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G. - - - - - - Price 60 cents LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Bureav or American ErHnowocy, Washington, D. C., July 10, 1936. Str: I have the honor to submit the accompanying manuscript, entitled “Journal of Rudolph Friederich Kurz”, edited by J. N. B. Hewitt, and to recommend that it be published as a bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Very respectfully yours, M. W. Sriruinea, Chief. Dr. C. G. Axsor, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Tit < Pe) Aa ‘ “ay sa a4 ‘ iv yy a rite Ad id ’ uf ' 4 a pea! * y "Py Mnegyhe N i JEVOMEKAAT. We ABTIMI LR SNe me oa Re Gwasy “ wea ret w led ae « . toogimmaret eamabinck ur wage an : y “R08 shi Ahan RL, aotQeldeo | ; Ppt “yrs TM MONE ont Tadde” od fortoud afl ie i Mt Brine A xt a dowobeish dqtobudl to. fort oe Somes Sa crn ay a6 Dolefidued od Me tes bucsannet ot hal i egoloudt Tiaie th oy a ies . . sir wil 4 : ate a i AND Gece WW A aye wet aie measeianoeerie ai) wy i ' CONTENTS OTC WOT Ope ee ed ee, 2 de Oe eee Zournalsotkucolphy Mriederich) Kourzes! == 2s) soo ee ee eee PASTNIVOTI Clare atte Se Sh ee Remarks concerning my language exercises eee ee EE EE EEE SE a] Puyo) tops ‘a ERT AOD error ee lad ae (rine ene ‘ vats be yl pele? sce erm FOREWORD The accompanying narrative Journal of the noted Swiss artist, Rudolph Friederich Kurz, of Bern, Switzerland, was recorded in the German language during the years from 1846 to 1852, which the author spent at the western trading posts of the great fur companies on the Mississippi and the upper Missouri Rivers, from New Orleans to St. Louis and Fort Union. Through the interest of Mr. David I. Bushnell, Jr., a typed copy of the Journal in the German language, and a script and a typed translation of it into English by Myrtis Jarrell,} are now in the archives of the Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian In- stitution, Washington, D. C. The typed German text consists of 455 pages (inclusive of three supplements), large legal cap in size; the English translation of 780 pages of ordinary typewriter size (including the appendices). The original German manuscript of this interesting Journal is now in the Historical Museum in Bern, Switzerland. Rudolph Friederich Kurz was born in Bern, Switzerland, about January 8, 1818, and he died there in 1871. From his Journal it is learned that he had two brothers, Louis and Gustav. Through the courtesy of the staff of the Legation of Switzerland in Washington, D. C., the following biographical note concerning Mr. Kurz has become available for use here—namely, from “Dictionnaire historique et biographique de la Suisse”, to wit: “Kurz, Rudolph Friederich, 1818-1871, peintre anamalier et pay- sagiste, vécut quatre ans chez les Indiens du Miscissippi supérieur}; maitre de dessin 4 l’école cantonale de Berne 1855-1871; membre fondateur et premier directeur de l’école dart. Références: Sammlung bernischer Biographien, volume I; Dictionnaire des artistes suisses; E. Kurz: Aus den Tagebucheren des Malers F. Kurz; Volumes d’esquisses au Musée historique de Berne.” 1 TRANSLATOR’S NOTE.—Owing, no doubt, to omissions in the copy of the Kurz manu- script, references in the manuscript proper to certain additions in the supplements have no corresponding references on the pages of the latter, so I was unable, in every instance, to verify the references in the manuscript. vi VIit FOREWORD From evidence which the Journal itself supplies it appears that at least portions of it were recast and rewritten as late as the year 1856, so that his comments on events and persons of the period covered by the manuscript express his own matured opinions and observations. Mr. Kurz witnessed a number of historically important events in the valley of the Mississippi River. While in this great western region he learned much of the final westward migration of the Mormon people resulting from the bitter hostility of the white peo- ple with whom the Mormons came in contact. He likewise witnessed the great rush westward of the money-mad to California after the reported discovery of gold there. His com- ments on these events are sometimes rather caustic, but they appear to be based on his own observations. Mr. Kurz is especially critical in his remarks on the causes and the conduct of the Mexican War, which had broken out just before he reached this country. Mr. Kurz lived at several of the great trading posts of the fur companies on the Missouri River, being occupied at times as a clerk, especially at Forts Berthold and Union, and so came into direct contact with the daily lives of the Indians, of the carefree traders, and of the officers of these trading posts. It was this intimacy with the private lives of these several classes of people which supplied him with the data he so interestingly in- corporated in his narrative, since he witnessed conditions which have long ago passed into oblivion along with the buffalo. At all times he evinced a deep sympathy for the Indians in their struggle against the destructive encroachments of the white man, and so he willingly excused the Indians for their foibles. Mr. Kurz indulged in severe criticism of Mr. George Catlin, the artist, even charging that Catlin did not hesitate to victimize “Uncle Sam” in the sale of his paintings. Mr. Kurz, in explaining his presence in America, writes in his Journal: “From my earliest youth primeval forest and Indians had an indescribable charm for me.” He continues: “Man’s habitations spread over the whole earth; there are churches and schoolhouses without number; yet where are men found dwelling together in unity? Where does sober living prevail, or contentment? I longed for unknown lands, where no demands of citizenship would involve me in the vortex of political agitations.” Continuing, he remarks: “Twelve long years I spent in preparation for my professional tour.” Such considerations, among others, moved Rudolph Friederich Kurz to leave his homeland to seek in an unknown country for the attainment of his ideals. So, Mr. Kurz sailed from Havre on the Tallahassee, commanded by Captain Hoddard. His objective was Mexico, although he knew FOREWORD Ix that war had broken out between that country and the United States. Notwithstanding this information, he kept on to New Orleans, under the impression that Mexico would submit as soon as General Taylor crossed the disputed boundary, the Rio Grande. But upon his arrival in New Orleans on December 24, 1846, he learned that, according to the plans of President Polk, the war was to continue. This knowledge caused Mr. Kurz to change the field of his proposed operations. So, on January 1, 1847, he embarked from the city of New Orleans on board the steamer Amaranth for St. Louis, which place he reached January 17. The editor has not felt it incumbent upon him to make any mate- rial change in the text of the Journal, except to make the spellings of tribal names in it conform to the standard of orthography adopted in the Handbook of American Indians, Bulletin 30 of the Bureau of American Ethnology. He has, however, in one or two places expunged passages reporting mere hearsay which might be held to be obnoxious to certain bodies of people. In all other respects the Journal has been left in the language of the translator, Myrtis Jarrell. J. N. B. Hewrirr. bas cits aa pen iy { Teer) WIG M IOS iy yh Woke & & : ae a ri hao A> aie . Sie nf ars ‘ ea hake Pete Pa, ee Ee $s sea tas! © Py | JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ AN ACCOUNT OF HIS EXPERIENCES AMONG FUR TRADERS AND AMERICAN INDIANS ON THE MISSISSIPPI AND THE UPPER MISSOURI RIVERS, DURING THE YEARS 1846 TO 1852 TRANSLATED BY Myrtis JARRELL Epirep sy J. N. B. Hewrrr I remained an entire week in New Orleans to recover from sea- sickness, to make drawings of scenes in the native forests nearby, and, in the meantime, to determine upon definite future plans. On Christmas day I set foot for the first time in the American forest primeval. As it was winter, I could not expect luxuriant vegetation such as one finds in the warm seasons, but, I must say, the extensive cypress swamps and brakes behind the city toward Lake Pontchartrain were totally different from anything I had ever seen before. As that region is marsh, cypress and water oak are found there almost exclusively, and denuded of foliage at that season, their only adornment was festoons of Spanish moss. The climber I saw most frequently was the blackberry. On the ground I found odd outgrowths from the cypress roots concerning the origin of which, according to what I read afterwards in William Bartram’s “Journey Through Louisiana”, I had a mistaken idea. Botanists there call those formations cypress knees. To me they seemed to be cypress stems broken off and worn away by rain or by the action of water during the frequent floods. From my earliest youth primeval forest and Indians had an in- describable charm for me. In spare hours I read only those books that included descriptions and adventures of the new world; even my own beautiful homeland pleased me best in its records of primi- tive times, when sturdy shepherds and huntsmen, with their noble forms unconcealed—like the “woodmen” in heraldry or the Germans of Tacitus—roamed freely in the virgin woods where dwelt the aurochs and the stag, the bison and the gazelle, the wild boar and the unicorn, the chamois and, what is more, the dragon. Now primeval forests exist only in inaccessible mountain fastnesses; cultivation ex- 1 2 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 tends even to the snow-capped peaks. Man’s habitations spread over the whole earth; there are churches and schoolhouses without num- ber; yet where are men found dwelling together in unity? Where does sober living prevail? Or contentment? I longed for unknown lands, where no demands of citizenship would involve me in the vortex of political agitations. I longed for the quietude of imme- morial woods where no paupers mar one’s delight in beauty, where neither climate, false modesty, nor fashion compels concealment of the noblest form in God’s creation; where there is neither overlord- ship of the bourgeois nor the selfishness of the rich who treasure their wealth in splendid idleness, while the fine arts languish. When I was allowed to devote myself to painting, those longings became all the more intense for the reason that, from the moment I determined to become an artist, my life purpose was fixed: I would devote my talents to the portrayal of the aboriginal forests, the wild animals that inhabited them, and to the Indians. From that mo- ment I had an ideal—a definite purpose in life to the attainment of which I might dedicate all my powers. To depict with my brush the romantic life of the American Indian seemed to me a subject worthy of the manifold studies I was to undertake. In fact, the comprehensiveness of the plan proved my greatest difficulty, because, in the study of art, landscape and animals require each a special training that is only little less important than that demanded for the representation of human beings. Many years would be required of me, if I was to attain to mastery in a single one of these subjects. Nevertheless, my enthusiasm for art, my perseverance and untiring patience—self-will, as this trait is often named—gave me fair hopes of realizing my aims. I spent 12 years in preparation for my professional tour. Dur- ing that time I had wavered between this country and that in trying to make up my mind which would be the best field for my work. It was not merely a question as to which zone afforded the most luxuriant landscape and the greatest variety of wild animals, but, above all else, which country afforded, also, the most perfect type of primitive man; for, as my studies progressed, my ideals became more exacting, my aims more lofty: I aspired to attain to the excel- lence of antique art—yes, still more, to equal Raphael’s master works. Accordingly, it was no longer my purpose to portray the Indian | as an end in itself but to employ that type as a living model in the portrayal of the antique. Baron Alexander von Humboldt, whom | I had the honor to meet in Paris in 1839, recommended Mexico as the country above all others that would serve my purpose best. — The lofty cordilleras, the luxuriant vegetation of the tropics, the Comanche Indians, the buffalo, etc., were all there together—un- KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 3 surpassed in any other geographical zone. In Brazil and in Suri- nam, it is true, vegetation was much more abundant, but, on the other hand, the wild animals were less varied in kind and the In- dians not so finely formed. Furthermore, the North American In- dian, inasmuch as he has to exert himself to a greater degree for his livelihood, has far more intelligence and energy than his southern brother. In 1839 I decided in favor of Mexico and, so eager was my desire for travel, I would have set out thither at once had not my friend Karl Bodmer restrained me with his good advice. He wisely urged me not to be in too great haste, but first to become so practiced in the drawing of natural objects and in the true representation of animals and of mankind that the matter of technique would no longer offer the least difficulty. Then I should be able to discern quickly the natural characteristics peculiar to the region in question and to portray the forms with facility and ease. It is an undoubted fact that, when one has to labor painfully with drawing, perspective, and the combining of colors while sketching or painting an object or scene, life and action suffer thereby. One must have a practiced hand and an experienced eye to be able to indicate with a few swift strokes the preeminent characteristics of an object, which he can keep in mind upon painting the same or else recover always with ease. The ability merely to make sketches would not avail me. I must devote myself to prolonged study in art. Now, with regard to the contents of my journal: No scientific de- scriptions of natural life, as studies of mine, will be found therein. That work has been admirably done by recognized scientists such as Audubon, Prince Neu Wied, and others. My pictorial representations are more complete, more accurate in so far as the animals are por- trayed together with the terrain that offers the best setting for them, and the Indians are represented not only in their ceremonial garb but also in the dress of everyday life. An artist depicts but one moment of an action, though there may be many more ideas as well as descriptions of habits and customs that, while not suitable to his purpose, are interesting and justify an account of the whole action. On the other hand, the pictorial delineation is supposed to be a clearer, more complete picture than the most perfect description in words. My chief task in this work was to give from my own observation a sincere portrayal of the American Indian in his romantic mode of life, a true representation of the larger fur-bearing animals and of the native forests and prairies. The pictures are intended to be true to nature but chosen from the standpoint of the picturesque and de- picted in an aesthetic manner. They are intended to satisfy natural- 4 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 ists as well as artists, to broaden the knowledge of the layman and serve at the same time to cultivate his taste. 1846 In the autumn of 1846 I believed myself sufficiently prepared to attain success in my life work; longer delay seemed unnecessary. Because of the political unrest at that time, I left Bern without regret. I went direct to Havre—Paris I knew already from a 3 years’ stay there some time earlier—and engaged passage on the Tallahassee, of which boat Captain Hoddard was in charge. The voyage was, on the whole, favorable. I suffered the entire time from seasickness, but for that I was prepared. What I found most un- pleasant was the motley crowd of emigrants I was obliged to mingle with for such a long time. The revolting scenes I, among others, was forced to look upon turns my stomach even now. In spite of the fact that war had just been declared between the United States and Mexico, I pressed on to New Orleans with the expectation that Mexico would surrender as soon as General Taylor had taken pos- session of the boundary in dispute, i. e., the Rio Grande. Upon my arrival in New Orleans on December 24, however, it was perfectly manifest that, according to Polk’s plans, the war would continue. In the meantime there was no prospect whatsoever of comfortably sketching scenes in the war zone. I should have been obliged to enlist with the forces of one country or the other; either enter the ranks or take the risk of being treated as a spy by both of them. My sympathies were not sufficiently enlisted either for Mexico or Uncle Sam to jeopardize my life, when my purpose in going to Mexico could be only halfway accomplished. I was much inclined to go to Texas and remain there until the war was over. I was strongly advised against that plan, however, by my friend, L. V., on account of the great number of lawless ne’er-do- wells who made that part of the country unsafe. Moreover, Texas was within the theater of war. Though the country surrounding New Orleans interested me with its cypress woodlands, Spanish moss, and low fan palms, the sudden and extreme variations in tem- perature were, I thought, not at all conducive to health. That which displeased me, however, was the public sale of slaves. These trans- actions made the city so distasteful that I would not even consider spending the winter there in the interest of my art. I was urged on to other scenes; first, to St. Louis; from there, the way lay open before me along the Santa Fé trail across the prairies to Mexico, by way of Fort Laramie to California, or up the Missouri to the Sioux, Crows, etc., or, last of all, up the Mississippi River to the Chip- pewa or the Winnebago. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 5) 1847 So, on New Year’s Day, 1847, I left the city of New Orleans on board the Amaranth for a voyage up the Mississippi to St. Louis. I found many German immigrants below and, among them, several of my earlier fellow-passengers. One of them tarried too long mak- ing purchases in Memphis and his family was compelled to leave for St. Louis without him. The consternation of the latter can be imagined; the man had all the money with him. Did they ever find one another again, I wonder? From day to day the weather grew colder and the landscape more wintry. Cypresses, orange trees, and Spanish moss became more and more rare. The muddy stream below Cairo, at the mouth of the Ohio, is so wide and the banks, for the most part, so flat, that I could see from the boat little that was picturesque. The days were short. On deck the sharp wind was so cold that one felt quite content to sit, with an interesting book, beside the iron stove in the cabin, A. Murray’s Prairie Bird afforded me some very pleasant hours. There were not many passengers; that time of year was the least favorable for travel. Above Cairo we found a snow-covered landscape and the river partly frozen. The only navigable water was in midstream—in a channel, as it were, that became continually more difficult on account of the drifting ice that kept up a constant din, rubbing against the sides of the keel, plunging defiantly among the paddle wheels, then reappearing, bobbing and bouncing out of the eddies. On January 12, a night of Egyptian darkness, we lay to at Devil’s Hole to get some firewood. Next morning drifting ice was so thick about the boat that we found it impossible to work our way out. We were frozen in. All our efforts to break the ice with hand- spikes and turn the boat were equally as futile as our attempt to agi- tate the water by ceaseless working of the rudder. Fine prospect! Nothing but the swelling of the waters or a thaw could help us out of the dilemma. The captain took advantage of the circumstances to “rope us in.” He gave us only two scant meals a day for which he charged us a dollar extra. It was no fault of his, he said, that we were fast bound in ice; superior force was denied him.’ The only dwelling in our neighborhood was on the farm of a woodcutter whose supplies, for a number of people icebound for an indefinite time, were reckoned to be as meager as those of the ship’s company; conse- quently, we had to submit. This was all the more severe on us be- cause of the time of year: in winter one has a keener appetite; fur- thermore, several meals a day make the time seem less long and 1Travel by steamboat in America is usually very reasonable, comfortable, and satis- factory. The fare is, on an average, one dollar per 100 miles with bed, 3 good meals a day, and, as a rule, luggage free. 6 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 wearisome. As for me, I was bent on adventure of any kind what- soever, so I attempted to beguile the time by taking a turn in the forest, knee deep in snow. But I was annoyed by the extra expense: my purse could not hold out as long as my courage and endurance. Depletions of the purse are not to be disregarded; hence, I found that outing a most vexatious adventure. To make matters worse, the river fell, and in consequence we were, for the first few days, aground. No exertion on the part of the crew could avail anything. Meanwhile, I made my first acquain- tance with the American log cabin and the backwoodsman. The fellow chewed tobacco incessantly, spitting his brown juice right and left. The mother smoked a pipe as she swayed back and forth in a rocking chair, a piece of furniture as indispensable, it seems, as a bed. The log house is built usually with only one room; the huge fireplace serves for kitchen. The entire family and their guests sleep in that room; its only vestige of ornamentation was found in pieced-together bed coverings called quilts. There is no trace of running water, vegetable gardens, flower gardens, or orchards, and, as compared with ours, the same might be said of their stables and granaries. The people themselves were most friendly and seemed to be contented with their lot, because they were easily satisfied. As to their appearance, they did not look healthy. Even the native- born Americans are not exempt from fever. ‘The freshly broken forest land is by no means salutary for any one. The backwoods- man, therefore, is wont to be a tall, gaunt man with hollow chest and pale, almost ashen, complexion. The food of these people consists, three times a day, of black coffee with a bit of brown sugar, fried ham and hominy (boiled maize), corn bread, and molasses. ‘The children are very fond of crumbling their corn bread in warm ham gravy. Although they possessed cows and chickens, milk and eggs were a rarity in winter. The backwoodsman seemed not to have the least idea of stall feed- ing; it was far too much trouble for him to arrange, particularly in the depths of the forest. Furthermore, he cared too little about cattle to put himself to the inconvenience of giving them the neces- sary attention; consequently, the poor beasts presented, in winter, a sorry sight, shocking to a native of Switzerland. At a zigzag fence that enclosed the house lot the cows had to stand exposed to the wind, snow, and rain. With shoulders and hoofs thrust forward and their gaunt backs covered with a crust of snow, half-starved, benumbed with cold, their only possible comfort the smell of corn nearby, they seemed to me the embodiment of misery. The horses were protected during severe weather for the reason that the back- woodsman’s wife was especially fond of horseback riding. ‘“Visit- ing”—that is, riding around to visit the neighbors—is for the KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 7 farmer’s wife what “shopping” is for the city woman. As excuse for this negligence toward his poor cattle the farmer declared that the beasts were better adapted to the out-of-doors than to stall feeding and, accordingly, Nature had provided especially for them; there was forage enough under the snow. With regard to wild cattle that is, in a way, true, but not when it is a question of domestic animals. Every beast loses in instinct in proportion to what it gains by training. The farmer gave a peck of corn more to a cow with a young calf (also, to a sow with a litter of pigs), so that the animals would not stray too far. He accustomed the cow to stay near the house, where she longingly and with bovine patience looked forward to having the corn, that she constantly smelled in the nearby corncrib, at last between her teeth. If she preferred to be independent and wander around for food, not appearing again in the evening, then the farmer went after her and brought her back with a whip and many a “hulloa” and “damn.” If this treatment of cattle were confined to the backwoodsman only, it might be explained, for he cannot grow hay in the forest and has to feed his cattle on corn, But the same thing is true in the West: one rarely sees even a well-to-do farmer there who cuts winter forage, and not even then unless he lives near cities or towns, where he can sell the hay at a good price. After 6 long days and what seemed still longer winter nights, the river rose and burst the ice layer. We were delighted to hear the sounds of its cracking and splitting. But, after all, it was only in midstream that the ice had broken up. In order to open a way for us into that channel, the captain had two sailors put his small boat on the ice crust at right angles to the bow, then had four other sailors (hands) cut an opening for the boat with axes and pull it lengthwise, back and forth, against the ice in an effort to break through. He had the same experiment tried at the keel. Soon we had the satisfaction of seeing the thick crust of ice cut away and an opening made for us into the navigable water. Still the bow of the Amaranth had to be raised and the steamer had to be turned around. Even the passengers joyfully lent a hand to turn the capstan and to shove the boat forward. Floating ice greatly hindered our sailing and also damaged the boat by its constant bobbing and bouncing against the keel and beating against the paddle wheels. We were often obliged to stop altogether for fear that the largest of the ice blocks might shatter the blades. That continual friction of the ice against the boat caused an incessant noise like the beating of grain on a threshing floor. What interested me particularly was the sailing trim of American steamers. For inland voyages they are exceedingly well arranged both for comfort and for practical use. In contrast with ocean 81634—37——2 8 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 steamers, they are built very broad and flat beneath the keel, in order that they may be heavily loaded with all sorts of goods and com- modities without sinking the vessel too deeply into the water. The entire space in the hold between the capstan and the boilers is con- structed to accommodate an inconceivable cargo of different sorts of wares that, oftentimes, overflows to the lower and to the upper (hur- ricane) decks, both of which are reserved for such uses. The inter- vening or saloon deck is given up wholly to passengers: about three- fourths of its length in the forepart of the boat is called the gentle- men’s cabin, but serves also for the dining saloon; in the rear— farthest removed from the boilers, and regarded, therefore, as the safest quarters—is the ladies’ cabin. The latter is usually fitted up more luxuriously than the men’s cabin, from which it is shut off by glass doors. Only those gentlemen who are acquaintances or friends of the ladies on board have entree to their cabin. This custom of separating the two sexes in that way impresses a foreigner unpleasantly and also exerts an influence upon men’s manners that is distinctly disadvantageous. Not allowed to shorten the long hours of a voyage in agreeable intercourse with ladies, to be enlivened by their charming company and refining influence, the men, restricted to their own devices for amusement, spend the time playing cards, drinking, chewing tobacco, smoking, talking politics, or they resort to the idle employment of whittling. Whether this custom has been established by Americans precisely for the purpose of being able to follow undisturbed those passions and practices I have mentioned or whether the highly cultivated American ladies feel that they can not run the risk of attempting to elevate the stronger but less refined sex without suffering some harm to them- selves, I cannot decide. As a drawing of one of these steamboats will be given later, I omit any detailed description. The jovial Negroes on the planta- tions afforded us much amusement. New Year’s week the Negroes spend as a holiday, and such a round they have of visiting, exchange of gifts, drinking, fiddling, and dancing! It is a pleasure to observe them. When I witnessed their merriment and drollery in servitude, I could not help thinking them a fortunate people. On the morning of January 17 we could see through the clear cold atmosphere the tower and courthouse in St. Louis. How different the feeling with which a traveler approaches an unknown city where he has but a passing interest, from that emotion which one experiences when setting out to seek one’s fortune. St. Louis appealed to me. I found the city much larger than I had expected. I made a number of pleasant acquaintances among people from my own country. As artist, I had no chance at all KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 9 there: daguerreotypists completely crowded out portrait painters; lithographers needed only printers—no draughtsmen; to get a posi- tion as instructor in a girl’s school I had to be a married man; to be employed in a boy’s school I had to be a Romanist. On the other hand, as house painter I might have met with success. But I grew dizzy at the thought of hanging high up on houses and steamboats, either bronzed by the sun or rocked by the wind. If I had been willing to settle down in St. Louis I might have been able to make a good income as decorator. But Indians—I had already seen several—appealed to me much more than business affairs. I found out soon enough that I was far too visionary, too unpractical to succeed in that new land as a businessman, however well equipped I might otherwise be in the knowledge of languages as well as in other acquirements. I was lacking, moreover, in those qualities that fit a man for the sedentary life. My desire was now to travel and to contemplate the deep woods, to study the buffalo and the red man. Two oppor- tunities were offered me: a campaign in Mexico; a position with a firm of furriers. On the one hand, the attraction of the cordilleras was very great, but I could not make up my mind to fight the Mexicans who had done me no injury or to defend a country that was waging the war without just cause—plainly for conquest only.? Besides, I could have accomplished, under those circumstances, only a few sketches. I could not have done my work thoroughly or com- pletely. My other chance was to go as clerk with a fur trader, some time during the summer after the melting of the snow had opened the upper Mississippi to navigation. Meanwhile, the forests on the Cahokia, opposite St. Louis, began to burgeon. I forgot everything else in my wonder at the loveliness of that display. Dur- ing the following summer my resolution to devote myself exclusively to the study of the native forests was unalterably fixed. ?At that time there were 10 regiments of volunteers in the United States. Any man who aspired to be an officer put up a notice at his recruiting office, where men could be enrolled for his company. When he got together a dozen volunteers, he had them march daily through the streets, making great noise with fife and drum to arouse enthusiasm and beat up recruits. If this future captain (who, by the way, had hardly held a gun in his hand so far as military training was concerned) could bring together from 70 to 80 men, he reported them with his muster roll to the Secretary of War in Washington. He had no fear of being refused his brevet as captain, for, whether the would-be officer were or were not qualified for the command, he had the number of men required for his company. Ags these aspirants for commissions were compelled to have funds for recruit- ing purposes, acquaintances usually stood together, advanced the sum necessary, and distributed the commissions among themselves. For the higher commissions one was obliged to have “protection.” In this country that means no more than being a political demagogue. As a matter of course, only Democrats received the higher commands. It is a question whether such lawyers, newspaper men, and counting-house clerks would become good soldiers at once; for instance, one of the generals ordered an earthwork thrown up in front of a trench! While it is perfectly true that American yolunteers make up for lack of training in their dash and bravery, one wondered what sort of Mexican army was going to be defeated by such soldiers. 10 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [puun. 115 On February 15 I had a chance to see a parade (a turn-out show) in St. Louis to celebrate the eighty-third anniversary of the founding of the city. Government officials, the oldest inhabitants, Free Masons, Odd Fellows, school children, firemen with their brilliant fire engines, hunters in the dress of mountaineers, and militia—all marching in procession with different bands of musicians. Another thing I must not neglect to mention was a model of the first steam- boat that appeared at St. Louis (General Pike, 1817) which was carried on the shoulders of sailors. In the evening there were bon- fires in the streets, “transparents”, sky rockets, enthusiastic speeches, much eating and drinking. On March 24 Mr. Alfred Michel invited me to go with him on a business trip to Nauvoo. Upon mentioning his highly respected name I cannot do otherwise than express my gratitude, also, for his many kindnesses to me. We went up the Mississippi on the “crack” boat Zempest to Keokuk, a small town near the lower rapids, and made a detour by land to Montrose, where we found picturesque groups of native settlers encamped at Des Moines. A skiff took us across to Nauvoo. The temple there could be seen at a. considerable distance. Nauvoo is well known as the scene of the struggle between the Mormons and the Suckers (inhabitants of the State of Illinois), when each contestant, in gallant self-defense, was forced to give up houses, improved lands, and, so far as the former is concerned, even the State itself. They went from there to the upper Missouri in the State of Iowa, where they founded the flourishing city of Kanesville. That place is now their rallying point before they wander on to Salt Lake in what has since become the State of Utah. Much has been written already concerning the cause of the con- flict but the accounts are, as a rule, partisan. The Mormons were first driven out of Jackson County in Missouri because they, as Democrats and aliens, were set upon by the Whigs and natives and maligned with all the rancor of political ill will. Nowhere in the world are such attacks the practice in politics as in North America; in no other country is a political opponent ex- posed to such venom, to such base methods as in the United States. The Whigs had, at first, the upper hand in Jackson County but they were put in the minority by the Mormons. Any one who is ac- quainted with the violent political practices of Americans knows that in no election—that of President no more than that of a dis- | trict official—are personalities respected or lies or absurdities dis- regarded. Knowing this, he can fully understand how little basis of truth there was for the Whigs’ accusations. And to what means | the people in Missouri resorted in order to expel the Mormons! | KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 1 The militia marched upon them; the general, to avoid a clash, assured the Mormon leaders upon his word of honor that, if they would surrender arms until they had crossed the border, they would be allowed to withdraw in peace. They accepted General Greene’s terms honorably, and never saw their weapons again. Whether Joe Smith, the first Mormon prophet, actually found the Golden Tablets containing the history of the lost tribes of Israel or whether, as is said, he indulges in spiritual hallucinations is, in the abstract, of no significance; for the Book of Mormon con- tains only an account of the sufferings, endless wanderings, and battles of the lost tribes somewhat in the style of the Book of Kings and the Book of Judges in the Old Testament. It includes no articles of belief. The book may be regarded as harmless in itself; it merely proves, so it is said, that the North American Indians are descended from the Jews. Neither the teaching nor the practices of the Mormons that are held to be, for the most part, obnoxious, were cited in the objec- tions raised against the sect until their adherents increased to such degree that the “Elders” assumed too much importance. The leaders in the church, by an improper use of appearances, bring their fol- lowers into discredit. The laity also have several wives, though they do not often happen to mention the fact. This abomination they attempt to justify by reference to the Scriptural teaching: God gave Hagar to Abraham because Sarah was barren. Interpre- tations of Holy Writ so absurd as that bring Christianity to scorn. That the Omniscient One should bestow Hagar upon Abraham, in order to preserve his race, when He knew that, later on, a child would be born to Sarah in her eightieth year! Besides, the Bible denies to no man the right to possess more than one wife; and, moreover, polygamy is said to be customary among the North American Indians. There is still another reproach brought against the elders, namely, they are said to defraud well-to-do members of their wealth by exacting loans and tithes under all sorts of pretenses for the good of the church. This may be true in certain instances but I met so many Mormons in good circumstances that I did not believe the elders guilty, in this respect, of abusing their power. I was even less inclined to believe that report for the reason that in making proselytes material prosperity is regarded as the principal appeal rather than different opinions in matters of faith. Generally speaking, the Mormons are honest and industrious. Of this, their enterprises in Nauvoo, their rapid progress in the wilder- ness, are striking examples. Their temple at Nauvoo (since de- stroyed by fire) is the only building in the United States showing 12 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 originality in design and construction. All others are either imita- tions of the Gothic and rococo styles or, oftentimes, an extraordinary combination of both. This Mormon temple proves what an indus- trious people can accomplish in a short time by uniting their forces. It was a structure in quadrangular form built of solid limestone. At the western end the entrance admitted to a lofty vestibule over which rose a small tower. There was very little ornamentation; only a sort of decoration, about 6 feet from the floor and extending all the way round, that reminded me of runic inscriptions. Unfor- tunately, I have lost my sketch of that building. On the ground floor there was a large stone basin drawn by 12 life-size oxen carved in stone. In that basin repentant sinners, male and female, bathed naked in the presence of the prophet and thereby washed away their sins. I was not an eyewitness. Those tales were told by people who had lived as good neighbors to the Mormons in Nauvoo. It seemed to me, however, that women and girls who would permit improper advances in the church could not prevent the same sort of liberties outside the church; consequently, they would be branded by public opinion as dissolute. Such is not the case. The only reproach that can be brought against them is that they seemed overfond of dress, in the selection of which they did not always show good taste. In Savannah, later on, I often listened to one of the Mormon preachers by whom I was really edified. I enjoyed, especially, too, the singing of the choir. When they met together for choir practice one evening in every week, I found real pleasure in hearing them sing. What made this particularly enjoyable was the fact that in the western part of the United States choir music was so seldom heard. What- ever singing one hears in the West is usually among the negroes. The American, who is not of a musical temperament as are the French and Germans, rarely devotes his vocal powers to anything more than psalms, unless he should indulge in light or ribald songs. In Savannah there lived also a Mormon named Rains, who was a farmer. He had two wives, each living in her own house but both on the same farm. He was twice summoned before the court at Savannah on a charge of bigamy. As his wives did not appear against him, however, and as no one else could prove that he had the second woman for wife, therefore could not testify to the fact on oath, he had to be released both times, notwithstanding that every- body was convinced of his guilt. Under such circumstances one is led to doubt the honesty of the jury. In the first place, when Rains was accused of bigamy but was not committed, the jury dared not pronounce him guilty, even though he could have been committed, at least, on the charge of adultery. He might have been brought KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 13 before the court a second time for his immorality but no one would trust himself to do that, because the wording of the charge was not “adultery” but “bigamy.” Furthermore, according to American law, the offence must be affirmed on the oath of an eyewitness. Now, there were people who had sufficient evidence against Rains but would not make use of what they knew, for the reason that, on farms, such loose living was allowed and known as “bundling.” * A similar case came up later in St. Louis in the summer of 1852. I was pres- ent in the courthouse at that most remarkable trial. A certain man named Johnson was accused of incest. The witnesses were able to testify on oath to all possible proof but, since they were not eyewitnesses to his acts, he was acquitted. Americans can’t do such a thing—Oh, no! Another important undertaking on the part of the Mormons, which was interrupted by their exodus, was the projected 6 miles of rail- way from Nauvoo to Warsaw to avoid the rapids. Through the Mississippi River there extends a ledge, all the way from Keokuk to Warsaw, that leaves only from 3 to 4 feet of navigable water; at low water navigation is impossible. Even small steamers with a draft of more than 3 feet are forced, therefore, to make use of so- called “lighters”, i. e., they unload their commodities in barks which they tow up to Montrose and then, having passed the rapids, load their boats again at Keokuk. This condition of things is a great hindrance to navigation; consequently, for the sake of improving facilities for transportation and at the same time of having the work done to their own advantage, i. e., on their side of the river (the eastern or left side), the Mormons decided to construct a short rail- way line from Warsaw to Nauvoo. The present plan for a canal would cost more but would, at least, dispense with the trouble of unloading the boats. The Suckers acted in a manner equally dishonorable toward Joe Smith as did the militia general in Missouri. The Mormons in Nauvoo were accused of violating the law; for example, they were charged with certain practices concerning mar- riage, civil rights, etc., that were not in accord with the laws of the State of Illinois. Joe Smith offered to appear before the court and defend both this teaching and his practices. Though the governor sent him a company of rangers for bodyguard, the prophet was nevertheless set upon by the mob and murdered in his bed. We journeyed back to St. Louis on the Zaclede. That steamer and the Tempest were at that time the fastest and best-equipped boats on the Upper Mississippi. Service, meals, rate of speed, left nothing * Not an unusual custom of the times in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. 14 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 to be desired. To travel on such steamers is a real delight: One has all the comforts of good food and lodging, swift motion, tranquillity, conversation, and scenery for a reasonable price (on an average of $2 per 100 miles). April: By this time the trees were in full burgeon everywhere but not yet in their perfection. So far I had had to satisfy myself with studying the bark and trunk of the different varieties of trees and the stems of vines and parasitic plants. The result was that the latter proved so interesting that they put the trees out of my mind almost altogether. That forest in Lllinois, opposite St. Louis, surpassed in luxuriant vegetation, diversity in plant groups, and in its great variety of trees all other woodlands I have ever seen. Along the banks of the quiet little Cahokia River, every step of the way, I found a constant variation of picturesque woodland scenes: Oaks, elms, poplars, willows, nut trees, locusts, maples, persimmon trees, their boughs laden with parasitic vines, were clustered on the borders of the stream, their loveliness reflected in the clear waters as ina mirror. What distinguishes these native forests from others is the rank growth of creepers and climbing plants and the dead trees. The wanderer, at every step, encounters the striking contrasts of death and abundant life, profusion and decomposition, lavish bestowals and advantage withheld, flaunting pride and payment exacted. He treads a narrow path made by no conveyance of man nor laid out for man’s convenience; it marks the track of the deer, whose course no fallen tree nor the thickest copse can hinder.‘ As soon as the foliage is in full leaf the mighty trunks themselves are hidden from view by rank luxuriance of creepers and twining plants. The latter, strange to say, are distinguished by no choice assortment of blossoms; the whole living force of the vines is ex- pended in foliage. As most of the trees on the Cahokia were known to me already, I devoted my entire attention to the different varieties of creepers and climbers. I was at once struck with the fact that no ivy appeared among them. They were, for the most part, perennial vines. I noted, furthermore, that certain trees, like cottonwood and poplar, support these vines hardly at all, while others, like “sweet locust”, are almost smothered by them. This observation led me to suppose that the climbing species or suckers thrive best on trees hav- ing thin foliage. Whether the sap of the tree, entering into the vine *The Virginia or white-tailed deer, a very graceful animal, is still found in this part of the country; here and there the horns of elks are found but no longer any trace of the buffalo, though a hundred years ago they were numerous. Indian women in Illinois used to weave a fine web out of wool from the buffalo’s hump. Of that kind of weaving there is no longer any trace among the tribes of the upper Missouri; their only thread is obtained from the tendon taken from the dorsal muscle of the deer. After this has been dried and beaten they separate the fibers, coarse or fine, according to the purpose for which they are to be used. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 15 through the many suckers that press into the bark, makes any dif- ference in this respect I can not say. My artistic study of trees and plants was confined rather more to outward appearances and, in that regard, I was so enraptured by their indescribable loveliness that I came near forgetting, not only the rest of the world, but even to do my sketching. Interlacing with one another and intertwining about the trees these vines made a sylvan decoration the richest as well as the most graceful that one can imagine. The festoons sway with the gentlest breeze and loosen themselves from the support of twigs. Sometimes, under a gust of wind, garlands as thick as a man’s arm are detached and hang suspended from the boughs to the ground like the rope of a sail. The trees become so impoverished by the dense shade and exhaust- ing effects of this parasitic growth that they not infrequently decay and fall to the ground; whereupon, the parasites, as if the tree existed for support, even take fresh growth in the débris of the wreck. Some- times old trees, collapsing under the burden of an ever-increasing mass of vines, form regularly shaped mounds that resemble high walls; sometimes, deep declivities of a great green ledge; sometimes, sylvan bowers with vaulted roof—hidden recesses of the serpent kind. In fact, the presence of these decayed or dead trees, which marks the chief distinction between primitive and cultivated forests, serves the purpose of beautifying the former in a most picturesque manner. In the darkness of night, when one cannot at once distinguish objects clearly, one is often startled by the bizarre forms that the suspended vine garlands seem to assume. So strangely intertwined are they that, in the dusk, they look like fallen giants who, though overthrown, still threaten with long uplifted arms. In this forest wild animals are hardly found at all; turtles, frogs, wild ducks, wild geese, doves, both gray and white, herons, and the white-tail (Virginia) deer are only worthy of mention. As is usual in localities where heat and moisture produce abundant vegetation, the mosquitoes are excessively disagreeable both because of their mul- titude and their bloodthirstiness. I was forced, frequently, to visit the same spot several times, because they stabbed my face, hands, and body with such fury that, with all my enthusiasm, I could not sus- tain their attacks long enough to finish my sketch at one sitting. At the end of May Mr. Michel most kindly invited me the second time to go up the Mississippi with him. On my first voyage the forests were not yet in full leaf; therefore I was unable to prepare sketches, except of some bluffs above Alton. These bluffs begin near Alton with what is called the Pia® rock, well known from an Indian tradition and an age-old, half-disintegrating hieroglyphic 5Piasa: A mythic being, representing the meteor or firedragon. 16 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 drawing of a colossal eagle, which is said to have played in early days a role similar to that of our dragon, and is reputed to have had, also, his St. George and his secret nook in a fen. The bluffs extend along the left bank of the river all the way to Warsaw. They are not lofty but oftentimes original in form and beautiful in color. Between them are wild glens and ravines, where one sees grotesque forms of trees, masses of rock, and bowlders that have fallen from the heights above. The Mississippi is beautifully clear until it mingles with its tributary, the Missouri, which is in- variably muddy for the reason that throughout its entire tremendous length it flows through alluvial soil. Therefore only as far as Illinoistown, opposite St. Louis, can one follow the clear stream; after that the waters become turgid and dark. May 29. This afternoon I had my first experience in one of those accidents that, owing to negligence on the part of engineers, so fre- quently occur on North American steamers. Our boat, the Provi- dence, stopped several hours at Rock Island City in Illinois to unload lumber and other freight. Soon after we left there, as we were striving against gale and current in our course around Rock Island, we were startled by a detonation like the discharge of a twelve- pounder and the bursting forth of steam. The engineer had neg- lected to supply the boilers with sufficient water and an explosion was the result. I had just sat down on the saloon deck, directly above the boilers, with the intention of sketching that old American fort on Rock Island (Fort Armstrong). Another man was sitting near me. Vapor from the outpouring steam blackened both of us with soot and we were deluged with water. As all the passengers were rushing back toward the ladies’ cabin, thinking that part of the boat to be the safest place, I ran along with them. I did not know whether, at the next moment, we should be hurled to death in mid-air, gulped down by the river, or consumed by fire. My first view of the terrified men and women, hurtling | against one another, crying and shrieking, was almost laughable. | As far as I was concerned, I felt that, as I could swim, I had noth- | ing to fear, except that I might be blown into the air. Otherwise | I was all the more easy in mind because I had no luggage with me. | When the explosion occurred several of the ladies, on account of the oppressive heat, were enjoying a siesta in their staterooms; ac- cordingly they rushed out on deck negligée, looking charming in their light garments and with hair unbound. That impression was immediately dispelled by another so hor- rible that I hope I may never see the like again; the second cook and a 17-year-old German girl, together with her younger brother, | were brought up on deck frightfully burned. They were carried into the cabin, so that their horrible suffering might be alleviated. | KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 17 Their poor black bodies, burned almost beyond recognition, were rubbed with oil and when that remedy proved ineffectual, with raw potatoes, scraped into a soft mass and applied to soothe the pain. There were others below more or less scalded; a total of 14 people were injured, 4 of whom died that night. The boilers had too little water and in consequence became over- heated; two of them were rent. Boiling water was thrown back- ward at least 30 feet and struck the people near the cooking stove with full force. A small boy lying directly beneath the boiler was not hurt. In spite of the fact that the engineer, who unfortunately escaped unhurt, might justly have been held responsible, the captain insisted he be given a written acknowledgment to the contrary, in order that he might not lose the insurance on the ship and the ship’s cargo. The fact is, the captain was engaged in a card game at the time of the accident and more interested, no doubt, in his cards and stakes than in the proper management of his boat, on the safety of which he most likely relied too much. He is to be held blame- worthy, I presume, only in so far as he is responsible for the negli- gence of the ship’s crew. His companions in the card game signed at once the written statement exonerating him. The Providence, being unfit for further travel, had to be taken back to the landing place we had just left. We passengers were obliged to wait for the arrival of another boat before we could proceed farther on our journey. Next morning we were glad to see, in the distance, between the river and the forest, a cloud of smoke slowly but steadily approaching. After some hours a steam- boat came into view; the name Red Wing I could already decipher with the aid of my telescope. By and by she came alongside, took us on board, and as much of our freight as could be carried besides. It is always lucky, in such instances, if one’s passage is not paid in advance. Otherwise, one is likely to lose the entire amount. If one has luggage one need not pay the fare until the day before arriving at one’s destination. The Upper Mississippi far surpasses the Missouri and the Ohio in picturesque scenery—has many more islands abounding in beautiful woodlands, which sometimes take the form of long, narrow strips of forest opening out here and there into pleasing vistas; sometimes they seem nothing more than detached clumps of trees that, presently, widen to such extent that they can hardly be distinguished from the mainland. Not infrequently a beached steamboat proves the most suitable accessory to the landscape. Still farther north the river _ becomes but a series of small lakes, where picturesque scenes, famous for their beauty, may be enjoyed all the way from the foot of the bluffs to the Falls of St. Anthony. 18 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 At the head, or highest point, of Rock Island the upper rapids begin and, just as the lower rapids near Keokuk do, make navigation difficult. Due to the rugged, rocky bed, the waters are always in ereat agitation. The river was very high as we came on; conse- quently, though there was really less danger under such circumstances, we went forward very slowly and with much difficulty. When shall I ever forget Rock Island and that group of apparently cold- blooded Fox Indians who wrapped themselves so snugly in their blankets and watched us with such curiosity! The Upper Rapids are 30 English miles in length and are formed, just as the Lower Rapids are, by a rocky ledge that extends from one bank of the river to the other. On June 2 we arrived at Galena (in German, Bleierz) on the Fever River. The city is well known for its lead mines, the profits from which caused the Black Hawk War. Lead is found in a single narrow stratum that extends 8 miles along the right bank, at the foot of a precipitous hill just where this tiny stream flows into the Mississippi. On and near the hill are a great number of dwelling houses that by means of a steep flight of steps are brought into connection with the city below. The Fever River is rightly named: it is a shallow stream with little or no fall; therefore it engenders miasma and mosquitoes by thousands. Farther upstream the river is not navigable for steamboats, and even to this point by only the smaller boats. At the landing place there was a queer sort of ferry: flatboats propelled with the hands, without the aid of rudder, horse, or steam. There is no current, therefore no resistance to overcome. A rope is suspended over the water at about half a man’s height. The ferryboat is attached to the rope at both ends by means of slid- ing rings. The ferryman’s method of setting the boat in motion is 10 take firm hold of the rope and thrust the boat forward or backward with his feet. He begins at the fore end (which is the rear end on his return trip, for the ferryboat is never turned around) and pushes forward until he reaches the stern, then runs back to the fore end and catches hold of the rope again, and proceeds as before. | For two days I rambled about the neighborhood of Galena. The — weather was ideal. I made sketches of many interesting places. In _ the vicinity lies the battlefield, which was pointed out to me, where — Capt. Zachary Taylor, afterwards President of the United States, — defeated Black Hawk. To this day opinions concerning that war | differ much, even among the Americans themselves. Some maintain | that Black Hawk was altogether in the wrong, because Keokuk, chief of the Fox Tribe, had concluded a treaty with the United States con- | cerning the cession of lands and Black Hawk should have accepted | that agreement. Yes; but in accordance with the laws of which | KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 19 nation? According to Indian decree? In the first place, any one who is acquainted with Indian customs knows that a chief has no authority as regent; may never ordain a thing done, notwithstanding the fact that the members of his tribe, at certain times and under certain circumstances, may confer upon him supreme command, in some instances bow absolutely to his will. In the event that one member, who is quite his equal, does not willingly agree to be subordinated to him, the chief as such has no power over that person. If, in accordance with our ideas, Keokuk had had the authority of regent, then Black Hawk and his followers would have been bound to accede. But the former chief had no such authority; he was empowered to conclude a treaty only for himself and his faction— never at any time for the Fox nation as a whole. So long as Black Hawk and his adherents did not agree to the cession of lands no one had a right to take possession of them until his share had been apportioned. That had not been done. Furthermore, Keokuk was not even chief by tribal decree. He was installed as such by the United States simply because he was a good friend to the Americans; in consequence of this the Foxes separated into factions, one of which was favorable to Americans, the other to the English. For that reason the treaty accepted by Keokuk was not binding in any sense upon the adverse party. Thus far Black Hawk was within his right to fight for the graves of his forefathers. He might with justice look upon the Americans as robbers and treat them accordingly. From the moment, how- ever, when Black Hawk was defeated on the field of battle, and made a treaty with General Atkinson, binding himself and his followers to surrender the lands in dispute, he was put in restraint. Never again would he be allowed to contest that transaction in arms against the Americans. One can only say, what has been said before, that right as established by the strong hand will prevail only so long as the weaker contestant is obliged to yield to superior force without question as to the justice of his claim. The same observation applies also to decisions contested by armed forces in revolution, though according to the generally accepted view in such instances the defeated force is always in the wrong. In connection with the Black Hawk War one further fact is worthy of mention: according to the stipulations of the treaty with Keokuk, the Fox Indians were granted permission to withdraw at once to their former lands but the white owners of lead mines were unwilling to submit to that provision and shot the Indians down like wild beasts, just as, later on, the gold seekers did in California. As I had visited lead mines and silver mines before at Huelgoat and Pullonen in Brittany, and furthermore, had little time now 20 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 at my disposal, I did not go to the mines at Galena. As soon as Mr. Michel had accomplished his business undertakings we returned on the Wareagle to St. Louis. On November 19 in the same year I accompanied Mr. Michel to New Orleans, where he intended to establish a commission house. On that visit I saw many Choctaws at the market. The men were selling wild game (rabbits, turkeys, venison) and the women, seeds, grain, and healing herbs. The most important event during my stay in New Orleans, and that which I most enjoyed, was the public appearance there of the hero of Buena Vista. I shared the universal jubilation upon his passing through the streets on his old gray horse. My enthusiasm was not. so much for his unexcelled achievements in war as for the man who, in spite of Polk’s mean treatment of him, proved himself capable of such glorious examples of military greatness as his vic- tories at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma against General Arista on the 8th and 9th of May, against Ampudien at Monterey on the Qist of September 1846, and against Santa Anna on February 22, 1847. Notwithstanding that Polk had left him in the lurch, had transferred his best troops to Gen. Winfield Scott in order that this man might also win laurels; * * * I was glad that, in spite of Polk, old Zach® had the best prospects of being President of the United States. I was very glad of this, although I would myself sooner be a Democrat than a Whig. The throng that filled the streets was something dreadful and the exultation of the people indescrib- able. What impressed me particularly was the comparatively small number of good-looking white women. Among the great numbers of feminine onlookers at the windows, those of the colored race seemed, as a rule, the handsomer. Two weeks later I returned to St. Louis, taking with me several new studies of forest scenes in Louisiana and Arkansas. This winter voyage up the Mississippi was even more adventurous than my first one. Page, the captain and owner of the boat (the Hannibal), was so extraordinarily pious that he thought it a sin to travel on Sun- day; therefore he anchored Saturday evening at a safe but very lonely place and built a fire. There we remained the entire Sabbath day and until midnight. Any one who cared for extempore ser- mons had the chance three times during the day to hear them, I was sorry that it was a season when the forests were not in leaf; I should have had such excellent opportunity for sketching. As it was, how- ever, the trees with their draperies of Spanish moss presented a dusky, original appearance that, when seen through the river mists, was peculiarly effective. Near the close of day crashing peals of thunder sent me scurrying back to the boat. 6 Gen. Zachary Taylor. