1 ^ ^Jo^' 4> I'^i^ " 41 f^ An».Rfii ini^ ^A yJi c,-:. -p-«>' ^/--V.v, EXPERIMENT STATION LIBRARY 3 MbDD DDblfl ^73D ^ % RICULTURAL STATION N. H. Bulletin 242 May, 1929 NEW HAMPSHIRE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION The Energy and the Protein Content of Foods Regularly Eaten in a College Community By FRANCIS G. BENEDICT and A. GERTRUDE FARR UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DURHAM, N. H. The Energy and the Protein Content of Foods Regularly Eaten in a College Community By Francis G, Benedict, Director of the Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Boston, Massachusetts, and A. Gertrude Farr, Research Assistant in Nutrition, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station INTRODUCTION The present-day tendency in matters of diet is to stress the vita- mines and minerals, and yet our main need for food is to secure energy, since energy or heat is just as necessary to run the human machine as it is to run any prime motor. The caloric value to the body of a food depends (1) upon the potential energy in the food as eaten, i. e., upon its heat of combustion; (2) upon the energy leaving the body in the form of undigested matter in feces and urine; and (3) upon the energy used by the body in digesting and assimilating the food, i. e., the "cost of digestion." Although the second and the third of these factors will vary somewhat according to the character of the food eaten, the second is relatively so constant with humans (about 8 per cent of the total potential energy) and the third is so small (on the average about 6 per cent) that they may be neglected in this discussion and we may concentrate our attention upon the first factor, the heat of combustion, considering this as representative of the food's caloric value. To determine the heat of combustion has required, in the past, an expensive apparatus, manipulated with difficulty, the so-called "bomb calorimeter." The technique of this complicated machine, which gives extraordinarily accurate results, has been mastered by relatively few chemists and physicists. Calculation of the results also is usually a complicated procedure. Chemical analyses of the amounts of pro- tein, fat, and carbohydrate in a food and calculation of the total heat of combustion from the known average heats of combustion of these three main nutrients are another means of determining the energy in food. But chemical analyses are even more time-consuming and costly than are direct determinations with the calorimetric bomb. From comparisons of the heat of combustion of various foods, as directly determined by the bomb calorimeter, and the measured car- hon-dioxide production during such combustion it is now known that the caloric value of a liter of carbon dioxide, although constant for any one group of nutrients, may vary with the different groups as much as 30 per cent (the extremes being 5.04 calories per liter with cane sugar and 6.64 calories with animal fat).l The relationship be- tween the oxygen absorbed during a combustion and the heat liberated is, however, much closer, there being a maximum difference of but 6 per cent between the caloric value of a liter of oxygen absorbed in the combustion of cane sugar (5.04 calories) and that during the combustion of animal fat (4.72 calories). Since our food is a mix- (1) The caloric value of protein Is not considered in this comparison, since the protein metabolism plays but a relatively small role in the entire human metabolism. 6 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 ture of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, we could assume an average value of 4.825 calories for each liter of oxygen required in the com- bustion of a mixed food and compute the energy value of the food from the measured oxygen with an error of hardly plus or minus 3 per cent. Measurement of the carbon-dioxde production has been relatively simple, but until recently measurement of the volume of oxygen consumed has been accomplished only under the most difficult conditions. The progress in the development of respiration apparatus has, however, been such that today it is actually less difficult to measure the oxygen absorbed during a combustion than to measure the carbon dioxide produced. The simpler technique for de- termination of the heat of combustion of foods, therefore, requires at the present day not the use of the complicated bomb calorimeter, not the complex calculations from chemical analyses, but the direct measurement of, the volume of oxygen consumed per gram of food substance burned, and the multiplication of this volume by the known caloric value of a liter of oxygen, according to the character of the substance burned. PLAN OF RESEARCH Based upon this simpler technique for the determination of the energy values of foods, a cooperative research i was undertaken by the Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, in Boston, Massachusetts, and by the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station at Durham, New Hampshire. The object of this research has been to secure data regarding the energy and the pro- tein content (1) of several individual foods, such as breads, pastry, soups, sandwiches, salads, desserts, ice creams, and candies; (2) of the total meal, — breakfast, dinner and supper; and (3) of the total food consumed per day by an individual. The samples of food analyzed were for the most part secured either in Boston or in Durham. Three types of eating places are rep- resented:— (1) the commercial restaurant where it is the custom to serve supposedly "standardized" meals for a fixed price, particularly at noon; (2) the college cafeteria where the meals are combinations of various portions or servings of food according to the choice of the individual; and (3) the drugstore where sandwiches and ice-cream mixtures may be obtained. At the college cafeteria no attempt was made to secure necessarily the most economical food combinations, but the basis of selection was the choice of the operator or the dupli- cation of the choice of the individual immediately preceding the operator in line. (1) During the first year of this research Miss Mary E. A. Pillsbury cooperated with us in making these food analyses. We wish to express here our deep appreciation of her able assistance. May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 7 A large number of calories are obtained each day by college stu- dents and by other individuals in "extra foods," such as candies and ice cream, taken apart from the regular meals. 1 Some of these foods are highly standardized, particularly the candies wrapped in packages and sold for five or ten cents. Because of the wide use of these extra foods, our study also included as comprehensive analyses of them as possible. The foods analyzed are characteristic of those eaten by many individuals other than college students; for in American urban life the old-fashioned kitchen is being superseded by the modern kitchen- ette, the cafeteria, and the quick lunch, and the use of delicatessen and drug-store foods and the so-called "extra foods" is now wide- spread. The results of our research, therefore, although secured in essentially one locality, are believed to be representative of the •energy values of many of the present-day, somewhat standardized foods, regardless of locality. APPARATUS USED IN THIS RESEARCH The apparatus which we have used for measurement of the oxygen consumption during food combustions is called the "oxy- calorimeter." It has already been described elsewhere in detail, 2 but inasmuch as it was first put to practical and extensive use in this particular research, we will give here a brief outline of its general principle and an account of such modifications in the technique as have seemed desirable since the publication of the detailed description. The principle of the oxy-calorimeter is based upon the fact that dry organic material burns freely in an atmosphere of pure or nearly pure oxygen at oi'dinary atmospheric pressure, provided the chief product of combustion (carbon dioxide) is removed rapidly and the flame is fed with air relatively rich in oxygen. The oxy-calori- meter (See Fig. 1) consists of a small combustion chamber, A, a heat- resistant glass (pyrex) lamp chimney with its lower end in a water seal. A current of oxygen-rich air enters this combustion chamber at the top, leaves at the bottom, and passes through two bottles, B, B, containing soda-lime where the carbon dioxide produced by the com- bustion is completely absorbed. The air then enters a small rotary (suction) blower, C, from which it is discharged into the top of the chamber, thus making a complete circuit. A delicately counterpoised spirometer, D, is connected to the pipe leading from the blower to (1) See Benedict, C. G., and P. G. Benedict, Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., 1918, 179, p. 153; ibid., 1919, 181, p. 415; ibid., 1921, 184, p. 436. (2) Benedict, F. G., and B. L. Fox, Indus, and Eng. Chem., 1925, 17, p. 912; Benedict, F. G., and E. L. Fox, Journ. Biol. Chem., 1925, 66, p. 783; Benedict, F. G., Abderhalden's Handb. d. biolog. Arbeitsmethoden. Abt. IV, Teil 13, 1929, p. 51. 8 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 the top of the lamp chimney. In the process of combustion there is considerable absorption of oxygen, and the air inside the circulat- ing system of chimney, bottles and blower decreases in volume. This decrease is compensated by a discharge of oxygen from the spiro- meter into the main air current, and the ultimate effect is a fall in the level of the spirometer bell. This fall (read on a millimeter scale attached to the spirometer) serves as a measure of the volume of oxygen consumed. Fig. 1. The oxy-calorhneter for deterviiniiig the energy values of foods and feces. A, combustion chamber. B, soda-lime bottles for absorption of carbon dioxide. C, blower to circulate air current. D, spirometer to measure the volume of oxygen used. The use of two soda-lime bottles permits complete exhaustion of the reagent in the first bottle. When this is exhausted, the second bottle (i. e., nearest the blower) is substituted for the first; and an- other bottle, containing a fresh supply of soda-lime, is placed next to the blower. The small bottle shown in Fig. 1 directly in front of one of the soda-lime bottles serves as a safety trap during tlie introduction into the spirometer of oxygen from the cylinder of the compressed gas. The actual combustion of a food sample in the oxy-calorimeter is carried out as follows: May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 9 A weighed amount of the food (approximately two grams), which has previously been brought to an air-dry condition (See page 11), is placed loosely in a small nickel crucible, and the crucible is placed inside the combustion chamber, supported by three small metal prongs in the base of the chamber. A fine iron wire is at- tached to two insulated, vertical posts either side of the crucible, and the central part of this wire rests upon the food sample. The glass lamp chimney is placed over the crucible, the apparatus is filled with oxygen, the motor is started, and the position and tempera- ture of the spirometer bell are recorded. A current of electricity is passed through the iron wire, which is immediately raised to in- candescence, and the food is ignited. Since the air in the combustion chamber is highly enriched with oxygen, i the combustion takes place rapidly and completely. At the end of the combustion, the lamp chimney is cooled with a damp cloth, and the final readings of the position and temperature of the spirometer bell are taken. Standardization tests. The initial work with the oxy-calorimeter was controlled by direct combustions with a standardized bomb calori- meter. Pure organic substances, which burn readily, such as cane sugar, benzoic acid, and salicylic acid, were selected for this purpose. The volume of oxygen required in the combustion of a gram of each of these substances was determined with the oxy-calorimeter, and the actual amount of heat liberated per gram was found with the bomb calorimeter. Thus the caloric value of oxygen (that is, the calories per liter of oxygen required to burn the substance) was di- rectly established and found to agree with theory. In addition to these initial tests, the accuracy of the instrument was frequently con- trolled during its use in this particular research by burning in it a substance of known chemical composition, such as pure sugar. From the chemical equation C-^Jl^.,0-^^-\-12 Og = 12 COj-j-ll H^O it can be computed that each gram of cane sugar requires in its combustion 785.5 c. c. of oxygen at standard conditions of tempera- ture and pressure. In a series of combustions of cane sugar made with the oxy-calorimeter at the beginning of this research it was found that the apparatus recorded on the average a consumption of 776.8 c. c. of oxygen per gram of cane sugar or 98.88 per cent of theory.