iSiJUi^ Xl-Z.- '2.f^4 OK V^V ^L. ^ z-H- :<^^ EXPERIMENT STATION LIBRARY station IJuUetiii 274 Jimc, 1933 POLLINATION AND FRUIT SETTING IN THE APPLE By L. P. LATIMER Cheesecloth cages used to keep insects from trees during pollination experiments New Hampshire Aaricultiiral Experiment Station University of New Hampshire Dui'ham, X. H. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Development of Orcharding and the Pollination Problem ... 3 Flower Bud Formation and Development 5 Mechanics of Apple Fertilization Pollination 8 The Flower 8 Fertilization of the Egg Cells 10 Pollination of the Apple Under New Hampshire Conditions The Need for Pollenizers 13 Effect of Location 15 Tests for Self-unfruitful Orchards 16 Pollination Experiments in New Hampshire, 1927-32 Pollination of Mcintosh 17 Pollination of Cortland 25 Pollination of Delicious and Gravenstein 25 Relation of Pollen Viability to Set of Fruit in Cross Pollination . . 26 Effect of Position of the Flower in the Cluster on Set of Fruit . . 26 Pollination and Orchard Planting and Management Coincidence of Blooming Periods of Varieties 27 Bees in the Orchard 30 Distribution of Pollenizers in the Orchard 30 Reworking Orchards to Pollenizers Zl Temporary Relief from Lack of Pollenizers 38 Summary 38 Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple By L. p. LATIMER Pollination has come to be a general problem in our New England orchards in recent years due to the fact that fewer varieties of apples are now planted in a given orchard than was the case a quarter of a century or more ago. I. Development of Orcharding and the Pollination Problem The earliest settlers in America brought apple seeds from Europe and planted them here. As time went on more seedlings were developed and occasionally plants of a named variety were imported from Europe. Later the special merits of certain seedlings were appreciated and grafts made from them to perpetuate the type. Thus different settlers and their descend- ants in the new world developed fruit gardens containing several to many trees of quite different types. In those days wild bees, including bumble bees, were also plentiful and well able to carry all the pollen needed for pollination of self-sterile varie- ties which, then as today, would not set fruit when pollenized with their own pollen. The result was that in those early times the large mixture of varieties and plentifulness of wild bees in proportion to the size of planting led to no difficulties of set as are experienced today. Hence no problem of pollination became apparent. Up to the middle of the 18th century, commercial orchards as we now know them had not been definitely established in America. Grafted trees were planted before this time, but plantings of "common" or "cider" apples still predominated. The rapid growth of New York City, and its importance as a seaport, resulted in a large market and outlet for American apples. Boston was a similar center. During the last quarter of the 18th century, considerable trans-Atlantic shipments of apples were made. The Newton Pippins (green and yellow) had l)y this time come to be known as America's highest-quality apple. Its popularity on the continent followed the receipt of a box by Benjamin Franklin in London in 1758. The increasing tendency since then has been to plant only those varieties which seemed most profitable in large centers of population and in foreign trade. This resulted in the development of the truly commercial orchard where only grafted and budded varieties of proven merit were planted. At first the list of such varieties was rather large, because of the various tastes and demands of consumers who were still used to the products of the 4 N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 older fruit gardens. As the years passed, fewer and fewer varieties were planted. Local demands and the profit from the different varieties in the market governed the planter's choice. Varieties tender to cold or unpro- ductive of large and regular crops, were culled from the orchard. Those especially subject to disease and insect attacks and those not universally popular because of color, flavor, or keeping qualities, came to be placed in the catalog of obsolete varieties. New varieties were eagerly sought in order to obtain apples better in some respect than those already established. These changes finally led to conditions occasionally found in the last of the 19th century and often dur- ing the present century, where apple plantings that bloomed heavily failed to produce fruit. One of the earliest examples of this condition appeared in the pear industry. Many plantings of Bartlett pears in large blocks were made in the 70's and 80's. When they reached bearing age they produced little or no fruit. The trouble was traced to the fact that under most conditions the Bartlett is partially or wholly self-sterile. The remedy was to plant some other variety with the Bartlett to provide pollen for its flowers, thus insur- ing a crop of fruit. This discovery was made and published by M. B. Waite (1) in 1892-3 and the knowledge has since been invaluable to fruit growers. Even now self-unfruitful varieties are occasionally planted in solid blocks. In New England the Mcintosh falls in this class. History will without doubt repeat itself in this respect whenever new varieties are introduced that are more profitable than existing ones. When the error of planting a self-unfruitful variety in a solid block is discovered perhaps 10 or 15 years later, the remedy is to graft pollenizers into certain trees in the orchard and to include pollenizers in future plant- ings. The mistake is costly because five or six years pass before the pollen- izers grafted into the orchard bloom sufficiently to be effective in cross pollination. This would make the tree needing pollination at least twenty years old before a full crop could be produced. Not so well known is the fact that good pollenizers themselves may not be readily pollenized by the main crop variety which has shown need of pollination. Although Delicious wall pollenize Mcintosh, for example, this is no indication that Mcintosh will in turn pollenize Delicious. Further- more, inter-sterility may exist between two varieties. Several varieties of apples in New England produce paying crops, even when i)lanted in large blocks without pollenizers. They may therefore be considered self-fruitful sorts. Baldwin is outstanding in this class. The fact that a variety may be self-fruitful does not signify that it is also a good pollenizer. The self-fruitful Baldwin is practically useless as a pol- lenizer for any other important commercial variety grown in New Hampshire. Darwin emphasized in 1859 that "Nature . . . abhors perpetual self- fertilization." He indicated in his work that cross- fertilization is of value in the plant kingdom. Half a century earlier investigators were aware that bees carried pollen from one flower to another but were unaware of the exact nature of the benefit. (1) M. a. Waite. The pollination of pear flowers. U.S.D.A. Bur. Veg. and Plant Path. Bui. 5 (1893) June. 1933] Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple 5 The need of cross-pollination is thus a relatively new discovery following in the footsteps of commercialization of the apple industry. Since the time Waite attempted to discover what effects the self and cross-transfer of pol- len would have on the resulting fruit, it has heen determined that the amount of fruit setting on the various varieties can be increased through cross-pollination by many other sorts and that, in most cases, this is a very necessary consideration. To determine the