feem to agree in more eflential points with this kind: We have therefore given them a place in this part of our work, where they may be confider- ed as connecting the two great divifions of land and water birds, to both of which they are in fome degree allied. BRITISH BIRDS* a^t THE GREAT PLOVER. THICK-KNEE'D BUSTARD, STONE CURLEW, NORFOLK PLOVER, {Charadrius OedicnemuSy Lin. — Le grafjd Plwvlerj Buff.) The length of this bird is about fixteen inches ; Its bill is long, yellow ifli at the bafe, and black at the end ; its eyes and eye-lids are pale yellow ; a- bove each eye there is a pale flreak, and beneath one of the fame colour extends to the bill ; the throat is white ; head, neck, and all the upper parts of the body are of a pale tawny brown, down the Y 322 BRITISH BIRDS. middle of each feather there is a dark ftreak ; the fore part of the neck and breaft are nearly the fame, but much paler ; the belly, thighs, and vent are of a pale yellowifh white ; the quills are black ; the tail is lliort and rounded — a dark band crolTes the middle of each feather, the tips are black, the reft white ; the legs are yellow, and naked above the knees, which are very thick, as if fwelied— hence its name ; the claws are black. This bird is found in great plenty in Norfolk and feveral of the fouthern counties, but is no where to be met with in the northern parts of our illand ; it prefers dry and flony places, on the fides of Hoping banks : It makes no neft ; the female lays two or three eggs on the bare ground, Ihelter- ed by a Hone, or iii a fmall hole formed in the fand ; they are of a dirty white, marked with fpots of a deep reddilli colour, mixed with flight ftreaks. Although this bird has great power of wing, and flies with great ftrength, it is feldom feen during the day, except furprifed, when it fprings to fome diftance, and generally efcapes before the fportf- man comes within gun-fliot ; it likewife runs on the ground almofl as fwift as a dog ; after running fome time it flops fliort, holding its head and body fl:ill, and on the leaft noife fquats clofe on the ground. In the evening it comes out in queft of food, and may then be heard at a great diftance ; its cry is fmgular, refembling a hoarfe kind of whiille three or four times repeated, and has been BRITISH BIRDS. 323 compared to the turning of a rully handle. Buf- fon endeavours to exprefs it by the words turrlui^ turrlui, and fays, it refembles the found of a third flute, dwelling on three or four tones from a flat to a fharp. Its food confiils chiefly of worms. It IS faid to be good eating when young ; the flelh of the old ones is hard, black, and dry. Mr White mentions them as frequenting the diftrift of Sel- bome, in Hampfhire. He fays, that the young run immediately from the neft, almoft as foon as they are excluded, like Partridges ; that the dam leads them to fome ftony field, where they bafk< fkulking among the Itones, which they referable fo nearly in colour, as not eafily to be difcovered. Birds of this kind are migratory ; they arrive in April, live with us all the fpring and fummer, and at the beginning of autumn prepare to take leave by getting together in flocks ; it is fuppofed that they retire to Spain, and frequent the Iheep-walks with which that country abounds. Ys 324 BRITISH BIRDS. "- '^:r-: ^^ ^'^.=^^^^^.^ ^--^^^ THE PEE- Wit. LAPWING, BASTARD PLOVER, OR TE-WIT. ^Fr'mgilla vanelluSj Lin. — Le Vanneau, BufF.) This bird is about the fize of a Pigeon : Its bill is black ; eyes large and hazel ; the top of the head is black, gloffed with green ; a tuft of long narrow feathers iffues from the back part of the head, fome of which are four inches in length, and turn upwards at the end ; the fides of the head and neck are white, which is interrupted by a blackifh llreak above and below the eye ; the back part of the neck is of a very pale brown ; the fore part, as far as the breaft, is black ; the back and wing coverts BRITISH BIRDS. 325 are of a dark green, glofled with purple and blue reflexions ; the quills are black, the four firft tip- ped with white ; the breaft and belly are of a pure white ; the upper tail coverts and vent pale chellnut ; the tail is white at the bafe, the end is black, with pale tips, the outer feathers almoffc wholly white ; the legs are red ; claws black ; hind claw very Ihort. This bird is a conftant inhabitant of this coun- try; but as it fubfifts chiefly on worms, it is forced to change its place in queft of food, and is fre- quently feen in great numbers by the fea-fliores, where it finds an abundant fupply. It is every where well known by its loud and incelfant cries, which it repeats without intermiffion, whilft on the wing, and from whence, in moil languages, a name has been given to it as imitative of the found. — The Pee-wit is a lively adive bird, almoft con- tinually in motion ; it fports and frolics in the air in all directions, and affumes a variety of atti- tudes ; it remains long upon the wing, and fome- times rifes to a confiderable height ; it runs along the ground very nimbly, and fprings and bounds from fpot to fpot with great agility ; The female lays four eggs, of a dirty olive, fpotted with black; fhe makes no nell, but depofits them upon a little dry grafs haftily fcraped together ; the young birds run very foon after they are hatched ; — during this period the old ones are very afliduous in their at- J26 BRITISH BIRDS. tentidn to their charge ; on the approach of any perfon to the place of their depofit, they flutter round his head with cries of the greatefl inquietude, whiqh increafes as he draws nearer the fpot where the brood are fquatted ; in cafe of extremity, and as a lafl refource, they run along the ground as if lame, in order to draw off the attention of the fow- ler from any further purfuit. The young Lap- wings are firll covered with a blackifli down in- terfperfed with long white hairs, which they gra- dually lofe, and about the latter end of July they acquire their beautiful plumage. At this time, according to BufFon, the great affociation begins to take place, and they alTemble in large flocks of young and .old, which hover in the air, faunter in the meadows, and after rain they difperfe among the ploughed fields. In the month of October the Lapwings are very fat, and are then faid to be ex- cellent eating : Their eggs are confidered as a great delicacy, and are fold in the London markets ^t three fhillings a dozen. The following anecdote, communicated to us by the Rev. J. Carlyle, is worthy of notice, as it Ihews the domeftic nature of this bird, as well as the art with which it conciliates the regard of a- nimals differing from itfelf in nature, and general- ly confidered as hoftile to every fpecies of the fea- thered tribes. Two of thefe birds, given to Mr Carlyle, were put into a garden, where one of Aem foon died^ the other continued to pick up BRITISH BIRDS. 327 fuch food as the place afforded, till winter deprived it of its ufual fupply ; necelfity foon compelled it to draw nearer the houfe, by which it gradually be- came familiarifed to occafional interruptions from the family. At length, one of the fervants, when ](he had occafion to go into the back-kitchen with a light, obferved that the Lapwing always uttered his cty *" pee-wif to obtain admittance. He foon grew more familiar; as the winter advanced, he approached as far as the kitchen, but with much caution, as that part of the houfe was generally oc- cupied by a dog and a cat, whofe friendlhip the Lap- wing at length conciliated fo entirely, that it was his regular cuftom to refort to the firefide as foon as it grew dark, and fpend the evening and night with his two aflbciates, fitting clofe by them, and partaking of the comforts of a warm firefide. As foon as fpring appeared, he left off coming to the houfe, and betook hirafelf to the garden; but on the approach of winter, he had recourfe to his old Ihel- ter and his old friends, who received him very cor- dially. Security was productive of infolence ; what was at firll obtained with caution, v/as after- wards taken without referve : He frequently amu- fcd himfelf with walhing in the bowl which was fet for the dog to drink out of, and while he was thus employed, he Ihewed marks of the greatefl indignation if either of his companions prefumed to interrupt him. He died in the afyhjm he had y4 328 BRITISH BIRDS. chofen, being clioaked with fomething which he picked up from the floor. During his confinement, crumbs of wheaten bread were his principal food, which he preferred to any thing elfe. BRITISH BIRDS. 329 THE GOLDEN PLOVER. YELLOW PLOVER. {Charadrlus PluvialiSf Lin. — Le Pluvier dore, BufF.) The fize of the Turtle : Bill dulky ; eyes dark; all the upper parts of the plumage are mark- ed with bright yellow fpots upon a dark brown ground ; the fore part of the neck and breaft are the fame, but much paler; the belly is alnioft white ; the quills are dulky ; the tail is marked with dufky and yellow bars ; the legs are black.— Birds of this fpecies vary much from each other ; in fome which we have had, the breaft was marked with black and white j in others, it was almoft black ; but whether this difference arofe from age or fex, we are at a lofs to determine. 33<5 BRITISH BIRDS. The Golden Plover is common in this coun- try, and all the northern parts of Europe ; it is very numerous in various parts of America, from Hudfon's Bay as far as Carolina, migrating from one place to another according to the fea- fons : It breeds on high and heathy mountains ; the female lays four eggs, of a pale olive colour, variegated with blackifli fpots : They fly in fmall flocks, and make a Ihrill whiftling noife, by an imi- tation of which they are fometimes enticed within gun-fliot. The male and female do not differ from each other. In young birds the yellow fpots are not very diftinguilhable, the plumage inclining more to gray. BRITISH BIRDS. 