- The results of other combustions of cane sugar made during the progress of the research, corrected by this amount, have shown astonishingly close agreement with the theoretical value. An addi- tive correction of 1.12 per cent was, therefore, made in all the values for heats of combustion obtained with this apparatus. (1) The oxygen which we have used in this apparatus is that commonly furnished in cylinders for ordinary acetylene welding- or cutting of steel by modern methods. (2; See note 2, page 12. 10 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 Nitrogen determinations. During the combustion of nitrogenous substances there is a liberation of pure nitrogen. This nitrogen ac- cumulates in the closed system and obviously affects the apparent decrease in volume of the oxygen in the spirometer, since each cubic centimeter of nitrogen liberated takes the place of a cubic centimeter of oxygen which would otherwise pass from the spirometer into the air current. Thus the apparent contraction in volume due to the absorption of oxygen is too low and a correction is necessary. This correction is arrived at by determining the nitrogen in the substance to be burned. It is usually desirable to know the protein content of a food as well as the caloric value. Hence total nitrogen determina- tions by the Kjeldahl method have been included in our assessment of food values. These determinations not only indicate the amount of protein in the food but make it possible to correct the oxygen measure- ment obtained with the oxy-calorimeter. Pure nitrogenous sub- stances, such as urea, hippuric acid and uric acid, were burned in the oxy-calorimeter, and the accuracy of the correction for nitrogen was thoroughly established. Adaptability and accuracy of the apparatus. The adaptability of the oxy-calorimeter for studying problems in nutrition, especially with humans, is evidenced by the fact that the combustion chamber can be applied to almost all of the respiration apparatus used at the present day for determining basal metabolism. Tests made at the Nutrition Laboratory with practically all of the various types of respiration apparatus show that the combustion chamber is as well adapted to any of them as to the particular type used in our experi- ments. With the ordinary food mixtures eaten by man and animals, and particularly with excreta, the difficulty of securing a truly character- istic sample is so great that the accuracy of the oxy-calorimeter is far inside of any possible limit of accuracy which could be expected in the sampling. Indeed, the oxy-calorimeter has been recommended for determining the energy value of industrial fuels, coals, and fuel oil,i which for economic reasons require extremely close determina- tions. PREPARATION OF SAMPLE FOR COMBUSTION Practically all of the foods eaten by man are too moist to burn readily without previous preparation. All foods except candies, dry cereals, crackers and the like must, therefore, be dried until they con- tain not more than 20 per cent and usually nearer 10 per cent of moisture. For this purpose the fresh food is accurately weighed in (1) Benedict, F. G., and E. L. Fox, Indus, and Eng. Chem., 1925, 17, p. 912. May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 11 a previously weighed dish or pan.i The pan and contents are then placed either in an ordinary "air-bath" or in an electrically heated oven. It so happened that throughout most of this research an elec- tric oven was used having four heating units, which made it possible to adjust the temperature at from 50° to 80° or 90° C. The many shelves in the oven permitted changing positions of the dishes, so that the samples were dried rapidly and in sequence. The drying usually requires from 24 to 96 hours, depending upon the water con- tent and, to a certain extent, upon the fat content of the sample. Frequent stirring, especially of watery and fatty food, either with a glass rod (weighed with the pan) or with a knife which can be scraped clean upon the side of the pan, is necessary, since the top of the sample sometimes dries and forms a hard crust, while the bottom remains moist and is apt to mold, unless thoroughly dried. When the sample has reached a seeming dryness, the pan is taken from the oven, placed on a shelf in the laboratory, and left for a day or two so that the dried and thoroughly stiiTed sample may adjust itself to the humidity of the air. The pan with its contents is then weighed again, and the difference between this weight and the initial weight of the empty pan represents the air-dry weight of the sub- stance. The sample is now dry enough to burn, but may need to be put, first, through a grinder or chopping machine. Two or two and one-half grams of the air-dry, ground substance are weighed into each crucible, ready for combustion. This amount permits good sampling without too great comminution. Samples of salads which cannot be made homogeneous by mixing, because of the large amount of oil in the mayonnaise, may be dried with known weights of bread or cracker meal of known caloric value, or a small amount of powdered pumice stone may be added to the sample. Powdered pumice stone may also be mixed with or spread on top of carbohydrates before burning, to keep them from frothing over the edge of the crucible, but this, we find, is not necessary with small samples of cane sugar. During the burning of some sub- stances, such as salads, sandwiches, or doughnuts, soot will be de- posited on the chimney or unburned carbon will be left in the cru- cible, if the combustion is not regulated. Pumice stone mixed with the sample after weighing will retard the combustion so that the flame does not touch the chimney, but the oil or fat is apt to soak through the pumice stone to the bottom of the crucible and not burn. To avoid this, the food sample arid the pumice stone may be mixed with a glass stirring rod and the mixture allowed to remain in a lump (1) In the case of the meals incUiding more than one food, the servings were added one at a time to the pan and the pan and contents weighed after each addition, each gain in weight representing tlie fresh weight of the particular item added to the pan. 12 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 around the rod, standing up in the center of the crucible. This makes it possible for the oxygen-rich air to come in contact with all of the sample. More satisfactory and consistent results can be obtained by regulating the rate of circulation in the closed system of the oxy- calorimeter with an external resistance governing the speed of the motor. Feces were not analyzed in this research. The feces of both hu- mans and animals were, however, studied in the original development of the apparatus 1 and require no different preparation for combus- tion from that described here for foods. CALCULATION OF RESULTS The volume of oxygen (reduced to 0° C, dry, and 760 mm. pres- sure) consumed in the combustion of one gram of an air-dry food is calculated by the formula: LxKxFxM V= W in which V is the reduced volume of oxygen per gram of air-dry matter, expressed in cubic centimeters; W is the air-dry weight of the substance in grams; L is the change in level of the spirometer bell, expressed in millimeters; K is the apparent volume of the bell in cubic centimeters per millimeter of its length (in our particular apparatus 20.80 c. c.) ; F is the constant correction factors 1.0112 which was obtained by the standardization tests with cane sugar (see page 9); and M is the factor for reduction of the apparent volume to standard conditions of 0° C, dry, and 760 mm. pressiire. This last factor, M, is based upon the prevailing barometric pressure and the average temperature of the spirometer. The value of M is found by reference to the standard tables published by Carpenter, 3 the air in the apparatus being considered completely saturated. The analysis of a chicken sandwich may be used as a : typical illustration of the method of calculation. When 2.55 grams of the air-dry material were burned, it was found that L, the change in level of the spirometer bell, was 149 mm. Since the average tempera- ture of the spirometer was 25.8° C. and the barometric pressure was 762 mm., the value of M is 0.886. The formula then becomes (1) Benedict, F. G., and E. L. Fox, Indus, and Eng. Chem., 1925, 17, p. 912; ibid., Journ. Biol. Chem., 1925, 66, p. 783. (2) In the initial work with the oxy-calorimeter, corrections were made for the 5 c. c. of oxygen required for the ignition of the iron wire and for the slight rise in temperature of the spirometer. These corrections are eliminated by the use of the factor F. (3) Carpenter, T. M., Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 303A, 1924, tables 7 and 8, pp. 39 to 70. The barometric pressure in millimeters, as recorded across the top of these tables, represents the barometric reading corrected for brass scale reading only and not for tension of aqueous vapor. The cor- rection for tension of aqueous vapor is taken care of in the logarithms given in the body of the tables. May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 13 _ 149 X 20.80 X 1.0112 x 0.886 -= 1089 c. c. 0. 2.55 Another analysis gave a value of 1097 c. c. of oxygen, the average reduced volume therefore being 1093 c. c. This reduced volume of oxygen consumed per gram of air-dry sandwich burned must be corrected for the amount of nitrogen liber- ated per gram of air-dry sandwich during the combustion. The Kjeldahl analyses indicated that the air-dry sandwich contained on the average 2.52 per cent of nitrogen. Since one milligram of nitro- gen occupies 0.8 c. c. under standard conditions of temperature and pressure, the total volume of nitrogen liberated in the combustion of one gram of air-dry chicken sandwich was 20 c. c. Therefore, the average reduced volume of oxygen per gram of air-dry substance, 1093 c. c, should be increased by 20 c. c, and the total is thus 1113 c. c. or 1.113 liters. Multiplication of this value by 4.825,1 the caloric value of a liter of oxygen when mixed foods are burned, gives 5.4 calories per gram of air-dry matter. Since the air-dry weight of the total sandwich was 37 grams, the total energy content of the sand- wich is 200 calories and the total protein content (assuming one gram of nitrogen equals 6.25 grams of protein) is 5.8 grams. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Tabulation of data. The actual determinations made were the fresh weight, the air-dry weight, the nitrogen content, and the oxy- gen required during the combustion of the air-dry food. The results of these determinations are summarized in the following tables, includ- ing calculations of the total energy and the total protein in the food per serving or per unit as sold, and the calories per gram of air-dry matter. In addition, in order to study the economic value of the different foods, the cost of each food unit and the calories and protein which may be purchased for 10 cents are also given in most instances. The prices listed are those current during 1927 and 1928. Numbers were assigned to the food samples in the chronological order in which they were analyzed. Thus, the time intervening between the analysis of sample No. 1 and the last sample. No. 477, is two years; and the time elapsing between repeated analyses of the same kind of food is, therefore, roughly indicated by the sample numbers. BREADS AND MUFFINS Since innumerable analyses of the various kinds of bread have already been made, our study of this type of food was limited to analyses of individual slices or single rolls or muffins, with the object (1) In the case of samples which were decidedly greasy the factor 4.7 has been used. 14 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 fUrH u> o o ino OOlfllftlOlOlOUDOOOOO M ' -^ • rH C-OO lOt— rrcOOOOlOCOCOiOWGOcO to -tH -(NtOia * > > ooooiO'^'^Oi'^couaTfTj'co • • • fH tH m ^- h^ .Si N CO O --; rH i-< 00 OO !>5 F^ t-l>OL50005l>l0050qt>«DlO UJ OS t» o T^ Tj* Tt -^J^ -^ -^ C^ 155 -4^ ^•^^•^^^^^^^^^•,^ ■4'-4'* i<.S a 73 (S'^S to ■* r-i "# in o> tc t 'I fa • eOOO^i-tCCt-OSCDO'^COCOOO O O -^ C5 -^ »H W -^^ • tOi-HT-HCC-^i-HCOCNClOt-OeQ +j QJ +J i-H tH iH »-1 i-H(NC bo E-i o a •1— Smoi-^cc^osco O 05 . ini(iOtc>(Mo^ooooi'*#i>-'^o o ^o ^CslcqiHIM^CgcC i-t S3 . co-^r^mcow'^iMcyscoco-^co CO -S o s 1 0 ^ giooo-a =3 E«.*J+J+J4-)+J4-'+J.*->4J+J+J+- V m « m --I m to ^ OJ ^«4- 0)333333333333 0) OJ2^.a^.i3.a.O/2,£JXlJ3.C u u * cj y .— OJ "m ■ft =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 «S IM oj iJ cc oq :•■ 1 - OJWCSHMCOCOOJCOCOCOC^IMC^ r3 > > 0 0 SSSssss . . . ^ t- o white . white . white white . white . graham raiain Minimum . Maxiviuni read, corn . uffins, cornm uffins, cornm uffins, cornm uffins, graha uffins, graha uffins, graha uffins, graha uffins, rice . uffins, white uffins, white uffins, white uffins. blueh« Minimum . Maximum, AVERAGE ^ 'OTS'O'a'O'C'i: cU oi cj ca cd c3 c OJ g) OJ OJ Oi 0^ OJ S., fc, 1, fc, t. t» ^, m§SSSSSSSS§SS 00 •<* -^ CO CO I> o tO'rJt-WCO lo t> 00 "^ as in CO OiCCCOCOCOt-t-t-OOtOOOTf^ rH c^ rH r^ rH May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 15 CO r-* OO O CC *-t O M t- lO « C- t~ ■^ t^ »H «D MNeo t- CO CO 04 CO 00 eo .