list of suitable pollenizers for the various cultivated sorts, certain experiment stations have conducted pollination tests. The re- quirements of some of the older sorts have been pretty well worked out, but there will always be the necessity for determining the requirements of new varieties as they are developed, and likewise the efTectivenss of new varie- ties as pollenizers for the older ones. The experiment station may save growers much time by recommending quality orchard varieties that will poUenize one another satisfactorily. With a list of such varieties and some idea of the degree of coincidence in their blooming dates, the grower should be able to pick desirable combinations. It is to be assumed that he will exercise some judgment in choosing varie- ties with relation to market demands, climatic and regional adaption and other points related to profitableness. II. Flower Bud Formation and Development Inasmuch as the set of fruit is intimately connected with the blossom (the apple fruit being formed from the basal portion of the flower), it is very essential to keep the tree in such a state of vigor that it will produce a plentiful supply of strong flower buds. The first essential is that the tree be grown properly. A strong frame- work, proper fertilization of the soil and good management of water- supply are necessary. When the tree has reached the age to produce flower buds, attention must be paid to this process. Without these, or with the formation of only weak ones, no fruit will result. The flower-cluster buds on the apple tree are produced principally on short growths or shoots called spurs. With some varieties flower-bud clus- ters are also formed at the tips of new shoots or in the axils of the leaves of new growth. In any event this is a summer development preceding blossoming. Microscopic examination of buds on spurs of the Baldwin and Mcintosh has shown that in New Hampshire the first stages of flower-bud differenti- ation can be detected from the middle to the last of July.* At this time with the aid of the microscope, buds that are going to form only leafy shoots or spurs may be readily told from those that have the possibility of ultimately forming fruits. It must be remembered that for the buds to ma- ture into good blossoms and fruit, favorable conditions must be maintained for their continued development. * E. J. Rasmussen. The period of blo-ssom-bud differentiation in the Baldwin and Mcintosh apples. Amer. Soc. Hort. Rci. Report 26-255-260 (1929). N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 Fig. 1. Bud of Baldwin. July 29, 1928 (after Rasmussen). Typical of leaf and shoot buds. n^F^' / ■.*:; Fig. 2. An earlv stage in tlie development of a flower bud cluster. Ikddw'.n, August 20. 1928 (after Rasmussen). June, 1933] Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple 7 Fig. 1 shows just how a leaf or shoot bud looks when cross-sectioned and observed under the microscope. The hard outer scales enclose embryonic hairs, leaves and leaf primordia. The growing tip located in the center has a smooth, rounded surface. All leaf and flower buds in the first stage of development show this appearance. After the first of July in New Hampshire, some of the buds on trees of bearing age may show a change in the character of this central growing point. Instead of remaining nicely rounded, the outline of the growing tip becomes marked by angular projections. These elongate, so that after a period of some three weeks, the buds have changed in appearance to that noted in Fig. 2. Here the rudiments of the various flowers of the cluster have been formed. Fig. 3 explains the parts and their regular succession. The first prominences to appear are those of the outermost part or calyx ; those of the pistil and ovules are last. Under favorable conditions the flower buds continue to develop slowly Fig. 3. Illustrating the development of the flower bud cluster. Bald- win, March 9, 1933 (25x). A. Terminal bud of the cluster. B. Lateral buds of the cluster, a. Primordia of calyx or sepals, b. Primordia of petals, c. Primordia of stamens, d. Primordia of pistil, e. Cavity which eventuallj' becomes the ovary with its contents — ovules, etc. through fall and winter. During April the primordia rapidly complete their development into calyx, petals, stamens and ovary. Then in May warm weather brings rapid growth and swelling of the flower buds. They subse- quently burst into bloom, with matin-e pollen and ovules. Much can happen to prevent many or all of these embryonic flower buds from reaching the mature stage. Factors that strongly inhibit fruit or flower-bud formation are: 1. A heavy set' of fruit such as may occur espe- cially in biennial bearers like Baldwin, Wagener, and Wealthy. 2. Heavy shading, as from foliage of an extra-vigorous tree. 3. Cool w^eather or 8 N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 dark days about the time fruit-bud formation usually takes place. 4. Im- proper balance between food and nutrients, which may be caused by lack of leaf surface due to insect attacks or lack of minerals in the soil, especially nitrogen. Once flower buds have been initiated, conditions for carbohy- drate, moisture, and mineral supplies must be kept as near the optimum as possible to insure continued development of the buds. The tree must also be brought safely into the rest period by prevention of growth late in the season. Late growth may result from injudicious applications of nitrogen or excess moisture in the soil. In the cultivated orchard a cover crop planted about July 1 will alleviate the latter condition. In the winter there is danger with the more tender varieties that 25° to 30° F., below zero will freeze some or all of the flower buds. Once killed by freezing, no other flower buds will form in time to open in the spring. The leaf buds are more hardy and do not freeze at these temperatures. Provided the hazards of winter have been avoided, there is still danger from spring frost where a temperature of 25° or 26° F. may totally ruin the fruit crop through freezing of the unfolding buds or open blossoms. Under such con- ditions the pistils are usually injured. The pollen may also be injured and often the ovules. To insure the proper nutrient and moisture conditions, an appHcation of nitrogen is generally made in the sod or sod-mulch orchard a short time before the trees come into bloom in May and a mulch applied a little before July 1 to conserve moisture. This early nitrogen application is beneficial to the setting of fruit, to fruit-bud formation, and to the further develop- ment of the fruit. Light frost after the buds have appeared may not inter- fere at times with the set or pollen formation but may cause injury to the outer layer or epidermis of the flower parts. The result will be a russeted fruit or one with russet rings, cracks, or malformations. III. Mechanics of Apple Fertilization Pollination: Pollination means the transfer of pollen from the stamens to the pistils of the flowers. With apples this is mostly eft'ected by insects, principally the various kinds of bees. The pollination of apples cannot be assured through the agency of the wind. Pollination is only one step toward insuring a set of fruit. FertiHzation of the egg cells in the ovules is necessary with most apples to cause fruit to set. This fertilization process results in the formation of seed. Further growth of the tissue of the fruit is directly correlated with seed develop- ment. The pollen of only certain varieties can under certain conditions effect satisfactory fertilization and set, hence the need to study the value of difl"erent varieties as pollenizers for the different apple sorts. To show the relation of various factors to the fertilization of flowers and set of fruit, a short description of the structure of the flower and the pro- cess of egg fertilization is presented. The Flower: Fig. 4 shows the cross section of an apple flower. Figs. 5, 6 and 7 show and describe the essential parts in detail. The important parts of the flower with relation to pollination are the stamens and pistils. Each stamen con- June, 1933] Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple Fig. 4. Cross section of apple flower, a. Sepal or calyx, b. Petal, c. Filament of stamen, d. Anther of stamen, containing pollen, e. Pis- til, f. Stigma of pistil, g. Ovary containing ovules. It is the ovary and the adjacent fleshy parts of the flower that ultimately become the fruit. • / Fig. 5. Upper portion of stamen (Mcintosh), a. Anther (40x). b. Filament. 