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GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. W.J. SPILLMAN, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. BRACKETT, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. Preters, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. Corsett, Horticulturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E,. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. J. E. ROCKWELL, Editor. JAMES E. JONES, Chief Clerk. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. ALBERT F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge. ERWIN F. SMITH, Pathologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Pathology. GEORGE T. Moore, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Physiology. HERBERT J. WEBBER, Physiologist in Charge pf Laboratory of Plant Breeding. WALTER T. SWINGLE, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Life History. NEWTON B. PIERCE, Pathologist iit Charge of Pacific Coast Laboratory. M. B. Waite, Pathologist in Charge of Investigations of Diseases of Orchard Fruits. MARK ALFRED CARLETON, Cercalist in Charge of Cereal Investigations. HERMANN VON SCHRENK, in Charge of Mississippi Valley Laboratory. bP. H. Rovers, Pathologist in Charge of Subtropical Laboratory. C. O. TOWNSEND, Pathologist in Charge of Sugar Beet Investigations. P. H. Dorsett,@ Pathologist. T. H. KEARNEY, Physiologist, Plant Breeding. CoRNELIUS L. SHEAR, Pathologist. WILLIAM A. ORTON, Pathologist. W. M. Scorr, Pathologist. JOSEPH S. CHAMBERLAIN,? Physiological Chemist, Cereal Investigations. Ernst A. Bessey, Pathologist. ; FLORA W. PATTERSON, Mycologist. as S CHARLES P. HARTLEY, Assistant in Physiology, Plant Breeding. KARL F. KELLERMAN, Assistant in Physiology. DEANE B. SWINGLE, Assistant in Pathology. ; Jesse B. Norton, Assistant in Physiology, Plant Breeding. ho $ pes O JAMES B.RORER, Assistant in Pathology. “ ‘ LLoyD S. TENNY, Assistant in Pathology. GEORGE G, HEDGCOCK, Assistant in Pathology. PERLEY SPAULDING, Scientific Assistant. P. J. O'GARA, Scientific Assistant, Plant Pathology. A. D. SHAMEL, Scientific Assistant, Plant Breeding. T. RALPH ROBINSON, Assistant in Physiology. FLORENCE Hepces, Scientific Assistant, Bacteriology. CHARLES J. BRAND, Assistantin Physiology, Plant Life History. HENRY A. MILLER, Scientific Assistant, Cereal Investigations. ERNEST B. Brown, Scientific Assistant, Plant Breeding. Lesiirt A. Firz, Scientific Assistant, Cereal Investigations. Leonarp L. Harter, Scientific Assistant, Plant Breeding. JOHN O. MERWIN, Scientific Assistant. W. W. Copsey, Tobacco Expert. JOHN VAN LEENHOFF, Jr., Expert. J. ArtTuur Le Cierc,e Physiological Chemist, Cereal Investigations. T. D. BeckwitnH, Expert, Plant Physiology. «Detailed to Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution. » Detailed to Bureau of Chemistry. ¢ Detailed from Bureau of Chemistry. 2 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BurREAU OF PuANntT INDUSTRY, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. C., May 31, 1905. Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith, and to recommend for publication as Bulletin No. 81 of the series of this Bureau, the accom- panying technical paper entitled ‘* Evolution of Cellular Structures.” This paper was prepared by Messrs. O. F. Cook and Walter T. Swingle, and has been submitted by the Pathologist and Physiologist with a view to its publication. The accompanying plate is necessary to a complete understanding of the text of this bulletin. Respectfully, B. T. GaLLoway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. Bisa, _ Cis PREPAC E. Ever since the epoch-making discovery of Charles Darwin there has been a steadily increasing influence of the theory of evolution on the scientific study and practical utilization of the plants and animals on which agriculture is based. The present paper marks a step in the further working out of the doctrine of descent, inasmuch as it embodies results of an association of the data won in two very different fields of investigation; one making the cell its object of study, the other occupied with the species. The results herewith presented open new views as to the nature of higher animals and plants which can not fail to stimulate research and which promise to have great economic significance in the determination of the actual and latent capacities of the organisms utilized by man. A. F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist. OFFICE OF VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS, Washington, D. C., May 8, 1905. Ot a > ’ »” : oe ' e CRE ENA S: ST aa ak ra SS a ae ge Se SM RMSNE ts. nl Peres se cepcet ia sastsaccesnece ded. od 29810—No. 81—05——2 ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE. Piare I. Diagram illustrating the network of descent, succession of genera- tions, alternating phases, and expansion of the fertilized egg TEXT FIGURES. Fic. 1. Diagram showing the different types of cell structures and their posi- tion in the life history of organisms =. <-.:-..<-.-1.2285 62 eee 2. Diagram showing the relative importance of the paragamic, apaylo- gamic, and haplogamic phases in the life history of various groups of organisms , 5 Page 26 18 a B. P. I.—161. V. P. P. 1.—135. EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. INTRODUCTION. The value of a new point of view lies in the fact that it permits new relations to be perceived. By means of the kinetic theory of evolution it has become possible to understand that organic development has been carried forward through gradual improvement of the methods of descent rather than by environmental causes. Instead of there being a law of heredity which tends to keep the individuals of a species uniform, or exactly alike, the tendency, especially among higher plants and animals, is to maintain, inside the species, a diversity of form and structure, most conspicuously manifested in the phenome- non of sex. This intraspecific diversity is neither accidental nor incidental, but of great physiological and evolutionary importance. The interweav- ing of distinct lines of descent is necessary to sustain the strength and vital efficiency of the individual organisms, and to continue the evo- lutionary progress by which the species adapts itself to changing environments or enters new ones. Interbreeding is as indispensable for the species as for the individual, or even more so, for seedless plants continue their individual existences after the coherence of the specific group has been lost. Normal and long-sustained evolutionary progress is not accomplished on single or narrow lines of descent, but is possible only for large companies of interbreeding individuals; that is to say, for species. It is thus no mere accident, but a fundamental necessity, which brings about the association of organic individuals into species and determines what might be called the specific constitution of living matter. Species are sexual phenomena; they have come where they are only through symbasis; that is, as groups of interbreeding individuals, traveling together along the evolutionary pathway. This interpretation of familiar biological facts is supplemented and confirmed by the study of the processes of cell conjugation, which are the means of symbasic interbreeding. Among simple organisms con- jugation is a periodical incident in the multiplication of equal and independent cells. Higher stages of organization were reached by the production within the same species of many kinds of cells and the building of these into large colonies or compound individuals. There was, however, a very early limit to the structures which could be 9 10 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. built of the primitive, simple type of cells, as illustrated by the fila- ment of the lower alga, the vegetative mycelium of the fungus, and the thallus of the liverwort. The plant series would have culminated, apparently, with the leafy axis of the moss if the basis of organiza- tion had not been changed from the primary or simple type of cells to the double or sexual type. In undifferentiated unicellular or equal-celled (isocytic) organisms the successive generations of cells may be thought of as joined into a network by an occasional conjugation. The cells at the knots of the network are, as we know, double, being formed from the association of two nuclei and the accompanying protoplasms. They are often strikingly different from the remainder of the cellular fabric of descent, and have been given special names, such as oospore, zy go- spore, and resting spore. In the first or lowest category of sexual organisms only one cell in each generation is double; there is only one large bead at each node of the genealogical network. (See Pl. L) A second type of organic structure was initiated when an organism attained the art of forming two or more of these double cells by divi- sion.” It is of such double cells that all the higher plants and animals are built. The new type of organization was not merely supplemen- tary to the old; it was a new biological invention, giving rise to a new category of vitality, which not only outstripped the old type of struc- tural organization, but even caused it to be abandoned and eliminated as a worse than useless impediment. Organisms which were farthest ahead on the primitive basis have fallen far behind since the new course of development was opened. In such groups as the liverworts, mosses, and ferns the diversity of the two types of organic structure is strikingly obvious, and has received extensive study for years past under the name of ‘‘ alterna- tion of generations.” Ample homologies have been found in the highest groups of plants to show that the so-called alteration of gen- erations was everywhere in ancestral condition, and that all have followed essentially the same history in having abandoned the simple type of cell for the double as the basis of structural development. “The terminology followed in this paper presupposes for convenience the exist- ence of the cellular type of organization common to most animals and plants. The conclusions here reached apply with equal force, however, to organisms such as the Infusoria among the protozoa, the Siphonocladiacese among the alge, and the Saprolegniales and Mucorales among the fungi, in all of which groups considera-. ble structural differentiation is attained without any division of the organism into cells, Such forms as Caulerpa and Acetabularia among the Siphonocladiaceze reach a considerable size and even show a well-marked differentiation into the analogue of stem and leaf, rhizome and root, without the enormously expanded thallus being divided up into cells at all, although very numerous nuclei arise by subdivision and are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. These nuclei could be double, in which case such plants would be directly homologous to the double-celled organisms described in the following pages. INTRODUCTION. ¥4 That these converging data pointed to something of fundamental evolutionary significance has been confidently believed since the publi- cation a decade ago of Strasburger’s epoch-making essay entitled ‘* The Periodic Reduction of the Number of the Chromosomes in the Life- History of Living Organisms,”* but a new evolutionary standpoint was required before the larger import of the facts could be perceived. The reduction of chromosomes is indeed a striking and unique phe- nomenon in the life history of organisms, and it naturally became the focus of interest in the rapidly developing science of cytology. A new point of view was the more necessary, however, because of an unfortunate choice of terms which has undoubtedly tended to prevent the perception of the true relations of the facts, as it now interferes with a correct description of them. We refer to the characterization of the higher, double-celled, spore-bearing ‘* generation” as ** asexual.” Appreciating the primitive character of such structures as the pro- thallus in ferns, Strasburger asserted that a new ‘‘asexual generation” had been intercalated into the life history of organisms. It is now perceived that for cytological purposes this is not the whole truth, and that for evolutionary purposes it is not true at all. The new ‘* veneration” was not merely intercalated into the /7fe history of the organism; it was intercalated into the sexual process. It is, therefore, not asexual, but sexual, and in a higher degree than the so-called sex- ual generation. The latter bears, it is true, the cells which conjugate, but the former is produced during the actual process of conjugation. Organic perfection has been attained, not through the development of an ‘‘asexual generation,” but by the lengthening out of the sexual process itself; not by abandoning or avoiding sexuality, but directly by means of it. Among the lower plants the single cell formed by conjugation accom- plishes in a brief space of time all the cytological processes which in the higher plants come between fertilization and chromosome reduc- tion. Sexual fusion is immediate and complete, and takes place during a brief period of interruption of the growth and subdivision of vegeta- tive cells. If the vegetative fern prothallus is to be termed sexual because it produces antheridia and archegonia, the sporophyte is sex- ual to the second degree, for it is built of conjugating cells, contain- ing, until synapsis and the subsequent reducing divisions, a double number of chromosomes, the parental chromatin elements being still unfused. However important chromosome reduction may be, it is, after all, only a corollary or sequel of the dowbling conjugation. It was not the reducing division, but the long postponement of the reduc- tion division, which permitted higher types of organisms to be developed by means of double, sexual cells. A special evolutionary significance was ascribed to the chromosome “Strasburger, Edward, Annals of Botany, 1894, 8: 281-316. 12 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. reduction because cytology was approached from the standpoint of the somatic tissues of the higher plants and animals. This current imter- pretation reverses, however, the historical course of events. The reducing division was not an expedient incidental to the adoption of a process of sexual reproduction by organisms previously sexless. /¢ was not the reduction to fewer chromosomes, but the retention of the double number, that constituted the important step in sexual reproduction and made possible the evolution of complex higher organisms. It is, therefore, not the reducing division, but the doubling conjugation, which should constitute the datum point or base line for tracing cyto- logical homologies. THE ELIMINATION OF THE SIMPLE-CELLED PHASE. Chromosome reduction brought about by synapsis, or the fusion of the chromatin elements, followed by two special nuclear divisions, is not, historically speaking, the beginning of the sexual process, but the end of it. Chromosome reduction stands in no special causal rela- tion to the subsequent conjugation. The number of cell generations formed between synapsis and conjugation differs greatly in the various natural groups, and merely shows how far the organism still adheres to its old simple-celled life history. Fecundation and synapsis,-as the beginning and the end of the sexual process, would seem to be directly comparable in all organisms which have developed a double-celled sexual phase, . From the physiological standpoint, it may be an advantage to dis- pense with the simple-celled phase and thus shorten the period between the chromosome reduction which marks the end of one conjugation and the cell fusion which begins another. Synapsis relieves organic fatigue by means of new nuclear configurations, and has been thought of as a stimulant of vital activity or energy of growth, the benefit of which can be secured for the new double-celled structure by very prompt conjugation, as occurs in all the higher plants and animals. This consideration would help to explain the organic inferiority of such a group as the ferns, which, although they have developed a double- celled phase, continue to waste the energy derived from synapsis on a worse than useless simple-celled structure. In all animals above protozoa this reduction of the simple-celled phase has gone so far as to result in its complete elimination, for the two peculiar nuclear divisions which occur in rapid succession imme- diately after synapsis constitute an essential part of chromatin reduc- tion. That these phenomena noted are indissociably connected stages in the process of chromosome reduction has been emphasized recently by Farmer and Moore,“ who propose the convenient term maiosis to «Farmer, J. B., and Moore, J. E. 8. On the Maiotie Phase (Reduction Divisions) in Animals and Plants, in Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, n. s., No, 192 (vol. 48, No. 4), Feb., 1905, pp. 489-557, pl. 34 ALTERNATION OF STRUCTURAL TYPES. 13 include synapsis and the subsequent heterotype and homotype nuclear divisions.“ ALTERNATION OF STRUCTURAL TYPES. ‘‘Alternation of generations” is an expression borrowed from zool- ogy; its application to the archegoniate plants has introduced endless complexities, and can be justified, after all, only by false analogies. Alternation of generations was discovered by Chamisso in a species of Salpa, a marine animal belonging to the Tunicates; but here, as well as in the traditional zoological example of the Aphides, or plant lice, the phenomena have entirely different evolutionary significance from the so-called antithetic alternation of generations in the archegoniate. Generations or individual life cycles of Salpa and of plant lice, which were originally alike, have become different, so that now partheno- genetic generations alternate with sexual generations. To make the archegoniate plants a parallel instance, it would be necessary to assume that what is now called the sporophyte was originally another thallus, or something that corresponded to one, which later on became modified into the sporophytic ‘‘ generation.” To state the case in this way may seem quite superfluous, since nobody has made such a suggestion. Strasburger and others have repeatedly declared that the so-called asexual generation had been intercalated—that is, added anew—and not substituted for something else. This, however, makes it only the more obvious that the sporophyte is a generation only in a very loose and inaccurate sense, and not because it corresponds to or takes the place of any other generation. The simple fact is that, instead of form- ing merely one oospore as the result of fertilization, the archegoniates have come to form a whole sporophyte or double-celled structure by the multiplication and progressive sterilization of potentially sporoge- nous tissue, as Bower has shown.? Bower’s generalization is, however, only a half truth, since the sterili- zation, or, better, the arrest of spore formation of some of the cells, is conditioned on the possibility of continued subdivision and growth of the fertilized egg, and this can cccur only when there is a definite «To recognize, however, as Farmer and Moore do, these two cell generations as a distinct ‘‘maiotic phase’’ in the life history of Metaphyta and Metazoa does not seem warranted, since chromosome reduction is apparently a mechanical necessity resulting from sexual conjugation and is consequently brought about in a practically identical manner in all symbasic organisms, from the lowest to the highest. Maiosis is rather a connecting link at the node in the network of descent than a distinct phase subject to expansion or contraction as organisms mount in the scale of evolu- tionary progress. On the other hand it isclear that the two peculiar cell generations occurring during maiosis can not properly be classed with the double-celled phase that usually precedes or with the simple-celled phase that usually follows, but con- stitute a transition stage marking the end of one generation and the beginning of another. b Bower, F. O. A Theory of the Strobilus in Archegoniate Piants. Annals of Botany, 8:343-365. 1894. 14 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. postponement of some stage of sexual fusion, for if the final stage is once reached and the chromatin fuses, no further growth is possible, and a new generation is inaugurated automatically. When sexual fusion is immediate and complete, i. e., when nuclear fusion follows close on cell conjugation and is in turn at once succeeded by chromatic fusion, no development of the oospore can occur; it simply breaks up into four spores. Such was once the fate of the eges of all organisms, and such is still their fate in the lower plants. All development of the fertilized egg other than a simple splitting into four spores is due to an arrest of the process of sexual fusion which permits its expansion into a mass of double cells, such as constitute the bodies of higher animals and plants.“ It is, however, clear that the effect of such an arrest in the process of sexual conjugation and consequent intercala- tion of a double-celled phase in the life history of the organism is to lengthen the life cycle; it lessens the number of generations instead of making more of them. Notwithstanding half a century of endeavor, botanists and zoolo- gists have not yet found in the higher animals any definite homologue of the so-called antithetic alternation of generations discovered by Hofmeister? in the archegoniate plants. The whole idea of alternat- ing generations must, however, be abandoned and emphasis placed instead on the expansion of the oospore or fecundated egg into a double-celled phase that comes to occupy a larger and larger part of the life cycle as organisms mount higher in the scale of evolutionary progress. It then becomes evident that in higher animals (Metazoa) the expansion of this phase has gone so far that the simple-celled stage has been completely suppressed, and in consequence their life history is as free from alternating phases as that of the lower plants, though for a very different reason. The lower groups show no expansion of the fertilized egg. The higher animals consist of nothing else.¢ «1t is clear that the expansion of the fertilized egg could occur in siphonaceous algze and fungi without any cross walls forming between the nuclei as they arise by subdivision. The mature thallus of an Acetabularia is obviously the enormously expanded syngamete and may or may not contain double nuclei. On the other hand, the Infusoria may be found to consist of one double cell, the successive cell genera- tions not adhering to form a tissue. » Hofmeister, W., Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Keimung, Entfaltung und Fruchtbildung héherer Kryptogamen und der Samenbildung der Coniferen. Leip- zig. 1851. ¢This fact is obscured, but not negated, by the splitting up during chromosome reduction of the egg and sperm mother cells of animals into four gametes, which are simple cells, but which are no longer capable of further development unless they conjugate. As previously noted (p. 13, footnote a), these two cell generations occur- ring during chromosome reduction constitute a transition stage between the old and the new generations and can not properly be classed with the simple-celled phase. The occurrence of alternating phases in the life history of an organism indicates that it is in an unstable evolutionary condition, sinee it has not yet attained the SEXUALITY A MECHANISM OF EVOLUTION. 15 That there are two unicellular stages in the life history of an organism should not be allowed to introduce any confusing technicalities. For genealogical purposes the spore is quite as much the descendant of the antherozoid and the egg cell as it would be if the other tissues of the sporophyte had not been intercalated. From chromosome reduction to chromosome reduction, from spore to spore, or from egg to egg is one generation, and not two. The prothallus is no more mysterious than any other piece of ancient history. The ferns were originally liverworts, the capsules of which had the good fortune to get roots into the ground and keep on growing, but they have not yet learned to dispense with their first vain attempt at building a structure on a simple-celled basis. SEXUALITY A MECHANISM OF EVOLUTION. Stress has also been laid upon this supposed alternation of ‘* sexual” and ‘‘asexual” generations in the belief that a clew was here to be gained regarding the nature of sex and of attendant ‘‘ mechanisms of heredity.” But since only one generation is really involved instead of two, and since the phase of existence which has been termed asexual is in reality the more strongly sexual, it is not surprising that these expectations have not been realized. Sexuality facilitates interbreed- ing and makes it the more effective by distributing new variations throughout the species; it is, in short, a mechanism of diversification and of evolution, a fundamental and universal fact which stands squarely in the way of the alleged law of heredity under which organisms would breed true and be exactly alike. This notion of a uniform and unchang- ing heredity,” or of any natural tendency to such a condition of organic most effective type of organization. The persistence of a clearly two-phased condi- tion in the vascular cryptogams and of a reduced alternation of phases, even in the highest algze and flowering plants, is a proof of the extreme slowness of the evolu- tionary progress of the plant kingdom. Animals seem to have passed through the diphase period of their existence before the dawn of geologic history, and appear in the oldest fossil-bearing strata, not only as completely double-celled organisms but nighly differentiated ones at that. Not only are there no traces of the two-phased progenitors which must have gone before the lowest known fossil organisms, but up to now zoologists have not realized the need of postulating such forms at all, and have been content to derive the higher animals from merely simpler but always com- pletely double-celled ancestors, which, of course, are not primitive. It seems not imprebable that the completely double-celled condition has been reached inde- pendently by different groups of higher animals, just as it has been approximated, though not attained, by the Fucaceze and the phanerogams among plants. The animal kingdom does not contain, so far as is now known, a single species that shows alternating phases in its life history; it has no counterparts of all that wealth of forms which in the plant kingdom bridge the interval from the protophytes to the flowering plants. a “The modifications introduced into palingenesis by kenogenesis are vitiations, strange, meaningless additions to the original, true course of evolution.’’—Haeckel, Evolution of Man, vol. 11, p. 460, note 9. 16 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. stagnation, can well be relegated to the limbo of hypotheses which have not proved useful. Heredity is not a mechanism or a force; it is merely another name for the property of organic continuity or sue- cession. ‘There is no more heredity in an organism at one stage of its life history than at another. Sexual and other diversities inside specific lines are not useless morphological complexities or mere failures in the execution of a fundamental plan of complete uniformity. Diversity, interbreeding, and evolution are physiological factors of the highest importance in maintaining vital efficiency. Morphologically speaking, sexuality is a specialization of the inter- nal diversity of the species, and among plants, at least, it has been attained independently in a large number of unrelated natural groups. There are grades of sexual differentiation just as there are of organic structures. Moss plants and fern prothalli may be sexually differen- tiated and the differentiation may occur farther back in the spore itself, or even in the sporophyte or double-celled phase, as in the flowering plants and the higher animals. Thus in the same species there may be two sexualities, one in the simple-celled stage and another in the double, and these may have no homology or causal con- nection, except as they both serve the same purpose of promoting more efficient symbasis. Indeed, the sexuality of the highest types of organization is not merely double, but threefold; the individual has sex, as a whole; the double cells of which the body is composed are a part of a sexual process, and the simple cells which it produces for the initiation of a new generation are sexually differentiated. TWO TYPES OF DOUBLE-CELLED STRUCTURES. That organisms are everywhere associated in species is not because of some undiscovered principle or mechanism of heredity; it is simply because the interweaving of the lines of individual descent is being maintained, without which the specific association would be dissolved into indefinite radial divergence and degeneration, as among the varie- ties of bananas and other plants long propagated from cuttings. Many explanations have been conjectured for the supposed absence of sexual reproduction among the higher groups of fungi. From the standpoint of a symbasic evolution, however, it becomes evident that the exist- ence of true, coherent species among these fungi is a sufficient evidence of interbreeding, and hence of sexuality. There is in many groups a deficiency of specialized sexual organs, but these are rendered unneces- sary by abundant opportunities for direct conjugation among the mycelial filaments. That the cells of the more complex reproductive tissues of the higher fungi are known to have two nuclei, while in the younger mycelium TWO TYPES OF DOUBLE-CELLED STRUCTURES. 17 there is only one, might also have been accepted as proving that con- jugation had taken place. This does not mean, of course, that cross- fertilization is indispensable for spore production among the fungi, but their habits of growth certainly give many opportunities for con- jugations between mycelia of different descent, by which the existence of compact and well-defined species can be maintained, although the peculiar structure of fungous tissues permits extreme variability of the size and external form of the fruiting bodies. In structural complexity, size, longevity, and other measures of organic efficiency the binucleate fungi have an intermediate position in the plant series. Their wide distribution and extensive differen- tiation into species, families, and orders are evidences of ample oppor- tunities in time and environment, so that it is not unfair to explain their evolutionary limitations by reference to their peculiar type of organic structure. Sexual reproduction is accomplished through conjugation or fusion of cells, a process which may be divided into three stages: (1) Plas- mapsis, the fusion of the cytoplasm or unspecialized protoplasm; (2) karyapsis,* the fusion of the nuclei or nuclear protoplasm; (3) synapsis, the fusion of the chromatin. The binucleate cells of the fungi may be said to have passed the stage of plasmapsis, but kary- apsis, or true fecundation, like that of the higher plants and animals, has not taken place. For the form of sexuality which produces the binucleate cell struc- tures of the higher fungi the name apaylogamy is proposed, in allusion to the fact that the two nuclei have not yet associated. The higher stage, where the nuclei fuse but the chromosomes remain apart, may be called paragamy, which implies that the union is still incomplete, but that a more intimate relation has been established. These two double-celled conditions may be further contrasted with haplogamy, the primitive method of undeferred combination of the sexual cells, nuclei, and chromatin. To the ‘‘asexual generation,” which is not asexual and not a gener- ation, the term paragamic phase may be applied among the higher plants and animals, the tissues of which are composed of cells with a @The etymology of these terms will be obvious to all students of biology, plasma and karyon being the familiar Greek renderings of protoplasm and nucleus, respec- tively. The other element, ais, signifies a binding or tying together and also a mesh or network, a meaning especially appropriate in view of the reticular struc- ture of living matter. The series might be completed more logically by using the distinctive word mitapsis as a substitute for synapsis, which in its etymology is scarcely more than a Greek equivalent for the general term conjugation. Mitapsis is derived from siros, a thread, and alludes to the threadlike condition assumed by the chromatin during the process of chromatic fusion. 18 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. double number of chromosomes. The binucleate structures of the fungi may be referred to as the apaylogamic phase. ‘The so-ealled ‘sexual generation” may be called the Aaplogamic phase in both cases. These new terms might not be necessary if words were used for descriptive pur- . poses only, but in the present instance they have general implications too im- portant to be disre- garded. Haplogamice structures are built between synapsis and plasmapsis, apaylogamic be - PLASMAPSIS tween plasmapsis Fic. 1.—Diagram showing the different types of cell structures and gnd karyapsis, par- their position in the life history of organisms. : PARAGAMIC PHASE KARYAPSIS SYNAPSIS HAPLOGAMIC PHASE APAYLOGAMIC PHASE. agamic between karyapsis and synapsis. Between the three critical points of cyto- logical activity there are three intervals, in which the organism can pause to gain additional size or numbers by vegetative division of cells. The relations between the cell structures and the nuclear processes are illustrated by the accompanying diagram (fig. 1). No organisms have, however, LOWER GROUPS Peete HIGHER FUNGI 4 MOSSES structures built in / all the three phases. The relative impor- tance of each phase Vv Y in the life histories sic Iain of the different pene FLOWERING PLANTS natural groups can ‘ ities P also be illustrated bysimplediagrams, as shown in figure 2. The relative im- | portance of the dif- Fig. Pe showing the eee importance of Be ferent phases inthe apaylogamic, and haplogamie phases in the life history of various life historv of the groups of organisms, various groups of organisms can be represented in another way, as is shown on Plate I. The diagrams on this plate show in addition a network of descent in its simplest form, composed of successive generations linked together at the first stage of conjugation. The generations themselves are seen to be composed of alternating TWO TYPES OF DOUBLE-CELLED STRUCTURES. 19 simple and double celled phases in organisms of intermediate evolu- tionary rank, and finally the double-celled phase is shown to be an expansion of the fertilized egg, which constitutes an increasingly large part of the life history as organisms mount higher in the scale of evolutionary progress. It is thus easy to understand why the two types of double-celled structures have very unequal possibilities of organization. Two nuclei are evidently better than one, but their association is too slight, appar- ently, to gain much of the vital stimulus consequent upon the more effective method of conjugation followed by the higher plants, where the chromosomes of two fused nuclei lie in juxtaposition in the new nucleus. The higher organisms haye not merely double cells, but, what seems to be vastly more important, compound nuclei, a more advanced and energized stage of the sexual process, which enables them to maintain for exceedingly long periods of time the power of growth and subdivision.¢ The intercalation of the double-celled structure does not change the order of nuclear events in cross-fertilization, but it may be said to change fundamentally their chronological and physiological relations. The true historical sequence of conjugation is plasmapsis, karyapsis, and synapsis, but the apparent and practical sequence in the higher plants and animals becomes synapsis, plasmapsis, and karyapsis, the synapsis which ends one conjugation being followed closely by the plasmapsis which begins another. The suspension of nuclear changes for vegetative growth no longer occurs between synapsis and plas- mapsis, but between karyapsis and synapsis, the double-celled, para- gamic structure being built, as already stated, on a new and highly sexual plane, that is, out of cells in a state of prolonged sexual union. If, as may be supposed, the benefit of synapsis lies in the making of new associations of the ancestral chromatin elements, it is obvious that the bringing of two such newly energized nuclei together would pro- duce a condition which, for want of other words, might be called a multiple vital tension. The double-celled type of structure involves, therefore, not merely a transfer of emphasis to a new part of the life- eycle, but a new and improved sexual process, which raises the bio- logical equation to a higher power. From this standpoint it is obvi- ous that the morphological diversities of sex have a fundamentally important and truly physiological function in building up and main- taining the efficiency of the complex organization of the higher plants and animals. It is as illogical to ascribe the internal diversity of aAs noted before, some organisms, such as Caulerpa and Acetabularia, show a con- siderable degree of evolutionary progress, and have not as a matter of fact attained the cellular type of organization at all; they may, however, be found to have double nuclei and to be very striking examples of the expansion of the fertilized egg. 20 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. species to external environmental causes as to arbitrary mechanisms of heredity. The extent to which the static concept of a normally unchanging heredity has obscured evolutionary thought and investigation could not be better shown, perhaps, than by the fact that, notwithstanding the great multiplicity of terms which have been proposed for all the imagined kinds of variations, no name has been suggested for this nor- mal and necessary intraspecific diversity. The deficiency may be made good by the use of the word heterzsm for the whole group of phenomena, ranging from mere individual diversity to the highest specializations of heterism, exemplified by sexes, castes, and polymorphic conditions. It is true that the members of a species look alike when compared with those of other species, and there may be no harm in ascribing this likeness to heredity, but there is nothing to show that this heredity of general resemblance has anything to do with evolution except as an incidental result. Evolution does not take place between species, but inside of them; it is not an znterspecific phenomenon, but 7ntraspecific. Its principal factors are heterism and symbasis, not heredity and enyi- ronment, as believed by the selectionists, nor heredity and segrega- tion, as supposed by the mutationists. HEREDITY IN RETICULAR DESCENT. The greater efficiency of the double nuclei is, however, only one more evidence of the importance of sex as a means of diversity and of bringing diverse protoplasms together. The nuclear network of chromatin which controls the activities of the cell corresponds to the network of descent through which the cell has come into existence. Symbasis, or diversity of descent with normal interbreeding, is the foundation of the strength and vitality of the organism, because it increases the efficiency of the nuclei of the component cells. Inbreeding or defective fertilization, on the other hand, would cause nuclear deterioration, as so strikingly shown by Maupas in the so-called senile degeneration of ciliate Infusoria induced by keeping them too long without cross-fertilization. This phenomenon is, indeed, closely parallel to senile degeneration, but there is, nevertheless, an important difference. In true senile degeneration the vigor of the cells is declin- ing because of the absence or long postponement of conjugation. In monobasic degeneration, conjugation may take place, but is not effective because of insufficient diversity of descent. _Monobasis is the antithesis “of symbasis; it means descent without cross-fertilization, on single or very narrow lines. The inevitable result is degeneration, with a rapidity proportional to the closeness of the inbreeding and the com- plexity of the organisms. This intimate relation between organic descent and organic structure enables us to understand the phenomena of organic succession without HEREDITY IN RETICULAR DESCENT. 21 resorting to abstract principles or to hypothetical mechanisms of hered- ity. The network of descent is, as it were, a map showing the alternative routes of the developing organism, and permitting normally any combi- nation of ancestral characters, as may well result from the endlessly varying arrangements into which the ancestral chromatin elements may fall at the time of synapsis or chromatic fusion. Twins developed from the same ovum would have the same arrangement of chromatin, which accords with their close similarity of form, but otherwise there is unlimited diversity, even among the simultaneous offspring of the same parents. It would seem, therefore, that instead of a mechanism of heredity inside the reproductive cells there is an automatic device for insuring diversity. The higher the organization the more com- plex the descent, and the greater the variety of nuclear configurations and the resulting individual diversity. Nevertheless, inheritance is not governed merely by chance, nor limited even to the infinity of nuclear networks to be made by the combinations possible among the ancestral chromatin elements. With the greater vitality of interbred organisms is associated also a stronger heredity or prepotency of the wild or more broadly symbasic types when such are crossed with inbred domesticated varieties. New varia- tions, too, appear to have the same effect as diversity of descent in lending greater vigor and prepotency. Even mutations, or degener- ative variations induced by inbreeding, are prepotent on their own plane of symbasis—that is, when crossed only with their own inbred relatives—though they are promptly obliterated or ‘* swamped” when brought into contact with the broadly symbasic wild type, the prepotency of the diverse descent being far greater than that attach- ing to the inbred variation. It is the prepotency of variations which renders evolution truly kinetic; for the methods of organic descent are such as to bring about a spontaneous change of type. The envi- ronment often influences the direction of this vital motion, but is in no proper sense an actuating cause. “ Cells are the units of organization, but species, as groups of inter- breeding individuals, are the units of evolution. The causes of evolu- tion are not revealed by hypothetical subdivisions of cells into char- acter units or determinate elements, but by ascertaining the methods of descent through which interbreeding maintains organic strength and evolutionary progress. Cells divide themselves, as we know, into other cells, and species into other species, but it is only as cells and as species that their vital, organic, evolutionary activities are accom- plished. /ndividuals vary and mutate, but only species evolve. To classify the various stages and functions of organisms under general and abstract terms may be desirable, but for evolutionary purposes it @Cook, O. F. Natural Selection in Kinetic Evolution, Science, n. s., 19:549. 1904. 22 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. is the network of descent which represents the concrete, significant fact, and it is this which can be resolved, if necessary, into its compo- nent lines, polygons, or nodes, to furnish units for the calculation of quantitative effects of inheritance, as in Galton’s Law of Ancestral Resemblances and Filial Regression, under conditions of normal sym- basic descent, or in Mendel’s Laws of Disjunction, in hybrids of abnormally inbred varieties. The recognition of the double character of the cells of the higher plants and animals permits many other phenomena of inheritance to be understood, though it seems to take us farther than ever from the hope of a merely mechanical explanation of the nature of heredity itself. If conjugation were concluded immediately, the well-known phenom- ena of sterile hybrids would be impossible, the sterility which puts an end to their existence being due, as now known, to the failure to perform synapsis or chromatin fusion. On the other hand, it may be that crosses between narrowly inbred varieties sometimes have the power of passing by the period of synapsis without a true fusion of the parental chromatin, perhaps in a manner corresponding to that in which Thalictrum produces seeds parthenogenetically, by avoiding chromosome reduction. The germ-cells might have a preponderance of chromatin from one parent or the other, or might even be quite unmixed, as claimed for Mendelian hybrids. It is obvious, however, that to explain Mendelism in this manner is to admit the essential abnormality of the phenomenon. SUMMARY. It has been held self-evident that there can be nothing in evolution except heredity and environment, and it was a simple deduction from such an aphorism that differences must all be due to environment, since ‘heredity would, if nothing interfered, keep the descendants perfectly true to the physical characters of their progenitors.” Such heredity, however, is a pure figment of the scientific imagination; it is a hypothesis which lends us no aid in understanding the facts of organic succession. A stereotyped heredity could make nothing new; the interbreeding of diverse individuals and the prepotency of new variations are the constructive factors, not heredity and environment. Symbasis is the method, interbreeding the means, and sexuality the mechanism whereby organic evolution has been accomplished; these are the concrete and efticient causes of the vital motion of species. The association of organisms into species of similar individuals is not brought about by a predetermining hereditary mechanism, but by symbasic interbreeding. The highest organization has not been attained in ‘‘asexual generations,” but in structures completely and essentially sexual, built wholly of conjugating cells. There has been —-——-—- SUMMARY. 23 no evolution away from sexuality. Long-continued violations of the law of symbasis bring only degeneration. This interpretation of evolutionary facts opens the way to an ade- quate physiological explanation of the significance of sex, and affords also a working theory of the chief cytological complications that have arisen as a consequence of sex—complications that have hitherto rendered obscure the nature of the cell-bodies of higher animals and plants. The external diversity of organic nature and the internal diversity of cells and of reproductive processes take on new and unexpected significance. Both are shown to be consequences of sexual specializa- tion, without which no evolutionary advance beyond simple-cell colo- nies has been possible. More than this, gradations in the perfections of the higher double-celled structure are correlated with definite stages of evolutionary progress, so that from the structure of an organism its kind of sexuality can be deduced. Evolution becomes, in the new view, a physiological rather than a morphological process, since the methods of descent affect the quality and efficiency of the organism even more promptly and fundamentally than they do its external form. “6 al ~ © >? pie - g ad asi ’ ~~ See Ta el ’ ™e bat : Ris tee “el os * — + iy of ata < 3) Sac s * =" “9 : ; LS ei - t “31.2 Ie 3 : Z ’ P ek ‘ ‘7 apes ow te SS 5 ~~ > » ; = 4-757 5 <8 7 ae 8 i 4 F = ; , a ~- ’ - . : A ) “4 , chee Fok & % < , ° «* “ Tse a) bere = P= ' . * e } ‘ — £ me ae yom =< ee nae »- ad > r : eee) “PS ede s oo Aes 2a Semi tes iy Ghee Srl apie. REA es RS om 4 “ f . * . 7 rs —- : See re = {iti awhile f ; it ta ae i Gl 29 Coe a ee ee = 4) ry? EXPLANATION OF PLATE. The cireles (©), eights (8), and thetas (©) represent in each case the nucleus or nuclei belonging to a cell, and the succession of cell generations is shown by a string of nuclei either simple, in pairs (apaylogamic double cells), or fused (para- gamic double cells). The half circles (A ©) and quadrants (9 B ) represent the two cell generations formed during chromosome reduction. The brackets [ ] represent a cell at the period or periods when the organism is reduced to a unicellular condi- tion. All the signs for nuclei could be supposed to be inclosed by a cell wall, which has been omitted for the sake of clearness. For the same reason only the cell lineage leading directly up to the formation of the gametes has been shown, and no account has been taken of the enormous multiplication of cells which occurs not only to build up the bodies of animals and plants but also to form many gametes. Only a few of the numerous cell generations which make up the organisms in question are shown. EXPLANATION OF SIGNS. Plasmapsis—fusion of the cytoplasm, or unspecialized protoplasm. Karyapsis—fusion of the nuclei, or nuclear protoplasm. Synapsis—fusion of the chromatin elements. p K sho Heterotypic and homotypie divisions following synapsis. Nuclei of haplogamic phase—structures composed of simple cells haying O000 nuclei and chromatin elements completely fused. 9999 Nuclei of apaylogamic phase—structures composed of double cells, each having two unfused nuclei. Nuclei of paragamic phase—structures composed of double cells having SITS) single nuclei containing unfused chromosomes. [ ] Cell, at periods where the organism is reduced to a single cell. £ d The expanded egg. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. Fic. 1.—Lower organism, such as Sphzeroplea, having only simple-celled (haplo- gamic) tissues. The fertilized egg undergoes no development beyond merely splitting up into four spores when it germinates. Fia. 2.—Higher fungus, such as Agaricus or Puccinia, showing alternation of simple- celled and double-celled phases, the latter apaylogamic, i. e., with two unfused parental nuclei in each cell. The fertilized egg has expanded into a mass of apay- logamic tissue. Fic. 3.—Moss, showing alternation of a long simple-celled and a short double-celled phase, the latter paragamic, i. e., with parental nuclei fused but with their chro- mosomes still distinct and unfused. The fertilized egg has expanded slightly into a mass of paragamic tissue. - Fic. 4.—Fern, showing alternating phases as in moss (figure 3), but with a short simple-celled phase and a long double-celled phase, the paragamic phase haying developed at the expense of the haplogamic. The fertilized egg has expanded very much into a mass of paragamic tissue. Fic. 5.—Flowering plant (phanerogam), showing alternation of a very short simple- celled phase with a yery long double-celled phase, the paragamie phase having developed greatly at the expense of the haplogamic. The egg mother-cell develops only one cell (macrospore). The fertilized egg expands into a large mass of para- gamic tissue in which the greatly reduced haplogamic phase develops in a semipara- sitic manner, it having no free existence. Fic. 6.—Higher animal, having only double-celled tissues, the haplogamie phase having been completely suppressed by the greatly expanded paragamic phase. The egg mother-cell develops only one egg. The fertilized egg has expanded into a large mass of tissue. O 26 * a _—_—— PLATE I. fF Tey oF FIG.L— LOWER ORGANISM. ee|8) FIG.2. HIGHER FUNGUS. FIG.3.-MOSS. oP pioceocososesosoe(s 75, 2 apneeeso C2268 6289048 ‘oes “piscscccocscsccsoisfl i: nlocosqsacqsecoeocoosososocsoe(s}— 20, ‘jpjocooosoosecocosoocsocosossorisie 0, oa ISESEESESSSSESESESSSSEESCEOSOI|S aa “x FIG. 5-FLOWERING PLANT. a *» prloseeeoeesoeoeososesesssesesess oe plococecececosesococcosssscssoce[sie ~ ‘pulecoocoosesoceeeseeecessesossse Px oe neseeoseceeoooeoceseoessscesooe om ( “preceocescoooosssooesosoeseseee9 SF 5 Oe ae Se es oh, FIG.6-HIGHER ANIMAL. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE NETWORK OF DESCENT, SUCCESSION OF GENERATIONS, ALTERNATING PHASES, AND EXPANSION OF THE FERTILIZED EGG. £- ‘ a * “a . — a . ‘ a = ye 3 : . es a + a awed GaoaA™. ~ ae oe : PLATE I. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 5 “) .8 Bu ‘VUSVI1V 40 dv nny wh} gy Le YOM INS ° ] _ oN . f Al SEL 4 oll 02l o82l oct o9EI oS). 091 o¥91 =. 91 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 82. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. GRASS LANDS. OP THE SOUTIE ALASKA COAST BY C. V. PIPER, AGROSTOLOGIST IN CHARGE OF FoRAGE PLANT INTRODUCTION. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. IssuED AuGusr 22, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. £5.05. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. ALBERT T°. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge. Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS. FREDERICK VY. CoviLLe, Botanist in Charge. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. W. J. SPILLMAN, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. Prerers, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. ©. Corpetr, Horticulturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. BE. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. J. E. RocKWELL, Editor. JAMES E. JONES, Chief Clerk. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF, W. J. SPILLMAN, Agriculturist in Charge. A. 8S. Hirescock, Systematic Agrostologist in Charge of Herbarium. C. V. Preer, Agrostologist in Charge of Forage Plant Introduction. DAviIp GRIFFITHS, Assistant Agrostologist in Charge of Range and Cactus Investigations. C. R. BALL, Assistant Agrostologist in Charge of Work on Arlington Farm. S. M. Tracy, Special Agent in Charge of Gulf Coast Investigations. ID. A. Bropig, Assistant Agrostologist in Charge of Cooperative Work. HARMON BENTON, Assistant Agriculturist. I’. L. Ricker, Assistant in Herbariwn. J. M. WestGate, Assistant in Charge of Alfalfa and Clover Investigations. Byron Hunter, Assistant in Charge of Pacific Coast Investigations, R. A. Oakey, Assistant in Domestication of Wild Grasses. C. W. WARBURTON, Assistant in Fodder Plant and Millet Investigations. M. A. Crossy, Assistant in Southern Forage Plant Investigations, J. S. Corron, Assistant in Range Investigations. HaRoLp T. NIELSEN, Epwarp J..Troy, LyMAN E, Carrier, Leroy C. WILson, LAWRENCE G. Dopar, Assistants in Agronomy. AGNES CHASE, Agrostological Artist. 2 ‘oN LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DeparTMENT or AGRICULTURE, Bureau or Piant INpustry, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. C., May 19, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a paper entitled * Grass Lands of the South Alaska Coast,” and to recommend that it be pub- lished as Bulletin No. 82 of the series of this Bureau. This paper was prepared by Mr. C. V. Piper, Agrostologist in Charge of Introduction of Grasses and Forage Plants, Grass and Forage Plant Investigations, and has been submitted by the Agrostol- ogist with a view to publication. ; The four plates accompanying the paper are necessary to a proper understanding of the text. Respectfully, B. T. GatLoway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wiison, Secretary of Agriculture. PREP AGE. Since the discovery of gold in Alaska in 1897 continuous calls for information concerning the agricultural possibilities of the Alaska Peninsula have come to the Department of Agriculture. Much valu- able information on this topic has been secured by the Office of Ex- periment Stations largely through the Alaska experiment stations at Sitka, Kenai, and Copper Center in charge of Prof. C. C. George- son, but as the work of these experiment stations was necessarily largely local in character, and as it was highly desirable to study con- ditions in sections remote from the stations, the Office of Experiment Stations requested the Bureau of Plant Industry to send some one to explore as large an area of the Alaskan country as might be feasible. Accordingly Prof. C. V. Piper, of the Office of Grass and Forage Plant Investigations, was detailed to make this exploration under the joint auspices of the Office of Experiment Stations and the Bureau of Plant Industry. The summer of 1904 was spent in this work. The area explored is shown in black on the map constituting Plate I. Many interesting facts relating to agricultural possibilities in the region covered were recorded, and Professor Piper discusses them in the following pages in detail. For further information concerning the results of this exploration the reader is referred to the Annual Report of the Office of Experi- ment Stations for the year 1904. W. J. Spruuman, Agrostologist. Orrice or Grass AND Forace PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, Washington, D. C., April 14, 1905. 5 “\ CONTENTS. eRe erreas ie Ge mes ae Le. SP coe So ee a upmumneneron the prass lands. <=. 2 Po a ee oe eI Fira ie en Sosa ee. Se ee ene Alaska Peninsula and adjacent islands_______-_ Pull ic ees ee eke eee Unalaska and the neighboring islands ___._______-_____________._.__- 8 UB GEL DSIS TTC ERS 2 he NS a ence oe Ns co The Yakutat plains - Se SE re he SIN ge OR Important factors relating to the agricultural value of the grass Jands. ao The abundance and permanence of native fodder plants. =» = -- _§_- Seererepperrtst Sian. oe fehl fo 8 EE a at oe i Sea TEES Chl Tins CEE ee ce Pa Rae peer ie Re eS A Ee Rene IBinomrass. jo 822. tee BS LEY ek Reise sb ova tne men os Coen Paver topo. = 22s Soe: Bot ne Oa ee sap A rage ha oR Nea LS SUERTE OAS GE 102 ae ca ie Se a ae ee hee Rene naar ey ie Rae Ses Se a ee te ee 0 OUST Erne Re Soe a SES ar eee ee ane ee ee a OTE EET ot Pa ey ae: a A ee Hood. value of native Alaskan grasses... 2 2.2 eek SirlnncaleuLOn al CTODS ee a2 tee oe ae oe Es ee palace alone as a ration for milch cows __-..-.--..-----.-.-- -.2-.-2: : masks Oxperionce in stock raising... 2. =.2.-_---. --4..--2-) ese (BIG S: 2 SS Se Pa eigen, Sart eke eed, 5 St” Cg em Re ee SAE, co ks Bete epee Se ae ene Say oe See ee ee ees MHOC PMS UATOTY. 8r-f. hee Wu AG Re eae Ry ge ee RN ees ee DRE ne oy Shae. eS =e OT SCD ES Be eine NEL SY Oe ea Populawou and available markets (2. <--22-- 252-4. -. 52+: -4--2--2-5-- Bre oiicranostransporiatlon 222 9222 )aa22 7S pepe oS) ee SL Desirability. of south.Alaska asa home =... 2-22 = 2) 22 2 OTS AIRE es Se 2 ie OR aie > ee ee See ee SRO NST ALT OPO Ni Cops he 2 SE eas a i PA At ee Re ee eee LS) Sasa ee Se PEE 6 EIN agi Sag eS Dr Ae SO GnCeaO ie te OCAILOME ont ae a a are ye ae SE ea Land laws applying to Blasi ee RS Res 2k eee ery, Sean Lalieig han em Homesteads - __ _- Rt ea eet eee Rete Sat, Sure AS ty et a SE Application for a homestead for surveyed land-__-_-__------------ Inceptive rights of homestead settlers _-_--__--------------------- Homestead settlers on unsurveyed lands ____ ___---_--- ---------- Smithson Wi Prazinis CIStricts= 4°25. 25 eel Shae oe oe ps st Homestead claims not liable for debt and not salable_-_._------ Soldiers and sailors’ homestead rights -----.-...------------------ Soldrers*additional homestead entry. =.= --=-2=----= ----.---=2= t= UTS Ug SPSS aa Se eee See Ser eee ale 99 “ DW OH Wt om ot ow ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Piaté I. Mapof Alaskass-. 22.52.20 22-2 ee eee Frontispiece. II. Fig. 1.—A view of the flat lands lying at the head of Woman’s Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska. Fig. 2.—Mowing beach rye on Kadiak Island, Alaska _....22--=-_. 2.2) 2 38 III. Bluetop (Calamagrostis langsdorfii), 6 feet ae on Kadiak Island, Alaska, July, 1904 _._._...-__...-_32) 2 38 IV. Fig. 1.—A view of Kadiak, Alaska, Noveniber ies 1903. Fig. 2.— A different view of Kadiak, March 26, 1904 _.......-----.-.--- 38 8 B. P. I.—164. G. F. P. I.—113. GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. INTRODUCTION. A glance at the accompanying map of Alaska (Pl. I) will show . that the coast line beginning at Dixon Entrance, in longitude 132°, latitude 54° 30’, and extending to Unalaska, in longitude 166° and latitude 54°, is nearly in the form of a semicircle, or, rather, of a half ellipse, the east and west diameter of which would be about 2,000 miles and the north and south diameter about half this distance. Near the northernmost part of this coast line are two large inlets, the eastern one Prince William Sound, the western one Cook Inlet. It will be further noticed that islands are very numerous on the coast and that the coast line is much indented by narrow inlets or fiords, a fact better shown on larger maps. The principal places mentioned in this paper are likewise indicated on the map. Officially, the region from Mount Saint Elias eastward is known as southeastern Alaska, that west of this peak as southwestern Alaska. From an agricultural standpoint, however, there is a much better and very marked divid- ing line. From Cook Inlet eastward practically all of the lands lying near the coast are densely timbered up to an altitude of 2,000 to 3,000 feet. From Cook Inlet westward, excepting Afognak Island and a small portion of Kadiak Island, the lands are devoid of timber, and are for the most part grass covered. The total area of the coast grass lands is about 10,000 square miles, nearly all of which lies between Cook Inlet and Unalaska, a distance of about 700 miles. At least one-half of this land would seem capa- ble, in time at least, of profitable utilization. From various causes it has remained until now practically unused. South Alaska is a mountainous country, a great range of snow- capped peaks on the mainland paralleling the entire coast. Eastward from Cook Inlet great numbers of glaciers arise in the higher moun- tains, and many of these rivers of ice extend downward to the sea. Westward from Cook Inlet no glaciers reach the sea, although many of the mountain peaks are from 5,000 to 8,000 feet high. This strik- ing difference apparently depends on a much smaller annual rainfall and snowfall. 9 29975—No. 82—05 m——2 10 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. In general the lands are hilly, sometimes rising abruptly from the seashore, but seldom too steep to afford a luxuriant grass covering. More often, however, the hills near the coast are low and rounded, with intervening valleys. In places there are wide areas contiguous to the coast of from 100 to 1,000 feet elevation and comparatively level. Most of the smaller islands, too, have comparatively gentle slopes, and either are under 1,000 feet elevation or have but few hills reaching above that height. The coast line everywhere is indented by numerous bays or inlets, into many of which rivers flow. At the heads of these bays there are, as a rule, considerable areas of flat or nearly flat lands. Such locations naturally afford the most advanta- geous sites for agricultural settlements, especially as these flat lands are exceedingly well grassed, and with little preliminary labor can be prepared for mowing. Where the land is level it is very likely to be wet and covered with 2 growth of peat moss. Under such circumstances it supports but a scanty vegetation. Even on the hillsides this peat moss may become established, and where it does so the grasses quickly become less lux- uriant. The decay of this moss and of other vegetation results in the formation of a humous soil, very retentive of moisture. So deep does this humus become that the real soil is often entirely concealed. Where it is possible to destroy this moss by burning, the result is always a heavy crop of grass or other plants. Most of the land that lies at less than 1,000 feet elevation is covered by a most luxuriant growth of native grasses. Over large areas these grasses are fre- quently 6 feet high, thus furnishing a large quantity of fodder. “On the remaining areas, lying at higher elevations or on exposed slopes, the grasses are too short to cut for hay, but furnish splendid grazing. That grass in Alaska is exceedingly abundant and fairly nutritious and that cattle will thrive upon it are facts beyond question. But these facts in themselves are not sufficient to enable a prospective settler thinking of engaging in stock raising to determine whether or not such a venture would be likely to prove profitable. The mere abundance of grass of fair quality is not sufficient to insure success in stock raising in an isolated region like that under consideration. The following statements regarding the Alaska grass lands and the factors that have a bearing on their profitable utilization are based on as complete a survey as one season’s work would permit, together with the facts previously recorded by reliable authorities. A detailed report of the conditions actually observed will appear in the Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for 1904. The present bulletin designs rather to cite these facts in their bearing pon the south Alaska grass lands as a desirable field for stock raising, LOCATION OF THE GRASS LANDS. ah THE LOCATION OF THE GRASS LANDS. The accompanying map (PI. I) indicates the general location of the southern Alaska areas which are covered with grasses. These areas differ considerably in detail and are here discussed separately. KADIAK ISLAND. Kadiak Island, which lies off the mouth of Cook Inlet, is about 100 miles long by 50 miles wide. It is mountainous in character, the hills rising more or less gently from near the seashore to heights of 1,000 to 3,000 feet. At the end of July, 1904, there was still considerable snow at 2,000 feet (Pl. IV), but this is said to be quite unusual. This island, like most of the Alaska coast, is much cut into by long, narrow bays, into most of which flow streams. The flat lands lying at the deltas of these streams are, as a rule, very heavily covered with grasses (Pl. II). The slopes also, up to an altitude of 1,500 feet, are well grassed, except where there are thickets of alder or willow; but these slopes are usually too steep to utilize otherwise than by grazing. The total area of these hillside lands is much greater than that of the approximately level stretches, in the proportion of at least 20 to 1. On the hillsides the principal grass is bluetop (Calamagrostis langsdorfii), which often covers large areas in a pure growth. This was exceedingly fine on hillsides burned over in March, by which means the old straw and moss were destroyed, thus permitting bet- ter drainage and making the soil warmer. In such places this grass is often 6 feet high. On the contrary, if the hills are burned over in June the fire is likely to kill the grass roots as well as the moss, with the result that fireweed usually takes possession of the ground. Other grasses than bluetop on the hillsides are relatively unimpor- tant, though sometimes considerable areas of Siberian fescue occur, and on the higher slopes are a number of low grasses of forage value. On the flat lands before mentioned the tall beach sedge (Carex eryptocarpa) forms a broad fringe along the shores of the bays and sloughs, especially on lands which are occasionally covered by tide water. Back of this sedge, beach rye (Elymus mollis) forms a more or less broad zone, often mixed with patches of a coarse bluegrass (Poa glumaris). In the still drier portions bluetop occupies the ground almost exclusively. The three plants mentioned furnish the great bulk of forage on Kadiak Island, and indeed on most parts of the Alaskan coast, but the bluetop is more abundant than all of the other grasses combined. Bluetop has slender stems and thin leaves, thus curing very readily and making a sweet and palatable hay. Beach rye, on the contrary, 12 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. has thick stems and thick leaves, in consequence of which it cures slowly. Beach sedge has a three-sided, solid, pithy stem, and is therefore very difficult to dry. All three of these plants grow so luxuriantly that they often yield 3 tons of hay or more per acre. Of forage plants other than grasses the lupine and fireweed, here- after described, are both abundant. In a green state they are readily eaten by sheep, but cattle prefer the grasses. In portions of the island which have been more or less closely grazed for some years it was noticeable that the taller wild grasses had largely disappeared, being replaced principally by bluegrass (Poa pratensis) and wild barley (Hordeum boreale). Cattle seem to be much more fond of the former than of the latter grass, although in parts of northern Europe the wild barley is considered a most excellent grass. All of Kadiak Island, except a small portion in the extreme north- east, is practically timberless, as are most of the adjacent islands. In the valleys, however, there is usually a small number of cotton- woods and willows, and on wet slopes scrub willows and alders form dense thickets. Afognak Island, however, which les northeast of Kadiak, is quite densely covered with spruce. ALASKA PENINSULA AND ADJACENT ISLANDS. The whole region to the west of Kadiak Island might briefly be described as similar to that island, but entirely deviod of timber, the shrubs being more scrubby and the grasses less luxuriant. The peninsula itself is very mountainous, and for considerable stretches along the coast the hills rise abruptly from the water’s edge. In the bays and inlets, however, there are frequently considerable areas of comparatively level lands well grassed, though seldom as luxuriantly covered as those before mentioned. The islands lying off the coast are comparatively low, and some of them are said to be exceedingly well adapted to stock raising. Such areas as were examined indicate that in general there is a greater variety of forage grasses than to the eastward, but most of them are smaller in size. At the present time there is a mail steamer plying once a month between Valdez and Unalaska. This boat carries the mail, and stops at such points as business demands. The population of this entire region is exceedingly sparse, and many of the outlying islands would probably have to be reached by means of sailing craft. UNALASKA AND THE NEIGHBORING ISLANDS. Unalaska and the neighboring islands differ on the whole compara- tively little from Kadiak Island, though the vegetation as a rule is LOCATION OF THE GRASS LANDS. 13 decidedly less luxuriant. The grasses are much the same in kind, although differing in their relative abundance. Some difficulty would be experienced on these islands in finding sufficient tall grass to furnish winter fodder in case large quantities were necessary, though in some of the more sheltered valleys small areas were ob- served where the grasses were very tall. There is quite a herd of cattle at Unalaska which, according to local reports, receive but very slight attention during the winter, only a small quantity of feed being cut for them. The principal advantage of Unalaska and the neighboring islands would seem to lie in the fact that they are on the line of travel of the vessels going to the Yukon and to Nome. If sufficient numbers of cattle were raised on these islands, doubtless little difficulty would be experienced in finding a market for them at the above-mentioned points. Indeed, a Seattle company, which pur- poses, among other things, to engage in cattle raising primarily for these northern markets, has already begun operations on Akun Island. KENAI PENINSULA. Kenai is the name given to the large peninsula lying between Cook Inlet and the Gulf of Alaska. That portion of it on the east side of Cook Inlet and north of Kachemak Bay, comprising an area 100 miles long by 20 to 30 miles wide, is an extensive plateau. Its south- ern portion, on Kachemak Bay, lies 500 to 1,000 feet or more above the sea level. It slopes mainly to the westward, so that that part from Anchor Point northward is but 100 to 200 feet above the sea level. Most of this land is timbered with spruce, but there are con- siderable areas of grass near Anchor Point, near Homer, and on the north side of Kachemak Bay. At Homer there is an extensive sand spit, about 4 miles in length and from one-fourth to 1 mile across, which supports a good growth of several grasses and sedges. Beach rye is the most important and most abundant, but red fescue, bluegrass, and seashore grass furnish considerable grazing. At the base of the spit the land rises grad- ually to the high plateau above, the scattered timber giving the ap- pearance of mountain parks.* The open portions of this land support a luxuriant growth of bluetop, often 6 feet tall. At a rough estimate the open grass lands in this vicinity comprise about 2,000 acres. The site of a proposed Finnish colony is on the north side of Kache- mak Bay, not far from its head. From the colony site to the head of the bay are extensive tide flats, which are mainly covered with sedges about 2 feet high. The marshy nature of these lands, together with the coarse nature of the forage, makes them of but limited value. Undoubtedly they can be much improved by diking. 14 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. The grass lands of the colony site proper consist of about 500 acres of excellent land, covered with a luxuriant growth of bluetop. These lands lie close to the seashore and less than 100 feet above it. Back of these lands are hills 500 to 1,500 feet high, the plateau on the top of which consists in part of extensive grass areas. Much of this grass is bluetop, often 6 feet high. Other areas are pure growths of Siberian fescue. Interspersed with these are several other good grasses, but none of them in great quantity. These plateau grass lands are apparently very extensive. To render them accessible will, however, require the building of roads or trails up to the easiest slopes. At Anchor Point there is but little grass land near the sea- shore, but on the plateau behind are considerable areas much like those just described. The plateau at this point is, however, much lower. An important circumstance in relation to all of the grass lands of this region lies in the fact that they are underlaid with coal, which is exposed for miles in the bluffs along the coast. In view of this fact it is doubtful if title to the land can be gained by homesteading it. At Kenai there are no naturally grassed lands, except the sand dunes along the beach and the marshes lying inside of them. The dunes are covered principally with beach rye and bighead sedge (Carex macrocephala). In the brackish marshes red fescue and sea- shore grass are plentiful. Here also is found poison parsnip (Cicuta douglasii) 11 small marshes, and there is a record of some native cows having been killed by it several years ago. : THE YAKUTAT PLAINS. The only extensive areas of grass lands known in southeastern Alaska are those lying in the river valleys near the coast south of Yakutat. Inasmuch as these lands have been several times referred to in reports, and as they are now in part accessible owing to the building of the Yakutat and Southern Railway, a careful examina- tion was made of them. The above-mentioned railway has been built primarily to reach the several rich salmon streams flowing into the ocean south of Yakutat, it being impracticable to fish them by ap- proach from the ocean. This railway is projected to be built to the Alsek River, a distance of 45 miles. At present it is built only to the Setuck River, 10 miles from Yakutat. Practically the whole of this region is an old glacial moraine, com- posed of fine gravel, which slopes very gently to the seashore. The land close to the seashore is somewhat higher than that lying behind, and is heavily timbered. Owing to this strip of higher land most of the streams flow parallel to the coast for some distance near their debouchments. It is along the valleys of these streams that the grass LOCATION OF THE GRASS LANDS. 15 lands lie, but owing to the flatness of the land and the slight eleva- tion above the sea level they are very ill-drained, notwithstanding the gravelly nature of the soil. i Traveling along these rivers in a canoe one receives the impression that the grass is tall and rank on these flat lands. This, in fact, is the case on a very narrow strip just along the river banks, where there is a fine growth of bluetop (Calamagrostis langsdorfii) and sedge (Carex sitchensis Presc.). This strip of tall grass is, however, nearly always confined to the immediate banks of the rivers. The great mass of the land is covered with a thin layer of bog moss, which supports but a scant vegetation of grass and sedges less than a foot high. ' It is a conservative statement to say that fully 80 per cent of these Yakutat grass lands are thus scantily grassed. Apart from this scant amount of grass, which practically precludes the cutting of winter forage, another serious difficulty presents itself in the fact that poison parsnip (Cicuta douglasii) occurs quite plentifully over all the land that is the least boggy, which, as before stated, is 80 per cent of the area. Thus, even if these meadows were used only for grazing, great care would need to be exercised in the spring, when grass is scanty and the sweet but very poisonous tubers of this plant are frequently forced to the surface by the frost. While the above statements are true concerning the Yakutat meadows as a whole, there are small areas which are exceptional. For example, along the lower Ankow River occurs a narrow strip of several hundred acres well grassed with silver-top (Deschampsia cespitosa) and beach rye (Hlymus mollis) and free from Cicuta. Care would need to be exercised in utilizing even this, as the sur- rounding boggy lands bear an abundance of poison parsnip. Again, the strip of land lying just within the ocean dunes is often well grassed with beach rye and red-fescue (Festuca rubra). A particularly good area of arable land hes along the railway where it reaches the Setuck River. This consists of 3 or 4 square miles of gravelly, well-drained, level land, at present looking much like a worn-out meadow. It is apparently very well adapted to such cultivated grasses as smooth brome-grass and tall meadow oat-grass. It will undoubtedly grow all sorts of hardy vegetables. The present grass covering is rather scanty, but it is probable that this can be greatly increased by cultivation. This particular piece of land is well worthy of the attention of homesteaders. It is within the bounds of possibility that the larger part of the Yakutat plain can be drained and made into fine meadow lands. In its present state, however, this land is not adapted to stock raising, with the exception of such small areas as above noted. 16 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. IMPORTANT FACTORS RELATING TO THE AGRICULTURAL VALUE OF THE GRASS LANDS. In determining whether or not the grass lands previously described offer a desirable field for settlement, a number of factors that bear more or less directly upon the problem need consideration. These factors may be discussed in the following sequence: (1) The abundance and permanence of the feeds available. (2) The possibility of raising forage on cultivated lands. (3) The known facts in regard to live-stock raising. (4) The available markets. (5) Transportation facilities and freight rates. (6) The desirability of south Alaska as a home. (7) The choice of a location THE ABUNDANCE AND PERMANENCE OF NATIVE FODDER PLANTS. Live-stock husbandry in Alaska will have to depend primarily upon the native plants, supplemented in time, perhaps, by such additional ones as experiments shall indicate may compete with the native plants, or which upon cultivated land will yield heavily enough to be profitable. The most important and abundant of the native forage plants are as follows: Bluetop.—Bluetop (Calamagrostis langsdorfii) is by far the most plentiful tall grass in Alaska, growing along the whole coast. On Kadiak Island and the Kenai Peninsula it is especially abundant, often being 6 feet high and very dense (Pl. III). It grows with special luxuriance on hillsides that have been burned over early in the spring. This burning destroys the moss, and thus makes the soil better drained and warmer. Bluetop also flourishes on the level boggy lands, but prefers a well-drained soil. Owing to its thin stems and leaves it cures very readily, and is therefore the usual hay grass of Alaska. It is often called redtop, but this name should be restricted to the true redtop, a very different grass. There are no accurate data bearing on the point as to how well this grass will withstand continued cutting, but the general belief is that it rapidly becomes thinner in stand. It is noticeable about villages where cows are kept that the bluetop is scarce, being replaced by other grasses, especially bluegrass and wild barley. The area of bluetop is so great, however, that in many places it would be quite practicable to manage so as not to cut the same plats two years in suecession, which practice would probably maintain the density of the stand. Beach rye—Along all the quiet shores and inlets of Alaska, wherever there is low land near the beach, there is a strip of beach rye (Llymus mollis) occurring just above high-tide level. Some- NATIVE FODDER PLANTS. 17 times this strip is only a few feet wide, but on the low level lands near the heads of fiords there are often large areas of it 3 to 5 feet high (Pl. II, fig. 2). One patch of it examined had been cut the year previous, and on this the stand was scarcely half as dense as on neighboring pieces which had not been cut. This observation ac- cords with the experience of others. Where sand dunes occur on the coast, as at Kenai and near Yakutat, beach rye is an important sand binder. In such locations it is often very different in appearance from that found in other situations, the heads being short and thick. This is the result of infestation by a parasitic worm. Bluegrass.—The true Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) 1s com- mon all along the Alaska coast, where if thrives to perfection. It shows a tendency to occupy the ground where closely grazed, and cattle exhibit a marked preference for it. Several closely allied species also occur, and it is an important fact that they persist and increase where other grasses disappear, which seems to insure the permanence of pasturage of a high quality. Silver-top.—The very nutritious grasses known as_ silver-top (Deschampsia cespitosa and PD. bottnica) occur in some abundance, especially in gravelly soils, whether on the hillsides or near the sea- shore. Owing to their stems being nearly leafless they yield but little hay, but the numerous fine basal leaves furnish most excellent forage. Siberian fescue.—Siberian fescue (Festuca altaica) makes large tussocks, especially in gravelly soil and in open timber up to 1,000 feet elevation. In such locations it often makes a nearly pure growth It seems to be fully as nutritious as the well-known sheep fescue, but is a much larger grass. Sedges.—Two tall species of sedge, Carex cryptocarpa and C. sitchensis, in places make dense stands 3 feet high or more, especially in wet soil; in the case of the former, more especially in tidal marshes. Considerable quantities of this sedge were cut for hay near Kadiak, and it is said to furnish excellent feed. These sedges are both quite smooth and soft, unlike most others. Alaska lupine.—The blue-flowered plant known as Alaska lupine (Lupinus unalaschensis) is quite tall, often 3 feet high, and some- times occupies large areas almost to the exclusion of other plants. It is thick leaved and rather fleshy, and is the only leguminous plant that is really abundant in Alaska. Sheep eat it readily. Should it prove palatable as well as nutritious to cattle the problem of a good winter ration for milch cows would be considerably simplified. Ex- periments with it as silage, both pure and mixed with grass, are much to be desired. 29975—No. 82—05 3 18 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. With the exception of this plant the only legumes of forage value in the grass regions are two species of wild pea, both of which, unfortunately, are rather scarce. Fireweed.—The well-known plant called fireweed (E'pilobium an- gustifolium) often occupies the ground to the exclusion of others, especially where the land has been burned over in summer and the grass roots thus destroyed. Sheep seem fond of it. It is possible that this plant may prove profitable as silage, at least when mixed with grasses, but no tests with this end in view seem to have been made. Its great abundance at times makes such a test desirable. There are three possible ways of preserving the above-mentioned plants for winter feed. The more easily dried—as bluetop and blue- grass—may be made into hay. Continued sunshiny weather on the Alaska coast is not to be depended upon, so that haymaking is accomplished only with much uncertainty. Where one needs but a small amount of fodder, little difficulty is experienced in select- ing the few necessary sunshiny days. Where, on the contrary, one needs great quantities of winter feed, haymaking is impracticable. Resort in such cases must be had either to brown hay or to silage. Brown hay is simply half-cured hay, made by stacking the grass green or half dry—really a compromise between hay and silage. Sometimes salt is scattered over the layers while it is being stacked. It is more or less used in all countries where haymaking is difficult. While analyses show it to contain practically as much nutriment as hay or silage, cattle are not eager for it, and it can be considered only an emergency feed. Unquestionably when large quantities of winter forage are needed for stock, silage must be depended upon, and undoubtedly, all things considered, it will be the most satisfactory feed. Practically the only Alaska forage plant thus far used as silage is beach rye, and the experiences with this plant of Prof. C. C. Georgeson, special agent in charge of the Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, and of others who have grown it, show it to be both palatable and nutri- tious. In all probability other Alaskan grasses, and perhaps other plants, will be found to be quite as satisfactory. Where timber is available silos may be constructed of logs, like the one at the Sitka Experiment Station. This silo has the advantage of enabling a man to utilize his own labor. On the other hand, the material for stave silos can be secured at very reasonable prices, and this doubtless is the best silo to use in the timberless regions. FOOD VALUE OF NATIVE ALASKAN GRASSES. Chemical analyses have been made of the principal Alaskan grasses, and while these can be properly interpreted only in connection with CULTIVABLE FORAGE CROPS. 19 digestion experiments, their comparison with the analyses of stand- ard grasses furnishes some measure of their value. Analyses of Alaskan grasses (air-dried samples taken when in flower). F | : Nitro- | Crude Species. Water. | Protein. Fat. | gen-free fiber Ash. | } extract. | | Per cent. Per cent.| Per cent.| Fercent. Per cent.| Per cent. Calamagrostis eengedon ee ae 7.18 4.58 | 1.03 | 40. 37 2.94 3.90 Carex cryptocar. Z (Sete) Ses: 3s. 5. 85 10. 32 | 2.12 45.34 25. 72 10. 65 Elymus mollis (Beach rye) ------------- | 11. 92 | 12.71 2.26 35. 29 | 30. 31 7.51 Phleuwm pratense (Timothy) ----..------ 8.59 | 8.94 2.14 45.69 30.06 4.58 Poa pratensis (Bluegrass) -----.-------- 8.11 | 8.94 | 2.04 | 41.45 | 34. 24 5. 22 Deschampsia bottnica (Silver-top) - ---- 8.75 7.44 2.07 | 47.05 31.54 4.15 Calamagrostis aleutica ____--.---------- 8.33 10.00 1.37 37.89 38.89 4.52 | Analyses of standard grasses for comparison. Nitro- | | Species. Water. Protein. Fat. gen-free Candé Ash. extract. | Percent. Percent. Percent. Per cent. Per cent.| Per cent. Poa pratensis (Bluegrass) ........------ 17.44 10. 80 3.45 46. 10 22.09 7.35 Agrostis alba (Redtop) .......--.....-..| 14.30 Sa BBO aT er | 5.90 Phleum pratense (Timothy) .---..-.--_- 15. OL 6.01 3.01} 41.90 29.59 | 4.48 Dactylis glomerata (Orchard grass) __- 14. 30 7.34 2.28 47.08 23.58 | 5.42 Deschampsia ceespitosa (Silver-top) -- 14. 30 . O4 1.06 37.20 29.03 9. a Oo. Calamagrostis canadensis (Bluejoint) - 6. 87 11.19 3.45 35. 82 37.18 The analyses of the Alaskan grasses were all made by the Bureau of Chemistry of the Department of Argiculture, and with the excep- tion of the first three, from material collected in 1904, were originally published in Bulletin No. 48, Office of Experiment Stations. The other analyses have been compiled from various authorities. CULTIVABLE FORAGE CROPS. The experiences of a number of individual investigators, as well as the tests made at the Sitka and Kenai experiment stations, throw a good deal of light on the possibility of growing fodder plants and forage crops on cultivated land. Much more testing is necessary, however, before some of the conclusions which at present seem prob- able can be considered demonstrated. In the way of grasses the tests made at Sitka by Professor George- son on muck soils showed tall meadow oat-grass to be the most prom- ising. Tall fescue, bluegrass, meadow foxtail, and redtop did fairly well, while orchard grass, timothy, and Italian rye-grass were not promising. From observations on a number of these-and other grasses introduced by chance, some rather definite conclusions may be drawn. Timothy is more or less abundantly introduced at various places on the coast, but does not as a rule thrive very well, being often inferior in size to the native mountain timothy, It is altogether 20 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. probable, however, that a variety of timothy suited to the conditions might readily be secured by selection, as chance specimens of the plant seen were very fine. The success of such a selection, however, will largely depend on the possibility of growing seed in Alaska. Among other useful grasses that have become accidentally intro- duced and show marked adaptability to the conditions are redtop, rough-stalk meadow grass, bluegrass, and fowl meadow grass. White clover thrives everywhere along the coast and is an aggres- sive plant. Red clover and alsike are not promising and alfalfa does not thrive. In the way of cereals, the earliest varieties of oats and barley will mature for two or possibly three out of five seasons. Of course, such a crop is not entirely lost if the grain fails to mature, as it can be utilized as hay or silage. On this account it will probably be wisest to grow the crop mixed with field peas, as such a mixture will make excellent silage, whereas oats alone could only be preserved as hay, a difficult thing to do so late in the season. It is to be clearly under- stood that under present conditions it is unnecessary to plant any cultivated ground in such crops as grass, or perhaps even legumes. The above facts are of value simply as indicating what well-known forage plants will thrive, thus to some extent showing the future agricultural possibilities of Alaska. SILAGE ALONE AS A RATION FOR MILCH COWS. The writer has been unable to find any published data on results obtained by feeding milch cows nothing but grass silage. Presuma- bly the best of results would not thus be obtained. In order to obtain some light on the subject, Dr. James Withy- combe, director of the Oregon Experiment Station, was requested to conduct such a test. The results of his experiment are reported as follows: The silage test was made on a nonbreeding Jersey cow which freshened in February, 1902. In January, 1904, this cow was fed largely on silage, with a moderate amount of mill feed and light ration of hay as a preliminary prepara- tion. From February 1 to April 30 she was fed wholly on corn silage and a light ration of ground oats daily. She consumed during the ninety days’ feeding 3,785 pounds of corn silage and 270 pounds of the oat chop. The following table shows variation in weight and her production : | Aver- Date. Weight. Milk. | age Fat. Date. Weight.) Milk. | age | Fat. | test. | test. | } eee Se Lbs. Lbs. | P.ct.| Lbs. | Lbs. Lbs. | P.ct. | Lbs. December 1... 955 | 196| 5.8] 11.86 || March1 ...... 925 195 h.8| 11.31 January 1----- 945 | 199 | BO)" AL, 41) April ba 890 221 5.5 12.15 February 1 -__. 905 | 178} 5.7} 10.15 || April 30....... 880 | conch nulsads sane eae | ALASKAN EXPERIENCE IN STOCK RAISING. 21 The cow was in good condition at the close of the experiment, which indicates - that silage may with safety constitute a large portion of the ration of a dairy cow. | ‘ This experiment was undertaken at the suggestion of the Government agros- tologist to determine in a measure if it were practicable to winter cattle in Alaska on grass silage. The 3 pounds of ground oats were fed daily for the purpose of bringing the corn silage up to a protein standard equaling that of mixed-grass silage. Protein percentage of feed consumed. SSIS DUPER.) (ON EE ee 2 Se ee eee = 2 ee ee 11. 56 TNE ADL «SAG Tg eth ss a ek as ee ee 2 a ee ee ee ee 1.58 Protein percentage of grass silage_________ (approximately) 2. 72 Average amount of total protein consumed daily in 42 pounds of corn silage and 3 pounds of ground oats, 1.01 pounds. Approximate amount of protein con- tained in 40 pounds of grass silage, 1.08 pounds. It will thus be seen that this test indicates that cattle can be successfully wintered on grass silage and that dairy cows may be expected to yield a reason- able amount of milk when fed exclusively on this feed. ALASKAN EXPERIENCE IN STOCK RAISING. Hogs.—A few hogs were seen at various Alaska villages. They are fed refuse, and graze on various succulent plants when obtain- able. They are very fond of wild rice, the bulb of a lilylike plant (Fritillaria kamtschatica), which, however, is not very abundant. Unfortunately these animals are prone to feed on fish offal and other sea refuse, and as a consequence their flesh has a disagreeable flavor. Unquestionably there is too little feed adapted to hogs to make their raising profitable in Alaska. Goats.—Angora goats have been tested by the Alaska Commercial Company at Kadiak and by Rey. C. P. Coe at Wood Island. According to Mr. Washburn, formerly resident superintendent of the Alaska Commercial Company at Kadiak, the company had a few years ago about 50 head of these animals on Ukamak Island, near Kadiak, which were entirely self-sustaining, increasing about 60 per cent each year. The mohair is said to have been good, both in quan- tity and quality. Rey. C. P. Coe, of Wood Island, has several head of Angora goats which have passed the last two winters with but little care. This year his herd has shown very satisfactory increase, and no difficulty is anticipated in wintering the kids. A large part of their feed is derived from willows and other browse, and where this is abundant the animals need but little feed in winter. Owing to their tracta- bility and the ease with which they are kept, especially where browse is abundant, Angora goats should prove most useful animals both for the natives and for whites. 22 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. Sheep husbandry.—Two definite attempts have been made to establish sheep raising in south Alaska, though small numbers have been kept at various points for short periods. The first attempt was made by the Alaska Commercial Company, which in 1883 imported a band of about 300 sheep from California. Unfortunately no accu- rate record of this experiment is available, and the accounts of various persons differ considerably. Many of the sheep died the first winter, according to some reports from lack of shelter, according to others from scab. The remainder were kept on a small island near Kadiak, where the only shelter was a small grove of spruce, but in winter they were usually transferred to new grazing grounds where they could feed on the tall, dry grass. In very severe weather they were sometimes sheltered and fed hay. These sheep are said to have yielded about 5 pounds of excellent wool per head each year, and the annual increase is reported to have been about 60 per cent of the adult animals. No particular care was given them, and the last were slaughtered about six years ago. The venture, even excluding the loss of the first winter, seems not to have been profitable. The only sheep now in Alaska are on the ranch of the Frye-Bruhn Company, near Kadiak, who have about 80 head. These sheep are the remnant of 9,000 which were shipped in from Oregon in 1902 and 1903, the remainder having perished. At first sight it would seem that this appalling loss of more than 98 per cent was conclusive eyi- dence that sheep raising in Alaska is not lkely to prove profitable. Inquiry into the causes of the mortality do not bear out this conelu- sion necessarily. About 500 of the sheep were drowned in March, 1903, by being caught at the head of a narrow cove by the incoming tide. One hundred and fifty head were lost by becoming frightened and jumping over cliffs. The*rest of those that died succumbed to scab, which broke out in January, 1903. Owing to lack of shelter it was then impossible to treat them by dipping, as that would practi- cally have been equivalent to killing them. The result was that all but 80 died of the disease. Thus all the mortality was due to causes entirely preventable. It was interesting to learn that several head of these sheep which ran wild survived the winter without care, and the writer was informed by trustworthy witnesses of other cases of this kind. In the light of present knowledge it is difficult to say whether sheep can be profitably raised in southwestern Alaska. In regard to the two attempts which have been made, it is noteworthy that in both instances the animals were shipped from a comparatively warm and dry climate to one cool and notably wet; furthermore, that none of them perished from any cause directly connected with the Alaska conditions. There are, however, some further difficulties in connection with ALASKAN EXPERIENCE IN STOCK RAISING. 