-I o M •«> N cc ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ CO -*»^ 05 ^^ (MC5t>0> 6. e« A 00 U5 lO 05 O -^ 00 >-l N (N 05 (M CO N 00 O C- 05 to t~ ■* 00 rH (D «C o eo c- CO t- -^ CO CO 1-t y-t r-H iH N 05 00 -^ t-'tO'* 00 lO CO CO -^ IC O tH CO CO -^ CO CO CO -^ ©2 05 05 "^ 00 « tOi-C fH W iH oi ^ ©5 t-t OS tH li5 C5 '-' O CO N CO M OJ CO CO lr5»H • CDN<005|?o^^ . O ^05 . »— INrHrH>^^ . (N CO ^ T)l C- CJ r-l «D ^ ^ ^ CO CO '^ ^ }., lo . (35 toe- N 05 -^ . tH NiHOJ f^ to • '^1 HM 4J -tJ -M 4J 3 3 3 3 3 3 V MN C^ C^ eg (M M llll ■5 " " M ■^ m CO -^ 3 v o "O V u . • • V e • H ojSoii • K 3 q'o'o'o'o'oo 0000 o t- 05 CO CO 10 iH «0 iH N CO t- t- tr- CO CO CO 05 to to t- t-O o '■S u o a c o c 3 ^ ^ o Eh 0) > ox CO tl W 3 ^ .> ^ ^ » 2 ^ >> a O 0) C-o ^_j=T 0) . ^ -f^ r > •> 5 c " « OJtw Mo " o .2 g C 0) 0)*W o> _. C o ■^•;=-S =« tfl c« X "' c c +; 0) (S Bj 1) P O t"i-i o C WW " "ScP-lc c c ts — X CJ3 3 * -1— £++»= ■o 3 16 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 of determining how many calories are furnished per portion as ordinarily served. The data are given in Table 1. The butter served with the bread was not included in the sample analyzed, except in the case of the buttered toast. With this exception, therefore, the values given in the table for the total energy and the total protein content represent the bread or muffins alone, without the butter. In calculating the calories and the protein for ten cents, however, as- sumptions have been made for the food value of the butter, based upon the average servings of butter given at the various places where food samples were purchased. (See Table 16, page 38.) Because of the assumptions made for the butter, the calories for ten cents are recorded only to the nearest 5 calories. The energy content per gram of air-dry matter averages 4.1 calories with the sliced bread, the rolls, and the unbuttered toast, a value identical with the average caloric value of pure carbohydrates. The average factors for the muffins and the buttered toast are some- what greater, 4.7 and 4.9 calories, respectively, indicating the pres- ence of more fat. Since some of the restaurants charged five and some ten cents for an order of bread (or muffins) and butter, the calories for ten cents vary from 140 (sample 84, sliced bread) to 1070 (sample 34, corn- meal muffin). In most instances, however, at least 400 or 500 calories may be secured in this form for ten cents. The protein for ten cents likewise has a wide range, from 2.9 to 30.6 gm., amounting in general to at least 7 or 8 gm. DOUGHNUTS, COOKIES AND CAKES The data for doughnuts, cookies, and cakes are given in Table 2. The plain doughnuts average 38 grams (fresh weight) and have an average total energy value of 172 calories each. The calories per gram of air-dry matter are notably high, 5.6 on the average, owing to the fat in the doughnut. The results for the chocolate doughnut are much the same. More variation is shown with the fried cakes. In general, doughnuts and fried cakes contain about 180 or 200 cal- ories per piece and approximately 2 grams of protein. The caloric value per gram of air-dry matter with the cookies and the cup cakes indi- dicate that they contain a minimum amount of fat. The energy value for 10 cents of these sweetened breads averages nearly 700 calories, or more than twice as much as that of buttered toast and more than that of most of the orders of muffins. The protein for ten cents ranges from 4.2 to 11.5 gm., a smaller range than noted with the bread and muffins. May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 17 SS -^r-^iCi-HLOt-WOt-NOOffiW "^J^C OOO-"!- O Ntfi C o O 00 ^ CC iC Ci CS ^ '-' N -^ 1^ -^ Ci -^ (MOOO MCS loa »2i^ i-« t— t— L^utOOtC-^iCOOifSOCiOO "^^ QOr^ lo -^ mc* 0" iH 1 a .2 1 _ E t u "3 c >. t. *-" i- 01 , 1 +-• 5 o ^ u a ID .= e c a u ,2 r° ft s- Ho t •a 3 !£>COLCt— OO'-^fOt-'^t^CCO 1 ■^^^ t-O «S 00005 c L~ O iC C- t~- LC tD 1-- O t-* (M ^ t^ ' L- l^< o -^ t- ^ -^ 00 C" r" M ^ ; -c?. *4 bo ^ -, 00 o c oooooc O to -< .- 05 a CO « X ■*-» i l» SM^DaJM^r^OO^-HCC-^t-CiCJ *^ =-. «o ir u; ic (M oc ItH * •"" ^ vjCCCCC^CCCCMIMCOCOCCCOCCCC ^* ^ Tf K ^ 'S- « -T K c 1 ■a o c -M .2 < - 1 E !;• 11 a Sci'^SC.-itOTfog-^'-'CS'^^CC- i^.-. is: !^ -^ I- C<1-*-^ O I' S 9 gcc-^M-^cccoccoo-^co-^-^cc 1 ^?^ TT « ^ L': -^ LO -^ \m f 9D J= «i •1 -u 3 o o O a; o C3 0) M J= 2 HWQffi^^^&^feS^SX^ agfi fc-HHfc »r S ^ i SS" 1 — a~ S 1 s U OJ 0 »> ; g a^ s o ' cSI c: cj "cS -5 OJ ^ a < 0 eg c B C >: H o ss s eg 01 "S : :iii ■ • a: *- Ill o *^ c § o . . a a rt • ■'o'c'o • • O tl o ■ • O 0 o : -xxj: • o ej cj .J. '-. ls|1 a 3 2-^ , a =r. £ c "o 1) jj a ; ll^ 0) ci = j: 0 7 8 i i I 333333333* S « ? . ^.^^.^ cccsccccc"""'- ■ .§.1.^ ca « CO * •^_. -c-cxj:j:j:j=^j:^_ O O o t 1;^ — l^^^^g ml 5.2.2 ; is^" o o c a a a e 0 c 5 OOOOOOOoC-S-t-!- 0 0 c 3 3 3" [ OOC OOOC I o T-llOeOCOi-ilO' J c^ 1 »- '- < c^ 4 C> ] •^ ■ ^ CN 1 re u i CO -1 CD O a '3 ■♦-» o u a, o u 11 18 a, c« c NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 +- a! C u O n, rt > iS "3 -i-g t^ ft to "^ pasBqojnd too t- 1-100 rt-* 00 O rH -^ 1—1 rH i-lOO on X o 00 lo 00 too ^H i-( o OS t* o ^- OH lOlO ■* u5ti< loin •^ lOlO lO lO in iOlO lO •» la la TJIIOIOIO to lOlOlO ^ TJI lO -*5oia C» N CC CO irt OS O OS WU500 I>- O tH C^IOOS o lOMOS 00 U3 t-r-KM (N lO 00 to lOOSt-O C-NCl O] tON V5 O moo CO m CO u3 m t> C<3 -if'l' to Iffl lO t-O OS »-( to 00 CO -^ OS 00 t-'* ■* -.* -*OS 5-, Od bo .-1 y-* >S CO U3 (M .-H t- rH OJ O in CO -^ ■<* IC t- IC t^ O OS OS tO 00 Ifl OOO lA 00 00 •^ -^ CO -^ CO rji CO Tf CO ^ CO CO CO ^ tj* lO "^ -"^ CO IC -^ tr- UD -^ -^ •<3' CO -^ 51 (^ g ooco 00 -^OOOIC » lO t- CO to lO CO CO 00 CO 00 CO C- LO 00 lO t- 00 C- OS 00 - OO^ O fefeOfo fa OfaO fa O OOCl, J O fa fafaOfafa iJfaO faOO bo c <4-l* OJ3 u 0) s 5 a a '^ a o o Sco M, W S bO O c« 0) 0) CD *^ in o •73 • c • 3 • G '•"2 : ■$■ •-0 • 1) : a . a . o . u • T3 • • C ■ ; c3 ; • a • • 0) •^ 0) •J3 •^ b* " (-1 2 0jJ5x 85-3.3 OO (j; a> ^ fl> '^ g s a »§ « 2 2 ft P t( w w ^-4-s CS " IH USi •s •22 3C ■3 » X sits S.3 60 l« a Sft CD n «-S .-" m S bo . O ^ 01 (^ S ft o o . ■^Xi CD MOO "a a . CD • bo ftgft ftcD a o a o 4,13 CD « 2 • -d X CD P. I) a C W C S o ^ ^-1 "-• H « O -SO CD o ^a a a g 0) d) , C J2 a ° - _ S >, Q) T3 cD !£ S^al ^^y:- j2 -d "d S S' dj 5 -p — 2 3 ^• , ^'^ s c*-( 0) C O •- ft > O O ■OT5 C C us CD CD 4J 4; 41 4> M ys '(J ji! o 4) o o oooo J3 3 o o -a a S bo bo 3 bo bo oww 3S 3 bo CD u CD a CD C 4J a a °3 =3 bo bo •■o • 4) > -u . C/1 . CD . O s a B T3 4; O bo bO CD 3 »■ bo bO aa CD CD WW CD CD in w a a CD CD V 4>.u> ■!-> S H 3 3 4^ -fj Cq Cs 4J 01 4) 4) CD CD c a o o •d O CO ■*-> S CD O 3 •§ e^ t^ CO t- Oi Ci I— I CO CD CO CO (M CD rr lO -^ r- o o uo t- 00 to CO CO lO Iff C3 lO CO ro o CO rf iC lO CO t- ■^ in -^ CD T-< Cl »-i t* in Tf O^ O t:^ t- t- rH CC CO 00 May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 19 SANDWICHES A general survey of sandwiches is given in Table 3. The caloric value per gram of air-dry material is relatively high, in practically all cases 5 or over and in one instance 6. Proximate analyses were not made, hence the proportion of fat is not known. But the fact that the highest heat of combustion per gram of air-dry material was found in a peanut-butter sandwich instantly suggests that the large proportion of oil in the sandwich must have accounted for this value. The protein content varies considerably, the highest being found in the peanut-butter, ham, and tuna salad sandwiches. The average value is not far from 5 to 6 grams in the other sandwiches. In general one obtains in the ordinary sandwich about 200 calories and from 5 to 10 gm. of protein for 10 cents. The differences in the duplicate sandwiches purchased at different places show that the sandwich is only approximately standardized. PACKAGE SANDWICHES AND COOKIES In recent years manufacturers have sold in small packages, usually at 5 cents per package, so-called "sandwiches," which con- sist of two crackers with various fillings. These vary in size, weight and composition with the different manufacturers, and the calories per gram of air-dry matter differ according to the fat content, as seen in Table 4. On the average one of these 5-cent packages con- tains nearly 200 calories, or as much energy as is contained in the average 10-cent sandwich. SALADS In our study of salads two procedures were followed. At the college cafeteria (A) it is the practice to serve salads without bread or butter, an extra charge being made for these food items. Our samples obtained at this cafeteria were therefore analyzed without rolls and butter, and the results of each analysis are for the salad alone. These data are given in Table 5. Included in this table like- wise are the analyses of three salads obtained from Restaurant B, which were analyzed without the rolls and butter (although these were a part of the serving), and an analysis of a salad purchased at Restaurant Y. Restaurants B, C and D in this college community are accustomed to include bread or rolls and butter in their servings of salad, — bread at noon and rolls at night. A number of salads from these restaurants were analyzed, each analysis including the bread or rolls but not the butter. The results are recorded in Table 6, the values for the salad and rolls being based upon actual combustions and those for 20 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 o ■« g I 03 -a s b 's eq U5 00 1-1 to in m in to 00 O CM M -0 Ji ■* iri CO 10 w »o -^ 10 »o -"t 10 ■.* ■- i rt y) 0) .^ r" .H fL, es C 0 n tu 0 — bis !0 (>] r-t M 0 TP -H CO CO Ci OS LO a u us 0 IC .-) Irt ?0 10 ^ 00 C5 TT 00 W IM (M (N 0 '5 p C« 1< « c-c 1 a «4H CO M m ■v -a 0) OJ a bo o o *^ -ti '■M ^H 0 . S c o o 3 3 4.) 0 t^'t- fc C8 O O .a J= 0) 3 1 -t-> O M >> >. ■w -w .5 fe (U a^ 1 2 -M +J p 3 J- C 1 .^S bo bo 0) ca cu c.-ji-i-' "'JSi:::— >- *< «* 3 !^3 WS S ^ O CL, Cl, w HH bfl t> £►2 0 Tj< 0 ^00 lo f-i t^ in 1-H 00 (>j CO z ^00 00 CO CO 00 02 -!)- n< C5 .r, ^ M CO c< eg CO CO CO CO 4i c bo aj o a C3 May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 21 s s 8 S O s &3 n o ^ o .!: c 'S ■+-• o s- 0) yj OO fa'-' s >> >- o o OOe^st-C* OW i-H 00 C4 C5 O^ ,-( -- -^ ^- 1-t Cvl ^^ L^ t- U5 M to W L~ •^' O O T3- ^T t- MOOO ■»T CO :o ?o O^ OS 00 O 05 00 CO U3 CO lO 03 CD00»ftli3 WIC t-C^CDOO W Poot— cocj coo woasco *»# C IC O X f^ U^ lO bC(N ITS -^ 00 CO CO 0:1 00 ^ -^ U5J CO <<;<; A< «<;> -. J3 M E:S -^ So - » 5 — m c ca - cS c3 >" >, to o iH a^s u " 'O m ^ 10 o 10 c a; t) eg (M CO - ca^o--^ — v «j .^ X 0) 0 air- CO m .•« g aj;3 ca 0) D 3 ^ j-? c be b« g.S " 3 3 a- a- CQ cc .fa" c t-t -^ 00 CO 05 CO CO CO O > ca b«j2 3 to ca o +^ a> "5 .. a ■a ca .S 0) 0 yi -^ to 3 « -M ca " ft C CJ C "^c^; "" i t. ca ,° 3 0 •"Jcc c p 01 '3-° & -O > ca c ui ca 1) x «-S£« >? llil F gSiSS ^ est-" 3 'rl"-o ja -4-j L- ^ ra Cm 0 -^ 3 „ 3 g tn •^ •^^=•5-^ ca ft C6 Or) p cfi =*^ fci;t4-. ca 0 cu.S ^ en '-' Q.'O +J 0 «« C 3 i= +. «.s s ca en 0 X OT3 . y ■M "S^c >. •*-* 0 ,f,-- dJ made f crumb rned ( d prol 'co 0 ft _ 3 f- • • Tl of 10 cer mixed w actually r energy S ■ 3 ■p a °£ 0 0 p " w 0 oj ^ ca *«-' 0 ^ ■0^ ^ a*j 0 0 P ca 0) — 5 p ^ — ca c ;-* p p 0 ca ■. CJ » -i-i: *+!<« ■? c ca-Q 22 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 1 US • in lO •lO lO • o lO la in ■ o us -us o • us us •us o 0 0 ■ 0 i!* (^ -Tf eg '(S O •03 CO -eg eo • 05 ■w 't- to -OS • o to • o to •OS O o N 'IH ej •!-! iH • eg -eg »H • 1-t • iH . eg • cq iH • i-H rH • fcO s E b'- c be •S^ ■q. . . ■^ . t_ . . r-l • • 1-t ' f-H • • to . . 00 . . US 00 • • . o 1 -!-> s- cii ■fli ■ ■ ■»)• ' lO ■ ' «D ■ ■ •>* ■^ * * •* ■ ■ us ■ ■ •^ 1* Ph '5 E s 00 CO lO Tjl t~ t> CO O CO IC o in eg to to 'i' c- c- c^ c- eg 05 C^ O oooeg in Tf rH 0 "^ CO 1-H O W -d" .-1 meg too to egorH Tf U5 00 Ci to CO OJOOrH 0-r1* us OS to CO H ■^NN locgea CO eg c- egio loegeo tfCgrH ■* egeg to T-H m us eg eg •^eaeg c S 13 lO TT .-I OOrH t- t— 1 O T-H Tj< rHCO oco c- O rH05 CO CO o 00 C-t-H CO 00 in -* eg eg 2 0 E ^«5 lO (M t-^ U3 loco'cg •H to in oi toc^ dc-^eg t> t-^ o .-< la to o"tD CO r-t [-: If* -' I— ( .-1 ,-( eg r-< tH CO CO CO eg ■^ cc CO eg si >i E (M . . ■9 . . to . . lO . . OS • 00 • ■ OS . o eg rai . u O . • y-i • • lO . . eq . . eg • o . . o . . eq iH 0 . • 4J U) < T3 u W . . rH . . i-( . . rH • f-H • • y-t . . i-H * • rH • rA . > £ CO in 00 CJCO^ Tf r-l CO O 05 r-( • tH Oco t- t- to rH o US^ 00 o« 00 US CO ^ rt l^ CO rHOO CO O CO t- 00 tD,-l • t- Tf 00 in 00 00 o ^ to 00 cgoo ^ eg 00 •* fe M eg .