5 i [Reprinted from ToRREYA, Vol. 15, No. 2, Feb., I915.] REVIEWS Qrigg^s Botanical Survey of the " Sugrar Grove Reg:ion," Ohio * This paper is a good description of an area which is seldom mentioned in phytogeographical Hterature, though of exceptional interest and located in one of our most thickly settled states. An ii-page introduction treats of the geology, topography, soils and climate, and there are 37 pages on the vegetation ("ecology"), 6 on economic aspects, and 36 on the flora. The illustrations are excellent half-tones of scenery, vegetation, or single species of plants, most of them apparently never published before; but they are not dated, so that the reader can only guess at what season they were taken from the appearance of the foliage or flowers. The area has no very definite boundaries, but is located in Fairfield and Hocking counties, a little southeast of the center of Ohio, in the unglaciated Carboniferous plateau region that ex- tends from Pennsylvania to Alabama. (Some of the illustrations could be matched pretty closely in the coal region of Alabama.) The topography is very broken, though hardly mountainous. (Many readers will doubtless be surprised, as the reviewer was, to learn that there is such rugged topography in Ohio, for much of the surface of that state is very flat.) The soils are mostly derived from sandstone, and therefore deficient in basic materials. The nature of the soil and topography has retarded agricultural development, and thus allowed this area to remain one of the best "botanizing grounds" in the state. The average growing season is 155 days, the average annual snowfall 25 inches, and the rainfall (from 35 to 40 inches a year) is pretty evenly distributed through the seasons, but with a slight p , excess in the summer months. In this last particular this locality ^ resembles many other places with somewhat sandy soils,! and ^-""^ differs from most places in the Ohio valley. * A botanical survey of the Sugar Grove region. By Robert F. Griggs. Ohio ^ Biol. Surv. Bull. 3, or Ohio State Univ. Bull. vol. XVIII (18), no. 25. or Contr. ^^ Bot. Lab. O. S. U. no. 84. 98 pp.. frontispiece, 29 numbered text-figures, and full-page map. "April" 1914 [or rather August, according to a letter from the author]. (The pages are numbered from about 247 to 340. but an examination of Bulletins i and 2 of the same series leaves one in some doubt as to the title of the volume to which the pagination belongs.) t See Geol. Surv. Ala. Monog. 8: 24 (footnote). 1913- 30 The descriptions of vegetation cannot be adequately sum- marized in a brief review, but must be seen to be appreciated. For each of the habitats, about fifteen in number, the environ- mental factors are described in a general way, and the commoner plants listed (usually about one third of the vascular species and sometimes a few mosses and lichens), usually in approximate order of abundance or conspi^^usness, but often disconnectedly, and with a somewhat arbitrary distinction between dominant and secondary species. At the beginning of most of the habitat lists the names of one or two species regarded as dominant are printed in small capitals ; the rest being in italics. (The method of treatment is not very well explained in the paper itself, but some of the facts given in this paragraph have been obtained subse- quently by correspondence with the author.) Some valuable original suggestions are made about the critical environmental factors for certain species, but some of these do not seem to hold throughout the ranges of the species. For example, on pages 270 and 283 it is stated that Betula lenta requires a constant supply of water near the surface. But in Massachusetts, New York and Michigan it grows in ordinary "mesophytic" upland woods, and at its southern limits in the mountains of Georgia and Alabama it is chiefly confined to ex- posed clifTs at high elevations (often with Kalmia latijolia). On page 283 Kalmia latijolia is said to be " preeminently a sun-loving plant"; but it grows in dense shade always in Florida, often in North Carolina, and sometimes in Massachusetts. (For both of these species protection from fire is probably a more important factor than soil moisture or insolation.) Very interesting is the suggestion on pages 283-286 and 290-292 that evergreen herbs are confined to places where they are not crowded by other plants or liable to be smothered by falling leaves. It has seemed to the reviewer, however, that such herbs are especially characteristic of soils poor in potassium and pretty well protected from fire* (this is especially manifest in the case of epiphytes, all of which seem to be evergreenf) ; but at the same * See Bull. Torrey Club 38: 517. 1911;41:214-217. 1914. t See Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 17: 38. 1906. 31 time the volume of annual leaf-fall is likely to be least in the poorest soils, ceteris paribus * so that the dead-leaf hypothesis is not disproved. (And epiphytes are naturally just as exempt from smothering by leaves as they are from fire and overfeeding.) The flora is pretty rich: 972 species of vascular plants being listed. This includes quite a number which have not been seen there by botanists now living, but the mosses and lichens men- tioned in the ecological part are not enumerated in the taxonomic part. Most of the species in the catalogue are not referred to any habitat, which seems an unfortunate omission in a work which is so largely ecological. On the other hand, a few of the vascular plants mentioned in the descriptions of vegetation (just how many it is difficult to determine without an index) are not men- tioned in the catalogue; but such omissions may be wholly the fault of the printers. Nearly all the species in the catalogues are given "common" names, fictitious ones being used where no bona-fide ones have been discovered. Most but not quite all of the specific names are decapitalized. Over 15 per cent, of the technical names, and a few other words, are misspelled, many of them more than once or with more than one letter wrong. From the summary at the end of the catalogue it appears that 22.7 per cent, of the angiosperms are monocotyledons: a figure agreeing pretty well with those for other unglaciated parts of the Paleozoic region of eastern North America. f One of the objects of a review is to point out the good and bad features for the benefit of those who may undertake similar work afterwards (and there ought to be many more papers of this sort for other parts of the world). Among the good features of the work under consideration are the satisfactory descriptions of physical features, especially climate, the excellent illustrations, the careful classification of habitats, the amount of space devoted to environmental factors, the arrangement of species in order of abundance in the habitat lists, and the accurate identifications of species (a matter with which the Ohio botanists seem to be more * See Bull. Torrey Club 40: 399. 1913. t See Torreya 5: 207-210. 1905. 32 particular than some others are). Most of the shortcomings are not pecuHar to this paper by any means, but are merely manifes- tations of widespread modern tendencies, due largely to excessive specialization in education and a growing indifference to matters not directly in one's line; and for some of them the author can hardly be held responsible at all. Others are points which will probably be given more attention in the future than they have in the past. The principal ones are: Using too many different serial numbers on cover or title-page, one of them Roman (a sort of notation which has outlived its usefulness). Dating the publication falsely, and thus working an injustice to any one who may have published something similar between the alleged date and the real date. Omitting dates from illustrations (where they are just as useful as on herbarium labels, etc.). Carelessness in spelling and proof-reading. Using the terms "region" and "ecology" too loosely. Too few comparisons with other parts of the world and citations of previous literature. Insufficient explanation of the methods of treatment. Too little correlation of vegetation with soil. Lack of quantitative figures for vegetation. Assuming that species treated as native in floras of the northeastern United States must be indigenous in every part thereof, even where the habitat indicates otherwise. Too great discrepancy between ecological and taxonomic parts, in number of species included. Using fictitious common names, which appear to serve no useful purpose, and take up space which might be better occupied with information about habitats or other significant facts. Decapitalizing specific names, and thus obliterating certain interesting etymo- logical distinctions without benefiting the reader appreciably. Roland M. Harper OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY HERBERT OSBORN. Direaor Volume I Bulletins I to IV 1913 - 1915 Published by THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Columbus Table of Contents Volume I PAGE Outline of Biological Survey Plan 3 The Syrphidae of Ohio— C. L. Metcalf .- 7 Catalog of Ohio Vascular Plants— J. H. Schaffner..._ 125 A Botanical Survey of the Sugar Grove Region— R. F. Griggs 248 The Euglenoidina of Ohio— L. B. Walton 343 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Volume XVII Number 31 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1 ANNOUNCEMENT SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO June, 1913 PUBLISHED BY THE UNI VERSITY AT COLUW s Entered as second-class matter November 17, 1905, at the postottict ai Columbus, Ohio, under Act of Congress, Jtily 16, tSq^ OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Herbert Osborn, Director OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY IN CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER OHIO COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Adniiuistrative operating institutions. E/S. Fullmer, Chas. Brookover, M. E, Stickney, W. N. Speckman, L. B. Walton, - Mi'is M. Getman, Bruce Fink, F. O. Grover, E. L. Rice, ,H. M., Benedict, W. E. Sullivan, C. G. Shatzer, Board consisting of Representatives from co- Baldwin Universit5% Buchtel College, Denisou University, German Wallace College, Kenj'on College, Lake Erie College, Miami University, Oberlin College, Ohio Wesle5'an University, University of Cincinnati, Western Reserve, Wittenberg College, Berea, O. Akron, O. Granville, O. Berea, O. Gambier, O. Painesville, O. Oxford, O. Oberlin, O. Delaware, O. Cincinnati, O. Cleveland, O, Springfield, O. ANNOUNCEMENT The Bulletins of the Ohio Biological Survey will be issued as work on any special subject is completed, and will form volumes of about 500 pages each. They will be sent to co-operating institutions and indi\dduals, libraries and colleges in Ohio and to such surveys, societies and other organizations as may offer suitable exchange material. Additional copies of each bulletin and of completed volumes will be sold at siich price as may cover cost of publication. Special rates on quantities to schools for classes. Subscription for entire volumes, $2.00 Price of this number, - - - - .50 All orders should be accompanied by remittance which should be made payable to O/i/o Biological Survey ^vA sent to the Director. Correspondence concerning the Survey^ applications for exchanges and purchase of copies of Bulletins should be addressed to the Director — Professor Herbert Osborn, Columbus, Ohio. Volume 1 Bulletin 1 Ohio Biological Survey OUTLINE OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY PLAN THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO BY C. L. Metcalf Published b\- THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Columbus, 1913 INTRODUCTION In this initial bulletin of the Biological Survey of Ohio, it may be desirable to state in brief the plan of organization and purposes of the Survey, both for the sake of the record as to its inauguration and as an indication of the problems which it will attempt to solve, and the services it is designed to render to the state. The Survey is inaugurated as the result of a plan of co-operation between a number of the different Colleges of the State; its origin being in the Ohio Academy of Science. As a result of various discussions as to the ways and means to provide for such a Survey, a committee, a year ago, was appointed from members of the Ohio Academy of Sciences, and this committee presented the following provisional plan, which was .sub- mitted to the institutions forming the Ohio College Association. PROVI.SIONAL OUTLINE The following preliminary outline for a Biological Survey is based upon suggested co-operation between the various educational and other institutions in the state interested in .securing definite knowledge concern ing the fauna and flora of Ohio. The object of the Survey will be to secure accurate and detailed information as to the occurrence, distribution, and ecology of the animals, and plants in Ohio for the benefit of the people in general and parlicularly for those engaged in .school instruction, and to collect, identify, and dis- tribute material that may be of .service in educational work. The co-operation propo.ses eitlier financial or .scientific support, or both, from institutions, organizations, or individuals, interested in the pur- pose of the survey. The central office and general management will be arranged in connec- tion with the State University and under the official control of its trustees. The co-operative board is ])lanned to consist of a representative from each institution and organization agreeing to the plan of co-o]ieration and contributing a membership fee of $25, such representative to be appomted by the executive officer in the institution or organization. The functions of the co-operative board will be to outline the policy of the Survey, recommend the distribution of the work by localities and among specialists, to nominate the director, and determine on such other recommendations as may seem to them desirable for the success of the Survev. 4 OHIO BIOIvOGICAL SURVEY The Director of the Survey shall be appointed by the board of trustees after nomination by the co-operative board, and his duties shall be to have general executive management of the Survey, the details of co-opera- tion with individuals, the direction of special assistants, and the arrange- ment of papers for the board of publication. He shall also act as Secretary of the co-operative board, and approve all bills paid from the Survey fund. The publications shall consist of a series of bulletins, each to be issued as promptly as possible after the completion of any piece of work. A series of memoirs or monographs to include the more extended results of special investigations will be undertaken if the material together with the support necessary for such publication becomes available. The contributions from the co-operating institutions and from indi- viduals and any specific appropriations from the state shall constitute a fund for biological survey purposes, to be drawn upon by order of the director. From duplicate material secured in progress of the work, special collections may be arranged and forwarded to such schools as may wish them under regulations to be determined by the co-operative board. Meetings of the co-operative board shall be on the call of the Director. There shall be at least one meeting each year, ordinarily in connection with the meeting of the Ohio Acadeni}^ of Science, for the purpose of hearing reports and outlining the work of the ensuing year. Committee: L. B. Walton, Gambler O. E. V,. Rice, Delaware, O. February i, 191 2. Frank Carnev, Granville, O. In response to this outline definite acceptances were obtained from the following institutions: Miami Universit3^ Western Reserve University German Wallace College Oberlin Universit}- Ohio Wesleyan Universit}- Kenyon College Wittenberg College Baldwin University Buchtel College Denison Universit}' Lake Erie College Favorable responses were received also from Ohio University, Otter- bein, and Heidelberg University, and later acceptance from the Univer- sity of Cincinnati. A request presented from the Committee in accordance with these provisions to the Trustees of the Ohio State University was granted and the plan approved at the meeting of the Board, June 191 2. vSubsequently by nomination from the different representatives of the co-operative institutions. Prof. Herbert Osborn was elected as director and later at a meeting the representatives of the various institutions, Nov. 30, it was agreed that the then representatives .should be known as the Administra- ORGANIZATION 5 tive Board of the Biological Survey and the provisional plan definiteh' adopted as permanent. The General Assembh' at its 1913 session appropriated for the Universit}^ Budget of 1914 the sum of $2,500.00 for Biological Survey purposes and this support will make possible the undertaking of some of the more urgent problems demanding early attention. In addition to the plans indicated in the provisional outline it may be proper to say that the scope of the Survey is expected to be similar to that of various states which have such Surveys in progress. In its plan, however, it differs somewhat from any of those in that it involves a method of co-operation among the educational institutions of the state. Work of .similar character carried on in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut and other states will be considered in maturing the plans of the Survey. It is expected, however, that many of the details will be developed as time goes on in reference to particular problems that may present themselves in Ohio or in such manner as to correlate the work with other .state organizations. It is evident that one of the first .subjects for attention, concerns collection of data from different sections of the state .so as to determine what existing species of plants and animals occur in the state, or in other words to secure a state census of the different species of plants and animals. Such study is especially desirable for the purposes of accurate instruc- tion in the various schools; to form the basis of ecologic and fannistic studies and furnish information for those who are interested in knowing the details of our state fauna and flora. From the plan of its organization it is evident that the Survey attempted will serve primarily the educational institutions, and for these it is pro})Osed to publi.sli as promptly as po.ssible, catalogs and keys of the various groups of plants and animals, as well as to prepare helps for their indentification. These will be made as far as possible, sufficiently non-technical to be used by students in the lower grades of school work as well as the colleges. Furthermore, it is planned to prepare from duplicate material collected in the survey, representative collections which may be sold or loaned to schools throughout the state, as the means of arranging and assisting in the study of the state Biology. Another feature which will require attention is the ecologic study of different localities of the state, especially to determine the association of various Biological factors that depend upon topographic and phy.sical conditionsor .some special environment. This will include primarily the 6 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY stu(l\- of representative districts, such as swampy areas, hilly country, and river vallej's, and ultimately such study should cover practically every county of the state. It will be seen that such studies as these must in time form a very important basis in the determination of the greatest utility for the particular sections which are studied and consequently give a foundation for important economic application. It will be the purpose of the Survey to co-operate with other state organizations such as the state experiment station in the determination of factors which will be of service in the agricul- tural development of the state and the utilization of forest areas; of the fish commission in the studies which will determine with the greatest accuracy the content and food supply for fish culture for the aquatic areas of the state, and with the State Board of Health for the determination of the distribution, occurrence and the importance of such species as may have relation to disease in water contamination or as carriers of diseases affecting man or domestic animals. The survey is especially fortunate in having the co-operation of a num- ber of men who are eminent in particular fields of Biological study and who, from their connection with the different educational institutions of the state, are in a position to render a most important service in this con- nection. Some idea of the value of this service may be realized from the statement that the survey has the promise of assistance from such men as Mr. Charles Dury of Cincinnati, Dr. Sterki of New Philadelphia, Pro- fessors Williams and Fink of Miami University, Walton of Kenyon, Jones, Grover and Nichols of Oberlin, Stickne}^ and Coghill of Denison, Brook- over of Buchtel, Sullivan of Western Reserve, Fuller of Baldwin Uni- versity, Schaffner, Hine and Griggs of the Ohio vState University and others. The bulletins which it is planned to issue to present the results of the investigations, will be published at irregular intervals as such inves- tigations are completed, and will be distributed to the co-operating insti- tutions and to other organizations with which they may be exchanged and will be put on sale at such price as may cover the cost of publication. Announcement of such issues, will be made from time to lime. Organizations desiring to secure these publications for exchange are invited to correspond with reference to such exchanges, stating the character of publications which may be offered in return. Or a regular subscription for entire Nolumes may be placed as announced on cover. THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO A Biologic, Economic, and Systematic Study of the Family in the State BY Clell Lee Metcalf, M. A. Extracted from a Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the College of Arts, Philosophy and Science of the Ohio State University as the Thesis Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts, Commencement, June. 1912. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction lo Pali 1 General Discussion of the Family. Historical Account. Systematic Position. Phylogeny. Geographical Dis- tribution. Geological Distribution 12 General Characters. I. The Egg — Description. Characters Available for Classification. Date of Oviposition. Duration in Egg Stage. Where and How Deposited 16 II. The Larva — General Description and External Anatomy of Several Kinds of Larvae. Characters Available for Classification. Date of Appear- ance. Duration in Larval Stage. Haunts or Habitats. Food. Charac- teristic Methods of Feeding. Methods of Defence. Protective Coloration. . 17 III. The Pupa — Description. Pupal Respiration. Characters Available for Clas.sification. Date of Pupation. Duration in the Pupal stage. Place of Pupation. Defensive Structures. Pupa within the Puparium. Emergence of Adult 2S IV. The Adult — Characters of the Family. Mouth-parts. Secondary Sex- ual Characters. Characters Available for Classification. Date of Appear- ance. Haunts or Habitats, Habits, Food, etc. Methods of Natural Pro- tection, Miinicr}-, etc 31 An Evolutionary Table of Larval Habits 38 Biological and Ecological Relations and Economic Importance of the Larvae. 42 Ecological Relations and Economic Importance of the Adults 48 Enemies 50 Practical Measures , 51 Part II Key to known Larvae (and Pupae) of Syrphidae 52 Synopses of Life History Studies 53 I. Paragus bicolor. II. Paragus tibialis. III. Syrphus americanus; III. B. Syrphus sp. IV. Syrphus torvus. V. vSyrphus xanthostonms. VI. Didea fasciata. VII. Allograpta obliqua. VIII. Sphaerophoria cylindrica. IX. The-Cock's-Comb-Gall Syrphus-fly (undetermined). X. Eristalis aeneus. . . Review of the Literature on the Biology and Metamorphoses of Syrphidae, arranged generically 62 Part III Key to the Genera of vSyrphidae 74 List of Ohio Species with keys to the Species of the various Genera which have been, or are likely to be, collected in the State 79 Brief Bibliography 99 INTRODUCTION The Syrphidae deserve to take high rank among the families of insects because of their varied interest to the student of nature. It is one of the largest and most beautiful of the families of Diptera and, so far as adults are concerned, one of the best known S3'stematically. The larvae present some very peculiar forms and a remarkable diversity of habits. The famil}' po.ssesses some excellent examples of mimicr}-; perhaps no other family of insects so much resembles another order as the S^'rphidae do Hymenoptera. And, finally, the economic importance of its species, both in the larval and adult stages, is, at the same time, ver^' great and ver}' little appreciated. The economic status of the famih^ as a whole is decidedly beneficial because of the aphidophagous habit of many of the larvae. There are no well known pests; although one, whose larva feeds on the pollen and cells of corn, has at times excited some alarm in certain localities; and the larvae of certain species in Europe are known to destroy the bulbs of such plants as Narcissus, Amaryllis and onion. None of the species has ever .seriously or extensively intruded on the public welfare and con.se- quently they are not well known to people generally. Their services while exceedingly valuable have not been of such a conspicuous nature as to change this condition. Although it has been well known for many years that the Syrphidae are very beneficial because of the ravages of their larvae on plant lice, it appears that our knowledge of their immature stages is deplorablj- meagre. A small number of species has been more or less brieflj^ described in one or more of their immature stages. Usually these are isolated descriptions of single species, which entomologists have happened u]ion wliile pursuing other lines of investigation. The various writers have, of course, had no common basis of description, and most, if not all of the descriptions are entirel}^ inadequate for specific separation. In only one case did I find a figure of the larval mouth-parts; and I have been able to find no detailed description of the posterior respiratory apparatus in any paper. Again no one seems to have noticed the remarkably constant occurrence of a definite number (12) of spines or bristles (differentiated from any other vestiture which may be present) in transverse rows across the body of the larva. 10 THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO n Everj^one recognizes that it is always desirable and often exceedingly important to be able to identify an insect in its immature stages; especial! v as a larva. This phase of Entomolog\- has been too much neglected. It is true that none of the immature stages presents such a variety of char- acters as does the imago, and distinctive description is consequent! v much more difficult. Yet I believe it will be found possible, at least among the Syrphidae, to describe the larvae and pupae in such a way that they can be definite!}' recognized. It was with two points in mind, therefore, that the life-history .studies which were the basis of this paper, were carried on from 1909 to 191 1. An attempt was made (i) to determine definitely what species are aphidophagous in Ohio, of how much importance they are, and something of their life-hi.stories and biological relations; and (2) to make possible the specific identification of immature stages. Natural!}- the subject has by no means been exhausted. Such results as were achieved have been reported from time to time in a series of articles in T/ie Ohio Naturalist:^ In these articles nine species are carefully described in their immature stages; eight of them, so far as I am aware, for the first time. Brief synopses of these articles together with notes on one or two other species will be found on the following pages. A goodly number of Oliio species witli the aphidophagous habit must still rrmain to be described. ACKNOWLKDGEMENTS I am liapp}' to acknowledge here, briefly but none the less sincerely, ni}- obligations to those who helped me in various ways in this work. First of all to the Professors of Entomology at the Ohio State University: Professor Herbert Osborn whose inspiring encouragement has been most helpful; Professor James S. Hine who has collected and studied the Syr- phidae very carefully and who most generously supplied me with every- thing he had in the way of specimens and literature as well as with help- ful advice and criticism. The list of species in Part III is ba.sed largely on specimens collected and originally identified by him and now embraced in the University collection of Diptera. To my brother, Professor Z. P. Metcalf of We.st Raleigh, N. C, I am indebted for many helpful suggestions, for certain materials for study, and for a critical reading of the manuscript. Professor W. M. Wheeler of Harvard University supplied me with larvae and ]iupye of the genus *The. {)iiio yniarnHM. Vol. XI, Nu 7, pp ;;:i7-;i41, 2pl. .M:i.v. J'.Hl. Vol. XII, No. 1, pp. 397-104, !pl. Nov. 1911. VoLXTI, No.5, pp. 477-JSS, Ipl. M.ir. liUJ. Vol. XII, No 8, pp.r.:«-54l, )pl..liiiio, I'.iii;. Vil.X'II.No. .">. p]) ,S!-0:j. yj.il.M,iiTli.l'.il:j. 12 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Microdon. Certain of my fellow students have directed me to materials for stud}- and my wife has helped me in innumerable ways. Of the literature on this family, the works of Dr. vS. W. Williston have been most useful. His excellent Synopsis of North A7?ierican Syrphidae is indispensable. I have made constant use of it. In Part III, the kej'S to species under each genus are adapted for the most part from this work; being restricted, however, to cover only those species which have been, or seem likely to be, taken in the State. The key to genera is taken almost verbatim from the same author's Manual of North American Diptcra. J. M. Aldrich, Catalogue of North American Diptera, lists in some sixt}' pages most of the important papers on this famil}^ which appeared previous to January i, 1904. The student isreferred to it for synonymy; and descriptions wdiich do not appear in Williston's Synopsis will for the most part be cited there. The work of Verrall on British Flies is very useful and I am indebted to it for man}' of the notes on metamorphoses and larval habits given in Part II. Other papers to which the Ohio student will most likely wish to refer are listed in a brief bibliograph}-. Part I. HIvSTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE FAMII^Y The first of the genera of Syrphidae to be established was Rhingia, described by Scopoli from Europe in 1763. The following year Geoffroy de.scribed a si)ecies of Volucella from Paris. Eleven years later (1775) Fabricius founded the genus Syrphiis and nineteen years after this the genus Ccria. Nothing more of importance was done until 1803 when Meigen described half a score of genera from Europe. From 1804 to 1825, Latreille, Fabricius, Meigen, Fallen, Weidemann and St. Fargeau and Serville added several dozen genera; and the latter year Latreille described the first genus (Sphccoviyia) from North America. From 1834 to 1S75, Macquart, Loew, Rondani and Schiner from Europe, Walker from Brazil, and Philippi from South America were the principal students of the family. From 1876 to 1881, Osten Sacken added half a dozen North American genera, while since 1882 Williston from North America and Bigot have described a number of new genera and many species. Our knowledge of the family in North America is due very largely to the efforts of Meigen, Wiedemann, Saj', Macquart, Schiner, Loew, Osten Sacken, Bigot, Williston, W. A. Snow, W. D. Hunter, R. C. Os- burn, C. H. T. Townsend, C. W. Johnson and D. W. Coquillett. THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 13 In Ohio, so far as I can determine, Professor James S. Hine has been the principal worker. An early state list of 25 species was published by him in the Proceedings of the Ohio Academy of Science, Vol. II, pp. 48- 54, 1899. A. later list of 92 species was read by him before the Ohio Academy of Science in 1902. Mr. Chas. Dury of Cincinnati has a State collection of 75 or 80 species among which are a few not listed from any other part of the State. SYSTEMATIC POSITION The Syrphidae is one of the four families belonging to the Cyclor- rhapha which have no frontal suture (Fig. A ): the other three are the Pipuncnlidae, the P/atypezidae, and the Phoridae. The Cyclorrhapa is that group Fronta^Lwule of Diptera in which the adults / proji'tal Su^uVR emerge from the puparium — which is a pupa-case made by the induration of the last, unmoulted, larval skin — by pushing off in front a circular disc-like opercu- lum. In the contrasting group, the Orihorrhapha , the adult es- capes from the pupa-case thru a T-shaped antero-dorsal orifice made by two splits, one length- wise, the other transversel}'. Fig. A. Head of a fly In the great majority of the Cyclorrhapha the operculum is forced off by expan.sion of a bladder-like body, tho: ptilinuni , which is protruded thru a suture above the antennae of the nymph, known as the frontal suture. In the four families mentioned above the frontal suture is absent; there is no ptilinum; and the operculum is pushed off, along a line of weakness, by expansion of the face below the antennae. This is proba- bly responsible for the great amount of structural variation to be found in the face of the adult Syrphidae which is often of much use in classifi- cation. The four families mentioned above are usually placed at the beginning of the Cyclorrhapha, and in some respects they are intermediate between this group, as a whole, and the Orthorrhapha. Verrall locates the Syrphidae between the Pipuncnlidae on the one hand (with which, according to (lirschner, they arc connected tliru X4 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY the g&n&ra. Nephrocenis and Barr/ia) and the Conopidae on the other. The relation to the latter tamily is indicated in the porrect and elongate antennae of the genera from Milcsia on, and especially of Ccria in which the antennae end in a terminal style. PHYLOGENY In this paper the arrangement is that given in Aldr.ich's Catalogue of North American Dipt era. Williston is probably correct in stating that the characters of the immature stages should not be expected to furnish basis for a classifica- tion to supersede that founded on the more diverse and complex charac- ters of the adults. Nevertheless it seems to me that a careful study of larval structures and habits in many genera .should throw light on funda- mental relationships, and might change the classification to some extent or, at the least, tend to confirm the position of some of the more doubtful genera. Especially does this .seem promising in a group like the Syr- phidae where there is such a dearth of good sub-family characters. For example, according to Williston, the genera Paragus and Pipiza are placed in the tribe Chilosini. These two genera are, in part at least, aphidophagous as larvae and are structurally like aphidophagous larvae. The other genera of this tribe, viz., Chrysogaster, C/ii/osia, Chalcomyia, and Myiolepta live as larvae in decaying matter or on plant tissue, and some of them at least {Chalcomyia) are rat-tailed. Now this would seem to indicate that the former genera naturally belong with the 5;';^///;// where the larvae are predominantly aphidophagous. It seems to me almost certain that a complete study of larval char- acteristics and habits, together with what is known about the imagoes, will make possible a satisfactory division of this large family into sub- families, which is conceded to be impossible from a consideration of the imagoes alone. As will be shown below the family characteristics are simple and very definite. The species are also for the most part reasonably distinct. But the presence of many vexing, intermediate forms makes it almost impossil)le to break the family up into satisfactory sub-families or in some cases to group the species into genera. Three large sub-families are rather definitely noted: (i) The .Sj7-- phiiiac or group with the anterior cro.ss-vein of the wing before the middle of the di.scal cell, the femora rareh' thickened; slender, thinl\- ])ilose, more delicatespecies. (2) The Eristali/iac with the anterior cross-vein near or beyond the middle of the discal cell, femora frequentl^^ THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO j. thickened; larger, pilose species. (3) The Cerinae, a small group, differ- ing from all the others in having a terminal style rather than a dorsal arista on the antennae. Williston further divides these sub-families into fourteen tribes which, while they doubtless show many true relationships, are by no means alwa3'S satisfactory. Verrall in his work on British Flies makes seven sub-families; u.sing besides the ones mentioned above, Volucdlinae, Milesinae, Chryso'toxhiae and Microdontinae. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION In general both genera and species in this family are widely distrib- uted. There are about 2^000 described species from all parts of the world. Of these over 300, belonging to about 60 genera, occur in America north of Mexico. Only about 5 or 6 genera are restricted to America; 42 are com- mon to Europe and North America, and nearly 40 species are known to be common to these two continents. It is my behefthat this latter number will be augmented considerably when examples from the two continents are more carefully studied. At any rate I can see no essential differences between the descriptions by \^errall of certain species from Great Britain, and the descriptions of others under dift'erent names from North America. As is shown by so many other biological groups, the distribution of the species in this family indicates greater resemblance between the Pacific and European faunas than between the Atlantic and European. Forty-one genera and about 113 species are listed in the present paper as actually collected in the State. Many of these species are widespread, not only in the State but over large parts of the country. A number are found on other continents as Paragus tibialis, P. bicolor, Platychirzis pclta- his, Melanostoma mclliiiiim, Syrphus torviis, S. rihesii, S. grossulariae, Eristnlis aetteus d.nd Syriita; pipieiis 2ind a few (notably Eristalis tenax) are cosmopolitan. Others are much restricted in the State; for example the species of Microdon have been taken in the State only near Cincinnati. GEOLOGICAE DISTRIBUTION A number of fossil insects of this family have been worked out by Dr. S. H. Scudder from American Tertiary beds. These belong prepon- derantly to the vSyrphinae, or the group with the basal cro.ss-vein. The following genera are definitely recognized: Syrp/iics (abundant). C/ii- losia^ Clnysogastei\ Rhiugia, Sphegina and probably /'//-/.r^?. In addition a fo.ssil Microdo)! was four.d at Aix, and the following genera have been i6 OHIO BIOLOGICAL vSURVEY fouud in amber: Voliccella, Crior/mia, Eristalis, Helophiliis, Merodon, and Mile si a. GENERAL CHARACTERS: THE EGG The eggs of this family that I have seen (mostly of aphidophagous species) are all chalk-white in color, and hence conspicuous on the darker surface of the leaf or twig on which they are usually deposited. They are elongated-oval in outline, subcylindrical, truncated at the micropjdar end, rounded at the opposite end; flattened slightly to the surface on which they are deposited, slightly humped above. The length is fre- quently a little less than one millimeter. The entire exposed surface of the shell, except a small region around the dark micropyle, shows a delicate and very beautiful sculpturing, con- sisting, in aphidophagous species, of numerous microscopic elevations of the surface, arranged in lines obliquely around the egg. Each of these elevations has a main body, longer than wide, and radiating from this a greater or lesser number of delicate, arm-like projections extending into the spaces between adjoining bodies. The arms may branch slightly and may end freely, or meet similar processes from the same or other bodies; often making a rather complex network of slender white arms between the larger elevations. (Figs. 17, 43, 63, 143.) CHARACTERS AVAILABLE FOR CLASSIFICATION I know of no naked-eye characters that are specific. However with further study we may be able to distinguish the eggs of many species microscopically. There is a considerable variation in size of the eggs, especially between the different genera. In addition to this the charac- ters which are likely to prove useful are to some extent the shape of the egg; the .size, shape, and number of the elevated, sculptured bodies on the shell; the number of arms radiating from them; the relative width of sepa- ration of the bodies; etc. These characters are difficult to see clearly, requiring high magnification and very favorable illumination. The time of oviposition for the aphidophagous species may be said to be considerably correlated with that of the appearance of aphid colonies. The others are subject to the usual .seasonal conditions. No definite dates can be given which are generally true except to say that ovipo-sition for the first spring generation commonly takes place very soon after what we recognise as the Spring awakening of our fauna and flora. The duration in the egg-stage was determined for two species (see under Syrplius amerieanus p. 55 and Allograpta obliqua p, 58 ) in which it ranged from 55 hours to 3.5 days (indoors.) The egg-stage of Mcsogramma poliia is said by Ashmead to be three or four days. THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO \^ Aphidophagous species deposit their eggs on various parts of plants which are, or will generally be, infested with plant-lice. Eristahs tcnax was found depositing eggs on or near the surface of very foul water. The former species deposit their eggs singly, gluing them flat to the surface especially by the posterior end; those of Eristalis sp. were found in masses, the eggs ranked side by side and nearly perpendicular. (Fig. 142.) Wheeler believes that adults of Microdon frequently oviposit in the same nest in which they mature, VerhoefT observed adults apparently trying to oviposit among the ants on the outside of the nests. I have noted no methods of natural protection except the sheltered position in which they are sometimes placed; nor have I found any egg parasites. GENERAL CHARACTERS: THE LARVA The larvae of Syrphidac which I have had an opportunity to exam- ine represent four distinct larval habits, and, structurally^ are of at least three quite different kinds. These all agree in belonging to the eruciform type of larva. They are slug-like, legless, with the segmentation not well marked and the head not differentiated. They are of medium size, commonly about one centimeter long, sometimes considerably larger. They have no eyes and the antennae are very rudimentary. The mouth and anus are terminal or slightly ventrad at the two extremities. The esophagus has a more or less complex frame- work of chitinized parts extended to, or modified into, mouth-parts. Typically the larvae bear anterior and posterior spiracles. I have not been able to locate anterior spiracles on the specimens of Microdon which I have examined. However, the anterior spiracles are often incon- spicous in the other forms and, while they may be wanting here I sus- pect they may yet be found upon examination of more and better mater- ial. Buckton states that he was never able to trace a tracheal connection to the opening of the anterior respirator)^ cornua in the larvae ol Eristalis. I am convinced that these spiracles are functional. Comparatively large tracheae run to them and are open to the tip; if a larva is submerged and compressed bubbles of gas may be seen to form in connection with the teeth-like lobes. There is no doubt that the similar structures in aphi- dophagous larvae are also functional. In one type of larva which is exemplified esi^ecially by the aphi- dophagous species we have the tough- skinned, terrestrial larva with well- developed, beak-like, chitinous jaws and mouth-hooklets adapted for catching and eating their prey. In this type the anterior spiracles are OHIO BIOLOGICAL .SURVEY on a level with the bod}' surface or very slightly elevated; the posterior ones situated at the apex of two short, rigid, firmly-chitinized, cylindrical breathing tubes which are always closely apposed (except in very 3'oung larvae), never bifurcated except very slightly at the extreme tip; this is one of the most characteristic things of this type of larva. The body is flattened ventrally, making a sort of creeping-sole, elongate-ovate in out- line, tapering toward the anterior end. Pro-legs are wanting or very imperfectly developed as ventral folds of the body wall. The indications of segmentation externally are groups of irregular, transverse wrinkles on which are situated, in each segment, typically twelve spines, hairs or bristles in a transverse row: three pairs dorsal, one pair lateral, and two pairs ventro-lateral. These I believe have never before been described. For convenience of reference (and to distinguish them from the minute, bristly hairs which sometimes cover the integu- ment generall}' on the dorsal side which we may designate Yen'lroAoferal CormCL integtanental bristles) I have ', lQor30-\aWa\ Carmo. pleased to call the former tJic \ \ segmental spines; and to name them, in order, beginning with the pair nearest the mid-dorsal line, and proceeding laterally: (a) median, (b) dorsal, (c) dorso-lateral, (d) lateral, and two pairs of ventro-laterals, a posterior ventro-lateral , (e) and an anterior ventro-lateral , {{) as one is in front of the other. ( Fig. B. ) On the basis of the segmental spines nine segments can be clearly made out posterior to the one bearing the anterior spiracles. These spiracles may be considered prothoracic; hence we have ten segments exclusive of the head. The head segments are retractile, somewhat indefinite, with some appearance ofl:>eing two in number. For convenience of reference, therefore, the total number has been considered as twelve, making the prothoracic segment number three. The mouth-parts in this type consist of two V-shaped, jaw-like pieces working verticallj^; and several pairs (commonly three or four) of mouth-hooklets situated at the side of the jaws and adapted to work transversely. J. B. Smith ( in discussing the larva of Syrphus torvus) refers to the larger of these mouth-hooklets as the mandibles, but I doubt very l)i:igi-auimatiecross-seetioii of an ai)hidopliagous larva. THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO tg much if there is an}' homology with adult mandibles. All these parts are black, firmly chitinized, and are continued internally into a broad, chitin- ous, esophageal framework, the whole operated by a complex system of muscles. The antennae are very short, consisting of a single, fleshy joint with two, minute, rounded segments, side by side, at its apex. The pair of sessile, prothoracic spiracles each have typically a crescentric opening which may be guarded by rounded, tooth-like lobes. The posterior respiratory organ, in this type, consists of two, short, cylindrical tubes united along the median line, very slightly divergent at the tip, situated on the dorsum of the last segment which is much depressed. They are firmly chitinized especially at the tip where each tube bears three slit-like spiracles raised on radiating carinae. Dorsally near the middle line, each is marked by a smooth, circular plate. Median to this plate is usually a spur or spine-like projection of the surface, the dorsal spiracular spine, and there are frequently elevations of the surface or other orna- ments between the spiracles, referred to as interspiracular hairs, spines or ridges. The colors of these larvae are commonly some shade of brown, pink or greenish marked with black or white. The integument though tough is thin and transparent and the dorsal blood-vessel almost always visible along the median line. Of Mesogramma polita, which in the lar\-al stage feeds on the cells and pollen of corn, I have not secured the larvae, but a careful study of puparia found at the Experiment Station Farm, West Raleigh, N. C, has revealed enough about the larval organization to show that the larvae of this habit are superficially quite similar to the aphidophagous ones; the general shape, size, and appearance being the same. Some of the detailed external anatomy, however, shows important differences from the aphidophagous larvae. The mouth-parts could be only imperfectly made out but showed the presence of the beak-like arrangement of upper and lower V-shaped jaws (Fig. 191). The posterior respiratory appendage is essentially like that in aphidophagous species but peculiar in having the most dorsal of the spiracular slits with its elevation small and rounded, instead of trans- versely oval like the other two. I could find no trace of the circular plaieso common in the aphidophagous form. There is little ornamentation of the appendage, only a short, inconspicuous, dorsal spiracular spine. The two tubes are somewhat divergent at the tip. A brief discnption of the stages of J/, polila will be found on pp. 66, 67. 20 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY In the type of larva adapted for aquatic or semiaquatic conditions, and represented by Eristalis, and others, the body is subcylindrical in shape, the integument very thin and pliable with a number of transverse folds falling into groups of about five each, between which the integu- ment is smooth. Near the middle of each group is a transverse row of double, flexible hairs which are probably homologous with the single, usually rigid, segmental hairs or spines of the aphidophagous forms. I take it therefore that these groups of folds or wrinkles indicate body segments. There are about seven such groups clearly indicated, and immediately in front of them open the anterior respiratory cornua of the larva. If we consider, as in the case of the aphidophagous larvae, that these anterior spiracles are borne on the prothoracic .segments, and assume as in that case, two segments for the head, then this segment becomes number 3 and the last one of the seven would be number 10. To homologize the number of the segments with that which we attributed to the aphidophagous larvae (namely twelve) we may suppose that two segments instead of one have become modified at the posterior end into the long respiratory appendage and the part of the body which bears it and on which the alimentary canal opens. These larvae have about six or seven pairs of well-developed prolegs which are ventral projections of the body .surface over which the integ- umental vestiture has become .specialized into heavy, rigid, curved and retror.se hairs of varying sizes. There is absence in this type of larva, of hard external mouth-parts, the mouth opening being a soft, fleshy buccal cavitj^ The body wall around the mouth is thrown out into several, rather specialized, soft retractile flaps or lips which have a habit of alternately opening out and introverting in such a way as to create a current of water toward the movith. Within these flaps is found a hood-like, .striated, chitinous termination of the esophageal frame-work, which reaches the surface or can be seen without dissection. (Figs. 138, b; 139) Internal to this are located certain hard, black, chitinized .structures which it seems to me may be homologous on the whole with certain of the external mouth-parts of the aphidophagous larvae (Figs. 140, 141), migrated in position and some- what degenerate. The antennae of this type are similar to those of the aphidophagous larvae, but the two .small .segments at the tip are rather elongate, cylind- rical, rather than spherical, and slightly different from each other. The mo.st .striking modification of this type of larva, however, is in the elevation of the spiracles above the general body surface. The THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 21 anterior ones are moderately elevated, borne on a pair of horn-like prom- inences which are capable of considerable extension but are usually rather closely retracted. The posterior respiratory appendage is a most remarkable and highly specialized organ which enables the larva to feed at various depths beneath the water without coming to the surface for its aerial respiration. The spiracles are situated distally on an elongated, tube-like appendage which is extensile and retractile in a telescopic man- ner. It is composed of three segments of different calibre, each double in nature, enclosing two trachea, but fused mesad and always parellel, never forked. These sections disappear one within the other when the appendage shortens. The tip of the tube bears the spiracles and is ornamented with structures which serve to keep it from being submerged, and are probably homologous with the inter-spiracular ornamentation of the aphidophagous type. A peculiarity of the larva of Eristalis spp. , which may or may not be true of all "rat-tailed larvae" is the presence about the anal opening of a group of soft, retractile, radiating flabellae or long flexible finger-like ])rocesses, (Fig. 137). They may be entirely retracted and are at intervals rapidly unfolded. Buckton suggests that they may have a renal function. The larvae of Microdon are perhaps the most peculiar of all Syrph- idae although they seem less aberrant from the aphidophagous form than do the "rat-tailed" larvae. They are elliptical in outline, convex above, flattened ventrally to make a flexible creeping-.sole. The integu- ment is very tough dorsally, and this part of the body is often ornament- ed with a reticulate pattern of papillae or setae. The margin of the body around the creeping-sole is ornamented with a fringe-like arrange- ment of spiny, hair-like processes. (Can these be migrated homologues of the segmental spines?) According to Wheeler— "usually no traces of segmentation are to be observed, but in some adult larvae of M. tristis just before pupation, and after their upper surfaces had been dried by exposure to the air, I have been able to discern in certain lights a dis- tinct division of the body into seven or eight sub-equal .segments." This is about the number of segments which is usually clearly visible in both the "rat-tailed" and aphidophagous forms. The mouth parts in the larvae examined ma>- be understood by ref- erence to PI. IX, Fig. 181. It will be seen that they are not directly comparable to those of aphidophagous larvae. The structure at d. is probably equivalent to the lower jaw of aphidophagous ones. It has ni addition a flap-like piece at each side which gives the jaw a triple ap- 22 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY pearance. It is possible also that the structures (c), are comparable to the upper jaw, or they ma.v be equivalent to lateral booklets ("mandibles" of J. B. Smith ) . In front of the mouth- parts on the ventral side of the body is a pair of structures which I believe are antennae. They would com- pare with the antennae in the other forms with the two apical segments much elongated and tapering at the tip, the basal part not prominent. I have not been able to find anterior spiracles in the larvae I have exam- ined. There are no signs of pro-legs. The posterior respiratory appendage resembles in superficial appear- ance that of aphidophagous species, consisting of two, fused, short, rigid tubes. The essential structure however is quite different. In place of three pairs of slit-like spiracles we have an arborescent pattern such as is figured in PI. IX, Fig. 1S4. The colors of these larvae are usually a dirty white or drab tinged with yellow or brown. CHARACTERS AVAILABLE FOR CLASSIFICATION Though distinct as a family, the larvae of Syrphidae do not present easy specific characters. It is often much easier to recognize the species by a tout-enscmbh\ than to define the characteristics. In the aphidopha- gous forms the color and vestiture are helpful. The mouth-parts and an- terior spiracles doubtless present constant differences, but these are small. On this account and because of the habit of the larvae of retracting their head segments, the.se parts are exceedingly hard to see clearly. Hence thev are almost worthless for the ready distinction of species. The number of mouth-hooklets seems to vary somewhat, and their size, shape, and location, as also the length and shape of the jaws, is constant for the species, but varies somew^hat among the different genera and species. Of these characters probably the only one easily enough made out to be of service is the presence or absence of a pair of large booklets, remote from the side of the jaws, which I have called the outer pair of iiioiith-hooks. These for example are wanting in Dideafasciata, and present in the three species of Svrphiis and the two of Paragus which I have examined (Figs. 3; II, c; 23, a; 47; 67, c; 81, d; and 91, a;). The ornamentation of the anterior spiracles (Figs. 12, 48, 83, 92,) seems to differ. However, after spending considerable time, with strong illumination and high micro- scopic powers, in determining the actual nature of this character in a single specimen, I concluded that it would be of little use for the practical separation of the species. We have come to the conclusion that the best available, and perhaps the only absolutely dependable, basis of separation for aphidophagous THK SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 23 species is in the character of the posterior stigmata or respiratory organs. These are of a fair size; are alwa3-s exposed in larval as well as pupal stages; present a really surprising variety of characteristics; and, being well chitinized, the characters are tolerably constant within specific limits. In these stigmata one may note the approximate length of the whole projection; its exact width and depth; the extent of elevation of the slit-like spiracles; their exact length and width; their arrangement with respect to each other; the amount of divergence of the two approximate, cylindrical tubes at the extreme tip; the character of spinous and other ornamentation, etc., etc. The nature of the ornamentation between the spiracles varies from .sharp, leaf-like, erect, irregular ridges, to sharp or blunt spines, to hairs or bri.stles, and is of the greatest value. It is much to be regretted that in the few cases where immature stages of Syrphidae have been described, these characters have not been noticed or were not considered of sufficient value to be recorded. It is desirable that these few .species be again gone over in this light so that there may be an accurate basis for distinguishing our species. The "rat-tailed" larvae doubtless will be found to present sufficient characteristics for specific .separation. Something may be made of the .size, general shape, color and appearance. In this case, anterior spiracles or respiratory cornua are of such a size that careful examination will usually show clearly their microscopic structure, and this may be used. (Figs. 112, ii3of Plate VI, Fig. 132 of Plate VII). The po.sterior respira- tory appendage also will be found to vary in structure and appearance and the pro-legs may vary in number. Another point of which much may be made, I feel sure, is the vestiture of the various parts of the body; the hooks on the pro-legs, tho.se on the .several segments of the "tail" and the character of the ornamentation at the tip of the latter. (Note Figs. ^38, c; 133, 135 of Plate VII) . It is almost certain that the larvae oiMicrodon can be .separated by the characteristics of the reticulate ornamentation of the dorsum, the fringe-like border of the body, the stigmatic pattern on the posterior respirator}' appendage, etc. General size, shape and propor- tions ought to be of considerable use in larvae of this kind where the bod}' is rather rigid and .seemingly must hold to almost a constant position. There is such great diversity of structure among the larvae with different habits that until more of them are studied it will be impo-ssible to construct a phylogenetic table. For reasons which are stated in the discussion of larval habits (pp. 38-40), I believe the phytophagous larvae to be most primitive in ha])it and they may be considered the most generalized of the group structurally. It must be remembered of cour.se Syrp. 3 24 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY that any Syrphidous larva is a very specialized creature and the larvae of the various habits undoubtedly derived their structure from an ancestral form much more generalized than the phytophagous larva of Mesogranima poll t a . The larvae of the aphidophagous habit are structurally but compar- atively little removed from the phytophagous ones although there are important differences in the minute anatom}' of the two. The larvae of Microdon while extremely specialized are in a general way nearer to the phytophagous and aphidophagous forms than are the rat-tailed larvae. The body of Microdon is broader than that of Mesogranima and the aphidophagous species, lacks the segmental spines and possesses a very highl}^ developed marginal fringe. The respiratory appendage is very similar in general appearance, but the stigmatic arrangement is quite different. The rat-tailed larvae are extremely specialized in adaptation to aerial respiration while living in an aqueous medium. There apparently can be little doubt that the posterior respiratory appendage in all the.se forms of larvae had a common origin. The primordial representative of this structure was probably the simple termination of the two tracheal trunks. These probably became separately elevated above the surface, making two posterior tubes; then shifted in position until they became apposed, then united ba.sally and now in the entire family they are united mesad thruout their full length. This structure, at first of moderate length, soft and easily modifiable, has now been modified into the short, strongly chitinized structure of all the terrestrial forms, and on the other hand into the long, flexible and telescopic organ of the aquatic larvae. Each structural group has developed its own arrangement of special spiracles. The chitinized structures internal to the buccal cavitj' in Eri stalls aeneus (PI. VII, Figs. 140- 141), if they represent mouth-parts at all, are quite degenerate. And finally in the rat-tailed species we have ventrally projecting folds of the body wall, such as those in Syrphus anicrlcauus, specialized into very efficient pro-legs. Microdon and Erlstalls differ from the phytophagous and aphi- dophagous species in having an anterior pair of pupal respirator}- cornua developed. Moulting of the larvae is incon.spicuous, probabl}' consisting of a somewhat continuous process of shedding flake-like pieces. The con- spicuous change from young larvae to older in S. americaniis is evidence that a moulting does occur. Owing to the fact that in some species several THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 25 generations occur in a year and become to some extent confused, the date of the appearance of young can not be stated in a general way for all spe- cies. Some of the aphidophagous species, whose stages have been worked out, were studied only^ in the autumn generation. The larvae of this generation occur quite generally in the latitude of Ohio from the middle of September to the middle of November, or even later, depending on the season. Some species were found, as larvae, as early as the first of May, and others very commonly during June. Larvae of certain species seem most abundant during June, July and August. Duration in the larval stage in those species for which I have records varies from one to three weeks and seems to be determined in part b\- the amount of food at hand. Wheeler states that young larvae of Microdon tristis may be found in the nest during July; that these mature by autumn and after passing the winter in the ant nest, pupate in April or May. There is, in his opinion, only one annual brood in temperate regions, the adults emerging in June. The larva of Mesogramma polita is said by Ashmead to mature in from eight to ten da3's. Those species which as larvae are predaceous, are to be looked for wherever small soft-bodied Homoptera, especially Aphididac, occur in col- onies. They are to be found alike on trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, weeds, field-crops and garden-crops. The phytophagous species have been found on corn, working either between the base of the leaf and the stem or on the tassels. The larvae of Microdon live in the nests of ants, wasps, or termites, either in the soil, under stones, in decaying logs or in cavities in or under the bark of trees. In the United States the most frequent hosts are probabl}' species of Formica. Species of Eristalis were found abundantlj'in evaporating vats at the Columbus sewage-disposal plant where sewage in an advanced state of decay is left exposed for some time. They are to be found in all sorts of foul or stagnant pools, in organic debris, excrement, ooze about drains, in watering troughs, etc. Other "rat-tailed" species, e. g. Mallota sp., are said to live in decaying wood or trees. The habitat of others may be noted from the outline of larval habits given below, p. ^yi, and ranges from various positions on or within living plants, including bulbs, cacti, and fungi, thru decaying wood or exuding sap, decaying vegetable matter, manure, and soft mud impregnated with decaying organic material, to a strictly aquatic condition in stagnant or foul water. Another line of specialization from the same original habitat has taken up the predaceous habit; certain specializations from this have 26 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY led to a close, obligate predatism on aphids in galls, and there has been reported a case of internal parasitism. Still others live in nests of certain Hvinejioptcra. The kind of food varies as much as the habitat, from living plant tissues or sap thru decaxing wood, to all kinds of deca3dng organic matter or excrement; and, on the other hand, to living soft-bodied insects. So far as I know none of the aquatic larvae have been observed to feed on minute animals or plants, except possibly on algae (see pp. 46,70). Some of the aphidophagous species seem to be rather omnivorous. The larvae of Syrplms ainericanics a.n6. Allograpta obliqiia, which have been rather more carefully studied in this respect than the others, were each found preying on three to six different species of Homoptera. Didca Jasciata on the other hand was found, in the larval stage, preying only on one species {Longistigma caryae) of Aphididae, and the gall infesting species seem to be essentially restricted to one species of prey. These aphidophagous larvae, although frequently found entirely sur- rounded by an abundance of prey, are very often obliged to search about for food. Their characteristic, looping movements are very familiar to man}' people. When used for progression alone, these movements maybe very rapid. Their progress is very similar to that of a "measuring- worm" though the body is not so long. When the larva is searching for food, the anterior half or two-thirds of the body is raised in the air, very much extended, and lashed from side to side. It is then attached and the posterior parts pulled up, when the movement is repeated. Thigmot- ropism, and not chemotropism, seems to be involved in locating food. Hungry larvae frequently pass b}^ aphids so closely as almost to touch them, and go on in .search of others. When a suitable aphid is found the larva frequently grasps it first by the leg or antenna and clings to this appendage until the thorax or abdomen can be reached. The mouth- parts are firmly attached to the body, the body-wall is punctured, and the aphid usually lifted high in the air. Then begins a process of slowly pick- ing and sucking out all the body contents, which may continue from a few minutes to more than an hour (in the case of ver}' 3^oung larvae). The action of the mouth-parts is very characteristic and very well adapted to the needs of the case. Many different muscles, which have their origin on the body- wall in the region of the head, are inserted upon the eso- phageal frame-work, the jaws, and the mouth-hooklets. Some of them operate, the framework in and out like a battering ram. Others at the same time open and close the jaws. The anterior two or three segments are inserted completely within the body wall of the aphid. The jaws are THE vSYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 27 directed into ever}^ corner of the body and even into the bases of the appendages as they pick and suck out the soft contents. The skins, abso- lutely empty, are then discarded by retraction of the segments, the hairs or spines on those outside ser\'ing readily to dislodge the skin. These dead skins usually drop down or blow away but may sometimes be seen in numbers on the host-plant. As described above, the larvae of Eristalis spp. have rather special- ized, soft flaps around the mouth which have a habit of opening out and folding in, so as to create a current of water toward the mouth. Parti- cles suitable as food are doubtless selected from the current by the action of the "lips." As described by Ashmead the larvae of Mesogranniia poUta elongate the anterior segments, protrude and puncture the saccharine cells of the corn and suck up the exuding juice. The mouth of the larva of Microdon is located in the midventral line near the anterior end of the body. There is little more than a longi- tudinal slit, within which the mouth parts are located. A very slight fold in front of this, however, bears the structures which I believe may represent antennae. Wheeler states that in life the anterior end of the body is occasionally raised for a few moments and one may see the small pointed "head" of the larva moving about uneasily under the fringed border as if in search of food. The mouth-parts consist of chitinized structures which are evidentl}^ suitable for prehension and mastication of food particles. The stout, formidable-looking spines of some larvae, as in Dideafas- cita and Paragiis bicolor, iwax be protective. Some larvae take up pro- tected positions on the under side of the leaves and twigs of the host-plants or, in the case of cabbage, they are sometimes found among the inner leaves, or at the axils of the outer leaves. It seems certain that the tough skin and spine-like ornamentation of the larvae of Microdot are pro- tective. Wheeler relates that in an artificial formicary the ants "killed a young larva that had failed to get hold of a surface with its vulnerable creeping sole. They turned the helpless creature over on its back and for two days kept licking and biting it till it was reduced to a mere granule." The larvae of certain aphidophagous species present what seem to me to be good cases of protective coloration. In a general way it may be said that these larvae are never conspicuous. ( reneralh^ they are more or less completely surrounded, or covered, with the aphids on which the\- are preying, and therefore easy to overlook. P.ut in some cases there is added to this a very close similarity in coloration between the larvae and the 28 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY parts of the host-plants on which they are resting, or occasionally a color pattern which blends remarkably well with that of the aphid-infested leaf , stem or twig. I^arv^ae of AUograpta obliqiia and Sphaerophoria cylindrica, for example, are concolorous with the cabbage leaf and cabbage aphids; and the former nearly so with the persimmon leaf. A better case, how- ever, which has come to my notice, is that of the larv^ae {Syrphus sp.) described in Part II, pp. 55-56. These larvae were often found curled about among the flowers on the spike. Their colors of deep green and pinkish, assisted by their irregular shape, harmonize almost perfectly with the similar colors of the flowers at this time. Although the larvae were nearly an inch long, they were so inconspicuous that the first time I col- lected them I examined some of the spikes several times before locating certain larvae; and the next day I was surprised to see still others crawl- ing about in the jar that I had not found previously. GENERAL CHARACTERS: THE PUPA The pupa is aerial or subterranean. This stage is passed within a puparium made by induration of the larval skin; and generally retains many of the characteristics of the larval stage. This .skin, I believe, always becomes more or less inflated dorsally and anteriorly and shortened along the ventral line. The larv^al respiratory structures do not seem to function in this stage, at least not near its completion. The tracheae from both the anterior and posterior pair become constricted off and flattened against the inside of the puparium, outside of the delicate nymphal membrane. In the case of Eristalis and Microdon a special pair of prothoracic cornua are developed for pupal respiration; and judging from the pub- lished notes, this is probably true of \''olucella, Hc/ophilics, Mallota and Xylota as well. As pupation approaches in Eristalis, they appear first as round dark areas of the body- wall, later pushing out to a length of several millimeters. They are located on the fourth body-segment or the body-segment just posterior to the one bearing the anterior larval respiratory cornua. The latter also elongate but always remain shorter than the pupal cornua. The pupal structures connect internally with trachea which clearly lead to the dorsal part of the prothorax of the developing adult, ( vSee Fig. 146a, Plate VII j. Wheeler states in discussing M. tristis, "When the time for pupation arrives .... a pair of short tubercles or protuberances make their appearance near the anterior end in addition to the single respirator}' tubercle at the posterior end." It will be recalled that anterior larval spiracles have not been demonstrated for Microdon. THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 29 The aphidophagous species also dispense with the larval structures, both the anterior and posterior tracheal connections apparently becoming constricted off. But in this type there is no evidence whatever of the de- velopment of special spiracles for the pupal stage. In the aphidophagous species the puparium becomes more or less barrel-shaped or roughly conical, bulbous in front and tapering behind to the posterior respiratory organ which remains as in the larva or may protrude farther. The rat-tailed puparia are generally more elongate and less inflated dorsally than the aphidophagous ones, somewhat cylindrical in shape. The "rat-tail" is usually fixed in a curved position over the back, while in front are the two pairs of short respiratory cornua, the more anterior pair being the shorter. In Microdoii there is apparently less change from larv-a to puparium than in the other forms. A slight amount of dorsal inflation, a general hardening of the integument, and the appearence of a pair of respiratory cornua at the anterior end constitute the external change from larval to pupal stage. The appearance of puparia in this family is thus rather characteristic. The "barrel-shape" of many of them; the hard, somewhat vitreous surface of the pupal envelope; the short apposed tubes, or the long rat- tailed structures, of the posterior respiratory organs, as well as the anterior respiratory cornua of certain forms, are di.stinctive characters. CHARACTERS AVAILABLE FOR CLASSIFICATION As a basis for specific separation we have practically all of the characteristics of the posterior respiratory appendage of the lar\-a remain- ing the same. This structure may also assume new characteristics w^orthy of note, such as greater prominence, color of certain parts, etc. Since the puparium is a rigid structure, its shape and dimensions may be of con- siderable value; as, for example, the proportion of height to width or length, or the curve of the inflation anteriorly and posteriorly as seen from the side. The mouth-parts, and in the aphidophagous species, the anterior spiracles are usually unavailable. In the case of the rat-tailed species, however, the anterior larval and pupal respiratory cornua both present characteristics of great value. Their shape and .size as well as the microscopic ornamentation of them can doubtless always be used to separate the species. In the case of Microdon spp. we have the anterior pupal respiratory cornua wnthout a doubt varying in size, shape, and microscopic ornamentation. Most of the chaiacteristics of the larval stage can also be used. 30 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY It is a very general thing among the aphidophagous species for pupa to be formed early in the summer and again in autumn. But definite statements can be made only for particular species. vSome of the species, perhaps many of them, have at least two generations a year. The pupae of J/, polita were found in Florida in late May, in New Jersey in early September and at Raleigh, N. C, in late vSeptember. Microdon tristis pupates in April or May according to Wheeler. Eristalis spp. pupated in large numbers at Columbus in early autumn. The duration in the pupal stage varied in the aphidophagous species I studied from 48 hours to 20 da3's. A much more frequent length of this stage was from four to ten days. The pupal stage of Mesogramma polita lasted eight to ten daj's (Ashmead). The puparium is usually fastened by an adhesive secretion from the anal glands of the larva to some exposed object: a part of the host-plant in the aphidophagous t3'pe, a stone or other object well above the water in Eristalis. In the case of Syrpluis americanus pupae kept indoors were found buried under a half-inch or more of soil. This subterranean habit has also been noted in the pupae of Eristalis and Helophihis spp. The larvae of Microdon, "when they reach maturity and are ready to pupate emigrate to the surface remain stationar}", attached to the walls of the galleries b}^ their creeping soles, and are then found near or at the entrances" of the nests. The pupae of Mesogramma polita were found in Florida and Missouri attached to the upper surface of a corn leaf near its base and between the base of the leaf and the stem. At Raleigh, N. C, puparia were found fastened on the tassels of corn; in size, shape and coloration they strikingly resembled the flowers themselves. The hard, more or less impervious pupal envelope with the long and formidable-looking spines which are sometimes present, must be an excellent protection for the developing nymph during this stage. Usually, also, a more or less protected position is chosen by the larva in which to accomplish pupation: either a sheltered nook among the leaves, flowers or bark, or in some cases in the ground. Within the puparium, the coarctate pupa (Plate IV, Fig. 54 ) iscovered with a delicate transparent membrane (Fig. 54 «) with pockets encasing the developing legs, wings, etc. The changes visible externally are grad- ually produced and give little indication of the radical internal histol5^sis and histogenesis. The appendages, such as legs, mouth-parts, and wing-pads differen- tiate very early, while the whole abdomen and the dorsal part of the body is still a mass of fatt>' granules, with the position of the dorsal blood-vessel THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 31 indicated as in the larva, and the head and eyes are simply irregular, angu- lar masses. The antennae and eyes are next differentiated. The'trach- eation and venation of the wing- pads then becomes evident; and finally the segmentation of abdomen, the vestiture, and last of all the adult coloration appear. The thorax is one of the last parts of the body to assume the adult shape and appearance. During this stage the hind leg presents a peculiarity in that the tibia is bent just beyond the middle at an angle of about 1 50 degrees. This shortens the extent of this leg posteriorly"^ The pupae of Eristalis spp. differ from the aphidophagous ones in bearing on the prothorax dorso-laterally, the tracheae which lead to the pupal respiratory cornua, (Plate VII, Fig. 146). This is doubtless also the case in the genus Microdon and others. The emergence of the adult often takes a considerable time. The newly emerged imago has its wings much crumpled and folded, in area not more than one-fourth as great as when fully expanded. There is a prominent U-shaped loop in the costal margin near the middle. The body is usually much hardened by the time the fly is completely free from the puparium; yet perfect induration, expansion of wings, and coloration are sometimes not acquired (indoors at least) for an hour or more. GENERAL CHARACTERS: THE ADULT The different species \'ar>- very much in form and appearance. They are medium to large-sized flies, only a few species being small. The head is alwa>s large, as broad or broader than the thorax; the face excavated under the antennae and projecting below or with a distinct convex tuber- cle near the middle; front never excavated, often swollen. Antennae three-jointed, the third joint variable; usually compressed and with a dorsal bristle, bare or plumose, but sometimes instead of bearing a dorsal arista, the third joint tapers off into a terminal style. Eyes bare or pilose, usually contiguous in the male between antennae and ocelli; ocelli always present, three in number. Thorax moderately large, barrel shaped, with a large scutellum. Tegulae of moderate si/.e. Abdomen varies from slender and linear to clubbed, or short, broadly oval, and flattened; of five or six, rarely four visible segments. Legs usually weak, sometimes strong; the hind femora, especially, often moderately or much thickened. Bristles ( macrochaetae) almost always wanting, the bod\- either bare, thinl>- pilose, or clothed with thick pile. Wings comparatively large; third longitudinal vein (cubitus) never forked; fourth longitudinal vein terminates in the third; three ]>osterior cells; anal cells close before the border of the wing; basal cells large; behveen the third aud fourth lonoi- tudi)ial vents and iicctrly fyantllcl r,'//// Ihcui there is a false or spurious vein, 32 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY nearly always present and characteristic of the family. The post-alar membrane, or squamae, with peculiarh^- formed, forked, and fan-like cilia- tion; and the plumula (an elongated, fringed, filament-like projection from the upper margin of the pteropleurae beneath the squamae ) are peculiar to the Syrphidae. The mouth-parts of the adults (vSee Plate VIII, Figs. 153-7) ^^ ^^ot seem particularly well adapted either for lapping up nectar or for the prehension or ingestion of pollen grains. The labrum-hypopharynx is somewhat lancet-like as though it might serve for piercing plant or an- imal tissues (See Fig. 156). But such a habit is known at the most for onl}^ a single species (See p. 35); while an examination of stomach con- tents has indicated hone}' and pollen-grains in abundance. The oral opening is large, the proboscis usually short and, when at rest concealed within the mouth. The maxillae (Plate VIII, Fig. 154) show a blade- like maxillary lobe and bear a somewhat flexuous, one-jointed palpus. The labium is short, cylindrical, unfolding in a hinge-like manner, ex- panded at the tip into a bilobed labellum or lapping tongue provided with tracheae (Plate VIII, Fig. 153). The whole acts like a sponge, the nectar rising by capillar}^ attraction. The antennae of the adults bear remark- ably complex and S57mmetrical olfactory pits indicating that this sense is well developed. These pits (See Plate VIII, Fig. 160, 161) are open and their walls are lined by a large number of olfactory pegs or perceptory end organs which send nerve fibres in to the central ganglia. While the colors are various, the species of this family are charac- teristically marked with j^ellow, in spots, bands, or stripes, on head or thorax, but particularly on the abdomen. Many of them resemble Hyme7ioptera and are to be found about flowers, hovering in the air like hummingbirds, or crawling about over the blossoms in search of nectar and pollen. The one character by which anyone can distinguish Syrphidae from all other flies is the so-called "false or spurious vein" which is a thread- like thickening of the wing- membrane, between the third and fourth longitudinal veins and running thru the anterior cross-vein, (Plate VIII, Fig. 151 j. It has the general apperance of a vein but is not so clear- cut nor so deep in color and its outer end, at least, is free. It is present in all but a very few Syrphidae and not found in the members of any other family. Secondary .sexual characters occur on head, legs and abdomen, and are absent from the thorax and wing. None of them seem to be charac- teristic of this family. Many are of u.se as generic characters. THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 33 Most of the males are holoptic. In a few genera {Microdon, Chal- comyia, Triodonta, Mallota, Helophihis) the males are dichoptic; but even then the front is different, always narrower and forming some an- gularity with the eyes, in the male, broader and with the margins straight in the female. In the legs are found the most important secondary sexual charac- ters; it is the male legs which are modified. Some of these specializations are probably of value as seizing or clasping organs during copulation, and hence, unlike most of the others, present some evident utility. The front pair are modified in a few cases (notabaly Platychirus) ; the middle ones rarely; the hind ones most extensively. In coloration and vestiture there are very frequent secondary sexual differences. In general, where there is any difference, the male is more strongly or brightly colored, though the females are by no means somber in this family. The male is also frequently more strongly or thickly pilose. CHARACTERS AVAILABLE FOR CLASSIFICATION In adult Syrphidac one finds a great variety of characters peculiar to genera and species and hence available for the purpose of bringing related forms together. Apparently the most fundamental are those of the wing. The various features of the head are of constant service. The legs present a number of excellent characters. The abdomen (shape and especially color pattern ) has constantly to be drawn upon for specific characters. While in not a few cases the thoracic features are of value. The characters of the neuration of the wing are especiall>- constant and reliable and have been extensively used. The position of the cross- veins, and the shape, curvature and termination of the second, third and sixth longitudinal veins, are of fundamental value; while the size and shape of certain cells can often be used to advantage in the separation of closel}' allied forms. Probably more characters are derived from the head than from all other parts of the body. Characters of the anteimae, of the front and face, and of the eyes are all much used. The antennae as a whole may be elongate or short: the third seg- ment varies much in size and shape, ma>- bear a st>le or an arista, and the arista varies in position and in vestiture. from bare to pubescent, pilose, or plumose. Williston notes that species with elongate antennae are not very active in habits. On the front and face are to be noted length, breadth, projections, wrinkles and grooves. The size and shape 34 OHIO BIOLOGICAIv SURVEY of the eyes, their pilosity and the size of the facets are somewhat unstable, but often useful characters. From the thorax we occasionall}^ get characters in the shape or ornamentation of the scutellum. In the legs, length, thickness of special parts, vestiture, peculiar spines, etc., are of value, though often confined to males only. In the abdomen, shape, flattening, length, width and de])ression, and occasionally peculiarities of certain segments and of the hypopygium, are to be considered. Williston makes the interesting observation that the species with slender abdomen are quickest on the wing, the short, thick-set ones never soaring but commonl}- resting on flowers and leaves. Color-markings are very extensively used in this family- both as specific and as generic characters. In some genera they are very reli- able, in others practically worthless. In general it is best not to rely upon them unless coupled with definite structural characters. Macrochaetae are conspicuously rare in this family, and hence the vestiture is of decidedh' secondar}- importance. A few genera have bristles; elsewhere the only characters are relative density- or .scarcity of pile or pube.scence; or the pollenosit}' of special parts. The adult insects of many .species have .several periods of common occurrence each .sea.son. Little can be said in a general way about the.se dates. We have been much surprised to find how early in vSpring, adult Syrphids maybe taken. In 1910 and 191 1 a number of species were taken the last few days in March and the first of April about blo.ssoming Willow {Salix sp). Some species are probably active as soon as the first flowers bloom in .spring, and .some are to be found all summer long, and as late as November in autumn. I am not aware that there are any accurate observations as to the length of life of the adults. I found the Syrphidac did not thrive in cap- tivity, and though they could be kept alive for a short time on sweetened water, the}- were very readily killed b}' adverse conditions. Buckton, however, relates an instance in which a decapitated Eristalis tcnax lived for three days and nights on a microscope-.stage. Certain observations lead me to believe that the adults do not ordinarily pa.ss the winter. In consideration of the very remarkable divergence of larval habits it is suprising to find that the adults almost all have the same, or very similar, habits of life. Larvae which are predaceous, phytophagous, aquatic, or live in the foulest of excrement, all transform to adults which are char- acteristically attracted by two things, viz., flowers and sunshine. Not many kinds of images will be taken away from flowers and not man}- are THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 35 active on dull days. But, given a warm bright day and fragrant mellifer- ous flowers, and many species, especially of Syrphiiiac and /'j-/stalinaen\2iy often be taken in a short time. In fact the great majority of species, so far as we know, are dependent on honey and pollen for food. Some, how- ever, as the Chilosini, Xy/ota, Chrysogaster, Neoascia, do not so much ap- pear in the open about flowers, but are to be looked for among the foli- age of low bushes, in damp ])laces, or in low meadowy woods. Species of Mesogramina can sometimes be taken in large numbers by beatino- grasses in woody meadows. It frequently happens that immense numbers of adults of one or sev- eral species emerge at about the same time; and this is doubtless responsi- ble for the records of "swarming" of species of Syrphidae. During the first Spring days one finds them about flowers in very great numl)ers, but the}- are said to swarm in the sunshine irrespective of feeding as an object. W. D. Hunter, Canad. Ento. XXVIII, 99, reports observing a male of Eristalis JJavipes sucking the substance of a small grasshopper, Chlocal- tiis curtipcnnis which was held in its grasp after the manner of many of the Asilidac. If this really indicates the predaceous habit, it is, so far as I can determine, an isolated example of divergence from the feeding habit mentioned above. METHODS OF NATURAL PROTECTION If there are in nature such things as terrifying coloration and mimi- cry, we have among Syrphidae some excellent examples. Perhaps seven- ty-five per cent of these species, and a much greater percent of the individ- uals commonly seen, more or less closely resemble the popular idea of a wasp or bee; that is, they are brightly banded, transversely, with black and yellow on the abdomen, or are thickly pilose with the same colors. Resemblances in shape, also, are in a good many species very striking, and important in increasing the effect of similarity. I have been inter- ested in noticing how many people, when shown a collection of Syrphidae or a live specimen, at once pronounce them "bees" or express the belief that they can sting. Also in a class of elementary students in Iuitomolog_\- the percentage who at first place their Syrphid specimens among the Hymcnoptcra is very great. It is often rather difficult for one to tell whether a specimen flying about flowers is a Syrphid or a Hymenopteron. Now it is supposed that enemies of insects learn b}' experience to avoid those forms which are provided with stings or are in other ways distasteful or unpleasant to them. The more striking the recognition mark of such forms, the fewer the number of individuals that will be sacri- 36 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY ficed in the acquiring of this experience. If any badge comes to stand gen- erally for an unpleasant experience, the species possessing it will be left unmolested, and so, to some extent, will be other forms though lacking in the unpleasant or distasteful quality, if they possess the same sort of markings. This will be true only so long as the distasteful form exceeds in individuals met with, the harmless form; and the greater the preponderance of mimicked individuals the better the protection of the mimicker. Now it seems to us that the one badge, which, to the human eye at least, suggests the unpleasantness of a sting, is the black and yellow ab- dominal markings mentioned above. Is this not also true of the preda- ceous enemies of >S)v^///V/^(?' ;** If so, we have perhaps an explanation, or rather a utilitarian justification, for the existence of these resemblances. It should be stated that this resemblance in color, pattern, and form is given significance by the similarity in habit of many of the two groups. Both are to be found buzzing or hovering about flowers, especially in the sunlight, or crawling in and out of the blossoms. The casual observer never distinguishes many of the Syrphidae from the numerous and varied Hymenoptera always to be found about melliferous blossoms. Of course the most striking structural difference between these two groups is the presence of four wings in the bees, and only two in the flies. The structure of the mouth-parts is also very different. But these are by no means the most ready ways of distinguishing the two in the field. The Syjphidac have a distinctive manner of flying which has given them the name of "Hover-flies." They constantly poise or hover in the warm sunlight like a hummingbird. They remain suspended in the same position for a longer time than a bee, apparently without moving their body at.fill, and with wings beating so rapidly as to be practically invisible. Or the}^ dart away suddenly, seeming to keep the body always in a tense horizontal position. In the case of a bee there is habitually more or less weaving back and forth of the body and bobbing up and down. This is one of the ready means of distinguishing these insects in the field. Again the long, elbowed antennae of a bee are comparatively conspicuous when it is in flight; while, of course, the short ones of the great majority of the Syrphidae are not visible at a little distance. Another thing worth noticing is that when at rest on flower or leaf, the Syrpln'd W\\\ frequently keep its wings half spread, read>- for flight; while those of the bee are closelj' folded or crossed over at the tips. A few of the best cases of protective mimicry might be mentioned. That of the drone-fly, or chrysanthemum fly, Eristalis teriax, is known THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 37 to everyone. This species in general color and size, in proportion of head to thorax to abdomen, in vestiture, in size and proportion of the wings, and distinctness of the veins, in manner of buzzing about flowers; in fact, in almost every respect except the length of the antennae, is a striking mimic of the honey bee (Apis meUifcra), especially of the drone. A few other of the more striking resemblances may be named: Temnostoma alternans to J^espa diabolica, the yellow jacket; Spiloniyia fusca to W'spa maculata, the bald-faced hornet; Volucella evecta and Eris- talis flavipes\.o Bombus spp. bumblebees; and Ceria abbreviata to Odyneriis philadelphiae . The list might be extended to considerable length b)^ a comparison of numerous specimens from the two groups. REPUTED AGGRESSIVE MIMICRY Some of the species of the Genus Vohicella resemble, in the adult stage, certain bees and wasps; and the larvae of several species are known to live in the nests of the large Aculeate Hynienoptera, especially in Europe. It has long been supposed that the larvae lived on the immature bees in the nest and that the resemblance was of great significance in enabling the parent flies to enter the nests of the bees for the purpose of oviposition without being detected and antagonized. Folsom and others refer to this as an instance of Aggressive Mimicry which has resulted from the action of natural selection. This seems however not to be founded on observed facts. The larvae live in the bees' nests, and the adults, which resemble the bees, enter the nests to la}- their eggs. In doing this they met with no resistance in the cases observed. Erne who watched the Volj(ccl/a larvae in the nests, thought they acted as scavengers, eating the waste and excrement of the larvae. Sharp, who kept some of the larvae under observation, found that they .starved without eating the honey, or the larvae and pupae of Bombus, which were provided for them; that they did not attack the pupae of wasps in the comb; but that when a pupa of the wasps was broken in two, they attacked it eagerly. We must therefore believe that the.se larvae live on either excrementi- tious matter or on pupae which have recently died, thus preventing the contamination of the ne.st; and hence that, however the resemblance of the adults to the bees is to be explained, it is not now aggressive mimicry. Is the theory not barely tenable, however, that the habits represented by Volucella and Microdon (though not now predaceous) have been deri\-ed from a true predatism by a s])ecialization in which they began to eat the injured, or dead, or more or less putrified bodies of larvae and pujiae, and excrementitious matter in the nest, rather than the living young? If we could hold to this view we would have an explanation of the excellent 38 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY cases of niimicr}' by W^/iiccIla s]ip. of the host bees in whose nests their larvae hve. The resemblance thus established by natural selection would continue, bitt with the change of larval habit might come to stand as a badge of friendship for the bees. Natural selection might operate to perfect a resemblance so established, in the manner accredited to ordi- nary protective mimicry. (See also pp. 40, 47.) AN .EVOLUTIONARY TABLE OF LARVAL HABITS The metamorphoses of the Syrphidac are still very imperfectly known. This important field has merely been touched upon by isolated workers in Europe and in North America. What little has been done is sufficient to prove that (unlike the adults) an exceedingly interesting and remark- able diversity of habit exists, in the larval stage, among the different genera and species. Williston (1886; gave eight distinct classes of larval habits and cited a few genera as known to him to each class. What follows is an attempt to list, in tabular and evolutionary form, our present knowledge of larval habits; it is based on Williston's classification and for many of the additional notes I am indebted to Verrall. From a consideration of the various larval habits in this famil}^ and what we know of the habits of man}', much more primitive, less special- ized larvae in other groups, it seems likely to me that all the habits here represented have been derived from an ancestral condition in which larvae with mandibulate mouth-parts lived externally on the surface of vegeta- tion of one kind or another, eating parts of the leaves or other plant tissue. (See Fig. C. p. 41 ). This habit may have been largely given up either before or after the group differentiated into what we would recognize as Syrphidae. At the present time the habit is represented, so far as has been described, only by Mcsogramma polita which feeds externally on the succulent cells of corn {Zea niavs) especially in the region of the leaf- sheathes or on the pollen. (See p. 46.) I. Larvae living externally on plants and feeding either on the ordinary surface cells or on the specialized pollen grains; Mesogramuia polita. This I believe to be the most primitive larval habit so far discovered. Verrall apparently considers this habit a specialized one, derived from the aphidophagons habit, to which the larvae are supposed to have been driven by the exhaustion of the supply af aphids. To me, this does not seem likely but rather, conversely, that the aphidophagons habit has been derived from the more primitive, phytophagous one, which is still followed by many of our most primitive larvae in other groups. From feeding externally on plant tissue it is a perfectly natural step to what I would make the second group. THE SVRPHIDAE OF OHIO 3^ II. Larvae living within, and dciivino their food from— (A) "The stems of plants such as Sonchns, Scrophularia, Rlatricaria; genus Chilosia;'' (B) /;/ r(?r//.