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 21 That pious captain played a trick on us at Cairo. Upon hearing the news that the Mississippi north of its junction with the Ohio (at Cairo) was frozen over, Page determined not to risk sailing his precious ship in ice-blocked waters but, notwithstanding his obli- gation to those on board, to unload passengers and freight and return to New Orleans. He was kind enough, however, to wait one day longer (meanwhile, he unloaded the freight). By that time the Oswego, coming up from Louisville, arrived and took us aboard for St. Louis. Oh, you wretched old Oswego; never shall I forget you as long as I live! The Ohio was overflowing its banks—exceedingly high and swift. The swollen waters swept along with them a multitude of fragments from houses demolished by the flood, fences, uprooted trees, and the dead bodies of cattle. In the midst of all that the more daring river craft were scouring the waters to appropriate from the wreckage whatever was of value. The delta was nothing more than a deep morass; there was no place where we could saunter about; so we had to content ourselves, as far as entertainment was concerned, with watching the river pirates from the hurricane deck. The little Oswego did not please me at all; the besmeared appear- ance of the cabins discouraged any hope of good service; on small, cheap boats there is never congenial company, so there was no other choice for me and my unfortunate fellow passengers but to betake ourselves to the poop with its old stern wheel (instead of two paddle wheels, one on each side, this boat had one at the rear). Yet, when we had to make up our minds whether we would wait at an inn for a more comfortable steamer or continue the journey on the Oswego, I decided in favor of the latter. As I said before, the swollen waters of the Ohio were causing wide- spread devastation. The current was so swift and strong that it pressed back the waters of the Mississippi and, under the low tem- perature at the time, that backwater quickly froze. Though the ice crust was quite thin, it retarded considerably the cheaply con- structed Oswego. In addition to that hindrance, the boat, being heavily loaded, was forced to a strain beyond its worn-out strength and had to stop almost every minute while some damage to the machinery or to the wheel was being repaired. At Chester we stuck fast again; the old machinery could do no more. Again we were forced to wait for another steamer and pay dearly for our short journey from Cairo to Chester (60 English miles). Fortunately, we were not delayed very long—not an entire day. On first view, I had little hope of finding a place on the Boreas No. 3 that arrived a few hours later from New Orleans. From a distance the boat seemed to be overcrowded. However, most of those on board were German immigrants, not cabin passengers. Quite a De BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 number of them lodged on the floor in front of the main cabin in an open space between the stoves, where they had the comfort of some heat and were protected by a strip of canvas from the wind. They were cold, notwithstanding. The older people and little children remained nearly all the time under the protection of their wraps and blankets, but some of the young girls declared every time in favor of the main cabin where the crowd was. There they allowed themselves to be stared at, in the hope of attracting a beau. It is extraordinary how universally the opinion is held among immigrant girls (no nation excepted) that there are precious few of their sort in the United States and that nothing is so easily managed as getting married—one need only possess a pretty face. Now, luckily, every one of them believes herself to be in possession of that attraction; therefore, not one of them considers the possibility of failure. Whether she understands that most necessary qualification of all, i. e., the English speech, is immaterial. Eyes are eloquent and, where they do not avail, gesticulations assist. Such girls as that were found almost always standing together in the saloon (they have no right to sit down nor were there any seats for them, if they had). They giggled if a man stared, especially in their direc- tion. If he said something to them, the words of which they could not understand, they had not the least doubt in the world as to his meaning, nevertheless. The young man was deliberating upon the possibility of his being accepted whether he had money or not. It is natural that immigrant girls from Europe should stand on so little ceremony in the matter of accepting husbands on short acquaintance, without courtship. They imagine, more or less justly, that the life of an American woman is one of leisure and comfort. They are therefore quite ready to be married to an American, even though they may not be able to converse with him. Besides, they find extended courtships are by no means the custom in the United States, particularly in the West. If a young man calls twice on a girl he is expected to declare himself. If he is accepted, he plans to marry at once. If he is not accepted, he is supposed to discontinue his visits, for the reason that he might otherwise prevent others from paying suit to the girl and, it may be, rob her of a love that might lead to marriage later. That is essentially practical. In the first place, it is notoriously true that during courtship both parties reveal their most amiable qualities and only after marriage let their contrary traits be known. That is why, in spite of long courtships, there is so much complaint in Europe. Now, in the United States, a man conducts his love affairs without illusions. He does not indulge in dreams of an angel but assumes, simply, that both parties to the contract have faults that KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 23 must be borne. Therefore, since he does not surrender himself to passionate overfondness, he is not likely to suffer disappointments so grave. Inasmuch as the simpler mode of life here as well as better means of supporting a family enable a young man to settle early, it usually happens that both men and women marry their first love. If the union should result unhappily, the civil compact can be dissolved with the greatest ease; quite frequently, the ease with which a man vanishes (“vamooses”) into a distant State, settles down under an assumed name, and may marry again. We travelers from the Oswego found no vacant cabins and in con- sequence had to be satisfied at night with mattresses on the floor, an upturned chair for headrest, and a blanket. That we slept in our clothes goes without saying; in the first place, we were cold and, besides, we felt so insecure about everything. There were 80 cabin passengers; two tables had to be served at all meals. As soon as a meal is ready to be served on American steamers the steward reports this to the captain or his clerk; whereupon one or the other goes to the ladies’ saloon and invites them to the table. Then the steward rings a bell. Upon that announcement, the un- married men may go in and wait, standing, as patient as sheep, until the ladies, or perhaps only one lady, finishes her toilette, sweeps to the table on the arm of her cavalier or her husband, and sits down; then, and not until then, the remainder of the gentlemen take their seats. This American comedy in manners is observed as well at the inns and is meant to show the high respect American gentle- men pay the fair sex, surpassing, in that regard, even the world- famed gallantry of the French and winning for themselves the dis- tinction of being called the most enlightened people. The result is, they encourage American womankind in vanity and laziness. Every woman expects the greatest consideration. She is unwilling to work. The instant a young wife is obliged to set about any task she re- proaches her husband: “I am forced to do the work of a negress. You ought to be ashamed!” An American woman is never seen work- ing in the field. A country girl dresses herself just as girls dress in the city (there is no difference in the style of dress). All she knows about domestic affairs is to cut out and make her clothes, to piece bedquilts, to cook, only in the most rudimentary sense, 1. e., to make coffee and boil hominy (soup is unknown in the country), to fry ham and eggs, and bake corn bread. The acme of her ambition in the culinary arts is mince pie. In connection with my remarks concerning the form so punctili- ously observed with regard to the ladies, I must record this: I was present when 40 men were obliged to stand 8 minutes behind 81634—37——3 24 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 their chairs because of one woman’s tardy appearance. When the captain entered the saloon to invite her to the table she went at once to the mirror to see whether her hair was in order, then mois- tened her delicate fingers to give it a better gloss, smoothed out the folds of her skirt, took still another survey with evident pleasure in the tout ensemble, then she sailed in, no doubt with the conscious- ness that many men (one of whom, at least, was worthy of her) were gazing upon her with admiration. Under the influence of such flattering vanity she gave us a look that plainly said: “As reward for your patience, you stupid men, you may now behold what is truly beautiful. Look at me!” Many people may regard such observations as of petty signifi- cance. So they would be, if American wives would stay in their place and not be perpetually striving, little by little, to supersede the men in everything, even in politics. It has happened often enough in our modern day that women form unions for their emanci- pation, nay, what is more, convene congresses, where they deal with men as though they were bears and demand nothing less than politi- cal equality. What is the cause of this ambition on the part of idle women? Nothing more than the submissiveness of their hus- bands. They find household matters uncongenial. They think their duties as wives and mothers allow them too little scope. They would rather read newspapers and novels than to do any work. Do young girls desire political privileges? Not at all. A girl’s desire, above all else, is to be married, as a matter of course. What a privilege that some one is going to be allowed to work for her! I do not mean to assert that the female sex is not endowed with requisite qualifications for governing but I think women should call themselves happy in that they are not required to employ their abilities in political affairs. They should be satisfied with their sway over the hearts of their husbands. Through that influence they get, also, control in public affairs, at least indirectly. If they insist upon having all the rights that men possess, then they must assume men’s duties and obligations. The many shocking instances of indecent assault, more numerous in this country than in any other, are due in large measure to this division between the sexes and the undue claims of women. To the same cause may be traced those frequent desertions on the part of parents—either a mother or a father leaves children and helpmate in the lurch. Furthermore, the vice of polygamy may be cited as another result. Before the Boreas No. 3 reached St. Louis another call was made upon her for help in time of need; the A¢lantie for two days had been stuck fast in the ice, all the firewood had been consumed, and KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 25 on account of drifting ice in the river, no more could be procured. After we had given her a “lift” and supplied her with wood she was soon afloat once more. We had no further adventure before landing, but witnessed a comic byplay in the ladies’ saloon; one woman accused another of having filched her purse and her breast- pin and of having hidden them under a pillow. There was much gabble and cackle but nothing proved. On December 24 we were again in St. Louis—14 days on the way. 1848 During the first 3 months of the year 1848 I painted a number of horses from life. I saw them all day long, standing before my window. American horses are bred from no particular stock but are a product of much cross-breeding. They are, on the whole, excellent for riding but not strong enough for draft horses. Indian ponies— dwarfed horses—resemble in many respects the spirited but some- what delicate Breton trotters. Between whiles I read diligently, in St. Louis newspapers, those highly interesting accounts that were appearing at the time, of the Mexican War; visited the courts of justice, and listened to political speeches in order to become ac- quainted with American conditions. Further remarks on that sub- ject I postpone until the end, when I leave the United States. By that time, my judgment, matured through a protracted stay and comprehensive observation of things, will be more just. The winter of 1848 was not very cold—at least, not cold enough to freeze the Mississippi from shore to shore at St. Louis. That occurs only in very severe weather. During these months, while I was waiting for the coming of spring, when the waterways farther north would be open to navigation, I had time to consider plans for the future. As my private affairs are of little interest to the public, I leave out prosaic accounts of my activities in the way of earning a livelihood, with the exception of this observation: in the United States, just now, a painter in the fine arts has no prospects what- soever. He is looked upon as a “windbag,” an intriguer, a “hum- bug.” A house painter, on the contrary, makes a good income. In saying this, I bring no reproach against the Americans; they are republicans—that means, the political life of the nation absorbs, to a great degree, their energy of mind and their interest. Further- more, the nation is young; the ambition of the people is to become a great country, to get the mastery, so that they can dictate to European powers. And lastly, the inhabitants outside the cities are a farming class, who have no taste for the works of art. They regard such things as extravagance. 26 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 As the purpose of my stay in America was to accomplish certain aims in the study of art, all plans for employment in other direc- tions for the sake of earning my bread (my supply of funds was already low) had to be subordinated, necessarily, to that purpose. I found out soon enough that I could never do anything so antag- onistic to my true nature as to go into business, even for the length of time required to earn enough money to get forward independently as an artist. That a man cannot serve two masters was never more truly verified than in me. If my penchant for portraying aboriginal nature in art had made me dissatisfied with what my own beautiful country could offer, now that I had actually seen primeval woods and the wild beasts, Nature’s true children, that desire of earlier years had become a passion. I was so happy not to have been dis- appointed in the woodlands and forests: they were, I found, far more rich, included more that was original, and the Indians were of a more noble type than I had ever dreamed. I had already accomplished something in the pursuit of my aims: primeval woods, prairies, and river I had observed at every season of the year—torpid under the benumbing influence of frost, brim- ming with life under the influence of warmth. Now I longed to study Indians and wild animals. The war with Mexico still interfered with my visit to that coun- try. The upper Mississippi, as far north as Galena, afforded much picturesque scenery, to be sure, but few buffaloes or stags; further- more, the Indians in those far northern districts, owing to the severe climate, were of stunted growth and, for the studies I wished to make, wore too many clothes, The Missouri region, therefore, at- tracted me especially. That region offered more, in reality, that an artist could turn to account than northern Mexico or the Lake region of North America, but not what I cared for especially. However, in the event that the Indians there did not satisfy my ex- pectations I had still a choice between the Independence trail to Santa Fe and the one leading from St. Joseph to the Rocky Moun- ) tains, Oregon, and California. I decided to go to St. Joseph on the Missouri. There I should certainly find Indians enough: The region in the midst of which the town was situated was open Indian country, belonging to the Kicka- poo, and the town itself was a rendezvous for fur traders of Mis- souri and Nebraska, just as Independence was a center for Santa Fe fur traders and, at an earlier date, St. Louis for the entire fur- trading region of the West. Before I left St. Louis, perhaps forever, I made sketches of some remains in the city that date from the most remote Indian epoch, and others from the days of Spanish rule. There were two tumuli kuRz] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ oT in the form of huge terraces, both of which, for the reason that dwelling houses had been built upon them, could be recognized as such only from traditional report. The former residence of the Spanish governor, now a German brewery, Washington garden to the south of Third Street, was an unpretentious building of lime- stone with veranda and high wall. Not far from this house on South Main Street is the oldest chapel or church; it is of wood with stone foundation. The entrance is at the end toward the street and the door is reached by a flight of steps. ‘This elevated entrance was contrived, probably, to avoid entering directly from what was fre- quently little more than a bog. The chapel has no tower but a cross above the door. The walls are timbered beams joined together as in a blockhouse. On the river shore, north of St. Louis, there is a round Spanish watchtower with stone walls of great thickness—no loopholes. I left St. Louis April 5 aboard the Z’amerlane, under command of Captain Miller. The boat was heavily loaded with tradespeople, for the most part, who were going up from St. Louis taking their supplies along on the same boat with themselves. During the entire winter tradesmen in St. Louis can receive no goods from the Kast and can send away just as little fresh corn, hemp, and tobacco. The opening of the waterways, therefore, is an important event for the cities along the Missouri and will be always, until railway lines have established connections with the East. The Missouri is invariably muddy. Owing to a lack of mineral matter in the soil, both in the bed of the stream and in the banks, the river tears away the shore on one side and deposits the sediment on the other, according to the direction of the current. That is what gives the Mississippi its “coffee and milk” color below Alton. Strictly speaking, the Missouri deserves to bear its name all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, for it is of greater length, breadth, and depth than its eastern brother. But its immense length was not known at all to the first French travelers, to whom we are indebted for our earliest information concerning this part of the country; they knew the Missouri only at its broad estuary. The muddy condition of the water makes the stream a dangerous route for steamers for the reason that trees are easily uprooted by the current from the loose soil—there is no stony substance in the soil— and they sink into the river bed, where every shoot can ram itself into the soft earth in such a way that it bores through the most solid hull that comes in contact with it. These offshoots from the submerged trees are called “snags.” Those that are completely hid- den under water cause the greatest peril. Sometimes, in places where a strong current tears away an entire strip of forest, the 28 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 river is so blocked with those tree trunks that boats can wind their way through the channel only with the most careful steering. Therefore if the pilot sees a heavy tree trunk floating toward the side of the boat and finds it impossible to avoid, he has an especial warning bell rung, so that the engineer will adjust the wheel in a way that prevents the blades from being shattered by the tree. No damage is feared from a trunk of light weight. The average speed of a steamboat going upstream is 10 miles an hour; going downstream, from 10 to 20 miles, according to the con- dition of the river and the power of the engine. For instance, the average boat makes the voyage from New Orleans to St. Louis in 138 days; a “crack” steamer in only 5 or 6. From St. Louis to New Orleans the worst conditioned vessel needs not more than 9 days to make the distance (1,200 miles). From St. Louis to St. Joseph (500 miles) steamers require as much time as from New Orleans to St. Louis, because, owing to “snags” and shifting sandbanks, they do not run at night. On that account the steering wheel on these river boats is fixed high up, so that the pilot can keep a sharp lookout over a wide expanse of water. To discover these completely submerged obstructions he has to watch closely every variation of the water surface. As may be in- ferred, the boats do not travel upstream at night unless there is a brilliant moon. Even then only the most experienced pilots who have made constant study of the changes in the river and variations in the current dare attempt to steer them. Our first pilot on the Z’amerlane, Laberge by name, had been at the wheel on the Mackinaw boats by means of which the fur traders dispatched their hides and pelts to St. Louis long before the upper Missouri was navigated by steamboats. He was, of course, one of the best pilots on the Missouri. The uprooted trees assume still other, though less dangerous, posi- tions in the Missouri (also in the lower Mississippi), 1. e., they do not lie stationary on the bed of the stream but are balanced by the current in a way that gives them a saw-like motion; hence they are called “sawyers.” There is also much driftwood which, when it is heavy, does great damage to the paddle wheels. We progressed slowly but without accident. I was in no haste, and, on the hurricane deck, I enjoyed the beautiful weather exceedingly. The consciousness of being actually on the voyage up the Missouri, drawing nearer and nearer each day to the buffaloes, deer, and bears, was intoxicating. “Ye, who have yearn’d alone, my grief can measure.”" My long- ings were soon to be satisfied. The dreams of my youth were to be realized. My life purpose in art was to be accomplished. ™“Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt, weiss was ich leide.’—GonrTun. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 29 On April 18 at 11 o’clock at night, while the ship’s black crew were singing a jubilee song, we docked at St. Joseph. In my eager gladness I went in search of an inn, although I should have fared just as well if I had spent the rest of the night on board. St. Joseph, once the trading post of Joseph Robidoux, is situated at the foot of the Black Snake Hills on the left bank of the Missouri. Though the town was founded only six years ago there are evidences already of a rapidly expanding and flourishing city. In spite of the fact that there are many new buildings, both of wood and of brick, houses, either for homes or for business purposes, are hard to get. Upon my arrival the principal streets were much enlivened by fur traders and immigrants on their way to regions, as yet little known, in Oregon and California. The rich gold mines were not then dis- covered. Only the most daring fur traders had penetrated into that far country and, following in their wake, a rough, lawless set of adventurers, eager for gain and best pleased with what the strong hand won, traveled the same trail in armed bands with pack mules and covered wagons. A black bear, captured and enchained, gave me the welcome oppor- tunity to study his kind. He was absolutely black; not even a trace of gray or brown, even on his upper lip. July 12. To-day an Iowa farmer brought into the town a live badger,’ in a piece of hollow tree, to exhibit him for sale. I bought the animal for $4 and kept him about a month in my bedroom, pro- viding him daily with meat, bread, and fresh fruit. He was quite well-behaved toward me but during the night scratched out great pieces of plastering at the foot of my bedroom walls. Now and then I allowed him to run in the outlying fields to get some exercise and to amuse me with his way of digging in. He could not run any faster than I usually walked. If I went along behind him he moved straight ahead; if I walked beside him then he tried to escape in the opposite direction. In less than 10 minutes he would burrow his whole length into the rich, loose soil and then I had to pull him out by his tail. When he was set upon by dogs it was a matter of no importance to him so long as they made a frontal attack; but as he was not able to turn his head, on account of his stiff, thick neck, the instant he was attacked from the side he was lost. He was skilled in the art of biting; he had a queer sort of bark somewhat like that of a fox. After I made repeated drawings of him I was obliged to have him killed; the damage he did was so far in excess of his good uses. I had his pelt tanned, in order to use it for a hunting bag, but 8 According to Audubon, the American badger differs from the species found in Europe only in its jaw teeth. It appears so to mein the drawing. 30 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 it proved to be too greasy to be of service. However, I brought it home with me. Indians of various tribes—the Potawatomi, the Foxes (Musquakee), Kickapoo, Towa, and Oto—one sees constantly in this town, particu- larly at the landing where they take the ferryboat to cross the river. They conduct themselves in a very dignified manner. Now and then, to be sure, when one of them has drunk too much of the forbidden whisky, he is somewhat quarrelsome, but no more so than an intoxi- cated white man; nor is an Indian under those conditions any more dangerous than a drunken American. The latter is armed, as a rule, with bowie knife or revolver and is quick to use his weapon upon the slightest provocation. Throughout the entire summer bourgeois or the heads of firms, clerks, and other engagees or employees of the different fur companies crowded the streets and public houses of the town. St. Joseph is for them now what St. Louis was earlier—their rendezvous. Here all staple commodities are supplied from St. Louis, but horses are bought up for the purpose of selling them to the Indians on the upper Missouri and on the Platte or Nebraska. There packs of buffalo hides (as many as 10 packs at a time) are reshipped on the steamers, the empty mackinaw boats sold and their crews discharged. Those people are called Mountaineers,** a name associated with many dan- gerous adventures, much painful endurance, but also with much ro- mance and pleasure. The Mountaineers like best to dress themselves in clothes made of tanned deerskin, embroidered and fringed. One recognizes them, therefore, at sight; knows who they are and whence they come. They are stared at as though they were bears. Not infrequently they have no other apparel then their leather costume, for after a long stay any other clothing would be entirely worn out. It seldom happens, however, that these engagees have ever seen the Rocky Mountains, much less braved their dangers. But, on the other hand, they are compelled to work very hard in cold, rain, and storm. The Canadian engagees, guides in the Canadian woods, mangeurs de lard,®” are known to have swaggered through the most breakneck dangers in which they were inclined to play an important role. However, they cannot reckon courage as the most striking of their fine qualities. They have far too much regard for their own safety to fight for an employer about whom they constantly com- plain, because he demands work done in return for his money. Later on, when I reached the upper Missouri, I observed a great many of 81 See footnote 9 below. 8> “Manquiro de lard’ appears to be miswritten for “mangeurs de lard.” This habit of devouring lard has led to the sobriquet ‘“greaser’, applied now broadly in the west. Sylva Clapin, Dictionnaire Canadien Francais, says of the phrase “mangeurs de lard,’ “a surname given by our ancient bush-runners to a new initiate, who, after having endured the first hardships, often misses the bread and the bacon of the paternal table.” KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 31 these swaggerers. In that distant region, beyond the pale of law, I have often seen them cry out in alarm at the mere sight of a stranger in the distance and take to flight—even throwing aside their weapons or implements as if those instruments of defense did not belong to them. They are, on the other hand, the most good-tempered people and especially good patrons of the innkeepers if they have any part of their wages left when they reach home. Few of them are provi- dent enough to put aside any part of their earnings to buy house and land or to settle down to their earlier employment. Since gold has been discovered in California and lands have been granted on the part of the United States Government to settlers in Oregon, fur traders are in the background at St. Joseph. Now thousands upon thousands of gold seekers and immigrants en route to Oregon throng the taverns and streets in spring. The coming of the Montagnards ® is no longer an interesting event. In the summer of 1848, however, they were still the heroes of the day and took great delight in their triumph. Four of them whom I knew were much superior to the usual engagees in their good man- ners, their love of truth, and in enterprise. All four were Canadians; their names were Lambert, Francois Desolles, Michaux, and Wiskom. They were all inspired with the same purpose: to save enough money to become owners of land and of their homes. That common aim united them. For lack of means they could not be independent trad- ers; for lack of training they could not be employed as clerks. At best, they could only serve as interpreters, for which their knowledge of the Sioux tongue qualified them. They were a far better type than the usual engagees, servants, and day laborers. As soon as the winter, or fur season, was over they left the fort, where they had been employed as trappers or traders, came to St. Joseph to spend the summer and, incidentally, to buy a good saddle horse cheap. In the autumn they packed provisions and some gifts for their Indian wives and rode away to the trading post, where they thought they could get the best prices for their horses. At the time of which I speak they had a profitable business in horse trading, because they bought the animals at such a low price ($20 to $30) in St. Joseph. But when the bands of emigrants to California increased to such numbers they were forced to pay more than twice as much for a horse, which the Indians were no longer in a position to purchase from them for the reason that they could not get together a sufficient number of buffalo hides. The four engagees having arrived at a trading post are no longer free to trade on their own account but only in the interests of the ®Montagnards are the discharged engagees or employees of the various fur companies and have formed the crews of the mackinaw boats which have discharged their loads of furs. They were called mountaineers, although very few of them have ever seen the Rocky Mountains. oe BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 proprietor or of the company to whom the post belongs. Wherever they find employment for the winter there they remain and sell their horses to the bourgeois or person in charge. They dare not trade horses to the Indians themselves, at least for buffalo hides (under no circumstances in exchange for Indian women), because, in doing that, they would violate the chartered rights of the licensed fur traders. So they sell their beasts to the bourgeois at the current price for horses at the post in exchange on St. Joseph or St. Louis. Then the bourgeois trades the animals for buffalo hides, whereby he never fails to make his profit. All four engagees are enthusiastic for the Indian life. On the whole, the French more than any other European nation adapt themselves most readily to the Indian customs and mode of life; their easygoing temper, their courage, gallantry, and la gloire are inherent virtues of the Indian. Lambert is also a “bravo”; he has often fought with the Sioux in their battles against enemies and dis- tinguished himself for gallantry in action. Therefore he is entitled to wear the crest in recognition of his heroic deeds: Porter les plumes, parcequ’1l compte coup. This word “coup” has been adopted in the English speech. It is used to designate distinguished or heroic ac- tion in recognition of which an Indian is entitled to wear an eagle feather in his hair and to have the same emblazoned in Indian fashion on his buffalo robe. So far as Lambert is concerned, however, the winning of such trophies is a mere fancy; his ideal in life is to retire, in the course of time, as a landed proprietor. My intercourse with these Mountaineers was very pleasant. Those with whom I talked were half-breeds who gave me much informa- tion and taught me, besides, the Indian language of signs which, however much their dialects may differ, is the same throughout all tribes on the Missouri. This knowledge of the sign language was of the utmost importance to me, even in St. Joseph, for I came in contact there with Indians from so many different tribes that I was at first hopelessly confused by their various dialects. One of my hobbies was to collect Indian weapons, decorations, and apparel. Before I had learned the sign for “swap” I rarely suc- ceeded in making a purchase unless I had an interpreter. The rea- son was, as I found out, that, in my bungling manner, I had made the sign meaning “give.” When a man presses the desired object to his breast and gives the Indian a questioning look he is requesting a gift; when he indicates or points out the article he wishes, then strikes his right forefinger twice across his left forefinger, he means barter or trade. I soon became better acquainted with the Indians, when I was able by means of signs to purchase moccasins, bows and arrows, tobacco pipes, embroidered purses, bracelets, and cloth- KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 33 ing. For a very slight compensation I was enabled thus to proceed with my studies. The Iowa I found especially friendly. ‘The Fox Indians and the Potawatomi were far more reserved. The Iowa have been a well-disposed tribe from the first; there is no record of any hostile act on their part toward the white race. Both of the other two, on the contrary, have waged bloody wars for the retention of their lands, especially the Potawatomi. Whether, as some people assert, those two tribes are to be regarded for that rea- son as more warlike is a question. The Potawatomi, as a related tribe to the Chippewa, fought during the War of the Revolution with the English against the Colonists. After the Treaty of Ghent they remained still loyal to the English by whom they were won over with gifts and instigated to uprisings until, upon their last great attempt under ips they were left in the lurch by the English under command of Gael Proctor and were forced to surrender their landed properties and to withdraw. In accordance with the terms of the treaty of 1814, they were al- lotted lands, known in the State of Missouri as “the Platte Purchase,” that extended from the estuary of the Platte toward the northwest, even to the confines of their enemies, the Sioux. But, though they excelled all other tribes in the art of tilling the soil and in the breed- ing of cattle, they were not yet to settle down in peace. A part of the tribe was removed to lands beyond the Missouri, on the Kansas River. How long they are to have the benefit of that retreat only time will prove. As to the questions whether this continual dis- placing of tribes from their farms is a benefit or a menace to civiliza- tion and whether a benefit or a menace to friendly relations with the Americans, that is easily answered. The Fox Indians have not been inveterate foes of the Americans. That they came in conflict at all was the fault of the English, whose plan was to make the Indians a cat’s-paw to pull their own chestnuts out of the fire. That explains the position taken by Black Hawk, who builded his hope on the English, and also why Tecumseh was put in chains. This strife between the Indians and the Americans caused unrest among the Iowa; they had never existed in great numbers—were never a large tribe. Therefore, when they saw the white men pressing westward even to their own boundaries, they knew the Americans too well to risk a losing fight. Besides, being allied with the French, not the English, they were always friendly in their dealings with the white race. That they were brave warriors the records of their history prove. Less than twelve years ago they fought the Missouri Indians at King’s Hill, not far from St. Joseph, and won the battle. By the treaty of 1814 the Iowa were granted a strip of land south of the Potawatomi. They lived in a village on Black Snake River. 3 miles from St. Joseph. Those possessions they were 34 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 obliged to give up, however, and to withdraw to territory across the Mississippi. They then came into conflict with the wandering tribes of Shawnee and Pawnee. What a fate for the Iowa! No game in their hunting grounds. No courage to break up land and establish themselves in settled habitations; they were continually dispossessed; and now, directly through their territory lay the great trail to California and Oregon. Their fate was easy to foresee. They themselves realized it only too well. Indians one meets here and in the surrounding country are, to be sure, no longer a true type of the savage. They have acquired much from living neighbors to the white man and, more’s the pity, little that is good. How could it be otherwise? Do so-called Christians set them good examples? In the main, however, the Indian retains his traditional usages and customs; consequently, I found quite enough to study and to sketch. The stalwart forms, the race color, their tents of skins, their dances and games, their family life, all conform to our traditional conception of the Indian. The dress of the women, except in the matter of the material of which it is made, is unchanged; the “robe” and the blanket are still in vogue. The horses and saddles, flints, knives, and tomahawks of steel are innovations, and some articles of food as well. Differences of physiognomy and distinctions in dress that set apart Indians of one tribe from those of another one does not notice at first. Only after rather close observation one learns to distin- guish characteristics of one tribe from those of another with the same ease with which one recognizes natives of France, Spain, Germany, England, or the Jewish race, notwithstanding that the distinctive characteristics of each are very difficult to express in words. The manner of dress among Indians varies quite as much and sets them as distinctly apart from us as their copper-colored skin. As a rule, the men wear only breechcloths, moccasins, and woolen blankets; otherwise, they are nude. Sometimes they wear leggings, i. e., trousers of deerskin, that are cut differently according to the tribe to which the wearer belongs; that denote tribal differences also in the way they are made and ornamented. The Indian women wear, nowadays, a short, bright-colored calico shirt (this garment is worn also now and then by the men) made with collar and with sleeves that are finished with cuff or wristband; they wear, besides, a sort of underskirt of red or blue woolen material that reaches to the calf of the leg and is held in place about the hips by a leather or woven girdle. Sometimes women use the same material for a kind of leggings that extend only to the knee and are fastened with knee bands, the straps and bands being often varicolored and richly ornamented with coral. On their arms they wear any number of KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 35 bracelets, often as many as twenty, of brass wire that they them- selves embellish in a really tasteful manner with files. The fall of the Indian’s blanket is similar to that of the Roman toga, but more graceful, because the drapery of a blanket is not so full—is less baggy in appearance. To put the blanket on, one takes hold of the longer upper edge with both hands, and bending forward, draws it up somewhat above the head, so that its weight is distributed equally on both sides, and therefore it does not drop when the belt (usually a strap of tanned buffalo hide) is worn to confine the folds about the hips. Though Indian women always belt their blankets, men never do except on their wanderings. In the under side of the belt or girdle at the back there is a slit through which a knife, in its sheath, is carried. Beneath the folds of the blanket, above the belt, women carry their children or other belong- ings. The blanket serves both as covering for the head and, in a way, as veil. When the women are at work it is allowed to fall over the belt in order that they may move their arms freely. As I have said already, men use belts but rarely. In the vicinity of their villages the braves adopt a manner of wearing their blankets that is peculiar to themselves. For instance, in order to have free use of the right hand and to reveal the tattoo marks, usually on the right breast, they take hold of their blanket or robe on the right side, draw it from under the right arm across the body to the left hip; the other half of the robe is brought forward with the left hand which remains covered and holds that part, brought under from the right, in its proper place. Often these braves carry a fan in the right hand as they strut about the village dressed in this way. That style is followed, how- ever, only in warm weather. As these coverings are ornamented with one or more colored stripes along the border of their narrower sides that fall straight down in front, those stripes always attract one’s attention. The buffalo robe is worn in the same way as the blanket, i. e., lengthwise around the body, the head end brought over from the right, the tail end carried forward from the left. But, as buffalo robes are much heavier than blankets, the women use little leather straps that are drawn through the robe and fastened, some- what like the fastenings on a mantle, at the throat. This helps to place the weight of the robe on the shoulders. Blankets, as well as bison robes, are sometimes painted, but they are not as artistic, because the woolen surface does not admit of detailed drawing. One sees, usttally only on the back, red or yellow hands; these denote “coups”; and red or yellow hoofprints, which denote horses stolen. If the hoofprints are blue or black they indicate that the horses were presented as gifts. The blanket is, as a rule, the Indians’ only bed covering. Their pouch is made use of as a pillow. Having 36 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 taken off their moccasins and loosened their girdles or belts, they are ready for bed. The blankets, however, Indians are beginning to use as material for coats, similar to the blanket coat worn by Americans. They give to these garments the shape of a paletot with hood but without buttons. They are held in place only by means of the belt. The garment is cut in such a way that the colored stripes are used for ornamentation. The straight edge with the stripes forms the lower part of the coat; nay, even the strokes denoting the quality (1, 2, 3, point blanket) are left in view; and stripes outline shoulder seams and extend along the base of the hood. This kind of coat I saw among the Herantsa,** the Crows, Assiniboin, Cree, Sauteurs, both for children and young and old men; women and girls, on the con- trary, do not wear them. The hood is pulled up in bad weather and here and there one sees on the peak of one of these a feather for decoration. Indians wear white, red, green, sky blue, and indigo blue blankets. Special sizes are woven for children. After a more extended acquaintance with the various tribes one becomes observant and notices definite marks of distinction. For instance, the Potawatomi skin is much darker than that of other tribes in this region, their features less noble, their bearing not so stately. They wear their hair loose and unkempt. The men are fully clothed. They wear, usually, a coat and leggings of tanned deerskin, the leggings having a broad, double projecting seam that distinguishes the wearer from members of any other tribe. Frequently they wind around their heads and loins woolen scarfs or sashes that are embroidered with beads in a design of arrow heads in different colors (called, therefore, ceinture a fleche). The same design, both in drawing and in color, appears also in old Mex- ican paintings; the colors, in most instances, are white, black, and red. The Iowa are a more cleanly people than the Potawatomi; they are also of a brighter color, handsomer, and more stately in bearing. The men stiffen their hair with grease or loam and wear it pulled back from the forehead in such a way that the brow, being entirely exposed, appears very high. They do not wear the shirt of deer- skin nor do their leggings have the broad projecting seam, but the latter are often trimmed with beads. On the whole, they wear very little clothing; in midsummer, with the exception of the breechcloth and blanket, they wear no clothes at all. So I had at last my long- desired opportunity to study the antique from living models. Even during the first month of my stay in St. Joseph I had chances every day to study Indians that came in bands from the ®a They were the Hidatsa; also called Belantse-etea. These are only dialectic variants of the name Hidatsa. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 37 different neighboring tribes. It was the time when the yearly pay- ments were made for the land extorted from them. As soon as the father received the money for himself and members of his family (the Iowa received $8 a head from the United States Indian Agent) they came to St. Joseph to make their purchases, because they could supply their needs there at more reasonable rates than with the traders. Still many Indians were in debt to the latter and, in that case, the traders had the first claim for payment. The Indians came in increasing numbers, pitched their tents of skins (or, as often happened, of white cotton cloth) in the depths of the forest on their side of the river and had themselves ferried across to St. Joseph. The first two occasions upon which I crossed to the Indian settlement in that flatboat I came back in a most unexpected way. The first time, a numerous band of Potawatomi was on our bank, waiting to be put across. I had already bartered for several articles and was just in the act of trading with one of those Indians who had bought a rifle and therefore was offering his bow and well-filled quiver for sale. We could not come to an agreement ; he entered the flatboat together with many other members of his tribe and all their horses, while I remained on shore watching the animated scene. As the boat was shoved off, the Potawatomi shouted to me, “Trade.” I sprang into the boat among the horses, in order to conclude the bargain on the other side of the Missouri. Then, as the ferryman told me that boats would be on the river until late in the evening, I went, with perfect ease of mind, in the forest to observe the Indian settlement at nearer view. My attention was especially attracted to some young people who were racing American horses they had recently bought. These beautifully formed naked savages riding bareback in a horse race along the sandy river shore I thought as fine a sight as the Grecian horseman at the Parthenon, and much more alive and intelligent. Their settlement I found not less inter- esting. There were tents just set up in readiness for new arrivals; others unpitched and bound on the horses in readiness for the tribe departing. I remained such a long while in the midst of these sights so welcome to me that it was evening before I returned to the shore. There I found a group of Americans and Indians waiting patiently but in vain for the ferryboat. Such a violent wind was blowing on the river that, let us shout “over” as lustily as we could, the ferryman would not attempt to cross while the waves were so high. At last, after a long delay, the wind fell and we were taken over, or rather we ourselves lent a hand to get the flatboat to the other shore, for the river, even then, was very rough. I was attracted, the second time, to the Indians’ side of the stream by the escapade of a young Fox brave whom I could not see enough 38 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 of. It happened this way: I had been sitting for a long while on the shore, observing a group of elderly warriors *° of the Fox Tribe who were partaking freely of the whisky bottle while waiting for another person of importance with whom they would be ferried across. Their women were already asquat in the boat with their goods and chattels. Suddenly a superb young brave, elegantly at- tired, came galloping down the steep river bank and with a bound landed in the boat with such force that the women started up screaming. As I was drawing near to get a closer view of the splendid horseman and his charger the young warrior dismounted, in order to keep his horse under control during the crossing, but the fiery animal, startled by the Indian’s throwing his red blanket over his shoulders, leaped out of the flatboat. I caught him at once by the bridle and quieted him. Neither by entreaties nor blows, how- ever, could his owner get him again on the ferryboat; he shied at the red blanket, and just having been purchased from a farmer, he was not yet acquainted with the sounds of Indian speech. What picturesque poses these two Fox Indians took! In order to spare the beautiful horse further blows I gave the Indian to under- stand that I would induce the animal to go aboard the flatboat; for the brave’s eyes were blazing, his “blood was up”; he needed but little more annoyance to bring his knife into play. Stroking the stamp- ing, snorting beast and speaking kindly in English, I soon pacified him and led him into the boat, and kept hold of the rein until we arrived on the other side. The handsome brave swung himself at once into the saddle and with a friendly Hou! Hou! he disappeared in the forest. Forms more beautiful than those I found among the Iowa Indians I can not imagine, though I have been accustomed during my studies from life for many years to all that is finest in the human form. Another advantage was their habit of wandering about in a nude condition, which contributed much toward the proud, easy bearing, as well as to the natural, graceful movements that characterize the Indian. No individuals of the white race can compare with them in that regard. The Iowa arrange their hair in one or two braids on the crown of their head and fasten thereon some eagle feathers or other headgear. The women, on the contrary, part their hair above the brow, draw it backward and bind it at the neck; then they braid with that queue a cloth, either varicolored or else richly embroidered. The younger girls, the elite among them, at least, arrange their hair in two braids, one on each side of the head, that hang sometimes 10One of these Indians wore a beautiful collar with a bear’s claw, for which he asked $12. That seemed to me too dear a price, so I postponed the purchase of such a badge of distinction until a later time. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 39 at the back, sometimes in front, and are also often adorned with bright-colored bands and beads. Every Indian has straight black hair, dark brown eyes, copper- colored skin, more or less dark, rather prominent cheek bones, and small hands and feet. They rarely allow their beards to grow; in fact, they have hardly any hair at all on their bodies and the little that appears they very carefully pull out. When standing, an Indian’s feet point directly in front of him; therefore, the foot- prints of an Indian can be easily distinguished from those of a white man. Any one who has had to walk a great deal through tall grass or along narrow paths that animals use will understand at once the advantage of placing the feet in that way. Indians, including both sexes, have no tendency to obesity. Their distinctive physical characteristics are, further, a robust, low-arched chest and strong, compact limbs. Their attitudes and movements are never awkward. Their hands, which are perfectly flexible and sup- ple from their constant practice in the sign language, they use in a manner particularly graceful. How often I have wished I was a sculptor that I might memorialize in stone the stately pose of certain figures and the masterful fall of the blanket. The Oto, in speech as well as in outward characteristics, are a kindred tribe to the Iowa. According to certain American philolo- gists the Iowa belong to the Dakota Tribe.*”» From what I know of their language that conclusion is incomprehensible to me. That the Iowa in later years lived in the territory of the Dakota, west of the Missouri, proves nothing. They were forced to withdraw to the other side of the river by the combined tribes of Sauk and Fox Indians. The Sauk and the Fox Indians shave the hair entirely from the crown of their heads and arrange what is left at the back in such a way that it looks like a tuft or brush. Some of them leave the long hair on their crowns for a support on which to fasten their head adornments. The braves have a proud warlike mien. They have this, at least, in common with the Potawatomi: they love the Americans just as little. They have no outlook for the future that inspires hope. Their thoughts dwell more on the past, when they were independent and free. Their daughters are not as beautiful as the maidens among the Iowa; consequently not so much exposed to the temptations of the white man. In the late autumn of 1848 the Missouri froze over to such a depth that a four-horse team or sleighs laden with wood could cross with- out the slightest danger. This icebound passageway gave to many Americans easy access to the Indians’ forests, where they collected *> JT, e., the Siouan stock. 81634—37——4 40 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 enormous amounts of firewood and took it away without compensa- tion to the owners and sold it in the city. Finally the chief of the Kickapoo ™ (the land of the Iowas begins at Wolf River) complained to the United States land agents, who then had a prohibitory order issued. The Americans act as though they think the Indian domain is at their disposal for hunting and fishing as much as they lke without being called to account; but if an Indian should be met hunting, on what is really his own ancient native ground that he has recently parted with, a bullet or a beating will certainly fall to his share. Near the end of the year 1848 about 30 lodges of Iowa Indians camped in the forest across the river from St. Joseph. They came to get the benefit of the clippings and cuttings of meat and the wastage incident upon the hog-killing season. Since they must live by hunting, the winter is a difficult time for the Indians, and particularly grave in those forests where wild animals are well- nigh exterminated. The buffalo and the elk have retreated long since to regions farther west. Following the chase under such conditions, in the frosts and mists over ground covered with snow and ice, is extremely hard. The chief of that band or kindred tribe of 30 Iowa families, or lodges, was called Kirutsche. During the summer he had often vis- ited me for several days at a time and taught me the Iowa dialect. So I was already very well acquainted with him. He took much pleasure in my eagerness to learn. Kirutsche was a man of middle age, agreeable in manner, not tall but extremely agile. He had seen a great deal of the world; had been received by Louis Philippe himself in Paris. As soon as Kirutsche was encamped and the entire settlement in order, he came over immediately to invite me to a dance that was to be given in his honor the next evening by some of his friends. I accepted his invitation with delight. It was the evening of December 15. As I was crossing the frozen stream an ice-cold wind swept across the river, driving before it a cloud of snowflakes. In the forest I found many converging paths and did not know which one would lead to Kirutsche’s tent. As soon, however, as I was well into the wood, out of the howling wind, I heard the meas- ured beating of a drum. Following in the direction of that sound, I arrived in a short time at the lodge. I had expected to find a tent of skins similar to those I had already passed, but this, I saw, was a hut constructed of withes in elliptical form and overarched with rush mats. At the top there was an opening for light and for the u The Kickapoo a hundred years ago were the southeastern neighbors of the Sauk. According to Lieutenant Pike they inhabited the region at the mouth of the Missouri in 1805. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 41 egress of smoke and cut low in one of the long sidewalls was another that served for door. The latter was covered, as by a curtain, with an animal pelt. While I was standing before the hut, enjoying this interesting picture, in the twilight, of Indians’ habitations in the primeval for- est, I saw the form of a full-grown Indian come hurtling through the doorway. Naked, as he was, he fell in a snowbank and lay there, affording great amusement to the women and children who had gathered around him. He had drunk too much whisky and was in consequence hurled out of the hut for disturbing the company. When I wished to go through the narrow door I found a great tall Indian stationed there as guard. He was unwilling to let me in. Kirutsche’s squaw, who had already seen me, called to her husband, however, and he came at once to greet me. Kirutsche bade me sit down beside his beautiful 16-year-old daughter Witthae. Notwithstanding my enthusiasm for the moment, I realized that my highest aims were being fulfilled; that after all my patient endurance, after all reverses, hindrances, and weary persevering years, I was at last in the midst of Indians; that I had found living models for my study of the antique; notwithstanding my heightened feeling under the consciousness of all this, I had to admit that this charming Indian girl made a deep impression on me. We could ex- change very few words, to be sure; though she understood English, she was not willing to attempt conversation in that language; I could speak still less “Pachotschie.” We had to converse, therefore, by means of signs, and eyes. To express my good will I presented some small gifts that I had taken along with me for that purpose. It was then that I learned what I often put to the test later on: that one becomes acquainted with Indians much more quickly if one does not understand their speech. My beautiful neighbor did not absorb all of my attention, however, to the exclusion of the dance. Around a large fire that was burning in the center of the lodge sat twenty men and young blades (called “bannerets” by the Canadians and “bucks” by the Americans, be- cause, at that age, their only occupation seems to be strolling about with girls). At the upper end Kirutsche sat on the floor, just as all Indians sit, with his legs crooked under him. Beside him were grouped his special friends and two drummers who to the measured drumbeats sang loud a repetition of “Oh!” Two young men leaped, one behind the other, around the open space between the fire and the circle of onlookers; each of them holding back the blanket with his left hand, carried in his right a slender whistle made of bone with which, inclining now to the ground, now toward the heavens, then toward the fire, then toward 42 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 the guests, he blew a succession of harsh tuneless sounds. The entire scene was in the highest degree animated and picturesque. I studied it very carefully in all its details, got the impression complete, so that, immediately afterwards, I was able to make a sketch true to life. Then, varying the movements, the two performers (they really cannot be called dancers) went slowly round the circle and ad- dressed themselves to each of the older guests or to those who were actually taking part (as distinguished from the mere spectators). With the right hand they indicated the person to whom they would speak, said something flattering, whereupon the latter would reply “Hau” or “Hun” (both words drawled, the last one very nasal and strongly aspirated; they are abbreviations for “yes”). After they had spoken to every one in the circle and had repeated the bounding and whistling act, the two young men and the drummers were re- leved from further duty. However, before the new performers came into action whisky was served, in a wooden cup, to inspirit the guests. To avoid accidents, in case of inebriation, Witthae collected all the knives (no Indian, man or woman, ever fails to carry a knife at the belt) and hid them. Between whiles, Kirutsche sat down beside me to chat and to make me better acquainted with his daughter. I made him a present of some lead and gunpowder that he greatly needed. Then he said something to Witthae, who immediately took out of her pouch (which served also for pillow) a daguerreotype and showed it to me. Both she and her father were immensely pleased when I recognized at once a likeness of the chief. “Paris—Louis Philippe—big King—French”, said Kirutsche; and made the sign meaning “received as a gift.” Witthae pressed the picture into my hand, giving me to understand that she was pre- senting it to me. Her mother (Wuotschimm) made known to me with nods and winks that I might kiss her daughter, but Witthae, seeing that I was about te put my arm around her, sprang up laughing and slipped out of the tent. Then all had a great laugh at me. But I was only saying to myself: “Just -wait a bit!” In about three hours the whisky flagon was empty, the people were tired, and the guests began to disperse. I was hoping all the while that Witthae would come back, but I hoped in vain. To search for her in other tents I did not like to do. As finale, an old witch of a woman who had become intoxicated gave a solo dance to the universal amusement of the spectators. With her long hair wildly disheveled, she stood with back bent and elbows akimbo, moving her arms alternately backward and forward, while with feet close together she hopped, now to the right, now to the left, keeping time to the measured drumbeats and her own outcry. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 43 Then I had to search out my way home through the forest. There was sufficient light, I admit, to show huge, dusky objects rising out of the snow but not enough to enable me to find a path. I wrapped my riding cloak close about me and stamped cautiously along in the direction of the river, sometimes climbing over a fallen tree, some- times wading kneedeep in a snowdrift, but exulting all the way over the thought of having spent an evening in a lodge. For three months I was a regular visitor at that camp and spent many a day and night in the variously constructed dwellings. The tents were, for the most part, conical in form and made of skins in the usual Indian fashion. There were among them, however, some lodges constructed of osier twigs or withes and covered with rush mats. There were others, besides, constructed with pieces of bark with a roof of the same material; i. e., strips of bark laid across the top. The last-named hut could be used only when roof and sides were covered with snow. In this Indian settlement I observed customs and modes of life. I sketched also as much as was possible during the cold winter season. In severe weather I remained indoors, made portrait sketches of interesting faces, and tried to learn the language as quickly as possible. My linguistic attempts gave occasion for a great many jokes and much pleasantry. I wrote the words down, always, in order to learn them by rote and the better to impress them. My reading their words off in that way afforded the Iowa much diver- sion. I was never able to get a copy of the dictionary in “Pachot- schie” that their missionary (a Protestant) had compiled for the purpose of teaching the language in the schools. When attempting to write the pronunciation of words correctly I made use of all the languages I knew: For instance, the Iowa dialect has the English th, many nasal sounds from the French, the German u, r, i, but no sound for f or 1. On the whole, I found the dialect a soft, melodious language. 1849 On New Year’s morning an old squaw came to sell me a quiver of many good arrows; her husband now has a gun. After the sale was effected she took me aside and gave me to understand, partly with words, partly by signs, that she had a young and beautiful girl she wished me to marry. I was to come in the evening and see her. Being fond of these people and having given no occasion for mistrust or quarreling, I did not once consider the danger of rambling about the forest at night among so-called savages. Curious and on the alert for any adventure, I went at nightfall along the way I now knew well to the tent designated. There I 44 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 found the old woman with her entire family squatting around the fire. She bade me sit down beside an exceedingly young but attrac- tive girl, and made the sign meaning, “That is your wife!” The girl was yet a child; at least, no more than 13 years old. Anene shrouded herself in her shabby blanket and began to sob from fright. I was much embarrassed. I tried to calm the shy girl and to comfort her with gifts of candy and other trifles. Meanwhile the old squaw sent for a young Indian who had learned very good English in Johnson’s school in Kentucky. Now the transaction began: First, the marriage contract, namely, to the mother a pony, and in addi- tion a new woolen blanket; to the bride a complete outfit of new clothes, good food, and no beatings(!); to the remaining relatives a sack (70 pounds) of meal. I was struck dumb with amazement; accordingly the old woman, thinking, from my silence, that I was satisfied with the terms, desired to have mentioned, as an after- thought, some sugar and coffee for herself. Then, quite unexpect- edly, came Witthae with her younger sister, Niukigreme, and sat down just behind me. Witthae had heard about the transaction and now came to let me know that she was aware of what was going on. I gave her but one look; she gave me but a glance, yet that revealed what she had been careful, until now, to conceal. She and her sister ran out again without having spoken a word. Then Anene ran out; for fear, most likely, of having her ears boxed by the jealous Witthae. Nor would she come back again; her mother might send for her as much as she liked, she would not come. After waiting a long time in vain, I took myself off. In the wood outside I came into a tempest; trees were crashing, snowflakes fall- ing thick and fast, and the night had become so black that darkness seemed almost palpable. Under such circumstances it was impossible to find my way home without a lantern. So I returned to the fire. Kennachuk, Anene’s brother (all members of the same band or lodge call one another brother and sister, father and mother, whether that relation really exists or not) prepared a place for me to sleep and gave me a pillow. I wrapped myself in my cloak and lay down, but it was far into the night before I went to sleep. I had too much to think about; though this affair was at an end, I was sure of Witthae instead. In just such manner as I have described the Indians give girls in marriage—or sell them, if they do not consent of their own free will. One or two horses is the price that makes a binding contract. When horses are not included, the marriage has no binding force either for the wife or her parents.” “ As horses were not originally known te North American savages, the bargain made with commodities must also have been valid. With the coming of the horse an Indian woman advanced in value. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 45 In the event that the daughter runs off, she must take the horses back to the son-in-law; either his own or other horses equally good. For $30 I might have had Anene! Reasonable purchase! That is, if she were worth anything at all. I was often surprised to hear young Iowa speak such good English. I asked Uotschetsche, one of the young men, whether they were taught so well at the mission. He said not so; but at John- son’s school in Kentucky. That man Johnson appears to be a great friend to the Indians (a rare exception among Americans). Out of his own means he has founded a school for Indian boys, where the youths are taught the English language, reading, writ- ing, arithmetic, some geography and history. Whether they re- ceive also religious training I do not know. I have found not the slightest trace of Christian belief in the schoolboys; still less, of better moral standards. When the boys at Johnson’s school reach a certain age they are required to learn a trade. However well meant that may be, the plan will not prove a success so long as the Indians are not given the same political rights as the white population in America. What is the use of being shoemakers, tailors, etc., when one is discriminated against as an isolated class? In their present state of poverty their old clothes serve them very well: are, really, more suitable to the conditions under which they live. I would say that such training would not serve its purpose even in the useful trades, such as blacksmiths, armorers, tanners, rope makers and similar occupations, because an Indian skilled in such a trade would never work for an American; the latter would not receive him as a partner; he would never be able to establish him- self as his own master for lack of capital; and among his own people he could not find sufficient employment or sufficient pay. When these Kentucky protégés come back to their tribes they soon learn the truth as to their prospects. They then become the most unhappy, the most indolent, the most disregarded among their people. With their new-fashioned ideas they find no means of support; they are not farmers, huntsmen, or protectors; still less, warriors. In a word, they are ruined as Indian braves. Judging by the many examples that I have observed, I shoud say that, notwithstanding his good intentions and self-sacrifice, Colonel Johnson has accomplished no good end. Nor will he as long as his fellow-countrymen do not receive the Indians as their social equals. Indian blood would certainly do the Americans no damage; Indian blood is purer than that of thousands of native-born Americans as well as of naturalized immigrants. The Indian, as the real natives of the land, would have a more ardent attachment to the soil, a 46 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULD. 115 deeper love for the nation, than, for instance, the Irishman who never surrenders his loyalty to the Emerald Isle. The American is an aristocrat only skin deep. That sort is more foolish, more absurd in his pretensions and more immoral than an aristocrat by birth. The nobles have rendered excellent service. Real nobility serves as incentive to honor and distinction, but never when good birth is judged only by the difference in color of a man’s skin. At the end of January 1849 the first gold seeker showed himself in St. Joseph. For a long time I, and many other people as weil, had regarded this much-discussed discovery of gold as a make- believe on the part of the United States Government to get the newly acquired region of California quickly populated. However, when a certain Widmer arrived here in the autumn, having been sent on by Solothurn von Sutter in California to conduct his wife and daughter over the prairie, no one could longer doubt the truth of the reports. The first arrivals from the East were two rich merchants from New York. They had traveled in a sleigh direct from their home to this place (more than 3,000 miles), in order to be the first to reach California. As they traveled westward the gold fever mounted; they were wealthy speculators—not duffers. In the main, I think most of the gold seekers of this year had more ample means than those of later years; it was the more necessary also, because nobody hereabouts was prepared for such a large num- ber of emigrants. The prices of provisions, cattle, and goods be- came exorbitant. The farmer fixed no price for his products but advanced them higher and higher with each new band of adventurers. A bushel ef corn, formerly only 15 cents, advanced to $1; a barrel, containing 5 bushels, was $5. Ham, formerly from 3 to 7 cents a pound, was now 12 cents; butter, from 8 to 25 cents. Oftentimes bread could not be had at all. Half of the farmers were again on their feet financially. Many of them, in spite of their preemption rights, were so poor that they could not pay the State for their land when the payments fell due; therefore a law had to be passed for their relief, whereby they were allowed to make payments in installments. But for that measure, most of the elderly farmers in the upper counties would have been bankrupt and their properties, together with the improvements they had made on them, would have fallen into the hands of speculators. When the Missouri was open to navigation in the middle of Feb- ruary several thousand of these adventurers, all in a heat from goid fever, streamed into St. Joseph from all parts of the more northerly States, from the south by way of Panama, and many from Europe besides. Here the steamboat stopped and unloaded passengers, mules, KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 47 horses, cattle, vehicles, and commodities. The landing place was animated to an extraordinary degree. The city was packed so full of people that tents were pitched about the city and along the opposite bank of the river in such numbers that we seemed to be besieged by an army. Every house lot that was enclosed became a stable and brought in money to the owner. Widmer also came back; as Sutter’s family had taken the route through Panama, instead of coming to Highland, he was now conducting a large company of gold seekers. Because of the advance in prices, many poor emigrants felt com- pelled to give up their plans, at least for that year. They were obliged to return home or else remain here and seek employment. Many more, because they were unacquainted with this new mode of life and the conditions under which they must travel, wrecked their draft animals and for that reason had to turn back. Most of them made the mistake of loading their wagons too heavily and also of having begun their journey across the prairie too early, before the erass was high enough. These last-mentioned emigrants were forced, at best, to make a detour with their horses, mules, and cattle that greatly overtasked their teams. Instead of beginning with a maxi- mum speed of 14 miles a day they went oftentimes twice that dis- tance—by far too much, when setting out on a long journey. These ill-advised beginnings caused much laughter on the part of observers but were anything but pleasant for the emigrants themselves. At- tempts to drive the obstinate wild ass caused, frequently, a great hullabaloo. Many a time I have seen one single ass turn to scorn a dozen of those inexperienced drivers. They might jerk and pull as much as they pleased, the ass would not budge until they had mastered the art of driving in the right way. With oxen matters were often quite as bad; until their drivers learned how to put on the yoke, could crack the whip and knew which side was meant by “tschi” and which by “ho” the beasts gave occasion for much cursing and swearing. Not less entertaining was the horror many of these emigrants had of the Indians, and even of the pioneers. They went about the streets heavily armed. They never failed to carry pistols (revolvers) and long knives in their belts. The inhabitants of St. Joseph, on the contrary, had more to fear from these adventurers than they had to fear from us. And their golden dreams! Not one of them would return with less than $50,000! In California, that El Dorado, gold could be scratched out with the nails, without difficulty, with almost no work at all. There was no need of taking money along, if one but had his outfit ; Indians one paid with the whip. After the fare was paid for being ferried across the Missouri, there was no further need of money, they 48 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 said. Under illusions, created by gold fever, they did not consider that on the way out they might be forced by accidents to trade or to barter; that they would not be given their food and clothing in California; that they, even in the gold region, might suffer for lack of money. In their delirium brought on by gold fever they did not consider these matters at all. Play and drink was the order of their day. In proportion to the promiscuous throng, however, there was not much quarreling, horse stealing, or swindling. “Oh, Californy, you are the land for me”, was their song, their rallying cry, their constant thought. It hap- pened, however, that a conductor who had been engaged by several bands of emigrants gambled away their combined funds instead of providing the necessary outfit. That was a jolly, stirring time. They tarried in St. Joseph until June. Our tradesmen did a splendid business. About the same time the Mormons assembled near Kanesville, 8 miles from Council Bluffs, in readiness to wander on to Salt Lake and found their new Zion. The quiet that followed this hubbub was almost unbearable. To make the contrast all the more noticeable, most of the tradespeople were off on new speculations and the farmers were busy on their lands making preparation for the next migration to the west. These travelers brought cholera with them from St. Louis; in consequence, several of our population lost their lives. Up to this time I had been perfectly well, even immune from cholera, although my young partner who slept in the same bed with me had such a severe attack that his convulsions awoke me. He died; I remained in good health still. On June 4, about 10 o’clock at night, a frightful storm broke over the city and caused great destruction. Such a flood of rain streamed down the street in front of the house where I lived that the swift current made it dangerous for any one to stand there. Black Snake River demolished dikes, bridges, and houses; my dwelling was sur- rounded by water that found no outlet. During the whole night I was forced to work strenuously to keep the tide from rising further. Next morning I was wretchedly cold in spite of the summer heat; even at midday I was freezing cold. My illness became more grave. I had an attack of bilious fever and spent several dreadful nights entirely alone, without assistance. In my delirium I fancied the house was falling in, that the bed was sinking under me. When I became once more rational, I found that I had fallen out of bed and was clinging convulsively to the fireplace. But ill weeds grow apace. In a few weeks the doctor had allayed the fever. As an after effect, my feet were so terribly swollen that they felt like lead; standing or walking was painful. The thought of having to submit to slow death from dropsy was ex- KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 49 cruciating to me. So near the fulfillment of my aims and not to be able to accomplish them! I would rather shoot myself than to watch the steady swelling of my legs. But the water did not rise further; after three long months I was again restored to health. When I was strong enough once more to crawl up Black Snake Hill and stand beside the grave of little La Fleur I looked out over the widespreading view of that Indian domain—the forest with which I associated such a throng of memories—and felt my heart quicken again with purpose; I took courage anew. ‘Poland is not yet lost”, I said to myself. “Never despair!” Indians who came to see me in the autumn served as models for sketches and portraits. First came six of the most notable Fox Indians with their interpreter, asking that I put down in writing for them a message to the squire in this place through whose assistance they might get some horses that had strayed. As I wrote their signatures, each in his turn touched my quill pen as a sign that he consented to or authorized what was written. I took the greatest pleasure in those grandees; they bore themselves with a dignity so natural, so distinguished, that I was filled with admiration. With all sorts of pretexts I tried to detain them; I found in them delicate tact in manners, nobility of feature, and dignity in bearing. Un- fortunately I did not take down their names. It occurred to me afterwards how frequently I forgot names, my memory having been too much overtaxed with the multitude of new matters. From a trader I bought a painted buffalo robe. I had one already in my possession that was adorned with a sun, but the figures in the other were still more interesting. The so-called “Indian summer” was wonderful that autumn; cold weather began late. It was the 22d of December before the Iowa came and spread their tents. The river was not yet frozen over and the poor Indians did not have enough money to pay the ferryman. They waited the livelong day, gazing with longing at the city across thestream. I was waiting most impatiently the hour of their arrival. Several whom I knew shouted across to me, “Istamantugra wagya- chere.” I sprang into a skiff and was rowed across. Then all begged to be taken back with me. First of all, I inquired for Kirutsche. He was not there. Then I went into all the tents to see whether other intimate acquaintances of mine had come. I selected the handsomest for models, so that I might go on with my studies. Until the river froze, I was obliged to be ferried across each time when I wished to paint a portrait of any one, and also to pay the person’s fare back. One evening, when the wilderness was irresistibly beautiful, I wandered in the forest, paid some visits, listened to the enamored lads as they made love to the girls with their flutes or made signals by blowing through their clenched fists. I, too, had a trysting place 50 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULD. 115 with the dainty little Niukogra near a hollow tree on the bank of the Missouri, whose waters refreshed this entire region. Several small herds of the most noble wild animals came there to graze, happily unconscious of their woeful fate. The moon never shone so brilliantly, the trees never seemed so huge, nor life so romantic as at that spot. I sat there for a long time with the dear little wanton on the trunk of a fallen tree, under the spell of the moon, mirrored in the stream before us, and of her languishing eyes. I asked many questions but wrote nothing down. We sat there until late into the night, then went into the tent, wrapped ourselves in a cloak or blanket, and those who could fell asleep. 