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'"" i5? — ... _ -y»=a .* *S #*•* mr * r ■. sum. 5£ saw* : CURRICULUM QH 315.5 A33 1963 gr . 12 CURRGDHT •.' ■ m - a<«>ax M'CHTV^q JNlVERilTY OF ALBERTA EDUCATION LIBRARY A Brochure for Teachers of Biology 30 in the High Schools of Alberta September 1963 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Alberta Libraries http://archive.org/details/brochureteachbio3063albe This brochure was prepared by the Biology Subcom- mittee of the Senior High School Curriculum Committee of the department of Education for the use of teachers o^ Biology 30. CQNTWS I. General Information 1 II. Course Outline 3 III. Laboratory Supplies Required £ In order that schools may not find themselves sud- denly faced with excessive expenditures for labor- atory supplies, it is proposed that equipment be purchased over a three-year period. For that reason the list of equipment has been divided into three sections, and it is proposed that a board may pur- chase a certain portion each year. e*g. equipment listed under "Year One" is considered a suitable minimum for the first year. Equipment under "Year Two" and "Year Three" may N= s^^ed in succeeding years. IV. List of moderately priced reference books 13 GEWER M, INFORMATION ooks required (available at the School Pock Branch) Text: (a) ELEMENTS OF BIOLOGY: Weiszj McGraw-Hill (b) Chemical Background ror Biology 30: Brown Laboratory Manual: LABORATORY EXERCISES FOR ELEMENTS OF ^TOLOGY: McGraw-Hill Prerequisite : The prerequisite for Biology 30 is a ' B' or better standing in Biology 20, Science 20 or Science 22. Objectives: 1« To emphasize understanding of biological principles rather than memoriza- tion of terms, definitions, diagrams, etc. It is assumed that students will have a background knowledge of structure from studies of Biology 20. 2. To develop a deeper understanding of biological life, through a study of the processes involved. Aims: 1, To study in depth such life processes as: a) ingestion b) digestion c) absorption d) ass: dilation e) elimination f) excretion g) sensitivity h) reproduction 2. To study the life processes in a representative group of organisms, both plant and animal. The organisms used ma vary from school to school. (It should therefore be obvious that a final examination may not emphasize select organisms. Students and teachers may use any specimens or mate- rials which are suitable.) Laboratory Work la It is expected that at least one period p^r week xfill be spent in the laboratory. 2. Laboratory work will receive attention on final examinations. During the introductory three-year period, there shall be an increasing emphasis on this aspect of the course, to a maximum of 30^ - hOfo of course value. It is anticipated that this period of time should be sufficient to adequately equip a laboratory. - 2 - Final Examination: 1. The final examination shall be subjective. 2. The examination shall allow for variation in emphasis on tonics by pro- viding a measure of choice: a) Two-thirds of the questions on the examination shall be answered. b) The 2xamiration shall consist of three parts, reflecting a different anproach to testing: i) An essay-type question to test ability to organize and relate, ii) A question testing knowledge and understanding of factual mate- rial. (Refer: METHODS kW) MATERIALS FOR THE TEACHING OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: Miller and Blaydes; McGraw-Hill, Chapter 6, pp. 68 - 8£.) iii) A question derived from or based on laboratory work. c) Each part to have approximately eoual weight. References: 1. SCIENCE 0^ BIOLOGY: Weisz; McGraw-Hill — This book is an elaboration of ELEMENTS OF BIOLOGY and is an essential part of the teacher's refer- ence library. 2. INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL TO ACCOMPANY ELEMENTS 0^ BIOLOGY: Weiszj McGraw-Hill (This one is recommended.) 3. INSTRUCTOR' ~taL TO ACCOMPANY SCIENCE OF 3T0L0GY: Weiszj McGraw-Hill U. A S0TTRCE^0CK FOR THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: Morholt et alj Harcourt, Brace & Company (Excellent for laboratory techniques.) $, PRINCIPLES OF MODERN BIOLOGY: Marsland; Holt, Rinehart & Winston 6. GENERAL BIOLOGY (Revised): Johnson, Laubengayer and Uelanney; Holt, Rinehart and Winston 7. PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY: Buff aloe; Prentice -Hall Periodicals: 1. Scientific American: Scientific American Tnc, Ul£ Madison Avenue, New York 17, New vork, U.C,.A. 2. cience World: Scholastic Magazines Inc., 33 ,,Jest 1|2 Street, Mew York 36 3. American Biology Teacher: Secretary-Treasurer, Department