23 sheep raising in Alaska which need careful consideration. It is the general opinion in Kadiak that in an ordinary winter sheep can not safely be left without care after the beginning of January. Indeed, many would place the time a month or six weeks earlier. New grass never appears before May 15, and often not until June 1. Therefore, under the best of conditions, sheep will need four and a half months of feeding and shelter. The superintendent of the Frye-Bruhn ranch, after one winter’s experience, thinks that feed and shelter should be given for a longer period than that mentioned. Another serious difficulty hes in the lateness of the lambing season. It is generally agreed that lambing should not take place before June 1. The lambs will need shelter and feed by December 1 or earlier, unless one takes serious chances of losing many. Whether sheep raising could be made profitable at present under such conditions remains to be demonstrated. The mere fact that sheep in small numbers have wintered without care is no proof that successful sheep husbandry can thus be carried on, nor even that one or two months’ feeding will suffice. The risks involved in such a procedure are too great to warrant a careful stock raiser in taking any chances. Destructive wild animals are no menace to sheep raising on the islands. Eagles may destroy a few lambs, but these birds are easily exterminated. Kadiak bears are too scarce and too easily destroyed to merit consideration. On the mainland, however, both wolves and brown bears may prove troublesome. In the hght of present knowledge one is safe in saying that sheep can be raised on the Alaska coast 1f adults are given five months’ feed and shelter and the lambs a month more—this with the ordinary sheep of the western ranges. With more hardy breeds better adapted to the conditions the outlook for success would be better. It need hardly be said that extreme caution should be taken to import only perfectly healthy animals. The great mortality caused by scab and the great danger of such a disease as foot-rot in a damp climate de- mand that extreme care be taken not to introduce these diseases. Cattle-—Cattle have been raised at nearly all the Alaskan coast settlements ever since the Russian occupation. Some of the original stock, according to local tradition, is still represented in the band of cattle at Nannilchuck. These are small animals, but said to be very hardy. Nearly all of the cattle kept near the villages are milch cows, mostly grades, but a number of Holsteins and Jerseys were seen. When owned by whites the animals are given shelter and feed for about five months. When they belong to the natives they are forced to exist through the winter with little or no care, eking out an exist- ence by feeding on browse and seaweeds. No accurate data could be 24 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. gathered concerning the amount and character of the milk yield, but it was universally said that the milk is most excellent in summer, and good in winter when the animals are properly fed. It is unfortunate that no accurate records could be obtained as to the winter yield of cows fed only on native hay or silage. Several herds of beef cattle have been successfully maintained in the neighborhood of Kadiak. The experience of the Alaska Com- mercial Company is thus summarized by Mr. Washburn, the former superintendent at Kadiak: We have bred stock on the islands.of Kadiak, Ukamak, and on Long Island. On Long Island we have about 40 head of cattle. These cattle are fed from two to six weeks each winter. The remainder of the time they have been able to get their own subsistence. During occasional winters we have carried our stock through with no feeding. We have had very good increase from them, and should say that the percentage of calves raised from the breeding cows is about 75. The cattle on this island have not been housed except during the short period when we were obliged to feed them. On Ukamak Island we have a herd of about 20 head, which are entirely self- sustaining. We have not found it necessary either to feed or shelter these cat- tle during the winter season, and the increase has been fully as good as that of the herd on Long Island. On Kadiak Island we have not kept any stock cattle, but only a herd of dairy cows and some working horses. These we have, of course, fed regularly during the winter season for about five months. We are able to cure sufficient hay on a lot we have leveled, and we have used the only mowing machine in western Alaska. We have obtained very good results from feeding the Alaska hay to both cows and horses, and find that they require no more grain when fed this hay than when we feed hay imported from California. The Frye-Bruhn Company, of Seattle, began operations near Kadiak in July, 1903, importing about 200 head of beef cattle, mostly Herefords. Owing to unpreparedness and inexperience, about 140 head of this number were lost during the first year. Most of these were killed by falling over cliffs. Owing to the fact that the earliest grass appears on the steep southerly slopes, the cattle crowded in such places; in some instances the sod, loosened by the frost, gave way and precipitated them over the cliffs. In other cases the cattle used their horns when crowded, the wounded ones losing their foothold in’ endeavoring to escape. As precautions, more care is taken in select- ing the early feeding grounds and the cattle have been dehorned. The common experience of cattle owners in Alaska has been that the animals fatten readily on the grass in the spring, and remain in good condition without care until late in the autumn. Some Herefords slaughtered at Kadiak in July furnished beef of remark- ably fine quality. From the experience had at the Kenai Experiment Station, oxen keep in good working condition all winter on no other feed than native grass hay and silage, and the limited experience of others POPULATION AND AVAILABLE MARKETS. 95 has given similar results. It is not probable, however, that animals will remain fat on such feeds alone. Nothing has been done up to the present time in the way of intro- ducing breeds that are likely to be especially adapted to the peculiar conditions. It is highly probable, as has been pointed out by Pro- fessor Georgeson, that long-haired hardy breeds like the Galloway or the West Highland cattle will prove much more successful than breeds adapted primarily to a drier and warmer climate. POPULATION AND AVAILABLE MARKETS. No very accurate data are available as to the present population of the Alaska coast towns and villages, which furnish the only markets close to the grass lands. The population of the principal towns along the coast is approximately as follows: Sitka, 1,500; Valdez, 1,000; Seward, 500; Kadiak, 50; Unalaska and Dutch Harbor, 600. The total population from Valdez to Unalaska, inclusive, is about 8,000, of whom less than one-half are whites. From Valdez to Sitka, excluding the former, the population is perhaps 4,000, about half of them white. Thus the coast of Alaska from Sitka to Una- laska provides a market population at present of not more than 6,000 people, as no market for meat or dairy products can be expected so far as the natives are concerned. No account is here taken of the towns lying along the interior channels in southeastern Alaska, whose populations aggregate per- haps 8,000 whites, though a portion of this market could perhaps be reached. Skagway and Valdez are the principal south Alaskan points which supply the interior, and consequently are of especial importance in considering markets. A considerable market for beef and dairy products could perhaps be established by shipping from Unalaska to the population of the Nome district and the lower Yukon. Unalaska is on the line of transportation from Puget Sound to Nome and the Yukon River, though at present few of the vessels stop there. Thus the present available markets in Alaska for live-stock products are very limited. The supply for these markets at the present time is shipped from Puget Sound. It is evident, however, that it is possible to raise in Alaska far more produce of this kind than the local markets can consume. The only other-markets that can possibly be reached are those furnished by the cities of British Columbia and of the State of Washington. Freight rates are at present, and perhaps will be for some time to come, such that dairy products and wool are the only articles that could profit- ably be shipped to such distant ports. 26 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. No predictions can here be ventured concerning the future devel- opment of south Alaska. The present resources are mainly furs, fisheries, and mines. The fur industry is becoming less and less important. The fisheries are already highly developed, but are ‘rapable of considerable increase. The mines undoubtedly will be- come more and more important. It is probable, too, that the exten- sive explorations now carried on in prospecting for oil will result in the development of another important industry. FREIGHTS AND TRANSPORTATION. At the present time both freight and passenger rates to and be- tween Alaskan ports may be considered moderate. The great bulk of the freight traffic is northward, a condition that is not unlikely to continue. Any permanent increase in the traffic to and from Alaskan ports will naturally be accompanied by a corresponding lowering of rates. The transportation companies doing business im south Alaska seem to be quite as liberal as conditions will permit, and so far as expressed sentiment goes their general policy will be the wise one of encouraging as far as possible any industry that promises to add to the sum total of the traffic. DESIRABILITY OF SOUTH ALASKA AS A HOME. Climate—The south Alaska coast les in the same latitude as northern Labrador, the north of Scotland, and the south of Sweden, but none of these regions is very similar to it. In fact, south Alaska has several peculiarities which render close comparison with any other region difficult. In general, the climate is a moist one, accom- panied by no great extremes in temperature. The thermometer very seldom reaches zero in winter, nor does it exceed 75° F. in summer. The following tables give the more important meteorological data as compiled from various published reports, localities in Sweden, Canada, and the State of Washington being included for comparison : Monthly and annual mean temperatures at points in Alaska and eslewhere. Station. Jan. »Feb. | Mar.| Apr. | May.|June. July, Aug.|Sept.} Oct. | Nov.| Dec. ey |) SER seen erie [or ete Woe Ut eal ake | © P| oF. | 89, (eae eee SN Or a i choy 31.4 | 32.9 | 85.6 | 40.8 | 47.0 | 52.4 | 55.4 | 55.9 | 51.5 | 44.9 | 88.1/ 83.3] 43.3 Dithkeo 2.2... 34.2 | 33.0 | 37.2 | 41.9 | 46.9 | 51.6 | 54.4 | 56.6 | 52.3 | 45.7 | 39.8 | 36.0) 44.5 Kadiak_. .....-| 30.0 | 28.2 | 82.6 | 36.3 | 43.2 | 49.5 | 54.7 55.2 | 50.0 | 42.3 | 34.7 | 80.5] 40.6 Unalaska@._.......) 30.0 | 31.9 | 30.4 | 35.6 | 40.9 | 46.3 | 50.6 | 51.9 | 45.5 | 37.6 | 33.6 | 30.1) 38.7 Unalaska?____. 33.5 | 80.5 | 32.6 | 85.2 | 40.4 | 45.9 | 49.6 | 50.3 | 46.0 | 40.4 | 34.6 | 82.8 39. ¢ Port Angeles, | Wash ............| 34.7 | 36.7 | 41.7 | 45.6 | 50.6 | 54.0 | 56.6 | 56.8 | 52 7 | 47.7 | 42.4 | 88.2] 46.1 Ottawa, Canada 11.9 | 12.2 | 17.6 | 41.5 | 63.6 | 66.9 | 70.4 | 68.7 | 57.7 | 48.1 | 84.5 | 17.8] 42.1 Stockholm, Swe- | | | den. ..........-...| 33.5 | 29.5 | 33.8 | 39.5 | 52.5 | 57.0 | 59.1 | 59.3 | 53.6 | 40.6 | 35.6 | 27.3) 43.4 | / | | ; aFrom records kept By the Russian Government. e >From records of the United States Signal Service aos DESIRABILITY OF SOUTH ALASKA AS A HOME. 27 Average precipitation at points in Alaska. | “iy Bs eS | @ ee ae oes Station. par pos 7 sg Ds Zeek age I 5 | 4 — | . ; z A 2 a A ee Pee ted ee ye Pe | ae ee fe £ 2 2 £ |\Se0 ajo Se ee Sl os les Ss oe 2 2 B) 5S Ss eH |e | & / j/AlH}R] 4] a OMe A Se 8 : In. | In. | In. | In. | In. | In. | In. | In. | In. | In. | In. | In. | In. | In. Te eee | 7.95) 8.02] 7.78) 5.03) 3.89 3.87) 4.14) 6.67 10.94) 12.96) 10.77) 8.52 90.54 29.51 Mendinke | 6.56) 3.70) 4.86) 4.01) 5.92 4.91) 3.38) 4.97| 7.26) 8.09 6.56 7.94 68.16 26.44 UnalasKa __--__----- 13. 81| 7.68) 6.48) 7.51] 4.49 4.26) 2.78, 3.40 8.64) 11.98 9.30 11.81 92.14 23.57 In comparing the data for Sitka, Kadiak, and Unalaska it will be noted that the average mean temperature of Sitka is a little higher than that of Kadiak, which in turn is higher than that of Unalaska. It will also be noted that Sitka and Unalaska have about the same rainfall—considerably greater than that of Kadiak. A matter of more practical consequence than either the copious rainfall or the comparatively high mean temperature is the rather low total of effective temperatures during the months from May to September, inclusive. By effective temperature is meant that above 43° F., at which plant growth practically begins. These totals, as compiled by Evans,? are as follows: “SO Lea gS airs sae ter eee oes eee 1, 479. 1 LSC TS Sa ia a ale es Se Sa Set es ees i 152-4 ple k OS) 2p ee Te oa i ot es ee ee 624. 5 erie A ieoles:. Waly Soi!) 3 oi vey ores la foe eet ee 1, 671. 0 UTE TE CETTE ih 2 Se Se ee ee 5, 424. 7 SYED US LT ee a eee es See ES ae eee ee ae oy ee f, 69227 Saas eRIOTE ee Sy OCOD sss Shee a id se ee ZOOL D The difference in totals between Sitka and Kadiak is very striking, but not so much as that between Kadiak and Unalaska. Undoubt- edly this effective temperature factor is the principal cause of the sharp demarcation between the timbered and the timberless regions on the Alaska coast. Garden products.—This same factor—the low total of effective tem- peratures—limits also the variety of garden products that can be grown, but along the whole coast a considerable variety of vegeta- bles is successfully raised, such as potatoes, turnips, cabbage, cauli- flower, Brussels sprouts, kale, lettuce, peas, radishes, and rhubarb. Red currants and red raspberries grow wild on Cook Inlet, and these hardy varieties will thrive at most places along the coast—at Sitka even the ordinary garden varieties ripening. In southeastern Alaska salmon berries, cranberries, and huckleberries grow wild in abun- dance. 4 Bulletin No. 48, Office of Experiment Stations, U. S. Department of Agri- culture. 28 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. Fuel.—In the timbered region a supply of fuel is easily obtainable, while in the timberless country a rather scant quantity is secured from scrubby willows and alders and from beach drift. Coal of an inferior quality, but still fairly satisfactory for domestic use, is abundant along Cook Inlet. At present none of this is mined, but considerable quantities are gathered from exposed ledges, or from drift on the beaches. Most of the coal used along the Alaska Penin- sula, however, is at present shipped from Puget Sound. In some localities the paraffin residue from oil seepage is utilized as fuel. CHOICE OF A LOCATION. In general, Kadiak and the neighobring islands and the Cook Inlet country are the most favorable places for live-stock raising on account of a great luxuriance of grasses and contiguity to timber. The Cook Inlet region enjoys the reputation of being the garden spot of the Alaska coast, apparently producing finer vegetables than else- where, though lying farther north than the Alaska Peninsula and most of the territory described in these pages. The accessible grass lands here are, however, comparatively limited. On the other hand, Unalaska and the neighboring islands, while possessing less abundant grass and perhaps a less favorable climate, can perhaps reach markets in the Nome region and on the lower Yukon. At Yakutat, while the grass is not overabundant, the loca- tion is more favorable for shipments southward. The prime requisite of any Alaska location is a sufficiently large available supply of winter forage. Of summer range there is an abundance nearly everywhere, but the utilization of this is definitely limited by the number of cattle one can safely winter. The all- important point is therefore to have a sufficient acreage of land from which hay or silage can be secured. By selecting locations on the flat lands that so commonly occur at the heads of the narrow fiords one can easily control for all practical purposes great areas of grazing lands. The writer can not refrain from quoting here the following opinion of a widely traveled man from California, who for three years has been engaged in placer mining on the beach on the west side of Kadiak Island and who is seriously considering taking up a homestead and bringing his family to Alaska : In all my travels I have never found a place where one can live so well or so cheaply as I have done for the past three years. I can raise all sorts of hardy vegetables and berries, besides the wild ones, and have unlimited grass to keep cattle and sheep. Fish of the choicest sorts—salmon, halibut, cod, and many others—are very abundant, and the stream flowing by my cabin door swarms with trout. In the way of big game there are bears, Of-small game LAND LAWS APPLYING TO ALASKA. 29 ducks and geese are plentiful in the spring and fall, and fresh gull eggs may be had for the gathering. To add to all this, if ready money is not available, I ean always make good wages at least by washing out gold on the beach. Surely there is here a combination of resources that makes failure well-nigh impossible. LAND LAWS APPLYING TO ALASKA. The following report regarding the methods by which title may be securea to agricultural lands in Alaska was prepared. in the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, through the cour- tesy of the Secretary of the Interior. It refers solely to acquiring title to agricultural lands and not to the town-site or mineral laws, or to mission claims under section 27 of the act of June 6, 1900 (31 Stat. L., 330) : Section 1 of the act of Congress approved May 14, 1898 (30 Stat. L., 409), extending the homestead laws to Alaska, may be summarized as follows: First. Extending the homestead laws and the rights incident thereto to the district of Alaska. Second. Extending to such district the right to enter surveyed lands under provisions of law relating to the acquisition of title through soldiers’ addi- tional homestead rights. Third. Granting the right to enter unsurveyed lands in said district under provisions of law relating to the acquisition of title through soldiers’ additional homestead rights. ; Fourth. Prohibiting the location in said district of any indemnity, deficiency, or lieu lands pertaining to any land grant whatsoever orginating outside of said district. Fifth. Limiting each entry under this section to 80 rods along the shore of any navigable water, and reserving along such shore a space at least 80 rods between all such claims, and prohibiting the entry or disposal of the shore (meaning land lying between high and low water mark) of any navigable waters within said district. Sirth. Limiting each homestead in said district, whether soldiers’ additional or otherwise, to 80 acres in extent. ‘This section was amended by the act of March 38, 1903 Soe Stat. L., 1028), the provisions of which may be stated as follows: The amendatory act does not specifically reenact that portion of the act of 1898 which granted the right to enter wisurveyed lands in the district of Alaska under the provisions of law relating to the acquisition of title through soldiers’ additional rights, but it is provided thereby “that no more than one hundred and sixty acres shall be entered in any single body by such scrip, lieu selection, or soldiers’ additional homestead right,’ which seems to negative any intention to modify or repeal the existing law with regard to the exercise of such rights in the district of Alaska further than to limit the amount which may be entered in a single body to 160 acres. Further, that portion of the amendatory act which provides that “ no indemnity, deficiency, or lieu-land selections pertaining to any land grant outside of the district of Alaska shall be made, and no land serip or land warrant of any kind whatsoever shall be located within or exer- cised upon any lands in said district, except as now provided by law,” seems to 30 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. recognize that there are such outstanding rights; but, unless so'diers’ additional | homestead rights are thereby considered as scrip rights, this Department is not advised as to any other law permitting the exercise of any such rights in the district of Alaska. Soldiers’ additional homestead applications, under sections 2306 and 2307, Revised Statutes, are received as heretofore, but not more than 160 acres can be taken in a single body. The act of 1898 is amended so as to increase the amount of land which may be entered as a homestead in the district of Alaska to 320 acres, and in providing therefor grants such rights to “any person who is qualified under existing laws to make homestead entry of the public lands of the United States who has settled upon, or who shall hereafter settle upon, any of the public lands of the United States situated in the district of Alaska, whether surveyed or unsur- yeyed.” If a person be qualified, therefore, to make homestead entry under existing laws, he may enter not to exceed 320 acres, upon which he may have settled, in the district of Alaska, and without regard to the amount he might be authorized to make homestead entry of elsewhere; but the right to locate a soldier’s additional homestead right in the district of Alaska, without settle- ment, is not thereby changed. Only 160 acres or less may be commuted. No entry of any kind in the district of Alaska can, however, be allowed for land extending more than 160 rods along the shore of any navigable water, which is twice the extent originally permitted by the act of 1898, and along such shore a space of at least 80 rods is reserved between all claims, being the same as originally provided in the act of 1898. HOMESTEADS. The homestead laws secure to qualified persons the right to settle upon, enter, and acquire title to not exceeding 320 acres of public land, by establishing and maintaining residence thereon and improving and cultivating the land for the continuous period of five years. A homestead entryman must be the head of a family or a person who has arrived at the age of 21 years, and a citizen of the United States, or one who has filed his declaration of intention to become such, as required by the nat- uralization laws, to which section 5 of the act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat. L., 1095), attaches the conditions that he must not be the proprietor of more than 160 acres of land in any State or Territory, and that since August 30, 1890, he has not acquired title to, nor is now claiming under any of the agricultural public-land laws, an amount of land which, together with the land now applied for, will exceed in the aggregate 320 acres. Where a wife has been divorced from her husband or deserted, so that she is dependent upon her own resources for support, she can make homestead entry as the head of a family or as a femme sole. Where an unmarried woman settles upon a tract of public land, improves the same, establishes and maintains a bona fide residence thereon with the intention of appropriating the same for a home under the homestead law, and thereafter marries before making entry of said land, or before making appli- cation to enter said land, she does not, on account of her marriage, forfeit her right to make entry and receive patent for the land: Provided, That she does not abandon her residence on said land and is otherwise qualified to make homestead entry: And provided further, That the man whom she marries is not, at the time of their marriage, claiming a separate tract of land under the homestead law. (Act June 6, 1900, 31 Stat. L., 683,) _---- LAND LAWS APPLYING TO ALASKA. OL APPLICATION FOR A HOMESTEAD FOR SURVEYED LAND. To obtain a homestead the party should select and personally examine the land and be satisfied of its character and true description. He must file an application, stating his true name, residence, and post-office nddress, and describing the land he desires to enter, and make affidavit that he is not the proprietor of more than 160 acres of land in any State or Territory ; that he is a citizen of the United States, or that he has filed his declaration of intention to become such, and that he is the head of a family, or over 21 years of age, as the case may be; that his application is honestly and in good faith made for the purpose of actual settlement and cultivation, and not for the bene- fit of any other person, persons, or corporation, and that he will faithfully and honestly endeavor to comply with all the requirements of law as to settlement, residence, and cultivation necessary to acquire title to the land applied for; that_he is not acting as agent of any pevson, corporation, or syndicate in making such entry, nor in collusion with any person, corporation, or syndicate to give them the benefit of the land entered, or any part thereof, or the timber thereon; that he does not apply to enter the same for the purpose of speculation, but in good faith to obtain a home for himself, and that he has not, directly or in- directly, made, and will not make, any agreement or contract in any manner with any person or persons, corporation, or syndicate whatsoever, by which the title which he might acquire from the Government of the United States should inure, in whole or in part, to the benefit of any person except himself ; and, further, that since August 30, 1890, he has not acquired title to nor is he claiming under any of the agricultural public-land laws an amount of land which, together with the land he is seeking to enter, will exceed in the aggre- gate 320 acres, and that he has not theretofore had the benefit of the home- stead laws, and must pay the legal fee and that part of the commissions which is payable when entry is made, and furnish the usual nonmineral affidavit. On compliance by the party with the foregoing requirements the receiver will issue his receipt for the fee and that part of the commissions paid, a duplicate of which he will deliver to the party. The matter will then be entered in the records of the district office and reported to the General Land Office. The applicant must in every case state in his application his place of actual residence and his post-office address, in order that notices of proceedings rela- tive to his entry may be sent him. The register and receiver will note the post- office address on their tract books. INCEPTIVE RIGHTS OF HOMESTEAD SETTLERS. An inceptive right is vested in the settler by the proceedings hereinbefore described. He must, within six months after making his entry, establish his actual residence in a house upon the land, and must reside upon and cultivate the land continuously in accordance with law for the term of five years. Occa- sional visits to the land once in six months or oftener do not constitute resi- dence. The homestead party must actually inbabit the land and make it the home of himself and family, as well as improve and cultivate it. At the expiration of five years, or within two years thereafter, he may make proof of his compliance with law by residence, improvement, and cultivation for the full period required, and must show that the land has not been alienated except as provided in section 2288, Revised Statutes (sec. 2291, Rey. Stat.), as amended by section 3 of the act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat, L., 1095), 32 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. The period of continuous residence and cultivation begins to run at the date of actual settlement in case the entry at the district land office is made within the prescribed period (three months) thereafter or before the intervention of a valid adverse claim. If the settlement is on unsurveyed land, the latter period runs from the filing of plat in the district land office. (Act May 14, 1880, 21 Stat. L., 140.) HOMESTEAD SETTLERS ON UNSURVEYED LANDS. A homestead settler on unsurveyed public land not yet open to entry must make entry within three months after the filing of the township plat of survey in the district land office. (Act May 14, 1880, 21 Stat. L., 140.) CULTIVATION IN GRAZING DISTRICTS. In grazing districts stock raising and dairy production are so nearly akin to agricultural pursuits as to justify the issue of patent upon proof of permanent settlement and the use of the land for such purposes. Proofs can only be made by the homestead claimant in person, and can not be made by an agent, attorney, assignee, or other person, except that in case of the death of the entryman proof can be made by the statutory successor to the nae stead right in the manner provided by law. Sections 2291 and 2292, Revised Statutes, provide for obtaining title to lands entered by a homestead settler by his heirs. The act of June 8, 1880 (21 Stat. L., 166), provides for homestead claimants who become insane. HOMESTEAD CLAIMS NOT LIABLE FOR DEBT AND NOT SALABLE. No lands acquired under the provisions of the homestead laws are liable for the satisfaction of any debt contracted prior to the issue of the patent. (Sec. 2296, Rev. Stat.) The sale of a homestead claim by the settler to another party before becoming entitled to a patent vests no title or equities in the purchaser as against the United States. In making final proof the settler is by law required to swear that no part of the land has been alienated except for church, cemetery, or school purposes or the right of way for railroads, canals, or ditches for irrigation or drainage across it. (Sec. 2288, Rev. Stat., as amended by sec. 3 of the act of March 3, 1891, 26 Stat. L., 1095.) SOLDIERS AND SAILORS’ HOMESTEAD RIGHTS. Any officer, soldier, seaman, or marine who served for not less than ninety days in the Army or Navy of the United States during the rebellion, and who was honorably discharged and has remained loyal to the Government, and who makes a homestead entry of 520 acres or less on any land subject to such entry, is entitled under section 2305 of the Revised Statutes to have the term of his service in the Army or Navy, not exceeding four years, deducted from the period of five years’ residence required under the homestead laws. If the party was discharged from service on account of wounds or disabilities incurred in the line of duty the whole term of enlistment, not exceeding four years, is to be deducted from the homestead period of five years; but no patent can issue to any homestead settler who has not resided upon, improved, and cul- tivated his homestead for a period of at least one year after he commenced his improvements. (Sec. 2805, Rev. Stat.) LAND LAWS APPLYING TO ALASKA. 33 Similar provisions are made in the acts of June 16, 1898 (30 Stat. L., 473), and March 1, 1901 (81 Stat. L., 847), for the benefit of like persons who served in the late war with Spain or during the suppression of the insurrection in the Philippines. A party applying to make entry under the provisions of section 2304 must file with the register and receiver a certified copy of his certificate of discharge, showing when he enlisted and when he was discharged; or the affidavit of two respectable, disinterested witnesses corroborative of the allegations contained in the prescribed affidavit (Form 4—065) on these points, or, if neither can be pro- cured, his own affidavit to that effect. The widow or, in case of ker death or remarriage, the guardian of minor chil- dren may complete a filing made by the soldier or sailor as above, and patent will issue accordingly. SOLDIERS’ ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Any officer, soldier, sailor, or marine who served for not less than ninety days in the Army or Navy of the United States during said wars, who had, prior to June 22, 1874, the date of the approval of the Revised Statutes, made a home- stead entry of less than 160 acres, may enter an additional quantity of land, adjacent to his former entry or elsewhere, sufficient to make, with the previous entry, 160 acres. (Rey. Stat., 2306.) This right was extended by section 2307, Revised Statutes, to the widow, if unmarried; otherwise to the minor orphan children by proper guardian. If there be no widow, unmarried, and no minor orphan children, the right is held to be an asset of the soldier-entryman’s estate, to be disposed of by his personal representative as other personal property. (29 L. D., 510 and 658.) An assignment by the heirs will be accepted if accompanied by a certificate of the proper court showing that no administration has ever been had on the soldier’s estate and that they are all the heirs entitled to the right. The right was formerly regarded as a personal one and not transferable, but under authority of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Webster v. Luther (163 U. 8., 331), it is now held to be assignable with- out restriction, and residence and cultivation are not required in its exercise, either by the original beneficiary or by his assignee, whether the original entry was perfected or abandoned (24 L. D., 502). It was formerly the practice, on proof of military service and original entry, under section 2306, Revised Statutes, to issue a certificate in the name of the soldier-entryman, showing his additional right and its area, but the practice was discontinued by circular of February 13, 1883 (1 L. D., 654), and it is held that there is no statutory authority for the same and that the soldier can obtain the right for himself and sell it to another without certification (23 L. D., 152) By the act of March 3, 1893 (27 Stat. L., 593), provision is made that where soldiers’ additional homestead entries have been made or initiated upon a cer- tifieate of the Commissioner of the General Land Office of the right to make such entry, and the certificate of right is found to be erroneous or invalid for any cause, the party in interest thereunder on making proof of his purchase may, if there is no adverse claimant, perfect his title by payment of the Goy- ernment price for the land, but no person may acquire more than 160 acres through the location of any such certificate. By the act of August 18, 1894 (28 Stat. L., 397), all certificates regularly issued are declared to be valid, notwithstanding any attempted sale or transfer, and holders thereof desiring to exercise a right of entry in their own names 34 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. must file such certificates in the General Land Office, together with satisfactory proof of ownership and of bona fide purchase for value. If, upon examination, the proof so filed is satisfactory, an additional certificate will be attached to the original authorizing the location thereof, or entry of land therewith, in the name of the assignee or his assigns. (Circular of October 16, 1894; 19 L. D., 302. ) Existing homestead laws, while recognizing settlement upon unsuryeyed pub- lic lands, do not authorize the entry or the patenting thereof until the public surveys have been regularly extended over them. This section as amended, however, in terms authorizes the entry of unsurveyed lands in Alaska, and makes provision for a private survey for the purpose of patenting the claim, if the public surveys have not been extended thereto at the time it is desired to sub- mit proof, as is hereinafter referred to. In executing surveys for homestead applications the instructions now pre- yailing will be followed, and the limit of 160 rods as to frontage will be meas- ured along the meandered line of said frontage. The form of the tract sought to be entered, if upon unsuryeyed land, is pre- scribed in the act as follows: If any of the land * * * is unsurveyed, then the land * * * must be in rectangular form, not more than a mile in length, and located upon the north and south lines run according to the true meridian. That is, the boundary lines of each entry must be run in cardinal directions, true north-and-south and east-and-west lines by reference to a true meridian (not inagnetic), with the exception of the meander lines on meanderable streams und navigable waters forming a part of the boundary lines of the entry. Thus a frontage meander line, and other meander lines which form part of the bound- ary of a Claim, will be run according to the directions in the Manual of Sur- veying Instructions issued by this Office, but other boundary lines will be run in true east-and-west and north-and-south directions, thus forming rectangles, except at intersections with meander lines. A In other respects the rules previously adopted to govern surveys of claims under the act of May 14, 1898, will continue to be followed, of course taking into consideration the limitations as to area of claims. Every person who is qualified under existing laws to make a homestead entry of the public lands of the United States who settles or has settled upon any of the unsurveyed public lands of the United States in the district of Alaska with the intention of taking the same under the homestead law shall, within ninety days from date of settlement or prior to the intervention of an adverse claim, file the record of his location for record in the recording district in which the land is situated, as provided by sections 18 to 16 of the act of June 6, 1900 (31 Stat. L., 326 to 328). Said record shall contain the name of the settler, the date of settlement, and auch description of the land settled on, by reference to some natural object or permanent monument as will identify the same. If at the expiration of the time required under sections 2291 and 2292, Re- vised Statutes, and as modified by section 2305, Revised Statutes, or at such date as the settler desires to commute under section 2301, Revised Statutes, the public surveys have not been extended over the land located, the locator may secure a patent for the land located by procuring, at his own expense, a survey of the land, which must be made by a deputy surveyor who has been duly ap- pointed by the surveyor-general, in accordance with section 10 of the act of May 14, 1898 (30 Stat L., 409), and the provisions of the act of March 3, 1903, as herein set forth. LAND LAWS APPLYING TO ALASKA. 35 When the survey, either public or private, as herein provided for is approved by the surveyor-general under authority of this Office, the same rules should be followed as heretofore established governing the location of soldiers’ additional homestead rights, in addition to which the settler must furnish the required proof of residence and cultivation. The office of the surveyor-general of Alaska is located at Sitka. Section 10 of said act of May 14, 1898, also provides that all affidavits, testimony, proofs, and other papers provided for by this act and by said act of March 3, 1891, or by any departmental or Executive regulation thereunder, by depositions or otherwise, under commission from the register and receiver of the land office, which may have been or may hereafter be taken and sworn to anywhere in the United States, before any court, judge, or other officer authorized by law to administer an oath, shall be admitted in evidence as if taken before the register and receiver of the proper local land office. And thereafter such proof, together with a certified copy of the field notes and plat of the survey of the claim, shall be filed in the office of the surveyor-general of the district of Alaska, and if such survey and plat shall be approved by him, certified copies thereof, together with the claimant’s application, shall be filed in the United States land office in the land district in which the claim is situated, whereupon, at the expense of claimant, the register of such land office shall cause notice of such application to be published for at least sixty days in a newspaper of general circulation publshed nearest the claim within the district of Alaska, and the applicant shall at the time of filing such field notes, plat, and application to purchase in the land office aforesaid, cause a copy of such plat, together with the application to purchase, to be posted upon the claim, and such plat and application shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place on such claim continuously for at least sixty days, and during such period of posting and publication, or within thirty days thereafter, any person, cor- poration, or association having or asserting any adverse interest in, or claim to, the tract of land or any part thereof sought to be purchased, may file in the land office where such application is pending, under oath, an adverse claim setting forth the nature and extent thereof, and such adverse claimant shall, within sixty days after the filing of such adverse claim, begin action to quiet title in a court of competent jurisdiction within the district of Alaska, and thereafter no patent shall issue for such claim until the final adjudication of the rights of the parties, and such patent shall then be issued in conformity with the final decree of the court. When a settler desires to commute, the survey and homestead application must cover his entire claim, but only 160 acres, or less, thereof may be com- muted, in which event the entry will stand intact as to the portion not commuted, subject to future compliance with the requirements of law within the statutory period of seven years. Entrymen who commute will be required to pay, in addition to the price of $1.25 per acre, the same fees and commissions as in final homesteads. Whenever a settler or other claimant desires to make entry or submit final proof, he should address the register and receiver of the United States land office at Juneau, Alaska. eh tjaatels eabo'lis: oO DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE I. Map of Alaska, showing the approximate location of the grass-land areas in black. PLATE II. Fig. 1—View of the level lands at the head of Womans Bay, Kadiak Island. Similar areas occur at the heads of most of the inlets. Fig. 2.— Mowing beach rye on the Frye-Bruhn ranch. PLate III. Bluetop (Calamagrostis langsdorfii) on Kadiak Island, 6 feet high, July, 1904. The hillsides in the background were burned over during the preceding spring, and are covered with an equally luxuriant stand of the same grass. PuatTe LV. Fig. 1.—A view of Kadiak, November 7, 1903. ? PLATE III. ® 2 5 = 3 AS) oO) < va ro) 42 a ® a 7p) =) a 2 =] n SI mo} = ~ s as oe v= ° =) ws ® 2 3 jaa} aN oo Sl iva) BLUETOP (CALAMAGROSTIS LANGSDORFII) SIX FEET HIGH, ON KADIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, JuLy, 1904. The grass on the hillside in the background was just as luxuriant. w¥ peers eee Ritts —— lc tll . Qs r i = . ° i s . . t n ‘ . ‘ . ‘ - c : : : i ‘ . ‘ ' i : . y ‘ ' : * . ; . ~~ t 2 ’ -¢ . “ : ‘ . A ~ be er nes Bul. 82. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE IV, Fig. 1.—A VIEW OF KADIAK, ALASKA, NOVEMBER 7, 1903. Fig. 2.—A DIFFERENT VIEW OF KADIAK, MARCH 26, 1904. The small snowtall of this region is made very clear by these two pictures, Ee, DEPAKIMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 83. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Burcau. VITALITY OF BURIED SHEDS. BY 03. Ws ok. DU Vt, ASSISTANT IN THE SEED LABORATORY. Issuep Auaust 4, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. EOD: BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B.. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Apert F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS. Freperick V. CoviL_e, Botamist in Charge. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. W. J. SpitymMan, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. Prerers, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. Corsert, Horticulturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. J. E. Rockwe.u, Editor. James E. Jones, Chief Clerk. SEED LABORATORY. ScreENTIFIC STAFF. EpGar Brown, Botanist in Charge. F. H. HituMan, Assistant Botanist. J. W. T. Duvet, Assistant. » LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BurEAU OF PLant INDUSTRY, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. C., May 29, 1905. ' Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, and to recommend for publication as Bulletin No. 83 of the series of this Bureau, the accom- panying technical paper entitled ‘‘ The Vitality of Buried Seeds.” The experiments discussed were undertaken in order to determine the length of time that seeds of different species of plants will retain their vitality when buried at various depths. Seeds of both cultivated and wild plants were used, but special attention was given to weed seeds in order to ascertain what weeds can be eradicated by deep plow- ing and how long the soil must remain undisturbed before the vitality of the seeds will be entirely destroyed. The results of the first year’s experiments show that the noxious character of weeds is closely associated with the length of time the seeds will remain viable in the soil, and that many weeds can be eradicated by plowing. Much additional information is given, showing the relative resistance of the seeds of cultivated plants and of those commonly designated as weeds, and the influence upon the preservation of vitality of the depth of burial, of hard seed coats, and of hulled as compared with unhulled seed. This paper was prepared by J. W. T. Duvel, Assistant in the Seed Laboratory, and has been submitted with a view to publication. The accompanying illustrations are necessary for a complete under- standing of the paper. Respectfully, B. T. GaLLoway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES WILson, Secretary of Agriculture. oo el e « s . 3 ~o) 4 * ee had a COMLEN TS. cement GO! PiTial £0 Vijality . 7-2-2 ee een enon s--- ane EIR es ns Pa se ee oe, ake ene eee en owe eee Pimmoeiunavaten versus wild plants...--...2...c..-22 - eee If. Fig. 1.—Alsine media, common chickweed. Fig. 2.—Rumev crispus, curled dock. Fig. 3.—Datura tatula, jimson weed........-- wean Ill. Fig. 1.—Elymus canadensis, nodding wild rye. Fig. 2.—Fraxinus americana, White ash. Fig. 3.—Phytolacca americana, poke.....- TEXT FIGURE. Fic. 1. Diagram showing order in which seeds were buried..... scours 6 Page. bo bo to lo 22 10 B. P. I.—165. fee VITALITY OF BURIED SEEDS. INTRODUCTION. The preservation of the vitality of seeds when buried in the soil and the awakening of metabolic activity in such seeds on being exposed to conditions favorable to their germination are equally as important to the practical farmer as to the scientist. The intelligent farmer in order to combat noxious plants successfully should know how much time must elapse after heavy crops of weeds of various sorts are turned under before the ground can be plowed again with safety. He should also know what plants he can hope to eradicate in this way, for with many of our worst weeds this method would result only in failure. In fact, the reason why the majority of our most persistent weeds are so difficult to eradicate is because their seeds are capable of retaining their vitality for a number of years when buried in the soil. It thus becomes important to know how different species of seeds behave when buried under similar conditions, and how seeds of the same species behave when buried under different conditions. KINDS OF SEEDS BURIED. So much has already been written on the germination of seeds that have remained dormant in the soil for a number of years, in some cases even for centuries, that it seemed desirable to determine with some degree of accuracy the length of time that certain seeds will retain their vitality when buried in the soil under known conditions. Accordingly, in the autumn of 1902, 112 different samples of seeds were selected for these experiments, as follows: TaBLeE I.—List of seeds selected for the experiments. Labora- Burial tory number ; = S 1 : test Kind of seed. ant a as given num- ; on ber. diagram. Poacee (grass family): 16173 Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. (couch grass) ...-......-..-.---------- 100 | 31 16174 CE m OCU CELI (WALIGCOMb) lo. aasiee cesta aes Soeeteee Seine oo- Gace bees 71 |, 9 16175 PARCTI SLIDE COOLS eects nine tae teenies cine Sina as eee one Se Siena 24 8 16176 ETONLESSECOIUVUS Nas (Cheat. CHESS) 2. coe Soe senlecemeseae oes soem aso 34 36 16177 Bromus racemosus L. (upright chess, smooth brome-grass).........-. 33 37 16178 Chaetochloa verticiliata (L.) Scribn. (foxtail) ...........--.----------- 108 66 16179 Chaetochloa glauca (L.) Seribn. (yellow foxtail)...............--....- 46 33 16180 Chaetochloa viridis (L.) Seribn. (green foxtail)...........-..-..-....- 5 67 16181 Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. (wire-grass, crab-grass) ..............-.- 36 72 16182 EVV INUS ULF OURICUS 1a: (IV ITSINIA WIIG, TYC) acm sas cence e coon enc ne ee 77 15 16183 biymis canadensis. o. (NOUdIng Wild. FYe)2. 2252-2... .25-- 25-0225. --- 74 13 16184 Bhymistriticoides Buckl: (wild wheat): <. <- ce0ce 9855" |... Se .ccleemeeie seine ee oe 17 16221 Brassica oleracea.............- 20 85.5 82 ||. .eael: oe ees 3] ee 18 16244 | Gossypium hirsutum.......... | 20-80 | 77.5 7 Nan ERE pe aes) Cee 19 16233 | Pisum sativum ................| 20-30} 99 98 | Sa secs Sp eee Sea oe ees 20 | 16232 | Phaseolus vulgaris...........- 20-30 | 97.5 O80 lo vince alerts |e ae livin scat (a) 21 16203 | Fagopyrum fagopyrum........ 20-30 100 98: 5) |fccxtuce (0)" 1 GG) Die aaeee 22 16195 | Triticum aestivum ...........- ) 20, 99 96; Bibs caeen (Q) ye) Due eee (a) 23 | 16186 | Hordeum sativum........+.... ) 20 100 98) 4 |ougeeees (dt). Po" @® (a) of} T6175") AvengBatlvas. mens sic tects | 20-80 | 70.5 91.5 | 95.5 0. 0 0 25 16191, | Secale'cereale .....2.. 22-5050. 20 100 98.5] 88 0 | 0 0 26 16267 | Cucumis melo....-.-<.s...--- 20-30 96.5 97 88 0 0 0 97.|° 16199: | Allium cepai 0.3... ...dubuces: | 20-30} 94,251 88 | 70.5 0| 0 0 28 | 16270 | Lactuca sativa ................ | 20-30 -100 98.5 91 0 0 0 29 16281 | Helianthus annuus (cult.)....) 20-30 97 96.5 | 3 0) 0 0 30 | 16241 | Linum usitatissimum ......... | 20-30) 93.5 | 95 $3.5 0° 0 0 31 | 16245 | Hibiscus militaris............. 20-30 | 98.25] 92 94 | 0. 0 0 32 16200 | Asparagus officinalis........... | 20-30 80 e69 74 F0 tO TO 33 16177 | Bromus racemosus............. | 20-830 100 | 98.5 92.5 a0) 0 aod 34 | 16176 | Bromus secalinuS.............. | 20-30 | 88.5 | 77 95.5 0 | 0 0 35 | 16181 | Eleusineindica................ 35, |, . "vor 0) 0 0 36 16284 | Pinus virginiana@.............. 20-30 | 18 6.5 43.5 | 0} 0 0 37 | 16234 | Robinia pseudacacin.......... 20-30 14 711.5 | 3.5 | 0 ) 0 0 a Many had germinated and afterwards decayed. b Approximately 10 per cent had germinated; the remainder had decayed. e An occasional old sprout was found, d Approximately all had germinated and afterwards decayed. e Clipped, 87 per cent; not clipped, 51 per cent. f Practically all had sprouted; the sprouts from seeds buried at the 36-42-ineh depth were found matted in the bottom of the pot. g Clipped. GERMINATION TESTS. 13 . The corn, sweet corn, corn cockle, cabbage, cotton, peas, beans, bfickwheat, wheat, and barley—the first ten samples given in the fore- going table—were all so unmistakably decayed when the seeds were taken up that the contents of the pots were thrown away, no green- house tests being made. The first six of these samples showed no trace of any remains of old sprouts; apparently all of the seeds had decayed before germination had taken place. If germination took place it must have been comparatively soon after burial, thus giving ample time for all of the old sprouts to decay beyond identification. This, -however, seems hardly probable, considering that the seeds were buried during the latter part of December, 1902; moreover, the beans, buckwheat, and barley from some or all of the different depths showed clearly the remains of well-developed radicles. The beans which were buried at depths of from 6 to 8 and from 18 to ’ 22 inches had decayed, while many of those buried at a depth of from 36 to 42 inches had germinated and afterwards decayed. The buck- wheat from the 6 to 8 inch depth showed that approximately 10 per cent had germinated, while at 18 to 22 inches there were only the remains of an occasional old sprout, and at 36 to 42 inches all of the seed had decayed. In the wheat the greater number of the grains that were buried from 6 to 8 and from 36 to 42 inches had germinated and then decayed, while those which were buried at a depth of from 18 to 22 inches showed only decayed seed. Approximately all of the barley at the three different depths had germinated and afterwards decayed. The last fourteen species given in this table were marked ** decayed” when the seeds were taken up, but as the conditions were not so clearly indicated as in those first mentioned, germination tests were made in the greenhouse. The results of the germination tests show that none of the pots con- tained any viable seeds. Of this latter group only the pots containing the Asparagus officinalisand Bromus racemosus (Nos. 32 and 33) showed remains of old sprouts. The seeds in the other pots apparently had all decayed without any germination during the time they were buried. The germination of the asparagus seed had been almost perfect. The pot buried at the greatest depth contained only a mass of sprouts, many of which were still partially alive. The Bronius racemosus showed that germination had taken place only in the pots buried at 6 to 8 and 36 to 42 inches, while those buried at the depth of 15 to 22 inches had all decayed before germinating. It is interesting to note in this connection the behavior of the two species of Bromus—Bromus secalinus (cheat or chess) and 2. race- mosus (upright chess). The seeds of both of these species had com- pletely lost their vitality within the eleven months in the soil, while the contro] samples gave a germination of 95.5 and 92.5 per cent, 14 VITALITY OF BURIED SEEDS. respectively. These differences are more clearly shown in Plate I, A and B. The results aboye stated, while perhaps not altogether conclusive, inasmuch as they represent only single tests of 200 seeds in each case, show that seeds of these two plants will not remain viable for long periods when buried in the soil. This is particularly interesting in the case of the common cheat or chess, which is frequently a pernicious weed in the grain fields of the United States. The generally accepted opinion is that the grains of cheat will live in the soil fora number of years, the seeds germinating when conditions are most favorable, the resulting plants then crowd- ing out the wheat. Some people even hold that in ‘‘off seasons” wheat turns to cheat, but fortunately such erroneous ideas are fast disappearing. The results of these experiments show that cheat, whenever found growing in grain fields or elsewhere, has come from seed recently sown and has not been lying dormant in the soil. With but few exceptions the unexpected appearance of cheat comes either from seeds that have been sown unintentionally mixed with wheat or other grains so that they passed unobserved, or from seeds that have been scattered with stable manure. Dr. Beal“ has also shown that buried seeds of Bromus secalinus do not retain their vitality for a long period of years. In Beal’s experi- ments the first test was at the expiration of five years, but not a single grain of cheat responded to the germination test at that time. Table II includes the majority of our more commonly cultivated plants of the field or garden, all of which failed to show any seeds capable of germination after having been buried in the soil for approximately one year. This statement will hold good for the major- ity of our cultivated plants. There are, however, a number of excep- tions. Many of these will be found in Table II], some showing that vitality was remarkably well preserved. Of these celery, parsnip, and tobacco (numbers 94, 95, and 99, respectively) should be mentioned in particular. The highest germination in each case was 64 per cent for: the celery from the 18 to 22 inch depth, 63 per cent for the parsnip from the 36 to 42 inch depth, and 70 per cent for the tobacco from the 18 to 22 inch depth. “B ulletan No. 5, Michigan Agricultural College, 1884. ee: Ne lal —— GERMINATION TESTS. TaB_eE III.—Results of tests of seeds that had not completely lost their vitality while buried, ~ Je num- er, | aa PSSSEBRESSE SSSIFSGASSASSHARGLLVASSH = bo & 16264 16278 | 16188 16248 16249 | 16212 16280 16269 | 16260 16173 16275 16209 16208 16215 | 16250 16258 16207 16178 16282 | Kind of seed. Chamber tests. Greenhouse tests in sand. ol Tem- Origi- Depth of burial. Con- Con- Se = — | Pera- | nal- trol trol 6-8 18-22 | 36-42 vure, | paniple. inches. inches. inches. ° C.._| Per ct..| Per ct. | Per ct..\ Per ct. | Per.ct..|Per ct. Mestnes elatior =. = .=-...----- 20-30 97 83 86 0.5 0.0 a0.0 Capsicum annuum ..-.-....-.--- 20-30 §=696 97 80 .0 .0 Dd Brassica campestris...........- 20 90.25 86 18.5 .0 .0 b.5 Trifolium Tepens .--.-.2.35.5.- ‘O 84.75 | 42.75 86 .0 b1 .0 Wapit. caWjang... 520-2. 22---- 20-30 82.5 59.5 Tl oh? 0 1 .0 Lespedeza frutescens.-.....---- 20. 15 el 2.5 .0 .0 1 Ascyrum hypericoides .......- 30 1.5 .0 .0 1 .0 =6 Lycopersicon lycopersicon ..... 20-30 99.25 72.5 88 .o 1 mS Chaetochloa glauca ......-...-- 20-30 | 55.75 - 37.5 18 1 1 1 ES PARED 8 oo ees ose 20-35 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 2 CUCHMHS BATIVA 2.25.25 20.2 2: 20-30 100 98.5 62 .0 1 3 Trifolium pratense ..........-.. 20} 89.75 | 73 85.5 2 4 4 | Trifolium hybridum ........-.. 20 | 91.75) 84 73 P. 4 4.5 | Xanthium pennsylyanicum .. 3015-02) 13.20.33 .0 .0 .0 a) | Cassia marylandica .-.......-- 30 14.5 | a98 20 3 3 5 Axnubrosia trifida 222. 22---+.--- 20-30 , 29 52.5 48 .0 b2 6 Trifolium pratense (10964) ...-. 2 PH Gialol==5 soe. 70 4.5 b5 6 Vacearia vaccaria....--.....-- 20-35 | €6.5 8s 68 .0 b4 7 | Convolvulus sepium ........-- 20-30 4 2 24 2 4 a Rudbeckia hirta ....-....-..-- 30. «69.5 78.5 74.5 6.5 6.5 7 | Erysimum cheiranthoides .... 20-35 52.5 42 14.5 2 b5 bs Medicago sativa .-..-.....-.-- 20 | 84.5 64.5 97 b2 bg bg fe PnlIaspLearvense =5.2-. 2. 2-54. - 20-30 | 57.25 54.5 a) b11 8 11.5 Solanum nigrum. ...........-- 20-30 | 97.75 91 12 9.5 10.5 1b Chenopodium hybridum...-.- 20-30 61 18.5 10.5 14D 9.5 13 Cuscuta polygonorum .......- 20-30 | 12 8.5 55.5 11.5 10.5 3 Sporobolus cryptandrus.....-- 30} 2.25 3 0 2D 1.5 13.5 Plantago rugelii .............. 20-30 | 3.75 5.5 67.5 12 12 13.5 Verbena hastata 2.22. s5-225=- 20-30} 9 Se Bae ae 11.5 13 14 BIASICA DISLS os. = eo aces 20} 15 | 13.25) 34 10 b14 b14 Trifolium pratense (hard) ..-. 20" 13a fal- 9,25.) > 18 610.5 15.5 14.5 Elymus triticoides ..........-.- 20-30 84 75 85 1.5) 53.5 615.5 Panicum virgatum......-...-. 20-30 | 30.5 36.5 22 7 17 16 Avena fata .3: 252. 5h22--524<2 20-30 | 70.5 91.5 93.5 bg 68 18 IBEGEVHIPATIO® 225. 20 - coe se ne 1. 20430) 158) 2-2 90.5 7 19.5 20 Potentilla monspeliensis....... 20-30 41 83 73.5 b9.5 16 21.5 Elymus canadensis........---- | 20-30 | 93.5 95.5 81 a) b7 b22 Pom pratensis... .- 252-2525... -| 20-30: 90.75 87 59 16 224 24.5 | Verbascum thapsus .:......... | 20-30) 82.5 98 72.5 7 7.5) 025.5 Elymus virginicus....-.....--- | 20-35) 65.25 44 83 a2 513.5 625.5 | Sisymbrium altissimum .....--! 20 | 88.25) 86.25) 76 610.5 VES 26 Verbena urticifolia 30 135 .0 56.5 PSTN Woe Bs 26.5 Carduus arvensis... - 20-30 56.75 | 68 5 74 SOS ee 28.5 Ipomoea lacunosa...........-. 20-35 «98.5 | f 88 88 200 Fb 33 Cuscuta epilinum ...-........- | 20-30 -0 | .0 .d 15.5 | 23.5 34 Amaranthus retrofiexus.....-- 20-30 | 94.75 | 91 61 LSC ia 22. ob Be Bidens frondosa........--...-- 20-30 795 52.5 25 2925) 38 36 eslia paniculata ...........-- 20-35 96 97 68 23 24.5 38.5 ortulaca oleracea .....-...--. 35 | 83.75 | 91.5 16 39 38.5 | 30.5 Ambrosia artemisiaefolia ..... 20-30 58.5 42.5 | 30.5 32 56 abe by Map 8 Plantago lanceolata........... 82.5 78 | 67.5 A ab 41 Grindelia squarrosa .........-. 20-30 | 25.75) 41 7.5 30.5 36 42 Taraxacum erythrospermum -.| 20-30 85.75 | &7.5 85.5 35.5 41.5 45.5 Pleniaro wajor...-3--:2... - 20-30 | 24 .| 78 0 39.5 43.5 |~ © 4625 Chrysanthemum leucanthe- } CLT ieee eee eee ee = 20-30 96.25 91 85.75 | 621 533 649.5 Phalaris arundinacea ......... 20-35 | 69.25) 8 7 45 46.5| 56.5 Apium graveolens...........-. 20-30 | 88 83.5 72.5 | 48.5 64 60 Pastinaca sativa...........-..-- 20-30 | 55.5 67 78.5 29 51 63 Chenopodium album.......... 20-30 (67.25 58 33.5 32 63.5 | 64.5 Helianthus annuus (wild) ....| 20-30 100 97 86 43.5 644 66.5 Bactoes scariola_-. 5... -.- =: 20 ~25.| 11.5 83 63.5 69 69.5 Nicotiana tabacum............ 20-30 | 89.25 84.25] 89.25 46.5| 70 55 Agropyron repems_...........- 20-30 | 80.24) 84 23.5. | 20.5] 673 | 66.5 AretinM Lippas =< occas es fen - . 2..-2........-.-2222.-2-2. Poa trivialis (rough-stalked meadow grass) Poa nemoralis (wood meadow grass) Paatrpors (lowl. meadow erans) 25252555. 26s 2 chee we ooo Poa arachnifera (Texas bluegrass ) aaannnda (annual blneprass) 24-2. £2. osdeus.. 2-2. es 25-38 ooalpma (alpine meadow erass) 2. 2. 2.222. -.<-.--.----.-2--2 1G SOTO BU ASSES eat Bk ak a rr II. Descriprions OF THE SEEDS OF THE COMMERCIAL BLUEGRASSES AND THEIR meiintisas vn. 81 AEP 6 Noo oe heh cee 250 enon es CODE SCTE 2 gn a eS eae Ne eee eee See Key to the seeds of the more common species of Poa as found Giniaer DPATMEN SPEGMNCHA 15 227 5. 2 eS ee le coe cece e oce Key to commercial bluegrass seeds after preparation for market. - Comparison of the principal distinguishing characters of blue- PLCS ES ee 2 a ee ie opt = rn Oe ee re ae ae Beier ip OL BDEGIER 95026 See en et ae 2 SoG ek Loe Poa pratensis L., Kentucky bluegrass, June grass......-..-- Poa compressa L., Canada bluegrass, flat-stemmed bluegrass. - Poa triflora Ehrh. (P. flava L., P. serotina Ehrh.), fowl meadow grass, false redtop.-.....--..- Poa arachnifera Torr., Texas bluegrass ..-......:.-...---.-- Poa annua L., annual meadow grass Poa alpina L., alpine meadow grass Evi SUCEICIDEVOPTICE ooo Sane en ee Fae. 2 oe Be 2S bee TULLE REVDD eS ot ek 8 ee Bae © Oa a a PACE Panicularia nervata ( Willd.) Kuntze, nerved manna grass sometimes called fowl meadow grass...........--.--- Panicularia americana (Torr.) MacM., reed meadow grass, . water meadow grass, tall manna grass ? Page. oOo © 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 18 19 20 22 22 24 24 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 31 31 6 CONTENTS. IJ. DrescrIpTions OF THE SEEDS OF THE COMMERCIAL BLUEGRASSES AND THEIR Impurities—Continued. Page. Weed seeds commonly found with commercial bluegrass seeds ----.- 32 Bursa bursa-pastoris (L.) Britton, shepherd’s-purse .....-------- 32 Lepidium virginicum L., peppergrass -...----------------------- 32 Cerastium vulgatum L., mouse-ear chickweed.-....-------------- 32 Alsine media LL., common ehickweed - --......--- = =. ae eee 32 Alsine gramines: (::)/Britton .- -... - - 2. =. 2 = eee 33 Carduus arvensis (L.) Robs., Canada thistle --......--..-------- 33 Taraxacum taraxacum (L.) Karst., dandelion........----------- 34 Matricaria inodora L., scentless camomile ........-------------- 34 Hieracium sp., hawkweed -..--....-2.---1 J... 5s. 34 Anthemis cotiula L., dog fennel, mayweed.......---------------- 35 Chenopodium album L., lamb’s-quarters, pigweed....-..--------- 35 Plantago lanceolata L., rib-grass, buckhorn, English plantain. - - - 35 Rumez crispus L., curled dock -.-:.-----..¢025: 2.525250 36 Rumezx acetosella L., sheep’s sorrel, sorrel.....------------------ 36 Veronica arvensis L., corm speed well-. ........-.-:22 222 eee 36 Juncus tenuis Willd., slender rush .--.---22--2-=2-2e sees 37 Juncoides campestre (L.) Kuntze, field rush.............----.--- 37 Juncoides albida DC:, wood rush”. -. 22. 222.2222 22 eee 37 Carex cephalophora Muhl., oval-headed sedge. .-.--.---.-------- 37 Ergot occasionally found in commercial bluegrass seed. .........---- 38 Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul., ergot. -.....----2- 22 2 oe 38 ILLUSTRATIONS. TEXT FIGURES. meeseikelenor Pos. 2225-22-25 2- 2-2 e cSt. . Unrubbed Kentucky bluegrass seed (Poa pratensis) ....--.-.-------- . Seeds of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) - . - - . Different forms of commercial seeds of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa FRAT) Eos Be SAE eek ee ee A . Commercial seeds of Canada bluegrass (Poa compressa) ...---.------ Seeds of rough-stalked meadow grass ( Poa trivialis)........--.------ . Seeds of wood meadow grass (Poa nemoralis) - - - - . Seeds of fowl meadow grass ( Poa triflora).-.-.---- . Seeds of Texas bluegrass (Poa arachnifera) - - -- - - . A cluster of Texas bluegrass seeds matted by the webby fibers. -----. . Seeds of annual meadow grass ( Poa annua). ----- . Seeds of alpine meadow grass (Poa alpina) .----- - BPE EO EMG RUMCICO S22 Sone Soe joe Sw ke on . Seeds of nerved manna grass ( Panicularia nervata) ....--.---------- . Seeds of water meadow grass ( Panicularia americana) ...-.---------- . Seeds of shepherd’s-purse ( Bursa bursa-pastoris) - . Seeds of peppergrass (Lepidium virginicum) ---- - . Seeds of mouse-ear chickweed ( Cerastium vulgatum)....------------- . Seeds of chickweeds ( Alsine media and A. graminea)...--..--------- . Seeds of Canada thistle ( Carduus arvensis) - ----- - . Prickles often found with bluegrass seed--.----- . Seeds of dandelion (Taraxacum taraxacum).--.--- . Seeds of scentless camomile ( Matricaria inodora) - . Seeds of hawkweed (Hieraciumsp.)-.----.------- . Seeds of dog fennel (Anthemis cotula) ......----- . Seeds of lamb’s-quarters (Chenopodium album) - - - . Seeds of rib-grass ( Plantago lanceolata) ...-.----- . Seeds of curled dock ( Rumex crispus) ..--------- . Seeds of sorrel (Rumesx acetosella).....--.------- . Seeds of corn speedwell ( Veronica arvensis) - -- - - - . Seeds of slender rush (Juncus tenwis)......------ . Seeds of field rush (Juncoides campestre) .--.----- - . Seeds of wood rush (Juncoides albida) ...-------- . Seeds of sedge ( Carex cephalophora) .....-------- . Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) of Kentucky bluegrass 31 32 B. P. I.—176. fae SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. I. THE GERMINATION, GROWING, HANDLING, AND ADULTERATION OF BLUEGRASS SEEDS. By Epcar Brown, Botanist in Charge of Seed Laboratory. DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL AND HAND-GATHERED SEEDS. Great difficulty is experienced in distinguishing the seeds of the species of Poa. It is especially important to be able to recognize them, as the species vary greatly in value and the seed of one species is frequently substituted for that of another. The descriptions of the seeds of Poa already published have been largely those of complete or hand-gathered specimens. But the seeds of some kinds as they appear on the market are more or less broken and have lost many of their distinguishing characters. The process of cleaning often rubs off the web at the base of the seed and the hairs along the sides and breaks the tip. On this account descriptions based on specimens of perfect seeds are not to be relied upon in identifying certain commercial Poas. The mutilation of seeds during the process of cleaning is especially marked in home-grown seed of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis). Even the hand-gathered seed of rough-stalked meadow grass (Poa trivialis) is frequently so much injured about the slender apex as to increase greatly the difficulty of distinguishing it from that of Ken- tucky bluegrass. On the other hand, the commercial seeds of wood meadow grass (Poa nemoralis) and fowl meadow grass (fa triflora) retain much of the pubescence on the glume, often the web, and are usually not broken on the tip. It is important that descriptions and illustrations to be used in prac- tical seed testing be taken from the commercial as well as hand- gathered seed and be comparative in character. Those given in this paper have been prepared from both hand-gathered and commercial seed. The term seed is here used in its popular sense. 5813—No. 84—05 2 9 10 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. GRADES AND QUALITY OF COMMERCIAL SEEDS. The seeds of all species except Kentucky bluegrass are known to the American trade in only one grade. This is the so-called ‘‘faney” grade, which is based on relative cleanness and on the bright appear- ance of the seed. The quality of different samples passing under this grade name is not necessarily uniform, but among the more careful dealers a purity standard of from 80 to 90 per cent is usually maintained. The seeds of Kentucky bluegrass and of Canada bluegrass raised in this country are usually much cleaner and freer from foreign seeds than the European-grown seeds of rough-stalked meadow grass, wood meadow grass, and fowl meadow grass. Kentucky bluegrass seed is commonly offered in two grades— ‘*fancy,” and ‘*extra-clean” or ‘‘extra-cleaned.” The latter names are a survival of the time when the seed was hand cleaned and the ‘‘ extra- clean” was the best seed on the market. With the advent of improved machinery the ‘‘fancy” grade was established and it is now the only grade generally accepted by the intelligent purchaser. The ‘*extra- clean” still on the market belies its name, since it consists of the chaff or cleanings from the fancy seed, and consequently contains only light seed. Samples of ‘‘extra-cleaned” as offered usually contain less than 10 per cent of seed. In some cases the growers find a sale for the rough or uncleaned seed after it has been passed through a feed cutter. In this condition it has very much the appearance of fine-cut straw with a large per- centage of chaff, and can be scattered over pastures and other areas, seeding them as effectually as could be done by the use of fancy recleaned seed. If well cured, the germinating quality of such seed is excellent, and the mass contains from 60 to 70 per cent of pure seed. Except for foreign trade the percentage of germination has little to do with the price and grade of bluegrass seed. Aside from adulterated samples the purity of ‘‘ fancy” seed of all species of bluegrass is usually good. Of the 2,887 samples of Ken- tucky bluegrass tested by the Zurich Seed Control Station from 1876 to 1903 the average purity was 86.3 percent. Of the 69 samples tested in the Seed Laboratory of the Department of Agriculture during the past year the average purity was 75.02 per cent. ADULTERATION. The seed of Canada bluegrass (Poa compressa) is the only kind used as an adulterant of Kentucky bluegrass in this country. During the year 1904 649,451 pounds of Canada bluegrass seed were imported from Canada, practically none of which is being sold under its true name. Among the samples of seed sold for Kentucky bluegrass and sent to the Seed Laboratory for examination a large number have WEIGHT PER BUSHEL. 11 contained from 30 to 50 per cent of Canada bluegrass seed and several have been entirely composed of the Canada seed. It is significant in this connection that the price of Canada bluegrass seed varies with that of Kentucky bluegrass seed, being usually about one-half that of the latter. This adulteration is not merely a simple fraud by which the farmer pays for what he does not get, but the difference in the resulting pasture or hay crop is very important. Canada bluegrass, while having many good qualities in common with other species of Poa, is by no means a pasture grass, for which purpose Kentucky bluegrass is unexcelled. The seed of wood meadow grass (Poa nemoralis) is sometimes adul- terated with other species of Poa, and samples have been offered under this name that contain no wood meadow grass seed. One sample tested in the Seed Laboratory contained 59.4 per cent of Poa pratensis and 23 per cent of Poa compressa, the remainder being chaff and dirt. Samples of fowl meadow grass (Poa triflora) have been examined which consisted largely of various common grass and clover seeds combined with an abundance of weed seeds. These samples contained small quantities of Kentucky and Canada bluegrass seeds, much chaff and dirt, and some of them no seeds of fowl meadow grass. The seed of Kentucky bluegrass is used to adulterate that of the higher priced Poa trivialis, pure seed of the latter species usually being hard to obtain. Some of the German authorities say that it is necessary for every farmer to save his own seed of this grass in order to be sure that itis pure. Hunter” says: Previously to 1883 good and genuine seed of this species (Poa trivialis) could not be obtained in this country [England]. Seed of the Poa pratensis was commonly supplied for it. It is now less difficult to procure genuine seed, but large quantities of seed of Poa pratensis (which usually costs about one-third the price) are prepared to resemble and are sold for Poa trivialis, and it is only by careful microscopic exam- ination that the nature of the seed can be determined WEIGHT PER BUSHEL. The standard weight of a bushel of bluegrass seed of any grade is 14 pounds. The actual weight, however, varies from 6 to 8 pounds in the case of *‘extra cleaned” to 27 pounds or more for especially good sam- ples of fancy recleaned seed. In the bluegrass region of Kentucky itis the usual practice to sell the seed fresh from the strippers or cured in the chaff by the bushel of 14 pounds, but it is always weighed, not measured. The cleaned seed is always sold by the pound. As the weight per bushel of bluegrass seed depends directly on its purity, it is customary in quoting the price of *‘fancy” seed to accompany it with a statement as to the weight per bushel. 4Treatise on Permanent Pasture Grasses, James Hunter. Chester, England, 1901. 12 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. The foreign trade is much more critical than the domestic trade, and the seed exported usually weighs from 22 to 24 pounds per bushel, while the domestic trade is content with seed weighing from 18 to 20 pounds. The heavier seed costs more per pound than the lighter seed, since there is more labor in its preparation, but it is cheaper for the purchaser. GERMINATION. The germination of commercial bluegrass seed is often poor. At the Zurich Seed Control Station the average percentage from 3,069 samples of Kentucky bluegrass seed tested from 1876 to 1904 was 65 per cent, while 908 samples of Poa trivialis tested showed an average of 72 per cent. The quality of Kentucky bluegrass seed as respects germination appears, however, to be improving. Last year’s tests at the Zurich station gave an average of 68 per cent, while a few years ago 50 per cent was considered fair or satisfactory. Only the best seed goes to Europe, and consequently the percentage of germination of that offered in this country is low. As carefully cured seed will germinate from 80 to 90 per cent, the cause for the poor quality of commercial seed is doubtless to be found in the way it is harvested and cured.” The usual process is to pile the freshly stripped seed in ricks, either outdoors or in barns. This mass heats quickly if not stirred often during the first few days. One pile left without stirring reached a temperature of 140° F. in sixteen hours, killing all the seed. GROWING AND HANDLING. With the exception of our native western species, more or less seed of all the commercial Poas is gathered in Europe, where they are found wild. The harvesting is done by hand from the natural mead- ows, woods, or other uncultivated areas. The seed is cleaned by hand and carried to market in small quantities and collected by dealers who supply the trade. The United States furnishes Europe with Kentucky bluegrass seed, and Europe furnishes the seed of rough-stalked meadow grass and wood meadow grass, as well as of the other commercial species of Poa used in this country. Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass).—The bulk of the Kentucky bluegrass seed comes from a limited area known as the bluegrass region of Kentucky. The counties of Bourbon, Scott, Fayette, Clark, and Woodford furnish most of it, although there is a small quantity saved in Shelby County. Some is harvested in southwestern Illinois, and there is another area on the border between Missouri and Iowa where a considerable amount of seed is saved. The seed is gathered from the natural woodland pastures as well as from those where it has “See Bulletin No. 19, Bureau of Plant Industry, ‘‘ Kentucky Bluegrass Seed: Har- vesting, Curing, and Cleaning.”’ GROWING AND HANDLING. 13 been sown. It is customary to graze cattle on it nearly the entire year, as they do not materially injure the crop of seed if they are kept out for two or three weeks immediately before gathering. The seed is harvested by pulling the heads off with a stripper, the grass not being cut for hay. The cleaning is a rather difficult process, as it is necessary to rub the heads thoroughly in order to separate the seed from the web at the base. The last of the chaff and dirt which is blown out during the cleaning process is sold as ** extra-cleaned” seed. Poa compressa (Canada bluegrass).—The seed of Canada bluegrass is mostly produced in the Province of Ontario, along the north shore of the eastern half of Lake Erie. The soil is a heavy clay on lime- stone. In this section Canada bluegrass is not sown, but appears as a volunteer in any fields that are not kept under cultivation, making a thick growth and crowding out other grasses and weeds. It is nearly always found in wheat fields when the wheat crop is a partial failure. In this case the seed, ripening as it does at the same time as the wheat, is thrashed with it and screened out in cleaning. Where the seed is harvested alone the grass is cut with a mowing machine and cured the same as ordinary hay, and afterwards thrashed with a clover huller or grain separator. The hay is bright green, even when not cut until after the seed is ripe, and is well liked by some farmers as feed, while it is considered hard and of little value by others. A good crop is from 200 to 300 pounds of clean seed per acre. There has been some demand for this seed in the Southeastern States under the name of Virginia bluegrass. The seed is easily cleaned, as it is comparatively free from wool at the base and does not require rub- bing, as does Kentucky bluegrass seed. No special machinery is used except rather long sieves to insure sufficient screening. Poa trivialis (rough-stalked meadow grass).—The wholesale trade in the seed of rough-stalked meadow grass is largely confined to the city of Hamburg, Germany. ‘The seed is collected in the neighbor- hood of that city and in the marshes of the Elbe. Seed of good quality is also supplied from Denmark, where in one locality this grass is grown especially for seed, and it is said to yield as much as 400 pounds to the acre. The seed is stripped or the grass is cut and the seed allowed to after-ripen, when it is cleaned by hand. Poa nemoralis (wood meadow grass).—The seed of wood meadow grass is gathered by hand in the woods of Germany, and cleaned in the same manner as is the seed of Poa trivialis. Poa trifora (fowl meadow grass).—Though widely distributed throughout the northern portion of the United States, this species is chiefly a natural meadow grass of lowlands, and is usually so mixed with sedges and other grasses that seed collection on a commercial scale has not thus far been undertaken in this country. The seed of this species on the market comes from Europe and is very poor. 14 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. Prof. L. R. Jones, of the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, reports the seed production from a nearly pure stand of this grass as amounting to 6 bushels of 19 pounds each per acre. A small plat yielded seed at the rate of over 7 bushels per acre. The seed is pro- duced abundantly and ripens evenly. In Vermont it is harvested in the latter part of July. The name fowl meadow grass is often applied to another lowland grass, Panicularia nervata. Poa arachnifera (Texas bluegrass).—The seed of Texas bluegrass is gathered by hand in northern Texas. It is cleaned by rubbing between the hands, and, owing to the long, woolly hairs at the base of the seed, it is never ‘‘ fancy clean.” The best seed is produced on rich, black, waxy soil, and is ripe about May 1 to 15. Only a small quantity is gathered each year, and consequently it is high priced and can not be considered as a commercial seed at the present time. Poa annua (annual bluegrass).—The seed of the annual bluegrass is not on the market in this country, though the plant is common about dwellings, especially in the South and East, and ripens its seed throughout the summer. The seeds do not ripen evenly, the upper ones falling before the lower flowers have opened. The seed is gathered and used to some extent in Europe. Poa alpina (alpine meadow grass).—Alpine meadow grass is best known in Switzerland, where the seed ripens from the end of June to the middle of July. The viviparous form can be propagated by scat- tering the buds during the hot weather. Poa sudetica.—The seed of Poa sudetica, which is a European grass, is rare in the market, but is occasionally quoted by French and by German firms. It is sometimes mixed to some extent with the seeds of the meadow grasses, particularly water meadow grass (Pandeularia americand). In addition to the foregoing, other species of Poa occur in the western and northwestern United States, where they contribute to the native forage of the stock ranges. The seeds of these species, however, are not found in commerce. 1ieDESCRIPTIONS OF THE SEEDS OF THE COMMER- CIAL BLUEGRASSES AND THEIR IMPURITIES. By F. H. Hrtiman, Assistant Botanist, Seed Laboratory. THE BLUEGRASSES. The ‘‘seeds” of the species of Poa, or the bluegrasses, are the ripened florets or individual parts of the smaller clusters, or spikelets, of the general floral system of the plant. The number of florets in each spikelet varies from two to nine in the different kinds of Poa commonly found in commerce. There is some variation in the num- ber of florets in the spikelets of each species. The florets separate readily at maturity, and well-cleaned samples of seed contain few whole or partial spikelets. A complete, mature spikelet embraces, besides its several florets, a pair of chaffy scales, termed empty glumes, between which the florets, or at least the lower ones, rest. The empty glumes, while somewhat Fic. 1.—I.—A spikelet of Poa: a, stem of spikelet; b, empty glumes; c, florets, or “ seeds.”’ II.—Single floret, back view: a, callus; b, keel; c, intermediate veins; d, marginal veins; e, hyaline portion of glume. III.—Single floret, side view: a, callus; b, rachilla segment; c, keel; d, intermediate vein; e, marginal vein; f, margin of glume. IV.—Single floret, front view: a, rachilla segment; b, mar- ginal fold; c, palea; d, keelsof palea. V.—Terminal floret, front view: a, rachilla segment; b, aborted floret; c, palea. VI.—Caryopsis, or grain: a, location of embryo; b, keeled face; c, grooved face. dissimilar, are keeled, acute, and one or three veined. The keel of each is usually hispid-ciliate above the middle. A portion of the stem of the spikelet often remains attached to the base of the empty glumes when these are found in commercial samples. Each mature, well-developed floret or seed consists of a caryopsis, commonly called grain, two inclosing scales which, together with the empty glumes, constitute the chaff, and a slender appendage, the rachilla segment. (Fig. 1.) 15 16 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. The caryopsis corresponds to an individual grain in wheat, rye, and barley, and consists almost entirely of the seed proper, to which is added only the thin wall of the seed vessel. This is intimately blended with the seed coat, the two forming the covering of the true seed. The caryopsis is spindle-shaped and often broadest between the middle and the base. It is often bluntly keeled along one face and more or less evidently grooved along the opposite face. In the commercial bluegrass seeds the grain is amber-colored or dull wine-colored and semitranslucent. The surface is finely granular and dull. The kernel of the seed forms that part of the grain within the seed and seed- vessel walls. It consists of the embryo and endosperm, the latter forming the greater part. The embryo is situated at the basal extremity of the grain and is evident externally as a small ridge, often within a slight depression, on the keeled face. The grain adheres along its grooved face to the palea in some species in which free grains are not common in well-cleaned commercial seed. The two chaffy scales of the floret differ chiefly in size, form, rela- tive position, venation, and texture. The larger one, called the flower- ing glume or simply the glume, incloses the edges of the other, termed palea. The grain rests between the glume and palea, its keeled face lying against the glume. The rachilla segment is at the base of the palea and opposite the glume. It is one of the articulating sections of the rachilla, or axis of the spikelet. The characters by which the different kinds of bluegrass seeds are distinguished one from another are afforded by the glume, palea, and rachilla s¢gment, and involve size, form, color, veins of the glume, form and texture of the apex of the glume, and the pubescence. The glume is stiffish and more or less pointed at the ends. Its base is marked by the presence of a small, somewhat knob-like appendage, the callus. The latter bears the scar of attachment of the floret and, in certain species, a more or less pronounced tuft of webby hairs. The back of the glume is more or less keeled along its longitudinal center. Besides the fold forming the keel, the edges of the glume are infolded along the marginal veins. ‘The marginal folds often are most pronounced within and sometimes are confined to the lower half of the glume, in which event the upper margins usually diverge and become spreading or flaring at the apex. The keel is strongly arched length- wise in some species and in others is nearly straight. Five veins traverse the glume longitudinally; one occupies the keel, two are at the marginal folds and are termed the marginal veins, while the other two are situated midway between the keel and marginal veins and are called intermediate or, by some authors, lateral veins. The interme- diate veins exhibit considerable variation in distinctness in the differ- ent species. The vein occupying the keel extends to the apex. The apex and often the upper part of the lateral margins of the glume in THE BLUEGRASSES. uty most species are thin and translucent, or hyaline. The extent of the hyaline portion of the apex has much to do with the form of the latter and is variable in the different species. The palea is commonly more delicate in texture than the glume, being partially hyaline. It usually is shorter than the glume, but in some species equals or exceeds it in length. The difference in length usually is most evident in the lower florets of the spikelet. Two veins traverse the palea lengthwise and nearly meet at its apex. The mar- gins of the palea are more or less acutely infolded along these veins, which are called the keels of the palea. The keels are mostly covered by the glume in some species, while in others they are almost wholly exposed. There is some variation in this respect, however, among seeds of the same species. The apex of the palea is often notched. The rachilla segment is nearly cylindrical and usually somewhat curved. It is slightly expanded at the apex, which is obliquely trun- cate, its terminal surface constituting the scar of at- tachment to the succeeding floret. Different florets in the same spikeletin certain species exhibit a marked variation in the length of the rachilla segment, which is shortest in the lower florets and conspicuously longer in the terminal one, where it usually bears an _ aborted floret as a small, pointed appendage. The surface of the florets of different species of Poa is subject to considerable variation. Some florets are smooth, or glabrous; others bear numerous minute, stiffish hairs, rendering the surface rough, or scabrous; ral Tha a and some have a fine, appressed pubescence covering grass seed (Poa a part of the surface. Most of the species have a tacts een pea more or less silky pubescence on the keel and mar- marginal vein; ¢, ginal veins below the middle or somewhat higher on = PUDS*eenee oF the keel. The intermediate veins are more rarely pubescent. The keels of the palea are usually fringed with minute hairs, or are hispid-ciliate, but in some species they are silky pubes- cent. The basal web is wholly wanting in some species and in others varies from a few fibers to a copious tuft. It readily separates from the floret in most species. The rachilla segment is usually smooth, but in some species it is appressed pubescent. The presence of the hairs on the marginal veins often necessitates that care be used in examining the rachilla segment with respect to pubescence. (Fig. 2.) The color of mature seeds varies from very light brown to dark brown. Sterile seeds are usually lighter or straw colored. Immature seeds are more or less tinged with green; some are purplish. In cer- tain species the glume is tinged with golden yellow near the apex. The aborted terminal floret and all the hairs are white. The rachilla segment is lighter colored than the glume or palea. 5813—No. 84053 15 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. Poorly cleaned samples are apt to contain many sterile florets. These are slender, sometimes shrunken, and usually lighter colored than the grain-bearing florets, which are comparatively plump and often dark colored, owing to the color of the grain appearing through the thin palea. (Fig. 3.) The recognition of the several species of Poa, when the identity is questionable, requires the use of a good lens and a knowledge of the vs AN principal distinguishing characters. A sample oe ates ds of Kentucky Under examination should be spread thinly on bluegrass (Poa pratensis): a, a Sheet of paper, or, better still, on a black sur- poe Sree face. With a good light and means for turn- ing the seeds over while under the lens, they can easily be examined with reference to size, color, distinctness of veins, character of pubes- cence, the condition of the margins of the glume, etc. Exposing the different sides of the florets to the light while under examination is often absolutely essential in determining the nature of the veins and pubescence. KEY TO THE SEEDS OF THE MORE COMMON SPECIES OF POA AS FOUND ON HERBARIUM SPECIMENS. Basal web present. Web very persistent and conspicuous -...--.--.--+-----c-,sssnas P. arachnifera. Web easily removed, small; keel of the glume pubescent. Intermediate veins distinct. Intermediate veins sharply defined as narrow ridges; glume margins narrow, not easily seen from the side; marginal veins usually smooth. P. trivialis. Intermediate veins usually not sharply defined; glume margins broader, easily seen from the side in fertile florets; marginal veins pubescent. P. pratensis. Intermediate veins indistinct. Rachilla segment smooth or nearly so; florets 2-23 mm. long. Florets usually broader above than below the middle; apex usually flaring; rachilla'sesment smooth 22222022: Sen. 2- eee eee P. compressa. Florets not evidently broader above than below the middle; apex usually golden yellow; rachilla segment sometimes rough ........-.-- P. triflora. Rachilla segment usually pubescent. Florets 25-3 mm. long, usually not yellow at the apex. ..... P. nemoralis. 3asal web not present. Florets strongly pubescent. Intermediate veins distinct; palea keels prominent, often arched forward. P. annua. Intermediate veins’indistinct; palea keels not arched. ...........--- P. alpina. Hlorets not pubescent se... .--- 2 6. see. eels eee ee P. sudetica. KEY TO COMMERCIAL SEEDS. 19 KEY TO COMMERCIAL BLUEGRASS SEEDS AFTER PREPARATION FOR MARKET. Seeds 46 mm. long; web longer than glume, forming a woolly tuft and causing the seeds to cling-in bunches in the sample.....-----.---------------- P. arachnifera. Seeds 2-27 mm. long, usually rubbed free from hairs and disconnected in the sample, often more or less torn at the apex; commonest commercial kinds. Intermediate veins distinct; seeds contracted at the apex and not wider above than below the middle; hyaline margin of apex seldom present in rubbed seed. P. pratensis. Intermediate veins very indistinct; seeds broader above than below the middle; hyaline margin of apex usually evident and flaring -.......------------- ’ P. compressa, Seeds 2-3 mm. long, chiefly unrubbed; disconnected or clinging somewhat in the sample; usually not torn at the apex; smooth or the pubescence on the veins and the web more or less evident. Intermediate veins indistinct. Rachilla segment usually pubescent; long, sterile racbilla segments conspicuously common, intermediate veins scarcely evident; keeland marginal veins pubescent; apex of seed often flaring; seed 23-3 mm. long ................ P. nemoralis, Rachilla segment smooth; intermediate veins but slightly evident; keel and marginal veins pubescent; apex ofseed sometimes flaring; seed 2-23mm.long. P. triflora. Intermediate veins very distinct. Rachilla segment smooth and slender; keel pubescent, marginal veins usually smooth; apex of seed acute and compressed; seeds often distinctly curved as viewed from the side -.-.-.---- Se ta ae reese i ade eae ese P. trivialis. THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. 20 “suOlLUaO “jus s0s BITryoa Vil ayy (se AUOT sv uoaiyoO “ysnor 10 yjoours ‘ound r ysue, out “sisuaqDud 0} = ‘1apue[g® ‘gd UT sR ourRS _ yUBp -unqe s}ue Ul -Soas O9[ 11048 ‘Suor ‘jue -saqnd ‘aumypa JO yVsue, oy} f 0} 7 ‘dopue[s ‘OqNUTL “OUNUT AT “Oy NUL *jo10pJ pawoqy *yjoous :aumny,s jo Wau oy) $04 t ‘aapusls AIBA “s7suapoud ‘d Ul SB 9UIBS ‘sesuaypoud ‘d UL 8B ouIRg “qjoous fawn, s jo yy sual oyy t 07% “yqoows jtaun,s Jo yysuel ogy f 07 ‘USTs BILLoRy ‘SauUuUS ssVuUOHOA Ta ‘srsuayDud ‘d ul sv ourg *pasodxa ssep 10 e20UL pus = 9zBIT Io -prdsty s[aoyx ‘oun, s eq} uBy} 1ay0ys yBVYyMIWOS 10 0} [Tenby “Ra[Bd *xode OU 7B YSIMOyT ‘outpedAy S3ur -jaA ATTBNsn “SDL “SYDLOUWaU ‘sypiomau | -IRy A[WAYS *81]D.LOULIU ‘UMOIq JUST | ‘dq ul svoureg | ‘gq ur sB ouRg | ‘7 UL sBoWIRg | 10 93ND VY | ‘d UL SB OURS |fZ-Z | PZ DLOYL) “I *xodv ayy “pads [RIO10 UL ‘Suey ua | qB YSIMOT[OA -w100 UT JuaseId -JO pu oul] “a7 RIO So ULT}9 WOS ‘spun | +SUTdA [RULE “‘qjoowms =| -RAy taqynoe | -aoUBl[-a7RAO ‘UMOIG YUSIT | ‘dq UL SB OTIBG | -IvUIPURIOZUO | ‘VOUTISTPUT/IO 9SNIqO JO aIRLOADUBT | g-7Z | F1OG “‘SIDLOWIU “ | *paas [RIO10 UL *popeey AT | *poos | -aro0ulUueserd ‘qjoouls | -jouUNsIp ‘arty ‘ysydand | ;wroseumo0) | uayjo ‘qjoous |tsespil Joep |-uepuR pespe *paarno ua} souryamos | Ur JuasqR ALT |SUTOA [BUTS | -uajssepouy | -sutpedAy AT | -JO ‘azBlOVd ‘UMOIG JUST | -[ensn '4y.SI[S | -rwur ‘yaoy ud |-ap ATdi BY ]-jensn ‘aynoy | -uBl ATMOBN |fZ-Z | § 40% “SYDUUL) “qT “ysrd *paes -ind saul “qjoomls | [RIO Le uTUIOD -OULOS ‘UMOIG *“poaas [BIO SUTJUBM | UL Furey “a7 Road VYUSTT JO |-temtuIOD Ur ‘ssuajoud «=| K~YUaARddB | JO UI10) fasny | -UR[ IO AIBA poLOTOd- MBIYg | JUASGV YYSIS| ‘dq Ul sv oweg}1oO youpysTpul | -qo ATT BUS | -oqo-Su0[qO {zs | 6k “DSSaLTULOd “eq ‘ysyd “qjoouls -nd uajyo *poos [BIO *poos [vrorour =| ‘sas pti Joep ‘UMOIG YIBpP | -eTIWMOD UT |-UIOO Ur yues | -Ua[s ‘pauy | pees [BIoJOUL *a7R]O oy uMoirq |quesqe ‘pado |-quisureaAtRuLs |-ap Alsine graminea (L.) Britton. & 2 Fie. 19.—Seeds of chickweeds: a, Alsine me- Seeds similar to those of Alsine media, ex- _—_ dia; b, A. graminea; c, natural size of seeds. cept in form and surface markings; usually circular or oval; faces and edges somewhat rounded, finely roughened by short, inter- lacing ridges which are arranged more or less concentrically on the faces and parallel on the edges; surface dull; color grayish-brown, immature seeds reddish. (Fig. 19, 5.) Z Not found in American seed; frequent, although not abundant, in European seed. Carduus arvensis (L.) Robs. > CANADA THISTLE. 19 2 Seeds (akenes) 2-3 mm. long, oblong-lanceolate, flattened with obtuse edges, slightly ridged along each face, straight or curved edge- wise, sometimes facewise; apex truncate, often obliquely so, con- cave with a ring-like border; corolla scar represented by a central, conical projection; surface dull and mostly smooth, sometimes with several narrow, longitudinal grooves; color brown, the apical margin usually lighter and sometimes yellowish. (Fig. 20.) Prickles of Canada thistle and horse nettle (Solanum carolinense) often occur in certain bluegrass seeds. While the presence of the former is significant with respect to adultera- tion, the two kinds are apt to be confounded. The prickles of Canada thistle are 2-6 mm. long, very slender, yellowish, usually expanded and laterally flattened at the base, which con- sists of a portion of the leaf tissue and is darker colored than the rest of the prickle, somewhat * rounded or angular in form and jagged-edged. (Fig. 21, ce and d), The prickles of horse nettle (Solanum caro- Fic. 21.—Prickles often found with blue- Fie. 20.—Seeds of Canada thistle ( Cardwus arvensis): a, well- matured seeds; b, natural size of seeds; c,a shriveled seed. linense) are coarser, 4-8 mm. in length, light grass seed: a and 6, horse nettle (Sola- yellow in color, usually not darker at the base ee i ’ ’ : size; c and d, Canada thistle (Carduus They are produced on the stems and the coarse arvensis) enlarged and natural size; 1 and midribs of the leaves, and on breaking off have 2, characteristic forms of the bases of a transversely flattened scar. They occur fre- "Be two kinds of prickles. quently in samples of Kentucky-grown Poa pratensis and are easily mistaken for those of Canada thistle. (Fig. 21, a and b.) Matured seeds, shriveled seeds, and prickles from the leaves and stems of Canada thistle are frequently found in Canada bluegrass seed. The presence of the prickles 34 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. in the more expensive kinds of bluegrass seed indicates the probable use of Canada bluegrass seed as an adulterant. These prickles have been found, however, in rough- stalked meadow grass seed in which no trace of Canada bluegrass seed appeared. Owing to the troublesome nature of Canada thistle. care should be taken not to introduce its seeds with those of the bluegrasses. Taraxacum taraxacum (L.) Karst. DANDELION. Seeds (akenes) 3-4 mm. long, including the per- sistent base of the beak, which forms the pointed apex of the seed, lance-shaped or broadly so, straight or curved, flattened or slightly four- angled with similar faces, barbed in the upper, Fic. 22.—Seeds of dandelion (Taraza- broader half; teeth directed toward the apex, cum taraxacum): a, side views; b, nat- prominent on the edges and arranged in about unal size of needs. five rows on each face, which has two slender grooves with three rows of teeth between them; surface dull; color light brown or dark brown. (Fig. 22.) Occurring occasionally in both American and European seed, these seeds have appeared most frequently in Kentucky bluegrass and rough-stalked meadow grass seeds. Matricaria inodora L. SCENTLESS CAMOMILE. Seeds (akenes) 14-2 mm. long, slender or robust, oblong with obtuse extremities, taper- ing somewhat from the truncate apex to the base, slightly flattened; faces dissimilar, one having three prominent, longitudinal ribs 7 tris eo dia joined at the apex, the lateral ribs and a partial elie sie a g SLENDER RUSH. by E Seeds very minute, about 4} mm. long, broadly spindle- shaped, the extremities usually slightly curved; surface Fic. 31.—Seeds of slender rush (as seen under a lens) nearly smooth; color reddish = (7™eus fenuis): a, seeds en- res y : larged; 6b, natural size of yellow, darker at the extremities, which sometimes bear ....4. a small white tissue. (Fig. 31.) > Often quite abundant in poorly cleaned Kentucky bluegrass seed, sometimes cling- ing in bunches of several seeds each. Juncoides campestre (L.) Kuntze. FIELD RUSH. a r) Seeds 14-13 mm. long, oval, not flattened, the ex- et -« tremities unequally pointed, the basal extremity turned ® slightly to one side and consisting of soft white or b yellowish tissue; a narrow and often indistinctly de- ee ees. oe Geld ruall (Jun: fined whitish ridge extends from the base to the apex; coides campestre): a, different body of the seed wine-colored and semitranslucent or views; b, natural size of seeds. grayish. (Fig. 32.) Found frequently in the seed of wood meadow grass and of the Poa sudetica of European origin. Juncoides albida DC WOOD RUSH. Seeds 1-1} mm. long, narrowly oval, not flattened; base without an appendage of soft tissue; apex more acutely pointed than the base; a distinct brown or reddish brown ridge joins the base and apex; body of the seed reddish brown or wine- colored, often semitranslucent. (Fig. 33.) Found in various species of European-grown blue- grass seed. The usually smaller size, absence of the “* basal appendage, and more distinct and constant red= BEI Ae dish-brown lateral ridge serve to distinguish these — goides athida): a, different views: from the seeds of Juncoides campestre. b, natural size of seeds. Carex cephalophora Muhl. OVAL-HEADED SEDGE. Seeds (akenes) 13-2 mm. long, lens-shaped and broadly ovate, contracted at the base and tipped at the apex by a conical appendage (the base of the style); surface smooth and dull; color varying from light to dark brown; apical appendage often broken away in seeds found in commercial samples; perigynium broadly ovate- lanceolate, plano-convex, the tapering extremity usually rough-edged ‘and notched at 38 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. the apex; surface sometimes slightly grooved or ridged lengthwise, otherwise smooth; color varying from light brown to greenish or dark brown. (Fig. 34.) Fic. 34.