BRITISH FRESH- WATER ALG^E. VOL. I. > < BRITISH FRESH-WATER A.LGM. EXCLUSIVE OF DESM1DIE.E AND DIATOMACE^E. BY M. C. COOKE, M.A., LL.D., A.L.S., Author of "Handbook of British Ftniyi," " Mycographia" "Illustrations of British, Fwuji" \c., \c. VOL. I. TEXT. WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, HENEIETTA STEEET, COVENT GAEDEN, LONDON; SOUTH FEEDEEICK 8TEEET, EDINEUEG-H. LEIPZIG : F. A. BEOCKHAUS. NEW YOEK : WESTEEMANN & CO. 1882—1884. R BBITISH FEESH-WATEB INTRODUCTION. " Fresh-Water Algee J: is confessedly an artificial arrange- ment which demands apology, but can scarcely receive justification. The -only excuse which can be offered is, that it serves the purpose of those for whom the present work was written, namely, the Microscopists who desire some acquaint- ance with the organisms met with in their excursions to ponds and ditches. For the absolutely scientific algologist it will only be fragmentary, although it is by no means a solitary in- stance in which the Fresh-Water Algaa have been made the sole subject of a book, to the exclusion of marine species. Indeed, the restriction of Harvey's " Phycologia Britannica ' to marine algse, with but very few exceptions, left at least an excuse for attempting to supply the deficiency. The historical portion of this introduction may be speedily summarized by dividing it into three epochs of about forty years each, the first being limited by the publication of Dillwyn's " Confervas," the second by Hassall's " Fresh-Water Alga3," and the third by the present work. Prior to the first epoch there were but two works of sufficient 60250 l INTRODUCTION. importance to be mentioned here, Ray's " Synopsis," which was published in 1724, and Dillenius' " Historia Muscoruin ' in 1741. Each of these, as far as they can be identified, included somewhere about twenty species of Fresh-Water Algaa. The epoch commences in reality witli Hudson's " Flora Anglica," the first edition of which is dated 1762, and contains about 25 species. Then came the first Edition of Withering's " Arrangement of British Plants ' in 1776 ; Lightfoot's "Flora Scotica ': in 1777, also witli 25 species; Robson's "British. Flora" in the same year, with 26 species; the second Edition of Hudson's " Flora Anglica " in 1778 ; Relhan's " Flora Cantabrigensis " in 1785, with 12 species ; and Sibthorp's " Flora Oxoniensis ' in 1794, with 7 species. This brings us to the third Edition of Withering in 1796, with 38 species ; followed by Abbot's " Flora Bedfordiensis ': in 1798, with 14 species ; and Hull's " British Flora " in 1799, with 34 species. These were all the predecessors of Dillwyn, and did not achieve much for the Fresh- Water Algte until the climax was attained by the publication of Dillwyn's " British Con- fervas' in 1809, with 88 species enumerated. The first Edition of " English Botany ' had already commenced in 1790, ex- tending to 1814, but it was not until after the appearance of Dillwyn's work that the Alga3 of the British Botany were published, ultimately including about 100 species. Undoubtedly Dillwyn was therefore the parent of a systematic study of the British Fresh-Water Alga3, and with him the first epoch culminated. The second epoch commenced well with the continuance of " English Botany," and then followed several Botanists whose influence has passed down even to our own times. Following the example of the first epoch, we may enumerate the most im- portant of their works. The " Midland Flora " of Purton in 1821 only includes about 14 species. Hooker's " Flora Scotica'' in 1821 about 39 species; Gray's " Arrangement " in 1824, was confessedly devoted chiefly to systematic classifica- tion, including nominally 103 British Fresh-Water Algse, Greville's " Flora Edinensis ' in 1824 had 50 species, the INTRODUCTION. Ill working period for Alga? having scarcely commenced, his " Algas Britannicse " appearing in 1830. Jones and Kingston's te Flora Devoniensis " in 1829 included but 29 species. John- ston's "Flora of Berwick-on-Tweed" in 1831 had 40 species. Near this time (1833) Berkeley's "Gleanings of British Algse "' was published. The latter volumes of " The English Flora'3 appeared also in 1833, under the editorship of Sir William Hooker, the Alga3 being contributed by Dr. W. H. Harvey, and included 160 species. This was Harvey's first im- portant contribution to the History of British Alg£e, which was succeeded in 1841 by the first Edition of his " Manual," con- taining 198 fresh water species. Between these two Mackay's " Flora Hibernica ' was issued in 1836, with 87 Irish species. These all culminated, in 1845, in the appearance of Hassall's " Fresh- Water Algaa," enumerating 297 species, exclusive of Characese, Desmidiaceaa, and Diatomaceas, thus closing the second epoch. The time at which this latter work appeared was an active one in British Fresh-Water Algse. Ralfs was preparing his work on Desmids, and contributing papers to the scientific journals, notably the " Annals of Natural History." Dr. Greville had commenced his " Scottish Cryptogamic Flora '' in 1823. Harvey was at work earnestly with Marine, and of course casually with Fresh- Water Algre. The volume containing the Algae of the 'l English Botany," second Edition, appeared in 1844, so that about this time, which we distinguish as the end of the second epoch, characterised by the publication of Hassall's work, there was greater promise than came to be rea- lized in the early part of the next epoch. It is not uncommon to hear observations made disparagingly of the work with which the second epoch closed, when no account is taken of the difficulties which had to be encountered in preparing an illustrated work of that nature. It cannot be fair to judge it by its successors, but by its predecessors, and if it was fairly up to the general standard at the time of its pro- duction, that is all we can expect. It must be remembered that Kutzing's large and splendid work, the " Tabulae Phycologias?," was only commenced in 1846, and that therefore it could not be consulted. It is certainly to be regretted that in Hassall no indication is given of the measurement of the objects figured, or IV INTRODUCTION. tlie magnification employed. That there are faults no one will deny ; but, on the whole, we are not prepared to condemn it as unworthy of the time at which it appeared. A comparison of the Desmids with those in Ralfs' work, of but three years later, will show that in execution something was left to be desired. The third epoch is one on which we must necessarily be very brief; coming so near our own time we must be content to in- dicate what has been done, and leave conclusions to others. Closer relations with the Continent, cheap postage, more general acquaintance with foreign works, all tend to raise greater expec- tations for the closing work of the third epoch than of its pre- decessors. The works of Kutzing, the Memoirs of Pringsheim, De Bary, Colin, Bornet, Thuret, Borzi. Wittrock, and many others, all contribute to illustrate British Fresh-Water Alga? ; and although during forty years very little has been done in our own island, even in the identification of species, there has been considerable activity in investigation, especially in the North of Europe. The scattered memoranda, notes and observations of Professor Henfrey, Dr. Braxton Hicks, and Mr. "W. Archer constitute the bulk of our home manufacture of the literature of Fresh-Water Alga3 for about 30 years. The later portions of the " Supplement to English Botany," containing Algre, date from 1843 ; and Harvey's second Edition of the " Manual," in 1849, was wholly confined to Marine species. Hence there is not an independent work on British Fresh-Water Algse belonging to this third epoch, the only contributory work being Berkeley's " Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany," in 1857. But if there was an extraordinary dearth of books on this subject after 1845 in Britain, such was not the case on the Continent. The con- secutive publication of the volumes of Kutzing's " Tabular ' must have been an important influence, although it was not until 1864 that Eabenhorst's " Flora Europsea Algarum, Aqua? Dulcis et Submarine " was commenced. The advent of this work was hailed with pleasure, notwithstanding its many faults; and various authors set themselves to work on different genera and families, such as ^Edogoniacea?, Zygnemacea?, &c., so that in twenty years it is left far behind. As a work written in Eng- lish, although not containing much original observation, we INTRODUCTION. must mention Dr. Horatio Wood's " Fresh-Water Alg£e of North America," published in 1872. The period selected, therefore, for a new work on the " British Fresh-Water Algae " was in all respects opportune, but we are not expected to judge whether good use has been made of the opportunity. The gradual accession to knowledge of the structure and development of Algse, during the past century, would extend this chapter far beyond the limits we have assigned to it, whereas an intimation of the present position is generally indi- cated under the several groups, in the body of the work, with some reference to the sources of further information. Classification must, of course, depend very largely upon investigation, and modifications necessarily follow new facts, so that, whilst adopting suggestions made by authors of recent monographs, our arrangement is not absolutely that of any other work, although as far as possible the orders and larger groups have not been disturbed. We will not venture to pre- dict what will be the future of such families as the Palmellacece, Protococcacece,and Chroococcacece during the next twenty years; probably they will disappear altogether, becoming merged into other groups of which most of them may be demonstrated to be only imperfect conditions. At the present time we could follow no other course than to include them, and leave the future to take care of itself. We have preferred including too much to excluding too much, in confidence that for this we should be the more readily forgiven. The student will expect to find in this place some practical hints to guide him in his pursuit, but these must be brief, as experience, combined with a little personal contact with old hands at field-work, will supersede a volume of precepts. The habitats attached to the various species will indicate the kind of locality in which to search for them, but it may be remarked that, generally, any slow stream, pond, or standing pool will furnish something. Rapid currents will not repay the search. Small pools on moors, amongst Sphagnum, will usually prove prolific, and submerged plants, especially when dead or dying, often serve as a habitat for attached species. Damp rocks, down which the water trickles, old quarries, damp walls VI INTRODUCTION. in greenhouses and hothouses, warm springs, outlets of warm water from steam engines, brackish ditches, all these have their own peculiar forms, and experience will soon prove that where the favourable condition of quiet humidity is found, search will seldom be in vain. Of course, during exceptionally dry weather localities which would otherwise give satisfaction may produce nothing but disappointment. The methods of collecting do not much differ from those adopted for other kinds of pond life. A japanned case with from six to twelve corked test tubes will usually suffice for a day's collecting. Filamentous Alga?, such as S'pirogyra, Clado- phora, &c., may be wrapped singly in paper, and a number of these packets can be contained in a small tin box. It is always essential to keep each " gathering " by itself. Preservation for future study, or for the herbarium, will be secured by the usual methods of floating and mounting marine Alga?, first cleansing the specimens by well washing in a flat dish or soup-plate, and finally passing under them a slip of clean white paper, which is raised so as to take up the Alga? in the middle, well floated into position, draining off the water, and then drying, with the least pressure possible. For minute species, and small specimens, thin flakes of mica are preferable to paper, for many reasons, especially that they can be placed at any time under the microscope and examined. The Palmel- lacece, and similar groups, will be of very little service if dried in any other way. Most species will adhere of themselves to either paper or mica, the exceptions, such as Vaucheria and some Cladophorce, can be fixed with gum tragacanth. Some difficulty may probably be experienced in mounting satisfactorily specimens for the microscope. We have seen " slides " in which the specimens were still green and life-like after having been mounted for twelve years in the water in which they were collected, but unfortunately there is always a risk of leakage with mounts in fluid, If the medium is denser than the contents of the Alga? cells, the endochrome will be contracted and the walls collapse. One objection to mounting in glycerine, or glycerine and water, is the density of the medium, and consequent collapse of the cells ; another, that in INTRODUCTION. Vll time, use what precaution you may, the cells will leak, more or less, in the majority of instances. No medium has yet given us absolute satisfaction, but all things being considered, we are most favourably disposed towards glycerine jelly, which is too dense to enter the cells, and does not alter the form more than glycerine would do. We may add that the slides should always \\eflat in the cabinet, and not on edge, and they should not be left exposed to the light, or the green colour will soon be lost. Hints for cultivating in growing cells, or preservation in small aquaria, are scarcely necessary in these days of manipu- lation. Many forms of growing slides have been designed and described, each possessing some special advantage, and arrangements of common glass tumblers, communicating with each other by small syphons, or lax threads, will keep up a constant flow of water, sufficient to preserve Algse living and thriving throughout the year. The life-history, changes, and development of many species still require to be patiently inves- tigated, and for this purpose there are ample contrivances, all that is required being leisure, patience, and perseverance. It can scarcely be necessary to insist on the presence of fructi- fication, if a given species is to be accurately determined. This is especially the case in (Edogoniacece and Zygnemacece, but it applies also in a less degree to the majority of families. The great difficulty that is experienced in determining, with any approximation to accuracy, many of the species described by authors half a century ago, lies in the insufficiency of the cha- racters of the fructification. A large number of species of (Edogoniwn, for instance, as recent as Hassall's work, cannot be definitely placed on account of this insufficiency. This may at the same time serve as a caution to the inexperienced, that it will be worse than useless attempting to affix a name to speci- mens collected in a young or imperfect condition, at any rate in genera the fructification of which is known, and embodied in the generic and specific characters. Although it can hardly be considered essential to allude in this place to theories which have been propounded in connection with Fresh-Water Alg£e, we may make a passing allusion to the suggestion that sexually distinct filaments exist in the Vlll INTRODUCTION. Zygncmacece, and meet it by the assertion that, as far as our experience goes, this suggestion is not supported, and the evidence produced is far from satisfactory. The larger and more complex hypothesis of the combination of Algse and Fungi in the production of Lichens, has been combated elsewhere,* and to this we have nothing to add, save that we have since encountered no facts or arguments which would induce us to modify that opinion. Even should hereafter the terrestrial Nostocs be united with the Collemacece, the saxicolous Stigo- nemece be relegated to the Sirosiphei, and the corticolous Chroolepidce be transferred to some other relationship, the true aquatic Alga? would still remain in sufficient number to interest the student, and maintain for some time to come the distinctive group of Fresh-Water Alga3. * " Grevillea," Vol. vii., p. 102. BRITISH FRESH-WATER ALGK Algse are usually associated under five classes, which are taken invariable order, according to the judgment of the author, and may thus be enumerated : — V I. CHLOROPHYLLOPHYCE^E, with the cell contents mostly of a chlorophyll green. II. PHYCOCHROMOPHYCEJS, with the cell contents mostly of a bluish green. III. MELANOPHYCE^:, with the cell contents olive, brownish, or blackish. IV. RHODOPHYCE^E, with the cell contents rosy, purple, crimson or violet. V. DIATOMOPHYCE.E, with an incombustible siliceous skeleton. Other arrangements have been proposed, but the above will answer for all practical purposes. The third class are all marine, and the majority of the fourth, so that, exclusive of Diatoms, which are a special study, the fresh water Algae are mainly included in the first two classes. CLASS I. CHLOROPHYLLOPHYOE^J. Plants aquatic or aerial, one, or two, or many-celled, either single or associated in families. Either branched or simple. Cell wall not siliceous but combustible, sometimes composed of successive layers, or strata, of a gelatinous substance. Cell contents chlorophyllose, sometimes crimson, flesh-coloured or reddish-brown, often with a central or lateral nucleus. Starchy granules very rare. Vegetation by cell division. Fecundation often sexual. Propagation either by oospores or zygospores or gonidia, which are motionless or agile (zoogonidia). — Rabh. Alg. in. p. 1. * Exclusive of Desmidiese and Diatomaceae. B 2 COCCOPHYCE.E. ORDER I. COCCOPHYCEJE. Unicellular alg^e. Cells either single, or many associated in families, tegument involute or naked, destitute of branches or terminal vegetation. Propagation by cell-division or zoogo- nidia. This order includes the two families Palmellacece and Protococcacece, with unmoveable cells, to which is attached a third, the Volvocinece, with mobile cells. The two former correspond to the Chroococcacece amongst the class PhycocJiromacece. Although thus removed, it would seem from recent researches, that there is, in some sort, a relationship between the Palmellacece and Protococcacea, on the one hand, and the Chroococcacece on the other. We can only direct attention here to the papers by P. Richter, in "Hedwigia,' (xix., 1880, p. 154-) on Glceocystis and (xix. 1880, p. 169 and 191), on the " genetic Connection of certain Unicellular PhycocJi- romacece" of which abstracts were published in the " Koyal Microsco- pical Journal."* The conclusions arrived at are in favour of a sort of polymorphism. " The lowest form of the Phycochromaceaa is the naked Aphanocapsa condition, corresponding to Palmella among the Chlorophyllophyceae. From this naked or only slightly encysted condition is developed the Glceocapsa or Glceocystis form with several gelatinous envelopes ; the Chroococcus type, when the investment is altogether wanting, or, when there is only a single vesicular envelope, the caenobium types. The Glceocapsa type is specially adapted for exposure to the air, and growth upon a comparatively dry substratum ; the caenobium type is developed in water ; the Chroococceus type in water, or on a moist substratum in the air. With this is connected the cylindrical form, a higher stage, because it displays a differentiation in the direction of growth, and a development towards the filiform condition. This is not always de- veloped, and may be distinguished into stable and unstable forms ; the latter may occur in two or three varieties, and may go through the following successive conditions : — 1. — Stable Aphanocapsa and Palmella. 2. — Aphanocapsa and Palmella which have attained to Glceocapsa, Glceocystis, or Ceenobium type, but which always revert to the naked solitary spherical form. 3. — Stable Glceocapsa, Glceocystis, Chroococcus, and caenobium forms, without reversion (Merismopedia). 4. — Cylindrical forms, the generations of which pass through the solitary spherical fAphanocapga and Palmella} condition, as well as the Glceocapsa and similar forms. 5. — Cylindrical forms, which pass through only the Glceoeapsa and similar forms. 6. — Cylindrical forms the generations of which revert to the Apliano- capsa and Palmella condition, while the Glceocapsa or any similar form is suppressed. 7. — Stable cylindrical forms CSynecliococcus). No reference is made in the above to the passage of Glceocapsa into the encysted filiform conditions of Sirosiphon corresponding to Palmo- dactylon and Hormospora among the Chlorophyllophycese." * Vol. I., Second Series, 188±, pp. 98 and 201. PALMELLACE^E. 3 FAMILY I. PALMELLACE^E. Unicellular algas, in the broadest sense. Cells either solitary, or more or less numerous, associated in families, vegetating by cell-division, propagation by gonidia, which are produced from the ultimate generation of cells. Gonidia, when free, ciliate (usually with a pair of cilia) actively mobile. GENUS 1. EREHEOSPHJERA. De Bary. (1858.) Cells single, rather large, swimming free, spherical, cell wall firm, with a hyaline border. Cell contents (Gytioplasma} green, granulose, sometimes containing green lamina disposed in a radiate manner. Multiplication of the cytioplasm by division into two or four (or more) sister cells, which escape by the rupture of the cell-wall (Cytioderm.} Eremosphaera viridis. DeBy. Conj.p. 56, t. viii./. 26, 27. Cells globose, large, of a beautiful grass green. — Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 24. Chlorosphcera Oliveri, Henfr. Trans. Micr. Soc. vii. p. 25 (1859), pi. 3. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 115. SIZE, -0043--0059 in. = -11--15 mm. (Rabh.}, -1--12 mm. (M.C.C.). In boggy ditches. " The ordinary appearance of the plant is that of a large green globe, like a large spore, lying free in the water, or often gathered in loose groups upon decaying vegetable structures, such as leaves of Sphagnum contained in the water. The globe is a single simple cell, with a thin membranous coat surrounding a mass of usually green granular con- tents. Each cell produces two, or more rarely, four new ones." — Henfr ey. Plate I. Cells in various conditions, all magnified 400 diameters. GENUS 2. FX.EUROCOCCUS. Meneg. (1842.) Cells segregated, globose (or angular from mutual pressure), with a central nucleus. Single or associated in small families which are either globose or cubical. Cell wall firm, often thick, even, hyaline. Cell contents homogenous green, or oily red. Multiplication of cells by division in alternate directions. Pro- pagation by gonidia in proper cells (Sporangia). Plants aquatic, or aerial. * Species green. Pleurococcus vulgar is. Meneg. Nost. 38, t. 5,/. 1. Cells variable in size, simple, binate or quaternate, or as many as 32 associated in families, aggregated in a crustaceous, pow- dery bright-green and somewhat gelatinous (when moist) stratum. 4 COCCOPHYCEJ3. SIZE. Cells -004--007 mm. ; fam. -018 mm. (Rabh.}, cells •004--006 mm. (C). Rabh. Alg. iii. 24 ; Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 115. Protococcus valgaris, Kntz. Spec. p. 199. Protococcus communis, Kutz. Tab. i., f. 3. Pleurococcus communis, Desm. Exs. 1, 1203 ; ii. 603. Hcematococcus vulgaris, Hass. Alg, p. 333, t. 71, f. 5. Chlorococcum vulgare, Grev. Sc. Cr., Fl. No. 262. On the trunks of trees, moist walls, &c. Common everywhere throughout the year. " Plant of a lively full green colour, spreading very extensively over the trunks of trees, and staining the fingers on the slightest touch. Gra- nules very minute, exceedingly numerous, densely aggregated, and form- ing an uneven surface. They are perfectly free, semi-transparent, and adhere together in an opposite manner by fours." — Greville. Plate II. fig. 1. a, natural size ; b, cells X 400 diam. Fleuxococcus angulosus. (Corda) Meneg.Nost. t.4,, f. 5. Cells single, or 2-4, associated (04) in families, deep green, nestling in greenish, rather gelatinous stratum, cell-membrane thick, diaphanous. SIZE. Cells -007--013 mm. (Rabh.}. Rabh. Alg. iii. 25. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 115. Protococcus angulosus, Corda in Sturm Fl. ii. 18. Microcijstis angulosa, Kutz. Linna3a, viii, 374. Protococcus palustris, Kutz. Tab. i., t. 4. On the stems and leaves of aquatic plants. In the Kew Herbarium copy of Rabenhorst's Algae Exsicc, No. 327, under this name, only Chroococcus turgidus can be found, so that it is not quoted above. Plate II. f. 2. Cells magnified 400 diam. Pleurococcus (?) mucosus. Rabh. Alg. in. p. 26. Cells very small, of variable size, single and 4-16, associated in globose families, scattered, or aggregated in a gelatinous green stratum. Cell-membrane very thin, hyaline, contents homogenous, decussately divided; nucleus rounded. SIZE. Cells •0023--0003 mm. (Rabh.}. Protococcus mucosus, Kutz. Tab. i., t. 4. Hcematococcus theriacus, Hass. Alg. p. 333, t. 78, f. 9. On the naked ground. Dr. Allmann compares its appearance to inspissated syrup. Plate 22. Jig. 3. Cells magnified 400 diam. Pleurococcus Beigelii. Ruch 8f Rabh. Aerial, very small, very pale greenish, aggregated in numerous globose families, encircling the hair. Cell-membrane rather thick, colourless, contents very finely granular, sporangia con- taining 12-20 gouidia ; nucleus globose. PALMELLACE.E. 0 SIZE. Cells -006--0095 mm. (Rabh.). Kab. Alg. iii. 27. " The chignon fungus.'" Dr. Tilbury Fox, in " Science Gossip," May 1, 1867. On human hair used as " chignons." This organism, which is included by Rabenhorst amongst Algce under the above name, is rather a doubtf ul production, at least it seems to be a doubtful alga. The late Dr. Tilbury Fox examined it carefully in 1867 with the following results : — " If you take a hair on which the parasite exists, and hold it between yourself and the light, towards the outer half you will see one or more, perhaps half-a-dozen, little dark knots, the size of pin points, surround- ing the shaft of the hair ; they are readily felt on drawing the hair through the fingers ; they are somewhat difficult to detach. Under the microscope, with a quarter-inch objective, the mass will be seen to be made up of cellular bodies surrounding the hair. It will be seen that the mass has the appearance of a fungus growth, of which two distinct forms are here present, viz., mycelial or filamentose, and sporular or cellular. The hair is apparently healthy, and if the slide be pressed the mass will break away from the hair on either side, bringing away with it more or less of the cuticle, and leaving behind a healthy shaft. The cells are seen to be of various shapes and sizes. They are from 1-4000 to 1-3000 of an inch, many are like the 'torula' cells developed from Penicilium. Others are larger, undergoing division very actively. They may be subdivided into two, three, or four parts, or much more freely. This indicates the assumption by the parasite of an algal condition. (It is this form to which the name Pleurococcus Beigelii manifestly applies.) " In watching the mass on the hair carefully, it is evident that a number of small cells become detached from the outer or sporular form, and at once move actively about. These small cells indicate an active growth by subdivision, and a fruitful source of propagation. Certainly this variety of fungus, so far described, is the most active growth I have come across in my researches, and I have been enabled to germinate it most successfully, so as to set all questions as to its nature completely at rest. Placed under favourable circumstances in water, the spores enlarge considerably, and the mycelial filaments increase also, but there is at this time to be observed a very remarkable occurrence, though not in all cases. Some of the large cells have become filled with smaller cells, and in others, in addition to these, processes have been put forth from the circumference of the walls in a radiating manner ; in other cases the enlarged cells have two long cilia attached to them, by which they move about rapidly, whilst a part of the hair previous to this free from the fungus, has become dotted all over by minute cells similar to those seen in the interior of the larger ones. " But more than this, I have observed most distinctly large cells filled with smaller cells, furnished with exceedingly delicate radiating pro- cesses, and putting forth pseudopodia. It will here be seen to have assumed the features of an ameboid body. Nothing could have been more distinct to myself, and those who were observing with me, than this peculiar form ; and it seems to me that we have here a pretty com- plete history of the life of the fungus — namely, the sporular sub- dividing and assuming an algal form, which in turn becomes ama3bi- form, and furnishes ciliated cells that supply the earliest condition of the fungus, scattered over the hair." Further details, with illustrations are given in the memoir, of which the above is an abstract, to which the student is referred. Plate II. f. 4. Cells magnified 400 diam. i 6 ^ COCCOPHYCE^E. ** Species red or brownish. Pleurococcus miniatus. (.Kutz) Nag. Einz. Alg. p. 65. Cells very variable in size, globose, usually single, rarely 2-4 in a family, seated on a broadly effused red stratum, which is more or less gelatinous. Cell-membrane rather thick, colour- less, hyaline, contents oleaginous orange. SIZE. Cells -0037--016 mm. (Kabh.), -0035--015 mm. (Kirch.}. Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 27. Rabh. Exs. 31, 368, 1777. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 115. On the walls of conservatories, all the year. This is one of the species in which Braun has observed the " skinning off " of the outer cell-membrane. Nageli ascribes the red colour occurring in many Palmellacece, partly as a normal, partly as an abnormal phenomenon, to the formation of an orange-coloured oil in the place of the chlorophyll.* Braun says that probably all these have the power of retaining their life a long time in the dried condition ; in the above species at least, he is quite sure of it. The brownish-red colour often acquired by Protococcus viridis may pro- bably be explained in the same way.f Plate II. jig. 5. Cells magnified 400 diam. Pleurococcus roseo-persicinus. Rabh. Alg. in., 28. Aquatic. Cells unequal, cloudy, single or binate, tegument hyaline, collected on a thin, rather gelatinous peach-rose coloured stratum. SIZE. Cells -0015--004 mm. Protococcus roeeo-persicinus, Kutz. Tab. i. t. i. Clathrocystis roseo-persicinus, Conn, Beitr. iii. (1875), t. 6, f. 1-10. Investing submerged aquatic plants. This very minute species, with cells of a peach colour, is not un- common about the debris of decaying plants in pools. The cells are usually agglomerated in spherical or elliptical masses. Certainly not a good Pleurococcus. Plate II. Jig. 6. Cells magnified 400 diam. GENUS 3. GL-2EOCYSTIS. Nag. (1849.) Cells globose or oblong, either single or 2-4-8, associated in globose families. Common and special integuments gelatinous, lamellose. Division in alternate directions. Propagation by zoogonidia. The lamellose tegument distinguishes the species of this genus from Pleurococcus. Its analogue in the Phycochromacefe is Glceocapsa. * More or less green. Glaeocystis amp la. Kutz. Thallus gelatinous, rounded, lobed, dirty green. Cells glo- bose, or rounded oblong, 2-4-6 (rarely 8), associated in fami- lies ; tegument colourless, gelatinous, distinctly concentrically stratose. Contents green, granular. * Einzelliger Algae, p. 9. f " Eejuvenescence," p. 213, note. PALMELLACE.E. 7 SIZE. Cells -009- -012 mm., fam. '043--09 mm. (Rabh.). Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 29. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 112, partly. Gleocapsa ampla, Kutz. Sp. p. 216. Tab. 3, f. 3. Pleurococcus superbus, Cienk. Bot. Zeit., 20 Jan., 1865, p. 21. Archer Micr. Journ., 1866, p. 63. Fixed to submerged plants. Brann states that he has observed an irregular bursting and peeling off of the outer coat of multicellular families or sometimes of isolated cells surrounded by manifold coats in this species, and 6f. vesiculosa.* Plate 111. fig. 1. Cells magnified 400 diam. Glaeocystis vesiculosa. Nag. Einz. Alg. p. 66, t. 4. Thallus gelatinous, green ; cells small, globose, as many as 64, and more, associated in families ; tegument hyaline, colour- less, lamellose, lamellae often breaking up ; contents green, delicately granular. SIZE. Cells 0045--0075 mm. ; fam. '036 mm. (Rabh.). Rabh. Alg. iii., 29. Rabh. Exs., No. 707. Gl&ocystis ampla var. vesiculosa, Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 112. On wood and stones in stagnant water. In character this species resembles the last, but the cells are smaller. See also Cienkowski's paper in " Botanische Zeitung " for 20 January, 1865, where this species is figured to the same scale as Glceocystis ampla. Plate III. Jiff. 2. Cells magnified 400 diam. Glaeocystis xupestris. (Lyngl.) Rabh. Alg. in., 30. Thallus more or less expanded, dirty green, gelatinous, rather firm ; cells globose, middle-size, associated in families ; tegu- ment colourless, pellucid, distinctly lamellose, soon diffluent ; contents green, granular ; sporangia globose, containing from 4-12 gonidia. SIZE. Cells -0037-'005 mm. ; fam. -06 mm. ; sporang. -085 mm. (Rabh.). Rabh. Krypt. Fl. Sachs, p. 128. Rabh. Exs. 1790. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 112. Palmella rupestris, Lyngb. Hyd. 207, t. 69. Hook. Eng. Fl. v. p. 397. On rocks, moist walls, and damp earth. " It occurs as a dirty yellowish gelatinous crust often hanging down in flakes from the face of the rock." — Carm. This is not, or only in part, the Hcematococcus rupestris, Hassall (p. 326, t. 82, fig. 1), which is chiefly applicable to Gl&ocapsa polyderma- tica, K. Plate VIII. Jiff. 1. Cells magnified 400 diam. a, from wet rocks ; b, from damp earth. * See Braun, "Rejuvenescence," Ray Society, p. 182. 8 COCCOPHYCE.E. . Glaeocystis botryoides. Ktz. phy. Gen. p. 173. Thallus gelatinous, soft, sticky, green ; cells minute, globose and oblong, associated in small families ; tegument colourless, indistinctly lamellose, contents green. SIZE. Cells -002--004 mm. ; families -01--018 mm. Glceocapsa botryoides, Kutz. Tab. 1, t. 20. On wood, submerged or constantly wet. Plate III. fig. 3. Cells magnified 400 diara. ** Flesh-coloured, becoming reddish. Glaeocystis Pasroliniana. (Meneg. Nost, t. W,f. 2.) Thallus crustaceous, cartilagineous (horny when dry), about a line thick, flesh colour; cells small, spherical, 2-4-8 associated in families ; tegument very broad, distinctly concentrically lamellose ; contents becoming yellowish, granulose. SIZE. Cells -0037--005 mm. ; families -24 mm. (Rabh.). Eabh. Alg. iii. 30. Microcystis Paroliniana, Meneg. Nost. p. 78. Glceocapsa Paroliniana, Kutz. Tab. i. 36, f. 5. On rocks constantly wet. Collected some years ago in Kent by Rev. M. J. Berkeley, and usually found near the sea. Plate III. Jig. 5. Cells magnified 400 diam. Glaeocystis adnata. CHuds,) Nag. Thallus broadly expanded, gelatinous, firm, yellow-brown ; cells globose, or oblong; contents brownish-green or brown, granular; tegument colourless, pellucid, lamellose. SIZE. Cells -008--013 mm. (Rabh.). Rabh. Alg. iii. 31. Tremella adnata, Huds. Fl. Ang. p. 565. Palmella adnata, Lyngb. Hydro, p. 205, t. 69. Berk. Glean, p. 40, t. 15, f. 2. Microcystis adnata, Meneg. Nost. p. 85. " Forming a thin yellow-brown, suborbicular, depressed stratum on chalk cliffs, about high-water mark. The individual plants, which are from 1 -6 lines diam., are but very little thicker in the centre than at the margin. The surface is rugulose and shining, substance firm, between gelatinous and coriaceous. In age the plant gradually becomes more tawny, but at all times under the microscope presents a pale ochraceous jelly filled with darker granules. Under a moderate magnifier the granules appear globose, but under a lens with l-25th in. focus pellucid, globose, colourless vesicles are seen to contain the darker granules, and these are found to be elliptic. Sometimes the vesicles contain a little tawny colouring matter, as though the sporules were broken down ; and frequently the sporules burst through the coat of the vesicle in which they are contained, and lie free on the general mass." — Berkeley. Plate III. Jig. 4. a, natural size; b, cells magnified 400 diameters. PALMELLACE.E. 9 GENUS 4. UROCOCCUS. Hass. (1845.) Cells large, globose, or oblong, reddish or blood-red ; tegu- ment thick, gelatinous, concentrically larnellose ; stem thick, gelatinous, often ringed or annulate. All the species in this genus are rare, and with one exception confined to Britain. We are, therefore, compelled to reproduce figures already published, without measurements or information beyond the original descriptions. The peculiar structure of the pedicellate cells is thus described by Braun : — " The large globular brownish-red or blood-red cells throw off colourless layers of cell membrane, which appear to be separated by intermediate layers of softer jelly, whence arises a distinctly concentric structure of the envelope. But the enveloping layers of Urococcus do not retain their original form and integrity ; not increasing themselves in size, they are pushed off on the upper side by constantly succeeding inner coats, being at first merely attenuated at one side, but subse- quently, as it seemed to me, actually broken through. Since this emer- gence from the old coats is always repeated on the same side, a mem- branous-gelatinous peduncle is produced formed of cups fitted one into another, so as to give an annularly streaked, apparently shortly articu- lated aspect. The red cell, which occupies the summit of this peduncle, sometimes divides, and this of course produces a subsequent dichotomy of the peduncle. If the periods of the formation of the separate enveloping layers were known, the age of the little plant, whose history is preserved in the gelatinous peduncle, might be determined by the number of rings." — Rejuvenescence, p. 179. * Stem annulate. Uxococcus Hookerianus. Hass. Alg.t. 80, f. 4. Cells globose, or elliptic, variable in size, blood-red, granular, stem more or less elongated, often divided, densely ringed. SIZE. Cells -013--06 mm. (Rabh.}. Rabh. Alg. iii. 31. Hoematococcus Hookeriaua^ Berk. & Hass. in Hass. Alg. p. 325, t. 80, f. 4. On chalk cliff, &c. Plate IV. fi(j. 1. a, cells considerably magnified, after Hassall ; b, cells further magnified, after liabenhorst. Urococcus insignia. Hass. Alg.t. 80, /. 6, a. b. Cells large, globose, blood-red ; stem abbreviated, remotely annul ated. Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 31. Hcematococcus msignis, Hass. Alg. p. 324. " This very fine species I have never met with in any considerable quantity. Scattered isolated globules I have frequently met with, and these occasionally attached to a closely corrugated or ringed mucous appendage. Each globule is usually surrounded by a single vesicle or ring ; in some globules, however, there are as many as four or five en- closing vesicles." — Hassall. Plate IV. fit). 2. a, b, cells considerably magnified, after Hassall. c 10 COCCOPHYCE.E. ** Stem without rings. Urococcus Allmanni. Hass. t. 80, /. 3. Cells elliptical, blood-red; stem short, rather club-shaped, colourless, smooth. Eabh. Alg. iii. p. 322. Hcematococcus Allmanni, Hass. Alg. p. 322. In springs at Knares borough. Plate IV. Jig. 3. «, cells considerably magnified, after Hassall; b, cells further magnified. Urococcus cryptcphilus. Hass. t. 80, /. 1. Cells small, oval, rarely globose ; tegument very large, con- fluent with the short ringless stem. Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 32. Hce?natococcus cryptophila, Hass. Alg. p. 324. Hcematococcus sanguineus, Harv. Man. p. 181. Palmella cryptophila, Carm. in litt. On stalactites lining a cavern in a quartz rock. " Forms wide patches externally of a brick -red colour, but within whitish, breaking up easily into the numerous separate portions of which each mass is formed. The colour resides alone in the granules ; these terminate the superior extremity of the mucous prolongations, which are colourless, and arranged almost entirely side by side. The granules or cells are several times smaller than in U. Allmanni." — Hassall. Plate IV. jig. 4. a, cells considerably magnified, after Hassall ; b, cells further magnified. GENUS 5. SCHIZOCHLAMYS. Br. (1849.) Cells globose (or ovate), either single, or 2-4 associated in families ; tegument lamellose, as age advances dividing regularly in 2-4 equal parts, some time adhering by means of a hyaline colourless mucous. Division in one or two directions. Zoo- gonidia produced by a repeated division of the cell contents. At present represented in Europe by a single species. " The globular cells of this little Alga produce a hyaline cell-mem- brane, which becomes removed to some distance from the green body of the cell by subsequent secretion of fluiclish jelly ; soon, however (probably from endosmose), becoming unable to withstand the expan- sion of the jelly, it splits in the direction of an equatorial circle, by a clean line, into two similar halves, or if the dehiscence takes place by two circular lines, cutting at right angles, into four similar pieces. This splitting and peeling of the membrane either coincides with a division of the internal cell-mass, or it occurs without any such division. By frequent repetition of this process the cell gradually becomes surrounded by an accumulation of old fragments of the membranous shell, which are held together by the extremely transparent jelly set free. The division of the cell may be either a simple halving, in which case each part is immediately clothed again with a hyaline cell-mem- brane, or double, through the cells produced by the first division sepa- PALMELLACE.E. 11 rating immediately into two cells, without previously acquiring a coat of cell-membrane, and therefore without skinning." — Braun Rejuvenes- cence, p. 181. Schizochlamys gelatinosa. Br. in Kutz. Sp. p. 891. Cells globose ; contents green, granule se. SIZE. -01--0135 mm. (Rabh.). Kutz. Tab. vol. vi. t. 70. Braun Rejuvenescence t. 2, f. 43- 50. Rabh. Alg. iii. 32. Rabli. Exs. No. 103. In peaty swamps, moor pools, and boggy ditcbes. Plate III. Jig. 6. Cells magnified 400 diam. GENUS 6. FALMELLA. Lyngb. (1819.) Cells globose, oval, or oblong, surrounded with a more or less thick integument, generally very soon confluent into a firm or soft jelly. Thallus shapeless. Division of the cells alternately in all directions. * Mostly green. Falmella xnucosa. Kutz. Pkyc. Gen. p. 172. Thallus expanded, gelatinous, deformed, olivaceous-green ; cells large, nearly equal, pale green, delicately granular ; tegu- ment very thin, soon diffluent. SIZE. Cells -015 mm. (Rabh.), -007--OH mm. (Kirch.). Rabb. Alg. iii. 33. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 110. Merettia mucosa, Trevis. Alg. p. 46. On stones in streams. Plate V. Jig. 1. Portion of thallus with cells magnified 400 diam. Falmella hyalina. Breb. Alg. Fal. p. 39. Thallus gelatinous, irregularly expanded, green ; cells very minute, crowded ; tegument almost homogenous with the gela- tinous thallus, very soon diffluent. SIZE. Cells -0005--001 mm. (Rabli.), -00075-'001 mm. (.Kirch.]. Rabh. Alg. iii. 33. Rabh. Exs. 1525. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 110. Coccochloris liyalina, Meneg. Nost. p. 66. In stagnant water, and bogs. The species called Coccochloris hyalina by Hassall (p. 315) is ffomalo- coccus Hassallii, Kutz., one of the Phycochromophycece, and not the present. Perhaps the two may have been mixed up. Plate V.Jig. 3. a, part of thallus, X 400 ; 6, portion X 800 di 12 COCCOPHYCE^E. Palmella Moore ana. Harv. Man. p. 178. Thallns irregularly globose, tuberculate, dark green, gelati- nous, firm. Cells nearly equal, pale green. SIZE. Cells -008 X 005 mm. Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 34. Coccochloris Mooreana, Hass. Alg. 316, t. 78, f. 1. In bogs and stagnant water. " The fronds are of an irregular globose form, about an inch in diameter, tuberculated, and inclining to become hollow in the centre when old, at which time it floats on the surface ; the colour is dark- green and the substance firm, resembling that of an animal's liver." — Moore. We found this species floating freely in a pond in Sntton Park, Bir- mingham. In this condition it has jnst the appearance and texture of a Nostoc. Is it distinct from Aphanothece prasina ? Plate V. fig, 4. a, plant natural size ; 6, portion X 400 diaua. ** Reddish or orange. Palmella miniata, var. sequalis. Nag. Einz. Alg. t. 4, D. 2. Thallus expanded, soft, amorphous, brick-red ; cells nearly equal, tegument somewhat thick, colourless, hyaline, indistinctly striate ; contents orange, sometimes greenish. SIZE. Cells -012--014 mm. Rabh. Alg. iii. 34. Rabh. Exs. No. 1778. Sorospora grumosa, Hass. Alg. p. 310, t. 80, f. 7. ? On wet rocks, moist ground, &c. We are of opinion that this is the Sorospora grumosa of Hassall. The typical form of Palmella miniata has very minute cells, not exceeding •0035-'004 mm., but this variety, if it be not a distinct species, has cells nearly four times as large. Plate V.fig. 2. Portion of thallus, magnified 400 diam. Palmella prodigiosa. JMont. Comptes Rend. 1852, 119. Thallus more or less expanded, blood- red, as age advances moist, or sometimes dripping ; cells very minute, globose, crowded. SIZE. Cells -00075--001 mm. (Rabh.). Rabh. Alg. iii. 34. Stephens, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 Ser. (1853), xii. 409. Berk, in Gard. Chron. 1853, p. 515. Monas prodigiosa, Ehrb. Monat. Berl. 1848. Zoogalactina imetropha, Sette. Mem. Ven. 1824. On rice, bread, potatoes, &c. In the time of Ehrenberg this was considered a minute animal, and •was included amongst Monads. The blood-red spots which it forms on bread, rice, potatoes, and other mealy substances, caused great alarm in more superstitious times. Until very recently opinions were by no means settled on this subject. The Rev. M. J. Berkeley held it to be a condition of fungoid life, and in his "Introduction"* he says, "Pal- mella prodigiosa, from its peculiar habit, seems rather to indicate affinity with fungi. The rapidity with which it spreads over meat, * " Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany," p. PALMELLACE^E. 13 boiled vegetables, or even decaying Agarics, is quite astonishing, making them appear as if spotted with arterial blood ; and what increases the illusion is, that there are little detached specks, exactly as if they had been squirted in jets from a small artery. The particles of which the substance is composed have an active molecular motion, but the mor- phosis of the production has not yet been properly observed, and till that is the case it will be impossible to assign its place rightly in the vegetable world. Its resemblance to the gelatinous specks which occur on mouldy paste, or raw meat in an incipient state of decomposition, satisfy me that it is not properly an Alga." Mr. H. O. Stephens, on the other hand, contends that it is an Algoid production. After nar- rating its history (see "Ann. Nat. Hist.," 1853, p. 409), he says — "I observed at table the under surface of a half-round of boiled salt beef, cooked the day before, to be specked with several bright carmine- coloured spots, as if the dish in which the meat was placed had con- tained minute portions of red currant jelly. On examination the next day, the spots had spread into patches of a vivid carmine-red stratum of two or more inches in length. " With a simple lens the plant appears to consist of a gelatinous sub- stratum of a paler red, bearing an upper layer of a vivid red hue, hav- ing an uneven or papillate surface. The microscope shows this stratum to consist of generally globose cells immersed in or connected by muci- laginous or gelatinous matter. The cells vary in size, and contain red endochrome. As far as I can observe they consist of a single cell- membrane, and contain a nucleus. Treated with sulpho-iodine, they become blue. In my judgment this plant is a Palmella closely allied to P. cruenta, but certainly distinct, the cells or granules of the latter differing from it not only in their colour but size." The memoir also contains observations on the great vitality of this species, and other subjects connected therewith, to which the student is referred. Plate V.fig. 5. a, part of thallus, magnified 400 diam. ; b, portion magnified 800 diam. GENUS 7. PORPHYRIDIUM. Nag. (1849.) Thallus between gelatinous and membranaceous, somewhat incrusting, long and broadly expanded, composed of globose or many-sided cells. Multiplication of the cells by alternate di- vision in all directions. Propagation unknown. This genus is placed by some authors in Porpliyracece, near the genus Pangia, in the class Rhodophycece (see Rabh. Alg. iii. 397), but we prefer to retain it near the old genus Palmella, in whicb it was previously in- cluded, and to which it seems to be most naturally allied. Porphyridium cruentum. Nag. Einz. Alg. t. 4 H. Thallus dark purplish-red, gelatinous ; cells angular or rounded. SIZE. -007--01 mm. (Rabh.), -0965--009 mm. (Kirch.). Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 111. Rabh. Alg. iii. 397. Palmella cruenta, Ag. Syst. p. 15. Kabh. Exs. No. 14 and 1071. Hass. Alg. p. 308, t. 80, f. 5. Tremella cruenta, Eng. Bot. t. 1800. Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 205. On the naked ground, moist walls, &c. Common throughout Europe. 14 COCCOPHYCEJS. The red spots are at first rounded, then irregular, soon confluent, and form an expanded crust, like coagulated blood of a deep purple colour. Plate V'Jig- 6. a, plant natural size ; b, cells magnified 400 diam. GENUS 8. BGTRYDXNA. Breb. (1839.) Cells oblong or rounded, involved in a very thick, gelatinous, partially diffluent integument, in large families, which are often very numerous, enclosed in a mother cell which constitutes a subglobose thallus. Only one species in this genus. Botrydina vulgaxis. Breb. in Hass. Alg. 320. Thallus minute, rarely larger than the head of a pin, glo- bose, green. SIZE. Thallus from 1 -500th to l-10tli mm. ; cells '002--004 mm. Meneg. Nost. p. 98, t. 13, f. 2. Rabh. Alg. in. 37. Rabh. Exs. No. 388. Hass. Alg. p. 320, t. 81, f. 2. Kirch. Alg. fcchl. p. 111. On moist ground, trunks, moss, &c. " The fronds of various sizes, rarely surpassing the head of a pin, of a subsphaerical form, aggregated in considerable quantity, cover the stems of mosses with a pulverulent blackish-green stratum, which Agardh first well delineated. The granules, in the beginning solitary, here and there affixed, snbsphaerical, or slightly angular, scarcely equal in their greatest diameter l-500th mm. ; gradually they increase in size, and when they have arrived at the 1 -200th mm. they manifest an in- ternal granular substance ; at a later period having acquired a form exactly spherical, the internal substance is seen aggregated or collected into the centre, and the granules surrounded by a pellucid margin. j^gain, they increase in size, and the interior grannies are seen con- verted into vesicles filled with lesser granules. These vesicles in- creased in number and magnitude, tho greatest dimensions of the frond being attained, occupy its entire substance, and at length the diapha- nous margin disappears. The whole frond is then constituted of vesi- cles closely heaped together, and enclosing granules in the centre. The primitive membrane, enclosing in its midst the interwoven or cellular structure, is so closely united with the peripheral stratum of vesicles, that it can in no way be separated from it. The last development hav- ing been accomplished, the peripheral stratum of vesicles altogether loosens its granules ; whether these disappear by absorption or escape outwardly, I have never been able to perceive. In this manner the frond again obtains a diaphanous margin, but different from that with which, in the beginning, it was surrounded." — Nenegliini. Plate XI. fig. 3. a, thallns magnified 400; &, cells further magnified. GENUS 9. FAX.MODICTYON. Ktz. (1845.) Cells oval or globose, with a very thick gelatinous integu- ment, united into a filiform thallus, which is connate or anasto- moses in various ways. Cell division simple or double (de- cussate). Propagation by zoogonidia from the ultimate gene- ration of cells. 1'ALMELLACE.E. 15 Palmodictyon viride. Kutz. Tab.Phy. I. t. 31, /. 1. Thallus mucous, irregularly reticulate, about the thickness of a hair, greenish ; cells biserial, with a very thick homoge- nous tegument. SIZE. Cells without tegument, -0075--009 mm., with the tegument '025-'04 mm. (Rabh.). Ilabh. Alg. iii. 37. Kutz. Phy. Germ. p. 155. In ditches, canals, &c., attached to stones, twigs, &c. Eecently found by Mr. E. Parfitt near Exeter, of which he gives the following account : — " The plant, where it has sufficient room to develope itself, spreads over the bottom, in water about six inches deep ; beyond this it comes in contact with Elodes canadensis, over which it creeps, and extends its growth from branch to branch into deeper water. In this extension it has first the appearance of a Conferva, which I at first took it to be ; but the moment I touched it, after taking some from the water, I found from the soft slimy feel that if a Conferva it was new to me, and the mici'oscope soon revealed the true character. When the plant grows on the bottom it shows one continuous green membrane, stretched tight over the bottom, but when it comes in contact with other plants it throws out filaments, the thickness of which is difficult to make out on account of their adhesive nature ; for wherever they touch it is matter of impossibility to separate them. The membrane forming the filaments is structureless, but the sphserical cells, which form more or less moniliform threads, sometimes running in parallel lines, at other times forming an irregular net-work on the inside of the filaments. These cells sometimes divide into two portions, at others into four, and in most of the mature cells may be observed four cellules." — Grevillea, iii., p. 29. Plate VIII. Jiff. 2. a, portion magnified 200 diam. ; 6, fragment magnified 400 diam. Palmodictyon rufescens. Kutz Spec. 234. Is usually referred here on the faith of the remark by Kutzing, that it was found at Aberdeen by Dr. Dickie. Upon enquiry of Dr. Dickie we learn that he knows nothing of the species. He says, " Palmodictyon rujescens is unknown to me, many years have passed since I corres- ponded with Lenormand, and I do not remember receiving any note from him regarding it. Kutzing (Spec. 234) is responsible for the name. I cannot find in my collection anything so named, neither do I re- member where the so-called material was collected." Under these cir- cumstances it is useless repeating the name in connection with British Algae. GENUS 10. TETRASPORA. Link. (1810) Thallus gelatinous, membranous, or submembranous, in the beginning a short sac, afterward expanded ; cells globose or angular, more or less distant, but associated in a single stratum into large families. Tegument thick, very rapidly diffluent into a homogenous mucous. Division in two directions in the same plane. l/,.). liabh. Alg. iii. ;;:». llahh. Exs. No. 115, 1233. Kirch. Alg. Sclil. p. 1«>8. Monotri'iiui hiillnftum, Thur. Mem. Chorh. 1854. Ti tr"ine\s hat crowded J contents giv«-n and granular. SIXK. Cells -003--014 mm. . Rabh.). llahh. Alg. iii. -In. ll....k. I'.r. Flor. ii. ^1:1. Mackay Flor. Ilih.T. p.244. Ha^. Alg. p. :;<>1. Kireh. Alg. Schl. p. in'j. Ulva gtlatinosa, Vaneh. Hi-t. p. I'll, t. 17, f. '2. Hinilnrin tul^'lima, DC. Fl. Fr ii. p. 5. In jMMils and ditrhr-. Plate VI. ji. fragment mag. 400 diam. Tetraspora lubrica. (A'"///.) Tb alias elongated, tubular, erect, a-i ineli to a j>alm long, 1-4 lines thick, splitting, nndnlat'-,, sticky, between gela- tinous and membranaceoas, yellow-green; crll< globose, or rather angular, »•!' ni'Mlium size, gn-eii ; tegument very thin. BIZB. Cells -(MIS-MI! mm ( AW,//.). Habh. Alg. iii. 11. Kabh. Exs, No. 51. Dickie Bot. Guide, p. onii. Fng. I'.ot ed. -J, t. -J407. Hass. Alg. p. 3UU, t. 78, f. 10. Kirch/ Alg. Schl. p. !<>'.». T< trtttpvn l/« litlrica, (iaill. Desm. Ex. i. 655. r//M liibrt'cu, Koth. Cat. i. 2<>4. Conr'trm hilirica, lioth. Cat. iii. 1G8. Plate VL fig. 3. a, natural size; b, fragment mag. 400 diam. Tetraspora flava. Has,?. A?i(z.sp.£§'2. Small, free swimming, green, at length becoming pallid or reddish-brown. SI/K. C.-lls -01--0125 mm. (/?„/,//.). K'ahh. Alg. iii. 43. Free, in Abb. Senk. t. ii. f. 27-^. Archer Micr. .Jotmi., 1*7' >, p. 83. Kirch. Alg. fcfchl. p. 111. In moor pools. Specimens were found by Dr. M<>ore floating on the surface of Lnuirli 111. -iv in long slieets of some yards in length. .Mr. Areher remarked ni><>n these " that this was not an uncommon alira in moor pools, some- times coaling Huluner:_ri d 9, and the like, with a '_'re\ ish green stratum, sometimes, however, unspended in the water in streaks, and often i.-olated. It pa-.-i-s through a red condition. More than onee, \\hena single u'l-oiip of family of this alira, from gat heriirj-s kept f.-r some time in the lioii-e, had tui'iieil up tinder a low power of tin; microscope, he had been t< • \:< lit deceived by the way in which it resembles some nuliolarian rhi/opod, strange as it may seem. The mucous matrix containing the families..!' e.'lls seems not unfri'qiienily to give otT rathei long, lilit'orm jirolonira: ions, \\hicli standout more or less radiantly, looking n«t unlike p.-eiulopodia and these are Undoubted rhizopoda containing chlorophyll. It mi'-clit, indeed, l>e a t,'ood examplo of two objects with no atlimty in any respect to each other, still supt r- ficially simulating one another.1' — Micro. Journ., 1870, p. 88. Plate I'll. /?//. ~. a, family group ; !>, sin<_rlo family ; c, undergoing segQieutatiou ; d, free mature cells. All magnified 4uo diameters. GENTS li>. APIOCYSTIS. A7///. (1849.) Thallus small, vesicular, fixed by a stem-like base. Cells globose, scattered, or sometimes 8 disposed in a circle ; contents homogenous, or delicately granulose, with a distinct colourless vacuole ; tegument thick, dissolving into a homogenous gela- tine, cells dividing alternately in all directions. Propagation by mobile gonidia, which are globose, and furnished with a pair of vibratile cilia. This genus consists of a single species, unless the variety linearis of Niigeli is entitled to rank as specifically distinct. D 18 COCCOPHYCE^:. Apiocystis Brauniana. Nag. Einz. Alg. p. 69. Thallus pear-shaped, pallid green, the cavity filled np by gelatinous matter, in which are imbedded the gonidia, at first few, increasing in number with age, as far as 1600. SIZE. Frond '04--1 mm. high, gonidia '012 mm. diam., cells -0075--011 mm. (Rabh.). Rabli. Alg. iii. 43. Fresen. Beitr. p. 237, t. ii. f. 1-20. Henfrey in Micro. Journ., 1856, p. 52, t. 4, f. 26-27. Fresh water ditches, &c. Professor Henfrey found this plant in January, in a jar of water con- taining aquatic plants brought from Wimbledon Common six months previously. The development, as recorded by Nageli, is detailed in the article quoted above. "The young 'swarm cells' (zoospores) attach themselves by their ciliated point (especially to Cladophora fracta), and become invested with a club-shaped, enveloping membrane. The first division of the green body then takes place in the direction of the axis of the vesicular envelope, and is repeated alternately in each direction of space. During this the vesicle in which the cells (gonidia) lie, continually expands, and generally becomes very evidently pedunculated. Young vesicles contain a regular number of cells, namely, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, &c., but the number afterwards becomes indefinite ; in largish vesicles, 1-50'' (*5 mm.) long and 1-120" (-22 mm.) diam. I have counted about 300; in the largest, about 1-25" (*1 mm.) long and 1-50'' (*5 mm.) thick, some 1,600 cells. " The cells (gonidia) are at first uniformly distributed over the whole cavity of the vesicle. Subsequently they generally become collected on the internal surface of the wall of the vesicle, where they lie in one or more strata. But the cell division always takes place in all directions of space, the cells situated internally advancing outwards towards the periphery. In old vesicles the cells are sometimes arranged in rings of eight upon the wall. When the family of cells is mature for ' swarming,' which may occur at very different sizes and with very different numbers of gonidia, the cells begin to move, at first slowly, from their places, and then gradually to circulate more rapidly in and out about each other ; the vesicle bursts, and the gonidia emerge by the orifice which is formed. Sometimes the swarming is preceded by the state in which the cells are arranged in parietal rings. " The cells secrete an abundant gelatinous coating, which becomes softened within the vesicle, and confluent into a structureless jelly. The vesicle sometimes appears merely as the boundary line of the jelly ; in general, however, it may be distinguished as a distinct wall composed of denser gelatinous substance, the internal outline of which is always distinct and sharp, while the outer is frequently indistinct, and partly dissolved." — Niigeli, Plate VIL Jiff. 1. a, young frond; b and c, older fronds X 100 diam. ; d, frond with cells undergoing segmentation X 200; e, part of frond with mature gonidia X 400; f, free gonidia; g, ciliated gonidia or zoospores X 400 diam. Inoderma lamellosum, Kutz., has been said to have occurred in Britain, but we have not been able to satisfy ourselves of its occur- rence. PALMELLACE^E. 19 GENUS 13. RHAPHZDIUftl. Kutz. (1845.) Cells fusiform, or cylindrical, generally very gradually cuspi- date or acuminate at the ends, rarely obtuse, straight or variously curved, single, geminate, or fasciculately aggregate, decussate in the centre, or radiately conjoined, rarely two laterally united at the end, other cells free. Tegument thin, smooth. Contents green, very finely granular, furnished with a central, or rarely lateral, transparent vacuole. Division of the cells only in one direction. Rhaphidium aciculare. Braun. Rabh. Exs. 442. Very slender, 15-20 times as long as broad, yellow-green, often single, acicular, acutely cuspidate at each end, straight, or slightly curved or somewhat lunate. Ankistrodesmus acutissinius, Archer in Micr. Journ., 1862, t. xii. f. 44-56. Closterium Griffithii, Berk. Ann. Nat. Hist. xiii. 256, t. 14, f. 2. Rhaphidium polymorphum var. y aciculare, Rabh. Alg. iii. 45. In pools. " Cells very minute, 20-25 times longer than broad, fusiform, very slender, straight, very acutely acicular, solitary or forming fasciculi of 2-4 cells ; endochronae light-green, mostly with a minute parietal semi- circular or rounded pale body or space placed near the middle of the cell, otherwise usually appearing homogenous, sometimes slightly granular." It agrees with R. falcatum in its very slender and acute cells, but it differs from it by its straight, not arcuate cells, by its fusi- form more quickly attenuated cells, by its more intensely acute extremi- ties, and by the constituent cells of an old fasciculus being much fewer in number. — Archer. Plate VIIL Jig. 3. Cells magnified 400 diam. Rhaphidium falcatum. (Cor da.) Fusiform, slender, acutely cuspidate at each extremity, curved, or semi-lunar, 4-16 congregated in fascicles. Micrasterias falcata, Corda Aim. Carls. 1835, p. 121, t. 2, f. 29. Staurastrum falcatum, Ehr. Weigm. Arch. 1836, p. 185. Closterium falcatum, Meneg. Linnaaa, 1840, p. 233. Ankistrodesmus gregarius, Breb. in litt. Ankistrodesmus falcatas, Ralfs Desm. t. 34, f. 3. Rhaphidium poly morp hum, var. c. falcatum, Rabh. Alg. iii, 45. In pools. It is a very common plant in ponds, &c., and resembles a minute young Closterium, except that although some individuals may be soli- tary, others will be seen in the same gathering collected in the charac- teristic fascicles. Plate VIIL Jig. 4. a, families magnified 400 ; b, magnified 800 diam. 20 COCCOPHVCE.E. Rhaphidium duplex. Xutz. Phyc. Germ. p. 144. Fusiform, slender, slightly sigmoid, single, or 2, 3, or 4 Laterally connected at the poles, otherwise free. Rhaphidium triplex, Rabh. Krypt. Fl. Sax., p. 134. Scenedesmus duplex, Ralfs Desrn. 193, t. 34, f. 17. Rhaphidium polymorphum var. d. sigmoideum, Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 45. In pools (apparently rare). " Cells linear-lanceolate ; extremities tapering to a fine point and curved in opposite directions. The cells closely united, frequently the frond, consists of only a single pair of cells so connected, but sometimes of two or even three of these pairs, which, however, are remote from each other, in this case ; as the connecting macoua is colourless, they look like distinct plants, and their relation can be detected only by moving the frond. If kept in water fo^ a few days, the cells separate from each other.' — Ralfs. This description is scarcely accurate, as each cell is a distinct plant. Plate VIII. fig. 5. a, cells magnified 400 ; b, magnified 800 diam. GENUS 14. DICTYOSPHJERIU1YI. Nag. (1849.) Cells elliptic, with thick confluent mucous investment, com- bined in numbers into free-swimming one-layered hollow- globular families, one always at the ends of delicate threads •which proceed from the central point of the family, and which become repeatedly branched towards the periphery ; division at the commencement of a series of generations in all directions of space ; afterwards, as regards the middle point of the aggre- gate family, as a rule, alternating only in the two tangental directions. Only three described apecies, all of which have occurred in the British Isles. Dictyospheerium Ehrenbergianum. Nag. Einz. Alg. p. 73. Families aggregated in a globular, or broadly elliptical figure ; cells elliptic, very minute, about one-third as broad as long. SIZE. Cells -004--0075 mm. (Rabh.}, -004--007 mm. (Kirch.). Rabh. Alg. iii. 47. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 106. Amongst Confervoe. " This form is very minute, and in suitable places, common, the families in the aggregate forming a globular, or broadly elliptic, or sometimes subcubical figure ; the rate of growth of the delicate thread being equal all round, the cells at the ends of each of its dichotomous ramifications stand at nearly equal distance from the original centre ; hence the regular figure of the aggregate family. The individual cells are elliptic, and very minute." — Archer. Plate IX. Jig. 1. Families magnified 400 diam. ; b, fragment with cells X 400 dium. ; c, variety with spherical cells. ft PALMELLACE^E. 21 Dictyosphaerium renif oxme . Buln. Hedwigia n. 22. Families aggregated in an irregular form ; cells reniform, nearly twice as broad as long. SIZE. Cells -008--009 mm. (Rabh), -006--01 X '01--02 mm. (Kirch.). Rabh. Alg. iii. 47. Rabh. Exs. 789. Archer in Micro. Jonrn., 1868, viii. p. 65. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 106. In pools. Near Snowdon, N. Wales. " This plant possesses larger families than D. Ehrenbergianum, which are irregularly shaped, seemingly owing to the development of the delicate supporting fibre not going on in the same regular manner as in the preceding species, and the cells themselves are much larger and reniform." — Archer. Plate IX. fig. 2. a, b, plants magnified 400 diam. ; c, portions show- ing filament. Dictyosphaerium constrictum, Archer (M icr. Journ., 1866, p. 128) having been afterwards found to produce zygospores (see " Micro. Journ.," 1875, p. 415), has been transferred to the Desmidece in company with Cosmocladium, to which genus it seems to be allied. Cosmocladium Saxonicum, DeBary, is sometimes placed by authors (as in Rabenhorst's Algas) in this family. But, as DeBary demonstrated in "Flora" (No. 21,1865), the cells proceed in the same manner as in Cosmarium, and therefore its proper place is with the Conjugates^ as one of the Desmidece. It has been found in North Wales. GENUS 15. HORMOSPORA. Breb. (1840.) Thallus tubular, gelatinous, swimming free. Cells oblong, or oval, green, arranged in simple longitudinal series (families), either remote from each other, or more or less united at the poles. Tegument thick, confluent, contained within the broad gelatinous tube, which is either simple or branched. * Tubes simple. Hoxmospora mutabilis. Breb. Mem. FaL 1840. Tubes intricate, more or less broad, or parallel and coalescing ; cells twice as long as broad, broadly rounded at each end ; tegument very thin. SIZE. Cells •011--017 mm., tube diam. -043 mm. (Rabh.). Rabh. Alg. iii. 48. Breb. in Ann. des Sci. Nat., 1844, t. i. f. 2. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 108. In boggy pools. Ireland. Plate X. ficj. 1. a. portion of filament X 300 : b, same breaking up X300. 22 COCCOPHYCE.E. Hoxmospora txansversalis. Breb. Tubes slimy, equal or undulate ; cells ovate-oblong or fusi- form, disposed transversely in a nioniliform series ; contents granular. SIZE. Diameter of tube -075- -12 mm. Rabh. Alg. iii. 49. In bogs. Plate X. Jig. 3. a, portion of filament X 200 diam. ; b, portion X 400 diam. ** Tubes branched. Hormospora ramosa. Thwaites. Tubes broad, gelatinous, irregularly branched ; cells oval or nearly cylindrical, obtuse at the ends, either remote from each other or connected, twice as long as broad ; contents green, with green lamina? radiating from the centre. Thwaites in Harvey Phy. Britt. t. 213. Rabh. Alg. iii. 49. In brackish and salt water, attached to Cladophora. The filaments in this species, unlike those of the preceding two species, are branched. Plate X. Jig. 2. a, portion of filament X 200 ; b, small portion with cells X 400. GENUS 16. CYLINDROCAPSA. Reinsch. (1867.) Cells spherical or ellipsoid, membrane thick, either with a three or fourfold tegument, or naked; cells associated in a linear series in families, enclosed in a cylindrical hyaline gela- tinous tube ; cells dividing transversely. Propagation by gonidia uncertain. Cell contents green, granular, with a single chlorophyllose corpuscle. — Reinsch Algenflora, p. 66. Cylindrocapsa involuta. Reinsch Alyenflora> tab. VI. /. 1. Cells ellipsoid, ultimately involved in a fourfold tegument, which is expanded at the poles. SIZE. Cells -023--03 mm. diam. This plant has occurred in Ireland, as recorded by Mr. W. Archer, in " Grevillea" (Vol. in. p. 40), with the following observations : — " Admitting the identity, of which I myself do not doubt, though not previously having seen examples, that author's description of this minute alga does not appear quite complete, as he omits to mention that the cylindrical hyaline envelope of the cells, combining them into a frond, is closed at both extremities, rounded off at the upper, and some- what produced, tapered and thin, slightly dilated into a scutate organ of attachment (to foreign objects) at the lower extremity. Thus the ex- tremities appear to be differentiated into a basal and apical. The Irish PALMELLACE.E. 23 plant agreed with Reinsch's in the dimensions of the cells, their oval figure (truncate after division, whilst closely apposecl, and until full size is again attained), their longer diameter posed in the direction of the length of the cylindrical filament and in their being involved by a number of concentric hyaline investments standing off from the cells at the poles, closely applied at the sides ; not, however (as Reinsch shows) uniformly four, but two, three, or four, and standing off from the cells, not equidistantly, but at different distances. It is, however, quite possible that where the fewer number only of laminae of the envelopes were apparent, others may have been present, but so closely applied to the cells (and to each other) as to appear as if absent. Just as depicted by Reinsch (though his figure be rather stiff), I saw some of the cells undergoing self-division, the fission always taking place through the shorter diameter, the new cells, at first flattened at the ends, then grow- ing as long as the older, and becoming rounded off, and thus the longi- tudinal direction of the cells is maintained. Thus this form is unlike Cylindrocapsa nuda (Reinsch), in which the oval cells are placed trans- versely, and appear to be without the loose outer envelopes. The author does not state that the contents are not a bright, but a dull lurid green, very opaque. On endeavouring to preserve this plant, it ' kept ' not at all, colour became lost, envelope shrivelled, and even after a couple of days the examples did not represent the same thing as when fresh. " Thus the morphology of the plant points to an affinity with Hormo- spora, Breb., which, too, has its forms with the elliptic cells placed longitudinally (If. mutabilis and others) and transversely (H. transver- salis), but no Hormospora, except H ramosa, Thwaites, appears attached; the contents, too, are bright green, and seem to show a characteristic internal arrangement not seen in Cylindrocapsa ; the outer investment is also more mucous. As a form, or a form-species, (for, doubtless, such as those belonging to Cylindrocapsa and Hormo- spora can all be accounted no more, so long as no reproductive process is known) the present plant (Cylindrocapsa involuta} is, per se, abun- dantly distinct. It appears to be very rare, so does C. nuda, which I only once met with ; neither is recorded by Rabenhorst in Tlor. Europ.' " But whether these Cylindrocapsa-forms be mere stages of other growths — mere form-species — or permanent parthenogenetic species — they are entitled to hold a place for purposes of reference until happily more be, if ever, known as to their development and their right to rank as independent plants.'' — Grev. III. 40. Plate IX. f,g. 3. Portions showing spores X 400 diam. Cylindrocapsa nuda. Reinsch Alg. p. 67, t. 6, /. 2. Undivided cells ellipsoid, membrane thick, without teguments, filaments now and then thickened and enclosing four cells. SIZE. Tube -023--03 mm. diam. In streams. Ireland. Cienkowski's* researches on Cylindrocapsa involuta achieved such im- portant results that they must be indicated here, since the reproduction will, doubtless, be identical in both species. " This alga possesses antheridia and oogonia. The oogonium is a globular inflated joint, it consists of contents and wall; the first presents * Cienkowski, " Zur Morphologic der Ulotricheen," in Melanges Acad. Imp. de St. Petersburg, t. ix. p. 531. 24 COCCOPHYCEJ3. a protoplasmic gonosphere, coloured by chlorophyll, containing numerous starch granules ; it presents at one point of the periphery very often a clear spot. The gonosphere is loosely enclosed by the several (3-6) con- centric gelatinous (as it were swollen or expanded) membranes. Such oogonia lie either several together, forming a moniliform chain, or they present themselves in the middle of a series of antheridia, or betweeu unaltered vegetative joints, upon which, further on, may abut antheridia. Cylindrocapsa is thus monoicons. At both poles of the oogoninm the coats are produced into a short cylindrical process ; adjoining processes are mutually apposed. The size of the oogonia varies ; it may reach •042 mm., the gonosphere '024 mm. " The antheridia are discoid or sphseroidal little cells, like the oogonia possessing a multi-laminated coat, they may form a long series or little groups of pairs ; they are often enveloped in twos or fours by numerous laminae. The contents are clear reddish yellow. The male cells (like the vegetative) are formed by binary division of the mother joint, with the distinction that they cease to grow, remain smaller, and gradually assume the yellowish red colour. Each antheridium developes by divi- sion of its contents two spermatozoids. At maturity they are ejected with a jerk ; when free, they lie for a while motionless enclosed in their gelatinous envelope. Presently they assume a tremulous motion, at last bursting the vesicle and swimming about. They are protoplasmic fusi- form bodies of about '015 mm. in length, contents sparing, yellowish red ; at the anterior hyaline point are borne two flagella, below which are two minute pulsating vacuoles. " Shortly after their exit they are to be found in the neighbourhood of the oogonia. The whole cavity of the oogonium becomes pushed out laterally, dissolving and leaving an opening at the apex of the expansion. The spermatozoids seem now to be no way aimless in their movements, their whole object being seemingly to effect a penetration ; with great energy they drive against the wall, and retreat, and so persist for hours, until at last the movement ceases, and they shrink into formless little masses. The actual confluence of the spermatozoid with the gonosphere was not observed, but the conclusion drawn by the author seems to be legitimate. " The next change consists in the appearance of a thick gelatinous stratum directly on the surface of the gonosphere, which soon hardens into a doubly contoured membrane. After some days the chlorophyll with the starch granules gradually disappear, becoming replaced by the reddish-yellow oily substance. In this way we obtain from the gonosphere an oospore surrounded by the mucous layers of the oogonium. The author could never see any further development ; they lasted the whole autumn and winter without the slightest alteration. " In some instances the gouospheres on having become enclosed by the gelatinous envelope began to germinate ; they divided into two segments, each then becoming clothed by its own gelatinous envelope, and soon divisions followed just as in the ordinary vegetative joints. The author supposes that these still green gonospheres could not have been fertilized, and that only the latter pass over into a state of rest." — Quart. Journ. AJicr. Sci., 1877, p. 181. GENUS 17. HYDRURUS. Ag. (1824.) Thallus adnate, gelatinous, more or less firm, tubular, elon- gated (2-4-12 inches long), sometimes variously divided, sticky, surface naked or densely covered with delicate fibres, which at times are fasciculate. Cells in the beginning globose, or sub- PALMELLACEJE 25 globose, afterwards elongated, or elliptic, sometimes conoid, one or other pole colourless, arranged more or less regularly in longi- tudinal families; tegument thick, at length diffluent, cells dividing in one direction, chiefly at the apex or periphery of the thallus. Propagation by means of agile gonidia. Hy drums penicellatus. Ay. Syst. p. 24. Thallus rather cartilaginous, olivaceous, of variable thickness, simple and naked below, divided above, and villous with dense fibrils. Internal cells elliptical or somewhat lanceolate ; tegu- ment very thin, scarce visible ; contents homogenous. Rabh. Alg. iii. 50. Hydrurus fcetidus, Vauch. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 106. var. e. Ducluzelii. Rabh. Alg. in. 50. Thallus from an inch to a foot long, oftentimes sparingly branched, plumose with very dense fibrils. SIZE. Cells -006--0095 mm. (Rabh.). Hydrurus Diicluzelii, Ag. Cousp. p. 27. Hass. Alg. t. 77, f. 3. Rabh. Exs. 176, 873, 1193. Batrachospermum myosurus, Ducluz. Conf. Montp. p. 76. Palmella myosurus, Lyngb. Hydr. t. 68, E. Cluzella myosurus, Bory. Diet. iv. 234. In alpine rivulets, on stones, rocks, &c. " Root scutate, blackish, hard. Fronds clustered, solid, very gela- tinous, 2-6 inches long or more, 2-4 lines in diameter, freely waving in the water, attenuated towards the apex, branched ; branches scattered, alternate, elongate, slender, beset with other more slender, short raniuii. Gelatinous mass pellucid, viscid, colourless under the microscope, without apparent margin, unless as the granules imbedded within its substance indicate such ; these are globose, green, formed on the stem and primary branches, most densely set in the ramuli, especially towards the margin. Colour of the recent frond brownish-olive, or dark brown, in drying green ; of the granules both recent and dry green." — Lyngbye. Odour in a recent state very offensive. One or other of the many forma of this species has been called Palmodactylon subramosum, Nag., but we have not, as yet, seen any true British representative of that genus. Plate X. Jig. 4. #, natural size ; #, portion magnified 400 diam. GENUS 18. NEPHROCYTIUM. Nag. (1849.) Cells oblong kidney-shaped, with a dorsal chlorophyllose vesicle, 2-4-8-16 associated in free swimming families sur- rounded by an ample oval or kidney-shaped tegument. Pro- pagation unknown. Only two European species, both of which have been found in the British Isles. Both are usually found together, and it is possible that hereafter they may be referred back to one species, as Nageli pro- posed. E 26 COCCOPHYCE.E. Nephrocytium Agardhiaivum. Nag. Einz. Alg. p. 80. Cells pale green, almost homogenous, 4-6 times as long as broad, spirally arranged, in families of 4-8 cells ; tegu- ment thin which encloses them, length 2-3 times the breadth. SIZE. Cells diam. -003S--0075 mm. (Rdbli.). Rabh. Alg. iii. 52. Nag. Einz. Alg. (forma minor'), t. iii. C. a-h. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 112. In ditches, bogs, &c. Plate XI. Jig. 1. «, b, families ; c, end view ; d, free cells. All magnified 400 diam. Nephrocytium Naegelii. Grun. Rabh. Alg. in. 52. Cells dark green, granular, twice as long as broad, irre- gularly disposed, families usually composed of 16 cells ; tegu- ment thick. SIZE. Cells diam. -011--022 mm. (Rabh.}. Nephrocytiwn Agardhiamim, ma/jus Nag. Einz. Alg. t. iii. C. fig. i, k, p. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 113. In similar or the same places as the foregoing, with which it is often associated. Plate XI. Jig. 2. a, b, c, family groups ; d, free cells. All magnified 400 diam. GENUS 19. OOCYSTZS. Nag. (1855.) Cells oblong, chlorophyllous, either solitary or binate, qua- ternate, or octonate ; contained at first within an ample simple mother cell, at length free by dissolution of the membrane. This genus, as Mr. Archer has observed (Micr. Journ., 1877, p. 105), comes very near ~Nep~]irocytiumt the seemingly only very tangible dis- tinction (it is a very constant one at the least), being the reniform (not elliptical) cells in the latter genus ; but as forms merely, of more or less frequent occurrence, those referred to both the genera are indeed very distinct and constant. Oocystis gigas. Archer > Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1877, p. 105. Mother-cell broadly elliptic, almost subglobose, large ; family usually consisting of two cells. SIZE. Mother-cell -06--07 X -05--06 mm. In pools. Ireland. The broadly elliptical cells are very large, and are really subsphaerical. " The cell wall," Mr. Archer says, " is by comparison very thick, with the somewhat nodular little thickening at each pole ; the chlorophyll granules, in examples in which these were not too dense, could be seen arranged parietally in a beautifully and curiously regular reticulate manner, the ' meshes or interspaces of the interior surface of the wall being bare of them. He had only seen two young cells within theex- panded mother-cell, four, eight, to sixteen being common in Oocystis Naegelii. In examples about to produce young individuals, the contents PALMELLACE.E. became more dense, and the reticulated arrangements lost, or rather, perhaps, more properly speaking, the interspaces become clothed with chlorophyll granules. At first glance this might be mistaken, under a low power, for that small form of Eremosphtera viridis, which origi- nates when the individuals of the ordinary large form produce simul- taneously four, in place of two daughter cells; but the evident elliptic figure and the thickened poles, as well as the different arrangement of the chlorophyll contents, would, on closer inspection, at once distinguish them. Mr. Archer has drawn attention to the seemingly curious very great expansion of the wall of the mother-cell, almost looking as if in anticipation, rather than as in consequence of the growth of a young ' brood ' of two, four, eight, or sixteen daughter-cells, so much so that it almost had the aspect of a fresh growth, rather than that of a mere swelling up of the old membrane." — Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1877, p. 105. Oocystis setigera. Archer, in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1877, p. 194. We are unable to give any description of this species which, as far as we are aware, bears only a manuscript name. Neither are we able to give figures of either species, although we hope to do so hereafter. GENUS 20. DIMORPHOCOCCU8. Br. (1849.) Cells united in fours on very short branches, dissimilar, the two intermediate contiguous oblique, obtuse ovate, the two lateral, opposite and separate from each other, lunate ; families free swimming, in botryoid clusters. This genus is allied to Dictyospkasrium, next to which it should have been placed. Dimorpho coccus lunatus. Br.Alj. Uni.p. 44. Green, apices of the cells hyaline. SIZE. Cells longitudinal diam. '01- '02 mm. Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 36. Archer, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1872, pp. 195, 197. Floating in pools. N. Wales. We have been unable to make a successful drawing from the specimen we possess of this Alga, as we have not seen it living. Mr. Archer, on reporting upon its occurrence in Ireland, criticised the only figure extant (in Eabenhorst's Alg. Eur.) in the following terms : " The upper or outermost cells do not, as they are made to seem, or as the original description might lead one to infer, stand above the larger and lower (inner) cells as upon a common stipes, but the former grow off from the latter, and remain joined thereto by a short pedicle. The inner eels are broadly reniform, and two stand opposite to each other at the apex of the supporting stipes, so as to present a lunate figure, and from the lower part of the sinus made by these it is that the pedicle of each of the pair of secondary, more or less reniform, but unequally lobed, cells (one from each lower cell) starts, the smaller lobes of these latter overlapping each other, and appearing, in a crowded cluster, like one cell, only of smaller dimensions, concentrically posed above the lower 28 COCCOPHYCE.E. cell, and as if on a common stipes, that is, as if all were ' in ramulis — qnaternatim conjunctee.' " The larger lower cells are com- bined, inter se, by a soft irregular colourless furcated (almost as if shrivelled) stalk, into a crowded colony or family. This branched cluster of cells requires to be broken up and pressed out ere the arrangement referred to can be seen. The structure and mode of arrangement of the cells (which are bright green, with a pale narrow little space at the upper extremity, and with large chlorophyll granules) becomes thus of somewhat complex appearance, nor did it appear to have been made out fully by Braun himself, as conveyed by his description. — See Quart. Journ. Micr. Science, 1872, pp. 195, 198. GENUS 21. MISCHOCOCCUS. Naff. (1849.) Thallus dichotomously branched, bearing the terminal cells. Cells globose, terminal, gemmate or quaternate. Division of cells in one direction. Propagation by zoogonidia. This genus is confined at present to a single species. IKEischococcus confezvicola. Nag. Einz. Alg. p. 82. Cells globose, even, geminate, ternate or quaternate, on the tips of the branches, bright green, delicately granular, destitute of a chlorophyllose vesicle ; stem hyaline, spuriously articulated, often swollen at the angles. SIZE. Cells -0045--009 mm. (Rabh.). Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 54, fig. 29. Attached to filamentous Algse in ditches, near Stafford, August, 1849 (Rev. R. C. Douglas). This interesting little plant is liable to be overlooked on account of its small size and the delicate hyaline stem, only the pair, or more, of little globose green cells being at first visible. Plate XL fi(j. 4. a, two plants parasitic on Conferva ; b, young plants; c, terminal branches with 4 cells ; d, swollen joints of stem; e, free cells. All magnified 400 diam. FROTOCOCCACE.E. 29 FAMILY II. PROTOCOCCACE^E. Unicellular alga?, in the strictest sense, chlorophyllous, with- out terminal growth, or ramification, without a vegetative generation of cells. Either single, segregate, or associated in families. Cells of the families either indefinitely increasing in number (then forming families} or of a definite number (then forming a ccenobiiun}. Propagation by means of gonidia, arising in the mother coll by free cell formation ; gonidia of two kinds, the one larger, macrogonidia, the other smaller, microgonidia ; the former oblong, mostly produced anteriorly into a pale bi-ciliate beak, rounded and greenish at the posterior end, developing into an individual plant ; the microgonidia similar to these, and also motile, but passing after a short time into a quiescent state, and at last into resting spores, or hypnospores. This family is usually subdivided into the following sub- families : — 1. PROTOCOCCE^:. 5. HYDRODICTYE^E. 2. CHLOROCOCCACE^E. 6. OPHIOCYTIE.E. 3. POLYEDRIE.E. 7. PEDIASTRE.E. 4. ScENEDESMEiE. 8. SoRASTRE^E. 9. CHARACIE.E. Many of these small sub-families include but a single genus, so that, in effect, the character of the sub-family is that of the genus ; hence they are of little value, especially in a local flora. Sub-Family 1. PROTOCOCCEJ:. Cells sphseroid, segregate ; cytioderm thin, hyaline, without integument, swimming free, or, when not growing in water, forming a thin pulverulent stratum. Contents in the beginning homogenous, then granular, green, or reddish. Only one genus has yet found a place in this sub -family, of which one species is British. GENUS 22. FROTOCOCCUS. Ag. (1824.) Characters the same as in the sub-family. Propagation by mobile gonidia. Fxotococcus vixidis. Ag. Rabli. Alg. in., 56. Cells small, segregate, accumulated in a broadly expanded stratum, of a yellowish green colour, either pulverulent, or, during moist weather and after rain, somewhat gelatinous. SIZE. Cells -0025--004 mm. On the trunks of trees, fallen branches, and damp walls throughout the year. It is very probable that this is only a condition of Pleurococcus vul- ga, ris. Plate XII. Jig. 1. Cells magnified 400 diameters. 30 COCCOPHYCE.E. Sub-Family 2. CHLOEOCOCCACE^I. Cells spheroid, either single and free, furnished with a chlorophyllose vesicle and a pale lateral spot, sometimes with an ample tegument, or more often accumulated in strata or little clusters. Propagation by zoospores, formed by division of the cell contents, escaping by rupture of the cell wall. GENUS 23. CHLOROCOCCUM. Fries. (1825.) Cells subglobose, single or in clusters. Characters the same as the sub-family. A. Species green. f Tegument thin. Chloxococcum humicolum. (Nag.} Rabh. Kr. Fl. Sachs, 137. Stratum effused, dark-green, pulverulent ; cells globose, variable in size, often many united in families, involved in a common hyaline tegument ; cell membrane thin, but thickening with age ; contents at first pale or yellowish-green, homo- genous, at length dark-green, granular. SIZE. Cells -017 mm. diam., or less. Rabh. Alg. iii. 58. Cystococcus humicola. Nag. Einz. Alg. 85, t. 3, f. E. On the naked ground (A. W. Wills}. Plate X21. fog. 5. Cells and family magnified 400 diameters. Chloxococcum frustulosum. (Carm.) Eabli. Alg. m., 59. Thallus effused, pulverulent, green ; cells globose, of medium size, associated in families which are involved in a broad hyaline homogenous envelope. SIZE. Cells -007 mm. diam. ; families to "04 mm. diam. Hcemato coccus fmstulosus^ Hass. Alg. 380, t. 81, f. 1. Eng. Fl. v., p. 395. Harv. Man. 181. PalmeHa frustulosa, Carm. MSS. On moist rocks. " It occurs in the form of a greyish black, fragmentary scurf. On the slightest pressure it separates into corpuscles of various forms, bat mostly sphoerical, hyaline under the microscope, surrounded by a mem- branous envelope, and including several granules.'' — Carm. Plate XII. fig. 2. Families magnified 400 diameters. Chlorococcum muxoxum. (Grev.} Rabh. Alg. in., 61. Thallus crustaceous, yellowish-green ; cells subglobose or oblong, with a rather thick hyaline mucous envelope ; cell con- tents seruginous-green, homogenous. SIZE. Cells, including envelope, -016--02 x '01 mm. Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl., t. 325. Hcematococcus murorum, Hass. 323, t. 81, f. 4. On walls. PROTOCOCCACEJ^. We have retained this in its present position in deference to Raben- horst, to whom the species must have been known. At the same time its eeruginous green colour seerus to indicate an affinity with Phycochro- mophycece rather than the present order. " Plant producing spots on walls and stones of a yellowish green colour, and at first very small, but afterwards indefinitely larger, from a number becoming confluent. First discovered in this country by the Eev. M. J. Berkeley on the freestone walls of Christ College, Cambridge." — Greville. Plate ~K.11. fig. 4. Cells magnified 400 diameters. Some undergoing division. ft Tegument thick. Chloxococcum gigas , Grun. in Eabh. Alg., No. 1436. Stratum thin, green, mucous ; cells globose, large, either single or associated in small families, always involved in a broad, distinctly laniellose hyaline tegument. SIZE. Cells '012--017 mm. diarn. without the hyaline mem- brane. Protococcus gigas, Kutz. Phy. Gen. p. 145. In pools, on walls and glass windows. One of the finest species in this genus, and possibly not uncommon. We have met with it two or three times, but not in any great quantity. It must not be confounded with Glceocystis ampla. Plate XII. fig. 3. Cells magnified 400 diameters, b, in different stages of division. B. Species red, rusty, or orange. No British species in this section recorded. Sub-Family 3. POLYEDRIE^E. Cells single, segregate, free swimming, compressed, 3-4-8 angled ; angles more or less produced, sometimes radially elon- gated, either entire or bifid, mostly armed, oblong-elliptic when viewed laterally, rounded or rather truncate at the ends. Cell- membrane thin, even. Chlorophyll-mass mostly granular, equally distributed through the cell, sometimes with 1-4 reddish oil-drops. Propagation unknown. GENUS 24. POLYEDRIUM. Nag. (1849.) Characters the same as above for the sub-family. A. Angles entire. Polyecbrium gigas. Wittr. Sotvattensalger, p. 33, t. 4, /. 4. Cells irregularly pentahedrical (rarely hexahedrical), angles obtuse, sides concave. SIZE. Maximum diameter of cells '065--075 mm. ; minimum diameter -035-'045 mm. Archer, in Quart. Journ. Micr. Science xvii. (1877), p 105. In standing pools. This large and distinct species has the angles rounded and unarmed. Plate XIII. fig. 1. a, b, c, cells in three positions, magnified 400, after Wittrock. 32 COCCOPHYCF^E. Folyedrium tetraedsricum. Nag. Einz. Alg. Cells regularly tetrahedrical ; angles obtuse, mucronate. SIZE. Cells -015--03 mm. diam. Eabh. Alg.iii. 62. Archer, Micr. Journ., 1866, p. 62. In pools. This might possibly be mistaken for the end view of some species of Staurastrum, against which error it is essential that beginners should be cautioned. Plate X11I. fig. 3. Cells magnified 400 diameters. B. Angles radiato-elongated. Folyedrium longispinum. (Perty.) Rabk. Alg. in., 62. Quadri-radiate, radii thin, elongated, scarcely thickened into a body in the centre. SIZE. Length of arms '03--05 mm. Phycastrum longispinum, Perty Kl. Lebensf. t. xvi., f. 30. In pools. N. Wales (A. W. Wills). A peculiar species, which at first sight seems to have but little re- lationship with the other species figured. It is often found associated with Desmids, and delights in similar localities. Plate X11I. fig. 2. a, b, c, d, cells magnified 400 diameters. C. Angles lobed. Folyedrium enorme. (Ralfs.) Rabli. Alg. in., 63. Cells irregularly tetrahedrical, with the angles produced, hyaline, deeply bilobate ; sometimes repeatedly bilobed, with the lobes mucronate. SIZE. Cells '025-'04 mm. diam. Staurastrum enorme, Ralfs, t. 33, f. 11. In pools. " Frond very irregular and variable in form. Sometimes the front view differs but little from the end one. Usually, however, there is a slight constriction at the junction of the segments, but I have never ob- served any difference in the endochrome at that part. The spines, which are almost confined to the angles, are irregular, some simple and some branched. The end view has three or four broad and very irregular lobes ; these are spinous and more or less emarginate, and frequently one lobe is much broader and more spinous than the others. The spines on each lobe form two groups, separated by the notch ; they vary much in size, and are either simple and subulate, or else forked ; sometimes the forked spines are again divided at the apex." — Ralfs. A very variable plant, formerly included with the Desmidiea?, but separated on account of its different mode of propagation. Plate X1I1. fig. 4. Cells magnified 400 diameters. Lateral and end views. Sub-Family 4. SCENEDESME^. Cells elliptic, oblong, or cylindrical ; cell-membrane very thin ; cell- contents at first homogeneous, afterwards granular ; chloro- phyllose vesicle central or siiblateral, and often a lateral colour- less spot; cells 2-4-16, cither joined in a single series or forming PROTOCOCCACE^E. 33 a ccenobium. Propagation by division in the cells whence arise gonidia, which unite themselves into a ccenobium within the mother-cell, and are at length set free by the rupture of the cell-membrane. GENUS 25. SCENEDESMUS. Meyen. (1829.) Cells polymorphous, equal or unequal at the ends, often pro- duced into a spine-like horn. Frond or family composed of from 2 to 8 oblong, fusiform, or elliptic cells, connected into a single or double continuous row ; propagating by means of the repeated segmentation, in parallel planes, in one or two direc- tions, of each of the cell- contents into one or more brood families (not motile), set free by the bursting of the parent-cell wall. — Ndgeli. A. Cells unarmed. J Scenedesmus obtusus. Meyen. Rabh. Alg. in., 63. Cells oblong or ovate, obtuse at the poles, 4-6-8 loosely con- nected in a simple series, or joined obliquely, 3-5 times as long as broad. SIZE. Cells -0055--007 mm. diam. Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist, xv., p. 404, t. 12, f. 8. Brit. Desm. p. 193, t. 31, f. 16. Archer in Pritch. Infus. p. 753, t. 1, f. 37-39. Hass. Alg. p. 394, t. 92, f. 15. In boggy pools. This species appears to be much less common than 8. quadricauda, from all forms of which it may be readily distinguished, not only by the difference in the form of the cells and absence of spines, but the remote. ness of one cell from its neighbour and their alternation. Plate XIII. Jig. 5. Cells in families of 4 and 8, magnified 400 diameters. Scenedesmus acutus. Meyen. Rabh. Alg. in., 63. Cells fusiform or ovate-fusiform, acute at each extremity, 2-4-6-8 united in a series, either single and straight, or double and irregularly alternate ; 3-6 times as long as broad. SIZE. Cells -OOSS-'OOoS mm. diam. Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist, xv., p. 404, t. 12, f. 6. Brit. Desm. 193, t. 31, f. 14. Hass. Alg. 393, t. 92, f. 14. In pools and boggy places. var. b. obliquus. Rabh. Alg. in., 63. Cells elliptic, fusiform, arranged in two generally oblique series, the outer cell of each not in contact with any of those in the other series. Scenedesmus obliquus, Ralfs Desm. p. 192, t. 31, f. 15. English Botany, t. 2933. Scenedesmus triseriatus, Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist, xv., p. 403, t. 19 f 7 A.fJj JL i 4 * 34 cocconiYCEJE. var. c. dimoxphus. Rabh. Alg. ill.. 63. Cells acute, 4-8, placed evenly in a single row ; inner cells fusiform, outer externally lunate. Scenedesmus dimorphus, Ralfs. Ann. Nat. Hist xv., p. 403, t. 12, f. 5. Brit. Desm. p. 191, t. 31, f. 13. Hass. Alg. 393, t. 92, f. 13. Formerly the typical form and its two varieties were regarded as three separate species, but there scarcely seems sufficient reason for thus re- taining them. Ralfs wrote of them long ago, " When the cells are nearly uniform >$. acutus has some resemblance to 8. dimorphus ; but in the latter the cells are more slender, never ventricose, and are arranged quite evenly side by side. It is more difficult to distinguish S. acutus from 8. obliqiius, and I am far from certain that Ehrenberg erred in uniting them. The principal distinction is that in 8. acutus the cells form only a single series, which is nevertheless irregular, on account of the alternate projection of the cells in opposite directions. In S. obUquus, on the other hand, the cells by division form two distinct rows, which, after separation, become two fronds." These characteristics are better shown in Ralfs' figures than in our own, which are more intermediate, and show an evident approximation to the typical form. Plate XIII. fig. 6. a, cells of the typical form ; b, cells of the variety dimorphus; c, of the variety obliquus. All magnified 400 diameters. Scenedesmus antennatus. Breb. Rolf. Desm. t. 35, /. 27. Cells fusiform, 2-4-8, joined in a single or double series, all somewhat curved, usually ventricose, cuspidate at each extremity, the apices bearing a hyaline globule. SIZE. Cells •0025--Q035 mm. diam., -013 mm. long. Rabh. Alg. iii. 63. Archer in Pritch. Infus. p. 753. In pools. " Scenedesmus antennatus resembles S. acutus in form, and also in the arrangements of the cells ; but is distinguished from that and every other species by having the attenuated points tipped by minute glo- bules."— Ralfs. At the time the above was written it had not been found in this country, and is still the rarest species, if its specific identity can be maintained. Plate XIII. fig. 7. Cells magnified 400 diameters. B. Cells armed. Scenedesmus quadxicauda. Breb. Ralfs Desm. 190, t. 31, f. 12. Cells oblong-cylindrical, each extremity obtusely rounded, 2-4-8, narrowly united, either in a single or double series, all straight, the outer cells at each end (and rarely some of the intermediate ones) armed at each extremity with a recurved spine. SIZE. Cells -0085-*01 mm. diam. to -022 mm. long. Rabh. Alg. iii. 65. Scenedesmus quadricaudatus, Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist, xv., p. 402, t. 12, f. 4. Hass. Alg. 392, t. 92, f. 12. Jenner Fl. Tun. Wells, p. 200. In standing water. PROTOCOCCACE^E. 35 The commonest of British species. A variety has been described which differs only in being entirely destitute of bristles. We can con- firm Ralfs in his observation that the species of this genns frequently make their appearance in clear water that is kept in glasses or bottles and exposed to the light. He says that he has repeatedly noticed the appearance of 8. acutus var. obliquus in bottles containing Desmidiece, and sometimes its rapid increase so as to outnumber its companions. Speci- mens obtained in this manner, he adds, are frequently more or less distorted. In little aquaria the present species often becomes a nuisance from its profusion. Plate XIII. fig. 8. Cells magnified 400 diameters. Sub-Family 5. HYDRODICTYE^. Individual cells oblong-cylindrical, united into a reticu- lated saccate coenobium, all fertile, some producing macro- gonidia, which join themselves into a coenobium within the mother- cell, others producing microgonidia, which are fur- nished with two vibratile cilia and a lateral red spot ; these escape from the parent-cell, and, after a brief motile period, subside into protococcoid, thick-walled spores. GENUS 26. HYDRODICTYON. Roth. (1800.) Characters the same as in the sub-family. " The genus Hydrodictyon comprises, as far as known, but a single species, which is common to North America and Europe. It grows in great abundance in the neighbourhood of Philadelphia, especially in the ditches and stagnant brick ponds in the low grounds below the city, known as the ' Neck.' There it very frequently forms floating masses several inches in thickness, and many feet in extent, so that with the aid of a rake it could be gathered by the bushel. When thus in mass the colour is very generally dingy and yellowish, although the fronds, when in active vegetative life, are mostly of a bright, beautiful green. The plant is in greatest profusion in June and July, after which time it gradually disappears, until in the autumn it is scarcely to be found, but early in the spring it reappears. The very young fronds are minute, oval, cylindrical, filmy. looking closed nets, with the meshes not appre- ciable to the eye ; when growth takes place the fronds enlarge, until finally they form beautiful cylindrical nets, two to six inches in length, with their meshes very distinct, and their ends closed. In the bright sunlight, they, of course, by virtue of the life functions of their chlorophyl, liberate oxygen, which, being free to the interior of the net, and its exit barred by the fine meshes, collects as a bubble in one end of the cylinder, and buoys it up, so that, the heavier ends sinking, the net is suspended, as it were, vertically in the water. I know of few things of the kind more beautiful than a jar of limpid water with masses of these little nets hanging from the surface like curtains of sheen in the bright sunlight. A few cells collected in the fall or early spring, if put into a preserving jar, and the water occasionally changed, will multiply, and in a little while become a source of frequent pleasure to the watcher. " As the fronds increase in size they are always in some way or other broken up, so that, instead of being closed cylinders, they appear as simple open networks of less or greater extent. The extreme length to which the frond attains is, I think, very rarely over twelve inches, with meshes of about a third of an inch in length. The construction of the frond is always the same. It is composed of cylindrical cells united end 36 COCCOPHYCEJ3. to end in such a way as to form polygonal and mostly pentagonal meshes, the size of which varies with the age of the plant. These cells, which are closely conjoined, but have no passage-ways between them, are capable of independent life, so that the Hydrodictyon may be looked upon as an elaborate type of a cell-family, one in which cells are con- joined in accordance with a definite plan, so as to make a body of definite shape and size, yet in which each cell is an independent being, drawing nothing from its neighbours. The cells themselves are cylindrical, with a thickish cellulose wall, and having no nuclei. Their chlorophyllous protoplasm is granular, and is placed in the exterior portion of the cell, forming thus, within the outer wall, a hollow cylinder, in which are im- bedded starch granules, and whose interior is occupied with watery contents. The Hydrodictyon cell, when once formed, is capable of growth, but not of going through the usual process of cell multiplication by division, so that the adult frond is composed of just as many and, in- deed, the same cells as it had in its earliest infancy. "No true sexual reproduction has as yet been discovered in the water- nets. There have been described, however, two forms or methods in which the species multiplies, both of them occurring by means of motile zoosporoid bodies. In the one case these develop immediately into the new plant, whilst in the other, before doing so, they pass through a resting stage. Of the life history of the latter, the microgonidia, I have no personal knowledge. " The investigation of the production and development of the macro- gonidia, however, has occupied considerable of the time devoted by myself to the microscope, and I have seen large numbers of specimens in almost all the stages of development. I have never been able to detect any decided motion in the macro gonidia. 11 They are formed in the protoplasmic stratum already alluded to as occupying the outer portion of the interior of the Hydrodictyon cell. The first alteration in this, presaging their formation, is a disappearance of the starch granules, and a loss of the beautiful transparent green colour. Shortly after this, even before all traces of the starch-grain are gone, there appear in the protoplasm numerous bright spots placed at regular intervals ; these are the centres of development, around which the new bodies are to form. As the process goes on, the chlorophyl granules draw more and more closely around these points, and at the same time the mass becomes more and more opaque, dull, and yellowish brown in colour. This condensation continues until at last the little masses are resolved into dark hexagonal or polygonal plates, distinctly separated by light, sharply defined lines. In some the original bright central spot is still perceptible, but in others it is entirely obscured by the dark chlorophyl. The separation of these plates now becomes more and more positive, and they begin to become convex, then lenticular, and are at last converted into free, oval, or globular bodies. When these are fully formed they are said to exhibit a peculiar trembling motion, mutually crowding and pushing one another, compared by A. Braun to the restless, uneasy movement seen in a dense crowd of people iu which no one is able to leave his place. Whilst the process just described has been going on, the outer cellulose wall of the Hydro- dictyon cell has been undergoing changes, becoming thicker and softer and more and more capable of solution, and by the time the gonidia are formed it is enlarged and cracked, so that the room is afforded them to separate a little distance from one another within the parent- cell. Now the movements are said to become more active— a trembling jerking which has been compared to the ebullition of boiling water. There is, however, with this a very slight change of space, and in a very short time the gonidia arrange themselves so as to form a little net within the parent-cell, a miniature in all important particulars of the rROTOCOCCACE,K. ,37 adult Hydrodictyon. The primary cell wall now becomes more and more gelatinous, and soon undergoes complete solution, so that the new frond is set free in its native element. " It is evident that when the species is multiplied in the way just described the birth of the new frond is consentaneous with the death of the old cell. But when the Hyd/rodictyon disappear in the fall, it is months before they reappear in the spring. It is, therefore, evident there must be some other method of reproduction. This slow develop- ment of new fronds takes place, according to Pringsheim, by means of little motile bodies which he calls Daue?'schwarmer, which has been translated in English Chronispores (statospores, Hicks). M. Braun stated already some years since that sometimes, instead of the Hydrodictyon producing the ordinary reproductive bodies (macrogonidia), there are formed in the cells much smaller and more active bodies, the micro, gonidia. The changes which occur in the production of these are very similar to those already described as happening when the macro- gonidia are formed. When the chronispores are formed, however, they, instead of uniting together, escape in a free, distinct condition with the water. They are now small ovate bodies, with a large anterior transparent space, to which are attached a pair of cilia, and their life and history, according to Pringsheim, is as follows : — For a few hours they move about very actively in the water, and then, dropping their cilia, and acquiring an outer cellulose wall, pass into a quiescent stage, in which they closely resemble Protococcus granules. They are capable of living in this state for a long time if kept in water. They can also endure dessicatiou if the light be excluded during the process, but if it be present, they wither and die, and cannot be revivified. " After a longer or shorter period, but never shorter than three months, according to Pringsheim, they recommence their life, provided they be in water. For four or five months after this the chief change consists simply in an increase in size. The dark green protoplasm is arranged around the exterior of the cell ; within are the more fluid colourless con- tents, the whole body still looking like a Protococcus cell. After a size of about 4*0 th mm. is attained, the endochrome divides successively into several portions. The external layers of the surrounding wall now give way in some spot, and allow the inner layers to protrude and form a sort of hernial sac, into which the several endochrome masses soon pass, at the same time assuming the well-known characters of true zoospores. From two to five of these bodies are thus produced out of each original microgonidium. They are large, ovate, biciliate, and, generally, soon escaping from the hernial sac, move about actively in the water for a few minutes. Sometimes, however, they settle down within the genera- tive utricle. In either case, after a little time, they become motionless, lose their cilia, and develop into polyhedral cells, which are structurally remarkable for having their angles prolonged into long, horn-like ap- pendages. Under favourable circumstances, at the end of a few days, the bright green endochrome of these undergoes similar changes to those described as presaging the production of the microgonidia, and is finally formed into zoospores, which, in from twenty to forty minutes, unite, within the polyhedron or large cells, into Hydrodictyon, which is finally set free by a solution of the cellulose coat of the polyhedron. The network thus formed differs in no essential way from that which arises in the better known way, except that it is composed of much fewer cells. It is generally a closed sac ; but when the polyhedron, out of which it is developed, is small, it is sometimes merely an open network. Its after- history appears to be identical with that of the ordinary Hydrodictyon frond."— Dr. H. G. Wood, " American F. Water Alga" G 38 COCCOPHYCE^E. Hydxodictyon utriculatum. Roth. Rabk. Alg. 66. Size of the families (net) variable ; also of the cells (forming the meshes) and the gonidia, according to circumstances. Eng. Flora v., p. 359. Harv. Man p. 140. Eng. Bot. (Ed. 2) t. 2504. Hook. Scot ii. 80. Gray. Arrang. i., p. 300. Hass. Alg. 225, t. 58. Conferva reticulata, Dillw. Conf. t. 97. Eng. Bot. (Ed. 1) t. 1687. Huds. An portion of sterile thread X 400 ; b, threads in conjugation X 200; c, conjugating cells and zygospores of Zygnema ordinarium, after Berkeley, magnification unknown. B. Zygospores produced in one or other of the conjugating cells. Zygnema cxuciatum. (Vauch.) Sterile cells equal or twice as long as broad. Zygospore sphserical, formed in one or other of two conjoined cells. Membrane brown and scrobiculate. SIZE. Cells -028 mm. broad. Zygospore '04 mm. diam. Cleve Mon. Zygn. p. 29, t. 9, f. 1-3. Kirsch. Alg. Sehl. p. 126. Kutz. Tab. Phy. v. t. 17, f. 4. Conjugata cruciata, Vauch. Hist. Conf. p. 76, t. 7, f. 2. Tyndaridea cruciata, Hass. Alg. 160, t. 38, f. 1. Eng. Bot. Ed. 2, t. 2512 B. Eng. Fl. v. p. 361. Mack. Hib. 231. Conferva bipunctata, Dillw.Conf. t. 2. Hook Fl. Scot, ii, 81. Zygnema bipunctatum, Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii, 256. Gray Arr. i, 296. Zygnema Dillwyni, Kutz. Tab. Phy. v. t. 17, f. In ditches, pools, &c. The form figured by Dillwyn is more slender than the typical form and is considered by some as a distinct variety. There is, perhaps, some difficulty in determining the exact limits of the three species^, cruciatum, J5. stellinum, andJk Vaucherii, unless by merging the latter two in one, and accepting Z. cruciatum as possessing globose zygospores, whilst the other species has oval, or somewhat elon- gated zygospores. Plate XXX. fig. 1. a, portion of sterile thread X 400; b, conjugat- ing threads with zygospores X 200 ; c, mature zygospore X 400. 80 ZYGOPHYCEJE. Zygnema stellinum. (Vauch.} Kutz. Tab. V. t. 17, /. 2. Sterile cells 1^ to 3 times longer than broad. Zygospore broadly ovoid, formed in one or other of the con- joined cells. Membrane brown, scrobiculate. S poriferous cells commonly longer than the zygospore. SIZE. Cells -022 mm. Zygospore '04 x '03 mm. De Bary Conj. p. 78. Cleve Mon. Zyg. p. 28, t. 8, f. 9-11. Rabh. Alg. Ear. iii, 249. Conjugata stellina, Vauch. Conf. p. 75, t. 7, f. 1. Thwaitesia Duricei, Mont. Fl. Alg. t. 15, f. 1. Tyndaridea stellina, Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, p. 182. In pools and ditches. Kirschner unites this species and the next, for which he appears to have great justification. We scarcely see how they can be maintained as distinct if the broad view of Zygnema Vaucherii which we have adopted is tenable. No definite period can be fixed for the production of the zygospores, not only in this species, but in the majority of the Zyynemacem. We have observed them in June, or earlier, some as soon as April, and as late as September. Hassall says " the species may be found in a state of conjugation during the entire of the spring, summer, and autumnal months ; they are chiefly met with, however, in this state in the spring." Cleve has attached dates to the species enumerated by him, but as these do not correspond with the periods at which we have found them in this country, these dates are not quoted lest they should prove misleading rather than useful. Plate XXX. fig. 2. a, portion of sterile thread X 400 ; b, conjugat- ing threads and zygospores X 400. Zygnema Vaucherii. Ag. Syst. Alg. p. 77. Sterile cells 2^- or 3 to 5 times as long as broad. Zygospores subglobose or broadly elliptic, produced in one or other of the conjugating cells, which is usually more or less inflated, sporoderm delicately punctate. SIZE. Cells '01-'022 mm. Zygospore, according to the varieties. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 250. Conjugata giacilis, Vauch. Conf. t. 6, f. 2. Tyndaridea bicornis, Hass. Alg. 162, t. 38, f. 5. Tyndaridea interposita, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. p. 43. In ditches, ponds, &c. var.a. tenue. Rabh. Alg. Ew. in. p. 250. Sterile cells -019--022 mm., 1 to 3 times as long. var. b. subtile. Rabh. Alg. Eur. in. ^?. 250. Sterile cells -015--019 mm., 2 to 4 times as long. Tyndaridea ovalist Hass. Alg. t. 38, f. 8. ZYGNEMACE.E. 81 var. c. stagnale. Kirsch. Sterile cells '01 mm., 3 to 4 times as long. Tyndaridea stag?ialis, Hass. Alg. 162, t. 38, f. 9. Tyndaridea stagnicola, Hass. Ann. N. Hist. x. (1842) p. 42. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, p. 182. It will be seen from the above that this is a variable species, of which two of the three varieties are British. These are by no means un- common, often mixed with other filamentous algae, and can scarcely be confounded with anything else, even when sterile. Plate XXX. jig. 3. a, portion of sterile thread X 400 ; b, portion of fertile thread with zygospores X 400. Fig. 4, var. subtile, a, portion of sterile threads X 400 ; b, conjugating threads and zygospores X 400. Fig. 5, rar. stagnale. a, portions of sterile threads X 400 ; b, fertile cells with zygospores X 400. Zygnema anomalum. (Hass.) Sterile cells equal, or nearly twice as long as broad ; cytio- derni thick, lamellose. Zygospore globose, olivaceous (sporoderm distinctly punc- tate ?). SIZE. Cells -025 mm. diam., with mucous sheath about double ; zygospore '026 mm. diam. Tyndaridea lutescens, Hass. Alg. t. 38, f. 4. Dickie Bot. Guide 296. Tyndaridea cruciata, Harv. Man. p. 141. Tyndaridea abbreviata, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. (1842) p. 43. Tyndaridea anomala, Hass. Alg. t. 38, f. 2-3. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 182. Ralfs, Eng. Bot. Supp. t. 2899. In boggy pools. The British species is the Tyndaridea anomala of Hassall and Kalfs, and not the Zygnema anomalum of Continental botanists, which species has the zygospore produced in the conjugating canal. The following is the original description published by Ralfs in the supplement to " Eng- lish Botany " :— " It forms large, dark green masses in shallow pools on heaths. The filaments are stout ; under the microscope each is found to be enclosed in a hyaline sheath, which extends on each side about half the breadth of the coloured portion, and is always more or less waved or scolloped. At first it is nearly even, but it gradually becomes more and more irre- gular, and the conjugating specimens are almost denuded. The joints of the filament are usually about equal in length and breadth, but sometimes twice as long as broad. The endochrome is blackish green, and at first quadrate, when it completely fills the joint, but its division into two portions gradually becomes apparent until two stellse, but less distinct than those in the other species, are at last developed, when con- jugation takes place in the usual manner. The spores, which are globular, are contained in the joints of one of the connected filaments. Not uufrequently the tubular processes are themselves converted into cells containing endochrome. " In its early state this plant is so different in appearance from the other species, that at first sight its proper situation is scarcely appa- 82 ZYGOPHYCE.E. rent. Indeed, having sent specimens to several celebrated algologists, they hesitated to admit it into Tyndaridea, until Mr. Hassall, who also at first strongly doubted whether it belonged to the Conjugate, fortu- nately gathered fertile specimens. Such we ourselves found shortly afterwards, and we have since repeatedly met with them ; the appear- ance of the plant in conjugation, however, is so altered that its identity can only be determined by tracing it through all its changes. " In its usual state the sheath is very conspicuous, and the dense en- dochrome so fills the cells that the plant looks like a Conferva, the con- tinuity being interrupted merely at the dissepiments. When about to conjugate the sheath has nearly or altogether disappeared, and the en- dochrome is collected into two stellae, leaving the rest of the cell colour- less."— Ralfs. Hassall also found and examined the plant, and figured it with zygo- spores in the cells of the filaments, whereas the Continental species, since the figure by Kutzing, is always described as having the zygospore in the canal of conjugation. There cannot, therefore, be the slightest doubt that the species found by Hassall and Ralfs is quite distinct from that known to Kutzing, Rabenhorst, and De Bary. Priority certainly is in favour of Hassall's name, and it is the Continental species which must give way, and yield up a name, acquired in error, to its rightful claimant. Our figures are based on the sketches and drawings by Ralfs, with whom we have been in communication on this question. It is absurd to suppose that Ralfs and Hassall were both deceived, as well as Mr. Jenner (an admirable observer), to whom the species was undoubtedly known, and finally Mr. Salter in preparing the drawings from the specimens for the " English Botany." Unfortunately we could find no fruit in the specimens which we possess, collected by Ralfs forty years ago, nor could we obtain specimens in conjugation from Cornwall during the past spring. Plate XXXI. fig. 1. a, b, portions of sterile threads X 400 ; c, fertile cells with zygospores X 400, after Ralfs ; d, conjugating cells X 400. Zygnema leiospermum. De Bary. Rabh. Algee Exs. No. 638. Sterile cells equal in length and breadth, or sometimes twice as long. Zygospore globose or broadly oval, formed in one of two conjugating cells ; membrane brown, even. Sporiferous cells a little swollen. SIZE. Cells -022 mm. (Ham. Zygospore '023-*03 mm. De Bary Conj. p. 77, 1. 1, f. 7-14. Eabh. Alg. iii. 249. Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 125. In ditches filled after rain. The two British species with the membrane of the zygospore even, in this section, are the present and the following, which will require some care in the discrimination. The inflated cells, which enclose the zygospores, in the present, is relied upon as one of the featnres which distinguish it from the succeeding ^species, as well as the larger size of the zygospores. Plate XXXI. Jig. 2. a, portion of fertile thread X 400; d, c, fertile cells, with zygospores, after De Bary X 400 ; d, mature zygospore X 400, after DeBary. ZYGNEMACEJE. 83 Zygnema insigiie. Kutz. Tab. v. t. 17, /. 1. Sterile cells equal, or twice as long as broad. Copulation scalariforai or lateral ; zygospore globose or slightly oval; membrane brown, even. SJZE. Cells •026--03 mm. diam. ; zygospore about '026 x •032 mm., or globose about '03 mm. diam. De B;iry Conj. p. 78, t. 8, f. 14-16. Rabb. Alg. iii. 249. Kutz. Tab. v. t. 17, f. 1. Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 125. Tyndaridea insignis, Hass. Alg. p. 163, t. 38, f. 6, 7. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells 182. Zygnema tenue, Rabli. Exs. No. 674. In streams and ditches. The cells of this species at the time of conjugation are apt to become much distorted, inflated sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other, and even to conjugate in the manner represented by DeBary, and copied on our plate, Plate XXXI. frj. 3. a, sterile cells X 400; b, fertile cells with zygospores X 200 ; c, fertile cells, with longitudinal conjugation, X 200, after De Bary ; d, zygospore X 400. GENUS 45. SPXROGYUA. Link. (1820.) Cells with one to several parietal chlorophyll bands, usually spirally winding to the right. Copulation ladder-like (Spiro- gyrct) or lateral (Rhynchonema). Zygospores always within the wall of one of the united cells. Copulating cells similar to the sterile ones, or swollen out. This genus, as now accepted, includes two genera as recognised by Kutzing, Spirogyra and Mhynehonema. In the former the conjugation was scalariform, and in the latter it was lateral. It is now found that in many species, probably in all, both kinds of conjugation take place, according to circumstances. The same filament, which in some portion of its length conjugates with a neighbouring filament, has also been observed conjugating laterally between two of its own cells. The genus Rhynchonemot therefore has thus been proved to represent only one of the modes of conjugation of the same plant, which under other condi- tions conjugates with a neighbouring filament. In past times too great importance was attached to the breadth and length of the cells in the sterile filaments, and also to the character of the spiral bands, features which are now known to be too variable to be relied upon, the most important and reliable characters being derived from the zygospore ; hence only specimens in fructification can be accurately determined. The most recent work on the species of Western Europe is a Mono- graph of Spirogyra, as represented in France, by Mons. Paul Petit. (Paris, 1880.) See also Professor Cleve's " Monograph of the Zygnemacese." N 84 ZYGOFHYCE.E. The following is a tabular arrangement of the British species : — • Sec. 1. Cells not replicate at the ends. A. Chlorophyll bands numerous (rarely two). * Spores ovoid or elliptic. f Membrane smooth. 1. crassa, Ktz. 2. jagalis, Dill. 3. nitida, Lie. ff Membrane punctate. None. ** Spores orbicular. f Membrane smooth. 4. orthospira, Nag. ff Membrane punctate. 5. orbicularis, Hass. 6. bellis, Hass. B. Chlorophyll bands single or double (rarely ternate). * Spore membrane smooth. 7. porticalis, Vauch. var. a. quinina. Chlorophyll bands usually single. var. 0. decimina. Chlorophyll bands usually binate, rarely ternate. var. £. rivularis, Hass. Chlorophyll bands usually three. ** Spore membrane punctate. None. "N.B. — Spirogyra elongata, Berk. Glean., p. 33, tab. 12, f. 3 (Rabh. Alg. iii. 241), would follow here but that the fruit is unknown, and heuce it is uncertain. C. Chlorophyll bands single. * Spore membrane smooth. 9. condensata, Vauch. - 9. longata, Vauch. 10. flavescens, Cleve. ** Spore membrane punctate. (N.B. — No record of Sp. velata or Sp. punctata in Britain.) Sec. 2. Cells replicate at the ends. A. Chlorophyll bands usually two or more, * Spore membrane smooth. 11. Sp. insignis, Hass. ** Spore membrane punctate. 12. Sp. calospora, Cleve. B. Chlorophyll bands single. * Spore membrane smooth. 13. Sp. quadrata, Petit. 14. Sp. Weberi, Kutz. 15. Sp. tenuissima, Hass. ** Spore membrane punctate. None. ZYGNEMACE^E. 85 The English student may also consult with advantage a memoir " on the germination of the resting spores in Spirogyra," by Dr. Pringsheim, translated in the Annals of Natural History, 2nd ser., Vol. xi. (1853), p. 210. "On the Structure and Division of the Vegetable Cell," by J. M. Macfarlane, in Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, Vol. xiv. (1881). Pringsheim's Researches on Chlorophyll, translated by Professor Bayley Balfour, in Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Vol. xxii., new series (1882). Darwin " On the Action of Car- bonate of Ammonia on Chlorophyll Bodies," in Journal of the Linnean Society, Vol. xix. (1882). SECTION 1. Cells not replicate at the ends. A. Chlorophyll hands numerous (rarely two]. Spirogyra crassa. Kutz. Sterile cells with the extremities truncate, equal or twice as long as broad. Chlorophyll bands four or more, making -I-li turns. Zygospores broadly and obtusely oval, membrane even. Sporiferous cells persistent, not swollen. SIZE. Cells -12--15 mm. diarn. (Rahh.), '15 mm. diam. (Petit), zygospore -14--15 diam. (Petit), '13 x '12 ; -14 x '12 ; •16 x '12 mm. (M.C.C.). Zyguema serratum, Hass Alg. t. 18, f. 1. Spirogyra crassa, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 28, f. 2 ; Kutz. Phy. Gen. t. 14, f. 4 ; Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 119 ; Petit Spirogyra p. 32, 1. 12, f.-3, 4. Spirogyra Heeriana, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 28, f. 3. In ponds, &c. Fruiting in summer. Hassall says of his Z. serratvm that the " filaments are of nearly the same diameter as those of Z. orbiculare, but less mucous, from which species it may readily be distinguished by the fewer number and ser- rated appearance of the spores, the larger size of the granules, and the form of the sporangia, which in Z. orbicidare are nearly sphserical, and compressed, while in Z. serratum they are broadly ovate." The sterile cells have a greater diameter than any other British species, whilst their length varies from about half a diameter to two diameters. The zygospore is comparatively broader than in S. jugalis, and slightly flattened, so that when seen in certain positions it appears to be narrower than it is, and more resembling that of S. jugalis. On plate 32, figs. 1 and 2, the nucleus is represented in the centre of the cells. Pringsheim has recently remarked, as a fact hitherto unre- cognised, that " the threads of the protoplasm extending outwards from the central plasma mass in each cell, do not, as was supposed, end in the general protoplasmic lining of the cell wall, but each passes directly or by its branches to the internal surface of a chlorophyll band, and there dilates in a trumpet-like manner, and grasps, as it were, an amylum body." — Researches on Chlorophyll, p. 81. Plate XXXII. fig. 1. a, sterile cells X 200 ; b, fertile cells with zygospores X 200 ; c, fertile cells of Bhynchonema form with zygo- spore X 200 ; d, outline of zygospore X 400. 86 ZYGOPHYCEJ:. Spirogyra jugalis. (Dill.) Sterile cells with the ends truncate, and commonly equal, or double the length of the diameter. Chlorophyll bands 4 to 5, making 1 to 2 turns. Zygospore elliptical, membrane even. Sporiferous cells not swollen. SIZE. Sterile cells -09--1 mm. diam. (Petit), '14 mm. diam. (Cleve), '075--1 mm. diam. (Rabh.), 'OST-'ll mm. diam. (Kirsch.). Zygospores -14 x 'I-'IZ mm. (Cleve), -15 x *1 mm. (Petit), -13--14 X -085--09 mm. (M.C.C.). Conferva jugalis, Dillw. Brit Conf. t. 5. Spirogyra jugalis, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 27, f. 2 ; Petit Spirogyra p. 29, t/1 1, f. 3, 4 ; Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 245. Spirogyra setiformis, Petit Spirogyra, p. 29, t. 11, f. 1, 2 (not Kutz., nor Rabh. Alg. Eur.): Rabh. Exs. 2292 ; Cleve Mon. Zyg. p. 15 (partly), t. 1, f. 1-3. In clear ponds, &c. Fruiting at Midsummer. The British specimens which we refer to this species have the sterile cells from '12 to '14 mm. broad, and about two diameters long. The zygospore is from '13 to '14 mm. long and '085 mm. broad. In other specimens, from the Continent, we have found the zygospores from '11 to '13 mm. long and '095 mm. broad. M. Petit recognises two species, which he calls respectively S. jugalis and S. setiformis, differing so little from each other that it seems scarcely possible to distinguish them except in extreme cases. To the latter he refers Z. interruptum of Hassall, but, without the fruit, which Hassall never found, it is difficult to affirm what it might be. It is quite as probable that it was S. orbicularis as anything else. Plate XXXII. fig. 2. a, sterile cells X 200; ?>, fertile cells with zygospores X 200; c, outline of zygospore X 400. Spirogyra nitida. (Dillw.) Link Handbk. in., 262. Sterile cells with the ends truncate, and usually 2 to 4 times as long as broad ; chlorophyll bands about 4, making 1 to 4 turns of the spiral. Spores elliptic ovoid (almost almond-shaped), 1-| times as long as broad, membrane even. Sporiferous cells persistent. Germinating plant clavate, radical cell much attenuated. SIZE. Herile cells -072--07S mm. diam. (Petit), '08-09 mm. (Clerc), -06--075 mm. (Rabh.), '054--077 mm. (Kirsch}, •07--09 mm. (M.C.C.). Zygospore -1 x ' 07 2 mm. (Cleve), '11- •13 X -06--07 mm. (M.C.C.). Spirogyra princeps, Cleve Monog. Zygn. p. 16, t. 1, f. 4 to 7. Conjugata princeps, Vauch. Conf. p. 64, t. 4, f. 1. Zygneina nitidum, Lyngb. Tent. Hydr. t. 59, f. B. Hass. Alg. t. 22. Harv. Man. p. 143. Eng. Fl. v. 362. Eng. Bot. Ed. ii. t. 2509. Mack. Fl. Hib. 231. Hook. Fl. Scot. ii. 80. Dickie Bot. Guide 296. ZYGNEMACE.E. 87 Spirogyra nitida^ Kutz. Tab. Phy. v. t. 27, f. 1. Kirscli. Alg. Schl. p. 123. Petit Spirogyra p. 28, t. 10, f. 6 to 10. Conferva nitidum, Dill. Conf. t. 4, f. C. Eng. Bot. ed. i. t. 2337. Jermer Fl. Tunb. Wells 178. Gray Arr. i. 298. Zygnema rostratum, Hass. Alg. t. 33, f. 1. In ponds, &c. Very little requires to be said of this species, which is the most common one with thick filaments in Britain. It is most probable that HassalFs Zyynema rostratum is the same, conjugating longitudinally, for he says that the filaments are somewhat larger than those of his Zygnema nitidum, but that he had only seen it once, The form of zygospore figured by him is that of the present species, and not of Spirogyra bellis, to which the Rhynchonema rostrata of Kutzing is re- ferred by Cleve. Cleve proposed to substitute the name of Spirogyra princeps, Vauch., for the universally known Spirogyra nitida, a change with which we by no means sympathise, because, after all, it is only a matter of opinion, and not of demonstration, whether this is really the Conjugata princeps of Vaucher, and there should be a good and substantial reasons for super- seding a specific name so long recognised as Spirogyra nitida. Plate XXXIII. Jig. I. a, b, sterile cells X 200 ; c, conjugating cells with zygospores X 200 ; d, outline of zygospore X 400. Spirogyra oxthospira. Nag. in Kutz. Spec. p. 441. Sterile cells with the extremities truncate, and from 2-| to 4 to 10 times as long as broad ; chlorophyll bands 3 to 4 to 5 (rarely 7), sometimes erect, sometimes forming a very lax spiral. Spores orbicular, flattened, membrane even. Sporiferous cells scarcely swollen, 2-| to 4 times as long as the diameter. SIZE. Cells *05-*065 mm. diam. ; zygospore '07 mm. diam., •048 mm. thick. Spirogyra orthospira, Archer in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1870. Petit Spirogyra p. 30, t. 10, f. 4, 5. Spirogyra majuscula, Kutz. Tab. Phy. v. t. 26, f. 1. Rabh. Alg. iii. 244. In pools. Fruiting in autumn. This is a recently discovered species in the British Islands, and has hitherto only been recognised by Mr. Archer in Ireland. Plate XXXIII. Jig. 2. a, a, sterile cells X 200 ; b, conjugating cells with zygospores X 200 ; c, front and side views of zygospore X 400. Spixogyxa oxbiculaxis. Hassa.ll Alg. t. 19. Sterile cells with the ends truncate, about equal in length to breadth; chlorophyll bands 5 to 7, making -^ to 1 turn. Zygospores orbicular, flattened, membrane punctate. Sporiferous cells not inflated. 88 ZYGOPHYCE.E. SIZE. Cells '11--14 mrn. diam. ; zygospores '1 mm. diam. Narrow diameter '08 mm. Petit Spirogyra p. 31, t. 12, f. 1, 2. Kutz. Tab. v. t. 27, f. 3. Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 118. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 245. Zygnema orbiculare, Hass. Alg. p. 138, t. 19. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells 178. Zygnema alternatum, Hass. Alg. 139, t. 20. Zygnema interruptum, Hass. Alg. 140, t. 21. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1843, p. 432. Zygnema maximum, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. (1842), p. 36. Spirogyra alternata, Kutz. Spec. 442. Rabh. Alg. iii. 248. Spirogyra setifonnis, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 28, fig. 1 (not Petit). Rabh. Alg. iii. 246. Cleve Mon. Zyg. p. 15 (in part). In ponds, &c. Fruiting in autumn. There is nothing inconsistent in Cleve's suggestion that Hassall's three plates 19, 20, and 21 all belong to the same species. No reliance can be placed on the width of the chlorophyll bands, nor the little difference in the breadth of the cells. Of course the disturbance in the bands of the conjugated cells is due to the conjugation. When this species is really in fruit there can be no difficulty in its determination, and, without fruit, it is folly to waste time in attempting to guess at the relationship of any species. Hassall says that " it is found in ponds and dykes whose waters are deep and permanent, and it does not conjugate until near the end of summer." " Cells when in a state of conjugation, a little longer than broad, prior to which, however, they are frequently not half so long as broad ; winding round the interior of these are about eight spiral threads, the granules in them being small." Plate XXXIV. fig. 1. «, sterile cells X 200 ; b, conjugating cells with zygospores X 200 ; c, outline of zygospore X 400. Spirogyra bellis. Hassall. Sterile cells with the ends truncate, and usually 1^ times (rarely 3 times) as long as broad ; chlorophyll bands 5 to 6, making -^ to 1 turn, or nearly erect. Spores orbicular, depressed, with the membrane punctate or porose, chestnut colour. Sporiferous cells persistent, swollen. Germinating plant cylindrical, radical cell short and sub- cylindrical. SIZE. Cells •07-'08 mm. ; zygospore *07-'OS mm. diam., •05-'06 mm. thick. Cleve Monoor. Zygn. p. 18, t. 3, f. 2 to 5. Petit Spir. p. 31, t. 10, f. 1 to 3. Zyqnema beUa, Hass. Alg. p. 142, t. 24. Ann. Nat. Hist, x. (1842), p. 37. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells 178. Spirogyra subcequa, Kutz. Tab. Phy. v. t. 26, f. 2. Rhynchonema ro stratum, Kutz. Tab. Phy. v. t. 34, f. 3. (Not Zygnema rostratwn, Hass. Alg. t. 33, f. 1.) ZYGNEMACEJS. 89 Zygnema neglectum, Hass. Alg. t. 23, f. 1 (not Petit). Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 37. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells 178. In ponds. Fruiting in August. This species is rather a characteristic one, of which it appears to us that Zygnema neglectum, Hass., is only a form with three chlorophyll bands. If the two species of Hassall are drawn to the same scale, it is * difficult to indicate any specific difference. The Rhynchonema rostratum of Kntziiig is referred by Cleve to this species, but the Zygnema rostratum of Hassall appears to be different, with thicker filaments and much longer zygospores, and is rather referable to Spvrogyra nitida. The Spirogyra neglecta of Petit cannot be the Zygnema neglectum of Hassall. This species is thus described by Hassall : — " Filaments about a foot in length, with truncate extremities ; of considerable though rather less diameter than those of S. nitida, mucous, glossy, and of a deep and beautiful green colour ; investing membrane of the cells very evident and transparent. Cells in the young filaments scarcely so long as broad, but their length exceeds their breadth in those which have conjugated ; round the interior of the cells five or six loose spiral tubes may be faintly discerned ; these contain the reproductive globules (sic;), which are large and distinct, with a dark central nucleus. Sporangia oval sometimes almost circular and flattened, lying in inflated cells, the cavity of which they do not fill." Plate XXXIV. fig. 2. a, sterile cells X 200; b, conjugating cells with zygospores X 200 ; c, fertile cells of Rhynchonema form with zygospore X 200 ; d, outline of zygospore X 400. B. Chlorophyll bands single or double (rarely ternate). Spixogyra porticalis. Vauch. Sterile cells with the extremities truncate, 2 to 4 times longer than the diameter ; chlorophyll bands single, or binate, rarely ternate. Spores obtuse, ovoid, 1^ times longer than the diameter, membrane even, chestnut colour. Sporiferous cells equal to the length of the spore, or twice as long, more or less turgid. SIZE. Cells -032--05 mm. diam. Zygospore -08 X O48--05 mm. Cleve Monog. Zygn. p. 22, t. 5, f. 8 to 13. Conjugata porticalis, Vauch. Conf. p. 66, t. 5, f. 1. In ditches, &c. Fruiting in spring. a. quiniiia. Chlorophyll bands usually single. SIZE. Cells -035--045 mm., about twice as long. Zygnema quinmum, Hass. Alg. t. 28, f. 1, 2. Harv. Man. p. 143. Landsborough Brit. Seaweeds p. 362. Eng. Fl. v. 362. Eng. Bot. Ed. ii. p. 175. Harv. Man. 143. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii. 256. Grev. Fl. Ed. 320. Mac. Fl. Hib. 231. Fl. Devon ii. 50. Hook. Fl. Scot. ii. 80. Dickie Bot. Guide, 296. 90 ZYGOPHYCE.E. Spirogyra quinina, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 22, f. 2. Spirogyra porticalis, Petit iSpirogyra, p. 21, t. 5, f. 8-12. Conferva spiralis, Dillw. Conf. t. 3. Eng. Bot. Ed. i. t. 1656. Zygnema spiralis, Eng. Bot. Ed. ii. t. 2561. Conjugata quinina, Gray Arr. i. 297. var. (3. decimina. Chlorophyll bands usually 2, sometimes 3. SIZE. Cells -034--04 mm., 2 to 4 times as long. Zygnema deciminum, Hass. Alg. t. 23, f. 3, 4. Harv. Man. p. 143. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii. 255. Mack. Fl. Hib. 2, 31. Fl. Devon ii. 50. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells 178. Grev. Fl. Edin. 320. Eng. Fl. v. 362. Spirogyra decimina, Kutz. tab. v. t. 23, f. 3, 24, f. 1. Petit Spirogyra p. 25, t. 8, f. 1-3. Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 242. Spirogyra flavicans, Kutz. tab. v. t. 23, f. 3. Spirogyra laxa, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 23, f. 3. Spirogyra major, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 24, f. 2. Conferva jugalis, Dillw. Conf. t. 5. Conferva inflata, Eng. Bot. Ed. i. t. 2376. Zygnema injlatum, Eng. Bot. Ed. ii. t. 2510. Hook. Fl. Scot. ii. 80. Conjugata inflata, Gray Arr. i. 297. (?) Conjugata decimina, Gray Arr. i. 299. var. c. rivulaiis. Hass. SIZE. Cells "032--036 mm., 5 to 10 times as long. Zygnema rivulare, Hass. Alg. 144, t. 27, f. 1, 2. Annals Nat. Hist. x. 38. Spirogyra rivularis, Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 243. Undoubtedly if the nterile threads of this species are carefully ex- amined, they will furnish abundant evidence that the number of spiral bands is variable, for cells will constantly be found in the same filament in which either one or two bands occur. So that, with the great simi- larity in fruit, it would be folly to think of maintaining the two varieties decimina and quinina as distinct species, on account of the number of chlorophyll bands. The Z. rivulare of Has sail, which we have included as a third variety, is not uncommonly found in a sterile condition, in so far as it can be determined in this stage, but hitherto we have not seen it in fruit. It is said to be found on the Continent in fructification, but we have no knowledge of the Continental form. The spirals in the sterile cells are usually three, and then very nearly identical with the condition of the variety decimina, in which the bands are the same in number, Plate XXXV. fig. ], form quinina. a, sterile cells X 200; b, c, conju- gating cells with zygospores X 200 ; d, outline zygospores X 400. Fig. 2, form decimina. a, sterile cells X 200 ; b, conjugating cells with zygo- spores X 200 ; d, outline zygospore X 400. Fig. 3, form rivularis. a, sterile cells X 200. ZYGNEMACE^E. 91 C. Chlorophyll bands single. Spirogyra condensata. Vauch. Sterile cells with the extremities truncate, and commonly 1 to 3^ longer than the diameter. Chlorophyll bands single, rarely two, making 1^- to 2 turns of the spiral. Spores broadly obtuse, ovoid, or subspherical, membrane even, chestnut colour. Sporiferous cells turgid, and usually shorter than the spores. SIZE. Cells '04 mm. diam., zygospores *035-*04 mm. diam. Cleve Monog. Zygn. p. 21, t. v. f. 1-7. Conjugata condensata, Vauch. Conf. t. 5, f. 2. Gray Arr. i. 298. Zygnema rarians, Hass. Alg. t. 29, f. 3 and 4. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 180. Zygnema Woodsii, Hass. Alg. t. 33, f. 2. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 180. 'Spirogyra torulosa, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 20, f. 2. Spirogyra nodosa, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 20, f. 3. Spirogyra arcta, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 21, f. 2. Spirogyra condensata, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 22, f. 3. Petit Spiro- gyra, p. 22, t. 9, fig. 6-8. Rhynchonema Woodsii, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 34, f. 2 (not of Nord. and Wittr. Exs., No. 7«9). Spirogyra Flechsigii, Rabh. Hedw. i. p. 4G. Zygnema quininum, var. Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. (1842) 35. Spirogyra ulotrichoides, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 21,f. 3. Spirogyra varians, Kutz. Sp. Alg. p. 439. Petit Spirogyra p. 49, t. 4, f. 1-8. Spirogyra injiata, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 21, f. 1-8. In pools. Fruiting in spring. From the number of synonyms quoted above, it may be inferred that this is a variable species. All the forms seem to be included by Petit under his Spirogyra condensata and S. varians. Hassall thus alludes to a peculiar nodoluse growth of some of the forms : — " When a number of cells unite in regular order with those of a neighbouring filament, no inflation of any of these occurs ; but it fre- quently happens that several adjoining cells of a filament for some reason or other do not unite, although the remaining ones in that filament do, in which case those which have not yoked themselves swell up, assuming a monoliform appearance, and at the same time frequently emit blind and irregular processes or prolongations, by which the cells manifest the strong tendency which they have to conjoin themselves, but which some cause, not evident, would appear to have frustrated. In some speci- mens the number of inflated cells and blind processes is but smali, while in others the elongated cells are more numerous than those which have united in the ordinary manner." A similar circumstance may sometimes be observed in S. longata, especially in the short-celled forms. O 92 ZYGOPHYCEiE. Plate XXXVI. fig. 1. a, sterile cells X 200 ; 5, conjugating cells with zygospores X 200 ; c, sterile cells of inflated form X 200 ; d, conjugating cells with zygospores X 200; e, f, g, outlines of zygospores X 400. Spirogyra longata. Vauch. Sterile cells with the ends truncate, 3 to 8 times as long as broad, chlorophyll bands single or rarely two, making 1± to 6 turns of a spiral. Spores 1^ to 2 times as long as broad, membrane even, chest- nut colour. S poriferous cells swollen and usually longer than the spore. SIZE. Cells -024--03 mm. diarn. Zygospore -04--07 x '03 mm. Cleve Monog. Zygn. p. 20, t. 3, f. 8-10; t. 4, f. 1-7 ; t. 10, f. 11-13. Conjugata longata, Vauch. Conf. p. 71, t. 6, f. 1. In pools and ditches. far. a. c omniums. Sterile cells 3 to 8 times as long as broad. Spirogyra longata, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 20, f. 1. Rabh. iii. 238. Petit Spirogyra t. 5, f. 4, 5. Zygnema commune, Hass. Alg. t. 28, f. 5, 6. Ann. Nat. Hist, x. (1842) p. 39. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 180. Zygnema (Estivum, Hass. Alg. t. 28, f. 3, 4. Ann. Nat. Hist, xi. (1843), p. 433. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 180. Zygnema angulare, Hass. Alg. t. 34, f. 1, 2. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 180. Zygnema angidatum, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. (1842) p. 41, Zygnema reversum, Hass. Alg. t. 33, f. 3. Zygnema alternatum, Hass. Alg. p. 154. Zygnema mirabile, Hass. Alg. t. 35, f. 1-3. Spirogyra communis, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 19, f. 4. Petit Spiro- gyra t. v. f. 1-3. Rhynchonema angulare, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 34, f. 1. Rabh. iii. 232. l Rliynclwnema reversum, Kutz. Rabh. iii. 232. Spirogyra subtilis, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 19, f. 5. Spirogyra mirabilis, Kutz Sp. p. 438. Petit Spirogyra p. 14, t. 3, f. 3-4. Conjugata longata, Gray Arr. i. 279 (?) var. (3. turpis. Sterile cells abbreviated. Zygnema malformatum, Hass. Alg. t. 30, f. 1, 2. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. (1842) p. 39. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 180. Zygnema catceneforme, Hass. Alg. t. 30, f. 3, 4. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. (1842), p. 39. Zygnema abbreviatum, Hass. Alg. t. 34, f. 4. ZYGNEMACEJ2. 93 Spirogyra turpis, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 19, f. 2. Rab. iii. 238. Spirogyra catceneformis, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 19, f. 1. Rab. iii. 238. Petit Spirogyra t. 3, f. 9-12. Rhynchonema abbrevialum, Kutz. Rab. iii. 248. We venture to differ from onr friend Mons. Petit in uniting four of his species. Iu fact, if four species are to be accepted, we see no logical grounds for refusing to accept a dozen, because of the excessive vari- ability in the sterile cells. Plate XXXVI. Jic/, 2. a, b, sterile cells X 200; c, conjugating cells with zygospores X 200; d, fertile cells of RJiynchonema form with zygo- spore X 200 ; e, fertile cells of mirabilis form with zygospores X 200 ; f, conjugating cells of catenceformis form with zygospores X 200 ; gt Ji, it If, outline zygospores X 400. Spirogyra flavescens. (HassJ Cleve. Sterile cells with the ends truncate, 2£ to 5 times longer than broad, chlorophyll bands single. Spores attenuated, twice as long as broad, membrane even, chestnut colour. Sporiferous cells swollen, and usually longer than the spores. SIZE. Cells '02 mm. diam. Zygospore -05 X '024 mm. Cleve Monog. Zygn. p. 19, t. 3, f. 6, 7. Boggy pools on heaths, &c. form a. gracilis. Zygospore about '03 mm. diam. Zygnema gracile, Hass. Alg. t. 30, f. 5, 6. Spirogyra gracilis, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 18, f. 5. Petit Spiro- gyra p. 15, t. 3,f. 7, 8. Zygnema malleolum, Hass. Alg. t. 34, f. 5. RJiynchonema malleolus, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 33, f. 3. form b. flavescens. Zygospore about '02 mm. diam. Zygnema Jlavescens, Hass. Alg. t. 30, f. 9, 10. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 180. Spirogyra Jlavescens, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 18, f. 4. Petit Spiro- gyra p. 15, t. 3, f. 5, 6. Zygnema affine, Hass. Alg. t. 34, f. 6. Spirogyra affinis, Petit fcpirogyra, p. 18, t. 3, f. 12, 13. RJiynchonema affine, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 33, f. 2. form c. parva. Zygospore about '01 mm. diam. Zygnema parvum, Hass. Alg. t. 30, f, 7, 8. Ann. Nat. Hist, x. (1842) p. 41. Jenner Fl. Tunb, Wells, 180. Spirogyra parva, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 18, f. 3. This species includes five of Hassall's species of Zygnema, which sub- sequently were relegated by Ktitzing, three to Spirogyra and two to Ehynchon&ma. The Zygnema Jlavescens, parvum, and gracile, are sepa- 94 ZYGOI-HYCE.E. rated by distinctions so minute and variable, that they cannot be main- tained as other than varieties, and Zyynema mcilleolwn and Z. affine were at the time suspected of being varieties the one of the other. Plate XXXVII. fig, 1. Variety gracilis. a, sterile cells X 200 ; fc, conjugating cells with zygospores X 200 ; c, fertile cells of Rhyncho- nema form with zygospores X 200 ; d, ontliue zygospores X 400. Fig. 2, variety flavescens. a, sterile cells X 200 ; b, c, conjugating cells with zygospores X 200; d, fertile cells of Rlninclionema form with zygospores X 200 ; e, outline zygospores X 400. Fig. 3. variety parva. a, sterile cells x 200 ; b, conjugating cells with zygospores X 200 ; c, outline zygospores X 400. SECTION 2. Cells replicate at tlieends. A. Chlorophyll bands usually two or more. Spirogyra insignis. Hass. Sterile cells with the extremities replicate, 41 to 5 (rarely 6) times as long as broad, chlorophyll bands 2 to 3, lax, with 1 to 2 turns of spiral, or nearly erect. Spores ovate-elliptic, twice as long as broad, membrane even/ Sporiferovts cells slightly swollen. SIZE. Sterile cells -03--035 mm. Zygospore '04--05 mm., 2 to 3 times as long. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 243. Zygnema insigne, Hass. Alg. 440, t. 103, f. 1,2. ZygnemaHassallii, Hass. Alg. 157, t. 36, f. 4,5. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 182. Spirogyra insignis, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 31, f. 4. Sur. Obs. t. 1, f. a. Rhynchonema HassaUii, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 32, f. 7. Spirogyra Braunii, Rabh. Alg. Ex. No. 1310, 1395. Spirogyra Hantschii, Eabh. Alg. Ex. No. 1291. Spirogyra Theobaldii, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 31, f. 2. Spirogyra Hassallii, Petit Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr.; Spirogyra t. 2, f. 6-8. Rhynchonema gallicum, Ripart. in Petit Spirogyra. In streams. The number of British species in which the cells have replicate ends is much less than of those with truncate ends. We have only included two species with two or more chlorophyll bands, in one of which the membrane of the zygospore is smooth, and in the other punctate. Doubt- less neither of them are common. Plate XXXVIII. jig. 1. o, c?, sterile cells X 200 ; &, conjugating cells with zygospores X '200 ; c, fertile cells of Rhynchonema form X 200; outline zj-gospore X 400. Spirogyra calospora. Cleve Jfon. Zyg. p. 26, t. 8,/. 1-5. Sterile cells with the extremities replicate, 6 to 12 times as long as broad, chlorophyll bands 1 to 3, making 2£ to 7 turns. Spores elongate, obtuse ovoid, 1 J to 2 times as long as broad, membrnne yellow, screbiculate. Sporiferous cells scarcely turgid. ZVGNKMACE^E. 95 form a major. Diameter of threads '05 mm. Bands 2 to 3. form (3 minor, Diameter of threads -032 mm. Band single. SIZE. Zygospore -078--096 x -045 mm. Archer in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1873, xiii. p. 436. Petit Spirogyra p. 11, t. 2, fig. 11-13. Spirogyra protecta, Wood. F. W. Alg. t. 14, f. 3. In bogs and moor pools. Plate XXXVIII, Jig. 2. a, sterile cells X 200 ; b, c, conjugating cells with zygospores X 200 ; d, outline zygospore X 400. B. Chlorophyll bands single. Spirogyra quadrat a. (Hass.) Petit. Sterile cells 3 to 9 times aslong as broad. Fertile cells turgid, quadrate. Zygospore elliptical. Sporoderm brown. SIZE. Cells -024 to -027 mm. Zygospore •042--Q48 mm. diam., 1* to 2 times as long. Petit Spirogyra p. 8, t. 1, fig. 13. Bull. Soc. Bot. France xxi. p. 14, t. 1, fig. 2. Zygnema quadratum, Hass. Alg. 157, t. 37, f. 1, 2. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 182. Rhynclionema quadrata, Kutz. Tab. Phy. v. t. 32, f. 6. In pools. We have accepted Petit's diagnosis of this species, which Hassall had seen only with the Rhynchonema mode of conjugation, but which has now been ascertained to conjugate in both ways. His description is very short for a species which he says is "by no means uncommon," and he evidently depends as a specific feature on the quadrangular enlarge- ments of the fertile cells. " Cells usually seven or eight times as long as broad. Sporangia oval, large, and much elongated, contained within quadrangular enlargements of the cells." Plate XXXIX. Jig. 1. a, fertile cells in conjugation with zygospore X -;00, after Petit ; fe, zygospore in cell X 400. Spirogyra Weberi. Kutz. Sterile cells with the extremities replicate, 7 to 12 times as long as the diameter, chlorophyll bands single, 3 to 8 turns of the spiral. Spores ovoid, scarce broader than the sterile threads, mem- brane even, chestnut, twice as long as broad. Sporiferous cells scarcely turgid. SIZE. Spores : (a) -072 x -034 mm. (/3) -068 x '034 mm. Cleve Monog. Zygn. p. 25, t. vii., f. 1-10. form a. ineequalis. Diameter of thread '03 mm. Sporiferous cells scarcely longer than the spores. Zygnema incequale, Hass. Alg. 150, t. 32, f. 1 to 2. Zygnema intermedium, Hass. Alt>\ t. 37, f. 3. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. (1842) p. 41. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 182. 96 ZYGOrHYCEJ3. Spirogyra incequalis, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 30, f. 3. Zygnema Grevilleanum, Hass. Alg. 149, t. 31, f. 1,2. Hass. Ann/ Nat. Hist. x. 38. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 180. form b. subventxicosum. Sporiferous cells 2 to 4 longer than the spores. Diam. '026 mm. Spirogyra Weberi, Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 233. Zygnema sub-ventricosum, Hass. Alg. 150, t. 32, f. 4, 5. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 180. Zygnema diductum, Hass. Alg. t. 37, f. 4. Rhynchonema diductum, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 32, f. 3. Spirogyra ventricosa, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 29, f. 5. Zygnema ventricosum, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. (1842) p. 38. Zygnema longatum, Hass. Alg. 151, t. 31, f. 3, 4. In ditches. Fruiting in summer. The absence of any measurements, or uniformity in magnification in the figures, renders it very difficult to determine many of Hassall's species with any certainty. From present information we are unable to recognise Z. Grevllleanum as a distinct species. Plate XXXIX. Jig. 2. a, sterile cells X 200 ; b, c, conjugating cells with zygospores X -00 ; d, fertile cells of Rhynchonema form with zygospores X 200. Spirogyra tenuissixna. Hass. Sterile cells with the extremities replicate, 5 to 15 times as long as the diameter. Chlorophyll bands single, making 3 to 6 turns of the spiral. Spores broader than the sterile cells, elongated ovoid, twice as long as the diameter, membrane even and chestnut colour. Sporiferous cells turgid. SIZE. Spore '055 (a)--058 (0) x '024 (a)--03 mm. (/3). Cleve Monog. Zygn. p. 24, t. 6, f. 5-7. form a. tenuissixna. Sterile cells 8 to 16 times as long as broad. -012--015 mm. diam. Sporiferous cells 2 to 3 times as long as the spores. Zygnema tenuissimum, Hass. Alg. t. 32, f. 9, 10. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. (1842) p. 41. Jenner Fl. Tonb. W., 180. Zygnema minimum, Hass. Alg. t. 37, f. 8. Spirogyra tenuissima, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 29, f. 2. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 233. Rhynchonema minimum, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 33, f. 1. Spirogyra Naegelii, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 29, f. 3. form b. inflata. Sterile cells .5 to 10 times as long as broad. *017-*02 mm. diam. Sporiferous cells scarcely longer than the spores. ZYGNEMACE^E. 97 Zygnema varians, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. (1843) p. 431. Conjugata inflata, Vauch. Conf. p. 68, t. 5, f. 3. Zygnema inflatum, Hass. Alg. t. 32, f. 6, 7. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 180. Zygnema Jenneri, Hass. Alg. t. 37, f. 6. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 182. Zygnema dubium, Hass. Alg. t. 37, f. 7. Spirogyra gastroides, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 29, f. 4. Rliynchonema Jenneri, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 32, f. 1. Rhynchonema dubium, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 32, f. 2. Spirogyra inflata, Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 233. In pools. This species includes the most delicate of British species with repli- cate ends to the cells. In all the forms of both varieties there is an evident tendency in the fertile cells to become more or less inflated. The only difference which Hassall indicates between his Z. inflatnm and Z. tenuissimum is one of size, which may be influenced by the circum- stances of growth. Plate XXXIX jig. 3. a, sterile cells X 200 ; b, conjugating cells of va- riety a, with zygosporeaX 200; c, conjugating cells of variety b, with zygospores X ^00 ; d, outline of zygospores X 400. GENUS 46. SIROGONIUM Kutz. (1843.) Cells with" parietal longitudinal chlorophyll bands. Fructi- fying cells diverse, arising by unequal division of the thread- cells, bending knee-like towards each other and growing together, united at the point of adnation ; receiving-cells barrel- shaped ; giving-cells short, cylindrical. Zygospore (elliptic) in tbe receiving cell-wall. The sterile cells, with parallel chlorophyll bands, resemble those of Spirogyra, but differ in the genuflexuous conjugation. Sirogonium sticticum. Kutz. Sterile cells 2 to 5 times as long as broad. Zygospore broadly elliptical, spore-coat double. Sporiferous cells swollen, abbreviated. SIZE. Cells -04 to '05 mm., 2 to 5 times as long. Zygospore •042 x '075 mm. De Bary Conj. p. 78, t. 2, figs. 1-6. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 256. Sirogonium breviarticulatum, Kutz. Tab. Phy. v. t. 4. Sirogonium Braunii, Kutz. Tab. Phy. v. t. 4. Conferva stictica, Eng. Bot. t. 2463. Zygnema curvatum, Ag. Eng. Fl. v. 362. Harv. Man. p. 143. Eng. Bot. Ed. ii. t. 2512, f. A. Hassall Alg. 143, t. 26, f. 1, 2. Choaspes serpentina, Gray Arr. 1, 299. In ponds and ditches and moor pools. 98 ZY«OPHYCE,E. " It forms large masses on the water, full of air-bubbles, being pale and yellowish above, and of a blackish green beneath. Filaments not lubricous, nearly equalling those of Spirogyra nitida, but with much longer articulations. When young the colour is of a dull pale green, and about three imperfectly spiral lines of shining granules are with difficulty distinguishable. Afterwards these lines become more con- spicuous, the rest of the filament being now perfectly colourless, and their component granules larger, but their arrangement is still irregular. The filaments subsequently unite here and there, not by every articula- tion, and their connecting processes are usually nearer to one end of the vessicle than to the other. Such filaments are divaricated at the points of connection. In some of the combined articulations the contents appear unchanged, in others they form a mass of larger granules than in the lines, and some have a large oval sporidium which often swells the joint. Some traces of unchanged lines occur, now and then, in the fructifying vessicles." — English Botany, 2nd ed., p. 176. Plate XL, fig. 1. «, sterile c^lls X 200; b, c, d, e, conjugating cells X 200 ; /, zygospore X 400. After De Bary. GENUS 47. ZYGOGONIUM. Kwtz. (1843.) Cells cylindrical or barrel-shaped, with a compact, often many- layered glittering cell-wall. On each side near the middle an irregular chlorophyll body, each furnished with a starch granule, both often confluent in an axile string (in the very thick-walled cells usually concealed by granules). Connection of the copu- lating threads ladder-like. The protuberances of the two con- tiguous inter-growing threads that receive the chlorophyll- contents are bounded by partitions into fructifying-cells, which then coalesce into a not-contracted zygospore. Zygogonium ericetorum. De Bary Conj. p. 79. Sterile cells, 1^- to 2 times as long as broad. Zygospores subglobose or oblong, sporoderin rather thick, even. SIZE. — Cells -013 to -018 mm. diam. Zygospore -013 x '025 mm. var. a. terrestris. Zygogonium ericetorum, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 10, Dickie Bot. Guide, . 296. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 184. Hass. Alg. 174, t. 41, f. 1 , 2. Zygogonium torulosum, Kutz. Tab.v. t. 14. Conferva ericetorum, Eng. Fl. v. 350 ; Harv. Man. 125 ; Dillw. Conf. 1. 1, Eng. Bot. 1st Ed., t. 1553, 2nd ed. t. 2473. Grev. Fl. Ed. 318. Grev. Crypt. Fl. t. 261 (?) Mack. Hib. 224. Fl. Devon, ii. 51. Hook. Fl. Scot. ii. 81. Conferva alpina, Eng. Fl. v. 350. Harv. Man. 125. Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. t. 261, f. 2. On heaths. ZYGNEMACEJE. 99 var. b, Aquaticum. Zygogonium didymum, Rabh. Hedw. 1, t. 3, f. 2. Zygogonium Agardliii, Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., p. 253. Conferva purpurascens, Carm. Eng. Fl. v. 350. Haw. Man. 123. Mack. Hib. 224. In pools, bogs, &c. This is a very polymorphous species, some of the forms being terres- trial, and always sterile, others are aquatic producing zygospores. The old name of Zygogonium erictorum has been retained, but undoubtedly all these various foi ITS belong to Zygogonium Agardhii) Rabh. (Zyg- didymum, R.) " The colour, no less than the condition of the endochrome, varies considerably in this species. In some specimens the filaments are of a bright green, in which case they have always been found immersed iu water; while in others, and more frequently, they are purple, of which colour they invariably are when found spreading over swampy heaths." — Hass. Plate XL. fy. 2. Terrestrial form. «, sterile cells X 100 Fig. 3. var. aquaticum. a, sterile cells X 400 ; b, c, conjugating cells with zygospores X 400. Doubtful Species. Zygogonium gracile. Berk. Sterile cells about five times as long as broad, of a pale or yellowish green colour. Zygospore unknown. SIZE. Cells -014.--016 mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 255. Zygnema gracile, Berk. Glean, t. 12, f. 3. Face of a dripping rock. Rabenhorst includes this with uncertain species of Zygogonium, but it seems more probable that it is a Zygnema, and perhaps one of the varieties of Z. Vauclierii. The following is the original description : — " Pale dirty yellowish green, mucous ; threads extremely fine, articula- tions not at all constant in length, 4 to 8 times as long as broad, marked in the centre with two approximate roundish globules. Slender fila- ments occur in the same mass, with joints longer in proportion, the green mass not divided into two distinct portions. I have not seen it conjugated." — Berkeley. Plate XL. fig. 4. Sterile cells X 400. GENUS 48. MOUGEOTIA. De Bary. (1858.) Cells with axile chlorophyll-plates. Copulation ladder-like. Zygospore drawn together in the swollen, bladdery, persisting middle space. De Bary includes this genus in Zygnemeos, although Wittrock joins it with Mesocarpus, and it seems to us very difficult to indicate any true generic distinction apart from the dividing off from the parent cells of the empty persistent cells which remain some time attached to the zygo- P 100 ZYGOPHYCEJE. spore ; nevertheless we have not followed Wittrock in uniting Mou- geotia, Mesocarpus, Pleurospermum, Craterospermum, and Stauros- permwn under the one genus, HfoiM/eotia,, because we think that there are sufficient characters to warrant the retention of Staurospermum apart from Mesocarpus. If the mode of development in the following two species is accurately appreciated, this genus is more allied to Zygo- ffonium than Mesocarpus. See Archer in Quart. Micro. Journ., 1866, p. 271. XVXougeotia glyptosperma. DeSary Conj. p. 78, t. 8,f. 20-25. Sterile cells 7 to 12 times as long as broad. Zygospores large, oval, with a thick, firm, yellow-brown epispore. Sporiferous cells elongated. SIZE. Cells 'Ol-'Olo mm. 6 to 10 times as long. Zygo- spore -016X-035 mm. Rabh. Alg. Enr. iii. 255. Archer in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1866, p. 65. As pointed out by Mr. Archer (loo. cit.) " this plant is not truly a Mesocarpus, but in its mode of conjugation more nearly approaches certain Zygnemata. It is no doubt related, on the one hand to Meso- carpus (Hass.) ; like it the endochrome forms a compressed longitudinal band, and like it too, the zygospore is formed half-way between the two conjugating joints. But, it is distinguished strongly by the fact that here the whole cell contents 'primordial utricles' and all, of the two conjugating joints completely coalesce, leaving the old cell-walls empty, in order to form the zygospore ; whilst in Mesocarpus the contact of the primordial utricles of the two conjugating cells is not followed by a complete coalescence of the two into the zygospore ; but by a concen- tration of the principal part of the green and solid contents in the con- necting canal half-way between the two joints, and the shutting off thereupon of the residue of the pale granular contents remaining in each parent joint, the denser central portion becoming the spore, and that cut off on each side eventually becoming effete and lost. Hence in Mougeotia glyptosperma the spore is the actual result of the complete fusion of the entire cell contents of the two conjugating joints — it is the true zygospore ; whilst in Mesocarpus the ultimate spore is a daughter. cell, as it were, of the zygospore. Therefore, on the other hand, the present plant shows an affinity to Zygnema ; but it is, of course, completely distinct in the flattened band of endochrome, not doubly stellate, as in that genus, not to speak of the extremely different comparative length of the cells, which, within the limits of each, is constant." Plate XLI. fig. 1. a, sterile cells X 400 ; b, c, conjugatiag cells with zygospores, after De Bary, X 200 ; d, zygospore, after DeBary, X 400. Mougeotia lesvis. Archer Micr. Journ. 1867 t. 8, f. 1-3. Sterile cells twice as long as broad. Zygospores broadly elliptic or oval. Epispore thick, brown. Sporiferous cells sometimes elongated. SIZE. Cells -02--25 mm. Zygospore about -045 x -036 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 255. Archer Micr. Journ. 1866, p. 270. Zygogonium Iceve, Kutz. Tab. v. t. 13. In ditches and pools. ZYGNEMACE.E. 101 Mr. Archer has thus described the present plant : — " Cells short, vary- ing from nearly quadrate to three or four times longer than broad, according to the interval of time elapsed since division ; the contents bright herbaceous green, forming an axile compressed band (never sepa- rate stellate chlorophyll bodies as in Zyynema) ; the conjugation taking place by short wide processes, which, along with the shortness of the cells or joints, gives the pair of conjugating filaments somewhat the appearance of a perforated ribbon-like structure ; the total cell contents of each pair of conjugating joints became massed together into an elliptic zygo- spore within the inflated transverse tube ; the longer diameter of the zygospore placed vertically to the length of the filaments ; the cavity occupied thereby not shut off by any septum from the cavities of the parent joints. It was evident that there was no septum separating the zygospore from the cavities of the parent cells, but it lay freely in the inflated transverse process, though frequently in contact with its walls about the middle." Plate XL1. fi.g. 2. a, sterile cells X 400 ; b, fertile cells with zygo- spores X 200. * Sub- Family 2. MBSOOARPEJI. Cells cylindrical, united in threads, with axile plates of chlorophyll. Zygospore the shape of the mother-cells ; not contracted, separating by three to five partitions into a central firm-walled resting spore, and two or four lateral decaying cells. The method of conjugation and spore-formation in the Mesocarpce was not thoroughly understood until it was investigated and explained by De Bary (" Conjugaten," 1858), who first recommended the separation of the Mesocarpece from the Zygnemeas, and their recognition as separate families. His exposition of the conjugation of the Alesocarpece is thus summarised by Wittrock* in a memoir submitted to the Swedish Academy : — "Two cells grow together in the common manner by conjugation out- growths, and a resorption of the double septum between the two conjuga- ting cells takes place. By this a cruciated or H-shaped double cell is formed, in which at first no other change takes place than that the canal of conjugation is somewhat widened, and that the chlorophyll-coloured part of the contents of the double cell moves into the canal of conjuga- tion, and into the parts of the double cell nearest to the canal. This cruciated or H-shaped cell, thus formed immediately by the conjugation, De Bary regards as the zygospore of the Mesocarpece, and gives it the character of being ' not contracted ' in contrast with the zygospore of ZygnemecB and Desmidiece. This zygospore exists, however, only for a very short time as such. The above-named moving of the chlorophylla- ceous bodies (not of the whole protoplasmic mass) into the connecting canal having been accomplished, the zygospore is divided by two or four septa into three or five cells, of which one, the central one, is a hypno- spore, rich in chlorophyllaceons protoplasm (and later in oil), whilst the two or four lateral cells, containing no chlorophyllaceous protoplasm, are sterile, and soon going to die. Thus the Mesocarpece have, according to De Bary, spores of two kinds, namely (1), zygospores, which are formed * "On the Spore-formation of the Mesocarpese." By V. B. Wittrock. Stockholm, 18/8. 102 ZYGOPE1YCE.E. simply by the growing together of the two conjugating cells, without contraction, and which do not rest, and (2) hypnospores (resting spores), which are formed by the partition of the zygospores, and which rest (as the name indicates) for a time before germinating. The Zygnemece and Desmidiece have, on the contrary, according to De Bary, spores of only one kind, namely, typical zygospores, in the formation of which a fusion and contraction of the whole protoplasmic contents of the conjugated cells takes place, and which become hypuospores without a preceding partition/' Wittrock adds: — "To me it seems perfectly clear that De Bary is quite right in saying that the hypnospores of the Mesocarpece are not analogous to the zygospores of the Zygnemece, or in other words, that they are not zygospores at all. The hypnospores of the Mesocarpece are formed by partition, and not by an immediate fusion of the protoplasm of conjugating cells, as the case ought to be with zygospores." He then proceeds to refer to Pringsheim's observations on this subject with commendation ('' Jahrbucher " xi., 1877). "The act of conjuga- tion may be divided into two different stages. The first, being properly speaking only introductory, consists in the two cells which participate in the conjugation growing together by conjugation outgrowths, and the septum between the cells thus growing together being resorbed. This part of the act of conjugation is what Pringsheim calls copulation. The second stage consists in an intimate fusion taking place of the proto- plasmatic contents of the conjugating cells. This fusion is effected here in the Mesocarpece principally through the moving of the chlorophyll coloured parts of the protoplasm (the chlorophyllaceous bodies) into and to the neighbourhood of the somewhat widened conjugation canal. This second and more important stage of the fecundation Pringsheim calls connubium. The conjugation having taken place in this manner, its effect appears by the tripartition or quinquepartition of the cruciated or H-shaped cell formed by the copulation. Of the cells formed by this partition, the central one is fertile, the two or four lateral ones sterile. The result of the conjugation is consequently not one cell, but several cells, and not cells of one kind, but of two, namely, one propagative cell (a spore), and around it two or four cells not capable of germination. It would be difficult to find a reasonable interpretation of such a result, save the one suggested by Priugsheim, of its being a sporoearpiwrn, and to me this interpretation seems not only reasonable, but perfectly natural, for although the sporocarpium does here remain on a very low, not to say the very lowest, stage of development, it does, however, already possess the constituent parts of a typical sporocarpium. It has a nucleus and a pericarpinm, or at least an equivalent to one. The nucleus is the single central spore-cell, and the ,pericarpium is represented by the two or four lateral sterile cells.'' " If the explanation given above is accepted, the essential difference betreeu these Algae and their nearest relations, Zygnemece and Desmi- diece, might be expressed in the following manner: — The result of the connubium in the former is a sporocarpinm (and their spore is conse- quently a carpospore), but the result in the latter is a zygospore." Wittrock then proceeds to show that in one species the formation of the spores can take place equally in the manner of Mesocarpns, Playio- spermum, and Staurospermum, equally by tripartition, quadripartition, and quinquepartition, and hence he concludes that those genera are not sound, and that all three should be included under sub-sections of the same genus. We have not followed this suggestion, but have retained Mesocarpus and Staurospermuni as distinct, relying upon the difference of form in the central cell. For further details we refer the student to the Memoir from whence the foregoing observations are abstracted. ZYGNEMACE^E. IGo GENUS 49. MESOCARPUS. Hass. (1845.) Spore sphserical or oval, between two cylindrical, straight or slightly in-bent lateral cells. (a) Copulation ladder-like, threads free, or with one end attached ; (b) copulation lateral between two neighbouring cells of a thread, rarely ladder-like. Sterile cells often with a knee-like bend, and intergrown at the bend with similar cells of another thread. Including also the genera Pleurocarpus and Craterospermum of Braun. t Spore membrane scrobiculate or punctate. M. nummuloides, Hass. M. depressus, Hass. tt Spore membrane smooth. M. parvnlus, Hass. M. recurvus, Hass. M. scalaris, Hass. Sub-gen. Pleurocarpus, Braun. M. pleurocarpus, De Bary. t Spore menibrane scrobiculate or punctate. Mesocaxpus nummuloides. (Hass.) De Bary. Sterile cells 7-14 times as long as broad. Zygospore spheri- cal, or broadly ovoid ; membrane brown, scrobiculate. SIZE. Cells -015mm. diam. Zygospore '044 X -034 mm. De Bary Conj p. 80, t. 8, f. 9, 10. Cleve Mon. Zyg. p. 30, t. 9, f. 4, 5. Hass. Alg. 169, t. 45, f. 1. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 257. Sphcero carpus nummuloides, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 187, t. 7, f. 12. In ditches. Fruiting in September. Plate XLI. Jig. 3. a, sterile cells X 400 ; b, fertile cells, with zygo- spores, X 400. XKesocarpus depressus. Hass. Sterile cells 7-12 times as long as broad. Zygospore ellipti- cal, compressed ; membrane brown, punctate. SIZE. -007--015 mm. Hass. Alg. 168, t. 44, f. 1. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells 184. Sphcerocarpus depressus, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 186, t. 7, t. 11. var. B. ovalis. Rabh. Alg. Eur. in. 257. Mesocarpus ovalis, Hass. Alg. 169, t. 44, f. 2. Sphcsrocarpus ovalis, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 189, t. 7, f. 15. In boggy waters. 104 ZYGOPHYCE.E. There seems to be no specific difference between the two species of S. depressus and S. ovalis of Hassall, the only feature relied upon being that the filaments in the latter are scarcely more than half the diameter of the former. Plate XLI. fig. 4. «, sterile cells X 400 ; b, fertile cells, with zygospores, X 400. ]?iq. 5, var. ovalis. a, sterile cells X 400 j b, fertile cells, with zygospores, X 400. tt Spore membrane smooth. Mesocaxpus parvulus. (Hass.) De Bary. Sterile cells 5-12 times as long as broad. Zygospore spheri- cal ; membrane even, commonly twice the diameter of the threads. SIZE. Cells -01 mm. Zygospore -02--024 mm. De Bary Conj. p. 80, t. 2, f. 15. Cleve Mon. Zyg. p. 31, t. 9, f. 6,7. Hass. Alg. 169, t. 45, f. 2, 3. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells 184. Sphcerocarpus par-rulus, Hass, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 434, t. 7, f. 13, 14. Mougeotia splendens, Kutz. Tab. Phy. v. p. 1. var B. angustus. Hass. Mesocarpus parvulus, var. tenuissima, De Bary Conj. t. 11, f. 10-14. Mesocarpus angustus, Hass. Alg, 170, t. 45, f. 4. Sphcerocarpus angustus, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 187, t. 7, f. 16. Mixed with other Algre, in ponds, &c. Plate XLII. fig. 3. a, sterile cells X 400 ; b, c, fertile cells, with zygo- spores, X 400. Fig. 4, var. an g list us. a, sterile cells X 400 ; b, fertile cells, with zygospores, X 400 ; c, mature zygospore X 400. Mesocarpus scalaris. (Hass.) De Bary. Sterile cells 2-4 times as long as broad; zygospore spheri- cal or broadly ovoid ; membrane brown, even, about equal in diameter to the threads. SIZE. Cells -034 mm. diam. Zygospore '034 mm. diam. De Bary Conj. p. 80. Cleve Mon. Zyg. p. 32, t. 9, f. 11, 12. Hass. Alg. 166, t. 42, f. 1. Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. p. 45; xii. t. 7, f. 7. Rabli. Alg. Eur. iii. 257. Kutz. Tab. Phy. v. t. 5. Mesocarpus intricatus, Hass. Alg. 1 67, t. 43, f. 1. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells 184. tiphcerocarpus intricatus, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist, xii, 186, t. 7, f. 9. In boggy pools, &c. ZYGNEMACE.E. 1U5 We can recognize no plausible grounds on which the M. intricatus of Hassall can be maintained as a species distinct from M. scalaris. Plate XLI I. fig. I. a, sterile cells X 400; b, conjugating cells, with zygospores x 400. JVIesocarpus recurvus. Hass. Sterile cells 5 to 10 times as long as broad. Zygospore globose. Sporoderm brown, even. SIZE. '012-'018 mm. Zygospore '023 mm. diam. Hass. Alg. 168, t. 44, f. 1. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 257. Sphcericarpus recurvus, Hass. Ann. N. Hist. xii. 186, t. 7,f. 10. In ditches. Plate XL II. Jig. 2. a, sterile cells X400; 6, conjugating cells with zygospores X 400. Sub-Genus PLEUROCARPUS. Braun. Mesocarpus pleurocarpus. De Bary Conj.p. 81. Sterile cells 2 to 3 times as long as broad. Zygospores subglobose, brown, even. SIZE. Cells -025-'03 nun. Zygospore -03 mm. diam. Pleurocarpus mirabilis, Braun. Alg. Uni. p. 60. Rabh. Alg. iii, 258. Zygogonium pleurospermum, Kutz Tab. v. t 13. Mougeotia genuflexa, Ag. and others. Eng. Fl. v. 360. Eng. Bot. Ed. 11. t. 2505. Jenner. Fl. Tunb. Wells, 182. Hass. Alg. 172, t. 40, f. 2. Harv. Man. 141. Mack. Fl. Hib. 231. Dickie Bot. Guide, 296. Conferva genuflexa, Dillw. Conf. t. 6. Eng. Bot. Ed. 1, t. 1914. Zygnema genufiexum, Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii. 257. Grev. Fl. Ed. 320. Serpentaria genuflexa, Gray Arr. 1, 300. var. compressus. Mougeotia compressa, Eng. Fl. v. p. 360. Eng. Bot. Ed. 2, p. 172. Harv. Man. 141. Zygnema compressum, Lyngb. Hyd. Dan. t. 58. Serpentaria compressa, Gray Arr. 1. 300. Pleurocarpus compressus, Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 258. In moor pools, &c. This widely diffused species forms vast yellowish-green masses, which Harvey says are often thirty feet in diameter ; we have often met with them covering several square feet. The filaments are fragile, soon breaking into short lengths, bent almost at right angles and united at the angles, hence the old name of Mougeotia genuflexa. Plate XL III. fc/. 1. Cells in conjugation X 400; 6, fertile cells with zygospore, after De Bary X 400; c, c, zygospores X 400. 106 ZYGOPHYCE.E. GENUS 50. STAUROSPERMUM. Kutz. (184,5.) Spores four cornered, between the truncated corners of four sessile lateral cells (cells of all the species up to twenty times longer than broad.) t Sporoderm porose. S. quadratum, Hass, ft Sporoderm verrucose. S. gracillimum, Hass. ttt Sporoderm smooth. S. capucinum, Kufe. S. viride, Ruiz. f Sporoderm porose. Staurospexmum quadratum. (Hass.) De Bary. Sterile cells 10 to 20 times longer than broad. Epispore quadrangular, with the angles truncate, not repli- cate, sides straight, covered with large pores (about 50 on the longer side). SIZE. Cells -015-'02 mm. Zygospore -04--044 mm. De Bary Conj. p. 81, t. 8, f. 11. Cleve Mon. Zyg. p. 34, t. 10, f. 3. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 259. Staurocarpus quadrangulatus, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. p. 434. Jenner. Fl. Tunb. Wells, 184. Staurocarpus quadrat us, Hass. Alg. 178, t. 48, f. 1. Mougeotia quadrangulatus, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 185, t. 7, f. 3. In ponds, ditches, &c. Plate XLIII. fig. 2. a, sterile cells X 400 ; b, 6, conjugating cells with zygospores X 400. ft Sporoderm verrucose. Staurospermum giacillimum. (Hass.) Sterile cells 8 to 15 times as long as broad, pale yellowish green. Zygospore quadrate, the sides deeply sinuate, angles retuse. Sporoderm verrucose. SIZE. Cells -006 '008 nim. Zygospore -02 mm. diam. De Bary Conj. p. 81. Babh. Alg. Eur. iii. 260. Staurocarpus grftcillimus, Hass. Alg. 179, t. 49, f. 2. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 184. Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 185, t. 7, f. 6. In bogs and moor pools. Plate XLIII. fig. 3. a, sterile cells X 400 ; I, conjugating cells with zygospores X 40*0. ZYGNEMACE.E. 107 tff Sporoderm smooth. Staurospexmum capucinum. Kutz. Sterile cells 6 to 14 times as long as broad. Zygospore quadrate, angles obtuse or truncate, sides often deeply sinuate. Sporoderm even. SIZE. -015 X'02 mm. Zygospore -05 X '04 mm. De Bary Conj. p. 81. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 259. Staurocarpus glutinosus, Hass. Alg, 177, t. 47, f. 1. Staurocarpus ccerulescens, Hass. Alg. t. 47, f. 2. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 184. Mongeotia glutinosa, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xxii. t. 7, f. 1. Staurocarpus capucinus, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. p. 184, t. 7, f. 2. Mougeotia ccerulescens, Eng. Fl. v. 360. Harv. Man. 141. Eng. Bot. Ed. 2, t. 2506. Conferva ccerulescens, Eng. Bot. t. 2457. Agardhia ccerulescens, Gray AIT. i. 299. Leda capucino, Bory in Mong. & Nest. Ex. 793. In ditches and ponds. The filaments soon acquire a bluish tinge, and in drying assume a purple hue. Plate XL1V. Jig. 1. a, sterile cells X 400; b, conjugating cells with zygospores X 400. Staurospermum vixide. Kutz. Sterile cells 10 to 20 times as long as broad. Epispore quadrangular, angles truncate and replicate, sides concave, smooth. SIZE. Cells -008 mm. Zygospore '025 mm. De Bary Conj. p. 81, t. 2, f. 17-18. Cleve Mon. Zyg. p. 34, t. 10, f. 4-5. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 260. Staurocarpus gracilis, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 185, t. 7, f. 5. Hass. Alg. 179, t. 49, f. 1. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 184. Staurocarpus virescens, Hass. Alg. 178, t. 48, f. 2. Staurocarpus qffinis, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 185, t. 7, f. 4. Staurospermum franconicum, Reinsch. Algen. Fl. p. 217. In ditches. Plate XL1V. fig. 2. «, sterile cells X 400; 6, conjugating cells with zygospores X 400; c, development of zygospores from conjugated cells X 400, after De Bary, Sub- Family 3. GONATONEME^:. Cells cylindrical, much elongated, united in threads, with axile plates of chlorophyll. Agamospores produced without conjugation in cells continuous with, and partitioned from the mother cells. Q 108 ZYGOPHYCE.E. Wittrock includes his single genus Gonatonema in the Mesoearpets as an agamosporous form, without ascertained conjugation. As an excuse for this he says: — "If we attached importance only to the neutral or sexual nature of the spore formation, as some of the modern systema- tizing botanists do even in the lower GryptogaMiCB, we should be obliged to form a separate family for it, which might not even be placed in the class of Conjugates. To me the accordance with Mesocarpece as to the vegetative cells and the formation of the spores seems too great to allow the separation of Gonatonema from this family. It may not be unnecessary here to call to mind that the class of Diatomacecs in which the formation of spores is in general effected through conjugation, does also embrace some genera where the spores are formed neutrally." At the risk of condemnation as a " modern systematizing botanist," we do not feel content to include this genus in the Mesocarpea, and have therefore relegated it to a separate family until more complete evidence is furnished as to whether it really should be associated with the Conju- gate at all, although its affinities seem to lie in that direction. All we are justified by the facts to assume is that it is an aberrant form, which, on the faith of its vegetative character may for the present be retained in proximity to the Mesocarpea? until its relationship is better established. GENUS 51. GONATONEMA. Wittrock. (1878.) Spores (agamospores not carpospores) without conjugation, formed by biseptation of the mother cells, which latter are bent angularly, and alternately, at the point of fructification. Wittrock illustrates this genus by means of a species not yet ascer- tained to be British, but which he regards as congeneric with Hassall's species hereafter described. "Its vegetative stage consists of cylindric cells arranged in a single row. The membrane of the cells is very thin, and consists of pure cellulose. The bottoms of somewhat older cells are gently curved inwards, which gives rise to a small lens-shaped room between the cells. The contents of the cells consist of (1) a parietal thin colourless layer of protoplasm ; (2) an axile cholrophyll-coloured rather thick bard of protoplasm (the single chlorophyllaceous body of the cell) which runs through the whole length of the cell, and which is most frequently more or less excavated at both ends of the cell ; in the band of chlorophyll occur the so-called ' starch granules,' in a number of 2 to 4 ; (3) a rounded nucleus, which has its place at the side of the chlorophyllaceons body, or very often in a small circular opening in the middle part of the band of chlorophyll ; (4) small drops of oil, attached partly to the inner side of the parietal layer of protoplasm, and partly to the outer side of the chlorophyllaceous band ; and (5) colourless cell liquid, which fills the vacuoles between the parietal layer of protoplasm and the axile chlorophyllaceous band. " In purely vegetative cells the chlorophyllaceous body is found to pos- sess the power of making free, and rather quick movements. This species thus gives a second instance of independent movements of chlorophyl- laceous bodies belonging to vegetative cells. " The formation of vegetative cells takes place by bipartition, exactly in the same manner as in the llesocarpece. The cells destined to bring forth spores have always a very considerable development as to length. While the vegetative cells just formed by bipartition are only 5 to 6 times as long as thick, the cells which are ready to form spores are at least 9, and more often 12 to 16 times as long as thick. A rather con- siderable increase as to volume, by development in length, does conse- quently take place in these cells before they are capable of fulfilling their propagative purpose. ZYGNEMACEJS. 10 9 " The first sign of a beginning spore -formation is that the cell widens at its middle, so that this part resembles a cask. This widening is not, however, equally powerful on all sides, but is stronger on one side than on the other sides. At the same time the cell bends at its middle like a knee, so that its two halves form a more or less obtuse angle with each other. The point of the angle is placed where the before-mentioned more powerful widening of the cell has taken place. Almost always the formation of spores takes place at the same time in all the cells of a filament. Then it regularly occurs that the cells bend alternately in opposite directions, so that if cell No. 1 bends to the right, cell No. 2 bends to the left, No. 3 to the right, and No. 4 to the left again, and so on. Consequently the cells in a filament-producing spores will form a zig-zag line. Exceptions from this rule do, however, now and then occur ; thus, that two cells abutting on each other bend in the same direction, after which the two next bend in an opposite direction and so on. When this occurs, the filament is gently curved like an S, alter-, nately in two directions. When the spore-forming cell widens and bends, the chlorophyllaceous band of the cell is often interrupted at its middle part, by which the cell gets two chlorophyllaceous bodies instead •of one. The chlorophyll -coloured protoplasm now begins anew to give proofs of its power of free motion. The chlorophyllaceous body (or bodies if there are two) moves freely and rather quickly, from the other parts of the cell to the widened middle part. When all of it has entered this part of the cell, which has thus become almost quite filled with chlorophyll-coloured protoplasm, the cell is divided into three cells by two septa, appearing one on each side of the chlorophyll filled central part. The cells formed by this partition are of two essentially different kinds. The two lateral cells have very little living contents. All the chlorophyll-coloured protoplasm is gone, and only the thin parietal layer of protoplasm and some drops of oil are left. The rest of the contents are only colourless cell-liquid. These cells have in fact filled their pur- pose. They soon die, and remain, as mere skeletons of cells, attached for some time (two or three weeks) to the central cell. The central cell is, in contrast to the lateral cells, very rich in living contents, having re- ceived all of the chlorophyll-coloured protoplasm of the mother-cell. It is also designed to become the hypiiospore, through which the propaga- tion of the species is to be affected. But before it becomes a complete hypnospore it is to pass through several stages of development. The first of these is that the cell-contents surround themselves with a new layer of cellulose (me&osporium) within the original one (exosporium). The mesosporium increases by-and-bye in thickness till it is considerably thicker than both the exosporium and the endosporium (which appears later). The mesosporium gets no sculpture (as is the case with so many Mesocarpea*) it remains always smooth. But having been at the begin- ning hyaline, it soon assumes a faint yellow colour. Within the meso- sporium a new layer of cellulose forms during the first week ; this is called endosporium. It remains always hyaline and very thin. During this time the contents of the cell have also suffered a change. The chlorophyll-coloured protoplasm, at least the greater part of it, has changed into a fat oil, which is coloured in the same manner as the mesosporium, i.e., a faint yellow. The hypnospore which is now ready, shows a somewhat different shape, if regarded from different sides. If regarded in the position it has when the curvatures of the spore-forming filament are directed to the right and left of the ob- server, the spore is, as a rule, non-symmetrically elliptic, with abrupt ends, very seldom it is almost circular. The want of symmetry con- sists in the spore being more convex on the side towards which the knee of the mother-cell has bent. If we imagine the spore being turned a quarter of a turn round its longitudinal axis, it appears somewhat 110 ZYGOPHYCE.E. narrower, and perfectly elliptical, with abrupt ends. How the spores behave when germinating I have not yet had any opportunity of observ- " Thus it appears from the foregoing details that the spores are always formed without a preceding act of conjugation. The spore formation, therefore, may be regarded as neutral, or we may assume that as in exceptional cases spores may be formed by the instrumentality of a single cell, in this ease the exception has become the rule, and the spores would then be regarded as parthenospores, and not as agamospores." Under these circumstances of development, Wittrock considers him- self justified in proposing the genus Gonatonema for the two forms, the one Gonatonema ventricosum, on which the above observations were made, and the other the species which Hassall described as Mesocarpus notabilis. Gonatonema notabile. (Hass.) fVittr. Sterile cells 8 to 10 times as long as broad, sometimes longer. Zygospore, front view cylindrical, side view bent so as to be convex on one side, concave on the other, truncate at the ends^ same diameter as the vegetative cells. SIZE. Cells -012--015 mm. Wittrock Mesocarpea3, p. 16, fig. 14. Mosocarpus notabilis, Hass. Alg. 170, t. 46, f. 2. Mougeotia notabilis, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. p. 46. Staurospermum notabile, Rabh. Alg. Ear. iii. 261. Found in great abundance in some brick fields near Netting Hill. — Hassall. Here follows the original description by Hassall : — " Filaments at first cylindrical, but subsequently becoming angulated, the angle of flexion being situate in the centre of each cell. Cells usually about 8 or 10 times as long as broad, but frequently longer. Sporangia non-symme- trical, a single one being placed in the angle formed in each of the cells." We have nothing to add to this description, never having seen the plant in question, and are able only to reproduce Hassall's figures. Plate XL1 V. fig. 3. a, sterile cells ; b, fertile cells, after Hassall. BOTltYDIACEJU. Ill ORDER III. SIPHOPHYCEJE. Unicellular algse, usually at the time of fruiting bicellular. Cells utricle-shaped, often prominently branched ; branches with terminal vegetation, at length shut off by a septum, some trans- formed into oosporangia, others into antheridia. Cell contents green, mucilaginous, granulose, filled with chlorophyllose vesicles and starch granules. Propagation by free cell formation, or zoogonidia, or oospores. Plants aquatic or terrestrial, some marine. FAMILY I. BOTRYDIACE.E. — Propagation by free cell for- mation and by zoospores. FAMILY II. VAUCHERIACEJE. — Propagation by oospores and zoogonidia. FAMILY I. BOTRYDIAOE^J. Plants small, terrestrial, unicellular. Cell in the beginning globose, afterwards clavate or pyriform, and inflated ; vertex rounded, a long time closed, attenuated downwards ; base divided into delicate hyaline radicles, filled within with a mucilaginous green granulose cytioplasm, with age collapsing at the apex, and finally wasting away. Cell contents modified into an indefinite number of resting spores ; spore contents, in germinating, becoming modified into a number of sexual zoo- spores conjugating and forming isospores. GENUS 52. BOTRYDIUM. Wallr. Vegetative plants unicellular, increasing by cell division and zoospore formation ; asexual uniciliate zoospores ; sexual bici- liate isospores, sometimes globular, and alike capable of germination, sometimes compressed and hexagonal, furnished with a few.tuberculate thickenings. See for information Braun's " Rejuvenescence," pp. 128, 193, 220, 274 ; Parfitt in " Grevillea," Vol.i., p. 103 ; Archer in " Grevillea," Vol. i., p. 105 ; Eostafinski and Woronin, " Ueber Botrydinm granulatum," 1877; Lawson in "Trans. Bot. Soc., Edinburgh," vi., 424 ; Archer in " Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science/' 1878, pp. 446-452. R 112 The following is a summary of Rostafinski and Woronin's researches on this germs : — If a plant be placed in water, its contents become modified at the latter part of the day or at night into zoospores. Ultimately the wall swells, then bursts somewhere at the top, and the zoospores resulting from the division of the parietal stratum escape. If the plant be only moistened, the zoospores do not swarm out, but come to rest within the collapsed wall. Such were known to previous observers as " germ cells " or " gonidia." The zoospores are elongate-oviform, 5-8 X 20 mm., with a single flagellum, and 2 to 4 chlorophyll granules. Having swarmed out, they soon come to rest, lose the flagellum, become surrounded by a mem- brane, increase in size, and germinate on clamp earth, in which stage they represent the so-called Protococcus botryoides. The large ordinary zoosporangia are also otherwise modified. If one is allowed to dry, its membrane collapses, loses colour, and soon becomes empty. The protoplasmic contents pass down to the ramifications of the root. Here they break up into numerous cells, sometimes two or thi'ee side by side, but chiefly in a continuous chain ; each cell furnished with a separate membrane. These are capable of three forms of development: — (1) If removed from the soil and placed in water, the cell becomes a subterranean zoosporangium. The formation of the zoospores is independent of light at any hour of the day or night. The zoospores are similar to those above described, and germinate in the same manner. (2) If a chain of these root cells be laid on moist earth, each protrudes a hyaline process, which enters the soil, the opposite end being elevated, and thus each root cell becomes a vegetative plant. (3) If the root cells are not removed, and kept equably moist, they also germinate in the earth, become inflated, put forth a root process, the wall of which becomes very much thickened on the inner side below the inflated upper portion. By interculary growth of the root portion the upper part becomes raised aloft, so that the apex is carried above the surface of the soil. These products of modified root cells are named hypnosporanges, and are equi. valent to so-called Botrydium Wallrothii. When dried, the hypno- sporanges retain their power of germination during the whole year, and when placed in water form zoospores at any hour of the clay and night, germinating and forming young plants as above, The uniflagellate zoospores germinate on a moist substratum. On earth or sand they thrive badly, but better 011 clayey or muddy soil. In water they never germinate, but come to rest, are surrounded by a double membrane, and lie dormant for months. If these be transferred upon a clayey soil, they commence to form a vegetative plant. If the zoospores be sparingly distributed over the soil, and the whole kept equally moist, the vegetative plants become ordinary zoosporanges. The plants are sometimes modified into hypnosporanges. Thus, vegetative plants can be increased by cell division directly from zoospores, become ordinary zoosporanges, with such consequences as root cells, &c., or they may be directly modified into hypno- sporanges. But there is yet another way in which existence may be carried on. If exposed to drought, the following phenomena occur: — The wall collapses more or less, and the protoplasmic contents break up into a number of cells, each surrounded by a delicate membrane, its contents homogeneous, at first green, then passing into red. These are the spores, and have been known by such names as Protococcus coccoma, P. palustris and P. botryoides. These spores become changed in water to zoosporangia, their contents giving rise to zoospores in the manner already described. If the spores be still green, their zoospores will have a distinct fusiform figure, with two cilia at one end. They consist BOTRYDIACE.E. 113 of slightly coloured protoplasm. Theso zjospores conjugate in twos, sometimes several together. They come in contact by their ciliated ends, then come to touch laterally by the uncoloured portions, when the fusion of the conjugating zoospores takes place, immediately after which they present a cordate figure, and in the middle a colourless vacuole. Finally, the isospore thus originating becomes globular, the vacuole occupying the centre. If the zoospores be isolated before conjugation, they will in the end break up, without presenting any products capable of germination. The zoospores originating from red spores have a different figure, their posterior end being rounded, but they have otherwise the same structure, and behave in the same manner as the others. The red spores maintain their germinative power for years, but after two years their zoospores are languid, and offer a parthenogenesis of a peculiar kind. The red spores, if kept moist only, become nothing altered after weeks, whilst the green, under these circumstances, may directly germinate into vegetative plants. The isospores are at first globular, and capable of immediate germina- tion. They also present resting stages, the original form becoming modified. Soon after conjugation these are flattened, with irregular lateral boundaries, which become on the following day hexagonal. The membrane becomes thickened, and presents tuberculations at the margin, but no secondary membrane is formed. Brought upon damp earth, they soon become globular, and otherwise behave as ordinary isospores. In order to distinguish that which appertains to the cycle of alterna- tion of generations from the rest, the simple method is to start from the fertilized germ, and see what are the modifications which are essential in order to arrive again at the same reproductive process. In this case we have the isospore — it germinates — produce the vegetative plant, which needs neither to divide, nor produce a sexual zoospore, nor to become an ordinary zoosporange — it can directly produce spores. These close the first generation. The second oospore generation occurs in the germination of these spores in the form of sexual zoospores, which directly lead to the formation of the isospore — the limits of two genera- tions. All the rest are but phenomena of adaptation. " Thus, in nature, the vegetative plants in spring almost all become zoosporangia, and spread the growth over considerable areas. Zoospores which fall into the water are not lost ; they acquire a double membrane, and lie dormant until they chance mechanically to arrive on moist soil. If drought sets in, the plasma retreats to the roots ; if the earth be some time a little moist, the root cells become hypnospores, awaiting the rain in order to develop multitudes of zoospores 5 but if the earth becomes rapidly dried, the root cells remain unaltered, until a moistening excites the formation of zoospores. A great many of the root cells can manifestly accidentally reach the surface of the soil, and thus, according to the state of the moisture of the earth or of the air, sometimes ger- minate, sometimes become zoospores." All this in the spring. The hotter months favour the formation of spores, but at that time only the vegetative plants are mostly to be found, either undergoing cell division or spore formation. They can also furnish uniciliate zoospores without becoming modified into ordinary zoosporanges. Formation of ordinary zoospores may be accomplished in a fourfold way — 1. From the vegetative plant. 