-H N 1-1 cg 1-H eg eg eg rH eg eg eg iH CO i 0 • o • u • • O • • h • o • o • 0 o • 0 • "3 Sh • h • XI . . ^ • • u • u ■ u ^ • u • c TS -o "^n-l ■a T3 • •o ■o ■a •o * •a eC C m'S C en's SB'S C en's ■c C en's C ui-S (3 co-O C m'O C yj'O "p. S CS;^ C _5 |«1 «S " CSS " n! 313 tiR'^ a es PJ 13 ts cj 13 ea SJ s, X/l W w M M m m M w XJl ps SEqojnd ajaqM ca pa pa o D pa ca O pa pa ^ut uriB^sajj Cfl 3 m ^s .ceg ft CO o >i ;i oT ^ ,2 i 13 73 CO c a* o "= ■■*3 (0 ft C4 'S o "rt 2 a ^ ON £^ 3 !■« eS o C < OC K C iced hard-boiled egg, 17 slii each 3/16 inch thick; boi dressingt, lettuce, 2 slices bre; « J3 3 co-^ bo . bo m O _,2cg 'o . J= c o ^ >> < c c 3 ) il ' * ' en ;« ■1 C3 5 - e 6 o egE ft o a3 ^ 3 +-> _0) .a C8 C o >. E-^ '5 • c • c : o . >> C! i-H W Seg 'S .a II XS _CD "S c c 0 &>■ e| m g1 Ill ■4^ -1- 0) " 1 n u E o S M ** 5; c 2 Q) »J g -■^ a >/i ^2 CO.— bo .S c 3 c §g" 3 C CO n ft . o ■ J3 : ^ IlO . CO ■ b£ ■ a! ■.a :i2 . 3 • c • si • 1) • ft :^ § u > g CO :c« :| :s :S , 0) 5 t, si J 3 c 5 oiS M fLiOOpH ■S bt „ CO _ ^ be si ■- Is ft ^2ftSS! Is SI'S o CO £ o *j •o s si S 01 u ■3 si si 2 ft 3 o S CO i 5 Mt_, '"££ , Si CO N 01 D C !-. t. CO CM t- CO CO ■^ 00 CM O O O O O ^9" ""^ 'Tj' ■^5' ""^ ^" m eg i: 00 rvj ,2 =« 00 c; CO CO CC fiC B 'S >i 11 3 CJ Wo a o ■3 -SS 4-* *.» si "cS ^ 3 C si V Ph i °.£ i CO y: 1 *j.- > 0 CO 4 o ^1 t'- cg ^ eg « a- aa.2 I 26 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 of protein for 10 cents, the pea soup the next largest amount, and the cream of celery soup the smallest amount. Evidently the flavor of the cream soups adds to their expense. It is commonly recommended that one can of soup be used to serve four people. The energy ob- tained in one-fourth of one of these cans would be such that the in- dividual would receive hardly 60 calories. Hence a serving of soup, eaten without crackers or bread, is of almost negligible caloric value. Examination of the data for the miscellaneous foods shows that the chop suey is an expensive dish, having a low protein and energy content for ten cents. Salted peanuts, on the other hand, have a high food value for ten cents. In fact, they furnish more grams of pro- tein for this sum than any other food analyzed in this survey except the white roll (Sample 17, Table 1). Two of the cheese products (Nos. 368 and 369) are also economical sources of protein. DESSERTS Pie. Analyses of several samples of pie purchased in different restaurants in Durham are reported in Table 8. Owing to the large proportion of carbohydrate and the minimum amount of fat present, the energy value per gram of air-dry matter in these pies is for the most part close to 4.5 calories. Each piece of pie furnished from 3 to 8 grams of protein and from 300 to 600 calories for ten cents. Table 8. Pies*. No. Name Res- taurant Weight of piece of pie Protein Fresh Air- dry Total per piece Calories Total per piece Per gm. air-dry matter 88B 90 107 115 424 40 108 89 112 88A 111 113 110 41 114 423 109 95 425 Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apricot Cocoanut cream Cocoanut custard Fig Lemon Mince Mince Mock Cherry . . . . Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple Prune Pumpkin Raisin Minimum Maximum . . . . AVERAGE gm. gm. gm. c 139 87 3.1 392 B 168 80 3.6 382 D 133 8] 3.2 364 H 179 87 3.6 384 A 168 100 4.4 494 A 119 74 4.0 346 D 147 85 6.3 410 B 147 68 7.7 357 H 189 161 4.1 620 c 159 77 4.3 309 B 156 110 7.1 501 H 180 120 4.6 480 ; B 153 126 4.4 520 A 105 65 2.9 294 H 171 101 3.9 428 A 182 121 6.0 571 c 135 95 3.8 390 A 158 69 6.3 331 A 174 102 5.0 495 105 65 2.9 29i 189 161 7.7 620 4.5 4.8 4.5 4.4 4.9 4.7 4.8 5.2 3.9 4.0 4.6 4.0 4.1 4.5 4.2 4.7 4.1 4.8 4.9 S.9 5.2 4.5 » Average values for one piece of pie, costing 10 cents ; from 2 to 4 pieces of pie used in each instance to obtain sample for combustion. May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 27 Miscellaneous desserts. Oui* survey took into consideration only seven of the innumerable miscellaneous desserts (see Table 9). The calories per gram of air-dry matter are highest in the whipped cream cake, owing to its fat content, but with the other desserts average 4.3, not far from the caloric value of carbohydrate. The pro- tein content per ten cents is low. The energy content per ten cents varies from 131 to 592 calories. Table 9. Desserts. Name Weight of serving Protein Calories No.* Fresh Air-diy Total per serving* Total per serving* Per gm. air-dry matter 38 434 39 118 106 62 32 Apple, baked! Apple, bakedj Bread pudding, cocoanutt Cake, orange Cake, whipped cream§ Custard, peach£ Fruit jellyt gm. 209 120 131 81 87 150 222 gm. 57 29 60 67 61 50 56 0.6 1.0 6.7 3.6 4.3 3.4 5.6 232 131 287 296 375 234 199 4.1 4.5 4.8 4.4 6.1 4.6 3.5 * Sample 118 cost 5 cents, all the others 10 cents each. t Served with whipped cream. t Flavored with cinnamon and sugar; served with 1% tbsp. thin cream. § Cake, whipped cream, chopped nuts. £ Soft custard, sliced peaches, whipped cream. ICE CREAM AND SHERBETS Probably the most popular dessert in the United States is ice cream. It is sold in a great variety of flavors, is easily eaten, and has a high energy value in concentrated form. Table 10 shows the energy and the protein content of two types of ice cream, those made by the university dairy (indicated in Table 10 as manufacturer A) and those made for commercial trade (sold by manufacturers B, C, D, and E). In addition, four analyses of sherbets are reported. The State of New Hampshire requires the fat content of plain ice creams (without fruit or nuts) to be 14 per cent and that of fruit and nut ice creams 12 per cent, but analyses made at the college creamery show that the university ice creams contain 15 per cent of fat. The half-pint servings of ice cream average about 200 grams in weight (fresh) and the total energy content is high, averaging not far from 500 calories. The total protein content is about 7 grams per half pint. The calories per gram of air-dry matter are high, in several instances 6.0 or over and in no instance under 5.0. On the average for all the ice creams this factor is 5.6. 28 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 OS -a s a 'S o Ji be 'S oo U5 e^ c >) b( T) Ifl Ph '5 E £ j= -4J M OJ bii H u CO C 35 tt ic ^ 10 _ c «H C0 jt 2 « C8 3 crioocDOOrHioioolO eorHeD(Mooooo»-H(Ni;oo 00 C-; rH r-i •^* -^ <;<:<<<.J!, = SS = = = =5 .i^£Ss.CJ=XX.C««^*';^«i5ii3«rt«.aJ=«eSB ^ -^ rrt m r^ r~v r^ r-^ r-^ S S S 5! O O ft^ r/^ ri^ ry^ r^ fH J> ^ ^ !> ^ J> ^ >, I. H 1- !- ^ >.-5 > 'S 5^ 5SS «DtOCMlOCCOOOQOCOTjiCOCO'^-*lf5CC«OOStr-OOTfiDi-H030CMa5 -^J'COOCaCOOCO'^CMtOOCOTi'COCOCM^Oi-rrOiOJCOOi-lCMCOCO CCi-^CMr-l'-teJ.-ICO'-l'-'CM^i-Hi— l,-ii-(i-lr-tCCrHi-H.-(CM -^i-H i-H O CO CC o CM lo r-- (N CM CM C^J Dapq<< '3. 5- QJ CL< o 0) c c: g ft rt C3 C rt O CO O lO ■^ l^ <7S t— .-H CC CO •-* I ■a c !« . o aj .. C m o ■*J f/i ^ r, 0; ft S c S >, -0 j: i^ X s u CS 01 0) is o j: V u tj J5 £ . c O X S^ "£o. ^ rt CO X 0) -^ - t) . < 0,0 o m « CC ^ X 1. £ c 3 01 C OJ >>x -B +J c (U _ r T >> CS c c c o -1 %4 >.'0 V ^JS 01 ^Is >, > ^fe 0! c8: x; ^ '^ •n C ^- Oi 0! C^ 3 s w A o 0) 3 rnr/l j: £ H .-++ X ft cS May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 29 With the sherbets the energy content per gram of air-dry matter is low, averaging 3.6 calories. The total caloric content per half pint is also low, nearer 330 calories than 500 calories, as found with the ice creams. The protein content is likewise lower than that of the ice creams. The average energy content of ice cream per ten cents (purchased by the half pint) is 330 calories, that of sherbets 220 calories. Econo- mically, therefore, ice cream has about the same food value as many of the servings of pie and some of the package sandwiches and has a higher food value than the salads and sandwiches but not so high as that of bread and doughnuts. For practical purposes, since ice cream is such a universal dessert or extra indulgence, we have computed the caloric content per gram of fresh weight. These results are immediately applicable to the fresh weight of the ice cream eaten, and the total energy value of a serving of ice cream or sherbet may thus be easily estimated with a fair degree of accuracy. On three different days one 5-cent and one 10-cent ice cream cone were purchased at the college creamery (manufacturer A). The ice cream and the cones were weighed separately, and the food values of the ice cream alone and of the cone alone were calculated, based upon the analyses of ice creams from manufacturer A given in Table Table 11. Ice Cream Cones. Ice cream Ice cream plus cone For 10 cents Kind Fresh weight Total calories Total calories Total protein Protein Calories 5-cent cone* Chocolate Vanilla Vanilla gm. 78 65 71 i 195 219 163 187 178 202 gm. 3.9 3.1 3.3 gm. ... Average 10-cent cone Chocolate Vanilla Vanilla ... 71 131 107 119 179 328 268 298 203 1 3.4 352 5.9 292 4.5 322 4.9 6.8 406 Average Half-pint ice creamt 119 213 298 ! 322 5.1 523 ... 7.2 5.1 4.8 322 349 * Average weight of cone without ice cream, 6 gm. ; energy value 4.0 cal. per gram; protein content 16.6 per cent. (Rose, M. S., Laboratory handbook for diete- tics. New York, 3d ed.. 1929, p. 172). 7 Average values for 19 half-pint portions of ice cream, all flavors, purchased for 15 cents of manufacturer A (see Table 10). 30 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [BuU. 242 I s s CO ss oo rH cc 00 »f; 0^ rH ,-( O CO CO t-co to in OS OS in ^- ,H Tf CO 05 c> • ii CO -^ W CC L^ OCOIO c to oococo to tOL^asfH ,-H m co 00 00 0 • N NNN « CVKNtMC^ IM iMIMPa (N (NIM.-1IM 04 C4 C4 I-l »10J • 8 gm. -dry ttcr Irt 00 00 CO us ^ ^ ^ t- in o> eg m ^ Oi (ji^cnM M t- m t- f^ 00 • lO C3 CO CO ^ CO CO CO ^ CO ••t- CO CO CO CO -^ CM CO CO CO CO (M ej lo • p O 0) > O CO W 00 c^ lOO io« CJ TJ< (N to CO 00 C- 0 t- 0 -<* 00 t-; t^ G^ • g lO ■•^ lO •^' ZO Tf lo ^ in -w ■^ CO CO CO CO Tf Tt oi CO in c«: (N -l Oi • or- ■up, xed ped a 3 C ft • \ ;i;i;-§ ■ ft • ■ Inut ice cream, strawberry syr cream, nuts . . .nana sauce, mi sauce, peanuts sauce, nuts . . . te sauce, chop ft u o 3 3+. to a 0 0) »a; . 0 > 1 t« :h sauc erry sa uce . . auce, 1 auce, 1 ce, cho: aple w e sauci ineappl ce crea 1 c ft o Q small banana, banana wa: ange pineapple ice cream, pineapple syrup, whipped anilla ice cream, fresh ba nuts, marshmallow sauce anilla ice cream, caramel anilla ice cream, chocolate anilla ice cream, chocola _2 "o o o U £ o >>> l> >>> • 0 > pasBqojnd aaaqm 338[ j a o Ofeo ft< GffeC > 0 OinfcHfa 0 faOO o&^ fe c !« C3 CO C 3 :| ; :g :^ : : £ •5 o • -Ti-a T3 -OT31: 3 I allow malic dae sund ae . ushe( ppe crea ■ ■ a a C S (5 ; ,c • • j: • 3 3 3 3 3: 3 4J • 0 ' • tD ^^ QJ « to aj u) 03 0 3 • "ti ■ • 3 J3 : ca .*.> +> 4J .* = 1 : Coffee butterscc sundae Fruit sundae . Fudge sundae . Fudge marshm: sundae Fudge marsh sundae Fudge nut sun Maple walnut Pineapple sund Pineapple (cr sundae Strawberry fra: Strawberry ice • Si • 0 "s 1 1 t« n m ooo o ooc JO Ol 1 rH Oi rHOOCg -* ,-1 t-Q 0 00 00 CC 0 i-H CO (M (M C- 05 irt -^ 0 T^ cq CO t-- O oa (M ^ ■■ t CO (M rH rH »H N rH ^ N cO rH *-l ■^ ^ -3< TycOCO CO iH r -1-* rf ■«; r ^ ■^ -^ -^ '•3' -^ f ^ -^ Tj< •^ M 10 0 ♦J o <0 u C to c "> 0) May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 31 10 and upon the analyses of ice cream cones previously published by Rose.i The results are reported in Table 11. In general, only 59 per cent more energy is served in the 10-cent cone than in the 5-cent cone. In three 5-cent cones one would obtain on the average the same fresh weight of ice cream as in one half-pint box costing 15 cents but the average total calories in the three 5-cent cones would be somewhat greater than the average total calories in the 15-cent servings of ice cream, probably due to the energy value of the cones. Comparisons of the protein and the calories for ten cents show the highest values in the case of the 5-cent cone. SUNDAES In recent years ice cream covered with various sauces and fre- quently also with chopped nuts has had a great vogue under the special name of "Sundae." These almost invariably cost fifteen cents. A number were analyzed, and the results are given in Table 12. The energy value of the sundaes per gram of air-dry matter is lower than that of ice cream alone, averaging 4.8 calories. The total protein content is also lower in most instances, even with the sundaes containing nuts. The energy value per ten cents is about 250 calories or nearly 100 calories less than in the ice creams. MILK SHAKES The analyses of three special milk beverages, the so-called "milk shakes," are listed in Table 13. These did not contain ice cream. The banana premulger consisted of one whole, fresh banana whipped up in milk. The two chocolate milk shakes were made of cocoa syrup and milk, the volume of each being one pint. In the chocolate milk shakes the total energy content is from 450 to 500 calories and the protein content from 14 to 15 grams. Hence the chocolate milk shake sold at ten cents per pint is an inexpensive food. Table 13. MUk Shakes. 2Sro. Name M'n'fr. Cost Weight Pro- tein Calories Fresh Air- dry Total Total Per gm. air-dry matter For 10c 430 Banana Premulger ■ 137 Chocolate mUk . 