1850 On January 1 I began the New Year well by remaining in camp the livelong day and sketching both the exterior and interior of tents. At last, January 9, Kirutsche came, but at first he was alone. He made a proposal to me: if I would marry his daughter, Witthae, and establish myself in their domain, I should receive from his tribe more than 2,000 acres of land, secured to me by authority of the chiefs and the United States land agent. JKirutsche had spoken to me about this before. He wished to work; standing with folded arms was of no use. Neither did working by himself advance him at all; he had, then, to support all his relatives. He could not possess anything for himself alone, nor could he save anything, while the others were hungry. In order that he might derive some benefit from his labors, he wished me to form a partnership with him in the purchase of a stone-cutter’s business that we knew of and work it ourselves. On making the proposal he said emphatically that I was never to begin giving any of our possessions to the others, because they would then constantly beg without doing anything for us in return. The Iowa, he said, were not yet accustomed to agricultural labor. Their landed property, moreover, was not secured to them as mine would be, if the title was signed by the United States land agent; land so secured the Iowa could no longer offer to the United States for sale. I must admit that the plan rather appealed to me; to Witthae still more. I knew that what he told me about the land was true (improvements are included in the terms only that the land may not be obtained by speculators and thieves for their own advantage, but by settlers). The greatest difficulty was how to rid ourselves of the hungry Indians. Well, we would plant no corn. They could not take the stone from us. Besides, the stone-cutter’s place was on the Missouri, a long distance from their village. He who ventures nothing, gains nothing, I thought; in all matters, KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 51 there is much to be said on both sides. Furthermore, my parents- in-law pleased me quite well; they were industrious, good-tempered, and honest. So, when Witthae came with her mother on January 10, I received her as my wife. Her mother served hot coffee, fried meat, and bread.#® White Cloud, chief of the Iowa, came as guest to witness our union. Next day I purchased her outfit that she might clothe herself in new garments throughout. I bought the usual short shirt or blouse of red calico, a woolen underskirt and pantalettes, a red blanket, a choice of large pearl beads for necklaces, and many col- ored bands for her hair and for her costume. Later I bought wool for knitting and smaller beads for girdle and garters..4 Though Witthae herself would rather have adopted the European mode, I preferred that she dress as an Indian girl. I liked the Indian style of dress both for its charm and its utility. Everything went well until the mild winter weather made fur- ther slaughtering of hogs inadvisable; then, since the Iowa could no longer profit by the bits of meat trimmed from the slaughtered swine, one family after another went away—Kirutsche and Wuot- schime among them. Floating ice made their passage across the river very dangerous. Soon Witthae began to feel like a captive bird. She had no one but me to entertain her. All my efforts to cheer her up proved unavailing. She became melancholy, obviously homesick. She gazed continually with tear-dimmed eyes into the distance beyond the river. Wrapped in her blanket she sat, dream- ing of her earlier freedom; paying no attention to my assurances that I would take her over to her people as soon as the weather permitted. Luckily, her mother’s sister came one evening, bringing her daugh- ters with her. Witthae was once more cheerful. In the hope of relieving my wife from further attacks of homesickness I invited her aunt to remain with us a while and help us to spend the time until we should settle down in a place nearer Witthae’s people. It was arranged, moreover, that Kirutsche was to come to us upon his return from a visit to some friends in the Fox Indian tribe and assist us, when we transferred our residence to the land promised. Then, imagine my astonishment, some mornings later, when I found that my bird had flown. Witthae had gone, taking her rela- tives and her belongings with her. I was in the front room shaving, when, all at once, it occurred to me that there was an unwonted still- hess in our living room. After I had finished I went in there. I 18The women are especially fond of coffee drinking. They think it conserves their strength. 14 She had, most likely, the same costume, originally of soft deer skin. 52 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 could hardly believe my eyes, in spite cf undoubted proof to the © contrary. There was no possibility of doubt: their goods and chat- — tels had been taken along with them. I pondered: should I hasten — after her, stop her, plead with her to be gracious and come back to — me? Never! I loved her; I had taken her in sincerity with good — intention; I had treated her well; I hoped, therefore, that she would — come back. But at evening she had not returned. I thought it be- neath my dignity to go after her. Two weeks later my mother-in-law came, but did not bring her daughter. She said Kirutsche would bring her back. “Tf she does not wish to come of her own accord, she may remain at home,” I told her mother. Wuotschime was very much grieved. I held to my resolve. ‘That was the end of my romantic dream of love and marriage with an Indian. Brief joy! Now, all at once, St. Joseph was spoiled for me. I went 14 miles farther north to the town of Savannah. If the emigrants to Cali- fornia had appealed to me more I should have supplied myself with funds to go out with them, try my fortune in El Dorado, and then, with additional wealth, be all the more able to complete my work in art. But the gold seekers appealed to me even less this year than last. The route along which they traveled west was now known, as well as the expense of the necessary outfit and the best means of getting forward rapidly. The multitudes on the way to Califor- nia, therefore, were poorer men, on the whole, and much more ava- ricious than the first adventurers. “Gold or death; gold, by all means”, was their war cry. The farmers withheld their forage crops, for they knew that most of the gold seekers, in their fevered haste, would come on too early and be obliged to tarry a while in St. Joseph until the prairie grass was sufficient for their draft animals. The emigrants were in great distress: The grass simply would not grow; the weather was unfavorable. As waiting in the city cost so much, they dispersed themselves on the farms, where, though they found food just as dear in price, they did not have to pay for the ground on which to pitch their tents. Many farmers, for the sake of exorbitant profits, sold so much of their produce that they them- selves had nothing left and, oftentimes, had to wait until the next harvest. Swine were so rare and so dear that there were no pork houses the next winter; all hog meat had to be ordered from St. Louis, sometimes from Cincinnati. As I have said, if the emigrants this year had pleased me better, I should have gone with them, for the possession of gold would have been a great assistance in the accomplishment of my purpose. Furthermore, I might have gone from California to Mexico and have been able to follow my original plan to study the Comanche. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 53 But, in the first place, what assurance had I that I should accom- plish this three months’ journey in safety or that I should be suc- cessful in California, either in trade or in delving for gold? One had only to be acquainted with the majority of these wanderers and realize their passion for gold to form a very good idea as to one’s chance. If a man were lucky enough to stuff his pockets with gold dust was he certain of keeping any of it? When people undertake a journey of 3,000 miles on foot with a wheelbarrow what avari- cious greed must urge them on! Of what doubtful undertakings are such men not capable! Almost every newspaper brought accounts of murders in the “diggings.” My principal reason for not going, however, was my knowledge of conditions in Missouri: I knew that I could continue my studies among Indians and the wild animals in native forests nearer at hand. I did not need to wander so far west. If I had gone to California I should have profited, even at best, only by the opportunity to travel; I should not have been able to finish my studies. Often one does not value what one sees every day and, precisely for that reason, one goes forth to seek at a distance what can be had near at hand. April. Savannah, although founded 8 years earlier than St. Joseph, is, on account of the latter’s advantageous situation on the river, not nearly so large or important. In this land, the size of cities, not favorably situated either on a railway or navigable stream, is determined by the business enterprise of the region round about them. The fruits of the field are profitable or not, according to the transportation cost to a better market. Many farmers, too far re- moved from markets, do not harvest their crops except to feed and clothe themselves and their families; therefore they are unable ever to better their condition. The rapid growth of St. Joseph has caused the abandonment of Jamestown (Jeintown), a former settlement on an eminence half- way between St. Joseph and Savannah. Competition was too great. The empty tavern and some heaps of rubbish are still there as testimony to the town’s early downfall. St. Joseph was founded just eight years ago (laid out in 1842) but already takes precedence over all neighboring towns, even Weston. St. Joseph’s favorable situation on the Missouri makes it a ren- dezvous for Mountaineers as well as the rallying point for emigrants to Oregon and California. When direct connection with the Missis- sippi is established by the projected railway to Palmyra the town will have every prospect for a bright future, unless the great con- tinental from New York to San Francisco takes a route that leaves St. Joseph aside. In that event the growth of the town will be brought to a standstill; its very existence may be endangered. St. 54 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 Louis’ early bright prospects are becoming daily more clouded. Trade with the North is now diverted almost entirely to Chicago, If, in spite of all efforts and sacrifices on the part of her citizens, St. Louis should not be made a principal station on the great con- tinental railway, this emporium of the West, the future seat of the United States Government, would pass as a tale that is told. St. Joseph, as well as St. Louis, is indebted to the fur traders for its beginning. In 1834 Joseph Robidoux, as I have mentioned already, bought this trading post from the American Fur Co. and from this point carried on an exchange trade with the neighboring Indian tribes. His first house stood at the end of a ridge near the mouth of the Black Snake, as the stream is called from its tortuous course through the black shadows of the woodland. Canadians called the place at an earlier time, Le Post du Serpent Noir. Robi- doux’s old storehouse is still standing; it looks like a stall. In fact, the place is now used for that purpose. His dwelling house was on the other side of town. On its site now stands a tavern that was built by County Clerk Fowler. . As soon as the increasing number of country towns and farms began to close in upon Joe Robidoux and to create competition in the fur trade he decided to buy 160 acres to which he held pre- emption rights and to sell the land for city property. At first he sold lot for lot at very reasonable prices, in order to induce people to buy them; for instance, he would sell a lot for $10 or for a yoke of oxen. Then, according to the convenient location of the plots in question, he steadily advanced the prices. He is now an im- mensely wealthy property holder, but his 60 papooses, his seven white children, and several brothers in rags and tatters continually consume his substance. Two years ago the city lots had advanced threefold in value. Now a building lot with 40 feet front and a depth of 140 feet, abutting in the rear on an alley, is worth from $300 to $600. In Savannah I had an especially good opportunity to observe some of the religious carryings-on: camp meetings, baptism by “sprinkling” or “ducking in mud holes” was the order of the day. It was certainly a sight that reflects little credit on these so-called Christians. This religious mischief is sometimes carried to such extremes that an impressionable woman with a delicate nervous organism is driven out of her mind by the frantic rage of the preacher! Each claims to be right; each threatens with hell and 15 St. Louis’ prospects have been much improved by the railway line from Cincinnati ; at the time I wrote the above, Illinois, out of jealousy, refused to grant the railway company right of way. But universal condemnation of that course brought the Suckers to a better mind. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 55 damnation. This sort of thing influences many of their adherents to seek other churches. On August 7 I bought a dainty black mare with white feet— all four white. She is a genuine mustang. What a joy to wander about the forest, where Fashion carries me to distances I could not otherwise accomplish and so widens the sphere of my observa- tions. With Fashion’s aid I have been able to visit often the Hundred-and-Two River (so named because it is said to be 102 miles long), to bathe in its clear waters, to sketch groups of trees on its shores that are hardly surpassed by those on the Cahokia. Potawatomi from Kansas and those on the land known as the “Platte Purchase” visited one another frequently. I made sketches of some of them and, in exchange, furnished the young fellows with 10-cent pieces of rods out of which they make arrows for the hunting season. At 20 feet they hit small objects with great accuracy; at a greater distance the least movement of the air may exert an adverse effect. At 100 feet they fly the arrows with great skill but can not be sure of piercing the heart of the animal. In the autumn newspapers began to publish articles about a plan that was being considered by the United States Government, in con- nection with the highway to California and Oregon, to enter into negotiations with the Indian tribes concerned and for that purpose to invite the most notable men among them to a conference next sum- mer at Fort Laramie. At once it occurred to me that I might enjoy an agreeable adventure and at the same time make it profitable if I would occasionally buy good horses, ride about the country on horseback, sell the animals at a profit next spring at Salt Lake, then, on my return, attend, if possible, that most interesting assembly at Fort Laramie and witness the signing of the treaty. 1551 The speculation in horses did not succeed particularly well. Farmers held back their corn and hay for the expected emigrants; the maintenance of my five pads came too high. Finally, because of bad news from California, not nearly so many adventurers came in the spring, but many more Oregon farmers who brought their cattle and provisions with them. Then, of course, horses declined in value. I lost a great deal of money. The cost of feeding the animals was out of proportion to the amount their work brought me. I was too fond of them and spent too much taking care of them. One misfortune after another induced me to sell the horses and give up the idea of going to Salt Lake. First, I suffered the loss 81634—37—_5 56 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BUEEI15 | of an excellent mare that I lent to an acquaintance who wished to attend a Christmas ball at Rochester. After he had run a race on a bet, after the manner of Americans, and over a rough, frozen road, he left my fine animal standing in front of a public house all in a sweat and without the protection of a blanket. In spite of all efforts to save her, the mare died from pneumonia. I suffered another mishap in a pasture where I allowed my four horses to exercise on a beautiful March day. A boy took great delight in playing tricks on the spirited animals and, to give himself further amusement, set a dog on them just to see them run an extended course. Having become once frightened, they did not stop running for several miles, until they were far into the forest. After a long search I came up with them at last but, as I drew nearer, calling gently to them, and was sure of getting hold of at least one of them, whinnying, they turned abruptly about, extended their legs, shook their manes and, in a trice, had disappeared from view. For the reason that Lily, one of my mares, appeared to be going in the direction of the place where she had been bred, I thought I should find all of them next morning at her old home. So early in the day I hired a horse and rode over there, through a region that was unfamiliar to me. My road, a most romantic one, led through a magnificent forest, over two beautiful streams, and across a waste. Not a trace of my horses anywhere! Then I remained at home two days, hoping that my runaways might be induced by hunger to return or else that some news might come to me concern- ing their whereabouts. But they did not return. No news came. On the fifth day after their flight I hired another horse and rode to the place where two other mares of mine had been bred, i. e., to the “Round Prairie” on the high road to Fort Kearney near Newark. There, fully 9 miles from the city, I heard specifically that they had been seen. Fortunately, they had kept together and were so wild and spirited that no one could catch them; otherwise I should cer- tainly have lost one or the other. A young farmer who had seen the two colts and knew the range of their earlier pasture mounted his horse and helped me trace them. For several hours we followed them from one farm to another. It was perfectly evident that they wanted to play with their former companions and were searching for them, and as the brutes went visiting around in their old neigh- borhood and tarried here and there with their former playmates we drew constantly nearer. Still following the trace we came, late in the evening, into the highroad again, where dust made it impossible any longer to dis- tinguish their tracks. Well, I spent the night in Newark. Next morning, the sixth day of their “spree,” I was up with the sun to follow any trace I might | } KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 57 find on the highway. Over a wide stretch I searched but could find neither on the right nor on the left any tracks made by sixteen feet. I did find a place beside the road where they had lain down together, but on what night? That was a puzzle too difficult for my wits to solve. My only possible clue was fresh dung. After breakfast I mounted my hired pad with the intention of going home, hoping that my straying animals would instinctively return, finally, to the place where they had received good nurture and rich forage. Upon my inquiry at a farm on the highway I was told that toward sunset the previous evening four horses—according to the description, they must be mine—were seen prancing along the way in the direction of Savannah. A little farther on, where the road from Marysville branches off from the highroad to Fort Kearney, I heard from a countryman living there that during the night four horses wanted to rest on the straw lying in front of his fence, that the roan mare (my Bet) had already lain down but, for fear that their presence might tempt his own beasts to break out, he had driven them away. Which way they went he did not know. “Home, of course, to their own comfortable stalls,” I said to myself. I rode rapidly back to Savannah in happy expectation. There I found no trace of my runaways’ return. So, after I had eaten, I had to mount a fresh horse and renew the search. Following my latest clue, I rode until the evening in all directions, through forest and over plain, without result. Vexed and tired, I returned to the Savannah road. Suddenly I was aroused from my ill-humored reverie by hearing some one call out as I was passing a farm, “Hulloa, Dutchman!” Turning my head, I saw a man sitting on his fence. He called out again, “Look here! Are them your horses?” Sure enough, there they were, evidently half-starved. There was no grass. At best, they could only have fed on tender buds just appearing on the shrubs. Besides, they had been racing about the country without rest. Several hours earlier, the man said, those hungry horses had stopped at his fence, cast longing looks toward his stacks of corn, and then made known their desires by an eager neighing. He took them in, because he had heard that I was searching for them. The birds were caught, to be sure, but I had trouble still to get them in hand. So wildly they ran about, so persistently parried our efforts on every hand, that I thought they must be possessed with the devil. Finally we got them in a corner and held them in fear by cracking a whip until I had bridled them. I saddled the filly, because she remained uncontrollable longer than the others. Then I paid the man for his assistance and set out home on a gallop. Never in my 58 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 life have I ridden as fast; the horses seemed really running a race with one another to see which could reach home first. I thought I should be jerked off the saddle. I had hardly got my team of four in good condition again when they ran away with me and plunged with the vehicle down a hill. To practice driving a four-in-hand and to accustom the horses to that mode of traveling I took drives every day in the vicinity. I got excellent practice on the usual American roads, for they abounded in stumps, steep slopes, and many running streams, but to learn how to manage with sloughs, ditches, narrow passes, curves, and the turning of corners I chose the forest road to Nodaway Island, to the Hundred-and-Two, and along the Little Platte River, all the way out to the parade ground. The horses pulled so well together, traveled with such uniform gait, were so instantly responsive to the rein, always stood so quietly when halted, backed without plung- ing, trotted so well without need of the whip, and the roan mare proved such an excellent lead horse, I was planning with much pleasure to take a journey with them to Deseret. In April I drove alone to St. Joseph to talk over plans for the journey with my future traveling companion. On my return, about 3 miles from Savannah, the offside horse cast a shoe on her left rear foot. I stopped immediately, for she seemed to be limping. Since no one was there to take the reins, I threw them lightly on the seat cushion and went to examine the hoof. In spite of the care I took, stroking her soothingly and speaking gently, the instant I attempted to raise her foot she gave a leap and off and away all of them went over stock and stone, up hill and down dale, as if in a mad pursuit. I tried at once to seize the bridle rein of the lead horse but, in run- ning, I stumbled over a stump and fell. When I got up I saw the vehicle plunging on—here a cushion hurled away, there my cloak. “Adieu, je t’ai vu!” I thought. “Confound it all!” IT ran after them, of course, as fast as I could. I had an idea that they were stuck fast in the forest. Sure enough, below the first hill, I found Bet wallowing in the dust, trying to get free from the harness and the long lines that were wound about her. Having set her free, I ordered her to get up. She could hardly stand! She was trembling in every limb and spread her feet wide apart for fear of falling. She had lost her head entirely. I led her away from the road and tied her tight and fast at a spot where there was grass; then I went in search of the others. About a hundred feet farther on I found Lily, Bet’s companion, standing, bewildered, in the road. Aside from a wound in her left rear shank, inflicted, most likely, by the pole, she had suffered no injury. I swung myself lightly upon her back and went on after the two shaft horses and the hack. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 59 I found them at the top of the last steep hill as one approaches Savannah. Fortunately they could go no farther; they had hardly come out alive from the creek below. The two horses were caught in some bushes and the vehicle was jammed against a tree. The horse on the right had thrown her hind leg over the pole and was evidently forced to stop. The vehicle had most probably been car- ried on until it was held fast by striking the tree trunk. I disentangled the beasts from their harness to see what damage had been done. Lily had suffered no injury—was only lamed. The hack could stand on its wheels, to be sure, but many screws were gone. I went back to bring Bet, the cushion, and my cloak. Then, having harnessed Lily and the colt together, I led them slowly home. The horses had to be cared for and doctored; the vehicle and harness had to be mended. Finally, at the end of April I was ready for my journey; my wagon was provided with a canvas top and provisioned with zwie- bach, smoked meat, butter, eggs, sugar, tea, cooking and drinking utensils, oats and corn meal for the horses, a saddle, a double-bar- reled shotgun, a hunting knife, and four 30-foot cords with iron pins. The last-named were to be used for tying the horses. My intended companion on the journey, a young American, was to wait in St. Joseph and be ready to set out with me on the first of May. Notwithstanding that he had detained me with his prom- ises to go, Steiner refused, when I arrived in St. Joseph, to con- sider taking the trip. He had not the means, he said, to provide his own personal outfit. Now, I had asked nothing more of him than that he bring his own provisions, and, in return for his seat in my wagon, that he look after the vehicle on the journey, while I took care of the horses. A fine predicament! To travel with four horses and a wagon alone was not to be considered, for both team and vehicle would have to be constantly guarded. To find another trustworthy per- son to go with me could not be done at once. Therefore, my grand display with four-in-hand came to a sudden end. I determined to sell both wagon and team. But now, when I wanted a purchaser, nobody would buy. Earlier, when I did not wish to part with my horses, I had many advantageous offers. May 9. Lily and the colt sold in Weston. Bet placed on a farm so that she may grow strong again. Such a fine mare one is justified in giving the best attention; she will certainly bring $60 more. The wagon and harness as well as the large mare, Landy, left behind to be sold, so that on my return I shall have some funds. Trip to Salt Lake and Fort Laramie given up; I should have found no wild animals on the jaunt anyway. 60 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 So, I am going up the Missouri, a stream that has already been turned to good account, but not exhaustively. But both Indians and wild animals have been treated rather more from the viewpoint of natural history than from that of their picturesque life; my chief purpose, after all, is the study of primitive conditions. Art galleries and paintings are for me secondary considerations: they will interest me only when my preparatory work shall have been thoroughly accomplished and are to be the means, when I bring out my master works, whereby I prove myself a great artist. May 11. Left St. Joseph on board the Sacramento for Council Bluffs, where I shall wait for one of the two boats that make annual trips to the Yellowstone in the interest of the two fur companies and bring back the commodities that supply their traffic. May 12. This afternoon we passed a community of Oto and various settlements of half-breeds. One of our deck hands, spying some Indian women in bathing, amused himself by throwing out to them a bottle of whisky with the hope of enticing them out of hiding. His ruse succeeded; they were not willing to let the valuable gift sink to the bottom. May 18. Arrived this evening about 6 o’clock at Lowa Point near the Bluffs. A forlorn place. None of the houses are built near the river, because the inhabitants so much dread losing their lives by the constant floods. As a result the town is already a mile from its original site; on the opposite side much of the land is under water. My bed is made on a trestle over which a buffalo robe is stretched. Another buffalo robe serves for coverlet. Hardly a dozen houses are inhabited here; the people are, for the most part, Mormons. May 14. Crossed over to Belle Vue, Mr. Peter A. Sarpy’s trading house for the Omaha. There are still many emigrants in this part of the country. The cattle are driven across the river at this point, an undertaking that gives rise to much drollery. Many of the cows swim back again to find their calves that were thought too young for the journey and had to be sold. The teams are taken across in flatboats with the wagons. In Belle Vue besides Sarpy’s house there was the place where the United States land agent lived (Barrow by name. On account of unauthorized transactions with the Indians, he was removed at that time), the school for Pawnee children (Ellet was the teacher’s name), six log houses with adjoining plantations, where half-breeds lived, and the remains (ruin it cannot be called) of Fontanelle’s earlier trading post, a picture of which one may see in Neu Wied’s Atlas. Farther below a Protestant mission, and beyond MacKinney, a trading place for the Oto and Omaha, a beautiful, far-reaching view over the estuary of the Big Platte or Nebraska. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 61 May 16. In Belle Vue I saw the first Indian huts of clay. I made a sketch of a Pawnee girl beside one of them. Her attire was dis- tinctive for simplicity; a shirt or chemise that came up under the arms and was held there by two straps over the shoulders—et voi la tout! I should have done better to stay in Belle Vue than here in Council Bluffs, but there is no tavern over there; besides, I know no one at all in that place. May 17. A Mormon girl showed me a man’s coat and trousers made of white leather and richly embroidered with silk in Indian fashion. She thought I would allow myself to be influenced to order a similar suit made. That one was ordered especially for a fop here, and is said to have cost as much as $500. I have had frequent oppor- tunities, both here and across the river, to make portraits of Omaha. Each portrait costs me 50 cents. May 20. Crossed again to Belle Vue for the purpose of visiting a village of the Omaha 6 miles distant. The nearest way is a road running sheer over the bluff by the ruins of Fontanelle. From that height one enjoys a picturesque, far-reaching view up the river to- ward Kanesville, where it winds through the forest below and far on to the estuary of the Platte, then through a wooded plain toward Papillon Brook that encircles, in part, the height on which the Omaha village is situated. How I was to get across that muddy stream was a puzzle. Nosign of a bridge anywhere, only a number of fords where horses had to wade in dark, turbid water up to their paunches, and for that matter, men and women had to cross in the same manner. I was on foot; furthermore, not exactly inclined to intrust myself to that mudhole and then appear in such a soiled condition in the village. I was going along downstream, hoping to find a fallen tree that would serve me for footlog, when I saw on the opposite side a mother and two boys getting ready to swim. The latter swam im- mediately over, but the woman wrapped herself again in her blanket, and remained on the bank. She spread on the water a skin or bag the edges of which turned upward, giving it the appearance of a miniature flatboat. The boys gave signs that I was to put my sketchbook and my clothes in that novel contrivance and then swim across. I took off my clothes, except my trousers, and let my be- longings be towed as directed; then in I went with a splash and, with a few strokes, was on the other side. I gave the lads a tip, and explained that in a little while I should be there again and might need them. But my knowledge of the Iowa dialect did not avail me; the Omaha have a different dialect. With signs, how- ever, I got on well. The instant my back was turned—splash—the mother swam to the opposite shore, but not after our manner of swimming, with both 62 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 115 hands at once, forward stroke, curving inward to the side. She pulled a stroke with one arm at a time, alternately, in the Indian way. Negroes swim with the same stroke. When I had put on my clothes again I climbed the hill to the Omaha settlement. Their dwellings consisted both of skin tents (tipis) and clay huts, in the midst of which were scaffolds used for the curing of meat and high enclosures in which they confined their horses for safety. On the side from which I entered the vil- lage there was a narrow ditch or trench, whether constructed for defense (a shelter behind which they fired on their enemies) I do not know. At that time it was serving as depository for their “commodities.” They mounted the meat scaffold by means of the simplest sort of improvised ladder, i. e., the trunk of a tree about 6 inches in diameter in which steps were cut. A young Indian woman invited me in good English to come into her tent and dry my trousers before the fire. Her name was Betsy. She spoke Eng- lish quite well; also French and both the Iowa and Omaha dialects. She was what the Americans call “a character” (one of those genial originals).1° J had news of Witthae, who is married to an Oto and lives in the neighborhood. I took a walk about the village. For a long while I watched the sport of young boys as they prac- ticed hurling the spear with great velocity through a revolving brass ring—lordly figures, notable postures, fine expressions of ani- mation and eagerness. Before a clay hut sat the personages of the village as spectators and judges, some of them distinguished for their trappings of state, for their inherent dignity. * * * I sketched several portraits. Betsy expressed a desire to accompany me to Belle Vue to buy some bread. We swam together across the Papillon, after she had pushed me into the water, because, with unpardonable curiosity, I looked around to get a glimpse of her in her bathing suit. We then took our way across the plain. From the top of a hill we saw, a long way off, smoke rising from a steamboat coming up the Missouri. I was waiting with much impatience for the boat that was to take me back to Council Bluffs. I had fumed in vain until I was in quite a heat, was “boiling over.” Still no emigrants were there; no ferry- man appeared. After waiting for two hours my patience was well- nigh exhausted: In the first place I was hungry; in the second place I was plagued with the thought of my possible plight, if this approaching steamer should prove to be the company’s boat that I so restlessly awaited and could not take, because I did not have my 16 Decatur told me later about Betsy. Once when there was a famine she had, by her own efforts alone, constructed with some pieces of timber a sort of raft on which she crossed the river, killed a cow with her rifle, cut the animal to pieces, put the meat on her float, and with her stolen booty steered her way back to her people. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 63 luggage with me. Would the captain allow me to go aboard here and then, for my sake, make another stop at Council Bluffs? If I lost this chance what was I to do? Meanwhile the steamboat drew nearer and nearer. Both upper and lower decks were black with human figures. Those people are engagees, I said to myself. Finally, as the vessel came round a curve, I could read with my telescope the name Statesman. As far as I knew, that was not one of the St. Louis line of steam- ers. On the hurricane deck I could see wagon bodies painted blue and red wheels piled upon them—a sort of vehicle I had identified with Pittsburgh. That must be an Ohio boat, I concluded, bringing emigrants from the East. In due time it came alongside. The passengers and I peered at each other. Are they emigrants? I asked myself. Mormons? Exactly. Far from halting at the Bluffs, they were going on 30 miles farther up the river to Kanesville or Mormon Landing. At last the agony of suspense was over ! May 25. Was sauntering along the sands near the ferry in the afternoon to make studies of some trees when a flotilla of Mackinaw boats arrived. Charles Martin was at the wheel. While they were waiting here in hope that a steamer would relieve him from further steering I made Martin’s acquaintance. I sketched his half-breed sons for his wife—also, for myself. The people with him dressed as half-breeds and wore their hair long. May 26. Today a horse thief was arrested by the ferryman. The latter had just ferried the man and his stolen horse across, when several emigrants, covered with mud and oozing perspiration, came galloping up to catch the rogue. The ferryman at once mounted a fresh horse and followed the trace of the fugitive, whose horse was already tired out. To allay suspicion he rode quietly beside the man, took hold of the stolen horse’s bridle, and ordered that the animal be given up. The thief grabbed for his pistol but our man discharged his own weapon through the former’s coat pocket and wounded him in the hip; whereupon he was obliged to surrender the horse. June 1. A very ordinary crowd here. President Monroe’s verdict only too well confirmed : “The worst Indians I have seen in my travels are the white people that live on the borders.” *k * * * * * * We had an example, a short time ago, of the manner in which Judge Lynch administers justice. A number of counterfeiters and gamblers (professional card players, oftentimes tricksters and mur- derers) fled from the States to this place and thought they could here 64 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 carry on their questionable practices in perfect safety. The farmers in this vicinity were of one mind with regard to them: after having destroyed their molds and their presses they whipped the evildoers in a frightful manner. Peter A. Sarpy has been here. He proposed that I wait as his guest in Belle Vue until the great company’s boat arrives. His brother is a member of the company. He promised to give me in- troductions. I accepted with gratitude. June 3. The entire plain is flooded from continual rain. Not an inch of dry ground; therefore this lair also is under water. For three weeks I have waited here. This evening I shall go to Belle Vue. June 4. Belle Vue. The ends I have in view come nearer their fulfillment. I am living at present in a trading house; I sleep on a buffalo robe; I am again in the midst of Indians who are continually trading with Mr. Sarpy. He lets them have gunpowder, lead, and tobacco on credit that they may be prepared for hunting during the summer. Buffaloes range about 80 miles from this village. In this vicinity the Virginia (white-tailed) deer is still frequently found. Stephen Decatur, a nephew of the celebrated commodore, is employed here now as clerk. He is most courteous and obliging. ‘Two months ago he served as sailor on a ship because, owing to the illness of his comrades on their way to California, he got stuck fast in this region, He was earlier a teacher in the East. There are three other em- ployees: Joseph La Fleche, Sagan Fontanelle, and Peter, an inter- preter for the Omaha and Oto. All three are half-breeds. The Omaha wear moccasins made of elk skin blackened with smoke and usually with an ornamental seam across the back of the foot. The flaps turn outward. Shoes that the Pima wear are some- what different from these of the Iowa; for instance, they have no flaps around the ankles. The decoration also is of another sort but difficult to describe. June 8. Six braves from the Omaha tribe came today to let me sketch their portraits in return for a gift. After I had made draw- ings of Tehnegech and Techidingue in the position they themselves preferred, 1. e., sitting on their heels with their faces full front, I told Wikusche, a very handsome old man of noble bearing, to sit in my armchair, showing him that I wished his head turned somewhat to the side, because in that way his features would be seen to better advantage. He wished, however, to be represented just as others, fullface. Nevertheless I would not consent to that. Whereupon he went outside to take counsel with his comrades as to whether he might allow his portrait made with profile view without prejudice to his honor. Whether the much desired playing cards or his friends’ argu- ments had most weight in overruling his scruples, I do not know. Enough! THe came back and sat as I desired. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 65 June 9. Tecumseh Fontanelle was careless with his gun and shot his left arm to pieces. This misfortune caused great wailing among his female relations. He was carried to his mother in the village, so that his friends might suck impure blood from the wound. Mr. Sarpy owns a splendid stallion, white with reddish brown spots. I made a portrait sketch of Waaschamani, a very old former chief of the Omaha. He showed me several testimonials from United States agents, in order that I might know he was a good friend to the white man. I sketched also Aschiwagi (Spotted Horse), a Pawnee chief who is on a visit here for the purpose of exchange and barter. Whenever he brings his wares he puts them in Mr. Sarpy’s store- house and stays with him until his business transactions are accom- plished. June 10. This morning, just as I was beginning a portrait of an Omaha youth, three gentlemen came in, two of whom, W. Picotte and A. Culbertson, I knew already. They are agents in the upper Missouri region for the great fur-trading company. The third gen- tleman was chief pilot of the Mackinaw boats and also a trader. TI talked with Mr. Picotte about my plan to take advantage of their steamboat, if possible, to study Indians and wild animals in the regions of the upper Missouri. He said I should be able to see little or nothing from the boat, for the reason that, owing to the noise a steamer makes, animals were very shy about coming near the shore. I should see little more than a few gaping Indians; nothing of their woodland exploits, their dancing, or anything of their sports. To see what was really of interest concerning the Indians, he said, T should have to spend two or three years at a fort. That I knew beforehand ; however, I had not the means to take up quarters in a fort at my own expense as did Comte d’Otrente, the Irish Palesieux, Prince von Neu Wied, Baron von Barneburg, Audubon, and others. I asked him whether it were possible to get a position as clerk. “T will see,” he said. “In any case, come on board. If you find that you can see as much as you desire, voyaging up the river, then you can return on the boat.” Mr. Culbertson will take me as far at least as Fort Benton, where the Blackfeet live. June 11. The two agents went downstream in their boats, met the company’s steamer and accompanied it up the river. Heretofore the firm (Chouteau, Jr., & Co.) operated their own boat, the Assinzboin, and, after that was destroyed by fire, the Yellowstone. Since the latter was wrecked, however, they have their goods transported on boats owned by other people. So far all has gone well! I made a portrait of Tamegache, son of the well-known Waschinga. He be- came lame and surrendered his claims as chief in favor of the young 66 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 “Blk.” I made a sketch, also, of Tanini, a most beautiful 14-year-old girl. She began to cry from fear (of some charm of witchcraft’). Only the promise of a calico dress could induce her to dry her tears. June 12. I rode with Joseph La Fleche to the Omaha village and witnessed a buffalo dance ’ around the wounded Tecumseh Fontanelle. We had a hazardous journey, fording the Papillon and clambering up precipitous slopes. The dance of the buffalo troop was held in a large, roomy clay hut. Ten dancers arranged in pairs imitated, in the most natural manner, the way that buffaloes drink, the way they wallow, how they jostle and horn one another, hew they bellow— und all the while the performers sprinkle the wounded man with water. All the dancers wore decorated buffalo masks and buffalo tails fastened to their belts in the back. With the exception of the never-failing breechcloth they were nude. A throng of people looked on. Only the “jongleur” or Indian doctor danced alone, and without mask and tail. We went home over the prairie at a gallop. A sharp wind drove the raindrops against our faces and presently a terrible storm broke with crashes of thunder—neither so loud nor so con- tinuous, however, as we are accustomed to hear in our Swiss moun- tains. The Omaha have suffered so dreadfully from attacks of ill- ness, and from the Sioux, that they could enlist hardly 80 warriors. At present they are exiles from their own territory and live on land belonging to the Oto. To provide me with a position as clerk, in the event that the cap- tain on the company’s boat that we are expecting cannot take me with him, Decatur made me an offer at their trading post, with the Pima, on the Fauquicourt. Sarpy’s trader, Descoteaux, is there. The fact that he isa man of bad reputation makes the offer unattractive to me. June 13. Bought al! sorts of materials that I can barter on the boat for Indian relics and add to my collection. Money would be of little use in such trading, because the Indians themselves have no idea of values and all commodities at the forts farther on are very much more expensive. June 14. Decatur told me a good joke that old Robidoux played, many years ago, on a competitor of his in these parts named Manuel Lisa. Both were traders with the Pawnee. Each of them tried to acquire by trade as many pelts as possible for himself without being at all squeamish as to the means he employed, and, for that reason, they often quarreled. In order to prevent such wrangles and under the conviction that neither had the power to ruin the other, they pledged reciprocally to be “loyal”, i. e., if a band of Indians arrived at their trading posts for the purpose of exchange and barter, neither 17 A “medicine” dance to cure him. ‘The buffalo is imitated. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 67 would attempt to take advantage of the other. Manuel Lisa, how- ever, had no intention of trading on honorable terms for any length of time; accordingly, upon an occasion when both of them expected a band of Pawnee he tried to circumvent Robidoux. While he ordered his post supplied in secret with commodities to barter to the Pawnee, he went over to see Robidoux by way of putting him off his guard, by his own presence there to hinder preparations, and to see what was really going on in the other storehouse, Robidoux played the part of unsuspecting host just as well as his opponent played his role; acted just as though he had allowed himself to be really duped. He invited Lisa to drink a glass of champagne to the success of prospective trade; but regretted that on account of his gout he was not able to stoop down, and therefore would have to ask Lisa to fetch the flask from the celiar himself. The latter obligingly raised the trapdoor in the room and went down the steps. Joe let fall the door, rolled a cask upon it, and with mocking words left his oppo- nent imprisoned, in order that he might trade alone with the Pawnee. On this same occasion I related to Decatur another story I had often heard in St. Joseph about old Robidoux. By his first mar- riage he had a son, Joe, who inherited from his deceased mother so many building lots in St. Louis that, according to current prices of city property, he was worth about $90,000. Now, Joe, Jr., was a confirmed drunkard and, on account of his bibulous habits, gave his father a great deal of trouble. Some years ago he went into the Catholic church dressed like an Indian, 1. e., practically naked, to the amazement of the assembled worshippers. The old man, being in rather poor circumstances financially on account of his great number of children and his unfortunate addiction to cards, took advantage of this opportunity to confine his drunken son, as a punishment, for several weeks in his cellar and refused to release him until Joe, Jr., put in a favorable mood by receiving a glass of whisky after a long fast, signed a deed, already prepared, transfer- ring the property to his father. Another trick played by old Robidoux. As I have said already, he had a passion for card playing. As he went every spring to St. Louis, and, indeed to New York, for the purpose of selling furs and also of bringing back a new stock of Indian goods he had, on the steamers, plenty of opportunities for gambling. ‘The game usually played is one in which that player wins who risks the high- est stake; whether he actually holds the highest cards in his hand is immaterial. The game is called poker. On one of the old man’s trips up the Missouri he met with an experienced partner; they were strangers to each other. Robidoux, rather poorly dressed as was his habit, did not impress his opponent in the game as one to be 68 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 feared, so, after they had been playing for quite a while, the lat- ter, with the intention of springing a surprise, put up a consider- able sum. Old Robidoux, however, instead of showing concern, called to the waiter: “Bring that old trunk of mine here! Here are one thousand dollars in cash; I bet ’em all!” The stranger could not increase the amount; consequently, not- withstanding the fact that he held the better cards, he lost the game and was obliged to give up his high stake of 700 or 800 dollars. In the summer of 1848 the youngest son of old Robidoux met his death in a tragic manner. When he had finished his cougse at a college in St. Louis he came direct to St. Joseph. As too frequently happens, his entrance into the world of affairs was a protracted “spree.” In his father’s town he thought he might give himself up to the convivial life without restraint. Now it happened that just at this time the citizens of St. Joseph were in a state of great excite- ment over hooded bands of thieves that took away their horses and cattle. A number were caught and, to avoid legal procedure, the inhabitants let them be lynched. In consequence of these occurrences, any one who gave rise to the slightest suspicion after dark had to be prepared for any fate. One night young Robidoux, in exuberant spirits, heightened still more by many a “pop”, was leaving the grocery in the dark, at midnight, to go home, when he conceived the desire to play a poor joke on a counting-house clerk, left in charge of the store, by frightening him up with noise. MacD., having no idea who was beating on the storehouse door so late, and having only thieves in mind, opened the window and called, again and again, “Who’s there?” Young Robidoux, instead of answering him, pressed close against the lintel to avoid being seen, for neither was MacD. his friend nor Mac’s employer one of his father’s; both of them were competitors of old Robidoux in trade with the Indians. Recognizing neither the young gentleman nor his companion, in the darkness, but regarding their movements as questionable, he shot young Robidoux from above, directly in the head, and killed him as dead as a rat. Then Robidoux’s comrade cried out who they were, but it was too late. I remember perfectly well the scene that fol- lowed. Notwithstanding the late hour, everybody on Main Street was waked up; a crowd gathered about the dead body. Old Robi- doux was furious. He declared the murder of his son to be the base act of his competitor in trade and wished to lynch MacD.—in fact he himself brought a rope for the purpose. With much difficulty he and his adherents were restrained from committing that deed of violence. MacD., protected by his own friends, gave himself up to the constable. The fellow who was with the unfortunate young Robidoux at the time of his death was required to tell the facts and his statement prevented further bloodshed. MacD.’s employer stood KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 69 bail for him, so that during the legal proceedings he need not re- main in St. Joseph. As was just, he was later acquitted, and then he returned to the town. New Year’s Day, 1851, I spent among friends in St. Joseph. When, on the following day, I went to the house I had occupied dur- ing my former residence there (a small log house consisting of one room with a fireplace) I found that my supply of wood was almost entirely consumed. On New Year’s eve in the preceding year I gave permission to some negroes, after they had got the consent of local magistrates, to dance in my room. I did this because nobody else would allow them to use premises for that purpose. My per- mission was limited to that one evening only, and did not include the use of my firewood. My house was not locked, however, and those colored people made merry there on New Year’s Day and burned nearly all of it. On my bed I found a small chest, on which, after they had covered it with sand, a pair of negroes had indulged in a very lively dance. As they did not reimburse me for my wood, I took the chest in payment but was obliged to hide it in the fire- place. The master of the negro who owned the chest wrote me a letter in which he threatened to report me for carrying on illegal transactions with negroes. That caused me no anxiety, however. Soon after I had another unpleasant experience with a crowd of boys who, at their mothers’ bidding, when some Iowa Indians visited me, threw stones both into my stable and my room. I paid them back with several lashings with my whip. June 16. Monday. Early this morning Decatur waked La Boue and me with the shout, “The company’s boat!” From the steps of the “pickets” I read with my telescope the name St. Ange. Notwith- standing, there were our two gentlemen, P. and C.18 The vessel came to land. A young steer was slaughtered at once to provide meat for the boat’s crew; the doves and cats that were to be taken to the ports were caught and put in their cages; some freight was unloaded ; and I was granted my request to take advantage of the boat trip up the Missouri. The steamer is really a hospital for victims of cholera—the sick and the dying! My cabin is filled with the effects of people who have died. My box now serves a sick person for pillow. Shall I take this risk? But the boat is already under way, in midstream. “Good-bye, Decatur!” Two engagees took advan- tage of the boat’s stop at Council Bluffs to abscond, after they had already drawn their wages in advance. June 17. No doctor on board; two more deaths since yesterday! Evans, a professor in geology, prepared the remedy (meal mixed with whisky) that I administer. Father Van Hocken bestows 18 Picotte and Culbertson. 70 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 spiritual consolation. Father De Smet is also not well, but he is not suffering from cholera. The engagees drink too much whisky. The deck hands or sailors remain sober; therefore they are in good health. June 19. In the evening we were forced by a violent tempest to lay to near Black Bird’s grave. Such raging wind! Such a flood of rain! Such vivid lightning! The cages containing the doves and the cats were blown into the river. June 20. Anchored the entire day on the right-hand shore, in order to renovate the boat, to air clothes in the sunshine, to take better care of the sick, and to bury the dead. June 21. Father Van Hocken dead. He died as a Christian. Had been sick only two hours. It was about 4 o’clock in the morn- ing when I was awakened by his calling me. I found hin, half- dressed, on his bed in violent convulsions. I called Father De Smet. We anchored in the evening and buried him by torchlight. Father Van Hocken was to have gone as missionary to the Nez Percés. And I had not sketched his portrait for Father De Smet. June 22. Stopped a moment at Sergeant’s Bluff (Floyd’s grave) to greet “La Charité” and “La Verité.” This is Iowa territory. They say a city is to be founded here later on. June 23. Passed Bruyére. We travel slowly; there is no need of haste. As Louis has died, I am now installed as Mr. Picotte’s clerk. I am obliged, therefore, to be up early in the morning and wake the engagees, see to the wood cutting, weigh out rations to the cooks— coffee, sugar, crackers, bacon, etc., for each day’s “mess”: that is my prospects for a good position. At least I get my traveling expenses free of charge. June 25. Fort Vermilion is abandoned. Schlegel, the bourgeois, came with bag and baggage on board our steamer, to proceed 60 miles farther up the river and establish a new post. His company is forbidden to sell whisky and could not, therefore, compete with trade in the nearby Iowa territory, where whisky can be had. An instance of the effect of civilization upon the fur trade. Civiliza- tion under the advance of the whisky flask ! June 26. The Prussian Schlegel drank all my French brandy on the sly, as preventive for cholera. He became intoxicated; as a consequence, Mr. Picotte called me to account. Schlegel and his native mistress were put ashore with all their goods and chattels at the Isle de Bonhomme, where he intends to establish a new trading post in the land of the Sioux. Toward sunset we passed the estuary of the Riviére 4 Basil; strikingly picturesque scenes. There are a great many fallen trunks from which firewood can be cut. That night we stopped not far from L’Eau qui Court to have KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ ra wood cut and also to put off an engagee with Mr. Sarpy’s cargo. We had an unexpected visit: a troop of Ponca warriors who, in the deep shadows of the primeval woods, gave us a most welcome con- cert of their war songs. Then they came on board and, after an exchange of harangues, coffee was served. July 4. While we were at an extra lunch in honor of the Fourth we came in sight of Fort Pierre. Finally, after our midday meal was over, we reached the fort, W. Picotte’s chief trading post for the Teton Sioux. A dozen braves, painted and decorated, guarded the wares that were unloaded from the ship. Most Sioux women still wear their traditional waistcloth. I sketched the fort and the settle- ment from the deck of the St. Ange. Many people and a large part of the ship’s cargo were left here. A splendid bull of Devonshire breed is kept at this place for breeding purposes. He is said to have overthrown buffalo bulls more than once. July 5. At 10 o’clock we left Fort Pierre; the Teton warriors gave us a parting salute. Winter huts in several abandoned Indian villages demolished, for the purpose of using poles and beams for firewood. Since we no longer meet farmers along the river, we have to cut firewood ourselves and carry it aboard. “Au bois! Au bois!” 48° shouts H. P. June 27. Cedar Island. June 28. We met a flotilla of laden Mackinaw boats belonging to our company. We dropped anchor. Fred La Boue assumed chief command at the wheel; he directs the course of the first boat. All of the others must follow in his wake. I saw several Indian women with their children near the helm. Their husbands are coming back again in the autumn on horseback. Most of the others remain in the States and are replaced by our engagees, on the St. Ange. June 29. As we were nearing Fort Lookout this morning Campbell (together with Schlegel, who had come aboard) wished to take the shortest route thither on his favorite horse; for he is a trader there. Owing to the elasticity of the long planks, however, the beautiful bay, in attempting to go ashore, fell into the water. Instead of swimming toward the land, he turned his course midstream in an effort to cross to a pasture he knew. They had to go out in a row- boat to catch him and keep fast hold until we could take him aboard the steamboat, which, on that account, we were forced to land on the other side of the river. July 2. While we were voyaging along the right bank this after- noon I noticed on shore the walls of a fortification. I thought at once I had found some remains of ancient Indian origin and hastened to Mr. Picotte to question him concerning this remarkable discovery. 18a “To the forest, to the forest.” 81634—37 6 a2 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 The earthwork dates back to earlier traders from whom the big company purchased it. When wood was to be cut those places in the forest were chosen principally where leafless cottonwood trees were found in great numbers. At that time I took for granted that those bare tree trunks were denuded of bark and foliage through decay due to age. Audubon and Bachmann, on the other hand, attributed that condi- tion to another cause: one of Audubon’s companions discovered that the porcupine is the evildoer. Such a condition had never been observed before, even by such an experienced traveler as Audubon. July 7. Today for the first time I saw buffaloes. One hundred and eighty years ago they were still to be found in the State of Ohio! Good-by buffaloes, Indians, and fur companies. We came upon several buffalo bulls standing on a sand bank. Owing to the direc- tion of the wind, they did not get our scent; so we approached them so close that we were actually startled and gazed with eyes and mouth agape. One was killed; he ran quite a distance, however, before he fell dead. By means of a long rope he was pulled on to the deck by the engagees with loud hurrah and immediately quartered. Then I had my first buffalo steak. July 8. Reached Fort Clarke, the Arikara (Riks) village. As Mr. Picotte expected the grandees of this settlement and wished to serve them sweetened coffee and crackers when he presented gifts, I had to remain on board to issue orders, etc. In the village Mr. P. and company were invited to partake of roasted dog as a choice dish. (I should not have exchanged courtesies.) From my station behind Pére de Smet’s wagon I watched what was going on there as well as at the fort and observed the people with the aid of my telescope. Had an interesting view of about 50 girls and women bathing. As they thought themselves well concealed they were sportive and animated in a natural way. There were several dainty figures among them—so slender yet round, so supple yet firm. How they splashed and romped behind the partly submerged tree that they thought screened them from observation. Others dreamily dried themselves in the sun in postures and movements so natural and unrestrained, and yet such grace! If only that dog feast had continued until night I should not have been sorry. Mr. P. was escorted back on a pony that had been presented to him. I was obliged to go down to the office and see that the Indians were properly cared for in the main cabin. Several Mandan accompanied us to their nearby settlement. Fourteen huts, most of them empty; poor remnant of a tribe. A windstorm drove us so violently shoreward that we were com- pelled to halt near those huts. The boat was actually driven to KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ is the river bank. Several Mandan and Minnetaree (Hidatsa) re- mained on board and journeyed with us to Fort Berthold, which they regarded as a great favor. The village now inhabited by the Arikara belonged formerly to the Mandan. Prince Neu Wied spent a winter there and Bodmer has a good drawing of it. July 9. Early this morning Mr. P. told me I was to be prepared to remain at Fort Berthold. He had just heard that Mr. Kipp, the bourgeois there, wished to spend the autumn in Canada, and there- fore a clerk must be left in charge. However, if Pierre Gareau, the half-breed interpreter, should care to take charge of the fort himself I might go on to Fort Union. At midday we saw from afar the white palisades of an Indian village gleaming in the sun- shine. We enjoyed a joke with our redskins on board. From the deck they could discern in the distance several members of their race whom they declared at once belonged to a hostile tribe; they began their war songs, loaded their muskets, and fired at the foe. We were rounding a neck of land or “bend”, as “the lurking enemy” came bounding into view. We found them to be friends. Commodities consigned to this post were already disembarked when I received the message to take my luggage and go ashore. The steamer departed. I remained on guard near the wares until they were taken in a two-wheeled cart to the fort. At a little dis- tance off, shy children peered curiously from behind piles of mer- chandise and made comments on the strangers. In the course of time I went myself to the fort and met my new bourgeois or chief. I had seen Mr. Kipp before, in St. Joseph, where he was trading horses. I observed him, especially, as he was leaving there for Savannah in a two-wheeled vehicle drawn by two beautiful animals. After supper with Alexis I took possession of my new quarters. A dark room, lighted only by a tiny window, the panes of which seem never to have been washed. A large fireplace and two wooden bed- steads, which I found upon closer inspection to be inhabited by bed- bugs. I was induced immediately, therefore, to spread my buffalo robe on the floor and sleep there. July 10. What I saw and heard today offers me a rich harvest of sketches. In the neighborhood in which I now spend my days is an Indian village of 80 clay huts surrounded by palisades and fre- quented by billiard players, idle lookers-on, horse traders, and Indian women engaged in daily tasks. There are also throngs of troublesome mosquitoes; only by smoking them with “sweet sage” (Artemisia) can one think of getting any sleep in the house. This fort, they say, is always alive with Indians, except in winter, when they hunt the buffalo in surrounding regions. That is another sight that I shall enjoy. 