33 1 THE GRAY PLOVER. {Tringa Squatarolay Lin. — Le vanneait Pluvlefj BufF.) The length of this bird is about twelve inches : Its bill is black ; the head, back, and wing coverts are of a dufty brown, edged with greenifli alh co- lour, and fome with white ; the cheeks and throat are white, marked with oblong duflvy fpots ; the belly, thighs, and rump are white; the fides are marked with a few duiky fpots ; the outer webs of the quills are black, the lower parts of the inner webs of the four firft are white ; the tail is marked with alternate bars of black and white ; the legs are of a dull green ; its hind toe is fraall. — In the Planches Enhtminees this bird is reprefented with eyes of an orange colour ; there is likewife a duf- ky line extending from the bill underneath each eye, and a white one above it. We have placed this bird with the Plovers, as agreeing with them in every other refpe£l but that of having a hind toe ; but that is fo fmall as not to render it necelTary to exclude it from a place in the Plover family, to which it evidently belongs. The Gray Plover is not very common in Britain ; it appears fometimes in fmall flocks on the fea- coafts : It is fomewhat larger than the Golden Plover. Its flefli is faid to be very delicate. S32 BRITISH BIRDS. THE DOTTEREL. {Charadrius Morifiellus, lAn.—Le Guignardy BufF.) The length of this bird is about nine inches : Its bill is black ; eyes dark, large, and full ; its forehead is mottled with brown and white ; top of the head black ; over each eye an arched line of white paf- fes to the hind part of the neck ; the cheeks and throat are white ; the back and wings are of a light brown, inclining to olive, each feather being mar- gined with pale ruft colour ; the quills are brown ; the fore part of the neck is furrounded by a broad band of a light olive colour, bordered on the under fide with white ; the breaft is of a pale dull orange ; middle of the belly black ; the reft of the belly, thighs, and vent are of a reddilh white ; the tail is of an olive brown, black near the end, and tipped British bireis. 333 with white — the outer feathers are margined with white ; the legs are of a dark olive colour. The Dotterel is common in various parts of Great Britain ; in others it is fcarcely known : — They are fuppofed to breed in the mountains of Cumberland and Wellmorland, where they are fometimes feen in the month of May, during the breeding feafon ; they likewife breed on feveral of the Highland hills : They are very common in Cambridgefliire, Lincolnfliire, and Derbyfhire, ap- pearing in fmall flocks on the heaths and moors of thofe counties during the months of May and June, and are then very fat, and much efteemed for the table. The Dotterel is faid to be a very ftupid bird, and eafdy taken with the moft fimple artifice, and that it was formerly the cullom to decoy them into the net by flretching out a leg or an arm, which caught the attention of the birds, fo that they returned it by a fimilar motion of a leg or a wing, and were not aware till the net dropped and covered the whole covey. At prefent the more fure method of the gun has fuperfeded this ingeni- ous artifice. 334 BRITISH BIRDSi THE RING DOTTEREL. RING PLOVER, OR SEA LARK. {Charadrius Hiatlculay Lin.-^Z,^ petit Pluvier a collier ^ BufF.) The length is rather more than feven inches : The bill is of an orange colour, tipped with black ; the eyes are hazel ; a black line pafles from the bill, underneath each eye, to the cheeks, where it is pretty broad ; above this a line of white ex- tends acrofs , the forehead to the eyes — this is bounded above by a black fillet acrofs the head; a gorget of black encircles the neck, very broad on the fore part, but growing narrow behind — a- bove which, to the chin, is white ; the top of the head is of a light brown afli colour, as are alfo the back, fcapulars, and coverts ; the greater coverts are tipped with white ; the breaft and all the under BRITISH BIRDS. ■^;^^ parts are white ; the quills are dulky, with an oval white fpot about the middle of each feather, which forms, when the wing is clofed, a ftroke of white down each wing ; the tail is of a dark brown, tip- ped with white, the two outer feathers almoft white ; the legs are of an orange colour ; claws black.— In the female, the white on the forehead is lefs ; there is more white on the wings, and the plumage inclines more to afli colour, Thefe birds are common in all the northern countries ; they migrate into Britain in the fpring, and depart in autumn : They frequent the fea- Ihores during furamer ; they run nimbly along the fands, fometimes taking fliort flights, accompanied with loud twitterings, then alight and run again : If difturbed, they fly quite off. They are faid to make no neft ; the female lays four eggs, of a pale afh colour, fpotted with black, which flie depofits on the ground. v./ THE GETTV CENTER LIBRARY ?^-