2. From the ordinary zoosporange, 3. From the root cell. 4. From the hypnosporange. 114 'SIPHOPHYCE.E. Further modes of increase are — 5. Cell division. 6. Formation of spores. 7. Formation of zoospores. This plant possesses also fivefold resting stages — 1. Of the asexual zoospores laid in water — for months. 2. Of the root cells — the year throughout in which they originated. 3. Of the hypnosporanges — the year throughout in which they originated. 4. Of the spores — for years. 5. Of the isospores — at least over the year in which they originated. y L~ V Plate LXV., Botrydium granulatum. Fig. 1, plants of the natural size. Fig. 2, zoosporaiigium X 30. Fig. 3, the same, five hours after- wards, with the zoospores escaping at the apex, X 30. Fig. 4, zoospores X 520. Fig. 5, differentiation of the plasma in the root, and the forma- tion of root cells, X 30. Fig. 6, root cells in water producing zoospores X 160. Fig. 7, the resulting zoospores X 520. Fig. 8, the same, 24 hours after swarming, X 520. Fig. 9, the same, four days later, X 520. Fig. 10, the same, eight days later, X 520. Fig. 11, copulating swarmspores X 520. Fig. 12, zoospores derived from a spore, after six and a half hours, X 160. Fig. 13, sexual swarmspores in conjugation X 520. Fig. 14, isospores, 24 hours old, X 520. Fig. 15, stellate isospores, more than a day old, X 520. Fig. 16, young plant resulting from vegetation of isospore. All after Eostafinski and Woronin. Botrydium granulatum. Linn. Usually gregarious, often aggregated, rarely confluent ; cells globose, pyriform, size of a poppy seed, or mustard seed, or larger, leek-green, apparently pulverulent. Botrydium granulatum, Jenn. Fl. Tunb. Wells 176. Parfitt in Grevillea i., p. 10. Eng. Fl. v., p. 321. Harv. Man. 150. Kirsch. Alg. Schl.,p. 84. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. vi., 424. Eng. Bot. ii., p. 127, t. 2422. Hass. Alg. t. 77, f. 5. Hydrogastrum granulatum,, Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 265. Desv. Fl. Ang. 19. Lichenoides fungiforme, Ray Syn. iii., p. 70. Tremella palustris, Dillen. Hist. Muse. 55, t. x., f. 17. Botrydium argillaceum, Grev. Alg. Brit., p. 197, t. 19. Kutz. Tab. vi., t. 54. Vaucheria granulata, Grev. Fl. Ed. 306. Gray. AIT. i., 290. Vaucheria radicata, Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 93. Vaucheria multicapsularis, Harv. Man. 149. Gray Arr. i., 252 (?). Ulva granulata, Lightf. Fl. Scot. 976. Hull. Brit. Fl. 309. Tremella granulata, Huds. Fl. Ang. 566. With. Arr. iv., 80. Eng. Bot. i., t. 324. On the ground in swampy places. "The plant about H mm. diam. ; the upper portion, or that above ground, globular, gradually narrowing downwards, and passing into one VAUCHERIACEJ3. 115 or two principal roots, which become gradually ramified into many fine rootlets; the chlorophyll contents at the beginning dense and homo- geneous, and clothing the inner cell membrane, extend only to the neck of the root ; the membrane is rather rigid. Upon being broken the cell contents become extruded, the membrane collapses as a thick pellicle, whose contents admit of being completely pressed out. The fluid contents in this condition consist of finely granular plasma, tinged by chlorophyll granules. Subsequently the green plasma layer becomes separated from the membrane, breaks up into single equal-sized portions, which become rounded off, coated with a membrane, and gradually individualized as daughter-cells. At last the entire globose cell is densely filled with rounded daughter-cells ; whilst, previous to this state, the plant presented an intensely grass-green colour, it shows in this latter state a clear or sea-green colour. Mature and immature plants hence readily admit of being distinguished by the tint with the unassisted eye. The membrane of the mother individual at last passes to decay ; it collapses, and the daughter -cells become the germs of new indivi- duals in the soil. The maturity of the individuals occurs towards autumn, and accordingly the germ cells lie resting in the earth during winter, and germinate in the following spring. The development of the germ cells to new individuals takes place without formation of a ' prothallus ' ('ohne Vorkeimbildung '). One end elongating as a root, at once penetrates the earth ; the other end becomes developed as the above-ground portion. The diameter of a ripe germ cell is 0'009-0'012 mm. The plants prefer to establish themselves on the surfaces of the large clefts which are produced when the waters retreat and the ground becomes gradually dried by the air." — Reinsoh. Algeti Flora, p. 218. See also " Grevillea" Vol. iv., p. 105, since which period the Memoir by Eostafinski and Woronin has appeared, and that has pretty well estab- lished the complex character of reproduction in this little plant. FAMILY II. VAITCHEBIACE^E. Algae monoecious (rarely dioecious), casspitose, unicellular or bicellular. Thallus with terminal vegetation, utricle- shaped, elongated, more or less branched. Propagation either sexual, by oospores fecundated by sper- matozoids, or non-sexual by zoospores. Sporangium terminal, formed by the globosely clavate swelling of the tip of the thallus, cut off by a septum, contents dark green, at length enclosing one large zoospore, densely clad with vibratile cilia. Oogomum lateral, sessile, or borne on a more or less elongated simple, or partite, pedicel ; cytioplasm at length converted into a large oo spore. Antheridiwn lateral, sessile, or cut off by a septum from the upper portion of a lateral branch, in which numerous spermato- zoids are generated, which at length become free. Spermatozoids oblong, furnished with two unequal cilia (except in one species). 116 SIPHOPHYCEJS. Consult Thuret in "Anaalesdes Sciences Naturelles, Botanique," 1843. Walz in Pringsheim's " Jahrbucher " for 1866. Braun "Rejuvenescence," pp. 128, 140, and following. GENUS 53. VAUCHERIA. D. C. (1805.) Characters the same as given above for the Family. Two or three arrangements of the European species of Vauclieria have been proposed, differing slightly in detail. The following is that of Pro- fessor Norclstedt : — VAUCHERIA. A. Antheridia not separated from the thallus by a short empty boundary cell. a TuBULiGERyE. Antheridia little or scarcely bent, oblong cylindrical, or lanceolate, with an opening at the top. Red pigment bodies not collected in the middle of the mature oospore. Oogonia and antheridia almost stemless. * Oogonia nearly round. 1 V. dichotoma (L) Disecious. 2 V. ThuretiiWor. Moncecious. ** Oogonia not round, more or less oval, frequently rather oblique. 3. V. aversa, Hass. 4. V. sericea, Lyngb. 6 COHNICULAT^. Antheridia bent in the form of a horn, or a hook, placed on the short and bent side branches of the thallus. Brown pigment in the middle of the mature oospores. aa Sessiles. Oogonia sessile (or with exceeding short stems) beside the antheridia on the thallus. 5. V. Dillwynni, Ag. 6. r. sessilis (Vauch). 1)1) HacemoSfs. Antheridia at the end of a fruit branch, which, somewhat lower down, carries the oogonium. * Oogonia turned upwards. f Antheridia and oogonia bending in op- posed planes, forming an angle with one another. When the oospores fall they are surrounded by the oogonium membrane, which is not changed to slime. 7. V. geminata, Walz. 8. V. hamata, Walz. ff Antheridia and oogonia (mostly) bending in parallel planes, the oogonium membrane turns to slime and dissolves. 9. V. terrestrisy Lyngb. ** Oogonia turned-downwards. 10. V. uncinata, Kutz. c Antheridia straight, with the top covered, and a pair of fruiting tubes standing out at the side. 11. V. De Bar y ana, Woron. VAUCHERIACE.E. 117 B. Between the antheridia and thallus itself is found a shorter empty boundary cell (not containing chlorophyll). a ANDROPHOEJE, Several horn-shaped bent antheridia placed on a swollen cell containing chlorophyll, which is fixed to the side of the thallus, by means of the boundary cell. 12. V. synandra, Woron. 1) PILOBOLOIDEJE. Antheridia bordering immediately on the boundary cell (frequently provided with several mouths). aa Oogonium borders immediately on the thallus branch. * Several fructification tubes on the oogonium. 13. V. coroJiata, Nordst. ** Oogonium with only one fructification opening, but the antheridia with several, f Oospore round. 14. v. intermedia, Nordst. 15. V. gphcerospora, Nordst. f f Oospore lens-shaped. 16. V. piloboloides, Thur. bb Below the oogonium a boundary cell. 17. V. litorea, Hofm. Place uncertain. 18. Y. tuberosa, Br. 11). V. trifurcata, Kutz. The sexual reproduction in Vaucheria has been minutely described by Pringsheim, of which we give an abstract. Vaitcheria, besides the asexual multiplication by zoospores also exhibits a true sexual propaga- tion, effected by means of the two organs known as the " hornlets" and the spores, the latter being more correctly termed " sporangium." Both organs arise like papillary branches from the tube, and in close proximity. It is usually the case that the papilla destined to become the hornlet is formed sooner than that in which the sporangium originates. The two papillge even from the first differ so widely in dimensions, that they can scarcely be confounded. The papilla which becomes the hornlet soon elongates into a short cylindrical slender branch, which at first rises perpendicularly from the tube, then curves downwards until it comes in contact with the tube, often forming a second, or a third curve, and in this way always represents a more or less stunted branch, which fre- quently exhibits several spiral turns. The papilla of the neighbouring sporangium usually begins to appear at the time when the hornlet is commencing its first turn ; but the period at which it arises is very indeterminate, for it sometimes appears much earlier, whilst the hornlet is still perfectly straight, sometimes much later after it has curved, so as to form two limbs of equal length. The papilla destined to become the sporangium gradually enlarges into a considerable-sized lateral out-growth of the tube, far exceeding the hornlet in width, whilst in length it is barely equal to the straight limb of the latter. This out-growth which is afterwards symmetrical, ultimately throws out a beak-like prolongation on the side looking towards the hornlet, the rostrum of the sporangium, whence the latter acquires its peculiar form, resembling that of a half developed vegetable ovule. Up to this period the hornlet as well as the sporangium are not shut off from the tube by any septum ; the cavity of the hornlet and that of the sporangium consequently remain uninterruptedly continuous with the parent tube, and are filled with similar contents. A number of chlorophyll granules in an albuminous plasma and rounded oil globules, constitute a dense lining to the tube, the sporangium, and the hornlet. Between this and the cellulose membrane is the thin colourless cutaneous layer. 118 SIPHOPHYCE^:. At this stage a septum is suddenly formed at the base of the sporangium, which is henceforth an independent cell, completely separated from the parent tube. Even before this septation there may be noticed in the rostrate elongation directed towards the hornlet, the gradual accumulation of a colourless fine granular substance, of the same nature as that with which the wall of the parent tube, and the sporangium is lined on the inner surface, which has already been termed the "cutaneous layer." This accumulation in the fore part of the rostrum is continued after the formation of the septum between the sporangium and the tube, and in consequence of its continued increase, the remaining contents of the sporangium are by degrees pushed back towards the base. Whilst these phenomena are being manifested in the sporangium, the horulet also undergoes remarkable changes. In its apex, the contents, owing to the disappearance of the chlorophyll, have become almost colourless, more or less. Thus the point of the hornlet, like that of the sporangium, appears at this time to be filled with a colourless substance, which is not constituted by an accumulation of the cutaneous layer, but manifestly arises from a molecular change associated with an alteration of form and colour in the contents pre- viously existing at the apex. So soon as the contents at the point of the hornlet have thus become colourless, they appear to be constituted of a very fine-grained granulose mucous substance. As soon as the trans- formation of the contents has taken place, the colourless apex of the hornlet is suddenly separated from the lower green portion by a septum, and is thus transformed into an independent cell, without communication with the parent tube. The point at which the septum is formed is not very determinate, the portion cut off being sometimes larger, sometimes smaller. After the formation of the septum in the hornlet the colourless mucous in its apex gradually assumes a more determinate form, and at this time a large number of minute, perfectly colourless, rod-like bodies may be readily perceived crowded together irregularty, and as it were imbedded in the surrounding mucous. Close observation will disclose an indistinct movement exhibited even thus early by some of the little rods, from which their destination may be anticipated. This perfecting of the hornlet coincides with that stage of development of the sporangium at which the accumulation of the cutaneous layer in the anterior part of the rostrum has attained its greatest extent, and these conditions immediately precede the act of impregnation, which is effected in the following manner : — The pressure within the sporangium, especially in the direction of the rostrum, becomes greater and greater in consequence of the continued increase of the cutaneous layer in the fore part, until ultimately the membrane is ruptured exactly at the point of the rostrum,* and allows a portion of the cutaneous layer to escape. The extruded portion becomes detached, and assumes the character of a drop of mucous, which remains lying near the openirg of the sporangium, and ultimately perishes. The accumulation of the cutaneous layer in the fore part of the rostrum, and the escape of a portion of it, are merely the mechanism by which the opening is produced in the sporangium destined for the admission of the sperm atozoids. Immediately after the formation of this opening in the sporangium, and in remarkable coincidence Avith the escape of the cutaneous layer through the rostrum, the hornlet opens at the apex, and pours out its contents. Innumerable excessively minute rod-like corpuscles ( 005 mm.), mostly isolated, escape at once through the orifice. Those already isolated exhibit an extraordinarily rapid movement in all directions, and those still imbedded in the mucous do not become detached until afterwards, when they follow the others with, equal rapidity. The field of view is soon covered with mobile corpuscles. VAUCHEKIACEJ]:. 119 In great number (20, 30, or more) they enter the neighbouring orifice of the sporangium, which they fill almost entirely, penetrating through the portion of the cutaneous layer remaining, which, though without any definite boundary, offers a solid resistance to their further penetration into the sporangium. The corpuscles continue thus to struggle forwards into the cutaneous layer for more than half an hour, bounding against its outer surface they retreat, again push forwards, again retreat, and so on, in an uninterrupted succession of assaults and retreats. After this commotion has lasted some time, an abrupt boundary line suddenly appears in the outer aspect of the cutaneous layer, the first indication of a tunic forming around the contents of the sporangium which were before bare. From this moment the mobile corpuscles are separated from the cutaneous layer by a membrane which effectually prevents their further action upon the contents. They continue, it is true, to move to and fro, and this movement often lasts for hours together, but at last they perish in the rostrum itself. Even after the lapse of several hours the dead corpuscles may be seen in the rostrum, lying on the front of the sporangium, until at last they are completely dissolved, and all vestige disappears. The cutaneous layer surrounding the green contents of the sporangium becomes transformed, after impregnation, into the coat of the true spore, which, thus formed, represents a large cell occupying the whole of the sporangium, surrounded on all sides by the persistent tunic, which is open in front and prolonged into the rostrum. In this condition the spore remains for some time longer without being thrown off from the parent tube on which it was produced, but the colour of its contents gradually becomes paler and paler. The spore is at last rendered quite colourless, and presents in its interior only one or more largish dark brown bodies. When it has lost all colour it is detached from the parent tube, in consequence of the decay of the membrane of the sporangium enclosing it. After some time, say three months, the spore suddenly resumes its green colour, and immediately thereupon grows into a young Vaucheria exactly resembling the parent plant. An abstract of the memoir from which the above details were obtained was published in the " Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science " for 1856, (Vol. iv., p. 63). During the present winter Mr. Frederic Bates, of Leicester, has called our attention to some plants of V. scssilis, taken from beneath the ice in a pool, The first feature which presented itself was the septation of the threads, many of them being divided into numerous articulations three or four times the length of the diameter in the upper portion of the thread, but longer below. This unusual septation, as it appears to be, was general throughout the gathering, but the threads bearing oogonia were more rarely divided, but sufficiently so to remove any doubt as to the threads being genuine threads of Vaucheria, which at first we must confess to have doubted. The question which next arose was as to the purpose for which this septation had taken place, and an answer sug- gested itself in the collection of the cytioplasm into denser masses towards the centre of the cell, with most evident differentiation into oval bodies, resembling zoogonidia in course of formation. The time of observation has been short, but long enough to raise a suspicion in our minds that another form of fructification, by means of zoogonidia, takes place in VavcJieria, and the occurrence of germinating spores in various early stages in the water in which the Vaycheria was being preserved, lends strength to this suspicion. It is quite true that Vaucheria haa been often and patiently studied, and no intracellular swarm-spores detected ; yet it maybe possible that, under certain conditions, they may be produced. We are patiently waiting in hopes of obtaining active zoogonidia. 8 120 SIPHOPHYCE^. The plates for this part were all in course of printing when the above observations were being made, so that it was too late to insert figures of the septate threads and their contents. Plate XLVL Figs. 1-20. Impregnation of Vaucheria sessilis after Pring- sheim X 200. Figs 1-4. Stages of development of sexual organs before impregnation. Fig. 5. During impregnation. Figs. 6-8. The way in which the female organ opens the cutaneous layer, bursts through, and a portion is con- stricted off. Fig. 9. Approach of spermatozoids before formation of the membrane of the embryo cell. Fig. 10. Point of female organ after formation of the membrane of the true spore. Figs. 11-12. Later con- ditions of spore after impregnation. Figs. 13-16. Male and female organs after impregnation. Fig. 17. Colourless spore after it is detached from the parent tube. Fig. 1 8. Detached spore, which after resting three months has become green. Figs. 19-20. Germination of the green spores. a. TuBULiGER-£. Antheridia little or scarcely bent. 1. Vaucheria dichotoma. Lyngb. Hydro. Dan. p. 75, t. 19. Robust, loosely czespitose, dirty green, or becoming brownish. Thallus very thick, setaceous, nearly a foot long, remotely dichotomous. Oogonia sessile, globose, or ovoid, single, scat- tered, or 2 to 4 to 6 approximating. Oospores, when mature, with a triple membrane, spotted with brown. Antheridia single, erect, oval, sub-clavate, or acute, on the same or on different threads. — Rabh. Alg. Eur. in. 268. SIZE. Oogonia •! mm. diam. Threads '2 mm. diam. Walz in Pringsh. Jahrb. p. 152, t. xiv. f. 28-33. Fl. Danica t. 1724. Harv. Man. p. 147. Grev. Br. Alg. p. 190. Gray. AIT. i., 289. Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 82. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2418. Grev. Fl. Ed. 305. Mack. Hib. 233. Fl. Devon ii., 56. Kutz. Tab. vi., t. 56a. Hass. Alg. t. 4, f. 1. Eng. Fl. v., p. 319. Nordst. Bot. Not. 1879, p. 184. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 176. Conferva dichotoma, Linn. Spec. 1635. Dillw. Conf. t. 15. Eng. Bot. t. 932. Huds. Fl. Ang. p. 593. Withering iv., p. 49. Hull Br. Flora, 330. Vauclieria globifera, De Bary Monals. 1856, p. 589. Rabh. Alg. Ex. No. 640. Vaucheria salina, Kutz. Tab. vi., t. 66, f. 2. Conferva Plinii setis porcinis, Ray. Syn. 58. Conferva dichotoma setis porcinis, Dillen. Muse. 17, t. 3, f. 9. var. /? sub marina. Ag. Syst. p. 171. Vauclieria submarina, Berk. Glean, p. 24, t. 8. Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 350 B. Harv. Man. 147. In ditches, and in brackish and salt water. Hassell was of opinion that this species did not differ specifically from Vaucheria sessilis, but the two are now regarded as belonging to different sections. Nordstedt says that it is dioecious, but no reference is made to this fact by Walz. VAUCHERIACEJS. 121 Plate XLVI. fig. 21. Oogonia of Vaucheria dichotoma X 100 diara. Fig. 22. Oogonium X 200. Fig. 23. Antheridea X 100. Fig. 24. An- theridium X 200, after Woronin. Fig. 25. Germinating spore. Plate J.LIX. Jigs. 5, 6. The V. submarina, Berk., generally referred to this species as a variety. 2. Vaucheria aversa. Rass.Alg. t. 6, /. 5. Loosely caBspitose, sparingly branched, expanding in all directions, organs of fructification similar to those of V. sericea, but with the thallus much thicker, the oogonia larger, and sub- erect, now and then somewhat pedicellate ; oospores much smaller. Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. (1843), p. 429. Walz in Prings. Jahrb. p. 151, t. 13, f. 25-27. Cleve. Vauch. 133, f. 7. Vaucheria rostellata, Kutz. Tab. vi., t. 58, f. 4. In ditches. Hassall describes this species as " Capsules usually in pairs, and in the form of a bird's head, with the beaks averted from each other. Sporangia circular, not entirely filling the cavity of the capsule." To this he adds, " It is one of the best marked, and most peculiar of the genus, the beaks of the capsules being turned in opposite directions, at once distinguish it from all other known species, in which, when the vesicles are in pairs, they are directed towards each other. This averted position of the capsules renders the existence of a distinct horn or anther essential for each. In the form of the seed-vessels and in the circumstance of the sporangia not filling the entire cavity, the species resembles V. or nit ho - cephala " (now regarded as a variety of V. sessilis). Plate XLVll.,fig. 1. Oogonia and antheridia of raucheria aversa X 100. Fig. 2. The same X 200. Fig. 3. Mature oospore in oogonium X 200, after Walz. 3. Vaucheria soricea. Lyng~b. Hydro. Dan. t. 21, B. Tufts densely interwoven, yellowish, dirty green, or becoming brownish ; thallus thin, loosely and vaguely branched ; oogonia 2 to 6 in a series, one sided, oblique oval, rostellate, inouth pro- duced laterally, sessile or shortly pedicellate ; antheridia cylin- drical, or rather clavate, horizontally deflexed. Spermatozoids oblong, with a red spot, furnished with a cilium at each pole. SIZE. Oogonia "1 mm. diam. Walz in Prings. Jahrb. p. 150, t. xiii., f. 20-24. Vaucheria ornitho cephala, Ag. Sp. Alg. p. 467. Grey. Alg. Br. p. 193. Harv. Man. p. 148. Rabh. Alg. Exs. No. 1100. Nordst. Bot. Not. 1879, p. 184. Vaucheria polysperma, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. (1843), 429. Hass. Alg. t. 6, f. 6. Kutz. Tab. vi., t. 58, f. 5. Rabh. Alg. Exs. No. 1375. Cleve Vauch. p. 7. In ditches, &c. 122 SIPHOPHYCE.E. This is the I'aucheria polysperma of Hassall, who says of it : " It is by no means uncommon, and may be distinguished from all others known to me by the fineness of its filaments, which are not half so large as those of our other British species, no less than by the form and arrangement of the sporangia. These are slightly pedunculate, varying in number from 3 to 5, but usually there are but three, the apices or beaks of which are neither turned towards or averted from each other, but are all directed one way. The resemblance which the capsules bear to a bird's head when viewed sideways is very remarkable, and this resemblance is rendered still more striking by the fact that the circular sporangium occupying only the central portion of each, and which therefore repre- sents the eye of the bird. ' Plate XLVI1., Jig. 4. Oogouia and antheridia of V. sericea X 200. Fig. 5. Oogonia containing oospores x 200. Fig. 6. Mature oospore enclosed in an oogonium X 200, after De Bary. Fig. 7. Zoospore X 200, after Walz. Fig. 8. Spermatozoids. b. CoRNicULATxE. Antheridia bent in the form of a horn or a hook, seated on short lateral branches. 4. VauchexiaDillwyni. Ay. Terrestrial, broadly expanded, forming a rather thin stratum, of bright or dark green colour. Oogonia globose, or ellipsoid, rostrate, sessile, usually single, sometimes in twins, enclosed in delicately punctate membrane. Mature oospores spotted with brown, sporoderm very thick, composed of several strata. Antheridia bag-shaped, formed from the apices of short lateral curved branches, either approximate to the oogonia or seated between a pair of them. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 269. Grev. Alg. Britt. t. xix. Hass. Alg. t. 4, f. 3. Eng. Fl. v., p. 320. Jenner Tunb. Wells 176. Eng. Bot. ii., p. 124. Harv. Man. 147. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 251. Grev. Fl. Edin. 305. Mack. Hib. 234. Fl. Devon ii., 56. Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 93. Gray AIT. i., 290. Vaucheria Ungen, Thnr. Ann. Sci. Nat. xix. (1843), t. 13, f. 43? Vaucheria pachy derma, Walz Jahrb. p. 146, t. 12, f. 1-6. Conferva frig ida, Dillw. Conf. t. 10. Harv. Man. p. 147. Conferva amphibia fibriUosa et spongiosa, Ray. Syn. p. 59. On the ground in damp shady places. It is presumed that this is the same species as has been described by Walz under the name of raucheria pachyderma, but the synonyms of some of these species are a little mixed. Dillwyn says : " It is not unfrequently found in turnip fields during the winter and early months of the spring, particularly in a northern exposure, and on a cold soil. The patches vary in size, but are usually two or three inches in extent, adhering but slightly to the soil, and consisting of loose unconnected filaments." " The form of the capsules, which are rarely pedunculated, will at once distinguish this from all other species," says Hassall, " which have hitherto been described." VAUCHERIACE^E. 123 Plate XLV1I., figs. 9, 10. Oogonia and antheridia of V. Dillwyni x 200. Fig. 11. Oogonium of the same X 200. Fig. 12. Mature oospore enclosed in membrane of oogonium X 230, after Walz. Fig. 13. Sper. matozoids. 5. Vaucheria sessilis. Vauch. Conf. p. 81. pi. 2, /. 7. Loosely intricate, pale or rather dull green. Thallus capil- lary, sparingly branched ; oogonia 2 to 3 approximate, rarely single, ovate or oblong-oval, more or less oblique, rostrate ; antheridia intermediate, either short, hamate, or straight and subulate, or a little clavate, sometimes elongated and in- curved, rarely circinate. Mature oospores punctate with brown, involved in a triple membrane. SIZE. Oospore -07 mm. diam., thread -07 mm. (Cleve). Eng. Fl. v., 320. Cleve Vauch. 133, f. 6. Kirsch Alg. Schl. 82. Walz Vauch. p. 145. Kutz. Tab. vi., 59, f. 2. Hass. Alg. t. 4,' f. 2. Eng. Bot. t. 1765. Harv. Man. p. 148. Grev. Alg. Br. p. 192. Jenner Tunb. Wells 176. Vaucheria splicer ocarp a, Kutz. Tab. vi., t. 59, f. 1. Vaucheria racemosa, Rabh. Alg. Sachs. No. 495. Vaucheria Ungeri, Thur. Ann. Sci. Nat. xix. (1843), t. 11, 12, 13, f. 37-42 and 44. Sporangia. — Vaucheria clavata, Vauch. Conf. t. 3, f. 10. Hass. Alg. 59, t. 2, f 20-33. Harv. Man. 149. Berk. Glean, t. 10. Gray. AIT. i., 290. In ditches, or on the ground. var. a. caespitosa. Vauch. Conf. p. 26, t. 2, /. 4. Oogonia usually in pairs, ovate, opposite. Antheridia in- termediate, generally short, circinate. Vaucheria ccespitosa, Garni. Eng. Fl. v., p. 321. Eng. Bot. 1, t. 2841, ii., t. 2421. Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 92. Jenner Tunb. Wells, 176. Grev. Alg. Britt. 194. Harv. Man. 148. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 251. Hull Br. Fl. 330. Abbot. Bedf. 275. Mack. Hib. 234. Gray Arr. i., 291. Conferva amphibia, Dill. Conf. t. 41. With. Arr. iv., 129. Ends. Fl. Aug. ii., 594. Lightf. Fl. Scot. 979. Sibth. Ox. 336. Conferva amphibia fibrillosa et spongiosa, Dill. Muse. t. 4, f. 17. Conferva terrestris exilis fibrillosa, Ray. Syn. 59. On the margins of streams or pools. " Fronds densely interwoven into cushion-like tufts or strata of in- definite extent, irregularly branched, the tips erect, giving the surface, the appearance of bright green velvet." — Harvey. Dillwyn's description of his Conferva, amphibia seems to be most appli- cable to this species. " On the edges of ditches, and in similar situations, it frequently occurs in masses so densely matted as to hold water like a 124 SIPHOPHYCE.E. sponge, with its surface beset by erect branches which give it a very bristly appearance. In this state it is well known to botanists as the C. amphibia of all modern authors. Its hue is of a bright green, becoming ash-coloured with age. The root I have not been able to dis- cover, and the entangled mode of its growth renders it impossible to ascertain the length of the filaments. These are repeatedly divided with distinct patent branches, which, as before mentioned, when the plant grows in shallow water, so that some of them are exposed to the air, send out patent ramuli, of a stunted growth, from being out of their proper element, which by their erectness give the plant its bristly appearance; yet at the same time, if whilst in this state the waters rise so as to over- flow the plant, their length is gradually increased, and losing their erect position they yield to the current, and become the Geranium ccespitosutn of Roth ; and after having thus changed, if by the subsidence of the waters the surface is again exposed to the air, the filaments, of course disposed horizontally, give the plant a bristly appearance by again throw- ing out erect patent ramuli." var. oxnithocephala. Hassall Alg. t. 6, /. 4. In dirty green tufts, densely imbricated, and becoming paler. Thallus loosely branched. Oogonia solitary, or in pairs, oval- oblong, obliquely rostrate, beaks truncate, antheridia cylindric- subulate, incurved, interposed, usually exceeding in length the diameter of the oogonia. Vaucheria ornithocephala, Eng. Fl. v., 320. Harv. Man. 148. Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 93. Eng. Bot. ii., p. 195. Grev. Alg. Britt. 190. Grev. Fl. Ed. 306. Fl. Devon, ii., 56. Gray Arr. i., 291. Conferva vesicata, Dillw. Conf. t. 74. In stagnant or slow-flowing water. var. rep ens. Hassall Alg. t. 6, /. 7. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 430. Terrestrial. Oogonia single, sessile, oblong or ovate, shortly rostellate, mouth lateral, truncate. Antheridia solitary, next the oogonium, cylindric-clavate, erect, inclined or curved, scarcely longer than the oogonium. On the naked ground. It is on Vaucheria sessilis that Sir J. E. Smith says are found th " Vesicles of the nature of galls, perhaps, inhabited by Muller's Cyclops lupula" figured on plate 2419 of the second edition of English Botany. Hassall states that the species is V. geminata, but this is accounted for by the belief which was current in those days that V. geminata was the summer form of V. sessilis. — See Eng. Bot. ed. n., p. 125. Plate XLVI., figs. 1 to 20. Impregnation of Vauclieria sessilis, after Pringsheim X 200. Plate XLVIII., fig. 1, part of thread, with sexual organs, of V. sessilis. Fig. 2, oogonia and antheridia X 200. Fig. 3, oogonia and antheridium of the variety ccespitosa X 300. Fig. 4, oogonia and antheridium of the terrestrial variety repens X 200. Fig. 5, threads bearing sporangia at the tips slightly magnified. VAUCHERIACE.E. 125 6. Vaucheria geminata. (Vauch.} Walz. Jahrb. p. 147, t. 12, f. 7-11. Dark or dull green, in dense intricate tufts. Thallus capil- lary, tough, dicliotomous. Oogonia two (rarely 1 or 3), ovate or obovate, opposite, distinctly pedunculate. Antheridia intermediate, subulate, more or less recurved. Mature oospore spotted with brown, sporoclerm colourless, composed of three strata. Sporangia on the same or a proper thallus, broadly cup-shaped, truncate, and angularly horned. SIZE. Oospore -11--12 x -18-'19 mm. DCand. Fl. Fr. ii., 62. Hass. Alg. t. 3, f. 1. Cleve Vauch. p. 6, f. 4. Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 83. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. vi., t. 59, f. 3. Eng. Fl. v., 320. Harv. Man. 148. Eng. Bot. i., t. 1766, ii., t. 2420. Grev. Alg. Britt. p. 193, t. 19. Purton Mid. Fl. ii., 611. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 252. Grev. Fl. Ed. 306. Fl. Devon, ii., 56. Gray AIT. i., 291. Ectospenna geminata, Vauch. Conf. 29, t. 2, f. 5. Vaucheria Dillwyni, Rabh. Alg. Sachs. No. 1078. To this species we also refer the following as synonyms, although usually referred to V. sessilis : — Vaucheria ovoidea, Hass. Alg. 57, t. 5, f. 3. Vaucheria ovata, Gray AIT. i., 289. Ectosperma ovoidea, Huds. Fl. Aug. 954. Hook. Fl. Scot. 979. With. Arr. iv., 129. In ponds and ditches. / racemosa. Oogonia shortly pedunculate, 3 to 5 or more aggregated in a corymbose manner. Antheridia single, scarcely longer than the oogonia. SIZE. Oospore -06--08 x -075--08 mm. Vaucheria racemosa, Eng. Bot. ii., 126. Grev. Alg. Britt. 195. Harv. Man. 149. Grev. Fl. Ed. 306. Gray Arr. i., 292. Hass. Alg. 56, t. 3, f. 2. We have reproduced Hassall's figure of this form in which the antheri- dium is considerably longer than the oogonia. Vaucher says, ''This species is one of the most common, and is found in nearly all ditches, principally in the spring. It is loaded with little bouquets manifest to the unassisted sight, and which with the microscope seem to he formed of a common peduncle, subdivided into pedicels, each of which carries on its summit a spherical body in every way resembling the grains of other ectosperms, but nearly half as small again. In the middle of this bouquet is the horn, which, without doubt, performs the function of a male flower, and which is here but a prolongation of the peduncle. The number of grains varies from 5 to 7, but commonly 4 are met with." It is of this species that Hassall says, " It is most frequently infested with the curious parasite Cyclops Itt-pula of Muller, which occasions the growth on the filaments of such extraordinary-looking appendages, in the midst of which the parasite resides." This parasite, whatever it may be, was the subject of a communication by Mr. A. Lister to the Essex Field Club, July 22, 1882, and will be found in the " Proceedings " of the Club (Vol. iii.). 126 SIPHOPHYCE.E. Plate XLV111., Jigs. 6-7. Oogonia and antheridia of V. geminata X 200. Fig. 8, non-sexual spores of the same X 200, after Walz. Fig. 9, mature oospore x 200. Plate [XL2X., fig. 4, fruiting branch of the variety racemosa, after Hassall. 7. Vaucheria hamata. (Vauch.) Walz. p. 148, t. xn./. 12-17. Aquatic or terrestrial, tliallus rather ri^id, vaguely branched. Oogonia usually single, ovate or ovate-hemisphaerical, seated on a short segment of the divided stem, the other segment elongated, curved, forming the antheridium. Mature oospores involved in a sporoderm formed of four or more strata. Cleve Vauch. p. 6. Hassall Alg. t. v., f. 1. Gray AIT. i., 289. Ectosperma hamata, Vauch. Conf. 26, t. 2, f. 2. Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. xi.,p. 439. Vancheria hamulata, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. vi., t. 61, f. 2. In ditches. 'Vaucher wrote of this species — " It differs from all others by the manner in which it carries its grains. The peduncles which sustain them are much elongated, and they bear at their extremity two little threads, the one is recurved and receives the anther, the other is shorter and straighter, and carries the grain.'' Plate XLVIII.,figs. 10, 11. Oogonia and antheridia of F. hamata X 200. Figs. 12, 13, mature oospores free from oogonia X 200. Fig. 14, sporangium X 200. 8. Vaucheria terrestris. Lyngb. Hydro. Dan. p. 77, t. 21, f. A. Densely interwoven in a thin bright emerald stratum. Oogonia usually single, pedunculate, attached by the flattened base at the back of the incumbent elongated curved antheri- dium. Mature oospores enclosed in a hyaline colourless sporo- derm composed of four strata, considerably inflated. Eng. Flora v., 320. Grev. Alg. Britt. p. 191. Eng. Bot. ii., p. 124. Jenner Tunb. Wells, 176. Harv. Man. 148. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 251. Mack. Hib. 234. Gray AIT. i., 290. Hass. Alg. 53, t. 5, f. 2. Berk. Glean, t. 9. Walz. Jahrb. p. 149, t. xiii., f. 18, 19. Babh. Alg. Eur. p. 270. Cleve Vauch. 131, f. 1. Ectosperma terrestris, Vauch. p. 27, t. 2, f. 3. Vauclieria circinata, Kutz. Tab. vi., t. 60, fig. 2. Forming patches on damp and clayey soil. " Threads more straight and rigid than in V. Dilln-yni, forming a more lax and less interwoven stratum, the summits of the little branches often erect, and giving the whole a bristly appearance." — Greville. Plate XLlX.figs. 1, 2. Oogonium and antheridium of V. terrestris X 200. Fig. 3, mature oospore of same, after Walz x 230. Plate XLIX.,fig. 7. Oogonium of V.veliitina, Ag. (a marine species), after Harvey X 200. NEMATOPHYCE.E. 127 ORDER IV. NEMATOPHYCEJZ. Mnlticellular algee, chloropliyllose, membranaceous or fila- mentous, with or without branches. Vegetation either terminal, limited or unlimited, forming an articulate thread, or in the beginning terminal, and afterwards lateral, forming a mem- branaceous thallus of a single stratum. Cell multiplication by repeated division in one or two directions. Propagation by oospores, or by zoogonidia. Divided into the following families : — A. Vegetation by division of the cells at first in one, and afterwards in two directions, forming a membranaceous thallus. FAMILY I. ULVACEJI. — Thallus membranaceous formed of one stratum of cells, either plane or expanded, or tubular, or saccate. B. Vegetation by division of the cells in one direction, forming a cellular series or articulate thread. FAMILY II. — SPH^EROPLE^E. — Articulate thread not branched, articulations greatly elongated, cylindrical, multilocular, chloro- phyll mass distributed in ring-like bands. Propagation by resting spores, which, before germination, break up into zoospores. FAMILY III. CONFERVACE.E. — Articulate thread, simple or branched, vegetative articulations cylindrical, fructiferous always more or less swollen. Chlorophyllose mass effused, or parietal, often more or less regularly spiral. Propagation by macro- and micro -gonidia. FAMILY IV. PITHOPHORACE.E. — Cladophora-like plants, with terminal vegetation. Articulate threads branched. o Propagation by neutral, quiescent, cask-shaped spores (agamo-hypnospores). FAMILY V. (EDOGONIACE^E. — Articulate thread either branched or not branched ; articulations short. Propagation by oospores after sexual fecundation. FAMILY VI. ULOTRICHE.E. — Articulate thread not branched, sometimes laterally connate ; articulations short, at times very short. Propagation by macro- and micro -gonidia. FAMILY VII. CHROOLEPID^E. — Aerial algaa. Articulate thread branched, cell membrane firm, filled with an equally dis- tributed oleaginous golden or reddish endochrome. Propagation by zoogonidia. FAMILY VIII. CHJSTOPHORE.E. — Aquatic alg£e. Articulate thread dichotomously branched, ramnli sometimes aggregated in a fasciculate or penicellate manner. Chlorophyllose mass usually collected in transverse bands. Propagation by zoogonidia. — liabh. Alg. Eur. in, 286. T 128 NEMATOPHYCE.E. FAMILY I. ULVAOE^B. Thallus membranaceous, or foliaceous, rarely crustaceous, formed of one stratum of cells, either expanded, or tubulose, or vesiculose. Propagation by zoogonidia, arising from a repeated division of the cytioplasm. Zoogonidia oblong, furnished at one ex- tremity with two or four cilia. Sub-Family 1. PEASIOLE^I. Thallus expanded and foliaceous, rarely crustaceous. GENUS 54. FRASZOLA. Ag. (1821.) Thallus membranaceous foliaceous, ascending or erect, more or less cvispate, composed of angular cells, distributed in plane areas ; base sometimes loosely fibrillose. Vegetation by division of the cells in two directions. Fxasiola crispa. Kutz. Tab. Plnjc. V. t. 40, /. 6. Tufts more or less dense, often long and widely expanded, dark green, soft and elastic. Thallus plicate crisped, of variable form and size, often bullate ; cells arranged in distinct areolas, or confluent, quadrate, or oblong-quadrangular, now and then twice as long as the diameter ; angles more or less obtusely rounded. SIZE. Cells -005--009 mm. diam., or -008--013 mm. x •003--005 mm. Jessen Mon. Pras. t. 1, f. 10-16. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii, 308. Lagerstedt, Pras. p. 19. Ulva crispa, Hass. Alg. t. 78, f. 12. Eng. Flora v., p. 312. Eng. Bot. ed. i, 2754; ed. ii, 2406. Lightf. Fl. Scot. 972. Harv. Man. 171. Grev. Fl. Edin. 299. Hook Fl. Scot, ii., 91. Mack. Fl. Hib. 243. Hull Br. Fl. 309. Abbot. Fl. Bedf. 273. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 250. Jenner. Tunb. Wells 190. Ulva lactuca y, Huds. Fl. Aug. p. 567. Dillen. Muse. t. 9, f. 6. Ulva terrestris, Gray. AIT. i., 344. Tremella crispa, With. Arr. iv., 81. On damp ground, rocks, &c. Hassall unites this species and the next together in one, but his example has not been followed by his successors. Common on moist shady ground, especially near houses and walls, sometimes on old thatched roofs. Fronds very much crowded, forming a dense stratum, rather lying on the soil or medium than attached to it; deep green, rounded, thin, tender, but not gelatinous, variously curled ULVACEJi. 129 and folded. Quaternate granules beautifully arranged in squares, con- tained in larger ones, and separated by parallel pellucid lines, the whole compared by Agardh to the walks and parterres of a garden. Annual. Found throughout the winter and early spring. — Eng. Bot. p. 111. Plate L. fig. 1. Plants slightly magnified. Fig. 2, portion of a frond X 400. Pxasiola furfur ace a. Menegh. Cenni. p. 36. Forming a furfuraceous stratum, more or less expanded, dark green. Thallus about a line long and broad, dilated from the short stem-like base into a fan-like lamina ; margin slightly undulate and repand, often emarginate at the apex or lobed. Cells angular, arranged in regular quadrate, or almost quadrate areolas. SIZE. Cells '014--016 X -004--006 mm. Jessen, Mon. Pras. t. 2, f. 1-10. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 309. Lagerstedt Pras. p. 32. Ulva furftiracea, Grev. Sc. Crypt. FL t. 265. Eng. Fl. v., p. 312. Harv. Man. 171. Eng. Bot. ed. ii., p. 112. Grev. Alg. Britt. 176, t. 18. Mack. Fl. Hib. 244. On damp walls and rocks. " Fronds closely tufted, forming a vivid green stratum, a yard or more in extent, two or three lines in length, erect, obovate, truncated, and usually eroded at the top, tapering at the base into a longish claw ; margin inflected , substance firm, and void of lubricity. Cells in fours. It does not adhere to paper." — Garni, Plate L. fig. 5. Fronds slightly magnified. Fig. 6, young frond X 400. Fig. 7, lower portion of mature frond X 400. Frasiola stipitata. Sulir. in Jessen Mon. t. 2, /. 11-16. Stratum csespitose, expanded, dark green. Thallus of variable form and size, commonly one to two lines, rarely four lines long ; dilated upwards from a stem-like base (lanceolate, obovate. obcordate, reniform, flabelliform, &c.), often truncate at the apex ; margin slightly repand ; cells in the stem-like base in series, in the upper part disposed in small regular areolas. SIZE. Cells -G05--007 mm. Jessen, Prasiola p. 16, t. 2. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 309. Lagerstedt. Pras. p. 36, fig. 4. On rocks by the sea, &c. Jessen, in his monograph of this genus, gives figures of the fronds of some Irish specimens of the above species, which he had seen and examined. It is, on the faith of this, included here, although it appears to be the most marine of any of the four. Plate L. figs. 8. 9. Fronds of P. stipitata magnified 4 diam. Fig. 10, young frond X 400. Fig. 11, part of mature frond X 400. All after Jessen. ] 30 NEMATOPHYCEJE. Pzasiola calophylla. (Spreng.) 31enegh. Cenni. p. 36. Ca?spitose, dark green, crispate ; thallus 2-4 lines long, narrow, linear, rather circinate, attenuated at the base into a stem, truncate at the apex, now and then crenate; cells large, arranged in longitudinal series. SIZE. Cells -004--005 x -002--004 mm. Jessen, Mon. Pras. t. 1, f. 1-3. Lagerstedt. Pras. p. 40. Ulva calophylla, Hass. Alg. 298, t. 77, f. 1. Eng. Fl. v., 312. Grev. Alg. Britt. p. 176. Eng. Bot. ed. ii., p. 112. Harv. Man. 171. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 251. Mack. Hib. 243. Bangia calophylla, Carai. in Grev. S. Crypt. Fl. t. 220. On damp stones, rocks, &c. " Forms a bright green thin stratum. Frond minute, three or four lines long, linear strap-shaped, obtnse, tapering at the base, or suddenly contracted into a cylindrical stipes, much waved and curled, very variable in breadth. Granules quaternate, closely covering the frond ; set in longitudinal rows, of which two or more (sometimes half a dozen) form the breadth of the frond ; interstices colourless." — Harvey. Plate L. Jig. 3. Plant magnified slightly. Fig. 4, lower portion of frond X400. Sub-Family 2. ULVEJI. Thallus membranaceous, vesiculose, or tubulose. GENUS 55. ENTEROMORPHA. Link. (1820.) Thallus membranaceous, tubular or utricle-shaped, fixed at the base (usually at the first, but afterwards often free swimming) ; composed of one stratum of cells, sometimes branched, but rarely much branched. Propagation by zoogonidia, produced by repeated division of the cytioplasm, rostrate at one extremity, and furnished with two cilia. Enteromoirpha intestinalis. (Linn.) Link. Hor. Ber. (1820.) Fronds simple, elongated, variable in form and size, usually becoming more or less inflated, obtuse above, attenuated at the base, pale green ; cells 3-5-6 angled. SIZE. Cells -012--02 mm. diam. Eng. Fl. v., p. 314. Jenner, Tunb. Wells 190. Eng. Bot., ed. ii., t. 2408. Hass. Alg. 303, t. 77, f. 2. Grev. Alg. Britt. 179. Harv. Man. 173. Mack. Fl. Hib. 242. Wyatt. Alg. Exs., No. 80. Eabh. Alg. Ear. iii., 312. Ulvamarina tululosa intestinorwnfiguram. Ray. Syn., 62. Tremclla marina tubulosa, etc. Dillen. Muse., t. 9, f. 7. Ulva intestinalis . Huds. Angl. 568. Light. Fl. Scot. 963. Relh. Cant. 443. Purt. Midi. Fl. ii., 617. Hook. Fl. ULVACE^E. 131 Scot, ii., 91. Johnst. Fl. Benv. ii ., 249. Hull, Br. Fl. 311. Abbot Fl. Bedf. 273. With. AIT. iv., 125. Scytosiphon intestinalis. Gray, AIT. i., 315. Enteromorplia lacustris. Hass. Trans. Linn. Soc. Fistularia intestinalis. Grev. Fl. Edin. 300. Fl. Devon, ii., 57. In ditches, chiefly in brackish water. This exceedingly variable species has many forms or varieties to which names have been given, one of which by rupture of the apex, is funnel- shaped (var. CornucopicB), others are more or less thread-like, and others inflated and bullate. Root a minute scutate disc. Frond from a few inches to one or more feet in length, and from a line to three or four inches, or more, in diameter; tubular, obtuse, tapering at base to little more than the diameter of hog's bristle, gradually becoming inflated upwards, and in old age often swelling out into a large membranous bag, which is variously cusped and curled. Sometimes the whole frond is compressed and very much crisped ; substance thin and membranous, but not gelatinous, not closely adhering to paper in drying. Colour varying from a transparent yellowish green to a dull grass green; in old age and decay fading to a dirty white. Under the microscope a portion of the frond exhibits the appearance of a transparent membrane covered with green unequal angular cells. — Harvey. It occurs on the sea shore, in tidal rivers, and ditches connected with them, whether salt, brackish, or freshwater, sometimes at a considerable distance from, the sea. In this respect it differs from, Enteromorplia compressa, which is nut found in fresh water, and has therefore no claim to be inserted in the present work. Plate LI. Jigs. 1, 2. Small fronds of Ent. intestinalis, natural size. Fig. 3, the variety Cornucopia, nat. size. Fig. 4, cells X 400. Fig. 5, zoogonidia. 'o* GENUS 56. MONOSTROIKA. T/tur. (1854.) Frond plane or saccate, simple or torn and lobate, composed of one stratum of cells, cells somewhat rounded (sometimes quaternate) immersed in a homogenous membrane. — Thuret,Note sur la synonymie des Ulva, fyc. This genus was formerly included in Ulra, from which it was separated by Thuret. See also Monograph of Monostroma, by Prof. V. Wittrock. The majority of species are marine. Monostroma laceratum. Thur. Note sur Ulv. Thallus membranaceous, at length free, thin and flaccid, pallid green, of irregular form, rugose, margin plane and eroded, or crisped (*04-'05 mm. thick) ; cells rounded, twin, ternate, or quaternate, disposed loosely in the intercellular substance, in transverse section of the thallus oval (•017-'023 mm. high), chlorophyllose body central, of the same form as the cell, of which it occupies about one-half. — Wittr. J/o/?. Monostr., p. 80,*. I,/ 2. Plate LI., fig. 6. Portion of frond X 200. Fig. 7, section of frond X 200 diam. 132 NEMATOPHYCE^. RIonostroma Wittrockii. Born. Notes Alg. p. 176. Thallus membranaceous, gelatinous, bright green (18 mill.) oblong, pedicellate, at first saccate, then open at the summit, margin becoming irregularly lobed. The adult plant becomes sessile, and is attached by apart of its surface, when mature the fronds are large (8 cent, diarn.), the lobes plicate, elongated and rounded, cell angular, subquaternate, in section of thallus rounded, chlorophyllose body occupying about half the cell. In salt or brackish water. Perhaps hardly claiming a place in this work, as it is more truly a marine species. Plate LL, fig. 8. Portion of a frond X 200. Fig. 9, 10, sections of frond X 200. Fig. 11, zoogonidia X 300. Fig. 12, germinating X 200, after Bornet. Monostroma bullosum. Wittr. Mon., p. 28, is the Tetraspora ballosa of this work, see j;. 16, plate vi., fig. 1. FAMILY II. SPH^BROPLBAOEJB. Threads simple, with terminal vegetation, very long, articu- late, articulations cylindrical, by spurious septa nmltilocular. Chlorophyllose mass distributed in annular bands, which enclose from 3-7 starch vesicles. Propagation by oospores after sexual fecundation, very numerous in the cells, at first green, then red; enclosed in a stellate sporoderm. GENUS 57. SFHJEROPLSA. Ag. (1824.) Characters the same as given above for the family, which consists but of one genus. The following is an abstract of a memoir on SphtBroplea annulina, by Cohn (in the "Ann. des Sci. Nat.," 1856, p. 187), describing the process of fructification : — " The structure of the resting-spores is very singular. They are red spherical bodies, from one 120th to one 100th of a line in diameter, and formed of two hyaline membranes, the interior of which is intimately connected with its plastic contents, whilst the exterior is loose and elegantly plaited. These plaits or folds are so arranged that they meet at their two poles ; often, however, they are very irregular in shape and direction, especially in the larger spores. " In germination the resting-spores undergo several modifications. They become granular and change to a dull brown red, and a more transparent circle appears in their centre. Frequently the red matter changes to green before the germination, and this change of colour is gradual, proceeding from the circumference to the centre of tho cavity. At length the whole of the plastic contents divides into two, then into four or eight bodies, which burst the double envelope and disperse in the water as so many zoospores. SPHJIROPLEACE^E. 133 " The zoospores are of an elegant shape, but this is not more uniform than their size or colour. Usually they are globular or shortly cylin- drical bodies, from one 190th to one 150th of a line long, of a beautiful cinnabar or carmine red, and furnished at one of their ends with a small colourless bead bearing two long cilia. Some of them are larger, pyriform or fusiform, and the result probably of the undivided con- tents of a resting-spore. Some of the zoospores are two-coloured — red towards the beak, and green throughout the other part, or the two colours are variously disposed, the colourless bead or beak, and the two cilia are invariably very distinct. The zoospores exhibit a slow jerking movement during several hours. This movement is often interrupted for several hours, when the whirling suddenly recommences. When the zoospores break through the integument within which they are formed, they are not enveloped in cellulose, but already during their period of activity they begin to invest them- selves with a thin elastic pellicle. At the time of their germination this envelope thickens and lengthens in the form of a spindle, the two ends soon tapering off into long tails, which even the enlarging body of the zoospore itself separates farther and farther apart. The contents of this germ-cell, at first homogeneous and finally granular, change during this first growth. What is left of the red oil is quickly transformed into chlorophyll, and the plantlet assumes a uniform green colour. Never- theless one may perceive from the beginning a number of vacuoles, or limpid, colourless droplets, in the midst of the protoplasm with which they are filled, and between them the chlorophyll collects in rings more or less distinct from each other. Soon large grains of starch appear in these collections of green matter, so that the plantlet combines all the characteristics of an adult cellule of the Sphceroplea, even before it has exceeded a 13th of a line in length. The terminal tails have been observed after the plantlet was more than half a line long. Growth takes place in the middle, by the successive division of the older rings. The contents of the adult threads presents the most beautiful appear- ances. It consists of a colourless protoplasm, a green chlorophyll, a watery liquid, and granules of starch ; the whole so disposed that the liquid element forms large vacuoles in a row, like the pearls of a necklet, and the diameter of which is nearly as great as that of the thread itself. Often these vacuoles abut on each other, and seem to give birth to partitions. In the spaces between the pairs of vacuoles the green plasma and grains of starch crowd together, though the space is dis- jointed by the innumerable small vacuoles they throw off. " On approaching fructification the vacnoles multiply to such an extent as to give the endochrome the appearance of a frothy mass, in which the starch granules are ii-regularly scattered. Soon after the starch granules assemble in pairs or threes or larger numbers, and around these groups the green plasma becomes more plentiful, so that in time they appear as so many equidistant cysts in the axis of the thread. The greater part of the vacuoles having gradually disappeared, the green clots assume a stellate appearance, connected by green mucous rays or filaments. Between these star-like clots large vacuoles are formed in pairs, which flatten so as to look like partitions, so that each thread seems to be divided into numerous compartments. " The green matter contained in these compartments then undergoes modifications, and the mucous rays are gradually resorbed, the chloro- phyll contracting meanwhile — sometimes to the right and sometimes to the left. In a short time the colourless plasm collects around the chloro- phyll in such a manner that the partitions disappear, and the whole contents of the thread breaks up into a large number of free globular masses, easily distinguished from, the ambient colourless mucilage, and containing a certain quantity of irregularly distributed chlorophyll. These 134 NEMATOPHYCE.E. are the young spores, which undergo a marvellous variety of transforma- tions. At first they are contiguous, but as they contract they become free, though variable in shape, and with their chlorophyll distributed in a thousand different ways. Finally they become spherical and almost completely filled with chlorophyll interspersed with some starch granules, and covered with a thin, smooth layer of plastic matter, but not with a cellulose membrane. " Long before the foregoing process has taken place, the cell-wall proper of the thread has undergone some peculiar chemical alterations, all tending to its final dissolution to free the fully-developed spores. Previous to this, however, little apertures are formed in it at certain points, varying in diameter from one 500th to one 300th of a line. " All the cellules of the same filament do not undergo the modifica- tions described. In a large number of them the phenomena are quite different, the green rings, interspersed with colourless vacuoles, gradually change to a reddish yellow, and the grains of starch dis- appear. Soon the coloured matter thus formed becomes granular, and is finally broken up into innumerable rod-like corpuscles." Thus the cycle is completed, and we need not pursue the abstract further. Plate LII. will serve to illustrate the various changes. Sphaeroplea annulina. {Roth.) Ag. Syst. p. 76. Green, yellowish, brick-red, or scarlet, cells 8 to 10 or 20 times as long as broad, with 20 to 30 chlorophyllose rings in each cell; spores at length densely seriate, rarely disposed irregularly, at first green, afterwards olive-brown, and then red. SIZE. Threads '036-'07 mm. cliam., oospore '018-'036 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., p. 318. Rabh. Alg. ex. 309, 455, 147. Cohn, in Acad. Borl. 1855, p. 335. Ann. des. Sci. Nat. 4 ser. (1856) v., t. 12-13. Cienkowski, Bot. Zeit. (1855), p. 777. Fresenius Bot. Zeit (1851), p. 241. Braun, Rejuvenescence p. 164,271,281. Conferva annulina, Roth. Cat. iii., p. 7. In quarries, pits, or inundated fields. Cohii has remar-ked that whereas most confervoid Algse vegetate by repeated subdivision of the terminal cell, being at some time or other attached by the base, the present has both extremities alike, and neither of them rooting, moreover the vegetation is carried on by sub-division of the central cells, so that the terminal cells remain the oldest. Plate Lll. fig. 1. Portion of filament of Sph&roplea annulina with the green cytioplasm in rings X 400. Fig. 2, cells showing the forma- tion of spermatozoids X 400 with escaped spermatozoids s below. Fig. 3, spores having acquired a globose form being fertilized by sperma- tozoids. Fig. 5, spores in an earlier stage. Fig. 8, isolated spore with spermatozoid attached. Fig. 6, mature spores, having acquired an orange colour and stellate outline, the primary membrane is detached X 400. Fig. 7, cells showing arrangement of mature spores X 300. Fig. 4, resting spore in various stages ; a, mature ; b, divided into 2 ; c and d, further subdivided. Fig. 9, zoogonidia X 400. Fig. 10, germina- tion of zoogonidia X 400. All except Fig. 7 after Cohn. CONFERVACEJS. 135 FAMILY III. OONFERVAOB^B. Threads articulate, either simple or branched, vegetation terminal, unlimited. Articulations more or less elongated, rarely abbreviated, now and then shorter than the diameter, cylindrical, rarely swollen. Cell membrane sometimes mani- festly lamellose. Chlorophyllovse mass granulate, containing starch granules, effused, parietal, or sometimes contracted in the centre of the cell. Vegetation by the repeated division of the primordial utricle in one direction. Propagation by zoogonidia. GENUS 58. MICROS FOR A. Thur. (1851.) Articulate thread simple. Chlorophyllose mass at first parietal, afterwards contracted in the centre. All articulations fertile. Propagation by zoogonidia. Zoogonidia arising from a simultaneous division of the cell contents, small, numerous, ovate-elliptical, cuspidate and colourless at one end, usually furnished with two, rarely 3 to 4, cilia, escaping by rupture of the cell. Microspora fugacissima. (Ag. Syst. p 43.) Pale green, or yellowish green, articulations before division 4 to 5 times as long as their diameter, after division about 2 to 2-g- times as long, not constricted at the joints. SIZE. Cells •0085-'01 mm. diani. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 321. Conferva fugacissima, Grev. Fl. Ed. 317. Gray AIT. i., 310. Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 80. In ditches. Plate LIII. fg. 1. Portions of threads of M. fugacissima X 300 diam. XVXicrospoxa vulgaxis. Rahh. Alg. Eur. in., 321. Bright green, articulations 2 to 3J times as long as the diameter. SIZE. Threads '012 mm. diameter. Conferva bombycina incequalis, Kutz. Tab. iii., t. 44, f. 3. Microspora bombycina, Thuret. Rech. p, 12. Conferva vulgariSj Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 79. In ditches and pools. Plate LIII. Jig 2. Portions of threads of M. vulgaris X 300 diam. W 136 XVXicKOSpora fioccosa. (Ag.) Thuret. RecJi. t. 17, /. 4-7. Articulations before division about twice as long as the diameter, after division about equal, or a little shorter, slightly constricted at the joints. SIZE. Threads -015--017 mm. diarn. (according to Kirschner •0075 --01 mm. diam.). Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 321. Thuret. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1850, t. 17, f. 4-5. Conferva floccosa, Ag. Syst. p. 89. Kutz. Tab. iii., t. 43. f. 3. Eng. Fl. v., 351. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2474. Harv. Man. 126. Mack. Hib. 224. Gray AIT. i., 310. Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 79. Lyngbya floccosa, Hass. Alg. 223, t. 60, f. 1-2. Jenner, Tunb. Wells, 188. Conferva fug acissima. Dill. Conf. Supp. t. B. In stagnant water. Plate LI II. Jiff. 3. a, I, portions of threads X 300 ; c, cells divided across for the escape of zoogonidia X 300 ; d, zoogonidia. GENUS 59. CONFERVA. (Linn.} Link. (1820.) Articulate threads simple, articulations cylindrical. Chloro- phyllose mass homogeneous or granulate, including starch granules. Vegetation by division in one direction. Propagation unknown, (? by resting-spores which subse- quently produce zoogonidia). Kecently "Wille has declared his belief in the universality of resting- spores in the whole genus Conferva,* although it is hardly clear what is his conception of the limits of the genus. In a new species which he has described under the name of Conferva WittrocJcii, he gives detailed account of spore formation, which it is presumed may be accepted as a type of what usually takes place. " The chlorophyllaceous contents contract, and become rounded. The colouring matter collects principally in the ends of the cells, so that the substance in the middle appears almost colourless; but after the con- traction of the cell contents the chlorophyllaceous portions of the protoplasm draw nearer together, until at last they coalesce and form a round or elliptical body within the mother cell ; they then begin to surround themselves with a membrane, which later consists of two distinct layers. The spores are generally set free by the filaments resolving themselves into H shaped cells (in which the cell wall of each cell has a transverse fissure in the middle of the transverse walls) ; the spores then fall out. Sometimes they escape by the cell walls becoming converted into mucilage, their layers becoming gradually indistinguish- able. On first germinating, the size of the spores increases, as the result of which the outer membrane bursts. The outer membrane consists of two pieces with pointed ends, one being much larger than the * Ofversigt af Kon. Vetensk Akad Porhandl. xxxviii (1881). " Journal of Eoyal Microscopical Society," Dec., 1882, p. 836. COKFERVACE.E. 137 other, and covering it like the lid of a box. Afterwards, through the expansion of the inner membrane, the smaller piece of the outer mem- brane gives way, and the inner membrane grows through the aperture thus formed in the form of a tube. The development was not followed further, but the writer considers it probable that zoospores are first formed from the resting spores." In Conferva bombycina, var. minor, either single cells swell up into a barrel shape, or here and there the contiguous ends of two neighbouring cells assume a club-like form. It is here that the largest part of the Chlorophyllaceous protoplasm accumulates, and after this the swollen end iB separated by a transverse wall from the longer narrow part of the mother-cell. The wall of the swollen part thickens later. The author considers these cells to be resting-spores, although he was not able to observe their germination. Conferva, bombycinavax. genuinahas similar resting-spores. Three modes of formation of resting. spores of Oonfervacece have been observed — (1) by rejuvenescence, and the formation of a new membrane round the contracting contents ; (2) by the thickening of the membrane of the mother-cell ; (3) by separation of a portion of the cell substance to a swollen part of the mother-cell, and the thickening of the membrane of this portion. Conferva fontinalis. BerTt. Glean, t. 14, /. 1.. Bright green, attached ; articulations 6 to 10 times as long as the diameter, slightly swollen, a little constricted at the joints, starch granules single, scattered or seriate, cell-membrane rather thick, homogeneous, when heated with sulphuric acid swelling and distinctly lamellose. SIZE. Threads -OIG-'OIS mm. diam. Kutz. Tab. iii., t. 45, f. 4. Eabh. Alg. Ear. iii., 323. Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 78. Attached to grass, &c., in ditches. " It covers rushes, grass, &c., with a short downy green coat, which is very conspicuous in spring and summer." — Berkeley. Plate LI11. jig. 6. Threads of C. fontinalis X 150. Fig. 7, por- tions of threads X 400. Conferva tenerrima. Kntz. Tab. in., t. 42, /. 1. Usually pale green, articulations 1J-3 times as long as the diameter. SIZE. Threads '0035--004 mm. diam. (-003--005 mm. Kirschner). Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 322. Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 78. In fresh water, often mixed with other Algaa. Plate LIII., fig, 5. Portions of threads of C. tenerrima X 400. Conferva bombycina. Ag. Syst.p. 83. Yellowish green or green, soft, silky ; articulations oblong- cylindrical, slightly constricted at the joints, before division three times as long as the diameter, collapsing alternately when dry. 138 SIPHOPHYCE^:. SIZE. Threads '006 --012 mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 323. Kutz. Tab. iii., t. 44, f. 1, 2. Eng. Fl. v.,p. 351. Eng. Bot. ii., p. 159. Harv. Man. 126. Mack. Hib. 224. Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 79. Conferva sordida, Dillw. Conf., t. 60. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 254. ' Eng. Bot. i., t. 2303. Grev. Fl. Ed. 317. Gray Arr. i., 310. VesicuUfera bombycina, Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 186. In ditches, pools, &c., common. Plate L1I1. jig. 4. Portions of threads of C. bomlycina X 400. GENUS 60. CH-ffiTOMORPHA. Kutz. (1845.) Articulate thread simple, nearly equally thick, fixed by a discoid, or root-like divided base, lower articulations always short, before division equal, or half as long again as the diameter, after division shorter than the diameter, upper articulations more or less elongated. Cell-membrane thick, firm, sub -cartilagi- nous, manifestly lamellose. Cell contents green, becoming by age parietal, continuous, finely granulate, containing a few starch granules. Propagation by zoogonidia. Chiefly marine, a few in brackish water. The lamination of the cell walls in this genus, and in Cladophora, appeared to Braun to present some analogy to the rings in vascular stems. He says, " The great number of layers which may be distin- guished by suitable treatment in the cell membrane, even of plants of short life (Cladophora, Botrydium, &c.), is not opposed to the assump- tion that they are diurnal layers, and it is imaginable, under this hypothesis, that bright and dull days, as well as the age of the cell, and other circumstances, may effect important modifications in reference to the formation of distinguishable layers." Chaetomorpha litorea. (Harv.') Rigid, green, crisp ate ; articulations before division one and a-half times as long as the diameter, here and there swollen in pairs and discoloured. SIZE. Threads '16 mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 327. Conferva litorea, Harv. Man. p. 208. Phyc. Britt., t. 333. Conferva linum, Harv. in Eng. Fl. v., 352. Wyatt, Alg. Danm., No. 220. In salt water ditches, and estuaries. " Filaments 3-4 inches long or more, loosely bundled together in prostrate or floating strata of considerable extent, and of a pale green colour, becoming darker and duller as the season advances. Each fila- ment is irregularly curled and twisted, and sometimes angularly bent. The articulations are cylindrical, filled with a pale green watery endo- CONFERVACEJ5. 139 chrome, and about once and a-half as long as broad, and here and there, at irregulai intervals, two proximate articulations, longer and broader than the rest, form together a spindle-shaped swelling, in which a dark- coloured endochrome collects, the mass being darkest and densest where the two cells touch each other. This looks like the commencement of fructification, but I am unable to say whether a sporangium is ultimately formed. These dark-coloured double cells are frequently so numerous that they give the filaments, when examined with a pocket lens, a varie- gated appearance. Substance membranaceous, and in drying the plant scarcely adheres to paper." — Harvey. Plate L1V. fig. 1. Portion of thread of Chcetomorpha litorea X 100 diam. Chsetomorpha linum. (Roth.} Kutz. Tab. ill., t. 55, /. 3. Rather rigid, dark green, or now and then yellowish green and less rigid, lower articulations equal or almost equal in length to their diameter, upper articulations, before division, two or three times as long as the diameter, or even four times, here and there swollen. Cell-membrane of the lower articula- tions thick, distinctly lamellose. the upper ones thinner and indistinctly lamellose, contracted at the joints. SIZE. Threads '25 mm. thick. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 327. Harv. Phyc. Britt., t. 150, f. A. Conferva linum, Ag. Syst. 97. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2363. Conferva capillaris, Huds. Fl. Ang., p. 598. Lightf. Fl. Scot. 988. Dillw. Conf., t. 9. Conferva crassa, Eng. Fl. v., 252. Mack. Fl. Heb. 225. In brackish and salt water. " Filaments from a few inches to several feet in length, twice as thick as a hog's bristle, very much curled, rigid, crisp, and brittle, soon becom- ing flaccid if exposed to the air ; lying in thick but not dense bundles, of considerable length, disposed in strata, one above the other. Articu- lations about as long as broad, filled with granular fluid, which in some joints is more dense than in others. Eventually the joints divide in the centre by a transverse line, and the mass separates, a new diaphragm is then gradually formed, and finally a new joint. This species varies much in colour, being sometimes of a pale, at other times a dark green, and is very often mottled with dark and light green. Substance rigid- membraneous, scarcely adhering to paper in drying." — Harvey. Plate L1V. fig. 2. Portion of sterile thread of Clioetomorplia linum X 100. Fig. 3, portion of fertile thread with zoogonidia X 100. Fig. 4, zoogonidia X 300. Chaetomorpha sutoxia. (Berk.} Dark green, crispate, rather rigid, interwoven in lax tufts, articulations one and a-half times as long as broad, after division shorter than the diameter, cell-membrane thick, dis- tinctly lamellose. SIZE. Threads -01-'012 mm. diam. Con/erva suton'a, Berk. Glean., t. 14, f. 3. Harv. Man. 128. Phyc. Britt., 1. 150, f. B. In brackish ditches, estuaries, and salt water. 140 SIPHOPHYCEJ2. .• " Filaments several inches to a foot or more in length, as thick aa hog's bristle, variously carved and twisted, forming extensive, loosely packed bundles or strata which fill the pools in which they grow. .Arti- culations once and a-half as long as broad, filled with a dark green fluid, at length separating by a transverse medial line into two poi'tions, which eventually become separate joints. Colour dark green, not variegated. Substance rigid, not adhering to paper in drying." — Harvey. Plate LIV. fig. 5. Portion of base of thread of Ch&tomorplia sutoria X 100. Chaetomorpha implexa. (Dell.) Kutz. Tab. in., t. 51, /. 3. Pale or deep yellowish green, crispate, interwoven in lax tufts, rather rigid, sometimes mucous, articulations before division twice as long as the diameter ; cell-membrane rather thick, indistinctly lamellose, after application of concentrated sulphuric acid at first homogeneous, but after four hours' action manifestly striate-lamellose. SIZE. Threads, '04-'06 mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 329. Conferva implexa, Dillw. Conf., t. B. Ag. Syst. p. 91. Conferva sutoria, Crouan, Fl. Fin. In brackish and salt water. " Filaments forming densely interwoven strata, or tufts among the branches of other Algao. Joints even, in the same thread varying from a little shorter than their breadth to about once and a-half as long. Colour a dark grass green." — Harvey.^ Plate LIV. fg. 6. Portions of threads of Clicetomorplia implexa X 200. GENUS 61. RHIZOCLONXU1K. Kiitz. (1843.) Articulate thread the same as in Conferva, but distinctly contorted, and forming by prolification of the cells short root- like processes. Propagation unknown. Rhizoclonium Caspaxyi. Harv. PTiy. Britt., t. 354, B. Filaments elongated, slender, decumbent, pale yellow green, stratified, interwoven, curved here and there, and angularly bent, at the angles emitting short root-like branches, which some- times lengthen, and are filled with endochrome; articulations 2 to 6 times longer than broad, with narrow dissepiments and granular endochrome. SIZE. Threads -018--025 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 330. In brackish and salt water. " Forming a thin web of a bright green colour and considerable extent. Filaments elongate, gracefully curve! rather than twisted, interwoven, here and there angularly bent. At the angle issues a root-like process, CONFERVACE^E. 141 v which sometimes consists of but a few empty cells, at other times lengthens out into a branch. Cells in the same fleece very various, and even in the same filament at different ages ; the full-grown cell seems to be fully six times as long as its diameter; but short cells once and a-half to twice as long as broad, which seem to be cells in process of development, are commonly mixed with the long cells. All contain a granular endochrome, the grains of very unequal size." — Harvey. Plate LIV. fig. 7. Portions of thread of Rhizoclonium Casparyi X 200 diam. Rhizoclonium flavicans. Jury. Alg. Threads soft, simple, extremely fine, matted, somewhat crisped, at first uniform pale green, at length distinctly jointed ; articulations once and a-half as long as broad, dotted ; interstices pellucid. SIZE. Threads '018 mm. diam. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 331. Conferva arenicola, Berk. Glean, t. 13, f. 3. Harv. Man. 128. Harv. Phyc. Britt., t. 354 A. At the mouths of rivers, and salt marshes. " Creeping on the sandy margin of pools in a salt marsh periodically flooded, forming a thin, soft, delicate, crisped web of a pale yellow green. Threads extremely slender, flexuous, at first self-coloured, with a few scattered dots, then with manifest dissepiments, and finally the granules contract and form a distinctly defined mass of a darker green in the centre, with pellucid interstices. Articulations one and a half times as long as broad. When dry the articulations are alternately contracted.3' — Berkeley. Plate LIV. jig. 8. Portions of threads of Eliizocloninm flavicans X 200 diam. GENUS 62. CLADOPHORA. Kutz. (1843.) Articulate thread variously branched, cell-membrane usually thick, lamellose ; cell contents parietal. Propagation by zoogonidia, arising from simultaneous and multipartite division of the cell contents, moving actively within the mother-cell, afterwards escaping by a lateral or terminal opening, furnished with 2 or 4 vibratile cilia, after- wards germinating without fecundation. Many species are entirely marine, but some are fresh water. All are disposed to considerable variation, and numerous varieties are named in connection with each of the fresh water species. The following arrange- ment of the species from Kabenhorst's Algae will be useful in their identi- fication : — I. Threads collected in tufts, more or less lax or intricate. A. Tufts at first attached, afterwards free swimming, a. Cell contents not spirally disposed, t Fruiting cells not terminal. * Cell- membrane even fracta. ** Cell-membrane plicato-striate . . crisjjata. & 142 8IPHOPHYCE.E. B. Tufts forthe whole life attached. a. Cell contents disposed in lax spirals. t Fruiting cells terminal or subterminal. * Cell-membrane even. 0. Branches connate at the base .... canalicularis. 00. Branches not connate at the base glomerata. ** Cell-membrane plicate .... flavescens. II. Threads radiating from a common centre, aggregated in a more or less spongy globe cegagropila. Cladophora fracta. (Dilku.) Kutz. Sp. Alg., p. 410. Branches and branchlets sparse, divaricate, here and there refracted, often secund, the lower laterally inserted. Cell contents of the branches not spirally arranged, cell-membrane now and then very thick. Fructiferous cells not terminal, often in the middle of the branches or at their base. SIZE. Threads *1 mm. diam. Kutz. Tab. iii., t. 50. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 334. Jenner Fl. Tunb. Wells 186. Harv. Man. 134. Conferva fracta, Eng. Fl. v. 356. Johns. Fl. Berw. ii., 254. Eng. Bot. i., t. 2338, ii., t. 2492. Dillw. Conf., t. 14. Lyngb. Hydr. Dan. t., 52. Grev. Fl. Ed. 318. Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 82. Mack Hib. 227. Fl. Devon ii., 52. Gray Arr. i., 304. Conferva vagabunda, Huds. Fl. Ang. ii., 601. Lightf. Fl. Scot. 990. With Arr. iv., 139. Conferva marina trichoides, lance instar expansa, Ray. Syn. 60. Dillen. Muse. 30, t. 5, f. 32. Cladophora crispata, Hass. Alg. 216. In fresh and brackish water. "At first forming loose tufts, which frequently become detached, and the plant is more commonly found constituting floating strata, many tufts entangled together in each floating mass. Filaments capillary from six to eight or ten inches long, much, but very irregularly branched, the branches distant, spreading at wide angles, or much divaricated, either dichotomous or alternate, the lesser branches repeatedly forked, with wide axils, and the ramuli which are few and very patent, com- monly secund, sometimes alternate. Articulations three or four times as long as broad, rarely six times as long, those of the upper branches pretty uniformly thrice as long as their diameter, at first cylindrical, then becoming pyriform, and when mature elliptical, when the branches resemble strings of dark green beads. Dissepiments finally much con- tracted. Colour at first a pleasant grass green, becoming darker and duller as the plant advances in age. The endochrome is at first fluid, but in the full grown articulations (which are in fact changed into sporangia) it becomes distinctly granular, very dense, and of a dark colour. In drying the plant adheres to paper, but not very firmly." — Harvey. Plate LV. fig. 1. Upper portion of filament of Cladophora fracta X 10 Fig. 2, portion, with fertile cell X 100 diam. OOS-'OG9 mm., 3-6 times as long; oogonia •028 X '026 mm. ; oospores -023 X '017 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 21. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 54. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 349. Vesiculifera cequale, Hassall, t. 53, f . 3 ? Scotland. Plate LX.Jig. 1. (Edogonium depressum with oosporangia, oospores, dwarf males, and bicellular anclrosporaugia x 400. C. Dwarf males bimulticeUular, spermogonia external. a. Oospores with smooth membrane. « Oospores globose or subglobose. (Edogonium flavescens. (Hass.) Wittr. Disp. CEdog. p. 127 Idio-androsporous. Oogonia single, egg-shaped-globose CEDOGONIACE^E. 161 (sometimes rather hexagonally globose), opening by a pore a little above the middle ; oospores globose, not filling the oogonia ; androsporangia 1-9 celled ; dwarf males a little curved, seated on the supporting cell ; spermogonia 1 (or 2 ?) celled. SIZE. Cells '01S--021 mm. by 4J to 6 times as long; oogonia -049--052 x -051--060 mm. ; oospore -045--049 x •045--049 mm.; androsp. cell -017--02 x '008--018 mm.; sperm, cells -009--01 X -015--02 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 21, t. 1, f. 12-14. Vesiculifera Jtavescens, Hass. F. W. Alg. 206, t. 53, f. 9. Plate LX. fig. 2. (Edogonium Jlavescens with single and twin oogonia; a, androsporangia x 400. (Edogonium Braunii. Kutz. Sp. Alg. p. 366. Gynandrosporous. Oogonia single, ellipsoid, globose, open- ing with a pore at the middle ; oospores globose, not filling the oogonia ; androsporangia 1-2 celled ; dwarf males a little curved, seated about the oogonium, often on the supporting cells ; spermogonia 1-celled. SIZE. Cells -013--015 mm., 2-4 times as long ; oogonia, •03--033 X -033--036 mm. ; oospore -027--029 x '027--029 mm. ; androsp. cell -014--015 x '011--012 mm.; sperm, cell '005 x •009 mm. Prings. Beitr. p. 70, t. 5, f. 6. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 22. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 55. Archer in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1866, p. 69. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 349. Britain, Ireland. Plate LX fig. 3. (Edogonium Braunii with oogonia, oospores, and dwarf males x 400. (Edogonium macrandum. Wittr. Disp. (Edog. 130, t. I,/. 3-5. Oogonia single or twin (rarely three), obversely egg-shaped or globosely egg-shaped, opening by an operculum, with a very narrow fissure ; oospores globose or egg-shaped globose, not filling the oogonia; terminal cell very shortly apiculate ; dwarf males very much curved, seated on the oogonia (stem some- times 2-3 celled) ; spermogonia many (to 7) celled. SIZE. Cells -015--016 mm., 3-5 times as long; oogonia •036--04 x -043--054 mm. ; oospore -031--034 x -033--039 mm. ; sperm, cell -009 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 24; Archer Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1875, xv., p. 413. Ireland, Britain. Plate LX. fig. 4. (Edogonium macrandum with oogonia and dwarf males x 400. Fig. 4. a, dwarf males seated upon the oogonium — after Wittrock. 162 NEMATOPHYCE^E. (Edogonium crassiusculum. Wittr. Disp. (Edog. p. 132. Gynandrosporous. Oogonia single, or twin, globose egg- shaped or nearly globose, opening by a pore above the middle ; oospores ellipsoid-globose or globose ; membrane very thick, almost filling the oogonia ; androsporangia 2-5 celled ; dwarf males nearly straight, seated on or about the supporting cells ; spermogonia 1 (?) celled. SIZE. Cells -027-*03 mm., 3J to 5 times as long ; oogonia •054--06X-06--075 mm.; oospore '051--057 x -052--063 mm. ; androsp. cells '026--028 x -01--018 mm.; sperm, cell -007--009 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 24. Epping Forest (1882). We have only found this species once in pools on the Loughton side of Epping Forest, but the very thick coat of the oospore is remarkably distinct, combined with other characters, so as to render its determina- tion certain. Plate LX. jig. 5. (Edogonium crassiusculum with oogonium and dwarf males j «, androsporangia ; o, mature oospore X 400. b. Oospores ellipsoid or egg-shaped. (Edogonium Borisianum. (Le Clerc.) Wittr. Disp. (Edog. p. 132. Gynandrosporous (or idio-androsporous ?). Oogonia single or twin, obversely egg-shaped, opening by a pore above the middle ; oospores obversely egg-shaped, almost filling the oogonia ; supporting cells swollen ; androsporangia 2 ? celled, terminal cell (which sometimes is the oogonium) obtuse, dwarf males a little curved, seated on the supporting cells ; spermo- gonia unicellular. SIZE. Cells -015--021 mm., 3-5 times as long ; supporting cells -03-'033 mm., twice as long ; oogonia -045-'05 x *06-'075 mm.; oospore -04-'044 x <051-'054 mm.; androsp. cell '017- •018 x '015--02 mm. ; sperm, cell -01 x '021 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog., p. 25. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p, 55. Prolifera Borisi'.ma, Le Clerc Prolif. 175, t. 23, f. 6. (Edogonium apophysatum, Braun, in Kutz. Sp. Alg. p. 366. Kutz. Tab. Phy. iii., t. 35, f. 5. Rabh. Alg. Ear. iii., 251. (Edogonium setigemm, Vaup. lagt. (Edog. 17, t. 1. Archer in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1866, p. 69. Britain, Ireland. See Mr. Archer's detailed account of this species in the place above quoted. Plate LX. Jig. 6 (Edogonium Borisianum, with oogonium and thickened supporting cell bearing the dwarf males; a, androspore x 400. (EDOGONIACB^E. 163 (Edogonium concatenatum. (HassS) Wittr.Mon. (Edog. p. 25. Gynandrosporous. Oogonia 2-6 continuous, or single, egg- shaped, or quadrangularly ellipsoid, opening by a pore above the middle ; oospores filling the oogonia, sporoderm delicately porose ; supporting cell swollen; androsporangia 2-4 celled; terminal cell obtuse, dwarf males curved, seated on the sup- porting cells; spermogonia 2-4 celled. SIZE. — Cells -025-'04 niin., 3-10 times as long; supporting cells -058--062 mm., 2^ times as long ; oogonia -07--083 x •09--105 nim. ; oospores -065--076' X 087--095 mm. ; androsp. cell -027--028 x -03--036 mm.; sperm cell -013--015 x '022- •025 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 55. Vesiculifera concatenate*,, Hassall F. W. Algas t. 51, f. 6. (Edogonium apophysatum, Pringsh. Beitr. p. 71, t. 5, f. 9. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 351, in part. Britain. Plate LJ.I.Jig, 1. (Edogonium concatenatum, with oogonium and thickened supporting cell bearing the dwarf males ; a, androsporangia x 400. (Edogonium acrosporum. De Bary. (Edog. p. 60, t. 3, /. 1-12, Idioandrosporous. Oogonia solitary, terminal, ellipsoid, opening by a small apical deciduous (or evanescent) operculum ; oospore manifestly filling the oogonia, membrane longitudinally costate ; supporting cells often swollen, terminal cell obtuse; dwarf males curved, seated on the supporting cells, stem often bicellular, upper cells of the stem very long ; spermogonia 1-2 celled. SIZE. — Cells '01-'014 mm., 2-7 times as long; supporting cells '015-'018 mm., 2-3 times as long; oogonia '03-'035 x •045--051 mm. ; sperm, cell -006--008 x -014--015 mm. Archer in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1867, p. 80, 1868, p. 295. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 16. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii, 351. Britain, Ireland. The terminal oogonia are characteristic of this species, which can scarcely be confounded with any other. Plate LXI. fig. 2. (Edogonium acrosporum, with terminal oogonia, after De Bary'x 400. (Edogonium ciliatum. (Hass.} Prings. Beitr. 70, t . 5, /. 8. Gynandrosporous. Oogonia 2-7, continuous or single, egg- shaped, opening by an operculum, with a broad fissure ; oospores egg-shaped, nearly filling the oogonia; androsporangia 2-8 celled, terminal cell setiform, dwarf males curved, seated on the oogonium ; spermogonia unicellular. 2 A 164 NEMATOPHYCE^E. SIZE. Cells •015-'023 mm., 2^ to 4 times as long; oogonia •043--05 x -055--072 mm. ; oospore -04--046 x -047--057 mm. ; androsp. cell -018--02 X -016--02 mm.; sperm, cell -008--01 x •Ol-'Oll mm. Wittr. Mon. GEdog. p. 27. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 56. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 347. Vesiculifera ciliata, Hass. F. W. Alg*e 202, t. 52, f. 2. (Edogonium piliferum, Aners. Rab. Alg. Sachs. No. 474. Britain, Ireland. Plate LXI. Jig. 3. (Edogonium ciliatum, with oogonia and dwarf males ; a, androsporangia ; b, small plant (after Pringsheim) ; c, andro- spore x 400. b. Membrane of oospore echinulate. Oospores globose. (Edogonium Cleveanum. Wittr. Disp.QSdog.p.129. Gynandrosporous. Oogonia single, subglobose, opening by a pore below the middle ; oospores almost filling the oogoninm, globose, spirmlose, spines conical spirally disposed; andro- sporangia 4-6 celled, dwarf males a little curved, seated on the supporting cell ; spermogonia unicellular. SIZE. Cells -018-'026 mm., 3-7 times as long ; oogonia •052--06 x -059--063 mm.; oospores -049--057 x -051--059 mm.; spines -004 mm. long; androsp. cell '018-*022' x 009- •018 mm.; sperm, cell '008--0085 x -014--016 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 28. Kirch Alg. Schles. p. 56. (Edogonium ecliinospermum, Pringsh. Beitr. 70, t. 5, f. 7. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 349, in part. Ireland. Plate LX1I. fig. 1. (Edogonium Cleveanum with oogonia, and echinulate oospores ; «, androsporangia x 400. (Edogonium echinospexmum. Br. in Kutz. Sp. Alg. 366. Gynandrosporous, or idiandrosporous. Oogonia single, ellipsoid-globose, or nearly globose, opening by a pore at the middle; oospore almost filling the oogonia, globose, echinulate ; spines awl-shaped ; androsporangia 2-5 celled, dwarf males a little curved, seated on the supporting cells ; spermogonia unicellular. SIZE. Cells *018-'03 mm., 2-|-4l times as long ; oogonia •04--05 X '042--057 mm. ; oospore -038--047 x -038--049 mm. ; spines -003 mm. long; androsp. cell '021--025 x -009--015 mm. ; sperm, cell -01--012 x '012--015 mm. Archer in Quart. Juurn. Micr. Sci. 1866, p. 69, 1867, pp. 80. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. iii., t. 36, f. 2. DBary (Edog. t. 3, f. 13-22. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 29. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 56. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 349. (EDOGONIACEJS. 165 Ireland, Scotland. Of these two species with echinulate oospores, the spines of the former are broader at the base and conical, whilst in this they are slender, and but slightly thickened downwards. Plate LX1I. fig. 2. (Edogonium echinospermum, with oogonia and echinulate oospores x 400. SUB-SECTION u. Dioecious, with elongated male plants. Oogonia, not, or scarcely, swollen. (Edogonium capillare. (Lin.) Kutz. Phyc. Gen. 225, t. 12, /. 1-10. Oogonia single, not swollen, cylindrical, opening by a pore above the middle; oospores globose or cylindrical-globose (somewhat quadrangular in longitudinal section) not filling the oogonia ; male plants the same or almost the thickness of the female plants ; spermogonia 1-4 celled, alternate with the vegetative cells : spermatozoids binate. SIZE. Cells -OSS-'OSo mm., equal or twice as long; oogonia 1^ times as long ; oospore '03-*052 x '039-'063 mm. ; sperni. cell -03--048 x -005--OQ6 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 56. Rabh. Alg. Eur. NTo. 1180, 1417. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 30. Conferva capillaris, Linn. Spec. PI. 1636. CEdogonium regulare, Vaup. Beitr. (Edog. p. 213, t. 1, f. 1-10, not the Vesiculijera capillaris of Hassall. Britain. Plate LX1I. Jig. 3. (Edogonium capillare, with oogonia x 400. b. Oospores manifestly swollen, aa. Oospores globose, or nearly so. (Edogonium calcaxeum. Cleve in Wittr. Disp. (Edog. p. 135. Oogonia single (very rarely twin), depressedly globose, opening by a pore at the middle ; oospores filling the oogonia, male plants the same, or almost the same, thickness as the female; spermogonia 2-5 celled; spermatozoids single (?). SIZE. Cells >011-<014 mm., 2-4 times as long; oogonia •027--03 x -021--023 mm. ; oospores -026--028 x -02--021 mm. ; sperm, cell 'Ol-'Oll x -009--012 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 32. Vesiculifera compressa, Hass. F. W. Algas, 204, t. 53, f. 4. CEdogonium compresswn, Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 348. Britain. Specimens from the warm tank in the Victoria House, Kew Gardens, had shorter cells than usual. It has apparently a tendency to become more or less coated with a deposit of lime. 166 NEMATUPHYCE^E. Plate LXII. Jig. 4. (Edoyonium calcareum, with portions of male and female plants ; a, female plant from Victoria tank, Kew Gardens x 400. (Edogonium cardiacum (Hass}. Wittr. Disp. (Edog. 135. Oogonia single, between heart-shaped and globose, opening' by a pore a little above the middle; oospores globose, not fill- ing the oogonia ; male plants a little slenderer than the female ; spermogonia 2-10 celled ; spermatozoids binate, terminal cells obtuse. SIZE. Cells : fern. -018--03 mm. 2-7 times as long; cells : male -015--025 mm. 2-6 times as long; oogonia -05--07 X •058- 086 mm. ; oospore -04^--06 X §042-'06 mm. ; sperm, cell •015--021 x -01--013 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 33 ; Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 57. Vesiculifera cardiaca, Hass. F. W. Algse 203, t. 51, f. 4. Vesiculifera pnlchella, Hass. F. W. Algte 199, t. 50, f. 3. (Edogonium pulchellum, Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 356. Britain. Plate LXII. jig. 5. (Edogonium cardiacum, oogonia with oospores x 400. (Edogonium carbonicum. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 74. Oogonia single or twin, obversely egg-shaped — or ovate — globose, opening by a pore above the middle; oospores ellipsoid- globose or nearly globose, scarce filling the oogonia ; male plants a little slenderer than the female ; spermogonia 2-5 celled ; spermatozoids binate ; terminal cell obtuse. SIZE. Cells: fern. '016--03 mm. 3-6 times as long ; cells: male -014--016 mm. 3-6 times as long; oogonia '043-'052 x •05--072 mm. ; oospore '042--05 x '046--056 mm. ; sperm, cell •013--014X-012--014 mm. Britain. Plate LXIII. fig. 1. (Edogonium carbonicum with oospores. 1. a, portion of male plant with spermogonia x 400. (Edogonium Fzingsheimii. Cramer. Hedw. in. 17 t, 1 c, f. 1-4. Oogonia single or 2-6 continuous, somewhat egg-shaped globose, opening by an operculum, with a very narrow and scarcely distinct fissure ; oospores globose, not distinctly filling the oogonia ; male plants a little slenderer than the female ; spermogonia 2-10 celled, alternate with the vegetative cells in the upper part of the filament ; terminal cell obtuse or rarely shortly apiculate. SIZE. Cells : fern. •012-'02 mm. 2-4 times as long ; cells : male •011-1016 mm. 2-4 times as long; oogonia -03-f043 x CEDOGONIACE.E. 167 •036--045 mm. ; oospore -02S--035 X -028--034 mm. ; sperm, cell -01--015 x -006--009 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 57 ; Rabli. Alg. iii. 348. Rabh. Alg. Ear. No. 790; Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 33, t. 1, fig. 16-17. CEdogonium Nordstedtii, Wittr. CEdog. Nov. 6, t. 1, f. 7-8. Britain. Plate LXIII. fig. 2. CEdogonium Pritigsheimii, with oogonia x 400. (Edogonium punctato-striatum. De Bary CEdog. t. 2,f. 15-16. Oogonia single, depressedlj globose, manifestly splitting round (circumscissile) in the middle, opening by a pore in the fissure ; oospore depressedlj globose, nearly filling the oogonia ; male plants a little slenderer than the female ; spermogonia 3-7 celled; spermatozoids single; membrane of the vegetative cells and of the oogonia spirally punctate ; basal cell depressedly glo- bose ; membrane vertically plicate. SIZE. Cells: fern. -018-'022 mm. 2-6 times as long; cells : male 'OlG-'Ol^ mm. 2-6 times as long; oogonia >048-'05o x •038-*048 mm.; oospore '044-'051 X '035--043 mm. ; sperm. cell -016--018 X -006--01 mm. Barker. P., in Quart. Jonr. Micr. Sci. 1871, p. 94 ; Rabh. Alg. iii. 354. Rabh. Alg. Sachs. 214. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 34. Rabh. Alg. Eur. No. 2276. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 57. Ireland. Distinguished by the cell wall being marked by spiral striae of a dotted character, finely and closely set ; these seen in an empty cell, through and through, the upper and lower striae being nearly in focus simul- taneously produce a somewhat decussate appearance. Plate LX1I1. fig. 3. CEdogonium punctato-striatum, with oogomum x 400. bb. Oospores ellipsoid or egg-shaped. (Edogonium Boscii (Le Clerc}. Wittr. Lisp. CEdog. Suec.p. 136. Oogonia single, rarely twin, oblong -ellipsoid, opening by a pore above the middle ; oospores ellipsoid, by no means filling the oogonia, longitudinally costate ; male plants the same or nearly the thickness of the female ; spermogonia 3-6 celled ; spermatozoids binate; terminal cell slender and somewhat hyaline. SIZE. Cells *014-'02 mm. 4-6 times as long; oogonia •04--045 x -08--1 mm. ; oospore -036--04 x -06--065 mm. ; sperm, cell •013--014X-006--009 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 34. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 357, Rabh, Alg. Eur. No. 2198, 2369. 168 NEMATOPHYCE^E. Vesiculifera Boscii, Hassall Algze t. 52, f. 3, 4, 5. Prolifera Boscii, Le Clerc Prolif. 474, t. 23, f. 5. Vesiculifera elegans, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist. England. Plate LXT1I. fig. 4. (Edogonium Boscii, with oogonia x 400. (Edogonium tumidulum. Kutz. Dec. Alg. No. 60. Oogonia single, ellipsoid egg-shaped, opening by a pore above the middle, almost filling the oogonium ; male plants a little slenderer than the female ; spermogonia 6-45 celled ; eperma- tozoids binate. SIZE. Cells: fern. -018--025 mm. 3^-5 times as long; cells : male -015-^018 mm. 4 times as long ; oogonia '056-'058 x -078--09 mm.; oospore -049--054 x '061-'068 mm.; sperm, cell -015--017 x -009--012 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 35. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 58 (not of Pringsheim). Ireland. Plate LXIII. fig. 5. (Edogonium tumidulum with oogonium. 5 a, portion of male plant with spermogouia x 400. (Edogoniuxn Landsbozoughii (Hass). Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 35. Oogonia single, rarely twin, obversely egg-shaped, opening by a pore above the middle ; oospores obversely egg-shaped, filling the oogonia (or rarely ellipsoid and not filling the oogonia) ; male plants a little slenderer than the female ; sper- mogonia 5-25 celled ; spermatozoids binate, with a vertical division ; terminal cell obtuse. SIZE. Cells : fern. '033-'036 mm. 4-6 times as long: cells : male *031-'033 mm. 4-6 times as long ; oogonia '063--075 x •1--12 mm. ; oospore -057-'07 X '075--1 nim. ; sperm, cell •027--03X-009--012 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 58. (Edogonium rivulare, Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 350, in part. Vesiculifera Landsboronghii, Hassall, F. W. Alga3 t. 51, f. 2. (Edogonium gemelliparum, Hantsch, Rab. Alg. Ear. 1118. (Edogonium gemelliparum v. major, Wittr. Disp. (Edog. p. 137. Britain. Plate LX1V. fig. 1. (Edogonium Landsborougliii, with oogonia and oospores x 400. var j8. gemfellipamm (Prinys). Wiftr. Mon. (Edog. p. 36. Smaller than the typical form. Oogonia egg-shaped; oospores filling the oogonia ; terminal cell very long, somewhat hyaline. CEDOGONIACE^E. 169 SIZE. Cells : fern. •Q2-1027 mm. 3-5 or 8 times as long ; oogonia -055--057 x -075--OS mm.; oospore '049--051 x •065--069 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 58. Archer in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1866, p. 69. (Edogonium gemelliparum, Pringsh. Beitr. p. 71. Ireland. Plate LXIV. fig. 2. (Edogonium Landsborottghii, variety gemelli- parum, with oogonium x 400. (Edogonium rivulare (Le Cle.rc). Braun, Cliytr.p. 23, t. I,/. 1-10. Oogonia single, or 2-7 continuous, obversely egg-shaped, opening by a pore above the middle; oospores obversely egg- shaped, rarely ellipsoid or nearly globose, not by a long way filling the oogonia ; male plants a little slenderer than the female ; spermogonia 3-9 celled ; spermatozoids binate. SIZE. Cells : fern. -045-'045 mm. 3-8 times as long; cells: male -03--036 mm. 4 times as long ; oogonia '07-f085 x -13--16 mm. ; oospore -055-'07 X '065-' 1 mm. ; sperm, cell '021-'028 x •014--016 mm. Wittr. Mon. CEdog. p. 36. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 58. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 350 in part. Prolifera rivularis, Le Clerc Prolif. 472, t. 23, f. 1. Scotland. Plate LXIV Jig. 3. (Edoyo?iium rivulare, with oogonium and oospore x 400. Species of which the organs of fructification are imperfectly known. a. Oospores globose or sub-globose. (Edogonium delicatulum. Kutr. Tab. in., t. 33, /. 3. Pallid, basal cell scarcely lobed at the base, affixed, cells cylindrical; oogonia subglobose, inflated, a little extended at either pole ; oospore perfectly globose. SIZE. Cells I005-'006 mm., 3 times as long ; oogonia '02 x •017 mm. ; oospores •012--014 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. 355. Rabh. Alg. Ex. No. 1156. Deeside (Scotland). Plate LX VI. Jig. 7. (Edogonium delicatulum, with oogonia x 400. (Edogonium tenellum. Kutz. Tab. in., t. 33, f. 9. Basal cell two to three lobed, at first fixed, terminal joint obtuse, cells cylindrical or rather clavate ; oogonia very much inflated; oospore globose, bright orange. 170 NEMATOPHYCE.E. SIZE. Cells -009--011 mm., 4-8 times as long ; oogonia •025 mm. diam ; oospore !016--018 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 355. Dceside (Scotland). Plate L~X.VI.fig. 6. (Edogonium tenellwn, with oogonia x 400. (Edogonium hexagonum. Kutz. Tab. iu.,t. 35, /. 3. Oogonia almost globose ; oospores globose, rufous-brown, not filling the oogonia ; basal cell bifurcate ; terminal cell often setigerous. SIZE. Cells 'Oll-'OlS mm. 2-4 times as long ; oogonia •025 x '025 mm.; oospore -016 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 354. Vesiculifera hexagona Hassall Algee t. 53, f. 11-12. Deeside (Scotland). Plate LXV1. Jig. 8. (Edogonium hexagonum, with oogonia x 400. (Edogonium. Londinense. Wittr. Mon. Mdog. p. 39. Monoecious? oogonia twin or single, globose, cut round (cir- cumscissile) in the middle, opening by a pore seated in the fissure ; oospores globose, almost filling the oogonia ; spermo- gonia (or androsporangia ?) 1-2 celled, hypogynous. SIZE. Cells '01-*015 mm. 1^ to 5 times as long ; oogonia •033--035 x '033--043 mm. ; oospore -027--032 x -027-'032 mm. ; sperm, cells '026--027 X -027--029 mm. England. Plate LXV. fig. 4. (Edogonium Londinense with oogonia x 400. (Edogonium fasciatum. Kutz. Tab. in., t. 34, /. 6. Oogonia somewhat globose ; oospores globose, rufous-brown, almost filling the oogonia ; basal cell usually bilobate, terminal cell obtuse. SIZE. Cells '028-'03 mm., twice as long ; oogonia '04 mm. ; oospore '03--032 mm. DeBary CEdog. t. 3, f. 23-28. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 354. Vesiculifera fasciata Hassall Algas t. 53, f. 6. Deeside (Scotland). Plate L XVI. fig. 2. (Edogonium fasciatum, with oogonia x *400. (Edogonium capillaceum. Kutz. Phy. Gen. 255. Dark green, basal cell attenuated downwards, bifid, terminal point obtuse, cells sub-cylindrical ; oogonia broadly elliptical, 2-4 often contiguous, opening by a lateral pore ; oospore nearly CEDOGONIACEJE. 171 globose, rufous-brown when mature, loosely involved in the oogonium. SIZE. Cells -02-'025 mm. 1^-3 times as long; oogonia •05 X -04 mm. ; oospore -03-'032 nim. Kutz. Tab. iii., t. 39, f. 6. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 353. Deeside (Scotland). Plate LXVI. fig. 3. CEdogonium capillaceum, with oogonia x 400. (Edogonium Hutchinsiae. Wittr. Mon. CEdog. p. 42. Oogonia single, rather depressedly to somewhat egg-shaped globose, opening by a pore above the middle ; oospores filling the oogonium, epispore punctate with little warts ; supporting cells swollen. SIZE. Cells '03-'035 mm., 4-6 times as long; oogonia •062--075 x -065--095 mm. ; oospores -06--073 x '055- -072 mm. ; supporting cells •04-'05 mrn. 2-4 times as long. Ireland. The figure is taken from original specimens from Miss Hiitchins in the Royal Herbarium at Kew. Plate LXV. fig. 1. (Edogonium Hut chin sice, with oogonia x 400. CEdogonium princeps. (Hass). Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 42. Oogonia single, somewhat egg-shaped globose, opening with a pore above the middle ; oospores globose, not distinctly filling the oogonium. SIZE. Cells '037--045 mm. 1J-2J times as long ; oogonia •061--075 x -068--08 mm. ; oospore -058--066 X -06--065 mm. Vesiculifera princeps Hass. F. W. Alg. 195. Vesiculifera capillaris Hass. F. W. Alg. 195, t. 50, f. 1-2. England. Plate LXV.fig. 2. (Edogonium princeps, with oogonia and (a) spermo- gonia (?) x 400. b. Oospores subelliptic or oval. (Edogonium longatum. Kutz. Sp. Alg. p. 364. Oogonia single (often solitary, terminal), rarely 2-3 con- tinuous, ellipsoid, opening by an operculum, with a narrow fissure ; oospores globosely-ellipsoid, scarcely filling the oogonium ; terminal cell obtuse. SIZE. Cells '005--006 mm. 2-3 times as long; oogonia •016--017 x '021--024 mm. ; oospores -015--016 x -0175--0185 mm. 2 B 172 NEMATOPHYCE.E. Kutz. Tab. Phy. iii., t. 33, f. 6. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 38. Britain. Plate LXIV. fig. 4. (Edogonium longatum, parasitic upon another Bpecies, with oogonia x 400. (Edogonium vesicatum. (Lyngb.) Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 39. Oogonia single, ellipsoid, globose, opening by an operculum, with a narrow fissure ; oospores ellipsoid-globose, almost filling the oogoninm. SIZE. Cells '017--21 mm. 1^-3 times as long ; oogonia •043--045 x '051--06 mm. ; oospore -037--038 X -041--042 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 59. Conferva vesicata Lyngb. Hydro. 144, t. 47, f. D 1. Eng. Bot. t. 2476. Scotland. Plate LXV. Jig. 5. (Edogonium vesicatum, with oogonium x 400. (Edogonium grande. Kutz. Tab. Pliy. in, i. 37, /. 1. Oogonia oval-elliptic, nearly twice as long as broad ; oospores oval-elliptic, entirely filling the oogonia ; basal cell contracted towards the base, then dilated and discoid ; terminal cell obtuse. SIZE. Cells -025- -035 mm. 3-4 or 5 times as long ; oogonia •1 x '07 mm. ; oospore "09 x *OG5 mm. DeBary (Edog. t. 2, f. 1-14. Rabli. Alg. Eur. iii., 353. Scotland. Plate LXVI. ng. 4. (Edogonium grande, with oogonium x 400. (Edogonium giganteum. Kutz.Phyc. Germ. p. 200. Oogonia single, a little swollen, cylindrically egg-shaped, opening with a pore above the middle ; oospores cylindrically ellipsoid, nearly filling the oogonia (sometimes flask-shaped, short necked, and then filling the oogonia), epispore delicately scrobiculate, supporting cells rather swollen. SIZE. Cells '03--024 mm. 2-41 times as long ; supporting cells '054--06 mm. H-lf times as long ; oogonia •057-'OG9 x •078--106 mm. ; oospore '054--065 x -075--1U3 mm. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. iii, t. 37, f. 2. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 42. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 59. Vesiculifera lacustris Hass. F. W. Algaa 198, t. 52, f. 1. (Edogonium lacustre Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii, 356. Plate LXV. fig. 3. (Edogonium giganteum, with oogonia x 400. (EDOGONIACE.E. 173 (Edogonium czassum. (Kass.~) Wittr. Gotl. Sotv. Alg. p. 20, t. 1. /. 4-6. Oogonia single (rarely twin), obversely egg-shaped ellipsoid, a little swollen, opening by a pore above the middle ; oospores ellipsoid, not filling the oogonia. SIZE. — Cells -033--055 mm. 2-5 times as long ; oogonia •065--07 x -1--125 mm. ; oospore '06--066 X 'OS-' 11 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 43. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 59. Vesiculifera crassa Hass. Alg. t. 51, f. 1. Plate JjXVl. fig. 2. (Edogonium crassum, with oogonium x 400. (Edogonium subgetaceum. Kutz. Spec. p. 368. Basal cell dilated and discoid at the base, rather lobed, terminal joint obtuse ; oospores broadly oval, golden red, closely involved in the oogonium. SIZE. Cells -04--052 mm. equal or twice as long ; oogonia •065 x '055 mm. ; oospore '06 x -05 mm. Kutz. Tab. iii, t. 41, f. 1. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii, 352. Deeside (Scotland). Plate LXVI. fig. 5. (Edogonium subsetaceum, with oogonium x 400. GENUS 65. BUX.BOCHCETE. Ag. (1817.) Filaments articulated, branched, joints thickened upwards, at or about the apex bearing seta?, which are straight, hyaline, colourless, more or less elongated, bulbous at the base, cell membrane usually punctate ; oogonia opening by a lateral pore above the middle ; mature oospore red ; monoecious or dioecious. Reproduction sexual as in (Edogonium. In the dioecious species nannandrous (dwarf males). The following arrangement of the British species is based on that of Prof. Wittrock :— BULBOCHCETE. Sect. 1. Oogonia globose or subglobose, patent ; oospores with the same form, and filling the oogonia. Dioecious. A. Dwarf males unicellular. None. B. Dwarf males licellular. a. Basal cell of the stem of the male plants shorter than the spermogonia. B. intermedia, DBary. B. polyandra, Cleve. B. Brebissonii, Kutz. B. setigera, Ag. 174 NEMATOPHYCE^. &. Basal cell of the stem of the male plants longer than the spermogonia. B. gigantea, Prinff. Sect. 2. Oogonia ellipsoid or snbellipsoid ; oospores of the same form, filling the oogonia, epispore longitudinally costate, costae more or less crenulate. Sub-Sect. 1. Species monoecious. B. mirabilis, Wittr. Sub-Sect. 2. Species dioecious. A. Dissepiment of supporting cell obsolete. B. pygmcea, Pring. B. Dissepiment of sup} oriing cell present. B. insignis, Prings. B. rectangalaris, Wittr. Species of which the organs of fructification are imperfectly known. B. gracilis, Prings. SECTION!. Oogonia globose, or subglobose ; dioecious. B. Dwarf males biceUular. Bulbochoete intermedia. DeBary CEdog. 72, i. 4, /. 1-7. Oogonia somewhat depressedly globose, seated beneath the androsporangia, dissepiment of the supporting cell in the middle ; epispore delicately crenulate (rarely seen) ; andro- sporangia 1-2 celled, epigynous, rarely scattered, dwarf males seated on the oogonia, stem slightly curved. SIZE. Cells •017-*019 mm. 1^-3 times as long ; androspore cells -013 X-01 mm. ; oogonia '04--048 X •031--04mm. ; dwarf males -009--01 X -024--026 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 44, t. 1, f. 18. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 60. Rabh. Alg. Ear. iii, 358. Britain, Ireland. Plate LXVII. Jig. 1. SulbocJioete intermedia, with oogonia, after DeBary x 400. Bulbochoete polyandra. Cleve. Wittr. Disp. p. 140. Idio-androsporous. Oogonia sub-depressedly globose, seated beneath terminal setaa or vegetative cells ; dissepiment of sup- porting cell above, or rarely about the middle ; epispore deli- cately crenulate or nearly even ; androsporangia 4-10 celled ; dwarf males seated on the oogonia, stem a little curved. SIZE. Cells *015-*02 mm., 3-5 times as long; oogonia •035--046 X -032--038 mm. ; androspore cell -013--014 x •012--015 mm. ; dwarf males '008--009 X -023 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 46, t. 1, f. 19, 20. Kirch. Alg. Schles, p. 61. Britain, Ireland. Plate LXVII. jig. 2. Bulbochoete polyandra, with oogonia ; 2a, with androsporangia x 400. CEDOGONIACE^. 175 Bulbochcete Brebissoiaii. Kutz. lab. Phyc. iv, 19, t. 86. Oogonia obcordate-globose, truncate below, erect, seated beneath terminal setas or androsporangia, dissepiment of sup- porting cell low, epispore delicately crenulate ; androsporangia 2-3 celled, scattered or epigynous ; dwarf males seated on the oogonia, rarely around it, stem straight, or nearly so. SIZE. Cells -017- '02 mm. by 3-4J times as long; andro- spore cells '015 x -015--018 mm.; oogonia '042--05 x •037--045 mm. ; dwarf males °01-'012 x -028--033 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 46. Rabh. Alg. Ear. Exs. 1055. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 359. Ireland. Plate LJ.V1I. fig,. 3. Bulbochosle Brebissonii, with oogonia, and dwarf males x 400. Bulbochcete setigera. Ag. Syn. Alg. Scan. p. 71. Oogonia depressedly, somewhat quadrangularly globose, seated beneath terminal setae, or beneath androsporangia ; mem- brane of the oogonium after fertilisation thickened ; dissepiment of supporting cell a little above the middle, or at the middle ; epispore granulated ; androsporangia scattered or epigynous, bicellular; dwarf males seated upon or about the oogonia, stem straight. SIZE. Cells '025-'028 mm., 2J-5 times as long ; andro- spore cells -018--02 X '014--018 mm. ; oogonia -075--08 X •U6--065 mm. ; dwarf males, -012--013 X '034--036 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 47. Prings. Beitr. 72, t. 6, f. 3. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 61. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., p. 358. Hass. Alg. t. 54, f. 1-4. Eng. Bot. ii. t. 2472. Eng. Fl. v, p. 350. Conferva vivipara Dillw. Conf. t. 59. Eng. Bot. i, 2086. Bulbochaete Rothii Gray. Arr. 1, 321 (?). Britain, Ireland. Plate XLVIIL fig. 1. Bulbochcete setigera, with oogonia and dwarf males ; a, b, c, development of young plants x 400. Bulbochcete gigantea. Prings. Beitr. 71, t. 6,/. 1. Idio-androsporous? Oogonia rather depressed obcordate- globose, seated beneath terminal setas, rarely beneath vegetative cells ; dissepiment of supporting cell at or a little above the middle ; epispore verrucose ; dwarf males a little longer than the oogonia, and seated upon it ; stem twice as long as the spermogonium, arcuate. SIZE. Cells '024--027 mm. by 2-3 times as long ; oogonia •062--066 x -051--058mm. ; stem of dwarf males -011--012 X •04--045 mm. ; sperm, cell -013--OU x '02--022 mm. 176 NEMATOPHYCE^. Wittr. Mon. CEdog. p. 48. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 61. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., p. 357. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1866, p. 276. Britain, Ireland. Plate L XVI II. Jig. 4. Bulbochcete gigantea, with oogonium and dwarf male x 400. SECTION 2. Oogonia ellipsoid or subellipsoid. SUB-SECTION 1. Species monoecious. Bulbochoete mixabilis. Wittr. Disp. CEdog. 137, t. I,/. 8, 9. Oogonia ellipsoid, or rather oblong-ellipsoid, patent, or rarely erect, seated beneath terminal setse or vegetative cells ; sperrno- gonia 2-4 celled, erect (rarely patent), subepigynous, or scattered. SIZE. Cells '016-'02 mm. l^-lf times as long ; oogonia •027--035 x -046--056 mm. ; sperm, cell -01--012 x -Q07--009 mm. Wittr. Mon. CEdog. p. 50. Britain, Ireland. Plate L XV III. fig. 2. Bulbochcete mirabilis, with oogonia and androsporangia x 400. SUB-SECTION 2. Species dioecious. Bulbochoete pygmoea. Wittr. Disp. CEdog. p. 141. Oogonia ellipsoid, patent, seated beneath terminal seta?, or vegetative cells, in longitudinal section rather quadrangular ; androsporangia scattered, dwarf males seated about the oogonia. (Filament at first short, and curved.) SIZE. Cells '012-'015 mm. x a third part shorter or equal; oogonia '023-f025 x •034->04 mm.; stem of dwarf males •011--012 x -015--018 mm.; sperm cell -007--0075 X •007--0075 mm. Wittr. Mon. GEdog. p. 52. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1870, p. 89. Bulbochcete pygmcea, /3. minor, Prings. Beitr. p. 74, t. 6, f. 10. Ireland, Britain. Plate LXVIII. fig.5> Plant of Bulbochcete pygmoea, with oogonium and (a) section of oospore x 400. Bulbochoete insignis. Prings. Beitr. 72, i. 6, f. 7. Oogonia ellipsoid, patent or erect, seated beneath andro- sporangia or terminal setee ; epispore delicately transversely striate ; androsporangia epigynous, or rarely scattered ; dwarf males seated about or upon the oogonia. (EDOGON1ACE.E. 177 SIZE. Cells '02-'025 mm. 2J-41 times as long ; oogonia •046--05 x -07--1 mm. ; androspore cell -016--02 x '02--025 mm. ; stem of dwarf males -017-'0l9 X '029--031 mm. ; sperm, cell -01--011 x -0075--008 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 55. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 62. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 360. Bulbochcete Pringsheimiana Arch. Proc. Dubl. Micro. Club p. 38, t. 4. Ireland. Plate IjXVII. fig, 4. Bulbockcete insignis, with oogonium and dwarf male x 400. Bulbochcete rectangularis. Wittr. Disp. (Edog. p. 142. Oogonia ellipsoid, patent, or rarely erect, seated beneath terminal seta3, or androsporangia, or rarely beneath vegetative cells; androsporangia scattered or epigynous ; vegetative cells somewhat rectangular in longitudinal section (horizontal divi- sion of vegetative cells often occurs). Branches of the plant few and very long ; dwarf males seated about or upon the oogonia. SIZE. Cells -019--023 mm., 1J-2 times as long; oogonia, •03--039 x -048--055 mm. ; androspore cell -015--016 x -016--027 mm.; stem of dwarf males -015--018 X '022--027 mm. ; sperm, cell -OOS--0095 x -0055--0065 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 56, t. 1, f. 22-249 Ireland. Plate LXVI1I. fig. 3. Bulboclicete rectangularis, with oogonia and dwarf male x 400. Species of which the organs of fructification are imperfectly known. Bulbochcete gracilis. Prings. Beitr. 74, t. 6, /. 9. Monoecious (?). Oogonia oblong-ellipsoid, patent or rarely erect, with vegetative cells above ; supporting cells without dissepiment (?). SIZE. Cells •013-'014mm., l^ to 1J times as long ; oogonia •021--024 x '049--054 mm. Wittr. Mon. (Edog. p. 57. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 359. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1870, p. 89. Ireland. Plate LXVI. fig. 9. BuWochoete gracilis, with oogonium x 400. 178 NEMATOPHYCEjE. FAMILY VI. ULOTRIOHE^3. Algae growing either in fresh water (Ulothrix), or marine or sub-marine (Hormisrict) t or terrestrial (Hormidium, Schizo- gonium), either of a bright green or yellowish green colour. Threads very shortly articulate, simple, very rarely dividing into single branches, free, now and then laterally connate in bands (Schizogonium}. Primitive cells always many times longer than their diameter, after repeated division equal, or shorter (rarely a little longer), all fertile. Cell-membrane either thin (Ulothrix, Hormidium) or thick, sometimes very thick, and distinctly lamellose (Hor- miscia). Cell-contents at first effused, parietal, including a starch granule, after simple or repeated division transmuted into gonidia. Gonidia of two kinds, Macrogonidia sphaerical, ovoid, or ovate-oblong, rounded at one pole, and acute at the other, fur- nished with 2 or 4 vibratile cilia, often germinating in the mother-cell without sexual fertilization. Microgonidia much smaller, of similar form, furnished with two cilia at one ex- tremity. Both kinds of zoogonidia produced within the cells of the threads, emitted either by a poriforin opening in the mother- cell, or by the splitting or breaking up of the mother-cell. For detailed information on this family consult Braun's " Rejuvenes- cence" (Ray Society), pp. 148, 161, 184, 208, 223 ; Dr. A. Dodel, " die Kraushaar-Alge," Ulothrix zonata, in Pringsheim's " Jahrbucher," t. x. ; Cienkowsky " Zur Morphologie der Ulotricheen " (1876) ; Thuret, in " Ann. des Sciences Naturelles," xiv. (1850), p. 222 ; and Dr. Braxton Hicks, in " Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science," 1861, p. 157. GENUS 66. HORXKZSCZA. Ares. (1866.) Articulate thread fixed by the basal cell, which is attenuated downwards ; simple, or now and then emitting branchlets. Cells abbreviated, enclosed by a thick cell-membrane, which is often manifestly lamellose. Cell-contents green, parietal, including an amylaceous granule. Propagation by rnacrogonidia and microgonidia. — Eabh. Alg. Eur. in. 361. ULOT1UCHE.E. 179 The filaments are sometimes cylindrical, sometimes tornlose like a rosary, in consequence of the barrel-like inflation of the separate cells; sometimes stretched out, sometimes frilled and interlacing each other, with a relatively thicker stratified membrane. Vegetative or asexual re- production is effected by macrozoospores, which originate 1-4 in a cell, and after becoming covered with a transparent bladder make their exit through an opening formed in the lateral wall of the mother-cell. The macrozoospores are of a thick, short, pear-shape, furnished with four cilia, a coloured spot, and a contractile vacuole. After a time they come to rest, and fixing themselves by the mouth end, they lose their cilia and envelope themselves in a membrane. The fixed end developes into a root-like, colourless organ of attachment; the free end growing into a club-shaped plantlet, through the cell, dividing into two by a cross partition, and each of these again in two, and so further. Sexual repro- duction arises through repeated bipartitiou in each cell, from 8-32 and more, smaller microzoospores being produced. They have only two cilia, and after a swarming for a time they conjugate laterally in pairs, forming a zygospore, which attaches itself by the end corresponding to the mouth of the microzoospore. It grows very slowly, and finally breaks up by the simultaneous division of its plasma into 2-14 swarm- spores, which constitute the beginning of a new sexual generation. If any of the microzoospores remain behind in the mother cells, they are able, without copulation, to germinate and grow into independent plants which may be seen singly or in groups projecting from the mother- cells. Hormiscia moniliformis. (Kutz.} Rabh. Alg. Eur. in., 361. Pale green, more or less crispate, often mixed with other Alga? ; cells equal or a little shorter than their diameter ; cell- membrane thick, colourless, somewhat lamellose, more or less constricted at the septa. SIZE. Cells •011-<014 mm. diam. Ulothrix moniliformis, Kutz. Tab. Phy. ii., t. 88. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 76. In swamps, amongst Sphagnum, &c. Plate LXX. jig. 1. Portions of threads of Hormiscia moniliformis X 400 diam. Hormiscia zonata. {Web. Sf M.) Aresch. Obs. p. 12. More or less bright green, mucous, two or three feet long, often less, either floating or interwoven, sterile cells equal, or half their diameter ; fructiferous cells usually a little longer than broad ; cell-nienibrane thick, slightly constricted at the septa. SIZE. Cells •012--04nim. ; macrozoospores -012--018 x '01 •012 mm. ; microzoospores 'OOS-'Ol x '004--007 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 362. Ulothrix zonata, Kutz. Tab. Phy. ii., t. 90, f. 2. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 76. Dodel in Prings. Jahrb. t. x., pi. i.-vm. Lyngbya zonata, Hass. Alg. 220, t. 59, f. 1-6. 2 c 180 NEMATOPHYCE^E. Conferva zonata, Web. & Molir. in Ag. Syst. p. 90 ; Harv. Man. 126. Eng. Fl. v., p. 351. Alack. Hib. 224. Dillw. Conf. Syn. p. 41. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 254. Gray AIT. i., 311, Conferva lubrica, Dillw. Conf. t. 47. Conferva lucens, Eng. Bot. i., t. 1655 ; ii., t. 2475. In ditches, ponds, swamps, &c. Plate LXIX. fq. a. } „, 7 > 1 breads in ordinary condition. »j "• J ,, c. Portion of a thread with one macrozoospore in each cell showing the red spot. ,, d. Macrozoospores free with four cilia. ., e. Macrozoospores in the resting state. M f. Macrozoospores germinating. », g. Plantlet of six cells. „ h. Threads with ripe microzoospores. ,, h2. With macro and microzoospores. „ i. Microzoospores free with two cilia. ,, k. Microzoospores in conjugation. -, /. Eesting zygospores, the result of the conju- gation of pairs of zoospores. j, m. Portion of threads with growing plantlets arising from nncopulated microzoospores left behind in the mother-cells. „ n. Three healthy zygospores, 8 months and 9 days old. ,, o. Zygospore contents differentiating. 11 p. ,, in a later stage. „ q. „ very large in two positions, show- altogether 10 zoospores. ,, r. , , with zoospores elongated. Hormiscia aequalis. (Kutz.) Rabli. Alg. Eur. in., 363. Yellowish-green, cells equal, or a little longer than their diameter ; cell-membrane, rather thick. var. catenaefoarmis. Kutz. Kather thicker than in the typical form ; cells a little longer than their diameter ; cell membrane thick, striate, manifestly constricted at the septa. SIZE. Cells -012--018 mm. diam. Ulotlirix cequahs, Kutz. Tab. Phy. ii., t. 89, f. 1. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 76. Ulotlirix catena for mis, Kutz. Tab. Phy. ii., t. 89, f. 2. In ditches and streams (mostly rapid) attached to aquatic plants. Plate LXX. fig. 2. Portions of threads of Hormiscia catcnceformis X 400 diam. ULOTRICHE^E. 181 • Hormiscia speciosa. (Ccmn.) Rabli. Alg. Eur. in., 363. Dark green, 1-2 inches long, threads often crispate, cells 2-4 times shorter than their diameter, fructiferous cells subglobose. SIZE. Cells -043-'048 mm. diani. Ulothrix speciosa, Kutz. Tab. Phy. ii., t. 93. Lyngbya speciosa, Carm. Alg. App. ined. Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 186 B. Brit. Fl. ii., 371. Wyatt Alg. Damn. No. 196. In brackish and fresh water. Scarcely any good features whereby this can be distinguished from H. bicolor. Plate LXX. fig. 3. Portions of threads of Hormiscia speciosa X 400 diam. Hoxmiscia bicolor. (Eng. Sot. i., t. 2288.) Bright green. Tufts very long, one foot or more ; articula- tions two to three times shorter than their diameter, pectinate ; cell membrane thick, distinctly lamellose. SIZE. Cells *05 mm. diam. Ulothrix crispa, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 92, f. 4. Kutz. Spec. 348. Conferva bicolor, Eng. Bot. i., t. 2288. Tyndaridea bicolor, Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2508. Eng. Fl. v., 361. Ulothrix bicolor, Ralfs, Alg. Exs. No. 13. (?) Sphceroplea crispa, Berk. Glean, t. 3, f. 1. Harv. Man. 144. Lyngbya crispa, Jenner Fl. Tonb. Wells, 188. In fresh water. Whether this be really the Sphceroplea crispa of " Berkeley's Glean- ings " seems open to reasonable doubt. Plate LXX. Jig. 7. Portion of thread of Hormiscia bicolor with microzoospores in lower cells X 400 diam. GEN. 67. ULOTHRIX. Kutz. (1845.) Threads articulate, simple ; articulations short, sometimes shorter than their diameter, rarely a little longer ; cell mem- brane thin, often very thin, very rarely lamellose. Cell contents effused, green, parietal, inclosing an amylaceous granule. The slight differences between this genus and Hormiscia sceni scarcely sufficient to maintain them as distinct genera. 182 NEMATOPHYCK^E. Ulothrix variabilis. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. u.,t. 85, /. 3. Pale green ; cells equal or a little longer than their diameter, rarely twice as long ; cell-contents at first always contracted in a quadrate manner. SIZE. Cells -005--007 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. Ulotlirix subtilis, var. c. variabilis, Kirch. Alg. Sch. 77. Tn ditches and slow streams. The view entertained by Kirchner that this and V. tenerrima are only varieties of Ulothrix subtilis is probably correct. Plate LXX. fig. 4. Portions of threads of Ulothrix variabilis X 400 diam. Ulothrix tenerrima. Kutz. Tab. Phy. n., *. 87, /. 1. Pale green, or yellowish-green, lubricous ; cells mostly equal in length and diameter, now and then a little shorter. SIZE. Cells -007--01 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 3G6. Uloihrix subtilis ) var. e. tenerrima, Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 77. In ditches, turbaries, &c. Plate LXX.fg. 5. Portions of threads of Ulothnx tenerrima X 400 diam. Ulothrix tennis. Kutz. Tab. Pliyc. n., t. 89, /. 1, bis. Dark green, attached, from half to two or three inches long, mucous, cells equal or 2-4 times shorter than their diameter, cell membrane thin, homogeneous. SIZE. Cells •017--026mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 366. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 78. In ditches and streamlets. Plate LXX. Jiff. 6. Portions of threads of Ulotlirix tennis X 400 diam. Ulothrix (Horxnidium) radicans. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. IT., t. 95, f. 3. Yellowish green, rather rigid, densely interwoven in a soft velvety green stratum, cells either nearly equal or 2-3 times shorter than their diameter. SIZE. Cells -0075--0095 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 367. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 77. Hormulium murale, Kutz. Phy. Germ. p. 193. Lyngbya muralis, Ag. Syst. p. 74. Eng. Fl. v, 370. Hass, Alg. 221, t. 59, f. 7. Eng. Bot, ii., t. 2522. Jenn. Tunb. ULOTRICHE^E. 183 Wells, 188. Harv. Man. 160. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 259. Mack. Hib. 238. Conferva imiralis, Dillw. Conf. t. 7. Eng. Bot. i., t. 1554. Humida muralis, Gray Arr. i., 282. Oscillatoria muralis, Grev. Fl. Ed. 304. Fl. Dev. ii., 57. Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 79. On the naked ground, rocks, walls, &c. Kutzing -Las in some of his works applied to the terrestrial species of Ulothrix the generic name of Hormidium, which is only of sectional value. Plate LXXI. fig, 1. Portions of threads of Ulothrix radicans X 400. Ulothrix (Hormidium) parietina. (Vaitch.) Kutz, Tab. Phyc. n., t.Q7,f. 1. Bright yellowish green, flexuous and interwoven, cells half as long as broad, cell membrane thin, hyaline, homogeneous. SIZE. Cells -009--016 mm. Babh. Alg. Eur. iii., 367. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 78. Hormidium parietinum, Kutz. Phyc. Germ. p. 193. On walls, trunks, &c. Plate LXXI, fig, 2. Portions of threads of Ulothrix parietina X 400 diani. GEN. 68. SCHIZOGONXUM. Kutz. (1843.) Threads as in Ulothrix, or in many places laterally connate (duplicate or triplicate), or by cellular division in two directions forming narrow flat bands, which are more or less crispate. In 18G1 Dr. Braxton Hicks indicated his belief that Schizogonium was only a condition of Ulothrix in which the threads had become connate, of which PrasioZa was only a frondose form. He says, "the whole of these changes are so palpable, can be observed so constantly, and are, at the same time, so simple in their relations to one another, that one can scarcely imagine how they can have been separated, not only into distinct species, but into different families of Algas. Thus the 'linear stage is called Lyngbya (Ulothrix) ; the early stage of collateral seg- mentation, the Schizogonium; the adult stage, the Prasiola ; while the goniclial. growth has been classed under Palm ell acece." And again, " the only real difference between the first two is, that whereas Lyngbya (Ulothrix) is a tube containing distinct cells within, which, when old undergo collateral subdivision, to form a band of two, four, or eight rows of cells, Schizogonium is a band of two or eight rows of cells, which, when young was but a single row, contained in a tube, which is only two different ways of stating the same facts. The comparison of the last two is of the same kind. For as Prasiola, when old, is com- posed of many rows of cells, but which arose from a single row, there must have been a time in its life when it had two, four, or eight rows, and thus have been a Schizogonium, for there is no other 1 84 NEMATOPHYCE^E. structural difference between the two." The whole of the communica- tion from whence the above is quoted is worthy of attentive perusal, at least in so far as the relations between Ulotlirix and Sckizogonitim are concerned. It is entitled " On the Diamorphosis of Lyngbi/a^ &c.," in the " Quart. Journ. of Microscopical Science" for 1861, pp. 157-166. Schizogonium murale. Kuiz. Tab. Phyc. n., t. 98, /. 1. Dark green, forming a broadly expanded soft velvety stratum, threads sometimes free, here and there two or three united, cells 2-4 times shorter than their diameter, pectinate, often crowded, sometimes interrupted, cell membrane rather thick, colourless, slightly undulated and constricted. SIZE. Cells -015--018mm. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 368. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 78. On moist walls and naked ground. Plate LJ.XI. fig. 3. Portions of threads of Schizogonium murale X 400 diam. FAMILY VII. CHEOOLEPIDB^. Aerial alga3, coloured golden yellow, orange or red -brown, when dry often becoming greenish grey ; more or less fragrant with the odour of violets. Threads articulate, variously branched, cell membrane thick, or somewhat thick, firm, almost cartilaginous, collected in minute tufts, or densely interwoven in a thin or thick tomentose stratum. Cell contents oily or granulose, either red, orange, or yellow brown, growing paler after death. Propagation by zoogonidia, produced in proper cells (sporangia) which are terminal, or by prolification formed laterally. Zoogonidia oblong-oval, furnished at one extremity with two vibratile cilia.— Rabh. Alg. Eur. in., 371. GEN. 69. CHROOLEPUS. Ag. (1824.) Characters the same as given above for the family. There appears to us no occasion or justification for the substitution of Trtntepohlia for the above generic name as some authors have done. The following is an abstract of the process of reproduction, as ob- served by Dr. Caspary. (Flora, ^f. 28, 1£58). 'The apical cell of the threads has often' a globular or pulvinate appendage, of a highly refractive nature, furnished with transverse wrinkles, and frequently also with a protuberance at the top. The whole cavity of the cells is filled with granular matter, mostly of a brownish red colour, but it frequently happens that the inner granules only are brownish red, CHROOLEPIDE.E. 185 whilst the outer ones are greeii. The reddish brown, granules seem to be oil drops A great number of the threads terminate with a globose much thickened cell, which subsequently becomes the mother cell of the zoospores This mother cell is rarely found in the middle of the threads. Occasionally, but still more rarely, the cell immediately under the mother cell elongates itself sideways and upwards into a thread. The mother cell of the zoospores, when it forms the terminal cell of the thread, bears a conical mass of gelatine, often of considerable size, which, however, is seldom, on the crown of the cell, but usually at its side. In those mother cells in which the zoospores are about to escape a division of the contents into small oval cells is clearly perceptible, and at the side, or near the top, the wall is extended into a short papilla. The contents emerge in the form of a well defined vesicle, with the zoospores penetrating through the ruptured papilla, some- times, however, no vesicle is formed. A few moments after emerging •the vesicle bursts, doubtless by absorption of water, and the zoospores swim about in every direction. The remnants of the vesicle are of a gelatinous nature. The escape of the zoospores was observed from nine in the morning till four in the afternoon, and seems to depend not upon the influence of light, but solely upon the effect of moistening with water. The zoospores are very small, 'OOSo-'OOSS mm. They are filled with reddish brown granular matter, the apex alone being free and hyaline ; there are two cilia, about three or four times as long as the spore. The apex with the cilia is directed forwards. They rotate perpetually whilst swimming; their motion being so rapid as to prevent a clear view of them, except when stopped by some obstacle, or when their motion is becoming retarded. The cell is surrounded by a clear highly refractive border looking like gelatine, but which may be only an optical appearance. After continuing in motion for about an hour the zoospores become sluggish, sink, become globular, elongate them- selves, and shortly a division of the cell takes place by a transverse septum. Some reddish brown granules usually remain behind in the empty mother cell, and in the remnant of the vesicle. Oftentimes some zoospores cannot emerge from the mother cell, and then they sometimes germinate in it. These observations were made on a variety of Chroolepus aureus. Quart. Journ. Micro. Science, vin. (1860), p. 159. Chxoolepus aureus. (Linn). Kutz. Tab. iv., t. 93. Golden red or orange. Threads either collected in small tufts, or spreading in a soft silky stratum, sometimes intricately and densely expanded and very much branched. Cells as long, or two to three times as long as their diameter. SIZE. Cells 'Ol-'Ol^ mm. diam. Zoosporangium '02 x •03 mm. Eng. Fl. v., p. 380. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2528. Harv. Man. 189. Mack. Hib. 246. Rab. Alg. Eur. iii., 371. Conferva aurea, Dilhv. Conf. t. 35. Byssusaurea, Eng. Bot. i., t. 212. Lightf. Fl. Scot. p. 1002. Hull Br. Fl. 307. Relhan Cant. 446. Huds. Fl. Aug. 606. Sibth. Ox. 338. Purton Midi. Fl. ii., 606. Ray. Syn. 56, No. 6. Abbot Bedf. 276. With. AIT. iv., 144. Ceramium aurewn, Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 86. Amphicomum aureum, Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 243. 186 NEMATOPHYCE^E. Trentepohlia anrea, Ag. Syst. p. 36. Ectocarpus aureus, Lyngb. Hydro. Dan. t. 4-4. Grev. Fl. Ed. 315. On walls, rocks, chips, bark, &c. Plate LXXII. Jig. 1. Portions of filaments X 400 a, zoospor- angium ; b, zoospore; c, same at rest ; d, germinating zoospore. Chiroolepus odoratus. (Lyngb.