74 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 There is little trcveling to and from this post. The Minnetaree or Gros Ventres, as they are called, never go far from their stockades for fear of the Sioux. They are too few to have the protection of different bands of their own tribe. The Indian women here plant fields of Indian corn (maize) and after the harvest, Crow Indians, a related tribe, come to the village. Now that a treaty of peace is concluded, Assiniboin come also to barter for corn—or rather, to beg. The Minnetaree are so reduced by wars and pestilence that Mr. Kipp, in return for 100 buffalo hides, enclosed their habitations with pali sades, so that they might be secure at least against surprise attacks and consequent extermination. Now no huts are visible until one has passed through the entrance to their barricade. Bellangé holds out to me the prospect of witnessing a combat, notwithstanding. For the Sioux, he says, renew their attacks every year. July 11. I made a trade with Bellangé for two Indian pipe bowls, seven pairs of moccasins, and other things. July 12. After breakfast the river shore was all astir. Hunters and horses were ferried across by Indian women in flatboats made of raw buffalo hides. One could see in the distance a shifting dark spot on the plain—it was buffaloes. The assembled hunters had to surround them on horseback and procure fresh meat enough to last for a time. While a few of the animals might escape this danger, they would fall into the hands of the lurking Sioux. Mr. Kipp had provided his runners with excellent marksmen, who undertook the hunt for him in return for a share of the game. They came back soon, their horses laden with fresh meat. They had come upon five buffaloes apart from the herd that the huntsmen intended to surround and they selected the youngest and fattest, overcame him at once, and brought back the meat that we were so much in need of. For 2 days we had had none at all; furthermore, only two meals a day—at 6 o’clock in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. An order of things that brings on the dis- comfort of an empty stomach. In exchange for a blue blanket and a knife I got from a Mandan a buffalo robe elaborately trimmed with vertical stripes of porcupine quills. July 18. Sunday. In the afternoon, while I was industriously sketching, a Mandan came hurriedly into my room and begged for iy double-barreled shotgun, because one of his comrades had been shot by anenemy. As, in event of an attack, I might need the weapon myself, I refused to let him have it. I went out immediately to the village to find out what was going on and found the place like a swarming beehive. Warriors and young men in arms were hurrying across the plain, others were mounting their horses, a crowd of women were returning in haste from the fields where they had been grubbing turnips, other women were going KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 15 out, curious onlookers were standing in groups, eagerly gesticulating, anxiously chattering. An Indian, called Le Boeuf Court Queue, had been shot, they said, by one of the Sioux. He had been at the fort about breakfast time. I wished to trade with him for an old- style tomahawk (an elliptic stone attached to a very tough dried tail of the buffalo bull). I sat on the roof of our house and scanned the village and plain with my telescope. Though it was a gable roof, it was covered with earth instead of shingles; so I could easily walk around up there. The scene before me was most interesting: an increasing number of women and children were returning across the plain; some on horseback, others on foot; some with their sumpter- beasts." others driving loaded “travois” drawn by dogs. Finally, toward sunset, I saw approaching the escort with the dead. Nearer and nearer they came across the plain in the golden shimmering light that soon deepened to violet, then to gray, throwing the dark forms into relief; the nearer they came, the more dull and dead appeared the heavens, until, in the dusk of the twilight, they arrived at the village. First came the mourning widow, leading the horse across whose back lay her dead husband wrapped in his blanket. Mourning rela- tives followed, encircled by restive braves whose blood was hot. Now we got some information concerning the “coup.” +" Le Boeuf Court Queue had gone with his family out on the prairie 3 miles north of the village and had lain down on the ground beside his grazing horse, while his wife and child were grubbing turnips. Suddenly the wife was aware of something moving in the tall grass in front of her and, knowing that they were on the extreme boundary of their fields, where danger might be lurking, she called her hus- band’s attention to it. The Mandan swung himself at once upon his horse, bow and arrow in hand, to investigate the suspicious move- ment of some low bushes, but hardly was he in range of the enemy’s arrow when he dropped dead from his steed. The woman screamed for help. The enemy fled without the scalp—in fact, without having touched the Mandan. The deed, therefore, is not counted a “coup.” To shoot a person from a distance and kill him is not regarded among Indians as an heroic act. One must scalp the person attacked. One of the five men who admit having witnessed the deed reports that the enemy took away the Mandan’s swift-footed horse. Having arrived at the burial ground, the dead warrior was taken from his horse and laid on his blanket, his head and chest raised. Relatives sat around him wailing and howling, jerking out their hair, pounding their heads with their fists, tearing their flesh with knife and arrow points until their blood flowed as sacrifice. 19T. e., burden-bearing beasts. 19a See below. 76 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 Friends brought blankets, garments, bright colors as funeral © offerings. Meanwhile a scaffold was constructed of four stakes held | together with crossbeams. Upon this structure the fallen Mandan, | attired after the manner of Indian warriors and wrapped in his | robe, was laid beneath the covering of a new red blanket. His medi- | cine pouch was fastened to one of the posts. The crowd dispersed— only his widow and his mother remained to wail. Indians on the prairie do not put their dead under ground; in | the first place they have no implements suitable for digging graves and, second, the bodies would have to be buried very deep to be secure from wolves. The sight of those scaffolds erected for the dead is often horrible, even loathsome, when after a time, the wind having | loosened the wrappings, crows and ravens continually ravage the body. Bits of putrefied flesh fall below. In the end the posts them- selves give way and the remains of the dead, once so respected, so much beloved, so deplored, lie scattered on the ground, the prey of magpies and mice. July 15. Whenever I might be sketching in my room the Mandan are always in the way; they are never weary of smoking with their friend, Alexis. The latter is here for the purpose of demanding back his horses that the Minnetaree stole, because they thought them prop- erty of the Sioux. The fact is, Alexis lives in the domain of the Sioux (Yankton) at Fort Medicine. On that account and for the further reason that he is, through his marriage with a woman of that tribe, allied with those enemies of the Minnetaree, he will find it a difficult matter, though he has identified his stolen horses, to get them back. Now that I see so much that is picturesque, so many striking groups that follow one another in quick succession and that I wish to record in sketches while the impression is fresh in my mind, I can not endure being so much disturbed and inconvenienced. To make matters worse, the Mandan and Minnetaree as well are ex- tremely superstitious and they look with dread upon an artist as the forerunner of pestilence and death. They regard drawing and painting as “bad medicine.” This is not to be wondered at when one considers the singular coincidences that have confirmed them in that belief. For instance, it was the misfortune of these tribes to suffer their first epidemic of smallpox 20 years ago, when Catlin made his journey to this region; they suffered an affliction equally disastrous from cholera immediately after Bodmer’s visit here with the Prince Von Neu Wied; again, fifteen people were carried off by cholera on our boat this year and, though in recent years no dev- astating pestilence prevailed, coincident with my arrival that dread- ful disease made its appearance among the Indians in the regions KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ hi. south of us. I was warned by Mr. P. even while in Belle Vue and forbidden to paint any portraits in their territory, for the reason that I should be held to account, he said, for the least misfortune. It might be that I should have to atone for any untoward occur- rence with my life and might bring upon the company, as my pro- tectors, complications equally disagreeable. Accordingly, I had been on my guard. I had not asked any Indian to sit for his portrait but had studied them covertly and made only sketches. Notwithstanding their mistrust, however, they were so impelled by curiosity that they would stand in wonder be- fore the drawings and took great pleasure in looking at them and in recognizing Pére De Smet, Picotte, and Captain Laberge from some rough sketches I had made of those gentlemen without sittings. Mr. Kipp installed me today as clerk. I was charged with the task of compiling, according to his pronunciation, a dictionary of the Mandan dialect for Colonel Mitchell. I kept the rough draft for myself and gave him a copy. After supper—I cannot say just what time it was—I was in my room waiting, when I heard shots and outcries in the village. A woman, who peered through the small window and saw me there, made the sign for throat cutting, across the river. The enemy upon us again already, I thought. A moment later I was on my way to the steep river bank. A crowd was assembled on the landing below to see two skinboats come to land. Two young braves were returning with their first scalps! What exultation among the spectators! Every one was eager to extend the first welcome. The warriors came ashore. Their faces were painted black with the exception of the tips of their noses (sign of their having performed a “coup”). They presented their weapons, immediately upon landing, to those standing nearest them on shore (in token of the first congratula- tions). One of the bystanders so honored fastened the two scalps (there was no skin attached) to a long pole and strode into line just behind the victorious braves, singing their song of triumph. Proudly they moved forward, betraying no sign of emotion, totally unresponsive to the embraces of their people. Before I slept I found out all particulars about that heroic exploit. The two young Indians were 19 days on the warpath. They went as far as Fort Lookout, ostensibly on an expedition for scalps, in reality to steal horses. They had already seized four horses when they saw two well-clothed Indian women bending over their work in a cornfield. They rode swiftly by, flying an arrow at the women, and in an instant the deed was done. The older woman attempted to draw a pistol from her belt but did not succeed, because her 78 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 blanket came in the way and in her too great haste she could not extricate the weapon (rash resort to a pistol has long been a matter of scorn among our Indians). As the attack was made in sight of the wigwams the two heroes satisfied their greed for glory by scalp- ing the unfortunate, shrieking women, and fled to their horses. They were hotly pursued and finally were obliged to abandon their stolen booty, because the horses were too much exhausted to swim across the river. The two scalps were placed beside the dead Le Boeuf Court Queue as an expiatory offering. As a goodly number of half-breeds live in the vicinity of Fort Lookout it is possible that the two luckless women were of that caste. Judging by the good clothes and the fact that Zephir’s wife is the only woman having a pistol in her possession, one may very well suppose, as Alexis himseif said, that the women must have been Zephir’s wife and daughter. Zephir is now enjoying a pleasure trip on the St. Ange in recognition of his long service as interpreter for the company. I am well acquainted with both mother and daughter. In my position here as clerk I have had to measure out to them a great deal of coffee, sugar, etc. Quite recently the daughter bartered her white shawl for 20 pounds of New Orleans sugar. How delighted she seemed that day when she caught sight of the high- priced luxury! July 16. The Mandan dictionary is finished—600 words. I bought from Mr. Kipp some rare antiquities: A bear’s claw, a chaplet, and a crossbow made of elk horn. I paid $5 each. Mr. Kipp is getting ready for a journey to Liberty on a visit to his white wife and children, a trip about which he has for quite a while been undecided. In the meantime his Mandan wife and papooses will stay with her parents in the Mandan village. He did not like my bringing a large trunk filled with wares for the barter trade, because he prefers to have the advantage of all profits made in that way; but when he saw that I had only ornaments, weapons, and clothing, the sort of articles his company does not carry, he said no more. In fact the two gold pieces he received from me today put him in a good humor. Heretofore he has always been brusque with me. Regarded me, it seemed, as the fifth wheel of a wagon. Assigned me no work to do. Not once has he verified the receipts for goods brought on; was constantly complaining about having so little to do; was sure he should die of ennui without some employment. He acted in a way I thought queer. Finally he said plainly that I would serve my purposes better at another fort. He was talking in that vein when I applied to him for work. I felt uncomfortable to see myself re- garded as superfluous when I knew perfectly well how the time could be profitably spent. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 79 Now he has decided to go. He will stay at least three months and return about the time of the first snowfall. Meanwhile Pierre Gareau will have charge of the post. That man can neither read nor write. Neither does he know how to enter on the books sales to the Indians and to the employees, nor to credit the amounts that are received. In fact he does not know how to reckon. At noon, just as we were going to watch the war dance around the two scalps in the village, we discerned on the horizon, beyond the distant for- est, ascending clouds of smoke from the steamer St. Ange. The boat from Fort Union was arriving. Indian women who are en- gaged to carry packs of 10 buffalo robes were summoned from the dance, painted and bedecked as they were. The dance itself was in- terrupted.”° Mr. Kipp came in utmost haste and gave over keys and books to me, with no special directions. He put on his hat and coat. The boat was already at the landing. Mr. Picotte came hurrying up to us without coat and hat and bade us bestir ourselves. He was much vexed because nothing was in readiness. The bill of lading should have been at hand when the boat landed. Without the ship- ping bill, either for the boat’s clerk or for himself, how could he tell how accounts stood at the post? He bade me give presents to this and that Indian and charge to his account. I did not know where they were to be found. “What have you been doing all this time?” “Mr. Kipp would not assign me any duties.” “And yet he will go away. Has he those bills of lading himself? Then, where can they be?” At that moment Pierre Gareau and his two wives came upon the scene, prepared also to go aboard the St. Ange. “Where in heaven’s name are they setting off for?” I asked myself. Pierre informed me in passing that, if Mr. Kipp should have to stay, he was going on a visit to his kinsfolk in the Arikara village. He also gave over his keys to me. Out of the house came Mr. P. without having found the bourgeois. The fact is, the latter’s yearning for an inspiring drop or two had attracted him to the boat. “You have a fine state of things here.” I would have liked to creep away somewhere and hide, for he was certainly right. Nothing was in order, so far, at least, as business affairs were concerned. There I stood alone, in a state of absolute unpreparedness, with all the keys in my possession. Every one else was busy either with the ship’s lading or on the boat. Alexis came 0 Indian women in this region carry bundles on their backs by means of broad leather bands that cross upon the breast. Iowa women carry their packs by means of bands across the brow. The difference may be due, however, to the greater weight of the burden here; 10 robes weigh at least 100 pounds. 80 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 and told me that Buonaparte would give him back his horses. He went away. Mr. Kipp was not going aboard but Pierre Gareau. | So—still more. * * * The boat has gone. And Iam here for at | least a year. The bourgeois says cholera in the States south of us hindered his departure. He must look after the Indians who are suffering from influenza, he says, else they might become wild. If he went to the States he might die himself. The true reason for his remaining here, however, is Mr. Picotte’s dissatisfaction. He is now unpacking; comes immediately upon valuable articles, such as casto- reum, which he had forgotten to dispose of. That makes him peevish. July 18. To the accompaniment of a tambourine, played by an old man, young Indian women and girls gave a dance in full dress | in our courtyard. They formed an ellipse, facing one another, and — with feet close together they skipped forward and back to the | rhythmic call of “eh, eh.” Their cheeks were painted red. A few | wore feathers in their hair. One carried a cavalryman’s sabre in | her right hand. The dress of Herantsa 2" women consists of their | traditional shirt of deerskin or of blue and white striped ticking or some other cloth made according to their ancient style. The Crows follow the same mode. Their house dresses are usually | very greasy and dirty. Their full dress shirts or smocks are trimmed with rows of elk’s teeth. A hundred teeth cost as much as a good horse. This high valuation is due to their being so rare: the elk, as is well known, has only six incisors in the lower jaw. For the pleasure of witnessing the dance I am indebted to old Totano. July 19. P. Gareau is back from Fort Clarke. He declares that the Mandan have cholera and attribute their misfortune to Pale Face who so frequently brings them ravaging diseases. “The whites must have buffalo robes, but Indians can get along perfectly well without the whites.” Mr. P. has bestowed bounties to appease them. P. G. has fever now. On his return journey he ran down and killed | a bison, and, while overheated, drank a great deal of impure water. * * * An Indian offered me five robes for my telescope—a good price, but I cannot spare my glass: it does me invaluable service by enabling me to enjoy scenes at a distance that I could not get a view of close at hand. Besides, being so nearsighted, I could not go out | on the prairie without it, in this land where I never know what I may come upon. Furthermore, my telescope was the last gift I received from my brothers, Louis and Gustav. The 67 Assiniboin warriors who were put across the river on Thursday, the 17th, have marched home on account of bad weather and want of shoes—most probably! They took the field against the Arikara but have come back empty handed. Went to walk on the 20a Herantsa = Hidatsa; i. e., r—d, a dialectic change. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 81 prairie in hope of finding a certain beautiful person. There were too many people about in the neighborhood taking care of horses. Scalps in plenty at the place of sacrifice. The Herantsa, as the Gros Ventres call themselves (that name is foolish; they have not large paunches), are mistrustful of my sketching; they say it brings the pestilence. What would they think if they should see the scalp of one of their relatives in my possession? I should have to declare it yee taken from an enemy; then they would be eager for it them- selves. Many Indians are sick—afilicted with dry cough and pains in the head. Mr. Kipp and family, P. Gareau, and others are also very ill at the fort. Only I, the evil genius (“bad medicine”), am well. For those deaths on the steamer my art is to blame. In reality the dry cold wind that has been blowing continually for 14 days causes this epidemic of colds. Since I came I have enjoyed only 2 warm days. Wind south, southeast, cool and brisk. Chatted for a long while with Bellangé. He has been here many years—knows every- thing. He is smith, wheelwright, farmer, trapper, interpreter, and trader. He would like to take the position now held by Pierre Gareau, whom he cannot endure. If he could read and write he would be ambitious to supersede me also. July 20. While I was making a study in my room of a droll shabby dog Le Nain came in and gave me instruction in the Herantsa dialect. I wrote down the words—sharp pronunciation even for a Dutchman. Half of our Indian huntsmen rowed across the river to get fresh meat. For several days now we have had only dried meat. Not many from the village are on the hunt; most of the people there are suffering from cold in the chest and from headache (influenza). Bellangé related many of his adventures. His desire is to distinguish himself especially as beaver trapper. The fellow claims to do too much; I don’t believe half he tells me. This year beaver pelts will not bring, he says, $6 a pound—are not sought What a power fashion exerts, even in the most distant, out-of-the- way land! Now that beaver hats are no longer in vogue, the price of beaver pelts has considerably declined. The low value placed on their skins is to the advantage of the beavers. There are said to be a great many of them not far from here but trapping them is too dangerous for Indians. Besides, as the prairie so frequently swarms with warlike bands of Arikara, Crows, Cree, Cheyenne, Sioux, Assiniboin, and even with members of the Blackfeet Tribe, the Herantsa [Hidatsa] dare venture out only in large numbers. July 21. As there were few Indians about I made sketches of their dogs, of which there is an endless number here. Most of them look like wolves. Moreover, they do not bark but howl most dolefully. If one dog begins a chorus 100 strong immediately joins him. Continuous cold 82 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BuLL. 115 rains. Our huntsmen rowed across the river. I have worse pros- pects than heretofore for work in the storehouse. But I will at least show good will. Bellangé gave me further instruction in the Indian language of signs. July 22. The epidemic grows constantly worse. Hardly an Indian seen outside their village. Fever patients now and then jump into the river in spite of their coughing and sweats. Kipp and Gareau complain constantly of headache, aching bones, and twitching mus- cles. Kipp held out no hope of my remaining immune from the disease now so prevalent. He repeated this so often that I began to believe he wished me to have influenza. It would relieve his mind to know that meals need not be cooked for me alone; for if I were ill, I should have no appetite. Again made studies of dogs. I real- ize more and more what an advantage it is to be so well prepared in art that I can readily grasp characteristic feature of the land- scape, of animals, and of the human figure. This gives me a mastery I could not possibly attain by studying out with painstaking labor the relations of things. If one knows the genius, one sees one’s way, readily, with the individual. Mosquitoes unendurable. Exces- sive heat, then tempest. July 28. How fortunately I am placed! What favorable opportu- nities for studying the Indians! What I have observed—the hunt, the wild beasts—then I shall have completed my purpose here. ‘That will come in time. Patience over- comes all obstacles. Meanwhile I am quite contented to have found such excellent models among the Indians. The Herantsa Wirussu are a magnificent people—the women possess little beauty of face but are splendidly formed. These Indians have a noble mien that is classic—all about me are living models of the antique. Draped with their blankets, they offer the best of subjects for the chisel. I often wish that I was a master sculptor; but then I should have to forego the pleasure of depicting grandeur in landscape; terrific hailstorms, in the midst of which these red children eagerly rush out and gather the hailstones, as many as possible, in order that they may have clear, cool water to drink. That is a luxury here, where one is dependent upon muddy lukewarm water from the Missouri. July 26. The 2 days just passed were of absorbing interest. A dozen metisse de la Riviére Rouge (half-breeds from Red River) arrived with a Catholic missionary. They wanted horses, either in exchange or by purchase. They had come from their large settle- ment, a day’s journey from here. All were dressed in bright colors, semi-European, semi-Indian in style—tobacco pouches, girdles, knife cases, saddles, shoes, and whips were elaborately decorated with glass beads, porcupine quills, feather quills, etc., in an artistic work done KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 83 by their wives and sweethearts, but their clothes were of Kuropean rather than western cut. The young priest, Father Charles Lacombe, began to preach. He found at once much with which to reproach us. Mr. Kipp, living here with squaw and children, had a white family in the States. His half-breed son was not baptized. P. Gareau, living here with two squaws, was sire of several children equally unregenerate. Bellangé has a troop of half-breed offspring not yet baptized. As for me, I was not a Catholic. Things were in a sad state. Every one of the chil- dren must be christened forthwith. * * * And that was the utmost that he accomplished. Conditions under which a man had to live in this region, he was told, were not his concern; white women would not livehere. * * * Asthe black-robed priest was quartered in my room I did not escape a lecture. I cut him short, however, with the remark that there was too wide a divergence of opinion concerning such matters and too great a difference in age and experience between him and me to justify his calling me to account. When he found out that I was not a Romanist he refused to sleep in the same room with me. Went to his flock encamped outside. With Catholic priests I am particularly unfortunate. In St. Joseph I had a misadventure with Scandling, the priest officiating there. Before the assembled congregation, on October 29, 1848, he wished to reject me as sponsor at a christening. I was to be god- father for the son of a Frenchman who was a friend of mine. As I was not a Romanist I called the father’s attention to their religious observances and made the condition that he talk the matter over first with his priest in order to avoid any untoward occurrence. I was already at loggerheads with Scandling; in a wine trade he apos- tatized me as a Jew, whereupon J refused to let him have the wine for communion. The day arrived for the christening and I went with the boy’s mother and a young man—the other godfather—to the church. I wondered why the father did not appear. When our turn came the priest stepped up in front of me and put several ques- tions in Latin that I was required to answer. As a matter of course I “melted like butter in the sun.” I was obliged to say that I was not of his faith. He then objected to my assuming the responsibility of standing sponsor for a Catholic child. I could not blame him for that. I was not a little annoyed, however, that the boy’s father had not forewarned the priest. The mother now intervened—made ex- euses for her husband—and I gave my word never to alienate the child from the faith that has the sole disposal of the means of grace. When the young godfather made a better showing in his examination than I, the clergyman was mollified and the awkwardness of my 84 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 position much relieved. After the baptism we had to go into an adjoining room to inscribe our names and to give the priest a small fee. My goldpiece I wrapped in paper and laid it beside the church register, thinking in that way to spare the sensibilities of the ecclesi- astic, However, when I turned to go away I was stopped by the worthy priest, who remarked that it was customary among his parishioners to leave a slight token of regard for him. I directed his attention to the paper beside the book, whereupon, with much bowing and scraping, he dismissed me with his blessing. By that time I was really too much out of humor to make myself agreeable to fair Theresa—and both of us had looked forward with such pleasure to this meeting. Among those half-breeds I found a smith who had whisky in his possession. P. Gareau drank until he was intoxicated, then began insulting and fighting everybody who refused to drink with him. He attacked Indians as well as others, pulled off his shirt, and was of a mind to go into the village and challenge his enemies (members of the opposition) to combat. He was stopped by the soldiers (highly respected braves entrusted with the duty of keeping order in the village or settlement) and brought back. Then I shut the gate. The priest was sent here by the Bishop of Chicago for the purpose of founding a mission. He wishes to begin that work, but if he de- sires success he must not set out by antagonizing respectable people whose support at this place he must necessarily depend upon. This is Catholic territory under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Chicago. Neither Jesuits nor Protestants are allowed to found missions in any part of this region east and north of the Missouri. * * * Now, these Metisse are half Chippewa and half Canadian, Scotch—even Swiss (from an earlier colony of Lord Selkirk’s). Early this morning we received news that a band of Sauteurs (Ojibwa, Chippewa)? would come from their settlement and make us a visit. Finally, after all members of the group had their festive array in order—according to Indian custom that is of the highest importance—they emerged from a grove of trees and marched forward toward us. There were perhaps a hundred of them, some in trappings of war, some on foot, while others, on horseback, flanked the column. Five chiefs, carrying ornamental peace pipes or calumets and dis- playing prominently their trophies in recognition of “coups”, formed the vanguard. Behind them marched the soldiers in platoon forma- tion, singing martial airs, beating the drum, and firing their guns.” Then came three women dressed in one of their several costumes worn “1The Ojibwa who used to live in the region of Sault Ste. Marie were called Sauteurs. 22Upon oceasions of visits on the part of Indians the firing of a volley from their muskets to announce their arrival betokens that they come on a mission of peace. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 85 by Indians in this region.** Last in the procession came a chorus of young men who had not yet won distinction for themselves, Behind the fort, Quatre Ours, the Herantsa chief, and La Longue Chevelure, the celebrated speaker, awaited their coming.** When they came up the Sauteurs paused long enough to hear their speaker’s address of welcome, then singing together they withdrew with swift, proud step to the village and sat down in an open place on a narrow strip of dry ground that bordered what at that time was nothing more than a large ill-smelling pool of slime inhabited by thousands of frogs. The five chiefs laid their pipes on the ground in front of them in such a way that the pipe bowl pointed to the hut occupied by Quatre Ours and the stem to a wooden fork stuck upright in the earth nearby The pipes were not lighted. Now, articles of clothing,”* magnificently ornamented, were brought to the chiefs and laid on the ground in front of their pipe bowls. There were no presentation speeches but much dignity of port. During this performance there was continual singing. I had more than enough of it. As I wished to make pur- chases from those half-breeds I betook myself to my room, where I bartered for some beautiful work at a reasonable price, according to what the same articles would bring today. * * * The Sauteurs overtook that Sioux who shot Le Boeuf Court Queue and killed the man and his wife. The woman was so tired she could go no farther, the man remained with her, while the other three took to flight, riding the horse in turn. * * * This evening the Sauteurs are off to pitch their camp farther on and hunt buffaloes—courir la vache, as the Canadians say. One of the Metisse brought a white buffalo robe to sell and received two good racehorses in exchange. Such a skin is very valuable, for white or dappled buffaloes are very rare. There are sometimes crossbreeds that are said to be very large, splendid animals. July 27. The Metisse have also taken their departure. Our Indians are over the river again to ensnare buffaloes. As soon as they catch sight of the animals in the distance the “soldiers” assemble in their hut (socalled assembly lodge) to consider whether they will go on the hunt. Their decision is reported from the “lodge” by a crier. Nobody is allowed to take his own course contrary to the decision of the “soldiers” on the buffalo hunt, because, according to the rules of the 232A skirt of blue cloth that extends to the shoulder and is held in place by 2 broad bands or supporters over the shoulders and a girdle about the hips, both girdle and bands elaborately decorated. % Both chiefs looked particularly self-satisfied in their black dress coats; they wore black suits, European in style, without the traditional shirt or smock, but with breech- cloth ; they wore long hair, no gloves, and they carried fans made of eagle feathers. 2>The garments were for the most part so-called habits de Cheffre, i. e., a sort of gay- colored military coats of red, blue, or green cloth and shirts of soft white deerskin, either laced or richly embroidered with colors. 86 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 sport, everyone is to enjoy equal opportunities. I bartered a plug of tobacco to the Metisse for a beautiful bridle; a plug of tobacco and a pound of candy “kisses” for a knife of odd design with broad, tapering blade, together with its embroidered sheath; a red coverlet for a most beautifully ornamented pouch and whip; a pound of coffee and a pound of candy “kisses” to the Sauteurs for a feather ornament ; a knife for a boy’s tomahawk; and from Bellangé I got six pairs of children’s shoes, three pairs of larger moccasins, one pair of gloves for winter lined with beaver, and two ceintures. July 28. All the talk of this day is about the disappearance of the young and beautiful wife of Nez d’Ours, one of our “soldiers”, 1. e., one of the braves who are entrusted especially with the protection of the fort and never allow any transactions with the opposition. While he was bartering with the Metisse during their stay here for the white buffalo robe, a young Mandan buck took advantage of the opportunity to escape with this young woman in a buffalo boat to the Mandan, who live near the Arikara village. The girl is hardly 15 years of age, rather small, to be sure, but beautiful, graceful, and to all appearances modest and unassuming inmanner. The elopement of a wife with her lover is a dangerous venture, but nevertheless frequently occurs. However much he may care, Nez d’Ours must treat the matter lightly, else he will be scorned by his comrades as an unworthy brave. At the same time he has the right to demand the return of all gifts and horses that he had bestowed for his unfaithful wife, as well as all that the young Mandan possesses, if he has any- thing at all, and to give the latter a sound flogging whenever oppor- tunity is offered. In the presence of several Herantsa I killed a young chicken snake ** that had the evident intention of crawling about the floor under my bed. Hardly had I struck the reptile when one of the Indians fell into my arms and indicated to me that it was for his medicine (talisman). Then he slowly picked it up with two sticks and carried it solemnly to the door. Had the Indian brought the snake into the room? Be that as it may, his superstitious belief had received a rude shock. July 29. This evening the steamer Robert Campbell arrived, bring- ing commodities for the opposition’s company (Primeau, Harney, and Joe Picotte). Their fort is situated on the other (eastern) side of the village. The boat has gone farther up the river again. It left St. Louis on the 2d of July and had met the St. Ange on the way at Fort Pierre. Last year the St. Ange made the voyage from St. Louis to Fort Union and back in 82 days. This year 2 months were 26 Chicken snakes are not venomous, neither very often seen. In St. Joseph I saw an unusually large one, 6 feet long, with a body 2% inches in diameter. Once one of the Iowa came to me wearing wound around his neck the dried skin of a snake of this sort, the head and tail of which were decorated. I purchased it just as a curiosity. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 87 necessary. Why? Because $100 a day is charged instead of a fixed sum for the entire trip. Mr. Kipp is talking again of his desire to travel on the Robert Campbell to St. Louis. The old man does not know what he wants to do. It occurs to him at last to unpack his goods and examine them. Summer is not the season for trade in furs. Animals shed their hair or fur at that time; their coats are thick and beautiful only in winter. If I am to remain here, I shall have a great deal of free time for my studies. The bourgeois says he must go to Canada and attend to some pressing business with his two sisters. That arrangement would require my remaining here a year at least. In the meantime I should learn the Herantsa dialect and become acquainted with the people and the business. I might perhaps remain here altogether or at another trading post I should have to order my effects that I left behind in St. Joseph sent on to me; otherwise I should lose them. I am not conscious of the least yearning for so-called cultured societies, for I am not urged on to this work by ambition to contemplate the most beautiful ob- jects and reproduce them on canvas but I am inspired by my ideal— my adoration of beauty. Here one lives much more at ease, is more free than in the civilized States; the so-called savage is not always disputing about the teachings of religion, about political matters the rights of man, etc., principles concerning which men should have reached some uniform understanding long ago. With the savage, the sound sense with which Nature endowed him has settled all such matters. Cursing, quarreling, such as one hears constantly among us, is never heard among the Indians. Let one but look on when they are playing billiards; the strokes are so nearly equal, the game so close, that the players themselves cannot easily decide which one wins (and they always play for a stake, oftentimes quite high). They then appeal at once to the bystanders as arbiters. There is no swearing, no contention—they lack even expressions for such. Fur- thermore, insult would inevitably bring definite results; deadly re- venge from the person insulted, involving even bloodshed and death. With us affairs of honor are either passed over without punishment or satisfaction is demanded at great cost; the duel is forbidden. An affront to one’s honor stings to the quick—is a much more grave offense than horse stealing—yet what means has one to parry the insult or to get satisfaction? The law. But lawsuits are very expensive, and because so many people are unable to bear the neces- sary expense involved in punishing an offender by legal action they put up with offenses that would otherwise have deadly results. For that reason I will say nothing in favor of dueling; that is no means of arriving at a just settlement; either the stronger or the more skill- ful, not the one suffering unjustly, will be the victor. The justice of 81634—37-—_7 88 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 the court should inflict punishment upon the slanderer at once, with- out cost, and procure satisfaction for the person maligned if he has | been wronged. I exchange two good linen shirts with Pierre Gareau _ for a most beautiful saddle pad. While I was taking a walk on the © prairie today I met a number of interesting children playing in groups near their grazing horses. Several little girls, who had made — a shelter from the blazing sun with their blankets, were singing to the rhythm of drumbeats and tambourines. Their song practice soon enticed one of the boys who were also guarding horses, and he taught a little dwarf to dance. I saw small boys quite frequently also at their first shooting practice. With grass stalks for arrows they — aimed at the leaping frogs and, when they hit the mark, laughed with _ delight to see the little white-bellied creatures turn somersaults in their swift movements to escape. July 30. Mr. Kipp gave me today a packet of newspapers that he | had received by boat. The dissension and discord in Europe sicken — me. How peaceful is life here! August 1. The children come frequently to see me, now that they know I gave several of them sugar. My tiny window is often quite filled with cheerful faces that watch me, and entreat for “mantsiqua” (sugar) as I write or sketch. A girl of 14 crops up repeatedly; she attracts my notice more than the others, because her hair is en- tirely gray, and with her young, pretty face gives her an extraor- dinary appearance. Gray hair is said to be quite general among the Mandan—a sort of family misfortune, not due to severe illnesses. In this village men set more value on personal adornment and good appearance than do the girls; they take especially good care of their hair, even wear false hair glued to their own, but that is done only by those men who are accredited with “coups.” The hair of the Herantsa Indians is not smeared with grease and has therefore a rough, reddish- brown look. The men wear their hair either hanging loose or coiled into a knot above the brow. La Longue Chevelure, as his name im- plies, is distinguished by his own unusually long hair. I saw him only once when he allowed it to hang down, and that was the time he delivered the address of welcome to the Sauteurs. He wore black clothes throughout and a black hat—not even a white shirt. He let his hair loose over his dress coat. In fact, the Indians think that, aside from the uniform, black clothes, such as are worn by the Presi- dent of the United States, are most fitting for ceremonial occasions. Since Indian women are accustomed to the nudity of Indian men and look upon that condition as in the nature of things, to be taken as a matter of course, no immoral effect is produced on them; while the men, who have opportunities all the time to see naked women, KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 89 children, and girls in bathing,?? are just as little affected. They regard clothes more as protection from sun and weather. Girls go naked even to their third year; boys, to their sixth. Often both are also sucklings at that age. When girls are in bathing one can usually see from their manner whether they are still innocent in the real sense of the word (in a moral sense). An innocent girl is not ashamed—knows no reason why she should be. Perfectly nude, she runs about, pursues and splashes her companions, shouts and laughs as joyfully as though she owned the world. Not so with the self- conscious maiden. She knows—what she knows. She stands in a posture & la Venus; she laughs no longer in a carefree way but muses upon that of which she is aware, upon what she desires or fears. August 4. Between 9 and 10 o’clock the Robert Campbell returned from Fort William. Mr. Kipp did not leave on that boat, though he has often spoken of going. The old man does not know what he will do. Mosquitoes are still unendurable; unless a man wears clothes of deerskin they drive him raving mad. Unless one makes a Hades of one’s room every evening, with the smoke of sweet sage, one cannot possibly sleep at all. Do these pests prefer the blood of a white, unsmoked body? Inasmuch as scenes in my neighborhood have little variation, I am now attempting to perfect my first sketches and therefore I am paying especial attention to details. August 7. The weather is again getting cooler; one is already sensible of the lengthening of the evenings and the nights. I long for the winter, that I may observe the hunting in this region. Just as a variation from my usual life here, such a little adventure would not be undesirable. If I had only taken some courses in chemistry, I might amuse myself in a delightful way with the Indians; they would regard my experiments as “great medicine’”—something supernatural. To get on in the wilderness demands, generally, a knowledge of many widely varying subjects not fundamentally acquired. Chemistry, pharmacology, languages, agriculture, cattle breeding, trade, hunting, and every possible handicraft one should have, at least, a sufficient knowledge of to put to practical use. With a musical instrument (for this region, particularly, a loud sounding one) one might afford much entertainment, both for oneself and other people. I am frequently sensible of this lack in my own training; I have given myself too exclusively to painting; but, on the other hand, to perfect my work in art I have quite enough to do. August 8. Have been thinking much about the past—how much I have endured. My aims are nearer their fulfillment. At last we begin unpacking and verifying commodities consigned to this post. 27It is certain that half-concealed nakedness excites the senses more than a completely nude condition. 90 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 August 10. For some time I have been occupied with the thought of painting an especially beautiful buffalo robe, but not with the intention of depicting my “coups.” On the contrary, I will paint thereon Indian scenes in my own manner. Today I have the plan complete: Across the robe at the top, an Indian village; below, a fort ; on one side, at the bottom, the outstanding periods in the life of an Indian brave, from youth to old age; on the other side, the life of an Indian woman; in the center, “coups” of my heroes. Heroic exploits and adventures of my heroes will include, necessarily, the most im- portant wild animals of the chase. Not a bad idea! I gave an order to Pierre Gareau for the hide, complete and whole, of a buffalo bull, including the head, tail, and legs. Such hides as that rarely come into trade for the reason that, on account of their size and thickness, they are too difficult for the women to handle. Furthermore, such hides cost as much as three of the usual size, because the hunter, when flaying the animal, has to be so extremely careful that twice the usual amount of time and trouble is required. Bellangé is of the opinion that a buffalo hide may offer good material on which to sketch if it is shaved perfectly smooth. Perhaps that is true of cowhide, but the hide of a buffalo bull? Such fancies often lead me astray; if they prove to be practical, then they become a definite aim; if not, I put them out of mind. One profits by experience. My ideal of the perfect human form was at first only such a notion. As I progressed, however, in my studies from nature and from the antique and with my investigations in the field of aesthetics my conception of the high purpose of the fine arts gave to that early fancy a more and more definite and lofty direction until it became at last worthy an artist’s life purpose—his ideal. To create the human form in its highest perfection, as reflecting its living spirit or, in the language of Holy Writ, the image of God, became my high ideal. While my present aim to reproduce this In- dian life in art is merely a preparation for my ultimate life achieve- ment, still the two purposes are inseparably connected. I must find a setting for my Adam and Eve, a paradise that bears the character of early nature in a warm climate. I must become acquainted with the mode of life among primitive people in order that I may truly represent them. The ideal of a modern painter must urge him on to loftier aims than were achieved by the Greeks; loftier than those of the Christian Middle Ages, when an artist’s ideal was to personify certain attributes in the character he represented. This might be called the ideal of blind faith. The modern ideal of man must comprise all good attributes. We find beauty in everything where the form corresponds to the indwelling idea; still our loftiest conception of beauty is man in his KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 91 first perfection, as perfect soul, embodied with noble feeling in an equally perfect form. The ideal of the Greek sculptor (and most probably of the painter also) was perfection of the human form, not actuated by the spiritual ; a serene being undisturbed by passion or struggle. Their gods served as the loftiest ideal to which they could attain in the representation of human perfection in bodily form. But what gods they were! In what a slight degree they differed from men whom the artist com- monly saw! ‘To be sure, gods could make themselves invisible—could at their pleasure transform themselves to other shapes. Not infre- quently they made use of that godlike advantage to convert themselves into men. Did they exemplify nobler qualities of mind than men possessed—more lofty thinking? Were they not as a usual thing subject to the base passions of hate, envy, sensuality, insatiable desire for power, of deception, etc.? The Greek deities, as well as those of the Romans, exemplified lower standards in thought, in feeling, and in morals than were practiced by the men of that day, and they were actuated in their dealings by less worthy motives. They did not dis- tinguish themselves for high qualities of soul; the artists of the classi- cal period therefore found it impossible to take a more lofty flight. That perfection to which the best of them attained has always been a marvel—all the more so as the people of that age, notwithstanding their high degree of cultivation in art, lagged far behind in other respects. When Phidias, one of the famous Greek artists—one may say the greatest of all antiquity—first attained his ideal in “classic repose” that was not to be surpassed, a number of celebrated sculptors in Greece and Asia Minor attempted to portray states of feeling, as in the Niobe group and the Laocoén. That marked a certain advance, but did not go beyond those few works. The ideal of Raphael and his famous contemporaries is just as far beyond that of the Greeks as the Christian God is exalted above pagan deities. However, Raphael was also a child of the time in which he lived: His Christus and his Maria are representations of blind faith; with all their moral purity they reveal no vibrating in- tellect, no creative intelligence, no free will. Good characters and bad are portrayed, to be sure, in a manner distinctively excellent, but the greatest of the artist’s creations are but passive instruments in “their Father’s hand.” We artists of the modern day desire, first of all, free will; for, without choice, to what virtues can we attain? What is the use of withstanding temptation if one is only the tool of a higher, invisible power? What purpose is served if one assumes that victory or fail- ure is already predestined in his own behalf or for the good of 92 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 others—therefore inevitable? Furthermore, of what avail are pre- eminent talents if, upon every great discovery in the realm of science, upon every triumph anew over material things, the cry is raised, “That is tempting God.” And then, later on, “It was the will of God.” Such blind belief is, according to my view at least, the standpoint of one in subjection. The temptation of our Savior would impress us as a silly farce if He had not of His own free will resisted the splendors of temporal power. Moreover, the miracles would have little significance as direct emanation from divine omnipotence; yet that must be true if the intelligence of Christ dominates matter to such degree! How much higher order of being is man, endowed with intelligence and made an agent of his own will! How much more lofty such an ideal than that of blind faith, than that of “classic repose”! How little we are moved by Minerva, goddess of wisdom, who is all-wise yet impotent! How stupid seems amiable Venus! How lacking in spirit the meek Madonnas of Raphael! Would the Christian ideal sacrifice beauty in the least degree if the artist conceived his perfect being as endowed with divine intelligence, with independent will? If he represented human beings as more godlike rather than gods in the form of man? Certainly not. My ideal is the human creature, in whom are harmoniously com- bined lofty intelligence, noble mind, and ardent feeling, represented in corresponding form; difference in sex being taken into account— that is, without debarring other qualities, man must be portrayed with more spirit and energy, woman with more noble feeling. But for the necessity of representing the figures fully clothed, I would embody this ideal of mine in Christus and Maria. Clothes are ever an indication of weakness and shame. My ideal is to have no cause for shame—in my ideal, mind and heart are pure. No clothing is to be needed, for in a tropical landscape protection from cold is unnecessary. Aboriginal man! Primeval world! My vision of man in his perfect state shall be embodied in the nude, with such beauty, such nobility of form, that the perfection of the figure, the purity of line, and chaste delineation of feature will permit in the mind of a beholder of cultivated taste not the least vestige of sensuous appeal. I said “a beholder of cultivated taste” because one needs a public made up of individuals who have been accustomed to such figures in antique art and are not inclined to redden at the least sug- gestion of nudity, to avert their eyes in order to conceal embarrass- ment, or, perhaps, to cry out, “Fie! For shame!” for the reason that in contemplating the nude figure, most beautiful of all created forms, they are sensitive only to physical attraction. However, it is not primitive man in his life of untroubled ease that I shall attempt to reproduce in painting; I will represent him under KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 93 circumstances that test his faculties of heart and mind—his force of character. For that reason I am studying American Indians; for, if I acquaint myself with their way of life, I can later on portray also aborigines of the white race. The scanty drapery I shall employ will most likely give offense to the general public, but that attitude toward my art shall not deter me from pursuing my aesthetic aims. An artist, conscious of his trained abilities and singleness of purpose, is not to allow his course to be determined by popular approval; on the contrary, he is to assist in the artistic cultivation of the populace. To that end he must necessarily assume an independent position. How difficult the task! What a long period of time and study, what perseverance is required for the accomplishment of my purpose! Here I am interrupted by La Queue Rouge, who has watched me a long time, wondering how I dare continue writing such a great while without taking notice of him. At last, as I raise my eyes trying to bring other thoughts to mind, he asked: “Sagiz?” (Knough?). “Tampa!” (Don’t understand !) August 11. This afternoon a cool, brisk wind from the west has considerably lowered the high temperature of the morning. A bas les maringuins! [i. e., down with the mosquitoes]. Yesterday I swapped coffee and sugar with a young girl for a queer sort of em- broidered needle case. Today the same girl brought a friend with her who had what seemed to be a bodkin case; swapped with her also. The girls wore these as ornaments pinned on the front of their deerskin shirts. So I passed the time bartering goods I had brought with me for objects of Indian make. To Pierre Gareau I gave a bolt of calico for a man’s buckskin shirt, elaborately ornamented, and a woman’s shirt-dress made of two whole bighorn pelts; each of these, at the current price, was valued at $12. Bellangé’s Assiniboin wife will supply me with a similar garment, made more simply and untrimmed, for 18 pounds of coffee. From Bellangé himself I bought a pair of ornamented trousers made of buckskin for $10; they are cut accord- ing to European mode and trimmed in Indian fashion. Finally, from Mr. Kipp I received six beautiful arrows for my elk-horn bow. I gave him in return a flask of cherry brandy and two pounds of candy “kisses” for his Mandan woman. I shall probably pay the further price of a sleepless night, due not only to my joy in my new possessions but to the possession, on the part of the “boss” and his wife, of the flask of cognac! Ugh! how the rain pours. How agreeable here in this Indian country, so far withdrawn from the stir of the world, to dream of the ideal toward which I strive and to philosophize. Yes; my ideal human form shall be embodied in the nude; not for the purpose of 94 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BuL. 115 asserting, however, that the highest ideals can not be attained other- wise. On the contrary, in certain instances, the highest art requires that figures be clothed. My Adam has no world to discover, as had Columbus; his paradise is ready for him. But his intelligence must show that he is capable of the loftiest endeavor possible to human genius; like Daniel in the lion’s den, he must be able to quell wild beasts with a glance. While in primitive man genius is merely existent and offers no difficulty to the artist except in the portrayal of nakedness free from any suggestion of sensuous appeal (otherwise, the artistic purpose would be lost; the work of art pernicious), in civilized man genius in its fullest develop- ment reveals itself in the greatness of character and presents that most difficult effort, on the part of the artist, to show the effect of those lofty qualities upon the outer world. If I were not so enthu- siastic for the nude human figure in art, I should not have thought it necessary to travel so far in order to find models for the perfecting of my studies, for a handsomer or more intelligent race of men does not exist than our highlanders. Neither can our natural scenery be surpassed in any other land, except perhaps in Mexico, where tropical nature is varied with magnificent mountain scenes and lakes of equal beauty. Primitive conditions exert an irresistible charm upon me. Here I may clothe the figures only so far as to make my pictures acceptable to the greater number of people. The most beautiful of garments can not serve the purpose in art as well as the perfect human form; garments are beautiful, in an artistic sense, only when they reveal to advantage the human form. Our Celtic forefathers would appeal to me as models for my paint- ings if their nether garments were not so inartistic. If I should leave them off what an outcry I should cause among the archeologists! O Diviko! How picturesque our highlanders would appear without their pointed skull caps; our women without their stiff sleeves. Such trivialities often bring an artist to a standstill, because he must be true to nature! Whether I shall attain to this lofty ideal is another question. I do not doubt that in the course of time—after a long time—I shall accom- plish my aims, for the same qualities of mind and soul that enable me to conceive such an ideal will empower me to embody my vision in forms. Now I need only to perfect myself in the technique of paint- ing. Up to this time I have only made studies—very few paintings. When I shall have mastered technique I will then venture to under- take the poetic, the aesthetic principles of art that will enable me to achieve my aims in composition and expression. When I have reached my ideal I may assume that my taste is refined. Inasmuch as the pictures I would create have long been distinct in my own imagina- tion and during the six years I have already devoted to the study of KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 95 composition in rough sketches, my enthusiasm has never grown less, but, on the contrary, has ever urged me on to higher aims as my studies progressed, I am encouraged to believe that, if I live and am granted the blessings of health and independence for only a few years longer, I shall accomplish the ends I have in view. An artist striving for a certain aim must have an ideal beyond his grasp, else he might think he had attained perfection. That would bring cessation of effort and result in retrogression. That which is difficult to attain inspires to higher and more enduring achievement than that which is easily accomplished. Earlier in my career I believed that I must, as artist, perfect my conception of the form as well as the godlike mind of Christ. But who knows in what form God is to be conceived? Can not the human creature be distinguished for lofty qualities of mind and heart with- out being considered, necessarily, the tool of a higher power with no will of his own? Since my ideal has, luckily, survived my change of faith I have no longer anything to fear. August 18. Toward sunset yesterday I heard an outcry from the direction of the village, followed, as usual, by the howling of all the dogs. Everything was in commotion. I hurried out to the gate, curi- ous to know what was going on. The trouble was that some one from Yankton had carried off four horses belonging to an old Crow Indian. He could not find them anywhere. In a trice young braves, mounted and armed, were galloping across the prairie. By the time they reached the forest, however, night had fallen; to follow any trace was therefore impossible. Until late at night they were heard singing and firing off their muskets as they returned home. Today they say the horses have been found. Only a little excitement for the Indians and me. This entire day there has been rain and nothing but rain. August 14, La Grande Chevelure paid me a visit today, bringing one of his friends with him. He entreated me, with signs, to open my sketchbook for them that they might see with their own eyes and decide whether my sketches were really the cause of the sickness so prevalent among them. Owing to the absence of Quatre Ours, who is with Mr. Culbertson and the Assiniboin chiefs at Fort Laramie, La Grande Chevelure is now chief of the Herantsa. He is distinguished for his intelligence as well as for his gift of eloquence ; Quatre Ours is accredited with more “coups”, having 14 to his account. La Grande Chevelure finds in my drawings nothing in the least to warrant suspicion. He will talk with his people. He is a middle-aged man of dignified and imposing presence. He has fine eyes, a well-arched chest, and small hands. He wears usually an old buffalo robe and carries in his hand an eagle wing for fan. His breast and arms have tattoo marks. As president of the council he is regarded the most notable personage in the village and as the 96 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 115 war chieftain of Quatre Ours he is most influential. While he was looking at my drawings, I studied his interesting features and, as soon as he left, I made a sketch of him immediately from memory. I must, however, get a more exact likeness; here, with Mr. Kipp, I shall have opportunity to do that, for I can see him almost daily. Of the two chiefs he is superior to Quatre Ours, who is not distin- guished for personal force and valor. By the way, Quatre Ours has a perfectly beautiful wife, with the most finely chiseled features that ft have seen for a long time. August 15. I hear daily that Schmidt, the bourgeois at the oppo- sition company’s trading post, dins into his children’s ears continu- ally that the great company brings among them all the devastating diseases so prevalent and that the painter especially is to blame, for all those whom he sketches fall ill. That is perfidy, pure and simple, and may in the end place me in a most undesirable situation. What will trade envy not contrive! Cattle were unknown to the ancient Herantsa. 282 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 provided with rattles but had long bills by means of which they dug through the earth as swiftly as they now run. This daring boy shot the snake dead and came home and told his foster mother what he had done. “Now, my child,” she said, “if you go hunting tomorrow you will come upon a nest of those serpents. If you go near them they will certainly kill you.” Nevertheless, conscious of his immortality, the boy walked into the den of snakes the moment he found it and killed a great number, but night fell before he had annihilated them. He wished then to go home, but the night was so dark he lay down on the ground and stuck an arrow upright at his head and one on each side of him; for those arrows possessed the magical quality of becoming aware of approaching danger; whereupon they would fall upon the sleeper and wake him up. But on that night the youth was so overcome with sleep that when a serpent came near, though one arrow after another fell upon him, he made no preparations for defense—took no notice whatsoéver of his impending peril. So the snake ran clear through his body up into his head, where it caused him most intense pain but was unable to put him to death. To get rid of the serpent he asked whether he might be released if he would bring to life all the snakes he had slain the day before. “Yes; on that condition I will leave you,” said the serpent. He shook his bow, spoke some magical words, and the dead snakes were again alive. When the youth returned home his foster mother said to him: “Next time you are out hunting you will see a spring, and near this spring a tent will be spread. Do not enter the tent; you may lose your life if you do.” But this bold lad sought danger; he liked nothing better. So he went at once in search of the spring and its nearby perilous tent. He entered without hesitation. Though it was very dark within he could discern the trunk of a man’s body. They talked with each other. Finally the Sun’s son asked the man in the dark tent whether, by way of pastime, he could not contrive a game. The latter produced two billiard [szc] wands*® and the two played to- gether. Now it came about that, they threw the wands so uniformly they could not decide, in the darkness, which won the game. The man in the dark corner advised the young hunter to fetch from a nearby tent another man who had been put there by the witchcraft of the two sorcerers mentioned above. “Call him here to decide.” “What is his name?” ® Billiards were unknown to the ancient Herantsa. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 283 “Utch.” The boy summoned the other man by the name designated. Utch decided in favor of the youth. The man in the dark corner became enraged and the boy slew him. “Now,” said Utch to the heir of the Sun, “you have begun strife that will never end. Those two sorcerers will be here tonight and they will kill you.” “They have not the power. I am ‘greater medicine’ than they.” Then he told Utch what adventures he had encountered. “Good,” said the latter. “If you wish to overcome the two sor- cerers I will tell you what to do. Be on the watch when they are about to go to sleep tonight, and the instant they lose con- sciousness lay aslant over each of them one of these billiard wands. They will no longer have strength to move, they will be powerless.” As he was now released from the spell under which he had been held he hurried away from the place. The two enchanters came, and the youth rendered them powerless by means of the billiard wands; they were unable to raise themselves from the ground. Thereupon they said that they realized they were now in his power and wished him to tell them what they were to do to accomplish their release. “Well, I have heard you have a sister enchantingly beautiful, whom you have not yet given to any man. Give her to me and you shall be free.” They promised to grant his wish. He took away the two wands. Here we concluded the narrative, for I had had more than enough of it. I asked Packinaud to tell me instead something of the Herantsa themselves. ‘Twenty years ago they are said to have been a most powerful tribe, more feared than either the Sioux or the Assiniboin. At that time they took up their habitations in five different settlements : ¢ Tents Ie Vahloce where, nowathey Mandan) lives. 82s. Bee ee eee 250 PAV lac eme MMe shart Meru pont he) VT SSO Ulett ee e 80 LAS OVON MT eM ER Vere eee ere be SR AEE Oot OE SE EE UE EE at 130 AVillagel ite miles) above Kite Riversis iter errr oe te eee 60 DnVvillage .Gpmiles; trom, the’ one Jast named = 42 e a 30 This makes in all 550 tents, and the tribe reckoned 1,650 warriors. This number was reduced by epidemics of smallpox and measles to 80 warriors. Subsequently it was increased to 150, 20 of whom were earried off last year by cholera. The Teton Sioux are said to have been forced up into this region from St. Louis,?® the Arikara from Council Bluffs. 10 According to Bancroft, the Sioux, at the time of La Zotas, are reported to have inhabited the region extending westward from Missouri and the Falls of St. Anthony, and southward even beyond the southern boundary of Arkansas. 