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MOTITI ITlHAI M AM 9 H 0 i I C M 8 MWIMACU 8 HA1C Q °3 8 M W M fill BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY BEING ILLUSTRATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE GENERA OF INSECTS FOUND IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND: CONTAINING COLOURED FIGURES FROM NATURE OF THE MOST RARE AND BEAUTIFUL SPECIES, AND IN MANY INSTANCES OF THE PLANTS UPON WHICH THEY ARE FOUND. BY JOHN CURTIS, F.L.S. O' HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ASHMOLEAN SOCIETY OF OXFORD, OF THE IMPERIAL AND ROYAL ACADEMY OF FLORENCE, OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, ETC. VOL. I. COLEOPTERA, Part I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY E. ELLIS AND CO., 92 GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY; SIMPKIN AND MARSHALL, STATIONERS’ COURT; AND J. B. BAILLIERE, 219 REGENT STREET, 1823 — 1840. PRINTED BY RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. TO CHARLES LYELL, Jim. Esq THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED, IN TESTIMONY OF THE SINCERE REGARD AND ESTEEM OF THE AUTHOR. London, Dec. 1, 1829. PREFACE. AFTER so many years spent in the production of this work, to enter into any explanation of its objects or of its usefulness may appear to many unnecessary, especially to those fellow- travellers who have accompanied me on my route ; but in order that the former may not be misunderstood nor the latter overlooked, by those less intimately acquainted with the subject, it has been thought advisable to offer a few re- marks on those heads, as well as to give an account of its origin and progress. Some years before peace opened to this country the stores of the Continent of Europe, I had studied and admired the clas- sical “ Genera crustaceorum et insectorum” of Latreille, the utility of which was so manifest, that a translation of it was suggested by several talented scientific men connected with the “ Entomological Society of Norwich this first led me to consider the best means of supplying a work which might be equally useful to my fellow-labourers at home, and the result was a determination of preparing for the press an “ Illus- trated Genera of Insects.” After a period of several years, during which I never lost any opportunity of adding to my materials, I found them increase so rapidly, that it appeared necessary to confine myself to the “ Genera of British In- sects with this view I took immediate steps for the publica- tion of my work, which commenced on New-year’s day, 1824. That the investigation of Genera must be of the first im- portance cannot be denied, for without a knowledge of such groups, it is impossible for any one to gain a correct know- ledge of species ; as well might a person expect to be able to write, before he had learned the first rudiments of a language, or to solve a problem, being ignorant of the principles of ma- thematics. If this be admitted, it is unnecessary to dwell much upon the importance of having Genera correctly investigated and described. This has been attempted in the present un- dertaking, and although I have selected the works of my a 2 PREFACE. lamented friend Latreille as a model, Nature has been my Guide ; for with the exception of some of the caterpillars, living examples of which it was impossible to obtain, and a very few of the dissections, every figure has been drawn from the life or from preserved specimens, and the descriptions have been taken from actual investigations of the various parts of the animals. Desirable as it seemed to be that a work on Genera should be offered to the public, it appears rather strange that one should not have been earlier attempted, especially as the cele- brated author of the “ Natural History of Selborne” observed fifty years since, that “ nothing would recommend Entomo- logy more, than some neat plates, that should well express the generic distinctions of insects according to Linnaeus.” In following up this object I have not confined myself to a close investigation of one set of characters, being convinced that a truly philosophic System must be based on all that are available, and which consequently must be derived from va- rious sources : in this conclusion I am borne out by consider- ing the result of the opposite plan pursued by the most learned men who have written upon the subject ; for instance, Linnaeus depended upon the antennae; Fabricius upon the organs of manducation ; Geoffrey upon the tarsi and antennae ; Jurine upon the wings ; each adopting circumscribed and ar- tificial instead of general features for his basis, without suffi- ciently regarding the value of others as secondary charac- ters*: but surely it is a fallacy to suppose that one set of characters is to be employed almost to the exclusion of all others, although it is not to be denied that in different Orders their value varies essentially. To illustrate this position the Order Coleoptera may be taken ; the leading groups I consi- der, such as Latreille’s five principal Sections, may be cha- racterized, with modifications, by the structure of the tarsi ; the families of the same author are best identified by the trophi; the antennae will distinguish genera , such as my views are of them; texture and sculpture ought to be the leading features of species ; and colour seems to be the eva- * It is true that Fabricius and Jurine have noticed other characters, but it must be inferred from their laconic and superficial descriptions, that lit- tle importance was attached to them. PREFACE. 3 nescent indication of varieties . In the present work therefore nothing has been neglected which it appeared would be use- ful to enable the student to study the structure and affinities of the smallest, as well as the larger groups of every Order, by a consideration of their various parts. In the progress of my engagement I eventually found that more had been undertaken than I should have time or power to perform ; I was therefore again compelled to circumscribe the range, although I did not alter the plan of the work. To effect this I have studied to give one or more examples, some- times amounting to forty of each family, never losing sight of the Linnaean and Fabrician Genera, all of which, I believe, as far as native groups are concerned, have been illustrated, and also a very large portion of the Genera of other eminent authors, especially of Latreille, Olivier, Schonherr, Leach, Dejean, Gravenhorst, Kirby, Jurine, Hiibner, Treitschke, Germar, Fallen, Meigen, and most of the new and remark- able types that have been discovered during the last twenty years, those having been preferred which it seemed might prove most acceptable to men of science who were at the time engaged in their investigation. The assistance which the Entomologist has now at his com- mand, was not within his reach even when this work was commenced: long before that period a printed Catalogue of Insects was found to be so indispensable that one was compiled, a portion of w hich was printed at the expense of Mr. Wilkin, and this I should have completed many years before my “ Guide ” appeared, had not one been promised from another quarter. In the perusal of the British Entomology therefore, it is requested that it may be borne in mind, that at its commencement there w^ere no entomological periodicals nor any printed systematic Catalogues in circulation, which rendered it troublesome to communicate information and very difficult without an extensive library to ascertain species, as there was no regularity or harmony in nomenclature, and even in the boasted Cabinets of that time many of the largest families were “ rudis indigestaque moles.” One or two Fami- lies need only be here mentioned as examples : — the Diplole- pidae or Chalcididae, which I always admired for their beauty, were neither arranged nor named in any cabinet I had seen, 4 PREFACE. which induced me to pay attention to those splendid little Fairy-forms ; and by occasionally illustrating a genus I cannot but congratulate myself, that it has probably led to the inva- luable researches of a Haliday and a Walker : and if we compare the excellent Monograph on the Fossorial Hyme- noptera by Mr. Shuckard with the “Systematic Catalogue/’ the superficial knowledge evinced in the latter work is very evident^ although it was published only a few years pre- viously. In the desultory way in which the “ British Entomology ” was presented to the public; I was enabled every few weeks to offer my own; or the assistance of others on any genus it might be desirable to illustrate; which rendered this work an useful medium to the zealous man of science; and made it at the same time a record of entomological discoveries for a series of years. It was not however from choice but neces- sity that the work was not published in systematic order ; for my labours no doubt would have done me more credit as far as my scientific character was concerned; and I should have been free from the charge of many apparent incongruities to which I now must plead guilty; when pages written at remote periods are brought into juocta position; as they w ill be by the systematic arrangement of the work which is now proposed. There were also great difficulties to be overcome in the illus- tration of groups which had never before been investigated; when I was treading on ground as yet unexplored. I should also have saved myself incredible labour; which w7as incurred by going per saltern from one Order to another; for systema- tically; the investigation of one genus would naturally have led to information on the following groups. The insurmount- able difficulty in a linear arrangement w ould have been to command the requisite materials; so that the work should ap- pear with strict regularity, which could not have been accom- plished even by the admission of well-knowm common species which were become of no interest, from the repeated investi- gations to which as old subjects they had been submitted ; and one great advantage undoubtedly attended the miscella- neous plan adopted, namely, that a [variety of Orders was monthly presented to the public, which led to their immedi- ate attention, and thus families became the favourites of En- PREFACE. 5 tomologists, which frequently had been up to that period to- tally neglected. With a desire to make the work more complete, figures have been given of a very considerable number of Caterpillars, which can only be found in scarce and expensive foreign pub- lications. The value also of correct figures of wild specimens of our native Plants to the entomologist, as well as the beauty which they must always give to a drawing, have made me very desirous to render this department as interesting and useful as I could, and through the generous contributions of numerous friends and my own exertions, I am happy to find that this portion of the work is not viewed with indifference, even by Botanists. It gave however latterly a serious check to my progress ; for I had drawn so largely on the phenoga- mous plants, that if it had been my wish to continue the work, still giving figures of wild flowers, the numbers in fu- ture must have appeared at irregular and remote periods : thinking however that a further illustration of the Genera will prove acceptable, it is my intention to publish an Atlas* which will contain figures of all those not illustrated in this work, which with a Synopsis * of the species, will enable the scientific to study the subject in detail, and offer such specific and general information as may be required by the amateur : if I be not mistaken in the utility of these works, I trust that all who feel interested in Natural Science will step forward and support them. It wall not be irrelevant to add, that I hope there are Entomologists who reside in countries pro- ducing types of form that are not inhabitants of our Islands, who will follow up my views by the illustration of their Genera, but on no account to traverse the same ground that I have done, by which course time would be lost and money wasted. Having printed eight new Titles and as many separate In- dexes in order that this work may be arranged systematically, it might not be thought unadvisable to give some hints upon that subject ; but it appears to me, from the careful way in which the general Indexes have been framed, that with the as- sistance of the “ Guide,” any further instructions would be superfluous. It may be as well to observe, that the numbers at '* Vide the notices following the List of Subscribers. 6 PREFACE. the top of the plates, corresponding with the folios, show the consecutive order in which they were published, and the figures at the bottom of the plates and folios have been added to assist in the systematic arrangement; but unfortunately they rarely occur at present, as it was impossible to insert them until the entire arrangements were concluded. The dates at the bottom of the plates will determine when they, as well as the corresponding folios, were published ; but it must be remembered that the articles were written one month, and frequently in the summer, two or three months in ad- vance ; this may exculpate me occasionally from an appear- ance of neglect, or possibly plagiarism, when similar subjects have been treated of, about the same periods by other writers. It is far from improbable that some of the dissections may not be free from error, for portions which are soft like the labium, will be frequently injured by the knife in the separa- tion of minute parts, and under high powers the slightest perspective or foreshortening materially alters the outline of an object, so that compressed joints may appear too narrow and others too short. From the great care that has been taken, it is presumed such are rare exceptions; but it is important to be borne in mind, in order that such anomalies may not affect any theory based on the constancy of figure ; for as far as my observations extend, there is no greater variation in the oral organs of individuals of the same species and sex, than there is in their antennae or tarsi. Notwithstanding all difficulties, and they have neither been few nor trifling, X have devoted myself most assiduously to my task during its progress, that no delay might take place in the accomplishment of an object which I considered would be for the benefit of science; and for sixteen years my Cabinets and Library have been open to my friends and scientific men one day in each week, in the hope that my favourite pursuit would be thereby advanced ; and if they have gained informa- tion or derived advantage from this arrangement, I am well satisfied. This, however, caused so great a diminution of my time, that it would have taken upwards of twenty years to complete this work, without allowing any periods for relax- ation, if I had not called in the aid of artists to assist me in the engravings : I wish it, however, to be understood that the plates of several of the early Volumes w^ere for the greater PREFACE. 7 part, and those of the last and a considerable portion of the fifteenth were entirely, my own engraving, and all the others were corrected and finished by myself : the drawings also are the efforts of my pencil, and the articles and descriptions are my own writing ; for any errors therefore I alone am account- able. That my labours have been well received by those who are impartial judges, I need only refer to the notices of Latreille, Burmeister, and many of my own countrymen. Before taking leave of those who have been interested in my undertaking for so many years, I would remark, that without the support of the influential and wealthy, no illus- trated work with numerous highly-finished engravings can, in this branch of Natural History, leave any reward for the labours of the Author, which are of course greatly increased when he combines the part of the Artist with his more legi- timate duty and if in the present instance I had been compelled to pay for the drawings and all the copper-plate engravings, it would have caused an additional expense of at least twenty shillings per volume to the purchaser. It is not expected that the following volumes will afford general amusement, but that they will prove useful and in- teresting to the genuine lover of nature I have not any doubt. It is not necessary here to enter upon the advantages to be derived from the study of Natural History ; it will suf- fice to say, that many of the best and wisest men in all ages have been devoted to it ; I may be allowed however to give the words of Sir James Smith, who has truly said, that it never disappoints, never satiates, and the cultivation of it not only fits the mind for the advancement of its own inter- nal powers of happiness, but also renders it doubly capable of adding to that of others. Such were the sentiments which engaged my mind when I commenced this work ; but if experience alone can teach us wisdom in the common affairs of life with which we are fa- miliar, how much more probable is it, that in the progress of enterprises and speculations with which we are totally unac- quainted, we should meet with disappointments, and often be taught a lesson we little expected ! such has been my fortune. — I had little idea of the large sum of money that would be required to carry on an illustrated publication, containing several hundreds of highly-finished coloured engra- 8 PREFACE. vings * ; of the incessant labour and anxiety which a periodi- cal would entail upon me ; of numerous minor difficulties to which an author is exposed in the different stages of his work, and the little encouragement given to expensive works of art : — these have rendered the British Entomology a heavy tax for many years, and I have only been encouraged in my progress, by a desire to fulfil my promise to the Subscribers, and with the prospect of making it generally useful to those who are engaged in scientific pursuits. I now trust that the attention which has been paid to every department will re- commend this work to those who have withheld from pur- chasing it, from their avowed and just objection to taking publications in numbers, and as it will, I trust, become the basis for a well-grounded knowledge of insects, I may antici- pate some remuneration from other sources. It is also most earnestly hoped that those Subscribers who have discontinued taking the Work, will now do me the justice to complete their copies, without which I must be subjected to great loss, and their own volumes will be of no value after a short pe- riod, as the stock is in the course of being perfected by re- printing the deficient parts. Although I believe that I have never neglected to acknow- ledge any obligations in the course of publication, I should be ungrateful not to avail myself of this opportunity to re- peat my thanks for the many contributions, both of Insects and Plants, which have been received from scientific men for so long a period, as well as to those wdiose names are re- corded in the following List of Subscribers, who, by their steady and continued support, have so handsomely assisted in bringing my labours to a successful termination. Neither can I be unmindful of the blessings that have been bestowed upon me of health, strength and perseverance, which have enabled me to complete this Work on the day I anticipated, when the second number was published the end of January, 1824. * To enable those who are ignorant of the nature of such undertakings, to form some conception of their risk and magnitude, it may be here stated, that the colouring alone of the Plates has already cost upwards of £3000. London, Dec. 1839. rP/jJrrdyrJ. cJ^o'rulirru c!) enrol S14. t-naf 1. CICINDELA SYLVICOLA. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Cicindelidse Lat,, Leach. Type of the Genus CIcindela campestris Linn. Cicindela Linn., Fab., Marsh., Sowerby, Don., Lat Dej Gyll., Steph. a Antennee inserted before the eyes, near the basal angles of the la- brum 5 filiform, pubescent, excepting the 4 basal joints, 1 1 -jointed 3 1st joint robust obovate 3 2nd minute, 3rd slender, much the longest 3 4th longer and more slender than the following which are rather stouter and truncated, slightly decreasing in length to the apex (fig. 6). Labrum large, exserted, often transverse, subtrigonate, sides parallel, anterior margin sinuated, slightly acuminated in the centre and pro- ducing a few bristles (1). Mandibles long and powerful, curved, very acute, producing 4 strong teeth on the internal side, the basal one bifid and partially clothed with thick pubescence (2). Maxilla: rather short and broad, the apex terminated by an articulated claw, the internal edge ciliated with several rows of rigid bristles. Palpi , internal rather longer than the maxilla, biarticulate, basal joint the longest, clavate 3 2nd curved, subclavate, truncate : external long, 4-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd very long and robust, 3rd and 4th nearly of equal length, clavate (3). Mentum moderately large, transverse, anterior angles rounded, very deeply emarginate, forming 2 lateral lobes acuminated at their apex 3 a very strong tooth in the centre extending as far as the margin of the mentum. Palpi 4-jointed, as long as the maxillary 3 basal joint or scape short, 2nd small cup-shaped, 3rd very long, robust and pi- lose, 4th not more than half the length, slender and clavate (4). Lip very small, horny, concealed by the mentum. Head broad, flat on the crown. Eyes prominent. Thorax subquadrate, fre- quently not so broad as the head. Scutellum minute. Coleoptra much broader than the thorax . Wings ample. Legs long, anterior the most robust in the males , posterior the longest. Trochanters very short . Tibiae never emarginate , spurred at the apex. Tarsi long, slender , 5 -jointed, the 3 first joints very much dilated and cushioned beneath in the males. Claws small. Puivilli none (5, fore leg of a male). Sylvicola Meg., Lat. et Dej. Icon. p. 51. n. 10. — C. hybrida Duft. Above green tinged with purple, beneath metallic, green and blue. Head and thorax very finely punctured, elytra shagreen ed, with cream- coloured interrupted lunular marks at the shoulders and apex, and an abbreviated sinuated fascia in the middle. First 4 joints of antennae shining green, the remainder velvety, black. Legs and underside clothed with white hairs. In the Cabinets of Mr. Stephens and Mr. Dale. 3 The reader will please to observe, that throughout the work, the dissections will be made from the insect established as the type of the gepus, unless stated to the contrary ; and the figures occurring in the descriptions will relate to the same figures in the plates. 1 The Cicindelse are carnivorous, living entirely upon other insects both in their larva and perfect states, which caused Linnseus to ap- ply to them the term of insect tigers. The history and economy of the larvae are related in a very interesting manner by Geolfroy, by Latreille in his Histoire Naturelle , and in the Introduction to Entomology ; and a figure of one is given in the 1 7th Plate. These chilopodiform larvae have a very,large flat head, with "6 or 8 eyes; they are furnished with strong falcate mandibles similar to those of the perfect insects, and also with a labrum, maxillae, 6 very short palpi, and a mentum; they have palpiform antennae; the thoracic shield is large; and they are supplied with 6 feet, and an anal proleg ; the tarsi are biarticulate, and terminated by 1 or 2 claws ; the abdomen is fleshy, with 2 tubercles on the back, each producing a recurved hook, which are said to assist it in ascending, and probably descending its burrow, and may by being brought in contact with the head enable it to hold its prey. They live in sandy situations, and may be found from the beginning of April to the commence- ment of autumn, and are easily taken by introducing a straw into their burrows, by which means the extent of their habitations may be traced, sometimes descending to the depth of 18 inches. Our larva, like the ant-lion ( Myrmeleon formicarius ), lies in wait to entrap and devour any small insect that may pass over the mouth of his burrow, where he watches, his head exactly fitting the orifice. The perfect insects delight in the sunshine, when they are ex- cessively active, and fly short distances with perfect ease, and are rendered difficult to capture from their not suffering any one to approach sufficiently near to secure them before they again take wing : they prefer sandy and generally dry situations, some living in arid wastes and banks, others on sand-hills near the sea shore, one only of our species inhabiting the sides of running brooks and moist places. The Cicindelidae being the most perfect in their organization, Latreille has been induced to depart from the systems of Linnaeus and Fabricius, who commenced with the Scarabseidae, and to place that family at the beginning of his arrangement, in which he is followed by all the naturalists of the present day. Our genus, and the whole family to which it belongs, differ from all the Carabidae in having a moveable claw at the apex of the maxillae, in the proportions of the tooth of the mentum, in the great length of the labial palpi, occasioned by the remarkable ex- tension of the penultimate joint, by the perfect and free motion of the scape or basal jointa, and by the minuteness of the lip. a The scapes to which the labial palpi are attached being completely developed and moveable, they are usually described as 4-jointed ; the same part is found in the Carabidae in a modified form, but is generally absorbed in the other families. It ought to be ob- served also that the internal maxillary palpus, which is perfectly developed in the Ade- phagi, becomes modified in the other sections, and is then described as the external lobe of the maxilla. Although this family contains several genera, Cicindela is the only one that inhabits Europe; and out of the numerous species re- corded of this beautiful and elegant group, amounting to 130, (20 of which are European,) 6 only have been discovered in this island, viz: 1. C. sylvatica Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 748. — Don. Brit. Ins. 10. pi. 351. 1. Labrum trigonate acute, black. Above silky purplish black ; elytra with deep foveolae ; an interrupted lunular cream-coloured spot at the shoul- der, an undulated abbreviated striga across the middle, and a spot towards the apex of the same colour. The largest of our species, and is found in June and July on sandy heaths. When the Rev. W. Kirby first took it in Suffolk, upon Martlesham Heath, it was considered a rare insect ; but it has been since taken in Surrey, and on Parley Heath, Hants, b}^ Mr. Dale and myself, in abundance. 2. C. Sylvicola Megerle, — Curtis Brit. Ent. pi. 1. Labrum subtrigonate, acuminate, dull ochreous. Labial palpi ferruginous, terminal joint black with an aeneous or violaceous tinge. The insect figured was taken in Epping Forest in June 1820, and the same year it was found in profusion in different parts of the continent. Mr. Dale has since received a mutilated specimen from Sir Patrick Walker. The palpi are described from a speci- men in the British Museum, and a German one in my own cabinet. 3. C. hybrida Linn. Faun. Suec. 747. — Gyll. l2.p. 3. n. 2.—Lat. etDej. Iconogra- phiefp. 48. n. 7. — Tab. 4. f. l.andC. riparia,/. 2.- — Steph. pi. 1./. 1. — var.fi. C. aprica Steph . Labrum transverse, subquadrate, with a little tooth in the middle ; palpi violaceous, black ; external maxillary with the 2nd, and labial with the 3rd joint ferruginous or subochraceous. Above cupreous inclining to ob- scure-green ; elytra with a cream-coloured lunular spot at the shoulder and another at the apex, and an abbreyiated undulated fascia across the middle. Not uncommon on the sand-hills at Southport and Preston, Lancashire; in July and August. For specimens of this insect and the varieties I am indebted to E. T. Bennett, Esq., Mr. Henry Baines of York, and Mr. Edward Hobson of Manchester ; and having had an opportunity of examining upwards of thirty speci- mens, I feel satisfied, from the considerable differences in the form and markings of them, that C, riparia and C. aprica are only varie- ties of C. hybrida. Although Latreille and Dejean have expressed a doubt, whether the next species might not be the C, hybrida of Linnaeus, they de- scribed the one under consideration by that name; and Gyllenhal has confirmed their decision by referring to their figures and de- scriptions with their relative names. It is certainly not improbable but Linnaeus might have considered the C. maritima and even C. Sylvicola as varieties only of C. hybrida ; but that his description was drawn from the C. hybrida of Dejean and Gyllenhal, there can be 3 little doubt, from his own words, “ Elytra in medio fascia alba, un- data, simili sequentis speciei (C. sylvatica) et ad marginem exterio- rem baseos, uti etiam ad apicem, lunula alba.” For if C. maritima Dej. had been the insect before him, he would surely have said ileocuosa and not undata ; and it is not unimportant to observe, that the insect considered as the true C. hyhrida by Gyllenhal is abundant in Sweden, whilst the C, maritima is rare. 4. C. maritima Iconograpkie, 1 . p. 52. n. 11. tab. 4.f. 5.—Gyll. v. 4 .p. 396. n. 3. — hybrida Marsh. — Sowerbys Brit. Mis. tab. 18. Labrum like the last. Labial palpi pale ochreous, terminal joint aeneous black. Above cupreous, somewhat greenish ; elytra with a lunular spot at the shoulder and apex, and an abbreviated flexuous cream-coloured fascia across the middle. This species is smaller, narrower and more depressed than the former, and the tarsi of the males are often less dilated. It occurs in abundance on the sand-hills near Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, in May and June; it has also been found at Swansea, and Weston- super-mare, Somerset. 5. C. campestris Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 746. — Don. v. 1 . pi. 1 2. Labrum transverse, subtrigonate ; generally acuminated. Green, breast and legs ruby-cupreous; elytra with 5 white spots on the margin and one below the centre of each, encircled with brown. Common from March to October on sandy banks and heaths, in fields and pathways. 6. C. germanica Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. pars 2. p. 657. n. 4. — Iconographie, tab. 5. f. 6, 7. Labrum transverse, 3d joint of maxillary palpi only half the length of the 4th. Subcylindric, green cyaneous ; elytra with a white spot at the shoulder, another on the margin and a lunular one at the apex. This pretty insect has been taken near Dartford in Kent, and at Black Gang Chine in the Isle of Wight, in July, running with great rapidity among the short grass on the margin of a small brook. I took one near the latter place the 1st Sept.; and in the middle of the same month the Rev. C. S. Bird took a specimen at Basildon near Pangbourne. The plant is Poa annua (Annual Meadow Grass)a. a Whenever the plant to which an insect is attached can be obtained, it will be intro- duced in the plate ; but as some feed upon putrid animal and vegetable substances, many upon each other, and as not unfrequently their habits are totally unknown, — in such instances plants will be introduced with a view to make the work as handsome and instructive as possible ; and as it is absolutely necessary in order to collect insects with complete success, to be acquainted with our native plants, it is hoped that figures from wild specimens will prove acceptable and useful to the reader. 4 4%6 t>L, 1 -H1X 426. CYCHRUS ROSTRATUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae. Type of the Genus , Tenebrio rostratus Linn. Cyciirus Fab., Lai., Curt. — Carabus Marsh.— -Tenebrio Linn. Antennce inserted on each side the head considerably before the eyes, slender and attenuated, 11 -jointed, basal joint the longest and stoutest, 2nd and 4th the shortest, 3rd nearly as long as the 1st, the following pubescent, 5th considerably longer than the 4th, the remainder slightly decreasing in length, the 11th as long as the 5th, attenuated and conical (6). Lahrum produced into 2 long, rounded, and densely ciliated lobes, with 2 long bristles in the middle near the base, and one on the outside of each lobe towards the apex (1). Mandibles porrected long and narrow, the apex forming a curved tooth, with 2 others below, the whole of the internal margin thickly ciliated (2). Maxillce porrected, long and slender, terminate 1 by a narrow horny lobe hooked at the apex, ciliated with curve pines, with a membranous and ciliated margin extending to th ise. Palpi ; internal forming a thin dilated subovate slightly cated lobe ; external long and large, 4-jointed, basal joint m e, 2nd very long and clavate, 3rd short elongate-obovate, trur , producing 2 bristles on the inside, longer in the females, 4 j nnt spoon- shaped in the males (3$)* hatchet-shaped in the ales (£). Mentum rather large and subquadrate, sides sligh ivex, an- terior margin deeply cut out, forming 2 subtrigor lobes, with a slightly convex margin in the middle, from w r ce arise the Palpi, which are as large as the maxillary and attached to scapes united at their base, triarticulate, basal joint minute globose, 2nd very long clavate, producing 3 spines on the inside, 3rd joint very large, subovate, narrow at the base and spoon-shaped, smaller and hatchet-shaped in the females, Lip formed of 2 di- varicating linear lobes with a small and shorter one in the centre producing 2 bristles (4). Head long narrow and ovate. Eyes small prominent and lateral. Tho- rax broader than the head, obovate truncate, posterior angles re- flected. Scutellum nearly concealed. Elytra twice as broad as the thorax, ovate-conic, connate and embracing the abdomen. Wings none. Legs alike in both sexes. Tibiae spurred, anterior not emar- ginate but hollowed beneath at the apex. Tarsi slender , basal joint the longest, 3 following obtrigonate, 5 th as long as the 1st clavate. Claws slender bent and acute (5, or N. lateralis Dej. It was first discovered in Yorkshire by Mr. Spence, and a single specimen was afterwards taken by Mr. Wilkin the 28th Sept. 1814? beneath a fragment of rock at Hilston near Hull. It was found in some abundance last June (1827) on the sea shore near Scarborough in the same county, and probably all along the eastern coast; for on the 11th Sept. Mr. J. B. Giles discovered one under a stone on the cliff at Cromer in Norfolk. 3. N. picicornis Fab. Ent. Syst. l.pars \.p. 134. n. 44. — Dej., Panz. 92. 1. — Steph. pi. 4./ 3. — erythrocephalus Fab. Ent. Syst. 1. 155. 134. Blackish, head and anus rufous ; antennae and legs testaceous. Dej. First taken by Dr. Leach near Ashburton, Devon, and after- wards by the Rev. F. W. Hope in Longmont Forest, Shropshire. It inhabits the sandy sides of rivers and lakes. Medicago lupulina (Nonesuch, Black or Hop Trefoil), both in flower and fruit, is the plant figured in the plate. 103 i 103. HELOBIA GYLLENHALII. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lat., Leach . Type of the Genus Carabus brevicollis Fab . Helobia Leach's MSS. Nebria Lat.} Clairv., Gyll. Carabus Linn ., Fab., Marsh. Antennae inserted between the eyes and the base, of the man- dibles, pubescent excepting the 4 basal joints, 1 1 -jointed, 1 st joint robust oval, 2nd short, 4th not so long as the 3rd, re- mainder of equal length (fig. 6). Labrum transverse, narrowed anteriorly, emarginate, ciliated (1 ) . Mandibles rather small, curved, acute, with 1 or 2 small teeth near the base (2). Maxillae arched acute, ciliated internally. Palpi ; internal , com- posed of 2 clavate joints of equal length : — external , very long, 4-jointed, 1st joint minute, 2nd long robust, clavate truncate, 3rd shorter clavate with a few bristles, 4th nearly as long as the 2nd and more robust, clavate truncate (3). Mentum transverse, side lobes acuminated internally, centre one acutely bifid. Palpi nearly as long as the maxillary, 3 -jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd long, clavate, pilose, 3rd long, clavate- truncate. Labium quadrate horny, with a spine in the centre (4 ) . Head trigonate. Thorax cordate truncate , posterior margin straight. Scutellum minute. Abdomen depressed. Wings 2. Legs long and, slender , formed for running , with trochanters at the base of ihe posterior. Anterior tibiae slightly emarginate. Tarsi 5 -jointed, an- terior slightly dilated in the males (5, afore leg). Gyllenhalii Schon. Syn. 1. 196. 163. Gyll. Ins. Suec. 2. 40. 3. Sturm's Deut. Faun. 5. 142. 3. Black. Palpi, mandibles and antennae slightly rufous at their ex- tremities. Tarsi rufous, with a black spot at the apex of the 4 first joints. Var.b. Piceous black, shining. Antennae brownish, excepting the 4 basal joints, which with the palpi and mouth are piceous, some- times inclining to ferruginous. Trochanters and legs ferrugi- nous, apex of the thighs and the tibiae generally fuscous, 4 basal joints of tarsi with a black spot above at their apex. Head smooth with several imperfect impressions, 2 between the eyes and 1 behind forming a triangle. Thorax smooth, margins coarsely punctured, especially at the base with a transverse curved impression before and another parallel to the posterior margin, a channel down the centre, deepest in the middle j sides margined, reflexed, especially at the posterior angles, which are acute. Elytra smooth, with 1 abbreviated and 8 long minutely punctured striae on each, with a fovea uniting the origins of the 2nd and 3rd striae 5 3 or 4 fovea between the 3rd and 4th, and 8 or 9 others upon the external stria. In the Cabinets of Mr. Dale and the Author. In the early part of this work (folio 6) we gave some account of the genus Nebria , from which the present little group has been separated by Dr. Leach, and we regret not being in pos- session of his characters as well as his MS. name which has been adopted : the principal distinctions are the narrowed la- brum, the equal length of the joints of the internal, and the shortness of the 3rd joint of the external maxillary palpi, the more quadrate mentum, the horny and acuminated lip, and the slight emargination of the anterior tibiae. Our specimens of the rare insect figured (which has never been met with in England) were taken in a recent visit to Scot- land by Mr. Dale and myself, wdio found many of them in July at a considerable elevation on the north side of Schichallien ; and I again took them under fragments of stone near the summit of Craig-challoch, one of the Dochart hills near Kil- lin. From the habitat, the punctured furrows on the elytra, and the colour of the legs of the specimen figured as a variety, with which many of my specimens accord, I should have considered it the Cctrabus nivalis of Paykul; but the specimens in the British Museum, one of which perfectly agrees with that figured, and the others with our description, wrere named by Dr. Leach Helobia Gyllenhalii , whose opportunities of ex- amining authentic specimens being greater than our own, we have been induced to follow him. Gyllenhal also says of Nebria nivalis , 66 Thorax brevissimus ; ” whereas the thorax of our insect is not shorter in proportion than that of the type ; and unfortunately I have not been able to find a specimen of II. nivalis in the British Museum or any cabinet I have had the opportunity of consulting. Out of 20 or 30 specimens of our insect we had nearly an equal proportion of those with ferruginous tarsi only, like IT. Gyllenhalii ; the others, like the figure, with ferruginous legs : there were males and females of each, but no intermediate va- rieties. This, however, does not affect the question, because it is common to the C ar abides , as may be seen in Calathus cis- teloides and Steropus madidus , some of which have black, others red legs. Helobia brevicollis Fab., Car abas rugimarginatus Mars., the other indigenous species is one of our commonest insects, secreting itself under stones and at the roots of trees : a good figure is given of it in Sturm! s Heat. Faun. v. 5. pi. 67. The pretty Saxifraga aizoides (Yellow Mountain Saxifrage) frequently added greatly to the beauty of the banks of the ri- vulets and springs where the insect was found. V - /UJ 1 76. LEISTUS FULVIBARBIS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse LaL, Leach. Type of the Genus Carabus spinibarbis Fab. Leistus Froehlich Claim., Leach, Sturm, Dej. — Pogonophorus Lat.f Gyll. — Manticora Jur., Fanz. — Carabus Fab., Marsh. Antennae inserted before the eyes, very long, filiform, slender, 1 1 -jointed, 4 first joints naked, the remainder pubescent, basal joint long robust, 2nd short, 3rd as long as the 1st, 4th only half the length of the 5th which is the longest, the remainder decreasing very slightly in length (fig. 6). Labrum transverse, rounded, producing a few long bristles in front, ciliated on the sides (1). Mandibles acute, dilated externally towards the base, one pro- ducing a strong tooth near the middle on the internal edge (2). Maxillae long slender, very much bent and terminated by a slender acute hook, ciliated with rigid bristles on the internal edge, the external side below the palpi producing setiform spines. Palpi 2, internal biarticulate, basal joint clavate, 2nd linear bent : external long, 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd long rather stout, 3rd slender, much shorter, 4th not so long as the 2nd 5 subclavate truncated obliquely (3). Mentum transverse, rounded before, emarginate, the centre pro- duced and slightly notched, producing 2 bristles. Lip long horny, quadrate towards the base, the angles acuminated, atte- nuated beyond the middle, very slender at the apex, which pro- duces 2 bristles and a strong spine on each side. Palpi as long as the maxillary, arising from very short scapes, 3 -jointed, basal joint short, 2nd very long and slender, 3rd long, very clavate and truncated obliquely (4). Head quadrate, strangulated at the base. Eyes very prominent, not touching the Thorax, which is broader than the head , margined, cor- diform , and truncated at the base. Coleoptra much broader than the thorax, oval elongated. Scuteilum small. Wings ample. Legs long. Thighs rather robust. Tibife all simple, spurred. Tarsi long- slender and 5 -jointed, 3 basal joints of anterior pair a little dilated in the males (5, fore leg of a male). Fulvibarbis Hoff., Dej. — rufibarbis Fab. ? — Raulinsii Sam. Shining. Eyes black. Mouth, antennse and legs ferruginous ochre. Head and thorax bluish black, the latter convex, very much narrowed at the base, where it is deeply punctured as well as at the anterior margin 3 a deep channel down the centre. Elytra violaceous black with 9 punctured strise on each, the 1st abbreviated, the 2nd and 3rd united at their base, 4 obscure punctures between the 3rd and 4th striee, and a line of serrated punctures on the external margin. Beneath piceous. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The two Car abides figured in this number ( Clivina and Leistus) present as different aspects as any European forms contained in the family, one of them being narrow, nearly cylindric, with short strong legs, the anterior notched, the antennae short and moniliform, (a structure very rare amongst this tribe of beetles) ; the other being broad depressed, with long slender legs, the anterior not notched, and the antennae very much elongated : upon examining the mouths however, by ac- curate dissection, which we hold to be the touchstone of truth, ample proof will be found of their being related to each other, although the trophi exhibit very great and very remarkable modifications. We shall be pardoned for these observations, when it is recollected that Linnaeus himself, misled by analogy, included Clivina with Tenebrio : and such remarks are not ad- dressed to the profound entomologist, but are intended to guide the student, wdio might be unable to satisfy himself for what reasons two insects so decidedly different in contour, should be included in the same family. With the group called Leistus y Linnaeus appears to have been unacquainted ; and we wish to call the attention of the physiologist particularly to the Lip, which does not appear to us to have been before accurately delineated. The following are our British species. 1. L. spinibarbis Fab., Marsh. — caeruleus Lat., Sturm. — pallipes Panz. 89. 2. Found during May, June, August and September, in sandy situations, under stones and dry leaves in woods. 2. L. fulvibarbis Hgg., Dej ., Nob. Independent of considerable differences of colour in this and the former species, our insect (a male of which is figured) is much smaller, and the thorax is more convex, and narrowed at the base : it is rarer, but occurs in Kensington Gardens, Battersea Fields, and other places round London, at the same periods as the first. 3. L. spinilabris Panz. 39. 11. Fab. — brunneus Marsh. — * rufescens Sturm. — rasco-aenea Panz. 89. 3. April, sandy places, Norfolk. 4. L. rufescens Fab., Lat., Marsh. — terminatus Panz. 7. 2. Found during the spring in the neighbourhood of London : it is rarer than No. 3, from which it is distinguished by its black head and tips of the elytra. The plant is Neottia spiralis (Ladies’ Traces). cW 554. BRACHINUS SCLOPETA. The single-spotted Bombardier Beetle. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse. Type of the Genus, Carabus crepitans Linn. Brachinus Web., Fab., Lat., Dej., Curt. — Carabus Linn., Fab. Antennas inserted a little before the eyes, filiform, pubescent and 11 -jointed, basal joint the stoutest, rather short and ovate, 2nd small obovate, 3rd long and clavate, 4th shorter than the fol- lowing which are elongated, the apical joint being as long as the 3rd and rounded at the apex (6) . Labrum transverse, the angles quite round and ciliated, the centre concave (1). Mandibles curved, one subtrigonate at the apex, tridentate at the centre of the internal margin, with the remainder ciliated to the base (2) . Maxilla forming a long internal lobe curved and acute at the apex, above which it is ciliated as well as on the inside. Palpi, internal elongated, biarticulate, basal joint rather long and slender, 2nd nearly as long, a little stouter and slightly clavate ; external long and 4-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd long stout and subclavate, 3rd and 4th shorter, the former clavate-truncate, the latter elongate -ovate (3). Mentum rather large, rhombiform, truncated at the base, the sides rounded, excised before, forming 2 obtuse lobes, the cen- tre a little convex. Lip oblong, the centre horny, anterior margin bisinuated and hairy. Palpi attached to 2 scapes, tri- articulate, basal joint small, 2nd and 3rd long of equal length, the former clavate and a little bristly inside, the latter fusiform- truncate (4). Head rather narrow and ovate : eyes small, but prominent and remote from the base. Thorax narrow, obcordate-truncate : scutellum small. Elytra twice as broad as the thorax, broadest behind, and not cover- ing the whole abdomen. Wings ample. Legs strong : thighs rather stout, especially in the male: tibiae, anterior deeply notched and spurred : tarsi very bristly beneath, anterior a little dilated in the male, the basal joint ovate, 3 following cordate, gradually decreasing in size , terminal one clavate : claws rather long, acute and simple (5). Sclopeta Fab. — Curt. Guide, Gen. 20. n. 4. In the Cabinets of the British Museum, Mr. Dale, SfC. Several of the Carabidse have the power of ejecting an acrid fluid or gas from the apex of their abdomens in order to de- fend themselves from the attacks of their enemies, but in the Brachini each discharge is attended with a report and smoke: two that I found in September crepitated faintly; and in subsequent experiments I observed the vapour. They may be stimulated to repeat the discharge several times by scratching their backs with a pin ; and I have distinctly heard the report when they were dropped into a bottle of spirits of wine. 1. B. crepitans Linn.—Panz . 30. 5. — immaculicornis Dej. var. ‘—Don. 14?. 486. Reddish-ochre; 3rd and 4th joints of antennae generally piceous, except at their tips ; elytra green, bluish, or black, sparingly punctured, with about 8 elevated lines on each ; abdomen black ; 3 to 4| lines long. From March to October on the shores of large rivers and the sea, also under stones and clods in fields : not uncommon at Hertford; Boxhill; Gravesend; Southend; Cobham, Surrey; Kimpton ; Oxford ; New Forest; Isles of Wight and Portland ; Sherborne; Teign mouth ; near Swansea, and Glamorganshire. It is remarkable that Mr. Paget has not found it at Yarmouth, nor Mr. Dale at Glanville’s Wootton. 2. explodens Di/ft . — Sturm . D. F. tab. 177. A. Ferruginous; elytra somewhat smooth, cyaneous ; antennae with the 3rd and 4th joints as well as the abdomen fuscous : 2 to 2^ lines. Dej. Whether this be distinct from the foregoing I am not able to determine, but the British specimens I have seen appear to be only small black varieties of R. crepitans. It is said to have been taken in April at Southend ; Portland and Swanage in June; Isle of Purbeck, September ; also at Charmouth, Teign- mouth, and Dawlish Warren. 3. glabratus Bonelli. — Dej. Icon. t. 8. f. 8. Ferruginous ; elytra somewhat smooth, cyaneous, abdomen fuscous : 2| to 3 lines. Dej. Of this I have never seen a British specimen, but it is said to have been taken at Ashburton and Dover in June. 4. sclopeta Fab. — Curt. B. E. pi. 554. Reddish-ochre, head and antennae with a castaneous tint ; elytra blue or green- ish, with a long reddish stripe down the base of the suture nearly to the middle ; minutely punctured and clothed with ochreous pubescence, the elevated lines very indistinct. September, under stones, Devonshire, Dr. Leach ; but most of the specimens were captured, I believe, by Mr. G. B. Sow- erby on the shore near Margate several years since. Obs. On the 2nd and 3rd joints of one of the antennae of the specimen dissected (fig. 6. a)’ were attached some lanceolate appendages, a few of them having a bundle of smaller ones at the apex ; they were so firmly united that I could not separate them, and at first I thought they had been diseased and dilated hairs. The Plant is Bottbollia incurvata (Sea Hard-grass). 'W4 Jo- /* 33 454. DRYPTA EMARGINATA. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse. Type of the Gems , Drypta emarginata Fab. Drypta Lat., Fab., Clair., Curt.- — Cicindela Oliv. — Carabus Rossi , Mars. — Sower by. Antenna inserted before the eyes, rather longer than the head and thorax, filiform, pubescent, and 11 -jointed, basal joint as long as the head and clavate, 2nd short, 3rd longer and slenderer than the following which are oblong, the terminal joint having a short and a long obtuse compound spine at the apex (6 a , the terminal joint more magnified). Labrum transverse, pocket-shaped, with a small semicircular lobe and 2 bristles at the centre of the anterior margin, which is fur- nished also with a few short bristles and 2 long ones at each angle (1). Mandibles porrected, narrow, curved and acute at the apex, with a small bifid tooth inside towards the base and a notch beneath it (2). Maxilla slender, terminated by a long narrow lobe, very much hooked and acute at the apex, the internal margin ciliated with short and strong spines. Palpi, internal shorter than the lobe, very slender and composed of 2 joints of equal length, external long and 4-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd long subclavate, fol- lowing much shorter, 3rd clavate and a little longer than the 4th which is much broader, being somewhat securiform (3). Mentum suborbicular, being very narrow and concave at the base, anterior margin deeply excised, forming two obtuse lobes. Palpi triarticulate, rather long and attached to 2 slender scapes, basal joint short, 2nd long and clavate, 3rd nearly as long and hatchet- shaped. Lip small and trilobed, central lobe the longest, linear and producing 3 strong bristles (4). Head subtrigonate slightly elongated before : eyes small but prominent. Thorax not broader than the head, cylindric , obovate, truncated at the base, with the angles a little prominent : scutellum triangular. Elytra thrice as broad as the thorax, oblong-ovate, the apex slightly emar- ginate. Wings ample. Thighs incrassated. Tibiae, anterior notched on the inside. Tarsi 5 -jointed, very pubescent beneath, anterior slightly dilated in the male, basal joint oblong, 2nd and 3rd some- what cup-shaped in the fore feet, Ath bilobed, 5th clavate. Claws bent and acute, (5, a fore leg). Emarginata Fab. — Curt. Guide, Gen. 21. 1. — dentatus Rossi. — chry^ sostomos Sowerby. In the Cabinets of the British Museum and Mr. Vigors. Although Drypta is related to Odacantha (Plate 227.) it is easily distinguished from it by very important differences in the trophi, as well as by the bilobed penultimate joints of the tarsi, and the great length of the basal joint of the antennae is a character not to be met with in any of our Carabidse. A considerable similarity is observable in the Jabrum and max- illae of our genus and Cicindela, but the mentum and labium as well as the apical joint of the antennae, are totally different to any which have come under my observation, and the sin- gular structure of the latter has never been noticed by any other author ; it seems to be formed for fastening itself by its horns to an object, but whether it be sexual or not I am unable to determine. There are only 8 or 10 species of this pretty genus known, and it is remarkable that they should be distributed to the remotest parts of the Old World, from Europe to Africa and the East Indies, and even New Holland. The only species inhabiting Great Britain is D. emarginata Fab. — Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 454. Bright greenish blue, trophi and antennae rufous, the latter with the apex of the 1st and 3rd joints, sometimes the middle only of the latter, black ; eyes blackish : head and thorax co- vered with large and deep punctures, the latter with a strong channel down the back; elytra pubescent and minutely punc- tured, with 10 firmly punctured striae on each, that next the scutellum abbreviated, but longer than usual; abdomen black above ; legs ferruginous-ochre, tarsi slightly fuscous. Specimens of this rare and handsome Insect have been taken in May and June near Hastings, and at Feversham in Kent; it is stated also by Mr. Hope to have been taken under marine rejectamenta on Leith sands near Edinburgh. It is found in moist woods and marshy places at the roots of Sallows and under stones ; it is very rare in the neighbourhood of Paris, but abundant near Bordeaux and Castelnaudary in the South of France. The Plant is Hippophae rhamnoides (Sea Buckthorn), communicated by James Paget, Esq., of Yarmouth, Norfolk. S'- 227. ODACANTHA MELANURA. // Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse Lat., Leach. Type of the Genus Attelabus melanurus Linn. Odacantha Payk., Fab., Bonel ., Clairv., Gyll., Dej. — Carabus Oliv., Sower. — -Attelabus Linn., Don. — Cicindela ? Panz. Antennce inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, rather long slender and filiform, pubescent except at the base, 11 -jointed, basal joint ovate robust, 2nd minute, 3rd and re- mainder as long as the 1st, gradually increasing in size to the last which is attenuated (6). Labrum transverse -quadrate, slightly concave before, with a few short and long bristles, the angles rounded (1). Mandibles porrected, small and slender, slightly curved and acute, sinuated towards the base, one having a small tooth above the middle (2). Maxillce curved and acute, the internal edge furnished with bent teeth and hairs. Palpi, internal robust, biarticulate, basal joint longer than the 2nd which is subovate 5 external 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd robust, subovate, 3rd shorter, clavate, 4th longer fusiform with a vesicle at the apex '(3). Mentum transverse, emarginate, the centre producing an obtuse triangular tooth, the lobes on each side dentated. Labium long quadrate, producing 2 long bristles in the centre and a slender lobe on each side. Palpi robust, attached to long scapes, tri- articulate, basal joint small, 2nd long clavate, 3rd a little longer subfusiform terminated by a vesicle (4) . Head much broader than the thorax, ovate having a short neck. Eyes prominent. Thorax slender cylindric. Scutellum minute. Elytra shorter than the abdomen, depressed , twice as broad as the thorax, rather narrowed towards the base and truncated at the extremity, the angles rounded. Wings ample. Legs long. Thighs robust. Tibiae spurred, anterior emarginate. Tarsi 5 -jointed, penultimate joint cordate, terminal joint the longest. Claws long and bent (5, a fore leg) . Melanura Linn. Syst. Nat. 1.2. p. 620. n. 6. — angustatus Fab., Oliv., Sow. Smooth shining, ochreous orange, mandibles castaneous. An- tennae black, excepting the 3 basal joints. Head and thorax green, the latter sparingly, but strongly punctured, with a channel down the centre and a lateral carina. Elytra with a large oval cyaneous black spot at the apex, each having an ab- breviated line of minute punctures next the suture and 7 ex- tending the whole length 5 between the 3rd and 4th are 3 fovese and another between the 6th and 7th. Abdomen piceous above, green beneath. Thighs and tarsi black at their apex. In the Author's and other Cabinets. Odacantha is distinguished from Drypta, to which it is nearest allied, by the subfusiform terminal joint of the palpi, the qua- drate labrum, the triangular lobe of the mentum, the simple labium, the shortness of the basal joint of the antennae, and the entire penultimate joint of the tarsi. In describing Po- listichus, 1 observed that it was nearly related to Cymindis (Tarus Claim, \ and am at a loss to account for the introduc- tion of it between Odacantha and Drypta ; such an arrange- ment must be entirely artificial, and cannot be justified, since it leads to error instead of a correct acquaintance with nature. The genus before us contains but one British species. O. melanura Linn, This elegantly formed and lively coloured insect is an in- habitant of reedy fens. It may be found by shaking the reeds that have been cut down and tied in bundles for thatching : those nearest the water’s edge, or even floating, being the dampest, are their most favourite situations; and there in dull weather they conceal themselves : they are also found amongst the fragments of reeds left after an overflow of marshes; but when the sun shines they take wing and are very active. O. melanura was first discovered, I believe, at Cromllyn Bog, South Wales, by Joseph Woods, Esq., and Mr. Sow- erby ; and about the same time John Dere, Esq., and Pro- fessor Hooker met with it on the banks of the Yare in Norfolk. It has since been taken at Horning, Reedham, and Fakenham, in the same county ; also at Whittlesea Mere ; and last May Mr. Hewitson directed me to a spot on the borders of a small lake at Benacre, Suffolk, the property of Sir Thomas Gooch, Bart., where they were tolerably abundant : it is found also in June. The plant is Potentilla anserina (Silver Weed or Moors Corn). ' 220 ysc s-n&% 223. POLISTICHUS FASCIOLATUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lat ., Leach . Type of the Genus Carabus fasciolatus Rossi. P olistichus Bon., Lat., Dej. — Zuphium Lat. — Galerita Fab., Clairv. — Carabus Ross., Oliv. Antennce inserted at the base of the mandibles, considerably be- fore the eyes, robust, filiform, very pubescent, 1 1 -jointed, basal joint long and stout, 2nd short, 3rd longer, the remainder of the samelength, excepting the last, which is longer and subconical (6). Labrum transverse-quadrate, angles rounded, anterior margin slightly concave and producing a few long bristles ( 1 ). Mandibles rather small, slightly bent, acute, crenated on the in- ternal margin at the base (2). Maxilla bent acute, ciliated internally with bristles. Palpi, in- ternal biarticulate, compressed, basal joint subclavate, 2nd elon- gate-ovate, slightly curved, external 4-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd long robust, 3rd short, obtrigonate, 4th long robust, oval- truncate (3). Mentum semicircular, emarginate, with a triangular tooth in the centre. Labium small, producing a narrow lobe on each side and 2 bristles at the middle. Palpi attached to 2 scapes, triar- ticulate, basal joint small, bent, 2nd long subclavate, pilose, 3rd robust, clavate-truncate, pubescent (4). Head ovate, neck distinct. Eyes small and prominent. Thorax sub- cordate, truncated at the base and slightly produced, the angles acute. Scutellum very minute. Elytra depressed, elongate-quadrate, trun- cate. Abdomen not entirely covered by the elytra. Wings ample. Legs short robust, especially the 1st pair. Tibi ?e spurred, anterior deeply notched. Tarsi 5 -jointed, anterior with the basal joints a little dilated in the males. Claws simple (5, a fore leg). Fasciolatus Ross. Faun. Etrusc. 1. 223. — Fab. Syst. Eleut. 1. 216. 9. Depressed, shining, covered with short ochreous pubescence. Head and thorax castaneous, strongly but sparingly punctured, the latter with a shallow channel down the centre and a fovea at each posterior angle. Elytra pitchy black with an oblong ochreous stripe on each, not extending to the apex, which is edged with the same colour ; rather thickly and minutely punc- tured, with 7 punctured striae on each. Antennae, abdomen and legs ochraceous, somewhat inclining to ferruginous. In the Author's and other Cabinets. Polistichus appears to be nearly related to Cymindis, from which it is distinguished by its labial palpi, which are clavate, not securiform, by the greater length of the basal joint of the antennae, by its simple claws, &c. Many insects are evidently periodical as well as local ; it is therefore very possible that the rarest of our species may oc- casionally be produced in abundance; the Carabidae alone will afford sufficient examples to substantiate our assertion : for instance, until lately British specimens of Omaseus aterri- mus , Nehria livida , and Licinus silphoides , existed only in one or two cabinets ; the first of these has, however, appeared in Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Ireland, in profusion; the second has occurred during the last year on the Yorkshire coast in sufficient plenty to supply the principal cabinets ; and the third has been found in Kent and Surrey, and even in the streets of London during the last and two or three previous years. In addition to these, I have the pleasure of recording Polisti- chus fasciolatus , as recently discovered on the coast of Suffolk; only four or five specimens were previously known to have been taken, which were from Cley in Norfolk, and Southend, Essex. For specimens and the following memorandum relating to the economy of this valuable beetle, I am indebted to William C. Hewitson, Esq., of York. “Taken April 13th and 16th, 1828, under a stone heap upon the sea-shore, above high-wrater mark near Southwold, in great profusion, clustering close together, and very active when disturbed, burrowing in the sand, and when put into a bottle fighting so desperately as to bite each other quite in pieces ; and so local, that there were none to be found under other stone heaps though within a few yards of the place.” On the 1 7th of May I had the pleasure of seeing it alive at the above place ; and the plant Areriaria peploides (Sea Sand- wort) was in flower there at the time. istr f-JUi 235. TA.RUS BASALIS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lat ., Leach . Type of the Genus Carabus humeralis Fab. Tarus Clairv. — Cymindis Lat.. Bon., Panz>, Leach , Gyll ., Sturm.— Anomoeus Fisch. — Lebia Duft.— Carabus Fab. Antennae inserted considerably before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, long filiform, pubescent and pilose, 11 -jointed, basal joint scarcely longer than the 3rd, 2nd short, 3rd and following of nearly equal length, terminal joint subconic (6). Labrum transverse oblong, anterior angles rounded, producing a few bristles ( 1 ) . Mandibles rather long and slender, considerably boohed and acute, with a notch near the base, one having a tooth near the middle (2). Maxillae slender bent and acute, ciliated internally with strong bristles. Palpi , internal formed of 2 joints of equal length, basal one clavate, terminal subovate : external long, 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd and 4th long, of equal size, the former sub- clavate, the latter cylindric, the 3rd shorter clavate-truncate (3). Mentum deeply emarginate, lateral lobes acuminated, producing a strong simple rounded tooth in the centre. Labium oblong, truncate, rounded at the sides and producing 2 bristles in the middle. Palpi long securiform in the males, arising from scapes triarticulate, basal joint minute, 2nd long subclavate, 3rd very large obtrigonate, coriaceous at the apex (4). Head ovate , slightly narrowed behind. Thorax broader than the head , obcor diform-truncate, posterior margin convex, the angles acute. Scutellum small, not separating the Elytra which are depressed and broader than the thorax, somewhat truncate and slightly emarginate at the apex and not covering the abdomen. Wings sometimes rudi- ments only. Tibiae, anterior notched, spurs small. Tarsi 5 -jointed, simple, anterior scarcely dilated in the males, the underside very pu- bescent. Claws denticulated beneath (5, afore leg). Basalis Gyll. v. 2. p. 174. 3. — punctata Bon., Dej . — scapularis And. Pitchy black, rather shining, slightly velutinous. Terminal joint of labial Palpi not securiform. Antennae and trophi castaneous. Eyes black. Head and thorax covered with coarse punctures, the latter with a channel down the centre and an indistinct fovea at the posterior angles, the margins subcastaneous. Elytra punc- tate, with a considerable space at their base and a narrow ex- ternal margin, castaneous ; 8 punctured striae on each, the ex- ternal one with several stronger impressions. Wings rudimen- tary. Legs ochraceous. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The few species that compose the genus Tar us vary consi- derably in their structure, some having ample wings, whilst others have the smallest rudiments only; the securiform labial palpi are also said to be a sexual character, and in T. basalis they are cylindrical in both, thereby making a near approach to Polistichus. I must here be allowed to observe, that had not the name of Tarus been given by Clairville long since to this genus, I should not have dropped the well known one of Cymindis, although it signifies a species of Hawk ; because were such a rule to be adopted, we should be compelled to abandon the names of many of the established genera of Linnaeus. The following have been recorded as natives of Britain. 1. humeralis Fab., Oliv. — Lat . and Dej. Icon. £.11. f. 2.— Sturm.pl. 164. — Taken near Swansea, Glamorganshire, and at Cuckfield in Sussex, by Dr. Leach and the Rev. F. W. Hope. 2. Homagricus Duft. — Lat . a7idDej. Icon. t. 11 .f. 4.- — Sturm. pi. 165. B. — I took a single specimen under a stone in a gravel-pit on Witchingham Heath, Norfolk, in 1810. 3. angularis Gyll. — Lat . and Dej. Icon.pl . W.f 1.— - -lunaris? Duft . — Sturm.pl. 166. A. — Taken at Swansea. 4. macularis Mann. — Dej. Coleop. v. 1. p. 212. n . 13. — The locality of this species has not transpired: Scotland is the most likely habitat, as it is found in Sweden and Finland. 5. basalis Gyll. — Curt. Brit. E7it. pi. 235. — For specimens of this fine addition to our Carabidse, I am indebted to Mr. Edward Hobson : they were taken in April near Halifax, Yorkshire, I believe on Midgley Moor; and about the same time others were captured by L. Rudd, Esq. on the shores of the river Tees. Betonica officinalis (Wood Betony) is represented in the plate : the plant erroneously called by this name at folio 202, it must be remembered, is Prunella vulgaris. <57 'f )$Zi' 87. LEBIA TURCICA. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse Lat.9 Leach. Type of the Genus Carabus crux-minor Linn. Lebia Lat., Bonelli , Panz ., Leach, Gyl. Carabus Linn., Fab., Oliv. Antennae inserted before the eyes, growing slender towards the base, 11 -jointed, the 3 first joints naked, the remainder pu- bescent, with a few bristles, 1st joint not very large, 2nd small, 3rd the longest, 7 following oblong, terminal joint longer than the preceding, ovate-elongate (f 6). Labrum somewhat orbicular or quadrate, sides membranaceous, a few hairs upon the anterior margin (1). Mandibles slender, bent, acute, naked, with 2 minute teeth at the base on the internal side (2). Maxillae small, slender, bent, acute, ciliated on the internal edge. Palpi 2, internal robust, not longer than the maxilla, 2-jointed, 1st joint long, clavate, 2nd short somewhat ovate hairy ; ex- ternal robust long, 4-jointed, 1st joint minute, 2nd long, dilated in the middle, 3rd shorter clavate, 4th as long as the 2nd, ovate- elongate, scarcely truncate (3). Mentum transverse, emarginate, centre produced, rounded. Palpi3- jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd long clavate, 3rd spheci- form truncated. Labium long, projecting beyond the 2nd joint of the palpi, rounded, slightly hairy (4). Thorax scarcely broader than the head, transverse, nearly straight be- fore, with the anterior angles rounded, sides margined , greater por- tion of the posterior margin produced in a transverse lobe covering the neck (9). Body very much depressed. Elytra shorter than the abdomen, abruptly truncated. Wings long. Anterior tibiae notched. Tarsi 5-jointed, 4 first joints short, the basal one rather the longest, the 4th bilobed , terminal joint longer, clavate (5 afore leg). Turcica Fab. Ent. Syst. t. 1 .pars 1 . p. 161. n. 161. Black shining : eyes gray : mouth, thorax, neck, scutellum, an- tennae and legs ferruginous or brick colour j a lunular spot upon each elytron at the base of the external margin, extending nearly to the middle, a narrow margin round and 2 minute spots at the posterior angles of the elytra ochraceous ; beneath ochraceous and brick colour, the margins of the abdomen and the segments black. Head rugulose. Thorax with fine transverse lines and a channel down the middle. Elytra emarginate at the apex, with an abbreviated finely punctured stria next the scutellum and 8 long ones extending the whole length. In the Cabinet of the British Museum. The lobe of the thorax that covers th£ neck (which is not easily detected unless it be detached from the body, on ac- count of a transverse impression extending across), and the bifid penultimate joint of the tarsi, are strong characters to mark the genus Lehia , which contains 2 British species. The rare and beautiful one figured is a native of France and Italy ; and the specimens in the British Museum were taken, it ap- pears by a memorandum of Dr. Leach’s, near Oakhampton House, Somersetshire. Carabus crux-minor Linn., the other species found in our country, although less rare, is very seldom met with. It is said to be taken under stones in June ; in August also it has been found upon trees in Coombe Wood; and I remember Mr. Brightwell of Norwich taking one out of a tan-pit at Ly- mington, Hampshire, where it had probably been conveyed with the bark : This insect is figured by Olivier, tab, 4. Jig . 41. a, b, ; and by Panzer, fascicle 16, plate 2. Anemone nemorosa (Wood Anemone) is figured with the insect. ' 6- )n°l 282. LAMPRIAS CYANOCEPHALUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lot., Leacli. Type of the Genus, Carabus cyanocephalus Linn. Lamprias Bon., Panz ., MacL. — Lebia Lat., Dej., Sturm . — Carabus Linn., Mar. Antennce inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, longer than the head and thorax, nearly filiform and pubescent ; 1 1 -jointed, basal joint rather stouter than the following, scarcely so long as the 3rd, the 2nd joint short, 4th and following oblong, excepting the terminal joint which is as long as the 3rd and co- nical at the apex (6). Labrum rather transverse-oblong, the angles rounded and pro- ducing a few bristles (1). Mandibles rather slender, bent and acute, with a single notch on the inside near the base (2). Maxillce terminated by a slender compressed process, bent and acuminated at the apex, ciliated internally with strong bristles. Palpi; internal the length of the maxillary lobe, compressed, biarticulate, basal joint the longest, 2nd subovate and pilose ; external 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd long and robust, 3rd shorter subclavate-truncate, 4th as long as the 2nd elliptical- truncate (3). Mentum transverse, the sides producing 2 rather acuminated lobes, the centre only rising into an obtuse triangle. Labium rather elongate, coriaceous, and slightly pilose, orbicular-qua- drate, anterior margin slightly sinuated. Palpi attached to scapes, robust and long,triarticulate, basal joint short and curved, 2nd long and clavate, 3rd the longest, robust, subfusiform- truncate (4). Head narrower than the thorax. Eyes prominent, not touching the Thorax which is transverse , the posterior angles acute , and the mar- gin between them produced or lobed. Body depressed. Scutellum sub triangular. Elytra much broader than the thorax , increasing in breadth from the base and truncated, scarcely emarginate and not completely covering the abdomen. Wings shorter thru the body. Legs rather slender and alike in both sexes. Thighs incrassated. Tibiae ; anterior with a notch on the inside. Tarsi 5-; jointed , basal joint not so long as the terminal one , 4 th the smallest, deeply emar- ginate. Claws denticulated beneath (5). Cyanocephalus Linn. Faun. Suec. p. 202. n. 794. Bluish black, smooth, shining. Head rather thickly punctured, the crown violaceous. Antennae dull black, basal joint ochreous, apical one dull castaneous. Thorax transverse, pale rufous, sparingly and coarsely punctured, with a channel down the centre. Elytra bright violet, with 8 punctured striae on each, with punctures scattered between them. Legs rufous orange, apex of thighs, base and apex of tibiae and the tarsi black. In the Cabinet of the British Museum, %c. Lamprias is closely allied to Lebia, which was illustrated in our 87th Plate; it is however distinguished by the thorax, which is narrowed at its posterior angles ; the body is narrower and more depressed, the wings are short, the labrum and labium are more quadrate, the mentum is broader, and the apex of the labial palpi more truncated. Four species of this genus have been recorded as British, but two of them are probably varieties. 1. L. cyanocephalus, Curtis Brit. Ent.pl. 282. Obs. The specimen figured and described is a variety ; the head and elytra are generally deep cyaneous, sometimes inclining to green. The beautiful specimen represented in the plate was found in the flower of a primrose, the middle of last April, at Crabbe Hill near Dover, and is in the Cabinet of Mr. R. L. Leplas- trier. It has been seen as early as March in Yorkshire, and in June it frequents the Broom at Darent, Windsor and Ripley near London, and at Netley in Shropshire; and in July it has been observed under moss on oaks, at Kimpton, Hants. 2. L. nigritarsis Leach , Steph. Cyaneous-green. Thorax rufous. Antennae and legs fuscous, the underside of the basal joint of the former reddish, and the base of the thighs rufous. This is supposed to be a variety of the first; it has been found on the broom at Windsor and Dover, in June. 3. L. chlorocephalus III. — Sturm D. F. pi. 167, A. — cyano- cephalus Mar. — Don. 3. 86. — Panz. 75. 5. Cyaneous-green ; antennae fuscous, the basal joints, thorax, postpectus, and legs, rufous ; tarsi black. Also found in May and June upon the broom, under bark, stones, and heaps of turf, and in moss : it has been taken in Epping Forest, Coomb-wood, and Darent, in Norfolk, at Newcastle, &c. 4. L. rufipes Steph. Dej. ? Blackish blue. Elytra cyaneous, thorax and legs rufous. Dejean in his description says, 6( the feet, and even the tarsi, are of the colour of the thorax.” It is there- fore probable that the specimen described as British, with (( the tarsi somewhat more obscure,” is a variety only of the former one. It was taken in the New Forest, in June. The plant is Primula elatior (Oxlip). / u d- /txb 11!). DEMETRIAS MONOSTIGMA. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse Lat., tikach. Type of the Genus Carabus atricapillus Linn. Demetrias Bonelli, Sam. — Rizophilus Leach. — Dromias Germ. — • Lebia Lat., Gyll. — Carabus Linn., Fab. Antennae inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, gradually increasing in thickness to the apex, slightly pubescent, J 1 -jointed, basal joint the thickest, 2nd small, the following of nearly equal length, terminal joint as long as the 1st, nearly as robust and subovate (fig. 6). Labrum quadrate, slightly emarginate and ciliated (1). Mandibles slightly bent, acute, naked j one with a tooth at the base, the other with 3 at the base and one in the middle (2). Maxillae bent, horny and acute at the apex, ciliated with rigid bristles internally. Palpi 2, internal, compressed, 2-jointed, terminal joint short, subovate : external long robust, 4-jointed, 1 st joint short, 2nd long clavate, 3rd short, 4th elongate conic, terminated by a ve- sicle (3). Men turn transverse, sides lobed, centre obscurely bind. Palpi long, robust, fixed to a short scape, 1st joint subclavate, 2nd subovate, 3rd ventricose, elongate, ovate, terminated by a small vesicle. Labium slightly emarginate, membranous at the edges. (4). Head oval, narrowed and produced behind. Thorax cordiform, trun- cated before and behind, margined, not broader than the head. Ab- domen much broader than the thorax, depressed. Elytra elongated, not quite so long as the abdomen, and somewhat narrowed towards the base. Wings sometimes with rudiments only. Tibiae anterior notched. Tarsi 5 -join ted, basal joint the longest, especially in the hind legs, 4th joint large bilobed. Claws simple (5, afore leg). Obs. The dissections are made from D. monostigma. Monostigma Leach. — Sam. p. 156. — unipunctatus Germ. Ins. Spec, v. 1. p. 1. n. 2. Head black shining. Palpi pale. Mandibles and antennae fer- ruginous, the latter pale at the base. Thorax dull orange, chan- nelled down the middle, with an impression at the posterior an- gles. Elytra with 7 obscure striae on each ochraceous, with a large deep brown spot in the middle near their apex, which runs half way up the suture. Wings rudiments only. Abdomen ochra- ceous. Legs and underside, excepting the head, pale ochre. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The group to which our insect belongs, like the others of Mons. Latreille’s divisions of his genus Lehia , has been con- stituted into a genus named Demetrias by Professor Bo- nelli: it may be at once distinguished from Dromius of the same author, to which it is closely allied, by the bilobed pe- nultimate joints of the tarsi ; and from Lebia it differs essen- tially in many respects, as may be seen by comparing the present dissections with those of plate 87? where that genus is illustrated. Demetrias appears to be exclusively confined to Europe; and at present contains but 4 species, all of which have been confounded under the name of Carabus atricapillus : 2 only of these have at present been recognized as British, viz. Z). atri- capillus and Z). monostigma : the former pretty insect may be found almost all the year round, under the bark of trees ; the latter, which we have figured under the name that it received from Dr. Leach, and which accompanies the description of it in Samouelle’s Entomologist' s Compendium , published several years before Germar’s work appeared, was first detected at Swansea, and was formerly considered a rare insect in this country, but has lately been taken in abundance on the coast of Norfolk by the Rev. T. Skrimshire, and at Whittlesea Meer the end of July by Mr. Bentley and Mr. Chant. It in- habits the roots of grass, and conceals itself on the sea- coast under rejectamenta . The plant is Salicomia herbacea (Marsh Samphire). 