- genus I'olncella; (C) /// bulbs, as of Narcissus and Amaryllus: genus Merodon; or of onion: genus Eumerus; (D) In fungi {as Boletus edulis):^Qn^ra Chilosia, Platychirus. Species which could feed successfully in this manner, especially those in fungi lead very naturally to the third group. This group cannot be strictly separated froui the succeeding one and the two might be combined. But the two lists of genera exemplifying these habits, as divided, are very distinct; and further this third group makes a very perfect and illuminating step in this line of evolution of larval habits. III. Larvae living — (A) In decaying wood or trees, some of them ^'rat-taitedr' genera, Malloia Sptlomyia, Xylota, Brachypalpus, Pocota, Myiolepta, Chrysotoxum; or (B) In sap flowing from injured or diseased trees: genersi, Brachyopa, Cht'vso- chlamys, Xylota, Ceria, Chrysotoxum, Myiolepta.^ (C) Bred from larvae found under bark of oak: genus Crioprora (by Osten Sacken); o/ cotton-tree: genus Xanthogramma (in Riley's collection). This habit is almost continuous with the fourth. IV. Larvae living in decaying vegetable ur animal matter; in heaps of turf in soft mud containing vegetable matter; in manure or foul excrement- even reported to have been passed from the human alimentary canal; in putrid stagnant ivater; or even in zvaternig troughs, luells, etc., ivherethe ivater is not conspicuously contaminated: genera, Platychirus, Eristalis, Helophilus Crwrhtna, Syritta, Orthoneura, Chrysogaster, Xanthogramma, Sericomyia RJnngta. ' It is possible that this group might be considered as derived from its aquatic mem- bers, thru a stage in which they lived within the stems of aquatic plants- but the line of evolution suggested above is the more probable since it leads gradually to the aquatic forms which are most specialized structurally. The question arises whether this group is a unit, structurally. Some of the mem- bers are certainly "rat-tailed." But, according to Williston, Platychi rushes this habit and the larvae of Platychirus spp. are structurally of the same form as the aphido- phagous species. Groups II to IV clearly represent one, more or less continous line of evolution from the primitive phytophagous habit. Another line of specialization from the same original habitat is shown by those members of the group which have taken up the predaceous habit. V. (A) Larvae predaceous on soft-bodied insects living in colonies, especially plant-lice (Aphididae); but also feeding on nymphs of/assidae, Aleyrodi- dae and Membracidae; on adults of Musca domestica and Chortophila pusilla; and even on larvae of other species of Syrphidae: genera, Baccha, Sphaerophoria, Pipiza, Paragus, Didea, Allograpta, Melano- stoma, Syrphus and Catabomba . Paragus and .lllograpta are, I believe, added to this list for the first time, by the present studies. (See Part II.PP-53. 54, S-'^O Syr p. 4 40 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY It seems liekly that the usual and preferable food of these species is Aphids, and that these other cases are largely exceptional and due to the absence of their accus- tomed food. An interesting specialization of this habit, which so far as I know, has not been previously reported, in which the aphidophagous larvae live, not on the exposed sur- face of the host-plant but enclosed in galls, makes a sub-division of this group. V. (B) Larvae predaceous on the gall-inaking ap/iids, Pe>nphigiis ami Colopha a>id living cvithin their galls; Syrphus xanthostovius and another species, at the time of this writing undetermined. When I had studied these larvae for a little time and noted their sluggishness I was struck with the probability that they were on the road to degeneration and possibly to true parasitism. In view of this conviction it was with much satisfaction that I noted the report of larval habits which I embrace in the third sub-division of this group. V. (C) Larvae said to have been bred fi out pupae of species of Plusia (Ento. Month. Mag. XXXIV, 244.): Lasiophthicus (Scaeva, Catabomba) pyrastri. If this report be authentic the larval habits of Syrphidae will take on additional interest as presenting a most instructive and perfect series, leading from free-living, phytophagous forms thru facultative and obligate predatism on individuals (or parasitism on the colony) to a condition of true internal parasitism on the individual. Aldrich (Catalog N. A. Diptera, p. 363) considers this an error and states that he has reared the species from larvae feeding on the grain aphis, Siphonophora avenae. The original article by E. N. Bloomfield is as follows "Last Autumn I received from a friend, a cripple specimen of Cataboinba pyrastri, L. which he had bred from a pupa of Plusia iota; and this summer he sent me from Southwold, several larvae (most probably Plusia gamma), asking if I could tell him what they were. Two or three at once spun up, and became pupae, and to my surprise in about a fortnight two specimens of C. pyrastri were disclosed; the empty pupae cases giving indubitable proofs that they had proceeded from them." I have a puparium of this species from California from which it can be seen that the larva is essentially similar to aphidophagous larvae. VI. Larvae living in the nest of colonial insects, chiefly Hyinenoptera: (A) Of the large Aculeate Hyinenoptera (Bombus, I'espa): genus Volucella. These larvae were formerly reported as parasitic on the immature Hymenoptera but it now seems certain that their relation is rather that of scavengers. (See pp. 37- 38) (Verrall makes a second division here of those larvae living in the nests of small- er Aculeate Hymenoptera. He states that he has no evidence to support this group but strongly suspects Eumerus and Paragus. As the present studies have shown that this suspicion is unfounded so far as /^aro^//^ is concerned the group may be omitted, pending definite evidence.) (B) Of ants (Formica, etc.) primarily, but also of termites and zvasps; genus Microdon . Adlerz believed that the larvae of M. mutabilis feed on the moist pine wood thru which the galleries run. Wheeler, however, found that the young larvae shrivel and die when removed from the ants; which may indicate that their food supply is inseparably connected with the ants. Wheeler, indeed, believed "that it is the minute pellets of food, which after their moisture has been extracted, are ejected from the hypopharyngeal pockets of the worker ants. These pellets are scattered , Y-C.L,Qnrae said to liue parositicaliu wlttim pupde oj Plusitt SPP. lY-Lc ■nests o!^ \jets and w(J6^s «arv/^/«'onia of the Ancients, were the flies, En'staiis tc)ia.\\ and that the superstitions aro.se because of the occasional breeding of these flies in decaying carcas.ses and their re.semblance to bees. (8) The relation of the larvae of VoluccUa and Microdon to the Hymenoptera in whose nests they liv'e, has l)cen rather fully di.scu.ssed 48 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY above (See pp. 37-40). I would simply add here the following note from Wheeler, Psyche, July, 191 1: "The occurrence of such bulky and defenseless Dipteron larvae in the nests of large-eyed active ants like the Pseudomyrmas, which are, more- over, provided with powerful stings, is nearly as surprising as their occur- rence in the nests of I'espa.'' (9) I have no data to give on this relation. It seems however, scarcely possible that such succulent creatures as the larvae of Syrphidae would not be picked up by birds for food. The aquatic larvae might be attacked by predaceous animals but many of the media in which they thrive are of such an offensive nature as to repel many animals. ( 10 ) The report on which this division is founded is cited on page 40. ECOIvOGICAL RELATIONS AND ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF ADULTS Relations to Plants. Adult Syrphidae, so far as we know, are almost all dependent upon the products, nectar and pollen, of the flowers of Spcrmatophyta for their food. In their visits to flowers for the purpose of feeding they inevitably carry about with them some of the pollen- grains to be shaken, brushed or scraped off in other flowers. In this way it is believed that various species of Syrphidae enter into an important relationship to many kinds of entomophilus plants. The importance of this relation will vary with the kinds of plants visited, the adaptation of the body of the fly which can carry pollen, the feeding habits of the fl}', and so forth. All of these points are deserving of much careful study but accurate data seem largely to be wanting. To the ordinary observer it would seem that Syrphidae visit all sorts of melliferous flowers indiscriminately; and this is no doubt true of many of them, perhaps all. If there are any cases of particular or specific interdependence of certain plants and certain Syrphidae, I am not aware of it. Adults of Mesogramma polita feed on pollen of corn (Ashmead). Mesogramma polita, Eristalis vineioruni and Baeeha fuscipciuiis were observed by Ashmead feeding on the pollen of cot- ton blossoms. A number of fruit trees, while in blossom, are regularly visited by these flies in goodly numbers. I would also call attention to two articles on"Insect Pollination at Cedar Point, "-'^ in which a dozen species of Syrphidae are recorded as visiting certain flowers. According to Dr. J. B. Smithf Erista/is fe)iax\s said to be entirely responsible for the pollen- izing of chrysanthemums in green-houses. ♦The Ohio NaturnUM, Vol. XI, No. 8, Vol. XII, No. G. +Econ. Ent. 2nd. Ed. p. 348. THE SVRPHIDAE OF OHIO 49 On the bodies of these flies the vestiture is, I believe, responsible, almost exclusivel}', for the carrying of pollen. In this respect the species vary widely from almost bare to very densely' pilose, and, as pointed out by Dr. Smith (I. c), this vestiture is often composed of spurred and branched hairs (Plate VIII, Fig. 159). In general the more thickly pilose species carry more pollen. Many of such specimens in collections have the body thickly dusted with pollen grains. By the feeding habit of the fly I mean, whether it ordinarily visits flower after flower on the same plant, or flies more or less directly from one flower to another of the same kind on another plant. I have often noted individuals hovering about the same plant and feeding on flower after flower. If the other habit is followed in any case cross-fertilization would be much more apt to be secured. Relations to other Insects. The adults enter into no particularly close relations with other insects that I know of except with those Hymenop- tera which certain of them mimic. If the theory of protective mimicry has any real significance it must result in endangering by so much the mimicked form. That is, wdiile one predaceous enemy is learning from his attack on the fortified bee to avoid prey of that appearance, another may be experiencing a successful and pleasant attack on the defenseless fly of similar appearance. Thus the value of the warning mark to both bee and fly is lessened in direct proportion to the number of defenseless individuals bearing it. (See also pp. 35-37.) It is interesting to note the attitude of those Hymcnoptcra, in whose nests the larvae of Microdon and ]"oliicella live, tow^ard the adults of these flies. Volucclla, according to reports, meets with no resistance or antago- nism. The adults of Microdon, however, are treated with great animosity by the ants among which they spent their immature stages. The ants seize the teneral adults and lick them until the formic acid secreted b\- the ants kills the flies. Wheeler believes that the habit of the larvae of pupat- ing in the superficial galleries of the ne.st, and of the adults of emerging at night, when ants are more or less torpid, are adaptations to making it as ea.sy as possible for the adult flies to escape. Relation to other Animals. It seems probal)lc that the adults of many species of Syrp/u'dac are a considerable source of food for insectivo- rous animals of all kinds, especially birds and Ami)hibians. The king-bird, phoebe and flicker are known to feed on liristalis tcua.w but I am not able to give much detailed data on this point. 50 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY ENEMIES (i) The common milkweed (Asclepias s'p.) is a rather formidable enemy of adult Syrphidac. When the latter visit these flowers for the nectar their legs are caught by the peculiar and well known pollinia of this plant. In collections one finds a good many specimens with these pollinia clinging to their legs. But large numbers of the w^eaker-bodied Sjrphidae become permanently entrapped by the flowers: thus not only invalidating the remarkable specialization on the part of the flower, but resulting, after long and fruitless struggle, in the death of the fly. vSo common is this entrapment that I found it well worth while, when collecting, to visit these flowers. I have found as high as twenty indi- viduals entrapped on a single head. (2) The parasitic insects of the super-family IclDicuuionidac consti- tute a very serious enemy of Syrphidac, at least of the aphidophagous species. I have reared the species, Bassus lactatorius Fabr. from larvae ^w^-^w^-A&oi Syrphus americanus, Syrphus torvus, Paragus hicolor, Paras^us tibialis, .lUograpta ob/iqua, and Sphacrophoria cylindrica. It occurs most abundantly in the different hosts from midsummer to late autumn. At times fully seventy-five per cent of the individuals col- lected were destroyed by this parasite. I have not reared it from speci- mens taken previous to July. "This parasite oviposits thru the body wall of the larvae, the eggs hatch and the larvae develop without preventing the formation of a more or less complete puparium by the host. Within the puparium the development of the larval parasite goes on at the expense of the Syrphid. The latter is entirely devoured and the parasitic larva reaches in size nearly the capacity of the puparium. Pupation then takes place and the adult emerges by gnawing a small irregular hole in the anterior end of the dipter- ous puparium, usually several weeks after pupation of the host. Only one parasite develops in each individual. "The larvae when full grown measure about 4 mm. in length by 1.8 mm. in height, by 2 mm. in width. They are plump, whitish, eruciform, ovate in outline; median segments largest, humped dorsally and with the posterior end smaller than the anterior. As the orientation is the same as that of the pupariinn it will be seen that the full grown larva fits very nicely, in size and shape, the puparium of the host. There are 14 body-segments clearly shown; the only conspicuous appendage is the U-or V-shaped, chitinous piece in the region of the mouth. Sketches of a larva and a pupa are given as Figures 58, 59, of Plate IV. "The adult may be easily recognized V)y the following description from G. C. Davis' 'A Monograph of the Tribe Bassini' (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXII, p. 19, Feb. '95,) who also states that it is one of the most common and wide spread species in America: 'Female — length 6 mm. Head, thorax, base and tip of abdomen, hind tarsi, base and lower middle of hind tibiae, black; four anterior legs, posterior coxae, femora, and often tips of tibiae, tip of abdoujinal segment i, whole of 2 and 3 and more or less of 4, rufous; anterior orbits, mouth, tegulae, spot in front, line THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 51 beneath, cuneiform spots on mesonotum, scutellum, post-scut ell 11 m, and band on posterior tibiae white. Male — Differs only in having the face, scape beneath and a stripe on pleura, yellowish white." — The Author, Ohio Nat. Vol. XH, No. 5, March, 1912. The first indication of the presence of the parasite is usually a failure of the pupal envelope to inflate completely, remaining le.ss rounded up donsalh' and often with the anterior segments but little retracted ventrally. Very soon the pupa becomes darker in color than normal. "The following are the average dimensions of 15 puparia of SyrpJins ante ricaii lis from which Bassus laetatorius had emerged: length 6 mm., height 2.25 mm., wddth 2.45 mm. Compared with the dimensions of an equal number of unparasitized individuals as given below, (p. 55) it will be seen that the.se are .slightly smaller in all dimensions than the normal ones, with a little more difference in height than in length or width. The difference in shape is more conspicuous than these figures would indi- cate (See Plate IV, Fig. 56 ) , and together with the difference in color makes them rather easy to distinguish when once the characteristics are learned." (3) The very widespread misbelief that adult 5i77!)///V/)dominal bands separated from the margin by a narrow black interval. Syrphus sp. — The larvae described below were, when taken, supposed to be, without doubt, distinct from the others I had reared. But when the adults emerged they were found to come within the limits of Syrphus americanus Weidemanu as described by Osten vSacken. It has not been possible up to the present time to determine whether both kinds of larvae and ptipae can be secured experimentally from the same strain; nor have I been able to find a satisfactory basis for the specific separation of the adults although they appear on the whole somewhat distinct from the ones I have reared from Aphis brassicae, etc., as described under the pre- ceding species. The following descriptions and notes are therefore given on what may prove to be a distinct species, showing possible convergence of imaginal characters toward S. americanus; or else an interesting and rather striking larval variety of the former species. Larva— Length 1 1 to 20 mm., width 2.75 to 5 mm., height 2.5 to 3.5 mm. The larg- est and most beautiful of the Syrphidae that I have seen. The shape and appendages are suggestive of .V. americanus: a long, comparatively slender larva tapering nicely in front, with the entire dorsum beset with short microscopic hairs. These integu- mental hairs seem somewhat smaller than those in S. aineiicanus and also rather Syrp. 5 56 OHIO BIOLOGICAI, SURVEY lighter in color requiring considerable magnificalion to make them visible. The seg- mental bristles are short, somewhat dusky but not prominent, about equal in size. A comparison of the characteristics of the posterior brealhing appendages in the two kinds of larvae failed to reveal anything notably different. Perhaps the principal disagreement between the larvae, besides the discrepancy in size, is in color. While the larvae from cabbage, Phrao^iiiites etc. were all pale brown marked with white and black, these may be described as follows: a third of the width on each side the larva is colored a beautiful deep green. In the middle of each segment from 6 to lo is a branched clump of thread-like, fatty material, colored a delicate pink, in front of which may be a whitish transverse bar. Between these pinkish masses stretch, on the median line, the six pulsating divisions of the dorsal blood vessel, black in color. These are limited laterally by broad longitudinal stripes of light brown or salmon-colored visceral matter, more or less interrupted by lateral pockets from the blood vessel, which are, however, not as conspicuous as those in the previous species. Three grown and two younger larvae were taken near Lakeville, Ohio, in Wayne County, June i6 and 17, and placed in confinemenc. They were abundant at Castalia, Ohio, June 29; and were also taken at vSandvisky, Ohio, a little later, and at Columbus. They were feeding among Aphis r/n/n'c/s on curled dock {Ruviex crispus) and on burdock {Ardiii))! )ui)iiis)\ on the former host-plant curled about the flower spike, on the latter chiefly on the under side of the broad outer leaves. In the case of Rumcx crispus the colors of the flower spike were remarkably well mimicked by those of the larva. (See Part I, pp. 27, 28.; Pupa— Dimensions, average of 6: Length 6.3 mm , width 3.1 mm., height 2.93 mm A comparatively short puparium, broad and high; the posterior elevation strong, not quite equal to the anterior. If the shape of the puparium has an}' specific significance (and .so far as I have observed it has been fairly constant within specific limits,) it wotild seem that this form ought to be separated from S. aDicricaiius. The pupa is much broader and higher. In S. aiiiericaiius for the puparia measured, the ratio of length to height is 2.6 : i; of length to width 2.5 : i; while in the present form it was as low as 2.15: i for length to height; and 2.03 : i for width to height. Three pupae formed from the specimens above, June 21, the adults emerging July i. Another pupated June 25, and the adult emerged July 4. Other larvae taken from Burdock, {^Arctium tni)ius) August 10, pupated the following day and the adults emerged August 17. The duration in the pupal stage was thus found to vary from 6 to 10 days in captivity. Adult — The few variations from the more typical Syrphus a)jurica)ius do not seem to be of specific value. The following might be noted : I^arger specimens, length about 10 mm. Front of female with an inverted V-shaped black stripe, its sides longer, parallel above; the cheeks grayish. THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 57 The yellow abdominal bauds ma}- be a little wider, the second one with angular projections in the middle, in front and behind. Hind femora in the female blackish brown on the proximal half. Syrphus torvus Osten Sacken (Plate II, Figs. 9-16.) See the Ohio Naturalist, Vol. XI, No. 7, pp. 341-344, May, 191 1; also N.J. Ag. Col. Ex. Sta. Bull. 72, pp. 11- 14, 1890, "Plant-lice and how to Deal with Them," J. B. Smith. Larva— Length 10-12 nmi., width 3-4 mm. Color brown-pink, mid-dorsal blood vessel rather prominent, no integumeiital vesliture except the light colored segmental spines. (From the figure given by Ur. Smith (/. c.) and his description, — larva"wiih a ver}- rough skin, beset with minu'.e bristly little hairs." I take it that heret'ers to a geneial covering of what I have called integumental spines, and n :>t to tlie twelve segmental bristles of each segment; and if so, my observations do not agree v\ith his.) Spiracular slits longer and narrower than in Didea fasciata. Inter-spiracular projec- tions not prominent. Lateral mouih-hooklels present. Abundant among .Ipliis brassicae on cabbage in Autumn Also found preying on Lo)ioislii^ijia caiyae. Puparium — Length 8 to 8.25 mm., width 3.5 to 4.3 mm., height 3.75 to 4 mm. Tes'.aceous — brown, smooth. Adult — Length 10 to [2.5 mm. Gray spot on the cheek. Eyes pubescent. First abdominal band interrupted, all attaining the lateral margin. Syrphus xanthostomus Williston (Plate \T, Figs. 81-87.) Seethe Ohio Naturalist Xo\. XIII, No. 5, pp. 81-83, March 1913. Larva — Length about 10 mm., width 3.75 to 4 mm. Fat, thick, grub-like, sluggi>h larvae, strongly arched, dorsally; wrinkling prominent. Color very pale pinkish-yellow, dorsal blood vessel not conspicuous. Skin bare except for the short, light colored, segmental bristles. Jaws unusually short. Posterior repsiratory appendage a fourth longer than broad, inter-spiracular spine short, blunt, spur-like, rather prominent. Dorsal spiracular spine short, compressed, its breadth about equal to diameter of approximate circular plate. Larvae were found full grown at Cedar Point, Jul>' 7, 191 1. They were taken on poplar or American aspen (Populus tieniuloidcs Mx.) in the well known galls of Pemphigus vagabundus Walsh, on which they were feeding. Probabh' each larva is dependent for its food suppl>- on the aphids within the single gall which it inhabits. Puparium — Length 7.2 mm., height 3.5 mm., width 3.8mm., exce])tionly inflated dorsally, posterior inflation equal to that anteriorly. Duration in jnipal stage, seven to eight days. Adult — Length 11 to 12 mm. Lateral margins of thorax distinctly yellowish poUinose, scutellum wholly yellow. The three principal bands of the abdomen broader than the black interval, attaining the lateral margins in nearly tlieir fuU width. 58 OHIO BIOLOGICAL vSURVEY Didea fasciata Loew (Plate I, Figs. i-8 and Plate VI, Fig. 17.) See the Ohio Naturalist Vol. XI, No. 7, pp. 337-341, May 191 1, and Vol. XIII, No. 5, p. 90, March 1913. Egg — Length 1.3 to 1.7 mm., diameter 0.4 to 0.6 mm. Sculpturing of the cho- rion very characteristic — the principal bodies of it have a secondary reticulate ornamen- tation of their own (Plate VI, Fig. 17). Found on sycamores, September 29 to Octo- ber 27, glued to the bark on the under side of horizontal limbs. Young larvae similar to mature ones. Mature larva — length 12 to 15 mm., width 5 to 6 mm., testaceous brown. Segmental bristles crown the summits of prominent, conical elevations beset with the short radiating black bristles which cover the integu- ment generally. Inter-spiracular ornamentation consists of a small number of upri>;ht, irregular, lamellae-like ridges. Dorsal blood vessel not prominent. Found pre5dng only upon Lotigistigma caryae on .sycamore and bass- wood. Pupa — Length 9.5 to 10 mm., width 4.5 to 5 mm., height about 4.5 mm. Color Roman sepia. The shining brown color, vestiture as described for the larva, and the characteristics of the posterior respiratory appendage, should easily distinguish this species. Duration in pupal stage (indoors) 20 days. Adult — Length 1 1 to 15 mm. Third vein of wing deeply curved near the middle into the first posterior cell. First yellow abdominal cross-band interrupted, reaching the margin. Second and third bands not reaching the margin. Allograpta obliqua (Say) (Plate V, Fig. 61-70.) Seethe Ohio Naturalist Yo\. XII, No. 8, pp. 533-537, Jtiue 1912. Egg — Elongate oviod. Length about 0.8 mm., diameter 0.3 mm., (Figs. 61-62). Color chalk-white, with microscopic sculpturing. Oviposilion noted the middle of May and the middle of June on persimmon {Diospyros virginiana L.) and on curled dock {Rume.v crispus L.). Nearly 100 eggs deposited by a female. Duration in egg stage (indoors) 2.5 to 3.5 days. Mature larva — Length about 8 mm., width about 2 mm. Color leaf-green with two prominent, longtitudinal, white stripes dorsally. No body vestiture, except the segmental bristles. Outer pair of mouth-hooklets present. Posterior respiratory appendage prominent, 0.5 mm. long, 0.125 rnm. broad. Inter-spiracular spurs short, continued down the sides of the tube as more or less evident ridges. Predaceotis on a species of Aleyrodidae on persimmon in June; on Aphis brassicae September, October; on Aphis riimicis on Runiex crispus in June. Puparium — Length 5.25 mm., width 2.5 mm., height 2.3 mm. Posterior elevation very gradual. Color changes from that of the larva to that of the adult as the meta- morphosis goes on within. Duration in pupal stage (indoors) 3.5 to 5.5 daj'S in June, as long as 10 days in Autumn. Found on parts of the larval host-plant, June to Octol)er. THK SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 59 Adult — Length 6 to 7 mm. This species may be recognized by the generic charac- ters— yellow thoracic stripes and abdominal cross-bands, and on the fourth and fifth segments, four longitudinal, oblique, yellow stripes or spots; together with the yellow face lacking a complete median stripe. Sphaerophoria cylindrica (Say) (Plate V, Figs. 71-78.) The Ohio A^aturalist, Vol. XII, No. 8, pp. 538-541, Jttne, 191 2. Egg — Length 0.9 mm., diameter 0.3 mm. Elongate oval. Females taken in May deposited several dozen, apparently infertile eggs. Larva — Length 9 to 10 mm., width 2.25 mm. Color pea-green with two, dorsa longitudinal, white stripes; heart-line only moderately conspicuous. No vestiture except segmental spines. Outer pair of mouth-hooklets present. Larvae of this species can be very certainly separated from those of Allograpta obliqua by differences in the posterior respiratory appendages. Ill Spliacrophoria the end of the posterior respiratory appendage is very nicely and evenly rounded off; the two tubes slightly emarginate but not at all divergent at the tip; and all trace of inter-spiracular spines or projections lacking. With the aid of a good hand-lens and Figures 66 and 68 compared with 72 and 73, one should have no trouble in separating these two species in the larval stage. Taken among Aphis brassicae in June and September; on Riimex crispus in June; and on Carduus sp. (Among Aphis sp. ) in August. Puparium — Length 5.3 mm., height 2.05 mm., width 2.1 nmi. Le?s strongly elevated posteriorly then in Allograpta obliqua from which it can be separated on characters of the posterior respiratory appendage. Pupation observed on host-plants in late June, September and October. Duration of pupal stage (indoors) 5 to 7 days. Adult— Length 6 to 8 mm. Lateral stripe on thorax reaches only to the suture. vSpots on pleurae as shown in Fig. 71 Plate V. Abdomen slender with yellow cross- bands. Legs including coxae, yellow. The cock's-comb-gall syrphus-fly (Species undetermined) (Plate VI, Figs. 91-95.) Although I was unable to get these larvae to pupate, their habits are .so interesting that the following description is given, though the species is as 3'et unknown to me. Larva— Length 8 to 10 mm., width 2.5 to 3 mm., height r.5 to 2 mm., distinclly fliltened ventrally, moderately convex above, elongate ovoid in outline. The dorso- lateral carinae are rather prominent as are also the transverse folds of the inttgn- ment. The posterior respiratory appendages are prominent, 0.6 mm. long, 0.4 mm. wide. The color of the larva is pink vinaceous, deep-flesh, or purplish, darker beneath. 6o OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY The dorsum is covered with comparatively large, though almost invisible spines of the same color as the integument. The segmental bristles in this case are very inconspicuous, only about three times as long as the integumental spines. The color and vestiture are always very much obscured by a dusting of fine, white, powdery or cotlonv material which the larvae derive from the gall-making aphides among which they feed. This too, is partly responsible for the unusual opaqueness of the integu- ment or the fact that none of the viscera show clearly. A slight darkening of the posterior median line indicates the dorsal blood-vessel, but its outlines or pulsation cannot be discerned. The antennae are unusual in having the two smaller segments, wdiich lie side by side on a fleshy elevation and are usually rounded, considerably elongated in a vertical direction, contiguous medially. The mouth-parts are strong, the V of the jaws short, \dth a long slender med- ian, terminal projection; the spurs at the base of the lower jaw short. There are three pairs of mouth-hooklets; two pairs close beside the jaws, the dorsal ones short triangular, the ventral pair elongate; and a lateral or outer pair heavy, unequally bidentate, recurved. The anterior spiracles are m.oderately elevated on a sub-conical prominence and are guarded by six, unequal, tooth-like lobes. The posterior breathing appendages present the following characters: The spira- cles are straight, moderately long, rather prominently raised above the general surface. Dorsal spiracular spine median to the circular plate, wanting. Inter-spiracular projections four on a side, bristle-like (in this respect difTering from all the other larvae I have examined) the bristles one-half to one-third as long as the spiracles. Surface between the spiracular elevations free from warts or ridges, depressed between the outer ends of the spiracles. The sides of the tubes are finely and unevenly echiiiulate; a ring-like constriction about mid-length beyond which the diameter is slightly less to the tips, where the spiracles expand somewhat. These larvae were abundant, and apparently nearly full grown, on June 17, near Lakeville, in Wayne Co., Ohio, when the material was col- lected. They were found living in the galls on a .species of Elm (U//mis) which are familiarly known from their shape as "Cock'.s-Comb-Galls," preying upon the gall producing aphids, Colopha nlDn'cola which line the inner walls of the gall chambers. The.se galls are formed on the upper surface of the leaves, opening beneath thru a sht-like aperature, several to many obliquely arranged at the sides of the mid-vein. They are commonly an inch in length by a fourth or more in width, incompletely divided into a series of about half a dozen chambers. The upper surface of the gall is dentate and gives to the gall its name. Sometimes two or three of the larvae will be found in one gall, a space four or five times the volume of their own bodies. These galls are rigid, the edges of the .slit closely apposed and offering considerable resis- tance to being opened. It therefore .seems very doubtful to me if a larva ordinarily ever leaves the particular gall in which it begins its growth. THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 61 A few eggs were found on the under surface of the affected leaves. From such a position the larvae could easily crawl into the galls while still of small size as when just hatched. The full-grown larvae in confinement show a negative photo-tropi.sm. Enclo.sed closeh' in the gall they enjoy excellent protection and have for the most part an abundance of food at hand. I discovered no enemies. Seemingly they are paying the usual penalty for sedentary life They are very sluggish. After seeking some dark protected place in the jar which confined them they .scarcely move unless disturbed. These partic- ular larvae were removed from the locality where similar food was not available; and, although offered numerous other kinds of aphids, they re- fused to eat and all died before pupating. The result of their habit of life seems, therefore, to be a close restriction to one .species of prey; and proba- bly they are confined ordinarily to the aphids of a single gall. Their .slug- gishness would also suggest a possible further degeneration. (See pp. 39, 40. ) Eristalis aeneus (Fabricius) (Plate VII, Figs. 131-141.) See the Ohio iVafura//s/, Vol. XIII, No. 5, pp. 84-89, March, 1913 Larv.'^ — Similarto, but smaller that the well-known, "rat-tailed" \a.r\-a. oi E.h'tiax 13 to 15 mm. long, 3 to 4 mm. broad, 2 to 3 mm. high. Posterior respiratory appendage varying from 0.5 to 0.25 mm. in diameter, extensile, 3-segmented, its length seldom less than 5 mm., frequently 15 to 30 mm., occasionally as much as 100 mm. or about 4 inches. Ornamented at the tip with four pairs of delicate, feather-like appendages, presumably homologous with the inter-spiracular ornaments of aphidophagous species. Color dirty, grayish-brown. Integument translucent, flexible, bearing integumeiital vestiture and double segmental hairs. There are seven pairs of pro-legs. Collected in the very putrid water}' material of the evaporating vats at the Columbus Sewage- Disposal Plant in September, undoubtedly feed- ing on the decaying, .sewage particles. Tuparium — Length 8 to 10 mm., height 3 to 4.5 mm., width 3.5 to 4.5 mm. vSluipe that of the larva, considerably shortened, and somewhat inflated dorsally. Pupal respiratory cornua located a short distance posterior to anterior respiratory cornua of the larva, on dorsal side of the body; about 2 mm. in length, 0.25 mm. in diameter. These cornua are provided on their distal three- fourths with several hundred short rounded tubercles each ornamented on the tip with 8 or 9 radial elevations. Intern- all v the cornua lead by tracheae to the prolhoracic segment of the developing nymph- Larval respiratory cornua rigid at a length of 0.75 mm. Pupae were found attached to an iron railing surmounting the walls of the .sewage vats in mid-September, emerging as adults 10 days later. Adult— Length 8 to 10.5 mm. Wholly dark, metallic-green shining. Kyes covered with sniall, round spots. Thorax of fcnuale with grayish wliite stripes. 62 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY GENERIC REVIEW OF BIOEOGY Microdon — Earvae and pupae of this genus have been described as two or three different species of Molluses as well as listed among the Coccidae. The}' have been discovered in the nests of a dozen species of ants and of I ^espa crabro in Europe as well as in the nests of termites in Madagascar and Brazil. In North America Microdon tristis seems to be the only species which has been reared from the larval stage. According to Wheeler, the species referred to as M. globosus by Packard and Eint- ner is M. tristis. This species has been taken in the U. S. with Formica schaiifussi , F. rufa obscuripes, F. difficilis var. consociaiis, and F. sanguinea aserva. Larvae of at least three other undetermined species have been described. (See W. M. Wheeler, "Ants," pp. 383-386; Psyche, July, 1901; and Journal N. Y. Ent. Soc. Vol. 16, pp. 202-210, 1908. Also Sharp. Camb. Nat. Hist. Vol. VI, Part II, pp. 501-502.) Chrysotoxum — "The metamorphoses are believed to take place in rotten wood, or in the diseased sap of trees, btit very little is known about them." — A^errall, British Flies, p. 642. Chrysogaster — "The larvae of two European species have been bred from the mud of a ditch." — Verrall, p. 186. Pipiza — Riiey in his P'irst Mo. Rept. 121, fig. 66, and in Amer. Entom. I, 83, describes Pipiza femoraUs Eoew. , under the name of ' 'The Root-louse Syrphus Fl}- (Pipiza radicum n. sp.)," as an enemj' of the apple-root Plant-louse (Sc/iizoncura lajiigera) and in his 6th Mo. Rept. asanenemj' of the Grape Phylloxera {Phylloxoa vastatrix Planchon). I quote from these papers as follows: This "footless maggot" is about one-half an inch long, and of a dirty yellow color. It is generally found more or less covered with mud, and with the wooly matter secreted by the lice, and is not by any means easily discerned. It changes in the fall to the pupa state from which, in the following spring, there emerges the perfect fly. '■'■Larva — Dull pale flesh-color, tinged with yellow. Attenuated and somewhat depressed anteriorly, more blunt posteriorly, the anal segment being furnished with an elevated tube which is of a light polished brown at extremity. Wrinkled trans- versely, with a prominent fold at anterior and posterior edge of each segment. The larger segments well defined; the smaller ones less so. First segment thoroughly retractile and sufficientl}^ translucent when extended to show the dark triple-jointed mouth. A few soft, fleshy spines of the same color as the body especiallj- distinct on anal segments. Length when not extended 0.23 of an inch. From five speci- mens." "Pupa — Dull dirty yellow. Gradually formed by the contraction of the larva, (luring which time the wrinkles are obliterated, at last becoming quite smooth. Length 0.18 inch." A puparium buried in moist sand twice crawled up the side of the bottle in which it was contained. THE SYRPHIDAH OF OHIO 63 "Pipiza iiioclesta, Loew, was reared from apple twigs infested by Schizoneura lanigera (Hausm)"— F. M. Webster, Canad. Eiito. XXX, p. 19. Paragus — Rondani about 1S48 published notes to the eflfect that the larvae feed on aphides which occur on or near the roots of Ccntaurca and on Scvichus. Verrall in his work on British Flies in several places states his impression that this is not authentic and makes a special division of larval habits for those "living in the nest of smaller Aculeate Hynie- noptera. " He says (p. 674) "I have no evidence to support this group, but I strongly suspect Eumcriis and Paragus,'" since "the species have a ver}^ suspicious habit of hanging about the burrows of the small HalidP' (p. 150). The present studies happily clear up this doubt and settle once for all that the larvae, at least of P. bicolorsind P. tibialis, are aphidophagous. Chilosia — "Not much is known about the metamorphoses of any species of this genus, but some larvae have been reared from fungi and others from stems and roots of plants, which seems to show that their habits are widely divergent from the genus Syrpluis.'" Verrall, British Flies, p. 207. Chalcomyia— In the collection of Prof. James S. Hine is one male specimen of C. acrea with puparium attached which bears the label "Pupa taken under bark, Columbus, Ohio, 4-1 1- 1902." To him I am indebted for the opportunity of here describing the puparium and for the following notes on it. Pupariinn described from one specimen: Length of body about 7 mm., posterior respiratory appendage, or "rat-tail" pro- jecting that mncli farther, fixed in a curve. Fonr-fifths of its length consists of the basal segment which has a diameter of about o 5 mm., at the base, but tapers some- what toward the end. The middle and distal segments are each extended only about 0.75 mm., diameter 0.2 mm., or less; these are shining reddish-brown. The basal segment and the body generally are dull, dirty, grayish brown. The vestiture is obscured; but the middle segment of the respiratory tube shows transverse wrin- kling, in which respect it differs from the corresponding structure of Eristalis acnciis. Width of puparium 3.25 mm., height about the same. Shape ovate, the antero- dorsal part which separates as the operculum, flattened, bearing on its anterior part the larval respiratory cornua; while just back of the line where the operculum sepa- rates are located the pupal respiratory cornua. (See Plate VI, Figs. 111-115.) The anterior or larval respiratory cornua are fixed at a length of about 0.25 mm., their diameter being about 0.125 mm. The spiracles at the tip show seven to nine, somewhat elongate, teeth-like lobes as shown in Figs. 11 2-1 13 of Plate VI. The pupal respiratory cornua (Figs, tii b, 1 14) are short and thick, 0.75 mm. in length l)y about half as broad, clavale by the elevation of the numerous tubercles thru which 1 believe the spiracles open. These are about 100 in number in this species (Fig. 114). They show at their ti]) three or four nodules (Fig. 115), between 64 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY which are depressions radiating from the center. Between the tubercles the surface of the cornua is finely papillose. The scars of seven pai-s of pro-legs and the position of the anus show on the ventral side ( Fig. 1 1 1 , Xylota (p. 94 ) 76. Scutellem, margin of thorax and pleurae with distinct bristles, femora slender (Chrysochlamys) Ferdinandea No bristles anywhere on body . . , 77 77. Face short, not produced, concave from antennae to oral margin, not tuberculate; hind femora thickened 78 Face produced, long 79 78. Abdomen elongate Brachypalpus (p. 95) Abdomen very broad; thorax densely pilose; middle femora of male sometimes {Hadroinyia) with a stout, basal, inferior spur Pocota 79. Face produced forward, pointed, concave from antennae to tip, not tuberculate; hind femora thickened Crioprora ( p. 96) Face not evenly concave in profile, but tuberculate or convex 80 80. Third joint of antennae produced above into an anteriorly directed, conical process, terminatingin the thickened arista (Figs. 225, 226)Merapioidus (p. 96) Third joint of antennae obliquely oval; hind femora rarely thickened Criorhina (p. 96 ) 81. Hind femora with conical, tooth-like protuberance below near distal end; antennae more or less elongated; sixth vein directed obliquely outward beyond anal cell Spilomyia (p. 97) Hind femora without much protuberance; sixth vein beyond anal cell not unusual 82 82. Antennae inserted low down, near middle of head in profile, the face not longer than front (Fig. 235) Temnostoma (p. 98) Antennae inserted on a conical process; front short, the face nnicli produced downward (Fig. 236) ; antennae long or short Sphecomyia (p. 98) In the following discussion of genera, species known to occur in the State are consecutively numbered and their names printed in bold face type. In addition certain species, whose known distribution indicates probable occurrence, are included wnth the hope of adding to the usefulness of the paper. Names of such species are unnumbered, printed in italics and marked with a star (*). Their recorded distribu- tion is indicated following the name. Microdon Meigeii 1 Hind metatarsi not, or but slightly thickened; third segment of antennae about as long as the first, blackish species, abdomen without orange yellow, tristis Hind metatarsi strongly thickened in the male, brownish species 2 2 Third joint of antennae longer than the first fuscipennis Third joint of antennae not longer than the first *globosus'Pa.h. (Mich., Col., Va., N. J., Fla., Carolina, Tex.) 8o OHIO BIOLOGICAL vSURVEY 1 M. fuscipennis Macquart. Six specimens taken at Cincinnati (Dur}') (Fig. 20I, 204, 206, 230 j. 2 M. tristis Loew. Eight specimens taken at Cincinnati (Dury) (Figs. 202, 205, 207). M. ^aurifex Wied. (Philadelphia), '^-a2ir2dentus Fab. (Pa., Car.) ^^-j?tegalogaster Snow , (Pa., Va., N J., Col.) and *;7(/7/r.i- Macq. (Pa., La.,) also seem likely to be taken in Ohio. Description of megalogaster by Snow in Kans. Univ. Quart. I. 34; the others are described by Williston, Synopsis, pp. 9-12. Callicera Panzer *C. johnsoni Flunter (Pa., N. C), Chrysotoxum Meigeu 1 Lateral margin of third abdominal segment yellow; second and third abdom- inal arcnate yellow bands only interrupted by a line laterale Lateral margin of third segment not all yellow; second and third arcuate bands distinctly interrupted 2 2 Black spot of the fifth abdominal segment inverted Y — shaped ^ventricosum Loew (Can., D. C, Ariz., N. J. ) Black spot of the fifth abdominal segment inveited V — shaped *pubescetis Loew (111., N Y., Mich. Va., N. J.) 3 C. laterale Loew. One female, Medina, one male, Ira, August. Fig. 241. Chrysogaster Meigen 1 Base and tip of tibiae, or at least first two joints of tarsi, yellow or yellowish- red; last section of fourth longitudinal vein rectangular; antennae elongate. 2 Legs wholly black; last section of fourth vein curved or bent; third joint of antennae rounded, nearly as broad as long, front of female strongly rugose nigripes 2 The last section of the fourth vein joins the third beyond the tip of second vein, rectangular, with a stump of a vein in the middle; second joint of antennae nearly as long as the third; eyes with linear markings nitida The last section of fourth vein joins the third opposite or before the tip of the second ; disk of abdomen opaque 3 3 Abdomen broadly oval; wings with browinsh clouds pictipennis Cross-veins of wings not clouded *p!ilc/iella \W\\\&i. {^\\c\\. N. H., Conn., Can., N. J.) ( Fig. 247) 4 C. nigripes T/oew. One male, Columbus, four females, Columbus, Hinckley and Ft. Ancient; last of May to first of August. (Figs. 209, 245.) THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 8i 5 C. nitida Wiedeman. One male, Ft. Ancient, three Sandusky; three females Columbus, vSandusky, Wauseon , last of May to last of August. (Figs. 2IO, 248;. 6 C. pictipennis Loew. One female has wings nearly clear. Three specimens, Medina, Columbus, Ira; April 23 and early August. (Figs. 211, 249). ^Chrysogaxter apisaon Walk (N. Y.). Psilota Meigen */*. flavipennis Macq. (Philadelphia). Pipiza Fallen 1 Abdomen with a basal interrupted yellow fascia 2 Abdomen uniformly black 3 2 Wings witli a brown spot in the middle festiva Wings without a brown spot in the middle femoralis 3 Third joint of antennae at least twice as long as wide 4 Third joint scarcely twice as long as wide, or rounded 5 4 Third joint of antennae elongate; hind metatarsi much thickened; last section of fourth vein bent near its middle pulchella Third joint elliptical, hind metatarsi but slightly thickened; last section of fourth vein bent at its antepenultimate third radicum 5 Black pilose nigripilosa Chiefly light pilose 6 6 Wings with brownish cloud, abdomen chiefly light pilose *albipilosa Willst ( Pa. ) Wings without a brown cloud pisticoides Hind coxae armed with a long slender process, dilated and compressed toward the end *calcarata Loew(N. Y., N. J.) */^. JHodesta Loew(N. Y., Can., N. J., N. M.) *nignbarba Loew (N. Y.) *frand- ulcnta Loew? (111.) and*5fl/a.t- Loew (Pa.) may be expected in the State. For descrip- tions of these species see Williston vSynopsis, pp. 24-26. 7 P. femoralis Loew. 15 males, 2 females, Columbus, vSugar Grove, Ira; all taken in May. 8 P. festiva Meigen. 6 females, Columbus, June: 2 females, Ira, September. Can this be the female of P. femoralis ? 9 P. nigripilosa Williston. One male, Hinckle\-, late June. 10 P. pisticoides Williston. 9 males, 8 females, Medina, Hinckley, Columbus; late April to early AugiLSt. (Fig. 208). 11 P. pulchella Williston. One male, Lockbourne, Jul\- 3; three females, Medina, Akron, Ft. Ancient, Ju]\- to August. 82 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 12 Pipiza radicum. Walsh and Riley. One female. Columbus, September 15. Paragus Latreille 1 Sciitellum with a yellow border, at least in the female; face of male without a black median stripe; front of female narrow above bicolor Scutellum without a yellow border; face in both sexes with a black median stripe; front in female of nearly equal width 2 2 Abdomen with more or less red on the dorsum; vertical triangle in the male large tibialis Abdomen wholly greenish-black angustifrons 13 P. angustifrons Loew. 9 females, Columbus, Sandusky, Cin- cinnati, Waterloo, Kent, Vinton, Lockbourne, Sugar Grove; first of Maj^ to the last of Jul}'. 14 P. bicolor Fabricius. For description of this species see Part II, p. 53 where the inunature stages are also described. Many specimens are at hand from Cohunbus, Lakeville, Sandusky, Waiiseon, Castalia, Vinton and Gypsimi; early May to late August. 15 P. tibialis Fallen. Descriptions of the life stages are given in Part II p. 54. Numerous specimens, mostly males, Akron, Sandusky, Medina, Vinton; middle of May to early August. Chilosia Meigen Key to Species (adapted from Hunter, Canad-Ent. Vol. XXVIII, pp. 229-233, September., 1896.) r Eyes bare, tibiae at least largely yellow 2 2 Scutellum without bristles or bristle-like hairs on the margin 3 Scutellum with bristles or bristle-like hairs on the margin 5 3 Posterior femora largely reddish, or at least so colored at the base; second abdominal segment partly opaque; four anterior tibiae entirely yellow * prima Hunter ( Pa . ) Posterior femora except the tip always black 4 4 Abdomen entirely shining in both sexes comosa Abdomen at least in the male largely opaque; four anterior tibiae entirely yel- low; pile of front light colored capillata 5 Arista briefly pubescent, femora yellow *pri}iia Hunter (Pa.) Arista plumose or long pilose, third antennal joint rounded-ovate or ovate. . 6 6 Abdomen of both sexes entirely shining, anterior femora largely black .*cyanescens Loew (111., Conn., N. H., Montreal) Abdomen in the male largely opaque 7 7 Posterior femora on basal third, and at apex, yellow; scutellum yellow except the narrow base pallipes Posterior femora except the apex black; scutellum only piceous at apex; first posterior cell broader and last section of fourth longitudinal vein accordingly longer tristis THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 83 16 C. capillata Loevv. One male, Columbus, April 23. 17 C. comosa Loew. One female, ColumbUvS, Ma}' 13. 18 C. pallipes Loew. One female, Vinton, Early June. (Fig. 243.) 19 C. trislis Loew. One male, Hinckley, August i. Chalcomyia Williston 20 Chalcomyia aerea Loew. Three males, one female, Cincinnati, Columbus, Georgesville ; late April, early May. One male with rat-tailed puparium bears this label, "Pupa taken under bark, Columbus, Ohio, 4-11- 02." (See Part II, p. 63, Figs. 203, 212.) Myiolepta Newman 1 Face on the sides below with a large luteous spot, third joint of antennae ovate strigilata Face without a luteous spot below 2 2 Legs partly yellow, abdomen black .... nigra Legs partly yellow, abdomen with luteous or yellow spots at the base varipes 2 1 M. nigra Loew. Two males, two females, Hinckley, Ft. Ancient; mid- June and early August. 22 M. varipes Loew. Two males, two females, Columbus, San- du-sky, Ft. Ancient, Hinckle}-; mid-June to earh^ August. 23 M. strigilata Loew. Five specimens, Cincinnati, May, 1 901. A male, Columbus, May 13, resembles M. strigilata Loew but lacks the luteous facial spots and has the eyes separated b}- the width of two and a half facets. Length 5.5 mm. Blackish-greenish, moderately shining, clothed with .short, rigid, apprcssed, yellowish-white pile. Vertical tri- angle black, shining, long. Frontal triangle and face thickly clothed with whitish pollen and pile except for a brown spot above the antennae. A black .spot on tubercle and thence to oral margin, and the cheeks; first two joints of antennae dark brown, third joint light ferruginous, ovate, a little longer than broad, arista concolorous. Legs and wings as in M. strigilata. Tip of marginal cell somewhat dilated into sub-marginal cell. Baccha Fabricious 1 Abdomen distinctly narrowed toward the ba.se ; elongate, more or less club- shaped or spatulate 2 2 Third joint of the antennae elongate oval, obtusely pointed; face verv prominent clavata Third joint short oval, obtusely rounded; face not prominent 3 84 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 Wings cinereous hyaline, without distinct dark markings; abdomen very sknder cognata Wings more or less brownish or blackish 4 4 Wings with a broad median cross- band, reaching to ihe fourth posterior cell; scutellum and posterior part of the dorsum shining golden fascipennis Wings with the front border, at least, for its whole length brownish or blackish 5 Wings with front border narrowly darkened but not for its full length; body black, the first second and third abdominal segments with an oblique white spot on each side at base *costata Say ( Ind. ) 5 Posterior half of the wings nearly hyaline tarchetius Wings more or less brown or blackish on the posterior part 6 6 Wings subcinerescent; all the veins, except the last segment of the fourth broadely clouded with blackish, confluent near the costa *lugens (Loew N. Y. Wise, N. J., Fla.) Wings with a triangular hyaline space behind the outer end of third vein, the axillary portion more or less subhyaline. Ocyptaiuns fitscipi-niiis Say, See Ocyptamus (below) fuscipennis 24 B. fascipennis Wied. Three males, fotir females, Sandusky, Cin- cinnati, Ira, Hinckley, Wauseon; last of May to early September. 25 B. clavata Fal^r. Two Ohio specimens, male and female, November 2. (Fig. 217.) 26 B. cognata Loew. A small delicate species. One female. Ira, September 8. 27 B. tarchetius Walker. Two males, one female, Sandtisky, Medina, Hocking Co. (Fttlton); Early July to early August. Ocyptamus Macquart 28 O. fuscipennis Say. Common: Sandusky, Medina, Ira, Lake- ville, Hinckley, Lochbourne; July i to September 9. (Fig. 224.) Platychirus St. Fargeau and Serville. 1 Front tibiae in the male gradually dilated from the base, the tarsi gradually decreasing in width from the base to the tip; profile of the face only gently concave above the tubercle, the latter small; cheeks convex below 2 Front tibiae of the male slender, suddenly dilated at the tip, metatarsi much dilated, the remaining joints but slightly so; the front femora in the male with a thick row of hairy pile on the posterior side; face in both sexes with a conspicuous tubercle; cheeks concave below peltatus 2 Front tibiae of the male, on the inner side toward the end, somewhat concave the outer angle produced into a lappet- like process, yellow spots on the abdomen in both sexes very large, leaving only a median stripe and cross- bands; hind femora and tibiae yellow quadratus Front tibiae of the male gently and evenly convex on the inner side, tlie tip on the outer side less produced, more angular; second segment of the abdomen in both sexes with a small rounded spot on each side, fifth seg- ment in the male without yellow, legs chiefly black hyperboreus THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 85 28 P. hyperboreus Staeger. Numerous specimens Columbus, Lake- ville, Sandusky, Ira, Vinton, Medina, Hawkins, Milan, Newark; mid- April to late July. (Figs. 214, 240, 244. ) 29 P. peltatus Meigen. One male, three females, Wauseon, Akron Hincklej- late July to late August. (Figs. 215, 242.) 30 P. quadratus Say. Ten males, four females, Columbus, I^ake- ville, Sandusky, Ira, Hinckle}', Danville; early Aj^ril to earh^ September. (Fig. 216.J Melanostoma Schiner I Hind metatarsi not thickened, abdomen in the male with three pairs of qnad- rate reddish-3ellow spots, tubercle of face not prominent; abdomen in the female oval with four pairs of triangular spots mellinum Hind metatarsi of the male always somewhat thickened; bands of abdomen metallic or greenish, not reddish-yellow; pollen of face (uniform or) some- what ripple like but not of distinct circular spots; pile of thorax dusky obscurum 31 M. mellinum Lin ne. Numerous specimens, Columbus, Lake- ville, Sandu.sky, Medina, Ira, Hinckley, Kent; middle of April to middle of August. 32 M. obscurum Say. Very common. Specimens from Columbus, Lakeville, Cincinnati, Vinton, Hinckley, Wauseon; late March to late August. (Fig. 250.) Didea Macquart 33 D. fasciata Macquart var. fuscipes Loew. For description of stages see Part II, p. 58. Syrphus Fabricitis 1 Three principal yellow bands of abdomen entire, the second and third ones not reaching the lateral margin; face with a brown stripe americanus First yellow cross-band interrupted, the others entire 2 Three principal yellow bands interrupted; eyes bare; abdominal spots of third and fourth segments distinctly arcuated 10 2 Abdomen narrow, with nearly parallel sides in the male; in the female the fifth segment half as long as the fourth diversipes Abdomen distinctly oval, the fifth segment in the female less than half as long as the fourth 3 3 Femora black at the base 4 Femora yellow at the base 7 4 The first, second, and third abdominal cross-bands do not reacli the lateral margin, eyes bare, clieeks black americanus Tlie second and third yelluw-l)an(ls reacli the margin 5 86 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 5 Eyes pubescent torvus Eyes bare 6 6 The cross-bands attenuated at their ends ribesii The cross-bands reach the sides in nearly their full width grossulariae 7 The second and third abdominal cross-bands do not quite reach the lateral margin; cheeks black, face with a brown stripe americanus The second and third bands attain the lateral margin 8 8 The second and third cross-bands not distinctly attenuated at their ends, the bands broad; face and cheeks wholly yellow, the thorax with a distinct yellow pilose and poUinose lateral band xanthostomus The second and third bands distinctly narrowed at their ends; thorax not with distinct yellow lateral pollinose bands, face and cheeks 3'ellow 9 9 Hind femora in the male entirely yellow; abdomen in the female broader, the bands narrower protritus Hind femora in the male black ribesii male 10 Third vein of wings nearly straight; pile of pleurae white. Two rounded sep- arated spots above the antennae . . perplexus Osburnf Third vein strongly curved; pile of pleurae yellowish; a single biarcuate black band above the antennae. .*arcuahisV alien, (D. C, N. J., Col., Wash., Ariz., Can. etc.) 34 S. americanus Wiedemann. For descriptions of stages see Part II, pp. 54-55. Ver}' abundant, middle of May to middle of Septem- ber apparently all over the state. See note on variety? pp. 55-56. 35 S. diversipes Macquart. One male, Cincinnati, April 20. 36 S. grossulariae Meigen. One male, one female, Ira; late August, early September. 37 S. perplexus Osburn. Six specimens from Cincinnati. 38 S. protritus Osten Sacken. One female, Wauseon, Sept. 10. Two other females resemble this species clo-sel)^ but have the base of the femora black. 39 S. ribesii Linne. Numerous males and females, Columbus, Lake- ville, Sandusky, Ira, Vinton, Medina; April to September inclusive. 40 S. torvus Osten Sacken. For description of adult, larva, and pupa see Part II, p. 56-57. Common Columbus, lyakeville, Ira, Vinton; middle of April to middle of September. 41 S. xanthostomus Williston. For complete description of adult, larva and pupa see Part 11, ]). 57. Very common, Columbus, Sanduskj^ Ira, Akron, Hinckley, Medina, Blendon, Lockbourne, Kent; mid- May to mid-vSeptember. +.Iournal N. Y. Eiit. Soc. Vol. XVIII, Xo. 1. pp. 53-57, March, 1910. THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 87 Allograpta Osten Sacken 42 A. obliqua Say. For description of life-stages see Part II, p. 58. Common, Columbus, I.akeville, Sandusky, Put-in-Bay; early July to early September. Xanthogramma Schiner {P/iilhelms) . I Dorsum of thorax before the scutellum with two, coalescent, light-yellow spots; wings with a brown anterior margin *aequalis Loew ( Pa., D. C, N. J.) Dorsum of thorax without yellow spots on hind margin; wings not' brown in front 2 2 Pleurae with distinct brig/U yellow spots of ground color flavipes Pleurae without distinct bright yellow spots of ground color - 3 Yellow band on second abdominal segment attains the lateral margin; all three abdominal bands often interrupted; black stripes on front of female thinning out before reaching the antennae; antennae and hind leg usually dark ^_, • '. ■' emarginata The yellow band of the second abdominal segment is separated by a distinct black interval from the lateral margin, the abdominal bands usually dis- tincly narrowed at the ends; black stripe on front of female reaches the antennae, slightly expanded below; antennae aiid hind legs usually lighter felix 43 X. emarginata Say. Two males, Wauseon, and seven females, Ira; August 23 to September 9. 44 X. felix Osten Sacken. Very near to A", emarginata. Six females, Ira, Wauseon; August 2)^, September 7. (Fig. 223.) 45 X. flavipes Loew. Four males, Sandusky, Cincinnati, Hinck- le}-; one female Ira; early June to late August. Mesogramma I.oew ( Toxouiems) 1 Hind femora in male thickened and arcuate, the tibiae dilated at tip geminata Hind femora in male simple 2 2 Scutellum yellow, legs yellow, except the hind tarsi 3 Scutellum black with yellow margin; front of female much narrowed above hind femora in part black *<56>i-m Macq . (Montreal, N. J., Fla., Ga.) Scutellum black or brown with a yellow border; front of female above only a little narrowed; hind femora wholly yellow marginata vart 3 Front of female only a little narrowed above; third to fifth abdominal seg- ments with narrow lateral yellow margins. marginata Front of female much narrowed above; third to fifth abdominal segments no yellow on the margins polita 46 M. geminata Say. Five males and one female, Columbus. Medina, Wauseon; early May to mid-September. (Fig. 213.) Syrp. 7 88 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 47 M. marginata vSay. A ver}- abundant species, variable in the extent and distinctness of the black markings on the abdomen. Specimens at hand from Columbus, Ira, Medina, Akron, Lakeville; May to vSeptember. 48 M. polita vSa}'. Eight specimens, Columbus, Lakeville, Medina, Portsmouth; late March to earl}- September. Sphaerophoria St. Fargeau and Serville 1 Hypopygium large with a tuft of yellow pile below the globular part in front 2 Hypopygium and its pileblackish; yellow thoracic margin distinct only to the suture; abdomen all black except for a narrow, interrupted, translucent fascia on the hinder part of the second, and a pair of large translucent quad- rate spots on the front part of the third abdominal segments nigricauda 2 Larger spacies about 10 mm. long; yellow thoracic margins distinct to the scu- tellum; black median stripe on front of female narrowing below; narrow black fasciaon the oral margin in front; pecular color design on fourth and fifth abdominal segments in the male sp. vSmaller species 6 to 10 mm. the yellow thora cic margins distinct only to the suture; black stripe on front of female widened below above the antennae, black fascia on oral margin in front indistinct or wanting cylindrica 49 S. cylindrica (Say). For descriptions of life-stages see Part II. p., 59. Abundant, Lakeville, Columbus, Akron, Vinton, Ira; April 21 to October, especially abundant June and July. S. sp.? This form seems more or less distinct from cylindrica as indicated above but it may be a variety of the former. The abdominal color pattern suggests that it may be the ^. scripta Linne of Europe and Canada. Numerous specimens, male and female, Eakeville, Ira, Colum- bus; mid-June to mid-September. 50 S. nigricauda Hine (Mss.) One male, Sandusky Hine, very dis- tinct from the other species of the genus, Pelecocera Meigen ^P. pergaudei^\\\s\.. (D. C.) Sphegina Meigen 1 Front in female much longer than broad 2 2 Fifth abdominal segment in female considerably broader than long; posterior part of abdomen in males, dark brown or black, marked with yellow or red- dish; cross-bands interrupted or entire; hind femora dark brown at least on distal half. lobata Fifth abdominal segment in female but little broader than long .3 3 Thorax more or less black; posterior part of abdomen in male reddish-brown unmarked; hind femora light brown or reddish-yellow on distal half rufiventris THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 89 Thorax not at all black (female); reddish-yellow; abdomen 3-ellow with black markings *kceniana Willst. (Phila., N. H., N. J.) Thorax entirely reddish (male); abdomen entirely reddish, shining campanulata Robertson (111. ) 51 S. campanulata Robertson, One male, Cincinnati, June 23, 1900 (Dury). 52 S. rufiventris IvOew. Tliree specimens, Vinton; mid-June. 53 S. lobata IvOew. Three females, Medina, Vinton, Cincinnati mid-June and mid-August; one male Hinckley, last of July. Neoascia Williston 54 N. globosa Walker. One female has the front and thorax black without any aeneous, the abdominal spots triangular, with apex towards the sides and the four front tibiae and femora with distinct narrow dark rings. Five females and an equal number of males, Columbus, Akron, Ira, Hawkins; mid-May to mid-August. Rhingia Scopoli ^"^ R. nasicaSa}'. Seven specimens, Medina, Akron, Ira, Wauseon mid-Jul}- to early September. One male bears the label "on horse." (Fig. 227.) Brachyopa Meigen 56 B. vacua Osten Sacken. One male, Columbus, May 6, '"ow Prunus serotina." One female, Cincinnati, April 30, 1904 (Dur}-). Volucella Goeffrey 1 Thorax and abdomen very thickly pilose, that on the thorax and pleurae wholly yellow; face much excavated below the antennae, black or chestnut; arista very long and densely plumose; second segment of the abdomen yellow on the sides; wings with dark brown spot; large species evecta Thorax and abdomen not densely pilose 2 2 Second vein bent into the sub-marginal cell near the end; wings sub-fasciate with brown; cheeks with a narrow yellow stripe; thud joint of antennae not notched above, face produced downwards; pleurae with five or six yellow spots; yellow abdominal bands entire; small species fasciata vSecond vein not bent into the sub-marginal cell near the end, wings hyaline with a faint brown spot at the tip of the auxiliary vein, thorax and abdo- men resplendent coppery, green or violet, the base of the latter yellow or translucent vesiculosa 57 V. evecta Walker. Three specimens, Columbus, Ira, Kent; June, July. (Fig. 222.) 90 TEIE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 58 V. fasciata Macquart. One male, Sandusky; June 17. 59 V. vesiculosa ( Fabrici us). Two males, Cincinnati, July 3, igoo one female, Cincinnati, June 20, 1901. Sericomyia Meigen 1 Second abiloiuinal segment with two yellow dotsor wholly black; hind femora of male considerably thickened militaris Second abdominal segment with a median, interrupted fascia; yellow bands narrowly interrupted, the spots not constricted 2 2 Fourth segment (in the male at least) without yellow cross-bands *bifasc!ata Willst. ( N. H. , Pa. , N. Y. ) Second, third and fourth abdominal segments each with a median interrupted fascia; the elongate spots thrs formed, oblique, not con.^tricted in the middle chrysotoxoides 60 S. chrysotoxoides Macquart. One male. Medina; July 22. 61 S. militaris Walker. One female, Columbus, May 30, "at light." (Fig. 238.) Eristalis Latreille 1 Scutellum of the same color as the thorax, abdomen without light markings, wholly shilling; eyes bare (except on uppermost part) with small round dark spots (sometimes disappearing after death); dorsum of thorax in female distinctly vittate; arista bare aeneus Scutellum more or less yellowish or reddish; eyes distinctly pilose, not so spotted 2 2 Third segment of abdomen wholly shining, without opaque spots or bands 3 Third abdominal segment with opaque markings 5 3 Pile of eyes not confined to a vertical stripe; the black of second abdominal segment at least in part opaque; wings hyaline, femora not thickened. . . 11 Pile of eyes mostly confined to a vertical stripe; abdomen wholly shining; large species 4 4 Honey-bee like in appearance; moderately pilose; base of tibiae yellowish; posterior tarsi blackish; arista nearly bare tenax Bumble-bee like in appearance; thorax and abdomem with thick long pile; arista plumose, hind tarsi red f lavipes 5 Thorax with one or more distinct light dusted transverse bands; front in female narrow above q Thorax without such transverse bands 6 6 Thickly pilose species. Third abdominal segment with a posterior opaque cross-band; fourth segment wholly shining bastardi Moderately pilose species 7 7 Third abdominal segment with a posterior, velvety black cross-band not interrupted in the middle , 8 Third segment with an interrupted opaque cross-band behind and a similar spot in front; ihe opaque of second segment with a triangular shining spot behind; fourth segment with an oval spot in front dimidiatus THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 91 8 Third segment with an opaque spot in front, broadly and conspicuously yel- low on the sides, joining the yellow of the second segment; the black of the second segment wholly opaque not extending outwards on the sides behind; fourth segment metallic; eyes briefly contiguous in the male ineigenii(brousi Willst. ) Third segment not conspicuously yellow, the posterior opaque fascia of second segment behind reaching toward the lateral margin, the side-spots inconspic- ouous; third and fourth segments with a narrow anterior velvety fascia; eyes broadlj- contiguous in the male; front of female narrow; deep bluish-black; scutellum but very little lighter *Saxoriim Wied. (Pa., N. J., Mass., Conn., Ga., N. C.) 9 Hind femora slender; frontal triangle and front below (female) with black pile, arista 1)riefly pilose; opaque black of second segment extends nearly the whole width of the front border transversus Hind femora dilated or thickened 10 10 Front of triangle thickly white pilose, lower part of front in the female not wholly so; third abdominal segment wholly opaque in the male; with a shining cross-band, and the second segment broadly black in the middle in female. Dorsum of thorax, besides the front border with two completelight cross-bands (female) or only one along suture (male) *albifroiis Wied. (Car., Ga., Fla) Pile of lower part. of front or the frontal triangle wholly white or yellow; third abdominal segment with a shining cross-band, second segment narrowly black in the middle, dorsum of thorax with two complete light cross-bands, besides the front border ''•vinetoniDi Fab (Phila., Fla.) II vSecond segment of abdomen with yellow lateral triangles, and a posterior interrupted or sub-interrupted velvety cross-band; posterior margin of segments 2-4 yellowish white with a fringe of pale golden pile latifrons Second segment except the obsolete or metallic side spots, which extend the whole length of the segment, velvety black; third usually with a velvety triangle in front; the fourth with a similar but very small one; the yellowish white hind borders fringed less conspicuously with light colored pile meigenii 62 E. aeneus vScopoli. For description of larva, pupa and adult see Part II. p. 61. Numerous .specimens, mid- April and late vSeptember. Cohimbtis, Cincinnati. 63 E. bastardiiMacquart. Seven males and three females, Columbus, Sandusky, Castalia, Akron; late April to late Atigu.st. 64 E. meigenii Wied. One male, one female, Akron and Castalia; late June and mid-Julw Three males, Lakeville; mid-June. 65 E. dimidiatus Wiedemann. A very abundant species the first of A])ril about willow {Salix .sp.); 50 specimens, Lakeville, Columbus, Sanduskv, Ira, Vinton, Georgesville ; late March to earl\- October. (Fig. 252.) 66 E. flavipes Walker. Seven males and three females, Columbus, Sandu.sky, Milan; middle of May to late August. (Fig. 221. ) 67 E. latifrons Loew. Taken b}- Dury at Cinciiuiati. Ai)ril 4 to October 30. 92 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 68 E. tenax Unne. The "drone fly." Cosmopolitan, eveo^here abundant from early spring to late autumn. 69 E. transversus Wiedemann. Numerous specimens, I^akeville, Columbus, Sandusky, Ira, Wauseon; first of April and last of August. Meromacrus Rondani 70 M. acutus Fab. A male, Cincinnati, Sept. i, 1909 (Dury). See Journal Cine. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. XXI, p. 62. Tropidia Meigen 1 Femora black, at the tip testaceous; the hind femora below, near the base, with a strong mammiform process, {male) *>namillata Loew (111., Kan., Neb.) 2 Front and middle femora yellow on distal end; hind femora without such process near the base quadrata 3 Antennae large, reaching nearly to the oral margin, hind coxae of male with a large obtuse spur *calcarata Willist (Mich., N.J.) 7 1 T. quadrata Say. One female has a broad, strongly arcuate, black band in the middle of the third segment, well separated from the margins, expanded on the middle line in front. Two females are only about eight millimeters long. Numerous specimens, Sandtisky, Columbus, Hinckley, Wauseon; May 23 to Sept. 10. (Figs. 229, 233.) Helophilus Meigen 1 Face jutting forward into a sharp cone conostomus Face not conically produced forwards 2 2 Sixth longitudinal vein distinctly sinuous; light colored species, stripes of tho- rax distinct ?> Sixth vein nearly straight or only gently curved; antennae reddish-yellow... 4 3 Front of female black pilose; front of male narrow above similis Front of female black pilose only near the ocelli ; front of male broad . . . .latifrons 4 Abdomen elongate, cylindrical in the male • 8 Abdomen oval; face yellow; dorsum of thorax with distinct light colored stripes 5 5 Third abdominal segment, except a small opaque spot in front, and the fourth, shining sub-metallic black bilinearis Third and fourth segments distinctly banded 6 6 Hind femora yellow in the middle, abdomen predominately yellow. . .flavifacies? Hind femora in large part black above; luteous fasciae of the abdomen broad, the first narrowly interrupted, the remainder entire ^integer Loew(N. Y.N., J.) Hind femora with a black ring at the middle 7 7 Arista wholly black; yellow of each of the principal abdominal segments di- vided into two moderately curved lunules divisus Arista black at the tip; abdomen with much yellow laetus THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 93 8 Hind coxae of the male with a stout process below chrysostomus Hind coxae of the male not with a stout process '^distindus Willst. (Conn., Va., Pa., N. J.) 72 H. bUinearis Williston. Five males, Columbus; April 28 to May 2. 73 H. chrysostomus Wiedeman. Five males and two females, Dan- ville, Medina, Sandu.sky; June 10 to July 12. 74 H. conostomus Williston. Fourteen specimens, males and females; Sandusky, Columbus, Hinckley; May 2 to July 20. 75 H, divisus lyoew. One male and one female, Sandusky, Kent, mid-June and early July. 76 H. flavifacies? Bigot. I place here with some que.stion, two males, Medina, and Sandusky; July. 77 H. laetus Loew. One male, Columbus, mid-May; 30.specimens, males and females, Sandusky, May 30 to August 21. 78 H. latifronsl^oew. Fifteen specimens, males and females, Colum- bus, Lakeville, Sandusky, Ira, Vinton; April i to October 20. 79 H. similis Macquart. 25 specimens, males and females, Columbus, Lakeville, Wauseon, Georgesville, Cleveland, Jeffenson, Ira; March 29 to October 22. (Figs. 218, 219, 246.) Mallota Meigen 1 Eyes pilose; more or less of the base of the abdomen with yellow pile posticata Eyes bare 2 2 Eyes contiguous in the male; abdomen almost wholly black pilose; hind tibiae of the male with a stout spur in the middle (form Baiitins) or wholly without such spur . • • ■ cimbiciformis Eyes separated in the male; front of female broader than in 31. posfuaia and cimbiciformis *illinoisensis Robertson (111. ) 80 Mallota cimbiciformis Fallen. Three males all of form Baidius, four females smaller; Hinckley. Medina, Sandu.sky; mid-June to Aug. 8. 81 M. posticata Fabricius. Eight specimens, Hinckley, \Vau.seon, Sandti.sky, Ira; la.st of May to last of Augu.st. Triodonta Williston 82 T. curvipes Wiedemann. Two males, one female, Ca.stalia; mid- July. Teuchocnemis Osten Sacken *r. /iliiratus Loew. (Pa., Conn., Mo., Quebec.) 94 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Pterallastes Loew. 83 P. thoracicus Loew. Eight males and one female, Hinckley, Ira, Ft. Ancient, Cincinnati (Dury); June 10 to late August. Senogaster Macquart '^S. con/s^od-/ WiWst. (N. Y.) Syritta St. Fargeau and Serville 84 S. pipiens Linne. Abundant; specimens from Eakeville, Colum- bus, Medina, Sandusky, Wauseon; early May to early October. The males have an area of enlarged facets above. One female has front all black, mcstly shining; the face also dark brown. (Figs. 232, 234.) Xylota Meigen 1 Legs wholly black; hind femora much thickened 2 Legs not wholly black 3 2 Wholly black ; wings black chalybea Abdomen chiefly red; the second segment with a basal black triangle; wings nearly hyaline pigra 3 Second and third abdominal segments (at least) red 4 Second and third segments wholly black, or with yellow spots 6 4 Abdomen wholly red except the first segment; hind coxae of the male without a tooth below *buolor Loew (111., Pa., N. J.) Abdomen except the first segment, not wholly red 5 5 Second abdominal segment with a basal black triangle; the 2-4 segments wilh narrow lateral black margins marginalis Abdomen not so marked; hind coxae of male with a spur below *flavitibia Bigot (Cal., Col., Nebr., D. C, N. M.) 6 Front and middle legs and a large part of the hind femora yellow; large species; coxae black *cnrripes hoew (N. H., N. Y., Minn., Cal.,) Front legs in large part black 7 7 Abdomen, long, slender, with two distinct yellow spots on the second segment • .angustiventris Abdomen not unusually slender 8 8 Abdomen with two pairs of yellow spots 10 Abdomen wholly black • 9 9 Third joint of antennae but little longer than broad, subquadrate, reddish- brown; the two basal joints black ; arista luteous at the base anthreas Third joint large, much longer than broad elongata 10 Hind femora much thickened, smaller species; arista yellow at the l)ase fraudulosa Hind femora moderately thickened 1 1 THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 95 II Fourth abdominal segment brilliant bronze; third longitudinal vein gently curved; arista wholly luteous analis Fourth abdominal segment black; third vein quite straight; arista whollv black ejuncida 8.5 X. analis Williston. One male, Sandusky; July 7. 86 X. anthreas ? Walker. One male, Columbus, May 10, seems to fit very closely Williston' s description for the female except that the pile of the thoracic dorsum is erect, not appressed. 87 X. angustiventrls Loew. Three males, Hinckley, lyondon; late May to early August. « 88 X. chalybea Wiedemann. Four luales, Medina, Columbus, Cin- cinnati; mid- May to early Augtist. 89 X. ejuncida Say. Abundant, Ira, Hinckley, Columbus, Cincin- nati; mid-May to mid- Augtist. Majority of specimens males. X. elongata Williston. Considered a synonym of angustivcntn's (Aldrich). Three females, Hinckley, Waterloo, Ashtabula; early June to early August. 90 X. fraudulosa Loew. Six males, three females, Cincinnati, Coltirabus, Lockbotirne, vSandusky; early May to mid-Jul}'. 91 X. marginalis Williston. One female, Cincinnati, May 3. 92 X. pigra Fabricius. Taken by Dur\' at Cincinnati, May 14, 1906, and June 26, 1904. Chrysochlamys Rondani 1 Hind border of the second and third abdominal segments black, opaque; arista reddish 2 2 Face in the middle with a V-shaped black spot; legs reddish-yellow dives Facial spot indistinct in outline; front femora at the base and the tip of all the tarsi black *buccata Loew, female ( Va. ) 93 C. dives Osten Sacken. Two females, Medina, Sandusky; late June, early July. Brachypalpus Macquart 1 Hind femora with short bristles below; abdomen with brilliant metallic cross- bands {CaUiprobola) : dorsum of thorax yellow pilose, *sorosis Willst. (Ga., N. J. ) Hind femora not with bristles below; abdomen uniformly black 2 2 Legs wholly black: abdomen uniform black rileyi Lfg-! in part yellow; hind femora toward the end, the hind tibiae before tlie middle and at the lower end, spurred in the male; length 10 mm. or ninre frontosus 96 OHIO BIOLOGICAL vSURVEY 94 B. frontosus Loew. One male, I^ondon, April 19. 95 B. rileyi Williston. Two males, one female, Columbus, Cincin- nati; April 21 to May 6. Merapioidus Bigot 96 M.villosus Bigot. One female, Hinckley, two females, Lakeville, April I (on Sa/ix). (Figs. 225, 226.) Crioprora Osten Sacken *C cya?iogaster hoQw (Pa., Col., Montreal.) Criorhina Meigen Face produced downwards and forwards; males dichoptic; ground color black, thickly pilose Sub-genus Criorhina Face produced downwards, convex below; males holoptic, ground color with ^xllow markings, moderateh' pilose ... vSub-genus Cyiiorhina Williston Face produced downwards, convex below; eyes dichoptic, moder- ately pilose, in large part yellow Sub-genus Souuila Macquart Criorhina 97 C. verbosa Walker. 12 specimens, Lakeville, March 31, April i; one, Ira, March 29. ( Cynorhina ) 1 Face without yellow produced somewhat forwards below; second segment of abdomen broadly and third and fourth narrowly on the sides, 5'ellow umbratilis Face in large part yellow 2 2 Face with a median shining black stripe; second segment of the abdomen on the sides, continued more narrowly on the third, yellow intersistens Face yellow. Without a median black stripe 3 3 Front of female wholly yellow; abdomen black except a large part of fourth and the whole of the fifth segments, which are bright orange yellow *aiialis Macq. ( N. J. Can. L I. ) Front of female black on upper jiart 4 4 Abdomen with two to four pairs of yellow side-spots touching the lateral mar- gins *nota(a Wied (Ga., Car. ) Abdomen with yellow markings as follows: sides of first segment, an inter- rupted or sub-interrupted anterior fascia on second segment expanded in the middle, and the remainder of the segments especially the fourth with a narrow posterior margin; elsewhere black shining pictipes? THE vSYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 97 98 C. {Cviuviiiua) intersistens. Walker. Two males, Cincinnati, Vinton; mid- May and earlx" June. 99 C. {Cy)iorhina) pictipes? Bigot. Two male.? and one female. Ft. Ancient and West Jefferson earl\- June, correspond fairh* with my trans- lation of Bigot's description. 