—Seeds of sedge ( Carex cephalophora): a,seeds inclosed by the perigynium; } and c, seeds with perigynium removed; d, natural size of seeds. ERGOT OCCASIONALLY FOUND IN BLUEGRASS SEED. Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. ERGOT. This is a fungus growth affecting the grain (caryopsis) of many grasses. It is very common in the seed of redtop and other species of Agrostis, and occasionally occurs in bluegrass seed. The grain of the seed becomes elongated, extending Seeds of sedge (Carex) are found in both American and European bluegrass seed. Owing to the wide area of their production, the seeds of various species of Carex occur in commercial blue- grass seed. The seeds of Carex are fruits (akenes) and occur free or in- closed within a sae-like covering (the perigynium). Carex cephalophora is the species most commonly found in Kentucky bluegrass seed. COMMERCIAL Fic. 35.—Ergot (Clavi- beyond the glume and palea, attains about twice the length of — ceps purpurea) of Ken- the glume, and is club-shaped, straight, or, more commonly, _ tucky bluegrass: a,en- somewhat curved. It is black, dull, and somewhat grooved 1#78¢4; >,naturalsize. lengthwise. (Fig. 35.) O Bul. 85, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Zz Sg c O uw oc = ke = =) ° w c > oO re ° z = < a ep) = Oo oc re z = e) x oO wn = 12) e) c a no > = we Oo Qa wi a w = iL < U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 85. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. { THE PRINCIPLES OF MUSHROOM GROWING AND MUSHROOM SPAWN MAKING. - BY B. M. DUGGAR, PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MIssouRI, AND COLLABORATOR OF THE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. IssUED NOVEMBER 15, 1905. . a A y i —— Ss WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. ALBERT F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS. FREDERICK V. COVILLE, Botanist in Charge. FARM MANAGEMENT. W. J. SPILLMAN, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. PieTERS, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CorBpett, Horticulturist in Charge. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUB- TROPICAL PLANTS. O. F. Cook, Bionomist in Charge. DRUG AND POISONOUS PLANT INVESTIGATIONS AND TEA CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS. RopNrEy H. Trung, Physiologist in Charge. WESTERN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. CarL S. Scorre tp, Agriculturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. SEED LABORATORY. Epcar Brown, Botanist in Charge. J. E. ROCKWELL, Editor. JAMES E. JONES, Chief Clerk. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. ALBERT F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge. ERWIN F. Situ, Pathologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Pathology. Hereert J. Wesser, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Breeding. WALTER T. SWINGLE, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Life History. NEWTON B. Pierce, Pathologist in Charge of Pacific Coast Laboratory. M. B. WaITE, Pathologist in Charge of Investigations of Diseases of Orchard Fruits. MARK ALFRED CARLETON, Cerealist in Charge of Cereal Laboratory. HERMANN VON SCHRENK, in Charge of Mississippi Valley Laboratory. P. H. Rours, Pathologist in Charge of Subtropical Laboratory. C. O. TOWNSEND, Pathologist in Charge of Sugar Beet Investigations. T. H. Kearney, A. D. SHAMEL, Physiologists; Plant Breeding. P. H. Dorsert,t CoRNELIUS L. SHEAR, WILLIAM A. ORTON, W. M. Scott, ERNST A. 3HSSEY, BE. M. FREBMAN, Pathologists. E. C. Cuitcorr, Expert in Cultivating Methods, Cereal Laboratory. Cc. R. BAL, Assistant Agrostologist, Cereal Laboratory. JoserH B. CHAMBERLAIN,’ J. AnrHur Le Cuerc,e Physiological Chemists. FLora W. Parrerson, Mycologist. CuARLES P. HARTLEY, KARL F. KELLERMAN, JESSE B. Norton, CHARLES J. BRAND, T. RALPH Roprinson, Assistants in Physiology. DEANE B. SwWINGLE, Grorce G. Hepecock, Assistants in Pathology. PERLEY SPAULDING, P. J. O'GARA, FLORENCE Hepers, Henry A. MILLER, ERNEST B. Brown, LESLIE A. Frrz, LEoNARD L. Harter, JoHN O. Merwin, A. H. Lerpien, H. F. BLANCHARD, Scientific Assistants. W. W. Cosry, Tobacco Barpert. JOuUN VAN LEENHOFY, Jr., T. D. BeckwitH, Laperts. “ Detailed to Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution. + Detailed to Bureau of Chemistry. ¢ Detailed from Bureau of Chemistry. wy LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DeparTMENT oF AGRICULTURE, Bureau or Piuant Inpustry, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. C., August 21, 1905. Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith a paper entitled “ The Principles of Mushroom Growing and Mushroom Spawn Making,” and to recommend that it be published as Bulletin No. 85 of the series of this Bureau. This paper was prepared by Dr. B. M. Duggar, Professor of Botany in the University of Missouri and Collaborator with the Office of Vegetable Pathological and Physiological Investigations of this Bureau. Under the direction of the Pathologist and Physiolo- gist, Doctor Duggar has been engaged for several years in the inves- tigation of mushroom culture in all of its phases, and great advances have been made, especially in the production of purer and _ better spawns. The accompanying illustrations are necessary to a complete under- standing of the text of this bulletin. Respectfully, B. T. Gattoway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James WILson, Secretary of Agriculture. M ri e firth s ee a 7p > A ¢ £ one yr" = we 4; ; aw iy De | Pia 8 Bin: (NUCRT RY: TAA st oe fgstelogiot Diet ; i At: RNY) Ay ‘ ) «@% Pigeloty Likert ORT A, M5" TMT 10. 5 AMITIINIOL 40 THIMTAATS Ae he ow sy» cdaeateecai ae tT ae qTe TO“) TAAL 50, LAsaciek aon Wn aerat) ... . bd AL GAS Gea A” rm ' tons {ti% oI di free nth Of. 49 Ob raat ttoo th — hen cpnivent) ied re : 2 oft vel hails uci oh ‘witb A sami _ P q h ’ iret) mA ro ag yu pati a ho wrote) Bite Mitt ts “Qiierae tn windloievit'L B ie Tyee solving oP ids 22! tefadlagdied all To ii joery! be ast, woh, ie rresy Letays tw breve These ie Be cual Pry f Ti aly K.. re fete , RELY nt 5 Ms : ity Worth 1) ve v5 it ri) Fass Ovey oul tears ti a bd “als mt — ¢ jit : Lise rary eT in ss Mkrvantli i iy) idea tana 2, Zh iy ia u? bth. wien, of ama y ee aA uf ie $ (vod! ABS - by ahaw ¢ ” ovas adorn 4 tp igme 0 20ers i bs 3 ¥ Eas 2 dae . Z j Ley), epi tes = btody ; s tar Cig ‘vaya ( i. Cr OOMAR, ‘ane wed ieten ig in Pigdin mye i ; y Aeasot'e ‘nok (get eo Catania 47 trent Che Ga fei res s \ se wot in Fase ge a * q * ills ‘ ey 4 rl? Tas iad } = we, FF. Ly Where rrr Magertt at 5 yt i rate i ; 1 nag tu itt Hod red czar * tree had ws Suveaw’ af .{ almry a0) un " Leebatlen | ¥ th rem Je Pheuntetiy.) + ‘a PRETAGE. The bulletin submitted herewith presents the results of the work up to the present time on the problems of mushroom culture and spawn making. The first publication on the subject from the stand- point of pure culture was Bulletin No. 16 of the Bureau of Plant Industry. This was followed by a Farmers’ Bulletin (No. 204) on mushroom culture, presenting the results of our work for the use of the practical grower. As an outcome of the work Doctor Duggar has already accomplished, spawn of pure-culture origin is now being produced on a very large scale by several growers and is giving excel- lent results. This method enables the grower to improve and main- tain the most desirable varieties of mushrooms in the same manner as is possible with other plants propagated from cuttings or buds. Information which would enable a grower to accomplish this has not been up to this time available. The general method of securing pure cultures as here described will enable the experimenter to cultivate spawn of other edible species of mushrooms in case it should be found desirable to cultivate them. The methods described differ radically from any hitherto used. They are of more general application and give far better results. For the past three years this work has been carried on in coopera- tion with the University of Missouri, Doctor Duggar having left the Department to accept the professorship of botany in that institution. We wish to express our appreciation of the facilities furnished by the university for continuing this work. Apert F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist. OrFice oF VEvETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PuysyoLocicaL INVESTIGATIONS, Washington, D. C., June 16, 1905. or 7 ver y . ' >* a - ay oh ae Wey Te Ad be “role - ee ; fir . ba ee eo a ‘ se | J ' > al a z 1 7 ie £ mals é . - - — - adi to etineat adi sineaoid a {ieee hotsinnds it mooie it to 4a naldoadg gilt ao gontt soidua art mo mol re! idug geit of TE of 0% nitolledl enw or 5 . ret ti fey mk oma mich bray"! to ae ahi to ( oY) aitollgfl ‘eraetial # vd howollot aaw & ; <5 A107F 11/0 ta tlie £ sit yal nessa rsuwU Cj “"¢h) wel lever ali ty amoslvo me oh. Waist ) asintlon-orirg To mage badeilepet wriad wot af angen ro aahliy at hae erodore [etever veh oles ogial Yt aa ta ovOTEs : oy Sots as egid anh horlpontt € 40K onan att at ecoatdauon To. e9meriee olderttas nf «y) eeriiie cont heiaaanoig eankg, tans dail HMugIoOR Hy 19 yo 8 aliens blew Lie) rises 7G bodisat Laisae MT vole Jolinvat piaserrisan aft sidan ive ivnlisobabs . rene r Sas “nie sisoqe oldie 7 | fosued coge eet peed fain andl ueont oti Is re t to ath vad E M1 anon i to bere noad sad ow agli ; fal warrad rengH( yoo) indoemaht 10 ee ni Jued al veentod to qieoestong ols sitilinetepd? to coleioarqie GOt ow el yoiueiia vs ’ . ‘ eri Wea i = ‘ ¢ a ANG , yey ee? Tite Ds eine GAte. bg ay Ag +3 " aie JaompooETe see eve wraorren (2) JAD 4 whi A) Sit) \ ond AX, sty f p - * ivi ib - hve ' ‘ . oe \ ’ ah < - » “2? - ae ~ * Celle i ¥ Ay fr a7 o i] ‘ Ms \ = be 7 Pr ig 2 Pee ey: . - ae * e CON TENTS. LUE DUVET Se) a cane General considerations MEIC PTEECAS OTIC Se eh re een ee mee meen eee ee Ree (2 ELS OYE Gpnere Ge ee a ee ee oe ee ee ae fmeviewiOr CATIIeT WOTrk | _-\ 2 -2semeaseeane en eee -- TL SESE gs 3s pee Dl Lg det lial kee oot i aged pig = ae ed = ha netrere ey ees SE Tay al SeC ee: se SLU ICiiAL Pee! LOR Cin ge SO ae a eam re Pre i eee ee ee eee ge eer ae ye ae yoete Growth on manure and other complex media Growth on chemically known media See aOM OlsSPeCIal TESMLUS oe on oe an ae apg aie a apg ee = Pectdernidemicaling mein = ses tk SSE ree! at Pe. Le ae eranare and momture._-— =f 2st oe a reimenOmOr hie COMPOS... _ 2. 4 2 | ae oo bie. 8 ela ee cee hoe DUS LASTi ih CLP L200 saeco een i Dp eae alls 5 a, ina, eee eNO CAECERESS CERES OCS a i = LSE LEP OL SiGe iet glee teen baal heise ear ennai aed. Shel cari ame a ee SeREneHAES hb Olid, MO. ms a os OT ne Variability in mushrooms grown under different conditions The cultivation of various species of mushrooms____________________.- OT GUSTER NTS) Sag DET ea ETT FS Pp Se a ap Se a Aer Ee De pemeerrartsies 1 GE UiibOd SLALCS 8 ne me ee ee (gL bSDG TATU ATI 22 genl? ett tingling OA» al pute agement nl a hee MEANS SIT GLIA VE INCA TT eros a kt. bet TER OSTA OS Pets ae A a ee Pare hancer praeL NOG ss) yerytel fey oes eee ay weg Le Pe Gein ee sINGD NOG foes ates ype AS oe ge eh the he eet ee wes (8 SESS reg 62) Ee ee ee ae en ae pan The tissue-culture method Mise HITHET Cre LOCCSA ttn = aye ee enn a eee Coo ee Se ew The vitality of mushroom spawn or or Gr cr or cr ¢ or me & WH io 6) PuatTE I. a III. VI. Vil. ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. A fine bed of mushrooms grown from spawn of pure-culture i gt | a eae eer SPENT Frontispiece Fig. 1.—A fine cluster of Agaricus campestris, the horticultural variety Columbia. Fig. 2.—Morels (Morchella esculenta), one of the finést edible fungi --____.___- 2... 2... 4322 eee 60 Fig. 1.—Agaricus fabaceus, the almond-flavored mushroom. Fig. 2.— Agaricus viliaticus, a promising species, fleshy and prolific. 60 . Fig. 1.—A young specimen of the common puffball (Calvatia craniiformis). Fig. 2.—The oyster mushroom (Pleurotus os- treatus), growing on decayed willow log_--_------------------- 60 . Fig. 1.—A mushroom house provided with gas-piping framework for shelf beds. Fig. 2.—The preparation of compost-----...--- 60 Fig. 1.—A large mushrcom establishment—a common form of mushroom house. Fig. 2.—The method of making pure cul- tures, showing the apparatus and materials - _---- i 60 Fig. 1.—Mushrooms prepared for the American market. Fig. 2.—Good (** well-run’) mushroom spawn, brick form ------ 60 a) s S B. P. I.—182. Vv. P. P. I.—142. THE PRINCIPLES OF MUSHROOM GROWING AND MUSHROOM SPAWN MAKING INTRODUCTION. For a number of years there has been an increasing demand in the United States for information concerning mushroom growing. In the horticultural and agricultural press many individual practices have been presented; but in order to give rational encouragement to mushroom growing in favorable sections of this country it was recog- nized at the outset of the investigations undertaken by the writer that much experimental work would be required. Bearing upon the cul- ture of Agaricus campestris* a number of physiological questions were demanding attention, for it was desirable to ascertain (1) the conditions of spore germination, in order that “ virgin ” spawn might be propagated and the principle of selection attempted; (2) the relation of this fungus to nutrients, or a determination of the sub- stances or compounds which might best serve as food materials; and (3) the relation of the growing mycelium and of mushroom produc- tion to temperature, moisture, and other conditions of the environ- ment. In the next place it would be necessary to determine the application of any physiological principles established to the practice of mushroom growing and mushroom spawn making. In connection with a presentation of the results of the experimental work ” it seems desirable to include also a more or less comprehensive account of the present status of mushroom growing at home and abroad. «Throughout this paper the writer has employed the generic name Agaricus in the sense in which it is usually understood by those interested in the practical side of the work. b During 1903-4 the writer was assisted in the experimental work by Mr. A. M. Ferguson, instructor in botany in the University of Texas, at that time special agent of the Department of Agriculture, and during 1904-5 similar assistance has been rendered by Mr. L. F. Childers, student assistant. Through the assist- ance thus given it has been possible to complete an unusual amount of experimental work, only a portion of which can be described in detail, although it has all been taken into consideration in the conclusions drawn. 10 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING, It is not possible at this time to give more than a few brief sugges- tions concerning the possibility of cultivating other edible species than Agaricus campestris. The determination of the fundamental needs of diverse species will require study during a term of years. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. The propagation of Agaricus campestris does not seem to have been undertaken to any extent by the ancient Greeks or Romans. The occasional references to mushrooms in the classics are very general, as a rule, and do not suggest that artificial propagation was attempted. In the vicinity of Paris Agaricus campestris has been cultivated for several centuries, and the plants have certainly been sold on the open market quite as long. It has not been possible to ascertain whether the methods now in vogue are essentially the same as those employed a few centuries ago. It is very probable, however, that the methods have been gradually improved. It would appear that the cultivation in caves is comparatively recent. The earliest records obtainablé concerning the cultivation of mushrooms in the underground quarries indicate that this practice was not common previous to the nineteenth century. Mushrooms are to-day extensively grown in England and France, and to a limited extent in Belgium, in Germany, and in many other countries. Paris remains, however, the center of commercial pro- duction. In the vicinity of that city the culture of mushrooms is now almost entirely confined to the underground limestone quarries or cement mines. The caves used for this purpose are termed “ carriéres * or * champignoniéres.” These caves may consist of a labyrinth of gal- leries, or halls, ranging from 5 to 50 feet in width and from 5 to 30 feet in height. In some regions the earth is practically honey- combed by them, and the extent of the cave space used by the larger growers may be measured by miles. For the most part the ventila- ting system is perfect, every cave system possessing numerous air shafts, protected at the surface by wooden towers. Artificial parti- tions in the caves themselves enable the operator to control the venti- lation. Until recent times the cultural methods have been more or less sacredly guarded by the growers, and even to-day it is not easy to get permission to make a casual visit to the champignoniéres. In many cases the work has been followed from generation to generation within the same family. There are at present, however, large corpo- rations in control of some of the most fanyous caves. ain a painting of the early seventeenth century (that of a Fishmonger’s and Poulterer’s Shop, by Jordaens and Van Utrecht, in the Gallery of Old Pictures, Brussels) Agaricus campestris and Boletus are shown on sale as a conspicuous part of a market scene. MARKET CONDITIONS. 11 In the United States fresh mushrooms have only recently been of any importance commercially, although florists and gardeners of English and French training have long been successful growers on a small scale. Nevertheless, during the past decade or so, the record of failures has been most conspicuous, and it is certain that of the many who attempted this work only a few, relatively, were uniformly successful. The conditions under which mushrooms may be successfully grown are limited, and intelligent attention is therefore essential. It must be said, moreover, that the majority of failures may be directly traced to erroneous ideas as to the cultural requisites, or to a reckless disregard of. conditions. The essential conditions will be subse- quently defined in detail, but it may be stated here that failures are usually due to one or more of the following causes: (1) Poor spawn; (2) very poor manure; (3) unfavorable temperature; and (4) heavy watering during the early stages of growth. Under suitable conditions mushrooms may be grown with assur- ance of success. Ordinarily they are grown only where the condi- tions may be controlled, and success should therefore be invariable. MARKET CONDITIONS. In the vicinity of Paris the mushroom industry has been remark- ably developed during the past eight or ten years. The total product sold through the central market of Paris in 1898 was nearly 4,000,000 pounds; the quantity for 1900 is given as approximately 8,500,000 pounds, and for 1901 nearly 10,000,000 pounds. These figures show most convincingly the present status of the mushroom industry in France. It may be safely assumed that more than one-third of this quantity is consumed in a fresh state in and about the city. The growth of the canning industry during this period has also been remarkable. In 1898 about 1,800,000 pounds were preserved, while in 1901 the canned product amounted to nearly 6,200,000 pounds. Dur- ing 1901 the approximate monthly production of mushrooms ranged from 651,000 pounds to 985,000 pounds, from which it is evident that these caves yield heavily throughout the year. In some instances growers are able to get a crop every four or five months. It is extremely difficult to estimate the quantity of mushrooms grown in the United States. It is certain, however, that the produc- tion has increased very greatly, and particularly within the last four cr five years. In the vicinity of several of our larger cities there are to-day individual growers who produce more than the total commer- cial output in the neighborhood of those cities ten years ago. There is now a very good open market for fresh mushrooms in a few of the larger cities, although many large growers continue to 12 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. sell entirely by contract or by special orders to hotels and restaurants. With such an enormous comparative consumption of the canned product, there is every reason to believe that fresh mushrooms can be sold in much greater quantity as soon as this product becomes a certain factor in the market. With canning factories to take the surplus product, growers could afford to accept a smaller margin of profit, and this would place mushrooms within reach of many who may not be able to purchase them at present average prices. Agaricus campestris and its varieties and allied species are perhaps the only fresh mushrooms commonly salable in the markets of American cities. Throughout practically the whole of Europe several other species are legitimate market products. The more delicate or fleshy forms of the latter are sold as fresh mushrooms; others are dried, and some of these, being tougher, are used only for soups, sauces, and gravies. Besides the various species of truffle and morel, any special mention of which will be omitted here, the French market to-day legalizes the sale of five or six other species of mushrooms. GERMINATION STUDIES. Review of earlier work.—In a small way the germination of the spores of Basidiomycetes has received attention from the earliest times. A complete historical review of the literature dealing with spore germination will be found in Bulletin No. 16 of the Bureau of Plant Industry. It will be seen that most of the early work fur- nishes only incidental references to spore germination. By far the most important contributions made by early workers to this particu- lar subject were several papers by Hoffmann.* It is not to be expected that the method employed by him would yield accurate results. Nevertheless, the work of Hoffmann is comprehensiye for that time. Brefeld,’ in his extensive reports upon the Basidiomycetes, gives the results of germination studies with a large number of the fleshy fungi. More than 200 species were used in his various experiments, and suc- cessful germination is recorded for about 160 species. In 1898 the writer became interested in some attempts to germinate the spores of certain Basidiomycetes. Subsequently the problem received incidental attention in connection with some general studies on the physiology of spore germination.° The work progressed only aHoffmann, H. Ueber Pilzkeimungen. Botan. Zeitg., 19: 209-214, 217-219. 1859. Beitriige zur Entwickelungsgeschichte und Anatomie der Agaricineen. Botan. Zeitg., 18: 389-395, 397-404. 1860. Untersuchungen tiber die Keimung der Pilzsporen. Jahrb. f. wiss. Botanik, 2: 267-837. 1860. > Brefeld, O. Botanische Untersuchungen iiber Schimmelpilze. Basidiomy- ceten, I, Bd. I, H. 3. 1877. Untersuch. a. d. Gesammtgebiete der Mykologie. Basidiomyceten, II, H. 7; III, H. 8 1888-89. eDuggar, B. M. Physiological Studies with Reference to the Germination of Certain Fungous Spores. Bot. Gaz., 31: 38-66. GERMINATION STUDIES. 13 far enough to suggest that an investigation of the factors influencing germination might yield studies of special interest. During 1900- 1901 Dr. Margaret C. Ferguson undertook a systematic investiga- tion of the relation of stimuli to germination in certain species. The results* have made it evident that the problems involved are not the well-known simple nutrient or physical factors. Miss Fer- guson spent much time in experimenting with a great variety of nutrient media and special stimuli. Several thousand cultures were made. In the majority of these cultures Agaricus campestris was used, and it is shown that from the known ecological relationships of this fungus one could not possibly predicate the probable stimulus for germination. In fact, with no known nutrient medium or special chemical stimulus employed, was there anything more than erratic germination. Nevertheless, the work was finally very successful in the discovery that almost a perfect percentage of germination could be secured by the influence of the living hyphe of Agaricus campestris upon the spores, as announced in the statement that “if a few spores are able to germinate under the cultural conditions, or if a bit of the mycelium of Agaricus campestris be introduced into the culture, the growth resulting will in either case cause or make possible the germination of nearly all the spores of the culture, pro- vided, of course, that the other conditions are not such as to inhibit germination.” The stimulus would seem to be of enzymatic nature. No other mycelium tested produced a similar effect. This was a distinct advance in our knowledge of factors influencing germination. The stimulus, however, could only be looked upon as perhaps a substitu- tion stimulus. It did not seem possible that it could obtain in nature, nor could it be looked upon as wholly satisfactory from a practical point of view. Miss Ferguson’s results offered encouragement; but, nevertheless, the problems with Agaricus campestris and related species were left open for further investigation. It should, perhaps, be emphasized that prior to 1902 no method had been published, so far as can be learned, whereby one might be able to obtain with uniformity the germination of Agaricus campestris. It is quite certain that Chev- reul and others obtained at best only erratic results. Nevertheless, as early as 1893 Costantin and Matruchot ® announced that a method had been developed by them whereby they were able to germinate the @¥Ferguson, M. C. A Preliminary Study of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Campestris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. Bulletin No. 16, Bu- reau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. Agriculture, pp. 1-48. 1902. >Costantin and Matruchot. Nouveau procédé de culture du champignon de couche. Compt. Rend. de l’Acad. des Sci., 117 (2): 70-72. (Compare, also, Bul. Soe. de Biol., 2 December, 1893.) 14 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. spores and to grow in pure culture the mycelium of Agaricus cam- pestris. Information concerning the details of the method employed was avoided in the reports of this announcement and in subsequent references to the process.* In the first announcement the method is stated as follows: Method followed.—The spores are collected free from contaminations, and in order to preserve them in that condition are sown on a certain sterilized nutritive medium. We obtain in this manner a twisted mycelium which con-~ stitutes pure spawn. By repeated cultures on an identical substratum the spawn can be multiplied indefinitely, and is transferred at a proper time to sterilized manure, where it develops abundantly in several weeks. At that stage it possesses the characteristic appearance and odor of natural spawn. It can then be sown in a bed of ordinary manure, to which it adheres and where it grows and fruits normally. In the later paper cited, writing of the recent improvements in mushroom culture, Costantin expresses himself as follows: We have succeeded in manufacturing an artificial spawn obtained from the spore germinated on a medium free from contamination. It is then pure spawn. We can state further that it is virgin spawn. In 1897 Répin ” claimed to have independently arrived at results similar to those obtained by Costantin and Matruchot. Concerning his germination studies he says: It is only recently that the study of this question has been renewed, inde- pendently and simultaneously by Costantin and Matruchot. There is nothing unusual in the germination of the spores of Agaricus. Spores can be germinated on media such as used in bacteriology, on wet sand, or in moist air as well aS on manure. Without doubt, germination is not pro- duced with the same spontaneity and rapidity as in the case of the spores of lower fungi, which fact makes it necessary to promote the process by some artifices, but they are only sleight-of-hand tricks, variable according to the operators, and which are acquired after some unsuccessful attempts. The spores which should germinate (and these are always in the minority) begin by swelling. This very simple method makes it possible to obtain virgin spawn at pleasure. It is applied industrially in the manufacture of spawn of Agaricus from cultures which I have made. So far as the writer has been able to ascertain, therefore, no descrip- tion of the method employed by the above writers is to be found. The veport of Miss Ferguson’s work is accordingly the only available scientific record defining the conditions under which germination had been constantly obtained up to this time. Experimental worl:.—The writer has been able to confirm Miss Fer- guson’s work repeatedly, and at the same time numerous series of experiments have been made to test further the possibility of influenc- ¢Costantin, J. La culture du champignon de couche et ses récent perfection- nements. Extrait du Revue Scientifique. April, 1894. ’Reépin, C. Le blane vierge de semis pour la culture du champignon d-¢ couche. Revue Générale des Sciences. (September 15, 1897.) GERMINATION STUDIES. 15 ing germination by chemical stimuli. In distilled water, on the one hand, and in plant decoctions (such as decoctions of beans, sugar beets, mushrooms, potatoes, etc.) and in bouillon, on the other hand, there have been tested a large number of inorganic and organic salts, carbohydrates, nitrogenous compounds, and active enzymes. The results of one series of experiments are tabulated in detail. In general, it has been found that dulcite, monobasic magnesium phosphate, magnesium phosphite, magnesium potassium ammonium phosphate, ammonium molybdate, magnesium lactophosphate, dibasic calcium phosphate, and other salts, especially phosphates, have in one medium or another been more or less effective as stimuli for germina- tion. Unfortunately, none of the substances mentioned, apparently, are very strong stimuli; they are unable to cause invariable germina- tion in all nutrient media. Moreover, in subsequent series, where the conditions have been the same, within experimental possibilities, wholly analogous results have not always been obtained. No account has been taken, however, of the particular variety of Agaricus cam- pestris from which the spores were obtained, and it may be that this will influence the results. It is to be noted from the following table that Miss Ferguson’s method of employing living bits of mycelium was modified by the use of small pieces of the inner tissue of a young mushroom taken under sterile conditions. It was found that often a new growth of mycelium was developed from this tissue. Whenever this growth appeared, the influence upon spores in the drop culture was, as might be expected, the same as had been demonstrated for the living mycelium. Frequently a few spores germinated within from three to five days. The most interesting conclusion, however; which could be drawn from the cultures in which small bits of tissue were used was the following: Under favorable conditions a small piece of the inner growing tissue of a mushroom is capable of producing a mycelium with great readi- ness. This fact has been utilized, as shown in detail later, in the development of a new and effective method of securing pure cultures of fleshy fungi in general. ‘ TABLE I.—E«tent of germination. No. Media. After 3 days. After 5 days. Distilled water ..........--------- {eos arteries, Gets As before. GUM a a eee $+ per cent KH.PO,.-....--..---.-- 4 per cent KH»PO, in bouillon - Ppericent Wall Oye. 0 2733 22 4 per cent K.HPO, i in bouillon - + per cent NasHPQ, --....-...--- 4 per cent NaoHPO, in bouillon_. 4 per cent (NH4)2.HPO, eee et + aa cent (NH,)sHPO, in bou- Sommer lo 23994—No. 85—06 m——2 16 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING, TABLE I.—Extent of germination—Continued. Media. After 3 days After 5 days. 3 per cent MgH,(PO,4)o -----.----- RU DOLGS 2 coo oS 3 ne Sate 50 per cent. ~ | + per cent MgH,(PO,). with bou- {on BOERS LLECES. Bis see 3 per cent. illon. . eNOS esse, ho ee one 3 per cent MgHPQy. -.....---.---- mabe O22 03.2 OE {i = eae 3 per cent MgHPO, in bouillon --| a—10 spores -_--...----.----- Conia spores badly injured. + per cent Mg(NHy)PO,---..----- Moric eet selprosicler. fe None. Ps = cent Mg(NH,)PO, in bou- { 2 spores _.....-.-..--------- As before; injured. 1110n. + per cent MgK(NH,)PO,--..--_- Few spores __...__--.-.----| 5 per cent. 4 percent MgK(NHy,)Ho(PO,4)oin | -_.-._._-.-.---.------ Do. bouillon. a—Note 2:-o2te-9 BGs Few spores. + per cent (NHy)2CsH40¢ spre dies {$ —NONG.-. 9 eo ae eee 10 percent. 4 ie cent (NHy4)oCyHyO, in bou- | 10 spores __....----.-------- As before; injured. illon. 4 ne cent magnesium lactophos- |-_--- Go ¢ .o28 se -seast 2-2 se 5-10 per cent. phate. + per cent magnesium lactophos- |--.-- G0 2es49-h£--) 43 se 2-5 per cent. phate in bouillon. 4 per cent CayHo(PO4)s -----.----- IN ONO)... 423 hee ee 1-2 per cent. 3 per cent CasH»(PO,).in bouillon) 10 spores -_-...---....-.--.-] Injured. 4+ per cent KCHO>, J. ...- 2-222. --=- Worle. -t¢-c¢ saze-ect od Pees 1-2 per cent. + per cent MgHROs. = 2222: 10 spotes’:. 2icsence-h aban 10-59 per cent. + per cent MgHPO; in bouillon--|_---- €0.25..4414.2t22 ees 1 per cent. + per cent MgK(NH,)H2(PO,)o |_---- GO ences 2 ve eee eee 1-2 per cent. in mushroom decoction. + per cent KH»PO, in mushroom | None_-_--...__-...-----.---- None decoction. 4 per cent KeHPO, in mushroom |____- dof 2310; eee Do. decoction. + per cent Na,HPO, in mush- | Few spores _-_....--...-----| Injured. room decoction. : 3 per cent (NH,)oHPO, in mush- room decoction. |} per cent MgHPO, in mush- room decoction. coms tig tat Ae Bie eee ee + per cent Mg(NH,)PO,in mush- room decoction. | ¢per cent (NHy)oC,H,O, in mush- | room decoction. | } per cent magnesium lactophos- phate in mushroom decoction. + per cent CasHs(PO,4). in mush- | yvoom decoction. + per cent KCHO, in mushroom decoction. ; + per cent MgHPO; in mush- room decoction. Decoction of mushrooms ____-___- _ Living tissue of mushroom in mushroom decoction. lor 2 spores __.22--__-_-- = 10-50 per ents. - 2.522 2 Pew Sporesern 24 = ok - ib-2 per cént_cice hi iit \fa—2 per cent ..-.5..--2.f2. {pov ery few spores - | a—Few spores @ -_- | b—None? _____- |\fa—Few spores@......_-.... | \b—None > Few spores. Hew Spores © -22esee7 Seat. -8 2-5 per cent. 10-20 per cent. Contaminated. 2 Per coltet soso 33-0 oeee Contaminated: 50 per cent, but injured. 10 spores) feed e 3-5 per cent: injured. 5-8 per. cent.......--....---; 10 percent. 2-3 per, Con has S.-ce- esa 10-20 per cent. a—5 per cent. b—Contaminated 2 per cent. 1-2 per cent. --] 12 spores. As before. None. “In this cell the tissue developed a new growth. » No growth from tissue introduced. On account of the fact that magnesium phosphite and magnesium potassium ammonium phosphate had in most cases proved to be stimuli for germination, experiments were next made to determine the efficiency of these salts on various media, as indicated in the table on the following page. ‘GERMINATION STUDIES. 17 TABLE II.—#fficiency of salts on various media. Nature of compost. |Appearance after 26 Grace |l | Nature of compost. “Appearance after 25 days. Well-rotted stable | No growth. Well-rotted cow ma-)| Good growth. manure.@ || nure. 0 10th See ipa lta Fine growth. | Peaty mmDke aes agen No growth. Half-rotted stable | One, fair growth: one, | 1D Yo . 22 GOL maw Be eereeeececncn eccecs oO. . e@cc indicates an indefinite nu-nber. 20 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING, TABLE LV.—Results obtained from different species—Continued. Fungus. Substratum. . Result. AZHILOCY be LULUGGDS <2 ose cee ee =a Home growth. Clitocybe sp.?----- ..| Rapid growth. Clito Nias prunulus - Few. | Some grew well. Colly bia platyphylla - 1 No growth. Colly bi a radicata-__- Few*-|-_--- d Page growth. Collybia velutipes __.___- if eee si. bes eee Do. Coprinus atramentarius - cc | Beans, leaves, manure, etc ae | Rapid growth. Coprinus comatus ------ oc | Beans, manure, leaves, etc Do. Coprinus fimetarius- - Few. | Beans, leaves -_-..._--.-..- Do. Coprinus micaceus ---_- oc | Beans, leaves, manure, ete | Do. Cortinarius armillatus - d, Cortinarius castaneus 1 Do. Cortinarius sp.?. ---- Few. | Beans, leaves, manure -___- | Good growth. Daedalia quercina-_------- Few. | Beans, leaves, manure, etc --| Rapid growth. Hydnum caput medusae. 1 Beans _- _ Good growth. Hydnum coralloides-- weeds z Oud Do. Hydnum erinaceum - Pe Lee Oe eae ees Lactarius corrugis (?) Few. Slight growth, one. Lactarius piperatus 2 yet Saber 9 (a ie No growth. Lactarius volemus - 1 | Acid beans | Some growth \heienont eae eae ae oc | Beans -- No plas Lepiota americana - 1 LF eee do... 22. eee eet S Lepiota morgani -_-- A eS do... 2 Fase 2 eee | Bamse growth. Lepiota procera ---.--- oc | Beans, leaves, etc -..---.-----.-- | ieee 2 growth. Lepiota rhacodes - t Few. |..--- CO's. 2. Gel. 2 ee eee Lycoperdon gemmatum ee 2,| Beans. 2: 22.2 de - eds Oe | Good ye Lycoperdon wrightii. ---.-------- W002 eco coe ere Do. Morchella esculenta ----..----_--- 2 | Beans and leaves --..-...-..-==-. Do. Pluteus cervinus - Bec ye a I T'S 5 NB as OO 8 Bee sees ee ee Some growth. Pleurotus ostreatus __....__-.__-- cc | Beans, leaves, manure, etc_----- | Rapid growth. Pleurotus ulmarins -..2°2..-- 2-3 1") Beans “= 202 ee eee eee Do. Pholiota adiposa......--.-.------- 1 | Beans and leaves.........-----.- No gro owth. Polyporus betulinus_____--- ------ A“ Beatis! $9522) oe ee ee | Slow growth. Polyporus intybaceus ----.------- 1 Sees (ee 2 oe ee OE Do. Polyporus sulphureus_-_.-___----- 2 | Beans and leaves _____...-___---- "Rapid growth. Polystictus cinnabarinus -------- 2 leoaes (oo ae NS gm! Good growth. PUSSIES asi: oF eas ee 1 | "Beans ee eee | No growth. Bussula emetica__ i. .= +4. oc. | J8éans, 66G. Koad ree oe Often contaminated but some grew SEMASUE Otc tee etapa ae ce Now) 1 does... 2 5-c 2a pease No growth. Russnlasordiag: = 5° -3 52 “Secenk 3 1 hen (ep he GOS. 22 ee ee eee Do. Russula virescens ......---.-.£.-- Few. |_.--- GO. see ea ep eo Do. Secotium acuminatum __________- rh ee SS dow > .JAMS* . 2 AM Rees Slow growth. Strobilomyces strobilaceus -_-___- i ie) (ee G02. ee eee No growth. Deropnaria Spices oS oes oe Eee y WL ea LL E Manure. Perens rap ACES: tt)! Ae ee esi pe a ae Pee! Ss Manure: Mar riciswamycdalinust iver _ fet) sett ay pti Manure. PamaIe Ee), MOU CAs els eet ow Lee cope le pee eee: Beans. SITLL ToS Ce a ee SO ee OSS er. Soil. PTC MARIMOITOLWMNG | = — en 2 Se Soil. DEAS Reet Da 0 Naa cS Se: eS eS ER a Soil. PRMRMERAICTISE Sf) See ne ee Se eee ee ae ee cree Soil. Sees s COT tues POET. ANd nie. Pet SO ikl Leaves. MeV RMSE SIN CEATITIG) #2. 5 ho por oie eh eyed cere bet rere rt Leaves. Smee UP INES SCO DSIRE 1012, ) ns ES i Leaves, ete. CEC MRC TESIEIESE UID) ge Mee ok ee ee Leaves, ete. PPC UOMICR eae os eA ee eS eR Beans. ernie rrr iii) see ee ae 7a ee ees PR Peet Ase Soil. EIGUSGLNSUOSUECALUG A! Lene tip! ry Sibi li POLO iis Sel > Beans and manure. PACU OMNIS SPLINT TUS pp eet bee ree as eget) pea eects 2 npr oes oo Manure. In some instances the sporophores have been minute, owing to the small quantity of the culture medium. P « Brefeld, O. Unters. aus d. Gesammtgebiete d. Mykologie, 8, 9, 10. b Falck, R. Die Cultur der Oidien und die Riickfiihrung in die h6here Fruchr- form bei den Basidiomyceten. Cohn’s Beitrige zur Biologie der Pflanzen, 8: 507-346 (Pls. 12-17). “22 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. From the standpoint of obtaining pure cultures, the tissue-culture method is capable of very general application. Three considerations render it particularly important, as follows: (1) When a suitable culture medium is at hand, a pure culture may be obtained almost invariably from a young, healthy plant. (2) Cultures may be made from fungi the spores of which have never been brought to germina- tion. (3) Pure cultures are made by direct inoculation; that is, dilution cultures are rendered wholly superfluous. In the case of Agaricus campestris and other Basidiomycetes, in which the gill- bearing surface is protected until the spores are produced, it is pos- sible, with the precautions previously mentioned, to obtain the spores pure, or practically pure, and at the same time in considerable quan- tity. This is not possible with the great majority of fleshy fungi, which are truly gymnocarpous. Again, members of the genus Cop- rinus are deliquescent, and here it is impracticable to secure spores by the spore-print method. In the Lycoperdacez and other Gaster- omycetes it has been found that bacteria are frequently present in the tissues by the time the spores are formed, and, even if the spores could be germinated, direct cultures would perhaps be seldom possi- ble. By the tissue method it is only necessary that the plant shall be so young that the cells of the tissue are capable of growth and that there are no foreign organisms present in the tissue. In this connec- tion it may be stated that in the Phallinez, Hymenogastrinex, and Lycoperdinez no representative has been germinated, while in the Plectobasidinee germination is known only in the case of Sphaero- bolus stellatus and Pisolithus crassipes. When the natural conditions of germination shall have been more definitely ascertained, direct spore-culture methods should in prac- tice, perhaps, replace the pure tissue-culture methods in making virgin spawn. This would render unnecessary a tedious portion of the work, and the process of spawn making would be thereby made less expensive. A discussion of the respective practical merits of the spore and tissue methods would not be complete without reference to the comparative vigor, or productive power, of the resulting mycelium. Inthe growth of the mycelium no difference could be detected. The writer has also grown mushrooms from spawn produced by both of these methods; but the results do not indicate that there is any advantage for the one over the other. It is believed, therefore, that the processes of basidial and spore formation are in this regard relatively unessential, or at least do not intensify whatever invigoration may, in general, result from mere sporophore production. It is to be expected, perhaps, that any and all cells of the sporophore may. be invigorated by whatever is to be gained by the assemblage, or concentration, in the differen- NUTRITION. 23 tiated sporophore, of food products collected by a ramifying myce- lum. According to the studies of Harper,* Maire,” and others, there is no sexual fusion in the case of the Basidiomycetes which have been studied. Two nuclei are present in the cells of the sporophore, but these are associated conjugate nuclei, and the fusion of these in the basidium is generally considered in no sense an act of fertilization, but rather a form of nuclear reduction. Maire states that the cells of the mycelium obtained by the germination of the basidiospore are uninucleate. It has not yet been ascertained when or how the binu- cleate condition arises. NUTRITION. Although Agaricus campestris has been cultivated for so long a time, it does not seem that it has previously been subjected to careful experimentation from the point of view of nutrition. The belief generally prevalent is that the most essential factor in the nutrition of the mushroom is the “ammonia” of the manure or compost. Again, it is claimed that organic waste products, such as those indi- cated, must undergo a process of fermentation, or “ preparation,” in order to furnish the necessary nutrients for the growing mycelium. This idea, as will be seen later, is merely based upon casual observa- tions “in nature,” and it is found wholly erroneous when tested for its fundamental worth by the elimination of other factors of the com- post environment. Growth on manure and other complex media.—Early in this inves- tigation it was ascertained that the mycelium of Agaricus campestris in pure cultures would grow luxuriantly on fresh stable manure, and as a rule upon the same product in any stage of fermentation or decomposition. In some instances, undoubtedly, fresh manure may contain injurious compounds; somewhat oftener the same is true for the fermented product. In some instances it is desirable to dry or thoroughly air the fresh manure before use. Fresh manure from grass-fed animals is not to be recommended. The mycelium also grows luxuriantly on bean stems or pods, on half-rotted leaves of deciduous trees, on rich soil, on well-rotted sawdust, and on a variety of other substances. It does not grow readily upon peaty products. Some of the more promising edible species were cultivated in various media in order to obtain an idea of the comparative value of these media in furnishing a nutrient to particular forms. It is not possible, of course, to base definite conclusions upon results obtained a@Harper, R. A. Binucleate cells in certain Hymenomycetes. Bot. Gaz., 63: 1-25. 1902. Maire, R. Recherches cytologiques et taxonomiques sur les Basidiomycetes. Bul. Soc. Myc. de France, 18: 1-209. 1902. 24 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. from pure cultures, since the presence of particular foreign organisms in the substratum under natural conditions is perhaps quite as im- portant a consideration as that of the specific nutrient value of the substratum. The following results are, however, suggestive: 1. Agaricus campestris. Leaves—good growth throughout. Soil—fair growth, with tendency to become threaded early. Manure—good growth throughout. Beans—good growth throughout. Sugar beet—fair growth, spreading very slowly. Potato—slight growth, spreading very slowly. Corn meal—slight growth, spreading slowly, soon becoming brown. 2. Agaricus fabaceus. Leaves—very good growth, rapidly filling tube. Soil—good growth, but slower than the above. Manure—good growth, but slower than the above. Beans—yvery dense growth, soon filling whole tube. Sugar beet—good growth; somewhat less rapid and abundant than the above. 3. Agaricus villaticus. Practically the same as Agaricus campestris. 4. Agaricus fabaceus var. Practically the same as Agaricus fabaceus. 5d. Bovistella ohiensis. Leaves—good growth throughout. Soil—growth throughout, but sparse and threadlike. Manure—good growth throughout. Beans—good growth; appressed. Sugar beet—very slight growth. 6. Calvatia cyathiforme. Leaves—very good growth throughout. Soil—good growth; quite as rapid as above. Manure—practically no growth. Beans—good growth, but spreads very slowly. Sugar beet—slight growth. Calvatia craniiformis. Practically the same as above. Calvatia rubro-flava. * Practically the same as in the other species of this genus, but spreads somewhat more slowly on soil. 9. Coprinus atramentarius. ; Leaves—very good growth throughout. Soil—slight growth. Manure—fair growth, but very slow. Beans—very good growth. 10. Coprinus comatus, Leaves-—very good growth throughout; rapid. Soil—good growth. Manure—very good growth throughout; rapid. Beans—very good growth throughout; rapid. Sugar beet—very slow growth. ba | Ce NUTRITION, 25 11. Lepiota rhacodes. Leaves—very good growth. Soil—slight growth. Manure—slight growth. Beans—very good growth throughout. Sugar beet—very good growth throughout. 12. Morchella esculenta. Leaves—very good growth; mycelium never dense. Soil—very little growth. Manure—very slight growth. Beans—very good growth. Sugar beet—good growth, but slower than above. 13. Pleurotus ostreatus. Leaves—yery good growth; rapid. Seil—fair growth. Manure—good growth. Beans—very good growth; rapid. Sugar beet—slight growth; very slow. 14. Pleurotus ulmarius. Practically the same as Pleurotus ostreatus. 15. Polyporus sulphureus. Leaves—fair growth; abundant, filling tube. Soil—fair growth. Manure—fair growth, but very slow. Beans—very good growth, rapidly filling tube. Sugar beet—fair growth; much lighter mycelium than the above, with prompt oidial development. y 16. Tricholoma personatum. Leaves—very good growth throughout. Soil—very good growth throughout. Manure—growth slow, but eventually good. Beans—good growth throughout. Plates II, I11, and IV show some of the more important of these species. Taking into consideration the variable quality of the stable manure which may be obtained at all seasons, the value of half-rotted decid- uous leaves as a substratum for Basidiomycetes is worthy of special emphasis. The writer has found such material more readily sterilized than manure, and usually more prompt than the latter to give growth. In order to test in pure cultures the probable effect of fertilizers as indicated by any marked increase in the rapidity of growth of the mycelium, experiments were made by adding a small quantity of ordinary nutrient salts to test tubes containing manure. A chlorid and a nitrate of the following salts were employed, viz, ammonium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. In addition, dibasic potassium phosphate and also sodium chlorid, as well as control cultures, were used. Three tubes were employed with each of the compounds men- tioned. There was no marked difference in the amount or rapidity of the growth noted, as found by comparing the averages of growth. 26 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. It seemed possible, however, that some slight advantage resulted from the calcium compounds, but there was no pronounced benefit in any tube. Further reference is made to the use of nutrient salts in mush- room growing in another chapter. Growth on chemically known media.—tIn an attempt to determine somewhat more accurately the value of different compounds as nutrients, particularly carbohydrate and nitrogenous substances, sev- eral series of extensive tests have been made with Agaricus campes- tris, and also with Agaricus fabaceus and Coprinus comatus. These fungi do not grow readily in liquid media, and it has been difficult to obtain a wholly reliable and satisfactory substratum, one which would itself be practically pure, or well known, chemically, and at the same time effective for its purpose. After unsatisfactory at- tempts with various gelatinous solid media, with charcoal, ete., it was decided that the commercial gray filter paper had more to recom- mend it than any other substance suggested. Accordingly, all ex- periments were made in Erlenmeyer flasks of 150 c. ¢. capacity, and in each flask was placed about 6 grams of this paper wadded into pellets. The latter was moistened in each case with the nutrient solution used. The flasks were subsequently sterilized in the auto- clave and then inoculated with a very minute fragment of straw with the fresh mycelium from a pure culture on manure. Tabulation of special results —In the following tables are given the results of two out of several series of experiments, which have been conducted in order to throw some dight on the point just dis- cussed. These tables include, also, many cultures on media of un- known composition. TABLE V.—fesults of growth on media—First series of experiments. No. Medium. | Extent of growth. / : ib He ae Wieteadrs are, saiee ab hae hc ee a "Bo. #* | meepemoner aise tan L& ab fer A g: inl sugar, 1} per cent - wane ne ne seen eee eeeeeeee \ 7. Do. eee s WEEN mr bb i Muon A apd laGese, Li Per CEN. .. 256s ooenk a ecewcce nse ceeeee \ Do. 6b f LRCLOBS, Ld DOE COWS oncus achenn'< aac oneness sagen cokes ee oe ) Do: nb {Solution A and pi@erin, 12 pet Cont... .. dove Do. Maroosacid oer ay | eso goes 23 SRA OE sibs oe Gg ts. Do. Ls: lta |(Rotted ---]_---- ado'=.-- Very good -._| None_-------- Do. TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE. The temperature factor is, next to that of good spawn, perhaps the most important in mushroom growing. It has been frequently stated that mushroom growing is not profitable when the temperature may not be maintained more or less continuously at from 50° to 60° F. It is very probable that the exact temperature which may be con- sidered an optimum will vary somewhat in different sections of the country. It will be noted later in detail that the temperature factor acts not so directly upon the growth of the spawn or the produc- tion of mushrooms as indirectly to render some other conditions of the environment injurious. It is best to consider that in practice the op- timum temperature for mushroom growing varies from 53° to 58° F. When the matter of temperature was first under consideration, a series of pure cultures of Agaricus campestris was placed at different temperatures in the laboratory in order to determine the rapidity of growth. It was soon found that a temperature above 60° F. and, indeed, as high as from 80° to 85° F., was much more favorable to rapid growth than a lower temperature, provided, of course, that the higher temperature did not encourage a too rapid drying out of the culture. It was soon definitely ascer- tained that the conditions of pure-culture growth are essentially different from those attending the growth of mushroom spawn in the bed. This was perhaps best indicated by comparing spawn grown in pots at 85° F. under impure conditions with similar spawn grown at 50° F. At the former temperature, even though the conditions of moisture were properly maintained, there was little or no growth. Foreign fungi, molds, and bacteria, as well as insects, were, however, abundant. At the lower temperature there was little or no evident appearance of other fungi, molds, er insects; 23994—No. 85—06 m——3 32 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. yet the mushroom spawn grows slowly and continuously so long as other conditions are maintained. From numerous experiments of this nature it is apparent that the temperature relation is one which is governed by the competition to which the mushroom spawn is sub- ject in the bed. ‘This is, of course, wholly in accord with the results obtained from the study of the relative growth made by mushroom spawn in fresh and composted manures. The statement previously made, therefore, that the optimum tem- perature may vary slightly in different localities is true on account of the fact that the mites, insects, and other animal pests of mushroom growing may vary considerably in different localities, or under dif- ferent conditions, even though there may not be a great variation, perhaps, in the bacterial and fungus flora of the, compost upon which the mushrooms are grown. Certain insects, for example, are more abundant in a moist climate, but if special precautions can be taken to eliminate all such pests, the growth problem is confined to the interrelation existing between the mushroom spawn and the microscopic flora of the compost. Mushrooms grown in the open will probably show greater variation with reference to the tem- perature factor than those grown in caves or cellars. While a number of interesting problems would be presented by a study of the interrelation of the mushroom mycelium with that of other microscopic fungi present in the compost, these are matters of detail; and it has been wholly impossible thus far to give any atten- tion to suggestions which have been furnished by the experimental data. It may be possible that other species of mushrooms are more independent of insects and other microscopic fungi, and such fungi may therefore be more suitable for cultivation at high temperatures than is Agaricus campestris or any of its close allies. A considerable effort is being made to obtain spawn of certain species of Agaricus, and also of other edible mushrooms which make their appearance during the warm weather. At this time, however, it is not possible to say what results of value may be anticipated from this line of work. The direct effect of a temperature above the optimum upon the spo- rophores is manifest through lengthening of the stipes and rapid expansion of the caps, ordinarily accompanied by toughness and decreased size. In other words, the lower grade market product is produced at the higher temperature. The moisture factor is also one of importance. It is undesirable that the place in which mushrooms are grown should be very damp, or dripping with water. Nevertheless, a fairly moist condition of the atmosphere should be maintained throughout the growing and productive period. There should be a gradual but slight evaporation from the surface of the beds, and sufficient ventilation to insure this PREPARATION OF THE COMPOST. 83 is believed to be essential. It is certain that in poorly ventilated caves mushrooms do not succeed. On the other hand, in a dry atmosphere, or exposed to drying winds, mushroom beds soon cease to bear, while such sporophores as are developing may have their caps cracked and torn. Mushrooms are grown in cellars, caves, or specially constructed houses largely on account of the fact that temperature and moisture are then practically under control. The nature of the structure or cellar which is constructed for mushroom growing must be deter- mined, therefore, not merely by its expense, but by the effectiveness of the structure in regulating the factors indicated under the par- ticular climatic conditions. It is not possible at this time to discuss cellar or house construc- tion, and the accompanying illustration of mushroom houses (Plate VI, fig. 1) must suffice to give an idea of the types which are in use. PREPARATION OF THE COMPOST. It is not to be understood that there is one and only one method of preparing compost for mushroom growing. Nor is it always .neces- sary that the compost shall be in one particular stage of fermenta- tion or decay. In fact, every change of condition elsewhere may necessitate a similar change in the amount of fermentation which may be most desirable. At the outset it should be understood that it is not the “ fermentation” which is absolutely essential. The a@Répin, 1. c. (See translation in The Garden (London), February 5, 1898. Special reprint, pp. 10-16.) Heré it is stated that “manure is rendered capa- ble of supplying nutriment suitable for mushrooms only by means of fermenta- tion;”’ further, that “all the higher orders of mushrooms, the spores of which I have succeeded in causing to germinate, have a sterile spawn of a similar nature.” Again, the conclusion is expressed somewhat indefinitely that manure is “rendered suitable” by means of chemical combustion, which is said to proceed rapidly only at a temperature above 178° F.; that it is not the soluble substances in the manure which are valuable, but rather the cellulose matter, together with the necessary salts. In this connection it is of interest to note that the material constituting many of the beds in the experimental cellar at Columbia, Mo., were fermented at comparatively low temperatures. A complete temperature record was kept of 18 small compost piles in which special kinds of manure were prepared, and in only one instance was the temperature in any pile more than 140° F. In some cases 120° F. was the maximum attained, Répin implies that mushrooms will not grow in manure until there has been effected “the destruction of all the soluble organic matters, which disappear through the agency of bacteria or are consumed in the process of oxidation.” Very simple nutrition experiments clearly demonstrate that these conclusions are erroneous. It may be stated, however, that peculiarities appear when the fresh manure contains certain compounds which render it injurious; for example, the my- celium does not grow readily in pure culture upon fresh manure from animals fed almost wholly on green forage. Such manure is improved by fermentation. 34 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. “ fermentation ” is of itself a minor matter. In pure cultures, where sterile media are employed, mushroom spawn starts slowly, but finally grows best, in general, upon fresh (wholly unfermented) manure. It grows least well, or, rather, less densely, so far as tested, on very well fermented manure. This certainly indicates that it is not fermentation which is ordinarily advantageous. In practical mushroom growing, however, it is not possible to deal with pure cul- tures; and, therefore, other conditions of the environment must be correspondingly changed. The rapid oxidation action of bacteria, and perhaps of independent ferments, upon manure causes a consid- erable rise of temperature. At the higher temperatures (which may be maintained as long as there are present rapidly oxidizable food products) bacterial action is vigorous, and is unquestionably injurious to mycelial development. Wholly aside from the rise of temperature accompanying their activities, bacteria are otherwise injurious. In fact, manure which is put to ferment in a small test tube shows little or no rise of temperature above that of the place in which it is incubated. Nevertheless, the mycelium of the mush- room will not grow under such conditions. Rapid bacterial action is therefore prejudicial. Under those conditions where bacterial action is not rapid, fresh manure might be used to advantage; in other words, if the beds are so constructed that’ the manure ferments very gradually, without either excessive bacterial action or rise of tem- perature, then spawning might be made in fresh manure. The old belief that rotten manure does not have the necessary strength—that is, does not produce so .vigorous a mushroom growth as that which has been less transformed by bacterial action—has been confirmed by practical experiments. This loss of effectiveness is probably due, in part, to a change in texture or to other physical changes. In well-rotted manure there is ample food material to sup- port a very good growth of mycelium in pure cultures. This has been chemically proved by sterilizing such manure and growing mush- room spawn upon it in pure culture. Nevertheless, by comparing (in Table VIII) No. 12 with Nos. 13, 14, and 15, it will be seen that beds prepared with well-fermented manure and left for some time before spawning do not yield so well, It is believed that here the physical condition has much to do with the result. The latter does not by any means invalidate the following practice, which has commended itself to some very successful growers: The manure is piled in very large compost heaps, where it is kept moist and is turned only once or twice. It ferments very slowly. Then it is carted into the cave, or mushroom house, long before it could be considered in proper condition to be spawned. The beds (usually flat when this is the procedure) are made immediately. These are fairly well moistened and compressed, then left to undergo a gradual PREPARATION OF THE COMPOST. 35 fermentation, which may require a month. When the manure shows a tendency to fall to the temperature of the room it is spawned. Meanwhile, it will doubtless be found that a heavy crop of some small species of Coprinus will have appeared. The presence of this fungus is not injurious, but rather it may be taken as an indication that the conditions are favorable. Ordinarily the manure is obtained as fresh as possible. It should include the straw used in bedding the animals, and the quality of the straw will determine-to some extent the value of the manure. The straw of cereals is far better than that of most other grasses. The more resistant straws seem greatly to improve the texture of the com- post for mushroom purposes. Commercially it is a mistake’ to attempt to get the manure free from straw. If fresh manure is not obtainable, that which has been trampled by the animals is ordinarily rich, well preserved, and desirable. It ferments best in large piles, and these may be of considerable extent, about 3 or 4 feet deep throughout. If not uniformly moist the material should be sprink- led. At no time is a very heavy watering desirable. In from four days to a week or more the compost should be turned, or forked over, and a second turning will be required a week or ten days later. Water should be added only when necessary to maintain a moist (but not a wet) condition. With this amount of moisture, and with the piles deep enough to become fairly compact as a result of their own weight, there will be little danger of any injurious fermentation. During the normal fermentation the temperature may rise higher than 150° F. In from fifteen to twenty-one days or more, depending upon the conditions, the temperature will begin to fall, and the com- post may be used in the construction of the beds. When used in the beds, it has ordinarily lost all objectionable odor, and the color of the straw has changed from yellow to brown. In figure 2 on Plate V is shown a shed in which the manure is composted during the summer. As stated in Farmers’ Bulletin No. 204: It is the custom with some growers to mix a small quantity of loam, about one-fourth, with the manure. This enables one to use the manure earlier; and, indeed, under such circumstances it may sometimes be used with but little or no composting. Nevertheless, the majority of growers have obtained greater suc- cess by the use of the manure alone, and this is also the writer’s experience. Very well-rotted compost should not be used in mushroom growing if large and solid mushrooms are desired. When sawdust or shavings are employed for bedding the animals, the composting may require a somewhat longer period. It has been the experience of some of the most successful growers that the use of shavings for bedding material in the stables does not injure the value of the product for mushroom work. The presence of a large amount of sawdust is, however, objectionable so far as the writer’s experience goes. Compost containing much sawdust is 36 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. necessarily very “short,” and therefore the physical condition is not the most favorable for Agaricus campestris. In another chapter attention is called to the fact that the value of the manure depends to a considerable extent upon the feed given the animals. It would not be wise to depend upon that obtained from stables in which hay and green foods are used to too great an extent. Moreover, it is not believed that compost made from the manure of cattle barns is in mushroom growing as desirable as stable manure. In some cities the municipal ordinances require that the manure shall be promptly removed from the feeding stables or that it shall be disinfected. In the latter case crude carbolic acid, or even corro- sive sublimate, may be used to secure this end. Manure thus disin- fected is, of course, undesirable for mushroom work. For the same reason the manure of veterinary hospitals is-of questionable value. It is not wholly improbable that some other waste products of the farm, field, and forest may be utilized in mushroom growing; never- theless, no such product has yet been found which, under the condi- tions of the experiment, has yielded sufficiently to make it of special interest in growing Agaricus campestris. Among the products which have been tested, either alone or in conjunction with some commer- cial fertilizer, are the following :. Leaves of deciduous trees, needles of conifers, sawdust, cotton-seed hulls, cotton seed, corn stover, sorghum stover (or bagasse), rotten hay, sphagnum, and yeddo fiber. The writer is convinced that greater profit may be anticipated, for the present, at least, if the culture of Agaricus campestris is confined to imanure; and if other edible forms which grow in the woods are used in beds of leaves, etc., as indicated elsewhere in these pages, it is quite possible that such a fungus as Coprinus comatus may be grown suc- cessfully in this latter way. It may, however, be too much to hope that the morel may also be thus made amenable to culture, although leaf mold is in nature the favorite habitat of this fungus. From the prompt and abundant growth of Agaricus campestris on half-rotted leaf mold in pure cultures, it was thought that mushrooms might be grown to advantage upon this product. The practical experiments made to test this point are distinctly discouraging, as shown by reference to No. 17, Table VIII; Nos. 3 and 4, Table IX, and No. 11, Table X. For the most part manure may be composted in the open air. It may, however, be prepared with greater uniformity under cover. During midsummer, protection may be desirable on account of dry- ing out, while in the winter it is more important in case of excessive cold. If it is necessary to compost manure during the winter, more- over, the piles should be of considerable depth. INSTALLATION OF BEDS. 37 INSTALLATION OF BEDS. In making the beds, as well as in other phases of mushroom work, regard must be had for all environmental conditions. The type of bed should be determined by convenience, and the size, to a cer- tain extent, by the temperature to which the beds may be exposed. The flat bed, frequently referred to as the English type, is more commonly employed in the indoor work in England and America. With this type merely the entire floor space may be utilized, as illus- trated in the frontispiece, Plate I, or the beds may be arranged in tiers of shelves. In figure 1 on Plate V a view may be had of the supports for shelf beds in a large commercial house. In this house there is the greatest economy of space. The shelf system gives the greatest amount of bed space and is certainly most economical where the floor space is an important factor. Such beds do not require great depth, but merely sufficient to insure an ample development of spawn. They should be from 8 to 10 inches deep after being firmed or compressed. The ridge-bed system is employed almost exclusively in the caves about Paris. This system is also in use in open-air culture. It may be used to advantage in low cellars, caves, or houses when labor is not too expensive. Ridge beds increase slightly the surface area and permit of easy passage from one part of the cave to another. The size of such beds in caves, or under other conditions where the tem- perature remains practically uniform, should be not more than 2 feet wide at the base and 15 inches high, tapering gradually to the top when compressed. Slanting beds are commonly employed next to the walls. Large beds are desirable under changeable open-air conditions. The prevalent opinion among amateurs that the bed should always be deep enough to maintain a considerable heat is believed to be erro- neous. Grown under more or less uniform conditions, mushrooms seem to require no bottom heat, and the bed should fall to the tem- perature of the room some time after spawning. Bottom heat, and hence large beds, are, however, desirable when sudden changes of weather would so reduce the temperature of the bed as to delay growth. Under similar conditions, as well as in dry air, mulching may be required. As previously stated by the writer in Farmers’ Bulletin No. 204 of the Department of Agriculture— In any case, the manure is made up in the form of the bed desired and should be firmed, or compressed, to some extent immediately, in order to prevent dry- ing out and burning when the secondary fermentation takes place. At this time the manure should be neither wet nor dry, but merely moist. The only prac- tical test of the proper moisture content of the manure which can be relied upon is when, upon compression, water can not readily be squeezed out of it. 38 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. SPAWNING AND CASING THE BEDS. From what has been said concerning the temperature requirements, it will be evident that spawn should not be inserted in the beds until the temperature has fallen low enough to insure successful competi- tion on the part of the mycelium with other organisms. In many urticles on mushroom growing it has been suggested that beds may be spawned when the temperature has fallen to about 90° F. From experience and observation, the writer can only conclude that such a temperature is frequently fatal, and it is believed that the tempera- ture of the beds should be permitted to fall to 70° F. before being spawned. In fact, the most successful results have been obtained at temperatures from 65° to 70° F. It was formerly believed that if the spawn were inserted at 90° F. this higher temperature incited the rather dormant mycelium to rapid and vigorous growth. It is clear, however, that the rapid development of new mycelium from the pieces of spawn brick inserted is not so important a factor as suitable conditions for continued growth. If the temperature falls rapidly from 90° F. after spawning, however, no injury may result. Never- theless, it is to be considered an unfortunate condition. The bricks of spawn may be broken into from ten to twelve pieces, from 14 to 2 inches square. These pieces may be inserted about 1 inch beneath the surface of the manure. In flat beds they may be placed from 10 to 12 inches apart throughout the bed, and in ridge beds the pieces should be inserted on each side alternately, one near the top and the next near the bottom. It is well to insert the pieces vertically, as the mycelium does not then seem so readily to suffer damping off. After spawning, the beds should again be firmed, and they are then ready to be cased or loamed whenever this process may seem most desirable. At the time of spawning the beds should be in the best condition possible for the growth of the mycelium. Delay in growth at this time is one of the surest indications of a light yield. If the bed contains the proper amount of moisture, and if the walls and floors of the house or cellar are sprinkled occasionally, so as to maintain a moist condition of the atmosphere, it is possible to avoid wholly the use of water upon the beds immediately after spawning. In no case should a bed recently spawned be heavily watered. ‘The surface may be sprinkled, if there is a tendency toward drying out. The same test for moisture content as has been outlined previously in these pages in the chapter on preparing the manure should be followed. The beds should become gradually somewhat drier, how- ever, during the growth of the spawn. The absolute water content for the bed at the time of spawning should be about 40 per cent, although this will vary considerably, according to the conditions, and especially with relation to the quantity of straw in the manure. MUSHROOM GROWING. 39 If the spawn grows rapidly at first and spreads throughout the bed, it will not be injured by a slight drying out, or by a temperature even as low as 32° F. On the other hand, a continuous high temperature for several days, or excessive watering, is sure to result in an irrep- arable injury. In several instances where the experimental beds of the writer have been made during the late autumn, and where a vigorous growth of spawn has been secured before the advent of the coldest weather, the beds have remained unproductive throughout the winter months, or so long as the temperature remained intermittently below 40° or 50° F. With warmer weather, these beds have come into bearing several months later, and where the temperature has then remained favorable for some time a good yield has been obtained. In this case, moreover, the bed will bear much longer at a temperature of 60° F., or above, than if the temperature has been constantly in the neighborhood of 60° F. throughout the growing season of the spawn. As a rule, beds thus filled with spawn and then subjected for a time to cold conditions yield at the outset much larger mushrooms than beds exposed to a more constant temperature, even if this constant temperature may be the optimum. At any rate, the beds must be “ cased ” as soon as convenient after the spawn is inserted. As a rule, one should wait from one to two weeks in order to be sure that the spawn is growing. Casing consists in applying to the bed a layer of loam from 1 to 14 inches deep. In France the casing soil consists usually of calcareous earth, sometimes mixed with loam. Ordinary loam of almost any quality will suffice. This should be secured in advance, and it is well to protect it from the weather, so that at a convenient time it may be worked over and, if necessary, screened, in order to free it from large pebbles or trash. When the loam is applied, it should, on ridge beds, be carefully firmed. When cased a bed should require watering for the most part merely to maintain a moist surface. MUSHROOM GROWING. EXPERIMENTS AT COLUMBIA, MO. The practical experiments in mushroom growing which have been undertaken at Columbia, Mo., were designed, in the first place, to determine the exact effect of conditions upon the growth of mush- rooms, and in the second place to test or immediately apply the results obtained or suggested by the laboratory work. The effects of temperature, moisture, etc., have already been discussed, and the conclusions drawn have been based upon the most careful observa- tions of the experimental beds, as well as upon the evidence which has been obtained by a personal study of the conditions in commer- cial mushroom houses and caves both at home and abroad. It is needless to give in detail the record of all failures or of poor yields “40 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. — invariably obtained when the conditions were unfavorable—that is, when they were beyond the limits which have been more or less definitely stated as requisite. On the other hand, the results which are given do not represent the best yields obtained; they are those which seem to be most instructive. The experimental work has been seriously handicapped in one par- ticular. With only one set of experiments (those recorded in Table VIII) has it been possible to maintain a temperature constantly between 50° and 60° F. Unfortunately a north basement room which gave those results during the winter of 1903-4 has not since been available for the work. The results are, however, comparative when not absolute. The results given in Table VIII are referred to in various parts of this bulletin. Attention should be directed to the fact that many of these beds were yielding well when the experiment was neces- sarily closed to make room for a second series of experiments planned during the same winter. Beds Nos. 6, 9, 13, 25, and 40, for instance, each yielded between 8 and 15 ounces the day the experi- ment was closed, while beds Nos. 2, 10, 14, 23, 26, 30, and 37 each yielded 1 pound or more on the same day. It is to be noted that a considerable number of beds in this series produced more than 1 pound per square foot, and some nearly 2 pounds for a similar area. It is certain that some beds would have yielded more than 2 pounds if they could have been per- mitted to produce longer. TABLE VIII.—Yields of experimental mushroom beds. | i , = cs) = ae He 5 B./4 |8 |es|® 8 we SA fi g 3 o|> Nn. Org a&|@ aH/2 | 8s 23 ge | ae8| 22/28 | 2. )as , j o.. we sae ic Be Source of the spawn. Ty 5g ag i. iy $3 op ® he 8 % A ak “5 Das a & 5 58 gg | See ee Fi gaiz |= |g8le iz 5 a iy Be s a Z Z a val is 4 nH 1.) Feri eft ef dy| Alaska, Old . ssis cel cosas segs 27 53 54 | 107 6| 18.0 horse manure. Bl aes Go - Asceiti. 2s Old American made --.-.....-------- 104 20 |} 20 6 8.6 SD) eee 3 fn ee nelly + 9 ER Ys English, current year market 51 TAL Yocoe ‘ 6 1.0 product. Dl hans OOAs cewtucad Him lish, 2 years Old. 6. .ccccacucccscs |e occlu cee le eeeee 0 6 0.0 Bil aed. r: > i ae oe Higlish, 1 year Old i .~ wet «snp econ. dl cease. cele eee 0 6 0.0 | Mi ~caceuwesee ra U.S. Department of Agri- 51 47 68 | 115 6} 18.8 culture. ssh Ehre UO fees i teese Bohemia, U. 8S. Department of 53 48 ng 5| 13.0 Agriculture. Ol lwown's Ot caademeeres Mixed varieties, U.S. Department 51 78 34| 112 6| 18.6 of Agriculture. w lcteen MO ifeeasacesen Bohemia, U. 8S. Department of 1 at 1 gf ee 102 6} 17.0 Agriculture, light spawning. bl pan GU sacakatwese. Bohemia, U. S. Department of 46 7 65 | 136 6} 22.6 Agriculture, heavy spawning. cy bene OG wa cwewonvene Agaricus amygdalinus, old......--..|.-.-.-|.-----|------ 0 6 0.0 12| Fermented) Bohemia 8. Department of 61 Ble ee 5 6 0.8 U. horse manure Agriculture. (bed left for 2 months before being spawned) peri- Number of the ex mental bed. 5 m& 8 MUSHROOM GROWING. 41 TaBLE VIII.— Yields of experimental mushroom beds—Continued. ERO Sy 6 SB I BB GS Bala |S |28)e | og 3 we | a ia |O7 z ag} 2 oe Wot eS .. | mi. tae | eRe) ; nba oe ty cay Sus | Ae 2-9 te a Source of the spawn. = 69) 83/22) 83 Bo +i Od] o/s |So] 3 a8 |S), |/2 | as m [->) _ - —_ fo) = — Pp 33 lex Paz al a FA Pig = =2 oa foals — ee fina fe a(S |3 |$2/2 [3 a |b lh lac ld | Fermented/| Bohemia, U. 8S. Department of | 49; 110 50/ 160) 6) 27.7 horse manure. Agriculture. | / a eee eee mole tee nh weit? Bae. | 61} 241) 40) 281) 12) 23.4 Leaf mold ----... Calvatia cyathiforme __....--------- Paes ioe jeres.... 6 0.0 seri do __..-.----..| Bohemia, U. S. Department of |------|---.--| 1 46iP? 4010 Agriculture. Fermented sta- | Alaska, U.S.Departmentof Agri-| 48 | 9| 21.0 ble manure;{| culture. | | bed fairlycom- — | pact. Fermented sta- ----- (1 ee ee eee | 53 93} 30| 123 6) 20.5 ble manure. | cae do ......------, Bohemia, U. S. Department of | 48} 101} 39} 140| 6] 2.3 Agriculture. | aoe ‘ig: SS Eee | Var.?, U.S. Department of Agri-| 53 96 | 37) 133 6 |. 22.2 culture. a yf do __...--.----| American commercial more than §---.--|--.--.|------ 0 6 0.0 1 year old. | 1 =, do __...--.----| American commercial, Bohemia..-| 53) 111 53 | 164 | 8 | 20.5 it Figen ts: 23 NP Aye Ue eee 2 eet.) | 46 67 | 113 | 9|/ b2 ee do _...-..-----| Bohemia, U. S. Department of | 46 22 50 72) 6) 12.0 Agriculture. Loose cakes; dried.) [S3ur3 3th) 2 eres Bohemia, U. S. Department of 49 | T4 75 | 159 6 | 26.6 te ool Watered freely | / ate. | / | 285. do a2. 2-5--4 | Bohemia, U. S. Department of | 49; 42) 51, 93) 6) 15.5 Agriculture. Wateredfreely. | / | | B28" do ._....------| Bohemia, U. S. Department of | 46; 89/} 30) 119) 6/ 19.8 Agriculture. }3-28- Git 7 Saal eae i fines: dnralenspute aii ete, “eS ceael tes a 5d 90| 55) 145 8} 18.1 embmaod) Gia-.| 52 0O-.. 0. - topos. sede ate eas 51 | 129| 146| 2% 9| 30.5 blemanureand | 5 pounds cot- | | ton-seed meal. | Fermented sta- | English commercial, St. Louis --_..|------|------ | 0 6; 0.0 ble manure. | | ae “it hous 5 See | English commercial, New York ---|------|------ | ee pee | 6) 0.0 se do _......-....| Bohemia, Americal commercial ___| 42 7 32 | 102 6| 17.0 ae ot) ee ee Alaska, American commercial----- 46 7 31 | 101 6) 16.7 ae ava | Pronch. commercial Hake 6) | 222|--- 2-2. 0 8} 0.0 Fermented sta-| Bohemia, U. S. Department of | 53, 47); 96 143 9} 1.9 blemanureand| Agriculture. | cotton-seed hulls. | Fermented sta-|__-_- G Tk See We Aes ee Per a Rae ae 104 6| 17.3 ble manure; | bed heavily compressed. aS. do __.---------| Var.?, U.S. Department of Agri- 46 58: 46] 104! 6) 17.3 culture. Fermented sta-|-__--- On ee ee ee 46; ll; uu 22 6 3.7 ble manureand | sphagnum. Fermented|-...- oD SSR TA eee 5O.|,,, 44 |2-222. | 44 a i sheep manure. } | Fermented sta-|----- Age. eA bo ee ae 46 18 39 57 8 7.1 ble manure, } cotton-seed hulls, and cot- ton-seed meal. Fermented cot-| Bohemia, U. S. Department of TY] eS eee 5 9 0.6 ton-seed hulls Agriculture. and cotton- seed meal. | Manure mold-_-__|..--- 6 oR a A a REA ET oS TTS ae ol RN eee 2 6 | B same 5:77 eS ee beter gt cyathiforme. Pure cul- |; ~---.|------|c<<. -2 Ree SS ee 48 38 6 | ee (Eee oes ae ee Jazese GO = =scsssescsssseese es heceeerssese 48 36 6 5 | Stable manure and sphagnum..-..--- jas=s GO 22222222225 sezte2 Cee 61 4 6 6 | Stable manure and cotton-seed |__.-- GO 2 Soin Sass So a 61 64 6 meal. : Alb Se bt ee Sena Sere Sas See pare GO smo ecna manned aha ee ee 73 6 Stable manure, timothy fed_--.----|---.- do 22S i gh0o Dee 73 2 6 ey Ee ih, Se SE ae EG So eee ee do... cuss. f2.0e. Bop oa de 0 6 10 | Stable manure, clover fed --.-----..|----- Go 222 ELGG Bs ee se es 1 6 Jt -12.2: = dg tS Sk. A et Go =. Leni. AU OOS. 22 dent 3 6 12 | Stable manure, bran fed_-_.----.----|----- 46 = 2 Ose EtG et, RS. Sse 66 84 6 13 eee Oe ca ashens a aeeon'snas 5 ee G6): [fob ee SOE fees 54 | 109 6 14a| Stable manure, corn fed_----------- fcwaad GOSS . SS ee 71 12 6 15a|__._.. Pt oe ey eee. > aes Ss le ieee. do ....2.. -24 22322. 2 68 8 6 16a! Stable manure, oats fed__-..--..----|----- do .....4 22 eee See pie 2 ee 8 6 d do 80 14 6 71 24 6 66 40 6 vel 17 6 55 6 61 6 55 6 tilizer: KCl, 1 ounce; KNOs, 1 | ounce; bone meal, 7 ounces. ) 24 | Stable manure and incomplete fer- |----- GO . cists Sek 2.88 ecto | 64] 380 6 | tilizer: NaNO;, 1 ounce; bone | meal, 7 ounces. 25 | Stable manure and NaCl, 2 ounces.|....-. GO s c2scccscas secacs Seka wees 66 41 6 26 | Stable manure and NaN Os, 2ounces.}|-..--- dot ..tgcek. c . Ai ee 48 42 6 27 | Stable manureand MgSO,,2ounces. .-.-- a ee 66 39 6 28 | Stable manure and K,SO,,2ounces.|-...- OO suse. «ok 2... ee 64 46 6 29 | Stable manure and kainit, 4 ounces.|----. Ce oe 64 62 6 30 | Stable manure and CaCh, 2 ounces.|----- GUL o2c5.0:5. REPO eee 64 48 6 31 | Stable manure and Na,.HPO,, 2 |--..- Go . .-.00- es AA. Seen 64 65 6 ounces. 82 | Stable manure and (NHy,).SO,4, 2 |----- Oe SS ikfe stein = a nim oa ace a 54 41 6 ounces. 33 Stable manureand NaNOg, lounce; |----.. Oy ee a ery ee he 68 80 6 kainit, 2 ounces. aSome of the beds in this block—Nos. 14-21—were seriously injured by seepage water, and the results are untrustworthy. MUSHROOM GROWING. 43 TasLe 1X.—Yields of experimental mushroom beds in a north basement room, 1904—Continued. as S a L 4 ro ee z | _ 38 Pele lye air On| og | 2g °e | Bedding material and fertilizer. Spawn used. On| oe | 2 $8 Oo, | "ao | 3 SE - > : os teal Yat & Aa ie | Som Bo BY |e | 2° 4 Aa |p < PEP NORMADNT Os 3-2 2oser_ screens Hugi commercial (ordered as 68 34 6 resh). ot) |g (oS SS / a aes Spawn from bed in full bearing.._. 66 12 6 36 | Stable manure, lime dressing ------ Bohemia, U. S. Department of 68 8 6 ¢ | Agriculture. 37 | Stable manure,ammonium molyb- ----.- 6 pp as Nemetlge ten AT thes Callie aM plea (?) 6 date, } ounce. 38 | Stable manure, ZnNOs, 1 gram_---- ----- ee ee ee tee eee Onan (?) 6 39 ... Agaricus amygdalinus -__---------- 68 7 6 tl) eae SUC ASE EE ie aha Bohemia, U. S. Department of 64 77 6 Agriculture. Al if ceepree: 2 = nenenn See 7. eke English commercial (New York). 77 4 6 Ce ee 2 eee ees eee Pee fe ET Bohemia, U. 8. Department of 64 33 6 | Agriculture. 3 LD Boe 2 eee ee Spawn from old bearing bed _--..-|__---- 0 6 | BASES hee AAs oS Sat So SL SEAS 2S Plewr opis ostreatus. 22.22 2--2 522524 ERE 0 6 Dal hese a Co Speee sod $22 as Se ee ee eae English commercial (Philadelphia) -___--- 0 6 46 | Stable manure and sawdust -_-_--__- Bohemia, U. S. Department of |__---- 0 6 Agriculture. 47 | Stable manure -_____._.-_-.-.-------- Var.?, American commercial___..-| 48 60 6 [O02 aC he ee ee ee Alaska, American commercial _.._. 64 22 6 From the experiments given in the foregoing table further proof is furnished of the fact that stable manure alone, when of good quality, is sufficient for the growth of mushrooms. The addition of nutrient salts as fertilizers has not, on an average, given any marked increase in yield, but rather the contrary. It is hardly possible that the quantity of salts used on the beds was too little to make the effect felt. On the other hand, it was not sufficient to be injurious. It is evident from the experiment in bed No. 29, for in- stance, that the addition of 4 ounces of kainit could not have been injurious. In some instances the results obtained by the use of fer- tilizers were poorer than where the manure alone was used. This, however, the writer believes to be due largely to differences in the spawn used, or the differences in condition owing to the location of the bed, for subsequent experiments with some of the salts which seemed to be either injurious or beneficial have not wholly confirmed these results. It is to be noted, however, from the experiment in bed No.6 of this series and also from bed No. 30,in Table VIII, that the beds treated with cotton-seed meal have invariably yielded somewhat above the average. These beds do not come into bearing quite so rap- idly as those in which manure alone is used. It is thought that this is due to the fact that bacterial action is at the beginning more rapid in beds containing cotton-seed meal, and that, consequently, when this wave of bacterial growth has passed the nutrition of the spawn is favorably affected. Experiments had already indicated that manure 44 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. from animals which were fed a poor diet, such, for instance, as grass or hay alone, is much less valuable than where the animals are well fed. The experiments in beds Nos. 10 to 22 were designed to test the value of some different feeds. The writer was fortunate in being able to secure manure from work animals which were being used in feeding tests where very different foods were employed. Unfortunately, however, the mushroom beds were located next to a basement wall, and in beds Nos. 14 to 21 the results were vitiated by the fact that there was considerable seepage water in that region during the thaws and heavy rains of the spring. Nevertheless, it is believed that the experiments in beds Nos. 8 to 13 are trustworthy. An attempt was made to check these results by using some of this manure in tube cultures, and it was found that the manure used in beds Nos. 8, 9, 10, and 11 particularly was unfavorable for the growth of the mycelium even in the pure cultures. On account of its stimulating action upon the spores of Agaricus campestris a small quantity of ammonium molybdate was applied to one bed, No. 37, in order to test its effect upon the growing mycelium. Moreover, since certain salts of zinc at considerable dilu- tion have been found to increase greatly the quantity of mycelium produced by other fungi, zinc nitrate was employed in an adjacent experiment. The results of these two tests were the same. There was a profuse mycelial development and an abundant production of small deformed sporophores. Table X also summarizes a series of some interest. These beds were spawned early in November, 1904. Soon after the spawn began to spread throughout the beds—about December 15—the temperature of the room fell to 40° F. From that time on until Mareh 1, 1905, the temperature was constantly below 52°, and on several occasions as low as 32° F. After two or three weeks of warmer weather the beds began to bear vigorously, and the mushrooms, particularly the first ones, were of unusual size and of excellent flavor. Numerous individuals weighed from 6 to 8 ounces immediately after the sepa- ration of the ring, and a few mature specimens ranged from 10 to 14 ounces. MUSHROOM GROWING. 45 TABLE X.— Yields of experimental mushroom beds—Third series. Compar- Bed z ative N Material constituting bed. Spawn used. yield per 2 bed, in ounces. aiiesitable manure —s ....--- 225. 222L2.225_- English commercial, 2 years old__-_----- 0 (Se Sa it cote ee eee Columbia, “green”? spawn, U.S. De- 7. partment of Agriculture. See ae din: 2.3 eS ee ea eee ae Poor grade English commercial, re- 16 cent importation. ‘ipo A 2 Re eee Ps Good grade English commercial, re- 49 cent importation. ee fy 2 ee See ee eee Good grade English commercial, 6 40 ; months old. (>| ee Gg Rs 2228S Se caer eae American commercial _....- 22-2..-as--< 57 i ON IRE EASE SES) CEU a tee eel ee Ome aia. MOLES IS £3 4) 0-e eee 34 * UO S68 Se Bae re ee Oe i a ce oe a 54 Otrets. ps PS. oS iis hehe lee U.S. Department of Agriculture, Co- 56 lumbia. 10 | Rotted sawdust and stable manure ____|____- opens 2. sas ejes 85 ALES 1 31 11 | Leaves and stable manure -___- eee eee 30 Weiisaw Oust 2.225.242. 22 fib sss yo? At: 3 PeameaVes. 2... 8. =.- == Bee: (ee oe is ee. ein = 6 14 | Stable manure --.-....-...--. American commercial, probably A. ar- 60 vensis, Var. ABI 22% 5 Riep ee tee) OPE e vis! ett ee eee y - American, A. villaticus -_..........-.--- 68 In some publications on mushroom growing the claim is made that old or practically exhausted beds may be brought into bearing again by heavy fertilization with hquid manure or with a weak solution of potassium nitrate. From a commercial point of view, no measurable success has resulted from any trials of this nature made by the writer ; consequently, it is believed that exhausted beds should be immediately discarded. From the standpoint of mushroom sanitation, this is also particularly desirable. VARIABILITY IN MUSHROOMS GROWN UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS, The writer does not intend to discuss even in a general way the relationships of the various forms of Agaricus—that is, those that may be considered allies of A. campestris—which he has cultivated or studied in the field. Some reference to the variability of common forms should, however, be made. For a comprehensive study of spe- cies and varieties, a knowledge of European forms as well as of those found in America is essential. Authors differ so widely in their descriptions of species, as well as in their conceptions of them, per- haps, that in the absence of unlimited material nothing short of con- fusion results from any attempt to harmonize opinions. It is sufli- ciently difficult to separate what many would regard as varieties of A. campestris from those of A. arvensis. When specific rank is bestowed also upon such forms as A. pratensis, A. villaticus, A. mag- nificus, A. rodmani, etc., the difficulties are greatly increased. The writer has grown many forms of Agaricus, and, as might be expected, there seems to be no form which will remain practically constant under variable conditions. Besides general size, size of spores, etc., 46 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. some of the characters used in separating the common forms are color of gills; character of ring, particularly as to whether single or double; shape of stipe; color and markings of pileus; color of flesh, ete. In following the development of these characters in different forms, many variations will be found. Agaricus campestris grown on com- posted leaves shows very little pink in the gills. The color changes rapidly from dull pinkish-brown, or almost white, to a leaden hue. Several brown-capped forms, usually considered varieties of A. cam- pestris, never show a bright-pink surface unless produced under exceptionally favorable conditions, moist air being a sine qua non. The ring is naturally variable. In any variety of A. campestris it is ~ not uncommon for an edge of the partial veil to remain attached to the base of the stem as a volvate line, or this line may be left at any stage during the elongation of the stem. Again, if the lower margin of the partial veil on the stipe separates slightly from the stipe, and upon drying curves slightly upward, there is an indication of a double ring. A very good double ring appeared on a number of very vig- orous specimens of an undoubted variety of A. campestris during the present season. It is possible that there is a greater tendency to pro- duce a double ring when conditions are favorable for the production of the most vigorous mushrooms. Agaricus arvensis is also very variable with respect to the formation of a double ring, as also in the persistence of the partial veil. The shape of the stipe is in many forms dependent upon the con- ditions. Under favorable conditions a brown variety of A. cam- pestris may have a very short, thickened, equal stem, when grown on manure, and practically uniform at maturity, while the same form grown on decayed leaves may show in the main a stipe with thick- ened base, gradually tapering to the top. The color of the cap is of undoubted value as a varietal or specific character, yet it must be remembered that whether the surface be smooth or rough, merely fibrillose, or broken into scales of definite form, may depend entirely ~ upon whether produced in moist air or in dry air, subjected to drying after being wet, etc. The color of the flesh is also dependent, to a considerable extent, upon the conditions. A specimen grown in even fairly unfavorable conditions will show the flesh somewhat darkened, and on exposure the characteristic pink tint will not be even momentarily visible. In other words, a considerable range of variation must be anticipated, and in comparisons there should be stated very clearly the conditions under which the particular forms are produced. . THE CULTIVATION OF VARIOUS SPECIES OF MUSHROOMS, In Table X are given the results of a single test with Agaricus arvensis, or What is supposedly a brown variety of this species, and MUSHROOM GROWING. 47 also of a single experiment with A. villaticus. In both cases the yield was excellent. It is not well to draw definite conclusions from individual tests, but it is believed that both of these forms will yield profitably in general culture under conditions similar to those required for A. campestris. Plate III, figure 2, indicates the size and compactness of the mature sporophore of A. villaticus. More- over, both of the species above referred to are to be recommended for texture and flavor. Two forms of Agaricus fabaceus (see Pl. III, fig. 1), both with amygdaline odor and flavor, have been tried in relatively few experiments. In no case has the yield been very good, and further experiments will be required before it will be pos- sible to state under what conditions these forms may be most suc- cessfully grown. At the Missouri Botanical Garden Prof. Wiliam Trelease has for some time grown successfully one of these varieties. Owing to the profuse and rapid growth of the mycelium of Copri- nus comatus in pure cultures, it was anticipated that it might easily be grown in beds. The few experiments thus far made indicate that in impure cultures (beds) of leaf mold the mycelium grows and spreads very slowly. Hot weather prevented the maturity of the tests, but no sporophores were produced during a considerable pe- riod. In similar experiments Lepiota rhacodes and Tricholoma per- sonatum were used. The former has given unsatisfactory results thus far, but the latter is promising. It is not yet time to report on the possibility of growing the better and larger species of puffballs and the morel. It has already been indicated that the mycelium of these fungi grows well in pure cul- tures. From the pure cultures it has also been demonstrated that spawn may be made, but it has not been determined under what con- ditions the fruit may be produced. Figure 1 on Plate IV shows a young specimen of one of the puffballs, Calvatia craniiformis, the spawn of which is produced with the least difficulty. COOPERATIVE EXPERIMENTS. During the winter of 1902-3 a small quantity of experimental spawn made by the writer was sent out to mushroom growers for trial; in 1903-4 this spawn was made in large quantity, and trial packages were sent to more than 100 growers or interested persons. At that time Farmers’ Bulletin No. 204 had not been issued, and the instructions which could be furnished inexperienced growers were inadequate. Nevertheless, an attempt was made to obtain reports from all persons receiving the experimental spawn, even from those who had applied for and received spawn when the season was too far advanced for successful work except in caves and cool cellars. A number of reports were received, but, as might be expected, fully 50 per cent of these indicated that the conditions under which the experi- 23994—No. 85—06 m4 48 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. ments were made were wholly unsatisfactory, and that, therefore, no favorable results could be anticipated. Among those whose reports indicated that the conditions were favorable, or fairly favorable, only a small percentage reported failures, while four-fifths of those claim- ing success secured yields of more than one-half pound per square foot of bed space, many obtaining more than 1 pound per square foot. In two instances a yield of nearly 2 pounds to the square foot was reported. The frontispiece, Plate I, a bed in full bearing, and Plate VII, figure 1, showing the mushrooms as prepared for mar- ket, are photographs furnished by cooperating growers who are now also making spawn of pure-culture origin. It was suggested to growers who received the experimental spawn that a comparative test of the English or other commercial spawns with that received from the Department of Agriculture would be of interest. Comparative tests were made and reported by 10 growers. In most cases the English spawn, obtained at random on the market, failed to grow. In only one case did the English spawn prove better than the pure- culture product, and in this instance the spawn furnished by the Department when used was nearly one year old. Failures may always be anticipated when attempts are made to grow mushrooms under adverse conditions, and it must be said that greater success was obtained from the cooperative work than could have been hoped for, considering the fact that many of the persons who sent in reports were wholly inexperienced and were practically unguided. During the present year experimental mushroom spawn has been sent to more than 200 interested persons, and this will doubtless be the last general distribution of this product by the Department of Agriculture. Representing the varieties of Agaricus campestris commonly grown, mushroom spawn of pure-culture origin is now an established market. product. In order that the standard of the American spawn may be maintained, spawn makers, dealers, and growers should see to it that only the fresh, recently dried product is used. Nevertheless, it is hoped that this cooperative work may be carried forward, looking toward the development of better varieties or the bringing into culture and the testing of new species. CAVE FACILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. Cave facilities in the United States are by no means so meager as has been supposed. There are in some sections caves from which rock for Portland cement has been mined. Some of these have been utilized for mushroom growing. There are also natural caves of great extent in many of the States of the Central West—especially OPEN-AIR CULTURE. 