284 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 The Arikara now inhabit the same village that heretofore the Mandan owned; that is, they chose the same location on which to establish their dwelling place; for under the best conditions clay huts last not longer than 7 years. Mandan and Herantsa have always lived most amicably together. January 31. Morgan came the other day to barter a choice pelt of the gold fox, ermine fur, and a black pipe in addition for my beauti- ful pipe bowl. February 1. That, as Mohler says, the word “Adam,” according to its Hebraic signification, means “red earth” might be accepted as sufficient proof, to be sure, that the copper-colored Indian is the original progenitor of the various races of men, irrespective of the color of their skin. That climate might easily have had its effect in changing copper color to black or white may be true, but experience of a thousand years tells against such an assumption. For my part, I do not accept the belief that the human race is to be traced back to one human pair only. In the Old Testament itself I find refutation of such an argument; otherwise, how could it have been possible for Cain in exile, after his brother’s murder, to have found populated cities hitherto unknown? Furthermore, I think the Biblical descrip- tion of Paradise and the creation of the first man and the first woman too highly poetical to lose anything of its significance, even though we do not trace our descent so literally to Adam and Eve. I find nowhere in Moses’ account any so positive affirmation concern- ing our first parents in Eden that would make indefensible my as- sumption that several races of man may have been created at the same time in different parts of the world. Likewise, I refuse to believe that the so-called fall of man can be referred to relations of sex. If that were true, why was there a difference in sex? Why the urgent inclination to union of the flesh? If the Creator of the world had desired some other means whereby people were to multiply and replenish the earth, he would have had human beings engendered under other conditions. However, let anyone who, in defiance of natural history, insists upon one and only one pair of human beings as the source of our genus, explain as best he can the rise of the different races of men. So far as I am concerned I attach just as little significance to this belief as to the assertion that the Indian was derived from the Jew. : In the first place I maintain that the invariable copper-colored skin, black hair, and brown eyes that distinguish the primitive in- habitants of North America as a whole afford sufficient proof that they are an individual race just as clearly differentiated from the Caucasian as from the Ethiopian and Malayan races. Now the KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 285 Hebrews are Caucasian; 1** blue eyes and light hair are not infre- quently seen among Jewish people, but of copper-colored skin there is absolutely never a trace, Nevertheless, many scholars as well as men of little learning trace the Indians’ origin to the Hebrews." These writers claim to have discovered resemblance of features and similarity in mode of life, both public and private. As for me, I have never yet seen an Indian who had that distinct cast of counte- nance we term Jewish; resemblance, in this instance, is not deter- mined by black hair, brown eyes, hooked nose, etc., but must be sought in those characteristics which reveal the inner spirit of a people, which may be taken as typical of national character, such as expression of the eyes, mold of the lips, etc. Of the Jewish pro- pensity to bargain and to haggle I find no trace at all in the expres- sion of the Indian; that is to say, acquisition is not the principal end and aim of his existence. On the contrary, the redskin is by nature heedless as to money matters and a reckless spendthrift, the direct opposite of the thrifty, calculating Jew. His trait of liber- ality is one of the Indian’s chief virtues; no matter how valiant or how rich their leaders may be, it is only by generous giving that they attain to positions of prominence. Warriors strive for personal pos- sessions not for the sake of hoarding wealth but to gain great numbers of adherents by the presentation of gifts. Like most barbarous tribes, Indians place great value on largesse; as an indi- cation of this, the number of gifts conferred is emblazoned on the chief’s robe of state just the same as “coups.” How different are the Jews! Were not the patriarchs of ancient days thrifty people, rich in lands and herds? To me it seems extraordinary, furthermore, considering the pertinacity with which the Jews hold to their Mosaic belief, that Indians, if directly de- scended from the Hebrews, should have lost so completely all con- tact with Judaism. Another unlikeness that occurs to me: Jews, as we all know, are strong on beards; look upon the beard as more or less sacred—swear by the beard. Now, there is not a beard to be found throughout the Indian tribes; not the trace of a beard. But what surprises me most with regard to similarity in the mode of life among Hebrews and Indians is that none of the native North American tribes did anything in the way of stock raising. Though the Indian drinks with zest the milk of a buffalo just killed or of a hind or a doe, the idea seems never to have occurred to one of them to breed these animals for the sake of their milk. Nowhere do I find any inclination toward cattle breeding, not even for their meat, 10. The author errs here; the Hebrews belong to the Semitic stock. 11 For example, Lord Kingsborough, Catlin, Captain Maryatt in the Mormons. The last two prompted my writing down the ideas stated above. 286 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BuLD. 115 which Indians particularly like for food. No, the redskins’ only domestic animal is the dog. Is it at all likely that Hebrew tribes, shepherds from the beginning of time, wandering into this part of the world where the buffalo and other milk-producing animals were already at hand, would have forgotten entirely that especial branch of industry? Certainly not. This total neglect of cattle breeding among Indian tribes is to me utterly incomprehensible. It seems impossible that any people who progressed as far as they in the cultivation of the soil and in other important branches of knowledge should never have thought of so simple a thing as the taming of animals and getting milk from cows. Not only would they have had an abundance of food and clothing but they would have found also abundant opportunities for the employment of their energies in defending their herds from wild beasts. That one striking difference in the way of life among Amer- ican Indians as compared with that among aborigines of the Old World is alone sufficient proof to me that the former constitute a separate and distinct race of men. Throughout the entire con- tinent of the Americas only Peruvians (Quichua) were shepherds. They found in their homeland the llama and alpaca, which they raised in herds, and used the wool of those animals for the weav- ing of cloth, out of which they made the garments they wore. In this respect the culture of the Incas and their subjects sets them apart from the neighboring tribes. Aboriginal South Americans have no kindred likenesses, either in color, physiognomy, or in speech, with North American Indians. The Guarani, Patagonians, and Quichua were also tribes totally different, their manner of life dependent wholly upon natural conditions in that part of the coun- try where they dwell. In the pampas, they were roving hunters; in the forests and mountains where great numbers of the inhabitants were engaged in tilling the soil, they had settled habitations. Just as a people’s mode of life is determined by the vegetation and animals abounding in the region they inhabit, so climatic condi- tions and atmosphere exert an influence upon the bodies of men and affect the color of their skin. Nor do the few customs and arrangements for the conduct of their daily life among Indians, especially Mexicans (Aztec), and Hebrews furnish any basis for argument. Man in his natural state is everywhere the same, be he white, yellow, red, black, or spotted, hairy or smooth skinned. All human beings have exactly the same bodily structure, consequently they have like needs, are dependent on the same conditions that make existence possible, use the same sort of implements and utensils for hunting, cooking, tilling the soil, fishing, making war, and for transportation. Necessity is the mother of invention the world over; hence, various and diverse tribes living KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 287 under similar natural conditions hit upon the same ideas. Man got his first sustenance from the fruits of the fields and forests, by fishing, killing birds and quadrupeds. When he was unable to get sufficient food by such means he resorted to agriculture and stock raising. When, in the conduct of affairs, related families lived together as one community, they laid the foundation of tribal or national government under the direction of chosen leaders or chiefs and for the establishment of regulations that would insure better order, security, and success in their undertakings. The more forceful these associated families were and the more densely populated their communities, the more difficult their com- munal management, the more complex their organization. This has been found true in all parts of the world; accordingly, one finds among primitive peoples everywhere bows and arrows, knives, spears, bludgeons, slings, shields; boats made of the hides of animals or hollowed out of tree trunks, rafts constructed with stems of trees or, sometimes, of reeds; throughout the world one finds huts built of twigs and branches or of clay, tents of skins, earthenware vessels, and beasts of burden; in all places, the first plowing was done by means of crooked branches torn from hardwood .trees or with shoulder blades of the larger wild beasts, and clothes were made from the wool of animals, animal pelts, and of hemp; in place of knives, sharp stones were used for cutting, and fishbones were used for needles. Agriculture is the basis upon which is builded every firmly established state. In tilling his land the savage be- comes attached to the soil and loyal to his native land. Upon hus- bandry depend settled habitations, spacious country residences; as the result of husbandry, business thrives, inventions are called into being, arts flourish, sciences are in demand, and laws are enacted for the better morality and better government that is essential to the prosperity of a state. So much has been written in contradiction of the Indians’ fit- ness for education, by way of excuse for injustices done them, that I cannot forbear breaking a lance in their defense. I am all the more inclined to do this because they cannot defend themselves against assailants unknown to them who attack them in books, and because I, a native of Switzerland, with no colonial policy to pro- tect, am able to take a view all the more unprejudiced. In their primitive condition the state of the Indians was much the same as that of our forefathers in the so-called Stone Age; they were unacquainted with the art of working metals because they had no need of that sort of thing. Arrow heads made of stone, imple- ments contrived out of bones, served their purposes. As long as they could be sure of a steady supply of food by following the chase they remained hunters; with increasing population they began to till the 288 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 soil: they planted maize, beans, potatoes, and tobacco. Whether men or women worked the land when they first began to farm is a matter of no consequence. That the Indians did actually cultivate their land throughout the region lying between the Mississippi and the Atlantic Ocean is a fact to which travelers and adventurers who have visited this country since its discovery by Columbus collectively testify—all of them, whether Spaniards, Frenchmen, or Britons. Yet Capt. Mayne Reid (together with a number of others) attempts to prove the contrary. Will he set aside historical fact, a thou- sand incontrovertible facts, for the sake of vindicating the right of Englishmen to rob Indians of their land? He says, in his Scalp Hunters: “No handful of men have the right to withhold from the great body of mankind a valuable portion of the earth’s surface, without using it.” Granting that this statement is true, it has no application to the Indian tribes inhabiting the eastern part of the United States, nor can it justify the colonization of this part of the world by English- men on the ground that there is a lack of uncultivated land in their own country, for the Indians have as much of their domain under cultivation as their needs require, while, in England, there is even today much land idle—yea, wide stretches of heath and forest set aside solely for the purpose of hunting. I will furnish later the proof of what I say from Bancroft. If Capt. Mayne Reid had made the statement quoted above in that part of his narrative de- scribed as “poetically colored,” I should have taken no notice of it at all. I should have paid just as little attention to it as to Dr. Bird’s Nick of the Woods or Pierre St. John’s Introduction to the Trapper’s Bride and the White Stone Canoe.14* I should have regarded it as “fact enameled by fiction,’ of which he himself says, “My book ex- hibits no higher purpose than to amuse,” and farther, “If you cannot believe the scenes true, may I hope that you will acknowledge their vraisemblance?” But in the Notes he assumes the role of instructor. Does he not desire, in fact does he not mean to be accepted there as “true” rather than “vraisemblable” ? Such practice on the part of the captain as that to which I have referred above is not only wrong but dangerous, for the reason that his most interesting bool will certainly be far more widely read than accounts published in duly authorized histories.12 If he had pronounced his judgment with reference to the prairie Indians only “4a The White Stone Canoe or White Flint Canoe idea was developed from a block of ice, the boat of the Winter Gods. See article Tawiskaron, Bull. 30, Bur. Amer, Ethn. ? We find sufficient proof in East India and in China that the aim of Englishmen is solely to extend their trade and their power, not to civilize the primitive peoples of those lands or to provide food for their hungry poor. In India alone there are vast tracts of unimproved land which great nobles will not allow the poor to cultivate. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 289 he would have given his statement some semblance of truth, for they find the land much more useful to them as hunters than as landlords. But prairie Indians have their own good reasons for being content to live by hunting; as long as buffaloes are found in such large herds, it will be impossible to cultivate fields; those animals will have to be well-nigh exterminated before husbandry can be established as an industry. Furthermore, when a tribe of people are satisfied with the environment in which they live they are far more happy, under any circumstances, than populations in civilized states where con- tentment is unknown; for that reason we envy the savage. I am inclined to believe, moreover, that in making our chief task in life the civilization of mankind, we lessen our chances for happi- ness. Nevertheless, we are forced by competition to work to that end ; we are obliged to develop all our faculties, to improve our talents, in order that we may be capable of meeting the demands of an existence, the conditions of which are constantly becoming more difficult. There is convincing proof that the Indian is not incapable of improvement, as his enemies would have us believe: Captain Reid admits as much. That Indian women work the land is not due to racial coarseness or brutality but to the fact that the men regard war as their chief aim in life. By reason of their many wars, more- over, the number of women is in excess of the males. According to the contrary argument, European nations, where country women willingly work in the fields, must also be called cruel and brutal. It is far better for women to till the land, which is no disgrace, than to starve or beg alms. In the course of time, when this country be- comes as densely populated and the land as much exhausted as in European countries, North American women, I am firmly convinced, will have to adapt themselves to the same order of things. Further- more, there are Indian nations where men as well as women work in the fields (See Ralph Lane: Bericht uber die Indianer bei Roanoke).1* We find, indeed, a distinct difference in the development of Indian nations, according as more densely populated communities increased the necessities of existence. Among the nations in the eastern part of the country there were settled habitations, comfortable houses, fortifications, temples and, according to recent investigations in Michigan, ancient copper mines (the Mangoack in Roanoke worked in copper), while prairie Indians used lead to fashion their ornaments—they employed only soft metals in making ornaments. On the Mexican plateau Indian tribes lived in communities even more densely populated; accordingly we find there the organized state, and so marked an advance in handicrafts, in art, in science, and in religion, that one can but wonder at the 13 Ralph Lane’s Account of the Indians of Roanoke. 290 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 number and variety of their accomplishments. One may readily as- sume that those nations would have attained in time to a still higher degree of civilization. In every instance, advance to the civilized state requires time and is furthered by necessity. So we may con- clude when prairie Indians can no longer satisfy the needs of their existence as hunters, they will of their own accord resort to hus- bandry just as the Arikara and Herantsa have done already. We should consider, moreover, how long a time has been required to civilize Germans and. Celts. How many thousands of years they remained in the so-called Stone Age. How many thousand in the Age of Bronze. Even today, what would be our condition without the uplifting influences of the Christian religion, without our great and extensive educational advantages? Even now, after nearly 2,000 years of progress and enlightenment, can one assert with truth that all superstitious beliefs, all heathen observances have disappeared from Europe? Do not our wars, our revolutions, give rise daily to more horrible deeds than occur among Indian tribes? Were not ancient Britons far more barbarous than Indians? Did not the ancient Britons take advantage of their own offspring to satisfy their lust? When it is a question of the civilization of peoples one has to reckon by centuries, not generations. I maintain that in time North American Indians will make due progress. I maintain further that the coming of Europeans hindered the Indians’ continued advance in their slow development. The Aztecs are exterminated and shame on the priests, evidences of their civilization for the most part blotted out of existence. So-called Christians, for all their fanatical zeal, have set so poor an example of the Christian code of morals, and do still, that the Christian religion can but make an unfavorable impression on the mind of the natural man. When all Christian sects, almost without exception, war against one another with shock- ing intolerance, of which are savages to become adherents? When 20 people are condemned to death as witches or unbelievers—hanged on a charge of witchcraft? When 55 other persons are tortured in order to extort a profession of faith, whereupon some worship before the Cross, while others scoff? And how was it with the Moravians and the Delawares? They were mistrusted and put down by their heathen fellowmen as well as by their Christian brethren! Have fur traders, as pioneers of civilization, ever shown the least concern about moral standards? Do they not know that among civilized Indians, who devote them- selves to the cultivation of their lands, fur trading will cease? How much do those daring officials on the borders care for the enlighten- ment of Indians? In spite of sacred treaties, the Cherokee were forced to abandon their well-tended fields and give up their lands. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 291 With all their improvements, which even Captain Reid must give them credit for, we shall see how long they will be left in peace in their new domain beyond the Mississippi. As long as mutual ill-will and hate engendered by earlier con- flicts is kept alive among Americans and Indians there is little hope of a better state of things among the red skins. Who was first re- sponsible for armed conflict and consequent hate, historical fact makes indisputably clear; it is high time, therefore, that Americans give some evidence of their being “the most enlightened people.” It is time that they grant to the Indians the right to live. Once they are allowed to live in tranquility, the Indians, we may be sure, will adopt whatever advantages are offered them in civilization; then moral and spiritual betterment will inevitably follow. But, first of all, they must have that tranquility which comes with security and peace of mind—then, a better example set for them by these senti- mental Christians. Laws are of little use, however, unless individuals are trained to develop their human organism to best advantage; in other words, the education of the individual has different tasks in view. First, it is to provide training for the preservation of health; secondly, training to fit the individual for earning his bread and, at the same time, to make provision for the development of the mind, cultivation of the feelings, and betterment of the soul. Science, art, and re- ligion are the means to this end, for in pursuing these great subjects the human individual is led in the right direction and capacitated through the best development of his powers for the best accomplish- ment of his life work; that is, to provide for his own needs by the employment of his especial talents and to be of service to his fellowman. Now this particular instance is cited that astronomy among the Aztec was much the same science as that developed by the Hebrews. How could it be otherwise when the two nationalities inhabited the same planet and contemplated the same sun, moon, and stars? How was it possible for them to formulate two different planetary sys- tems from a study of the same stars? Those crude peoples divided the time into years according to snowfall, rainfall, or seasons of harvest, and the year into months according to the full of the moon. When they found, however, that such computations would no longer suffice in a more complicated national organization, they be- gan to regulate time by the rising and setting sun; consequently, no matter how widely different peoples may be or how far removed from one another, their computations with regard to the solar year must be much the same, differing only, in fact, as to the manner in which they dispose of the six hours left over. 292 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 In like manner the pyramidal form appears in different parts of the world, because the pyramid affords the most stable base for the greatest height. When all is said and done, our own church towers are nothing but pyramidal. Though the Jews could hardly have been unacquainted with the pyramids in Egypt, yet they never made use of that form in their buildings. On the other hand, why are not the Mexicans, whose teocallis are pyramidal in structure, de- clared to be descendants of the Egyptians? Why are not the Peruvians with their Cyclopaean masonry said to be descendants of the Greeks? As to the rest, I do not question the probable migration of tribes from Asia or northern Europe to the American continent. I con- tend only that such a migration was not necessary in order to estab- lish either reasons for the population of the country or the civiliza- tion of the American Nation, because, in due time, population and education follow as a matter of course. The great majority of native Americans are of the same type and bear no resemblance to any race of the Old World. The few immi- grants from foreign countries have been amalgamated, somehow or other, with the native stock. Moreover, one must take into considera- tion that there are also animals and plants that did not originate on American soil but were likewise transplanted. Just as like plants grow out of the ground in different quarters of the globe, according to the character of the soil and the geographical situation, so must animals that feed on the same vegetation and like animal substances develop into the same species. Why should not the same be true of humankind? Why should it not have been possible for the same natural conditions that produced, in America as in the Old World, the beaver, bison, stork, eagle, hog, wolf, fox, serpent, lizard, monkey, butterfly, squirrel, hare, worm, fish, etc., have had their effect on the American type of man? To be sure, the elephant, lion, camel, and horse are not native to America, but that does not by any means prove the type of primitive man peculiar to that land could not have been produced there, especially since the monkey, which marks the transition from animal to man, is there. Some plants native to American soil and hitherto unknown in other countries are found there also: the potato, tobacco, maize, banana, etc. In conclusion, I must mention that, according to recent investigations, there have been discovered, among antediluvian remains, skeletons both of human beings and of horses which, so far as the natives are con- cerned, give sufficient proof that they had their origin in the New World. February 4. Weather usually fine and warm. I was enabled to sketch the interior of the fort from the southwest bastion. Should KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 293 such agreeable atmospheric conditions continue for any length of time we may expect a slow, cold, or wet springtime, for as yet very little snow has fallen. Smith came in to bring venison. The hunters in the hayfield have already shot twenty-four deer and two elks. They are feeling quite at ease, camping in two tents with their women and eating all the choice portions of the game they kill. They are glad to be where they have not the bourgeois continually directing them. February 5. Morgan had to take ox carts and pack horses to fetch Mackenzie and his remaining stock of goods from his winter quar- ters on the lower Bourbeuse. This warm weather has melted the snow, and in consequence the river overflowed to such an extent that the occupants of this winter trading post were beginning to think they might have to be rescued from the roof. ‘Today there is hardly anybody at the fort. The days begin to lengthen. Weather continues warm. February 8. Mackenzie is here with what remains of his stock of goods and what furs and pelts he has accumulated in his barter trade. His progress across the prairie, accompanied by armed foot passengers, ox carts, pack horses, Indian women, ox drivers, and dogs was, to say the least, original. He brought me a stag’s head which I shall sketch. There are already four tents, occupied by Assiniboin hangers-on, pitched near the camping place of our hunters in the hayfield. The smell of meat attracted them. They make themselves quite comfortable and look on while our white men hunt and our outworn horses drag in meat for them. So Smith has received instructions to keep no supplies there with which to provide food for good-for-nothing Indians, but to send what they do not need to the fort at once. February 9. Four separate expeditions equipped and despatched: Mackenzie had but arrived at the fort when he was sent off with three ox carts laden with commodities for Bruyére; Morgan with his workmen set out for the timber yard to get lumber ready to build the new Indian lodge at the fort; Boneau and Valette were sent with two dog sleds** loaded with maize also to Bruyére; and the fourth traveled to the hayfield to bring up fresh supplies of meat. After all these had been despatched, then commodities and robes brought back by Mackenzie had to be itemized, entered on the books, and put in their proper places. February 10. This afternoon Le Gras brought news that we were to expect the early arrival of Ours Fou and members of his band, the 141Tt is estimated that a dog, traveling at the rate of from 30 to 40 English miles a day, can haul a load weighing 70 pounds, and can carry a load of 50 pounds. That the dog is not physically constituted to serve as beast of burden or for hauling is a mistaken idea on the part of “prevention of cruelty to animals” advocates. 294. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 Gens des Filles, an Assiniboin band, for whom we were directed to make ready a feast of fresh meat, mush, and sweet coffee. Only the chief’s commands. As the dark-skinned Indians came forward in the glittering sunlight across the smooth surface of the frozen river, some on horseback, others on foot, accompanied by women and num- bers of children, pack horses, and laden dogs, they formed a most picturesque cavalcade. But, as they failed to bring robes for ex- change, nothing came of their bidding us prepare a feast. All appurtenances to flat painting have been put in order and all remaining paints that were left on the floor in the store have been put away, indicating that my duties of official painter are at an end. February 11. “Mad Bear’s” band occupy only 11 tents. Bear would like to sit for his portrait but fears to take such risk, inas- much as Natoh is dead and, though Mr. Denig’s thumb has healed, it is a strange coincidence that such affliction should have come upon him just at that time. Furthermore, the coincidence was promptly misinterpreted by womankind at the fort. To be sure, “Mad Bear” declares he is not so foolish as to think my paintings exert a perilous influence but at the same time he has to confess that his people believe they do. Instead of painting his likeness I drew for him the picture of a turtle on a piece of wood. Then Mackenzie carved it out and filled it with lead. Now the Chief wears this leaden turtle around his neck for a charm—his “medicine.” He dreamed of a turtle. His earlier “medicine” had failed to ward off the death of many relatives, so he wore it no longer. If this charm proves more efficacious he can then say whether it brings good luck. February 12. In the Indian encampment just without the fort there was a fight today between two wives of one husband as to which of them was the owner of a horse. When the man saw his Wives seizing each other by the hair he took bow and arrow and shot the unoffending nag through the heart. Then he gave the woman who was in the wrong a good sound thrashing. He would have been much more sensible if he had inflicted the beating without sacri- ficing the horse—all the more as it was the only one he possessed, L’Ours Fou is much cast down because the Assiniboin band north of us refuses to conclude a peace with the Blackfeet Tribe. Now that he is supreme chief, appointed by the United States, he thinks the Assiniboin should obey him. But those wild bands, having no con- ception of the power and extent of the United States, are not in- clined as yet to change their condition. His appointment to the rank of supreme chief is, moreover, contrary to their wishes, in violation of their right of free choice, an infringement of their lib- erties, and in contravention of their ancient customs. As Ours Fou KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 295 can unite under his leadership only the smallest of the Assiniboin bands, his appointment as supreme chief meets with all the more opposition. Bear’s plan is, first of all, to influence his people to establish a village as the Herantsa have done and to plant acres of corn. But Assiniboin are an idle people, and easily distinguished from the proud, gorgeously bedecked Absaroka and Sioux by their indifference to appearances. So far as clothes are concerned, the Assiniboin would just as soon have his old worn robe as a woolen blanket. He cares only for the possession of horses; he is too poverty stricken to purchase the beasts, so he has to find those he can steal; in other words, he must have an enemy. In the event that the Assiniboin should consent to stop their wars against the Blackfeet, the Crows would necessarily conclude a like peace, for the latter are by no means powerful enough alone to hold at bay the great Blackfeet Tribe. Without war an Indian is no longer an Indian. War is his means of educating himself. Success in war is his supreme aim in life. By nature imperious and full of energy, he finds in martial exploits his only chance to win distinction. In renouncing war he gives up his chief life purpose; he is forced to rearrange the plan of his whole existence. No one, whether good or bad, stupid or clever, practical or un- businesslike, can go through life without some object in view. That is true of individual people, to say nothing of entire nations. If one gives up an aim, to the accomplishment of which he has directed his best energies, then he has to replace that aim with some other. Now an Indian, observing the manner of life among highly educated white so-called Christians, finds little that invites him to change his lot. White men have, it is true, many amazing contrivances, make use of many tools and implements of service to them, but, on the other hand, they are harassed throughout their entire life with care and laborious toil in their efforts to supply the multitude of things they require. ‘They are never left in peace either day or night, but work hard their whole life for their daily bread without ever feeling even then secure from hunger and want; for their many “improvements” by no means keep pace with the ever-increasing demands of a steadily increasing population. To an Indian, therefore, the lot of white men in civilized nations, notwithstanding their accumulation of knowl- edge, is no better than the simple existence of his own race, which enables him to be content with little. White men talk a deal of twaddle about Christianity, morality, sobriety, and honest dealing, and in the meantime serve Mammon rather than God. Above all things else, white people prefer money; money, the value of which 816343720 296 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 Indians know nothing about, look upon as of no value in itself, yet the white man’s curse. Indians are often taxed with being incapable of improvement, ob- stinate in their adherence to traditional customs and superstitious beliefs, etc. Why? Because they are not quick to imitate the bad example set for them by white people? Because they do not subject themselves slavishly to a manner of dress that changes at least twice every year, only in rare instances gives evidence of good taste but most often of tomfoolery and discomfort instead? Because they re- fuse to accept a belief which the whites uphold neither in word nor in deed, but, on the contrary, in defiance of their moral teaching, their printed, too often distorted Scriptural passages, play the hypo- crite, lie, steal, and murder? Let him who dares assert that Indians are not capable of being instructed first ask himself whether he affords the redskins a good example of true Christian, noble friend, industrious, loyal husband, good father; whether a savage of prac- tical mind may not recognize what is preached as only fine-spun theories, when his newly acquired instructor and counselor falls so far short in actual observance of his creed, when, notwithstanding the white man’s never-ending toil, not infrequently want and even famine prevails among his race. That oft-heard vindication, on the part of the preacher, that the Word of God is nevertheless true and worthy of belief, though uttered by a man in a state of sin, is in itself not wrong. But, unless such a speaker believes the Word of God himself, makes every possible effort to conduct himself accordingly, shows in his own way of life that it is possible to live in conformity with Christian teaching, that he is full of enthusiasm for Christian living; in other words, if he does not manifest by his own example the intrinsic value of Christianity, the necessity, and above all, the possibility of con- ducting himself as a Christian in daily intercourse, he may rest assured his preaching will make no lasting impression. When his life is out of accord with his preaching, what hypocrisy. What a farce. Christian ethics is not a variable moral code subject to momentary change but, on the contrary, an absolute standard of conduct, a posi- tive condition upon which the existence of human societies, 1. e., nations, depend. Unless founded upon those principles of right living given first to man by Moses on the Tablets of Stone, then broadened and perfected by Jesus, no State can endure. If it were only for that reason, those Commandments would have to be accepted by us as sacred, not because they are said to have been delivered to Moses direct from God, but for the reason that they are the foundation upon which all enduring lawmaking rests and without which we should live in a state of confusion worse confounded. “As ye would | | i) KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 297 that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise” is the founda- tion principle of every State in any degree civilized, whether Chris- tian or heathen. To inspire the Indian with a desire to live as a Christian one must not rely solely on preaching the Gospel but must make the savage realize, by personal example and by instituting a better order of things, the practical advantages of Christianity. Just as the stability of a house depends upon its firm base, so the existence of nations, whether small or great, depends upon the prin- ciples upon which they are founded, that is, their supreme end and aim. If white men preach peace to Indians whose chief passion is for war, whose existence depends in large measure upon the spoils of war, then white men must prove to the savages that by living in harmony with one another they will have a happier life, that they can live in peace and yet never suffer want, never be bored with the dull monotony of their existence; that, on the contrary, they will find better means of winning distinction by employing themselves in other activities. And, furthermore, white races must stop waging wars on their own part. Ecclesiastics preach the doctrine of peace and broth- erly love, yet they more than other men have caused much blood to be shed. I cannot too often repeat that the unworthy examples set by so-called Christians are more to be blamed than anything else for the Indians’ slow progress in civilization; the vessel in which inspiriting influences of culture are offered them is far too much besmeared to be inviting. It is unfortunate that the missionary is rarely the first Christian to acquaint Indians with the white race. The trader almost always precedes the priest, conducts his business to his own advan- tage, unconcerned as to immoral tendencies inherent in his traffic, indifferent as to the passion for display, the intemperance and avarice, that he excites, intensifies, and never suffers to grow less. Long before the missionary comes to sow his good seed, tares al- ready sown have taken root and sprouted; the man of God finds his field full of weeds. I have nothing to bring forward against the fur traders; they are no worse than other American tradespeople. It just so happens that their business interests run counter to the civilizing of Indians; in other words, their traffic with the redskins must inevitably cease when the latter become civilized people. On the other hand, I find not much to be commended among the missionaries, at least among those who do nothing but preach and upset the present order without inspiring the savages to attempt better things. If one wishes to clear a field of weeds one must sow seeds in good soil that they may bear fruit and crowd out the weeds by leaving them no ground in which to grow. 298 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BuLn. 115 We Europeans have developed from barbarous tribes. Our wars have not yet ceased. Though for more than a thousand years we have been Christians, or at least claimed to be, yet who can claim that European nations follow Christian doctrine in their dealings with one another? If we, avowed Christians, have not progressed thus far in love for our fellow man in a thousand years how can we expect Indians to attain to so lofty a plane within a generation? I will mention just one instance of those seemingly trivial circum- stances that prove such difficult obstacles for missionaries to overcome in their noble endeavors: Mr. Kinesey (?), a Protestant missionary to the Omaha, Oto, and Pawnee, told me, in Belle Vue, that the Omaha wished to give up cultivating their fields, because crops had failed for 2 years in succession; the Good Spirit, they thought, favored them no longer and refused to keep His promises. Jesuits do not forbid Christian Indians entering upon defensive warfare; they forbid their being aggressors in war. The Jesuits are also shrewd in winning savages by impressing them with outward form or semblance. February 18. Weather so warm today that we could dispense with our open fires and, revel in the genial sunshine. If this con- tinues my hopes of hunting buffaloes, antelopes, and stags on snow- shoes will not be realized. As those animals, with their thin legs and sharp hoofs, bound over the snow, they sink so deep into the drifts upon making a leap that they can be easily overtaken on snow- shoes, and with no trouble at all by swift hounds. It is an easy matter, therefore, for wolves to catch the more delicate hinds and antelopes in the deep snow. The wolf is not more swift in pursuit, but can hold out longer. On the whole, he is more sly than the fox, though the latter is the universally accepted symbol of trick- ery and cunning. Wolves in this region, though just as wild and strong as those in Europe, are not so dangerous, because they are never so ravenously hungry. Isolated wolves are frequently seen on the prairie or in the dense forests but never in gangs except when they smell blood and come together mob fashion in pursuit of a wounded animal or to devour the carcass of one just slain. Their speech is a howl, which varies according to the motive that actuates the beast. When the wolf is hungry or gets the scent of something he dares not tackle he sends forth a prolonged, dismal howl]; when he is in pursuit of wild beasts a much more quick, angry note that is yet not the same as the yelp of a dog. Perhaps I might more clearly indicate the difference in sound by saying that wolves use head tones only, no chest tones. By brisk, insistent howls they in- vite fresh wolves continually to aid in the pursuit; constantly call in new forces. When those that first began the chase become tired and out of breath they lie down to rest until their victim comes back that KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 299 way, for at every turn the quarry pursued finds enemies anew, called thither by the howling of its pursuers, and finally driven back again to its pasture ground, falls exhausted into the jaws of the beasts waiting there. The prairie wolf is neither so large nor so strong as other wolves, has a flat forehead and is usually yellow, striped with black on his back, mixed with white on his under parts. Inasmuch as this wolf is a separate species, being a cross between the wolf and different varieties of fox, yet never herds with any of those animals or mates with them, I am inclined all the more to believe that various breeds of dogs may have been originally so derived. February 22. For a week there has been nothing new to record. Weather continues fine. Time passes quickly. My studies increase in number, because I make a sketch of every little thing that I shall use later on in paintings representative of life in this region. For in- stance, I made a drawing today of that stuffed head of a Big Horn or Rocky Mountain sheep. The female has horns like a chamois; the buck has horns like a ram. Instead of wool, however, his coat is of coarse dun-colored hair; white on his under parts. Audubon and Bachmann state, with regard to the geographical distribution of the Big Horn, that this species is not found on Hudson Bay or east of the Rocky Mountains. In that statement Audubon contradicts himself, because he relates earlier how he saw 22 Rocky Mountain sheep at the mouth of the Yellowstone and declares that those animals choose for their pastures the mauvaises terres. On my return journey down the Missouri, Cadotte, on the same boat with me, shot one of those sheep in a herd ranging even farther southeastward. Audubon seems not to have known our wild goat, for, in his account of the Big Horn, he refers to only four varieties of that species, 1. e., the mouflon, found in the mountains and on the steppes of Northern Asia; another that is native to Egypt; another in America; then he mentions, on page 223, the ibex and chamois of the Alps (or did this originate with Bachmann? Or did he, perhaps, not include the stein- bok as our European scientists do?). That the males make use of their horns to protect themselves in falling or that their horns could serve at best as a protection to their skulls upon an unexpected impact with bowlder or rock, I do not believe. A fall on the head, even when calculated, causes dangerous concussion of the brain; as a matter of course, the much more perilous tumble heels over head would result in more serious shock. Hunters are quite ready to credit any story whatsoever as to the uses which those large horns serve. Packinaud would rather play poker with common laborers than learn English. I have given him up. That American card, game called poker enables only the rich to win, i. e., those who can always 300 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 put up a higher stake irrespective of the hand they hold. Though the poorer man may have the higher cards, even three aces, three kings, etc., and stakes everything that he possesses on the game, his opponent wins, notwithstanding, if he puts up a still higher stake than the man of less means. As no money is in circulation here the gamesters stake their credit at the store; they gamble their wages or salaries. To keep the score they use grains of corn. Two Cree Indians brought more than 100 robes, for which they received a better price than is usually paid. This was due, in reality, to the fact that they were heretofore customers of the opposition. The Sioux have the intention to keep the Treaty of Horse Shoe Creek; at least, they are willing to try and keep it for 1 year, so as to find out whether they derive any benefits from it or whether it is nothing more than empty promises—white men’s lies. They have about 80 tents pitched on this side of Fort Clarke. They were visited by Assiniboin who presented 12 horses, laid stress on their ancient relationship and insisted upon the combined tribes using the same speech. Assiniboin, occupying 120 tents, are on a visit to the Herantsa; most probably, to beg corn. L’Ours Fou has already selected a site for his future village, in the vicinity of this fort as a matter of course, and not too far but that he can get the smell of sweet coffee and warm bread. He understands perfectly well that sooner or later he can depend no longer on hunting for a livelihood, but he assumes that, as chief, he himself is entitled to an annual supply of coffee, sugar, and meal at the expense of Uncle Sam, especially since to work is beneath his dignity. Why, of course, molasses will be provided him: He dreams every night of molasses. I am of the opinion that the treacle he so much likes and dreams about is going to displace in his esteem the turtle he wears about his neck. L’Ours Fou is friendly with me. Every time he comes to the fort he sleeps in my room; he talks about his plan to voyage down the river with Mr. Culbertson in the spring and return on the company’s steamboat, bringing back with him, to distribute among his people, all the wealth of possessions promised by Uncle Sam. Woe be unto the white population if that promise is not kept. If representatives of the United States Government are again guilty of false statement their double dealing will have become proverbial among nations in this region also. Not long ago L’Ours Fou was sleeping as usual in my room. He waked up every now and then during the night, mended the fire, teased the fox, smoked his pipe, and would jab me in the ribs with the pipestem to wake me, so that I might chat with him. To enter- tain me he would teach me words in his native tongue. For example, KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 301 “nuspeh”, which means “ax”; “kukusch”,® which means “swine.” He had great fun teaching me the last-named word. To make me understand what animal was meant he grunted in such perfect imi- tation of a hog that I laughed until tears rolled down my cheeks. Now he always says: “Kukusch, ch, ch.” February 26. Mr. Denig is Swedenborgian and at the same time he isa Freemason. He mentioned to me that it would be of great advantage on my travels if I were a Freemason. I am too slightly acquainted with the order to judge them, but what I do know is nothing laudable. Tobe sure, they lend a hand where they can; but they assist their own at the expense of those who are not Free- masons, as I have learned from experience. I like the Odd Fellows in the United States much better. They make less parade of their benevolence, have no secrets except their recognition signs, and no distinction in rank, such as embroidered marshals, masters, and commoners. While I was sketching this afternoon the Sioux visited me. He brought two interesting drawings. He was not satisfied with my work; he could do better. Forthwith, I supplied him with drawing paper. First he made a drawing of his “coup.” Then, with ink, he drew a buffalo, very well indeed for a savage. In their drawings Indians attempt to make especially prominent some outstanding dis- tinguishing feature. For instance, in drawing the figure of a man they stress not his form but something distinctive in his dress that indicates his rank; hence they represent the human form with far less accuracy than they draw animals. Among the Indians, their man- ner of representing the form of man has remained so much the same for thousands of years that they look upon their accepted form as historically sacrosanct, much as we regard drawings in heraldry. We must take into consideration, moreover, that the human form is not represented in the same manner by all nations; on the contrary, each nation has its own conventional manner. To prove this, one has only to examine the different drawings of a man on horseback. In one the man has no legs at all; in another both legs are on that side of the horse which is in view; in still another both legs are on the other side of the horse. My manner of representing a rider was, therefore, not at all satisfactory to the Sioux. “But, you see,” said he “a man has two legs.” That the other limb was concealed by the horse’s body was not the question. I annoyed him not a little in the end by my remark that among our people only women ride horseback as he represented riders in his drawings. 15 French ‘“cochon.” 302 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 February 29. After several chilly, lonely days I have once more a change of conditions in my room. L’Ours Fou, his daughter, and two of his grandchildren are going to share my quarters with me until the chief departs with Mr. Culbertson for St. Louis. For the time being I welcome their company; the hours pass so slowly just now, since there is nothing to sketch, nothing to interest me. During these last few days we have had a recurrence of such extremely cold weather that there is no possibility of my being able to paint, how- ever ardent my zeal. Our only occupation at the moment is the storing of ice in the ice house. Some of the men cut out thick blocks of ice from the river and bring them up the river bank, others load them, a third drives the cart, and I have to count the number of loads delivered at the ice house and supervise the packing of the blocks. In summer ice is indispensable for preserving fresh meat and for cooling the tepid drinking water brought from the river. Today Bear’s half-starved Assiniboin returned at last to the lower Bourbeuse. They would have liked to be supplied with food and, in that case, they would have felt quite at ease. Not a man in the camp had the least idea of going out hunting; they kept hoping that meat would be offered them from our stores of provisions, which we purchased from them last summer. Bear himself is much more concerned about filling his own stom- ach than he is about inspiring his tribesmen by his own good exam- ple to be up and doing. Their emaciated dogs, with backs sharply arched and tails between their legs, watched every door, every move- ment made, hoping for a chance to steal something to eat. Nothing was safe; even pieces of leather that they could snatch were ac- ceptable to them. Since I have the duty to distribute meat to the various employees, | was forced into a constant scuffle with those beasts. If I went toward the door of the meat house I was imme- diately surrounded. I dared not leave the door open for an instant. Old Indian women were no better. ‘They themselves would have suffered a beating for a piece of meat. We felt obliged to pen up all the pigs and calves; otherwise much fine skill might have been put to the test for the sake of a goodly portion of fresh veal or pork. The Assiniboin complained of our hardness of heart, especially mine. But they should consider that the meat does not belong to me, and, furthermore, that their need is a result of their own laziness. They were not employed here. They have to be made to work; sluggards deserve neither sympathy nor assistance. On the other hand, those who wish employment should never be at a loss for something to do, should never be in need of food. For the sake of providing more space in my room for my guests I packed my collections. Now I am ready to start on a journey at KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 303 a moment’s notice. I hope the three girls will bring in enough wood, so that we may keep ourselves comfortably warm. I am glad to have some variation from the employment of every day; life at this fort has become more and more a dull routine, as less that is new or novel has presented itself for my study. There remain yet 4 months to live through before the steamer arrives. But am I certain of going to St. Louis? Is it not probable that Mr. Kipp may find employment for me still 1 year more? I am at his service; there are all sorts of things I should like to study at the Herantsa village. Even though I might not dare to make sketches except in secret, I could devote all the more time to collecting facts concerning Indian legend and tradition, religious belief, social organization, etc. To serve under Pierre Gareau, an unreasonable, self-conceited half-breed, would be most unpleasant. The truth is, I am totally unaccustomed to taking directions from anybody. Still, to accom- plish my purpose I can accommodate myself to circumstances, as I have already submitted to greater humiliations. At all events, either here or at Fort Berthold I must get a chance to attend the hunt and take part in everything just as the others do. Wherever it may be, whatever it may cost, I must hunt the stag, the elk, perhaps the bear. March 1. The Blackfeet call themselves Siksigisqu, i. e., Siksika. March 2. The Queen of Sheba, as Morgan and I designate Bear’s daughter, is gradually overcoming her shyness, or rather her high- bred reserve, in my presence. She received from Mr. Denig a calico dress; accordingly she took off her soiled black mourning costume of dressed doeskin, exchanged her buffalo robe for a blanket, indigo blue in color, and no longer remains always crouched behind her bed curtains. Mad Bear asked Mr. Denig beforehand whether his daughter was in danger of being annoyed by me. Mr. Denig assured him of the contrary, saying that I was absorbed in other matters. Besides, his daughter is old enough to know how to conduct herself properly and, if need be, to defend herself. The old chief would be pleased, really, to have his beautiful daughter married to a white man who is in a position to keep him well stocked with coffee, meal, and molasses—yea, but that would be a joy dearly bought. His daughter would have to be more richly endowed in mind and heart as well as in beauty of form and feature to induce a man to burden himself with a pauper family of high rank. During the first few days the dark-skinned princess sat behind the curtains, as if she were possessed of beauty too rare to be exposed to profane gaze, but since she sees that I pay no especial attention to her, that I have no designs upon her, she is moved to descend from her throne of buffalo hides and take charge of household affairs at 304 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 our warm fireside. She has been once married to a young brave who was killed in an Indian fray. In truth the young widow is not dis- tinguished for personal loveliness; she has, it is true, a finely de- veloped figure, beautiful, pensive eyes, splendid teeth, small hands. Between her eyebrows are tattoo marks, forming a half moon. It is well that my thoughts are absorbed, at the moment, in my studies; otherwise this association with an attractive, unguarded young widow might result quite differently. As all our traders are now provided with wives and as Morgan and I intend to leave in the spring this young widow has little prospect of being married to any man here, the less so as both Mr. Denig and Mackenzie made pro- posals earlier that were rejected by her father, because at that time he expected a far greater number of gifts than those men offered. Times have changed. Throughout the whole world wives are easy enough to win but difficult and expensive to keep. At any and all places on this earth opportunities to marry are offered one. As for me, just now marriage would not be favorable to the accomplishment of the purpose I have in view. I do not believe that even my ideal of feminine loveliness, amiability, and virtue combined could induce me to sacrifice the chief aim for which I strive in life. Now, Schitschaka is far from being my ideal; she is not to be compared with Witthae. No doubt Matoh Mito and Schitschaka will soon find this place dull enough; there is nothing to amuse them, and our fare is neither rich nor abundant. We drink coffee without sugar and eat bread made without lard. March 4. Le Gras brought the news from Fort Berthold that a courier had arrived there from Fort Pierre. As that is so unusual an occurrence at this time of year Mr. Denig has high hopes that the opposition is crushed. What a victory! Whatatriumph! But can it be true? This com- pany has already put down many competitors or else bought them out. They are still steadily extending their trade and increasing in wealth even in their own midst. The opposition, whom we designate as “Dobies,” were at an earlier period employees of this company. Owing to some disagreement they withdrew and combined to form a new firm. It seems that their earlier friendship, relationship in fact (the two Picottes), serves to make these two companies all the more bitter and jaundiced in their attitude toward each other. Indians know full well that when there is no competition they are obliged to pay much more dearly for what they buy; so they have good and just reasons for doing what they can to keep competition alive. As to this report, it seems to me, if Primeau, Harvey & Co. have suspended pay- ments, they have in mind only a change of firm, for Campbell of St. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 305 Louis, their principal creditor, who advances their goods, would not allow the business to go to ruin. March 6. I have just had the pleasant but most unexpected news that I may go with Robert Campbell to the horse camp tomorrow. What glad tidings! There I can sketch and hunt to my heart’s con- tent; the only duty imposed is that I am to take charge of the camp when Morgan is absent. He supersedes Smith, because the latter fed too many Indians; owing to his forbearance, several tents were occu- pied with redskins all the time. When we first get there I can be all the more free to roam about or follow the chase, because my friend is not just now fit for much hunting and will stay in camp. What unexpected good fortune! How my heart thrills!) Just what I most ardently desired, just what IT am most urgently in need of to accomplish my aims is now awaiting me. Adieu, Fort Union! March 8. Horse camp, 12 miles from Fort Union. Morgan and I left the fort day before yesterday, with our bedding loaded on an ox sled driven by Tetreaux. The sky was clear. There was little snow. A sharp, cold wind was blowing, but our blood was warm. As we were supposed to be a kind of escort accompanying the sled we had to adapt our gait to that of the oxen. Five dogs were leap- ing joyously about us. When the hayfield was flooded, upon the over- flow of the Yellowstone, Smith had removed his camp to the forest; so we had to go a little out of our way at that point, in order to take along enough hay for the oxen overnight. We were proceeding across the marsh when Morgan caught sight of a wolf in the distance and instantly gave his dogs the signal; away went the hounds in full cry, raising a whirlwind of flying snow in their wake. We followed full tilt to see the fun. The young greyhound was in the lead, eager to win his spurs. Then came Badger, Castor, and Bull. As soon as Kadosch got scent of the wolf’s track he lagged behind. The grey- hound soon overtook his quarry and was instantly bitten on the nose; whereupon Badger seized the wolf by the leg. Bull and Castor caught him by the throat and killed him. It was only a prairie wolf. In spite of the terrible cold Morgan tarried long enough to flay the beast. While he was engaged with that the dogs found another wolf and set out at once in pursuit. We called them back, however, because we dared not stray too far from our course; so they lost that trace. When we came to the hay- field, where Tetreaux was already setting to work, we found the flooded bottom land frozen over; the water was about a foot deep and covered with a crust of ice not thick enough to bear our weight; consequently, at every step we broke through. For the distance of a mile we had to go forward, sinking through the ice crust into the 306 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 water at every stride, a most fatiguing progress. So we changed our course and blazed another trail. Four miles farther on we found Smith’s camp. It was situated. on this side the bois peinture (“painted tree”), at the foot of a steep slope—probably river shore in prehistoric times—at the edge of a forest below the high prairie; therefore, though well protected from the wind, our situation afforded no view at all of the plateau where the horses were to graze. Morgan decided at once to transfer the camp to another spot, so we did not pitch the tent we brought with us but laid it on the ground along with our bedding, brought dry wood, put together a good big pile of it and kindled a crackling fire. We found quantities of meat on a scaffold; Smith had concerned himself little about sending it to the fort. Nearby on the height above we found traces of several tents but recently removed, the occupants of which, too indolent to hunt on their own account, had lived entirely on food brought in by our huntsmen. We ate our supper with the old Spanish horse guard, then sat down beside our dogs before the blazing, crackling fire, the sparks from which swam high up among the trees. How tall the dark tree trunks seemed in the gloom of the forest! How glorious to smoke my pipe in that romantic place! What a sudden change of scene. What flowing fancies filled my brain, of hunts I was to follow, of studies I was to make, of pictures I was to paint! How could I ever have been able to sleep! The others disturbed us very little with talk; the fact that we had come to relieve Smith of his post, to put a restraint on Cadotte’s and Pierre’s women, to buy sugar from the opposition in exchange for deerskins, to prevent Indians from consuming meat brought in by our hunters, to spur the Platte- man on to a better use of the powder and lead he borrowed, gave occasion to each for reflections more or less displeasing. Morgan was to put things in order and, inasmuch as he knew no French and the hunters and metifs knew no English, I was to serve as his interpreter as well as assistant. Yesterday (Sunday) we transferred our camp to the bank of the ice-bound Missouri. We pitched our tents in a beautiful spot that affords an outlook over the hills, the prairie where our drove of 36 horses and mules is to graze, and a far-reaching view of the river. We found there quantities of dry wood and brought pure river water from a hole in the ice. When we reached our chosen location each selected the place where he wished to pitch his tent and cleared therefrom the snow and underbrush. While the women busied them- selves dragging in their household effects some of the men cut down dead trees and others got ready the tent poles. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 307 As soon as ground was cleared for a tent, pieces of bark were laid all around the place where the fire was to be built, so that the apischimos (raw buffalo hides) or whatever was used for bedding would not lie directly upon the wet earth. The size of the tent was determined by the number of occupants; accordingly each required a larger or smaller amount of bark. To construct a tent three or four poles were bound together at the ends, then set up to form the first framework; their lower ends were extended as far apart as the diameter of the tent was intended to be. In the spaces between them other poles were added until a circular framework was formed. Then the tent cloth, made of several dressed skins sewed together, cowhides from which the hair had been removed, was bound fast by its upper edges to another tent pole which was erected inside the framework and fitted in at the top where the other poles join. This awning was then pulled over the poles and fastened together with wooden pins or cords, an opening having been left at the top for the egress of smoke and at the bottom for entrance to the tent. Along its lower edge incisions were made through which wooden pins were driven into the ground to hold the tent cloth down. The two flaps at the top were sewed together like a pocket and weighted down by means of long, slender rods to prevent their being blown about by the wind in such a way as to drive the smoke back into the tent. This pocket and ends of tent poles left uncovered were fre- quently used by Indians to display their decorations and ornaments. An animal skin stretched between two staves was hung before the lower opening that served for door, a most uncomfortable arrange- ment; one had to bend almost double to crawl through under the pelt. As the wind was blowing violently and the ground too solidly _ frozen to permit our putting much faith in the wooden pins we had driven down, we secured the awning further by weighting it with heavy boughs, even sections of tree stems, in order to hold it fast to the ground. As a further precaution we heaped up snow all around, so as to ward off the wind as much as we could. Our tents were then ready, so far as the exterior was concerned. On the inside we spread our beds over against the fireplace; we put up two posts nearby that were to serve for cupboard; higher up, about 5 or 6 feet from the ground, we extended a thick beam straight across the fireplace, made each end secure to a tent pole, and suspended from this another smaller one with a hole in the middle over which we set our kettle. Opposite the entrance we deposited our stores of meat. From now on the hunters are required to deliver to us all the game they kill; we in turn distribute the rations due. Every hunter, as a matter of course, is entitled to certain amounts that belong to him 308 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 115 by right, according to their accepted laws of the chase; for instance, the head of the animal killed, the heart, stomach, stone, unborn calves, ete. Morgan and I together with five dogs occupy our tent. The Spaniard, Joe Dolores, his Mandan woman, and Belhumeur live in the one next to ours. In the third Cadotte and his Assiniboin woman live with two Assiniboin families; in the fourth the half-breed, An- toine La Pierre, with his family. Our company is made up of people differing widely as to race and lineage. Joe had a mind to impress me at once, today, with his courage. Though he is only horse guard, he wished me to believe that he is just as experienced in hunting and setting traps as any other man. He succeeded no better in convincing me this time, however, than when he rushed into the fort just after my arrival there with Bel- langé, and shouted “Blackfeet.” Today’s bear hunt was all false alarm, I am sorry to say. We found, it is true, in the depths of the forest on the other side of the frozen Missouri, a great hole made by the uprooting of a tree. The mouth of this den was half covered with snow. I fired one load from my double-barreled gun into it but unearthed no bear, either vigilant or sleeping, black or grizzly; at least we saw no evidences of anything astir. But suppose an old son of a gun had rushed out to attack us, is it likely that we should have given him a mortal wound forthwith? We stood there ready to brave the worst. To compensate ourselves for not having fallen victim to bruin’s paws, as our foolhardy act deserved, we followed quite fresh deer tracks that we discovered on our way home. After having followed the deer for a long time as noiselessly as we could along a course full of twists and turns we were startled by two white-tailed hinds springing out of their retreat just in front of us and taking them- selves off with mad leaps over shrubs and fallen trees. We fired in- stantly, but of course without result. Joe ran on after them, but I crossed the river and came back to our tent, opening a way for myself with great difficulty through brambles and grapevine stems. Naturally, Smith is not particularly pleased about his removal from command at thiscamp. He is not permitted now to go hunting when- ever he likes. He must take off only the hides of the beasts he kills and keep only those portions of meat to which the hunter is entitled, leaving the rest for Indians or wolves. Besides, he must now go hunting on foot, so as to spare the horses; he has to hunt every day, moreover, unless weather conditions are altogether unfavorable. But I cannot help being grateful for his negligence, since for that reason I am here. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 309 March 9 (2). I went this morning to the slope, where is the bois peinture (“painted tree”), to examine a trap that Joe set. I found therein only a magpie (common magpie, Pica melanolenca Audu- bon). Made a sketch of the tree. It is a large cottonwood, on the trunk near the foot of which an Indian cut away the bark and, on the bare wood, sketched different figures in vermilion and chrome yellow. As the tree stands near the trail, people passing that way have added various other figures in charcoal, verifying the proverb “A wall is a fool’s writing paper.” The original drawing of a sun, a hand, an enclosure, and the forms of different animals were meant to record, so it seems to me, adventures on a hunt that the redskin who made the sketch experienced during one sun (day) in this forest. March 14, Sunday. Clear weather. Sunshine quite warm wherever the abominably cold northwest wind does not penetrate. At our camp things go on as usual. Because he is unfit for active duty Morgan has to take charge of the tent, so I have better opportunity to wander about with the hunters than to sketch or write. Besides, I have covered nearly all the pages of my sketchbook on both sides, so I have to guard against making superfluous drawings, especially when so much of great importance may occur. We have killed 16 elks and 10 deer and dispatched the meat to the fort. Though hunters have turned this region to good account already, they enable us to deliver more meat to the fort now than was sent there earlier. They are no longer allowed to slay the beasts for the sake of their hides only (hides belong to the hunter), but are required to bring the meat here on pack horses. Hunters are not paid salaries and provided with guns and ammu- nition merely to go hunting for love of the sport, but they are em- ployed to hunt, in order that business at the fort may derive a profit therefrom. So Morgan has appointed certain days on which the hunters always go out to shoot the game and others on which they bring in the spoils. I am invariably on hand on such occa- sions and on the lookout for picturesque landscapes, views, etc. To secure the slaughtered animals from wolves, hunters hang the carcasses as high as they can on limbs of a tree or else cover the meat with the hide of the animal in such a way as to prevent the smell of it from reaching wolves within 24 hours. To verify their right of possession, in the event other Indians find the game, hunters hang on a pole or stake set up nearby some article of their clothing or equip- ment. To drive away wolves or ravens that may approach his booty a hunter will sometimes inflate bladders taken from the slain animals and attach them to the stake or pole where their movements in the wind will frighten the vultures or prowling beasts. To the same 310 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 end, he is said to strew gunpowder about the place where the meat is left. If we fail to find sufficient game here to supply the fort with meat we shall remove our camp to a region on the other side of the Yellowstone, where, on account of frequent forays into that neigh- borhood by hostile Blackfeet, little hunting has been done. We should have the disadvantage there of being obliged to take the pack horses across two rivers, not expedient except at this time of the year, when the ice is firm. Inasmuch as we can be all the more easily dispensed with when Bruyére and his men return to the fort this horse camp is likely to be maintained for some time yet. But Morgan wishes to go with Mr. Culbertson to St. Louis next month, so that he may make a visit to his Scottish homeland during the summer, when he is free from duties here. Last Thursday Schitschaka came to see the Platteman (le Garcon du Faissée). She stayed twice as long in our tent. With the de- sire to do something in acknowledgment of the honor we served coffee with sugar. Later came the Platteman to inquire whether one of us would not like to marry her. Oh, is that it? That is why she came to see us? March 18. For several days a cold, penetrating north wind has prevailed. It makes me all the more uncomfortable for the reason that, in spite of every precaution, it blows directly on my bed. Be- sides, we are out of coffee. Our only drink is ice water. The river ice 1s now so thick we can no longer get drinking water from the hole we scooped out. We have to melt ice either in a kettle over the fire or let it waste away in our mouths. To make matters worse we suffer unending thirst as the result of an enforced diet of lean, sun-dried elk meat; and as a consequence are continually wanting to drink. If this chill to which our bodies are subjected both internally and externally does not penetrate even the marrow in our bones I know nothing of our human constitution. To get bread at this camp is out of the question; we have nothing but meat, which at this time of year is stale and tasteless enough. Never have I been so tormented with thirst; even, in seasons of excessive heat I have not suffered such intense desire for drinking water as now, in this climate of severe dry cold. Even the corn that is now and then graciously sent us from the fort serves only to inflame the stomach. But we shall soon have coffee; we set as much store by the coffee pot as do old wives. If the meat had more nutriment a broth would satisfy our appetites. ‘The worst effect on me of this severe weather is that I see so much, so very much, I wish to record with my brush, while to attempt painting in weather at this temperature is out of the question. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ oll Yesterday Boneau and Valette arrived here to take up their abode for a while; Bruyére has no longer anything for them to do. Smith has-to go to that winter post and hunt; all of the Indians are tem- porarily absent from that vicinity. L’Ours Fou, finding things dull at the fort, sent for the Platteman, whom he wishes to take with him to fetch the Gens des Filles.1° In this wise, changes have come about in the personnel of our camp. All my ideas revolve about one central thought: How much sketch- ing I might be able to do if the weather were warmer. Since this excessively cold spell set in my chief occupation has been cutting wood. We attend to everything ourselves in our tent, so that we can be alone and undisturbed. March 21. Have been here 2 weeks already. Today, all of a sud- den, the weather turned warm. Real thawing weather. If the ice in the river should break up we would be obliged to get away from this place and seek a new hunting ground. Even now the hunters are forced to go a distance of 20 miles to find deer; that is too far when the meat must be delivered at the fort. I have decided that, in the event my studies are pretty nearly completed by the end of next month, I shall make an effort to go with Mr. Culbertson on his trip down the river. To feel that I am a superfluous guest makes me uncomfortable in the highest degree; furthermore, there is no prospect of my being able to earn my livelihood in this country; and, finally, the noiseless motion of a keelboat will afford me better opportunity to see wild beasts than if I were to travel on a puffing steamer. Joe Dolores and his wife have left for the fort; the former will go to the Yellowstone to trap beavers on his own account, the latter will remain at the fort. L’Ours Fou dropped in to see us yester- day, in passing. Smoked with me for the last time. Heartfelt leave taking. March 24. Owing to the sudden rise in temperature we were obliged to change the location of our camp. We had to be constantly on the watch for fear that the Yellow- stone flowing up from more southerly latitudes might break bounds at any moment, where it empties into the Missouri, and overflow all the surrounding lowlands. Though our camp stood 8 feet above the ice-bound Missouri we did not regard our situation as being any longer safe. Morgan decided upon the old camping ground near the hayricks; we folded our tents, loaded our goods and chattels on pack mules, mounted horses, and rode along with the rest of the drove to that spot. We had to make a detour of 4 miles around a wide bend of the Missouri. Snow was melting everywhere and, as 16 A band of the Assiniboin, the Girl Band. 81634—37 21 312 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 the water had no outlet and could not be absorbed by earth still frozen, we were compelled to trudge all the way through slush. We had the luck to find tent poles 7 that Smith had made use of when he pitched his camp here earlier in the season, and quantities of good firewood, but we are surrounded by water. I do not approve this site at all. We spent a horrible night. I lay down early under my buffalo robe and fell asleep listening to an Indian air sung by three metifs in the tent next to ours. I had been fast asleep for some time when Morgan waked me with the shout, “Water! Water!” He had been trying to make up the fire, because he wanted to fry an- other piece of meat, but though the wood was dry he could not get the fire to burn. He thought at first this was due to the dampness of the ground where the fire was built and removed the wood to a more elevated place in the tent, but with no better result. Finally the light went out. Morgan started out of the tent and found he was standing in water. It was high time to save ourselves; the river had over- flowed its banks and the flood had crept gradually and stealthily upon us without the least warning. We shouted at once to the sing- ing metifs and told them to bestir themselves. We hurried to higher ground, taking with us our bedclothes, books, supplies of gunpowder, and rifles. In one place we waded through water above our hips. We left the heavy tent behind and also our stores of meat. The rising flood came slowly forward until it reached undergrowth and thickets by which it was restrained. We were at least an English mile from the river. In the midst of this dismal scene, lighted but faintly by a crescent moon, our dark forms, enveloped in buffalo robes, were hurrying to and fro, plunging through the water like robbers escaping with their booty. The metifs, meanwhile, kept on singing their long-winded Chippewa song, taking no heed of our warning, and yet they were perfectly sober. Did they continue their song in defiance of the elements? Having reached dry ground, I bound together all my possessions of value, i. e., my sketchbook, journal, drawing material, etc., and put them in my much-prized calfskin pouch, which serves me regu- larly for pillow. We spread our apischimos on the ground out on the open prairie and covered ourselves with riding cloaks and buffalo robes, having first removed our wet clothes. We lay as close together as we could to keep each other warm.'® We called our dogs to lie on top of us, as “This advantage, together with that of having hay near at hand, influenced Morgan to select this place. * For the first time since I left St. Joseph I slept without my trousers, and now, of all times, when the weather is cold. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 213 usual, for the purpose of keeping guard and also of imparting warmth. But those canines were every instant scenting nearby wolves, bounding off with great outery to fight the beasts or drive them away, then lying down on top of us again, scratching themselves and contesting one another’s places. Under such restless, disquieting conditions, especially in our overexcited state, we were unable to sleep at all. Notwithstanding, Morgan and I consoled ourselves with the thought that journeys affording no adventure are worth nothing to a fellow. One must have something or other to relate afterwards, else one would not have a really comfortable feeling. It was already late in the day before we went to see about our aban- doned tent. Several times we had peeped out faint-heartedly from under our bed coverings but dared not expose ourselves to a cold, piercing wind on the open prairie while we put on clothes stiff with frost. Once dressed, I strode swiftly through the water to our tent, where I found nothing to eat or drink, no meat, not anything. Then [ went to the metifs’ tent to dry my clothes by their fire and to get warm. It was evident that they had removed their tent to higher ground. During the hours our place was unguarded dogs had devoured all our meat. Morgan came on behind me. Never in all my life did black coffee, without sugar, have so delicious a taste. Never did a fire seem so glorious. Even the intense cold without, in this instance, stood us in good stead; ice is always preferable to mud and slush. Anything but mud and mire, mud and marsh. Hardly were we through eating when we heard swans passing overhead, the first we had heard. Morgan ran out to see whether they were likely to come down anywhere near. He returned quickly for his gun and hastened away. Meanwhile I sent Boneau and Valette to bring together our roving horses and see whether all of them were to be found. Then I assisted Belhumeur to pitch our new tent, inside of which I am now writing. We have placed this one on somewhat higher ground than the other, but we are still much too near the water. Morgan distrusts wind on the open prairie; not infrequently tents are blown down. After great pains and trouble we have a good fire burning between our two beds. I am at last dry- ing my shoes and hose while I get myself warm. Just now the evening sunshine feels unusually warm. So we are encouraged to expect the early arrival of ducks, geese, and swans. In summer the neighboring moor must be alive with those mi- gratory birds; with mosquitoes and frogs as well, no doubt. The water now flooding that low ground is purely the result of melting snows. 314 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 March 26. Night before last the Yellowstone overflowed its banks and poured into the Missouri with such volume that the ice layer was crushed in. We were forced to remove our own tent and two others to the spot where Morgan and I had such a miserable lodg- ing last Monday night. This bottom land throughout its entire ex- tent is now under water; the flood, carrying blocks of ice, boughs, tree stems, scum and foam, sweeps over it like a wild mountain stream. I hope we may be able to stay for a while, at least, in one place, for this constant breaking camp and pitching tents anew has become a bore. Our present location, in my opinion, is not well chosen. We are exposed to the full fury of prairie winds and while we have, it is true, plenty of firewood conveniently near, we find it hardly feasible to snatch our fuel from this roaring flood; to force our way through a stream blocked with ice and tree trunks for the purpose of bringing only wet, sodden wood from the forest is much too dangerous—at the same time of little use. So we have to go, after all, to the nearest coulee (2 miles) to get wood that will really keep our fires burning. And where are we to find our game? On the wide open prairie, where we can be easily discovered for miles around? Water we have in superabundance, of a certain sort. Morgan thinks only of shooting ducks; he stands, loaded gun in hand, gazing always southward. Only a few ducks were seen; today they sneak under the willow bushes to escape this cold south- east wind. In truth our prospects for hunting seem rather dis- couraging at the moment; we have no shot either here or at the fort. I don’t see how Morgan is likely to hit fowls on the wing with bullets, especially when the birds are flying singly. The metifs are employed for a limited term, which ends on the 15th of next month, and they draw their pay in horses. They own now 26 animals in this drove under our care, while only three horses and six mules remain to the company. When the metifs depart with their drove I wonder what is going to be done with regard to our horse camp? During the recent fearfully cold spell of weather an old gray horse belonging to us was nearly frozen to death and in consequence unable to defend himself against wolves that gnawed away the shank of one of his hind legs. And yet the pitiable old creature still lives. March 27. After a long hunt yesterday Morgan came back late in the evening with only one duck. He said his failure was due to our lack of shot, and, as I am on good terms with Joe Picotte, he wished I would go and try to buy some shot from him. Morgan has expressed that wish several times before, but I am un- responsive for the reason that I despise Joe Picotte on account of his double-dealing; for the further reason that he would know, since I KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 315 am no hunter, I have no need of shot myself, but wanted the supply for his competitors; and, finally, because Mr. Denig would say at once I went after bread and sugar or else that, during my absence from the fort, I was currying favor with the opposition. Still, Morgan has shown me so much friendliness I ordered a horse saddled today and rode over to the adobe fort. There I found the Missouri 30 feet above its usual level and rushing by with thunderous roar. The upper Missouri, I was told, rose 20 feet yesterday in 2 hours and, bearing with it huge blocks of ice, overflowed all the lowlands. In thickets and coppices, on the outskirts of the forest, blocks of ice are piled as high as a wall. “The oldest inhabitants have never known the river to be so high or to rise so rapidly.” The adobe fort stands 100 feet from the steep river bank; today the stream was sweeping by within 20 feet of the southward gate. I was received in a most friendly manner. Joe presented me with 3 pounds of sugar. But I could not get any shot. Notwithstanding the fall of night I rode immediately back, because I had concealed something interesting on the prairie and dared take it to our camp only after dark. In short, on my way over I found a medicine doll lying on the trail. Such images are said to have the power to invoke spirits and also to exert curative effects on sick children. It is a stuffed doll made of the dressed skin of an animal. It is about 2 feet high and adorned with the usual ornaments children wear, i. e., bracelets and necklace of “dove’s eggs”, made of blue and white porcelain. An Indian woman doctor who attends sick children lost this conjuring doll, therefore I dare not let the women at our camp know that it is in my possession. It was as dark as Erebus on the prairie; but for my horse I should have found my way with difficulty. He neighed to his comrades and, as they came thundering along to meet him, they seemed really ghostlike, for in the blackness of night their bodies could not be distinguished; only their resounding hoofbeats and eager neighing gave evidence of what was approaching. They might just as easily have been taken for stags, which often graze with our horses. After a time I detected in the distance a gleam of light; it was a fire burning inside a tent. I could at last guide my unwill- ing courser in a definite direction, he being much more inclined to go roaming with his own kind. And he was soon at liberty to do so, for we were again at our camp. The dogs had already scented us and came bounding forward with loud outcry, but they changed their wrathful baying for joyous yelps when I called them by name. This ride of mine over the wide prairie, with only hunting knife for weapon, brought vividly to my mind a similar uncanny experi- ence I had once when returning on horseback from St. Joseph to 316 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 Savannah. It was a hot day in August (1850), I rode my much- prized mare Fashion to St. Joseph. As the heat was extraordinarily oppressive in the late afternoon I delayed going back until night, when I should find the temperature more agreeable. On the way I took much pleasure in observing the odd shapes given mighty trees by luxuriant climbing plants that hung like veils upon them, some- times airy and unsubstantial, sometimes heavy and thick; here, de- cayed trees seemed to stretch forth naked arms to heaven; there, up- rooted trunks supported their broken limbs on the ground or lifted their huge roots menacingly. As the moon rose I was nearing Sa- vannah on my swift traveler, Fashion. How she was stretching her four legs. How jolly I was feeling. I had thrown my jacket across my saddlebow, for the temperature was still so high as to make me too warm even in my shirt sleeves. Suddenly there appeared before me on the dimly lighted roadway the indistinct shape of a man on horseback. The rider asked where I was bound for. He advised that I turn back with him; in the vicinity of Jamestown, he said, was an apparition that froze the blood in his veins. The stranger then told me how, as he was riding along the road, a knight in armor suddenly appeared, standing on a high rail fence. He tossed the plume on his helmet and, lifting his bare sword, struck three blows on his shield with such force that my informant’s horse became frightened and ran away, thus rescuing him from peril. He urged me to avoid passing that spot, for horse thieves were in ambush there. I knew that entire section was in ill repute; far and wide there was not a dwelling house to be seen; the forest afforded secure hiding places; at night, the road was little traveled; murders were not at all infrequent. But the unknown rider impressed me as even more worthy of suspicion. I was unable to distinguish his fea- tures, though our horses stood so close together they could rub noses. His intention, I thought, was to entice me along with himself and, at a favorable moment, to deal me a blow behind the ears. In reply, therefore, I assured the ghost seer that I had no fear of danger, I was well armed, and well mounted; thereupon, I bade him good night, gripped Fashion with my legs, rode down the hill and crossed the stream at its foot. I peered sharply into the dark places sheltered by shrubbery, drew tighter rein, gripped Fashion more closely, so as not to be taken unawares, for, to tell the truth, my only weapon of defense was my little pocketknife. On the high rail fence so exactly described I saw no sign of ghost. However, I did hear the next day that the son of a farmer living in the near neighborhood of “Jimtown” was attacked that night, as he was returning from Savannah. Some one shot at him with pistols. As luck would have it, he was carrying an umbrella under his left arm (umbrellas are often used KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 317 by Americans to protect them from the sun). This man’s sunshade was perforated by seven bullet shots and he received several slight wounds. March 28. As Morgan and I were out together on a hunt we met the semisavage Kipland who was bringing us a note from Mr. Denig, in which he gave us directions to remain at the camp, in spite of the outbreak of the rivers, until the metifs left, or better still, until Mr. Culbertson arrived from Blackfeet territory and took us two along with him. If Mr. Denig only knew how little we yearn for his so- ciety he would not have been in such a hurry to send that message. He assumes, I suppose, that we are just as sensible of the want of bread as he would be in our place. As the result of a raw, cold wind, the river is again covered with ice sufficiently thick to restrain the upper current and cake together ice blocks and masses of wood, but yet not firm enough to bear our weight. We had quite a picturesque adventure crossing the wild coulee by holding on to overhanging boughs as we clambered over huge blocks of ice. In a corner of this frozen lake that covers the upper pasture we heard La Pierre frequently firing off his gun. We therefore hurried across the thin ice crust that overspread the prairie, breaking through at every step and causing a great deal of noise by the constant cracking of ice. This attracted our dogs, un- fortunately; they broke loose from the tent where we had confined them and came running along, too. As they were not in the right direction their presence would necessarily only destroy our prospects for a hunt. We drove them back, but they retreated only to a certain distance and there they remained, howling most dolefully. Pretty soon we discovered two hinds, standing bewildered at the brink of the frozen river and looking anxiously toward us; on one side of them La Pierre was unceasingly firing upon a herd that had sunken through the ice crust into the water; in the rear was the treacherous ice; in front of them were Morgan and I; on the other side were the howling dogs. Morgan took my gun, concealed himself behind a clump of bushes, and told me to go around to the other side and drive the two hinds toward him. I ran quickly forward, facing the sharp wind; the dazed animals did not scent me but remained per- fectly still until I was within 20 feet of them. I put them to flight by shouting and hurling chunks of ice. How easily I could have shot them if only I had had my gun at hand. Morgan missed aim; the little creatures escaped. For my part I did not grudge them their life. Then Morgan went in pursuit of his everlasting ducks, a sport that is not worth so much freezing oneself and getting one’s clothes soak- ing wet. 318 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 I made my way through the thin ice layer to Marguerite La Pierre, who shouted across to ask that I come and lead the pack horse she had brought, through the water to her father, so that he might load the meat and hides. Up to his knees in water, La Pierre stood far out in the river, where he had slain a herd that was unable to get out of the depths, because, with every plunge to extricate themselves from the surrounding ice crust, the animals sank again into the bed of the stream. I had great difficulty crossing the thin layer myself; I sank through repeatedly into the icy water. Still, I could not expect that girl to do such work. When I reached La Pierre he was already tak- ing off the hides. Standing leg deep in ice water, I assisted him. As soon as the horse was laden (with hides, legs, shoulders, and portions of ribs) I made my way as fast as I could to the tent, for I was miser- ably cold and even more uncomfortable from the irritation to my skin caused by frozen trousers. The tent I found cheerless and cold; the fire had gone out. I had to return to the frozen river, snatch from it some tree limbs embedded there, split the wood, and build a fire again. In a short time I had a blaze that would have done credit to Hades. For such terrible cold as I was enduring was no joke; I was trembling in every limb, my teeth were chattering, and yet I was obliged to dry my clothes on my body. I wasso benumbed that I felt as though I would lke to put my arms around that fire and hug the blaze. April 1. Since last Saturday winter has returned with rigor: heavy snowfall, frightful cold, violent north wind. Everything seems working together to make our life here quite romantically miserable. In such atrocious weather as this one would refuse to turn a dog out, to say nothing of human hunters; accordingly, Morgan feeds the dogs better than usual and diminishes our rations from day to day. He means, most probably, to give the former less inclination to steal. To procure wood for our fire we have to run the risk of slipping down, perhaps falling through the treacherous ice crust at any minute, with our burden on the shoulder, or else wade through deep snow to the distant coulee, cut down an ash or a linden and lug the wood to camp. A hero in peril is, I admit, romantic. But a hero unloved—Does he excite any interest ? Yesterday morning, I can tell you, I was in no jocose humor. Upon awaking we saw what inspired great alarm: the interior of our tent was entirely covered with snow. The vessel containing our meat broth, the fire, bedclothes, man, and beast, everything under snow. What a dreary outlook: to get out of our beds, shake off the snow, clean up the tent before we could light the fire again, thaw our meat broth and make it palatable. Our prospects become constantly more dreary, more comfortless. Later on, while lying beside the fire beneath my buffalo robe, what KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 319 visions hovered before my inward eye of the good food, warm living apartments, smokeless fireplaces, dry, well-secured dwelling I had given up for.the sake of attaining my life’s aim. Never had I been so entranced with material comforts; my imagination as by a con- jurer’s art brought before me, in mockingly tempting review, all the delicious viands I most relish, all the most alluring situations in life. “Tante mieux” (so much the better), as they say here, I con- soled myself by considering our wretched condition from the stand- point of painter and dwelt upon our picturesque situation. For the time being, life is hard to be sure; but did I not come in search of these experiences? Have I not longed for them as an aid to my study of Indian life, in good fortune and bad, in abundance and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in summer’s heat and winter’s rigorous cold? Shall the enjoyment of a pleasant lot in after hfe compensate me for the pains I now endure? Will my paintings insure me comforts in my old age? Aside from the satisfaction a painter feels in the accomplishment of work well achieved, this is what I most desire. I have no ambition to strive for fame, but only to express in my art the ideal that urges me on. Patience! Sunshine follows rain! April 2. Bad news has reached us from Joe Dolores. When he arrived with his laden dogs at his destination on the Yellowstone he found the region under water and had to turn back. He has now been lingering for several days in the tent of an Assiniboin on the other side of the Missouri, opposite Fort Union, until he feels he may risk crossing on the ice. The tent of that Assiniboin with whom he is staying is the only one left of five that were pitched there. The report goes that Blackfeet have killed 25 people. During last night the waters of the Missouri receded to their nor- mal bounds; the ice crust, after much splitting and cracking, finally gave way. The thick fogs have been dispersed by the sun, which now shines with more splendor and more warmth than we have recently experienced. Under the sun’s genial rays the snow is melt- ing fast. Blades of grass are already protruding from the soil. Throughout these recently flooded lowlands quantities of driftwood lie in piles and, what presents a more singular appearance, great blocks of ice rest among the boughs of trees, where they were lodged when carried thither by the high waters. There they remain, along with other heaps of such ice blocks and snow mounds found every- where among the undergrowth and coppices. Is the winter really at an end? Hardly: the month of April is the most unsettled of the entire year. 320 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 Dried venison and suet is our only fare; but we should do pretty well, even so, if we did not suffer so dreadfully from thirst and the drinking of ice-cold water did not so chill us to the bone. Black coffee is a rare delicacy that we drink with all the pleasure of old maids. As a rule we have to make out with hot broth made from dried meat. April 8. Joe Dolores is once more with us. He told us about his misadventures on the beaver hunt. In the first place, he set out on his trapping expedition one day too late; reached the Yellowstone, therefore, just as the waters burst through the ice and overflowed the surrounding land. He attempted to cross in a skin canoe, but found the stream so full of floating ice he had to turn back. Even then he was forced to abandon his boat in order to save his dogs and the travois, together with three traps, from the raging flood. Then he had to wade a long distance through water breast deep, until he reached higher ground on the prairie. Under a great elm, where he was sheltered by a gigantic ice block lying near, he kindled a fire to dry his clothes and get himself warm. Next morning he walked around to get a view of his situation and decide what he was to do. He came upon an abandoned campfire. Upon such dis- coveries this question arises at once in a person’s mind: Friend or foe? Dolores was unaware of Assiniboin lodges in that neighborhood, so he assumed at once that Blackfeet had recently passed that way. He loaded his gun, adding, along with his bullet ball, a handful of buckshot, and went cautiously forward. Soon he caught sight of an Indian. At the instant he raised his gun and took aim he heard the whimpering of a dog. “Blackfeet have no dogs,” he said to himself. “That man must be one of the Dacota.” With that, he stood upright and greeted the Indian with the well- known words, “Dagodeh kuna?” (Whither, friend?) The Assini- boin was severely wounded in his left arm, which was so swollen it was all astrut. Joe had from him an account of Blackfeet attack. Seven Assiniboin tents under command of La Main Poque were hunt- ing in the vicinity of a small lake this side of the Butte des Mam- melles, where they were detected by a troop of Blackfeet who were lying in wait for Crow Indians. At sunrise the next morning the Blackfeet made a surprise attack on the seven tents, cut three of them asunder at once, sent a bullet into the brain of one Assiniboin, but were unable to get his scalp. On the whole, though they had all the advantage of a surprise attack from higher ground and of superior numbers, the Blackfeet seem not to have fought valiantly. They were reported to have numbered 50 men; but that I do not for one moment believe, because the casualties were so few. They killed KuRz] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ EA | one warrior only, one woman, and inflicted severe wounds upon 15 others. They themselves lost three men and one scalp. It is reported that after the first onslaught they made no further combined attacks but merely kept themselves concealed within rifle range behind trees and underbrush. The Assiniboin were protected only by heaps of snow. Perhaps, when the Blackfeet found out that they were attacking Assiniboin instead of Crows, they lost courage. I must say La Main Poque chose a most unfavorable situation when he encamped in the bottom of that deep circular valley, shut in by hills covered with groves and thickets, while the ground sur- rounding his encampment was perfectly level. The women lay down flat on their stomachs and covered themselves and their papooses with buffalo robes. That is why so many of these were grazed with bullets on their heels, hinderparts, and shoulders. Bluefoot was the one and only man who did not fight but covered himself on the ground just as the women did. Joe says that he saw the Blackfeet’s fortified camp, which was entrenched with the trunks of trees. From the quantities of bones there he formed the conclusion that the enemy had tarried a long time in ambush. If we had crossed the Yellow- stone according to our plan some time ago that band would have cost us our pack horses, at least, if not our lives. To witness such an encounter would not have been an unwelcome experience, so far as I am concerned; at the same time the thought of being crippled or made blind is far more disagreeable in prospect than the possibility of being suddenly killed. To be a burden to others throughout the term of a long life would be a hundred times more bitter than death. Besides, I have no desire to appear as an enemy to the Indians; up to the present time I have had no cause to take such an attitude. é April 7. Mild weather and substantial food has again awakened my dormant imagination. Last Sunday was indeed a dismal, lonely day. We had only tough venison to eat and precious little of that, so Morgan decided to ride to the fort and, under pretext of wanting shot, to purvey the ducks that Mr. Denig so highly prizes for his table, to provide also for our wants. Dejected and lonely, I remained the entire day, lying wrapped in my buffalo robe beside our fire. In the first place the weather was too cold to make the out-of-doors agreeable, and furthermore the long fingers of La Pierre’s wife and daughter made it necessary for me to guard our belongings inside the tent. Those two had already committed several bold thefts; once, in the night, they stole a duck that Morgan had been saving quite a while for Mr. Denig; another time they took the last of our parched coffee which we had powdered with a stone and 322 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 hidden away under my pillow. Upon this last occasion I was aroused from sleep when the skin pouch containing the coffee was pulled out from under my head and I recognized Marguerite from the dress she wore. Immediately I fell asleep again, and was under the impression later that I dreamed I saw Marguerite. When the pouch was no- where to be found, however, light began to dawn on me. Both women denied, at first, that they stole the coffee; but soon after- wards my attention was attracted by something moving outside our tent opposite the place where my bed is laid, and then I saw a “beautiful hand” thrust the purloined pouch under the awning. The older woman confessed at once that she took the duck, because, she said, we did not know how to prepare the fowl. That I found much time for reflection, on the dreary day of which I speak, any one can easily understand. To enliven my spirits I drank warm water sweetened with sugar. On Monday Morgan brought some select portions of dried meat taken from the deponille or fat layers over the ribs, some coffee in return for my money, and corn that had been soaked in lye to remove the outer covering. I could hardly get enough of the dried deponille, such a luxury it seemed in comparison with our daily fare of dried venison, which is all the more unpalatable at this time of year. Today I had to fabricate for Morgan a novel kind of shot; at least to me it is something new, though this is most probably the sort that was first used. I had to flatten 1-pound bars of lead into thin plates, cut the latter into narrow bars, from which I then struck off little cubes, threw them into our frying pan together with ashes and sand, rubbed and rubbed them over and over with a flat stone until those small angular pieces had become round. Cadotte is put to the necessity of fabricating his own sort of shot, or rather buckshot. He takes such cubes of lead as I have mentioned, of whatever size his need requires, and rounds them off in his mouth with his teeth. Saw, to- day, a large herd of elks grazing on the hills. With the aid of my telescope I studied for a long while their different postures and movements. Only a few moments ago La Pierre brought the news that he saw two Indians running elks on the other side of the river (south- ern bank). They concealed themselves, however, the instant they caught sight of him. Now our entire settlement is in a state of alarm. Blackfeet ! Once, near Fort Union, Blackfeet Indians drove off a number of horses right under the owners’ noses; remembering that occurrence, the men here feel that our drove is no longer in safety. We have KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ Soe loaded our guns afresh, secured the best horses and mules to stakes near the tents, and we make the dogs sleep outside. Now that it is a question of defense, the unfavorable situation of our camp is perfectly apparent. Out on the prairie we have pitched our tents on the slope of what was in early times a high river shore, while the plain below us is cov- ered with forests and undergrowth, so dense that an enemy could actually conceal himself almost within arm’s length of us. By night our illuminated tents expose us just as certainly to their attacks. But white men, when fully armed, have no fear of Indians who have the habit of coming near only for the purpose of stealing. April9. Snow again, already. But, after all, snow is preferable to rain. Continual rainy weather would be the most abominable state of things that could be revisited upon us: no hunting, nothing to eat, no firewood, no fire in the tent, and, if the downfall continued long enough, water would flow down even under the beds where we sleep. At the moment things are not going well with our hunters. Cadotte ran a splinter into his foot; he is therefore lame. La Pierre is de- jected because he must give up all hope of being employed at the fort. Morgan, enthusiastic and untiring on the hunt for ducks, is ruining his health standing in ice-cold water at some hiding place, and always without success. One day he shot a beautiful otter, and as the animal was being carried down the swollen stream near the bois peinture *° he plunged into water up to his shoulders in order to re- cover it; but, as he could not swim, he lost his valuable prize after all. Another time, wearing his horned fur cap, he enticed two dainty hinds within range of his rifle, but his gun missed fire and the animals - ran off. When he shoots a duck, goose, or swan, on the other hand, they fall at some place where he cannot lay hands on them and he has no trained dog to help him. It is due to such mischance, of course, that he is not in a better humor when he comes back to camp, for he is in reality a good shot, only not a cool, well-trained huntsman. When he returns disappointed he finds fault always with me, his fellow tent dweller. Either the fire is smoking or the blaze is too strong; the meat is underdone or else cooked too long. I pass over such outbursts with patience, since he has often much to endure from my lack of skill in selecting wood for the fire and in the way I cut it up. Besides, in the success of Morgan’s plan to put his chief in fine mood by send- ing him ducks and so win him over to grant our early release, I have everything to gain. I have now observed the manner of hunting game of all species in this part of the world. My supply of art paper is exhausted. Why should I remain longer? 2T. e., painted tree. 324 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 I cannot help feeling sorry for Morgan when, in defiance of frigid weather, hail, ice and snow, high waters, morass and wind, he hunts zealously the livelong day without bringing back any game at all to enliven our fireside with prospect of a roast, and Cadotte shoots enough wild fowl from his own tent to feed himself, his wife, and visitors besides. Cadotte never ruins his clothes, never tires himself out, never gets soaking wet, or benumbed from cold for the sake of roast duck. So he laughs all the more about Morgan’s ill-luck. Cadotte’s swift gait, when stalking deer, and his endurance under such strain, is truly remarkable. He can pursue the ambling elks untiringly for 20 miles and turn to his own advantage the curiosity of the ani- mals, their habit of standing still and looking about, etc. However, Cadotte is now lame and must remain in camp. Elks are not so timid as smaller deer, or so swift in flight. They do not bound and leap as stags and antelopes do, but amble along, stopping quite frequently to look out for pursuers; whereupon the hunter in that case has to hide or else lie down flat on the ground. Even from a distance a skilled huntsman can distinguish the differ- ent species of deer by the way they stand. For instance, antelopes and elks, accustomed to range on the open prairie, keep their feet farther apart than the white-tailed or the black-tailed deer that prefer the forests and narrow passes. April 10. Morgan and Cadotte rode over together to the Lower Bourbeuse to shoot wild fowl; according to report, the birds nest there in great numbers at this season of the year. In the meantime La Bombarde arrived from the fort for the purpose of making an arrangement with Belhumeur whereby he could induce the latter to go along with his family to the Red River. In other words, La Bombarde is employed by Mr. Denig for another year but his family is not included in the contract. They must go. The metifs leave tomorrow with their horses. Morgan, Cadotte, the Spaniard, and I are to tarry here until Mr. Culbertson arrives. We have to provide for ourselves both food and protection. What La Pierre is going to “land” he himself does not yet know. April 11. Fifth Sunday in camp, without bread. Belhumeur, Valette, and Boneau have gone, taking all the horses that belong to the metifs. Only three tents remain. Morgan and Cadotte have returned from the Bourbeuse, where they both passed a dismal night. That region is also flooded. Waterfowl in multitudes, but after the first discharge of the guns they were all on the other side of the stream; consequently, if one were not provided with water spaniels the killing of the birds was of no use. This time Morgan came home happy because he outstripped Cadotte. KuRz] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 325 April 18. Yesterday I spent another utterly miserable day. My discomfort was not due in this instance to scanty fare, for we had roast goose.*+ But we were thrown into disquiet and confusion by a frightful windstorm that unceasingly howled and, carrying the snow before it, swept across the prairie with a roar, sometimes like distant thunder. Now the sun was allowed to shine, now the sky became once more dark and the air thick with rain or snow or hail. When we found it necessary to secure our tent further by weighting the tent cover down with tree stems not one of us found it possible to stand upright in the storm. There was such a fiendish uproar we could not under- stand what each other said. Incessant howling of the wind, flapping of the awning, fluttering of the cover flaps, cracking of the tent poles, made it impossible for us to be comfortable inside the tent. We were frightfully cold. We had every reason to expect that the awning would be snatched at any moment from over our heads. That actually happened to the family of La Pierre in the afternoon. To erect their lodge again in such a gale was an impossibility, so they came to us seeking shelter. We detest having them around because of their pilferings; we were not inclined to share goose or coffee, which came so dear, with those common womenfolk; we sent them to Cadotte. Antoine himself was absent. The old woman, out of pure spite, pushed away a tree stem that we had laid on the awning to weight it down, but we noticed at once what had been done and were able to prevent disaster for the time being. In the evening they had better success with their bad joke. Just as Morgan and I were sitting comfortably together, eating roast goose and drinking strong meat broth, a violent gust of wind lifted our tent and, without so much as by your leave, snatched it from over our heads. At the same instant it drove the fire into our laps and caught up every- thing together—fire, gunpowder, cloaks, clothes, buffalo robes—in one chaotic whirl. Now what were we to do? It was goodby roast goose and hot meat broth! We had to look out for our goods and chattels flying about our heads and exert our utmost efforts to collect them. We had to regain our fallen awning and pile tent poles upon it, put out the fire, beat sparks out of the buffalo robes, and put the gunpowder in some safe place. There was now no alternative for us; we had to seek protection in Cadotte’s tent, the only one left 21 Body gray-brown, head metallic green, throat and breast white, neck indigo blue. The swan in this part of the country is distinguished from the swan in Switzerland by a black cartilaginous protuberance at the root of its bill. The skin of the swan is not used here, but the feathers are made into beautifully decorated fans. Goose (Anser canadensis); swan (Trumpetes novus, Cygnus buccinator). The ducks were: Pintail duck (Anasacuta), scaup duck (Fuligula valisneriana), and green-winged teal. 326 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 standing. We were so crowded together in that small space that we were obliged to sit up the whole night through, and to feel heartily glad, meanwhile, that the gale had not torn away our last refuge. This morning the wind fell; the sky is gloriously blue, and the sunshine delightful. With the help of Garouille’s wife and daughter we pitched our tent again in a very short time; we have had quite a little practice. However, we made only a provisional arrangement of things, hop- ing to be delivered soon from this place. Life in a wigwam begins to bore me, now that I have no further incentive to make new studies, no further chance to employ myself except to keep the fire burning and to gaze into its glowing depths, solitarily, since I possess no family to enliven my fireside. My enthusiasm wanes all the more cer- tainly under such conditions of inaction and insufferable weather, since I have nothing more to gain by remaining here.” Morgan and I spent the entire morning drying our clothes, putting things in order, and helping each other find our belongings. I dis- covered my gray felt hat hanging on a far distant bush. In the evening we had Smith and Joe Dolores in our tent. The former brought with him a fat beaver that he had shot on the way. As he had furnished me earlier with one of these animals for a model I could afford to pass over this opportunity to make a sketch. I en- joyed the tender beaver meat, which made a fine dish. Smith gave me the tail for preservation. After such dreadful weather, how genial seems the sunshine today. Its effect is not only to send one’s blood coursing more rapidly through one’s veins, but to present the future as brighter, more smilingly inviting. Never despair! “When sufficient rain has fallen, then the rain will stop.” Days that seem hardest, nights that seem longest, must come to an end. They say everything comes to those who wait. Perhaps that is not universally true. How often I have thought I would have to give up any hope of attaining my aims because I lacked necessary funds. How often I have been forced to suspend my studies in order to earn my bread. For how long a time my thoughts, my fears, my joys were directed solely to the ideal in my heart of which I dreamed, on which my life was centered, yet to which, for lack of means, I was unable to give expression. Now that I am in possession of the studies I need I look forward to the fulfillment of this dream I have treasured for 20 years, The scientific part of my work I have now completed; aesthetic execution remains yet to be done. Up to this time I devoted myself 22It would be much more gratifying to me now if I had taken more interest in things; for instance, in studying the different species of ducks, etc. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 327 more to study; I have as yet executed but few paintings. My plan included the study of all three chief subjects in painting: Mankind, animals, and landscape. It goes without saying that longer time is required for all three than for one of these divisions alone. My studies in America include such a great number as well as such a various assortment that to choose what I shall paint will be no easy matter. Where shall I begin? My head is crammed full of it all. Furthermore, I have still to master by long practice the art of pro- ducing harmony and effect in my compositions. If I may but devote the rest of my life to the execution of paint- ings; if only the worry of earning my livelihood in future does not dim my enthusiasm; if conflict with need and want does not destroy my idealism. How wretched I should be, what an unfortunate I should regard myself, if I were unresponsive to the inspiration of art. Only not that. I would rather die. April 14. Very warm weather this morning, golden sunshine, clear bright blue sky. Took my sketchbook under my arm, called Schungtogetsche, our tamed wolf, and wandered over to the coulee to make a sketch of a somewhat grotesque view in a dell. On the way, I heard two cannon shots: Salvo at the fort, but in honor of whom? Culbertson or Harvey? I saw several of our hunters hurry- ing back to camp, hoping to see the long-wished-for messenger of deliverance approaching at full gallop. I hurried, therefore, all the more with my drawing. As the messenger would have to pass not far from where I was, I remained there. I found, to be sure, that the group of trees, selected earlier in the gloom of a dell washed by wild waters and shrouded in mist and snow, was not nearly so original a subject when viewed under today’s bright sunshine. Still the sketch will enable me to recall that first, almost terrifying, scene. As I now await Mr. Culbertson, I was waiting just as impatiently last year for the blades of grass to spring on the prairie near Savan- nah, so that I might drive my four-in-hand across country to Salt Lake. The grass grew, but not in my behalf or for the benefit of my four-span. Will my present expectation end also in disappointment? Will Mr. Culbertson come and go without taking me along with him? If what is offered in exchange prove as agreeable, as much more to my advantage as was my journey up the Missouri in comparison with the anticipated trip to Salt Lake, I shall have nothing on which to base complaint. The time must be near at hand; I shall soon know what fate has in store. April 15. Oh! Here I sit in a chair at the table beside the fire in my old room at the fort. Yesterday, no sooner had I replaced my journal in my skin pouch than an aging Assiniboin, his entire 81634—37——22 328 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 face blackened, with the exception of the tip of his nose, arrived at our tent and, in the absence of Morgan, delivered to me a communi- cation from Mr. Denig containing the welcome order to break camp and return, bag and baggage, man, horse, and dog, to Fort Union today. Of what provisions we had, we gave the odd-looking courier something to eat, and fired off our guns to summon Morgan who was over beyond the hayricks lying in wait for ducks. This morning we had to pack up, break camp, and depart in most unpleasant weather; but for that very reason I left our hunting ground all the more willingly and with no regret. Had the sun shone warm, had the ground been dry, affording the prospect of one more hunt, of yet other interesting sketches, I might have withdrawn from the scene of our struggles with some re- luctance. We were facing a sharp west wind that drove forward, now rain, now snow, constantly recurring storms that made our advance slow and difficult. At the coulee Smith was bitten by one of his dogs. The riders hurried forward with the pack mules. Presently I found myself in the rear, combating the elements in company with old dame Garouille and her daughter. Under the heavy downpour of rain, prairie and sky became blurred and in- distinct; sometimes we were unable to see 20 feet ahead. Heavy raindrops, propelled by violent wind, struck sharply against our faces. As ill-luck would have it, my riding cloak was packed with the buffalo robes carried by a pack mule in the vanguard far ahead of us. Under such conditions, facing wind and rain, as I have described, I had to walk 5 long miles through water that on the level and still half-frozen ground could neither flow off nor sink in, but steadily increased in depth and extent until it overspread the prairie like a vast inland lake. The nearer we came to the fort, all the more violent the wind, all the more heavy the downpour, and consequently all the more rapid the rise of water on the prairie. It seemed as though the heavens, provoked to anger by losing so good a chance to inflict continued torment on defenseless men, were moved to vent their utmost fury. Fortunately, though we found it impossible to look far ahead through the impenetrable rain and mist, we were able to follow a path that had been made by marauders; otherwise I could not have kept my bearings at all. Except for such weather I was in no haste to reach the fort. I did not care to be received by Mr. Denig with the cheerful greeting: “Bread makes you stir your stumps.” On the east side of the fort, where they are protected from the raging west wind, I found a group of Assiniboin lodges occupied by La Main Poque and his wounded braves. Several Indians were walk- ing proudly about the place, parading their blackened faces, with KuRz] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 329 the exception of their nose tips, as evidence of having survived a hand-to-hand combat with the enemy (Blackfeet). When I entered the messroom I found that my fellow travelers had pretty well emptied the dishes of rice and beans. I saw from my reflection in the mirror how thin I had grown. When I un- dressed I noticed that my legs were quite stiff from prolonged ex- posure to cold and dampness and that my feet were badly swollen. April 16. Old north wind still rumbles and roars as of old, but not to my dismay; in any event it is not likely to snatch this shelter from over my head as he blew away my tent. He cannot penetrate these thick walls and disturb my slumbers. Mr. Denig agreed to my proposal that I be released without further remuneration if Mr. Culbertson is willing to take me along with him. He presented me with a pair of snowshoes. In such weather as this I am in no hurry to travel down the river. April 17. I made a visit to the pressroom that I might jot down the names of different wild animals in this section, for the pelts stored there afford a rather complete list of those four-footed beasts which are native here. Those found in greatest numbers are buffalo, elk, Virginia deer, antelope, gray wolf, prairie wolf, gray fox, red fox, mice; then grizzly bear, beaver, bighorn (Rocky Mountain sheep), black-tailed deer, ermine, hedgehog, muskrat, white hare, otter, marten, skunk, and cross fox. Also I came upon the skin of a wolverine: its hair is long and entirely black, except where it merges to dark brown on the underparts along the sides of the paunch; tail is long and bushy, head like that of a pug dog. A living animal of this species has never come under my observation. Among those whose pelts I failed to find are rabbits, squirrels, badgers, rats, black bears, and black and red wolves. Other wild creatures native here in great numbers are tortoises, raccoons, cougars, lynxes, prairie dogs, buz- zards, parrakeets, turkeys, doves, fireflies, and bees. April 18. Fare thee well, Fort Union! Mr. Culbertson arrived by boat yesterday. He will take Morgan and me with him, provided we are willing to pull an oar. Tomorrow morning we shall be off. Adieu, Fort Union! Farewell, ye red men! Farewell, ye wild beasts of primeval woods! April 19. Left Fort Union at 11 this morning to begin my return journey home. My studies in this country are now completed. From this time forward my thoughts are to be concentrated on the painting of pictures. One half of my work accomplished at middie life and at the expense of my health. Our keelboat provides a cabin built of wood which will protect us from wind and frost. The door is in the wall toward the prow; two apertures on one side serve for portholes; near the wall at the 330 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 back stands a cooking stove. Forward, at the left, a bed is placed for Mr. Culbertson and supplies of meat and corn meal. The cabin has a flat roof, on top of which the pilot manipulates the lengthened rudder. In the bow there are three benches for oarsmen, and under those seats is stored our firewood. Upon setting out we found more people aboard than the boat could accommodate comfortably. Several Indian women took passage as far as Fort Berthold. During that part of our journey we men, with the exception of Mr. Culbertson, had to content ourselves with the roof for our lodging place at night. April 20. Steadily keeping stroke with the oars I found hard work: My hands were soon blistered, badly swollen, and stiff. Row- ing is no joke, even for practiced Canadians, if they are required invariably to keep stroke, never to be put out. First I was too slow, then I was too fast; now I plunged the oar too deeply, now I dipped the oar too lightly; again, my oar either struck the back of the rower in front of me or else became entangled with the oar of another man. Baptiste Champagne was at the helm. Morgan and I, together with Hawthorn, Cadotte, Joe Dolores, and three Canadians, assisted now and then by a young Blackfeet (brother- in-law of Mr. Culbertson), took turns at the oars. Our cook was a Negro. Mr. Culbertson was in command. He was sometimes at the wheel, sometimes pulling an oar, trying to keep himself warm by exercise. Every 20 minutes, at the command “Leve!” ** the oarsmen were relieved. At night we lay to, collected on shore quantities of wood for our fire, and then lay down to sleep. Very good meals under the circumstances. April 21. Strong contrary winds; boat moored to shore. Rested. Took a walk. My swollen feet were much in need of exercise. April 22. We were often interrupted in our navigation today, according as the wind was stormy or calm. April 23. Rather pleasant sailing. Cadotte killed a bighorn that had left the herd and was clambering down a steep bluff. April 24. Cadotte and Battiste had a jolly hunt; they killed a buffalo. We had to bring the meat aboard from quite a distance. We are still making our way around the Big Bend. Owing to counterwinds we are often forced to stop. I saw numbers of elks. April 25. Beautiful weather. Rowed vigorously. Reached Fort Berthold at sunset. Found my large trunk in good order. Indian apparel I had engaged from Bellangé together with three handsome buffalo robes and other things besides were all in readiness for me. I confess I was not a little surprised at this. One of the robes, a %T. e., raise. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 3al complete buffalo skin without cut or seam and ornamented with drawings in color, delighted me especially. I was glad to get it, nothwithstanding that I had received from Mr. Culbertson that very day a beautiful robe made from the hide of a forest bison.* I haye now seven robes and two calfskins. In exchange for his services Bellangé received my gun with all that belongs therewith, and also other things that I no longer need. For keepsake I gave him my much valued telescope. At Fort Berthold Joe and the three women went ashore; their departure enabled us to be much more comfortable, though the Canadians maintained that the more heavily laden the boat the faster would be her speed. In the neighborhood of the fort I saw a great many tents occupied by Assiniboin and Absaroka. April 26. Left Fort Berthold at sunrise. This has been the first bright, warm day we have had on our voyage. We came rapidly down the river. Stopped at Fort Clarke; while the bourgeois went to talk with Dorson I watched a ball game played by Arikara girls. We rowed about 25 miles farther downstream, passing by great numbers of prairie fires. At this season of the year Indians set the prairie on fire in order to remove the old, dried grass and provide room for the young, tender growth. Therein consists the Indians’ total cultivation of the land their bands are accustomed to wander over. We spent the night at the Cannon Ball River. April 27. Again strong counterwinds; we had to moor the boat fast to shore. Morgan shot a lynx, which at first we took to be a young cougar, but the short tail and pointed ears were sufficient to identify the species. Multitudes of gulls, either disquieted or be- wildered by the high wind, swarmed over the surface of the river. When one sees them flying together over the water and hears the confused din of their cries one may safely reckon on a violent gale. It was on the river that the wind was strong; on shore one notices it hardly at all. None of the gulls included in Audubon’s Ornithologia correspond to these I have observed on the Missouri. These more nearly resem- ble the ivory gull, but have not the corresponding habitat: Some- times, by chance, the coast of the United States; frequently, during the winter season, Labrador and New Foundland. Breeds in high latitudes. If the herring or silver gull were not so strong a silver gray in color I might think these were of that family. April 29. Wind; consequent rest for us. Cadotte, Battiste, and company went into a little glen, sheltered from the wind, lighted a 2% The forest bison and the prairie bison are differentiated according to their choice of habitat. The former are never found in such extensive herds as range on the prairies, but only in small groups. Their hair is more curly, not smooth on their bodies, which is perhaps due to the more northerly latitude of the regions that they inhabit. Son BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [pubn. 115 big blazing fire, lay down beside it, and went to sleep. In the mean- time the dried grass about them caught fire but burned slowly, sur- rounding them with a circle of flame. Then, fanned by a gust of wind, it spread, driving onward in winding curves. I followed a long way, at an even gait, walking over the charred ground, spring- ing several times across the flames, simply to find out whether prairie fires are really as dangerous as writers declare them to be. Such conflagrations, I think, can endanger the lives of people only when the grass is very high and, as sometimes happens, there is additional brushwood or dried undergrowth. As everybody knows, green, lush grass is just as little likely to catch fire as water is. But all animals, both domestic and wild, flee in terror from the smoke and flame of a prairie fire. Although the wind was rather high the fire in the dead grass did not spread any more rapidly forward than I could easily follow without walking very fast. In facing the fire one finds the smoke more disagreeable than the flame. The fire was at no point more than 3 feet in depth. It spread in every direction, more swiftly where the wind blew hard; for instance, up the hills and slopes, then descended more gradually on the opposite sides of those heights. It lingers longer in vales and dells, for it finds more substances there with which to be replenished, but less that is dry and dead, as there is less agitation of the atmosphere. May 1. Little Cheyenne River. We find here also great blocks of ice caught in the boughs of trees along the shore; they were deposited there upon the outbreak of the high waters. They melt slowly, on account of their great size. On the other hand, the grass is coming out in well-sheltered nooks. May 2. Great Cheyenne River. May 38. After much exertion and strain we reached Fort Pierre this evening. Throughout the day I have seen groups of antelopes along the shores of the river. May 4. Have been held fast here at the Fort the livelong day by a violent storm. Our wooden cabin was broken to pieces, so we had to put up a tent in its place. We expect warmer weather as we sail southward. Here we see hardly a sprig of green grass; no foliage at all; only catkins on the willows. The gale blew with un- abated fury even until the evening. After sunset a sudden calm, quite warm weather, and, what is more, mosquitoes. Just at this time Mr. Picotte is sick. May 5. Left early. About 10 o’clock we passed Campbell & Primeau’s new winter trading post. Many Sioux in that section are suffering from hunger; they are now resorting to horse meat. We found the abandoned Forts Lookout and Nedeune already in ruins. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 333 May 6. We set out again by moonlight before the break of day. Having lost so much time, owing to contrary winds, everybody is now eager to reach the United States. Mr. Culbertson would lke to overtake Harvey, who is ahead of us, hastening along the same route in his skiff. If I did not have to be in such a strain rowing and my feet were not swelling so much worse for want of exercise I would be in no hurry at all. During the day we are to make no more stops but will keep steadily on our course until we are forced by darkness to the shore. Foliage! No more blocks of ice among the boughs along the steep river shore. The first whippoorwill ?> and turkeys. May 7. We overtook Decoteaux, P. Sarpy’s clerk from L’EKau qui Court, in his long skin boat, and got some fish from him. While eating supper we passed L’Eau qui Court. I beheld once more that lovely scene at the mouth of the Basil River. I was sorry the trees were not in full leaf, as I saw them last summer; but even though destitute of foliage this is the most beautiful part of the Missouri. Landry’s departure upset all my calculations. Last year I left with him two good horses and my entire outfit for the intended journey to Salt Lake, i. e., wagon, provisions, saddle, harness, etc., to be sold, in order that I might have on my return some funds at my disposal. I reckoned on at least $180. He paid me $40, saying he had sent the remainder in my name to Mr. Mitchell, to whom I was still in debt for goods I bought. This latter statement I found afterwards to be a lie. There was nothing I could urge to the contrary; could only thank my lucky stars that I saw Landry at all. If I had been but 1 or 2 days later I should have lost all my money. My plan was, first of all, to recover my health; then, if possible, to paint some pictures which, in addition to my sketches, I might present to the public as proof of my ability. I could have lived with Landry at very moderate expense. On the whole, the shores of the Missouri River reveal little that is picturesque. Even so, just the realization that this is Indian domain gives me a pleasurable interest in all scenes along the mighty stream. May 8. Stopped a while opposite the Isle de Bonhomme, Schlegel’s new post. Picturesque landing place. Oaks thrown over a wild brook behind which rise precipitous bluffs. May 9. In the forenoon we passed Vermilion; later the quarters of Bruyére, the elder; at 12 o’clock, Sergeants Bluff; about 4 in the afternoon, wood bluffs with their burning coal fields; at 7 o’clock, Blackbird’s grave. Foilage is advancing in the forests. May 10. Big Sioux. We came upon one place in the Missouri so blocked with snags, both vertical and horizontal, that we could hardly 257 wondered whether the whippoorwill had a cry that resembled the sound of its name. I am glad to find, therefore, in Audubon’s Ornithologia (VI, p. 350), the real name of this bird: “Nuttall’s whippoorwill. Cry : Ob—vwill.” 334 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 steer our way through. On the bluffs I saw millions of little swallows (bank swallow or sand martin, Hirwndo riparis Lin.). First block- house. Old Council Bluffs. Toward evening we arrived at the first settlement (Mormons). The Mormons’ ferry above was crowded on both sides of the river with tents, covered wagons, throngs of people, and herds of cattle, all bound for New Zion. From one of our oarsmen I purchased for $5 a very beautiful pelt of a grizzly she-bear; from another I bought the scalp of a Snake Indian. Slept in this keelboat for the last time. May 11. This morning we saw in the distance the funnel of a steam- boat at the landing where passengers go ashore for the inland settle- ment of Kanesville. Owing to the position of the boat we saw only one smokestack ; consequently we took it to be the Utha, Corby’s steam ferry we were expecting from St. Joseph. There was instantly a unanimous hurrah by way of greeting; none of us had dared hope for release from rowing as early as this. We found, however, that it was the Hloira, a vessel with two smokestacks, that had brought a great number of Mormons and their vehicles, cattle, household lug- gage, etc. We thought the captain’s charge for the journey to St. Louis was too high, so we waited for the S¢. Paul, which we had al- ready sighted on its way up the river. We could get a more reasonable rate on the St. Paul. The captain promised to take us aboard at Belle Vue that evening. Our half-breeds made merry over the “windspiele”, i. e., the coquetting of pale, tight-laced Mormon women. At Council Bluffs we found a considerable part of the shore torn away ; my former boarding house which, when I lived there, stood a hundred feet at least from the river, was now hanging over the river bank. Had dinner in Belle Vue with my friends, Decatur, Wacoma, Joseph and Mary La Fleche,** and Witthae. Witthae expected that I would speak to her, exchange greetings, etc., but I am not the man to offer my hand once more to one who had deserted me as she had done. When I went into the office she followed, hoping to resume our former relationship. But, showing not the least concern, I read the Frontier Guardian; Witthae wrapped her blanket about her and went away, unwilling to give any evidence of her realization that I re- garded her with contempt. At 4 o’clock we went aboard the St. Paul, leaving our Mackinaw boat behind. Exchanged souvenirs with De- catur, “the first man to settle in the future Nebraska territory.” I gave him one of my necklaces made of bear’s claws and he gave me a pair of moccasins (?). To Morgan I gave the first scalp I pur- chased, which he accepted with great merriment as an acknowledg- ment of his good comradeship. 