100 C. (Cv)ior/iiua) umbratilis Willi.ston. One male Ohio, May 22, 190 1. ( Somula) loi C. (Sonmla) decora Macquart. One male, two females. Hanging Rock, Vinton, Flint; mid- May to earl}^ June. Milesia lyatreille. 102 M. virginiensis Drury. (^rwa/a Fabricius). Numerous specimens of this magnificent .species, Sandusky, Ira, Akron, Wau.seon, Vinton, Hinckley, Port.smouth; June to early September. (Figs. 231, 237.) Spilomyia Meigen. r Second joint of antennae ninch longer than the first (x 1.75); second segment of the abdomen with a broad arcuate yellow band, the third and fourth with a slender median one quadrifasciata Second joint of the antennae not much longer than the first; abdomen not so marked 2 2 Abdomen yellow; first segment, except the lateral angles, black, each of the following segments with two narrow black bands, the one on the anterior margin entire, the others interrupted hamifera Abdomen black with yellow cross bands 3 3 First and second abdominal segments wholly black, third with a posterior cross band, fourth with two, the anterior one interrupted; abdomen broadly oval , fusca First segment with a yellow side spot, the following each with two cross-bands, the first cross-band entire, the third and fifth may be very narrowly inter- rupted, not dilated on the sides longicornis 103 S. fusca Loew. One male, two females, Hinckley, Ira, earl\- Augu.st. 104 S. hamifera lyoew. Five specimens, Hinckle}', Ft. Ancient; early Jime and August i. (Fig. 228.) 105 S. longicornis Loew. Fifteen specimens, Blendon, Hinckle\-, Wau.seon, Medina, vSandusky; July 10 to September 11. 106 S. quadrifasciata Sa>-. Fifteen .specimens, Wau.seon, Blendon, Jefferson; Atigust 28 to September 11. 98 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Sphecomyia Latreille 107 S. vittata Wiedemann. One male, one female, West Jefferson; mid-Ma}" and early June. (Figs. 236, 239.) Temnostoma vSt. Fargeaii and Serville 1 Abdomen with three or four } ellow poUinose cross-bands of nearly equal width bombylans Abdomen of female has only three yellow pollinose cross-bands; the wings brown in front, this color not extending behind the fourth longitudinal vein; otherwise close to bojnhvlans *trifasciaia Robertson ( 111. ) Abdomen broadly oval, with more than four cross-bands, of unequal width. . 2 2 The thorax has, in addition to the other spots, two on each side made by the interruption of the sutural stripe 4 The thorax has, in addition to the other spots, only one elongate spot on each side; femora mostly yellow; distal part of abdomen with broad yellow and very narrow black cross-bands 3 3 Scutellum except the base, densely yellow pollinose pictulum Sculletum, except the base, shining metallic excentricum 4 Second segment of abdomen with a broad anterior cross-band, distal segments with three transverse black spots alternans Second segment without anterior cross-band, distal segments with a broad interrupted black cross-band; pile of scutellum black *ve}iiista Willst. (Lake Superior, Mass., N. H ) 108 T. alternans Loew. Seven .specimens, Ira, Medina; June 10 to August 15. 109 T. bombylans Fabricius. Six males and two females, Ira, Cohim1)us, Cincinnati; mid-May to mid-June. no T. excentrica Harris. Seven specimens, Ira, Cinciiuiati; June. (Fig. 235.) Ill T. pictula Williston. Four .specimens, Cincinnati; early Jtme. Ceria Fabricitis {Ceriodcs) Antennal process almost wholly wanting, first joint of antennae very slen- iler, nearly as long as the two following together; face vertical not at all excavated in profile; second segment of the abdomen much constricted, third and fourth seg- ments each with two arcuated spots willistoni Antennal process slender, longer than first joint of antennae; second to foiirtli abdominal segments without yellow spots in addition to bands of hind margin; second segment much shorter than the third; third longitudinal vein bent deeply into first posterior cell abbreviata THE SYRPHIDAE OF OHIO 99 112. C. abbrevlata lyoew. vSix specimens, lyakeville et. al. loc. June 15 and 27. 113. C. willistoni Kahl. Three taken by Dur^^ at Cincinnati, May 22. '^Ceria signifera IyOew,(a bred specimen, Pa.)- {Cei'ia signifera Loew of Williston, vSynop. N. A. vSyrph. p. 2 64 =^ C 7i 'illiston i. ) BIBLIOGRAPHY The following bibliography makes no pretensions to being exhaustive nor complete even in any restricted sense. I have simply cited, for convenience, some of the more important papers which I have found useful in the present studies. Furthermore the reference^ given in Part 11. of the piper, are in some cases not repeated here. Aldrich, J. M. Cacalog of N. A. Diptera, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, No. 1444, 1905; Review of the Species of Copestylum, Ent. News 21, pp. 222-225. Brauer, Friedrich Die Zvveiflugler des Kaiserlichen Museums 7,u Wein III. In Band XLVII. 1883, a systematic study of Dipteron larvae. Coquillett, D. W. Diptera of the Harriman Alaska Expedition, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., II. 389-464; Dec. 1900. Hine, Jas. S. Proc. Ohio Acad. Sci. Vol. II. pp. 48-54, 1899, a list of 25 Ohio species. Ohio Naturalist, II., 229. Hubbard, H. G. "Iii^ajts Affecting the Orange," U. S. Dipt, of Ag. Div. Ent. pp. 181, 182, 1885. Hunter, W. D. A Contribution to the knowledge of North American Syrphidae I. Canad. Ento. XXVIII. pp. 87-101, Apr. 1896; do. II. Canad. Ento. XXIX. pp. 121-144, June, 1897: The Henus Chilosia, Canad. Ento. XXVIII. pp. 227-233, Sept. 1896. Lintner, J. A. Reports of the N. Y. Slate Entomologist: F^irst Report, 1882, Mallota posticata life stages, pp. 211-216. Seventh Report, 1891, Helophilus latifrons, life-stages pp. 228-234. Loew, Hermann Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigina. In Berliner Entomol. Zeitsch. Centuria, I to X. Macquart, Jean Dipteris Nouveaux ou pen Connus, 2 Vols, and 5 Suppl. Osten Sacken, C. R. On the Oxen-born Bees of the Ancients (Bugonia) and their Relation to Eristalis tenax, Heidelberg, J. Hoerning pp. XVI. and 80, 1894. Riley, Chas. V. First Report State Ento. Mo. 1869. Life-history Pipiza radicuni. loo OHIO BIOIvOGICAI. SURVEY Riley and Howard, L. O. The Corn-Feeding Syrphus-Fly. Insect Life, I. 5-8, i{ Robertson, Chas. Some Diptera (Illinois) Canad. Ento. XXXIII. p. 284. Schiner, J. R. Fauna Austrica, Diptera, Vienna 2 Vols. 1862-64. Smith, J. B. "Plant Lice and How to Deal with Them," N. J. Ag. College, Ex. Sta. Bull 72 pp, 11-14, 1890: Noteon Habits of Volucella fasciata Canad. Ento. XXIII. 242, 243, 1891. Snow, W. A. Notes and Descriptions of Syrphidae, Kans. Univ. Quat. I. 33-40, 1892; do. III. 249-262, 1895; do. III. 225-247, 1895. Townsend, C. H. T. Contributions to Dipterology of N. A., I. Syrphidae. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc- XXII. 33-55; Mch. 1895. Verrall, G. H. British Flies, Vol. VHI. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1901. Walsh, B. D. American Ento. I. p. 83, Jan. 1869 on larva of Pipiza. Westcott, Oliver C. Distribution of Some N. A. Syrphidae. Ent. News. VIII. 190, 191; Oct. 1897. Wheeler, Wm. M. Microdon Larvae in Pseudomyrma Nests. Psyche, July 1901, 222, fig; Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Vol. 16, pp. 202-210, Dec. 1908. "Ants" p. 383, fig. 227, Microdon tristis larva. Wiedemann, C. R. W. Aussereuropaische Zweiflugelige Insekten, 2 Vols. 12 plates; Hamni. 1828 and 1830. Williston, Samuel W. Synopsis N. A. Syrphidae, Bull. U. S. Natl. Museum, No. 31, Wash. 1886. Manual of N. A. Diptera (3rd ed.) New Haven, Conn. Hathaway, 1908; Copes- tylum marginatum and Volucella fasciata reared from Cactus, Ent. News. II. 161. Oct. 1891. PLATES AND EXPLANATIONS I02 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. Didca fasciata fuscipcs I^oew Fig. I Adult female X 6. Fig. 2 Larva about six times naUiral size; a, anterior spiracle; b, caudal spiracles. Fig. 3 Antero-ventral view of head and mouth-parts of larva, enlarged; a, upper jaw with a small pair of booklets at the side; b, lower jaw; c and d, lateral booklets; e, antennae; f, sense papillae. Fig. 4 Right anterior spiracle much magnified. Fig. 5 Posterior breathing organs enlarged; a, one of the radiating spiracles. Fig. 6 Dorsal view of puparium a little more than five times natural size; a, caudal spiracles. Fig. 7 Puparium from the side showing arrangement of spines and line of cleav- age for escape of adult. Fig. 8 Head of male in profile. o o O m o K O 'I.:- ' >i CJ Syi-p S 104 OHIO BIOLOGICAL vSURVEY Fig. 9 Fig. lO Fig. II EXPLANATION OF PLATE IL Syrphus torvKs Loew Adult male, natural size and enlarged. Larva, natural size and enlarged; a, anterior spiracle; b, posterior spiracle. Antero-ventral view of head and mouth-parts much enlarged; a and b, upper and lower jaws partially separated; c, outer pair of mouth hooks; d and e, two inner pairs of mouth-hooklets; f, antennae; g. anterior spiracle; h, sense papillae. Fig. 12 Anterior spiracle of larva highly magnified. Fig. 13 Posterior breathing appendages much enlarged; a, one of the six caudal spiracles. Fig. i^ Puparium from above, natural size and enlarged; a, posterior spiracles. Fig. 15 Puparium from side showing line of clea vage for escpe of adult. Fig. 16 Head of female in profile. OHIO 15IOLOGICAL SURVKV VOL. I, PLATE 11 ^ C L. Mi'.'iXAi.i'" io6 OHIO BIOI.OGICAL SURVEY Fig. 22 Fig. 23 Fig. 24 Fig. 25 EXPLANATION OF PLATE IIL Figures 21-30 Paragus bicolor (Fab.) Fig. 21 Mature larva x 10; a, antennae; b, anterior spiracle; c, posterior respiratory organ. A segmental spine of the larva x 40. Antero-lateral view of mouth-parts of larva, much enlarged; a, outer pair of moulh-hooks; b. broad chitinous plates surrounding the esophagus; c, antennae; d, upper jaw; e, three pairs of lateral mouth-hooks; f, lower jaw. Right anterior spiracle highly magnified. Dorsal view of posterior respiratory organ x 60; a, the dorsal spine; b, one of the radiating spiracles. Fig. 26 End view of posterior respiratory organ x 70; a, its dorsal spine; b, a spira- cle; c, the circular plate. Fig. 27 Dorsal view of puparium x 5; a, posterior respiratory organ; b, median seg- mental spine of sixth larval segment; c, dorsal and d, dorso-lateral spines of sixth and seventh larval segments, respectively. Fig. 28 Lateral view of puparium X 5; a, posterior respiratory organ; b, median spine; d, dorso-lateral spine; e, lateral spine; f, posterior ventro-lateral; and g, anterior ventro-lateral. Fig. 29 Adult male about seven times natural size. Fig. 30 Front view of head of female x 12. Figures 31-38 Paragus tibialis Fallen. FJo-. 31 Posterior part of a young larva from the side greatly enlarged. Fig. 32 Segmental spine of a full grown larva x 40. F'K- 33 Dorsal view of posterior respiratory organ of larva x 60; a, the dorsal spine; b, one of the paired radiating spiracles. Fig. 34 End view of posterior respiratory organ x 60; a, its dorsal spine; b, a spira- cle; c, the circular plate. Lateral view of puparium x 5; a, posterior resj'iratory organ. Puparium which has been parasitized by hymenopteron, Bassns ladatorius showing typical form and the irregular hole thru which the parasite has escaped. Outline drawing of adult male from the side x 8. Head of female x 12. Fig. 35 Fig- 36 Fig. 37 Fig. 38 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY VOL. I, PLATE III io8 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY rig. 41 Fig. 42 Fig. 43 Fig. 44 Fig 45 Fig. 46 Fig. 47 Fig. 48 Fig- 49 Fig. 50 Fig. 51 Fig. 52 Fig. 53 Fig. 54 Fi-. 55 Fig. 56 Fig. 57 Fig. 58 Fig. 59 EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. Syrp/uis amcricanus Wied. Egg from the side x 17. Dorsal view of egg x 1 7. A small part of the surface of egg-shell showing sculpturing, highly magnified. Adult male about 5 times natural size. Larva just hatched x 59; a, posterior respiratory a])pendage. Full-grown larva x 7; a, antennae; b, anterior spiracle; c, posterior respira- tory appendage. Anterior view of larva, much enlarged, showing mouth-parts, antennae etc.; a, right anterior spiracle; Ij, antennae; c, upper jaw; d, lower jaw; e, the three pairs of mouth-hooks. Dorsal view of right anterior spiracle, highly magnified. End or posterior view of posterior respiratory organ x 55; a, dorsal spirac- ular spine; b, one of the three pairs of slit-like spiracles. Side or dorsal vie w of posterior respiratory organ x 55 ; lettering as in Fig. 49. Appearance of a part of the puparium externally in the region of the mouth- parts much enlarged; a, right anterior spiracle with short piece of trachea attached; b, lower jaw of larva; c, upper jaw of larva; d, chitinous esopha- geal framework; e, mouth-hooks of larva. Hind leg of pupa showing flexure of tibiae at a. .All early pupal stage from the side; a, b, and c, developing legs; d, wing- pad; e, mouth-parts. A much later pupal stage, ventral view; a, the delicate investing membrane. Dorsal view of puparium x 5; a, posterior respiratory organ. Outline of puparium from the side. The dotted outline is given to show the typical shape of a parasitized puparium. Lateral view of head of female x 7. Larva of parasite, Bassiis laetatorius, mouth-parts at a, ventral view. Pupa of J>. laetaforius, ventral view. Figs. 53, 54, 58, and 59 each about 5 times natural size. OHIO BIOLOGICAL vSURVEY VOL. I, PLATE IV hj^^^ no OHIO BIOLOGICAL vSURVEY Fig. 6i Fig, 62 Fig- 63 Fig. 64 Fig. 65 EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. Figures 61-70 AUograpta obliqiia (Say) Egg X 20, from the side. Dorsal view of egg x 20. The sculpturing of the egg-shell, highly magnified. Adult female x 7. Young larva just hatched, X50 ; a, antennae; b, internal esophageal frame- work; c, the posterior respiratory tubes. Fig. 66 Mature larva x 9; a, antennae ; b, position of anterior spiracles; c, posterior respiratory tubes. Fig. 67 Antero-ventral view of head of larva much enlarged; a, antennae; b, upper jaw; c, outer pair of mouth-hooks; d, lateral mouth-hooklets; e, internal esophageal framework; f, lower jaw. Fig. 68 End view of posterior respiratory appendage; a, one of the spiracles; b, the circular plate; c, the in lerspiracular spines. Fig. 69 Dorsal view of pupariuni x 5; a, posterior respiratory appendage. Fig. 70 Lateral view of puparium x 3; a, posterior respiratory appendage. Figures 71-78 Sphaerophoria cylindrua (Say) Fig. 71 Adult male from the side x 7. Fig. 72 Dorsal view of posterior respiratory appendage; a, spiracles; b, circular plate. Fig. 73 End view of posterior respiratory appendage; a, circular plate; b, one of the three pairs of spiracles. Fig. 74 Anterior larval respiratory cornua with spiracles from the side, highly' magnified. Fig. 75 End view of the same. Fig. 76 Mature larva from the side x 6; a, posterior respiratory appendage. Fig. 77 Ventral view of head of larva much enlarged; a, antennae; b, upper jaw; c, lateral mouth-hooklets; d, the outer pair of mouth hooks; e, esophageal framework; f, lower jaw, Fig. 78 Lateral view of puparium x 7; a, the posterior respiratory appendage; the dotted lines represent other shapes in which the pupal envelope ma}- indurate. OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY VOL. I, PLATE V £ Sf' % ■^^ <^ ?■ C. L. Metcai.f Syrp. 9 112 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY EXPLANATION OF PLATE VL Figures 81-87 Syrphiis -xanthostoma Wills. Fig. 81 Antero-ventral view of head of larva much enlarged; a, sensory papillae; b, antennae; c, upper jaw; d, outer pair of mouth-hooks; e, lateral mouth- hooklets; f, lower jaw; g, anterior spiracles or larval respiratory cornua; h, esophageal framework. Fig. 82 Lateral view of larva x 6; a, median segmental spines; b, posterior respir- atory appendage. Fig. 83 End view of anterior spiracle highly magnified. Fig. 84 Dorsal view of posterior respiratory organ x 40; a, one of three pairs of slit- like spiracles; b, one of the inter-spiracular spurs; c, the median dorsal spi- racularspur; d, the circular plate. Fig. 85 End view of posterior respiratory organ, x 50; lettering as in Fig. 84. Fig. 86 Dorsal view of puparium x 3; a, posterior respiratory appendage. P^ig. 87 Lateral view of puparium X 3 Figures 91-95 The Cock"s-Comb-Gall Ss^rphus Fly. Fig. 91 Ventral view of head of larva, much enlarged; a, outer pair of mouth-hooks b, upper jaw; c, antennae; d, lateral moulh-hooklets; e, anterior spiracles or larval respirator}- cornua; f, esophageal framework; g, lower jaw. Fig. 92 End view of anterior spiracle, highly magnified. Fig. 93 Side view of larval respiratory cornua, nmch magnified. Fig. 94 End view of posterior respiratory appendage x 40; a, one of the spiracles; b, circular plate; c, one of the inter spiracular hairs. Fig- 95 The posterior end of the larva from above x 6; a, the posterior respiratory appendage. Figures 101-103 Platychirus quadratits (Sa3^) Fig. loi Puparium from the side x 4. Fig. 102 Posterior respiratory appendage as it appears in the pupal stage, end view; a, spiracle; b, circular plate; c, inter-spiracular spur. Fig. 103 Postero-dorsal view of the posterior respiratory appendage. Lettering as in Fig. 102. Figures 111-115 Chalcomyia aerea (Loew.) Fig. Ill Lateral view of puparium x 4; a, anterior larval respiratory cornua; b, pupal respiratory cornua; c, posterior respiratory appendage; d, the anal flabellae; e, one of the seven pairs of pro-legs. Fig. 112 End view of anterior larval respiratory appendage much enlarged. Fig. 113 Side view of the same. Fig. 114 Pupal respiratory cornua from the side much enlarged. Fig. 115 Two of the numerous tubercles (spiracles) of the pupal cornua highly magnified. Figures 121, 122, Syrphus sp. Fig. 121 Lateral view of puparium x 2.5. Fig. 122 Dorsal view of puparium x 2 5. Fig. 17 Sculpturing on egg shell of Didea fasciata fuscipes . OHIO BIOIvOGICAIv SURVEY VOL. I, PLATE VI \3>^] is'S'^s'^ C. L. Metcai,f 114 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SI'RVEY EXPLANATION OF PLATE ViL Figures 142-144 inclusive, Eristalis tenax (Linne) ; all the others from Eristalis aeneiis (Fabricius), Fig. 131 Dorsal view of mature larva X 9; a, antennae; b, anterior larval respiratory cornua; c, the large tiaclieal trunks; d, the posterior respiratory tube or "rat-tail."' To avoid confusion the vestiture is not represented in this figure. P"ig. 132 The anterior larval respiratory cornua, much enlarged, dissected out to show the large trachea leading from it. Fig. 133 Distal end of respiratory tube highly magnified showing wrinkling on out- side, the two inner trachea (a) the spiracles at the tip (b) and the delicate feather-like (interspiracular?) appendages (c). Fig. 134 A small area of ihe basal segment of the tube much enlarged, showing the nature of the vestiture and wrinkling. Fig. 135 A small area of the median segment of the tube much enlarged to show the nature of the vestiture and wrinkling. A, one of the bifid (segmental ? ) hairs of the larva, and b, one of the integ- umental hairs of the body, drawn to the same scale as Figs. 134 and 135. The anal opening of the larva (a) with the retractile flabellae (b) much en- larged. Ventral view of the head of the larva much enlarged; a, antennae; b. mouth hood; c, the first pair of pro-legs. Mouth-hood and esophageal framework of larva dissected out and much enlarged. The chitinized parts of the esophageal framework from the side; a. mouth- hooklets?; b, outer pair of mouth-hooks? The same from the ventral view. Three eggs from an egg-mass of E . tenax, x 17. A small area of the egg-shell to show sculpturing; highly magnified. Lateral view of larva of E. tenax, two hours after hatching, x 17; a antennae; b, pro-legs; c, trachea; d, posterior respiratory appendage. Fig. 145 Lateral view of puparium of E. aeneus x 4; a, anterior larval respiratory cornua; b, pupal respiratory cornua; c. posterior respiratory appendage ("rattail"); d, position of anus; e, pro-legs of larva. Fig. 146 Nymph dissected out from puparium x 3; a, the pupal respiratory cornua, with their internal connections to the prothoracic spiracle of the adult; b, knee of front leg; c, wing-pad; d, scutellum. Fig. 147 Pupal respiratory cornua much enlarged showing the numerous tubercles. Fig. 148 Two tubercles of pupal respiratory cornua, highly magnified, showing their radiating elevations (spiracles?). Fig. 136 Fig. 137 Fig. 138 Fig. 139 Fig. 140 Fig- 141 Fig. 142 Fig. f43 Fig. 144 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY VOL. I, PLATE Vri C. L. Mktcai.f ii6 OHIO BIOLOGICAL vSURVRY EXPLANATION OF PLATE VIIL Some Gross Anatomy of Syrphidae. Fig. 151 Dorsal view of male imago(5)'r/>//«5 sp.) with the principal structural fea- tures named. The following names of veins are sometimes used instead of those given; Mediastinal for auxiliary. Sub-costal for ist. longitudinal. Radial for 2nd longitudinal. Cubital for 3rd longitudinal. Discal for 4tli longitudinal. Postical for 5th longitvidinal. Anal for 6th longitudinal. "Vena spuria" for false vein. Likewise the following names of cells may be used: Mediastinal for costal. Cubital for sub-marginal. Sub-apical for ist. posterior. 2nd. posterior for discal. Radial for ist. or 2nd. basal. Fig. 152 Dorsal view of head of Ceria tridens to show antennae with a terminal style (S). Figures 153-157 inclusive, mouth-parts of adtilt SyrpJms americanus. The labium with sides spread showing the inner surface. The maxilla; a, maxillary palp; b, maxillary lobe. Hypopharynx. Ivabrum. Proboscis with parts intact. I^ateral view of body of Sphacrophoria cyliiidrica with most of appendages removed; a, prothorax with the prothoracic spiracle just above the letter; b, mesopleura; c, pteropleura; d, sternopleura; e, metapleura; f, hypopleura with the metathoracic spiracle directly above the letter. 1-6, abdominal segments. Fig- 159 Two branched hairs; a, from Eristalis tenax; b, from Evistalis fJavipes. Fig. 160 Olfactory pit from antenna as it appears in section, showing a few of the perceptory end-organs. Fig. i6[ Outline drawing of median longitudinal section of antenna showing location of olfactory pit. Fig. L53 Fig. 154 Fig. 155 Fig- 156 Fig. 157 Fig. 158 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY VOL. I, TLATE VIIl C. L. JlirrcAi.F ii8 OHIO BKJLOGICAL SURVEY EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. Figures i8i, 182, Microdon sp. Fig. 181 Ventral view of anterior end of larva of Microdon sp. showing the mouth- parts; a, the marginal fringe; Zi, antenna; r, mandible-like mouth-hooks; c/, t\ the tri-fid lower jaw; very much enlarged. Fig. 182 A dorsal view of larva of Microdon sp. showing general appearance, the- marginal fringe, the reticulate ornamentation of the dorsum and the pos- terior respiratory appendage, x 10. Figures 183-187, inclusive, Microdon iristis Fig. 183 E:npty pupariuni of Microdon tristis showing general sliape and appear- ance; the orifice through which the adult emerged; the posterior respiratory appendage, etc. x 5.5. Fig. 184 One half of the posterior respiratory appendage showing the arborescent stigmatic pattern; (7, the circular plate; x 40. Fig. 185 Antero-dorsal view of posterior respiratory appendage, x 40. Fig. 186 Anterior pupal respiratory cornuum, which is pushed off with the oper- culum; much enlarged showing the tubercles on its surface. Fig. 187 A small area of the surface of the pupal cornuum, highly magnified; showing the appearance of the tubercle- like spiracles, each with a short piece of its afferent trachea, visible thru the integuments. Figures 191- 194, inclusive, Mesogramma polita Fig. 191 The jaws of the larva as dissected from a pupariiim highly magnified The rest of the mouth-parts could not be determined. Fig. 192 Lateral view of puparium of JM. polita, x 10, showing general shape; a, the posterior respiratory appendage. Pift- 193 Antero-dorsal view of posterior respiratory appendage x 75; a, the most dorsal of the spiracles which is short, its elevation rounded; b, the dorsal, spiracular spine. Fig. 194 End view of the posterior respiratory appendage; magnification and let- tering same as in Fig. 193; f, d, the two more ventral and elongate spiracles. OHIO BIOLOGICAI. vSURVEY VOIv. I, PLATE IX 191 C. L. Metcalf I20 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY EXPLANATION OF PLATE X. Fig. 2or Microdon juscipennis, scutellum, showing the ornamental spines. Fig. 202 Microdon tristis, scutellum, showing the ornamental spines. Fig. 203 Chalcomyia aerea, female, large, sub-rectangular scutellum. Fig. 204 Microdon fuscipennis, antenna. Fig. 205 Microdon tristis, antenna. Fig. 206 Microdon fuscipennis, male, hind tarsus. Fig. 207 Microdon tristis, male, hind tarsus. Fig. 208 Pipiza pisticoides, female, face from the side. Fig. 209 Chrysogaster nigripes, female, face from the side. Fig. 210 Chrysogaster nitida, female, head from in front with antennae removed, showing the wrinkling of front and face and the color markings on the eyes. Fig. 211 Chrysogaster pictipennis, female, wing. Fig. 212 Chalcomyia aerea, hind leg showing distinctly thickened femur. Fig. 213 Mesogramma geminata, female, vertex and part of the front, showing ocelli remote from the vertex. Fig. 214 Platychirus hyperboreus, male, front tibia and tarsus. Fig. 215 Platychirus peltatus, male, front femur, tibia and tarsus. Fig. 216 Platychirus quadratus, male, front tibia and tarsus. Fig. 217 Baccha clavata, male, distinctly clubbed abdomen. Fig. 218 Helophilus similis, male, dorsal view of head with antennae removed, showing shape of front in a dichoptic male. Fig 219 Helophilus similis, female, dorsal view of head. Fig. 220 Chilosia rvillistonii, female, antero-lateral view of a part of the head to show the orbital groove (b); a, facial orbit. Fig. 221 Eristalis flavipes, female, antenna with a pubescent arista. Fig. 222 Volucella evecta, female, antenna with a plumose arista. Fig. 223 Xanthogramma felix, female, lateral view of head showing the face re- ceding below. Fig. 224 Ocyptamus fuscipennis, female, antero-dorsal view of head showing the long front much narrowed above. Fig. 225 Rleiapioidus villosns, lateral view of antenna, showing the peculiar shape of the third joint. Fig. 226 Dorsal view of the same. Fig. 227 Rhingia nasica, lateral view of the head showing the long porrect snout. Fig. 228 Spilomyia hamifera, female, hind femur and tibia. Fig. 229 Tropidia quadrata, female, antero-dorsal view of part of the head showing the carinate protuberant face, antennae removed; a, the carina or long- itudinal ridge. Fig. 230 IMicrodon fuscipennis, wing showing venation; the color pattern is not shown. OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY VOL. I, PLATE X C L. Mktcai^f 122 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY EXPLANATION OF PLATE XL Fig. 231 Milesia virginiensis, wing, showing a closed marginal cell and anterior cross-vein beyond middle of discal cell. Fig. 232 Syritta pipiens, wing. Fig. 233 Tropidia quadrata, hind leg. Fig. 234 Syritta pipiens, hind leg, showing femur extraordinarily thickened and its color markings. Fig. 235 Temnostonia excentricayfeuiate, lateral view of head. Fig. 236 Sphecomyia vittata, female, lateral view of head. Fig. 237 Mtlesia virginiensis, male, hind femur and tibia. Fig. 238 Sericomyia militaris, wing. Fig. 239 Sphecomyia vittata, wing. Fig. 240 Platychirus hyperboreus, lateral view of head. Fig. 241 Chrysotoxutn laterale, male, lateral view of head. Fig. 242 Platychirus peltat us, female, lateral view of head. Fig. 243 Chilosia pallipes, male, head from the side. Fig. 244 Platychirus hyperborcus, female. Showing widened front tibia and tarsus characteristic of the genus. Fig. 245 Chrysogaster nigripes, female, medial view of antenna. Fig. 246 Helophilus similis, wing. Fig. 247 Chrysogaster put chella, female, dorso-medial view of antenna. Fig. 248 Chrysogaster nitida, male, dorsal view of antenna. Fig. 249 Chrysogaster pictipennis, female, dorsal view of antenna. Fig. 250 Melanostoma obscurum, male, wing. Fig. 251 Eristalis temporalis, male, abdomen except the first segment, illustrating the color pattern ; the solid black represents the extent of opaque black mark- ings on the specimen ; Ihe stippled area represents shining black ; the uncol- ored indicates the yellow or translucent spots or bands. Fig. 252 Eristalis dimidiatus, abdomen showing color pattern; conventions as in Fig- 251. OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY VOL. L PLATE XI C. L. MKTCAI.F THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Volume XVIII Number 24 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 2 Catalog of Ohio Vascular Plants MARCH, 1914 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY AT COLUMBUS, OHIO Entered as second-class matter November 17, 1905, at the postoffice at Columbus, Ohio, under Act of Congress, July 16, 1894, OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Herbert Osborn, Director OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY IN CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER OHIO COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Administrative operating institutions. E. L. Fullmer, E. R. Gregory, M. E. Stickney, W. N. Speckman, L. B. Walton, Miss M. Getman, Bruce Fink, F. 0. Grover, E. L. Rice, H. M. Benedict, W. E. SulUvan, C. G. Shatzer, Board consisting of Representatives from co- Baldwin University, University of Akron, Denison University, German Wallace College, Kenyon College, Lake Erie College, Miami University, Oberlin College, Ohio Wesleyan University, University of Cincinnati, Western Reserve University, Wittenberg' College, Berea, 0. Akron, O. Granville, 0. Berea, 0. Gambier, 0. 'Painesville, 0. Oxford, 0. Oberlin, O. Delaware, 0. Cincinnati, 0. Cleveland, 0. Springfield, 0. ANNOUNCEMENT The Bulletins of the Ohio Biological Survey will be issued as work on any special subject is completed, and will form volumes of about 500 pages each. They will be sent to co-operating institutions and individuals, libraries and colleges in Ohio and to such surveys, societies and other organizations as may offer suitable exchange material. Additional copies of each bulletin and of completed volumes will be sold at such price as may cover the cost of publication. Special rates on quantities to schools for classes. Subscription for entire volumes, $2.00 Price of this number, 50 All orders should be accompanied by remittance which should be made payable to Ohio Biological Survey and sent to the Director. Correspondence concerning the Survey, applications for exchanges and purchase of copies of Bulletins should be addressed to the Director — Professor Herbert Osborn, Columbus, Ohio. Volume I Bulletin 2 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY CATALOG OF OHIO VASCULAR PLANTS Arranged according to the phyletic classification; with notes on the geographical distribution in the state, based mainly on specimens in the State Herbarium, Botanical Laboratory, The Ohio State Uni- versity. By JOHN H. SCHAFFNER, M. A., M. S. Published by THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Columbus 1914 CONrRIBUTION FROM THE BOTANI- CAL LABORATORY OF THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, No. 83. : : : : : PREFACE This catalog of the vascular plants of Ohio is based on specimens for the most part in the State Herbarium of the Ohio State University, although some records have also been obtained from other collections. The State Herbarium is at present a collection of about 30,000 sheets, and represents the labors of many Ohio botanists. The distribution by counties is in many cases not the known distribution, but it was thought advisable to give only such data as could be verified by specimens. A list* of 254 species and varieties was published with a view to their ex- clusion from the state catalog if no evidence of their presence in the state were forthcoming. As a result of this publication, numerous records and specimens were obtained. The present catalog contains 2065 numbered species, about one-fourth of which are non-indigenous. Three additional species have been inserted in their proper places since the list was numbered for publication. A considerable number of varie- ties and supposed hybrids are also included. "The Fourth State Catalogue of Ohio Plants," by W. A. Keller- man, 1899, was based on specimens in the State Herbarium at that time. However, a large number of species was included for which there was no direct evidence. Most of these, together with some species wrongly identified, have been omitted. A large list of contributors of specimens from various parts of the state was published in the "Fourth Cata- logue." Many of these have greatly increased their collections in the State Herbarium and a number of other botanists have sent important specimens. The species in the State Herbarium have been carefully deter- mined, in the more difficult groups by the best experts in the counti-y, and it is believed that there are few mistakes in the list as now pub- lished. Any errors, however, can be definitely corrected in the future. Several species became uncertain through the shifting of names and have been omitted until more and better material can be studied. The species are numbered serially, and the varieties, forms, and supposed hybrids are indicated by letters. Additions of species will *Plants on the Ohio State list not represented in the State Herbarium Ohio V.at 9: 413-415. 127 be made b}^ means of the decimal system. For example, if a new species is to be added after No. 1866, it will be numbered 1866.1. Additions will only be made on the basis of good herbarium specimens. It is much better to have a small, reliable list than a large one with many doubtful entries. Tlie introduced species have been designated by some phrase by which they can be distinguished from the indigenous species. The nomenclature used is that of Britton and Brown's "An Illus- trated Flora of the Northern United States, Canada, and the British Possessions," second edition. The few names which differ because of a different conception of the genus will cause no special trouble in reference. "Kellerman's Fourth State Catalogue of Ohio Plants" was based on the first edition of the "Illustrated Flora," and thus the names following the "American Code" on the principle of priority have been used very generally in Ohio since that time. The author sees no reason for abandoning the principle of priority at the present stage of progress of botanical knowledge. The arrangenu^nt of the species and larger groups follows strictly the phyletic classification. The time has come when taxonomy must readjust itself to the more modern conceptions in i-egard to morphology and evolution. The map of Ohio by counties will enable one to see, at a glance, the distribution indicated, and whether a given species is considered rare or unusual in any locality. It will now be possible to concentrate attention on the exact distribution of our more interesting plants and in the near future data should be at hand to definitely delimit the natural plant regions of the state. When this can be done, a consider- able advance will have been made in the knowledge of the natural agri- cultural and horticultural regions of Ohio. A number of useful lists have been published in the past which are still available. Among these may be mentioned the following : Poisonous and Other Injurious Plants of Ohio. Ohio Nat. 4 : 16-19 ; 82-35; 69-73. 1903-1904. Bv the author. 7 » Medicinal Plants of Ohio. Ohio Nat. 10: 55-60; 73-85. 1910. By Freda Detmers. The Non-Indigenous Flora of Ohio. Univ. Bull. Series 4, No. 27. 1900. By W. A. Kellerman and Mrs. Kellerman. 128 To the many botanists and collectors who have aided in the prepa- ration of this catalog during the past five years, the author wishes to express his hearty thanks. It is hoped that all who take an interest in Ohio plants will continue to send collections and rare specimens to the State Herbarium. In this way alone can a truly great collection be accumulated. J. H. SCHAFFNER, Department of Botany, The Ohio State University. January 1, 1914. 129 130 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY OHIO Phylum, PTENOPHYTA Class, FiLiCES. Ferns. Subclass, EUSPORANGIATAE. Order, Opliioglossales. Ophiog-lossaceae. Adder-tongue Family, 1. Ophioglossum vulgatum L. Adder-tongue. Rather generally distributed but local. 2. Botrychiura simplex Hitch. Little Grape-fern. Cedar Point, Erie County. 3. Botrychium neglectum Wood. Wood's Grape-fern. Northern counties. 4. Botrychium lanceolatum (Gmel.) Angs. Lanceleaf Grape-fern. Geauga, Portage. 5. Botrychium obliquum Muhl. Oblique Grape-fern. General. 6. Botrychiura dissectum Spreng. Cutleaf Grape-fern. General. 7. Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. Virginia Grape-fern. Gen- eral and common. Subclass, LEPTOSPORANGIATAE. Order, Filicales. Osmundaceae. Royal-fern Family. 8. Osmunda regalis L. Royal-fern. General. 9. Osmunda claytoniana L. Clayton's Fern. General. 10. Osmunda cinnamomea L. Cinnamon-fern. General. 10a. Osmunda cinnamomea frondosa Gr. Wayne County. Polypodiaceae. Polypody Family. Subfamily, polypodiatae. 11. Polypodium vulgare L. Common Polypody. General in the eastern half of the state. 12. Polypodivim polypodioides (L.) Hitch. Gray Polypody. Adams, Hamilton. 13. Phegopteris phegopteris (L.) Und. (Dryopteris phegopteris (L.) Chr.) Long Beech-fern. Rather general but appar- ently local. 131 132 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 14. Phegopteris hexagoiioptera (Mx.) Fee. (Dryopteris hexagon- optera (Mx.) Chr). Broad Beech-fern. General. 15. Phegopteris dryopteris (L.) Fee. (Dryopteris dryopteris (L.) Britt). Oak-fern. Geauga, Lake, Ashtabula, Wayne, Sum- mit. Subfamily, pteridatae. 16. Adiantum pedatum L. Maiden-hair-fern. General and common. 16a. Adiantum pedatum laciniatum Hopkins. Wayne County. 17. Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. Eagle-fern. General. 18. Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link. Purple Cliff-brake. Ottawa, Stark, Franklin, Licking, Clark, Greene, Highland, Adams. Subfamily, aspleniatae. 19. Anchistea virginica (L.) Presl. Virginia Chain-fern. Ashta- bula, Defiance, Geauga, Portage, Wayne, Williams. 20. Asplenium pinnatifidum Nutt. Pinnatifid Spleenwort. Mahon- ing, Licking, Fairfield, Hocking, Lawrence. 21. Asplenium platyneuron (L.) Oakes. Ebony Spleenwort. Gen- eral except in the northeastern fourth of the state. 21a. Asplenium platyneuron x Camptosorus rhizophyllus (Asplenium ebenoides Scott). Hocking County. 22. Asplenium resiliens Kunze. Small Spleenwort. Adams County. 23. Asplenium trichomanes L. Maidenhair Spleenwort. General except in the northwestern fourth of the state. 24. Asplenium pycnocarpon Spreng. Narrow-leaf Spleenwort. General. 25. Asplenium ruta-muraria L. Wall-rue Spleenwort. Highland, Greene. 26. Asplenium montanum Willd. Mountain Spleenwort. Hocking, Fairfield, Summit. ]\[ahoning, (Tuscarawas — Hopkins.) 27. Athyrium thelypteroides (Mx.) Desv. Silvery Spleenwort. General. 28. Athyrium filix-foemina (L.) Roth. Lady-fern. General. 29. Camptosorus rhizophyllus CL.) Link. Walking-fern. General. Subfamily, dryopteridatae. 30. Dryopteris noveboracensis (L.) Gr. New York Shield-fern. General. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 133 31. Dryopteris thelypteris (L.) Gr. Marsh Shield-fern. GeneraL 32. Dryopteris cristata (L.) Gr. Crested Shield-fern. General. 32a. Dryopteris cristata x spinulosa. Wayne, Portage. 321). Dryopteris cristata x intermedia. (D. boottii (Tuck.) Und.). Wayne, Geauga, Portage. 33. Dryopteris clintoniana (Eat.) Dow. Wayne, Geauga. 33a. Dryopteris clintoniana X spinulosa. Wayne County. 34. Dryopteris goldiana (Hook.) Gr. Goldie's Shield-fern. Rather general, but no specimens from the southern third of the state, nor from the northwestern counties. 35. Dryopteris intermedia (Muhl.) Gr. American Shield-fern. Rather general. 35a. Dryopteris intermedia x marginalis. Wajme County — Hopkins. 36. Dryopteris spinulosa (Muell.) Ktz. Spinulose Shield-fern. Gen- eral. 37. Dryopteris dilatata (Hoffm.) Gr. Spreading Shield-fern. Tus- carawas County. 38. Dryopteris marginalis (L.) Gr. Marginal Shield-fern. General and common. 30. Polystichum acrostichoides (Mx. ) Schott. Christmas-fern. Gen- eral. 39a. Polystichum aci-ostichoides schweinitzii (Beck) Small. Wayne County. 40. Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Mx.) Moore. Boulder-fern. In the southern and eastern parts of the state. (Erie County — Moseley Herb.) 41. Filix bulbifera (L.) Und. Bulbiferous Bladder-fern. (Cys- topteris.) General, but no specimens from the northwest. 42. Filix fragilis (L.) Und. Fragile Bladder-fern. General and common. 42a. Filix fragilis magnasora (Clute). Tuscarawas County. 42b. Filix fragilis cristata (Hopkins). Portage County. 43. Woodsia obtusa (Spreng.) Torr. Blunt-lobed Woodsia. In the southern half of the state. 44. Matteuccia struthioptci-is (L.) Todaro. Ostrich-fern. Cuya- hoga, (Erie County — Moseley Herb.). 45. Onoclea sensibilis L. Sensitive-fern. General and common. 134 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Class, Hydropteridae. Water-ferns. Order, Marsileales. Marsileaceae. Marsilea Family. 46. Marsilea quadrifolia L. European Marsilea. A waif in Frank- lin County, Order, Salviniales. Salviniaceae. Salvinia Family. 47. Azolla caroliniana Willd. Carolina Azolla. Hamilton, Lucas, Lake. Class, IsoETEAE. Quillworts. Order, Isoetales. Isoetaceae. Quillwort Family. 48. Isoetes braunii Durieu. Braun's Quillwort. Lake Brady, Por- tage County — Hopkins. 49. Isoetes foveolata Eat. Pitted Quillwort. Lake Brady, Portage County — Hopkins. Phylum, CALAMOPHYTA Class, Equiseteae. Horsetails and S^ouring-rushes. Order, Equisetales. Equisetaceae. Horsetail Family. 50. Equisetuni hyemale L. Common Scouring-rush. General. 51. Equisetum prealtum Raf. Great Scouring-rush. (E. robustum A. Br.). General in the state. 52. Equisetum variegatum Schleich. Variegated Scouring-rush. Lake, Erie. 53. Equisetum laevigatum A. Br. Smooth Scouring-rush. General but apparently not common. 54. Equisetum fluviatile L. Swamp Horsetail. Not common but to be found in most parts of the state in suitable places. 55. Equisetum sylvaticum L. Wood Horsetail. Auglaize, Cuya- hoga, Geauga. 56. Equisetum pratense Ehrh. Thicket Horsetail. Supposed to occur in the state but no definite specimens. 57. Equisetum arvpuse L. Field Horsetail. General and abundant. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 135 Phylum, LEPIDOPHYTA Class, Lycopodieae. Lycopods. Order, Lycopodiales. Lycopodiaceae. Club-moss Family. 58. Lycopodium lucidulum Mx. Shining Club-moss. General in the eastern half of the state. 59. Lycopodium porophilum Lloyd & Und. Rock Club-moss. Lick- ing, Fairfield, Hocking, Portage. 60. Lycopodium inundatum L. Bog Club-moss. Portage County. 61. Lycopodium clavatum L. Common Club-moss. Ashtabula, Cuy- ahoga, Geauga, Portage, Hocking, (Stark — Hopkins). 62. Lycopodium obscurum L. Tree Club-moss. Ashtabula, Lake, Medina, Portage, Licking, Defiance, Fairfield, Hocking. 63. Lj'copodium complanatum L. Trailing Club-moss. Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Carroll, Geauga, Licking, Fairfield, Hocking, Portage, Lake, (Erie — Moseley), (Wayne — ^Hopkins). Class, Selaginelleae. Selaginellas. Order, Selagivellales. Selaginellaceae. Selaginella Family. 64. Selaginella rupestris (L.) Spring. Rock Selaginella. Licking, Fairfield, Hocking. 65. Selaginella apus (L.) Spring. Creeping Selaginella. Lake, Trumbull. Phylum, STROBILOPHYTA Class, Coniferae. Conifers. Order, Finales. Pinaceae. Pine Family. 66. Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. Hemlock. Eastern half of Ohio; occasional toward the west. 67. Larix laricina (DuR.) Koch. Tamarack. Northern third of the state. 68. Pinus sirobus L. White Pine. Nortlici-n part of Ohio. 69. Pinus ligida INIill. Pitch Pine. Lawrence, Scioto, Jackson, Fairfield. 136 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 70. Pinus virginiana Mill. Scrub Pine. From Licking County southward. 71. Pinus echinata Mill. Yellow Pine. Auglaize County. Probably accidental from seed from cultivated trees. Not native. Juniperaceae. Juniper Family. Subfamily, cupressatae. 72. Thuja occidentalis L. Arborvitae. Champaign, Franklin, Greene, Highland, Adams. Subfamily, juniperatae. 73. Juniperus communis L. Common Juniper. Northern Ohio, as far south as Fairfield County. 74. Juniperus sibirica Burgs. Low Juniper. Erie County. 75. Juniperus virginiana L. Red Juniper. General. Order, Taxales. Taxaceae. Yew Family. 76. Taxus canadensis Marsh. American Yew. Northern Ohio, as far south as Hocking, Highland, and Greene Counties. Phylum, ANTHOPHYTA Class, MoNOCOTYLAE. Monocotyls. Subclass, HELOBIAE. Order, Alisniales. Alismaceae. AVater-plantain Family. 77. Lophotocarpus calycinus (Eng.) Sm. Large Lophotoearpus. Erie, Ottawa, Auglaize. 78. Sagittaria latifolia Willd. Broadleaf Arrow-head. General and abundant. 79. Sagittaria cuneata Sheld. Arum-leaf Arrow-head. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium. ) 80. Sagittaria rigida Pursh. Sessile-fruited Arrow-head. Mostly in the northern counties. 81. Sagittaria graminea Mx. Grassleaf Arrow-head. Lucas County. 82. Alisma subcordatum Raf. American Water-plantain. GeneraL VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 137 Scheuchzeriaceae. Arrow-grass Family. 83. Triglochin palustris L. Marsh Arrow-grass. Erie, Madison. 84. Triglochin maritinia L. Seaside Arrow-grass. Summit, Stark, Clark, Champaign. 85. Scheuchzeria palustris L. Scheuchzeria. Licking, Ashtabula. Potamogetonaceae. Pondweed Family. 86. Potamogeton natans L. Common Floating Pondweed. General. 87. Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. Large-leaf Pondweed. Wayne, Stark, Summit, Erie. 88. Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. Nuttall's Pondweed. Trumbull, Wayne. 89. Potamogeton americanus Cham. & Sclil. Longleaf Pondweed. Rather general. 90. Potamogeton heterophyllus Schreb. Variant-leaf Pondweed. Ottawa, Erie, Wayne, Stark, Ashtabula. 91. Potamogeton angustifolius Berch & Presl. Narrowleaf Pond- weed. Wayne County. 92. Potamogeton lucens L. Shining Pondweed. Summit, Cuyahoga, Wayne, Erie. 93. Potamogeton praelongus Wulf. White-stem Pondweed. Ashta- Inila, Wayne. 94. Potamogeton perfoliatus L. Clasping-leaf Pondweed. Erie, Summit. 95. Potamogeton compressus L. Eel-grass Pondweed. Perry, Lo- gan, Erie, Stark. 96. Potamogeton hillii Mor. Hill's Pondweed. (Ottawa County — Moseley Herbarium.) 97. Potamogeton foliosus Raf. Leafy Pondweed. General. 98. Potamogeton obtusifolius Mert. & Koch. Bluntleaf Pondweed. Medina County. 99. Potamogeton friesii Rupr. Fries' Pondweed. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium. ) 100. Potamogeton pusillus L. Small Pondweed. Erie, Auglaize, Fairfield, Perry, Summit. 101. Potamogeton diversifolius Raf. Rafinesquo's Pondweed. Ash- tabula, Portage. 138 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 102. Potamogeton pectinatus L. Fennel-leaf Pondweed. General. 103. Potamogeton interruptus Kit. Interrupted Pondweed. Erie County. 104. Potamogeton robbinsii Oakes. Robbins' Pondweed. Erie, Sum- mit. 105. Zanniehellia palustris L. Zannachellia. General. Naiadaceae. Naias Family. 106. Naias flexilis (Willd.) Rost. & Schm. Slender Naias. General. 107. Naias gracillima (A. Br.) Magnus. Thread-like Naias. Wayne County. Order, Nympliaeales. Nymphaeaceae. AVater-lily Family. Subfamily, cabombatae. 108. Brasenia schreberi Gmel. Water-shield. Geauga, Suunnit, Por- tage, Stark, Wayne. Subfamily, nelumbonatae. 109. Nelumbo lutea (Willd.) Pers. American Water-lotus. Licking, Perry, Erie, Auglaize. Subfamily, nymphaeatae. 110. Nymphaea advena Sol. Large yellow Water-lily. General. 111. Castalia odorata (Dry.) W. & W. Sweet-scented White Water- lily. Rather general. 112. Castalia tuberosa (Paine) Greene. Tuberous White Water-lily. Erie, Holmes, Licking. Order, Hydrocharitales. Vallisneriaceae. Tape-grass Family. 113. Philotria canadensis (Mx.) Britt. Common Water- weed. Gen- eral. 114. Philotria minor (Eng.) Small. Lesser Water-weed. No speci- mens. 115. Vallisneria spiralis L. Tape-grass. Shelby, Fairfield, Stark, Summit, Geauga, Erie. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 139 Subclass, SPADICIFLORAE. Order, Pandanales. Sparganiaceae. Bur-reed Family. 116. Sparganiuni euryearpum Eng. Broad-fruited Bur-reed. Gen- eral. 117. Sparganium androcladum (Eng.) Morong. Branching Bur- reed. Franklin, Auglaize, Lucas. 118. Sparganium lucidum Fern. & Eames. Shining-fruited Bur-reed. Richland County. 119. Sparganium simplex Huds. Simple-stemmed Bur-reed. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium.) Typhaceae. Cat-tail Family. 120. Typha latifolia L. Broad-leaf Cat-tail. General. 121. Typha angustifolia L. Narrow-leaf Cat-tail. Auglaize, Licking, Knox, Erie, Cuyahoga, Geauga. Order, Arales. Araceae. Arum Family. Subfamily, pothatae. 122. Acorns calamus L. Sweet-tlag. General. Subfamily, callatae. 123. Calla palustris L. Wild Calla. Ashtabula, Portage, Summit, Stark. 124. Spathyema foetida (L.) Raf. Skunk-cabbage. General. Subfamily, philodendratae. 125. Peltrandra virginica (L.) Kunth. Green Arrow-arum. Cuya- hoga, Summit, Stark, Licking, Perry. Subfamily, aratae. 126. Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Torr. Jaek-in-the-pulpit. General. 127. Arisaema dracontium (L.) Schott. Green-dragon. General. Lemnaceae. Duckweed Family. 128. Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schl. Greater Duckweed. General. 140 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 129. Lemna trisulca L. Ivy-jointed Duckweed. General. 130. Lemna cyclostasa (Ell.) Chev. Valdivia Duckweed. Lake County. 131. Lemna minor L. Lesser Duckweed. General. 132. Wolffiella floridiana (J. D. Sm.) Thomp. Florida Wolffiella. Licking County. 133. Wolffia Columbiana Karst. Columbia Wolffia. Ottawa, Frank- lin. 134. Wolffia punctata Griseb. Punctate Wolffia. Erie County. Subclass, GLUMIPLORAE. Order, Graminales. Cyperaceae. Sedge Family. Subfamily, scirpatae. 135. Cyperus scliweinitzii Torr. Scliweinitz 's Cyperus. Erie, Cuya- hoga. 136. Cyperus esculentus L. Nut-grass (Cyperus). Western half of state, as far east as Wayne County. 137. Cyperus erythrorhizos Muhl. Red-rooted Cyperus. Rather general. 138. Cyperus inflexus Muhl. Awned Cyperus. Lucas, Champaign. 139. Cyperus strigosus L. Straw-colored Cyperus. General. 140. Cyperus filiculmis Vahl. Slender Cyperus. Rather general. 141. Cyperus engelraanni Steud. Engelmann's Cyperus. Wayne, Logan. 142. Cyperus speciosus Vahl. Michaux's Cyperus. Ashtabula, Erie. 143. Cyperus flavescens L. Yellow Cyperus. Fairfield, Richland, Meigs. 144. Cyperus diandrus Ton-. Low Cyperus. Northern half of state, as far south as Champaign County. 145. Cyperus rivularis Kunth. Shining Cyperus. Rather general. 146. Kyllinga pumila Mx. Low Kyllinga. Fairfield, Hocking, Cuya- hoga, Auglaize. 147. Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britt. Dulichium. Northern part of the state, south to Hocking and Clark Counties. 148. Eleocharis mutata (L.) R. & S. Four-angled Spike-rush. Ash- land County. VASCULAR PLANTS OP OHIO 141 149. Eleocharis olivacea Torr. Olivaceous Spike-rush. Auglaize, Licking, Summit, Cuyahoga. 150. Eleocharis ovata (Roth) R. & S. Ovoid Spike-rush. Erie County. 151. Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Sehul. Blunt Spike-rush. General. 152. Eleocharis engelmanni Steud. Engelmann's Spike-rush. Lick- ing County. 153. Eleocharis palustris (L.) R. & S. Creeping Spike-rush. Gen- eral. 15-1. Eleocharis acicularis (L.) R. & S. Needle Spike-rush. General. 155. Eleocharis tenuis (Willd.) Schultes. Slender Spike-rush. Lucas, Ottawa. 156. Eleocharis acuminata (Muhl.) Nees. Flat-stemmed Spike-rush. Lucas, Ottawa, Auglaize. 157. Eleocharis intermedia (Muhl.) Schultes. Matted Spike-rush. Erie, Franklin. 158. Stenophyllus capillaris (L.) Britt. Hair-like Stenophyllus. Lucas County. 159. Fimbristylis autumnalis (L.) R. & S. Slender Fimbristylis. Hamilton, Defiance, Fairfield, Hocking. 160. Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth. Wool-grass. General. 161. Scirpus lineatus Mx. Reddish Bulrush. General. 162. Scirpus polyphyllus A^ahl. Leafy Bulrush. Eastern half of the state to Crawford and Adams Counties. 163. Scirpus ati-ovirens Muhl. Dark-green Bulrush. General. 164. Scirpus sylvaticus L. Wood Bulrush. Ottawa, Wayne, Ham- ilton. 165. Scirpus fluviatilis (Torr.) Gr. River Bulrush. Champaign, Licking, Lucas, Wayne, Medina, Lake. 166. Scirpus validus Vahl. Great Bulrush. General. 167. Scirpus torreyi Olney. Torrey's Club-rush. Lake, Erie. 168. Scirpus americanus Pers. Chair-maker's Club-rush. General. 169. Scirpus debilis Pursh. Weak Club-rush. Summit, Ottawa. 170. Scirpus planifolius ]\lulil. Flat-leaf Club-rush. Licking, Knox, Lake. 171 Eriophorum vii'idieaiiiiat uiii (Eng.) Fern. Thin-leaf Cotton- grass. Geauga, Suiiiinil. Tricking. 172. Eriophorniii virginicum L. Virginia Cotton-grass. Northern Ohio, as far sonlli as Tiickiiig County. 142 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Subfamily, rynchosporatae. 173. Ryncliospora corniculata (Lam.) Gr. Horned-rush. None in the herbarium. 174. Rynchospora alba (L.) Vahl. White Beaked-rush. Geauga, Lo- rain, Summit, Ashland, Stark, Licking, Champaign. 175. Rynchospora capillacea Torr. Capillary Beaked-rush. Madi- son, Greene, Champaign, Erie. 176. Rynchospora glomerata (L.) Vahl. Clustered Beak-rush. Erie, Ashtabula, Portage, Summit, Fairfield. 177. Rynchospora cymosa Ell. Grass-like Beak-rush. Erie County. 178. Mariscus mariscoides (Muhl.) Kuntze. Twig-rush. Erie County. 179. Scleria triglomerata Mx. Tall Nut-rush. Erie County. 180. Scleria pauciflora Muhl. Papillose Nut-rush. Erie County. 181. Scleria verticillata Muhl. Low Nut-rush. Erie, Franklin, Champaign. Subfamily, caricatae. 182. Carex sartwellii Dew^ Sartwell's Sedge. Erie County. 183. Carex siccata Dew. Dry-spiked Sedge. No specimens. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium. ) 184. Carex retroflexa Muhl. Reflexed Sedge. From Erie, Huron, Wayne, Knox and Perry Counties westward. 185. Carex rosea Schk. Stellate Sedge. General. 186. Carex muricata L. Lesser Prickly Sedge. No specimens. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium.) Naturalized from Europe. 187. Carex muhlenbergii Schk. Muhlenberg's Sedge. Carroll, Sum- mit, Cuyahoga, Erie, Lucas. 188. Carex cephalophora Muhl. Oval-headed Sedge. General. 189. Carex gravida Bail. Heavy Sedge. No specimens. 190. Carex cephaloidea Dew. Thinleaf Sedge. Cuyahoga, Licking. 191. Carex sparganioides Muld. Bur-reed Sedge. General. 192. Carex conjuncta Boott. Soft Fox Sedge. General, but no specimens from the eastern and southern counties. 193. Carex vulpinoidea Mx. Fox Sedge. General and abundant. 194. Carex setacea Dew. Bristly-spiked Sedge. Erie County. 195. Carex diandra Schr. Lesser Panicled Sedge. Lake County. 196. Carex prairea Dew. Prairie Sedge. Summit, Erie. 197. Carex decomposita Muhl. Large-panicled Sedge. Licking County. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 143 198. Carex stipitata Mulil. Awl-fruited Sedge. General, but no speci- mens from the extreme southern and southeastern counties. 199. Carex crus-corvi Shuttlw. Raven-foot Sedge. Defiance, Aug- laize, Wayne. 200. Carex disperma Dew. Soft-leaf Sedge. Erie County. 201. Carex trisperma Dew. Three-fruited Sedge. Lake, Portage, Summit, Williams. 202. Carex canescens L. Silvery Sedge. Summit, Lorain, Logan. 203. Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. Brownish Sedge. Logan County. 204. Carex deweyana Schw. Dewey's Sedge. Auglaize County. 205. Carex bromoides Schk. Brome-like Sedge. Cuyahoga, Erie, Hancock, Hardin, Auglaize. 206. Carex interior Bail. Inland Sedge. Cuyahoga, Summit, Erie, Stark, Licking. 207. Carex leersii Willd. Little Prickly Sedge. Ottawa, Erie, Madi- son, Geauga, Portage. 208. Carex scoparia Schk. Pointed Broom Sedge. Northern Ohio, as far south as Auglaize, Madison and Tuscarawas Counties. 209. Carex tribuloides Wahl. Blunt Broom Sedge. General. 210. Carex cristatella Britt. Crested Sedge. General. 211. Carex muskingumensis Schw. Muskingum Sedge. Defiance, Auglaize, Wyandot, Franklin, Champaign. 212. Carex bebbii Olney. Bebb's Sedge. Franklin County. 213. Carex straminea Willd. Straw Sedge. Cuyahoga, Portage^ Lucas, Williams. 214. Carex normalis Mack. Larger Straw Sedge. Hamilton, Aug- laize, Wayne, Hancock, (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium). 215. Carex festucacea Schk. Fescue Sedge. Lake, Erie, Stark, Lo- gan, Madison. 216. Carex bicknellii Britt. Bicknell's Sedge. Lake County, (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium) . 217. Carex alata Torr. Broad-wdnged Sedge. Summit County. 218. Carex albolutescens Schw. Greenish-wliite Sedge. Champaign County. 219. Carex foenea Willd. Hay Sedge. Geauga County. 220. Carex willdenovii Schk. Willdenow's Sedge. Cuyahoga County. 22L Carex jamesii Schw. James' Sedge. General. 222. Carex durifolia Bail. Back's Sedge. No specimens. 144 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURA^EY 223. Carex leptalea Wahl. Bristle-stalked Sedge. Lake, Cuyahoga, Summit, Madison. 224. Carex communis Bail. Fibrous-rooted Sedge. Summit County. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium). 225. Carex pennsylvanica Lam. Pennsylvania Sedge. General. 226. Carex varia Muhl. Emmons' Sedge. From Erie, Madison, and Clermont Counties eastward. 227. Carex hirtifolia Mack. Pubescent Sedge. From Lake, Wayne, Delaware, and Greene Counties northwestward. 228. Carex pedunculata Muhi. Long-stalked Sedge. Lake, Cuya- hoga, Geauga, Erie. 229. Carex richardsonii R. Br. Richardson's Sedge. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium. ) 230. Carex eburnea Boott. Bristle-leaf Sedge. Greene, Ottawa. 231. Carex aurea Nutt. Golden-fruited Sedge. Erie County. 232. Carex meadii Dew. Mead's Sedge. Erie County. 233. Carex tetanica Schk. Wood's Sedge. Geauga, Cuyahoga, Erie, Huron, Auglaize. 234. Carex plantaginea Lam. Plantain-leaf Sedge. Fairfield, Dela- ware, Huron, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Summit. 235. Carex careyana Torr. Carey's Sedge. Lorain County. 236. Carex platyphylla Car. Broadleaf Sedge. From Cuyahoga, Knox, Fairfield, and Hocking Counties eastward. 237. Carex digitalis Willd. Slender Wood Sedge. Rather general. 238. Carex laxiculmis Schw. Spreading Sedge. Lake, Cuyahoga, Auglaize, Franklin. 239. Carex albursina Sheld. White Bear Sedge. General. 240. Carex blanda Dew. Woodland Sedge. Rather general. 241. Calex laxiflora Lam. Loose-flowered Sedge. Rather general. 242. Carex anceps Muhl. Two-edged Sedge. Rather general. 243. Carex shriveri Britt. Shriver's Sedge. No specimens. 244. Carex granularis Mubl. Meadow Sedge. General, but no speci- mens from the southeastern counties. 245. Carex crawei Dew. Ci'awe's Sedge. Erie County. 246. Carex oligocarpa Schk. Few-fruited Sedge. Hamilton, Mont- gomery, Greene, Ross. 247. Carex hitchcockiana Dew. Hitchcock's Sedge. Butler, High- land, Auglaize. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 145 248. Carex conoidea Schk. Field Sedge. Wood County. 249. Carex amphibola Steud. Narrow-leaf Sedge. Cuyahoga, Har- din, Auglaize. 250. Carex grisea Wald. Gray Sedge. Rather general, but the only southern county represented is Lawrence. 251. Carex glaueodea Tuck. Glaucescent Sedge. Cuyahoga County. 252. Carex gracillima Schw. Graceful Sedge. Northern Ohio, as far south as Licking and Franklin Counties. 253. Carex prasina Wahl. Drooping Sedge. Trumbull, Cuyahoga, Crawford, Fairfield, Hamilton. 254. Carex davisii Schw. Davis' Sedge. Lake, Lorain, "Wayne, Aug- laize, Licking, Ross. 255. Carex flexuosa Muhl. Slender-stalked Sedge. Cuyahoga, Geau- ga, Lake. 256. Carex arctata Boott. Drooping "Wood Sedge. Summit County, (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium). 257. Carex virescens Muhl. Ril)l)ed Sedge. Northern Ohio, as far south as Geauga, Hocking, and Auglaize Counties. 258. Carex complanata Torr. Hirsute Sedge. General. 259. Carex scabrata Schw. Rough Sedge. Lake, Cuyahoga, Summit. 260. Carex limosa L. Mud Sedge. No specimens. 261. Carex paupercula Mx. Bog Sedge. Licking County. 262. Carex buxbaumii "Wahl. Brown Sedge. Lorain, Erie, Lucas. 263. Carex shortiana Dew. Short's Sedge. General; no specimens from the southeastern counties. 264. Carex stricta Lam. Tussock Sedge. From Trumbull, Madison, Champaign, and Auglaize Counties, northward. 265. Carex haydeni Dew. Hayden's Sedge. No specimens; (Mose- ley Herbarium — Erie County). 266. Carex torta Boott. Twisted Sedge. Cuyahoga, Erie, Hardin, Knox, Delaware, Franklin. 267. Carex aquatilis "Wahl. "Water Sedge. Auglaize, Lucas. 268. Carex gynandra Schw. Nodding Sedge. Harrison, Perry. 269. Carex crinita Lam. Fiinged Sedge. General. 270. Carex lacustris "Willd. Lake-bank Sedge. Northern Ohio, south to Summit, Morrow, and Logan Counties. 271. Carex impressa (Wright) Mack. Wriglit's Sedge. No specimens. 272. Carex lanuginosa Mx. Woolly Sedge. From Ashtabula, Frank- lin, IMadison, Champaign, and Auglaize Counties northward. 146 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 273. Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. Slender Sedge. Licking, Stark. 274. Carex trichocarpa Mnbl. Hairy-fruited Sedge. Lorain, Erie, Licking, Madison. 275. Carex atherodes Spreng. Awned Sedge. Erie County. 276. Carex oederi Retz. Green Sedge. Erie County. 277. Carex flava L. Yellow Sedge. Lake County. 278. Carex folliculata L. Long Sedge. Crawford, Portage. 279. Carex monile Tuck. Necklace Sedge. Lake, Cuyahoga, Wayne, Lucas. 280. Carex vesicaria L. Inflated Sedge. No specimens. 281. Carex rostrata Stokes. Beaked Sedge. Licking, Geauga. 282. Carex tuckernianii Dew. Tuckerman's Sedge. Northern Ohio, south to Auglaize, Franklin, and Perry Counties. 283. Carex retrorsa Schw. Retrorse Sedge. Lucas County. 284. Carex oligosperma Mx. Few-seeded Sedge. Defiance County. 285. Carex lurida "Wahl. Sallow Sedge. General; no specimens from the northwestern counties. 286. Carex hystricina Muhl. Porcupine Sedge. Rather general. 287. Carex pseudo-cyperus L. Cyperuslike Sedge. Greene, Tusca- rawas, Wayne. 288. Carex coraosa Boott. Bristly Sedge. Northern part of the state. as far south as Champaign, Franklin, and Tuscarawas Coun- ties. 289. Carex frankii Kunth. Frank's Sedge. General as far north as Auglaize, Knox, and Jefferson Counties; also in Wyandot, Erie, and Cuyahoga. 290. Carex squarrosa L. Squarrose Sedge. General. 291. Carex typhina Mx. Cat-tail Sedge. Lake, Cuyahoga, Morrow, Scioto. 292. Carex intumescens Rudge. Bladder Sedge. Northern Ohio, as far south as Trumbull, Crawford, and Allen Counties. 293. Carex asa-grayi Bail. Gray's Sedge. General. 294. Carex lupulina Muhl. Hop Sedge. Rather general. 295. Carex lupuliformis Sartw. Hop-like Sedge. Cuyahoga, Wayne, Marion. Graminaceae. Grass Family. Subf am ily, ro.\CAT.\r.. 296. Bromus brizaeformis Fisch. & Mey Awnless Chess. Intro- duced. Cuyahoga County. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 147 297. Bronius kalmii Gr. Kalm's Chess. Frauklin, Lucas. 298. Bromus hordeaceus L. Soft Chess. Introduced. Wayne, Lo- rain. 299. Bromus seealinus L. Common Chess. Naturalized. General and abundant. 300. Bromus racemosus L. Upright Chess. Naturalized. General and abundant. 301. Bromus arvensis L. Field Chess. Introduced. Franklin County. 302. Bromus inermis Leyss. Hungarian Brome-grass. Introduced. Wayne County. 303. Bromus ciliatus L. Fringed Brome-grass. Erie, Wayne, Frank- lin, Champaign, Hocking. 304. Bromus purgans L. Hairy Brome-grass. General. 305. Bromus asper Murr. Rough Brome-grass. No specimens. Eu- ropean. 306. Bromus tectorum L. Do^vny Brome-grass. Introduced. Gen- eral and abundant. 307. Bromus sterilis L. Barren Brome-grass. Introduced. Licking, Sandusky, Cuyahoga. 308. Melica nitens Nutt. Tall Melic-grass. Erie County. 309. Festuca elatior L. Tall Fescue-grass. Introduced. General. 310. Festuca nutans Willd. Nodding Fescue-grass. General. 311. Festuca ovina L. Sheep Fescue-grass. From Europe. Ei-ie, Franklin, Wayne. 312. Festuca capillata Lam. Filiform Fescue-grass. From Europe. Cuyahoga County. 313. Festuca octoflora Walt. Slender Fescue-grass. Ashtabula, Erie, Lucas, Ashland, Delaware, Licking, Lawrence. 314. Festuca myuros L. Rat-tail Fescue-gress. From Europe. Lake County. 315. Panicularia acutiflora (Torr") Ktz. Sbarp-glunicd ^Fauna-grass. No specimens. 316. Panicularia fluitans (L.) Ktz. Floating Manna-grass. General as far south as Harrison, Perry, Franklin, and Auglaize Counties. 317. Panicuhiria canadensis (Mx.) Ktz. Rattlesnake Manna-grass. Ashtal)ula, Geauga, Portage, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Summit, Stat-k. Wavne. 148 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 318. Pauicularia torreyana (Spreug.) Merr. Long Manna-grass. Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Summit, Erie, Fairfield. 319. Panieularia nervata (Willd.) Ktz. Nerved Manna-grass. Gen- eral. 320. Panieularia grandis (Wats.) Nash. Tall Manna-grass. Stark, Wayne. 321. Panieularia pallida (Torr.) Ktz. Pale Manna-grass. (Ottawa County — Moseley Herbarium.) 322. Poa compressa L. Flat-stemmed Blue-grass. From Europe. General and alnindant. 323. Poa trivialis L. Rough-stalked Meadow-grass. From Europe. Crawford County. 324. Poa debilis Torr. Weak Spear-grass. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium. ) 325. Poa triflora Gilib. Fowl Meadow-grass. Fairfield, Geauga, Lawrence. 326. Poa nemoralis L. Wood Meadow-grass. Introduced. Lake County. 327. Poa pratensis L. Kentucky Blue-grass. General and abundant. 328. Poa autuinnalis Muhl. Flexuous Spear-grass. Hocking County. 329. Poa sylvestris Gr. Sylvan Spear-grass. Rather general; no specimens from the northwestern counties. 330. Poa alsodes Gr. Grove Meadow-grass. Seneca, Franklin, Sum- mit, Cuyahoga, TrumbiTll, Knox. 331. Poa brachyphylla Schult. Short-leaf Spear-grass. Lawrence, Perry, Medina, Cuyahoga, Trumbull. 332. Poa annua L. Annual Meadow-grass. From Europe. General. 333. Daetylis glomerata L. Orchard-grass. Naturalized. General; no specimens from the southeastern counties. 334. Eragrostis pectinacea (Mx.) Steud. Purple Love-grass. Lake, Cuyahoga, Erie, Auglaize. 335. Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) B. S. P. Creeping Love-grass. Rather general ; no specimens from the central eastern counties. 336. Eragrostis major Host. Strong-scented Love-grass. Natural- ized. General. 337. Eragrostis purshii Schrad. Pursh's Love-grass. Erie County. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 149 338. Eragrostis pilosa (L.) Beauv. Tufted Love-grass. Rather gen- eral; no specimens from the northwestern counties. Nat- uralized. 339. Eragrostis frankii Steud. Frank's Love-grass. Rather general; no specimens from the southeastern nor from the north- western counties. 340. Eragrostis capillaris (L.) Nees. Capillary Love-grass. Ottawa, Madison, Clinton. 341. Sphenopholis ohtusata (Mx.) Scribn. Blunt-scaled Eaton-grass. No specimens. 342. Sphenopholis pallens (Spreng.) Scribn. Tall Eaton-grass. General. 343. Sphenopholis nitida (Spreng.) Scribn. Slender Eaton-grass. Cuyahoga, Knox, Licking, Fairfield, Hocking, Lawrence, Adams. 344 Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. Crested Koeler-grass. Ottawa County. 345. Korycarpus arundinaceus Zea. American Korycarpus. Ross, Franklin, Auglaize, Highland. 346. Tridens flava (L.) Hitch. Tall Purple-top. Rather general; no specimens from the northwestern counties nor the extreme eastern part. 347. Triplasis purpurea (Walt.) Chapm. Purple Sand-grass. Ash- tabula, Cuyahoga, Erie. 348. Cynosurus cristatus L. Dogtail-grass. From Europe. Mahon- ing County. 349. Phragmites phragmites (L.) Karst. Common Reed-grass. Ash- taubula, Cuyahog, Erie, Lucas, Huron, AVayne, Franklin. 350. Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. Common Wild-oat-grass. Gen- eral. 351. Danthonia compressa Aust. Flattened Wild-oat-grass. Portage County. 352. Arrenatherum elatius (L.) Beauv. Oat-grass. From Europe. Hamilton County. 353. Trisetum pennsylvanicum (L.) Beauv. Marsh False-oats. No specimens. 354. Avena torreyi Nash. Purple Oats. Franklin County. 355. Avena sativa L. Common Oats. Rather general. Escaped from cultivation. 150 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 356. Avena fatua L. Wild Oats. From Europe. No specimens. 357. Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Wavy Hair-grass. Portage County. 358. Aspris caryophyllea (L.) Nash. Silvery Hair-grass. From Europe. Lake County. 359. Nothoholcus lanatus (L.) Nash. Velvet-grass. Lake, Trumbull, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Erie, Wayne, Fairfield. From Europe. 360. Lolium perenne L. Red Darnel. Rather general. Prom Europe. 361. Lolium multiflorum Lam. Awned Darnel. Hamilton, Madison. From Europe. 362. Lolium temulentum L. Poison Darnel. No specimens. From Europe. 363. Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Couch-grass. Rather general; no specimens from the southeastern part of the state. From Europe. 36-1. Agropyron caninum (L.) R. & S. Awned Wheat-grass. Por- tage County. From Europe. 365. Triticum vulgare L. Wheat. Erie, Belmont, Harrison, Tusca- rawas, Morrow, Fayette, Madison, Preble, Franklin. Escaped from cultivation. 366. Secale cereale L. Rye. Erie, Morrow, Franklin, Scioto. Es- caped. 367. Elymus virginicus L. Virginia Wild-rye. General. 368. Elymus hirsutiglumis Scrib. & Sm. Strict Wild-rye. Ottawa, Huron. 369. Elymus canadensis L. Nodding Wild-rye. Rather general. 370. Elymus striatus Willd. Slender Wild-rye. Wayne, Erie, Aug- laize. 371. Hystrix hystrix (L.) Millsp. Bottle-brush-grass. General. 372. Hordeum vulgare L. Common Barley. Franklin, Tuscarawas, Portage. Escaped from cultivation. 373. Hordeum distichum L. Two-rowed Barley. Escaped in Lake County. 374. Hordeum nodosum L. Meadow Barley. Hamilton County. 375. Hordeum jubatum L. Squirrel-lail Barley. From Lake to Lucas County; also in Franklin, Madison, Greene, Allen, De- fiance, and Williams. Ni'lnrnli/cd from llic West. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 151 376. Spartina michaiixiana Hitch. Tall Slough-grass. Rather gen- eral; no specimens from the central eastern nor from the southwestern counties. 377. Beckmannia erucaeformis (L.) Host. Beckmannia. Cuyahoga County. 378. Capriola dactylon (L.) Ktz. Bermuda-grass. No specimens. From Europe. 379. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaert. Yard-grass. General. Naturalized. 380. Atheropogon curtipendulus (Mx.) Fourn. Tall Gramma-grass. Lake, Erie, Ottawa, Franklin, Adams. 381. Bouteloua hirsuta Lag. Hairy Mesquite-grass. Waifs in Frank- lin County. 382. Bouteloua oligostachya (Nutt.) Torr. Smooth Mesquite-grass. Waifs in Franklin County. 383. Sporoholus asper (Mx.) Kunth. Longleaf Rush-grass. Lake, Erie, Franklin. 384. Sporobolus vaginaeflorus (Torr.) Wood. Sheathed Rush-grass. Auglaize, Madison, Warren, Vinton, Athens. 385. Sporobolus neglectus Nash. Small Rush-grass. Cuyahoga, Wayne, Huron, Auglaize. 386. Sporobolus eryptandrus (Torr.) Gr. Sand Dropseed. Lucas. Ottawa, Erie, Lorain. 387. Sporobolus heterolepis Gr. Northern Dropseed. Franklin, Madison, Champaign. 388. Calamagrostis canadensis (Mx.) Beauv. Bluejoint Reed-grass. Northern Ohio, as far south as Stark, Fi-anklin, and Auglaize Counties. 389. Calamagrostis cinnoides (Muhl.) Scrib. Nuttall's Reed-grass. No specimens. 390. Agrostis alba L. Red-top. General. From Europe. 391. Agrostis schweinitzii Trin. Thin Bent-grass. Rather general. 392. Agrostis hyemalis (Walt.) B. S. P. Rough Silk-grass. Rather general, but no specimens from the northwestern nor south- eastern counties. 393. Apera spica-venti (L.) Beauv. Silky Windlestraw. From Eu- rope. Lake County. 394. Cinna arundinacea L. Wood Reed-grass. (Jeiieral. 395. Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link. Sand Beecli-grass. Eric County. 152 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 396. Alopeciirus geniculatus L. Marsh Foxtail. Lake, Ottawa, Craw- ford, Auglaize, Madison, Franklin, Perry. Introduced. 397. Alopecurus pratensis L. Meadow Foxtail. No specimens. From Europe. 398. Heleochloa schoenoides (L.) Host. Cat-tail-grass. Greene Coun- ty. From Europe. 399. Plileum pratense L. Timothy. General. From Europe. 400. Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhl.) Trin. Rock Muhlenbergia. Highland, Wayne. 401. Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin. Mexican Muhlenbergia. General. 402. Muhlenbergia racemosa (Mx.) B. S. P. Marsh Muhlenbergia. Summit, Wayne, Huron, Wyandot, Champaign, Licking. 403. Muhlenbergia umbrosa Scribn. Wood Muhlenbergia. Cuya- hoga, Champaign. 404. Muhlenbergia tenuitiora (Willd.) B. S. P. Slender Muhlen- bergia. Portage, Wayne, Fairfield, Madison, Greene. 405. Muhlenbergia schreberi Gmel. Spreading Muhlenbergia. Gen- eral. 406. Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv. Brachyelytrum. Cuyahoga, Portage, Lorain, Wayne, Highland, Franklin, Madison, Hocking, Adams. 407. Milium efifusum L. Tall Millet-grass. Lake, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Wayne, Stark. 408. Oryzopsis racemosa (Sm.) Kicker. Black-fruited Mountain-rice. Geauga, Summit, Erie, Greene, Highland. 409. Stipa spartea Trin. Porcupine-grass. Erie County, where it occurs on Cedar Point. 410. Aristida dichotoma Mx. Poverty-grass. Scioto, Vinton, Fair- field. 411. Aristida oligantha Mx. Few-flowered Triple-awned-grass. Cuy- ahoga County. 412. Aristida gracilis Ell. Slender Triple-awned-grass. Hamilton, Clermont, Athens, Erie, Cuyahoga. 413. Aristida purpurascens Poir. Purplish Triple-awned-grass. Wood, Fulton. 414. Savastana odorata (L.) Scrib. Vanilla-grass. Trumbull, Madi- son, Pickaway. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 153 415. Phalaris arundinacea L. Reed Canary-grass. Rather general; no specimens from the northwestern nor from the south- eastern counties. 416. Phalaris canariensis L. Canary-grass. Montgomery, Hamilton. From Europe. 417. Anthoxantliura odoratum L. Sweet Vernal-grass. Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Summit, Mahoning, Wayne, Franklin. From Europe. 418. Anthoxanthum puelii Lee. & Lamotte. Long-awned Vernal- grass. Hamilton County. A native of Europe. Subfamily, panicatae. 419. Panicum agrostoides Spreng. Agrostis-like Panic-grass. Erie County. 420. Panicum stipitatuni Nash. Long Panic-grass. Northeastern Ohio to Lorain, Fairfield, and Columbiana Counties. . 421. Panicum virgatuiu L. Tall, smooth Panic-grass. General. 422. Panicum dichotomiflorum Mx. Spreading Panic-grass. Gen- eral. 423. Panicum miliaceum L. Millet Panic-grass. Lawrence, Richland, Erie. Introduced. 424. Panicum capillare L. Tumble Panic-grass. General and abundant. 425. Panicum gattingeri Nash. Gattinger's Panic-grass. Rather general. 426. Panicum flexile (Gatt.) Scrib. Wiry Panic-grass. Adams, Champaign, Madison, Franklin, Erie, Cuyahoga. 427. Panicum philadelphicum Bernh. Philadelphia Panic-grass. Ot- tawa County. 428. Panicum depauperatum Muhl. Starved Panic-grass. Cuyahoga County. 429. Panicum linearifolium Scrib. Linear-leaf Panic-grass. Rather general. 430. Panicum werneri Scrib. Werner's Panic-grass. Lake, Cuya- hoga, Franklin, Athens. 431. Panicum bicknellii Nash. Bickiu'lTs Panic-grass. Gallia County. 432. Panicum sphaerocarpon Ell. Round-fruited Panic-grass. Cuy- ahoga, Summit, Trumbull, Hocking, Scioto. 433. Panicum polyantbes Schultes. Many-flowere.l Panic-grass. Fair- field. Hocking, Jackson. 154 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVBY 434. Paniciiin dicliotomum L. Forked Panic-grass. Rather general; no specimens fro mthe northwestern counties. 435. Panicum microcarpon Muhl. Small-fruited Panic-grass. Cuya- hoga, Lorain, Erie, Fairfield, Hocking, Jackson. Adams. 436. Panicum boreale Nash. Northern Panic-grass. Fulton County. 437. Panicum lindheimeri Nash. Lindheimer's Panic-grass. Ashta- bula, Hocking. 438. Panicum huachucae Ashe. Hairy Panic-grass. General. 439. Panicum villosissimum Nash. Villous Panic-grass. Cuyahoga, Erie, Licking. 440. Panicum implicatum Scrib. Slender-stemmed Panic-grass. Gal- lia County. 441. Panicum tsugetorum Nash. Hemlock Panic-grass. Defiance, Summit. 442. Panicum leibergii (Vasey) Scrib. Leiberg's Panic-grass. No specimens. 443. Panicinn scribnerianum Nash. Scribner's Panic-grass. Cuya- hoga, Erie, Wood, Franklin. 444. Panicum xanthophysum Gr. Slender Panic-grass. Lake County. 445. Panicum ashei Pear. Ashe's Panic-grass. Cuyahoga, Lake, Trumbull, Fairfield. 446. Panicum coramutatum Schultes. Variable Panic-grass. Law- rence, Gallia, Fairfield, Wayne. 447. Panicum latifolium L. Broad-leaf Panic-grass. General. 448. Panicum boscii Poir. Bosc's Panic-grass. Warren, Adams, Jack- son, Belmont. 448a. Panicum boscii molle (Vas.) Hitch. & Ch. Hamilton, Lawrenc^i, Cuyahoga. 449. Panicum clandestinum L. Hispid Panic-grass. General. 450. Leptaloma cognatum (Schultes) Chase. Fall Witch-grass. From the West. Lake County. 451. Syntherisma filiforme (L.) Nash. Slender Crab-grass. No specimens. 452. Syntherisma ischaemum (Schreb.) Nash. Small Crab-grass. Lorain, Wayne, Auglaize, Fairfield. From Europe. 453. Syntherisma sanguinale (L.) Dulac. Large Crab-grass. Gen- eral. Naturalized. 454. Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. Common Barnyard-grass. General and abundant. Naturalized from Europe. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 155 455. Echinochloa walteri (Pursli.) Nash. Marsh Cockspur-grass. Erie, Lorain, Shelby, Auglaize, Licking. 456. Paspalum muhlenbergii Nash. Muhlenberg's Paspalum. Cuya- hoga, Erie, Warren, Hamilton, Scioto, Guernsey. 457. Chaetochloa verticillata (L.) Scrib. Verticillate Foxtail-grass. , From Europe. Cuyahoga, Wayne, Jef¥erson, Franklin, Ross, Montgomery, Warren, Hamilton. 458. Chaetochloa glauca (L.) Scrib. Yellow Foxtail-grass. General. From Europe. 459. Chaetochloa viridis (L.) Scrib. Green Foxtail-grass. General. Naturalized from Europe. 460. Chaetochloa italica (L.) Scrib. Italian Millet. Rather general. Escaped. 461. Cenchrus tribuJoides L. Sandbur-grass. Lucas, Wood, Ottawa, Erie, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Franklin, Highland, Gallia. 462. Homalocenchrus virginicus (Willd.) Britt. Virginia Cut-grass. Rather general. 463. Homalocenchrus oryzoides (L.) Poll. Rice Cut-grass. Rather general. 464. Zizania aquatica L. Wild Rice. Erie, Licking, Perry, Hocking. 465. Holcus halapense L. Johnson-grass. Native of Europe. Cuja- hoga, Erie, Franklin, Madison 466. Holcus sorghum L. Common Sorghum. Volunteer in Adams County. 467 Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash. Tndian-grass. Ashtabula, Cuy- ahoga, Erie, Wyandot, Auglaize, Franklin, Madison, Adams. 468. Miscanthus sinensis Anderss. Chinese Plume-grass. An escape in Lake County. 469. Andropognn I'urcatiis Muhl. Big Bluestem. Ratber general. 470. Andropognn virginicus L. Virginia Beard-grass. Gallia, Jack- son, Meigs, Athens, Vinton, Hocking, Fairfield, Belmont. 471. Andropogon scoparius Mx. Little Bluestem. (Schizachyrium scoparium (Mx. ) Nash). I\ather general. 472. Coix lacryma L. Job's-tears. Persistent in Franklin County. 473. Zea mays L. Indian Coin. Spontaneous in Brown, Adams, Scioto, FaveHc. Moiiioc. and Hancock Counties. 156 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Subclass, LILIIFLORAE. Order, Liliales. Liliaceae. Lily Family. Subfamily, Dracaena tae. 474. Yucca filamentosa L. Adam 's-needle. Escaped in Franklin County. Subfamily, liliatae. 475. Lilium superbum L. Turk's-cap Lily. Erie County — Moseley herbarium). 476. Lilium canadense L. Canada Lily. General. 477. Lilium philadelpbicum L. Philadelphia Lily. Fulton, Lucas, Sandusky, (Erie County — Moseley herbarium). 478. Lilium umbellatum Pursh. Western Red Lily. Stark County. 479. Erythronium americanum Ker. Yellow Dog-tooth Lily. Gen- eral. 480. Erythronium albidum Nutt. Wbite Dog-tooth Lily. General. 481. Hemerocallis fulva L. Common Day-lily. General. Escaped from cultivation. 482. Allium tricoccum Ait. Wild Leek. West central part of state to Delaware and Franklin; also in Lorain, Cuyahoga^ and Medina Counties. 483. Allium vineale L. Field Garlic. Franklin, Harrison. From Europe. 484. Allium cepa L. Common Onion. Cultivated. Sometimes per- sistent. 485. Allium canadense L. Meadow Garlic. General. 486. Allium cernuum Roth. Nodding Onion. General. 487. Quamasia hyacinthina (Raf.) Britt. Wild Hyacinth. General, but rare in eastern Ohio. 488. Ornithogalum umbellatum L. Star-of-Bethlehem. From Europe. Montgomery, Miami, Gallia, Franklin, Auglaize. 489. Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill. Grape-hyacinth. From Europe. Llontgomery, Lake. 490. Aletris farinosa L. Colic-root. In counties bordering Lake Erie. Subfamilv, melanthatae. 491. Uvularia sessilifolia L. Sessile-leaf Bellwort. Lucas, Cuyahoga, Portage, Summit, Mahoning, Gallia. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 157 492. Uvularia grandiflora Sm. Large-flowered Bellwort. General. 493. Uvularia pei'foliata L. Perfoliate Bellwort. General. 494. Melantliiiim virginicum L. Virginia Bunchflower. Ricliland, Wayne. 495. Veratrura woodii Robb. Wood's False-liellebore. Auglaize County. 496. Veratrum viride Ait. American False-hellebore. Ashtabula County. 497. Anticlea elegans (Pursh) Rydb. Glaucous Anticlea. Cham- paign, Portage, Stark, Highland, Ottawa. 498. Stenanthiuni robustum Wats. Stout Stenanthium. Fairfield County. 499. Chamaelirium luteum (L.) Gr. Chamaelirium. Northeastern Ohio to Licking County ; also in Lawrence County. 500. Triantha glutinosa (Mx.) Baker. Glutinous Triantha. Stark, Champaign. Subfamily, trilliatae. 501. Trillium grandiflorum (Mx.) Salisb. Large-flowered Trillium. General. 502. Trillium erectum L. Til-scented Trillium. General. 503. Trillium cernuum L. Xodding Trillium. Auglaize, Champaign, Medina. 504. Trillium decliuatuin (Gr.^ Gleason. Di-oopiug Ti-illium. No specimens. 505. Trillium undulatum Willd. Painted Trillium. Ashtabula County. 506. Trillium nivale Ridd. Early Trillium. Miami, Clark, Greene, Franklin. 507. Trillium sessile L. Sessile Trillium. General. 508. Trillium recurvatum P>eck. Pi-aii'ie Trillium. Auglaize, Ham- ilton. 509. Medeola virginiana L. Indian Cucumber-root. General. Sul)fatiiily, convallariatae. 510. Strepto])us amplexifoHus (L.) DC. Clasping-leaf Twisted-stalk. Reported for Ohio. 511. Disporum lanuginosum (Mx.) Nich. liaiiy Disporum. Eastern half of state; also in Adams County. 158 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 512. Polygonatum commutatuni (R. & S.) Dietr. Smooth Solomon 's- seal. General. 513. Polygonatum biflorum (Walt.) Ell. Hairy Solomon 's-seal. Gen- eral. 514. Vagnera racemosa (L.) Mor. Panicled False Solomon 's-seal. General. 515. Vagnera stellata (L.) Mor. Stellate False Solomon 's-seal. Rather general. 516. Vagnera trifolia (L.) Mor. Three-leaf False Solomon 's-seal. Fulton, Lorain. 517. Unifolium canadense (Desf.) Greene. False Lily-of-the-valley. General. 518. Clintonia borealis (Ait.) Raf. Yellow Clintonia. Ashtabula County. 519. Clintonia umbellulata (Mx.) Torr. White Clintonia. Harrison, Portage, Wayne. 520. Convallaria majalis L. Lily-of-the-valley. Escaped in Franklin County. 521. Asparagus officinalis L. Asparagus. General. Introduced from Europe. Smilaceae. Smilax Family. 522. Smilax ecirrhata (Engel.) Wats. Upright Smilax. Erie, Ot- tawa, Wood, Hardin, Preble, Clinton, Brown, Fairfield. 523. Smilax herbacea L. Common Carrion-flower. General. 524. Smilax pseudo-china L. Long-stalked Greenbrier. Erie, Vin- ton, Brown. 525. Smilax hispida Muhl. Hispid Greenbrier. General. 526. Smilax glauca Walt. Glaucous Greenbrier. Southeastern part of the state to Clermont, Warren, Fairfield, Knox, and Sum- mit Counties ; also in Lucas County. 527. Smilax rotundifolia L. Roundleaf Greenbrier. Lawrence, Hocking, Fairfield, Licking, Belmont, Lorain, Cuyahoga. Pontederiaceae. Pickerel-weed Family. 528. Pontederia cordata L. Pickerel -weed. From Licking and Perry northeast; also in Defiance, Fulton, Lucas, and Erie. 529. Heteranthera dubia (Jacq.) MacM. Water-stargrass. Rather general. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 159 Commelinaceae. Spiderwort Family. 530. Tradescantia retlexa Raf. Keflexed Spidenvort. Ashtabula, Erie, Mahoning, Richland, Coshocton, Licking, Franklin, Auglaize. 531. Tradescantia virginiana L. Virginia Spiderwort. General as far north as Auglaize and Stark. 532. Tradescantia pilosa Lehm. Zigzag Spiderwort. Hamilton, Cler- mont, Montgomery. 533. Commelina virginica L. Virginia Day-flower. Clermont, Mont- gomery, Lake. Juncaceae. Eush Family. 534. Juncus effusus L. Common Rush. General. 535. Juncus ballicus Willd. Baltic Rush. Erie County. 536. Juncus gerardi Lois. Gerard's Rush. Cuyahoga County. 537. Juncus dudleyi Wieg. Dudley's Rush. Montgomery, Clinton, Champaign, Delaware, Licking, Tuscarawas. 538. Juncus tenuis Willd. Slender Rush. General. 539. Juncus bufonius L. Toad Rush. Williams, Lucas, Lorain, Licking. 540. Juncus monostichus Bartl. One-ranked Rush. Trumbull County. 541. Juncus aristulatus Mx. Small-headed Grass-leaf Rush. Fair- field, Wayne, Summit. 542. Juncus marginatus Rostk. Grass-leaf Rush. Cuyahoga County. 543. Juncus alpinus Vill. Richardson's Rush. Cuyahoga County. 544. Juncus articulatus L. Jointed Rush. Cuyahoga County. 545. Juncus torreyi Cov. Torrey's Rush. Adams, Madison, Wood, Erie, Cuyahoga. 546. Juncus nodosus L. Knotted Rush. Madison, Franklin, Cuya- hoga, Erie. 547. Juncus brachycephalus (Engelm.) Buch. Small-headed Rush. Erie, Cuyahoga, Franklin, Madison, Champaign. 548. Juncus acuminatus Mx. Sharp-fruited Rush. General. 540. Juncus canadensis J. Gay. Canada Rush. Cuyahoga, Geauga, Licking, ^Madison, Auglaize. 550. Juncus scirpoides Lam. Scirpus-like Rush. Erie County. 551. Juncoides carolinae (Wats.) Ktz. Hairy Wood-rush. Lucas, Cuyahoga, Trumbull, Mahoning, Hocking. 552. Juncoides campestre (L.) Ktz. Conuuon Wood-rush. General. 160 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Xyridaceae. Yellow-eyed-grass Family. 553. Xyris flexuosa Mubl. Slender Yellow-eyed-grass. Portage, Geauga. Eriocaulaceae. Pipewort Family. 554. Eriocaulon septangulare With. Seven-angled Pipewort. Sum- ]nit County. Order, Iridales. Amaryllidaceae. Amaryllis Family. 555. Manfreda virginica (L.) Salisb. False Aloe. Lawrence County. 556. Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Cov. Yellow Stargrass. General. Iridaceae. Iris Family. 557. Iris versicolor L. Large Blue-flag. General. 558. Iris cristata Ait. Crested Dwarf Iris. Lawrence, Adams, Scioto, Pike, Ross, Jackson, Yinton, Hocking, Cuyahoga, Trumbull. 559. Gemmingia chinensis (L.) Ktz. Blackberry-lily. From Asia. Franklin County. 560. Crocus verna L. Crocus. Escaped in Lake County. 561. Sisyrinchium angustifolium Mill. Pointed Blue-eyed-grass. Rather general. 562. Sisyrinchium graminoides Bickn. Stout Blue-eyed-grass. Gen- eral. Dioscoreaceae. Yam Family. 563. Dioscorea villosa L. Wild Yam. General. 563.1. Dioscorea bulbifera L. Air Potato (Yam). Escaped from gar- dens in Madison County. Order, Orchidales. Orchidaceae. Orchid Family. Subfamily, cypripediatae. 564. Cypripedium reginae Walt. Showy Lady's-slipper. Fulton, Champaign, Lucas, Geauga, Portage, Muskingum. 565. Cypripedium candidum Willd. White Lady's-slipper. Wyan- dot, Erie, Montgomery. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 101 566. Cypripediiim parviflorum Salisb. Yellow Lady's-slipper. Gen- eral. 567. Fissipes acaulis (Ait.) Small. Moccasin-flower. Medina, Por- tage, Hocking, Fairfield, Stark, Cuyahoga. Subfamily, orchidatae. 568. Galeorchis spectabilis (L.) Rydb. Showy Orchis. General. 569. Perularia flava (L.) Farw. Tubercled Orchis. General. 570. Coeloglossum bracteatum (Willd.) Pari. Long-bracted Orchis. Lucas, Lorain, Medina, Portage, Franklin, Butler, Auglaize. 571. Gymnadeniopsis clavellata (Mx. ) Eydb. Green Wood-orchis. Geauga, Trumbull, Portage, Summit, Richland, Licking, Champaign. 572. Limnorchis hyperborea (L.) Rydb. Tall Bog-orchis. Stark County. 573. Lysias orbiculata (Pursh.) Rydb. Large Roundleaf Orchis. Cuyahoga, Geauga, Wayne. 574. Lysias hookeriana (Gr.) Rydb. Hooker's Orchis. Medina County. 575. Blepharigiottis ciliaris (L.) Rydb. Yellow Fringed-orchis. Ful- ton County. 576. Blepharigiottis blepharigiottis (Willd.) Rydb. White Fringed- orchis. Geauga, Portage. 577. Blepharigiottis lacera (Mx.) Farw. Ragged Fringed-orchis. Cuyahoga, Portage, Crawford, Richland, Wayne, Holmes, Stark, Licking, Fairfield. 578. Blepharigiottis leucophaea (Nutt.) Farw. Prairie Fringed- orchis. Auglaize County. 579. Blepharigiottis psycodes (L.) Rydb. Smaller Purple Fringed- orchis. Rather general. 579a. Blephaiiglottis psycodes grandiflora (Bigel.). Portage County (R. J. Webb). 580. Blepharigiottis peramoena (Gr.) Rydb. Fringeless Purple Orchis. Perry, Gallia, Clermont, Wayne, Hocking. 58L Pogonia ophioglossoides (L.) Ker. Rose Pogonia. Lucas, Cuya- hoga, Geauga, Ashland, Portage, Richland, Licking, Lorain, Holmes. 582. Isotria verticillata (Willd.) Raf. Wliorled Tsoli-ia. Defiance, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Medina, Coshocton, Fairfield. 162 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 583. Triphora triaiitliophora (Sw.) Rydb. Nodding Triphora. Hu- ron, Cuyahoga, Wayne, Summit, Stark, Licking, Franklin, Ross, Clark. 584. Arethusa bulbosa L. Arethusa. Licking, Portage. 585. Limodorum tuberosum L. Limodorum. Fulton, Lucas, Erie, Geauga, Portage, Summit, Ashland, Stark, Clark, Fairfield, Licking, Wayne. 586. Ibidium strictum (Rydb.) House. Hooded Lady's-tresses. Ash- tabula County. 587. Ibidium plantagineum (Raf.) House. Broadleaf Lady's-tresses. Medina, Portage. 588. Ibidium cernuum (L.) House. Nodding Lady's-tresses. Erie, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Medina, Portage, Stark, Lake, Licking. 589. Ibidium ovale (Lindl.) House. Small-flowered Lady's-tresses. No specimens. 590. Ibidium praecox (Walt.) House. Grass-leaf Lady's-tresses. Wayne County. 591. Ibidium beckii (Lindl.) House. Little Lady's-tresses. Fairfield County. 592. Ibidium gracile (Bigel.) House. Slender Lady's-tresses. Erie, Cuyahoga, Lake, Licking, Muskingum, Fairfield, Hocking, Adams, Gallia, Morgan. 593. Peramium pubescens (Willd.) MacM. Downy Rattlesnake- plantain. Adams, Hocking, Lake, Fairfield, Highland, Wayne, Noble, Portage. 594. Malaxis unifolia Mx. Green Addermouth. Fairfield, Hocking, Wayne. 595. Liparis liliifolia (L.) Rich. Large Twayblade. Portage, Frank- lin, Fairfield, Clark, Wayne. 596. Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich. Fen Twayblade. Champaign, Cuya- hoga, Summit, Stark. 597. Tipularia unifolia (Muhl.) B. S. P. Crane-fly Orchis. Medina, (Lorain, Cuyahoga — Oberlin College Herbarium). 598. Aplectrum hyemale (Muhl.) Torr. Putty-root. General. 599. Corallorrhiza eorallorrhiza (L.) Karst. Early Coral-root. No specimens. 600. Corallonhiza mficu'.uta Kaf. Large Coral-root. Eiie, Huron, Cuyahoga, Wayne, Fail field, Franklin, Gallia, Noble. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 16.3 601. Corallorrhiza wisteriaiia Conrad. Wister's Coral-root. Hamil- ton, Lawrence. 602. Corallorrhiza odontorhiza (Willd.) Nutt. Small-flowered Coral- root. Erie, Cuyahoga, Stark, Licking, Fairfield, Madison. Class, DicoTYLAE. Dieotyls. Subclass, THALAMIFLORAE. Order, Ranales. Mag-noliaceae. Magnolia Family. 603. Magnolia acuminata L. Cucumber Magnolia. Eastern half of state, west to Lorain and Madison Counties. 604. Magnolia tripetala L. Umbrella Magnolia. Scioto County. 605. Liriodendron tulipifera L. Tuliptree. General. Anonaceae. Custard-apple Family. 606. Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal. Papaw. General. Ranunculaceae. Crowfoot Family. 607. Ranunculus abortivus L. Kindney-leaf Crowfoot. General and abundant. 608. Ranunculus micranthus Nutt. Rock Crowfoot. Clermont County. 609. Ranunculus sceleratus L. Celery-leaf Crowfoot. Rather general. 610. Ranunculus recurvatus Poir. Hooked Crowfoot. General and abundant. 611. Ranunculus acris L. Tall Buttercup. Rather general excejit in the southern part. From Europe. 612. Ranunculus bulbosus L. Bulbous Buttercup. Columbiana County. From Europe. 613. Ranunculus pennsylvanicus L. f. Bristly Buttercup. Lucas, Ottawa, Cuyahoga, Lake, Wayne, Licking, Fairfield, Perry. 614. Ranunculus repens L. Creeping Buttercup. Scioto, Columbi- ana. From Europe. 615. Ranunculus septentrionalis Poir. Swamp Buttercup. General and abundant. 