49 in Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, and Arkansas—as well as in Vir- ginia.t’ The difficulty is to obtain caves within a convenient distance from cities, for stable manure becomes expensive if it must be hauled many miles or transported long distances by the carload. Again, caves should be easy of access, since after each crop every vestige of soil, manure, etc., of the preceding crop must be removed as a sani- tary precaution. This is especially necessary since there is much waste space in most natural caves, and it becomes a very difficult or expensive matter to fumigate. If the cave system is extensive, it must also be possible to give it thorough ventilation. Many natural caves are the courses of subterranean streams. The latter are by no means objectionable if there is no danger from overflow. In many caves the stream has long since found a new channel and the cave is dry. Seepage water, usually accompanied by continuous stalactite and stalagmite formation, is undesirable. In some of the Eastern States coalpits or coal mines may be important for mushroom pur- poses. Where the coal mine is not too deep, or where perfect venti- lation may be given, there is no reason why it is not entirely suitable for mushroom growing. OPEN-AIR CULTURE. In some sections of England and France open-air culture of mush- rooms in beds is practicable during the late autumn and winter months, in which case the productive period may extend into the spring. The difficulties in the way of open-air culture are not merely those of maintaining a more or less uniform temperature, but also of maintaining practically constant conditions of moisture. For these reasons it is necessary to mulch the beds heavily with clean straw. In some instances a light mulch of straw is permitted to remain even during the period of production, for a rapid drying out of the surface would be hazardous or fatal. It is better, perhaps, to put the beds under some form of protection, such as an improvised cold frame. In regions where the climatic changes are marked, open-air cul- ture is probably not to be recommended during any season for com- mercial purposes. It is probable that there are some areas in the United States in which open-air culture might be practiced with profit. It has seemed that certain sections of California might be favorable for this phase of the work. In the interest of experiments «The writer is indebted to Prof. C. F. Marbut for the information that caves are to be expected in the Silurian limestone, which occurs particularly in the extension of the Shenandoah Valley, in the bluegrass region of Kentucky, and in the Ozark region of Missouri and Arkansas; also in the Lower Carboniferous limestone, which extends into Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri. 50 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. along this line the writer has made a special attempt to acquaint himself with the conditions in that section of the country. This has seemed particularly desirable, inasmuch as fresh mushrooms could not be shipped to the far West from sections in which they are at present grown in quantity. From the information obtained it is thought that successful open-air mushroom growing might be antici- pated in those sections where the average temperature is between 48° and 55° F., provided there are relatively few days when the temperature falls as low as 32° F. At the same time, open-air cul- ture can not be recommended for those sections in which dry winds are prevalent. As a rule, during the wet or winter season the rain- fall is so light that heavy mulching would probably suffice to prevent injury from excessive wetting. Nevertheless, it seems apparent that even in regions most favorable for open-air culture some inexpensive partial protection against the changes of temperature due to direct sunlight, or against heavy rainfall, would be desirable. It was also ascertained that Agaricus campestris appears naturally in some quantity during the months of January and February, or longer, during the rainy season. This, however, is also true of other species of fleshy fungi. The large size of some of the specimens of Agaricus campestris and A. arvensis found would seem to suggest that they were produced from an unusually vigorous mycelium. This may be the result of a condition analogous to that previously mentioned, where, on account of the low temperature of the atmos- phere, the spawn may develop slowly through a considerable period, and finally, under favorable conditions, sporophores of unusual size are produced. In the following table are given the monthly mean temperatures from several representative stations in California during the years 1899 and 1900. From this table it will be seen that so far as the mean temperature is concerned Eureka and San Francisco would be especially favorable during a large portion of the year. Independ- ence and Red Bluff are likewise satisfactory, while San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Diego show a mean which is perhaps rather too high.. The moisture of the atmosphere, the prevalence of hot winds, the variation in the daily temperature, and the number of hot or cold days must all be considered. From the data obtained, the general conclusion seems to be that the most favor- able regions are those where conditions correspond closely to those of Eureka and San Francisco. This, however, represents a large region, including a considerable portion of the San Joaquin and of the Sacramento valleys. In a few places experiments have already béen undertaken to determine the possibilities for the development of this work, but no definite recommendations can be made until the experi- OPEN-AIR CULTURE. 51 mental evidence is at hand. It may be said, moreover, that some of the regions which seem to be too warm for open-air culture may be especially favorable during several months at a time for mushroom growing in ordinary cellars, or in very simply constructed mushroom houses. In those sections the winter and early spring months would doubtless give the most satisfactory conditions; and this period, fortunately, corresponds with the tourist season—a season when the market demands are greatest. It is also possible that with mulching and with simple protection, mushroom growing may be successful in some of the Eastern States. TasLeE XI.—Mean monthly temperatures at points in California, in degrees Fahrenheit. j Eureka. |San Francisco. [872 Uuis |santaBarbara. Obispo Month. Reolg.s Gaeta : 1899. 1900. 1899. 1900. 1899, 1900. | City. 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Occasionally one reads of successful natural cultures of mush- rooms; that is, the production of this plant in pastures, lawns, etc., under more or less natural conditions. At Columbia, Mo., the writer has made numerous attempts to spawn plats in pastures and lawns; but thus far failure has attended every attempt. The spawning has, moreover, been tried at every season of the year. It is believed that in the section of the country mentioned only exceptionally favorable seasons will permit any success in this phase of open-air culture. 52 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. MUSHROOM SPAWN MAKING. The mycelium of the cultivated mushroom has long been known commercially as “ spawn.” From early times it has been recognized that mushrooms may be grown from spawn, and it is quite certain that in all attempts to propagate mushrooms spawn has been used for the purpose. In France, in England, and in other countries in which the mush- room has long been grown it is recognized that it is not profitable continually to take growing spawn from one bed to be preserved as “seedage ” for the next crop. The common expression is that the spawn “runs out” in about three years. There seem to be few or no definite experiments indicating the exact conditions under which the spawn in two or three years loses the power of vigorous mush- room production. Nevertheless, it is the almost unanimous opinion of all extensive growers that there is a marked diminution in the yield after several successive propagations from the spawn in the mushroom bed. This has seemed to be true in the writer’s experi- ments, although it must be said that accidents to experiments under- taken have made it impossible to report at this time upon the nature of this running out. That deterioration does result is apparently a fact accepted by all scientific men who lave given attention to mush- room growing. It is possible, however, that under certain conditions the spawn might be repeatedly propagated without loss of prolific- ness. It is not necessary to enter here into a discussion of possibili- ties or to attempt to explain why weakening might be evident under ordinary conditions. A “chance” method—F¥or practical purposes it is necessary to renew the spawn and to secure, if possible, spawn which has not pre- viously weakened itself by the production of mushrooms—known as virgin spawn. Natural virgin spawn may be found wherever “in nature ” it has been possible for the spores to germinate and to pro- duce a mycelium. Ordinarily such so-called “ spontaneous ” appear- ances of spawn may be anticipated in compost heaps, rich garden beds, pastures near the feeding places of animals, ete. Many attempts have been made by practical growers to develop spawn from spores, sowing the gill portions of mature mushrooms in specially constructed beds; but the results, so far as the writer is aware, have not been satisfactory. As a rule, therefore, growers have been compelled to rely wholly upon a virgin spawn which has been obtained by chance. It is said that in the vicinity of Paris some persons make a business of searching for this virgin spawn, which they sell to the growers at a high figure. It is claimed that they become so adept in detecting the differences in the character of growth, the quality of odors, etc., that they can distinguish not only MUSHROOM SPAWN MAKING. 53 Agaricus campestris, but also some of its varieties. In England much of the virgin spawn has been obtained from pastures. Where a “spontaneous ” growth of spawn is observed, trenches are dug, and these are filled with good stable manure. The latter in time becomes penetrated, and it is highly prized for cultural purposes. As a rule, the virgin spawn is used in spawning beds, which, when well pene- trated, are torn down, and the whole bed used as flake spawn in spawning the general crop. Again, the virgin spawn may be used in spawning the brick, or cakes, this. being the form in which English spawn is usually made. However adept persons may become in the identification of various varieties of spawn by odor, etc., this must be considered essentially a chance method. A “ selective” method—From what has been said it will be per- ceived that very little advancement could be made in the selection of desirable varieties of mushrooms, in varietal improvement and the like, so long as the chance method of securing spawn should prevail. The studies in the germination of mushroom spores previously re- ferred to were encouraged by the apparent necessity of beginning with spores from mushrooms of known qualities in order to effect improvement. In recent years the investigations of Costantin * upon spore germination have found application in a department of the Pasteur Institute. By a secret method, mycelium is grown from the spores in pure cultures. These cultures, which are, of course, pure virgin spawn, are then offered for sale to the growers. This spawn does not seem to have received deserved consideration on the part of the growers. The secret method of effecting spore germination re- ferred to by Répin® has also been practically applied by one of the largest seed firms in Paris. In general, however, French growers have not profited so much by the new methods, perhaps partially on account of the fact that these methods are not known and partially because of the expense of the new virgin spawn. It is to be noted that these methods imply pure cultures to begin with. The successful germination studies with chemical stimulation men- tioned in this paper were soon overshadowed by the discovery of the ease of making tissue cultures. The use of the latter method has been the means of a sudden advancement in spawn making in this country during the past two years, for many practical men have been quick to see the advantages which it offers. Pure-culture precautions——It has already been stated that the pure-culture method of making virgin spawn is not one which will prove successful in the hands of wholly inexperienced persons, or of those who are unwilling to spend time and use the utmost care in the manipulation of the cultures and the culture material. The use of ¢Costantin, J., loc. cit. b Répin, C., loc. cit. 54 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. pure-culture methods necessitates to a considerable extent a knowl- edge of the bacteria and molds which are everywhere present in the air and which are especially abundant wherever there are dusty or damp, moldy conditions. The principle of making pure cultures is briefly this: The materials, or media, and all the vessels employed must be sterilized, which implies being heated at a temperature suffi- cient to kill all germs present in the vessels or materials used. If the vessels used are test tubes or other pieces of glassware with small mouths, they should, previous to sterilization, be plugged with cotton batting. This cotton batting prevents, when carefully manipulated, the entrance of germs from the air, and therefore keeps the vessel or medium in a pure or sterile condition. If such a vessel is opened, this should be done in a room free from currents of air or falling dust particles; and, while open, tubes and other apparatus should be held in a more or less horizontal position, so that they will be less liable to contamination. It follows, of course, that the cotton plug, if removed, should not come in contact with any unsterilized sub- stances. If, now, a small quantity of the growing mycelium of a mushroom from a pure culture is transferred to such a sterilized tube, using for this transfer sterile needles, or scalpels, there will be little danger from foreign organisms, and the piece of mycelium inserted will therefore grow as a puie culture free from all other fungi or bacteria. The tissue-culture method.—In making pure cultures of mushrooms, large test tubes or wide-mouthed bottles may be used. These should be carefully cleaned, and, if possible, a sterilization should be given by means of dry heat as a preliminary precaution. In this event the tubes are plugged with cotton plugs and placed in a dry oven made for the purpose. They are heated to a temperature of about 150° C., and this temperature should be maintained for nearly an hour. Ordinarily, however, in rough work it is not essential to employ this preliminary sterilization. In either case the tubes are next partially fled (about two-thirds) with the manure, or half-decayed leaves, upon which it is desired to grow the virgin spawn. A plug is inserted in each tube, and the tubes are then sterilized in a steam boiler or under pressure. If sterilized under steam pressure, as in an autoclave, it is necessary to use about 15 pounds pressure and to allow the tubes to remain at this pressure for from fifteen minutes to half an hour. If the sterilization must be effected in a boiler or in an open water bath, it can only be done at 100° C., of course; and it is then desirable to boil the tubes for at least one hour on each of two or three successive days. With the tubes thoroughly sterile, the next step is to make the cultures or inoculations. By the tissue-culture method it is implied MUSHROOM SPAWN MAKING. 55 that the inoculations are made from pieces of the tissue of a living mushroom. It is at this stage that selection may be made. One should procure from a bed of mushrooms in full bearing a mushroom which represents the most desirable qualities that are to be found. Size, quality, and general prolificness must all be considered, as well, also, as other characteristics in any special selections. One may de- sire, for instance, to select from a variety which yields throughout a long period—one which is resistant to higher temperatures, ete. Having found the mushroom from which it is desired to propagate, plants as young as possible may be used, and those which show the veil still intact are especially desirable. With a scalpel, or a pair of forceps, which has been sterilized by passing the blade through a gas flame, or even the flame from an alcohol or ordinary lamp, small pieces of the internal tissue may be removed, and these pieces trans- ferred to the tubes, without, of course, coming in contact with any object whatever which has not previously been sterilized. It is a good idea to wash the mushroom first, so that no dust will be made. The plant may then be broken open longitudinally and bits of the internal tissue readily removed without fear of contamination when one becomes adept in this kind of manipulation. Immediately upon inoculation the cotton plug is replaced in the tube, and after all the tubes are inoculated they should be put out of the dust, preferably in a situation where the temperature is about that of an ordinary living room. In the course of several days a slight growth may be evident from the tissue if the conditions have been perfectly sterile. In the course of a week or more the growth should become very evident, and in three weeks the moldlike development of mycelium should spread to practically all parts of the medium in the tube. The method of making pure cultures and the laboratory apparatus usually involved are shown in Plate VI, figure 2. When the tubes are thoroughly “ run ” the contents may be removed and used in spawning brick. The contents of a single tube may spawn several bricks when carefully employed. If no transfers are made of the growing mycelium from one lot of tubes to another, the writer has not found it at all impracticable or unfavorable to utilize this first lot of bricks later in spawning others. No further trans- fers, however, should be made from these bricks to others under any circumstances in spawn making. As elsewhere indicated, such a con- tinuous transference is injurious to the vigor of the spawn and diminishes the quantity of mushrooms produced. The commercial process —The essentials in spawn making are (1) a uniform, compact manure brick; (2) vigorous and well-selected virgin spawn to be used in inoculating the bricks, and (3) favorable conditions for the storage of the bricks during the growth of the spawn. 56 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. It should be indicated that there is no one method of making brick spawn. The process may and will be varied by each spawn maker. Any skill or mechanical devices which will simplify or improve the process in any particular are to be recommended. The materials entering into the composition of the brick are fer- mented stable manure, cow manure, and sometimes a small quantity of well-selected loam. Perhaps the chief value of these different con- stituents is as follows: In the horse manure the mycelium grows most readily. The cow manure binds the materials together into compact brick. The loam, which is perhaps least essential, is supposed to prevent cracking or hardening of the surface, and therefore contributes to the appearance of the finished brick, at the same time tending to prevent rapid fer- mentation during growth. It also in some cases facilitates the uni- form spread of the mycelium. If fresh manure is used, the necessity of using loam is perhaps to be emphasized. In the experiments which have been made under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture these materials have been used singly and in various combinations, and it is beyond doubt that the relative proportions of these should be determined by the special conditions under which the spawn is made. Excellent results have been ob- tained by using a mixture of from two-thirds to three-fourths stable manure and the remainder cow manure. In this case the compost for the brick is subjected to fermentation previous to its use. When loam is employed it may be used in more or less equal proportion to the cow manure; and the quantity of stable manure should about equal that of the other two ingredients. If the straw present does not become sufficiently disintegrated during the preparation of the manure to enable one to make a smooth brick, it should be removed, in part at least. The dry bricks podinanily measure about 53 by 8} by 14 (to 1}) inches. They should therefore be molded of somewhat larger size, perhaps 6 by 9 by 2 inches, since there is considerable contraction during drying. The mold consists merely of an oak frame of four pieces strongly riveted together. It may also be profitably lined with thin steel plates. In molding the brick one of two methods may be followed: (1) The compost may be thoroughly wet or pud- dled; then, with the mold upon a board of suitable width, the manure is compressed into it, the mold removed from the brick then formed, and the board pushed along for a succession of such impressions. The boards supporting the bricks are then disposed in racks and the bricks dried for a few days, or until they may be turned on edge for further drying out. (2) The compost may be used in a condition which is merely moist. It is compressed into the brick with some force, a mallet being often employed. The brick thus obtained is MUSHROOM SPAWN MAKING. 57 sufficiently rigid to be immediately handled if necessary. By this method, unless the compost has been in excellent condition, the bricks are not so smooth as might be desired for commercial purposes. In some instances they have then been subjected to a repress process, an old repress brick machine being adapted for the purpose. In such cases the bricks are made thicker to begin with. The second method has been discontinued by some who at first employed it. Two methods are also employed in spawning: (1) The more com- mon method is to insert into the brick near both ends a piece of the virgin spawn obtained for the purpose. A cut is made with the knife, the spawn inserted, and a stroke of the knife effectively closes the surface. This must be done as soon as the brick can be readily handled. (2) The bricks are dried until merely moist throughout; then, on being piled, nocules of spawn are placed between successive bricks, a piece at each end. In either case the bricks are not piled for the growth of the spawn until in good condition as to moisture content. This should be determined not by the surface, but by the interior of the brick. In the pile the surface will soon become moist. When the first method is employed it is sometimes customary to spread between the layers of brick in the pile a little moist manure or sawdust. It has been determined, also, that the absolute mois- ture content of the brick should be about 40 per cent, which is the same as for the mushroom bed. Tests of the moisture content of bricks growing well have varied from 35 to 474 per cent. Occasional examination should be made to determine the tempera- ture and the extent of growth. In order that the bricks may become thoroughly penetrated, more than a month will usually be required. The most favorable conditions for the growth of the spawn are practically the same as for mushroom growing. A fairly moist atmosphere, maintained, if necessary, by spraying, and a more or less uniform temperature (55° to 60° F.) are to be preferred. The size of the piles will depend upon the other conditions; but if there is any danger of considerable fermentative activity the bricks should be so disposed as to permit perfect ventilation between two or more adjacent rows. When the bricks are thoroughly “ run ” they are dried under cover before being shipped or stored in bulk, since in a moist brick the spawn would continue to grow and would soon produce small mush- rooms or else would become moldy. Well-penetrated bricks of spawn ‘are shown in Plate VII, figure 2. The areas of mycelial growth should be evident to the eye. The growth should be moldlike, how- ever, rather than composed of very large threads or fibers. The suggestion made in a previous publication that mushroom spawn should be sold by the brick (with a uniform standard of size) seems to have been adopted by American makers. The trade names 58 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING, suggested for the common types of Agaricus campestris in culture have also come into use. It is certain that these names, Alaska, Bohemia, and Columbia, designating respectively a white, a brown, and a more or less cream-gray form, do not include all forms in cultivation. Until a careful study has been made of varieties, how- ever, this nomenclature will enable spawn makers to keep in mind certain types, and will make it possible for growers to ask for a spawn yielding a color demanded by their special markets. THE VITALITY OF MUSHROOM SPAWN. Many of the early experiments in mushroom growing undertaken by the writer were made in the hope of being able to ascertain the more frequent causes of failure and some of the chief difficulties encountered by American mushroom growers. The ordinary com- mercial spawn used by amateurs, that is, such as is obtainable upon the market during the winter months, was purchased wherever possi- ble. Samples of this spawn were placed under conditions which were supposed to be most favorable for growth. Nevertheless, in the majority of cases there was no indication of the development of a new mycelium from the bricks of spawn thus obtained. From these results it was suspected that much of the spawn which reaches the amateur grower may be considerably injured, or even killed, by transportation or improper conditions of storage; for it must be sup- posed that most of this spawn is in good or at least fair condition when exported from Europe. Subsequently the writer was able to look into the matter of spawn making in Europe and France, and he was convinced that the diffi- culty of securing good spawn in England is not a very serious factor. The same is true with reference to the material which is obtained by both extensive and small growers in France. Special importations of some of the commercial English and French spawns were made, and this was packed, shipped, and stored under conditions as favorable as may ordinarily obtain. This spawn was imported during midwinter and stored until March or early April, when it was used in spawning some experimental beds. The conditions of the experiments were practically the same throughout, yet in not more than half the beds was there a favorable development of mushroom spawn. A distribution of the French spawn, both the commercial flake and the improved cake spawn, was made to several. prominent American growers. Some of these growers experienced entire failure, while others reported that, after a slow beginning, beds spawned with this material made a good yield. The general conclu- sion, reenforced by observation and by the experience of practical growers, could only be that a large percentage of loss in mushroom VITALITY OF MUSHROOM SPAWN. ; 59 growing is attributable to the injury suffered by the spawn after its preparation. This conclusion has been further strengthened by the experience of the past three years. From Table VIII, beds Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, and 30, it will be seen that, under conditions where fresh spawn has invariably made a good yield, the spawn which is more than a year old is, for the most part, seriously injured or killed. - To be exact, in only one case was there any production of mushrooms by spawn which had been kept for a year or longer. It must be said that no attempt was made to keep these spawns under similar conditions or under the most favorable conditions. For the most part the spawn was stored in the dry laboratory room, in which the temperature was more or less variable, but never extreme. The old American spawn which was used in experimental bed No. 1, in Table VIII, was stored in a basement room where the average temperature was undoubtedly cooler than that of the laboratory room. From experimental beds Nos. 1, 5, 4, and 5, in Table X, it is again seen that old spawn is unreliable. In this particular case the mate- rial was furnished by a prominent mushroom grower—an English spawn importer. This spawn had been stored in a dry house and was therefore subject to similar conditions. In Table VIII, beds Nos. 31, 32, 35, and in Table IX, Nos. 34, 41, and 45, there is further proof of the loss of vitality in the imported spawn ordinarily offered for sale in many of our cities. In these cases spawn was bought on the market just as offered for sale to the amateur buyer; “ best on hand ” was asked for, but no stipulation was made that is should be of recent importation, and no guaranty was asked. The tests were not, therefore, to compare the very best English with the best Amer- ican spawn, but merely to secure an indication of some of the causes of failure by the purchase at random of English and French spawn on the market. Even in times past the extensive mushroom growers have either imported their spawn direct, or made sure that they were obtaining the best product that the market could furnish. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to compare, in any experi- ments thus far concluded, the best English with the best American spawn. The results seem also to indicate that brick spawn maintains its vitality longer than the flake material, and that brick spawn made of loose, light material is less retentive of vitality than that made after the formula commonly followed in England. This proves to be an unfortunate factor to be dealt with in the attempt to reduce by all means the weight of the brick. The reduction in weight would be most desirable, since freight upon this material adds con- siderably to the price of market spawn. To the poor keeping quali- ties of loose spawn is perhaps due the large number of failures with French flake spawn, and perhaps also some of the failures with the 60 . MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. newer form of French brick spawn. The latter is made in the form of very small, thin bricks, which are unquestionably more afiedted by weather conditions than the larger English bricks. These results have seemed to demand that special attention should be given to methods of spawn making in the United States in order that growers might be able to secure this product as fresh as -pos- sible. Moreover, it was desirable, as previously indicated, to at- tempt work leading to the selection and improvement of varieties. The success of the work in spawn making has been almost all that could have been anticipated. By the pure-culture methods described, several firms are now making grades of brick spawn which have yielded remarkably well. This fact is now thoroughly recognized by a large number of the best growers throughout the country. Probably as many as 50,000 bricks were sold during 1904, and it is perhaps to be expected that several hundred thousand will be sold during the present year. It is to be regretted that it has not yet been possible to abandon the pure-culture process by means of which the virgin spawn is made while retaining the advantages of selection. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the very difficulties of this process insure its use only by those who are able to give it their best attention and who will doubtless develop it to the fullest commercial extent. It has not been supposed by the writer that the work thus far accomplished will en- able all mushroom growers to manufacture their own spawn with comparative ease. In other phases of horticultural work it is not so much to individual growers as to progressive seedsmen that we look for the best seed of improved varieties. The same thing apparently must be anticipated in the development of the mushroom industry. The growing of selected spawn may, in general, become a specialized process. ° Nevertheless, it is believed that in time a method of spawn pro- duction from spores without pure-culture precautions will be devel- oped. The necessity of developing immediately, or placing on a practical basis, the pure-culture process has temporarily directed the experimental work along other lines. O Bul. 85, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PEATEs. Fig. 1.—A FINE CLUSTER OF AGARICUS CAMPESTRIS, THE HORTICULTURAL VARIETY COLUMBIA. Fic. 2.—MorRELS (MORCHELLA ESCULENTA), ONE OF THE FINEST EDIBLE FUNGI. Bul. 85, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE III. Fic. 1.—AGARICUS FABACEUS, THE ALMOND-FLAVORED MUSHROOM. FiG. 2.—AGARICUS VILLATICUS, A PROMISING SPECIES, FLESHY AND PROLIFIC. Bul. 85, Bureau of Plant !ndustry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE IV. Fig. 1.—A YOUNG SPECIMEN OF THE COMMON PUFFBALL (CALVATIA CRANIIFORMIS). Fic. 2.—THE OysTER MUSHROOM (PLEUROTUS OSTREATUS), GROWING ON DECAYED WILLOW Loa. Bul. 85, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE V. Fic. 1.—A MUSHROOM HOUSE PROVIDED WITH GAS-PIPING FRAMEWORK FOR SHELF BEDS. : Fic. 2.—THE PREPARATION OF COMPOST. Bul. 85, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE VI. ; Fic. 2.—THE METHOD OF MAKING PURE CULTURES, SHOWING THE APPARATUS AND MATERIALS. Bu!. 85, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE VII. FiG. 1.—MUSHROOMS PREPARED FOR THE AMERICAN MARKET. Fia. 2.—Goop (‘‘WELL-RUN’’) MUSHROOM SPAWN, BRICK FORM. ‘SATV¥q 3LVd 4O SN3GY¥V5 NAYNNS GNV SANNQ GNVS ONIMOHS ‘GaNO 14 JO NMOL 3H1L WOYNS NOIDZY ANOS GINO 3H1L 4O MBIA WHAN3H = PLATE I. oO ) ‘U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—-BULLETIN NO. 86. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. AGRICULTURE WITHOUT IRRIGATION IN THE SAHARA DESERT. BY THOMAS H. KEARNEY, PHYSIOLOGIST. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. IssuED NOVEMBER 16, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. ALBERT F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Avsence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS. FREDERICK V. COVILLE, Botanist in Charge. FARM MANAGEMENT. W. J. SPILLMAN, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAw INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. BrRacKEetT?r, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. PIETERS, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. Corspett, Horticulturist in Charge. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUB- TROPICAL PLANTS. O. F. CooK, Bionomist in Charge. DRUG AND POISONOUS PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, AND TEA CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS. Ropney H. True, Physiologist in Charge. DRY LAND AGRICULTURE AND WESTERN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. Cart S. SCOFIELD, Agriculturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. SEED LABORATORY. Evcar Brown, Botanist in Charge. J. E. ROCKWELL, Editor. JAMES E. JONES, Chief Clerk. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. ALBERT F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge. Erwin F. Smitu, Pathologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Pathology. HERBERT J. WEBBER, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Breeding. WALTER T. SWINGLE, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Life History. NEWTON B. Pierce, Pathologist in Charge of Pacific Coast Laboratory. M. B. Waite, Pathologist in Charge of Investigations of Diseases of Orchard Fruits. MARK ALFRED CARLETON, Cerealist in Charge of Cereal Laboratory. {[ERMANN VON SCHRENK, in Charge of Mississippi Valley Laboratory. Vv. H. Rours, Pathologist in Charge of Subtropical Laboratory. C. O. TOWNSEND, Pathologist in Charge of Sugar Beet Investigations. T. H. Kearney, A. D. SHAMEL, Physiologists, Plant Breeding. P. H. Dorsett,* CorNeELIus L. SHEAR, WILLIAM A. ORTON, W. M. Scott, ERNsT A. Bessey, BE. M. FREEMAN, Pathologists. Kk. C. Cuiitcotrr, Papert in Cultivating Methods, Cereal Laboratory. C. R. BALL, Assistant Agrostologist, Cereal Laboratory. JoseruH S. CHAMBERLAIN,” J. ARTHUR LE CLERC,° Physiological Chemists. FLora W. PATTERSON, Mycologist. CHARLES P. HARTLEY, KAR” F. KELLERMAN, JESSE B. Norton, CHARLES J. BRAND, T. RALPH ROBINSON, Assistants in Physiology. DeaNe B. SwWINGLe, GeorGe G. Hepecock, Assistants in Pathology. ERLEY SPAULDING, P. J. O'Gara, FLORENCE HepGES, Henry A. MILLER, ERNEST B. Brown, Lesuigz A. Firz, LEonaRD L. HarTER, JOHN O. MeRWIN, A. H. LEIpIGH, H. F. BLANCHARD, Scientific Assistants. W. W. Copsey, Tobacco Papert. JOHN VAN LEENHOFF, Jr., T. D. BECKWITH, Esrperts. “Detailed to Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution. » Detailed to Bureau of Chemistry. © Detailed from Bureau of Chemistry. to LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DEPARTMENT oF AGRICULTURE, Bureau or Pirant Ixpustry, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. C., September 6, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recommend for publication as Bulletin No. 86 of the series of this Bureau the accom- panying paper, entitled “Agriculture without Irrigation in the Sahara Desert.” This paper was prepared by Mr. Thomas H. Kearney, one of the physiologists of this Bureau, and the data for it were obtained on a trip which he made to northern Africa for the Office of Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution, primarily for the importation into the United States of offshoots of valuable Tunisian date varieties. It is believed that the methods described may be useful in some cases in our southwestern desert regions where date culture is being intro- duced. The accompanying illustrations are necessary to a clear understand- ing of the text of this bulletin. Respectfully, B. T. Gattoway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James WIson, Secretary of Agriculture. PREPAC E. In view of the interest in farming without irrigation that is now being manifested in the arid portion of the United States, an account of a region where agriculture is carried on under extremely adverse natural conditions is particularly timely. The present paper deals with a highly developed system of date-palm culture in the Oued Souf, a remarkable and little-known part of the Sahara Desert in northern Africa. Strictly speaking, it is not dry-land agriculture with which we have to do in the Souf region, for while the rainfall is practically nothing and irrigation is impracticable, the roots of the trees quickly find their way to ground water. However, it is quite possible that similar conditions may be found to exist in this country in some parts of the desert region of the Southwest, and that the Souf system, with or without irrigation, can be utilized there on a small scale in growing certain orchard crops with a view to forcing fruit to early maturity, so that it can be put upon the market much in ad- vance of the bulk of the crop. The Oued Souf was visited by Mr. Kearney at the end of Novem- ber, 1904, the journey having been made from Nefta, in southwestern Tunis, where he had spent several weeks in a study of the date palm. This expedition to northern Africa was made under the auspices of the Office of Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution of the Bureau of Plant Industry. Acknowledgment is here made to Captain Bussy, Chef du Bureau Arabe at El Oued, for the cordial assistance rendered by him to Mr. Kearney during the latter’s stay in the Souf region. A. F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist. OFFIcEe OF VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PrystoLocicaAL INVESTIGATIONS, Washington, D. C., August 22, 1905. oO . ay rh ae COS EEN TS: PREM ROREMIg GT OLIMEES Revenant ne ae ek EO ah eee ok Cate Population Climate __- OOO RGSS. TLIC EY 2 Sane a ss en a a AS ee Par Sols. 2 Pitrem ceca iOel Smears O54 ie. Bee A ney (an Ss oe AD a Be TEV amici ae Se a oes 28d OA ee TOR SE Ret aed pe ee em CHire® Ont JORIS Shee ae eRe A ee Se 5: eek eee aS Eee ee Bee Pa ORME TS ATIC es xia) oe eee Or Rereant Ia wk Rot Vy SN StL ees EEE 2 ETE ETI AS pe = a eae oy 52 ee ge ae eee ee ee {EIST GLa SE Se pee ene te Oe ae Pe ee ape (pe Be ee ee ema ea Semen Sc Yields - Rermeite cn cmie nyo ONIN. 68 - rin ti) ee ee ee eee tans eA ye ty Ue Soe sens Dea Conclusion DEA MRED S es os oo NN Grey OS te oe 7017—No. 86—05 M 2 7 w 2 w ~F Ot Ct H © 4 Co W wW —) PuatTE I. je III. LY: Ve ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. General view of the Oued Souf region from the town of El Oued, Page. showing sand dunes and sunken gardens of date palms__Frontispiece. Fig. 1.—High sand dunes east of El Oued. Fig. 2.—A typical dwelling house of the Oued Souf, showing its cubical form and roof composed of flattened cupolas. Fig. 3.—General view of the Oued Souf region, showing sunken date gardens and sand Gunes. ooo cn sodas 2222 Seo eee soe Fig. 1.—Near view of sunken palm garden and surrounding dunes. Fig. 2.—Gradual extension of a palm garden by cutting down bor- dering sand hills. Fig. 3.—Vegetable garden irrigated by well near bottom of basin in which date palms are grown ---------- Fig. 1.—Hole on slope of dune near bottom of basin in which a young palm is planted. Fig. 2.—Camel manure ready for appli- cation in a date garden --. .. 2.225. 22... 52222502 =ee= eee Fig. 1.—‘t Dokana,”’ or mound of earth and plaster for strengthen- ing the baseof apalm. Fig. 2.—Rhars palm, showing thickness of trunk . 22.2. -.-22--2 2 eee TEXT FIGURE. Fic. 1. Map showing location of the Oued Souf with respect to other locali- ties in Algeria and Tunis 5 30 30 30 30 10 B. P. I.—185. V. P. P. I.—144. AGRICULTURE WITHOUT IRRIGATION IN THE SAHARA DESERT. INTRODUCTION. In the great desert of northern Africa, stretching across in a belt from southeastern Algeria to the borders of Tripoli, is the region known as the “ Erg.” It is a land of enormous sand hills, some of which reach a height of 500 feet. Chain after chain of these great dunes, with knife-edge summits and steep slopes and trough-like valleys between, extend diagonally northeast and southwest across this part of the Sahara. (PI. II, fig. 1.) It is like an ocean caught in a raging storm, with its huge billows rising skyward and held fixed and motionless. Not a Jeaf nor a blade of grass, not a bowlder nor a pebble mars the smoothness of the sand. Never is the least trace of water to be seen on its surface. The few drops of rain that fall at rare intervals are drunk up as soon as they touch the thirsty ground. Pure quartz sand it is, ight yellow in color and so fine of grain that the least breath of air sends a little cloud of it curling off the sharp crests of the ridges. When a hard wind blows the air is filled with it, the sun is blotted out at noonday, and the traveler can hardly see his horse’s head in front of him. The sharp-cornered particles of sand sting his face and blind and bewilder him. The vague tracks of camels and donkeys, the only roads through this wilderness, are quickly covered up, all landmarks disappear, and without an experienced guide one is sure to be hopelessly lost. It is a desolate and unfriendly landscape, yet at times not without a weird beauty of its own. When the sun is high the glare is blind- ing and there is little to attract one in the scene. But in the early morning and the late evening the sand assumes a golden color, and the dense black shadows cast by the dunes bring out their contours in sharp relief. Then their surface is seen to be modeled by series of delicate ripple marks left by the wind, and one finds it hard to believe that when he climbs the next high ridge he will not see the ocean at his feet. 10 AGRICULTURE IN THE SAHARA DESERT. Who would suspect that amid these mountains of bare sand, where even the hardy shrubs and grasses of the desert find no foothold,* men can live by the products of the soil? Yet in the very heart of the Erg, two long days’ ride east or west from the nearest habitations, there exists one of the most highly developed agricultural communi- ties in the world. This is in the country known as the Oued Souf, situated in extreme southeastern Algeria (see fig. 1), about midway between the oases of southwestern Tunis and the Algerian oases known as the Oued Rirh, in which latter the date palm is grown by SOUF e Ourlana “1 Oued e7ougourts R A| Fic. 1.—Map showing location of the Oued Souf with respect to other localities in Algeria and Tunis. Europeans upon a commercial scale.’ From El Oued, the capital of the Souf, it is about 70 miles southwest to Tougourt, the chief town of the Oued Rirh, and about the same distance northeast of El Oued is Nefta, the nearest oasis in Tunis. The elevation of El Oued is ubout 257 feet above sea level. aQOnly eight species of flowering plants were found growing wild in the Souf region by Massart. See “ Un voyage botanique au Sahara,” p, 249 (1898). 4 See Plate II (map) in Bul. 58, Bureau of Plant Industry, “ The Date Palm,” by W. T. Swingle. INTRODUCTION. 11 From the tops of the lofty sand hills that surround El Oued an excellent view can be had, and there one can form a clear idea of the character of this remarkable country. (See Pl. I, frontispiece, and Pl. II, fig. 3.) Assuredly there are few regions where any sort of agriculture is carried on under more extraordinary conditions. As Tar as the eye can reach it rests upon an expanse of pure sand, heaved up into range after range of dunes.“ In the hollows among these dunes are the gardens of date palms, sometimes mere pockets contain- ing 10 or 20 trees, sometimes larger basins in which are groves of 50 to 100 palms. Often the bordering sand hills are much higher than the tallest of the palms, so that many of the gardens can not be seen until one is on the very edge of the basin. In other places, however, the ridges are lower or gaps occur, allowing a cluster of feathery crowns to peep through. These are of such a dark green as to look almost black against the pale sand. <5. HS ons. c a cset wucem ote eee oe eee 6,501.6 3,612.0 Biskra, Algeria . US GAS he ae 2c Ded 26550 Veale eect oivinncire i ales ieee 5, 219.1 2,899.5 Pozer, "TUNG 25 an ae. ew als we ook een Sac e en ee 5,908.6 3,279.8 Macen, Cal oso. oa coe nc peers pandddobceve Wade Onno eee eee oe 6,370.1 3,539.0 In calculating the sums of daily maximum temperatures allowance was made for mean monthly minima falling below 64.4° F., in accordance with the prac- tice suggested by Swingle (ibid., p..67). The sum of daily maximum tempera- tures at Biskra during May to October, 1904, is about 250° F. lower than the normal for 12 years (Swingle, ibid., p. 68). The sum for Mecca is about 700° Flower than that for Imperial, Cal., in 1902. ; CLIMATE. £5 at the end of November the sky was overcast about half of the time, and there were occasional gusts of cold, drizzling rain. Winds are probably more frequent and more violent in the Oued Souf than in the other groups of oases mentioned. It would appear, in fact, that windiness is the ordinary condition there. During the winter, northwest and northeast winds prevail. From April to October, however, the wind is generally from the south (the sirocco) or the southeast (the simoom). The sirocco is the hottest wind, but is less frequent than the simoom, which is generally more violent and transports more sand. All these are winds that blow more or less steadily for several hours and often days at a time. Cyclonic sand storms also occur, arising suddenly and lasting but a short time. Such storms are never accompanied by rain. Owing to the lack of natural vegetation (see Pl. IT), and the fine- ness of the sand with which the country is covered, strong winds carry with them a great deal of material, so that the face of the land is being constantly altered. This is shown by the fact that an apparently fresh wagon track noticed by the writer on his journey from Nefta was completely buried in many places by large heaps of sand. During his four days’ stay in the Souf country, a strong wind blew constantly, often making travel difficult, as the particles of sand stung the face and made it hard at times to keep the eyes open. The air was frequently so full of sand that one could see but a few rods ahead. The slopes of the dunes that border the gardens are very steep, so that when a heavy wind is blowing much sand rolls down upon the floor of the garden. Generally there is a fence or palisade along the crest of the dunes, made by sticking palm leaves or pieces of gypsum rock close together (PI. I, fig. 3; Pl. III, fig. 1; Pl. IV, fig. 1), but this only partly arrests the blowing and drifting sand, and it is nec- essary to remove it frequently from the gardens. The task is a labo- ‘rious one, as the sand must be carried up the steep hillside in baskets and dumped on the outer slope of the dunes. But if it were neglected, in a few years the trees would be buried, especially in smaller gardens. The writer saw several little gardens that had been abandoned by their owners where the basin was almost filled and only the crowns and a small part of the trunks of the trees still projected above the soil. Another injurious effect of the sand-carrying winds is that when harvested the dates always have more or less sand adhering to the skin, and this must be brushed or washed off before they are fit for export. Dates that had been kept for some weeks in the houses of natives, and even those freshly gathered from the trees, were very unpalatable to the writer on this account; although the Souafas them- selves do not seem to mind eating a good deai of sand with their dates. 16 AGRICULTURE IN THE SAHARA DESERT. WATER SUPPLY. There is no surface water in the whole Souf country, excepting, possibly, a small sebka, or salt pond, of which the writer was told, but which he did not see. There are no natural springs, although eround water is everywhere very near the surface in the hollows among the dunes. It is said to occur sometimes in strata of pure quartz sand, sometimes in gypseous sand. The distance to standing water is said to reach as much as 40 feet in different parts of the region, although averaging considerably less; but in the bottoms of the basins in which date palms are grown it is encountered often at a depth of only 2 or 3 feet below the surface of the soil, thanks to the extensive excavation that has been done. In one garden, near the town of E! Oued, the writer saw water standing at a depth of 6 feet in a large hole that had been dug to receive manure. The Souf oases are believed to mark the course of a buried Quaternary stream ; Oued Souf means “ murmuring river.” ¢ As we shall presently see, the date palm is not irrigated in the Souf country, receiving at most a few waterings by hand during the first summer after planting. In almost all the gardens, however, shallow wells occur,’ the water of which is used for household purposes and for irrigating small plats of garden vegetables. (PI. III, fig. 3.) These are generally situated on the slope of the bordering dunes, 10 feet or less above the bottom of the basin, and water stands in them at a depth of 10 to 16 feet. In the town of El Oued the wells are much deeper than in the gardens, water standing in them at 30 to 40 feet. All this water is under a slight pressure, rising in the wells about 1.5 feet higher than the general water table. Small gardens of vegetables and tobacco,’ irrigated from deeper wells, are also located in some parts of the region far above the bottoms of the basins. Prac- tically no grain is raised, wheat and barley being brought by caravan from other parts of Algeria and from Tunis, to be exchanged for dates. a{t is difficult to obtain a very satisfactory idea as to the distribution of the ground water in the Souf region, its depth at various points, and the amount of excavation necessary to enable the roots of the palms to reach it easily. The natives themselves give the most conflicting answers to questions upon this subject, and there are serious discrepancies in the accounts that have been published by French authorities upon irrigation. The whole matter evidently needs to be carefully studied by competent hydrographers, a study which is cer- tainly warranted by the rarity of this type of agriculture. >In 1888 Rolland estimated that there were 4,431 wells in the Souf region. ¢ Tobacco growing, which is unrestricted in Algeria, is a profitable industry in the Souf country on account of that region’s nearness to the frontier of Tunis, where the growing of this crop is forbidden by law and where the selling of tobacco is controlled by the government. Agents of the Tunisian tobacco monopoly frequently visit the Oued Souf to purchase supplies. WATER SUPPLY. 17 The plats of vegetables that are irrigated from wells in the date gardens are situated on terraces constructed in the side of the sand hills, usually 10 feet or less above the floor of the basin. (PI. IIT, figs. 1 and 3.) The well water is raised by hand in a shallow bucket, generally made of basketware covered outside with pitch, but some- times of goatskin, which is hung on the small end of a slender palm trunk and counterpoised by a piece of rock fastened to the large end. The pole is fastened by its center to a crosspiece that is supported by two vertical posts made of stouter palm logs or of cemented rock. The bucket is emptied into a little cement basin adjoining the well curb, whence the water flows through a system of small conduits into the plats that are to be irrigated. Flood irrigation alone is practiced. As there is no soil in the region from which ditch banks and ridges that will stand up when wet can be made, the conduits and ridges of the plats, as well as the lining and curb of the well, are made of the same dark-gray plaster with which the walls of the houses are cemented. Plugs of wool are used for stopping the conduits at places where water is to be diverted into the plats. Among the vegetables most commonly grown are cabbages, turnips, radishes, carrots, pump- kins, melons, watermelons, onions, tomatoes (a small-fruited sort), and peppers. In parts of the Souf region, especially east of the capital town, El Oued, the water of the wells is said often to contain enough mag- nesium and other salts to make it disagreeable for drinking.*. West of the town, on the other hand, the water is said to be generally very pure. The difference is thought to be sufficiently great to have a marked effect upon the quality of the dates, the most renowned Deglet Noors of the Souf region being produced near the village of El Amiche, where the water is purest. The peculiar character of the water supply of the Oued Souf is not without advantages. Emi- nent authorities are of the opinion that the underground sheet is abundant and that it is much less lable to exhaustion than in the Oued Rirh, where numerous flowing artesian wells exist. a Well water in the Souf, according to-an analysis cited by Jus (Les oasis du Souf du Département de Constantine, Bul. Acad. d’Hippone, No. 22, p. 67 (1886), has the following contents of solid matter in grams per liter of water : SUE SVGREITREYS) SSE TEE BS ee ee er ye ee ee eh eee oe be pk A Oe ae en gee ees 1.99938 CIA GTS EGIS Sg CSS tS ee ee Ree eee ey ee Se eee ee . TT69 “Tai OLIGO Sh if = oS See aa ee eee pers te A See eee ee . 2999 MABE EeSe ang, CISSOlved: Organic Matters. = oe Se Bee ee . 0690 Silicates, etc., in suspension______. Ns Ss es st eee . 0335 I) Sa) seg et 8 Ne > Se ee ee A ke ee eg 3. 1786 Schirmer (Le Sahara, p. 261) states that the mean sult content of well water at El] Oued is 2.77 grams per liter. 18 AGRICULTURE IN THE SAHARA DESERT. SOILS. The soil of the whole Oued Souf region is a fine-grained, light- yellow quartz sand, which is practically uniform in character to a con- siderable depth.*| Here and there beds of a coarse, rather soft, gyp- seous rock occur at a depth, it is said, of 10 to 20 feet*and in strata 1.5 to 10 feet thick. The crystals of which this rocks composed are very large, often 1 foot long. They are often aggregated into masses which, on account of their shape, are known as “ Souf roses.” ” It is therefore a fair inference that the Souf soils are sufficiently rich in ime. They are very poor in organic matter and doubtless in nitrogen. Other data as to their composition are wanting. In the eastern part of the region the soil of all the gardens is said to be somewhat saline, and the writer was told that there is even a small sebka (salt pond) in that section, although he saw nothing of these conditions. There is said to be nowhere enough salt to injure seriously the palms themselves, but the yields of fruit are diminished by this cause, and the dates are somewhat smaller and of slightly inferior quality. Consequently, palms in full bearing in the gardens west of El] Oued are worth from two to ten times as much as those in the gardens east of that town. The Souafas do not pretend to distinguish some varieties of the date palm as being more resistant to salt than others, as do the inhabitants of the Djérid oases, where the salinity of the soil is often very pronounced. Neither have they adopted any special methods of preparing and handling salt land by drainage, flooding, or otherwise, as is the case in the Tunisian oases. It is fortunate for the Souafas that their soils are not saline, or but very slightly so, as it is hard to see how they could possibly reclaim strongly saline lands in view of the conditions of water sup- ply in their country. THE DATE GARDENS. Let us now have a closer look at the gardens. (PI. III, figs. 1 and 2.) The craterlike basins which they occupy are generally cir- cular or nearly so, and from 35 to 50 feet deep. The bottom is entirely given up to the palms. Descending to the floor of the basin, aAccording to Jus this hard quartz sand extends to a depth of 3.5 to 4.5 feet; next there are from 7 to 8.5 feet of a “ reddish gypseous sand;” and then 3 to 5.5 feet of cither “a fine quartz sand” or “a yellow gypseous sand.” +The composition of this rock, as given by Jus (ibid., p. 69), is: Per cent. Quartz sand___ -, ? Fy : . ht =<. . 4 7 sty Bul. 86, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE Ill. FiG. 1.—NEAR VIEW OF SUNKEN PALM GARDEN AND SURROUNDING DUNES. Fig. 2.—GRADUAL EXTENSION OF A PALM GARDEN BY CUTTING DOWN BORDERING SAND HILLs. FiG. 3.—VEGETABLE GARDEN IRRIGATED BY WELL NEAR BOTTOM OF BASIN IN WHICH DATE PALMS ARE GROWN. putes, ativap poe ; - . oy 7 - . < + ~ ** « 6 e ~ Pe - - ~ me Bul. 86, Bureau of Plant [ndustry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE IV. Fig. 1.—HOLE ON SLOPE OF DUNE NEAR BOTTOM OF BASIN IN WHICH A YOUNG PALM IS PLANTED. Fig. 2.—CAMEL MANURE READY FOR APPLICATION IN A DATE GARDEN. ee, — ie ; hs a ie: Last z= a Pg papanmwapee te 7 ae "W1Wd VW 4O 3SVQ 3HL ONINSHLONSYLS HOS YaLSV1d GNV HLYVy 4O GNNOW YO «'VWNVHOG,,—"} “DIF “MNNY | 4O SSANMOIH L SNIMOHS ‘'W1Vd SYVHY—'S ‘DI4 Bul. 86, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. eet ae a ee PLATE. V. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 87. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. BY L. R. JONES, BorTANIST OF THE VERMONT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AND COLLABORATOR OF THE BUREAU oF PLANT INDUSTRY. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. IssuED DECEMBER 5, 1905. ~ WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. ‘ ALBERT F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS. FREDERICK V. COVILLE, Botanist in Charge. FARM MANAGEMENT. W. J. SPILLMAN, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. BRACKETT, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. Prerers, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CorBeEtTT, Horticulturist in Charge. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICUL Se cere OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL Ss. : O. F. Cook, Bionomist in Charge. DRUG AND POISONOUS PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, AND TEA CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS. RODNEY H. TRUE, Physiologist in Charge. DRY LAND AGRICULTURE AND WESTERN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. CARL S, SCOFIELD, Agriculturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. BYRNES, Superintendent. SEED LABORATORY. EDGAR Brown, Botanist in Charge. J. E. ROCKWELL, Editor. JAMES E. JONES, Chief Clerk. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. ALBERT F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge. ERWIN F. SMITH, Pathologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Pathology. HERBERT J. WEBBER, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Breeding. WALTER T. SWINGLE, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Life History. NEWTON B. PIERCE, Pathologist in Charge of Pacific Coast Laboratory. M. B. WAITE, Pathologist in Charge of Investigations of Diseases of Orchard Fruits. MARK ALFRED CARLETON, Cerealist in Charge of Cereal Laboratory. HERMANN VON SCHRENK, in Charge of Mississippi Valley Laboratory. P. H. RourFs, Pathologist in Charge of Subtropical Laboratory. C. O. TOWNSEND, Pathologist in Charge of Sugar Beet Investigations. T. H. KEARNEY, A. D. SHAMEL, Physiologists, Plant. Breeding. P. H. Dorsett,a CORNELIUS L. SHEAR, WILLIAM A. ORTON, W.M. Scott, ERNsT A. BESSEY, E. M. FREE- MAN, Pathologists. E. C, CuHiLcott, Expert in Cultivating Methods, Cereal Laboratory. C. R. BALL, Assistant Agrostologist, Cereal Laboratory. JOSEPH S. CHAMBERLAIN,» J. ARTHUR LE CLERC,¢ Physiological Chemists. FLORA W. PATTERSON, Mycologist. CHARLES P. HARTLEY, KARL F. KELLERMAN, JESSE B. NORTON, CHARLES J. BRAND, T. RALPH ROB- INSON, Assistants in Physiology. DEANE B. SWINGLE, GEORGE G. HEDGCOCK, Assistants in Pathology. PERLEY SPAULDING, P.J.O'GARA, FLORENCE HEDGES, HENRY A. MILLER, ERNEST B. BROWN, LESLIE A. Fitz, LEONARD L. HARTER, JOHN O. MERWIN, A. H. LEIDIGH, H. F. BLANCHARD, Scientific Assistants. W. W. Copsey, Tobacco Expert. JOHN VAN LEENHOFF, Jr., T. D. BECKWITH, Experts. a Detailed to Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution. » Detailed to Bureau of Chemistry. ¢ Detailed from Bureau of Chemistry. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Bureau oF Puiant INDUSTRY, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. C., October 7, 1905. Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of a technical paper entitled ‘‘ Disease Resistance of Potatoes,” which embodies a report upon investigations conducted in cooperation with the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station. This paper is a valuable contribution to our knowledge of disease resistance in European and American varieties of potatoes, and I respectfully recommend that it be issued as Bulletin No. 87 of the series of this Bureau. Respectfully, B. T. GaLitoway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. ~ J PREFACE. The potato is one of the most important food crops of the United States. It is, moreover, one which is subject to a number of serious plant diseases. Some of these, notably the late-blight, can be con- trolled by spraying. Yet this remedy is not applied by all farmers, and the annual loss amounts to many millions of dollars. Other dis- eases, like dry-rot and the bacterial blight, are not controlled by spray- ing and require a different line of treatment. The subject of disease resistance in plants has received increased attention of late, and it is likely that the introduction of disease-resistant varieties of potatoes, by supplementing spraying and special cultural practices, will be of great practical value in lessening the waste caused by disease. Although but little has been done in the United States toward secur- ing varieties resistant to disease, the attention of potato specialists in other countries has already been directed toward this aim. As a preliminary step in our work, Dr. L. R. Jones, botanist of the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, was commissioned to inquire into the occurrence of potato diseases abroad and the methods employed for their control, particularly with reference to the produc- tion of disease-resistant varieties. Doctor Jones spent six months— from April to September, 1904—in this work. In the course of Doctor Jones’s European itinerary, information of more or less value was secured at the following places, successively, and this was supplemented by a considerable correspondence covering a somewhat wider area: Marseille, Naples, Florence, Munich, Halle, Berlin and vicinity, Dresden and vicinity, Bonn and vicinity, Wagen- ingen (Holland), Amsterdam and vicinity, Groningen, Delft, Gembloux (Belgium), Paris and vicinity, London and vicinity, Reading, Cam- bridge, and Edinburgh and vicinity. The thanks of the Department are accorded to the various officials and other botanists in the coun- tries visited, whose uniform courtesies made possible the success of the mission. As shown in this report, a considerable number of varieties are reputed to be disease resistant. The best of these were selected by Doctor Jones, and limited quantities of seed tubers were imported by the Office of Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution of the - o 6 PREFACE. Bureau of Plant Industry. These are now being tested in trials con- ducted in cooperation by the Bureau of Plant Industry and the State experiment stations in Vermont, Florida, Colorado, and Oregon, and by the Bureau at the Arlington Experimental Farm, near Washing- ton. In order fully to acclimatize the foreign varieties, these trials will be continued for three years before a final report is made on their adaptation to American conditions. This test, together with the review of our present knowledge contained in this bulletin, will estab- lish a proper foundation for future efforts in breeding better and more disease-resistant varieties. The field for such work is very large. Up to the present time most of the breeding has been for resistance to the late-blight (Phytophthora infestans), and this will continue to be the principal problem in the northern tier of States; but there is also much promise of success in securing new varieties to resist scab, dry- rot, bacterial blight, and other troubles, which in the Southern and Western States are more injurious than late-blight. It is hoped that potato specialists will give increasingly careful attention to this fea- ture in their breeding and testing of varieties, for it is only by sucha general interest and effort that the desired information can quickly be secured. ALBERT F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist. OFFICE OF VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS, Washington, D. C., October 5, 1905. CONE ENTS: Page. REDNESS ee pb nee Pak peo Pein ew olde Palees aac abe a 9 Per meN COMIN T OCs * serree et tie Se ee ee LoS a Se asiele oc s's Kes sasec 9 Observations on potato diseases and disease resistance in Europe....--------- 12 DEPETEMUNSINERSE CLIREMBCH 2-922 5) ee eo 2 ae Sa oot. 12 ioe DT OWARSUOU 22 Wraeee atte oo Aeon | ee eee eee See Boot 12 OE CLOWN -OU bas so Ss hake oe we Hse aa eat ay Sats 13 ee Se Se tae ee on IE a ee Shek ab Seon sane 13 MIRE TPEISCIDPISES a2 1 os eee 5 a ote ee NE seen are 14 LP DERI PG) (STC) Oa oa a teas Pe a ee ee PR ee nea a ey I a Oe, aE 14 Meerioict remisithec Lo Stal 2) 2 2 he ee ete as. seed 2 15 Mine msGaAD-like: (ISCASCS =" c0 Sin 2 os yooh ee Buk eee eae cae Be ee 16 CUCINA LCTE CO ISCHSCR OM yeh cele Sn oases iene Sk a ihn ea ae 17 Re ER res Se oS Nhat tren a ie ia ee anya cis owas fae DE SE Sa Soe 17 PieTEsbeMUCISCASCS- eons ere eee ak aoe ete o Sib eee a ade 18 Late-blight and rot due to Phytophthora infestans.........--------------- 19 Resistance as shown toward late-blight and rot.........---..--------------- 20 Vi CSTE T ELSES 1 ETOYS ee ER pO pean 5 a ee ae 20 POE ine OF Cisease FesIstANCG. 2.22522 25-222 o en en wate conse neon 23 Disease resistance and vegetative vigor. 2.2. 2.-i2.-2-2--52-2-2+---5--22- 23 Yue relation of hybridity to disease resistance... ..-..--.-.--....-..5-- 25 UU SST eg 1 a ee 25 Are early or late varieties the more resistant?_......-..----------------- 26 Relation of source of seed and cultural methods to disease resistance - -- - - 26 Composition and character of tubers as related to rot resistance... -..----- 27 Character of stem and foliage as related to disease resistance.....-------- 28 WiseAsc-resishanty yarieties Of Murope <2. 2.2554. ere 28 nme iGAl Re oe Sele a xe Ae Pe 2 es... Bese Soe ces dae eee eee 29 MRSC ATI ae cLe) Clete Gy WLAN OL Ss ot er tae yee SEE oo SORE See eee Bae oe Sk 30 Teen ese OMIM sen oS 2. oe has Oe oe ee Ree eee sso esas s 30 Drsesse-resisiant varieties of America = 22-2 2.22 _ <2 eset new ost bones 31 Investigations at the experiment stations-_--.........-.----------/---.--< 31 WMankat ine. Vermont station. 24.025 55-225 S522 ec ete se cscs ae 32 iniormation secured by a circular of inquiry-.-:-_-..--.==-----------.-- 33 Srna MOISCAD-2 sac ek aa Se 2 one waa eA ot oes ae ee eee 35 SUID TS OTA tee, Sa ee ERC Ao 25 Se ee eee eee 37 B. P. L.—179. _ VY. P. P. 1.140. DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. INTRODUCTION. Potatoes are liable to several diseases, some of greater economic importance in one part of the country, some in another.“ The causes of most of these have been determined, and remedies of more or less practical value, chiefly’ spraying and seed disinfection, have been found. The success of the agents of the Department of Agriculture in securing disease-resistant varieties of various other plants has given an added interest to the question as to what may be expected in the way of securing disease-resistant varieties of potatoes. Inasmuch as this matter has engaged the attention of the potato specialists of Europe longer and more widely than has been the case in America, the attempt has been made to glean from their experience whatever may prove of assistance in furthering the work in this country. In presenting the results it has seemed best for the sake of clearness to discuss briefly (1) certain general matters relating to potato culture in Europe; (2) the potato diseases which occur there, with comments on the resistance shown by particular varieties to each disease, and then (3) to summarize the information obtainable in America as to disease resistance of potatoes. POTATO CULTURE IN EUROPE. Potato culture was introduced from America into Europe more than three centuries ago. It was slower in its popularization there than in this country, but to-day the potato crop is relatively more important, both for food and for factory uses, in Europe than in America. This is partly attributable to the greater success of maize as a starch- producing plant in America and partly to the difference in economic «Anyone not familiar with potato diseases should consult Farmers Bulletin No. 91, Potato Diseases and Their Treatment, by B. T. Galloway, which will be sent free of charge upon application to a Senator, Representative, or Delegate in Congress, or to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, 8838—No. 87—05——2 9 10 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. conditions—land and labor values and food habits—between the two con- tinents. In the British Islands the annual acreage in the last decade @ was more than one and a quarter million; in France three times and in Germany six times this amount. The crop in Great Britain is chiefly used for human food; in France about 40 per cent is used in starch and alcohol manufacture, and in Germany like conditions exist, with the use of the potato for alcohol distillation promising to increase largely. It is the German national policy so to improve processes of culture and manufacture that potato alcohol may rival, if not displace, petroleum for lighting and fuel purposes. Various organizations are aiding in this movement, including the Deutschen-Kartoffel-Kultur-Station and the Institut fiir Gihrungsgewerbe und Stirkefabrikation. These institutions, maintained partly by private endowment and membership and partly by government aid, have been in operation about fifteen years. Under the directorship of Profs. C. yon Eckenbrecher and W. Delbriick, respectively, they give attention to all matters pertain- ing to potato culture, starch manufacture, and distillation, including the breeding, selecting, and trial of new varieties. They work in close cooperation with the various German experiment stations and private potato specialists. No similar institutions were met with elsewhere in Europe, although the potato growers of England have organized dur- ing the last year an association of much promise, the National Potato Society. In any comparison of European with American varieties the differ- ence in popular taste must be kept in mind. The English market is like the American in giving preference to varieties with white flesh, rich in starch, and in making little use of potatoes except for human food. On the continent of Europe, however, only the varieties with yellow flesh are rated as of first quality for table use. These are rela- tively poor in starch and richer in protein than the white-fleshed varie- ties, and when cooked they are not sufticiently dry and mealy to suit the American taste. On the Continent the white-fleshed, starch-rich potatoes are demanded by the starch factories and distilleries, and as a result continental potato breeders have aimed to develop white-fleshed varieties of high starch content and large productiveness, regardless of table qualities, and anyone importing their varieties for use in America must consider these facts. It is from England, therefore, that we may expect the more promising varieties. It is worthy of note in this connection that the difference in char- acter of the potato in popular favor in different countries is closely related to differences in methods of cooking. The varieties with yel- low flesh are inclined to sogginess when baked or boiled, but are admir- ably suited for frying. The starch-rich white potato, which is of “Sutton, A. W., Potatoes, Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc., XIX (1896), pp. 887-430. POTATO CULTURE IN EUROPE. if highest quality when baked, may go to pieces if boiled and will not hold together sufficiently for frying. In the latter case steam cooking gives better results than boiling in water.? The methods of culture of potatoes vary somewhat in different Euro- pean countries, as they do in America. In general, closer planting is practiced than in this country, which is partly explained by the greater number of unskilled laborers in Europe. A matter of more pertinence to the present discussion is that much more attention is given, espe- cialiy in England, to the source and handling of seed potatoes than is generally the case in America. The best informed English growers considered that this has much to do with the question of disease resist- ance, as will be explained later. Indeed, it has come to be accepted by them that, for the best results, seed potatoes should be imported from some more northern region, at least as often as every third or fourth year, and this is done by many large growers every year. English growers use Scotch seed very largely. On the grounds of Sutton & Sons, Reading, England, a comparative trial was conducted during the summer of 1904 with a number of varieties, using seed from Scotland, middle England (Lincolnshire), and southern England, respectively. When these plats were visited in August, the vigor of the plants was in all cases greatest from the Scotch-grown seed and least from that grown in the south of England. In certain varieties the development of the tops was as two to one. At the Cambridge Uni- versity farms, located in the famous potato region of Lincolnshire fens, it was said that Scotch-grown seed did better than home-grown there and in the Lincolnshire district generally. A Jarge potato-growing company of the Canary Islands uses Ger- man in preference to English seed, because the growth from the latter is too rank and the tubers are too large. Potato growers on the island of Jersey in recent years have sent to England and Scotland for their seed. Italy and the Mediterranean islands look to France and Ger- many largely. While some American potato growers recognize the importance of the source of seed and attend to this point consistently, there is gener- ally indifference, disagreement, or lack of information on this subject, as Fraser’ has recently shown. It is a matter deserving of further careful inquiry and experiment. «The writer is indebted to Professor Petermann for calling his attention to these matters. For a further discussion of this subject reference may be made to Peter- mann, A., Etudes sur Ja pomme de terre, Bul. de l’ Inst. Chim. et Bact., No. 70, Gem- bloux (Belgium), 1901; and Coudon and Bussard, Annales de la science agronomique, I, Paris, 1897. To the latter, credit may be given for showing that the behavior of the potato in cooking is primarily dependent not so much on the total percentage of starch contained as on the relative percentages of starch and protein. The proper proportion of the protein is necessary to hold the starchy mass together when cooked. bFraser, S., The Potato, New York, 1905, pp. 51-52. 12 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. The relation of the maturity of seed to its value has also received considerable attention in Great Britain. Some of the best practical potato growers prefer to have potatoes intended for seed dug before they are fully mature, i. e., while the tops are still green and the outer skin of the tuber rubs up easily. These tubers are then allowed to lie on the ground a short time to ‘* harden” in the light, i. e., to dry and be slightly sunburned, before they are put into storage. The practice of ** boxing” is common and very highly commended. This consists of setting the tubers with ‘‘seed end” up in shallow boxes or trays in a dry, light room for some weeks before planting, so as to have strong, short sprouts started upon them. In this way quicker germination, stronger young plants, and a perfect stand are secured. ; The general preference in Scotland and in England is for planting small tubers, one and one-half to three ounces, planted whole. If larger tubers are used they are cut, as in this country. OBSERVATIONS ON POTATO DISEASES AND DISEASE RESISTANCE IN EUROPE. Insects cause the European potato grower little annoyance or loss as compared with American conditions. Nowhere in Europe, so far as learned, is any use whatever made of insecticides upon potatoes, leaf-eating insects being practically unknown. On the other hand, diseases caused by fungi or bacteria or of nonparasitic origin are even more common and destructive than in America. In the following paragraphs is a discussion of the nature and relative seriousness of such diseases as came under the writer’s personal observation, coupled in each case with the evidence secured as to disease resistance. The less important and nonparasitic maladies are discussed first, reserving until later the consideration of the late-blight and rot. CERTAIN MINOR DISEASES. INTERNAL BROWN SPOT. The peculiar disease of the potato called internal brown spot is as well known to plant pathologists and practical potato specialists in Europe asin America. The writer learned nothing more about it on the Con- tinent than is set forth by Frank,’ who reached only negative conclu- sions. It is considered not to be a parasitic disease, and no remedy is known and no suggestions are made except the doubtful one of avoid- ing the use of diseased tubers for seed. In England and Scotland several potato specialists’ of wide experience gave evidence of like 4¥rank, A. B., Kampfbuch gegen die Schidlinge unserer Feldfriichte, ‘* Bunt- werden oder Eisenfleckigkeit,’’ p. 211. »Prof. J. H. Middleton, Messrs. Sutton & Sons, and Thomas A. Scarlett. CERTAIN MINOR DISEASES. 13 purport. The trouble is frequently observed, and is most commonly termed ‘‘sprain.” It is not propagated in seed or soil and is non- parasitic. It is considered to be the direct result of malnutrition associated with unfavorable soil conditions, resulting either from too dry conditions or from the lack of potash or lime. It is frequent in light, dry soils during dry seasons, and is never seen on heavy, strong, moist soils. The remedy, in the judgment of the specialists cited, lies wholly in attention to cultural conditions and the choice of varieties. Some varieties are more liable than others to internal brown spot and should not be used on soil that favors the disease; e. g., Mr. Sear- lett stated that the British Queen variety is especially predisposed to ‘**sprain.” The primary remedy, however, lies in selection and treat- ment of the soil—i. e., in avoiding dry soil—and in so cultivating as to conserve moisture, while using lime and potash liberally. FILOSITE, OR GROWING-OUT. The names “‘filosité” and ‘‘growing-out” are applied in France 4 and England, respectively, to various forms of secondary outgrowths from tubers. Examples that were shown to the writer were in some cases merely “‘prongy” tubers, while in others stolons starting from the eyes produced secondary small tubers. Delacroix describes con- ditions where the seed tubers send out an abundance of weak shoots, both above and below ground, but these soon die without yielding any crop. The latter type is therefore allied to the curl disease of the potato.’ The less serious forms of growing-out are attributed to cli- matic and soil conditions, especially to a long, wet autumn following a drysummer. The more serious types of the disease, especially as occur- ring in France, are attributed to varietal weakness or ‘‘ running out.” In both France and England the use of seed from any plants showing this tendency was condemned as tending to give a crop of generally reduced vitality. LEAF-SPOT. Since there has been a difference of opinion among pathologists as to the occurrence and destructiveness of the fungus Alternaria solani in Europe, the writer was led to keep an especially close watch for it. Prof. P. Sorauer kindly sent specimens from Europe some years ago corresponding fully with the leaf-spot disease caused by this fungus, “See Delacroix, G., Sur la filosité des pommes de terre, Jour. de l’ Agriculture, December, 1903. : > Frisolée (French), or Kriiuselkrankheit (German), is a common but not very serious potato malady of Europe, of which the cause is not clear, but apparently it is associated with varietal weakness and malnutrition. It is characterized by dwarf- ish plants bearing an excessive number of rather undersized leaves, which are down- curled and brittle. The tops have thus a dense or bushy appearance. They may be quite as green as normal plants. 14 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. and termed early-blight in America. It is known, therefore, that it occurs in Europe, but it can not be as common and destructive as it is here, for no trace of it could be found in any of the fields visited. Much was seen, however, of a leaf-spot disease which bears a super- ficial resemblance to it. This was shown us first by Dr. Otto Appel in the experimental fields of the board of health at Dahlem, near Berlin. Later it was seen elsewhere in Germany and in England. Apparently there has been a confusion of this with our American early-blight,@ but both Doctor Appel and Professor Sorauer stated that there was no fungus present in this leaf-spot disease, and the writer’s examinations confirmed this. The cause of this trouble has not as yet been clearly established, but since Appel and Sorauer both have it under observa- tion, further advice may be expected upon it in the near future. Opportunity was presented to compare the relative development of this trouble on different varieties in the trial grounds of the University Farm, Cambridge, England, in the latter part of the summer. There was a considerable difference in the amount of spotting of the various varieties, but none was altogether free from it. SCABBINESS OF TUBERS. POTATO SCAB. Scab-like diseases, i. e., those characterized by surface erosions of the tubers, are frequent in Europe and apparently more varied in nature than is recognized to be the case in America. Yet nowhere does injury to the crop from such diseases approach that which is common in this country. This is in some ways surprising and unex- plained. A disease closely resembling in appearance the common American type of scab was frequently seen, but growers everywhere in Germany, France, and Great Britain testified that it is not common or destructive enough to be of much practical importance. Scientific men are not agreed either as to the cause of the disease or as to the pos- sibility of benefit from seed disinfection. But few recommended this treatment, and no practical potato grower was met who practiced it. The most puzzling thing, in the light of American experience, is that potatoes are grown year after year continuously or in the shortest of rotations on the same soil without increase of scabbiness. In each of these countries potatoes are often grown on the same soil for ten or twenty or even forty successive years with practically no trouble “See Frank, Kampfbuch, p. 220. Apparently the disease mentioned above is the same as Frank’s ‘‘ Pockenfleckigkeit.’’ Frank was altogether mistaken in consider- ing it the same as the American ‘‘early-blight,’’ as Sorauer subsequently showed. See also Bahna, J. J., Blattbraune der Kart.; Zeitsch. f. Land. u. Fortwirtsch., 2: 113 (March, 1904). Prof. C. von Tiibeuf comments upon this article and reviews the literature in the June, 1904, number of the same journal. SCABBINESS OF TUBERS. 15 from scab.“ Since this is often on rich and heavy land, such as would develop scab under like treatment in America, the European experi- ence is difficult to understand. Does not our type of disease exist there, or is it less virulent because of some difference in the climatic and soil conditions? The writer is not prepared to answer with full confidence, but his judgment favors the second suggestion. Europeans, both pathologists and practical men, recognize more than one form of disease under the name of scab (the German ‘* schorf,” Dutch ‘* schurft,” French ‘‘la gale”). Frank’s subdivisions? of ‘‘schorf” into four kinds—fiach, tief, buckel, and buckel-tief schorf—were familiar to the continental pathologists interviewed, but the general opinion is that these are simply forms of one common dis- ease, the variations being attributable to the season of attack or to varietal or vegetative conditions of the potato. Frank’s specimens of ‘‘tief-schorf” were seen in the museum of the board of health at Berlin and have the appearance of the common American scab. As to the cause, opinions differ.“ The German pathologists who have given most attention to this disease consider the commonest German form to be due toa fungus similar to Thaxter’s Oospora scabies, but perhaps not identical with it. In Holland doubt was expressed as to the common Dutch form of potato scab being a fungous disease at all, while in Belgium and France it is considered a parasitic disease, but due to bacteria (JM/crococcus pellicidus Roze) rather than to fungi.” In England Vospora scabies is held responsible for only the minor part of the trouble, Sorosporium scabies Fisch. being the commoner parasite. VARIETAL RESISTANCE TO SCAB. As already stated, none of these scab diseases has proved of sufti- cient economic importance to attract much attention from practical potato growers in Europe. Probably most of the diseases would yield to the seed-disinfection treatment practiced for potato scab in America, yet this is nowhere used by European growers, so far as learned. The only valuable data as to the relative susceptibility of varieties to scab are those furnished by the reports of Professor Eckenbrecher,’ whose results point to certain newer varieties as being comparatively free from scab, while others are quite susceptible. Age of the variety, a@See Sutton, A. W., Potatoes, Jour. Roy. Soe., XIX, pp. 387-430 (1896). > Kampfbuch, p. 170. «These conclusions are the result of conference’ with a number of men and reference to the publications of others. Among those who have given this disease careful con- sideration in their respective countries and whose opinions were learned are Professors F. Kriiger, Berlin; Ritzema-Bos, Amsterdam; Marchal, Gembloux; Roze and Dela- croix, Paris; Massee and Cooke, England. 4Roze, E., Histoire de la pomme de terre, Paris, 1898, p. 275. eC. von Eckenbrecher, Berichte Deutsch.-Kart.-Kult.-Stat., 1903 and earlier. 16 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. however, seems to be of less consequence than it is with the blight, for while one of the least resistant is Dabersche, an old standard, one of the most resistant is Richter’s Imperator, also an old variety. Other varieties reported as preeminently scab resistant are [rene and Pro- fessor Wohltmann. Boneza and Pomerania are reported resistant, but to a less degree. Seed of all these have been secured for trial in this country. Early Rose is found especially liable to scab there as it isin America. It will be better, however, to postpone the discussion of resistance to scab as shown by American varieties of potatoes until the latter part of this publication. OTHER SCAB-LIKE DISEASES. Rhizoctonia.—This was seen on potato tubers in Europe even more commonly than it occurs in America, but most European pathologists regard it as nonparasitic. Those who consider it as a facultative para- site attribute little injury to it generally, although some think it capable of causing rot, as described by Frank.¢ Spongospora solani Brun.—This fungus is said? to cause a seab-like disease in the north of Europe. This disease occurred” to a consider- able extent on potatoes secured by the writer’s order from Groningen, Holland. Superficial scurvy diseases attributed to other fungi occur in Europe. Frank @ describes one such caused by Phellomyces sclerotiophorus, but Doctor Appel told the writer that this had not proved serious in Ger- many. Johnson’ reports it as causing some trouble in Ireland. In England another scurf disease of somewhat similar appearance is attract- ing attention. It occurred on the Eldorado seed potatoes imported with our order from Scotland, and the cause is apparently the fungus Spicaria nivea Hors.’ Ocdomyces leproides Trabut.—This is a fungus’ which attacks the young sprouts or eyes of the tubers, stimulating them to abnormal, cauliflower-like growth, of which the dark color has given rise to the popular name black- scab. The writer did not see this disease on the “Kampfbueh, p. 194. b Tbid., p. 176. ¢ Found and identified by James Birch Rorer. @Kampfbuch, p. 182. e Johnson, T., The Diseases of the Potato and Other Plants in Treland, Journal, Dept. Agric. Trelinndl Vol. III, No..1 (1902). f So identified by Dr. Ernst A. Bessey. Dr. Thomas Milburn, of the Midland Agri- cultural and Dairy Institute, England, advises the writer by letter that he is engaged in a special study of this disease. He finds it to occur on most English varieties, Evergood and Sutton’s Flourball being by far the worst, while East Anglian and Sutton’s Discovery are the only ones he has found entirely free from it. 9 This also occurs on beet roots. See Massee, Geo. A., Textbook of Plant Diseases, p. 225. — = POTATO STEM DISEASES. iif) Continent, but while in England Dr. M. C. Cooke sent specimens, as did also Dr. John Wilson, from Scotland. It is regarded as capable of causing much harm, but fortunately has not as yet become common. POTATO STEM DISEASES. BLACKLEG. _ *Schwarzbeinigkeit,” or blackleg, is a name applied to a disease seen commonly in central Europe. It is characterized by the black- ening and rotting of the main stem, accompanied by a checking of the growth, uprolling, yellowing, and ultimate death of the leaves, and more or less rotting of the tubers. It has been exhaustively studied in recent years by Appel? in Germany, who concludes that it is due to bacteria (Lacillus phytophthorus, and perhaps other allied species), which either enter from the soil or are carried in the seed tuber. - These start the disease below ground, the rot proceeding, as a rule, from the seed tuber to the young plant. Appel’s conclusions are gen- erally accepted by pathologists in Germany, Holland, and Belgium, and, so far as learned, in England. The writer had opportunity to see much of the German disease in the vicinity of Berlin, and to verify Doctor Appel’s observations, in a measure, in his own laboratory. Later (August) the same malady was seen in England, where it is said to be common, though apparently less troublesome than Appel reports it from Germany. All of the personal observations of the writer therefore lead to an indorsement of Appel’s conclusions both as to the bacterial nature of the disease and as to its widespread occurrence and economic importance. In France a similar if. not identical disease is attributed to. bacteria. Delacroix, who has studied this, considers the organism causing the disease, which he calls Bacillus solanicola, to be specifically distinct from that described by Appel. He kindly showed the writer speci- mens of the French disease in his garden in Paris, but it was ina stage so much more advanced than that seen in Berlin that a comparison of the two does not seem justifiable. Of course, the possible occurrence of these stem diseases in America was kept in mind. The writer has never seen much, if any, of the same trouble in potato fields in the Northeastern States and adjacent Canada which have come under his observation. Certainly it is not so common in America as it is in Kurope. The symptoms correspond, however, somewhat closely to certain diseases attributed to Rhizocto- nia in the South and West.? «Appel, O., Arb. aus Biol. Abt. Gesundheitsamte, 3: 364 (1903). » See especially Selby, A. D., Ohio Exp. Sta. Buls. 139 and 145, and Rolis, F. M., Colo. Exp. Sta. Buls. 70 and 91. 8838—No. 87—05——3 18 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. The only remedies proposed or practiced for blackleg in Europe consist in selection of sound seed, careful avoidance of rotten tubers or those taken from a diseased crop, attention to rotation of crops, since the germs may persist and accumulate in the soil, and the use of disease-resisting varieties. None of these methods has been tested carefully enough to establish its merits. ° The chief evidence as to varietal susceptibilities or resistance to blackleg is that of Appel.