23/ 5 ~ J*£ . Patrobus Meg., Lat.,Dej. — Platysma Sturm,. — Carabus Fab., Payk., Panz. Antennce inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, filiform, pubescent excepting the 1st and 2nd joints, 1 1-jointed, basal joint the most robust, ovate, 2nd small, 3rd long, the re- mainder not longer than the 1st, excepting the terminal joint which is as long as the 3rd and conical (fig. 6). Labrum transverse, sides rounded, narrowed anteriorly, the front straight and ciliated with a few bristles (1). Mandibles subtrigonate, slightly bent, not very acute, having 3 irregular teeth on the internal side towards the base (2). Maxillce rather long and slender, slightly bent and acute at the apex, ciliated internally. Palpi ; internal rather longer than the maxillary lobe, biarticulate, the 2nd joint curved : external not much longer than the labial, but more robust, 4-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd the longest and most robust, 3rd subclavate and short, 4th nearly as long as the 2nd fusiform (3). Mentum transverse, not deeply emarginate, the centre producing a notched lobe. Lip oblong, the sides producing small para - glossce, and the centre a bristle. Palpi attached to long distinct scapes, 3 -jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd not very long, 3rd the longest and most robust, fusiform (4). Head subtrigonate, narrowed suddenly at the base. Eyes prominent. Thorax subquadrate, sides convex, narrowed behind, the posterior angles acute. Scutellum triangular , not enveloped by the Elytra which are notched near the apex. Wings sometimes rudiments only. Tibiae spurred, anterior emarginate. Tarsi 5 -jointed, anterior, with the 2 first joints dilated in the males, especially the basal one (5, afore leg). Alpinus Nob. Male smooth, shining, castaneous. Head and thorax black with a chestnut tinge, the latter with the anterior margin punctured ; a channel down the middle, deepest at the base, and a large, deep, punctured fovea on each side at the base, extending to the posterior angles. Elytra with 9 rather faint and imperfectly punctured striae on each, the sutural one abbreviated 5 between the 3rd and 4th, are 3 equidistant impressed dots. Female larger, paler 5 the elytra ochraceous, inclining to ferru- ginous. Wings ample in both sexes. In the Author's Cabinet. The Baron Dejean has placed Patrobus near to Pogonus in his Catalogue, an arrangement which I am disposed to adopt, since it appears to be natural ; I am therefore totally at a loss to account for the system proposed in the 44 Histoire Naturelle et Iconographie ,” and the 44 Families Naturelles” where Pa- trobus is included in a section with Panagreus. The anterior tarsi of the males in Patrobus having only two dilated joints, it is separated by that character from many of the Harpalidee ; and the straight anterior margin of the labrum, the slightly emarginate mentum, the more robust second joint of the internal, and the more slender terminal joints of the external maxillary palpi, are essentially different to Pogonus *. 1. Patrobus rufipes Fab . — excavatus Payk. — var. b. Panz. 34. 2. This insect has only the rudiments of wings, and the thorax is longer than it is broad, as shown at fig. 9. It is common in Norfolk, and Battersea Fields near London, where it is found under stones in moist situations from June to Sep- tember. 2. P. alpinus Nob. I have little doubt that this is the Var. c. alatus of Gyllen- hal (v. 1. pars 2, p. 98), and although that learned author has recorded it as a variety only, I have considered it as dis- tinct, for the same reasons that were given for separating Clivina , where the two species are characterized precisely in the same manner. Both sexes have ample wings, the thorax is broader than long, the elytra are less deeply striated and of a castaneous colour, having the appearance of immature specimens ; but such was not the case, the elytra being per- fectly hard when they were captured. The sexes of this rare insect, the female of which is figured, I found under a frag- ment of rock near the summit of Craig- calloch, one of the Dochart Hills, together with specimens of Helobia Gyllenhalii (Plate 103), the 21st of July 1825. The plant, Saxifraga hypnoides (Moss Saxifrage), was ga- thered on the same mountain. * In the characters of Pogonus the internal maxillary palpi are represented as 3-jointed, from the scape, to which they are attached, being more developed than usual ; but as that part is generally obsolete, it will be better to describe them as biarticulate. 47 cj\' dsmtUn, 2) tic: //./f8S^ POGONUS BURRELLII. Order Coleoptera. Pam. Carabid ddLat., Leach. Type of the Genus Carabus chalceus Marsh. Pogonus Ziegler. Raptor Megerle. Carabus Marsham. Antenna nearly cylindric, pilose, 11 -jointed, the joints gradually increasing in circumference, and decreasing in length from the third to the terminal joint, which is longer than the penultimate and oblong-conic ; first joint large, second small, third as long as the first, (f. 6.) Labrum transverse, sides convex, basal and anterior margins slightly emarginate. (1.) Mandibles somewhat curved, slender, acute, with a small tooth near the base on the internal edge, sometimes with a larger tooth in the centre. (2.) Maxilla curved, slender, acute, with strong bristles on the inter- nal edge : Palpi internal, very slender, 3-jointed, first joint minute, second clavate, third attenuated external : 4-jointecl, first joint short, the remainder longer, of nearly equal length, second cylin- dric, third clavate, fourth ovate, truncate. (3.) Mentum transverse, nearly straight at its base, sides very convex being narrowed behind, deeply emarginate in front with a small bifid tooth in the centre : Labium exserted, coriaceous in the cen- tre, lateral processes membranaceous : Palpi 3-jointed, first joint small, trigonate, second long, clavate, third somewhat ventricose, terminated (apparently) by a gland. (4.) Plead narrower than the thorax , trigonate. Thorax narrower than the abdomen , nearly quadrate , with an impression near the posterior angle . Elytra nearly thrice the length of the thorax. Scutellum minute. Wings 2. Legs formed for running , slender. Anterior tibiae notched internally , spined at their extremities. Anterior tarsi in the male dilated , especially the basal joint (5 afore leg). The dissections are all made from P. Burrellii. Burrellii Haworth's MSS. Head and thorax smooth, cupreous, reflecting deep green, espe- cially round the margins, the head with a longitudinal groove on each side between the eyes, the thorax margined on the sides, narrowed behind, with the anterior angles rounded, the posterior more acute, a channel down the centre, with an impressed line forming a triangle with the anterior margin, punctured posteriorly, with an impressed line parallel to the base, and a large foveola near the posterior angles. Elytra with a narrow margin, smooth, pale ochraceous, somewhat variegated with fuscous, sometimes having a rosy tinge, an abbreviated stria next the scutellum, and eight punctured longitudinal striae, some of which are united near the apex. Wings white, semi-transparent. Scutellum, legs, antennae and palpi more or less dull ferruginous. Beneath black tinged with green and purple. In the Cabinets of Mr. Burrell and the Author . The Genus now under consideration has been named Rogonus by one author, and Raptor by another ; and not knowing which is entitled to priority, I have followed the Baron Dejean in adopt- ing the former, not doubting that he had just reasons for so doing. I am also inclined to believe, that either no characters have hitherto been published of this genus, or that they have not yet reached this country ; I have therefore been under the neces- sity of drawing the best I could from our three species, as well as a specific description of the beautiful individual selected for illus- tration, it never having been before described, although it was named many years since, by A. H. Haworth, Esq., after our old and esteemed friend the Rev. J. Burrell, E.L.S., by whom it was first detected in 1806, and to whom I am indebted for specimens, and the following particulars : “ The Genus Raptor , confined as it is to three British species ( Burrellii , Haw. ; chaleeus, Marsh. ; and aruginosus , Steph. MSS.), is perfectly maritime; the species being all found in the same situation, and may be deemed sub- aquatic ; for in the winter, and a considerable part of the summer, the habitat of these pretty animals is entirely covered with water, which stagnates many inches deep in the low places of the marshes after the tide has flowed and ebbed. When these spots, which are first formed by a casual removal of the oozy soil for agricul- tural purposes, are dried, through evaporation caused by the summer sun, the soil cracks in various directions ; and out of these cracks, when any one walks across the place, the Raptores dart up with swiftness and in great numbers. They are princi- pally found in the months of J une, J uly, August, and September ; and if the weather be warm and dry, they may be captured, though in less quantity, in May and October. They associate with many species of Bembidium, and not unfrequently the Cil- lenum laterale is seen in their company. The most manifest habitat of our species is at Salthou.se in Norfolk, upon the salt marshes separated from the German Ocean by a high mound of pebbles and other small stones rounded by attrition, and through which mound the tide penetrates at its highest flow.” The male is somewhat smaller than the female, but both sexes vary in magnitude. Its food is undoubtedly similar to that of other Carabid<%, and the soil is productive of very few plants ; among these, however, the Statice Limonium (Lavender Thrift) is handsome and common ; it is therefore made the accompaniment of the plate. I /«?/ LPu%1. 191. OPHONUS GERMANUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidas Latn Leach . Type of the Genus Carabus germanus Linn. Ophonus Ziegl.j Dej., Sturm, Lat. — Harpalus Lat., Bon., Leach, Sturm.-— Carabus Linn., Fab., Marsh. Antennai inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, subclavate, pubescent excepting the 2 first joints j 1 1 -jointed, basal joint elongate-ovate, a little the stoutest 5 2nd about half the length of the 1st $ 3rd and following shorter than the 1st joint, excepting* the terminal one which is the same length and subovate (fig. 6). Labrum semiorbicular, emarginate and producing a few bristles in front (1). Mandibles short, subtrigonate, not very acute, rather dilated to- wards the base on the internal side (2). Maxilla slender, bent, very acute, pubescent and ciliated. Palpi compressed 5 internal rather long biarticulate, basal joint slen- der, 2nd rather longer, bent ovate, acuminate ; external scarcely longer than the labial, 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd linear the longest, 3rd rather short clavate, 4th the most robust, short ovate (3). Mentum broad and very short, deeply emarginate, the centre slightly produced. Lip long, producing a broad lobe on each side. Palpi attached to long moveable scapes, pilose, rather long, 3-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd and 3rd long of equal length, the latter the most robust, fusiform truncate (4) . Superior surface punctured and pubescent. Head subtrigonate rather broad. Eyes small. Thorax suborbicular or subquadrate, with the posterior angles sometimes rounded. Scutellum minute. Elytra slightly emarginated at the apex. Wings not very ample. Legs rather large. Tibiae, anterior not deeply emarginate. Tarsi b -jointed, anterior and intermediate with the 4 first joints cordiform and dilated in the males. Claws simple (5 , fore leg of male). Obs. The dissections were made from C. nitidulus Schr. Germanus Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. p. 672. ra.26. — Fab. Ent. Syst.l.pars 1. p. 162. n. 167. Dull rufous, pubescent, thickly punctured. Antennae reddish brown, excepting the 3 first joints. Head entirely rufous in- clining to castaneous. Thorax deep blue with a violaceous tinge, the margins ferruginous $ more strongly punctured than the head, a channel down the centre and a fovea on each side at the base. Scutellum blue. Elytra finely punctured with a large blue spot towards the apex j 8 punctured striae on each, the 2nd incurvated at the base and forming a 9th abbreviated stria. Beneath black. In the Cabinets of the British Museum and the Author. Ophonus is so nearly allied to the type of the genus Har- palus (C. nificornis, Linn.), in texture and sculpture, as well as in the structure of the mouth, that it is difficult to determine whether these two groups ought to be separated, or whether by withdrawing H. ruficornis, and adding it to the Ophoni, that Harp alus would form a more distinct genus : wye hope, however, when we arrive at the illustration of the Harpali , to be able to speak with more confidence upon the subject. The above two genera, with three or four others, are distinguished by the dilated tarsi of the intermediate, as well as the anterior pair of feet in the males ; but the only differences in the trophi in Ophonus and Harpalus appear to be in the robust and atte- nuated terminal joint of the internal, and the more ovate ter- minal joint of the external maxillary palpi, and the slighter emargination of the mentum in the former genus. The following is a table of our British species, and we have two or three others that may be esteemed distinct by some of the writers of the present day. 1. O. obscurus F. — Sturm 92 a. — purpuro cseruleus Marsh. Under stones in March and April, and on Hackney Marshes during floods. 2. sabulicola F.— Sturm 92. h. — Panz. SO. 4. — azureus Oliv. 3. t. 12. f. 135. June; near Halesworth, Suf- folk, upon a bank. 3. Germanus L, — Panz. 16. 4. — Nob. June: Kings- bridge, Devon, and near Bristol. Dr. Leach. 4. azureus III.— chlorophanus Panz. 73. 3. August and September ; Newmarket Heath : under stones near St. Lawrence, Isle of Wight ; and Leith Hill near Dorking. Mr. Chant. 5. nitidulus Schr. Ins. Aust. 213. 401. From Norfolk. 6. rupicola Reich. — Sturm, pi. 94. — subcordatus Dej. From Norfolk. 7. puncticollis PayJc. Gyll.- — Sturm ? 94. a. — foraminu- losus Marsh. Common in Norfolk. 8. cribellum Leach MSS. August : Dover. September ; Isle of Wight. 9. angustatus Nob. A much narrower and blacker insect than the last, and is at once distinguished by its having a very obscure channel only in the centre of the thorax. For specimens of the plant, Rumex pratensis of Merten s and Koch, we are indebted to John Lindley, Esq., who gathered them near Chiswick. /6 -/l 33 458. HARPALUS RUFICEPS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse. Type of the Gems, Carabus ruficornis Linn. Harpalus Lat., Sturm, Dej., Curt. — Carabus Linn., 8$c. Antenna inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, remote, as long as the head and thorax, filiform, pubescent, pi- lose and 11 -jointed, 1st and 2nd joints naked, the former the stoutest, the latter the shortest, 3rd nearly as long as the 1st and a little longer than the following, which are oblong-ovate, the terminal joint subelliptic (6). Labrum subquadrate, the angles rounded, the anterior margin ciliated, furnished with 6 bristles and slightly concave at the centre (1). Mandibles subtrigonate, curved externally and acute at the apex, one having a small tooth above, the other below the centre of the internal margin, andnearthe base is a small ciliated membrane (2) . Maxilla slender, terminated by a bent acute hook, the internal margin ciliated with strong bristles. Palpi, internal as long as the lobe, slender and biarticulate, the joints of equal length, the 2nd a little curved : external long and 4 -jointed, basal joint mi- nute, 2nd and 3rd nearly of equal length, the former curved and stout, the latter clavate, 4th a little shorter, subfusiform-trun- cate, with a vesicle at the apex (3) . Mentum transverse, short, deeply notched before with an obtuse tooth in the centre, the lateral lobes subtrigonate and pubescent. Labium long and narrow, the apex trifid, the central lobe horny quadrate and producing two bristles, the lateral ones rounded and membranous. Palpi rather slender, attached to 2 long and stout scapes, pilose and triarticulate, basal joint minute, 2nd and 3rd long, the latter rather the shortest and subfusiform (4). Head sub orbicular -quadr at e : eyes small, lateral and prominent . Tho- rax broadest at the middle or base, the posterior angles not rounded: scutellum minute. Elytra elliptical or ovate, more or less emarginate at the apex. Wings ample. Thighs short and stout. Tibiae spurred at the apex, 4 posterior often spiny, the 1st pair emarginate on the inside. Tarsi 5 -jointed, dilated in the and 2nd pair in the males, basal joint as large as the 2nd, Ath bilobed, 5th long and clavate. Claws simple and acute (5, afore leg of male). Ruficeps Oeskay. — Curt. Guide, Gen. 44. — Hottentotta var. Dej. Smooth, shining, ochreous, with a castaneous tinge : head casta- neous with 2 remote impressions between the eyes ; labrum and tips of mandibles blackish ; antennae and palpi ochreous : thorax transverse -quadrate and piceous, the sides and angles pale cas- taneous ; anterior margin concave, the angles rounded, posterior angles rectangular but rather obtuse, a channel down the back, the base thickly punctured, with a shallow fovea on each side : elytra piceous, the margin castaneous ; with 8 striae on each, the 1st furcate at the base, the 8th bearing some impressions largest towards the apex, which is scarcely emarginate : abdomen piceous above at the tip : legs ochreous, the tarsi slightly ferruginous. In the Cabinet of Mr. D. S err ell. The Harpali are generally found under stones, and in gravel and sand pits, where they live upon other insects, and not un- frequently on each other. Harpalus approaches very near to Ophonus ; and the latter group is considered only as a division of the former by Dejean : the typical trophi, however, are different, as will be seen by referring to our plate 191. Restricted as Harpalus is at pre- sent, there is considerable variety in their figure : they are convex or depressed ; the antennae are much shorter in some than in others ; the head is smaller ; the thorax sometimes narrowed before, at others behind, the elytra are either com- paratively short or long ; and they have ample or imperfect wings. The genus is thus divided, and I must refer to the Guide for a list of the species. A. Anysodactylus Dej. First joint of the tarsus in the 4* anterior feet of the males smaller than the second joint. 10. H. pceciloides Ste. — virens Dej . 2. H. binotatus Fab. — Sometimes seen flying in the sunshine. R. Harpalus Lat . First joint of 4* anterior feet in the males as large as the 2nd. 1 . H. ruficornis Fab. — The C. griseus of Panzer is a very di- stinct insect, of which I have never seen a British specimen. We took several at Fontainebleau, which flew into our chambers at night, attracted by the light of candles. 3a. H. tenebrosus Dej. — I took a specimen in the Isle of Wight the beginning of September 1826. 27a. H. ruficeps Oeskay. — Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 458. <$. — De- jean supposes this to be an immature variety of C. Hot- tentotta Duft. The only specimen I have seen was taken last August by my friend Dalton Serrell, Esq. at Barule in the Isle of Man ; and as it has no appear- ance ofimmaturity, I have given it as a distinct species. 35a. H. Melampus Duft. — Sturm, pi. 80. D. — I first discovered this fine insect under stones at the back of the Isle of Portland, the 14th of May. Dejean considers it to be the same as H. depressus of Sturm ; but I have never seen any Harpalus so broad as my specimens. 44. H. rufimanus Mars, is only a variety, I believe, of H. tardus. 45. H. stygius Wilk. is the female probably of H. serripes. C. P angus Zieg . Terminal joint of palpi cylindrical or slightly oval. Dej. 9. H. scaritides Zieg.— Sturm, tab. 91. C. D. Actephilus Ste. MSS. Thorax transverse, posterior angles rounded ; anterior legs stout ; antennse rather short. 8. H. picipennis Sturm, tab. 90. A. — May and June, under stones, sandy places Chesil-bank, Isle of Portland. 7. H. pumilus Sturm, tab. 90. B. — Found with the last. The Plant IsPapaverArgemone (Long rough-headed Poppy). . i 188 ■/ - J XZl 188. ZABRUS OBESUS. Xt Order Coleoptera* Fam. Carabidae Lat.9 Leciclu Type of the Genus Carabus gibbus FaL Zabrus Clairv., Bon., Leach, Sturm. — Harpalus LaL , GylL — Cara- bus Fab., Marsh., Panz. Antennae inserted close to the base of the mandibles, rather short, filiform and pubescent, excepting the 3 first joints ; 11 -jointed, basal joint robust oblong, 2nd the shortest, 3rd clavate, 4th scarcely so long as the preceding one, the remainder of equal length, excepting the last, which is rather longer and ovate {fig- 6). Labrum subquadrate, rather narrowed before, the anterior an- gles very round and the margin deeply notched, producing short bristles on the sides, and a few long ones in front (1). Mandibles subtrigonate, but little bent, one being sinuated on the internal margin (2). Maxilla long, the lobe narrow obtuse and ciliated with strong bristles. Palpi ; internal long, very slender, composed of 2 joints of equal length, the former clavate, the latter slightly curved, at- tenuated and truncated 5 external rather robust, 4-jointed, basal joint short, 2nd and 3rd long of equal length, the latter subcla- vate, the 4th short, subovate truncate (3). Mentum transverse, emarginate, with an obtuse simple tooth in the centre. Labium broad, horny dilated at the apex, produ- cing a membranous incurved lobe on each side. Palpi 3 -joint- ed arising from scapes, basal joint short slender, 2nd and 3rd of nearly equal length, the former subclavate pilose, the latter sub- fusiform and truncate (4). Head rather short and broad. Eyes small. Thorax very broad and gibbous , the sides convex, angles sometimes rounded. Coleoptra very convex and notched externally near the apex. Scutellum triangular . Wings ample. Thighs robust. Tibiae suddenly dilated at the apex , armed with short spines and spurs ; the anterior very much dilated towards their extremities, slightly notched and spined on the internal side near the apex. Tarsi slender , the anterior with the 3 basal joints dilated in the males . Claws simple (5, afore leg). Obesus Lat., Dej., Sturm. Male black, smooth, shining. Mouth ferruginous 5 mandibles and labrum castaneous inclining to black. Head broad. Thorax transverse, with an aeneous tinge on the margins 5 a transverse impression before, a faint channel down the centre, a fovea on each side near the base where it is punctured, the posterior an- gles rounded and slightly produced. Scutellum obsolete. Elytra slightly aeneous, with 9 obscurely punctured striae on each, the 1st very short ; a row of deep punctures at the external margin. Antennae, legs, and underside piceous inclining to castaneous 5 anterior tarsi of the latter colour. Female duller. Elytra inclining more to dull cupreous. In the Cabinet of the British Museum . Zabrus approaches very near to Harpalus in structure, but its convex form and the simple intermediate tarsi of the males, readily distinguish it from that genus : the obtuse maxillae, the shortness of the terminal joint of the external maxillary palpi, the simple tooth of the mentum, and the powerful anterior ti- biae are also essential characters. In Britain there are but two .species. 1. Z. gibbus Fob.*— Claim . Ent. Helv. 2. tab . 11 . f. a, b. — Sturm's Deut. Faun. tab. 98. — Tenebroides Panz. 73. 8. — spinipes Scop. — gibbosus Marsh . Found in August and September, in corn-fields, sandy si- tuations, and at the roots of grass, in Norfolk, the Isle of Wight, Battersea Fields, &c. ; and a gentleman informs me that he took four specimens last August upon an umbellate plant at Heron Court, Hants. Its economy is very interesting ; and the following remarks upon the subject have been collected from German's Magazin, and Sturm's Deutschlands Fauna,- — in both of which are figures of the larvae, pupae, See. In May 1812 the larvae did great mischief to the sprouts and roots of the wheat in the canton of Seeburg in Halberstadt. The female beetles deposited numerous clusters of eggs in the earth, which in a short time produced larvae or grubs, that made their appearance upon the surface in the evening and night to feed upon the young stalks of the wheat, hiding them- selves in the day six inches deep ; when full-grown they were more than an inch long, at which period (the beginning of June) they descended by a curved cylindric passage sometimes to the depth of two feet, forming at the termination a smooth oval ca- vity to contain the pupa ; after three or four weeks the beetles made their appearance, when they became very destructive by climbing up the stalks and feeding upon the grain. The larvae are supposed to be long-lived ; and with them were found a considerable number of the grubs of Melolontha ruficornis Fab. : hence arises a question whether both sorts of the larvae were graminivorous : that the grubs of the latter insect feed upon vegetable substances there can be no doubt ; but should those of Zabrus do so, it will be a remarkable exception amongst the Carabidae, all of which are considered carnivo- rous ; it is a very strong and curious fact, however, that when the Zabri in their perfect state were confined in a box with some ears of corn, they fed upon the grain as long as the sup- ply lasted, after which they attacked one another. 2. Z. obesus Eat., Nob. A pair of this rare insect, which has I believe never been either described or figured before, was taken near Plymouth by Dr. Leach the end of April, and presented by him to the British Museum. The plant is Geranium Pyrenaicum (Mountain Crane’s Bill). i- 287. MASOREUS LUXATUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse Lat Leach . Type of the Genus, Trechus laticollis Sturm. Masoreus Zieg., Dej. — Badister Creut. — Trechus Sturm. Antennae inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, pubescent, thickened towards the extremity, composed of 11 joints, nearly of equal length, basal joint scarcely more robust than the penultimate one, 2nd 3rd and 4th scarcely so long and rather slender, the remainder slightly increasing in diameter to the apical one, which is rather the longest, and elongate-ovate (6) . Labrum transverse, narrowed anteriorly, all the angles rounded, slightly emarginated and ciliated with bristles (1). Mandibles exserted, considerably bent and acute, with a small blunt tooth at the middle and a larger protuberance below (2). Maxilla bent and very acute at the apex, the internal margin ciliated with bent bristles. Palpi naked internal as long as the maxillae, biarticulate, basal joint the longest, clavate, 2nd semi- ovate 5 external robust, 4-jointed, basal joint curved, truncated, 2nd dilated, compressed, obovate, 3rd short cup-shaped, 4th as long as the 2nd, cylindric, terminated by a vesicle (3). Mentum transverse, the sides only produced into lobes, without a central one. Labium subquadrate, the anterior angles forming 2 obtuse lobes, with a few bristles between. Palpi long, attached to distinct scapes, triarticulate, basal joint small curved, 2nd and 3rd equally long, the former producing 2 bristles on the inside, the latter slightly attenuated at the ends and truncate (4). Head somewhat triangular, narrowed behind. Eyes small but promi- nent. Thorax transverse , considerably broader than the head, sides rounded, posterior margin slightly lobed. Scutellum placed upon a peduncle which separates the thorax from the Elytra, the latter are oblong, depressed , slightly truncated at the extremity and scarcely covering the body. Legs, anterior the strongest. Tibiae, anterior notched and spined. Tarsi, anterior only dilated a little, furnished with strong spines, basal joint the largest , 2nd and 3rd obtrigonate, 4th cordate, 5th long, clavate. Claws long and simple (5, afore leg.) Luxatus Creut., Dej. 3. 53 7. 1. — laticollis Sturm 6. t. 150, D. Very glossy, pale castaneous. Head black excepting the clypeus. Thorax with a fine channel down the middle, and 2 shallow foveae behind not at the angles. Elytra with a large black patch leaving the base and margins castaneous j each having an abbreviated and 8 long faintly punctured striae with a few large marginal punc- tures towards the apex. Antennae trophi and legs inclining to ochreous. Underside somewhat piceous. In the Cabinets of Mr. Dale and the Author. When the first sheet of the “Guide” was published I had not seen Masoreus, and suspected that Harpalus Orfordensis of Spence (H. vernalis Duft) might be allied to it; but I am now satisfied that this insect ought to terminate the genus, Harpalus being nearly related to Zabrus. Mr. W. S. MacLeay has described and figured in the “ An- nulosa Javanica” the genus iEphnidius, one of the Harpalidas, a good deal resembling Masoreus in contour ; but the short- ness of the penultimate joint in the external maxillary palpi proves that our insect cannot belong to that family : this figure also establishes a valuable fact, that the produced thorax is not confined to one family. I shall not at present attempt to prove whether Masoreus ought to be associated with the Trechi or the Troncatipennes of Latreille ; at the same time it will not be irrelevant to observe, that the uniform length of the joints in the antennae, as well as the form of the maxillary palpi, make so near an approach to Dromius, that it is not improbable but Masoreus may unite that group with the Scaritidae : whether the genus Apotomus will assist in such an arrangement I am unable to say from the want of specimens. Masoreus luxatus is a rare and interesting insect, and has never been either described or figured in any English work. For specimens I am indebted to my friend Mr. Dale, who found them under stones by the Isthmus of Portland or Chesil Bank, June 17th, 1829. The specimen of Silene maritima (Sea Catchfly) was from the same locality. y ; 30 ^-/ tXl 187. PCECILUS LEPIDUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse Lat ., Leach. Type of the Genus Carabus cupreus Linn. Pgecilus Bon., Panz., Leach, Lat. — Platysma Sturm . — Harpalus Gyll. — Carabus Linn., Fab., Marsh. Antennae inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, as long as the thorax, compressed, pubescent excepting the 3 basal joints which produce only a few bristles 3 1 1 -jointed, basal joint the most robust, 2nd the smallest, 3rd the longest, the remain- der of nearly equal length, the terminal joint rather longer, ob- long, compressed at the apex (fig. 6). Labrum subquadrate, angles rounded, anterior margin producing bristles, and slightly emarginate (1). Mandibles rather slender, bent, acute, denticulated towards the base, one having a tooth near the middle on the internal side (2). Maxillae short, bent, acute, ciliated with strong bristles internally. Palpi ; internal not longer than the maxillae, biarticulate, basal joint clavate, 2nd bent 3 external long, 4-jointed, basal joint mi- nute, 2nd and 3rd of nearly equal length, the former the most robust, the latter clavate, 4th rather shorter, subcylindric trun- cate (3). Mentum transverse, deeply emarginate, the centre producing an obtuse lobe. Lip long, subquadrate, the centre furnished with 2 bristles, the sides forming 2 membranous acuminated lobes. Palpi 3-jointed, arising from long scapes, not remote, basal joint small, 2nd and 3rd long of equal length, the latter trun- cated (4). Head rather large. Eyes small. Thorax subquadrate , base truncated , 2 channels or fovece on each side near the posterior angles, which are acute. Scutellum minute. Elytra abruptly emarginate near the apex, the abbreviated stria very much longer than the scutellum. Wings, sometimes rudiments only. Tibiae, anterior deeply emargi- nate. Tarsi 5 -jointed, anterior with the 3 first joints cordiform and dilated in the males. Claws simple , bent, acute (5, afore leg) . Lepidus Payk. 3 Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 1. pars 1 . p. 153. n. 124. — vulga- ris DeGeer — var.f. ccerulescens Herbst. Var.f: deep blue with a violet tinge, long, narrow, smooth and shining. Head with a channel on each side the nasus. Thorax inclining to green, quadrate, sides rounded, rather narrowed be- hind, a channel down the centre and 2 very deep and short im- pressions at the posterior angles which are punctured. Elytra long and narrow with 8 punctured striae' on each, the 1st furcate at the base 3 on the sutural side of the 3rd are 3 impressed points, and the 8th is punctured with larger marks especially towards the apex. Wings none. Mandibles, antennae, legs and under- side black : trochanters very long, extending beyond the margins of the elytra. hi the Author's and other Cabinets. The obtuse somewhat truncated tooth or lobe in the centre of the mentum of Foecilus is the only character that is essen- tially different from many other genera that are closely allied to it: there are however minuter differences in the trophi, which may be of importance as they bear upon neighbouring genera, and will be pointed out as opportunities offer ; and in our British species at least, the great length of the abbreviated stria next the scutellum, which is frequently united to the 2nd, thereby making that furcate at the base, appears to be a con- stant character. About 20 species of this genus have been enumerated or described, most of which are inhabitants of Europe, but this country has hitherto only presented four. 1. P. lepidus PayJc. & c. 2. dimidiatus Fab . — Don. 16. 565. — Kugellani 111 . — Panz. 39. 8.— tricolor Fab. ? 3. cupreus Finn . — Don . 16. 554. — 'Panz, 75. 2. — var. a coo rulescens Linn. 4. versicolor Sturm's Deut. Faun., jpl. 120. f. 5, c. The 1st is a rare species in this country ; it has been found in June in Norfolk, Hants, and Devon : it varies from a fine copper colour, to blue and black, with all the interme- diate gradations of tint. The one represented in the plate is from the cabinet of Mr. Samouelle to whom it was transmit- ted from Devon, by Dr. Leach. The 2nd is a handsome though not a rare species, occa- sionally appearing black : it is generally found under stones in April, May, and June. The 3rd is one of our commonest insects, abounding from April to August, in fields, meadows & c., where at every step it is often seen running across our path. These beetles are also found in gravel and sand pits, where they live, and are well supplied with food from the numerous insects that fall into those traps, until they are destroyed either by the rays of the sun or excess of rain. The 4th is probably nothing more than a small variety of P. cupreus. The plant is Hordeum murinum , Wall Barley. I . m 34 184. CALATHUS LATUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse Lat Leach. Type of the Genus Carabus cisteloides III. Calathus Bon., Panz., Leach, Lat., Dej., Sturm. — Harpalus Lat. — - Carabus Linn., Fab., Marsh . Antennae inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles,, filiform, composed of 11 joints of nearly equal length, excepting the 2nd, which is scarcely more than half the length of the 1st •, 3 first joints naked, the remainder pubescent, terminal joint elongate-ovate (fig. 6). Labrum transverse -quadrate, slightly narrowed and emarginate before and ciliated with a few bristles, anterior angles rounded (1). Mandibles slightly bent, acute, crenated near the base, one having a tooth near the middle on the internal side $ the other, one nearer the base (2). Maxillae small, bent, acute, ciliated with bristles internally. Palpi ; internal extending rather beyond the apex of the maxillae, biarticulate, basal joint clavate, terminal one bent $ external long 4-jointed, basal joint minute, remainder nearly of equal length, 2nd joint the most robust, 3rd clavate, 4th cylindric truncated (3). Mentum semiorbicular, deeply emarginate, producing a bifid lobe in the centre. Lip rather long and rounded, producing a few bristles. Palpi long, arising from scapes, 3-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd and 3rd large of nearly equal length, slightly cla- vate, the former having a few bristles, the latter truncated (4). Head subtrigonate small. Eyes small. Thorax trapeziform, depressed , twice as broad as the head. Scutellum minute, triangular. Cole- optra elliptic. Wings, generally rudiments only. Legs, hinder pair rather the longest. Tibiae, anterior emarginate. Tarsi, anterior pair in the males with the 3 first joints dilated , the 2nd being the largest. Claws serrated (5, afore leg of the male). Latus Dejean. — -frigidus Fab. Syst. Eleut. ? Black shining. Head small. Thorax twice as broad as the head, lateral margins ferruginous, a shallow fovea on each side towards the base, where it is punctured and a channel down the middle. Elytra dull black, much broader than the thorax, especially to- wards the middle, with 9 minutely punctured striae on each, the 1st abbreviated, the 4th and 6th having about 10 strong punc- tures on each, and the 9th marked with a row of stronger im- pressions. Palpi and antennae ferruginous inclining to casta- neous, the basal joint of the latter being the palest. Legs pi- ceous inclining to black. In the Cabinet of the British Museum. It is not improbable that Calathus will very naturally follow Pcecilus, and lead by means of C. piceus of Marsham to Sy- nuchus , with which genus it agrees in having serrated claws, a structure confined to the above genera, and to Dolichus and Lcemostlienes , as observed by Latreille. The trophi are not un- like those of Omaseus and Steropus , but the dilated joints in the tarsi of the males are of a very different form ; and the contour of the whole insect is so characteristic, that we can at once distinguish the species comprised in this natural genus. The following are our British species : 1. C. latus Dej.9 Nob. 2. Cisteloides Ill.—Panz. 11. 12. — frigidus Fab. — Sturm , pi. 121. — fuscipes Gmel. — flavipes & obscurus Marsh. — Common everywhere. < 3. flavipes Payh. — Duft. — Sturm9 pi. 122. A. — fulvipes Dej ., not of Fab. — Taken in Devon in September. 4. fuscus Fab. — ambiguus Oliv. 3. tab. 12 .f. 1 47. — rufan- gulus Marsh. — Not uncommon in the hedges in Da- rent Lane during the summer, and I have found it in September under stones in Suffolk. 5. melanocephalus Linn.—Panz. 30. 19.— Don. 14. 480. — Common everywhere. 6. littoralis Leach’s MSS. — Not uncommon in April, June and September on the sea-shore in Suffolk and * Devon. 7. piceus Marsh. 444. 32. — This insect varies from the ty- pical form in having the thorax narrower behind. — It is occasionally taken in Norfolk and Devon. Four specimens of C. latus have been taken by Dr. Leach in Devonshire : one in a salt marsh near the river Lary, 26th May 1826; a 2nd in a coppice, 11th June, near Plymouth; and two others near Mutley and on Lipstone Hill in the same neighbourhood. This insect does not appear to have been either described or figured in any other work, and I am in- debted to Mr. Samouelle for the above satisfactory account of its habitats. The plant figured is Asperula odorata (Sweet Woodroof). 3A lf~nn 666. ARGUTOR LONGICOLLIS. Oiider Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae. Type of the Genus, Carabus vernalis Fab. Argutor Meg., Dej., Curt. — Feronia Dej. — Platysma Stur. — ■ Harpalus Gyl. — Carabus Fab. Duft. Antennae inserted before the eyes, longer than the head and thorax, a little thickened and compressed at the apex, 1 1 -jointed, basal joint ovate, 2nd small slender and obovate, 3rd as long as the 1st but slender, the remainder pubescent and gradually de- creasing in length, the apical joint elongate -ovate (6). Labrum subquadrate, rather broadest at the base, anterior mar- gin slightly concave, with a few long bristles, the angles rounded and ciliated (1). Mandibles elongate-trigonate, curved, acute, one with a small tooth near the middle of the inner margin (2), both notched at the base. Maxillae terminating in a curved acute horny claw, ciliated in- ternally. Palpi, internal short, composed of 2 slender joints of equal length, basal one clavate, the other curved, sublunate : external long stout and 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd long and stout, 3rd as long as the 2nd, clavate, very slender at the base, 4th rather shorter, fusiform-truncate (3). Mentum transverse, deeply excavated, the centre produced and emarginate, the sides forming 2 large lobes (4). Palpi long and triarticulate, attached to large scapes, basal joint minute, 2nd and 3rd long and slender, of equal length, the former subcy- lindric, with 2 long hairs on the inside, the latter fusiform with a gland at the apex. Labium oblong, the anterior angles un- cinated, the centre horny and furnished with 2 bristles. Head ovate ; eyes small and lateral. Thorax subcor date -quadrate, concave before, base straight, the angles acute : scutel small and tri- gonate. Elytra elongate-ovate, depressed, apex rounded, scarcely emarginated : wings ample. Legs moderate : thighs short and stout, the anterior sometimes incrassated in the males (5).- tibiae spurred, anterior the stoutest and notched internally : tarsi slender, 5- jointed , 4 basal joints obcordate in the anterior, the first 3 dilated in the males (5), apical joint clavate and slender as well as the claws . Longicollis Dvft.? — Curt. Guide, Gen. 55. 