} Ag. Syst. 35. Stratum thin, rather toinentose, rufous -tawny (when dry cinereous, becoming greenish). Threads and branches abbre- viated, erect, parallel, flexuously curved, torulose ; cells equal or twice as long as their diameter. SIZE. Cells '02-'025 mm. diam. Eng. Fl. v., 381. Harv. Man. 190. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 372. Conferva odorata, Lyngb. Hydr. Dan. t. 57. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 245. On the bark of various trees, especially of Birch and Poplar. Plate LXX1I. fig. 2. Portion of thread of Chroolepus odoratus x 400. Chroolepus lolithus. (Linn.) Ag. Syst. p. 34. Stratum thin, or a line thick, reddish-orange, glaucous or dirty greenish when dry, threads and branches elongated, rather dichotomous, variously curved, ascending ; cells one and a half or three times as long as their diameter, in the upper portion of the branches reaching to double that proportion. SIZE. Cells '025-'04 mm. diam. Zoosporangium *05 mm. diam. Eng. Fl. v., 380. Eng. Bot. ii., p. 189. Harv. Man. 189. Mack. Hib. 246. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 373. Byssus lolithus, Linn. Spec. 1638. Hull. Br. Fl. 308. Olivia riolacea, Gray. AIT. i., 350. Trentepohlia lolithus, Wallr. Comp. iv. 151. On rocks, in moist places. Plate LXXII. fig. 4. Portion of thread of Chroolepus lolithus X 400 ; a, zoosporangium x 400. Chroolepus ilicicolus. Eng. Bot. ir., t. 2529. Filaments erect, alternately branched, forming tufts of a permanent tawny-yellow. Cells nearly as long as broad. SIZE. Cells about -03 mm. diam. Conferva ilicicola, Eng. Bot. i., t. 1639. CHMOOLEl'IDEyE. 187 Chroolepus aureus, Eng. Fl. v., 380, in part. On Holly bark. Included in Harvey's Manual (p. 189) under Chroolepus aureus. Figured from the original specimen. Plate LXX1I. fig. 5. Portion of thread of Cliroolepus ilicicolus X400. Chroolepus lichenicolus. Ay. Syst. 34. Tufts red-orange ; threads erect, tufted, alternately branched, rigid ; cells slightly tumid, as long as broad. SIZE. Cells '012 mm. cliam. Zoosporangium about '015 mm. cliarn. Eng. Fl.v., 381. Eng. Bot. ii. t., 2530. Harv. Man. 190. Mack. Hib. 247. Conferva lichenicola, Eng. Bot. i., t. 1609. Dillw. Conf. p. 56. Chroolepus abietmum, Rabh. Alg. Enr. iii., 372, in part. On Lichens and old trees. Figured from the original specimens. Plate LXXIJ. fig. 3. Portion of thread of Chroolepus alietinum, var. lichenicolus X 400. Species Excluded. Chroolepus Arnottii. Harv. Man. p. 191. This is a fungus, Antennaria Amottii, Berk in Herb. Chroolepus ebenea. Harv. Man. p. 189. Conferva ebenea, Dillw. Conf. t. 101. Byssus nicjra, Eng. Bot. i., t. 702. Probably a species of Helminthosporium. Chroolepus melaenus. Carm. in Harv. Man. p. 189. Conferva melaena, Lyngb. Hydrot. 57. Apparently a Torula. Chroolepus mesomelas. Carm. in Harv. Man. p. 189. Torula mesomela, Carm. Alg. App. We have seen no specimen, but it would appear from descrip- tion to be Helminthosporium. 2 D 188 NEMATOJPHYCE^. FAMILY VIII. CH^ETOPHORACBJB. Aquatic or swamp-living algaa, rarely terrestrial, monoecious or dioecious. Articulate filaments various, often dichotomously branched, not rarely fasciculately branched, accumulated in tufts or pulvinules, nestling in a somewhat fluid or firm gela- tinous mucus, or constituting, for the most part, a filamentose, rarely a somewhat foliaceous thallus (formed from a single stratum). Propagation by oospores after sexual fecundation, or by zoo- gonidia ; the latter produced singly, or by the division of the cytioplasm, or contents of the sporangium, into eight or sixteen. GENUS 70. MIC ROTH AMNION. Nag. (1849.) Articulate filament dichotomously or trichotomously branched, now and then very much branched, straight, with the terminal cell obtuse, or nearly so, afterwards swollen, forming a sporan- gium. Cell contents effused, containing scattered amylaceous granules. Propagation by zoogonidia. Plants microscopical, more or less with a gelatinous investment. Microthamnion vexator. Cke. in Grevillea xi., p. 75. Filaments erect, very slender, dichotomously branched, more or less growing in tufts. Cells cylindrical, longer than broad, not at all constricted at the joints, dissepiments scarcely visible. Cell membrane thin, pellucid. SIZE. Cells about -003 mm. diam. Attached to aquatic plants in clear springs, &c. A very delicate plant, first found by Mr. Turner in Yorkshire,*aud since detected in several localities in England. Very much more slender than M. strictissimum* Plate LXXIII. fy 1. Filaments of Microthamnion vexator X 400. #, tufts of plants natural size. GENUS 71. STIGEOCLONIUM. Kutz. (1843.) Articulate threads simply branched, branches and branchlets scattered, rarely approximate in a fasciculate manner, acute at the apex, sometimes attenuated into a colourless bristle, at times extended very long, at other times furnished with shortly subulate branches. Cell membrane very thin and hyaline, homo- geneous. Cell contents with the chlorophyll arranged in transverse bands. CHJSTOPHORACEJ2. 180 Propagation by oospores or zoogonidia, the latter formed by division (4-16) of the cell contents, each zoospore furnished with a red parietal spot and four vibratile cilia. Stigeoclonium thermale. Braun in Kutz. Spec. p. 352. Bright green, very much branched in a fasciculate manner, somewhat creeping at the base, filaments and branches attenu- ated upwards to the cuspidate apex, branchlets for the most part alternate, rather remote, nearly erect or somewhat diver- gent, setiform, joints variable in length, at the base of the filaments equal or twice as long as the diameter, becoming turgid, in the upper part of the branchlets 3-5 times as long a* the diameter ; chlorophyllose bands broad, sometimes effused. SIZE. Cells -012 mm. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 376. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. iii., t. 2, f. 4. Draparnaldia elongata, Hass. Alg. 123, t. 10, f. 3. Ann. Nat. Hist. Aug. 1842, xi., p. 4. In thermal springs, &c. Hassall found this species on one occasion growing in a horse-trough. It is sometimes mixed with other algae in ditches. Plate LXXIII. fig. 2. Filament of Stigeoclonium thermale with zoogonidia X 400 diam. Stigeoclonium tenue. Ag, Syst. 57. Bright green, lubricous ; filaments a little branched, branches nearly simple, cells equal or 2-3 times as long as their diameter, more or less distinctly constricted ; chlorophyllose bands narrow ; branchlets scattered, shortened, nearly erect, subulate ; cells at the base longer than broad, abbreviated towards the apex. SIZE. Cells -01 mm. diam. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. iii., t. 3, f. 1. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 377. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 68. Draparnaldia tennis, Eng. PI. v., 388. Eng. Bot. ii., p. 199. Harv. Man. 122. Mack. Hib. 222. Hass. Alg. 123, t. 11, f. 2. Conferva lubrica, Dillw. Conf. t. 57. Grev. Fl. Ed. 318. Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 82. Gray Arr. i,, 303. Conferva exigna, Dillw. Conf. t. 2 (young), In streams and ditches. " At first the filaments are enclosed, in the manner of a Cktetophora, in a common, somewhat definite gelatine ; afterwards, on its bursting, they issue from it like a Conferva, but aro at all times very gelatinous." —Harvey. Plate LXXIII. fig. 3. Filament of Stigeoclonium tenue X 400 diam. 190 NEMATOPHYCE^E. Stigeocloniunx protensum. (Dillw.) Kutz. Tab. Phyc.ui.,t. 8, /. 2. Pale green, csespitose, slender ; filaments and branches long- drawn out ; cells almost cylindrical, equal or twice as long as their diameter ; terminal cell extended into a colourless bristle ; branches usually scattered, rarely in pairs, with the extremities cuspidate, piliferous. SIZE. Cells '015 mm. diam. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 378. Draparnaldia condensata, Hass. Alg. 122, t. 11, f. 1. Ann. Nat. Hist, xi., 429. Conferva protensa, Dillw. Conf. t. 67. Gray. Arr. i., 303. In slow streams. Plate LXX1V. jig. 1. Filament of Stigeoclonium protensum. a, zoospores X 400 diam. ; b, branchlet of form called S. irreyulare X 400 diam. Stigeoclonium nanum. (Dillw.) Kutz. Spec. p. 352. Filaments alternately branched ; branches abbreviated, a little attenuated upwards, obtuse, not piliferous ; cells equal or a little shorter than their diameter, in the upper part equal. SIZE. Cells '008 mm. diam. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 380. Draparnaldia nana, Hass. Alg. 124, t. 10, f. 3. Draparnaldia sparse^ Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist, xi., 428. Conferva nana, Dillw. Conf. t. 30. In streams (the Wye). The following are Dillwyn's remarks on this species : — " The minute- ness of the filaments, which in length seldom much exceeded a line, prevented me from ascertaining their nature so fully as I could have wished. Their colour is pale brown, tinged with green, sub-diaphanous under the microscope. They appear to consist of a single stem, beset at uncertain distances with alternate branches, which are again clothed with short, simple, solitary ramuli, placed at small distances from each other, most commonly alternate, although sometimes two or more together are disposed on the same side. All of them are finely acumi- nated; the dissepiments are very apparent, and divide the filament into joints, all of equal size, of which the length is about double the thick- ness. To the naked eye this plant appears, when taken from the water, like a mere mass of decaying vegetable matter. Its extreme minuteness might fairly induce a suspicion whether it is in reality anything more than the seedling of some known Conferva. It adheres to either glass *o or paper." Plate LXXIV. j)g. 2. Filament of Stigeoclonium nanum X 400 diam., figured from Dillwyn's original specimen. (JIl.ETOl'HORACEJE. 191 Stigeoclonium fastigiatum. (Rolfs.} Kut~. Tab. Pliyc. in., t. 8, f. 1. Pale green, small, thread very much branched, fastigiate, radiately disposed, mucous, upper branches alternate, fastigiate, moniliform, somewhat pinnate, a little spreading, extended at the apex in a long bristle ; cells of the filament three times as long as broad, the branches equal or twice as long, swollen, constricted at the joints. SIZE. Cells '012 mm. diam. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 380. Chcetophora fastigiata, Ralfs. Alg. Exs., No. 9. Attached to aquatic plants. Plate LXXir. jig. 3. Filament of Stiyeoclonium fastigiatum X 400 diam. GENUS 72. DRAPARNALDIA. Ag. (1824.) Articulate thread simply branched, formed of large cells, for the most part hyaline, with a broad chlorophyllose band, always sterile; more or less densely furnished with penicellate fascicu- late branchlets, alternate or opposite, composed of smaller fertile cells. Terminal cells of all the branches empty, hyaline and sterile, more or less elongated into a bristle. Propagation by resting spores or zoogonidia. Drapaxnaldia glomerata. Ag. Syst. p. 59. Filaments and primary branches colourless, or nearly so ; lower cells equal, or a little shorter than their diameter, dis- tinctly constricted at the joints ; chlorophyllose bands narrow, pale green, primary branches spreading at right angles, some- times opposite ; fascicles of the branches crowded, alternate or opposite, densely branched, obtuse, oval. SIZE. Cells of main thread '035 mm., of fascicles '008 mm. Eng. Fl. v., 388. Jenner Tunb. Wells 176. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2545. Harv. Man. 121. Grev. Fl. Ed. 321. Mack. Hib. 222. Flor. Dev. ii., 50. Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 77. Gray. AIT. L, 302. Hass. Alg. 120, t. 13, f. 1. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 381. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. G7. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. iii., t. 12. Conferva mutabilis, Dillw. Conf. t. 12. Eng. Bot. i., t. 1746. Batraclwspermum conglomeration, Yaucli. Conf. t. 12, f. 1. In clear pools or slow streams. 192 NEMATOPHYCE.E. Very common, and well known. Variable in the size, number, and disposition of the fascicles. Plate LXXV. fig. 1 . Portion of filament of Draparnaldia glomerata X 400 diam. Fig. 2, portion of filament of the variety distans X 400 diam. In 1857 Dr. Braxton Hicks first described in the "Journal of the Linnean Society" (Vol. i., p. 192) what he believed to be a new species of Draparnaldia under the name of Draparnaldia crudata, of which we know nothing except from his description and figures, from which we are disposed to regard it as a variety of Draparnaldia glomerata. It was first found in the New Forest, and Avas more fully illustrated in the " Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science " (Vol. ix., 1869, p. 383, pi. xix.). " Nothing," he says, " is more remarkable than the direction taken by the branches, which diverge strictly at right angles to the stem. Even the lesser kind, called tufts, and their branchlets, pass off in this way, and as four generally spring from the same joint, there is a cruciate arrangement in every part." The following is given as its description : — " Frond 3-4 inches long. Light green colour, not so green as D. glomerata and D. plumosa, possessing a flocculent appearance when in water, and highly mucous when out of water. Every portion is surrounded by a distinct layer of transparent mucous, extending on each side to the distance of three diameters of the included ramulus. This is most easily seen after two days, when extraneous matter adheres to the mucous. The main filament is composed of cells very slightly inflated, 3-4 times longer than wide, about g-i^th °f an in°h wide, delicately fasciated. Primary ramuli pro- ceeding at right angles, chiefly in whorls of four, from the main filament, with an interval of 50-60 cells. The sub-ram uli also proceed in the same way from the primary rarnuli, giving the plant a cruciate appearance. The cells of the ramuli as wide as long, the larger fasciated, the smaller quite filled with green chlorophyll. The interspace of 50-60 cells of main filament being great, to the naked eye it appears nearly bare, but by higher magnifying powers small tufts, like those terminating the sub-ramuli, appear at about every ten cells; some larger, and approaching somewhat the sub-ramuli, while the others are very simple. The larger terminal and lateral tufts have a pyramidal form, and from all their divisions pro- ceeding at right angles it appears much like a fir tree. All the ultimate tufts bear cilia, as in the other Draparnaldife, but of extreme length and tenuity. From the 1-3 basal cells of the ramuli often roots spring, coiling themselves round the main filament, and even spreading away from it, and sometimes the free point becomes converted into a tuft, like those on the main filament. The smaller tufts at times possess them. When the plant is mature the ramuli disengage themselves, and can be seen floating about with their roots, probably ready to attach themselves to any suitable object, and so become separate plants. Zoospores not so large as in D. glomerata, being oval, and about '0004 X '0003 inch. A whole tuft undergoes the process simultaneously." " It can easily be distinguished from D. plumosa and D. glomerata by the divisions diverging at right angles, and in whorls of chiefly four (giving the cruciate appearance), the perceptible mucous sheath, exceeding delicacy of the cilia, extreme tendency to give out radicles, the nearly equal width of the main cells, as also their greater length. The fir tree-like form of the tufts are so unlike the flexible shape of the other species." A comparison of the plate given with the description we are bound to say does not completely bear out all the distinctions. CHJETOPHORACE^E. 193 Drapaxnaldia plumosa. (Vanch.) Ag. Syst. p. 58. Threads and primary branches hyaline, cells equal or shorter than their diameter, rarely a little longer, a little, or but scarcely constricted at the joints, chlorophyllose bands narrow, bright green, lower cells of the branches equal or almost twice as long as their diameter, upper cells cylindrical, attenuated, 2-5 times as long as broad, sometimes not piliferous, fascicles of the branches densely branched, elongated, with an acutely lanceolate outline, erect, somewhat appressed. SIZE. Cells of main thread -045 mm., of fascicles '008 mm. Eng. Fl. v., 388. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2544. Haw. Man. 121. Jolmst. Fl. Berw. ii., 258. Mack. Hib. 222. Flor. Dev. ii., 50. Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 77. Gray AIT. i., 303. Hass. Alg.121, t. 12, f. 1. Rab. Alg. Eur. iii., 382. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. G7. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. iii., t. 14. Conferva lubrica, Eng. Bot. i., t. 2087. In slow streams or pools. Much less common than the preceding species. Plate LXXVI. Jic/.l. Portion of filament of Draparnoldia plumosa, X 400. Fig. 2. Portion of filament of the variety pulohel la X 400. GENUS 73. CHJETOFHORA. Schrank. (1789.) Articulate filaments, with the primary branches radiately dis- posed, composed of elongated vegetative cells, with chlorophyll bands as in Draparnaldia and Stigeoclonium ; divided upwards into numerous branchlets, which are shortly artoculated, the ultimate joint attenuated, often empty, scarcely or not at all lengthened into a thread, ultimate branchlets in more or less crowded fascicles, involved in a firm gelatinous, coriaceous, or hard mass, of a globose or subglobose, or plane, expanded, variously lobed form. Propagation the same as in the preced- ing genera. Chaetophora pisiformis. (Roth.} Ag. Syst. p. 27. Thallus globose, about the size of a pea, often smaller (now and then as large as a cherry), bright green, even, shining, sometimes aggregated, not rarely confluent. SIZE. Cells '006-'009 mm., of branches '006 mm. Hass. Alg. 128, t. ix., f. 5, 6. Kutz. Tab. Phy. iii., t. 18, fig. 3. Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl., t. 150. Rabh. Als?. Eur. iii., 383. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 69. Eng. Fl. v., 389. Haw. Man. 123; Berk. Glean, t. 1, f. 1. 194 NEMATOPHYCE.E. Ulrapisiformis, Huds. Fl. Aug. 572. With AIT., iv. 120. Chcetophora elegans, Lyngb. Hydro, t. 65. On submerged plants. Plate LXXVII. fig. 1. Plants of Clicetopliora pisiformis, natural size, and filaments X 400. Chaetophora tuberculosa. (Rotli.') Ag. Syst. Thallus subglobose, the size of a cherry, bright or pale green, surface tuberculose, elastic, fascicles of branches very dense, lower articulations cylindrical, the upper swollen, extremities cuspidate, sharp pointed, rarely hair-like. SIZE. Cells •0.09->012nim., of branches -OOS-'Ol mm. Harv. Man. p. 122. Hciss. Alg. 126, t. 9, f. 7, 8. Kntz. Tab. Phyc. iii., t. 10, f. 1. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 383. Eng. Fl. v., 389. Jenner Tunb. Wells p. 178. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2547. Jolmst. Fl. Berw. ii., 260. Mack. Hib. 223. Hook. Scot, ii., 76. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 69. Rivularia tuberculosa, Eng. Bot. i., 2366. In clear water. Plate LXXriII, fig. 1. #, plant of Ch. t. 1, /. 5. Disc orbicular, parencliymatous, formed from one stratum of cells, bright green, cells oblong-quadrangular when old, by pressure becoming often polygonal, usually twice as long as broad. Oogonia oval, peripherical, mostly naked. SIZE. Cells -012--017 mm. Babh. Alg. Ear. iii., 390. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 50. Phyllactidium pulchellum, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. iv. On aquatic plants. Plate LXXX. fig. I. a, plant X 200. b, portion with oogonia, after Pringsheim X 250. GENUS 75. APKANOCHJETE. Braun. (1847.) Articulate threads prostrate, somewhat creeping, sometimes more or less united in an irregular stratum. Branches decum- bent or ascending, cells bearing on their apex or back, often a long bristle which has no sheath at the base. Propagation by zoogonidia. Oogonia at present unknown. Aphanochaete jrepens. Filaments and branches procumbent, fn rhtly swollen, of equal diameter in both indistinctly articulated bristle. SIZE. Cells -005 --01 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 391. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 71. On Cladophora jlavescens, and other Alga?. Plate LXXX. fig. 3. Plant of Aphanochtfte repens X 400. Aphanochaete hystsrix. (Thiu.) Baoli. Alg. Eur. in. 391. Filaments and their branches radiating, procumbent, ad- pressed ; more or less connate, in a pale green irregular discoid thallus. Cells somewhat cylindrical, produced at the apex into a long bristle, which is not articulated. SIZE. Cells '01 mm. diam. Ochlochcste hystrix, Thwaites in Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 226. On aquatic plants in brackish ditches. Perhaps scarcely deserving a place here, as it is almost, if not quite, a marine species. Plate LXXX. fg. 2. a, plant of Aphcmochci-te hysiria\ slightly magnified, b, portion more highly magnified, after Harvey. 198 APPENDIX TO CHLOROPHYLLOPHYCEJB, In the form of an Appendix, we shall here enumerate a few species, of doubtful position, which are not known with sufficient exactitude to be recorded in systematic order, although their affinities appear to be with the Algas. The Saprolegniece are not included, because they are now generally acknowledged as Fungi. The genus Syncliitrinm also appears to be more nearly related to Protomyces, amongst Fungi, than to Algfe. FAMILY. CHYTKTDIE^E. Plants for the most part aquatic, parasitic, epiphytal or endo- phytal, occasionally epizoic, very rarely terrestrial, one or two- celled. Cells vesiculose, single or gregarious, either innate in the fostering plant, or penetrating its membrane ; furnished with radicles at the base, or destitute of them ; now and then numerous and densely aggregated, involved in a common mem- brane, nestling in the parenchyma of terrestrial plants, and form- ing pustules. Protoplasm mucilaginous, usually colourless, sometimes coloured. Antheridia not yet observed. Propaga- tion by oospores or zoogonidia. Some authors have united the majority of the species under the one genus Chi/tridium, whilst others have distributed them over several genera, as Chytridium, Phlyctidium, Rhyzophidiitm. Ofyidiicm, and Rhizidlum, but apparently without good reason. GENUS 76. CHYTRIDIUM. Srann. (1851). Cells globose or somewhat pear-shaped, operculate above, the root-like base usually innate in various algas, penetrating the membrane of their cells. Zoogonidia very numerous, globose, with a nucleus, bearing a single very long ciliuni, escaping through the orifice of the cell caused by the falling away of the operculum. CHYTRIDIE.E. 199 " The Chytridia form a genus of unicellular, parasitical Algre, or, if it be preferred, of aquatic Fungi, related to Saprolegnia about as much as Ascidium is to Bryojjsis. The entire plant is composed of a single balloon- shaped cell, which penetrates into the Algas upon which it grows, by a more or less developed root-like base. The inflated portion of the cell is filled with colourless mucilage, from which are formed, not through suc- cessive division, but by a simultaneous process, very numerous small globular germ-cells, which exhibit a sharply-defined darker nucleus in the interior, and possess a single very long cilium. From their want of colour and the activity of their motion these gonidia resemble the most minute monads. Their extrusion occurs either through the casting off of a lid or through mere tearing of a nipple-shaped point. Of fifteen different species which I have observed in the vicinity of Freiburg, Chytridium olla is the largest, and at the same time exhibits the lid-like dehiscence most beautifully. It grows on the anterior wrinkled end of the bulging parent-cells of the spores of (Edogonium Landsboroughii, the root pene- trating into the folds and attaching itself to the spore. The free inflated portion of the cell is ovate, with the lid somewhat thrown up at the edges, and apiculated like a short nipple in the middle. The germ-cells are about '003 mm. diarn." — Braun, Rejwenescence, pp. 186 note. See also Braun, " Ueber Chytridium " (Berlin, 1856) ; Cohn in " Hed- \vigia," 1865, p. 170 ; Nowakowski " Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Cbytri- diaceen ' (Breslau, 1876). Chytridium acuminatum. Braun Chytr. p. 28, t. 1, /. 11. Cells much smaller than in Chytridium olla, ovate-pyriform ; operculum acuminate. SIZE. Cells '016 mm. long. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., p. 277. Parasitic on species of QZdogonium. Plate LXXXI. jig. 1. Chytridium acuminatum parasitic upon (Edo- gonium Rothii X 400 diam. GENUS 77. RHIZOPHYDIUM. Schenk. (1858.) Cells globose, ovate, or broadly clavate, with 2, 3, or more scattered orifices, more or less elongated into a neck, furnished with, or destitute of, distinct radicles at the base. Rhizophydium Barkerianum. (Archer.) Eabh. Alg. Eur. in. 281. Cells much depressed, 3 or 4 lobed, the lobes broadly rounded ; upper surface of the cell concave, bearing at the centre a ver- tical hyaline, very slender, terete, minutely capitate process ; cell contents mainly confined to the centre, leaving the ends of the lobes empty ; zoospores making their exit through the opened apices of the lobes. Chytridium Barkerianum, Archer in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1867, p. 89. Parasitic on Zygnema. Gallery Bog (Ireland). We have seen no specimens, and are not aware of any figure extant, or of any dimensions having been recorded. 2 F 200 CHYTRIDIE^. GENUS 78. OLFIDXUM. Braun. (1856.) Cells globose or subglobose, parasitic, epiphytal, or endo- phytal, not operculate, nor rooting ; mouth vertical, elongated into a cylindrical tube. Olpidium endogenum. Braun CJiytrid. Fo. 20, t. v., f. 21. Parasitic in the interior of plants, usually gregarious, de- pressedly globose, extended at the apex into a tubular neck, which is globosely dilated in the middle ; perforating the mem- brane of its host, is extended beyond with a funnel-shaped mouth. SIZE. Cells about '024 mm. diam. Olpidium intestinum (Braun), Eabli. Alg. Eur. iii., 283. Parasitic in Closteriwn, Vaucheria, &c. This appears to be the species figured by Henfrey as occurring within the cells of Eremosphcera vindis in '' Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci." vii. (1859), t. 3, figs. 11, 12. Also by Carter in Spiroqyra, in " Annals of Natural History," 2nd Series, Vol. xvii. (1856), t. 9, 'figs. 9 and 10. Plate LXKX1. ficj. 2. Olpidium endogenum parasitic in Closterium lunula X 400. Olpidium ampullae eum. (Braun.} Rabh. Alg. Eur. ill., 282. Epiphytal, gregarious, globose, small, sessile, rarely pedicel- late, tubular, mouth erect, cylindrical, about as long as the cell, terminating in a conical apiculus. SIZE. Cells "0065 mm. diam. Chytridium ampullaceum, Braun Chytrid., p. 66, t. 5, f. 24-27. Parasitic on various alga3. It was probably this, or a closely-allied species, which was figured by Henfrey as parasitic on Eremosphcera viridis in " Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci." vii. (1859), t. 3, f. 13, 14. Plate LXXXL fig. 3. Olpidium ampullaceum parasitic on Mougeotia X 400 ; 3a, individual further magnified. Fig. 4, allied species x 400. GENUS 79. SYNCHITRIU1VI. D.By. % Wor. (1863.) Thallus multiform. Cells (sporangia of some authors) often numerous and aggregated, closely involved in a common mem- brane, forming sori, filled with delicately granular orange con- tents. Zoogonidia globose, rarely oval or oblong, with a lateral orange-red nucleus, bearing a single (rarely 2) very long cilium. Inhabiting the substance of plants, with the habit of Ure- dines, but without mycelium. CHYTRIDIE.E. 201 Synchitrium Taraxaci. D. By. $ Wor. Bericht. der Naturf. Ges. Freiburg in., t. 2, /. 1-7. Orange warts, about *5 mm. diam., prominent on both sur- faces of the leaf, scattered or crowded. During summer each wart contains a mass of crowded cells, polygonal or rounded, variable in form and size, filled with granular orange proto- plasm, which break up into globose, ciliated zoogonidia. SIZE. Zoogonidia '003 mm. ; cellules '02-'06 mm. diam. Parasitic beneath the cuticle of living leaves of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). Professor Trail adds to the above description that "in the autumn thicker-walled resting spores are formed singly in the cells of the food plant." Plate LXXX2. jig. 5. Sorus of Synchitriwn Taraxaci X 200. Figs. 6, 7, cells with contents converted into zoogonidia, X 400. Fig. 8, free zoogonidia, X 400 ; after Woronin. Synchitriuxn anemones. Woron. Bot. Zeit, XXVI., p. 100, t. 2, /. 8-10. Forming dark violet, or almost black, hemispherical warts, the size of a pin's head, which are gregarious, and sometimes confluent. In the centre of each is a spherical cellule, the wall of which is dark brown and warted. Dothidea anemones, DC. Fl. Fr. vi., 143. Sphceronema anemones, Libert. Crypt. Ard., No. 167. Septoria anemones, Fuckel Fung. Rhen., No. 518. Chytridium ? anemones, D.By. & Wor. Beitr. p. 29. Parasitic on the leaves of Anemone nemorosa. Plate LXXXII. jig. 7. Portion of leaf with Synchitrium nat. size. Fig. 8, persistent spore- cell in situ X 200. Fig. 9, persistent spore-cell free X 320 ; after Woronin. Synchitxium mexcurialis. Fckl. Fungi Rhen., No. 1067. Tubercles confluent on the nerves of the leaves, hemispheri- cal, greenish, depressed above ; umbilicated ; sori oblong, grey, zoogonidia globose, uninucleate, hyaline. SIZE. Sporangia echinulate '03-'04 mm. Schrcet. in Cohn's Beitr. p. 40. Grevillea ii., p. 162. Parasitic on leaves of Mercurialis perennis. April, Plate LXXXII. Jig. 1. Section of wart with persistent spore-cell. Fig. 2, persistent cell. Fig. 3, same with contents polygoiially divided. Fig. 4, sporangia escaping X 160. Fig. 5, sporangia X 320. Fig. G, free zoospores X 320 ; alter Woronin. 202 CHYTRIDIE^E. GENUS 80. CHLOROCHYTRIUTO. Colin. Plant endophytic ; green, unicellular ; cells globose, or some- what irregularly bi-, tri-, or multi-lobed ; densely filled with chlorophyll, first dividing into large segments, and then these giving origin to innumerable pyriform zoospores, which escape through a tubular process. Chloxochytxium Lemnse. Cohn. Beitr. I., 87. The zoospores, impinging on the epidermis of the duckweed at the junction of two cells, after germination commences a tube is produced, which, entering between the walls of the dissepi- ments, proceeds as far as the mesophyllic parenchyma, growing into the intercellular spaces, and forms either a globose, elongated, or irregular-shaped cell. SIZE. Adult cell O-'l mm. diam. Wright in Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. xxvi. (1877), p. 13. Archer in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xv. (1875), p. 104. Living in the thallus of Lemna trisulca. Westmeath (Ire- land). Cohn says of this species : " Its zoospores attach themselves to the thallus of the duckweed often in hundreds. They force tbeir way through between the epidermal cells, assuming, as the foremost portion gets into the hypodermal tissues, a more or less figure of eight-shaped form : the foremost portion, getting into an intercellular space, dilates ; the portion that has not entered remains unexpanded, and forms a colourless nipple-like projection ; the portion within the thallus expands to many times its original diameter, sometimes dilating and filling up an intercellular space, at others distorting the subadjacent cellular tissue, and frequently itself becoming variously distorted. The cell wall becomes thicker, even laminated ; the chlorophyll contents get dark and dense, and the cell becomes of a dark, nearly opaque green ; sometimes starch granules are seen. The cell contents become segmented, breaking up into a number of pear-shaped zoospores, which escape through the nipple-like projection ; their actual exit was not seen, nor was the number or position of the cilia observed. Of the zoospores, many never succeeded in pene- trating the epidermis of the duckweed upon which they alighted, and such would remain as minute colourless pin's heads on the surface of the Lemna. Some would linger within the mother cell, and might possibly be resting spores." — Abstract by Prof. Perceval Wright, loc. cit. Plate LXXXI. fig. 9. Chlorochytrium Lemnte parasitic on duckweed. Zoospores located in intercellular spaces X 600. Fig. 10, in a more advanced stage x 600. Fig. 11, free zoospores x 600. After Cohn. CHROOCOCCACE^E. 203 CLASS II. PIIYCOCHROMOPHYCE^. Plants one or many celled, living in water, or enclosed in a maternal jelly when out of it, mostly in families formed from successive generations of cells. Cell membrane (Cytiodenn) not siliceous, combustible. Cell contents (Cytioplasiii) a brown, olivaceous, or fuscous endochrome, destitute of nucleus, and usually without starch granules. Propagation by division, and by immovable gonidia, or quiescent spores. ORDER I. CYSTIPHOHJE. Unicellular plants. Cells spherical, oblong, or cylindrical enclosed in a tegument, associated in families surrounded by a universal tegument, immersed in a more or less liquid or firm mucilage, variable in colour, for the most part irregularly dis- posed. Division of the cells taking place in one, two, or three directions alternately. Propagation by quiescent gonidia. Fo3cundation unknown. FAMILY I. CHROOCOCCACEJ3. Thallus mucous or gelatinous, amorphous, enclosing cells and families irregularly disposed. It ma)'- be urged that, as many of the species included in this family, as well as in the analogous Palmellacece, are only conditions of higher forms, they should not have been inserted. In the preparation of a Flora of this kind, however, we are of opinion that whilst the life history of these forms is so imperfectly known, we should not have been justified in excluding them. GENUS 81. CHROOCOCCUS. Nageli. (1849.) Cells globose, or more or less angular from mutual pressure, solitary, or associated in globose cubical or amorphous families, free (not involved in a mother-cell). Cell membrane in most cases thin, homogenous, achromatic, often confluent in a more or less firm jelly ; cell contents verdigris, or pallid blue green, not rarely yellow or orange. Propagation by division alter- nately in three directions. 204 CYSTIPHOR.E. Chroococcus cohaerens. Nag. fide RaWi. Cells oblong, twin, or in fours, with a distinct hyaline ellipsoid tegument ; cell-membrane thin, achromatic ; cell-contents homogenous, or slightly turbid, blue-green. SIZE. Cells -003-'006 mm. diam. Families of 2-4 indivi- duals. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 30. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 261. Protococcus cohcerens, Kutz. Spec. 197. Tab. Phyc. 1, t. 5. Pleurococcus cohcerens, Breb. in Meneg. Nost. Ital. 35, t. iv., f. 3. On damp walls and flower pots. Plate LXXXI1I. fig. 1. Cells magnified 400 diam. Chroococcus turgidus. Nag. Einz. Alg. 2^ 46. Cells spherical, oblong-ellipsoid, or more or less angular from compression, single, twin, ternate, or quaternate (rarely 8), associated in families, tegument thick, usually evidently lamel- lose, colourless. Cell-membrane thin ; cell contents bright verdigris green and homogenous, at length becoming brownish and granulated. SIZE. Cells -013--025 mm. diam. Families of 2-4. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 32. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 262. Protococcus turgidus, Kutz. Tab. i., t. 6, f. 1. Hcematococcus binalis, Hass. Alg. p. 331, t. 82, f. 2. In swampy places and on moist rocks. Not at all uncommon ; often mixed with other algee. Easily dis- tinguished by its size. Plate LXXXIII. jftff. 2. Cells magnified 400 diam. GENUS 82. GLCEOCAPSA. Kutz. (1843.) Cells spherical, either single or numbers, associated in families, the single cell included in a vesiculiform tegument, this cell undergoing division into two daughter cells. Each has a distinct tegument, the whole being surrounded by the tegument of the mother cell. This process is repeated again and again, the original tegument remaining and surrounding the family thus formed. Cell membrane thick, often very thick, equalling or exceeding in diameter the cavity of the cell; colourless or coloured, mostly lamellated, strata not tin- frequently separating. Cell contents of various colours, CHROOCOCCACE^E. 205 semgirious, bluish green, steel-blue, reddish, yellowish, fuscous, &c. Division of the cells in three directions, the last genera- tion of the cells smaller than the early ones. — Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 34. Glaeocapsa coracina. Kutz. Phyc. Gen. 174, t. 6, /. 1. Thallus crustaceous, very black, lubricous ; single cells sphserical, small, tegument very pale violet, distinctly lamel- lose, cell contents homogenous blue-green. SIZE. Cells -0033--004; with envelope -OOG-'OH mm. Families •009-'075 mm. diani. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 35. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 258. Microcystis atrovirens, Meneg. Nost. Ital. 76, t. 10, f. 1. On rocks, and on boggy ground amongst moss. Plate LXXX1II. fig. 3. Cells magnified 400 diam. Glaeocapsa atrata. (Autz.) Ralh. Alg. Eur. IT., 35. Thallus crustaceous, mucous, black ; cells sphserical small, tegument very thick, hyaline, homogenous, two or three times broader than the central cell, cell-contents pale verdigris green, rather granulated. SIZE. Cells -0035--0045 mm., with envelope -009--014 mm. Families '01-'08 mm. Nag. Einz. Alg. t. 1, f. 1. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 258. Microcystis atra, Kutz. in Linn, viii., 375. On rocks in mountain regions. Plate LXXXIIL fig. 4. Cells magnified 400 diam. Glaeocapsa livida. (Carm.} Kutz. Tab. i., t. 21, /. 5. Thallus mucous, rounded lobate, broadly expanded hyaline dingy green, or olive brownish, cells very minute, tegument pale bluish, hyaline, cell contents solid dark blue-green. SIZE. Cells -003--006 mm.; with envelope -006--0078 mm. Families -016--05 mm. Eabh.Alg. Eur. ii., 36. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 258. Palmella livida, Carm. in Grev. Fl. Edin. ; Eng. Fl. v., 397. Harv. Man. 178. Hcematococcus lividus, Hass. Alg. 332, t. 82, f. 5. Microcystis livida^ Meneg. Nost. 74, t. 9, f. 2. On naked ground, or amongst moss and lichens, rarely on rocks, on mountainous moors. " Covers the overhanging limestone rocks to a great extent, sometimes as much as several hundred yards together. When fresh it looks like a blackish brown, gelatinous substance, giving the rocks on which it grows 206 the appearance of being covered with pitch ; on places where it becomes dry by exposure to the sun it is very friable, and on being touched crumbles down to a powder." — Moore, in Hass. loc. cit. Plate LXXXIII.fig. 5. Glfsocapsa livida, drawn from Carnuchael's original specimen X 400. Glseocapsa caldarioxuxn. Eabh. Alg. En?: 37. Thallus irregular thick gelatinous, pale yellowish, cells soli- tary, globose or rather elliptical, tegument spherical or elliptic, colourless lamellose, lamellae often diffuse, the externally one manifestly diffluent ; cell-contents homogenous, or rather granulose, pale blue -green. SIZE. Cells -003--006 mm. with envelope -019--04 mm. Glceocapsa montana var. caldarii, Suringar Obs. 54, t. 4, f. E. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 257. On walls, flower-pots, glass, &c., in conservatories and green- houses. Plate LXX1IL fig. 6. Cells magnified 400 diam. G-lseocapsa polydexmatica. Kutz. Tab. 1, t. 20. Thallus gelatinous, more or less compact, dirty green, or olive becoming brownish; cells small sphaerical, tegument very thick, hyaline lamellose, lamella numerous, concentric, firm ; cell- contents verdigris green, almost homogenous. SIZE. Cells -003--0045 mm. ; with envelope '023 mm. Families '05 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 37. Kirch Alg. Schles. 257. Microcystis rupestris, Men eg. Nost. 72, t. 9, f. 1. Hcematococcus rupestris, Hass. Alg. 326, t. 82, f. 1. On moist rocks. " Frond hyaline, gelatinous, yellowish green, easily broken up, about an inch in diameter, shapeless, rough, pellucid, more or less dense in the centre and elevated ; when dried collapsed, blackish, cartilaginous, fragile. Subjected to the microscope it appears constituted of hyaline subsphaerical vesicles, enclosing yellowish green, spherical or slightly oblong globules usually undivided. Solitary globules, magnified with glasses less powerful are seen free and naked ; by means of a more powerful microscope, almost all are perceived to be clothed with a proper cyst, larger vesicles enclose smaller, and the whole frond appears areo- lated, the hollow areolre containing solitary or binate globules. The vesicles general as well as partial, duplex, triplex, or multiplex, and that without any perceptible order, commonly present concentric circles, generally approximated, evident to the light." — Menegliini. Plate LXXX.lII.fig. 7. Cells magnified 400 diam. Glaeocapsa quaternata. Kutz. Tab.i., t. 20, /. 1. Thallus mucous, effused, dirty green, becoming reddish brown; cells usually sphserical, single or twin or qtiaternate CHROOCOCCACEJI. 207 (rarely 6-8) in families, tegument narrow, lamellose, achromatic, rounded or oblong ; cell-contents verdigris green, homogenous, or delicately granulated. SIZE. Cells -0032--0045 mm. ; with envelope -007--011 mm. Families -011--022 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 37. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 257. Coccochloris quaternata, Breb. MSS. On rocks or moist ground (Scotland). Plate LXXXIII. fig. 8. Cells magnified 400 diam. Gleeocapsa arenaria. (Hass.) EaWi. Alg. Eur. I., 39. Thallus mucous, coherent, somewhat olive-coloured ; cells large sphserical, tegument thick oblong or almost sphaerical, colourless, lamellose ; lamellae diffluent, cell-contents verdigris green then brownish, distinctly granulated. SIZE. Cells -0033--005 mm., with envelope '006--014 mm. Families '04 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 39. Hcematococcus arenarius, Hass. Alg. 330, t. 76, f. 10. In springs and thermal waters. Plate LXXXIV. fig. 1. Cells magnified 400 diam. Glaeocapsa aeruginosa. (Carm.) Kutz. Tab. I., t. 21, /. 2. Thallus crustaceous, grumous, or cartilaginous, glaucous green ; cells small sphserical, tegument thick colourless, indis- tinctly lamellose, externally not rarely angular, cell-contents verdigris green, homogenous. SIZE. Cells -0022--003 mm. with envelope '0044--0088 mm. Families -016-'05 mm. Rabh. Alg Eur. ii., 39. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 258. Palmella ceruginosa, Carm. MSS. Hcematococcus centgi?iosus, Hass. Alg. 333, t. 82, f. 3. On limestone and other rocks. Plate LXXXIV. fig. 2. Cells and families magnified 400 diam. Glaeocapsa magma. {Breb.) Kutz. Tab. I., t. 22, f. 1. Thallus grumous, rather crustaceous, purple brown, blackish when dry ; cells for the most part spha?rical, tegument lamel- lose intense purple or coppery- brown, usually not pellucid, external stratum very broad, globose, paler or colourless, soon diffluent ; cell-contents verdigris green, granulose, often becom- ing brownish. SIZE. Cells -0045--007 mm., with envelope -006--012 mm. 2 o 208 Babh. Alg. Enr. ii., 42. Kirch. Alg. Schl 250. Sorospora montana, Hass. Alg. 309, t. 79, f. 1. Palmella mmitana, Ag. Syst., p. 18. Eng. Fl. v., 396. Eng. Bob. ii., t. 2554. Harv. Man. 179. Protococcus magma, Meneg. Nost. p. 43. Viva montana, Lightf. Fl. Scot. 973. Hull. Br. Fl. 314. Eng. Bot. i., t. 2193. Hook Scot, ii., 91. With. AIT. iv., 122. Merrettia alpicola, Gray Arr. i., 349. "Mountain dulse," of the Scotch. On moist rocks. " On the mountains of Arran, this lies unattached among loose wet stones, covering them in a straggling manner to a considerable, extent. Each frond is 1-1^ inch, in diameter, flatfish, somewhat orbicular, between coriaceous and gelatinous, when dry almost horny, of a deep but dull purple colour, much lobed and curled like some Gyroplioroe, filled with crowded clusters of granules, which, if minutely examined are found to he mostly arranged in fours " —Hooker. In Scotland it is called Mountain Dulse, and, according to Lightfoot. " the Highlanders wash it and rub it between their hands into some water, so as to make a thin pulpy mixture, with which they purge their calves." Plate LXXX17. Jig. 3. Cells and families magnified 400 diain. Glaeocapsa rupicola. Kutz. Spec. p. 221. Thallns black, then fuscous or brown, crustaceous, thin, rather grnmous, cells small, sphaerical, tegument narrow, not lamellose, fuscous then rusty-brown, for the most part associated in fours, rarely in twos ; outer tegument broad, very pale, globose, enclos- ing numerous smaller families, soon diffluent ; cell-contents pale verdigris green, or rusty brown. SIZE. Cells -0033--005 mm. Families -07 mm. Rabh. Alg. Enr. ii., 43. On rocks amongst moss (Scotland). Plate LXXXiy. fig. 4. Cells and families magnified 400 diam. Glaeocapsa sanguinea. (Ay.) Kutz. Tab. i., t. 22. Thallus effused, gelatinous, thin, blood red or thicker and somewhat crustaceous, then becoming blackish brown; cells of medium size, spherical, tegument intense blood red, not lamel- lose, in the middle pale red, the extreme outer colourless or nearly so, very broad, globose or angular ; cell-contents pale ver- digris green, granulose. SIZE. Cells with envelope -0037->009 mm. Families to •14 mm. 209 Kabh. Alg. Ear. ii., 43. Kirch. Alg. Schles 259. Palmella sanguined, Ag. Syst. p. 15. Hcematococcus sanguineus. Ag. Icon. t. 24. Harv. Man. p. 181. Hass. Alg. 329, t. 79, f. 2. Eng. Fl. v., p. 395. On rocks. Plate LXXXV. fig. 1. Cells and families magnified 400 diam. Giaeocapsa Ralfsiana. (Harv.) Kutz. Tab. I., i. 23. Thallus gelatinous, compact, dark purple brown ; cells of medium size, sphserical, tegument very thick, opaque, and in- tense purple, the outer very broad, usually angular irorn mutual compression, almost colourless, rarely diffluent, enclosing smaller families of 2, 4, 6, 8 ; cell-contents granulated, pale ver- digris green. SIZE. Cells with envelope 'Ol-'Ol? mm. Small families •022--04 mm. Large families, to '17 mm. Kabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 44. Sorospora Ralfsii, Hass. Alg. 310, t. 79, f. 3. Palmella Ralfsii) Harv. Man. 179. Amongst moss and lichens. " Thallus a few lines in diameter, gelatinous, somewhat areolate, or as if composed of numerous small vesicles massed together, each of which contains 2-4 or 8 large blood red granules, which are much larger and of a far deeper colour than those of G. magma.'" — Harvey. Plate LXXXV. Jig. 2. Cells and families magnified 400 diam. Giaeocapsa Shuttleworthiaiia. Kutz. Tab. I., t. 23, f. 1. Thallus gelatinous, rather hard, compact, dark rufous brown ; cells small spluerical, tegument very thick, many times broader than the central cell, globose, intense orange red, the outer glo- bose or angular, homogenous, pale orange, or (rarely) colour- less, all, except the inner, soon diffluent ; cell-contents pale verdigris green. SIZE. Cells with envelope '0075-013 mm. Families -035 mm. Kabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 44. Kirch. Alg. Scliles. 259. On moist rocks, and amongst moss. Plate LXXX7. fig. 3. Cells and families magnified 400 diam. Giaeocapsa xupestxis. Kutz. Tab.Pliyc. i., t.22,f. 11 Thallus dark brown, crustaceous, rather hard ; cells rather large, sphserical ; tegument very thick, laniellose, yellow or 210 CYSTIPHOR^E. golden brown, the outer permanent, yellowish or becoming pale ; cell-contents verdigris green, granulose. SIZE. Cells '006-'C09 mm. with envelope. Families •015--075 mm. Kabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 47. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 260. On rocks. Plate LXXXIV. fig. 5. Cells and families magnified 400 diam. GENUS 83. APHANOCAPSA, Nag. (1849.) Cells spherical, with a thick, soft, colourless tegument, con- fluent in a homogenous mucous stratum. Cell division as in Gleceocapsa. — RaWi. Alg. Eur. n., 48. Aphanocapsa virescens. (Hass.} Rdbli. Alg. Eur. n., 248. Thallus gelatinous, more or less expanded, dirty green, or olive, becoming brownish, cells of medium size, pale bluish- green, solitary or in pairs, tegument scarcely visible. Cell contents homogenous, sometimes with a central vacuole. SIZE. Cells about -0055 mm. diam. Sorosporium virescens, Hass. Alg. 310, t. 78, f. 8 a. Aphanocapsa parietina, Nag. Einz. Alg. t. Ib, f. 1. On stones, rocks, &c. Plate LXXXVI. Jig. 1. Cells magnified 400 diam. Aphanocapsa rivularis. (Carm.~) Rabli. Alg. Eur. n., 49. Thallus hemispherical, gelatinous, tuberculose, often confluent, asruginous-green, becoming brownish when dry ; cells spherical, scattered, single or in pairs, tegument very thick, not lamellose, colourless, soon diffluent. Cell-contents bluish-green, delicately granular. SIZE. Cells about '005--006 mm. diam. Palmella rivularis, Carm. MSS. Harv. in Hook. Eng. Fl. v., p. 397. Harv. Man. 177. Coccochloris rivularis, Hass. Alg. 317, t. 78, f. 6 a, b. On rocks and stones inundated, in mountain streams. " Fronds one-fourth or half an inch in diameter, hemispherical, tuber- cular, firmly adhering, sometimes cohering into a broad crust. Colour vivid green." — Carmichael. Plate LXXXFL fig. 2. Cells of A. rivularis, X '400. Aphanocapsa Grevillei. (Hass.) RabJi. Alg. Eur. n., 50. Thallus gelatinous, globose, densely aggregated, more or less confluent, dirty green, from olive to brownish when dry ; cells CHROOCOCCACEjE. 211 spherical or elliptic, rather crowded, single or in pairs, nestling in a homogenous jelly, tegument quickly diffluent, cell-contents blue-green, delicately granulose. SIZE. Cells -0035--006 mm. diam. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 261. Coccochlons Grevillei, Hass. Alg. 318, t. 78, f. 7 a, b, 8. Palmella botry aides, Grev. Crypt. Fl. t. 243, f. 2. Eng. Fl. v., 396. Eng. Bot. ii., p. 207. Grev. Fl. Ed. 323. Mack. Hib. 244. Palmella Grevillei, Berkl. Glean, p. 16, t. v., f. 1. Harv. Man. 177. Botrydina Grevillei, Meneg. Nost. p. 47. Byssus botryoides, Huds. Ang. 608. Lightf. Fl. Scot. p. 1006. Rehl. Cant. 447. Cococliloris radicata, Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 262. Olivia botryoides, Gray Arr. i., 349. Byssus pulverulenta viridis, Dillen. Muse. 3, t. 1, f. 5. Byssus botryoides saturate virens, Ray. Syn. 56, No. 5. On damp heaths and moors. Plate LXXXn.fig. 3. a, natural size ; b, cells magnified 400 diam. Aphanocapsa depxessa. (Hass.) RaWi. Alg. Eur. n., 51. Thallus somewhat hemispherical, depressed, gelatinous, green. Cells sphserical or irregular, variable in size. SIZE. Cells -0025--003 mm. Palmella depressa, Berk. Glean. 19, t. 5, f. 4. Harv. Man. 178. Coccochloris depressa, Meneg. Nost. 68. Hass. Alg. p. 316, t. 78, f. 4 «, b. Growing on an old pump, at Cotterstock, Northamptonshire, constantly moistened with the drippings from the spout. " Fronds bright yellow-green, gelatinous, subhemispherical, depressed, crowded together, filled with more or less globose or angular very minute granules." — Berkeley. Plate LXXXV1. Jig. 4. a, plant natural size ; &, cells magnified 400. GENUS 84. MICROCYSTIS. Kutz. (1833.) Cells sphgerical, numerous, densely aggregated, enclosed in a very thin globose mother vesicle, forming solid families, singly, or several, surrounded by a universal tegument. Cell division in three directions alternately. This genus as defined by Eabenhorst (Alg. Eur. ii., 51) not appearing to differ essentially from Anacystis, both are united in this work. 212 CYSTIPHOR.E. XVXicrocystis protogenita. (Bias.) Eabli. Alg. Eur. n., 51. Thallus membranaceous, thin, green; families small, angular from mutual pressure ; cells small, spherical ; cell-contents granular, pale blue-green. SIZE. Families, -02 mm. Cells, -0015--002 mm. Micraloa protogenita, Bias. Alg. Micr. t. xix. Meneg. Nost. t. xiv., fig. 1 (partly). In water long standing, stagnant ditches, amongst other Alga3, &c. Plate LXXXVI. fig. 5. Families magnified 400 diam. XKicrocystis marginata. (Meneg?) Kirch. Alg. Schl. 255. Thallus spha3rical, flattened, or orbicular and lens-shaped, sometimes confluent, pale-green, colourless at the margin ; cells minute ; cell contents blue-green, at length granular. SIZE. Cells -003--004 mm. Families 'S--03 mm. Anacystis marginata, Meneg. Nost. 93, t, 13, f. 1 , Kabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 52. In ditches, free swimming. Plate LXXXVI, fig. 6. Families magnified 400 diam. GENUS 85. CLATHROCYSTIS. Henfrey. (1856.) Frond, a microscopic gelatinous body, at first solid, then saccate, ultimately clathrate (fragments of the broken fronds occurring in irregularly lobed forms) composed of a colourless matrix, in which are imbedded innumerable minute cells, which multiply by division within the frond as it increases in size. — Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1856, p. 53. Clathrocystis aesruginosa. Henf. Micr. Journ. 1856, p. 53, f. 4, f. 28-36. Fronds floating in vast strata on freshwater pools, forming a bright green scum, presenting to the naked eye a finely granular appearance ; when dried, appearing like a crust of verdigris ; cells minute. SIZE. Fronds -03--13 mm. ; cells '0025--0035 mm. Kabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 54. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 254. Microcystis ceruginosa, Kutz. Tab. i., t. 8. Polycystis ceruginosa, Kutz. Spec. 210. On fresh water lakes. "The smallest fronds met with are usually roundish or ellipsoidal. When quite young they appear to be solid, but as they grow by the multi- plication of the internal cells and the secretion of gelatinous matter, the expansion takes place chiefly near the periphery, so that the frond becomes a hollow body. The walls of the sac then give way, and, as the expan- CHROOCOCCACEJ]:. 213 sion proceeds, orifices are formed in different parts, until the whole becomes a coarsely latticed sac or clumsy net of irregularly lobed form. Then this becomes broken up into irregular fragments of all shapes and sizes (giving the stratum, a granular appearance to the naked eye), each of which recommences the expanding growth, and becomes a latticed frond. The internal cells are very minute, but have a distinct margin with internal granules. They multiply by dividing into two and four. The gelatinous frond always presents a transparent border or peripheral stratum, destitute of green cells ; but no boundary membrane exists, the surface exhibiting a softened or half-dissolved aspect. On the approach of winter the fronds ceased to increase, and by degrees most of the gelati- nous masses faded to a light brownish tint, swelled up and settled to the bottom of the water in light flocculent clouds. They appear to become half-dissolved, and to allow the green cells to become free, as many of the latter were found free, adhering to the sides of the vessel. Perhaps these reproduce the fronds in the next season. No zoospores were ever de- tected."— Henfrey. Clathrocystisroseo-persicina,, Colin., is already included in this work, as Pleurococcus roseo-ptrsici/tus, pi. 2, fig. 0. Plate LXXXVL fig. 7. a, Thalli magnified 200 cliam. ; 6, cells mag- nified 400 diam. GENUS 86. CffiLOSPHJERIUM. Nag. (1849.) Thalliis globose, small, vesicular, hollow, composed of small cells, which are associated in families at the periphery, im- mersed in a mucous stratum, formed from the speedily confluent teguments. Increase by division of the cells in all directions, Ccelosphaerium Kutzingianuxn. Nag. Elm. Alg. p. 54, t. 1 c. Families sphasrical. Cells stibglobose, geminate, or quater- nate, loosely disposed ; cell-contents blue-green, delicately granulose. SIZE. Cells '002-'005 mm. ; families '06 mm. and more. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 55. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1869, p. 197. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 254. In ponds, meres, &c. Plate LXXXVII.fig. 1. Families magnified 400 diarn. GENUS 87. GOMPHOSPHffiRIA. Kutz. (1836.) Cells wedge-shaped, peripherical, 2-4-8 associated in radiating families nestling in jelly, covered with a tegument, and forming a solid globose free-swimming thallus. Cells dividing alter- nately in three directions. Gomphosphaeria aponina. Kutz. Tab. I., t. 31, f. 3. Thallus microscopical, blue-green, often becoming pale, tegu- ment colourless, rather thick and somewhat lamellose, central cells smaller, cell-contents verdigris or pale blue-green, 214 CYSTIPHOR^:. SIZE, Cells '004 mm. cliam. to '01 mm. long ; families "05 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 56. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 255. In ditches. Plate LXXXVII. fig. 2. Families magnified 400 diam. ; a, J, c, d, cells in various stages of subdivision, further magnified — after Eeinsch. GENUS 88. MERISIYIOPEDXA. Hey en. (1839.) Cells globose, at the time of division oblong, rather thick, teguments confluent, 4-8-16-32-64-128 associated in tabular families of a single stratum, forming a quadrate, plane, free- swimming thallus. Goebel has observed the formation of zoospores in this genus, See " Botanische Zeitung," 1880, p. 490. n/Ierismopedia violacea. Kutz. Spec. 472. Thallus mucous, colourless, or nearly so, indefinite, families small, composed of 4-32 remote very minute cells ; cell-contents homogenous, violet. SIZE. Cells '001--0015 mm.; families *015 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 57. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 254. In ponds, ditches, &c., amongst other Alga3. Plate LXXXV1I. fig. 3. Families magnified 400 diam. lYIerismopedia glauca. Nag. Einz. Alg. t. 1, D. 1. Thallus more or less limited, glaucous green, margin slightly sinuately crenate ; families composed of 16-48-64 (rarely more) oval or globose cells ; cell-contents pale blue-green. SIZE. Cells '003-'005 mm. ; families -04-'05 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 56. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 253. Gonium glaucum, Ehrb. Infus. 56, t. 3, f. 5. In stagnant water. Plate LXXXVII. fg. 4. Families magnified 400 diam. IVIe:rismopedia punctata. Meyen in Wirgm. Arch. 1839, p. 67. Thallus less limited, almost colourless, for the most part com- posed of 4-64 remote cells ; cell-contents pale blue-green. SIZE. Cells '033 mm. ; families '06 mm. Kutz. Tab. i., t. 38, f. 3. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 57. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 254. In stagnant water. Plate LXXXVII. Jig. 5. Families magnified 400 diam. CIJROOCOCCACE^E. 215 Merismopeiia ventriculi. Rolin Veg. Par. t. I,/. 8. Thallus mucous-membranaceous, firm, -whitish or yellowish ; families composed of numerous cells (8-4096) ; cell-contents pale bluish. SIZE. Cells -008 mm. cliam. ; families -03--05 X -016--02 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 58. Ktichenm. Par. p. 13, t. 1. Merismopcedia Goodsiri, Husem. de Anim. p. 13. Sarcina ventriculi, Goodsir in Edin. Mecl. and Surer. Journ. 1842, p. 430, t. 57. Welcker in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. viii., p. 163. In the human stomach, &c. Doubtfully included here. Recently authors have classed it with Schizomycetes in preference to Algre. Plate LXXXV1I. fig. 6. a, cells magnified 400, 6, cells very highly magnified. After Robin. Merismopedia renis. (Hepw.) Rabli. Alg. Eur. n., 59. Families composed of from 8 to 64 cells. SIZE. No dimensions given. Sarcina renis, Hepworth in Micr. Journ. v. 1857, p. 1, with woodcut. In the human kidneys. This very obscure organism, like the last, is included here with con- siderable doubt. It may be said that nothing more is known of it than the meagre diagnosis above given. Sarcina ossium, Stephens, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. xx., p. 514, is equally uncertain. Plate LKXXV11. Jig. 7. Cells very considerably but indefinitely mag- nified. After Hepworth. GENUS 89. TETRAPEDIA. Reinsch. (1867.) Cells compressed, quadrangular or triangular, equilateral, becoming subdivided into quadrate or cuneaie segments, or rounded lobes, either by deep vertical or oblique incisions, or by wide angular or rounded sinuses. " Amongst unicellular Algse falling under the class ChloropJiyttaceee, forms with specially figured cells — that is, otherwise than globular, ellip- soidal, or cylindrical, with more or less abruptly or broadly rounded ends — are, as is well known, numerous ; but amongst such plants belonging to the class Pkycochromacefs , so frequently found in the same situations associated with the foregoing, so far as I am aware, not until recently has attention been drawn to any examples of a specially figured outline. " It does not appear, until the genus Tetrapedia was founded by Professor Reinsch for two new and singular exceedingly minute chroococcaceous forms, that examples of specially figured forms were known in this family of Algae. 2 H 216 CYSTIPHOR.E. " So far as our acquaintance with these little Algee reaches, there appear to exist four (if not five) distinct, yet kindred forms of figured ' Chroo- coccaceae ' — their remarkable shapes preclude their being regarded as ' Lichen-gonidia,' but whether mature plants or stages in the growth of any more complicated structure remains a problem. Ours are at least forms which here and there recur, and one can at once recognise them as always offering the same charactersitics and as maintaining their apparent individuality. Whether they are ' species ' or not, it may be a matter of convenience, should observers meet them elsewhere, and be able to throw a light upon them, to have at least a means of their recognition ; for these reasons it occurs to me as desirable to record them under Reinsch's genus." — W. Archer in Grevillea I., p. 44. Tetrapedia Crux -Michael! . Eeinsch Alg. Mitt. Frank. Cells quadrate, lateral margins entire, with two shallow con- cavities, each extending half the length of the side, thus pro- ducing an obtuse-angled central prominence, deeply incised at the angles, incisions diagonal, rectilineal, deep, acute below, slightly expanding upwards, thus bisecting the angles, and dividing the cell into four broadly cuneate segments, the upper angles of which are subacute (the incisions ultimately com- pleted, and the cell breaking up ?) ; in side view lanceolate, ends acute. SIZE. Cells -008--012 mm. diam. Archer in Grevillea i., p. 45. Eeinsch Algenflora, t. i., fig. 6. In running water (very scantily) near Mullingar, Co. West- meath, Ireland. Plate LXXXVIL fg. 8. Cells magnified 600 diam. Tetrapedia Reinschiana. Archer in Grevillea I., p. 46, t. 3, f. 11-13. Cells quadrangular, two opposite margins excavated by a wide triangular sinus, thus subdividing the cell into two broadly cuneate segments connected by a wide isthmus, and somewhat convex on their lower margins ; the other two opposite margins of the cell, that is the upper margins of the segments, very slightly concave at the middle, somewhat raised towards the acute outer angles ; in side view oblong, constricted at the middle, ends rounded. SIZE. Largest cell 'OOTS-'Ol mm. diam. In moor pools, Co. Dublin and Wicklow. Plate LXXXril. fig. 9. Cells magnified 600 diam. Tetrapedia setigera. Archer in Grevillea i.,p. 46, t. 3, fig. 14-17. Cells triangular, the lateral margins somewhat deeply ex- cavated by a broad rounded sinus dividing the cell into three CHROOCOCCACExE. 217 lobes, rounded at the ends, and each terminated by a very delicate straight bristle, in length about equal to the diameter of the cell ; in side view oblong, somewhat inflated at the middle at each side, ends round, and each seen tipped by the bristle. SIZE. Cells without bristles -0062--0075 mm., including the bristles '016--02 mm., from end to end. In moor pools, Co. Dublin and Wicklow. Plate LXXXVIL fig- 10. Cells magnified about 600 diam. After Archer. GENUS 90. SYNECHOCOCCUS. Nag. (1849.) • Cells oblong, usually single, sometimes 2-4 connected in a series constituting a family. Cell membrane thin, cell-contents blue green ; now and then yellow or pale orange. Tegument absent. Division in one direction only. Synechococcus crassus. Archer Micr. Journ. 1867, p. 87. Cells broadly elliptic, about one half longer than broad ; cell wall very thin. In shallow pools. Bray's Head, Ireland. Larger than the largest of Nageli's species (S. ceruginosus*), from which it is also distinguished by its elliptic or egg-shaped cells, somewhat narrowing towards the gradually rounded ends, and not cylindrical, with rounded truncate ends. No figures or measurements of this species have been published, and only the bare description reproduced above. GENUS 91. GL "Wittr. & Nord. Alg. Exs. No. 195. Nostoc intricatum, Meneg. Nost. Ital. p. 122. Borzi Alghe Fico. p. 283. In ditches (slightly brackish). " Forming small roundish gelatinous masses, floating amongst different species of Lemna in fresh water, but probably within the influence of the tide, and also amongst Enteromorpha intestinalis, and even within the frond in brackish water. The plant is at first of an olive yellow gradually assuming a greener tint, and when dried of a deep verdigris. Very gelatinous, delicately branched, the branches very flaccid. Under a high magnifier the whole plant is evidently composed of gelatine, in the centre of which runs a single moniliform filament, following the ramifications, and in its progress curling to and fro repeatedly across the thread, the joints bein_' nearly globular. The specimens from the interior of Enteromorplta are paler, and have longer joints amongst the globular ones." — Plate LXXXIX. Jig. 1. Nostoc Linkia (intricata) nat. size, after Berkeley. Fig. 2. Nostoc completely developed, composed of the interlacings of a single trichome X 350. Fig. 3. Portion of trichome, spores arrived at complete maturity X 650. Fig. 4. a, spore commencing to germinate ; b, c, d, e, spores in germination more or less advanced X 650. Fig. 5. Germinating filament changed into a hormogone X 650. Fig. 6. Free hormogone X 650. Fig. 7. Motile trichornes segmenting in fragments, of which each constitutes a hormogone. Fig. 8. Immovable hormogone commencing to develope X 640. Fig. 9. Development of hormogones X 650. Fig. 10. Group of spores germinating X 350. Fig. 11. Chaplets of spores obtained by cultivation in germination X 650. Figs 2 to 11. After Bornet. Nostoc piscinale. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. IL, t. 11, /. 3. Fronds attached or free swimming, bullate and tuberculate, verdigris green, rarely rnfescent, becoming olivaceous by age. Trichomes loosely interwoven, joints equal in diameter, rather distant. Spores subglobose. SIZE. — Joints •0037-'004 mm., heterocysts '006 mm., spores •007 x -008mm. Born. & Thuret Notes Alg. ii., 90. Nostoc lacustre, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 11, f. 2. Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 179. Borzi Alghe Fico. p. 281. Nostoc agglutinans, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 10, f. 1. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 178. In ditches. Plate LXXXIX. jig. 12. Trichomes of N. piscinale X 400 ; fig. 13, portion of trichome with heterocyst x 600 ; fig. 14, spores in course of development, with mature spores X 600; fig. 15, spores in the early stages of germination. X 600. NOSTOCE-E. 229 carneum. Aq. Syst. Alg. p. 22. Frond indefinitely expanded, bullate and undulate, flesh coloured, rufescent or purplish. Trichomes loosely interwoven, joints equal, sheath none, in- distinct, or uacoloured, spores oval. SIZE. Joints -OOoT-'OOl mm., heterocysts '006 mm. diam., spores -006 X '009 mm. Rabh. Alg. Ear. ii., p. 180. Born, and Tliuret, Notes Alg. p. 91. Nostoc variegalum, Harv. Man. 183. Kutz. Sp. Alg. 301. Hass. Alg. p. 287, t. 74, f. 3. Nostoc purpurascens, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 11, f. 4. Nostoc rufescens, Ag. Syst. 22. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 179. On rocks. "First collected in Ireland in 1836, growing on the face of a moist bank over which water trickled. When recent it formed a soft gelatinous mass, of a livid colour, bearing the closest resemblance, both in substance and colour, to those gelatinous medusee which are cast ashore along the coast."-— Moore. Plate XC. Jig. 1. Nostoc cavneum, natural size ; fig. 2, trichomes X 400 ; fig. 3, development of spores X 600. II. GELATINOSA. Fronds soft and gelatinous, adherent, joints of trichome cylindrical^ elongated in the young filaments. Spores oblong, large. Nostoc spongiaeforme. Ag. Syst. Alg. pt 22. Frond at first subglobose, then indefinitely expanded, be- coming rather firm, pale seruginous or olive green, surface tuberculated. Trichomes heterogenous, composed of two sorts of joints, one cylindrical the other cask-shaped, or compressed sphserical. Heterocysts globose. Spores smooth, oblong. SIZE. Joints '004 mm., heterocysts •G07-'OOS mm., spores •006--007 x -01--012 mm. Born. & Thuret Notes Alg. p. 92. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii. 178. Kutz. Tab. Pbyc. ii., t. 9, f. 4. Nostoc inundatum, Kutz. Spec. Alg. 299. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 171. Hormosiphon inundatum, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 27, f. 2. Hormosiphon stagnalis, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 27, f. 3. Hormosiphon natans, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 27, f. 4. In wet or inundated places. Plate XC. fg. 4. Nostoc spongioeforme, natural size ; fig. 5, young trichome ; fig. 6, mature trichome X 4UO ; fig. 7, portion of mature trichome X 600. 230 NEMATOGEN^E. Nostoc ellipsosporum. (Desm.) Rabh. Alg. Eur. n., 169. Plant terrestrial. Frond plane, applied to the ground by the lower surface, gelatinous, rufous brown. Tricbomes densely interwoven, pale a?ruginous green, joints cylindrically elongated, loosely connected, slieatbs broad, homo- genous. Heterocysts elongated, elliptical, spores oblong, smooth. SIZE. Joints '004 mm., heterocysts -006--007 mm., spores •006 x -006--008 x -019 mm. Born. & Thuret Notes Alg. ii., 94, t. xxvii., fig. 7-11. Hormosiphon ellipsosporum^ Desm. PL Crypt. No. 133. On the ground amongst moss. Plate XC. Jig. 8. Trichome of Nostoc ellipsosporum producing spores X 400 ; fig. 9, portion of trichome which at one extremity exhibits the sheath ; fig. 10, trichome with the greater part of the joints transformed into spores ; fig. 11, young trichome from germinating spore. Figs. 9, 10, 11, X 600 diam. after Bornet. III. HUMIFUSA. Species terrestrial. Fronds at first globose, then confluent, and forming gelatinous patches adhering by their lower face. Spores smooth. Nostoc muscorum. Ag. Disp. Alg. p. 55. Frond dark green, foliaceous, tuberculate, opaque. Trichomes diffused, irregularly interwoven, pale geruginous green. Sheaths confluent. Heterocysts spherical, usually intercalated. Spores oval. SIZE. Joints -0035 mm., heterocysts -005 mm., spores -006 x -01 mm. Born. & Thuret Notes Alg. p. 96, t. 27. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 173. Eng. Fl. v., 399. Hass. Alg. 292, t. 74, f. 4. Gray Arr. i., 351. On calcareous rocks, and the mosses that cover them. Plate XC. fig. 12. Nostoc muscorum nat. size ; fig. 13, trichome X 400; fig. 14, sterile trichome; fig, 15, fructifying trichome; fig. 17, trichome with spores involved in sheath ; figs. 17, 18, spores germinating ; figs. 14-18, X GOO, after Bornet. Nostoc humifusum. Carm. Eng. Fl. n., 399, Frond small, at first globose or subglobose, from the size of a peppercorn, olive, then brownish, shining opaque when dry. Trichomes olive, slender, vertically folded, sheaths well de- fined. Heterocysts globose. Spores oval. SIZE. Joints -0022 mm., heterocysts '003 mm., spores '004 x-006 mm. NOSTOCE.E. 231 Harv. Man. p. 184. Born. & Thuret Notes Alg. p. 99. Nostoc parietinum, Rabh. Alg. Ear. ii., 178. Anabaena granularis, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 94, f. 6. Nostoc granulare, Rabh. Alg. Ear. ii., 163. Nostoc tepidariorum, Braun. in Rabh. Alg. No. 2461, 2462. On mosses and on walls in greenhouses, &c. Plate XC I. fig. I. Nostoc humlfiisnm, nat. size; fig. 2, trichome x 400 ; fig. 3, portion of trichome x GOO. IV. COMMUNIA. Species terrestrial. Fronds at first globose, then tongue-shaped^ plane or irregular. Nostoc commune. Vaucli. Con/, p. 222, t. 16,/. 1. Adult frond sub-orbicular, folded, undulating, entire or lobed, often perforated, olive, yellowish-brown, or becoming brownish. Trichomes flexuous, loosely interwoven, pale blue-green. Joints spherical, compressed, uniform. Heterocysts globose. SIZE. Joints, '0045-'006 (usually -005) mm., heterocysts •007 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 175. Hass. Alg. t. 74, f. 2. Borzi. Alghe Fico. p. 284. Eng. Bot, i., t. 2556, pi. p. 1625. Eng. Bot. i., t. 461. Relh. Cant. 441. Lightf. Fl. Scot. 898. Purt. Midi. Fl. ii., 612. Abbot. Bedf. 271. With. AIT. iv., 80. .Tenner Fl. Tunb. Wells, 190. Harv. Man. 183. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 262. Grev. Fl. Edin. 322. Mack. Hib. 245. Flor. Dev. ii., 49. Eng. Fl. v., 398. Dickie Bot. Guide, 310. Tremella nostoc, Linn. sp. Nostoc cinifionum, Born. & Thuret Notes Alg. ii., 102. Nostoc foliaceum, Ag, Syst. Alg. p. 19. Hass. Alg. t. 76, f. 2. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 173. Eng. Fl. v., 399. Harv. Man. 183. Mac. Hib. 245. Dickie Bot. Guide, 310. Nostoc arctum, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 7, f. 1. No-stoc littorale, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii , t. 8, f. 1. Nostoc prismaticum, Ces. in Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 169. Nostoc riigosum, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 11, f. 1. Nostoc salswn, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 8, f. 3. On wet ground. Plate XCL fig. 4. Nostoc commune, nat. size ; fig. 5 trichome x400 ; fig. 6, portions of trichome x 600, fig. 7, portion of trichome. V. SPH.ERICA. Fronds globose or subglobose (becoming irregular when they grow large), limited by a firm and resisting peridermic coating. Nostoc sphaericum. Vaucli. Conf. 223, t. 16, /. 2. Fronds firm, sphserieal, about the size of a pea, gregarious, olive or bluish-green, or brownish, with a firm brownish or colourless periderm. 2 K 232 NEMATOGEN.E. Trichomes compact, densely interwoven at the periphery, joints cask-shaped, or compressed sphserical, close together, uniform. Heterocysts subglobose. Spores oval, with a thick tegument, smooth. SIZE. Joints -004--005 mm., heterocysts -006 mm., spores •005 x -007 mm. Born. & Thuret Notes Alg. p. 108. Eabh. Alg. Eur. No. 746. Harv. Man. 184. Gray Arr. i., 352. Eng. Fl. v., 400. Hass. Alg. 289, t. 76, f. 5 (?). Dickie Bot. Guide, 330. Nostoc vesicarium, Menegh. Nost. Ital. p. 108 (not Harvey). Ulva pisiformis, Huds. Fl. Ang. ii., 572. In springs and mountain rivulets. " Fronds from half a line to two lines in diameter, globular, firm, smooth, solid, heaped on each other like a parcel of small shells. In- ternal filaments rather thinly scattered through the mass." — Carmichael. Plate XCI. Jig. 8. Nostoc spkcericum nat. size ; fig. 9, trichome x 400 ; fig. 10, portion of trichome x 600 ; fig. 11, spores x 600. Nostoc mpestre. Kutz. Spec. Alg. p. 296. Fronds soft, globose, olive, becoming brownish, often forming an irregular crust. Trichomes much spaced out, of unequal size, joints nearly sphaerical, sheaths often coloured, contrasting with the generally uncoloured jelly. Spores oval with a smooth tegument. SIZE. Joints '005- '008 mm., heterocysts '007 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 163. Thuret Notes Alg. p. 112. Borzi Alghe Fico. p. 283. Nostoc microscopicum, Carm. Harv. Eng. Fl. ii., 399. Harv. Man. 184. Mack. Hib. 245. On rocks, overrunning mosses. &c. This species is mixed up by Hassall with Nostoc mitscorum, if it be not in reality the whole of that species, for there is some doubt whether N. muscorum, as defined by Bornet and Thnret was known to him. Plate XCI. Jig. 12. Involved trichomes of N* rupestre x 400 ; figs. 13, 14, 15, young plants in course of development x 400, after Borzi. Nostoc macrosporum. Meneg. Mon.Nost. 116, t. 14, f. 2. Fronds very small, punctiform, geruginous-green, or brownish- olive. Trichomes large, bluish-green, or brownish, joints cylindrical, a little constricted at their junction. Sheaths broad, brownish or yellowish-brown. Heterocysts globose. Spores globose with a smooth tegument. SIZE. Joints '008-'009 mm., heterocysts '009-*01 mm. Born & Thuret Notes Alg. p. 112. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 163. Hass. Alg. 293, t. 73, f. 1, 2. Borzi Alghe Fico. p. 283. NOSTOCEJ3 233 B ormosiphon macrosporus, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 13, f. 1. Diplocolon Heppiij Itzig. Phyc. Stud. t. 11, f. 8-12. Nostoc pyreniacum, Ripart. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. (1868.) Nostoc ichthyon, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 164. On rocks among moss. Plate XC 1 1. Jigs. 1, 2. Involved trichomes of N. macrosporum x 400 ; fig. 3, development of hormogone, x 400, after Borzi. Nostoc caeruleum. Lyngb. Hydr. Dan. t. 68, /. B. Fronds, small, globose or subglobose Q to 4 lines) , fixed or free swimming, usually gregarious, blue or greenish-blue. Trichomes dissimilar, unequal, joints of two forms, the one (young) elongated, the other larger, nearly sphssrical, some- times filled with opaque granules. SIZE. Joints '004--007 mm., heterocysts -008 mm. Born. & Thuret Notes Alg. p. 114. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 167. Nord. & Wittr. Alg. Exs. No. 98. Grey. Sc. Crypt. Fl. 1. 131. Hass. Alg. 293, t. 76, f. 11, t. 75, f. 10, t. 74, f. 1. Eng. Fl. v., 400. Harv. Man. 183. Gray Arr. i., 352. Nostoc ccerulescens, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 168. Nostoc ftzigsohnii, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 168. On mosses and submerged plants. Plate XCII. fig. 4. Plants of Nostoc cceruleum natural size ; fig. 5. trichomes x 400 j fig. 6, portion of trichome x 600. Nostoc piunif orme . Ag. Disp. Alg. p. 45. Frond from the size of a pea to that of a damson, or larger, olive or dark eeruginous-green, when old becoming blackish- brown, with a coriaceous periderm, and watery within. Trichomes loosely interwoven, joints subglobose, compressed, closely connected. Heterocysts globose, usually terminal. SIZE. Joints '004-'005 mm., heterocysts <(J06-'007 mm. Born. & Thuret Notes Alg. p. 116. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii. Kutz. Tab. Phy. ii., t. 4, f. 4. Witt. & Nord. Alg. Exs. 97, 276. (?) Berk. Glean, t. 19, f. 2. Hass. Alg. 291, t. 76, f. 3,4. Eng. Fl. v., 399. Harv. Man. 183. Gray Arr. i., 352. Ulva pruniformis, Hiuls. Aug. ii., 572. Abbot. Bedf. 274. With. Arr. iv., 120. Hull. Br. Fl. 310. Nostoc coccymelon, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 4, f. 3. In freshwater pools, rivulets, &c. Plate XCII. fig. 7. Nostoc pruniforme, natural size ; fig. 8. trichome x 400 ; fig. 9, portion of trichome, with spores in course of formation x600. 234 NEMATOGEN.E. VI. VERRUCOSA. Species aquatic. Fronds rounded or discoid r filled, then hollow, witli a tough periderm. Nostoc veirmcosum. VancJi. Conf. 225, t. xvi., /. 3. Fronds subglobose or nodulose, warted, brownish-green, jelly tolerably soft, limited at the circumference by a firm, and tough periderm. Trichomes slender, somewliat compact, spaced out, and a, little flexuous at the centre, more compact and distorted at the periphery, where they are often deprived of sheaths. Joints subglobose, closely connected. Heterocysts spherical. SIZE. Joints '003-'0035 mm., heterocysts -006 mm., spores •005--007 mm. Born. & Thuret Notes Alg. p. 117. Thur. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1844, ii., t. 9, f. 1-5. Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 176. Borzi Alghe Fico. p. 284. Hass. Alg. 291, t. 76, f. 1. Grev. Fl. Ed. 323. Hook. FL Scot, ii., 74. Mack. Hib. 245. Fl. Dev. ii., 49. Gray AIT. i., 351. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 9, f. 11. Eng. FL v., 400. Harv. Man. 183. Dickie Bot. Guide, 310. Nostoc irregulare, Wartm. in Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 167. Nostoc nival e, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 8, f. 4. Nostoc Peloponnesiacum, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 9, f. 3. Nostoc splicericum, Meneg. Nost. Ital. 110. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 3, f. 2. Tremella verrucosa, Huds. Fl. Aug. Lightf. Fl. Scot. 898, With. AIT. iv., 81. In streams, attached to stones. Plate XCII. fig. 10. Nostoc verrucosiim, natural size ; fig. 11. tri- chomes x 400 ; figs. 12-13, portions of trichome ; fig. 14, horrnogones undergoing division ; figs. 12 to 14 x 600, after Thuret ; fig. 16, spores; fig. 17, spore in germination x 600. GEN PS 95. ANABAENA. Bory. (1823.) Trichomes moniliform, without sheaths (or rarely vaginate), composed of sub-globose cells, some of which become changed into globose or elongated spores, usually yellowish brown or golden brown. Heterocysts intercalated in the trichomes. Spores originating in cells not adjoining the heterocysts. — Born, and Thur. Notes Alg. Eecent authors have modified this genus in different directions. Borzi does not adopt the same limitations as Thuret, neither does Kirchuer or Professors Nordstedt and Wittrock. 235 Professor Wittrook suggests that the genus Anabaena should be divided into four sab-genera, under the following designations : — SUB-GEN. 1. Trichormus. Spores globose, or subglobose, hetero- cysts intercalated, distant from the spores. SUB-GEN. 2. Dolichospermum. Spores subellipsoid or sub- cylindrical, heterocysts as in Trichormus. SUB-GEN. 3. Sphaerozyga. Spores subellipsoid or subcylindrical, heterocysts intercalated, proximate to the spores. SUB-GEN. 4. Cylindrospermum. Spores subellipsoid or cylindrical, heterocysts for the most part terminal and proximate to the spores. Anabaena flos-aquae. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 94. Free swimming, membranaceous, blue-green. Trichomes more or less curved, often circinate, joints sphserical, or from mutual pressure elliptic or quadrate. Heterocysts intercalated, elliptical. Spores globose. SIZE. Cells -0045--006 nmi ; heterocysts -012--014 mm. long ; spores 'OOS-'Ol mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 182. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 235. Nostoc ftos aquce, Lyngb. Hydro, t. 68, f. D. Trichormus incurvus, Allm. Ann. Nat. Hist, xi., 163. var. circinalis. Kirch. Alg. Sclil. 235. Trichomes more circinate, and joints rather larger. SIZE. Cells -007--01 mm. ; spores -012- -014 mm. diam. Anabaena circinalis, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 183. Anabaena spiralis, Thompson Ann. Nat. Hist. (1846) v., p. 81. Trichormus spiralis, Ralfs Ann Nat. Hist. (1850) p. 328. In ponds, moor pools, &c. Plate XCIII. Jig. 1. Trichomes X 40Q diam.; b Trichormus spiralis after Ralfs ; c var. circinalis, trichomes x 400. From the description and figure given by Ealfs, under the name of Trichormus spiralis, we have no donbt that Thompson's Alga, which himself termed Anabaena spiralis, was the variety circinalis of this species, although Hassall's figure and interpretation is entirely different. The account which Thompson gives of his " Alga which colours Bally- drain Lake," is as follows : — " On visiting the lake (July 15) to-day I found that the whole body of water was tinged with a dull faintly glaucous hue. On going out in a boat to ascertain the cause of this appearance, I saw that the wrater was everywhere filled with extremely minute particles, which might be com- pared to the motes in a sunbeam. To the unassisted eye they seemed as delicate as the finest human hair, and of a spiral form. On enquiry I learned that the appearance had been observed only for the last four or five years, and for about three months in each year. One of my friends had looked upon its approach with dread, as it interfered so much with his angling, that during the period of its continuance this spot had to be abandoned." Subsequently the plant was observed as 2 L 236 NEMATOGEN.E. late as the 27th September, but on October 7th all had disappeared. In the following year the Alga was seen first on the 3rd of July, and last on the 23rd of September. " The specimens obtained were invariably of similar breadth, and rarely presented more than four spiral turns, and when of this size were l-50thof an inch in length. The species at first, when mingling with the water, is of a dark green colour, when in calm weather it ascends to the surface in separate particles it appears pale green ; when it does so en masse (the earliest symptoms of decay) it is of a pale blue, and in the last stage of decomposition ferruginous. When two of the spiral portions come in contact they have an elastic power, by which they can, though slowly, disentangle themselves, and separate from each other." Anabaena vaxiabilis. Kutz. Phyc. Gen, Gelatinous, submembranaceous, deep blue-green. Trichomes slightly flexuously curved, almost parallel, verdigris green, joints globose or elliptic, compressed or depressedly subcylindrical, I-ITT times longer tban broad ; heterocysts intercalated, paler ; spores numerous, seriate, ellipsoid, golden tawny, with a rather thick membrane. SIZE. Cells -0035--004 mm. ; heterocysts '007 mm. ; spores •00801 x -012mm. Sphcerozyga Thwaitesii, Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 113, B, Sphaerozyga variabilis, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 96, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 193. Tricliormus rectus, Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. (1850) t. 8, f. 6. Anabaena licheniformis, Hass. Alg. 82, t. 75, f . 4 ? Trichormus Thwaitesii, Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. (1850) p. 329, t. 8, f. 4. In ditches. It forms thin gelatinous dark green patches either on the damp soil covered at springtides, or at the bottom of brackish ditches and pools. Plate XCI2I. fig. 2. Trichomes X 400, with heterocysts and spores. Anabaena Hassallii. Nord. and Wittr. Algce Exs. Trichomes equal, curved, often circinate, interwoven in a thin blue-green stratum, joints globose or more or less compressed, delicately granular ; heterocysts sphaerical, colourless, interca- lated without order ; spores oblong cylindrical, single or in pairs, distinctly curved, dark blue green, densely granulated, l^-2^ times as long as broad. SIZE. Cells '008 mm. ; heterocysts •009-'01 mm. ; spores •012 x 025 mm. Sphcerozyga Hassallii, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 195. Anabaena flos-aquce, Hass. Alg. 282, t. 75, f. 2, Harv. Man. p. 186. Dolichospermum Thompsoni, Ann. Nat. Hist. (1850), t. 9, f. 3. NOSTOCEJS. 237 Anabaena circinalis, Phillips in Grevillca ix., p. 4, t. 134, figs, e, /, g. In ditches with Confervce, and floating on lakes. " Floating like powdered verdigris on mountain lochs." This species seems to be variable in the form and size of the spores, and in the number of vegetative cells which occur between the heterocysts and spores. Wittrock has figured varieties in which two, or even sometimes one, cell intervenes between the heterocyst and spore, alluding to the fact that in English specimens they are sometimes in juxtaposition. Al- though technically the Shropshire specimens would seem to belong to Sphcerozyga, yet in all other features they agree so well with this species that we have cited them here as abnormal forms of the present species. Plate XC 111. Jig. 3. Portions of trichomes with heterocysts and spores X 400 ; b, after Kalfs ; c, after Phillips. Anabaena Ralfsii. (Ruiz.) Forming extensive strata of a velvety rich dark green colour, sometimes verging towards verdigris green. Trichomes moniliform, joints sphserical. Heterocysts ellip- tical, spores elliptic or cylindrical, one or two in each series not contiguous to the heterocysts. SIZE. Cells -004 mm. diam. Heterocysts -005--006 x 008 mm. Spores -008--01 x -022--03 mm. SpTicsrozyga Ralfsii (Thw.) Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 193. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 237. Doliclwspermum Raljsii, Ann. Nat. His. 1850, t. 9, f. 2. Cylindrospermwn Ralfsii, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. t. 98, f. 7. In bogs and rivulets. " Distinguished from A. intequalis by its elliptical heterocysts (which are comparatively less broad), by its more orbicular ordinary joints, and by having fewer spores." — Ralfs. Plate XCIV. 'fig. 1. Trichomes with heterocysts and spores X 400 diam. Anabaena Smithii. (7 Ait;.) Nord. $ Wittr. Alg. Exs. No. 197. Trichomes straight, each included in a definite gelatinous sheath ; joints sTibsphserical, compressed, about as long as wide ; heteroeysts subsphserical somewhat barrel shaped, half as wide again as the joints, puncta very distinct ; spores cylindrical, very unequal in length, with the ends rounded and somewhat trun- cate. SIZE. Cells -004--006 mm. diam. Heterocysts -008--009 x •009--013 mm. Spores -009--012 x -02--04 mm. (Wittrock.) Dolichospermum /Smithii, Thwaites Ann. Nat. Hi*t. IboO, t. 9, f. 4. In boggy pools with other Alga?. 238 NEMATOGEtt^E. " Immediately distinguishable from its congeners on account of its possessing a definite gelatinous sheath to each of its filaments, which are of smaller diameter than those of any other species of Dolicliosper- mum. The ordinary cells are subspherical, somewhat compressed, and of less diameter than the heterocysts, which are barrel-shaped, and with very distinct puncta. The numerous spores, which are about twice the diameter of the ordinary cells, are elongated and cylindrical, very variable in length and in the number which occur together, and their ends are slightly truncate." — Rolfs. Plate XCIII. fig. 7. Portions of trichomes with heterocysts and spores X 400 ; fig. a from Scandinavian specimens ; fig. b from British specimens. Anabaena oscillarioides. Bory. Diet. Hist. Nat. Forming a bluish green stratum. Trichomes elongated flexuous, joints subquadrate, distinct ; heterocysts barrel-shaped or elliptic. Spores oval, catenate, somewhat larger than the vegetative cells. SIZE. Cells -G04--005 x -004--006 mm. Heterocysts -006- •008 x -007--009 mm. Spores -007--008 X '008--012 mm. (Wittrock.) Nord. & Wittr. Alg. Ex. No. 196. Sphcerozyga oscillarioides } Kutz. Sp. Alg., p. 291. Borzi. Alg. Fico. 286. Trichormus oscillarioides, Kalfs in Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850, p. 329, t. 8, f. 5. In brackish ditches. " It differs from A. TTiivaitesii by its more quadrate ordinary cells, and by its smooth and elliptical heterocysts." — Ralfs. Plate XCIII. fig. 6. Portions of trichomes with spores and hetero- cysts X 400. Anabaena Thwaitesii. (Ralfs.) Trichomes moniliform, straight or nearly so, joints quadrate. Heterocysts oblong sub-quadrate, hardly exceeding the joints in diameter. Spores numerous, cylindrical with truncate ends, very variable in length. SIZE. Cells -006--007 mm. Heterocysts -008 x '01 mm. Spores -01--012 X '025--03 mm. Dolichospenniim Thwaitesii^ Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850, 337, t. 9, f. 5. In freshwater pools, and brackish ditches. Allied to A. Smitliii, but its filaments are not included in a definite gelatinous sheath. Its filaments are also stouter, and there is a differ- ence in the form of its cells. The heterocysts are quadrangular, and hardly exceed in diameter the ordinary cells. The cylindrical truncated spores are numerous, many in a chain, and variable in length, about twice the diameter of ordinary cells. Plate XC11I. fig. 5. Portions of trichomes with heterocysts and spores X 400. NOSTOCE^E. 239 Uncertain Species. Anabaena inaequalis. (Ealfs.) Braun., in litt. Forming extensive strata consisting of thick gelatinous masses of a deep green colour. Trichomes stout, moniliform, elongated, joints distinct, at first quadrate, finally orbicular, with granular contents. Heterocysts globose, broader than the ordinary joints, occurring at short intervals. Spores 3-4 times longer than broad, with truncate ends, in chains of two to five. SIZE. Not determined. Dolicliospermum incequale, Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850, 335, t. 9, fig. 1. Sphcerozyga incequalis, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 96. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 194? In boggy pools. We have seen no specimens of this, or of Kutzing's Splicsrozyga incequalis, and therefore cannot pronounce on their identity. Mr. Ealfs says that " this plant forms extensive strata, composed of thick gelatinous masses of a deep green colour. Filaments elongated, con- sisting of from 100 to 200 cells, and, being stouter than in most species belonging to this genus, visible to the naked eye. Ordinary cells dis- tinct, quadrate in immature specimens, but at length nearly spherical, appearing punctate on account of the scattered granular matter which they contain. Vesicular cells (Heterocysts) spherical broader than the ordinary joints and occurring at short intervals. Spores 3 to 4 times longer than broad, with truncate ends ; in chains of from two to five members." May be known from A. Ralfsii by its spherical heterocysts and catenate spores. Plate XC11L fig. 4. Trichomes with heterocysts and spores X 400 ; after Ealfs. GENUS 96. APHANIZOMENON. Morren. (1839.) Thallus membranaceous, free swimming, bright blue, blue green, or becoming olive. Trichomes medium size, a little attenuated towards the apex, agglutinated parallelly and very densely in fascicles, joints cylindrical, very closely connected, pale blue, nearly colourless and delicately granular. Spores elongated, cylindrical, rounded at the ends, pale blue, or some- what olive, exospore thin, quite smooth. Borzi Alg. Ficochrom. p. 279. Thuret places this genus next to Analaena, but, in the absence of heterocysts, it seems that its proper place would be in Lyngbyte, allied to Oscillaria. We have retained it here, in preference to altering the " key to the genera," which is given on page 221. 240 NEMATOGENJ2. Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Ealfs Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 9, /. 6. Floating, forming a pale or dark blue green stratum on the .surface of the water. Trichornes very thin, nearly straight, aggregated in membranaceous flakes which readily separate, either distinctly or indistinctly articulated, very pale blue or colourless. Joints cylindrical, about as long as broad, slightly granular. Spores more or less elongated cylindrical, 6-12 times as long as broad, granular. SIZE. Cells -003-004 mm. diam. Spores -005 x -03--04 mm. Allman, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1855, p. 21, t. 3. Byssusflos-aquce, Linn. Spec. Plant. (1753) No. 1168. Limnochlide flos-aquce, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 91, f. 2, a. Aphanizomenon incurvum, Morr. Bull. Brux., 1839, Harv. Man. 145, Hass. Alg. 280, t. 76, f. 6. Sphcerozyga flos-aquce, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 195. In ditches, ponds, and meres. One of the species of Algas which contribute to the phenomena cha- racterized as " breaking of the meres," Professor Allman thinks that he has observed heterocysts (see Micr. Journ. p. 22), but this is not con- firmed. Plate XC1V. fig. 1. a, Trichomes in bundles, X 200 ; b, Trichomes, with spores X 400. GENUS 97. SPHJEROZYGA. (Ac/.) Ealfs. (1850.) Trichomes involved in an amorphous, often very quickly diffluent, mucilage, rarely vaginate, agglutinated in an inde- finite gelatinous stratum ; joints sphserical, elliptical or oblong, transversely compressed and often quadrangular. Heterocysts intercalated, binary, or solitary. Spores originating in cells placed on each side of the heterocysts. Sphaexozyga Carmichaeli. Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 113. Stratum thin, of a dark or bluish green colour when recent, but opaque and glaucous when dry. Trichomes moniliforni, with tapering extremities ; joints distinct, somewhat quadrate. Heterocysts spherical. Spores oblong. SIZE. Cells -OU35--0045 mm. Heterocysts -006 mm. diam. Spores -008--01 X -018--025 mm. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i.,t. 99, f. 4. Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850, t. 8, f. 7. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 191. Belonia tonilosa, Garni. Eng. Fl. v., 379. Harv. Man. 167. On damp soil in salt marshes flooded at spring tides, in brackish ditches, &c. NOSTOCE.E. 241 " The best distinctive mark of this species is the subacute extremities, combined with the short filament and littoral habitat. There are rarely more than one or two groups of enlarged cells, when only one is present it is situated near the centre of the filament. I believe that the attenuated extremities are constant, at least in the young plant, unless the filament has been broken." — Ralfs. Plate XG1V. jig. 3. Portions of trichomes with heterocysts and spores X 400. Sphaerozyga Broomei. Thwaites in Harv. Phyc. Britt. Stratum bluish or yellowish green. Trichomes moniliform, joints subsphserical. Heterocysts smooth, subquadrate, rather longer than wide. Spores numerous, elliptical, twice as long as wide, not much exceeding in width the joints, commencing to be formed on either side next to the heterocysts. SIZE. Cells -004 mm. Heterocysts -005 x '006 mm. Spores -008 x '016 mm. Thwaites in Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 173, fig. A. Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. (1850) t. 8, fig. 10. On dead leaves of Myriophyllum in brackish ditch. " The gelatinous matrix is firmer than in many species of this genus. The numerous spores in each series distinguish it from every other species I am acquainted with." — Ralfs. Plate XC1V. fig. 4. Portions of trichomes, with heterocysts and spores X 400. Species imperfectly 'known. Sphaerozyga Berkeley ana. Thwaites in Harv. Phyc. Britt. Young trichomes included, one or several together in a de- fined mucous sheath. Joints spherical, compressed. Hetero- cysts spheroidal, slightly compressed. Spores usually two on each side of the heterocysts, large, twice the width of the joints, oblong, half as long again as wide, becoming brown when mature. SIZE. Cells about P006-'007 mm. Spores about -012 x •015 mm. Thwaites in Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 173, fig. B. Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850, 334, t. 8, fig. 11. Amongst Cladoplwra fracta, in brackish ditch. Mr. Ralfs says : " The turgid spores and large compressed heterocysts characterise this species," of which we have no knowledge. Plate XCVI. fig. 9. Portions of trichomes, with heterocysts and spores X about 400. After Harvey. 242 NEMATOGENJS. Sphaerozyga Jacobi. Rolfs Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850, 332, t. 8, Jig. 8. Forming thick bluish green gelatinous masses, from which the filaments issue in long rays. Trichomes elongated, ends attenuated, joints quadrate, then globose, the terminal one longer than broad, and usually conical. Heterocysts sphserical, larger than the joints. Spores oblong or cylindrical, one or two on each side of the heterocysts. SIZE. Cells about -005 mm. Spores -008 x '02--025 mm. Berkeley in Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2,826, fig. 2. Cylindrosporium licheniforme, Kutz. Spec. 292 ? In streams, pools, &c. We have seen no specimen of this, and cannot say whether it is Agardh's species or not. Although ignored by Continental botanists, it would seem from the figure, which we have reproduced, to be a distinct species. Plate XCIV. Jiff. 5. Portions of trichomes with heterocysts and spores X about 400, after Ralfs. Sphaerozyga Mooreana. Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850, t. 8, /. 12. Trichomes scattered, joints minute, somewhat orbicular. Heterocysts minute, barrel-shaped, much narrower than the spores. Spores very turgid, often nearly orbicular or broadly elliptical, much larger than the joints or heterocysts. SIZE. Cells about •Q035-'004 mm. Spores about -008 x •012--015 mm. Mixed with other algae. " I have only seen imperfect and dried filaments of this species inter- mixed with Nostoc variegatum, Moore ; in a recent state therefore the form of the joints may not agree with the above description, still the large turgid spores must distinguish it from every species but 8. Berkeley ana, and from that it differs in its heterocysts, which are com- paratively much smaller and also longer than broad." — Ralfs. Plate XCIV. fig. 6. Portion of trichome with heterocyst and spores X about 400 after Ralfs. Sphaerozyga leptosperma. Ralfs. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850, 334, t. 8, /. 13. Forming large shapeless gelatinous masses, varying from deep green to pale yellowish green. Trichomes elongated, not constricted at the dissepiments, joints longer than broad, separated only by transverse dissepi- ments, which are not contracted, and indeed are often so obscure that they can hardly be detected. Heterocysts at first barrel- shaped, finally elliptic, broad at the spores. Spores cylindrical, 4-6 times longer than broad truncate, slightly broader than the ordinary joints. NOSTOCE.E. 243 SIZE. Cells -004 mm. diam. Spores about -007 x -02--03 mm. Cylindrospermum leptospennum, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 99. f. 11. Bot. Leit. p. 198. In ditclies and pools. " The confluent vegetative cells, with their obscure dissepiments, dis- tinguish this from every other British species." — Rolfs. Of this also we have no personal knowledge. Plate J.QIV. fig. 8. Portion of trichome with heterocyst and spores X about 400. After Ralfs. Sphaerozyga elastica. Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850, 333, t. 8, fig. 9. Stratum deep bluish green, tender. Trichomes elongated, constricted at the dissepiments, joints about equal in length and breadth, but when dividing they lengthen, and though quadrate in the recent plant they acquire slightly rounded angles when dry. Heterocysts at first barrel- shaped, then elliptic. Spores cylindrical, 4-8 times longer than broad, ends at first truncate, but rounded after separation. SIZE. Cells about -005 mm. Spores -008 x '025 mm. Sphcerozyga elastica, Agardh Icon. Alg. ? Cylindrospermum elongatum, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 99, f. 111. In bogs. " The moniliform filaments and shorter joints distinguish this species from S. leptosperma, and its elliptic heterocysts from S. Jacobi and S. Carmichaeli." — Ralfs . Plate XCIV. fig. 7. Portions of trichomes with heterocysts and spores X about 400, after Ralfs. GENUS 98. CYLINDROSPERMUM:. (Kutz.) Ralfs 1850. Heterocysts terminal, single. Other characters the same as in Sphcerozyga. Spores originating in cells placed just below the heterocysts. Cylindrospermum macrospeimum. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. I., t. 98, f- *• Trichomes curved or nearly straight, pale blue green, more or less interwoven ; joints globose or elliptic, often mixed with others somewhat cylindrical, either homogenous or granular. Heterocysts terminal, elliptical. Spores elliptic oblong, or oblong cylindrical, green or yellowish brown, darker brown when mature, granular, twice as long as broad. 2 M 244 NEMATOGEN.E. SIZE. Cells -003 -'004 mm., heterocysts rather longer. Spores -014 x '025--03 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 237. Kabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 186. Anabaina impalpeb rails, Hass. Alg. 283, t. 75, f. 3. In ditches and ponds. Plate XCV. fig. 1. Trichomes with heterocysts and spores X 400. Cylindrospermum catenatum. Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. t. 8,f. 14. Stratum bluish green. Trichomes very fine elongated straight, or slightly flexuous, generally parallel, moniliform. Joints sphserical minute. Heterocysts oval. Spores 2-8 in each series, at first spherical, then more or less oval, but little broader than the heterocysts. SIZE. Cells about -003 mm., heterocysts a little longer, spores about '006 x '008 mm. Rabh. Alg. Exs. No. 1358. In fresh water. Clearly distinguished from the preceding species by its nu- merous spores. Plate XCV. Jig. 2. Trichomes with heterocysts and spores X 400. GENUS 99. NODULAR! A. Mertens. (1822.) Trichomes distinctly vaginate, with very closely compressed disc-shaped joints, collected in a gelatinous or menibranaceous irregularly diffused stratum. Heterocysts intercalated at re- gular intervals, vegetative joints nearly equal, transversely compressed. Spores fuscous, or golden yellow, becoming tawny, globose, slightly compressed. Nodularia litoiea. (Thw.) Thur. Ann. Sci. Nat 1875, 378. Scarcely gelatinous, forming a deep green fleecy covering to floating plants on which it occurs. Trichomes of considerable diameter, nearly straight. Joints of a beautiful blue green colour, very short and compressed, giving the filaments the ap- pearance of an Oscillaria. Heterocysts pale reddish. Spores elliptical, at length acquiring a deep brown colour. SIZE. Trichome, without sheath, -012 mm. Born, and Thur. Notes Algol, ii., 121, t. 29, f. 1-9. Spermosira litorea, Kutz. Phy. Gen. 213. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 186. Harv. Phy. Britt. t. 113, f. c. In muddy, brackish ditches. NOSTOCE.E. 245 Plate XCV. fig. 3. a, portion of triohome, with heterocysts X 400 ; b, portion X 600 ; c, fertile portion, with spores X 600 ; d, spores X GOO ; e, spore germinating, after Thuret. Nodulazia Harveyana. Thur. in Ann. Sd. Nat 1875, 378. Trichomes much curved, composed of cells nearly as long as broad. Heterocysts subquadrate, rather longer than wide, and of the same width as the joints. Spores spherical, almost twice the diameter of the joints. SIZE. Trichomes -0065 mm. diam. Born, and Thur. Notes Alg. ii., t. 29, f. 14-16. Spermosira Harveyana, Thw. in Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 173, f. c. Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 295. In brackish ditches. Plate XCV. Jig. 4. «, portion of trichorne with heterocysts X 400 ; b, the same X 600 ; c, portion of trichome with spores X 600 ; d, germi- nating spoi'es, after Thuret. FAMILY II. LTNGBY^J. Filaments without heterocysts, and destitute of a terminal hyaline hair, single, and scattered, or numbers associated in bundles and enclosed in a common sheath, often radiating. Joints shortly cylindrical, disc -shaped in section. GENUS 100. SFZRULINA. Link. (1834.) Trichomes articulated, spirally twisted, motile, nestling in a more or less liquid colourless matrical mucilage. Propagation unknown. Consult Cohn in Nova Acta Car. Leop. vol. xxiii. Braun in Botauische Zeitung 1852, p. 395. Keinicke Beitr. zur neuern Mikrosk ii., pp. 1-56. Spirulina Jenneri. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 37, J. 11. Trichomes more or less elongated, distinctly articulated, spirals lax, distant, joints equal in length to their diameter, or a little shorter. Cell-contents pale or bright blue green. SIZE. Trichomes -OOT-'OOS mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. i., 90. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 250. Spirillum Jenneri, Hass. Alg. 277, t. 75, f. 5. Arthrospira Jenneri, Hedwigia i., p. 32, t. 5. In stagnant water. Plate XCV1. fig. 1. Portions of trichomes X 400, 246 NEMATOGKNJL. Spixulina oscillaxioides. Tt/rp. Solitary, or forming little green tufts, sometimes almost radiating. Trichomes more or less elongated, nearly erect, pale blue green, twisted in lax or dense spirals, endowed witli active motion. SIZE. — Trichomes -0015--002 mm. diam. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 37, f. 8. Rabli. Alg. Eur. ii., 91. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 250. Cohn Nova Acta xxiv., t. 15, f. 15. var. 1. xninutissixna. RaJili. Alg. Eur. ir., 91. Trichomes abbreviated, more loosely spiral. Spirillum minutissimum, Hass. Alg. 278, t. 75, f. 8. Spirulina brevis, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 37, f. 9. In fresh, brackish, or thermal waters. Plate XCVI. fig. 3. Portions of trichomes X 400. Fragment further magnified. Spirulina tenuissima. Kutz. Spec. Alg. 236. Forming a membranaceous, lubricous, dark blue green floating stratum, trichomes very thin, flexuous, very densely spiral, en- dowed with active motion ; joints very indistinct. SIZE. — Trichomes very thin. Spirals '005 mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 92. Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 105, f. c. In brackish ditches. Floating in large blue green masses on the surface of brackish ditches. The threads are too delicate for measurement, and appear only as lines under a magnifying power of 400 diameters. Plate XCri. fig. 2. Portions of trichomes X 400. GENUS 101. OSCILLARIA. Bosc. (1800.) Trichomes simple, usually distinctly articulate, rigid, straight, or a little curved, rarely circinate or spirally convolute, for the most part brightly "coloured (blue-green, steel-blue, violet, ceruginous, &c.), motile, nestling in a matrical mucilage; joints disc-shaped in the front view, without a sheath distinct from the trichome. Consult Dr. d'Alquen in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. iv. (1856), p. 245. The species are at present distinguished by very artificial characters, which are by no means permanent, in which respect the genus is not in a much better condition than it was forty years ago. 247 Oscillaiia tenexxima. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 38, f. 8. Solitary and scattered, or associated in fascicles. Trichomes straight, indistinctly articulate, joints equal in length to their diameter, or a little longer or shorter, ends somewhat acute, slightly inclined ; cell-contents pale blue green, or olive, homo- genous or very finely granular. SIZE. Threads -0018--0025 mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 96. In ditches, amongst decaying vegetable matter. Plate XCVI. fig. 4. Trichomes X 400. Oscillaxia leptotxicha. Kiitz. Tab. Plujc. i., t. 38, /. 9. Solitary, scattered, or collected in a very thin bine green stratum, trichomes very slender, slightly curved, indistinctly articulate, joints twice as long as broad, or after division equal, very minutely punctate at the periphery, attenuated at the ends, which are straight, curved, or deflexed, cell-contents pale blue, green, homogenous or finely granular. SIZE. Threads -003 mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 97. In fresh or brackish ditches. Plate XCVI. fig. 5. Trichomes X 400. var. splendida. ("Grev. Fl. Edin. 304. J SIZE. Trichomes not exceeding -002 mm. diam. Oscillatoria splendida, Eng. Fl. v., 375. Harv. Man. 164. Hass. Alg. 251, t. 72, f. 8. In tubs of water in a stove. Edinburgh Botanic Gardens. Plate XCVI. jig. 6. Trichomes X 400. Oscillaxia spixalis. Carm. Harv. Phyc. JBritt. t. 105s. Effused in a firm coriaceous glossy black stratum. Trichomes radiating, slender, long, flexuous, regularly twisted in spirals. SIZE. Threads -0035--004 mm. diam. Spirillum rupestre, Hass. Alg. 277, t.^75, f. 6. Spirulina rupestre, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 93. On rocks by the seaside. " It spreads over the dry naked earth. Stratum several feet in extent, firm, coriaceous, of a glossy black colour, void of lubricity. Filaments about half a line in length, twisted like a corkscrew, radiating 111 all di- rections." — Carmichael. Plate XCVIII. fg. 7. Trichomes X 400, from the original specimens. 248 NEMATOGEN^E. Oscillaria zubiginosa. Carmichael Alg. App. ined. Stratum gelatinous, dark purple; trichonies very thin, straight, indistinctly articulated, laid on a thin, compact, greenish sub- stratum. SIZE. Threads -004-'0045 mm. diain. Oscillaria violacea, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 113. Eng. Fl. v. 377. OsciUatoria violacea, Hass. Alg. 254, t. 72, f. 10. Harv. Man. 166. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 264. Conferva mucosa confragosa rivulis innascens, Dillen (?) Rapid streams, and on stones at the bottom of rivers. When dry the filaments of this species assume a blackish green cast, with an evident gloss. Strige when dried almost invisible, at a distance of about two diameters from each other. — Hassall. As another species is called Osdllaria violacea (Wallr), which has priority, the name proposed by Carmichael must be adopted. Plate XCrill. fig. 0. Portions of trichomes X 400, from the original specimens. Oscillaria subfusca. Vauch. Conf.I$3,t.l5,f.5. Forming a very thin, greenish brown, then blackish stratum, shortly radiating. Trichomes equal, straight, curved at the apex (curvature of 4 to 5 joints), joints about equal in length to their breadth (after division shorter), dissepiments very dis- tinctly granulate, extreme apical point fimbriate, or bearded. Cell-contents pale greenish steel-blue, granular. SIZE. Threads '0045-'006 mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. i., 100. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 246. Mack. Hib. p. 240. Eng. Fl. v., 377. Harv. Man. 166. OsciUatoria subfusca, Hass. Alg. 253, t. 72, f. 9. Attached to wood, rocks, stones, &c., in streams. "Stratum extensive, soft, slimy, void of tenacity, wrinkled, of a dusky grey colour, when dry greyish-brown, streaked with green to- wards the edges ; filaments very slender, striae invisible." — Harvey. Plate XCVL fg. 7. Portions of trichomes X 400. Oscillaria aerugescens. Drumm. Ann. Nat. Hist. (1838) i,p. I. Stratum of a fine deep green, highly gelatinous, when dried aeruginous blue, and glossy ; trichomes very slender, opaque green, conglomerated in large masses, rarely floating, or broken into fragments and suspended like cloudy flocculi in the water, joints about half their diameter long. SIZE. Trichomes '005 mm. diam. OsciUatoria aerugescens, Hass. Alg. 249, t. 72, f. 2. Harv. Man. 163. LYNGBY.E. 249 In lakes and pools. This is the species which Dr. Drummond described as the " colouring substance of Glasslough Lake, Ireland." He commences by skating that " Glas-lough " signifies " green lake," an appellation given to it from time immemorial on account of the hue of its waters, which exhibit a green tinge, equal to, or exceeding in intensity, that of the sea, though it is not at all times equally striking. " From the accounts I received, the green colour is evident in the lough throughout the year, and if I may judge from my own observations, every drop of it is impregnated with the oscillatory filaments." " When a little of the water is lifted in the hand it seems perfectly transparent, and it appears equally clear at the edges of the lake, but at a depth of two feet the bottom is indis- tinguishable, and the water presents a sort of feculent opacity, accom- panied by a dull, dirty, greenish hue. On lifting some of this in a glass it seems at first sight quite transparent, but on holding it up to the light innumerable minute flocculi are seen floating through every part of it, and producing a mottled cloudiness throughout the whole." "At first I could only find the plant diffused through the water, but at length I dis- covered a wet ditch extending from the lake into an adjoining field, and there it appeared swimming on the surface in large masses several inches in thickness, and above a foot and a half in length. These seemed evi- dently to be produced by an agglomeration of the filaments floated in from the lake, matted together at the surface, and increased in growth. The surface of these masses, where dried by the contact of the air, was of a bright bluish verdigris hue, while the parts immersed in the water were of a dull opaque green. "On examining specimens in the microscope, I sometimes observed their motions to be very vivid, and in other instances little or no motion could be perceived. They are extremely minute, their transverse striae very numerous, and at distances of about half a diameter from each other. The filaments in the conglomerated masses appeared to me to be many inches long, and running parallel together ; the broken fragments dispersed through the lake cross each other in all directions." Plate XCVlll. fig. 5. Trichomes from specimen collected by Drurn- moud X 400 diain. Oscillaxia tenuis. Ag. Syst. Alg. p. 60. Forming a bright green, or dark blue green stratum, shortly, or elongated radiating. Trichomes straight, rather rigid, more or less endowed with active motion ; joints equal or half as long as broad, sometimes a little constricted at the dissepi- ments, which are delicately granulated ; apex more or less attenuated, obtuse, curved or straight ; cell-contents pale watery blue. SIZE. Threads '054--006 mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. i., 102. Oscillatoria limosa, Hook Fl. Scot, ii., 79. Oscillaria viridis, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 41, f. 6. Eng. Bot. t. 2523. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 264. Oscillatoria coritexta, Carrn. Hass. Alg. 256, t. 71 , f. 7, 4, 6. Eng. Fl. v., 376. Harv. Man. 165. Oscillatoria tenuis, Hass. Alg. 248, t. 72, f. 1. (?) Jenn. Tunb. Wells 188. Harv. Man. 163. Grev. Fl. Edin. 303. 250 NEMATOGEN.E. Mack. Hib. 239. Gray. Arr. i., 281. Eng. Fl. v., 374. Eng. Bot. ii., 2525. In ditches, swamps, inundated places, now and then free swimming ; throughout the year. Yery variable, passing into several moderately distinct varieties, of which the bright green one called viridis is the most beautiful, and by no means rare. The form which Carmichael called Oscittatoria contexta has thus been described by him : — " Stratum of indefinite extent three feet and up- wards, exceedingly thin, and peeling off in large flakes in dry weather, of a deep but shining black colour, scored or striated in all directions. These strise are caused by thick fasciculi of filaments, shooting out either parallel to or across each other, changing their course from time to time and sending off lateral fasciculi. The filaments are rather thick about a line in length, straight or variously curved, of a greyish green colour, and they radiate with great rapidity. A portion of the stratum, not more than a line in diameter, placed in a watch-glass filled with water, overspread the whole area of the glass with filaments in the course of a night." Hassall says of it, " the filaments are in calibre not less than those of O. tenuis, from which species it is distinguished chiefly by its colour." Plate XCVL fig. 8. Portions of trichomes X 400. Plate XCVTI, Jig. 1. Portions of trichomes of the variety viridis X 400. Oscillaxia antliaiia. Jury ens Alg. Exs. No. 14. Expanded in a gelatinous, sometimes very broad submem- branaceous stratum, dark steel-blue. Trichomes rigid, straight, sometimes tranquil, sometimes oscillating, curved at the attenu- ated apex (curvature of 3 to 4 joints) ; joints equal, or nearly equal,in length and breadth (after division half as long), dissepi- ments distinctly granular, extreme apex obtusely rounded. Cell- contents pale steel-blue, or blue green, nearly homogenous. SIZE. Threads -0045-'0055 mm. diam. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 40, f. 6. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 100. Oscillaria parietina, Vauch. Conf., t. 15, f. 8. Around pumps, cisterns, &c. Plate XGyll. fig. 2. Portions of trichomes x 400. Oscillaria muscorum. Carm. HSS. Stratum 3-4 inches, of a dark bluish-green colour, slightly lubricous, shortly radiating, creeping over mosses. Trichomes variously curved, pale blue green, joints about equal in length to their diameter. SIZE. Trichomes *006-'007 mm. diam. Hook. En^. Fl. v., 365. Harv. Man. 164. Hass. Alg. 252, t. 72, f. 12. In rapid streams, on Hypnum ruscifolium, &c. " Stratum 3 or 4 inches in extent, closely interwoven with the branches and leaves of mosses, of a bluish green colour, and slightly lubricous LYNGBY^E. 251 Filaments a line or two in length, variously curved and radiating j strias at the distance of a diameter from each other." — Carmichael. Plate XCVII1. fig. 8. Portions of triohomes X 400, from the original specimens. Oscillaxia subuliformis. Thw. in Harv. PJiyc. Britt. Stratum of an intense eeruginous green. Trichomes bright green, subuliform, gradually attenuated towards the apices, which are subacute and much curved ; joints about three-fourths as long as broad, homogenous. SIZE. Trichomes -006-' 007 mm. diam. Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 251 B. Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 292. In brackish ditches. Summer and autumn. Very bright emerald green, and certainly an attractive species. Plate XCV1II. fig. 3. Trichomes from original specimen X 400 diam. Oscillaxia limosa. Ag. Syst. Alg. 66. Trichomes rigid, straight, actively oscillating, blue-green, interwoven in a thin mucilaginous radiating green stratum, distinctly articulate, joints nearly equal or a little longer than broad (shorter after division, often half as long as the dia- meter), dissepiments granulated, apex obtuse, straight or curved ; cell-contents pallid, homogenous or slightly granular. SIZE. Threads f008-'01 mm. diam. Eabh. Alg. Eur. i., 104. Hook. Br. Fl. ii., 374. Conferva limosa, Fl. Dan. t. 1549. Oscillatoria limosa, Hass. Alg. 246, t. 71, f. 2. (?) Eng. Fl. v., 374. Gray. Arr. i., 280. Eng. Bot. ii., 186. Harv. Man. 162. Johnst. Fl. Bervv. ii., 265. Mack. Hib. 239. Fl. Dev. ii., 56. Oscillaria tennis d. limosa, Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 247. There are several varieties, differing chiefly in colour, of which Raben- horst enumerates ten. If Hassall's figure is magnified in proportion to the rest, then his t. 71, f . 2, can scarcely be the present species, for its diameter would be equal to that of 0. Frolichii, whereas this scarcely exceeds half that thickness. All the figures of Oscillaria given in Hassall's work are acknowledged to be very defective. Plate XC VII. fig. 3. Portions of trichomes X 400. Fig. 4, portions of trichomes of the variety ckalybea X 400. Oscillaxia ixxigua. Kutz. Phyc. Gen. 189. Stratum thin, expanded, compact, dark steel-blue, by oblique light purplish violet ; trichomes straight, flexile, pallid then livid steel blue, a little attenuated at the apex, joints equal in length to their diameter (after division half as long) dissepi- 2 N 252 NEMATOGENJE. ments beautifully granulated, extreme apex broadly rounded, or somewhat beaked, cell-contents homogenous or delicately granular. SIZE. Threads '0076--01 mm. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 42, f. 4. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 107. On wet rocks, walls, or overrunning mosses. The variety " subsalsa," bearded at the apex, was found on Greenwich Pier in 1861. Plate XCril. fig 5. Portions of trichomes X 400. Oscillaria nigra. Vauch. Cow/. 192, t. 15, f. 4. Stratum more or less compact, somewhat membranaceons, often floating, steel-blue, or dark olive nearly black, with radii more or less elongated, of the same colour. Trichomes straight or slightly flexuous, obtusely rounded at the apex, or attenuated, and sometimes bearded ; joints equal in length to their diameter (after division one half or one third as long) ; dissepiments very distinctly granulated, apiculus often straight, somewhat rostel- late and bearded, rarely slightly curved ; cell-contents pale olive, finely granular. SIZE. Threads *009-'01 mm. diaun. Rabh. Alg. Eur. i., 107. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 247. Harv. Man. 165. Eng. Fl. v., 376. Eng. Bot. t. 2527. Oscillatoria rdgra, Hass. Alg. 255, t. 71, f. 3. Hook. Fl. Scot. 79. Jenn. Tunb. Wells 188. Mack. Hib. 239. Gray Arr. i., 281. Conferva fontinalis, Ih'llw. Conf. t. 64. Huds. Fl. Aug. 592. Lighlf. Fl. Scot. 976. With. Arr. iv., 1^8. In ditches and ponds. " Stratum extensive, blackish, with a shade of green, when dry bine- black, very rapid in its growth, and sending out long, vividly oscillating rays.'' — Harvey. Plate XCVII.fg. 6. Portions of trichomes X 400. Oscillaria nigro-viridis. Thwaites in Harv. Phyc. Stratum thin, of a dark olive green, almost black, growing upon the mud, and subsequently floating in large masses. Trichomes pale dull green, with obtuse, distinctly curved, scarcely attenuated apices ; joints indistinct, about half as long as broad, cell-contents slightly granulose. SIZE. Trichomes '012 mm. diam. Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 251 A. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii.. 292. In brackish ditches. August. Plate XCVII1. jig. 2. Trichomes of O. nigro-viridis X 400 diam. LYNGBY,E. 253 GscilJaria chalybea. Mertens, in Jurgens Alga. Floating. Stratum broadly expanded, with long radii, dark blue green or steel-blue, shining ; trichomes pale steel-blue, slightly flexuous, a little attenuated at the apex, joints three or four times shorter than their diameter, a little contracted at the dissepiments, which are not granulated, apiculus slightly curved, obtusely rounded, now and then rostellate, cell-contents pale steel-blue, granular. SIZE. Threads -OOSS-'Ql mm. diam. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 40, f. 8. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 108. In still and stagnant water. The specimens figured were collected from a tank in one of the stoves of the Hoyal Botanic Gardens, Regent's Park. Plate XCV11I. Jiff. 1. Trichomes of O. chalylea X 400 diam. Oscillaria Frolichii. Kutz. Phyc. Gen. 189. Stratum dark steel-blue, or at first olive, then dark blue, often elongated, radiating, opaque, shining ; trichomes nearly equal, straight ; joints 2, 3, or 4 times shorter than their diameter, with a double series of granular points more or less dense at the junction, often confluent, so as to resemble a single series; apiculus broadly rounded, straight, or declined; cell- contents blue, becoming steel-blue, homogenous. SIZE. Threads -015-'018 mm. diam. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 43, f. 1. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 109. Oscillatoria mucosa, Hass. Alg. 247, t. 71, f. 1. In ditches, pools, and boggy places, sometimes amongst mosses. The finest of the species yet detected in Britain. Plate XCVII. f. 7. Portions of trichomes X 400. Oscillaria insignis. Thwaites in Phyc. Britt. Stratum thin, .covering decayed vegetable matter at the bottom of a ditch, with a dark-brown coating, becoming some- what greenish in drying ; trichomes very large, rather brittle, their apices rounded, somewhat oblique, and furnished with numerous motionless cilia ; cell-contents distinctly granulose. SIZE. Trichomes '018 mm. with sheath. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 293. Harv. Phyc. Brit, ii., t. 251, f. c. In a brackish ditch. November. A portion of the trichome from the original specimen has been figured, but Professor Harvey was evidently of opinion that it was a strictly marine species. There seems at least to be no doubt that it is 254 NEMATOGEN.E. in reality a Lyngbi/a, allied to L. cestuarii, and not a true Oscillaria. We are indebted to Professor Percival Wright for an examination of authentic specimens of this, and several other of Harvey's species. Plate XCVllI.Jly. 4. Portion of trichome X 400. Doubtful Species. Oscillaria Dickiei (Hass.) Rabli. Alg. Eur. u., 113. Stratum pale chesnut-brown, gelatinous, shining ; trichomes of medium size, long, straight, fragile, with visible spaces between the joints. SIZE. Not determined. Oscillatoria Dickiei, Hass. Alg. 258, t. 72, f. 13. Pools of fresh water near the sea. The colour of this species is so peculiar as at once to distinguish it from all others which have been described. This colour is preserved in drying; the filaments are of nearly the same diameter with those of 0. tennis, but they preserve their calibre when dried. — Bassall. Oscillaria thermalis. (Hass.) Eabh. Alg. Eur. n., 113. Trichomes straight, rigid, fragile, green ; divisions of the joints distinct, rather remote. SIZE. Not determined. Oscillatoria thermalis, Hass. Alg. 250, t. 72, f. 3. In warm water. The figures and descriptions in Hassall's work are wholly insufficient for the proper identification of this and the following species. Oscillaria vizescens (Hass.) Rabh. Alg. Eur. n., 113. Stratum pale blue-green ; trichomes of medium size, pale yellowish-green, with the joints rather distant, nearly equal in length to their diameter. SIZE. Not determined. Oscillatoria virescens, Hass. Alg. 250, t. 71, f. 9. On the ground. GENUS 102. MICROCOLEUS. Desm. (1823.) Trichomes rigid, articulate, crowded together in bundles, enclosed in a common mucous sheath, either closed or open at the apex ; sheath ample, colourless, more or less lamellose, rarely indistinct. = Chthonoblastus, Kutz. (1843.) LYNGBY^E. 255 " Trichomes enclosed in a transparent sheath from which they emerge to reproduce new filaments, sheath containing several trichomes. Fila- ments growing in scattered creeping erect or floating wick-like bundles." — Thtiret. Hydrocoleum tliermale Kutz., mentioned in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. (1867) p. 86, as having occurred in Ireland, we have never seen, and, therefore, do not know whether it should be included in Microcoleus. Microcoleus gracilis. Hass. Alg. 261, t. 70, /. 2. Effused broadly in a thin dark green stratum. Trichomes pale blue green, slightly curved, in fascicles densely contorted about the apex, joints 2-3 times longer than their diameter, either continuous or distinctly separated, granulated, divisions paler, nearly hyaline, a little contracted about the apex, extreme apiculus conical, now and then slightly carved, special sheath narrow, very delicate, universal sheath very thick lamellose. SIZE. Trichomes •0025--003 mm. ; fascicles •09-*12 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 244. Microcoleus marinus, Harv. Man. 168. Chthonoblastus salinus, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 58, f. 2. Rabh. Alg. Eur. i., 133. Oscillatoria chthonoplastes, var. a. Eng. Fl. v., 373. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2523. Mack. Hib. 239. On salt marshes. "Fronds fixed at the base, floating freely in the water, an inch long, tufted, dichotomously branched, branches slender capillary widening up- wards, with club-shaped tips ; colour olivaceous green or yellowish. When ruptured the branches discharge innumerable needle-shaped fila- ments, which, when the plant is growing, radiate and oscillate from the tips of the branches." — JJarvey. Plate XCIX. fig. 1. End of fascicle of trichomes with sheath X 400. Microcoleus chthonoplastes. Thur. in Ann. Sci. Nat. (1875) p. 377. Stratum thin, or thicker and rather compact, dingy seru- ginous green ; trichomes slightly flexuous, equal, twisted, in dense fascicles, joints nearly twice as long as their diameter, rather remote from each other, leaving a hyaline space between them, apiculus attenuated, rather elongated ; special sheath very delicate, universal sheath narrow, scarcely lamellose. SIZE. Trie-homes •>0035-'004 mm. ; fascicles -03--035 mm. Chthonoblastus Lyngbyei, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 58, f. 1. Microcoleus anguiformis, Hass. Alg. 261, t. 70, f. 1. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 244. Chthonoblastus anguiformis, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 57. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 133. Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 249. On the naked ground, by roadsides, &c. Plate C.fiy. 1. Fascicle of trichomes with sheath X 400. 256 NEMATOGEN^E. BTicrocoleus terrestiis. Desm. PI. Crypt. Exs. i., No. 55. Stratum more or less expanded, deep blue green or steel blue, or olive, becoming brownish, membranaceous, mucilaginous ; trichomes equal, collected in filiform i'ascicles, sometimes much elongated, extruding from the opening of a common sheath in a penicillate manner, joints equal in breadth and length, dissepi- ments granulated, apiculus acute, straight. SIZE. Trichomes -005--006 mm.; fascicles 'OTS-'OS mm. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 244. Chthonoblastus repens, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 54. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 132. Microcolevs repens, Hass. Alg. 260, t. 70, f. 3. Jenner Tunb. Wells 188. Harv. Man. 168. Conferva vaginata, Eng. Bot. i., t. 1995. Oscillatoria chthonoplastes, var. p. Eng. Fl. v., 373. Mack. Hib. 239. Vaginaria vulgaris, Gray. Arr. i., 280. Vaginaria chthonoplastes, Grev. Fl. Ed. 305. On moist naked ground. " The frond consists of numerous curled branches diverging from a centre in a starry manner, and gradually tapering from a broad base to a fine point, containing numerous deep green filaments, which radiate and oscillate from the tips, and, on laceration, issue in bundles."-— Harvey. Plate. XCIX. fig. 2. End of fascicle of trichomes with sheath X 400. GENUS 103. INACTIS. Kutz. (1843.) Trichomes vaginate, indistinctly articulate, parallel and fasti- giate, now and then dichotomous, very densely aggregated and agglutinated in a pulvinate thallus. " Filaments bundled, erect, growing in small rounded tufts, or in a felt-like turf of indefinite extent. Trichomes very slender."— Thuret. Inactis Cresswelli. Thur. in Ann. Sci. Nat. (1875) 377. Forming convex roundish or oval patches, which become con- fluent for several inches ; filaments hyaline, yellowish or greenish olive, collected into dense rope-like branching bundles, which are fastigiate ; trichomes exceedingly slender, once or twice di- vided in a dichotomous manner. SIZE. Trichomes "0025 mm. diam. Schizothrix Cresswelli, Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 160. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 268. Spreading over the surface of soft sandstone rocks exposed to the drip of fresh water. LYNGBY.E. 257 " Mr. Cresswell states that it prows at the very top of high water mark, in situations where it is exposed to the continual drip of fresh water falling from high mural cliffs, and that it is most luxuriant where the drip falls from the greatest height, which in the station observed is about fifty feet." — Harvey. Plate C. Jig. 2. a, portion of fascicles of trichomes X 100 ; b, tri- chomes X 400. Inactis tinctoxia. Thur. Ann. Sci. Nat. (1875) 377. Fasciculate csespitose, dingy brown becoming olive ; trichomes single or many associated in one sheath, joints equal in length to their diameter or a little longer; sheaths broad, colourless, distinctly lanaellose, even. SIZE. Trichomes '002 mm. diam. Hydrocoleum tinctorium, Br. Rabh. Alg. Ear. ii., 294. Ralfs Exs., No. 19. On aquatic plants. Mr. Marquand says that he has never seen it growing on any other plant than Scirpvs fluitans, .and he adds : — " I have never seen a vestige of green about it in its natural condition during any period of its exis- tence ; when decaying it becomes pale, and eventually almost white ; when in its best condition it is of a rich chesnut brown. In drying it turns green. In its best condition, when placed in water for twelve hours, it will dye it of a clear rosy purple." The following description of this plant has been kindly furnished by Mr. Kalfs : — " In rapid streams on leaves of aquatic plants, it forms a minute continuous covering on leaves of aquatic grasses, giving them a feathery appearance. Colour varying from nearly black to pale reddish brown ; in drying and decay it turns green, and gives a purplish stain to paper. Filaments somewhat mucous, very slender, nearly colourless, cohering at base in fascicles containing 3 to 8 filaments, and by their separation at intervals, simulate branches, and thus gradually reduce the number cohering until they ultimately separate into single ones. The filaments thus appear comparatively stout at the base and gradually to become attenuated upwards. As the apparent branches are given off this is more especially the case, because, from their pale colour, indistinct endochrome, and closeness of connection, it requires care to detect that they are really fascicled. Besides the elongated filaments there are numerous short ones at the base, together with crowded, somewhat thicker clavate erect bodies. Whether these are the fructification or rudimentary fascicles I am unable to determine." — Ralfs. Plate C.fig. 3. Upper portion of fascicle of trichomes X 400. GENUS 104. LYNGBYA, Ag. em. Thuret. (1875.) Filaments enclosed singly in a sheath, simple, or only excep- tionally exhibiting the beginning of ramification where the trichome issues from the side of the sheath ; often combined in a membranaceous stratum. — including Phormidium Kutz. 258 NEMATOGENA. Lyngbya aestuarii. Lieb. Danska Alg flora. (1839.) Trichomes rigid, flexuously curved, blue green, granular, densely interwoven in dark blue green tufts ; joints 3-6 times shorter than their diameter ; scarcely constricted ; sheaths pellucid, hyaline, becoming brownish, at first scarcely larnellose, at length when old becoming distinctly lamellose. SIZE. Trichomes '025--03 mm. diam., without sheath. Lyngbya ceruginosa, Ag. Syst. p. 74. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 138. Lyngbya ft. ferruginea, Harv. Phyc. Britt., t. 311. Lyngbya curvata, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 137. Lyngbya majuscula, Cocks Brit. Seaweeds No. 365. In brackish water. Plate CL fiff. 1. a, portion of filament X 160 diam. J, extremity of filament, with portion of trichome escaped X 160 diam. c, portion of filament with the trichome divided into hormogones X 330. d, e, hormo- gones X 330, all after Thuret. Lyngbya littoralis. (Carm). Stratum thin, submembranaceons, mucilaginous, blue green, shortly radiating ; trichomes rigid, flexuous, vividly oscillating, equal ; joints 4-5 times as broad as long, constricted at their junction and hyaline, dissepiments granulated, extreme apiculus straight, broadly rounded, paler ; cell contents pale blue green, very delicately granular. SIZE. Threads '013--015 mm. diam. Oscillatoria littoralis, Carm. Alg. App. ; Eng. Fl. v., 375. Harv. Man., 165. Harv. Phyc. Britt. t. 105, fig. a. In brackish water, and in rock pools by the shore. " Stratum exceedingly thin, slimy, bullated by the extrication of air- bubbles, of a dark green colour, spreading to an indefinite extent over the muddy bottom of the pool." — Carm. Plate Gil. Jig. 1. Portions of trichomes X 400, from the original specimens. Lyngbya ochracea. Thur. Ann. Sci. Nat. (1875) 377. Forming cloud-like floating fragile masses of an ochrey colour. Trichomes very slender, scattered ; joints scarcely visible. SIZE. Trichomes '002 mm. diam., including sheath. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 241. Leptothrix ocliracca, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 61, fig. 1. Conferva ochracea, Dillw. Conf. t. 62. LYNGBY.E. 259 Oscillatoria ochracea, Grev. Fl. Edin. 304. HaiT. Man. 167. Eng. Fl. v., 378. Eng. Bot. ii., 187. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 264. Mack. Hib. 240. Fl. Dev. ii., 57. Gray. Arr. i., 281. In boggy pools. This species is common in boggy pools " where it occurs in cloud -like masses, scarcely to be called strata, the filaments are very slender and scattered without order. Dillwyn's figure incorrectly represents the filaments as branched." Plate CII. fig. 4. Trichomes X 400. Lyngbya inundata. (A'wfo.) Deep blue green, with a whitish grumous mernbranaceous substratum, trichoines curved rather rigid, pale blue green, rarely fasciculate, sheaths narrow, joints shorter than their diameter, dissepiments naked (not granulated), extreme apex straight obtuse. SIZE. Trichomes '004 mm. diam. Phormidium inundatum, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 45, f. 3. Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 116. Oscillaria autumnalts, Carm. (partly). Harv. Man. 165. Hass, Alg. 251, t. 72, f. 7. Margin of ditches, by moist roads, on flowerpots, &c. " Stratum extensively spreading, very dark and lubricous, glossy when dry, filaments remarkably pale, stiise not very evident, a variety is com- mon on clayey ground, which occurs in small circular patches about an inch or two in diameter.'' — Harveij. The filaments in Carmichael's specimens are not more than half the diameter of those in Lyngbya vulgaris, to which species they are usually referred, Plate GIL fig. 8. Portions of trichoines X 400. Lyngbya vulgaris. Kirch. Alg. Schl.2^2. Stratum thin, more or less expanded, mucilaginous, dark coloured (olive, brown, yellow, steel blue or purplish) opaque or shining, by age becoming thickened, but rarely lamellose, and without a substratum being formed ; trichomes straight, rigid, distinctly vaginate, joints equal to their diameter or shorter, dissepiments delicately granulated, apex evidently attenuated, now and then somewhat curved, naked. SIZE. Trichomes -0045- -0065 mm. with sheath -006--009 mm. Phormidium vulgare, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 46, fig. 4. Rabh, Alg. Eur. ii., 119. 2 o 260 NEMATOGEN-ffi. Osdllatoria autumnalis (partly), Eng. Fl. v., 376. Fug. Bot. ii., 187. Jenn. Tunb. Wells 188. Grev. Fl. Edin. 305. Harv. Man. 165, Mack. Hib., 239. Conferva decorticans, Dillw. Conf. t. 26. Osdllatoria decorticans, Grev. Fl. Edin. 304. Eng. Fl. v., 375. Eng. Bot. ii., 187. Jenner Tunb. Wells 188. Harv. Man. 164; Mack. Hib. 239. Hass. Alg. 257, t. 71, f. 10. Hv mid a decorticans, Gray. AIT. i.; 282. On moist naked ground after rain. Plate OIL fig. 5. Portion of trichonies X 400 ; fig. Q, variety myocliroum x 400. Lyngbya papyxina. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 241. Forming a thin papery stratum, sometimes shortly radiating, with a pallid or brownish fibrillose substratum, formed from the interlaced empty sheaths, trichonies equal, joints nearly equal or a little shorter than their diameter, granulated at their junction, apex obtuse, straight, naked. SIZE. Trichomes -005--006 mm., with sheath -0075--009. Oscillaria papyrina, Bory. Diet. Sci. Nat. Phormidium papyrinum, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 41, fig. 3. Phormidium papyraceum, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 125. Osdllatoria spadicea, Carm. Hass. Alg. 255, t. 71, f. 5, t. 72, f. 5. Eng. Fl. v., 378. Harv. Man., 167. In streams, torrents, aqueducts, canals, &c. The form met with by Carmichael was growing 011 clamp mossy earth. He says " It occurs in a very thin dark green stratum spreading to the extent of several feet, and is hardly to be distinguished from the mossy earth on which it grows." Plate C1I. fig. 7. Portions of trichomes X 400. Lyngbya xupestxis. (Ag.) Stratum compact, rather velvety, gelatinous, lamellose, very shortly radiating, bright blue green or becoming dark steel blue, the lower strata becoming discoloured and fibrillose ; trichomes rigid, rather flexuous, a little torulose towards the apex, joints equal in length and breadth, very finely punctate, dissepiments granulated, extreme apex paler, sometimes bearded. SIZE. Trichomes >007-*008 mm. diani. Phormidium rupestre, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 49, fig. 4. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 122. Oscillaria rupestris, Ag. Syst. p. 63. Hass. Alg. 254., t. 72, f. 11. Grev. Sc. Crypt, Fl. t. 246. Eng. Fl. v., 377, Harv. Man. 166. LYNGBY^E. 261 On moist rocks where the water is constantly trickling, and in mountain streams. Carmichael writes of his specimens, " Stratum extensive, slimy, re- markably tough and elastic, black on the surface, ash-coloured under- neath, when dry blackish green. Filaments pale green, straight, or variously curved, radiating, but not equally in all directions." Plate CI. fig. 2. Portions of trichomes X 400. Lyngbya corium. (Ag.) Stratum toughly membranaceous, compact, brown, steel blue or greenish, interwoven forming a mucilaginous membrana- ceous substratum ; trichomes straight or flexuous, rather rigid, olive or brown, then yellowish, joints not more than half as long as broad, beautifully transversely punctate, granulated, apex conically attenuated, bearded. SIZE. Trichomes •007--OOS mm. diam. Phormidium corium, Ag. Syst. p. 64. Kabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 126. Oscillatoria corium, Hass. Alg. 252. Eng. Fl. v., 377. Harv. Man. 166. Eng. Bot. ii., 187. Grev. Fl. Edin. 303. Mack. Hib. 240. On the rocky bottom of alpine rivulets. " Stratum thick, tough, dull brownish, occasionally streaked with pale green, which in some varieties is the prevailing colour, slightly glossy when dry ; filaments slender. In some situations it radiates in fascicles from its whole upper surface ; in others it is found almost denuded of radii, and forming a compact leathery stratum." — Harvey. Plate CI1. fig. 2. Portions of trichomes X 400. Lyngbya turfosa, (Carm.) Forming a thick intensely green stratum, with a tough, slimy, ochre-coloured substratum. Trichomes slender, more or less curved, and mostly hyaline at the point ; joints not more than half as long as broad, distinct. SIZE. Trichomes '008 mm. diam. Oscillatoria turfosa, Carm. in Harv. Man. 164. Hass. Alg. 253, t. 72, f. 6. On floating sods in old turf pits. " This species grows in a thick, intensely green layer, over a tough, slimy, ochre-coloured substratum. It entirely enveloped the sods, some of which were a foot and a-half in diameter. Filaments very slender, more or less curved, and mostly hyaline at the point." — Carm. Plate Cll. fig. 3. Portions of trichomes X 400, from the original specimens. 262 NEMATOGEN^E. Lyngbya subfusca. (Ag. Syst. p. 64.) Substratum velvety, fibrillose, tawny, becoming yellowish, forming a firm compact stratum, of a violet or steel blue colour, changing to brownish ; trichomes rigid, straight, joints about half as long as broad, with a double row of points at the com- missure, apex rather obtuse, naked. SIZE. Trichomes -008 mm. diam. Thinner form, trichomes •006--007 mm. diam. Phormidium subfuscum, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 125. On stones in mountain streams. Plate CI. fig. 3. a, portions of trichomes X 400, from Scotch speci- ens. J, portions of trichomes from a thinner form X 400. mens GENUS 105. SYMPLOCA. Kutz. (1843.) Trichomes articulate, simple, or only exhibiting the beginning of ramification, more or less distinctly vaginate, ascending from a prostrate base, agglutinated, together in erect or anastomos- ing fascicles, or wick-like bundles, more or less procumbent, coalescing, and often involved in a matrical gelatin. Symploca lucifuga, Harv. in Eng. Fl. V., 373. Dark seruginous green, fascicles about two lines high, ap- proximate, subuliform, apex at length penicillate ; trichomes single or twin, serugmous, joints equal or a little longer than broad, distinctly granulated, sheaths broad, pellucid, colourless, quite smooth. SIZE. Trichomes *0035-'004 mm. diam., including sheath •01 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 155. Oscillator ia lucifuga, Hass. Alg. t. 65, f. 5, 6. Harv. in Eng. Fl. v., 373. Calothrix lucifuga, Carm. MSS. On pastures and heaths, on decayed alder trunk. " Stratum spreading dull blackish green, bristling all over with minute erect fascicles about one third of a line high. Filaments thickish, flexuous, strongly agglutinated together, annulated within, pale yellowish." — Harvey. Plate CHI. fig. 2. a, portion seen with a pocket lens, b, trichomes X400. LYNGBY^E. 263 Symploca Ralfsiana, Kutz. Tab. Phi/c. i, t. 74, /. 4. Steel blue or olive becoming blackish, fascicles as much as an inch high, densely aggregated, often coalescing, subuliform, straight, trichomes pale blue-green or steel blue, densely agglutinate, distinctly articulated, somewhat beaded about the apices, joints equal or a little longer than broad, cell-contents granular, sheaths broad, pellucid, homogenous. SIZE. Trichomes '0035-'004 mm. diam. Kabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 157. Oscillaria Friesii, Harv. Eng. Fl. v., 373. Harv. Man. 162. Hass. Alg. p. 259. Mack. Hib. 238. Oscillatoria Bangii, Carm. Grrev. Fl. Ed. 303. Scytonema Bangii, Lyngb. Hydro. Dan. t. 28. Over running mosses in shady sub-alpine situation. " Stratum 2-3 inches broad, bright aernginous green; Filaments closely interwoven into erect elongated tooth-like fascicles, an inch or more in height, pale green under the microscope, annnlated within, with a broad limb or border, well marked by its erect spinulose habit." — Harvey. • Plate GUI. Jig. 1. a, portion as seen with a pocket lens. 6, trichomes X 410. GENUS 106. PLECTONEMA. Thur. (1875.) Filaments branched, ramifications produced by the branching of the trichome outside of the sheath, very irregular, and often germinate as in Scytonema. Flectonema mirabile, Thur. Ann. Sci. Nat. (1875) 377. Forming floccose tufts, blue-green, now and then turning brownish, trichomes with pseudo-branches usually in pairs and parallel ; joints shorter than their diameter, granular sheath narrow, colourless or yellowish, quite smooth. SIZE. Filaments '021 mm. with sheath. Born, and Thuret, Notes Alg. ii., p. 135, t. 33. Conferva mirabilis, Dillw. Conf. t. 96. Calothrix BreUssonii, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 30, f. 4. Calothrix atrovirens, Harv. Man. 159. Calothrix mirabilis, Ag. Syst. 72. Rahh. Alg. Eur. ii.,271. Hass. Alg. 243, t. 69, f. 1. Eng. Fl. v., 369. Harv. Man. 159. Elisa mirabilis, Gray. Arr. i., 283. In small streams. • Plate CIV fig. 1. a, portion of trichome X 330. &, portion with a single branch X 330 after Thuret. 264 NEMATOGEN^E. Plectonema Kirchneri, CooTce, Grevillea XL, p. 75. At first attached, but soon floating, and forming subglobose woolly tufts, of a dark bluish green, changing to olivaceous. Tufts from half an inch to an inch in diameter. Trichomes radiating, with simple (rarely germinate) branches ; joints one third or one fourth as long as broad. SIZE. Filaments '012-'015 mm. diam., with sheath. Plectonema mirabile, Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 229 (scarcely of Thuret). In ornamental water. Pleasure grounds, Kew. The filaments are much thinner than in P. mirabile and the branches issue singly from the sheath, and not in pairs, as in that species. From the dimensions given by Kirchner it seems probable that this is the species to which he has given the name of P. mirabile. Plate CIV. fig. 2. a, tuft, natural size, b, trichomes X 400. FAMILY III. SCYTONEME^E. Filaments with lateral ramifications in which some of the cells change into heterocysts. This family is divisible into two sections according to the direction of the multiplication of the cells. : Cells only multiplying in the direction of the length of the filament. Scytonema, Petalonema, Symphyosiphon, Tolypothrix, Cystocoleus. ** Cells multiplying as well in the direction of the breadth of the filament, at least where the branches, which are always produced by lateral multiplication, originate. Stigonema, Fischera, Haplosiphon. The last section includes many very doubtful forms, which will pro- bably, as their development becomes better known, be transferred to Lichens, of which they are presumably an imperfect condition. GENUS 107, SCYTONEMA. Ag. (1824.) Sheath enclosing a single trichome, ramifications produced by the deviation of the trichome, which emerges from the side of the sheath. Ramifications usually geminate, produced by a fold of the trichome which ruptures outside of the sheath, and gives origin to two filaments given off at a right angle. Heterocysts scattered here and there in the trichome, without any evident relation to the ramifications. SCYTONEMEJE;. 265 Scytonema myochrous. Ag. Syst. p. 40, No. 13. Stratum thin, woolly, dark brown (now and then rather silky) ; trichomes very thick, brown, lucid, slightly curved, ascending, blue-green within, reddish at the apex (5-6 terminal joints), distinctly articulate, pseudo-branches for the most part in pairs, sometimes very long, flaccidly erect, about half the thickness of the trichomes ; sheath of the trichomes thick, dis- tinctly lamellose, '.firm, beautiful yellow-brown, surface quite smooth, that of the branches paler, often colourless at the tips, closed and obtusely rounded, heterocysts oblong or sub-cylindri- cal, colourless, about equal to the inner diameter of the trichomes. SIZE. Cells '01 mm. diam., with sheath -03 mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 254. Hass. Alg. 237, t. 68, f. 2. Jenn. Tunb. Wells, 188. Gray. Arr. i., 285. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2515, t. 2516. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 225. Harv. Eng. Fl. v., 365. Harr. Man. 155. Mack. Hib. 236. Conferva myochrous, Dillw. Conf. t. 19. Eng. Bot. i., t. 1555. On moist rocks. Plate CV. fig. 1. a, threads magnified about 60 diam. ; b, portion of same X 400 ; c, hormogones X 400. Scytonema natans. Breb. in Kutz. Tab. Phyc. II., t. 22, /. 1. Floccose tomentose, green then brown or olive, trichomes slender, elongated, becoming brownish, internally seruginous green, distinctly articulate, joints nearly equal, granular, pseudo- ramuli often in pairs, very slender, more or less distant, very shortly articulated, sheaths firm, lamellose, yellow or brownish, rarely uncoloured, branches paler, or colourless, indistinctly lamellose, heterocysts interspersed, oblong, or ovoid, pellucid. SIZE. Threads with sheath '025 mm., without sheath '007 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 253. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 224. In stagnant water. Plate CV. fig. 2. Portion of trichome with sheath X 400 diam. Scytonema cinereum. Meneg. in Kutz. Spec. 303. At first pulvinate, cinereous green, then confluent, forming a more or less tomentose pulverulent stratum (becoming pale blue when dry), now and then violet or purplish ; trichomes very fragile, elongated, flexuose and curved, loosely interwoven, sparingly branching, indistinctly articulate, internally dingy, 2 P 266 NEMATOGEN.E. aernginous green, joints shorter than broad ; sliuaths thick, golden brown, often encrusted with deposit of lime. SIZE. Trichomes '008 mm., including sheath -01 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 225. Rabh. Alg. 'Ear. ii.. 247. Scytonema Juliannm, Wittr. & Nordst. Alg. Exs.,-No. 273 a. Drilosiphon muscicola, Kutz. Sp. 302. Oscillaria cyanea, Hass. A.lg. 248. Eng. Fl. y., 374. Harv. Man. 163. Conferva cyanea, Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2578. Humid a cyanea, Gray. Arr. i., 282. On walls, stones, overrunning moss, &c. Found on the walls of warm houses in the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, and in Regent's Park. This is evidently the Conferva cyanea of English Botany found on damp walls in churches, &c. " On the wall it is conspicuous for its light sky-blue colour, like some sort of Jhi'-or. Under a high magnifier, and when moistened, it is found to consist of minute even simple entangled threads, coated with a frequently inter- rupted covering1 of a dull glaucous green hue, under which the thread itself appears of a lighter glaucous bluish colour, very even in thickness, and surface consisting of scarcely distinguishable joints about as broad as they are long." — Smith. Bornet and Thuret refer this to a variety of Scytonema Hoffmanni, whilst Kirchner retains Meneghini's specific name, which Thnret thinks to belong to Scytonema ocellatum, Lyngbye. Plate CPl.fiy. 1. a, trichomes X 400; 1>, portions of same X 400 ; c, hormogones X 400. \ Scytonema interruption. Thw. Intense blue-green, forming a stratum of the same colour ; sheath cellular, and furnished throughout its entire length with numerous branched and anastomosing rootlets ; trichomes dis- tinctly annulate, interrupted here and there by heterocysts, branches in pairs arising from the protruded trichome. SIZE. Nowhere stated. Rhizonema interruptwn, Thwaites in Eng. Bot. ii. Stipp., t. 2954. Calothnx interrupta, Garni. Eng. Fl. v., 368. Harv. Man. 158. Stigonema interruption, Hass. Alg. 229, t. 69, f. 2. In wet heathy places, coating mosses, &c. We have seen no specimen of this, which is evidently a close ally of /& cinereum. The figure is reproduced from English Botany. Plate CV1. fig. 2. Scytonema interntptum, after the figure t. 2954, English Botany. Considerably magnified, presumably about 360 diam. SCYTONEMEJE. 267 GENUS 108. PETALONEMA. Berk. (1832.) Trichomes enclosed in a very broad striate membranous sheath, which forms a transparent layer, resembling a hyaline wing. Threads as in Scytonema, with the sheath very broad, forming a transparent layer around the trichome. Fetalonema alatum. Berk. Glean, t. 7, f. 2. Forming a thin brown stratum. Trichomes small, a few lines only in length, winged, obtuse, with numerous stride, when taken in conjunction with the wings or membranous expansions, they are linear and plane. Each wing is about thrice the breadth of the proper filament, of a white colour, somewhat transparent, of a bright yellow next the filament, and exhibiting under a favourable light a numerous series of transverse lines or folds. Endochrome of the central thread greenish and septate. SIZE. Trichomes -01 mm., with sheath from -05 to -12 mm. Hass. Alg. 238, t. 68, f. 6. Harv. Man. 168. Arthrosiphon alattis, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 265. Arthrosiphon Grevillei, Kutz. JSp. Alg. 311. Fischer Nost. f. 10. Oscillatoria alata, Grev. Sc. Crypt, Flora, t. 222. On rocks exposed to the trickling of water. Plate CVII, f,f/. 1, Upper ' portion of trichome with sheath X 400 diam. GENUS 109. SYMPHYOS1PKON. Kutz. (1843.) Trichomes as in Scytonema. Filaments agglutinated in erect wick-like bundles. Symphyosiphon Hoffmann!. Kutz. Tab. Pliyc. u., £.43, /. 3. Terrestrial, resembling a Symploca in habit. Tufts small, ascending, dark brown ; trichomes simple, erect, loosely col- lected in pointed fascicles, internally palo geruginous green, sometimes interrupted, joints delicately granulose, inferior cylindrical, thin, superior thicker and more or less swollen. Sheath firm, broad, attenuated upwards, rarely acute, colourless, or yellowish towards the base. Heterocysts intercalated, globose, hyaline. SIZE. Trichomes -01 mm. diam., with sheath -012--014 mm. Scytonema Hoffmcnnri, Agardh Syst. p. 40. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 259. 268 NEMATOGEN^E. On naked ground, overruning mosses, &c. Found in some quantity in one of the stoves of the Eoyal Botanic Gardens, Regent's Park, forming a dark velvety stratum on the stones, walls, &c. Plate CVII. fig. "2. a, slightly enlarged, as seen by aid of a pocket lens ; b, trichomes X 400 ; c, portion of same ; d, hormogones X 400. GENUS 110. TOLYPOTHR1X. Kutz. (1843.) Trichomes spuriously branched, pseudo-branches spreading. Ramifications rarely geminate, oftener solitary, and originating at a point where the continuity of the trichome is interrupted by heterocysts, one or several heterocysts placed directly above each branchlet. Tolypothtix flaccida. Kutz. Phyc. Gen., p. 228, Crespitose, dark blue-green, trichomes and pseudo-branches elongated, flaccid, arising from a prostrate base, internally pale blue-green, either interrupted or torulose, distinctly articulate (when treated by iodine), joints a little shorter than broad, sheaths colourless, hyaline, rather broad, heterocysts towards the base, subglobose or oblong, two or three together, colour- less. SIZE. Trichomes *01 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 227. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 32, f. 2. In pools, &c. Plate CVlll.Jig. 1. Portions of trichomes X 400 diam. Tolypothrix distorta. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. n., t. 33, /. 5. Caispitose floccose, bright blue-green, now and then becoming pale, trichomes and pseudo-branches very loosely interwoven, internally blue-green, sometimes apparently continuous, some- times distinctly articulate ; joints equal or a little shorter than their diameter ; sheaths broad, colourless, rarely pale yellow ; heterocysts at the base, or interjected, subglobose or oblong, often 2-3 together. SIZE. Trichomes '012 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 275. Kirch. Alg. Schl., 228. Conferva distorta, Dillw. Conf. t. 21. Eng. Bot. t..2577. In swamps. "Found occasionally in boggy pools, growing on thick continuous tufts, on decaying grass, and about the steins of aquatic plants, upon small fragments of which it often floats in the autumn on the surface of the water." Plate CVI1I. fig. 2 Portion of trichome with hormogone x 400 diam. SCYTONEME^E. 269 Tolypothzix aegagropila. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. u., t. 32, /. 3. Tufts an inch or more broad, somewhat rounded, bright blue green or greenish olive ; trichomes and pseudo-branches loosely interwoven, internally pallid blue green, continuous or dis- tinctly articulate, joints equal or a little longer than their diameter ; sheaths narrow, hyaline, colourless, heterocysts 2 or 3 (rarely more) in a series, oblong, hyaline. SIZE. Trichomes •01-<012 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 274. Kirch. Alg. Schl., 227. Tolypothrix punctata, Hass. Alg. 240, t. 69, f. 3. In standing pools. Plate ClX. fig. 1. Portion of trichome with hormogones X 400 ; b, c, hormogones after Thuret ; d, e, spores, after Borzi. var. e, pygmsea. Kutz. Tufts small, blue green or brownish, trichomes and pseudo- branches slender, very losely interwoven, joints a little shorter than broad, sheaths narrow, colourless or yellowish. SIZE. Trichomes '007-'008 mm, with sheath *01 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schl., 228. Tolypothrix pygmcea, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 31, f. 4. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 275. Plate ClX. Jiff. 2. Portion of trichomes with hormogones X 400. var. /, muscicola. Kutz. Casspitose, blue green or brownish, trichomes and pseudo- branches thicker, elongated, loosely intricate, distinctly articu- lated, points a little shorter than broad, sheaths very delicate. SIZE. Trichomes '008-'011 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schl., 228. Tolypothrix muscicola, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 31, f. 5. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 275. On mosses, &c. Tolypothrix coactilis. Kutz. Tab. Plujc. n., t. 32, /. 1. Fasciculate, caaspitose, green then brightly aaruginous, tri- chomes and pseudo-branches slender, internally pallid, asruginous, sometimes distinctly, sometimes indistinctly articu- late, granulose, joints about half their diameter in length ; sheaths very narrow, very thin, homogenous, colourless, hya- line ; heterocysts oblong, twin or ternate, colourless. SIZE. Trichomes '01 mm., with sheath a little more. Kirch. Alg. Schl., 228. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 274. Tolypothrix distorta, Hass. Alg. 240, t. 69, f. 4. Eng. Bot., t. 2521. Ralfs. Alg. Ex. No. 20. 270 NEMATOGEN.E. Conferva distorta, Dill. Conf., t. 22, /. A. E Calothrix distorta, Harv. Man. 158. Mack. Hib. 237. Elisa distorta, Gray. AIT. i., 282. In ponds and lakes. Plate CIX. fig. 3. Portions of Trichomes x 400. Tolypothrix cirrhosa. (Carm.} Floating csespitose, olive, or blue-green, becoming brownish ; trie-homes nearly simple, rather stout, distinctly articulate, pallid blue-green, joints finely granular, one-half or one-third as long as broad; sheaths moderately narrow (rather broad in some of the older trichomes), indistinctly lamellose, smooth ; heterocysts scattered. SIZE. Trichomes •012-'014mm., with sheath -02--025 mm. Scytonema cirrhosum, Garni. Eng. Fl. v., 366. Harv. Man., 155 (not of Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2920). Arthronema cirrhosum, Hass. Alg. 238, t. 68, f. 7. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 267. In mountain lakes. " It forms flexuous tufts of brown, very slender threads, proceeding in fascicles from membranous sub-erect sheaths, and containing a single row of cells scarcely so long as broad." — Carm. Plate CV11I. fig. 3. Portions of trichomes X 400; a, hormogone X400. APPENDIX. Although included by Thuret and Bornet, and also by Kirchner, with Alga3, it can scarcely be doubted that all the members of the genera Stigonema (or Sirosiphori) and Hapalo- siplion must be transferred to the Lichens. They are included here in the form of an appendix, for the satisfaction of students, who would naturally expect some reference to them in a work of this kind. At the same time we have availed ourselves of the opportunity to add figures, and descriptions, of two or three uncertain species, which have been recorded as British, under new and unknown genera. GENUS 111. STIGONEMA. Ay. (1824.) Cells of the trichome often geminate or ternate, in conse- quence of their lateral multiplication, or even forming trans- verse, several-celled bands. Sheath large. Ceils surrounded with a thick membrane, very prominent in the old filaments. Hormogones originating in lateral branchlets formed of a single row of cells. SCYTONEME^E. 271 . Stigonema ocellatum. Thur. Ann. Sci. Nat, 1875, I., 377. More or less expanded, woolly-toinentose, dark olive brown, cells of the trichome for the most part biseriate, sub-globose, or oblong-compressed, equal or one -third as long as broad, filled with a granular blue green plasma; sheaths very thick, lamellose, dark golden brown, external stratum now and then paler, cells of the branches for the most part uniseriate, ocell ate, sometimes much elongated, apex obtuse, rounded, seldom again branched, sheaths colourless or yellowish, quite smooth. SIZE. With sheath about '04 mm. Cells '01--012 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 230. Sirosiphon ocellatus, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 37, f. 2. Rahh. Alg. Eiir. ii., 286. Hassallia oceUata, Hass. Alg. t. 67, f. 2, 7, 6. Fischer Nost., fig. 11. , Conferva ocelluta, Dillw. Conf. t. D. Eng. Bot. i., t. 2530. Sct/touema ocellattim-, Haw. Eng. Fl. v., 364. Harv. Man. 154. Grev. Fl. Ed. 302. Gray. Arr. i., 285. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2514. CLCti l£*30.*l XT , KenrwAogcrvt**. ifO-tOit On inundated ground, in swamps and moors. Plate CX. fig. 2. Portion of extremity of trichome X 400. Stigonema Bouteillii. (Breb. Ann. Sci. Nat.} •*. Tufts small, immersed, cushion-like and rounded, dark brown, trichomes very short, variously curved and contorted, olive, or golden brown, sparsely branched, sometimes simple, internally sometimes interrupted, formed from one series of cells one-third or one-fourth as long as broad, branches unilateral, very short, arched, sheaths narrow, colourless or very pale yellow, hyaline and even, or with the outer stratum falling away in fibrils. SIZE. Trichome •04-t 06 mm. Cells '01, with envelope '02 mm. Sirosiphon Bouteillii, Breb. & Desm. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 4, Vol. iv., p. 2. On calcareous rocks and chalky cliffs. Plate CX. fig. 3. Portion of trichomes X 400. Stigonema panniforme. Kirch. Ah/. Schl. 230. Forming a thin tomentose stratum, more or less expanded, dark brown, trichomes ascending, very much branched, variously curved, branches unilateral, here and there fasciculate, often ab- breviated, rounded at the apex, internal cells pale blue green, granulose, globose then compressed, arranged in a single, rarely 272 NEMATOGEN.E. in a double series, sheaths narrow, brown or yellow brown, paler at the tips or almost colourless. SIZE. Trichomes -Q35--05 mm. Eng. Fl. v., 363. Hass. Alg. 229, t. 66, f. 4, 5. Harv. Man. 153. Sirosiphon panniformis, Kutz. Tab. Pbyc. ii., t. 36, f. 2. Scytonema panni forme, Ag. Syst. p. 39. On rocks, stones, &c. Plate CX. fig. 4. Portion of trichouies X 400 diam. J&f . '• ~^U>~^T Stigonema mamillosum. (Ag.} Kutz. Tab. Pliyc. n., t. 37, /. 4. Forming continuous tufts several inches in diameter, branches simple, their diameter being greatest in the middle, and beset on all sides with mamillae of various sizes. SIZE. Trichome -06-' 1 mm., very variable. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 229. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 291. Eng. Fl. v., 363. Hass. Alg. 228, t. 66, f. 2, 3. Harv. Man. 153. Mack. Hib. 236. Rocky bottoms of sub-alpine rivulets. Plate CXI. fig. 3. Portion of young trichome X 400, becoming more opaque with age. Stigonema compactum. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 230. Forming an expanded compact tomentose dark brown stratum, trichomes and branches ascending, a little attenuated at the apices, obtuse, internally formed of a single, rarely a double series of cells, which are torulose and almost moniliform, diameter and length nearly equal, filled with a pale bine-green granular plasma, sheaths firm, golden brown, heterocysts sub- globose or oblong. SIZE. Trichomes '015-'016 mm. Sirosiphon compactus, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 36, f. 3. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 287. Leight. Lich. Flora, p. 9. Hassallia compacta, Hass. Alg. 232, t. 68, f. 3. Scytonema compactum, Eng. Fl. v., 365. Harv. Man. 154. Grev. Ed. 302. On wet rocks. Plate CXI. fig. 4. Portions of trichomes X 400 diam. yK*. Stigonema turfaceum. (Berk. Eng. Bot. Supp. t. 2826, f. 1.) • Pulvinate, deep olivaceous black, 2 lines thick. Trichomes very thick, much branched, golden yellow, becoming brownish, SCYTONEME^E. 273 variously curved, branches polymorphous, varying in thickness according to age, obtusely rounded at the apex, cells in several series, from 2 to 4 rows in the ramuli, sheaths thick, yellow brown, hyaline. SIZE. Trichomes -025--03 mm. Sirosiplwn pulvinatus, Breb. in Kutz. Spec. 317 (1849). Kabh. Alg. Eur. iL, 290. Hassallia turfosa, Hass. Alg. p. 232 (18-45). Kutz. Sp. p. 318. Scytonema turfaceum, Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2517, f. 1. Dematium turfaceum, Link. Spec, i., 134. On the ground in heathy places and on rocks. Berkeley says that this Alga was named by Klotsch as Dematium turfaceum, Link., " which there is every reason to believe is correct." "It is," he says, " a true Scytonema.'" As far as we have been enabled to trace it. it seems to be the same as the Sirosipkon pulvinatus of Brebisson. The specific name of turfaceum has undoubted priority. Plate CXI. fig. 2. Portions of trichomes X 400 diam. Stigonema saxicolum. (Nacg. in Kutz. Spec. 316.) Forming a thin dark olive velvety stratum. Trichomes minute, curved, variously branched, closely crowded into a thin dark crust or evenly scattered tufts ; sheath narrow, fuscous, cells in a single series, growing denser and nucleate with age. SIZE. Trichomes -018-'02 min. Sirosiplwn saxicola (Nag.). Johnson in Grevillea xii., p. 76. Fischer Nost. fig. 13. On damp rocks, or rocks down which water trickles. Plate CXI. fig. 1. Abbreviated trichomes X 400, seldom exceeding this in size. Stigonema minutum. Hass. Aly. 230, t. 67, f. 3, 4. Spreading in a black suborbicular crust, or scattered in little tufts. Trichomes minute, erect, rigid, rlexuous, fastigiate branches short, obtuse, sheath rather broad, fuscous ; cells usually in a single series. SIZE. Trichomes '02- -03 mm. Scylonema minutum, Harv. Eng. Fl. v., 365. Harv. Man. 155. Mack. Hib. 236. On moist rocks in Alpine districts. Figured from the original specimen of the English Flora in the Kevv Herbarium. Plate CX. Jiy. 1. Portion of trichome, nearly complete, X 400 diam, 2 Q 274 NEMATOGEN.T-:. GENUS 112. HAPALOSIPHON. Nay. (18±'.>.) Trichomes formed mostly of a single row of cells, sheath slender. Aquatic plants, looking like Tolypotlirix. Hapalosiphon byssoideus. Kirch. Al tuft natural size j b, portions of filaments X 300 diam. 284 RHODOPHYCE^. Chantransia Hermann!. (Roth.) Kutz. Pliyc. Germ. 230. Caespitose, pale rosy-pnrple, three lines long ; threads and branches whip-like, straight, branchlets spreading, then ascend- ing, joints 3-6 times as long as broad, the final joints cuspidate, or rarely piliferous. SIZE. Cells -009--002 mm. diam. Ealfs. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851, p. 403. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 402. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 46. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. v., 43, f. 2. TrentepoliUa pvlchella (Ag.) Eng. Fl. v., 382. Eng. Bot. ii.. t. 2533. Harv. Man. p. 118. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 242. Mack. Hib. 219. Conferva ncma, Dillw. Conf. t. 30. Gray Arr. i.,308. Eng. Bot. i., t. 2585. On aquatic plants in streams. " The tufts are dense, soft, and woolly, not gelatinous, and adhere but imperfectly to paper ; they are often confluent, their colour is reddish, becoming tawny by age, and in drying. Filaments much branched, main branches elongated, somewhat level-topped, fructiferous branches lateral, numerous, short, patent, much divided. Capsules at first oval or clavate, finally orbicular, crowded in a corymbose manner, mostly stalked. Joints of stem 3-5 times as long as broad, those of fertile branches shorter. Differs from C. chalylea in colour, and in its shorter joints and more patent ramuli." — Rolfs. Plate CXmi. jiff. 2. Portion of filament X 300 diam. Chantxansia chalybea. (Li/ngb.} Kutz. Phyc. Gen. 229. Csespitose, steel-blue, about an inch long. Threads radiately disposed, aclpressed, branches straight, joints three to six times as long as broad, spores collected in a racemose manner on lateral branchlets. SIZE. Cells 'Ol-'Oll mm. diam. Ralfs. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851, p. 304. Brit. Algre Exs. No. 11. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 402. Conferva chalybea, Dillw. Conf. t. 91. Conferva corymbosa, Eng. Bot. i., t. 1666, f. 1. Trentepohlia corymbifera, Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2534. Trentepohlia pulcliella, (3, chalybea, Eng. Fl. v., 382. Harv. Man. 118. Mac. Hib. 219. TrentepoliUa chalybea, Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 243. Ectocarpus chalybeus, Gray Arr. i., 322. Trentepohlia pulchella, Hass. Alg. 73, t. 8, f. 2. Rivulets, waterfalls, and on water-wheels. " Plant laxly tufted, of an inky colour, more or less tinged with green. Branches rather distant, level-topped, erect, their joints 4-G times longer than broad. Fertile branches short, appressed, their joints shorter and usually turgid. Capsules orbicular, corymbose." — Ralfs. Plate CXIX. fig. 3. «, portion of tuft natural size ; $, portions of threads X 300. CHANTRANSIACEJ5. 285 Chantransia pygmaea. Kutz. Phy. Gen. 285. Tufts rounded, about a line in diameter, dingy greenish, be- coming reddish, violet, or steel-blue when dry ; threads proceed- ing from a common centre, branched upwards in a somewhat fasciculate manner, branches erect, parallel, rather adpressed ; joints 2-3 times as long as broad, apical joints obtuse ; fascicles lateral or terminal. SIZE. Cells •011-'014 mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 403. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 47. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. v., t. 45, f. 2. In streams and springs. Plate CXIX. Jig. 2. a, tnfts natural size ; b, portions of filaments X 300 diam. Chantransia investiens. Lenormand in Kutz. Sj). 431. Parasitic, rose-red, much branched, joints many times longer than broad, spores solitary or in pairs, lateral and terminal, clavate or obovate. SIZE. Cells -006 mm. diam. Ralfs. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851, p. 303. Ralfs. Brit. Alg. Exs. No. 12. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. v., t. 45, f. 4. Batrachospermwn rubrum, Hass. Alg. 113, t. 15, f, 2-3. On Batracliospermum monili forme and B. atrum. " Plant bright red, at first appearing as a minute reddish stain, finally clothing the invested plant with a continuous downy covering. Fila- ments creeping and interlacing at base, and surrounding the plant on which it grows, much branched. Branches not attenuated, alternate, erect, elongated ; joints very long, often twelve times as long as broad, and filled with pink, slightly granular endochrotne. Capsules clavate or obovate, alternate or opposite, sometimes, though rarely, opposite a branch ; the terminal ones are more orbicular." — Halfs. Plate CXIX. Jig. 1. Portions of filaments X 300 diam. Uncertain Species. Chantransia scotica. Kutz. Tab. Pliyc. v. t. 42. Ca?spitose, about an inch long, steel blue ; threads sparingly branched, branches rather elongated, and, as well as the branches, somewhat divergent ; joints 2-3 times as long as broad. SIZE. Cells about 'OOO-'Ol mm. diam. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 402. On old immersed wood. We have no knowledge of this species. The figure is reproduced from that of Katzing. Plate CXriL fig. 2. Portion of thread X 300 diam. After Kutzing. 286 RHODOPHYCBJS. Chantransia compacta. Ralfs. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851, p. 304. Plant minute, hemispherical, inky-green, firm ; filaments much branched, joints twice as long as broad, branches erecto- patent. SIZE. Not stated. On aquatic plants. " It forms very minute hemispherical tnf ts or fronds of a dark colour, and very much resembles a Rivularia in appearance ; the fronds are so firm as to require considerable pressure in order to separate the fila- ments for microscopic examination. Filaments comparatively stout, rigid, much branched at the base, horizontal and interlacing. Branches crowded, erecto-patent ; joints about twice as long as broad, but the lower ones frequently shorter. Capsules orbicular, numerous, lateral, arising from all parts of the plant, and usually on short stalks. Differs from C. chalybea in its compact, firm habit ; more crowded branches, shorter joints and more scattered capsules.'' — Ralfs. Probably this is C. pyymcea, but we have seen no specimen. FAMILY III.— BATPtACHOSPERME^E. Dioecious algee. Thallus filamentous, articulate, branched, violet, or violet-purple or bluish-green, covered with mucous ; primary filament and branches composed of a single central series of cells, and numerous external parallel continuous or in- terrupted secondary series; either furnished with globosely or subglobosely densely conglobate tufts, of equally distant verti- cillate fascicles of branches, or everywhere densely covered with simple or forked branches. Vegetation terminal, GENUS. 119. BATRACHOSFERMUM. Roth. (1800.) Thallus moniliform, composed of a simple series of medullary cells, and a cortical accessory parallel series, clothed with sub- globosely clustered fascicles of branches, which latter are some- times more or less dispersed. Professor Horatio "Wood has abstracted so well what is known of the reproductive process in the Batrachosperms that we cannot do better than quote his observations in full: "Frequently in well-advanced Batrachosperms there will be seen scattered among the glomerules large round, firm, dense balls, composed of a great number of small closely attached cells. These are the reproductive bodies. According to Graf zu Solms Lanbach (" Botanische Zeitung," 18G7, p. 161), they are the result of sexual reproduction, and are developed from ' antheridia ' and ' trichogonia' (female organs) in the following manner :~ " The antheridia are small roundish cells full of a colourless proto- plasm, which is remarkable for the very numerous bright granules which it contains. They occur either scattered, or in groups, and are placed BATRACIIOSPERMEJ3. 287 upon the upper ends of peculiar ovate cells, also filled with a colourless protoplasm. Most frequently there is a single antheridium to the basal cell, sometimes two ; the latter number appears never to be exceeded. When matured the antheridia open, and allow their contents to escape in the form of roundish or flattened bodies, which never, as far as known, acquire cilia, and have, therefore, no power of spontaneous motion. These bodies, which are believed to be spermatozoids, are unprovided with anything like an external membrane, and are composed of proto- plasm identical with that in the antheridium. While these changes are occurring, certain cells in other localities are being transformed into female organs, to which the name of Trichogonia is applied. These are borne upon cells similar to those supporting the antheridia. At first they are not markedly different from the other cells, but soon undergo a very rapid growth. This is not, however, regular, and is not partaken of by a band of tissue about one-third way from the basal end, so that at last a long somewhat flask-shaped cell is produced, with a very marked con- traction at the point indicated, separating it into two portions. The wall of this cell is thin, but very distinct, and the cavity is filled with a homogeneous or very sparsely granular protoplasm, which is continuous through the narrow neck-like portion. After a time there appear one or more large irregular vacuoles, with actively moving corpuscles in them, and at the same time the neck appears to be stopped with a slimy substance. Careful examination with reagents shows that this is a cel- lulose, and that it does not completely block the passage way through the isthmus. At this time there appear lying upon the free end of the trichogonia globular or flattened bodies, without external membrane, corresponding in all respects with those already described as being pro- duced in the antheridia. The end of the trichogonium generally enlarges at this period into a sort of roundish knob, and by and bye the end wall between this and one of these globules becomes absorbed, so that there is a free communication between the two. Whilst this is 'going on the globule acquires a thin delicate coat, and there appears in it a vacuole similar to those pre-existing in the trichogonium. " The first result of this impregnation of the trichogonium is the de- posit of new cellulose, and the complete blocking up of the passage way through the isthmus or narrowed portion. Already before the fecunda- tion the upper cells of the branches supporting the trichogonia have pro- duced numerous branchlets, which, growing upwards, more or less com- pletely cover that organ. After impregnation the cells near to the trichogonium become much larger and broader, their vacuoles disappear, and are replaced by a dense granular dark greenish-brown protoplasm. These cells now show a great activity in the production of numerous branches in the usual way ; but it is the upper two alone which, with the trichogonium that they support, are concerned in the formation of the fruit glomerules. These put out all over their surface an immense num- ber of protrusions, which soon, in the ordinary way, become the parents of as many twigs or branchlets, which, growing and branching precisely as do the vegetative branches, soon become excessively crowded. The base of the trichogonium participates also in the production of branches, and at last a dense ball is formed of pseudo-parenchymatous tissue by the forced adhesion of the crowded twigs. The central cells of the glomerule thus formed are very large and bladder-like. The outer part of the ball is composed of innumerable radiating rows of small cells, the end cell of each branch being roundish so as to present a convex external face. " At maturity these cells open and allow their contents to escape as round masses, which appear to have no membrane, but begin at once to grow and secrete cellulose. Their after history has not been made out 288 RHODOPHYCEJS. with absolute certainty, but they are believed to directly develop the new plant."— Wood's fresh Water At gas of U.S., p. 218. It is somewhat uncertain what should constitute the limits of species in this genus, so that, with the exception of B. atrum, we have not de- parted from the most generally accepted series, although we fail to dis- tinguish more decided specific characters to separate B. vac/urn from B. moniliforme than can be found between, so-called, varieties of these species. Batirachospermum moniliforme. Roth. Cat. Sot. in., 160. From one inch to a foot in length, clothed with a more or less firm gelatinous mucous, violet-brownish, reddish-brown, purple, or bluish-green, vaguely and profusely branched, joints of the branches similar, oblong or clavate, outer ones sometimes seti- gerous, internodes naked, or furnished with scattered accessory branches. SIZE. Cellules -02--022 x -01 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 405. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 45. Eng. Fl. v. 388. Jenuer, Tunb. Wells, 176. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 25-42. Harv. Man. 119. Johust. Fl. Berw. ii., 257. Mack. Hib. 221. Hass. Alg. p.. 109. Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 77. Gray AIT. i., 330. Vauch. Conf. 112, t. 1, f. 5 ; t. xi, f. 4. Conferva gelatinosa, Dillw. Conf. t. 32. Relh. Cant. Supp. 21. Hull Br. Fl. 332. Eng. Bot. i., t. 689. Huds. Ang. ii., 597. With. Arr.iv., 134. Lightf. Fl. Scot. 986. Sibth. Ox. 337. Abbot. Bedf. 275. Conferva fontana nodosa spermatis ranarum, Ray Syn. 62. Dill. Muse. 36, t. 7, f. 42-46. Batrachosperma ludibunda moniliformia, Bory. Ann. des Mus. xx., t. 30, f. 1. In streams and ditches. Plate CXX. fig. a, portion of filament X 30 diam. ; I, portion X 200 diam. var. setigerum. Rabh. Algce Exs. No. 854. The extremities of the moniliform branchlets attenuated into a long setiform thread. SIZE. Cells -02 --024 x -01 mm. var. pulcherrimum. Bory. Ann. des. Mus. p. 40. About four inches long, violet or purple, the gelatinous in- vestment less developed. Branches elongated, whorls rather distant, globose, with the apices of the branchlets almost con- fluent, interstitial spaces nearly naked. SIZE. Cellules -018 x -01--012 mm. Kirch. Alg. Schles, 45. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 405. Batrachospermum pulcherrimum, Hass. Alg. 109, t. 14, f. 1. Batrachosperma ludibunda pulcherrima, Bory. loc. cit. BATRACHOSPERME^. 289 " The extreme elegance of form and of colour renders this Batracho- spermum remarkable ; its stems are rather more branched than those of the variety confusum, and less than those of B. moniliforme, are from 2 to 3J inches long1, slender, and of an intermediate diameter. The globules are perfectly sphaerical, distant upon the stems from each other the length of a ray, more approximate, flattened, but always distinct in the branches. Its colour is a clear grey, approaching to a most agreeable violet ; this last tint becomes dominant in drying, and passes sometimes to red."- -Hassall. Plate CXXI.fg. a, portion of filament X 30 ; fig. b, smaller portion X 200. var. proliferum. Kutz. Stem and primary branches densely set with short accessory branchlets. SIZE. Cellules -018 X -01 mnr, diam. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 406. Batracliospermum proliferum, Hass. Alg. 112, t. 63, f. 1. B. moniliforme, f3 proliferum, Carm. MSS. " Frond solitary, or in small clusters, 1 or 2 inches long, irregularly branched, branches divaricate, curved, or flexuous, opaque, and very dark coloured, beset with short ramuli, which issue out from the joints among the whorls, of eccentric filaments, and are themselves beset with whorls. Colour grey. — Carmichael. Plate CXJ.II. Portion of filament x 200 diam., from original speci- men. var. confusum. Hass. Alg. 105, t. 15, /. 1. For the most part bright violet, 2-3-4 inches long, and simi- larly expanded, densely involved in a gelatinous mucous, whorls approximate, with numerous interstitial ramuli irregularly dis- posed. SIZE. Cellules '02--022 x -01 mm. Eabh. Alg. iii., 405. Kirchn. Alg. Schles, 45. Batracliospermum confusum, Hass Alg. 105. J5atracliospermum giqanteum, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. iii., t. 23. Batrachosperma ludibunda confusa, Bory. Ann. des Mus. xx., t. 29, f. 3. " Of all Batrachosperms this acquires the greatest dimensions. Its length is sometimes four inches and a half, its diameter equal often to that of the culms of grasses. Its branches appear also to be less obtuse than in the other varieties. The globules, or whorls, are so approximated and so large that they are often confounded together in such a manner as to be with difficulty distinguished in certain specimens which have the aspect of B. lielmintosum. The colour of the plant is of a monse-grey, agreeable by its transparency. The large stems approach a little upon yellow. These tints become of a beautiful violet by putrefaction. It is upon individuals of this variety that I made for the first time, twelve years ago, an experiment which ought to be known ; after having many 2 8 290 RHODOPHYCE.E. times carried from one locality to another stones bearing individuals of this species, which continued to prosper in spite of the change of habita- tion, I steeped many of them in lukewarm water, afterwards in boiling, and no part of the Batrachosperm appeared, under the microscope, to have undergone the slightest disorganization by these immersions, and certain sprigs, replaced in their native place, continued to vegetate after these experiments. I do not think that there exist other vegetables which boiling water does not immediately disorganize, there are not others that can resist temperatures so opposite." — Bory. Plate CXXIII. Portion of filament X 200 diam. var. Boltoni. Cooke. This variety differs in the large size and very globose form of the joints of the whorls. The apices are very often setiforrn. SIZE. Cellules -025 x '02, or -022 x '018 mm. This variety, found by Mr Thomas Bolton, of Birmingham, seems to differ sufficiently to be worthy of notice as a distinct variety. In colour it was a beautiful green, with a tendency to pass into blue in drying. Plate CXXIV. Portions of a filament X 200 diam. var. stagnate. Ag. One or two inches long, blue or steel-blue. Whorls of the stem confluent, of the branches distant. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 406. Batrachosperma ludibunda stagnalis, Bory. Ann. Mus. xx., p. 42. Batrachospermum stagnale, Hass. Alg. p 107. Conferva jontana nodosa, &c., Dill. Muse. f. 44. " This variety has great resemblance in form and diameter to con- fusnm, ; it is nevertheless shorter, bnt as thick. Its whorls are round and distinct ; they are more approximated the one to the other in the large stems, about which they are sometimes even confused. Their colour is a greenish-yellow, pale and livid." — Hassall. var. alpestre. Shuttleworth. Frond black, very mucous, much branched, alternately form- ing very obtuse angles with the principal filaments . Whorls of the stem spherical, distinct, but approximate, branches com- pressed. Bairacliospermum alpestre, Hass. Alg. Ill, t. 14, f. 2. " This species is easily recognized by the eye alone, either in its recent or dried state ; in the former its size, great lubricity, jetty black colour, and approximate, yet for the most part, exactly sphaerical whorls, are remarkable ; in the latter, in which also the black tint is preserved, it may be distinguished by the multiplicity of its branches, which are, except the primary ones, exceedingly short and irregular, and issue from the main filaments almost at right angles, and by their non-moniliform appearance. In drying, also, it shrinks considerably." — Hassall. BATRACHOSPERME.E. 291 var. helmintosum. Bory Ann. d. Mus. t. 29, /. 2. Filaments branched, pyramidal, naked below, branches simple, subpinnate, acute whorls contiguous, compressed. Batracliosperma helmintosa, Bory Ann. Mus. xx. p. 33. Batrachospermum helmintosum, Hass. Alg. p. 105. " The stems of this beautiful species scarcely exceed 2 inches in length. They are fine, and denuded at their base, which appears yellow. Numerous branches proceed from it ; they are somewhat subulate, and diminish in length in such a way that they incline from the extremities of the plant, and give it a pyramidal appearance. The whorls are com- pressed, voluminous, horizontal, and so approximated that they cannot acquire the globular form ; they become confused, and form round the steins a coutimious cylinder of mucosity. The diameter of this cylinder equals often that of the plume of a little bird. The branches are not less thick at their insertion. The colour of the plant is obscure, of a bluish and uncertain green." — Bory. var. bambusinum. Bory. Ann. d. Mus. t. 29, /. 1. Filaments sparingly branched, branches simple, cells much elongated, whorls minute, distant. Batracliosperina bambusina, Bory Ann. Mus. xx. p. 32. Batracliospermum bombusinum (Bory). Hass. Alg. 103, t. 13, f. 3. " Its colour is of the most elegant green ; but if the specimens be not quickly prepared they very soon turn black upon the paper. From a principal filament, 2-4 inches long, proceed many long, slender, loose branches, simple, or having sometimes here and there scattered, very small branches, which are never divided. The articulations of the principal stem, and of the larger branches, are for the most part naked ; their point of contact is dilated in such a manner as to resemble the rods of bamboos. As to the whorls, they are rounded, smaller than those of the neighbouring species, composed of very compact branchlets. Their simple ramuli are likewise shorter than in the other Batrachosperms ; three or four rounded joints compose them ; the ciliform appendage which terminates them is remarkable. Someraniuli, shorter than those of the whorl, cover also the inferior part of the articulations, which have the appearance of reversed cones." — Bory. Batrachospermum vagum. (Rotli.} Ag. Syst. 52. Vaguely branched, 1-3 inches long, brownish or bluish-green ; inferior internodes covered with a dense mass of branchlets, the superior naked, or nearly so, apical joints of the branchlets attenuated into a long bristle. SIZE. Cellules '025 x *012 mm. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 406. Kirch. Alg. Scliles. 46. Eng. Fl. v., 388. Eng. Bot. ii., 197. Harv. Man. 119. Hass. Alg. 109, t. 63, f. 2. Kutz. Spec. 536. ftatracliosperma turfosa, Bory Ann. des Mus. xX.j t. 32, f. 1, 292 RHODOPHYCE^:. " In no other Conferva is the number of the filaments so considerable as this. Their total diameter equals that of the largest horsehair. They divide in every direction from a little disc, ramify to infinity, observing remarkably well the dichotomous disposition in their first division, their branches becoming subsequently vague. Their total length extends even to four inches. " From their origin even to their extremity these filaments are clothed with microscopic branches, so impacted that the whorls are not apparent in scarcely any direction ; with a simple lens they are not better dis- covered, from which it might be supposed that one was observing a Thorea. It is but towards the points of the branches that, by the assist- ance of a strong lens, they are at last distinguished. These whorls are very closely approximated, horizontal, compressed the one upon the other, and becoming so confused as to form around the filament, which is green or yellow, and very flexible, a continuous down, mucous to the touch, sometimes very pale, more frequently of a very agreeable bluish watery green ; this colour is, moreover, deep towards the point of the branches. As it grows old the plant tiirns yellow, and is discoloured." — Bory. var. keratophytum. Bory. Beautiful blue-green, thin, very much branched, dichotomous, with the black setaceous base naked, branches all equal, slender, thin, apex slightly incrassated, whorls distinct. SIZE. Cellules clavate, about -03 x '015 mm. Batrachosperma keratophyta, Bory Ann. Mus. xx., t. 31, f. 2. Batrachospermum suevorum, Kutz. Spec. 536. Habit, colour, and ramification of B. vagum, but with the whorls dis- tinct. Plate CXXV. fig. a, portion of filament X 30 ; b, portion X 200 diam. Batrachospermum atrum. Harv. Nan. 119. Violet-coloured when moist, dark brown, almost black when dry, vaguely and much branched, reaching 2 inches, whorls abbreviated, distant ; interstitial branchlets very short, one or two-celled. SIZE. Cellules '012 mm. diam. Jenner Tunb. Wells 176. Hass. Alg. 114, t. 16, f. 4. Conferva atra, Dillw. Conf. t. 11. Hull Br. Fl. 332. Huds. Ang. ii., 597. Eng. Bot. i., t. 690. With. Arr. iv., 134. Gray. Arr. i., 330. Batrachospermum detersum, Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2543. Batrachospermum moniliforme, v. detersum, Eng. Fl. v., 388. Mack. Hib, 221. Batrachospermum moniliforme, var. i. atrum, Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 406. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 45. Lemanea setacea, Bory Ann. de Mus. t. 23, f. 3. In streams and ditches* Plate CXXV I t fig. \. a, portion of filament X 30 ; 6, portion X 200 BATRACHOSPERME.E. 293 " The articulations, or internodes, may be compared to reversed cones, the superior part or whorls being formed of a few short, simple subu- late filaments, which are not beaded ; in these filaments the colouring matter chiefly resides, and it is amongst them that the glomerules are formed ; that portion of each articulation which is below the whorl is transparent, and beautifully exhibits the tubular and jointed structure of the layers which invest the primary cells in all the species of the genus Batrachospermum ; from many of these tubes short branches are given off, which have almost the appearance of scales." — Hassall. var. Dillenii. Bory. Ann. de Mus. xx., t. 22, f. 2. Filaments dark brown, very thin, lower nodes remote, the interstices beset very densely with prominent cells, upper nodes crowded, branchlets very short, consisting of 3-4 cellules, ex- treme apical nodes confluent. SIZE. Cellules *012 mm. diam. Lemanea Dillenii, Bory. Ann. de Mus. xx., 23. Batrachospermum vagum, e. Dillenii, Rabh. Alg. Eur. in., 407. Conferva fontana nodosa, lubrica, nigris, Dill. Muse. t. 2, f. 46. This is usually considered as a variety of B. vagum, but it seems more closely allied to B. atruni, if that be really a distinct species. Plate CXXVI. fig. 2. Portion of filament X 200 diam. GENUS 120. THOREA. Bory. (1808.) Thallus filamentose, attenuated at the apex, branched, purple- brown, villose, mucous, with a solid central medullary stratum, surrounded by dichotomously divided branchlets. — Surun genre nouveau de la Cryptogamie aquatique, nomme Thorea. Thorea ramosissima. Bory Ann. Mus. xx. 127. From a hand's-breadth to a foot long, and rarely two feet, very much branched, about the thickness of a horsehair, dark- green, of a beautiful purple-violet when dry, ramelli spreading horizontally, long and short alternating, articulate, joints 1-3 times as long as broad, or twice that length. Harv. Man. 120. Hass. Alg. 65, t. 16, f. 3-4. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. Batrachospermum hispidum, De Cand. Fl. Fr. ii., 60. Attached to wood, &c. Walton-on- Thames. Plate CXXVIL fig. a. Small plant> natural size ; b, ramuli and spore ; C> portion of filament X 400* 294 RHODOPHYCEJE. FAMILY IV. LEMANEACE^E. Fluviatile alga3. Thallus developed from a confervoid pro- thallic filament, setaceous, almost simple, hollow, nodose, having an internal and a cortical layer of cells. Poljspores numerous, collected in branched moniliforrn series, germinating without fertilization. GENUS 121. LEMANEA. Bory. (1808.) The only genus in the family, with the same characters as above given. " The dilated portions of the threads are loosely filled with the spores, which are produced within the frond. The spores are oval, thick-walled cells, joined together to form series, which are very much branched, so that from a central basal row they rise as a complex bush-like mass. The first step, according to Wartmann, in their germination, consists in the elongation of the spore, and the projection of one end, which is soon cut off by the formation of a transverse partition, and constitutes a new cell. This multiplication soon develops into a branched confervoid filament. A large number of these filaments are generally produced in one place at one time, and form a very apparent greenish layer. Finally, certain cells in branches of these filaments swell up and become very much broader than their fellows, undergoing, at the same time, division so rapidly that they become very short. By-and-bye they divide also in the direction of their breadth, so that, instead of a simple series of cells, there arises a compound mass. This is the beginning of the new frond. At first it is dependent upon the parent filament, but soon acquires a root-like pro- cess at the base, and develops rapidly into the complex cartilaginous plant." — Wartmann, Beitrage zur Lemanea (1854). Lemanea fluviatilis. Ag, Spec. Alg. n. p. -i. Simple, or sparingly branched, 3-4 inches long, straight, nodules rather remote, with about three verticillate papillse. SIZE. Spores '04 x '025 mm. Rabh, Alg. Eur. in., 411 . Kirch. Alg. Schles. 43. Eng. Fl. v., p. 322. Hook. Fl. Scot, ii., 84. Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2423. Jenner Tnnb. Wells 176. Harv. Man. 119. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 246. Mack. Hib. 220. Gray AIT. i., 288. Hass. Alg. 72. Lemanea. corallina, Bory Ann. de Mus. xx., t. 21, f. 2. Conferva fluviatilis, Dill. Conf. t. 29. Hull Br. Fl. 332. Eng. Bot. i., t. 1763. Huds. Ang. ii., 597. With. Arr. iv., 134. Lightf. Fl. Scot. 985. Conferva fluviatilis lubrica setosa equiseti facie, Dill. Muse. 39, t. 7, f. 47. Nodularia fluviatilis, Grev. Fl. Ed. 300. Fl. Devon, ii., 57. Attached to stones, wood, &c,, in streams. LEMANEACE.E. 295 " From a cartilaginous disc, stixmgly applied to foreign bodies, proceed a great number of close filaments, elastic, of a brownish-green colour, and a little curved at the base, but they become more pale and straight in the remainder of their length. These filaments are ordinarily from 4 to 7 inches in length. Some are entirely simple, the others throw out here and there branches, or divide towards the middle of their length. The internodes are oblong, from a line to a line and a half, cylindrical, and inflated at their points of contact. Their divisions are often but little apparent, and disappear towards the base of the filaments, which appear continuous, cylindrical, and equal in diameter to a strong horse-hair. The surface of the filaments in old age is encrusted in such a manner as not to become recognizable either by its colour, which changes, or by the destruction of the internodes, which become confused and disappear." — Bory. Plate CXXV1II. fig. 1. Filaments natural size ; a, portion of fila- ment magnified ; b. section of same ; c, chains of spores x 200. Lemanea toxulosa. (Roth.) Ag. Spec. n. 4. Nearly simple, for the most part bent like a bow, 1-2 inches long, nodules approximate, papillad flattened, sometimes con- fluent or almost obsolete. SIZE. Spores '04- x -022--03 mm. Kabb. Alg. Eur. iii., 411. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 43. Eng. Fl. v., 322. Gray AIT. i., 288. Hass. Alg. 71, t. 7. Conferva torulosa, Dillw. Conf. p. 77, t. F. Conferva fluviatilis nodosa fucum emulans, Dill. Muse. t. 7, f. 48. ' Lemanea ftuviatilis, var. /3- torulosa, Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2423. Harv. Mon. 119. Conferva fluviatilis, var. 2. With. AIT. iv., 134. In streams. " From a little horny disc, fixed to the hard bodies which support it, arise from six to thirty filaments, from one inch to 2^ inches in length, curved in one direction. Their colour is of a brownish or reddish-green, obscure or livid. They acquire in diameter the greatest dimensions of all the Confervae." — Bory. Bory states that " M. Thore, of Dax, first remarked, in the Conferva fluviatilis of Linnaeus, a fact which is verified in the other species of our genus. The recent filaments of this Lemnnea, presented towards the flame of a candle, explode and extinguish the candle. This phenomenon does not take place in dried specimens. It is owing to some gas shut up in the connections of the joints, and which, put in expansion by the heat, presses against the walls and breaks them with an explosion. A remarkable movement of retraction is experienced in the fingers which hold by the two extremities! the filament experimented upon. As to the smell of the burnt plant, although very peculiar, it cannot be compared to^that of animal substances submitted to the fire. I have not met with any Lemania in stagnant waters ; they grow in quick waters. It is in the pm-e fountains, large rivers, in very rapid rivulets, that they appear to delight. Many, moreover, flourish especially in those places where the current has the greatest force, such as in mill sluices, and the most impetuous falls of cascades." — HassalVs Algtz, p. 70. Plate CXXVIII, fiy. 2. Filaments natural size. SUPPLEMENT, To follow at page 4 — Pleurococcus bituminosus . (Bory. Diet, in., 15.) Thallus mucous, brown-black, or pitch -colour, cells small, rounded angular, greenish brown, 4-8 associated in families, tegument scarcely broad, colourless, hyaline, indistinctly lamel- lose. SIZE. Cells -002 mm. ; families Ofl-'02 mm. Rabh. Alg. Eur. i., 28. Chaos bituminosus, Bory. Diet, iii., 15. Palmella bitwninosa, Meneg. Nost. p. 56. Protococcus lituminosus, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 5. Gleocapsa bituminosa, Kutz. Spec. 224. On walls of damp cellars, &c. Plate CXXIX. Jig. 1. Cells and families x 400 diam. Fleurococcus vestitus. Reinsch. Algen. Fl. p. 56. Cells solitary, rarely united in small families, orange ; cell- membrane thick, densely invested with small hairs. SIZE. Cells -012--022 mm. diam. Kabh. Alg. Eur. i., 29. Acantlwcoc.cus vestitus, Lagerh. Svenska Vet. Akad. Forh., 1883, p. 37. Plate CXXIX. fig. 2. Cells X 400 diam. GENUS 14 bis. DACTYLOCOCCUS. l\7ag. (1849). Cells oblong or fusiform (at first ovate-cuspidate, then ellip- soid), free swimming, 2-8 associated in families, at length dividing and becoming single. Propagation by division in one direction. Dactylococcus De Baxyanus. Reinsch. Contrib. t. x., /. 1. Cells broadly elliptical-oval, apex broadly rounded, base attenuated into a hyaline pedicel, half as long as the cell, and expanded at its extremity, single or twin, cell-contents intense green, granulose, at length divided in 3 or 4. Cell membrane thick. SIZE. Cells -033 x '016 mm. Parasitic on small aquatic crustaceans, Entomostraca, &c. Plate CXXIX. fig. 3. a, individuals X 400 diam. ; b, two individuals X 720 diam. SUPPLEMENT. 297 To be inserted at page 91 — Spirogyra velata. Nordst. Lund. Univ. Arsskrift, 1872, Vol. ix. Sterile cells with the ends truncate, 3-4 times as long as broad, chlorophyll band single, making 1^ to 2J tarns in the spiral. Spores elongated-oval, polymorphous, 1 J to 3 times as long as broad ; epispore thick, composed of four membranes ; the second is hyaline and scrobiculate ; the third is coloured (Nordstedt). Sporiferous cells a little swollen or not at all, sometimes shorter, sometimes a little longer than the spores. SIZE. Cells •035--04nim.; zygospore -06 x -035— -085 X •045 mm. Petit Spirogyra, p. 25, t. 7, fig. 1-5. In ditches. England (Leicester. F. Bates). The zygospore has a broad hyaline border finely denticulate with the scrobiculations of the second membrane. Plate CXXX. Jig. 1. a, sterile cells X 200; b, sterile cell x 400;