“ He states that while no varieties have been shown to be entirely free from the disease, the evidence is that thick-skinned, starch-rich, late varieties are in general more resist- ant than thin-skinned, starch-poor, early varieties. The Dabersche he finds to be the most resistant of the widely used German sorts, while the Rose varieties are especially liable to blackleg. Contiguous plats of the Dabersche and White Rose in Doctor Appel’s grounds showed this difference very clearly at the time of the writer’s visit in July, 1904, the Rose being badly diseased, the Dabersche but slightly. At the Deutschen-Kartoffel-Kultur-Station distinct evidence of variations in disease resistance was found. It was stated at this station that in the trial grounds the red varieties were in general found to be more resistant than the white. | A considerable development of this disease was noticed at the Uni- versity Farm, Cambridge, England, where extensive variety trials were being conducted. The observations of Mr. H. Henshaw, who had imme- diate charge of these, were in agreement with those of Doctor Appel as to the association of the disease with the rot of the seed tuber, and he regarded it as a bacterial malady. There was a difference in the amount of the disease on different varieties, but Mr. Henshaw found none wholly free from it. At the time of this visit Factor and Up-to- Date were noticeably freer from the trouble than any other varieties there under trial. They were about alike in this, as, indeed, in all other characters. Doctor Delacroix cited as especially resistant to his bacterial disease in France the variety La Czarine. He also stated that the variety Geante Bleue is resistant, but to a less degree. Lau- rent observed in his work on bacterial diseases that the maximum of resistance was shown by the varieties Chardon, Pousse-debout, and Chave. . OTHER STEM DISEASES. Several other potato stem diseases have been reported in Europe, but since the writer did not study them in the field and learned noth- ing beyond what is recorded in literature they will be passed with brief mention. Prillieux and Delacroix have described another bacterial stem disease in France attributed to Bacillus caulivorus. Rhizoctonia is common on potato stems as well as tubers, but none of the patholo- 4Arb. aus Biol. Abt. Gesundheitsamte, 3: 408 (1903). LATE-BLIGHT AND ROT. | 19 gists conferred with regards it as a parasite of importance on either. Professor Marchal, of Gembloux, said, however, that he sometimes found a basidiomycetous fungus, //ypochnis solani Prill.,“ causing a blackleg-like stem disease in Belgium. Prof. T. Johnson, of Dublin, sent specimens of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which at times causes a destructive stem disease in Ireland, called ‘‘ yellow blight.” He also reports” the occurrence in Ireland of bacterial stem diseases, including what he believes to be the malady termed brown-rot in America and shown by Dr. Erwin F. Smith to be caused by Bacillus solanacearum. In none of these cases was anything learned as to relative varietal resistance to the disease in question. LATE-BLIGHT AND ROT DUE TO PHYTOPHTHORA INFESTANS. Late-blight and rot due to Phytophthora infestans occurs in Europe even more widely and destructively than in America, being recog- nized as the most important malady in all the countries visited by the writer—Italy, Austria, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, and the British Islands. There was less unanimity of opinion than was anticipated as to the probable life history of the fungus, and conse- quently as to the remedial treatment. While all agreed that it lives over in the seed tubers, the opinion was frequently expressed, by scientific and practical men alike, that there is probably some hiberna- tion in the soil, either in tubers left in the field or in the haulms. Possible hibernation in the tubers is to be associated with the fact that potato tubers left in the soil are not killed by frost in southern Eng- land and the south of Europe. The value of Bordeaux mixture as a remedy is recognized generally. Spraying is consistently advocated -and practiced in the British Islands—especially Scotland and Ireland— the Netherlands, Italy, and portions of France. Germany has been surprisingly backward in accepting or even fairly testing this remedy. The reason seems to be that some of the experiments conducted by scientific men have shown injury to the plants, and so they have pro- nounced against it. No other remedial treatments are in common use. No one indorsed or practiced any method of seed disinfection. No particular culture methods were advocated or condemned other than attention to fertilization. There was a general agreement that excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers, either chemicals or composted manures, increases the loss from this disease. Much attention is being given, however, to the relation of varieties and of source of seed to disease resistance, and the results are of sufficient importance to merit the somewhat detailed report which follows. 4Probably identical with Corticium vagum var. solani Burt, which is the fruiting stage of the common Rhizoctonia of the potato. » Johnson, T., Diseases of the Potato and Other Plants in Ireland, Journal, Dept. Agric. Ireland, III, No. 1 (1902) 20 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. RESISTANCE AS SHOWN TOWARD LATE-BLIGHT AND ROT. HISTORICAL STATEMENT. Doubtless examination of the earlier writings upon the potato disease . known as late-blight and rot would show that from the beginning of its ravages differences have been observed in the resistance of varieties. Any such records of the thirty years from 1845 to 1875 would have no practical value now, since the varieties then in use haye passed out of culture; nor would they have much scientific significance, owing to the lack of exact knowledge then as to the cause of disease. Going back to the origin of the varieties still in cultivation, it is found that in the early seventies an unusual amount of attention was focused upon the matter of the potato disease, as to causes and remedies. Ninety-four essays secured by the Royal Agricultural Society of England in 1872 showed agreement that an underlying cause was the degeneracy of the varieties then in culture.“ The necessity for the production of new varieties was emphasized. The introduction of improved American varieties into England at about this period was most beneficial and stimulating to the potato specialists of that country.” These varieties were made the parents in further breeding. The best production of this revival yas the Magnum Bonum, originated by James Clark from a cross of Early Rose with Victoria and introduced by Sutton in 1876. Experi- ence with this variety laid the foundation for belief in‘possible disease resistance in potatoes both in England and on the Continent. Magnum Bonum soon became the standard main-crop variety of Great Britain and so continued until within the last fifteen years, when it yielded to Up-to-Date and others. It is still in considerable favor on the Conti- nent. Charles Darwin in 1877-78 became interested in the possibilities of disease-resistant breeding. Francis Darwin® states that Mr. James Torbitt, of Belfast, bred and selected varieties to secure disease 4See Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc. Eng., XX : 291 (1884). b Dean, A. Potato Improvement in the Past Twenty-five Years. Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc., XII : 41 (1890). Mr. ©. G. Pringle, who was then the foremost potato breeder in America, states that the demand from Europe for new American varieties was very active at that period, and continued until the fear of the Colorado potato beetle led to the prohi- bition by European governments of further importations of potato tubers from Amer- ica. Thereupon Mr. Pringle supplied B. K. Bliss & Sons with specially hybridized potato seed, which was sent abroad in considerable quantity. ¢ Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, II, pp. 519-522. The writer learns from Prof. T. Johnson, of Dublin, that Torbitt has been dead some twenty years. He was in the wine trade and raised varieties of potatoes for the berries, or seed balls, which he used as a source of material for wine. All of his varieties have disappeared except one coarse, red one, which was and is proof against disease. ee LLL = ee a HISTORICAL STATEMENT. 21 resistance, his method being to cross-fertilize, rear the seedlings, and expose them ruthlessly to infection, retaining only those showing some degree of resistance. In this work he received much encour- agement and some financial aid through Charles Darwin. A committee of the English House of Commons, reporting in 1880 upon the potato disease, found all its witnesses concurring in the necessity for the production of new varieties with increased disease resistance.“ Parliament was asked to give financial aid for experi- ments aiming to produce new and disease-proof varieties, but it did not do this. Earl Cathcart, in commenting on this report, states that— - All potatoes have deteriorated in their disease-resisting powers. A variety from seed takes four to six years for its establishment, and under the most favorable cir- cumstances a good variety might be expected to degenerate in twenty years. The production of new varieties is of national importance. Apparently through the influence of Cathcart, Baker’? was led to make an exhaustive comparative study of the genus Solanum in order to advise as to the relation of the cultivated varieties to the several wild species of the American continent preparatory to breeding experi- ments in which these might be used. As a result, two species were considered worthy of further trial in the attempt to improve disease resistance, viz, the Darwin potato, S. maglia, from the Chonos Archi- pelago, and the Uruguay potato, S. commersonii. Cathcart furnished Sutton with the former and he hybridized it with the common S. tudber- osum. Sutton’ reports that, beginning in 1886— Although many hundreds of flowers of S. maglia were artificially fertilized with pollen from cultivated varieties, only five. were successful, resulting in five berries. _ From these but two seedlings were secured and only one of these showed any prom- ise whatever, the second having to be grown under glass to prevent its dying. * * * This hybrid, although a vast improvement on S. maglia, is far behind the ordinary potato in appearance, crop, and quality. The seedling * * * grown for eight years, in 1894 was slightly diseased, although previously free from attack. Sutton still -has the S. maglia and this hybrid in propagation at ' Reading, where the writer saw them in August, 1904. Phytophthora was then more rampant on the foliage of both of these and on S. com- mersonii, Which he also has, than on the average potato plants in his fields. No hybrids of S. commersonii had been secured by him pre- vious to this. Mr. Lasham, potato specialist for the firm, has been giving renewed attention to the possibilities of species hybridization, and showed the writer balls which he considered to contain hybrid seeds of S. tuberosum * commersonii. “Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc. Eng., XX: 291 (1884). > Baker, J. G., A Review of the Tuber-Bearing Species of Solanum. Jour. Linn. Soc., London, X X, 489-507 (1883-84). eSutton, A. W., Potatoes, Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc., XIX, 387 (1896). 22 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. Interest in the possibilities of S. commersonii has recently been stimulated by the experiments inspired in France by Prof. E. Heckel,¢ who believes in the economie possibilities of this species when improved by longer culture and perhaps by hybridizing, and has distributed it quite widely in France with this end in view. One French horticul- turist, Labergerie,? claims already to have succeeded in producing a variety of edible quality, large yield, and superior disease resistance. This was seen growing in the grounds of Vilmorin-Andrieux & Co., at Paris. This firm was not yet convinced of the practical value of the plant, and since Labergerie refuses to send out any of these potatoes for trial at present, judgment must be reserved. Returning to the consideration of the varieties of the common potato, it is found that during the last decade increasing attention has also been given to their comparative disease resistance. This has been well summarized by Prunet.“ The main facts developed are as follows: Sorauer” in 1896 considered the evidence to date as showing that the highest degree of disease resistance was possessed by Magnum Bonum, the following showing some degree of resistance: Blaue Riesenkartoffel, Richter’s Imperator, Athene, Reichskanzler. Rostrup,’ writing: about the same time from Denmark, places Magnum Bonum at the head as a disease-resisting variety, with Richter’s Imperator and Champion as somewhat resistant. In this connection it is noteworthy that Magnum Bonum has yielded its place in popular favor in Great Britain for main-crop purposes to Up-to-Date and other varieties, even while holding its reputation on the Continent. During the last decade these standard varieties in turn have been *‘running out,” and the demand in England for something to take their place has stimulated potato breeders and seed specialists to direct their attention very generally to the development of a disease- resisting main-crop variety. The greatest efforts in breeding have been made during the last four years, while speculation in the most promising of the varieties produced has been at fever heat for the last two years, during which time many new varieties, more or less disease resistant, have been pushed to the front. There are now so many potato special- ists in Great Britain breeding and handling varieties of reputed disease resistance that it is impracticable to mention all. Archibald Findlay, « Heckel, E., Sur le S. commersonii, Rey. Hort. de la Soe. d’ Hort. et de Bot. des Bouches-du-Rhone, No. 581, pp. 200-206 (December, 1902); also, Contrib. 4 l’étude botanique de quelques solanum tuberiferes, Ann. de la Faculté des Sciences de Marseille, vol. 8 (1895). » Labergerie, M., Le Solanum commersonii et ses variations, Bul. Soc. Nat. d’ Agric. de France, March, 1904. ¢Prunet, A., Le mildieu de la pomme de terre, Rev. de Viticult., X VII, 663; XVIII, 97 et seq. (1902). ¢ Zeitsch. f. Pflanzenkr., VI, 284 (1896). ¢ Tidsskrift f. Landbrugets Planteavl, 1895, 1896, 1897. —S —_— DISEASE RESISTANCE AND VEGETATIVE VIGOR. 23 of Mairsland, Auchtermuchty, Scotland, has originated some varieties of high repute; Sutton & Sons, of Reading, England, have also taken a prominent part in this work. Scotland-grown seed of all the leading varieties can be secured from Thomas Scarlett, of Edinburgh, and Mr. Searlett has some promising varieties of his own introduction. Any- one desiring more specific information should secure the publications of the National Potato Society from its secretary, Walter P. Wright, Postling Vicarage, Hythe, Kent, England. Meanwhile the German Potato Station has been making extensive tests, doing some breeding and encouraging several potato breeders.” These efforts have not been directed primarily to disease resistance, but the station has taken note of this feature and published the data regarding all varieties tested. While the results of this work in Europe have been collected or correlated by no one, the writer was able to gather considerable infor- mation, in addition to that already referred to, from conversation with potato specialists, especially in Great Britain. This, together with what has been learned in America, is made the basis of the following discussion. It is to be regretted that it is impracticable to give detailed credit in sone cases to those who kindly furnished the information. THE MEANING OF DISEASE RESISTANCE. Although potato specialists, especially in England, apply the term **disease proof” to their favorite varieties, this is not to be taken liter- ally. No variety has as yet shown itself to be absolutely proof against disease. The writer personally collected leaves infected with the blight fungus from two varieties which were said to be ‘disease proof.” Absolute resistance against the blight fungus has not as yet been and may neverbe secured. Varieties are known, however, which show a relatively high degree of disease resistance. This may be shown in the delay in date of appearance of the blight on the leaves or its slower progress after appearing, and still more clearly in the relatively small amount of loss from rot of the tubers.’ Most of the exact observations made in Europe have been based on this latter difference. DISEASE RESISTANCE AND VEGETATIVE VIGOR. Disease resistance and vegetative vigor are closely associated, although the factors involved are not necessarily identical. In any consideration of the problems of the life and death of the potato plant it must be remembered that the potato has two natural methods of “@The most active of these are Paulsen, Cimbal, Richter, and Dolkowski. Graf Arnim-Schlagenthin, of Nassenheide in Pommern, is an extensive breeder and dealer in new varieties, as is also-F. Heine, of Hadmersleben. 24 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. reproduction, the true seed produced in the berries or ‘* balls” follow- ing the blossoms, and the tubers produced below ground. Repro- duction by seed is a sexual process, that by tubers is vegetative. Both are exhaustive of vitality. The two are in a certain sense physiologically opposed to each other and can not well be carried on at the same time by the plant. Under the natural conditions of the wild potato plant in Mexico, and doubtless elsewhere, seed production precedes tuber formation. In Europe and northern America, with a shorter season and intensive culture, the two processes overlap. As a result there is, just after the potato plant comes into blossom, a period when the natural tendencies within the plant toward seed production above and tuber formation below are such as to subject it to unusual physiological stress. This has been termed the ‘‘critical period” @ in the development of the potato plant. Usually the blossoms fall without the setting of the fruit, and the plant then passes into a stage where its energies are devoted to tuber formation alone. Once well started upon this vegetative period, its growth is more or less indeterminate, i. e., there is no clearly defined natural terminus to the life of the cultivated potato plant. Instead, there is the gradual decline in vegetative vigor-which may prepare the way for early-blight and other diseases characteristic of weakling plants. It is noteworthy that the destructive attacks of the late-blight fungus occur, as a rule, after the blossoming period has passed. So far as the evidence goes it seems to suggest that high vegetative vigor enables the plant to ward off in some degree the fungus attack. There is, moreover, a natural decline in vigor, or ‘‘running out,” with the age of the variety. The length of life of a variety depends upon numerous conditions, and is an indefinite matter in any case. It is ordinarily placed by potato specialists at from twelve to twenty years. Asa variety begins to ‘‘run out” it apparently shows, among other things, a lessened degree of general disease resistance. Thus Magnum Bonum had the highest reputation in this respect from its: origin in 1876 until about 1890 in Great Britain. On the Continent it has remained longer in favor. Up-to-Date has held a like place during the last decade in Great Britain, and Richter’s Imperator has a similar record in Germany. These statements are based upon the popular verdict, not upon exact experiments; but the belief that disease resist- ance decreases with the age of the variety is firmly established in the minds of specialists in potato culture in Great Britain, at least so far as concerns resistance to Phytophthora. | There is little definite evidence regarding the relation of vegetative vigor to resistance to other diseases, but so far as it is formulated it 4 See Jones, L. R., Certain Potato Diseases and Their Remedies, Vermont Exp. Sta. Bul. 72: 4 (1899); also The Diseases of the Potato in Relation to Its Development, Trans. Mass. Hort. Soc. (1903), Part I: 144. , a IMPROVEMENT BY SELECTION. 25 favors the general applicability of the idea. The production of ber- ries, or seed balls, is held by some English breeders to be an indica- tion of such vigor, and therefore presumably of disease resistance, although no one claims that the absence of these is equally strong evidence in the opposite direction. It is worthy of passing note that berries are formed much more commonly in Europe, especially in Germany and Holland, than in America, apparently because of cli- matic differences. THE RELATION OF HYBRIDITY TO DISEASE RESISTANCE. By a ‘‘new variety” of potato, as the term is commonly used, is meant one recently developed from the seed. Sports may appear and are indeed frequent in some varieties. These will, however, be men- tioned later. The seed in all cases presumably represents a sexual origin, i. e., comes from a fertilized flower, but this may have been either self-fertilized or cross-fertilized. One would expect greater vigor to result from the cross-fertilization, and potato breeders are of the opinion that it is secured. On the other hand, while varieties recently originated from seed may show a high degree of disease resistance, this is not necessarily the case according to the verdict of English and German breeeders, many new varieties proving as sus- ceptible as old ones. Reference has already been made to the work of Cathcart and Sut- ton in England and of Heckel and Labergerie in France based on the hope of advantage from using one or another of the wild Solanums for such hybridizing. There are interesting possibilities along this line, since there are many wild forms of S. tuberosum in addition to other species of tuberiferous Solanums. Thorough trials of these are now being made by Stuart “ at the Vermont Experiment Station which will be reviewed later in this paper. It should be emphasized at once, however, that while the use of the wild Solanums does offer interest- ing possibilities, there is no record of practical success from their use, if we except the doubtful one of Labergerie’s variety of S. commer- sonii previously referred to. On the other hand, great practical improvements have been secured by various breeders from crossing varieties of cultivated potatoes. IMPROVEMENT BY SELECTION. All plants tend to vary. One of the commonest ways to improve plants is by selection from among the varying individuals. For the first two years after their origin, variants, or ‘“* rogues,” are not uncom- mon with the seedling potato, but the variety is ‘‘ fixed” by the weed- ing of such rogues before it is distributed for general culture, and 4Stuart, W., Disease-Resistant Potatoes, Vermont Exp. Sta. Bul. 115 (May, 1905). 26 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. thereafter very little variation occurs. Some modification is to be expected, nevertheless, and among other things there may be varia- tion in disease resistance. It seems worth while, therefore, to keep a lookout for individual plants which show especial resistance to the blight when this is epidemic about them. The tubers of such indi- viduals deserve to be carefully saved apart and planted, in order that it may be seen whether their resistance is a fixed and inheritable char- acter or the result of some chance difference in environment. Such selection has already been undertaken by three persons to our knowl- edge: Appel in Germany,@ Stuart in Vermont,’ and Fraser in New York; but no practical results have as yet been secured. ARE EARLY OR LATE VARIETIES THE MORE RESISTANT? The blight never becomes serious until the midseason of potato growth is passed; thus in our Northern States its worst ravages come in August and September. Therefore early varieties, as a rule, escape. But this is simply because they mature before the blight is epidemic. So far as evidence has been secured, both in America and Europe, when the early varieties are planted late enough to expose them to the disease alongside of the later ones, the early varieties as a class suf- fer the worst. For example, the most complete destruction by rot which the writer ever saw was with a late crop of Early Ohio potatoes attacked by the disease in September. Woods,? of Maine, has also found early varieties especially susceptible. RELATION OF SOURCE OF SEED AND CULTURAL METHODS TO DISEASE RESISTANCE. The opinions of highly intelligent potato growers in Great Britain are especially worthy of note. One of the first concerns with them is the source of their seed. Mention has already been made of the experi- ments at Sutton’s grounds, showing the superiority of northern-grown seed. It was found to be the general verdict of practical men in Europe that northern-grown seed is more highly disease resistant, as well as more productive. If one is to aim for the best results in health of crop, therefore, attention should be directed to quality and source of seed as well as to variety. Practical men as well as scientists generally agree that methods of culture also determine to a considerable degree liability to disease. These act not only indirectly as they affect moisture content or other physical conditions of the soil, but more directly as they affect the «Appel, Otto. Die diesjiihrige Phytophthora-epidemie, Deutsche Landw. Presse, XXIX: 685 (1902). > Vermont Exp. Sta. Bul. 115, p. 139. ¢ Reported in correspondence. @ Woods, C. D., Maine Exp. Sta. Rpt., XIX: 181 (1903). COMPOSITION AND CHARACTER, AND ROT RESISTANCE. 27 vigor or inherent disease resistance of the plant itself. Seed dealers in this country, as well as in England, have also expressed a prefer- ence for seed from a crop that has not been very highly fertilized, especially with nitrogenous manures. The most detailed study along this line is that of Laurent,’ whose results indicate that nitrogenous fertilizers predispose both the foliage and the tubers of the plants to the attacks of Phytophthora. This is in harmony with the general opinion of practical potato growers, that high manuring increases the liability to disease. COMPOSITION AND CHARACTER OF TUBERS AS RELATED TO ROT RESISTANCE. There is considerable evidence that the chemical composition of the tubers bears a direct relation to resistance to rot. Paulsen? claimed that varieties rich in nitrogen compounds are less resistant to disease than those rich in starch. He classed most of the early varieties in the first category and found the larger percentage of the second class to be of the late varieties. The table varieties of better quality were also of the first category. Petermann’ has recently made field and laboratory studies at the Belgium Experiment Station. These led him to practically the same conclusions, viz, (1) that varieties richer in amids are more liable to rot, although of superior table quality; and (2) that varieties relatively richer in starch, including several recently originated German factory varieties, are less liable to rot but are of inferior quality for table use. Sorauer”? has published similar’ conclusions, and he made more detailed statements as to his belief on this point in conversation last summer. In general, he believes that the varieties richer in protein are more liable to disease, while those richer in starch are more resistant. This probably explains his observation that the yellow- fleshed varieties, which are in higher repute in Germany for table use, are more liable to disease’ than the white-fleshed varieties which are grown for factory purposes. His further observations in harmony with this idea are that the thicker and rougher skinned red varieties/— e. g., Dabersche—have a higher degree of disease resistance, coupled with relatively high starch and low protein content, whereas the thin- skinned white varieties, which are more liable to the disease, have «Laurent, Recherches exp. sur la mal. des plantes, Ann. Inst. Past., XIII, pp. 1-48 (1899). » Biedermann’s Centralbl. Agr. Chem., 1887, p. 107. ¢ Bul. Inst. Chim. et Bact. Gembloux, 70 (1901). ¢d Jahresber. d. Sondersaussch. f. Pflanzensch., XII and XIII (1902 and 1903). ¢See evidence of this also in Jahresber. d. Sondersaussch. f. Pflanzensch., XIII, 1903. f See also statement that red varieties are in general more resistant; Jahresber. d. Sondersaussch. f. Pflanzensch., XII, 1902. 28 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. proportionately less starch and more protein. As a rough empirical test he considers that if, when a fresh tuber is cut open, the flesh browns quickly on exposure to the airand the vascular bundles darken soon, it is evidence of high protein content, and therefore of liability to disease, whereas the reverse condition is evidence of probable dis- ease resistance. Professor Sorauer also emphasized to the writer his belief in the relation of soil, manuring, or other cultural condition to disease resistance. The testimony secured elsewhere in Germany, as well as from American sources, is in harmony with these ideas so far as it goes. While character of skin is probably a less reliable index to rot resistance than is chemical composition, yet the writer has learned of several potato experts in America, as well as others in Europe, who regard the red varieties, especially such as have a rough skin, as less liable to rot than are the white thin-skinned varieties. The Dakota Red has often been cited as an example of this class in America. Abundant evidence can be found, however, especially from English experience, of high disease resistance coupled with a thin, white skin. | Breeders aiming at disease resistance need not turn from the white- skinned varieties. CHARACTER OF STEM AND FOLIAGE AS RELATED TO DISEASE RESISTANCE, In connection with the question of the relation of the character of the stem and foliage to disease resistance it is not safe to go far in generalizing. Mr. Lasham, potato expert and breeder with Sutton & Sons, considers that a stem that is strong, rough, and hard, almost woody at the base, is an important character if the plant is to be most highly disease resistant. The nature of the foliage is considered by others to be of greater importance, the preference being for small leaflets, rough and relatively thick rather than large and flabby. A rich dark-green is preferred to the lighter colored foliage. It seems inherently probable that the character and color of foliage should stand in close relation to the other matters which have with more cer- tainty been shown to be related to disease resistance, viz, general vigor and capacity for starch manufacture. Those giving further attention to disease resistance may, therefore, well bear these sugges- tions in mind. DISEASE-RESISTANT VARIETIES OF EUROPE. When all the factors are considered, two important things become evident: First, that no variety will maintain its disease-resistant qual- ities indefinitely, losing them sooner in one locality than in another; second, that no one yariety will be equally disease resistant in all countries, i. e., what is best suited to one may not be to another. DISEASE-RESISTANT VARIETIES OF EUROPE. 29 Hence we must expect much conflicting evidence regarding the same variety, especially as grown under different conditions and in different countries. The most satisfactory way will be to summarize separately the evi- dence obtained in each country visited in Europe, followed by that from America. The greatest activity in breeding for resistance occurs in Great Britain, and next to this in Germany, while France has recently shown special activity in one line. There were secured from each of these countries all the varieties of especial promise for trial in America comprising a total of nearly one hundred. By no means all of these have an established reputation as being highly disease resistant, although all will be tested for this as well as other characters. Experience has shown that the transference of a variety from Europe to America, or the reverse, is likely so to disturb the equilibrium of the plant that the developments of the first year are scarcely normal. At least two years are necessary for the adequate testing of imported varieties. Commercial growers should therefore make only trial plantations of any European variety until its adaptability to American conditions has been proved. Seed of the varieties secured will be under trial at several points this season and next. While it does not seem worth while to publish the full list of these in advance, the fol- lowing are selected as representing the varieties or types most strongly indorsed in their respective countries for disease resistance. GREAT BRITAIN. More attention has been given to this question in Great Britain than anywhere else. Careful comparative observations are recorded -as to the relative disease resistance of all the leading varieties. The last report of the National Potato Society specifies the following eight varieties as the best for disease resistance, named in the order of their merit. The writer appended certain facts as to the origin and charac- ters of each. All are white skinned, white fleshed, of excellent qual- ity, of high general vigor, and heavy yielders. TaBLe I.—The most disease-resistant varieties of potatoes in Great Britain, as announced by the National Potato Society.@ Order When of | Name of variety. Originator. | sent Season. merit. out. HMERU ETO OOUIS ste a cecosc ne stigeecs tes eaies Bin @laviceececcdes ass Green, 8S. B., Potatoes at the University Farm, Minn. Exp. Sta. Bul. 87 (1904). 32 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. WORK AT THE VERMONT STATION. . The most extensive work on potatoes has been done by Stuart, who two years ago inaugurated at the Vermont station variety trials as to disease resistance, supplemented by breeding experiments. Professor Stuart has kindly supplied the following summary of his results to date:¢ Eight varieties were under trial in 1903—Dakota Red, Enormous, Green Mountain, Rustproof, Squire, Sir Walter Raleigh, and two of Manum’sunnamed seedlings. In 1904 the same varieties were used, with the addition of June, Mammoth Gem, Minister, New Queen, State of Maine, Sutton’s Discovery, nine more of Manum’s seedlings, S. com- mersonii from Doctor Heckel, of France, a Peruvian variety from the United States Department of Agriculture at Washington, and four Mexican varieties furnished by Mr. C. G. Pringle. The latter included two cultivated varieties termed Monterey and Mexican, and the two wild species, S. polyadeniwm and S. stoloniferum. Observations have been made as to both foliage and tuber resistance. As to foliage, none was wholly free from blight, but there was a marked difference, some being quickly and entirely destroyed, while others suffered only slightly. In 1903 Rustproof headed the list in this respect, and Dakota Red was second. In 1904 those showing greatest foliage resistance were as follows, in the order of their resistance: Monterey, S. com- mersonii, S. polyadenium, Rustproof, Sutton’s Discovery, June, Mex- ican, Mammoth Gem, and Manum’s No. 3. Dakota Red did not equal its 1903 record. Judged by resistance of tubers to rot, Dakota Red made the best showing of the varieties which were tested for two seasons, but there was some rot in it both years. Of those added to the series of 1904 several varieties gave a crop of tubers entirely free from rot, namely S. polyadenium, SS. COMMETSONAL, Sutton’s Discovery, June, and the two Mexican varieties. It is noteworthy that these are likewise the varieties which showed the least blighting of the foliage. Possibly the absence of rot is in some degree attributable to the lessened amount of infection of tubers from vines in consequence of this, although there were adjacent plants showing badly diseased foliage. Sclection.—In 1903 a few plants in the varieties grown were observed to remain green longer than the others. The tubers from these were saved and were planted in 1904 along with others of the same variety that succumbed much earlier. So far as could be noted no increased disease-resistant qualities were transmitted to the offspring of these plants. “For further details see Stuart, W., Disease-Resistant Potatoes, Vermont Exp. Sta. 3ul. 115 (May, 1905). INFORMATION SECURED BY A CIRCULAR OF INQUIRY. 33 In view of the limited number of varieties tested and the consequent restricted scope of observation, it would hardly be justifiable as yet to give an expression of opinion as to the probable outcome of such a line of investigation. These observations are to be continued on a much larger scale the coming season. Hybrid and other seedlings.—Seedlings were grown in 1903 from the Mexican species supplied by Mr. Pringle—S. polyadenium, S. stoloni- Serum, and S. bulbocastanum. This number has recently been aug- mented by S. verrucosum anda wild form of S. tuberosum. In 1904 some of these were successfully hybridized with the cultivated potato. While it is yet too early to say very much regarding the possibili- ties of developing a commercially desirable disease-resistant variety of potato through the hybridization of wild species with our cultivated varieties, there seems good reason for believing that improvement may result from such crossing, especially as to disease resistance. In addition, a large number of seedlings of the common potato were grown in 1904. Among this number several vigorous-growing plants were noted, which remained quite green up to the time of digging. Some 50 of the more promising of these were saved for trial the com- ing season. Selections were based on vigor of vine, size and yield of tubers, and freedom from rot. One of the most interesting and instructive features of the seedling experiment was the object lesson it presented of the extreme vigor of some of the plants, showing quite plainly that one of the best sources for increasing the vigor lies in the production of new varieties from seed. Proper fertilization and good tillage are also important aids in increasing the vigor and disease-resisting powers of the vine. While the data in hand do not warrant broad generalizations, the following inferences are drawn by Professor Stuart: (1) Some varieties are less subject to vine injury than others. (2) Some show a greater tuber resistance to rot than others. (3) With some there seems to be a fairly close relation between resist- ance of vine to disease and of the tuber to rot. (4) Selection has not given visible increase of resistance. (5) Hybridization and the growing of seedling plants, followed by careful selection, seem to offer a more logical method of securing disease-resistant varieties than does selection. INFORMATION SECURED BY A CIRCULAR OF INQUIRY. In order to secure all information possible as to the relative merits of the varieties now before the public, a circular letter of inquiry was sent recently to various experiment station officers and to about two 34 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. hundred potato specialists in the United States and Canada¢ asking their opinions and the basis for them. There was a surprising lack of agreement upon any one variety as being especially disease resist- ant. The replies indicate several things: (1) That very few American potato specialists have up to the present time given careful attention to this question; (2) that there are few varieties in common use which have preeminent worth as disease resisters; and (3) that in so large a geographical area local conditions affecting culture and disease are so widely variant as to prevent close comparisons or broad generaliza- tions. No less than 38 varieties were commended as showing resist- ance to blight or rot. Of these, 26 were commended only once, while the other 12 were favorably spoken of by two or more persons. Still other varieties were mentioned, but not with sufficient positiveness to entitle them to a place in the following list. Those named more than once, with the locality in which they were indorsed, are as follows: Tasie IL1.—The best varieties of potatoes in the United States and Canada, as réported by various experiment station officers and potato specialists. Number | Variety. eae Localities in which commended. ments. Daluta Red. so 452 nee eS. een = pe eee 10 | Canada (4); Maine (3); Massachusetts; : Michigan; New York. Trish, Cobbler: -2¢ 22 15s cote an = ote epee ees 5 | New York (2); Maine; Ohio; Rhode Island. Crean i Moumtalt. <= eos ete see ante tos cade eee eee 5 | Maine (2); Massachusetts (2); Ver- mont. DOC BIE TIGR. Saino deine maaen oelasele © aeaiaiens caldera ee 3 | Maine (2); Michigan. WROTUTORS (oc oa. eens Done ans aetna ee ene eS oee 3 | Maine; New York; Vermont. Wihite Beaty o22 35. ase os coyotes inland as csap betas 2 | Maine; Minnesota. PYOLCHROP MASTCkK er #24 orca ee ce ee eee ee 2} Canada; Rhode Island. Lonig Seed linim. 32409 55) eee tk a eee 2 | New York. nick imniClivs ss. cada seer e ee. cee eee eee eee 2 | Pennsylvania; Vermont. RBLDEDOL. $n. Siew as oe anak es seene naa 0 oe ae tee 2 | Yermont. Sir Waiter Balen: oo 28 Joon. asso. se eerce et esaeeeee 2 | Minnesota; New York. Veéermiont Gold Coin J. 3-225 seswisicnin'seoccsama clues = 2 Pennsylvania; New York. The following varieties were mentioned once each, the commenda- tion coming from the locality mentioned in parentheses: American Wonder (Minnesota); Babbitt (Maine); Bonanza (New York); Boss (Vermont); Buffalo (Maine); Burbank (New York); Cambridge Russet (New York); Carmen No. 3 (Ohio); Clarke’s Pride (Maine); Clay Rose (Minnesota); Crines Lightning (New Jersey); Delaware (Minnesota); Enormous (New York); Gem of Aroostook (Rhode Island); Gloria (Rhode Island); Harris Snowball (New York); Holborn Abundance «The writer is indebted to the following experiment station officers for helpful advice: Professors Macoun, Canada; Woods, Maine; Rane, New Hampshire; Stuart, Vermont; Brooks, Massachusetts; Wheeler and Adams, Rhode Island; Fraser and Stewart, New York; Buckhout, Pennsylvania; Halsted, New Jersey; Selby, Ohio; Taft, Michigan; and Green, Minnesota. Much information has been secured from the replies of leading potato growers and seed dealers. It is regretted that it is impracticable to give detailed credit to these correspondents. RESISTANCE TO SCAB. 35 Professor Kuehn (Rhode Island); Million Dollar (Michigan); Orange Blossom (Vermont); Rural New Yorker No. 2 (Vermont); Scabproof (Wisconsin); Squier (Vermont); Star of the East (Maine); State of Maine (Canada); Swiss Snowflake (Canada); Virgirosa (Vermont); Westfield (Vermont); White Scotch King (Minnesota). In addition three unnamed varieties received favorable mention from Vermont. From these reports it is observed that certain varieties like Dakota Red, Rustproof, and Keeper have very well proved powers of disease resistance, but lack other desirable characters to make them popular varieties. Several of the standard main-crop varieties are in some degree disease resistant, and doubtless owe their general popularity, in a measure, to this fact, although it has not been clearly defined. To this group belong Carmen’s best productions—Carmen No. 3, Sir Walter Raleigh, Rural New Yorker No. 2, and Rural Blush—Green Mountain, State of Maine, Delaware, Enormous, and White Beauty. Irish Cobbler is highly spoken of as disease resistant, but it is a question whether this may not be in part due to its early maturity, by virtue of which it escapes the worst ravages of Phytophthora. There is also a very promising series of new seedlings which should be carefully watched as to disease-resisting characters, among which may be especially mentioned Norcross, Star of the East, and Babbitt (Johnson Seed Company); Vermont Gold Coin (Burpee); Ionia Seed- ling (Dibble); Harris Snowball (Harris & Co.). It is encouraging to learn from the replies that several of the newer German and English varieties which are reputed disease resisting in their home countries have upon trial in America made a good show- ing. This is evidenced by the reports from the Rhode Island and Canada stations favorable to Professor Maercker, Gloria, Professor Kuehn (German), Holborn Abundance (English), and Swiss Snowflake. RESISTANCE TO SCAB. It is a matter of common observation that some varieties of potatoes are more liable to scab than are others. Reference has been made earlier in this publication to conclusions to this effect reached in Ger- many. So far as known the only American publication recording the results of comparative trials as to scab resistance is that made by the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station in 1901-2.“ Thirteen varie- ties were tested in 1901 and fourteen in 1902 in soil badly infested with scab germs. While all showed some scab, there was a consider- able difference in the amount. Sir Walter Raleigh made a good show- ing both years, but an unnamed seedling sent by Mr. A. E. Manum, his No. 56, was more highly resistant. These trials established the writer’s confidence that still more resistant strains may be secured by 4 Jones, L. R., and W. J. Morse. Vermont Exp. Sta. Report, XV: 225 (1902). 36 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. breeding and selection. Prof. William Stuart, of the Vermont station, has undertaken this work in connection with the development of resist- ance to blight and rot.¢ He has made further trials during the last two years, but without conclusive results as yet. A request for information as to relative scab resistance was inserted in the circular of inquiry, already referred to, recently sent to Amer- ican potato specialists. Most of the replies to this question were negative in character, but a number gave interesting information, some of which is especially pertinent. The strongest evidence as to scab resistance comes from Mr. Hiram Presley, of Port Huron, Mich., a potato specialist, who has tested hundreds of varieties during the past thirty years. He commends the Cambridge Russet as practically exempt from scab. Mr. Frank Paddock, of Perry, N. Y., gives like evidence. Carmen No. 3 is highly spoken of as scab resisting by several grow- ers in Ohio, New York, and Vermont, but one Michigan correspondent condemns it. American Giant receives strong indorsement from Freehold, N. J., and vicinity; Salzer’s Scabproof from Wisconsin, and Aurora from Vermont. Favorable reports come from New York regarding Sir Walter Raleigh and Irish Cobbler, and from Canada regarding McIntyre. The following were each commended by one correspondent from the localities mentioned in parentheses: Best (Maine); Doe’s Pride (Maine); Early Freeman (Ontario); Keeper (New Hampshire); Seneca Beauty (Michigan); Squier (Vermont); White Beauty (Michigan); White Elephant (New Jersey); White Scotch King (Minnesota). On the other hand, the Early Ohio and some of its seedlings are condemned as especially liable to scab. Early Rose, Bliss Triumph, and Beauty of Hebron are also reported to scab badly. It is encouraging to note that in some cases the same variety is rated as ina high degree resistant to both diseases, the scab and the late-blight. and rot. A similar coincidence will be found if a comparison is made of the lists of German varieties showing resistance to the several diseases discussed earlier in these pages, and the same thing was observed in some degree with the English varieties. This indicates that the attributes which give power of resistance against one disease are not incompatible with those operative against another. Indeed, it is not unlikely that the general characteristics of disease resistance may prove to be similar or the same for these vari- ous maladies. If so, it will prove the easier to secure the model potato, which, while possessing that which is desirable in quality and productiveness, shall, in addition, show the highest degree of resist- ance to the various diseases. This is an ideal worth striving for. «Vermont Exp. Sta. Bul. 115, p. 139. SUMMARY. 37 SUMMARY. The aim of this bulletin is to present in concise form what is known about disease resistance of potatoes. Much of this information is from European sources. . _ Certain minor diseases of obscure nature, but apparently nonpara- sitic, are first considered—the internal brown spot, filosité, and leaf- spot. Among remedial measures for each is the selection of resistant varieties. Scab diseases of tubers are in most, and perhaps in all, cases of para- sitic origin—fungous or bacterial. Apparently the variety of these is greater in Europe than in America, but the severity is less in Europe. It is undecided to what extent the American type of scab occurs in Europe, so a close comparison of conditions and remedies is not prac- ticable. In Germany certain varieties are known to be more scab resistant than others, among them being Richter’s Imperator, Profes- sor Wohltmann, and Irene. The same is true in America, Cambridge Russet leading the list, so far as is known. Other American varie- ties showing a considerable degree of resistance are Carmen No. 3, American Giant, Sir Walter Raleigh, and'Irish Cobbler. Scabproof and Aurora are also highly commended for scab resistance. Various stem diseases of the potato are known. The commonest type in Europe is termed blackleg (Schwarzbeinigkeit), a bacterial disease. It is not known to occur in America, but it resembles certain maladies which do occur here and which are as yet imperfectly under- stood. Varietal resistance to blackleg is not fully established, but apparently Dabersche and certain similar thick-skinned, starch-rich late varieties are more resistant than thin-skinned, starch-poor early varieties of the Rose type. Factor and Up-to-Date showed a consider- able degree of resistance to blackleg in England. La Czarine and other varieties are reported to show resistance to a bacterial stem disease in France. The late-blight and rot due to the fungus Phytophthora infestans occurs more commonly in Europe thanin America. Attention has been given for many years to relative varietal susceptibility to this disease, especially in Great Britain and in Germany. Varieties of superior disease resistance are known in both countries, and a number of the most promising from these and other European sources have been imported for trial. The following statements are tentatively formulated as to the nature of resistance toward blight and rot and the character of the varieties exhibiting it: (1) Disease resistance in potatoes is relative, not absolute, no variety known being wholly proof against late-blight and rot. 38 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. (2) It seems related to general vegetative vigor, and is therefore in & measure dependent upon cultural and developmental conditions and tends to decrease with the age of the variety. (3) It can be restored by originating new varieties from seed, especially of hybrid origin. Not all seedlings show superior disease resistance. (4) The use of other species of tuber-bearing Solanums for hybrid- izing offers some promise, but no practical results have yet been secured. (5) Possibly the disease resistance in established varieties can be improved by selection, but this has not been proved. (6) Early varieties may escape the disease by maturing before it becomes epidemic, but when similarly exposed they are as a class less resistant than late varieties. (7) The source of seed tubers is a matter of importance, northern- grown seed giving plants of superior disease resistance in Europe. Seed from a crop that was not too highly fertilized is probably prefer- able. Possibly tubers are better for seed purposes if dug before they reach full maturity. . (8) High fertilization, especially with nitrogenous manures, lowers the power of the plant to resist both blight and rot. (9) Varieties relatively rich in starch are more resistant to rot; those richer in protein are more susceptible to it. (10) So far as skin characters are an index, the red varieties with thick and rough skin seem more resistant as a class than the thin- skinned white varieties. (11) So far as stem and foliage characters are concerned, the evidence favors the stem that is hard, rough, and rather woody at the base, and the leaf that is small, somewhat rough, and dark colored. The varieties rated highest as to disease resistance in England are Evergood, Discovery, Royal Kidney, Northern Star, Sir John Lle- welyn, King Edward VII, Eldorado, and Factor. In Germany and Holland the following represent the best types: Mohort, Irene, Geheimrat Thiel, Professor Wohltmann, Boneza, Eigenheimer, and Paul Kriiger. In Belgium and France no improvement as to disease resistance has been made over the best English and German types. In America, trials as to disease resistance have been conducted at some of the experiment stations, notably in Vermont, where experi- ments in breeding and selection for increased resistance are under way. These results have been correlated with information recently secured by a circular of inquiry addressed to a large number of potato special- ists in the Northeastern States and in Canada. From these it appears that a wide variation is shown in disease resistance among the varieties now in cultivation in America, but that no one variety is preeminent. SUMMARY. 39 Among those which have been widely tested, the following deserve mention as of the resistant class: Dakota Red, Rustproof, Irish Cob- bler, Sir Walter Raleigh, Doe’s Pride, and White Beauty. Certain European varieties of the disease-resistant type seem to retain that character when grown in this country, e. g., Professor Maercker and Sutton’s Discovery. There is much of promise in certain new varie- ties under trial at the Vermont station. Several new sorts of reputed disease resistance have recently been placed on the market by American seedsmen, e. g., Harris’s Snowball, Dibble’s Ionia Seedling, Burpee’s Vermont Gold Coin, and Johnson’s Norcross, Star of the East, and Bab- bitt. Those having opportunity should carefully observe the relative disease resistance of these and also of other new varieties. The evidence at hand seems to justify the hope that the coordinated efforts of potato specialists working from both the practical and the scientific standpoints may soon result in the development of varieties of potatoes combining general excellence with a high degree of disease resistance. All who can do so are urged to aid toward the accomplish- ment of this end. O o* Speer PLATE I. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. 8 ‘NOLLOD DNILSISSY-TIASSM HLIM SLNAWIYSdxX9 JO 3N3S0G SHL WWIVWALYNYD ‘'ZVd VYSA VLITV ‘WINDNVOAS LY AATIVA U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 88. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF THE COTTON PLANT. BY Or COOK. BIONOMIST IN CHARGE OF INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL Economy oF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL PLANTS. IssuED JANUARY 13, 1906. SS alts AS WZ MUTATOR ATT 3S Sine WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. L906. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. ALBERT F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS. FREDERICK Y. COVILLE, Botanist in Charge. FARM MANAGEMENT. W. J. SPILLMAN, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. BRACKETT, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. PIETERS, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CORBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL PLANTS. O. F. Cook, Bionomist in Charge. DRUG AND POISONOUS PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, AND TEA CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS, RODNEY H. TRUE, Physiologist in Charge. DRY LANP AGRICULTURE AND WESTERN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION, CARL S. SCOFIELD, Agriculturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. BYRNEs, Superintendent. ; SEED LABORATORY. EDGAR Brown, Botanist in Charge. J. E. ROCKWELL, Editor. _ JAMES E. JONES, Chief Clerk. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL PLANTS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. O. F. Cook, Bionomist in Charge. G. N. CoLuins, Assistant Botanist. F. L. Lewton, Scientific Assistant. H. PITTIER, Special Agent. .¥ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DerarrMent oF AGRICULTURE, Bureau or Piant Inpustry, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. C., September 26. 1908. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on “ Weevil- Resisting Adaptations of the Cotton Plant,” and to recommend it for publication as Bulletin No. 88 of this Bureau. This report has been prepared by Mr. O. F. Cook, bionomist in charge of investiga- tions in the agricultural economy of tropical and subtropical plants. Tt contains an account of his observations and experiments which show that some of the varieties of the cotton plant have definite weevil-resisting characters. The establishment of these facts opens new and unexpected lines of approach to cultural solutions of the weevil problem. The investigation of cotton referred to in this report was begun in March, 1904, through the Laboratory of Plant Breeding, there having been set aside for it from the emergency cotton boll weevil appropriation a part of the funds which had been devoted to the breeding of weevil-resistant cotton. The existence of a field culture of cotton in the presence of the boll weevil had been ascertained by Mr. Cook during a visit to Guatemala in 1902, and it was hoped that ‘the immunity of the cotton might prove to be due to some weevil- resistant quality. The first result of detailed observations was the discovery of the weevil-eating kelep or so-called Guatemalan ant, which has been made the subject of previous reports through the Bureau of Ento- mology. It now appears that the usefulness of this insect is not limited to the boll weevils which it catches and kills. By making a regular field culture of cotton possible in the presence of the boll weevil it has contributed in an important manner to the development of the weevil-resisting characters here described. The cotton plant, it seems, has been greatly modified in protecting itself against the ravages of its insect enemy. Not only has it attracted the kelep to its service and developed other means of defense which are more 3 4 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. direct, but even the lint, on the peculiar character of which the com- mercial value of the crop depends, appears to find its chief use to the plant in excluding the weevil larvee from the seed. Our Sea Island and Upland varieties have been raised for long periods in regions where the boll weevil did not exist and, as was to have been expected. are largely lacking in protective features. The Kekchi cotton, on the other hand, which has continued its development in a weevil-infested region under the protection of the keleps, has by far the largest number of weevil-resisting characters. The fact that weevil-resisting adaptations really exist, as shown in numerous instances in the present report, emphasizes the necessity of a thorough study of our cultivated cottons for the purpose of taking advantage of any and all protective characters. It is possible, as Mr. Cook suggests, that the Guatemalan variety of cotton which he has discovered, and which has such a surprising number of weevil-resisting adaptations, may not prove suited to culti- vation in the United States, but even in that case the value of the present paper on weevil-resisting characters would not be diminished, for it will serve as a help to all who may engage in seeking and developing such characters in the types of cotton now cultivated in our country. * Respectfully, B. T. Gattoway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAmMes Witson, Secretary of Agriculture. taprodnehlon= 2!) 2-2 ..... Se ae oe RS IAS od oe ON Ie SS, eee ee eee Paueantnence Of the boll weevil s.2.- -.2.-2.5..--.----2+2---------.-- Seemet MemaneciiVe-CNuraAcvors;. \- <2. 22 32. 2-- 2 . eae ee eae Dwarf habit and determinate growth of Kekchi cotton__________-___-- Mart anionsyin wheswekchiGOuOn 2-0. ees ee tk Effects of Guatemalan conditions on United States varieties_ .____- Acclimatization of Kekchi cotton in the United States _____. _____- Early bearing facilitated by long basal branches ----_------------------ Hari rejection of superfluous squares -:-....----.--.----------------- Seasonal bearing of perennial varieties ______-__.----------- fis Te eh ee: Annual cutting back of perennial varieties _-____------------- it eee Ye Pe avai Us ane Cet SbOIMN Se -- ah. - SE en EL See 2 St ee ee ee TEGO BEATE (DO DIS ics 92 Sree Gah deh an SS 2 Ra a pe Anna a LONE es Extrafioral nectaries _-_-__- Che ages a RE a as a a Le RCPOTEN BS: UE (ELUTE IGE ING ae a a a eo Pmaemamnectaries of the involueré. 22. 2-22 22 25-222 tee ene - renee UTIs Ol HO INVOMUGCTOl -—. = 52 2a es ok ieee we Nectaries of Guatemalan Sea Island cotton _____---_____---------- Mmmmimnrecdisecrenion Of NeClar 2249-=*=, .- 22s 8 228 ee se ee Peachicpisubienaine immer nectaries: 3.52. o.-> os ee ee Biteinicy Ol tie Kelep provectOmn.. 25. Si 9 Soe 2 eo elle k ee Other nectar-bearing plants visited by the keleps___-__-_-._-____-- Mheunvolucre as a protective structure ...-.+.....-.-<--_...--.-..-=.--.- Kamlocralpracks STown together 2.3.0 2.5-- =. =--.4- 52222 sence t 222 PERO RCEACOMNALCINIS OF DTACUS., 2 22. 0 2a= eae eosin 5 ace teas rege MacesMnvOluGresiOL WekChi COtbON 2 222-525. 225-2 F208 oie ee ee Gannon oriarins. Of bracts avoided... 25) 2.2 S25 1 2. ie ee Eenininarcins OL imvolucral bracts. . =: .....=-=-2 222-22. -<- 5.2.2 E Panominoa protection by-involucre: .....22..2222--4.- += 262 Sseee--24- Pein Oe OiOPenviabvVOlUCLeS .<<5.. ooo 25- foe oe ee epee nek ee SeEmeEeMbLe TRAratitized WUdS —.-_._.-. .._-__--_--.-.--4---~----es-2--- + paccdm= of weevil-infested squares _____...-..-.-.-----.-------------- Cognmnes of flared and fallen squares ......-.=-.....-.--..----------- Eroierraion. oO: internal tissues of buds..2.22-.2.=22.--5. 2-24 ..2.--2-- Causes and conditions of bud proliferation ______......---------------- Proliferation in other varieties ____--_- spat) 2 Nae ee ee Gages Oe NNEC RCERNE DON es Ts ee as tet. aclo mae See de mummy or very young bolls-. +. .22-2. 22.¢.le22 4: 22-2. 2 - rhe i wuberdmooL-young bolls’: . 02.20.25 lees 32. 2 -ee. e222 LEE PE LDS) 0 DS NR oer? AS ee ~ OT io-3) occ caose aor awo-m or 6 CONTENTS. Protection of the bolls—Continued. Page. Proliferation from the wall of the boll._..-.------ code cheec. Soe 58 Time required for proliferation. .....-..-=:--..02--2 --2s.sesene eee 60 Efficiency of adaptive characters of bolls... ..:.:.._...-_2_. Soe 61 Bacterial diseases following weevil injuries_..........-.---.--.---.--- 62 Breeding in buds'a ‘derived habit ...:..2..)_/: 22-232 2 eee 62 Relation between proliferation in buds and in bolls ______--__--.-_.--- 64 Protection of seeds by lint._.. ____ _- aan + ears oon 65 Protective seed arrangement in Kidney cotton: ace cece denne 66 Cultural value of Kidney cotton. 2-2... .22___ 2-4. 2 67 The nature and causes of adaptations. __-- -22......-2_ 2-22.22 2e 67 Conscious and unconscious’ selection.--_-.. . 2-22-3222 ee 70 Summary of adaptations -_.._-_....-.-..-.25.-2-22-225-.08=s= a 72 Classification of adaptations -----....-..25..-21-2-2- Se 72 Adaptive characters of different types of cotton_............-.-.------ 73 Concluding remarks . --...-22....-.22---22 212.4... 22 74 Description of plates _-.--*-+--.-= - 2% ‘ol steer Seer = 78 Index - 242.5 5232022022008 2251 ea Se 79 ILLUSTRATIONS PuateE I. Valley at Secanquim, Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala, the scene of experiments with weevil-resisting cotton_-_-.__..--__-- Frontispiece. Il. Fig. 1.—Mature plant of Kekchi cotton. Fig. *.—Kekehi cotton plant with polls -__.:.. ..2 22: [22 2 ee ee 78 III. Involucres of Kekchi cotton, showing nectaries and bractlets___- 78 IV. Fig. 1.—Involucres of Rabinal cotton, showing connate and ap- pressed margins. Fig. 2.—Open involucres of Egyptian cotton - 78 V. Fig. 1.—Young buds of Kekchi cotton with weevil punctures. Fig. 2.—Buds of Kekchi cotton with proliferation. -_.--.-.-.-- 78 VI. Large buds of Kekchi cotton with proliferation -.______-...----- 78 VII. Weevil-infested bolls of Kekchi cotton -_.........-------------- 78 VIII. Carpels of Kekchi cotton, showing proliferation -__._........--- 78 IX. Fig. 1.—Kekchi cotton, successive stages of the boll. Fig, 2.— Kekchi cotton bolls (right) compared with King bolls (left) - -- 78 X. Fig. 1.—Rabinal cotton with bolls. Fig. 2.—Bolls and seeds of Kadiiey Conon, - 252225 eese Pe 78 B. P. I.—180. WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF THE COTTON PLANT. INTRODUCTION. The fact that Central American varieties of cotton have developed weevil-resisting adaptations has already received preliminary notice.’ A third visit to Guatemala, in the spring of 1905, has given opportu- nity for further studies of the protective characters of the native varieties and for comparing them with the types of cotton now cul- tivated in the United States. For this purpose plantings of Upland and Sea Island varieties have been made in Guatemala, and as the season advanced other tests of the Guatemalan and United States varieties were arranged under very different climatic conditions in Texas and at Washington. These opportunities of comparative observation have revealed a series of protective adaptations of such number and nicety as to fur- nish a unique and well-nigh incredible instance of selective develop- ment. The statement of the former paper may be repeated with emphasis, that the presence of the weevil-eating kelep has enabled the Indians of eastern Guatemala to maintain since very ancient times field culture of cotton in the presence of the weevils, with the result that there has been developed a dwarf, annual, short-season variety with numerous features which, in the absence of sufficient numbers of keleps, afford material assistance in protecting the crop against the ravages of the weevil. Whether this Guatemalan cotton can be made of direct use in the United States or not, it demonstrates the existence in the cotton plant of weevil-resisting characters. The new variety has lint of good length and quality, so that its utilization in the United States depends upon its adaptability to our climate and methods of culture. As already explained in publications devoted to the kelep, the weevil-eating propensities of that insect were discovered in 1904 during a visit to Guatemala which had been undertaken in the hope of finding a weevil-resisting variety of cotton. It had been observed 2 Cotton Culture in Guatemala. Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture for 1904, 475-488: Science, N. S., 20: 666-670, November 18, 1904. ‘ 8 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. two years before that a field of dwarf cotton cultivated by the Indians did not suffer from the boll weevils, though these pests were abundant on a “tree cotton” a short distance away. The kelep afforded an entirely unexpected and yet very striking explanation of the fact that cotton was being grown as a regular field crop in a region which had probably been infested with weevils for many centuries, if it were not, indeed, the original home of the species. That there was an insect in existence specially qualified by structure and habits to attack, disable, and devour the boll weevil, was welcome news in the United States, and in accordance with cabled instructions from the Secretary of Agriculture numerous colonies of the keleps were brought home and colonized in the cotton fields of Texas. The finding of the kelep explained the failure of the weevils to prevent cotton cultivations in eastern Guatemala, and seemed at first to diminish the prospects of weevil resistance in the cotton itself. Nevertheless, the intention of studying Guatemalan varieties of cot- ton and the cultural methods in use in that country was not aban- doned, and the results are not without bearing on the original ques- tion of the causes of the apparent immunity of the Guatemalan cottons, and also upon the more practical question of securing cotton varieties and cultural methods by which the injuries of the boll weevil in the United States may be reduced to a minimum. The Guatemalan cotton protected by the keleps is a genuine Up- land variety, very early and productive, with a fiber of good length and texture, as already stated. In addition to features which di- rectly favor the keleps, it has many other qualities which may render it useful, even without its insect guardians. In former reports it has been compared with the very early Upland varieties, such as King and Parker; but comparative tests made in eastern Guatemala show that the native variety, which it is proposed to call Aekehd, vepresents a very distinct type of this important cultivated plant. It belongs to Gossypium hirsutum, the Upland species or series of varieties, in the sense that it is not a Sea Island, Egyptian, or Kidney cotton,” but it is distinctly more different from any of the Upland varieties now cultivated in the United States than these are from each other. It has not been ascertained that the Kekchi cotton in its aThe Sea Island cotton is so called because cotton of this type is cultivated en the Sea Islands of South Carolina, long famous for the excellence of their product. The Sea Island cotton came originally from Barbados, whence also its botanical name, Gossypium barbadense. Upland cotton gained its name as a means of distinguishing it from the Sea Island, being cultivated in the interior, or “ upland,” districts of the Southern” States. The Upland type of cotton was recognized as a distinct species by Linnseus under the name Gossypium hirsutum, but many subsequent writers INTRODUCTION. 9 present form is suited to cultivation in the United States, but it has, without any doubt, new and significant characters which must be regarded as factors in cultural solutions of the weevil problem. (PI. II, fig. 1.) Although cotton was not found to be planted as a regular field cul- ture in any localities in Guatemala where the keleps do not exist, small quantities are produced in the interior plateau region about Rabinal by what may be called dooryard cultivation, and these, too, have suggested cultural factors and expedients which may not be without practical bearing. The present paper can claim to make only a beginning in the bionomic study of the question, but it shows at least that the weevil problem has many avenues of approach on the botanical side. The cotton of Guatemala and neighboring countries has maintained an existence, at least, in the presence of the weevils, and has suffered an acute natural selection with reference to its ability to protect itself against the weevil or to secure the assistance of allies, such as the keleps. That no commercial cotton crop is raised or exported from such districts does not prove that they are unworthy of scientific investigation, or that they are not likely to yield materials and sug- gestions of practical value in meeting the invasion of weevils which is Now so serious a menace to the cotton industry of the United States. Some of these weeyvil-resisting adaptations have been of use in securing for the cotton the assistance of the keleps. There are others which, if properly utilized, might render these interesting insects unnecessary. Tropical America has been serving for thousands of years, evidently, as a laboratory for this class of experiments. Texas was invaded only yesterday—a decade ago. Now that we are forced to engage in the strife, the first preliminary should be, it would seem, to take stock of the weapons which nature has forged. The present report was planned and partly written before the dis- covery of the true nature of the best of the weevil-resisting adapta- tions—the proliferation of the tissues of the buds and bolls. Some of the characters here described may have no value except as sug- gestions, but taken together they may be of interest as an outline of the results of the very long period of selection to which the presence of the boll weevil has subjected the Central American varieties of the cotton plant. liave erroneously confused it with the Old World species Gossypium herbaceum, which is not cultivated in the United States, though often so reported. The Egyptian and Kidney cottons belong to the Sea Island series, and are of American origin. The Kidney cottons seem not to have been cultivated on a commercial scale, but they are very widely distributed in tropical America. The name refers to the fact that the seeds ef each compartment of the boll are grown together into a small compact mass, in shape suggesting a kidney. 10 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. SELECTIVE INFLUENCE OF THE BOLL WEEVIL. The boll weevil exerts a most prejudicial effect upon the cotton crop, but, unlike most parasites, it does not cause disease or debility in its host plant. The young buds and bolls are merely pruned away, as it were, the purposes of the weevil being the better served when the plants remain vigorous and continue to produce more buds and bolls, in which more eggs can be laid and more larve brought to maturity. Nevertheless, if no bolls are allowed to develop no seed can be set. The fate of the cotton crop in wet seasons in Texas shows that with- out some form of protection the plant would have been extinct long since in all localities reached by the boll weevil. The long contact between the boll weevil and the cotton plant in Central America has given ample opportunity for the latter to profit by the selection which the insect itself has provided. Every differ- ence by which a cotton plant was able to resist or to avoid the weevil and thus ripen more seeds than its fellows would give it a distinet advantage, quite as if the selection were consciously carried on by the planter or the plant breeder. The case is different from that of the recent improyements of many of our cultivated plants by selection for the increase of some particular quality already existing. Such improvements can often be made appreciable, or even highly valu- able, in comparatively few years, but under the desultory Indian methods of cultivation long periods of time would be required for the origination and accumulation of such characters as these pro- tective adaptations. Climate and other local conditions must also be taken into consid- eration. An adaptation which would be effective in one set of cli- matic conditions may be of little use, or even a positive disadvantage, in others, as, for example, the prompt shedding of the parasitized buds. In a dry region the falling of a bud to the superheated, sun-baked earth insures the death of the weevil larva, either by the heat directly or by the complete drying out of the tissues in which the larva is embedded. In the moist districts of eastern Texas, how- ever, this expedient is quite ineffective, the larvee often developing even better when the buds fall off and he on moist soil than when they ‘remain attached to the plant. It need not surprise us to learn also that the weevil-resisting adap- tations shown by the Kekchi and other cotton varieties of Central America are shared, to some extent, by those already known in the United States, since the whole Upland type of cotton appears to have been, originally, a native of the Central American region. Varieties which reached the United States from Mexico and the West Indies may, however, have had little or no contact with the weevil for many centuries, while in Central America the struggle for existence has remained severe and continuous down to the present day. GENERAL PROTECTIVE CHARACTERS. 11 It is now known that in the plateau region of Mexico the long dry season effectually excludes the weevil, so that varieties of cotton from the Mexican highlands, instead of being weevil-proof, as sometimes represented, may have no immunity whatever when brought into the much more moist climate of the cotton belt of the United States. The Kekchi cotton of Guatemala, on the other hand, has to a much greater degree than any of the varieties now grown in the United States the very qualities which experiment has shown to be effective for the mitigation by cultural means of the injuries inflicted by the boll weevil. That it has, in addition, other features not possessed by our United States varieties, or not hitherto interpreted as weevil- resisting adaptations, need not be looked upon as anything outside the normal order of nature, but is entirely in accord with what appears to be the biological and agricultural history of the cotton plant in Central America. GENERAL PROTECTIVE CHARACTERS. DWARF HABIT AND DETERMINATE GROWTH OF KEKCHI COTTON. Although Guatemala is a tropical country and the climatic condi- tions are suitable for the growth of cotton throughout the year, the Kekchi cotton is cultivated only as an annual, and is smaller and more determinate in its habits of growth than the Upland varieties now known in the United States. It soon attains its full height, and after a crop of bolls has set on the lower branches there is a definite tendency to cease growing or producing new buds. The later upward growth of the plants seems to be supplementary, as it were, to the formation of the bolls; often there appear to be no more flowers formed, and many of those which come seem to be undersized, as though the plant were really mature and were «pproaching the natural termination of its existence. Our Upland varieties, on the contrary, continue to produce throughout the season hundreds of small squares on each plant which serve only as breed- ing places for the weevils. The explanation of the high development of these short-season qualities of the Kekchi cotton is doubtless to be found in the custom of the Indians, who pull up the cotton as soon as the bulk of the crop has ripened to make room for the peppers, which are always planted with the cotton. For the Indians the peppers are an even more important crop than the cotton, so that when the time comes for clearing away the cotton they do not wait for the plants which may have delayed maturity. Late bolls, even, would never come to maturity or furnish seed for planting. The result has been a very long-sustained selection for early bearing and uniform ripening of the crop. Some of our earliest Upland sorts may begin blossoming 1g WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. as soon as the Kekchi, but they show far less tendency to determinate growth. The development of earliness has been assisted, no doubt, by the climatic conditions which prevail in eastern Guatemala. The rainy season oftens begins before the cotton harvest is completed, so that the later bolls are very likely to become diseased, or, if they reach maturity and open, the lint is often beaten to the ground and made too dirty for use in spinning and weaving. In either case the seed is not harvested. The Indians believe that even if they did not pull the cotton up it would not become a perennial, but would die out completely, even to the roots, during the rainy season. Seeds scattered accidentally in the plantation at harvest time are rotted by the rain and do not germi- nate, so that little or no volunteer cotton is carried over from one season to another. : If the Kekchi cotton were the only variety planted in Guatemala and the weevil had there, as in the United States, no other food plant than the cotton, the insects might all die off between April or May, when the cotton is pulled up, and October, when the next crop is olanted. There is, however, enough perennial “ tree” cotton in the country to keep the pest from becoming exterminated. Moreover, the question of additional food plants in Guatemala is still open. The importance of securing short-season varieties of cotton for the United States can hardly be overestimated, since, as already intimated elsewhere,“ there is no longer any reason to hope that the more severe winters of the northern districts of the cotton belt will give any pro- tection against the weevils. As long as the weevil was confined to the southern part of Texas, where the cotton could survive the winter, the destruction of the plants as soon as possible after the maturing of the crop was the only measure calculated to seriously reduce the number of weevils. It was also essential to plant cotton as early as possible in the spring to avoid the weevils bred on the volunteer, or hold-over, cotton which negligent planters had left in the ground. The extension of the pest farther north and the possibility of securing cotton varieties with determinate habits of growth introduce several new considerations. The hold-over cotton is eliminated from the problem, but in the more northern latitudes, where the cold comes earlier and the temperature remains lower throughout the winter, it may often happen that there will be no period in which the weevils can be reduced by starvation, unless time can be secured for this purpose in the spring by the plant- ing of short-season varieties of cotton. «Cook, O. F., 1905. Progress in tue Stuuy of the Kelep, Science, N. 8., 21: 052. PROTECTIVE CHARACTERS OF KEKCHI COTTON. 13 ? Instead of colder winters being unfavorable to the weevils, there is every probability that cold sufficient to keep them in a torpid, inactive condition will preserve their noxious lives much better than warm and pleasant weather, which enables them to continue active and thus deplete their vital energies. The winter of 1904-5 was one of un- precedented severity in Texas, both in absolute temperature and in continued cold and wet, and yet the weevils were able, in many locali- ties, to infest heavily the early plantings of cotton to a far greater extent than in previous years. The farther north the locality the more will the efficiency of cul- tural methods of avoiding the boll weevil depend upon the plant- ing of quick-maturing varieties of cotton. It is true that in a favorable season the cotton planted first would set its crop soonest, and thus escape a part of the damage suffered by adjoining fields of later growth, the earlier fields breeding weevils to attack in larger force the later plantings. But instead of insuring a decrease of the number of weevils in a given locality and checking the propagation of the pest, very early planting by a part of the farmers of a community might tend, after an early fall and a cold winter, to the opposite result, since it would save the lives of large numbers of weevils which would otherwise perish before the cotton, if sown a few weeks later, would be large enough to furnish the weevils with food. Dr. Herbert J. Webber states that planting ‘could probably be deferred even to the middle of June without impair- ing the chances of a crop as large as that which can be obtained in the presence of the weevil. There would seem to be little object in planting cotton where the weevils are as abundant as in some places in southern Texas in the spring of the present year, 1905. Nevertheless, the opportune occurrence of a few weeks of dry weather was able, even then, to greatly improve the prospects of @ crop. No matter how bad the weevils, the planter still has hope that dry weather may come and save his crop from being a total loss. .As long as indeterminate varie- ties are planted this possibility will always make it difficult to carry out a general policy of early destruction of the plants. Some of our Upland varieties of cotton are early enough in the sense that they begin flowering and fruiting very promptly, but unless the season is very dry they will produce a continuous succession of buds until they are pulled up or frost cuts them off. The earli- ness of practical value is not to be shown merely by the date of flowering, but by the date of ripening the crop of bolls and of ceasing to form new buds in which weevils can breed. If the im- provements noted in other parts of this report can be realized in practice, it would no longer be necessary to destroy the cotton plants 14 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. in order to’ put an end to the breeding of the weevils. It would then become practicable and desirable to regulate planting so as to bring the growing period of the cotton at the most favorable season for a rapid development of the crop, and thus to give ‘the weevils the shortest possible opportunities for breeding. If the fall and winter had favored the survival of many weevils, planting could well be deferred until the weevils had disappeared, a fact which could be ascertained by starting early a few observation plants from which the weevils could be carefully picked by hand as long as they con- tinued to appear. The extent of the mortality of the boll weevil in the spring has been well shown in the investigations reported by Mr. W. D. Hunter on the effects of applying Paris green to the very young cotton as a means of destroying the weevils which had lived through the winter. Numerous dead weevils were found in the poisoned fields, but equal or even greater numbers were found in those to which no Paris green had been apphed, and the conclusion was drawn that a large propor- tion of the weevils, which pass the winter in a state of hibernation or torpidity induced by the cold, perish through starvation or other causes in the spring, after the weather has become warm enough to render them active again and permit them to renew their search for cotton plants on which to feed and lay their eggs.” : It is easy to understand, too, that after the weevils have been re- duced by the cold to a condition of inactivity involving an almost com- plete suspension of the vital functions, the lack of food and the lapse of time can make very little difference with them. Starvation comes much quicker during warm weather while they are going actively about, so that it is the autumn and spring which must be relied upon to reduce the numbers of the weevils rather than the cold periods of the winter months. Messrs. Hunter and Hinds have also noted as significant the fact that of weevils captured at the middle of Decem- ber, 15.8 per cent passed the winter successfully, while of another lot captured a month earlier, only 1 per cent survived. Their conclu- sions were as follows: It is evident that the weevils which pass the winter and attack the crop of the following season are among those developed latest in the fall and which, in consequence of that fact, have not exhausted their vitality by oviposition or any considerable length of active life. With these facts in mind it becomes plain that no objections need be raised on general biological principles to the introduction of new aA determinate vantety of cotton would also avoid the “cuiltwel disadvan- tages incidental to very early planting, for if the weather happens to turn cold and wet the cotton is often either killed outright and has to be replanted or, what is still worse, it becomes permanently stunted and unproductive. b Hunter, W. D., 1904. The Use of fies Green in Controlling the Cotton Boll Weevil, Farmers’ Bulletin No. 211, U. S. Department of Agriculture. VARIATIONS IN KEKCHI COTTON. — £5 . quick-maturing varieties of cotton from tropical countries on the ground that cold weather will exclude them from the United States. The early spring is the only time in which they will be likely to encounter adverse conditions in this respect, and if varieties can be secured which are able to mature a satisfactory crop in a short season, these quick-maturing qualities will far more than compensate for any lack of ability to withstand cold weather in the early spring. The Kekchi cotton may prove, however, to be quite as tolerant of cold as the other Upland varieties now cultivated in the United States.* In its native country it is planted in October and grows throughout the winter months in mountain valleys where tempera- tures of between 40° and 60° F. are not infrequent. (Pl. L.) VARIATIONS IN THE KEKCHI COTTON. Very great diversity of size, habit of growth, and other features exists in the Indian cotton of the vicinity of Secanquim and Cajabon. The plants cultivated by Mr. John H. Kinsler on the United States system were also very different from any grown by the Indians, being much more robust and compact than in the more crowded native fields. The spreading lateral branches and low, compact growth of the Kekchi cotton, as shown in Plate IT, figure 1, might have cultural disadvantages if these tendencies were to be maintained in regular field cultures. Such, however, is not likely to be the case. When growing closer together the plants are more upright and less leafy below. To what extent the differences observed thus far represent varietal characters can scarcely be determined without a field test of the apparently different strains, side by side. The broken, precipitous nature of the country renders it impossible to rely upon comparisons of the conditions of the different fields. The conservative agricultural habits of the Indians would tend to the continued planting by one man or family of the same seed for long periods of years, which might well conduce to the formation of separate strains. The low germinating power of the seed may pos- sibly be due to such inbreeding, though it is more likely that it deteri- orates because of the humidity of the climate.’ Nevertheless, our experiments were sufficient to prove that even among plants grown from seed raised by the same Indian there were very appreciable «This was shown to be a fact before the report was printed. See p. 18. » The Indians appreciate the fact that the cotton seed does not germinate well. They are accustomed to plant six seeds together, from which two or three plants usually reach maturity, often with one or two insignificant dwarfs underneath. The yield per plant in these crowded fields is naturally very small, but the larger individuals often bear from 20 to 30 bolls. At Rabinal from 6 to 10 plants in a cluster is the rule, the product of the individual being still further reduced. 16 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. (lifferences, sufficient to have a very practical bearing upon the ques- tion of securing strains having the special characters required in the United States. Indeed, there was nearly as much diversity among the Guatemalan plants as among all the Upland varieties, though these were in some cases unusually variable, as a result apparently of the transfer to new and unwonted conditions of climate and soil. The usual number of locks or cells in a boll of the Kekchi cotton is four, but bolls containing three or five are not uncommon; often they are on plants which have otherwise the usual number. There is also considerable diversity on the same plant in the shape of the bolls, some, for example, remaining quite conical and pointed, while others round-out to near the apex. One plant was observed in which the bolls were very nearly spherical. The involucre was also unusually large. The plant had an unusually deep red or black- ish color, and was distinctly more vigorous than its neighbors, as often happens with mutations. It is not at all probable that a close selection has ever been prac- ticed by the Indians, so that a wide diversity of mutational charac- ters may be expected when once the variety has been brought under careful observation. The stems and petioles of the Kekchi cotton plant are dark red, or at least spotted with red, and the leaves turn dull red with matu- rity. The bracts and bolls are green when young, but with age and exposure to the sun become more or less tinged or spotted with red. The outer involucral nectaries also turn deep red, especially the two upper ones, even while the buds are still very young. The great majority of the leaves are simply three-pointed, but many of them have an additional smaller lateral point on each side near the base. a@QOne plant at Secanquim showed a very decided instance of variegation with white and red, though the latter color might have been due to an increased tendency of the white portions to take the red discoloration common on normal leaves. The lower branches of the plant show only normal green coloration, and a part of the upper branches is also normal in color and size, and with fruits rather above the average size. The variegated branches do not regu- larly alternate, nor do they come all from one side, but they might still have connection with the phyllotaxy. There’ seem to be two stages of the variega- tion, a white and a light greenish-yellow; the latter may belong only to young leaves. soth are distributed with the utmost irregularity, and both may affect the upper surface of the leaf while the under surface remains green, or vice versa, though the latter condition is much less common than the former. The etiolated portions of the leaves, involucres, and fruits do not attain the full size of the corresponding normal organs, so that the parts affected are more or less unsymmetrical, though where the variegation is slight this result may be apparent, or if it be complete the symmetry is not affected. Except for two premature bolls the seed was not ripe, and these were from the nor- mal lower part of the plant. ’ ACCLIMATIZATION OF KEKCHI COTTON. 17 EFFECTS OF GUATEMALAN CONDITIONS ON UNITED STATES VARIETIES. The behavior of the United States varieties under changed climatic conditions in Guatemala is interesting in several ways. The “ King,” which in the United States appears to resemble the Guatemalan variety most nearly, here loses most of its distinctive characters and breaks up into’a variety of types, many of which would not be recog- nized in the United States as at all related to King. One of these is « “limbless” or “cluster” variety, which for a time appeared to Mr. Kinsler as a very promising new sort. It was smaller and dis- tinctly earlier than King plants of the normal type, and seemed likely to be more productive, but only a few bolls developed, and these proved to be of abnormal form, with deep grooves or notches across the tip. One of the features in which the change of climate seems to pro- duce remarkable effects is that of earliness. The King, which in the States is looked upon as the earliest variety, is found by Mr. Kinsler to be somewhat exceeded in this respect by “ Allen,” which has not been looked upon as a competitor. The Sea Island and Egyptian varieties, too, prove to be much more precocious than was expected. Some of them begin flowering almost as soon as the Upland sorts. The Rivers variety of Sea Island cotton, in particular, was very early, robust, and productive, distinctly ahead of the near-by Janno- vitch, though not so tall. ACCLIMATIZATION OF KEKCHIT ‘COTTON IN THE UNITED STATES. It was not unexpected that the Kekchi cotton would show a change in its method of growth on being transferred to Texas. New condi- tions of soil and climate often cause notable disturbances of the organism. Some of the tropical cottons planted in Texas for experi- mental purposes have grown into large bushes without showing the shghtest tendency to produce fruit or even flowers. In 1904 cotton from Peru planted at Victoria, Tex., grew most vigorously to a height of 18 feet, but remained quite sterile. Jt is possible, however, that even in their own country these were what are called * tree cottons,” which usually grow to considerable size before beginning to flower. Letters from Mr. Kinsler, in charge of our experimental plot at Pierce, Tex., relate a similar behavior on the part of the Kekchi cotton, which at that place has grown large and rank; but toward the end of July it was beginning to fruit, so that the ripening of seeds in Texas is to be anticipated. Two or three years will probably suffice to diminish this abnormal vegetative vigor, due to the stimulus of the new conditions, and per- mit a return to the normal earliness of the variety. Similar results 9962—No. 88—05 M——2 18 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. have attended the introduction into Texas of Mexican varieties of corn. The plants grew 14 feet high the first year and bore very little seed; in the following seasons they became smaller, earlier, and more productive. The probability that the Kekchi cotton can be grown even at the northern limits of cotton cultivation is strongly indicated by the results of an experiment at Lanham, Md. (1905). In favorable sea- sons cotton can be grown to maturity as far north as Washington, but the present year has been very unfavorable, the summer months being for the most part cool and rainy, and with several intervals of unusually low temperature. The cotton, which was planted intention- ally in rather poor soil, to avoid too great luxuriance of growth, ger- minated very badly and remained small and stunted until August. The Kekchi rows have, however, produced more plants, and more of these have grown to maturity than with any of the domestic or for- eign varieties included in the test. The Kekchi type has also remained more constant in Maryland than did the King variety when grown in Guatemala, though there are obvious differences between individual plants. Two plants in particular were found to have numerous buds, some ready to blossom before any of the others had begun to show signs of productive maturity. It might be feared that a variety newly introduced from a tropical country would be likely to suffer more from low temperatures than our United States varieties, but this seems not to be the case with the Kekchi cotton, even when the cold is carried down to the freezing point. There were light frosts in Lanham about the end of Septem- ber, just sufficient, as it happened, to do appreciable damage to cotton in low ground. The Kekchi plants did not suffer more than the American Upland varieties. The difference, if any, was in favor of the Kekchi cotton, perhaps on account of the closer foliage. Many annual plants, even those of tropical origin, are most vigor- ous and productive at their northern limits of growth, not, as has been supposed, because this is the coldest part of their range, but because the heat and sunlight, necessary to plant growth, are greater during our summer months than can be secured in a similar time in the Tropics, owing to the much longer days of our northern latitudes. The Pachon cotton from western Guatemala, though it has grown taller at Victoria, Tex. (52-79 inches), than at Lanham, Md. (80-40 inches), has produced numerous buds in Maryland, but none in Texas. The Kekchi cotton also appears to have been more productive at Lanham than at Victoria, to judge from a recent partial report from Mr. Argyle McLachlan. a Cook, O. F., 1902. Agriculture in the Tropical Islands of the United States, Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture for 1901, p, 367. EARLY BEARING AIDED BY LONG BASAT. BRANCHES. 19 It is very possible, therefore, that if the Guatemalan variety is able to thrive in the United States it will ripen its crop here in even less time than it requires in Guatemala, and this is rendered the more probable from the fact that in Guatemala the cotton has to be planted in the rainy season and is obliged to exist for the first few months under conditions of excessive moisture. The dry season of this district is short and uncertain. For two years, 1903 and 1904, the Indians were unable to burn their clearings, so that the corn crop failed and the community was reduced to the verge of starvation. The cotton crop, in normal seasons, is said to be planted in the latter half of October and ripens in March. The introduction of a dwarf, short-season cotton would require, of course, something of a change in cultural methods in the South, since the smaller size of the plants will need to be compensated by closer planting. It will be readily understood that to secure the setting of a crop in the minimum of time as many plants as possible should be set at work. The question is not that of the maximum product for each plant or for a given area. With the weevil in the field the time factor becomes of chief importance. . Little is gained in reality by the rank growth of the larger varie- ties; in fact there is a distinct loss in earliness, even though some bolls are set in the early part of the season. If these are overshad- owed and starved by the continued upward growth, the crop is delayed and the lower part of the plant becomes, on the whole, distinctly unproductive. EARLY BEARING FACILITATED BY LONG BASAL BRANCHES. The earliness of the Kekchi cotton is made possible by the fact that the bolls are nearly all borne at the base of the plant, the upper branches and their folage serving merely to assist in bringing to maturity the fruits which are set while the plant is still very young. Like several other tropical economic species, such as coffee, cacao, and the Central American rubber tree, the cotton plant has two kinds of branches—the true or primary branch, which arises in the normal position of branches in the axil of the leaf, and the secondary or fruit branches, one of which arises at the side of each primary branch. In most varieties only a few of the true branches are developed: often none at all. They are almost always plainly indicated, however, by a small bud or a stunted leaf or two, in case the bud has not remained entirely dormant. Cotton plants are either right-handed or left-handed in the sense that on the same plant all the secondary branches come out on the same side of the primary branches. It is possible, therefore, to de- termine by its position whether any particular branch is a primary or 20 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. a secondary. But the function of the two sorts of branches does not always remain as distinct as in the coffee and cacao. A primary branch, like the main stem, never bears any flowers; it produces only leaves and other branches, mostly secondary. Secondary branches, on the other hand, produce normally a flower bud at the axil of each leaf, and this rule holds very generally, except that at the lower part of the plant it sometimes happens that a branch which has the secondary position functions as a primary; that 1s, instead of bearing buds and flowers it produces only leaves and sec- ondary branches. In the Kekchi cotton, as grown crowded together in the Indian fields, the primary branches seldom appear, but when more space is allowed and the soil is fertile it is usual for two branches to start from the axil of each of the lower leaves, one promptly pro- ducing flowers, the other assisting in the rapid increase of the leaf surface of the plant and of its power to elaborate food. Under the popular idea that plants draw their food from the ground the possession of branches which bear little or no fruit might be looked upon as an undesirable character, but when we take into consideration the fact that the leaves instead of the roots are the true assimilating organs of the plant it becomes apparent that a variety of cotton which develops its lower primary branches may have an advantage in earliness over one which is obliged to depend for its foliage upon secondary or fruit-bearing branches. In the matter of determinate habits of growth these primary branches are also a fea- ture, because they enable a plant to produce a full quota of leaves without unduly increasing the number of fruiting branches and thus continuing to add to the number of superfluous buds. The most obvious characteristic of the Kekchi cotton as it grows in our experimental plots is the long basal branches, which often equal or exceed in length the main stem itself. The most prolific branches of the United States varieties are those which come out from the main stem at the height of about a foot, but the bulk of the crop on the Kekchi cotton is borne much closer to the ground. (PI. II, fig. 2.) The long basal branches facilitate the early ripening of a uniform crop of cotton, but they will not be an advantage under all cireum- stances; as, for example, in dry regions where the weevil can be held in check by open culture. The necessary exposure of the fallen squares to the full sunlight on hot, dry soil would be interfered with by a plant of low spreading habit and dense foliage. EARLY REJECTION OF SUPERFLUOUS SQUARES. That the Kekchi cotton has a limited or determinate growth and does not take advantage of the perpetual summer to become a tree or even a large bush is evident from the fact that in the latter part of EARLY REJECTION OF SUPERFLUOUS SQUARES. 