10 N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 sists of an anther, a small yellowish sac attached to the end of a slender \vhite filament or stalk. The anthers contain thousands of minute rounded cells known as pollen grains which contain sperms, the male elements of the flower. The cultivated varieties of apples ordinarily have 20 stamens, although occasionally small petal-like organs may be found to have replaced some of the stamens, and sometimes the filaments of the stamens may appear petal- like. Each pistil in the apple consists of five slender green stalks which are coalesced in the lower part to form a single cylinder of tissue, usually more or less covered with fine hairs. The five individual parts of the pistil are called styles. Each style is capped with a stigma. The stigma has a papil- lated surface (see Fig. 7.). It is on this surface that the pollen grains are left by the insects and this is the place where the germination of the pollen grains takes place. The female portion of the flower consists of three parts : ovary, style and stigma. The ovary is the basal portion of this apparatus. It lies im- Fig. 6. Cross section of mature anther of Mcintosh (35x). a. Fila- ment attachment, b. Cavity containing pollen grains, c. Integuments which open out as the anthers dry, exposing the pollen. bedded in the tissues beneath the calyz and contains the ovules, occasionally 20 in number ])ut in most varieties 10. Each ovule contains a female element or egg cell, so that with perfect fertilization it is possible in some varieties to develop 20 seeds in the apple. Fertilization and complete development of all the ovules into seeds seldom occurs in any apple, five to 10 seeds being the usual number. Fertilization of the Egg Cells: To fertilize the 20 ovules of a Mcintosh apple ovary, at least 20 dififer- ent pollen grains are needed. As it happens only a few of the thousands of pollen grains ])roduce(l ultimately reach an ovule to effect fertilization. Individual pollen grains when mature are crowded closely together in the anther. When the flower bud opens and the anther is exposed to the sun and dry air, it splits open leaving the pollen exposed. This pollen looks to the unaided eye like a fine, powdery-yellow dust. Each grain is too small to be seen as an individual by the unaided eye. The pollen grain (Fig. 8A) when saturated with water is slightl}- triangular in June, 1933] Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple 11 uJ-^^J^O^X A FiQ. 8 B -a — a Fiq.9 Fig. 7. End of pistil of Mcintosh (45x). a. Papilla-like terminal cells of stigma, b. Pollen grain caught in terminal cells. Fig. 8. A. Pollen grains after absorbing water (270x). B. Pollen grains before absorbing water (270x). Fig. 9. Pollen grains after three hours in germinating medium of 15 per cent sucrose (270x). a. Pollen tubes shortly after germination of the pollen. shape but with a well-rounded surface which is somewhat roughened, enab- ling it to adhere to the bodies of bees and other insects that visit the flowers. Perhaps 75,000 pollen grains are produced by each vigorous, healthy apple flower and all these could easily be carried on the body of a single bee. Should each pollen grain from a single flower ultimately fertilize an ovule, then the pollen from this one flower would be capable of causing the setting of from 7,500 to 15,000 fruits, or the crop of 10 trees. What actu- ally happens is that not more than one pollen grain in 10.000 ever reaches 12 N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 and fertilizes an ovule ; so it takes the blossoms on one whole tree of a pollenizer to insure the production of a good crop on ten other trees. Under natural conditions in the orchard many factors prevent the effi- cient utilization of pollen. Weather and the presence or lack of insects are most important in this respect. The honey and bumble bees are the principal insects involved in the transfer of apple pollen. The mature pollen grain is a specialized cell containing a great amount of stored food. A large nucleus occupies a portion of it, or in the case of apple pollen, two nuclei, one of which is known as the "tube" nucleus because it directs the course of the pollen tube growth dow-n the style into the ovary. The other is known as the generative nucleus because it contains the male elements that function later in the fertilization process. Fig. 10. Terminal and undcTlying cells of stigma (OOOx). The nuclei and the stored food are enclosed by two layers of material. The outer one is composed chiefly of cutin, a substance very resistant to moisture and to the penetration of chemical substances. The bee visiting the opened flower in search of either nectar or pollen brushes against the opened anthers and becomes covered with pollen grains whicli stick to the hairs covering the body of the insect. Some of these grains mav be deposited on the surface of the stigma of other flowers or possibly the same flower. On reaching the stigma the normal pollen grain germinates by sending out a so-called "tube" (Fig. 9.). This penetrates the tissue of the stigma and grows downward through the central portion of the style in the direc- tion of the ovary. This i)rogress is accompanied by the movement of the tube nucleus down through the stylar tissue, with the generative nucleus traveling liehind or l)eside it. During this period the latter divides into two sperm nuclei. June, 1933] Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple 13 As the nuclei move farther and farther down the style, the older part of the tube becomes plugged with callose, which separates the growing part forever from the original pollen grain. The pollen tube finally reaches the ovary, enters an ovule and discharges the male nuclei or sperms. One of these fuses with the egg nucleus and an embryo is formed. The ovule then develops into a structure known as the seed. Without fertilization the seed would not develop. If reports of their occurrence can be considered authentic, cases of seed development without fertilization of the ovules rarely occur in the apple. It is the development of viable seed that is so important to the set and further development of the fruit. A tree soon sheds flowers in which a sufficient number of ovules are not fertilized. Other flowers in which ovules become aborted are also generally dropped. Flowers may set fruit heavily, apparently with plenty of seeds, yet the June drop may be heavy because of the competition for food and water. To insure the sticking of fruit that has been fertilized, it is important, therefore, that the tree be properly supplied with moisture and nitrogen. __b Fig. 11. a. Pollen grain after alighting on stigmatic surface b. IV. Pollination of the Apple Under Neyv Hampshire