7. Castaneous, sometimes inclining to piceous ; antennae palpi and legs ferruginous ; thorax quadrate-cordate with a deep channel down the back, base only slightly punctured, except at the angles which are acute, a fovea on each side the centre forming a longish groove : elytra rather narrow with 8 punctured striae on each. In the Cabinets of Mr. R. H. Spence and the Author. This group makes so near an approach to Omaseus (fol.15), that they are merged in the genus Feronia by the Baron De- jean. The best distinguishing character is the more fusiform shape of the terminal joints of the palpi, and there are slight differences in the labrum, mandibles, and antennae, which will present themselves on a comparison of our plates. The species called Argutor Anthracinus by Stephens, and incorporated with that genus by him, appears to be the Oma- seus minor of Dejean ; I have therefore omitted it here, and de- scribed it with all the other species in the 2nd edition of this work under the genus Omaseus. * Elytra with 2 short stria: next the scutellum . 1. pullus Gyll. — diligens Sturm. Deut. Faun. tab. 1 1 7 .f. A. var .? Found near London and in Devonshire. 2. strenuus III. — Panz-Jasc. 38. pi. 6. Common in Norfolk and Suffolk, and near London in May. 3. erythropus Mars . p. 461. n. 78. Common everywhere on marshy ground and grassy banks, from March to October. 4. interstinctus Sturm , t . 1 1 Q.f. B.— eruditus Meg . 66 In a gravel pit near Hertford.” Step. The short stria: wanting . 5. longicollis Drift . ? — Curt . B. E . pi. 666 $. — negligens Meg. This I take to be the true longicollis , but I have specimens agreeing better with Sturm’s fig. D, pi. 116, and measuring 3 lines, w7hich also want the 3 punctures between the 2nd and 3rd striae. Four specimens were taken by R. H. Spence, Esq., in October, under rejectamenta on the banks of the river Itching. 6. inaequalis Mars. 456. 65. — Scalesii Step . var. On the banks of the Thames at Gravesend ; in a garden at Darent, J. C. 7. vernalis Fab.- — Panz . 30. 17. — tibialis Mars . Spring and autumn everywhere, under stones in sandy places and gravel-pits; Belton Bog in moss, Mr. Paget. 8. rufomarginatus Curt. Guide , No. 11. Piceous-black; trophi, base of antennae and legs ferruginous: thorax orbicular nearly as broad as the elytra, concave be- fore, truncated at the base, the angles not acute, lateral mar- gins rufous, except anteriorly, base thickly punctured, with an impressed line on each side and a channel down the mid- dle : elytra deeply striated, with 3 punctures between the 2nd and 3rd striae. I have only a male, which I took in Norfolk : it most re- sembles A. vernalis. 9. inquinatus Stur. t. 1 16.,/ C. — inquietus Meg. Taken near London. The Plant is Calamagrostis (Arundo) epigejos , Wood Reed, communicated by Dr. Bromfield, from Ryde, Isle of Wight. Y- 11X7 183. AGONUM AUSTRIACUM. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse Lai ., Leach , Type of the Genus Carabus marginatus Linn. Agonum Bonel., Leach , Sturm , Dej ., Lat.— Harpalus Lat., Gy 11. — Carabus Linn., Fab., Marsh., Panz. Antennce inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, rather long and filiform, pubescent, excepting the three 1st joints ; 11 -jointed, the 1st rather long and robust, 2nd small, the remainder of nearly equal length, the 4th being scarcely shorter than the 3rd ; the terminal joint attenuated (fig. 6). Labrum transverse quadrate, rather broadest at the base, scarcely emarginate at the anterior margin which produces a few bristles ( 1 ) . Mandibles bent acute, having a few small teeth on the internal margin close to the base (2). Maxillce bent, acute, ciliated with strong bristles on the internal margin. Palpi; internal biarticulate, basal joint clavate, ter- minal joint slightly bent and tapering to the extremities ; exter- nal long, 4-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd long robust, 3rd and 4th shorter, of equal length, the former clavate truncate, the latter fusiform truncate (3). Mentum transverse short trilobed, the centre lobe triangular simple. Labium elongate-quadrate, lobed on each side, the centre di- lated at the extremity. Palpi arising from long scapes, 3-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd and 3rd of equal length, the former cla- vate, the latter fusiform truncate (4). Head somewhat oblong. Eyes small. Thorax flat , sides convex, pos- terior angles rounded. Scutellum triangular. Coleoptra oblong , depressed, emarginate at the apex, generally with punctures between the 3rd and 4th striae. Wings ample. Legs formed for running, posterior the longest. Tibiae, anterior emarginate. Tarsi 5- jointed , anterior pair with the 3 first joints dilated in the males. Claws simple (5, afore leg). Austriacum Fab. Syst. Eleut. t. 1. p. 198.72. 157. — nigricorne Panz. 6, 4. — Oliv. pl. 12./. 143. — modestum Sturm. Smooth, shining. Antennae brown, 3 first joints shining black. Head green inclining to cupreous. Thorax cupreous with a green tinge, a channel down the centre and a shallow thickly punctured fovea on each side near the posterior angles. Elytra bright green sometimes inclining to yellow, with 9 punctured striae on each, that next the scutellum abbreviated, 4 minute foveae between the 3rd and 4th striae and a row of deep impres- sions upon the last. Legs black. In the Cabinet of the British Museum. As writers differ very much in their ideas respecting the affi- nities of our genus, we shall wait until we have gained a better knowledge of other groups of the Carabidae, before we give an opinion upon so difficult a question ; and as there is nothing remarkable in the trophi, we shall pass on to the synoptic table, which will be of more real utility than speculations. The following 19 species (with the exception of the 3rd) are in the Author’s cabinet: * Thorax suborbicular. 1. A. marginatum Linn . — Panz. 30. 12. — June and July, marshes. 2. sexpunctatum Linn. — Panz. 30. 11. Samouelle, pi. 3. f. 20. — May. Sexton Wood, Bedingham, Norfolk ; and Coombe Wood near London. 3. Austriacum Fab. — Taken by the late Mr. J. Cranch, in Devonshire. 4. parumpunctatum Fab. — Panz. 92. 4. — caerulescens Marsh. — 8-punctatus Marsh . — April, May, and June, common everywhere. 5. viduum///. — Panz. 37. 18. — vernal ePayh. — Common in Norfolk. 6. iEsopus Leach. — Taken near London. 7. versutum Sturm’s Lent. Faun . tab. 132. A. — Ditto. 8. mcestum Duft ., Sturm’s D. F. t. 134. B. — Ditto. 9. afrum Sturm’s D. F. tab . 134. A. — Car. afer Dift. — Common in Norfolk. 10. atratum Dahl. — Sturm’s D. F. tab. 135. A. — nigrum Dej. 11. Bogemannii Gyll. v. 3. p. 697.— From Dr. Leach. * * Thorax somewhat obovate. 12. nitidum Steph. — From Mr. Blunt’s cabinet. 13. gracile Sturm’s D. F. tab . 136. A. 14. pullum Leach ? 15. piceum of the Linncean Cabinet. — April 1810, taken at Horning, Norfolk. 16. Simpsoni Spence. — April, moist banks. 17. picipes Fab. — lutescens Panz . 30. 17. — April to July, moist banks. 18. pelidnum Payk. — Gyll. — Sturm’s D. F. tab. 135. B. — Taken in Norfolk and near London. 19. livens Gyll. — bipunctatum Sturm , tab . 133. B. — Nor- folk, and upon a maple- tree at Bognor, Sussex, the beginning of August. Fabricius being the first author that described and charac- terized A. Austriacum , we have adopted his name instead of “ nigricorne” which would only be assisting to perpetuate the error into which Olivier and Panzer first led us, by copying Fabricius’s description of Carabus nigricornis (which is a Chlre- nius\ and figuring Agonum Austriacum to illustrate it : Panzer has corrected this error in the “ Kritische Revision.” The plant is Serratula tinctoria (Common Saw-wort). 180. CALLISTUS LUNATUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse Lat.9 Leach Type of the Genus Carabus lunatus Fab. Callistus Bonelli , Panz., Leach, Dej. — Carabus Fab., Oliv Marsh. Antennae inserted before the eyes, at the base of the mandibles, compressed, subclavate, pubescent, 11 -jointed, basal joint sub- ovate, 2nd minute, 3rd and 4th of equal length, the former be- ing more slender, the remainder decreasing in length to the ter- minal joint which is ovate (fig. 6). Labrum transverse quadrate, slightly emarginate and producing a few bristles on the anterior margin (1). Mandibles alike, rather small and slender, bent, very acute, armed with 4 small teeth near the base on the internal side (2). Maxillce very slender, slightly bent, acute, ciliated on the inter- nal margin. Palpi; internal forming one long compressed lobe; external 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd robust, 3rd clavate, 4th elongate-ovate, truncated (3). Mentum broad transverse, trilobed, the centre one trigonate, not emarginate. Lip membranous quadrate, each side produced into a spine. Palpi attached to 2 scapes, 3-jointed, basal joint mi- nute, 2nd and 3rd of equal length, the former clavate pilose, the latter fusiform terminated by a vesicle (4). Head subtrigonate. Eyes small. Thorax broader than the head cordate truncate. Seutellum very minute. Coleoptra slightly convex, oval, broader than the thorax. Wings as long as the body. Legs formed for running, posterior pair the longest. Tibiae, anterior emarginate. Tarsi 5- jointed , 3 basal joints dilated in the males (5, afore leg). Lunatus Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 1. pars 1. p. 163. n. 172.' — Marsh. Ent. Brit. 466. 91. Pubescent. Head violaceous tinged with green, strongly and thickly punctured ; mouth ferruginous, palpi inclining to brown. Eyes and antennae black, the 1st and 2nd joints of the latter ochra- ceous. Thorax dull rufous, coarsely punctured, with an obscure channel down the middle. Elytra ochraceous, becoming straw- coloured towards the extremity ; a black spot on each shoulder, a large black spot on each side near the middle united on the margin to a waved fascia nearer the apex of the same colour ; 9 faintly punctured striae on each elytron, that next the seutellum very short. Legs black j base of the thighs, middle of the tibiae and claws ochraceous : the tarsi are brown. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The genus Callistus, which contains but one species, is cha- racterized by a small mouth, the parts composing it being weak : all the joints of the antennae are pubescent, although it is common with the Carabidae to have the 3 first joints naked, or at most producing only 2 or 3 bristles on each ; the hinder tibiae are very long ; and the internal maxillary palpus is not biarticulate but forms one lobe. We wish here to observe, that the example dissected was a male in which the external max- illary palpi were deficient ; they were consequently drawn from our cabinet specimen, which may have slightly affected their relative proportions. Callistus lunatus is not uncommon in France and other parts of the continent, where it is found under stones ; but in this country it is a very local if not a very rare insect, being attached to chalky districts, particularly those of Kent, in which county a specimen was captured the beginning of last May under a flint stone on a chalky bank near Sittingbourn, by Mr. A. Mathews of Turnham Green : the year previous 2 specimens were taken the middle of June, one in a corn-field, the other in Coomb Wood, near Dover, by Mr. R. L. Le- plastrier*, of whom we purchased the individual figured. The plant is Scabiosa columbaria (Small Scabious). * We recommend Entomologists who visit Dover to call upon Mr. Leplas- trier of Snargate Street, who disposes on very reasonable terms of British Insects principally collected by his son in the neighbourhood. S3 & / ^mc/cmy cJef,£- /■ Z<$ZS CHL^ENIUS SULCICOLLIS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lat., Leach . Type of the Genus C arabus nigricornis Fab. CiiLiENius Bon., Panz , Leach. Harpalus Gyl. Carabus Fab., Payk., Marsh. Antennae inserted at the base of the mandibles, before the eyes, 11-jointed, 3 first joints smooth, the remainder pubescent, 1st joint robust, 2nd short, 3rd as long as the first, clavate, the fol- lowing of equal length, somewhat clavate, excepting the last which is rather longer and ovate (f. 6). Labrum transverse, quadrate, emarginate, anterior angles round- ed, ciliated, sides coriaceous ( 1 ) . Mandibles porrected, slightly curved and acute, with 4 minute teeth on the internal edge, near the base (2). Maxillae bent at the apex, acute, ciliated. Palpi 2, internal scarcely longer than the mandibles, 2-jointed, 1st joint clavate, 2nd bent, attenuated at both ends ; external long, 4-jointed, 1st joint small, 2nd and 3rd long, the former robust, the latter cla- vate, 4th shorter nearly cylindric, truncate (3). Mentum broad, bilobed, slightly acuminate at the anterior an- gles, having an emarginate tooth in the centre. Palpi arising from long scapes, 3-jointed, 1st joint small, 2nd and 3rd of equal length, the former clavate, the latter attenuated at both ends, truncate. Lip long, extending far beyond the mentum, anterior margin straight, with a small process on each side (4). Thorax narrowed anteriorly , less so in some than in others , sidles with a narrow margin , arid an impressed line on each side at the base (9). Elytra sometimes elongated, slightly sinuated at their extremity, punctulate, frequently pubescent. Wings2. Scutellum small. Tibiae, anterior emarginate, spined. Tarsi 5 -jointed, with the 3 first joints dilated in the males (5 afore leg). Sulcicollis Payk. Fn. Suec. 1 . 153. 72. Gyll. Ins. Suec. v. 2. p. 1 30. n. 41 . Female black. Antennae, excepting the 3 first joints, covered with fuscous hair. Head smooth, shining. Thorax narrowed and sparingly punctured before, scabrose behind, where it is co- vered with short brown hair, sides scabrose, slightly re flexed, a channel down the centre, with 4 longitudinal elevated shining lines, the exterior one furcate, and large punctures between them. Scutellum smooth. Elytra scabrose, thickly covered with short brown hairs, interspersed with a few aureous ones, an abbreviated stria next the scutellum and 8 others extending the whole length on each elytron. In the Author's Cabinet. This genus, established by Professor Bonelli, embraces near 40 species from every quarter of the globe, presenting consi- derable variety of outline in the thorax, which will afford very good characters for several subgenera or divisions : In con- firmation of this assertion it is only necessary to refer to the figures in the plate, the thorax of C. sulci colli s being triangu- lar, truncated anteriorly, whilst that of C. nigricornis (fig. 9) is nearly quadrate ; and in C. vestitus the difference is even greater, the thorax being slightly narrowed behind. Chlcenius sulcicollis is figured in the 125th plate of Sturm’s beautiful Insects of Germany (Deutschlands Fauna), which enabled me to identify our insect, which had stood in the ca- binet many years without a name. It appears to be very rare upon the Continent, where it is found under stones in moist situations. I am indebted to my brother for the female de- scribed, which is the only British specimen known ; he found it dead under the cliffs at Covehithe, Suffolk, where I have frequently sought for it since without success. There are 3 other species inhabitants of this country which our insect will follow ; viz. 1. C. vestitus Fab., Panz. 31. 5. — found as early as March on moist banks and in woods. 2. C. nigricornis Fab. — found upon moist banks and in marshes in April. 3. C. holosericeus Fab., Panz. 11. 9. — very rare, taken by the Rev. T. Skrimshire in Norfolk in the spring. Like most of the Carabidce they are vernal insects : many of the exotic species are very beautiful ; green is a prevailing colour amongst them, and they frequently have a margin of yellow or ochre-colour round their elytra. The plant figured, Bunias Cakile (Sea Rocket), was ga- thered in the neighbourhood where the insect was found. O 7^ 75. LICINUS DEPRESSUS. 3 6 Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lat.y Leach . Type of the Genus Carabus cassideus Fab. Licinus Lat., Clair., Gyl., Sturm. Carabus Fab., Oliv., Payk., Panz. Antennae inserted in a cavity before the eyes, nearly filiform, 1 1 -jointed, 3 first joints shining, with a few hairs, the remainder very pubescent ; 1st joint long, robust, clavate, 2nd small, 3rd not so long as the 4th, the remainder decreasing in length to the last, which is as long as the 4th, and elongate-conic (fig. 6). Labrum small transverse, corneous at the margin slightly emar- ginate, with 6 bristles inserted near the margin (1). Mandibles naked, broad at their base, truncated at the apex which is slightly emarginated (2). Maxillae small, bent, acute, dilated below internally, ciliated with rigid bristles : Palpi 2, internal scarcely longer than the man- dibles, 2-jointed, 1st joint clavate, 2nd cylindric-conic 5 external very long, 4-jointed, 1st joint minute, 2nd very long clavate, 3rd long clavate-truncate, 4th large, hatchet-shaped (3). Mentum very broad, bilobed, the centre membranaceous, qua- drate, from the anterior margin of which arise scapes, coriaceous at their base, membranaceous at their apex, to which the palpi are attached : Palpi long, 3-jointed, 1st joint minute, 2nd long, with 3 bristles on the internal side, 3rd very large hatchet- shaped : Labium small, extending as far as the 1st joint of the palpi, membranaceous at the edges, slightly emarginate (4). Clypeus deeply emarginate. Eyes small. Head obtuse. Thorax or- bicular, emarginate before and behind. Scutellum minute. Body depressed. Elytra sinuated at their extremity . Wings, sometimes none. Tibiae, anterior emarginate, spined. Tarsi 5 -jointed, the 2 first joints dilated in the males (5, fore leg of a male, from which sex all the dissections are drawn) . Depressus Payk. Faun. Suec. 1. 110. 18. Gyl. his. Suec. 2. 73. 1. Cassideus, 111. 1. 159. 23. Cossyphoides, Duft. Black shining. Head somewhat orbicular smooth, sparingly punctured. Thorax with the posterior margin less concave than the anterior, rather thinly and coarsely punctured, with a channel down the middle and a fovea at each posterior angle. Elytra (dull black in the female) with an abbreviated punctured stria next the scutellum and 8 others extending the whole length, equidistant, the surface between minutely punctured. Antennae towards the apex fuscous. Labium, spines of tibiae and claws ferruginous. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The genus Licinus is one of the valuable additions made to our Fauna since the publication of the “ Entomologia Britan - nica” and I am happy in the opportunity of first recording it as a native of Britain. Although Licinus has many characters in common with Panagceus and Badister (which last was formerly considered by Latreille to be a Licinus ), it is readily distinguished from the former by its different habit, as well as by the obtuseness of the mandibles, and the absence of the emarginate process in the centre of the mentum, so common to the Car abides : from the latter it differs in having the posterior angles of the thorax rounded, in the emarginate elytra, in the triangular form of the terminal joint of the external maxillary palpus, and in having only 2 joints of the anterior tarsus dilated. The species selected to be figured was taken by my brother the 5th November 1810, upon Mousehold Heath, near Nor- wich, under a stone, with numerous fragments of other small Carabidce ; from which we are led to imagine that it feeds upon other insects, although the mandibles do not appear to be so well adapted to such uses as those of most of the Carabidce. Mr. Sparshall found another specimen the 15th May the fol- lowing year upon a bank in the same neighbourhood; and several were found afterwards by the late Mr. Griffin in a gravel-pit not far from the same city. It has also been taken I believe in Norfolk by the Rev. T. Skrimshire, and in York- shire by Mr. Watson; and from the females having dull elytra, that sex I understand has been called by the Rev. Mr. Kirby in his MSS., Carabus Watsonii, Carabus silphoides Fab. (Sturm’s Dent. Faun . tab. 74. f a) is another species of this genus not ascertained to be British until I took one running upon the Castle-hill at Dover the middle of August 1820 : there are, however, a pair in the Bri- tish Museum that Dr. Leach purchased in a collection formed at Dover. It inhabits also Italy, the South of France, and other warm countries of Europe. Carabus cassideus Fab. (Clairville’s Ent. Helv . tab. 16. f a), emarginatus Oliv. and Lat., the species from which the dis- sections were made, is also believed to be a native of Britain, from a specimen in our Museum which is said to have been taken here : it is certain that our climate is more likely to produce this species than the last, since it is not only found in the South of Europe, but Clairville informs us even in Prussia, under stones. Anagallis arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel or Poor-man’s Wea- ther-glass) is figured with the insect. 3- /iAt 139. BADISTER CEPHALOTES. 37 Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse Lat.9 Leach . Type of the Genus Carabus bipustulatus Fab, Badister Clairv., Lat., Panz ., Bonel., Leach, Sturm, Dej. — Ambly- chus Gyll. — Carabus Fab., Marsh. Antenna inserted before the eyes, at the base of the mandibles, filiform 1 1 -jointed, basal joint slightly robust, naked, 2nd minute, the remainder pubescent nearly of equal length except the last which is longer and ovate (fig. 6). Labrum transverse bilobed, being deeply emarginate, with a few very long bristles at the apex ( 1 ) . Mandibles robust, bent, obtuse, emarginate at the apex, dilated at the base (2), one with a tooth on the internal edge. Maxilla small, bent, acute, strongly ciliated on the internal margin. Palpi 2, internal not extending beyond the apex of the maxilla, compressed, 2-jointed, terminal joint conical ; external very long, 4-jointed, 1st joint small, 2nd long robust, 3rd clavate, 4th robust elongate conic (3). Mentum transverse bilobed, lobes small. Palpi long, arising from scapes, 3-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd long with two bristles on the internal side, 3rd long robust, sub-obovate, pilose. Lip extending beyond the 1st joint of the palpi, bilobed and pro- duced in the centre (4) . Head ovate. Eyes small, lateral. Neck none. Thorax quadrate (9), or subcordate, angles rounded, anterior margin concave, posterior straight, with two fovece at the base. Body depressed. Scutellum triangular. Elytra not sinuated at their extremity. Wings two. Tibiae, anterior emarginate, spined. Tarsi 5-; jointed , anterior with the three first joints dilated in the males (5, fore leg of a male). Cephalotes Dej. Spec. Coleop. t. 2, p. 406, n. 1. — Megacephalus Kirby's MSS. Smooth, shining, rufous ochre. Head large, nearly as broad as the thorax, black; trophi ochraceous, antennae of the same colour, the 2nd and two or three following joints piceous. Thorax rather broader than the head, short, narrowed behind, with a channel down the centre and a fovea near each posterior angle. Elytra with a slight cyaneous gloss and eight striae on each elytron, that next the suture being divided at its origin, the 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th being united at their termination, posterior portion black, the suture, external margin, and a sublunular spot towards the apex, extending nearly across, the same colour as the anterior part. In the Cabinets of Mr. Kirby and the Author . The dissections were made from a male of B . bipustulatus Fab., which it is necessary to mention because they do not quite agree with those of Sturm in his pretty Deutschlands Fauna , pi. 75, which he represents to be taken from the same species as our own ; but from the form of the thorax at fig. A, it does not appear to be the insect which in this country is considered to be the Fabrician species : the trophi in the above plate approach much nearer to those of Licinus than our dissections do, in which the bilobed labrum, the dif- ferently formed mentum, the terminal joint of the labial as well as the maxillary palpi at once afford strong and distinctive characters. Badister may also be distinguished from Licinus by the rounded apex of the elytra, and the males are known by the three dilated joints of the anterior tarsi. All the species hitherto noticed are European, and de- scribed in a beautiful work entitled “Species general des Coleopteres de la collection de M. le Comte Dejean ” — of these at present we can find but two preserved in the cabinets of this country. Badister bipustulatus Fab. Ent. Syst . t. 1, pars 1 , p. 161, n. 164. — Don. Brit. Ins . v. 15, pi. 516. — Panz. Faun. Germ. 16. 3. Found under stones from April to October, and is not un- common.— Its thorax is represented at fig. 9, the better to enable the student to distinguish it from the following. Badister cephalotes. A very rare insect in this country, which has never before been figured. Mr. Kirby’s specimen was taken by himself 14 or 15 years ago at Wittersham in Kent, and obligingly communicated with the MS. name of “ megacephalus,” which we should have adopted had it not been described in the work before cited. Our specimen was taken at Darent in the same county. This species is readily distinguished from the others by its large head, the lunular spot near the apex of the elytra, and the shape of the thorax. The plant is Ajuga reptans (Common Bugle). 3/0 3r 7- nio 310. BLEMUS MICROS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse Lat Leach . Type of the Genus, Bembidium paludosum Gy LI. Blemus Zieg., Dej., Steph. — Trechus Sturm. — Bembidium Gyll. Antennae inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, rather long robust, capillary and pubescent, 11 -jointed, basal and 2nd joints rather the shortest, of equal length, the former the most robust, subovate, the 3rd and following of equal length, terminal joint considerably the longest and ovate (6). Labrum broad and short, rather deeply emarginate, producing 6 long bristles, the lobes also ciliated with curved rigid bristles (1). Mandibles porrected, bent and acute, densely ciliated on the inside from the middle to the base, one having a bifid, the other a trifid tooth in the centre (2). Maxillae forming a curved and acute lobe ciliated and producing 7 or 8 strong spines on the inside. Palpi; internal biarticulate, the basal joint twice as long as the terminal one : external long robust and 4-jointed, basal joint small, the remainder long of equal length, 2nd incrassated, slender at the base, 3rd subcla- vate, 4th attenuated to the apex which is obtuse (3). Mentum broad, somewhat transverse-oval, the basal margin being convex, emarginate before, forming 2 acute angles and an emarginate lobe in the centre. Labium broad, slightly produced in the centre which is furnished with 4 long bristles, the sides forming 2 slender and curved lobes ciliated internally. Palpi attached to 2 large scapes, long and triarticulate, basal joint short, 2nd long robust subclavate, 3rd nearly or quite as long, more slender and attenuated to the apex which is obtuse (4). Head subovate with a distinct neck. Eyes small and lateral with an oval space round them appearing swelled. Thorax subquadrate cor- date, the posterior angles acutef not touching the Elytra which are more or less linear. Scutellum small. Wings ample. Legs mo- derately long. Thighs rather robust. Tibiae, anterior notched on the inside. Tarsi 5 -jointed, anterior with the 2 first joints dilated in the males and very pilose beneath (5, a fore leg). Micros Herbst ., Panz., III. — Curtis's Guide , Gen. 7 1.1. Narrow, smooth, pubescent and ochraceous. Head and thorax producing a few long hairs, the former castaneous, black across the middle and not pubescent, the latter narrowed considerably at the base, subcastaneous, with a deep channel down the mid- dle, transversely depressed at the base, with a longitudinal chan- nel on each side near the posterior angles which are acute and slightly reflexed. Elytra ochraceous-ferruginous, with a trian- gular space at the base and a broad fuscous stripe with a blueish tint on each elytron, 6 or 7 punctured strise very indistinct on the disc and semicircularly united at the apex, with 2 small fovese, between the 3rd and 4th, each producing a bristle. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The Carabus Discus of Fabricius appears to be the type of Ziegler’s genus Blemus ; but as I had not a specimen for dis- section, I have drawn the characters from B. paludosus , which I have no doubt belongs to the same group, and not to Trechus, as was stated at folio 203. The Blemi are very nearly related to Aepus; yet there are good distinctive cha- racters : the most remarkable one perhaps in Blemus is, the ciliated margin of the mandibles. The following are British species. 1. B. Micros Herb . — Panz. 40. 4. — III., Verz.p. 180. — Curtis’s B. E. pi. 310. — rubens Steph ., and discus Steph ., but not of Fab. There can be little doubt that this is the true C. Micros , although Panzer’s figure is rather too pale ; and it certainly is neither Fabricius’s C. Discus , nor his C. rubens. This insect is found in damp gardens near London, in April and May, and in meadows and marshes. Mr. Heysham takes it near Carlisle in August under rejectamenta. 2. B. longicornis Sturm. Deut. Faun . 6. 151. A. I took a single specimen the 30th of June, under rejecta- menta, on the sands near Broughton, Lancashire. 3. B. Discus Fab. Ent. Syst. 1. 164. 178. — unifasciatus Panz. 38. 7.— Marsh. 466. If the Fabrician description were very accurate, his C. Discus could not belong to this genus ; for he says the thorax is rounded. In Fabricius’s last work, however, he refers to the above figure of Panzer ; and Illiger does not express the least doubt concerning it. Mr. Hobson takes this pretty insect on the banks of the Irwell in July; it is found also in July in the neighbourhood of London, and in Norfolk and Suffolk. 4. B. paludosus Gyl. 2. 34. 20. — rubens Steph. Cat. Fabricius’s C. rubens appears to agree much better with the insect that has been called Ocys tempestivus. This insect is universally distributed, having been found in Zetland, on the Grampian Hills, near Carlisle, Hull, and Nor- wich, on the sand hills at Swansea, and in Hampshire. 5. B. pallidus Sturm, tab. 153. A. This insect I first discovered in August under clods of earth at the base of the cliff at the back of the Isle of Wight ; I found one dead last May in the Isle of Portland, and took another under the cliff* at Dover in July. The B. Fphippiger or B. consputus of Duftschmid has been placed in this genus ; it is however more nearly related to the Trimorphi of Stephens, and may be at once distinguished from the Blemi by the absence of the elevated oval spaces round the eyes. The plant is Beta maritima (Sea Beet). 203 3? $-)rxt 203. AEPUS FULVESCENS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lat.> Leach. Type of the Genus Aepus fulvescens Leach. Aepus Leach , Sam. — Blemus Dej. Aniennce inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, rather long, filiform and pubescent} 11 -jointed, basal joint ro- bust ovate, 2d rather slender, 3d somewhat longer, the remainder ovate, pedicled, the terminal one the longest, and conical (fig. 6) . Labrum transverse, bilobed, ciliated with rigid bristles and pro- ducing a few long ones (1). Mandibles slender, slightly bent and acute, producing several sharp teeth on the internal side, nearer the base in one than the other (2). Maxillae long and slender, terminated by a strong bent claw, in- ternal margin ciliated with short strong spines. Palpi naked } internal biarticulate, the basal joint long clavate, the terminal one short ; external 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2d subglo- bose, 3d the longest, robust, clavate, 4th rather slender and at- tenuated (3). Mentum transverse, emarginate, producing a blunt tooth in the centre, the lobes acuminated in front. Labium small, furnished with a slender lobe on each side and 2 bristles in the middle. Palpi large, nearly as long as the maxillary, arising from scapes, 3-jointed, basal joint small, 2d long robust, 3d nearly as long, slender and attenuated (4). Head elongate-ovate; neck distinct. Eyes very minute. Thorax ob- cordiform, truncated before and behind , not touching the elytra. Co- leoptra depressed , broader than the thoraic. Scutellum minute. Elytra smooth , not striated, producing a few hairs, slightly emarginated at the apex. Wings none. Legs rather long, compressed. Thighs broad. Tibiae simple, anterior very broad and deeply notched , ciliated and spined. Tarsi 5 -jointed, the articulations subcordiform, excepting the terminal one which is the longest, the penultimate in the anterior pair producing a rigid bristle, curved towards the Claws which are long slender and simple (5, a fore leg). Fulvescens Leach. — Sam. Ent. Comp. p. 149, Gen. 24. Depressed, smooth, shining, ochraceous. Anterior portion of the head and antennae inclining to castaneous : eyes black, be- hind which are a few hairs. Thorax with a narrow margin and a channel down the centre not reaching to the anterior edge. Elytra with 3 imperfect furrows on each, irregularly and obscurely punctured and producing some scattered hairs. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The view which Latreille has taken in his Families Naturelles , of that portion of the Carabidse to which our genus belongs, appears to be more artificial than the outline given by Dejean in his Catalogue ; for the Trechi and Bembidia are so nearly related, that it will be found difficult to decide where a line might separate them. In the work first alluded to, however, very remote situations are assigned to them ; the greater por- tion of the Carabidse, including the Harpalidae and the section with simple anterior tibiae (called Abdominales), being forced between them ; whereas by merely transposing the two groups Blemus and Trechus of the Catalogue, nearly the following arrangement presents itself. 1. Stenolophus, the type being the C. Vapor ariorum of Fab. not of Linn . ; it has the penultimate joint of the tarsi bilobed. 2. Trechus paludosus Gyll. will probably be the type. It may be observed, that the C. tempestivus Panz. ( rubens Fab.) belongs to this genus ; but the tempestivus of our cabinets is a larger insect, and one of the Bembidia. 3. Blemus Discus Fab., &c. 4. Epaphius secalis Leach. 5. Aepus fulvescens Leach , Sam., Nob. This singular insect was first discovered by Dr. Leach, under stones at the mouths of the rivers Tamer and Yalm on the southern coast of Devonshire, in May and June ; and it was last year taken in July, at Ballyhullish Ferry in Scotland, by Mr. Francis Walker. The strongly marked trophi, minute eyes, and armed penultimate joint of the tarsi, sufficiently justify the adoption of this genus. 6. Cillenum laterale Leach , Nob. — C. areolatus Creutz . also belongs to this genus. 7. Tachys pusillus Dej., and the other Bembidia. The Comte Dejean has placed two European genera after Stenolophus; that is to say, Masoreus Zeig., with which I am unacquainted, and Apotomus Hoff., which Mons. Latreille places with the Scaritidse : should this last be related to the Trechi, it may find a place probably near to Epaphius, which has somewhat the habit of the Scaritidas or Bipartiti. The plant Lobelia Dortmanna (Water Gladiole), I gathered close to the shores of Loch Katrine and Ellen’s Island the beginning of August. wo ¥0 200. CILLENUM LATERALE. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lat Leach . Type of the Genus Cillenum laterale Leach. Cillenum Leach. — Gillen us Sam. — Blemus Zieg.,Dej .■ — Trechus Bon. Antennae inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, subclavate, pilose and pubescent, 1 1 -jointed, basal joint robust, oblong, 2nd short, 3rd long, 4th and following moniliform, ter- minal joint as large as the basal one, conical (fig. 6). Labrum transverse, concave in front and ciliated with a few bristles, anterior angles rounded, slightly emarginate and pro- ducing a few bristles (1). Mandibles porrected, rather long and slender, slightly bent and acute, with 1 large and 2 small teeth at the base (2). Maxillae bent, corneous, and acuminated at the apex like a claw, internally ciliated with rigid bristles. Palpi ; internal biarticu- late, basal joint scarcely so long as the terminal, which is bent and subfusiform : external robust, 4-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd and 3rd subclavate, the latter pilose, rather the longest and stoutest, 4th slender and short (3). Mentum not very large, transverse, deeply emarginate, side lobes acuminated, central one obtuse. Labium small, producing a narrow lobe on each side. Palpi arising from short scapes, tri- articulate, basal joint minute, 2nd long very robust, subclavate pilose, 3rd very small slender and short (4). Head broad and long. Eyes not very large nor prominent. Thorax scarcely broader than the head, cordiform, truncated before and be- hind, posterior angles slightly reflexed and acuminated. Scutellum very minute. Coleoptra depressed, linear, elongate-ovate, slightly emarginate towards the apex. Wings very small. Tibiae spurred, anterior notched and spirted. Tarsi 5 -jointed, rather short, the anterior dilated, especially in the males, the \st joint producing a strong spine at each angle, the 2nd and 3rd one at the internal angle only (5, a fore leg). Laterale Leach MSS. — lateralis Sam.Ent. Comp.p. 148. Gen. 21. Ochreous. Mouth and antennae castaneous excepting the 3 or 4 basal joints of the latter. Head and thorax shining, very mi- nutely punctured, green with a cupreous tinge, especially the latter, which has a channel down the centre and a few furrows in the middle at the base. Scutellum blackish. Elytra very finely shagreened, cupreous or aeneous, excepting a portion at the base ; 9 obscurely punctured striae on each, the sutural one abbreviated, the 2nd and 3rd united at their origin, and the 4th with four foveas on the internal side, each producing a bristle. In the Author's and other Cabinets. In the Entomologist's Useful Compendium , the characters of Cillenum are introduced from the MSS. of Dr. Leach, who first distinguished it as a genus ; and it is very naturally placed between the Bembidia and Trechi, to the former of which groups it is allied by the structure of the organs of manduca- tion, especially the palpi which have hitherto been unnoticed, and to the latter (particularly that portion called Blemus ) in habit. The strongly armed anterior legs of these predaceous insects are admirably adapted to their habits of life : the spurs as they are termed, with which the four posterior legs of the Adephagi and other tribes of beetles are furnished, are for the purpose of enabling them to secure a firm footing upon the objects they wish to destroy and tear to pieces ; and there is little doubt but the notched anterior legs of the Carabidse are to seize and retain their prey ; for the limb or antenna of an insect being received into the notch, and at the same time the moveable spine at the lower angle being pressed upon it, the victim would be effectually secured. In the species before us a structure is exhibited which we have never before observed, and which in a great measure confirms our opinion ; we allude to the two spines produced at right angles below the notch, between which, the end of the moveable spine arising from the opposite angle is received ; those also attached to the basal joints of the tarsi are unusually strong. Cillenum laterale is a very local insect in this country, and appears to be scarcely known upon the Continent. It was first discovered by Dr. Leach, who found it near Porto Bello on the Firth of Forth, in the months of May, June, and July; and it has since been taken in abundance at Cley on the coast of Norfolk by Mr. Brightwell. Mr. Dale took a very minute carabideous insect under a stone at Charmouth, near Lyme Dorset, the 11th of last May, whose trophi, as well as we can ascertain, resemble those of Cillenum, but in habit it is more like Trechus; we have named it C. minimum . The plant is Coronopus Buellii (Swine’s Cress). *79 f - ItX 7 179. ELAPHRUS ULIGINOSUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lai., Leach. Type of the Genus Cicindela riparia Linn. Elaphrus Fab., Lat ., Oliv., Gyll., Dej. — Cicindela Linn., Marsh. Antennae inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, rather short and robust, subclavate, and pubescent excepting the 3 first joints 5 11 -jointed, basal joint ovate, 2nd small, 3rd and 4th of equal length clavate, the former slender, the 5th and fol- lowing subovate, terminal joint ovate (fig. 6). Labrum transverse quadrate, angles rounded, anterior margin sinuated, producing a few long bristles (1 ). Mandibles slightly bent, rather slender, furnished with 4 blunt teeth next the base on the internal margin (2). Maxillae slender, bent, acute, sparingly ciliated internally with rigid bristles. Palpi, internal Inarticulate, basal joint the longest 5 external 4-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd large, 3rd rather slen- der short, 4th the longest, more robust (3). Men turn very broad but short, emarginate, producing a bifid tooth in the centre. Palpi rather long, attached to scapes at the base, 3 -jointed, basal joint slender curved, 2nd and 3rd of nearly equal length, subclavate. Lip rather small, trilob ed (4). Head subtrigonate. Eyes large very prominent. Thorax more or less quadrate. Scutellum minute triangular. Coleoptra oval. Wings ample. Legs $ anterior the shortest. Tibiae spurred, anterior having a spine on the side near the apex, where it is sloped off, or slightly emarginate. Tarsi 5 -jointed, anterior slightly dilated in the males, basal and terminal joints the longest (5, afore leg). Obs. the dissections were made from E. uliginosus. Uliginosus Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 1. pars 1. p. 178. n. 1. — Dej. Spec. Col 2. 