21 the season most of the flower buds and leaf buds blast and fall off while still very young, before the weevil would give attention to them. By the time the first of the cotton is beginning to ripen, most of the plants have ceased flowering and no new leaves are being put forth. Generally there are bolls only near the base of the plant. It is a normal character of the cotton plant that the fruiting branches shall produce a bud at each node or joint; that is, at the base of each leaf. If all these buds were to be retained and treated impar- tially to the food materials which the plant is able to supply, the result would undoubtedly be disastrous, since the plant would be able to bring very few of its fruits to maturity, perhaps none at all, unless a part of the burden were removed by the weevils or by other outside causes. It is under the necessity of throwing off a part of its load of fruit at one stage or another of its development, the younger the better. The rejection is accomplished by the formation at the base of the peduncle, or fruit stalk, of special layers of cells of soft texture, which soon disintegrate and allow the bud or young fruit to fall off. This is one of the many instances of the prodigality of nature, which makes so many allowances in advance for the accidents which beset the existence of all living things. The waste of buds is, perhaps, not so large in proportion among the perennial “ tree” cottons, which form a considerable shrub before beginning to blossom. In cultiva- tion, however, the tendency has always been to encourage early bear- ing, and thus reduce the early vegetative period of the plant and bring it to a precocious maturity. The result is that fruiting branches are produced, even on young plants, and buds are formed out of all true proportion to the actual productive power. The babit of rejecting a large part of the squares and bolls is espe- cially obvious in the “ cluster cottons,” varieties in which the branches are abnormally shortened, so that the leaf surface of the plant is still further reduced. This cuts down still more the productive power of the individual plant, though there may be a gain in the number which ‘an be grown on a given area. But cluster cottons have not learned to moderate their promises to correspond with their powers of performance, and continue to set vast numbers of buds, flowers, and bolls, which they are unable to ripen. The same is true to a less obvious extent of all our Upland varieties, but until the advent of the boll weevil the superfluous buds were not a serious factor, and the waste under favorable conditions was often well compensated by the power to recover and set a new “In Texas it is believed that rain at the time of flowering reduces the crop to half the normal quantity, or even less. The explanation given is that water settles in the flowers and prevents fertilization. This might serve as an addi- tional indication that cotton originated in a dry climate. 22 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. crop when in unfavorable seasons the earlier buds were lost, or when, as occasionally happened in southern Texas, there was a liberal top crop, or second period of bearing, late in the autumn months. The presence of the weevil alters all these factors. The superfluous buds become positively detrimental, for they furnish the breeding grounds for successive generations of weevils and enable the pest to attain in the latter half of the season such numbers that a top crop not only becomes utterly impossible, but a menace is prepared for the cotton of the following year. For, although only a small proportion of the weevils live through the winter, the number of survivors un- doubtedly has a very practical relation to the supply maintained at the end of the previous season, and this again is merely a question of this persistent production of buds, now much worse than useless. A short-season variety of cotton having a sufficiently determinate habit of growth would by itself constitute a solution of the weevil problem. The Department’s entomological investigations in Texas indicate that it is only the weevils hatched in the last month of the growing season—in October or November—which have a prospect of surviving the winter. A cotton which ceased to produce buds after July or August would remove the chance of wintering over from all the weevils except the few that might develop in the bolls, an almost infinitesimal number compared with those that now attain maturity in the squares. Much would be gained, of course, if all planters would promptly pick their cotton and then pull up and destroy the plants, being especially careful to collect the infested bolls. But to carry out efficiently such a programme is difficult and expensive. To what extent, if any, the Kekchi cotton will meet this need of a short-season determinate variety, it 1s too early to form an opinion, but the fact that it has these qualities to a higher degree than any of the varieties hitherto known in the United States must be accepted as evidence, at least, that the possibilities of this method of protection have not been realized. In the latter part of the season the Kekchi cotton ceases the upward growth of the main stem and its branches and regularly drops the greater part of its buds before they are large enough to be entered or fed upon by the weevils, and the analogies to be drawn from the habits of other plants will justify persistent efforts toward the development in this and in other stocks of the habit of rejecting the buds still earlier or of not forming them at all after the first crop of fruits has set. Many plants have, in fact, exactly this habit so desirable in cotton; they continue to flower until permitted to set seed. SEASONAL BEARING OF PERENNIAL VARIETIES. 23 SEASONAL BEARING OF PERENNIAL VARIETIES. The continued existence of perennial cottons in weevil-infested countries, like Guatemala, proves the presence in these also of means of protection. One of the most important is, doubtless, the produc- tion of an annual crop at a definite season, leaving the weevils with- out opportunity to breed in the intervening months, thus greatly reducing their numbers. The popular impression that tropical plants take advantage of the continuous summer climate and blossom continuously is correct only for a small minority. Where there are definite wet and dry seasons many tropical plants have-alternating periods of growth and rest almost as pronounced as in temperate climates, and even in regions of continuous humidity there are some species which shed their leaves annually and rest for a time. A further general reason for a simultaneous annual blossoming of all the flowers of a species is undoubtedly to be found in the greatly increased opportunities of cross-fertilization, just as»many insects swarm and many birds and mammals collect in flocks before the breeding season. Simultaneous flowering is carried to a remarkable extreme among the bamboos, where whole species grow for long series of years without flowering, and then flower and die at once over long distances and in spite of local diversity of conditions which might be expected to advance or retard maturity. Accordingly, while it would not be reasonable to insist that peren- nial varieties of cotton have adopted the habit of annual flowering only because of the boll weevil, the analogy of other plants may be invoked to show that such a character can be brought about by select- ive influence. The weevil could certainly assist in the development of such a tendency, especially if there were a season of the year in which the insects were less numerous, from climatic or other external causes as yet unknown. The tropical varieties of cotton are, as is well known, mostly peren- nial, and some of them develop into trees of considerable size, the trunk attaining a diameter of 6 or 8 inches, and the main branches a length of 15 or 20 feet. The existence in Mexico of tree cotton immune to the weevils has been reported, but as yet this has not been substantiated. Possibly the weevil has not yet penetrated some of the remote and arid parts of the republic. In eastern Guatemala, at least, the tree cottons appear to enjoy no immunity from the weevil, and at the time of the visit of the writer it was often impossible to secure uninjured bolls, even as samples of the varieties. The native cottons of the island of Cuba, according to Mr. E. A. Schwarz, also have the habit of annual blossoming, in the intervals of which the number of the weevils becomes greatly reduced. The cutting back 24 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. of the cotton by the Indians at Rabinal, as described in the next paragraph, is an artificial means of attaining the same end, but the native Sea Island cotton, found at San Lucas, and the Kidney cotton, at Tucuru, are the best Guatemalan examples of this protective habit. ANNUAL CUTTING BACK OF PERENNIAL VARIETIES. While the annual variety of cotton protected by the keleps is the basis of the only field culture found in eastern Guatemala, the Indian population of the central plateau about Salama and Rabinal raise small quantities of cotton in their dooryards by means of another cultural expedient, apparently of great antiquity, as indicated by the extent to which the plant is adapted to the cultural conditions. The variety is perennial and has very small and inactive nectaries, pos- sibly as an adaptive result of the dryness of the climate. Most of the perennial varieties begin bearing only after the plants have attained considerable size, but the Rabinal cotton is a notable exception to this rule and avoids injury from weevils by the very prompt flowering and fruiting of the new shoots. The weevils are present in numbers, and are frequently seen crawl- ing about on the plants in a leisurely manner quite different from that which they affect in regions stocked with keleps. At the time of our visit not a single boll or bud of any except the smallest size could be found which had not been attacked by them. Nevertheless, a crop of cotton is secured at another season. In the month of April the Indians cut back all the bushes to the ground, and as the cotton is always planted immediately about the doors of their houses, where the chickens and turkeys congregate, the mortality of weevils at this time is probably very great. The protection of the domestic birds doubtless continues until the new shoots have grown out of reach. As soon as the plants are a few inches high they begin flowering, and before the weevils are sufficiently increased in numbers to become injurious a crop has been set. Flowers and fruit are commonly borne on the lower branches, only 6 or 8 inches from the ground. The Indians say that if the cotton is not cut back, but allowed to grow tall, they get no crop. The fact is that by that time the weevils are too numerous to permit normal bolls to be formed. Our search for such was quite in vain on both our visits to Rabinal. One boll which gave no certain external proof of injury was wrapped up in a paper and retained as a sample, but was overlooked in packing and not transferred to the preserving fluid. When the paper was unwrapped a few weeks later three dead boll weevils were found. The Rabinal cotton crop is evidently not large, but the harvest is said to be regular, and the area of fertile land in this district is so small that none of it is wasted. Much foreign thread is now HAIRY STALKS AND LEAF STEMS. 25 imported, however, for weaving in the native looms. The industry has greatly declined in the last century, perhaps because chickens have been generally substituted for turkeys, which were formerly the only domestic fowl possessed by the Indians. All attempts at establishing field cultures of cotton in this region have failed. The local public, which does not take the weevil factor into consideration, is firmly persuaded that cotton will not bear ex- cept in the heavy, rich soil of the dooryards of the Indian villages. HAIRY STALKS AND LEAF STEMS. The weevil on foot is a rather slow-moving, clumsy insect, and it has been ascertained in the course of the investigations conducted by Messrs. Hunter and Hinds that its movements on the plants are to a great extent impeded by hairy stalks and leaf stems. The smooth Egyptian and Sea Island varieties were found to be more susceptible to weevil injuries than the hairy Upland sorts. The Kekchi cotton is still more hairy, however, than the United States varieties, and gains an added advantage from this fact. The longer it takes the weevils to climb from one bud to another the greater are the chances of their being caught by the keleps. The latter insects, owing to their much longer legs and the claws with which their feet are armed, are not only able to travel readily over the hairs, but find them of definite assistance. On smooth surfaces they are much less adroit in catching and stinging the boll weevils. In our experiments, too, they seemed to prefer the hairy Upland cottons to the.smooth Sea Island varieties. The difference between the two insects in this respect may also be illustrated by the fact that the keleps are unable to ascend a perpen- dicular surface of clean glass, a feat which the weevils accomplish without difficulty. That the Guatemalan cotton was more attractive to the keleps than the United States Upland and Sea Island varieties planted in ad- jacent rows seems to be indicated by a census of our plot experiment, taken April 19 by Mr. Argyle McLachlan. Kelep nests were found at the bases of 41 per cent of the plants of the other varieties, «Though distinctly hairier than our ordinary Upland varieties, the Kekchi cotton is exceeded in this respect by two other Guatemalan types, as well shown in a field test at Lanham, Md. The Pachon cotton obtained by Mr. William R. Maxon in the Retalhuleu district, of western Guatemala is distinctly more hairy than the Kekchi variety, though it seems to be lacking in other weevil- resisting features. The involucral bracts are not closed any more than in the Sea Island or Hgyptian types. The most hairy cotton of all is the Rabinal variety, at least in the form it has taken at Lanham. The plants are very much more robust in every respect than at home in Guatemala, and the hairy covering shares in this increased vigor. 26 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. while 76 per cent of the plants of the Kekchi cotton were favored with kelep nests. This apparent preference may be somewhat exaggerated, perhaps, in view of the fact that the plants were often farther apart in the rows of the Kekchi cotton, the seed having germinated very irregularly. Moreover, the superior attraction of the Kekchi cotton for the keleps may not have consisted entirely in the greater hairiness or the more abundant nectar. The compact foliage and spreading lower branches of the Kekchi cotton give greater protection from the midday sun, which the keleps utilize by greater activity in the middle of the day. With the Sea Island varieties it seemed obvious, however, that the smooth stems, more open habit, and smaller supply of nectar result in distinctly less attention from the keleps. From 9 or 10 o’clock on hot days they foraged very little, and seemed to have quite disappeared from these varieties, though still to be found in considerable numbers on the stems of the Upland varieties and most of all on the Kekehi cotton, which appears especially adapted for the comfort and con- venience of the keleps. It was noticed, however, that the keleps went much more often into the involucres of the Sea Island and Egyptian varieties than into those of the Kekchi cotton, for the simple reason, probably, that they can get in more easily. In the latter part of the season, after the weevils had gained a foot- ing in this field, Professor Pittier noticed a very decided preference on their part for the Egyptian varieties, though it seems certain that this type of cotton had never been planted in the country before. The partiality of the weevils might be explained, perhaps, on such grounds as the relative absence of the keleps, and also the ease of access to the buds of the Egyptian cotton allowed by the more open involucres. However, a slight change of food or of conditions of growth is often a distinct advantage to plants and animals, so that a direct preference for a new variety as food might reasonably be expected, and similar instances are known. The greater hairiness of the stems and the presence of the keleps may also explain why the weevils in Guatemala were seldom seen walking about on the cotton plants as they do in Texas. On the other hand, they take to wing very readily and seem to prefer to alight in the open flowers, the only places on the cotton plants where they are safe from the keleps. The petals are so smooth that the keleps seldom descend into the flowers, and when they do sometimes appear to be unable to climb out. The petals of the Sea Island sorts are smooth even on the mar- gins, sometimes entirely so, while those of the Upland varieties are fringed with fine hairs well up on the sides, if not all the way round the apex. PENDENT BOLLS. 27 The liability to capture by such an insect as the kelep may also afford an explanation of the peculiar sedentary habits of the male weevils, which often remain stationary in one involucre for long periods, or as long as their food supply lasts. It is necessary for the females to go about in search of fresh squares for egg laying, but similarly active habits on the part of the males would subject them to unnecessary danger. PENDENT BOLLS. The early bearing of the Kekchi cotton is made possible, as already noted, by the unusual development of the lower lateral branches, which often have a drooping habit, leaving the buds and bolls in pendent position, intead of upright. There are several advantages in this arrangement, one being that the instinct of the weevils leads them to the upper portion of the plant. In a very badly infested field without kelep protection, the only bolls which escaped the weevils were a few lying close to the ground on these lower pendent branches of the Kekchi cotton. Only at the time of flowering does the peduncle curve upward and give the flower its normal upright position. Thus these drooping lateral branches of the cotton, which seem to hide the buds and bolls away from the weevil, may be looked upon as a short step in the direction of such phenomena as the cleistogamous flowers of violets which remain buried in the ground, or those of the peanut which, after flowering, burrow into the soil to ripen their seeds. ° The flowers of the cotton plant open in a more or less directly up- right position, and this is retained by the boll in most varieties. In the so-called “ stormproof ” sorts, however, the bolls hang down, and this is looked upon by many planters as a distinct advantage, since when the boll is ripe and open the rain does not beat into it and wet the cotton or wash it out, but is shed by the protecting outer shell and involucre. On pendent bolls the external nectaries are brought upward, so that there is no danger of an abundant secretion of nectar being lost by dropping off. The surface of the nectary is papillate and has a somewhat waxy appearance. The secretion often collects as a dis- tinct drop. The nectaries are also more readily visited by the keleps. and the young bolls are likely to be better protected by them. If these remained upright, the weevils would be more likely to alight and enter the involucre at once. The drooping habit may have a mechanical explanation as the re- sult of the weakness of the comparatively slender lateral branches. It is also to be connected, perhaps, with the habit of early flowering and fruiting, since this would bring heavier bolls upon smaller and softer branches which would be twisted over by their weight. In 28 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. the later and more upright varieties the flowers are not formed until the wood of the branches has hardened and become strong and rigid. Pendent bolls may thus be said to be incompatible with the cluster habit, which is brought about by the abnormal shortening and thick- ening of the lateral branches, which are able to hold their flowers and fruits rigidly upright, except as they may be turned sidewise by bemg crowded together. The cluster cottons, too, have the undesirable tendency to an abnormal multiplication of squares and young bolls, many more than the restricted leaf surface of the plant will enable it to ripen. This superabundance of flowers and fruits gives, how- ever, the greater encouragement to the weevil, and uses up vegetative energy which could be better employed in the prompt ripening of the bolls already set. It is no uncommon thing, however, for even half- sized bolls of cluster cottons to die without any sign of external injury or disease, while other varieties close by remain perfectly healthy. The cause is probably to be found in inadequate nutrition, but this might also be expected to give them increased susceptibility to injury from parasitic enemies of every kind. It is not unlikely, too, that the drooping habit may be connected with the greater size of the inside nectaries of the Guatemalan vari- ety. These are, as far as we have seen, larger than in any other American variety yet known; but the Asiatic cottons, which have the inside nectaries still larger and more active, are also more definitely pendent. The involucre is grown together at the base, as though to more thoroughly protect the nectaries from above—from the sun, which would dry up the secretion, and from the rain, which would wash it off. The nectar is formed in great abundance, and Mr. F. J. Tyler, of this Department, has called attention to the fact that the surface of the nectaries of the Asiatic cottons, instead of being merely papil- late, as in the American Upland varieties, has a covering of close- standing fine hairs, to which its velvety appearance is due. Finally, it may be remarked that for cotton with upright bolls the inside nectaries are often an element of danger, since when the secre- tion is abundant and is not removed it flows along the bases of the involucre and may serve as a medium for the germination of parasitic fungi or bacteria. Bolls are not infrequently found diseased around the base, apparently from this cause. EXTRAFLORAL NECTARIES. The cotton plant is not without floral nectaries similar to those of related genera, consisting of fringes of nectar-secreting hairs lining the pits inclosed between the bases of the petals. The nectar serves, doubtless, the same purpose as in other plants, the attraction of the EXTRAFLORAL NECTARIES. 29 honey-loving insects through which cross-fertilization is secured. It does not appear, however, that the floral nectaries of the cotton have any connection with the problem of weevil resistance, although the weevils seem in Guatemala to spend a considerable part of their time in the flowers, which are indeed the only safe places for them on plants protected by the keleps. It had been noticed from the first that the keleps seldom visit the cotton flowers, and Mr. Kinsler has learned a very adequate explanation of this fact, namely, that they are able to climb out of the flowers only with considerable difficulty, and sometimes remain imprisoned in spite of all their efforts to escape. The functions of the extrafloral nectaries of plants are, as far as ‘an be ascertained, similar to those of the floral nectaries to the extent that they attract insects, but beyond this there is a fundamental dif- ference; the floral nectaries and highly colored floral organs serve to secure visits of flying insects and thus maintain intercommunication and cross-fertilization between the different members of the same speciés, in spite of the fact that the individual plants are rooted fast in the ground. The extrafloral nectaries, on the other hand, attract to the plants insects which will remain upon them as permanent resi- dents, and this is the end secured by the extrafloral nectaries of the cotton. It may be objected by some that no use or benefit to the plant has been ascertained in the case of many species which have extrafloral nectaries and other insect-attracting devices. Much remains to be learned concerning these marvelous biological specializations, and there are two obvious alternatives which need to be canvassed before belief in the adaptive nature of extrafloral nectaries and analogous structures can be destroyed. The character and extent of many such specializations show that they have existed for a long time. They may have served protective purposes no longer apparent. The other consideration is that some of the symbiotic specializations existing between such plants as Cecropia and Acacia and their insect inhab- itants have arisen through selective encouragement, much as the special characters of our domestic plants and animals have been developed. It may be sufficient, in other words, that the nectaries or other structures be of use to the insects which have done the selecting. It may seem absurd to think of bushes or trees as having been domesti- cated by ants many thousands of years ago, but the wonder is no greater than that ants and termites regularly maintained subter- ‘anean fungus gardens ages before mushroom culture was undertaken by man. 30 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. NECTARIES OF THE LEAVES. The midrib of each leaf bears on the under side an oblong pit, from which a drop of nectar may often be seen to exude. This is collected and eaten by the keleps, which are thus induced to visit all parts of the plants, especially while they are still small. The habit of collecting the nectar was not previously known to exist among the insects of the family (Poneride) to which the kelep has been referred. Nevertheless, the fact is not open to question. The process is easy of observation in even greater detail than with the true ants or the bees, because the keleps do not, like these insects, have the art of regurgitating their food. They merely lap the nectar up to form a drop, which, protected by the widely opened mandibles, is carried into the nest to feed the queen and the young. Nectaries, or at least nectary-like depressions, are to be found probably on the leaves of all varieties of cotton, though very small and apparently inactive on some of the larger tree sorts.¢ The shape of the nectaries also varies greatly in the different species and varieties, some being longitudinal, others transverse, and still others crescentic or even sagittate. Some varieties have nectaries on the three principal veins, and some even on five veins. The leaf nectaries of the Kekchi cotton are to be found on the midrib of the leaf about 1.5 em. from the base. They consist of a rather shallow longitudinally oval depression surrounded by a broad raised rim. The midrib often appears distinctly narrower above the depression than below it, as though there were extra tissues to supply it. The secretion is quite active, nearly all the nectaries showing a small amount of liquid, which sometimes spreads out on the adjacent surfaces. These nectaries furnish, as might be expected, a medium favorable for the growth of molds or fungi, and there is often a considerable network of dark-colored fungus mycelium creeping in and about the moistened depressions, and with occasional erect, needlelike points, which may be fruiting bodies. «This was not true, however, of a Mexican “tree cotton” of the Upland type grown in the Department’s experimental plots in Texas last year. Large nectaries were generally present on three veins of each leaf, and the midvein often had two. They were of the crescentic or sagittate type, but often extremely long and distorted. Another Mexican tree cotton, with a different type of lighter green foliage, suggesting that of Bixa, “had nectaries only on the midvein and these reduced to a narrow groove. The vein was not thickened nor the margins raised. The two varieties were about as different as could well be with respect to nectaries. Neither produced either flowers or fruit, so that their true relationships were not to be ascertained. NECTARIES OF THE INVOLUCRE. 31 EXTERNAL NECTARIES OF THE INVOLUCRE. The Guatemalan cotton protected by the keleps has three broadly oval or reniform pits at the base of the involucre, one at the middle of the base of each of the involucral leaves.*. These are larger, deeper, and more active than the nectaries of any of the Texas varieties as yet observed, though there is very great diversity of size and nectar- secreting activity. In some of the varieties these nectaries are reduced to mere rudiments or are entirely wanting. The depres- sion may be present, but with no secreting tissue. The variety nearest approaching the Guatemalan cotton in having large and active necta- ries is the Redshank, but the King and other related sorts also have fairly large nectaries. The drooping or pendent position of the bolls in the Kekchi cotton may be correlated with the special development of these nectaries, as already noted. In the middle of the day the keleps are not very active, but the nectaries are sometimes full to overflowing. If the bolls kept the erect position usual in the varieties cultivated in the United States the nectar would frequently drop off and be lost, but when the fruits hang down the cuplike nectaries are brought upper- _most and hold the liquid much longer. The evolutionary origin of these nectaries is fairly obvious. The bracts are to be looked upon merely as modified leaves, with nectaries which have increased in size and activity as the leaves have become smaller and more specialized. , INNER NECTARIES OF THE INVOLUCRE. As though to induce the keleps to come inside the involucre and thus more effectually protect the young buds and bolls against the weevil, the Guatemalan cotton is also provided with unusually large interior nectaries, alternating in position with those of the outer series and thus placed opposite the edges of the involucral leaves or bracts. These inside nectaries, like the outside ones, are larger and more active than those on most of the cottons cultivated in the Southern States, but the closing of the involucre and the devolopment of the inside’ nectaries have been carried much farther in the Old World cottons belonging to the species Gossypium herbaceum. Here the external nectaries are quite wanting, but the internal ones are enormously larger and heartshaped, and secrete nectar in such quantities that it often flows out in the groove between the adnate #Instances are occasionally found where only two nectaries are developed, but such deficiencies are much less frequent than in other varieties of the Upland and Sea Island series. The Rabinal cotton commonly has only two external nectaries. The Old World cottons thus far observed have no nectaries in this position. 32 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. bracts to moisten the edges of the involucre. As yet, however, the purpose of these adaptations in the Asiatic cottons is entirely unknown, both the boll weevil and the kelep being absent in the Eastern Hemisphere. The botanical homology of the inner nectaries is somewhat different from that of the outer. They correspond in all probability with the nectaries which are found on the calyx of some of the species of Hibiscus, but there the calyx is large and covers the buds and each sepal bears a nectary near its middle. NECTARIES OF GUATEMALAN SEA ISLAND COTTON. A variety of Kidney cotton planted in small quantities by the Indians at Trece Aguas, Guatemala, has the outer nectaries very variable in size and commonly quite wanting. The inside necta- ries seem always to be developed and are unusually large, being ex- ceeded, as far as known, only by those of the Asiatic varieties. The nectar secretion is also very abundant. No weevils were found upon this cotton, nor any keleps. On the other hand, the free-seeded Sea Island cotton found by Mr. Kinsler in the San Lucas” neighborhood, not far from the kelep cotton culture of Secanquim, reverses again the tendency of the Kidney cotton to the great development of the inner nectaries and the suppression of the outer. The latter are, in the San Lucas cotton, nearly always present, of rather large size, and of a red color. The inner nectaries are often rudimentary or quite absent. CONTINUED SECRETION OF NECTAR. Our Upland varieties commonly secrete nectar only at the time of flowering, but in the Kekchi cotton the liquid continues to exude until the boll is nearly or quite full grown, thus securing the protec- «This variety not infrequently produces flowers with only two bracts, closely appressed, like a clam shell. In one such instance there were two nectaries at the base of each bract, or, to be more exact, two separate nectaries on one side and one partly divided nectary on the other, as though the nectary belonging to the deficient third bract had separated into two parts and joined the other necta- ries. ’This San Lucas Sea Island cotton is probably the variety in which the weevils were found abundant in 1902, when the first intimation was gained that the Kekchi cotton had means of protection against the weevil. The San Lucas cotton is attacked not only by weevils, but by another long-bodied in- sect larva, evidently lepidopterous, that gnaws through the boll at the ends, both from above and below, and eats out the seeds. Nothing of the sort has been seen in the fields protected by the keleps. There was also noticed in this cotton an occasional abnormality closely comparable to the navel orange. Rudimentary parts like a small secondary boll were found in the middle of bolls otherwise normal. The orange tree and the cotton plant belong, it may be remembered, to related families. BRACTLETS SUBTENDING INNER NECTARIES. 33 tion of the keleps for a longer period. The temporary character of the secretion in our United States sorts was reported by Professor Trelease several years ago. In Guatemala, however, the young bolls seem to be quite as effi- cient as the flowers. It is even possible that this generosity on the part of the plant is excessive, since if the number of keleps is small they may find all the nectar they need on the lower bolls, and hence have less inducement to inspect other parts of the plant. Under favorable conditions in Texas the cotton plant produces a much larger number of flowers than in Guatemala, so that what is lacking in quantity may be made up by numbers, in case it should become possible to utilize the keleps in Texas. RACTLETS SUBTENDING INNER NECTARIES. The Kekchi cotton is distinguished from all our Upland and Sea Island types by the more regular presence and much larger size of a series of bractlets, a pair of which usually subtends each of the inner nectaries. In other varieties these are either wanting entirely or are rare and rudimentary.” The bractlets are inserted somewhat obliquely, with their margins in contact below the nectary. Sometimes they serve to conduct nectar to the edge of the involucral bracts, the nectar following along between the slender bractlets like ink between the nibs of a pen, as though to coax the keleps inside the inmvolucre. This must happen rather infrequently, however, to judge from the great irregularity in the size of the bractlets. Sometimes they are half an inch or more long, and extend well into the angles of the involucre, or even project outside. (Pl. III.) Nevertheless. it «Professor Trelease, who studied the American Upland varieties, appears not to have found the bractlets in pairs. He says: “ These glands (the inner nec- taries) belong in reality to an inner whorl of three bracts, alternating with the outer ones, but generally wanting. In stunted plants, especially as cold weather comes on, one or more of these inner bracts may be found.” (See Comstock, 1875, Report upon Cotton Insects, 324.) The shape and position of the bractlets seem to warrant the suggestion that they represent the stipules of the outer bracts instead of an independent inner whorl of bract leaves which has first become specialized and then become rudi- mentary. The suggestion has the further warrant in that it may help to explain the numerous inyolucral appendages of some of the related plants, which range about the number 9—that is, 3 leaves and 6 stipules. The normal number should be 6, if the two whorls of leaves were represented. One of the Guatemalan species of Hibiscus examined with this interpretation in mind seemed to con- firm it by showing very often 3 of the appendages broader than the others, though-the total number varied from 8 to 11, with an irregularity quite compar- able to that of the bractlets of the cotton. Even the bracts of the cotton some- times vary, involucres of 2 bracts being found occasionally, and in rare instances 4. 9962—No. 88—05 mM——3 84 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. may well be questioned whether these inner bractlets have remained unusually large in the Kekchi cotton because they have a definite function or because of the greater size and activity of the adjacent nectaries. A variety of cotton called Pachon, planted rather extensively in the Retalhuleu district of western Guatemala, and likewise protected by the keleps, is similar to the Kekchi cotton in many respects, including the possession of these large stipular bracts subtending the inner nectaries, but with the addition that the bracts are fringed with long hairs, as though to hold the nectar the better. This may also be the function of the hairs which cover the nectaries of the Old World cottons EFFICIENCY OF THE KELEP PROTECTION. The special development of the extrafloral nectaries in the Kekchi cotton has been noted in former reports, it being the nectaries which attract the keleps to the cotton plant. That the kelep preys upon boll weevils and protects the cotton ‘crop was learned last year, but it was still possible to question the practical value of this form of defense. Such doubts would not have survived an inspection of our recent experiments in Guatemala. A small field of cotton just outside the kelep area was attacked by the weevils in such numbers that not a single normal boll developed on any of the United States Upland and Sea Island varieties. In the field protected by the keleps the weevils obtained no footing until the plants were well grown and an excellent crop of full-sized bolls had been developed. To test the efficiency of the keleps as destroyers of boll weevils and as protectors of cotton would be possible in Texas only by stocking a large area with keleps—a difficult and expensive undertaking. No small tract would give a fair indication, since the weevils from the whole neighborhood would continue to come in, and, although they might soon be captured, would be able to do vastly more damage than would be possible if the whole region were stocked with keleps. In Guatemala, however, it was quite possible to contrast a protected with an unprotected piece of cotton by the simple expedient of plant- ing outside the area occupied by the keleps. A more striking result could hardly be imagined. For several weeks, during which the two plots were under continuous observation, the one remained almost entirely free from weevils and weevil injuries and set an excellent crop, while in the other scarcely a flower opened or a boll developed. The very few exceptions were on the concealed drooping branches of the native Kekchi cotton. The weevils became, indeed, too numerous for their own prosperity and fed upon and destroyed the very young buds before they were old enough to breed larve. Twenty-five fallen squares collected and EFFICIENCY OF THE KELEP PROTECTION. 35 examined from under the plants of the plot without keleps yielded only 6 larve, or 24 per cent. They even attacked the young leaf buds, as observed last year at Rabinal. A large proportion of the injuries were caused by feeding punc- tures, but this only emphasizes the fact that the number of weevils which migrated into this plot was sufficient for a complete destruec- tion of the crop, and since the other experiment protected by the keleps was much nearer to the fields of the Indians there is every probability that the weevils would have been, if possible, even more numerous if the keleps had not been at hand to catch them. The unprotected plot was located at about one-quarter of a mile outside of the belt of Indian cotton culture, on land not inhabited by keleps. The weevils lost no time in finding the new field. Infesta- tion was complete, and quite as destructive as in Texas, the weevils being so numerous ,as to overcome whatever resistance the cotton might have been able to oppose to smaller numbers of the pests. The Sea Island, Egyptian, and United States Upland varieties were not permitted to produce flowers or even full-sized buds, and even the native Guatemalan varieties shed their squares before the per- sistent onslaughts of the weevils. Cotton is regularly cultivated by the Indians in this immediate neighborhood, and Indian plantings more or less infested with weevils were to be found within short distances of the protected field. Nevertheless, the keleps proved to be sufficiently abundant on this piece of ground to completely exclude the weevils. There were enough, indeed, to protect with apparent impartiality all the kinds of cotton included in the experiment, but if the numbers had been less and the plants had been closer together, as in the Indian fields, we may be sure that those producing the most nectar would have received the most protection from the keleps. The weevils were seldom to be found in the plot stocked with keleps as long as the Indian cotton remained in vigorous growing condition, but about the time the Indian cotton ripened, the weevils seemed to make a more determined raid on our field, and along one side nearly every plant suffered somewhat, though the weevils could rarely be found except in the open flowers, which seem to be recognized as their only safe roosting places. In a week or ten days there was a distinct falling off, so that very little damage was being done, and there was another short interval of practically complete protection. But after this a renewed onslaught began and ‘the numbers of weevils gradually increased. the Upland and Sea Island plants continuing to produce thousands of new squares in which the weevils were able to breed, quite as in the United States. That the keleps are definitely attracted to the cotton plants. as stated in previous reports, is fully demonstrated by the fact that 36 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. many of the colonies moved their nests to new burrows excavated immediately at the bases of the cotton plants. In some parts of the field the proportion of cotton plants having kelep nests established about their roots reached nearly 75 per cent, whereas the chance that the positions of the cotton plants which stood in regular rows would coincide with those of kelep nests would not be one in hun- dreds. The success of this experiment would seem to justify fully the suggestions made in connection with the first announcement of the discovery of weevil-resisting adaptations of the cotton plant, namely, that the protection which these Central American varieties had been able to secure from the kelep had afforded them an opportunity, perhaps unique, of developing other resisting adaptations. The Kekchi and other related cottons, though having no monopoly of weevil-resisting characters, furnish, however, the only instance as yet known to scientific observation in which a field culture of cotton has been maintained for long periods of time under climatic condi- tions favorable to the boll weevil. In Central America, at least, the secretion of nectar by the cotton is not a useless or meaningless function, as observers of the plant in other parts of the world have sometimes supposed. The cotton is not the only plant upon which the kelep can live, nor the boll weevil the only insect upon which it preys. To secure the attention and obvious preference of the kelep the cotton has been obliged to put forth the superior attractions provided by its numerous extrafloral nectaries. This additional proof of the value and efficiency of the kelep does not affect, of course, the possibility of acclimatizing it in the United States. A more extended search in Guatemala resulted in finding the insects under a wide range of conditions, and at altitudes of from 200 to 2,000 feet. It lives and thrives, moreover, in soils very much drier than those to which it was supposed last year to be confined. Last year’s experiments in Texas indicated likewise that the kelep with- stands drought much better than it does standing water in its burrows, and care is being taken this season to locate colonies with a view to adequate drainage. OTHER NECTAR-BEARING PLANTS VISITED BY THE KELEPS, ’ The honey-colleeting habits of the keleps are not confined to the cotton. Another favorite is a species of Bidens (2B. pilosa) called by the Indians “tshubai,”’ which has considerable value as a forage plant, being of quick growth and succulent texture. The preference of the kelep for the tshubai as a second choice after cotton was noted last year, but no explanation was found, though THE INVOLUCRE AS A PROTECTIVE STRUCTURE. 37 the plant was searched for nectaries. It was noticed by Mr. Kinsler that the keleps seemed to be giving especial attention to the midrib near its junction with the veins of the lower divisions of the leaf. Our lenses then revealed the fact that there are two minute raised wings or margins running along the upper side of the midrib and petiole, forming two narrow grooves in which the nectar is.evidently secreted. The grooves are also protected by a row of fine hairs which project across them from the raised margin. The behavior of the kelep thus receives a practical explanation, and the tshubai finds a regular place next to the cotton among the plants protected by the kelep. The nectar-secreting habit of the tshubai may also explain its being eaten so readily by stock, and may help to give it standing as a forage plant, in spite of its weedy and unpopular relatives. A second member of the composite family often visited by the keleps is the “ sajal,” a species of Melanthera (probably J/. deltoidea), which also has local value as a forage plant, being eaten greedily by horses and mules, even in preference to grass. No nectaries have been found on this. 2 eon ries DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE I. (Frontispiece.) Valley at Secanquim, Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala, the scene of experiments with weevil-resisting cotton. PLATE II. Fig. 1.—Mature plant of Kekchi cotton, to show small size and determinate habits of growth, compact foliage, and long basal branches. Fig. 2.—Plant shown in figure 1, opened to show numerous large bolls and habit of fruiting on basal branches. PLATE III. Involucres of Kekchi cotton, opened to show external and internal nectaries, bracts, and bractlets. (Natural size.) PuaTE LY. Fig. 1.—Involucres of Rabinal cotton, showing connate and closely appressed involucral bracts. (Natural size.) Fig. 2.—Open involucres of Egyptian cotton. (Natural size.) PLATE VY. Fig. 1.—Young buds of Kekchi cotton, showing numerous weevil punc- tures. The buds were split in half so that the full number of punctures could be seen. (Natural size.) Fig. 2.—Buds of Kekchi cotton (same as fig. 1), showing successful proliferations. (Natural size.) PuaTE VI. Large buds of Kekchi cotton, the distortion indicating proliferation. (Natural size. ) PLATE VII. Weevil-infested bolls of Kekchi cotton, showing larger number of punctures along the middle line of the carpel, where the oil glands are absent. (Natural size.) PLATE VIII. Carpels of Kekchi cotton, showing method of proliferation. (Natural size. ) PLATE IX. Fig. 1.—Kekchi cotton, successive stages of the boll. Fig. 2.— Kekchi bolls (right); King bolls (left), to show comparative size. (Re- duced to about one-half natural size.) p Puate X. Fig. 1.—Rabinal cotton, showing foliage, connate bracts, and weevil- infested bolls. (Reduced.) Fig. 2.—Bolls and seeds of Kidney cotton, showing oil glands and _ protective arrangement of lint and _ seeds. (Reduced. ) 78 PLATE Il. Bul. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Fic. 1.—MATURE PLANT OF KEKCHI COTTON. Fig. 2.—KEKCHI COTTON PLANT WITH BOLLS. Bul. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE III. INVOLUCRES OF KEKCHI COTTON, SHOWING NECTARIES AND BRACTLETS. (Natural size.) + | Bul. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE IV. Fia@. 1.—INVOLUCRES OF RABINAL COTTON, SHOWING CONNATE AND APPRESSED MARGINS. (Natural size.) Fia. 2.—OPEN INVOLUCRES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. (Natural size.) Bul. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept of Agriculture. PLATE V. FIG. 1.—YOUNG BuDs OF KEKCHI CoT- Fia. 2.—BuDs OF KEKCH! COTTON TON WITH WEEVIL PUNCTURES. WITH PROLIFERATION. (Natural size.) (Natural size.) “= s 5 = - & ay 1. saneabe de Bul. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE VI. LARGE BuDs OF KEKCHI CoTTON WITH PROLIFERATION. (Natural size.) —o , ‘ , . 4% Bul. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE VII. WEEVIL-INFESTED BOLLS OF KEKCHI COTTON. (Natural size ) Bul. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE VIII. CARPELS OF KEKCHI COTTON, SHOWING PROLIFERATION. (Natural size. ) PLATE IX, Bul. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Se ear 6S ae NR a ta | Fig. 1.—KEKCHI COTTON, SUCCESSIVE STAGES OF Fic. 2.—KEKCH!I COTTON BOLLS (RIGHT) COMPARED THE BOLL. WITH KING BOLLS (LEFT). (Reduced. ) (Reduced. ) . ta = - * . ~ ® a ( 5 5 “moe ‘ H ¥ “i . / ‘ Sie * /;, | . , r ; ——_ 7 ‘ ' ‘ oF ea PLATE X. ericulture. Industry, U. S. Dept. of A i¢ 88, Bureau of Plan Bul. Fic. 1.—RABINAL COTTON WITH BOLLS. (Reduced, ) (Reduced, ) Fia, 2.—BOLLS AND SEEDS OF KIDNEY COTTON. f 24 A 4 = Ar INDEX Page. PMEEnGORON, Harms Of SQUATCS.- ~~. 5.52... 2-2 Se bee eee eee 40 MP mnie HPCClAlZatiOn —...- 695. S205. _ 22 LLU Th eel 29 mamenmvation-of- Cekehi cotton. 2..-0222)7 252 020 9-2 Nee ete 17 Accommodation, direct responses to external conditions. -......---.--------- 69 EEE SE SY a ge ee, Bm A ae en 68, 69 expiaimed by natural. selectione. 75-=. e222 eo Say See Feet oss: 68 mammnawons, attractive to the kelep._...) 2.000... -0 0.22 lee ee---- 73 CHES NUTCCHRS Oras epee oa Sree RL 0 hea a 72 CS TUNT AUT CCA OG Geer see real Tory ce CE RI SL 10, 48, 44 OMIMMTEr eral VANIEs tomes Sek ek nee eo eT, Be Ee ok 76 Peete REM OMG teen hs. AAP ei oe et Sale LI ae 72 PFE E TIE gL CALS CARRE ene ee een eer ed Pee a SNE So on 67 periods: whenimostietect V6 <2. e-. ce Set dk ose ced 74 OMARIAMECOLLONSUMKMO Wms 2922922). 2305. 8o 2 ULE eres tz, 32 iKekechimandenabinatl: Coston sss 55550 Renee eee Sess sel 73 Kidney, Pachon, San Lucas Sea Island, and Upland cottons - - 74 summary...--- ee era ae ee taint micelle ate ne cee oe Haars om ae 72 OPA OLA WEG Ville ee ae ea ea ta uetay Ae een cnck ares Se ole Rm oes 72 CRAIC WCC MIIN Sti ted AN ots UUM Ee 2 See Soe: 73 prevent development of weevil larve -..--....--.----------- 73 PRE Mone AG LETS AOS FEN Lp sae oe acts Smee Ses ee. Soe Bee ya 69 OTN EIS 2 eA REE ee SS Sens rea POM OeS SOME ee tc ege oc 67 ERTL RCTECO TRG HA CLO Gy ets a1) SS age Set atorelctnrs SE ee eee = SG OE 53 milearcotton, earlier than King in Guatemala... .....522..2..2-.-.--2-6--- 17 Anthonomus, behavior of species related to boll weevil. ........--.---------- 48 EMER EVEL NUR VaR IRGC GU OTIetem spe so 2, ee CE MAIS, OT Soe ee 19 Aomeua, Guatemala, culture of brown cotton. ....- ....2.------.---+.--6 ee. 70 PPC SRRPMAINE PARE MGCIs 21. ooo bole ot eekeh oe teen Sele es eS QL Nl 39 Hid PRESSES ELORCO U6 Wier SS Syn TRA PR sar SES asi ponies ee 39 neprOiPenion amainst WEeVils so. ow Sao Rea Le 39 “GSS shire ue2 | Pets Ml 9) ge ee nee ey 8 8 a eg ee 29 EMM HE IN COLON. 2. $2252 020 oe ec ion doe eee Oe 28 SSL 39 Aphis gossypvi, infesting plants at Rabinal, Guatemala .........--..---.------ 39 Arid climate, inactive nectaries an adaptive result .............----.----.--- 24 KEM A mC AVI OM Oli CObtOM samy.csio.s weet wc Donne niecanwecss = 0 ESSE Lak 43, 44, 45 Tue Orman aiapted.. 02. cake foots Beige toes wnt oe 20 mrianeil selection, an indefinite term... .-=....--+..-.-....-------022. 52-641 70 Abmnerde VV dlliamer. vanteidentifieds) 22222028 bk os eee es See Oe 39 Asiatic cottons, comparison with other varieties .............-.-.--.....i..-- 53 LEVEL DTANES| 2 ets SE ee on Rene SER ree oy eg hats Renney 28, 31 Bacterial diseases following weevil injuries.................---....---.-.--. 62 nna pe one Meriar MEOCUCeH = >. =--225--an0- 526+ e ee ee ope e+ see 36 Mime Ueno as Weevil GESLLOVers .-. 2022-5 - 2222.2 2. oe lee cs een ee pe 42 Boll weevil larve, adaptations to prevent development -...-.---..---------- 73 behavior in Guatemala and Texas ...:..52.....--.--.-+.- 47 destruction by drying out of squares...-.......----.-- : 43 DLOULET AL ODN Reeser tear eee aren ee Se 46 development in bolls - .--- Se, GAS aE NLS Re = a ee 46 elfect or Opemino. Of HOWEISs 225-52. 2 - ~~ scencnt tenn ssea ae 47, 68 rape development tn UNE. 26s so oe a acim hae eminent 63 weevils, absence from Easterri Hemisphere ......................-.---- 32 Mexicanipl atedmterigmies 524.5 aoe os eee a ee 1] SUSE ef UN COTOR NONE A OLE | Seek ee ee 0 a a ai al i ay > 8a. o23. o-eeeee ee 59 best conditions for perpetuation. - «_..-..- 24. ..+--5-sesseneee 70 change of habia’. - == 2-22.04. . 0625-22-50 4g6~ nae eee 63 destruction by chickens and turkeys -..+ 22.2.2... 62a 24 determination of life cycle in bolls and squares .....-....--.-.-- 64 develcpment of pollen-eating habit ..............----.....-.-. 63 diverse habits of males and females ._...-..-----2-seeeseeeeee 27 diversity: SIZ@=: 2.020 2 <'s nee ee ie se eee eee 64 effect on unprotected cotton field ...........:--2-22.58==eeee 35 under favorable conditions. -...........:/.55-5 esau 69 eggs, fate. 20 cee ib saee se ccee es ce ee eee oe 58 exclusion from large bolls.-.......2...- 2-2-5 =e ee eee 59 feeding in bolls ..: 22...22 2.22 s2det li oe eee 61 general effect on cotton plants .......:.2..:..../:celseue eee 10 in fields cultivated by Indians -..2-.2--- 2. ..-22e22eee == 35 injuries in Guatemala --......-...-------+--s¢255e5=-se =e 47 injurious nature unknown to Indians. -.-.-...-----..-.---------- 71 mortality In Spring: << o2n..2= ses 58 variation in thickness ..2.......-..--54s.-356n eee 56 pendent, discussion - .--.... 265.4 --5- Gees ene oe ee dee eee 27 periods of immunity... -Jis52.6-. 22525260 = 52 see eee ee 74, 75 Position ...-..-2.-0- 525 52 5see eee ews ote ae ees eee 27 proliferation ........2- +s =2--0.2-5+.-+0—5-05 5S Spee eee 59 in relation to that of buds'.---.2-20- 2322-5 seen 64 protection... 26.2020. ose enn nee nace sc nso eos aaa ee en 51 unconscious selection for uniform ripening ...-...........-----..----- 11 very young, immunity... .. 2. o.-0-2.25<. 20053. see 52 weevil punctures <.- .. 1... 025.2. ce cena e sc505 7-26 eee 61 weevil-proof lining . ...... 2... --.....0ccs~o0.c-ss 55 55e ene 57 young, rapid growth. .@.~..-/.22scei<--54- ‘ada clon oe oles en i) Bractlets of involucre......2-- 2-2... Ao ee so oe ee Bracts, appressed margins... .-...-.--.----------+---- 20-0222 2 senses enneanes dimensions’... 3p. 2022 oe sawn a ee ee eee oe toe ee 40 flaring ..-..:...9R..~..---.-4.-------=250---6se=e0ae 40 involucral, grown together.-......--.--.--++---- +22. saess=ee ee 37 hairyamargines .... 2.2.6 3s 2s es ae eee 41 lacinMe. .-.'(-2-.'- pe ene cana con cans ene eee eee en 43 of Kekchi cotton. . 2.2. 52-020 s ne seta see toe ee ee 16 protective feature of large'size. .....-..2... 52... 35-- <0 eee 39 Branches, long basal, disadvantages of............... Joc... sceuen eee 20 of Kekchi cottons... 26. 3).0. an. de oes oe ee 19 of cotton, compared with those of other plants. ...............--- 19 dimorphic . . 22.225 cease ens oceseseasks eee 19 INDEX. Re gc aii gir lk op er TST vcs B10. Ur). ar cl ee es a pierre se TOUSEEVAMOUS! 6 - Ge stoe. Soon eo - fae a een eae fide. precaims in, 4 derived habit. -.....-.---:------2-------- SQV SER ETO Sal eel oT P50 1 0) 1 Seg ak an a ea a TELA LTTENMOUSS stent et oe SS ee See LLL SHLD OME (CIRM TEG ot era Ne eet i eas rene ae See Ovaries of, attacked by weevils. .2-...-=--2:-2£--.------- Ss ra a a perieds of immunity_.--....-..-.---- aS a Sie a Ue PEI RCTCRNITIULCR 2 3222 eo ne eke oe = =e oe 0 UTE As i SS OT nO se enused and: condjtionss2 5-22 22254-2522. J. Dumcetom NY ABVOLUETS 0225-2222 - oe. Sent ss Jone = -- recovery from weevil punctures. ..---- See Pe Eve UES TINO GR ae te a Nicaea ag ti = Se CIE THU COTSV eT Wl hes oi Ss San a nee A a eee Ey rd Eva ETS eo VATS) 0 C50 (0 bc: agen ee ca ee a ee Gacso branches compared with cotton -.-...-:.--.----2------- Cajabon, Guatemala, cotton grown in vicinity ---....---.------ planting of brown cotton ----.-.-----.--- meatopia symbolic specialization, 2-2 -- 2.22522 5-22-.-24----- wammaun: Doll weevil destroyers....:..-.2:-22.---..---2----- Pueewon AUaApialiOns: 25. =.2252 522-22 L252 Oe one variations in cotton -..-- Bees See ee ee ere ee ae MinmSnercanet, (INCISION ~ 2-2 2e26c20 22s ma - be 22 ee ede ae Sk Ee LE ee ame TS Ge emmcaD Glee 5555 Stee eles eo ten ake Fejechion OL DUUS tare: Ae sabe ee Bese le he Reeeeee i I POLLO ooh on te ee cb aod os Coffee branches compared with cotton .-.....-.--------------- OES) See aie Tala eee er Ie) Se ae eee Seen ienGs Ny. \ONREEVALION =. 2.5.2 sotinobe Loosen ewes ke es BAIT IRIE PIC CII: oe Se Peer me Rey ES pe es oe mer UE. IMeSOe COMO... =. -=- Sx --ordpoe cnn ose nees. - - production, probable extension= 222.5: --5---=-2-.+.- SME COCO VATICMCS 222 2s 5. =. ofp eises meet fea p ein cues effect of simultaneous blossoming------------ BEchneGuiMrOuch Nectar =<. 24. eee = SEB ALI CCORONBY =e smth ake os ite elalnn esl et ect Beene ude Culture of cotton, methods, in eastern Guatemala..........---- on Pacific slope of Guatemala GTS = att Ne MR pe st | et eagle eh a tienes RUOrere IG: 43, Determinate growth of Kekchi cotton..........5..2....2----.--- £56 oss habit, disadvantages of early planting avoided Dry climate, region, etc. See Arid. Dwarf cotton, effect on cultural methods.............-.------- MAD UMCE Ie kehiiCObOHL M6. 2 2 2 sisoeus cleo cell. bese dll. 11, 15, 35, 48 CORROMACE GUC mee re Ame Lear ms die eee ee i SN Re Lo es ahiie tor ar/l| AML OM Om PepPenssa==>seaees otek oe. coe ko ase eee ce ccs 1] SsromevatkesDimal Cuatemalaest sa fo. 22S ee ele ke 24 MAMACINOL NEWAVERICUCS © it baa 4 = + one eas oe ce oe eke eel - cence 15, 71 Guatemalan, observations on boll weevils.............-..--.------- 66 GwAlta Vera Paz, Guatemala, characteristics’. -- £22 225.f.2-.2.2 22. (Ble G- BEIECOUSOMEOQILOME a= Se kecaece Se Saws chee Sone Ue Ne Se ee sa 15, 16, 71 PERLMAN Oi COULOIN- ee er eee eee Lee Ae ewe a Se acts nis wernioe 45 Ee eCeRSary. 00. VICOr. .2.seS4oscot-<<5 $2 eles el os.e cease 68 Involucral appendages of plants related to cotton --.-.-.-.--.--------------- 33 DLAcionO mL AeChOM COUOR== er ease see ae ae ee ees otc 2 SSS. 20 fomenere, aaa protective structure ....--.---.c.-2- lis. sete tee ee eee 37 oRa ULC kane ome eee kee A ee eal Soe ee re na ee Ble LL oS 33 external nectaries: GISCUSHION: 22 ssece ft ee a2 SELLS kk lisek cee 31 LIME MCChneIsGINCUSSION:. ooh een oes ce ace Meee ee ne sen esas 31 protection to PASS HOCIIPICN. Ae oe ae hee eee PO hs 28 Perr ROBIN ta oe Er eh ee See CU ates oe 37 nme ClOSPO ah Vanlacese.— <.. ates tes ee Ske a eee ee cee 38, 41 BPG all COLON RSs be = aoe eee eee san | ano 8 ce oe 41 PERE ace Fan ee iho Te pee rs nt le ce PO ue pet das DL OOM = LE 37, 39, 40 LESLIE ENB OUR OL ANS SE MS are ee Ne a ae 32 PT ESD og S2W a EEE ale Sg ee Cae as a ae age er 42 PD Un ECO RLO UM a aes em Aen meee Mee ey. Uh aera Te ae 37 Hearlislangd cottonmatiractive. toukeleps!. 2-3. 2-ca...5 eos sco ates 26 ING ee oS re Bere ees eS 38 AT SRIEE ROLE HUN UO See a) Sie cay me on eee ec le ee 39, 41 oo SS Set a ee eee ee ee eee oe yest Span ee ae 45 PRE Hat ChALeMAls < «= 1- cire Sooo Sens Shae wien ence sewer elec cnn 70 Jamnovireh cotton compared with Allen... <2... 2s..200i22.2.25..22202002005- 17 co Mietahinksn Sis Wo SS h OSes sos oo Soo59 bs aed ote S 50 Jewett cotton, dimensions of buds and bracts.-.-..........--...-----.------- 40 SE IMPea Gn UAC ALIONS 202 252 ny ae ee a oled Beck Sas wos | ne cee eens 73 aAtmorthern limit ok¢otion culture s4* 22236. b eles. See 2. 18 Dehayl Oren OxAd seks a eee Ss ce ete ated et Es Se 17 bolls, variation in thickness of walls........---.....--.------ 56 characteristic EGER U ULL Cages aes yee needs tees Re mS No ee 20 comparison with other varieties, at Eanharn, Mido Se 18 duisien planing in Guatemala .25 3252 5022 Pecks Lege 15 developed in weevil-infested regions .......-.--.------------ 1 distinct type of Gossypium hirsutum ....-..--------+-----+--- 8 eHechroh crowdime on characher 25 4-50-2026 Saseb hee etek 20 TITS ee Bezier Oo ee eee eerie ett eee es ee EVE Ee 17 AICS OM KO Wwillesee asec a = Sa es eS 8 ae eT eS 15 MES Chey ULM LCG SULCS Paes as Soe ns on See Ce ES Sey ily most promising short-season variety ....-.-.---------------- 22 TIPE LEE CUP | Pe ee eo SO oer a ny ae 7 Pp OLMeVElOPMOMi sso M50 Le be te ce 55 BOUL NEHA an peasOli: PX PlANALGN, -<~ 2-2-2). 22 hs oot Sook 11 stems petloles, leaves and bolls. --22 =... 2.<2.02-2. 2... << 16 OLE TAN CETh: GOL mr serene serene a= Me te ee oR 15 (AEN FOL ONS oe Re Ee ie REE Re ae ere ee eee 15 Weevil cesistance,igh Vallee = 22. 22 2s nn kt 11 ep sen. prom astern. Hemisphere ...:..--<---<--<2-----s---<+-+--- 32 CPi GAIT ON EEN ELOY AST Pele Ch eA See es OR Bt Ras Sia ey Sa ae 73 fenmiely attracted to: cotton plants: 222.29. 2h.0..2.. 22 -<-~25--6-- 35 Sree MaL RCM OUADO: | e522. pe eta None ei cr Uaeaed me ce ea Shin 26 UEDA: E22 Se 5 aaa Mea ee so 2 aks aot hone oe ong te So ncn en OSS 29 preference for Egyptian and Sea Island cotton and Bidens pilosa.. 26, 36, 37 EGKECHOURLOICOLUGI ee 25 ’ obser vations. ooo ssc ccicke cov be eee eee 70 McLachlan; Argyle, observations: 3.22. --2o- eee eee 18, 25, 41, 47, 57, 60, 61, 75 Melanthera deltoidea visited by keleps.....-..+-2.45+-+4-5 40-255. —== rr 37 Mexican plateau, absence of weevils ....---.--.5-.- 4.20. seca ooan ole eee es eee oe eee se 11 Pea iinconouns annual eupune Pack oo 4 22255. 2 eee take e sc ole 24 not likely to be of use in the United States_......-...---- 67 Beanie upiearint ey se ce ae te ee Rs 23 Pergande, Theodore, identification of PUES eee ene Se Se See NS cea, Sas 39 PRC RPmnI ey ie RO KAR me. <0 ie ete se els Se aioe ee See Se 17 anaes oounmness an Opstacle to. -keleps: <=. - 22.242 -cjra.Ne cheese ee sk sce 26 eee eee COON {te ne se ee ee en tS Se tec ce 16 eminem er RO DSEL Vth GUS." 20025 NM ager Peete ci aoe woe ab eed 26, 39, 46 SPEnREC CCA Leitain se 2 2 a ee Sg ake apt bee eee ewe ne 19 UC MMO TC OCAMTICRS = 4405 Sees as oa 35 SSSa SSS ie eso 13 imc nh Ir OUS COrCOLLON soe os. So isin one ne en ess we SS tte oss elses 39 Bie Oesiricnion wn the iall “dithiculty. 99 - A assoc ot abe eee dese ee 22 Py lheie. GiGi GEE ete Gere Oe as See et ae ae ene ee 5d PLDERIN DAV nWVCe Villa bel EMCO eps eens nn Sees Ope bi SNS ers ieas SS o tale 47 necessity fOr KOLA MALLE YT GiaweeVule! + S32 2= sean sets. ool ack 5d Paent-carine habit, development. -..- 2... 3. 3..0.s.322-5-2-2-----+------ 63 Poneridie, Rami et Sie ee ea 30 Proliferation, advantage only under conscious selection --.-.....------------ 71 best weevil-resisting PETS oe oe OS ine Bee 9 diminution of power in larger-buds-.......-..-.--...-.---.----- 51 PaO eCy) WERINCT Senuert wee oe ecto a sy eee bet nss 2 60 sREACRICSTT I Vem ee are pt Meee ermal Lobe Sica 3 46 PES MR RATS Ltt DE ea ae sees eee ta) out cients mt gs Fre 49 el Cey tal 0/0 tl eee eree ss ABU AY Su Oe ee ee eee ee eee i 58 iis piemancspoOls. TelAtOne seein! 26 oo eg Sense books 64 ECKG DIR GOLUOTES <5 = ee iar eget em bare i Sp TE ee 46, 49, 75 ein eacOnlol =. ee ee ee ee ene yl 5d ba Betis Dose 60 eG eT CO UUOI ~¢ 2 ee ai ae a ety ae 8 eet ee Set as ioe ak 60 Vanleuessopner than, Wekchiecs. 5. este. 2 is aes lo oSek Sass 50 OB ONN a. 5 5, Sere pee ee eee Ro ec: Ci sae Dee 55, 56, 59 PIG GANISES ANG, CONGMIONSH essere! Loe te Se 49 COUOM i ee 7-2 5 tayo eee reper gt MEN yes 60 ays SINS ae 48 TREE NAL ASUes On DUAN Ana. eae: - Ws 22 el eoea. 46 86 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. Page. Proliferation, probable effects of culture ......---.<<=42--5-s.024555e-n eee 50 summary or resultsiot study. -.-.\..... 222-2 2a 49 time required’ 2-22... 2.2... -22 52 6o ee eee ee 60 SCN a a i are A Me - ek 65 Protection afforded by adaptations, commercial value.....-..--------------- 76 when most effectives: .-+--. 2-22 === 74 the involucre -. ..'.--2--2-0=-+ s.5+4.-+-- eee 37 tough linings of chambers of bolls ...-...-------.----- 56 by keleps, efficiency .....-......---<0.5--c: -<<> see 34, 35 of seeds by lint -. 2.2.2 seek - 2 cbse ce eer 65 Protective characters, first originated by cotton plant ........-.-...-........ 68 general ..22..-.¢.<2-ce20055005.2255 55 11 Of bolls ....-.-..----see-ses22 6025 020 eee 51 value of involucre «. =... -s..s.25--2- 2155225350565 37 Quaintance, A. L.,, observations....-...-:--...2 5+ -.2- +2 ==> err 52 Rabinal cotton, adaptations ............2----.2+5 2-5. 2. 2.6 er (B3 bolls fed upon by boll weevils........2-..50020 0a 61 characters -22....i...--5-40022¢2 2 2 2s4e ee er 41 hairiness: ... 5.2. 2s2ee 525-6 -e ee eee eee eee 25 involucres ......--- Sect cdees ee s22e sso 37, 38 nectaries .. 225). c2..c0-522 6s cece ete eee ee 31 Guateniala, ante....2.. 20.022. 5e-2 Jean- 2 oc ese eer 39 cotton culttire =. 265-2 e050 eee 9, 38 customs of Indians: 2.2 .- eee 24 Rain; effect at time of flowering...-....--:------<<2. cn a= eee == 21 Redshank cotton, characters .....:..2----2.0e2 26-542 se ee rr 53 large nectaries........-.. .--<-5--- == = =a 31 Retalhuleu district of Guatemala, cotton planted .......------.-----------=5 25, 34 Rivers cotton, character in Guatemala ..---......-.-2255-2 4) == 17 Rubber, Central American, branches compared with those of cotton......--- 19 Sajal, plant often visited by keleps ....-.--- (oa beenesssuce eee ar 37 Salama, Guatemala, cotton culture of Indians ........-...-.-----------+--+--- 24 San Lucas, Guatemala, Sea Island. cottom.s25-2.- 4.2225. 4-2 eee ‘2s eee 24 adaptations - ...2: .<-.t2s-2 4555s 7 attacked by other insects -...-----..- 32 discovery. ...2 5. Uo. ceeee 50 nectaries = .=.:.-.552 -s-20e= eee 32 Schwarz, E. A., observations:.--.-....-22--¢ 4-2-2. 26 see see 42,48 on Cuban cottons .....2.-.s.2 sess se = 23 Sea Island. cotton, Guatemalan, discovery ..-2...---.2-s5-=ouee= = =e 50 nectaries. .-...£..-.+<. 254. 5een ee 32 of San Lueas, Guatemala, annual flowering ....-.--------- 24 cottons, comparison of petals with Upland varieties ..........---- 26 flaring of squares ...--.-------. +--+ +202 200s e snes eeeaes 40 involucral bracts ....... 2c. ....5< <0 dee eee 37, 38 lacking in protective features ...--..-\.. ss sa=e. sae 4 less hairy than Upland varieties ._-.......-2 52. s2=seeeee 25 not immune to boll weevil...... 2. 2222025 es ee eee 42 oil glands .........-...2+50-5- «2555+ osau ee 53 OVIPIN gs oe oe ee eee oak ce oe ee 8 precocity in. Guatemala... ....).25 3 9-26 ee 17 smoothness a disadvantage to keleps ...............-..-- 25 Secanquim, Guatemala, cotton grown in vicinity................--.sssssuees 15 experiments... ........060ss00e sen cae ee ae 39, 41 Seed, low germination in Guatemala. ............-.-----------+-++-++-++-++-+- 15 Se eds, protective arrangement in Kidney cotton ........-...-.-------------- 66 Selection, conscious, unconscious, natural, and artificial, discussion ......- da 7 0F7 1 in cotton, time required wcdeueceedaeeeusccel oneuleenne Ente hE 10 provided by boll weevil... ........5--eussesteuceuu Meee een 10 Selective influence of boll weevil.......... 0. cscs. Jessuueus Sennen 10 Short season varieties of cotton... .. 2505. suc... Seen 12, 14, 22 Solenopsis picea, ant inhabiting Rabinal cotton.................222...eeseeee 39 Specific type, generalized, the product of diversity and interbreeding. ......- 68 Squares, boll weevil injuries -.... 42.2.2 0cc.c cen w ccs ou came ete 41 flared and fallen, countings.<..<...0....5. S000 Oi Geen ee 45 AATING. 5.6 cc deus swe ek bulsouwvicacemalsue eee ccs ee etn woe RO pe INDEX. = 87 Squares, multiplication in cluster cottons. ..........--.--------------------- 28 Auta DrCeOMmonDIACeS Ol WEGVIlS=a > -a5 2-255 So ce a Soa esos <5. 11 PH CREP SCTORNION 8 sap oon ao ono se ee dene eee 20 OO CS Ss eS 21 Ue ee a es pe ae a aes 43, 74 EUS See ne 2 i a a a ee eee 49 Siipules of outer bracts represented by bractlets.......-....---------------- 33 SIRE OVATICHICO OMCOMUON@ 22. 22 ao Seats oe io Sees eso nss cao. see 27 EEK SONDEMSSION = 26 20 Oo so ott ds an onde eee wee -- 21 Symbiotic specializations between plants and animals ..-.....-....--.------ 29 Tapinoma ramulorum, ant inhabiting Rabinal cotton ...............--------- 39 Temperatures at localities where Kekchi cotton is grown.......---.--------- 15 EE ER IOPUNENGD 2 2 = = eens son ans shane node e ues eso tess 52 PET aeVeImh OF WEEVIIG 2.0 = eae eee eee ee eece one-one ee 9 saupuern, method of checking weevil .-.:-..--.-=--. ----.------------ 12 Thespesia, species not attractive to boll weevil ...-...-- St Meter tee ee 69 DC MCSIRBEACGCVIL@ ©. 05. 252 o2 5 Soci s non 2ec eae ede enes carer ecss-<- 22 le eR ROUT SO UIGe Siac oe ec ats SP ne eee See kee S's tela 23 LAPSE TSS SA ee eS ee: fl a pe enc eee Ol eae 17 BIpiniLy 10. Weevils, reported... -.2=2222222 --ass--es-~---- 23 in Guatemala.......-- EE chad alte Sn DUAR Le, oe a ne |S, Se a 12 EDTEST ENRON OA eo 1S ee SES Se ae ae een eee 8 hel eel GaN OPE CN > Pe ge Se ee me Me Le a 3 PRET RELMUOV A POiE ATG FoR ae ans es Ci ae AND eee Ree eee ia 21 SERNA Le A OCU EER OUI Sree cf eee ce cea ae ars care eee ee aie lara 23 (See also Perennial cottons. ) Meee acini ObsenyVatlOnS 228 32s ose a SD eben ces ole Leste 33 aeomcae america, field for experiments.-__-_.---.----.---.-------.-------- 9 Pon aeenaninprotected by: the: kelep >. :-=:-..22222.2-225-2. 22-22 ete tenes 36 Sieirieenareinials Kidney cottom>. 22.22. .2255.5 22.22.7225 ohne ote 22k 24, 66 MgmneuempOloweeyil GeStroyers: 0225 0. 22 ol S222 festa i so. tle elle. s ee 24 Ea RO USENVALIONS 252202 ..c se eree ecko test foe oe bee Sacto ses 28 United States cotton varieties, effect of Guatemalan conditions.............-- 17 Meee HOALLARIONA 9 2 hoon) nee oot oe esos. eos ecko eae Se oe 74 Speen Ohne’ OF Chae! oo toe o loo oe eee ll. 16 indeterminate habit in United States varieties -............-. 13 Matiwvedny CentralAmertea. - 5-2 hose. 5- 228222225 Sabot ese k 10 “LE a SS ae RR apne ee EN Rene a eee 10, 44 Sb sten OO Oh WelOpiee <5 one ae oe Sk See 25 Si eR RIORL PTAC OLE ait ks 5 ey ee os Se Ok kN 32 MEMnGnrClTMn Ae IM COULON! == aja0 25 se oe anne ee oe oe eee ee se 17 een MENG IRE CO LCN IS Se te = ey ee es td 15 Bred erg MORCIY COLON. > 55-2 525 yee S22 See Sods lees cose 16 eso now. iormaton Dy Indians: ...:2...-1-- 252.22 sess lee eucbe.. 15 Bemeaerle xe Se xUenmenis- ses 2- a yal oe oe a2 teed Se ee te ee ce 60, 61 Volunteer cotton, absence in eastern Guatemala ...............2.22--....---- 12 DLCCoIn Of weewWlsa. ss) sat sues aoe oe, A ree 12 Ee MNER, (CLLGCE ON CLOP on = 1c fe eo eee AS ee et dene 13 exclusion of boll weevil from Mexican plateau -...........--- 11 erie AS ALeIMeMt Sao o-Ps i sae te ee es 13, 42 Weaving by Guatemalan natives, use of foreign thread ..................--- 25 Weevil. See Boll weevil. GENS 0 Se a ee 57 eV eiraman, Professor, doctrine of inheritance. :.-.-.....-...---...---...---. 68 Wy imwvers, Beyere, no protection from weevils. ...............-.-----.-..----- 12 O “a DS Er Aki MENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 89. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE | UNITED STATES. BY add dO OM oka s bel Oph il NO Wee ASSISTANT, DruG-PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. IssuED JANUARY 16, 1906. === fe PA . Me nye? o FOR nn WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. L906. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. ALBERT F. Woops, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS. FREDERICK VY. COVILLE, Botanist in Charge. FARM MANAGEMENT. W. J. SPILLMAN, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS, G. B. BRACKETT, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. PIETERS, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L, C. CORBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL PLANTS. 0. F. Cook, Bionomist in Charge. DRUG AND POIS*NOUS PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, AND TEA CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS. RODNEY H. TRUE, Physiologist in Charge. DRY LAND AGRICULTURE AND WESTERN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION, CARL 8S. SCOFIELD, Agriculturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. EK. M. BYRNES, Superintendent. SEED LABORATORY. EpGar Brown, Botanist in Charge. J. KE. RoCKWELL, Kdilor. JAMES E. JONES, Chief Clerk. DRUG-PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF, RODNEY H. TRUE, Physiologist in Charge. W. O. RICHTMANN, W. W. STOCKBERGER, Haxperts. ALICE HENKEL, G. FRED KLUGH, Assistants, LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U.S. DeparTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BurEAU OF PLant INDUSTRY, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. C., October 30, 1905. Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recommend for pub- lication as Bulletin No. 89 of the series of this Bureau the accompany- ing manuscript entitled **‘ Wild Medicinal Plants of the United States.” This paper was prepared by Miss Alice Henkel, Assistant in Drug- Plant Investigations, and has been submitted by the Physiologist in Charge with a view to its publication. Respectfully, B. T. GatLoway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. PREPAC E: In connection with the work of Drug-Plant Investigations many inquiries are received from various parts of the country asking for a list of the drug-producing plants of the regions concerned and for information as to the parts of the plants used in medicine, etc. It being impossible to comply with requests of this nature in any satis- factory way, Miss Henkel was asked to compile a list of the drug plants of this country, using as a basis the catalogues of dealers in crude drugs and the standard works on systematic botany. It has seemed from an inspection of these lists and of much current phar- maceutical literature that the recent changes in botanical nomenclature have succeeded one another too rapidly to permit the drug dealer and the pharmacist to keep pace with them. This has resulted in consider- able confusion in regard to botanical names, and in some cases in the matter of the common names of drug-producing plants. In such a list as that herewith presented the opportunity for helping to clear up this situation has seemed worth improving. The recent appearance of the new Pharmacopeeia, in which the botanical nomenclature has been revised, has seemed to emphasize the desirability of making this attempt, since the names in the case of official plants will be fairly definitely fixed among pharmacists for the next ten years. In the accompanying list the pharmacopeeial names are given and a revision of the nomenclature of the unofficial drugs is also presented. Mr. Frederick V. Coville, Botanist, has kindly revised the botanical names used in this publication. It is hoped that this compilation will tend to unify usage among those who have to do with crude drugs and drug plants. Ropnry H. True, Physiologist in Charge Orrice oF DruGc-PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, Washington, D. U., October 12, 1905. B. P. I.—187. WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. In the preparation of this bulletin only such wild medicinal plants as have a commercial value were considered; that is, such as were usually mentioned in the trade lists of drug dealers throughout the country. Plants that were found listed by only one or two firms have been omitted. Both official and nonoflicial drugs are included in this list. A num- ber of drug plants that were official in the United States Pharmacopceia for 1890 have been dropped from the Eighth Decennial Revision (1900), which became official on September 1, 1905, and a few new ones have been added. In this bulletin the drugs that were official in the Pharmacopeeia for 1890 are so indicated, while those of the new edition are marked simply ‘* official.” In the following list the information on each species .is given under the accepted botanical name. This name and that of the family to which the plant belongs occupy the first line of the description. Botan- ical synonyms, if any, are mentioned, and these are followed in the next line by the most common names. A few words of information indicating the most important features of habit and stature, as well as the sort of situation in which found, together with the geographical distribution in the United States, are then given in each case. This information is too meager for the identification of the plants concerned in all cases, but it was impossible within the space limits of a publica- tion such as this to include more descriptive matter. The parts of the plants used and the official status of the product close the description. Unless otherwise indicated, the products mentioned are used in the dried state. Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Pine family (Pinaceae). Balsam-fir; Canada balsam tree. Slender, evergreen, native tree, 50 to 60 feet high, occurring in damp woods from Newfoundland to the high mountains of southwestern Virginia, west to Min- nesota, and northward. Parts used.—Balsam, known as Canada turpentine, Canada balsam, or balsam of fir (official); also bark (nonofficial), 11072—No, 89—0)6——2 7 8 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Abies canadensis Michx. Same as Tsuga canadensis. Abies nigra Desf. Same as Picea mariana. Abscess-root. See Polemonium reptans. Absinth. See Artemisia absinthium. Absinthium. See Artemisia absinthium. Acacia, false. See Robinia pseudacacia. Acer rubrum L. Maple family (Aceraceae). Red maple; swamp-maple. Large, native tree, often 120 feet in height, growing in swamps and low grounds from Canada to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial. ) Achillea millefolium L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Yarrow; milfoil; thousandleaf. Perennial weed, 10 to 20 inches high, common in fields and waste places nearly throughout the United States, especially eastward; naturalized from Europe and Asia. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Acorus calamus L. Arum family (Araceae). Calamus; sweet-flag. Native, herbaceous perennial, about 2 feet high, found in wet and muddy places and along streams from Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Unpeeled, dried rhizome (official). Actaea alba (L.) Mill. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). White cohosh; white baneberry; necklace-weed; rattlesnake-herb. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, found in rich woods from Nova Scotia to Georgia and Missouri, and northward; most common from Indiana and Kentucky to Pennsylvania and New York. Parts used. —Rhizome and rootlets (nonofficial ). Actaea racemosa 1. Same as Cimicifuga racemosa. Actaea rubra ( Ait.) Willd. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Synonyin.—Actaea spicata var. rubra Ait. Red cohosh; red baneberry; rattlesnake-herb. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, found in woods from Nova Scotia to the Middle States, west to the Rocky Mountains; most abundant from New England to Ontario. Parts used. —Rhizome and rootlets (nonofficial). Actaea spicata var. rubra Ait. Same as Actaea rubra. Adam-and-Eve. See Aplectrum spicatum. Adder’s-tongue, yellow. See Hrythronium americanum. Adiantum pedatum L. Fern family (Polypodiaceae ). Maidenhair-fern. Native fern, 9 to 15 inches high, growing in rich moist soil in woods in Canada and almost all parts of the United States. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Aesculus glabra Willd. Buckeye family (Aesculaceae). Ohio buckeye; fetid buckeye; smooth buckeye. Small, native tree, 20 to 40 feet in height, found in woods and on river banks from Pennsylvania south to Alabama, westward to Michigan and the Indian Territory. Parts used.—Bark and fruit (nonoflicial ), AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM—ALNUS RUGOSA. Cy Aesculus hippocastanum L. Buckeye family (Aesculaceae). Horse-chestnut. Large tree, 60 feet or more in height. Escaped from cultivation, southeastern New York and New Jersey. Native of Asia. Parts used.—Bark and fruit (nonofficial ). Aiterbirth-weed. See Stylosanthes biflora. Agrimonia eupatoria (of American authors, not L.). Same as Agrimonia hirsuta. Agrimonia hirsuta (Muhl.) Bicknell. Rose family (Rosaceae). Synonym.—Agrimonia eupatoria of most American authors, not L.4 Agrimony; tall hairy agrimony. Perennial herb, 3 to 4 feet high, found in woods and thickets from New Bruns- wick to Minnesota and Nebraska, south to North Carolina; also in California. Native. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Agrimony. See Agrimonia hirsuta. Agrimony, tall hairy. See Agrimonia hirsuta. ‘ Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Grass family (Poaceae). Synonym.—Triticum repens Beauy. Triticum; couch-grass; dog-grass; quack-grass. A troublesome grass in cultivated land from Maine to Maryland, west to Minne- sota and Missouri; sparingly distributed in the South. Introduced from Europe. Part used.—Rhizome, gathered in spring (official). Ague-tree. See Sassafras variifolium. Agueweed. See Eupatorium perfoliatum and Gentiana quinquefolia. Alder, black. See [lea verticillata. Alder, common. See Alnus rugosa. Alder, red. See Alnus rugosa. Alder, smooth. See A/nus rugosa. Alder, tag-. See Alnus rugosa. Aletris farinosa L. Lily family (Liliaceae). Star-grass; false (not true) unicorn-root;? colic-root. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high; in dry, sandy soil from Maine to Minne- sota, south to Florida and Tennessee. Part used.—Rhizome (nonofficial) , gathered after the plant has flowered. Allspice, Carolina. See Butneria florida. Allspice, Florida. See Butneria florida. Allspice, wild. See Benzoin benzoin. Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) K. Koch. Birch family (Betulaceae). Synonym.—Alnus serrulata Willd. Tag-alder; common alder; red alder; smooth alder. Native shrub, or sometimes a small tree, occurring in swamps and marshy bor- ders of streams from the New Engiand States west to Minnesota and south- ward to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial ). a According to Bicknell (Bul. Torr. Bot. Club, 23 : 508-525, 1896), the name Agrimonia eupatoria L.., long used in local floras and text-books for the agrimony of the Eastern States, has been doing duty for a group of related species, of which at least five are now clearly recognized. Furthermore, Doctor Britton (Bul. Torr. Bot. Club, 18: 366, 1891) states that the true Agrimonia eupatoria is not known at all as an American plant. The native plant to which the name Agrimonia eupatoria has been most frequently applied by American authors is Agrimonia hirsuta (Muhl.) Bicknell. >The name ‘true unicorn-root’’ has long been applied to Aletris farinosa, but as ‘‘ unicorn-root”’ was the common name first given to Chamaelirium luteum (Helonias dioica), this should more prop- erly be called the true unicorn-root and-Aletris farinosa the false unicorn-root. 10 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Alnus serrulata Willd. Same as Alnus rugosa. Alsine media L. Pink family (Silenaceae). Synonym.—Stellaria media Cyr. Common chickweed. Small, annual herb, probably introduced from Europe, and now common in fields and around dw ellings throughout the United States. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial) . Althaea. See Althaea officinalis. Althaea officinalis L. Mallow family (Malvaceae). Althaea; marshmallow; sweatweed; mortification-root. Perennial herb, 2 to 4 feet high, naturalized from Europe; occurs in salt marshes, coast of Massachusetts and New York, and in Pennsylvania. Parts used.—Root from plants of second year’s growth, deprived of the periderm (official); leaves and flowers (nonofficial) are also used. Alum-root. See Geraniwm maculatum and Heuchera americana. Ambrosia artemisiaefolia L. Ragweed family (Ambrosiaceae). Roman wormwood; ragweed; hogweed; stammerwort. Coarse, native weed, annual, 1 to 3 feet high; in waste places, eastern United States, west to British Columbia and Mexico. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial) . Ampelopsis quinquefolia Michx. Same as Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Amy-root. See Apocynum cannabinum. Anagallis arvensis L. Primrose family (Primulaceae). Red chickweed; red pimpernel; scarlet pimpernel; shepherd’s-weatherglass. Low, spreading, annual herb, naturalized from Europe, and growing along road- sides and in fields almost throughout the United States. Part used.—Herb (nonoflficial). Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. & Hook. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonyins.—Gnaphalium margaritaceum L.; Antennaria margaritacea Hook. Everlasting; pearly everlasting; large-flowered everlasting; cottonweed. White-hairy or woolly perennial herb, native in dry soil from Newfoundland to Alaska, south to North Carolina and California. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial) . Andromeda arborea L. Same as Oxydendruin arboreum. ) Anemone patens var. nuttalliana A. Gray. Same as Pulsatilla hirsutissima. Angelica, American. See Angelica atropurpurea. Angelica atropurpurea L. Parsley family (Apiaceae). Synonym.—Archangelica atropurpurea Hoffm. Purple-stemmed angelica; American angelica; masterwort. Tall, stout, perennial herb, 4 to 6 feet high; native in swamps and damp places from Labrador to Delaware and west to Minnesota. Parts used.—Root and seeds (nonofficial). Angelica, purple-stemmed. See Angelica atropurpurea. Anise-root. See Washingtonia longistylis. Anlennaria margaritacea Hook. Same as Anaphalis margaritacea. Anthemis cotula L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Maruta cotula DC. Mayweed; dog-fennel; fetid camomile (or chamomile). Strong-scented, annual herb, naturalized from Europe; occurs in dry soil, fields, waste places, and along roadsides almost throughout North America, with the exception of the extreme North, Part used.—Herb (nonoflicial). APLECTRUM HYEMALE—ARCHANGELICA ATROPURPUREA. 11 Aplectrum hyemale Nutt. Same as Aplectrum spicatum. Aplectrum spicatum ( Walt.) B.S, P. Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Synonym.—Aplectrum hyemale Nutt. Adam-and-Eve; putty-root. Native herb, perennial, 1 to 2 feet high; in rich woods and swamps from Canada to Georgia and California. Part used.—Root (nonofiicial) . Apocynum. See Apocynum cannabinum. Apocynum androsaemifolium L. Dogbane family (Apocynaceae). Bitterroot; spreading dogbane; honeybloom. Perennial herb, 1 to 4 feet high, native in fields and thickets from Canada south to Georgia and Arizona. “The most common species in Canada and the North- eastern States. Part used.— Root (nonofficial). Apocynum cannabinum L. Dogbane family (Apocynaceae). Apocynum; ean hemp; black Indian hemp; amy-root. Perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, native in moist ground and borders of fields throughout fhe U nited States. Part used.—Rhizome of this or of closely allied species of Apocynum (official). Apple, custard-. See Asimina triloba. Apple, May-. See Podophyllum peltatum. Apple, thorn-. See Datura stramonium. Apple-of-Peru. See Datura stramonium. Aquilegia canadensis L. See under Aquilegia vulgaris. Aquilegia vulgaris L. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). European columbine; garden-columbine. Perennial herb, with showy flowers. Naturalized from Europe, and well known in cultivation; escaped from gardens into woods and fields; frequent in the Eastern and Middle States. The wild columbine (Aquilegia canadensis L.), occurring in rocky woods throughout Canada and the eastern United States, is said to possess properties similar to those of the European columbine. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Aralia hispida Vent. Ginseng family (Araliaceae). Dwart elder; wild elder; bristly sarsaparilla. Ereci, leafy perennial, 1 to 3 feet high, native in sandy woods and fields from Labrador south to North Carolina, west to Minnesota and Indiana. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Aralia nudicaulis L. Ginseng family (Araliaceae). American sarsaparilla; wild sarsaparilla; false sarsaparilla; Virginian sarsapa- rilla; small spikenard. Herbaceous perennial, native, growing in moist woods from Newfoundland west to Manitoba and south to North Carolina and Missouri. Part used. —Root (nonofficial). Aralia racemosa L. Ginseng family (Araliaceae). Indian-root; spikenard; American spikenard; spignet. Herbaceous perennial, native, 3 to 6 feet high, growing in rich woods and rocky places from Canada to Georgia, west to Minnesota and Missouri. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Arbor-vitae. See Thuja occidentalis. Arbutus, trailing. See Epigaea repens. Archangelica atropurpurea Hoffm. Same as Angelica atropurpurea. 13 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Arctium lappa L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Lappa major Gaertn. _ Lappa; burdock; cockle-button; beggars’-buttons; bardane. Coarse, biennial weed, 4 to 9 feet high, introduced from the Old World, and occurring along roadsides and in fields and waste places in the Eastern and Central States. ‘arts used.—Root of this or of other species of Arctium collected from plants of first year’s growth (official). The fresh leaves and the seeds are also used (nonofficial ). Arctostaphylos glauca Lindl. Heath family (Ericaceae). Manzanita. A shrub-like tree, 9 to 25 feet high, growing in California, in dry, rocky dis- tricts on the western slopes of the Sierras. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial ). Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. Heath family (Ericaceae). Uva-ursi; bearberry; upland-cranberry. Low, evergreen perennial, with trailing stems, native in rocky or dry, sandy soils from the Middle Atlantic States north to Labrador, westward to Califor- nia and Alaska. Part used.—Leaves (official). Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Torr. Arum family (Araceae). Synonym.—Arum triphyllum L. Indian turnip; wild turnip; wake-robin; Jack-in-the-pulpit. Native, perennial herb, 10 inches to 3 feet high, found in moist woods from Canada to Florida, west to Kansas and Minnesota. Part used.—Partially dried corm (nonofficial). Aristolochia reticulata Nutt. Birthwort family (Aristolochiaceae). Serpentaria; Texas serpentaria; Texas snakeroot; Red River snakeroot. Perennial herb, about 14 feet in height, native in the Southwestern States, occur- ring on river banks from Arkansas to Louisiana. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official). Aristolochia serpentaria L. Birthwort family (Aristolochiaceae ). Serpentaria; Virginia serpentaria; Virginia snakeroot. Native, perennial herb, 10 inches to 3 feet high, found in rich woods from Con- necticut to Michigan and southward. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official). Arrowwood. See Viburnum dentatum. Arrowwood, Indian. See Huonymus atropurpureus. . Artemisia abrotanum L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Southernwood. Shrubby, perennial herb, about 2 to 4 feet in height, occurring in waste places from Massachusetts to Nebraska. Adventive from Europe. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial ). Artemisia absinthium L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Absinthium; wormwood; absinth. Shrubby, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe, and occur- ring in waste places and along roadsides from Newfoundland to New York and westward. Parts used.—Leaves and tops (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Artemisia vulgaris L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Common mugwort. Perennial herb, 1 to 34 feet high, naturalized from Europe; found in waste places, Nova Scotia to the Middle States and westward to Michigan. Part used.—Uerb (nonoflicial ). ARUM TRIPHYLLUM—ASTHMA-WEED, QUEENSLAND. 13 Arum triphyllum L. Same as Arisaema triphyllum. Asarum canadense L. Birthwort family (Aristolochiaceae). Canada snakeroot; wild ginger; Indian ginger. ‘Perennial herb, about 1 foot in height, native in rich woods from Canada to North Carolina and Kansas. Parts used.—Rhizome and rootlets (nonofficial). Asclepias. See Asclepias tuberosa. Asclepias cornuti Dec. Same as Asclepias syriaca. Asclepias incarnata L. Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae). White Indian hemp; swamp-milkweed; swamp-silkweed; rose-colored silkweed. Perennial herb, 2 to 4 feet high, native in swamps from Canada to Tennessee and Kansas. Part used.—Root (nonoflicial) . Asclepias syriaca L. Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae). Synonym.—Asclepias cornuti Dec. Common milkweed; silkweed. Perennial herb, 3 to 5 feet high, native in fields and waste places from Canada to North Carolina and Kansas. Part used.—Root (nonofficial ). Asclepias tuberosa L. Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae). Asclepias; pleurisy-root; butterfly-weed; Canada-root; whiteroot. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, growing in dry fields from Canada to Florida and Arizona; most abundant southward. Part used.—Root (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Ash, American mountain-. See Sorbus americana. Ash, black. See Fraxinus nigra. Ash, cane-. See Fraxinus americana. Ash, hoop-. See Fraxinus nigra. Ash, prickly. See Fagara clava-herculis and Xanthoxrylum americanum. Ash, wafer-. See Ptelea trifoliata. Ash, white. See Fraxinus americana. Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal. Custard-apple family (Anonaceae). North American pawpaw; custard-apple. Small, native tree, growing in rich soil along the banks of streams from New York to Michigan and southward. Most common in the Ohio Valley. Part used.—Seed {nonofiicial ). Aspen, American. See Populus tremuloides. Aspen, quaking. See Populus tremuloides. Aspidium. See Dryopteris filix-mas and D. marginalis. Aspidium filix-mas Sw. Same as Dryopleris filix-mas. Aspidium marginale Sw. Same as Dryopteris marginalis. Asplenium filix-foemina (L.) Bernh. Same as Athyrium filix-foemina. Aster puniceus L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Red-stalked aster; cocash; meadow-scabish. Perennial herb, with stout, reddish stem, 3 to 8 feet high, native; in swamps and on banks of streams, Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to North Carolina, Ohio, and Michigan. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Aster, red-stalked. See Aster puniceus. Asthma-weed, Queensland. See Huphorbia pilulifera. 14 Athyrium filix-foemina (L.) Roth. WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Synonym.—Asplenium filix-foemina (L.) Bernh. Backache-brake; female-fern; lady-fern. Fern family (Polypodiaceae). Native fern, with leayes 1 to 3 feet long; in woods and thickets, Canada to Alaska, southward to Florida and Arizona. Part used.—Rhizome (nonofficial). Avens, purple. See Geum rivale. Avens, water-. See Geum rivale. Backache-brake. See Athyrium filix-foemina. Backache-root. See Lacinaria spicata. Balm. See Melissa officinalis. Balm, bee-. See Monarda didyma. Balm, field-. See Glecoma hederacea. Balm, garden-. See Melissa officinalis. Balm, horse-. See Collinsonia canadensis. Balm, lemon-. See Melissa officinalis. Balm, mountain-. See Hriodictyon californicum. Balm, scarlet. See Monarda didyma. Balm, sweet. See Melissa officinalis. Balm-of-Gilead. See Populus candicans. Balmony. See Chelone glabra. Balsam, sweet. See Gnaphalium obtusifolium. Balsam tree, Canada. See Abies balsamea. Balsam, white. See Gnaphalium obtusifolium. Balsam-fir. See Abies balsamea. Bamboo-brier. See Smilax pseudo-china. Baneberry, red. See Actaea rubra. Baneberry, white. See Actaea alba. Baptisia tinctoria (L.) R. Br. Wild indigo; yellow indigo; American indigo; indigo-weed; horsefly-weed. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, growing in dry, poor soil from Maine to Minnesota, south to Florida and Louisiana. Parts used.