AA - V6-. (^vW/<^//- //ff/f //''/'"' BRITISH DRAGONFLIES, 0XLFI3 ^^". timn ft j™ British Dragonflies Odonata\ By W. J. LUCAS, B.A., F.E.S, (Author of " British Haivk Moths" " British Butterflies" e>7"J. Illustrated with Coloured Plates and Black- and-White Drawings. LONDON : L. UFCOTT GILL, 170, STRAND, W.C. 1 900. [.. UPCOTT LONDON : LONDON AND COUNTY PRINTING DRl'RY LANE, W.C. PREFACE. Little b\- way of Preface should be required in the case of a book for which there exists an admitted demand. That the Dragonflies have been neglected may be — no doubt is — due to the fact that the information about them has hitherto been so widely scattered in the magazines and general entomological literature as to be far from readily accessible. Consequently, the first attemjDt to collect the scattered facts, and to make such additions as were possible, will necessarily leave much to be done in the future, more especially as regards the earlier stages of the insects. An interesting phase of the subject beyond the mere classification and other book work, is that which deals with the habits of the insects in their nativ^e haunts, and this in the past has been scarcely touched upon. I am onl}- too mindful of the fact that in the present work the account of the distribution of the various species is often very scant}-. This arises from two causes, the paucit}- of field-workers and the apparent dislike of man}' to record their captures, more par- ticularh' in the case of the commoner insects. vi Preface. As many as possible of the full-grown nymphs have been described, and one at least of each sub-family has been figured. There are still, however, several species almost or quite unknown in the earlier stages. For the description of six nymphs, and figures of two, I am indebted to Mr. L. Cabot's papers on the " Immature State of the Odonata," contained in the Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College, U.S.A., and for them I desire to express my obligation. So far as the Synonym}' is concerned, reference has been made to all such authors as are likely to be consulted by ordinary readers, and, in addition, to such others as were found responsible for any of the Synonyms. In connection with the descriptions it may be well to state that those points which are similar in both sexes have been omitted in the case of the female. In all Dragonflies a knowledge of the immature, or teneral, condition is important, but, unfortunately, details concerning it are not often obtainable or, in many instances, easily observed. In this we have another important branch of the subject which requires more extended investigation. The reputed species have designedly been relegated very much to the back- ground, their claims to being considered British being so slender. In attempting to popularise the subject with a view to increasing the number of workers in the same field, it is hoped that no sacrifice of the purely scientific side has been made. I wish to record my indebtedness to the many entomologists who have so ungrudgingly given me the benefit of their experience. Notes of occurrences, Preface. vii or lists of localities, were supplied by Rev. J. E. Tarbat, Messrs. C. A. Briggs, J. J. F. X. King, G. T. Porritt, J. Arkle, \\\ J. Ashdown, H. J. Turner, A. H. Hamm, R. C. Bradley, VV. H. Harwood, M. Burr, O. Whittaker, S. A. Blinkarn, A. M. Rodger, and many other friends and correspondents, as well as by the magazines. The account of the habits and distribution of the Scottish Dragonflies are due to a great extent to the information supplied by