391 Chocolate milk . o cents 15 gm. 228 em. 61 gm. 4.3 252 4.2 A 10 506 93 14.3 448 4.8 A 10 506 100 15.4 497 5.0 168 448 497 (1) Rose, M. S., A Laboratory handbook for dietetics, New York, 3d ed., 1929, p. 172. 32 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 0 < OQ ;^ — 1 M05 C- »* OCO .^ Tji lO Ci to t^ Iff CM to f-H CO CC Irt ;© eq coto (XI tooo -H eoooc* incM N IN to to ■'t lo »ff Tf Tf m o £ ^ CO -^ CD O Ci O iO IC 00 -r 00 en ^ o o to "rt to to to' to to o to iii lo lo Iff ■^ "^ Iff Iff Iff ^ O i-H 2 to -* lO c- ooc- 1- o ^ t- -H Tj> Tl> CO too CO ■<:J* OS N t- CO O to CM -^IH lO ■^ to t- Iff -^ -^ t^ o M WM ,- i CM U5 CM r-t CM lO CO ^ CM Iff CM CM CM C 'S 5 • 00 O W t- O 00 in .y< 05 ■-H Ci O I> '-' TJ" o -^ o o CO -*' CO r-J CM to t-^ ci Iff CM "^ Iff Iff (^ K ' _ b£ 3 Q ^ I~- ^ ^ c- O to iO csj -^ to Tf ^ Iff Ci O 00 Ci £ -O CO LO (M ■^ 00 -^ CM -^ Ci to Ci Iff O Iff Tf iff bl r-t ^ SS-g U3 W IC lO »0 Iff Iff O O U5 O !S Iff O Iff O Iff Iff Iff -*.> rH rt ^ CM r-i 1— t o c ^ « O 5 •S CO •s s • -4: C "B • • ai ■ >1 a late . d wit r, thi el an '. '. 3 • ■ C • • CS . . 0, '.■° •2 * % m i sweet milk choco :hocolate hole pecans, coate . ft . ai . to I"? nut cente by caram : : ? : .'x.ii .■X •-2 : 3 . c • =*_ 1 ft u ire, wrap honey . and pea g •ounded ocolate r covere chocola er of p te coate :« ■? < sses, aatin: sun r, ch 336 336 ;ente: with 332 . lay ocola • 3 M to «-r r-l ^ CO C '^ !- a w « o .' ai . . ^ ^ jn ! T3 •^ ^>,oo -V c "^ ^ 2c=o C— = -u aj— 9 Z Whole al Peanuts Box of 1 chocola Unwrapp 7 wafers With aim Same as Caramel, chocola Fudjre ce Iieanut Same as Same as Firm ere and co; Same as Cream ci carame 1 1 ** ten •_? a) • -iJ o "-^ a; . ^ -M . aJ . ^ : :=5 :^ :S . 1 s t Bar ered nu te-cover 1 m o n Chocola — Sw'e ate ... Swiss Mi Swiss Mi Ik Chocola C • t*-i ■0 § Chocolate Nu> Chocolate-covi Dow's Chocola Peanut Bar Hershey's A Sweet Milk Mr. Goodbar . Texas Pecans Milk Chocol K •■^ ^ Chocolate Handy .... Peter's Cro Toblerone Chocolate Toblerone Chocolate Fi-na-st Mi Center Copy of Oh Oh Henry Oh Henry Oh Henry Chewy Nut Chewy Nut Oh Wally , <, OH d r~i CO C5 t^ Tf O CO -^ Ty i^ Ci to C- Iff CM to -H ;? eo CO icto OJ CO to to to 00 ^ CO 00 CM CO CM rH N CM Cv] CO M CM CO CO V3 n CM CO ■0 CO CM May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 33 in o CO IM ■'3* IC ^H N f1« CO CC (M ei Ncoeo-H o C4 00 1-1 lO CO IM CO to to to C-l- C4 lO oc- eo o eo o t- 03 00 CO CO CO 00 us to «o 00 «o OON tO-^ •^ CM INN U3 la U3 lO CM C- c^ ri CO CO in -^ iH CO N ^ t- CO CO CO c^ c 00 (M CO IM eg IM eg eg CO eg OS o in eg -^ eg -H eg -H 05 ^H i-H CO CO CO eg eg.-! 00 1-1 CO in i2 c a; u in m m m 0) • — cs . V Its * •§ o . u . O . o s m o J3 p ■a o CJ X £ ^ ii si sS C (U •13 "I 08 ' O u ■a -S a) il-i ° £ fe CJ ■!-> i' A 9J U U tu ^gSg, P O 3 t< a! c3 p. O c O t3 o o « a o " o ^ O O 51 i o « o -U -t^ -4^ 3 3 3 C 3 C C8 ^ C4 o o o u u u o o o OOO . > • ct! • o > o a) 3 0) 3 a; •C ft-r • o 13 • 3 -2'^ • « cS 3 o n!i3 >> m 3 c3 2 u ft m? o . es 03 n 09 O-g b S ° ■— c« •■O 'C3 ft -ns : ^ 13 ■ JiJ'O : 3 :S§ :2 , M— : 3 .•eg . ."o So!' tt-S o o^35 o * to „, S.2 3 ^^ g-S >> a u o O O J3 •B ""O o w a) O C S3'§''-3 & g L" S S "o u o 3 S P. ,3 -> 3 :»§ • % . ^3 ^S-=.3_ 2o 3 J3^ 0) P. ft « 3 III ft 1/2 lis > ft K £ ca 3 S 3 » s o c=^^ esco " "O 3 5 oa • lU iSft 0, ■« o» ft o*> u u ej £ f ;-i cS ft.j, o eg eg -^ m .-I ■^ CO CO eg eg cc CO .-I O 00 -H eg •-1 eg eg cc Si eg o eg C- 00 34 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 o !25 a "S +-» p c CM o 2 o J3 s-'O M 3 iJ (U » rt !> ci o 1 S •I o O m ca < o O c o '■*3 01 n 01 i c •o a a 3 O O o OS 00 00 00 coco o OS o CO CO CO CO 00 CO CO ^ 00«fl CO O tH COCVJIN CO I-H oco «O00 CO o N CD 00 rH(M 00 CO OS o to m o t-o iniM O ■* CO t 50(N 00 C- r-( 0.^ ! d ,.5 w o CO ■ =* I . j= : ^-"" o . • - a) - bo St- o — • t* — ^ v 2 §^ ^ " " 03 tH 3 c« 3 ft t. " t4 t. S o ^ 1 f! S .ti I ft ^■. ft ^ I C "^ c_ .S +i.gT3 C 01 — 1 o,-. O o o ■a 01 fll Rl O rt U o t: o 1^ 4- ni (« C ■M C 7! o a o Si o o n -0 c c tT t-i g c a J- - 0) P 4- c ' 1 o ' p .«M c 0 t : c8 g t4 Jw 2 ft o > o u o v oj rt « P ft qtM O O -M «4-l O ID c So 3h " 3 Cl-3 01. S 9 tj CO o ? 3 s- > OX C! o -tJ ;!3 I 0) P> (U I ft 5) n 5-3-" 5 3 |i| ^ o ^ o » 2: "a o OO ='« o !i-3 ® 2 So i- -^ O (In ca 3 O 3 -i 3 3 gw 3 0) ea 00 r~ aoo CON ^ 3 ca o 00 in Ol-H NN May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 36 09 CO CO CO 00 m •>* to o CD CO CO 00 CO CO -^NC-OOC- CO CO iH «-H i-H CO »-t 00 CO c« NN-'i'eo •* ■^ N O OOC^ Cfl N O^ t-l »0 CO CO -»1* CO -^ ^-H ^H U5 N -^ 00 c^ CO CO CO CO aoo30oqo> oo CO CO ^ CO CO ^ CO 00 00 CO C- US O rH rf O^ »-H C5 N W »H W N »^ eg CO tC C^ ^ CO ^H O^ O t^ 00 CO Cq 1-1 N M CO CO 05 CO .-i o" la ^H i-H CO o o o o o CO »a O iH »H iH CD 1^ ITS lO in lO 01 3 S •a V a p. o u O ft as ^ SB C8 M CO i - St 6 5 3 « a ■ •a S2 o > OS .CD •-a ' c ft ft (« It c 01 u O > en S2 m •^ ■ 5! iS si - V o :oo= _ O -w ^ u o= o o u CO 3 Ot3 *" ft — —ft m 01 S S S s u u cS (U 01 c; 01 01 o CO COi-l :"S . 3 . o : c ; o • 13 • 01 • C •— 1 ^ ft 3 u 2 2 01 p .£ 01 s [0 -w 01 3 ft CJ o e ca « 01 ft ft o o 0 c iH I«H u 9! 03 -♦J ce Ui 3 O 2 2 o o •■S o "o O o . S : !>. |§£ O "" - 01 C OS >- 01— o c 3 01 >. ■a s C9 o V ,2i3 £ • O *j •oi^'S », 0) >-< Wo o o C 3 01 c . W o • o • ,010 • \^2 '■ .5 3 • • O 01 P4^ U3 Ci CO eg CO eg eg CO CO ■^ CD »-f 1-* CO M eg Nt-BOt-CO iMCO f-« CO cg'^co 1" 36 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 CANDY All youth, particularly American youth, may be said to be ad- dicted to candy, and the consumption of candy in the convenient, attractive packages now sold by the manufacturers, usually at a standard price of 5 or 10 cents, is an easy, rapid method of securing a digestible and palatable carbohydrate. Large numbers of these packages of candy are sold, and every month there is an addition to the innumerable brands appearing on the market. We included sixty- six samples of candy in our survey. The results are given in Table 14, the candies being grouped according to their general composition. In all cases they were wrapped in packages, unless otherwise stated in the description given in the third column of the table. The air-dry weight of the candy was determined in a few instances, but for the most part the candies were dry enough, as purchased, to be burned. In Table 14, accordingly, we have recorded the fresh weight of the candy, as purchased, and the calories per gram are given on the basis of the weight as purchased. The values for the weight, the total calories, and the total protein are for one bar, one package, or one roll of the candy in each case. These values are in most in- stances averages, however, since usually 3 or 4 bars of candy were included in each sample for analysis. From the data in Table 14 average values according to general composition have been prepared for the caloric content of the candies per gram and per ounce of weight, as purchased. These factors are given in Table 15. Per gram of weight as purchased, the values range from 6.4 calories with the group of chocolate nut bars or chocolate-covered nuts to 3.7 calories with the miscellaneous candies not chocolate-coated and containing no nuts. The higher value is undoubtedly due to the fat content of the chocolate and the nuts. With Table 15. Average Caloric Value of Package Candies According to Composition. Type of candy Calories Per gram as purchased Per ounce as purchased Chocolate nut bar or chocolate covered nuts Milk chocolate Chocolate coated candy : Nut and caramel center Cocoanut cream center Firm center with few or no nuts I Soft center with many nuts ( Soft center with few or no nuts Miscellaneous, not chocolate covered : With many nuts Without nuts 180 165 140 140 135 120 115 105 May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 37 the factors in Table 15 one can estimate the calories in the standard- ized packages of candy with a fair degree of accuracy by examining the candy to determine the nature of the filling, weighing the candy in grams, and multiplying this weight by the factor for calories per gram as purchased, according to the nature of the candy. A more rapid estimation, though not so accurate, may be arrived at by apply- ing the factors per ounce against the claimed weight in ounces given on the wrapper. The protein content is highest in the chocolate- covered nut candies, as would be expected. Almost 10 grams of pro- tein, for example, were found in the 5-cent peanut bar. Sample 231, 8 grams in Samples 259 and 219, and 12 grams in Sample 25. The candies not chocolate coated and not containing nuts, on the contrary, have a protein content in most instances of only half a gram or less. In these candies the calories for ten cents range from 879 with Sample 383 to 160 with Samples 318 and 7. On the average one can obtain not far from 450 calories for ten cents in this form of food. Candies, therefore, not only furnish a quick source of calories but are distinctly economical. MEALS Perhaps the most satisfactory service which can be rendered by a calorimetric survey of this type is to secure information concerning the energy value of the total food consumed during the three chief meals of the day. Samples of characteristic meals were obtained at the college cafeteria and at a number of different restaurants, not only in Durham and Dover, New Hampshire, but in Boston. The data are of importance locally in giving an idea of the actual food consumption at different meals of a large number of students and of importance generally in indicating the relation between the air-dry matter and the total calories in a mixed meal. The information sug- gests a simple method of estimating the energy intake in a mixed meal or in the total food consumed during the day, requiring only a knowledge of the air-dry weight of the food. In analyzing these meals any bread and soup served were in- cluded in the sample, but the butter and the drink (tea, coffee, or milk) and the milk or cream and the sugar for the cereal and the drink were not included. The amounts of energy and protein ob- tainable in these foods will vary not only with the size of the serving but with the use customary to the individual. We did not make any combustions of these foods, but did find the average weight of a pat of butter at each restaurant. The sugar in the restaurants where these meals were purchased was served in a covered container on the table. The cream for the tea and coffee was in small individual pitchers, when not in the beverage itself. The milk for the cereal 38 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [BuU. 242 was in a large pitcher, so that any amount might be taken. At the time when the food samples were purchased, milk was sold by the glass, each glass holding approximately three-quarters of a cup.i The energy and the protein content of the butter, sugar, cream, and milk have been calculated from previously published analyses of these foods, and the results are given in Table 16. These indicate that several hundred calories and several grams of protein may easily be added to a meal by the inclusion of these foods, depending upon how liberally an individual serves himself. Table 16. Butter, Sugar, Cream, and Milk*. Food Measure Protein Calories gm. 0.1 100 0.1 60 0.1 65 0.1 75 29 0.4 28 2.1 42 6.2 127 8.3 170 16.5 339 33.0 678 Butter — average servings Restaurant A Restaurant B Restaurant C Restaurant D Sugar (granulated) ... Cream ( thin ) Milk (whole) 13 gm 8 gm 7 gm 10 gm Silver teaspoonf (7.4 gm.) 1 tablespoon . . . Vi cup 1 glass ( % cup ) V2 pint 1 pint 1 quart * The values in this table are based on data given by Rose, M. S., Feeding the family, Nevsr York, 1916 and 1925 ; ibid.. Laboratory handbook for dietetics. New York, 1923, pp. 33 and 45. Butter assumed to contain 7.69 cal. per gm. and 1 p. ct. protein ; milk 4 p. ct. fat, 0.69 cal. per gm., and 3.3 p. ct. protein. t Average of 3 servings (not level teaspoonf uls) by each of 17 individuals. Benedict, C. G., and F. G. Benedict, Boston, Med. and Surgr. Jouin., 1919, 181, p. 415. BREAKFASTS Analyses of the breakfasts, all secured at the college cafeteria, are given in Table 17. Those which sold regularly for 25 cents af- forded a choice of fruit or cereal, egg or bacon, toast or muffins, and tea, coffee or milk. The other breakfasts were purchased at so much an item (10 cents for fruit, 10 cents for cereal, and 5 cents for toast) and were purposely selected to contain only fruit, cereal and toast. An additional charge of 5 cents would have been made for the drink. The toast was unbuttered in every instance, the butter being served in a pat separately. The samples of breakfasts, as analyzed, did not contain butter or sugar and milk for the cereal or drink, but (1) The law in New. Hampshire now requires that milk be sold in public eating places in half-pint bottles, but in our calculations of the calories for 10 cents in these mixed meals, if milk was included in the cost of the meal, the energy content of the milk has been considered to be equivalent to that in one glassful and not in one half-pint. May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 39 I I < I loiooioieiooouioooooo OO 10000 10 0U3100 10 44* ■ , t. ■*- eqO«!