Conditions The Need fcr Po'Jenizers: Self-unfruitfulness. A large majority of apple varieties and nearly all of the important commercial sorts are unable to develop seed or set a crop of fruit when pollenized with their own pollen. These are considered self- unfruitful, because of the general inability of the pollen to efifect self- fertilization. In orchard observations the self-unfruitfulness of certain varieties has often been strongly suspected, but carefully controlled hand-pollination experiments have been necessary to prove the fact. The supposition has also been advanced that certain varieties were especially good poUenizers for these self-unfruitful sorts. This has often been indicated in orchards, one section of which has a given variety in the vicinity of certain other 14 N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 varieties. Heavier sets of fruit have consistently been obtained in such areas as compared with other parts remote from these pollenizer trees. This can be checked through hand-pollination experiments. Even though liberally supplied with bees, plantings of large blocks of a single variety of apple such as Delicious, for instance, have often failed to set fruit. This has frequently led to the supposition that under existing environmental conditions the lack of set was due to self-unfruitfulness. This would later be confirmed when good sets of fruit were obtained after the introduction of other varieties to act as pollenizers. Emphasis should be placed on the fact that one must be sure lack of bees is not the cause of poor pollination before concluding that the trouble is lack of good pol- lenizers. From general observations and from carefully controlled experiments, it has been possible to classify most of the commercial varieties of apples into a number of classes ranging from the self-fruitful — those setting fruit with own pollen — to the kinds which are entirely self-unfruitful. A good many varieties will set a small amount of fruit through self-pollination, but this will not be enough to produce a paying crop. Given varieties in different sections of the country differ as to the degree of self-unfruitfulness. Generally the soil and cHmatic conditions are widely different in places where such wide differences in self-fruitfulness and un- fruitfulness exist. A good example is the Mcintosh which is partially self- unfruitful in the humid eastern half of North America, yet is reported as being self-fruitful in Montana and Washington, the arid northwestern sec- tion of the United States. Baldwin, on the other hand, is considered self- fruitful in northern New England, but has been reported as being self- unfruitful in some other sections. Among the varieties that are self-unfruitful to a great enough degree to reduce the set below any desirable commercial quantity in New Hampshire, may be listed Mcintosh, Delicious, Gravenstein, Rhode Island Greening, Northern Spy, Wagener, Fameuse, Golden Delicious. Winesap, Stayman Winesap and Winter Banana. Certainly many other varieties also fall into this class, but it is not within the scope of this bulletin to include them. Some are new and have not as yet been thoroughly tested at this or nearby stations. Others are now obsolete or of little or no commercial importance. Cross-unfniitfulness. Cross and inter-unfruitfulness may also occur among certain varieties. This fact is of importance to the apple grower because plantings are often made of varieties which may pollinate in one direction but not in the other. Gravenstein will not satisfactorily pollinate Mcintosh, for example, but Mcintosh is an excellent pollenizer for Grav- enstein. Again. Northern Spy and Rhode Island Greening in some sections seem among themselves to be unfruitWl, neither being able to set a crop of fruit when one pollenizes the other. ^^S'^r^^ J 'y"^'->''-i< '>-■--(■''] ^ Inter-fntitfuhicss. Fortunately a few varieties are mter-f ruitful ; that is, cross-jiollination is successful in both directions. This minimizes the nvunber of varieties to be planted in a given orchard and may be an advan- tage under many conditions. Cortland and Mcintosh are good examples. They will satisfactorily pollenize one another. Gravenstein and Delicious, Gravenstein and Wagener, and Mcintosh and Oldenburg are similar inter- fruitful combinations. June, 1933 J Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple 6? Self-fniitf Illness. Self- fruit fulness occurs where fruit setting is satis- factory from the application of a given variety of pollen to a flower of the same variety. The presence of bees helps to increase the set in such varieties by increasing the transfer of pollen. Many large blocks in New- Hampshire consist entirely of Baldwin and always set heavy crops. Hand- pollination tests confirm these observations. The set on self-fruitful sorts may generally be further increased through cross-pollination, but in some cases this may not be desirable. Too heavy a set may be detrimental. H the fruit of pollenizers does not have a high market value, self-fruitful sorts are economical. Effect of Location: The effect of locality on pollination and fruit setting has already been mentioned. Variations in the results of certain varieties as pollenizers for others, or in the self-fruitfulness of certain varieties, can be noted only when wide areas are considered. Mcintosh is self-unfruitful to a high degree throughout New England, for example, but self-fruitful to a much greater degree in Washington (1) and Montana (2). Baldwin which seems self-fruitful in New Hampshire to the satisfaction of commercial growers has been found by Hewlett (3) to be doubtfully so in Ohio. Differences in the self-fruitfulness of these varieties, on the other hand, does not vary appreciably within a distance of several hundred miles, as indicated by a comparison of New Hampshire experiences with experi- ments in Massachusetts (4) and New York (5). The same is indicated in the case of Mcintosh self-fruitfulness when comparing the results of Mon- tana (2) and Washington (1). Nevertheless, Mcintosh and other varieties nearly always set heavier crops in some sections of New England than in others. Mcintosh orchards located on hillsides and hilltops in some areas of New Hampshire are noted for their heavy set of fruit, which is generally better than in valley orchards. Even when pollenizers are reduced to a minimum at the higher elevations, the set of fruit is sometimes superior to that at lower elevations where better provision has been made for pollination. Observations of Mcintosh planted in blocks have sometimes led the grower to believe that in these orchards the Mcintosh was self-fruitful. Generally in such cases, however, a few odd varieties may be discovered in adjacent fields w^hich would easily be a source of pollen. Frequently a grower will overlook this fact, the usual feeling being that only common cultivated sorts can pollinate cultivated varieties. This assumption is wrong in most cases, for it is more often the fact that such odd varieties or seed- lings make exceptionally good pollenizers. A location at a small elevation may often be more favorable for fruit setting, because of the greater freedom from frost at blossom and fruit- (1) O. M. Morris. .Studies in upple pollination. Wash. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 1(53. (1921) (2) F. M. Harrington and W. E. Pollinger. Pollination of the Mcintosh apple. Mont. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 2.56. (1932) (3) F. &'. Howlett. Apple pollination studies in Ohio. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 404. (1927) (4) F. C. Sears. The pollination problem in Massachusetts apple orchards. Rpt. Mass. Fruit Growers Assn. (1928) (5) L. H. MacDaniels and A. J. Heinicke. Pollination and other factors affecting the set of fruit with special reference to the apple. Cornell Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 497 (1929) 16 N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 Fig. 12. Cross section of ovary (20x). Note locule or cavity in which the ovule is located, a. Base of pistil. setting time. The flower parts become progressively more susceptible to low-temperature injury as they approach the stage when the ovule becomes fertilized. The advantage of an elevation is well known with regard to lessening damage from spring frosts. Location as affected by climate causes variations in the time that various varieties come into bloom. Varieties that coincide in time of bloom in one place may bloom on different dates elsewhere. This same variation may also occur in the same location in different seasons. Tests for Self -unfruitful Orchards: It is easy to test whether or not a lack of fruitfulness which has persisted year after year in an orchard is due to lack of pollenizers. If some blossoms of the variety are hand pollinated with pollen of a known good poUenizer and a liigh percentage of set occurs while the usual unfruitfulness of the remainder of the blossoms persists, then it may be concluded that either bees or pollenizers are lacking. If bees had also been provided in the orchard without increasing the set, then the conclusion would be justifiable that pollenizers were absent. Another method to test whether the cause of unfruitfulness is lack of pollenizers, would be to introduce some branches of a good known poUen- izer into the orchard at blossom time. If plenty of bees are also present and a set of fruit is obtained, this is proof of the lack of pollenizers. For such reasons as these the recommendation is always made to inter- plant varieties in the apple orchard to insure a good set of fruit. June, 1933] Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple 17 V. Pollination Experiments in New Hampshire, 1927-1932 Pollination of Mcintosh: In 1927 work was begun to determine the effectiveness of various com- mercial varieties as pollenizers for Mcintosh. In addition to hand pollina- tions in screened cages, observations were made to compare the open set on Mcintosh trees adjacent or near to various other varieties and on those somewhat isolated from other varieties. In 1930, reciprocal pollinations were made with Delicious, Gravenstein, and Cortland. In 1927 a moderately vigorous 20-year-old Mcintosh tree was enclosed in a wire-screen cage just before the flower buds began to open. This tree was located in a sod orchard and had been fertilized with five pounds of sodium nitrate or ammonium sulfate annually since coming into bearing. In 1929 a different Mcintosh tree of corresponding size and vigor was similarly caged in the same sod orchard. In 1930 in another orchard which is grown under cultivation with com- bined intercrops and cover crops, tw^o Mcintosh trees were enclosed just before the first blossom buds opened. The cages consisted of wooden frames covered with cheese cloth. These trees were 11 years old (from the time of planting), had borne two crops, and were of ordinary good vigor. In 1931 two other trees were tested in the same cultivated orchard. These were also enclosed in cheese-cloth cages. To increase the amount of data and to compare effects in differently located sections, a Mcintosh tree was caged in cheese cloth in a southern New Hampshire orchard where normally trees of a given variety come into bloom from four to seven days earlier than at Durham. Two young Cort- land trees w-ere also caged and crosses made. Because of the desire to try out some of the new Mclntosh-like sorts, one of the leading questions of growers in New Hampshire is the efficiency of newer varieties as pollenizers. It was therefore concluded that some value to growers might be derived from using a few of the newly originated varieties as pollenizers for Mcintosh. The work was therefore discontinued of testing as pollenizers varieties which had shown themselves to be consist- ently good pollenizers, or had proven less desirable from a standpoint of commercial value. Pollen was obtained from the new varieties by removing the anthers from buds gathered as late as possible before the petals began to unfold and before danger of the stamens becoming contaminated by insect visits to the flowers. Since fresh pollen was gathered daily and none was held for use another day, the danger of loss of vitality in the pollen was reduced to a minimum. Pollen was placed on the stigmas of opened flowers when the maximum number on a cluster were apparently in a receptive condition. In this way an average of four blossoms per cluster were pollinated. Unopened buds on a cluster, flowers that were apparently near the end of the receptive stage, and imperfect flowers w^ere removed at this time of pollination. 18 N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 <3 a V 'U S •G) -a a a o <-) (a i-l « < _c 'u > o U o en D C u o CD U o u a. 3 as Tt 00 o t< o GO CO lOf^l CM t-^o Tf r^ O 00 1^ f^) o ON lO t^ ■o o U 00 OS OsOn"^ rofOro .-h ■^ O t^i^ioNOOOONr-^! •^ o) o ro (M LO . ro On -^-i NO l-H 1 ■^ u BFl ro On *w -^ (^1 .1 ro Os CO H — — — CM On -3 o CO CM CO CO CO vo r^ CO 00 CO IT) CO o ^o o ^ 00 *— < lO lo \o ON0C3 CM Tj-00 o U fc 00 00 -*-* •rf so > 0Q ' 1 3 u 00 0\ u-i ^^ ^- rvio U-) o as 00 ■^ (Mcgoo vO o u-i ^o ,_4 r^ >0?V) lO lO »-H OS '^ -o U. ns 4-» so 3 ■* u 1— ( pq 00 r^ ooo t^sOsO rOCO 00 "T* <^Csl'^ SO SO 00 t^ o ■<1-rM o Tj- ro -^ OS O — OO oo" o O ro -^ OS u-j O 00 ro O CM p O o o O >-0 O CO OS CM -o rt\ o fo r-^ lyj H to — o LO rv) OS CVI pp OS o oooo 1^1 CM to Tj- 1^ C^l CMCM U Q. O in JO s 3 u > 3 c S-^ :£ n - o — tj -^ ^ >, o ^ O I' UQ rt ,-3 03 3 5< 5 bpt >. r-" P3 c 5 c-t: 3 o U U c (J C/2 > u U OS f T s 00 OS I T o\ CO OS 3 Os -T) og n Ov CO t^ -D <>) r, o\ ry^ CO H lO Tj- -^ -a fc ■4-' CQ o 03 rts -*-> o ' ' ■^ u '-in CM OOs ONC< O ro p '-0 ■^i iri oc 00 ~ — o^ Oi^- ^- On "^ O "^"0 o f^ On On 00 f^l X --^ On On O OJ ON o On On r>. t< 00 t< (N) od <^ CO 00 00 00 o PO p o o r>; <^i f~>! o LO p TT ON ON t->; ro lt; ^- fN) iri r>; <^_ 1^1 On o p p p O' o o u a; E H n 'J. (U o rt u I- ■- = t^ rt be ^ '^' — ■ ^ ^ S^ '^ ir P r5 P5 c^ c "-^ rt ri u c '-^ Jd .ii ^ l::; -^ ^ i* i^ ■^ -~^ '•^ -j> _ June, 1933J Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple 23 <-5 S to S t3 -a u pa < bl ■a o Ul fVJ r'J o a\ -*-> rt > -i-' --» o 3 OS ra o t;^ fn H C^ '^ ■* ■4-1 > • —1 J^ u 00 o\ Uh CQ -a -4-1 o o cn ■^ <^> > 1-^ ON u 00 o o o o o o ^oo OCO-^ S C35 O V) ►J < 3 ■ S 5 c J= 4-* o r* •, ; Hi (D CQ rt (L> ^^ u j^ o u o o '** (o o <^ CJ c^ Q ^ "« o ■*^ s^ o ^ > o U U o; o -4-' Ol _> fc »— 4 u PQ u u •a L> OJ u a. rt ^ o rt r^ o r, u > H >H [/) H rv) ^ ro CO CO ^o a\ t^ OOO tv. o 00 VO VO O CvJCO CM CO IJ^ t< O "O O -h' >OC?s t^ CO \dod O CO CO CO O <=> oo CO oo CO COl-O CMn. rv! f< (Nj CO uS (Nl CO CM (N CO CO -o CO oa\ 00 to o OCO o CO CM fM ^ Ul ^co ^ ID VO ^x^^^ V • 0 a! J- c IJ :/) Oj (U rt C c '(u 03 2 Oi C C-5-^^_^ i^i^;^ ■i-i C June, 1933J Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple 25 Another method of indicating the efficiency of certain varieties of pollen in causing fruit to set on Mcintosh is evident from Table I\' which records the average numl)er of fruits per cluster. The data show that rarely more than one fruit develops on a Mcintosh cluster pollinated by Baldwin, Grav- enstein, Mcintosh or Red Gravenstein. It has been shown previously (Table I) that these varieties are also incapable of