269.1. Dull aeneous, minutely punctured $ mouth with a greenish tinge, bead somewhat rosy, the latter with an impression between the eyes, which, as well as the antennae are black. Thorax broader than the head, suborbicular, with several small foveae and a short channel upon the back furcate anteriorly. Elytra with 4 cate- nulated striae formed of violaceous spots connected by black smooth and shining convex spaces. Legs chalybeous $ thighs and underside of the insect aeneous green. In the Cabinets of Mr. Ingpen and the Author + The Elaphri so far resemble the Cicindelae in habit, that Lin- naeus included them in the latter genus ; and although the credit is due to Fabricius for having first characterized them, it is evident he considered them closely allied, from his having placed Elaphrus next to Cicindela in his different works. La- treille in this respect followed Fabricius, making Elaphrus lead off to Bembidium ; but in his latter works he has removed them nearly to the end of the Carabidse. Dejean has depart- ed altogether from the other arrangements, and has placed Elaphrus in the midst of the Carabidae and removed the Bem- bidia to the end of this family. We cannot but regret this change, because it also removes to an unnatural situation the genus Omophron, which seems ordained by Nature so per- fectly to connect the Carabidae with the Dyticidae. Our genus contains the three following British species. 1. E. uliginosus Fab. There can be no doubt but this is the true E . uliginosus of Fabricius, since he describes the legs black, which although not strictly correct, because they are tinged with green and blue, renders it impossible to apply it to E. cupreus , in which the tibiae are ferruginous, the extremities only being black or green : from the latter it may also be distinguished by a larger and more orbicular thorax, the channel in the centre being much more shallow; and in our specimens the violet-coloured spots on the elytra were considerably smaller. This species is the more common one on the continent, but is by far the rarest in this country, having been detected I believe only in the neighbourhood of the metropolis. The specimen figured was taken by Mr. Ingpen the 18th of September 1824, out of the rotten stump of an old willow-tree, in a marshy place near Chelsea. 2. E. cupreus Meg. — Dej. Spec. Col. 2. 271. 2. — riparius Oliv .? v.Z.t.l.f.l. This is our most common species, being found on the bor- ders of lakes and ponds throughout the kingdom, from April to August ; these insects run upon the mud, when the sun shines, with great rapidity, and are difficult to capture. 3. E. riparius Linn. — Don. 9. 301. — Panz. 20. 1. This pretty species is to be seen from March to July run- ning by the edges of ponds, upon moist banks, and wet open spaces in woods. The plant is Cardamine pratensis { Common Ladies’ Smock). 4-/7A-? 254. 4* NOTIOPHILUS RUFIPES. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidse Lat., Leach . Type of the Genus Cicindela aquatica Linn. Notiophilus Hum., Leach., Sam., Dej. — Elaphrus Fab., Lat. Antennae inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, rather short and thickened towards the apex ; 11 -jointed, basal joint robust oval, 2nd the shortest, slender, 3rd rather longer than the 4th, the remainder pubescent, slightly increasing in length to the terminal joint which is the longest and conical (6). Labrum exserted, suborbicular, ciliated with a few short bristles, the margin dilated and transparent at the base (1). Mandibles subtrigonate, bent and acute, one with 4 short teeth below the middle, the other with a very large one in the centre and a small one at the base (2). Maxillae terminated by a long bent tooth, the inside serrated with moveable spines. Palpi, internal as long as the maxilla, slender, formed of 2 joints of equal length, the 1st slightly cla- vate, the 2nd claw-shaped ; external scarcely longer than the maxillae, robust 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd clavate, 3rd pilose, 4th the longest, inflated, fusiform truncate (3). Mentum large transverse, the side lobes acuminated, the central lobe depressed and emarginate. Palpi arising from 2 distinct scapes, triarticulate, basal joint small, 2nd and 3rd of equal length, the former slender and pilose, the latter fusiform trun- cate. Lip large, dilated anteriorly, and truncated ; a lobe and 2 bristles in the centre 3 each side produced into an incurved and transparent spine (4). Head as broad or broader than the thorax depressed. Eyes very large. Thorax obcordate truncate, anterior margin slightly angulated in the centre, posterior emarginate. Scutellum subtrigonate. Elytra smooth down the back, slightly emarginate near the apex. Coxae very large. Tibise, anterior distinctly notched beneath and spurred „ Tarsi alike in both sexes, 5-jointed, anterior slightly dilated and very pubescent beneath. Claws bent and acute (5). Rufipes Hey sham MSS. Cupreous shining. Head as broad as the elytra, punctured at the base 5 nasus and crown with deep longitudinal furrows. Thorax transverse, scarcely so broad as the head before, and narrower than the elytra behind, coarsely punctured, smooth only on the disc, in the centre of which is a deep impression, as well as one at each of the posterior angles. Elytra very smooth, slightly ochreous at the tips, with a few punctures round the Scutellum, and a faint row down each side the suture, 6 deeply punctured striae close together towards the external margin, which is smooth ; between the 2nd and 3rd striae before the middle is a fovea and another near the apex. Antennae and legs pale ferruginous, the former fuscous towards their apex. In the Cabinet of Mr. Hey sham. These pretty little insects which we see sparkling in the sun- shine in our fields and gardens, from the beginning of June to the end of August, have so much the contour and habit of Cicindela, that Linnaeus included his species in that genus. They are well characterized by their broad heads and very large eyes, and by their highly polished elytra, which are perfectly smooth down the back, having a space next the margin beautifully punctured. The Comte Dejean was mistaken in supposing that the an- terior tibiae of the Notiophili were not emarginated, for they are deeply notched ; and he is no less in error in stating that the mandibles are not dentated, since they have several teeth ; and it is amusing enough to see compilers echoing his blun- ders. When we compare the essential characters of our genus with those of Elaphrus, it will be seen how very dissimilar they are; the form of the labrum, the maxillae, the internal maxillary, and the terminal joints of the other palpi are widely different. Two species having been added to our Fauna last year by T. C. Heysham, Esq. who took them in the neighbourhood of Carlisle, and transmitted them to me for the illustration of the genus, I shall give specific descriptions of the whole. 1. N. aquaticus Lmn. — Don. 10. pi. 351. 2. — Panz . 20. 3. — semipunctatus Fab. — Marsh . Entirely aeneous or bluish black, the tibiae and base of an- tennae rarely ferruginous. 2. N. rufipes Heps. — Curtis Brit. Ent. pi. 254. Cupreous ; head very broad ; scutellum small ; apex of elytra alone obscurely ochreous: legs and base of antennae ferru- ginous. 3. N. biguttatus Fab. — semipunctatusZ)?//?., Sturm, tab. 183. A. Cupreous, base of antennae and tibiae ochreous, apex of elytra straw-colour. 4. N. 4-punctatus Dej ., Spec., Col. 2. 280. 3. Scutellum semiovate, each elytron with two punctures on the back, and one at the apex. Head narrow, thorax more quadrate and less rugose than in N. biguttatus ; base of an- tennae and of four posterior legs obscurely ochreous. Elytra bronzed black, the apex straw-colour, faintly punctate-striate at the margins. The plant is Cerastium arvense (Corn Mouse-ear.) 7-)V3Q 326. BLETHISA MULTIPUNCTATA. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lett., Leach . Type of the Gems , Carabus multipunctatus Linn. Blethisa Bon., Sam., Sturm., Dej. — Nebria Lat., Gyll. — Carabus Linn., Fab., Marsh. Antennae inserted close to the base of the mandibles, rather short, slightly thickened towards the extremity, very pubescent, ex- cepting the 3 first joints and the base of the 4th 5 1st joint ro- bust oblong, 2nd small obovate, 3rd the longest, excepting the 11th, clavate, remainder oblong, terminal joint conical (6). Labrum transverse oblong, anterior angles rounded and ciliated with bristles, the centre convex, the upper side towards the an- terior margin producing 6 long bristles (1). Mandibles rather slender, bent at the apex, crenated internally at the base, one having a small tooth towards the centre (2). Maxillae long and slender, bent and acute at the apex, ciliated internally with strong bristles. Palpi ; internal biarticulate, basal joint much the longest ; external long, 4-join ted, basal joint short, 2nd long robust, 3rd and 4th shorter, of equal length and truncated (3). Mentum transverse, angles rounded, the lateral lobes acuminated internally, emarginate, with a strong notched tooth in the cen- tre. Labium oblong, produced in the centre and furnished with 2 bristles, the sides forming 2 laciniae. Palpi attached to 2 moveable scapes, triarticulate, basal joint short and curved, 2nd long, clavate, 3rd scarcely so long and truncated (4). Head subovate. Eyes rather large and prominent. Thorax broader than the head, subquadrate, the sides rounded and margined, pos- terior angles quadrate. Scutellum triangular. Elytra broader than the thorax large and oblong-oval. Wings ample. Tibiae spurred, an- terior with a short but deep notch on the underside near the apex, armed with long spines. Tarsi ; anterior with the 4 basal joints slightly dilated in the males (5). Multipunctata Linn. F. S. p. 223. n. 805. — Curtis's Guide, Gen. 85. Dull aeneous, shining. Antennae (excepting the 3 basal joints which are green), trophi, tibiae, and tarsi black. Head punctured behind, with a transverse channel extending to the back part of the eyes, on the inner margin of which are 2 convex elevations. Thorax punctured, excepting the whole of the disc, a deep chan- nel down the centre and a large excavation at each of the pos- terior angles ; margin of the elytra green and punctured, rugose towards the apex, each having 6 striae, formed of brilliant green punctures, the sutural one broken near its origin ; an impression on each side the scutellum, 4 or 5 foveae between the 2nd and 3rd striae, uniting them, and forming a chain ; one near the base be- tween the 3rd and 4th, 2 between the 4th and 5th, and others very obscure nearer the margin. In the Author's and other Cabinets. In treating of Pelophila, the affinities of Blethisa have been alluded to, and it is evident on comparison that it is nearly allied to Elaphrus. From its external appearance, which so much resembles Pelophila that they might easily be confound- ed, one would expect to find the relationship carried further; but the difference of form in the labrum and labium, as well as the relative proportions of the joints of the external max- illary palpi, not only at once distinguish them as genera, but indicate that they are not immediately related to each other. Blethisa multipunctata is a handsome insect, and is gene- rally distributed over England ; it may be found for a consi- derable portion of, if not throughout the year, for I have met with it from April to the middle of November. It frequents the borders of ponds, lakes and ditches, and runs out of cre- vices in the mud, especially in fine weather when dried by the sun, when the ground is disturbed by being walked over ; I have also frequently seen them under wet bundles of reeds, and beneath stones in marshes. Specimens have been ob- served in Copenhagen and Battersea Fields, at Covehithe Suffolk, Horning and Hethersett Norfolk, the borders of Whittlesea Meer Huntingdonshire, and in the moist parts of Crwmlyn Burrows, near Swansea. The beautiful variety figured was taken by Mr. Heysham near Carlisle, and Mr. Haliday has once met with it in Ireland. The plant is Fritillaria Meleagris (Common Fritillary, Che- quered Daffodil or Snake’s-head), gathered in a meadow near Mortlake, and communicated by Mr. J. J. Bennett ; Mr. Dale has also found the white variety near Henley-upon-Thames, Igi WM 972c^.-/:m() I 730. HALIPLUS FERRUGINEUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Dyticidae. Type of the Genus, Dytiscus ferrugineus, Payk. Haliplus Lat., GylL, Curt. — Hoplitus, Civ .* — Cnemidotus III.— Dytiscus Linn., Fab., Mars. Antenna inserted close to the inner margin of the eyes, near the base of the clypeus, not longer than the thorax, slender, filiform, compressed, naked and 11-jointed, basal joint the stoutest, short; 2nd the shortest, subglobose; 3rd much longer, slenderer and a little clavate ; 4th shorter than the 5th, which is scarcely so long as the 3rd, the following slightly increasing in length, apical joint the longest, conical at the tip (6). Labrum broad, short, subelliptic, narrowed anteriorly, concave before and ciliated with bristles (1). Mandibles small, hooked and acute at the apex, ciliated internally (2), one with a small tooth at the centre. Maxilla short, the apex forming a strong claw, with a few curved spines below. Palpi, internal slender, biarticulate, basal joint a little clavate, 2nd attenuated to the apex: external rather short, naked and 4-jointed, 2 basal joints short, 3rd long, a little dilated in the middle, 4th very small, slender and conical (3). Mentum transverse, anterior margin bisinuated, the centre form- ing a slight emarginate lobe. Lip rather large and ovate. Palpi attached to short scapes, rather long and triarticulate, 1st and 2nd joints stout and elongated, 3rd short slender conical (4). Head rather small and subovate : eyes lateral, rather prominent and oval. Thorax trigonate-truncate , anterior margin concave, base lobed in the centre : scutel none. Elytra ovate-conic, convex : wings ample. Metasternum dilated and forming a large plate (p), covering the base of the abdomen and concealing a portion of the hinder thighs. Legs formed for walking, anterior the shortest (5), hinder the longest : thighs stout, hinder longish, slender and clavate (A f) : tibiae, anterior short, intermediate often ciliated with long hairs (*) ; hinder the longest and slender, all spurred : tarsi, an- terior dilated a little in the males, 5 -jointed, basal joint obovate truncate, 2nd and 3rd shorter, Ath the smallest, ovate, 5th the long- est, slender and clavate, hinder longer and attenuated, basal joint long, the following decreasing in length, 5th scarcely so long as the ls£ .* claws slender and acute. Ferrugineus Payk. — Curt. Guide, Gen . 87, 3. Shining ochreous : head orange, sparingly punctured : thorax more yellow, punctured except on the disc, the base depressed, with 2 lines of punctures, the first very strong : elytra with 9 or 10 striae of strong black punctures, largest towards the su- ture : the interstices with remote minute punctures ; each ely- tron with a piceous spot at the base, an oblique line of 3 long spots before and a more transverse one across the middle, form- ing a Z. , and a group of 3 long spots beyond them ; the suture and a spot near the apex piceous: metasternum punctured. These curious little beetles are very active in the water; they swim with ease and walk tolerably well. The subulated api- cal joint of the palpi and the remarkable shield-formed plate, distinguish this group from all the other Dyticidse, but La- treille was wrong in supposing the antennae were composed only of ten joints. The following are British species. * Thorax subquadrate . 1. elevatus Panz. 14, 9. May, running brooks, Letheringsett, Norf.; and Bexley, Kent. ** Thorax broadest at the base . 2. mucronatus Lea. — Ste.pl. 11,./. 1.— ophthalmicus Kirb. Suffolk, Bottisham and near Swansea. 3. parallelus Bab., Trans. Ent. Soc. 1 . p. 178. pi. 15. f 5. Taken at Cambridge. 4. ferrugineus Paylc. Curt. B. E. pi. 730. — fulvus Fab. — Ent. Trans. 1 .pi. 15. f. 4.— interpunctatus Mars. I quite agree with Mr. Babington, that this is not the D. ferrugineus of Linn. ; his words “ferrugineus totus” better agree with Hyphydrus ferrugineus , as does also his observa- tion which follows, “ Magnitudine Cimicis, totus rufus s. ferrugineus.” Paykull, however, gave the name of ferrugi- neus to this Haliplus before Fabricius and Marsham noticed it, I have consequently retained his name. April, ditches and ponds, Wandsworth Common; August, Norfolk, Cambridge, and Loch Fad. 5. rubicundus Spe. — Bab. E. T. 1 5.f. 6. — subnubilus Bab. E. T. 1. pi. 1 5.f. 3. var . Common everywhere. 6. ruficollis DeGeer. — minutus Don. 2. pi. 68. I and 2. April, ponds and ditches near London, Norfolk, and Cam- bridge. 7. affinis Step. — The specimens I have received from corre- spondents thus named are merely small vars. of ruficollis. 8. obliquus Bl. — Pz. 14. 6. — amcenus Olio. 3. t. B.f. 50. Near London, Norfolk and Cambridge. 9. confinis Kirb. Step. April, Wandsworth Common ; Aug., Norfolk and Suffolk. 10. lineatocollis Mars. — Ahr. 7. 3. — muticus Gyll. — bistrio- latus Duft. April, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge ; Wandsworth Com- mon ; Aug., Whittlesea Mere ; Sept., ponds, Paddington. 11. marginepunctatus Panz. 14. 10. Near London, and ponds of Botanic Garden, Cambridge. 12. melanocephalus Steph. 13. brevis Kirb. 14. impressus Fab. — Panz. 14. 7. — flavicollis Mars. — caesus Duft. April, ponds and ditches, Norfolk and Battersea fields ; July, Wandsworth Common. The plant is Ceratophyllum demersum , Common Hornwort. 531. HYGROTUS DECORATUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Dyticidae. Type of the Genus, Dytiscus insequalis, Fab. Hygrotus Step., Curt. — Hyphydrus Mull., Gyl. — Dytiscus Fab., Payk., Panz. Antennce inserted in a cavity close to the eyes, as long as the head and thorax, filiform, 11-jointed, 2 first joints oblong, the basal one curved at its insertion, 3rd and 4th short, 5th nearly as long as the 2nd and stouter, the remainder of the same size and shape, the last being as long as the 2nd and ovate-conic (6). Labrum transverse-elliptic, ciliated and slightly curved in the middle, but not notched (1). Mandibles convex, truncated obliquely, the angles forming ob- tuse teeth, with one on the inside, the teeth much more deve- loped in one (2 a), than in the other ( b ). Maxillae small, forming a horny claw, with a bundle of strong bristles on the inside towards the base, and a few near the apex : Palpi, internal long slender and biarticulate, the basal joint short, external clavate, 4-jointed, 2 first joints small, 3rd a little larger, 4th very large subfusiform (3) . Mentum transverse, bilobed, swelling a little at the centre. Palpi short, triarticulate, 2 first joints subquadrate, 3rd larger subreniform (4). Head large, broad at the base, convex before : eyes lateral and ovate * Thorax considerably broader than the head at the base, very short , forming a narrow band, concave before : scutellum invisible. Ab- domen convex beneath. Elytra ovate, very convex, truncated at the base, broadest before the middle, and subconical at the apex. Wings ample. Legs, 4 anterior short , posterior formed for swimming: Tibiae, 4 anterior furnished with a series of bristles and ciliated with long hairs outside towards the apex : tarsi 4 anterior 4- jointed , cushioned beneath and a little dilated in the males, ls£ and 2nd joints some- what obtrigonate, 3rd rather elongate and bilobed at the apex, 4th the smallest : claws 2 (5) posterior tibiae ciliated on the inside, the sides and apex spined: tarsi elongated, tapering, ciliated internally, 5- jointed , terminal joint slender : claws 2 (f), very indistinct in some. Decoratus Gyll., Ins. Suec. 2, Add. p. xvi. — Curt. Guide, Gen. 90. 3. Ovate, shining, piceous ; antennae ferruginous at the base ; head of the same colour, and sparingly punctured, thorax inclining to piceous, especially towards the base, wdiere there is a broad line of punctures, as well as along the anterior margin : elytra strongly punctured with a sublunulate ferruginous -ochre patch on each shoulder and another beyond the middle, with the ex- ternal margin of the same colour and uniting them : legs ferru- ginous. In the Author's and other Cabinets. It seems very doubtful whether it were necessary to form a genus for this group, it is so closely allied to Hyphydrus ; and although in H.jluviatilis and coiifluens 2 claws are very distinct in the posterior tarsi, I am not convinced of there being more than one with some long bristles, in the more convex species. The following are British insects. 1. H. fluviatilis Lea. — Ste.pl . 1 1 . f. 2. April, in the river Cawdor, Carlisle, Dr. Leach ; Meldon Park, Mr. Wailes; Hebden Bridge; Netley, Salop; Mendip Hills, Mr. Streatfield ; and the Tavy, Devon. 2. assimilis Payh. — Gyll. 1. 522. 6. Aldborough, Yorkshire; Netley, and river Plym, Devon. 4. confluens Fab. — Oliv. n . 40. pi. 5.f 44. — Pz. 14. 5. Newcastle, Mr. Wailes; Whittlesea Mere; in lily-pots, Yar- mouth, Mr. Paget; in stagnant water July, Wandsworth Com- mon and Copenhagen Fields ; end of April, middle of October, gravel-pits, Glanville’s Wootton, Mr. Dale ; Swansea, Mr. Dillwyn; Kimpton and Marton, Rev. G. T. Rudd. 5. collaris Pz. 26. 4. — recurvus Mars. — affinis Ste. var. Pools, ponds and ditches, Wandsworth Common, Copen- hagen Fields, Swansea, Parley Heath, end of May, and Devon. 6. reticulatus Fab,— Stephens gives this and also the following as the trifidus of Marsham. July near London; Swansea; end of October Parley Heath, Puddimore, and Devon. 7. inaequalis Fab. — Oliv. pi. 3. f. 29. ?— trifidus Mars, ac- cording to Gyllenhal. Newcastle ; end of June, turf-pits, Bottisham and Swaffham fens; ditches Norfolk; Wiltshire; September and October Portland and Holwell, Somerset ; Swansea and Ireland. 3. decoratus Gyl. — cuspidatus Ahr.? — Curt. B. E.pl. 53\. For specimens I am indebted to G. A. Wright, Esq., who took them the end of last July on Askam bog, near Tadcaster, “ in shallow puddles on the overflowed part of the bog, where the grass was very thick. In these places water insects of every description abounded, and the 11. decoratus seemed ex- clusively confined to them.” 8. scitulus Spen. — Ste.pl. 11. f. 3. — lepidus Oliv.pl. 5. f. 51. var. ? Carlisle, Yorkshire, Cambridge, Wandsworth Common, Copenhagen Fields ; 12th of July, Parley Heath and New Fo- rest ; in a shady canal, Swansea, Devon, and Ireland. 9. pictus Fab. — flexuosus Mars. — arcuatus Pz. 26. 1. Newcastle and Yorkshire; May, ditches and streams Nor- folk, Wandsworth Common, and Hampstead ; August to the end of October Copenhagen Fields, ponds, Paddington and South-end ; Parley Heath, and stagnant waters Swansea. The Plant is Shim nodijlorum (Procumbent Water Parsnep). <3 '4Z HYDRGPORUS DAVISII. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Dyticidse Leach . Type of the Genus , Dytiscus depressus Fab. Hydroporus Clair., Sam., Ste., Curtis's Guide, Gen. 91. — Hyphydrus III., Gyll. — Dytiscus Linn., Fab., &c. Antenncs inserted before the eyes, longer than the thorax, filiform, 1 1 -jointed, basal joint the longest, 2nd longer than the 3rd $ the remainder subclavate, nearly of equal length, the terminal joint a little longer and truncated obliquely (6). Labrum very broad and short, somewhat transverse -elliptic, the anterior margin deeply emarginate and ciliated at the centre (1). Mandibles semicylindric at the apex, one truncated obliquely at the apex, the other more bifid, both having a minute tooth on the inside near the middle (2). Maxilla bent and very acute, ciliated internally with long spiny bristles. Palpi, internal long and slender, biarticulate, the basal joint very short ; external long and robust, 4-jointed, 1 st and 2nd joints short, 3rd longer, 4th the longest and stoutest, ventricose, terminated by a vesicle (3). Mentum semicircular, deeply concave before with the centre slightly produced. Labium subquadrate, anterior margin slightly undulated. Palpi attached to large moveable scapes, triarticulate, basal joint short curved, 2nd longer slightly thickening to the apex, 3rd large ventricose truncated obliquely (4). Head broad, short, semiorbicular . Eyes small and remote. Thorax transverse, broadest at the bass, concave before , convex behind, the sides generally rounded . Scutellum none. Elytra broader than the thorax somewhat oval, truncated at the base, more or less pointed at the apex. Wings ample. Legs short , excepting the hinder pair which are formed for swimming. Thighs rather stout. Tibiae simple. Tarsi; 4 anterior 4-jointed ( the penultimate joint being evanescent) , dilated in the males and cushioned beneath (5) ; hinder pair slender, 5- jointed. Claws simple equal . Davisii Curtis. — borealis ? Gyll. 4. p. 386. 8-9. Ochre colour, shagreened and sparingly punctured : antennae with the tips of the terminal joints and of the palpi black : head ferruginous at the base, with two black curved lines reaching to the eyes : thorax with a channel on each side and a slight point in the centre, with 2 black triangular spots below’ the middle, the anterior margin sometimes black : elytra rather strongly punctured towards the apex which is acuminated, straw7 coloured at the base with 6 rather broad black lines on each, not reaching the base and several of them united towards the apex, the 3 first suffused and forming a blot towards the middle ; on the side are 2 abbreviated and interrupted black lines forming 1 or 2 black spots : tips of the tarsal joints brown or black especially in the hinder pair : underside black. In the Cabinets of Mr. Davis and the Author. 1 shall endeavour to correct the list given in my 66 Guide/9 and describe two new species. 1. 12-pustulatus F. Don.v. 14. pi. 496. — 1 2-pun c tatu s Steph. 2. depressus F. — elegans Mars. Panz. 24. 5. 3. fra ter Sp. — depressus Duft. — halensis F. — areolatus Dej. 4. griseato-striatus DeGeer . Gyll. 1. 523. 7. 5. alpinus? Gyll. 1.524. & 4. 386. — rivalis Leach's MSS. ; but I think Gyllenhal’s H. rivalis is an Hygrotus. 6. Davisii Curt. Brit. Ent . pi. 343. This handsome insect comes nearest to H. borealis Gyl. ,* but it appears to be twice as large. It was taken in a mill-stream at Hebden Bridge in the spring, and presented to me by A. H. Davis, Esq. F.L.S., to whom I have the pleasure of dedicating it. 7. nigrolineatus Scho. 2. 33. pi. 4 .f. 2. Gyll. 3. 688. 8. 9-lineatus Rudd's MSS. Ste. 9. lineatus Mars. mas. — consobrinus Kunz.fem. 10. picipes Kunz. — punctntus Marsh. 426. 36. 11. alternans Kunz. — lineellus Gyl. 1. 529. 12. latus Curtis's Guide , No. 11. The length of No. 6. ovate, triangular at the apex, rather convex, mi- nutely granulated and clothed with excessively short yellowish pubescence ; irregularly and sparingly but coarsely punctured ; dull piceous, head casta- neous, obscurely piceous across the middle,* eyes black : thorax short trans- verse with a fovea in the centre, the sides slightly margined at the posterior angles which are rounded and reflexed ; posterior margin angulated in the centre : elytra with a large humeral castaneous spot : trophi antennas and legs castaneous. I possessed a single specimen for many years ; Mr. Dale took two in his pond at Glanville’s Wootton ; Rev. G. T. Rudd, Yorkshire and Mr. Gibson, Hebden Bridge. 13. opatrinus Dej. P Ste. 14. proximus Wilk. var. ? 15. 6-pustulatus F. — lituratus Panz. 14. 4. 16. Cambriensis Davis's MSS. Rather longer and narrower than No. 15, convex, dull black, rather thickly and minutely punctured and clothed with obscure depressed hairs : 2 basal joints of antennae ochreous, several of the following ferruginous at the base : head ferruginous black at the base with 2 large oblique black marks before the eyes almost meeting in the middle : thorax short and broad, the sides ochreous vanishing towards the posterior angles : elytra with an ochreous lateral line towards the apex hooked internally at both ends : legs ferruginous, 17. umbrosus Gyl. 18. rufifrons Duf. 19. marginatus Kunz.— Lap- ponum Gyl. 20. deplanatus Gyl. 21. ferrugineus Rudd. Ste. 22. Scalesianus Ste. 23. unistriatus Rl. — parvulus Panz. 99. 2. 24. geminusi^. trifidusP£.26.2. 25. minimus Scop. 26. granularis L. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. ovalis Mar. NWita Fab . O trivialis Spence. planus Mar. minutus Ste. ? melanocephalus Mar. erythrocephalus Linn . flavipes F. humeralis Mar. holosericeus Mar. — ater Fors. ? 35. pubescens Gyl. 36. fuscatus K. — planus Gyl?. 37. piceus K. — planus Gyl. /3? The plant is Utricular ia minor (Less-hooded Milfoil), dis- covered near Heron Court by the Hon. C. A. Harris. f7 ?-)**■* 236. NOTERUS SPARSUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Dyticidae Leach . Hydrocan- thari Lat. Type of the Genus Dytiscus crassicornis Fab • Noterus Clairv., Lat., Leach , Sam. — Dytiscus DeGeer, Fab., Oliv.> Marsh., Herb. Antennce inserted close to the anterior margin of the eyes, short, varying in form, 3 first joints small, 5th dilated in the males, the remainder more or less produced on the internal side, the ter- minal joint slender, elongate-ovate (6) : those of the female are less robust, and the 7th joint is the largest (6 a). Labrum transverse, the sides rounded, anterior margin straight and ciliated (1). Mandibles broad and truncated obliquely at the apex, the angles acute, ciliated internally (2, one being turned tashow the inside). Maxillce very slender, elongate-trigonate, apex slightly curved and acute, the internal edge notched below the apex and armed with a few rigid bristles. Palpi, internal slender biarticulate, terminal joint the longest: external 4-jointed robust, 1st joint small, 2nd and 3rd somewhat quadrate cup-shaped, 4th the longest, ovate-truncate (3). Mentum small transverse short emarginate, side lobes rounded, the centre slightly produced and notched. Labium short broad and emarginate. Palpi robust, arising from scapes, triarticulate, basal joint short, 2nd cup-shaped, 3rd hand-shaped, being ovate and producing a blunt tooth on the internal side, which gives it a furcate appearance. Head broad rounded. Eyes small remote. Thorax very broad and short, slightly narrowed anteriorly, the basal margin sinuated. Scu- tellum none. Elytra convex ovate. Wings ample. Legs , anterior very robust in the males. Tibiae trapezate, margined with a regular and, compact line of spines on the external margin, producing a long one near the apex. Tarsi 5 -jointed, the basal one very large sub - trapezate, 3 following short, decreasing in size, 5 th long subclavate. Claws long and slender (5, fore leg of male). Tibiae to posterior legs spurred. Tarsi attenuated, the hinder pair the longest and ter- minated by very minute Claws. Obs. The dissections were made from N. sparsus. Sparsus Marsh. Ent. Brit. 430. 49. Ferruginous-brown, smooth, shining. Antennae with the 5th joint the largest in the male, the 7th in the female. Thorax darkest in the disk, with an impressed line next the anterior and lateral margins. Elytra, each with 3 irregular rows of rather remote punctures, scattered and stronger towards the apex. Legs castaneous, anterior thighs and base of tibiae black in the male. Underside piceous, inclining to black in the male, to castaneous in the female. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The Dyticidse are characterized by filiform antennae, con- siderably resembling those of the Carabidae; the genus Aga- bus of Leach however, and Noterus, vary from the typical form in having those organs incrassated; the former at the ex- tremity, the latter towards the middle : this alone will distin- guish the males from all others of the same family ; and Agabus may be further separated from Noterus by its de- veloped scutelium : but the singularly formed terminal joint of the labial palpi (like a whole-handed glove) in our genus, will at once distinguish both sexes from all other genera. There are but three species of this genus known, two of which are inhabitants of Britain. 1. crassicornis Fab. — Oliv. 3. tab. 4. f 34. — Marsh ., Gyll. — clavicornis DeGeer , — capricornis Herbst. — Geerii Leacli , Sam. Both sexes of N. crassicornis are distinguished from N. spar - sus by their smaller size, and the ochraceous colour of the head and thorax. The 5th joint of the antennae in the males is much more incrassated, and the elytra are very faintly punc- tured. The head beneath and the antepectus at the base of the coxae are black, with a broad testaceous stripe down the centre ; and the four anterior thighs in the same sex are pi- ceous towards their apex. I have taken this local insect in ponds and ditches in Norfolk in April; but it may be found during the whole year. It has been observed in Battersea Fields, on Wandsworth Common, Epping Forest, at Whittlesea Mere, and in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. 2. sparsus Marsh.— Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 236. This is a more abundant species, and may be taken all the year in stagnant waters in the neighbourhood of London, in Norfolk, Suffolk, &c. It is said also to frequent marshes near the sea. The plant represented in the plate is Veronica Beccabunga (Brooklime). fy-S 20 7. COLYMBETES CONSOBRINUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Dyticidse Leach . Hydro- canthari Lat . Type of the Genus Dytiscus striatus Linn . Colymbetes Clairv., Lat., Leach, Sain, — Dytiscus Linn., Fab., Oliv., Gyll., Panz., Marsh. Antennae inserted close to the eyes at the base of the mandibles, subsetaceous, naked, 1 1 -jointed, basal joint not longer nor more robust than the 4th, 2d joint small and short, 3d and following nearly of equal length, the last truncated obliquely at the apex (6) . Labrum very broad and short, sides rounded, the centre emargi- nated and ciliated (1). Mandibles short, obtuse, subtrigonate, dilated obliquely at the apex which is truncated and emarginated, below which on the inside are 2 small teeth (2). Maxillae bent, acute, ciliated internally with rigid bristles. Palpi, internal biarticulate, slender, basal joint rather shorter than the terminal one which is slightly bent 5 external long, robust, 4 -join ted, basal joint small, 2d and 3d of equal length, 4th, longer, truncated (3). Mentum transverse, deeply emarginate, the centre producing a broad truncated lobe. Palpi nearly as long as the maxillary, ro- bust, arising from large scapes, 3-jointed, basal joint short, the 2d and 3d twdce as long, of equal length, the latter slightly curved and truncated obliquely. Labium large, quadrate, ciliated (4). Head broad rounded. Thorax broad and short, narrowed before, broad at the base. Scutellum distinct. Elytra large and ovate. Wings ample. Tibiae spurred, anterior the shortest, posterior the longest. Tarsi 5 -jointed, 4 anterior short, the 3 first joints dilated in the males (5, fore leg of male) ; hinder pair elongated and attenuated. Claws curved, excepting the posterior pair which are straight, and of unequal length. Consobrinus nobis. — elongatus Leach's MSS. Long, narrow, oval, shining, delicately and thickly punctured, dull furruginous. Head black, with a ferruginous spot on the crown. Thorax blackish, sides and anterior margin lurid, an abbreviated channel down the centre. Elytra with 3 faintly punctured striae on each, united towards the apex, the spaces between them dotted with black 5 the scutellum suture and 4 streaks at the base of the same colour. Legs lurid, inclining to fuscous. Obs. the above description having been made 12 years since, it is not so complete as we could wish ; but it is hoped that the figure will sufficiently characterize the insect. In the Cabinet of Mr. Vigors. If the same principles that have influenced those naturalists who have studied the Carabidae, were to be extended to the Dyticidse, the genus Coiymbetes might easily be divided into several genera ; but as we hope to place genera upon a more solid basis, we state most unequivocally, that we shall not wittingly adopt any that are not founded on essential characters. All such therefore as have no better claim to distinction than mere outline, or such-like secondary characters, will be rejected, excepting in the order of Lepidoptera. The insects of this genus inhabit Lakes, Ponds, Brooks and Rivers, and are found the whole year, but most abundantly from the end of April to July. The following arrangement of our British species will, we think, be found agreeable to their affinities ; as we do not possess those with a *, their situations may possibly require alteration. 1. C. striatus Linn. — fuscus Fab. 2. fuscus Linn. ? — striatus Fab. — Panz. 86. 5. 3. Consobrinus Nob. 4. Grapii Gyl. — A hr. 6. 4. — niger JDej. This insect was un- known in Britain till I took it at Drayton and Horning in Norfolk, in the month of May. 5. fontinalis Leacli MSS. 6. oblongus III. Gyl. 7. guttatus Paylc. — picinus Mar. fenestratus Panz. 90. 1. '*8. angustior Gyl. 9. conspersus Marsh. Gyl. 10. bipunctatus Fab. Don. 9.303. — Panz. 91. 6. 11. adspersus Fab. — var. collaris Marsh. 12. agilis Fab. — Panz. 90. 2. mas. 13. collaris Paylc. — adspersus III. Panz. 38. 18. 14. notatus Fab. Oliv. S. tab. 5. 47. — frontalis Mar. — virgula - tus III. 15. pulverosus Enoch. — consper- sus Gyl. *16. congener Paylc. Gyl. *17. C. affinis Paylc. Gyl. 18. paludosus_Fa6. — politusMars/t. 19. Sturmii Gyl. 20. bipustulatus Linn. — Oliv. 3. t. 3. 26. — acuductus Mar. — carbonarius Fab. *21. nigro-aeneus Marsh. 22. chalconotus III. Panz. 38. 17. — nitidus Fab. — concinnus Mar. 23. montanus Leach. *24. uliginosus Linn. Gyl. Mar. ? 25. fem oralis Paylc. Gyl. 26. fuliginosus Fab. — lacustris Fab. Panz . 38. 14. — Hyb- neri Mar. *27. guttiger Gyl. 28. fenestratus Fab. — aeneus Panz. 38. 16. 29. obscurus Marsh. 30. ater Panz. 38. 1 5. — fenestratus Paylc. 31. vitreus Paylc. — didymus Oliv. 8. t. 4. 37. 32. abbreviates ,Fa5.— -Panz. 14. 1. 33. maculates _Lmw. Don. 14. 501. — var. inaequalis Mar. Panz. 14. 8. Gyllenhal having described a Coiymbetes elongatus , it became necessary to drop the MS. name of our insect. A specimen was taken many years since near Wanstead House, Essex, by the late Mr. Tuther. The plant is IJtricularia vulgaris (Great Bladder-snout). 