Messrs. King, Briggs, and K. J. Morton ; while most of the Irish localities were obtained from the excellent paper of the first on the " Neuropterous h^auna of Ireland," published by the Natural History Society of Glasgow. Photographic assistance in connection with several figures was rendered by Mr. V . X. Clarke, and in two cases by Mr. J. J. Collings, while Mr. F. Knock sup- plied the figure of a hymenopterous parasite in Dragon- flies' eggs. For the loan of some of the scarcer British species I am indebted to Messrs. R. McLachlan, J. J. Y. X. King, and S. L. Mosley. But especially am I under obligation to Messrs. C. \. Briggs and W. D. Drury for devoting a large amount of time to examining the proof-sheets, to Mr. R. McLachlan for valuable information on the nomenclature, and to Mr. W. F. Kirby for assisting me with many of the scarcer books on the subject at the Natural Histor)- Museum, S. Kensington, especially in connection with the synonymy. His own work on this subject — " A Synonymic Catalogue of Neuroptera Odonata " — has been freely consulted. Although, compared with the Lcpidoptcra, the Odonata have received but scanty attention in the viii Preface. Magazines, yet many articles and notes from the pens of the above-named, and other Neuropterists are scat- tered throughout them, and much information from them has been embodied in the present work. It is to be expected that as time goes on such notes will become more frequent, and it is the Author's hope that such an increase ma}^ take place as to make a new edition of the present work a necessity in the not very distant future. W. J. LUCAS. Kingston-on-Thames, Nove>nbei\ 1899. LIST OF FIGURES. I. — Lt's/es spojzsa, connected per colliini 2. — Pvrrhosoina nymphula ovipositing 3. — jrEschna grandis ovipositing 4. — Eggs of \aiious Dragonflies 5. — Ana grits incarnatus, a lumenopteron parasitic in eggs ol Dragonflies 6. — Newly-liatched nymph of Synipi'tru/ii strio/aliiiii 7. — Nymph of Lihelliila qiiadrhiiaculata, ready to disclose imago 8. — Imago of Lihellula quadrimacidata parti)' out of nymph-case (). — Imago of Lihellula qiiadri/jiacttlata just emerged from nymph- case 10. — Imago oi Lihellula quadriiu leulata lately emerged, wings of full size II. — Diagram of Anisopterid Dragonfly nymph 12. — Diagram of Zygopterid Dragonfly nymph 13. — Side-view of fore-part of nymph .. 14. — Labial palpi of nymph of Aiiax iiiiperator 15. — Typical masks of the nymphs of the \arious sub-families 10. — Mandibles and maxillce of nymph of Aiia.v iiiiperator 1 7. ^Ventral surface of ninth segment of nymph of male Anas iiiiperator 18. — Ventral surface of ninth segment of nym]ih of female Aiiax iiiiperator 19. — Leg-base processes of nymphs of various ^-Eschnine Dragon- flies 20. — Head of imago of ^ii/ina eyaiiea 21. — Mouth-parts of imago of yEsehna cyanea 22. — Diagram of imago of Dragonfly (lateral view) . . 23. — Diagram of imago of Dragonfly (dorsal view) . . 24. — Diagrams of typical Dragonfly wings 25. — Nymph of Lihellula depressa 20. — Head of nymph of Lihellula quadrimaeulata . . 27. — Anal appendages of Soinatoehlora metalliea (male inragu) PAGE 12 18 21 21 23 11 34 35 36 37 38 39 39 39 47 48 50 51 52 103 1 1 1 Ii2 List of Figures. FIG. PAGE 28. — Anal appendages of Somatochlora arctica (male imago) . . 138 29. — Anal appendages of Cordulia anea (male imago) . . . . 142 30. — Nymph of Cordulia cenea . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 31. — Anal appendages of Oxygastra ciirtisii (male imago) . . . . 