causing a good set of fruit on the tree as a whole where Mcintosh is cross pollinated. Fameuse heads the list from the viewpoint of the number of fruits per cluster. Usually about two per cluster were obtained where Mcintosh was pollinated by this variety (Table IV). It has already been noted that Fameuse is one of the leaders in causing a high percentage of fruit spurs of Mcintosh to develop fruit as a result of cross-pollination. Wagener is a close rival in this respect. Pollination of Cortland: The methods used in Cortland pollination experiments w^ere similar to those followed with Mcintosh. Cheese-cloth cages only were used to ex- clude insects. Cortland as indicated in Table V seems at times to be partially self-fruit- ful, especially when hand or bee pollinated. In both cases the set was heavier than when the flowers were left entirely to the efTects of the wind and rain. Baldwin was found to be a poorer pollenizer for Cortland than Cortland itself. A fair set of fruit was obtained when Delicious pollen was used but was not as satisfactory as that effected by several other varieties. The high- est set of Cortland fruit was generally obtained when Mcintosh or Wag- ener was used as pollenizer. Gravenstein produced a satisfactory set of fruit in two of the three years, and Red Gravenstein in 1932. The data show that in 1932, however, the set with Gravenstein and Red Gravenstein as pollenizers, was no improvement over that obtained with Cortland pollen itself. Lobo pollen does not seem to give a satisfactory set of fruit on Cort- land. The most important finding is that Cortland and Mcintosh are cp&ss- fruitful varieties. ' ^^^""^ Pollination of Delicious and Gravenstein: One year's results (1930) indicate that Delicious and Gravenstein are nearly self-unfruitful. In neither case was fruitfulness increased by the use of Baldwin pollen. Although the use of Gravenstein, Wealthy and Wagener resulted in a set of fruit on 32.6 per cent, 30 per cent and 26.8 per cent, respectively, of the blossoming spurs on Delicious, this might be considered unsatisfactory from a commercial viewpoint, as the tree used in the experiment, although vigorous, was decidedly alternate in its bearing habit. Mcintosh and Winter Banana as well as Red Astrachan might also be considered in most seasons as unavailable for Delicious pollenizers be- cause of the earliness of their blooming season as compared with Delicious. (See Table V.) One year's results with Gravenstein indicate that Delicious would be a satisfactory pollenizer, except that its late blooming habit fenders it uncer- tain. The periods of bloom of Delicious and Gravenstein do not overlap enough of the time to make availability of pollen dependable under field conditions. (See Table V.) 26 N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 Next to Baldwin, Cortland and Oldenburg failed to show themselves as satisfactory pollenizers for Gravenstein. Mcintosh, Red Astrachan, Wag- ener and Early Harvest did not produce a high set in 1930, yet owing to the heavy blooming habit of Gravenstein, 30 per cent would ordinarily be sufficient. The foregoing results of pollination with Mcintosh, Cortland, Delicious and Gravenstein emphasize the fact that these varieties are not only self- unfruitful but may fail to be poUenized satisfactorily by some other varie- ties. Self -unfruitful varieties used as pollenizers may not bear fruit unless these facts are taken into consideration. Relation of Pollen Viability to Set of Fruit in Cross Pollination: Poor set when certain varieties are used as pollenizers is probably due to a large extent to natural abnormality of the pollen of these varieties. These abnormalities may vary in different seasons. Many investigators have found in artificial germination tests that Bald- win pollen germinates very poorly. Many of the pollen grains are imperfect in their development. Gravenstein also usually exhibits rather poor germi- nating power, but in this respect is less constant throughout a period of years than Baldwin. These facts partially explain why the low sets of fruit indicated in Table I are obtained when these varieties are used as pollen- izers for Mcintosh. It is also known that these varieties dift'er from Mcintosh in the genetical make-up of the tissues. Delicious is just the opposite. It produces well- formed pollen grains which germinate from 95 to 100 per cent on artificial media. It is one of the most satisfactory all-round pollenizers in existence. Effect of Position of the Flower in the Cluster on Set of Fruit: That all of the flowers in the cluster do not open at the same time is well known. The first to open is the central or terminal flower in the cluster. The latest to open are those at the base of the cluster. Generally the first flowers to be pollinated in the cluster will remain on the tree through the June drop. Under most Xew Hampshire conditions, this will be the terminal flower. Yet if weather conditions are unsatisfac- tory for bee flight and consequently for pollination when the terminal flowers are receptive, the latter may fall oft" during or before the June drop. Those blossoming later, if they open under more favorable weather condi- tions, will then produce the fruit. With some varieties the first flowers to open may be injured by frost occasionally because of their advanced devel- opment, and again the later opening buds will be the ones to develop fruit. \\'hcthcr the crop came mainly from terminal or from lateral flowers of the cluster can easily be determined with Mcintosh. Fruits developing from lateral flowers are flatter in shape and have usually much longer and more slender stems than those from terminal flowers of the spur. Fruits from terminal flowers are usually decidedly more attractive in appearance, and have better form and size due partly to the greater seed development. The position of these flowers in the cluster predetermines shape and other differ- ences. Even in the dormant winter buds the superior size of the terminal flower and its larger stem diameter may be seen. They are in a better posi- tion to receive food, minerals and water from the tree. June, 1933] Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple 27 To test the differences in anatomy of terminal and lateral flowers and the effect of these on the resultant fruit crop, a number of trees have been used experimentally. Terminal flowers were tagged and the two types of fruit developed were observed at harvest time. In a future publication a compari- son of the rate of growth in terminal and lateral flowers of the cluster will be presented. Table VI shows data obtained in preliminary experiments to determine quantitatively difference between terminal and lateral fruits on the cluster. The trees concerned had all terminal flowers tagged while they were open. At harvest time the tags still remained on the stems of the terminal fruits which could easily be separated out and compared with the lateral ones on the same tree. In all cases the terminal flowers produced larger fruits. In addition to this important feature terminally developed fruits have better form as indicated by the greater percentage of lopsided fruits among the laterals. Aside from the better position of the terminal fruits to receive foods and water from the tree, two explanations of this better form and size are possible from a glance at the data. An increase of approximately 20 percent in weight is accompanied by an increase of two seeds per fruit in the terminals over the laterals. The shorter and thicker stems of the terminal fruits may also aid in causing a better development of the fruits. In these trees terminal and lateral