«OMCSC-U5(MtC.-HOOOOO U3 -^ '^Of-^oooO'H'^a'oco ^ ^ • 8 £S ■'I'NWCOrCCOWCatNNfNOacslMW (Ncg CMIMIM»Hi-IWiHNW <-4 --f . iii ++ CO « -"f (D 00 CO 00 ■>* t-^ .-< lO eq IN M rH MOO t-b-C-COt-OiOOOT-4 CO i-t e<5 i ■q'-^i'-'i'-^'-q'-^'TiI-qlTtio.qlTr-.tiaiio Tji -^ cocococococo-^co-^ »5 UJ^ 0) ^ rt "3 eu'S S 1 "3 j;» ++ 2.SSI U505^10 0 0TlW«dO<0»0-^COCOCOCOCOCO'^'<1' coeo -sfcoeoiMeqeotHeoi" 1-4 «^ • 1"^ r;0>M-weotDt--oqNrHt--owc-.eooo Sj05COOOO^'-H!00005odlAt>C-odciC lOo: IN N OOt> CO N«D»H 0 CO • COUl o6eo-*eo-q'--4 c 1 1 o u lc|'« ••^^?O00lOCC!Dt-C5Oi^lOCO00t- r. C£JcJ-^'<*O0dia'^^t-CSrHC0'^O 0C.-( t-H 1-t eg »H T-( rH tH rH 1-4 CO O CO TPCSOOCOifllOOOt^CO i>5 i^ . H-|43 C> O! oouat-iooJooiocoo In 0 ' tH i-H tH e< -4^ 1 JS c-'O0t-t-O0'J>rHCO«>-HMt--HlCC-CO CL^^CCrHtMC^OOOL— , bt o> c- '-HOOOit-t-Ci'^OOO '^t^ • ^ tH I — ^ f-H I— t 1 — 1 rH »-l rH 1-4 <-S| to • • • 3 o ' • bo • ' ' ' ' b< • a> bo : ii V. : be : be b« bo b< bo : G u : : "m : : bo bd bo <" 0) a) 0) 7 bo . •a "3 tt-a .^-a » -a 5? ; : -o-o-ai! -B '. 5 5^ 1 u g-gflS § agft'S o o ftftfti • *^ . iu , .-4 . ed • tj , • -*-> JS • -4J • a • 2! • 2i-»^ • • ^ M • ni is • CS • X • J= -JS >•« • • ea OJ 01 • cSt3 ^ ^ 01 CD C c 1 a; 9h c u c b " SBijCCCoCoCC C 3 3 c i IS « t : c! g 3 3 371 3— 3 3 CSPh 5 20 p a t^ S t^ I. t, 1^ t. « u u d 1 c-ooN-*iMOJ'-ieJooo50_T*ooe qeo t -00 CJ 1-1 U5 to 0 iH 10 Ou ;? c MC H r ou H r 3U -1 r 3t H r 00 "4 »■ -4 r- DC H T ot hJ: - t H 1- 0O3 H T-1 U 510 1—1 00 00 0 I— 1 1-4 1- OCIO -4 f-4 f- -IS ^ 1- 5U3 1 u o o 01 .5 •o 3 ■3 £ o CO "3 1 GJ M se 0 c iS 1 _c t4 01 a u g) u C 0 •t-4 rt Ji! 0; o> u H « fi 13 B S5" (ri 6( ■^.M 01 C 3 n h -o ■^'K i! 3 "3 s •So .2 5 .. ^ 0 0 . rs s L 40 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 the estimations in Table 17 of the protein and the calories for 10 cents in these meals do include the food values of these accessories, based upon the data given in Table 16. The data in Table 17 show that in general the lower energy values per gram of air-dry matter (4.1 calories and below) are found with the breakfasts composed of fruit, cereal and toast, and the higher values with the breakfasts which include egg or bacon. The break- fasts containing scrambled eggs are exceptionally high in protein. DINNERS The data for seventy-two dinners which were analyzed are given in Table 18, grouped according to the restaurant at which they were purchased. The dinners at Restaurants A, B, C, and D cost 45 cents in every instance except No. 289, which cost 40 cents. The dinners at Restaurants N and R and Nos. 357 and 358 at Restaurant Z cost 50 cents each. Nos. 359 and 361 at Restaurant Z were 45 cents each, and No. 360 was 60 cents. Butter and a choice of tea, coffee or milk, and in the case of Restaurant D a carbonated beverage, such as ginger ale,l were in- cluded in the charge made for each meal, but these were not in the samples as made up for analysis. In estimating the calories and the protein for ten cents in these dinners, we have for Restaurants A, B, C, and D included the food value of butter and of one glass of milk (based on Table 16), assuming that milk was the drink selected in each instance. Since thick cream was not used at these restaurants, we estimate that a cup of coffee or tea would not contain more calories than a glass of milk and certainly could not furnish more protein. Thus our calculations on the 10-cent basis are maximum rather than minimum values. The calories and the protein for ten cents in the dinners at Restaurants N, R, and Z have not been calculated, for the choice of drinks did not include milk in every instance, we have no idea how much cream was included in the meal, and at Restaurant Z a so-called "savita sandwich" was served, the heat of combustion of which we did not determine. The dinners at Restaurant Z were purchased at one of the Childs restaurants.- The values in parentheses against the various food items in these meals represent the approximate protein calories (first value) and the approximate total calories (second value) claimed by (1) It is estimated that an 8-ounce bottle of ginger ale (the size served at restaurant D) would contain about 70 calories. See Benedict, C. G., and F. G. Benedict, Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., 1918, 179, p. 153. (2) See the earlier survey of meals served at Childs restaurants, made by Gephart and Lusk. Analysis and cost of ready-to-serve foods. Chicago, 1915. May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 41 the restaurant to be in that particular portion of the meal. The small letter v is the symbol used by Childs restaurants to indicate that this serving contains vitamines, and the capital letter V that the serving is rich in vitamines. The total calories in these dinners, as found by our analyses, are higher in three and lower in tw^o instances than claimed by the restaurant. We wish to emphasize here, however, that Childs restaurants do not guarantee to sell a definite number of calories in these meals. They are selling a certain food combination and any difference between the caloric content as claimed by them (stated expressly to be "approximate") and as found by our analyses must not be looked upon as a misrepresentation by this chain of restaurants. We have every reason to believe that a serious effort has been made on their part to secure standardization in their meals from the standpoint of caloric content, and the difficulty of serving the same sized portions each time explains the differences in the claimed and found energy content. Comparison of the fresh and the air-dry weights of the dinners in those instances when both weights were recorded emphasized the large proportion of moisture existing in a seemingly large meal. The air-dry matter in Nos. 327 and 455, for example, amounted to less than one-third of the total fresh weight. Indeed, in only five in- stances did the air-dry matter in any of the dinners exceed 250 grams or 9 ounces. An arrangement of the data for the dinners according to the main course, whether meat, fish, or salad, showed no pronounced differences in the food values for the various groups. It is evident that the soup, vegetable, and dessert combined play as great a role in the energy and the protein value of a meal as the serving of meat or fish. Indeed, it is believed that the variety of desserts offered at Eestaurant A is partly responsible for the wide range in total energy content of the dinners purchased at this restaurant. The calories per gram of air-dry matter are in most instances fairly uniform at between 4.5 and 5.1 or 5.2 calories. One low value of 3.7 calories was found with No. 167, undoubtedly explained by the fact that this dinner was composed chiefly of carbohydrates with practically no fat. One high value of 5.7 calories is also noted with No. 301, attributable possibly to the fat in the roast pork. The average value for all the dinners is 4.7 calories. SUPPERS Analyses of fifty-nine suppers from six different restaurants are given in Table 19. As with the dinners, the butter and any drink served were not included in the analyses, but their food values have 42 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 03 e 'S ■*-> o it 1^ fern 2i5 a! "K S e s H" o c S -3 o lO Ift »0 lO O ■^ *H O C5 t- N N N r-l .-I o too N ?H CO in o IM t-ia .-I c- o o c-o to i-H r-l m o 00 t- o ^ o o 0-. o> ■2 '^ (« Hi >j >, bo ho '^ 05 V» IC lO 05 CO fH T-t CO ■* OS CO o o CO eo i-f s t- C5 tr- C •"S* CO IN CO s o a a a s S CX) Ci w -^ ^ O to C^ CO CO (M i-H f-H ^ tH iC i-H a: -^ lO 00 lO CO lO .-H (MM rH C4 CSJ i-H O eg !M 5 o p. .a o p, ° i.« <1> ■PrS eS .„ '^ Pi -2 bO 01 » U 01 o g o e »S - - S « « S 0) a) 3 S3 13' O bo « ■ ca a S O O Q, ^ e bo- - oT 2 ■■ •"5 " . cS u m • C " : <=& ■ &-S • -^ o :j2bi» • ca c_ • , "Cjs . j^ 3 m • S ft °i C >; t; a-^ o 0.2 " S? bo S m u/ FM 03 •5 bo i''^ 1' ^ ;* O Oj ra 3.ifi OJ C3 o h( M Bi 0) 5 C IftS XJl .2 ft 3 03^ m 0; •^ r- . to fc 9c^ ago; o u .- OJ ft 0) bo . Q) o St3 CS CJ3 o S-o 0) 5 01 . o o ft -' ~ OJ x: o ' s ^ - yi t-" ., ccXi aJ B 3 OJ ft Cli -*% ti P tn H ■a 3 o S ft ft 3 C o u ^ t/i Q o 0) o o . ft- 73 a>.c :^B go, «> ft J ^1 bo o ; o C m j^?s : g ft S" m o w bo 3 -, XI 0; en S .i; 01 c3 ca u I- 0, . XI -O' 13 U C B! - C« !i 5 ojx: 0) ft a;j2 g.Q U PQ May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 43 o in IS C4 o o LT^ 00 rH CO N C4 00 lO 1-1 00 00 o o 00 1-1 to CO 00 CO (M O O 00 N »— ( 00 o »-H to H s u 5 S Q) fl •O U ^•«: ■S c ■S !« 3 ji ^ u a 2i ^ C 1 ■■5-° au 09 3 > ■"7? si ^£: M 44 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 p (3 o -< • C3 00 ^ C^J I- 00 IM 05 (M IN '-S ■<(■ • ^ .H r-t (N r-l rH er gm. r-dry atter* ^ 00 O in to »^ <^^ w to t3< in lO lii Pm'S S » Total in innei (M eg o U5 to 00 to lO lO in CO to X .H G> to to ■^ i^ lO to ■a II ." o a-. (M to *"; • o 00 to CO 00 CO £» M I— 1 00 O 1— t -i;: : r-i a t- L^ lO SI 1 Total in inner* IM I-- c- rr =>^ ■ .— 1 o t- r- a; -T g" L^ m m -^§ : CO 00 t- to o lO ■^ CO ^ CO (M C~) CO T3 . to £2 (V ^■gs to • „- O 00 - -3 S^ .to iaj a ^ 0) a ^ a £S^g O 3 ^ c S 3 H « -, O J) O^X! T3 :£ • o 3 a o a O +J .Q SP5 3 « J3 b' • y. t« >> > OS £ 1^ > 0) o oi a a 0 a 13 OJ ea ^ o r xi a-M to is T3 0) s ^ % '■^ fl) £ rt c b/i +^ m ca ca OJ >> ^•i.£ M 0) S rt-a •3 -s - J- - to o^^ o ^^ "a! Sf r; ^ 3-^ >> 05 a '^ to to >-i ca XI in a 0) - tn^ - ca u (-< !h n! g c : Mg t; c "^ -^^ • "■.,- 3 CO tj -^ to .. 3 ~ to'» -g ■y " £ " ■S 'S CO fl a «_ fl f~ j; 03~< K3 .2 O 0) g " :^£| § "a>-°" CM ^ Sii:£ - M si" o -co a^ M 3 CO ca .fl ox. --i to u to .a Jy 01 cfl o o > t> oi . o ■^ a.2 b.a(M m ^ - -£^ ' a fe n! ^ -2 >.-fl 01 CO =5 > «+i c Qi ca 'c:! ca ^ ha ai > XI :5 00 O .-I to in to to to t>a CM (M N May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 45 o o ,-i a> ■^ vS --- CO 00 CO rH O ■^ CO 00 CO 00 T-H O 5q CO « ^ bo o =• fto. d =^ 00 y iS3 v o . ^■£ £■'* wo CO P o2 - ^ =8 ^ r-' ^ ■a - en C 2 be £ > to cd . h ^J3 '^ 5, CO 61 « QJ ^ t-i Q. o £13 -»■ S O 00 — 03 • 0) bC- co , £-0 co^ ■*->^ p u- :££ ; bu b« ' o ^ ' coOJ b«§ o . CJ « . 0) Co 2£ b« ,-1 g - •- c^^ "_«gbo^bo^ c ^ bo £i3 " b-« ?a^t*£'-.o, b*1co S S-C3-- •'i'fco^S S "2 £ " "■« E > £ « 00 .^'^ it. d - b* S M .M be ^ cc ^ c 0) — . ^'^ if- ££ bt be 3 m ^ C ■O bo ■" to £^ !5 i £-: •2£ jj be • Q si • P 0) ££ be be V cj • '5.', - CJ ico !«3 c g " J ft bo c bot- . be ft£d2g bo nbc=. to bCC;^g ';:jJ,H • >,.t "5— a 0) a CJ ~ (UJ= t- S be 3 00 .— '^ 5 c! -be^g M be „■ CC ^ C 0) ~ , ^'^^ if- ^C.b£&-o c^J=cc •^2'^ "•-_ "-a bo£5'^ S'Orlo. 'i;f-'2Cl2gSco^ftg^eo «! iS O o be. !g£| Hit n-*W(jX^'^ ^ ^' * en /30c»30'^S^0f-_O- tciScS-SgeSXIOciO-SB! ^bjp.«g§.^ga^£ft > eu (i< H S r^ == g|£ t3 ^^ - ■a ;. ?i 2 a* 3 si v -^ ^ O to ? ft o ft a . a; g 13" ■^co £^ be c IM ^ ^ O J= O br. =*!;- :" g ft t. bObO-TgiS- ^ to 10 ~2b£« H 0, w q t; ^ q £ a be - «> C3 bO^. w > be . ,. o bo^" - t^^ ^^ 3 « ft C .^ ft C8 be£C CO SS = M (U « >. be .> _t-25^2 ' Si3o£'=* to-' o " be . c a . q ill's £SI .ft^|be a S^ to ■^ . eu •- ^,g<"^-fi 01 . ^£ bo to CO 2^ ^ 05 . o S5 bo CO ^ ^ 5 . 0, ,-3 t,5o 1.5 p 3 boS-" ■a 0! a> .£ to g OTS 013 „, ' O J=^ CJ X w _, ai . to o3c*£c2 a-g £ beg £ u b to CO a) ?- . 1aii^£o "o-S bo sh b£ " b« p,^ 4,^J £a tt 3 £c:w bo a) o Si ft be .S^'O ^ ? 2 £ > cS . 0) ^ • be 'r ^ -s & ^ P bo 03 O 2 -a ^ — < "^'l£ 5g>tO ^"-:§ to"* A^ 50 g :§^ 2 3 ftOO a 3 o - « o o -fc^- .S-w 03 c ?l-J2 O 05 C9 O o Oi *» S V s o u >> to u V 11 T3 £ • S CO to (^ D N ■a 0 X. ti, be aj a; to ^ £ ro >> n M C en ei 1 "to t- t--3 £ 41 e to -tJ cs * tcSg C 3-0 o « ce 46 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 ox o ■3 s^s1 (U J-< ra fins S 03 r- c; C o' 'O ^°S o ;^ Ah !-| >> M S ■^TS O Pi I- O 10 O 'I 61 o o U5 1-t 10 <0 U5 CO 00 00 00 CO 10 00 CO Co &5 o CO CC c " +i P4 PM p. m (Sin X . 01 . |co oS Si M to Xi >>'0 > 03 IH tH buX ^ '-w ci u be o ft VI • o G K O 0) 1^ ; a 3 o ^;^ a) 2 tH TO 01 QJ J= ft QJ S O M C8 0O o w ft^ rt o ft .i £ ° £ a O WOO'O o " H j=.5 ft <4-7 3 $.2 3 ^'■ o ft g £ 'r . « ;i . , 3 O fcfl - •^ 3 3 ii CO £ « osiSs g o-aJ: - ii)T3 ftx^ I i"„ji oi 3 en S X CO Peo w , , X 0 it o . --S . 1 1 > . CST3 . 3 • . a ••3 _• . • 01 • c fi • . S M • . o .^ C5 • •'S ■O • 53 • • Mi V • ■ 00 .a ■ 00 -^^ ' . 1 s : •.i3 bo . • Rl o • • c T). . ^ — • TI c . . 0 3j . . .f! J . .^ it • s c ; : '^ +J . m . CO . 'H CO 5 ?^ - 3 to c 3 5 m -a a o o o — c^ ft'a 3 '■" S C ? 3^ C :3 --5 CS M 3 a^ 1-^ bo O t) S T3 cS j; C« O CO N s toco 3 u ^gco C5 •,. ,—,00 .~ Xi 60^ ^ CO— -g .a& Sa^ to 3 ^ -^ c — ■3 -^ w^ ^^'-' CO CM ^^f-1 in '7' ^ "^ in •-' CO o ^ "o "o o ■ "? iM 53,^; ss a to O '^ 1-1 o a) 3 U 1-H P ■*-» ^ o s* to "a a; iO^ uo -" CO , — . C •—- to — Do §1^ 3_S "" _i fc/i ac o 0) +-> a o ^ae a* _ ■3 - C3 c a u-*^ I 0) iO^ 5' S S .