616. Ranunculus hispidus IMx. Hispid Buttercup. General. 617. Ranunculus faseicularis Muhl, Tufted Buttercup. Lucas, Ot- tawa, Cuyahoga. 164 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURA^EY 618. Ranunculus arvensis L. Corn Crowfoot. No specimens. From Europe. 619. Ranunculus obtusiusculus Raf. Lance-leaf Buttercup. Jack- son, Franklin, Licking, Erie, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Lake, Ash- tabula. 620. Ranunculus delphinifolius Torr. Yellow Water-crowfoot. Northwestern fourth of state to Huron and Madison Coun- ties; also in Ashtabula County. 621. Ficaria ficaria (L.) Karst. Golden-cup. Lake County. From Europe. 622. Batrachium trichophyllum (Chaix.) Schultz. White Water- crowfoot. Rather general. 623. Batrachium circinatum (Sibth.) Rchb. Circinate White Water- crowfoot. Licking, Defiance. 624. Trollius laxus Salisb. American Globe-flower. Columbiana, Stark. 625. Helleborus viridis L. Green Hellebore. Gallia, Miami, Franklin, Stark. From Europe. 626. Nigella damascena L. Love-in-a-mist. Hamilton County. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium.) Escaped from gardens. 627. Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. Gold-thread. Defiance, Portage, Summit, Stark, Geauga. 628. Aquilegia canadensis L. Wild Columbine. General. 629. Aquilegia vulgaris L. European Columbine. Escaped in Fulton County. 630. Aconitum noveboracense Gr. New York Monkshood. Summit, Portage. 631. Delphinium tricorne Mx. Dwarf Larkspur. Southern half of the state; also in Columbiana County. 632. Delphinium exaltatum Ait. Tall Larkspur. Stark, Franklin. 633. Delphinium ajacis L. Garden Larkspur. General. Naturalized from Europe. 634. Anemone cylindrica Gr. Long-fruited Anemone. Wood, Otta- wa, Erie. 635. Anemone virginiana L. Virginia Anemone. General. 636. Anemone canadensis L. Canada Anemone. General. 637. Anemone quinquefolia L. Wind-flower. General except south- ern and southeastern narts of the state. 638. Hepatica hepatica (L.) Karst. Roundlobed Liver-loaf. General. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 165 639. Hepatica acutiloba DC. Sharplobed Liver-leaf. General. 640. Clematis virginiana L. Virginia Virgin 's-bower. General. 641. Viorna viorna (L.) Small. Leather-flower. Southern half of Ohio ; also in Auglaize County. 642. Caltha palustris L. Marsh-marigold. General. 643. Hydrastis canadensis L. Golden-seal. General. 644. Actaea rubra (Ait.) Willd. Red Baneberry. Erie, Sandusky. 645. Actaea alba (L.) Mill. White Baneberry. General. 646. Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt. Black Cohosh. Eastern half of state to Erie, Fairfield, and Clermont Counties. 647. Syndesmon thalietroides (L.) Iloffm. Rue-anemone. General and abundant. 648. Isopyrum biternatum (Raf.) T. & G. False Rue-anemone. Southwestern fourth of state ; also in Cuyahoga County. 649. Thalictrum dioicum L. Early Meadow-rue. General. 650. Thalictrum dasycarpum Fisch & Lall. Purplish Meadow-rue. General. 651. Thalictrum polygamum Muhl. Fall Meadow-rue. Rather gen- eral. Parnissiaceae. Grass-of-Parnassus Family. 652. Pai-nassia caroliniana Mx. Carolina Grass-of-Parnassus. Rather general. Ceratophyllaceae. Ilornleaf Family. 653. Ceratophyllum dcmei-sum L. Hornleaf. General. Berberidaceae. Barberry Fannly. 654. Podophyllum peltatum L. May-apple. General and abundant. 655. Jef rsonia diphylla (L.) Pers. Twinleaf. General. 656. Caulophjdlum thalietroides (L.) Mx. Blue Cohosh. General. 657. Berberis vulgaris L. Common Barberry. Escaped rather gen- erally. 658. Odostemon aciuifolium (Pursli.) Kydb. Tailing Mahonia. Es- caped in Lake County. Menispermaceae. Moonsced Family. 659. Menispcniimii canadcnsr L. ]\Ioonseed. General and abundant. 166 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Lauraceae. Laurel Family. 660. Sassafras sassafras (L.) Karst. Sassafras. General. 661. Benzoin aestivale (L.) Nees. Spicebush. General. Order, Sarraceniales. Sarraceniaceae. Piteher-plant Family. 662. Sarraceuia purpurea L. Pitcher-plant. Geauga, Summit, Ashta- bula, Wayne, Richland, Defiance, Williams. Droseraceae. Sundew Family. 663. Drosera rotundifolia L. Roundleaf Sundew. Licking, Wayne, Portage, Stark, Geauga, Ashtabula. 664. Drosera intermedia Hayne. Spatulate Sundew. Wayne County. Order, Brassicales. Papaveraceae. Poppy Family. 665. Papaver somniferum L. Opium Poppy. No specimens. From Europe. 666. Papaver rhoeas L. Field Poppy. Ashtabula County. From Europe. 667. Papaver dubium L. Corn Poppy. No specimens. From Europe. 668. Papaver argemone L. Rough-fruited Poppy. (Erie County- Moseley Herbarium.) From Europe. 669. Argemone mexicana L. Mexican Prickly-poppy. Franklin County. From tropical America. 670. Sanguinaria canadensis L. Bloodroot. General and abundant. 671. Stylophorum diphyllum (Mx.) Nutt. Yellow Poppy. Southern half of state. 672. Macleya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. Macleya. Escaped in Madison and Franklin Counties. 673. Chelidonium majus L. Celandine. General. From Europe. Fumariaceae. Fumitory Family. 674. Bicuculla cucullaria (L.) Millsp. Dutchman 's-breeches. Gen- eral. 675. Bicuculla canadensis (Goldie) Millsp. S(iuirrel-corn. General. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 167 676. Adluniia fungosa (Ait.) Greene. Climbing Fumitory. Lorain, Cuyahoga, Lake, Summit, Belmont. 677. Capnoides sempervirens (L.) Borck. Pink Corydalis. Fairfield, Knox, Portage. 678. Capnoides flavulum (Raf.) Ktz. Pale Corydalis. Southwestern fourth of state; also in Ottawa and Erie Counties. 679. Capnoides aureuni (Willd.) Ktz. Golden Corydalis. (Ottawa County — Moseley Herbarium. ) 680. Fumaria offlcinalis L. Common Fumitory. Columbiana County. From Europe. 681. Fumaria i^arvitlora Lam. Small-flowered Fumitory. Introduced in Lake County. Brassicaceae. ^Mustard Family, 682. Berteroa incana (L.) DC. Hoary Berteroa. No specimens. From Europe. 683. Koniga maritima (L.) R. Br. Sweet Alyssum. Erie County. Escaped. 684. Alyssum alyssoides L. Yellow Alyssum. Sandusky County. From Europe. 685. Draba verna L. Vernal Whitlow-grass. Southern half of state ; also in Portage County. From Europe. 686. Draba caroliniana Walt. Carolina Whitlow-grass. Adams, Clark, Erie, Ottawa. 687. Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz. Common False-flax. Sandusky, Auglaize, Miami, Montgomery, Franklin. From Europe. 688. Camelina microcarpa Andrz. Small-fruited False-flax. Clark County. From Europe. 689. Bursa bursa-pastoris (L.) Britt. Shepherd 's-purse. General and abundant. From Europe. 690. Neslia paniculata (L.) Desv. Ball-mustard. Escaped in Lake County. 691. Armoracia armoracia (L.) Britt. Horsei-adish. General. From Europe. 692. Neobeckia acjuatica (Eat.) Britt. Lake Water-cress. Lucas, Coshocton, Licking, Perry, Madison. 693. Sisymbrium nasturtium-ariuaticum L. True Water-cress. Ixathor general. From Europe. 168 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 69-1. Radicula hispida (Desv.) Britt. Hispid Yellow-cvess. Monroe, Shelby, Logan, Ottawa, Erie, Huron, Cuyahoga, Summit. 695. Radicula palustris (L.) Moench. Marsh Yellow-cress. General. 696. Radicula sylvestris (L.) Druce. Creeping Yellow-cress. Lucas, Erie, Cuyahoga. From Europe. 697. Lepidium ruderale L. Roadside Peppergrass. No specimens. From Europe. 698. Lepidium virginicum L. Virginia Peppergrass. General and abundant. 699. Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. Wild Peppergrass. Auglaize, Champaign, Franklin, Fayette, Wayne, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Lake. 700. Lepidium draba L. Hoary Pejipergrass. Lucas County. Fi-om Europe. 701. Lepidium campestre (L.) R. Br. Field Peppergrass. Rather general. From Europe. 702. Carara didyma (L.) Britt. Lesser Wart-cress. Lake Covinty. Escaped. 703. Thlaspi arvense L. Field Penny-cress. Cuyahoga, Henry. From Europe. 704. Myagrum perfoliatum L. Myagrum. Lake County. From Europe. 705. Alliaria alliaria (L.) Britt. Garlic Mustard. (Erie County— Moseley Herbarium.) From Europe. 706. Sophia pinnata (Walt.) Howell. Pinnate Tanzy-mustard. Ham- ilton, Montgomery, Miami, Ottawa, Jackson. 707. Sophia incisa (Eng.) Greene. Western Tanzy-mustard. Miami, Portage. 708. Cheirinia cheiranthoides (L.) Link. Worm-seed Mustard. Ham- ilton, Lucas, Lake, Portage. 709. Cheirinia repanda (Jj.) Link. Repand Cheirinia. Logan, Erie. From Europe. 710. Cheirinia aspera (DC.) Britt. Western Cheirinia. Franklin County. 711. Erysimum officinale L. Hedge-mustard. General and abundant. From Europe. 712. Norta altissima (L.) Britt. Tall Hedge-mustard. Lake, Cuya- hoga, Erie, Ottawa, Wayne, Jackson, Greene, Belmont, Por- tage. From Euroi^e. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 169 713. Norta irio (L.) Britt. Loiigleaf Hedge-mnstard. Portage County. Introduced. 71-1. Conringia orientalis (L.) Dum. Hare's-ear Mustard. Lake, Cuyahoga, Geauga. From Europe. 715. Hesperis matronalis L. Dame's Rocket. Hamilton, Franklin, Portage. From Europe. 716. Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Li^tt. Mouse-ear Cress. Clinton, Montgomery, Lucas, Asthtabula. From Europe. 717. Barbarea barbarea (L.) MacM. Yellow Winter-ci-ess. General. From Europe. 718. Barbarea stricta Andrz. Erect Winter-cress. Erie County. From Europe. 719. Barbarea verna (Mill.) Aschers. Early Winter-cress. Belmont, Portage, Harrison, Preble. From Europe. 720. lodanthus pinnatifidus (Mx.) Steud. Purple Rocket. Rather general. 721. Arabis dentata T. & G. Toothed Rock-cress. Rather general. 722. Arabis j^atens Sull. Spreading Rock-cress. Franklin County. 723. Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. Hairy Rock-cress. Rather general. 724. Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh. Tower Mustard. Hamilton, Frank- lin, Auglaize, Lucas, Richland, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Belmont. 725. Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir. Smooth Rock-cress. General. 726. Arabis canadensis L. Sickle-pod Rock-grass. General. 727. Arabis virginica (L.) Trel. Virginia Rock-cress. Clermont. Lawrence, Clark. 728. Arabis lyrata L. Lyre-leaf Rock-cress. Pike, Muskingum, Aug- laize. Wood, Erie. 729. Arabis (Iruimnondii Gr. Drummond's Rock-cress. No specimens. 730. Arabis bracliycarpa (T. & G.) Britt. Purple Rock-cress. Erie, Ottawa. 731. Cardamine douglassii (Torr.) Britt. Purpk' Bitter-cress. Gen- eral and abundant. 732. Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb.) B. S. P. Bulbous Bitter-cress. General. 733. Cardamine rotundifolia Mx. Roundleaf Bitter-cress. Belmont, Noble. 734. Cardamine ])ratensis L. Meadow Bitter-cress. Portage County. 735. Cardamine liii-suta L. Hairv Bitter-cress. Lake Count v. 170 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 736. Cardamine pennsylvanica Mulil. Pennsylvania Bitter-cress. General. 737. Cardamine arenicola Britt. Sand Bitter-cress. Lake County. 738. Cardamine parviflora L. Small-flowered Bitter-cress. Law- rence, Hocking, Fairfield, Delaware. 739. Dentaria dipylla Mx. Two-leaf Toothwort. Eastern half of state. 740. Dentaria maxima Niitt. Large Toothwort. No specimens. 741. Dentaria heterophylla Nntt. Slender Toothwort. Auglaize, Hocking, Vinton, Belmont, Clermont. 742. Dentaria laciniata Muhl. Cutleaf Toothwort. General and abundant. 743. Sinapis alba L. White Mustard. Lucas County. From Europe. 744. Sinapis arvensis L. Corn Mustard. General except in the southern part. From Europe. 745. Brassica nigra (L.) Koch. Black Mustard. General and abun- dant. From Europe. 746. Brassica juncea (L.) Cosson. Indian Mustard. "Wayne, Por- tage. From Asia. 747. Brassica campestris L. Common Turnip. Miami, Auglaize, Franklin, Wayne. From Europe. 748. Brassica napus L. Rape. Franklin County. Introduced. 749. Brassica oleracea L. Cabbage. No specimens. Spontaneous after cultivation. 750. Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC. Sand Rocket. Cuyahoga County. From Europe. 751. Raphanus raphanistrum L. Wild Radish. Lake County. From Europe. 752. Raphanus sativus L. Garden Radish. Rather general. Sponta- neous after cultivation. 753. Cakile edentula (Bigel.) Hook. Sea Rocket. Ashtabula, Lake, Cuyahoga, Erie. Capparidaceae. Caper Family. 754. Polanisia graveolens Raf. Clammy- weed. Hamilton, Clermont, Warren, Montgomery, Greene, Ross, Monroe, Erie, Cuyahoga. 755. Cleome spinosa L. Spider-flower. Montgomery, Cuyahoga. From tropical America. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 171 Resedaceae. Mignonette Family. 756. Reseda luteola L. Dyer's Mignonette. Licking, Belmont. From Europe. 757. Reseda alba L. "White Mignonette. Cuyahoga County. From Europe. Order, Geraniales. Geraniaceae. Geranium Family. 758. Geranium maculatiun L. Wild Crane's-bill. General and abun- dant. 759. Geranium columbinum L. Long-stalked Crane's-bill. Lake County. From Europe. 760. Geranium carolinianum L. Carolina Crane's-bill. General. 761. Geranium molle L. Dove's-foot Crane's-bill. Madison, Lake. From Europe. 762. Geranium pusillum L. Small-flowered Crane's-bill. Cuyahoga, Lake, Ashtabula. From Europe. 763. Robertiella robertiana (L.) Hanks. Herb-Robert. North central counties. 764. Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Her. Stork's-bill. Auglaize, Lake. From Europe. Oxalidaceae. AVood-sorrel Family. 765. Oxalis grandis Small. Great Wood-sorrel. General except in the northwestern part of the state. 766. Oxalis cymosa Small. Tall Wood-sorrel. General and abundant. 767. Oxalis stricta L. Upright Wood-sorrel. General. 768. Oxalis brittoniae Small. Britton's Wood-sorrel. Franklin, Lake. 769. Oxalis rufa Small. Red Wood-sorrel. Franklin, Lake. 770. Oxalis corniculata L. Procumbent Wood-sorrel. JMonroe, Frank- lin, Lake. From tropical America. 771. Oxalis violacea L. Violet Wood-sorrel. Rather general. Limnanthaceae. False-mermaid Family. 772. Floerkea proserpinacoides Wilkl. False-mermaid. Rather general. 172 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Linaceae. Flax Family. 773. Linuni iisitatissiinum L. Common Flax. Rather general. In- troduced. 774. Linum perenne L. Perennial Flax. Escaped in Lake County. 775. Linum virginiauum L. Virginia Flax. Eastern half of state to Erie, Franklin, and Adams Counties. 776. Linum medium (Planch.) Britt. Stiff Flax. Erie County. 777. Linum sulcatum Ridd. Grooved Flax. Erie County. Balsaminaceae. Jewel-weed Family. 778. Lnpatiens pallida Nutt. Pale Touch-me-not. General. 779. Impatiens biflora Walt. Spotted Touch-me-not. General and abundant. Rutaceae. Rue Family. 780. Zanthoxylum amerieanum Mill. Prickly-ash. General in west- ern Ohio as far east as Huron and Licking Counties. 781. Ptelea trifoliata L. Ploptree. General. Simarubaceae. Ailanthus Family. 782. Ailanthus gladulosa Desf. Tree-of -heaven. General. Intro- duced. Polygalaceae. IMilkwort Family. 783. Polygala cruciata L. Crossleaf Milkwort. Gallia, Lucas. 784. Polygala verticillata L. Whorled Milkwort. General; no speci- mens from the western part of the state. 785. Polygala ambigua Nutt. Loose-spiked Milkwort. Rather general. 786. Polygala viridescens L. Purple Milk^rort. General. 787. Polygala senega L. Seneca Snakeroot. Rather general. 788. Polygala polygama Walt. Racemed ^Milkwort. Ashtabula, Cuy- ahoga, Lucas. 789. Polygala pauciflora Willd. Fringed Milkwort. Stai-k County. Euphorbiaceae. Spurge Family. 790. Phyllantluis earolinensis Walt. Carolina Phyllanthus. Hamil- ton, Warren. 791. Croton capitatus Mx. Capitate Croton. Hamilton, Franklin. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 173 792. Croton monanthogynus Mx. Single-fruited Croton. Franklin County. 793. Acalypha virginica L. Virginia Three-seeded Mercury. General. 794. Acalypha gracilens Gr. Slender Three-seeded Mercury. Rather general. 795. Acalypha ostryaefolia Ridd. Hornbeam Three-seeded Mercury. Washington County. 796. Mercurialis annua L. Mercury. Lake County. Introduced. 797. Ricinus communis L. Castor-oil-plant. Erie, Ottawa, Franklin. Escaped. 798. Poinsettia dentata (Mx.) Small. Toothed Spurge. Lake, Cuya- hoga, Ottawa, Lucas, Franklin, Greene, Warren, Hamilton. 799. Tithymalus lathyrus (L.) Hill. Caper Spurge. Hocking Coun- ty. From Europe. 800. Tithymalus obtusatus (Pursh) K. & G. Bluntleaf Spurge. Lucas, Wyandot, Auglaize, Jackson, Hamilton. 801. Tithymalus platyphyllus (L.) Hill. Broadleaf Spurge. Ash- talnila, Cuyahoga. From Europe. 802. Tithymalus helioscopia (L.) Hill. Sun Spurge. Lake County. From Europe. 803. Tithymalus cyparissias (L.) Hill. Cypress Spurge. General. From Europe. 804. Tithymalus peplus (L.) Hill. Petty Spurge. Clark, Erie, Sum- mit, Lake. From Europe. 805. Tithymalus eommutatus (Eng.) K. & G. Tinted Spurge. Gen- eral. 806. Tithymalus corollata (L.) K. & G. Flowering Spurge. General and abundant. 807. Dichroi)hyllum nuirginatum iPui'sii) K. & G. Snow-on-the- mountain. Lake, Cuyahoga, Erie, Auglaize, Franklin, Clark, Montgomery, Hamilton. From the West. 808. Chamaesyce preslii (Guss.) Arth. Nodding Spurge. General and abundant. 809. Chamaesyce rafines(|ui (Greene) Small. Hairy Spurge. Defi- ance, Vinton. 810. Chamaesyce humistrata (Eng.) Small. Hairy Spreading Spurge. Cuyahoga, Erie. Belmont, Champaign. 811. Chamaesyce macnlata (L.) Small. Spotted Spurge. TJatlu-r general. 174 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURA^EY 812. Chamaesvce polygonifolia (L.) Small. Knotweed Spurge. Erie, Cuyahoga, Lake. 813. Chamaesyce serpens. (H. B. K.) Small. Koundleaf Spurge. Ot- tawa County. Callitrichaceae. Water-starAvort Family. 814. Callitriche austini Eng. Terrestrial Water-starwort. Cuyahoga, Clermont. 815. Callitriche palustris L. Vernal Water-starwort. Auglaize, Lo- rain, Trumbull. 816. Callitriche heterophylla Pursh. Larger Water-starwort. Cuya- hoe-a County. -"&-• Order. MaJvaJes. Malvaceae. Mallow Family. 817. Malva sylvestris L. High ^Mallow. Cuyahoga, Auglaize. From Europe. 818. Malva rotuiidifolia L. Rouudleaf Mallow. General and abun- dant. From Europe. 819. Malva verticillata L. Curled Mallow. No specimens. From Europe. 820. Malva alcea L. European Mallow. Escaped in Cuyahoga Coun- ty. From Europe. 821. Malva moschata L. Musk Mallow. Northern part of the state, as far south as Muskingum County. From Europe. 822. Callirhoe involuerata (T. & G.) Gr. Purple Poppy-mallow. A waif in Franklin County. 823. Althaea officinalis L. Marsh-mallow. A waif in Scioto County. 824. Althaea rosea L. Hollyhock. Lucas, Erie, Madison, Brown, Montgomery, Scioto. Escaped from cultivation. 825. Sida spinosa L. Prickly Sida. Rather general. From the tropics. 826. Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby. Tall Sida. No specimens. 827. Napaea dioica L. Glade-mallow. Defiance, Clark, Madison, Franklin, Fairfield, Highland. 828. Abutilon abutilon (L.) Rusby. Velvet-leaf. General and abun- dant. From Asia. 829. Hibiscus moscheutos L. Swamp Rose-mallow. Ashtabula, Cuya- hoga, Erie, Wayne, Licking, Perry. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO I75 830. Hibiscus militaiis Car. Halberd-leaf Rose-mallow. Lucas, Paulding, Auglaize, Defiance, Shelby, Franklin. 831. Hibiscus trionuni L. Bladder Ketmia. General. From Europe. Tiliaceae. Linden Family. 832. Tilia americana L. American Linden. General and abundant. 833. Tilia lieteropliylla Vent. "White Linden. Hamilton, Scioto. 834. Tilia michauxii Nutt. Michaux's Linden. Xo specimens. Order, Violalcs. Hypericaceae. St. John's-wort Family. 835. Hypeiieum ascyron L. Great St. John's-wort. Rather general. 836. Hypericum kalmianuni L. Kalm's St. John's-wort. Ottawa, Erie, Summit. 837. Hypericum prolificum L. Shrubby St. John's-wort. Rather general. 838. Hypericum perforatum L. Common St. John's-wort. General. From Europe. 839. Hypericum punctatum Lam. Spotted St. John's-wort. General. 840. Hypei'icum cistifolium Lam. Round-iiodded St. John's-wort. Montgomery, Clermont, Franklin. 84L Hypericum ellipticum Hook. Ellii)tic-leaf St. John's-wort. Lake County. 842. Hypericum virgatum Lam. Virgate St. John's-wort. Jackson County. 843. Hypericum boreale (Britt.) Biekn. Northern St. John's-woi-t. Geauga, Defiance, Wayne. 844. Hypericum mutilum L. Small-flowered St. John's- woi-t. General. 845. Hypericum gymnanthum Eng. & Gr. Clasping-leaf St. John's- wort. Erie, Ottawa. 846. Hypericum majus (Gr.) Britt. Large Canadian St. John's-wort. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium.) 847. Hypericum canadense L. Canadian St. John's-wort.. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium. ) 848 Hypericum druiiunondii (Grev. & Hook.) T. & G. Dnnumond's St. John 's-Avort. Hamilton, Clermont, Ashtabula, Hocking. 849. Sarothra gentianoides L. Orange-grass. Erie, Gallia, Scioto. 850. Triadenum virginicum (L.) Raf. Marsh St. John's-wort. Cuya- hoga, Geauga, Erie, Huron, Wayne, Licking. 176 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 851. Ascyruui hypericoides L. St. Andrew 's-cross. Hamilton, Scioto, Lawrence, Gallia, Jackson, Hocking, Fairfield. Cistaceae. Rock-rose Family. 852. Crocanthemum majus (L.) Britt. Hoary Frostweed. Lucas, Portage, Fairfield. 853. Crocanthemum canadense (L.) Mx. Canada Frostweed. Erie, Lucas, Wood. 854. Lechea minor L. Thyme-leaf Pinweed. Jefferson, Hocking, Perry. 855. Lechea racemulosa Mx. Oblong-fruited Pinweed. Adams, Sci- oto, Jackson, Hocking, Fairfield, Licking, Lucas. 856. Lechea villosa Ell. Hairy Pinweed. Summit, Wayne, Erie, Lucas. 857. Lechea tenuifolia Mx. Narrow-leaf Pinweed. Lucas. 858. Lechea leggettii Britt & HoU. Leggett's Pinweed. No specimens. 859. Lechea stricta Legg. Prairie Pinweed. Portage County. Violaceae. Violet Family. 860. Cubeliura concolor (Forst.) Raf. Green Violet. Southern half of state to Auglaize, Licking, and Belmont Counties ; also in Lake County. 861. Viola canadensis L. Canada A^iolet. Southeastern half of state ; from Huron to Fairfield and Hamilton Counties. 862. Viola eriocarpa Schw. Smooth Yellow Violet. General. 863. Viola pubescens Ait. Hairy YelloW' Violet. General. 864. Viola hastata Mx. Halberd-leaf Yellow Violet. Cuyahoga, Lake, Portage, Columbiana, Belmont. 865. Viola striata Ait. Striped Violet. General and abundant. 866. Viola conspersa Reich. American Dog Violet. Lucas, Wyandot, Lorain, Portage, Trumlndl. 867. Viola rostrata Pursh. Long-sinu red Violet. Rather general. 868. Viola rafines(iuii Greene. Wild Ptuisy. Hamilton, ^Montgomery, Miami, Pike, Ross, Franklin. Ottawa, Erie, Lake. 869. Viola tricolor L. Garden Pansy. Cuyahoga, County. From Europe. 870. Viola odorata L. Sweet Violet. Lake, Franklin. From Europe. 871. Viola rotundifolia Mx. Roundleaf Violet. Ashtabula, Cuya- hoga, Tuscarawas, Hocking. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 177 872. Viola blaiula Willd. Sweet White Violet. Rather general. 873. Viola pallens (Banks) Brain. Woodland White Violet. Cuya- hoga, Hancock, Fairfield, Vinton. 874. Viola lanceolata L. Lanceleaf Violet. Lake, Fairfield. 875. Viola affinis Le C. Thinleaf Blue Violet. General and abundant. 876. Viola papilonacea Pursh. Common Blue Violet. General and abundant. 877. Viola liirsutula Brain. Southern Wood Violet. Hocking, Fair- field. 878. Viola sororia Willd. Woolly blue Violet. Lake, Portage, Bel- mont, Wood Warren, 879. Viola palmata L. Early Blue Violet. General and abundant. 880. Viola triloba Schw. Three-lobed Violet. Lake County. 881. Viola emarginata (Nutt.) Le Conte. Triangle-leaf Violet. Lake County. 882. Viola pedatifida Don. Larkspur Violet. Ottawa, Auglaize. 888. Viola fimbriatula Sm. Ovate-leaf Violet. Wood, Licking, Jeffer- son, Wayne, Portage, Cuyahoga, Lake. 884. Viola sagittata Ait. Arrowleaf Violet. Franklin, Fulton, Erie, Lorain, Cu.yahoga. 885. Viola pedata L. Birdfoot Violet. Lawrence, Scioto. Passifloraceae. Passionflower Family. 886. Passiflora lutea L. Yellow Passion-flower. Southern half of state to Darke and Franklin Counties. Subclass, CENTROSPERMAE. Order, Canjoph yllales. Caryophyllaceae. Pinlc Family. Subfamily, alsinatae. 887. Sagina procumbens L. Procumbent Pearlwort. Lake, Gallia. From Europe. 888. Sagina decumbens (Ell.) T. & G. Decumbent Pearlwort. Law- rence County. 88f). Ai-enaria serpyllifolia L. Thyiiic-h'af Sandwort. General. From Europe. 8!)0. Arena ria stricta Mx. Rock Sandwort. Ottawa, Erie, Cuyahoga, Clark, Franklin. 8i)l. Arenaria patula Mx. Pitcher's Sandwort. Montgomery County. 178 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURA^EY 892. Moehringia lateriflora (L.) Fenzl. Bluntleaf Moeringia. Otta- wa, Auglaize, Morrow, Perry, Franklin, Darke. 893. Holosteum nmbellatuin L. Jagged Chickweed. Hamilton County. From Europe. 894. Alsine aquatica (L.) Britt. Water Chickweed. Guernsey Coun- ty. From Europe. 895. Alsine media L. Common Chickweed. General and abundant. From Europe. 896. Alsine pubera (Mx.) Britt. Great Chickweed. Southern Ohio as far north as Preble and Fairfield Counties. 897. Alsine longifolia (Muhl.) Britt. Longleaf Stichwort. General. 898. Alsine graminea (L.) Britt. Lesser Stichwort. Cuyahoga, Aug- laize, Belmont. From Evirope. 899. Cerastium vulgatum L. Common Mouse-ear Chickweed. General. From Europe. 900. Cerastium longipedunculatum Muhl. Nodding Chickweed. Gen- eral. 901. Cerastium arvense L. Field Chickweed. Monroe, Trumbull, Ot- tawa, Sandusky, Miami. 901a. Cerastium arvense webbii Jennings. Cuyahoga Count3^ 902. Cerastium velutinum Raf. Barren Chickweed. Erie, Monroe. 903. Spergula arvensis L. Corn Spurry. Lake County. From Europe. 904. Tissa rubra (L.) Britt. Sand Spurry. Lake County. From Europe. Subfamily, caryophyllatae. 905. Agrostemma githago L. Corn Cockle. General. From Europe. 906. Lychnis coronaria (L.) Desv. Mullen Pink. Lake, Cuyahoga, Portage, Fairfield. From Europe. S07. Lychnis viscaria L. Viscid Lychnis. Lake County. Escaped. 908. Lychnis alba Mill. White Lychnis. Lake, Wayne, Xoble, Meigs. Fiom Europe. 909. Lychnis dioica L. Red Lychnis. From Eiiiojv.'. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium.) 910. Silene stellata (L.) Ait. Starry Campion. General. 911. Silene alba Muhl. White Campion. Butler, Clermont. 912. Silene latifolia (Mill.) Britt & Rend. Bladder Campion. Ei-ie County. From Europe. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO I79 913. Silene virginica L. Fire Pink. General. 914. Silene rotundifolia Nutt. Roiindleaf Catehfly. Hocking, Jack- son. 915. Silene armeria L. Sweet William Catehfly. Monroe, Licking, Cuyahoga, Lake. From Europe. 916. Silene noctiflora L. Xight-blooming Catehfly. Greene, Auglaize, Lucas, Sandusky, Erie, Cuyahoga, Lake, Belmont, Jefferson. From Europe. 917. Silen(^ dichotoma Ehrh. Forked Catehfly. Noble County, (Ot- tawa County — Moseley Herbarium). From Europe. 918. Silene conica L. Striate Catehfly. Sandusky County. From Europe. 919. Silene regia Sims. Royal Catehfly. Clark, Madison. 920. Silene caroliniana Walt. Carolina Catehfly. Washington, Mon- roe, Jefferson. 921. Silene antirrhina L. Sleepy Catehfly. General. 922. Saponaria officinalis L. Bouncing-Bet. General. From Europe. 923. Vaccaria vaccaria (L.) Britt. Cowherb. Ashtabula, Lake. From Europe. 924. Dianthus prolifer L. Proliferous Pink. Cuyahoga County. From Europe. 925. Dianthus armeria L. Deptford Pink. Jefferson, Gallia, Lick- ing. From Europe. 926. Dianthus deltoides L. Maiden Pink. Lake County. Escaped. 927. Dianthus barbatus L. Sweet William. Portage County. From Europe. Aizoaceae. Carpetweed Family. 928. Mollugo verticillata L. Carpetweed. General. From the South. 929 930 Portulacaceae. Purslane Family. Claytonia virginica L. Spring-beauty. General and abundant. Limnia perfoliata (Donn.) Haw. Spanish-lettuce. No specimens. From the West. 931. Portulaca oleracea L. Purslane. Hamilton, Fayette, Auglaize, Holmes, Huron, Erie, Franklin. From llie Southwest. 932. Portulaca gr;iiidifloi'a Hook. Garden Portulaca. Aughiize, P'raiikliti. Escaped. 180 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Nyctaginaceae. Fuui'-o "clock Family. 9C3. Allionia nyctaginea Mx. Heartleaf Umbrella-wort. Hamilton. Montgomery, Greene, Champaign, Monroe, Erie. From the West. 934. Allionia hirsuta Pursh. Hairy Umbrella-wort. Ashtabula County. From the West. 935. Mirabilis jalapa L. Four-o'clock. Persistent in Franklin County. Phytolaccaceae. Pokeweed Family. 936. Phytolacca americana L. Poki^weed. General and abundant. Order, Clioiopodiaks. Corrigiolaceae. Whitlow-wort Family. 937. Anychia polygonoides Raf. Forked Anychia. Southern part of state as far north as Franklin, Holmes, and Belmont Coun- ties ; also in Ottawa and Erie Counties. 938. Anychia canadensis (L.) B. S. P. Slender Anychia. General. 939. Scleranthus annuus L. Knawel. Lake County. From Europe. Amaranthaceae. Amaranth Family. 940. Celosia cristata L. Cock's-comb. Franklin County. Persistent. 941. Amaranthus retroflexus L. Rough Pigweed. General and abun- dant. From tropical America. 942. Amaranthus hybridus L. Slender Pigweed. General. From tropical America. 943. Amaranthus spinosus L. ►Spiny Amaranth. Southern half of state. From tropical America. 944. Amaranthus graecizans L. Tumble-weed (Amaranth). Western half of state, from Hamilton to Franklin and Lake Counties. 945. Amaranthus blitoides Wats. Mat Amaranth. General. From the West. 946. Acnida tuberculata Mocj. Tubercled Water-hemp. Rather gen- eral. 947. Acnida tamariscina (Xutt.) Wood. Western Water-hemp. Franklin, Clinton. From the West. 948. Iresine paniculata (L.) Ktz. Bloodleaf. No specimens. 949. Gomphrena globosa L. Globe-amaranth. Wood County. Es- caped from gardens. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 3 81 Chenopodiaceae. Goosefoot Family. 950. Chenopodiuiii album L. Lamb's-quarter. General and abundant. From Europe. 951. Chenopodinm glaucum L. Oakleaf Goosefoot. Summit, Erie, Ottawa, Lucas, Auglaize. From Europe. 952. Chenopodinm leptophyllum (Moq.) Nutt. Narrowleaf Goosefoot. Lake, Lorain. 953. Chenopodinm vulvaria L. Fetid Goosefoot. Lorain County. From Europe. 954. Chenopodinm polyspermnm L. Many-seeded Goosefoot. Lake County. From Europe. 955. Chenopodiiuii boscianum Moq. Bosc's Goosefoot. Washington, Meigs, Ross, Franklin, Miami, Ottawa, Erie. 956. Chenopodinm murale L. Nettle-leaf Goosefoot. Rather general. From Europe. 957. (-henopodium hybridum L. Maple-leaf Goosefoot. Rather gen- eral. 958. Chenopodinm botrys L. Feather Geranium. Rather general. From Europe. 959. Chenopodinm ambrosioides L. Mexican Tea. Rather general. From tropical America. 960. Blitum capitatnm L. Strawberry Blite. Summit County. 961. Spinacia oleracea L. Common Spinach. Lorain County. Es- caped from gardens. 962. Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng. ) Coult. Tumbleweed. Erie, Lake. From the West. 963. Kochia scoparia (L.) Roth. Mock-cypress. Morgan, Franklin, Cuyahoga. From Europe. 964. Atriplex hastata L. Halberd-leaf Orache. General. 965. Atriplex ros(^a L. Red Orache. Erie County. From Europe. 966. Salsola ])estifer Nels. Russian-thistle. Williams, Lucas, Aug- laize, Ottawa, Erie, Wayne, Cuyahoga, Lake, Portage. Prom Europe. Order, Poli/ffoiKih s. Polygonaceae. Buckwbeat Family. 967. Rumex altissimus Wood. Tall Dock. Rather general. 968. Rumex vertieillatus L. Swamp Dock. Rather general. 969. Rumex mexicanus Meisn. Willow-leaf Dock. Allen County. 182 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 970. Eumex patientia L. Patience Dock. From Europe. No speci- mens. 971. Rumex britannica L. Great Water Dock. Williams, Erie, Co- shocton, Licking, Franklin, Hocking, Champaign. 972. Rumex crispus L. Curled Dock. Naturalized from Europe. General and abundant. 973. Eumex conglomeratus Murr. Clustered Dock. Lake County. From Europe. 974. Rumex obtusifolius L. Broadleaf Dock. Naturalized from Europe. General and abundant. 975. Rumex acetosella L. Sheep Sorrel. General and abundant. From Europe. 976. Pleuropterus zuccarinii Small. Japanese Knotweed. Cuyahoga County. From Japan. 977. Tiniaria convolvulus (L.) W. & M. Black Bindweed. General. Naturalized from Europe. 978. Tiniaria scandeus (L.) Small. Climbing False Buckwheat. General. 979. Tiniaria dumetorum (L.) Opiz. Copse False Buckwheat. From Europe. (Erie, Ottawa — Moseley Herbarium.) 980. Tracaulon arifolium (L.) Raf. Halberd-leaf Tear-thumb. North- ern part of state as far south as Auglaize and Belmont Counties. 981. Tracaulon sagittatum (L.) Small. Arrow-leaf Tear-thumb. General. 982. Fagopyrum fagopyrum (L.) Karst. Buckwheat. From Europe. General. 983. Persicaria amphibia (L.) S. F. Gr. Water Persicaria. Summit, Fairfield, OttaAva, Stark, Franklin, Clark. 984. Persicaria mulilenbergii (Wats.) Small. Swamp Persicaria. Northern half of state to Shelby and Perry Counties. 985. Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) S. F. Gray. Pale Persicaria. Gen- eral. Naturalized from Europe. 986. Persicaria pennsylvanica (L.) Small. Pennsylvania Persicaria. General and abundant. 987. Persicaria careyi (Olney) Greene. Carey's Persicaria. Erie County. 988. Pei'sicaria persicaria (L.) Small. Lady's-thumb. General and abundant. Naturalized from Europe. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 1S3 Persiearia hvdropiperoides (Mx.) Small. Mild Smart weed. General. 990. Persiearia hydropiper (L.) Opiz. Water Smartweed. General. From Europe. 991. Persiearia punctata (Ell.) Small. Dotted Smartweed. General. 992. Persiearia orientalis (L.) Spach. Prince 's-feather. Lucas, Montgomery, Franklin, Hocking, Meigs, Scioto. Native of India. 993. Tovara virginiana (L.) Raf. Virginia Knotweed. General. 994. Polygonum aviculare L. Doorweed. General and abundant. 995. Polygonum buxiforme Small. Shore Knotweed. Wayne County. 996. Polygonum erectum L. Erect Knotweed. Lake, Richland, Franklin, Muskingum, Morgan, Hocking, Athens, Meigs, Warren, Clermont. 997. Polygoniun ramosissimum jMx. Bushy Knotweed. Lake, Frank- lin. Waifs from the West. 998. Polygonum tenue Mx. Slender Knotweed. Erie County. Order, Pi pf rales. Saururaceae. Lizard 's-tail Family. 999. Saururus cernuus L. Lizard 's-tail. General. Sul:claSS, CALYCIFLORAE. Order, Rosalcs. Rosaceae. Ross Family. Suljfamily, rosatae. 1000. Geum rivale L. Purple Avens. Chami)aign, Geauga. 1001. Geum canaadense Jacq. White Avens. General. 1002. Geum flavum (Port.) Bickn. Cream-colored Avens. No speci- mens. 1003. Geum virginianum L. Rough Avens. General. 1004:. Geum strictum Ait. Yellow Avens. Eastern half of state; also in Preble County. 1005. Geum vernum (Raf.) T. & G. Spring Avens. General. 1006. Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb. Slir-nbby Ciii(|uefoil. Rather general. 1007. Potentilla paradoxa Nutt. Bushy Cinquefoil. Erie County. 1008. Potentilla argentea L. Silvery Cinquefoil. Portage. Cuyahoga, Erie, Licking. 3 84 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 1009. Poteiitilla recta L. Upright Cinquefoil. Lake, Erie, Fi-aiiklin, Hocking. From Europe. 1010. Poteiitilla monspeliensis L. Rough Cinquefoil. General. 1011. Potentilla canadensis L. Common Five-finger. General and abundant. 1012. Potentilla puniila Poir. Dwarf Five-finger. Lake, Monroe, Vin- ton. 1013. Potentilla reptans L. European Five-finger. Lake County. From Europe. 1014. Argentina anserina (L.) Rydb. Silverweed. Cuyahoga, Lorain, Erie, Ottawa, Lucas, Hamilton. 1015. Comarum palustre L. Purple Mar.shlocks. Ashtabula, Lorain, Portage, Summit, Ashland, Stark, Licking. 1016. Drymocallis agrimonioides (Pursh.) Rydb. Tall Cinquefoil. Erie, Cuyahoga, Lake. 1017. Waldsteinia fragarioides (Mx.) Tratt. Dry Strawberry. Ash- tabula, Cuyahoga, Portage, Medina, Clark, Franklin, Greene. 1018. Fragaria americana (Port.) Britt. American Wood Strawberry. Rather general. 1019. Fi-agaria vesca L. Europtvan Wood Strawberry (white-fruited variety). Belmont, Hocking. From Europe. 1020. Fragaria virginiana Duch. Virginia Strawberry. General and abundant. 1021. Rubus frondosus Bigel. Leafy-finwered Blackberry. Lake, Co- lumbiana, Coshocton, Hancock, Gallia. 1022. Rubus alleghanieiisis Port. High Blackberry. General and abundant. 1023. Rubus procumbens Muhl. Common Dewberry. General. 1024. Rubus hispidus L. Hispid Dewberry. Ashtabula, Lake, Por- tage, Summit, Geauga, Cuyahoga, Lucas, Logan. 1025. Rubus occidentalis L. Black Raspberry. General and abundant. 1026. Rubus neglectus Peck. Purple Raspberry. Ashtabula, Stark, Defiance, Williams. 1027. Rubus strigosus Mx. Wild Red Raspberry. Summit, Erie, Clark. 1028. Rubus trifloi-us Richards. Dwarf Raspberry. Lake, Stark, Lucas, Wood, Sandusky, Wyandot, Cliampaign, Fairfield, Vinton, Brown. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 185 1029. Rubus phoenicolasius Max. Wineberry. Lake County. Es- caped from cultivation. 1030. Rubus odoratus L. Rose-flowered Raspberry. Lake, Cuyahoga, Ashtabula, Summit, Belmont, Jefferson, Monroe, Muskingum Fairfield. 1031. Porteranthus trifoliatus (L.) Bi-itt. Indian-physic. No speci- mens. 1032. Porteranthus stipulatus (Muhl.) Britt. American Ipecac. Southern Ohio to Clinton and Guernsey Counties. 1033. Schizonotus sorbifolius (L.) Lindl. Mountain-ash Spiraea. Lake Harrison. From Asia. 1034. Filipendula rubra (Hill.) Rob. Queen-of-the-prairie. Cuyahoga, Erie, Madison, Champaign, Holmes. 1035. Opulaster opulifolius (L.) Ktz. Ninebark. General. 1036. Spiraea alba DuRoi. Narrowleaf Spiraea. General. 1037. Spiraea tomcntosa L. Steeple-bush. Eastern half of state west to Cuyahoga, Fairfield, and Jackson Counties; also in Lucas County. Aruncus aruncus (L.) Karst. Aruncus. Southeastern part of state to Columbiana, Licking, and Scioto Counties. Dalibai-da repens L. Dalibarda. Ashtabula County. Rosa blanda Ait. Smooth Rose. Lake, Lorain, Erie, Williams, Mercer, Clinton, Clermont. 1041. Rosa Carolina L. Swamp Rose. General and abundant. 1042. Rosa virginiana Mill. Virginia Rose. General and abundant. 1043. Rosa rubiginosa L. Swetbi-iei- (Rose). General. From Euro])e. 1043. Rosa i-ubiginosa L. Sweetbrier (Rose). General. From Europe. 1044. Rosa gallica L. French Rose. Lake County. Escaped. 1046. Agrimonia parvilflora Sol. Small-flowered Agrimony. General. 1047. Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. Hairy Agrhuony. General. 1048. Agrimonia rostellata Wallr. Woodland Agrimony. Rather gen- eral. 1049. Agi-imonia striata Mx. Striate Agrimony. Clinton County. 1050. Agrimonia mollis (T. & G.) Britt. Soft Agrimony. Rather gen- eral. 1051. Sanguisorba canadensis L. American lUum-t. Lake, Cuyahoga, Stai-k, Miami, Champaign, Clark, Franklin. 1052. Potei-iu;ii sanguisoi'ba L. Garden Burnet. Lake County. Fi'om Eur()])e. 1038. 1039. 1040. 186 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Subfamily, malatae. 1053. Sorbus scopulina Greeue. Western Mountain-ash. Ashtabula, Ottawa. 1053.1. Sorbus aucuparia L. European Mountain-ash. Lake, Crawford, Escaped. 1054. Pyrus connnunis L. Pear. Ashtabula, Cuyahog, Summit, Preble, Franklin, Brown. From Europe. 1055. Mains glaucescens Rehd. American Crab-apple. General. 1056. ]\Ialus coronaria (L.) Mill. Narrow-leaf Crab-apple. Rather general. 1057. Malus mains (L.) Britt. Common Apple. General. From Eu- rope. 1058. Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Ell. Red Chokeberry. Ashtabula, Geauga, Stark, Licking, Wood. 1059. Aronia atropurpurea Britt. Purple Chokeberry. Licking County. 1060. Aronia melanocarpa (Mx.) Britt. Black Chokeberry. Rather general. 1061. Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Med. Common Juneberry. Gen- eral. 1062. Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh.) DC. Roundleaf Juneberry. Highland, Franklin, Erie, Lorain. 1063. Crataegus crus-galli L. Cockspur Hawthorn. General. 1064. Crataegus cuneiformis (Marsh.) Eggl. Marshall's Hawthorn. Rather general. 1065. Crataegus punctata Jacc]. Dotted Hawthorn. General. 1066. Crataegus margaretta Ashe. Margaret Hawthorn. From Adams, Franklin, and Lucas Counties westward. 1067. Crataegus succulenta Schrad. Long-spined Hawthorn. Gen- general. 1068. Crataegus calpodendron (Ehrh.) Medic. Pear Hawthorn. Gen- eral. 1069. Crataegus brainerdi Sarg. Brainerd's Hawthorn. Lucas, Rich- land. 1070. Crataegus chrysocarpa Ashe. Roundleaf Hawthurn. Williams County. 1071. Crataegus straminea Beadle. Allegheny Hawthorn. Knox, Franklin, Hocking. 1072. Crataegus boyntoni Beadle. Boynton's Hawthorn. Adams, Mor- gan, Noble, Guernsey, Tuscarawas. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 187 1073. Crataegus niacrosperma Ashe. Large-seeded Hawthorn. Gen- eral. J 074. Crataegus leiophylla Sarg. Maine's Hawthorn. Jefferson County. 1075. Crataegus beata Sarg. Dunbar's Hawthorn. Lucas, Brown. 1076. Crataegus pruinosa (Wendl.) Koch. Pruinose Hawthorn. Gen- eral. 1077. Crataegus pringlei Sarg. Pringle's Hawthorn. Williams County. 1078. Crataegus coccinea L. Scarlet Hawthorn. General, but no spec- imens from the northern counties. 1079. Crataegus albicans Ashe. Tatnall's Hawthorn. Brown, Ross, Jefferson, Ashtabula, Lake, Lucas. 1080. Crataegus mollis (T. & G.) Scheele. Do^^^ly Hawthorn. Gen- eral. 1081. Crataegus monogyna Jac(|. May Hawthorn. Williams, Lake, Cuyahoga, Medina, Franklin. From Europe. 1082. Crataegus phaenopyrum (L. f.) Medic. Washington Haw- thorn. Jefferson County. 1083. Cotoneaster pyracantha (L.) Spach. Fire-thorn. Franklin County. From Europe. Subfamily, amygdalatae. 1084. Pi-unus virginiana L. Black Cherry. (Padus). General and abundant. 1085. Prunus nana DuRoi. Choke Cherry. (Padus). Rather general. 1086. Prunus mahaleb L. ]\Iahaleb Cherry. Lake, Franklin. From Europe. 1087. Prunus pennsylvanica L. f. Red Cherry. Cuyahoga County. 1088. Prunus avium L. Sweet Cherry. Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Erie, Ottawa, Summit, Ross. From Europe. 1081). Prunus cerasus L. Sour Cherry. Cuyahoga, Summit, Jefferson, Gallia, Clinton. From Europe. 10!)0. Piunus euneata Raf. Appalachian Cherry. Xo specimens. 1001. Prunus pumila L. Sand Cherry. Erie County.] 1092. Prunus americana Marsh. Wild Plum. General and abundant. 1093. Amygdalus persica L. Peach. Rather general. Native of Asia. Fabaceae. [Jean Family. Subfamily, mimosatae. 1094. Aeuaii illinoensis (Mx.) Ktz. Illinois Acuan. Hamilton, Cler- mont, Ashtabula. 188 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Subfamily, cassIxVTAe. 1095. Cersis canadensis L. Redbud. Rather general, but no specimen from the northeastern counties except Carroll. 1096. Cassia marylandica L. Wild Senna. General. 1097. Cassia medsgeri Shaf. Medsger's Senna. Stark, Washington, Monroe, Franklin, Ottawa. 1098. Chamaecrista nictitans (L.) Moench. Sensitive-pea. Adams, Butler, Gallia, Scioto, Jackson, Hocking, Fairfield, Licking, Stark. 1099. Chamaecrista fasciculata (Mx.) Greene. Large-flowered Sensi- tive-pea. Rather general in western lialf of state; also in Lake County. 1100. Gleditsia triacanthos L. Honey-locust. General. 1101. Gymnocladus dioica (L.) Koch. Coffee-bean. General. Subfamily, fabatae. 1102. Baptisia australis (L.) R. Br. Blue Wild-indigo. Hamilton, Meigs, Monroe, Lake. 1103. Baptisia tinctoria (L.) R. Br. Yellow Wild-indigo. Trumbull, Lake, Portage, Cuyahoga, Erie, Lucas, Wood. 1104. Baptisia leucantha T. & G. Large White Wild-indigo. Franklin, Crawford, Erie, Defiance. 1105. Crotalaria sagittalis L. Rattlebox. Franklin County. A waif. 1106. Lupinus perennis L. Wild Lupine. Portage, Erie, Sandusky, Wood, Fulton. 1107. Medicago sativa L. Alfalfa. Rather general. From Europe. 1108. Medicago lupulina L. Hop Medic. General. From Europe. 1109. Medicago hispida Gaertn. Toothed Medic. Lake County. From Europe. 1110. Melilotus alba Desv. White Sweet-clover. General and abund- ant. From Europe. 1111. Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. Yellow Sweet-clover. Rather general. From Europe. 1112. Trifolium agrarium L. Yellow Hop Clover. Ashtabula, Lake, Cuyahoga, Knox, Clermont, From Europe. 1113. Trifolium procumbens L. Low Hop Clover. Lake, Cuyahoga, Ottawa, Franklin, Montgomery, Gallia. From Europe. 1114. Trifolium dubium Sibth. Least Hop Clover. Rather general. From Europ(\ VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 189 1115. Trifoliiini incarnatum L. Crimson Clover. Rather general. From Europe. 1116. Trifolium arvense L. Rabbit-foot Clover. Warren, Stark, Cuy- ahoga, Lake. From Europe. 1117. Trifolium pratense L. Red Clover. General and abundant. Naturalized from Europe. 1118. Trifolium reflexum L. Buffalo Clover. No specimens. 1119. Trifolium stolniferum Muhl. Running Buffalo Clover. Hamil- ton, Clermont, Butler, Clinton, Clark, Franklin. 1120. Trifolium hybridum L. Alsike Clover. General. Introduced from Europe. 1121. Trifolium repens L. White Clover. General and abuntdant. Naturalized from Europe. 1122. Lotus corniculatus L. Bird's-foot Trefoil. Lake County. From Europe. 1123. Hosackia americana (Nutt.) Piper. Prarie Bird's-foot. Tre- foil. Franklin county. A waif from the west. 1124. Psoralea stipulata T & G. Large-stipuled Psoralea. No speci- men. 1125. Psoralea peduncultata (Mill.) Yail. Long-peduncled Psoralea. Erie, Scioto, Lawrence. 1126. Psoralea onobrychis Nutt. Sainfoin Psoralea. In the south- western fourth of the state. 1127. Amorpha fruticosa L. False Indigo. Lucas County. 1128. Petalostemum purpureum (Vent.) Rydb. Violet Prairie-clover. A waif in Franklin County. 1129. Cracca virginiana I. Goat's-rue. Fulton, Lucas, Erie, Portage, Fairfield, Hocking, Washington, Jackson, Lawrence, Adams, Hamilton. 1130. Robinia pseudoacacia L. Common Locust. General. 1131. Robinia viscosa Vent. Clammy Locust. Ashtabula, Lake, Cuya- hoga, Fairfield. 3132. Astragalus carolinianus L. Carolina Milk-vetch. Rather general. 1133. Phaca neglecta T. & G. Cooper's Milk-vetch. Ashtabula, Cuy- ahoga, Hamilton. 1134. Coronilla varia L. CoroniHa. Lake, Brown. From Europe. 1135. Stylosanthes biflora (L.) B. S. P. Pencil-flower. Adams, Scioto, Lawrence, Gallia. Jackson, Hocking. 190 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 1136. Meibomia iiudiflora (L.) Ktz. Naked-flowered Tick-trefoil. Gen- eral. 1137. Meibomia grandiflora (Walt.) Ktz. Pointed-leaf Tick-trefoil. Greneral. 1138. Meibomia paiiciflora (Nutt.) Ktz. Few-flowered Tick-trefoil. Clermont, Clinton, Auglaize. 1139. Meibomia michanxii Vail. Prostrate Tick-trefoil. Rather gen- eral. 1140. Meibomia sessilifolia Torr.) Ktz. Sessile-leaf. Tick-trefoil. Erie, Wood. 1141. Meibomia canescens (L.) Ktz. Hoary Tick-trefoil. General. 1142. Meibomia bracteosa (Mx.) Ktz. Large-bracted Tick-trefoil. Rather general. 1143. Meibomia panicnlata (L.) Ktz. Panicled Tick-trefoil. General. 1144. Meibomia viridiflora (L.) Ktz. Velvet-leaf Tick-trefoil. Gallia, Hocking, Cuyahoga. 1145. Meibomia dillenii (Dark) Ktz. Dillen's Tick-trefoil. General. 1146. Meibomia illinoensis (Gr.) Ktz. Illinois Tick-trefoil. Erie, Ot- tawa, 1147. Meibomia canadensis (L.) Ktz. Canadian Tick-trefoil. Mont- gomery, Clark, Anglaize, Fulton, Wood, Erie, Cuyahoga. 1148. Meibomia rigida (Ell.) Ktz. Rigid Tick-trefoil. Paulding, Fair- field. 1149. Meibomia marylandica (L.) Ktz. Maryland Tick-trefoil. Hock- ing, Fairfield. 1150. Meibomia obtusa (Muhl.) Vail. Ciliate Tick-trefoil. Summit, Erie, Licking. 1151. Lespedeza repens (L.) Bart. Creeping Bush-clover. From Hocking, Franklin and Madison Counties southward ; also in Cuyahoga County. 1152. Lespedeza procumbens Mx. Trailing Bush-clover. Fairfield, Wayne, Greene. 1153. Lespedeza nuttallii Darl. Nuttall's Bush-clover. (Moseley her- barium— Erie County.) 1154. Lespedeza violacea (L.) Pers. Violet Bush-clover. Rather gen- eral but no specimen from the northeastern counties. 1155. Lespedeza stuvei Nutt. Stuve's Bush-clover. No specimens. (Moseley Herbarium — Erie County). VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 191 1156. Lespedeza frutescens (L.) Britt. Wand-like Bush-clover. Rather general. 1157. Lespedeza virginica (L.) Britt. Slender Bush-clover. Scioto, Franklin, Erie. 1158. Lespedeza siniulata Mack & Bush. Intermediate Bush-clover. No specimens. 1159. Lespedeza hirta (L.) Horn. Hairy Bush-clover. Rather general. 1160. Lespedeza capitata Mx. Round-headed Bush-clover. Defiance, Fulton, Wood, Ottawa, Erie, Cuyahoga, Franklin, Madison, Highland, Fairfield. 1161. Vicia cracca L. Cow Vetch. Cuyahoga, Lake, Columbiana, Wayne, Huron, Seneca. 1162. Vicia americana Muhl. American Vetch. Cuyahoga, Geauga, Erie, Ottawa, Lucas. 1163. Vicia caroliniana Walt. Carolina Vetch. In the northern and southern counties; also in Darke County. 1164. Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Moench. Slender Vetch. Lake County. From Europe. 1165. Vicia hirsuta (L.) Koch. Hairy Vetch. Lake, Sandusky, Knox, From Europe. 1166. Vicia sativa L. Common Vetch. Ottawa, Hamilton. From Europe. 1167. Vicia angustifolia L. Narrow-leaf Vetch. Lake County. From Europe. 1168. Lathyrus maritimus (L.) Bigel. Beach Pea. Ashtabula, Lake, Cuyahoga, Erie. 1169. Lathyrus venosus Muhl. Veiny Pea. Erie, Williams. 1170. Lathyrus palustris L. Marsh Pea. Lake, Cuyahoga, Summit, Wayne, Erie, Madison, Greene. 1171. Lathyrus myrtifolius Muhl. Myrtle-leaf Marsh Pea. Lake, Cuy- ahoga, Stark, Erie, Lucas, Defiance, Auglaize. 1172. Lathyrus ochroleucus Hook. Cream-colored Pea. Lake, Cu.va- hoga, Lorain, Ottawa. 1173. Lathyrus pratensis L. Meadow Pea. Lake County, Prom Europe. 1174. Dolichos lablab L. Hyacinth Bean. Franklin County. Escaped from gardens. 1175. Glycine apios L. Ground-nut. Rather general. 1176. Falcata comosa (L.) Kt/. Hog-peanut, General. 192 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1177. Falcata pitcheri (T. & G.) Ktz. Pitcher's Hog-peanut. Rather general. 1178. Phaseoliis polystachyus (L.) B. S. P. Wild Bean. No specimens. 1179. Phaseolus nanus L. Bush Bean. Auglaize County. Introduced. 1180. Strophostyles helvola (L.) Britt. Trailing Wild Bean. In the lake shore counties and from Hocking County southward; also in Tuscarawas County. Order, Saxifragales. Crassulaceae. Orpine Family. Subfamily, crassulatae. 1181. Sedum triphyllum (Haw.) S. F. Gr. Live-forever. Williams, Erie, Knox, Coshocton, Franklin. From Europe. 1182. Sedum telephioides Mx. American Orpine. Adams County. 1183. Sedum acre L. Wall-pepper. Franklin, Ottawa. From Europe. 1184. Sedum ternatum Mx. Wild Stonecrop. General. Subfamily, penthoratae. 1185. Penthorum sedoides L. Ditch Stonecrop. General and abundant. Podostemaceae. River- weed Family. 1186. Podostemon cei'atophyllum Mx. River-weed. No specimens. Saxifragaceae. Saxifrage Family. 1187. Micranthes pennsylvanica (L.) Haw. Pennsylvania Saxifrage. Fulton, Auglaize, Clark, Richland, Lorain, Geauga, Stark. 1188. Micranthes virginiensis (Mx.) Small. Early Saxifrage. Eastern half of state to Cuyahoga and Ross Counties; also in Ham- ilton County. 1189. Sullivantia sullivantii (T. & G.) Britt. SuUivantia. Adams, Highland, Hocking. 1190. Tiarella cordifolia L. False Mitrewort. Cuyahoga, Lorain, Hu- ron, Belmont, Gallia, Highland. 1191. Heuchera americana L. Alum-root. General and abundant. 1192. Mitella diphylla L. Two-leaf Bishop 's-cap. General. 1193. Chrysosplenium americanura Schw. Golden Saxifrage. Cuya- hoga, Belmont, Stark, Fairfield. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO I93 Order, TJnjmcIeales. Lythraceae. Loosestrife Family. 1194. Ammaimia coccinea Rottb. Longleaf Ammannia. Erie County. 1195. Rotala ramosior (L.) Koehne. Rotala. Hamilton, Licking, Ot- tawa. 1196. Decodonverticiilatus (L.) Ell. Swamp Loosestrife. Rather gen- eral. 1197. Lythrum alatum Pursh. Wing-angled Loosestrife. Rather gen- eral ; no specimens from the southeast. 1198. Lythrum salicaria L. Spiked Loosestrife. Lake, Cuyahoga. From Europe. 1199. Parsonsia petiolata (L.) Rusby. Blue Waxweed. Southern half of state; also in Cuyahoga and Wayne Counties. Melastomaceae. :\Ieadow-beauty Family. 1200. Rhexia virginica L. Virginia Meadow-beauty. Erie County. Thymeleaceae. Mezereum Family. 1201. Dirca palustris L. Leatherwood. Rather general. Elaeagnaceae. Oleaster Family. 1202. Lepargyraea canadensis (L.) Greene. Canadian Buffalo-berry. Erie, Cuyahoga, Lake. Order, Celastrales. Rhamnaceae. Buckthorn Family. 1203. Rhamnus cathartica L. Common Buckthorn. Greene County. From Europe. 1204. Rhamnus lanceolata Pursh. Lanceleaf Buckthorn. From Dehi- ware County southward and south west ward. 1205. Rhamnus alnifolia L'Her. Alderleaf Buckthorn. Lake, Cuya- hoga, Stark, Champaign. 1206. Rhamnus caroliniana Walt. Carolina Buckthorn. Adams County. 1207. C('?inothus americanus L. Common New Jersey Tea. Genei-al in eastern part of the state westward to Ottawa, Clark, Greene, and Adams Counties. 1208. Ceanothus ovatus Desf. Smaller New Jersey Tea. Ei-ie, Otta- \va, Crawford. 194 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURA^EY Vitaceae. Grai)e Family. 1209. Vitis laLiiisca L. Xortiiein Fox Grape. Rather general. 1210. Vitis aestivalis Mx. Summer Grape. General. 1211. Vitis bicolor LeC. Winter Grape. General in eastern part of state to Knox and Adams Counties ; also in "Williams County. 1212. Vitis vulpina L. Riverside Grape. General and abundant. 1213. Vitis cordifolia Mx. Frost Grape. Rather general. 1214. Ampelopsis cordata Mx. Heartleaf Ampelopsis. Scioto County. 1215. Parthenoeissus quiuquefolia (L.) Planch. Virginia Creeper. General and abundant. Celastraceae. Stafftree Family. 1216. Euonymus atroiuirpureus Jacq. Walioo. General and abun- dant. 1217. Euonymus europaeus L. Spindletree. Lake County. Escaped. 1218. Euonymus obovatus Nutt. Running Strawberry-bush. Rather general. 1219. Euonymus americanus L. American Strawberry-bush. No specimens. 1220. Celastrus scandens L. Waxwork. General. Ilicaceae. Holly Family. 1221. Nemopanthus mucronata (L.) Trel. Mountain Holly. Stark, Summit, Defiance, Williams. 1222. Ilex verticillata (L.) Gr. Winterberry. General. 1223. Ilex opaca Ait. American Holly. Lawrence County. Staphyleaceae. Bladdernut Family. 1224. Staphylea trifolia L. American Bladdernut. General and abundant. Order, Sapindales. Sapindaceae. Soap-berry Family. 1225. Cardiospermum halicacabum L. Balloon-vine. No specimens. Native of tropical America. Aesculaceae. Buckeye Family. 1226. Aesculus hippocastanum L. No specimens. Native of Asia. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 195 1227. Aesculus glabra Willd. Ohio Buckeye. General and abundant. 1228. Aesculus octandra Marsh. Yellow Buckeye. Southern part of the state, north to Monroe and Fairfield Counties, Aceraceae. ]\Iaple Famil3^ 1229. Acer spicatum Lam. Mountain Maple. From Lorain, Wayne, and Muskingum Counties eastward; also in Greene County. 1230. Acer saccharum Marsh. Sugar Maple. General and abundant. 1231. Acer nigrum Mx. Black Maple. General and abundant. 1232. Acer rubrum L. Red Maple. General. 1233. Acer saccharinura L, Silver Maple. General and abundant. 1234. Acer uegundo L. Boxelder. General and abundant. Anacardiaceae. Sumac Family, 1235. Rhus copallina L. Mountain Sumac. Rather general, but no specimens from the west central part of the state. 1236. Rhus hirta (L.) Sudw. Staghorn Sumac. Rather general. 1237. Rhus glabra L. Smooth Sumac. General and abundant. 1238. Schmaltzia crenata (Mill.) Greene. Fragrant Sumac. Western two-thirds of the state. 1239. Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Ktz. Poison Sumac. Geauga, Cuya- hoga, Lorain, Wayne, Wyandot, Licking, Fairfield. 1240. Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Ktz. Poison Ivy. General and abundant. 1241. Cotinus cotinus (L.) Sarg. European Smoketree. Escaped in Jefiferson County. Subclass AMENTIFERAE. Order, Platanales. Hamamelidaceae. AViteh-hazel Family. Subfamily, hamamelidatae. 1242. Hamamelis virginiana L. Witch-hazel. General, but no speci- mens from the west central counties. Subfamily, altingiatae, 1243. Liquidambar styraciflua L. Sweet-gum. Gallia, Lawrence, Sci- oto, Adams, Brown, Greene. ]96 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Platanaceae. Plane-tree Family. 1244. Plataiius occidentalis L. Sycamore. General and abundant. Order, Urticales. Ulmaceae. Elm Family. 1245. Ulmus amerieana L. White Elm. General and abundant. 1246. Ulmus thomasi Sarg. Cork Elm. Cuyahoga, Lorain, Ottawa, Huron, Hancock, Hardin, Logan, Franklin, Lawrence, Greene. 1247. Ulmus fulva Mx. Slippery Elm. General and abundant. 1248. Celtis occidentalis L. Common Hackberry. (Including C. cras- sifolia — young plants and vigorous shoots.) General and abundant, but no specimens from the extreme northeastern counties. Moraceae. IMulberry Family. Subfamily, moratae. 1249. Morus rubra L. Red IMulberry. General. 1250. Morus alba L. White Mulberry. Introduced. Erie, Lorain, ]\Iedina, Summit, Carroll, Montgomery, Clermont, Lawrence. 1251. Toxylon pomiferum Raf. Osage-orange. From the Southwest. General except in the northeastern counties. Subfamily, cannabinatae. 1252. Humulus lupulus L. Hop. General. Introduced. 1253. Humulus japonieus S. & Z. Japanese Hop. A waif in Lucas County. 1254. Cannabis sativa L. Hemp. Clermont, Greene, Franklin, Bel- mont, Coshocton, Holmes, Lucas. Introduced. Urticaceae. Nettle Family. 1255. Urtica dioica L. Stinging Nettle. From Europe. Jefferson, Cuyahoga, Lorain. 1256. LTrtica gracilis L. Slender Nettle. General. 1257. Urtica urens L. Small Nettle. From Europe. Lake County. 1258. Urticastrum divaricatum (L.) Ktz. Wood Nettle. General. 1259. Pilea pumila (L.) Gr. Clearweed. General. 1260. Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. False Nettle. General. 1261. Parietaria pennsylvanica Muhl. Pellitory. General. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 197 Order, Fagales. Fagaceae. Beech Family. 1262. Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. American Beech. General and abun- dant. 1263. Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkli. Chestnut. Eastern half of state to Lorain, Franklin, and Adams Counties. 1264. Quercus prinus L. Rock Chestnut Oak. Eastern and southern parts of the state to Cuyahoga, Fairfield, and Clermont Counties. 1265. Quercus muhlenbergii Engelm. Chestnut Oak. General, but no specimens east of Erie nor north of Muskingum and Monroe Counties. 1266. Quercus prinoides Willd. Scrub Chestnut Oak. Starke County. 1267. Quercus bicolor Willd. Swamp White Oak. General. 1268. Quercus alba L. White Oak. General and abundant. 1260. Quercus stellata Wang. Post Oak. From Madison and Morgan Counties southward. 1270 Quercus macrocarpa Mx. Bur Oak. General in the western half of the state to Erie, Franklin, and Fairfield Counties; also in Ashtabula and Belmont Counties. 1271. Quercus imbricaria Mx. Shingle Oak. General. 1271a. Quercus imbricaria X velutina. A hybrid in Hamilton, Lick- ing, Harrison, Erie and Lucas Counties. 1272. Quercus marilandica Muench. Black-jack (Oak). Adams; Law- rence. 1273. Quercus ilicifolia Wang. Bear Oak. No specimens. 1273.1. Ouercus triloba INlx. Spanish Oak. Lawrence County. 1274. Quercus velutina Lam. Quercitron Oak. General. 1275. Quercus coccinea Wang. Scarlet Oak. Hamilton, Auglaize, Fairfield, Franklin, Richland. 1276. Quercus rubra L. Red Oak. General and abundant. 1277. Quercus palustris DuRoi. Pin Oak. General. Betulaceae. Birch Family. 1278. Cai-piiuis caroliniana Wall. Blue-beech. General and abundant. 1279. Ostyra virginiana (Mill.) Willd. Hop-hornbeam. General and abundant. 1280. Corvlus americana Walt. Common Hazelnut. General. 198 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 1281. Betiila lenta L. Sweet Birch. Fairfield, Hocking, Adams, Scioto. 1282. Betula lutea Mx. f. Yellow Bircli. Ashtabula, Stark, Summit, Lake, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Wayne, Fairfield, Hocking. 1283. Betula nigra L. River Birch. From Fairfield and Perry Coun- ties southward. 1284. Betula alba L. European White Birch. Escaped in Lake County. 1285. Betula pumila L. Low Birch. Summit, Stark, Wyandot, Cham- paign. 1286. Alnus incana (L.) Willd. Hoary Alder. Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga. 1287. Alnus rugosa (DuRoi), Spreng. Smooth Alder. Eastern half of state, to Lorain, Fairfield and Scioto Counties. Juglandaceae. Walnut Family. 1288. Hicoria cordiformis (Wang.) Britt. Bitternut (Hickory). General and abundant. 1289 Hicoria microcarpa (Nutt.) Britt. Small Pignut (Hickory). General. 1290 Hicoria glaba (Mill.) Britt. Pignut (Hickory.) Rather gen- eral, but no speicmens from the west central part. 1291. Hicoria alba (L.) Britt. Mockernut (Hickory). Rather gen- eral, but no specimens from the extreme eastern and extreme western counties. 1292. Hicoria laciniosa (Mx. f.) Sarg. Shellbark (Hickory). Huron, Wyandot, Licking, Franklin, Pickaway, Scioto, Clermont. 1293. Hicoria ovata (Mill.) Britt. Shagbark (Hickory). General and abundant. 1294. Juglans nigra L. Black Walnut. General and abundant. 1295. Juglans cinerea L. Butternut. General, but no specimens from the northeastern counties. Myricaceae. Bayberry Family. 1296. Comptonia peregrina (L.) Coult. Comptonia. Lake, Erie, Port- age, Lucas, Fulton, Wood, Knox. Order, Sah'cales. Salicaceae. Willow Family. 1297. Populus alba L. White Poplar. General. Introduced. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 199 1298. Popiihis heterophyla L. Swamp Poplar. Lake, Huron, Rich- land, Williams, Auglaize, Shelby, Logan, Knox, Licking. 1299. Populus balsamifera L. Balsam Poplar. Huron, Ashtabula, Geauga, Carroll. 1299a. Populus balsamifera candicans (Ait.) Gr. Balm-of-Gilead. Preble, Clermont, Franklin, Hocking, Coshocton, Harrison, Jefferson, Lorain. Escaped from cultivation. 1300. Populus dt/^oides Marsh. Cottonwood. General. 1301. Populus italica Moench. Lombardy Poplar. Rather general; probably mostly planted. From Europe. 1302. Populus grandidentata Mx. Largetooth Aspen. General. 1303. Populus tremuloides Mx. American Aspen. General in the northern part of the state, south to Franklin and Hocking Counties, also in Adams County. 1304. Salix amygdaloides And. Peachleaf Willow. Northwestern half of state, from Ashtabula to Franklin Counties westward. 1305. Salix nigra Marsh. Black Willow. General and abundant. 1305a. Salix nigra X amygdaloides. Erie, Ashtabula. 1306. Salix lucida Muhl. Shining Willow. Northern part of state as far south as Logan and Knox Counties. 1307. Salix fragilis L. Crack Willow. General. From Europe. 1307a. Salix fragilis X alba. Franklin and Ottawa Counties. 1308. Salix pentandra L. Bayleaf Willow. Escaped in Franklin County. 1309. Salix alba L. White Willow. General. Native of Europe. 1309a. Salix alba X lucida. Ashtabula, Logan. 1309b. Salix alba X babylonica. Ashtabula County. 1310. Salix babylonica L. Weeping Willow. Native of Asia. Ashta- bula, Wayne. 1310a. Salix babylonica X fragilis. Erie County. 1311. Salix interior Rowlee. Sandbar Willow. General and abundant. 1311a. Salix interior wheeleri Rowlee. Preble, Erie, Lake. 1312. Salix glaucophylla Bebb. Broadleaf Willow. Erie, Wyandot. 1313. Salix cordata Muhl. Heartleaf Willow. General. 1313a. Salix cordata X sericea. Ashtabula County. 1314. Salix adeiiophylla Hook. Furry Willow. Erie County. 1315. Salix Candida Fl. Hoary Willow. Wyandot, Erie. 1316. Salix sericea Marsh. Silkv Willow. General. 200 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1317. Salix petiolaris Sni. Slender Willow. Erie, Wood, Lucas, Fulton. 1318. Salix bebbiana Sarg. Bebb's Willow. Northern counties from Ashtabula to Fulton County ; also in Wyandot County. 1319. Salix discolor Muhl. Pussy Willow. General and abundant. 1320. Salix humilis Marsh. Prairie Willow. Lake, Wood, Lucas, Ful- ton, Fairfield, Hocking. 1320a. Salix humilis tristis (Ait.) Griggs. Athens Madison. 1321. Salix purpurea L. Purple Willow. Native of Europe. Rather general. 1322. Salix pedicellaris Pursh. Bog Willow. Williams, Portage, Wayne, Licking, Perry. Subclass, MYRTIFLORAE. Order, Caciales. Cactaceae. Cactus Family. 1323. Opuntia humifusa Raf. Western Prickly-pair. Erie, Scioto. Order, Myrtales. Hydrangeaceae. Hydrangea Family. Subfamily, philadelphatae. 1324. Philadelphus coronarius L. Garden Mock-orange. Erie, Aug- laize, Belmont, Jefferson, Monroe. From Eui'ope. Subfamily, hydrangeatae. 1325. Hydrangea arborescens L. Wild Hydrangea. Southern half of state to Champaign and Mahoning Counties. Grossulariaceae. Gooseberry Family. 1326. Ribes lacustre (Pei-s.) Poir. Swamp Currant. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium. ) 1327. Ribes vulgare Lara. Red Currant. Fulton, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Ashtabula. Native of Europe. 1328. Ribes araericanum Mill. Wild Black Currant. General. 1329. Ribes odoratum Wendl. Buffalo Currant. Belmont, Hocking, Franklin, Auglaize, Richland, Lake. From the west. 1330. Grossularia cynosbati (L.) Mill. Wild Gooseberry. General. 1331. Grossularia oxyacanthoides (L.) Mill. Northern Gooseberry. Stark, Wayne. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 201 1332. Grossiilaria hirtella (Mx.) Spacli. Low Gooseberry. Geauga, Summit, Champaign, 1333. Grossularia reclinata (L.) Mill. Garden Gooseberry. Law- rence, Franklin. From Europe. Onagraceae. Evening-primrose Family. 1334. Ludwigia polycarpa S. & P. Many-fruited Ludwigia. Cuya- hoga, Lucas, Auglaize, Hocking. 1335. Ludwigia alternifolia L. Seed-box. Rather general. 1336. Isnardia palustris L. Marsh Purslane. General. 1337. Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. Fii'e-weed. Northern fourth of the state. 1338. Epilobium lineare Muhl. Linear-leaf. Willow-herb. Portage, Erie, Ottawa, Clark. 1339. Epilobium strictum Muhl. Downy Willow-herl). Licking County. 1340. Epilobium eoloratum Muhl. Purple Willow-herb. General. 1341. Epilobium adenocaulon Haussk. Northern Willow-herb. North- ern Ohio, south to Franklin and Madison Counties. 1342. Oenothera biennis L. Common Evening-primrose. General. 1343. Oenothera oakesiana Eobb. Oakes' Evening-primrose. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium. ) 1344. Raimannia laciniata (Hill.) Rose. Cutleaf Evening-primrose. Cuyahoga County. 1345. Kneiffia pratensis Small. Meadow Sundrops. No specimens. 1346. KneiiSa pumila (L.) Spach. Small Sundrops. Eastern part of Ohio as far west as Cuyahoga and Hocking Counties. 1347. Kneiffia fruticosa (L.) Raim. Common Sundroi)s. Rather gen- eral, but no specimens from the western part of the state. 1348. Hartmannia speciosa (Nutt.) Small. White Evening-primrose. A waif in Franklin County. 1349. Lavauxia triloba (Nutt.) Spach. Three-lobed Evening-primrose. From two localities in Montgomery County. 1350. Gaura biennis L. Biennial GrUir;). Rather general. 1351. Circae.i luldiana 1j. Connnon Enchanter 's-nightshade. General and abundant. 1352. Ciicaea intcniicdia Ehrh. IiitfM-mcdiatc Eiicliaiilci-'s-niglitsliade. No spcciiiifiis. 202 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1353. Circaea alpina L. Small Enchanter 's-nightshade. Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Summit, Crawford, Clark, Hocking. Haloragidaceae. Water-milfoil Family. 1354. Myrioi^hyllum si^icatum L. Spiked Water-milfoil. Rather gen- eral, 1355. Myriophyllum verticillatum L. Whorled Water-milfoil. Erie County. 1356. Myriophyllum heterophyllum Mx. Variant-leaf Water-milfoil. No specimens. 1357. Proserpinaca palustris L. Mermaid-weed. Ashtabula, Cuya- hoga, Portage, Wayne, Erie, Wyandot. Order, Loasales. Cucurbitaceae. Gourd Family. 1358. Cucurbita pepo L. Pumpkin. Erie, Wood, Spontaneous. 1359. Cucurbita maxima Duchesne. Squash. Brown County. Spon- taneous. 1360. Citrullus citrullus (L.) Karst. Watermelon. Athens, Ottaw^a, Spontaneous. 1361. Cucumis sativus L. Cucumber. No specimens. Sometimes spon- taneous. 1362. Cucumis melo L. Muskmelon. Madison, Franklin. Sponta- neous. 1363. Micrampelis lobata (Mx.) Greene. Wild Balsam-apple. Rather general. 1364. Sicyos augulatus L. Star Cucumber. Rather general. Order, AristolocJiiales. Aristolochiaceae. Birthwort Family. 1365. Asarum canadense L. Canadian Wild-ginger. General. 1366. Asarum acuminatum (Ashe.) Bicken. Long-tipped Wild-ginger. Rather general. 1367. Asarum reflexum Bicken. Short-lobed Wild-ginger. Rather general. 1368. Aristolochia serpentaria L. Virginia Snakeroot. Rather gen- eral. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 203 Order, Santalales. Santalaceae. Sandalwood Family. 1369. Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. Bastard Toad-flax. Rather general. Loranthaceae. ]\Iistletoe Family. 1370. Phoradendron flavescens (Pursh) Nutt. American Mistletoe. Southern counties, as far north as Ross and Athens. Subclass, HETEROMERAE. Order, Printulales. Primulaceae. Primrose Family. 1371. Lysimachia vulgaris L. Common Yellow Loosestrife. Lake County. From Europe. 1372. Lysimachia quadrifolia L. Whorled Yellow Loosestrife. Gen- eral in the eastern half of the state; also in Fulton and Adams Counties. 1373. Lysimachia terrestris (L.) B. S. P. Bulb-bearing Yellow Loose- strife. Northeast fourth of state ; also in Lucas and Hardin Counties. 1374. Lysimachia nummularia L. Moneywort. General. Naturalized from Europe. 1375. Steironema ciliatum (L.) Raf. Fringed Yellow Loosestrife. General. 1376. Steironema lanceolatum (W;dt.) Gr. Lanceleaf Yellow Loose- strife. Southwestern half of state. . 1377. Steironema quadriflorum (Sims.) Hitch. Linear-leaf Yellow Loosestrife. Rather general. 1378. Naumburgia thyrsiflora (L.) Duby. Tufted Yellow Loosestrife. Rather general. 1379. Trientalis americana (Pers.) Pursh. Starflower. Cuyahoga, Portage, Summit, Champaign. 1380. Anagallis arvensis L. Scarlet Pimpernel. Lake, Fairfield, Lo- gan, Montgomery, Greene, Scioto, Gallia. From Europe. 1381. Hottonia inflata Ell. Featherfoil. Ashtabula County. 1382. Samolus floribundus H. B. K. Water Pimpernel. Rather gen- eral. 204 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1383. Dodecatheon meadia L. Shooting-star. Erie, Clark, Darke, Hocking, Hamilton, Clermont. Plumbaginaceae. Leadwort Family. 1384. Ceratostigma pliimbaginoides Bunge. Ceratostigma. A waif in Lake County. Order, Ericales. Pyrolaceae. AVintergreen Family. 1385. Pyrola americana Sw. Roundleaf Wintergreen. Defiance, Lu- cas, Lake, "Wayne, Stark, Trumbull, Fairfield, Hocking. 1386. Pyrola elliptica Nutt. Shinleaf Wintergreen. Rather general, except in the southern part of Ohio. 1387. Pyrola secunda L. One-sided Wintergreen. Cuyahoga, Geauga, Summit, Portage. 1388. Chimaphila unbellata (L.) Nutt. Pipsissewa, Lucas, Cuyahoga, Portage. 1389. Chimaphila maculata (L.) Pursh. Spotted Pipsissewa. Rather general in eastern half of state. Monotropaceae. Indian-pipe Family. 1390. Monotropa uniflora L. Indian-pipe. General. 1391. Hypopitys americana (DC.) Small. Smooth Pinesap. Fair- field, Hocking. 1392. Hypopitys lanuginosa (Mx ) Nutt. Hairy Pinesap. Lake, Cuy- ahoga, Columbiana, Wayne. Ericaceae. Heath Family. 1393. Ledum groenlandicum Oedr. Labrador Tea. Portage County. 1394. Azalea nudiflora L. Pink Azalea. Portage, Geauga, Lawrence. 1395. Azalea lutea L. Flame Azalea. Fairfield County. 1396. Azalea viscosa L. Swamp Azalea. Ashtabula County. 1397. Rhododendron maximum L. Great Rhododendron. Fairfield, Hocking. 1398. Kalmia latifolia L. Mountain Kalmia. Columbiana, Jefferson, Licking, Fairfield, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Scioto. 1399. Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench. Leather-leaf. Geauga, Wayne, Stark, Williams, Defiance. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 205 1400. Andromeda polifolia L. "Wild Rosemary. Geauga, "Wayne, Stark. 1401. Oxydendrum arboreum (L.) DC. Sorrel-tree. Adams, Fair- field, Hocking, Vinton, Jackson, Morgan, Meigs, Lawrence. 1402. Epigaea repens L. Trailing Arbutus. Cuyahoga, Geauga, Me- dina, Columbiana, Knox, Licking, Fairfield, Hocking, Jack- son, Gallia, Lawrence. 1403. Gaultheria procumbens L. Creeping Wintergreen. Lucas, Cuy- ahoga, Wayne, Stark, Columbiana, Fairfield, Hocking, Jack- son, Lawrence. 1404. Uva-ursi uva-ursi (L.) Britt. Bearberry. Erie County. Vacciniaceae. Huckleberry Family. 1405. Polycodium stamineum (L.) Greene. Deerberry. Rather gen- eral in the eastern half of the state. 1406. Vaccinium corymbosum L. Tall Blueberry. Eastern half of state; also in "Williams County. 1407. Vaccinium canadense Kalm. Canada Blueberry. Lucas, Stark. 1408. Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. Dwarf Blueberry. Rather gen- eral in the eastern two-thirds of the state. 1409. Vaccinium vacillans Kalm. Low Blueberry. Eastern half of state; also in Falton, Lucas and Ottawa Counties. 1410. Vaccinium atrococcum (Gr.) Heller. Dark Blueberry. Williams County. 1411. Chiogenes hispidula (L.) T. & G. Creeping Snowberry, Sum- mit, Stark. 1412. Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait.) Pursh. Large Cranberry. "Wil- liams, Defiance, Geauga, Ashland, Wayne, Richland, Licking. 1413. Gaylussacia frondosa (L.) T. & G. Blue Hucklebei-fv. Xo specimen. 1414. Gaylussacia baccata (Wang.) Koch. Black Huckleberry. Gen- eral. Order, EhoKiJrs. Ebenaceae. Ebony Family. 1415. Diosi)yi'os virginiana L. Persiiuiuon. SoiitluTii liiill" of the state ; also in Lucas County. 206 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Subclass, TUBIPLORAE. Order, Polemoniales. Polemoniaceae. Phlox Family. 1416. Phlox paniculata L. Garden Phlox. General. 1417. Phlox maculata L. Spotted Phlox. Rather general. 1418. Phlox ovata L. Mountain Phlox. Fulton County. 1419. Phlox glaberrima L. Smooth Phlox. No specimens. 1420. Phlox pilosa L. Downy Phlox. Northern part of the state, as far south as Franklin County. 1421. Phlox divaricata L. Wild P)lue Phlox. General and abundant. 1422. Phlox stolonifera Sims. Creeping Phlox. Hocking County. 1423. Pholox subulata L. Ground Phlox. General. 1424. Gilia rubra (L.) Heller. Standing-cypress. Escaped in Erie and Lake Counties. 1425. Polemonium reptans L. Greek Valerian. General and abundant. Convolvulaceae. IVIorning-glory Family, 1426. Ipomoea purpurea (L. ) Lam. Common Morning-glory. Gen- eral. From tropical America. 1427. Ipomoea hederacea Jaec]. Ivyleaf Morning-glory. Southwest- ern Ohio, from Gallia to Auglaize County; also in Lake County. From trojiical America. 1428. Ipomoea lacunosa L. Small-flowered White Morning-glory. Hamilton, Clermont, Gallia. 1429. Ipomoea pandurata (L.) Meyer. Wild Potato-vine. General. 1430. Quamoclit coccinea (L.) Moench. Small Red Morning-glory. No specimens. From tropical America. 1431. Convolvulus arvensis L. Small Bindweed. General. Natural- ized from Europe. 1342. Convolvulus spithamaeus L. Upright Bindweed. Gallia, Cler- mont, Auglaize, Lucas, Portage. 1433. Convolvulus sepium L. Hedge Bindweed. General. 1434. C'onvolvulus japonicus Thunb. Japanese Bindweed. Fayette, Auglaize, Huron, Erie, Medina. Escaped. Cuscutaceae. Dodder Family. 1435. Cuscuta epilinum Weihe. Flax Dodder. Wayne County. From Europe. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 207 1436. Cnscuta epithymum Murr. Clover Dodder. Mercer County. From Europe. 1437. Cuscuta arvense Beyrich. Field Dodder. Vinton, Tuscarawas, Wayne, Erie. 1438. Cuscuta polygonorum Bngel. Smartweed Dodder. Rather general. 1439. Cuscuta indecora Choicy. Pretty Dodder. Montgomery County. 1440. Cuscuta coryli Engel. Hazel Dodder. Rather general. 1441. Cuscuta cephalanthi Engel. Buttonbush Dodder. Ottawa. Franklin. 1442. Cuscuta gronovii Willd. Gronovius' Dodder. General. 1443. Cuscuta corapacta Juss. Compact Dodder. No specimens. 1444. Cuscuta paradoxa Raf. Glomerate Dodder. No specimens. From the west. Hydrophyllaceae. Water-leaf Family. 1445. Hydrophyllum virginianum L. Virginia Water-leaf. Genei'al. 1446. Hydrophyllum macrophyllum Nutt. Large Water-leaf. West- ern part of Ohio, as far east as Gallia, Fairfield, Licking, and Wj^andot Counties. 1447. Hydrophyllum appendiculatum ]\Ix. xVppendaged Water-leaf. General. 1448. Hydrophyllum canadense L. Broadleaf Water-leaf. Cuyahoga, Wayne, Morrow, Hardin, Greene, Belmont. 1449. Phacelia dubia (L.) Small. Small-flowered Phacelia. Fairfield County. 1450. Phacelia bipinnatifida Mx. Loose-flowered Phacelia. Hamilton County. 1451. Phacelia purshii Buckl. Pursh's Phacelia. General. Order, Gentianales. Loganiaceae. Logania Family. 1452. Spigelia marilandica L. Indian-pink. Lake County. Oleaceae. Olive Family. 1453. Syringa vugaris L. Common Lilac. Lake, Jefferson. Escaped. 1454. Ligustrum vulgare L. Privet. Rather general. From Europe. 1455. Chionanthus virginica L. Fringetree. Meigs, Gallia. Pike. 208 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1456. Fraxiniis nigra Marsh. Black Ash. General in the northern part of the state, south to Preble, Green, Franklin and Har- rison Counties. 1457. Fraxinus quadrangulata Mx. Blue Ash. Erie, Ottawa, Han- cock, Auglaize, Franklin, Licking, Montgomery, Highland, Ross, Brown, Adams. 1458. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. Red Ash. General. 1459. Fraxinus lanceolata Borck. Green Ash. General. 1460. Fraximus biltmoreana Beadle. Biltmore Ash. Erie, Hardin, Franklin, MontgoiiKM-y, Morgan, Hamilton, Brown, Law- rence, Meigs. 1461. Fraxinus americana L. White Ash. General and abundant. Gentianaceae. Gentian Family. 1462. Centauriuni centaurium (L.) Wight. European Centaury. Lake County. From Europe. 1463. Sabbatia angularis (L.) Pursh. Square-stemmed Sabl)atia. Gen- eral. 1464. Gentiana quinquefolia L. Stiff Gentian. Montgomery, Ross., Franklin, Wayne, Summit, Clark, Fulton, Cuyahoga. 1465. Gentiana ci-iiiita Froel. Fringed Gentian. Cuyahoga, Erie, Fulton, Auglaize, Champaign, Clark, Madison, Franklin. 1466. Gentiana puberula Mx. DoAvny Gentian. (Dasystephana). Erie County. 1467. Gentiana saponaiia L. Soapwort Gentian. (Dasystephana). Cuyahoga, Lucas. 1468. Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. Closed Gentian. (Dasystephana). General, but no specimens southeast of Hamilton, Fair- field, and Columbiana Counties. 1469. Gentiana flavida Gr. Yellowish Gentian. (Dasystephana). Lu- cas County. 1470. Gentiana villosa L. Striped Gentian. (Dasystephana). Gallia County. 1471. Frasera carolinensis Walt. American Columbo. From Madison County southward and westward ; also in Summit, Geauga and Portage Counties. 1472. Obolaria virginica L. Pennywort. Lake, Cuyahoga, Fairfield, Gallia, Lawrence, Clermont, Hamilton. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 209 1473. Bartonia virginica (L.) B. S. P. Yellow Bartonia. Licking, Lake. Menyanthaceae. Buckbean Family. 1474. Menyanthes trifoliata L. Buckbean. Ashtabula, Wayne, Lick- ing. Apocynaceae. Dogbane Family. 1475. Vinca minor L. Periwinkle. Rather general. Native of Europe. 1476. Apocjaium androsaeniifolium L. Spreading Dogbane. General. 1477. Apoeynum cannabinum L. Indian Hemp. General and abun- dant. 1478. Apoeynum sibiricum Jaeq. Clasping-leaf Dogbane. Erie, Ash- tabula. 1479. Apoeynum pubescens R. Br. Velvet Dogbane. Auglaize, Frank- lin, Harrison, Adams. Asclepiadaceae. IVlilkweed Family. 1480. Acerates viridiflora (Raf.) Eat. Green Milkweed. Rather gen- eral. 1481. Acerates floridana (Lam.) Hitch. Florida Milkweed. Erie, Jackson, Gallia. 1482. Asclepias tuberosa L. Pleurisy-root. General. 1483. Asclepias decumbens L. Decumbent Pleurisy-root. No specimens. 1484. Asclepias purpurascens L. Purple Milkweed. Madison, Aug- laize, Lucas, Summit, Portage, Stark, Carroll. 1485. Asclepias incarnata L. Swamp ]\Iilkweed. General and abun- dant. 1486. Asclepias pulchra Ehrh. Hairy Milkweed. Lorain County. 1487. Asclepias sullivantii Engel. Sullivant's Milkweed. Erie, Fair- field. 1488. Asclepias amplexicaulis Sm. Bluntleaf Milkweed. Erie, Fair- field. 1489. Asclepias exaltata (L.) Muhl. TmII Milkweed. General. 1490. Asclepias vai-iegata L. White Milkweed. Summit, Hocking. 1491. Asclepias quadrifolia L. Fourleaf Milkweed. General. 1492. Asclepias syriaca L. Common ]\lilkweed. General and abundant. 1493. Asclepias verticillata L. Whorled Milkweed. Lucas, Ottawa, Erie, Cuyahoga, Clark, Greene, Fairfield, Athens. 210 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 1494. Gonolobus laevis Mx. Sandvine. Southern Ohio, as far north as Montgomery, Koss, and Washington Counties. 1495. Cynanchum nigrum (L.) Pers. Black Swallow- wort. Cuyahoga, Lake. From Europe. 1496. Vincetoxicum obliquum (Jacq.) Britt. Large-flowered Yincetoxi- cum. Lawrence, Handlton, Greene, Franklin. Order, Scropli ulariales. Solanaceae. Potato Family. 1497. Petunia violacea Lindl. Common Petunia. Monroe, Franklin. From South America. 1498. Nicotiana tabacum L. Common Tobacco. Adams, Huron. Es- caped from cultivation. 1499. Datura metel L. Entire-leaf Jimson-weed. Lake County. From tropical America. 1500. Datura stramonium L. Common Jimson-weed. General. Nat- uralized. From the tropics. 1501. Lycium halmifolium Mill. Matrimony-vine. Kather general. From Europe. 1502. Physalodes physalodes (L.) Britt. Apple-of-Peru. Gallia, Ham- ilton, Clinton, Montgomery, Clark, Champaign, Franklin, Licking. From Peru. 1503. Physalis lanceolata Mx. Prairie Ground-cherry. General. 1504. Physalis ixocarpa Brot. Mexican Ground-cherry. Franklin County. Spontaneous after cultivation. 1505. Physalis \arginiana Mill. Virginia Ground-cherry. Cuyahoga County. 1506. Physalis alkekengi L. Chinese-lantern (Ground-cherry). Per- sistent after cultivation. Franklin, Lake. 1507. Physalis heterophylla Nees. Clammy Ground-cherry. General and abundant. 1508. Physalis pubescens L. Low Hairy Ground-clierry. Morgan, ' Shelby. 1509. Physalis pruinosa L. Tall Hairy Ground-cherry. Franklin County. Escaped from cultivation. 1510. Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. Silver-leaf Nightshade. A waif in Lucas County. 1511. Solanum carolinense L. Horse-nettle. General. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 211 1512. Solanum tuberosum L. Potato. Monroe, Hocking, Franklin, Tuscarawas, Erie, Ottawa. Persistent after cultivation. 1513. Solanum dulcamara L. Bittersweet. General as far south as Clark, Licking, and Jefferson Counties ; also in Meigs County. Naturalized from Europe. 1514. Solanum nigrum L. Black Nightshade. General and abundant. 1515. Solanum rostratum Dun. Buffalo-bur. Franklin, Marion, Otta- wa, Cuyahoga, Summit, Lake. From the West. 1516. Lycopersicon lycopersicon (L.) Karst. Tomato. Rather general as an escape. Scrophiilariaceae. Figwort Family. 1517. Verbascum blattaria L. Moth Mullen. General and abundant. Naturalized from Europe. 1518. Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullen. General and abundant. Naturalized from Europe. 1519. Scrophularia leporella Bickn. Hare Figwort. Cuyahoga County. 1521. Chelone glabra L. Smooth Turtle-head. General. 1522. Pentstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd. Hairy Beard-tongue. General. 1523. Pentstemon pentstemon (L.) Britt. Smooth Beard-tongue. Rather general. 1524. Pentstemon digitalis (Sweet) Nutt. Foxglove Beard-tongue. Rather general. 1525. Pentstemon cobaea Nutt. Cobaea Beard-tongue. Lake County. 1526. Collinsia verna Nutt. Blue-eyed-Mary. General. 1527. Mimulus ringens L. Square-stemmed Monkey-flower. General. 1528. ]\Iimulus alatus Soland. Sharp-winged Monkey-flower. Rather general. 1529. Conobea multifida (Mx.) Benth. Conobea. Hamilton, Greene, Madison, Ottawa. L530. Gratiola virginiana L. Clammy Hedge-hyssop. General. 1531. Gratiola sphaerocarpa Ell. Round-fruited Hedge-hyssop. Erie County. 1532. Ilysanthes dubia (L.) Barnh. Long-stalked False Pimpernel. Rather general. 1533. Ilysanthes attenuata (Muhl.) Small. Short-stalked False Pim- pernel. Cuyahoga, Lorain, Huron. Stark, Scioto. 1534. Synthysis ])ullii (Eat.) Heller. Bull's Synthyris. Montgomery County. 212 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1535. Veronica aiiagallis-aqiiatica L. Water Speedwell. Butler, Champaigu, Auglaize, Lucas, Erie. 1536. Veronica aniericana Scliwein. American Speedwell. Rather general. 1537. Veronica scutellata L. Skullcap Speedwell. Franklin, Licking, Crawford, Perrj^, Lucas, Ottawa, Erie, Cuyahoga. 1538. Veronica officinalis L. Common Speedwell. General and abun- dant. 1539. Veronica chamaedris L. Bird's-eye Speedwell. Lake County. From Europe. 1540. Veronica teucrium L. Germander Speedwell. Medina County. From Europe. 1541. Veronica serpyllifolia L. Thyme-leaf Speedwell. General. 1542. Veronica peregrina L. Purslane Speedwell. General. 1543. Veronica arvensis L. Field Speedwell. General. From Europe. 1544. Veronica agrestis L. Garden Speedwell. Montgomery, Frank- lin. Fi-om Europe. 1545. Veronica tournefortii Grael. Tournefort's Speedwell. Madison, Franklin, Jefferson, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Lake. From Europe. 1546. Veronica hederaefolia L. Ivy leaf Speedwell. (Erie County — Moseley Herbarium.) From Europe. 1547. Leptandra virginica (L.) Nutt. Culver 's-root. General. 1548. Digitalis purpurea L. Purple Foxglove. Cuyahoga, Lake. From Europe. 1549. Digitalis lutea L. Yellow Foxglove. A waif in Cuyahoga County. 1550. Buchnera americana L. Blue-hearts. Fulton County. 1551. Afzelia macrophylla (Nutt.) Ktz. Mullen Foxglove. General in western Ohio, as far east as Huron, Noble, and Vinton Counties. 1552. Dasystoma pedicularia (L.) Benth. Fernleaf False Foxglove. Fulton County. 1553. Dasystoma flava (L.) Wood. Downy False Foxglove. Eastern Ohio, as far west as Cuyahoga, Fairfield, and Adams Coun- ties. 1554. Dasystoma laevigata Raf. Entire-leaf False Foxglove. Jackson, Vinton, Hocking, Fairfield. 1555. Dasystoma virginica (L.) Britt. Smooth False Foxglove. Ful- ton, Wood, Fairfield, Adams. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 213 1556. Agaliuis purpurea (L.) Britt. Large Purple Gerardia. Mont- gomery, Fairfield, Franklin, Fulton, Erie, Wayne. 1557. xVgalinis paupercula (Gr.) Britt. Small Purple Gerardia. Stark, Ottawa, Logan, Champaign, Gallia. 1558. Agalinis tenuifolia (Yahl.) Raf. Slender Gerardia. General. 1559. Agalinis skinneriana (Wood) Britt. Skinner's Gerardia. Greene County. 1560. Otophylla auriculata (Mx.) Small. Auricled Gerardia. Ottawa County. 1561. Castilleja coccinea (L.) Spreng. Scarlet Painted-cuj^. Frank- lin, Knox. 1562. Pedicularis lanceolata Mx. Lanceleaf Lousewort. Rather gen- eral, but no specimens from south of ]\Iontgomery and Hock- ing Counties. 1563. Pedicularis canadensis L. Wood Lousewort. General. 1564. Melampyrum lineare Lam. Narrow-leaf Cow-wheat. Lorain, Cuyahoga, Lake, Ashtabula, Geauga, Portage, Hocking. 1565. Antirrhinum majus L. Great Snapdragon. Madison County. From Europe. 1566. Linaria linaria (L.) Karst. Yellow Toadflax. General, but no specimens from the northwestern counties. Naturalized from Europe. 1657. Linaria canadensis (L.) Dum. Blue Toadflax. No specimens. 1568. Chaenorrhinum minus (L.) Lange. Lesser Toadflax. Portage County. From Europe. 1569. Kickxia spuria (L.) Dum. Roundleaf Toadflax. Lake County. From Europe. 1570. Kickxia elatine (L.) Dum. Sharp-pointed Toadflax. Lake Coun- ty. From Europe. 1571. Cymbalaria cymbalaria (L.) Wettst. Kenilworth Ivy. Mont- gomery, Crawford. From Europe. Orobanchaceae. Broom-rape Family. 1572. Thalesia uniflora (L.) Britt. Naked Broom-rape. Rather gen- eral, but no specimens from the northwestern counties. 1573. Orobanche ludoviciana Nutt. Louisiana Broom-rape. Hamilton County. L574. Conopholis americana (L. f.) Wallr. S(iuaw-root. General. 1575. Leptamnium virginianum (L.) Raf. Beech-drops. General. 214 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Bignoniaceae. Bignonia Family. 1576. Bignonia radicans L. Trumpet-creeper. General. 1577. Anisostichiis eapreolata (L.) Bur. Cross-vine. Lawrence, Adams. 1578. Catalpa catalpa (L.) Karst. Common Catalpa. Montgomery, Champaign, Franklin. From the South. 1579. Catalpa speciosa Ward. Hardy Catalpa. Ashtabula, Franklin, Hocking, Madison, Preble. From the Southwest. Martyniaceae. Unicorn-plant Family. 1580. Martynia louisiana Mill. Unicorn-plant. Lorain, Richland, Franklin, Ross. Escaped from cultivation. Lentibulariaceae. Bladderwort Family. 1581. Utricularia macrorhiza Le Conte. Greater Bladderwort. North- ern part of state; specimens from as far south as Franklin and Licking Counties. 1582. Utricularia gibba L. Humped Bladderwort. Stark, Franklin, Fairfield, Erie, Defiance. 1583. Utricularia intermedia Hayne. Flatleaf Bladderwort. Lake, Wayne. 1584. Utricularia minor L. Lesser Bladderwort. Licking County. 1585. Stomoisia cornuta (Mx.) Raf. Horned Bladderwort. Summit County. Acanthaceae. Acanthus Family. 1586. Ruellia strepens L. Smooth Ruellia. Western half of the state ; also in Monroe County. 1587. Ruellia ciliosa Pursli. Hairy Ruellia. From Union County south- ward and westward ; also in Cuyahoga County. 1588. Dianthera americana L. Water-willow. General. Order, Lamiales. Boraginaceae. Borage Family. 1589. Heliotropium indicum L. Indian Heliotrope. No specimens. From India. 1590. Cynoglossum officinale L. Hound 's-tongue. General and abun- dant. Naturalized from Europe. 1591. Cynoglossum virginianum L. Wild Comfrey. Southeastern Ohio to Cuyahoga, Wyandot, and Warren Counties. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 215 1592. Lappula lappiila (L.) Karst. European Stickseed. Rather gen- eral. From Europe. 1593. Lappula virginiana (L.) Greene. Virginia Stickseed. General. 1594. Mertensia virgiuica (L.) DC. Virginia Cowslip. Rather general. 1595. Asperugo proeumbens L. German JMadwort. Lake County. From Europe. 1596. Myosotis laxa Lehm. Smaller Forget-me-not. Tuscarawas, Stark, Summit, Lake, Lucas. 1597. Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill, Field Forget-me-not. Gallia, Franklin, Lake. 1598. Myosotis virginica (L.) B. S. P. Virginia Forget-me-not. Fair- field, Franklin, Lorain, Erie, Lucas. 1599. Lithospermum latifolium Mx. American Gromwell. Lawrence, Warren, Lucas, Auglaize. 1600. Lithospermum officinale L. Common Gromwell. No specimens. From Europe. 1601. Lithospermum arvense L. Corn Gromwell. General and abun- dant. Naturalized from Europe. 1602. Lithospermum carolinense (Walt.) MacM. Hairy Puccoon. Erie, Lucas. 1603. Lithospermum canescens (Mx.) Lehm. Hoary Puccoon. Rather general; no specimens from the eastern counties. 1601. Onosmodium hispidissimum Mack. Shaggy False Gromwell. Lo- rain, Ottawa, Lucas, Greene, Clark, Montgomery, Adams. 1605. Symphytum officinale L. Common Comfrey. Northern part of Ohio ; as far south as Belmont and Champaign Counties. From Europe. 1606. Lycopsis arvensis L. Small Bugloss. Stark County. From Europe. 1607. Echium vulgare L. Blueweed. Montgomery, Clinton, Richland, Cuyahoga, Columbiana, Noble, Belmont. From Europe. Verbenaceae. Vervain Family. 1608. Verbena urticifolia L. White Vervain. General and abundant. 1609. Verbena hastata L. Blue \'ervain. Gen-'ral iiiid abundant. 1610. Verbena angustifolia Mx. Nan-owh'af W-rvain. Lake, Cuya- hoga, Erie, Ottawa, Auglaize, Madison, Montgomery, Cler- mont, Adams, Meigs. 216 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 1611. Verbena stricta Veut. Hoary Vervain. Hamilton, Clermont, Highland, Warren, Preble, Montgomery, Clark, Franklin, Licking, Cuyahoga, Lake. 1612. Verbena bracteosa Mx. Bracted Vervain. Pike, Hamilton, Mont- gomery, Auglaize, Wyandot, Cuyahoga, Ashtabula. 1613. Verbena canadensis (L.) Britt. Large-flowered Verbena. Ross, Franklin, Auglaize. 1614. Lippia lanceolate Mx. Frog-fruit. General ; no specimens from the eastern counties. Lamiaceae. Mint Family. 1615. Isanthus brachiatus (L.) B. S. P. False Pennyroyal. Erie, Ot- tawa, Clark, Warren, Franklin, IMuskingum, Hocking, Mor- gan, Gallia. 1616. Trichostema dichotomum L. Blue-curls. Hamilton, Fairfield, Jackson, Monroe, Highland. 1617. Ajuga reptans L. Bungle-weed. No specimens. From Europe. 1618. Teucrium canadense L. American Germander. General and abundant. 1619. Teucrium occidentale Gr. Hairy Germander. Lake, Wayne, Erie, Ottawa, Auglaize, Clark, Greene, Perry, Monroe. 1620. Teucrium scorodonia L. Wood Germander. Lake County. From Europe. 1621. Teucrium botrys L. Cutleaf Germander. No specimens. From Europe. 1622. Scutellaria lateriflora L. Mad-dog Skullcap. General. 1623. Scutellaria serrata Andr. Showy Skullcap. Gallia County. 1624. Scutellaria incana Muhl. Downy Skullcap. Eastern and south- ei-n Ohio ; from ('uyahoga and Wayne Counties eastward and from Perry and Miami Counties southward. 1625. Scutellaria cordifolia Muhl. Heartleaf Skullcap. Rather general. 1626. Scutellaria pilosa Mx. Hairy Skullcap. No specimens. 1627. Scutellaria integrifolia L. Hyssop Skullcap. Jackson County. 1628. Scutellaria parvula Mx. Small Skullcap. Ottawa, Madison, Clark, Hamilton, Gallia, Franklin, Greene, Montgomery, Scioto. 1629. Scutellaria saxatilis Ridd. Rock Skullcap. No specimens. 1630. Scutellaria galericulata L. Marsh Skullcap. Rather general; no specimens south of Clark and Perry Counties. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 217 1631. Scutellaria nervosa Piirsh. Veined Skullcap. Rather general. 1632. Marrubium vulgare L. Common Hoarhound. General. Nat- uralized from Europe. 1633. Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers. American Pennyroyal. Gen- eral and abundant. 1634. Hedeoma hispida Pursh. Rough Pennyroyal. (Moseley Herba- rium— Lorain County. ) 1635. Melissa officinalis L. Lemon Balm. Rather general; no speci- mens from the northwestern counties. From Europe. 