fruits were rarely matured on the same clusters, so that difference in size and shape could be considered as due purely to anatomical and physiological differences between the terminal and lateral flowers. That there is less difference in diameter than in length between fruits from terminal and lateral flowers can be determined from Table VI. It may be seen that the ratio between length of terminals and laterals is greater than between the diameters of the two. VI. Pollination and Orchard Planting and Management For satisfactory pollination, it is evident, first of all, that the apple must be pollinated by the apple, the pear by the pear, etc. This does not mean . that fruits of different genera and in many cases of different species cannot possibly be crossed, but such crosses are rare and usually only result, when they are possible, after hand pollination. Coincidence of Blooming Periods of Varieties: It would be unreasonable to interplant an orchard of one variety with trees of another variety and expect cross pollination to occur if the two varieties did not have at least a few flowers open at the same time. This is evident because we know that the pollen is shed and is available to insects only after the flowers have fully opened. Even though the flowers of an early blooming sort may in some years remain on the tree until the opening of some of the flowers of a later vari- ety for which pollination is desired, in other years, especially when unusu- ally warm weather prevails at blossom time, the flowers of the early variety may be shed before the later one opens its buds. The pistils are in a recep- tive condition as soon as or even just before the buds open. The bumble- bee is the only insect able to push the petals of unopened buds apart, and it would only be such insects that could possibly pollinate unopened flowers. 28 N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 '5 1 ■o rn CM u o O 1 1 1 *-H o E 1-1 o\ I <^1 1 1 1 CM CO J H 00 o CM cm' •^ o u. MO -ri o o ^•^ CM rn t^ Tt" J y—t *— < 03 > I ■*-' 0\ ^^ cy ■'!' E~ OS ■^ ^ u in ON ^ o 1— < ^o ■^ t>» o OS «— < un 1 l^ LO 1 o ,_ lO r^ o t^ 1 CO OS -J E rt OJ CM o oc 1^1 o 5 > M < o Os t« On rsi m MO ^^ ^ •o ^■^ so CM t^ o On lO t^ 1 lO ^ f^ lO 1 J^ 4-t J y~-f OS > -t-> .^ U-) Ti- 1-H o SO o m "^ p- t^ Os Os o so 00 ro 1 o o O r^ SO o OS 1 O Wh r^ "-O '^ 1 — 1 1 — 1 (M OS H'^ so 00 t^ O ro o rn »— H CM (Nl t^ m 13 O J '""' SO H C/J E "rt ro CM SO 00 o o CO OS so rn *- c C^l ro t^ (U »-H H o 00 o in u -a l-O OO r^ h4 OS > , P3 -SiElSl so u t-i r-* lO o lO O so o lO o so o ID o OS o so 1> o o ^ rn 4.1 0.9 o 1 1 1 7.0 lO o o 1 1 ' o E o E E 2f bo. a ■ u < E^ ^"5 o 3 cAj ^ -a • >.5 (LI ^ O u^ >- Si -I O O) ^ c« t« ^ M-. W feS Ih OJ 4-. ot^ ^i: ^ E ^F it — i:i E 0) ^-^ (U u ^^ ■+- > <« > <'' < < < < June, 1933J Pollination and Frtit Setting in the Apple 29 Because of the scarcity of bunibleliecs, tliis unusual procedure is not dependable. A late-blooming sort would not be apt to cause any more successful set on an early blooming sort because the pistils soon begin to disintegrate after full bloom. Even if the pistils have not begun to shrivel, unless flowers are ])romptly pollinated, the ovules may begin to disintegrate before the pollen tubes can reach them. As has already been mentioned, locality may alter to a certain extent the relation of blooming dates among certain varieties. V^arieties may be separated into five general classes with relation to date of bloom : very early, early, mid-season, late and very late. Some may have a short and others an extended period of bloom, depending on the positions of blossom clusters on the tree. Most varieties of apples produce the major- ity of their flowers only on spurs arising from wood more than one year old. A few' varieties produce most of their flowers terminally on slender shoots. Some also produce fruit from lateral buds on last season's new shoots. Others yield "flowers in clusters of all three types. With trees producing all types the period of bloom covers the longest possible period. When only one type is produced, the period of bloom is exceedingly short. With relation to position of clusters, Mcintosh, Gravenstein, Red Astrachan, Melba, Milton, Fameuse, Delicious, Baldwin, Northern Spy, Red Gravenstein and Starking fall in the class of trees coming into full bloom nearly all at once, since their flowers are rarely produced on anything but spurs on older wood. Cortland flowers appear both on spurs and terminally, while Wagener, Wealthy, and Winter Banana possess all three types of clusters with rela- tion to position on the tree, with spurs predominating. Where more than one type of cluster is present, the order of bloom is, spurs first and usually lateral clusters last. Partly because of this fact Cort- land, Wagener and Wealthy are regularly available as pollenizers, except that Wagener and Wealthy tend to a large extent to bear only in alternate years. As classified under the headings, very early to very late, the blooming period of apples in New Hampshire is as follows : Very Early — Red Astrachan, Gravenstein, Red Gravenstein. Early — Fameuse, Gravenstein, Red Astrachan, Mcintosh, Melba, Milton, Oldenburg, Wagener, Early Harvest. Mid-Season — Delicious, Oldenburg,, Cortland, Wagener, Wealthy, Me- dina, Lobo, Winter Banana, Orleans, Starking, Williams, Baldwin. Late — Golden Delicious, Cortland, Macoun, Wealthy, Wagener, North- ern Spy, Winter Banana. Very Late — Northern Spy, Macoun, Northwestern Greening, Rome, Wealthy, Winter Banana. Even in a given class some varieties are slightly earlier than others, and those in one class may overlap into another somewhat. Very young trees may bloom slightly later than mature trees of the same variety. Cortland, Gravenstein, Macoun, Northern Spy, Wagener, Wealthy and Winter Banana are placed under more than one class because of their more or less extended period of bloom. 30 N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 From this classification of varieties it is possible to pick those apt to bloom coincidently with the ones needing pollination. Such combinations should be planted as far as possible, providing cross pollination has been proven eiTective in such cases. In some instances interplanting two or three pollenizers is desirable so that pollination will be satisfactory for all. It may also be wise to plant poUenizing varieties that usually slightly precede or follow the variety requiring cross pollination, to insure against seasonal variability in coincidence of blooming periods. Under some conditions it has been found that varieties hke Northern Spy, which in some sections bloom so late as to be useless as a pollenizer for Mcintosh, will in a few locations bloom early enough to be available as pollenizers. Under average conditions a four or five-day blooming period may be expected with varie- ties producing flowers as Mcintosh do. Bees in the Orchard: There is no doubt that in the majority of orchards, especially where culti- vation is practiced, the bringing in of honeybees at blossom time will increase the set of fruit on the trees. It has been proven by observation that bees are the only important insects for transferring sufficient apple pollen for commercial orchards. It is true that some flies and even other insects have a small share in this transfer, but they are never very significant when a commercial crop is concerned. Even honey bees as individuals fall far below bumblebees in their efficiency. But a sufficient number of bumble- bees is seldom found in an orchard. Lack of knowledge of their habits and failures in attempts to propagate, protect and care for them as is done with