2°The father and mother of Dr. Francis La Flesche. KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 335 Not long since, I am told, some Oto found, on the Platte, a Prussian named Mullhausen in a hopeless situation, having with him a wagon but no team. He is said to be an attendant of Duke Paul of Wurt- temberg who was banished from court, and, so they say, he was pro- tecting his Grace’s silverware (?). Meantime, where was the Duke? May 12. After supper we arrived at St. Joseph. Just 1 year ago I left this town. High water has done much mischief here also. What was once the upper landing had to be placed lower down. May 18. Accompanied Landry 14 miles on horseback to the first bivouac of his fellow travelers to California. Saw many picturesque groups of gold diggers with their horses and herds, lodging for the night in the primeval forest, tents on the prai- rie, wagon trains along the trail, vehicles that had come to grief, horses that had run away, riders out in search of them, herds of cat- tle, droves of laden pack horses and pack mules. There were also groups of Indians here and there with their begging women, which gave local color to the scene. My bloated legs became inflamed and feverish from rubbing against the saddle. Am I to be afflicted again with dropsy ? Called to see old friends. Gazed once more with all my former enthusiasm upon my favorite scene, a far-reaching view over the Black Snake Hills. Compared past impressions with those of the present, recalling circumstances under which I viewed this scene upon my first arrival here in 1848 as compared with today. My future prospects are anything but favorable if water continues to rise in my trusty legs. In any event I have to reconcile myself to the fact that my most excellent constitution is now impaired. I shall therefore be all the more persevering, perhaps. My entire collection of Indian weapons, apparel, and ornaments put in order, left a while in the open air, then packed. May 21. Left St. Joseph. May 25. St. Louis. Great heat. When I went in search of the Virginia Hotel I found it entirely rebuilt and enlarged by the addi- tion of a new building in course of construction, so that 1t now occu- pies the entire block. But I was received, to my great delight, by the same obliging proprietor, J. Sparr von Basel. For the first time this year I am in a perspiration; this is a very great relief to my mind, because it is an indication of better health in future. Even during the time I was engaged in the strenuous exercise of rowing, while still wearing winter clothes, I never once perspired; I was never put to the trouble, as the other oarsmen were, of changing my clothes immediately afterwards. Now, for the purpose of producing perspiration and of exercising my legs (already swollen to my thighs), I visit often my beloved Cahokia Creek and enjoy once 336 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 more numerous enchanting groups of trees found there. Though the stream itself has been converted by the recent high waters into a quiet lake, in many places entirely choked up with sand, yet I find there the well-remembered trees. My excursions at present I make with a more scientific purpose In view, 1. e., to become acquainted with the names and the character of various sorts of trees and climbing plants rather than merely to enjoy their beauty of form. I am sorry not to be able to find a book in print that would inform me on this subject. I seek, therefore, to discover through my own investigation the various trees of the lowlands and of the bluffs; to distinguish one from another and to find distinctions between climbing plants, creepers, and parasitic vines. I have found already thirteen separate kinds of creeping and climbing plants, for the most part varieties of ivy that are different as to tendrils and manner of climbing. Of all the high-aspiring sort there is only one, a pinnated variety, that bears a blossom, a red, bell-shaped flower. This vine is said to be poisonous. The most luxuriant and manifold forest growth I saw near Falling Spring, beyond the village of Cahokia, 6 miles from St. Louis. On the cliff out of which this spring gushes there are found every variety of oak and of wild fruit-bearing trees, while at its base ash trees and lindens, horse-chestnuts, oak, hickory, walnut, willow, papaw, cottonwood, poplar, sassafras, sycamore, locust, persimmon, maple, all meet and touch, embraced and over- hung by luxuriant vines. Even at first glance one perceives that a distinctive feature of this woodland is its utter lack of any variety of conifers. One finds not a trace of the pines that are common to the Southern States; neither of the cedars that grow in the North, nor of the firs that are found in the East. I have been told today of some occurrences but recently come to pass that truly characterize conditions in this part of the world. A man involved in debt was mercilessly whipped by two of his credit- ors. They enticed him by some ruse into the forest, tied a bandage over his mouth, made him fast to a tree and then, taking turns with their cowhides, they lashed him until they were tired out from the exertion of wielding their whips. To rest themselves and renew their strength they went to the nearest pothouse and drank whisky. After that invigoration they returned to their labors and applied the horsewhips anew. As they were proceeding a second time to the grocery, however, their client was discovered by some one and re- leased. The two brutes who scourged the poor man were arrested while still in the grocery. I heard that Sam Riddle, a rich young business man in Savannah with whom I am acquainted, had shot down a clerk in a store. Sam, KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ Sat although he is a married man, is a fast fellow who piques himself on his wealth and his father’s prominence as Senator. As the story goes, he gave utterance, not long since, in the presence of some friends to compromising remarks concerning a lady, a teacher in Savannah. A young clerk, who was a friend of the lady, heard about those re- marks and, when Riddle entered the store soon afterwards to see the proprietor, he was stopped by this clerk and called to account. Riddle denied having made any such remarks. The clerk spat upon him and branded him a liar in the presence of people there. Whereupon Riddle drew a small pistol from his pocket and shot the clerk down. When brought before the justice of the peace, the rich young merchant was required to give $25,000 bail and must appear for trial at the next session of the court. Until the court sits he may go free. Now he is making use of this inter- vening time to transfer his business interests to his brother-in-law and, when that is done, he will “shake the dust of Savannah off his feet.” That is how a wealthy man is enabled to escape the penalty for a homicidal act; for, if Sam Riddle were not allowed to offer bail, if he were not able to make good the security demanded, he would necessarily have been put in the calaboose. He would in all proba- bility be executed, or else imprisoned for life at Jefferson City. The purpose of this law, providing that a person accused of a crime may be released on bail, is to enable the accused to carry on his business, to work for the support of his family until he is declared guilty by the court. In like manner if the accused be innocent of the charge, such procedure averts the injustice of compelling him to spend his valuable time in prison. But crafty Americans know how to circum- vent their humane laws in such a way that far more well-to-do crimi- nals are enabled to escape just penalties by producing bail than poor men, unjustly accused, are enabled to secure protection, for a poor man, innocent though he be, derives no benefits from these so-called “humane” statutes. Another law is, in similar manner, put to wrong use: If a married man fails in business the property of his wife or of his children is never touched by his creditors. Though in principle such a provi- sion is altogether humane, dissembling, crafty Americans know how to twist the law to their own advantage. For instance, a merchant enjoys a period of thriving business; to secure himself from eventual- ities he buys, whether with good or bad intention, real estate, houses, bonds, ete., for his wife or his children and has titles made in their names. Should the man fail in business, quite a usual occurrence in this part of the world, his creditors are allowed no claims on the property of his wife or children. In that way a “smart” man can so manage as to find himself better off after the liquidation of his affairs 338 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 than before. One of the best hotel proprietors here lives in the hotel that he bought and gave to his wife, then stopped payment on remain- ing debts. A pile iee ren can Polley the same practice in the retail trade. With cash that he takes in he purchases an excellent farm in his wife’s name and pays for it, while he refuses to pay for his stock of goods that he had bought on credit. Likewise, a great deal of mischief is done in the matter of fire insurance. For example, a merchant, conducting what is called a “fancy-dress” store, divides his stock into summer goods and winter goods. When he has disposed of most of one season’s stock (which he can always accomplish by reducing prices), and the time is approaching when, in order to get a new supply, he has to pay for the summer or winter goods, as the case may be, that he purchased on credit in New York, on a Sunday, when all stores, including his own place of busi- ness, are closed, by some means absolutely inexplicable his shop burns down. But the sly tradesman had not neglected to insure his stock at its full value. He “burns out.” Now he has in his possession cash received in return for the goods sold and, in addition, insurance to the full value of his entire stock purchased but the greater part of which has been sold. Furthermore, he buys at auction, for little or nothing, his former goods now damaged by fire or water; he insures these again and reaps still another profit in the sale of them. Follow- ing such a course, shopkeepers of that sort are enabled to grow very rapidly rich; after he “burns out” three or four times he has a hand- some sum, for he will satisfy his creditors with the amount of insur- ance received. I knew just such a man, a German in St, Louis, who was burned out twice during my first stay in that city; the fire always occurred toward springtime or autumn, always on Sunday. Upon the occasion of the great fire in 1848, when 26 steamboats, together with the buildings comprising several streets were destroyed, he burned out again, although his stock of summer goods had but re- cently been received at his shop. The same trick is played in the shipping business: when a boat has been in service for 6 or 7 years the insurance costs amount to more than the vessel is worth; therefore it is thought to belong in the rubbish heap as scrap iron. So the captain lets it run aground, sink, or burn up; then, laugh- ing in the face of the victims, his passengers, he turns his back and collects insurance. Further instances would be superfluous to prove that Americans observe their own laws only insofar as the case in hand concerns them or that the written statutes are supremely ex- cellent from the standpoint of humanity, high moral standards, and freedom of the individual; but in the actual observance of these laws, well, that is a different matter altogether. Proofs are by no means KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 339 lacking. There is a law in Missouri forbidding the game of nine- pins, or to use the American expression, ninepin alleys. How do the “smart” Missourians manage? They construct their ninepin alley for tenpins. The city corporation not only allows this but are glad to find that means to raise taxes. Likewise, gambling houses are strictly forbidden; nevertheless, are quite frequently found; they yield large profits and afford another source from which, through pecuniary penalties imposed, the city authorities get money for taxes—so much for the first offense, double that amount for the sec- ond, etc. But they do not adopt measures to get rid of gaming houses. In the United States every witness, every interpreter is re- quired to swear upon the Bible in the presence of the court that he will speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The judge does not ask the man who takes the oath whether he believes the Bible; in the United States that is taken for granted. A set form of oath is read, or pronounced, and the man to whom the oath is administered raises the Bible, not infrequently a much soiled volume, to his lips and kisses the Book (since no one ever takes the trouble to turn the leaves, it might be some other book). Now any person who has no belief in the Bible does not burden his conscience to any appreciable degree by taking the oath. However, the most significant instance of the Americans’ hypocrisy is their declaration that all men are free and equal; the statement is not to the effect that only white men in America are equal in the eye of the law, but, on the contrary, all people without exception. Yet Americans grant no civil rights to slaves they own, nor do they allow an Indian to enjoy the privileges of a citizen. In conclusion I will say that the undeserved fate of the “Art Union” reveals much as to the culture of Americans. Owing to an unexpected increase in the membership of that American art society and the greater amount of money available in New York, I was in high hopes, as I journeyed thither from St. Louis, of offering one of my works for sale and thereby making myself known. Members of the society pay an annual fee of $5, and receive in return each year at least one beautiful engraving, a copy of one of the pictures pur- chased by the “Art Union.” ‘The paintings bought they put on ex- hibition in New York and raffle them under the supervision of the committee. From the net proceeds realized yearly upon raffling off these draw- ings and paintings they have the expectation, or rather they had, of obtaining from the lot at least one production of art. That most pious of States, however, brought action against that raffling of pictures as an unlawful lottery. A bill was introduced and put through the New York legislature. Raffling pictures was declared 340 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 immoral and illegal; hence, was prohibited. The “Union” was therefore forced to abandon their fine and praiseworthy aim. Finally, what is the antiliquor law? With the resulting financial ruin of many Germans who carry on retail business in wine and strong drinks, this small trade is forbidden, or at least restricted to certain quantities, i. e., from 380 to 50 gallons. On the other hand, any one who is able to provide himself with that quantity may drink as much as he likes in his own house, under the pretense of using the liquor for medicinal purposes. On the cliff above this hidden fountain called Falling Spring one may enjoy a splendid far-reaching view in the direction of St. Louis. Along the entire way from Falling Spring to Illinois Town, where the steam ferryboats land, one views continually most charming landscapes enlivened by white and gray herons (great white heron, Ardea occidentalis Aud.; great blue heron, Ardea herodias Linn.). The season for passenger pigeons (£ctopistes migratoria Aud.) was already over. Not less interesting are the old blockhouses of the Creoles; Cahokia or the former Notre Dame de Caho[kia] (known especially in connection with R. Clark’s raid in 1778) dates back to the first French settlements and therefore is much older than St. Louis. There tiny barracks are constructed of tree trunks fixed firmly in the ground in a vertical position, not laid horizontally and fitted together at the corners like American blockhouses. Adjoin- ing these small lodges always lie pleasant gardens. That is some- thing one never sees at the homes of American farmers in the West: anything that does not bring in money is regarded by the farmers as a luxury; only in the matter of Sunday clothes do they permit the least display. When I learned that the position of drawing master at the Jesuit College was to be filled I went to see Pére de Smet. I was kindly received, but my application for the vacant position was deferred, on account of my belief or, what is much more likely, my unbelief. When Heaven grants such proof of Divine mercy and power as was manifested in this pious father I have no longer any doubts. It happened on an earlier journey to the Nez Percé, when Pére de Smet wished to enter the harbor at San Francisco on board 2 ship that was overtaken by such a violent and perilous tempest that everyone thought all was over. Then this missionary, having faith in God, fell upon his knees, there on the deck, prayed fervently for Divine aid and, lo! the wind fell, the roaring waves no longer lashed the terror-stricken crew. Before a month had passed, without my having been notified, ac- cording to the father’s promise, when the examination would be held, the position at the college was filled and, I may add, by the Kurz] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 341 appointment of a German architect, an acquaintance of mine. That post would have paid me about $900 a year. Upon another jaunt up Cahokia Creek on the small lakes near the Indian mounds (burial mounds?) I was delighted to find the well-known water lily and some sedge (no reeds) ; I have never seen either on the Missouri or the Mississippi. In place of the latter I found tall sea grass and wild oats.?”. Our stinging nettle I have not found at all. Nowhere have I seen any green moss, either on trees or on the ground. As far as I have traveled on the Missouri and the Mississippi I have never seen beeches anywhere; but beech trees grow in the State of Indiana and farther east. May 28. A small menagerie made up of one pair of old grizzly bears brought from California, three younger members of the bear family, varying in age, and a cougar, gave me welcome models for study. The old bears are of a bright chocolate color, not of different hues and shades like bears on the Missouri. _ August 2. By taking long walks every day this hot weather I have succeeded in reducing gradually the water in my legs without further treatment. I feel greatly relieved in mind to be delivered from this threat of dropsy. It would be really very hard to depart this life just when I have come to the end of my period of study and have reached the point where I shall be able to begin creative work in my art; when life has in store so much that is gratifying and pleasurable, much that will compensate me for difficulties undergone. As I now dare assume that my studies are sufficiently thorough and comprehensive to justify my executing paintings true to life, yet in aesthetic manner, representing scenes in the Far West (characteristic of life there in former days rather than at present), and as I am offered no better outlook for earning my bread as artist in St. Louis than in any of the other new States, owing to the prevailing lack of interest in painting, I must, though with heavy heart, dispose of a large part of my Indian collection in order to get money enough to travel to New York or to Paris, where I hope to find more encouraging prospects. To force myself to abandon art merely for the sake of making a longer stay in this region possible by earning my living painting houses, ships, and mural decorations, or by undertaking once more the duties of merchant’s clerk, is an outlook I cannot contemplate; my harsh experience in business transactions, heretofore, make such a plan all the more distasteful. Furthermore, my chances for suc- cess are better in Europe than in this country and, finally, I regard my collection of studies sufficiently comprehensive to render a longer *7 Wild rice. 342 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULD. 115 stay, in straitened circumstances, unnecessary. After severe mental conflict I decided to part with a large portion of my valuable col- lection in order to get funds to travel east. Before I let it go out of my possession I made copies of the objects included, so that I might rescue at least that much for myself. It was extremely pain- ful to give up my Indian relics; my heart was so set upon them; I had submitted to so many deprivations for the sake of possessing a collection, as complete as possible, of Indian apparel, weapons, and ornaments. But this is my fatal destiny: I have only to set my heart upon something and, straightway, I am destined to loss. So it was with my collection of engravings, with my love affairs, with my horses. That is the fate allotted to one to whom true, enduring affection is a need; to whom inconstancy and unfaithfulness is shocking. Truly the few joys of my life have been dearly bought. I am exasperated by such strokes of fate; I might curse my life. Woe unto me if I am to abandon my last hope, chief support of my ex- istence, the ideal toward which I strive in art. Then I should either throw away my life in disgust or else my unruly nature, no longer softened by contemplation of lofty thoughts, would exhaust itself in bitterness, mockery, and rage. What is life to me without art? What is art without an ideal? Is death to be my one and only consolation ? If I had thought for one moment that I should not have been in a position to earn an independent livelihood as artist within a year’s time I would have remained in St. Louis, even as house painter or clerk, and then could have kept my much-prized collection of Indian relics. But I cherished too great hopes. As friend of the redskins I was not able to make heroes of Indians among the Americans, therefore had little hope of success in the United States. I should not have appeared in Europe, after such a journey, with only studies and sketches, but with finished paintings also, and executed in a manner to produce the best effect. But up to that time I had devoted myself more to study than to compositions with a view to harmony and effect. I felt, therefore, that I must attain definite results in that. To accomplish my purpose was all the more difficult because of an attack of ague from which I was long recovering, and for the further reason that I was retarded by the necessity of earning a livelihood here in Berne, where, as in all Switzerland, there was too little appreciation of my genre to keep up my spirits. But for the frustration of my plans by Landry in St. Joseph I should have been successful. With my excellent collection of Indian relics and a number of beautiful paintings representing the principal wild animals that roam the western plains, as well as Indians of the dif- KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 343 ~ ferent tribes, treated from an ethnological viewpoint, I should cer- tainly have made money as “showman” in those cities, particularly where many Europeans reside. In St. Louis, however, my first con- cern was to get rid of the water in my legs. When I was relieved of those symptoms of dropsy I had not enough money to insure several months’ leisure and peace of mind during which I might devote myself to the execution of those paintings. For a while, to be sure, I had hopes of being able to fight my way by means of my artistic labors; in other words, I knew a man in the Schultze firm, dealing in books and articles of virtu, who gave me an order for several views of St. Louis and environs. But this man proved to be so little trustworthy that I had to abandon the idea of doing the work for him. August 9. Returned today from a visit to Highland. Before I leave this land, perhaps forever, I wished to pay a visit to my ac- quaintances there, but above all to set foot on that farm where, in 1834, I was to begin a totally different career with Doctor Becksel. But for the religious scruples of my dear mother I should in all probability be a farmer now, for at that period many favorite pur- suits were struggling for predominance in my mind. In my six- teenth year, it is true, love of painting was already gaining the mastery over me, but had not yet become a passion. At the time of which I speak, agricultural pursuits, particularly the breeding of horses and cattle, would have satisfied me. If I had been accus- tomed while young to the climate here and to the manner of cul- tivating land in this part of the world I should have become prac- tical. I might have been a happy farmer, owning numerous herds, fine horses, to say nothing of a family more or less numerous. Now I am an artist, oftentimes indescribably happy, but only too often poverty-stricken, lonely, and peevish. I might yet change my career; I might yet become a farmer. To abandon art now, at the moment when my hopes of success seem more promising than ever before; now, when I have found my ideal, when my enthusiasm was never so keen—impossible ! I wish to determine the question whether every man is to choose his life work according to the measure of his gifts; whether the spiritual and mental development of man is of no more lofty aim than his physical well-being; whether we are meant to be only sons of nature like the Indians or destined to strive for a higher state of civili- zation. On the solution of those questions I stake my life. Whether I was right to try and make the most of my talents, only the future, perhaps death, will first make clear to me. There were two routes by which I might travel to New York, both new to me, both equally interesting; the one up the Illinois River by way of Peoria to Chicago, thence across Lake Michigan through the 816343723 344. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULD. 115 State of Michigan, Lake Erie to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, and down the Hudson; the other down the Mississippi to Cairo, up the Ohio to Cincinnati, by the new railway through the State of Ohio to Cleveland, situated on Lake Erie, and so on. As complaints came in from all sides about the low water level in the rivers I decided to go by stage (a private enterprise) to Louisville. I paid a fare of only $12; my luggage, still considerable, was carried free. At 4 o’clock in the morning on August 11 the stagecoach stopped at the hotel for me; we crossed the river and proceeded rapidly across the plains of Ilinois. With heavy heart I took leave of the Mississippi, of Cahokia. Even on the first night we had an accident, but with no resulting damage. At a place where the road ran through a deep cut a bolt sprang out, detaching the swingletree bar, in consequence of which the horses tried to hurry on with that alone and leave the coach with us inside stick- ing in the mud. If the coachman had not been so securely strapped to the seat he would have been jerked to the ground. But, as good luck would have it, he had a sufficient hold to stop the horses short with the driving reins. He shouted to us to get out of the coach. Fortunately a few more passengers had just got in, so there was a sufficient number of us to be of immediate assistance. We held the horses until the driver could descend from the box and tether them to a near-by fence. Then we had to bring rails from the same fence and raise the vehicle out of the mud. To attach the swingletree bar again, replace the bolt, and hitch the horses was then an easy matter. From Salem, where we arrived the second night, I was the sole pas- senger all the way to Vincennes. On that night, while we were try- ing to cross the little Wabash over a very unsafe bridge, I had to mount to the coachman’s box and again lend my aid to keep the mettle- some grays in hand while the coachman went back and took away some planks from the floor of that part of the bridge we had passed over and laid them over holes and fissures in the remaining part we had yet to cross. My experience in the management of a four-in- hand stood me then in good stead, for the spirited animals, seeing the river below through crevices in the floor of the bridge, became all the more restive. August 13. Approaching Vincennes, we came to a kind of ferry hitherto unknown to me. For instance, our boat was not propelled through the stream by a rope suspended across the river and fastened by means of a ring to a tug, but instead of the tug there were fastened together several small rowboats, placed at certain dis- tances apart in the slow-moving current. The boat at the extreme upper end was made secure at a bend of the river where the cur- rent was sufficiently strong to produce the desired propelling force but, as a matter of course, the assistance of oars was necessary. In Vincennes I had to wait an entire half day for another stage- | | RURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 345 coach. I found, however, that the surroundings, from a historical point of view, were interesting. Along the river one sees there still several buildings constructed on piles, which date from the earliest American settlements. They are situated near the former residence of General Harrison. August 14. On the way to Bleansville we traveled through the first beech wood I have seen. At the place mentioned we made our midday halt and took the railway train from there to Louisville. On the way a rascally fellow who tried to force his passage was run over. At evening we crossed the Ohio River and were soon after in Louisville, where I spent the night. August 15. The next morning I went by steamboat up the Ohio to Cincinnati. As the next day was Sunday it was impossible to proceed farther by railway, so I made use of the time to see something of the city. There are large brick church buildings in Gothic style; from a belve- dere one may enjoy a beautiful view of the city, the river with its many steamboats at the wharf, the surrounding hills, and over into Kentucky. At the hotel I was amused by the way in which the jovial black waiters formed their lines, simultaneously stacked the dishes, made a complete “about face” and stiffly keeping step, marched off, to return again at once with other dishes and, without a word, repeat the maneuver with exactly the same movement. August 16. I went to the new railway station in a heavy downpour of rain, and continued my journey across the entire State of Ohio to Cleveland, traveling on a comfortable fast train that made few stops. Among the passengers I found Bruyére from Fort Union. He was journeying to Canada, where he wished to spend some time on a visit. Arrived in Cleveland at 5:30 o’clock in the evening, was immediately transferred to a lake boat under full steam and traveled the whole night through, down Lake Erie to Buffalo, August 17. It was my intention to make an excursion from Buffalo to Niagara Falls, but upon our arrival there was such godless con- fusion: every fellow, whether he had a fiacre ** or whether he hadn’t, whether his services were asked for or not, grabbed at once for bags, satchels, or trunks, one of them running this way, another running that way, forcing the traveler along too, but in so doing forcing him to risk losing the greater part of his luggage, as was probably designed. Although a watchman was there to keep order, he was by no means a match for that throng of loafers; they could easily push him aside. I had to resort to a downright tussle with one rascal before I could make him leave my trunk where it was, so that it 283A hackney coach. 346 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 would not go to the devil, while another fellow was already lugging my bundle of buffalo robes into a dray. Besides, owing to my recent departure from the Mississippi and the West with all my pleasant associations there, I was already in dejected mood, and became so exasperated by that unheard-of disorder that I was not in the least disposed to gaze in wonder on Niagara Falls. I hurried back at once to the railway train leaving for Albany. Not until I was eat- ing my midday meal at Utica, where I was gladdened by the glimpse of a lovely girl, did my outraged feelings become calm. Every- thing was conducted with perfect order on that train. Late in the evening I arrived in Albany, where my luggage was surrendered upon my giving back copper checks. I took a cab at once to the Hudson River to get aboard the night boat to the city of New York. Arrived at 5 o’clock this morning. With a letter of introduction from Herr Mehlgarten, to whom I sold a part of my Indian collec- tion for $150, I went to call on Herr Meyer von Hilburghausen, who publishes the American edition of Meyer’s Universum, in order to find whether he could use some of my drawings in that publication. He was sorry, he said, that he could not enter into an agreement to that end; the drawings he would need were already provided for 2 years in advance, some of them on terms for immediate acceptance, the remainder on order. He communicated to me, furthermore, the most unwelcome news of legal proceedings against the Art Union. However, he bought two water colors that I had not been able to dispose of in St. Louis. Then I came at once to the conclusion that I would better take passage at the earliest possible date for Havre. I was further influenced in my decision by the fact that, notwith- standing the intense summer heat, I was always cold—a condition indicating an approaching illness, I feared. On August 20 I secured a place, on the payment of $20, as steerage passenger on the Sam Fow. On the 24th I purchased my provisions for the journey, so as to be ready to sail the same evening. At the moment the boat was clearing the dock I was seized with an attack of vomiting, while perspiration oozed from my body; so, while de- parting from the shores of America, I lay among my buffalo robes, only half-conscious. Nor did sea air prove the benefit hoped for; on the contrary, my fever mounted and seasickness did not fail to make matters worse. Such violent fever so affected my salivary glands that I was unable to swallow any solid food; my fine crackers remained just so much dry meal. I could not eat them. So, during the entire voyage of 30 days, I was restricted to food I could take in liquid form. Nobody, not even the captain, had any quinine. It was lucky for me that the steerage passengers numbered only 30 persons; for I was therefore enabled to have sufficient space and fresh air to endure steerage conditions. Upon closer acquaintance KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 347 with my fellow voyagers I found two young Germans from Boden See. I was much pleased with their manner of conducting themselves, and, perceiving that they were not very well provided with food for the voyage, I thought I might be helpful to them as well as to myself by giving them supplies of dried beef, ham, and crackers from my supplies, since I could use only the tea and coffee. In return, they prepared a broth for me twice a day with some of their meal. That was my only nutriment during the entire voyage. I arrived at Havre half-starved, emaciated, and weak. My companions in the steerage were, for the most part, persons who “had enough of America” and several Frenchmen who had ac- quired some means in California. The two young Germans had trav- eled in company with other people they knew to Cleveland; one of them, having lost his young wife during the plague of cholera, wished to return home at his earliest opportunity; his friend was unwilling to remain in America without him. A young landscape painter from Basle had an idea that he would be able to lead a jolly life in America without any great amount of work, wherein he found himself soon enough mistaken. “Tf I choose to work so hard”, he said, “I can live much better at home.” A Jew from Zurzach had but just arrived in New York, where a brother of his was already established; but things appealed to him so little he decided to return home at once. That fellow amused us greatly. Well supplied by his brother with fresh butter and eggs, he did nothing else during the whole first week but cook, and most kindly invited to share his meals a Jewess from Mulhausen who had come on board bringing nothing at all to eat. The girl accepted promptly her fellow-believer’s invitation; she must have counted on forming a good partnership, besides. From that time on, those two were very much teased and tormented by the others; all the more so when, on account of throat disease, his otherwise attractive young lady friend became more and more disgusting to him as his store of provi- sions decreased. During our last week at sea he had no food at all left to sustain him. He remained lying on his bed and daily drew in his belt. Some rollicking fellows would toss potatoes to him in deri- sion, but he was rarely given anything to eat except in some such spirit of merrymaking over his fierce hunger. There was also an old retired soldier from the canton of Lucerne who caused me much mortification. He had made arrangements with the captain to assist the ship’s crew in return for his passage and board. One of his duties was to assist the sailors every morning in scouring the decks. As soon as he was once out to sea he refused obstinately to do that work. The captain could not put him off the ship unless he threw him overboard, but he issued orders that the 348 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [ BULL. 115 old man was to be given nothing to eat. Now, this person had made his first passage over with money provided by his parish in order to get rid of him. That he was unwilling to work showed a trait by no means unusual among our old soldiers discharged from foreign service. In truth, the chief benefit Switzerland derives from her citizens’ military service in foreign lands is that only those averse to labor are attracted to that life (aside from the anomaly of repub- licans entering the service of foreign despots who oppress their sub- jects). As this old soldier showed a like aversion to work, our consul at Havre could not concern himself about the matter but had to send him back home at the expense of the canton of Lucerne or of his parish. That is what we get by assisting the proletariat to emigrate. Who can compel them to remain or, indeed, as one often hears mentioned, to found a Swiss colony anywhere in America? Citizens of Switzerland they wish ever to remain, supported by their native country. They do not care to transfer their loyalty to a new fatherland. A man cannot serve two masters. Tradespeople, doctors, artists may go to foreign parts to seek their fortune and then return, but the peasant, when he owns land, can seldom follow that course without great losses. The Swiss are fond of travel, it is true; but the gift North Americans have of making themselves at home anywhere in the world as soon as they begin to acquire wealth, irrespective of their attachment to the soil or of loyalty to the region, is rarely found among natives of Switzerland. That explains why the Swiss are given to nostalgia, which becomes particularly severe when things go ill with them and lead them to reflect upon the good old days. In this modern time a new colonist has to burn his bridges behind him, has to cut off every means of retreat; in order to go forward he must not look back, for even the poorest people in Switzerland have their advantages, their good times, and abandon unwillingly their strolling life, while the laboring classes in our country enjoy a free- dom they would find no opportunity to enjoy anywhere in the United States, still less in a colony newly founded. But the principal diffi- culty with Swiss colonists is that they may not be forced to work and fulfill agreements they have entered upon, for there is no army in command; any man may go away, nay, what is more, he may again return. September 22. Havre. To recover from fever and regain my vigor, taking in consideration, besides, that I had little money left, I had no other recourse but to proceed at once to my home, where I arrived on the 24th, unexpected by my family. To earn my live- lihood as artist in Berne. Alas! What a prospect. APPENDIX To be able to estimate properly in just how far the Indians are capable of mental development we must consider them, first of all, in their primitive state, and then after their contact with Euro- peans. In that way we shall understand the cause of development in general and the degree of cultivation to which Indians themselves can attain without the aid of foreign assistance as well as the reason why they have retrograded rather than advanced since their con- tact with European civilization. The lowest form of human being among the North American Indians inhabited that extensive tract of arid land between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada, in the neighborhood of Salt Lake. Only in the matter of speech did they rank above the lower animals. They were forced to live on roots and locusts, with an occasional hare or other larger animal; for in the sterile region where they dwelt there was hardly any vegetation except worm- wood, which, when dried, furnished their only fuel. The barren tracts were equally destitute of the larger wild beasts. There the root diggers lived, like an exiled race, despised by their better- conditioned neighbors. A slightly higher type of human species were the coast dwellers of California. Their bodies, well nourished on fish, reached full development. However, they could no more provide clothing for themselves from the fish of the sea than could the root diggers from the locusts on their sun-scorched plains; consequently they became so inured to the elements that they scorned any covering whatsoever. But, notwithstanding their readiness to brave the weather, they were so full of mettle that more than once they stood their ground in single combat against the better-armed Spaniards. The prairie Indian stands much higher in the scale of human development than those mentioned above. On the vast grass plains he steals upon wild beasts and ensnares those that provide him with sufficient food, clothing, and fuel. To accomplish that on the open prairie requires cunning: To entrap a shy creature like the antelope or bison under a disguise made up of wolf’s skin or bison’s hide and the head of a stag marks a distinct advance in the intelligence of the hunter. Moreover, in mountain ravines as well as in the thick under- growth of the forests that are found only near rivers and brooks, he is obliged to bring all his ingenuity into play to take by surprise 349 350 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 the different species of deer and stag found in such numbers in those places without falling a prey himself to the formidable grizzly bear or other enemies even more merciless. As the immense number of buffalo or bison makes any attempt to domesticate the animals a useless undertaking, the hunter is obliged to follow the wandering herds, taking with him his tent of skins and his household belongings, including always his strong wolfhound. In late summer, when the “cattle” are in best condition, he tries to confine an entire herd in so-called parks, slaughters as many as he finds necessary, and cures large narrow strips of meat in the sun. He then packs the fat in bladders for use during the winter. The only service that the Indians render for the benefit of the herds is to burn the dried grass every spring in order that the young crop will be more abundant. Inasmuch as roaming about alone is both dangerous and dull, as many members of a tribe as can be comfortable together unite and form a settlement. As the provisioning of a small community is a less difficult task, and their frequent removals upon the prairies are more easily effected, the villages or camps are rarely of considerable size. If the huntsman has procured sufficient provisions for a time he gives himself up to social pleasures in camp, such as smoking to- bacco, talking over past experiences, relating stories and traditions, performing gymnastic exercises, dancing, getting ready new weapons; or else he goes on the warpath to win distinction for himself as brave. The womenfolk are left to their common household employment. They make all the clothes, including the ornamentation of them; they supply also their earthen cooking utensils and prepare skins and hides. The last-named duty is the most difficult of all; consequently, to facilitate that work, since there are neither slaves, servants, nor craftsmen among the Indians, the huntsman keeps several wives. To prevent petty jealousies and quarrels among his squaws he prefers to marry sisters. To obtain them he presents gifts to his future parents- in-law; in other words, he purchases his helpmates. The highest aim of an Indian brave is glory in war; accordingly there is perpetual hostility among the different tribes. His method of warfare is nothing more than a well-planned hunt; any sort of stratagem is permissible. But as the Indian brave places more importance upon single combat than upon a deadly distant attack, the mere fact of his having touched his enemy ranks as a greater deed of valor than killing a person from a distance; hence the practice of scalping. The scalp is indisputable proof that he has come in personal contact with the enemy and serves him as trophy. Since he scalps a living person only in the rarest KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 301 instances he is not guilty of such an act of cruelty as is usually be- lieved. For every scalp taken the warrior is allowed an eagle feather to adorn his head; in recognition of every such “coup” he is entitled to have an eagle feather blazoned, Indian fashion, on his robe. The number of eagle feathers worn designates the rank of the brave. The one who takes the greatest number of scalps becomes leader or chief of his band. On the other hand, the chief who is able to assemble the largest number of tents about him is regarded the greatest chief of that nation. Therefore this dignity is not only not hereditary but depends also upon the brave’s fortunes in war. Nor does valor alone win such high respect. The brave who wishes to be exalted among his people must be liberal. Without largesse he will have no followers. The number of gifts bestowed he is also allowed to have represented on his robe. Here we find the beginning of the representative arts among the Indians. Apart from his great liking for pompous show, for orna- mentation, in connection with which one must mention tattoo marks, the Indian’s principal aim in decoration is colored outlines or con- tours; the human figure is only a secondary matter. Therefore, though no one can deny that the Indian has artistic sense, from time out of mind he has made no advance in his art. His manner is stereotyped—hallowed, so to speak, through the ages— like heraldry. Wampum belts serve ali the better to call to mind the most important events of the present and of past times. The bringing up of boys consists entirely in training capable huntsmen for the support of future families and distinguished war- riors for the glory of the nation. Young Indians, hardly past the age of boys, subject themselves willingly to severe fasting and cruel tor- ture. They must learn to endure any pain heroically, so that even as captives at the stake they can jeer at their enemies and prove by singing under torture their persecutors’ impotence to cause them pain. Only by valor and undaunted courage can they gain their Elysium. Torture inflicted on an enemy, therefore, is not merely for the sake of being cruel, but has the further purpose of testing in a “trial by fire” his steadfastness under pain. The Indian faces death calmly, yea, with joy, for with the close of earthly life all his troubles end, while the future abode of his soul offers him the ful- fillment of all desires. In addition to the qualities of courage, cun- ning, and liberality, the gift of oratory is very highly prized and fostered among Indians. Next to this talent for speaking, the trait of keeping silent is most valued, for the reason that an ill-advised remark may possibly at some time or other put one’s life in peril. Girls are brought up to be good mothers and industrious house- wives. Children are dearly loved by their parents. The future In- 352 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL 115 dian brave is never flogged. His sense of honor is developed early in life. On the other hand, parents are loved and respected by their children, yet it not infrequently happens when they are journeying to a distant destination with little means of transportation that decrepit old people are left behind, forsaken. The goal set for both sexes, differing according to the nature of each, is one that can be attained. Though believing in a life to come, they love and work for their human welfare and enjoy this life to the full. To make their earthly existence a hell, in order to gain after death a still uncertain future bliss, is not acceptable to their distinctly practical sense. To lay down vital principles and yet fail to observe them is just as much opposed to the Indian’s way of thinking; he lives in strict accord with the views handed down to him from his ancestors; he gives no promise of wishing to be better than he can be according to his nature. Because he thinks that wag- ing a constant conflict with his nature is repugnant to common sense, he is designated the natural man in contradistinction to civilized people. Still, the Indian knows full well how to master his human desires, when in yielding to them he would run counter to the inter- est of those dearest to him or to the recognized usages of his tribe. Civilized man is supposed to develop only his spiritual powers and suppress his animal nature, except when he has not sufficient money to get married. In social intercourse the so-called savage may serve as a model for civilized society in this respect, that he neither indulges in dis- putes and arguments, using vulgar terms of abuse, nor in brutal fights. On the contrary, he guards against any offense of that sort, because among the Indians every insult is followed by bloodshed; therefore he provokes his adversary only when he is of a mind to enter upon a struggle for life or death. To pocket an affront is to be guilty of cowardice. In such emergencies it is permissible that the weaker antagonist resort to stratagem. Although the prairie huntsman is familiar with the cultivation of native Indian corn and other cereals, a tribe turns to that employ- ment only when, owing to the greatly reduced number of braves, it is no longer safe to wander about and make head against opposing foes in the open field and, therefore, is forced to establish a village and settle down. As contrasted with the prairie Indian, the red man of the forests, owing to conditions in that part of the country which he inhabits, may be considered of a somewhat higher order of human being. Westward from the Mississippi, extending beyond the Rocky Moun- tains even to the Pacific coast, the region is predominantly prairie, abounding in grass, weeds, flowers, and sand, but usually, for want KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 353 of sufficient water, not capable of cultivation. East of the Father of Waters, on the other hand, the land, with but few exceptions, is covered with dense primeval woods. Owing to this difference in the vegetation of his domain, therefore, the Indian of the East follows necessarily a different mode of life from that of his western neighbor. It is true that wild game is plentiful in the boundless woods, yet the animals do not exist in such numbers nor are large herds so frequent as to furnish continually a sufficient supply of food. Though the hunter on the chase in a forest finds less difficulty in approaching wild beasts than on the open prairie, he has also this disadvantage, that his game more easily con- ceal themselves and more quickly escape his eye. So in North Amer- ica, where there are fewer trees of the fruit-bearing sort than in South America, the Indian of the forests finds it necessary to till the soil. In his part of the country the land is adapted to the culti- vation of nutritive products, such as Indian corn, potatoes, beans, peas, turnips, etc. The brave, always true to his inborn character, prefers war and the chase to the hoe and gives over the labors of the field almost al- together to the female sex. With the cultivation of the land there comes of itself a more settled habitation, more comfortable dwellings, and in consequence a stronger attachment to country (expressed _symbolically in “graves of his forefathers”) than one finds among the prairie huntsmen. The latter do not bury their dead, but leave them temporarily in the air on a scaffold and, at best, gather the bones and carry them along on their wanderings. The Indians of the forest bury their dead in the ground; usually the body is placed in a squatting position with face turned toward the east and interred with similar ceremonies of lamentation, discourse, food portion, and weapons. In affairs of state the eastern tribes follow a different custom with regard to the office of chief, which is hereditary and inseparable from their system of revenue. The succession may revert to the female line; that is, to the son of the deceased chief’s eldest sister; but in every case it must be ratified by the nation. Apparel and imple- ments are pretty much the same as among the prairie tribes, except that canoes made of the bark of trees or hollowed out of a tree trunk replace the troughlike, portable skin boats used by the western huntsmen. By way of transition I will mention also the former inhabitants of Cibola in New Mexico, and the nameless Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley. The former, when they occupied the “Casas Grandes”, distinguished themselves by their peculiar manner of building cities and in their cultivation of cotton and manufacture of cotton mate- 354 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULD. 115 rials. Their dwellings were constructed, and are still, when occu- pied by Apache and Navaho, inside a great encircling wall 40 feet high. They were built of sun-dried brick and consisted of several stories, the upper stories projecting so far over those below that a broad passageway was left as a means of communication. Access was had to the different stories by means of movable ladders. Gates admitted the city dwellers to the surrounding fields where their crops were planted. The stag and the hart they had in large num- bers, but the bison, owing to the warm climate, was not native there. The latter, however, existed in multitudes to the north of them in a region not too remote. Defensive warfare with stones and arrows was easily conducted from the flat roofs of their adobe houses. Their provisions were stored in oven-shaped cellars. The women were skilled in weaving and kept a great supply of handkerchiefs and mantles. The Apache and Navaho claim to be related tribes to the Aztec, and have pre- served, even to most recent times, the same style of dress and the same kind of weapons that were in use among the latter. As the most of the “Casas Grandes” now lie in ruins it has been erroneously assumed that the Aztec might have occupied them before the arrival of the former tribes and have destroyed them when they wandered farther south. Near the close of the sixteenth century, however, the first Spanish explorers found them densely populated, and it was those avaricious Spaniards themselves who, after many years of con- flict, destroyed the towns, just as at a later time the Indians avenged themselves by wiping out the Spanish settlements in turn. I must now mention briefly the early inhabitants of the Ohio Valley, who, for want of a historical name, are called Mound Build- ers, because of the tumuli they left behind them. Judging from the remnants they have left of their buildings and utensils, they attained to a far higher degree of civilization than any other North American tribe. They worked in copper. The pipe bowls that they wrought in the form of human heads were excellent; so were their figures of animals carved in stone. Their fortifications (in the form of quad- rant and circle) show a rather advanced knowledge of military science and of geometry. These Indians had already proceeded into the Bronze Age when all other North American tribes were still lingering in the Age of Stone. One knows this from the fact that, except for the use of lead in certain ornamentation, they worked neither in copper nor in iron, notwithstanding that both metals lay in greatest abundance beneath their feet. The Mound Builders have vanished from their early habitations so long ago that even the Indians that came later to that region knew nothing of their having lived there or of their name. From KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ a00 the thorough investigations that have been made by distinguished archeologists in America it seems more than probable that these Mound Builders were one and the same nation with the Toltec, and that the opinion concerning their having been a remnant of the colony settled by the Welsh prince Madoc is altogether untenable, for the reason that these immemorial woods, that have since grown up on their earthworks, were already there before 1170, the year in which Madoc departed from the Principality of Wales. That they were identical with the Toltec, as investigators permit one to believe, is assumed from the similarity of overlapping gateways, of carved pipe bowls, from statements on the part of merchants and tradesmen from Mexico that obsidian is a species of Mexican stone, from the advanced civilization of the Mound Builders, the presence of similar earthworks (even though they are neither so well con- structed nor so numerous) in all that region extending southward from Ohio to the Gulf of Mexico during a period of time that coin- cides with the appearance of the Toltec in Anahuac in the year 648, together with their own tradition concerning their arrival on the earth. These proofs I have brought forward here merely for the sake of showing, what many hold as questionable, i. e., that the Mound Builders, in the matter of the high degree of cultivation, are much like Indians of the Toltecan family. That the Toltec reached a high degree of culture is acknowledged by historians both of former generations and of recent times. From them the famous ruins in Anahuac derive their origin (not to be confused with those of Yucatan, Palenque) ; from them the Aztec, who penetrated into that country from the Northwest 400 years later, learned their science of astronomy in accordance with which at the time of the Spanish Conquest they reckoned their solar year with more exactness than their avaricious Christian conquerors; from them resulted those hieroglyphic paintings for the pictorial repre- sentations of their history, of their era, of their calculations, an art that in no way brings their Indian origin in dispute. From them the Aztec acquired a moral code strikingly like that of Christian teaching and derived from them the idea of independent. priest- hood and of judge, etc. The Toltec lived for something like 400 years in Anahuac, until, for causes unknown, whether pestilence, wars, or famine, their num- bers became so reduced that they were unable longer to defend their homeland from the fresh, warlike hordes that were breaking in upon them. Among these different invading tribes were the Aztec, who, in spite of their savage nature, adapted themselves readily to the civili- zation they met with there, but along with lofty morality adhered to 356 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 their ghastly human sacrifices and the eating of their victims. A most extraordinary anomaly. Only the Acolhuan, known by the name of their capital city Tezcuco, were more peaceably inclined. They came into the country at the same time with the Aztec, in fact were a related tribe, but struggled against this bloody practice of human offerings which, after all, was not carried originally to such a shocking degree among the latter, but became gradually more and more horrible under the exactions of the priests, a class of ever- increasing power. This sacerdotal influence was exerted for the pur- pose of maintaining constant military exercises; the victims sacri- ficed were always prisoners of war dedicated to the deities of the underworld. The creator of the world was worshipped without either pictorial representations or human offerings. In the course of time the inhabitants of Tezcuco, profiting by the Toltecan civilization and encouraged by excellent princes, like the Nezahuacoyotl, made considerable advance, on their own part, in intellectual and artistic matters, especially in poetry and in plastic art, while their neighbors, the Aztec, directed their aims rather more to material development. What especially amazed the Spaniards, partly because of the originality and novelty displayed and also for the reason that the existence of such things among Indians was totally unexpected, were the suspended or hanging gardens; complete col- lections of all indigenous plants in their well-kept gardens and of all native domestic animals in well-arranged menageries; their careful tillage of the soil and production, by means of irrigation, of Indian corn, bananas, agaves, cacao, cotton, etc.; their special fondness for the cultivation of flowers; their mighty aqueducts and original de- signs in the architecture of magnificent palaces; the houses built on piles; the dikes, and lake shores connected by drawbridges that they might serve for highways; their schools for boys and girls; the im- measurable treasures in precious metals; their coins stamped with the form of a Latin T; their market places, hospitals, storage houses for tools and provisions; their skill as goldsmiths, feather workers, weavers, etc; and their extensive, highly respectable trade. Amazed to find such cultivation among Indians, many people are inclined to assert that their civilization was not their own but was based upon certain analogies of European and primarily of Asiatic origin; for instance, the teocallis from the Egyptians; astronomy from the same race or from the Mongols, Persians, etc.; cyclopaean walls, gateway, and window facings from the Greeks; the tradition of Noah and the deluge from the Hebrews; baptism, absolution, the cross and the punishment of burning in everlasting fire, together with moral teaching, from the Catholics; helmet-like coverings for their heads from the Celts; weapons, standards, court singers and court KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 357 fools, dwarfs, and jugglers, in addition to certain feudal adapta- tions, from the Romans or else from the medieval knights; conse- quently, in the end, little remains that is peculiarly Mexican. This view concerning the part that foreign influence has had in the civilization of tribes in Mexico still gains credence, to be sure, from the native tradition (of Toltecan origin), so harmful in its effect, that relates how, at a period most remote, Quetzalcoatl, god of the air, appeared in the form of a white man with long black hair and flowing beard and taught the inhabitants of Anahuac the use of metals, the science of husbandry, and statecraft. Then, hav- ing promised to come back again, he set out upon the sea in a skiff of serpent’s skin, sailing eastward to the fairyland of Tlapallan. Even though the Toltec themselves may have been indebted in part to earlier inhabitants of Anahuac or to foreign influences for their civilization, still in their advance to a higher cultivation they have been always true to the fundamental characteristics of the Indian race and have only improved their own abilities (just as the Aztec, according to their own admission, are indebted to the Toltec for their culture). Their hieroglyphical paintings prove that fact in- contestably, while moccasins, breechcloth, kneebands, eagle feathers, shields, bows, arrows, lances, knives made of obsidian, tomahawks, fans, painting the face, antipathy for beards or for any hair on the bodies denote pure Indian; merely a modification in their style of dress appears when, owing to a lack of pelts, leather was scarce and the wealth of metals and precious stones was made use of as a mark of distinction by the splendor-loving Indians. Maquehinte (?) and the dart were peculiar to the Mexican. Although it is not so much a question here of vindicating the claim of the former inhabitants of Anahuac to a culture of their own as it is to prove their capacity for civilization, yet we may be permitted to mention several highly important grounds for vindication. In the first place, except among the Quichua (of the race of Incas), who trained the llama and alpaca for domestic animals, there was an absolute absence of cattle throughout the whole of America, even in this part of the continent, where agriculture was carried forward to a high degree and the bison could not have been unknown. Further- more, there was a universal ignorance as to the use of iron, though an abundance of it existed in that region. If Quetzalcoatl had been a civilized European or Asiatic, which is much to be doubted, it must appear remarkable in the highest degree that he did not teach those two very important branches of human knowledge, and something even as important, i. e., the use of the sail. It may be regarded surprising, also, that, though European and Asiatic influ- 358 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 ences played so large a part in the development of this people, the horse never appears in the tradition. It cannot but seem utterly incomprehensible that the Hebrews, for example, who are well known as cattle breeders par excellence and were acquainted, in any case, with the profitable uses of iron, should have left no trace of their skill in those useful employments, while they preserved the tradition of Noah and the deluge. The same may be said of the Europeans; only the ancient Egyptians might be regarded an excep- tion, inasmuch as in the construction of the pyramids they had not yet made use of iron and their influence on the civilization of Ana- huac can be said to date only from their earliest period, at least 2,000 years B. C. Even the great number of analogies found among widely dissimi- lar peoples of the Old World, in remote ages as well as in modern times, together with the fact that the discovery of the New World came so much later and that the aboriginal Indian is a distinct racial type, affords sufficient proof, according to my view, that the Ameri- can Indian is a separate race; furthermore, that the civilization of this people is one peculiarly their own. But I make this assertion without any desire to question the possibility of their having had occasional contact with the Old World. Wherever one turns in his study of primitive man one finds every- where, even on the most remote, inaccessible island, that such peoples are provided with the same kind of weapons, nourish and clothe themselves in much the same way and, as soon as hunting, fishing, and fruit-bearing trees are no longer sufficiently productive without artificial aid, they succeed in the cultivation of the soil and in the breeding of cattle. With the expansion of their resources, population increases, thereby increasing their needs; so the state is evolved, bringing to the citizens’ attention fundamental truths like personal security, protection of property, and more or less freedom in the development of the individual, etc. It is useless to expect from any isolated race of men something entirely original in manner of liv- ing; the natural man is, in all instances, provided with the same sort of physical organism; only in mentality is one race more highly endowed than another, etc. From the foregoing we now draw the following conclusions: 1. That, owing to their ignorance of better conditions as well as to the sterility of the region in which they lived, no civilization could be justly expected among the Root Diggers. 2. That among the prairie Indians, and also among the eastern forest tribes, terrestrial happiness was so completely possible in this world that civilization according to our ideas would make them worse rather than better. They would only lose contentment, that satis- KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 359 faction with their earthly lot which, notwithstanding our noteworthy progress in the arts and sciences, and in spite of our belief in a merci- ful God, we strive after in vain. 3. That the Aztec and, to a degree at least, the Toltec also took their higher civilization from earlier inhabitants of Anahuac and thereby gave adequate proof of the pure Indians’ capability for cul- ture as soon as they find it necessary to renounce earlier conditions. These conclusions apply equally to the South American Indians, whom I have not mentioned for want of space; besides, the stages of development are the same among them as among the North Ameri- can tribes that are better known to me. Now we come to two other important questions: How did it come about that the civilized Indians of an earlier period lost their civilization ? Why was it that they adopted so little of the culture brought to them by civilized Europeans? The infamous treatment that these natives of America suffered after the coming of avaricious Europeans is known to everyone. It suffices to mention, for instance, that when the Spaniards came they destroyed with fanatical zeal all the native civilization as heretical, as heathenish; in order to get possession of land and treasure, they brought the nations, glorious in earlier times, so completely under subjection that the energy and inventive genius of the tribes were completely lost; then, instead of giving the subjugated people a broader culture the Spaniards made of them only Christian simple- tons. One may with justice put the question: Which in this instance proves himself the greater barbarian? For, though it was a good deed to put an end to human sacrifices among the Aztec, the Span- iards are guilty of a still greater number of murders and their in- quisition is, in comparison, even more horrible. Englishmen conducted themselves in a manner little less repre- hensible. Jealous of the Spaniards’ increasing power, they sought to acquire, in their turn, lands rich in gold. English kings granted patents as gifts or else sold the unknown lands, property of the Indians, in vast tracts, extending from the Atlantic Ocean even to the Pacific coast, in order to prick on their adventurers to the occu- pation of them. To find mythical Cathay was the first stimulus to cross the ocean; avarice and expansion of power, the second; to find rest from religious and political persecutions was the third. Never a trace of a colony having been founded for the betterment of the native Indians; on the contrary, Europeans hardly set foot on American soil before they were striving against each other for possession of the land, without concerning themselves about the true property owners. 