- - ot3^ a 0) s ^ to a: •!1 g H „v v|N tO^O< 3 O O C 1 lO(MC t- CO ' > CO I 00 I < eg 00 Tj" t ) O CO o I CO t^ ^ « I ^ • « _. .,. - _ _. _ .. - -J uo I cc 3 „ _ _- ^p^ ^- ^^ >— ^, ^^ ^-- w JO ~^ ^^ ^ -^ jj C; 3 ci! !« 01 S _>_ SaSsB -^ P. "" O >>> >> > > > > CO ++ 00 ■o o «.: 48 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 I .J E >>1 Vi M.S-2 o •i > n C4 O Q; Sh TO ^-f ^^ ^ Tota in uppe CO II C 01 o ;-i ■5{- Ph ■— 1 Ih Tota in uppe !n -M 1 X 2 >. M < a: -SI ■tJ CO o o o OS (M o CC C<5 CO (N O c» o o Nr-I o in o lO e>3 o o CO o 00 eg o CO CO o CO CO 1—1 I— 1 «>00 •^ CO CO CO lO CD 00 in OS O O O r-t ITS o 00 00 00 05-* E^ CO lOCO CC CO o 00 o OS O OS 00 o OS o 1-i o o 1-i C3 I— 1 co_ cs 00 OS oo 1-t 00 lO CC CO o s 1-H 00 OS d M CO CO t~^ d •^ CO lO s« CO CO rH (N eg (M rH eg CO oa eg ,; OS o S OS t- M '-' -' U Q o o en J2 o V "o 03 u IS 1— I Q; T3 • u j^ fi ^.^ .^ ■- " cS p, rt CO 3 . - • -o " aj • £ 0) ■ o •.t; oj M : a'-^'v . >-■ .3 • 01 I'M gC« : & • . tS . : S "E :'SJ :6..gb. ■ u • CO noo * i-H a'?' :& ■ 01 ^-W • n • J^ rt • to . 01 . 0) (-■ 0 ■ ni 3 . Otl-I -^ 2 ; 3 Ccc ti : « ?sS tfcoco23c o "■2. a) SB ft M n _2 ft ft n! "3 * OS 00 May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 49 in c «C 00 a c4 o eo CO o o eo O lOO 00 rt lO C5 to c« s, » 95 l«j >* lOin -H to C o Go lO 05 GO O tOQO in to to ON i^eo to t^ OS CO to 00 00 00 .-I 00 OS to 00 00 to ta 00 OS ©3 OS OS eg to ■-I (MO OS — to = OS o (M OS OS OS con in Ln-w or o = o m ■*co o m T1« cc in CO "^ £ p.'? O -* ft i-H u ni u o .a X >. ;-> ^^ E^§ - r-l CO * O 5 E « J3 g til ^*J l-( Sao w j: OS w Mg . O V O cm *< t- bCrH --S 7? M " — a) -- E. o eS c:e o ■ I U^ CO .2 2 ;. " 5 ■ 0) - 0) : 3 . (U 13 n ci 3 CO 5g to '^ E-q Mg n •r X 5 K! g ? U 5 CO ft — 4) • M^ CO 5ft J!E > ■gtoiS gg 5cN p MO «£ :^-B cr. ta o c^ CO c> a; p. Eco.2 ft O K — - 4J c:< CO - &.2 3-^ O' "3- . .JS^tc! H ■ o^ CO M «" Co- S-^"c ES SS . 3 CO CIS OJ CO .-- ,4_, 01 •* 4) 1: "= S wQO . I ° ** 0) cii tS u ft 3 V U 01 J^ o •w . (U ai to J3 V * m TS ca [- 5; J. CO ft lU 3 m CO ■^ CO ft.C ft.ti =^ & C-S I"*-! ^ „ "= C so MS = > C g ^•e'S|« .£•3^0.5 "^coS-^l? ^ « ^ -.5 ^i^o, 5^ OX! .5" c S ii-a V en ~ 3 C3 2£g q;z; I 50 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 CIS 'S +-» o 5cS a. I to o I X o a .2 '■•3 .9 'S u Q II OlO o o o lO o o lO tS lO ■ o in us o UO o -3-05 ■>JI -^ t- lO Tj* CC 00 -*oj • .t c--* »-i O t- O C-. lO -^-** ■<»' O C5 ^ 00 „ !»^5 ■^ u^ lO ira la -^ -g- ^ ■*? -Ti-T >* \a lO T 13 ■^ o 0) S-l w f^'S s * .H O '^ CO «; cc •^m to ^to . 00 o ec o o o Tota in uppe 00 lO t- to 00 c» t^ (M w i, 00 • OJ CO to 00 Tf o [>00 t- t> 00 ^ M to ^ =0 • 00 00 t^ evi 1—1 a>_ o u c cs w " r-n r: • (IJ m ■ . -4-1 0) . •^ 2 ■ • ^ si . r> r^ • rn • CS • 01 • a -3 • Q> U • %H . a ■ S 0 . • ;-. c . .^ di . ^ • :s - . • M Jj ' CO • . to S : . Cl ^ • . .H na . u . CS -4J . 0 -p • •)-> 3 42 , c • 0 S : - Q) «j • n (^ M M •^ 00 . i2 S o a " -1^ cj OJ to -& CO ^ O 3 ^ C3 '» !« S 2 2t3 3 ts 2 S St3 C V o (M CO t-H i-H i-HOO CO CO CO S 3 _5t« to g ^ to ^-^ CO U Of 0) tc 3 0, c3 M .C cSt3 's ^ to be to f^ d Q, ■S3 cs S t. bo . bo a p .to c 3 bc^^ t- -^.j F-i; ■oi5 .-§3 c cii 3 CS to a) Sm '3 ^^ to a) c — •r £ o 6«_j, bO ■-I 00 « to ^ to cs •^ a 5*.=* CO c c3 bo S^ u bo Ji w. *< F tM bo -00 bo tu to-- ^ a P^ pq S«^ Mm 3^ cs-S CO ^, ^ a m s OJ to O I-H IM May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 51 \a oo oo o in lo lo lo o m ?s • . • . O -^ O -H T^. c- o «o ■<»' eg •* ic t^ 00 • " " • • • 3 t- CO MCO e,-( 00 M -< « 00 lO o 00 >oi-J c- C^ lO -w 00 la lO lO lA kO -i:!* lA lO IC ■^ lo in ~t-ioia kO in ■<<< US ■^ 01 01 — ft'w 3 " - to >, <0 t- <^ N 00 CO CO N 00 O O CD S5 O • o in 1-1 o • >-'c oa lA (>j eg -^ -^ ^ eg [:- eg o ^ c eg lo eg ^ ic in CO CO . eg CO CO 05 1— (1— IrHiHT-t ,-(1— tf-t 1— t ,— ) ,— I eg y-\ IH T-< - Ill" ~ « m m o ii3 o lA o lo ur o in in in o m in O O (see B (ex at re; t basi -T COCO eg CO co co co co CO CO CO ■^ in in in oxj'o u Sto-S^ — Ji-^ —I ^ Cto •r e8 05 c 140 gm.), fried egg (43 gm.), rolls (84 gm.), pie (148 gm.) potato salad with mayonnaise (1 cup), rolls ndwich (slice roast beef, 2 slices bread, gravy). to • to "o •'o ^1 • u to • * • t/J • i1 ^ : s ft : ft • rved w restaur s 274-2 alues o; • "3 : ^ xn . 1* i\i i gm.) ry, let gm.). S : i: o ■ o ft 01 to E.H butter and drink. ter and glass of milk, when drink was se , coffee, or milk given with suppers at to be milk. No drink served with supper if uncertainty in amount of cream used, v: Mco in . 00 to w 3 M 11 to t (83 gm.), fried potatoes (94 imb (121 gm.), fried potatoes (98 OS to CIS o ft .2 *C s 00 iH 1-H |£ eak (89 gm.), fried potatoes (107 d (156 gm., with mayonnaise, cele (73 gm.), fried potatoes (117 1 ++ c g 3 J Ph 01 •:S s 3 -^ "w ^ to ci b 0) to "S g ftC pj .*^ C 3 1 s « \ !. 1| 1 ft ; to . 'S • c : c . o . >> ■ ►J : t '■ i: s '■ US • J5 : £1 "5 G C iJ t^ 0) 3 to ft o J= o C !i ft ct m e •^ ? u CO N«^ 1— t ft jj to o 3 ft "1 E . Eg 11 tonsomme, wax beam Ihicken bro sauce, pea •5 t including iluding but oice of tea e assumed ; because c r o faK &H<: Pl, fe K S CO [^ '€, o U u — SI ^ •^ -^ into C5 o eg in o --C m to o kO to 05 C5 t^ t-t- t-OO 00 00 05 OS 05 tTi >o eg eg CO o;z; eg eg eg eg eg eg ej eg eg eg eg ca CO CO CO -~ c^^ 52 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 been included in the estimations of the protein and the calories for ten cents. In those instances when a drink was included in the supper, we have assumed in our calculations that it was a glass of milk. The total energy content varies more widely in these suppers than in the dinners. The range in protein content is also wide. The energy per gram of air-dry matter is again in most instances within 4.5 and 5.2 calories, with one low value of 3.8 calories and two high values of 5.7. On the average the value is 4.8 calories. TOTAL FOOD EATEN IN ONE DAY BY ONE PERSON On two different occasions a composite sample representative of the entire food consumption for one day was collected. The first sample. No. 254, included both the butter and the milk served with the meals. The second sample, No. 284, did not include them, but the calculation of the total energy and the total protein intake for the day takes these items into account. A description of the meals follows. NO. 254 Breakfast (25 cents): Stewed prunes (4), scrambled eggs, corn meal muffins (2 served, 1 eaten), butter (% of serving eaten), glass of milk. Restaurant A. Dinner (45 cents): Fish chowder, boiled mackerel and mashed potato, stewed tomatoes, bread {IVz slices), butter, grapenut pudding, glass of milk. Restaurant B. Supper (35 cents): Pineapple and cream cheese salad (2 leaves lettuce, 2 slices pineapple, cream cheese, and whipped cream), 2 rolls, butter. Restaurant B. NO. 284 Breakfast (20 cents): One orange, oatmeal and milk (1 cup), 1 tsp. sugar (eaten on oatmeal but not in sample). Restaurant D. Dinner (45 cents): Vegetable soup, fricasseed lamb, mashed po- tato, string beans, bread (3 slices served, 2 eaten), 2 saltines, butter (ca. 10 gm. eaten but not included in sample), small scoop vanilla ice cream. Restaurant D. Supper (45 cents): Banana salad (1 cup sliced banana, ca. Vz tbsp. mayonnaise, lettuce), rolls (2 served, only one eaten), butter (ca. 8 gm. eaten but not included in sample), fudge cake (103 gm.). Restaurant D. May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 53 Butter (18 gm.), milk (V2 pint), and 1 tsp. sugar eaten but not included in sample. The results of the analyses of these two daily food samples are given in Table 20. The factor for calories per gram of air-dry matter is essentially the same in both instances, averaging 5.0. In sample 284 had the fat of the butter been included, the factor would doubtless have been somewhat higher, possibly 5.1 or 5.2. Table 20. Total Protein and Energy Intake of an Individwd During One Day. No. Cost Total air- dry weight Protein Calories Total for day For 10 cents Total for day Per gram air-dry matter For 10 cents gm. gm. gm. 254 $1.05 415 73.4 7.0 2050 284 $1.10 360=" 49.6t 4.5T 1 2140t 4.9 5.0* 195 195t * Not including butter milk, and sugar for cereal. t Including butter, milk, and sugar for cereal. The Department of Home Economics at the University of New Hampshire conducts a so-called "Practice House" where meals are prepared by and served to women students. Analyses were made of the meals served here on seven different days, and the details are given in Table 21. In this particular study the samples included the butter, and the milk or cream and sugar for the drink served with the meals, since varying amounts of these items were served on different days. The tea or coffee itself was not included in the sample. The charge to the student for these meals was based only upon the cost of the food supplies, the operating expenses being paid by the De- partment of Home Economics. Hence no economic consideration of these data can be given. The total calories in the day's food consumption varied astonish- ingly from 1680 on November 1 to 3090 on November 3. The average energy intake was 2446 calories and the average protein intake 61 grams per day. The calories per gram of air-dry matter averaged 5.0, in good agreement with the average values found with the free selection of meals listed in Tables 18 to 20. Although the values for the separate samples listed in Table 21 range from 4.5 to 5.5, in no case does the average value for the day (including breakfast, lunch, and dinner) differ greatly from 5.0. This suggests that a close re- lationship exists between the total energy content and the air-dry 54 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 OS cS ^ ^ 2 l< D t, in rt ^•5 a id o CO © 90 o to o CO to +5 - " .53 t>>5P CO ts CO o CO to .to ! lO to I 0, 3 t'-i ci H 5 S u o s . ■"St" 11^2 "I eS I- JM bo 3 .. CO - c Si 0! I" S o-a I t« (u'i .5 c«H -«^ tC O ca ° go 05 W O I- • bo : c • 3 . a Oi o o "•ft V-l t. 3 CS C bo -d* §g '3 "> S-o a to" O 0) 5|S C +j o EC "*-* 3 g " 2-° to S «> ""bo ~ "b" S S " ti . o " s bo OS . .2 oii S bo S 3 " to 9 c i2 ft Ofil 3 3 a bo 3 O bo 3 o o ■a • o ■JS • -fj • o '. v • bo • c • o ; a ■ 3 J2 ■£ . « c3 53 ft 4.) 3 3, 2 a* ..'S'O t3 I ^S : 2 to . -e.2 o ■^ I* S §n m to «b« 0) bo 3.S > ■; 0) t3 &2 to § sS Ig 73"" C M t« « bo V 3 ■M CO s o tStC CO TS "^ ta it >> S I >^ u I Ji > ftQ tfl niO 3fe bo to T ts H o ft ts o a 3 J3 a ca ll bo oi M 3 CO T3 C ta . flj 01 S d O .'3 ag-^ J. ° CO ••i^" a g s e i<.2i 01 c CQ CO ■^ May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 55 lO lO © o o a> as o o M o o o a •'J' I" o N ca e If to t£> CO t- f-H UC O W (N (M c« bo s « & -a -a c CO 5.2 I 03 ^ .S£« ft oJO . o ftftH ".So ■aJSrH ^ & .is: "^ J2 -t-> »4 be 3 a: CD 3 C be 3 o »-& s 5 M ^ o li o 8 ft (4 3 . ^"1 Ki 3 O w V o w o c« .s CO 3 J3t3 o w CIS o O ft ^ Q; O o •w , 2 nT "K e £ 8 o X 03 ^1 Sh 01 o -= c« bo .r 3 to 01 .S-3 to o S to -I "^ 3 lu °i o o B C - cs S S 01 > ?; 5 -I bo . CS Jd ■^ 3 o • o o! bo ■woPh •*^ -d « 3H I- .^ (u e a> 3 ^ c« ^ C8 3 13 C3 C8 Is ft 0>H 2 "OS ft g-B = ■h cS G-O 3 ^ ■O 3 Li's "5 ss~ ■ .^^ bo C4 56 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 matter in these mixed meals and that if one knows the air-dry weight of the mixed foods for one day, one week, or for any desired period of time, one can multiply this by the factor 5 and have a close esti- mate of the total energy intake. GENERAL DISCUSSION Innumerable analyses of the energy value of various foods have already been made. The tables of Atwater and Bryant, i first pub- lished in 1896, have been of incalculable service in computing the total energy intake in the food eaten daily, and are today the basis of most of the tables of energy values of foods printed in the best modern textbooks on dietetics and nutrition. 