honeybees, indicate that the honeybee alone can be managed properly by the fruit grower. It is only the queen bumblebees that are flying about at apple-blossom time, and the difficulties that befall them during the winter while they hiber- nate in the grass or under brush or stone walls, cut down their numbers considerably. Were the bumblebees more plentiful nothing more could be desired, for they are able to fly about and work at times when the honeybee is incapable of flight. Wind, low temperature and light rains that preclude the work of honeybees are no obstacles to bumblebees. Honeybees are not very active until the air temperature rises above 65° or 70^ F. Rain and winds also effectively lower their efficiency. At Durham, N. H., bumble- bees have been seen flying about the apple blossoms when the temperature was 42' F., a gentle rain was falling and a light wind blowing. Bumblebees have also been observed to open buds to get inside the flowers. The usual recommendation is one strong colony of honeybees to the acre. Perhaps distributing the hives throughout the orchard would give best results, but placing the colonies in a group in one part of the orchard is generally satisfactory in smaller orchards an.d means less trouble in caring for the bees. Distribution of Pollenizers in the Orchard: 11ie best plan for providing pollenizers is to plant them at the same time the orchard is planted. The distance between pollenizers is important. Unless they are valuable commercially, it is often desirable to know the maximum distance apart that they can be planted and still give satisfactory results. June, 1933] PollIxXation and Fruit Setting in the Apple 31 Conditions of the weather in a given section is an important considera- tion in this respect. Where warm weather prevails at blossom time, the pollenizers need not be so close together as where the temperature is lower. Cool weather at blossoming time interferes with bee flight and under such conditions, which frequently prevail throughout the apple sections of New Hampshire, pollenizers should be used abundantly. One tree out of every nine as a poUenizer is the minimum amount to recommend safely. Under many conditions more pollenizers would be better insurance for a full crop. Every tree in the orchard should properly be adjacent in some direction to a pollenizer. In orchards of Mcintosh where pollenizers are present only in a few spots, it may be noticed that trees adjacent to the pollenizers pro- duce good crops, and that the crop becomes to a striking degree progress- ively less on trees farther and farther away. To forestall such results, the following planting plans are suggested : If the varieties planted are cross fruitful, such as Mcintosh and Cortland, one row of Cortland to two rows of Mcintosh would be unquestionable from the pollination standpoint, unless Cortland were so desirable that the rows of Cortland could alternate with the Mcintosh rows. Plan A Row 1 All Mcintosh 2 All Cortland 3 All Mcintosh 4 All Mcintosh 5 All Cortland 6 All Mcintosh In this plan (A) it is understood that the trees are all to be permanent. Planting all one variety in the same row would facilitate keeping the pick- ers from mixing varieties in harvesting, should the two varieties ripen at the same time. ,% , ', 1 /V\ Plan B MMMMMMMMM '"' ' MP M M P M M P M A/i ' MMMMMMMMM A^^^ M M M M M M M M M ;A^ '^ M P M M P M M P M ^'1 , M M M M M M M M M ^ '^ ' M^McIntosh or other desired variety. P^Pollenizer. In this Plan B for permanent trees, the pollenizers are placed so that every tree is in contact with one. This number avoids having at least one tree not adjacent to a pollenizer. ^'^ N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 Where more than one pollenizer is needed to overcome difficulties already discussed in relation to coincidence of bloom, the following plan may be considered : Plan C Row 1 All Mcintosh or other desirable variety 2 All earlier blooming pollenizer 3 All Mcintosh or other desirable sort 4 All later blooming pollenizer 5 All Mcintosh or other desirable variety 6 All earlier blooming pollenizer 7 All Mcintosh or other desirable variety Etc. If a premium is placed on the desired commercial variety, the following plan may be considered in an orchard of permanent trees : Plan D X X X X X X X X E L X E L X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X E L X E L X X X X X X X X X=Common variety E^Slightly earlier blooming sort L^Slightly later blooming sort In this case there will be two poUenizers to every seven trees of the main variety. Each tree will also be in contact in some direction with both an early and a late blooming pollenizer. Likewise each pollenizer will be in contact in the same way with each of the other varieties. In case semi-permanent trees are planted in the orchard, some pollenizers should also be included in the permanent rows. Otherwise the orchard would be without pollenizers when the semi-permanents are removed. One of the most satisfactory ways to plant semi-permanents is to follow the quincunx plan ; that is, plant them where the diagonals between perma- nent trees cross. Thus : P P P \ / \ / S S / \ / \ P P P P=Pernianent trees S=Semi-permanents In this way the trees are crowded the least possible amount, and removal of semi-permanents is easy. June, 1933] Pollination and Fruit Setting in the Apple 33 Using two pollenizers, the following plan is suggested : Plan E Row IX 1 2 X 1 2 X — Permanent row 2 XXXXXX — Semi-permanent 3XXXXXXX —Permanent 4 12X12X — Semi-permanent 5XXXXXXX Etc. 6 XXXXXX 7 X 1 2 X 1 2 X 8 XXXXXX 9XXXXXXX 10 1 2 X 1 2 X IIXXXXXXX 12 XXXXXX 13 X 1 2 X 1 2 X Etc. By this scheme if either the permanents or the semi-permanents are con- sidered separately, the distribution of pollenizers in each is similar to that in Plan D. When the semi-permanent trees are finally removed, the distri- bution of pollenizers will then be identical with Plan D. Naturally many other arrangements of pollenizers are possible, but the plans described are practical where the goal is high and uniform tree yield with a minimum amount of pollenizers. They also emphasize the value of the use of more than one poUenizer. W^here it is known that the chances for good pollination are exceptionally favorable, one pollenizer in a block of 16 trees may be sufficient, but ordi- narily such distribution is risky. With the orchard layout determined for interplanting pollenizers, the next problem is the choice of suitable pollenizers. In Table VII are presented the results obtained in experiments concern- ing the success of various pollenizers for important varieties of apples. The data are the result of repeated trials at the New Hampshire and at other eastern experiment stations. Data are omitted regarding tests which have not yet been thoroughly sub- stantiated. General experience with Baldwin and Wealthy indicates that under New Hampshire conditions these sorts nearly always set satisfactory crops with their own pollen. In other sections of the country this has not seemed to be true, hence these varieties and the Cortland are listed as doubtful. The 34 N. H. Agriculti'ral Experiment Station [Bulletin 274 5i) •-3 •-5 ■-3 > M < o OJ rt (U N Tl u E B 1 c (« (fl rrt a, -i-> h r-" a! t/1 K CU n ^ (« (U O U o a! C O O be rt W U lA, ^ , C (U H o m ■^ a o Oh >. o -t-» o o u s- o 1- C ti-T3 0 p 2 c 01 O ^ l-M N ^ O o ^ r ?; -t3 rt _c > > cj 5:i V- TD o un ~ C-C O ' " rt rt T, O + -13 .n c- ofe > >1 u o ;j „j ^ ^ =: t> rt - > "7, > —I u — L. c — • rt ,r^ 'X'C X ^ V d o ^ a :i o -vH'j: °::r''= >:> o p< T3 ^ ^ Hi ^ i -§5 .2 -o P S C c ;=: c^ o 1-; 5 > 0 tS C5 c3 3 0 0 E 0 OS rn OJ Aft nn ?7? :^B4 X. ^