1636. Satureia hortensis L. Summer Savory. Ottawa, Lake. From Europe. 1637. Clinopodium vulgare L. Field Basil. Rather general; no speci- mens from southeastern and northwestern counties. 1638. Clinopodium glabrum (Nutt.) Ktz. Low Calamint. Ottawa, Erie, Union, Greene. 1639. Koellia virginiaua (L.) MacM. Virginia Mountain-mint. Rather general. 1610. Koellia flexuosa (Walt.) MacM. Narrowleaf Mountain-mint. Rather general. 164L Koellia i)ilosa (Nutt.) Britt. Hairy Mountain-mint. Cuyahoga, Stark, Hocking, Clark, Shelby. 1642. Koellia ineana (L.) Ktz. Hoary Mountain-mint. Stark, Fair- field, Hocking, Jackson, Gallia, Scioto, Adams. 1643. Koellia mutica (L.) Britt. Short-toothed Mountain-mint. Lick- ing, Cuyahoga. 1644. Origanum vulgare L. Wild Majoram. Hocking County. From Europe. 1645. Thymus serpyllum L. Creeping Thyme. Coshocton, Gallia. From Europe. 1646. Cunila origanoides (L.) Britt. American Dittany. Southeastern Ohio to Tuscarawas, Fairfield, Ross, and Adams Counties. 1647. Lycopus virginicus L. Virginia Water-hoarhound. Rather gen- eral. 1648. Lycopus uniflorus Mx. Northern AVatcr-lionrhound. Belmont County. 1649. Lycopus rubellus ]\loench. Stalked Watei--lioarlu)iin(l. Geauga, Wayne, Cuyahoga, Erie, Huron, Paulding, Anglaize, Fair- field, Clinton, Montgomery. 16")0. Ijycopus i'lnei-icanus ^fuhl. Cnllcaf Watei--li():itli()uii(l. (iciicral 218 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1651. Mentha spicata L. Spearmint. General. Naturalized from Europe. 1652. Mentha piperita L. Peppermint. General. Naturalized from Europe. 1653. Mentha citrata Ehrh. Bergamot Mint. Lake, Franklin. From Europe. 1654. Mentha longifolia (L.) Iluds. European Mint. Lake County. From Europe. 1655. Mentha rotundifolia (L.) Huds. Roundleaf Mint. Franklin County — a waif. From Europe. 1656. Mentha alopecuroides Hull. Woolly Mint. Franklin County. From Europe. 1657. Mentha arvensis L. Field Mint. Lake County. From Europe. 1658. Mentha cardiaca Gerarde. Small-leaf Mint. Montgomery Coun- ty. From Europe. 1659. Mentha canadensis L. American Wild Mint. General. 1660. Collinsonia canadensis L. Stone-root. General. 1661. Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. Perilla. Warren County. Native of India. 1662. Agastache nepetoides (L.) Ktz. Catnip Giant-hyssop. General. 1663. Agastache scrophulariaefolia (Willd.) Ktz. Figwort Giant-hys- sop. Medina, Stark, Auglaize, Champaign, Madison, Hock- ing. 1664. Nepeta cataria L. Catnip. General and abundant. Naturalized from Europe. 1665. Glecoma hederacea L. Ground Ivy. General and abundant. Naturalized from Europe. 1666. Prunella vulgaris L. Common Self-heal. General and abundant. Native of Europe. 1667. Dracocephalum virginianum L. Virginia Dragon-head. Rather general. 1668. Synandra hispidula (Mx.) Britt. Synandra. Belmont, Wyan- dot, Franklin, Miami, Hamilton, Clermont, Lawrence. 1669. Galeopsis tetrahit L. Hemp-nettle. Lake County. From Europe. 1670. Leonurus cardiaca L. Common Motherwort. General and abun- dant. Naturalized from Europe. 1671. Lamium amplexicaule L. Common Henbit. Rather general. From Europe. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 219 1672. Lamium purpureuni L. Red Henbit. Warren, Erie, Lorain. From Europe. 1673. Lamium maculatum L. Spotted Henbit. Washington, Miami, Knox, Marion, Auglaize, Lorain. From Europe. 1674. Lamium album L. White Henbit. Miami, Lorain. From Europe. 1675. Staehys palnstris L. Marsh Hedge-nettle. Rather general. 1676. Stachvs tenuifolia Willd. Smooth Hedge-nettle. Rather general. 1677. Stachvs asper Mx. Rough Hedge-nettle. Rather general. 1678. Staehys cordata Ridd. Cordate Hedge-nettle. Southern Ohio, as far north as Noble, Franklin, and Auglaize Counties. 1679. Blephilia eiliata (L.) Raf. Downy Blephilia. Northern part of the state ; as far south as Harrison, Franklin, and Mont- gomery Counties. 1680. Blephilia hirsuta (Brush) Torr. Hairy Blephilia. General. 1681. Monarda punctata L. Horsemint. No specimens. 1682. Monarda didyma L. American Beebalm. Truml)ull, Fortage, Cuyahoga, Medina, Madison. 1683. Monarda clinopodia L. Basil Balm. General. 1684. Monarda fistulosa L. Wild Bergamot. General and abundant. 1685. Monarda mollis L. Canescent Wild Bergamot. Rather general. 1686. Salvia lyrata L. Lyreleaf Sage. Bike, Lawrence, Gallia, Meigs. 1687. Salvia lanceifolia Boir. Lanceleaf Sage. Franklin County. From the West. 1688. Salvia verbenaca L. Wild Sage. No specimens. From Europe. 1689. Salvia officinalis L. Common Sage. Stark County. Escaped. Phrymaceae. Lopseed Family. 1690. Fhryma leptostachya L. Lopseed. General. Order, PUniiafiinalcs. Plantaginaceae. Blaintain Family. 169L Flantago cordata Lam. Heartleaf Blantain. Lucas, Auglaize, Madison, Franklin. 1692. Flantago rugellii Dec. Rugel's Blantain. General and abundant. 1693. Flantago major L. Common Blantain. Rather general. 1694. Blantago laneeolata L. Ribgrass Plantain. General and abun- dant. Naturalized from Eui'ope. 1695. Blantago aristata Mx. Large-bracted Blantain. Rather gcmial. 220 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 1696. Plantago virginica L. Dwarf Plantain. Gallia, Jackson, Pike, Eoss, Stark, Cuyahoga, Lake. 1697. Plantago arenaria W. & K. Sand Plantain. Montgomery Coun- ty. From Europe. Subclass, INFERAE. Order, TJmbellales. Araliaceae. Ginseng Family. 1698. Aralia spinosa L. Angelica-tree. Clermont, Hocking. 1699. Aralia racemosa L. American Spikenard. General. 1700. Aralia nudicaulis L. Wild Sarsaparilla. Northern part of state, as far south as Licking County. 1701. Aralia hispida Vent. Bristly Sarsaparilla. Lake, Cuyahoga. 1702. Panax quinquefolium L. Common Ginseng. General. 1703. Panax trifolium L. Dwarf Ginseng. Columbiana, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Medina, Seneca, Richland. Ammiaceae. Carrot Family. 1704. Eryngium aquaticum L. Rattlesnake-master. Wyandot, Erie. 1705. Sanicula marylandica L. Black Snakeroot. Rather general. 1706. Sanicula gregaria Bickn. Clustered Snakeroot. Rather general 1707. Sanicula canadensis L. Short-styled Snakeroot. General and abundant. 1708. Sanicula trifoliata Bickn. Large-fruited Snakeroot. Southern and eastern part of state to Geauga, Morrow, and Preble Counties. 1709. Deringa canadensis (L.) Ktz. Honewort. General. 1710. Chaerophyllum procumbens (L.) Crantz. Spreading Chervil. General. 1711. Washingtonia elaytoni (Mx.) Britt. Woolly Sweet-cicely. Gen- eral. 1712. Washingtonia longistylis (Torr.) Britt. Long-styled Sweet- cicely. General. 1713. Seandix pecten-veneris L. Venus '-comb. Lake County, From Europe. 1714. Pastinaca sativa L. Wild Parsnip. General and abundant. Nat- uralized from Europe. 1715. Heracleum lanatum Mx. Cow-parsnip. Rather general. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 221 1716. Conioselium cliinense (L.) B. S. P. Hemlock-parsley. Lake, Summit. 1717. Angelica atropurpurea L. Purple-stemmed Angelica. Rather general. 1718. Angelica villosa (Walt.) B. S. P. Pubescent Angelica. Eastern half of state, west to Adams, Fairfield and Richland Coun- ties. 1719. Oxypolis rigidus (L.) Raf. Co\vl)ane. Hamilton, Clark, Frank- lin, Erie, Fulton, Champaign, Huron, iMontgomery, Madison. 1720. Bupleurum rotund if oliuni L. Hare's-ear. Warren County. From Europe. 1721. Thaspium trifoliatum (L.) Britt. Purple Meadow-parsnip. General. 1722. Thaspium barbinode (Mx.) Nutt. Hairy-jointed Meadow-pars- nip. General. 1723. Taenidia integerrima (L.) Drude. Yellow Pimpernel. General. 1724. Zizia aurea (L.) Koch. Early Meadow-parsnip. Rather general. 1725. Zizia cordata (Walt.) DC. Heartleaf Meadow-parsnip. Lorain, Richland, Wyandot, ^Madison, Franklin, Warren, Gallia, Washington. 1726. Apium petroseliniuu L. Parsley. Madison County. Escaped from cultivation. 1727. Foeniculum foeniculum (L.) Karst. Fennel. Hocking, Scioto. From Europe. 1728. Aethusa cynapium L. Fool's Parsley. Lake County. From Europe. 1729. Hydrocotyle umbellata L. Umbellate Marsh-pennywort. Por- tage, Stark. 1730. Hydrocotyle americana L. American Marsh-pennywort. Cuya- hoga, Summit, Wayne, Stark. 1731. Erigenia bulbosa (Mx.) Nutt. Harbenger-of-spring. General. 1732. Conium maculatum L. Poison-hemlock. Montgomerj^ Knox, Lake. From Europe. 1733. Aegopodium podagraria L. Goutweed. Lake County. From Europe. 1734. Eulophus americanus Nutt. Easlorii Eulophus. No specimens. 1735. Pimpinclla s.ixifraga L. PimixM-iu'l. Xo specimens. From Europe. 222 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 1736. Sium cicutaefoliuni Schrank. Water-parsnip. General, but no specimens from the southern counties. 1737. Cicuta macnlata I.. Spotted Water-hemlock. General. 1738. Cicuta hulbifera L. Bulb-bearing Water-hemlock. Northern part of state south to Perry and Clark Counties. 1739. Caru)n carui L. Caraway. Columbiana, Ashland, Lorain, Ful- ton. From Europe. 1740. Daucus carota L. Wild Carrot. General and abundant. Nat- uralized from Europe. 1741. Torilis anthriscus (L.) Gmel. Erect Hedge-parsley. Hamilton County. From Europe. Cornaceae. Dogwood Family. 1742. Cornus alternifolia L. f. Blue Dogwood. General. 1743. Cornus femina ^Mill. Panicled Dogwood. General in the north- ern half of tlie state. 1744. Cornus stolonifera ^Mx. Tied-osier Dogwood. General in the northern part of the state, south to Stark, Morrow, and Montgomery Counties. 1745. Cornus asperifolia Mx. Roughleaf Dogwood. General. 1746. Cornus amoinuin ]\Iill. Silky Dogwood. General and abundant. 1747. Cornus rugosa Lam. Roundleaf Dogwood. Cuyahoga, Summit. Warren. 1748. Cynoxylon floridum (L.) Raf. Flowering Dogwood. General and abundant. 1749. Cynoxylon canadense (L.^ Dwarf Dogwood. Stark, Licking.' 1750. Nyssa sylvatica Marsh. Tupelo. General. Order, RahiaJes. R-ubiaceae. IMadder Family. 1751. Houstonia coerulea L. Bluets. Southeastern two-thirds of the state as far northwest as Cuyahoga, Crawford, Clark, and Hamilton Counties. 1752. Houstonia pur]nirea L. Large Houstonia. Clermont, Butler, Highland, Warren. 1753. Houstonia eiliohita Torr. Fringed Houstonia. Lawrence, Lick- ing, Franklin, Delaware, Defiance, Lucas, Ottawa, Cuyahoga, Lake. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 223 1754. Houstonia longifolia Gaertii. Longleaf Houstonia. Rather gen- eral, but Ottawa the only iiortlirrn county represented in the herbarium. 1755. Houstonia tenuifolia Xutt. Slenderleaf Houstonia. No speci- mens. 1756. Houstonia angustifolia j\Ix. Narrowleaf Houstonia. Ottawa County. 1757. Cephalanthus occidentalis L. Button-bush. General and abundant. 1758. Michella repens L. Partridge-berry. Rather general. 1759. Spermacoce glabra Mx. Smooth Buttonweed. No specimens. 1760. Diodia teres Walt. Rough Buttonweed. Lake County. 1761. Galium pilosum Ait. Hairy Bedstraw. Eastern Ohio; as far west as Lorain, Knox, Fairfield, and Adams Counties. 1762. Galium lanceolatum Torr. Lanceleaf Wild Licorice. Rather general. 1763. Galium circaezans Mx. Wild Licorice. General and abundant. 1764. Galium boreale L. Northern Bedstraw. Ottawa, Lorain. 1765. Galium triflorum Mx. Fragrant Bedstraw. General. 1766. Galium mollugo L. White Bedstraw. Lake, Fayette. From Europe. 1767. Galium tinctorium L. Stiff Marsh Bedstraw. Rather general. 1768. Galium trifidum L. Small Bedstraw. Northern Ohio, as far south as Shelby, Madison, Perry, and Harrison Counties. 1769. Galium claytoni Mx. Clayton's Bedstraw. Erie County. 1770. Galium concinnum T. & G. Shining Bedstraw. General and abundant. 1771. Galium aspi-ellum Mx. Rough Bedstraw. Rather general; no specimens from the southern counties. 1772. Galium aparine L. Common Cleavers. General and abundant. 1773. Sherardia arvensis L. Blue Field-madder. Cuyahoga County. From Europe. Caprifoliaceae. TTonej^suckle Family. 1774. Saiiibucus canadensis 1;. Common Elderberry. General and abundant. 1775. Sambucus racemosa L. Red Elderberry. Ralber general. 1776. Viburnum pubescens (Ait.) Pursh. Downy Ari'ow-wood. Lo- rain, Erie, Wyandot, Auglaize, Williams. 224 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1777. Viburnum dentatum L. Toothed xVrrow-wood. Ashtabula, Geauga, Lorain, Summit, Stark, Wayne, Ashland, Tusca- rawas. 1778. Viburnum scabrellum (T. & G.) t'liapm. Ivougldeaf Arrow- wood. Adams, Brown, Hocking, Madison. 1779. Viburnum cassinoides L. Withe-rod. Ashtabula, Geauga, Cuy- ahoga, Summit, Lorain, Hocking. 1780. Viburnum lentago L. Sheepberry. Rather general. 1781. Viburnum prunifolium L. Black Haw. General. 1782. Viburnum lantana L. Wayfaring-tree. Lake County. From Europe. 1783. Viburnum acerifolium L. Mapleleaf Arrow-wood. General. 1784. Viburnum opulus L. Cranberry-tree. Lake, Geauga, Cham- paign. nS"). Vil)urnuiii alnifolium Marsh. Ilobblebush. Ashtabula, Lake 1786. Triosteum angustifolium L. Yellow Horse-gentian. Cuyahoga, Warren, Clermont. 1787. Triosteum perfoliatum L. Common Horse-gentian. General. 1788. Symphoricarpos racemosus Mx. Snowberry. Rather general. 1789. Symphoricarpos symphoricarpos (L.) MacM. Coralberry. Gen- eral. 1790. Lonicera canadensis Marsh. American Fly Honeysuckle. Lake, Summit, Cuyahoga, Lorain. 1791. Lonicera oblongifolia (Goldie) Hook. Swamp Fly Honeysuckle. Cuyahoga County. 1792. Lonicera tartarica L. Tartarian Ploneysuckle. Ashtabula. Lake, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Licking, Franklin, Auglaize. Escaped from cultivation. 1793. Lonicera xylosteum L. European Fly Honeysuckle. Lake Coun- ty. Native of Europe. 1794. Lonicera japonica Thunb. Japanese Honeysuckle. Adams, Brown, Auglaize. Escaped from cultivation. 1795. Lonicera sempervirens L. Trumpet Honeysuckle. Cuyahoga County. 1796. Lonicera caprifoliuni L. Italian Honeysuckle. No specimens. From Europe. 1797. Lonicera hirsuta Eaton. Hairy Honeysuckle. Ottawa, Lorain, Monroe. 1798. Lonicera glaucescens Rydl). Glausccnt Honeysuckle. Gencnil. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OTITO 225 1799. Lonicera sullivantii Gr. Sullivant's Honeysuckle. Stark, Mus- kingum, Franklin, Madison, Clark, Highland. 1800. Lonicera dioica L. Smoothleaf Honeysuckle. Champaign, Franklin. 1801. Linnaea araericana Forbes. American Twin-flower. Stark County. 1802. Diervilla diervilla (L.) MacM. Bush -honeysuckle. Lucas. Lo- rain, Summit, Wayne, Stark, Franklin. Valerianaceae. Valerian Family. 1803. Valerianella locusta (L.) Bettke. European Corn-salad. Hamil- ton, Ross, Lorain, Cuyahoga. From Europe. 1804. Valerianella chenopodi folia (Pursh.) DC. Goosefoot Corn-salad. Rather general. 1805. Valerianella radiata (L.) Dufr. Beaked Corn-salad. General. 1806. Valerianella woodsiana (T. & G.) Walp. Wood's Corn-salad. Erie, Richland, Franklin, Clark. 1807. Valeriana pauciflora Mx. Large-flowered Valerian. Western half of Ohio, as far east as Ottawa, Franklin, and Lawrence Counties. 1808. Valeriana edulis Nutt. Edible Valerian. Champaign County. 1809. Valeriana officinalis L. Garden Valerian. Ashtabula, Lake. From Europe. Order, Campanulales. Campanulaceae. Bellflower Family. 1810. Campanula rapunculoides L. European Bellflower. Cuyahoga, Lorain, Auglaize, Crawford, Carroll, Franklin, Hamilton. From Europe. 1811. Campanula americana L. Tall Bellflower. General and abun- dant. 1812. Campaiuda rotundifolia L. Harebell. Ottawa County. 1813. Cami)anuhj aparinoides Pursh. Marsh Bellflower. Rather gen- eral ; no specimens from the southeastern and northwestern counties. 1814. Specularia perfoliata (L.) DC. Venus '-looking-glass. General Lobeliaceae. Tjobelia Family. 1815. Lobelia cardinalis L. Cardinal Lobelia. Gen(M-al. 226 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1816. Lobelia s.yphalitica L. Blue Lobelia. General and abundant. 1817. Lobelia puberula Mx. Downy Lobelia. Gallia, Meigs, Hocking. 1818. Lobelia spicata Lam. Pale Spiked Lobelia. General. 1819. Lobelia leptostaehys A. DC. Spiked Lobelia. Adams, Gallia, Meigs, Hocking, Fairfield, Clark. 1820. Lobelia inflata L. Indian-tobacco. General. Lobelia kalmii L. Kalm's Lobelia. General. Order, Compositales. Dipsacaceae. Teazel Family. 1822. Dipsacus sylvestris Huds. Wild Teazel. General and abundant. Naturalized from Europe. Ambrosiaceae. Ragweed Family. 1823. Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr. Pennsylvania Cocklebur. General. 1824. Xanthium americaniuu Walt. American Cocklebur. Athens, Vinton, Washington. 1825. Xanthium spinosum L. Spiny Cocklebur. Montgomery County. Introduced. 1826. Ambrosia trifida L. Giant Ragweed. General. 1827. Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Western Ragweed. Franklin, Lake. Introduced from the West. 1828. Ambrosia elatior L. Roman Ragweed. General and abundant. Helianthaceae. Sunflower Family. 1829. Heliopsis helianthoides (L.) Sw. Smooth Oxeye. General and abundant. 1830. Heliopsis scabi-a Dunal. Rough Oxeye. Erie, Wyandot, Wayne. Madison, Ross. 1831. Verbesina alba L. Verbesina. Rather general. 1832. Rudbeckia triloba L. Thinleaf Cone-flower. Rather general; ro specimens from the east'^rn counties. 1833. Rudbeckia hirta L. Black-eyed-Susan. General and abundant. 1834. Rudbeckia fulgida Ait. Orange Cone-flower. Franklin, Union. 1835. Rudbeckia speciosa Wend. Showy Cone-flower. Montgomery, Champaign, Madison, Franklin. 1835a. Rudbeckia speciosa sullivanti (Boy. & Bead.^i Rob. No spec- imens. VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 227 1836. lUulbeckia laciniata L. Tall Cone-flower. General. 1837. Ratibida i)innata (Vent.) Bai-nh. Tall Nigger-head. Rather general. 1838. Ratibida cohimnaris (Sims.) D. Don. Prairie Nigger-head. A waif in Franklin County. 1839. Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench. Purple Cone-flower. Clark, Madison, Franklin, Holmes, Lucas. 1840. Helianthus occidentalis Ridd. Fewlcaf Sunflower. Fulton. Erie, Franklin. 1841. Helianthus microcephalus T. & G. Small Wood Sunflower. Rather general. 1842. Helianthus giganteus L. Giant Sunflower. From Erie, Rich- land, and Fairfield Counties westward. 1843. Helianthus maximiliani Schrad. Maximilian's Sunflower. Lake, Franklin. From the West. 1844. Helianthus grosse-serratus Mart. Sawtooth Sunflower. Cuya- hoga, Erie, Huron, Wood, Auglaize, Clark, Madison. 1845. Helianthus kellermani Britt. Kellerman's Sunflower. Frank- lin County. 1846. Helianthus divaricatus L. Woodland Sunflower. Rather gen- eral. 1847. Helianthus mollis. Laui. Hairy Sunflower. Erie, Frankhn. 1848. Helianthus doi'onieoides Lam. Oblong-leaf Sunflower. Rather general; no specimens from the eastern and southeastern counties. 1849. Helianthus decapetalus L. Thinleaf Sunflower. Rather general. 1850. Helianthus tracheliifolius Mill. Throatwort Sunflower. Rather general : no specimens from the southeastern third of Ohio. 1851. Helianthus strumosus L. Paleleaf Wood Sunflower. Rather general; no specimens from the southeastern third of the state. 1852. Helianthus hiisutus Raf. Hirsute Sunflower. General. 1853^ Helianthus laetiflorus Pers. Showy Sunflower. Franklin, Wayne. 1854. Helianthus tuberosus L. Jerusalem Artichoke. General. 1855^ Helianthus nnnuus L. Common Sunflower. Rather general. From 1lie West. 1856. Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. Prairie Sunflower. Lake County. From the West. 228 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY 1857. Pliaelliusa heliaiithoides (Mx.) Britt. Sunflower Crownbeard. Madison, Clark, Adams. 1858. Ridan alternifolius (L.) Britt. Ridan. General. 1859. Coreopsis lanceolata L. Lance-leaf Tickseed. Franklin County. 1860. Coreopsis tripteris L. Tall Tickseed. Rather general. 1861. Coreopsis major Walt. Greater Tickseed. Gallia, Lawrence, Scioto. 1862. Coreopsis verticillata L. Whorled Tickseed. No specimens. 1863. Coreopsis tinctoria Xutt. Garden Tickseed. Montgomery, Franklin, Cuyahoga. From the West. 1864. Bidens laevis (L.) B. S. P. Smootli Bur-marigold. Columbiana, Erie, Logan, Hamilton. 1865. Bidens cernua L. Nodding Bur-marigold. General. 1866. Bidens connata Muhl. Swamp Bur-marigold. Rather general. 1867. Bidens comosa (Gr.) Wieg. Leafy -bracted Bur-marigold. Aug- laize, Delaware, Franklin, Vinton, Belmont. 1868. Bidens discoidea (T. & G.) Britt. Small Beggar-ticks. Erie County. 1869. Bidens frondosa L. Black Beggar-ticks. Meigs, Vinton, Holmes. 1870. Bidens vulgata Greene. Tall Beggar-ticks. General. 1871. Bidens bipinnata L. Spanish-needles. Rather general ; no speci- mens from the northwestern counties. 1872. Bidens trichosperma (Mx.) Britt. Tall Tickseed. GeneraL 1873. Bidens aristosa (Mx.) Britt. Western Tickseed. Wyandot, Champaign, Clark, Madison. 1874. Megalodonta beckii (Torr.) Greene. Water-marigold. Erie, Stark. 1875. Galinsoga parviflora Cav. Galinsoga. Lake, Cuyahoga, Licking, Belmont, Columbiana, Jetferson, Monroe, Franklin, Mont- gomery. From tropical America. 1876. Polymnia uvedalia L. Yellow Leaf -cup. Cuyahoga, Noble, Gal- lia, Lawrence, Clermont, Clark. 1877. Polymnia canadensis L. Small-flowered Leaf-cup. General. 1878. Silphium integrifolium Mx. Entire-leaf Rosin-weed. No speci- mens. 1879. Silphium trifoliatum L. Whorled Rosin-weed. Rather general; no specimens from the northwestern counties. 1880. Silphium laciniatum L. Compass-plant. Summit County. 1881. Silphium perfoliatum L. Indian-cup. General. AVASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 229 1882. Silpliium terebinthinaceum Jacq. Prairie Dock (Rosin-weed). Cuyahoga, Wayne, Erie, Ottawa, Lucas, Fulton, Defiance, Hancock, Champaign, Clark, Madison. 1883. Parthenium hysterophorus L. Parthenium. A waif in Franklin County. 1884. Tetraneuris herbacea Greene. Eastern Tetraneuris. Ottawa County. 1885. Helenium autuinnale L. Common Sneezeweed. Rather general; no specimens from the southeastern counties. 1886. Helenium nudiflorum Nutt. Purple-headed Sneezeweed. Lake, Franklin. 1887. Helenium tenuifolium Nutt. Slender-leaf Sneezeweed. Frank- lin, Lake. 1888. Boebera papposa (Vent.) Rydl). Fetid Marigold. Franklin, Delaware, Logan, Madison, Hamilton. From the West. 1889. Inula helenium L. Elecampane. General, but no specimens from the southernmost counties. From Europe. 1890. Gifola germanica (L.) Dum. Herb Impius. Guernsey County. From Europe. 1891. Gnaphalium obtusifolium L. Fragrant Cudweed. General. 1892. Gnaphalium decurrens Ives. Clammy Cudweed. Cuyahoga County. 1893. Gnai)halium uliginosum L. :\Iarsh Cudweed. General. 1894. Gnaphalium purpureum L. Purplish Cudweed. Rather general. 1895. Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. & Hook. Pearly Everlast- ing. Cuyahoga Count}'. 1896. Antennaria parlinii Fern. Parlin's Everlasting. General. 1897. Antennaria solitaria Rydb. Single-headed Everlasting. Law- rence County. 1898. Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Rich. Plantain-leaf Everlast- ing. General. 1899. Antennaria neodioica Greene. Smaller Everlasting. Lake, Aug- laize. 1900. Antennaria neglecta Greene. Field Everlasting. Rather general. 1901. Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dun. Broadleaf Gum-plant. Ham- ilton County. From the West. 1902. Chrysopsis graminifolia (Mx.) Ell. Grassleaf Golden-aster. No specimens. 230 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEYEY 1908. Chiysoi)sis mariana (L.) Xutt. ^ilaryland Golden-aster. Hock- ing, Jackson. 1904. Solidago sijnarrosa Mulil. Stout Goldenrod. Ashtabula, Lake, Cuyahoga. 1905. Solidago caesia L. Wreath Goldenrod. General. 1906. Solidago fiexicaulis L. Zig-zag Goldenrod. Eastern Ohio, as far west as Cuyahoga, Fairfield, Jackson, and Lawrence Coun- ties: also in Ottawa County. 1907. Solidago bicolor L. White Goldenrod. Columbiana, Geauga, Cuyahoga, Summit, Wayne, Erie, Fairtield, Vinton, Jackson, Lawrence. 1908. Solidago hispida Muhl. Hairy Goldenrod. Ottawa, Lake. 1909. Solidago erecta Pursh. Slender Goldein-od. Fairfield, Hocking, Meigs. 1910. Solidago uliginosa Xutt. Bog Goldenrod. Lucas, Portage, Stark, Wayne, Licking, Franklin. 1911. Solidago speciosa Nutt. Showy Goldenrod. Lucas, Franklin, Fairfield, Lawrence. 1912. Solidago rigidiuscula (T. & G.) Port. Slender Showy Golden- rod. Erie, Wyandot, Wood. Lucas, Fulton. 1913. Solidago rugosa Mill. Wrinkle-leaf Goldenrod. Rather general. 1914. Solidago patula Muhl. Iioughleaf Goldenrod. Rather general. 1915. Solidago ulmnifolia Muhl. Elmleaf Goldenrod. Rather general. 1916. Solidago neglecta T. & G. Swamp Goldenrod. Wood, Madison, Fairfield. 1917. Solidago juncea Ail. IMuuie Goldenrod. Rather general. 1918. Solidago arguta Ait. Cutleaf Goldenrod. Erie County. 1919. Solidago canadensis L. Canada Goldenrod. General and abun- dant. 1920. Solidago serotina Ait. Late Goldenrod. General. 1921. Solidago nemoralis Ait. Gray Goldenrod. General. 1922. Solidago rigida L. Stiff Goldenrod. Erie, Ottawa, Lucas, De- fiance, Auglaize. Madison, Franklin, Lawrence. 1923. Solidago ohioensis Ridd. Ohio Goldenicd. Stark, Erie, Wyan- dot, Franklin, Champaign, Clark, Montgomery. 1924. Solidago riddcllii Frank. Riddell's Goldenrod. Lucas, Fulton, Wyandot, Franklin, Madison, Clark. 1925. Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. P.ushy Fragrant Goldenrod. General. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OIITO 231 1926. Euthamia tenuifolia (Piirsh.) Greene. Slender Fragrant Golden- rod. Erie, Lueas, Cuyahoga, Lake. 1927. Bellis ])erennis L. European Daisy. Lake, Cuyahoga. From Europe. 1928. Boltouia asteroides (L.) L'Her. BoHonia. Erie, Oflawa, Lucas, Auglaize, Paulding, Defiance. 1929. Sericocarpus linifolius (L.) B. S. P. Nan-owlcaf Whitetop Aster. No specimens. 1930. Sericocarphus asteroides (L.) B. S. P. Toothed Whitetop Aster. Cuyahoga, Summit, Wayn(% Hohnes, Fairfield, ITocking, Jackson, Gallia, Lawrence. 1931. Aster divaricatus L. White Wood Aster. Meigs, Franklin. Fair- field, Lorain, Erie. 1932. Aster macrophyllus L. Largeleaf Aster. Rather general; no specimens from the southwestern counties. 1933. Aster shoitii Hook. Short's Aster. From Franklin and Mont- gomery Counties southward; also in Lake and Ottawa Counties. 1934. Aster azureus Lindl. Azure Aster. Franklin, Wood, Fulton, Erie. 1935. Aster cordifolius L. Common Blue Wood Aster. Rather general. 1936. Astei' lowrieanus Port. Lowrie's Aster. Lake, Cuyahoga, Aug- laize, Fairfield, Hamilton. 1937. Aster lindleyanus T. & G. Lindley's Aster. Wayne, Franklin. 1938. Aster drummondii Lindl. Drummond's Aster. Madison County. 1939. Aster safittifolium Willd. Arrowleaf Aster. Rather general. 1940. Aster undulatus L. Wavy-leaf Aster. Wayne County. 1941. Aster patens Ait. Late Purple Aster. Wayne County. 1942. Aster phlcgifolius Muhl. Thinleaf Purple Aster. Wayne, Por- tage. 1943. Astei- novae-angliae L. Xew England Aster. General. 1944. Aster oblongifolius Nutt. Aronuitie Aster. No specimens. 1945. Aster punicens L. Pni'ple-stem Aster. Rather general. 1946. Aster pienanthoides JMuhl. Crooked-stem Astei". Kalher general. 1947. Aster laevis L. Smooth Aster. Rather general. 1948. Aster junceus Ait. Rush Aster. Licking, Wayne. 1949. Aster laterifiorus (L.) Brill. Starved Astei-. Hal her geiiei-al. 1950. Astei- liirsuticjMilis Lindj. Rouglislem .\ster. Warren, Auglaize. 1951. Aster viiniiieiis Lam. Siiwill While .\s1ei-. Wa\iie Count \-. 232 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEYEY 1952. Aster multiflorus Ait. Deiise-Howered Aster. Lucas, Erie, Gallia. 1953. Aster dumosus L. Bushy Aster. Erie County. 1954. Aster salicifolius Lam. Willow Aster. Wayne County. 1955. Aster paniculatus Lam. Panicled Aster. General. 1956. Aster tradescanti L. Tradescant's Aster. Rather general. 1957. Aster faxoni Porter. Faxon's Aster. Vinton County. 1958. Aster ericoides L. White Heath Aster. General. 1958a. Aster ericoides platyphyllus T. & G. Western half of state, east to Erie, Franklin, and Meigs Counties. 1959. Aster ptarmicoides (Nees.) T. & G. Upland White Aster. (Ot- tawa County — Moseley Herbarium.) 1960. Erigeron pulchellus Mx. Showy Fleabane. General. 1961. Erigeron philadelphicus L. Philadelphia Fleabane. General. 1962. Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. White-top Fleabane. General. 1963. Erigeron raniosus (Walt.) B. S. P. Daisy Fleabane. General. 1964. Leptilon canadense (L.) Britt. Common Horseweed. General. 1965. Doellingeria umbellata (Mill.) Nees. Tall White-top Aster. Rather general. 1966. Doelliugeria infirma (Mx.) Greene. Infirm Aster. Portage County. 1967. lonactis linariifolius (L.) Greene. Stiff leaf Aster. Adams, Hocking. 1968. Eupatorium maculatum L. Spooled Joe-Pye-weed. General. 1969. Eupatorium purpureum L. Joe-Pye-weed. General. 1970. Eupatorium serotinuin Mx. Late-flowering Thorough wort. Ham- ilton County. 1971. Eupatorium altissimum L. Tall Thoroughwort. Hamilton, Montgomery, Franklin, Erie, Lucas. 1972. Eupatorium sessilifolium L. Upland Boneset. Southeastern half of state, to Montgomery, Franklin, Wayne, Portage and Hamilton Counties. 1973. Eupatorium rotundifolium L. Roundleaf Thoroughwort. Hock- ing County. 1974. Eupatorium perfoliatum L. Common Boneset. General. 1975. Eupatorium urticaefolium Reich. White Snake-root. General. 1976. Eupatorium aromaticum L. Smaller White Snake-root. Hock- ing County. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 233 1977. Eupatorium coelestiimni L. Mist-flower. Southern Ohio ; north to Hamilton, Fairfield, and Washington Counties; also in Ashtabula County. 1978. Kuhnia eupatorioides L. False Boneset. Lucas, Erie, Clark, Franklin, Gallia, Lawrence. 1979. Lacinaria squarrosa (L.) Hill. Scaly Blazing-star. Lucas, Erie. 1980. Lacinaria cylindrica (Mx.) Ktz. Cylindric Blazing-star. Frank- lin County. 1981. Lacinaria punctata (Hook.) Ktz. Dotted Blazing-star. A waif in Franklin County. 1982. Lacinaria scariosa (L.) Hill. Large Blazing-star. Erie, Lucas, Fairfield. 1983. Lacinaria spicata (L.) Ktz. Dense Blazing-star. Paulding, Lucas, Wood, Erie, Wyandot, Champaign, Clark, Hocking. 1984. Vernonia noveboracensis (L.) Willd. New York Ironweed. Gal- lia County. 1985. Vernonia altissima Nutt. (V. maxima Small). Tall Ironweed. General and abundant. 1986. Vernonia fasciculata Mx. Western Ironweed. Erie County. 1987. Vernonia missurica Raf. Missouri Ironweed. Erie County. 1988. Elephantopus carolinianus Willd. Carolina Eilephant's-foot. Scioto, Jackson. 1989. Achillea millefolium L. Common Milfoil. General and abundant. 1990. Anthemis cotula L. Connnon Dog-fennel. General and abun- dant. Naturalized from Europt\ 1991. Anthemis arvensis L. Field Dog-fennel. Lorain, Lake. From Europe. 1992. Anthemis tinctoria L. Yellow Dog-fennel. Guernsey County. From Europe. 1993. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. Oxeye Daisy. General and abundant. Xaturalized from Europe. 1994. Clirysantheiiium pai-tlicniuiii (L.) Pers. Common Feverfew. Lake, Erie, Montgomei-y. Fi-om Europe. 1995. Chrysanthemum balsamita L. Sweet-Mary. Cuyahoga. Ottawa, Franklin, a\radisoii. Escaped from gardens. 1996. Chrysanlheiiium indieiim L. Chrysanlhemum. Escaped in Adams ( 'ounty. 1997. Matricaria iiiodora L. Scentless Camoiuile. Lake, Lawrence. Fioiii Kui'()|)e. 234 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1998. Matricaria chamoiuilla L. German Camomile. Ottawa County. From Europe. 1999. Matricaria matricarioides (Lees.) Port. Rayless Camomile. Stark County. From the Pacific coast. 2000. Tanacetum vulgare L. Common Tansy. General. Naturalized from Europe. 2001. Artemisia caudata Mx. Wild Wormwood. Erie County. 2002. Artemisia annua L. Annual Wormwood. Rather general. In- troduced. 2003. Artemisia biennis Willd. Biennial Wormwood. Ashtabula, Cuy- ahoga, Lucas, Auglaize, Shelby, Wyandot, Franklin. 2004. Artemisia vulgaris L. Connnon Mugwort. Escaped in Lake and ( 'Uyahoga Counties. 2005. Artemisia ])ontica L. Roman Wormwood. Champaign, Portage. From Europe. 2006. Artemisia gnaphalodes Nutt. Prairie Cudweed. Lake County. From the West. 2007. Ereehtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. Fireweed. General. 2008. Mesadenia reniformis (Muhl.) Raf. Great Indian-plantain. Clermont, Greene. 2009. Mesadenia atriplicifolia (L.) Raf. Pale Indian-plantain. Gen- eral. 2010. Mesadenia tuberosa (Xutt.) Britt. Tuberous Indian-plantain. INlontgomery, Champaign, Logan. 2011. Synosma suaveolens (L.) Raf. Sweet-scented Indian-plantain. Cuyahoga, Lorain, Stark, Clark, Jackson. 2012. Senecio aureus L. Golden Squaw-weed. General. 2013. Senecio obvatus Muhl. Roundleaf S(|uaw-weed. Rather general. 2014. Senecio panperculus Mx. Balsam S(|uaw-weed. Ottawa County. 2015. Senecio vulgaris L. Connnon Groundsel. Lake, Lorain, Aug- laize. From Europe. 2016. Tussilago fai-fara L. Coltsfoot. Lake, Cuyahoga. From Europe. 2017. Arctium tomentosum (Lam.) Schk. Woolly Burdock. Erie County. From Europe. 2018. Arctium lai^pa L. Great Burdock. Lorain, Cuyahoga. From Euro])('. 2019. Arctium minus Schk. Common Burdock. General and abun- dant. Naturalized from Europe. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 235 :!020. Cirsium lanceolatum (L.) ITill. Spear Thistle. Rather general. From Europe. 2021. Cirsium altissinmin (L.) Spreng. Tall Thistle. Rather general. 2022. Cirsiiim discolor ( ]\Inhl. ) Spreng. Field Thistle. Western Ohio, as far east as Pirie, Huron, Fairfield, and Clermont Counties. 2023. Cirsium virginianuin (L.) Mx. Virginia Thistle. Madison County. 2025. Cirsium muticum Mx. Swam]) Thistle. Genei'al. 2026. Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Caiuuhi Thistle. General. From Europe. 2027. Onopordon acanthium L. Scotch Thistle. Hamilton, Wayne. From Europe. 2028. Centaurea scabiosa L. Scabious Star-thistle. Lake County. From Europe. 2029. Centaurea jacea L. Brown Star-thistle. Richland County. From Europe. 2030. Centaurea cyanus L. Bachelor 's-Button. Montgomery, Frank- lin, Sandusky. Escaped from gardens. Cichoriaceae. Chicory Family. 2031. Cichoi'iuiu intybus L. Chicory. Rather general. Introduced from Europe. 2032. C>ntliia virginica (L.) Don. Virginia Cynthia. General. 2033. Lapsana communis L. Nipplewort. Franklin. Lake. From Europe. 2034. Ai-noseris minima (L.) Dum. Lamb Succory. Lake County. From Europe. 2035. Hypochaeris i-adicata L. Long-rooted Cat"s-ear. Lake, Ashta- biUa. From Europe. 2036. Apargia nudicaulis (L.) Britt. Rough Hawkbit. Lake County. From Europe. 2037. Tragopogon pratensis L. Yellow Goat 's-beard. Lake, Erie, Ful- ton, Auglaize, Franklin, ^Miaiiii. From Europe. 2038. Tragopogon poiriFoliiis L. Salsify. Rather general: no speci- mens Cfoiii the soutlieastei 11 tiiiid of llie state. Fi-oin Europe. 2039. Sonclius aiveiisis I., l-'ield Sow lliislle. Lake. Franklin. From Einn])e. 2040 Sonchus oleraceus L. Coinnion Sow-tliislle. General. Nat- uralized from Europe. 236 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 2041. Sonchus asper (L.) Hill. Spiny Sow-thistle. General. Nat- uralized from Europe. 2042. Lactuca virosa L. Prickly Lettuce. General and abundant. Naturalized from Europe. 2043. Lactuca saligna L. Willow Lettuce. Franklin, Greene, Mont- gomery. From Europe. 2044. Lactuca hirsuta Muhl. Hairy Lettuce. Tuscarawas, Ross, Union. 2045. Lactuca canadensis L. Tall Lettuce. General. 2046. Lactuca sagittifolia Ell. Arrowleaf Lettuce. Fairfield County. 2047. Lactuca villosa Jacq. Hairy-veined Blue Lettuce. Miami, Montgomery. 2048. Lactuca floridana (L.) Gaertn. Florida Lettuce. From Erie, Franklin, and Ross Counties westward. 2049. Lactuca spicata (Lam.) Hitch. Tall Blue Lettuce. Rather general. 2049a. Lactuca spicata aurea Jennings. Holmes, Defiance, Cuyahoga, Franklin, Athens. 2050. Nabalus altissiraus (L.) Hook. Tall Rattlesnake-root. General. 2051. Nabalus albus (L.) Hook. White Rattlesnake-root. General. 2052. Nabalus asper (Mx.) T. & G. Rough Rattlesnake-root. Erie County. 2053. Nabalus racemosus (Mx.) DC. Glaucous Rattlesnake-root. Ful- ton, Lucas, Ottawa, Erie, Huron, Wyandot, Champaign, Clark. 2054. Nabalus crepidineus (Mx.) DC. Corymbed Rattlesnake-root. Cuyahoga, Champaign, Warren. 2055. Hieracium canadense Mx. Canada Hawkweed. Erie, Cuyahoga. 2056. Hieracium paniculatum L. Panicled Hawkweed. Cuyahoga, Wayne, Richland, Fairfield, Monroe. 2057. Hieracium scabrum Mx. Rough Hawkweed. General. 2058. Hieracium gronovii L. Gronovius' Hawkweed. Fulton, Ei-ie, Franklin, Gallia. 2059. Hieracium marianum Willd. Maryland Hawkweed. No speci- mens. 2060. Hieracium venosum L. Veined Hawkweed. Eastern Ohio ; west to Cuyahoga, Knox, Fairfield, Jackson, and Lawrence Counties. VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 237 2061. Hieracium greenii Port. & Britt. Green's Hawkweed. No specimens. 2062. Hieracium pilosella L. Mouse-ear Hawkweed. Lake County. From Europe. 2063. Hieracium aurantiacum L. Orange Hawkweed. Ashtabula, Geauga. From Europe. 2064. Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr. Smooth Hawksbeard. Lake County. From Europe. 2065. Leontodon taraxacum L. Dandelion. General and very abun- dant. Naturalized from Europe. INDEX TO THE GENhRA The numbers refer to the list numbers at the left of the species names. A few familiar synonyms have been included. Abutiiun, 828 Acalypha, 793 Acer, 1229 Acerates, 1480 Achillea, 1989 Acnida, 946 Aconitum, 630 Acorus, 122 Actaea, 645 Acuan, 1094 Adiantum, 16 Adlumia, 676 Aegopodiiim, 1733 Aeseulus, 1226 Aethiisa, 1728 Afzelia, 1551 Agalinis, 1556 Agastache, 1662 Agave, 555 Agrimonia, 1046 Agropyron, 363 Agrostemma, 905 Agrostis, 390 Ailanthus, 782 Ajuga, 1617 Aletris, 490 Alisma, 82 Alliaria, 705 Allionia, 933 Allium, 482 Alnus, 1286 Alopecnrus, 396 Alsine, 894 Althaea, 823 Alyssum, 684 Amaranthus, 941 Ambrosia, 1826 Amelanchier, 1061 Ammannia, 1194 ,\ nnii()]ihila, 395 Amorpha, 1127 Ampelopsis, 1214 Amygdalus, 1093 Anagallis, 1380 Anaphalis, 1895 Anchistea, 19 Andromeda, 1400 Andropogon, 469 Anemone, 634 Angelica, 1717 Anisostichus, 1577 Antennaria, 1896 Anthemis, 1990 Anthoxanthum, 417 Anticlea, 497 Antirrhinum, 1565 Anychia, 938 Apargia, 2036 Apera, 393 Apios, 1175 Apium, 1726 Aplectrum, 598 Apocynum, 1476 Aqiiilegia, 628 Arabidopsis, 716 Arabis, 721 Aralia, 1698 Arctium, 2017 Arctostaphylos, 1404 Arenaria, 889 Arethusa, 584 Argemone, 669 Argentina, 1014 Arisaema, 126 Aristida, 410 Aristolochia, 1368 Armoriea, 691 .^ rnoseris, 2034 Aronia, 1058 Arrenatherum, 352 239 2i0 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Artemisia, 2001 Aruncus, 1038 Asarum, 1365 Aseleijias, 1482 Ascyrum, 851 Asiniina, 606 Asparagus, 521 Asperugo, 1595 Asplenium, 20 Aspris, 358 Aster, 1932 Astragalus, 1132 Atheropogon, 380 Athyrium, 27 Atriplex, 965 Avena, 354 Azalea, 1394 Azolla, 47 Baptisia, 1102 Barbarea, 717 Bartonia, 1473 Batrachium, 622 Backmannia, 377 Bellis, 1927 Benzoin, 661 TBerberis, 657 Berteroa, 682 :Betula, 1281 Bicuculla, 674 "Ridens, 1864 Bignonia, 1576 Blephariglottis, 575 Blppliilia, 1679 Blitum, 960 Bcebera, 1888 Poehmeria, 1260 Boltonia, 1928 Botrychium, 2 Bouteloua, 381 Braehyelytrum, 406 T3rasenia, 108 Brassica, 745 BrHiineria. 1839 Pronius, 296 Puehnera, 1550 Pnpleurum, 1720 Bursa, 689 Cakile, 753 Calamagrostis, 388 Calla, 123 Callirrhoe, 822 Callitriche, 814 Caltha, 612 Camelina • 67 Campanula, 1810' Camptosorus, 29 Cannabis, 1254 Capnoides, 677 Capriola, 378 Carara, 702 Cardamine, 731 Cardiospermum, 1225 Carduus, 2020 Carex, 182 Carpinus, 1278 Carum, 1739 Cassia, 1096 Castalia, 111 Castanea, 1263 Castilleja, 1561 Catalpa, 1578 Caulophyllum, 656 Cepnothus, 1217 Celastrus, 1220 Celosia, 940 Celtis, 1248 Cenehrus, 461 Centaurea, 2028 Centaurium, 1462 Cephalanthus, 1757 Cerastium, 899 Ceratophyllum, 653 Ceratostigma, 1384 Cercis, 1095 Chaenorrhiuum, 1568 Chaerophyllum, 1710 Cbaeloehloa, 457 Chamaecrista, 1098 Ghamaedaphne, 1399 Unamaelirium, 499 Cliamaenerion, 1337 Chamaeperielymenum, 1749 Chamaesyee, 808 Cheirinia, 708 Chelidonium, 673 VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 241 Chelone, 1521 Chenopodium, 950 Chiiiiaphila, 1388 Cliiogenes, 1411 Chionanthus, 1455 Chrysanthemum, 1993 Chrysopsis, 1902 Chrysospleuium, 1193 Cichorium, 2031 Ciciita, 1737 Cimicifuga, 646 Ciuua, 394 Circaea, 1351 Cirsium, 2020 Citrulus, 1360 Claytonia, 929 Clematis, 640 Cleome, 755 Clinopodium, 1637 Clintonia, 518 Coeloglossum, 570 Coix, 472 Collinsia, 1526 Collinsonia, 1660 Comandra, 1369 Comarum, 1015 Commelina, 533 Comjitonia, 1296 Conioselium, 1716 Conium, 1732 Conobea, 1529 Conopholis, 1574 Conringia, 714 Convallaria, 520 Convolvulus, 1431 Coptis, 627 Corallorrhiza, 600 Coreopsis, 1859 Cornus, 1742 Coronilla, 1134 Cory his, 1280 Coritinus, 1241 Cotoneaster, 1083 Cracea, 1129 Crataegus, 1063 Crepis, 2064 Cropanthemum, 852 Crocus, 560 Crotolaria, 1105 Croton, 7 91 Cubeluim, 860 CueumJs, 1361 Cucurbita, 1358 Cunila, 1646 Cuscuta, 1435 Cyclolonia, 962 Cymbalaria, 1571 Cynanchum, 1495 Cynoglossum, 1590 Cynosurus, 348 Cynoxylon, 1748 Cynthia, 2032 Cyperus, 135 Cypripedium, 564 Dactylis, 333 Dalibarda, 1039 Danthonia, 350 Casiphora, 1006 Dasystoma, 1552 Datura, 1499 Caucus, 1740 Decodon, 1196 Delphinium, 631 Dennstaedtia, 42 Dentaria, 739 Deringa, 1709 Deschampsia, 357 Diathera, 1588 Dianthus, 924 DichroiihylJuni, 807 Diervilla, 1802 Digitalis, 1548 Diodia, 1760 Dioscorea, 563 Diospyros, 1415 Diplotaxis, 750 Dipsaeus, 1822 Dirca. 1201 Disporum, 511 IHxlecatheon, 1383 Doellingeria, 1966 Doliehos, 1174 Dra])a, 685 Dracocephalum, 1667 Drosera, 664 242 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Drymocallis, 1016 Dryopteris, 30 Dulichium, 147 Echinacea, 1839 Echinochloa, 454 Echium, 1607 Eleocharis, 148 Elephantopus, 1988 Eleusine, 379 Elyraus, 367 Epigaea, 1402 Epilobiiim, 1338 Equisetum, 50 Eragrostis, 334 Erechtites, 2007 Erigenia, 1731 Erigeron, 1960 Eriocaulon, 554 Eriophornm, 171 Erodium, 764 Eryngiiim, 1704 Erysimum, 711 Erythronium, 479 Eiilopluis, 1734 Euonymus, 1216 Enpatorinm, 1968 Euphorbia, 798 Euthamia, 1925 Fagopyrum, 982 Fagiis, ]262 Falcata, 1176 Festuca, 309 Ficaria, 621 Filipendula, 1034 Filix, 40 Fimbristylis, 159 Fissipes, 567 Floerkea, 772 Foeniculum, 1727 Fragaria, 1018 Frasera, 1471 Fraxiniis, 1456 Fnmaria, 680 Galeopsis, 1669 Galeorchis, 568 Galinsoga, 1875 Galium, 1761 Gaultheria, 1403 Gaura, 1350 Gaylussacia, 1413 Gemmingia, 559 Gentiana, 1464 Geranium, 758 Gerardia, 1556 Geum, 1000 Gifola, 1890 Gilia, 1424 Glecoma, 1665 Gleditsia, 1100 Glycine, 1175 Gomphrena, 949 Gonolobus, 1494 Gratiola, 1530 Grindelia, 1901 Grosularia, 1330 Gymnadeniopsis, 571 Gymnocladus, 1101 Gnaphalium, 1891 Gyrostachys, 586 Hamamelis, 1242 Hartmannia, 1348 TTedeoma, 1633 Helenium, 1885 Heleochloa, 398 Helianthemum, 852 Helianthus, 1840 Heliopsis, 1829 Heliotropium, 1589 Helleborus, 625 Hemerocallis, 481 Hepatiea, 638 Heracleum, 1715 Hesperis, 715 Heteranthera. 529 Heuchera, 1191 Hil)iseus, 829 Hicoria, 1288 Hieracium, 2055 Holeus, 465 Holosteum, 893 Homalocenehrus, 462 Hordeum, 372 VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 2-43 Hosackia, 1123 Hottonia, 1381 Houstonia, 1751 Ilumulus, 1252 Hydrangea, 1325 Hydrastis, 643 Hydrocotyle, 1729 Hydrophylliim, 1445 Hypericum, 835 Hypochaeris, 2035 Hypopytis, 1391 Hypoxis, 556 Hystrix, 371 Ibidiiim, 586 Ilex, 1222 Ilysanthes, 1532 Tmpatiens, 778 Inula, 1889 Todantlius, 720 lonaetis, 1967 Ipomoea, 1426 Tresine, 948 Iris, 557 Isanthus, 1615 Isnardia, 1336 Isoetes, 48. Tsopyrum, 648 Isotria, 582 Jeffersonia, 655 Juglans, 1294 Juncoides, 551 Juncus, 534 Juniperus, 73 Kalmia, 1398 Kickxia, 1569 Kneiffia, 1345 Koehia, 963 Koeleria, 344 Koellia, 1369 Koniga, 683 Korvcarpus, 345 Kuhnia, 1978 Kyllinga, 146 Lacinaria, 1979 Lactuca, 2U42 LamiuHi, 1071 Lajjpula, 1592 Lapsana, 2033 Larix, 67 Lathyrus, 1168 Lavauxia, 1349 Lechea, 854 Ledum, 1393 Lemna, 129 Leontodon, 2065 Leonurus, 1670 Lepargyraea, 1202 Lepidium, 697 Leptaninium, 1575 Leptandra, 1547 Leptilon, 1964 Leptoloma, 450 Lespedeza, 1151 I.igustrum, 1454 Lilium, 475 Limnia, 930 Limnorc'his, 572 Limodorum, 585 Linaria, 1566 Linnaea, 1801 Linum, 773 Liparis, 595 Lippia, 1614 Liquidambar, 1243 Liriodendron, 605 Lithospermum, 1599 Lobelia, 1815 Lolium, 360 Lonicera, 1790 Lophotoearpus, 77 Lotus, 1122 Ludwigia, 1334 Lupinus, 1106 Lychnis, 906 Lyciiiin, 1501 Lycopodium, 58 Lycoporsicon, 1516 Lyeopsis, 1606 Lye opus, 1647 Lysins, 574 Lysiniacliia, 1371 Lvthrum, 1197 244 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Macleya, 672 Magnolia, 603 Malaxis, 594 Mains, 1055 Malva, 817 Manlreda, 555 Mariscus, 178 Marrubium, 1632 Marsilea, 46 Martynia, 1580 Matricaria, 1997 Matteuccia, 44 Medeola, 509 Medicago, 1107 iViegalodouta, 1874 Meibomia, 1136 Melanipyrnm, 1564 Malanthium, 494 ivxelica, 308 Melilotus, 1110 Melissa, 1635 Menispermnni, 659 Mentha, 1652 Menyanthes, 1474 Mertensia, 1594 Merciirialis, 796 Mesadenia, 2009 Michella, 1758 Mieranipelis, 1363 Micranthes, 1187 Milium, 407 Mimulus, 1527 Mirabilis, 935 Miseauthus, 468 Mitella, 1192 Moehringia, 892 Mollugo, 928 Monarda, 1681 Monotropa, 1390 Morns, 1245 Muhlenbergia, 400 Musearia, 489 Myagrnni, 704 Myosotis, 1596 IMyriopliyllum, 1354 Nabalus, 2050 Naias, 106 Napaea, 827 Naum]:)ergia, 1378 Kelumbo, 109 Nemopauthus, 1221 Neobeekia, 692 Nepeta, 1664 Neslia, 690 Nicotiana, 1498 Nigella, 626 Norta, 713 ^^othoholcus, 359 Nymphaea, 110 Nyssa, 1750 Obolaria, 1472 Odostemon, 658 Oenothera, 1342 Onoelea, 45 Onopordou, 2027 Onosmodium, 1604 Ophioglossum, 1 Opulaster, 1035 Opiuitia, 1323 Origanum, 1644 Ornithogalum, 488 Orobanche, 1573 Oryzopsis, 408 Osmiiiida, 8 Ostrya, 1279 Otophylla, 1560 Oxalis, 765 Oxycoccus, 1412 Oxydendrum, 1401 Oxypolis, 1719 Panax, 1702 Panieularia, 315 Panicum, 419 Papaver, 665 Paspalum, 456 Parietria, 1261 Parnassia, 652 Parsonnia, 1199 Partlienium, 1883 Parthenocissus, 1215 Passiflora, 886 Pastinaea, 1714 Pedicularis, 1562 VASCULAR PLANTS OF OHIO 245 Pellaea, 18 ralteudra, 125 i'enthorum, 1185 Pentstemon, 1522 Peramium, 593 Perilla, 1661 Persicaria, 983 Perularia, 569 Petalostemon, 1128 Petunia, 1497 Phaea, 1133 Phacelia, 1149 Phaethusa, 1857 Phalaris, 415 Phaseolus, 1178 Ph'^gopteris, 13 Philadelphus, 1324 Philotria, 113 Phleum, 399 Phlox, 1416 Plioradendron, 1370 Phragmites, 349 Phryma, 1690 Physalis, 1503 Physalodes, 1502 Phyllanthus, 790 Phytolacca, 936 rilea, 1259 Pimpinella, 1735 Piiuis, 68 Plantago, 1691 Platanus, 1244 Pleuropterus, 976 Poa, 322 Podophyllum, 654 Podostenion, 1186 Pogonia, 581 Poiusettia, 798 Polanisia, 754 Polemoiiiuni, 1425 Polycodium, ]405 Polygala, 783 Polygonatum, 512 Polygonum, 994 Pnlymnia, 1876 Polypodiuiu, 11 Polystif'liuin, 39 T'oiitpdoria, 528 Populus, 1297 Porteranthus, 1031 Povtulaca, 931 Potamogeton, 86 Poteutilla, 1007 Poterium, 1052 Piosperpiuaea, 1357 Prunella, 1666 Prunus, 1084 Psoralea, 1124 Ptelea, 781 Pteridium, 17 Pyrola, 1385 Pyrus, 1054 Quamasia, 487 Quamoelit, 1430 Querc'us, 1264 Radicula, 694 Eaimannia, 1344 Ranunculus, 607 Raphanus, 751 Ratibida, 1837 Reseda, 756 Rhamnus, 1203 Rhexia, 1200 Rhododendron, 1397 Rhus, 1235 Ribes, 1326 Ricinus, 797 Ridan, 1858 Robertiella, 763 Robinia, 1130 Rosa, 1040 Rotala, 1195 Rubus, 1021 Rudbeckia, 1832 Ruellia, 1586 Rumex, 967 Rynehospora, 173 Sabbatia, 1463 Sagina, 887 Sagittaria, 78 Salix, 1304 Salomon ia. 512 Salsola, 966 246 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Salvia, 1686 Sambucus, 1774 Samoliis, 1382 Sanguinaria, 670 Sanguisorbia, 1051 Sanicula, 1705 Sapouaria, 922 Sarothra, 849 Sarracenia, 662 Sassafras, 660 Satiireia, 1636 Saururus, 999 Savastana, 414 Saxifraga, 1187 Scandix, 1713 Scheuehzeria, 85 Schizonotns, 1033 Sehmaltzia, 1238 Scirpus, 160 Sclerantluis, 939 Scleria, 179 Scrophularia, 1520 Scutellaria, 1622 Seeale, 366 Sedum, 1181 Selaginella, 64 Seneeio, 2012 Sericocarpiis, 1929 Sherardia, 1773 Sicyos, 1364 Sida, 825 Silene, 911 Silphium, 1878 Sinapis, 743 Sisj'mbrium, 693 Sisyrinehiiim, 561 Sium, 1736 Smilax, 522 Solanum, 1510 Solidago, 1904 Sonelms, 2039 Sophia, 706 Sorbns, 1053 Sorghastrnm, 467 Sparganium, 116 opartina, 376 Spathyema, 124 Specularia, 1814 Spergula, 903 fcspermaeoee, 1759 Sphenopholis, 341 Spigelia, 1452 Spinaeia, 961 Spiraea, 1036 Spirodela, 128 Sporobolus, 383 Stachys, 1675 Staphylea, 1224 Steironema, 1375 Stenanthium, 498 Stenophyllus, 158 Stipa, 409 Stomoisia, 1585 strtptopus, 510 Strophostyles, 1180 t'tylophorum, 671 Stylosanthes, 1135 Sullivantia, 1189 Symphoricarpos, 1788 Symphytum, 1605 Synaudra, 1668 Synanthyris, 1534 Synosma, 2011 Syndesmon, 647 Syntherisma, 451 Syringa, 1453 Taenidia, 1723 Tanacetum, 2000 Taraxacum, 2065 Taxus, 76 Tecoma, 1576 Tetraneuris, 1884 Teuerium, 1618 Thalesia, 1572 Thalictrum, 649 Thaspium, 1721 Thlaspi, 703 Thuja, 72 Thvmus. 1645 Tiarella, 1190 Tilia. 832 Tiniaria, 977 Tipularia, 597 Ti'--sa, 904 Tit'iyiialopsis, 806 VASCULAE PLANTS OF OHIO 2V' Tithymalus, 799 Torilis, 1741 Tovara, 993 Toxicodendron, 1239 Toxylon, 1251 Tracaulou, 980 Tradescantia, 530 Tragopogon, 2037 Triadenum, 850 Triantha, 500 Triehostema, 1616 Tridens, 346 Trientalis, 1379 Trifolium, 1112 Triglochin, 83 Trillium, 50] Triosteum, 1786 Triphora, 583 Triplasis, 347 • Trisetum, 353 Tritievim, 365 Trollius, 624 Tsiiga, 66 Tussilago, 2016 Typha, 120 I'Inius, 1245 Unifolium, 517 Urtica, 1255 Urticastrum, 1258 Utrieularia, 1581 Uva-nrsi, 1404 Uvularia, 491 Vaccaria, 923 Vaecinium, 1406 \ agnera, 514 Valeriana, 1807 Valerianella, 1803 Vallisneria, 115 Veratrum, 495 Verbascum, 1517 Verbena, 1608 Verbesina, 1831 Vernonia, 1984 Veronica, 1535 Viburnum, 1776 Vicia, 1161 Vinca, 1475 V incetoxicum, 1496 Viola, 861 Viorna, 641 Vitis, 1209 Waldsteinia, 1017 Washingtonia, 1711 Wolffia, 133 Wolffiella, 132 Woodsia, 43 Woodwardia, 19 Xanthium, 1823 Xyris, 553 Yucca, 474 Zannicliellia, 105 Zanthoxylum, 780 Zea, 473 Zizania, 464 Zizia, 1724 Zvgadenus, 497 Bulletins Ohio Biological Survey I. Outline of Biological Survey Plan. Syrphidae of Ohio by C. L. Metcalf - - - $ .50 II. Catalog of Ohio Vascular Plants by John H. Schaffner .50 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Volume " XVIII Number 25 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 3 A Botanical Survey of the Sugar Grove Region BY ROBERT F. GRIGGS APRIL, 1914 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY AT COLUMBUS, OHIO Entered as second-class matter November 17, 1905, at the postoffice Columbus, Ohio, under Act of Congress, July 16, 1894. OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Herbert Osborn, Director OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY IN CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER OHIO COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Administrative Board consisting of Representatives from co- operating institutions. E. L. Fullmer, E. R. Gregory, M. E. Stickney, W. N. Speckman, L. B. Walton, . Miss M. Getman, Bruce Fink, F. 0. Grover, E. L. Rice, H. M. Benedict, W. E. Sullivan, C. G. Shatzer, Baldwin University, University of Akron, Denison University, German Wallace College, Kenyon College, Lake Erie College, Miami University, Oberlin College, Ohio Wesleyan University, University of Cincinnati, Western Reserve University, Wittenberg College, Berea, 0. Akron, 0. Granville, 0. Berea, 0. Gambler, 0. Painesville, 0. Oxford, 0: Oberlin, 0. Delaware, 0. Cincinnati, 0. Cleveland, 0. Springfield, 0. ANNOUNCEMENT The Bulletins of thje Ohio Biological Survey will be issued as work on any special subject is completed, and will form volumes of about 500 pages each.. They will be sent to co-operating institutions and individuals, libraries and colleges in Ohio and to such surveys, societies and other organizations as may offer suitable exchange material. Additional copies of each bulletin and of completed volumes will be sold at such price as may cover the cost of publication. Special rates on quantities to schools for classes. Subscription for entire volumes, $2.00 Price of this number, .50 All orders should be accompanied by remittance which should be made payable to Ohio Biological Survey and sent to the Director. Correspondence concerning the Survey, applications for ex- changes and purchase of copies of Bulletins should be addressed to the Director— Professor Herbert Osborn, Columbus, Ohio. Volume 1 Bulletin 3 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY A BOTANICAL SURVEY OF THE SUGAR GROVE REGION By ROBERT F. GRIGGS Published by THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Columbus 1914 Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of the Ohio State University, No. 84. A Liriodendron Cove (The figure gives the scale.) —Photo B. B. Fulton. CONTENTS Page Introduction 248 Geology and I'liysiooiMphy 249 Climatology 255 Part I — Ecology 259 The Bottom-lands 259 The Bottom-land .Swamp 263 The Bircli Bottom-land 265 The Kixer-liank Association 267 The Forests 269 •The Lo^vland Forest 269 The Hemlock Forest 269 The Liri; (lendron Forest .^. 272 The rjdand Forest '. 276 The Cliff-top 276 The Pine Forest 279 The 0;ik Forest 280 The Kock Dwelling Plants 281 The Fni folium Society 287 The Caves 288 Dry Caves 288 Wet Caves 289 The (iuild of Shade-kning Evergreen Herbs 290 The I']. hind Thicdvets 293 The Sumac Thicket 293 The « 3 e t a 3 u « [fa JB u a a < a S V e -5 August September October November E J Annual .Sco Lancaster . . . |13|30.2|28.2|42.0|50.5|62.3|69.1|74.0|71.7|66.5|54.0|42.2|32.3| 51.9 Circleville . . . [ 14|30.2|28.1 143 3|5].8|63.2!70.7|7o.3|73.3|68.0|o4.9|42.4|32.7| 52.7 Columbus . .,|31[28.9I30.1[39.6|51.1|62.5|71.0|75.2|72.7|66.9|54.7|41.8|32.7| 52.2 (35.7 67.0 66.6 The highest and lowest tem])ei-;itures evei- i-eeoi'ded are 102" and ■21° at Circleville, 99° and -21° at Lancaster, 104^ sind -20° at Colniii- ])us. Tlie highest teiiipnnlnri' is usn;dl\' i-caclifil in .July, l)nt Angnst is nearly as hot. The lowest temi)ei';it nres ai'e sometimes reached ii; 1. Smith. J. Warren. The Climate of Ohio. Bull. O. Ag. Ex. Sta. 235:185- 2(19. I'.M2. 256 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY January and sometimes in February. The data do not include, how- ever, the extremely hot summer of 1911, nor the exceptionally cold winter of 1911-12. The extreme temperatures recorded for the middle section of the state, 108°aud -34°, will perhaps give a better idea of what may be expected for the absolute extremes in our area. These are of course important because of their destructive effect on vege- tation which would tend to control the southern limits of certain species and the northern limits of others and so react on the compo sition of the flora. The average date of the last killing frost in spring is April 30. of the first killing frost in the autumn October 2. The average growing season is therefore about 155 days in length. But the latest killing frost reported was on May 30, and the earliest in autumn about Sep- tember 15, giving a minimum growing season, if both late and early frosts should occur in the same year, of only 110 days. But the frost data have not been taken for a long enough period at any of the sta- tions under consideration to give reliable data as to possibilities in this direction. "On June 5, 1859, a killing frost occurred in the central and northern part of this section [i. e. Sec. 71] that is still known as the great June frost." '' Precipitation is quite uniform over the whole of the section [in which our area is located] and averages about 38 inches (95 cm.) per year. At North Lewisburg in Champaign County the smallest annual rainfall in a period covering 56 years was 23 inches (57.5 cm.) in 1872, and the greatest 58 inches (145 cm.) in 1852," while at Cincinnati in a record from 1835 to 1908 inclusive, the least was 17.99 inches (42.5 em.) in 1901 and the greatest 65.18 inches (163 cm.) in 1847. "The dis- tribution of the rainfall is fairly uniform, as ^vill be seen from the table given herewith." "In general there is the greatest average rainfall in June and July, and the least in October. There are very few months with less than an appreciable amount of precipitation in all parts of the section, and monthly falls of over 10 inches (25 cm.) are not very frequent. The greatest monthly fall reported at any of the stations under consideration is 15.90 inches (40 cm.) at North Lewisburg in September, 1866," while at Carthegena, Mercer County, 17.33 inches (43 cm.) fell in June, 1877. Although these stations are at consider- able distances fi-oni tlie area under consideration, their records will give a fair idea of the maximum precipitation to which its vegetation would be subjected in a long series of years. This extreme maximum is of BOTANICAL SUEVEY— SUGAR GEOVE REGION 257 importance because of the destructive effects of the floods, which would fix the boundaries of the flood-plain associations subject to inundation and prevent permanent encroachment upon these associations by the plants of higher ground which could not endure the flood. AVERAGE MONTHLY RAINFALL (INCHES) Lancaster Logan . . . Circleville McArthur Columbus U tl K Mm 0 i >• >, h a 9 B a "-> 2.90 >> u a s J3 tl U. 2.67 jB 4yf3 a. < a « B 3 -> "1 4.1 « 3 M 3 < k tl .A E tl ft tl u V .a 0 *^ u 0 u tl E V > 0 Z b tl E tl u tl O a 3 c B < 12 2.97 4.31 4.64 4.58 2.88 2.13 1.93 2.73 3.15 39.62 16 3.54 3.92 3.27 2.86 3.51 4.31 4.19 3.63 2.94 2.31 3.38 2.64 40.50 20 2.69 2.67 3.61 2.73 3.60 4.09 3.94 3.14 2.28 2.17 2.64 2.40 35.96 5 3.12 3.55 3.69 2.49 3.69 3.56 4.31 3.01 2.45 1.72 2.93 2.91 37.43 30 2.97 3.01 3.49 2.84 3.80 3.41 3.65 3.21 2.41 2.32 2.91 2.66 36.68 The average snowfall is very close to 25 inches (62.5 cm.). The configuration of the land is such that the snow is generally blown or melted off the uplands, leaving them bare and exposed for the most of the winter. The depth of the annual snowfall is an insignificant factor in such situations, but in the deep ravines the drifts accumulate and keep them cold and wet well into the spring, affording thereby suitable habitats for the many northern plants, which here reach their southern limits. Single snowfalls exceeding 8 inches (20 cm.) are not common, l)ut there is a record of 30 inches (76 cm.) at Lancaster during April, 1901. At Columbus 13.5 inches (39 cm.) is the greatest amount of snow ever reported upon the ground at one time. The greatest annual snowfall of record is 67.8 inches (170 cm.) in the winter of 1909-10, while the smallest is 8.5 inches (21 cm.) in the winter of 1896-7. Snowfall is usually confined 1o the months from November to Aj)!-]], hut "appreciable (lr|)ths of snow sometimes occur in May and October." "The (ivcriigc iiuiiihci' of fainy days is 106. The average iiumbei" of clear days is from 125 to 150, and the average number of cloudy days is about the s;nne. At ('oluml)us the avei"age aiituuil sunshine is 54% of the possible aniounl ; the average nuiiibei- of eleai- (hiys is 103, partly ZOJ OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY cloudy 131, and cloudy 131. The average numlier of days with thunder- storms at Columbus is 33." The prevailing winds at Columbus are southwest and the average movement of air is eight miles per hour. Tornadoes are rare, but storms violent enough to destroy many trees are of periodical occur- rence. The records of the Weather Bureau show that during the years 1892-1901, when the observing station was located in a comparatively low building, there averaged 3.4 days per annum with winds reaching l-in. Um'I- tlie Upland Between Big Pine Creek inul (^m ei CJittk. Timber remains only in tile ravines. or exceeding 40 miles per hour. 15ut from 1903 to 1911, after the observatory was moved into a "skyscraper," the average number of days with gales rose to 26.5. The absolute maximum is 70 miles per hour on March 15, 1908. The mean relative humidity at Columbus is as follows: u u b >, i) V V >i u J> b ^ .fl ^ 3 X M E V .A E E s c bu 0 a < e s "a 3 < 0) a « en 5 u 0 Z u V Q 7 a. m 84 82 80 74 7.5 77 1 76 79 80 81 82 73 7 p 111 77 74 69 61 61 1 63 1 59 61 62 1 64 j 70 76 On the longest days of the year there are about 15 hours of sun- shine from sunrise to sunset. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 259 ECOLOGY As ill all dissected countries the area is to be divided pi-imarily into lowland and upland (figs. 3, 4 and 5). These two divisions form the basis of the human society which occupies the territory. There are low- land farmers and upland farmers; each community has its own set of roads and travel tends to stay down if following a valley road and to ,-r-*»^Jfe. I'ig. 4. ■ ■ Jvuiiklf's Hollow.'' Upland and Lowhnul Forests. Oak forest on the more sheltered west hillside (left) and pine forest on the more exposed east clififtop (right), Liriodendron forest in the ravine. keep up if on a I'idge road. The plant covering likewise is to be divided primarily into lowland and upland forests, each of which is naturally sub-divided into its component associations. In the case of both lowhmd and upland forests, it will be most convenient to begin the description with the extreme types and proceed to tlu^ less extreme, finally describ- ing the intermediate associations which mark tlie transition from lowland to upland. THE BOTTOM LANDS Of all llic problems Ihal confront one who is attemjiting to find out the aboriginal condition of this country, none is so difficult as the reconstruction of the vegetalion of the bottom-lands along the lai-ge streams. There is not a vestige left to suggest the original condition 260 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY of the Hocking bottom between Lancaster and Logan except the swamps described below and a few large trees standing in the fields into which it has been converted (fig. 6). Many of these, however, have either come up from seed since the forest was cut off or were very young at tliat time, for they show no traces of ever having been crowded by near neighbors. One of them, a sugar maple {Acer, sacchanon), known as "The Queen of the Valley (figs. 6 and 7), is the most perfect specimen of a round- topped shade tree known to the writer. Whether this bottom-land was originally covered with associations similar to those of rivers in other parts of the state or whether it partook of the features of the mixed forest of the "coves" cannot now be determined. Farmers who with their parents before them liave always lived in the valley know nothing of the time when the land was generally clothed with forest. The last Fig. 5. The Hocking Valley at Sugar Grove. The hillsides still forested and largely in their natural condition, lowland and upland both cleared and cultivated. vestige of the forest, a little patch of only a few acres, was cleared away, so the writer is informed, about fifteen years ago. It is said to have contained some very large sycamore trees, with an admixture of some other species. BOTANICAL 8UEVEY— Sl'GAR UEUVE KEGJON 261 ■^ '> ^^^ R "^nL^ ^^^^^^ VK 'm-^^&r yg. ^ •T^^^V^^I^-^^^^ .^S \ ^fe Hlrikj hM^^^I 1 ^^^^g^^^^^ ^H "■ •.'4- ■.-;. '-^ ■•■*-' "■■'-■• ^m^Bfl ^^^^BiiiT" /i-. .>«.^'' mm Kifis. (i ami 7. 'I'lir '(^uccn of tlif Valley.'' A Sugar Maple in tlie Hi)clh(iliir>T Cr.M- Bctula lutcii in iilniost pure staiul. far as Ohio is coiicfi-ticd, these liave almost comiiletely vanished, iiirc!) bottoms, however, must originally have al)ounded along the streams in 266 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY this region. But now all of the flood-plains not under cultivation are occupied by the usual mixed association of deciduous trees, dominates.! by the willows (principally Salix nigra) and the sycamore, together with coarse weeds, such as Ambrosia trifida, and various composites. Although birches are common along the streams from Laurel Kun south- ward, it is only in the canyon of Queer Creek that anything like an unspoiled birch bottom can be found, and even here the undisturbecL association remains in only a very limited area — less than an acre all told — and there is a considerable admixture of species which were not present in the association in primeval times. The land is flat, with numerous shallow pools furnishing breeding places for salamanders, etc. The soil is almost pure sand, with little humus, most of the organic matter being in the form of undecayed particles of wood. The two birches, Betula uttea and B. Icnta, are both abundant, the former occupying nearly one-half of the area (fig. 10), while the river birch, B. nigra, occurs on the edge overhanging the stream. To- gether with these are scattered individuals of hemlock (Tsuga) and beech, (Fagus). Along the water's edge, where the light is stronger, are some other trees which are probably intruders since the days of floods. These are: Ash {Fraxinus americana), sycamore (Flatanus), basswood (Tilia), butternut {Juglans cinerea), blue beech (Carpinus), and red maple {Acer riihrum). The underbrush is made up of yew (Taxus), with some witch hazel (Hammemelis) and spice bush (Ben- zoin). The real character of the herbage is very difficult to determine, for there is an admixture of all sorts of plants from almost all possible associations, especially weeds whose seeds are continually brought in by the stream. One cannot be sure which to eliminate as intruders, since there are no other areas to use for comparison. The following list, Jiowever, seems to include most of the characteristic plants : Circaea lutetiana Circaea alpina Dryopteris spinulosum Dryopteris marginale Lycopodium lucidulum CatJirinea sp. To these must be added the Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus) which is common but so small that it must be classed as an herb, seldom rising off the ground. This plant might be described as waiting round for an opportunity to assert itself. The weak light that reaches it is BOTANICAL SUEVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 267 just enough to support it, but does not permit any but the slowest growth. But whenever a break in the forest lets in the light, it is ready- to spring up luxuriantly and cover the open places. It will be observed that this herbage is very similar to that of the hemlock forest (see p. 269) which covers the hillside above the flat, and it is clear that the two associations are closely akin. The one passes into the other abruptly as the level land gives way to the hillside, the place of Bciula lutea being taken by the hemlock, while the yew, the ferns and the lycopod become more abundant. The one factor which more than any other appears to be responsible for the development of this association is the absence of light. This is pre-eminently an association of sciophytes. On both sides it is hemmed in by lofty cliffs, which greatly reduce the light reaching the bottom. The shade is so dense that of the many weeds which one finds starting up in the spring all but a few stunted individuals have died off for lack of light by mid-summer. A shade-enduring community is, how- ever, of necessity slow growing, and when once the shade is removed, this association has little chance of reproducing itself against the com- petition of the aggressive, sun-loving plants which form the common bottom-land association throughout the Central States. THE RIVER BANK ASSOCIATION "While the vegetation on the banks of the larger streams is a heterogeneous mixture of all sorts of elements, especially annual weeds, the banks of Queer Creek are covered in places with an association of geophilous perennial herbs which is close to the natural condition. This may be observed, perhaps to greatest advantage, on the banks of the basin below The Falls at the head of ''The Gulf." It develops on banks which are too fre«iuently overflowed to permit the growth of trees or bushes. Consequently it is well illuminated. The soil is loose, almost pure sand, which is held in place by the under- ground parts of the vegetation. The dominant plant is Panicttm latipoliI'M. with Carex prasina and Senecio ears in nlmndrnc;', becor,iin<>' Ihe fascies in August. 268 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY As normally developed this association is always confined to a nar- row strip a meter or two wide bordering on the w^ater. But it is one of the associations which have become greatly extended since the clear- ing of the country. In the cleared lands, however, it does not develop in its purity, but becomes a meadow covered with Panicum lati folium, together with various sedges, rushes, and other common meadow and pasture plants. ut even here the bank of the stream is occupied by various deciduous trees which would gradually but cer- tainly beat back the ancient hemlock forest. In the typical Lirioden- dron forest, as seen further north, the hemlocks and birches are limited to the locks forming the upper rims of the ravines, while the whole of the soil-covered valley is dominated by the deciduous forest about to be discussed. The Liriodendron Forest. The Liriodendron forest flourishes in conditions but little different fiom the hemlock forest which it is gradu- ally replacing. Its most typical development occurs in the characteristic BOTANICAL SUEVEY— SUGAE GEOA'E EEGION 273 "Coves" which abound throughout the area. A cove (frontispiece), in the lumberman's vernacular, is a short, steep ravine, surrounded by high hills or margined witli ciitt's, within which the timber, though brittle, is unusually tall, straight, and free from knots and wind checks. The reason for this character of the timber is, of course, the struggle for sunlight in which the trees on the bottom are placed at a disadvantage as compared with their neighbors higher up on the slope. The condi- tions for vegetation in these coves are highly favorable in respect to both climatic and edaphic faetoi-s. The soil is for thi^ most pai't a loose, sandy loam, with considerable humus on the surface, but more sandy below, in places becoming nothing but sand, which is dug by the farmers and serves very well for domestic uses. In these coves there develops a luxuriant forest, richer in species than any other association in our area. Like the hemlock foi-est, the Liriodendron forest has suffered severely from the lumberman until it is now difficult to find a good specimen for study. One of the best is the "Crystal Springs" ravine at Sugar Grove, which has been used as a summer resort for twenty years, during which time the timber has not l)een disturbed, although the underbrush and herbage have been more or less modified by the activities of picnickers and botanists. An- other good cove is located about a half a mile north of Sugar Grove, near the pumping station in section 4, Berne Twp. This one was hnn- bered a number of years ago, but has since lain undisturbed, and in its herbage probably represents more normal conditions than the other. Unfortunately it was swept by a fire during the winter of 1900-10, which damaged it so much that it is no longer interesting to an ecologist. The picture of the cove forest here drawn is largely a composite of the conditions in these two ravines. The forest of these "coves" is so diversified that often no one tree can be designated as the fascies, but all in all there is little (piestion but that the tulip tree (Liriodendron tiujpifera) is most characteristic. Following it, loughly, in the order of fibuiidanee. ai-e: Castanea (Initata (especially nn the hiijlicr slopes) Tsiif/a canadensis (also most almiiilant on the liijiher slopes) Juglans cinerea Qucrcus alba Fagus grandifolia Qnereus velutina Acer rubrum Ihliiln hula (on the sleeper slopes) Nyssa sylvatica Monis rubra JTicorIa nrata The uiidei-hrush in places, especially on densely sluided slojies with a noi-thern exi)0sure, consists of thickets of IxJuxhxh iididii iiKintinnn 274 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY (fig. 14), almost without intermixture of other species, either frutes- cent or herbaceous. In general, however, a variety of smaller trees Fig. 14. The Rhododendron at Sugrn Fainniculus recurvatus section only) 276 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Later in tlie siumner the places of these are taken by another set of plants, including: Cimucifufia rcfemosa (fi^. 15) Circaea lutetiana Phyrma leptostachya Aster divaricatus Adicca pumila Aristolochia serpentaria Saiiic'uhi C(rad('iisis Medeola rirf/iiiica Fis;. 15. Black Cohosh (Cimut-ifuga in tlie Liriodendron Forest. C'lilorophylU-less phanoganis are represented in abundance by the parasitic Squaw-root, ConophiiUis America nu, and Beech Drops, Lep- tamium Virginia na, and the saprophytic Monotropa uniflora and Hy- popytis Americana. These Liriodendron "coves" once covered a large proportion of the northern section of our area. I^elow Clear Creek they are, and probably always were, scarce. Their place is taken almost everywhere by the hemlock forest which, as has been stated, does not extend north of that point. B. The Upl.vnd Forest The succession of associations in the ui)land forest is be.st seen by ascending the point of one of the long, narrow ridges between the ravines and walking back from the edge of the clitf through the pine woods into the oak forest and around to the head of ilip ravine where the upland merges with the lowland. TJic Cliff Top. At the tops of tVie cliffs there is a narrow strij) of what may be termed a miniature lielu^n tundia (tig. 16), since it possesses all of the essential features of the northern tundra. The sub- stratum is extremely acid to litmus jiajx-r. It is exposi'd to the extreme BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAE GEOVE EEGION 277 action of the wind and to the greatest extremes of temperature, together with the most sudden changes which are possible within the limits set up by the climate of the region. The flora is of the sort that has gen- erally passed as xerophytic, but in reality it may not be so much xero- phytic as oxyphytic. It bears little resemblance to the truly xerophytie flora of desert regions. '-^f ^j^^. Fig. 16. The Miniature Tundra at the Edge of the Pine Forest. The vegetation of the cliff tops develops into zones similar to those found around ponds, but in this case the zones depend on the depth of the soil and the exposure. The front rock is nearly bare, but supports a few foliose lichens {Parmelia sp.), a few small mosses seldom found in fruit, with occasional stunted stragglers from the next zones. The outermost zone of vegetation is the lichen formation. It ex- tends from the bare rock back until the soil has reached a deptli of about a decimeter, when it gives way to the Vaccinium zone. The characteristic plants are: Cladonia spp. Polytricum sp.p. Lechea 'mi7ior Panicum sphaerocarpon Carex (two or three species, in- cluding C. triceps.) Hou/ttonia longifoUa There are also numerous waifs fi-om other associations. On this account the composition of the zone varies greatly from place to place 278 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUKVEY and from year to year in the same place. It is indeed the rocky ground in which the seeds of many plants fall and spring up quickly but wither away for lack of a root when exposed to the scorching sun. None but the cryptogams in the above list can be considered as constant inhab- itants. But they are never found without the admixture of some seed plants, whether of the species listed above or others. Most of the waifs here present are stragglers from the nearby forest, but two or three are interesting in that they do not occur in the forest. Ambrosia elatior found but little place in the primaeval vege- tation of the region, since it is dependent on strong illumination, which was denied all of the plants on the forest floor. It is interesting to find it as a frequent inhabitant of such places, whether as an original native or as an introduced weed. Hypericum drummundii, which Fig. 17. A Small Plant of Trailing: Arbutus Among the Roots of the Pines at the Edge of the Cliff. reaches its extreme eastern limits in this area, was found in a single station in such a lichen formation. It was abundant in 1909, but very scantily represented in 1910. Following the Cladonia association is a transitional shrub zone composed of : Vaccinium vacillans SmiJax rotundi folia Polycodium staminium Ealmia latifolia Gaylosaccia haccata Lespedezn repens Epigaea repens (fig. 17) Lechea minor Gaulfheria prorumhens TJypnncrnr sp. (forming tufts) Mitrliella repens BOTANICAL .SUEYEY— SUGAR GROYE REGION 279 Together with these are numerous individuals from the lichen zone on one side and the forest on the other. This zone is in realitv merely an extension of the underbrush of the Fig. 18. Fi-Hitini,' Oxydi'iulruiii in tlie Oak l-'orcst. At tlie Leit ('iist:nia dciitnta. At the Risrlit Acer rubrum. In the Background Quercus sp. pine forest behind it on to thinner soil lliaii can support tree growth. The Pine Forest. The zonal series is completed hy llie pine forest, which occupies the poorest soil capable of suppoi-ting ai-borescent plants. 280 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY It bears a general resemblance to the pine barrens common everywhere below the border of the glacial moraines. Its principal component species are : PiNus RiGiDA Gaultheria procumhens Finns virginiana Panicum diclwtomum Quercus velutina Cliimapliila macidata Castanea dentata Meibomia rotundifolia Oxydendrum arioreum Isotria verticillata Vaccinium vacilans Solidago nemorom Gaylosaccia haccata Houstonia longifoUa PolycoUum staminium Eieracium venosum Kalmia latifoUa Panicum sphaerocarpon Epigaea repens Cunilla originoides Smilax rotundifolia Lespedesa hirta Smilax glauca ' Lespereza repens Amalancier canadensis Lespedeza procum'bens Bosa virginiana Together with these are numerous seedlings from other associa- tions. Saplings of Hicoria ovata are nearly always present and here, as everywhere else, Acer ruhriim comes up abundantly but attains no great size. The Oak Forest. The pine forest occurs throughout the region on the more exposed ridges. Where the ridges become wider and the con- ditions are less severe, the pines gradually give way to the hard woods and a mixed oak forest is developed in which Quercus prinus is some- times the dominant tree and occasionally occupies the ground almost to the exclusion of other arborescent species. With it are more us^^ally present, however: Quercus alba Hicoria minima Quercus velutina Hicoria ovata Oxydendrum arhoreum (fig. 18) Nyssa sylvatica Castanea dentata Acer rubrum In the underbrush the heaths give way to the grapevine (Vitis bicolor), which is quite as typical a representative of the association .as the oaks. With it are: Cynoxylon (Cornus) florida (an Smilax glauca under tree.) Sosa virginiana Bmilax rotundifolia Viburnum acerifolium The most characteristic plants of the herbage are: Meibomia nudifora Linum virginianum Meiboma rotundifolia Monotropa unifora Basy stoma laevigata Hypopytis americana Titythymalopsis (Euphorbia) corollata BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAE GROVE REGION 281 The upland oak forest originally covered a large part of the coun- try, but it is very much restricted at present. Its boundaries coincide with the limits of arable soil. It has therefore been largely cleared away and is now to be found only in remnants around the borders of the fields. Its composition has, moreover, been greatly modified by the operations of the woodcutter, who has cut out the more valuable timber, leaving behind the inferior sorts to replenish the forest. As a result of this kind of lumbering the fascies through most of the oak forest has become the worthless black oak (Quercus velutina). The two types of upland forest which have been described are the extremes between which are all intermediates. ]\Iost of the upland forest seen in the area, indeed, belongs to neither the one nor the other, but varies in composition, now approaching one now the other. For this reason and because it meets and intergrades with almost all of the other associations of the area, the oak forest is the most difficult of them all to characterize satisfactorily. The most noteworthy of these transitions, perhaps, is to the Liriodendron forest of the lowlands, with which it gradually merges at the heads of the ravines. The Talus Association. The plant society covering the talus slopes at the bases of cliffs with south exposure is closely similar to the oak forest of the uplands. It should be explained, however, that the talus slope is very different from an ordinary talus slope. It is not made up of fragments of fallen rock, but of sand, which rattles down from the cliffs together with considerable amounts of vegetrible debris which, on account of the porous character of the soil, are to a large extent oxidized directly without humification. The vegetation of these slopes differs from the oak forest principally in an admixture of plants from the rocks. Quercus piinus is more abundant and is accompanied by Castanea deniaia, Betula lenta, Mitcliella repens, and GauWieria pro- cumbens. THE ROCK DWELLING PLANTS Beside the forests, the most considerable body of vegetation is that which occupies the rocks. For the most part, however, the plants of the rocks can be better considered as individuals than as organized into definite associations. This is not only because the plants are so far apart that they could in any case be understood to form only a very open association, but also because many of llie crevice plants are so erratic in their occurrence that there is no very definite composition 282 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY to the flora of the rocks. In one place the rock may be occupied by a given set of plants, while in the next hollow, under entirely similar conditions, different plants appear. This is well illustrated by the Fig. 19. The Cliff at the Head of "The Gulf." The figure at the top gives the scale. For list of vegetation see page 283. distribution of Asplcnium montanum within the region. It was first found for a few rods along a cliff at Sugar Grove; it has been found at the mouth of Clear Creek, again on Little Rocky branch and at BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 283 Cedar Falls. In each of these stations there are a few dozen clumps, but nowhere else lias it been found, though search has been made in hun- dreds of likely places. The case of Asplenium mtnifa)iuHi is extreme, but the crevice plants in general are sufficiently similar to it in their occurrence to make it inadvisable, except in the few instances given below, to try to group them into definite associations. Moreover, a large proportion of the plants of the rocks really be- long in neighboring associations and are merely chance seedlings of plants able to endure the conditions of the cliff. This is well illus- trated by the flora of a cliff at Old Man's Falls at the head of ''The Gulf," which is exposed to the burning sun all day long and presents very severe conditions. In this particular cliff the greater part of the vegetation is made up of woody plants which alone are considered here on account of the difficulty of listing the smaller herbs because of the height and inaccessibility of the cliff (fig. 19). They are: Betula lenta Piiius virginiana Gaylosaccia haccafa KaJmia Jatifolia Tsuga canadensis Amalancier canadensis As already pointed out (page 270), Betula lenta has a root system I'eciuiring a supply of easily available water, such as is furnished in the crevices. With this requirement met it grows almost anywhere, from such exposed cliffs to densely shaded bottom lands. Pinus virginiana and Gaylosaccia haccafa belong in the forest on top of the cliff, but are able to grow almost anywhere they can get a foothold. Kalmia Jatifolia is pre-eminently a sun-loving plant with large powers of en- durance of all sorts of conditions. It is accordingly frequently found on exposed cliffs and in the primeval forest may have been confined to such places for lack of space elsewhei'e, but it reaches its best develop- ment in habitats where soil conditions as well as light exposure are more favorable, as, for instance, in pastures. The hendock obviously belongs in the forest below, tho its rool system resembles that of the birch and its distribution is controlh-d by the same factors. This leaves as a cliff plant only tlie Amahtnchier (fig. 20). which seems to show a preference foi- stcc]) jihiccs i-cgardless of ollu-r conditions. Even of lliose plants wliicli ;ii-f li;iliil luilly Kick dwellers some give clear evidt'iicc 1li;it they are so because crowded out of other habitats rather than from an_\- preference for the i-oeks. I'oliipixliinii riihian. for exam])le, is for the most patt as fastidious iu its clioicc of rocky habitats as any phmt in oui- I'egioii. but under sjiccial circumstances it 284 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY may leave the rocks and grow on the ground, or on the bases of the trees, as in the hemlock forest in Little Rocky branch, where such habits are permitted by the very great humidity, together with the absence of fall- Fig. 20. Shad Bush ( Ainalaiuhiei) on the Cliff Overlooking the Canyon of Queer Creek. ing leaves and of competition of other plants. Likewise, when removed to a garden and competing plants artificially eliminated, it thrives well on the ground. Tliis, moreover, seems to be an entirely normal habitat BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAE GROVE REGION 285 in some regions. In Maine, Merrill' reports it as carpeting "the top of most of the ledges, or hanging gracefully over their brinks, or nestling beneath some evergreen tree, whose branches spread ont their protect- - • -, 'V. ,. ,| ^^''■y%^,L 1 ** - w* •■•V Fig. 21. Sulliv:iiilia (I i-cjuint;- im tlio Face of the (.'liff. ing arms." At Sugar (Jrove the i)!ant is (luitc liinilcd. except in a few stations, to tlu^ edges of tlic rocks. iKMlhci- (■;irpc1iiig their tops 1. Merrill, FI. \V. I'dlypddium viil>;;iri' in Mnitic. Am. I'cni .Icmr. 1 : 7 9, 1910. 286 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY nor running far onto their perpendicular faces. In other regions this same species is found in habitats that seem to an American botanist almost unbelievable. Warming' mentions it as occurring on gray sand dunes in Europe. Such habitats are entirely inexplicable on the hy- pothesis of a preference of Polypodium for any one of them, but are entirely consistent with the view that this species has been crowded out of the more favorable habitats and must grow where it can. Doubtless there are crevice plants which have decided preferences for their habitats, and indeed some such occur in the present region, but the writer has been surprised to find that such other rock-dwelling ferns as Camptosorus rhizophyllus, Asplenmm trichomanes, and As- plenium montanum grow thriftily in an ordinary garden bed. One inay observe the same thing over and. over again if he will read in the catalog of such a florist as Edward W. Gillett, who makes a specialty of cultivating the native plants, the directions given for managing various plants. One finds there that all of the cliff: ferns succeed well if grown in a bed with good drainage, including, besides those men- tioned above: Pellaea atropurpurea, Cheilanfhes gracilis, Polypodium vulgar e '("which will adapt itself to almost any kind of soil not too wet") and Woodsia illevensis. Similar directions are also given for such chasmophytes as Campanula roiuudifolia. Sullivantia Cliffs. Wherever, under a waterfall or elsewhere, water trickles slowly down over an overhanging clifit' sufficiently well ilhimi- nated, Sullivantia is apt to occur. It seems not to thrive except where its roots are kept constantly wet. In such situations it sometimes almost covers the face of the rock with its beautiful glossy foliage. Sullivantia is one of the plants which must certainly be classed as preferring the rock to all other habitats. It is never found far away from the clifPs, and though by far tlie larger proportion of its seeds must drop down on to the ground below the cliff, it only is rarely that one finds it growing there (fig. 21). Isolated Boulders. The structure of the sandstone is such that along every ravine the cliffs are lined with large boulders which have cracked off and gradually slumped away down the slope. For the most part these rocks are occupied by societies occurring in other situa- tions and already described, such as the shade-loving herbage of the forest floor or the huckleberry brush of the cliff top, according to the conditions prevailing on the particular rock. But there is at least one societv which reaches its best development only on such boulders. 2. Ecology, p. 267. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 287 The Unifolium Society. This is tiie Unifolium society, composed almost purely of Unifolium canadense, or mixed with the partridge berry (MitcJiella repens) (fig. 22). This association occurs on shaded, flat-topped boulders, which in the course of time become covered with a few inches of almost pure sand (l(M-ived from the decay of the rock beneath. Isolated as they are, plants in such habitats have no access to a supply of permanent ground water, but are dependent on the .*>St Fig. 22. "Wild Lily of the Valley" (Unifolium) on a Detached Boulder. Betula lenta at Left. amounts which can be conserved from rainfall in the scanty sub- stratum. Such water is, of course, very meagre, llic more so since the habitat is not adapted physically to retain watei-, and at the same time drains freely on all sides. Wlicii siicli rocks are exposed to tlic dessica- tion of direct sun and wind, none of the seed plants can endure the conditions, Init when protected by dense shade of the forest canopy above them, Unifolium develops thriftily. Tliis ])l;nit is not. however, Jimilcd lo i.solated l)oiil(h'i-s. ])ut occurs all through Ihe jirca in niiiurrous situations, varying from this periodically xeropliytic habitat to tlie extremely nicsopliylic hemlock forest. It may Ihcrefore \u' inrci-rcd that tlie purily of the as.sociation is dui' not to any pi-ffn-cnci' of I'ni- folium for Ihe habitat, but to the inabilitv of other i)hints successl'uUv • I • to invjidc it. 288 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY The Caves. Altho not, strictly speaking, always rocky habitats, the flora of the caves is clearly most nearly allied to that of the rocks. Altho they have some elements in common, the moisture content of these habitats separates them sharply into two classes. Dry Caves. Old Man's Cave (fig. 23) is the dryest of the large caves. Its roof overhangs sufficiently to protect it from all rainfall. Fig. 23. Old Man's Cave. Aralia spinosa in Foreground. The ladder gives the scale. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 289 and it has a southeast exposure, so that it receives sunlight till nearly noon. The sand which covers the floor is perfectly air-dry, very fine, and dusty enough to be unpleasant. It is totally barren except where water drips down from above or oozes out from the crevices of the rock, and is really a small patch of desert in the midst of luxuriant meso- phytic habitats. Similar conditions are presented by many other caves of all sizes, down to mere ledges. In many of them, as in Old Man's Cave, the floor is considerably above the general level of the bottoms of the ravines in which they occur. In others the floor of the cave is con- tinuous with the talus slope at the base of the cliff, in which case, if the conditions are not too severe, the flora is nearly allied to that of the talus slopes in general. (See p. 281.) Verhascum Thapsus is perhaps the most characteristic plant of the dry caves, being nearly always found there. By reason of its very long, slender roots, which extend far and wide through the loose sand, and the protective hairy investment of the leaves, it is able to endure more severe conditions than any other plant whose seed reaches these places. Muhlenlergia diffusa is another practically constant inhabitant of the dry caves, forming circles around the points where water drips from the roof, from which it reaches out radially as far as the water supply will permit, its development varying therefore from season to season. The high bush blackberry (Ruhus aUegheniensis) likewise always occurs in such caves, thereby exhibiting an amount of endurance of xerophytic conditions which was surprising to the writer in view of its general habitat. But it is plainly evident that the conditions are too severe for its best development, as its canes are frequently killed back and never develop as robustly as in ])asture lands. It flow(>rs and fruits freely, however. In Old Man's Cave a conspicuous place is taken by the angelica tree, Aralia spinosa, altho this cannot be said to be a general inhab- itant of the caves, since it is rare north of Queer Creek. Wet Caves. When the caves are moist and at the same time well illuminated, their flora differs but little from that of the forest floor. Wluni, however, a cave is dark, all other conditions being favorable, tlu^ vegetation becomes arranged in something like a zojial series, according to the minimum light requirements of the constitiHiit species, each of 290 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY which follows back into the cave as far as its particular light require- ment will permit. A considerable number of species are frequently found in such habitats, but most of them must be classed as accidental. Among the few which seem to have a somewhat definite place in such Fig. 24. .