2 Many of these early analyses have dealt with cooked foods, but in the course of years the methods of cooking have changed and many combinations of previously pre- pared foods are now on the market. It is, therefore, difficult oftentimes to calculate the caloric intake in the modem diet from the Atwater- Bryant tables. The elaborate study of ready-to-serve foods carried out by Gephart and LuskS in the Childs restaurants has helped con- siderably, so far as the servings from this particular chain of restau- rants are concerned. And yet our own data show that even in these restaurants the methods of cooking and the preparation of the serv- ings are not sufficiently standardized to enable one to compute with accuracy the energy intake from the calories claimed to be in the different portions served. The Battle Creek Sanitarium, emphasizing the signifiance of vegetables, likewise prints on its menu cards the calories in the food served. But the food at Childs restaurants and at the Battle Creek Sanitarium is not necessarily representative of the food served in other restaurants or in one's home. Hence we must use the old Atwater-Bryant tables, which are in many ways inade- quate for computing the energy content of the modern diet. One of the three factors determining the true energy value of a food is the amount of energy in the food leaving the body undigested in the excreta. With humans this loss of energy is small, and the actual heat of combustion of human food can be accepted as indicative of its true energy value. But with cattle a large proportion of the food eaten leaves the alimentary tract undigested. Hence the heat of combustion of cattle food cannot be considered indicative of its real energy value, but the heat of combustion of the feces must also be determined. The development of the oxy-calorimeter at the Nutri- (1) Atwater, W. O., and C. D. Woods, U. S. Dept. Agric, Office Expt. Sta., Bulletin No. 28, 1896; revised editions published in 1902 and 1906 by Atwater, W. O., and A. P. Bryant. (2) See, for example, Rose, M. S., Feeding the family, New York, 1925; Laboratory handbook for dietetics, New York, 1929; The foundations of nu- trition, New York, 1927. (3) Gephart, F. C, and G. Lusk, Analysis and cost of ready-to-serve foods, Chicago, 1915. May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 57 tion Laboratory and its extensive practical use in our research at the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station demonstrate that it is now possible to determine the energy value both of the modern diet and of feces accurately and in much less time than is x'equired in the use of the complicated bomb calorimeter. The technique of the oxy-calorimeter requires two simple pro- cedures, the drying of the sample of food or feces to an air-dry con- dition and the burning of the air-dry sample in the apparatus. The latter procedure requires only 15 minutes at most, and experience in the burning of samples can be readily acquired. An individual whose energy intake is to be studied can easily cooperate with the clinician or dietitian in securing the air-dry sample of his food by placing in a previously weighed pan a duplicate of each serving of food eaten during the day. At the end of the day the pan will con- tain a duplicate of the total food intake. If extreme accuracy is required, the weight of the food eaten should be known and an equivalent weight placed in the pan. But if a serving of food seem- ingly similar to the serving eaten is placed in the dish, the error in- volved is for most purposes insignificant. In a large dietary study of twelve men voluntarily undergoing a period of undernutrition,! du- plicate samples of the food served to the twelve men were placed in two extra dishes on the table, termed the "thirteenth and the fourteenth men." The agreement between these two samples was all that could be expected, and this method of sampling the day's food intake was considered satisfactory. Examination of the data secured in our research with the oxy- calorimeter suggests that in the case of mixed meals, at least, the energy value may be estimated by an even simpler means than the use of the oxy-calorimeter. With the individual food items such as doughnuts, candy, ice cream, and the like, the ratio between the energy content and the weight of air-dry matter was often found to vary rather widely. But with the mixed meals the ratio was re- markably constant, 5 calories per gram of air-dry matter on the average. In view of the high digestibility of the foods consumed by man, it is clear that by determining the air-dry weight in grams of a mixture of foods and by multiplying this weight by the factor 5, one can estimate the total calories in a mixed meal with a relatively high degree of accuracy. This procedure does away with the necessity for using either the bomb or the oxy-calorimeter, and although it cannot have the scientific accuracy of either of these rigidly tested means of energy measurement, nevertheless we believe that as a pro- cedure in the hospital and in the dietetic laboratory it is of great practical value. In the tabular presentation of our data emphasis has been laid upon the calories and the protein which may be purchased for ten (1) Benedict, P. G., W. R. Miles, P. Roth, and H. M. Smith, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 280, 1919, p. 68. 58 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 cents. Although economics is not one of the first considerations of the average individual, there are nevertheless in every college com- munity many students who must work their way and obtain their education with a minimum expenditure of money. Any information which will enable them to make a more intelligent selection of food, be it only from the economic standpoint, is worthy of emphasis. The variability in the daily energy intake of an individual is determined in large part by his free choice of food. But when it is possible for a student earning his way through college to select a 40-cent meal at a cafeteria and secure therefrom only 334 calories (see Table 19, Sample 156), he should be aware of that fact. If digestibility and practicability were left out of consideration, one could obtain the total number of calories required for the day in ten or twelve cents' worth of cane sugar. Obviously a diet ex- clusively of cane sugar is impracticable, because the vitamines, salts, and protein are absent and because the digestive tract of man cannot take care of this amount of sugar per day. The second objection could be removed by substituting potatoes or rice or some other in- expensive vegetable which will furnish the requisite number of calories at a low price. But these would not supply an adequate amount of protein. The wise selection of food is, therefore, not simply a question of calories. Some consideration must be given to the protein intake, to the digestibility of the food, and to a certain ex- tent to the palatability of the food. The cafeterias and restaurants now offer such a wide variety of foods that it should be possible to make selections which are at the same time digestible, reasonably palatable, and economical. It is still a question whether the rela- tively inexpensive milk furnished in a college community is used widely enough. A quart of milk at 12 cents affords 33 grams of protein and 687 calories. One cannot of course exist exclusively upon milk, but milk should enter more generally into the diet than it ap- parently does, judging from the restaurant menus and our impres- sions of students' eating habits obtained during the progress of this research. In emphasizing the important part which energy intake plays in nutrition, we would not have the student overlook the value of the vitamines, salts, and proteins; yet we believe that for a short period these could be safely disregarded. It is not necessary, for example, that the food intake each day should contain exactly the correct pro- portions of protein, vitamines, and salts. The adaptability of the human body is such that there may easily be large variations in the intake of vitamines and salts from day to day without the slightest harm to the body. The source of vitamines is frequently an expen- sive one. Those obtained in milk are ideal, and this is another quality of milk which makes it such a valuable food. On the other hand, when one relies for vitamines and salts upon leafy, green vegetables and fruits eaten out of season, the expense is considerable. May, 1929] FOODS IN A COLLEGE COMMUNITY 59 One striking observation made during our research was that the coarse breads and cereals are so seldom eaten. The experience of one of us during the World War when studying a group of men liv- ing on reduced rations, i showed that the liberal use of bran, and by this we do not refer to the expensive packages of bran but to ordinary bran, is a most fruitful source of salts, vitamines and roughage. It is not inconceivable that with suitable education, college communities may come to the "open bran bowl" at the table as well as the "open sugar bowl." On the other hand, a warning should be issued that some individuals react unfavorably to bran and that one should first test slowly the amount to be eaten rather than take excessive amounts without previous experience. The eating of meals, even in a college community, is not a matter, however, simply of scientific stoking or gathering in of calories. Din- ing is supposedly a feature. But one can hardly be said to have dined, even in the best organized college cafeteria. Such cafeterias are run at minimum cost and are supposed to give the students the best meals possible for a minimum amount of money, with only moderate attention paid to luxury of service or "atmosphere." For this reason the college student perhaps cannot be too critical of flavor and environment. He should emphasize the food value obtained for the money paid and let flavor and atmosphere be a secondary con- sideration. Certainly the data given in this report show that it is possible for one to select meals varying greatly in energy and protein content, and it would seem justifiable in a college community, where courses in nutrition are offered as part of the educational program, to give the student at least an approximate idea of the value of the food he is purchasing by stating directly on the menu the average number of calories and the average grams of protein probably con- tained in the food served. SUMMARY A survey of the energy and the protein content of a large number of individual foods and of mixed meals has been made in the college community at Durham, New Hampshire, in a cooperative research undertaken by the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station and the Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington. The energy values were obtained with an oxy-calorimeter developed at the Nutrition Laboratory. The nitrogen analyses were carried out by the Kjeldahl method. Studies were made of the meals served at the local restaurants and at the home economics practice house; a few samples were obtained in Dover, New Hampshire, and in Boston. The separate food items which were analyzed included breads, doughnuts, sand- wiches, salads, pies, ice cream, and candies. (1) Benedict, F. G., W. R. Miles, P. Roth, and H. M. Smith, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 280, 1919, p. 260. 60 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXPERIMENT STATION [Bull. 242 Five-cent packages of sandwiches sold in waxed paper and con- sisting of crackers with various fillings were found to contain nearly 200 calories each, or as much energy as that in the average 10-cent fresh sandwich. Fifteen-cent servings of ice cream averaged about 200 grams in weight, 500 calories of total energy and 7 grams of protein. The energy value per ten cents of sundaes from the drug stores was about 250 calories or nearly 100 calories less than in the ice cream. One pint of chocolate milk shake furnished from 450 to 500 calories and from 14 to 15 grams of protein. Sixty-six candies were analyzed and the results averaged in nine groups a'^icording to their composition. Per gram of weight as pur- chased, the average caloric values ranged from 6.4 with the group of chocolate nut bars to 3.7 with the miscellaneous candies not chocolate coated and containing no nuts. On the average, one can obtain not far from 450 calories per ten cents in this form of food. Thirty-four dinners from the college cafeteria furnished from 517 to 1610 calories and from 10 to 60 grams of protein each, not including the butter and beverage. Twenty-nine dinners from three commercial restaurants in Durham contained from 456 to 805 calories and from 19 to 43 grams of protein. Assuming that butter and a glass of milk were taken with these meals, the calories per ten cents ranged from 165 to 410 at the cafeteria and from 145 to 245 at the restaurants, and the protein content per ten cents varied from 4 to 15 grams and from 6 to 11 grams, respectively. Twenty-two suppers selected at the cafeteria varied in energy and protein content per ten cents in much the same manner as the dinners. Food combinations served at the other restaurants at night yielded from 70 to 385 calories and from 2 to 13 grams of protein per ten cents (figures include glass of milk, if beverage was served, and butter). The meals served each student at the home economics practice house for a week averaged 2450 calories and 61 grams of protein per day. The data on mixed meals indicate that the energy value of the total food consumed per day, per week, or for any period of time may be estimated with a relatively high degree of accuracy by obtaining the air-dry weight of a food mixture and multiplying it by the factor 5. This procedure does away with the necessity for using either the bomb or the oxy-calorimeter and gives the physician and the dietitian a simple means of calculating the energy intake with a degree of accuracy sufficient for most purposes. - TtA CJ J. I x& 630i72 no. 203 250 ■ *m i'iiiiii'tiliiili