of Education, Temple University, Philadelphia 22, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. U- A.I.B.S. Bulletin: American Institute of Biological Sciences, 2000 P Street N. W., Washington 6, D. C.', U.S. . Chapter 1 2 3 h 5 10 n 12 - 3 - COURSE OUTLINE Title and Comments The Mature of Science Part One - The Living '-'oriel Replacement chapter by Dr. Brown Cell and Organism Species and Community Community and Environment Part Two - The Living Organism 4r>prox. Tchg, Time (Weeks) Protoplasm and Cells M oner a and Protista Metaphyta: Advanced Plants Metazoa: Advanced Animals OMIT - material to be used as reference only Part Three - Metabolism Autotrophic Nutrition — Emphasis on (a) Internal transport — essentially Biology 20 review (b) Photosynthesis — the teacher is recommended to supplement his presentation with T'.^iSZj THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY. Examination material is limited to the text however-. Heterotrophic Nutrition Gas Exchange NOTE: Chapters 1-12 should be completed by Christmas 13 11* 15 16 17 18 Cellular Metabolism: Respiration Cellular Metabolism: Energy Utilization Part Four - Self -Perpetuation: The Steady State The Pattern of Control Cellular Controls The Body Fluids Nervous Coordination — Omit chart p. 323 except as it applies to The Neural Receptors — Diagram p. 3U0 is poor — Diagram p. 3Ul - hair cells are in contact with the tectorial membrane 2 14-2 - h - Course Outline (cont'd) 19 20 21 22 23 2U Part Five - Self-Perpetuation: Reproduction The Pattern of Reproduction — Mitosis and T"eiosis are difficult concepts and are to be taught essentially ^s Bioloey 20 review. Reproduction: Monera, Protista, Fetaphyta Reproduction: Metazoa — Chapters 20 and 21 essentially a review of Biology 20. Part Six - Self-Pernetuation: Adaotation Heredity The Mechanism of Evolution The Course of Evolution Total time: 26 weeks - s - SUPPLIES "Op "YEAR OATC" Labs: 2, ?, 6, 8, 10, 1% 1$, 17, 20, 23, 2^, 28 and 30. Glass Beakers — 1 set of 50 ml., 10n ml., 250 ml., U00 ml., per two students Cylinders — graduated, 100 ml. low type - 1 per student Cover slips — 300 per class of 30 students Jars — quart with lids - 2 per 6 students Medicine droppers — 1 per student Microscope slides — 1 per student Petri dish — 1 per student Pipette — graduated, 10 ml. with rubber bulb - 2 per h students Reagent bottles — plain - 3 oer student Stirring rods — 8" - 2 per h students Test tubes — ^U - 15 x 125 mm. - 1 doz. per h students ^6 - 18 x 1^5 mm. - 1 doz. per h students #17 - 25 x 300 mm. - § doz. per 6 students Glass tubing 1/8" — 6 feet per student Vial — with screw cap #6 - 21 x 70 mm. - 1 per h students Equipment Adhesive tape It" — 3 feet per 6 students Aquarium air breaker stones — 2 per student Applicator sticks — 100 per class Asbestos wire gauze — 1 per student Aspirin — 1 bottle per class Cardboard Cotton — absorbent - 1 lb. per class Cork stoppers — 100 assorted per class - 6 - Filter paper — lf> cm. Labels Lancets — sterile disposable - 1 per student Litmus naper — red and blue Microscope — 1 oer k students at least (preferably 1 per 2 students) Nails U" — 2 lbs. per class Paper bags — 1 Der student Razor blade and holder or scalpel and blades — 1 per 2 students Refrigerator — 1 par laboratory (desirable for storage of specimens) Ring and ring stand — 1 per 2 students Ring clamps — 1 per 2 students Rubber tubing l/R" — 1 foot per k students Scissors — dissecting - 1 pair per h students Stoppers — solid gum rubber #2 - 16 to 20 mm. - 2 lbs. per class #£ - 23 to 27 mm, - 3 lhs. per class #7 - 30 to 37 mm. - 2 lbs. per class #30(0) - 13 to 17 mm. - 2 lbs. per class Stoppers — gum rubber - one hole w3 - 18 to 2h mm. - 1 lb. per class Stoppers — gum rubber - two holed - 1 lb. per class Test tube holder — 1 per 2 students Test tube rack — 1 per 2 students Test tube brush — one per h students Toothpicks — 1 box p3r class Tongs — 1 per h students Vacuum wax - 1 lb. per class Wax marking pencil (grease nencil) — 1 per student - 7 - Sphygmomanometer (Aneroid) Stethoscope While it would be desirable to have these two instruments in the laboratory it T;ay be more oractical to have a medical doctor or a nurse come in and give a demonstration on the use of this equip- ment. Autoclave or pressure cooker and hotplate — 1 per laboratory An autoclave is desirable for sterilizing equipment. A pressure cooker with hotplate might serve the same purpose. Perishable Material Celery Eggs Geranium plant (Pellargonium) — 3 plants per class or Impatiens Wanderin? Jew (Zebriana) Chemicals and Dry Stores Acetic acid — C2H[,02 Alcohol - ethyl — CgH^OH Ammonium hydroxide — NHkOH Benedict's solution — qualitative Blood typing sera — anti-A and ?nti-B Calcium chloride — CaCl2 Calcium hydroxide — Ca(OH)p Calcium sulphate — CaSOj Carbon tetrachloride — C CL Copper sulphate crystals -- CuSOi - 8 - Dyes — Carmine - soluble - powdered Janus green - powdered Methylene blue - powdered Neutral red Safranin - 1% aqueous solution Sudan IV - powdered Formaldehyde Gelatin - powdered Glucose - 1 lb. per class of 30 students Glycogen - ocwdered Hydrochloric acid - HC1 Iodine crystals — h oz. per class of 30 students Mercuric chloride — HgCl? Milk — powdered skin milk Olive oil Pepsin Phenolphthalein Potassium hydroxide — K0^ Potassium iodide - KI Rennin tablets (Junket) Sodium bicarbonate — NaHCOo Sodium chloride — NaCl Sodium fluoride — MaF Sodium hydroxide — ^!aOH Starch -- powdered Sucrose — 1 lb. per class of 30 students Vaseline Water -- distilled - 9 - ADDITIONAL SUPPLIES FOR "YEAR WO" Labs: 1, U, 7, 9, 11, 12, 1)4, 18, 22, 2h, 26, 31 "lass Aquarium — 10 gallon minimum - 1 ner class Beakers — 1000 ml. - 1 per h students Erlenmeyer flasks - 250 ml. — 2 per h students Filter funnel — 1 per l± students Florence flask and stopper to fit 300 ml. — 1 per h students Slides, prepared of human 'blood Test tubes — bacteriological culture - 13 x 100 mm. without lip - 2 per U students Equipment Burrette clamp - 1 per 2 students Cheese cloth - 1 package per class of 30 Dialysis cellulose tubing 5/8" diameter — 6 per h students Clamps - pinch tvpe -- 2 per h students Dissecting probes - straight and sharp — 1 per U students Dissecting probes - blunt — 1 psr h students Dissecting pins — 1 doz. per k students Forceps — 2 pair per h students Frog pinning board or substitute — 1 per h students Incubator or substitute — 1 ner 8 students Mortar and pestle - 225 — 1 ner h students Rubber tubing l/8" I.D. — 3 feet ner U students Rubber tubing %" — 2* feet per h students Sand - fine washed Seed flats and loam to fill — 1 per h students - 10 - Chemicals and Dry Stores Acetylcholine — 1 x 10 cc. vial per class of 30 students Adrenalin sulfate — 1 x 10 cc. vial per class Ammonium phosphate — (NH. )?P0i Barium chloride crystals — BaCl? Benzene Bromothymol blue dye - powdered Calcium carbonate - chips Chromic nitrate crystals — Cr(N0Oo Ethylene glycol Ferric chloride — FeOlo Ferric nitrate — Fe(N0o)o Ferrous sulfate — FgSOl Glycerine Glycogen - powdered Maltose — 1 lb. per class o*" 30 students Manganese chloride — MnClo Manganese dioxide — MnOp Nitric acid — HN0~ Oxalic acid Pancreatin - powdered Potassium chlorate — KC10 Potassium ferrocyanide — K^Fe(CN)^ Potassium permanganate — EMnOh Silver nitrate crystals — AgNO-a Soap — liquid green Sodium carbonate — l^CO-o Sodium silicate (water glass) Sulphuric acid — H Hi 2 - 11 - Perishable Materials Albino sorghum (Kaffir corn) — 100 seeds per h students Beets — l£ grams per k students or deep red Coleus le?vos — 5 per U students Elodea — 6 bunches per class of 30 students Green leaves Viable seeds (50 ml, of any one of the following: wheat, oatsj radishes, barley, etc.) - 12 - ADDITIONAL SUP^LDS N^D1^ TO COMPLETE ALL LABS "Y^AR THR^" Labs: £, 16, 19, 21, 27, 29 and 32 Glass Drosophila culture bottles - * pint milk bottles or similar type small jars — 2 per h students Ignition tubes - 2£ x 200 mm. — 2 per h students Equipment Centrifuge or substitute — 1 per class of 30 students Dissecting tray — 1 per k students Dry cell - 1.5 volt — 1 per h students Insulated copoer ^rire - 18 to 22 gauge — h feet per k students Hypodermic syringe - 2 ml. — 1 per U students Drosophila Guide by M. Demerc and B. P. Kaufmann Carnegie Institution of Washington 1^30 P Street N. W. Washington 5, D. C. (price 2^0) - 1 per h students Perishable Materials Drosophila - wild type — 1 culture per class of 30 students ) order 2-3 ) weeks in Drosophila - vestigial wing - 1 culture per class of 30 students) advance Frogs (Rana pipiens or grass frogs) — four per group of four students Chemical and Dry Goods Agar-agar - powdered — 1 lb. per class Bile salts Corn meal - yellow — £ lbs. per class Corn syrup (Karo) - 2 lbs. per class Mold inhibitor - sodium propionate Molasses - dark — 1 lb. per class DATE DUE SLIP , F255 OH 315-5 A33 1983 GR-12 A BROCHURE FOR TEACHERS OF BIOLOGY 30 IN THE HIGH SCHOOLS OF ALBERTA -- 39841042 CURR HIST -0000207354 78 OH 315 5 A33 1963 gr. 12 A brochure for teach ers of bio logy 30 in the h i gh sch ool s of A lber ta . 39841042 CURR HIST CURRIC For Reference not to be taken from this room except w;t!: l ;qn Sag :£ : '< w !*iB5!&i?;";3 »' i ^^?Pf :■' 11 rpjii fllllJi [II ^^.^ c saw*