\ Wet Cave Occupied by Fei'ns (Dryopteris margrinale & D. spinulosum) as far back as the Illumination Permits. Beyond them a Zone of Lichens. In the Foreground a Dead Cane of Sambucus racemosus. habitats only three need be mentioned: SmnbHcus racnnosa, the red elderberry, is oftentimes to be found only in such habitats, being appar- ently crowded out of other habitats. Dryopteris marginalis and D. spinulosa are, however, the most conspicuous and constant inhabitants of the wet caves. They follow far back into the weak light where, undisturbed by other vegetation, they form very beautiful and perfect rosettes, conspicuously oriented, of course, toward the source of light (fig. 24). Beyond the reach of any vascular plant is a zone of crustose lichens which covers the surface of the rock fragments. THE GUILD OF SHADE-LOYIXG EVERGREEN HERBS Most abundant on shaded rocks, tho often found in other habitats, especially in the upland forest, is a guild of plants which requires separate consideration. These are the prostrate or aeaulescent herbs with evergreen or hibernating leaves. They share the advantages BOTANICAL SUEVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION i91 possessed by all evergreen undergrowth in being able to carry on photo- synthesis during the months when the trees are bare. But they labor under a disadvantage which very strikingly limits tbcni to a peculiar class of habitats — namely, those wliich are free fi-oiii a covering of fallen leaves. The situation Avill 1)(> evident from the consideration of a typical case, that of the Rattlesnake plantain, Peramium puhescens (fig. 25). Its rosettes of leaves do not appear until late in tlie season. l)ut persist through the winter and well into the following season. With its pros- trate stem fixed on the ground, and its slow growth, it has no means of surmounting a covering of leaves, so that if deeply covered it is inevitably smothered. Not only is it deprived of light during the winter; it sends up no erect shoots to pierce the leafy blanket in the spring. The plant grows in varied hal)itats, such as rocks, hemlock Fig. 25. RnttlpsiKike Plantain (Piiatiiiuni i)iil)cscen,s ; on a lloulder in the forest. forests, bare soil, and the ])anks of sti-eams. Youtiu' planls may lie roiiiil almost anywhere, as would be expected from seeds scattered by the wind, but wcll-dcvclopcd clumps arc only to b(> found in silualions renuiiiiing ncail\' free I'lom a wiiiliT covering of leaves. Win'ii. per- 292 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY chance, a few leaves fall around it, the petioles bend up nearly to a vertical position, raising the leaves to a certain extent above the obstruction. As in every other guild of plants, the members of this one are not all typical, but intergrade with various other guilds, from lianes to rosette plants, and in so far as they depart from the characters of the guild, they escape its limitations. Some of them, like the partridge berry, Mitchella repens, have a sufficient power of growth to raise themselves above a leafy blanket which may be heaped upon them. Thus, though normally prostrate, this plant forms ascending shoots a decimeter or two high when it is buried under leaves. Nevertheless, its distribution is largely controlled by this one factor. It is perhaps most at home on sloping boulders and the edges of banks, but covers the ground in the hemlock forest where the falling leaves are so small as to pass down between its blades. In one case it was found even in the deciduous forest on a pile of stones, only a decimeter or so in height, but just sufficient to stand out from among the leaves. Others, like Hepatica or Polystichum, send up their new leaves so early in the season that even w^hen covered up the handicap is soon thrown off. In such cases, covering beneath fallen leaves means simply the loss of photosynthetic activity during the winter, which might be supposed to be inconsiderable. Nevertheless these plants usually attain their best development in places too steep to permit the accumulation of leaves upon them. Still others, like the wintergreen, Gaultheria procumhens, are not strictly prostrate, but in their aerial parts approach more nearly to the upright condition. This plant, together with some others, is an Oxyphyte, and this character combines with the one under dis- cussion to limit it to situations free from leaf fall. Doubtless all of the ordinary biennial rosette plants, such as the shepherd's purse, would likewise be sensitive to a covering of leaves, but with them this is not an important factor because they are sun- loving plants of exposed situations, where leaves would never accumu- late in any case. It is only for plants growing beneath the forest canopy that this factor can become of importance. The plants of the Sugar Grove area which belong to this guild are: 1. Typical shade-loving evergreens with leaves appearing late in the season : Peramium pubescens Folypodium vulgare Pyrola elliptica Epigaea repens (fig. 17) Camptoforus rhizophjiUus (i\g. 26) BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 293 2. Shade-loving herbs with hibernating leaves replaced in spring by new ones : Hepatica acutiloha Hepatica hcpatica Carex plantaginea Dryopteris spinulosum Dryopteris marginalis UnifoUum canadense Tiarella cordifolia Fig. 26. The Walking Fern (Camptosorus rhizophyllus). 3. Evergreen herbs with leaves or shoots ascending sufficiently from the ground partially to surmount a blanket of fallen leaves : Mitchella repens Ganltheria procumbens Lycopodium lucidulum Lycopodium complanatum var. ■flabelliforme THE UPLAND THICKETS. The Sumac Thicket. There are many steep slopes in the area where the rock comes so close to the surface ms to prevent the growth of trees, but yet is not jji-ccipitous and retains a thin covering of soil. Here a thicket develops which is dominated by Rhus cop.m.t.txa and Andropogon scoparh-s. Avith the roHowing secondary species: Mains glaucescens Spccitlaria pcrfoliata Rubus procumhrna (Dewberry) Meibomia caiieseens Smilax gJauca roloiliJht cmadensh Eubus alleghieiifiis (Highbush P.. B.) This association origiiudly occupied n very sni;dl amount of terri- torv in this area, bnl sinct" llic hiiul lias hrcii cli'arrd and ciillivalrd a 294 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY very large and ever-increasing proportion of the area is growing up into thickets very similar to the natural Sumac Thicket which, like the Riverbank association, may be said therefore to have greatly extended its boundaries since the advent of man. These Old Field associations are not, however, altogether similar to the natural societies, but show a considerable admixture of species not found in them. The Old Field Associations. It has already been remarked that the uplands require very careful handling to prevent washing and wasting of the scanty sofl. Thousands of acres throughout the region have thus gotten away from their owners and become worthless for agricultural purposes. In these lands and other worn-out fields there has developed a somewhat definite association which covers a larger portion of area than any of the natural associations. In many respects it resembles markedly the Sumac Thicket just described, but its soil, though very poor, is not so closely underlain with hard rock, and so permits the growth of numerous species which do not find a place in the natural thicket. The first plants that come into such fields, often appearing in numbers before abandonment, are Andropogon scoparius and A. vir- GiNicus, which sometimes occupy the ground almost to the exclusion of other species. After them, or in pastured land instead of them, appear various weedy plants, among which are : Ascyron hypericoides Roustonia loufiifolia Gnaphalium dectirrens Hedeoma pulegreoides Meibomia canescens Meibomia obtusa Potentilla canadensis Next come in the mountain sumac, Rhus copallina, together with the following plants completing the association: Rubus procumbens (Dewberry) Solidago nemoralis Lespedesa hirta Bubus aUeghiensis (Highbnsh B.B.) Corylus americana Hypericum prolificum Mains glaucescens Titythmalopsis conilhita Smilax glauca Solidago juncea Ibidium gracilis After these plants have fully occupied the territory, reforestation begins by the appearance of some of the arborescent species, among which the first comers are often the Sassafras and the Persimmon (Diospyros), together with the pines, P. rigida and P. virginiana; which finally take possession to the exclusion of other trees. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 295 The Sycamore (Plata nus) often appears at this stage and grows vigorously even on land entirely denuded of its soil and exposed to extreme drouth. At the same time its absence from the undisturbed bottom land associations, such as the swamp and the birch bottom land, is not less noteworthy than its presence here. The explanation is to be found in the fact that the sycamore is not, as commonly supposed, a water-loving tree, but rather requires a large amount of light. In the primeval forest sufficient light was to be obtained only along the larger water courses, and for this reason, rather than because of a need of a large amount of water, the sycamore was found only along the streams. In many places, especially where washing has been severe, the oUl field association develops only fragmentarily and the i>ines, which take some time to get started, are the first woody plants to occupy the land, so that reforestation begins without the intermediate steps more usually found. But in any ease the pine forest comes to occupy most of the old fields, while on the ground, in more or less profusion, depending on the density of the shade, are most of the plants of the preceding thicket formation, together with Chimaphihi macuJata and the sapro- phytic Coralorhiza odontorrliiza. Although the soil of such forests would appear to be very poor, it is interesting to note that occasional specimens of Liriodendron are often found among the pines and appear to thrive. None of the tulip trees observed in such situations had reached a very great age, and most were broad topped, not slender like the trees of the coves. But their thrifty appearance would suggest the feasibility of seeding down such land with Liriodendron, which is at once a more rapid grower and a more valuable timber tree than the pines which it w^ould replace. While one would not care to recommend this practice widely on the basis of such fragmentary observations, it would appear to be clearlj worth while to experiment in such situations with Liriodendron on a small scale with a view of determining its feasibility for general use. The normal succession, however, would never be a forest of Lirio- dendron, but rather that already described in the upland forest. Al- though none of the second growth pine forests observed had attained any great age, it is altogether probable that they would come to resemble closely the virgin pine forest already described and that they would finally give way to the oak foi-cst. 296 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY ECONOMIC ASPECTS No scientific study is necessary to demonstrate that the land of this area is becoming poorer and poorer as its resources are dissipated under the present wasteful system of management. Everywhere one sees abandoned houses; in some parts of the area hardly half the houses are now occupied. Old "worn-out" fields are numerous and the num- ber is increasing rapidly year by j^ear. The causes which have led to this condition are several : First, the greatest natural resource of the area was its timber. This has been cut off to such a large extent that it is difficult to find even small patches of undisturbed forest for botanical study. Lumbering is usually carried on in one of two ways, depending on whether the timber is to be made into railroad ties or sawed into lumber. Railroad ties, consisting especially of Chestnut and Rock Oak, are usually cut and worked by the owner of the land during the winter season. The large timber having long since been removed, those trees of sufficient size to make ties are felled and worked up in situ with but little disturbance of the young growth around them. Except from the danger of fires from the unused refuse and the fact that by this means the undesirable species are left to grow and multiply while the valuable woods which are cut out become scarcer and scarcer, this method of lumbering when conserva- tively practised has much to recommend it. When, on the other hand, a portable sawmill is brought into the country, its crew usually buys the standing timber from the owner of the land. The lumberers having no interest in the land, proceed to skin it, cutting every stick capable of being made in a piece 2 by 4 inches or larger, with no regard for the future. This method of lumbering is the most important cause of the increasing poverty of the country. While the land-owner usually secures a price sufficient to compensate him for the loss of the land, as well as the timber, the community is permanently impoverished by the loss of a forest w^hich, if conservatively handled, would have been a permanent asset. Second, with the removal of the timber soil acidity* becomes very prevalent and more and more land becomes utterly unfit for cultivation. I apply the word acidity here, for want of a better term, to soils which when moist promptly redden blue litmus paper. In using the term I would not be understood as stating that the reddening of litmus paper is a criterion of acidity, or of taking any position in the controversies which are waging regarding this puzzling problem. I have merely noticed a very marked and definite correlation between the wild vegetation and the reaction of the soil to litmus paper. BOTANICAL SUEVEY— SUGAE GEOVE EEGION 297 Thus many exposed fields are discarded as worn out, wlien the worst trouble apparently is excessive acidity. Third, the slope of most of the land is so great tiuit it is in danger of washing whenever cultivated. Hundreds of acres throughout the area which might have continued as fairly good upland pastures have become hopelessly gullied "bad lands" (fig. 27) because the owner attempted to cultivate them. This state of affairs is generally accepted as irremediable on the supposition that the land is so poor that early exhaustion is inevitable. Long observation of the deterioration of this land, however, has con- PSi " ^ Fig. 27. A Badly Washed Upland. Little but Dewberries (Rubiis procumbens) Can Survive the Erosion. vinced the writer that the case is by no means hopeless. While he would not pretend to recommend a remedy on the basis of present knowledge, there is abundant prospect that an experimental study of the situation would develop a system of management which would be i)rofitabh' in the long run to both the land-owner and the community. Tf the conditions described were confined to the Sugar Gfrove area alone there would be little justification for the expenditure of the time and money necessary to determine the best means of meeting the situa- tion. But while such conditions may reach their climax in llic pi-csciil area, they are more or less general over all of llic uiighieialcd i)ortioiis 298 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY of southern and southeastern Ohio. On this account the determination of the most profitable method of managing these hill lands is a matter of very great importance to the welfare of the whole state and ought on that account by all means to be taken up without delay. The progress of the deterioration of the land in this section is difficult to follow in the fields where the vegetation is made up of annuals and cultivation introduces many complications. But in the woods, where the plants are perennial, the gradual change in the vege- tation as the land deteriorates and the factors which are at work are comparatively easy to observe. I'ig. LIS. West Bank of Ravine. Note Leaves and Young Growth. The cause may be sununed up in the one word exposure. Wherever through thinning of the forest the wind is allowed to get in to the floor of the forest, the vegetation quickly changes. In the underbrush, plants characteristic of rich humus give place to others characteristic of barren hillsides, and the seedlings which are to replace the forest trees are of species of the same type. Thus the rich lowland forest is rapidly giving way to the poor upland forest. The most characteristic result of clearing the land is thus a descent of the upland vegetation into the lowlands. The most striking examples of this descent of upland vegetation occur in north and south ravines, where the best timber has been culled out but the forest has not been cleared away. On the west slope of such ravines the lowland forest usually maintains its ground, but on BOTANICAL SUEVEY— SUGAE GEOVE EEGION 299 the opposite east bank there develops an association resembling closely the upland forest, especially in the character of its undergrowth. Typi- cal examples are to be found in a branch of Brushy Fork, located in the southwest 1/4 of section 9, Berne Twp., and in the hollow below Cant- well Cliffs, at the head of Buck Run. On the west bank of such ravines the ground is covered with a deep layer of leaf mold in which there is a rich development of spring flowers, such as Trillium grandiflorum and Gahorchis spectahilis, unless, as in the Brushy Fork ravine (fig. 28), the ground is too lieavily shaded. On the opposite slope, however (fig. 29), the undergrowth comes to be made up largely of plants characteristic of the extreme upland forest, such as: Kalmia latifolia Nieracium venosum Vacciniiim vacilans Viola hirsntula Gaultherin procumbens Polytricuni sp. Epigaea repens Cladonia sp. Gaylosaccin haccata Tuft-forming Hypnums *^*^.^. Fig. 29. Ka.-,! IJaiik of R.-ivinr Shown in Vig. 28. Note Absence of Leaves and Saplings. It is clear at a glance that the more commonly considered ecological factors must be closely similar on the opposite sides of such ravines. Since the axis is north and south the light received on the two sides must be equivalent and there can be but slight ditference in the amount of rainfall. The soil being residual derived from the weathering of the 300 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY same rocks cannot have differed, in the beginning at least, in any im- portant respect on the two sides. The only obvious difference between the two slopes is the condition of the surface of the ground. The west slope is covered with a deep carpet of fallen leaves and leaf mold while the opposite slope is swept bare of leaves by the wind so that there is little or no humus formed and the ground is somewhat more exposed to erosion from surface runoff. The soil of the west bank gives a neu- tral or faintly acid reaction to litmus paper. That of the east bank, on the other hand, gives a very strong and almost instantaneous red reaction. This is remarkable in view of the abundance of organic remains which must liberate various acids in course of humification in the neutral soil while the opposite acid bank is free from any such source of acidity. Repeated tests throughout the area have uniformally shown that wherever the characteristic upland forest develops, there the soil gives a strongly acid reaction to litmus paper. The soil of the lowland forest, on the other hand, always gives a faintly acid or neutral reaction to the same test. Although such conditions have often been ignored in American ecological papers, they are clearly recognized in Europe. "Warming in his "Ecology," for example, speaks of the importance of sour humus again and again. On page 62 he describes conditions practically iden- tical with those found in the Sugar Grove region as follows: "Raw (sour) humus appears in forests, especially in places exposed to wind, while ordinary humus, with its earthworms and other animals, reigns in places sheltered from dessication; when ordinary humus in the beech forest has given way to raw humus because of timber falls and such like, then the beech, being no longer capable of regenerating, disappears, and is often replaced by calluna heath." While the situation is more complicated in the case of cultivated fields, it seems not unlikely tliat exposure is an important factor in increasing their sterility just as with the forests. This prol^ability together with the fact that exposure and danger from Avash in large measure go band in hand would seem to lay down very clearly the lines along which experimentation should proceed. The only practicable method of reducing exposure is, of course, reforestation. Reforestation of ail washed slopes and of all in danger of washing, would not only save the soil in many fields where it is cer- tain to be washed off sooner or later, but would provide windbreaks sufficient to protect the larger part of the more level upland fields. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GEOVE REGION 301 The best and most profitable method of accomplishing reforesta- tion under the varied conditions presented are of course matters to be determined by experiment. But it cannot be doubted that tree plant- ing would be profitable on much land that is now going utterly to waste. White pine (Piniis strohus) has been recommended as the best tree to plant in this sort of country, but in view of the imminent lia- bility of the introduction of the pine rust (Peridermium strohi) it is doubtful whether this species should be used. The observations re- ported above (p. 295) indicate the advisability of giving the tulip-tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) a trial even on the steep slopes. The prob- ability is that it would not succeed in some of the most difficult situa- tions which might be first seeded to some quick-growing cover. But where it could be grown it would appear, on account of its rapid growth, valuable timber, and freedom from insect and fungus enemies, to be the most promising species with which to experiment. Map Showing Roads and Localities in the Sugar Grore Area. Scale 3 miles per inch. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 303 FLORA The Sugar Grove region has been collected over by all of the Bot- anists resident in Central Ohio from the time of Sullivant down. The specimens gathered by later collectors have to a large extent been deposited in the State Herbarium at Columbus until there has accumu- lated a fairly representative, though by no means complete, collection of the plants of the region. The list which follows is mainly a compil- ation of those species represented in the State Herbarium from either Fairfield or Hocking Counties. Some, however, are taken from Bige- low's list (see below) or were noted but not collected by the writer. An effort has been inade to collect all those species whose occurrence or determination any one might wish to verify, but many of the common- est plants, such, for example, as Rumux oMusifolius, were simply noted as seen but were not pressed. For tlie protection of those who use the catalog, however, all species not represented in the State Herbarium are specifically noted. The wi'itcr lias not attempted to verify the determinations system- atically, since they were all made by competent authority and most of them were verified by the late Prof. W. A. Kellerman. But when- ever a species has aroused suspicion because apparently out of range or for any other reason, the specimen has been carefully scrutinized. There may be grounds for criticizing the writer for including all plants known from the two counties in which the area lies rather than confining the list to plants known to occur in the region proper. Since, however, the region has no sharp boundaries and its limits have been somewhat arbitrarily fixed by the writer it will l)e seen that it would be altogether impossible to determine whether a given herbarium specimen with a more or less indefinite record of locality was collected within its limits or not. The increase in the apparent size of the flora from this cause, however, is not believed to be great, because, except for the special conditions in Buckeye Lake, the country is of sufficiently uniform character to make it probable that any plant reaching either of the counties in which the area lies, occurs at least as a straggler with- in the area, even though it might not be easy to fliid it there. In the preparation of Ibis floi-a T have dei-ivcd very great assist- ance from the unpublished manuscript of Ihe Fifth State Catalog of Ohio Plants ])y my colleague. Professor John H. Schaffner, 1o whom indebtedness is gratefully acknowledged. The arrangement, except in minor details, follows SchaffiitM-'s ])liyl('ti(' system which llic wi-itor 304 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY confidently believes ^\ill be found, when once the worker becomes famil- iar with it, as far superior to the classification of Engler now generally used as was that to DeCandolle's which it superceded. Those un- familiar with the new arrangement will doubtless experience some in- convenience in using it at first, but that is a ditficulty inherent in any nnprovement. At the end, I have added a Synopsis-summary by which the location of the families may readily be found. The nomenclature, following the Ohio list is that of the second edition of Britton & Brown's Illustrated Flora. Recent synonyms have been added where they seemed necessary or desirable to make the list intelligible to all readers. The Sugar Grove region is unique for this part of the country in that its flora was worked up by John M. Bigelow*, more than seventy years ago. Bigelow was an able botanist, companion and friend of Sul- livant, for whose ability one finds an increasing respect as he scrutinizes his work. Basing my judgment almost entirely on his remarkable list, I have great confidence in his determinations and have unhesitatingly included most of them in the present list. He found a very large num- ber of very rare plants just on the edges of their ranges or just beyond their present range as we know it, but there are few if any ''wild" reports of species entirely out of range such as one would find in the inaccurate work of a less able man. He lists 871 species and varieties all of which with two exceptions he found growing in Fairfield County. His list includes a number of plants, specimens of which are not now definitely known from Ohio. Most of these have been included on his authority marked "Fide Bigelow." Many of them are plants whose general range is such as to make their occurrence higlil>' jn-obable and others are so distinctive that there could be no question of their proper determination. They are : Rammciilns reptans L. "Nfd. to Pa. northwanl and westward." Delphinium earolinianum "Va. N. C, and Ga., to Ark., Mo., ^linii., and Sask. " Polypola incarnata. N. J. to S. Ont., Wise, Neb., and sonthw. Trifolinni reflexum. Included on state list but no Ohio specimens knoAvn to us. Lithospermum officinale. A European escape not apparently establishing itself. Trisetum pahistre. "Mass. to 111. and southw. " Panicularia acutitlora "Me. to Del. w. to Ohio." Carex vesicaria. ' ' E. Que. to B. C. s. to Pa., Gt. Lake region, etc. ' ' *Bis:elow. .John M. Florula Ijancastriensis or a catalog of nearly all the flowering and felicoid plants growing naturally within the limits of Fairfield County with notes of such as are medicinal. Proc. Med. Convent of Ohio at Columbus. May, 1841, pp. 49-79. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAE GROVE REGION 305 Some of Bigelow's plants belong to species that were not well understood at the time or whose identity the writer is inclined to (lues- tion for other reasons. These are not included in the list ; they are : Ranunculus pusillus. "Near the coast S. N. Y. to Fla. and Tex., n. in the Miss, basin to Mo. and Tenn." Viola cucculata. Determination doubtful. Viola labradorica. Determination doubtful. Viola sagitatta. Determination doubtful. Silene regia. Probably S. rotundifolia. Oxalis stricta. Determination doubtful. Acer spicatum. This is almost certainly absent now, l:ut its habitat is such that it could hanlly have become extinct. It is, however, difficult to imagine what could have been mistaken for it. Lythrum hysopifolium. "Near the coast Me. to N. J. Also on the Paeifie Coast." Antennaria dioica. • Evidently a misdetermination. European species included in Gray's manual as "found by Geo. Thurber in 1844, but not since collected." Hicoria glabra? Queried by Bigelow. Scutellaria nervosa? Queried by Bigelow. Chenopodium urbicum. No Ohio specimens extant. Polygonum hirsutum? Queried by Bigelow. Polygonum mite. A European species. Rumex aquaticus. Synonomy doubtful. Jnncus polycephalus. Synonomy doubtful. "Leimanthium virginicum Willd. " Synonomy doubtful. Sparganium ramosum. Synonomy doubtful. Potomogeton compressum. Synonomy doubtful. Potomogeton gramineum. Synonomy doubtful. Panicum nitidum. Synonomy doubtful. Panicum involutum. Synonomy doubtful. Aristida stricta? Queried by Bigelow. Elymus villosus. Synonomy doubtful. Isolepis capillaris. Synonomy doulitful. Carex acuta. Synonomy doubtful. Carex ance])s. Synonomy doubtful. Carex arida. Synonomy doubtful. Carex bullata. "Mass. to Del., local." Formerly iiielude.l in the Ohio list, but no Ohio specimens known. Carex paniculata. Synonomy doubtful. Carex sylvatica? Queried by Bigelow. Carex tentaculata. Synonomy dnulitful. Carex tetanica? Queried by Bigelow. Equisetum limosum? Queried by Bigelow. He further rej)orts a very consider!il)le iiumhcr of plants which are not other- wise definitely known from the region. Some of these, like Chenopodium hofrns. are the commonest of jjlants. which have merely failed of notation by later workers, but many are verv rare if. ind I. tlicy are still to l>e found in the area. It does 306 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY not appear safe, however, to assert that any are extinct except a few species like Cypripedium reginae and Dasyphora fruticosa, which are so conspicuous that they could hardly have been overlooked if they still occurred. These are included in the list on Bigelow 's authority. Phylum, PTENOPHYTA Class, FELICES, Ferns. Subclass, EUSPORANGIATAE. Order, Ophioglossales. Family, Ophioglossaceae, Adder-tongue Family. Ophioglossum vulgatum L. Adder-tongue. A few plants formerly grew in Stukey's swamp. (Sec. 4, Berne Twp.) I have lujt been able to find any since the station was linnbere of the cliff overlooking the junction of "The Gulf' with the Canyon of Clear Creek, fairly numerous in 19(19, less so in 1910 and 1911. The extreme eastern edge of its range. Sarothra gentianoides L. Orange Grass. Fide Bigelow. Cistaceae, Rock-rose Family. Crocanthemum niajus (L.) Britt. (Helianthemum). Hoary Frost-weed. Lechea minor L. Thyme-leaf Pinweed. Lechea racemubosa Mx. Oblong-fruited Pinweed. Violaceae, A'iolet Family. Cubelium concolor (Forst.) Raf. (Hybanthus). Green Violet. BOTANICAL SURVEY— STtqAR GROVE REGION 319 Viola canadensis L. Canada Violet. V^iola pubescens Ait. Hairy Yellow Violet. Viola striata Ait. Striped White Violet. Viola rostrata Pursli. Long-spurred Violet. Common. No specimen. Viola rotundifolia Mx. Round-leaf Yellow Violet. Collected by Kellerman near the Rock House, but seen by the writer only in Little Rocky Branch. Viola pallens (Banks) Brain. (V. leeontiana). Woodland White Violet. Viola blanda Willd. Sweet White ^'iolet. Viola lanceolata L. Lance-leaf Violet. A single plant, collected at Sugar Grove by Miss Lied. Viola affinis Le C. (V. ohliqua). Thin-leaf Violet. Viola papilionacea Pursh. Common Blue A'iolet. Viola hirsutula Brainerd. Southern Wood A'iolet. Not collected from any other area of the state. Viola palmata L. Early Blue Violet. Passifloraceae, Passion-flower Family. Passiflora lutea L. Yellow Passion-flower. Fairly common, but does not Hower freely; on the northern edge of its range. Subclass, Centrospermae. Caryophyllales. Caryophyllaceae, Pink Family. Subfamily, Alsinatae. Alsine media L. (Stellaria). Common Chickweed. No specimen. Alsine pubera (Mx.) Britt. (Stellaria). Great Chickweed. Alsine longiflora (:\luh].) Britt. (Stellaria). Long-leaf Stichwort. No specimen. Cerastium viscnsum L. Mouse-ear Chickweed. Fide Bigelow. Cerastium vulgatum L. Larger Mouse-ear Chickweed. Cerastium longipedunculatum Muhl. (C. nutans). Nodding Chickweed. Fide Bigelow. Arenaria seppyllifo]=:i L. Thyme-leaf Sandwort. Spergula arvensis L. (?) Fide Bigelow. (Queried by Bigelow.) Now known only from Lake County. Subfamily, Carycpiiyli.atae. Agrostema githago L. Corn Cockle. Silene stellata (L.) Ait. Starry Campion. Silene virginica L. Fire Pink. Silene rotundifolia Nutt. Round-Ion f Catchfly. Known only from Hocking and Jackson T'ounties. CormiKiii on the cliffs in the southern portion of the area u\> to Cantwrll Cliffs, which is. so far as i liavi' found, the norl hcnimost limit of its range; entirely lacking around Sugar Grove. Silene antirrhina L. Sleepy Catchfly. Silene noctiflora L. Fide Bigelow. Lychnis coroiin ri;i (L.) Desv. Midlriii Pink. Saponaria oliicinalis L. Hounciiig liet. 320 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Aizoaceae, Carpetweed Family. Mnllngo verticillata L. Carpetweed. Portulacaceae, Portulaea Family. Claytonia virginica L. Spring Beauty. No specimen. Portnlaca oleracea L. Purslane. No specimen. Phjrtolaccaceae, Pokeweed Family. PJiytolacca americana L. (P. decandra). Pokeweed. Common. No specimen. Chenopodiales. Corrigiolaceae, Whitlow-wort Family. Anyehia canadensis (L.) B. S. P. No specimen. Amaranthaceae, Amaranth Family. Amaranthus retroflexus L. Rough Pigweed. Amaranthus hybridus L. Fide Bigelow. Chenopodiaceae, Goosefoot Family. Chenopodium album L. Lamb 's-quarters. No specimen. Chenopodium hybridum L. Maple-leaf Goosefoot. Chenopodium ambrosoides L. Mexican Tea. Chenopodium botrys L. Fide Bigelow. Polyfionales. Polygonaceae, Buckwheat Family. Rumex acetosella L. Sheep Sorrel. Common. No specimen. Rumex verticillatus L. Swamp Dock. Fide Bigelow. Rumex altissimus Wood. Tall Dock. Rumex britannica L. Great Water Dock. Old canal, about a mile above Logan. Rumex crispus L. Curly Dock. Rumex obtusifolius L. Broad-leaf Dock. Common. No specimen. Tiniaria convolvulus (L.) W. & M. Black Bindweed. Fide Bigelow. Tiniaria scandens (L.) Sm. Climbing False Buckwheat. No specimen. Tracaulon sagitatum (L.) Sm. Arrow-leaf Tear-thumb. Tracaulon arifolium (L.) Raf. Halberd-leaf Tear-thumb. In a few stations around Sugar Grove, the edge of its range. Fagopyrum fagapyrum (L.) Karst. (F. eseuleutum). Buckwheat. Commonly escaped. No specimens. Persicaria amphibia (L.) S. F. G. (Polygonum). Water Knotweed. Persicaria pennsylvanica (L.) Sm. Pennsylvania Knotweed. Abundant. No specimen. Persicaria persicaria (L.) Sm. Lady's Thumb. Persicaria hydropiperoides (Mx.) Sm. Mild Smartweed. Persicaria punctata (Ell.) Sm. (P. acre). Water Smartweed. Persicaria orientalis (L.) Spaeh. Prince's Feather. Tovaria virginiana CL.) Raf. (Polygonum). Virginia Knotweed. Polygonum aviculare L. Doorweed. No specimen. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAE GROVE REGION 321 Polygonnin erectuiu L. Erect Knotweed. Polygoiuiin tenue .Mx. Slender Knotweed. Fide Bigelow. Fijyerales. Saururaceae, Lizard "s-tail Family. Saururii8 cermuis L. Lizard's Tail. Subclass, Calyciflorae. Mosaics. Rosaceae, Rose Family. Subfamily, Rosatae. Geum vermim (Raf.) T. & G. Spring Avens. No specimen. Geum cana dense Jacq. White Avens. No specimen. Geum strictum Ait. Yellow Avens. Dasypliora fruiteosa (L.) Rydb. Shruliby Cinquefoil. Fide Bigelow. Almost cer- tainly extinct at present. Potentilla canadensis L. Common Five-finger. No specimen. Potentilla monspelieusis L. Rough Cinquefoil. Potentilla recta Ij. Upright Cinquefoil. Waldsteinia fragarioides (INIx.) Tratt. Barren Strawberry. Fide Bigelow. Cer- tainly very rare. Fragaria virginiana Duchesne. Virginia Strawberry. Fragaria vesca americana Porter. American Wood Strawlierry. No specimen. Fragaria vesca L. (White-fruited variety.) In the lower part of Kunkle's Hollow. Rubus odoratus L. Purple Flowering Raspberry. Rubus tritiorus Rich. (R. americanus). Dwarf Raspberry. Rubus oeeidentalis L. Black Raspberry. Common; as is also the forma paUidus, with amber fruit. No specimens. Rubus allegheniensis Port. High Bush Blackberry. Has also recently been called Rubus villosus, R. canadensis, and R. nigrobaccus. Rubus procumbus ^Nluhl. Dewberry. Has also been known recently as R. canadensis, and R. villosus. Porterauthus stipulatus (Muhl) Britt. (Gillenia). American Ipecac. Fide Bigelow, Filipendula rubra (Hill) Rob. (Ulmaria). Queen-of-the-Prairie. Fide Bigelow. Opulaster opulifolius (L.) Ktze. (Physcocarpus). Nine Bark. Fide Bigelow. Spiraea alba Du Roi. (S. salicifolia). Narrow-leaf Spiraea. Fide Bigelow. Spiraea tomentosa L. Hardback. Aruncus aruncus (L.) Karst. (A. sylvoster). Goat's Beard. Rosa setigera Mx. Prairie Rose. Rosa Carolina L. Swamp Rose. Rosa virginiana Mill. (R. humilis). Low Rose. Rosa rubiginosa L. Swectbricr (Hose). Fide Bigelow. Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. Common Agrimony. Fide Bigelow. Agrimonia parvif ora Sohmd. Small-fiowercd Agrimony. Sanguisorba canadensis L. American Burnet. Fide P.igelow. 322 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Subfamily, Malatae. Mains eoronaria (L.) Mill. (Pyrus angustifolia). Narrow-leaf Crab-apple. Mains glaucescens Eehd. (P. eoronaria). American Crab-apple. Mains mains (L.) Britt. (Pyrus). Common Apple. Aronia melanoearpa (Mx.) Britt. (Pyrus, A. nigra). Black Chokeberry. Not un- common among the Huckleberries. Amalanchier canadensis (L.) Med. Service Berry Shad Bush. Amalanchier botryapium (L. f.) T. & G. Fide Bigelow. Crategns crns-galli L. Cockspur Thorn. No specimen. Crategus punctata Jacq. Large fruited Thorn. Crategus coccinea L. Scarlet Thorn. Crategus succulenta Schred. (C. maerocantha). Long-spine Thorn. Subfamily Amygdai-atae. Prunns virginiana L. (P. serotina, Padus) Wild Black Cherry. Prunus nana Dn Roi. (P. virginiana, Padus) Choke Cherry. Prunus americana Marsh. Wild Plum. Amygdalus persica L. Peach. Fabaceae, Pea Family. Subfamily, Cassiatae. Cercis canadensis Ij. Redbud. Common all around the area and in the northern section but very rare in the southern section. A satisfactory hypothesis to account for this and some similar anomalies is beyond the imagination of the writer, but the absence of the redbud is exceedingly striking in the spring, when a single flowering tree can be seen for miles, so that there can be no question of the fact. No specimens. Chaniaeehrista nictitans (L.) Moench. Sensitive Pea. Chamaechrista faseicultata (Mx.) Greene. (Cassia Chamaechrista). Partridge Pea. Cassia marylandica L. Wild Senna. Gleditschia tricanthos L. Honey Locust. Gymnocladus dioica (L.) Koch. Coffee-bean. This species reaches the edge of its range immediately to the west of the Sugar Grove area. After some search a single tree was found close by the Leaning Rock on the Clear Creek Road. No specimen. Subfamily, Fabatae. Baptisia tinctoria (L.) R. Br. Blue Wild-indigo. Fide Bigelow. Baptisia leucantha T. & G. Large White Wild-indigo. Fide Bigelow. Melilotus alba Desv. White Sweet-clover. Trifolium procumbens L. Low Hop-clover. Tri folium pratense L. Red Clover. No specimen. Trifolium reflexnm L. Buffalo Clover. Fide Bigelow. Known onh- from Lawrence County. Trifolium hybridum L. Alsike Clover. Trifolium rejiens L. White Clover. No specimen. Psoralea onobrychis Nutt. Fide Bigelow. Cracca virginiana L. (Tephrosia) Goat'.^-rue. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 323 Robinia pseudacacia L. Black Locust. No specimen. Robinia viscosa Vent. Clammy Locust. Astragalus carolinianus L. Carolina Milk-vetch. No specimen. Stylosanthes biflora (L.) B. S. P. (S. elatior). Pencil Flower. A few specimens on Queer Creek. Also recorded for Fairfield County by Bigelow. The northern edge of its range. Meibomia nudiflora (Desmodium) (L.) Ktze. Naked-flowered Tick-trefoil. Meiboniia grandiflora (L.) Ktze. (Desmodium). Pointed-leaf Tiek-trefoil. Fide Bigelow. Meibomia michauxii A'ail (Desmodium rotundifolium). Prostrate Tick-trefoil. Meibomia eanescens (L.) Ktze. (Desmodium). Hoary Tick-trefoil. Meibomia bracteosa (Mx.) Ktze. (Desmodium cuspidatum). Large-bracted Tick- trefoil. Queer Creek Valley. No specimen. Meibomia paniculata (L.) Ktze. (Desmodium) Panicled Tick-trefoil. Meibomia viridiflora (L.) Ktze. (Desmodium) Velvet-leaf tiek-trefoil. Meibomia dillenii (Darl.) Ktze. Desmodium) Dilleu's Tick-trefoil. Meibomia canadensis (L.) Ktze. (Desmodium) Canadian Tick-trefoil. Fide Bigelow. Meibomia rigida (Ell.) Ktze. (Desmodium) Rigid Tick-trefoil. Known from Fair- field and Paulding Cos. only. Meibomia marylandica (L.) Ktze. (Desmodium) Maryland Tick-trefoil. Known only from Fairfield and Hocking Counties. Meibomia obtusa (Muhl.) Vail. (Desmodium eiliare). Ciliate Tick-trefoil. Old fields e. g. above Stukey's swamp; no specimen. Lespedeza repens (L.) Bart_ Creeping Bush-clover. Lespedeza proeumbens Mx. Trailing Bush-clover. Lespedeza violacaea (L.) Pers. Violet Bush-clover. Lespedeza frutescens (L.) Britt. Lespedeza hirta (L.) Ell. Hairy Bush-clover. licspedeza eapitata Mx. Round-headed Bush-clover. Vicia caroliniana Walt. Carolina Vetch. No specimen. Lathrus palustris L. Marsh Vetehling. Fide Bigelow. Falcata comosa (L.) Ktze. (Amphicarpea monica). Hog Peanut. Glycine apios (L.) MacM. (Apios tuberosa). Ground Nut. No specinuMi. Strophostyles helvola (L.) Britt. Trailing Wild-Bean. Saxifragales. Crassulaceae, Orpine Family. Sedum ternatum :Mx. Wild Stonecrop. Penthorum sedoides Jj. Ditch Stonecrop. Saxifragaceae, Saxifrage F.-nnily. Micranthes pennsylvanica L. (Haw) (Saxifraga) Swani|. Saxifrage. Near tlie ].umi.- ing station N. E. "f Sugar Grove. No specinum. Micranthes virgiiiiensis (Mx.) Sm. Early Saxifarge. Sullivantia sullivantii (T. & G.) Britt. Sullivnntia. Abundant <... drippixg cliffs under waterfalls in the southern section ..f tlie ar.-a. Absent north of Cantwell Cliffs. 324 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Tiarella cordifolia L. False Miterwort. Abundant and often the dominant under- herb of the deep forest in the southern section of the area, but never seen around Sugar Grove. It is incomprehensible to me how such an abundant plant can drop out so completely in so short a distance under conditions apparently so nearly uniform. No specimen. Heuchera americana L. Alum-root. Mitella diphylla L. Bishop 's Cap. Chrysosplenium americanum Schw. Golden Saxifrage. TJiymelales. Lythraceae, Loosestrife Family. Decodon verticillatus (L.) Ell. Water Willow. Only from Buckeye Lake. Parsonsia petiolata (L.) Rusby. (Cuphea viscosissima Jacq.). Tar-weed. Thymelaceae, Mezereum Family. Dirca palustris Ij. Leatherwood. Cantwell Cliffs. No specimen. Celastrales. Rhamnaceae, Buckthorn Family. Hhamnus lanceolata Pursch. I^anceleaf Buckthorn. Fide Bigelow. Ithamnus caroliniana Walt. Carolina Buckthorn. A specimen was collected and determined in the field as R. caroliniana by the writer on Big Pine Creek June 20, 1911, but it was not jareserved. The only specimen in state herbarium is from Adams Co. ■Ceonothus americanus L. New Jersey Tea. Vitaceae, Vine Family. Vitis aestivalis }\lx. Summer Grape. Vitis bicolor LeConte. Blue Grape. Vitis cordifolia Mx. Frost Grape. Fide Bigelow. Tarthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. (Psedera). Virginia Creeper. No specimen. Celastraceae, Staff-tree Family. Euonymus obovatus Nutt. Running Strawberry-bush. No specimen. Euonymus atropurpuretis Jacq. Walioo. Fide Bigelow. Celastrus scandens L. Climbing Bitter-sweet. Ilicaceae, Holly Family. Hex verticillata (L.) Gr. Fever Bush. Staphyleaceae, Bladdernut Family. Staphylea trifolia L. American Bladdernut. No specimen. Sapindales. Aesculaceae, Buckeye Family. Aesculus glabra Willd. Ohio Buckeye. No Specimen. .Aesculus octandra Marsh. Sweet Buckeye. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAE GXIOVE EEGION 325 Aceraceae, Maple Family. Acer spicatum Lam. Mountain Maple. Was reported by Bigelow. It is unknown to the writer. Acer saccharinum L. Silver Maple. No specimen. Acer rubruni L. Red ^laple. Common on both uplands and lowlands. Acer saccharum Marsh. Sugar ^laple. Acer nigrum "Six. Black Sugar Maple. Acer negundo L. Box Elder. Anacardiaceae, Sumac Family. Rhus copallina L. Upland Sumac. Rhus hirta (L.) Sudw. (R. typliina). Staghorn Sumac. Rhus glabra L. Smooth Sumac. Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Ktz. (Rhus) Poison Sumac. A single individual along the road near the center of section 4, Berne Twp., the extreme southern limit of the species. Reported by Bigelow without comment. Undoubtedly once far more plentiful than now. Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Ktz. (Rhus) Poison Ivy. No specimen. Subclass, Amentiferae. Platanales. Hamamelidaceae, Witch-hazel Family. Hamamelis virginiana L. Witch-hazel. Platanaceae, Planetree Family. Platanus occidentalis L. Sycamore. On uplands as well as lowlands where the light is sufficiently intense. Urticales. Ulmaceae, Elm Family. Ulmus americana L. White Elm. Ulmus fulva Mx. Slippery Elm. Celtis occidentalis L. Hackberry. Moraceae, ^lulberry Family. Morus rubra L. Red Mulberry. Humulus lupulus L. Hop. Cannabis sativa L. Hemp. Fide Bigelow. Urticaceae, Nettle Family. Urtica gracilis L. Slender Nettle. No specimen. Urticastrum liivaricatum (L.) Ktze. (Ijaportea canadansis (L.) Gaud.) Wood Nettle, Common. No specimen. Pilea pumila (\j.) Raf. (Adicea). Clear Weed. Common. No s})ecimen. Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. False Nettle. No specimen. Parietaria peniisylvmiica Muhl. Abundant. No spccinieii. 326 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SI^RVEY Fagales. Fagaceae, Beech Family. Fagus graudifolia Ehrh. American Beech. Castauea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh. Chestnut. Quercus alba L. White Oak. Quercus stellata Wang. (Q. minor). Post Oak. Not common. Quercus maerocarpa Mx. Bur Oak. Quercus bicolor Wilkl. (Q. platanoides) Swamp White Oak. Quercus prinus L. Rock Chestnut Oak. Quercus imbricaria Mx. Shingle Oak. Quercus velutina Lam. Black Oak. Quercus coccinea Wang. Scarlet Oak. Quercus rubra L. Red Oak. Quercus palustris DuRoi. Pin Oak. Betulaceae, Birch Family. Carpinus caroliniana Walt. Blue Beech. Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) Willd. Hop Hornbeam. Must occur at least on the western borders of the area but is not common and was not found after some little search by the writer. Corylus americana Walt. Hazlenut. Comnwn, no specimen. Betula nigra L. Red Birch. Common on Queer Creek and some other streams in the southern portion of the area. Absent from the northern portion. Not known to the northward in Ohio. Betula lenta L. Sweet Birch. Common throughout the area. Betula lutea Mx. f. Yellow Birch. Common in the deep canyons of the southern half of the area, but altogether lacking in the northern section. Otherwise unknown south of Wayne and Summit Counties. Alnus rugosa (DuRoi) Koch. Smooth Alder. Juglandaceae, Walnut Family. Hicoria cordiformis (Wang.) Britt. (Carya, H. minima) Bitternut. Hicoria ovata (Mill.) Britt. (Carya) Shagbark (Hicory). Hicoria laciniosa (Mx. f.) Sarg. (Carya) Not uncommon, no specimens. Hicoria alba (L.) Britt. (Carya) Mockernut. Hicoria microcarpa (Nutt.) Britt. (Carya) Small pignut. Juglans nigra L. Black Walnut. Common along the Hocking Bottom; altogether lacking through most of the area. Juglans cinerea L. Butternut. Common except on the richest land. Salicales. Salicaceae, Willow Family. Populus alba L. Silver Poplar. Populus balsamifera candicans (Ait.) Gr. Balm-of-Gilead. Populus grandidentata Mx. Large-tooth Poplar. Populus tremuloides Mx. American Aspen. Populus deltoides Marsh. Cottonwood. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 327 Salix nigra :\Iarsh. Black Willow. Salix fragilis L. Crack Willow. Salix alba L. White Willow. Salix alba vitellina (L.) Koch. Golden Osier. Salix babylonica L. Weeping Willow. A single specimen along the river south of Sugar Grove, apparently not planted, now long dead. This species does not establish itself in Ohio. Salix interior Rowlee (S. fluviatilis, S. longifolia). Sandbar Willow. Salix discolor Muhl. Pussy Willow. Salix discolor X humilis. Salix humilis :\rarsh. Upland Willow. Salix sericea Marsh. Silky Willow. Salix cordata Muhl. Heart-leaf Willow. Subclass Myrtiflorae. Mjirtaha. Hydrangeaceae, Hydrangea Family. Hydrangea arborescens L. Wild Hydrangea. Grossulariaceae, Gooseberry Family. Grossularia cynosbati (L.) Mill. Wild Gooseberry. Ribes odoratum Wendl. Golden Currant. Oiiagaraceae, Evening Primrose Family. Isnardia pulustris L. (Lndwigia) Marsh Purslane. No specimen. Ludwigia polycarpa, Short & Peter. Many fruited Ludwigia. No specimen. Ludwigia alternifoila L. Seedbox. Epilobium coloiatum Muhl. Purple Willow-herb. Oenothera biennis (L.) Scop. Evening Primrose. Kneiffia pumila (L.) Spaeh. (Oenothera). Small Sundrops. Gaura biennis L. No specimen. Circaea lutetiana L. Common enchanter's Nightshade. Circaea alpina L. Small enchanter's Nightshade. Common in the caves of the southern section, not found around Sugar Grove. On the edge of its range. Haloragidaceae, Water Milfoil Family. Myriophyllum spicatum L. Spiked Water-milfoil. From Buckeye Lake. Loascales. Cucurbitaceae, Pumpkin Family. Mierampelis lobata (Mx.) Greene. Wild Cucumber. Sicyos angulatus L. Star Cucumber. Aristolochiales. Aristolochiaceae, Birthwort Family. Asarum canadense L. Wild-ginger. Asarum reflexum Bickncll. Sliort-loljcd Wild-ginger. Aristolochia scrpentaria L. Virginia Snakeroot. 328 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Sanialales. Santalaceae, Sandalwood Family. Comandra nmbellata (L.) Nutt. Bastard Toad-flax. Subclass Heteromerae. Frimulales. Primulaceae, Primrose Family. Samolus florilxnidus H. B. K. Water Pimpernel. Lysiinachia qiiadrifolia L. Whorled Loosestrife. Lysimachia terristris (L.) B. S. P. Fide Bigelow. Lysimaehia miuiuilaria L. Moneywort. No specimen. Steironema ciliatnm (L.) Raf. Fringed yellow Loosestrife. Steironema lanceolatum (Walt) Gr. Fide Bigelow. Steironema qiiadiflorum (Sims) Hitch. Naumbergia thyrsiflora (L.) Duby. Fide Bigelow. Anagalis arvensis L. Scarlet Pimpernel. Dodecatlieon meadia L. Shooting Star. Several patches found on the cliffs on the west side of "The Gulf." Also reported by Bigelow for Fairfield Co. Ericales. Pyrolaceae, Wintergreen Family. Pyrola americana Sw. Round-leaf Wintergreen. Scarce. Pyrola elliptica Nutt. Shinleaf Wintergreen. The common form. Chimaphila maculata (L.) Pursh. Spotted Pipsisewa. Monotropaceae, Indian-pipe Family. Monotrojja uniflora L. Indian-pipe. Hypopytis americana (D. C.) Small Pinesap. Ericaceae, Heath Family. Azalea lutea L. (Rhododendron calendulaeeum) Flame Azalea. Common on a few hillsides in the immediate vicinity of Sugar Grove. The only station in the state. Persistent and long continued search for it in the southern section of the area during its flowering season has failed to reveal it. It is in imminent danger of extinction and should be protected. Rhododendron maximum L. Rhododendron. Abundant in the northern section of the area from Clark's Crossing to Sugar Grove and a little beyond. Also at the "Written Rock" on Clear Creek and near the head of Laurel Run. Otherwise absent from the southern section although there are multitudes of habitats apparently more suitable for it than those in which it has been found. Kalmia angustifolia L. Sheep Laurel. I have been informed liy trustworthy ob- servers that this plant formerly grew in the area and have been directed to one of its habitats, namely the head of Laurel Run, but I have not found it. Neither was it known to Bigelow or Sullivant, nor is there an authentic speci- men from Ohio. Oxydendrum arboreum (L.) DC. Sorrel-tree. On the edge of its range. Common. Epigaea repens L. Trailing arVjutus. Common. Gaultheria procumbens L. Creeping Wintergreen. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAK GROVE REGION 329 Vacciniaceae, Huckleberry Family. Gaylussaeia baccata (Wang.) Koch. (G. resinosa) Huckleberry. Polycodiiim stamineum (L.) Greene. Deerberry. Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. Dwarf Blueberry. Vaccinium vacillans Kalm. Low Blueberry. Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait.) Pers. (Vaccinium) Cranberry. Fide Bigelow, doubt- less only in Buckeye Lake. Ebenales. Ebenaceae, Ebony Family. Diospyros virginiana L. Persimmon. Abundant but does not fruit freely. Subclass TUBIFLORAE. Polemoniales. Polemoniaceae, Phlox Family. Phlox paniculata L. Garden Phlox. Phlox maculata L. Spotted Phlox. Phlox divaricata L. Wild Sweet-william. Phlox stolonifera Sims. (P. reptans) Creeping Phlox. Not uncommon in the deepest ravines of the southern section of the area. The only Ohio stations. Phlox subulata L. Ground Phlox. Polemonium reptans L. Greek A^alerian. No specimen. Convolvulaceae, Morning-glory Family. Ipomoea pandurata (L.) Meyer. Wild Potato-vine. Ipomoca purpurea (L.) Roth. Common Morning-glory. No specimen. Convolvulus sepium L. Hedge Bindweed. Cuscutaceae, Dodder Family. Cuscuta coryli Englem. Hazel Dodder. Cuscuta gronovii Willd. Gronovius's Dodder. Hydrophyllaceae, Water-leaf Family. Hydri)]ihyllum virginianum L. Virginia W^ater-leaf. Fide Bigelow. Hydrophyllum macrophyllum Nutt. Large-leaf Water-leaf. Hydrophyllum appendieulatum Mx. Appendaged Water-leaf. No specimen. Hydrophyllum canadense L. Broad-leaf Water-leaf. No specimen. Phacelia dubia (L.) Small. Small-flowered Phacelia. On the ridge west of Clark's Crossing and a few other localities, the only Ohio stations. Phacelia purshii Buck!. Pursh's Phacelia. In the Hocking Bottom at Sugar Grove. No specimen. (icniHu\a]es. Oleaceae, Olive Family. [Fraxinus quadrangulata Mx.] Blue Ash. .\p[)arciifly reaches the eastern edge of its range just west of the present area. It is common about Columbus, but has not been seen around Sugar Grove. Fraxinus pennsylvaniea Marsh. Red Ash. 330 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUKYEV Fraxinus lanceolata Borck. Green Ash. Fraxinns americana L. White Ash. Gentianaceae, Geutian Family. Sabbatia angularis (L.) Pursh. Square Stemmed Sabbattia. Gentiana crinita Froel. Fringed Gentian. Fide Bigelow. Oentiana quinqiiefolia L. Stiff Gentian. Fide Bigelow. Gentiana saponaria L. ( Dasystephana ) Soapwort Gentian. Fide Bigelow. Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. Closed Gentian. Frasera carolinensis "Walt. American Columbo. Fide Bigelow. Oblaria virginica L. Pennywort. Apocynaceae, Dogbane Family. Apocynum audrosaemifolinm L. Sjireading Dogbane. Apoeynmn cannabinum L. Indian Hemp. Asclepiadaceae, Milkweed Family. Asclepias tuberosa L. Buterfly weed. Occasional. No specimen. Asclepias piirpurascens L. Purple Milkweed. Fide Bigelow. Asclepias incarnata L. Swamp Milkweed. Asclepias sullivantii Engelm. Eare. Known otherwise only from Erie Co. Asclepias amj)lexicaulis Sm. Blunt leaved Milkweed. Rare. Collected on the ridge west of Clark's Crossing. Known otherwise only from Erie County. Asclepias exaltata (L.) Muhl. (A. phytolaccoides) Tall Milkweed. Asclepias variegata L. White Milkweed. Collected once on Big Pine Creek by B. W. Wells and the writer. Known otherwise in Ohio only from Summit Co. Also reported by Bigelow for Fairfield Co. Asclepias qiiadrifolia L. Four-leafed Milkweed. Asclepias syriaca L. Common Milkweed. Asclepias verticillata Tj. Wliorled Milkweed. Kettle Hills, W. A. Kellerman. Rare. Scropltnhiriales. Sclanaceae, Potato Family. Datura stramoniumium L. Jimson-weed. No specimen. Physalis pubescens L. Low hairy Ground-cherry. No specimen. Physalis lanceolata Mx. Physalis virginiana Mill. Fide Bigelow. Physalis heteroj^hylla Nees. Ly('0]>ersicon lysopersicon (L.) Karst. (L. esculentum) Tomato. Solanum tuberosum L. Potato. Solanum nigrum L. Black Nightshade. Solanum caroliniense L. Horse nettle. Bigelow cites this now troublesome weed as collected exclusively liy A. Hor of Baltimore, Ohio. Apparently it had just appeared in 1S41. No sjiecimen. Scrophulariaceae, Figwovt Family. Verbascum thapsus L. Common ]\Iullein. Verbascum hhittaria L. ]Moth ^Mullein. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 331 Linaria linaria (L.) Karst. (L. vulgaris) Butter and Eggs. Scrophularia marylandica L. ^raryland Figwort. No specimen. Cheloue glabra L. Turtle-head. Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd. Hairy Beard-tongue. No specimen. Penstemon penstemon (L.) Britt. (P. leavigatus) Smooth Beard-tongue. No specimen. Collinsia verna Nntt. Blue-eyed Mary. Fide Bigelow. Mimulus ringens L. Square-stemmed Monkey Flower. Mimuhis alatus Soland. Winged Monkey-flower. Gratiola virginica L. Clammy Hedge-hyssop. Hysanthes dubia (L.) Barnh. Long Stalked False Pimpernel. Veronica anagalis-aquatica L. Water Speedwell. Fide Bigelow. Veronica scutellata L. Skullcap Speedwell. Fide Bigelow. Veronica officinalis L. Common Speedwell. Veronica seri)yllifolia L. Thyme-leaf Speedwell. Fide Bigelow. Veronica peregrina L. Purslane Speedwell. Veronica arvensis L. Field Speedwell. Leptandra virginica (L.) Nutt. (Veronica) Culver's Root. Afzelia macrophylla (Nutt.) Ktze. (Seymeria) Mullein Foxglove. Written Rock, Clear Creek, W. A. Kellerman. Not seen within the area by the writer, but a few plants were found in Vinton County al>out a mile below the Queer Creek Divide. On the edge of its range. Dasystoma flava (L.) Wood (Gerardia) Downy False Foxglove. Dasystoma laevigata Raf. (Gerardia) Entire-leaf False Foxglove. Dasystoma virginica (L.) Britt. Smooth False Foxglove. These are all on the edges of their ranges but unlike Afzelia they are common. Agalinus tenuifolia (Vahl) Raf. Slender Gerardia. Agaliiuis purpurea (L.) Britt. Large Purple Gerardia. Lancaster, J. E. Hyde. Oto])hylla auriculata Mx. Auricled Gerardia. Fide Bigelow^ Now known only from Ottawa Co. Buchnera americana L. Blue Hearts. Fide Bigelow. Now known only from Fulton County. Castilleja coccinea (L.) Spreng. Painted Cup. Fide Bigelow. Now known only from Franklin and Knox counties. Pedicularis lanceolata Mx. Lanceleaf Lousewort. In the swamp along tlie Logan Pike a mile south of Rockbridge, the southernmost station known in this part of the state. Pedicularis canadensis L. Wood Lousewort. Melamjjyrum lineare Lam. Cow-wheat. Abundant in the edge of the woods above the canyon of Queer Creek just east of "The Gulf." The only station known south of Portage County. Orobanchaceae, I'.rootu-ra]u' Family. CoiKiiiliiiiis americana (L. f.) Walir. S(|uaw-root. Leptaminin vir.i:inicuni (Tj.) Raf. ( Kpiphagus) Beech-drops. Bignoniaceae, Bignonia Family. Catalpa speciosa Wardrr. Tlardy Catalpa. 332 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUEVEY Martyniaceae, Unicorn-plant Family. Martynia louisiaiia Mill. Unicorn Plant. Reported by Bigelow as collected at Bal- timore by Dr. Hor. Whether as wild or as an escape is not stated. Now known from Eichland, Ross, and Lorain counties. If it was wild its natural range is greater than is credited in the manuals, which give it as " S. Ind., 111., and la. to N. Mex. Also cultivated and naturalized northw. " Lentribulaceae, Bladderwort Family. Utricularia macrophylla LeC. (U. vulgaris) Greater Bladderwort. Ponds along the old canal. No specimen. Utricularia gibba L. Humped Bladderwort. Buckeye Lake only. Acanthaceae, Acanthus Family. Ruellia strepens L. Smooth Ruellia. No specimen, observed at Clark's Crossing. Dianthera americana L. Water-willow. Common. No specimen. La nt idles. Boraginaceae, Borage Family. Cynoglossum officinale L. Hound's Tongue. No specimen. Cynoglossum virginicum L. Wild Comfrey. Occasional. Lappula lappula (L.) Karst. (L. echinata). European Stickseed. Spread through- out the lowland forest. No specimen. Lappula virginiana (L.) Greene. Virginia Stickseed. Mertensia virginica (L.) DC. Virginia cowslip. No specimen. Myosotis arvensis (L.) Lam. Field Forget-me-not. Fide Bigelow. Myosotis virginica (L.) B. S. P. Virginia Forget-me-not. Lithosi>prmuin arvense L. Corn Gromwell. No specimen. Lithospermum officinale L. Common Gromwell. Fide Bigelow. No Ohio specimens, are known. Lithospermum canescens (Mx.) Lehm. Hoary Poccoon. Fide Bigelow. Certainly very uncommon. Onosmodium carolinianum (L.) D. C. Shaggy False Gromwell. Fide Bigelow. Symphytum officinale L. Common Comfrey. Fide Bigelow. Verbeiiaceae, Vervain Family. Verl)ena urticifolia L. White Vervain. No specimen. Verliena hastata L. Blue Vervain. No specimen. Lippia lanceolata Mx. Frog-fruit. Bigelow reports this species as seen only by Dr. Hor of Baltimore. It is common enough now. Lamlaceae, Mint Family. Teucrium canadense L. American Germander. No specimen. Isanthus brachiatus (L.) B. S. P. False Pennyroyal. Trichostema dichotomum L. Blue Curls. Scutellaria lateriflora li. Mad-dog Skullcap. Scutellaria incana Muhl. Downy Skullcap. Scutellaria cordifolin ]\ruhl. (S. versicolor) Heart-leaf Skullcap. No specimen, common. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 333 Scutellaria pilosa Mx. Hairy Skullcap. Collected and determined in the field by the writer on June 21, 1911. Big Pine Creek. No specimen saved. Later it was found there are no specimens in the state herbarium. Scutellaria parvula Mx. Small Skullcap. Fide Bigelow. Scutellaria galericulata L. :\rarsh Skullcap. Fide Bigelow. Agastache nepetoides (L.) Ktze. Giant Hyslop. Agastaehe scrophulariaefolius (Willd.) Ktze. Nepeta cataria L. Catnip. No specimen. Glechoma hederacea L. (Nepeta) Ground Ivy. No specimen. Prunella vulgaris L. Self Heal. Dracocephalum virginiana L. Physostegia. False Dragon Head. Leonurus cardiaca L. Motherwort. Abundant. No specimen. Lamium amplexicaule L. Henbit. No specimen. Stachys tenuifolia Willd. Smooth Hedge Nettle. Stachys asper Mx. Rough Hedge Nettle. Monarda clinopodia L. Basal Balm. Monarda fistulosa L. Wild Bergamot. Blephilia hirsuta (Pursh) Torr. Hedeoma pulegeoides (L.) Pers. American Pennyroyal. Abundant. No specimen. Melissa officinalis L. Lemon Balm. Origanum vulgare L. Wild Marjoram. Koellia flexuosa (Walt) MacM. (Pycnanthemum). Narrow-leaf Mountain-mint. Koellia pilosa (Nutt.) Britt. (Pycnanthemum). Hairy Mountain-mint. Koellia incana (L.) Ktze. (Pycnanthemum). Hoary Mountain-mint. Koellia mutiea (L.) Britt. (Pycnanthemum). Short-toothed Mountain-mint. Fide Bigelow. Cunilla originoides (L.) Britt. American Ditany. Lycopus virginicus L. Bungle-weed. Lycopus rubellus Moench. Stalked Water-hoarhound. Lycopus americanus Muhl. (L. lucidus var.). Cut-leaf Water-hoarhound. Mentha spicata L. Spearmint. Mentha piperita L. Peppermint. Mentha canadensis L. American Wild Mint. Collinsonia canadensis L. Stone Root. Phrymaceae, Lopseed Family. Phyrma leptostachya L. Lopseed. Often tlie dominant herb in the forest. No specimen. Flantaginales. Plantaginaceae, Plantain Family. Plantago rugellii Dec. Broad-leaf Plantain. Plantago major Tj. Broad-leaf Plantain. Fide Bigelow. Plantago lanccolata L. Ril)-grass Plantain. Plantago cordata L;im. Water Plantain. Fide Bigelow. Plantago aristata Mx. Large Bracted Plantain. No specimen. Plantago virginica L. Dwarf Plantain. Common. No specimen. 334 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Subclass, Inferae. Umhellales. Araliaceae, Ginseng Family. Aralia spinosa L. Angelica-tree. Common on Queer Creek; scarce on Big Pine Creek; absent north of that point, but undoubtedly gradually extending its range to the northward. Otherwise known as a wild plant only in Clermont Co. Aralia racemosa L. American Sjiikenard. Aralia nudieaulis L. Wild Sarsaparilla. No specimen. Panax quiuquefolium L. Ginseng. Formerly abundant, but now practically exter- minated. The state herbarium has a specimen collected at Lancaster by Earl Hyde, but the writer has not been fortunate enough to see it growing. Amiaceae, Carrot Family. Eryngium aquaticum L. (E. yuccaefolium of Gr. Man., ed. 7). Rattlesnake Master. Fide Bigelow. Sanicula canadensis L. Short-styled Snake Root. Washingtonia claytoni (Mx.) Britt. (Osmorrhiza Ijrevistylis). Wooly Sweet-cicely. No specimen. Washingtonia' longistylis (Torr.) Britt. (Osmorrhiza). Long-styled Sweet-cicely. No specimen. Erigenia bulbosa (Mx.) Nutt. Harbinger of Spring. No specimen. Conium maculatum L. Poison Hemlock. Fide Bigelow. Zizzia aurea (L.) Koch. Early Meadow Parsnip. Fide Bigelow. Cicuta maculata L. Water Hemlock. Deeringa canadensis (L.) Ktze. Honewort. Fide Bigelow. Slum cicutaefolium L. Water Parsnip. Fide Bigelow. Foeniculum foeniculum (L.) Karst. (F. vulgare). Fennel. Thaspium barbinode (Mx.) Nutt. Hairy-jointed Meadow-parsnip. Fide Bigelow. Thaspiuni trifoliatum (L.) Britt. Fide Bigelow. Angelica atropurpurea L. Purple-stemmed Angelica. Angelica villosa (Walt.) B. S. P. Oxypolis rigidus (L.) Coult & Rose. Cowbane. Fide Bigelow. Pastinaca sativa L. Wild Parsnip. Fide Bigelow. Heracleum lanatum Mx. Cow Parsnip. Fide Bigelow. Daucus carrota L. Wild CaiTot. Coniaceae, Dogwood Family. Coruus alternifolia Lf. Alternate-leaf Cornel. Cornus stolonifera Mx. Red Osier Dog-wood. Fide Bigelow. Cornus femina Mill. (C. candidissima, C. paniculata). Panicled Cornel. Cornus amomum Mill. Silky Dogwood. Cynoxylon floridum (L.) Raf. (Cornus). Flowering Dogwood. Nyssa sylvatica Marsh. Tupelo. Eubiales. Rubiaceae, Madder Family. Housfonia coerulia L. Bluets. Houstonia longifolia Gaertn. Long-leaf Houstonia. BOTANICAL SURVEY— SUGAR GROVE REGION 335 Cephalauthus occidentalis L. Button-bush. Mitchella repens L. Partridge Berry. Galium aparine L. Common Cleavers. Fide Bigelow. Galium j^ilosum Ait. Hairy Bedstraw. Galium lanceolatum Torr. Lance-leaf Wild Licorice. Galium circaezaus ]\Ix. Wild Licorice. Fide Bigelow. Calium triflorum Mx. Fragrant Bedstraw. Galium tinctorium L. Stiff Marsh Bedstraw. Fide Bigelow. Galium conciuum T. & G. Shining Bedstraw. Oalium asperellum Mx. Rough Bedstraw. Fide Bigelow. Caprifoliaceae, Honeysuckle Family. Sambueus canadensis L. Common Elderberry. Sambucus raeemosa L. (S. pubens). Red Elderberry. Common in the eaves of the southern section of the area ; rare or absent in the northern section. Viburnum acerifolium L. Maple-leaf Arrow-wood. Viburnum molle Mx. Soft-leaf Arrow-wood. Vilmrnum cassinoides L. Withe-ruil. Viburnum lentago L. Sheepberry. Fide Bigelo^'. Viburnum prunifolium L. Black Haw. Triosteum perfoliatum L. Horse Gentian. No specimen. Lonieera hirsuta Eaton. Hairy Honeysuckle. Fide Bigelow. Lonicera tartarica L. Tartarian Honeysuckle. Escaped near Sugar Grove. No specimen. Valeriana ceae, Valerian Family. Valeriana pauciflora ]Mx. Large-flowered Valerian. No specimen. Observed in "The Gulf." Campaindales. Campanulaceae, Bellflower Family. Campanula aparinoides Pursh. ]\Iarsh Bellflower. Fide Bigelow. Campanula amerieana L. Tall Bellflower. Specularia perfoliata (L.) D. C. (Legouzia). Venus 's Looking Glass. Lobeliaceae, Lobelia Family. Lobelia cardinalis L. Cardinal Flower. Hobelia sypliylitiea L. Blue Lobelia. Xiobelia puberula Mx. Downy Lobelia. Abundant along the Queer Creek Road below the canyon. Seen nowhere else; its most northern station in Ohio. Otherwise known only from Gallia and Meigs counties. Lobelia s])icata. Ijniii. Pale Sniked Lobelia. LobeHa leptostacliys .\. D. < '. Spiked Lobelia. Lobelia inflata L. ludiiiii T(il)acco. Lol elia knlniii I^. l\ai:ii"s Loliclia. Fide Bigelow. Co<)i jioxildit s. Dipsacaceae, Teasel Family. Dipsacus syixi'st )'is Aiill. Wild Teasel. No s])('('imen. 336 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Ambrosiaceae, Ragweed Family. Ambrosia trifida L. Horseweed. Ambrosia elatior L. (A. artemesiafolia). Ragweed. Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr. (X. canadense auth.). American Cockleburr. Helianthaceae, Sunflower Family. Heliopsis helianthoides (L.) B. S. P. Smooth Ox-eye. Verbesina alba (L.) Eclipta. Riidbeckia hirta L. Black-eyed Susan. Rudbeckia fulgida Ait. Orange Cone-flower. Fide Bigelow. Rudbeckia laciniata L. Tall Cone-flower. Common. No specimen. Echinacea purpurpea (L.) Moench. (Brauneria). Purple Cone-flower. Fide Bigelow. Helianthus microcephalus T. & G. Small Wood Sunflower. Helianthus giganteus L. Giant Sunflower. Helianthus hirsutus Raf. Stiff -haired Sunflower. Helianthus tuberosus L. Jerusalem Artichoke. Ridau altcrnifolia (L.) Britt. (Verbesina). Actinomeris. No specimen. Coreoj^sis tripteris L. Tall Tickseed. Bidens laevis (L.) B. S. P. Smooth Burr-Marigold. Fide Bigelow. Bidens cernua L. Nodding Burr-Marigold. No specimen. Bidens connata Muhl. Swamp Burr-Marigold. No specimen. Bidens frondosa L. Black Beggar-ticks. No specimen. Bidens bipinnata L. Spanish Needles. No specimen. Bidens trichosperma (Mx.) Britt. Tall Tickseed. Bidens aristosa (Mx.) Britt. Western Tickseed. On the edge of its range; reported only from counties west of the present area. No specimen. Galinsoga parviflora hispida D. C. (G. caraesana). In Mr. Stukey 's barnyard and other places. No specimen. Polymnia canadensis L. Small-flowered Leafcup. Fide Bigelow. Silphinm perfoliatum L. Indian Cup. Silphium trifoliatum L. Whorled Rosin Weed. Helenium autumnale L. Common Sneezeweed. No specimen. Inula helenium L. Elecampane. Gnaphalium obtusifolium L. Fragrant Cudweed. Gnaphalium uliginosum L. Marsh Cudweed. Antennaria neglecta Greene, (det. Fernald). Field Everlasting. Upland fields. Antennaria fallax Greene, (det. Fernald). Tall Everlasting. Woods. Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Rich. (det. Fernald). Plantain-leaf Everlasting. Antennaria parlinii Fernald (det. Fernald). Parlin's Everlasting. Chrysopsis mariana (L.) Nutt. Maryland Golden Aster. Common in some places in the southern section of the area; known otherwise only from Jackson County. Solidago caesia L. Wreath Goldenrod. Solidago flexicaulis L. (S. latifolia). Zigzag Goldenrod. Solidago bicolor L. White Goldenrod. Solidago erecta Pursh. Slender Goldenrod. Known only from Faii-field, Hocking, and Meigs counties. Solidago speciosa Nutt. Showy Goldenrod. BOTANICAL SURVEY- SUGAR GROVE REGION ^S7 Solidag-o nigosa Mill. Wrinkled-leaf Goldenrod. Solidago patula Miihl. Rough-leaf Goldenrod. Solidago iilmnifolia Mnhl. Elm-leaf Goldenrod. Solidago neglecta T. & G. Swamp Goldenrod. Solidago jiuieea Ait. Plume Goldenrod. Solidago canadensis L. Canada Goldenrod. Solidago nemoralis Ait. Gray Goldenrod. Solidago rigida L. Stiff Goldenrod. Fide Bigelow Euthamnia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. (Solidago). Bushy Fragrant Goldenrod Fide -Bigelow. Boltonia asteroides (L.) L'Her. Boltonia. Fide Bigelow Sericocarpus asteroides (L.) B. S. P. White-top Aster. Aster divaricatus L. White Wood Aster. Common. Aster macrophylhis L. Large-leaf Aster. Aster shortii Hook. Short's Aster. Aster cordifolius L. Common Blue Wood Aster. Common. No specimen Aster lowrieanus Port. Lowrie's Aster. Aster sagittifolius Willd. Arrow-leaf Aster. Aster novae-angliae L. New England Aster. No specimen. Aster punieeus L. Purple Stemmed Aster. Aster ericoides L. White Heath Aster. Aster lateriflorus (L.) Britt. Starved Aster. Erigeron puehellus Mx. Showy Fleabane. Erigeron pliiladelphicus L. Philadelphia Fleabane. No specimen. (Common Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. White-top Fleabane. Erigeron ramosus (Walt.) B. S. P. Daisy Fleabane. Common. Nn specimen Leptilon canadense (L.) Britt. (Erigeron). Horseweed. No specimen Doehngeria umbellata (Mill) Nees. (Aster). Tall White-top Aster D. humilis, which is reduced to a var. by Gray, is also reported by Bigelow, but is not otherwise known in Ohio, lonactis linearifolius (L.) Greene. (Aster). Stiff-leaf Aster. Isolated plants pre not rare m the southern section of the area, but one may walk all .lay without seeing one even when in blossom. Otherwise known only from Adams County Eupatonum purpureum L. Joe-Pye-weed. Common. No specimen. Eupatorium rotundifolium L. Round-leaf Thoroughwort. Common in the soutlu>rn section, the only known Ohio station. Eupatorium sessillifolium L. Upland Boneset. Eupatorium perfoliatum L. Common Boneset. Eupatorium ageratoides L. f. White Snake-root. Eupatorium aromaticum L. Smaller White Snake-root. Conun.m in th,. sonthen, section of the area as far north as the town of Rockbri.lge. K'cporte.l also by Bigelow, but not otherwise known in Ohio. Eupatorium coelastinum L. Mist-flower. Lacinaria .scariosa (L.) Hill. (iJatris). L^rg.. Blazing-star. A single specimen in the pine thicket directly west of Crystal Springs. 7v„own elseuluMv ,,nlv from Erie and Lucas counties. 33 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SUKYEY Lacinaria spicata (L.) Willd. (Liatris). Dense Blazing-star. Pine Barren, above Old Man's Cave, a single stalk, B. W. Wells. Also reported by Bigelow for Fairfield County. Vernonia altissima Nutt. (Y. gigantea, Y. maxima). Tall Ironweed. Abundant. No specimen. Achillea millefolium L. Common Milfoil. Abundant. No specimen. Anthemis cotula L. Common Dog Fennel. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. Ox-eye Daisy. Tanacetum vulgare L. Common Tansy. No specimen. Erectites hieracifolia (L.) Eaf. Fireweed. Abundant. No specimen. Mesadenia atriplicifolia (L.) Kaf. (Cacalia). Pale Indian Plantain. Senecio aureus L. Golden Groundsel. Common and conspicuous in the spring. No specimen. Arctium minus Schk. Common Burdock. No specimen. Cirsium lanceolatiim (L.) Hill. (Carduus). Spear Thistle. No specimen. Cirsium altissimum (L.) Spreng. Tall Thistle. No specimen. Cirsium discolor (Muhl). Spreng. Field Thistle. Cirsium virginianum (L.) Mx. Yirginia Thistle. Fide Bigelow. Now known only from Madison County. Cicoriaceae, Chicory Family. C_ynthia virginicum (L.) Ktze. (Kregia amplexicaulis, Adopogon). ^'irginia Dwarf- dandelion. Leontodon taraxacum L. (T. officinale). Dandelion. Sonchus oleraceus L. Common Sow-thistle. No specimen. Sonehus aspera (L.) Hill. Spiny Sow-thistle. No specimen. Lactuca virosa L. Strong-scented Lettuce. Lactuca canadensis L. Tall Lettuce. Lactuca spicata (Lam) Hitch. Tall Blue Lettuce. Fide Bigelow. Lactuca integrifolia Bigel. Entire-leaf Lettuce. The only Ohio station. Hieracium venosum L. Yeined Hawkweed. Hieracium paniculatum L. Panicled Hawkweed. Hieracium scabrum Mx. Rough Hawkweed. Hieracium marianum Willd. Maryland Hawkweed. I have worked over the last three in the Gray Herbarium and submitted them to Professor Fernald, but it is not possible to make very satisfactory determinations. The characters given in the manuals seem worthless for diagnosis. I give the names merely for what they are worth. Nabalus altissimus (L.) Hook. (Prenanthes). Tall Eattlesnake-root. Nabalus albus (L.) Hook. (Prenanthes). White Rattlesnake-root. Fide Bigelow. Nabalus racemosus (Mx.) D. C. (Prenanthes). Glaucous Rattlesnake-root. Fide Bigelow. Nabalus crepidineus (Mx.) D. C. (Prenanthes). Corymbed Rattlesnake-root. Fide Bigelow. Synopsis-Summary of the Sugar Grove Flora I'hyluni Ptenophyta Class, Felices Subclass, Eusporangiateae Order, Ophioglossales (p. 306) Family, Ophioglossaceae — 4 Leptosporangiateae Felieales (p. 306) Osmundaceae 3 Polypodiaceae 26 Calaniophyta Equiseteae Equisetales, Eqiiisetaceae (p. 307)-.. 3 Lepidophyta Lycopodiae Lycopodiales, Lycoi)odiaceae (p. 307) 5 Selaginelleae Selaginellales, 8elaginellaceae (p. 307) : 1 Total Pteridophytes 42 Strol)iloi)hyta Coniferae Finales (p. 308) Pinaceae 3 Juniperaceae 1 Taxales, Taxaceae (p. 308) 1 Total Gymnosperms 5 Authophyta Monocotyleae Helobiae (total 6) Alismales (p. 308) Alismaceae 2 Scheiicherizaceae 1 Potoniogetonaceae - 1 Nympheales, Xyiiipheaceae (p. 308) 2 Spadiciflorae (total 11) Pandanales (p. 308) Sparganiaceae 2 Tvphaceae 1 "Arales (p. 309) Araceae 4 Lemnaceae 4 Gliimiflorae (total 14o) Graminales (p. 300) Cyperaceae 67 Graniinaceae 78 Liliflorae (total 59) Liliales (p. 312) Liliaceae -- 21 Smilacaceae - 5 Poiitederiaceae 1 Coninieliiiaeeae - 1 Jiineaceae - 5 Xyridaceae 1 Iridales (p. 314) Amyrilidaceae 1 Dioscoreaceae 1 Tridaceae - 3 Orohidales, Oichidaceae (p. 314).. 20 Total :Monocotylae 221 Dicotvlae Thalamiriorae (total 118) Faiiales (p. 315) Masiioliaceae 2 -^ iinonaeeae 1 Ranunculaceae 26 Parnassiaceae 1 Ceratophyllaceae 1 Berberidaeeae 3 ^Ieiiis))erinaceae — 1 Lauraceae 2 Brassicales (p. 316) Pai)averaceae 2 Funiariaeeae 3 Brassicaceae 22 Gerauiales (p. 317 Geraniaeeae - 2 Oxalidaeeae - 4 L ininanthaceae 1 Liliaceae 1 Balsamiaceae 2 Riitaceae — 1 Siinanil)aceae 1 Polygolaceae 5 Euiilioibiaceae " Cal'itrichaceae 1 Mai vales (p. 318) Malvaceae ...; 5 Tiliaceae 1 Guttiferales (p. 318) Ily])ericaceae " C'istaceae 3 A'iolaceae ' 3 I'assifloraeeae 1 389 Centrospermae (total 49) Caryophyllales (p. 319) Caryopliyllaceae 1'' Aizoaceae - ^ Portulacaeeae " Phytolat'caeeae 1 Chenopodiales (p. 320) Corrigiolaceae Amaranthaceae ^ Clienopodiaceae 4 Polygonales, Polygonaeeae (p. 320) 21 Pip'erales, Sannirac-eae (p. 321).- 1 Calyciflorae (total 123) Eosales (p. 321) Rosaeeae 43 Fabaceae 43 Saxifragales (p. 323) Crassulaceae 2 Saxifragaeeae - - ^ Thymelales (p. 324) Lythraceae 2 Thymelaceae - 1 Celastrales (p. 324) Rhamnaceae 3 Vitaceae f Celastraceae 3 Ilicaeeae - 1 Staphyleaceae - 1 Sapindales (p. 324) Aeseiilaeeae 2 Aceraeeae - 6 Anacardiaceae 5 Amentiferae (total 55) Platanales (p. 325) Hammelidaceae - 1 Platanaeeae 1 Urtieales (p. 325) Ulmaceae 3 Moraceae 3 Urticaceae 5 Fagales (p. 326) Fagaceae - 12 Betulaceae - - 7 Juglandaceae ''^ Salicales, Salicaceae (p. 326) 16 Mvrtifiorae (total 19) Mvrtales (p. 327) Hydrangeaceae 1 Grossulariaeeae - 2 Onagaraeeae 9 Haloragidaceae Loascales, Cueurbitaeeae (p. 327) Aristoloehiales, Aristolochiaceae (p. 327) Santalales, Santalaceae (p. 328)- Ileteromerae (total 26) Primulales, Primulaceae (p. 328).. 10 Ericales (p. 328) Pyrolaceae - - -■- p Monotropaceae - - 2 Ericaceae - ^' Vacciniaceae - - ^ Ebenales, Ebenaceae (p. 329)- 1 Tubiflorae (total 146) Polemoniales (p. 329) Polemoniaceae - " CoBvolvnlaceae - 3 Cuscutaceae ■;; Hydrophyllaceae - - " v.Tentiauales (p. 329) Oleaceae -■- 3 (ientianaceae - ' Apocynaceae - - Aselepiadaeeae - ^^ Scrophulariales (p. 330) Solanaceae ^ Scropluilariaceae - 31 Orobanchaceae - 2 Biynoniaeeae - ^ Martyniaceae - - - ^ Lentribulaceae -^ Acaiitliaceae - - - - Laniiales (p. 332) Boragmaceae - - - ^- Verbenaceae - - 3 Laniiaceae - - 3' Phrvmaceae ^ P'lantagiiiales, Plantaginaceae (p. 333) ..'. - - ^ Inferae (total 168) ITmbellales (p. 334) Araliaceae '* Amiaceae 4. Coniaceae Eubiales (p. S34) Riibiaeeae - -- :|^ Caprifoliaeeae ^^ Valerianaceae 4 Campaimlales (p. 335) Campaniilaceae 3 Lobeliaceae - Compositales (p. 335) Dipsacaceae ^ Ambrosiaccae 3 Ilelianthaceae ^^ Cichoriaceae 4" Total Dicotylae ''^j Grand total 9'-' 340 Bulletins Ohio Biological Survey I. Outline of Biological Survey Plan. Syrphidae of Ohio by C. L. Metcalf - - - $.50 II. Catalog of Ohio Vascular Plants by John H. Schaffner .50 III. Botanical Survey of the Sugar Grove Region by R. F. Griggs .50 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Volume XIX Number 5 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 4 A REVIEW OF THE DESCRIBED SPECIES OF THE ORDER Euglenoidina Block CLASS FLAGELLATA (PROTOZOA) WITH PAR- TICULAR REFERENCE TO THOSE FOUND IN THE CITY WATER SUPPLIES AND IN OTHER LOCALITIES OF OHIO BY L. B. WALTON MARCH, 1915 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY AT COLUMBUS, OHIO Entered as second-class matter November 17, 1905, at the postoffice Columbus, Ohio, under Act of Congress, July 16, 1894. OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Herbert Osborn, Director OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY IN CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER OHIO COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Administrative Board consisting of Representatives from co- operating institutions. E. L. Fullmer, E. R. Gregory, M. E. Stickney, L. B. Walton, Miss M. Getmdn, Bruce Fink F. 0. Grover, E. L. Rice, H. M. Benedict, F. H. Herrick, C. G. Shatzer. Baldwin Wallace University, University of Akron, Denison University, Kenyon College, Lake Erie College, Miami University, Oberlin College, Ohio Wesleyan University, University of Cincinnati, Western Reserve University, Wittenberg College Berea, O. Akron, 0. Granville, O. Gambler, 0. Painesville, O. • Oxford, O. Oberlin, 0. Delaware, 0. Cincinnati, O. Cleveland, O. Springfield, 0. ANNOUNCEMENT The Bulletins of the Ohio Biological Survey will be issued as work on any special subject is completed, and will form volumes of about 500 pages each. They will be sent to co-operating institutions and individuals, libraries and colleges in Ohio and to such surveys, societies and other organizations as may offer suitable exchange material. Additional copies of each Bulletin and of completed volumes will be sold at such price as may cover the cost of publication. Special rates on quantities to schools for classes. Subscription for entire volumes, $2.00 Price of this number 50 All orders should be accompanied by remittance made payable to Ohio Biological Survey and sent to the Director. Correspondence concerning the Survey, applications for ex- changes and purchase of copies of Bulletins should be addressed to the Director — Professor Herbert Osborn, Columbus, Ohio. Volume I Bulletin 4 Ohio Biological Survey A REVIEW OF THE DESCRIBED SPECIES OF THE ORDER EUGLENOIDINA BLOCH. CLASS FLAGELLATA (PROTOZOA) WITH PARTICULAR REFER- ENCE TO THOSE FOUND IN THE CITY WATER SUPPLIES AND IN OTHER LOCALITIES OF OHIO By L. B. WALTON Published by THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Columbus 1915 CONTENTS 1. Introduction 343 (a) General 343 (b) Methods 345 (c) New Species 345 (d) Acknowledgment 346 2. Structure 346 3. Development - 347 4. Economic Importance 348 (a) General Relation to Water Supplies 348 (b) Notes on Organisms in Ohio Water Supplies 350 5. Classification 351 (a) Historical 351 (b) Principal Characters 352 (c) Method of Study 353 (d) Characters of the Order Euglenoidina 355 (e) Tables of Families, Genera, and Species 356 I. Family Euglenidae 356 1. Genus Euglena 357 2. Genus Leptocinclis 374 3. Genus Phacus 377 4. Genus Cryptoglena 385 5. Genus Trachelomonas 385 6. Genus Ascoglena 399 7. Genus Colacium 400 8. Genus Eutreptia 401 II. Family Astasiidae 402 1. Genus Astasia 402 2. Genus Menoidium 404 3. Genus Distigma 406 4. Genus Sphenomonas 406 III. Family Peranemidae 406 1. Genus Euglenopsis 408 2. Genus Petalomonas 408 3. Genus Scytomonas 412 4. Genus Peranema 413 5. Genus Urceolus 414 6. Genus Heteronema 415 7. Genus Tropidoscyphus , 418 8. Genus Notosolenus 418 9. Genus Anisonema 419 10. Genus Ploeotia 421 11. Genus Metanema 422 12. Genus Marsupiogaster 423 13. Genus Entosiphon 423 14. Genus Clautriavia 424 15. Genus Dinema 425 6. Literature 446 7. Index 447 THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 343 THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO A Review of the Described Species of the order Euglenoidina Bloch. class Flagellata (Protozoa) with particular reference to those found in the city water supplies and in other locali- ties of Ohio. L. B. Walto7i 1. Introduction. (a) GENERAL. Among- the minute forms of life frequenting inland waters and in particular, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, and stagnant pools, is an order of single celled organisms belonging to the class Flagel- lata of the Protozoa, the representatives of which possess charac- teristics of both animals and plants. They are not only of in- terest from their economic importance, inasmuch as many of the species at times occur in great numbers and impart peculiar odors, tastes, and colors to water, rendering it unpalatable for drinking purposes, but they are also of much interest from an educational standpoint, since they furnish an extremely valuable type in gen- eral use for biological instruction both in collegiate work and in the laboratory work of the better grades of high schools. While the majority of species are sufficiently distinct from one another to permit of recognition, the absence of a satisfactory review has prevented any general knowledge of these small organisms and has also resulted in many errors and inaccuracies of classification even among those biologists who have interested themselves in the forms allied to Euglena. It was largely with a view of attempting to remedy such conditions that the present paper, the outcome of studies during the past ten years, was com- menced. Just as the work was nearing completion, Pascher and Lemmermann's "Die Siisswasserflora Deutschlands, Osterreichs und der Schweiz" (Flagellatae, 1914) was issued. While the tables of genera and species, nearly all completed at that time in Contributions from tlie Biological Laboratory of Kenjon College No. 12. 344 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY the manuscript of the present paper, were closely in agreement with those of the "Siisswasserflora," making due allowance for individual viewpoints, there are several distinctions in the treat- ment of the material which may be mentioned. The synoptic tables for the separation of species, etc., are not dichotomous as are the tables in the following pages where only two possibilities "A'" and "A-," etc., are presented at a time. With the assump- tion that the characters utilized are of equal value, dichotomous tables certainly furnish a better means toward the classification of organisms than tables where three, four or more similar char- acters are relatively considered at the same time. The present paper furthermore aims to note all recognized species and varieties of the order distributed throughout the world, including the few forms which are marine. The paper of Lemmermann approaches completeness in this respect, inasmuch as the group is a cosmo- politan one, in that almost any restricted area where the organ- isms are carefully studied will furnish representatives of nearly all known species. He omits the marine forms, however. The Euglenoidina are of microscopic size, rarely exceeding 200ix^ — usually 10-60^ — in length and are in general inhabitants of the fresh water, although a few are marine and a few parasitic. In common with most other minute organisms which are aquatic, they are uniformly distributed throughout the temperate and trop- ical regions of the world. Consequently in a review of the species found in Ohio it has seemed advisable to also include all described forms, inasmuch as a majority of these will eventually be found to occur in the state. The work hitherto done in connection with the Euglenoidina found in Ohio is comprised in two check lists of Protozoa. The first, a "Report on the Protozoa of Lake Erie," by Jennings (U. S. Fish Com. Bull. 1889), who notes fifteen species of the order from localities near Put-in-Bay. The second, a list of "The Pro- tozoa of Sandusky Bay and Vicinity," by Landacre (Proc. Ohio Acad, of Science, Vol. 4, Pt. 10, 1908), lists thirty species with many interesting notes. Fifty-two species from Ohio are given in the present paper, which also includes one hundred and ninety-four species which have been described from various parts of the world. No tables or figures are presented in either of the preceding lists. 1 One micron (ly) equals one thousandth of a millimeter. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 345 (b) METHODS. The apparatus and supplies needed in a study such as out- lined consist of a good microscope provided with an oil immersion objective and the general accessories. The instrument will cost approximately $75 and a Spencer 40 or 46 G, or a Bausch and Lomb BB-8 will be found quite satisfactory, although where cost is not a prohibitive factor the Leitz "Monobjective" binocular, cost- ing approximately $250, duty free, with the apochromatic optical equipment is to be recommended. Magnifications should range from 50-2500. Among accessories may be mentioned slides ; cover glasses (22-25m round); half dozen small pipettes; one dozen watch glasses (Syracuse pattern) ; a stage micrometer ruled in 1/10 and 1/lOOmm; an ocular micrometer; camera lucida ($10- $20) ; 2-H and 6-H "Kohinoor" drawing pencils; lens paper; dis- secting needles, tweezers, and scissors, etc. An Irving Pitt No. 9108 Note Cover (I-P Mfg. Co., Kansas City), with paper punched to fit (procure a light weight bond at a paper supply house, size 8 X 10V1>. and have punched to fit cover) is useful in keeping notes and drawings together. These supplies, with the exception of the Note Cover, may be procured from the Spencer Lens Co., of Buffalo ; the Bausch and Lomb Co., of Rochester, or from the U. S. branch of E. Leitz, 30 E. 18th Street, New York City. Small drinking glasses with rectangular pieces of glass placed on top to prevent too rapid evaporation (a slight opening should be left) , may be used as aquaria, while one or two quart milk pails make excellent collecting receptacles. Where smaller quantities of material are collected, and it is desirable to prevent contamina- tion, ground glass stoppered bottles with metal screw caps (Betz Co., Hammond, Indiana), which come in pads usually containing six bottles, may be used. These are easily sterilized and may be kept as small aquaria until the culture is exhausted. Quantitative methods of study have not been utilized in the present paper. (c) NEW SPECIES. Four new species of Euglenoidina are noted in the following pages. Euglena simylacra from Fremont, Ohio. Eugloia tnnicata from Hiawatha Lake, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Scj/tonwnas dobelli from the digestive tract of Molge rul(/ar[!^, Europe. Plocofia mrwiua, a marine form, from Woods Hole, Mass. 346 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY (d) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. It is appropriate to note that much of the systematic work on the Euglenoidina by the writer has been based on material obtained in connection with investigations made possible through the Emer- son McMillin Fund. 2. Structure. The Euglenoidina are typically elongately oval or spindle- shaped in form with a length of from 6-500 microns. They are provided with a single (rarely two) flagellum (1) arising from a cytopharynx (5) and consisting of an axial filament (2) sur- rounded by protoplasm (3). They possess either a rapid rotatinqr swimming movement drawing themselves forward by means of the flagellum, or a creeping, twisting (metabolic) movement. The protoplast (22) secretes a periplast (21) which may be thin or thick and covered with longitudinal or spiral striae (18) composed of punctuations (19). The protoplast often secretes a shell in addition to the periplast, which may be covered with spines or other formations. The stigma (6) normally present in the green Euglenidae varies from orange red to a dull yellow. There is usually present a large vacuole (9) with a vacuolar canal open- ing into the reservoir (7), narrowed anteriorly into a cytopharynx (5), and one or more contractile vacuoles (8) which empty into the large vacuole. In various genera chloroleucites (17, 23) give the protoplast a green color and may be disciform, with the margin smooth or deeply notched, ribbon-like, or aggregated into star-like clusters. Paramylon (12, 20) in granules of various forms often con- taining a distinct pyrenoid (24) may also be present as a product of assimilation. The position of the nucleus (14, 15), particu- larly in the green forms, is designated by a clear space near the middle of the body and consists of a central (15) mass surrounded by chromosomes (14). Near the nucleus and only demonstrable by careful technical methods there is often a basal granule (bleph- roplast?) (16), from which the flagellum may arise by two fila- ments (10). In the family Peranemidae a pharyngeal siphon (11) or rod-like organ of uncertain function is often present. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 347 6. 7. 8. 9. 13 Fig. 1, A Typical Euglenoid. 1. flagellum. 14. 2. axial filament. 15. 3. flagelloplast. 16. 4. collar. 17. 5. cytopharynx. 18. stigma. 19. reservoir. 20. secondary vacuole. 21. primary vacuole. 22. 10. double filament. 23. 11. pharyngeal rod. 24. 12. paramylon (ant. prim, gran.) 25. paramylon (secondary gran.) 26. nucleus (periph. area). nucleus (cent. area). basal granule. chloroleucite. (regular). stria. punctuations. paramylon (post. prim, gran.) periplast. protoplast. chloroleucite (irregular). pyrenoid. interstrial area. tip. 3. Development. Reproduction may occur by asexual vegetative division or by sexual reproduction, although substantial evidence as to the various phases in the latter is still absent. 