95. HYDATICUS CINEREUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Dyticidse Leach . Hydrocan- thari Lat. Type of the Genus Dytiscus transversalis Fab. Hydaticus Leach , Sam. Dytiscus Linn., Fab., Oliv., Lat., Gyl., fye. Antennae inserted close to the eyes at the base of the mandibles filiform, 11 -jointed, 2nd joint not much shorter than the 3rd, 4th longer than the 3rd, the remainder nearly of equal length, somewhat clavate, excepting the terminal joint which is slightly curved and somewhat conical (fig. 6). Labrum naked transverse, slightly emarginate (1). Mandibles small, bent, broad and bifid at their extremity (2). Maxillae small, bent, very acute, ciliated internally. Palpi , in- ternal slender, 2-jointed, 2nd joint the longer, curved j external 4-jointed, 1st joint minute, 2nd and 3rd slightly clavate, trun- cate, 4th large, slightly attenuated at the apex and truncated (3). Mentum transverse, lobed on the sides and slightly produced in the middle. Palpi 3-jointed, attached to a cylindric scape, 1st joint short, 2nd and 3rd long, the latter somewhat conical. La- bium large, rounded, ciliated (4). Head rounded. Thorax transverse broad. Elytra convex ovate , smooth in both sexes. Wings 2. Scutellum distinct. Tibiae all short. Tarsi 5 -jointed, anterior patelliform and ciliated in the males (5) ,* the middle pair with the 3 first j oints dilated with suckers beneath (5*). Claws simple, of equal length. Posterior tarsi compressed, elongated, ciliated on both sides with very long fine hdirs. Claws slightly hooked, one longer than the other. Cinereus Linn. Faun. Suec. p. 215. n. 771. Gyll. Ins. Suec. v. 1. p. 474. n. 8. not of Fab. Ent. Syst., nor of Mars. Ent. Brit. Blackish, smooth, shining. Head ochraceous, black at the base with 2 oblique black lines between the eyes united behind. Thorax black, with an aureous ochraceous fascia across the middle uniting with the lateral margins of the same colour. Scu- tellum black. Elytra black, speckled with pellucid yellow, and a narrow line of the same colour down each side of the suture ; external margin dull ochraceous : beneath ochraceous, ferrugi- nous towards the apex. Antennas and legs ochraceous, the former fuscous towards their extremity, the latter with the tibiae and the tarsi of the 4 posterior chesnut-colour. In the Cabinets of Mr. Chant and Mr. Bentley. Hydaticus is distinguished from Dyticus by the length of the 2nd joint of the antennae, by the terminal joint of the palpi, and many other minuter distinctions ; from Acilius it is still further removed by the convexity of the abdomen and the di- lated tarsi of the middle pair of legs, which certainly exhibit a nearer affinity to Dyticus ; and from both it may be distin- guished by the smooth elytra of both sexes. Fabricius in his Entomologia Systematica , in describing Dy- tiscus cinereus evidently confounded it with the male of D. sul- catus , referring to Linnaeus for the characters, and to Schaeffer’s figure of D. sulcatus to identify it, thereby giving rise to an error, which has been extended by Mr. Marsham in his Ento- mologia Britannica • and Olivier has unluckily assisted in the confusion by referring to two figures of his own, in his description of D. cinereus , one of which (tab. 4. fig. 32 b) is the female ; but the other (fig. 32 a) is an Acilius with patelliform tarsi; although it is clear from his description that he was unac- quainted with the male, for he there says the anterior tarsi are simple. Schooner however, in his invaluable Synonyms, has cleared up the point, and his friend Gyllenhal has confirmed his opinion in the Insecta Suecica : and as the Acilii have the entire margin of the thorax yellow, and Linnaeus in his de- scription of D. cinereus expressly says 46 Thorax flavus, mar- gine anteriore et posterior e (non lateribus) nigro” there can be no doubt of our insect being the one described. The scarcity of this species has contributed greatly to the confusion that has happened : upon the continent it is very rare, and in this country was unknown till Mr. Chant and Mr. Bentley took the sexes at Whittlesea Meer, the end of last July. We can now enumerate the following as British, of this rare and beautiful genus. 1. Hydaticus cinereus Linn., Nobis. 2. transversalis Fab., Panz.fasc. 86. pi. 6. mas. m. July, near Yaxley, Huntingdonshire. 3. stagnalis Fab., Panz. fasc. 91. pi. 7. fern. Ponds, Wiltshire. 4. Hybneri Fab., Oliv. tab. k.f 33. — parapleu- rus Marsham. m. July, Whittlesea Meer. They all inhabit ponds and ditches, and are found in June and July. The plant is Ranunculus aquatilis (Water Crowfoot). DYTICUS DIMIDIATUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Dyticidae Leach. Hydrocan- thari Lat. Type of the Genus Dytiscus marginalis Linn. Dyticus Geoff., III., Lat., Leach . Dytiscus Linn., Fab., Gyll. Antennae inserted close to the eyes at the base of the mandibles, subsetaceous, naked, 1 1 -jointed, basal joint the longest, 2nd very . short, 3rd and following clavate decreasing in length to the ter- minal joint, which is slightly curved and truncated obliquely (fig- 6)- Labrum transverse, slightly emargin ate, ciliated in the middle (1) . Mandibles short, robust, emarginate at the apex, which is trun- cated obliquely (2). Maxillae small, bent, acute, ciliated internally with bristly spines. Palpi ; internal short, 2-jointed, 1st joint shorter than the 2nd, which is slightly curved : — external long, 4-jointed, 1st joint small, 3 following long, of nearly equal length, subclavate, ter- minal joint truncated (3). Mentum transverse, bilobed, with the centre slightly produced and emarginate. Palpi arising from a cylindric scape, 3-jointed, 1st joint minute, 2 following long of equal length, clavate trun- cate. Labium large, quadrate, ciliated (4). Head rounded. Thorax transverse. Scutellum distinct. Elytra con- vex ovate, smooth in the males, sulcated in the females. Wings 2. Tibiae spurred, anterior short. Tarsi 5 -jointed, anterior patellform, with suckers beneath and ciliated in the males ; 2nd pair with the 3 basal joints dilated , with suckers beneath in the males (5*) ; pos- terior elongated. Claws simple , of equal length, small in the pos- terior pair. Dimidiatus III. Mag. 3. 155. 3. Gyll. Ins. Suec. t. 1. p. 469. n. 4. Male smooth, shining, olivaceous -brown. Clypeus, palpi, a band between the antennae, sides of the thorax, margins of the elytra, and an oblique line near their apex ochraceous j an angu- lar mark between the eyes, anterior margin of thorax, antennae and legs ferruginous, the antennae at their base and the anterior legs being paler, the former with the 3 first joints robust. Thorax with a channel down the centre. Elytra with 3 longitudinal punctured striae on each, obtuse, depressed and punctured at the apex. Lobes of the sternum beneath divaricating, obtuse. Female: Thorax minutely punctured. Elytra with 10 deep chan- nels on each, extending scarcely beyond the middle, the re- mainder punctured. In the Author's and other Cabinets. With the exception of Hydrous piceus , the true Dytici are the largest insects that inhabit the waters of Europe, and until lately there were but 3 species recorded as British. As their habits and economy are similar to the Acilii s I shall prefer giving the specific characters, and must refer to the detailed accounts of De Geer, Roesel, and Latreille, for their histories. I. Furcate process of sternum obtuse. Thorax not en- tirely margined with yellow. 1. D. punctulatus Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 1. pars 1. 188. 4. Don. Brit. Ins. 15. 540. Panz. F. G. 110. 13 & 14. Much the smallest; sides only of thorax yellow. Antennae robust, articulations short; each elytron of female with 9 striae. Sternum very obtuse (fig. P). 2. dimidiatus Gijll. Ins. Suec. v. 1. p. 469. n. 4. Much the largest, sides of thorax yellow, and a nar- row ferruginous line at the other margins, 3 basal joints of antennae much more robustthan the others, each elytron of the female with 10 striae, extending scarcely beyond the middle (D). II. Furcate process of sternum acute. Thorax com- pletely margined with yellow. a. Anterior claws large in the males. 3. marginalis Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 665. 7. Don. Brit. Ins. 5. 161. Panz. F. G. 86. 3 & 4. Spines of sternum rather short, not very acute (M). 4. circumflexus Fab. Syst. Eleut . 1. 258. 4. Spines of sternum slender, elongated, very acute (C). b. Anterior claws small in both sexes. 5. angustatus Stephens’s MSS. Nobis. Spines of sternum diverging, considerably acute (A). 6. flavo-maculatus Lat. Hist. Nat. ? v. 8. p. 162. n. 3. Elytra smooth in both sexes ? Sternum like the last ( F). This last is a most extraordinary anomaly, respecting which the most learned entomologists are completely at variance. My specimen proving upon dissection to be a female, as well as 3 others dissected by Professor Bonelli, I cannot but con- sider it a variety of the female of D. angustatus , with which sex it perfectly agrees in structure, although in sculpture it has every appearance of the males of that species. All the Dytici are found in ponds and ditches during May, June, and July. The fine species figured, as well as D. an- gustatus, were first discovered at Whittlesea Meer by Mr. Chant and Mr. Bentley, to whom I am indebted for examples of the different sternums by which the species are so easily distin- guished ; and Dr. Stephenson has since captured them in the same neighbourhood, and has obligingly favoured me with specimens. I if H-nn 151. CYBISTER RCESELII. Order Coleoptera. FAM.DyticidaeZetf^. Hydrocan thariZa/. Type of the Genus Dytiscus lateralis Fab. Cybister Nob.- — Trogus Leach. — Dytiscus Fab. Antennae inserted close to the eyes at the base of the mandibles, subsetaceous, naked, 1 1 -jointed, basal joint not so long as the 3rd, 2nd joint very short, 3rd the longest, the remainder decreasing in length to the last, which is slightly bent and subconic at the apex (fig. 6). Labrum transverse, slightly emarginate, with a small fleshy lobe beneath in the middle (1). Mandibles short, robust, emarginate at the apex, which is trun- cated obliquely, with 2 small teeth on the internal margin (2). Maxillae small, bent, acute, ciliated internally with rigid bristles. Palpi internal short, 2-jointed, basal joint shorter than the 2nd which is slightly curved ; external long, 4-jointed, 1st joint half as long as the 2nd and 3rd which are of equal length and trun- cated, the 4th longer and a little dilated on the external side (3). Mentum transverse, bilobed, the centre being slightly produced. Palpi arising from cylindric scapes, 3-jointed, 1st joint small, 2 following long of equal length, clavate-truncate. Labium large quadrate-ovate, ciliated (4). Head rounded. Thorax transverse. Scutellum distinct. Elytra smooth in the males , vermiculated the greater portion of their length from the base in the females. Wings two. Tibiae spurred , very short, the anterior pair being the longest. Tarsi 5- jointed , anterior patelliform in the males, the 3 first joints being dilated, with suckers beneath and ciliated, the 4th minute , 5 th not very long (5) j 2nd pair more robust in the males, none of the joints dilated, the ls£ and 2nd pubescent beneath ; posterior elongated. Claws unequal, posterior monodac- tyle (5f, a hind leg). Obs. The dissections were made from a male of C. Roeselii. Rceselii Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 1. pars 1. p. 188, n. 5. — dispar Ross. Fn. Etrus. 1.199.489. Female smooth, shining, olive green. Clypeus and labrum ochra- ceous. Thorax sculptured with small curly lines and points, with a slight channel down the centre, sides margined with ochre, anterior and posterior margins slightly ferruginous : scutellum inclining to the same colour. Elytra vermiculated | of their length from the base, 2 widely punctured striae on each, only visible at the apex, which is quite smooth as well as the suture, an ochraceous broad line tapering towards the apex, next the external margin, which is the same colour as the elytra. An- tennae and legs ferruginous. Tibiae and tarsi castaneous, the latter inclining to black. Beneath ochraceous variegated with ferruginous. Furcate process of metasternum obtuse. In the Cabinet of Mr. Griesbach. This group of Dyticidce was first defined by Dr. Leach, and established as a genus in the 3rd volume of the Zoological Mis- cellany, where unfortunately, the name of Trogus is assigned to it, which had been applied many years before by Panzer to some of the Ichneumonidce ; it has therefore become neces- sary to supersede it, and Cybister (which is derived from the Greek) is not inapplicable. As the natural situation of our genus appears to be between Acilius and Dyticus (both of which have been figured and described in former parts of this work), we propose the fol- lowing arrangement for the commencement of the family, be- ginning with Acilius , which, from its depressed form, short tibiae, unequal claws, &c. is allied to Cybister ; after which follows Dyticus , commencing with D. latissimus Linn., and ending with D. angustatus Steph., which leads to Hydaticus , being more convex, and having the intermediate tarsi dilated at their base, a character possessed by Colymbetes , which will consequently follow. The few species at present known of our genus are widely dispersed, having been received from China, Tranquebar, the Mauritius, and North America. C. Rceselii has long been de- scribed as a native of Germany, France and Sweden, but it has never before been recorded as British ; and the only indige- nous specimen at present known is the female figured, which was found the 30th Sept. 1826, in a puddle at Walton, Essex, by J. Dane, Esq., who presented it to the gentleman in whose cabinet it is preserved, and through whose kindness we are enabled to present our readers with this fine and valuable ac- quisition. The difference of sculpture in the sexes is fully described in the generic characters : in colour they are very similar, the males are generally larger, and in our species they are black- ish beneath. The beautiful Hottonia palustris (Water-violet) accompa- nies the insect in the plate. C^:'(OuAtU’ A;T/*«2.r 03. ACILIUS CALIGINOSUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Dyticidae Leach . I Iy tiro can- thari Lat. Type of the Genus Dytiscus sulcatus Linn. Acilius Leach. Dytiscus Linn., Fab., Gyll. Dyticus Geoff., Lat. Antennce inserted close to the eyes, at the base of the mandibles, smooth, filiform, 11 -jointed, 2nd joint short, 3rd long clavate, the following clavate, decreasing in length to the terminal joint, which is slightly curved (fig. 6). Lahrum naked, transverse, slightly emarginate ( 1 ) . Mandibles small, bent, broad and bifid at the apex (2). Maxillce small, bent, acute, ciliated internally : Palpi ; internal attenuated, 2-jointed, 1st joint small, 2nd long, curved j exter- nal 4-jointed, 1st joint minute, 2nd and 3rd slightly clavate, 4th large, longer than the 3rd, attenuated, rounded at the apex (3). Mentum transverse, slightly lobed at the sides : Palpi 3 -jointed, attached to a cup-shaped scape, 1st joint short, 2nd and 3rd long, the latter somewhat clavate : Labium large, rounded, ciliated (4) . Head somewhat small , rounded. Thorax transverse , broad. Elytra depressed, ovate, narrow at the base, smooth in the males , sulcated and hairy in the females. Wings 2. Scutellum distinct. Tibiae all short. Tarsi 5 -jointed, anterior, patelliform in the males, the first 3 joints being dilated , ciliated, with suckers beneath. Claws simple, the internal one being the longest (5). Posterior tarsi com- pressed, elongated, ciliated on both sides with very long hairs, one claw very minute (5*). Caliginosus Nobis. Male smooth, minutely punctured. Head smooth, black, ante- rior part and a transverse line between the eyes dull reddish- ochraceous. Thorax black, with the margins, and a transverse line in the middle dilated at the ends, ochraceous. Elytra ochra- ceous, pubescent, with 3 obscure lines on each, minutely punc- tured with black, edges of the suture and margin near the apex unspotted ; beneath piceous black, the sternum, margins of tho- rax and spots down the sides of the abdomen ochraceous. An- tennas and thighs pale and dull ochraceous, tibiae and tarsi ferru- ginous, clouded with black. — Female : Elytra with 5 elevated longitudinal lines on each, the intermediate surface villose. Ab- domen beneath dull ochraceous. In the Cabinets of Mr. Chant , Mr. Bentley , and the Author. The Dyticidce, although inhabiting a different element to the CarabidcE , are closely allied to them in structure, par- ticularly in the form of the antennae and the organs of man- ducation, the maxillae being furnished with 2 pair of palpi; and the anterior tarsi are commonly dilated in the males. The genus Acilius , established by Dr. Leach in the Zoologi- cal Miscellany , may be distinguished from Dyticus by the great flatness of the insects, by the hairy elytra of the females, which have but few striae, and by the basal joints of the tarsi in the 2nd pair of legs not being dilated ; the instrumenta cibaria also vary particularly in the form of the mentum, and the ter- minal joint of the external maxillary palpus, which is longer than the penultimate, and thickest in the middle. Our insect appearing upon a careful examination to be un- noticed by any author we have been able to consult, and being darker than the common species, the specific name of caligi- nosus has been thought applicable. It has been ascertained to be British by Mr. Chant, who, with his friend Mr. Bentley, took it plentifully in the ditches at Whittlesea Meer, Hunting- donshire, the end of July 1824. It is smaller and darker than A . sulcatus , and the thighs are entirely pale and not black at their base in the posterior pair, as in A, sulcatus (fig. 5# which is shaded to show the difference). # The larvae, which are (like those of the Carabidce) very vo- racious, inhabit the water, living upon other insects and even small fishes : the perfect insects, which with their hind legs row themselves about with the greatest ease, can also fly well; they are exceedingly ravenous, and will destroy each other if confined together. The plant figured is Myosotis palustris (Marsh Mouse-ear). * It is singular that Linnaeus should have been unacquainted with the female of our common species, as appears not only from his Works but by his cabinet, which Sir James E. Smith politely allowed me to examine a few years since. == cj-' ^cmc&n CHuy' //:4(j5U 2- )%A£ 79. GYRINUS BICOLOR. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Gyrinidse Leach. Gyrinites Lat. Type of the Genus G. Natator Linn. Gyrinus Linn., Fab., Oliv., Lat., Marsh, Gyll., Leach, $c. Antennae inserted beneath the superior portion of the eyes, at the side of the clypeus, very short, rigid, porrected, 9 -jointed • 1st joint large globose, produced on the external side in a tri- angular compressed, ciliated lobe j the other joints forming a clavate, cylindric, arcuate mass arising from the upper side of the 1st joint, basal joint pedunculate, 3rd and 6 following trans- verse, terminal joint semi-oval (f. 6). Labrum rigid, exserted, transverse, convex, rounded before and ciliated (1). Mandibles scarcely exserted, strong, corneous, very much bent, apex dilated transversely, bidentate, with a tooth on the internal edge towards the base (2) . Maxillae acute, ciliated with rigid bristles, a palpiform, exarti- culate bent lobe, on the internal side, being a modification of the internal palpus of the Dyticidae. Palpi incrassated, 4 -jointed, 1st joint small, 2nd and 3rd somewhat cup-shaped, 4th large ovate (3). Menlum large, corneous, somewhat oval, bilobed, sides semi- orbicular. Palpi small, 3-jointed, 1st joint minute, 2nd clavate, 3rd robust, conical. Lip corneous, small, quadrate, shorter than the mentum (4). Head large , somewhat trigonate. Eyes 4, circular, 2 above and 2 be- neath the antennae. Thorax short, transverse , sinuated before and behind. Elytra with the margins acute. Scutellum minute. Wings 2. Pectus and Abdomen carinated in the middle. Anterior feet formed for walking, elongate, geniculate , porrect ; four posterior short, compressed, membranaceous , formed for swimming, external edges fimbriated with compressed hairs. Thighs and Tibiae short, trigonate in the 4 posterior legs, the hinder having 2 little spurs at the internal angle. Tarsi 5 -jointed, the terminal joint being the longest in the anterior pair, compressed and produced internally in the 4 posterior pair, the terminal joint being very minute. Claws 2, long in the forefeet, minute in the others (5 a fore leg, 5* a hind leg). Bicolor Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 1. pars 1. 202. 2. Gyll. 1. 142. 2. Elongatus Marsh 100. 4. Long, narrow, caeruleous-black, shining. Thorax with a trans- verse impression before the middle. Elytra very long, appear- ing attenuated posteriorly, truncated, rounded, having 1 1 finely punctured striae on each, inflected margin ferruginous. Suture aeneous. Abdomen villose above, black beneath, ferruginous at the apex. Mouth and centre of pectus ferruginous. Legs ochraceous. Male much narrower than the female. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The curious structure of the auriform antennae of this genus, agreeing considerably with those of Parnus figured in the next plate, induced Latreille to form them into a family which he called Otiophori , in his Genera Crustaceorum , &c. ; but he subsequently brought back Gyrinus to follow the Dyticidce , and left Parnus with his Byrrhii. Gyllenhal, following La- treille, placed these genera also together. Mr. W. S. MacLeay, in the first part of Annulosa Javanica , having noticed La- treille’s error in placing them together, — thereby, as he justly says, “confounding a relation of analogy with one of affinity,” — I have thought it a good opportunity of introducing these ge- nera together, to prove that there is no affinity beyond the Linnean system, that of the antennae, the form of the legs and the structure of the mouth being totally different. The Gyrini live in society, and many of them are extremely common in our ditches and rivers the whole of the spring and summer, where they must have attracted the notice of every lover of nature, by the rapid and curious evolutions which they perform during fine weather upon the face of the water (from whence their English name of Whirl-wigs), diving below the surface when alarmed, and carrying down with them a bubble of air appearing like quicksilver, as has been remarked by Fabricius. In dull and cold weather they secrete them- selves under the banks, or at the bottom of the water : most of them have a fetid smell. The following species have been detected in this country, viz. 1. G. seneus Leacli. 2. marinus Gyll. 3 . minutus Fab. — bicolor Oliv. — Kirbii Marsh. 4. Natator Linn. 5. bicolor Fab. — elongatus Marsh. 6. villosus Fab. — Modeeri Marsh. It is likely that this last species will be formed into a genus, as the convex form, villose and punctured surface, and pro- jecting labrum indicate a different economy : indeed I suspect that this species is not gregarious. The plant figured is Parnassia palustris (Grass of Par- nassus). so 80. PARNUS IMPRESSUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Parnidae Leach . Byrrhii Lat. Type of the Genus P. prolifericornis Fab. Parnus Fab., Marsh , Leach. Dermestes Geoff. Dryops Ol.iv., Lat. Antenna inserted beneath the eyes and lodged in a little cavity near their internal edge, shorter than the head, woolly, 9 -jointed ; 1st joint somewhat cylindric, 2nd large, very much produced on the internal side ; the other 7 joints forming a serrated mass, attached to the outside near the base of the 2nd joint, by which they are frequently concealed $ 1 st joint attached by a small pe- duncle, the 5 following somewhat serrated, terminal joint semi- orbicular (f. 6). Labrum exserted, coriaceo-membranaceous, transverse, slightly emarginate, sides rounded, ciliated (1). Mandibles concealed, corneous, strong, angulated at the base, apex bidentate with two smaller teeth just below the apex on the internal edge which is concave, a compressed membranaceous lobe near the middle, rounded and corneous above, ciliated externally (2). Maxilla bilobed, internal lobe slender, somewhat acute, articu- lated near the apex, ciliated internally 5 external lobe large, somewhat quadrate-ovate, with a spine at the internal angle, ciliated externally. Palpi short, robust, 4-jointed, 3 first joints hairy, basal joint minute, 2nd and 3rd cup-shaped, 4th long, ovate-conic (3). Mentum transverse, quadrate, narrowed before, anterior angles produced. Labium large, somewhat quadrate, hairy, angles rounded. Palpi short, robust, 3 -jointed 5 1st joint minute, 2nd clavate, 3rd oval (4). Head concealed up to the eyes , somewhat triangular above. Eyes or- bicular. Thorax transverse quadrate , sides thickened, , margined , anterior angles produced. Scutellum triangular. Abdomen some- what cylindric or elliptic , convex, margined. Sternum produced be- hind in the centre into an acuminated lobe. Legs alike. Thighs channelled beneath. Tibiee cylindric, unarmed. Tarsi filiform , 5 -jointed, first A joints small , 5th long, clavate. Claws long. Impressus nob. Olivaceous-brown, minutely punctured, villose. Thorax with a fovea on each side, near the base, equidistant from the margin and each other. Elytra with 7 or 8 obscure punctured striae on each. Serrated mass of antennae, thighs at their base, apex of tibiae, tarsi, and claws, ferruginous. Beneath ferruginous -olive, with ochraceous pubescence. In the Author's Cabinet. Entomologists have been very undecided with regard to the situation that these insects would most naturally occupy. Geof- frey, who gave them the significant name of Porte-oreilles , placed them amongst the Dermestes , influenced probably by the habit of the body, and the form of the legs ; whilst Rossi was induced from the structure of the sternum, to assimilate them with the Platers . Latreille’s ideas have been already noticed in the account of Gyrinus. Dr. Leach very properly placed them between Limnius Muller, ( Elmis Lat.) and Heteroce - rus. It will not be irrelevant here to remark, that the articu- lated mass forming the club of the antennae is not cylindric, like that of Gyrinus , but is produced on one side, thereby in some degree assuming the character of that organ in the Hy - drophilidce , which follow soon after, according to the views of Dr. Leach and the natural system of Mr. W. S. MacLeay in the valuable work before alluded to. The original generic name given to these insects by Olivier was Dryops , in which he was followed by Latreille; but it being found necessary to divide the genus, Olivier’s name has been assigned to a species that has not hitherto been discovered in this country (P. acuminatns F.), and Fabricius’s name Parnus restored to our genus, which appears to contain four British species ; and as two of them are new, the following characters are subjoined to distinguish them. 1. P. prolifericornis P., sericeus Leach. — Olivaceous, vil- lose, minutely punctured, elytra very obscurely striated. 2. P. impressus noh. — Minutely punctured, with two im- pressions towards the base of the thorax. 3. P. bicolor nob.— -Minutely punctured, with coarse imper- fect striae at the base of the elytra, head and thorax black, elytra, legs and antennae, ferruginous. 4. P. auriculatus III.-— Ovate, woolly : head and thorax deeply punctured, the margins of the latter very much nar- rowed before ; elytra shining, coarsely punctured, with imper- fect striae at the base. Mr. Samouelle says that the Parni inhabit the roots and blades of grass at the sides of ponds and ditches ; they are also to be found amongst the rejectamenta left upon marshes and meadows after a flood, during the winter and spring. By the form of their maxillae it is supposed that they eat animal substances, and that the down which covers them prevents the water from penetrating their bodies. The plant figured is Aster Tripolium (Sea Starwort). 224 j-VWf 224. HETEROCERUS OBSOLETUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Parnidse Leach. Byrrhii Lat . Type of the Genus Heterocerus marginatus Bose. Heterocerus Bose., Fab., Lat., Marsh., Panz.- — Apate Fab. — Der- mestes Thunb. Antennae inserted close to the eyes at the base of the mandibles, short, pubescent, 11-jointed, basal and 2nd joints producing very long hairs internally, the former joint very large, obtrigo- nate, the latter large cup-shaped, 3rd and 4th minute, the 6 following large, cup-shaped, (giving a serrated appearance) the 11th orbicular (6). Labrum very rough and hairy, semiorbicular, slightly notched ( 1 ) . Mandibles rather long and bent, with a tooth and some long bristles on the external side, tridentate at the apex and furnished with a long membranous lobe on the internal side, ciliated and notched at the middle (2). Maxillae very long and slender, rigid and pilose, bilobed, internal lobe short obtuse, external rhomboidal, both ciliated with bristly spines. Palpi triarticulate, 1st and 2nd joints of nearly equal size, subturbinate, 3rd a little larger securiform (3). Mentum large, subcordate, pilose, emarginate, forming 2 lobes. Labium obcordate elongate, ciliated. Palpi approximating, arising near the middle of the lip, short clothed with very long hairs, triarticulate, basal joint small, slender, 2nd and 3rd ro- bust, the latter conical truncate (4). Head elongated , broad at the base, narrow before. Eyes small, remote. Thorax transverse subovate. Scutellum minute. Elytra ovate, as broad as the thorax. Wings very ample. Tibiae broad compressed, serrated with long spines on the external margin and at the apex. Tarsi clothed with very long hair beneath, 4-jointed, basal joint long , 2nd and 3rd small, 4th the length of the ls£, clavate. Claws long and slender (5, afore leg). Obs. The dissections are from H. obsoletus Nob. Obsoletus Leach's MSS. Piceous, shining, thickly punctured and very pubescent. Man- dibles castaneous. Thorax with a ferruginous spot on each side behind the eyes. Elytra, each with an ochraceous spot at the base, 3 small ones near the middle and 4 larger towards the apex, spines of tibiae and tarsi castaneous at the apex. In the Author's and other Cabinets. Heterocerus is undoubtedly allied to Parnus ; nevertheless the organs of manducation present some very different cha- racters, especially in the absence of a joint in the maxillary palpus : and the 4-jointed tarsi and spined tibiae are somewhat anomalous to the neighbouring genera; although it must not be forgotten that in the Hydrophilidae the basal joint is often very minute ; and in our genus, to supply the deficiency, it is as long as the two following, as if the first and second had been united to form a longer base : and the same provision obtains in the heteromerous beetles, where sometimes the basal joint of the posterior tarsi is very long, as may be seen by referring to plate 155. Three species of the genus Heterocerus appear to be na- tives of Great Britain. 1. H. marginatus Bose ., Fab.—Panz. 23. 12. — fenestratus Thunb. 30th June, 1827, I found it in profusion on the sands at Broughton, Lancashire ; they were principally met with under small dead crabs left by the tide, beneath which they were burrowing into the sand. 2. H. lsevigatus Fab. — Panz. 23, 13. In the spring I have met with it on marshes in Norfolk, burrowing into the mud on the sides of ditches and ponds. 3. H. obsoletus.— Curt. Brit. Ent. jpl. 224. This species is met with, I believe, near Rochester. I have found it on salt marshes in Suffolk the beginning of May, at the sides of ditches,, running on the mud when the sun shone. It is the largest and darkest of the species, and much more densely clothed with short and dusky hair. I have not been able to discover any sexual character ; some specimens, how- ever, like that figured, have the thorax narrower than the elytra, whilst in others it is quite as broad and more convex ; these are also larger, and may be the females. The plant is Caltha 'palustris (Marsh Marigold). 6 y 'St&sS&r:- ^ f&SO ELMIS rh It 50 294. VOLCKMARI. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Elmidse Curt . Type of the Genus , Dytiscus Volckmari Panz. Elmis Lat., Steph. — Limnius Mill., Meg., Gyl., Lea., Sam. — Dytis- cus Panz. — Chrysomela Mar. Antennce inserted before the eyes on each side the head, as long as the thorax, slightly clavate, 11 -jointed, 1st and 2nd joints rather stout, the 7 following slender, obovate-truncate, the 10th and 11th more robust, the former obovate-truncate, the latter twice as long subovate, pubescent at the apex (6). Lahrum exserted, large, pilose, transverse-ovate, thickly ci- liated (1). Mandibles, bent, obtuse and bifid at the apex, internal margin very much excavated and furnished with a broad membrane (2). Maxillce small, terminated by a rounded lobe, densely clothed round the apex with long curved hairs. Palpi ; internal short, biarticulate, terminal joint curved and pilose : external 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd obovate-truncate, 3rd somewhat cup- shaped, 4th the longest, slightly curved and terminated by a ve- sicle (3). Mentum subquadrate, the sides convex. Labium narrowed at its base, but very much dilated and ciliated anteriorly. Palpi at- tached to scapes at the base of the Lip and scarcely extending beyond it, 3-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd rather larger, 3rd the largest, oval and terminated by a vesicle (4). Head subglobose, sunk to the Eyes which are small, orbicular, lateral and not prominent. Thorax convex, sides generally with a broad margin, arched anteriorly and sinuated near the angles which are acute, somewhat lobed at the Scutellum which is small. Elytra con- vex. Wings long. Thighs rather robust. Tibiae simple and slender. Tarsi as long as the tibice, 5 -jointed, basal joint longer than the 3 following which are subovate-truncate, 5th very long robust and cla- vate. Claws simple acute (5). Volckmari Panz., Lat. — buprestoides Marsh. Black smooth and shining, minutely punctured. Antennae tes- taceous, fuscous at the apex. Thorax with broad slightly elevated lateral margins, leaving a very convex and ovate-truncate space in the centre. Elytra considerably broader than the thorax, with a slight cupreous tinge, sparingly clothed with short pubescence, each having 8 strongly punctured striae : tibiae somewhat casta- neous, and the tarsi castaneous. In the Author's and other Cabinets. Whilst on the one hand Elmis makes an approach to the Parnidae, it appears on the other to be allied to the Helopho- ridae ; nevertheless the trophi and antennae are so very dif- ferent from both, that it does not seem possible to include our genus with either, for which reason I have proposed the family Elmidae. Panzer called the type a Dytiscus, from its inhabit- ing the water ; and Marsham, viewing its straight antennae and margined thorax, placed it with the Chrysomelae. Latreille first considered it to connect Hister and Heterocerus, but sub- sequently arranged it more naturally between the Parnidae and Hydrophilidse. The following species are British. 1. E. Volckmari Panz. — Curtis Brit. Bnt.pl. 294. May, June and August : at roots of grass on the banks, also under stones in the beds of rivers and brooks ; near Hebden-bridge, Yorkshire, Hatfield and Bris- tol. 2. E. tuberculatus Mill. — lineatus Kirby. At Clengre, Gloucestershire ; also in Norfolk, Suffolk, and near Hull, Yorkshire. 3. E. variabilis Leach.- — Steph. pi. 13. f 4. Hebden-bridge, and near Carlisle; Netley, Shrop- shire, and Spitchwick, Devon. 4. E. lacustris Spence. — Steph. — stagnalis Kirby ? Near Hull, and under stones in the river at Costessey, Norfolk. 5. E. fluviatilis Steph. — Troglodytes Gyl. P Said to have been found in Norfolk. 6. E. parallelipipedus Mill. — Steph.pl. 13. f 5. In a brook near Hebden-bridge, and supposed to have been found near Exeter. 7. E. aeneus Mill. — Megerlei III. — Maugetii Lat. This is found from June to September, distributed over the kingdom, and is much attached to the leaves of Menyanthes trifoliata . 8. E. obscurus Mill. ? — Maugetii Steph. Probably a variety only of the last. 9. E. cupreus Mill. — Steph. pi. 1 3.f 6. Under stones in the outlet at Costessey Mill, Norfolk ; also in June near Hatfield; and I am indebted to Miss E. Hill, of Pilton, Devon, for specimens from the river Avon. Mr. Hobson and Mr. Smith hav- ing presented me with several of the species, the 5th is the only one I do not possess. Some of these insects being found upon the leaves of the Menyanthes trifoliata (Marsh Trefoil or Bogbean), this beau- tiful plant is represented in the plate. Cj/U,- /• /ess i'/tdf 359. HYDROCHUS ELONGATUS. jy Order Coleoptera. Fam. Helophoridae Leach. Type of the Genus , Elophorus elongatus Fab. Hydrochus Germ., Lea., Sam. — Elophorus Fab., Oliv., Panz., Gyll. — Hydrophilus Mars. Antennae, inserted close to the anterior margin of the eyes at the base of the mandibles, shorter than the head and concealed be- neath it, clavate, 7?-jointed, basal joint long, curved and clavate, 2nd shorter sub-oval, 3rd and 4th minute, the latter internally pubescent, the remainder forming an elongated club, very hairy on the inside, 5th and 6th joints somewhat hatchet-shaped, 7th long and conical (6). Labrum transverse-oval, the margin densely ciliated (1). Mandibles very convex externally, acute at the apex, a portion of the internal margin membranous and pubescent (2). Maxillce rather long, internal lobe small, curved and ciliated, external large, bent inward and terminated by numerous strong curved hairs. Palpi long 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd and 3rd long subclavate, 4th very long, subfusiform (3). Mentum transverse, anterior angles rounded. Lip broad and short, densely ciliated. Palpi very remote and small, triarticu- late, 1st and 2nd joints subglobose, 3rd the largest obovate (4). Head porrected , broad and subtrigonate. Eyes lateral prominent and globose , not touching the Thorax which is subquadrate. Scutellum minute. Elytra broader than the thorax , very long and somewhat elliptical. Wings ample. Legs of equal length, very similar , slender, the anterior appearing long. Tibiae compressed . Tarsi long and 4-jointed, 3 first joints short, 4th very long and clavate. Claws long and curved (5 a fore leg). Elongatus Fab. Ent. Syst. 1. 204. 3. — Gyll. 1.131. 7. — Panz}. 26. 7 — Curtis's Guide , Gen. 105. 1. — cicindeloides Mars. 411. 28. Eneous, sometimes blackish. Trophi and legs castaneous, an- tennae ochreous, club and base of the mandibles and tips of the tarsi black. Head and thorax strongly punctured, the latter with a deep fovea on each side, also one in the centre and 2 at the base. Elytra with 1 0 deeply punctured striae on each, the suture and alternate spaces being elevated, that between the 2nd and 3rd striae not extending beyond the middle and the space between the 3rd and 4th striae elevated only from the middle towards the apex. In the Author's and other Cabinets. In most insects the first pair of legs is the shortest, and the hinder pair the longest, the length being given by the tibiae and tarsi; in Gyrinus, however, the anterior pair is the longest, in Parnus the legs are very similar, and in Hydrochus they are all perfectly alike, which gives the insect a peculiar cha- racter : to those genera Hydrochus appears to be related, as well as to Helophorus and Hydrsena (pi. 307). These insects inhabit ponds and ditches; they are found on mud at the sides, and on plants in the wrater, on which some- times they are seen floating. 1. H. elongatus Fab. Curt. Brit. Ent.pl. 359. April and May, sides of ponds, Battersea, and other places round London; also in Norfolk, Suffolk, and the West of England. Taken at Nottingham by Dr. Howitt, and at Col- chester by Mr. Davis. 2. H. crenatus Fab. E. S. 1. 205. 6. — Oliv. 3. No. 38.pl. 1. /■ Narrower and shorter than II. elongatus : beautiful glitter- ing green, sometimes cupreous or black. Trophi and legs castaneous, tips of palpi, antennae and tarsi black. Head and thorax deeply punctured, the foveae on the latter shallow, with a large deep puncture near each posterior angle. Elytra with 10 regularly and deeply punctured lines on each, giving the spaces between, which are very narrow and convex, a crenated appearance. The above species have been frequently confounded, by Na- turalists paying too much regard to colour: it is difficult to decide with certainty to which Panzer’s and Olivier’s figures belong; but as that of the latter author does not show the elevated striae on the elytra, and is too small for II. elongatus , I have referred it to this species. Taken in the same situations as the former insect, near London, and Glanville’s Wootton Dorsetshire, and in Nor- folk. 3. H. brevis Herbst. Paylc . — Gyll . 1. 132. 8. 1^ line long: dull black, antennae and legs pitchy, middle of the tibiae and tarsi castaneous : head and thorax rugose, the latter with 5 deep foveae similar to H. elongatus : elytra convex and ovate, the suture and 4 sharp ridges on each crenated, with two rows of large punctures between each. May, June, and July. Ditches in Norfolk, at Whittlesea Mere, and near Bristol. The plant is Potamogeton pectinatum (Fennel-leaved Pond- weed). 