Blues Traveler June 24th, 1994 Borderline, London, England Master: Sony ECM-929LT>Sony D6>Cass(m), Cass(m)>DAT by Bill Pannifer Conversion: Tascam DA-20>Egosys U2A>Sound Studio 2.1.1b3>AIFF>xACT 1.58 by Dave Mallick [] Set 1 [83:34.51] 01. Love & Greed/ [05:21.72] 02. Dropping Some NYC [02:44.45] 03. Crash Burn/ [03:34.06] 04. Believe Me/ [04:19.63] 05. Optimistic Thought/ [03:26.07] 06. Slow Change [08:06.61] 07. Low Rider> [04:05.10] 08. Gina/ [06:15.05] 09. Alone/ [12:11.15] 10. Trina Magna [06:20.67] 11. The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly [02:22.74] 12. Whoops/ [09:24.48] 13. NY Prophesie [04:58.04] 14. But Anyway/ [06:34.09] 15. E: What's For Breakfast [03:49.15] Notes: - Taper stopped his deck after many songs to save tape; the pauses are noticeable sometimes, other times not, but no music is missing. - Crowd gets very loud and chatty during Alone.