348 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY The vegetative reproduction consists of either a longitudinal division of the normal individual or the division of the individual after having undergone an encystment stage. In the latter case the cyst often divides a number of times, forming many small cysts more or less closely connected. The small individual escap- ing from the cyst may grow into a mature form or undergo the complicated process of a sexual cycle by the copulation of the individuals. The form of the spores, particularly among the Euglena, is of considerable systematic importance. 4. Economic Importance. (a) GENERAL RELATIONS TO WATER SUPPLIES. The practical importance of the Euglenoidina in their rela- tion to man is based upon several considerations. They constitute one of the principal groups of the unicellular organisms which possess chlorophyl and are able to absorb the various inorganic salts as well as the oxygen and carbon dioxide contained in the water and thus produce starch-like substances. These substances in turn through the intermediate Crustacea, etc., form the basis of the food supply of the fishes and other animal organisms living in an aquatic environment. Economic phases of this nature, which pertain to the fishing industry as well as to water fowl. etc., particularly of the region of the Great Lakes, will be more appreciated as time brings about a diminishing supply of such animal organisms and threatens the commercial importance of the industries dependent thereon. Water from both public and private supplies often has un- pleasant tastes or odors and in the majority of cases the result is due to the presence of organisms of microscopic size which reach their maximum development, so far as numbers are concerned, in reservoirs, ponds, and lakes. Inasmuch as such conditions are usually due to the substances — oil globules, etc. — set free when the minute forms of life are in a state of disintegration, the filtra- tion of the water, particularly mechanical filtration, does not nec- essarily remove the unpleasant taste, although the proper kind of filtration accompanied by aeration usually proves successful. When ground waters from infiltration galleries — deep wells in THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 349 proximity to streams or lakes — or chemically and mechanically purified surface waters are pumped into open reservoirs large num- bers of microscopic organisms may develop. If the storage reser- voirs are covered and the light necessary to the growth of forms having chlorophyl is shut out, the number of organisms is much lessened. While the Euglenoidina, which are under consideration in the present paper, form only one of several groups of organisms that from time to time pollute water supplies, they are on man-" occasions responsible for disagreeable conditions of the water. The specific forms causing the trouble have been recognized with difficulty, however, owing to the absence of satisfactory tables for the separation of genera and species, and thus attempts at identifi- cation have only been partially successful, even in the hands of specialists. Various species of the Euglenoidina give off a recognizable "violet" odor, as has been noted in the Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts for 1892. Butschli, 1884, ascribed a "fishy" odor to Euglena sanguinea when the cells were found to be disintegrated and suggested that the odor was not due to putrefactive processes as had earlier been supposed, but to the oil vacuoles formed during metabolism and contained in the protoplasm of the individual. Zacharias in 1902 called attention to the pools of water turned red by the immense numbers of Astasia haematodes (Euglena haematodes (Ehrenb.) ). A similar condition has often been observed in pools throughout Ohio and other states usually during the months of July and August and results from an allied form, Euglena sanguinea, Ehrenb. Euglena rubra. Hardy, pro- duces the same result in Australia, while Euglena orientalis, Kashyops, is another red form which has been described from the Shalamar Gardens in Lahore, India. When such organisms as the Euglenoidina pollute water sup- plies in considerable numbers, they may be eliminated by the cop- per sulphate method. The quantity required for the specific organisms varies from 0.4 pounds per a million gallons of water for Uroglena to 41.5 pounds per a million gallons for Beggiota. 350 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Trout are killed by an application of 1.2 pounds, while sunfish and black bass can withstand 10-17 pounds. Euglena and probably most other forms of the order are killed by the use of 0.4 pounds to a million gallons of water. The method employed is that of taking ordinary commercial crystals of blue vitriol to the required amount, placing in a coarse bag and drawing through the water at the stern of a row boat in parallel paths approximately twenty feet apart until the chem- ical is dissolved. The various technical details in connection with the calcula- tion of the volume of the water, the influence of the temperature of the water on the solubility of the crystals, the amount of organic material in the water as well as the specific kinds of organisms present, render it advisable to consult some one familiar with the process before undertaking purification by the copper sulphate method. (b) NOTES ON ORGANISMS IN OHIO WATER SUPPLIES. A considerable number of water supplies in the state were ex- amined and samples taken from receiving and storage reservoirs. Among the cities visited were Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Akron, Dayton, Cuyahoga Falls, Canton, Hamilton, etc. While representatives of the Euglenoidina were not found in every in- stance, a result to be expected inasmuch as the group is a re- stricted one as compared with the numerous other groups of unicellular and multicellular organisms occurring in fresh water, many species of much interest were noted. Among these may be mentioned Leptocinclis acicularis from the Cincinnati water sup- ply, previously known only from Hungary in Europe ; Trachelo- monas teres, known before only from New Zealand (Cincinnati water supply) ; Notosolenus apocamptus and Entosiphov ovatum, from the Hamilton storage reservoir; Trachelomonas rugulosa and an undescribed species of Euglerm from the Storage Dam at Columbus; Trachelomonas volvocina from Cuyahoga Falls, etc. While it is somewhat beyond the scope of the present paper, certain other fresh water organisms found in the reservoirs may be mentioned. In the large storage reservoirs at Cincinnati were noted Pofa- mogeton spirillum and Potamogeton pectinatics, comparatively THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 351 large water weeds. These were in small quantities and were gradually being dredged out after having withstood a considerable amount of a copper sulphate solution. Among the unicellular forms were C entropy xis aculeata, Trachelomonaf< tere^, Entosiphon sulcatum, Cosmarium, Pleurosigma, Spi7illum, etc. In the storage reservoir containing the purified water from immediately above the weir where the water was aerated, were obtained Difflugia const7icta among filaments of Cladopho^^a glomerata, Trachelomo- nas globularis, Amoeba sp., Aspidisca costata, Navicida, Cosma- rium, OsciUatoria, etc. None occurred, however, in quantities which would impart tastes or odors to the water. At Hamilton in an uncovered reservoir situated across the river on the hill were found Cladophora crispata submerged on the bottom of the reservoir; Halteria grandinella, Pediastrum tetras, Codonosiga botrytis, Chilomonas Paramecium, species of Plana- rians, etc. From the Storage Dam at Columbus numerous species of Paramecium, Amoeba, Euglena, Trachelomonas, Diatoms, etc., as well as Aelosoma, one of the aquatic oligochaetes. Other interesting species were found from samples at Lisbon, Cuyahoga Falls, Akron, etc. 5. Classification. (a) HISTORICAL. The history of the minute forms of aquatic life is closely con- nected with that of the microscope and may be said to date from Leeuewenhoeck, 1675, who was succeeded by Trembley, 1744; Muller, 1786, and Ehrenberg, 1838. The latter, by aid of im- proved microscopes, worked out details of structure with great care, although erroneously interpreting many of them. For in- stance the red pigment spot — the stigma — so generally found among the Euglenidae was supposed to be actually an eye, while the nerve ganglion which was assumed must accompany it. was described in a species of Astasia. Following Ehrenberg came Duiardin, 1841, who clearly outlined the class Mastigophora (Flagellata) as animals provided with one or more flagella. Later Stein, 1850 ; Kent, 1880, and others who did excellent work taking 352 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY into consideration the microscopes which they employed and the extent of the systematic territory which they attempted to cover. During the present period careful systematic studies of the Euglenoidina began with Butschli, 1883, in Bronn's, "Classen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs." Senn in 1900 reviewed the genera of the group (Euglenineae) in connection with Engler-Prant's "Die naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien," giving excellent illustrations of representatives of each genus with tables of genera. The paper by Dangeard, 1902, entitled "Recherches sur les Eugleniens," formed a most valuable contribution to the literature on the group, covering both the systematic and structural parts, omitting largely, however, the family Peranemidae. From a systematic side it could well be criticized by the lack of conciseness so essential to papers dealing with the problems of classification. Species were enumerated, although no tables for the separation of either genera or species were included, a serious oversight in a modern sys- tematic work. A table of contents as well as an index was also lacking. Lemmermann in 1913 presented as a part of Pascher's "Die Siisswasserflora Deutschlands, Osterreichs und der Schweiz" a re- view of the "Eugleninae" (Euglenoidina) with excellent figures of nearly all species described. (b) PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS. Following Klebs the order is separated into three families, the Euglenidae, which obtain their nourishment primarily by the action of sunlight in connection with chlorophyl (holophytic), and the Astasiidae and Peranemidae, which obtain their nourishment by the absorption of organic substances through the surface of the body (saprophytic or saprozoic). Without entering into any argument as to the relative position of the Euglenoidina among animals and plants, the termination -idae has been used with the family names in accordance with Zoological classification. The principal characters utilized for the purposes of classifi- cation are the form of the cell — radial, bilateral, elongate, spher- ical, broad, fusiform, provided with a collar which may be notched THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 353 or consist of an annular thickening, etc. ; structure of periplast— elastic or metabolic, firm, striated either spirally or more rarely longitudinally, the striae consisting of minute elevations as a rule, development of a shell with or without spines, punctuations, wart- like processes, etc. ; chloroleiicites (chloroplasts) absent or present in the form of ribbon-like bands, elongated cylindrical rods, disks with margins smooth or lobed, star-like masses, all of which may or may not contain pyrenoids; paramylon with granules of vary- ing forms, usually elongately spherical ; pharyngeal siphon, a rod- like organ of unknown function present in certain Peraneynidae; stalk present in a few forms, long, short, branched or not branched ; length of flagellum as well as the number and position where two flagella are present ; stigma present or absent, etc. The structural position of the characters noted is indicated in Fig. 1 on a preceding page. Many other minor characters are used, mention of which will be made in the tables for separating genera and species. (c) METHOD OF STUDY. Material from standing water — small ponds, stagnant pools, ditches, etc. — particularly where organic matter is in a state of decomposition, will invariably yield many interesting species of the Euglenoidina. If such material is placed in small bottles where, however, it should not remain more than 48 hours with the stoppers inserted, and then only when an air space approximately equal to one-third the capacity of the bottle is left, and subsequently trans- ferred to aquaria, the scum rising on the surface within the course of a few days will contain innumerable forms. Ordinary drinking glasses make excellent aquaria. They should be provided with a rectangular glass cover to prevent too rapid evaporation, although this should not entirely close the top, thereby allowing the gases arising in the decaying matter to escape. Many species of Euglenoidina occur as "plankton" carried from place to place in large bodies of water by winds and currents and may be obtained with a plankton net made of finely meshed "bolting cloth" drawn through the water. If one wishes to ascertain the number of organisms present in a definite body of water such as a reservoir or pond from which 354 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY water supplies are obtained, quantitative methods of study must be used. A measured amount of water— 500-2000cc— is passed through an apparatus for concentrating the organisms. This may consist of a glass funnel inserted into the stoppered neck of a wide mouth bottle holding about 250cc and which also has as an overflow, a glass tube with a piece of '"bolting cloth" covering the inner end. The organisms may be reconcentrated after reaching the laboratory by passing through a funnel having some fine quartz sand in the bottom of the funnel supported by a cork with a piece of ''bolting cloth" holding the sand in place. The sand must not be allowed to dry but be washed out in a watch glass in distilled water, the distillation of which has been accomplished in glass vessels with due care. After having obtained material, rough observations made in the laboratory by placing a small quantity of water in a watch glass and examining with a magnification of 60-150 diameters, will give an idea as to the various genera and species represented. In order to properly classify the species, however, one must take a clean slide and cover glass and study with magnifications of from 500-2500 diameters, as well as ascertain the dimensions of the par- ticular organisms with either the ocular micrometer or the camera lucida, the magnification of the microscope having first been obtained with the stage micrometer. In this connection it will be advisable to consult some of the introductory books in microscopy, such as that of Gage (Comstock Publishing Company, Ithaca, N. Y. Price $2.00) if one has not previously had experi- ence. The method which the writer has found best adapted for studying the Euglenoids and other microscopic organisms in the living conditions is that of utilizing a lens-paper aquarium. A piece of lens-paper is cut with the dimensions smaller than the cover glass, then by trimming out the center a ring-lie piece is left. This is placed on the middle of the slide and attached by a drop of water from a pipette. Then a drop of water containing the organisms is placed in the center, and a cover glass carefully placed over it, avoiding air bubbles by lowering gently with the tweezers. Immediately tilt the slide and draw off any surplus water with the pipette. The aquarium will keep for several hours and the cover glass will be supported by the thin layer of lens-paper and THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 355 thus not crush the organisms as the water evaporates. A perma- nent aquarium may be made by cutting the outside margin of the lens-paper 2-5mm smaller than the cover glass and after the water in this external area has partly evaporated (15-30 minutes) run- ning a small quantity of paraffin oil around the margin of the cover glass. Such an aquarium will retain organisms for a month or more in a living condition provided there is a proper balance of animal and plant life. By means of the lens-paper aquarium described the forms may be studied with the 4mm. or even the 2mm. oil immersion objective. If the movements are too rapid, they may be placed in a 2-3 9f solution of gelatin, which will retard their activities. Inverting a drop of water on a slide over the neck of a bottle con- taining a 2% solution of osmic acid will instantly kill the forms, usually without any distortion. Their life-like appearance may be lost, however, and it is always best to study first under natural conditions. (d) CHARACTERS OF THE ORDER EUGLENOIDINA. Order EUGLENOIDINA Blochmann. Euelenoidina Blochmann; Die mikoskopische Tierwelt d. Susswassers, 1895; Doflein, Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde 1911, p. 505. Euglenineae Senn, Engler u. Prantl, Natiirliche Pflanzenfamilien, p. 173 I Teil, Ab. la^. li> 1900. Euglenida Delage et Herouard, Traite de Zoologie Concrete, Tome 1, p. 345. Eugleninae Lemmermann, Die Siisswasserflora Deutschlands, Osterreichs und der Schweiz Heft 2, p. 115, 1914. Form elongately oval with a pharynx from which one or more, rarely two, flagella extend ; body metabolic but not amoeboid, pro- vided with a firm periplast which is often striated or sculptured ; excretory system complicated usually with a comparatively large reservoir into which one or more contractile vacuoles open ; ante- riorly near the base of the pharynx a stigma ; protoplasm contain- ing granules of paramylon while chromatophores may or may not be present; nucleus large with central "Binnenkorper" ; reproduc- tion agamous with a single or with multiple division, although isogamous copulation has been observed in the genus Copromonas (Scytomonas). 356 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Habitat mostly in fresh water, a few species marine, and a few parasitic. Length 6-500 microns. The order may be separated into three families as follows: (e) TABLES OF FAMILIES, GENERA AND SPECIES. TABLE OF FAMILIES. Ai Green chloroleucites and red stigma present . 1. Fam. Euglenidae A- Green chloroleucites and red stigma absent; forms colorless. Bi Form radial, usually free swimming, nourishment saprophytic 2. Fam. Astasiidae B- Form bilateral, movement usually creeping, nour- ishment through solid particles taken into the pharynx 3. Fam. Peranemidae 1. Fam. EUGLENIDAE Stein Euglenidae Stein Form oval elongate radial, usually somewhat flattened, the body twisted spirally, metabolic; protoplasm containing green chloroleucites as well as paramylon granules ; periplast often with spirally arranged punctuations ; cytopharynx present from which arises one or rarely two flagella ; red stigma present ; repro- duction as a rule through division during the encysted stage, the cysts often being enclosed within a gelatinous envelope. The species are inhabitants of fresh water with the exception of Trachelomonas and Eutreptia, which are also found in salt water. The number of described species which may be recognized is 127, distributed throughout the world. TABLE OF GENERA Ai Provided with a single flagellum. B' Free swimming, not attached by a stalk. C^ Not provided with a brownish protective covering. D" Periplast elastic, forms metabolic; typi- cally radial in structure . . 1. Gen. Euglena D- Periplast firm, thickened, forms not metabolic; radial or compressed in structure. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 357 El Chloroleucites disk form, more or less numerous. F^ Form radial not compressed; usually provided with two annular paramylon granules. 2. Gen. Leptocinclis F- Form compressed; paramylon granules of various shapes. .3. Gen. Phacus E- Chloroleucites in the form of two elongate lateral bands . 4. Gen. Cryptoglena C- Provided with a brown or brownish-green protective covering which usually bears rugosities or spine like processes. . 5. Gen. Trachelomonas B- Typically sessile (free swimming during part of reproductive cycle) and attached to minute Crustacea, rotifers, filamentous algae, etc. Q Not provided with a basal stalk; distinct protective envelope present . . 6. Gen. Ascoglena C- Provided with a basal stalk; distinct pro- tective envelope not present ... 7. Gen. Colacium A- Provided with two flagella; form bluntly conical with posterior end more or less pointed ... 8. Gen. Eutreptia 1. Gen. EUGLENA Ehrenberg. Form oblong or spindle shaped, contractile; free swimming; a single anterior flagellum ; body covered by an elastic periplast often provided with minute elevations arranged spirally; on the anterior end a deep groove from the base of which arises a flagel- lum; an anterior stigma together with a complicated vacuole sys- tem consisting of a reservoir into which one or more small con- tractile vacuoles open; protoplasm containing green chromato- phores (chloroleucites), together with paramylon bodies both differing greatly in form and position in the various species; nucleus large, centrally located with an interior nucleolar body. Reproduction agamous through division occurring either in the free swimming stage, where it is usually longitudinal, or dur- ing an encysted stage, where the single cyst often divides into numerous smaller cysts. Conjugation has not been definitely demonstrated, although a sexual cycle probably occurs. The species are found chiefly in stagnant fresh water, although a few are marine and one has been noted as parasitic in a species of Mesostoma, one of the Turbellarians, although not described. Distribution, cosmopolitan. 358 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY TABLE OF SPECIES. AiChloroleucites (green chromatophores) present with the color rarely obscured by red hematochrome. Bi Chloroleucites in the form of more or less flattened rods or ribbons which may be arranged into a star shaped mass or otherwise distributed throughout the protoplasm. Ci Color green; species usually not exceeding 70m in length. D^ Some of the chloroleucites collected into star-like masses. E' Star-like masses 1-2 (rarely 3) in num- ber. F^ Nucleus posterior; chloroleucites in a single median star-like mass. F- Nucleus median; chloroleucites in two or three star-like masses. E- Star-like masses more than three in number. F' Posterior end pointed; pyrenoids without shell-like covering F- Posterior end rounded; pyrenoids with shell-like covering D- Chloroleucites not collected into star-like masses, but in the shape of elongated bands. El A single chloroleucite present. F^ Species extremely elongated; chlo- roleucite straight F- Species comparatively short; chlo- roleucite spiral E- Two or more chloroleucites present. Fi Two lateral chloroleucites F- Chloroleucites in the form of nu- merous elongated bands. G^ Band like chloroleucites pai'allel with the longitudinal axis G- Band like chloroleucites ar- ranged spirally C- Color normally red; species exceeding 70m in length. Di Periplast striated; length 120-225m. E' Caudal end acute; length approximately 120m 1. E. viridis 2. E. geniculata 3. E. olivacea 4. E. oblonga 5. E. elongata 6. E. minima 7. E. piscif ormis 8. E. terricola 9. E. splendens 10. E. sanguinea 1. E. orientalis another red species with disk-like chloroleucites is noted on a succeeding page. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 359 E- Caudal end more or less truncate; length approximately 200/^. . . . 11. E. rubra B- Periplast smooth; length 75-100m. . 12. E. haematodes B- Chloroleucites in the form of flattened disks which are often much elongated and rarely with an irreg- ular or extremely notched outline. C^ Length less than 5 times the diameter. D' Prominent anterior and posterior paramylon granules not present. El Chloroleucites distinctly lobed. F' Form elongately oval; length 95- 100m 13. E. velata F- Form spindle shaped; length 85m. 14. E. sociabilis E- Chloroleucites not distinctly lobed. Pi Length exceeding 55m. G^ Pellicula with many small granules underneath arranged spirally 15. E. granulata G' Pellicula without distinct gran- ules underneath. Hi Color green. P Chloroleucites round or oval. ji Pyrenoids present in chloroleucites; length 80-90M. 16. E. polymorpha J- Pyrenoids absent in chloroleucites; length 60-70M. 17. E. proxima I- Chloroleucites slightly constricted at mid- dle, more or less dumb-bell shaped. 18. E. caudata H- Color red or yellowish red. P Cysts spherical in form. . . 19. E. flava I- Cysts flasklike in form 20 E. orientalis F- Length less than 50m. G' Form short cylindrical . 21. E. variabilis G- Form spindle shaped . 22. E. gracilis D^ Prominent anterior and posterior paramy- lon granules nresent; length of individual approximately 60m .... 23. E. torta C- Length more than 6 times the diameter. D^ Posterior part of body with an acute tip. El Periplast not covered with prominent punctuations arranged either spirally 360 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY or longitudinally. Fi Prominent anterior and posterior paramylom granules not present. G' Body extremely metabolic; not normally twisted into a spiral however. Hi Chloroleucites in the form of flattened disks, numer- ous; posterior part of body with short acute tip ... 24. E. deses Hi Chloroleucites in the form of elongate cup shaped disks, 2-4 in number; posterior part of body with elongated acute tip 25. E. mutabilis G- Body not metabolic, normally twisted into a spiral . 26. E. spiroides F- Prominent anterior and posterior* paramylon granules present. G^ Anterior part of body immedi- ately in front of stigma nearly equal to the diameter of the median part of the body. HI Anterior and posterior paramylon granules large, suboval or spherical. P Large paramylon granules, suboval; length of individual 375-500M. . . 27. E. oxyuris I- Large paramylon gran- ules spherical; length of individual, 75m. . . 28. B. simulacra H' Anterior and posterior paramylon granules in the form of elongated rods; length of individ- ual, 70-80M. Ji Body exceedingly met- abolic; not prolonged posteriorly into an extended acute tip; length, 120- 135m. 29. E. intermedia * Occasionally lateral in E. limnophila. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 361 I- Body not metabolic; prolonged posteriorly into an extended acute tip; length, 70-80M. . . 30. E. tripteris G- Anterior part of body imme- diately in front of stigma approximately one-half the diameter of the median part. H^ Posterior end not de- veloped into a needle- like tip . . 31. E. acus H- Posterior end developed into a needle-like tip. P Chloroleucites not spir- ally ai-ranged; length, 80m. . . . 32. E. limnophila T- Chloroleucites spirally arranged; length 125m 33. E. acutissima E- Periplast covered with prominent punc- tuations, arranged either spirally or longitudinally. Fi Flagellum short; punctuations ar- ranged spirally. ... 34. E. spirogyra F- Flagellum as long as body; punc- tuations, arranged longitudinally 35. E. fusca 1)- Posterior part of body with a rounded or truncate tip. E^ Paramylon granules in the form of elongate rods; tip of body rounded; length, 250-300M. ... 36, E. ehrenbergii E- Paramylon granules not rod-like; tip truncate or emarginate; length, 175m. 37. E. truncata A~ Chloroleucites apparently absent and the individuals col- orless; stigma yellow to orange brown. . . 38. E. quartana -1. E. viridis Ehrenb (Fig. 1, PI. XII). Oval or fusiform ; periplast striated spirally ; flagellum as long as body; stigma prominent; nucleus posterior; chloroleucites in the form of elongated rods collected into a median stellate mass; paramylon granules small, round or oval, with pyrenoids. Reproduction by longitudinal division or by encystment in a spherical state with thickened membrane colored a yellowish brown. Species from Ohio. 362 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY L 50-60/x. D. 14-18/x. (var. olivacea L. 72-80,u. D. 16/j..) Distribution, cosmopolitan. Storage Dam, Columbus. Many other species have been erroneously classified as E. viridis in ordinary biological instruction. The posterior position of the nucleus, together with the single stellate group of chloro- leucites, should easily distinguish it from several closely allied forms. The following varieties have been noted: var. mucosa Lemm., surrounded by mucous in swimming stage and only slightly metabolic; var. olivacea Klebs, distinguished primarily by the olive green color of the chloroleucites and the tendency of these to be separated into disciform fragments, together with the larger size of the form. Dangeard has suggested that the var. hijal'ma Klebs possibly belongs to the genus Astasia, inasmuch as it is deprived of chlorophyl and possesses only a rudimentary stigma. Hiawatha Lake, Mt. Vernon, 0. ; Kokosing River, Gambier, 0. *2. E. geniculata Dujard (Fig. 2, PI. XII). Cylindrical elongate with periplast striated spirally ; flagellum as long as body; stigma prominent; nucleus central; chloroleucites in the form of elongate rods collected into 2 or 3 stellate masses, one mass posterior to the nucleus; paramylon with pyrenoids. Reproduction by longitudinal division, or by encystment without thickened membrane as in E. viridis. L. 70-85,u. D. 12-22/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Storage Dam, Columbus. 3. E. olivacea Schmitz (Fig. 3, PI. XII). Fusiform, short posteriorly, metabolic ; periplast striated spirally ; flagellum as long or longer than the body ; chloroleucites numerous, stellate ; pj^renoids not covered with paramylon ; para- mylon granules short, oval. Reproduction by longitudinal division. Encystment not known. L. 68-89/1. D. 14-21/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 363 4. E. oblonga Schmitz (Fig. 4, PI. XII). Oval, short with rounded ends; periplast spirally striated; flagellum longer than body; nucleus central ;(?); chloroleucites numerous, stellate; pyrenoids with shell; paramylon (?). Reproduction ( ?). L. 50-70/,. D. 25-35/x. Distribution (?) 5. E. elongata Schew. (Fig. 5, PI. XII). Extremely elongate, fusiform, scarcely metabolic; periplast smooth; flagellum 2/3 length of body; nucleus slightly posterior; chloroleucites elongated bands; pyrenoids absent; paramylon ( ?). Reproduction ( ?). L. 64/x. D. 5-6/x. Distribution, New Zealand in cold springs. 6. E. minima France (Fig. 6, PI. XII). Small, fusiform, extremely metabolic; periplast weakly striate spirally; flagellum Vo body length; nucleus (?) ; chloroleu- cites in form of spiral bands ; pyrenoids 2, with shells ; paramylon small, rods. Reproduction by longitudinal division; cysts (?). L. 27/,. D. 8-9/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?) in swamps. *7. E. pisciformis Klebs (Fig. 7, PI. XII). Fusiform, rounded anteriorly, short posteriorly, slightly meta- bolic ; periplast weakly striate spirally ; flagellum as long as body ; stigma with prominent granulation; nucleus posterior (?) ; chloro- leucites 2 or 3(?) in number arranged longitudinally and nearly as long as body; pyrenoid with double shell; paramylon ( ?). Reproduction by cysts forming several cells (8?) within a single membrane. L. 25-30/x. D. 5-7/x. (var. minor L. 18-20/... D. 4.5-5/^.) Distribution, cosmopolitan. 364 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY The var. mino7' Hansg. has a length of 18-20/x and a diameter of 4.5-5/^. E. piscifoi'mis is a small species with swimming move- ments analogous to those of a fish, whence the name. The body becomes metabolic to a slight extent when the individual ceases swimming. Gambler, 0. Pool "Hotel Hill," var. minor (18/j in length). 8. E. terricola (Dang.) (Fig. 8, PI. XH). Cylindrical, elongate, tip distinct, decidedly metabolic ; peri- plast weakly striate spirally ; flagellum V2 length of body ; nucleus central ; chloroleucites numerous, band-like, arranged longitudi- nally posterior to nucleus ; pyrenoids 2, enclosed in paramylon ; paramylon granules small, short, cylindrical. Reproduction. L.(?). D.(?). Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?). 9. E. splendens Dang. (Fig. 9, PI. XH). Oval with short tip ; periplast with prominent punctuations arranged spirally ; flagellum longer than the body ; nucleus central ; chloroleucites numerous, ribbon-like, arranged spirally between striate punctuations; pyrenoids absent; paramylon round, rarely rod-like. Reproduction by longitudinal division. Encystment with division in spherical condition. L. 70-80/x. D. 22-27/,. Distribution, France, Casette near Potiers. Distinguished from other species by the peculiar arrangement of chloroleucites, more numerous and shorter than in E. sanguimea and without pyrenoids. *10. E. sanguinea Ehrenb (Fig. 10, PI. XH). Elongately oval, red, fusiform to cylindrical, with short tip, metabolic; periplast striate spirally with indistinct punctuations; flagellum 2 times length of body; chloroleucites in the form of rods or ribbons or extremely notched disks; pyrenoid with shell; paramylon round or oval; green chlorophyl of the chloroleucites obscured by the red haematochrome which may however disap- pear in small aquaria with changed metabolism. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 365 Reproduction by copulation of gametes. Encystment with division in spherical state, the gelatinous envelope thick. L. 55-120/^. D. 28-33^. Distribution, cosmopolitan. An interesting species which at times colors pools and small ponds an intense red on the surface. In the var. furcata Hiibner the cell is narrowed anteriorly so that a neck-like appearance re- sults, while a spiral furrow reaches from the cytopharynx to the middle of the body. Ohio, Cedar Point; Sandusky, in quarry ponds. 11. E. rubra Hardy (Fig. PI. XII) . Cylindrical, red, with broadly rounded anterior end and poste- rior end suddenly narrowed into a distinct tip which is rounded posteriorly; periplast spirally striate; flagellum approximately as long as body; chloroleucites( ?) ; pyrenoids( ?) ; nucleus slightly posterior; paramylon short cylindrical. Reproduction by encystment with formation of distinct mem- brane. L. 150(?)-200^. D. 50(?)-60/u Distribution, cosmopolitan. Australia ; Europe, Bohemia. The species was described by Hardy, 1911, in association with E. viridis in small pools at Donocaster, Australia, and more re- cently it has been noted from Bohemia. It appears quite distinct from E. sanguinea. 12. E. haematodes (Ehrenb), (Fig. 12, PI. XII). Fusiform, red, metabolic; periplast smooth; flagellum 11/2-2 times length of body; stigma absent (?) ; chloroleucites in the form of rods and ribbons (notched disks ?) ; pyrenoids ( ?) ; paramylon round or oval ; protoplast colored red by haematochrome. Reproduction by longitudinal division. Encystment with a thick membrane and subsequent division. L. 75-103/.. D. 28-36/y. Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?) . -13. E. velata Klebs (Fig. 13, PL XII). Elongately oval with short tip, rounded anteriorly, metabolic ; periplast weakly striate spirally; flagellum as long or somewhat shorter than the body; nucleus large, median; stigma large, granu- 366 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY lar; chloroleucites 20-30 in number, distinctly lobed ; pyrenoids double shelled; paramylon( ?). L. 90-100/x. D. 25-30/x. Distribution, Europe and North America; Ohio, Gambler, Brook, McElroy Farm, with filaments of Lyngbya. 14. E. sociabilis Dang. (Fig. 1, PI. XIII). Fusiform with short tip, metabolic; periplast (?) flagellum longer than body; nucleus (?) ; chloroleucites numerous — about 10 in number ; pyrenoids double shelled ; paramylon oval or rod-like. Reproduction by encystment with subsequent division result- ing in spherical colonies of 2, 4, or 8 cells each with stigma and nucleus distinct. L. 85/x. D. 25/x. Distribution, France. 15. E. granulata (Klebs), (Fig. 2, PI. XIII). Fusiform with short tip, metabolic; pellicula spirally striate, yellowish brown with distinct punctuations ; flagellum as long as body ; nucleus central ; chloroleucites in the form of large disks with slightly irregularly borders, each containing a prominent pyrenoid ; paramylon ( ?) . Reproduction by encystment within a gelatinous envelope. L. 60-90/x. D. 20-25/7,. Distribution, Europe. Cosmopolitan ( ?) The var. luteo Lemm. is colored light green. *16. E. polymorpha Dang. (Fig. 3, PI. XIII). Oval approaching cylindrical, metabolic with short tip ; peri- plast striated spirally, light brown in color ; flagellum twice as long as body; nucleus central (?) ; chloroleucites 15 or more in number in the form of disks with irregular borders, each containing a pyrenoid; paramylon oval, often absent. Reproduction, encystment spherical with gelatinous membrane. L. 80-90/x. D. 20-25/x. First found by Dangeard near Potiers in company with E. sanguinea. Mirror Lake, 0. S. U., 0., from stems of Eleodea. Length 93^11. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 367 *17. E. proxima Dang. (Fig. 4, PI. XIII). Fusiform, not elongately cjdindrical with colorless tip, meta- bolic; periplast spirally striate; flagellum 1-1 i/o times length of body; nucleus central; chloroleucites numerous, disciform, about 50 in each individual ; pyrenoids absent ; paramylon small, elon- gately oval or annular (?). Reproduction by encystment with cysts spherical, two cells being formed in a common envelope. L. 60-70/^. D. 20/x. Distribution, France, Potiers. Storage Dam, Columbus. The elongately oval chloroleucites suggests a form somewhat intermediate between those possessing elongated rods and those with flattened disks. 18. E. caudata Hubner (Fig. 5, PI. XIII). Broadly fusiform with narrowed elongate tip, metabolic; periplast spirally striate; flagellum as long as body; nucleus cen- tral ; chloroleucites numerous, dumb-bell shaped ; pyrenoids with a double shell ; paramylon ( ?) . Reproduction ( ?). L. 110^. D. SSfx. Distribution, Europe (?). 19. E. flava Dang. (Fig. 6, PI. XIII). Fusiform with short tip, red, metabolic; periplast (?) ; flagel- lum about length of body; nucleus (?) ; chloroleucites 3-15 in num- ber, disciform; pyrenoids with double shell; paramylon ( ?). Development by longitudinal division. Encystment with spherical cysts. L. 60//. D. 25-30/7.. Distribution, France at Potiers. 20. E. orientalis Kashyop (Fig. 7, PI. XIII). Fusiform approaching cylindrical, color red; periplast (?) ; flagellum about as long as body ; chloroleucites globular ; pyre- noids (?) ; paramylon disiform, about l/x in diameter. Reproduction by flask shaped cysts from which it escapes laterally. L. 60-120/'. D. 25 (?) -40 (?)/.. 368 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Distribution, East India, Lahore. A species apparently quite distinct by reason of flask-like cysts and development of haematochrome, -21. E. variabilis Klebs (Fig. 8, PI. XIII) . Cylindrical, short, rounded anteriorly, decidedly metabolic; periplast strongly striate spirally; flagellum 2-3 times length of body; nucleus (?) ; stigma large, dark red; chloroleucites disciform, without pyrenoids; paramylon one large granule anteriorly, many small granules (?). Reproduction by division while provided with thin gelati- nous envelope. L. 30-46/x. D. 9-13;u. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Gambler, 0., Hotel Hill Spring. A form which may at least be placed as a variety of the above, although not agreeing in detail with the figure from Klebs. 22. E. gracilis Klebs (Fig. 9, PI. XIII). Cylindrical to bluntly oval without pronounced tip, decidedly metabolic; periplast spirally striate; flagellum about length of body; nucleus central; chloroleucites 12-15 in number, disciform with irregular margin; with pyrenoids; paramylon absent(?). Reproduction by division while provided with thin gelati- nous membrane. Encystment with thick gelatinous membrane. L. 37-45^. D. 6-22/x. Distribution, France, Potiers. A small but exceedingly active species. -23. E. torta Stokes (Fig. 10, PI. XIII). Elongately fusiform with tip twisted, not metabolic (?) ; flagellum as long as body; periplast smooth; chromatophores( ?) ; pyrenoids (?) ; paramylon in the form of 2 long rod-like granules anterior and posterior to the nucleus. Reproduction by division. L. 63/x. D.(?). Distribution, United States. This species described by Stokes is closely allied to E. trip- teris and may prove identical with that form. Ohio. Milford Center. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 369 -24. E. deses Ehrenb. (Fig. 1, PL XIV). Elongately cylindrical or band-like in form with short tip, metabolic; periplast weakly striate spirally; flagellum short; nucleus large, oval, central ; stigma prominent ; chloroleucites numerous, disciform ; pyrenoids without shell ; paramylon in the form of short or elongate rods. Reproduction by division with or without encystment in a gelatinous covering. L. 70-200/x. D. 17-24^. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Gambler, 0. The species is not free swimming but constantly undergoing contortions. 25. E. mutabilis Schmitz (Fig. 2, PI. XIV). Elongately cylindrical, slightly narrowed anteriorly, tip elon- gate, decidedly metabolic ; periplast smooth ; flagellum ( ?) ; chloro- leucites 2-4 in number in the form of entire or a single half of hollow cylinders ; pyrenoids 2, without shell ; paramylon small, rod-like or disk-like. Reproduction by cysts, fusiform or cask-like in appearance. L. 80-90;u. D. Ifj.. A species particularly noticeable by reason of its comparative length. 26. E. spiroides Lemm. (Fig. 3, PL XIV). Spirally twisted in the form of an elongate band with tip at a pronounced angle ; periplast weakly striate longitudinally ; flagel- lum short; nucleus central (?) ; chloroleucites numerous, disciform; pyrenoids absent; paramylon round, small. Reproduction ( ?). L. 60-170/x. D. 16;u. Distribution, Europe. ^:=27. E. oxyuris Schmarda (Fig. 4, PL XIV). Extremely elongate cylindrical or slightly flattened, rounded anteriorly, posteriorly with elongate tip, form usually twisted ; periplast decidedly striate spirally; flagellum 1/2 length of body; nucleus central ; chloroleucites numerous, disciform ; pyrenoids ab- sent; paramylon in the form of 2 large annular elongate rings, one anterior, the other posterior to the nucleus. 370 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Reproduction by longitudinal division. Encystment not known. L. 375-490;u. D. 30-45/.. Distribution, cosmopolitan. The species is a large and interesting one, extremely well adapted for biological instruction in laboratory work. After once having found a locality it may be obtained in abundance. Longi- tudinal division of the mature form has been observed to take place within five hours without the reconstruction of the second para- mylon granule. This was from aquarium material during mid- winter, but at ordinary room temperature during the day. Ohio, Gambier; E. Swamp on S. "Bass Island, Lake Erie (Jen- nings) ; Sandusky Basket Factory Cove, L. Erie (Landacre). -28. E. simulacra n. sp. (Fig. 5, PI. XIV) . Elongately cylindrical or slightly flattened, rounded anteriorly, posteriorly with long acute tip, metabolic; periplast without pro- nounced spiral striations ; chloroleucites disciform, numerous ; pyrenoids( ?) ; paramylon in the form of two large spherical gran- ules, one anterior and one posterior to the nucleus, which is round. Reproduction ( ?). L. 75/x. D. 8-8.5/.. Distribution, Ohio, Fremont. This interesting species is described from several specimens observed May 6, 1913, obtained in cultures procured from Fre- mont, 0., early in the spring. It differs from E. oxyuris by the presence of two large spherical instead of oval paramylon gran- ules, by the rounder nucleus and by its much smaller size. All the forms observed were nearly identical in size. Camera lucida drawings were made. No swimming movements took place, but instead a series of slow, twisting contortions. 29. E. intermedia (Klebs), (Fig. 6, PI. XIV). Elongately cylindrical with short tip, decidedly metabolic; periplast weakly striate spirally ; flagellum short ; chloroleucites disciform, numerous; pyrenoids absent; paramylon consists of 2-3 ( ?) large rod-like granules anterior and posterior to the nucleus. Reproduction, division in gelatinous membrane. L. 120-135/x. D. 8-12.5/x. Distribution, Europe. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 371 The var, klebsii Lemm. is 78-80/t long, 7-8/x in diameter and has rod-like paramylon granules much shorter. *30. E. tripteris (Dujard.), (Fig. 7, PI. XIV). Elongately band-like in form, spirally twisted with very long and acute tip, not metabolic ; when swimming three definite areas are formed by the body ; periplast weakly striate longitudinally ; flagellum 1/2 length of body ; chloroleucites numerous, disciform ; pyrenoids absent; paramylon in the form of 2 elongate rod-like granules, one anterior and the other posterior to the nucleus. Reproduction by division without formation of thickened membrane. L. 70-80/x. D. 8-14/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. The species appears rather rare, but is easily known by its peculiar tripartate areas when swimming. It is not metabolic. Ohio, Gambler (Academy Pond) ; Milford Center. *31. E. acus Ehrenb. (Fig. 8, PI. XIV). Extremely elongate, fusiform, tip attenuate, weakly meta- bolic ; periplast weakly striated spirally ; flasrellum about 1/3 length of body ; nucleus central, oval ; chloroleucites numerous, discoid ; pyrenoids absent; paramylon elongate rods, usually 7-12 in num- ber, scattered through protoplast. Reproduction ( ?). L. 70-200/z. D. 7-12/.,. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Two varieties have been recognized, var. minor' Hansg. 70-75/. long and 4-6/x in diameter, from peat bogs, and var. rigida Hubner. extremely rigid, 110/< long and 7.5/x in diameter, with paramylon arranged spirally. The species is not found commonly. Dangeard notes only isolated examples from two localities in France. The Hiawatha Lake forms are somewhat larger than the dim.ensions (180/x) ordinarily given. Ohio, Mt. Vernon (Hiawatha Lake) ; Milford Center; San- dusky (Landacre), in vegetation from basket factory cove. 32. E. limnophila Lemm. (Fig. 9, PI. XIV). Fusiform with straight or slightly bent needle-like tip, slightly metabolic ; periplast scarcely striate ; flagellum short ; 372 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY chloroleucites numerous, discoid; pyrenoids absent; paramylon in the form of 1-2 elongate rods anterior and posterior or lateral to the nucleus. Reproduction ( ?) . L. 82;u. D. 10;u. Distribution, Europe. *33. E. acutissima Lemm. (Fig. 10, PI. XIV). Elongately fusiform, rigid, with needle-like tip ; periplast weakly striate spirally; flagellum short; chloroleucites numerous, discoid, arranged in spiral lines: pyrenoids absent; paramylon in the form of 2 elongate rods, one anterior, the other posterior to the nucleus. Reproduction ( ?). L. 123/^. D. 7/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Ohio, Fremont. -34. E. spirogyra Ehrenb. (Fig. 1, PI. XV). Elongately cylindrical, narrowed anteriorly while posteriorly produced into an acute tip often slightly bent into a crescentic shape, slightly metabolic ; periplast yellowish brown with promi- nent spiral punctuations, a prominent row often alternating with a less prominent row; flagellum short; chloroleucites numerous, discoid ; pyrenoids absent ; paramylon in the form of 2 prominent annular granules, the one anterior, the other posterior to the nucleus. Reproduction by longitudinal division and by cysts without a gelatinous envelope. L. 80-150/1. D. 6-20/.. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Three varieties have been recognized, var. ahrupte-acuminata Lemm., 125/x in length and 15/j, in diameter with alternate promi- nent and weak rows of punctuations, and the tip distinctly set off from the rest of the cell; var. laticlavius (Hubner), 130/x in length and 20/x in diameter with weakly but uniformly developed rows of punctuations, and var. marchia Lemm., 79-100/^ in length and 6-12/x in diameter with equally developed rows of punctuations which are almost in contact with one another. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 373 The forms thus far observed by the writer from Ohio are larger than any hitherto recognized, with L. 150/x and D. 20/x. Ohio, Gambier (Acad. Pond, Bishops Pool) ; E. Swamp, S. Bass Island, and Portage River (Jennings) ; Sandusky, L. Erie, basket Factory Cove (Landacre). 35. E. fusca (Klebs), (Fig. 2, PI. XV). Elongate band-like in form, gradually narrowed posteriorly with short tip, weakly metabolic ; periplast dark brown to black with longitudinal rows of distinct punctuations ; flagellum as long as body; chromatophores numerous, discoid; pyrenoids absent; paramylon in the form of 2 large annular granules, anterior (?) and posterior to the nucleus. Reproduction by longitudinal (?) division and by cysts without gelatinous covering. L. 90-225/.,. D. 23-27.5//. Distribution, Europe. This was originally described as a variety of E. spv^ogyra by Klebs but later given a specific rank by Lemmerman, 36. E. ehrenbergii Klebs (Fig. 3, PI. XV). Elongately band-like in form with rounded ends, decidedly metabolic ; periplast weakly striate spirally ; flagellum less than length of body ; chloroleucites numerous, discoid ; pyrenoids ab- sent (?) ; paramylon in the form of elongate cylindrical rods which at times are somewhat flattened or even discoid. Reproduction ( ?) . L. 290/x. D. 26//. Distribution, Europe. *37. E. truncata; n. sp. (Fig. 4, PL XV). Elongately cylindrical or band-like in form, slightly metabolic and often assuming a twisted appearance ; periplast spirally striate ; flagellum less than length of body ; nucleus anterior, oval ; posteriorly body normally emarginate or truncate ; chloroleucites numerous, discoid, 2.5// in diameter; pyrenoids apparently absent; paramylon with large granules absent, but with many small gran- ules about 1.5/1 in diameter and 2// in length. Reproduction ( ?). L. 175^. D. 27-29//. 374 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Distribution, Mt. Vernon (Hiawatha Lake), O. This species has been found in almost all cultures from Hia- watha Lake, at Hiawatha Park, Mt. Vernon, during a period of three years. Large paramylon granules are absent, while the emarginate posterior end of the body is a character of interest. The body is often twisted into bipartate or tripartate areas similar to E. tripteris. The species is allied to E. ehrenbergii Klebs to which Ambhj- ophis viridis Ehrenb. (Kent, V. 1, p. 386) must be referred but differs by the characters in the "Table." Amblyophis aegyptiaca Schmarda (fresh water Egypt) is not sufficiently described to place it with certainty, systematically. 38. E. quartana Moroff (Fig. 5, PI. XV). Colorless, fusiform, gradually narrowed behind, decidedly metabolic ; periplast distinctly differentiated, thick but smooth ; flagellum II/2 times length of body; nucleus in posterior third of body; chloroleucites absent; paramylon granules usually oval, com- paratively large. Reproduction (?). L. 50ju. D. 15/x. Distribution, Germany (Munich). The species was described by Moroff in cultures made from drainage water at Munich in which Beggiota had developed in quantities. It should be regarded as a valid species with some doubt by reason of the possible loss of the chlorophyl due to arti- ficial conditions. 2. Gen. LEPTOCINCLIS Party. Forms radial not compressed usually with periplast striate spirally, not metabolic. Flagellum and vacuole system as in Euglena. Chloroleucites numerous, disciform in form and nor- mally contiguous to the pellicula. Usually provided with two large lateral annulate paramylon granules. Reproduction through di- vision in a resting stage. Nourishment holophytic or saprophytic. Distribution, cosmopolitan. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 375 TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai Pellicula striate. B' Posterior end suddenly constricted to form a more or less pronounced tooth. C^ Periplast with striae spiral. D^ Anterior end rounded. D- Anterior end produced into a neck-like process. ...... C- Periplast with striae not distinctly spiral. B- Posterior end either gradually narrowed or broadly rounded. Ci Posterior end gradually narrowed. D' Anterior end broadly rounded. El Form oval, posterior third not de- cidedly narrowed. E- Form spindle shaped, posterior third decidedly narrowed. D- Anterior end gradually narrowed. El In the form of a short and broad spindle. ..... E- In the form of a long and narrow spindle C- Posterior end broadly rounded. A- Pellicula smooth. B' Anterior end not mouth-like in appearance. B- Anterior end mouth-like in appearance. 1. L. ovum 2. L. sphagnophila 3. L. steinii 4. L. buetschlii 5. L. teres 6. L. f usiformis 7. L. acicularis 8. L. texta 9. L. globosa 10. L. marssonii *1. L. ovum (Ehrenb), (Fig. 6, PI. XV). Oval, posterior end with distinct spike 6-1 ii in length ; periplast decidedly striate spirally; flagellum twice length of body. Reproduction ( ?) . L. 30-38/x. D. 15-18/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water and Plankton. Lemmermann recognizes four varieties: var. glohida (Perty), spherical, L. 20-27/x, D. 16-21//, with flagellum 2-3 times length of body; var. striata (Hubner), approaching cylindrical, L. 37-38/*, D. 25/x, with many annular paramylon granules; var. punctuato- striata Lemm., L. 27-28/1, D. 20-21/x, oval with punctuate striae; var. palatina Lemm., L. 20/x., D. 20-21//., with striae composed of elongate markings. The spike is usually shorter in the varieties. Ohio, Landacre, Sandusky (Biemiller's Cove) ; Magnetic Springs (Baker's Creek) ; Coll. Osborn. 376 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 2. L. sphagnophila Lemm. (Fig. 7, PI. XV). Oval, narrowed neck-like anteriorly, tip distinct; flagellum about twice the length of the body ; periplast weakly striate spirally. Reproduction ( ?) . L. 33/^. D. 12/A. Distribution, Europe. Sphagnum swamps and in Plankton. 3. L. steinii Lemm. (Fig. 8, PI. XV). Short fusiform with tip distinct ; periplast with distinct striae which are scarcely spiral. Reproduction (?). L. 22-30/x. D. 8-15;u. Distribution, Europe. Standing water and Plankton. A single variety is recognized by Lemmermann, var. svecica Lemm., with the posterior end slightly enlarged near the tip and with L. 24.5-26/^, D. 9.5-12/.. 4. L. buetschlii Lemm. (Fig. 9, PI. XV). Oval with short tip ; periplast distinctly striate spirally ; fla- gellum about 2 times length of body. Reproduction ( ?) . L. 34-38/..D. 21-23/.. Distribution, Europe. Standing water. -5. L. teres (Schmitz), (Fig. 10, PI. XV). Oval to fusiform, broadest anteriorly and with short tip ; peri- plast distinctly striate spirally ; flagellum 2 times length of body. L. 34-38/x. D. 21-23/.. Distribution, Europe. Standing water. Gambler, 0. 6. L. fusiformis (Carter), (Fig. 1, PI. XVI). Short and broadly fusiform ; periplast distinctly striate spi- rally, flagellum about as long as body. Reproduction ( ?) . L. 25-36/.. D. 14-23/.. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water and Plankton. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 377 *7. L. acicularis France (Fig. 2, PI. XVI). Elongately fusiform ; periplast with not more than 12 spiral striae ; flagellum somewhat exceeding length of body. Reproduction ( ?) . L. 21-22/.,. D. 6-V Distribution, Hungary (Balaton), and North America. A small individual 12/j. long having a central nucleus and a large circular spherical ( ?) paramylon granule, was found among filaments of Cladophora taken from the storage reservoir immedi- ately above the weir at the Cincinnati water works, Ohio. *8. L. texta (Duj.), (Fig. 3, PI. XVI). Broadly oval ; periplast distinctly striate spirally ; flagellum 2-3 times length of body; paramylon granules numerous, cylin- drical, spherical or annular in form. Reproduction ( ?). L. 52-60/x. D. 38/x. Distribution, Europe. Standing water and Plankton. Gambler, 0. var. 48/* in length. 9. L. globosa France (Fig. 4, PI. XVI). Spherical, slightly pointed anteriorly; periplast with weak rhomboidal markings ; flagellum shorter than length of body. Reproduction ( ?). L. 14-21/x. D. 12-18/x(?). Distribution, Europe. Two varieties, cuHndrica Lemm., short cylindrical rounded at extremities, and fusiforrnis Lemm., broadly fusiform. 10. L. marssonii Lemm. (Fig. 5, PI. XVI). Fusiform, emarginate anteriorly ; periplast smooth ; flagellum 1-2 times length of body. Reproduction ( ?). L. 39-40/x. D. 11-13/x. Distribution, Europe. Standing water and Plankton. 3. Gen. PHACUS Dujardin Form compressed, free swimming with thick, firm pellicula; not metabolic; a single flagellum; vacuole system as in Euglena; 378 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY cliloroleucites numerous, disciform; paramylon granules of vari- ous forms, at times absent; reproduction during encystment in gelatinous capsules which multiply rapidly. Distribution, cosmopolitan. TABLE OF SPECIES. A^ Posterior part of body more or less uncinate. Bi Periplast smooth or with longitudinal striae. C Sides concave 1. P. anacoelus C- Sides convex. D^ Lateral margins much expanded. . 2. P. alata D- Lateral margins not expanded. E' Form circular from a lateral view ex- cept posterior spike-like process. . 3. P. orbicularis E- Form elongate. F' Dorsal area without longitudinal carina. . . 4. P. pleuronectes F- Dorsal area with longitudinal carina 5. P. triqueter B- Periplast with fine wart-like processes. . . 6. P. suecica A- Posterior part of body not uncinate, the spike-like pro- cess either being straight or absent. Bi Periplast smooth or with longitudinal striae. C^ Posterior tooth-like process as long as or longer than the body 7. P, longicauda C- Posterior tooth-like process when present, shorter than the body. D^ Posterior end with tooth-like process. El Tooth-like process approximately length of body. E- Tooth-like process extremely short. D- Posterior end without tooth-like process. El Posterior end slightly constricted. E2 Posterior end broadly rounded. B2 Periplast with spiral striations, minute spines, or course wart-like processes. Ci Periplast with spines or wart-likc processes, but without spiral striations. Di Periplast covered with minute spines. . 12. P. hispidula D2 Periplast covered with coarse wart-like processes. . . . . . 13. P. monilata C^ Periplast with spiral striations. Di Posterior end gradually narrowed to form a tooth-like process. . . . . 14. P. pyrum D- Posterior end either suddenly narrowed to form tooth-like process, or process absent. Vs 8. P. caudata . 9. P. acuminata 10. P. brevicaudata 11. P. stokesii THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 379 the posterior end rounded. El Posterior tooth distinct and approxi- mately as long as body. Fi Transversely oval with lateral wing-like processes. . . 15. P. nordstedtii F- Elongately oval or cylindrical with- out wing-like process. . 16. P. setosa C^ Posterior tooth either much shorter than the body or absent. D' Posterior end acute, in some species elon- gated into a tooth-like process. E' Posterior end with long tooth-like process V2 to % the length of the body 17. P. striata E- Posterior end without long tooth-like process. F^ A single large annular paramylon granule present. Qi Posterior end suddenly nar- rowed. ... 18. P. oscillans G- Posterior end gradually nar- rowed. ... 19. P. parvula F- Two large annual paramylon granules present. Gi Elongately oval, gradually nar- rowed posteriorly, the length approximately 3 times the diameter. . . 20. P. clavata G- Oval, more broadly rounded posteriorly, the length ap- proximately 2 times the di- ameter. ... 21. P. pusilla D^ Posterior end rounded. ... 22. P. dangeardii 1. P. anacoelus Stokes (Fig. 6, PI. XVI) . Oval or spherical with margins concave and posterior spike short and uncinate; periplast (?) ; flagellum approximately as long as the body. Reproduction (?). L. 42/x. D. 35/^(?). Distribution, cosmopolitan. U. S. A., Western New York; Austria (Prague). Shallow ponds. 2. P. alata Klebs (Fig. 7, PI. XVI) . Oval or spherical with lateral margins much expanded and posterior spike short and decidedly uncinate ; periplast longitudi- 380 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY nally striate ; flagellum longer than body ; paramylon in the form of 2 large granules, one on each side. Reproduction (?). L. 19;U. D. lojJ.. Distribution, Europe. *3. P. orbicularis Hubner (Fig. 8, PI. XVI). Spherical with short uncinate posterior spike ; periplast longi- tudinally striate ; flagellum as long as body ; paramylon in the form of one large annular granule. Reproduction (?) . L. 70/^. D. 45/x. Distribution, Europe and North America in standing water. Ohio, Hiawatha Lake, Mt. Vernon. *4. P. pleuronectes (Mull.). (Fig. 9, PI. XVI). Broadly oval, slightly twisted with short uncinate posterior spike, and median fold reaching posteriorly to middle of cell ; peri- plast longitudinally striate ; flagellum as long as or slightly longer than the body; paramylon, 1-2 annular granules. Reproduction ( ?). L. 45-49^. D. 33-35/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan, in standing water and Plankton. Sandusky, Basket Factory Cove (Landacre) ; Magnetic Springs (Baker's Creek, 0.) ; coll. Osborn. *5. P. triqueter (Ehrenb.), (Fig. 10, PI. XVI). Oval, decidedly concave-convex, posterior spike short and unci- nate ; dorsal fold prominent, reaching from anterior to posterior end; periplast longitudinally striate; flagellum as long as body; paramylon 1-2 annular granules. Reproduction ( ?). L. 49-55/j. D. 33-35,a. Distribution, cosmopolitan. In standing water. The species is common and easily identified by the longitudinal carina or fold reaching to the posterior end, although closely allied to P. pleuro7iectes and placed as a variety of that species by some investio-ators. It was found in East Swamp, S. Bass Island, and East Harbor, Lake Erie, by Jennings, and in Sandusky Bay by Landacre. Gambler, Mt. Vernon, 0. (Hiawatha Lake). THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 381 6. P. suecica Lemm. (Fig. 1, PI. XVII). Broadly oval with posterior spike slightly acuminate ; peri- plast with longitudinal striae which possess fine wart-like pro- cesses ; flagellum about as long as body and arising from an ante- rior elevation ; paramylon in the form of small round or oval granules. Reproduction ( ?). L. 34^. D. 20-21/1;. Distribution, Europe. -7. P. longicauda (Ehrenb.), (Fig. 2, PL XVII). Oval with elongate straight posterior spike ; periplast longi- tudinally striate ; flagellum less than length of body ; paramylon in the form of 1 large discoid granule. Reproduction (?). L. 85-115/x. D. 46-70^. Distribution, cosmopolitan, in standing water and Plankton. Variety torta Lemm. is decidedly twisted. Found by Jennings in swamps on South Bass Island and East Harbor, in Lake Erie and also by Landacre in Sandusky Bay (Bas- ket Factory Cove). Gambler, 0. 8. P. caudataHubner (Fig. 3, PI. XVII). Oval concave-convex with posterior spike short, straight, and the dorsal fold reaching to the posterior end ; periplast longitudi- nally striate ; flagellum as long as body ; paramylon in the form of one large annular granule anterior to the nucleus and one smaller granule near the posterior spike. Reproduction ( ?) . L. 45/x. D. 22.5/x. Distribution, Europe. Standing water. -9. P. acuminata Stokes (Fig. 4, PI. XVII). Broadly oval or circular with short posterior spike and a pro- nounced dorsal fold nearly reaching the posterior end ; periplast longitudinally striate ; flagellum about length of body ; paramylon, 2 small round granules. Reproduction ( ?). L. 25/x. D. 25/t-i. 382 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Distribution, North America. Streams and ponds. Storage Dam, Columbus, 0. Stokes notes the habitat in connection with Myriophyllum, 10. P. brevicaudata (Klebs) , (Fig. 5, PI. XVII) . Oval, without spine and with dorsal fold reaching posterior end ; periplast longitudinally striate ; flagellum as long as body ; paramylon one annular granule. Reproduction ( ?) . L. 31-35/x. D. 23-25/x. Distribution, Europe. In standing water. 11. P. stokesii Lemm. (Fig. 6, PI. XVII). Broadly oval to spherical with dorsal fold attaining posterior end ; periplast longitudinally striate ; flagellum as long as body ; paramylon 1 round granule in posterior part of cell. Reproduction ( ?) . L. 46/x. D. 43-46/x. Distribution, North America. In pools. 12. P. hispidula (Eichw.), (Fig. 7, PI. XVII). Oval with short straight posterior spike and tubular opening for flagellum ; periplast longitudinally striate, the striae covered with minute spines ; flagellum as long as body ; paramylon either discoid or rod-like. Reproduction (?). L. 30-55/x. D. 18-33/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water. ° This is probably the species figured but unnamed in Conn's paper on the protozoa of Connecticut. 13. P. monilata Stokes (Fig. 8, PI. XVII). Spherical, covered with wart-like processes, posterior spike straight; flagellum as long as body, arising from a minute eleva- tion; paramylon ( ?). Reproduction (?). L. 3V D. 30;a(?). North America. Ponds. *14. P. pyrum (Ehrenb.), (Fig. 9, PI. XVII). Oval, broadest anteriorly, provided posteriorly with elongate straight spine ; periplast spirally striate ; flagellum as long as body ; THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 383 paramylon consisting of 2 large or several small lateral discoid granules. Reproduction, longitudinal division without encystment. L. 30-55/x. D. 13-15/.. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water. 15. P. nordstedtii Lemm. (Fig. 10, PI. XVII). Transversely oval with posterior spike distinct, straight, and as long as body ; periplast forming wing-like lateral extensions with distinct spiral striae; flagellum as long as body; paramylon (?) . Reproduction (?). L. 53/.. D. 2V Distribution, Europe and Asia Minor. 16. P. setosa France (Fig. 11, PI. XVII). Broadly oval, approaching cylindrical, emarginate anteriorly, the posterior spike pronounced, straight, and as long as body; periplast spirally striate; flagellum (?) ; paramylon in the form of numerous spherical or cylindrical granules. Reproduction (?). L. 30-31/i. D. 15/x(?). Distribution, Europe, Hungary (Balaton). Lemmermann notes the length of this species as 30-31/x, which if including the posterior spike would be an extremely small form. The magnification of the figured specimen is given as 610, and if correct makes the actual size approximately 100/. for the total length, which is evidently an error. 17. P. striata France (Fig. 12, PI. XVII). Oval, often broadest posteriorly with posterior spike distinct and 1/2-1/3 the length of the body; periplast spirally striate; flagellum scarcely as long as body; paramylon 1 large discoid granule. Reproduction (?). L. 20-24/x. D. 4-9/.. Distribution, Europe, Hungary (Balaton). *18. P. oscillans Klebs (Fig. 13, PI. XVII). Oval, broadest anteriorly, gradually narrowed posteriorly with short but distinct tooth, lateral margins turned in toward the con- 384 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY cave ventral surface; periplast spirally striate; flagellum about length of body ; paramylon 1 large discoid granule. Reproduction ( ?). L. 26/x. D. lO/ji. Distribution, Europe. Standing water. Storage Dam, Colum- bus, 0. 19. P. parvula Klebs (Fig. 14, PI. XVII). Oval, broadest anteriorly, posterior end acute but without pronounced tooth; periplast spirally striate; flagellum as long as body; paramylon 1 annular granule. Reproduction by free longitudinal division as well as by division within an envelope. L. 17-30/x. D. 9-10/x. Distribution, Europe. Standing water. 20. P. clavata Dang. (Fig. 15, PI. XVII). Conical gradually narrowed posteriorly; periplast spirally striate ; flagellum about 2/3 length of body ; paramylon 2 annular or several rod-like granules. Development ( ?). L. 25/x(?). D. 10/.(?). Distribution, France. Dangeard in the description of the species fails to note the size, stating, however, that it is allied to P. oscillans. Conse- quently provisional dimensions are given. 21. P. pusilla Lemm. (Fig. 16, PI. XVII). Elongately oval, with wing-like thickening laterally, the poste- rior end slightly pointed ; periplast spirally striate ; flagellum 1/2 length of body ; paramylon, 2 annular granules. Reproduction ( ?) . L. 20/x. D. 7.5/7. Distribution, Europe. Standing water, 22. P. dangeardii Lemm. (Fig. 17, PI. XVII). Elongately oval with rounded ends, often slightly narrowed posteriorly; periplast spirally striate; flagellum as long as body; paramylon, 1 annular granule. Reproduction ( ?). L.(?). D.(?). Distribution, France. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 385 4. Gen. CRYPTOGLENA Ehrenberg. Form oval, short, scarcely acute posteriorly, compressed, free swimming, with ventral longitudinal furrow; a single flagellum; pellicula thick as in Phacus ; chloroleucites in the form of two elongate bands. Distribution, cosmopolitan. A single species in the genus. *1. C. pigra Ehrenb. (Fig. 1, PI. XVIII). Body oval, rigid, flattened, slightly pointed behind ; a single flagellum inserted at the bottom of a slight depression equivalent to the cytopharynx of Euglena, etc.; nucleus posterior; two elon- gate chloroleucites situated one on each side and extending nearly the entire length of the body ; stigma in contact with anterior end of one of the chromatophores ; vacuole present. Reproduction ( ?). L. 11-15/.. D. 6-7/t. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Landacre notes the species from Sandusky Bay in decaying vegetation of Biemiller's Cove under the name Chloromonas pigra in accordance with Kent. 5. Gen. TRACHELOMONAS Ehrenberg. Free swimming forms having a single flagellum and normally provided with a protective shell of a brownish color. The indi- viduals frequenting the shells are colored green by the chloro- leucites contained in the protoplasm and are provided with a stigma, paramylon granules and other structures characteristic of the family Euglenidae. Reproduction through division inside of the shell, the new individual leaving and forming a new shell. Distribution, cosmopolitan. The species inhabit fresh water in ditches, pools, and ponds, particularly in stagnant waters where rusty patches of "ooze" are observable. TABLE OF SPECIES. A' Surface of shell not provided with distinct spines. Bi Posterior end of shell not produced into a spine- like process. C Form approximately spherical or slig-htly oval, but never decidedly longer than wide. 886 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Di Spherical or elongately oval. El Surface smooth or finely punctuate. Fi Surface smooth. Qi Shell not provided with mi- nute perforations. . 1. T. volvocina G2 Shell provided with minute perforations. . . 2. T. perforate Fi Shell finely punctured. . 3. T. intermedia E2 Surface with wart-like processes, with folds, or with numerous minute compact rod-like protuberances. Fi Surface with wart-like process. 4. T. verrucosa F~ Surface with folds or minute rod- like protuberances. G^ Surface covered with folds. Hi Folds short, not reaching from anterior to poste- rior end. 11 Folds minute, diago- nal. . . 5. T. rugulosa 12 Folds, large irregu- lar. . 6. T. vermiculosa H^ Folds elongate, reach- ing from anterior to posterior end. . 7. T. stokesiana G- Surface with numerous rod- like projections. Hi Opening for flagellum ^ ■ without a collar. . 8. T. spiculifera H= Opening for flagellum with a collar. . 9. T. vestita D2 Transversely oval. . . • 10. T. bernardi C2 Form elongately ovoid or cylindrical, the length approximately 2 times the diameter. Di Form oval or ovoid, not cylindrical. E^ Form that of a regular oval. Fi Shell smooth. G^ Opening for flagellum ap- proximately V2 the diame- ter of the shell; length 25/" 11. T. teres G^ Opening for flagellum less than Vs the diameter of the shell; length 13-16m. . 12. T. oblonga F2 Shell covered with granulations or punctuations. Gi Collar distinct. . . 13. T. crebea THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 387 G- Collar absent. . . 14 T. lemmermannii E- Form ovoid, being broader either an- teriorly or posteriorly. Fi Broadest posteriorly. Gi Shell smooth. . . 15. T. ovalis G- Shell covered with punctua- tions or granulations. H^ Covered with fine irregu- lar punctuations. . 16. T. similis H- Covered with coarse reg- ular granulations. . 17. T, volzii F- Broadest anteriorly. Gi Shell smooth. HI Collar absent or low. I^ Flagellum opening with a notched col- lar. . . 18. T. eurystoma I- Flagellum opening only slightly thick- ened. . . 19. T. incerta H- Collar comparatively high. . . . 20. T. africana ° G- Shell covered with fine punc- tuations and lines. , 21. T. reticulata D- Form cylindrical. El Shell smooth 22. T. euchlora E2 Shell with coarse granulations. . 23. T. conspersa B2 Posterior end of shell produced into a spine-like process. Ci Shell either with 3 annular transverse furrows or with elongated collar the height of which approximates the diameter of the shell. Di "With 3 annular furrows. ... 24. T. annulata B- With elongated collar. ... 25. T. minor C- Shell without transverse furrows and elon- gated collar. Di Anterior end of shell obliquely truncate. E- Form oval. Fi Elongately oval. ... 26. T. affinis F- Transversely oval. . . 27. T. volgensis El Form triangular or trapezoidal. . 28. T. acuminata D- Anterior end transversely truncate. E' Posterior spike-like process not longer than diameter of shell. Fi Median part of shell cylindrical. 29. T. urceolata F- Median part of shell oval. G' Median part longitudinally oval. . . . 30. T. fluviatilis 388 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY G- Median part transversely oval 31. T. schauinslandii E-' Posterior spike-like process longer than diameter of shell . . 32. T. ensifera A2 Surface of shell provided with distinct spines. Bi Spines not uniformly distributed over entire sur- face. C^ Posterior spines absent. ... 33. T. acanthostoma C^ Posterior spines present. D^ Spines in a single row on posterior or posterior and anterior end . . 34. T. armata D- Spines covering entire shell except an equatorial belt . ... 35. T. raciborskii B^ Spines uniformly distributed over entire surface. C^ Form spherical or nearly spherical. Di Posterior part of shell not produced into a spike-like process. El Spines short and numerous. Fi Form spherical, covered with prominent short but distinct spines. . . . . 36. T. globularis F- Form oval, largest anteriorly, covered thickly with fine minute spines . . . . 37. T. westii E- Spines extremely long, equal in length to diameter of shell, about 10 in number 38. T. americana D- Posterior part of shell produced into a spiike like process . . . 39. T. aegyptraca C- Form not spherical, the length approximately twice the diameter. D^ Posterior part of shell not produced into a spine like process. El Form regularly oval, neither the ante- rior nor the posterior end broadest. F^ Anterior end developed into a neck like process ... 40. T. piscatoris F- Anterior end broadly rounded. G^ Granulations between spines absent. H' Spines as long as or longer than length of shell ... 41. T. setosa H- Spines short. V Spines bent . 42. T. spinosa I- Spines straight. Ji Posterior end broadly rounded 43. T. hispida THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 389 J- Posterior end pointed . 44. T. obtusa G^ Granulations present between spines . . . 45. T. horrida E- Form ovoid, the posterior or anterior end broadest. Fi Posterior end broadest . 46. T. saccata F- Anterior end broadest. G^ Posterior end rounded, and only slightly narrower than anterior end; collar notched 47. T. bulla G- Posterior end becoming de- cidedly narrowed ; collar not notched ... 48. T. obovata D- Posterior end of shell produced into an acute or spike like process. E' Definite posterior spike like process absent; collar not toothed . 49. T. helvetica E- Definite posterior spike like process present; collar toothed . . 50. T. caudata *1. T. volvocina Ehrenb. (Fig. 2, PI. XVIII) . Shell spherical, smooth ; flagellum opening with slightly thick- ened margin, rarely with low collar; flagellum 2-3 times length of body. L. 7-21^. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water and Plankton. Three varieties are recognized, var. papillata Lemm., shell spherical and flagellum opening surrounded by papilla ; var, cerri- cula (Stokes), shell spherical with flagellum opening developed into an internal tube 7-8/x in length; var. subglobosa Lemm., with shell slightly elongate and flagellum opening developed into a short internal tube. The water in small pools is at times colored a deep brown by the large numbers of individuals of the species. Ohio, Lake Erie (Jennings) (Landacre), Gambler (Walton). 2. T. perforata Awerinz. (Fig. 3, PI. XVIII). Shell spherical with minute openings ; flagellum opening with annular thickening or with low collar. L. 17-20/x. D. 16-19/z. Distribution, Europe. Standing water and Plankton. 390 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 3. T. intermedia Dang. (Fig. 4, PI. XVIII) . Shell spherical, finely punctuate; flagellum opening with annular thickening ; flagellum 2 times length of body. L. 20/x. D. 16/x. Distribution, Europe. 4. T. verrucosa Stokes (Fig. 5, PI. XVIII). Shell spherical, colorless, emarginate anteriorly, covered with wart-like processes; flagellum (?). L. 24-24.5^. Distribution, North America. Ponds. *5. T. rugulosa Stein (Fig. 6, PI. XVIII). Spherical with weak spiral folds; flagellum 2-3 times length of body. L. 15-23^. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water and Plankton; Columbus Storage Dam. 6. T. vermiculosa Palmer (Fig. 7, PI. XVIII). Spherical with short irregular folds; flagellum opening with annular thickening. L. 23jU,. Distribution, North America (Palmer). Found accompany- ing £'^t?^oim pecimaiis (Kutz.). 7. T. stokesiana Palmer (Fig. 8, PI. XVIII) . Spherical with numerous longitudinal folds which often anas- tomose and at the extremities become spiral ; flagellum opening a short conical tube in a flattened depression. L. 18/x. Distribution, North America. Ponds Penn, Valley, Bucks County (Palmer). 8. T. spiculifera Palmer (Fig. 9, PI. XVIII) . Spherical with numerous short projections ; flagellum opening with thickening either annular or in the form of a polygon. L. 25/x. Distribution, North America (Palmer). With Eunotia pecti- nalis (Kutz.). 9. T. vestita Palmer (Fig. 10, PI. XVIII). Spherical, thickly covered with radial spicules thickened on THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 391 distal end and with a flagellum collar having a height of between 1/3 and 1/2 the diameter of the shell; collar broadest at top; flagellum (?). L. 25,ji. Distribution, North America. Ponds with Eunotia pectinalis (Kutz.). 10. T. bernardi Wolosz. (Fig. 11, PI. XVIII). Transversely oval, truncate anteriorly ; flagellum opening with annular thickening; flagellum 4 times length of body. L. 10-15/x. D. 15-18/x. Distribution, Java. Plankton (Sawa). *11. T. teres Maskell (Fig. 12, PI. XVIII). Oval, smooth; flagellum opening extremely wide; collar low; flagellum about as long as body. L. 35/. . D. 15/4?). Distribution, New Zealand. A form 29/x long which must be referred to this species was obtained in water from one of the upper storage reservoirs at the Cincinnati water works. •=12. T. oblonga Lemm. (Fig. 13, PI. XVIII). Oval, smooth; flagellum opening with annular thickening which is at times developed into a low collar. L. 13-16/.. D. 11-12/x. Distribution, Europe and North America. Standing water. Mirror Lake, 0. S. U., Columbus, 0. Var. truncata Lemm. is truncate anteriorly, comparatively shorter than oblonga with dimensions L. 12-13/i, D. 11/x. Var. punctuata Lemm. is elongately oval and thickly covered with line punctuations. -13. T. crebea Kellicott (Fig. 1, PI. XIX). Oval, thickly covered with granulations; collar widened at mouth, normally straight, and minutely notched; flagellum (?) L. 25/i. D. ( ?) . Distribution, North America. Found by Kellicott in Ohio and by Palmer in the Delaware, although it is here noted that the prevalent form has a collar curved to one side. This is the form which Lemmermann has considered as var. dentata by reason of the teeth on the collar. 392 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 14. T. lemmermanaii Wolosz. (Fig. 2, PI. XIX) . Elongately oval, narrowed posteriorly, truncate anteriorly, finely punctuate; flagellum about 2 times length of body. L. 26^. D. 13/x. Distribution, Java. Plankton (Sawa). 15. T. ovalis Daday (Fig. 3, PI. XIX) . Oval, smooth, distinctly narrowed anteriorly where it is trun- cate, broadly rounded posteriorly; flagellum 4/5 length of body; flagellum opening 4/i in diameter and with fine marginal teeth. L. 32/^. D. 18/7. Distribution, East Africa. 16. T. similis Stokes (Fig. 4, PI. XIX). Oval, broadly rounded at both ends, irregularly punctuate; collar curved to one side and provided with irregular teeth. L. 28/.. L. 14/x. Distribution, North America. 17. T. volzii Lemm. (Fig. 5, PI. XIX). Oval, thickly covered with granulations, collar cylindrical, 4u high. L. 32/x. D. 15. Distribution, Sumatra. 18. T. eurystoma Stein (Fig. 6, PI. XIX). Oval, broadest anteriorly, rounded posteriorly, smooth ; collar low truncate, with indentations ; flagellum 2 times length of body. L. 30-31.5/x. D. 7. Distribution, Europe. Standing water. var. acuta Lemm. is pointed posteriorly with collar obliquely truncate. 19. T. incerta Lemm. (Fig. 7, PI. XIX). Oval, broadest anteriorly, gradually narrowed posteriorly ; flagellum opening with annular thickening; flagellum 2-21/2 times length of body. L. 37.6/^. D. 18/.(?). Distribution, Europe. Standing water. var. punctuata Lemm. is 15.5// in length and 7/j in diameter. Oval, smooth, slightly broadest toward anterior end, collar comparatively high (5/x) and small; flagellum (?). with a collar !/> in height. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 393 20. T. africana Fritsch (Fig. 8, PI. XIX). L. 27-33/x. D. 12^. Distribution, Madagascar. Forest streams. In material preserved ( ?) from Analamagotra near Perinet, Madagascar, collected by P. A. Methuen. The truncate posterior end of species together with its comparatively high and slender collar easily distinguishes it from other forms. 21. T. reticulata Klebs (Fig. 9, PI. XIX). Oval, colorless, broadest anteriorly, gradually narrowed pos- teriorly, thickly covered with fine punctuations and marks ; stigma prominent; flagellum 2 times length of body. L. 26/x. D. 17/i. Distribution, Europe. In cultures of decaying organisms. 22. T. euchlora (Ehrenb.), Fig. 10, PI. XIX). Cylindrical, rounded at ends, smooth, collar low; flagellum? chloroleucites 6-10 each with pyrenoid ; L. 25/.. D. ? Distribution, Cosmopolitan. Standing water, var. cijlindrica (Ehrenb.) is smaller, L.23.5-27/X. D.8-9/X. 23. T. conspersa. Broadly cylindrical, bottle shaped, widest toward base which forms a flat surface, anteriorly a prominent neck; brown or yel- lowish brown in color covered with irregular granules; flagellum 3 times length of body. L. 25-35/x. D. 10-25/.. Distribution, Austria (Prague). Stagnant pools. 24. T. annulata Daday (Fig. 12, PI. XIX). Fusiform with elongate neck and posterior spike, and with three transverse annular furrows which separate the shell into four areas; chloroleucites rod like; flagellum ? L. 97/.. D. 40/.. Distribution, Paraguay. Swamps and bogs. 25. T. minor Palmer (Fig. 1, PI. XX). Spherical, with extremely long collar and posterior spike; shell covered with scattered granules ; spike often bent or twisted and with a length of about 17//, while the collar is 5/^ in height. Flagellum ? 394 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY L. 30? D. ? Distribution, North America. Found with Euyiotia pectinalis (Kiitz.). 26. T. affinis Lemm. (Fig. 2, PI. XX). Cylindrical with undulations, with an extended neck like pro- cess obliquely truncate, and with short but pronounced spike; flagellum IV2 times length of body. L. 51/x. D. 27/.. Distribution, Europe. Standing water. Var. plamtonico Wolosz., has a rough shell, L.45/x D.25// while var. levis Lemm. has a shell which is comparatively broad, L. 60/x. 68.5/x., D. 26-27/.. 27. T. volgensis Lemm. (Fig. 3, PI. XX). Transversely oval with prominent neck, smooth; posterior spike distinct ; flagellum slightly longer than body. L. 20-40/1. D. 15-20/i. Distribution, Europe. Plankton of the Volga. Var. treuhii Wolosz., has a rough shell, L.20-40/X, D.15-20/X, with posterior spike 15-20/.. in length. Var. javanica similar to treuhii but 25/i in length, 18-20/x in diameter and with a posterior spike only bfx long. 28. T. acuminata (Schmiarda), (Fig. 4, PL XX). Triangular or in the form of a trapezoid, smooth, distinctly narrowed anteriorly with prominent straight or slightly curved posterior spike ; collar obliquely truncate ; flagellum 2 times length of body. L. 50-59/j. D. ? Distribution, Europe. In standing water. Var. verrucosa Teodor. has a shell with L.26-34/X and a D. 14-22/. which is irregularly covered with spinous warts or protuberances. 29. T. urceolata Stokes. (Fig. 5, PI. XX). Cylindrical with anterior neck like process transversely trun- cate and a prominent posterior spike; flagellum about length of body. L. A^iJi. D. ? Distribution, North America. Ponds. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 395 30. T. fluviatilis Lemm. (Fig. 6, PI. XX). Oval, smooth or somewhat rough, with neck-like process trans- versely truncate, gradually narrowed posteriorly into a long (5.5;«.) spike ; flagellum ? L. 28.7-34;u. D. 12-12.5^. Distribution, Siam. Plankton Menam River. Var. curvata Lemm. has a shell with L.63/x and D.23/i, with the posterior spike (16.5/x) curved. 31. T. schauinslandii Lemm. (Fig. 7, PI. XX). Transversely oval, covered with fine granulations, with anter- ior neck-like process ; gradually narrowed posteriorly into a spike ; flagellum ? L. 27.5/.. D. U,x. Distribution, Siam. Plankton Menam River. 32. T. ensifera V. Daday (Fig. 8, PI. XX). Spherical or transversely oval, smooth, with anterior neck-like process and massive (42-70/x) posterior spike; flagellum ? L. 130;u. D. 44/x. Distribution, Paraguay. Swamps and bogs. Var. ornata Lemm. has the median part of the shell covered with minute elevations. 33. T. acanthostoma Stokes (Fig. 9, PI. XX). Spherical, finely punctuate ; flagellum opening with two irreg- ular rows of short spines. L. 36.5/t. Distribution, North America. Ponds. 34. T. armata (Ehrenb.), (Fig. 10, PI. XX). Broadly oval, not punctuate, with a circular row of compara- tively long spines at posterior end ; terminal spike absent; flagellum opening thickened or with low toothed collar; flagellum 2 times length of body. L. 29-64^. D. ? Distribution, Cosmopolitan? Standing water and Plankton. Var. steinii Lemm. Possesses an anterior wreath of short spines behind a circle of longer spines. 396 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 35. T. raciborskii Wolosz. (Fig. 11, PI. XX). Oval, surface thickly covered on both ends with heavy short spines ; flagellum 3 times length of body. L. 40/x. D. 30/i. Distribution, Java. Plankton of Sawa River. *36. T. globularis (Awerinz.), (Fig. 12, PI. XX). Spherical, covered with short scattered spines ; flagellum open- ing without collar although an annular thickening often present; flagellum? L. 20/x. Distribution, Russia (Bologoje). North America (Gambler, Ohio). Specimens which must be referred to this species were found in a sample of water from a pool at the foot of Bishop's Hill, Gambler, Ohio, and also from the Cincinnati Storage Reservoir. The shell was green in color and covered with short blunt spines regularly arranged. No prominent collar was noticeable. D. 27/x. 37. T. westii Wolosz. (Fig. 13, PI. XX). Broadly oval, slightly widened anteriorly ; thickly covered with extremely fine spicules ; flagellum ? L. 18/x. D. 15/x. Distribution, Java. Plankton of Bawa River. *38. T. americana Lemm. (Fig. 14, PI. XX). Spherical, with about 12 extremely long (12^() spines scat- tered irregularly over surface and with a cylindrical collar 7/* in height with spherical enlargement on the end ; flagellum ? Li. 13/x. Distribution, North America. With Eunotia pectinalis (Kiitz.). Mirror Lake, O. S. U., Columbus, O. 39. T. aegyptiaca Lemm. (Fig. 15, PI. XX). Spherical, thickly covered with fine spines; with prominent collar and posterior spike; flagellum ? L. 56.4/i. Distribution, Cosmopolitan? Standing water. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 397 40. T. piscatoris (Fisher), (Fig. 16, PI. XX). Cylindrical rounded posteriorly with prominent neck-like pro- cess anteriorly provided with small teeth and at times with spines ; surface covered with spines; flagellum 11/2-2 times length of body. L. 25-40/x. D. ? Distribution, North America. Pools. 41. T. setosa Zykoff (Fig. 1, PI. XXI). Oval with numerous long thin spines, approximating the length of the shell, directed posteriorly; collar widened at mouth and provided with teeth ; flagellum ? L. 30fx,. Distribution, Russia. Plankton of the Volga River. *42. T. spinosa Stokes (Fig. 2, PI. XXI). Oval, thickly covered with short and somewhat curved spines ; collar low, flagellum? L. ? Distribution. North America. Pools. Akron, Ohio, Water Reservoir. *4,3. T. hispida (Perty), (Fig. 3, PI. XXI). Oval, yellowish brown, thickly covered with short spines; collar short, often absent; flagellum 11/2-2 times length of body. L. 20-42/,. D. 15-26/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water and Plankton. The following varieties have been recognized: var. pmwtmta Lemm. finely punctured and without spines. var. coronafa thickly covered with short spines while the open- ing of the flagellum is circled by larger spines. var. crenulatocollis (Mask ell) flagellum opening wide with col- lar expanded at top and provided with teeth. var. caudata Lemm. thickly covered with spines and provided with distinct posterior spike. var. cylindrica Klebs, cylindrical and thickly spined. var. subarmata Schr()der, covered with spines, those on the ends being much longer. In form, number, size, and arrangement of spines the species varies widely. Ohio, in E. Swamp on South Bass Island and in Portage River (Jennings) and on vegetation in Basket Factory Cove, San- 398 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY dusky (Landacre). Landacre also notes a variety "with spines on the ends and smooth in the middle" which may possibly be re- ferred to subarmata. Hamilton, O., storage reservoir. 44. T. obtusa Palmer (Fig. 4, PI. XXI). Cylindrical, broadly rounded anteriorly and conical poste- riorly; thickly covered with spines; flagellum opening narrow; flagellum(?). L. 33;u. D. 16jU,. Distribution, North America. Ponds and ditches. 45. T. horrida Palmer (Fig. 5, PI. XXI). Broadly oval, covered with numerous spines with nearly par- allel margins and abruptly pointed at ends ; minute wart-like pro- cesses between base of spines; collar low with widened mouth, the margin undulating; flagellum ( ?). L. 40^. D.(?). Distribution, North America. Ditches. Obtained in N. J. by Palmer and in Iowa by Edmundson. 46„ T. saccata Lemm. (Fig. 6, PI. XXI) . Oval, gradually narrowed anteriorly into a neck -like process; covered thickly with spines; flagellum (?). L.(?). D.(?). Distribution, Paraguay, S. A. Swamps and bogs. 47. T. bulla Stein (Fig. 7, PI. XXI) . Elongately oval, covered with short spines, scarcely narrower posteriorly with distinct collar (6/i in height) provided with teeth ; flagellum about length of body. L. 50-5 V D. 20/x(?). Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?). Standing water. Var. regularis Lemm. without spines, emarginate anteriorly, neck absent. L.30/x. D.14/x. 48. T. obovata Stokes (Fig. 8, PI. XXI) . Oval, gradually narrowed posteriorly, thickly covered with short spines; flagellum opening with annular thickening; fla- gellum (?). L. 22.6|u. D.(?). Distribution, North America. Swamps and bogs. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 399 49. T. helvetica Lemm. (Fig. 9, PI. XXI). Oval, gradually narrowed posteriorly into a spike-like pro- cess; thickly covered with spines; collar present, truncate; fla- gellum( ?). L.(?). D.(?). Distribution, Europe. Standing water. 50. T. caudata (Ehrenb.) (Fig. 10, PI. XXI). Oval, narrowed slightly posteriorly, thickly covered with spines ; posterior spike present, straight or slightly curved ; collar widened at mouth, provided with teeth; flagellum about as long as body. L. 29-53/x. D. 21/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water. Palmer notes this as a rare species occurring as a typical form at Tinicum, Pa., the local species having a length of 40/.. 6. Gen. ASCOGLENA Stein. Elongately oval similar to Euglena, but secreting a brownish yellow protective covering which gives it a flask-like form, the posterior end being attached to algae or other aquatic plants or debris in the water. General structure as in Euglena. TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai Protective envelope elongately cylindrical and slightly broadened near the base . . _ • • • 1- A- vaginicola A- Protective en\ elope urn shaped, with distinct neck, broad- est near anterior end 2. A. amphoroides 1. A. vaginicola Stein. (Fig. 11, PI. XXI). Body bluntly oval without a pronounced acute tip ; stigma not prominent; chloroleucites 12-15 in number, discoid (?); paramy- lon granules absent ( ?) ; secreting a gelatinous protective envelope which is colored yellow or light brown through the action of iron oxide; individual fixed to bottom of protective envelope which is in turn attached to plant debris, algae, etc. L. 43/.. D. 8-16/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?) . 2. A. amphoroides (France) (Fig. 12, PI. XXI). Protective envelope urn-shaped, yellowish brown, with dis- 400 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY tinct neck; interior cell oval, nearly or quite filling protective envelope; chloroleucites large, discoid, without pyrenoids; fla- gellum( ?). L. 18/x. D. 14/.. Distribution, Hungary (Balaton). Found on Tribonema. 7. Gen. COLACIUM Stein. Species attached by a pedicle to Cyclops and other small Crus- tacea as a rule during later stages, free swimming during early stages of development. Form oval or cylindrical, several indi- viduals usually being united into a colony attached by a single stalk ; structure similar to Euglena, the flagellum becoming lost as the forms become sedentary. Distribution, cosmopolitan. TABLE OF SPECIES. A^ Body oval. B' Basal stalk shorter than length of individual. 1. C. vesiculosum Eh. B- Basal stalk much longer than length of indi- vidual. . . > . . . 2. C. arbuscula A- Body cylindrical . . . . . . 3. C. calvum ='=1. C. vesiculosum Ehrenberg (Fig. 13, PI. XXI). Form oval with basal stalk shorter than length of individual ; length about two and one-half times the diameter when extended tapering toward each extremity but more attenuate posteriorly, pyriform and widest anteriorly when contracted ; motile individ- uals resembling Euglena; chloroleucites oval, numerous; colonies consist of from two to eight individuals. L. 19-2V D. 9-17/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Found on Cyclops, Copepods, Rotifers, etc. Variety Platans I^emm. forms free swimming colonies of 4 transversely arranged cells. A colony consisting of two representatives was found in a culture March 26, 1912, obtained about two weeks earlier from Mir- ror Lake on the campus of the State University at Columbus. These were attached to the second right swimming appendage of Cyclops sp. (Nauplius stage) . A camera lucida drawing was made and while they were being studied a predatory Coleps hirtus hap- pened along devouring both individuals. , THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 401 Jennings (1900) notes the species from Cyclops in towings taken 21/2 miles north of Kelly Island, also on Polyarthra platyp- tera and various Crustacea in swamps on S. Bass Island. C. steinii Kent, which Jennings found on Dkiptomns sp. from surface towings in Lake Erie, must be referred to this species. 2. C. arbuscula Stein (Fig. 14, PI. XXI). Oval with basal stalk much longer than the length of the individual and much branched distally, otherwise as in C. vesicu- losum. L. 20-30|u. D. 10-17/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. -3. C. calvum Stein (Fig. 15, PI. XXI). Cylindrical, with a cup-like base longitudinally striate, and with a short thick stalk; flagellum as long as body. L. 42-48/-. D. 19-20/-. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Plankton and on Crustacea. Common at Sandusky on algae and duckweed roots from Biemillers Cove (Landacre). 8. Gen. EUTREPTIA Perty. Form bluntly conical, free-swimming, provided with two fla- gella; posterior end somewhat attenuated when swimming; strongly metabolic with small knot-like swellings appearing ante- riorly and moving posteriorly ; periplast striated ; chloroleucites discoid and without a pyrenoid ; stigma present; nucleus central or slightly anterior; metabolic movements accompanying swim- ming movements as a rule. Found in both fresh and salt water. TABLE OF SPECIES. A' Posterior end of body extended into a tail like appendag:e . 1. E. viridis A- Posterior end of body only slightly narrowed. . . 2. E. lanowii 1. E. viridis Perty (Fig. 16, PI. XXI). Broadly fusiform, emarginate anteriorly, with tail-like appendage posteriorly; each flagellum as long as body; paramylon in the form of round or flattened cylindrical rods. Reproduction in resting condition within gelatinous mem- brane. Cysts not known except in the var. schizochJora Entz. 402 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY L. 49-66/x. D. 3-13^. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water and Plankton. A variety schizochlora has been described by Entz from ponds containing saline waters in Hungary. The paramylon is absent or in the form of small granules ; reproduction by cysts with a thick membrane. 2. E. lanowii Steuer (Fig. 1, PI. XXII). Fusiform, more elongate than in preceding species, truncate anteriorly, gradually narrowed posteriorly; paramylon spherical or kidney formed. Reproduction by division during motile condition and also by cysts with definite membrane. L. 25-60/x. D. 3-13/.. Distribution, Austria, Trieste (Grand Canal). 2. Fam. ASTASIIDAE Butschli. Free-swimming, radial, non-colonial, colorless forms obtain- ing their nourishment as saprophytes ; green chloroleucites and red stigma absent as a rule; paramylon present; often extremely metabolic. The majority of the forms are inhabitants of fresh water, a few, however, being found in salt water. TABLE OF GENERA Ai Provided with a single flagellum. B' Body strongly metabolic .... 1. Gen. Astasia B- Body rigid 2. Gen. Menoidium A2 Provided with a long and a short flagellum. B' Body strongly metabolic .... .3. Gen. Distigma B- Body rigid 4. Gen. Sphenomonas 1. Gen. ASTASIA Dujardin. Decidedly metabolic; periplast usually striate; a single fla- gellum; stigma rarely present; reproduction by division during free-swimming stage. TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai Forms not endoparasitic in Cyclops, Catenula, etc. Bi Broadly rounded posteriorly and much narrower an- teriorly 1. A. lagenula B- Not broadest posteriorly. 01 Oval, flattened 2. A. inflata THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 403 C- Not flattened. Di Stigma present . . ... 3. A. ocellata D- Stigma absent. El Cell straight. Fi Nucules central . . . 4. A. klebsii F- Nucleus posterior . . . 5. A. dangeardii E- Cell lunate ..... 6. A. curvata A2 Forms endoparasitic in Cyclops, Catenula, etc. Bi Living in Catenula . . . . . . 7. A. captiva B- Living in Cyclops 8. A. mobilis 1. A. lagenula (Schew.) (Fig. 2, PI. XXII). Elongate, posterior end extremely broad and rounded, giving a club-like appearance ; periplast smooth ; flagellum as long as body; nucleus central; paramylon granules spherical. L. 25-30/.. D. 10/.,. Distribution, Malay Archipelago (Island Bali). Ditches. 2. A. inflata Duj. (Fig. 3, PI. XXII). Flattened, short, oval ; periplast strongly striate spirally ; flagellum as long as body ; nucleus central ; paramylon granules rod-like. L. 35-46/x. D. 12/1. Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?). Stagnant water. *3. A. ocellata Khawk. (Fig. 4, PI. XXII). Fusiform or somewhat cylindrical, broadest anteriorly ; peri- plast smooth; flagellum 11/2-2 times length of body; stigma pres- ent ; nucleus central ; paramylon granules spherical or polyhedral. Reproduction by cysts with thick membrane. L. 35-65^. D. 8-35/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water. Ohio, Mt. Vernon (Hiawatha Lake). *4. A. klebsii Lemm. (Fig. 5, PI. XXII). Fusiform with posterior tail-like process ; periplast indis- tinctly spirally striate; flagellum as long as body; stigma absent; nucleus central ; paramylon granules oval. L. 50-59/x. D. 13-20/x. Distribution, Europe and North America. Stagnant water. Gambier, 0., Academy Pond. 404 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 5. A. dangeardii Lemm. (Fig. 6, PI. XXII). Oval or fusiform, broadest anteriorly; periplast distinctly striate spirally ; flagellum as long as body ; stigma absent ; nucleus posterior; paramylon granules oval. Reproduction by oval cysts with thin membrane. L. 30-58^. D. 12-20/.. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Stagnant water. 6. A. curvata Klebs (Fig. 7, PI. XXII) . Elongately cresentic, narrow, usually twisted or somewhat flattened with ends attenuated, truncate anteriorly; periplast weakly striate spirally ; flagellum about 2/3 length of body ; stigma absent; paramylon extremely small, elongate. Reproduction (?). L. 40-46^. D. 5-6/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Stagnant water, cultures of algae, etc. 7. A. captiva Beauch. (Fig. 8, PI. XXII) . Elongately fusiform with rounded posterior end; periplast spirally striate ; flagellum as long as body or absent ; stigma rudi- mentary; nucleus central; paramylon granules round or in the form of elongate rods. L. 30-40/1. D.(?). Distribution, France. Endoparasitic in Catenula lemnae. 8. A. mobilis (Rehberg) (Fig. 9, PI. XXII). Fusiform with pointed posterior end; periplast finely striate spirally; stigma present (?) ; nucleus anterior or posterior; para- mylon round or rod-like; flagellum lV-2 times length of body or absent. L. 26-32^. Distribution, Europe. Endoparasitic in Cyclops and in the eggs of the Qg^ sack. Rehberg described a form as Lagenella mobilis with a length of 102-103/x which was often of a green color. Alexieff has also noted a species which may be identical with A. mobilis. 2. Gen. MENOIDIUM Perty. Body not metabolic, usually somewhat curved in longitudinal axis ; nucleus central or slightly posterior to central area ; pellicula THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 405 striated longitudinally; paramylon cylindrical or rectangular, numerous granules being present; movement free-swimming, ro- tating on axis. Four species in fresh water from 16-120/x in length. TABLE OF SPECIES. A' Form attenuate, length more than 7 times the diameter. fii Form typically lunate; flagellum as long as body; length approximately 120/^ . . . . 1. M. falcatum B~ Form typically sigmoid; flagellum 1/2 as long as body; length of body 40-80m 2. M. tortuosum A2 Form not attenuate, length less than 6 times the diameter. Bi Narrowed into a neck like anterior end . . 3. M. pellucidum B- Broadly rounded anteriorly . . . . 4. M. incurvum 1. M. falcatum Zach. (Fig. 10, PI. XI). Comparatively narrow and decidedly curved into a form simi- lar to a new moon, the posterior end pointed; periplast (?) ; flagel- lum as long as body; nucleus (?) ; paramylon granules elongate. L. 120/.. D. 14/x. Distribution, Europe. Ditches. 2. M. tortuosum (Stokes) (Fig. 11, PI. XXII). Typically in the form of a letter "S," gradually narrowed and pointed posteriorly; periplast (?) ; flagellum 1/2 length of body; nucleus central; paramylon granules elongate. L. 42-78/1. D. 5-13/x. Distribution, North America. Among decayed vegetation. The species was originally placed in the genus Atractonema by Stokes who noted its soft flexible body which, however, was persistent in shape. 3. M. pellucidum Perty (Fig. 12, PI. XXII). Slightly curved, narrowed posteriorly with extremity rounded, anteriorly developed into a neck-like process; periplast covered with many weak striae ; flagellum slightly more than 1/0 length of body; nucleus posterior; paramylon cylindrical, more or less elongated. L. 39-40/x. D. 7-10/t. Distribution, Europe. Stagnant water. 4. M. incurvum (Fres.) (Fig. 13, PI. XXII). Broadly cylindrical, slightly curved, broadly rounded on the ends; periplast with comparatively distant striations ; flagellum 406 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY about as long as body ; nucleus posterior or central ; paramylon ( ?) . L. 16-25|.. D. 7-8/.. Distribution, Europe. Stagnant water. 3. Gen. DISTIGMA Ehrenberg. Decidedly metabolic, elongately fusiform ; periplast weakly striate longitudinally ; movement free-swimming or creeping ; re- production by division of motile forms, cysts being unknown. A single species. 1. D. proteus Ehrenb. (Fig. 14, PI. XXII). Elongately fusiform ; primary flagellum Yo length of body ; secondary flagellum short ; paramylon granules cylindrical. L. 46-110/1. D.(?). Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?) . 4. Gen. SPHENOMONAS Stein. Rigid, with longitudinal keels ; periplast longitudinally striate, with a primary and secondary flagellum ; reproduction by division during motile condition. TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai 1 longitudinal carina present . . . . 1. S. teres A- 4 longitudinal carinae present . . . . 2. S. quadrangularis 1. S. teres (Stein) (Fig. 15, PI. XXII). Broadly fusiform ; longitudinal carina weakly developed ; pri- mary flagellum as long as or slightly longer than the length of the body ; secondary flagellum short ; nucleus anterior. L. 20-40/1. D. 8//,. Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?). Stagnant water. 2. S. quadrangularis Stein (Fig. 6, PI. XXII). Broadly fusiform, quadrate in cross-section, with 4 well de- veloped carinae; primary flagellum 2 times length of body; sec- ondary flagellum short; nucleus central. L. 30/1. D. ( ?) . Distribution, Europe. Stagnant water. 3. Fam. PERANEMIDAE Ehrenberg. Colorless, green chromatophores and red stigma being absent; form bilateral as a rule, movement usually creeping although a THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 407 swimming- rotating movement occurs in a few species (Heteronema acus Ehrenberg, Euglevop.sis rorax Klebs.) ; pharynx distinct; nourishment by means of solid particles taken into pharynx ; para- mylom present. Inhabitants of fresh water, with representatives of a few genera (Urceolus, Anisonema, Ploeotia, Entosiphon) also found in salt water. The members of this family are easily overlooked when study- ing the Protozoa by reason of the small size of many of the species as well as their transparent bodies. Furthermore the majority of the forms are not of frequent occurrence. TABLE OF GENERA. Ai Flagellum directed posteriorly absent; a single anterior flagellum present. B^ Rod-like organ absent. C^ (Subfam. Euglenojiseae) Free-swimming with a rotating movement; weakly meta- bolic; striate spirally ... 1. Gen. Euglenopsis C2 (Subfam. PetaloTnonadeae) Creeping; not metabolic; not striate spirally. Di Anterior end pointed; contractile vacuole marginal .... 2. Gen. Petalomonas D^ Anterior end truncate; contractile vacuole anterior .... 3. Gen. Scytomonas B- (Subfam. Peranenieae) Rod-like organ present. Ci Form spindle shaped .... 4. Gen. Peranema C2 Form flask shaped .... 5. Gen. Urceolus A." Flagellum directed posteriorly present; an ante- riorly directed flagellum also usually present. Bi Granules not arranged spirally in the ectoplasm; species not exceeding 60m. in length. C^ Two flagella arising from same area pres- ent, one directed anteriorly, the other posteriorly. D' (Subfam. Heteronemeae) Posterior flagellum shorter than the anterior flagellum. El Body not flattened; weakly meta- bolic ..... 6. Gen. Heteronema E- Body flattened; not metabolic. Fi With 6-8 longitudinal ribs. 7. Gen. Tropidoscyphus F- Without longitudinal ribs. 8. Gen. Notosolenus D- (Subfam. A)}iso)iei)ic(ie) Posterior flag- ellum usually longer or at least equal in length to the anterior flagellum. 408 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY El Pharyngeal siphon absent. Pi Posterioi* flagellum twice the length of the anterior flag- ellum. G^ Keel like ribs absent . 9. Gen. Anisonema G- Keel like ribs present. 10. Gen. Ploeotia F- Posterior flagellum approxi- mately equal in length to the anterior flagellum. Gi Without an apparent ventral longitudinal fur- row; metabolic . 11. Gen. Metanema G- Without an apparent . • longitudinal furrow; not metabolic . . 12. Gen. Marsupiogaster E- Pharyngeal siphon present . 13. Gen. Entosiphon C- (Subfam. Clautr'avieae) A single flagellum directed posteriorly ... 14. Gen. Clautriavia B- (Subfam. Divevieae) Granules arranged spirally in the ectoplasm; species 75-80m. in length. 15. Gen. Dinema 1. Gen. EUGLENOPSIS Klebs. Form spindle shaped, colorless or yellowish white, slightly metabolic, free swimming with rotation on axis ; a single flagel- lum ; pellicula more or less spirally striate ; an anterior mouth- like fold present. Habitat, fresh water. Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?) . The genus consists of a single species. 1. E. vorax Klebs (Fig. 1, PI. XXIII). Possessing the characters of the genus with protoplasm color- less and containing numerous paramylon granules. L. 20-25/x. D. 8/1. Distribution, cosmopolitan. While its small size will aid in distinguishing it from many other species belonging to the family Astasiidae, some of which it resembles, the possession of the mouth-like fold is the character of importance. Thus far it has not been noted from Ohio. 2. Gen. PETALOMONAS Stein. Cells rigid, not metabolic ; unsymmetrical in form and often with peculiarly developed processes; periplast thick and firm and THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 409 occasionally developing a longitudinal carina or a longitudinal fur- row; 1 flagellum arising from a depression on the right of the cytopharynx ; a primary and a secondary vacuole usually to right of cytopharynx ; nucleus usually at left of cell. Reproduction by longitudinal division; cysts not known. Nourishment, saprobiotic. TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai Longitudinal carinae absent although longitudinal fur- rows which may be mistaken for carinae may be present. Bi Posterior end without peculiarly developed pro- cesses. C^ Lateral margins not turned inward. Di Broadly oval .... 1. P. mediocanellata D- Elongately oval . . . . 2. P. angusta C- Lateral margins turned inward . . 3. P. inflexa B- Posterior end with peculiarly developed processes. Ci Posterior lateral processes 2 in number; cell not gradually narrowed anteriorly — but nearly cylindrical . . . . 4. P. sinuata C- Posterior processes 6 in number; cell grad- ually narrowed anteriorly . . . 5. P. sexlobata A2 Longitudinal carinae present. Bi 1-3 longitudinal carinae. Ci 1 longitudinal carina. Di Carina with a sharp edge . . 6. P. steinii D2 Carina rounded . . . . 7. P. carinata C- 2-3 longitudinal carinae. D^ Posterior end rounded or truncate . 8. P. abscissa D- Posterior end deeply emarginate . 9. P. mira B- 4-5 longitudinal carinae. C^ Carinae not extremely developed. D^ Fusiform, rounded posteriorly; L.12-15m. 10. P. quadrilineata D- Oval, truncate posteriorly; L.34m. . 11. P. sulcata C- Carinae extremely developed, their height ex- ceeding ordinary diameter of body . 12. P. alata 1. P. mediocanellata Stein (Fig. 2, PI. XXIII). Broadly oval, ventral and dorsal sides with furrows, that on the dorsal side being narrow; flagellum as long as bodv. L. 22-25/x. D.(?). Distribution, cosmopolitan. Pools containing much vegeta- tion. 410 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Var. distomata (Stokes) has the two furrows equally broad and the anterior end of the cell slightly elongated. Found on the surface of decaying leaves in the bottom of shallow pools. Var, pleurosigma (Stokes) is fusiform, similar to P. medio- canellata, with the posterior end pointed, and has a length of 17ju. Standing pond water with aquatic vegetation. 2. P. angusta (Klebs) (Fig. 3, PI. XXIII). Elongately oval, dorsal side convex, ventral side with furrow ; flagellum as long as body. L. 14-23/^. D, 7-14;x. Distribution, Europe. Pools containing much vegetation. Var. pusilla (Klebs) is 7/x in length and 3-4/^ in diameter; var. lata (Klebs) is broadly oval with short pointed posterior end, L. 22/x, D. 12-14^u *3. P. inflexa Klebs (Fig. 4, PI. XXIII). Elongately oval, flattened, broadly truncate or emarginate posteriorly, pointed anteriorly; lateral margins curled inwardly; flagellum as long as body. L. 30^. D.(?). Distribution, Europe and North America. Pools containing much vegetation. var. obliqua Klebs has only the left lateral margin curled ventrally, while the flagellum is oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body during the swimming movement. Var. pellucida Klebs is thin, transparent, and the dorsal side possesses a shallow furrow, the lateral margins curled inwardly. L. 8/M, D. 8/x. Gambler, O. Small forms 11.5jw in length referable to the var. pellucida were obtained in a small brook filled with Lynghya on the McElroy Farm. *4. P. sinuata (Stein) (Fig. 5, PI. XXIII) . Short cylindrical, pointed anteriorly and with a lateral poste- rior process on each margin; flagellum IV2-2 times length of body. L. 38/^. D.(?). Distribution, Europe. Pools with much vegetation. 5. P. sexlobata Klebs (Fig. 6, PI. XXIII). Broadly oval, pointed bluntly anteriorly, with six short but THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 411 thick posterior processes turned inwardly ; flagellum 2 times length of body. L. 27-30/x. D. 21-23^. Distribution, Europe. Pools with much vegetation. 6. P. steinii Klebs (Fig. 7, PI. XXIII). Oval, trianglar in cross section; carina prominent; flagellum as long or longer than the body. L. 38-42^. D. 22^. Distribution, Europe. Pools with much vegetation. 7. P. carinata France (Fig. 8, PI. XXIII). Elongately oval, with ends rounded ; carina broad, formed by membraneous fold rolled toward the right; vacuole and nucleus on median line. L. 23/x. D.(?). Distribution, Hungary (Balaton). 8. P. abscissa (Duj.) (Fig. 9, PI. XXIII). Broadly oval or round, slightly narrowed anteriorly and often truncate posteriorly ; ventral surface flat or with furrow ; dorsal surface with 2 longitudinal carinae ; flagellum longer than body. L. 27.5^. D.(?). Distribution, Europe. Pools rich in aquatic vegetation. Var. convergens Klebs, is pointed anteriorly and emarginate posteriorly with the longitudinal carinae converging anteriorly and the L. 19/x, the D. 17//. Var. parallela Klebs is rounded anteriorly and emarginate posteriorly with the longitudinal carinae parallel although often unequal in size, L. 30/1, D. 17//. Var. deformis Klebs is pointed anteriorly, truncate posteriorly, with 3 longitudinal parallel carinae. 9. P. mira Awerinz. (Fig. 10, PI. XXIII). Oval with anterior end narrowed and curved toward the right, the posterior end deeply emarginate; 3 longitudinal carinae; lateral margins with a row of granules ; flagellum 2 times length of body. L. 26-30/x. D. 18/x. Distribution, Russia (Bologoje-Sea). In slime. 412 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 10. P. quadrilineata Penard (Fig. 11, PI. XXIII). Fusiform, rounded posteriorly; flagellum 2 times length of body. L. 12-15/x. D.(?). Europe, Wiesbaden. 11. P. sulcata Stokes (Fig. 12, PI. XXIII). Oval, less than twice as long as wide, truncate posteriorly, dorsal and ventral surfaces each with 4-5 longitudinal or slightly obhque carinae, which at times meet posteriorly; flagellum equal to length of body. L. 3V D.(?). Distribution, North America. Ponds. 12. P. alata Stokes (Fig. 13, PI. XXIII). Oval, broadly rounded posteriorly, with 4 extremely high longitudinal carinae, height much greater than diameter of body, in furrows between carinae; flagellum 2 times length of body. L. 23/x. D.(?). Distribution, North America. Ponds with Ceratophylliim. 3. Gen. SCYTOMONAS Stein. Form oval, somewhat flattened; truncate anteriorly; not metabolic ; flagellum arising from one side of anterior end ; vacuole anterior, circular or triangular in outline; movement creeping as in Petalomonas. Distribution, cosmopolitan. TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai Oval, narrowed anteriorly. B^ Frequenting digestive tract of fi'ogs and toads, also stag- nant waterf?), nucleus posterior .... 1. S. pusilla B- Frequenting digestive trace of Molge vulgaris, — nucleus anterior . . . . . . . 2. S. dobellii A2 Elongately oval with broadly rounded ends, not distinctly nar- rowed, anteriorly . . . . . . 3. S. major 1. S. pusilla Stein (Fig. 14, PI. XXIII). Oval, distinctly narrowed anteriorly and rounded, or rarely fusiform or emarginate; flagellum li/^ times length of body; nucleus posterior, rarely central. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 413 L. 7.5-20/x. D. 7-8/x. Distribution, Europe. Intestine of frogs and toads. Lemmermann notes Copromonas subtilis Dobell as a synonym of this, while he suggests that Sytomonas pusilla Klebs may repre- sent a distinct genus, the cell being oval, truncate anteriorly, nucleus central, flagellum scarcely as long as body, cytopharynx absent. In cultures of decaying algae, 2. S. dobelli n.sp. (Fig. 15, PI. XXIII). Oval, distinctly narrowed anteriorly; flagellum IV2 times length of body ; nucleus anterior. L. 7-10/x. D. S-4iJ.. Distribution, Europe. Intestine of Molge vulgaris L., one of the Salamanders. It seems evident that this form referred by Lemmermann doubtfully to 5. 7najor should be considered as a distinct species by reason of difference in host, general size, position of nucleus, etc. Therefore it is fitting that it bear the name of the investi- gator by whom it was discovered. 3. S. major (Berhner), (Fig. 1, PI. XXIV). Elongately oval, broadly rounded at the ends; flagellum II/4, times the length of the body; nucleus central. L. 20/x. D. op.. Distribution. Europe. Digestive tract of Lacerta viridis Gessn., the small green lizard. 4. Gen. PERANEMA Stein. Form spindle shaped, narrowed anteriorly ; strongly meta- bolic ; flagellum longer than body ; pharynx prominent ; rod-like organ present ; pellicula striate spirally ; nucleus central ; para- mylon present; movement a slow swimming one accompanied by decided metabolic contractions of the body. TABLE OF SPECIES. A^ Fusiform or cylindrical, flagellum 1-1 ^/^ times length of body, L.22-70/X 1. V. trichophorum A2 Elongately spherical, flagellum 2i^-3 times length of body, L.S-ISm. . . . . . . . 2. P. granulifera -1. P. trichophorum (Ehrenb.) (Fig. 2, PI. XXIV). Fusiform or cylindrical ; periplast spirally striate, the striae 414 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY formed of numerous elevations apparently developed as short hairs; flagellum 1-1 1/2 times length of body. L. 22-70^. D. 12-20;u. Distribution, cosmopolitan. In stagnant water generally in company with Eugleva. The presence of the rod-like organ serves to distinguish the species from members of the genus Astasia. Jennings in his study of the Protozoa of Lake Erie noted under the name of Astasia tridiophora Ehrb., a form which may be referred to this species. Conn in The Protozoa of Connecticut suggests that the extreme variation in the forms indicates several species in the genus. 2. P. granulifera Penard (Fig. 3, PI. XXIV). Elongately spherical ; periplast covered with granules ; flagel- lum 21/2-3 times length of body. L.VlS/^. D.(?). Distribution, Europe. Stagnant pools. 5. Gen. URCEOLUS Meresch. Form flask shaped with contracted neck ; decidedly metabolic ; posterior end rounded ; anterior end forming a funnel shaped peri- stome extending into a pharynx and reaching to the posterior third of the body ; flagellum somewhat longer than body ; rod-like organ present; pellicula either striate spirally or smooth surrounded with mucous containing minute for^^ign substances; principal vacuole with a small accessory contractile vacuole and with a long excre- tory canal ; movement creeping. Four species. Habitat, fresh water and marine. Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?) . TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai Periplast without a gxlatinous layer in which is imbedded numerous minute granules of sand. Bi Periplast striated. C Posterior end with a short tip; prominent spiral carinae not present 1. U. cyclostomus C- Posterior end developed into an elongate tip; sev- eral prominent spiral carinae . . . 2. U. costatus B- Periplast not striated . . . . . 3. U. alenizini A- Periplast with gelatinous layer in which are imbedded numerous minute granules of sand . . . . 4. U. sabulosus THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 415 *1. U. cyclostomiis (Stein) (Fig. 4, PI. XXIV). Fusiform with anterior end normally flask-like in form ; peri- plast spirally striate; flagellum slightly longer than body; promi- nent rod-like organ present. L. 26-50^. D. 17-30^. Distribution, cosmopolitan (?). Stagnant pools. Ohio, decaying vegetation from Biemiller's Cove, Sandusky (Landacre) . 2. U. costatus Lemm. (Fig. 5, PI. XXIV). Fusiform with pointed tip and several prominent spiral cari- nae ; flagellum less than length of body. L. 35-40/1. D. 12-14/x. Distribution, Europe. Ponds containing much vegetation and also in Plankton. 3. U. alenizini Meresch. (Fig. 6, PI. XXIV). Broadly fusiform with more or less blunt ends, the anterior end truncate, posterior rounded; periplast smooth; flagellum slightly longer than body. L. 39/1. D. 24/*. Distribution, Europe. Stagnant water and water from refuse material. 4. U. sabulosus Stokes (Fig. 7, PI. XXIV). Broadly fusiform, somewhat widened anteriorly and obliquely truncated with contracted neck-like process of the cytopharynx; covered with gelatinous substance containing numerous minute granules ; flagellum as long or longer than body L. 58;u. D.(?). Distribution, North America. Fresh water with algae. This species placed originally in the genus Urceolus by Stokes was later transferred by him to a new genus Urceolopsis. The general structure, however, suggests that it may be replaced in the former genus at least for the present. It swims rapidly. 6. Gen. HETERONEMA (Duj.) Stein. Form elongate, or spherical, usually assuming a more or less twisted appearance; decidedly metabolic; anterior end pointed- provided with two flagella the length of the anterior from 1-2 416 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY times the length of the body, the length of the posterior from 1/2-I times the length of the body; principal vacuole with small accessory vacuole; rod-like organ slightly developed; movement slow gliding, rarely a rotating free-swimming movement. Habitat, fresh water. TABLE OF SPECIES. A^ Periplast without distinct spiral or long'itudinal striations. Bi Cells normally straight. C Anterior and posterior ends blunt . . 1. H. acus C- Anterior and posterior ends sharply pointed 2. H. acutissimum B- Cells curved or twisted. Ci Curved or sickle like in form . . . 3. H. tremulum C- Twisted into a form resembling spiral threads of a screw . . . . . . 4. H. spirale A- Periplast with distinct spiral or longitudinal striations. B' Periplast longitudinally striate, length approximately 250m. . . . • • • • 5. H. mutabile B= Periplast spirally striate, length 35-60/^. C Comparatively long, fusiform, twisted . 6. H. klebsii C- Compai-atively short, spherical or oval, not twisted. D' Secondary flagellum shorter than the body 7. H. nebulosum D- Secondary flagellum longer than the body 8. H. globiferum 1. H. acus (Ehrenb.) (Fig. 8, PI. XXIV). Fusiform with rounded ends ; periplast weakly striate spirally ; primary flagellum slightly longer than body; secondary flagellum about y-> length of body. L. 45-50/a. D. 8-20/x. Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?) . Stagnant pools. 2. H. acutissimum Lemm. (Fig. 9, PI. XXIV) . Elongately fusiform with pointed ends ; periplast smooth ; primary flagellum as long as body; secondary flagellum 1 1/2-2 times as long as body. L. 17/x. D. 2.5-3/x. Distribution, Europe. Pools with aquatic vegetation. 3. H. tremulum Zach. (Fig. 10, PI. XXIV). Slightly lunate or curved, narrowed in front, broadly rounded posteriorly ; periplast smooth ; primary flagellum somewhat longer than body ; secondary flagellum 14 s,s long as body. L. 40/^. D.(?). THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 417 Distribution, Europe. Stagnant pools. 4. H. spirale Klebs (Fig. 11, PI. XXIV) . Cylindrical with 5-6 prominent spiral ridges; periplast smooth; primary flagellum 2 times length of body; secondary tlagellum about % length of body. L. 42/x. D. 24-30;x. Distribution, Europe. Stagnant pools. ''5. H. mutabile (Stokes) (Fig. 1, PI. XXV). Oval to elongately cylindrical, extremely metabolic ; periplast longitudinally striate ; primary flagellum 14 length of body • sec- ondary flagellum as long as body. L. 250;.. D. ( ?) . Distribution, North America. Cypress swamps S. Florida Stokes originally placed this in the genus Zygoselmis Duj He notes that 'The incessant alterations in the form of this curious infusorian are indescribable. The food is indiscriminately animal or vegetable. The endoplasm of the individuals observed con- tained desmids, diatomes, and in a single instance a small rotifer " A form which is referred to this species with some hesitation was taken m a culture obtained from the Kokosing River at Gambler, O. 6. H. klebsii Senn (Fig. 2, PI. XXV) . Fusiform, resembling a triangular prism somewhat twisted • longitudinally (?) striate; primary flagellum somewhat longer than the body; secondary flagellum slightly shorter than the bodv L. 52-58/.. D. IS,,. Distribution, Europe. Peat swamps in Harz Mountains Germany. 7. H. nebulcsum (Duj.) (Fig. 3, PI. XXV). Spherical or oval, with narrow, clear, anterior end ; periplast decidedly striate spirally; primary flagellum 2 times 'length of body; secondary flagellum 1/2 length of body L. 40-57/x. D. 10-30/x. Distribution, Europe, 8. H. globiferum Stein (Fig. 4, PI. XXV). Oval, rounded or emarginate posteriorly; periplast striate 418 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY spirally; primary flagellum 2 times length of body; secondary flagellum slightly longer than body. L. 3V D.(?). Distribution, Europe. Stagnant pools. 7. Gen. TROPIDOSCYPHUS Stein. Form oval, pointed anteriorly and posteriorly; often slightly metabolic; 8 prominent longitudinal carinae; anterior flagellum long, posterior flagellum short; principal vacuole with smaller accessory vacuole ; rod-like organ absent ; movement creeping. Habitat, fresh water. Distribution, cosmopolitan. The genus consists of two species. TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai Anterior end of cytopharynx with two prominent lobes; L. 50-60/". . . . . . . . 1. T. octocostatus A- Anterior end of cytopharynx rounded . . . 2. T. cyclostomus 1. T. cyclostomus Senn (Fig. 5, PI. XXV). Broadly fusiform, with anterior end curved at extremity into a lip-like process ; pointed posteriorly ; 4 well developed longitudi- nal carinae present; primary flagellum 11/2 times length of body; secondary flagellum 2/3 length of body. L. 16^. D. 10-lV Distribution, Europe. Thus far found only in a small stream near Halle, Germany. 2. T. octocostatus Stein (Fig. 6, PI. XXV). Broadly fusiform, emarginate anteriorly with two lateral points; pointed posteriorly; primary flagellum 11/4-2 times length of body ; secondary flagellum 1/3-1/4 length of body. L. 35-63/x. D.(?). Distribution, Europe. Pools rich in aquatic vegetation. 8. Gen. NOTOSOLENUS Stokes. Form oval approaching rectangular; strongly compressed dorso-ventrally ; concave dorsally, convex ventrafly; body rigid, not metabolic; two flagefla, the length of the anterior 1-1 1/2 times length of body, length of posterior 1/3 length of body; mouth oval ; pellicula smooth ; principal vacuole with accessory contractile THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 419 vacuole anteriorly on right side of body; nucleus on left middle part of body; rod-like organ not evident; movement creeping in irregular manner. Habitat, fresh water. Three species. Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?) . TABLE OF SPECIES. A^ Broadly oval or circular in outline; posterior end rounded. Bi Oval, median furrow narrow, occupying about % diam- eter of body . . . . . . 1. N. apocamptus B2 Circular, median furrow broad, occupying about % diameter of body . . . . . 2. N. orbicularis A~ Triangular in outline, emarginate at posterior end which is the broadest part of the body . . . . . 3. N. sinuatus *1. N. apocamptus Stokes (Fig. 7, PI. XXV). Oval, pointed anteriorly, broadly rounded posteriorly; dorsal median furrow narrow; primary flagellum about II/2 times length of body ; secondary flagellum 1/2 length of body. L. 6.5-10/x. D.(?). Distribution, cosmopolitan N. America, Germany, Senn. Standing water with Myriophyllum. Hamilton, 0. Storage reservoir. 2. N. orbicularis Stokes (Fig. 8, PI. XXV). Oval to circular in outline, rounded at ends; median dorsal furrow broad approximating % diameter of body ; primary flagel- lum 11/2 times length of body; secondary flagellum 1/2 length of body. L. 10-11.5^. D.(?) (. Distribution, North America. Near bottom of shallow pools. 3. N. sinuatus Stokes (Fig. 9, PL XXV). More or less triangular, broadest posteriorly with end emargi- nate; dorsal furrow narrow, slightly carinate anteriorly; primary flagellum II/2 times length of body; secondary flagellum 1/2 length of body. L. 22.5/x. D. 11, X. Distribution, North America. Standing water with dead leaves. 9. Gen. ANISONEMA Dujardin. Form oval, distinctly compressed dorso-ventrally ; a ventral furrow extends backward and to the right from the mouth ; body 420 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY rigid, not metabolic; two flagella, the anterior about as long as the body, the posterior considerably longer; pellicula smooth or striate in longitudinal spirals; principal vacuole with accessory contractile vacuole; nucleus on right side of body; movement in a slow creeping or a quick jerking manner. Habitat, fresh water and marine. Distribution, cosmopolitan. TABLE OF SPECIES. A' Length not more than 2 times diameter. Bi Elongately oval; primary flagellum approximately as long as body 1- A. ovale B- Broadly oval; primary flagellum 2 times length of body. • • • • • . 2. A. emarginatum A- Length nearly 3 times or more than 3 times the diameter. Bi Length 25-60m. C^ Pointed anteriorly; length 25-40/x. , . 3. A. acinus C2 Broadest anteriorly; length 60^^. . . 4. A. truncatum B2 Length 11m.; broadly fusiform .... 5. A. pusillum *1. A. ovale Klel:s (Fig. 10. PI. XXV). Oval, rigid, emarginate anteriorly ; periplast smooth ; primary flagellum about as long as body; secondary flagellum about II/2 times as long as body. L. 11^. D. 7/x. Distribution, Europe and North America. Standing water. Gambler, 0. (McElroy Farm). Var latum Klebs with L. 12/i, D. 10/., broad and emargmate posteriorly. 2. A. emarginatum Stokes (Fig. 11, PI. XXV). Broadly oval, rigid, emarginate anteriorly; periplast smooth; primary flagellum about 2 times length of body ; secondary flagel- lum about 21/2 times length of body. L. IV D.(?). Distribution, North America. Standing water with Myrio- phijUum, etc. *3. A. acinus Duj. (Fig. 12, PI. XXV). Oval, rigid, noticeably flattened; periplast smooth or weakly striate; left side of ventral furrow prominent, thickened ante- riorly; primary flagellum as long as body; secondary flagellum about 2 times length of body. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 421 L. 25-40/i. D. 16-22^. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water and Plankton. Landacre notes the species from Biemiller's Cove, Sandusky, 0., in "towings." 4. A. truncatum Stein (Fig. 13, PI. XXV). Oval, broadest anteriorly, rigid; periplast smooth; primary flagellum as long as body; secondary flagellum more than twice as long as body. L. 60^. D. 20ix. Distribution, Europe. Standing water. 5. A. pusillum Stokes (Fig. 14, PI. XXV). Broadly oval, flattened, convex dorsally, longitudinally striate, concave ventrally ; primary flagellum as long as body; secondary flagellum about 3 times length of body. L. IV D.(?). Distribution, North America. Pond water. The movement of the form is noted by Stokes as a slow oscil- lating one. 10. Gen. PLOEOTIA Dujardin. Form broadly oval, pointed behind ; two flagella, the posterior being much longer than the anterior ; provided with carinae which, beginning at the posterior end, extend toward the anterior end in a more or less spiral manner; nucleus central; movement creeping. Habitat, marine. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Two species. TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai Somewhat compressed, posterior end acuminate, length less than twice the diameter . . . • • • 1- !*• vitrea A- Radial, not compressed, posterior end not acuminate, length more than twice the diameter . . . . . 2. P. marina 1. P. vitrea Duj. (Fig. 1, PI. XXVI). Broadly oval with acute tip slightly uncinate and with 8 longi- tudinal carinae; primary flagellum about as long as body; sec- ondary flagellum about 2 times length of body. L. 30/7. D. 20,.. Distribution, cosmopolitan ( ?) . Salt water. 422 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 2. P. marina n. sp. (Fig. 2, PI. XXVI) . Fusiform, rigid, not compressed; 8 longitudinal carinae slightly spiral; cell transparent; primary flagellum 2/3 length of body; secondary flagellum 2 times length of body. L. 50^. D. 2Six. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Two species. Woods Holl, Mass. This form was described and illustrated in a well drawn figure by Calkins (U. S. Fish Com. Bull., p. 426, 1901— printed 1902) under the name Anisonema vitrea Duj., a species which belongs to the genus Ploeotia. It differs from P. vitrea by the characters noted above. The length of its secondary flagellum eliminates it from the genus Tropidoscmyhus, while the presence of keel-like ribs or carinae removes it from the genus Anisonema. The genus Ploetia is founded on a form laterally compressed. It seems bet- ter, however, to remove such a qualification and place it here rather than make a new genus for its reception. 11. Gen. METANEMA Klebs. Form oval, metabolic comparatively short, compressed dorso- ventrally; two flagella of approximately equal length, the poste- rior, however, not trailing directly behind, but carried to one side during swimming. Habitat, fresh water. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Two species. TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai Pellicula smooth . . . . . . . 1. M. variabile A2 Pellicula with distinct spiral striae . . . . 2. M. striatum 1. M. variabile Klebs (Fig. 3, PI. XXVI). Short cylindrical, decidedly metabolic, rounded on ends ; peri- plast smooth ; primary flagellum as long as body ; secondary flagel- lum somewhat longer than body. L. 14-16/x. D. 9-12/x. Distribution, Europe. Standing water. 2. M. striatum Klebs (Fig. 4, PI. XXVI). Cylindrical, slightly metabolic, flattened, emarginate ante- riorly ; periplast spirally striate ; primary flagellum slightly longer THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 423 than body; secondary flagellum a little longer than primary flagellum. L. ISjLi. D. 7fi. Distribution, Europe. Standing water. 12. Gen. MARSUPIOGASTER Schewiakoflf. Rigid, elongately striate ; periplast thin ; 1 primary and 1 sec- ondary flagellum, the latter equal at least in length to the former, and both arising from a pocket-like excavation; reproduction un- known ; swimming with a trembling movement. A single species. 1. M. striata Schew. (Fig. 5, PI. XXVI). Oval, flattened, anteriorly obliquely truncate; primary flagel- lum as long as body ; secondary flagellum 1 V-2 times length of body. L. 27/x. D. 15/x. Distribution, Sandwich Islands (Oahu). 13. Gen. ENTOSIPHON Stein. Form oval, short, slightly compressed ; ventral furrow absent ; two flagella, each approximately the length of the body, arising from the depression at anterior end ; mouth anterior opening into a tube through which nourishment is taken in the form of small granules ; pellicula with longitudinal carinae or furrows ; principal vacuole vvdth several small accessory contractile vacuoles; move- ment creeping, often with a trembling motion. Habitat, fresh water and marine. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Three species. TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai Pellicula with distinct longitudinal furrows; rod-like organ attaining posterior part of body. B^ Furrows 4-8 in number .... I.E. sulcatum B- Furrows 10-12 in number 2. E. ovatuni A^ Pellicula with only indistinct furrows; rod-like organ ex- tending only half the length of the body . . . 3. E. obliquum *1. E. sulcatum (Duj.) (Fig. 6, PI. XXVI). Oval, emarginate anteriorly; 4-8 longitudinal striae; primary flagellum about as long as body; secondary flagellum slightly longer than body; rod-like organ attaining posterior part of the body. 424 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY L. 20-25/x. D. 10-15/i. Distribution, cosmopolitan. Standing water. Var. acuminatum Lemm. is oval, broadened posteriorly, with sharp tip. Ohio, jar of decaying Nelumbo from E. Harbor, Lake Erie (Jennings). Algae from logs of basket factory, Sandusky Bay, and also from College Lake, Columbus (Landacre). *2. E. ovatum Stokes (Fig. 7, PL XXVI). Oval, emarginate anteriorly; 10-12 longitudinal striae; pri- mary flagellum about as long as body ; secondary flagellum approxi- mately 2 times length of body; rod-like organ attaining posterior part of body. L. 25-28/x. D. 10-12/.,. Distribution, North America. Infusion of dead leaves. Hamilton, 0., storage reservoir; Cincinnati, 0., upper storage reservoir. 3. E. obliquum Klebs (Fig. 8, PI. XXVI). Oval, broadest anteriorly, end diagonally truncate; periplast weakly striate longitudinally; rod-like organ only attaining the middle of the body; primary flagellum about length of body; sec- ondary flagellum li/o times length of body. L. Ib/x. D. l.bfx. Distribution, Europe. Standing water. 14. Gen. CLAUTRIAVIA Massart. Form oval, free swimming; possessing a single flagellum directed posteriorly instead of anteriorly; pellicula rigid; mouth anterior, ventral; vacuole posterior left area of body; paramylon evident. Two species. Reproduction by longitudinal division. Distribution, Belgium. This genus undoubtedly represents a form belonging to the subfamily Anisonemeae in which the anterior flagellum has been lost in the process of the evolution of the species. The first repre- sentatives were found by Massart from a culture of algae obtained at Nieuport on the Belgian coast from a fresh water ditch. While noted as free swimming, the movements are rather "tad-pole" like, dependent on the posterior flagellum. THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 425 The genus has not been found in America and if later dis- covered will probably be noted from brackish water ditches near the coast. TABLE OF SPECIES. Ai Length 18-20m.; diameter not greatest posteriorly; flagellum not 'onger than body . . . . . . 1. C. mobilis A- Length 7-8m.; diameter greatest posteriorly; flagellum 3-4 times length of body . . . . . . . 2. C. parva 1. C. mobilis Mass. (Fig. 9, PI. XXVI). Oval approaching cylindrical ; rigid ; cytopharynx opening an- teriorly and ventral in position ; nucleus right, posterior part of cell; primary flagellum absent; secondary flagellum IV2 times length of body. L. 18-20/x. D. 12-13/1. Distribution, Belgium. Among algae in fresh water ditch on coast near Nieuport. 2. C. parva Schout. (Fig. 10, PI. XXVI). Oval, widest posteriorly, rigid; cytopharynx opening ante- riorly and ventrally; primary flagellum absent; secondary flagel- lum 3 times length of body. L. 9-10/1. D. 7-8/.. Distribution, Belgium. Among algae in fresh water ditch coast near Nieuport. 15. Gen. DINEMA Perty. Elongately oval, rounded at both ends, slowly metabolic; ectoplasm with granules arranged spirally; two flagella, the an- terior about as long as the body and not attenuate at end; the posterior about twice as long as body and decidedly attenuate at end; rod-like organ present; pellicula striate spirally; principal vacuole with small accessory contractile vacuoles; nucleus large, situated somewhat behind the middle of the body; movement creeping. A single species. Habitat, fresh water. Distribution, cosmopolitan. 426 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1. D. griseolum Perty (Fig. 11, PI. XXVI). Elongately oval with rounded ends; periplast spirally striate with ectoplasm containing granules arranged spirally; primary flagellum as long as body; secondary flagellum II/2 times length of body. L. 76-80/.. D. 30-40;^. PLATE XII 1. Euglena viridis Ehrenb., x 500 (Walton). 2. Euglena geniculata Dujard., x 500 (Dangeard). 3. Euglena olivacea Schmitz, x 500 (Lemmermann). 4. Euglena oblonga Schmitz, x 500 (Schmitz). 5. Euglena elongata Schw., x 500 {Schewiakoff ). 6. Euglena minima France, x 1000 (France). 7. Eugleyia jnsciformis Klebs, var. minor, x 1000 (Walton). 8. Eugleyia terricola (Dang-eard), x 500 (Lemmermann). 9. Euglena splendens Dangeard, x 500 (Dangeard). 10. Euglena sanguinea Ehrenberg, x 500 (Haase). 11. Euglena rubra Hardy, x 500 (Hardy). 12. Euglena haematodes (Ehrenberg), x 500 (From description). 18. Euglena velata Klebs, x 500 (Dangeard). PLATE XIII 1. Euglena sociabilis Dangeard, x 500 (Dangeard). 2. Euglena grayiulata (Klebs), x 500 (Hiibner). 3. Euglena jyolymorpha Dangeard, x 500 (Dangeard). 4. Euglena proxima Dangeard, x 500 (Dangeard). 5. Euglena caudata Hiibner, x 500 (Lemmermann). P. Euglena flava Dangeard, x 500 (Lemmermann). 7. Eugleyia orientalis Kashyop, x 500 (From description). 8. Euglena variabilis Klebs, x 500 (Klebs). 9. Euglena gracilis Klebs, x 500 (Lemmermann). 10. Euglena torta Stokes, x 500 (Stokes). PLATE XIV 1. Euglena deses Ehrenberg, x 500 (Walton). 2. Euglena mutabilis Schmitz, x 500 (Schmitz). 3. Eugleyia spiroides Lemmermann, x 500 (Lemmermann). 4. Euglena oxyuris Schmarda, x 250 (Walton). 5. Euglena simulacra n. sp., x 500 (Walton). 6. Euglena intermedia, (Klebs), x 500 (Lemmermann). 7. Euglena tripteris Dujard., x 500 (Walton). 8. Euglena acus Ehrenberg, x 500 (Walton). 9. Euglena limnophila Lemmermann, x 500 (Lemmermann). 10. Euglena acutissima Lemmermann, x 500 (Lemmermann). THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 427 PLATE XV 1. Euglena spirogyra Ehrenberg-, x 500 (Walton). 2. Euglena fusca (Klebs), x 500 (Hiibner). 3. Euglena ehrenberg ii Klehs, x 2b0 (Lemmermann). 4. Euglena truncata n. sp., x 250 (Walton). 5. Euglena quartana Moroff, x 500 (Maroff). 6. Leptocinclis ovum (Ehrenberg), x 1000 (Stein). 7. Leptocinclis sphagnophila Lemmermann, x 1000 (Zacharias). 8. Leptocinclis steinii Lemmermann, x 1000 (Stein). 9. Leptocinclis buetschlii Lemmermann, x 1000 (Butschli). 10. Leptocinclis teres (Schmitz), x 1000 (Schmitz). PLATE XVI 1. Leptocinclis fusiformis (Carter), x 1000 (Lemmermann). 2. Leptocinclis acicularis France, x 1000 (France). 3. Leptocinclis texta (Dujard.), x 1000 (Lemmermann). 4. Lejitocinclis globosa France, x 1000 (France). 5. Leptocinclis marssonli Lemmermann, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 6. Phacus anacoelus Stokes, x 500 (Stokes). 7. Phacus alata Klebs, x 500 (Dangeard). 8. Phacus orbicularis Hiibner, x 500 (Hiibner). 9. Phacus pleuronectes (Mull.) x 500 (Lemmermann). 10. Phacus triqueter (Ehrenb.), x 500 (Stein). PLATE XVII 1. Phacus suecica Lemmermann, x 500 (Lemmermann). 2. Phacus longicauda (Ehrenb.), x 500 (Lemmermann). 3. Phacus caudata Hiibner, x 500 (Hiibner). 4. Phacus acuminata Stokes, x 500 (Stokes). 5. Phacus brevicaudata (Klebs), x 500 (Lemmermann). 6. Phacus stokesii Lemmermann, x 500 (Lemmermann). 7. Phacus hisjndula (Eichw.), x 500 (Stein). 8. Phacus monilata Stokes, x 500 (Stokes). 9. Phacus pyrum (Ehrenb.), x 500 (Lemmermann). 10. Phacus nordstedtii Lemmermann, x 500 (Lemmermann), 11. Phacus setosa France, x 500 (France). 12. Phacus striata France, x 500 (France). 13. Phacus oscillans Klebs, x 500 (Klebs). 14. Phacus par-vula Klebs, x 500 (Lemmermann). 15. Phacus c/avafa Dangeard, X 500 (Lemmermann). J 6. Phacus pusilla Lemmermann, x 500 (Hiibner). 17. Phacus dangeardii Lemmermann, x 500 (Dangeard). 428 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE XVIII 1. Cryptoglena pigra Ehrenb., x 1000 (Lemmermann). 2. Trachelomonas volvocina Ehrenb., x 1000 (Lemmermann). 3. Trachelomonas perforata Awerinz., x 1000 (Awerinzew). 4. Trachelomonas intermedia Dangeard, x 1000 (Dangeard) . 5. Trachelomonas verrucosa Stokes, x 1000 (Palmer). 6. Trachelomonas rugulosa Stein, x 1000 (Stein). 7. Trachelomonas vermiculosa Palmer x 1000 (Palmer). 8. Trachelomonas stokesiaua Palmer, x 1000 (Palmer). P. Trachelomonas spiculifera Palmer, x 1000 (Palmer). 10. Trachelomonas vestita Palmer, x 1000 (Palmer). 11. Trachelornonas bernardi Wolos., x 1000 (Woloszynska). 12. Trachelomonas teres Maskell, x 1000 (Maskell). 13. Trachelomonas ohlonga Lemmermann, x 1000 (Lemmermann). PLATE XIX 1. Trachelomonas crebea Kellicott, x 1000 (Palmer). 2. Trachelomonas lemmermanii Wolosz., x 1000 (Woloszynska). 3. Trachelomonas oralis v. Daday, x 1000 (v. Daday). 4. Trachelomonas similis Stokes, x 1000 (Stokes). 5. Trachelomonas volzii Lemmermann, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 6. Trachelomonas e^iry stoma Stein, x 1000 (Stein). 7. Trachelomonas incerta Lemmermann, x 1000 (Schulz). 8. Trachelomonas africana Fritsch, x 1000 (Fritsch). 9. Trachelomonas reticulata Klebs, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 10. Trachelomonas euchlora (Ehrenb.), x 1000 (Stein). 11. Trachelomonas conspersa Pascher, x 1000 (Pascher). 12. Trachelomonas annulata v. Daday, x 250 (v. Daday). PLATE XX 1. Trachelomonas minor Palmer, x 1000 (Palmer). 2. Trachelomonas affinis Lemmermann, x 500 (Lemmermann). 3. Trachelomonas volgensis Lemmermann, x 1000 (Zykoff). 4. Trachelomonas acuminata (Schmarda), x 500 (v. Daday). 5. Trachelomonas urceolata Stokes, x 500 (Stokes). 6. Trachelomonas fluviatilis Lemmermann, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 7. Trachelomonas schauinslandii Lemmermann, x 1000 (Lemmermann), 8. Trachelomonas ensifera v. Daday, x 250 (v. Daday). 9. Trachelomonas acanthostoma Stokes, x 500 (From description). 10. Trachelomonas armata Ehrenberg, x 500 (Lemmermann). 11. Trachelomonas raciborskH Wolosz., x 500 (Woloszynska). 12. Trachelomonas globularis (Awerinz.), xlOOO (Awerinzew). 13. Trachelomonas westii Wolosz., x 1000 (Woloszynska). 14. Trachelornonas americana Lemmermann, x 1000 (Palmer). 15. Trachelomonas aegyptiaca Lemmermann, x 500 (Schmarda). 16. Trachelomonas piscatoris (Fisher), x 500 (Lemmermann). THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 429 PLATE XXI 1. Tntchelomonas setosa Zyg-cff, x 500 (Zygoff). 2. Trachelomonas spinosa Stokes, x 500 (Stokes). 3. Trachelomonas hispida (Perty), x 500 (Dangeard). 4. Trachelomonas obtusa Palmer, x 500 (Palmer). 5 Trachelomonas horrida Palmer, x 500 (Palmer). 6. Trachelomonas saccata Lemmermann, x ? (Lemmermann) . 7. Trachelomonas bulla Stein, x 500 (Stein). 8. Trachelomonas obovata Stokes, x 500 (Stokes). 9. Trachelomonas helvetica Lemmermann, x ? (Lemmermann). 10. Trachelomonas caudata (Ehrenb.), x 500 (Stein). 11. Ascoglena vaginocola Stein, x 500 (Stein). 12. Ascoglena amphoroides (France), x 500 (France). 13. Colacium vesiculosum Ehrenb., x 500 (Walton). 14. Colacium arbuscida Stein, x 500 (Stein). 15. Colacium calvum Stein, x 500 (Stein). 16. Eutreptia viridis Pei-ty, x 500 (Lemmermann). PLATE XXII 1. Eutreptia lanowii Steuer, x 500 (Steuer). 2. Astasia lagenula (Schew.), x 1000 (Schewiakoff). 3. Astasia inflata Dujard, x 1000 (Klebs). 4. Astasia ocellata Khawk., x 1000 (Khawkine). 5. Astasia Jclebsii Lemmermann, x 500 (Klebs). 6. Astasia dangeardii Lemmermann, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 7. Astasia curvata Klebs, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 8. Astasia captiva Beauch., x 1000 (Beauchamp). 9. Astasia mobilis (Rehberg), 1000 (Alexeieff). 10. Menoidium falcatum Zach., x 250 (Zacharias). 11. Menoidium tortuosum (Stokes), x 500 (Stokes). 12. Menoidium pellucidum Perty, x 500 (Lemmermann). 13. Menoidium incurviim (Fres.), x 250 (Stein). 14. Distigma protens Ehrenb., x 500 (Lemmermann). 15. Sphenomonas teres (Stein), x 500 (Lemmermann). 16. Sphenomonas quadrangularis Stein, x 500 (Stein). PLATE XXIII 1. Euglenopsis vorax Klebs, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 2. Petalomonas medio canellata Stein, x 1000 (Klebs). 3. Petalomonas angusta (Klebs), x 1000 (Klebs). 4. Petalomonas inflexa Klebs, x 1000 (Stein). 5. Petalomonas sinuata (Stein), x 1000 (Stein). 6. Petalomonas sexlobata Klebs, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 7. Petalomonas steinii Klebs, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 8. Petalomonas carinata (France), x 1000 (France). 9. Petalomonas abscissa (Dujard), x 1000 (Lemmermann). 10. Petalomonas mira Awerinz., x 1000 (Awerinzew). 430 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 11. Petalotnonas qnadrilineata Penard, x 1000 (Penard). 12. Petalomonas sulcata Stokes, x 1000 (From description). 13. Petalomonas alata Stokes, x 1000 (From description). 14. Scytomonas pusilla Stein, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 15. Scytomovas dobelli n. sp., x 1000 (Lemmermann). PLATE XXIV 1. Scytomonas major (Berliner), x 1000 (Berliner). 2. Peranema trichophorum (Ehrenb.), x 1000 (Lemmermann). 3. Peranema gramdifera Penard, x 1000 (Penard). 4. Urceolus cyclostomus (Stein), x 1000 (Lemmermann). 5. Urceolus costatus Lemmermann, x 1000 (Stein). 6. Urceolus alenizini Mereschk., x 1000 (Mereschkonsky). 7. Urceolus sabulosus Stokes, x 1000 (Stokes). 8. Heteronemu acus (Ehrenb.), x 1000 (Lemmermann). 9. Heteronema acutissimum Lemmermann, x 1000 (Stokes). 10. Heteronema tremuhim Zacharias, x 1000 (Zacharias). IL Heteronema spirale Klebs, x 1000 (Lemmermann). PLATE XXV 1. Heteronema mutahile (Stokes), x 250 (Stokes). 2. Heteronema klebsii Senn, x 1000 (Senn). 3. Heteronema nebulosum (Dujard.), x 1000 (Lemmermann). 4. Heteronema globiferum (Stein), x 1000 (Klebs). 5. Tropidoscyphus cyclostomus Senn, x 1000 (Senn). 6. Tropidoscyphus octocostatus Stein, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 7. Notosolenus aposamptus Stokes, x 1000 (Stokes). 8. Notosolenus orbicularis Stokes x 1000 (Stokes). 9. Notosolenus sivuatus Stokes, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 10. Anisonema ovale Klebs, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 11. Anisonema emarginatum Stokes, x 1000 (Stokes). 12. Anisonema acinus Dujard., x 1000 (Lemmermann). 13. Anisonema truncatum Stein, x 1000 (Stein). 14. Anisonema pusillum Stokes, x 1000 (Stokes). PLATE XXVI 1. Ploeotia vitrea Dujard., x 1000 (Seligo). 2. Ploeotia marina n. sp., x 1000 (Calkins). 3. Metanema variabile Klebs, x 1000 (Klebs). 4. Metanema striatum Klebs, x 1000 (Lemmermann). 5. Marsupioguster striata Schewiak, x 1000 (Schewiakoff). 6. Entosiphon sulcatum (Dujard.), x 1000 (Lemmermann). 7. Entosiphon ovatum Stokes, x 1000 (Stokes). 8. Entosiphon obliqunm Klebs, x 1000 (Klebs). 9. Clautriavia mobilis Mass, x 1000 (Schouteden). 10. Clautriavia parva Schout, x 1000 (Schouteden). 11. Dinema griseolum Perty, x 1000 (Lemmermann). THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 431 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XII 10 L. B. Walton 12 432 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XIII L. B. Walton THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XIV 433 im :C;..Q V m 'O,, »./ i '3: m L. B. Walton 434 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XV i^\'S L. B. Walton THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO 435 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XVI L. B. Walton 436 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XVII c? f L. B. Walton THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XVIII 437 ) i-^ ..^•::-:r-.: .\ i: .lK:i^-:-- •:■ . ri" * • • • ■ ■ ..p.'---.' ■ • ■ -. ' \;!A-.-- ;:•. ^ ■■■i :/ I ■m';y:-.7 I 12 L. B. Walton 438 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XIX L. B. Walton THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XX 439 L. B. Walton 440 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XXI ' , pt:^ - ^•v-^ ■ ;,■* '•».■.- •i^',-. * 2 - tv'-'^ .!«.• . V ^ •V^.^-: . V 4 A^ THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XXII 441 / 13 L. B. Walton 442 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XXIII L. B. Walton THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XXIV 443 WM 444 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XXV L. B. Walton THE EUGLENOIDINA OF OHIO OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY— VOL. I, PLATE XXVI 445 L. B. Walton 446 OHIO BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 6. LITERATURE. Blochmann, F., Die microskopische Tierwelt des Siisswassers. 1. Ab. 2. Auf. Hamburg. Mastigophora. Bronn, Klass. u. Ordnung. d. Tierreichs. 2. Ab., Vol. 1. Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole. U. S. Fish Com. Bull. 1901, p. 413. The Protozoa of the Fresh Waters of Connecti- cut. State Geological and Natural History Sur- vey, Bull. 2. Dangeard, P. A., Recherches sur les Eugleniens. Botaniste, Ser. 8. 1902 Histoire naturelle des Zoophytes Infusoires. Paris. Einfachste Lebensformen des Tier und Pflanzen- reiches. 4. ed. Braunschweig. 1895 Biitschli, O., 1887 Calkins, G. N., 1902 Conn, H. W., 1905 Dujardin, 1841 Eyferth, B., 1909 Ehrenberg, C. G., Die Infusiontierchen als volkommene Organis- 1838 men. Leipzig. Kent, W. S., Manual of the Infusoria. London. 1882. Klebs, G., 1883 Ueber die Organisation einiger Flagellaten eini- ger Flagellatengruppen u. der Beziehungen zu Algen u. Infusorien. Unters. bot. Inst. Tubin- gen, V. 1, p. 233. Klebs, G., Flagellatenstudien. Zeit. wiss. Zool. V. 55, p. 1893 265. Landacre, F. L., The Protozoa of Sandusky Bay and Vicinity. 1908 Proc. Ohio Acad. Science, V. 4, Pt. 10. Jennings, H. S., A Report on the Protozoa of Lake Erie. U. S. 1900 Fish Com. Bull. 1899, p. 105. Lemmermann, E., Die Siisswasserflora Deutschlands, Osterreichs u. 1914 der Schweiz. Heft. 2, Flagellatae 2. 1913-14. Palmer, T. C, Delaware Valley Forms of Trachelomonas. Proc. 1905 Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Senn, G., Euglenineae. Engler-Prantl, Naturliche Pflan- 1900 zenfamilien. Leipzig. 1, Teil. p. 173. Stein, F., Der Organismus der Infusiontiere. 3. Ab. 1883 Leipzig, 1878-1883. Whipple, The Microscopy of Drinking Water, 3. ed. New 1914 York. Index to Eimlenoidina abrupte-acuminata (Euglena spi- logyra var.) 372 abscissa (Petalomonas) 409, 411 acanthostoma (Trachelomonas) .... 388, 395 acicularis (Leptocinclis) 375, 377 acinus (Anisonema) 420 acuminata (Phacus) 378, 381 acuminata (Trachelomonas) 378, 394 acuminatum (Entosiphon sulca- tum var.) 424 acus (Euglena) 361, 371 acus (Heteronema) 416 acuta (Trachelomonas eurysto- ma var.) 392 I acutissima (Euglena) 361, 372 acutissima (Heteronema) 416 aegyptiaca (Trachelomonas) 388, 396 affinis (Trachelomonas) 387, 394 africana (Trachelomonas).... 387, 393 alata (Petalomonas) 409, 412 alata (Phacus) 378, 379 alenizini (Urceolus) 414, 415 americana (Trachelomonas) 388, 396 amphoroides (Ascoglena) 399 anacoelus (Phacus) 378, 379 angusta (Petalomonas) 409, 410 Anisonema 408, 419 annulata (Trachelomonas).... 387, 393 apocamptus (Notosolenus) 419 arbuscula (Colacium) 400, 401 armata (Trachelomonas) 388, 395 Ascoglena 357, 399 Astasia 402 Astasiidae 356, 402 : Atracto)ie)>ia 405 bernardi (Trachelomonas).... 386, 391 i brevicaudata (Phacus) 378, 382 buetschlii (Leptocinclis) 375, 376 bulla (Trachelomonas) 389, 398 calvum (Colacium) 400, 401 captiva (Astasia) 403, 404 carinata ( Petalomonas ) 409, 411 caudata (Euglena) 359, 367 caudata (Phacus) 378, 381 caudata (Trachelomonas) 389, 399 caudata (Trachelomonas hispida var.) 397 cervicula (Trachelomonas volvo- cina var.) 389 Chlorovionas j)igrn 385 Clautriavia 408, 424 clavata (Phacus) 379, 384 447 Colacium 357, 400 conspersa (Trachelomonas). ...387, 393 convergens (Petalomonas abscissa var.) 411 Copromonas 413 coronata (Trachelomonas hispida var.) 397 costatus (Urceolus) 414, 415 crebea (Trachelomonas) 386, 391 crenulatacollis (Trachelomonas hispida var.) 397 Cryptoglena 357, 385 curvata (Astasia) 403, 404 curvata (Trachelomonas fluviatilis var.) 395 cyclostomus (Tropidoscyphus) 418 cyclostomus (Urceolus) 414, 415 cylindrica (Leptocinclis globosa var.) 377 cylindrica (Trachelomonas euchlora var.) 393 cylindrica (Trachelomonas hispida var.) 397 dangeardii (Astasia) ..403, 404 dangeardii (Phacus) 379, 384 deformis (Petalomonas abscissa var.) 411 dentata (Trachelomonas crebea var.) 391 deses (Euglena) 360, 369 Dinema 408, 425 Distigma 402, 406 distomata (Petalomonas medioca- nellata var.) 410 dobelli (Scytomonas) 412, 413 ehrenbergii (Euglena) 361, 373 elongata (Euglena) 358, 363 emarginatum (Anisonema) 420 ensifera (Trachelomonas) 388, 395 Entosiphon ...408, 423 euchlora (Trachelomonas) 387, 393 Euglena 356, 357 Euglcnida 355 Euglenidae 355, 356 Eugleninae _ 355 Euglenoidina 355 Euglenopsis 407, 408 eurystoma (Trachelomonas) 387, 392 Eutrcptia 357, 401 falcatum (Menoidium) 405 flava (Euglena) 359, 367 fluviatilis (Trachelomonas) 387, 395 furcata (Euglena sanguinae var.) 365 fusca (Euglena) 361, fusiformis (Leptocinclis) 375, fusiformis (Leptocinclis globosa var.) geniculata (Euglena) 358, globeriferum (Heteronema)..-416, globosa (Leptocinclis) 375, globula (Leptocinclis ovum var.) globularis (Trachelomonas) 388, gracilis (Euglena) 359, granulata (Euglena) 359, granulifera (Peranema) ..- 413, griseolum (Dinema) haematodes (Euglena) 359, helvetica (Trachelomonas) 389, Heteronema 407, hispida (Trachelomonas) 388, hispidula (Phacus) 378, horrida (Trachelomonas) 389, hyalina (Euglena viridis var.) incurvum (Menoidium) incerta (Trachelomonas) ..387, inflata (Astasia) 402, inflexa (Petalomonas) 409, intermedia (Euglena) ....360, intermedia (Trachelomonas) 386, javanica (Trachelomonas volgensis var.) klebsii (Astasia) klebsii (Euglena intermedia var.) klebsii (Heteronema) 416, lagenula (Astasia) 402, LageneUa lanowii (Eutreptia) 401, lata (Petalomonas angusta var.) laticlavus (Euglena spirogyra var.) latum (Anisonema ovale var.).... lemmermanii (Trachelomonas) 387, Leptocinclis 357, levis (Trachelomonas affinis var.) limnophila (Euglena) 360, 361, longicauda (Phacus) 378, luteo (Euglena granulata var.).... major (Scytomonas) 412, marchia (Euglena spirogyra var.) marina (Ploeotia) 421, marssonii (Leptocinclis) 375, Marsupiogaster 408, mediocanellata (Petalomonas).... Menoidium 402, Metanema 408, minima (Euglena) 358, minor (Euglena acus var.) minor (Euglena pisciformis var.) 363, 373 376 377 362 417 377 375 396 368 366 414 426 365 399 415 397 382 398 .362 405 392 403 410 370 398 394 403 371 417 403 404 402 410 372 420 392 374 394 371 381 366 413 372 422 377 423 409 404 422 363 371 364 minor (Trachelomonas) 387, 393 mira (Petalomonas) 409, 411 mobilis (Astasia) 403, 404 mobilis (Clautriavia) 425 inobUis (Lageuella) 404 monilata (Phacus) 378, 382 mucosa (Euglena viridis var.).... 362 mutabile (Heteronema) 416, 417 mutabilis (Euglena) 360, 369 natans (Colacium vesiculosum var.) 400 nebulosum (Heteronema). 416, 417 nordstedtii (Phacus) 379, 383 Notosolenus 407, 418 obliqua (Petalomonas inflexa var.) 410 obliquum (Entosiphon) 423, 424 oblonga (Euglena) 358, 363 oblonga (Trachelomonas) 386, 391 obovata (Trachelomonas).... 389, 398 obtusa (Trachelomonas) 389, 398 ocellata (Astasia) 403 octocostatus (Tropidoscyphus).... 418 olivacea (Euglena) 358, 362 orbicularis (Notosolenus) 419 orbicularis (Phacus) 378, 380 orientalis (Euglena) 358, 359, 367 ornata (Trachelomonas ensifera var.) 395 oscillans (Phacus) 379, 383 ovale (Anisonema) 420 ovalis (Trachelomonas) 387, 392 ovatum (Entosiphon) 423, 424 ovum (Leptocinclis) 375 oxyuris (Euglena) 360, 369 palatina (Leptocinclis ovum var.) 375 papillata (Trachelomonas volvo- cina var.) 389 parallela (Petalomonas abscissa var.) 411 parvula (Phacus) 379, 384 parva (Clautriavia) 425 pellucida (Petalomonas inflexa var.) 410 pellucidum (Menoidium) 405 Peranema 407, 413 Peranemidae 356, 406 perforata (Trachelomonas).. 386, 389 Petalomonas 407, 408 Phacus 357, 377 pigra (Cryptoglena) 385 piscatoris (Trachelomonas) 388, 397 piscifoiTnis (Euglena) 358, 363 planctonica (Trachelomonas affinis var.) 394 pleuronectes (Phacus) 378, 380 pleurosigma (Petalomonas medio- canellata var.) 410 448 Ploetia 408, 421 polymorpha (Euglena) 359, 366 proteus (Distigma) 406 proxima (Euglena) 359, 366 punctuata-striata (Leptocinclis ovum var.) 375 punctuata (Trachelomonas hispida var.) 397 punctuata (Trachelomonas incerta var.) 392 punctuata (Trachelomonas oblonga var.) 391 pusilla (Petalomonas angusta var.) 410 pusilla (Phacus) 379, 384 pusilla (Scytomonas) 412 pusillum (Anisonema) 420, 421 pyrum (Phacus) 378, 382 quadrangularis (Sphenomonas) 406 quadrilineata (Petalomonas) 409, 412 quartana (Euglena) 361, 374 raciborskii (Trachelomonas) 388, 396 regularis (Trachelomonas bulla var.) 398 reticulata (Trachelomonas) 387, 393 rigida (Euglena acus var.) 371 rubra (Euglena) 359, 365 rugulosa (Trachelomonas) .. 386, 390 sabulosus (Urceolus) 414, 415 saccata (Trachelomonas) .... 389, 398 sanguinae (Euglena) 358, 364 schauinslandii (Trachelomonas) 388, 395 schizochlora (Eutreptia viridis var.) 401, 402 Scytomonas 407, 412 setosa (Phacus) 379, 383 setosa (Trachelomonas) 388, 397 sexlobata (Petalomonas) 409, 410 similis (Trachelomonas) 387, 392 simulacra (Euglena) 360, 370 sinuata (Petalomonas) 409, 410 sinuatus (Notosolenus) 419 sociabilis (Euglena) 359, 366 sphagnophila (Leptocinclis).. 375, 376 Sphenomonas 402, 406 spiculifera (Trachelomonas) 386, 390 spinosa (Trachelomonas) .... 388, 397 spirale (Heteronema) 416, 417 spirogyra (Euglena) 361, 372 spiroides (Euglena) 360, 369 splendens (Euglena) 358, 364 steinii (Leptocinclis) 375, 376 steinii (Petalomonas) 409, 411 steinii (Trachelomonas armata var.) 395 stokesiana (Trachelomonas) 386, 390 stokesii (Phacus) 378, 382 striata (Leptocinclis ovum var.) 375 striata (Marsupiogaster) 423 striata (Phacus) 379, 383 striatum (Metanema) 422 subarmata (Trachelomonas his- pida var.) 397 subglobosa (Trachelomonas vol- vocina var.) 389 subtiliis (Copromonas) 413 suecica (Leptocinclis steinii var.) 376 suecica (Phacus) 378, 381 sulcata (Petalomonas) 409^ 412 sulcatum (Entosiphon) 423 teres (Leptocinclis) 275, 376 teres (Sphenomonas) 406 teres (Trachelomonas) 386, 391 terricola (Euglena) 358, 364 texta (Leptocinclis) 375, 377 torta (Euglena) 359] 368 torta (Phacus longicauda var.).... 381 tortuosum (Menoidium) 405 Trachelomonas 357, 335 tremulum (Heteronema) [ 416 treubii (Trachelomonas volgensis var.) 394 tnchophora (Astasia) 414 trichophorum (Peranema) 413 tripteris (Euglena) 361, 371 triqueter (Phacus) 378, 380 Tropidoscyphus 407, 418 truncata (Euglena) 361, 373 truncata (Trachelomonas oblonga var.) 391 truncatum (Anisonema) 420, 421 vaginocola (Ascoglena) 399 urceolata (Trachelomonas).. 387, 394 Urceolopsis 415 Urceolus 407, 414 variabilis (Euglena) 359, 368 variabile (Metanema) 422 velata (Euglena) 359, 365 vermiculosa (Trachelomonas) 386, 390 verrucosa (Trachelomonas) 386, 390 verrucosa Trachelomonas acum- inata var.) 394 vesiculum (Colacium) 400 vestita (Trachelomonas) 386, 390 viridis (Euglena) 358, 361 viridis (Eutreptia) 401 vitrea {Anisonema) 422 vitrea (Ploeotia) 421 volgensis (Trachelomonas).... 387, 394 volvocina (Trachelomonas).... 386, 389 volzii (Trachelomonas) 387, 392 vorax (Euglenopsis) 408 virestii (Trachelomonas) 388, 396 Zygoselmis 417 449 ERRATA BULLETIN No. 1 P. 15, 1 P. 30, 1 P. 39, 1 P. 43, 1 P. 44, 1 P. 55, 1 P. 55, 1 P. 62, 1 P. 65, 1 P. 66, 1 P. 68, 1 P. 87, 1 P. 87, 1 29, omit ; after Syritta. 1, for pupa read pupae. 24, for waternig read watering. 2, for Sphaeropuaria read Sphaerophoria. 2, for Reaumour read Reaumur. 19, for rumieis read rumicis. 20, for salicti read saliciti. 3, for Molluses read Molluscs. 41, for Musea read Musca. 7, for Irva read larva. 3, for Vloucella read Volucella. 34, for vart read var. 19, for distincly read distinctly. ERRATA BULLETIN No. 2 Page 185 — The first 1043. should be omitted altogether. Page 185 — The following was omitted: 1045. Rosa setigera Mx. Prairie Rose. General, but no specimens from the Northeastern Counti3s. Page 211 — The following was omitted: 1520. Scrophylaria marylandia L. Maryland Fig"wort. General. Page 235 — The following was omitted: 2024. Cirsium odoratum (Muhl.) Britt. Fragrant Thistle. Ashtabula County. 450 General Index Volume I Index to Vascular Plants 239 Index to Euglenoidina 447 Acanthaceae 332 Acer 64 rubrum 263, 266, 273, 279, 281 saccharum 260 Aceraceae 325 Actea alba 269 Adicea pumila 276 Adlerz 40, 42 adult, general characters 31 relations of, to plants 48 Aesculaceae 324 Aix 15 Aizoaceae 320 Aldrich, J. M., cited 12, 40, 95 Aleyrodidae 39, 42, 58 algae 46 Alisma subcordatum 264 Alismaceae 308 Allegheny, Flora 248 Allium cepa 74 Allograpta 39 obliqua 16, 26, 28, 43, 50, 58, 59, 66, 87 Alnus rug'osa 263 Amalancier canadensis 281, 283 Amaranthaceae 320 Amaryllidaceae 314 Amaryllis 10, 39, 47 Ambrosia elatior 278 trifida 266 Ambrosiaceae 336 Amiaceae 334 Anacardiaceae 325 Anisonema 419 Annonaceae 315 Antennae of adults 33 of larvae 19, 20, 22, 27 Anthophyta 308 ants 35, 27, 42, 45, 49, 62 Aphid, European grain 55, 56 Aphididae 25, 26, 39, 42, 45 aphidophagous larvae 14, 17, 24, 26, 27, 29, 44 aphis, cabbage 43 aphis. European grain 43, 44 Aphis brassicae 43, 55, 56, 57, 58, 66 pruni 66 rumicis 54, 55, 56, 58 Api.s mellifera 37 Apocynaceae 330 Aphodius apple Araceae Aralia nudicaulis spinosa Araliaceae Arctium minus 54 Arisaema triphyllum 269, Aristolochia serpentaria Aristolochiaceae Asarum sp Asclepias Asclepiadaceae Ascoglena Ascyron hyperocoides Ash Cave Ashmead, cited 30, 48, 51 aspara'>'us .^. Asplenium montanum ' platyneuron trichomanes Aster, divaricatus Astasia Azalea, lutea 67 44 309 275 288 334 . 56 275 276 327 269 50 330 399 294 252 , 67 67 282 275 286 276 402 275 Baccha 14, 19 babista 51, 64, 65 clavata 64, 84 cognata 65, 84 costata 84 fascipennis 84 fuscipennis 48 lugens 64, 65, 84 tarchetius 84 Baker, cited 70 Banks, Nathan, cited 74 Balsamiaceae 317 Bassus laetatorius 50 basswood 58 Benzoin benzoin 263, 266 Berberidaceae 316 Betula lenta 266, 269, 270, 273, 281, 283 lutea 265, 266, 267, 271 nigra 266 Betulaceae 326 Bibliography of Syrphidae 99 Bidens aristata 264 connata 264 cernua 264 451 Bicuculla canadensis 275 cucculata 275 Bigelow, John M., cited 304 Bignoniaceae 331 Bigot, cited - 12 Bignell, G. C, cited - bb Biological and ecological relations of larvae 42 birch '_^ Black Cohosh 276 Black Hand formation 252 Blephariglottis lacera 264 paramoena 262 Bloomfield, E. N., cited 40 Boletus edulis 39 Bombus lapidarius 68 Boraginaceae 332 Botanical Survey of Sugar Grove Region 248 Botrychium obliquum 275 virginianum 275 Bottom Land Swamp, Sugar Grove 263 Bottom Lands, Sugar Grove 259 Brachyopa 39 bicolor 67 vacua 89 Brachypalpus 39, 73, 95 frontosus 96 rileyi 96 sorosis 95 Brassicaceae 316 British Flies 12 Buckton, G. B., cited 17, 21, 34, 47, 68, 69, 70 Bugonia 47 burdock 54, 56 cabbage 27 cacti : 25, 29, 47 Calamophyta 307 Callicera johnsoni 80 Calliprobola 95 Callitrichaceae 318 Colopha 40, 43 Campanula rotundifolia 287 Camptosorus rhizophyllus 286, 292, 293 Cantwell Cliflfs 253 Caprifoliaceae 335 Cardamine rhomboidea 264 Carduus sp 54, 59 Carex plantaginea 269, 275, 292 prasina 267 triceps 277 Carpinus caroliniana 263 carrot 65 Caryophyllaceae 319 Castanea dentata 273, 279, 281 Catabomba 39, 40 Catalog of N. A. Diptera 12, 14 Cathrinea sp 266 Celastraceae 324 Centaurea 63, 6b Cephalanthus occidentalis 263 Ceratophyllaceae 316 Cereus giganteus 68 Ceria 12 abbreviata 37, 99 signifera 73, 74, 99 willistonii 74, 99 Cerinae 15 Ceriodes 98 Chalcididae 45, 46, 51 Chalcomyia 14, 33, 63 aerea 63 Cheilanthes gracilis 286 Chenopodiaceae 320 Chilosia, Key to species 82 Chilosia 14, 15, 39, 63 capillata 83 comosa 83 cyanescens 82 pallipes 83 prima 82 tristis 83 Chilosini 35 Chimaphila maculata 280, 295 Chloealtus curtipennis 35 Chortophila pusilla 39, 65 chrysanthemums 48 Chrysochlamys 39, 73 buccata 95 dives 95 Chrysogaster 14, 15, 35, 39, 62 apisaon 81 nigripes 80 nitida 81 pictipennis 81 pulchella 80 Chrysosplenium americanum 264 Chrysotoximae 15 Chrysotoxum 39, 62 laterale 80 ventricosum 80 Cicoriaceae 338 Cimucifuga racemosa 276 Circaea alpina 269 Circaea lutetiana 266, 276 circular plate 19 Cistaceae 318 Cladonia spp 277 Clautriavia 424 Clematis virginiana 275 Climatology, Sugar Grove 255 Coccidae 62-64 Coccinellidae 46 Cock's-comb-gall syrphus-fly 59 Colacium 400 Colopha 40, 43 452 Colopha ulmicola 60 color of adults 32, 33, 34 color of larvae 19, 27 Commelinaceae 313 Conophyllis americana 276 Conopidae 14 Convolvulaceae 329 Copestylum marginatum 67, 68 Coquillett, cited 12 Coralorhiza odontorrhiza 295 Cornaceae 334 Cornus alternifolia 269, 274 Corrigiolaceae 320 corn 25, 27, 30, 38 Corylus americana 294 cotton 48, 64 cow-dung 67, 72 Crassulaceae 323 Criopi'ora 39 cyanogaster 96 Criorhina analis 96 decora 97 intersistens 97 pictipes 97 umbratilis 97 Criorhina 16, 39 oxyacanthae 73 Cruciferae 55 Cryptoglena 385 Cucurbitaceae 327 Cunilla originoides 280 Cuscutaceae 329 Cyclorrhapha 13 Cynorhina 96 Cynoxylon (Cornus) florida.. 274, 280 Cyperaceae 309 Daecke, cited 72 Dasystoma laevigata 280 Davis, G. C, cited 50 DeGerts, cited 65 Dentaria heterophylla 275 laciniata 275 Didea 39 fasciata 22, 26, 27, 43, 45, 57, 58, 66 fasciata fuscipes 85 intermedia 66 Dinema 425 Dioscoreaceae 314 Diospyros virginiana L 58, 294 Dipsacaceae 335 Distigma 406 dock, broad loaf 54 curled 56, 58 dorsal spiracular spine 19 Dryopteris margunale 266, 269, 275, 290, 293 spinulosum 266, 269, 275, 290, 293 Dufour, Leon, cited 67 duration in egg stage 16 Dury, Charles, cited 13, 80, 89, 92 Ebenaceae 329 Ecological Relations of Adult Syrphidae 48 Economic Aspects, Sugar Grove.. 296 Economic Importance of Adult Syrphidae 48 of Larvae of Syrphidae 42 Egg of Syrphidae 16 elm 60, 67 emergence of adult 31 Encyrtus mesograptae 51 Enemies of Syrphidae 50 Entosiphon 423 Epigaea repens 278, 280, 292, 299 Equisetaceae 307 Equiseteae 307 Ericaceae 328 Eristalis 16, 17, 28, 30, 31, 39 aeneus 15, 61, 63 larvae of 24, 69, 91 albifrons 91 arbustorum 69 bastardii 91 dimidiatus 47, 91 flavipes 35, 37, 91 hirtus 70 latifrons 91 meigenii 91 saxorum 91 temporalis 70 tenax 15, 17, 34, 36, 47, 48, 49, 61, 68, 69, 70, 92 transversus 92 vinetorum 48, 91 Eristalis, larvae of 27 posterior respiratory appen- dage of 21 Eristalinae 14, 35 Eristhronium americanum 275 Erne, cited 37 Euglena 357 Euglenoidina of Ohio 343 Index 447 Euglenopsis 408 Eumerus 39, 40, 63 strigatus 74 Eupeodes volucris 65 Euphorgiaceae 318 Eurycles 72 Eusporangiatae 306 Eutreptia 401 Evolutionary Table of Larval Habits of Syrphidae 38 Fabaceae 322 Fabricius 12 453 face of Syrphidae 13 Fagaceae 326 Fagus .- j^l grandifoha ^'g Fairfield County 248 Fallen, cited 1^ feeding habits of adults 49 of larvae 26, 43 Felices ^^^ flight of Syrphidae 36 Ferdinandea A^ Flora, Sugar Grove 30d Folsoni, cited ■-■-- 37 food of adults 32, 6b of larvae 26, 40 Formica 25, 40 diflicilis var. consocians 62 rufa obscuripes 62 sanguinea aserva 62 schaufussi 62 Fraxinus americana 263, 266 pennsylvanica 263 Frontal suture - 13 Fulton, B. B., cited 84 Fumariaceae 316 fungi 25, 39, 63, 65 Galeorchis spectabilis 275, 299 galls 26, 40, 45 Gaultheria procumbens. 278, 281, 292, 293, 299 Gaylosaccia baccata 278, 280, 283, 299 Gentianaceae - 330 Geofi'roy, cited 12 Geographical Distribution of Syrphidae 15 Geological Formations at Sugar Grove 252 Geraniaceae 317 Geranium maculatum 275 Girschner, cited 13 Glacial drift -- 251 Gleditsia tricanthos — - 263 Gnaphalium decurrens 294 Graminaceae 310 Griggs, R. F., article by 248 Grossulariaceae .-- 327 Gulf, The 283 habits of Syrphidae, adults.... 34, 35 of larvae 38, 42 habitat of larvae 25 Halicti 63 Haloragidaceae 327 Hamamelidaceae 325 Hamamelis 266 virginiana 269, 274 Hedeoma pulegreoides 294 Helianthaceae 336 Helophilus 16, 28, 30, 33, 39 bilinearis 93 chrysostomus 93 conostomus 93 distinctus 92 divisus 93 flavifacies 93 integer 92 laetus - 93 latifrons 46, 70, 93 pendulus 70 similis .-. 93 Hemerobiidae 46 Hepatica acuta 269 acutiloba 275, 293 hepatica 293 Heteronema 415 Hicoria ovata 273, 280 Hieracium venosum 280, 299 Hine, James S., cited 11, 13, 63, 65, 88 Historical Account of the Family Syrphidae 12 Hocking County 248 Hopkins, cited 72 Houstonia longifolia 277, 280, 274 Howard, cited 66, 72 Hubbard, cited 51, 64, 68 Hunter, W. D., cited 12, 35, 82 Hyde, J. E., cited 251 Hydrangea arborescens 274 Hydrangeaceae 327 Hydrophyllaceae 329 Hymenoptera -. 10, 26, 32, 35, 37, 40, 42, 47, 49, 68 Hypericaceae 318 Hypericum drummundii 278 prolificum 294 Hypnaceae sp 278 Hypopytis americana 276, 280 Ibidium gracilis 294 Ichneumonidae 50 Ilicaceae 324 Index to Euglenoidina 447 to Vascular Plants 239 integumental bristles 18 interspiracular hairs, etc., 19, 21, 23 Introduction, Syrphidae 10 Iridaceae 314 Isnardia palustris 264 Isotria verticillata 280 Jassidae 39, 42 Johnson, C. W., cited 12, 72, 73 Juglandaceae 326 Juglans cinerea 263, 266, 273 nigra 263 Juncaceae 313 Juncoides carolinae 275 Juniperaceae 308 454 Kalmia 275 latifolia 279, 280, 283, 299 Keen, E. L., cited 73 Kellerman, W. A., cited 303 Key to Genera of Syrphidae 74 to Pupae 52 to Larvae 52 King-bird 49 lace-wing-ed flies ^ 46 Lamiaceae 332 Larvae of Syrphidae 17 key to - 52 Lasiophthicus pyrastri 40, 66 Latreille 12 Lauraceae 316 ^eaf-hoppers 64 Lechea minor 277, 278 Lemnaceae 309 Lentribulaceae 332 Lepidophyta 307 Leptamium virginiana 276 Leptocinclis 374 Lespedeza hirta 280, 294 procumbens 280 repens 278, 280 Liliaceae 312 Lillium canadense 264 Limnr.nthaceae 317 Linaceae -- 317 Lintner, cited 70, 71 Linum virginianum 280 Liriodendron tulipifera 273, 301 Liriodendron Forest 272 Lobelia cardinalis 264, 267 syphilitica 264, 267 Lobeliaceae 335 Loew, cited 12 LongistigTna caryae 26, 43, 45, 57, 58 Lumbering, Sugar Grove 296 Lycopodiaceae 307 Lycopodieae 307 Lycopodium complanatum var. flabelliforme 293 lucidulum 2G6, 275, 293 Lythraceae — 324 Macquart, cited 12 macrochaetae 34 Magnoliaceae 315 Mallota 25, 28, 33, 39 cimbiciformis 93 illinoisensis 93 posticata - -■- 71, 93 Malus glaucescens 263, 293, 294 Malvaceae 318 Manual of N. A. Diptera 12 maple 64 Marsupiogaster 423 Martyniaceae 332 Matricaria 39 Meigen, cited 12, 70 Medeola virginica 269, 276 Meibomia canescens 293, 294 nudifloi-a 280 obtusa 294 rotundifolia 280 Melanostoma mellinum 15, 65, 85 obscurum 85 Melanoxanthus salicti 55 Membracidae 39, 42 Menispermaceae 316 Menoidium 404 Merapioidus villosus 96 Merodon 16, 39 equestris '71 Meromacrus acutus 92 Mesogramma boscii 87 geminata 87 marginata — 88 polita....l6, 19, 24, 25, 35, 66, 67, 88 Metanema 422 Metcalf, C. L., article by 7 Metcalf, Z. P., cited H Microdon 15, 17, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 37, 40, 42, 47, 49 aurifex 80 aurulentus - - 80 fuscipennis 80 globosus 62, 79 larvae of 21, 23, 24 megalogaster 80 mutabilis 40 rufipes 80 tristis 21, 25, 28, 30, 62, 80 Microdontinae 1^ Milesia 14, 16 ornata 97 97 73 virginiensis Milesinao 15, milkweed ^0 Mimicry of Syrphidae 35, 36, 37 agTCSsive 37 protective 49 Mitchella repens 278, 281, 287, 292, 293 Monotropaceae 328 Monotropa uniflora 276, 281 Moraceae 325 Morse, W. C, cited 251 Morus rubra ^'^3 moulting of larvae 24 mouth parts of adults 32 of larvae 18, 20, 21, 27 Muhlcnbei-gia diffusa 289 Musca domc'stica 39, 65 pyrastri 65 455 myiasis of larvae Myiolepta 14, 39, nigra strigilata varipes Neoascia 35, g'lobosa Nephrocerus Narcissus 10, 39, Narcissi Notosolenus nymphal membrane 28, Nympheaceae - Nyssa sylvatica Oak .-' Ocyptamus fuscipennis Odynerus philadelphiae oesophageal framework.. 19, 20, Ohio Academy of Science Ohio Vascular Plants (Index) Okatabaceae Old Man's Cave 253, olfactory pits Oleaceae Onagaraceae onion 10, 39, 47, Ophicglossaceae Ophioglossales Opuntia missouriensis ovanfie Orobanchaceae Orthoneura Orthorrhapha Orchidaceae Osborn, Herbert, cited Osburn, R. C, cited Osmundaceae Osten, Sacken, cited 12, 39, 47, 64, 69 oviposition 16, 44, Oxalidaceae Oxydendron Oxydendrum arboreum Panicum dichotomum latifolium sphaerocarpon 277, Papaveraceae Paragus 14, 22, 39, 40 angustifrons bicolor 15, 27, 50, 53, 54, 63 tibialis 15, 50, 54, 63 Parmelia sp Parnassiaceae Parthenocissus Parthenocissus quinquefolia..269, Passifloraceae 47 64 83 83 83 67 89 14 47 71 30 308 273 73 84 37 26 13 131 239 325 288 32 329 327 74 306 306 68 64 331 39 13 314 11 12 306 , 72 45 317 275 280 280 268 280 316 , 63 82 , 82 , 82 277 316 266 275 319 Passiflora lutea 275 Pelecocera pergandei 88 Pellaea atropurpurea 286 Pemphigus 40, 43, 45 vagabundus 57 Penthorum sedoides 264 Peramium pubescens 269, 291 Peranema 413 Peridei-mium strobi 301 Perkins, cited 64 persimmon 58 Petalomonas 408 Phacus 377 Philhelius 87 Philippi, cited 12 Phlox maculata -.... 264, 267 phoebe 49 Phoridae 13 Phragmites 45, 55, 56 Phrymaceae 333 Phylloxera vastatrix 62 Phylogeny of Syrphidae 14 Phytolaccaceae 320 Phyrma leptostachya 276 phytophagous larvae 23, 25, 38 Pinaceae 308 pine 72 Pinus virginiana 283 Pipunculidae 13 Pinus rigida 281 strobus 301 virginiana 281 Pipiza 14, 15, 39 Pipiza albipilosa 81 calcarata 81 femoralis 62, 81 festiva 81 frandiilenta 81 modesta 81 nigribarba 81 nigripilosa 81 pisticoides 81 pulchella 81 radicum 62, 82 salax 81 Plantaginaceae 333 Plants. Ohio Vascular (Index).. 239 Platanus 266 Plates of Syrphidae 101-123 Platychirus 33, 39 hyperboreus 85 peltatus 15, 85 quadratus 65, 85 scutatus - 65 Platypezidae 13 Fceotia 421 Plusia gamma 40 iota 40 456 Pocota 39, 73 Podophyllum peltatum 275 Polemoniaceae 329 Polycodium staminium 278 Polycolium staminium 280 Polygalaceae 317 Polypodium vulgare 283 Polystichum 292 Populus tremuloides 57 Polygonaceae 320 Polypodiaceae 306 Polypodium vulgare 286, 292 Polysticum achrosticoides 275 Polytricum sp — Pontederiaceae 313 poplar 57, 64, 73 Potentilla canadensis 293, 294 Portulacaceae 320 Potomogetonaceae 308 practical measures 51 predaceous larvae 39 predatism of larvae 42 Primulaceae 328 prolegs - 20 protective coloration 27, 30, 35 protective structures and hab- its 27, 30 Prunus serotina 89 virginiana (serotina) 263 Pseudomyrma 48 Psilota flavipennis 81 Ptenophyta 306 Pterallastes thoracicus 94 ptilinum 13 Pupa of Syrphidae 28 key to 52 puparium 28, 29 rat-tailed 29 Pyrola elliptica 275, 292 Pyrolaceae 328 Queen of the Valley (Sugar Grove) 260 Quercus alba 273 bicolor 263 imbricaria 263 palustris 263 prinus 275, 281 velutina 273, 280, 281 Rainfall, Sugar Grove 257 Ranunculaceae 315 Ranunculus recurvatus 269, 275 sceleratus 264 septentrionalis 264 rat-tailed larvae..l4, 21, 23, 24, 25, 39 Reaumur, cited 44 relations of adults to other animals 48 to other insects 48 to plants 48 respiratory cornua, larval 17, 22, 28 pupal 24, 28, 29, 31 respiratory structures, posterior 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 Rhamnaceae 324 Rhingia 12, 15, 39, 67 nasica 89 Rhododendron maximum 273 Rhus toxicodendron 275 Riley, cited 39, 47, 62, 66, 67 Rock House 253 Rosaceae 321 Rosa 66 virginiana 280 Rondani, cited 12, 63 Rubiaceae 334 Rubus allegheniensis.... 289, 293, 294 procumbens 293, 294 Rudbeckia laciniata 267 Rumex crispus 54, 56, 58, 59 obtusifolius 54 Rutaceae 317 Salix nigra 263, 266 sp 91, 96 Salicaceae 326 Sambucus racemosa 290 Sanicula canadensis 276 Santalaceae 328 Sassafras 275 Saururaceae 321 Saxifragaceae 323 Say, cited 12 Schaffner, J. H., article by 131 cited 303 Scheucherizaceae 308 Schiner, cited 12 Schizoneura lanigera 62, 63 Scholtz, cited 72 Scopoli 12 Scrophulariaceae 330 Scrophularia 39 Scudder, Dr. S. H., cited 15 Sculpturing of egg shell 16 Scytomonas 412 seasonal occurrence 25, 30, 34 segmental spines 18, 20 segmentation of larvae.... 18, 20, 21 Selaginelleae 307 Selaginellaceae 307 Senecio aureus 264, 267 Senogaster comstocki 94 Sericomyia 39 bifasciata 90 borealis 69 chrysotoxoides 90 457 militaris 90 Serville, cited 12 sewage - -■ 25 Sexual characters, secondary.. 61, 66 Sharp, cited 37, 62, 68 Sim, W., cited 69 Simarubaceae - ^■_- :,;. ii Siphonophora avenae 40, 43, 55, bb, b / Skinner, Henry, cited - 73 Smilacaceae - ^^^ '"^r'"^''^.::::::::::'28o,-293:294 foLndifolia 275 278 280 Smith, J. B., cited 18, 22, 48, 49, 57 68 Smith, J. Warren, cited -^ /5b Snow, W. A., cited -- 12, 80 Soil, Sugar Grove... ft^ Soil activity, Sugar Grove ^96 Soil wash ^^i. Solanaceae '^^'j' Solenaspis hyalinus V- Solidago juncea - ^^J nemoralis -- ^ nemorosa - ^ patula ^^^ Somula -^^ Sonchus 39' ^^ Sparganiaceae J"° Specularia perfohata -»^ Spermatophyta Sphaerophoria cylindrica ---^ 28, 43, 50, 59, 67, 88 flavicauda 67 nigricauda °° Sphecomyia 1^ vittata - ll Sphegina 15, 67, 88 campanulata °9 keeniana ^9 lobata °9 rufiventris °" Sphenomonas ^"6 spiders ^6 Spilomyia 39 fusca 37, 97 hamifera 97 longicornis 97 quadrifasciata 97 Spiracles of larvae 17, 19, 20, 22, 71 spurious vein 31, 32 Staphyleaceae 324 St. Fargeau, cited 12 Strobilophyta 308 Sugar Grove Region, Botanical Survey of 248 sycamore 45, 58, 66 Syndesmon thalictroides 275 Synopsis of N. A. Syrphidae 12 Syritta pipiens 15, 72, 94 Syrphidae of Ohio 1 Syrphidae, Bibliography of 99 Key to Genera of 74 Plates 101-123 Syrphinae 14, 15, 35 Syrphini 14 Syrphus 12, 15, 22, 28, 39, 55, 66 americanus 16, 24, 26, 30, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51, 55, 56, 86 arcuatu^i 86 diversipes 86 grossulariae 15, 86 perplexus 86 protritus 86 ribesii 15, 86 torvus 15, 18, 50, 57, 86 xanthostomus 40, 42, 57, 86 swarming 35 Systematic Position of Syrphidae 13 Taxaceae 308 Taxus - 266 Temnostoma alternans 37, 98 bombylans 98 excentrica 98 pictula 98 trifasciata 98 venusta 98 Temperature, Sugar Grove 255 termites 25, 40, 6;^ Tertiary beds, American 15 Teuchccnemis lituratus 93 Thalictrum dioicum 275 The Euglenoidina of Ohio 343 Index 447 thistle 5-^ Thymelaceae 324 Tiarella cordifolia 275, 293 Tilia 266 Tiliaceae 318 Titythymalopsis coroUata 281, 294 Townshend, C. H. T., cited 12, 64 Toxomerus 87 tracheae 17, 28 Trachelomonas 385 Trillium grandiflorum 275, 294 Triodonta 33 curvipes 93 Tropidia 70 calcarata 92 mamillata 92 quadrata 92 Tropidoscyphus 418 Tsuga 266 canadensis 273, 283 Typhaceae 308 458 Ulex 66 Ulmaceae 325 Ulmus sp 60 americana 263 Unifolium canadense 269, 287, 297 Urceolus 414 Urticaceae 325 Vacciniaceae 329 Vaccinium vacillans 278, 280, 299 Vagnera raecmosa 275 Valerianaceae 335 Vascular Plants, Ohio (Index). ... 239 Verbascum thapsus 289 Verbenaceae 332 Verhoeff, cited -.. 17 Verrall, cited 12, 13, 15, 38, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 Vespa 40, 48 crabro 62, 68 diabolica 37 germanica 68 maculata 37 vestitm-e of adults 49 of larvae 23 Viburnum acerifolium.... 269, 274, 280 Viola blanda 269, 275 canadensis 275 hirsutula 299 palmata 275 pubescens 275 rostrata 275 Violaceae 318 Vitaceae 324 Vitis bicolor 280 Volucella 12, 16, 28, 37, 38, 39, 40, 47, 49 avida 68 bombylans 68 evecta 37, 89 fasciata 68, 90 pellucens 68 vesiculosa 90 Volucellinae 15 Walker, cited 12 Walton, L. B., article by 343 wasps 25, 40 Webster, F. M., cited 63 Weidemann, cited 12 Westwood, cited 72 Wheeler, W. M., cited 11, 17, 21, 27, 28, 40, 47, 49, 62 Williston, S. W., cited 12, 14, 15, 33, 34, 38 willow 34 black 55 wing-pads 31 Woodsia illevensis 286 XanthogTamma 39 aequalis 87 emarginata 66, 87 felix 87 flavipes 87 Xylota 28, 35, 39, 64 bicolor 94 curvipes 94 elongata 95 flavitibia 94 fraudulosa 95 marginalis 95 pigra '72, 95 Xyridaceae 313 Yerbury, cited 66 459 Bulletins Ohio Biological Survey I. Outline of Biological Survey Plan Syrphidae of Ohio by C. L. Metcalf - - - $ .50 II. Catalog of Ohio Vascular Plants by John H. Schaffner .50 III. Botanical Survey of the Sugar Grove Region by R. F. Griggs .50 IV. The Euglenoidina of Ohio byL. B.Walton -----.-.-- .50 ',Yi'i-i.fr-T: ft mr^i ■■A