81634—37——24 360 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (BULL. 115 Notwithstanding all this there are Englishmen who assert even now, and Americans after them, that their chief motive in taking possession of the Indians’ land was to civilize the primitive inhabit- ants. Thus they give the lie to historical fact. Moreover, let them name a single instance that proves the truth of their assertions. Other authors ease their sore consciences with communistic utter- ances to the effect that no one should hold in his possession land that is not in use. To what would that lead? What is one to think of such doctrine from English historians, in whose homeland so much land lies fallow for their noble lords’ pleasures of the chase. And from Americans who speculate in land on such a vast scale. Such assertions are made in the face of historical proof that the Indians, whose domain lay east and southwest of the Mississippi, south of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River, as well as along the entire seacoast between the estuaries of that stream, de- pended quite as much for their livelihood upon the yield from their fields as from the chase. Now that was the manner in which Indians were rewarded for having assisted the colonists almost everywhere with their own provisions, nay, what is more, for having rescued them often enough from starvation. To anyone who examines impartially the situation that existed between the Indians and the colonists it must be perfectly evident that during the wars carried on for 200 years by the latter in de- fense of their homeland against the constant pressure of insatiable colonists, and during the struggles among the various nations repre- sented by the colonists themselves, Spaniards, Englishmen, French- men, and Hollanders, into which the natives were always involved to their own loss, it must be unmistakably clear that under such cir- cumstances the Indians would inevitably become rather demoralized. Even to the first 30 years of our own century the English have continued to incite the native tribes against the Americans, to spur them on to war with gifts and pledges of assistance, only, in the end, to leave them in the lurch. There was also another potent influence I must not neglect to mention: The interests of the prevailing fur-trading companies were greatly furthered by the Indians remaining in their primitive state. In fact that vast trade ceased just as soon as the native tribes found the cultivation of the soil preferable to the chase, and, on the other hand, this tillage of the ground can only thrive in those regions when the bison is extinct as a wild animal. In contrast to the fur traders who as “pioneers” are often ad- mired for their courage and simple life, the white people on the borders are recognized to be a lawless set, fugitives from justice who hate the Indians because the latter are a hindrance to unbridled KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 361 license, but surpass the savages themselves in brutality and turbu- lence. Altogether an ignoble example of civilized man. Still another and, perhaps, the most important factor that has influenced adversely the civilization of the Indians is the great diversity of opinion among so-called Christians concerning religious beliefs. Up the the present time this fact has been too little regarded. North American Indians have a universal belief in a great benevo- lent Spirit whom they worship without pictorial representations. They make votive offerings to the sun and the moon in recognition of comforts and benefits bestowed. They try to appease the thunder by dancing, etc. They accept these beliefs universally; there is never the least hint of disputation among them concerning such matters. It is only in the matter of their origin that the tribes have different traditions. Now, how was it with the colonists? Every colony brought an- other belief, and yet all wished to be thought good Christians, each claiming to be even better than the others. Many of them were seeking a refuge from religious persecutions in their native country, yet showed themselves capable of the most frightful intolerance to- ward adherents of other beliefs in their new homeland. The most rigorous persecutors of all were the Puritan fathers, who drove out of their congregations everybody who did not agree with their view of things. Instead of Christians, manifesting their union at least as such, and taking the lead as sincere and loyal followers of Christ in their good example, the Indians saw Catholics and Lutherans, Protestants and Quakers, Jesuits and Puritans, all good Christians, striving against each other, oftentimes with rage. Could such behavior have an uplifting or formative influence? Which one was the Indian to join? How different it would have been if the Europeans, instead of coming as conquerors with fire and sword, had settled down as peaceful colonists and imparted the best of their civilization to the primitive inhabitants. Only people of a fickle nature are ready at any time to accept innovations and give up the old order, whether good or bad. The Indian is certainly not that sort. It must be considered not in the least astonishing, moreover, that he did not immediately imitate the accomplishments of his ene- mies, but adopted only what seemed especially useful to him in his own mode of life. What could those admirable individual missionaries like Roger Williams, Eliot, Marquette, the Moravians, and other good men have achieved if their assembled flocks had not been more secure than other Indians from the attacks and persecutions of the colonists? If the culture of the Indian did not give him a guarantee against the 362 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 cruel blows inflicted by colonial whites, which continued even into our modern era? What profit does the Indian derive from cultivat- ing his fields if, in the end, he is forced to give up the results of his labor, his seeds, and his harvest to the Americans? Is it not inevita- ble that hatred for such a nation, the inhabitants of which call them- selves the most enlightened people, but live and deal with others in a manner so contrary to their pronounced and much boasted teaching that well-founded doubts of the benefits to be had from such teaching should become fixed in the mind of the Indian ? Is it reasonable to require of the Indians, in spite of all these dis- advantageous conditions, an equal standard of cultivation in so short a time as his enemies possess? How long a time, for example, were the Germans in strife against Roman civilization? How many cen- turies did it require to bring them to their present high standard ? Furthermore, even at the present time, are all superstitions, all heathen customs nonexistent? Have the Germans not lost in energy since they are civilized ? If one wishes really to civilize the Indian, or at least to allow him to accomplish his own improvement, first of all let him have peace; let him not be continually driven from place to place out of his productive domain to the barren prairie; let him be treated as a human being, entitled to equal rights with the white race. He will then prove that he is capable of appropriating in time the highest degree of civilization, as soon as he judges it to be indispensable to his corporal and spiritual advantage. The Cherokee and Creek give proof of this even now. But, in defiance of treaties, in spite of their well-ordered government, their attention to agriculture and cattle breeding, notwithstanding their advance in schools and book lan- guage, they are continually forced back into the interior of the coun- try. The American republican is an aristocrat only skin deep and desires that the redskins enjoy the rights of man just as little as the negroes. After having supplanted the Indians and forced them, therefore, to depend for a livelihood upon hunting, the Americans revile them as savages, difficult to approach, and incapable. Does one not constantly tempt them from their ancient, often- times established domains with the bait of new hunting grounds? However, the Indian has not rejected everything that European civilization has offered him. On the contrary, he has quickly ap- propriated what he found to be profitable or agreeable, such as firearms, horses, knives, needles, steel, firestone, axes, cooking uten- sils of iron, woolen materials for clothing, glass beads, and fatal whisky. The teocallis have little resemblance to the pyramids, for they consist of several terraces with a temple at the summit. One finds them also in the region of the Mound Builders. One might just KuRz] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 363 as well say that pagodas or our own church towers derive their origin from the pyramids. Of all monuments known to me in the Old World, the one that most nearly resembles the teocalli is the tomb of Cyrus at Pasargadac. According to Prescott, Montezuma told Cortez that the Aztec had occupied that country only a few centuries. They conducted great affairs there and, after they had given laws to the country and gov- erned for a time, they disappeared into the region beyond the sun- set. Had Quetzalcoatl two names or is he here confused with Mexi, who led the Aztec to Anahuac? Quetzalcoatl was a mythi- cal Toltecan deity, to whom the great teocalli in Cholulu was dedicated. Inasmuch as the Aztec founded their system of astronomy upon movements of the same heavenly bodies it is not surprising to find many analogies with the same science among the Asiatic peoples. On the other hand, that like denominations be always found in their system of classification is hardly possible.* In addition to their widely varying interpretations of the Scrip- tures, another fault to be found with the missionaries, and one that makes a comprehension of the Christian faith more difficult for Indians, is their manner of presenting the subject with all the per- plexing details of the Old and New Testaments which, to be prop- erly understood requires a knowledge of history and geography. Insttad of teaching Christian ethics in its appealing simplicity they overwhelm the primitive mind with all the bewildering legends, prophesies, miracles, historical narratives both good and bad, with the result that the poor Indian cannot “see the woods for the trees.” But the inculcation of “Whatever you would that others do unto you, do ye also unto them” would be too simple, too quickly taught— an unprofitable business. Moreover, that teaching would be in open conflict with transactions of so-called Christians and would not ad- mit of diversities of opinion concerning dogma, the central truth to which so much more appertains. From our standpoint we may look down upon primitive peoples with disregard as much as we like, yet primitive man, nevertheless, made most important discoveries in comparison with which ours, though justly regarded of great worth, according to my view signify less. I will cite only fire and speech: The Heavenly Father did no more to assist primitive man to make fire or to learn how to express himself in speech than He helped us to invent the telegraph or the steamboat. Early man discovered fire for his physical comfort; also words, and later on writing, either by means of characters or pictorial representations. Certainly that denotes inherent gifts of 1See Prescott, Conquest of Mexico, vol. m1, p. 242. 364 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [BULL. 115 no low order. Furthermore, this applies to aborigines even in most remote lands. The discovery of fire and the uses to which it was put, the origin of words and formation of sentences is, from my point of view, an achievement so remarkable that all later inventions signify little in comparison, for without those elements our science and inventions would never have been possible. We are so accus- tomed to fire and speech, however, that we no longer concern our- selves about their origin and therefore regard the matter as of little significance. REMARKS CONCERNING MY LANGUAGE EXERCISES The writing of the Indian language presents serious difficulties. In the first place the Indians have no records in accordance with which they can fix the pronunciation of the words and, as usage in language just as any other usage is capable of change, one is often perplexed to find the correct letters for indeterminate sounds. Fur- thermore, one finds it difficult to make an Indian, from whom one gets the words, understand just what is wanted, for the reason, pri- marily, that one is limited to the sign language only and this is not always adequate for specific distinctions or detailed explanation. That one can be led astray also by educated traders who know per- fectly the speech of certain tribes, is proved by my linguistic experi- ments in the Mandan language, the results of which are often quite different from those obtained by Prince von Neu Wied, notwithstand- ing that the words proceed from the same mouth—that is to say, from Mr. Kipp’s. It seems that he must not have had the same ear for the sounds as I, for, though I dare not place myself in the same rank with a traveler so celebrated, so thorough, I may be allowed to assume that I have written down correctly these words of the Man- dan language—words I am required to repeat over and over again, all the time, to Mr. Kipp and his Mandan wife. He was most anxious not only to oblige his friend Mitchell, Indian agent at St. Louis, but also to be answerable, under his own name, to scholars. The differences that appear, therefore, in the results of our language texts must be adjudged by some competent third person. As I have not lived among the Mandan I have received my knowl- edge of their language from one and the same source; consequently, I should immediately concede that I am wrong if I had not found in. other languages better known to me just as many differences of opinion between Prince von Neu Wied and myself—discrepancies about which I am perfectly certain that I am right, because I have heard the words hundreds of times and have used them daily myself. Previously, when I began regularly to practice speaking the Sioux KURZ] JOURNAL OF RUDOLPH FRIEDERICH KURZ 365 dialect with Witthae, the men remonstrated with me for talking like a woman—that is to say, the pronunciation and manner of speak- ing among Indian women is not always the same as among the men. Like the former, I gave a softer sound to the consonants m,.K,. &. etc: Oftentimes I had difficulty also in learning the names of colors in the Indian language for the reason that those words are rarely used as adjectives but are appended usually to a substantive like earth, color, or even blanket, glass bead, etc. Moreover, when nam- ing parts of the body Indians use the word “my”; when naming other objects, the expression “it is.’ In such instances one can only get the precise expression by a nearer acquaintance with Indian usage and a more thorough study of their speech. In German one comes nearest to the sounds of the letters in Indian dialects, for our u, k, r, a, ch, sch, h, and ec constantly appear. From the French one finds the nasal sounds “an”, “on”, and especially “que.” For purposes of indicating sounds in the Indian language, English is of no service at all; one merely admits a great number of new letters to the alphabet. Only “th” can I make use of at all, and that for the purpose of being able to produce the sound “ts” with the tip of the tongue between the teeth. The sign ~ indicates a nasal sound; with the exception of “th” all letters of the alphabet and all syllables written in Latin script must be pronounced as in French. BIBLIOGRAPHY BUSHNELL, Davin I., Jz. Friedrich Kurz, Artist-Explorer. Smithson. Rept. for 1927, pp. 507-527, Washington, 1928. Denic, Epwin THOMPSON. Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri. Edited with Notes and Biographical Sketch by J. N. B. Hewitt. Forty-sixth Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn., pp. 375-628, Washington, 1930. Dorsry, J. OWEN. Omaha Sociology. Third Ann. Rept. Bur. Ethn., pp. 205-370, Washington, 1884. FLETCHER, ALICE C., and LA FLescHE, FRANcIS. Twenty-seventh Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn., pp. 15-654, Washington, 1911. HANDBOOK OF AMERICAN INDIANS NorTH OF Mexico. Bull. 30, Bur. Amer. Ethn., pts. 1-2, Washington, 1907-10. Lowin, Ropert H. Social Life of the Crow Indians. Anthrop. Papers Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. rx, pt. 2, New York, 1912. Notes on the Social Organization and Customs of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Crow Indians. Ibid., vol. xxz, pt. 1, 1917. MAXIMILIAN, PRINCE ALEXANDER PHILIP, DE WIED-NEUWIED, Reise in das innere Nord-America in den Jahren 1832 bis 1834. B. 1-11, Coblenz, 1839-1841. PowELL, JOHN WESLEY. Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mex- ico. Seventh Ann. Rept. Bur. Ethn., pp. 1-142, Washington, 1891. TRAVELS IN THE INTERIOR OF NorTH AMERICA. Translated from the German by H. Evans Lloyd, London, 1843. 366 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUEE EIN Ome Re IeAsTp Ee Upper left: July 23, 1851. Upper right: July 17, 1851. Her{antsa]. Lower left: July 4(?), 1851. Sioux. Lower right: July 13. 1851. Herantsa. Lower middle: August 17, 1851. Lower right: August 19, 1851. 1 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 2 Upper left: July 29, 1852. Upper right: December 4(?), 1856. Upper left: August 24, 1851. Lower middle: Powder magazine, Fort Berthold. August 19, 1851. a BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 3 Lower left: August 17, 1851. Upper left: February 26, 1852. Upper right: February 16, 1851. Lower left: January 27, 1852. Lower right: February 9, 1852. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 4 Swimming Across Papillon Creek at the Omaha Village. May 22, 1851. - - Ro “™ N : TS, SE age ae i Lower left: August 2, 1851. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 5 Lower right: July 15, 1851. [James] Kipp. Upper: June 2, 1851. Omaha. Bottom: Overflow of the Musquaiter. May 31, 185]. Council Bluffs. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 6 Top: Returning from the Dobies’ Ball. Bottom: Morgan. October 14, 1851. ee es Se or a per ge” pea tdact + amy SIE Mannagiga. Omaha. Front and profile views. May 23, 1851. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULEEERIN 115° PEAGE 7 Upper: October 6, 1851. Culbertson, Bourgeois of Fort Mackenzie. November 11, 1851. Ours Fou. Right of center: November 9, 1851. Domicila La Bombarde. Under carriole: November 27, 1851. Bottom: November 23(?), 1851. Center: Durham. October 30, 1851. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 8 MY AMMAN ails Aili, so eo ae 5 ty ris Upper: Mouth of the Big Platte. Nebraska. Niobrara. Middle: May 23, 1851. Bottom: ? Mus-lu-la; Wik-wi-la. Omaha, At horse's heel: August 1, 1851. At bottom: Herantsa (i. e., Gros Ventres). BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLCGCY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 9 Top: Cree. December 27, 1851. Bottom: Crow saddle. October 5, 1850. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 10 Middle; Crows. November 29, 1851. Crow women. January 7, 1852. Bottom: January 23, 1852. (Saddled pony.) Bottom: August 8, 1851. (Probably ring-and-spear game.) BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULCCERINGS Pe AiEs tit Bottom: Californians. Council Bluffs (in the distance). May 18, 1851. Bottom: August 26, 1851. (Rudolph Friederich Kurz?) BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY Ax ey ; Ray or Oe ee: > Pd der file» BULLETIN 115 PLATE Ny Vype le Top: August 9, 1851. Herantsa. Badger (a dog). Bottom: Cedar Island, N. I. fashion st. alte June 27, 1851. July 23, 1851. Bottom: August 31, 1850. Fashion (a horse). 12 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUEEEGING 115) PeAGE Ms Bottom: February 4, 1852. (Fort Union?). Ecttom: Queue Rouge. August 20, 1851. August 21, 1851(?). BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 14 Dee ee eh —— Upper: October 13, 1851. Bottom: August 17(?), 1851. Herantsa. Middle: August 23, 1851. { BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULEEETRIN His) PEARE TS Back of horseman: Glaice hair(?). Habits de Cheffre with Indian ornamentation. Bottom: Herantsa. August 1851. December 15, 1851. Left (margin): August 12, 1851. Bottom: lowa(?). Probably Chief White Cloud. December 19, 1850. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY PULLETIN 115 PLATE 16 Lower left: July 23, 1851. Lower right: August 2 or 4, 1851. (Woman with bullboat and paddle.) Pl mathe maws Pome, Upper center: August 29, 1851. Medicine Sacs. Queue Rouge. Téte Jaune. Under boat: Mackinaw boat. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUEEEGRING TS PEATE 7, At bottom: Fort Union. September 7, 185i Top: Fort Clarke. Arikara. Bottom: Young girls’ dance. July 13, 1851. BULLETIN 115 PLATE 18 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY Bottom: Omaha. Top: Guthumer, i. e., Belhumeur. ame 25 LO asta! Cree. December 6, 1851. Top BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUPEBRTIN HS: PEATE SIS Top right: July 8, 1851. Below Fort Clarke. Bottom: Horse guard of Fort Berthold. Left middle: September 14, 1851. Mr. Dennick’s (i. e., Mr. Denig’s). Foot of snowshoe: September 15, 1851. Between medals: September 24, 1851. Bottom: September 26, 1851. Saddled horses. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 20 Bottom: P.T. Sarpy. Belle Vue. May 16, 1851. ‘‘Trading house for the Omahaws.”’ Upper left: July 12, 1851. Mandan. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUEEEGIN] 115) (PEATE =21 : 1 . WE . Bottom: Potawatomi. May 21, 1851. Equipment for horseback riding. Bottom: Sauteurs visiting. August 4, 1851 (left). August 14, 1851 (right). BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUEEETIN iiss PEATE 22 Below: August 5, 1851. Herantsa (i. e., Gros Ventres). Ring and spears Top right: March 12, 1852. Bottom: February 15, 1852. Saddled Blackfeet pony. Lower right: October 12, 1852(?). Three breeds of dogs are shown. ee BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 23 Upper left: February 18, 1852. La Bombarde. Upper right: Herantsa cutting up a drowned bison. Lower center: Sauteurs (Chippewa) girl. At her right, July 27, 1851. Lower right: Herantsa woman. Bottom: Omaha. Halfbreed. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 24 Left center: Ulegible phrase. On shoulder of wpper figure: July 7, 1851. Under two figures: July 16, 1851. Lower center: July 16, 1851. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUEE ERIN iS PEAK E25; Under horsemen: August 6, 1851. Right, under figures: August 7, 1851. Bottom: Oto Indians with a boat. May 15 ,1851. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 26 Upper row: August 10,1851. Under second figure, Pierre Gareau. Between last two figures: August 13, 1851. Bottom: July 23, 1851. From Fort Berthold. Upper left: December 27, 1851. Crow bags (Indian). Bottom: Lowa. BUEEERIN 15) (REAGE 27 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY 7, 1851. gust Au ” Ange. “ASI Packet boat (James) Kipp. July 14, 1851. Mandan. Bottom: BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULEETIN: 115° (PEAGTESZs Upper row: July 16, 1851. (Le Serpent Noir.) Left: Female bighorn. January 27, 1852. Right: February 22, 1852. IBUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULEEERINGIIS» SPEAR EF2S Bottom: July 12, 1851. Herantsa (i. e., Gros Ventres). Upper left: Corbeau. August 7, 1851. Upper center: Herantsa (i. e., Gros Ventres). Bottom: July 14, 1851. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUEEETRIN 115) JeEAmESSsO Bottom center: Cree. July 23, 1851. Bottom center: July 22, 1851. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUEERIGING 1S PEAIGE Si Left: Long Hair. Squirrel skin. Center: July 1851. Herantsa (i. e., Gros Ventres). Right: July 12, 1851. Upper left: July 24, 1851. Bottom: Herantsa (i. e., Gros Ventres). July 23, 1851. Top, near woman's head: Cree. y Right: August 23, 1851. aiid ‘BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUEEERING HSS PEA Eas Bottom, left: Engagees. Bottom, center: August 28, 1851. Bottom: Trader. Top center: December 8, 1851. Ours Fou (i. e., Mad Bear). Rijht: Waaschamani, second Chief of the Omaha. June 9, 1851. Left bottom: Omaha. June 8, 1851. Wéikusche. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE Lower left: Herantsa mourning (shown by wearing stripes of white clay). Right center: July 17, 1851. ant I Top left: Under design, Assiniboin song. September 9, 1851. Bottom: Under figure of Mr. Kurz and horse, October 1850. 33 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 34 Upper left, below heads: Assiniboin. December 3, 1851. Upper center: Ours Fou. | Bottom: Cree. December 8, 1851. The drawing includes a modernized calumet. Upper right: Assiniboin. November 16, 1851. Under horseman: Charles Martin. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULEEERIN 115) PEATE 35 Under top house: Council Bluff. May 19, 1851. Bottom: In center, May 26, 1851. Extreme right: Mud lodge. Under standing figure: May 9, 1851. At bottom: May 10, 1841. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUELEERING HS PEATEs so Under horse: Sioux. May 25, 1851. Under barefoot man: Engagee. Under man with pipe: Trader. June 1851. Under moccasined man: Guyotte. Under last figure standing: Engagee Canadian. May 26, 1851. At right of man’s bust: Lambert. At back of woman’s bust: Herantsa. Under row of houses: Council Bluff. Right below house: Council Bluff. May 19, 1851. Bottom: Cree, or the Cree. July 28, 1851. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 37 Upper left: November 13, 1851. Lower left: (Ilegible). Bottom center: Fort Berthold. July 13, 1851. Bottom left: Young Elk, chief of Omaha. Bottom right: Omaha. May 5, 1851. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 38 Upper left, below faint outline: Tamegache, son of Washinga Saba, who is called the Young Elk(?) June 11, 1851. Upper right: Dakota squaws. June 24, 1851. Middle right: W. Picotte and squaw. Under two seated figures: Omaha. Left bottom: Captain La Barge of the ‘‘St. Ange.”’ July 7, 1851. Bottom center: Pére de Smet. Bottom: August 20, 1851. (Showing warrior with hafted stone tomahawk.) BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BUCEERIN 115" PEATE 39 Bellangé. (R. F. Kurz?) From Fort Berthold to Fort Union, September 7, 1851. Bottom: Omaha Village. May 20, 1851. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULEETIN 115 (PEATE 40 Upper busts: Left, [Charles] Morgan. September 13, 1851. 25, 1851. Right, Four Rivers, Absaroka. November BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 41 Bottom: August 16, 1851. Bottom right: Long Hair (i. e., La Longue Chevelure). August 15, 1851. > a ER z Z ee <= mee = : bees fOr Cy B ees May 19, 1851. Bottom: Crossing at Council Bluff. BUEEERIN iS) SPE AgiE a2 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY , 1851. Fort Pierre. Bottom: July 4 March 20, 1851. Jowa (Indians). Bottom: (Rudolph Friederich Kurz). BULLETIN 115 PLATE 43 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY October 10, 1851. Upper right: Bull and Badger (dogs). May 16, 1851. structure) . Bottom: Omaha lodge (interior BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 44 Bottom: Oto camp below mouth of Big Platte. May 13, 1851. Bottom: July 16, 1851. Two young braves returning with their first scalps; their faces, with the exception of their noses, which are painted white, are blackened, to indicate the making of a ‘“‘coup.”’ BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 45 sit ae th. GESTAITE s Center: July 22, 1851. Upper right: August 1, 1851. Lower left: G. V. July 12, 1851. (Gros Ventres?) Bottom: July 1, 1851. Below Fort Pierre. Garden Island. Bottom: Omaha Village. May 24, 1881. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE 46 Left center: Figure in attitude of mourning. Bottom of burial scaffold: July 28, 1851. August 30, 1851. Under horse: February 16, 1852. Under yoke: February 19, 1852. Right center: Sauteur (Chippewa). Methods of making network of cords. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 115 PLATE Lower center: Fort Berthold. August 3, 1351. 47 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY > BUEEFEMIN TiS PEAhEsa3 Absaroka (Crow). Probably Chief Rottentail. October 26, 1851. INDEX ABSAROKA: Page. also called Crows___---_-__ 142 O Sat LAGers= 2 2 bene et 214 Crows’ name for them- ENG Sie sk a 252 IMENGON OLL 222s och ees 295 peace pipe sacred among___ 183 superior buffalo robes of___ 250 visits of, at Fort Union____ 243 See also Crow INDIANS. ABSAROKA LANGUAGE, translation (CHET ODO KS} 0 ee Poe 250 ABSAROKA WOMAN, description Ciel Se ee ee ees eee 213 ACCIDENTS, custom concerning-. 207 ACOLHUAN, Civilization of___-_-_ 356 ADAM, discussion of the name__ 284 AGENTS OF FUR COMPANIES, duties DYE Sin sw ESE aS One 234-235 AGRICULTURE: among prairie Indians_____ 352 practice of, among _ In- ASAT Sete eee 287-288 ALTAR, SACRIFICIAL, description OVE SE Se AS SN 104-105 AMARANTH, STEAMER, voyage on_ 5 AMERICAN FuR-TRADING Com- PANY, Fort Union a post of___ 156 ANAHUAGC, culture of inhabitants ob. Ce ee ee ieee 857-358 ANIMALS: discussion of qualities of. 254-255 found near Fort Union, list (BPE a ie oe ie ee 329 mimicry of, by Indians____ 201 ANNUITIES, payment of, to In- UID SAI Ss ee 37 ANTELOPES : hunting of__ 161-162, 181, 185-186 question concerning horns ARIKARA? Page agriculture practiced by_.. 290 cholera, among 2222-25-42. $9, 106, 133, 167, 196, 221 classification of23 G2) S20 2s8 165 cleanliness4of22e 24s ie as 149 enemies of Assiniboin_--___ 179 expedition, againsts+—--—-=_+ 80 mention of bands of_______ 81 population ; of! 4 + ssh ose 165 Villacey of 222 a ee 72, 284 ARK, representation of, in Man- dan village 2222 2 2 105 Arrow, advantages of, in hunt- TH OV 2a See = Saat ea Se ars bo 176 ART American attitude toward__ 25 effect of fatigue on_-___- 137-188 ideals) 1 eee 90-92, 94-95, 128 Tim@sy Uns eet es oh 271-272 DUEpOse; Of ==. ae es 187-190 ARTISTS : Indian belief concerning__~ 76, 81, 116° misfortunes following visits fe eee 76 mistakes made by—-------- APATl preparation for work of___ 2 ASCHAWAGI (CHIEF SPOTTED Horse), portrait made of____ 65 ASSINIBOIN : advances made by, to Sioux_ 300 appointment of chief of__ 294-295 at Minnetaree village__---- TA attack on, by Blackfeet____ 320 band of, at Fort Union__.__ 187 characteristics of —-_------ 295 classifica tionw.ot= 22-2 a= 165 clothing .0f=22= 232 es 156 coatseworneby2— 36 Givisions iol 2 === 179, 311 enemies Of. ee = ee ene oe 179 368 INDEX Assiniporn—-Continued. Page | BEAUTY: Page SOMES OSS ae ee eee ee 148 author’s reflections on___ 157-159 LAZINESS 0 fees ee ee eed 302 in art, discussion of____ 272-273 IMCULLON, Oljso saa ess ee 81, | BEAVER: 114, 119, 170, 215, 225 aS f00d 262A 326 mourning customs of____ 214, 242 value of (peltsiof = 81 nomadic life of__-_______ 120-121 | BecKset, Docror, reference to__ 343 origin of name of_________ 142 | BELANTSE-ETEA, a name for the othersnamesnofes= = 143 HMidatsacs iso. 2s. ee 36 populahloniotess— === 165 | BeLHuMevR, mention of__ 308, 313, 324 return of war party of____ 80 | BELLANGE: Slain) by Blackfeet2_22—2 211 ambition) Ofes=— 2 81 strange disease among____- 237 departure of, for Fort treacherous use of peace Bertholds==-—-~-2 ess 22 Mipew byes wes ke 183 inconsistent actions of_____ 116 visits of, at Fort Union__.__ 243 reference: to=22.-24=-_2 eee 97, war of, with Herantsa_____ 196 105, 109, 110, 116, 119, 330, 331 warfare of, with Blackfeet_ 206 | BrLLE Vug, description of______ 60 ASSINIBOIN, STEAMER, reference BERTHOLD, mention of__________ 234 foyer oo Rs et Tes ited bie 65 | Brete, inconsistencies of____ 274-275 ATKINSON, GENERAL, mention of_ 19 | Bia Horn on Rocky MouNnTAIN AUDUBON : SHEEP, description of________ 299 Citedhte ty Shirts ees 247,299 | Bia Rozert, chief of Absaroka. 240 reference. tos. -—- + Se ae 3,65 | Bison: AZTECS: forest, characteristics 6f___ 331 civilization of---___- 355-856, 359 Sce also BUFFALOES. computation of time by___. 291 | Brack Birp: influence of, on Apache and Omaha chici= 22s ess eas 79 INavaholes: eee soe 304 removal of rival of________ 179 material culture of______ 356-357 | Black HAwK: mention of migrations of. 3863 mention Of.2. === 33 BACHMANN, cited--...-_---__ 247, 299 rights oe Vit ele 19 BACKWOODSMEN, customs of____ 6} Brack HAwkK War, discussion BADGER, AMERICAN, aS a pet____ 29 Of. 22 eee ee 18-19 BAND OF THE LEFT HANDED BLACKFEET: Curer, an Assiniboin band___ 179 Assiniboin attacked by___._ 320 BAND OF THE MAIDENS: Assiniboin slain by_---_- 211, 214 an Assiniboin band____---_- 179 attack /of,” on Creesooss=e= 128 See also GENS DES FILLES. enemies of Assiniboin____~ 179 BARNEBURG, BARON VON, mention horse) stealing of-222 2222" 254 (O1pn Nee I A eee Leen 65, 180 mention of___ 81, 119, 121, 295, 310 BATTISTE : metifs attacked by_----—--- 247 interpreter at Fort Union_ 203, name of, for themselves____ 303 204 population’ of. 2.2234 See 165 HCHION NOT 2 urea 331 story of tradentands=22==— 172 Bears: warfare of, with Assiniboin- 206 COLOTAR OTSA SIA BE 5M 118 | BLANKETS: grizzly, characteristics of... 255 coats*madetotes2=- sea 5} BEARSHEAD, WAR CHIEF: indication of quality of__-- 36 experiences! ofto--~1) Bela" 213 manner of wearing_----__- 35 mention of______ 251, 252, 253, 260 | Boats: BEAUCHAMP, mention of_______ 103 of eastern, tribes22o222 2-2 = 353 INDEX 369 Boats—Continued. Page Page of western tribes_________- $53. || BUNDEING, custom Of-=2 “282222 13 skin, theory concerning____ 100 | BurRIAts: BopMER, KARL: Assiniboing{2 2) sa 218-219 CVAGCE "Oly 2st eee mL eye 3 of Mandan warrior__--_~-- 75-76 MENG ON MOfssa a= 73, 180, 227 Of prairie tribess==- = = 353 mistake made by_------- 131, 162 Of pfonrest) tribes=se =a 353 BoNnEAv, mention of_-_-~—- 293, 313,324 | BuTTE DE MACKENZIE, naming Boox or Mormon, contents of_— ala OF sn Se: 2 RE ae oe oe 164 Borpwas No. 3, voyage on_------ 21-25 | CaADoTTE: BOURGEOIS, OR HEAD CLERK: brief deseription of222-2 22 206 GUIGIES TOR ee a = Fe ee ee 235 Hivenigovey Cie. 246, 278, DOS OM LO ie ee ee ee 123 308, 322, 323, 324, 325, 330, 331 Profits madeyby=s=-22——- === 235 unfaithful wife of____-__ 239-240 Boys: CAHOKIA: SLAIN Otek Ad 351 blockhousesi ons sean 840 See also CHILDREN; EXDUCA- mention of mounds of_____~ 341 TION. CAHOKIA RIVER, picturesque BRUYERE, mention of__________ 274, SCenery?) Of 2.26 Se aise 14-15 298, 310,311 | CALIFORNIA COAST TRIBES, place “BucK”, INDIAN: of, in human development____ 349 meaning of the term___-___- 237 origin of the name_________ 41 BuFFALo, N. Y., author’s experi- ONGOg) hp a 345-346 BUFFALO BULLS, old, fate of--__ 105 BUFFALO DANCH: a healing ceremony____--_~_ 66 Gescripuony Ofe=---—-—— 66 BUFFALO DUNG, use of, as a Chamero 257 BUFFALO HIDE, decorated, de- SCRIP MOMMOLe a ae oun none = 17 BUFFALO HUNT: description Of 2225 2=—- === 138-140, 145-146, 194-196 Packinaud injured in_____- 162 rules observed in__------_~- 85-85 use of enclosures for___-- 145-146 See also HUNTERS ; HUNTING. BUFFALO ROBES: manner of wearing__-----~ 35 Qualitya of2e- ee ee ae 260 value of, in trade______-_ 176, 245 WAIe) Value) Ofe ease 85 BUFFALO TONGUES, value of_-_ 242-243 BUFFALOES: association of birds with-_ 164 AEStesiohtVoOlL. 2-23 a= 4 habits oft su lees 118, 117-118 Indian life influenced by-_._ 350 See aiso BIson; BUFFALO HUNT; HUNTERS; HUNT- ING. CAmp, INDIAN, description of_ 226-227 CAMPBELL, ROBERT, mention of-_ 305 CAMPBELL AND PRIMEAU, trading POStHiOh Sys siee Saih AS 332 CANOE, WHITE STONE, reference 10}-S552 455. Se ere: eee 288 CARAFEL, VICE DE: adventure of, with the SHROUD. ¢ eases SP 2 160-161 Mentions of se 131, 194, 205 falesirelatedh by a= Ss 168 CARIBBEANS, origin of____-__--_ 156 CATLIN [GEORGE]: criticism of work of_------ 130 mention wof 2 22ts: eee 227 mistake made by_---_--_-~- 162 theories of2242= 2 a3 100, 285 CATTLE, treatment of, by back- WOOGSMeN > eee 6-7 CAVE, at source of Missouri TRV Cie es cee 270-271 CHAMPAGNE, BAPTISTE, mention Of 4 Rois Eee Pe eS 330 CHARACTER, discussion of devel- opment.of oes ese 158 CHEYENNE, mention of bands of_ 81 CHIEF : costume worn by————----=< 85 qualifications) of£222= ess 351 succession in office of___--- 353 CHILDREN, INDIAN: amusements) of 220s bs 88 Crow, privileges of__------ 370 INDEX CHILDREN, INDIAN—Continued. Page Page education. Of 2s. 2 s25ae8 179=180 | Corps, epidemic of2=- =e 81 illegitimate, murder of_--__ 208 | CoLLecTION, INDIAN, forced sale manner of carrying_------- 224 OPE). 5 eee 843 training of-25) 22=-22 175, 8351-352 | Commonittes, prices of, at Fort CHIPPEWA : Unione. 222 ee snp 229 population. of == 165 | Corn: reference to speech of_---- 186 Minnetaree surplus of__-_- 74 See also SAUTEURS. See also AGRICULTURE. CHIPPEWA LANGUAGE, words from. 202 | Goxnriexps, law protecting___—- 120 CxHoctaws, in New Orleans__-- 20 | Cour: CHOLERA : discussion: of=_-.—.. 22 142 at St. Joseph------------- 48 explanation J0f22-2=2 ees 15 carried in goods_---------- 97, 99 story connected with---. 170-171 discussion of cause of_---- 97 use of the word_____-_----- 32 epidemic of_-------------- 98, 99, | Courrsuip, of Indian girls____- 49-50 106, 133, 167, 196, 221 | Grey: Suna Siene or attack on, by Blackfeet-_ 128, 160 symptoms of-------------- 106 brief description of__--_-_- 153 GHoumeau,; Eamanuy Jie Clothing (of... ean ae 36, 156 mention of---------------~- 234 land claimed by+—=---—--— 228 portrait made of-----—-- 156, 159 objection of, to whisky_--_ 178 CHRISTIAN RELIGION, influence population of__------------ 165 of on? Indians2= 235 DOL’EATH Ohne as eens 141, 144 Slallvot im ishootinge 24) 2224 194 relations of, with employ- surprise planned for______- 121 Ges’ 22S See ere et 199-200 CUSTOMS: relations of, with the In- | RIT ere | oe ee a 75-76, 218-219 Gians: Shs a ~ 203-204 coneerning accidents___-_--~- 207 tales related by_--------- 133, 170 concerning mother-in-law__ 259 WAV OS) Oi ete eee 126, 1386 concerning prisoners__---~~ 143 work provided by_------ 121, 1383 ceihi cls lata) ae eae on 148 | Descoreaux, trader, reference Of TCOuUrtSHIp = =e 49-50 COR ae ea 66 Gh warfare. tech. 142-143 | De Smet, PERp: Ol WOT Me Series 8 Sv 175-176 MENTION OL eee eee 70, 77 See also BurRIAts; INFANTI- story concerning. _-2—=—_-_ 340 CIDE; MARRIAGE CUSTOMS ; tales related to, by Denig__ 1383 SMOKING ; WAR. Des Moines, reference to___---- 10 Daxora, fight of, with Herantsa_ 192 | Dogims, use of the word__------ 1388 DANCES: DoawyMErar. feast) ofs=s2s-2ss== 72 Bi wort, Wilonese2 se = 124 | Dogs: Buffalo, description of__--- 66 anecdotes about____-______ 233 costume of eunuchs at_---- 182 similarity of, to wolves_-___ 239 female solo, described__--- 42 treatment of_______-. 196-197, 250 Iowa, description of----_~-~ 41-42 use made of_______-_____ 239, 293 OF stachenny (ch) eee eee 80 DOLORES, JOE: Sun, practices, of..42--=--+ 106 MIGMHONNOL. Ao ute eden op 308, DAUPHEN, brief account of___ 206-207 311, 319, 326, 330 Davip: story concerning_-----_-___ 121 misfortunes | Of. = =a. 202 | Worn: wounded by Blackfeet-—~—- 247 murder committed by____-- 178 DECATUR, STEPHEN : : story concerning___-__-_-- 207 first Nebraska pioneer___-- 334 DORSON, TRADER: 7 meas t of_---------~----- 64, 66 arrival of, from Fort EER: e beauty of head of___----- 258-259 pee PE ROT aS he : re mention of___--- 104, 106, 107, 167 black-tailed, description of. 247 % ane z D'OTRENTE, CoMTE, reference to_ 65 Denie [Epwin T.]: : Bee concerning tae 215-216 DRAWING, Indian ideas Of2 EE: 301 ate 5 Ducks, WILD, varieties of, at author’s opinion of___------ 120 : Character Of. 222s oe 123 Fort shige betes gt Rnb Te 325 Bere ccrishies, ofa 99g | DUELING, author’s opinion of___ 87-88 complaints about ___-___--- 101 | DWeELiines: Griticism, OF... <2 PAL construction of__-_----__ OU dance given by_--------_-- 124 of New Mexico tribes_----- 354 exacting nature of______--- 258 of the Iowa__------------ 40-41 Bite Prom 2). eben ors 209 Of the Omahaea=s2 2. a= 62 kindness of, to author_____ 122 of the Pawnee_----------- 61 manuscript prepared by_--- 135 | Hate: mention 0f-2.<25-2-2 3 169, as emblem, discussion of._._ 133 185, 198, 213, 240, 248, 256, method of capturing__--_ 182-183 278, 317, 328, 329 EAGLE FEATHERS, value of_----- 182 opinion of, on love and mar- EARTH LODGES, Pawnee, mention TAO a ee 180 Of See oe ee peek 61 3tzZ INDEX Page , FLOODS: Page EARTHWORKS, use of, in an at- atSt-- Josephs ee 48 Gackt Spas se Se al ee 128 at the horse camp_-----_- 812, 314 EASTERN TRIBES: Indian losses due to__ 264, 268-269 Civilizationvof=-=-— 2s 359 onvthe Ohio2 222 ssa PAN See also Forest INDIANS. FONTANELLE, mention of ruins EDUCATION : OfShL east aes. Se eee 60, 61 disadvantages of, for In- FONTANELLE, SAGAN, mention of_ 64 Gians 22 BE 45-46 | FoNTANELLE, TECUMSEH: fitness of Indians for____ 287-288 accident; toe 65 Indian system of__._-___ 179-180 dance for curing injury of_ 66 ObjectssOfsesea= sea tas ok 291 | Forest INDIANS: ELAPHUS CANADENSIS, habitat of. 255 burial customs of 353 ELK: place of, in human develop- compared with stag_-------- 268 mentlls- 2226 ee 352 description of--..___--_- 253-254 See also EASTERN TRIBES. habiterofe.. S22 eka Ie 270 | Fort ALEXANDER, reference to__ 205, See also ELAPHUS CANADENSIS. 215, 235 ELK HORNS: Fort ARMSTRONG, reference to_- 16 SLOW UN OF eee ee 128 | Forr BENTON, mention of__---- 120, musesmaderofae sees 251 225, 235, 274 ELK’s TEETH, use and value of-. 80, | Fort BrrTHoLp: WO IN Nees ee en ee 86 ENGLISH, relations of, with the Indians sees 2 eee 359-860 ENVIRONMENT, effect of, on RACES See ee ee es 286 EPIDEMICS : as punishment for theft__-__ 215 attributed to artists_-_____- 215 Indian alarnviat— 22s 98 See also CHOLERA. EstoMAc DE CORBEAU, mention Ofte ee ee 196, 198, 199 Hunvucus, costume of, at dances 182 EvANS, Proressor, mention of_- 69 EXpLosIon, on the Providence__ 16-17 FACIAL PAINTING, Assiniboin_-__ 327- 328, 328-329 FAMILY LIFE, INDIAN: description of____------- 175-176 incident illustrating______- 294 See also CHILDREN; MAR- RIAGE CUSTOMS; MEN; Wo- MEN. Fans, eagle feather, carried by CHIC S eset = en eee ee eee 85 Frast, GLUTTON’S, description of. 166 FEerRYBoAT, method of propel- FIRE SsTEEL, importance and VUTEC MOL eee ere ee es arrival ate eee 73 ehurech-control of 84 epidemic at. {eee 167 Indiansvillage\ ate 73 mention of 235 stop at, on homeward jour- NCY = viene ere eee 330-331 Fort CLARKE: Arikara ‘atu. 2a 72 mention-0f2= S222 235, 300, 331 Fort HALL, mention of____----_ 235 Fort LARAMIE: adjournment of conference at. 2a en) oe 221 mention Of... 220, 235 Situation 0h 228 Fort LooKovur: mentionwoOfes 22222 ee 235 TUS Ole 332 Fort MEDICINE, mention of__—_- 76 Fort NEDEUNE, ruins of____-_--~ 332 Fort PIERRE: reference to________- 235, 304, 382 stop” ‘at.222 = eee (il Forr UNIon: arrival ates so eee ee 120 banishment of author to_-__ 107 climate™sicee ose 168 duties of employee at-_---- 223 fur company owning_---_-- 156 INDEX ate Fort Union—Continued. Page | GAMES—Continued. Page journey to, on horseback_ 107-120 plate, description of__-___~- 148 OCA tHONS Of ses Sk eee Sy 119 MEMTLO NI pO hah At 235 tribes represented at____ Fort VERMILION : abandonment of__--_---_~- 70 ACK “Ol a re 235 Fort WILLIAM: Cirerertyy@1] oye) Pe oe en ea 119 SNC Ol a= ee ee 248 Four BEARS, CHIEF: THE MOT Of nee = et ae 198 See also QUATRE OURS. Four Rivers, a Crow chief____- 243 FowLer, County CLERK, tavern |OTUUKE Oh es ea ee ee 54 Fox INDIANS: division of, into factions___ 19 VEST L020 = a 19 MENTION © O lesa Le 18 met with in St. Joseph_____ 30 reference to wars with____ 33 sketches made of__-_2--=__ 49 use made of, by English___- 33 See also MUSQUAKEE; SAUK AND Fox. Foxes: discussion of species of__ 185, 186 Crap PINRO Lass se oe 210 See also Cross-Fox. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN, opinion of, regarding nationalemblem_ 133 FREEMASONS, author’s opinion CONGCMINC S02 2 2 28 Be 301 FuR TRADE: articles bartered in_-____-- 234 GENLERS MOR nese ot Ee he 26 details of organization of 234-235 See also TRADERS; TRADING COMPANIBS; TRADING POSTS. FuRS: discussion of prices of___-_ 234 See also SKINS. GAGNON) mention Of 24-22. 106 GALmNA, description of_______--_ 18 GAMBLING, rules for____---_-__ 148 GAMES: description) of 22232 =.22— 147-148 guessing, with bullet-ball_ 200-201 Indian fondness for_---- 146-147 of Assiniboin women _-_--_- 263 poker, author’s opinion of. 299-300 stakes wagered on__--____ 148 stick, description of____-_- GAREAU, PIERRE: mention of____ 73, 96, 1038, 105, 303 MmIsconduehot=s=——— =e 84 put in charge of post-__--__ 79 GARION, marriage of daughter OLS ss sei 2 ee Se el 169-170 GAUCHER: Assiniboin chief___.__._-___- 179 removal of rival of__-_.--- 179 GENEROSITY, Indian attitude towards se 154 GENS DES FILLES: an Assiniboin band_---__ 294, 311 mentionvoL2==a ee 311 GENS DES RocHEs, mention of__ 193 Girts, Indian attitude concern- iN Gs sae ae eee ee ee 269 GIRL BAND: an Assiniboin band_-------~- 311 See also GENS DES FILLES. GIRLS: earlyamatouritysote =e. = 96 training Of = = eee 351-352 GLUTTON FEAST, description of__ 166 Gop RUSH, description of_ 46-48, 52-53 GoLpD SEEKERS, misfortunes of__- 47 Goop Topacco, death of woman Callede se re ee 214 GoosE, WILD, description of__--- 329 GRAND MANDAN, mention of-__-__ 165 GRAYHEAD: MENON Ole eee ae eee 260 Origin Of NAME) Ofs== == 262 “GREASER”’, origin and applica- Hionwok woewnamMes=s=—=s———=— 30 GREENE, GENERAL, Mormons de- Celveds DY 222-2 eee 11 GREETING, Indian _ etiquette Of 225 ae 115, 172-173 Gros VENTRES: a name for the Herantsa__- 81 a name for the Minnetaree_ 74 inappropriate name of_---- 81 mentiony Ofes = eee 109 Guts, of the Missouri River_-_ 331 HIAILSTORMS, welcomed by In- Giang) 2a eee 82 374 INDEX Harr: Page Page gray, among the Mandan___ 88 | Hopparp, CAPTAIN, mention of__ 4 Indian manner of wearing- 88 | Horse cAMP: HAIR DRESSING: object of transfer to______ 306 of the, Towa Sis series abe 38 Crip tO 10 TE 305 of the Sauk and Fox______ 39 | Horse sTEALine, followed by HALF-BREEDS : lynching, ~-<.-220 AND 68 battle of, with Sioux____ 191-192 | Horsrs: Chippewa, description of___ 190 author’s speculation in____ 55—59 Chippewa, hunting expedi- wild, chase and capture of_ 140-141 iON Of 22 — ee Seeee 191 | Hupson Bay Company, criti- HANNIBAL, STEAMER, trip on____ 20-21 cism: :0f2..2..--3 Eee eee Acie HAPPINESS, discussion of mean- HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON, rec- ng Of 22 == i Pee es Fars 151 oMmmendationyorss22= sees 2 FaArvVEY, bourgeois at Fort Wil- HUNTERS: VISES 60 NS a EE A 240 customs Of2 2. ee 309-310 HAWKINS, JIM, adventures of_ 101-102 duties-0f.22 oss ee ee 309 HAWTHORN, JIM: qualifications of=2-—- === 180-181 quanrel) swath= 222 ee. coe 252-253 rightsofs Oe ae 307-308 reference to__-_______ 231, 241, 269 | Hunrine: HEADDRESS : a community affair________ 174 chiefs value ofsos. 22 eee 129 devices used in__________ 141-142 feather value of 22-22-22 269 independent, difficulties of. 265 HEBREW ORIGIN OF INDIANS, dis- rules* Ofewe<2 4) a ee 174-175 cussion of__--.____ 284-287, 291-292 See also BUFFALO HUNT. HIERANTSA! HUNTING EXPEDITIONS, metifs’, a name for the Hidatsa____ 36, 80 account Of: = 2. =. See 191 agriculture practiced by__-__ 290 | IMMIGRANTS: and Yanktonai, warfare be- attitude of, toward mar- URSIN ct ga eh 184 Mages: aes ee 22 at war with Assiniboin___._. 179 return of, to Europe_____ 347-348 beauty of form of_________ 82 | ImMorTALITY, Indian conception billiard game of____--___~- 147 Of 2A a 151 cholera .among—==- Ss -== 196, 221 | INDEPENDENCE, a fur _ traders’ cleanliness 0te222 22-2 149 TENG e7zVOUS==22 sss => ee eee 26 clothing Obs a eaee ee 36, 80 | INDIANS: correct mame Of22222- 228 192 discussion of civilization description of chief of-____ 95-96 OE am ate ne nl 356-359 epidemic among___________ 107 discussion of mental de- fight of, with Dakota______ 192 Velopment, Ole aaa 349-350 mention of______ 109, 167, 225, 295 discussion of rights of___ 125~126 MNeTAhlOM. Ole see 106 STAC Of ea 3 ee eee 38 MUM DOT MOL a= =o eee eee 283 life among sao 22s 87 origin tradition of_______ 279-283 philosophy. Of ses == eee 352 peace pipe sacred among___ 183 physical characteristics of_ 39 relations of, with Mandan- 284 | INFANTICIDH, reasons for_______ 208 WALT ECS O Lae eee 184, 283 | INFIDELITY, among Indian wo- HERANTSA LANGUAGE: DO 5) Ye teppei kL 239-240 author’s instruction in-____ 81 | INSURANCE, dishonest collection translation of few words of. 250 OL Lae seers ree penne 838-339 HERMAPHRODITES, frequency of. 211 | INTERPRETERS, wages of_______ 286 HIDATSA: Iowa: MENON Olle seen en eee = 73 classification ote eee 39 See also HERANTSA, Clothing (Of. = a asst Sea 36 INDEX 375 IowA—Continued. Page | Lapor: Page CANCE ORES Se ae ot as Domes 41-42 division of, among Indians- 289 friendly nature of_________ 33 Indian attitude toward_-__ 227 SAMS OL. See al Pit 147 | La Bovugr, Frep, mention of —--- ral hairdressing offs. 22-2 ee! 38 | LACLEDE, STEAMER, travel on_--- 13-14 land) granted ito__ 23S) 83 | LACOMBE, FATHER CHARLES: met with in St. Joseph____ 30 PUTPOSE Of ea eh 84 mustoniunes | ofe sor eis 33-34 visit of, at Fort Berthold__ 82-83 physical characteristics of. 36,38 | LA FLECHE, JOSEPH, mention tattooing among_________ 173, 174 Of a le wohl ete ess 64, 66, 334 IOWA LANGUAGE, study of______ 43 | La FLECHE, Mary, mention of-_ 334 Iowa Point, brief description La FLescHE, FRANCIS, mention (Git— SE en aT ee Oe eae ok 60 Of atch _iek ne ee a 334 ISLE DE BONHOMME: LAFONTAINE, BATTISTE, mention brief description of________ 333 Ofizasa tee rab sie Sd ae oe 194 prospective trading post at_ 70 | LA GRANDE CHEVELURE: JAMESTOWN (JEINTOWN), aban- chief of the Herantsa___-_~- 95 GONMENt VOLS eas sips 53 deseription! of. = 95-96 JEWS: LA LONGUE CHEVELURE: theory of Indian descent a celebrated speaker__-_-- 85 TOM eee =~ ee aD 11 ceremonial costume of__--- 88 See also HEBREW ORIGIN OF mention of. === es eee 97 INDIANS. LA MAIN POQUE: KEOKUK, reference to town of_ 10 Assiniboin commanded by_- 320 Kerokuk, CHIEF, treaty made mention of222-- aes 328 [Oy ee 2 ee SI eee ee 18-19 | Lampert, story of vengeance KICKAPOO: Olsen Se SS 207-208 complaint Orit: against LAND, Indian rights to-___----- 288 VVC Semen eee yd Set ev 40 | LANDRY, disappointment caused country inhabited by__---- 26, 40 DY 22 3 ee ee 333 met with in St. Joseph_--- 380 | LANGUAGES: KinessorovucH, Lorp, theory of, Absaroka, words in_------_- 250 CL Cg os ee be ee 285 Assiniboin, words in_--_~ 197, 301 KGPLAND; Mention of2_4 4 24_ = 317 Chippewa, words in_-__-~ 202, 238 Kipp, Mr.: Herantsa, words in__----~ 197, 250 assistance of, in recording Indian, recording of_ 238, 364-365 Mandan language____-_- 364 Siouan, words) ine2=2==t-s= 238 eccentricities! of. -— == 103 various Indian, words in-___ 170 management of post by_-_- 78-79 | La PIERRE, ANTOINE: Mention (OLA! 73, 87, 97, 98, 99, adventure of, with deer. 317-318 100, 103, 104, 105, 123, 196, 303 attacked by Blackfeet--_ 247-249 KIRUTSCHE: MENLO Mu Oke =e a 25s, anelowal chiehs 20th 2 ent 40 278, 308, 322, 323, 324 mentioniof. 22 / ert. Maes ee 41 | La QuEUE ROUGE: KNIFE: Dav ery...0f-.—--- eae 102 Assimiboin’ chicks eas 183 MEN(dOMe Ola eee 106, 262 burial conducted by_---- 218-219 | L’ARMURE DE FER, mention of___ 193 story concerning_—-----~ 237-238 | LAws, AMERICAN : KNISTENAUX, population of____ 165 Criticismeofeoese=2 eee 12-13 LABERGE, CAPTAIN, mention of__ 7 criticism of application of_ 337-338 La BoMBARDE, mention of___--~ 250, CVasionnots® Se teaes 9 339-340 974, 278, 324 | L’Eavu qur Court, mention of___ 333 §1634—37 25 376 Lr Bonur Court QUEUB: death of, avenged by Sau- Page murder of, by Sioux__----- Le FouRBILLON, exploits of_____ 243 LEGGINS, tribes distinguished by_ 34 Le GRAS: mention Oftateee as ee, 267, 293 persistent begging of______ 268 LE Gros FRANCAIS, widow of___ 193 Lr Loup Court QUEUB, mention 100, 102, 196, 198 Le NeEz pD’Ours, mention of____ 196 LE TET® DE Bokur, mention of_ 115, 116 Le TETE DE Loup, mention of___ 115 Lr Tout Piqutk, ceremonial pres- entation tomete see or wate an 52 203 L’HoMME DE Norp, death of-___- 214 Lisa, MANUEL, story about_-__- 66-67 LODGE : Iowa, construction of__-__- 40-41 soldiers’, use of____________ 173 Loc cABIN, American, descrip- PLOT YO Pate bie bree cree co fede 6 Louis PHILIPPE: gift from, to Iowa chief____ 42 MENTION Zot ss s= See eee 40 L’Ours Fou. See Ours Fou. LYNCHING, as punishment for HOLSeMSte nine = sess ee 68 MACKENZIE, OWEN: adventure, of 202 odes ne 172 buffalo hunt with-___--~- 138-141 MENON Ofe he ete _ Hees, 122; 126, 222, 246, 298, 304 skill of, in shooting__-_____ 194 Map Berar, CHIEF: charmymade: foyes 22 5 As 294 DIAM SOF 4 a= eee hay 295 See also Ours Fou. Mapboco, reference to Welsh col- GUiVM Ole se. ee eh geen 100 MANDAN: cholera among____----_--~ 80, 221 MENON VOLS 3225 A Nee sees 196, 225 population, of =-—-*e -22ie 165 relations of, with MHer- PINGS aaa oA eee erates 284 Settlement jot. =— 34 syahags 72 Sin vboatspofsive ache oh 100 theory concerning origin of. 100 MANDAN LANGUAGE: authors study ‘of22 se 364-365 dictionary xOfes=2——- 222-2 = 17, 78 INDEX MANGEURS DE LARD: Page Canadian woodsmen, de- seribed 2). surest ae ee 30-31 origin of the name________ 123 MARRIAGE: immigrants’ attitude _ to- Wardiaessas . titled piri 22 Indian man’s attitude in___ 155 Indian woman’s attitude in_ 155 of author, to Indian girl___ 50-52 MARRIAGE CUSTOMS, AMERICAN, in the, Westess1sh. “hebrf — mae 22-23 MARRIAGE CUSTOMS, INDIAN: concerning elopements_____ 86 concerning infidelity_______ 96-97 concerning polygamy____ 143, 350 concerning son-in-law_____- 157 concerning wife’s sisters. 155-156 stories illustrating_______- 43-45, 169-170, 244-245 MARTIN, CHARLES: mention sof eee ate 63 story, told, by222. 2-2 ae 207 MARyYATT, CAPTAIN, theory of, Cite did 10.23 wet eee 285 MEAt, value of, in trade________ 216 MEDICINE BIRDS AND BEASTS, ta- boos! ;concernings 2-4 esee 182 MEDICIND DOLL, description of__ 315 MEN, INDIAN: occupations of______~ 176, 350, 353 speech of, different from WOMGN’ S32 ee 365 See also FAMILY LIFE; La- BOR; MARRIAGE CUSTOMS; SOLDIERS, METALS, use of, by Indians_____ 289 METIFS: attitude of, at Fort Union. 252 See also HALF-BREEDS. MEXICAN WAR: author’s opinion on__--___- 9 author’s plans affected by__ 4 recruiting for.=— == sae 9 MICHEL, ALFRED: acknowledgment to______-~- 10 mention Ofet 22:52 ees ree 15, 20 MIMICRY OF ANIMALS, Indian cleverness jimei2sie2o5—-2 4s = 201 MInpD, reference to paintings of. 273 MINNETAREE : description of village of__ 73,7 MENDON) Of. 2a ee eee 76 7 INDEX 377 Page Page MISCARRIAGES, self-induced___-~- 208 | NaAMeEs, custom concerning__---- 157 MISSIONARIES : NAUvvoo: obstacles encountered by--- 298 description of Mormon visit of, at Fort Berthold__ 82-83 temple \ ate ees 2ee ees 11-12 MISSISSIPPI RIVER: Mormon struggle at___-_--_ 10 Paps! Ofsat28 Soe eS 18 | Navano, dwellings of._-------- 354 VOVALe Upetee ne eS se 5-8, 15-18 | NecKLAckE, bear-claw, barter Missourt River, dangers in navi- Ie EN tae oh Ae ese 259 eM ONAO Pee a hs SS 27-28 | NEGROES: MITCHELL, COLONEL: Customs Ofe 2 ee 8 bourgeois at Fort Union---- 169 dance Of. AE Deh Rie ay 69 Crecicn) (of => 221 swimming stroke of____--__ 62 dictionary compiled for_--- 77 | Ne“~pRuM, bourgeois at Fort MoccasIN GAME, description of. 147 Mexander.-t see ee ee 205 MOCCASINS : Neu WIED, PRINCE VON: of the Omaha-_---~------- 64 Mandan language recorded Ct a Sic: 64 bya cee Dia ee 364. MONROE, PRESIDENT, opinion ex- mention of__________ 3, 65, 73, 130 pressed by------------------- 63 | New Mexico tribes, buildings MONTAGNARDS : te SO Re 353-354 descriptiony'0fs22— 22-5225 31 | New ORLEANS: use of the name_--------_- 31 reference to slave sales in_- 4 MorGaAn, mention of-_-_---__-_- 132, swamps near___----------- 1 205, 246, 278, 284, 293, 308, 305, New YEAR, custom observed at_ 256 306, 309, 310, 314, 317, 318, 323, | ne, p'Ours, elopement of wife 824, 330, 334 a Ph Sala Petias een eeu AOR Oe 86 MORMONS : NIAGARA FALLS, abandonment of characteristics of2222=--==- alt rtp ton coe eee 346 CUSTOMS Of Se ee ee 12 ‘i E 3 NvupIrTy : Sess of--- 10-11, 48, 63, 334 in art, discussion of_____-- 92-94 oe Rigs arimaaale ah Indian, discussion of______- 88-89 railroad planned by-——--—- fe Opp FELLows, author’s opinion temiplevio fits. . Ae 5 et 11-12 a Soe veettnce oo AOR, Ei 301 MOTHER-IN-LAW, custom concern- OFAN. mierition of 234 7: 35 ee 259 Osipwa. See SAUTEURS. eounD eet OLD PEOPLE, treatment accorded. 193 GivaliZavion. Ofssae eee 354 P discussion of identity of... 355 a : Movunps, antiquity of__-------- 100 hace ie Ee oki haiaiee ae oo ae MIStOEtUNeS Ors ee 66 application of the name____ 30 ‘ COsStuMehoOLoee Le ees 134 moccasins Ot ————_—_—-_--- a eG reference tos 25 os ee 298 description vofi.ss.4. 23223 30 Pim OR a 60 use made of the name_---- 125 ee ar we BELT 1 ae Be MovuRNING CUSTOMS: OMAHA VILLAGE, Visit jC ane 61 Wa ainipuinlel e808 214, 219, 242 Oratory, of the Indians__-_-—— 179 CSE petA Nh sich daly nana pe Lass 156 ORIGIN OF INDIANS, discussion GISGHSSion (Offeieeh set a: 157 of ---------------- 284-287, 291-292 MULHAUSEN, misfortune of_____ 385 | ORNAMENTATION, Indian fond- Murray, ENGLISH ENVOY, novel ness for__-_---------------- 351 spate ery Bite ese as ge te det 131 | OSWEGO, STEAMER, trip on_----~ 21 MUSQUAKEE, a synonym of OTo: MO KES Tee 2 SS ee 30 kindred of the Iowa__----- 39 378 INDEX Oto—Continued. Page | Prcorrr, W.: Page mentions ofl Lease Ci ae 30 advice of, ‘to author=-_- 2 65 trading, placesofs 22s s_ as 60 mention of. 70 Ours Fou: (2 (Doon appointed chief of Assini- POSts in charee vot =a 235 boiis 222 54 wae 220, 294 | PrcrocRAPH, on tree___________ 309 deathlotsoniol ase eees 214 | prara: grief displayed by_-------- 221 MOCCASINS (Ole eee 64 mention of______ 250, 257, 263, 293 trading post Obl Le eee 66 parting “with2. 2222-22252 311 | pipe: plans of--------_-_------- 300 ceremonial smoking of___ 203, 262 See also Map Buar. of peace, sanctity of-_----- 183 PACKINAUD: red sandstone, value of---_ 257 friendship of, with Herant- use of, in peace overtures__ 171 Sa 198 | Prats Gamm, description of___-- 148 injury of__------------- 162,209 | prarre PurcHasn, extent of-__ 33 mention of_-__--__- 168, 246,270 | porn, Pir, Denig reproached Stony wtoldaby=. 2 eee 192, 279 by ee 210 Pace, Captain, piety of------- 20,21 | porrrican PRACTICES, criticism PAINTING: Of. to a 10 author's plans 1 (0) ee eee 144 Pare illness attributed COs Re 218, 214 defeace of by Dec aaa 210 in oils, discussion of_____~_ 135 = ee ; : z GISCUSSION Ole =e 11 Indian belief concerning... 144 he A fe f. 155 See also Art; ARTISTS. DIACH CS: Of oases ae eae hd TeasoOn tO 22-2. 350 PAINTINGS, INDIAN, public indif- De ee an ee 71 FET OTC CuO Meera aie ue hires eek =. 273 Ae an a PALEsIEUx, MRr., hunting plans CS 2 Colt otha iemed a rine 264-265: Cialazaien affected by den- PALISADES, construction of__-__ 122 suey CiSsesa= ok a 289 Papin, Mr., posts under super- white, Indian ignorance of. 144 acleten ae dt 1 le pe lamer bre mea eg 935 | PorcuPINEs, damage wrought by- 72 PATHFINDER: PORTRAITS : Aasiniboin. Chietl. <<. 2o05. 183 Indian belief concerning— 95, Story, conceminge =. eas 183 98, 212 PATTNEAU, reference to_------ 121 See also ARTISTS; PAINTING. PAWNEE: POTAWATOMI : classification of__-_.---___ 165 clothing of = eae 36 Gontnime oOf2ecan abe ea te 61 met with in St. Joseph___- 30 dwellings Gite 222. 61 physical characteristics of_ 36 mention of school for___-—- 60 relations of, with the Eng- PeLtot, story concerning_____ 237-238 Ushe== =e eee 33 PERUVIANS, pastoral life of____- 286 removal of--> 23s es 33 PETRIFIED TREES, occurrence of__ 111 skill of, with bow and ar- Pra Rock, pictograph on__-__-_ 15-16 Lowes eit Ay oho 55 Prasa, reference to_------_____ 15 visit to settlement of_______ 37 PicorTEH, JOE: PRAIRIE FIRES: DeTeeMentaWal a= =e 256 danger of, exaggerated___-- 332 THEM PLO AO teeter eee 119 started. by Indians=e2sea22 331 126, 197, 213, 248, 263 | Prarrre INDIANS: misrepresentations of___-__ 234 burial customs" of. 2-2222_—2 353 portrait made of________- 127, 141 civilization Of.-===240"s 358-359 treachery attributed to__.__ 246 place of, in human develop- ViSIE toss Saleh ie. Fee 314-315 Metite2.2-).<042 250s 349 INDEX 379 Page Page PRAIRIQ TURNIP, mention of, as Rock Istanp City, mention of_- 16 FOO Chee ee ESN SAT 193 | Roor DiccErs: PREDESTINATION AND FREE WILL, eiyalhizationvots22 358 Giscussion Wofs. 2 pres 275-278 place of, in human develop- PRICES : Men hee Ls. EAS Se eee 349 of commodities in the West. 129 territory occupied by_----- 349 _ values measured by_------- 168 | RoTTENTAIL: PRIMEAU, HArvEY & Co., men- Absaroka chiet=22= = 211 LOMO LHe Of Sees ee ee eat 304 description» of} ==22===="= 211-212 PRISONERS: mention of__ 240, 242, 252, 264, 269 custom concerning__-__-___ 143 use made by, of painting___ 213 Sulevot,. by. Crows) 2222 114 | Roures oF TRAVEL, between St. PROVIDENCE, STHAMER, accident Louis and New York-__--- 348-344 tif {2 eS eee 16 | SappiEs, of the Crows-----.~--- 260 QUATRE OURS: St. ANGE, STEAMER: an Herantsa chief______ 85, 95-96 Menton "Ola = eee 86 MICHLLOMN RO tse ee Fe ee 221 Lip ONS 5.2 Se eee 69-73 See also Four Bears. St. JOSEPH: QUETZALCOATL : as a trading center____---- 26, 30 MentowoOfs__hss44 1 es Vs 365 brief description of_--_---- 29 al i) oe 307 growth and prospects of_-- 53 QuicHvA, pastoral life of_______ 286 real estate values in_---_-- 54 RACES OF MAN, discussion of ori- TEtUnN GOe ee ee: eee 335 SG) Ce 284-287 tribes frequenting------__- 30 RAILROAD : St. Louis: Tilinois’ attitude toward__- 54 a fur-trading center____--- 26 projected, to Palmyra______ 3 antiquities” tect) 2 er ees 26-27 Rains, trial of, for bigamy____ 12-13 celebration of founding of__ 10 RAPE, en masse, cases of_______ 166 opportunities for artist in-__ 89 RED WING, STEAMER, voyage on- 17-18 prospects’ ofeece= ees 53-94 REID, CAPTAIN MAYNE: TECUrN tO eee oe ee 335 cited on land rights_______ 288 trees of vicinity of___.---- 336 CEitsecism), Of. ..3.. 2d se ee 288 | Sam Fox, sHIP, voyage on__-_ 346-348 RELIGION : SAPSUCKER: Catholic, best suited to In- an Absaroka chief___----_- 184 USAT <2 EERE a 210 honor pHrid” tO2=——22- ee 256 Christian, reflections on____ 152 mMentiony Of ee 251 RELIGIOUS SERVICES, criticism of_ 54-55 EQCHiCS™ OL ee eee 184-185 RIwpie, SAM, homicidal act of. 336-337 | Sarpy, PETER A.: RicHTs oF INDIANS, discussion mention: of22 Sse) sae 64, 234 (7 eae A0DS eee eee Oe 125-126, 136-1387 trading house or 60 RIVER STEAMERS, payment of SaAvUK AND Fox: AR Ole ONE ot ee ce ilr¢ brief description of_------- 39 Rivers, Indian manner of cross- See also Fox INDIANS. BET ests 2 lin ei ctenel eI ae 167 | SAUTEURS: ROBERT CAMPBELL, STEAMER: Glothingvof2 eee ee 36, 156 arrival of, at Fort Berthold_ 86 tattooing among__-------_- 174 MENWOMAOf === sD 263 visit of, to Fort Berthold__ 84-85 Ropipoux, JOSEPH: SAVANNAH, reference to__------ 53 business ventures of__----- 54 | “Sawyers,” danger of____------ 28 death of son! oes ssa 68 | ScAFFOLD BURIAL, description of_ 75-76 Reference; tO. eee 29 | Scatp, BLACKFEET, gift of, to stories abouts Sees 67 AUtRO Rs ee ee 213-214 380 INDEX SCALPING: Page | SoLpIERS, INDIAN—Continued. Page CUStOMS, Of 22 See ae 350-351 family lifevofess. = Ser 175-176 of Cree woman _—- oe 160 qualities tion for =e 173 SCALPING PARTY, account of wel- recreationmof22.2_2*e2 see 175 COME ibO =e 5 ee ee 77 | Sone. See SinciIne; Wak SONG. SCANDLING, FATHER, misadven- SPANIARDS, relations of, with In- AIRC Withers ee ae ic 83 GANS ea 2 Set EAE eee 359 SOHEEGEE, DOSt Ob-2=5- ==) ase 333 | Sprcractes, Indian amazement ScHOOL, JoHNSON’S, for Indian Qtl Lae ke AO Se eae eS 197 [Kons eel ee aoe Pe 45 | Spirits, Indian belief in________ 161 SELKiIRK, Lorp, descendants of SpPoTTeD Horn: GOLOTRY) Obese ee ee a 190 Assiniboin chief______-____ 183 SERGEANT’S BLUFF, stop at_---- 70 Story, told) oftau" = sashes 183-184 SICKNESS, caused by artist’s STAGECOACH, travel by_-----_-~ 344-345 Sketchesssas2. 25 eee 95, 98, 212 | STEAMERS, RIVER: SIGN LANGUAGE, usefulness of__ 32 customs observed on_______ 2 SINEw, use of, for thread__-__~ 261 description, Of 2s eaees 7-8 SINGING: speed . of. —.- === ee eee 28 amMOne laditanse ase 224 travel byse2es. sah: Gaia 5, 7-8 See also War song. STIck GAME, description of_____ 148 SIOUX: SToIcisM oF INDIAN, discussion adventure with_____-----~ 160-161 Of ee WO on Co ae ae 154, 221 at war with Assiniboin_____ 179 | Suckers, application of the attacks of, on Minnetaree__ 74 names: ti Anieorantie ete Bee 10 Daaolke of). swith) shali- SUICIDE: HICCON S222 o eee 191-192 case of, among Assiniboin-_ 216 CIASSIICATIOR Of oe 165 discussion vof-f22)) ees 219-220 earthworks erected by----- 128 Indian attitude toward_---_ 219 MCNMHOM Gl. = > So. 81, 170, 295 of girl storyroiss to ee 143 Dipessmade, by <2. 52)... 257 | Sun Dance, practices of__-__-- 106 population Ole —= ee 115 | Surrer, SoLorHURN YON, men- pronunciation of the name 229 region occupied by_-------- SKETCHES, as cause of sick- NCGS) oS ee ee 95, 98 Skins, method of dressing_. 261-262 Stavery, Necro, discussion of. 231-232 SmirH, mention of___ 278, 306, 308, 326 SmirH, Jerr, story concerning-_ 196 SMITH, JOSEPH: mention of claim of_-----.~ all MUTGeM) Of] eee ek 13 SMOKING: ceremonial, with mourners. 209 etiquette of __-_--.-_-- 172-1738, 194 habits of, among Indians___ 1938 Swagse danger of:.-22 2-5-2: 2— 27-28 SNAKES, Indian attitude toward_ 86 SoclAL ORGANIZATION OF THE ITEC eo 8 To ene 182 SocIAL RELATIONS IN THE TRIBE. 352 SoLpIERS, INDIAN: Geseription jot 22-s--2.255 174 Guiles Of 224 oe eee 174 tion Of: 2h. tease ee eee 46 SWAN, AMERICAN, distinguishing characteristic of ____-.-=2-3= 325 SWIMMING: Indian fondness for_._---~ 149 Indian manner of__..----— 61-62 Swiss CoLony, obstacles to TOUNGING OFS" See ae 348 SWITZERLAND, prices in__----_-- 168 TABOOS : concerning names of bands. 182 concerning names of the Gad tn aie eh eae 157 medicine birds and beasts__ 182 mother-in-law_-------__- 157, 259 mother-in-law, story refer- TINS COLES ee a ho ee aly(at TALLAHASSEE, STEAMER, voyage OFM ee ee ee ob TAMEGACHE, portrait made of_- 65 TAMERLANE, STEAMER, voyage ON 5S ee 2 27-29 TANINI, sketch made of_------~- 66 INDEX 381 Page | TRAVOIS: Page TATTOOING, customs and mean- track ett: py 2S eee 109 THANE? «709 Cs Rab pie el ap 0 Ra ee 173-174 ISG y Oh e want te ae 146 TAYLOR, CAPT. ZACHARY: TREATY OF GHENT, lands al- MEMMONN Ofs= 22a ee 18 lotted by, to Potawatomi____~_ 33 reception of, in New TREATY OF HorsE SHOE CREEK, Ornleans*al vere ioe NS 20 NeLerencey COL a. ee eS 300 TECHIDINGUE, portrait made of_ 64 | TREATY, PROPOSED, criticism of__ 228 TECUMSEH, mention of_________ 33 | TRIBES, divisions and subdivi- TEHNEGECH, portrait made of__ 64 SLOTS HO ba ee ea eee 182 TEMPEST, STEAMER, travel on_ 10, 13-14 | VALETTE, mention of_____ 298, 313, 324 TENT DWELLINGS, construction VAN HOoOcKEN, FATHER: (Op Pee te ae eee ea oe eg ee 307 CUTTY OR( 0 Le teas Reman Re eR 7 TEOCALLIS, discussion of, as MENON sO fee ee ee 69 proof of Indian origin-_-__ 362-363 | Vapor BaTH, use of_____-__-__ 103-104 TETON Sioux: VENGEANCE, among Indians___ 148, 179 Mention OLS ess se 175 | VimANDRE, anecdote concern- trading placevoOr Sess s see 71 Ti Rie et ODN Mt pina EIDE 168-170 THEFT, among Indians________ 96,321 | VipnacEs: Time, Indian attitude toward__ 167 description of life in___-___ 350 Tosacco, Indian substitute for__ 194, size of, affected by nomadic 209, 243 Tip ceer as CA ees ee 350 Tourecs, culture of__ 355, 357-358, 359 TRADE, INDIAN: articles used in__-_~--- 86, 93, 234 VaAlwer Orme nty iss ss 216 TRADERS : CUSCOMISNOL= en ee 175 marriage of, with Indians__ 156 opposition of, to civilizing thes Unga ss aie, relations of, with Indians_ 171-172 rivalry between___------ 186, 216 tricks resorted to by------ 66-67 TRADING COMPANIES: competition between_ 234, 253, 304 headquarters) of 2222-2 == 134 influence of, on Indians.___ 360 TRADING POSTS: division of profits of--_--- 235 duties of clerk at--____-- 240-241 employeesn atse 2222 = see 123 hospitality: ates see= 263 legal decision regarding-.__ 230 life of employees at__---- 236-237 location’ of Sse 234 management of__------~- 123-124 organization of-2-—-----—_ 235-236 wages paid employees at_-__ 236 TRANSPORTATION, difficulties Oe ee RE hale ae aD ae ae 225-226 TRAPPERS, discussion of rights FA Pa AS ee OL le ee Ue Steen eps 125-126 VINES OF THE CAHOKIA FOREST__ 14-15 Von Basset, J. Sparr, reference LOW a so A See See sees 335 WAASCHAMANI, CHIEF, portrait IMAGO OL ee Pe ha eae 2 Eee 65 WA&AKUSCHE, portrait made of___ 64 IW-AMPUM.. US@: (Of 2 ese eee 251 WAR: Customs ole 165 importance of, in Indian Aah Geese: Se A Le 295, 350 object soughtin==]--_-==== 142 War sone, description of__---- 218 WAREAGLE, STEAMER, reference EO Ee 2s Sa SI RSS 20 Warriors. See Soxrprers, In- DIAN. WASCHINGA, reference to_------ §5 WATER, scarcity of, at Fort Ber- GhHOl dae ee Be Se RES 99 WEAVING OF THE INDIAN WOMEN- 14 WEtss, HERMANN, mention of___ 100 WELSH coLony, reference to____ 100 WHIPPOORWILL, cry of____------ 333 WHISKY TRADE: Denig’s opinion on__---~-~ 176-177 discussion of results of__ 176-177 WHITES: Indian opinion of__------ 154, 205 > influence of, on Indians__ 360-361 882 INDEX Page ) WomeEN, INDIAN—Continued. Page WIDMER, escort of Sutter’s wife_ 46 1AnOLLOL le a henege alas 350, 353 WIITHAE, daughter of lowa part taken by, in councils__ 184 ee 41 part taken by on buffalo WIVES : hurt +2228) ota ae 146 pregnant, attitude toward__ 208 reerea tion (of. f= aban 176 runaway, treatment of_____ 86, speech of, different from 155, 207, 223-224 hh ee eee 365 See also FAMILY LIFBH; See also FAMILY LIFE; WOMEN. WIVES. WOLVES: YANKTON Sroux, location of____ 76 COlOT (0f2 eee DID 213) |) ANIK-TORATS MDT SO Feat a aa Ee eae 182 and Herantsa, warfare be- TAGHCS: Of eee Ae see ee 298-299 TWeO@NE 22222 i el 184 trapping OF 2252-222 225 210 group of, description of__._. 175 WomMEN, AMERICAN, criticism of. 23-24 revenge planned by_--_--__~ 103 WoMEN, INDIAN: YELLOWSTONE RIVER: account of scalping of____ 77-78 claims concerning water of. 274 as burden bearers______-__ 719 flood ‘caused, by@-=2-=2=2"=— 264 Crow, privileges of________ 252 | YELLOWSTONE, STEAMER, refer- Customs) ofe= = 173, 175-176, 244, ence t02:as253iar sb ee ae 65 CIEE SSM 0 fs ae ge eae 84-85 | ZepHir, reference to___-__--_-- 103 ne Pe | 4 y ay i : u 1 8598 | vy ‘|