149 32. — Nymph of Gomphus vulgatissiunis .. .. .. ..154 T^^^. — Nymph of Cordidegaster aiiiiulatus . . . . . . . . 161 34. — Nymph of Aiiax iinperator . . . . . . . . . . 168 35. — Nymph o{ Brachytron prate use .. .. .. .. ..174 36. — Anal angle of hind-wings of ^Kschiia mixta and ^Esi/i/ia Juiicea (male).. .. .. .. .. .. ..180 37. — Nymph of Calopteryx splendeiis . . . . . . . . . . 224 38. — Anal appendages of Lestes diyas (male imago) . . . . 230 39. — Anal appendages of Lestes sponsa (male imago) . . . . 234 40. — Dorsal spot on first segment of abdomen of Lestes di-yas and Lestes sponsa . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 41. — Nymph oi Erythromma iiaias .. .. .. .. 246 42. — Antenna of nymph of Erythromma naias . . . . . . 247 43. — J.Iask of Erythromma naias . . . . . . . . . . 248 44. — Legs of nymph of Erythromma 7iaias . . . . . . . . 248 45. — Caudal lamella of nymph of Erythromma naias . . . . 249 46. — Spine on caudal lamella of nymph of Erythromma naias . . 250 47. — Nymph of Pyrrhosoma nympliula . . . . . . . . 257 48. — Anal appendages oi Agrion pidchellum (male imago).. .. 279 49. — Anal appendages of Agrion puella (male imago) . . . . 285 50. — Nymph of Agrion puella . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 5 1- — Anal appendages of Agrion mercuriale (male imago).. .. 293 52. — Anal appendages of Enallagma cyathigerum (male imago) . . 300 53- — Mask of nymph of Enallagma cyathigerum . . . . . . 302 54. — Caudal lamella of nymjih of Enallagma cyathigerum . . . . 303 55. — Diagram of Dragonfly setting-board . . . . . . . . 324 56. — Diagram illustrating method of setting Dragonfly . . . . 326 57- — Dragonfly set and ready for cabinet. . . . . . . . . 327 LIST OF COLOURED PLATES. I.— LeUCORRHINIA DIBFA Sympetrum striolatum ]I. — Sympetrum fonscolombii Sympetrum flaveolum III. — Sympetrum sanguineum Sympetrum scoticum IV. — Libellula depressa. . V. — Libellula quadrimaculata VI. — Libellula fulva Orthetrum c.erulescexs VII. — Orthetrum cancellatum viii. — somatochlora metallica Somatochlora arctica ix. — cordulia .-enea Oxygastra curtisii.. X. — GOMPHUS vulgatissimus XL — Cordulegaster annulatus XII. — Anax imperator XIII. — Brachytron pratense XIV. — ^ESCHNA MIXTA XV. — ^SCHNA C.ERULEA XVI. — ^SCHNA JUNCEA XVII. ^SCHNA CYANEA XVIII. — yESCHNA GRANDIS XIX. — ^SCHNA ISOSCELES . . XX. — CaLOPTERYX VIRGO Calopteryx splendens XXI. — Lestes dryas Lestes sponsa . . XXII. — PLATYCNEMIS PENiMPES Erythromma NAIAS . . XXIII. — Pyrrhosoma nvmphula Pyrrhosoma tenellum xxiv. — ischnura pumilio IschnuRa elegans . . XXV. — Agrion pulchellum.. XXVI. — Agrion puella XXVII. — Agrton mercuriale EXALLAGArA CYATHIGERU.M . . Note. — In everv case the Male is on the left hand., the Female right. FACING PAGE 63 100 107 119 126 140 163 183 189 196 203 209 213 228 238 266 277 282 290 on the CONTENTS. Chap. I. — [M'RODUCnON II. — Life Hi.storv III. — Classification .. I\'.— Thf Nymph V. — I'HE Imago VI. — Genera and Species. 1. Lc'iiiorr/iiiiia dubi'i 2. Syniipctriini sti iolatiini .. 3. Sympetriuii foiiscolombii 4. Sympetriini fliweolum . . ^. Syuipetritm ^aiif^iiincuin 6. Sympi'truin seofnum 7. Libclliila dtpressa 8. Libelhila qitadriuiacitlata 9. Libelhila fulva . . 10. OrthctriDit cixrulescens . . 11. Orthetrum canccllntum 12. So/natochlora uiitallica 13. Soiiiatochlora airtica 14. Cordulia ceiiea . . 15. Oxygaxtra ciirtisii 16. Gomplius viilgaiissimiis 17. Corduligaster aiiiiiilahis 18. A flax impenitor . . 19. Brachytron prate use 20. yEschna tnixta . . 21. ^schna ccerulea 22. ^Eschiia /u/icea . . 23. ^-Kschiia cyanea . . 24. ^Eschna grand is 45 63 69 77