—Root and leaves (nonofficial). Barberry, holly-leaved. See Berberis aquifolium. Bardane. See Arctium lappa. Basswood. See Tilia americana. Bay, rose-. See Rhododendron maximum. Bay , sweet. See Magnolia virginiana. 3ay, white. See Magnolia virginiana. Bayberry. See Myrica cerifera. Bean, bog-. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Bean, buck-. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Bean, hog’s-. See /Tyoscyamus niger. Bearberry. See Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. Jearberry-tree. See Rhamnus purshiana. Bear’s-foot, yellow. See Polymnia uvedalia. y Pea family (Fabaceae). BEAR’S-WEED—BITTERBLOOM. 15 Bear’s-weed. See Lriodictyon californicum. Beaver-poison. See Cicuta maculata. Beaverroot. See Nymphaea advena. Beaver-tree. See Magnolia virginiana. - Bedstraw. See Galiuvm aparine.~ Bee-balm. See Monarda didyma. Beech, American. See Fagus americana. Beechdrops. See Leptamnium virginianum. Beechnut-tree. See Fagus americana. Bee-plant. See Scrophularia marilandica. Beggars’-buttons. See Arctium lappa. Bellwort, perfoliate. -See Uvularia perfoliata. Benjamin-bush. See Benzoin benzoin. Bennet. See Pimpinella saxifraga. Benzoin benzoin (L.) Coulter. Laurel family (Lauraceae). Synonyms.—Laurus benzoin L.; Lindera benzoin Meissn.; Benzoin odoriferum Nees. Spicebush; feverbush; Benjamin-bush; wild allspice; spicewood. Indigenous shrub, 5 to 12 feet high; in damp, shady woods, and along streams, Massachusetts to Michigan, south to North Carolina and Kansas. Parts used.—Bark and berries (nonofficial). Benzoin odoriferum Nees. Same as Benzoin benzoin. Berberis. See Berberis aquifolium. Berberis aquifolium Pursh. Barberry family (Berberidaceae). Berberis; Oregon grape; holly-leaved barberry; Rocky Mountain grape. A shrub, native in woods from Colorado to the Pacific Ocean; especially abun- dant in Oregon and northern California. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots of this and of other species of Berberis (official). Bergamot, wild. See Monarda fistulosa. Bethroot, ill-scented. See Trillium erectum. Betony, Paul’s-. See Veronica officinalis. Betula lenta L. Birch family (Betulaceae). Sweet birch; black birch; cherry birch. Large, indigenous forest tree; Newfoundland to Ontario, south to Florida and Tennessee. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial). Oil of betula, obtained by maceration and dis- tillation from the bark, is official. Bikukulla canadensis (Goldie) Millsp. Poppy family (Papaveraceae). Synonyms.—Corydalis formosa Pursh; Corydalis canadensis Goldie; Dicentra canadensis Walp. Turkey-corn; squirrel-corn; turkey-pea; staggerweed. Native, perennial plant, 6 to 12 inches high; in rich woods from Nova Scotia south along the mountains to Kentucky, and westward to Missouri and Minnesota. Part used.—Tubers (nonofficial). Birch, black. See Betula lenta. Birch, cherry. See Betula lenta. Birch, sweet. See Betula lenta. Bird’s-foot violet. See Viola pedata. Birthroot. See Trilliwm erectum. Bitterbloom. See Sabbatia angularis. 11072—No. 89—06——3 16 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Bitter-buttons. See Tanacetum vulgare. Bitterroot. See Apocynum androsaemifolium. Bittersweet. See Solanum dulcamara. Bittersweet, false. See Celastrus scandens. Bitterweed. See Hrigeron canadensis. Blackberry, high-bush. See Rubus nigrobaccus. Blackberry, knee-high. See Rubus cuneifolius. ‘ Blackberry, low running. See Rubus procumbens. Blackberry, low-bush. See Rubus trivialis. Blackberry, sand-. See Rubus cuneifolius. Blackcap. See Rubus occidentalis. Blackroot. See Veronica virginica. Blackroot, Indian. See Pterocaulon undulatum. Blackwort. See Symphytum officinale. Bladderpod. See Lobelia inflata. Blazingstar. See Chamaelirium luteum. Blazingstar, blue. See Lacinaria scariosa, Blazingstar, scaly. See Lacinaria squarrosa. Bloodroot. See Sanguinaria canadensis. Bloodwort. See Hieracium venosum. Bloodwort, striped. See Hieracium venosum. Blowball. See Taraxacum officinale. . Blue-curls. See Prunella vulgaris. Bog-bean. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Bog-myrtle. See Myrica gale. Boneset. See Eupatorium perfoliatum. Boneset, deerwort-. See Eupatoriwin ageratoides. Boneset, purple. See Eupatorium purpureum. Bouncing-Bet. See Saponaria officinalis. Bowman’s-root. See Porteranthus trifoliatus and Veronica virginica. Boxwood. See Cornus florida. Brake, backache-. See Athyrium filix-foemina. Brake, buckhorn-. See Osmunda regalis. Brake, rock-. See Polypodium vulgare. Brassica nigra (L.) Koch. Mustard family (Brassicaceae) . Synonym.—Sinapis nigra L. Sinapis nigra; black mustard; brown mustard; red mustard. Annual herb, introduced from Europe; found in fields and waste places almost throughout the United States. Part used.—Seed (official); the volatile oil obtained from black mustard seed is also official. Brauneria angustifolia (DC.) Heller. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Echinacea angustifolia DC. Echinacea; pale-purple coneflower; Sampson-root; niggerhead (in Kansas). Native, perennial, herbaceous plant, 2 to 3 feet high, occurring in rich prairie soil or sandy soil from Alabama to Texas and northwestward; most abundant in Kansas and Nebraska. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). BROOM—CALICO-BUSH. 17 Broom. See Cytisus scoparius. Broom, green. See Cytisus scoparius. Broom, Scotch. See Cytisus scoparius. Brownwort. See Prunella vulgaris. Bruisewort. See Symphytuin officinale. Buck-bean. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Buckeye, fetid. See Aesculus glabra. Buckeye, Ohio. See Aesculus glabra. Buckeye, smooth. See Aesculus glabra. Buckhorn-brake. See Osmunda regalis. Buckthorn. See Rhamnus cathartica. Bugle, sweet. See Lycopus virginicus. Bugle, water-. See Lycopus virginicus. Bugleweed. See Lycopus virginicus. Bullbrier. See Smilax pseudo-china. Bull-nettle. See Solanum carolinense. Bulrush. See Typha latifolia. Burdock. See Arctium lappa. Burnet-saxifrage. See Pimpinella saxifraga. Burningbush. See Euonymus atropurpurea. Bursa bursa-pastoris (L.) Britton. Mustard family (Brassicaceae). Synonym.—Capsella bursa-pastoris Medic. Shepherd’s-purse; cocowort; toywort. Annual plant, about 1 foot in height, found in fields and waste places; widely distributed. Introduced from Europe. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Burseed, spiny. See Xanthiwm spinosum. Burweed, thorny. See Xanthium spinosum. Butneria florida (L.) Kearney. Strawberry-shrub family (Calycanthaceae). Synonym.—Calycanthus floridus L. Hairy strawberry-shrub; sweet-scented shrub; Carolina allspice; Florida allspice. Native shrub, 4 to 8 feet high; in rich soil, Virginia to Mississippi. Part used.—Bark (nonoflficial). Butterfly-weed. See Asclepias tuberosa. Butternut. See Juglans cinerea. Buttonbush. See Cephalanthus occidentalis. Button-snakeroot. See Eryngium yuccifolium. Button-snakeroot, dense. See Lacinaria spicata. Button-snakeroot, large. See Lacinaria scariosa. Button-tree. See Cephalanthus occidentalis. Buttonwood-shrub. See Cephalanthus occidentalis. Cabbage, skunk-. See Spathyema foetida. Cabbage, swamp-. See Spathyema foetida. Calamus. See Acorus calamus. Calfkill. See Kalmia angustifolia. Calico-bush. See Kalmia latifolia. 15 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Calycanthus floridus L. Same as Butneria florida. Camomile, fetid. See Anthemis cotula. Canada balsam tree. See Abies balsamea. Canada-root. See Asclepias tuberosa. Cancerroot. See Leptamniwm virginianum. Candleberry. See Myrica cerifera. Cane-ash. See Fraxinus americana. Cankerroot. See Coptis trifolia and Limonium carolinianum. Canker-weed. See Nabalus serpentarius. Canker-weed, white. See Nabalus albus. Cankerwort. See Taraxacum officinale. Canoewood. See Liriwdendron tulipifera. Capsella bursa-pastoris Medic. Same. as Bursa bursa-pastoris. Cardinal, red. See Lobelia cardinalis. Cardinal-flower. See Lobelia cardinalis. Cardinal-flower, blue. See Lobelia siphilitica. Carduus arvensis (L.) Robs. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Cirsium arvense Scop. Canada thistle; creeping thistle; cursed thistle. Perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high; growing in cultivated fields, pastures, and waste places from Newfoundland to Virginia, west to Minnesota and Nebraska. A bad weed, introduced from Europe. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Carduus benedictus Auct. Same as Cnicus benedictus. Carpenter’s-square. See Scrophularia marilandica. Carrion-flower. See Smilax herbacea. Carrot, wild. See Daucus carota. Carya alba Nutt. Same as Hicoria ovata. Cascara sagrada. See Rhamnus purshiana. Cassia marilandica L. Senna family (Caesalpiniaceae). American senna; wild senna; locust-plant. Native, perennial herb; in swamps and wet soil, New England to Florida, west to Louisiana and Nebraska. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial). Castalia odorata (Dryand.) Woody. & Wood. Water-lily family (Nymphaeaceae). Synonym.—Nymphaea odorata Dryand. White pond-lily; water-lily; sweet-scented water-lily. Indigenous, aquatic herb; perennial; in ponds, marshes, and sluggish streams, from Canada to Florida and Louisiana. Part used.—Rhizome (nonofficial). Castanea. See Castanea dentata. € Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh. Beech family (Fagaceae). Castanea; chestnut; American chestnut. A large, spreading tree, occurring in rich woods from Maine to Michigan, south to Tennessee. Especially abundant in the Allegheny region. Native. Part used.—Leaves (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Catchweed. See Galium aparine. Catfoot. See Glecoma hederacea. - CATGUT—CHAMAEILIRIUM LUTEUM. 1 Je) -Catgut. See Cracea virginiana. Catmint. See Nepeta cataria. Catnip. See Nepeta cataria. Cattail, broad-leaved. See Typha latifolia. Cattail-flag. See Typha latifolia. Caulophyllum. See Caulophyllum thalictroides. Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) Michx. Barberry family (Berberidaceae). Caulophyllum; blue cohosh; squawroot; papoose-root. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high; found in rich, shady woods from New Brunswick to South Carolina, westward to Nebraska; abundant throughout the Allegheny Mountain region. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official in U. S. P. 1890). Ceanothus americanus L. Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae). Jersey tea; New Jersey tea; redroot. A native shrub, growing in dry, open woods from Canada to Florida and Texas. Parts used.—Root, root-bark, and leaves (nonofficial). Cedar, red. See Juniperus virginiana. Cedar, shrubby red. See Juniperus sabina. Cedar, white. See Thuja occidentalis. Cedar, yellow. See Thuja occidentalis. Celandine. See Chelidonium majus. Celandine, garden-. See Chelidonium inajus. Celandine, great. See Chelidonium mMajus. Celandine, wild. See Impatiens aurea. : Celastrus scandens L. Staff-tree family (Celastraceae). False bittersweet; staff-tree; waxwork; fevertwig. ; An indigenous, twining; woody vine; in rich, damp soil, woods, and thickets, Ontario to Manitoba, south to North Carolina and New Mexico. Part used.—Bark of plant and of root (nonofficial ). Centaurea benedicta L. Same as Chicus benedictus. Centaury, American. See Sabbatia angularis. Centaury, ground-. See Polygala nuttallii. Cephalanthus occidentalis L. Madder family (Rubiaceae). Buttonbush; button-tree; buttonwood-shrub; globeflower. Indigenous shrub, 6 to 12 feet high; in swamps and damp places, Canada to Florida and California. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial ). Cercis canadensis L. Senna family (Caesalpiniaceae). Judas-tree; redbud. Small, native tree, growing in rich soil from New Jersey to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Bark of root (nonofiicial). Chamaelirium luteum (L.) A. Gray. Bunchflower family (Melanthiaceae). Synonym.—Helonias dioica Pursh. True (not false) unicorn-root;@ blazingstar; starwort; drooping starwort. Slender, perennial herb, about 2 feet high; native in moist meadows and thickets from Massachusetts to Michigan, south to Florida and Arkansas. Part used.—Rhizome (nonofficial ). aThe name ‘ unicorn-root’”’ was first applied to Chamaelirium luteum, and the designation “true unicorn-root’”” would seem to belong more properly to that species than to Aletris farinosa, to which the name unicorn-root was given later, and which may thus be called ‘false unicorn-root.” 20 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. Evening-primrose family (Onagraceae). Synonym.—Epilobium angustifolium L. Great willow-herb; wickup. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 8 feet high, found in dry soil from Canada to Alaska, south to North Carolina, Arizona, and California. Very common from Penn- sylvania northward. Parts used.—Leaves and root (nonofficial ). Chamomile, fetid. See Anthemis cotula. Champion-oak. See Quercus rubra. Checkerberry. See Gaultheria procumbens and Mitchella repens. Cheeseflower. See Malva sylvestris. Cheeses. See Malva rotundifolia. Chelidonium. See Chelidonium majus. Chelidonium majus L. Poppy family (Papaveraceae). Chelidonium; celandine; garden-celandine; great celandine; tetterwort. Perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, growing along fences, roadsides, and in waste places; common in the East. Naturalized from Europe. Part used.—Entire plant (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Chelone glabra L. Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae). Balmony; turtle-head; shellflower; snakehead; salt-rheum weed. Native, perennial, herbaceous plant, 2 to 3 feet high; in swamps and along streams, Newfoundland to Manitoba, south to Florida and Kansas. Part used.—Herb, and especially the leaves (nonofficial ). Chenopodium. See Chenopodium ambrosioides and C. anthelminticum. Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae). Chenopodium; Mexican tea; American wormseed; Jerusalem tea; Spanish tea.’ Strong-scented herb, 2 to 3 feet high, annual; naturalized from tropical America, and occurring in waste places, meadows, and pastures from New England to Florida, west to California. Part used.—Fruit (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Chenopodium anthelminticum L. Goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae). Chenopodium; wormseed; Jerusalem oak. Annual, sometimes perennial, herb, usually taller than C. ambrosioides, natural- ized from Europe, and found in waste places from southern New York to Wisconsin, south to Florida and Mexico. Parts used.—Fruit (official in U. 8. P. 1890). The oil of chenopodium, distilled from this plant, is official. Chenopodium botrys L. Goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae). Jerusalem oak. Annual herb, about 2 feet high, introduced from Europe; found in waste places from Nova Scotia to New York and Kentucky, westward to Oregon. Parts used.—Herb and seeds (nonofficial). Cherry birch. See Betula lenta. Cherry, rum-. See Prunus serotina. Cherry, wild. See Prunus serotina. Chervil, sweet. See Washingtonia longistylis. Chestnut. See Castanea dentata. Chestnut, American. See Castanea dentata. Chestnut, horse-. See Aesculus hippocastanum, Chickentoe. See Corallorhiza odontorhiza. Chickweed, common. See Alsine media. CHICKWEED, RED—CLEMATIS. 21 Chickweed, red. See Anagallis arvensis. Chicory. See Cichorium intybus. Chimaphila. * See Chimaphila umbellata. Chimaphila umbellata (L.) Nutt. Wintergreen family (Pyrolaceae). Chimaphila; pipsissewa; prince’s-pine; bitter wintergreen; rheumatism-weed. Small, perennial herb, native in dry, shady woods, especially in pine forests, from Nova Scotia to Georgia, west to California. Part used.—Leaves (official). China-root, American. See Smilax pseudo-china. China-root, false. See Smilax pseudo-china. Chionanthus virginica L. Olive family (Oleaceae). Fringe-tree; old-man’s-beard. A shrub or small tree, native in moist thickets from Delaware to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Bark of root (nonofficial) . Chittem-bark. See Rhamnus purshiana. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. Oxeye daisy; white daisy. Perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe; occurring in pastures, meadows, and waste places in nearly every section of the country, but less abundantly in the South and rarely in the West. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Pers. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Pyrethrum parthenium Smith. Common feverfew; featherfew; febrifuge-plant. Perennial herb, naturalized from Europe. Mostly escaped from cultivation; in waste places, New Brunswick to New Jersey, and locally in the interior. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Cichorium intybus L. Chicory family (Cichoriaceae). Chicory; succory. Perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high, growing in fields, waste places, and along road- sides from Nova Scotia to North Carolina, west to Nebraska. Abundant east- ward. Naturalized from Europe. Part used.—Root (nonofficial) . Cicuta maculata L. Parsley family (Apiaceae). Water-hemlock; musquash-root; beaver-poison. Native perennial, 3 to 6 feet high, stout, erect; poisonous. Found in swamps and low grounds from Canada south to Florida and New Mexico. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial ). Cimicifuga. See Cimicifuga racemosa. Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Synonym.—Actaea racemosa L. Cimicifuga; black snakeroot; black cohosh; squawroot; rattle-root. Native, perennial herb, 3 to 8 feet high; in rich soil in shady woods, Maine to Georgia, west to Wisconsin and Missouri. Most abundant in the Ohio Valley. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official). Cinquefoil. See Potentilla canadensis. Cirsium arvense Scop. Same as Carduus arvensis. Cleavers. See Galium aparine. Cleaverwort. See Galiwm aparine. Clematis. See Clematis virginiana: ‘ ¥ — a 29 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Clematis virginiana L. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Virgin’s-bower; clematis. Shrubby, perennial vine; native; found along river banks in hedges and thick- ets from Canada to Georgia and Kansas. Parts used.—Leaves and flowers (nonofficial). Clotbur, spiny. See Xanthium spinosum. Clotweed, thorny. See Xanthium spinoswin. Clover, bitter. See Sabbatia angularis. Clover, meadow-. See Trifolium pratense. Clover, purple. See Trifolium pratense. Clover, red. See Trifolium pratense. Clover, yellow sweet. See Melilotus officinalis. Club-moss. See Lycopodium clavatum. Cnicus benedictus L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonyms.—Carduus benedictus Auct.; Centaurea benedicta L. Blessed thistle; holy thistle; bitter thistle; spotted thistle; St. Benedict’s-thistle. Annual ee 1 to 2 feet high; in waste places, Southern States, and in Califor- nia and Utah; introduced from Europe. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Cocash. See Aster puniceus. Cocash-weed. See Senecio aureus. Cockle-but*on. See Arctiwm lappa. Cocowort. See Bursa bursa-pastoris. Cohosh, black. See Cimicifuga racemosa. Cohosh, blue. See Caulophyllum thalictroides. Cohosh, red. See Actaea rubra. Cohosh, white. See Actaea alba. Colic-root. See Aletris farinosa, Dioscorea villosa, Lacinaria spicata, and L. squarrosa. Collinsonia canadensis L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Stoneroot; richweed; knobroot; horse-balm. Native, perennial herb, about 2 feet high, occurring in rich, moist woods from Maine to Wisconsin, south to Florida and Kansas. Parts used.—Root and leaves (nonoflicial). Colt’s-foot. See Tussilago farfara. Colt’s-tail. See Lrigeron canadensis. Columbine, European. See Aquilegia vulgaris. Columbine, garden-. See Aquilegia vulgaris. Columbine, wild. See under Aquilegia vulgaris. Columbo, American. See Frasera carolinensis. Comfrey. See Symphytum officinale. Compass-plant. See Silphium laciniatum. Comptonia asplenifolia Gaertn. Same as Comptonia peregrina. Comptonia peregrina (L.) Coulter. Bayberry family (Myricaceae). Synonyms.—Comptonia asplenifolia Gaertn. ; Myrica asplenifolia L. Sweet fern; spleenwortbush; meadow-fern. Shrubby plant, about 2} feet high, native; in thin sandy or stony woods and on hillsides, Canada to North Carolina, Indiana, and Michigan. Parts used.—Leaves and tops (nonofficial). Coneflower, pale-purple. See Brauneria angustifolia. et ie all CONEFLOWER, TALL——CORNUS FLORIDA. 23 Coneflower, tall. See Rudbeckia laciniata. Congo-root. See Psoralea pedunculata. Conium. See Conium maculatum. Conium maculatum L. Parsley family (Apiaceae). Conium; poison-hemlock; spotted parsley; spotted cowbane. Biennial herb, 2 to 6 feet high, naturalized from Europe; common in waste places, especially in the Eastern and Middle States. Poisonous. Parts used.—Full-grown, but unripe, fruit, carefully dried and: preserved (offi- cial); leaves (nonofficial). Consumptive’s-weed. See Hriodictyon californicum. Convyallaria. See Convallaria majalis. , Convallaria biflora Walt. Same as Polygonatum biflorum. Convallaria majalis L. Lily-of-the-valley family (Convallariaceae). Convallaria; lily-of-the-valley. A low, perennial herb; indigenous; on the higher mountains from Virginia to the Carolinas. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official); herb and flowers (nonoftiicial ). Convallaria racemosa L. Same as Vagnera racemosa. Convolvulus panduratus L. Same as Ipomoea pandurata. Coolwort. See Tiarella cordifolia. Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. - Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Goldthread; cankerroot; mouthroot; yellowroot. Low, native, perennial herb, growing in damp mossy woods and bogs from Can- ada and Alaska south to Maryland and Minnesota; most common in the New England States, northern New York and Michigan, and in Canada. Parts used.—Rhizome and rootlets (nonofficial). Corallorhiza odontorhiza ( Willd.) Nutt. Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Crawley-root; coralroot; dragon’s-claw; chickentoe. Leafless plant, 6 to 15 inches high, found in rich woods from Maine to Florida, west to Michigan and Missouri. Native. Part used.—Rhizome (nonofficial). Coralroot. See Corallorhiza odontorhiza. Corn, squirrel-. See Bikukulla canadensis. Corn, turkey-. See Bikukulla canadensis. Cornel, silky. See Cornus amomum. Corn-snakeroot. See Eryngium yuccifolium and Lacinaria spicata. Cornus amomum Mill. Dogwood family (Cornaceae). Synonym.—Cornus sericea L. Red osier; swamp-dogwood; silky cornel; rose-willow. Native shrub, 3 to 10 feet high; in low woods and along streams, Canada to Florida, west to Texas and the Dakotas. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial). Cornus circinata L’ Her. Dogwood family (Cornaceae). Green osier; round-leaved dogwood. Native shrub, 3 to 10 feet high; in shady places, Canada and the northeastern United States. , Part used.—Bark (nonofficial). Cornus florida L. Dogwood family (Cornaceae). Flowering dogwood; boxwood. Small, native tree or large shrub, growing in woods from Canada to Florida, Texas and Missouri. Most abundant in the Middle States. Parts used.—Bark of tree and of root, the latter preferred (nonofficial 1 11072—No. 89—06——4 24 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Cornus sericea L. Same as Cornus amomuim. Corydalis canadensis Goldie. Same as Bikukulla canadensis. Corydalis formosa Pursh. Same as Bikukulla canadensis. Cotton-gum. See Nyssa aquatica. Cottonweed. See Anaphalis margaritacea. Couch-grass. See Agropyron repens. Coughweed. See Senecio aureus. Coughwort. See Tussilago farfara. Cowbane, spotted. See Conium maculatum. Cow-lily. See Nymphaea advena. Cow-parsnip. See Heracleum lanatum. Cracca virginiana L. Pea family (Fabaceae). Synonym.— Tephrosia virginiana Pers. Devil’s-shoestring; hoary pea; goat’s-rue; catgut. Hoary, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, native; occurring in dry, sandy soil from New England to Florida, west to Texas and Minnesota. Part used.— Root (nonofficial). Cramp-bark. See Viburnum opulus. Cranberry, high-bush. See Viburnum opulus. Cranberry, upland-. See Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. Crane’s-bill, spotted. See Geraniwm maculatum. Crane’s-bill, wild. See Geranium maculatum. Crataegus oxyacantha L. Apple family (Malaceae). Hawthorn; hedgethorn; whitethorn; maythorn. Shrub or tree, introduced from Europe, and sparingly escaped from cultivation. Part used.—Berries (nonofficial). 4 Crawley-root. See Corallorhiza odontorhiza. Crosswort.. See Eupatorium perfoliatum. Cucumber-tree. See Magnolia acuminata and M. tripetala. Cudweed, low. See Gnaphalium uliginosum. Cudweed, marsh-. See Gnaphalium uliginosum. Culver’s-physic. See Veronica virginica. Culver’s-root. See Veronica virginica. Cunila mariana L. Same as Cunila origanoides. Cunila origanoides (L.) Britton. Mint family (Menthaceae). Synonym.—Cunila mariana L. American dittany; stonemint. Indigenous, perennial plant, found on dry hills and in dry woods from New York to Florida, west to Ohio. Part used.—Herb (nonoflicial ). Cup-plant. See Silphium perfoliatum. Custard-apple. See Asimina triloba. Cynoglossum officinale L. Borage family (Boraginaceae). Hound’s-tongue; gypsy-flower. Biennial herb, about 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe, and occurring in waste places from Canada to North Carolina, west to Kansas and Minnesota. Parts used.—Leaves and root (nonofficial). Cypripedium. See Cypripedium hirsutum and C. parviflorum. ioe CYPRIPEDIUM HIRSUTUM—DELPHINIUM CONSOLIDA. 25 Cypripedium hirsutum Mill. Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Synonym.— Cypripedium pubescens Willd. Cypripedium; large yellow ladies-slipper; yellow moccasin-flower; American valerian. Herb, 1 to 2 feet high, native in woods and thickets from Nova Scotia south to Alabama and west to Nebraska and Missouri. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official). Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Cypripedium; small yellow ladies-slipper. Herb, 1 to 2 feet high; native in woods and thickets from British America to Georgia, Missouri, and Oregon. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official). Cypripedium pubescens Willd. Same as Cypripedium hirsutum. Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link. Pea family (Fabaceae). Synonym.—Sarothamnus scoparius Wimm. Scoparius; broom; green broom; Scotch broom. Stiff, wiry plant, 3 to 5 feet high; naturalized from Europe; growing in dry, sandy soil from Massachusetts to Virginia and becoming common in many places in the northwestern United States. Part used.—Tops (official). Daisy, oxeye. See Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. Daisy, white. See Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. Daisy-fleabane. See Erigeron philadelphicus. Damiana. See Turnera microphylla. Dandelion. See Taraxacum officinale. Daphne mezereum L. Mezereon family (Daphnaceae). Synonym.—Mezereum officinarum C. A. Mey. Mezereum; mezereon; spurge-laurel; paradise-plant; spurge-olive. b ? too} 5 A very hardy shrub, introduced from Europe and escaped from cultivation in Canada and New England. Part used.—Bark of this and of other European species of Daphne (official). Datura stramonium L. Potato family (Solanaceae). Stramonium; jimson-weed; Jamestown-weed; thorn-apple; apple-of-Peru. Poisonous weed; annual, 2 to 5 feet high; introduced from the Tropics, and occurring in fields and waste places throughout the United States, with the exception of the North and West. Pavis used.—Leaves (official); seeds (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Daucus carota L. Parsley family (Apiaceae). Wild carrot; Queen-Anne’s-lace. Biennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high; naturalized from Europe; common almost - throughout the United States, growing in old fields and along roadsides. Parts used.—Root, fruit, and leaves (nonofficial). Deerberry. See Gaultheria procumbens and Mitchella repens. Deer-laurel. See Rhododendron maximum. Deer’s-tongue. See Trilisa odoratissima. Deerwood. See Ostrya virginiana. Deerwort-boneset. See Hupatorium ageratoides. Delphinium consolida L. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Field-larkspur; knight’s-spur: lark-heel. An annual herb, about 2 feet high; naturalized from Europe, and found in waste places from southern New Jersey and Pennsylvania southward. The indig- 26 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Delphinium consolida—Continued. enous tall larkspur, Delphinium urceolatuin Jacq. (D. exaliatum Ait.), is used for similar purposes. This is found in woods from Pennsylvania to Minnesota, south to Alabama and Nebraska. Parts used.—Herb and seeds (nonoflicial). Delphinium exaltatum Ait. See under Delphinium consolida. Delphinium urceolatum Jacq. See under Delphiniwm consolida. Devil’s-bit. See Lacinaria scariosa. : Devil’s-shoestring. See Cracca virginiana. Dewberry. See Rubus procumbens. Dewberry, one-flowered. See Rubus villosus. Dewberry, southern. See Rubus trivialis. Dicentra canadensis Walp. Same as Bikukulla canadensis. Digitalis. See Digitalis purpurea. P Digitalis purpurea L. Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae). Digitalis; foxglove; fairy-fingers; thimbles; lady’s-glove. Very handsome biennial plant, 3 to 4 feet high; introduced from Europe as a garden plant, and now escaped from cultivation in parts of Oregon, Washing- ton, and West Virginia. Parts used.—Leaves from plants of second year’s growth, gathered at commence- ment of flowering (official). Dioscorea villosa L. Yam family (Dioscoreaceae). Wild yam; colic-root; rheumatism-root. Slender, herbaceous, native vine, growing in moist thickets from Rhode Island to Minnesota, south to Floridaand Texas; more common in central and south- ern parts of the United States. Part used.—Rhizome (nonofficial). / Diospyros virginiana L. Ebony family (Diospyraceae). Persimmon. Indigenous tree, 15 to 50 feet in height; in fields and woods, Rhode Island to Kansas, Florida, and Texas. Parts used.—Bark and unripe fruit (nonofficial). Dirca palustris L. Mezereon family (Daphnaceae). Leatherwood; moosewood; American mezereon; wickopy; rope-bark. A native shrub, occurring in woods and thickets, New Brunswick to Florida, west to Missouri and Minnesota; most common in the Northern and Eastern States. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial). Ditch-stonecrop. See Penthorum sedoides. Dittany, American. See Cunila origanoides. Dock, bitter. See Rumex obtusifolius. Dock, blunt-leaved. See Rumex obtusifolius. Dock, broad-leaved. See luwmea obtusifolius. Dock, curled. See Rumex crispus. Dock, narrow. See Rumer crispus. Dock, sour. See Rumex crispus. Dock, spatter-. See Nymphaea advena. Dock, velvet. See Verbascwm thapsus. Dock, yellow. See Rumex crispus. Dogbane, spreading. See Apocynum androsaemifolium. Dogberry. See Sorbus americana. DOG-FENNEL—EMETIC-ROOT. ae Dog-fennel. See Anthemis cotula. Dog-grass. See Agropyron repens. Dog’s-tooth violet. See Lrythronium americanum. Dogwood, flowering. See Cornus florida. Dogwood, round-leaved. See Cornus circinata. Dogwood, swamp-. See Cornus ainomum. Dooryard-plantain. See Plantago major. Dracontium foetidum L. Same as Spathyema foetida, Dragon’s-claw. See Corallorhiza odontorhiza. Dropwort, western. See Porteranthus trifoliatus. Drosera rotundifolia L. Sundew family (Droseraceae). Round-leaved sundew; youthwort. Low, perennial herb, growing in bogs and muddy shores of rivers from Canada to Florida and California. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott. Fern family (Polypodiaceae). Synonyms.—Aspidium filiz-mas Sw.; Polypodium filix-mas L. Aspidium; male-fern. Fern, with leaves 1 to 3 feet long; in rocky woods from Canada to northern Michigan, and in the Rocky Mountains to Arizona. Part used.—Rhizome (official). Dryopteris marginalis (L.) A. Gray. Fern family (Polypodiaceae). Synonyms.—Aspidium marginale Sw.; Polypodium marginale L. Aspidium; evergreen wood-fern; marginal-fruited shield-fern. Fern, with leaves 6 inches to 23 feet long; in rocky woods from Canada south to Alabama and Arkansas. Part used.—Rhizome (official). Duleamara. See Solanum dulcamara. Dysentery-weed. See Gnaphaliwm uliginosum. Earth-smoke. See Fumaria officinalis. Echinacea. See Brauneria angustifolia. Echinacea angustifolia DC. Same as Brauneria angustifolia. Elder. See Sambucus canadensis. Elder, American. See Sambucus canadensis. Elder, dwarf. See Aralia hispida. Elder, sweet. See Sambucus canadensis. Elder, wild. See Aralia hispida. Elecampane. See Inula helenium. Elk-tree. See Oxydendrum arboreum. Elkwood. See Magnolia tripetala. Elliott’s-sabbatia. See Sabbatia elliottii. Elm. See Ulmus fulva. Elm, Indian. See Ulmus fulva. Elm, moose-. See Ulmus fulva. Elm, red. See Ulmus fulva. Elm, slippery. See Ulmus fulva. Emetic-root. See Huphorbia corollata. 28 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Epigaea repens L. Heath family (Ericaceae). Gravel-plant; trailing arbutus; mayflower. Small, shrubby, native plant, spreading on the ground in sandy soil, especially under ey ergreen trees, from Florida to Michigan and northward. Part used.—Leaves (aondleial). Epilobium angustifolium L. Same as Chamaenerion angustifolium. Epilobium palustre L. Evening-primrose family (Onagraceae). Swamp willow-herb; wickup. Slender, erect, native herb, 6 to 18 inches high, found in swamps and marshes from Canadaand the New England States west to Colorado and Washington. Parts used.—Leaves and root (nonoflicial). Epiphegus virginiana Bart. Sameas Leptamnium virginianuin. Equisetum hyemale L. Horsetail family (Equisetaceae). Common scouring-rush; horsetail; shave-grass. Rush-like perennial plant, growing in wet places along river banks and borders of woods throughout nearly the whole of North America. Part used.—Plant (nonofficial). Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. Aster family (Asteraceae). Fireweed; pilewort. Native, annual herb, 1 to 8 feet high, in woods, fields, and waste places, Canada to Florida, Louisiana, and Nebraska. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Erigeron canadensis L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Leptilon canadense (L.) Britton.¢ Canada fleabane; horseweed; colt’s-tail; prideweed; bitterweed. Native, annual weed, 3 inches to 10 feet in height; in fields and meadows, along roadsides, and in waste places, almost throughout North America. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial); the oil of erigeron, distilled from the fresh, flowering herb, is official. Erigeron philadelphicus L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Philadelphia fleabane; sweet scabious; daisy-fleabane. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high, in fields and woods throughout North America, except extreme North. Part used.—Herb (nonoflicial). Eriodictyon. See Hriodictyon californicum. Eriodictyon californicum (H. & A.) Greene. Waterleaf family (Hydrophyllaceae). Synonym.—Eriodictyon glutinosum Benth. Eriodictyon; yerba santa; mountain-balm; consumptive’s-weed; bear’s-weed. Shrubby plant, 2 to 4 feet high, native; grows in clumps in dry situations and among rocks throughout California and northern Mexico. Part used.—Leaves (official). Friodictyon glutinosum Benth. Same as Friodictyon californicum. Eryngium yuccaefolium Michx. Same as Lryngium yuceifoliun. Eryngium yuccifolium Michx. Parsley family (Apiaceae). Synonym.— Eryngium yuccaefolium Michx. bib mec iasd Arg button-snakeroot; rattlesnake-weed; rattlesmake-master; corn- snakeroot. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 5 feet high, growing in swamps and low wet ground from the pine barrens of New Jersey west to Minnesota, and south to Texas and Florida. Part used.—Rhizome (1 smnpsyiis aSome authors hold that this stant belouia © to 5 the eae Leptilon and that its name should be Leptilon canadense (L.) Britton. The Pharmacopceia is here followed. ERYNGO, WATER—EUPHORBIA NUTANS. 29 Eryngo, water-. See Eryngium yuccifolium. Erythronium americanum Ker. Lily family (Liliaceae). Yellow adder’s-tongue; dog’s-tooth violet; yellow snowdrop; rattlesnake-violet; yellow snakeleaf. Native, perennial herb, occurring in moist woods and thickets, Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to Arkansas and Florida. Parts used.—Leaves and root (nonofficial). Euonymus. See Huonymus atropurpureus. Euonymus atropurpureus Jacq. Staff-tree family (Celastraceae). Euonymus; wahoo; burningbush; spindle-tree; Indian arrowwood. Native shrub or small tree, growing in woods and thickets from Ontario and eastern United States west to Montana. Part used.—Bark of root (official) . Eupatorium. See Hupatorium perfoliatum. Eupatorium ageratoides L. f. Aster family (Asteraceae). White snakeroot; white sanicle; Indian sanicle; deerwort-boneset; poolwort; poolroot; richweed; squaw-weed. Erect, perennial herb, 1 to 4 feet high, native; in rich woods from Canada to Georgia, west to Nebraska and Louisiana. Part used.—Root (nonofificial ). Eupatorium aromaticum L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Smaller white snakeroot; poolwort; poolroot; wild hoarhound. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high; in dry soil from ees to F lorida, especially thr oughout the Middle States. Part used.—Root (nonofficial ). Eupatorium perfoliatum L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Eupatorium; boneset; thoroughwort; Indian sage; agueweed; crosswort. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 5 feet high; in low, wet places from Canada to Florida, west to Texas and Nebraska. Parts used.—Leaves and flowering tops (official). Eupatorium purpureum L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Queen-of-the-meadow; gravelroot; Joe-Pye-weed; purple boneset; kidneyroot. Native, perennial herb, 3 to 10 feet high; in low grounds from Canada to Florida and Texas--~ Parts used.—Root and herb (nonofficial). Euphorbia corollata L. Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Flowering spurge; emetic-root; milk-ipecac; snakemilk; purging-root. Native, perennial herb, about 3 feet in height, growing in dry fields and woods from Ontario to Florida and Minnesota to Texas. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Euphorbia hypericifolia A. Gray. Same as Euphorbia nutans. Euphorbia ipecacuanhae L. Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Wild ipecac; ipecac-spurge; American ipecac; Carolina ipecac. Native, perennial herb, 4 to 10 inches high; in dry, sandy soil, mostly near the coast, from Connecticut to Florida. Part used.—Root (nonoflficial). Euphorbia nutans Lag. Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Synonym.—Euphorbia hypericifolia A. Gray. Large spotted spurge; black purslane; fluxweed; milk-purslane. Native, annual plant, from 3 to 2 feet in height; in rich soils, fields, and thickets throughout eastern North America, oxceps extreme north, and extending west to the Rocky Mountains. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). 30 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Euphorbia pilulifera L. Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Pill-bearing spurge; snakeweed; Queensland asthma-weed. Herbaceous annual, 10 to 15 inches high, occurring from the Gulf States through Texas to New Mexico. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial ). Evening-primrose. See Oenothera biennis. Everlasting. See Anaphalis margaritacea. Everlasting, large-flowered. See Anaphalis margaritacea. Everlasting, pearly.. See Anaphalis margaritacea. Eve’s-cup. See Sarracenia flava. Fagara clava-herculis (L.) Small. Rue family (Rutaceae). Synonym.—Xanthoxylum clava-herculis L. Xanthoxylum; southern prickly ash; toothache-tree; yellowthorn; yellow- wood; Hercules-club. Small, indigenous, very prickly tree, sometimes 45 feet in height, occurring along streams from southern Virginia to Florida, west to Texas and Arkansas. Parts used.—Bark official under the name ‘‘Xanthoxylum’”’; berries (non- official). Fagus americana Sweet. Beech family (Fagaceae). Synonym.— Fagus ferruginea Ait. American beech; beechnut-tree. Large, native forest tree, growing in rich soil from Nova Scotia to Florida, west to Wisconsin and Texas. Parts used.—Bark and leaves (nonofficial ). Fagus ferruginea Ait. Same as Fagus americana. Fairy-fingers. See Digitalis purpurea. Featherfew. See Chrysanthemum parthenium. Febrifuge-plant. See Chrysanthemum parthenium. Female-fern. See Athyrium filix-foemina and Polypodium vulgare. Fennel, dog-. See Anthemis cotula. Fern, evergreen wood-. See Dryopteris marginalis. Fern, female-. See Athyrium filix-foemina and Polypodium vulgare. Fern, lady-. See Athyrium filix-foemina. Fern, maidenhair-. See Adiantum pedatum. Fern, male-. See Dryopteris filix-mas. Fern, marginal-fruited shield-. See Dryopteris marginalis. Fern, meadow-. See Comptonia peregrina. Fern, parsley-. See Tanacetum vulgare. Fern, royal. See Osmunda regalis. Fern, sweet. See Comptonia peregrina. Fernroot. See Polypodium vulgare. Feverbush. See Benzoin benzoin and Ilex verticillata. Feverfew, common. See Chrysanthemum parthenium. Feverroot. See Triostewm perfoliatum. Fevertwig. See Celastrus scandens. Field-balm. See Glecoma hederacea. Field-larkspur. See Delphinium consolida, Field-sorrel. See Rumex acetosella. FIGWORT, MARYLAND—FRAXINUS NIGRA. 3] Figwort, Maryland. See Scrophularia marilandica. Fir, balsam-. See Abies balsumea. Fireweed. See Erechtites hieracifolia. Fit-plant. See Monotropa uniflora. Fitroot. See Monotropa uniflora. Fivefinger. See Potentilla canadensis. Flag, blue. See Iris versicolor. Flag, cattail-. See Typha latifolia. Flag, sweet-. See Acorus calamus. Flag, water-. See Tris versicolor. Flag-lily. See Iris versicolor. Flannel-leaf. See Verbascum thapsus. Fleabane, Canada. See Erigeron canadensis. Fleabane, daisy-. See Erigeron philadelphicus. Fleabane, Philadelphia. See Erigeron philadelphicus. Fluxweed. See Euphorbia nutans. Flytrap. See Sarracenia purpurea. Foamflower. See Tiarella cordifolia. Foxglove. See Digitalis purpurea. Fragaria virginiana Duchesne. Rose family (Rosaceae). Virginia strawberry; scarlet strawberry. y; Native, perennial herb, occurring in dry soil from Canada to Georgia, west to Indian Territory and Minnesota. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial). Frankenia grandifolia Cham. &Schlecht. Frankenia family (Frankeniaceae). Yerba reuma. Native, perennial herb, 8 to 13 inches high, common in salt marshes and sandy localities near the coast in California. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Frasera carolinensis Walt. Gentian family (Gentianaceae). Synonym.—Frasera walteri Michx. American columbo; Indian lettuce; meadowpride; pyramid-flower. Smooth, perennia! herb, 3 to 8 feet high, found in dry soil from New York to Wisconsin, south to Georgia and Kentucky. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Frasera walteri Michx. Same as Frasera carolinensis. Fraxinus acuminata Lam. Same as Fraxinus americana. Fraxinus alba Marsh. Same as Fraxinus americana. Fraxinus americana L. Olive family (Oleaceae). | Marsh; Fraxinus acuminata Lam. White ash; cane-ash. Large, native forest tree, in rich woods from Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. Occurs chiefly in the Northern States and Canada. Part used.— Bark (nonofficial). Fraxinus nigra Marsh. Olive family (Oleaceae). Synonym.—Fraxinus sambucifolia Lam. Black ash; hoop-ash. Native tree, 40 to 70 feet in height, occurring in swamps and wet woods from Canada to Virginia and Arkansas. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial). 11072—No. 89—06——5 32 ‘WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Fraxinus sambucifolia Lam. Same as Fraxinus nigra. Fringe-tree. See Chionanthus virginica. Frost-plant. See Helianthemum canadense. Frostweed. See Helianthemum canadense. Frostwort. See Helianthemum canadense. Fuller’s-herb. See Saponaria officinalis. Fumaria officinalis L. Poppy family (Papaveraceae). Fumitory; hedge-fumitory; earth-smoke. Annual plant, 10 to 15 inches high, adventive from Europe and found in waste places about dwellings, in cultivated land, and on ballast, Nova Scotia to the Gulf States. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Fumitory. See Fumaria officinalis. Fumitory, hedge-. See Fumaria officinalis. Gagroot. See Lobelia inflata. Gale, sweet. See Myrica gale. Galium aparine L. Madder family (Rubiaceae). Cleavers; goose-grass; cleaverwort; bedstraw; catchweed. Annual plant, with weak, procumbent stem, 2 to 6 feet long, growing in shady thickets and margins of woods, New Brunswick south to Florida and Texas. Naturalized from Europe. Part used.—Herb of this and of other species of Galium (nonoflficial). Gallweed. See Gentiana quinquefolia. Garden-balm. See Melissa officinalis. Garden-celandine. See Chelidonium majus. Garden-columbine. See Aquilegia vulgaris. Garden-valerian. See Valeriana officinalis. Garget. See Phytolacca decandra. Gaultheria procumbens L. Heath family (Ericaceae). Wintergreen; checkerberry; mountain-tea; teaberry; deerberry. Small, native perennial, with evergreen leaves, found in sandy soils in cool, damp woods, especially under evergreen trees, in Canada and the northeastern United States. ; Part used.—Leaves (nonoflicial) ; the oil of gaultheria, distilled from the leaves, is official. Gay-feather. See Lacinaria scariosa and L. spicata. Gelsemium. See Gelsemiuwm sempervirens. Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) Ait. f. Logania family (Loganiaceae). Gelsemium; yellow jasmine; Carolina jasmine; wild woodbine. Twining, shrubby perennial, native, growing on low ground in woods and thickets from eastern Virginia to Florida and Texas, mostly near the coast. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official). Gemfruit. See Tiarella cordifolia. Gentian, American. See Gentiana saponaria, Gentian, blue. See Gentiana saponaria. Gentian, five-flowered. See Gentiana quinquefolia. Gentian, horse-. See Triosteum perfoliatum. Gentian, marsh-. See Gentiana villosa. Gentian, snake-. See Nabalus serpentarius. GENTIAN, SOAPWORT—GINSENG. 33 Gentian, soapwort-. See Gentiana saponaria. Gentian, stiff. See Gentiana quinquefolia. Gentian, straw-colored. See Gentiana villosa. Gentian, striped. See Gentiana villosa. Gentian, white. See Triosteum perfoliatum. Gentiana catesbaei Walt. Same as Gentiana saponaria. Gentiana ochroleuca Froel. Same as Gentiana villosa. Gentiana quinqueflora Lam. Same as Gentiana quinquefolia. Gentiana quinquefolia L. Gentian family (Gentianaceae). Synonym.—Gentiana quinqueflora Lam. Stiff gentian; five-flowered gentian; agueweed; gallweed. Native, annual plant, 1 to 2 feet in height, growing in pastures and other open situations from Maine to Michigan, south to Florida and Missouri. Parts used.—Root and herb (nonofficial). Gentiana saponaria L. Gentian family (Gentianaceae). Synonym.—Gentiana catesbaei Walt. American gentian; blue gentian; soapwort-gentian. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 23 feet high; in wet soil, Ontario to Minnesota, south to Louisiana and Florida. Part used.—Root (nonoflicial). Gentiana villosa L. Gentian family (Gentianaceae). Synonym.—Gentiana ochroleuca Froel. Striped gentian; straw-colored gentian; marsh-gentian; Sampson’s-snakeroot. Native, perennial herb, 6 to 18 inches high; in shaded places, Middle and Southern States. Part used.— Root (nonofficial ). Geranium. See Geranium maculatum. Geranium maculatum L. Geranium family (Geraniaceae). Geranium; wild crane’s-bill; spotted crane’s-bill; wild geranium; spotted gera- nium; alum-root. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 13 feet high; found in low grounds and open woods from Canada south to Georgia and Missouri. Part used.—Rhizome (official ). Geranium, spotted. See Geranium maculatum. Geranium, wild. See Geranium maculatum. Geum rivale L. Rose family (Rosaceae). Water-avens; purple avens. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, occurring in swamps and wet meadows from Canada to Pennsylvania and Colorado, especially in the Northern and Middle States. Parts used.—Rhizome and rootlets (nonofficial ). Ghostflower. See Monotropa uniflora. (rllenia trifoliata Moench. Same as Porteranthus trifoliatus. Gill-over-the-ground. See Glecoma hederacea, Ginger, Indian. See Asarum canadense. Ginger, wild. See Asarwm canadense. Gingerroot. See Tussilago farfara. Ginseng. See Panax quinquefolium. 34 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Glecoma hederacea L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Synonym.—Nepeta glechoma Benth. Ground-ivy; gill-over-the-ground; catfoot; field-balm. Low, perennial herb, with creeping stem. Naturalized from Europe and found in waste places, woods, and thickets from Newfoundland to Minnesota, south to Georgia and Kansas. : Part used.—Herb (nonofiicial ). Globeflower. See Cephalanthus occidentalis. Gnaphalium margaritaceum L. Same as Anaphalis margaritacea. Gnaphalium obtusifolium L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Gnaphalium polycephalum Michx. Sweet balsam; life-everlasting; sweet life-everlasting; white balsam. Native, herbaceous annual, 1 to 2 feet high; in dry, open places and old fields from Nova Scotia and Manitoba south to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Gnaphalium polycephalum Michx. Same as Gnaphalium obtusifolium. Gnaphalium uliginosum L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Mouse-ear; low cudweed; marsh-cudweed; wartwort; dysentery-weed. Annual herb, 2 to 8 inches high, occurring in damp soil from Newfoundland to Minnesota, south to Indiana and Virginia; apparently naturalized from Europe. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Gnaphalium undulatum Walt. Same as Pterocaulon undulatum. Goat’s-rue. See Cracca virginiana. Goldenrod, anise-scented. See Solidago odora. Goldenrod, fragrant-leaved. Sée Solidago odora. Goldenrod, sweet. See Solidago odora. Goldenseal. See Hydrastis canadensis. Goldthread. See Coptis trifolia. Goodyera pubescens R. Br. Same as Peramium pubescens. Goodyera repens R. Br. Same as Peramium repens. Goose-grass. See Galiwm aparine. Grape, Oregon. See Berberis aquifolium. Grape, Rocky Mountain. See Berberis aquifolium. Gravel-plant. See Epigaea repens. Gravelroot. See Hupatorium purpureum. Gravel-weed. See Onosmodium virginianum. Greenbrier, long-stalked. See Smilax pseudo-china. Grindelia. See Grindelia robusta and G. squarrosa. Grindelia robusta Nutt. ; Aster family (Asteraceae ). Grindelia; gum-plant. Perennial herb, about 14 feet high, native in the States west of the Rocky Mountains. Parts used.—Leaves and flowering tops (official). Grindelia, scaly. See Grindelia squarrosa. Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal. Aster family (Asteraceae). Grindelia; scaly grindelia; broad-leaved gum-plant. Perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, native; occurring on the plains and prairies from the Saskatchewan to Minnesota, Texas, and California. Parts used.—Leaves and flowering tops (official). GROMWELL, VIRGINIA FALSE—HELENIUM AUTUMNALE. 35 Gromwell, Virginia false. See Onosmodium virginianum Ground-centaury. See Polygala nuttallii. Ground-ivy. See Glecoma hederacea. Ground-raspberry. See Hydrastis canadensis. Ground-squirrel pea. See Jeffersonia diphylla. Gum, cotton-. See Nyssa aquatica. Gum, red. See Liquidambar styraciflua. Gum, star-leaved. See Liquidambar styraciflua. Gum, sweet-. See Liquidambar styraciflua. Gum, tupelo. See Nyssa aquatica. Gum-plant. See Grindelia robusta. Gum-plant, broad-leaved. See Grindelia squarrosa. Gypsy-flower. See Cynoglossum officinale. Gypsy-weed. See Lycopus virginicus. Hackmatack. See Larix laricina. Haircap-moss. See Polytrichum juniperinum. Hamamelis. See Hamamelis virginiana. Hamamelis virginiana L. Witch-hazel family (Hamamelidaceae). Hamamelis; witch-hazel; winterbloom; snapping hazel. Indigenous shrub, found in low, damp woods from New Brunswick to Minne- sota, south to Florida and Texas. Parts used.—Leaves (collected in autumn), bark, and twigs (official). Hardhack. See Spiraea tomentosa. Hart’s-thorn. See Rhamnus cathartica. Haw, black. See Viburnum prunifolium. Hawkweed, early. See Hieracium venosum. Hawthorn. See Crataegus oxryacentha. Hazel, snapping. See Hamamelis virginiana. Heal-all. See Prunella vulgaris and Scrophularia marilandica. Healing-herb. See Symphytum officinale. Heart-liverleaf. See Hepatica acuta. Heartsease. See Viola tricolor. Hedeoma. See Hedeoma pulegioides. Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers. Mint family (Menthaceae). Hedeoma; American pennyroyal; tickweed; squawmint. Low, native, annual plant, 6 to 12 inches high, growing in barren woods and dry fields, Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to Nebraska and Florida. Parts used.—Leaves and flowering tops, and the volatile oil distilled from these, are official. Hedge-fumitory. See Fumaria officinalis. Hedgethorn. See Crataegus oxyacantha. Helenium autumnale L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Sneezeweed; sneezewort; swamp-sunflower. Native perennial, 2 to 3 feet high, growing in swamps, wet fields, and meadows, Canada to Florida and Arizona. Part used.—Herb (nonofiicial). 36 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Helianthemum canadense (L.) Michx. Rock-rose family (Cistaceae). Frostweed; frostwort; frost-plant; Canadian rock-rose. Native, perennial herb, about one foot in height; in dry, sandy soil, Maine to Wisconsin, south to North Carolina and Kentucky. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). ‘ Hellebore, American. See Veratrum viride. Hellebore, green. See Veratrum viride. Hellebore, swamp-. See Veratrum viride. Helmetpod. See Jeffersonia diphylla. Helonias dioica Pursh. Same as Chamaelirium luteum. Hemlock. See Tsuga canadensis. Hemlock, poison-. See Conium maculautum. Hemlock, water-. See Cicuta maculata. Hemlock-spruce. See Tsuga canadensis. Hemp, black Indian. See Apocynum cannabinum. Hemp, Canadian. See Apocynum cannabinum. Hemp, white Indian. See Asclepias incarnata. Henbane. See Hyoscyamus niger. Hepatica acuta (Pursh) Britton. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Synonym.— Hepatica acutiloba DC. Heart-liverleaf; sharp-lobed liverleaf; liverwort. Perennial herb, 4 to 9 inches high, found in woods from Quebee and Ontario, south to Georgia (but rare near the coast), west to Iowa and Minnesota. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial ). Hepatica acutiloba DC. Same as Hepatica acuta. Hepatica hepatica (L.) Karst. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Synonym.—Hepatica triloba Chaix. Round-lobed liverleaf; kidney-liverleaf; liverwort. Perennial herb, 4 to 6 inches high; in woods from Nova Scotia to northern Florida, west to Iowa and Missouri; less common than the heart-liverleaf. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial ). Hepatica triloba Chaix. Same as Hepatica hepatica. Heracleum lanatum Michx. Parsley family (Apiaceae). Masterwort; cow-parsnip; youthwort. Native, perennial herb, 3 to 5 feet high, growing in moist meadows and culti- vated ground from C anada south to North ( ‘arolina, Utah, and California. Parts used.—Root, leaves, and seeds (nonoflficial). Hercules-club. See Fagara clava-herculis. Heuchera americana L. ' S$axifrage family (Saxifragaceae ). Alum-root; American sanicle. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 4 feet in height; in shady, rocky woodlands from Connecticut to Minnesota, south to Alabama and Louisiana. Part used.—Root (nonofficial ). Hickory, shellbark-. See /icoria ovata. Hicoria ovata ( Mill.) Britton. Walnut family (Juglandaceae). Synonym.—Carya alba Nutt. Shagbark, shellbark-hickory. Large, native tree, sometimes 120 feet in height; in rich soil from Quebee to southern Ontario and Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. Parts used.—Bark and leaves (nonoflicial). HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. 37 HIERACIUM VENOSUM Hieracium venosum lL. Chicory family (Cichoriaceae). Early hawkweed; rattlesnake-weed; bloodwort; striped bloodwort. Perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, native; occurring in dry woods and thickets from Maine to Georgia, west to Nebraska; more common in the northern and eastern United States. Parts used.— Leaves and root (nonofficial ). Highbelia. See Lobelia siphilitica. Hive-vine. See Mitchella repens. Hoarhound. See Marrubium vulgare. Hoarhound, water-. See Lycopus virginicus. Hoarhound, wild: See Lupatorium aromaticum. Hog-potato. See Ipomoea pandurata. Hog’s-bean. See Hyoscyaimus niger. Hogweed. See Ambrosia artemisiaefolia, Holly, American. See Ilex opaca. Holly, white. See Ilex opaca. Honeybloom. See Apocynuin androsaemifolium. Hoodwort. See Scutellaria lateriflora. Hoop-ash. See Fraxinus nigra. Hop-hornbeam. See Ostrya virginiana. Hop-tree. See Ptelea trifoliata. Hornbeam, hop-. See Ostrya virginiana. Horse-balm. See Collinsonia canadensis. Horse-chestnut. See Aesculus h ippocastanum. Horsefly-weed. See Baptisia tinctoria. Horsefoot. See Tussilago farfara. Horse-gentian. See Triostewm perfoliatum. Horseheal. See Inula helenium. Horsemint. See Monarda fistulosa and M. punctata. Horse-nettle. See Solanum carolinense. Horsetail. See Equisetum.hyemale. Horseweed. See Erigeron canadensis. Hound’s-tongue. See Cynoglossum officinale. Hydrangea. See Hydrangea arborescens. Hydrangea arborescens L. Hydrangea family (Hydrangeaceae). Hydrangea; wild hydrangea; seven-barks. Indigenous shrub, 5 or 6 feet in height; on rocky river banks from southern New York to Florida, west to lowa and Missouri; very abundant in the val- ley of the Delaware. Part used.—Root (nonofificial) . Hydrangea, wild. See Hydrangea arborescens. Hydrastis. See Hydrastis canadensis. Hydrastis canadensis L. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Hydrastis; goldenseal; yellowroot; ground-raspberry; orangeroot; yellow puccoon. Perennial herb, about 1 foot in height, native in rich soil in shady woods, southern New York to Minnesota, south to Georgia and Missouri, but prin- cipally in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official). 38 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Hyoscyamus. See Hyoscyamus niger. Hyoscyamus niger L. Potato family (Solanaceae). Hyoscyamus; henbane; hog’s-bean; insane-root. Biennial herb, 6 inches to 2 feet high, sparingly naturalized from Europe, in waste places from Nova Scotia to Ontario, New York, and Michigan. Parts used.—Leaves and flowering tops from plants of second year’s growth (official); seeds are also used (nonofficial). Hypericum perforatum L. St. John’s-wort family (Hypericaceae). John’s-wort; common St. John’s-wort. Herbaceous perennial, 1 to 2 feet high, naturalized from Europe; common in fields and waste places throughout almost the entire United States, except the Southern States. Part used.—Herb (nonofiicial ). Hyssop. See Hyssopus officinalis. Hyssop, wild. See Verbena hastata. Hyssop-skulleap. See Scutellaria integrifolia. Hyssopus officinalis L. - Mint family (Menthaceae). Hyssop. Perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe, and found along road- sides and in waste places from Ontario and Maine to North Carolina, and on the Pacific coast. Part used.—Herb (nonofificial). Ilex opaca Ait. Holly family (Aquifoliaceae). American holly; white holly. Native tree, 20 to 40 feet in height, with evergreen leaves; in moist woodlands, Maine to Florida, and west to Missouri and Texas; most abundant in the Atlantic States. Parts used.—Leaves and bark (nonofficial). Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray. Holly family (Aquifoliaceae). Synonym.—Prinos verticillata L. Black alder; feverbush; Virginia winterberry. A native shrub, growing in moist woods and along banks of streams from Noya Scotia to Florida, west to Wisconsin and Missouri. Parts used.—Bark and berries (nonofficial ). Impatiens aurea Muhl. Jewelweed family (Impatientaceae). Synonym.—Impatiens pallida Nutt. Jewelweed; pale touch-me-not; snapweed; wild celandine. Native, annual plant, 2 to 4 feet high, found in rich soil in moist, shady places from Quebec to Oregon, south to Georgia and Kansas. Part used.—Herb (nonofificial). Impatiens biflora Walt. Jewelweed family (Impatientaceae ). Synonym.— Impatiens fulva Nutt. Jewelweed; spotted touch-me-not; snapweed; silverleaf. Native, annual plant, 2 to 5 feet high, growing in rich soil in moist, shady places from Canada to Alaska and Oregon, south to Florida and Missouri; more com- mon than the pale touch-me-not. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial ). Impatiens fulva Nutt. Same as Impatiens biflora. Impatiens pallida Nutt. Same as Impatiens aurea, Indian-cup. See Silphium perfoliatum. Indian-paint. See Sanguinaria canadensis. Indian-physic. See Porteranthus trifoliatus. INDIAN-PIPE—JASMINE, YELLOW. — 39 Indian-pipe. See Monotropa uniflora. Indian-root. See Aralia racemosa. Indigo, American. See Baptisia tinctoria. Indigo, wild. See Baptisia tinctoria. Indigo, vellow. See Baptisia tinctoria. Indigo-weed. See Baptisia tinctoria. Inkberry. See Phytolacca decandra. Inkroot. See Limonium carolinianum. Insane-root. See Hyoscyamus niger. Inula. See Inula helenium. Inula helenium L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Inula; elecampane; horseheal; scabwort. Rough, perennial herb, 3 to 6 feet high, naturalized from Europe, and found along roadsides and in fields and pastures from Nova Scotia to North Carolina, westward to Missouri and Minnesota. Part used.—Root (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Ipecac, American. See Huphorbia ipecacuanhae. Ipecac, Carolina. See Euphorbia ipecacuanhae. Ipecac, false. See Porteranthus trifoliatus. Ipecac, milk-. See Huphorbia corollata. Ipecac, wild. See Euphorbia ipecacuanhae and Triostewm perfoliatum. Ipecac-spurge. See Huphorbia ipecacuanhae. Ipomoea pandurata (L.) Meyer. Morning-glory family (Convolvulaceae). Synonym.-—Convolvulus panduratus L. Manroot; man-of-the-earth; wild potato; hog-potato; wild jalap. Native perennial, with trailing stems 2 to 12 feet long; in dry fields or on hills from Connecticut to Michigan, south to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Root (nonofficial ). Iris. See Jris versicolor. Iris versicolor L. Iris family (Iridaceae). Tris; blue flag; flag-lily; liver-lily; water-flag; snake-lily. Native, perennial plant, 2 to 3 feet high, found in wet, marshy localities from Newfoundland to Manitoba, south to Florida and Arkansas. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Ironwood. See Ostrya virginiana. Ivy, American. See Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Ivy, ground-. See Glecoma hederacea. Ivy, poison-. See Rhus radicans and R. toxicodendron. Jack-in-the-pulpit. See Arisaema triphyllum. Jacob’s-ladder. See Polemonium reptans. Jacob’s-ladder, American. See Sinilax herbacea. Jalap, wild. See Jpomoea pandurata. James-tea. See Ledum groenlandicuin. Jamestown-weed. See Datwra stramonium. Jasmine, Carolina. See Gelsemiwm sempervirens. oe Jasmine, yellow. See Gelsemium sempervirens. 40 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Jeffersonia diphylla (L.) Pers. Barberry family (Berberidaceae). Twinleaf; rheumatism-root; helmetpod; yellowroot; ground-squirrel pea. Native, perennial plant, 8 to 14 inches in height, growing in woods and near streams from New York to Virginia, westward to Wisconsin. Part used.—Rhizome (nonofficial ). Jewelweed. See Impatiens aurea and I. biflora. Jimson-weed. See Datura stramonium. Job’s-tears, wild. See Onosmodium virginianum. Joe-Pye-weed. See Eupatorium purpureumn. John’s-wort. See Hypericum perforatum. Judas-tree. See Cercis canadensis. Juglans. See Juglans cinerea. Juglans cinerea L. Walnut family (Juglandaceae). Juglans; butternut; white walnut. Indigenous tree, 20 to 50 feet in height, common in rich woods from New Bruns- wick to North Dakota, south to Georgia, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Part used.—Bark of root, collected in autumn (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Juniper. See Juniperus communis. Juniperus communis L. Pine family (Pinaceae). Juniper. ; Evergreen shrub or low tree, common on dry, sterile hills from Canada south to New Jersey, west to Nebraska, and in the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico. Part used.—Fruit (nonofficial). The oil of juniper, distilled from the fruit, is official. Juniperus sabina L. Pine family (Pinaceae). Sabina; savin; shrubby red cedar. \ shrub, usually procumbent, seldom more than 4 feet in height, occurring in rocky places in the northern United States. Part used.—Tops, and the oil of savin, distilled from the fresh tops, are official. Juniperus virginiana L. Pine family (Pinaceae). Red cedar; red savin. A tree, sometimes 100 feet in height, common in dry soil from Canada to Florida and Arizona. Parts used.—Leaves and ‘‘cedar apples’’ (nonofficial). Kalmia angustifolia L. Heath family (Ericaceae). Sheep-laurel; lambkill; calfkill; narrow-leaved laurel. Native, evergreen shrub, about 3 feet high, growing in moist soil from Canada south to Georgia. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial ). Kalmia latifolia L. Heath family (Ericaceae). Mountain-laurel; calico-bush; broad- leaved laurel; sheep-laurel. Native, evergreen shrub, 10 to 20 feet high, growing in sandy or rocky soil from New Brunswick to Ohio, Florida, and Louisiana. Part used.—Leaves (nonoflicial). Kidney-liverleaf. See Hepatica hepatica. Kidneyroot. See Lupatorium purpureum. Knight’s-spur. See Delphinium consolida, Knobroot. See Collinsonia canadensis. Knotweed, biting. See Polygonum hydropiper. * KOELLIA MONTANA—LARIX AMERICANA. 4] Koellia montana (Michx.) Kuntze. Mint family (Menthaceae). Synonym.—Pycnanthemum montanum Michx. Thin-leaved mountain-mint. Native perennial, 2 to 3 feet high, found in woods from southern Virginia to Georgia and Alabama. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial) . Koellia pilosa ( Nutt.) Britton. Mint family (Menthaceae). Synonym.—Pycnanthemum pilosum Nutt. Hairy mountain-mint. Native perennial, 1 to 23 feet high, occurring in prairies and dry woods from Ohio to Georgia, west to Missouri and Arkansas. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Lacinaria scariosa {L.) Hill. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Liatris scariosa Willd. Blue blazingstar; large button-snakeroot; rattlesnake-master; gay-feather; devil’s-bit. Native, perennial herb, 4 to’5 feet high, found in dry woods and sandy fields from Maine to Florida, west to Texas and Nebraska. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Lacinaria spicata (L.) Kuntze. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Liatris spicata Willd. Dense button-snakeroot; colic-root; prairie-pine; gay-feather; rattlesnake- master; corn-snakeroot; backache-root. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 5 feet high, in moist places from Massachusetts to Florida, west to Wisconsin and Arkansas. Part used.—Root (nonofficial ). Lacinaria squarrosa (L.) Hill. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Liatris squarrosa Willd. Scaly blazingstar; colic-root; rattlesnake-master (in the South). Native, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, in dry soil, Ontario to Florida, west to Nebraska and Texas. Part used.—Root (nonofiicial). Lactuca canadensis L. Chicory family (Cichoriaceae) . Synonym.—Lactuca elongata Muhl. Wild lettuce; tall lettuce; wild opium; trumpet-milkweed. Annual or biennial plant, 3 to 10 feet in height, native in moist, open places, British America south to Georgia and Louisiana. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Lactuca elongata Muhl. Same as Lactuca canadensis. Ladies-slipper, large yellow. See Cypripedium hirsutum. Ladies-slipper, small yellow. See Cypripedium parviflorum. Lady-fern. See Athyrium filix-foemina. Lady’s-glove. See Digitalis purpurea. Lambkill. See Kalmia angustifolia. Lappa. See Arctium lappa. Lappa major Gaertn. Same as Arctium lappa. Lareh, American. See Larix laricina. Larch, black. See Larix laricina. Larix americana Michx. Same as Larix laricina. 42 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Larix laricina (Du Roi) Koch. Pine family (Pinaceae). Synonym.—Larix americana Michx. Tamarack; American larch; hackmatack; black larch. A tall, slender tree, native in swampy woods and moist places from Canada south to New Jersey, Indiana, and Minnesota. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial). Lark-heel. See Delphiniwm consolida. Larkspur, field-. See Delphiniwm consolida. Larkspur, tall. See under Delphinium consolida. Laurel, broad-leaved. See Kalmia latifolia. Laurel, deer-. See Rhododendron maximum. Laurel, great. See Rhododendron maximum. Laurel, mountain-. See Kalmia latifolia. Laurel, narrow-leaved. See Kalmia angustifolia. Laurel, rose-. See Rhododendron maximum. Laurel, sheep-. See Kalmia angustifolia and K. latifolia. Laurel, spurge-. See Daphne mezereum. Laurel, swamp-. See Magnolia virginiana. Laurus benzoin L. Same as Benzoin benzoin. Lavender, sea-. See Limonium carolinianum. Leafcup, yellow. See Polymnia uvedalia. Leatherwood. See Dirca palustris. Ledum groenlandicum Oeder. Heath family (Ericaceae). Synonym,.—Ledum latifolium Ait. . € Labrador tea; continental tea; James-tea. Evergreen shrub, 1 to 4 feet high, native in cold bogs and damp mountain woods, northern part of the United States and in Canada. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial). Ledum latifolium Ait. Same as Ledum groenlandicum. Lemon, wild. See Podophyllum peltatum. Lemon-balm. See Melissa officinalis. Leonurus cardiaca L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Motherwort; lion’s-tail; throwwort. Perennial plant, 2 to 5 feet high, naturalized from Europe, and occurring in fields and waste places from Nova Scotia to North Carolina westward to Nebraska. Part used.—Herb (nonoflicial ). Leptamnium virginianum (L.) Raf. Broomrape family (Orobanchaceae). Synonyms.—LEpiphegus virginiana Bart.; Orobanche virginiana L. Beechdrops; cancerroot. Plant 6 inches to 2 feet in height, parasitic upon the roots of beech trees from New Brunswick to Florida, west to Michigan and Louisiana. Part used.—W hole plant (nonofficial). Leptandra. See Veronica virginica. Leptandra virginica (L.) Nutt. Same as Veronica virginica. Leptilon canadense (L.) Britton. Same as EFrigeron canadensis. Lettuce, Indian. See Frasera carolinensis. Lettuce, tall. See Lactuca canadensis. Lettuce, white. See Nabalus albus and N. serpentarius. LETTUCE, WILD—LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA. 43 Lettuce, wild. See Lactuca canadensis. Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. Same as Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. Leverwood. See Ostrya virginiana. Liatris odoratissima Michx. Same as Trilisa odoratissima. Liatris scariosa Willd. Same as Lacinaria scariosa. Liatris spicata Willd. Same as Lacinaria spicata. Tiatris squarrosa Willd. Same as Lacinaria squarrosa. Life-everlasting. See Anaphalis margaritacea and Gnaphalium obtusifolium. Life-everlasting, sweet. See Gnaphalium obtusifolium. Liferoot. See Senecio aureus. Ligustrum vulgare L. Olive family (Oleaceae). Privet; primwort; prim. A shrub, 5 or 6 feet high, introduced from Europe; escaped from cultivation and grows wild in woods and along roadsides from Ontario to Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial). Lily, cow-. See Nymphaea advena. Lily, flag-. See Iris versicolor. Lily, large yellow pond-. See Nymphaea advena. Lily, liver-. See Jris versicolor. Lily, snake-. See Iris versicolor. Lily, sweet-scented water-. See Castalia odorata. Lily, water-. See Castalia odorata. Lily, white pond-. See Castalia odorata. Lily-of-the-valley. See Convallaria majalis. Lime, Ogeechee. See Nyssa ogeche. Limonium carolinianum (Walt.) Britton. Plumbago family (Plumbaginaceae). Synonym.—Statice caroliniana Walt. . Marsh-rosemary; inkroot; sea-lavender; cankerroot. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, in salt meadows on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Linden, American. See Tilia americana. Lindera benzoin Meissn. Same as Benzoin benzoin. Lion’s-foot. See Nabalus albus and N. serpentarius. Lion’s-tail. See Leonurus cardiaca. Liquidambar styraciflua L. Witch-hazel family (Hamamelidaceae). Sweet-gum; star-leaved gum; red gum. Large, native tree, 80 to 140 feet high, in moist woods from Connecticut to Florida, Illinois, and Missouri. Most common near the coast in the Middle and Southern States. Parts used.—Bark and resin (nonofficial). Liriodendron tulipifera L. Magnolia family (Magnoliaceae). Tulip-tree; yellow poplar; whitewood; tulip-poplar; canoewood. An indigenous tree, 60 to 190 feet in height, growing in rich woods from New England to Florida, west to Michigan and Arkansas; reaches greatest size in the Middle and Southern States. Part used.—Bark of trunk and of root (nonofficial). 44 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Lithospermum virginianum L. Same as Onosmodium virginianum. Liverleaf, heart-. See Hepatica acuta. Liverleaf, kidney-. See Hepatica hepatica. Liverleaf, round-lobed. See Hepatica hepatica. Liverleaf, sharp-lobed. See Hepatica acuta. Liver-lily. See Jris versicolor. Liverwort. See Hepatica acuta and H. hepatica. Lobelia. See Lobelia inflata. Lobelia, blue. See Lobelia siphilitica. Lobelia cardinalis L. Bellflower family (Campanulaceae). Cardinal-flower; red cardinal; red lobelia. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 4 feet high, with showy scarlet flowers; in moist soil from British America south to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Lobelia, great. See Lobelia siphilitica. Lobelia inflata L. Bellflower family (Campanulaceae). Lobelia; Indian tobacco; gagroot; vomitwort;. bladderpod. Native, annual, herbaceous plant, 1 to 3 feet high, poisonous; in dry soil, fields, old pastures, and along roadsides from Canada to Georgia, Nebraska, and Arkansas. Parts used.—Leaves and tops, collected after a portion of the capsules have become inflated (official). The seeds are also used (nonofficial). Lobelia, red. See Lobelia cardinalis. Lobelia siphilitica L. Bellflower family (Campanulaceae). Blue cardinal-flower; great lobelia; blue lobelia; highbelia. Native, perennial herb, about 1 to 3 feet high, growing in moist soil from Ontario to Ge rgia, west to Louisiana and the Dakotas. Part used.—Herb (nonofificial). Locust, black. See Robinia pseudacacia. Locust, yellow. See Robinia pseudacacia. Locust-plant. See Cassia marilandica. Locust-tree. See Robinia pseudacacia. Lycopodium. See Lycopodium clavatum. ; Lycopodium clavatum L. Club-moss family (Lycopodiaceae). Lycopodium; club-moss; stag’s-horn. Native perennial, with trailing stem, growing in dry situations in woods from Canada to North Carolina, Michigan, and Washington. Part used.—Spores of this or of other species of Lycopodium (official). Lycopus virginicus L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Bugleweed; sweet bugle; water-bugle; gypsy-weed; water-hoarhound. Indigenous, perennial herb, 10 to 20 inches in height; in wet, shady places from Canada to Florida, Missouri, and Nebraska. Part used.—Herb (nonoflicial ). Madweed. See Scutellaria lateriflora. Magnolia acuminata L. ~ Magnolia family (Magnoliaceae). Cucumber-tree; mountain-magnolia; blue magnolia. Native tree, 60 to 80 feet in height, occurring in the mountainous regions from New York to Georgia. More abundant in the Southern States. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial). Magnolia, blue. See Magnolia acuminata. a ie, adel MAGNOLIA GLAUCA—MARSH-CUDWEED. 45 Magnolia glauca L. Same as Magnolia virginiana. Magnolia, mountain-. See Magnolia acuminata. Magnolia, sweet. See Magnolia virginiana. Magnolia tripetala L. Magnolia family (Magnoliaceae). Synonym.— Magnolia umbrella Lam. Cucumber-tree; umbrella-tree; elk wood. A small native tree, not more than 40 feet high, growing in rather moist, rich * soil; widely distributed in the Appalachian Mountain region, but nowhere very common. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial). Magnolia umbrella Lam. Same as Magnolia tripetala. Magnolia virginiana L. Magnolia family (Magnoliaceae). Synonym.—Magnolia glauca L. White bay; sweet bay; sweet magnolia; beaver-tree; swamp-sassafras; swamp- laurel. A native tree, averaging about 25 feet in height, growing in swamps and morasses, Massachusetts to the Gulf of Mexico. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial). Maidenhair-fern. See Adiantum pedatum. Male-fern. See Dryopteris filix-mas. Mallow, common. See Malva sylvestris. Mallow, dwarf. See Malva rotundifolia. Mallow, high. See Malva sylvestris. Mallow, low. See Malva rotundifolia. Mallow, running. See Valva rotundifolia. Malva rotundifolia L. Mallow family (Malvaceae). Low mallow; running mallow; cheeses; dwarf mallow. Annual or biennial procumbent plant, naturalized from Europe, and widely dis- tributed as a weed in waste places. Parts used.—Leaves and flowers (nonofficial ). Malva sylvestris L. Mallow family (Malvaceae). High mallow; common mallow; cheeseflower. Biennial herb, adventive from Europe; sparingly distributed in the United States and Canada, growing in waste places and along roadsides. Part used.—F lowers (nonofficial ). Mandrake, American. See Podophyllum peliatum. Mandrake, wild. See Podophyllum peltatum. Man-of-the-earth. See Ipomoea pandurata. Manroot. See Ipomoea pandurata. Manzanita. See Arctostaphylos glauca. Maple, red. See Acer rubrum. Maple, swamp-. See Acer rubrum. Maple, vine-. See Menispermum canadense. Marrubium. See Marrubium vulgare. Marrubium vulgare L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Marrubium; hoarhound. Bushy, perennial herb, | to 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe, and growing in dry, sandy soil, in fields and waste places, from Maine southward to Texas and westward to California and Oregon. Parts used.—Leaves and flowering tops (official). Marsh-cudweed. See Gnaphalium uliginosum. 46 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Marsh-gentian. See Gentiana villosa. Marshmallow. See Althaea officinalis. Marsh-rosemary. See Limonium carolinianum. Marsh-trefoil. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Maruta cotula DC. Same as Anthemis cotula. Masterwort. See Angelica atropurpurea and Heracleum lanatum. May-apple. See Podophyllum peltatum. Mayflower. See Hpigaea repens. May-pops. See Passiflora incarnata. Maythorn. See Crataegus oxyacantha, Mayweed. See Anthemis cotula. Meadow-clover. See Trifolium pratense. Meadow-fern. See Comptonia peregrina. Meadowpride. See Frasera carolinensis. Meadow-scabish. See Aster puniceus. Meadowsweet, pink. See Spiraea tomentosa. Mealy-tree. See Viburnum dentatum. Melilot, yellow. See Melilotus officinalis. Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. Pea family (Fabaceae). Yellow melilot; yellow sweet clover. Annual or biennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high, introduced from Europe, and occurring in waste places throughout the eastern United States. Parts used.—Leaves and flowering tops (nonofficial). Melissa. See Melissa officinalis. Melissa officinalis L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Melissa; balm; lemon-balm; garden-balm; sweet balm. Perennial herb, 10 to 20 inches high, naturalized from Europe, and growing in waste places, fields, and woods from Maine to Georgia. Parts used.—Leaves and tops (official in U.S. P. 1890). Menispermum. See Menispermum canadense. Menispermum canadense L. Moonseed family (Menispermaceae). Menispermum; yellow parilla; Canada moonseed; Texas sarsaparilla; vine-maple. Native, perennial, woody climber, found in woods along streams from Canada to Georgia and Arkansas. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Mentha piperita. See Mentha piperita L. Mentha piperita L. Mint family (Menthaceae) . Mentha piperita; peppermint. : Aromatic, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, naturalized from Europe, and oecur- ring in damp places from Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to Florida and Ten- nessee. Cultivated principally in Michigan and New York. Parts used.—Leaves and flowering tops, and the oil of peppermint distilled from these, are official. Mentha spicata L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Synonym.—Mentha viridis L. Mentha viridis; spearmint. Aromatic, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, naturalized from Europe, and_grow- ing in moist fields and waste places from Nova Scotia to Utah, south to Florida and Kansas. Also cultivated. Parts used.—Leaves and flowering tops, and the oil of spearmint distilled from these, are official. MENTHA VIRIDIS—MONARDA FISTULOSA. 47 Mentha viridis. See Mentha spicata. Mentha viridis L. Same as Mentha spicata. Menyanthes trifoliata L. Buck-bean family (Menyanthaceae). Buck-bean; bog-bean; marsh-trefoil; water-shamrock. Indigenous, perennial plant, about 1 foot in height, found in spongy, boggy soils and swamps from Canada and Alaska south to Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and California. Parts used.—Rhizome’and leaves (nonofticial ). Mezereon. See Daphne mezerewm. Mezereon, American. See Dirca palustris. Mezereum. See Daphne mezerewm. Mezereum officinarum C. A. Mey. Same as Daphne mezereum. Micromeria chamissonis ( Benth.) Greene. Mint family (Menthaceae). Synonym.—Micromeria douglasii Benth. Yerba buena. A trailing, perennial herb, common in woods along the Pacific coast of the United States. Part used.—Plant (nonofiicial ). Micromeria douglasii Benth. Same as Micromeria chamissonis. Milfoil. See Achillea millefolium. Milk-ipecac. See Euphorbia corollata. Milk-purslane. See Euphorbia nutans. Milkweed, common. See Asclepias syriaca. Milkweed, swamp-. See Asclepias incarnata. Milkweed, trumpet-. See Lactuca canadensis. Milkwort, Nuttall’s-. See Polygala nuttalli. Mint, hairy mountain-. See Koellia pilosa. Mint, mountain-. See Monarda didyma. Mint, thin-leaved mountain-. See Koellia montana. Mistletoe. See Phoradendron flavescens. Mistletoe, American. See Phoradendron flavescens. Mitchella repens L. Madder family (Rubiaceae). Squaw-vine; checkerberry; partridgeberry; deerberry; hive-vine; squawberry. Small, creeping, evergreen herb, common in moist woods from Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to Florida and Arkansas. Part used.—Plant (nonofficial) . Miterwort, false. See Tiarella cordifolia. Moccasin-flower, yellow. See Cypripedium hirsutum. Mohawk-weed. See Uvularia perfoliata. Monarda didyma L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Bee-balm; Oswego tea; mountain-mint; scariet balm. Native perennial, 2 to 3 feet high, growing in moist soil, especially along streams, from New Brunswick to Michigan and_.south to Georgia. ' Part used.—Herb (nonoflicial). Monarda fistulosa L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Wild bergamot; horsemint. Native perennial, 2 to 3 feet high, found on dry hills and in thickets from Ontario south to Florida and Louisiana. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). 48 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Monarda punctata L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Horsemint. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, found in dry, sandy fields from New York to Florida, west to Wisconsin and Texas. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial ). ’ Monotropa uniflora L. Indian-pipe family (Monotropaceae). Indian-pipe; fit-plant; fitroot; ghostflower; pipe-plant. A curious plant, white in all its parts, growing in rich, moist woods from Canada to Florida, westward to Washington and California. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Moonseed, Canada. See Menispermum canadense. Moose-elm. See Ulmus fulva. Moosewood. See Dirca palustris. Mortification-root. See Althaea officinalis. Moss, club-. See Lycopodium clavatum. Moss, haircap-. See Polytrichum juniperinum. Motherwort. See Leonwrus cardiaca. Mountain-ash, American. See Sorbus americana. Mountain-balm. See Hriodictyon californicum. Mountain-laurel. See Kalmia latifolia. Mountain-magnolia. See Magnolia acuminata. Mountain-mint. See Monarda didyma. Mountain-mint, hairy. See Koellia pilosa. Mountain-mint, thin-leaved. See Koellia montana. Mountain-sumac. See Sorbus americana. Mountain-tea. See Gaultheria procumbens. Mouse-ear. See Gnaphalium uliginosum. Mouthroot. See Coptis trifolia. Mugwort, common. See Artemisia vulgaris. Mullein. See Verbascum thapsus. Musquash-root. See Cicuta maculata. Mustard, black. See Brassica nigra. Mustard, brown. See Brassica nigra. Mustard, red. See Brassica nigra. Mustard, white. See Sinapis alba. Mustard, yellow. See Sinapis alba. Myrica asplenifolia L. Same as Comptonia peregrina. Myrica cerifera L. Bayberry family (Myricaceae). Bayberry; wax-myrtle; candleberry; waxberry. Grows in sandy swamps or wet woods from Florida and Texas northward to Maryland. In the South it is a small evergreen tree, becoming in its north- ward range a tall, semi-deciduous shrub, or a dwarfed and deciduous shrub. Parts used.—Bark of root, leaves, and berries (nonofficial). Myrica gale L. Bayberry family (Myricaceae). Sweet gale; Dutch myrtle; bog-myrtle; golden osier. Indigenous shrub, growing in swamps and along streams from Canada and Alaska to Virginia and Washington. Parts used.—Leayes and buds (nonofficial). MYRTLE, BOG—NYSSA CAPITATA. 49 Myrtle, bog-. See Myrica gale. Myrtle, Dutch. See Myrica gale. Myrtle, wax-. See Myrica cerifera. Nabalus albus (L.) Hook. Chicory family (Cichoriaceae). Synonym.—Prenanthes alba L. Lion’s-foot; rattlesnake-root; white lettuce; white canker-weed. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 4 feet high, common in rich, moist woods from Canada to Georgia and Kentucky. Part used.—Plant (nonoflicial ). Nabalus serpentarius (Pursh) Hook. Chicory family (Cichoriaceae). Synonym.—Prenanthes serpentaria Pursh. Lion’s-foot; canker-weed; white lettuce; rattlesnake-root; snake-gentian. Native, perennial herb, about 2 feet high, growing in dry, sandy soil in fields and thickets from Ontario to Florida and Alabama. Part wsed.—Plant (nonoflicial). Nannybush. See Viburnum lentago. Necklace-weed. See Actaea alba and Onosmodiuin virginianum. Nepeta cataria L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Catnip; catmint. Common, perennial weed, 2 to 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe; found in waste places and cultivated land from Canada to Minnesota, south to Virginia and Arkansas. Part used.—Herb (nonofticial). Nepeta glechoma Benth. Same as Glecoma hederacea. Netleaf-plantain. See Peramium pubescens. Netleaf-plantain, smaller. See Peramium repens. Nettle, bull-. See Solanum carolinense. Nettle, great. See Urtica dioica. Nettle, horse-. See Solanum carolinense. Nettle, stinging. See Urtica dioica. Niggerhead. See Brauneria angustifolia. Nightshade, woody. See Solanum duleamara. Nuphar advena R. Br. Same as Nymphaea advena. Nuttall’s-milkwort. See Polygala nuttallii. Nymphaea advena Soland. Water-lily family (Nymphaeaceae). Synonym.—Nuphar advena R. Br. ‘ Large yellow pond-lily; cow-lily; spatter-dock; beaverroot. An aquatic plant, found in ponds and slow streams from Canada to Florida, and westward to the Rocky Mountains. Part used.—Rhizome (nonoflicial) . Nymphaea odorata Dryand. Same as Castalia odorata. Nyssa aquatica L. Dogwood family (Cornaceae). Synonym.—Nyssa uniflora Wang. Large tupelo; cotton-gum; tupelo gum. A large, native tree, occurring in swamps from southern Virginia to Florida, west to Texas and Missouri. Part used.—Root wood (nonofficial). Nyssa capitata Walt. Same as Nyssa ogeche. ; 50 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Nyssa ogeche Marsh. Dogwood family (Cornaceae). Synonym.—Nyssa capitata Walt. Sour tupelo; Ogeechee lime. A small tree, growing in swamps near the seacoast from southern South Caro- lina to Florida. « Part used.—Root wood (nonofficial ). Nyssa uniflora Wang. Same as Nyssa aquatica. Oak, champion-. See Quercus rubra, Oak, Jerusalem. See Chenopodium anthelminticum and C. botrys. Oak, poison-. See Rhus radicans and fh. toxicodendron. Oak, red. See Quercus rubra. Oak, Spanish. See Quercus rubra. Oak, stone-. See Quercus alba. Oak, white. See Quercus alba. Oenothera biennis L. Evening-primrose family (Onagraceae). Synonym.—Onagra biennis (L.) Scop. ivening-primrose; tree-primrose; night willow-herb. Annual or biennial plant, 2 to 5 feet high, common in fields and waste places from Labrador to Florida, west to the Rocky Mountains. Native. Part used.—Plant (nonofficial). Old-man’s-beard. See Chionanthus virginica. Olive, spurge-. See Daphne mezereum. Onagra biennis (L.) Scop. Same as Oenothera biennis. Onosmodium virginianum (L.) DC. Borage family (Boraginaceae). Synonym.—Lithospermum virginianum LL. Virginia false gromwell; gravel-weed; necklace-weed; pearl-plant; wild Job’s- tears. Rough-hairy, native, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high; in dry, hilly grounds from the New England States to Florida, Kansas, and Texas. Parts used.—Root and seeds (nonoflficial ). Opium, wild. See Lactuca canadensis. Orangeroot. See Hydrastis canadensis. Orobanche virginiana L. Same as Leptamnium virginianum. Osier, golden. See Myrica gale. Osier, green. See Cornus circinata. Osier, red. See Cornus amomum. Osmorrhiza longistylis DC. Same as Washingtonia longistylis. Osmunda regalis L. -Royal fern family (Osmundaceae). Royal fern; buckhorn-brake. A tall, native fern, with fronds 3 to 4 feet high, occurring in swamps and marshes from Canada to Florida and Mississippi. Part used.—Rhizome (nonoflficial). Ostrya virginiana ( Mill.) Willd. Birch family (Betulaceae). Hop-hornbeam; ironwood; deerwood; leyerwood. Native tree, 25 to 30 feet in height, growing in rich woods, Canada and eastern United States. Part used.—Bark (nonoflicial). ; a =e OXALIS ACETOSELLA—-PENNYROYAL, AMERICAN. 51 Oxalis acetosella L. Wood-sorrel family (Oxalidaceae). White wood-sorrel; shamrock; sour trefoil. Small, native, perennial herb, found in cold, damp woods, Canada south to *Michigan and North Carolina. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Oxeye daisy. See Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. Oxydendrum arboreum (L.) DC. Heath family (Ericaceae). Synonym.—Andromeda arborea L. Sourwood; sorrel-tree; elk-tree. Native tree, sometimes 40 to 50 feet in height, growing in rich woods from Ohio to Maryland, south to Alabama and Florida. Parts used.—Leaves and bark (nonoffcial) Palmetto, saw-. See Serenoa serrulata. Panax quinquefolium L. Ginseng family (Araliaceae). Ginseng. Native, perennial herb, about 1 foot in height, found in rich, shady woods from the Middle and Northern States south to Alabama and Georgia. Part used.—Root (nonofiicial ). Pansy. See Viola tricolor. Papoose-root. See Caulophyllum thalictroides. Paradise-plant. See Daphne mezerewmn. Parilla, yellow. See Menispermum canadense. Parsley, spotted. See Coniwm maculatum. Parsley-fern. See Tanacetum vulgare. Parsnip, cow-. See Heraclewm lanatum. Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. Grape family (Vitaceae). Synonym.—Ampelopsis quinquefolia Michx. American ivy; Virginia creeper. A common, woody vine, native in woods and thickets from Canada to Florida and Texas. Parts used.—Bark and young twigs (nonoflicial). Partridgeberry. See Mitchella repens. Pasqueflower, American. See Pulsatilla hirsutissima. Passiflora incarnata L. Passion-flower family (Passifloraceae). Passion-flower; passion-vine; may-pops. Climbing, perennial plant, native in dry soil from Virginia to Florida, westward to Missouri and Arkansas. Parts used.—Root and stem base (nonofficial). Passion-flower. See Passiflora incarnata. Passion-vine. See Passiflora incarnata. Paul’s-betony. See Veronica officinalis. Pawpaw, North American. See Asimina triloba. Pea, ground-squirrel. See Jeffersonia diphylla. Pea, hoary. See Cracca virginiana. Pea, turkey-. See Bikukulla canadensis. Pearl-plant. See Onosmodium virginianum. Pencil-flower. See Stylosanthes biflora. Pennyroyal, American. See Hedeom« pulegioides. 52 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Penthorum sedoides L. Virginia stonecrop family (Penthoraceae). Virginia stonecrop; ditch-stonecrop. Native, perennial herb, about 1 foot in height, growing in ditches and swamps from New Brunswick to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas, Part used.—Herb (nonofficial. ) Pepper, water-. See Polygonum hydropiper. Peppermint. See Mentha piperita. Pepper-plant. See Polygonum hydropiper. Peramium pubescens ( Willd.) MacM. Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Synonym.—Goodyera pubescens R. Br. Downy rattlesnake-plantain; rattlesnake-weed; netleaf-plantain; scrofula-weed. Native, perennial herb, 8 to 12 inches in height, occurring in rich woods from Newfoundland to Minnesota, south to Florida and Tennessee. Most common southward. Part used.—Plant (nonofficial). Peramium repens (L.) Salisb. Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Synonym.—Goodyera repens R. Br. White plantain; lesser rattlesnake-plantain; smaller netleaf-plantain; squirrel- ear. A smaller plant than P. pubescens, but very similar to it and more common northward. Part used.—Plant (nonofificial). Persimmon. See Diospyros virginiana. Phoradendron fiavescens (Pursh) Nutt. Mistletoe family (Loranthaceae). Synonym.— Viscum flavescens Pursh. Mistletoe; American mistletoe. Parasitic shrub, found on deciduous-leaved trees from New Jersey to Missouri, south to Florida and Texas. Parts used.—Leaves and branches (nonoflicial ). Phytolaeca. See Phytolacca decandra. Phytolacca americana L. Same as Phytolacca decandra. é Phytolacca decandra L.4 Pokeweed family (Phytolaccaceae). Synonym.—Phytolacca americana L.4 Phytolacca; poke; pokeweed; garget; scoke; inkberry. : Native, perennial herb, with large and branching stem, 6 to 10 feet high; in rich, moist soil, Maine to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. Parts used.—Root collected in autumn (official); fruit (official in U. 8. P. 1890); leaves (nonofficial). Picea mariana (Mill.) B. 8. P. Pine family (Pinaceae). Synonym.—Abies nigra Dest. Black spruce; spruce-gum tree. Indigenous, evergreen tree, 40 to 80 feet in height, growing on elevated situa- tions and in cold bogs from Canada south along the mountains to North Car- olina, and to Minnesota. Parts used.—Branches, and the essence obtained from the same (nonoflicial). Pilewort. See Erechtites hieracifolia and Scrophularia marilandica. Pilotweed. See Silphium laciniatum. Pimpernel. See Pimpinella saxifraga. Pimpernel, red. See Anagallis arvensis. Pimpernel, scarlet. See Anagallis arvensis. a Phytolacea americana L. by right of priority’ should be accepted, but P. decandra L. is used in con- formity with the Pharmacopeeia. PIMPINELLA SAXIFRAGA—POKE. 53 Pimpinella saxifraga L. Parsley family (Apiaceae). Burnet-saxifrage; bennet; pimpernel. Erect, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, adventive from Europe, and found in waste places in eastern Pennsylvania, at several localities in the valley of the Delaware, and in Ohio. Part used.—Root (nonofficial ). Pine, northern. See Pinus strobus. Pine, prairie-. See Lacinaria spicata. Pine, prince’s-. See Chimaphila umbellata Pine, Weymouth. See Pinus strobus. Pine, white. See Pinus strobus. Pink, rose-. See Sabbatia angularis. Pinkroot. See Spigelia marilandica. Pinkroot, Indian. See Spigelia marilandica. Pinkroot, Maryland. See Spigelia marilandica. Pinus strobus L. Pine family (Pinaceae). White pine; northern pine; Weymouth pine. Large, indigenous forest tree, sometimes 175 feet in height, growing in woods from Canada south to Georgia and Iowa. Part used.—Bark (nonofficial). Pipe-plant. See Monotropa uniflora. Pipsissewa. See Chimaphila wmbellata. Pitcher-plant. See Sarracenia purpurea. Plantago major L. Plantain family (Plantaginaceae). Common plantain; dooryard-plantain; greater plantain. Perennial herb, 1 to3 feet high, naturalized from Europe; common in fields and waste places and along roadsides nearly throughout North America. Parts used.—Root and leaves (nonofficial). Plantain, common. See Plantago major. Plantain, dooryard-. See Plantago major. Plantain, downy rattlesnake-. See Peramium pubescens. Plantain, greater. See Plantago major. Plantain, lesser rattlesnake-. See Peramiwm repens. Plantain, netleaf-. See Peramium pubescens. Plantain, smaller netleaf-. See Peramium repens. Plantain, white. See Peramium repens. Pleurisy-root. See Asclepias tuberosa. Podophyllum. See Podophyllum peltatum. Podophyllum peltatum L. Barberry family (Berberidaceae). . Podophyllum; May-apple; wild mandrake; American mandrake; wild lemon. Native, perennial herb, | to 14 feet high, found in low, rich woods from Canada to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Rhizome (official). Poison-hemlock. See Conium maculatum. Poison-ivy. See Rhus radicans and R. toxicodendron. Poison-oak. See Rhus radicans and R. toxicodendron. Poison-vine. See Rhus radicans. Poke. See Phytolacca decandra. 54 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Pokeweed. See Phytolacca decandra. Polar-plant. See Silphium laciniatum. Polecat-weed. See Spathyema foetida. Polemonium reptans L. Phlox family (Polemoniaceae). American Greek valerian; abscess-root; sweetroot; Jacob’s-ladder. Native, perennial herb, 12 to 20 inches high, growing in woods and damp ground from New York to Minnesota, south to. Georgia and Missouri. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Polygala nuttallii T. & G. Milkwort family (Polygalaceae). Nuttall’s-milkwort; ground-centaury. Slender, erect, annual herb, 6 to 12 inches high, native in dry, sandy soil from Massachusetts to North Carolina, west to Alabama and Missouri. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Polygala senega L. Milkwort family (Polygalaceae). Senega; Seneca snakeroot. Native, perennial herb, 8 to 12 inches high, found in rocky woods and on hillsides from New Brunswick and western New ‘England to Minnesota, south to North Carolina and Missouri. Part used.—Root (official). Polygonatum biflorum ( Walt.) EI. Lily-of-the-valley family (Convallariaceae). Synonyms.—Convallaria biflora Walt.; Salomonia biflora (Walt. ) Britton. Hairy Solomon’s-seal; smaller Solomon’s-seal. Native, perennial herb, 8 inches to 3 feet high, found in woods and thickets from Canada south to Florida and Michigan. Part used.—Rhizome (nonofficial). Polygonatum commutatum (Roem. & Schult.) Dietr. Lily-of-the-valley family (Convallariaceae). Synonyms.—Polygonatum giganteum Dietr.; Salomonia commutata (Roem. & Schult.) Britton. Giant Solomon’s-seal; great Solomon’s-seal; smooth Solomon’s-seal. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 8 feet high, occurring in moist woods and along streams from Canada to Georgia, W est to Louisiana and Utah. Part used.—Rhizome (nonofficial). Polygonatum giganteum Dietr. Same as Polygonatum commutatum. Polygonum hydropiper L. Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae). Smartweed; water-pepper; biting knotweed; pepper-plant. Smooth, annual plant, 8 inches to 2 feet high, naturalized from Europe; common in moist waste places almost throughout North America. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial ). Polygonum punctatum Ill. Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae). Dotted smartweed; water-smartweed. Native, annual or perennial herb, found in swamps and other wet places through- out most of North America. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Polymnia uvedalia L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Yellow bear’s-foot; yellow leafcup; uvedalia. Large, native, perennial plant, 3 to 6 feet high; in ravines and edges of woods from New York to Mic higan, south to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Polypodium filiz-mas L. Same as Dryopteris filix-mas. Polypodium marginale L. Same as Dryopteris marginalis. POLYPODIUM VULGARE—POTENTILLA CANADENSIS. 