466. ELOPHORUS FENNICUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Helophoridoe Leach. Type of the Genus, Silpha aquatica Linn. Elophorus Fab., Lat., Gyl., Curt. — Helophorus Leach.— Hydrophi- lus.De Geer, Marsh. — Dermestes Geof. — Silpha Linn. Antenna remote, inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, small capitate and 9-jointed, basal joint the longest, stout and clavate, 2nd elongate-ovate, 3 following slender and oblong, the 5th being a little dilated at the apex, the re- mainder forming a compressed pubescent club, 6th joint semi- ovate, 2 following large and cup-shaped, 9th suborbicular (6). Labrum transverse, the sides sloped, forming an angle towards the base, the anterior margin truncated and irregularly cili- ated (1). Mandibles alike, subtrigonate, rounded and hairy externally, pointed at the apex, slightly emarginate below, with a sharp notch beneath, the internal margin ciliated with stout bristles, submembranous towards the base (2). Maxillae oblong, terminated by an oval transverse lobe, very hairy externally with an internal lobe ciliated on the inside, with 3 or 4 spines at the apex. Palpi not longer than the antennse, rather stout naked and 4 -jointed, basal joint mi- nute, 2nd long subclavate, 3rd considerably shorter but stouter, 4th the largest, elongate-ovate, or subfusiform (3). Mentum large, subquadrate, anterior angles oblique, slightly di- lated at the base. Mentum forming a very hairy lobe on each side. Palpi remote, not small, triarticulate, basal joint minute, 2nd long and subclavate, 3rd the largest, very hairy, elongate- ovate (4). Head subtrigonate obtuse ; clypeus entire : eyes small sessile lateral and remote. Thorax transverse broader than the head. Scutellum concealed. Elytra broader than the thorax, elliptical. Wings am- ple. Legs compressed, anterior the shortest : thighs rather broad : tibiae, anterior the broadest, with 2 short spines at the apex and 2 outside, and somewhat serrated (5) : tarsi as long as the tibia in the 4 anterior feet, o -jointed, basal joint minute and concealed, 3 following short, the 2nd being a little the longest, especially in the hinder feet, 5th as long as the others united in the 4 anterior : claws rather long and acute. FENNicusP«y&. — Curt. Guide, Gen. 106.6. — cinereus Marsh. 410. 26. In the Author s and other Cabinets. The insects of this genus inhabit ditches and ponds, they are to be found basking in the sun upon aquatic plants, walking by the water’s edge, frequently upon the surface, and sometimes floating on their backs : they are also met with flying, both in the heat of the day and in the evening. The transverse thorax and shorter anterior legs will at once distinguish our genus from Hydrochus, and the large terminal joint of the palpi will readily separate it from Ochthebius. The following are British species : 1. E. aquaticusL. — Panz. 26.6. — grandis///. — stagnalis Mars. 409. 23. Found everywhere, the year round, in stagnant ponds and ditches. 2. E. granularis L. — aquaticus F. — flavipes Oliv. 3. No. 38. pi. \. f. 3. var. In stagnant water everywhere. 2a. E. griseus 111. — minutus Oliv. 3. No. 38. pl.l.f. 6. — affinis Mars. 409. 24. Near London and Hertford, in Surrey, Devon and Nor- folk. 3. E. dorsalis Mars. 410. 25.Ste.pl . 14./ 1. Taken with the last and is probably only a variety. 4. E. viridicollis Kirb. — Ste. 2. 112. In Suffolk and near London. 5. E. tuberculatus Gyl. 1. 129. 4. In the spring, near Southend, Essex. 6. E. fennicus Paylc. — Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 466. Ochreous, head and thorax coarsely punctured, the former with a V shaped impression on the crown, and a castaneous spot before each eye, the latter castaneous, with a broad mar- gin, a deep channel down the centre and one on each side, leaving several rounded protuberances : elytra ovate, with 4 elevated longitudinal lines on each, and an abbreviated one on each side of the scutellum, with double rows of strong punc- tures between them ; the base is clouded with brown, as well as an indistinct band before the middle and a transverse oval mark towards the apex ; there are also a few black spots across the centre. This, which is not a common species, has never been figured in any work. It occurs in July in Battersea Fields, on damp banks and hedges, also at Leith-hill, Ealing, Dover, in Nor- folk, &c. 7- E. nubilus Oliv. 3. 38. pi. 1./ 2. April, under stones, on banks, and damp sandy places everywhere. The Plant is Ruppia maritima (Tassel Pond-weed). t c^U, 4, c^glp dL,.- /• mo Sf 7- y£30 291. ENICOCERUS GIBSONI. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Helophoridae Leach . Type of the Genus , Enicocerus Gibson i Curt. Enicocerus Steph. — Hydrsenar Alir. Antennce inserted before the eyes, as long as the head, 1 1 ?- jointed, basal joint very long and curved, geniculated at the base, 2nd large obovate-truncate, 3rd and 4th very obscure, 5th and 6th minute, the remainder more robust, pubescent, the 7th being oblong, 8th and 9th turbinate, 10th and 11th larger, the former cup-shaped, the latter suborbicular (6). Labrum exserted, semiorbicular, ciliated with short stout bristles, the anterior margin deeply notched in the middle (1). Mandibles subtrigonate, horny externally, with an internal mem- branous margin, the apex bent and acute, with a slender tooth below (2). ' Maxillce terminated by a narrow lobe, with a broader ciliated one on the inside, furnished with 2 or 3 blunt teeth at the apex. Palpi 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd and 3rd of equal length, the former clavate, the latter subovate, 4th small papillseform (3). Mentum cup-shaped, the angles slightly lobed. Labium large, subtrigonate-truncate, slightly emarginate, with 2 or 3 curved bristles on each side. Palpi very obscure (4). Head elongated , subtrigonate at the base. Eyes lateral and very pro- minent. Thorax subcor date-truncate, broader than the head. Scu- tellum none. Elytra much broader than the thorax and oval. Wings twice as long as the elytra, the inferior margin ciliated. Legs rather slender. Tibiae simple, furnished with small spurs. Tarsi 4 -jointed, 3 first joints small , 4th large , clavate. Claws simple (5). Gibsoni Smith MSS. Black, more or less aeneous. Antennae oehreous, fuscous at the apex. Palpi piceous. Head and thorax sparingly punctured, the former with two oblique foveae, meeting at the back part of the head. Thorax with the tips of the anterior angles and the lateral margin towards the posterior angles diaphanous ; a strong chan- nel down the centre, six foveolets near the anterior margin and a longitudinal groove forming the anterior lobes, and a large oval and oblique fovea on each side towards the base. Elytra with 10 deep, punctured striae on each, the alternate interstices slightly elevated. Legs ferruginous. Tarsi tips of tibiae and thighs black. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The more elongated head and conspicuous notched upper lip, as well as the thorax, which is narrowed behind, and the con- vex not depressed elytra, will readily distinguish these insects from Ochthebius, to which they are very closely allied, and may be easily confounded with them. The following species were taken by Mr. Gibson of Hebden Bridge, near Halifax, Yorkshire, and transmitted to me by Mr. John Smith of Bury, Lancashire, who informs me that they were found on stones in the bed of the river Hebden ; and as only one of them has hitherto been described, I shall subjoin their specific distinctions. 1. E. viridiaeneus Steph.pl . 15. f. 6. Cupreous, sometimes greenish. Head and thorax slightly punctured, the latter very convex, with only 2 foveolets, and the basal oblique foveae are long and narrow, not oval ; in other respects like No. 3. Taken in October. 2. E. tristis Gibson MSS. Very like No. 1. Black, the thorax less punctured, and the anterior foveolet scarcely visible. This probably is only a smooth variety of E. viridi- ceneus. 3. E. Gibsoni Curtis Brit. Ent.pl. 291. Thorax more depressed and much more strongly punc- tured, with 6 anterior foveolets, and the basal foveae broad and oval. Ahrens’s fig. 7, fascicle 8, is intended probably for one of these insects, although it is named by him Ochthebius pygmams. With these curious insects Mr. Smith obligingly transmitted specimens of Conferva Jluviatilis , from the same locality. 250. OCHTHEBIUS HYBERNICUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Helophoridae Leaclu Type of the Genus Hydrophilus impressus Marsh. Ochthebius Leach., Sam., Gyll., Steph. — Hydraena Lat., III. — Elo- phorus Fab., Payk. — Hydrophilus Marsh. Antennce inserted close to and before the eyes, 11-jointed, basal joint very long, slightly curved, producing 2 bristles, 2nd shorter robust, ovate, 3rd and 4th minute and obscure, 5th and 6th rather small, the latter cup-shaped ; the remainder forming a large very pubescent club, the 7th joint being the smallest and orbicular, the 3 following cup-shaped, the terminal one sub- rotund (6). Labrum semiorbicular, slightly notched and ciliated (1). Mandibles short and broad, the apex emarginate, below which is a long tridentate tooth, a portion of the internal margin mem- branous (2). Maxillce short horny and cleft towards the apex, the superior por- tion armed with small teeth, the inferior composed of broad crowd- ed dentiform spines. Palpi scarcely so long as the antennae and much longer than the maxillae, 4-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd and 3rd of nearly equal length, the former subclavate, the latter robust, obovate-elongate, 4th slender, linear, much shorter (3). Mentum large, suborbicular, the sides emarginate, posterior angles truncated. Palpi very small, triarticulate, basal joint the stoutest. Labium broad and short slightly emarginate and pubescent (4). Head lengthened and narrowed anteriorly. Clypeus entire. Eyes small, globose and prominent. Thorax transverse oblong, slightly produced over the Scutellum which is triangular. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, suboval. Wings twice as long as the elytra and, almost destitute of nervures. Tibiae compressed, dilated towards the apex, anterior serrated on the outside. Tarsi lb -jointed, the basal joint very imperfect, 2nd and 3rd short, not so long as the 4th, and the 5th as long as the others united. Claws long, slender and bent (5, a fore leg). Obs. The dissections are from O. hybernicus Nob. Hybernicus Nob. Dull cupreous, sometimes inclining to black sparingly covered with long whitish hairs. Palpi and antennae ochreous, rather fuscous at their tips. Head and thorax punctured, the former with 3 foveae on the crown of the head, one close to the base $ the latter with the anterior margin and the posterior angles membranous and transparent 5 a deep channel between 2 long foveae on the back and a large depression at each of the angles. Elytra not striated, but covered with large deep punctures, ap- pearing rather regular under a weak lens, but scattered under a high power. Legs ferruginous, the tarsi piceous at their tips. In the Cabinets of Mr. Holiday and the Author. Ochthebius is readily distinguished from Hydrochus on the one side, by the slender terminal joint of the maxillary palpi, and from Hydraena on the other, by the inferior length of those palpi, which in Hydraena are longer than the antennae. In dissecting this minute insect, the labium and its palpi were slightly injured ; and it is necessary to state that the 3rd and 4th joints of the antennae may be obsolete in some of the spe- cies, and were very indistinct in the one dissected. The Ochthebii are found in ponds and ditches in April, May, and June, and on the shores of the sea and rivers. 1. O. aeratus Step . — Taken near London. 2. nanus Step. — Taken in the New Forest by Mr. D. Bydder. 3. rufimarginatus Step . — Near London. 4. bicolon Kirby MSS. — Germ. p. 92.— Near London and in Scotland? 5. pygmaeus Fab., Gyll., AJir. ? 8. 7. — riparia III. — im- pressus Marsh. ? — Near London, in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. 6. marinus PayJc., Gyll. — margipallens Lat. ? — On the shore of the Humber near Hull. 7. dilatatus leach MSS. — Near London, in Norfolk, Dor- setshire, Devon, &c. The authentic specimens in the British Museum have a subdiaphanous spot on each side the thorax, at the posterior angles, as in O. hy- bernicus. 8. hybernicus Curtis Brit . Ent. pi. 250. For specimens of this fine species I am indebted to A. H. Haliday, Esq. who took them the end of last March upon rushes on the shore of the Bay of Belfast after the tide had retired. From all the foregoing species it is distinguished by the irregular punctation of the elytra, &c. and from the fol- lowing by its inferior size, the remarkable somewhat diapha- nous spots at the posterior angles of the thorax, and by the long white hairs which are scattered over the insect. 9. O. punctatus Step . The plant is Lysimachia vulgaris (Yellow Loosestrife.) / \ 7-/130 307. b\ HYDR/ENA TESTACEA. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Helophoridae Leach . Type of the Genus, Hydrsena riparia Kug. Hydrjena Kug., Germ,., Sam., Steph. — Elophorus Gyll. — Hydrophi- lus Mar. Antennae inserted close to and before the eyes, not longer than the head and concealed beneath it, curved, 8?-jointed, basal joint very long, 2nd not so long, 3rd short, very much and acutely produced on the inside, the remainder more robust submoniliform and pubescent, the terminal joint the largest (6). Labrum horny large transverse and bilobed (1). Mandibles undiscovered. Maxillae small, furnished at the apex with an articulated ovate lobe and a ciliated one internally. Palpi as long as the thorax, 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd very long bent arid clavate, 3rd very much shorter, subclavate, 4th twice as long, more robust and fusiform (3). Mentum rather large and subquadrate, dilated at the base, the anterior margin angulated ciliated and acuminated in the centre (4) . Labium and Palpi undiscovered. Head oblong dilated at the base where the Eyes are situated, touching the Thorax which is subquadrate, the sides being slightly convex and angulated. Scutellum minute. Elytra broader than the thorax more or less oval. Wings twice as long as the body and ciliated. Thighs incrassated at the middle. Tibiae simple. Tarsi rather long, 4 an- terior 5- jointed , 1st and 2nd joints very short, 3rd and 4th a little longer, 5th very long (5) ; posterior pair 4-jointed, basal joint ob- scure, 2nd short , 3rd long, 4th very long (5 f). Claws bent and acute. Testacea Curtiss Guide, Genus 108. 3. Pale dirty ochreous, not shining. Head black, deeply and thickly punctured especially on the crown. Thorax brown, anterior and posterior margins ochreous, an impression down each side the whole surface variolous. Elytra much broader than the thorax and ovate, each having about 1 1 lines of large and deep punc- tures leaving a mere line of surface between them. Antennae, palpi and legs pale ochreous. In the Cabinets of Mr. Dale, Mr. Walker, and the Author. Most of the Water-beetles are remarkable for having long external palpi, but in none is this character so striking as in the little insects before us, in which they are triple the length of the antennae. Having been so fortunate as to double the number of Bri- tish species within the last twelve months, and 3 only of them being described in the works of this country, I shall subjoin their characters. 1. II. riparia Rug. — longipalpis Mars. — Ahr. 8. 6.— mini- mus Fab. ? — Gyll. — Kugellani Leach. Larger than H. testacea ; dull black, head and thorax coarsely punctured ; elytra dull castaneous, each having about 15 regular lines of distinct punctures; palpi and antennse bright ochre. May : ponds, Hampstead-heath ; Parley-heath, Hants ; Glanville’s Wootton, and near Halifax. 2. H. pusilla Step.pl. l^.f- 3. — nigrita? Germ. p. 93. Similar to No. 1, but shorter and proportionably broader; entirely of a shining blueish black, excepting the antennae, palpi, and legs, which are pale ferruginous. Taken by Mr. Gibson in the river Hebden near Halifax, near Carlisle, in Devon, &c. 3. H. elongata Curtis MSS. As long as No. 1, but narrower; dull black, crown of head and thorax coarsely punctured; elytra shining piceous in- clining to castaneous, the suture rather keeled, 6 rows of very strong punctures on each, and 3 or 4 less distinct next the exterior margin ; palpi ochreous ; legs blackish castaneous, the knees and tarsi ochreous. Taken by Mr. Gibson in the bed of the river Hebden, and communicated by Mr. E. Hobson. 4. H. testacea Curtis Brit. Ent. pi. 307. Specimens of this very distinct species were presented to me by Mr. F. Walker, who took them near Southgate: and Mr. Dale has found it early in the spring in a pond at Glanville’s Wootton, Dorset. 5. H. pulchella Germ. Ins. Spec. v. 1 .p. 94. n. 161. Half as large as No. 4, narrow and very glossy, blackish- castaneous ; head black, sparingly punctured ; thorax narrow- est at the base, with a channel down each side, strongly but sparingly punctured, black, the anterior and posterior mar- gins castaneous ; elytra subcastaneous, with about 9 lines of deep and large punctures on each, faintest towards the suture and apex ; palpi and legs pale ferruginous. I took a specimen last May in Dorsetshire, I believe near Glanville’s Wootton. 6. H. rufipes Curtis's Guide , Genus 108. n. 5. — Very small, black, with reddish legs. Taken by Mr. Haliday, the beginning of May, under a stone in a rivulet at Woodside, Cheshire. 7. H. minutissima Step. 2. 118. — Gyll. P v.l.p. 136. n. 12.— Very minute. Ovate, piceous black ; thorax channeled in the middle behind ; elytra smooth, and palest at the apex ; an- tennse and legs pale. — Gyll. The plant is Hydrochar is Morsus-rance (Common Frog-bit). . 6a 7- 394. ■ SPERCHEUS EMARGINATUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Hydrophilidae. Type of the Genus, Spercheus emarginatus Fab. Spercheus Fab., Lat., Gyll., Sam., Curt. — Hydrophilus III., Mars., Fab. Antennae inserted beneath the clypeus, close to the eyes, very short and capitate, 6-jointed, basal joint the longest, elongate obovate, smooth, producing a few hairs near the apex, the re- mainder very hairy, the 2nd being the largest and subglobose, 3rd saucer-shaped, 4th and 5th cup-shaped, 6th ovate (6). Labrum short transverse, the sides rounded, margin slightly con- cave and densely ciliated (1). Mandibles subtrigonate, dilated and rounded externally towards the apex which is curved and bifid with a thin coriaceous lobe below, densely pubescent (2). Maxillae with a large internal lobe truncated and ciliated with long bristles at the top, the internal angle produced and minutely denticulated, external lobe long, curved and subulate, distinctly articulated near the base, the apex and internal margin ciliated with long bristles. Palpi long naked and 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd and 3rd long of equal length, clavate, 4th much longer stouter and clavate (3). Mentum very large transverse oblong. Lip short and very broad, horny excepting a small portion in the middle, concave in front and ciliated with long close hairs, a detached lobe at each extre- mity from which rise the Palpi, they are triarticulate, the basal joint short, 2nd obovate and pilose, 3rd the longest, elliptic- conical (4). Head broad, the sides margined and slightly reflected anteriorly form- ing a deep notch in the centre and concealing the trophi. Eyes small and remote. Thorax broad and short the sides margined. Scutellum elonga te- trigonate. Sternum simple. Elytra hemispherical, truncated at the base, much larger than the abdomen. Wings ample. Legs compressed, very similar, formed for walking. Tibiae simple very much compressed. Tarsi not very long, 5 -jointed, 4 first joints very short, 5th very long and clavate. Claws bent strong and acute. Pulvilli horny (5, afore leg). Emarginatus Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 1. pars 1 . p. 183. n. 1 . — Curtis's Guide, Gen. 1 10. 1 . — sordidus Marsh, p. 403. 5. — verrucosus Marsh. 404. 6. var. In the Author's and other Cabinets. Although this insect bears a strong resemblance to the Hy- drophilidae, it is by no means easy to ascertain its exact affi- nities ; the long and remarkable external lobe of the maxillae somewhat resembles that of Gyrinus [pi. 79.), next to which Latreille arranged Spercheus in his Genera Crustaceorum ; but he has since made it follow Georissus, a genus nearly allied to Elmis, but having fewer joints in the antennae. The economy and habits of Spercheus are very similar to those of Helophorus, and it will probably be found to connect the Hydrophilidae with the Helophoridae. The remote labial palpi and the feet (all formed for walking, and the tibiae with- out spurs at the apex,) assimilate it with the latter group, and show that it is not so nearly related to Berosus as would be imagined at first sight. Dr. Horsfield brought from Java a small species described by Mr. W. S. MacLeay in his Annulosa Javanica , under the name of ‘ platycephalus\ the only one that has been discover- ed, excepting our European species. S. emarginatus, Fab . — Curt. Brit . Ent. pi. 394?. Dull piceous covered with coarse shallow punctures ; palpi ochraceous: base of antennae, margins of the clypeus and thorax, especially the sides of the latter, ferruginous : elytra lurid, with numerous longitudinal rows of punctures, sometimes leaving three or more slightly elevated lines towards the external margin ; on each side the suture is a piceous line with 3 or 4? irre- gular spots issuing from it of the same colour ; also fuscous marks on the disc. Legs brown and ochre ; tarsi somewhat ferruginous tipped with black. This insect delights in muddy ditches and stagnant waters, and is now very rare in England ; it must however have been taken formerly round the metropolis in some abundance, as specimens were preserved in most of the old London cabinets. The elytra have been found on the banks of the Serpentine river in Kensington Gardens ; it has also been taken near Windsor, I believe in March, and the end of July a few years since Messrs. Chant and Bentley captured several specimens at the roots of aquatic plants in ditches on Yaxley Fen in Huntingdonshire, since which time it has not been detected. The Plant is Ranunculus Lingua (Great Spearwort). i >3 239. HYDROUS PICEUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Hydrophilidse Leach , Lat. Type of the Genus Dytiscus piceus Linn. Hydrous Linn. MSS., Leach, Sam. — Hydrophilus DeG., Geof, Fab., Oliv., Lat., Marsh., Gyll. — Dytiscus Linn. Antennae inserted upon the anterior margin of the eyes at the base of the mandibles, shorter than the head, naked, 9 -jointed ; basal joint large, bent, slender at its base ; 2nd and 3 following slender and cylindric, the 2nd being oblong, the others trans- verse ; the Gth and following forming a perfoliated coriaceous club, the Gth joint being somewhat cup-shaped, the 7th and 8th transverse lunate, produced above, the 9th subtrigonate (6). Labrum exserted, naked, very broad and short, being transverse- oval (1). Mandibles large, bent, acute, notched near the apex, with 3 strong emarginate teeth on the inside, pubescent at their base (2). Maxillae short terminated by an indexed and dilated articulate lobe, ciliated with rigid bristles, 2 smaller lobes on the inside, the upper one producing 2 strong curved bristles, the lower one ciliated and pubescent. Palpi very long and drooping, 4-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd very long, subclavate, 3rd rather shorter and slenderer, 4th much shorter elongate-ovate (3). Mentum transverse semi-octagonal. Labium thick and rigid, formed of 2 lobes uniting in the centre and pubescent at their margin. Palpi short, rising from 2 short fixed scapes, triarticu- late, basal joint small, 2nd long robust subclavate, 3rd shorter slender subfusiform (4). Clypeus entire. Head obtuse. Eyes remote globose. Thorax trans- verse trigonate emarginate before. Postpectus heeled , terminated in a spine at the extremity of the metasternum and extending beyond the coxae. Scutellum large, triangular. Elytra broad, convex somewhat attenuated to the apex. Wings ample. Legs, anterior the shortest, posterior the longest. Tibiae armed with very long spurs. Tarsi all 5- jointed , 4 first joints very short in the anterior pair, the 5 th long, dilated and triangular in the male, producing 2 simple but unequal Claws : four posterior Tarsi formed for swimming, compressed, ci- liated internally, basal joint short oblique, 2nd long. Claws hooked and bifid, with a strong bristle between them (5, fore leg of female ). Larvae inhabiting the water. Piceus Linn. Faun. Suec. p. 214. n. 764. Male. Piceous, smooth, shining. Antennae and palpi ferruginous. Elytra with the margin reflecting green and crimson, each with 4 punctured lines between 2 faint striae, increasing in depth to the apex. Tarsi inclining to castaneous, ciliated with ferruginous hairs. Female more glossy and olivaceous. In the Author's and other Cabinets. This fine insect, the largest of our water-beetles, has remark- ably strong and curiously denticulated mandibles (not unlike the under jaw of some Mammalia): its entire labrum, short 2nd joint of the antennae, bifid claws (not recurved at the base), and the attenuated elytra, are also very different from those of Hydrophilus caraboides , to which it is most nearly re- lated ; and the singular structure of the male anterior feet is confined to our insect. The larva of Hydrous is a soft disgusting animal, living ap- parently amongst the mud in ditches : it is full-grown in July, when it leaves the water and forms a cell under dung or in the earth, where it becomes a pupa. The female beetles of this family, like spiders, deposit their eggs in a web. “ In form,” says Mr. Kirby, speaking of the egg-pouch of II. pi- ceus , 66 it somewhat resembles a turnip when reversed, the greater diameter of which is f ths of an inch.” “ At its base is the opening prepared for the egress of the larvae when hatched, which is closed by some threads, that, by means of the air con- fined in the cocoon or pouch, hinder the water from getting in. This nidus does not float at liberty in the water till after the eggs are hatched, the parent animal always attaching it to some plant. By means of this anomalous process for a beetle, which this insect is instructed by Providence thus to perfect, the precious contents of its little ark are secured from the ac- tion of the elements which is to be the theatre of their first state of existence, from the voracity of fishes, or the more ra- pacious larvae of its own tribe, until the included eggs are hatched and emerge from their curious cradle.” Figures 12 to 1 6 in Lesser’s Lyonnet represent H. piceus in its different stages. The perfect insects appear to be more abundant in the neighbourhood of London than in the country, and may be found during the whole year under weeds, &c. in ponds and ditches. I have taken the larvae at Whittlesea Mere, and the beetles near Norwich ; and for very fine specimens I am in- debted to Mr. John Atkinson, of Grove-end, who took them near the Regent’s Park. The plant is Poa ( Triodia Brown) decumbens (Decumbent Meadow-grass). =___ 159. HYDROPHILUS CARABOIDES. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Hydrophilidse Leach., Lat . Type of the Genus Dytiscus caraboides Linn. Hydkopiiilus Geoff., Fab., Lat., Leach.- — Dytiscus Linn. Antennae inserted at the base of the mandibles, close to the eyes, under the c.lypeus ; shorter than the head, naked, 9 -join ted, basal joint robust bent, 2nd slender as long as the 3 following united, which are subquadrate, the remainder forming a per- foliate, velvety club, the 1st joint the smallest, 2nd and 3rd transverse, 4th ovate, truncated obliquely (fig. 6). Labrum very short and broad, naked, emarginate (1). Maydibles rather large, bent acute and bifid at the apex, internal edge thin and ciliated (2) . Maxillae small, producing 2 lobes, external one large, composed of 2 joints the 2nd membranous and ciliated with strong hairs at the apex ; internal lobe cleft, the superior portion minute ci- liated, and terminated by a rigid bristle, the inferior lobe pro- ducing strong bristles at the apex, and ciliated on the margin. Palpi very long, naked, 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd long robust clavate, 3rd not so long, 4th shorter subfusiform, slightly bent (3). Mentum transverse quadrate, sinuated at the anterior angles. Lip broad bilobed, ciliated, coriaceous in the disk, sides mem-, branous. Palpi remote, attached to the membranous sides of the lip, short, 3 -jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd clavate, 3rd bent, subfusiform (4). Clypeus large entire, covering the mouth. Eyes remote prominent , reniform. Thorax keeled beneath, terminated in a spine at the ex- tremity of the poststernum not extending beyond the trochanters . Scutellum triangular. Coleoptra ovate very convex. Wings ample , formed for flying. Legs rather long. Tibiae furnished with strong spurs at their apex. Tarsi simple, alike in both sexes, anterior the slenderest (5) ; 4 posterior longer, compressed, producing hair down the sides for swimming ; 5- jointed , basal joint nearly obsolete (5 fa), 3 following short in the anterior pair , the 2nd longer than the termi- nal one in the posterior. Claws very much bent, dentate at their base. Caraboides Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 664. 2. — Faun . Suec. 765. — Marsh . 402. 2. Black shining, minutely but not deeply punetured. Head and thorax with a few large punctures on their sides, the former with an impression close to the eye, the latter with 2 in the disk. Elytra irregularly punctured on the outer margin, each having 4 irregularly-punctured striae. Beneath dull, pubescent. An- tennae and palpi ferruginous, the club of the former black. Tibiae and tarsi castaneous black, the hair upon the latter ferruginous. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The Hydrophili , as the name implies, delight in the water : — 66 They may be seen (says the author of the Elements of Na- tural History ) in ponds during the summer, frequently rising to the surface for fresh air ; they swim well, and when laid on their back restore themselves by whirling round; they rest in the shade, keep in water during the day, come abroad in the evening, and are sometimes found sitting on the plants by the edge; they fly by night; after having been long out of the water they cannot dive but with difficulty.” — Latreille observes, that the Hydrophili when in the water conceal their antennae under the sides of the head, and advance the palpi ; but when they are taken out of that element, they develop those organs, from which it appears that the antennae are of little use to them when immersed. The larvae, which reside also in the water, are carnivorous: the perfect insects are said to feed principally upon aquatic plants. The genus Hydrophilus is distinguished from Hydrous by the simple tarsi of the males, and from Hydrobius of Leach by the acuminate sternum. The species figured, the only one known to inhabit our island, is exceedingly abundant in the ponds and ditches round London, where it may be found from January to June, and longer probably, living through the winter: in some parts of the country it is less plentiful. — We are indebted to Mr. Chant for the sight of a specimen taken in August at Islington, which at first appeared to be a new species, being of a dull brown colour with ochraceous legs ; but after a careful examination we think these differences arise from its being an immature specimen. The plant is Poa fuitans (Flote Meadow-Grass). 243. HYBROBXUS CHALCONOTUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Hydrophilidse Leach , Lat . Type of the Genus Dytiscus fuscipes Linn. Hydrobius Leach., Sam. — Hydrophilus Lat., Fab., Marsh., Gyll. , Germ. — Dytiscus Linn. Antennce inserted before the eyes at the base of the mandibles, not so long as the head, 9-jointed, basal joint long, curved, sub- clavate, 2nd much shorter elongate-ovate, 3rd slender and short, but longer than the 4th and 5th which are transverse, 6th con- siderably broader, somewhat boat-shaped, forming a cup to re- ceive the perfoliated and pubescent club, the 2 first joints of which are transverse kidney-shaped, the terminal one the largest subovate (6). Labrum transverse, punctured, with a line of deep impressions at the base, sides rounded, anterior edge slightly emarginate (1). Mandibles subtrigonate, bent and bifid at the apex y internal side densely ciliated with strong hairs (2). Maxillce rather long, terminated by an articulated lobe, ciliated with long bent bristles, a narrower lobe on the inside, ciliated also and having several short spines at the apex. Palpi long, naked, 4-jointed, basal joint small, 2nd and 4th long, of equal length, the latter convex on the outside, rounded at the apex, 3rd shorter, narrowed at the base (3). Mentum large, transverse^oblong, slightly narrowed before, the * margin convex. Lip short and broad, narrowed at the base, an- terior margin producing long silky hairs, slightly concave, angles truncated, notched in the middle, with a small tooth. Palpi re- mote, slightly hairy, triarticulate, basal joint minute, 2nd long, broadest at the apex, 3rd shorter, external side convex (4). Oval or globose. Clypeus entire. Eyes simple, remote. Thorax sub- conic, truncated anteriorly. Postpectus simple. Scutellum distinct. Elytra rounded at the apex. Wings ample. Legs alike in both sexes. Tibise spurred, anterior producing short spines exiernally. Tarsi 5 -jointed, A first joints short, of equal size in the anterior pair , 5th long. Claws simple (5, afore leg). Chalconotus Sam. Ent. Comp. p. 368. Piceous black, with a green and crimson cast (especially when alive), minutely, thickly and beautifully punctured j elytra with 10 finely punctured striae on each, strongest towards the apex, the spaces between the 2nd and 3rd, 4th and 5th, 6th and 7th, and 8th and 9th, with an irregular row of stronger punctures 5 beneath dull black 5 antennae, palpi, and legs castaneous, the club of the former fuscous, the thighs and tibiae very dark. In the Author's and other Cabinets. Some species of this genus are oval, and others nearly globose ; the trophi also vary considerably, but the simple postpectus or sternum will distinguish the Hydrobii from Hydrophilus. They live in ditches, ponds, and stagnant waters, and are most abundant in April and May; but many, if not all of them, may be found during the whole year. The following are British species arranged according to their affinities. 1. H. fuscipes Linn . — aquaticus Linn. — Scarabseoides Fab ., Panz . 67. 12. — Common everywhere. 2. chalconotus Sam. — Curtis Brit. Ent. pi. 243. — Taken the middle of April in a pond near Lynn, Norfolk, by Mr. Davis, who presented me with specimens ; for others I am indebted to Mr. Stone, who took them in a pond of brackish water at Gravesend the end of August. 3. substriatus Marsh. MSS. — This is probably only a dull pitchy variety of the last, and may be the H. picipes Fab. 4. melanocephalus Fab., Oliv. 3. tab. 2. f. 12. a. b. — H. torquatus, dermestoides, and ochropterus Marsh. are varieties. 5. bicolor PayJc ., Gyll. — lividus Lat. — fulvus Marsh. 6. griseus 111 ., Fab. — bicolor Fab. — chrysomelinus Fab., Panz. 67. 15. — lividus Herb., Marsh., Oliv. 7. margipallens ? Marsh. 8. marginellus Fab. — affinis PayJc., Gyll. 9. globulus PayJc., Gyll. — minutus Oliv. 3. tab . 2 .f. 13. 1 0. foveolatus Have. Ent. Trans, p. 86. — June, near London. 11. bipustulatus Marsh. 406. 13. 12. Colon. From Mr. Blunt’s cabinet. 13. minutus Linn., Gyll. — bipunctatus Fab., Oliv., Panz. 67. 14. — Marsh. 14. orbicularis Fab., Oliv., Panz. 67. 13. 15. seneus Stev., Germ. — I have two specimens taken in or near the New Forest, Hants. 16. Seminulum PayJc., Gyll. — nigrinus Marsh. I must not omit to observe, that Mr. A. Mathews detected several individuals of II. griseus carrying egg-pouches under their abdomens. The plant is Inula crithmoides (Samphire-leaved Fleabane), communicated by Mr. Gray, who found it in the Isle of Wight. I gathered it this year on the coast of Essex. 5'- /t2t 240, BEROSUS TRICEPS. U Order Coleoptera. Fam. Hydrophilidae Leach , Lat. Type of the Genus Dytiscus luridus Linn, Berosus Leach , Sam.— Hydrophilus DeG., Fab., Oliv., Lat., Gyll., Marsh. — Dytiscus Linn. Antenncc inserted close to the eyes at the base of the mandibles, 8-jointed, basal joint long, robust, slightly bent, subclavate, 2nd shorter, slightly attenuated, 3rd and 4th small, somewhat obtri- gonate, 5th cup-shaped, the remainder forming a perfoliated pi- lose club, the Gth and 7th joints equal somewhat bowl-shaped, the terminal one large subglobose (6). Labrum transverse, anterior margin semi-oval and ciliated (l). Mandibles subtrigonate, bent, tridentate at the apex, producing 2 broad lobes on the inside, each being tridentate at the apex, the lower one ciliated at the base (2). Maxillce small, producing a broad rounded lobe on the inside and an indexed one at the apex, both ciliated with coarse hairs. Palpi very long, 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd long, clavate, 3rd shorter, narrowed at the base, 4th nearly as long as the 2nd, subfusiform-truncate (3). Mentum transverse, broadest at the base, the anterior margin forming an obtuse angle. Lip very broad and short, sides an- gulated, anterior margin curved and ciliated, slightly notched in the centre. Palpi very remote short and triarticulate, basal joint minute, 2nd and. 3rd of equal length, the former obovate-trun- cate, the latter subovate, producing a bristle externally (4). Head bent down. Eyes globose, rather prominent. Thorax convex broader than the head. Scutellum small. Elytra globose , considerably broader than the thorax. Wings very ample. Anterior feet the shortest. Thighs very much dilated at the base. Tibiae spurred . Tarsi 3-jointed; 1 st joint obsolete, 2nd large, and 3rd slightly di- lated in the males ; 4 basal joints short of equal size in the females, ciliated beneath with bristles, 3th very long. Four Posterior legs natatorious, the Tarsi long attenuated, ciliated, 3 -jointed, basal joint small obscure, 2nd the longest. Claws slightly denticulated at the base, with a membranous slender Pulvillus the apex (5, fore leg of B. aericeps fern .from which all the dissections were taken). .Ericeps Spence MSS. — luridus Oliv. No. 39. pi. 1 .Jig. 3. c,f. Ovate, shining, dull ochreous. Head and thorax thickly and finely punctured, the former green with a cupreous tinge, the latter with a small oval greenish black spot on the back, divided longitudinally by a ferruginous line. Scutellum black. Elytra with a few hairs beyond the middle, having 1 1 crenated striae on each, the 2nd from the suture abbreviated, the surface punctured, the spaces between the 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th, and 7th and 8th striae being the strongest ; each elytron has also 6 rather obscure black spots, one towards the base, the next nearer the suture, the others beyond the middle. Underside dull blackish $ Legs ochraceous, the 4 posterior coxae fuscous. In the Author's and other Cabinets . I possess three species of the genus Berosus, all of which ap- pear to have been confounded by Continental writers under the name of Hydrophilus luridus , unless the II. signaticollis of Megerle be intended for one of them. The insect figured, however, was many years since distinguished and named by my friend Mr. Spence, whose Monograph upon the Cholevse, as well as his share in the labours of the “ Introduction to En- tomology,” bear ample testimony to his talent as a Naturalist, and have rendered his name familiar to every student in En- tomology. I cannot perhaps do better than proceed to give the charac- ters of the species : all of them are inhabitants of ponds and stagnant water, and are found from February to November, and probably the rest of the year. 1. B. aericeps Spence . — Curt. Brit . Ent.pl . 240. This insect is rather rare in Norfolk, and is found occa- sionally in the neighbourhood of London. 2. B. luridus Linn . Faun. Suec. n. 767. — Oliv. No. 39. pi. 1. fig. a , b. — Panzer’s figure (7. 3.) of H. luridus , if cor- rectly coloured, is another species. Similar to the last, but only half the size. Head more bril- liant in colour. Thorax with the spot considerably broader, but suddenly narrowed anteriorly and not divided down the middle. Elytra with the spaces uniformly punctured, not al- ternately stronger, a black spot near the middle close to the suture, and three beyond the middle extending across rather obliquely. Tips of the tibiae and tarsi fuscous. This is a common insect in Norfolk and round London. 