55 Polypodium vulgare L. Fern family (Polypodiaceae). Common polypody; fernroot; rock-brake; female-fern. Native fern, 3 to 10 inches in height, with a perennial, creeping rhizome; on shady, rocky banks, in woods and mountains almost throughout North America. Parts used.—Rhizome and tops (nonofificial). Polypody, common. See Polypodium vulgare. Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw. Haircap-moss family (Polytrichaceae). Haircap-moss; robin’s-rye. Native moss, 4 to 7 inches in height, growing along margins of dry woods and exposed places, mostly on poor, sandy soil. Part used.—Whole plant (nonofficial). Pond-lily, large yellow. See Nymphaea advena. Pond-lily, white. See Castalia odorata. Poolroot. See Eupatorium ageratoides, FE. aromaticum, and Sanicula marilandica. Poolwort. See Hupatorium ageratoides and E. aromaticum. Poplar, silver. See Populus alba. Poplar, silverleaf-. See Populus alba. Poplar, trembling. See Populus tremuloides. Poplar, tulip-. See Liriodendron tulipifera. Poplar, white. See Populus alba and P. tremuloides. Poplar, yellow. See Liriodendron tulipifera. Populus alba L. Willow family (Salicaceae). White poplar; silverleaf-poplar; silver poplar; white-bark. A large tree, sometimes 120 feet in height, naturalized in the United States; occurs along roadsides from New Brunswick to Virginia. Part used.—Bark, collected in spring (nonofficial). Populus balsamifera candicans A. Gray. Same as Populus candicans. Populus candicans Ait. Willow family (Salicaceae). Synonym.— Populus balsamifera candicans A. Gray. Balm-of-Gilead. A large tree, about 80 feet in height, mostly escaped from cultivation, New Brunswick to New Jersey, west to Minnesota. Parts used.—Leatbuds and bark (nonofficial) . Populus tremuloides Michx. Willow family (Salicaceae). Quaking aspen; American aspen; white poplar; trembling poplar; quiverleaf. A slender, indigenous tree, growing in dry or moist soil from lower Canada south to Kentucky and in the Rocky Mountains to Lower California. Part used.—Bark, collected in spring (nonofficial). oe enue trifoliatus (L.) Britton. Rose family (Rosaceae). Synonym.—Gillenia trifoliata Moench. Indian-physic; Bowman’s-root; false ipecac; western dropwort. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, found in moist, shady places in rich woods from New York to Michigan, south to Georgia and Missouri; more common in the Atlantic States than in the Western States. Part used.—Root (nonoflicial). Potato, hog-. See Ipomoea pandurata. Potato, wild. See Ipomoea pandurata. Potentilla canadensis L. Rose family (Rosaceae). Fivefinger; cinquefoil. A small, annual or biennial plant, with creeping stems, growing in dry soil from Quebec to Georgia, west to Minnesota and the Indian Territory. Part used.—Plant (nonofficial ). 56 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Prairie-pine. See Lacinaria spicata. Prenanthes alba L. Same as Nabalus albus. Prenanthes serpentaria Pursh. Same as Nabalus serpentarius. Prickly ash, northern. See Xanthoxylum americanum. Prickly ash, southern. See Fagara clava-herculis. Prideweed. See Erigeron canadensis. Prim. See Ligustrum vulgare. Primrose, evening-. See Oenothera biennis. Primrose, tree-. See Oenothera biennis. Primwort. See Ligustrum vulgare. Prince’s-pine. See Chimaphila umbellata. Prinos verticillatus L. Same as Ilex verticillata. Privet. See Ligustrum vulgare. Prunella vulgaris L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Self-heal; heal-all; brownwort; sicklewort; blue-curls. Perennial plant, 2 inches to 2 feet high, naturalized from Europe, and found in fields, woods, and waste places throughout nearly the whole of North America. Part used.—Herb (nonoficial). Prunus serotina Ehrh. Plum family ‘Amygdalaceae). Synonym.—Prunus virginiana Mill., not of Linnaeus. Prunus virginiana; wild cherry; rum-cherry. A large, indigenous tree, 50 to 80 feet high, growing in woods or open places from Ontario to Florida, west to Texas and Dakota. Most abundant in the South- western States. Part. used.—Bark, which should be collected in autumn and carefully dried and preserved (official). Prunus virginiana. See Prunus serotina. Prunus virginiana Mill., not L. Same as Prunus serotina. Psoralea. See Psoralea pedunculata. Psoralea melilotoides Michx. Same as Psoralea pedunculata. Psoralea pedunculata ( Mill.) Vail. Pea family (Fabaceae). Synonym.—Psoralea melilotoides Michx. Psoralea; Samson’s-snakeroot; Congo-root. Slender, herbaceous perennial, 1 to 23 feet high, native in dry soil in open woods from Ohio and Kentucky southward. Parts used.—Root and leaves (nonofficial ). Ptelea trifoliata L. Rue family (Rutaceae). Wafer-ash; wingseed; hop-tree; shrubby trefoil. Native shrub, 6 to.8 feet high; in shady woods from New York to Florida, west to Minnesota and Texas; grows more abundantly west of the Alleghenies. Parts used. —Bark of root, fruit, and leaves (nonofficial). Pterocaulon undulatum ( Walt.) Mohr. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Gnaphalium undulatum Walt. Indian blackroot. Native, perennial herb, growing in sandy pine lands from North Carolina to Florida and Mississippi. Part used.—Root (nonofticial). Puccoon, red. See Sanguinaria canadensis. Puccoon, yellow. See Hydrastis canadensis. Pulsatilla, American. See Pulsatilla hirsutissima. PULSATILLA HIRSUTISSIMA——-RATTLESN AKE-HERB. 57 Pulsatilla hirsutissima (Pursh) Britton. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Synonym.—Anemone patens var. nuttalliana A. Gray. American pasqueflower; American pulsatilla. Native, perennial herb, 6 to 16 inches high, found in the prairie regions of Illi- nois, west to the Rocky Mountains and the Northwest. Part used.—F lowering herb (nonofficial ). Purging-root. See Euphorbia corollata. Purslane, black. See Euphorbia nutans. Purslane, milk-. See Euphorbia nutans. Pussy-willow. See Salix nigra. Putty-root. See Aplectrum spicatum. Pycnanthemum montanum Michx. Same as Koellia montana. Pycnanthemum pilosum Nutt. Same as Koellia pilosa. Pyramid-flower. See Frasera carolinensis. Pyrethrum parthenium Smith. Same as Chrysanthemum parthenium. Pyrus americana DC. Same as Sorbus americana. Quack-grass. See Agropyron repens. Queen-Anne’s-lace. See Daucus carota. Queen-of-the-meadow. See Lupatorium purpureum. Queen’s-delight. See Stillingia sylvatica. Queensland asthma-weed. See Huphorbia pilulifera. Queen’s-root. See Stillingia sylvatica. Quercus. See Quercus alba. Quercus alba L. Beech family (Fagaceae). Quercus; white oak; stone-oak. Large, indigenous forest tree, 50 to 100 feet in height, in woods from Maine to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. More abundant in the Middle States. Part used. —Bark, ‘“‘collected from trunks or branches 10 to 25 years of age, and deprived of the periderm”’ (official). Quercus rubra L. Beech family (Fagaceae). Red oak; champion-oak; Spanish oak. Large, wide-spreading, indigenous forest tree, about 70 feet in height, from Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. More common in the Northern States and in Canada. Part used.—Bark (nonofiicial). Quinine-flower. See Sabbatia elliottii. Quinine-herb. See Sabbatia elliottii. Quinine-plant. See Sabbatia elliottii. Quiverleaf. See Populus tremuloides. Ragged-cup. See Silphium perfoliatum. Ragweed. See Ambrosia artemisiaefolia. Ragwort, golden. See Senecio aureus. Raspberry, black. See Rubus occidentalis. Raspberry, ground-. See Hydrastis canadensis. Raspberry, wild red. See Rubus strigosus. Rattle-root. See Cimicifuga racemosa. Rattlesnake-herb. See Actaea alba and A. rubra. 58 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. | iat» Rattlesnake-master. See Eryngium yuccifolium, Lacinaria scariosa, L. spicata, and L. squarrosa. Rattlesnake-plantain, downy. See Peramium pubescens. Rattlesnake-plantain, lesser. See Peramiwimn repens. Rattlesnake-root. See Nabalus albus and N. serpentarius. Rattlesnake-violet. See Hrythronium americanum. Rattlesnake-weed. See Eryngium yuccifolium, Hieracium venosum, and Peramium pubescens. Redbud. See Cercis canadensis. Redroot. See Ceanothus americanus. * Rhamuus cathartica L. Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae). Buckthorn; hart’s-thorn; waythorn. A shrub 6 to 15 feet high, introduced from Europe; escaped from hedges and growing in dry soil in ‘the New England and Middle States. Part used.—Berries (nonofficial ). ’ Rhamnus purshiana. See Rhamnus purshiana DC. Rhamnus purshiana DC. Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae). Rhamnus purshiana; cascara sagrada; chittem-bark; sacred-bark; bearberry-tree. Small, indigenous tree, 15 to 20 feet in height, found on the sides and bottoms of canyons, Rocky Mountains west to the Pacifie Ocean, and extending north into British America. Part used.—Bark, collected at least one year before being used (official). Rheumatism-root. See Dioscorea villosa and Jeffersonia diphylla, Rheumatism-weed. See Chimaphila umbellata. Rhododendron maximum L. Heath family (Ericaceae). Great laurel; rose-bay; deer-laurel; rose-laurel. Tall, native, evergreen shrub or small tree, found in low woods and along streams from Canada to Georgia. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial ). Rhus aromatica Ait. Sumac family (Anacardiaceae). Fragrant sumac; sweet-scented sumac. Indigenous shrub, 2 to 6 feet high, growing in woods and rocky situations, Canada to Florida, especially along. the mountains, west to Minnesota and Arkansas. Part used.—Bark of root (nonoflicial). Rhus glabra. See Rhus glabra L. Rhus glabra L. Sumac family (Anacardiaceae ). thus glabra; smooth sumac; scarlet sumac. Indigenous, branching shrub, from 4 to 12 feet high; in dry soil, thickets, and waste grounds nearly throughout the United States and Canada. Parts used. —Fruit (official) ; bark and leaves (nonofficial). Rhus radicans L, “ Sumac family (Anacardiaceae). Rhus toxicodendron (pharmacopeial name, 1890); poison-ivy; poison-oak; poison-vine. Native, woody vine, clinging to trees and fence rows; Canada to Florida, west ; to Nebraska and Arkansa Very poisonous to the touch. Part used.—Fresh leaves (oficial in U. 8. P. 1890). Rhus toxicodendron. See Rhus radicans. a Rhus radicans L. was formerly believed to be a variety of Rhus toxicodendron L., but the two are now regarded as distinet species, and the leaves from both have been used under the pharmacopoeial name (U.S. P. 1890) Rhus toxicodendron. RHUS TOXICODENDRON—RUBUS OCCIDENTALIS. 59 Rhus toxicodendron L. Sumac family (Anacardiaceae). Poison-ivy; poison-oak. Low, erect, and finely pubescent plant, more shrubby than Rhus radicans, and found in dry soil in more southern localities from Virginia to Georgia. Very poisonous to the touch. Part used.—Fresh leaves, collected with those of Rhus radicans. Richweed. See Collinsonia canadensis and Eupatorium ageratoides. Robinia pseudacacia L. Pea family (Fabaceae). Locust-tree; black locust; yellow locust; false acacia. A large, indigenous tree, sometimes 80 feet in height, growing in woods from Pennsylvania south along the western slope of the Allegheny Mountains to Georgia, west to the Indian Terr itory. Most abundant in the Middle and Eastern States. Part uwsed.—Bark of root (nonoflicial). Robin’s-rye. See Polytrichum juniperinumn. Rock-brake. See Polypodium vulgare. Rock-rose, Canadian. See Helianthemuim canadense. Rope-bark. See Dirca palustris. Rose, Canadian rock-. See Helianthemum canadense. Rose-bay. See Rhododendron maximum. Rose-laurel. See Rhododendron maximum. Rosemary, marsh-. See Limoniwm carolinianum. Rose-pink. See Sabbatia angularis. Rose-willow. See Cornus amomum. Rosinweed. See Silphiwm laciniatuin., Roundwood. See Sorbus americana. : Rubus. See Rubus cuneifolius, R. nigrobaccus, R. procumbens, R. trivialis, and R. villosus. Rubus canadensis T. & G., not L. Same as Rubus procumbens. Rubus cuneifolius Pursh. Rose family (Rosaceae). Rubus; sand-blackberry; knee-high blackberry. Shrubby plant, 1 to 3 feet high; in sandy soil from Connecticut to Florida, west to Missouri and Louisiana. Part used.—Bark of rhizome (official). Rubus idaeus var. americanus Torr. Same as Rubus occidentalis. Rubus nigrobaccus Bailey. Rose family (Rosaceae). Synonym.—Rubus villosus A. Gray, not Ait. Rubus; high-bush blackberry. Slender shrub, 3 to 7 feet high, growing in dry fields and along roadsides, New England States to Flor ida, and west to Arkansas. Part used.—Bark of rhizome (official). Rubus occidentalis L. Rose family (Rosaceae). Synonym.—Rubus idaeus var. americanus Torr. Black raspberry; thimbleberry; blackcap. A straggling shrub, growing along the borders of woods and in rocky thickets from Canada south to Georgia and Missouri. Parts used.—Fruit and leaves (nonofficial) . 60 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Rose family (Rosaceae). Rubus procumbens Muhl. Synonym.—Rubus canadensis T. & G., not L. Rubus; low running blackberry; dewberry. Shrubby, trailing plant, found in dry soil from Newfoundland to Lake Superior, south to Virginia and the Indian Territory. Part used.—Bark of root (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Rubus strigosus Michx. Rose family (Rosaceae). Wild red raspberry. Shrubby plant, found in dry or rocky situations from Canada to North Carolina and New Mexico. Parts used.—Fruit and leaves (nonoflicial) . Rose family (Rosaceae). Rubus trivialis Michx. Rubus; southern dewberry; low-bush blackberry. Shrubby, procumbent plant, found in sandy soils, Virginia to Florida, west to Missouri and Texas. Part used.—Bark of root (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Rubus villosus A. Gray, not Ait. Same as Rubus nigrobaccus. Rose family (Rosaceae). Rubus villosus Ait. Rubus; one-flowered dewberry. Trailing plant, with slender branches, growing in sandy or dry soil near the coast from Maine to South Carolina. Part used.—Bark of rhizome (official) Aster family (Asteraceae). Rudbeckia laciniata L. Thimbleweed; tall coneflower. : Much-branched, native perennial, 3 to 12 feet high; in moist thickets, Canada and Montana, south to Florida and New Mexico. Part used.—Herb (nonofiicial ). Rum-cherry. See Prunus serotina. Rumex. See Rumex crispus. Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae). Rumex acetosella L. Sheep-sorrel; field-sorrel; sour-grass; common sorrel. Annual or perennial herb, abundant in dry fields, pastures, and waste ground throughout the United States. Leaves (nonofficial). Part used. Rumex crispus L. Rumex; yellow dock; curled dock; narrow dock; sour dock. A weed introduced from Europe, and common in cultivated and waste ground throughout the United States. Perennial plant, 2 to 4 feet high. Part used.—Root of this and some other species of Rumex (official in U, 8. P. Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae). 1890). Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae). Rumex obtusifolius L. Bitter dock; blunt-leaved dock; broad-leaved dock. A perennial weed, 2 to 4 feet high, naturalized from Europe, and found in waste places from New England to Florida, west to Texas and Oregon. Part used.—Root, collected with that of Rumex crispus. Sabal. See Serenoa serrulata. Gentian family (Gentianaceae). Sabbatia angularis (L.) Pursh. American centaury; rose-pink; bitterbloom; bitter clover. 2 feet high, growing in damp, rich soil, in meadows Native, biennial plant, 1 to 2 and among high grass, from New York to Michigan, south to Florida and the Indian Territory. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). SABBATIA ELLIOTTII—SANICLE, WHITE. 6) Sabbatia elliottii Steud. Gentian family (Gentianaceae). Synonym.—Sabbatia paniculata Ell. Quinine-flower; quinine-plant; quinine-herb; Elliott’s-sabbatia. An erect, native herb, about one foot in height, growing in pine barrens from North Carolina to Florida. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Sabbatia, Elliott’s-. See Sabhatia elliottii. Sabbatia paniculata Ell. Same as Sabbatia elliottii. Sabina. See Juniperus sabina. Sacred-bark. See Rhamnus purshiana. Sage, Indian. See Lupatorium perfoliatum. Saint-Benedict’s thistle. See Cnicus benedictus. Saint-John’s wort, common. See Hypericum perforatum. Salix alba L. Willow family (Salicaceae). White willow; European willow. A large tree, sometimes 90 feet in height, introduced from Europe; occurs in moist soil along streams from Pennsylvania northward to New Brunswick and Ontario, sparingly escaped from cultivation. Part used.—Bark (nonofificial). Salix nigra Marsh. Willow family (Salicaceae). Black willow; pussy-willow; swamp-willow. Tall, indigenous tree, growing on banks of rivers from Canada to Florida and California. Parts used.—Bark, and fresh aments gathered early in May (nonofficial). Salomonia biflora (Walt.) Britton. Same as Polygonatum biflorum. Salomonia commutata (Roem. & Schult.) Dietr. Same as Polygonatum commutatui. Salt-rheum weed. See Chelone glabra. Sambucus. See Sambucus canadensis. Sambucus canadensis L. Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). Sambucus; elder; American elder; sweet elder. s 5 ~ : P : A < / Indigenous shrub, 6 to 10 feet high, growing in low, damp ground from Canada to Florida and Arizona. Parts used.—Flowers (official in U. 8. P. 1890); bark and berries (nonofficial) . Sampson-root. See Brauneria angustifolia. Sampson’s-snakeroot. See Gentiana villosa. Samson’s-snakeroot. See Psoralea pedunculata. Sand-blackberry. See Rubus cuneifolius. Sandbrier. See Solanum carolinense. Sanguinaria. See Sanguinaria canadensis. Sanguinaria canadensis L. Poppy family (Papaveraceae). Sanguinaria; bloodroot; red puccoon; Indian-paint; tetterwort. Native, perennial herb, about 6 inches high, found in rich, open woods from Nova Scotia to Nebraska, south to Florida and Arkansas. Part used.—Rhizome, ‘‘ collected after the death of the foliage’’ (official). Sanicle, American. See Heuchera americana and Sanicula marilandica, Sanicle, black. See Sanicula marilandica. Sanicle, Indian. See Eupatoriwm ageratoides. Sanicle, white. See Eupatorium ageratoides. 62 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Sanicula marilandica L. Parsley family (Apiaceae). Black sanicle; black snakeroot; American sanicle; poolroot. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high; in rich woods, Canada to Georgia. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Saponaria officinalis L. Pink family (Silenaceae). Soapwort; soaproot; bouncing-Bet; fuller’s-herb. Stout, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, naturalized from Europe and found along roadsides and waste places; common almost everywhere. Parts used.—Root and herb (nonofficial). Sarothamnus scoparius Wimm. Same as Cytisus scoparius. Sarracenia flava L. Pitcher-plant family (Sarraceniaceae). Trumpetleaf; trumpets; Eve’s-cup; watercup; yellow-flowered watercup. Curious, indigenous perennial, about 1 to 3 feet high, found in low, wet pine barrens in the southeastern United States. Parts used.—Root and sometimes the leaves (nonoflcial). Sarracenia purpurea L. Pitcher-plant family (Sarraceniaceae). Pitcher-plant; flytrap; sidesaddle-flower; watercup; smallpox-plant. Indigenous perennial, 1 to 2 feet high, growing in wet, boggy places and marshes, from Canada to Minnesota and Florida. Parts used.—Root and sometimes the leaves (nonoflicial). Sarsaparilla, American. See Aralia nudicaulis. Sarsaparilla, bristly. See Aralia hispida. Sarsaparilla, false. See Aralia nudicaulis. Sarsaparilla, Texas. See Menispermum canadense. Sarsaparilla, Virginian. See Aralia nudicaulis. Sarsaparilla, wild. See Aralia nudicaulis. Sassafras. See Sassafras varufolium. Sassafras officinale Nees & Eberm. Same as Sassafras variifolium. Sassafras sassafras (L.) Karst. Same as Sassafras variifoliun. Sassafras, swamp-. See Magnolia virginiana. Sassafras variifolium (Salisb.) O. Kuntze. ¢ Laurel family (Lauraceae). Synonyms.—NSassafras officinale Nees & Eberm.; Sassafras sassafras (L.) Karst. 4 Sassafras; ague-tree. Native tree, sometimes reaching a height of 125 feet; in rich woods, Massachu- setts to Ontario and Michigan, south to Florida and Texas. Parts used.—Bark of root, collected in early spring or autumn and deprived of the periderm (official); pith (official) ; and the oil of sassafras distilled from the root, especially the root bark (official). Satureia hortensis L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Summer-savory. Hairy, aromatic, annual herb, adventive from Europe and occurring in waste places from Canada to Pennsylvania and Nevada. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Savin. See Juniperus sabina. Savin, red. See Juniperus virginiana. Savory, summer-. See Satureia hortensis. Saw-palmetto. See Serenoa serrulata. Saxifrage, burnet-. See Pimpinella saxifraga. «Although the combination Sassafras a (L.) Karst. should be accepted by strict right of priority, the usage of the Pharmacopceia is followed. SCABIOUS, SWEET—SERVICE-TREE, AMERICAN, 63 Scabious, sweet. See Hrigeron philadelphicus. Scabish, meadow-. See Aster puniceus. Scabwort. See Inula helenium. Scarletberry. See Solanum dulcamara. Scoke. See Phytolacca decandra. Scoparius. See Cytisus scoparius. “Scouring-rush, common. See Equisetum hyemale. Scrofula-plant. See Scrophularia marilandica. Scrofula-weed. See Peramium pubescens. Scrophularia marilandica L. Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae). Synonym.—Scrophularia nodosa var. marilandica A. Gray. Maryland figwort; scrofula-plant; carpenter’s-square; heal-all; bee-plant; pile- wort. Smooth, native perennial, 3 to 5 feet high; moist, shady ground in woods and thickets, New York to North Carolina and Kansas. Parts used.—Herb and root (nonofficial ). Scrophularia nodosa var. marilandica A. Gray. Same as Scrophularia marilandica. Scutellaria. See Scutellaria lateriflora. Scutellaria hyssopifolia L. Same as Scutellaria integrifolia. Scutellaria integrifolia L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Synonym.—Scutellaria hyssopifolia L. ‘ Larger skullcap; hyssop-skulleap. Native, perennial herb, 6 inches to 2 feet high, found in fields and woods from Connecticut south to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial). Scutellaria laterifiora L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Scutellaria; skullcap; madweed; hoodwort. Smooth, branching perennial, 1 to 2 feet high, native in damp places along banks of streams from Canada south to Florida, New Mexico, and Washington. Part used.—Plant (official). Sea-lavender. See Limoniwm carolinianum. Self-heal. See Prunella vulgaris. Senecio aureus L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Liferoot; swamp squaw-weed; golden ragwort; cocash-weed; coughweed. Indigenous, perennial herb, 1 to 23 feet high, growing in swamps and wet mead- ows, Newfoundland to Ontario, south to Florida, Missouri, and Texas. Parts used.—Root and herb (nonofficial). Senega. See Polygala senega. Senna, American. See Cassia marilandica. Senna, wild. See Cassia marilandica. Serenoa serrulata (Roem. & Schult.) Hook. f. Palm family (Phoenicaceae). Sabal; saw-palmetto. A palm, 3 to 7 feet in height, found in sandy soil from North Carolina and Arkansas to Florida and Texas. Part used.—Partially dried ripe fruit (official). Serpentaria. See Aristolochia reticulata and A. serpentaria Serpentaria, Texas. See Aristolochia reticulata. Serpentaria, Virginia. See Aristolochia serpentaria. Service-tree, American. See Sorbus americana. 64 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Seven-barks. See Hydrangea arborescens. Shagbark. See /Ticoria ovata. Shamrock. See Ovalis acetosella. Shamrock, water-. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Shave-grass. See Hquisetum hyemale. Sheepberry. See Viburnum lentago. Sheep-laurel. See Kalmia angustifolia and Kk. latifolia, Sheep-sorrel. See Rumex acetosella. Shellbark-hickory. See Hicoria ovata. Shellflower. See Chelone glabra. Shepherd’s-purse. See Bursa bursa-pastoris. Shepherd’s-weatherglass. See Anagallis arvensis. Shield-fern, marginal-fruited. See Dryopteris marginalis. Shrub, sweet-scented. See Butneria florida. Shrub yellowroot. See Xanthorrhiza apiifolia. Sicklewort. See Prunella vulgaris. Sidesaddle-flower. See Sarracenia purpurea. Silkweed. See Asclepias syriaca. Silkweed, rose-colored. See Asclepias incarnata. Silkweed, swamp-. See Asclepias incarnata. Silphium laciniatum L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Rosinweed; compass-plant; pilotweed; polar-plant. Coarse, native perennial, 3 to 12 feet high, growing on prairies from Ohio to Alabama, west to Texas and South Dakota. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial ). Silphium perfoliatum L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Cup-plant; Indian-cup; ragged-cup. Stout, perennial herb, 4 to 8 feet high, native in moist soil and low ground from Ontario and the eastern United States west to Louisiana and Nebraska. Part used.—Root (nonofficial). Silverleaf. See Impatiens biflora, Spiraea tomentosa, and Stillingia sylvatica, Silverleaf-poplar. See Populus alba. Simpler’s-joy. See Verbena hastata. Sinapis alba. See Sinapis alba L. Sinapis alba L. Mustard family ( Brassicaceae). Sinapis alba; white mustard; yellow mustard. Annual herb, about 2 feet in height, naturalized from eer and found in fields and waste places, but not so widely distributed as the black mustard. Part used. —Seed (official ). Sinapis nigra. See Brassica nigra. Sinapis nigra L. Same as Brassica nigra. Skullcap. See Seutellaria lateriflora. Skullcap, hyssop-. See Seutellaria integrifolia. Skullcap, larger. See Seutellaria integrifolia. Skunk-cabbage. See Spathyema foetida. Skunkweed. See Spathyema foetida. Sloe. See Viburnum prunifolium. Smallpox-plant. See Sarracenia purpurea. SMARTWEED—SOLANUM CAROLINENSE. 65 Smartweed. See Polygonum hydropiper. Smartweed, dotted. See Polygonum punctatum. Smartweed, water-. See Polygonum punctatum. Smilacina racemosa Desf. Same as Vagnera racemosa. Smilax herbacea L. Smilax family (Smilacaceae). Carrion-flower; American Jacob’s-ladder. Native, herbaceous perennial, occurring in woods and thickets in Canada and the eastern United States. Part used.—Herb (nonofficial ). Smilax pseudo-china L. Smilax family (Smilacaceae). Bamboo-brier; long-stalked greenbrier; American China-root; false China-root; bullbrier. Perennial vine, native, growing in dry or sandy thickets, Maryland to Florida, west to Texas and Nebraska. Part used.—Rhizome (nonofficial ). Snake-gentian. See Nabalus serpentarius. Snakehead. See Chelone glabra. Snakeleaf, yellow. See Erythronium americanum. Snake-lily. See Iris versicolor. Snakemilk. See Huphorbia corollata. Snakeroot, black. See Cimicifuga racemosa and Sanicula marilandica. Snakeroot, button-. See Hryngium yuccifolium. Snakeroot, Canada. See Asarum canadense. Snakeroot, corn-. See Hryngium yuccifolium and Lacinaria spicata. Snakeroot, dense button-. See Lacinaria spicata. Snakeroot, large button-. See Lacimaria scariosa. Snakeroot, Red River. See Aristolochia reticulata. Snakeroot, Sampson’s-. See Gentiana villosa. Snakeroot, Samson’s-. See Psoralea pedunculata. Snakeroot, Seneca. See Polygala senega. Snakeroot, smaller white. See EHupatorium aromaticum. Snakeroot, Texas. See Aristolochia reticulata. Snakeroot, Virginia. See Aristolochia serpentaria. Snakeroot, white. See Hupatoriwm ageratoides. Snake-violet. See Viola pedata. Snakeweed. See Euphorbia pilulifera. Snapweed. See Impatiens aurea and J. biflora. Sneezeweed. See Helenium autumnatle. Sneezewort. See Helenium autumnale. Snowdrop, yellow. See Hrythronium americanum. : Soaproot. See Saponaria officinalis. Soapwort. See Saponaria officinalis. Soapwort-gentian. See Gentiana saponaria. Solanum carolinense L. Potato family (Solanaceae). Horse-nettle; bull-nettle; sandbrier. Rough-hairy, native, perennial herb, common in dry fields and on sandy or gravelly banks from the eastern United States west to Texas and Nebraska. Parts used.—Root, leaves, and berries (nonofficial ). 66 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Solanum dulcamara L. Potato family (Solanaceae). Duleamara; bittersweet; woody nightshade; violet-bloom; scarletberry. Climbing, shrubby perennial, naturalized from Europe; found in low, damp grounds and moist banks, New Brunswick to Minnesota, south to New Jersey and Kansas. Part used.—Young branches (official in U. 8. P. 1890). Solidago odora Ait. Aster family (Asteraceae). Sweet goldenrod; fragrant-leaved goldenrod; anise-scented goldenrod. Slender, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, native; in dry soil from Maine to Texas. Parts used.—Leaves and tops (nonoflficial). Solomon’s-seal, false. See Vagnera racemosa. Solomon’s-seal, giant. See Polygonatum commutatum. Solomon’s-seal, great. See Polygonatum commutatum. Solomon’s-seal, hairy. See Polygonatum biflorum. Solomon’s-seal, small. See Vagnera racemosa. Solomon’s-seal, smaller. See Polygonatum biflorum. Solomon’s-seal, smooth. See Polygonatum commutatum. Sorbus americana Marsh. Apple family (Malaceae). Synonym.—Pyrus americana DC. American mountain-ash; roundwood; dogberry; mountain-sumac; American service-tree. Indigenous tree or tall shrub, growing in low woods or moist ground from New- foundland south along the mountains to North C ‘arolina, and to Michigan. Parts used.—Bark and berries (nonoflicial). Sorrel, common. See Rumex acetosella. Sorrel, field-. See Rumex acetosella. Sorrel, sheep-. See Rumesx acetosella. Sorrel, white wood-. See Oxalis acetosella. Sorrel-tree. See Oxydendrum arboreum. Sour-grass. See Rumex acetosella. Sourwood. See Oxydendrum arboreum. Southernwood. See Artemisia abrotanum. Spathyema foetida (L.) Raf. Arum family (Araceae). Synonyms.— Dracontium foetidum L.; Symplocarpus foetidus Nutt. Skunk-cabbage; skunkweed; polecat-weed; swamp-cabbage. Indigenous, perennial herb, about 1 to 2 feet high, found in swamps and wet soil from Canada south to Florida, Iowa, and Minnesota. Appears very early in spring. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (nonofficial). Spatter-dock. See Nymphaea advena. Spearmint. See Mentha spicata. Speedwell, common. See Veronica officinalis. Speedwell, tall. See Veronica virginica. Spicebush. See Benzoin benzoin. Spicewood. See Benzoin benzoin. Spigelia. See Spigelia marilandica, SPIGELIA MARILANDICA—STARWORT. 67 Spigelia marilandica L. Logania family (Loganiaceae). Spigelia; pinkroot; Maryland pinkroot; Indian pinkroot; worm-grass. Erect, native, perennial herb, 6 inches to 13 feet high, found in rich woods, New versey to Florida, west to Texas and Wisconsin. Occurs principally in the Southern States. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official). Spignet. See Aralia racemosa. Spikenard. See Aralia racemosa. Spikenard, American. See Aralia racemosa. Spikenard, false. See Vagnera racemosa. Spikenard, small. See Aralia nudicaulis. Spikenard, wild. See Vagnera racemosa. Spindle-tree. See Huonymus atropurpureus. Spiraea. See Spiraea tomentosa. Spiraea tomentosa L. Rose family (Rosaceae). Spiraea; hardhack; steeplebush; pink meadowsweet; silverleaf. Native shrub, occurring in low grounds and 1oist meadows from Nova Scotia south to Georgia, west to Kansas and Manitoba. Parts used.—Leaves and root (nonofficial). Spleenwortbush. See Comptonia peregrina. Spruce, black. See Picea mariana. Spruce, hemlock-. See Tsuga canadensis. Spruce, weeping. See Tsuga canadensis. Spruce-gum tree. See Picea mariana. Spurge, flowering. See Euphorbia corollata, Spurge, ipecac-. See Huphorbia ipecacuanhae. Spurge, large spotted. See Euphorbia nutans. Spurge, pill-bearing. See Euphorbia pilulifera. Spurge-laurel. See Daphne mezereum. Spurge-olive. See Daphne mezereuin. Squawberry. See Mitchella repens. Squawbush. See Viburnum opulus. Squawflower. See Trillium erectwm. Squawmint. See Hedeoma pulegioides. Squawroot. See Caulophyllum thalictroides and Cimicifuga racemosa. Squaw-vine. See Mitchella repens. Squaw-weed. See Hupatorium ageratoides. Squaw-weed, swamp. See Senecio aureus. Squirrel-corn. See Bikukulla canadensis. Squirrel-ear. See Peramium repens. Staff-tree. See Celastrus scandens. Stagbush. See Viburnum prunifolium. Staggerweed. See Bikukulla canadensis. Stag’s-horn. See Lycopodium clavatum. Stammerwort. See Ambrosia artemisiaefolia. Star-grass. See Aletris farinosa. Starwort. See Chamaelirium luteum. 68 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Starwort, drooping. See Chamaelirium luteum. Statice caroliniana Walt. Same as Limonium carolinianum. Steeplebush. See Spiraea tomentosa. Stellaria media Cyr. Same as Alsine media. Stillingia. See Stillingia sylvatica. Stillingia sylvatica L. Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Stillingia; queen’s-root; queen’s-delight; silverleaf. Native, herbaceous perennial, 1 to 3 feet in height, occurring in dry, sandy soil, and pine barrens from Maryland to Florida, west to Kansas and Texas. Part used.—Root (official) . Stonecrop, ditch-. See Penthorum sedoides. Stonecrop, Virginia. See Penthorum sedoides. Stonemint. See Cunila origanoides. Stone-oak. See Quercus alba. Stoneroot. See Collinsonia canadensis. Stramonium. See Datura stramonium. Strawberry, scarlet. See Fragaria virginiana. Strawberry, Virginia. See Fragaria virginiana. Strawberry-shrub, hairy. See Butneria florida. Stylosanthes biflora (L.) B.S. P. Pea family (Fabaceae). Synonym.—Stylosanthes elatior Sw. Pencil-flower; afterbirth-weed. Wiry, perennial herb, 6 inches to 2 feet in height, native; occurring in dry soil from New York to Florida, west to the Indian Territory. Part used. —Herb (nonofficial ). Stylosanthes elatior Sw. Same as Stylosanthes biflora. Succory. See Cichorium intybus. Sumac, fragrant. See Rhus aromatica. Sumac, mountain-. See Sorbus americana. Sumac, scarlet. See Rhus glabra. Sumac, smooth. See Rhus glabra. Sumac, sweet-scented. See Rhus aromatica. Summer-savory. See Satureia hortensis. Sundew, round-leaved. See Drosera rotundifolia. Sunflower, swamp-. See Helenium culumnale. Swamp squaw-weed. See Senecio aureus. Swamp willow-herb. See Epilobium palustre. Swamp-cabbage. See Spathyema foetida. Swamp-dogwood. See Cornus amomum. Swamp-hellebore. See Veratrum viride. Swamp-laurel. See Magnolia virginiana. Swamp-maple. See Acer rubrum. Swamp-milkweed. See Asclepias incarnata. Swamp-sassatras. See Magnolia virginiana. Swamp-silkweed. See Asclepias incarnata. Swamp-sunflower. See Helenium autumnale. Swamp-willow. See Salix nigra. SWEATW EED—THIMBLEBERRY. 69 Sweatweed. See Althaea officinalis. Sweet-cicely. See Washingtonia longistylis. Sweet-flag. See Acorus calamus. Sweet-gum. See Liquidambar styraciflua. Sweetroot. See Polemonium reptans. Symphytum officinale L. Borage family (Boraginaceae). Comfrey; healing-herb; blackwort; bruisewort. Erect, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe; found in waste places, Newfoundland to Minnesota, south to Maryland. Part used.—Root (nonofficial ). Symplocarpus foetidus Nutt. Same as Spathyema foetida. Tag-alder. See Alnus rugosa. Tamarack. See Larix laricina. Tanacetum. See Tanacetum vulgare. Tanacetum vulgare L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Tanacetum; tansy; double tansy; bitter-buttons; parsley-fern. Strong-scented, perennial herb, 13 to 3 feet high, introduced from Europe; escaped from cultivation and found along roadsides from Nova Scotia to Min- nesota, south to North Carolina and Missouri. Parts used.—Leaves and flowering tops (official in U. S. P. 1890). Tanbark-tree. See Tsuga canadensis. Tansy. See Tanacetum vulgare. Tansy, double. See Tanacetum vulgare. Taraxacum. See Taraxacum officinale. Taraxacum officinale Weber.¢ Chicory family (Cichoriaceae). Synonym.— Taraxacum taraxacum (L.) Karst.¢ Taraxacum; dandelion; blowball; cankerwort. Low, perennial weed, 5 to 10 inches high, naturalized from Europe; very abun- dant in lawns, meadows, and waste places throughout the United States, with the exception of the South. Part used.—Root, collected in autumn (official ). Taraxacum taraxacum (L.) Karst. Same as Taraxacum officinale. Tea, continental. See Ledwm groenlandicum. Tea, James-. See Ledum groenlandicum. Tea, Jersey. See Ceanothus americanus. Tea, Jerusalem. See Chenopodium ambrosioides. Tea, Labrador. See Ledum groenlandicum. Tea, Mexican. See Chenopodium ambrosioides. Tea, mountain-. See Gaultheria procumbens. Tea, New Jersey. See Ceanothus americanus. Tea, Oswego. See Monarda didyma. Tea, Spanish. See Chenopodium ambrosioides. Teaberry. See Gaultheria procumbens. Tephrosia virginiana Pers. Same as Cracca virginiana. Tetterwort. See Chelidonium majus and Sanguinaria canadensis. 70 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Thimbles. See Digitalis purpurea. Thimbleweed. See Rudbeckia laciniata. 4 Thistle, bitter. See Cnicus benedictus. Thistle, blessed. See Cnicus benedictus. Thistle, Canada. See Carduus arvensis. Thistle, creeping. See Carduus arvensis. Thistle, cursed. See Carduus arvensis. Thistle, holy. See Cnicus henedictus. Thistle, St. Benedict’s-. See Cnicus henedictus. Thistle, spotted. See Cnicus benedictus. Thorn-apple. See Datura stramonium. Thoroughwort. See Hupatorium perfoliatum. Thousandleaf. See Achillea millefolium. Throwwort. See Leonurus cardiaca. Thuja occidentalis L. Pine family (Pinaceae). Arbor-vitae; white cedar; yellow cedar. Indigenous, evergreen tree, 20 to 50 feet in height; in wet soil and along banks of streams, Canada to North Carolina, Illinois, and Minnesota. Especially abundant in Canada and the Northern States. Parts used.—Branchlets and leaves (nonofficial). Tiarella cordifolia L. Saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae). Coolwort; false miterwort; foamflower; gemfruit. Slender, indigenous perennial, 6 to 12 inches high, found in rich, moist woods, Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south, especially along the mountains, to Georgia and Indiana. Part used.—Herb (nonofiicial). Tickweed. See Hedeoma pulegioides. Tilia americana L. Linden family (Tiliaceae). Synonym.— Tilia glabra Vent. Basswood; American linden; whitewood. Large, indigenous forest tree, 60 to 125 feet in height; in rich woods, especially along the mountains, from Canada to Georgia, west to Texas and Nebraska. Part used.—Inflorescence of this and of other species of Tilia (nonofficial). Tilia glabra Vent. Same as Tilia americana. Tinker’s-weed. See Triostewm perfoliatum. Tobacco, Indian. See Lobelia inflata. Toothache-tree. See Fagara clava-herculis and Xanthoxylum americanum. Touch-me-not, pale. See Impatiens aurea. Touch-me-not, spotted. See Impatiens biflora. Toywort. See Bursa bursa-pastoris. Tree-primrose. See Oenothera biennis. ; Trefoil, marsh-. See Menyanthes trifoliata, Trefoil, shrubby. See Ptelea trifoliata. Trefoil, sour. See Oxalis acetosella. Trifolium pratense L. Pea family (Fabaceae). Red clover; meadow-clover; purple clover. Perennial herb, 6 inches to 2 feet high; common in fields and meadows through- out the eastern United States; naturalized from Europe, and widely cultivated, Part used.—Blossoms (nonofficial ), TRILISA ODORATISSIMA—TWINLEAF. 71 Trilisa odoratissima ( Walt.) Cass. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym.—Liatris odoratissima Michx. Vanilla-plant; deer’s-tongue; vanilla-leaf; Carolina vanilla. Rather stout, native, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, with fragrant leaves; in pine barrens from Virginia south to Florida and Louisiana. Part used.—Leaves (nonoffcial ). Trillium erectum L. Lily-of-the-valley family (Convallariaceae). Wake-robin; ill-scented bethroot; birthroot; squawflower. Stout, native perennial, 8 to 16 inches high, growing in rich soil in damp, shady woods fronr Canada south to Tennessee and Missouri. Part used.—Rhizome of this and of several other species of Trillium (nonofficial ). Triosteum perfoliatum L. Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). Feverroot; horse-gentian; tinker’s-weed; white gentian; wild ipecac. Indigenous, perennial herb, 2 to 4 feet high; in rich soil in shady locations, Que- bee to Minnesota, south to Alabama and Kansas. Part used.—Root (nonofiicial) . Triticum. See Agropyron repens. Triticum repens Beauv. Same as Agropyron repens. Trumpetleaf. See Sarracenia flava. Trumpet-milkweed. See Lactuca canadensis. Trumpets. See Sarracenia flava. Tsuga canadensis te Carr. Pine family (Pinaceae). Synonym.—Abies canadensis Michx. Hemlock; hemlock-spruce; weeping spruce; tanbark-tree. Indigenous tree, about 75 feet in height, in forests from Canada south to Alabama and Wisconsin. Paris used.—Bark and prepared resinous exudate (nonofficial). _Tulip-poplar. See Liriodendron tulipifera. Tulip-tree. See Liriodendron tulipifera. Tupelo gum. See Nyssa aquatica. Tupelo, large. See Nyssa aquatica. Tupelo, sour. See Nyssa ogeche. Turkey-corn. See Bikukulla canadensis. Turkey-pea. See Bikukulla canadensis. Turnera aphrodisiaca Ward. Same as Turnera microphylla. Turnera microphylla Desy. Turnera family (Turneraceae). Synonym.— Turnera aphrodisiaca Ward. Damiana. A small, shrubby plant, native of Lower California, Texas, and northern Mexico, growing in dry soil. Part used.—Leaves (nonofiicial) . Turnip, Indian. See Arisaema triphyllum. Turnip, wild. See Arisaema triphyllum. Turtle-head. See Chelone glabra. Tussilago farfara L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Colt’s-foot; coughwort; horsefoot; gingerroot. Perennial herb, 3 to 18 inches high, naturalized from Europe; in moist places aoe roadsides and brooks, northeastern United States and Minnesota to Janada. Parts used.—Leaves and root (nonofticial). Twinleaf. See Jejfersonia diphylla. (2 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Typha latifolia L. Cattail family (Typhaceae). Broad-leaved cattail; cattail-flag; bulrush. Native marsh plant, perennial, + to 8 feet high; found in marshes, ditches, muddy pools, and other wet places throughout North America, except extreme northern part. Part used.—Root (nonoflicial ). Ulmus. See Ulinus fulva. Ulmus fulva Michx. Elm family (Ulmaceae). Synonym.—Ulmus pubescens Walt. Ulmus; elm; slippery elm; red elm; moose-elm; Indian elm. Indigenous tree, 50 to 60 feet high, growing on hills, along streams and in woods from Quebec to North Dakota, south to Florida and Texas. More common in the western part of its range. Part used.—Bark deprived of its periderm (official). Ulinus pubescens Walt. Same as Ulmus fulva. Umbrella-tree. See Magnolia tripetala. Unicorn-root, false. See Aletris farinosa. Unicorn-root, true. See Chamaelirium luteum. Upland-cranberry. See Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. Urtica dioica L. Nettle family (Urticaceae). Stinging nettle; great nettle. Herbaceous, perennial plant, 2 to 4 feet high, with stinging hairs; naturalized from Europe and found in waste places from Canada and Minnesota south to South Carolina and Missouri. Parts used.—F lowers, leaves, and root (nonofficial). Uya-ursi. See Arctostaphylos uwva-ursi. Uvedalia. See Polymnia uvedalia. Uvularia perfoliata L. Bunchflower family (Melanthiaceae) . Perfoliate bellwort; Mohawk-weed. Native, perennial herb, 6 to 20 inches high; in moist woods and thickets, Quebec to Florida and Mississippi. Part used.—Root (nonofficial ). Vagnera racemosa (L.) Morong. Lily-of-the-valley family (Convallariaceae). Synonyms.—Convallaria racemosa L.; Sinilacina racemosa Desf. False Solomon’s-seal; small Solomon’s-seal; wild spikenard; false spikenard. Indigenous, perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high, found in moist woods and thickets from Canada south to Georgia and Arizona. Part used.—Root (nonoflicial ). Valerian. See Valeriana officinalis. Valerian, American. See Cypripedium hirsutum. Valerian, American Greek. See Polemonium reptans. Valerian, garden-. See Valeriana officinalis. Valeriana. See Valeriana officinalis. Valeriana officinalis L. Valerian family (Valerianaceae). Valeriana; valerian; garden-valerian; vandal-root. Perennial herb, 2 to 5 feet high, native of Europe; escaped from gardens to roadsides in New York and New Jersey. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official). Vandal-root. See Valeriana officinalis. VANILLA, CAROLINA—-VIBURNUM LENTAGO. ie Vanilla, Carolina. See Trilisa odoratissima. Vanilla-leaf. See Trilisa odoratissima. Vanilla-plant. See Trilisa odoratissima. Velvet-plant. See Verbascum thapsus. Veratrum. See Veratrum viride. Veratrum viride Ait. Bunchfiower family (Melanthiaceae). Veratrum; American hellebore; swamp-hellebore; green hellebore. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 7 feet high, growing in swamps, wet woods, and meadows, Canada and Alaska, Minnesota south to Georgia. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots of this or |. albuin (official). Verbascum thapsus L. Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae). Mullein; velvet dock; velvet-plant; flannel-leaf. Tall, erect, biennial weed, sometimes 7 feet in height; naturalized from Europe and growing in fields, pastures, and waste places, Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to Florida. : Parts used.—Leaves and flowers (nonofficial ). Verbena hastata L. Vervain family (Verbenaceae). Vervain; simpler’s-joy; wild hyssop. Erect, indigenous perennial, 3 to 4 feet high, found in fields, meadows, and, waste places, Canada to Nebraska, New Mexico, and Florida. Parts used.—Root and herb (nonofficial). Veronica officinalis L. Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae). Common speedwell; Paul’s-betony. Perennial herb, 3 to 10 inches high; in dry fields and woods, Nova Scotia to Michigan, south to North Carolina and Tennessee. Part used.—Herb (nonofiticial). Veronica, tall. See Veronica virginica. Veronica virginica L.“ Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae). Synonym.—Leptandra virginica (L.) Nutt.@ Leptandra; Culver’s-root; Culver’s-physic; blackroot; Bowman’s-root; tall speed- well; tall veronica. Indigenous, perennial p'ant, 2 to 5 feet high, in moist, rich ground in woods, meadows, and thickets from Canada to Alabama and Nebraska. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (official). Vervain. See Verbena hastata. Viburnum dentatum L. Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). Arrowwood; mealy-tree. Smooth, indigenous shrub, about 15 feet in height, growing on low ground and in damp woods and thickets from New Brunswick and Ontario south along the mountains to Georgia, and westward to Minnesota. Part used. —Bark (nonofficial). Viburnum lentago L. Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). Nannybush; sheepberry; sweet viburnum. An indigenous shrub, sometimes asmall tree; in rich soil from Canada to Georgia and Missouri. Part used.—Bark of the root of this species or of V. prunifolium official under the name ‘‘ Viburnum prunifolium.”’ aSome authors hold that this plant belongs to the genus Leptandra and that its name should be Leptandra virginica (L.) Nutt. The Pharmacopceia is here followed. 74 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Viburnum opulus. See Viburnum opulus L. Viburnum opulus L. Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). Viburnum opulus; cramp-bark; high-bush cranberry; squawbush. Indigenous shrub, 4 to 10 feet in height, found in low, rich woods and borders of fields from New Jersey, Michigan, and Oregon, northward. Part used.—Bark (official). Viburnum prunifolium. See Viburnum lentago and V. prunifolium L. Viburnum prunifolium L. Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). Black haw; sloe; stagbush. Indigenous shrub or small tree, growing in dry woods and thickets and on rocky hillsides, Connecticut to Florida, west to Michigan and Texas. Most abun- dant in the South. Part used.—Bark of the root of this species or of J”. /entago official under the name ‘‘ Viburnum prunifolium.”’ Viburnum, sweet. See Viburnum lentago. Vine-maple. See Menispermuim canadense. Viola odorata L. Violet family (Violaceae). English violet; sweet violet; March violet. Low herb, native of Europe; escaped from gardens, Nova Scotia to New York and New Jersey, and on the Pacific coast. Part used.—F lowers (nonofficial ). Viola pedata L. Violet family (Violaceae). Bird’s-foot violet; wood-violet; snake-violet. Native plant, perennial, 3 to 10 inches high, occurring in dry fields and on _hill- sides from Maine to Minnesota, south to Florida and Missouri. Parts used.—Herb and root (nonofificial ). Viola tricolor L. Violet family (Violaceae). Pansy; heartsease. Small herb, 4 to 12 inches high, introduced from Europe; found in waste places, sparingly escaped from gardens. Part used.—F lowering herb (nonofficial ). Violet, bird’s-foot. See Viola pedata. Violet, dog’s-tooth. See Hrythronium americanum. Violet, English. See Viola odorata. Violet, March. See Viola odorata. Violet, rattlesnake-. See Hrythronium americanum. Violet, snake-. See Viola pedatu. Violet, sweet. See Viola odorata. Violet, wood-. See Viola pedata. Violet-bloom. See Solanum dulcamara. Virginia creeper. See Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Virgin’s-bower. See Clematis virginiana. Viscum flavescens Pursh. Same as Phoradendron flavescens. Vomitwort. See Lobelia inflata. Wafer-ash. See Pelea trifoliata. Wahoo. See Luonymus atropurpureus. Wake-robin. See Arisaema triphyllum and Trillium erectum. Walnut, white. See Juglans cinerea. Wartwort. See Gnaphalium uliginosum. WASHINGTONIA LONGISTYLIS—-WOOD-FERN, EVERGREEN. 5. Washingtonia longistylis (Torr.) Britton. Parsley family (Apiaceae). Synonym.—Osmorrhiza longistylis DC. Sweet-cicely; anise-root; sweet chervil. Erect, rather stout, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, native; in rich, moist woods and banks of streams from Canada to Alabama and Texas. Part used.—Root (nonofficial ). Water-avens. See Geum rivale. Water-bugle. See Lycopus virginicus. Watercup. See Sarracenia flava and S. purpurea. Watercup, yellow-flowered. See Sarracenia flava. Water-eryngo. See Eryngium yuccifolium. Water-flag. See Iris versicolor. Water-hemlock. See Cicuta maculata. Water-hoarhound. See Lycopus virginicus. Water-lily. See Castalia odorata. Water-lily, sweet-scented. See Castalia odorata. Water-pepper. See Polygonum hydropiper. Water-shamrock. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Water-smartweed. See Polygonum punctatum. Waxberry. See Myrica cerifera. Wax-myrtle. See Myrica cerifera. Waxwork. See Celastrus scandens. Waythorn. See Rhamnus cathartica. White-bark. See Populus alba. Whiteroot. See Asclepias tuberosa. Whitethorn. See Crataegus oxyacantha. Whitewood. See Liriodendron tulipifera and Tilia americana. Wickopy. See Dirca palustris. Wickup. See Chamaenerion angustifolium and Epilobiuin palustre. Willow, black. See Salix nigra. Willow, European. See Salix alba. Willow, pussy-. See Salix nigra. Willow, rose-. See Cornus amomum. Willow, swamp-. See Salix nigra. Willow, white. See Salix alba. Willow-herb, great. See Chamaenerion angustifolium. Willow-herb, night. See Oenothera biennis. Willow-herb, swamp. See Epilobium palustre. Wingseed. See Ptelea trifoliata. Winterberry, Virginia. See Ilex verticillata. Winterbloom. See Hamamelis virginiana. Wintergreen. See Gaultheria procumbens. Wintergreen, bitter. See Chimaphila umbellata. Witch-hazel. See Hamamelis virginiana. Woodbine, wild. See Gelsemiwm sempervirens. Wood-fern, evergreen. See Dryopteris marginalis. 76 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Wood-sorrel, white. See Oxalis acetosella. Wood-violet.. See Viola pedata. Worm-grass. See Spigelia marilandica. Wormseed. See Chenopodium anthelminticum. Wormseed, American. See Chenopodium ambrosioides. Wormwood. See Artemisia absinthium. Wormwood, Roman. See Ambrosia artemisiaefolia. Xanthium spinosum L. Ragweed family (Ambrosiaceae). Spiny clotbur; spiny burseed; thorny clotweed; thorny burweed. An annual weed, 1 to 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe or Asia; in waste ground, Ontario to Florida, westward to Missouri and Texas. Part used.—Leaves (nonofficial ). Xanthorrhiza apiifolia L’ Her. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae ). Shrub yellowroot; southern yellowroot. Low, shrubby, indigenous perennial, 1 to 2 feet high, growing in woods and along river banks, southwestern New York to Florida, chiefly in the moun- tains. Parts used.—Rhizome and roots (nonofficial). Xanthoxylum. See Fagara clava-herculis and Xanthoxylum americanum. Xanthoxylum americanum Mill. Rue family (Rutaceae). Synonym.— Xanthoxylum fraxineum Willd. i Xanthoxylum; northern prickly ash; toothache-tree. Indigenous shrub or small tree, maximum height about 25 feet; common in woods and thickets and along river banks from Virginia, Missouri, and Nebraska northward to Canada. Parts used.—Bark of this or of Fagara clava-herculis official under the name ‘‘Xanthoxylum.’’ Berries (nonofficial). ’ Xanthoxylum clava-héerculis L. Same as Fagara clava-herculis. Xanthoxylum fraxineum Willd. Same as Xanthoxylum americanum. Yam, wild. See Dioscorea villosa. Yarrow. See Achillea millefolium. Yellowroot. See Coptis trifolia, Hydrastis canadensis, and Jeffersonia diphylla, Yellowroot, shrub. See Xanthorrhiza apiifolia. Yellowroot, southern. See Yanthorrhiza apiifolia. Yellowthorn. See Fagara clava-herculis. Yellowwood. See Fagara clava-herculis. Yerba buena. See Micromeria chamissonis. Yerba reuma. See Frankenia grandifolia. Yerba santa. See HMriodictyon californicum. Youthwort. See Drosera rotundifolia and Heracleum lanatum. O a Ap U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 90, PART I. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. THE STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. BY oe Weel -DUVEL, ASSISTANT IN THE SEED LABORATORY. IssuED SEPTEMBEE 7, 1905. — MATION Of TSS WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 19:05: LORS HRS Sey Tay 2 Soe ea Se ae ce rr ee Sa siety ee Pea ee ce SS ELUEODRD GE, 2 es a a ee ere ae a ee aseeccamn versus spring Seeding .-/-/2.2...-... 2-22) -.-l scene cess eee. = De NnnEEEE SEOTIN® the secu 27. 2s See te 2 a ee ee 2 Detailed conditions and results of storage experiments -...........---------- Penman shOriation! 5... Us soi) o£ eo a. Jb S2 elon eile loeb eke ane P_ieaodinOLmaking sermination tests... =o. .c...--4<--- -+2-----~-i bi. --- Peer eeiemperiture On germination ..2...+..-:...2--.--2---.-s202+- +--+ SLED 22 bac ESE eee oo ees een ee yo ae a SPEEDS Toi Settee a eke oe oa os ani ee ein ocacecae- 205% 3 “I o> Or or’ ~I co CO ILLUSTRATIONS: Page. Pirate I. Wild rice growing in water after being kept wet in cold storage at a temperature of 32-34° F., from October 19, 1903, to November 15, 1904 . 22 - b asec tees sc ce ne ae es fens e ee oe ee 16 II. Stages of germination of wild rice, showing the development of the root system and the relative position of the seedling and the parent ~ B.: P. I.—178. THE STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED.’ INTRODUCTION. The seed of wild rice, sometimes called Indian rice or water oats (Zizania aquatica L.), has always been a very valuable food among the Indians, especially those of the upper Mississippi Valley. Of recent years wild rice has found a place on the menu cards of some of our best American hotels. The rich and highly nutritious grains, together with the slightly smoky flavor it has when properly pre- pared, make it an extremely palatable article of diet. If it were not for the difficulties of harvesting the seed and preparing the finished product for market it is probable that wild rice would find a place in many American homes. At present, however, the greatest interest in wild rice is created by the value of the seed as a food for wild waterfowl, particularly wild ducks. Asa result of this interest the propagation of wild rice from seed has become a question of considerable importance, especially to the members of the gunning clubs throughout the United States and Canada. DISTRIBUTION. The distribution of wild rice is now reported from New Brunswick and Assiniboia south to Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. There are, however, comparatively few localities in which it grows abundantly. a Wild rice is considered one of the most important foods for wild ducks and other waterfowl, and a large number of inquiries have been received from members of gunning clubs throughout the United States asking where good, germinable seed can be secured. It is quite generally refognized that wild rice seed loses its vitality if allowed to become dry, and better methods of storing the seed during the winter have long since been demanded. The results of investigations begun two years ago show that wild rice seed can. be handled without any deterioration in vitality if it is harvested and stored according to methods outlined in the present paper. J. W. T. Duvet, Acting Botanist in Charge of Seed Laboratory. Seep Lasorarory, Washington, D. C., July 20, 1905. 6 STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. Good reasons exist for assuming that this area can be extended to include all fresh-water lakes, as well as swamps and river bogs, where the water does not become stagnant, throughout the whole of North America south of latitude 55° north. Wild rice also grows luxuri- antly along the lower parts of many of the rivers of the Atlantic Coast States, the waters of which are affected by the action of the tide to a considerable degree, and consequently contain an appreciable quantity of salt. It has been shown” that the maximum degree of concentra- tion of salt water in which wild rice plants can grow successfully is equivalent to a 0.03 normal solution of sodium chlorid. This concen- tration corresponds to 0.1755 per cent by weight of sodium chlorid, which is sufficient to give a slight salty taste to the water. HABITAT. While it is well recognized that the habitat of the wild rice plant is in shallow fresh water, it is now known that it will grow luxuriantly in water containing little less than two-tenths of 1 per cent of sodium chlorid. Occasional plants have been found growing in water which contained, for short periods at least, nearly double that amount of salt. These facts indicate the possibility of a much wider range of conditions to which this plant may be subjected without hindering its development. It is not beyond the range of possibility—indeed, it is quite probable—that by careful selection plants may be obtained which will thrive on soil that is comparatively dry, at least in places in which the water can be drawn off gradually during the latter part of the growing season. In September, 1904, Mr. G. C. Worthen, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, collected a cluster of wild rice plants which were growing on the Potomac Flats, near Washington, D. C., in soil which was suf- ficiently dry to permit the use of a 2-horse mowing machine for cutting down the rank growth of vegetation. This was newly made land, and in all probability the seed giving rise to this cluster of plants was pumped in with the dirt from the Potomac River the year previous. This amphibious type once established, it will undoubtedly carry with it a strain of seed which can withstand considerable drying with- out any marked injury to its vitality. Such being true, the methods and difficulties of propagation from seed would be greatly simplified. Simultaneous with establishing an amphibious type should come the selection of seed plants which are capable of retaining their seed until the larger part of it has reached maturity. These two steps once made, the future of wild rice as a cereal will be assured. «The Salt Water Limits of Wild Rice. Bulletin No. 72, Part Il, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, 1905. FALL SEEDING VERSUS SPRING SEEDING. 7 GERMINATION OF THE SEED. The greatest difficulty to be overcome in extending the area for growing wild rice is the poor germination of the commercial seed. Inasmuch as wild rice constitutes one of the most important foods of wild ducks and other wild waterfowl, many individuals and most of the gunning clubs east of the Rocky Mountains have been asking the question, How can we propagate wild rice from seed in order to estab- lish better feeding and fattening grounds for our game birds? The many failures in the propagation of wild rice from seed have been due to the use of seed that had become dry before sowing, or to the fact that the seed when sown fresh in the autumn had been eaten by ducks or other animals or was carried away by heavy floods before germination took place. It is now very generally known that the seed of wild rice, if once allowed to become dry, will not germinate, save possibly an occasional grain. In its natural habitat the seed, as soon as mature, falls into the water and sinks into the mud beneath, where it remains during the winter months, germinating the following spring if conditions are favorable. Heretofore the plan generally followed, and the one usually recom- mended by those who have given some attention to the propagation of wild rice, was practically that of natural seeding; that is, to gather the seed in the autumn, as soon as thoroughly mature, and, while still fresh, to sow it in | to 3 feet of water. FALL SEEDING VERSUS SPRING SEEDING. It must be remembered that the bulk of the seed remains dormant during the winter, germinating first the spring after maturing; con- sequently, with but few exceptions, fall seeding is unsatisfactory and unreliable. Fall seeding is likely to prove a failure for three reasons: (1) Wild ducks and other animals of various kinds eat or destroy the seed in considerable quantity before it has had time to germinate the following spring; (2) much of the seed is frequently covered so deeply with mud that washes in from the shore during the winter that the young plants die of suffocation and starvation before they reach the surface; (3) in some cases a large quantity of the seed is carried away from the place where sown by the high waters and floating ice prev- alent during the latter part of the winter and early spring. In exceptional cases these difficulties can be overcome; under which circumstances autumn sowing may be preferable to spring sowing. In the majority of cases, however, much better results will be obtained if the seed is properly stored and sown in the early spring, as soon as the danger of heavy floods is passed and the water level approaches normal. 8 STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. In sowing the seed considerable care must be exercised in selecting a suitable place, securing the proper depth of water, etc. Good results can be expected if the seed is sown in from 1 to 3 feet of water which is not too stagnant or too swiftly moving, with a thick layer of soft mud underneath.” It is useless to sow wild rice seed on a gravelly bottom. or in water where the seed will be constantly disturbed by strong currents. Previous to this time, save in a few reported cases, the seed which was allowed to dry during the winter and was sown the following spring gave only negative results. It is now definitely known that wild rice, if properly handled, can be stored during the winter without impairing the quality of germination to any appreciable degree, and that it can be sown the following spring or summer with good success. DIRECTIONS FOR STORING THE SEED. The vitality of wild rice seed is preserved almost perfectly if kept wet in cold storage—Nature’s method of preservation. This method of storage implies that the seed has been properly harvested and cared for up to the time of storage. The seed should be gathered as soon as mature, put loosely into sacks (preferably burlap), and sent at once to the cold-storage rooms. If the wild rice fields are some distance from the cold-storage plant the sacks of seed should be sent by express, and unless prompt delivery can be guaranteed it is not advisable to send by freight even for comparatively short distances. It is very important, that the period between the time of harvesting and the time when the seed is put into cold’ storage be as short as possible. If this time is prolonged to such an extent as to admit of much fer- mentation or to allow the seed near the outside of the bags to become dry during transit, its vitality will be greatly lowered. It is not practicable to give any definite length of time which may elapse between harvesting and storing, inasmuch as the temperature, humidity, and general weather conditions, as well as the methods of handling the seed, must be taken into consideration. Let it suffice to say, however, that the vitality of the seed will be the stronger the sooner it is put into cold storage after harvesting. As soon as the seed is received at the cold-storage plant, while it is still fresh and before fermentation has taken place, it should be put into buckets, open barrels, or vats, covered with fresh water, and placed at once in cold storage. If there is present a considerable quantity of light immature seed or straw, broken sticks, ete., it will be profitable to separate this from the good seed by floating in water « Wild Rice: Its Uses and Propagation. Bulletin No. 50, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, 1903. STORAGE EXPERIMENTS. 9 preparatory to storing. The storage room should be maintained at a temperature just above freezing—what the storage men usually designate as the *‘ chill room.” When taken from cold storage in the spring the seed must not be allowed to dry out before planting, as a few days’ drying will destroy every embryo. Seed which was stored under the foregoing conditions from October 19, 1903, to November 15, 1904, 393 days, germinated from 80 to 88 per cent. Another lot of seed, which was stored on October 6, 1904, and tested for vitality on April 17, 1905, germinated 79.8 per cent. Plate I shows the luxuriant growth made by the seed which was kept wet and stored at a temperature of 32° to 34° F. for 393 days. DETAILED CONDITIONS AND RESULTS OF STORAGE EXPERI- MENTS. The foregoing conclusions are based on the results obtained from two series of experiments, as follows: In October, 1903, a box of wild rice seed was received from Ontario. Canada. This seed, as soon as gathered, was loosely packed in moist sphagnum and sent by express to the Seed Laboratory of the United States Department of Agriculture. After a few days, while it was yet moist and before any fermentation had taken place, the seed was divided into four lots for special treatment, as follows: (1) Seed submerged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 32° to 34° F. (2) Seed submerged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 12° F. The seed was soon embedded in a solid mass of ice and remained so until samples were taken for test. (3) Seed, without the addition of water, put into cloth bags and kept in cold storage at a temperature of 32° to 34° F. (4) Seed, without the addition of water, put into cloth bags and kept in cold storage at a temperature of 12° F. In October, 1904, a seeond consignment of seed was received from Minnesota, and the following additional storage experiments were made by Mr. C. 8. Scofield, of the Bureau of Plant Industry. (5) Seed submerged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 32° to 34° F., as in No. 1. (6) Seed submerged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 12° F., as in No. 2. (7) Seed submerged in water in a galyanized-iron bucket and stored on the roof of the laboratory building. The water was changed daily when not frozen. 10 STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. (8) Seed submerged in water in a galvanized-iron bucket and stored on the roof of the laboratory building, as in No. 7. In this case the water was not changed save to replace the loss due to evaporation. (9) The conditions for No. 9 were the same as those for No. 8, except that air was forced into the water daily when not frozen solid. Samples of seed were taken from the different lots and tested for vitality at irregular intervals throughout the time of storage, which, in the former series, extended over a period approximately thirteen months and in the latter series over a period of little more than six months. Experiments Nos. 1 and 5.—The seed which was submerged in water and stored in the ‘‘chill room” showed no deterioration in vitality. The results of the final tests gave a germination varying from 79.8 to - 88 percent. This is practically Nature’s method of preserving the vitality of the seed during the winter. Experiments Nos. 2 and 6.—The seed which was submerged in water and stored at a temperature of 12° F. was all killed before the spring following the date of storage. Soon after being placed in stor- age the water was frozen solid and the seeds were embedded in a mass of ice, in which condition they remained throughout the experiment, a portion being cut out from time to time for germination tests. The complete loss of vitality in these two lots of seed is attributed not to the freezing directly, but to the thorough desiccation as a result of the continuous low temperature. Experiments Nos. 3 and 4.—The samples of seed which were stored in cloth bags at the temperatures of 32° to 34° F. and of 12° F. had, for all economic purposes, entirely lost their vitality. The average percentage of germination, as shown by the 37 tests made from each of the two lots, was less than five-tenths of 1 per cent. Experiment No. 7.—The seed which was submerged in water and stored on the roof of the laboratory building, the water being changed daily, showed a good percentage of germination when the last vitality tests were made. If only a small quantity of seed is desired for the spring planting and cold storage can not be readily secured, good results may be obtained ‘by this treatment; but it is much less certain and probably more expensive than keeping the seed in cold storage, and for this reason is not recommended. The success of this method will likewise depend largely on the temperature of the water. Experiments Nos. 8 and 9.—On April 22, 1905, samples taken from each of these two lots of seed showed a marked deterioration in vitality. Thoroughly mixed samples from No. 8 showed a vitality of only 58 per cent, while No. 9 had deteriorated to 14.3 per cent. METHODS OF MAKING GERMINATION TESTS. 11 PACKING FOR TRANSPORTATION. Too much care can not be given to the matter of packing the seed for transportation, for unless the packing is properly done the vitality of the seed will be destroyed during transit. What is here said applies to fresh seed which is to be sown in the autumn, as well as to seed which has been kept in cold storage during the winter. It must not be forgotten, however, that the vitality of cold-storage seed is more quickly destroyed on drying than that of fresh seed. For transportation the seed should be carefully packed, with moist sphagnum, cocoanut fiber, or fine excelsior, in a loosely slatted box. If the time of transportation does not exceed five or six days no spe- cial precautions need be taken as to the temperature. During the period of transportation it is quite probable that some of the seed will germinate, but if sown at once growth will not be retarded and the roots will soon penetrate the soil and anchor the young plants. If the time of transportation is necessarily long, it is recommended, if the best results are desired, that some provision be made for a reduced temperature. The nearer the temperature approaches that of freezing the better. It has been demonstrated, however, that a fair percentage of seed will remain germinable for a considerable time if packed as above described. On October 10, 1904, Mr. C. S. Scofield sent a small quantity of wild rice, packed in moist sphagnum moss in a well-ventilated box, to Doctor De Vries, of Amsterdam, Holland. On October 14 or 15 this box was placed in cold storage on the steamer in New York Harbor. The box of seed was received by Doctor De Vries in good condition on November 2, twenty-one days after the seed was packed for shipment. METHODS OF MAKING GERMINATION TESTS. The samples were tested (1) between folds of blotting paper—our regular method for testing the germination of most seeds—and (2) in water, Nature’s method of sowing wild rice seed. The latter method gave much better results and was the one finally adopted for the laboratory tests. The seed should be covered with water, the water in the dishes to be changed daily. Plate I shows the importance of making the germination tests in water, as described in the foregoing paragraph. The seed was covered with water and placed in a germinating chamber maintained at an alternating temperature of 20° C. (68° F.) for eighteen hours, and 30° C. (84° F.) for six hours, until the majority of the seeds had germinated. At this stage the dish containing the seeds was trans- ferred to the worktable, which was exposed to the temperature of the laboratory—approximately that of a living-room. The water in the 12 STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. dish was changed daily during the period of germination, and water was afterwards added at irregular intervals to replace the loss by evaporation. Plate II] shows somewhat in detail the different stages in the germina- tion of wild rice seeds. The seeds and seedlings are shown in natural size. In/andc the first sheath has just burst through the seed coats, taking a position at right angles to the seed proper. The lateral roots begin to emerge when the first sheath leaf has attained a length of 4 to 13 inches. From this time growth continues rapidly, and by the time the seedlings are 2 or 3 inches long the root system is very well developed (7 and g). At this stage under favorable conditions the plants have a good hold in the soil and will not be washed away by an ordinary freshet. The relative position of the actively growing seedling is always at right angles to that of the old seed, as shown in fand g. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON GERMINATION. Germination tests were made at constant and alternating tempera- tures, ranging from 15° to 35° C. (59° to 95° F.). While no effort was made to show the minimum and maximum temperatures of ger- mination, the percentage was somewhat reduced at a constant tempera- ture of 35° C., and the maximum is not much above that. All of the other temperatures gave good results. The lower temperatures, how- ever, were slightly more favorable than the higher. These facts are valuable to show that the wild rice plant can thrive in either warm or cold water, but better, perhaps, in northern than in southern latitudes. SUMMARY. (1) Under no circumstances should wild rice seed which is intended for planting be allowed to dry. Dried seed will germinate but rarely and should never be sown. (2) Wild rice seed can be stored without deterioration if it is gath- ered as soon as matured, put into barrels or tanks, covered with fresh water, and, before fermentation has set in, stored at a temperature of 32-34- F. Seed treated in this way germinated as high as 88 per cent after being in storage 393 days. Fresh seed seldom germinates better, and usually not so well. (3) After the seed is taken from cold storage it should not be allowed to dry. The vitality of cold-storage seed is destroyed on drying even more quickly than that of fresh seed. (4) For transportation the seed should be packed in moist sphagnum, cocoanut fiber, or fine excelsior. If not more than five or six days are required for transit, no special precautions need be taken for con- trolling the temperature; but if the time for transportation exceeds SUMMARY, 13 six days, provision should be made for a temperature sufliciently low to prevent marked fermentation. A temperature approximately freezing will give the most satisfactory results. (5) Wild rice can be sown either in the autumn or in the spring. Spring sowing is preferable, thus avoiding the danger of having the seed eaten or destroyed by wild ducks or other animals during the fall or winter, or of its being buried or washed away by the heavy floods of late winter or early spring. (6) Wild rice should be sown in the spring in from 1 to 3 feet of water which is neither too stagnant nor too swiftly moving, as soon as the danger of heavy floods is passed. (7) Wild rice is of the greatest importance as a food for wild water- fowl, likewise a delicious breakfast food for man, and the area in which it is extensively grown should be extended. It will grow luxuriantly in either warm or cold water; furthermore, it can be grown success- fully in water which is slightly salty to the taste. (8) In determining the vitality of any sample of wild rice seed the germination tests should be made in water—the condition under which the self-sown seed germinates. (9) The seed will germinate well at temperatures ranging from 15° to 30° C. The maximum temperature of germination is above 35° C. (95° F.), but better results are obtained at lower temperatures. - te u 7 cs i haps So pam 7? vy Ween, OS say ~ Pees BO DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Piate I. Wild rice growingin water. This seed was submerged at a temperature of 32-34° F. for approximately thirteen months. In making the germination test the seed was covered with water and placed in a germinating chamber main- tained at a temperature of 20° C. (68° F.) for eighteen hours, and at 30° C. (86° F.) for six hours. After the majority of the seeds had germinated the dish was transferred to the worktable of the Seed Laboratory. Pate II. Progressive stages in the development of wild rice seedlings; f and g, seed- lings showing the relative position of the growing seedlings and the parent seed, which take a position at right angles to each other when grown normally in water. (Natural size. ) 16 Bul 90, Pt. |, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE |. > piste 2 WILD RICE GROWING IN WATER AFTER BEING KEPT WET IN COLD STORAGE AT A TEM- PERATURE OF 32-34° F., FROM OCTOBER 19, 1903, TO NovemBeER 15, 1904. Bul. 90, Pt. |, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE II. - a \ | 5) =e] | | | | a , 7 4 H a C * ia L STAGES OF GERMINATION OF WILD RICE, SHOWING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE Root SYSTEM AND THE RELATIVE POSITION OF THE SEEDLING AND THE PARENT SEED. NATURAL SIZE. Ap eo VEPAKRTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 90, PART II. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. THE CROWN-GALL AND HAIRY-ROOT DISEASES OF THE APPLE TREE. BY GEORGE G. HEDGCOCK. ASSISTANT IN PatHoLoay, MIssissrppr VALLEY LABORATORY. - e VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. IssUED NOVEMBER 17, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. 4 CONTENTS. Te a sah erie» a ae ae a 0 ee ae eee Two distinct diseases, crown-gail and hairy-root....................-------- EE NREINE UH EE NER Se Se 5 rs Peo ics pn ne See Som a ce ee Effect upon the length of life of the apple tree..........-...-.-.--.-.------- SPEennn ee MEIRAIVINOGH 920. fc 22-2 ee ee eee eee ae een be a AS a EE eS ee 3 on transplanted seedling. Fig. 3.—Hairy-root apple tree. Fig. 4.—Hairy-root disease on gr 1 II. Fig. 1.—Apple seedlings diseased with hairy-root. seedlings diseased with soft crown-gall .....-- III. Fig. 1.—Healthy fibrous-rooted apple tree, pot Apple seedlings diseased with hairy-root...----. 4 2 oN é ° a Bul. 90, Pt. Il, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE I. Fic. 1.—APPLE CROWN-GALL ON Fic. 2.—APPLE CROWN-GALL ON GRAFTED TREE. TRANSPLANTED SEEDLING. Fic. 3.—HairRy-RooT DISEASE ON Fia. 4.—HairyY-RootT DISEASE ON GRAFTED APPLE TREE. GRAFTED APPLE TREE. PLATE II. Bu). 90, Pt. Il, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Fic. 1.—APPLE SEEDLINGS DISEASED WITH HAIRY-ROoT. Fia. 2.—APPLE SEEDLINGS DISEASED WITH SOFT CROWN-GALL. *"NMOUF) LOd 'sayu) AlddV GSLOOY-SNOUSIA AHLIVAH—' | ‘DdI4 “LOOY-AYIVH HLIM G3aSV3SIg SONIIGSAS AlddyW—'? ‘Ol Bul. 90, Pt. ll, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE III. B. P. 1.—186. V. P. P. I.—145. THE CROWN-GALL AND HAIRY-ROOT DISEASES OP HE APPLE. TREE. INTRODUCTION. . - The diseases of the apple which have been classed under the name crown-gall have, during the last few years, attracted much attention, due partly to an increase of these diseases and partly to the enacting of more stringent State laws governing the shipment and inspection of . trees. A series of investigations into the nature of crown-gall upon the apple, pear, raspberry, peach, almond, grape, rose, and other plants has been in progress for some time in the Mississippi Valley Labora- tory of the Bureau of Plant Industry at St. Louis, Mo., and also at other points in the Mississippi Valley. It is not to be assumed, how- ever, that such diseases are more common in this locality than in some other portions of the United States. Apple crown-gall and hairy-root have been found in all nurseries that have been examined in various portions of the country. This preliminary report is sent out, not with the intention of giving the results of all our investigations, but for the purpose of calling the attention of apple-tree growers to the different diseases hitherto known as apple crown-gall, and to endeavor to interest them in the collection of data regarding the predisposition of varieties to these diseases. TWO DISTINCT DISEASES, CROWN-GALL AND HAIRY-ROOT. Our investigations have resulted first in separating apple crown-gall into two diseases, which are considered distinct. The disease now designated as crown-gall isa callous-like gall growth of hypertrophied tissue following wounds on some portion of the root system of the tree, which rarely occurs above the ground on parts of the trunk or limbs. (See PI. I, figs. 1 and 2.) The malady now called the hairy-root disease is evidently the same as the one first given this name by Stewart, Rolfs, and Hall in Bulletin 191 of the New York State Experiment Station. It is characterized both in seedlings (PI. II, fig. 1, and PI. III, fig. 2) and in grafted or 5 6 CROWN-GALL AND HAIRY-ROOT DISEASES OF THE APPLE TREE. budded trees (PI. I, figs. 3 and 4) by a stunted root system, accom- panied with an excessive production of small fibrous roots, often origi- nating in clusters from the main root, or taproot. Galls often occur in connection with hairy-root, but these are a result of wounds rather than a form of this disease. Seedlings of the hairy-root type, unless wounded, remain free from galls. TYPES OF APPLE CROWN-GALL. Apple crown-gall is of two types. ey eed Werk eee ee Conditions injurious to crop____._- WET SAT Is bop A eM Pe tO oe Sah 2 unum ishiiition ! °- |. 28 is. esse oo oe Ae losses eka ere aMLOTINC EMU oorrhre A ye Re Sie Se a PPEmminOtang menthol 92. 422 ses Sk et eh eee BENG Ct ES Ee Ss SEE eSEenibrarreibar (07 fobs 465. 82 OF oe Fig. 1 9 ~ 2 2 ILLUSTRATIONS. . Peppermint ‘‘runners,’’ showing method of propagation . Leaves and flowering top of peppermint... -_...---- .----------2-=- . Peppermint still (after Dewey, in Bailey’s Cyclopedia of American Horticulture) 4 B. P. I—189. Ee EGE VENT DESCRIPTION. One of the most important essential oils produced in the United States is distilled from the peppermint plant and its varieties. The three kinds of mint grown in this country for the distillation of pep- permint oil are the so-called American mint (J/entha piperita L.), the black mint (Jentha piperita vulgaris Sole), and the white mint (Mentha piperita officinalis Sole), the two last named being varieties of the American mint. The American mint, although introduced from England many years ago, is so called from the fact that it has long been cultivated in this country, and the name “ State mint ” has been applied to it in the State of New York for the same reason. The peppermint, or American mint, is now naturalized in many parts of the eastern United States, occurring in wet soil from the New England States to Minnesota, south to Florida and Tennessee. It is an aromatic perennial belonging to the mint family (Menthacez), and propagates by means of its long, running roots (fig. 1). The smooth, square stems are erect and branching, from 1 to 3 feet in height, bearing dark-green, lance-shaped leaves, which are from 1 to 2 inches long, and from one-half to 1 inch wide. The leaves are pointed at the apex, rounded or narrowed at the base, sharply toothed, smooth on both sides, or with hairy veins on the lower sur- face. The flowers are borne in whorls in dense, terminal spikes; they are purplish, with a tubular, five-toothed calyx, and a four-lobed corolla. (Fig. 2.) aIn response to a steady demand for information relating to the peppermint industry, Miss Alice Henkel, Assistant in Drug-Plant Investigations. has been requested to bring together the most important facts regarding the history, culture, and utilization of the peppermint plant. The information here pre- sented has been obtained in large part from scattered articles on the subject, and in part from experience with the plant in the Testing Gardens of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Ropney H. True, Physiologist in Charge. OFFICE OF DRUG-PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, Washington, D. C., October 14, 1905. 6 PEPPERMINT. The two varieties mentioned are closely related botanically, al- though in general appear- ance they are quite differ- ent. The variety known as black mint (J/entha piperita vulgaris) has pur- ple stems and slightly toothed, dark-green leaves, while the white mint: (Mentha piperita offici- nalis) has green stems, with brighter green leaves, Fig. 1.—Peppermint ‘‘runners,” showing method of which are more lance- propagation. shaped and more deeply toothed. Black mint is much more hardy and productive than either the American mint or the white mint, and is grown on nearly all pepper- mint farms in this country. The white mint, which produces a fine grade of oil, is rarely cultivated on a com- mercial scale in this country on ac- count of its inability to withstand the climate and its smaller yield of essen- tial oil. The oils spoken of as Japanese and Chinese * peppermint ” oils are not ob- tained from the true peppermint plant, but are distilled from entirely different species, namely, Mentha arvensis piper- ascens Malinvaud and Mentha arvensis glabrata Holmes, respectively. COUNTRIES WHERE GROWN. The most important peppermint- producing countries are the United States, England, and Japan. Pepper- mint is grown on a smaller scale in Germany, France, Italy, Russia, China, and southern India. In Japan, peppermint cultivation is said to have been undertaken before the Christian era. The plant grown there is not. as already Fic. 2.—Leaves and flowering top of E peppermint. stated, the peppermint cultivated in our country, but Mentha arvensis piperascens, which is entirely dis- CULTIVATION IN THE UNITED STATES. 7 tinct from the true peppermint, not only botanically but also in taste and odor. Peppermint is cultivated on many drug farms in England, espe- cially at Mitcham, the middle of the eighteenth century marking the beginning of peppermint cultivation in that country. Up to 1805, however, there were no stills at Mitcham, and the crops obtained there were sent to London for distillation. About 1850, at which time the peppermint industry in England was at its height, the effect of American competition began to be felt, and caused a decided check in the production. PEPPERMINT CULTIVATION IN THE UNITED STATES. Wayne County, N. Y., in 1816, was the first locality in this country to distill peppermint on a commercial scale. The supply of root- stocks was obtained from the wild plants found growing along the banks of streams and brooks. Adjacent counties soon undertook the cultivation of peppermint, but Wayne County was then, and is now, the principal peppermint district in New York. The cultivation of peppermint was extended to Ashtabula, Geauga, and Cuyahoga counties in Ohio, and also to northern Indiana. Roots were taken from Ohio into St. Joseph County, Mich., the first plan- tation being made on Pigeon prairie in 1835. Other plantations in St. Joseph County were established the following years, and adjoin- ing counties soon took up the cultivation of peppermint, and south- western Michigan has been for thirty-five years or more the greatest peppermint-producing section in the United States. About 1844 an interesting peppermint-oil monopoly ¢ was under- taken by a New York firm, which seems to have put an end to pepper- mint cultivation in Ohio, for none of the counties just. mentioned has since been heard from as a peppermint-producing section. The first step taken by this New York firm in its efforts to con- trol the peppermint-oil market was to send a representative to Liverpool, England, to ascertain the amount annually demanded by that market, which was found to be about 12,000 pounds. This done, another agent was sent West to determine the amount produced annu- ally, with the result that it was found that the farms in New York _did not produce enough oil for their purposes, the plantations in Ohio too much, while those in Michigan seemed to produce just about the right amount to satisfy the Liverpool demand. e WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1906. B. P. 1.—194. THE POISONOUS ACTION OF JOHNSON GRASS: ' Johnson grass, which was introduced from Turkey into this country about 1830,? has spread so that in many places it is considered as a weed and pest.* Some farmers, however, have utilized the dried grass as hay with advantage, either alone or combined with other food ma- terial,t and chemical analyses have proved its value as feed. Recently reports have come to this office from California of the death of cattle under such circumstances as to point to Johnson grass as the causative agent—the cattle dying in thirty minutes after eating the grass. John- son grass belongs to the same genus of the Gramineae as sorghum. This group has been partially investigated chemically, and it has been found that the fresh green plants of various members yield hydrocyanic 1 This office has from time to time received communications from stockmen, especially in the lower part of California, Arizona, and adjacent territory, ex- pressing a suspicion that the eating of Johnson grass had caused the death of stock with rather sudden and violent symptoms. There has seemed to be little ground in poisonous-plant literature to support such an explanation. Last sum- mer, however, convincing observations were reported from California by a stock- man who had lost heavily, and a supply of the grass in question was obtained. The result of the study of this material was so positive, and the possibility of damage due to this unsuspected forage plant so clear, that this preliminary notice is put out in the hope of getting observations and material for study from many sources, in order, if possible, to determine the conditions under which the poisonous properties are developed and over how wide an area they are likely to appear. RODNEY H. TRUE, Physiologist. OFFICE OF POISONOUS PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, Washington, D. C., December 11, 1905. 2 Ball, C. R. Johnson Grass. Bul. No. 11, Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1902. ‘Spillman, W. J. Extermination of Johnson Grass. Bul. No. 72, Part III, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. 8. Dept. of Agriculture, 1905. 4North Carolina Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 97, p. 92. Vasey, G. Grasses of the South. Bul. No.3, Division of Botany, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1887. Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1881, pp. 231, 232, 239, 241; Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, 1890, p. 381. 3 4 acid as a result of the action of enzymes on more highly complex bodies.? Ball? in 1902 stated that at that time there had been no official re- ports to his office of cases of poisoning by Johnson grass, but that there were some newspaper statements to that effect. He thought these accounts were probably not authentic, but stated that “since Johnson grass is closely related to sorghum, which is known to be poisonous under some circumstances, it would not be surprising if Johnson grass should also be poisonous under like conditions. * * * In eompari- son with the great number of cattle fed or pastured in Johnson grass, the reported cases of poisoning are extremely rare.”’ The first report of the poisonous action of Johnson grass which reached the Department came from Miles City, Mont. Mr. William Story reported that he and a neighbor had lost several head of cattle after they had eaten small quantities of the grass, and that they had died very suddenly. Mr. Story suggested that there was “something peculiarly poisonous about the grass.’> The Commissioner of Agricul- ture in publishing this report stated that “although the grass has been cultivated in the South for forty or fifty years, no similar charges have been made against it.’’? In India this plant is widely used as a fodder for cattle,t and the natives make use of the seeds for food. It has been noted there that deaths in cattle frequently occur when, on account of the failure of rain, the plants which have reached a certain size become stunted and withered. The toxic principle appears simultaneously over a wide area, but soon disappears if a rainfall occurs.® The deaths of cattle have been attributed by some to an insect living upon the plant, and in Australia it is the belief that Sorghum vulgare, which also yields hydro- cyanic acid, becomes more poisonous when attacked by an insect dur- ing a drought. A similar observation has been made with Sorghum vulgare in the Sudan. Balfour® found that one specimen of the plant Dunstan, W. R., and Henry, T. A. The Nature and Origin of the Poison of Lotus Arabicus. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1901, vol. 194, B., p. 515. Dunstan, W. R., and Henry, T. A. Cyanogenesis in Plants. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1902, vol. 199, A., p. 399. Slade, Henry B. Prussie Acid in Sorghum. Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1903 vol. 25, pp. 55-59. Slade, Henry B. Study of the Enzymes of Green Sorghum. Fifteenth Ann. Report, Agr. Expt. Sta. of Nebraska, 1902, pp. 55-62. Briinnich, J. C. Hydrocyanie Acid in Fodder-plants. Jour. Chem. Soe., 1903, vol. 83, part 2, pp. 788-796. 2Loc. cit., p. 23. * Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, 1885, p. 74. ‘Duthie, J. F. Fodder Grasses of Northern India, 1888, p. 41. *Pease, H.T. Poisoning of Cattle by Andropogon Sorghum. Jour, Compar. Med. and Vet. Arch., vol. 18, 1897, p. 679. See also Agr. Ledger, 1896, No. 24. * Balfour, Andrew, Cyanogenesis in Sorghum Vulgare. First Report, Well- come Research Laboratory, at Gordon Mem, College, Khartum, 1904, p. 47. On which harbored aphids yielded more hydrocyanic acid than a second one without parasites. Pease has lately claimed that the deaths from John- son grass in India were really cases of nitrate poisoning, as he found 25 per cent of nitrate of potassium in the stem of the plant and was able to produce somewhat similar symptoms in animals by feeding them this salt. Johnson grass is being introduced into Australia as a fodder plant, but as yet no reports of its poisonous action there have been noted by the writer.! There has been some chemical study of Johnson grass, but not with reference to any poisonous principle.” A fresh, green, mature, nonflowering specimen of Johnson grass, moist- ened with a little water and preserved with chloroform, was sent from Santa Rosa, Cal., in sealed glass vessels, to this laboratory. This was botanically identified here as Johnson grass. This specimen was not immediately worked up, but remained in the jars for about a month. At that time on opening the jars a marked odor of hydrocyanic acid, together with that of chloroform, was detected. The ground-up plant, with the water in which it came, was distilled, and the distillate was caught in sodium hydrate solution. This distillate, on mixing with ferrous sulphate and acidulation with hydrochloric acid, gave a heavy blue precipitate with ferric chlorid. Yellow ammonium sulphid was added to the same filtrate, and the mixture was evaporated to dryness on the bath. The dried residue was then taken in hydrochloric acid water, and on the addition of ferric chlorid the fluid gave the charac- teristic red reaction for hydrocyanic acid. The nitro-prussid, picric acid, and silver nitrate reactions were all positive for hydrocyanic acid. The aqueous fluid in which the plant was shipped was filtered off from the plant and gave on distillation all the above reactions for hydro- eyanic acid. According to our California correspondent, this plant is poisonous when grown on irrigated as well as on nonirrigated lands, but especially so when grown on irrigated soil and the growth has become rank. Recently Dunstan* has shown that Lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus) , which when grown wild in Mauritius yield sufficient hydrocyanic acid to produce poisoning, when cultivated in Burma lose this toxicity almost entirely, although it may return most unexpectedly.* He was unable, however, to determine the condition which increased its poisonous properties. ' Maiden, J. H. Useful Australian Plants. Dept. Agr. New South Wales, Misc. Pub. No. 22, 1896. * Annual Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, 1878, p. 168. * Dunstan, W. R. Phaseolus Lunatus. Agr. Ledger, 1905, No. 2. *Chureh, A. H. Food-Grains of India. 1886, p. 155. Watt, George. Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, vol. 6, part 1, 1892, p. 187. 6 It is interesting to note, besides this production of hydrocyanie acid from complex glucosids, that proteids, when subjected to oxidation under certain conditions, also yield it.1 In fact, hydrocyanic acid may exist in plants in two forms, either as the acid or as one of its salts, or in the form of complex glucosids.2 Under the circumstances, the conclusions of Briinnich® should be held in mind, viz, that “‘ all fodder plants related to sorghum must be used with discretion in either the green or the dried state, and should not be given in large amounts to animals which have fasted for some time.”’ In reference to other forage plants, Avery? says that “ Kafir-corn leaves also contain this poison, but other forage plants—clover, alfalfa, grasses, and corn—give no test for prussic acid,’ and Briinnich also found it in Guinea grass or Panicum maximum and P.muticum. Many facts have been collected relative to the distribution of hydroeyanic acid in plants, yet its exact significance in their metabolism is unknown.” The question as to the relationship of parasites® to the production of hydrocyanic acid remains to be solved. Later investigations will be carried on to determine the nature of this cyanogenetic compound, to determine whether hydrocyanic acid is present in all stages of its growth, but disappears on drying the plant, whether the hydrocyanic acid production occurs under all conditions or only when grown on certain soils, and the amount produced. Hydro- cy anie acid will also be looked for in other member of this genus. eitieriten Re ae YY The Formation of Prasat Abia by the ‘Oxaucn of Albumins. Jour. Physiol., vol. 31, 1904, p. 65; vol. 32, 1904, p. 50. 2 Les Nouveaux Remédes, vol. 14, 1898, p. 272. $ Loc. cit., p. 792. 4 Avery, S. Laboratory Notes on Poison in Sorghum, Jour. Compar. Med. and Vet. Arch., vol. 23, 1902, p. 705. 5Czapek, F. Biochemie d. Pflanzen, 1905, vol. 2, p. 259. ‘ Literature on some parasites of the sorghum pate can be found in Bot, Gaz., vol. 28, 1899, p. 65. Also in Busse, W., Untersuch, u. d. Krank. der Sorghum Hirse, Arb. a. d. biol. Abtheil. f. Land u. Forstw. am kaiserl. Gesundheitsamt, 1904, vol. 4. O ~~ _—. £2 | 3 ur H shined SB U.S. Bureau of Plant In- 19 dustry, Soils, and Agri- A35 cultural Engineering no. Bulletin | 81-90 PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET Biological & Medica! 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