3. B. globosus Nob. Like the last in size, but more obtuse and globose ; ferru- ginous-ochre, shining, the head and thorax more deeply punc- tured, the latter with a short smooth elevated ferruginous line in the centre, the crenated striae on the elytra are very deep and black, the spots disposed as in B. luridus . Legs ferrugi- nous, four posterior coxae blackish, but not the tips of the tibiae and tarsi. This new species I obtained from the late Mr. Blunt’s ca- binet, but am not able to say whether it was taken in Essex or at Whittlesea Mere. The plant is Cochlearia anglica (English Scurvy-grass). !h /%3f' 518. SPTLERIDIUM QUADRIMACULATUM. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Sphaeridiidae. Type of the Gems, Dermestes scarabseoides Linn. Speueridium Fab., Oliv., Gyll., Curt. — Dermestes Linn., Mars. Antennae inserted under the margin of the head, at the base of the mandibles, short clavate and 8 -jointed, basal joint long, incrassated at both ends, and bent at the base, 2nd subovate, 3rd very small cup-shaped, 4th and 5th very short and saucer- shaped, the latter the largest, the remainder forming a large velvety club, the 6th joint somewhat cup-shaped, 7th transverse, 8th similar in shape at the base, with the apex produced on one side, rounded and excavated (6). Labrum short, very broad and densely ciliated (1). Mandibles curved and acute at the apex, with a densely ciliated membranous margin on the inside (2). Maxillae terminated by a bifid pubescent lobe, with another ciliated one lower down on the inside, having a pencil of hairs above it. Palpi longer than the maxillae and 4 -jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd stout and a little longer than the 3rd, which is clavate, 4th shorter fusiform-truncate (3). Menturn transverse subquadrate, anterior margin transparent, the angles rounded. Palpi attached to short scapes beneath the anterior margin of the menturn, short and triarticulate, basal joint minute, 2nd elongate subovate, hairy at the apex, 3rd slender and oval. Lip short, gradually but rather deeply notched in the centre, the margin ciliated with long hairs (4) . Head nearly orbicular : eyes small lateral and placed near the base, frequently immersed. Thorax hemispherical, concave before , convex at the base ; sternum forming a spine behind : scutellum elongate- trigonate. Elytra subovate, truncated at the base : wings ample. Legs rather short : thighs elongate-ovate and compressed : tibiae armed with stout spines, and furnished with strong spurs at the apex: tarsi nearly as long as the tibice, slender and simple in the female, 5 -jointed, anterior pair with the first 4 joints very short in the male, 5th large and dilated towards the apex, terminated by a strong hooked claw, and a smaller one with a horny dilated appendage between them (5, afore leg, a, the tarsus detached to show the joints), in the other tarsi the basal joint is the longest, the 2nd 3rd and 4th being very short, and the terminal one long and clavate. Quadrimaculatum Mars. var. — Curt. Guide, Gen. 116. 3. In the Author s and other Cabinets. The Sphaeridia are not only similar in appearance to the Hydrophilidae, but are so closely allied in structure, that nothing can be more natural than their association in a linear arrangement : in the form of the antennae, the trophi, and even of the anterior tarsi in the males, this will appear evident on comparing plates 239, 159, and 243 of this work with the one before us. The colours of Sphseridium are much more brilliant when alive. They all inhabit the dung of cows from the first warm days of spring to the end of summer, running very actively, and concealing themselves in the burrows formed by Coprophagous insects. It is very doubtful, I think, whether many of our species be more than varieties : 1. S. scarabaeoides Linn. — Don. 7. 231. 4. Sturm. D. F. tab . 21. ct Ovate black smooth, elytra with 2 obscure ferruginous spots.” Linn . F. S . No. 428. The species described under this name by Marsh am has an ochreous edge to the thorax, from which circumstance Gyl- lenhal thinks it may be a distinct species. 2. bipustulatum Fab. — Oliv. 2. No. 15. t.Q.f. 11. “ Black shining, elytra with 2 red spots at the apex, legs piceous.” Fab. E. S. 1. 78. 3. 5. lunatum Fab.? u Ovate black, elytra with a lunate yellow- ish spot at the apex : legs black.” Fab. E. S. 78. 2. 3. 4-maculatum Mars. 66. 15. Curt. B.E. 518. 9 var. Shining black, thickly and minutely punctured, thorax with the lateral margins ochreous ; elytra with a deep channel on both sides the suture, and 7 or 8 indistinct lines of punctures on each, a large bright castaneous spot between the base and middle on each side, the outer margin edged with ochre, and a lunulate ferruginous-ochre mark at the apex of each : legs ochreous, with the spines and tarsi subcastaneous, and a piceous spot on the outside of each thigh near the centre. Obs. The typical specimens have a red spot on the suture to- wards the apex. I am inclined to agree with Gyllenhal in believing that 5. 4- maculatum and marginatum are one species, for I have a variety of the latter with the apex of the elytra ochreous as in the specimen figured, wanting only the red spots. 6. marginatum Fab. — Oliv. 2. No. \5. t. 1. f. 3. “ Smooth black, margin of elytra and legs ferruginous.” Fab. E. S. 80. 11. 4. lunulatum KM., probably a small var. of the last. 7. Daltoni Step. A small species without any pale margin to the thorax, and possibly a var. of S. lunatum. The Plant \sLepidium ruderale (Narrow-leaved Pepperwort). X' ) % <3 S ■ 52. ONTHOPHAGUS TAURUS. , Order Coleoptera. Pam. Coprophagi Lat. Copridae Leach. Type of the Genus Scarabaeus nnchicornis Linn. Onthophagus Lat. Scarabaeus Linn., Fab. Copris Fab. Antennae inserted under the clypeus between the eyes and the base of the maxillae, 9-jointed, 1st joint long cylindric, 2nd glo- bose, 4 following smooth coriaceous, short, last transverse, to which is closely attached an abrupt lamellated mass of 3 joints, very pubescent (f. 6.) Labrum concealed by the clypeus, membranaceous more coriaceous at the base and down the centre, quadrate, ciliated (1.) Mandibles elongated, rounded, entire, corneous at the base, mem- branaceous towards the apex, beautifully ciliated on the internal edge (2.) Maxillae crustaceous, terminated by a large membranaceous cili- ated lobe : Palpi without hairs, 4-jointed, 1st joint slender, 2nd and 3rd short, more robust, 4th attenuated at each end, truncated (3.) Mentum quadrangular, narrowed before and behind, hirsute : Palpi very hairy, 2-jointed, 1st joint viewed in profile obovate, abruptly produced on the upper side, 2nd joint securiform, obliquely trun- cated. Lip small bilobed, concealed by the palpi (4.) Head generally furnished with horns in the males. Clypeus large , entire , somewhat semicircular , nearly concealing the eyes. Thorax broad , as long or longer than the elytra , emarginate before , rounded behind. Scutellum none. Wings 2. Posterior feet placed very far behind. Anterior tibiae the largest , strongly dentated externally , with a spine at the interior angle , 4 posterior tibiae with 2 spines at their apex. Tarsi % -jointed, terminated by simple claws (5 .a fore leg.) Taurus Linn. Syst. Nat. 2.547.26. Fab. Ent. Syst. t.l.parsl. p. 54. n. 178. Male black, glossy, hairy beneath. Clypeus punctured more thickly towards the anterior margin where it curves upward, from the posterior part of the head arise 2 long curved spreading horns, the internal edges of which unite at the base and form a transverse line. (fig. 7.) Thorax sometimes tinged with rosy and green colours, thinly punctured, smooth before, where it is depressed in the centre, with 2 other depressed lateral lines appearing like the impression of the horns upon the head. Elytra with seven punc- tured striae on each, besides the margin ; slightly pubescent towards their apex in perfect specimens. Legs hairy. Tarsi and base of antennae ferruginous.— Female similar to the male excepting the head, which has no horns but a transverse elevated line behind the eyes where the horns arise in the male, and another transverse line just before the centre, (fig. 8.) In the Cabinet of Mr. Stone, This very natural group, separated from Eabricius's genus Copris by Latreille, and named Onthophagus from its peculiar habits of life, contains the following British species: 1. 0. taurus L.; 2. Vacca L. ; 3. Austriacus Panz.; 4. Ccenobita P . ; 5. Bill - wynii Leach ; 6. nuchicornis L. ; 7. nutans E. ; 8. ovatus L. They inhabit the excrement of animals, especially the cow, during the spring and summer, and when the season is warm and favour- able so early as April. They are by no means rare, excepting 0. Vacca, which is found in the meadows about Battersea and in Epping Eorest ; 0. Billwynii, which was taken at Swansea by L. W. Dillwyn, Esq. (in honour of whom it was named by Dr. Leach) ; and 0. Taurus, a male of which was taken by a collector October 1, 1824, by the side of the New Park near Brockenhurst in the New Eorest, Hampshire. It is more than probable that any one finding the female of 0. Taurus in this country, without being aware of its inhabiting Britain, would have taken it for 0. nutans. The collector who took the specimen figured, was directed by Mr. Stone, to whom it was sent, to search diligently for more, but not another could be found ; it was far beyond the period for this genus, as a fine April or May is the right time for them ; and there is little doubt that if any one could go to the same spot at that season, he would be rewarded by finding other specimens. The horns upon the head of the male, which certainly very much resemble those of a bull (as exhibited in the coloured figure), and the front view of the head (fig. 7.) are a very strong feature to distinguish that sex by : the female, having only two elevated transverse lines upon the head (as exhibited at fig. 8.), is rendered far less striking. This last figure was drawn from a specimen in the British Museum ; it is by no means an uncom- mon insect upon the continent. I have a male from Germany ; and it is even found so near to us as Paris ; but it does not appear to be an inhabitant of the colder regions, as Gyllenhal and other writers upon Northern entomology do not describe it in their works. Pliny, who was acquainted with our insect, com- pares it to a Tick. The plant figured is Achillea Ttarmica (Sneeze Wort Yarrow). m 6? ?- )133L 414. COPRIS LUNARIS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Copridse. Type of the Genus , Scarabaeus lunaris Linn. Copris Geof, Fab., Lat., Curt. — Scarabaeus Linn., Fab., Mars. Antennce inserted beneath the clypeus and before the eyes, short small pilose and 9-jointed, basal joint long subclavate, 2nd glo- bose, 3rd obtrigonate, 3 following cup-shaped, the remainder forming a small fleshy lamellate club (6). Labrum submembranous, somewhat semicircular, the anterior margin emarginate and ciliated, pubescent with stronger short bristles in the middle confined between an oblique line of bristles on each side (1). Mandibles rather narrow thin and coriaceous, except at the base, where they are dilated thick and horny, the apex rounded pube- scent and ciliated on the inside, the outside hairy towards the base (2). Maxillae large horny and externally pilose, terminated by a large fleshy semicircular lobe, with a smaller one ciliated on the inside. Palpi slender, rather long naked and 4-jointed, basal joint short and very slender, 2nd and 3rd a little longer, nearly of equal length, the former subovate, the latter somewhat clavate, 4th rather long and subfusiform (3). Mentum somewhat ovate, truncated at the base, notched in front, very pilose. Lip broad and bilobed. Palpi scarcely so long as the mentum attached to small scapes on each side, clothed with long bristles, triarticulate, basal joint the longest, 2nd suborbicular, 3rd very slender and not longer than the 2nd (4). Clypeus semicircular, forming an angle at the eyes, the margin slightly sinuated and notched in the centre, completely concealing the mouth. Head with a horn on the crown : eyes lateral, the greater portion beneath the clypeus. Thorax transverse, semicircular, the front per- pendicular and irregular. Scutellum completely concealed. Elytra convex, semi-ovate. Wings very ample. Legs rather short but ro- bust, the middle pair remote at their insertion. Thighs very short subovate. Tibiae compressed, anterior the broadest, forming 3 or 4 large teeth on the outside, with a strong spine on the internal angle, the oihers narrow at the base and trigonate at the apex, intermediate pair serrated outside and furnished with 2 spurs, posterior emargi- nate outside towards the apex and producing one spine. Tarsi 5- jointed , anterior short and very slender , the others with the basal joints dilated, obtrigonate. Claws small and simple (5, a fore leg). Lunaris Linn. Faun. Suec. 138. 379. — Curtis's Guide, Gen . 118. 1. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The natural situation of this genus is evidently between On- thophagus and Aphodius, being nearly related to the former in structure, and many exotic species approach the latter in form, being more cylindrical and elongated than C. lunaris. The most striking peculiarities in our genus are the great length of the terminal joint of the maxillary, and the slender form of the same joint of the labial palpi ; and one of the most remarkable characters which Copris has in common with On- thophagus is the remoteness of the intermediate trochanters. Only one species inhabits Britain, which is found as far north as Sweden ; this seems to be the only one that has been discovered in cold latitudes, but there are a great many species in the warmer climates both of the old and new world. C. lunaris Linn. — Curt. Brit. Lnt. pi. 414. <$ . — emarginatus Fab . ? . Male black shining, underside and legs producing ferrugi- nous hairs : palpi and antennae castaneous : head thickly punc- tured, producing a long attenuated perpendicular horn on the crown, slightly curved, with 2 small teeth behind at the base : thorax partially punctured, with a deep channel down the centre, the anterior portion elevated and truncated at right angles, notched in the middle ; on each side a deep fovea and a strong triangular tubercle : elytra faintly punctured with 8 furrows on each, very obscurely crenated. Female with a short horn on the crown of the head, emar- ginated at the apex ; the thorax coarsely punctured before and less elevated, the large foveaa wanting, and the tubercles slightly developed (8 $ , front view of head and thorax). The horn on the head of the male is sometimes very short, and the protuberances on the thorax of the female very slight; they vary also greatly in size. C. lunaris flies towards sunset, when it emerges from holes made in the earth beneath cow-dung, where the eggs are buried, the larvae nourished and the beetles perfected, as in Geotrupes and many other Scarabaeidas. It has been taken in April in sandy situations at Charlton, and in lanes at Bexley in Kent ; and I have found it at Bungay in Suffolk occasion- ally in abundance. The Plant is Chenopodium olidum (Stinking Goosefoot). 2/ hlVZH- 27. APHODIUS VILLOSUS. ( WO Order Coleoptera. Fam. Aphodiidae. Coprophagi LaU Type of the Genus , Scarabaeus Fossor Linn. Aphodius III., Fab., Lat., Gyll., Curt. — Scarabaeus Linn., Oliv., Mars . Antennae short, capitate, inserted quite under the clypeus and before the eyes; 9-jointed, basal joint considerably the longest, stout, sub- cylindric, 2nd more or less globose, 3rd obovate-truncate, 3 following saucer-shaped, increasing in diameter, the remainder forming an ovate velvety club, of 3 nearly equal lamellae (6). Labrum concealed beneath the clypeus, membranous, transverse- ovate, anterior margin slightly sinuated and ciliated (1). Mandibles also concealed, thin and coriaceous, base dilated and cor- neous, apex rounded and striated, the margin ciliated (2). Maxillae horny, the base elongated, with a bifid pubescent lobe on the inside ; terminal lobe large, dilated and ovate at the apex, the margin and outside densely pubescent. Palpi moderate, smooth, filiform, and 4-jointed; basal joint small, sub-pyriform, 2nd and 4th the longest, the former narrowed at the base, the latter elliptic- truncate, 3rd much shorter, elongate obtrigonate (3). Mentum pilose, subovate, the base truncated, anterior margin deeply notched. Labium membranous, divided into 2 long divaricating lobes, ciliated internally. Palpi remote, short, cylindric, slightly pilose, triarticulate, basal joint the largest, obovate, 2nd similar but smaller, 3rd oval (4). Clypeus rather large, semicircular, margined, often tuber culated : eyes small, close to the base of the head and scarcely visible above. Thorax very con- vex, transverse-oblong , anterior margin concave, sinuated, sides convex : scutel trigonate, large and elongated in the type. Elytra semicylindric and oval, completely covering the abdomen : wings ample. Legs stoutish, all equi-distant : thighs short, stout, compressed, subovate, with a slightly im- pressed line on the inside producing a series of hairs, longest in the an- terior : tibiae short and dilated at the apex, anterior with 3 large rounded teeth on the outside and a spatulate spine at the apex ; the others with two sharp projecting ridges on the outside, strongly ciliated, with a pair of long spiny spurs at the apex : tarsi longish, slender and 5 -jointed, basal joint short in the anterior, elongated and the stoutest in the others, the apex sometimes lobed beneath in the intermediate, Mh joint minute, 5th clavate : claws short and slender (5, a fore leg). Villosus Schon. — Curt. Guide, Gen. 119. 33. Shining, dull ferruginous, thickly punctured and clothed with short ochreous pubescence : clypeus angulated at the base, narrowed before, neither emarginated nor tuberculated : thorax transverse, convex, with a smooth line down the centre : scutel small : elytra convex, a little depressed, piceous, more fuscous on the back, with seven broad furrows, formed by double lines of punctures, interstices flat and shining : legs and underside more or less pale piceous. In the Cabinet of the Zoological Society 70 The Aphodii or dung-beetles form an extensive genus, and are widely distributed over every quarter of the globe, but a very large portion of the species are European, and nearly sixty of them are recorded as British. The larvae, which according to Latreille are similar to those of Melolontha and Oryctes, are fleshy, annulated, and slightly hairy, with a hard horny head, 6 pectoral feet, and a vesicle at the apex of the abdomen : they live inactively in dung, upon which they feed. The beetles may be seen in the spring and autumnal months, flying in the sunshine, sometimes in swarms, even in the high roads and in pastures, or wherever horses, cows, or sheep, have left their dung, in which the beetles burrow and deposit their eggs. The equal distances at which all the coxae are inserted, at once separate Aphodius from Onthophagus (pi. 52.), andCopris (pi. 4 14-.), to which it is very nearly allied ; it is likewise further distinguished by its elongated form and distinct scutellum, and from the latter genus also by its entire clypeus and filiform jJalpi. It has been found convenient to divide the Aphodii into the fol- lowing sections : 1 . Clypeus tuherculated. * Scutellum large. 1. Fossor Linn . — Don , .2. pl.^ll.f. 3. — Sturm. Deut. Faun. 1. tab. 12. Very common from March to the end of July. ** Scutellum small. 6. Scrutator Fab.- — Pams. 31. 1. — rubidus Oliv. In the late Mr. Atkinson’s cabinet of Leeds. 16. tessulatus Payk.—Creutz. tab. 1 .f. 4. — contaminatus Panz. 47.7. April, in dung, and in December, flying on Southdown near Brighton, Mr. Walton. 25. porcus Fab. — turpis Mars. — ruficrus Mars. var. April and September, Mousehold heath, Norwich ; and Suffolk in October. I met with it in abundance flying in the sunshine, at the top of the cliff near Ramsgate. 2. Clypeus smooth. 26. rufipes Linn. — Don, 12. 417. 4. — Pz. 47. 10. — oblongus III. 33. villosus Schon. Syn. 1. 83. 60. — Curt. Brit. Ent.pl. 27. This is an extremely rare species on the Continent, and the only British specimen known is the one figured, which I found dead not far from the Devil’s dyke, near Newmarket, in August 1814, and I think I should have captured more if it had been earlier in the season: I am, however, informed by the Rev. L. Jenyns, that he has never succeeded in finding it, although he has searched very diligently. 37. plagiatus Linn.— Panz . 43. 6. On reeds in the summer at Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire. 39. Pecari Fab. — Panz. 31. 3. June in dung, Windsor. 41. Scrofa Fab. — Panz . 47. 12. — platycephalus Mars. p. 56. Said to have been taken by Dr. Leach at Pen tire Point, Cornwall. For specimens of the local and beautiful Pasque flower or Hill tulip, Anemone Pulsatilla , I am indebted to my kind friend the Rev. J. S. Henslow, who gathered them on Newmarket heath. MS 258. PS AMMODIUS SULCICOLLIS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Aphodiidae Nob . — Coprophagi Lat. Type of the Genus Aphodius sulcicollis III. Psammodius Gyll ., Lat., Leach., Dej. — -Aphodius Fab., III., Lat., Fanz., Sturm. Antennae inserted under the clypeus and before the eyes 9- jointed, pilose, basal joint rather robust oblong, 2nd subglobose, 3rd slender, pear-shaped, 3 following rather cup-shaped, the remainder forming a lamellate, very pubescent and somewhat fleshy club, the 7th and 8th joints rather boat-shaped, the 9th oval (6). Labrum concealed, transverse, transparent and coriaceous, the sides rounded, and on the under side are 2 longitudinal lines of hair ( 1 ) . Mandibles concealed, coriaceous, thin and transparent, rigid at the base, subquadrate, external edge concave, producing a few bristles, internal margin rather membranous and ciliated (2). Maxilla; very pilose on the outside, producing a horny emargi- nate lobe, with a minute membranous and pubescent one above, and a similar but larger one on the internal side. Palpi 4- jointed, basal and 3rd joints small, the former membranous, 2nd longer subclavate, 4th the longest, subovate, terminated by a vesicle (3). Mentum suborbicular, not emarginate, very pilose. Labium scarcely visible. Palpi short robust, triarticulate ; basal joint minute, 2nd rhomboidal, 3rd large ovate (4). Clypeus notched. Eyes small, placed at the base of the head and con- cealed under its margin. Head rounded. Thorax transverse ovate. Scutellum minute. Elytra very convex, ovate, broader than the thorax in some. Wings 2. Legs all equidistant , robust. Tibiae spurred, anterior compressed , dilated, trilobed externally ; the others simple. Tarsi, anterior the slenderest, posterior the most robust; 5-jointed, basal joint as long as the terminal one. Claws small, (5, afore leg). Sulcicollis III., Gyll., Sturm. Smooth, shining, black, frequently inclining to castaneous. An- tennae ochreous. Head rugose. Thorax slightly pubescent with 5 transverse ridges, the furrows between slightly crenated ; a fovea in the centre near the base. Elytra with 10 crenated striae on each. Legs castaneous. In the Author's and other Cabinets . When the Aphodii were illustrated in 1824, I was not aware that Major Gyllenlial had included the first two of my divi- sions in his genus Psammodius; and the Baron Dejean consi- ders the 3rd to belong to the same group; but it certainly re- cedes very far from the type. The mandible which I have figured does not agree with Gyllenhafs description, but it is probable that one is dentated and the other simple; and in dissecting the only specimen I could obtain, I was unable to find any other than the one re- presented. The most important distinctions that separate Psammodius from Aphodius are, the more corneous mandibles, the shorter 3rd joint of the maxillary, and the more dilated terminal one of all the palpi. The joints of the antennae are very dissimi- lar, and the lamellae of the club are less produced ; the tibiae are more dilated, and the four posterior are scarcely or not at all serrated. Nearly all the species are partial to sandy districts ; and the following are natives of Britain. 1. P. sulcicollis 2//., Curtis Brit . But, pi. 258. Taken at Swansea, in May, by Mr. Millard ; also I believe near Mildenhall, in Suffolk, by Mr. Joseph Sparshall, in Oct. 2. P. asper Fab., Panz. 47. 13. Taken at Swansea, South Wales. 3. P. Sabuleti Fab., Sturm , tab. 15, f. A, B. Taken at Swansea and Crickhowel, on the river Usk, Brecknockshire. 4. P. porcatus Fab., Panz . 28. 13. Taken the middle of March, at Fulham, amongst dung, by Mr. C. J. Thompson; also in Norfolk, by Mr. Brightwell, in September, in decayed cucumbers. 5. P. caesus Fab., Panz. 35. 2. Taken at Pentire-point, north -of- Corn wall; Dr. Leach. The plant is Vicia lathyroides (Strangle Tare). : )£-)t3 6~ 574. TROX SABULOSUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Geotrupidse. — TvogidzeMacLeay. Type of the Genus, Scarab seus sabulosus Linn . Trox Fab., Lat., MacL., Curt. — Scarabseus and Silpha Linn. Antennae not so long as the head, inserted in a little cavity close to and before the eyes, and concealed when at rest under the inflected sides of the thorax, capitate and 10-jointed, basal joint long, very stout, but small at the base, clothed with long spiny bristles, especially on the inside, 2nd stout, subquadrate, nar- rowed at the base and forming a falcate angle inside, and pro- ducing a few long spiny bristles, 5 following joints more slender, cup-shaped and transverse, excepting the 3rd ; 8th, 9th and 10th forming a compact subovate laminated club (6). Labrum transverse semiovate, the base narrowed and forming 2 lateral angles, anterior margin unequally concave and ciliated with spiny bristles (1). Mandibles strong and stout, very convex and hairy externally, rather obtusely pointed with a deep rounded notch on the inside, covered by a leathery lobe (2). Maxillee with 2 lobes, the internal one having 1 or 2 strong teeth at the apex, and a series of spiny bristles down the in- side, external lobe not longer than the other, articulated and subtrigonate at the apex, which is furnished with 3 or 4 curved teeth as well as hairs, also clothed with long hairs externally at the base. Palpi rather long and 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd short stout and clavate, 3rd nearly as long and stout, 4th long and robust, fusiform- ovate (3). Mentum subquadrate, very hairy, sides and anterior angles rounded, the centre concave. Labium forming 2 maxillseform lobes, ciliated internally and concealed above by the hair of the mentum. Palpi short remote and triarticulate, basal joint minute and concealed amongst the hair, 2nd joint short somewhat obovate, 3rd longer stouter and ovate -conic (4). Head drooping, transverse -ovate : eyes small, lateral and partially concealed beneath the Thorax, which is transverse, broadest at the base, which is bisinuated, the angles acute, the centre lobed, the an- terior margin concave : scutellum subovate. Abdomen flat beneath. Elytra convex, oval, truncated at the base. Wings ample. Legs con- tractile, anterior with the thighs very much dilated, ovate, the inside very pubescent, internal edge crenated, the apex forming a knob : tibise compressed and dilated, except at the base, with a strong spine at the internal apex, where it is hollow and denticulated, the apex obtuse with a blunt tooth below , on the outside in the female ? with 5 or 6 slrong teeth in the male?: tarsi short, inserted in the cavity close to the spine, 5 -jointed, first 4 joints turbinate, 5th longer a little stouter and clavate : the other tibise are more or less serrated externally and spurred at the apex: claws small, simple and curved (5, a fore leg). Larvce fleshy, pale and slightly hairy, the apex incurved. Waterhouse in Trans. Ent. Soc. In the Author's and other Cabinets . This is one of those anomalous types that little resemble the rest of the family, even in its fullest extent, for none of the ex- j otic genera appear immediately to connect it with any of the others. The structure of the antennae and trophi, however, shows the family to which it belongs, with the exception of the mandibles, which are notched like the Heteromera, and it is remarkable that the labrum is not symmetrical, as shown also by Mr. William MacLeay in his genus Phoberus. There is no portion of the globe perhaps where some spe- cies of Trox is not to be found, if we may judge from the ex- tensive range exhibited in Dejean’s Catalogue, where 40 spe- cies are recorded. As far as we know, they inhabit sandy districts, and feed upon dead animals. Latreille says they pro- duce a creaking noise by means of repeated and alternate fric- tion of the peduncle of the mesothorax, against the internal partitions of the cavity of the thorax ; that they keep in the earth or in the sand, and appear to eat the roots of vegetables. Our British species are: 1. T. sabulosus Linn.— -Curt, Brit . Ent . pi. 574. S . Dull black, rugose, thickly and very coarsely punctured : antennae ferruginous: clypeus semiorbicular : thorax ciliated withochreous hair, except the anterior margin, with a broad groove down the back, and 3 or 4 foveae on each side : elytra with 5 double rows of foveae forming 4 elevated ridges, ornamented with small tufts of ochreous pubescence, leaving 2 or 3 fine elevated lines between each. From April to beginning of July, in Costessey Park, Nor- folk, under a dead animal, and in abundance in a dead Rook by the gravel-pits, Coomb Wood; Parley Heath and New Forest, Mr. Dale ; also near Portsmouth, in Cambridgeshire, Kent, and Devon. 2. lutosus Marsh. 25. 40. “ Fuscous-cinereous, elytra with elevated striae and lines, clypeus marginated and acute. Length 6 lines.” Taken by the Rev. P. Lathbury during a flood at Liver- mere, Suffolk. 3. scaber III. — scabra Linn . — arenarius Fab. — Panz. 97. 1. Dull black, thickly and coarsely punctured ; antennae ferruginous ; clypeus rounded : thorax ciliated with ferruginous hairs, having 6 foveae, 2 forming a channel down the back, with 2 on each side : elytra with 4 lines of tubercles clothed with ochreous pubescence, with a line of minuter ones between each, as well as 2 neatly punctured striae : legs and sometimes the thorax dull castaneous, anterior tibiae slightly dilated and denticulated at the apex. Length 3 lines. April, in gardens under dry bones, stones, &c., and some- times flying. Found in a putrid ash post, I believe, at Bot- tisham, Rev. L. Jenyns; May, Halifax and Scarborough; June in carrion on the sand-hills, Swansea, Mr. Dillwyn. 4. arenosus Gyll. 1. 11. 2. “ Black, thorax unequal, elytra somewhat striated, alternate inter- stices with smooth tubercles, clothed with long bunches of hairs at the apex.” Length 3^ lines ?. Mr. Hewitson took a specimen at Lowestoft, Suffolk. The beautiful Plant figured is Menziesia polifolia (Irish Heath), which I gathered last July and August in Connemara, 7^ !o 266. GEOTRUPES LyEVIS. The smooth Dor, or Clock-beetle. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Geotrupidae Lat ., Leaclu Type of the Genusy Scarabaeus stercorarius Linn. Geotrupes Lat., Leach, Sam. — Scarabaeus Linn., Fab., Oliv., Gyll., Panz. Antennce inserted close to the eyes, under the nasus, capitate, 11 -jointed, basal joint very long, triangular and pilose, 2nd globose, 3rd longer, 4th subquadrate, 5th a little longer, 3 fol- lowing transverse cup-shaped, the remainder forming an oval lamellated velvety club, the basal joint only horny beneath (6). Labrum prominent, pocket-shaped, rugose and pilose above, coriaceous and pubescent at the margin and beneath (1). Mandibles corneous, porrected, long bent, emarginate at the apex, the internal margin coriaceous and very pubescent (2). Maxilla with the stalk long and corneous, terminated by a round fleshy lobe, hairy like a brush at the side, with a similar but smaller lobe on the inside. Palpi short, cylindric, nearly naked, 4-jointed, basal joint minute, 2nd scarcely so long as the 3rd, which is of equal length with the 4th (3). Mentum corneous, very pilose and deeply emarginate. Palpi remote, attached to scapes at the extremity of each lobe of the mentum, composed of 3 nearly equal joints, the 1st and 2nd clavate and pilose, the former on the inside only, 3rd joint sub- cylindric-truncate. Lip thick, coriaceous bilobed and very pu- bescent at the margins (4). Head triangular. Nasus rhomboidal. Eyes small lateral, divided by the margin of the head, and touching the Thorax which is broad con- vex and smooth. Scutellum rather large and triangular. Elytra oval. Wings ample. Legs very strong. Thighs short, the posterior sometimes spined. Tibiae curved spined at the apex, the anterior dentated externally, the others notched. Tarsi b -jointed, the basal joint nearly concealed in the anterior pair. Claws bent (5 a fore leg). Laivis Haw. Ent. Trans, p. 79. Very smooth, shining, black or violaceous. Antennae with the club black, the terminal lamina sometimes ferruginous. Head rugose. Thorax thickly punctured, with a fovea on each side. Elytra with several faintly punctured striae. The body beneath pubescent, sometimes inclining to green. Legs hairy, the pos- terior thighs serrated at the inner margin. Claws castaneous. In the Author’s and other Cabinets. The Dor or “ shard-borne Beetle” of our immortal Bare!, whose evening flight is considered to presage a fine day, and whose loud and harsh hum must be familiar to every one, is the type of our genus. These beetles are found from March to the end of September ; they live in dung during the day, and burrow beneath it to a great depth for the sake of depositing their eggs ; surrounding them, Mr. Kirby informs us, “ by a mass of dung in which they have previously enveloped them ; thus not only dispersing the dung, but actually burying it at the roots of the adjoining plants, and by these means contributing considerably to the fertility of our pastures, supplying the con- stant waste by an annual conveyance of fresh dung laid at the very root ; by these canals also, affording a convenient pas- sage for a portion of it when dissolved to be carried thither by the rain.” Their upper sides vary from black to the richest green, copper and dark blue, and the violet and chalybeous tints of their undersides are perhaps without a rival in nature. Britain is rich in the variety and abundance of these insects; and the following are our native species. 1. S. stercorarius Linn. — Don. 8. 2 64?. 3. — Panz. 49. 1. spiniger Marsh, mas.— Sowerby Brit. Mis. tab. 35. 1. puncticollis Sam. var. foveatus Marsh, var. — Sow. Brit. Mis. tab. 35. 2. mutator Marsh, var. — politus Sam. 2. niger Marsh. 3. sylvaticus Fab. — Don. 16. 547. 2. — Panz. 49. 3.— The beginning of June I found this insect in abundance on the mountains near Ambleside; all the specimens were dull and black. 4o lsevis Haw. — Curtis Brit . Ent. pi. 266. The end of August, near Lyndhurst. 5. vernalis Linn. — Don. 16. 547. 1. — Panz. 49. 2. — Heaths and sandy places in the spring, and I have taken it near Godstone in Surrey, and Lyndhurst in the New Forest in August. The plant is Ervum hirsutum (Hairy Tare). 1 / 259. BOLBOCERAS MOBILICORNIS. 7r Order Coleoptera. Fam. Geotrupidae Lat., Leach . Type of the Genus Scarabseus mobilicornis Fab. Bolboceras Kirby, McLeay. — Odonteeus Meg., Dej., Sturm. — Sca- rabseus Fab., Marsh., Gyll. Antennae inserted under the nasus and before the eyes, capitate, lamellate, 1 1 -jointed, basal joint long, producing very long hairs on the inside, 2nd joint large, cup-shaped, the 6 following short and rather transverse, the remainder forming an oval mass horny outside, coriaceous within, the 9th joint being the largest, the terminal one the smallest, appearing sliced off and porous at the apex (6). Labrum transverse, sides rounded, slightly emarginated and ci- liated, with long curved, spiny bristles (1). Mandibles corneous, small, curved, one with a rounded shoulder on the outside, apex bidentate, internal side emarginate, with a portion membranous and ciliated (2), Maxillae minute, terminated by a horny articulated ovate lobe, producing a few curved bristles, 2 horny teeth on the inside, the upper one slightly bifid. Palpi longer than the maxillae, 4-joint- ed, 1st and 3rd joints small, the former slender, 2nd longer ob- trigonate, 4th very long, subovate (3). Mentum subquadrate covered with long pubescence. Lip trans- verse, horny, deeply cleft in the centre. Palpi attached to small scapes, triarticulate ; basal joint minute, 2nd long pilose subcla- vate 3rd a little longer, elongate -oval, terminated by a gland (4). Head small, producing a long erect horn in the male. Thorax large cor nut ed in the males, simple in the females (8). Scutellum trian- gular. Elytra very convex and short. Wings ample. Tibiae curved, spined and spurred, anterior compressed, serrated on the external edge and producing a long obtuse spine at the internal apical angle (5). Tarsi long, 5 -jointed, basal and terminal joints of equal length, 4th minute. Posterior tibiae dentated and spined ; terminated by 2 spines, one of which is very long in the hinder pair. Mobilicornis Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 1. pars 1. p. 15. n. 43. — testaceus Oliv. — Fab. E. S. 1. 27. 83. var. Male, Castaneous black, shining. Palpi ochreous, head and tho- rax punctured, the former with a long moveable horn at the base of the nasus, the latter with a groove in the centre with a tooth on each side to receive the horn, a broad strong tooth on each side near the anterior and 2 foveae near the posterior angles. Each elytron with 14 punctured striae. Legs castaneous. Un- derside testaceous, pubescent. Obs. Some specimens are entirely testaceous $ the males are fre- quently smaller and have their horns much shorter than in the variety figured. The females have no horns. In the Author's and other Cabinets. Mr. Kirby has given the characters of this genus in the 12th volume of the Linn oe an Transactions, where he has most sa- tisfactorily proved that Bolboceras ought to be separated from Geotrupes; this was in 1817 ; and I am not aware that the genus had been previously described , although the name of Odontaeus has been given to it upon the Continent. 1. B. mobilicornis Oliv. — Curtis Brit . Ent.pl . 259. male , var. This curious insect is considered rare in Britain, but it has occasionally been taken in great abundance. I well remember several years since, as my friend Mr. Joseph Sparshall wTas, one evening in June, crossing Mousehold Heath, a few miles from Norwich, that he took considerable numbers that were flying across the road, most of them being of a testaceous co- lour ; I once took a dark female flying in the same county. Mr. Wm. Skrimshire captured a pair on the wing at Wis- bech, between 9 and 10 o’clock at night, in the beginning of July; and during that month, specimens have been found in dung at Darent in Kent. 2. B. quadridens Oliv.9 Fab.Ent . Syst. v. 1. pars 1. p. 15. n. 42. Pa7iz. 12. 1. Twice as large as B. mobilicornis ; ferruginous, head in the male with a short immoveable tooth on the crown ; the thorax with four obtuse teeth, forming a transverse line near to the anterior margin ; the female having only an elevated line, and another on the head. In the Transactions of the Entomological Society (p. 316) is the following memorandum, by Mr. Wm. Skrimshire: “Of this species, which I believe is quite new to Britain, I found a pair, male and female”; this was in the early part of the summer of 1807, on the marshes between Peterborough and Wisbech, during a flood. The plant is Lotus corniculatus (Common Bird’s-foot Clover). 7S 406. MELOLONTHA FULLO. The Kent Cockchaffer. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Melolonthidae. Type of the Genus , Scarabseus Melolontha Linn. Melolontha Fab., Lat., MacLeay, Curt. — Scarabseus Linn. Antenna inserted before the eyes in a cavity beneath the clypeus, as long as the head, lamelliform, much larger in the male than female, 10-jointed, basal joint the longest, robust, subclavate, pilose above, 2nd chalice-shaped, 3rd considerably longer than the 2nd, elongate pear-shaped, the remainder very much pro- duced on one side in the male and forming 7 broad thin plates (6